translation | text
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"en": "I would also like to urge the Commission to ask Tajikistan' s bilateral donors and the Member States to grant special aid to this country on an individual basis.",
"es": "Además, quisiera insistir a la Comisión para que pida a los donantes bilaterales de Tayikistán y a los Estados miembros que otorguen ayuda especial e individual a este país."
} | i would also like to urge the commission to ask tajikistan s bilateral donors and the member states to grant special aid to this country on an individual basis |
"en": "After all, the scope of the budget of the national Member States is, politically speaking, less of a sensitive issue.",
"es": "El presupuesto de los Estados miembros es, en realidad, políticamente menos sensible."
} | after all the scope of the budget of the national member states is politically speaking less of a sensitive issue |
"en": "Finally, I would like to strongly advise the Commission, out of moral considerations, to resume the projects under TACIS for Tajikistan as soon as possible.",
"es": "Por último, quiero insistir a la Comisión en que vuelva a ocuparse por motivos morales cuanto antes de los proyectos TACIS para Tayikistán."
} | finally i would like to strongly advise the commission out of moral considerations to resume the projects under tacis for tajikistan as soon as possible |
"en": "In this respect, we have to monitor the situation closely in order to ensure that the money ends up where it is needed, namely with the Tajikistani population, which is suffering under grinding poverty.",
"es": "Tenemos que vigilar rigurosamente que el dinero alcance su destino, es decir, el pueblo de Tayikistán, ya que sufre una pobreza penosa."
} | in this respect we have to monitor the situation closely in order to ensure that the money ends up where it is needed namely with the tajikistani population which is suffering under grinding poverty |
"en": "Mr President, were it not for the people of Tajikistan I would not be standing here today.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, si no existiese el pueblo tayiko no me encontraría yo aquí hoy."
} | mr president were it not for the people of tajikistan i would not be standing here today |
"en": "During the First World War, in 1916, my grandfather was a prisoner of war working on the railways in what used to be Russia-Central Asia, and he has often told me that he was only able to survive these difficult years on account of the hospitality and helpfulness of the people of Tajikistan.",
"es": "En 1916 mi abuelo estuvo, como prisionero de la Primera Guerra Mundial, en la construcción del ferrocarril en la entonces Asia Central rusa. Me contó siempre que pudo sobrevivir a aquellos duros años sólo gracias a la hospitalidad y a la caridad del pueblo tayiko."
} | during the first world war in 1916 my grandfather was a prisoner of war working on the railways in what used to be russiacentral asia and he has often told me that he was only able to survive these difficult years on account of the hospitality and helpfulness of the people of tajikistan |
"en": "But this is not why I am so keen to support Tajikistan' s cause, rather, unlike Mr Blokland, I believe that it is an issue that is of direct concern to us.",
"es": "Pero ésta no es la razón por la que hoy defiendo tanto a Tayikistán sino que, al contrario que nuestro colega, el Sr. Bockland, creo que ésta es una cuestión que nos atañe directamente."
} | but this is not why i am so keen to support tajikistan s cause rather unlike mr blokland i believe that it is an issue that is of direct concern to us |
"en": "Tajikistan is situated in an area enclosed by China and Russia, which are at odds in this region, and by the Islamic world and the Caspian Sea, where there are immense deposits of raw materials.",
"es": "Tayikistán está situado en un espacio, que está delimitado por China y Rusia, que colisionan allí, por el mundo islámico y por el mar Caspio, y en el que existen enormes reservas de materias primas."
} | tajikistan is situated in an area enclosed by china and russia which are at odds in this region and by the islamic world and the caspian sea where there are immense deposits of raw materials |
"en": "In my view, this region represents the Balkans of the future, a Balkans in microcosm, and that is why it is in our vital interest, particularly as a number of nuclear powers are established there, to stabilise this region and prevent ethnic conflicts taking place there from having an impact on the entire world.",
"es": "En mi opinión este espacio constituye los Balcanes del futuro, unos Balcanes a escala mundial. Y por tal razón es de interés vital para nosotros, tanto más cuanto que allí tiene asiento una serie de potencias nucleares, estabilizar aquel espacio e impedir que los conflictos étnicos de allí tengan efectos sobre todo el mundo."
} | in my view this region represents the balkans of the future a balkans in microcosm and that is why it is in our vital interest particularly as a number of nuclear powers are established there to stabilise this region and prevent ethnic conflicts taking place there from having an impact on the entire world |
"en": "That is why I believe that we need to help Tajikistan on its difficult way ahead by providing it with a loan, but also with outright grants, it being clear, in this respect, that we will have to call upon the Member States as our own budget will not accommodate this.",
"es": "Por esta razón creo que es necesario ayudar a Tayikistán en su difícil camino mediante un crédito, pero también mediante ayudas a fondo perdido y a este respecto está claro que hemos de dirigirnos a los Estados miembros, pues nuestro presupuesto no cubre esto."
} | that is why i believe that we need to help tajikistan on its difficult way ahead by providing it with a loan but also with outright grants it being clear in this respect that we will have to call upon the member states as our own budget will not accommodate this |
"en": "Of course, we must demand democracy and the rule of law but, at the same time, we must not apply uncalled-for standards.",
"es": "Naturalmente, debemos exigir democracia y estado de Derecho, pero no debemos aplicar medidas injustas."
} | of course we must demand democracy and the rule of law but at the same time we must not apply uncalledfor standards |
"en": "For centuries, Tajikistan was subjected to colonial exploitation and for eighty years it was brutally suppressed by Soviet Communism.",
"es": "Tayikistán ha sido expoliado de manera colonial durante siglos. Ha estado brutalmente reprimido durante 80 años por el comunismo soviético."
} | for centuries tajikistan was subjected to colonial exploitation and for eighty years it was brutally suppressed by soviet communism |
"en": "Today this small mountain race is making its way with difficulty and must not be made subject to European standards.",
"es": "Hoy este pequeño pueblo de montaña está recorriendo penosamente su camino y no le podemos aplicar criterios de medida europeos."
} | today this small mountain race is making its way with difficulty and must not be made subject to european standards |
"en": "We must apply the same standards that we apply to developing countries; after all, we have been supporting the countries of Africa on the road to democracy for decades now, and the situation there still leaves much to be desired.",
"es": "Hemos de aplicar criterios como en el caso de los países en vías de desarrollo y a este respecto los países de Africa, en los que hay todavía muchas cosas que lamentar , están siendo ayudados por nosotros desde hace decenios en su camino hacia la democracia."
} | we must apply the same standards that we apply to developing countries after all we have been supporting the countries of africa on the road to democracy for decades now and the situation there still leaves much to be desired |
"en": "We have only been supporting Tajikistan for a few years now.",
"es": "Tayikistán está siendo ayudado sólo desde hace pocos años."
} | we have only been supporting tajikistan for a few years now |
"en": "Therefore, whilst we must demand certain rules of the game, we must also be patient towards the people of Tajikistan, heavily promote the elections to take place in the spring and recognise that this is not just an act that will do honour to Europe, rather it is in Europe' s own best interests to bring peace to this region.",
"es": "Por esta razón tenemos que exigir, naturalmente, reglas de juego, pero deberíamos tener paciencia con el pueblo tayiko, deberíamos financiar masivamente las elecciones en primavera y deberíamos entender que esto no es solamente un hecho que honra a Europa, sino que también atañe al interés primigenio de Europa velar por la paz en esta región."
} | therefore whilst we must demand certain rules of the game we must also be patient towards the people of tajikistan heavily promote the elections to take place in the spring and recognise that this is not just an act that will do honour to europe rather it is in europe s own best interests to bring peace to this region |
"en": "Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, first of all, a warm thank you to rapporteur Savary.",
"es": ". (SV) Señor Presidente, estimados diputados, en primer lugar, un cálido agradecimiento al ponente Savary."
} | mr president ladies and gentlemen first of all a warm thank you to rapporteur savary |
"en": "The Commission is very pleased to note that its proposal to grant exceptional financial aid to Tajikistan has obtained wholehearted support from Parliament' s relevant committee.",
"es": "La Comisión comprueba, con satisfacción, que su propuesta para otorgar ayuda financiera excepcional a Tayikistán ha sido plenamente respaldada por la comisión."
} | the commission is very pleased to note that its proposal to grant exceptional financial aid to tajikistan has obtained wholehearted support from parliament s relevant committee |
"en": "The Commission is supporting quite a lot of the proposed amendments, especially those relating to stricter Budget supervision (given the possibility of retrograde political developments in the country) and is also supporting the proposal that a final report should be delivered to Parliament in the year 2004.",
"es": "La Comisión respalda muchas de las enmiendas que se han propuesto, especialmente aquellas que mencionan un control presupuestario más severo, por si se produjese una evolución política negativa en el país, y también la propuesta para que se entregue un informe final el año 2004."
} | the commission is supporting quite a lot of the proposed amendments especially those relating to stricter budget supervision (given the possibility of retrograde political developments in the country) and is also supporting the proposal that a final report should be delivered to parliament in the year 2004 |
"en": "The Commission cannot, however, accept the proposals regarding that part of the aid relating to subsidies.",
"es": "Sin embargo, la Comisión no aprueba las enmiendas que se refieren a la parte de las subvenciones."
} | the commission cannot however accept the proposals regarding that part of the aid relating to subsidies |
"en": "It is impossible to implement this part relating to subsidies on existing legal bases, especially TACIS, because the resources included in the aid cannot be related to special projects or programmes.",
"es": "Esta parte resulta imposible de realizar a causa de los fundamentos jurídicos existentes, especialmente TACIS, ya que los recursos que conforman la ayuda no tienen relación con programas o proyectos determinados."
} | it is impossible to implement this part relating to subsidies on existing legal bases especially tacis because the resources included in the aid cannot be related to special projects or programmes |
"en": "The aim is in fact to reduce the country' s debt towards the Community.",
"es": "La meta es disminuir las deudas del país con la comunidad."
} | the aim is in fact to reduce the country s debt towards the community |
"en": "This proposal is also aimed at confirming the subsidy of EUR 95 million available to Armenia and Georgia in accordance with Council Decision 97/787/EC of 17 November 1997.",
"es": "Esta propuesta también tiene por objeto confirmar la subvención de 95 millones de euros que están a disposición de Armenia y Georgia, según la decisión del Consejo 97/787/EG del 17 de noviembre de 1997."
} | this proposal is also aimed at confirming the subsidy of eur 95 million available to armenia and georgia in accordance with council decision 97/787/ec of 17 november 1997 |
"en": "The Commission finds it difficult to accept a reduction of the subsidy to EUR 50 million.",
"es": "Para la Comisión resulta difícil aceptar una disminución de las subvenciones por un monto de 50 millones de euros."
} | the commission finds it difficult to accept a reduction of the subsidy to eur 50 million |
"en": "The reasons for this are as follows. The Community' s financial exposure will continue to be high in an area whose stability has deteriorated, both because of the Russian financial crisis and the current situation in the northern Caucasus.",
"es": "Las razones son las siguientes: la contribución financiera de la comunidad continuará siendo alta en una región cuya estabilidad se ha empeorado, tanto por la crisis financiera rusa como por la actual situación en el norte del Cáucaso."
} | the reasons for this are as follows the community s financial exposure will continue to be high in an area whose stability has deteriorated both because of the russian financial crisis and the current situation in the northern caucasus |
"en": "A significant reduction in the EU' s exposure has already been achieved, with the figure concerned going down from EUR 212 million initially, including interest on outstanding debts, to EUR 123 million at present.",
"es": "La contribución financiera ya ha disminuido considerablemente, de 212 a 123 millones de euros para comenzar, incluidos los intereses de la deuda."
} | a significant reduction in the eu s exposure has already been achieved with the figure concerned going down from eur 212 million initially including interest on outstanding debts to eur 123 million at present |
"en": "A further reduction may, however, occur over the next few years if the aid is implemented as planned.",
"es": "Sin embargo, se puede producir una nueva disminución los próximos años si las ayudas se cumplen como se ha planificado."
} | a further reduction may however occur over the next few years if the aid is implemented as planned |
"en": "Armenia and Georgia will have difficulty understanding the fact that the Community is reducing its aid, in spite of the major efforts which these two countries, with support from the IMF and other contributors, have made to reduce their financial liabilities towards the Community.",
"es": "Armenia y Georgia van a tener dificultades para entender que la comunidad disminuye su ayuda a pesar de los grandes esfuerzos realizados por ambos países, con respaldo del FMI y de otros organismos de ayuda, para disminuir su deuda con ella."
} | armenia and georgia will have difficulty understanding the fact that the community is reducing its aid in spite of the major efforts which these two countries with support from the imf and other contributors have made to reduce their financial liabilities towards the community |
"en": "This would put the Community in a difficult situation regarding both these two countries and the international community.",
"es": "Esto pondría a la comunidad en una difícil situación, tanto frente a esos países como ante la comunidad internacional."
} | this would put the community in a difficult situation regarding both these two countries and the international community |
"en": "The Commission considers that it would be unfortunate if the Community were to refuse to confirm its financial aid to countries whose strategic importance to the Community is obvious.",
"es": "La Comisión estima que sería lamentable que la comunidad rehusara confirmar la ayuda financiera a países cuya importancia estratégica es evidente."
} | the commission considers that it would be unfortunate if the community were to refuse to confirm its financial aid to countries whose strategic importance to the community is obvious |
"en": "Moreover, we ought, in the light of the present difficulties in the Caucasus, to send out political signals indicating that we want to continue to support the considerable efforts which are being made to achieve stabilisation and democracy, as well as to introduce reforms.",
"es": "Además, a la luz de las actuales dificultades en el Cáucaso, deberíamos enviar señales políticas acerca de nuestra voluntad de continuar apoyando sus grandes esfuerzos para hacer reformas y para alcanzar estabilidad y democracia."
} | moreover we ought in the light of the present difficulties in the caucasus to send out political signals indicating that we want to continue to support the considerable efforts which are being made to achieve stabilisation and democracy as well as to introduce reforms |
"en": "The debate is closed.",
"es": "El debate queda cerrado."
} | the debate is closed |
"en": "We shall now proceed to the vote.",
"es": "Se procede a la votación."
} | we shall now proceed to the vote |
"en": "Following the vote on the amendments",
"es": "Tras la votación de las enmiendas"
} | following the vote on the amendments |
"en": "Mr President, after the voting, I would like to raise a point of order concerning the texts adopted yesterday.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, tras las votaciones, todavía tengo una cuestión de orden relativa a los textos aprobados ayer."
} | mr president after the voting i would like to raise a point of order concerning the texts adopted yesterday |
"en": "If you would allow me, I would like to take up a few minutes after the votes.",
"es": "Si usted me lo permite, pediré la palabra un instante tras las votaciones."
} | if you would allow me i would like to take up a few minutes after the votes |
"en": "You may do so.",
"es": "De acuerdo."
} | you may do so |
"en": "(Parliament approved the legislative resolution) EXPLANATIONS OF VOTE",
"es": "(El Parlamento aprueba la resolución legislativa) EXPLICACIONES DE VOTO"
} | (parliament approved the legislative resolution) explanations of vote |
"en": "Mr President, I would like to say how pleased I am to give this last explanation of vote of 1999 on the Savary report, which I voted for.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, siento una gran satisfacción formulando esta última explicación de voto del año 1999 a favor del informe del Sr. Savary que he votado."
} | mr president i would like to say how pleased i am to give this last explanation of vote of 1999 on the savary report which i voted for |
"en": "I am very much in favour of this European Community initiative which aims to grant practical aid to the most deserving regions, such as Tajikistan.",
"es": "Respaldo esta iniciativa de la Comunidad Europea por la que se concede una ayuda concreta a las regiones más meritorias como Tayikistán."
} | i am very much in favour of this european community initiative which aims to grant practical aid to the most deserving regions such as tajikistan |
"en": "I would like, as Mr Blokland said in his statement, to say to Commissioner Wallström - who is disturbing the sleep of Italian, Greek and Spanish pensioners because of superannuated cars which have to be quickly taken off the roads - that I would appreciate verification as to how the aid is distributed once it has been granted to Tajikistan and other States.",
"es": "Al igual que lo ha hecho el Sr. Blokland en su intervención, quisiera decirle a la Comisaria Sra. Wallström -que quita el sueño a los pensionistas italianos, griegos y españoles por los vehículos antiguos que han de ser eliminados rápidamente- que agradecería que se controlara el destino de las ayudas concedidas a Tayikistán y a otros Estados."
} | i would like as mr blokland said in his statement to say to commissioner wallström who is disturbing the sleep of italian greek and spanish pensioners because of superannuated cars which have to be quickly taken off the roads that i would appreciate verification as to how the aid is distributed once it has been granted to tajikistan and other states |
"en": "I would be pleased if it was given to people who need it, such as pensioners.",
"es": "Me gustaría que se destinaran también a las personas que las necesitan como, por ejemplo, los pensionistas."
} | i would be pleased if it was given to people who need it such as pensioners |
"en": "Mr President, despite having some serious concerns, I voted in favour of the financial aid package because I see in it an opportunity to establish a market economy, democracy and peace using financial incentives, of the kind put forward by Mr Karas, rather than force.",
"es": "Distinguido señor Presidente, a pesar de grandes reparos, he votado a favor de la ayuda financiera, porque veo una posibilidad de establecer la economía de mercado democracia y la paz mediante estímulos financieros, como ha expuesto el Sr. Karas, y no a través de la violencia."
} | mr president despite having some serious concerns i voted in favour of the financial aid package because i see in it an opportunity to establish a market economy democracy and peace using financial incentives of the kind put forward by mr karas rather than force |
"en": "I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all those fellow MEPs who gave me their support in this and would like to wish you all a merry Christmas and Happy New Year!",
"es": "Quisiera dar encarecidamente las gracias a todos los colegas que me han apoyado en esto, les deseo una feliz Navidad y un próspero año nuevo."
} | i would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all those fellow meps who gave me their support in this and would like to wish you all a merry christmas and happy new year |
"en": "Mr President, very briefly on a point of order regarding the texts adopted yesterday.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, brevemente, sobre los textos aprobados ayer."
} | mr president very briefly on a point of order regarding the texts adopted yesterday |
"en": "During the debate, I was watching what exactly was written down regarding the vote for the Murphy report on late payment.",
"es": "Durante el debate, observé lo que se escribió exactamente sobre la votación del Informe Murphy relativo al establecimiento de medidas de lucha contra la morosidad en las operaciones comerciales."
} | during the debate i was watching what exactly was written down regarding the vote for the murphy report on late payment |
"en": "I would like to ask you to get your department to look at Amendment No 20 again, as I am 99.9% certain that this is not the text we voted on or at any rate not the text which should have been submitted because this is not what the Industry Committee provided.",
"es": "Le ruego pida a sus servicios que examinen de nuevo la enmienda 20. Estoy segura en un 99,9% de que no es el texto que votamos o, en cualquier caso, no el texto que se debía haber presentado, ya que no es el resultado al que llegó la Comisión de Industria."
} | i would like to ask you to get your department to look at amendment no 20 again as i am 999 certain that this is not the text we voted on or at any rate not the text which should have been submitted because this is not what the industry committee provided |
"en": "I have asked to be given the floor officially because I fear that we will be unable to reach the departments during the Christmas break and in order to avoid problems during the conciliation procedure.",
"es": "He pedido oficialmente la palabra porque me temo que ya no podamos contactar con los servicios durante las vacaciones de Navidad y, así, también evitar problemas durante el procedimiento de codecisión."
} | i have asked to be given the floor officially because i fear that we will be unable to reach the departments during the christmas break and in order to avoid problems during the conciliation procedure |
"en": "Thank you very much, Mrs Thyssen.",
"es": "Muchas gracias, señora Thyssen."
} | thank you very much mrs thyssen |
"en": "We will make the appropriate checks because, evidently, the Minutes have been approved; therefore, there will have to be a technical correction where appropriate.",
"es": "Haremos las comprobaciones oportunas porque, evidentemente, el Acta se ha aprobado; por lo tanto, ha de ser una corrección técnica en su caso."
} | we will make the appropriate checks because evidently the minutes have been approved therefore there will have to be a technical correction where appropriate |
"en": "Mr President, I do not know if this is a technical correction, but I have just discovered that I am not included in the Members from Luxembourg in Wednesday' s Minutes, concerning Mrs Palacio Vallelersundi' s report on the verification of credentials.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, ignoro si se trata de una corrección técnica pero acabo de descubrir que no figuro entre los diputados luxemburgueses en el Acta del miércoles, relativa al informe de la Sra. Palacio Vallelersundi sobre la verificación de poderes."
} | mr president i do not know if this is a technical correction but i have just discovered that i am not included in the members from luxembourg in wednesday s minutes concerning mrs palacio vallelersundi s report on the verification of credentials |
"en": "Mrs Reding' s name is there instead.",
"es": "Se cita a la Sra. Reding."
} | mrs reding s name is there instead |
"en": "I know that I owe my seat to her being appointed a Commissioner but I do not understand, since I have been a Member of this Parliament since 16 September, why my name does not feature in the Minutes covering the verification of credentials.",
"es": "Sé que debo mi escaño a su nombramiento como Comisaria, pero no comprendo por qué aun siendo diputada desde el 16 de septiembre, no figuro en el Acta sobre verificación de poderes."
} | i know that i owe my seat to her being appointed a commissioner but i do not understand since i have been a member of this parliament since 16 september why my name does not feature in the minutes covering the verification of credentials |
"en": "Would you please rectify this?",
"es": "¿Puede, por favor, rectificarlo?"
} | would you please rectify this |
"en": "Mrs Lulling, I cannot rectify this because this report does not affect you.",
"es": "Señora Lulling, no puedo rectificar porque no es usted objeto de ese informe."
} | mrs lulling i cannot rectify this because this report does not affect you |
"en": "You were elected on 16 September - as you quite rightly said - and this report concerns those who were elected on 13 June.",
"es": "Ha sido elegida el 16 de septiembre -como dice correctamente- y este informe concierne a los elegidos el 13 de junio."
} | you were elected on 16 september as you quite rightly said and this report concerns those who were elected on 13 june |
"en": "You replaced Mrs Reding.",
"es": "Ha sustituido a la Sra. Reding."
} | you replaced mrs reding |
"en": "There will therefore be another report, which will, I hope, confirm your mandate.",
"es": "Por consiguiente, habrá otro informe que, espero, confirme su mandato."
} | there will therefore be another report which will i hope confirm your mandate |
"en": "Mr President, as it is now Christmas, I would be grateful if you would allow me to speak for a moment.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, puesto que estamos en Navidad, quisiera que me concediese usted un poco de tiempo."
} | mr president as it is now christmas i would be grateful if you would allow me to speak for a moment |
"en": "I would like to thank you and clear up a misunderstanding.",
"es": "Quiero darle las gracias a usted y explicar un malentendido."
} | i would like to thank you and clear up a misunderstanding |
"en": "The President is entitled to allow an MEP to ask a question of the Commission.",
"es": "El Presidente tiene el derecho de autorizar a un diputado una pregunta a la Comisión."
} | the president is entitled to allow an mep to ask a question of the commission |
"en": "I wanted to ask the Commissioner a question and also answer a question that you asked of Mr Mayer. I wanted to say that in the spring there will be a large beer-tasting session for Bavarian beer in the Parliament courtyard here in Strasbourg.",
"es": "Yo quisiera efectuar una pregunta a la Sra. Comisaria y, con independencia de esto, responder a una pregunta que usted dirigió a nuestro colega, el Sr. Mayer: quisiera decir que en primavera tendrá lugar aquí, en el patio del Parlamento, en Estrasburgo, una gran degustación de cerveza bávara."
} | i wanted to ask the commissioner a question and also answer a question that you asked of mr mayer i wanted to say that in the spring there will be a large beertasting session for bavarian beer in the parliament courtyard here in strasbourg |
"en": "Mr Posselt, I am very pleased, but in any case, I would remind you that, when requesting a procedural motion, you actually have to indicate the Rule to which you are referring.",
"es": "Señor Posselt, me alegro mucho. Pero de todas maneras, le recuerdo que, para ser precisos, cuando se pide la palabra para una cuestión de orden hay que hacer referencia al artículo del Reglamento al que se está apelando."
} | mr posselt i am very pleased but in any case i would remind you that when requesting a procedural motion you actually have to indicate the rule to which you are referring |
"en": "Having said that, Parliament has reached the end of the agenda.",
"es": "Dicho esto, Señorías, el Parlamento ha agotado el orden del día."
} | having said that parliament has reached the end of the agenda |
"en": "The Minutes of the present sitting will be subject to Parliament' s approval at the beginning of the next part-session.",
"es": "El Acta de la presente sesión se someterá a la aprobación del Parlamento al comienzo del próximo período parcial de sesiones."
} | the minutes of the present sitting will be subject to parliament s approval at the beginning of the next partsession |
"en": "Mr Manders has the floor for a procedural motion.",
"es": "Tiene la palabra el Sr. Manders para una cuestión de orden."
} | mr manders has the floor for a procedural motion |
"en": "Mr President, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you, the Bureau and all Members, a good transition into the new year.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, quiero utilizar esta oportunidad para desearle a usted, a la Mesa y a todos mis colegas una buena salida y entrada de año."
} | mr president i would like to take this opportunity to wish you the bureau and all members a good transition into the new year |
"en": "Ladies and gentlemen, before you leave me alone, I would like on behalf of the Bureau, once again, to thank all the Members, all the services, officials, assistants and other co-workers and, if you will allow me - although all the co-workers work for us - perhaps a special mention should go to the language services which help us to understand each other here.",
"es": "Señorías, antes de que me dejen solo, yo querría, en nombre de la Mesa, insistir en agradecerles a todas y todos los diputados, a todos los servicios, funcionarios, asistentes y demás colaboradores y, si me lo permiten -aunque todos los colaboradores trabajan para nosotros-, quizá una especial referencia a los servicios lingüísticos que nos ayudan a entendernos aquí."
} | ladies and gentlemen before you leave me alone i would like on behalf of the bureau once again to thank all the members all the services officials assistants and other coworkers and if you will allow me although all the coworkers work for us perhaps a special mention should go to the language services which help us to understand each other here |
"en": "I would also like, although they are absent, to mention the Commission and the Council.",
"es": "Incluso me permitiría, aunque estén ausentes, referirme a la Comisión y al Consejo."
} | i would also like although they are absent to mention the commission and the council |
"en": "I am not going to re-open the 'Millennium or not the Millennium' debate, but I am going to wish all of you, and by extension, all the citizens of Europe which we represent, a happy year 2000.",
"es": "No voy a abrir otra vez el debate sobre \"milenio sí, milenio no\" , pero sí les voy a desear a todos ustedes y, por extensión, a los ciudadanos europeos a los que representamos un feliz año 2000."
} | i am not going to reopen the millennium or not the millennium debate but i am going to wish all of you and by extension all the citizens of europe which we represent a happy year 2000 |
"en": "Adjournment of the session",
"es": "Interrupción del periodo de sesiones"
} | adjournment of the session |
"en": "I declare the session of the European Parliament adjourned.",
"es": "Declaro interrumpido el período de sesiones del Parlamento Europeo."
} | i declare the session of the european parliament adjourned |
"en": "(The sitting was closed at 10.50 a.m.)",
"es": "(Se levanta la sesión a las 10.50 horas)"
} | (the sitting was closed at 1050 am) |
Subsets and Splits