{ "en": "It has also been reported that there have been violent protests by peasant farmers in the Thai Binh province.", "es": "También se ha informado de que ha habido violentas protestas de campesinos en la provincia de Thai Binh." }
it has also been reported that there have been violent protests by peasant farmers in the thai binh province
{ "en": "This seems to be very much in relation to the fact that the Vietnamese are trying to modernise and the modernisation costs are being basically borne by the peasant farmers.", "es": "Esto parece estar en estrecha relación con el hecho de que los vietnamitas están intentando modernizarse, y los costes de tal modernización los soportan fundamentalmente los campesinos." }
this seems to be very much in relation to the fact that the vietnamese are trying to modernise and the modernisation costs are being basically borne by the peasant farmers
{ "en": "This situation has to be tackled because taxes on the peasants have increased dramatically over recent times because of the need to modernise.", "es": "Esta situación debe atajarse, pues los impuestos que recaen sobre los campesinos han aumentado de forma dramática en los últimos tiempos por la necesidad de modernización." }
this situation has to be tackled because taxes on the peasants have increased dramatically over recent times because of the need to modernise
{ "en": "The farmers themselves are in a very, very critical situation, where they are extremely short of food and the excess taxes on them makes the situation even more catastrophic.", "es": "Los propios campesinos están en una situación especialmente crítica, en la que la extrema escasez de alimentos y los excesivos impuestos que recaen sobre ellos convierten la situación en aún más catastrófica." }
the farmers themselves are in a very very critical situation where they are extremely short of food and the excess taxes on them makes the situation even more catastrophic
{ "en": "We should listen to the appeals from the International Federation of the Red Cross and pay attention to the plight of these people who have, in the past, been decimated by such things as the Agent Orange used by the US. Now natural disasters are causing even greater problems for them.", "es": "Debemos oír los llamamientos de la Federación Internacional de la Cruz Roja y prestar atención a la grave situación en que se encuentra esta gente, que en el pasado quedó diezmada por cosas tales como el agente naranja, empleado por los EE.UU. Ahora, las catástrofes naturales les causan problemas aún mayores." }
we should listen to the appeals from the international federation of the red cross and pay attention to the plight of these people who have in the past been decimated by such things as the agent orange used by the us now natural disasters are causing even greater problems for them
{ "en": "Mr President, Commissioner, I, of course, support the joint motion for a resolution tabled by my fellow Members. I must, however, return your attention to the floods which have occurred in my region, the South of France.", "es": "Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, Señorías, me asocio, naturalmente, a la propuesta de resolución común presentada por mis colegas, y desearía llamar por segunda vez la atención de ustedes sobre las inundaciones acaecidas en mi región, el gran sur de Francia." }
mr president commissioner i of course support the joint motion for a resolution tabled by my fellow members i must however return your attention to the floods which have occurred in my region the south of france
{ "en": "This is clearly a natural disaster which has caused nearly 40 deaths and whose consequences are continuing to severely test some of our citizens today.", "es": "Catástrofe natural, evidentemente, que causó la muerte de cerca de cuarenta personas, y cuyas consecuencias continúan hoy afectando duramente la vida de algunos de nuestros conciudadanos." }
this is clearly a natural disaster which has caused nearly 40 deaths and whose consequences are continuing to severely test some of our citizens today
{ "en": "One month after the event, the drop in the water level has revealed a scene of desolation and confirmed the extent of the disaster. This, together with the loss of human life, means that prevention efforts must be reconsidered.", "es": "Un mes después, el espectáculo revelado por el descenso de las aguas ha confirmado las proporciones del desastre -más allá de las vidas humanas-, lo que exige que se vuelva a plantear un esfuerzo de prevención." }
one month after the event the drop in the water level has revealed a scene of desolation and confirmed the extent of the disaster this together with the loss of human life means that prevention efforts must be reconsidered
{ "en": "In terms of private and public property such as buildings and heavy infrastructure and in terms of the economy, the requirements are enormous and are in the order, as has been mentioned, of FRF 6 billion.", "es": "Tanto en el plano de los bienes privados y de los bienes públicos en materia de obras e infraestructuras pesadas como en el plano del instrumento económico, las necesidades son enormes: del orden de seis millardos de francos franceses, como se ha recordado." }
in terms of private and public property such as buildings and heavy infrastructure and in terms of the economy the requirements are enormous and are in the order as has been mentioned of frf 6 billion
{ "en": "Faced with such an urgent demand, the State, local authorities and community groups are mobilising throughout France.", "es": "Frente a este pedido de urgencia, el Estado, las colectividades locales y los medios asociativos se movilizan en toda Francia." }
faced with such an urgent demand the state local authorities and community groups are mobilising throughout france
{ "en": "For example, FRF 42 million in aid has been approved by the Departmental Council of Pyrénées-Orientales, FRF 50 million by the Languedoc-Roussillon region and FRF 400 000 by the Senate. Finally, the French Government has announced aid of FRF 1.2 billion.", "es": "A título de ejemplo, y entre tantos otros, el Consejo General de Pirineos Orientales ha aprobado una ayuda de 42 millones de francos, la región Languedoc-Rosellón, una ayuda de 50 millones, el Senado, una ayuda de 400.000 francos y, finalmente, el Gobierno francés anunciaba una ayuda de 1,2 millardo." }
for example frf 42 million in aid has been approved by the departmental council of pyrénéesorientales frf 50 million by the languedocroussillon region and frf 400 000 by the senate finally the french government has announced aid of frf 12 billion
{ "en": "You are no doubt aware of the proposals made by Commissioner Barnier in terms of structural policy.", "es": "Ustedes conocen, sin duda, las propuestas que el Sr. Comisario Barnier ha emitido desde el punto de vista de la política estructural." }
you are no doubt aware of the proposals made by commissioner barnier in terms of structural policy
{ "en": "These will help to ensure long-term risk prevention, but I must again ask the Commission to demonstrate its propensity for solidarity on an urgent subject.", "es": "Éstas contribuirán a velar mejor, a largo plazo, por la prevención de los riesgos, pero intervengo hoy nuevamente para pedir a la Comisión que manifieste su propensión a la solidaridad en la urgencia." }
these will help to ensure longterm risk prevention but i must again ask the commission to demonstrate its propensity for solidarity on an urgent subject
{ "en": "This House, too, must demonstrate its legitimacy to the people of Europe, which is a principle we all, including the President, very much support.", "es": "Está en juego la legitimidad de nuestra institución frente a los ciudadanos europeos, legitimidad a la cual, la cual la Sra. Presidenta está, como todos nosotros, muy ligada." }
this house too must demonstrate its legitimacy to the people of europe which is a principle we all including the president very much support
{ "en": "Finally, I wish to draw your attention to the pollution which is once again threatening the coast of Brittany and which will also require an additional financial effort to be made by the European institutions through the urgent procedure.", "es": "Deseo, finalmente, solicitar su atención sobre la contaminación que amenaza una vez más las costas bretonas y que requerirá, también con carácter de urgencia, un esfuerzo financiero complementario de las instituciones europeas." }
finally i wish to draw your attention to the pollution which is once again threatening the coast of brittany and which will also require an additional financial effort to be made by the european institutions through the urgent procedure
{ "en": "Mr President, Mr Michel Barnier explained here on 16 November that the Commission is following the problems caused by the floods in four départements in southern France very closely, that it deeply regrets the loss of life and that it will do its utmost, as and where it has the authority and means to do so, to ensure that the damaged areas obtain suitable support.", "es": "Señor Presidente, estimadas señoras y señores diputados, mi colega Michel Barnier afirmó aquí el 16 de noviembre que la Comisión sigue con gran atención los problemas ocasionados por las inundaciones producidas en los cuatro departamentos del sur de Francia, lamenta profundamente la pérdida de vidas humanas y hará todo lo posible por hacer llegar a las zonas afectadas la ayuda adecuada en el marco de sus competencias y posibilidades." }
mr president mr michel barnier explained here on 16 november that the commission is following the problems caused by the floods in four départements in southern france very closely that it deeply regrets the loss of life and that it will do its utmost as and where it has the authority and means to do so to ensure that the damaged areas obtain suitable support
{ "en": "Solidarity will certainly not be lacking.", "es": "No faltará sin duda alguna la solidaridad." }
solidarity will certainly not be lacking
{ "en": "Nonetheless, we must be allowed and we must be able to exercise it.", "es": "No obstante, debemos poder y saber ejercerla." }
nonetheless we must be allowed and we must be able to exercise it
{ "en": "The motions for resolutions call on the Commission to intervene in various forms in order to repair the tremendous material damage.", "es": "En las propuestas de resolución se invita a la Comisión a intervenir de diversas formas para reparar los graves daños materiales." }
the motions for resolutions call on the commission to intervene in various forms in order to repair the tremendous material damage
{ "en": "This is also in keeping with the wishes recently expressed by the responsible politicians in the region to both President Prodi and Michel Barnier.", "es": "Esto se corresponde con el deseo que han expresado recientemente los políticos responsables de la región, así como el Presidente Prodi y el Sr. Michel Barnier" }
this is also in keeping with the wishes recently expressed by the responsible politicians in the region to both president prodi and michel barnier
{ "en": "I have to tell you that it will not be possible to provide extraordinary emergency help for families in the damaged regions.", "es": "Debo decirles que no es posible prestar ayuda urgente extraordinaria a las familias de las zonas afectadas." }
i have to tell you that it will not be possible to provide extraordinary emergency help for families in the damaged regions
{ "en": "That does not require any special justification here in Parliament, given that no-one except Parliament need defend its budget rights.", "es": "Ello no requiere ninguna argumentación particular, pues nadie sino el Parlamento debe defender su derechos en materia presupuestaria." }
that does not require any special justification here in parliament given that noone except parliament need defend its budget rights
{ "en": "As you know, there has been no specific budget line in the budget of the European Community to pay for natural disasters in countries of the Union for years now.", "es": "Ya saben que desde hace años ya no existe una línea presupuestaria en los presupuestos de la Comunidad Europea destinada a afrontar las catástrofes naturales que se produzcan en los países de la Unión." }
as you know there has been no specific budget line in the budget of the european community to pay for natural disasters in countries of the union for years now
{ "en": "I do not think, given the protection of Parliament' s rights, that we can simply act as if this situation did not exist.", "es": "A mi juicio, habida cuenta del respeto de los derechos del Parlamento, no podemos hacer como si esta situación no existiera." }
i do not think given the protection of parliament s rights that we can simply act as if this situation did not exist
{ "en": "The motions to support farmers in the form of disaster aid can, however, be examined within the framework of Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1257/99 of 17 May 1999 on support for rural development from the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund.", "es": "No obstante, las solicitudes de ayuda a los agricultores en la forma de ayuda ante desastres naturales pueden examinarse en el marco del artículo 33 del Reglamento (CE) nº 1257/99, del Consejo, de 17 de mayo de 1999, sobre la ayuda al desarrollo rural a cargo del Fondo Europeo de Orientación y de Garantía Agrícola." }
the motions to support farmers in the form of disaster aid can however be examined within the framework of article 33 of regulation (ec) no 1257/99 of 17 may 1999 on support for rural development from the european agricultural guidance and guarantee fund
{ "en": "On the other hand, the deployment of resources left over in the Structural Funds from the programme planning period 1994 to 1999 is hardly worth considering as the available funds have already been allocated to specific measures, in this case in close collaboration with the relevant French authorities.", "es": "El empleo de los recursos de los fondos estructurales no gastados en el período de programas 1994-1999, por contra, no pueden tomarse en consideración, dado que los recursos disponibles ya han sido asignados a determinadas medidas, y además, en este caso concreto, en estrecha colaboración con las autoridades francesas competentes." }
on the other hand the deployment of resources left over in the structural funds from the programme planning period 1994 to 1999 is hardly worth considering as the available funds have already been allocated to specific measures in this case in close collaboration with the relevant french authorities
{ "en": "We have already re-programmed at the request of the relevant French authorities.", "es": "Esta reasignación a nuevos programas se ha producido a instancia de las autoridades francesas competentes." }
we have already reprogrammed at the request of the relevant french authorities
{ "en": "In the view of the relevant Commission services and French agencies, this will account for all the Community funds provided.", "es": "En opinión de las autoridades competentes de la Comisión y de Francia, dicha reasignación conducirá a que puedan emplearse todos los recursos de la Comunidad disponibles." }
in the view of the relevant commission services and french agencies this will account for all the community funds provided
{ "en": "For the new programming phase from January 2000, the damaged areas in the four départements in question, which currently qualify for support as Objective II or Objective V areas for the period from 1994 to 1999 or which belong to the new Objective II areas, could obtain money from the Structural Funds.", "es": "Durante la nueva fase de programas a partir de enero de 2000, las zonas afectadas de los cuatro departamentos, que en la actualidad, y denominadas zonas de objetivo I o de objetivo II, pueden recibir estas ayudas o bien pertenecen a las nuevas zonas de objetivo II, podrían recibir, sin embargo, recursos provenientes de los Fondos Estructurales." }
for the new programming phase from january 2000 the damaged areas in the four départements in question which currently qualify for support as objective ii or objective v areas for the period from 1994 to 1999 or which belong to the new objective ii areas could obtain money from the structural funds
{ "en": "As a result, the Commission can grant financial aid to restore infrastructures and equipment which qualifies for support as well as aid to agricultural structures within the framework of the forthcoming programme planning for the period from 2000 to 2006, which is shortly to be discussed with the French authorities.", "es": "En consecuencia, la Comisión podrá conceder, en el marco de la nueva planificación de programas para el período que se extiende desde 2000 a 2006, que se examinará próximamente con las autoridades francesas, ayudas para la puesta en funcionamiento de infraestructuras y de equipamiento, así como ayudas para las estructuras agrarias." }
as a result the commission can grant financial aid to restore infrastructures and equipment which qualifies for support as well as aid to agricultural structures within the framework of the forthcoming programme planning for the period from 2000 to 2006 which is shortly to be discussed with the french authorities
{ "en": "Account must be taken in this respect of the fact that aid to build or restore housing will not qualify for intervention by the Structural Funds.", "es": "En este contexto ha de tenerse en cuenta que las ayudas para la construcción o acondicionamiento de viviendas no pueden acogerse a los Fondos Estructurales." }
account must be taken in this respect of the fact that aid to build or restore housing will not qualify for intervention by the structural funds
{ "en": "It should also be borne in mind that the provisions of the regulation require an ex ante environmental impact study for all forms of intervention by the Structural Funds.", "es": "Ha de tenerse presente, además, que todas las formas de intervención de los Fondos Estructurales en virtud de disposiciones reglamentarias están sujetas a una evaluación ex-ante de los efectos de las medidas en el medio ambiente." }
it should also be borne in mind that the provisions of the regulation require an ex ante environmental impact study for all forms of intervention by the structural funds
{ "en": "Here again, Parliament, with its particular emphasis on the environmental aspect, would certainly not understand if we were to waive this.", "es": "A este respecto, el Parlamento, dado su particular interés por las cuestiones medioambientales, no comprendería que nosotros renunciásemos a tal evaluación." }
here again parliament with its particular emphasis on the environmental aspect would certainly not understand if we were to waive this
{ "en": "Allow me to say a few more words about the problem of the risk area.", "es": "Permítanme que haga una nueva referencia a la problemática de las zonas de riesgo." }
allow me to say a few more words about the problem of the risk area
{ "en": "Once the French authorities have finalised estimates of the damage, the Commission will be able to provide specific support to protect against natural dangers within the framework of the new programme planning for 2000 to 2006 in the form of cofinancing for investments.", "es": "Una vez las autoridades francesas hayan terminado de evaluar los daños, la Comisión, en el marco de la nueva planificación de programas para los años 2000 a 2006 podrá prestar ayudas específicas para la protección contra riesgos naturales mediante la cofinanciación de inversiones." }
once the french authorities have finalised estimates of the damage the commission will be able to provide specific support to protect against natural dangers within the framework of the new programme planning for 2000 to 2006 in the form of cofinancing for investments
{ "en": "That applies in particular to soil protection, the regulation of watercourses and the local water systems.", "es": "Esto se refiere en concreto a la protección del suelo, a la regulación de los cursos de agua y a los sistemas hidrológicos." }
that applies in particular to soil protection the regulation of watercourses and the local water systems
{ "en": "Allow me to conclude with a brief word on Vietnam because I think that there is definitely a difference when a leading industrial country or one of the poorest developing countries in the world is hit by a natural disaster.", "es": "Permítanme, por último, decir unas palabras acerca de Vietnam, pues creo que no es lo mismo que un importante país industrializado resulte afectado por un desastre natural que lo sea uno de los más pobres en vías de desarrollo del mundo." }
allow me to conclude with a brief word on vietnam because i think that there is definitely a difference when a leading industrial country or one of the poorest developing countries in the world is hit by a natural disaster
{ "en": "The European Commission is well aware of the dramatic situation in which the victims of the floods in Vietnam find themselves.", "es": "La Comisión es plenamente consciente de la situación en la que se encuentran las víctimas de las inundaciones en Vietnam." }
the european commission is well aware of the dramatic situation in which the victims of the floods in vietnam find themselves
{ "en": "They have been the worst for forty years.", "es": "Han sido las más graves en los últimos cuarenta años." }
they have been the worst for forty years
{ "en": "The European Union has provided emergency aid.", "es": "La Unión Europea ha puesto a disposición medios de ayuda urgente." }
the european union has provided emergency aid
{ "en": "ECHO is currently analysing the situation in the areas affected in order to assess the extent of additional damage and the requirements of the provinces affected.", "es": "ECHO está analizando actualmente la situación en las zonas afectadas, para poder evaluar la cuantía de los daños y las necesidades de las provincias afectadas." }
echo is currently analysing the situation in the areas affected in order to assess the extent of additional damage and the requirements of the provinces affected
{ "en": "Then we will answer the question of whether European aid for Vietnam should be increased.", "es": "Posteriormente podrá responderse a la pregunta de si debe aumentarse la ayuda europea a Vietnam." }
then we will answer the question of whether european aid for vietnam should be increased
{ "en": "The European Union is working with all the international organisations dealing with the situation in Vietnam in a spirit of cooperation and trust.", "es": "La Unión Europea colabora con todas las organizaciones internacionales que se ocupan de la situación en Vietnam sobre la base de la ayuda recíproca y la confianza." }
the european union is working with all the international organisations dealing with the situation in vietnam in a spirit of cooperation and trust
{ "en": "We are trying here to coordinate disaster aid as sensibly as possible.", "es": "Intentamos coordinar del modo más práctico posible la ayuda a las zonas que han sufrido los desastres." }
we are trying here to coordinate disaster aid as sensibly as possible
{ "en": "Mr President, I do not want to prolong this sitting.", "es": "Señor Presidente, no quisiera prolongar mucho tiempo esta sesión." }
mr president i do not want to prolong this sitting
{ "en": "However, I must say to the group of very welcome visitors who have just arrived that it is not through any spite on our part that we are suspending the sitting for a quarter of an hour just when they have arrived.", "es": "Desearía simplemente decir al grupo de visitantes que está presente, que son visitantes amigos y que no es por malignidad por lo que interrumpimos la sesión durante un cuarto de hora, justo en el momento en que llegan." }
however i must say to the group of very welcome visitors who have just arrived that it is not through any spite on our part that we are suspending the sitting for a quarter of an hour just when they have arrived
{ "en": "That concludes the joint debate.", "es": "Con esto se cierra el debate conjunto." }
that concludes the joint debate
{ "en": "The vote will take place at 5.30 p.m.", "es": "La votación se celebrará a las 5.30 de la tarde." }
the vote will take place at 530 pm
{ "en": "(The sitting was suspended at 5.10 p.m., and resumed at 5.30 p.m.)", "es": "(La sesión se levantó a las 5.10 de la tarde y se reanudó a las 5.30 de la tarde)." }
(the sitting was suspended at 510 pm and resumed at 530 pm)
{ "en": "Mr President, may I request, if the Members agree, that we vote en bloc on all the proposed amendments to the resolution on Nicaragua, given that they all go in the same direction.", "es": "Señor Presidente, solicito, si los colegas están de acuerdo, que en la propuesta de resolución sobre Nicaragua votemos todas las enmiendas en bloque, dado que todas apuntan en la misma dirección." }
mr president may i request if the members agree that we vote en bloc on all the proposed amendments to the resolution on nicaragua given that they all go in the same direction
{ "en": "I should like to say two words about why this is not a joint resolution and why the PPE has tabled proposed amendments to its own resolution.", "es": "Quiero decir brevemente por qué no hay una propuesta común, sino enmiendas del PPE a su propia resolución." }
i should like to say two words about why this is not a joint resolution and why the ppe has tabled proposed amendments to its own resolution
{ "en": "The reason is that we held a meeting on Tuesday with a view to finding a joint resolution and the other groups, especially the Liberals and the Social Democrats, warned us that they would be unable to support certain clauses in the resolution.", "es": "Esto se debe a que nos reunimos el pasado martes con el objetivo de elaborar una resolución común, y en ella algunos Grupos parlamentarios, en particular los liberales y los socialdemócratas, señalaron que no podían suscribir determinadas frases de la resolución del PPE." }
the reason is that we held a meeting on tuesday with a view to finding a joint resolution and the other groups especially the liberals and the social democrats warned us that they would be unable to support certain clauses in the resolution
{ "en": "So we said, let us take the controversial points out and just leave the essentials in.", "es": "Por ello dijimos que excluíamos los puntos objeto de controversia y dejábamos sólo lo esencial." }
so we said let us take the controversial points out and just leave the essentials in
{ "en": "We therefore only have things in it which are unanimously supported by Parliament.", "es": "Así, el texto contiene solamente aquello que recibe la plena aprobación de este Parlamento." }
we therefore only have things in it which are unanimously supported by parliament
{ "en": "Commissioner Verheugen also clearly stated that Parliament should express a view on this matter.", "es": "El Comisario señor Verheugen también ha dicho muy claramente que el Parlamento debe manifestarse sobre este asunto." }
commissioner verheugen also clearly stated that parliament should express a view on this matter
{ "en": "As the Liberals and Social Democrats were still unable to sign the joint resolution which we negotiated, we said we will table proposed amendments which water down our own resolution somewhat, in order to give Members the possibility in the end of voting in favour.", "es": "Dado que, a pesar de ello, los liberales y los socialdemócratas no estaban dispuestos a suscribir la resolución común, propusimos hacer algunas enmiendas que restan algo de fuerza a nuestra resolución para ofrecer a nuestros colegas la posibilidad de aprobarla finalmente." }
as the liberals and social democrats were still unable to sign the joint resolution which we negotiated we said we will table proposed amendments which water down our own resolution somewhat in order to give members the possibility in the end of voting in favour
{ "en": "Thank you, Mr Liese.", "es": "Muchas gracias, señor Liese." }
thank you mr liese
{ "en": "Are there any objections to the suggestion that we make this an en bloc vote?", "es": "¿Hay objeciones a la propuesta de votación en bloque?" }
are there any objections to the suggestion that we make this an en bloc vote
{ "en": "Mr President, I am sorry, but our group objects to an en bloc vote.", "es": "Señor Presidente, disculpe. Hay objeciones por parte de nuestro Grupo a votar en bloque." }
mr president i am sorry but our group objects to an en bloc vote
{ "en": "I acknowledge your objection and we shall vote on one amendment at a time.", "es": "He tomado nota de ello. Por tanto votaremos enmienda por enmienda." }
i acknowledge your objection and we shall vote on one amendment at a time
{ "en": "After the vote on the motions for resolutions on the international criminal court:", "es": "Tras la votación de las propuestas de resolución sobre el Tribunal Penal Internacional:" }
after the vote on the motions for resolutions on the international criminal court
{ "en": "Mr President, I merely want to say that we Liberals do not want to participate in these votes concerning natural disasters because we think that they do not belong in this Parliament. We also believed that we had reached an understanding that we should no longer discuss resolutions of this type.", "es": "Señor Presidente, sólo quiero decir que los liberales no queremos participar en estas votaciones sobre las catástrofes naturales porque pensamos que este asunto no compete al Parlamento Europeo y creíamos haber entendido que ya no tendríamos que tratar este tipo de decisiones." }
mr president i merely want to say that we liberals do not want to participate in these votes concerning natural disasters because we think that they do not belong in this parliament we also believed that we had reached an understanding that we should no longer discuss resolutions of this type
{ "en": "I have acknowledged that Mr Haarder.", "es": "Señor Haarder, he tomado nota de ello." }
i have acknowledged that mr haarder
{ "en": "I would ask you to discuss that in the meeting of political group chairmen, which is where it belongs.", "es": "Le pido que lo discuta con la presidencia del Grupo parlamentario, pues es con quien procede hacerlo." }
i would ask you to discuss that in the meeting of political group chairmen which is where it belongs
{ "en": "After the vote on the motions for resolutions on the natural disasters in France:", "es": "Tras la votación sobre las propuestas de resolución sobre las catástrofes naturales en Francia:" }
after the vote on the motions for resolutions on the natural disasters in france
{ "en": "Mr President, I did ask for the floor before we proceeded to the vote. I wanted to say that our group tabled a specific motion for a resolution on the natural disasters in France and that we are naturally co-signatories of the joint motion.", "es": "Señor Presidente, yo había pedido la palabra antes de proceder a la votación para decir que nuestro Grupo había presentado un proyecto de resolución específico sobre las catástrofes naturales en Francia y que, naturalmente, somos cofirmantes de la resolución común." }
mr president i did ask for the floor before we proceeded to the vote i wanted to say that our group tabled a specific motion for a resolution on the natural disasters in france and that we are naturally cosignatories of the joint motion
{ "en": "You did not mention this.", "es": "Usted no lo ha mencionado." }
you did not mention this
{ "en": "I would be grateful if the corresponding correction could be made.", "es": "Desearía que se efectuara la rectificación correspondiente." }
i would be grateful if the corresponding correction could be made
{ "en": "Thank you, the correction will be made.", "es": "Señor colega, se procederá a la rectificación." }
thank you the correction will be made
{ "en": "I apologise, as I did not see you. It was an oversight.", "es": "Le pido disculpas por no haberle visto, ha sido un descuido." }
i apologise as i did not see you it was an oversight
{ "en": "Adoption of the Minutes of the previous sitting", "es": "Aprobación del Acta de la sesión anterior" }
adoption of the minutes of the previous sitting
{ "en": "The Minutes of yesterday' s sitting have been distributed.", "es": "El Acta de la sesión de ayer ha sido distribuida." }
the minutes of yesterday s sitting have been distributed
{ "en": "Are there any comments?", "es": "¿Hay alguna observación?" }
are there any comments
{ "en": "Mr President, yesterday, at the end of the vote on the budget, there was a moment when the three institutions concerned were represented by women and the President concluded by saying that the Millennium was ending on a high note.", "es": "Señor Presidente, ayer, al final de la votación del presupuesto, se dio la circunstancia especial de que las tres Instituciones implicadas estaban representadas por personas de sexo femenino y la Presidenta terminó diciendo que el milenio iba a acabar bien." }
mr president yesterday at the end of the vote on the budget there was a moment when the three institutions concerned were represented by women and the president concluded by saying that the millennium was ending on a high note
{ "en": "I just wanted to mention that, as the authoritative Greenwich Observatory has also pointed out, the Millennium will end on 31 December 2000.", "es": "Tan sólo quiero hacer notar que, según ha señalado recientemente el prestigioso Observatorio de Greenwich, el milenio acabará el 31 de diciembre del año 2000." }
i just wanted to mention that as the authoritative greenwich observatory has also pointed out the millennium will end on 31 december 2000
{ "en": "Mr Speroni, I am aware that, from a rational and Cartesian point of view, you are absolutely right.", "es": "Señor Speroni, soy consciente de que, desde un punto de vista racional y cartesiano, tiene usted toda la razón." }
mr speroni i am aware that from a rational and cartesian point of view you are absolutely right
{ "en": "Scientifically you are right.", "es": "Científicamente tiene usted la razón." }
scientifically you are right
{ "en": "However, according to popular belief, the Millennium ends in 14 days.", "es": "Pero desde el punto de vista de las creencias populares, el milenio acaba dentro de 14 días." }
however according to popular belief the millennium ends in 14 days
{ "en": "Therefore, your comments will appear in the Minutes, but I believe that everybody will hold celebrations, at least, on 31 December of this year and then, possibly, a second time.", "es": "Por lo tanto, su reflexión constará en Acta, pero creo que cada uno lo celebrará, por lo menos, el 31 de diciembre de este año y posiblemente dos veces." }
therefore your comments will appear in the minutes but i believe that everybody will hold celebrations at least on 31 december of this year and then possibly a second time
{ "en": "I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that the President would have liked to have been with you today but, unfortunately, as you know, she is not very well at the moment and therefore, on her behalf, on behalf of the Bureau and on my own behalf, I would like to wish you all the best for this Christmas, this new year and, I was going to say, this new Millennium.", "es": "Eso me permite decirles que la Presidenta hubiera querido estar con ustedes en estos momentos, pero, lamentablemente, como ustedes saben, está delicada de salud estos días y, por lo tanto, en su nombre, en el de la Mesa y en el mío propio, les quería expresar a todos ustedes sus mejores deseos para estas Navidades, para este próximo año e iba a decir el próximo milenio." }
i would like to take this opportunity to tell you that the president would have liked to have been with you today but unfortunately as you know she is not very well at the moment and therefore on her behalf on behalf of the bureau and on my own behalf i would like to wish you all the best for this christmas this new year and i was going to say this new millennium
{ "en": "In any case, personally, I was convinced that I was going to be the last President of the Millennium.", "es": "En todo caso, personalmente, tenía la convicción de que iba a ser el último presidente del milenio." }
in any case personally i was convinced that i was going to be the last president of the millennium
{ "en": "In any event, on behalf of the Bureau, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and, on this one occasion, allow me to wish you, in my own Catalan language: 'Bon Nadal i feliç Any Nou' .", "es": "En todo caso, en nombre de la Mesa, feliz Navidad y feliz Año Nuevo y, por una vez, permítanme que utilice mi propia lengua : \"Bon Nadal i feliç Any Nou \"." }
in any event on behalf of the bureau merry christmas and a happy new year and on this one occasion allow me to wish you in my own catalan language bon nadal i feliç any nou
{ "en": "(Applause) (The Minutes were approved)", "es": "(Aplausos) (El Acta queda aprobada)" }
(applause) (the minutes were approved)
{ "en": "International Fund for Ireland", "es": "Fondo Internacional para Irlanda" }
international fund for ireland
{ "en": "Mr De Rossa has requested the floor for a procedural motion.", "es": "Me pide la palabra el Sr. De Rossa para una cuestión de orden." }
mr de rossa has requested the floor for a procedural motion
{ "en": "De Rossa (PSE).", "es": "De Rossa (PSE)." }
de rossa (pse)
{ "en": "Mr President, on a point of order, I wish to raise the question as to whether or not the amendments which have been tabled in relation to this proposal are in order.", "es": "(EN) Señor Presidente, en observancia del Reglamento, desearía plantear la pregunta de si las enmiendas que han sido presentadas en relación con esta propuesta están en regla." }
mr president on a point of order i wish to raise the question as to whether or not the amendments which have been tabled in relation to this proposal are in order
{ "en": "This is a proposal without debate and we will not have any opportunity therefore to debate the amendments being put forward.", "es": "Esta propuesta no va a debatirse y, por tanto, no tendremos la posibilidad de debatir las enmiendas presentadas." }
this is a proposal without debate and we will not have any opportunity therefore to debate the amendments being put forward
{ "en": "I happen to oppose the amendments but it seems to be that we have been put in an invidious position, asking us to vote on amendments which we have not had an opportunity to debate.", "es": "Da la casualidad de que yo me opongo a las enmiendas, pero parece que se nos coloca en una situación ingrata al pedirnos que votemos enmiendas que no hemos tenido la oportunidad de debatir." }
i happen to oppose the amendments but it seems to be that we have been put in an invidious position asking us to vote on amendments which we have not had an opportunity to debate
{ "en": "Mr President, on a point of order, I should like to inform the House that the amendments are in order.", "es": "Señor Presidente, en observancia del Reglamento, me gustaría informar al Parlamento de que las enmiendas están en regla." }
mr president on a point of order i should like to inform the house that the amendments are in order
{ "en": "They are in line with the procedure. It is true that it would have been much better had we had an opportunity to debate this in committee and, as was said at the beginning of the week, that would have been a much better opportunity to have the issue debated.", "es": "Están en consonancia con el procedimiento, aunque es cierto que habría sido mucho mejor si hubiésemos tenido la oportunidad de debatirlas en la comisión y, como se dijo a principios de la semana, ello habría constituido una oportunidad óptima de discutir el asunto." }
they are in line with the procedure it is true that it would have been much better had we had an opportunity to debate this in committee and as was said at the beginning of the week that would have been a much better opportunity to have the issue debated
{ "en": "Unfortunately, the decision was taken that this would be put without debate and the amendments are in order.", "es": "Por desgracia, se tomó la decisión de que este tema se trataría sin debate y las enmiendas están en orden." }
unfortunately the decision was taken that this would be put without debate and the amendments are in order
{ "en": "They are extremely important.", "es": "Además, son enormemente importantes." }
they are extremely important
{ "en": "Mr President, like Mr De Rossa I also question the fact of the amendments being in order.", "es": "Señor Presidente, al igual que el Sr. De Rossa, yo también cuestiono el hecho de que las enmiendas estén en regla." }
mr president like mr de rossa i also question the fact of the amendments being in order
{ "en": "The sensitivities of Northern Ireland are too important for any ill-informed bandwagoning on the International Fund for Ireland.", "es": "Las sensibilidades de Irlanda del Norte son demasiado importantes como para permitir cualquier intento mal informado de arrimarse al sol que más calienta en el tema del Fondo Internacional para Irlanda." }
the sensitivities of northern ireland are too important for any illinformed bandwagoning on the international fund for ireland
{ "en": "I would ask you to consider very carefully how we proceed here, particularly as we are not in a position to have a debate.", "es": "Les pido que consideren con mucho cuidado la forma en que vamos a actuar en este caso, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que no estamos en posición de celebrar un debate." }
i would ask you to consider very carefully how we proceed here particularly as we are not in a position to have a debate
{ "en": "I share this concern with my colleagues, Mr De Rossa and Mr McCartin.", "es": "Comparto esta preocupación con mis colegas, el Sr. De Rossa y el Sr. McCartin." }
i share this concern with my colleagues mr de rossa and mr mccartin
{ "en": "Raytheon has been welcomed to Derry by no less than Nobel Peace Prize winners, John Hume - one of our own colleagues, and David Trimble.", "es": "Raytheon ha sido acogido con satisfacción en Derry nada más y nada menos que por los premios Nobel de la Paz John Hume (uno de nuestros colegas) y David Trimble." }
raytheon has been welcomed to derry by no less than nobel peace prize winners john hume one of our own colleagues and david trimble
{ "en": "Raytheon will be funded by the Industrial Development Board in Northern Ireland.", "es": "El Industrial Development Board de Irlanda del Norte financiará este proyecto." }
raytheon will be funded by the industrial development board in northern ireland
{ "en": "Not one euro nor one Irish pound from the International Fund for Ireland is going to Raytheon.", "es": "Ni un solo euro, ni una sola libra irlandesa del Fondo Internacional para Irlanda se destinará a Raytheon." }
not one euro nor one irish pound from the international fund for ireland is going to raytheon