translation | text
stringlengths 0
"en": "We do not want to make the conditions of competition worse for some countries unilaterally and improve them for countries such as Austria or other transit countries.",
"es": "No queremos empeorar las condiciones de la competencia de manera unilateral para algunos países y mejorarlas para países como Austria u otros países de tránsito."
} | we do not want to make the conditions of competition worse for some countries unilaterally and improve them for countries such as austria or other transit countries |
"en": "But I believe that we should do all we can to keep the transport of dangerous goods to a minimum, in all countries, whether they are transit countries or not.",
"es": "Pero creo que todos debemos hacer todo lo posible para restringir el transporte de mercancías peligrosas y, por cierto, en todos los países, sean países de tránsito o no."
} | but i believe that we should do all we can to keep the transport of dangerous goods to a minimum in all countries whether they are transit countries or not |
"en": "Mr President, I would firstly like to congratulate the rapporteur, Mr Koch, on his magnificent work and his positive cooperation with the Commission with regard to improving the texts and presenting this report and this proposal; in the end there is only one amendment on the requirements for the aptitude examination for safety advisers in the transport of dangerous goods by road, rail or inland waterway.",
"es": ". Señor Presidente, en primer lugar quiero felicitar al ponente, Sr. Koch, por su magnífico trabajo y por su positiva colaboración con la Comisión a la hora de mejorar los textos, de presentar este informe y esta propuesta; al final, sólo hay una enmienda relativa a los requisitos del examen de aptitud de los consejeros de seguridad para el transporte de mercancías peligrosas por carretera, ferrocarril o vía navegable."
} | mr president i would firstly like to congratulate the rapporteur mr koch on his magnificent work and his positive cooperation with the commission with regard to improving the texts and presenting this report and this proposal in the end there is only one amendment on the requirements for the aptitude examination for safety advisers in the transport of dangerous goods by road rail or inland waterway |
"en": "We understand that it is important that the two institutions - Parliament and Commission - cooperate and work together and that the current cooperation with the Committee on Regional Policy, and in particular the transport group, is magnificent.",
"es": "Entendemos que es importante la colaboración, el trabajo en común por parte de las dos instituciones -Parlamento y Comisión- y que la colaboración que existe con la Comisión de Política Regional, y concretamente con el grupo de transportes, es magnífica."
} | we understand that it is important that the two institutions parliament and commission cooperate and work together and that the current cooperation with the committee on regional policy and in particular the transport group is magnificent |
"en": "The common position includes practically all of the amendments accepted by the Commission and harmonises the minimum examination requirements for safety advisers and, at second reading, we can accept the amendment on the proposed date, which is much more realistic than the one originally suggested by the Commission, bearing in mind that we have now spent several years debating this question.",
"es": "La posición común incluye prácticamente todas las enmiendas aceptadas por la Comisión, armoniza los requisitos mínimos de los exámenes de los consejeros de seguridad y, en segunda lectura, podemos aceptar la enmienda sobre la fecha propuesta, mucho más realista que la planteada en principio por la Comisión, teniendo en cuenta que ya llevamos varios años debatiendo sobre esta cuestión."
} | the common position includes practically all of the amendments accepted by the commission and harmonises the minimum examination requirements for safety advisers and at second reading we can accept the amendment on the proposed date which is much more realistic than the one originally suggested by the commission bearing in mind that we have now spent several years debating this question |
"en": "Very briefly, I would like to thank the various Members for their interventions and to tell you that safety is one of the Commission' s priorities in the field of transport.",
"es": "Brevísimamente, quiero agradecer también la intervención de los distintos diputados y decirles a sus Señorías que la seguridad es una prioridad de la Comisión en el ámbito de los transportes."
} | very briefly i would like to thank the various members for their interventions and to tell you that safety is one of the commission s priorities in the field of transport |
"en": "As Mr Simpson has said very correctly, this is a process which we can never take for granted or regard as having come to an end.",
"es": "Y como muy bien ha dicho el Sr. Simpson, nunca se puede dar por sentado o por adquirido o por culminado el proceso."
} | as mr simpson has said very correctly this is a process which we can never take for granted or regard as having come to an end |
"en": "The process of increasing safety margins and safety guarantees in transport is a process which must be improved day by day.",
"es": "El proceso de incrementar los márgenes, las garantías de seguridad en los transportes es un proceso que hay que ir mejorando día a día."
} | the process of increasing safety margins and safety guarantees in transport is a process which must be improved day by day |
"en": "In this regard, I would also like to refer very briefly to the problems of the tunnels, which Messrs Rack and Swoboda have referred to, which, in the case of Austria, is doubtless a very sensitive issue, and great effort should be made to improve their safety.",
"es": "En ese sentido, quiero referirme también muy brevemente a los problemas de los túneles, a que han hecho referencia los Sres. Rack y Swoboda, que, indudablemente, en el caso de Austria, es un asunto muy sensible, por lo que hay que hacer esfuerzos para ver cómo incrementar su seguridad."
} | in this regard i would also like to refer very briefly to the problems of the tunnels which messrs rack and swoboda have referred to which in the case of austria is doubtless a very sensitive issue and great effort should be made to improve their safety |
"en": "In one of the worst accidents to have occurred recently, the goods being transported were not dangerous in themselves.",
"es": "En uno de los grandes accidentes ocurridos últimamente, la mercancía transportada no era en sí peligrosa."
} | in one of the worst accidents to have occurred recently the goods being transported were not dangerous in themselves |
"en": "Margarine and a few kilos of paint which, in principle, do not present risks, led to a genuine disaster.",
"es": "La margarina y unos kilos de pintura que, en principio, no planteaban riesgos, provocaron una verdadera catástrofe."
} | margarine and a few kilos of paint which in principle do not present risks led to a genuine disaster |
"en": "Therefore, we will have to see how the requirements guaranteeing the maximum degree of safety can be further improved.",
"es": "Por lo tanto, hay que ver cómo se pueden afinar todavía más las exigencias que permitan garantizar un máximo de seguridad."
} | therefore we will have to see how the requirements guaranteeing the maximum degree of safety can be further improved |
"en": "Finally, I would like to say that we have to consider safety in all types of transport.",
"es": "Por último, quisiera decir que hay que contemplar la seguridad en todos los tipos de transporte."
} | finally i would like to say that we have to consider safety in all types of transport |
"en": "This week we will be holding a debate here on the safety of sea transport, in light of the Erika disaster, and in the course of this year we will have to discuss our objectives in terms of the safety of air transport.",
"es": "Esta semana celebraremos aquí un debate para hablar de la seguridad del transporte marítimo, debido a la catástrofe del Erika, y tendremos que discutir, a lo largo de este año, sobre los objetivos, en materia de seguridad, del transporte aéreo."
} | this week we will be holding a debate here on the safety of sea transport in light of the erika disaster and in the course of this year we will have to discuss our objectives in terms of the safety of air transport |
"en": "But I would like to say that safety is a priority objective for the Commission.",
"es": "Pero quiero decir, Señorías, que la seguridad es un objetivo prioritario de la Comisión."
} | but i would like to say that safety is a priority objective for the commission |
"en": "As I will say in the debate on the Erika disaster, we do not wait until there is a disaster to deal with the question of safety, but we work on it even when there are no such circumstances, which simply serve to demonstrate the urgency for an effective response to this type of problem.",
"es": "Como diré en el debate sobre el Erika, no esperamos a que haya una catástrofe para volcarnos sobre el aspecto de la seguridad, sino que trabajamos en ello al margen de esas circunstancias, que lo único que hacen es mostrar la urgencia de una respuesta eficaz a ese tipo de problemas."
} | as i will say in the debate on the erika disaster we do not wait until there is a disaster to deal with the question of safety but we work on it even when there are no such circumstances which simply serve to demonstrate the urgency for an effective response to this type of problem |
"en": "I would like to repeat my appreciation to all the speakers and especially to the rapporteur, Mr Koch.",
"es": "Quiero reiterar mi agradecimiento a todos los que han intervenido y muy especialmente al ponente, Sr. Koch."
} | i would like to repeat my appreciation to all the speakers and especially to the rapporteur mr koch |
"en": "The debate is closed.",
"es": "El debate queda cerrado."
} | the debate is closed |
"en": "The vote will take place tomorrow at 12 p.m.",
"es": "La votación tendrá lugar mañana a las 12.00 horas."
} | the vote will take place tomorrow at 12 pm |
"en": "Transport of dangerous goods by road",
"es": "Transporte de mercancías peligrosas por carretera"
} | transport of dangerous goods by road |
"en": "The next item is the report (A5-0104/1999) by Mr Koch, on behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism, on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive amending Directive 94/55/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States with regard to the transport of dangerous goods by road [COM(1999) 158 - C5-0004/1999 - 1999/0083(COD)].",
"es": "De conformidad con el orden del día se procede al debate del informe (A5-0104/1999) del Sr. Koch, en nombre de la Comisión de Política Regional, Transportes y Turismo, sobre una propuesta de directiva del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo (COM(1999) 158 - C5-0004/1999 - 1999/0083(COD)) por la que se modifica la Directiva 94/55/CE sobre la aproximación de las legislaciones de los Estados miembros con respecto al transporte de mercancías peligrosas por carretera."
} | the next item is the report (a50104/1999) by mr koch on behalf of the committee on regional policy transport and tourism on the proposal for a european parliament and council directive amending directive 94/55/ec on the approximation of the laws of the member states with regard to the transport of dangerous goods by road [com(1999) 158 c50004/1999 1999/0083(cod)] |
"en": "Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, the directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States with regard to the transport of dangerous goods by road, which entered into force on 1 January 1997, contains a number of transitional provisions which are only valid for a limited period of time, the term of validity being linked to the completion of specific standardisation work by the CEN, that is the European Committee for Standardisation.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, distinguida señora Comisaria, estimados colegas, la directiva relativa a la aproximación de las legislaciones de los Estados miembros sobre el transporte de mercancías peligrosas por carretera, que entró en vigor el 1 de enero de 1997, contiene algunas disposiciones transitorias cuya vigencia está sometida a plazo y se encuentra vinculada a la conclusión de determinados trabajos de normalización del CEN, es decir, del Comité Europeo de Normalización."
} | mr president commissioner ladies and gentlemen the directive on the approximation of the laws of the member states with regard to the transport of dangerous goods by road which entered into force on 1 january 1997 contains a number of transitional provisions which are only valid for a limited period of time the term of validity being linked to the completion of specific standardisation work by the cen that is the european committee for standardisation |
"en": "Delays in the CEN' s work are now making it difficult to apply this very directive.",
"es": "Ahora bien, algunos aplazamientos que se han producido en los trabajos del CEN están originando problemas a la hora de la aplicación de esta directiva."
} | delays in the cen s work are now making it difficult to apply this very directive |
"en": "In particular, annexes cannot be adapted to take account of technical and industrial developments.",
"es": "En especial, no es posible adaptar los anexos de acuerdo con el desarrollo técnico e industrial."
} | in particular annexes cannot be adapted to take account of technical and industrial developments |
"en": "I regret this since we are having to take action because others have not done their job.",
"es": "Lamento esto, pues debemos actuar porque otros no han realizado su trabajo."
} | i regret this since we are having to take action because others have not done their job |
"en": "In this respect, I accept this proposal to amend Directive 94/55/EC which has been tabled for discussion today.",
"es": "En este sentido acepto la presente propuesta, que hoy se somete a debate, sobre la modificación de la Directiva 94/55/CE."
} | in this respect i accept this proposal to amend directive 94/55/ec which has been tabled for discussion today |
"en": "Should the European Union fail to take action, then Member States would be obliged to amend their national legislation for a very brief period, until the CEN completes its work, which would cause unnecessary cost and uncertainty.",
"es": "La inactividad de la Unión Europea obligaría a los Estados miembros a modificar sus normas jurídicas intraestatales para un corto período de tiempo, en concreto, hasta la conclusión de los trabajos del CEN, lo cual origina costes e inseguridades innecesarios."
} | should the european union fail to take action then member states would be obliged to amend their national legislation for a very brief period until the cen completes its work which would cause unnecessary cost and uncertainty |
"en": "The amendment to the directive on today's agenda does not therefore affect the existing harmonisation of the transport of dangerous goods in the Community.",
"es": "Por consiguiente, la modificación de la directiva, que figura hoy en el orden del día, no produce ningún cambio en la armonización del transporte de mercancías peligrosas que se está llevando a cabo en la Comunidad."
} | the amendment to the directive on todays agenda does not therefore affect the existing harmonisation of the transport of dangerous goods in the community |
"en": "It merely prolongs transitional rules by postponing deadlines, deletes provisions which are no longer applicable, and lays down the procedures for a) carrying out the ad hoc transportation of dangerous goods and b) enacting less stringent national regulations, in particular for the transport of very small amounts of dangerous goods within strictly defined local areas.",
"es": "Prorroga únicamente algunas disposiciones transitorias mediante el aplazamiento de los límites temporales, no suprime más disposiciones específicas y regula los procedimientos para a) los transportes ad hoc de mercancías peligrosas, así como para b) la aprobación de disposiciones nacionales menos rigurosas, en especial en el caso del transporte de cantidades muy pequeñas de mercancías peligrosas en territorios localmente muy delimitados."
} | it merely prolongs transitional rules by postponing deadlines deletes provisions which are no longer applicable and lays down the procedures for a) carrying out the ad hoc transportation of dangerous goods and b) enacting less stringent national regulations in particular for the transport of very small amounts of dangerous goods within strictly defined local areas |
"en": "The amendment to the directive is consequently in full accordance with the principle of subsidiarity; the Member States obtain more powers.",
"es": "De esta suerte la modificación de la directiva se hace completamente en el sentido de la subsidiariedad; los Estados miembros adquieren más facultades."
} | the amendment to the directive is consequently in full accordance with the principle of subsidiarity the member states obtain more powers |
"en": "The Commission decides whether the Member States may impose certain rules of their own.",
"es": "La Comisión de la UE decide si los Estados miembros pueden dictar determinadas disposiciones propias."
} | the commission decides whether the member states may impose certain rules of their own |
"en": "In so doing, it is supported by a committee of experts on the transport of dangerous goods under the regulatory procedure.",
"es": "A este respecto está asistida, de acuerdo con el procedimiento normativo, por un Comité de expertos en materia de transporte de mercancías peligrosas."
} | in so doing it is supported by a committee of experts on the transport of dangerous goods under the regulatory procedure |
"en": "The procedures for the exercise of these implementing powers conferred on the Commission were laid down afresh in the Council Decision of June 1999.",
"es": "Las modalidades de ejercicio de estas facultades de ejecución transferidas a la Comisión fueron reguladas por vez primera por acuerdo del Consejo de junio de 1999."
} | the procedures for the exercise of these implementing powers conferred on the commission were laid down afresh in the council decision of june 1999 |
"en": "The proposal to be discussed today, to amend the directive on the transport of dangerous goods by road, dates from May 1999, however, and could not therefore take account of the latest comitology procedure.",
"es": "La propuesta de modificación de la directiva relativa al transporte de mercancías peligrosas por carretera, que hoy se halla sometida a debate, data de mayo de 1999 y, en consecuencia, no ha podido valerse todavía del actual procedimiento de comitología."
} | the proposal to be discussed today to amend the directive on the transport of dangerous goods by road dates from may 1999 however and could not therefore take account of the latest comitology procedure |
"en": "Two of the amendments tabled and adopted unanimously by the committee relate precisely to this amended comitology procedure.",
"es": "Las enmiendas que se han presentado y que han sido aprobadas por unanimidad en la comisión se refieren precisamente en dos casos a este modificado procedimiento de comitología."
} | two of the amendments tabled and adopted unanimously by the committee relate precisely to this amended comitology procedure |
"en": "We would like to ensure that there is a reference to this as early as the recitals and that the period within which the Council has to make a decision - which is not clearly worded - is set at a maximum of three months.",
"es": "Quisiéramos asegurar que se aluda ya a esto en los considerandos y que el plazo, imprecisamente formulado, dentro del cual el Consejo ha de adoptar una decisión, se fije en tres meses como máximo."
} | we would like to ensure that there is a reference to this as early as the recitals and that the period within which the council has to make a decision which is not clearly worded is set at a maximum of three months |
"en": "In addition, the need for greater transparency has been pointed out.",
"es": "Por lo demás se alude también a la necesidad de una mayor transparencia."
} | in addition the need for greater transparency has been pointed out |
"en": "A further amendment allows the Member States to impose more stringent requirements, in particular for vacuum tanks, if work is done or goods are transported as a priority in temperatures well below -20ºC.",
"es": "Otra enmienda permite a los Estados miembros establecer exigencias más estrictas, en especial para los tanques al vacío, cuando el trabajo o el transporte se hayan de realizar preferentemente a temperaturas considerablemente inferiores a los 20 grados bajo cero."
} | a further amendment allows the member states to impose more stringent requirements in particular for vacuum tanks if work is done or goods are transported as a priority in temperatures well below 20ºc |
"en": "This is in the special interest of northern European regions.",
"es": "Esto interesa especialmente a las regiones del norte de Europa."
} | this is in the special interest of northern european regions |
"en": "A final amendment is intended to ensure that tanks and tankers put into service between 1 January 1997 and the entry into force of this directive may continue to be used provided that they have been constructed and maintained in accordance with it.",
"es": "Una última enmienda va encaminada a propiciar que se siga autorizando la utilización de los tanques y vehículos cisterna que hayan entrado en uso entre el 1 de enero de 1997 y la entrada en vigor de esta directiva, si su construcción y mantenimiento se ajustan a lo dispuesto."
} | a final amendment is intended to ensure that tanks and tankers put into service between 1 january 1997 and the entry into force of this directive may continue to be used provided that they have been constructed and maintained in accordance with it |
"en": "I do realise that this is only a small step towards increased transport safety, but I would ask you to endorse this report.",
"es": "Consciente también de que esto no es más que un pequeño paso hacia una mayor seguridad, les pido a ustedes su conformidad para el presente informe."
} | i do realise that this is only a small step towards increased transport safety but i would ask you to endorse this report |
"en": "Mr President, colleagues, a happy new year and millennium to you all.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, señorías, feliz Año Nuevo y feliz Milenio."
} | mr president colleagues a happy new year and millennium to you all |
"en": "I am speaking for the first time in this plenary part-session, so this is quite exciting for me, a little like first love, although that did last longer than two minutes.",
"es": "Intervengo por primera vez en una sesión plenaria, de manera que esto es emocionante, un poco como el primer amor, sólo que el primer amor duró más de dos minutos."
} | i am speaking for the first time in this plenary partsession so this is quite exciting for me a little like first love although that did last longer than two minutes |
"en": "I would like to briefly comment on the Commission' s proposal to amend the directive on the transport of dangerous goods by road.",
"es": "Quisiera comentar brevemente la propuesta presentada por la Comisión que modificará la directiva en vigor sobre el transporte de mercancías peligrosas por carretera."
} | i would like to briefly comment on the commission s proposal to amend the directive on the transport of dangerous goods by road |
"en": "It is good that this directive should be established now, as, otherwise, Member States would have to amend their national acts for a very short time, a period of transition, which would again mean unnecessary costs and which would once more increase concern with regard to EU bureaucracy.",
"es": "Es bueno que se adopte esta directiva ahora porque, de lo contrario, los Estados miembros se verían obligados a modificar sus legislaciones nacionales para un plazo muy breve, para un período de transición, cosa que, a su vez, sólo originaría costes innecesarios y aumentaría una vez más los quebraderos de cabeza de los ciudadanos frente a la burocracia de la UE."
} | it is good that this directive should be established now as otherwise member states would have to amend their national acts for a very short time a period of transition which would again mean unnecessary costs and which would once more increase concern with regard to eu bureaucracy |
"en": "The Commission' s proposal, however, does not take account of all the facts, such as the cold climate that prevails in the northern regions.",
"es": "Sin embargo, la propuesta de la Comisión no ha tomado en cuenta todos los factores como, por ejemplo, el frío clima de las regiones septentrionales."
} | the commission s proposal however does not take account of all the facts such as the cold climate that prevails in the northern regions |
"en": "Consequently, I have tabled some amendments to Mr Koch' s intrinsically excellent report, which have been adopted by our committee.",
"es": "Así pues, propuse algunas enmiendas al espléndido informe de mi colega, el Sr. Koch, que fueron aprobadas por nuestra comisión parlamentaria."
} | consequently i have tabled some amendments to mr koch s intrinsically excellent report which have been adopted by our committee |
"en": "My amendments concern the frost-resistance ratings for tankers carrying these dangerous goods.",
"es": "Mis enmiendas se refieren a la resistencia a las bajas temperaturas de los depósitos de transporte de estas mercancías peligrosas."
} | my amendments concern the frostresistance ratings for tankers carrying these dangerous goods |
"en": "According to the Commission' s proposal -20ºC would have been sufficient. On the shores of the Mediterranean, it is hard to imagine that in Lapland temperatures can fall considerably lower than that.",
"es": "De acuerdo con la propuesta de la Comisión, hubiera bastado una resistencia a los 20 grados bajo cero; en las playas del Mediterráneo es difícil imaginarse que en Laponia se den temperaturas considerablemente más bajas."
} | according to the commission s proposal 20ºc would have been sufficient on the shores of the mediterranean it is hard to imagine that in lapland temperatures can fall considerably lower than that |
"en": "There is support for the EU in Lapland also, so let us remember them.",
"es": "También en Laponia se apoya a la UE, así que acordémonos de ellos."
} | there is support for the eu in lapland also so let us remember them |
"en": "I have thus proposed that the frost rating be lowered to -40ºC.",
"es": "Por lo tanto, he propuesto que se descienda el límite de resistencia a los 40 grados bajo cero."
} | i have thus proposed that the frost rating be lowered to 40ºc |
"en": "This would be necessary to keep safety standards at the level they were in northern regions previously.",
"es": "Esto sería verdaderamente necesario para que el nivel de seguridad se mantenga en las regiones septentrionales."
} | this would be necessary to keep safety standards at the level they were in northern regions previously |
"en": "I hope my proposal will be taken into consideration in tomorrow' s vote.",
"es": "Espero que mi propuesta sea tomada en cuenta en la votación de mañana."
} | i hope my proposal will be taken into consideration in tomorrow s vote |
"en": "Mr President, with your permission I should like to begin by expressing my admiration for the way in which you executed the quick changeover of the chairmanship just now during the debate.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, si me lo permite, quisiera manifestarle ante todo mi respeto por la forma en que usted ha llevado a cabo el ágil cambio en la Presidencia durante el debate."
} | mr president with your permission i should like to begin by expressing my admiration for the way in which you executed the quick changeover of the chairmanship just now during the debate |
"en": "I thought that it was quite superb.",
"es": "Lo he encontrado magnífico."
} | i thought that it was quite superb |
"en": "On the subject at hand, I think that the people of Europe must be able to be confident that the goods - however dangerous they are - which are transported on Europe's roads, railways, and so on are as safe as possible.",
"es": "Entro en el tema: creo que los ciudadanos de Europa pueden confiar en que lo que se transporta en Europa por carretera, por ferrocarril o por las vías navegables se transporta con toda la seguridad posible, aun siendo mercancías peligrosas."
} | on the subject at hand i think that the people of europe must be able to be confident that the goods however dangerous they are which are transported on europes roads railways and so on are as safe as possible |
"en": "This directive is a contribution to this.",
"es": "Esta directiva es una contribución a ello."
} | this directive is a contribution to this |
"en": "What we are doing today is essentially a nuisance.",
"es": "Lo que estamos haciendo hoy constituye un escándalo."
} | what we are doing today is essentially a nuisance |
"en": "The rapporteur, Mr Koch, to whom we express our thanks for the work which he has done on this, has already pointed out that basically everything could have been somewhat more advanced had it not been for the inactivity on the part of the CEN, which has been very dilatory in drawing up and adapting the directive.",
"es": "El ponente, Sr. Koch, al que damos las gracias por el trabajo que ha llevado a cabo, ha aludido a que en el fondo todo podría estar más avanzado si no existiera esta demora de los CEN que son muy lentos en la elaboración y en la adaptación de la directiva."
} | the rapporteur mr koch to whom we express our thanks for the work which he has done on this has already pointed out that basically everything could have been somewhat more advanced had it not been for the inactivity on the part of the cen which has been very dilatory in drawing up and adapting the directive |
"en": "That is why we can only hope - and we should resolve all of this this week - that, in 2001, we will finally have Community regulations for the transport of dangerous goods by road so that we have a degree of legal certainty here and also so that our roads are a good deal safer.",
"es": "Por esta razón, no nos queda más que esperar -y deberíamos decidir esto en esta semana- que en el 2001 dispongamos, por fin, de regulaciones comunitarias para el transporte de mercancías peligrosas por carretera, de suerte que en este punto tengamos un poco de seguridad jurídica y también un poco más de seguridad en nuestras carreteras."
} | that is why we can only hope and we should resolve all of this this week that in 2001 we will finally have community regulations for the transport of dangerous goods by road so that we have a degree of legal certainty here and also so that our roads are a good deal safer |
"en": "Mr President, the report we are discussing here does not, in itself, entail any major changes.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, el informe que estamos tratando no representa grandes cambios."
} | mr president the report we are discussing here does not in itself entail any major changes |
"en": "Most of the proposed amendments are of a purely technical nature.",
"es": "La mayoría de las enmiendas son exclusivamente de carácter técnico."
} | most of the proposed amendments are of a purely technical nature |
"en": "It is nonetheless worth emphasising that, each time we make this type of decision, it is good from a broad environmental perspective and it is beneficial because it creates better prior conditions for exploiting the possibilities of the internal market.",
"es": "Sin embargo, vale la pena subrayar que esta clase de decisiones es provechosa desde el punto de vista medioambiental y porque crea mejores condiciones para el funcionamiento del mercado interior."
} | it is nonetheless worth emphasising that each time we make this type of decision it is good from a broad environmental perspective and it is beneficial because it creates better prior conditions for exploiting the possibilities of the internal market |
"en": "Very large quantities of dangerous goods are transported around the EU, both on roads and railways and by sea.",
"es": "En la UE se transportan grandes cantidades de mercancías peligrosas por carreteras, por ferrocarriles y por mar."
} | very large quantities of dangerous goods are transported around the eu both on roads and railways and by sea |
"en": "This makes it necessary to have proper rules governing transport of this kind.",
"es": "Se necesitan normas que regulen este transporte."
} | this makes it necessary to have proper rules governing transport of this kind |
"en": "In area after area, we are now obtaining common minimum regulations for the Member States.",
"es": "Sector tras sector está siendo regulado por normas mínimas que obligan a los Estados miembros."
} | in area after area we are now obtaining common minimum regulations for the member states |
"en": "This is extraordinarily positive, and there is cause to thank the rapporteur, Mr Koch, for the work he has put in on this issue.",
"es": "Esto es extraordinariamente provechoso y doy las gracias al ponente Koch por el trabajo realizado en relación con esta materia."
} | this is extraordinarily positive and there is cause to thank the rapporteur mr koch for the work he has put in on this issue |
"en": "This is also important where the prerequisites for the internal market are concerned.",
"es": "Esto también es importante en cuanto a las condiciones para el mercado interior."
} | this is also important where the prerequisites for the internal market are concerned |
"en": "If we are to get a common transport market genuinely up and running, it is important that we should not only have regulations but that these regulations should also, as far as possible, apply to every country.",
"es": "Para que el mercado de transportes común realmente funcione no sólo es importante que existan reglas, sino que también esas reglas, en la medida de lo posible, sean comunes."
} | if we are to get a common transport market genuinely up and running it is important that we should not only have regulations but that these regulations should also as far as possible apply to every country |
"en": "I should like to conclude by commenting on a third matter which is also of significance, namely an amendment tabled by Member of Parliament, Mr Ari Vatanen.",
"es": "Finalmente quisiera comentar una tercera cosa que también es importante, esto es, una enmienda presentada por el diputado Ari Vatanen."
} | i should like to conclude by commenting on a third matter which is also of significance namely an amendment tabled by member of parliament mr ari vatanen |
"en": "In many ways, the prerequisites differ from one Member State to another.",
"es": "Las condiciones de los Estados miembros difieren entre sí en muchos aspectos."
} | in many ways the prerequisites differ from one member state to another |
"en": "By approving this amendment, we take account of the fact that it can be very cold in the northern parts of the European Union.",
"es": "Mediante la aprobación de esta enmienda tomamos en consideración el hecho de que en la zona norte puede hacer mucho frío."
} | by approving this amendment we take account of the fact that it can be very cold in the northern parts of the european union |
"en": "This makes it necessary to also take account of the ways in which materials and packaging are affected by cold of this kind.",
"es": "Esto hace necesario también tener en cuenta que este frío influye en los materiales y envases."
} | this makes it necessary to also take account of the ways in which materials and packaging are affected by cold of this kind |
"en": "It is good that, in establishing the present regulations, we can also be flexible.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, tenemos que ser flexibles a la hora de dictar normas."
} | it is good that in establishing the present regulations we can also be flexible |
"en": "I hope that the Commission is able to accept the present amendment.",
"es": "Tengo la esperanza de que la Comisión acepte esta enmienda."
} | i hope that the commission is able to accept the present amendment |
"en": "Mr President, I would like to thank not only Mr Koch, but also the Vice-President of the Commission for the clear and unambiguous way in which they have declared their support for safety in the transport sector and acknowledged it as a priority.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, no solo quiero dar las gracias a nuestro colega, el Sr. Koch, sino también a la Vicepresidenta de la Comisión por haberse pronunciado con tanta claridad y sin equívocos a favor de la seguridad en el ámbito del transporte y a favor de la prioridad de la seguridad."
} | mr president i would like to thank not only mr koch but also the vicepresident of the commission for the clear and unambiguous way in which they have declared their support for safety in the transport sector and acknowledged it as a priority |
"en": "The reason Mr Koch produced his sound report was because the work in the CEN and within the United Nations Economic Commission was proceeding none too expeditiously.",
"es": "El Sr. Koch ha redactado su buen informe porque en el CEN y también en el marco de la Comisión de Economía de las Naciones Unidas no se ha hecho el trabajo de manera tan expeditiva."
} | the reason mr koch produced his sound report was because the work in the cen and within the united nations economic commission was proceeding none too expeditiously |
"en": "I would like to ask the Vice-President if she is in a position to tell us today what the state of play is with regard to the efforts towards harmonisation being made by these two organisations, and whether the EU is in a position to hasten these harmonisation efforts, in accordance with principles that are as simple as possible.",
"es": "Quisiera preguntar a la Vicepresidenta si nos puede decir hoy cómo están las cosas en lo que respecta a los esfuerzos de armonización de estas dos organizaciones y si la UE tiene la posibilidad de acelerar los esfuerzos de armonización con arreglo a los principios más simples posibles."
} | i would like to ask the vicepresident if she is in a position to tell us today what the state of play is with regard to the efforts towards harmonisation being made by these two organisations and whether the eu is in a position to hasten these harmonisation efforts in accordance with principles that are as simple as possible |
"en": "For one thing is clear: even if we come to an excellent arrangement within the European Union, traffic does not stop at our borders, it goes beyond them.",
"es": "Porque está claro que aunque en el seno de la Unión Europea adoptemos una regulación excelente, el transporte no se detiene en las fronteras sino que va más allá de éstas."
} | for one thing is clear even if we come to an excellent arrangement within the european union traffic does not stop at our borders it goes beyond them |
"en": "Hence there is certainly every reason to introduce more far-reaching regional provisions.",
"es": "Por esta razón son convenientes, sin duda, unas regulaciones amplias, es decir, de ámbito regional."
} | hence there is certainly every reason to introduce more farreaching regional provisions |
"en": "If the Commissioner is unable to do so today then would she be prepared to inform the committee in writing of how matters stand and what stage negotiations between the CEN and the Economic Commission are at?",
"es": "Si la Sra. Comisaria no puede hacer esto hoy, ¿estaría dispuesta a hacer llegar por escrito a la comisión el estado de cosas y el estado de las negociaciones entre el CEN y la Comisión de Economía?"
} | if the commissioner is unable to do so today then would she be prepared to inform the committee in writing of how matters stand and what stage negotiations between the cen and the economic commission are at |
"en": "Mr President, I would once again like to congratulate Mr Koch on his magnificent work on this other report, which in a way supplements the debate which we held in October on rail transport.",
"es": ". Señor Presidente, de nuevo reitero mi felicitación al Sr. Koch por su trabajo en este otro informe, que de alguna manera viene a completar el debate que tuvimos en el mes de octubre sobre el transporte por ferrocarril."
} | mr president i would once again like to congratulate mr koch on his magnificent work on this other report which in a way supplements the debate which we held in october on rail transport |
"en": "We all regret that the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) has not been able, in the required time, to carry out the amendment of the provisions necessary for the required harmonisation within the European Union.",
"es": "Todos lamentamos que el Comité Europeo de Normalización (CEN) no haya sido capaz de llevar a cabo en el tiempo requerido la modificación de disposiciones necesaria para una armonización adecuada en el ámbito de la Unión Europea."
} | we all regret that the european committee for standardisation (cen) has not been able in the required time to carry out the amendment of the provisions necessary for the required harmonisation within the european union |
"en": "This debate and the amendment of the directive currently in force allow us to incorporate differentiating elements which demonstrate the diversity of this Europe of ours.",
"es": "Este debate y la modificación de la directiva actualmente en vigor nos permiten incorporar hechos diferenciales que hablan de la diversidad de nuestra Europa."
} | this debate and the amendment of the directive currently in force allow us to incorporate differentiating elements which demonstrate the diversity of this europe of ours |
"en": "A moment ago, Mr Vatanen spoke to us of lower temperatures, not of 20 degrees below zero, but of 40 degrees below zero.",
"es": "Hace un momento el Sr. Vatanen nos hablaba de temperaturas inferiores, no ya a los 20 grados bajo cero, sino a los 40 grados bajo cero."
} | a moment ago mr vatanen spoke to us of lower temperatures not of 20 degrees below zero but of 40 degrees below zero |
"en": "Of course, we accept that amendment - it is absolutely right - and I believe that we should incorporate specific circumstances which demonstrate the climatic diversity of the European Union, which sometimes take the form of specifics and of concrete requirements for the establishment of standards and characterisations of a technical nature.",
"es": "Por supuesto aceptamos esa enmienda, tiene toda la razón, y creo que hay que incorporar circunstancias concretas que hablan de la variedad climática de la Unión Europea, que se traduce a veces en especificidades y en requisitos concretos a la hora de contemplar normalizaciones o caracterizaciones de tipo técnico."
} | of course we accept that amendment it is absolutely right and i believe that we should incorporate specific circumstances which demonstrate the climatic diversity of the european union which sometimes take the form of specifics and of concrete requirements for the establishment of standards and characterisations of a technical nature |
"en": "I would like to say, with regard to Mr Swoboda' s comments on the activity of the CEN, that we are urging them to speed up their work as much as possible because it would be terrible if, despite the new deadline, we were to find ourselves after a year and a bit with the same difficulties because their work has not been concluded.",
"es": "Quiero decir, respecto a lo manifestado por el Sr. Swoboda en cuanto a la actividad del CEN, que estamos urgiéndoles a que aceleren al máximo su trabajo porque sería dramático que, a pesar del nuevo plazo, nos encontráramos dentro de un año y pico ante las mismas dificultades por no haberlo concluido."
} | i would like to say with regard to mr swoboda s comments on the activity of the cen that we are urging them to speed up their work as much as possible because it would be terrible if despite the new deadline we were to find ourselves after a year and a bit with the same difficulties because their work has not been concluded |
"en": "Lastly, Mr President, the basic problems justifying this amendment of the directive have been pointed out. We have referred to the delay by the CEN, the amendment of certain provisions, the consistency between the text of the directive and the content of the annexes and the need to for it to be more specific.",
"es": "Por último, señor Presidente, ya han sido señalados los problemas fundamentales que justifican esta modificación de la directiva, nos hemos referido al retraso del CEN, a la modificación de algunas disposiciones, a la coherencia entre el texto de la directiva y el contenido de los anexos, a la necesidad de aportar una mayor precisión."
} | lastly mr president the basic problems justifying this amendment of the directive have been pointed out we have referred to the delay by the cen the amendment of certain provisions the consistency between the text of the directive and the content of the annexes and the need to for it to be more specific |
"en": "The Commission accepts all of the contributions of the parliamentary committee and the rapporteur, Mr Koch, which are contained in the various amendments, specifically four.",
"es": "Todas las aportaciones de la comisión parlamentaria y del ponente, Sr. Koch, que se han traducido en distintas enmiendas, concretamente en cuatro, son recogidas por la Comisión."
} | the commission accepts all of the contributions of the parliamentary committee and the rapporteur mr koch which are contained in the various amendments specifically four |
"en": "We therefore accept the four amendments which have been proposed.",
"es": "Aceptamos, pues, las cuatro enmiendas que nos han sido propuestas."
} | we therefore accept the four amendments which have been proposed |
"en": "The debate is closed.",
"es": "El debate queda cerrado."
} | the debate is closed |
"en": "The vote will take place tomorrow at 12 p.m.",
"es": "La votación tendrá lugar mañana a las 12.00 horas."
} | the vote will take place tomorrow at 12 pm |
"en": "Structural Funds - Cohesion Fund coordination",
"es": "Coordinación Fondos estructurales/Fondo de Cohesión"
} | structural funds cohesion fund coordination |
"en": "The next item is the report (A5-0108/1999) by Mrs Schroedter, on behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism, on the communication from the Commission in the field of the Structural Funds and their coordination with the Cohesion Fund: guidelines for programmes in the period 2000-2006 [COM(1999)344 - C5-0122/1999 - 1999/2127(COS)].",
"es": ". De conformidad con el orden del día se procede al debate del informe (A5-0108/1999) de la Sra. Schroedter, en nombre de la Comisión de Política Regional, Transportes y Turismo, sobre la Comunicación de la Comisión relativa a los Fondos estructurales y su coordinación con el Fondo de Cohesión: directrices para los programas del período 2000-2006 (COM(1999)344 - C5-0122/1999- 1999/2127(COS))."
} | the next item is the report (a50108/1999) by mrs schroedter on behalf of the committee on regional policy transport and tourism on the communication from the commission in the field of the structural funds and their coordination with the cohesion fund guidelines for programmes in the period 20002006 [com(1999)344 c50122/1999 1999/2127(cos)] |
"en": "Mr President, it is particularly pleasing for me to make my first speech in the European Parliament on what is regarded as the most important issue within that part of the United Kingdom that I represent in this Parliament, namely Wales.",
"es": "Señor Presidente, me es particularmente grato que mi primera intervención en el Parlamento Europeo toque una cuestión que se ha considerado de la máxima importancia para la parte del Reino Unido que represento en este Parlamento, a saber, Gales."
} | mr president it is particularly pleasing for me to make my first speech in the european parliament on what is regarded as the most important issue within that part of the united kingdom that i represent in this parliament namely wales |
"en": "A major part of Wales, as you know, has been granted Objective 1 status under the Structural Funds programme.",
"es": "Como usted sabe, a una parte importante de Gales se le ha dado el estatus de Objetivo I dentro del programa de los Fondos Estructurales."
} | a major part of wales as you know has been granted objective 1 status under the structural funds programme |
"en": "It is quite clear that many people within Wales are looking to the European Structural Funds programme to alleviate some of the great difficulties that we undoubtedly face.",
"es": "Es bastante evidente que muchas personas de Gales confían en el programa de Fondos Estructurales Europeos para solventar algunas de las grandes dificultades que sin duda están atravesando."
} | it is quite clear that many people within wales are looking to the european structural funds programme to alleviate some of the great difficulties that we undoubtedly face |
"en": "We have seen poverty growing in Wales; and growing still further since 1997.",
"es": "Podemos apreciar el aumento de la pobreza en Gales, sobre todo desde 1997."
} | we have seen poverty growing in wales and growing still further since 1997 |
"en": "We have seen the gap between rich and poor widen.",
"es": "Se ha ensanchado el abismo entre ricos y pobres."
} | we have seen the gap between rich and poor widen |
"en": "We are looking, therefore, within the Structural Funds programme not just to see industrial restructuring but also to see a wider improvement in the whole of the economic base within the Principality.",
"es": "Así, confiamos que con el programa de Fondos Estructurales no sólo se reestructure la industria, sino también que mejore el conjunto de la base económica del Principado."
} | we are looking therefore within the structural funds programme not just to see industrial restructuring but also to see a wider improvement in the whole of the economic base within the principality |
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