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alessandro commissioned the large palace in the small town of santa margherita in belice. his grandson, the 4th prince of cutò, alessandro ii filangieri e gravina (1696-1761), commissioned this palace in palermo. construction lasted over 70 years and was not completed till 1760, the design is attributed to a priest, giacomo amato. the main internal staircase is attributed to giovanni del frago. the last filangieri to own this palace was giovanna nicoletta filangieri (1850-1891) 9th princess of cutò. she also inherited the palace in santa margherita. she married lucio mastrogiovanni tasca, count of almerita (1842-1918), and had five children. the eldest, beatrice mastrogiovanni tasca filangeri, married the prince of lampedusa, and was the mother of the famous author, giuseppe tomasi di lampedusa. the filangieri, however, had been closely allied with the bourbon monarchy and lost prestige after their overthrow by garibaldi in 1860.
the palace was sold in the late 19th-century to the baron cirino di nicosia, who subdivided the property into further owners. the large library once housed in the palace, and in 1838 was donated by prince nicolo to form part of the biblioteca comunale of palermo. alessandro was also reputed to have a prominent art collection, since dispersed. description the main facade of the once large palace faces via maqueda with three similar portals, each consisting of a rounded arch flanked by two protruding large grey marble doric columns. the palace has numerous balconies supported by brackets and fronted by iron grill railings. the central arcade creates an arch (arco de cuto) over a small street/alleyway, via chappara al carmine, that leads to the ballarò open market than runs behind the palace.
an ongoing financial crisis began in the russian federation in late february 2022, in the days after the 2022 russian invasion of ukraine and the subsequent economic sanctions targeting the russian banking sector, vladimir putin, and his government. background since 2014, russia had been facing sanctions over its annexation of crimea which hurt its economic growth. in 2020 to 2021, the covid-19 recession and the 2020 russia–saudi arabia oil price war also affected the russian economy. additional sanctions occurred in the lead-up to the invasion, and there was a stock crash merely from the military buildup. impact cost of food and crops wheat prices surged to their highest prices since 2008 in response to the attack. ukraine is the fourth-largest exporter of corn and wheat and the world's largest exporter of sunflower oil, with russia and ukraine together exporting 29% of the world's wheat supply and 75% of world sunflower oil exports.
the benchmark chicago board of trade march wheat futures contract reached its highest price since 2012 on 25 february, with the prices of corn and soybean also spiking. the american bakers association president warned that the price of anything made with grain would begin rising as all the grain markets are interrelated. the chief agricultural economist for wells fargo stated that ukraine will likely be severely limited in their ability to plant crops in spring 2022 and lose an agricultural year, while an embargo on russian crops would create more inflation of food prices. recovering crop production capabilities may take years even after fighting has stopped. surging wheat prices resulting from the conflict have strained countries such as egypt, which are highly dependent upon russian and ukrainian wheat exports, and have provoked fears of social unrest.
on 24 february, china announced that it would drop all restrictions on russian wheat, in what the south china morning post called a potential "lifeline" for the russian economy. crude oil as a result of the invasion, prices for brent oil briefly rose above $100 a barrel for the first time since 2014 before losing some of its gains. in total from 22 february when sanctions started to 28 february when sanctions on russia's central bank were applied, the price of west texas intermediate and brent rose by roughly $5/bbl. on 27 february, bp, one of the world's seven largest oil and gas companies and the single largest foreign investor in russia, announced it was divesting from rosneft. the rosneft interest comprises about half of bp's oil and gas reserves and a third of its production. the divestment may cost the company up to $25 billion and analysts noted that it was unlikely that bp would be able to recover a fraction of this cost.
the same day, the government pension fund of norway, the world's largest sovereign wealth fund, announced that it would divest itself from its russian assets. the fund owned about 25 billion norwegian krone ($2. 83 billion) in russian company shares and government bonds. international organizations and corporations kristalina georgieva, the managing director of the international monetary fund, warned that the conflict poses a substantial economic risk for the region and internationally, and added that the fund could help other countries impacted by the conflict, complementary to a $2. 2 billion loan package being prepared to assist ukraine. david malpass, the president of the world bank group, said that the conflict would have far-reaching economic and social effects and reported that the bank was preparing options for significant economic and fiscal support to ukrainians and the region.
corporate boycotts and removals of service main article 2022 boycott of russia and belarus ups and fedex announced that they would halt shipments to russia and ukraine. disney announced it would pause theatrical releases in russia. netflix will not add 20 russian "propaganda" channels to their service, despite a requirement to host them under russian law. fonterra, one of the world's largest dairy producers, suspended shipments of all its dairy products to russia. stock markets, banking sector and the ruble in russia, the first round of economic sanctions in response to russia's 2022 invasion of ukraine had an immediate effect. the russian stock market crashed, falling 39%, as measured by the rts index, on 24 february, the first day of the invasion, recovering over 26% in the following day; however, on 28 february, a monday, the moscow stock exchange closed for the day because of the "developing situation". the ruble fell to record lows as russians rushed to exchange money.
moscow and st petersburg stock exchanges were suspended. the central bank of russia announced its first market interventions since the 2014 annexation of crimea to stabilize the market. it also raised interest rates to 20% and banned foreigners from selling local securities. the sanctions put russia's sovereign wealth fund at risk of disappearing. long lines and empty atms have been reported in russian cities. the second round of sanctions which saw various russian banks removed from swift and direct sanctions on the russian central bank saw the value of the ruble fall 30% against the u. s. dollar, to as low as ₽119/$1 as of 28 february. the russian central bank raised interest rates to 20% as a result, in an attempt to balance the sinking ruble, it temporarily shut down the moscow stock exchange, mandated that all russian companies sell 80% of foreign exchange reserves, and prohibited that foreigners liquidate assets in russia. also on 28 february, mastercard inc.
blocked multiple russian financial institutions from its payment network. on 1 march, visa inc. announced that it had blocked those on the sanction list and that they were "prepared to comply with additional sanctions that may be implemented". binance, the worlds largest cryptocurrency exchange also announced that it would block russian individuals who have been sanctioned but would not unilaterally freeze all russian users accounts. meshroom is open source photogrammetry software built on the alicevision framework. the remembrance arcade located at the tafawa balewa square, lagos, is a cenotaph site used to commemorate nigerian soldiers who died in world war i, world war ii and the nigerian civil war. it is located within the tafawa balewa square in the lagos central business district. the armed forces remembrance celebrations are performed yearly at this site. at the entrance of the site, a statue of an unknown soldier with a gun can be seen facing the entrance.
the green space is laid out with grasses, pavements, and the cenotaph. the neighborhood is a 2017 canadian drama film directed by frank d'angelo. cyperus drakensbergensis is a species of sedge that is native to the kwazulu-natal region of south africa. novovasylivka (, ) is an urban-type settlement in melitopol raion of zaporizhzhia oblast in ukraine. it is located in the steppe some north of the coast of the sea of azov. novovasylivka hosts the administration of novovasylivka settlement hromada, one of the hromadas of ukraine. population: until 18 july 2020, novovasylivka belonged to pryazovske raion. the raion was abolished in july 2020 as part of the administrative reform of ukraine, which reduced the number of raions of zaporizhzhia oblast to five. the area of pryazovske raion was merged into melitopol raion. economy transportation the settlement has access to highway m14 which runs parallel to the sea coast, connecting melitopol and mariupol.
gowardhan sagar lake is another prominent lake in the city of lakes, udaipur. it is the smallest artificial lake of udaipur. the lake is situated around 2. 5 km from the south-west of udaipur. geography gowardhan sagar lake is 9 meters in depth and covers an area of 3750m. the lake receives its water from lake pichola. it has been recorded that the reservoir has a fairly rich in fish and 32 species representing almost 9 families. the species, which are found very less are need to be conserve. lake restoration works the national lake conservation program took 4 lakes of udaipur under them. goverdhan sagar lake was one of those lakes. ornithobacterium is a genus of gram-negative, microaerophilic, rod-shaped bacteria from the family weeksellaceae (formerly flavobacteriaceae. ). it comprises two known species, o. hominis and o. rhinotracheale. both species inhabit the respiratory tract: o. hominis is found in the human nasopharynx and o.
haripur gada is the capital of the erstwhile mayurbhanj estate, located in badsahi block of the mayurbhanj district, on the bank of the budhabalanga river. cầu giát – nghĩa đàn railway is a railway line in nghệ an province, vietnam. it has a total length of 30,5 km from cầu giát station, quỳnh lưu to nghĩa đàn station, nghĩa đàn. it was built in 1966. this railway line can connect to north–south railway. currently, the cầu giát – nghĩa đàn railway has stopped operating for passenger train since 2006 and freight train in 2012. the fame game is an indian hindi-language family thriller streaming television series on netflix created by sri rao and directed by bejoy nambiar and karishma kohli. produced by karan johar and somen mishra under the banner dharmatic entertainment, the series stars madhuri dixit, sanjay kapoor and manav kaul in the lead roles with suhasini mulay, lakshvir saran and muskkaan jaferi playing supporting roles.
plot anamika anand, is a bollywood star who has a glamorous career, but a dull personal life. she is physically and verbally abused by her husband, nikhil more. she only find solace in manish khanna, her frequent co-star and past lover. while her daughter amara, aspires to be a great star like her mother, her son avi has his own issues to face including his sexuality. additionally, anamika’s mother consistently berates her and other members of the family and uses manipulative techniques to achieve her goals. anamika's sudden disappearance, puts her personal life in limelight and thus begins the quest to find her and the person behind her disappearance, which leads to unveiling of many dark secrets. cast madhuri dixit as anamika anand/vijju joshi, nikhil's wife, avi and amara's mother. sanjay kapoor as nikhil more, anamika's husband, avi and amara's father. manav kaul as manish khanna, anamika's lover, avi's real father suhasini mulay as kalyani, anamika's mother.
rajshri deshpande as shobha trivedi, police officer investigating anamika's case. lakshvir saran as avinash more, anamika and nikhil's son, manish's real son. muskkaan jaferi as amara more, anamika and nikhil's daughter, madhav's girlfriend. gagan arora as madhav, amara's boyfriend, anamika's obsessed fan. danish sood as samar kashyap shangari as billy, anamika's makeup artist. shubhangi latkar as lata makarand deshpande as harilal ayesha kaduskar as tabitha harpreet vir singh as financer pk sharma episodes production development announced in may 2020 with the title finding anamika, the show was eventually renamed as the fame game. it revovles around a bollywood actress named anamika who suddenly goes missing one day. release the series consisting of eight episodes premiered on netflix on 25 february 2022. casting madhuri dixit was cast in the titular role, and was joined by sanjay kapoor and manav kaul as the leads.
the cast also included lakshvir saran and muskkaan jaferi as madhuri’s character’s children. reception the series received positive reviews from critics. india tv gave the series 3 and a half stars out of five and wrote 'madhuri dixit, sanjay kapoor and ensemble deliver pitch-perfect family drama'. it further added 'the fame game on netflix takes the dysfunctional family trope and packs it with suspense and drama, making it an enjoyable and binge-worthy series. koimoi gave the series three stars and wrote 'madhuri dixit nene convincingly becomes a mystery dressed in uncertain layers playing an extension to her real self'. the review further praised the writer sri rao's script by calling it impeccable, perfect and idealistic. saibal chatterjee of ndtv too gave it three stars and wrote 'the incandescence of madhuri dixit - dives right in'.
he praised dixit's performance by saying 'she gets into the skin of the protagonist with such dazzling panache that the line separating the character from the performer is frequently breached'. the ivankiv historical and local history museum is a museum in ivankiv, kyiv oblast, ukraine, which was reportedly destroyed during the 2022 russian invasion of ukraine, leading to the loss of over twenty works by the artist maria prymachenko. history the ivankiv historical and local history museum opened on 21 february 1981 and is located on the an archaeological site dating to the medieval period. the museum included several exhibitions: on chernobyl, afghanistan and the second world war. from 2016 to 2018 the museum was re-developed to accommodate expansions made to the collection since its foundation. in 2021 the museum hosted an exhibition on ivankiv's jewish heritage.
collection the museum's collection included works by the artist maria prymachenko and textile art by hanna veres and her daughter, valentina (uk). pryamchenko's career began as part of the ivankiv co-operative embroidery association. the museum's collection also included natural science specimens and archaeological objects. uk:верес валентина іванівна reports on destruction on 27 february 2022, during the battle of ivankiv, a military engagement in the 2022 russian invasion of ukraine, the museum was reportedly burned down, with the apparent loss of over twenty works by the artist maria prymachenko. director of the vyshhorod historical and cultural reserve, vlada litovchenko, described the loss as "irreparable" in a social media post. in response the minister of culture for ukraine, olexandr tkachenko, requested that russia be deprived of its unesco membership.
on 28 february icom-us issued a statement condemning the "willful destruction (by fire)" of the museum, which "illuminates a tangible and irreversible impact of this immoral and unprovoked war". shalash (šalaš) was a syrian goddess best known as the wife of dagan, the head of the pantheon of the middle euphrates area. she was already worshiped in ebla and tuttul in the third millennium bce, and later her cult is attested in mari as well. she was also introduced to the mesopotamian and hurrian pantheons. both in ancient mesopotamian texts and in modern scholarships a long-standing issue is the differentiation between shalash and the similarly named shala, wife of the weather god ishkur/adad in mesopotamia. name the etymology of the name shalash is unknown. based on the attestations in the ebla texts, theories of hurrian origin can be rejected. however, as noted by alfonso archi, there is no plausible semitic etymology either, similar as in the case of other syrian deities like kubaba or aštabi.
lluis feliu proposes that it might have originated in an unknown substrate language. the spellings dsa-a-ša, dsa-a-sa and dša-la-ša are attested in documents from ebla. in old babylonian mari the name was commonly written logographically as dnin. hur. sag. ga. it is also possible that texts from the same city mentioning ninlil and ninkugi refer to shalash. in yazılıkaya, the name is written in hieroglyphs as (deus)sa-lu-sa. the spelling shalush is also known from hurrian texts. in emar the name of dagan's wife was written as dnin. kur, presumably as an extension of writing his own name logographically as dkur. it has been proposed that this deity can be identified with shalash, and that the western scribes treated dnin. kur as a synonym of dnin. hur. sag. ga based on similar meanings of the names. a goddess named ninkur is also known from mesopotamian god lists, though there she is instead one of the ancestors of enlil.
the god list an-anum lists the sumerian names ninkusi ("lady of gold"), ninudishara ("mistress who amazes the world") and ninsuhzagina ("lady, diadem of lapis lazuli") as synonymous with shalash. association with other deities shalash was the wife of dagan, and together they stood at the head of the pantheon of the middle euphrates area in ancient syria. no known text specifies if she was believed to have any ancestors. it is assumed that adad was viewed as her son in mari. lluis felieu additionally proposes that hebat, the goddess of halab (aleppo) was a daughter of shalash and dagan. in the texts from ebla, shalash is also associated with wada'an(u), a god distinct from dagan, worshiped in gar(r)amu rather than tuttul. alfonso archi proposes that they were regarded as consorts. it is assumed that his name had origin in a semitic language. unlike dagan, wada'an is not attested in any later sources.
in hurrian tradition, shalash was regarded as the wife of kumarbi due to the syncretism between him and dagan. the mesopotamian god list an-anum equates shala with ninlil, and her husband with enlil. shalash and shala in modern scholarship, shalash is sometimes confused with shala, a mesopotamian goddess regarded as the wife of adad. according to daniel schwemer, while a degree of confusion between the two goddesses is also present in some ancient sources, it is largely limited to scholarly mesopotamian texts, and no older than the fourteenth century bce. according to lluis feliu, most evidence for it comes from the first millennium bce. in the god list an-anum, shalash is listed as one of the alternate names of shala. however, it also separately equates shalash (but not shala) with ninlil. in a late explanatory text, ninkusi/shalash is addressed as "shala of the western steppe. " in a single copy of a maqlû ritual from assur, shala occurs in place of shalash, present in other known copies of the same text.
lluis felieu rejects the possibility that the two were originally the same, and especially that the confusion between them was caused by dagan being a weather god himself and thus analogous to adad. he also notes that shala is well attested in art as a goddess associated with the weather, while the character of shalash, based on parallels with the wives of heads of other pantheons of ancient near east (for example ninlil, wife of enlil and athirat, wife of el), would be unlikely to resemble that of the wife of the mesopotamian weather god. additionally, the spelling of the name of the goddess paired with adad in devotional inscriptions is consistent between various time periods and languages, and never ends with a sibilant. there is very little evidence for confusion of the two goddesses in hurrian and hittite sources. daniel schwemer considers a treaty of king shattiwaza to be one example.
lluis felieu proposes that for hurrians and hittites the source of confusion might have been the fact the final -š in the name of shalash name could be interpreted as a case ending in their languages, but he also remarks that the only possible instances might also represent simple scribal mistakes. worship the earliest attestations of shalash come from ebla from the third millennium bce. there is no indication she was commonly worshiped in that period, however. she was associated with the god wada'an(u) worshiped in gar(r)amu, a city in the eblaite territory. in the documents of the royal vizier ibrium there is also evidence for an association between dsa-a-ša (shalash) and dbe du-du-luki, "lord of tuttul," a title of dagan. a statue of shalash was apparently an object of cult in tuttul. in later periods the cult of shalash is well attested in tuttul, and alfonso archi goes as far as proposing that the view that she was the wife of dagan originated in this city.
however, there is presently no evidence that she was worshiped in the other cult center of her husband, terqa. in halab shalash was worshiped alongside dagan and hebat in the pagrā'um ritual, part of a mourning ceremony. both the worship of shalash and her association with dagan are well attested in old babylonian mari. in earlier periods she already had a temple in this city, at one point rebuilt by nûr-mêr. kings closely linked to the worship of shalash (dnin. hur. sag. ga) and dagan include yaggid-lim, yahdun-lim and zimri-lim. shalash was also worshiped by hurrians living in the city. she appears in a number of theophoric names both from mari itself and from the nearby chagar bazar, for example shalash-tappi ("shalash is my partner") and shalash-turiya ("shalash" is my refuge). in mesopotamia shalash appears with dagan on seals from the isin-larsa period.
in hurrian sources she is listed in kaluti (offering lists) of the circle of hebat, in some documents immediately after this goddess herself, in others between aya and adamma. she is also known from the kaluti of shaushka. while in the former she appears with kumarbi, he is absent from the latter. as early as in the old babylonian period hurrians referred to shalash as "pidenhi. " this epithet was derived from piden (also spelled bitin), a settlement mentioned in the texts from alalakh, which was a cult center of this goddess. on the reliefs from the yazılıkaya sanctuary, shalash is represented between nabarbi and damkina (figure number 52). narchat () was a moksha princess, ruler of the murunza kingdom in mokshaland, middle volga. she was the daughter and successor of king puresh and sister of atämaz. she led the uprising against mongols in 1242 and was slain in sernya battle in 1242.
historical personality russian professor from penza state pedagogical university vitaliy lebedev wrote: doctor of sciences dmitriy madurov of chuvash state institute of humanities writes: indeed, it is known the burtas had been ruled by council of elders. ethnographist vladimir aunovsky wrote that he encountered coins with narchatka portrait in traditional moksha woman's headdress and they say: "this is our queen". these coins are called mordovkas in slang, or silver coins type b as they are described by bogdan zaikovsky with inscription in moksha cyrillic ( 'goes only for half gold [coin]') and might be dated as 13th century. triangle coins, probabaly pre-mongolian mordovkas «of silver and copper, 22x23 mm size, with a depiction of a woman in a headdress» are described by vyacheslav zavaryukhin as he specifes they should be referred to as mukhsha coinage according to the christian frähn's list. mongol invasion in september 1237 the mongols invaded kingdom murunza (moxel 'mokshaland' in latin sources).
they seized the capital noronshasht and killed all the city dwellers. narchat's father and brother together with murunza army joined the mongol hordes on their way to europe. as soon as she found out her father, brother and many moksha warriors were killed in germany she attacked the mongol convoys passing mokshaland. on their way from europe, mongols returned to murunza and seized sernya. the city was burnt down, all the defenders were killed. princess narchat with a small group of warriors broke out of the burning fortress but mongols chased her. her men were slain and she jumped into the ice-hole in river moksha and drowned together with her horse. see also mokshas battle of legnica sernya battle mongol invasion of rus' mongol invasion of europe history of mokshaland history of middle volga area literature masztorava, erza és moksa népköltészeti anyag feldolgozásával írta alekszandr markovics saronov, budapest, 2010 лебедев в. и. нарчатка / пензенская энциклопедия. м.
: научное издательство «большая российская энциклопедия», 2001, с. 376 алихова а. е. , м. ф. жиганов, п. д. степанов. из древней и средневековой истории мордовского народа. саранск, 1959. пудалов б. м. , начальный период истории древнейших городов среднего поволжья. (xii ѕ первая треть xiii в. ) нижний новгород, 2003 фомин в. в. , пургасова русь. институт российской истории ран, 2007. устно-поэтическое творчество мордовского народа в 12 томах, саранск, 1963-2003 мордовская мифология/ энциклопедия. sutliyan is an indian upcoming web-series on zee5 starring plabita borthakur, ayesha raza, shiv pandit and vivaan shah. sutliyan is written by sudeep nigam and abhishek chatterjee. this web-series is produced by manor rama pictures. sutliyan will be releasing on 4th march 2022 on zee5. plot sutliyan is a warm and fuzzy family drama set in the city of lakes and gardens bhopal. the chandel family gets together after a long interval for diwali but unlike other years, everything is different now.
rajan(shiv panditt), ramni(plabita borthakur) and raman(vivaan shah) lost their father at the beginning of the early lockdowns and none of them could make it to his funeral, much to the angst of their mother supriya (ayesha raza). the family reunites and while there is joy and nostalgia, as often happens with families, there is a fair share of angst and drama. the threads that bind us all together – sutliyan - keep the family tied, yet we see an unspooling and unravelling at the same time. patrick d. mcgowan (born february 3, 1951) is an american politician and law enforcement officer. mcgowan lived in maple grove, minnesota and served in the united states air force. he graduated from minnesota state university, mankato with a degree in criminal justice. mcgowan served in the minneapolis police department and was commissioned a sergeant. mcgowan served in the minnesota senate from 1989 to 1994 and was a republican. mcgowan then served as sheriff of hennepin county, minnesota from 1995 to 2006.
false fronts is a 1922 american silent drama film directed by samuel r. brodsky and starring edward earle, madelyn clare and frank losee. cast edward earle as keith drummond madelyn clare as marjorie kembler frank losee as john lathrop barbara castleton as helen baxter bottles o'reilly as jackie parker references bibliography connelly, robert b. the silents: silent feature films, 1910-36, volume 40, issue 2. december press, 1998. munden, kenneth white. the american film institute catalog of motion pictures produced in the united states, part 1. university of california press, 1997. external links 1922 films 1922 drama films english-language films american films american silent feature films american drama films american black-and-white films films directed by samuel r. below is a list of notable footballers who have played for al-duhail sc. generally, this means players that have played 100 or more league matches for the club.
however, some players who have played fewer matches are also included; this includes players that have had considerable success either at other clubs or at international level, as well as players who are well remembered by the supporters for particular reasons. players are listed in alphabetical order according to the date of their first-team official debut for the club. appearances and goals are for first-team competitive matches only. substitute appearances included. statistics accurate as of 7 may 2021. list of al-duhail sc players nationalities are indicated by the corresponding fifa country code. musselkanaal (also: stads-musselkanaal; gronings: muzzelknoal) is a town in the dutch province of groningen. it is located in the municipality of stadskanaal. it was established by the city of groningen in the 1840s to exploit the peat. it used to be part of the municipality of onstwedde, but was merged into stadskanaal in 1968. history the bourtange moor was located in the south-east of groningen.
it was a raised bog with few inhabitants. around 1600, corporations started to exploit the peat. in 1635, the city of groningen took control, and established the , as a colony. the colony had advanced to stadskanaal where it ended due to a border conflict with the province of drenthe. in 1615, the border had been defined by the semslinie, and the village and monastery of ter apel was assigned to drenthe. in 1817, the line was modified with the so-called koningsraai which assigned ter apel to groningen. in 1819, groningen started extending the in a south-eastern direction close to the provincial border. the canal was initially called stads-musselkanaal and contains two bends due to the koningsraai. in 1850, the canal was renamed . the village was named after the canal. musselkanaal is a linear settlement, and contains five side-canals along which houses were built. there is a large park and sports ground in the south of the town. the horstenerbos, a forest area, is located on the northern side.
the peat extraction resulted in an immigration from neighbouring germany. many of the immigrants were catholics, and in 1843, a catholic church was built in zandberg. in 1903, a parish was established in musselkanaal. it used to have a railway line and trainstation. in 1955, the line closed for passengers, and for goods in 1990. in 1992, the section veendam–stadskanaal–musselkanaal was bought by which operates a museum line with steamtrains. the town used to be part of the municipality of onstwedde, but was merged into stadskanaal in 1968. muktamani devi (born in december 1958), also known as moirangthem muktamani devi, is an innovator and entrepreneur from the indian state of manipur who, from humble beginnings, founded a firm to manufacture hand knitted woolen shoes. the shoes are manufactured in mukta shoes industry, established in 1990 and located in kakching, manipur. the firm is registered with the district industries center, thoubal under wool and knitting embroidery section.
she also gives training to people in the craft of making shoes. she has already trained more than 1000 persons. early life muktamani devi, born in december 1958 and hailing from kakching moirangthem, manipur, was raised by her widowed mother. she was married when she was only 17 years old. muktamani used to work in a paddy field in the day and sell homemade snacks in the evening. she also used to knit carry bags and hair bands at night and would sell them to earn some extra money. her initiation to the world of entrepreneurship was accidental. it happened in 1989. when her daughter requested for a new pair of shoes to replace her old worn out shoes, unable to raise the money required to buy a new pair of shoes, muktamani knitted woolen shoes for her daughter. this hand knitted shoes caught the attention of the class teacher and friends and they demanded to make similar shoes for themselves.
muktamani immediately realised the opportunity and decided to start a small unit for the commercial production of hand knitted woolen shoes. she founded the mukta shoes industry, and in due course, due to sheer hard work in promoting the products, the products of mukta shoes industry found their way to national and international markets. recognition: padma shri in the year 2022, govt of india conferred the padma shri award, the third highest award in the padma series of awards, on muktamani devi for her distinguished service in the field of trade and industry. the award is in recognition of her service as an "inspirational woman entrepreneur from manipur exporting and popularizing handcrafted woolen shoes". chloe veitch (born 6 march 1999) is a model and reality television personality best known for her appearances in too hot to handle and the circle. veitch has also appeared in celebrity ghost trip, where she was partnered with too hot to handle co-star nicole o'brien, and celebrity hunted 2022.
veitch was joint winner of netflix's first series of too hot to handle. biography veitch grew up in clacton-on-sea in essex, and went to clacton coastal academy school. before appearing on too hot to handle, veitch was an estate agent and model. veitch currently lives in london and has stated that she plans to move to the united states of america for work. no. 28 squadron, nicknamed the phoenixes, is a multi-role, fighter squadron of the pakistan air force (paf). volodymyr dobrianskyi (born december 12, 1966, in horodok) is a ukrainian scientist, archaeologist, historian, speleologist, and researcher of antiquities, fortifications and toponymy. he became a member of the ukrainian society for the protection of historical and cultural monuments in 1981, the shevchenko scientific society in 2000, and the national union of journalists of ukraine from 2016 to 2020. he also co-founded the ngo "alternative-chortkiv". he also participated in liquidating the chernobyl accident of the second category.
dobrianskyi comes from an ancient family of the polish nobility with the coat of arms of sas. biography dobrianskyi graduated from the faculty of history of yuri fedkovych chernivtsi state university in (1994), then worked as a history teacher in the chortkiv region, and was secretary of the historical and educational society "memorial", a researcher at the ternopil regional museum of local lore, the chortkiv centralized library system, and a senior researcher at the chortkiv municipal museum of local lore. from 1985 to 1987, dobrianskyi served in the ukrainian army. during his military service in the 3,238th military unit, he took part in the liquidation of the chernobyl accident (from april–may 1986, and again from november 1986-january 1987). research activities dobrianskyi has written over 100 scientific publications in professional journals, as well as many local lore and journalistic articles in the press.
research and discoveries: dobrianskyi has discovered over 100 archeological monuments in the territory of zalishchyk, borshchiv, buchach, chortkiv, husiatyn and terebovlya districts; he located about 30 objects from defensive fortifications (settlements, castles, redoubts, lunettes) in dobrovlyany, lysychnyky, bedrykivtsi, bila, shmankivtsi, shershenivka, zvenigorod, yablunov, kotsyubyntsi; he has investigated about 50 previously unknown caves in gorodok, zozulyntsi, kasperivtsi, chortkiv, uhryn, shmankivtsi and other settlements of the ternopil region. another area of activity is dobrianskyi's study of ancient relics of ancient slavic vocabulary, which are reflected in the toponymy of the region; on the basis of archaeological surveys of localities these can be used to reconstruct ancient oikonyms (settlements). in 2019, while scaling the 40-meter high tower of the chortkiv church, dobrianskyi found a detonator for a fragmentation projectile from the chortkiv offensive.
on april 13, 2021, together with the director of the ternopil regional center for the protection and research of cultural heritage marina yagodynska, archaeologist vasyl ilchyshyn and others, dobrianskyi excavated a burial site dating from the late third millennium bc near the village of bely potik in the chortkiv region. dobrianskyi takes part in many international and all-ukrainian scientific conferences in ternopil, zbarazh, vyshnivka, kremenets, lviv, vynnyky, uzhhorod, kyiv, pereyaslav, khmelnytsky, medzhibozh, kamyanets-podilsky, chernivtsi, ivano-frankivsk. sources pogoretsky, v. unemployed archaeologist // free life plus. - 2012. - no. 67 (august 31). - p. 5. - (rogue in the native land? ). unemployed chortkiv archaeologist // golden pectoral. - 2013. - april 10. both in word and in the experience of a historian and archaeologist // voice of the people. - 2014. - no. 52 (december 12). - p. 12. - (currently out of print).
dobryansky volodymyr kazymyrovych // geologists and geographers of ternopil region. - ternopil: osadtsa yu. v. , 2021. - 108—110 p. gugushvili, t. volodymyr dobryansky: "love for archeology and history is the meaning of my life" // free life plus. - 2021. - no. 104 (december 29). - p. 4. - (defender of antiquities). gugushvili, t. volodymyr dobryansky: "love for archeology and history is the meaning of my life" // free life. - 2022. - january 5. goshiy, i. volodymyr dobryansky: "black diggers destroy the history of our region for their own enrichment" // nova ternopilska gazeta. - 2022. - january 19. louis-auguste deschamps (1765 in saint-omer – 1842 in paris) was a french botanist and surgeon, who specialised in the flora of java and mexico. robert katende, is a ugandan chess coach, footballer, community mobiliser, and engineer, he is also the executive director, sports outreach. he is best known for taking the game of chess to the slums and street kids of kampala.
he is also known for mentoring phiona mutesi uganda's first woman candidate master chess player and the subject of a 2012 book by tim crothers and a 2016 film queen of katwe directed by nair mira and written by william wheeler. david oyelowo played the role of robert katende in the film which also features lupita nyong'o and madina nalwango. early life and education katende was born in kiboga district to a teenage mother and lived with his grand mother in his childhood. he grew up in nakulabye a city suburb in kampala. he started his school life at st elizabeth primary school then went to lubiri secondary school where he was introduced to chess. from lubiri, she joined kyambogo university where he pursued a diploma in civil engineering and learnt chess the more. he also took up soccer and later played professionally for miracle football club, top tv fc, and sports outreach ambassadors.
katende currently holds a degree in information technology and computer engineering as well as a masters degree in international community development from northwest university, usa. he is also a certified fide instructor and arbiter. career while at kyambogo university, katende realized he cold help young people with their soccer and chess and started volunteering with sports outreach. in 2003, he started chess outreach in slums. while running these chess programs in katwe, he requested the uganda chess federation to allow his team of slum kids to compete in the national secondary schools chess tournament. his requests were turned down several times owing to the fact that these kids weren't part of an actual school, but after much insistence, his team was allowed but only as guests in the tournament in 2005 and the team performed beyond the expectations of the organizers.
his team's performance convinced the uganda chess federation to offer katende a position as chairman of the chess in schools committee and later as director of development. its while teaching chess to the children in the slums that katende met and mentored phiona mutesi in the game of chess. mutesi went on to be successful in chess at the world stage and a book and a film wrote about her life and times in the slums and how chess lifted her to the world stage. on the film, by walt disney pictures, katende worked as a consultant on the production team especially on the chess scenes. katende was awarded by the world chess federation for using chess to create social impact in slums. he was also appointed general secretary for the social action commission of the world chess federation. he is the founder and director of a non profit school; som chess academy that has branches in several communities with the aim of uplifting slum children's lives.
katende also launched "the robert katende initiative" to inspire, empower and transform the lives of the disadvantaged children. he is also the director of sports outreach uganda. in 2018, katende was selected to join the inaugural obama foundation leaders africa program. family katende is married to sarah ntongo and have three daughters; mercy, hope and queen. mečislovas birmanas (mechislovas birmanas) (1900 - 1950) was a lithuanian chess player who won the lithuanian chess championship in 1943. biography mečislovas birmanas lived in kaunas and worked as an accountant. he participated in kaunas chess tournaments, including city chess championships. before the start of world war ii, mečislovas birmanas published a book of poems. in 1942, he participated in the match between lithuanian and latvian trade union teams (won against leonids dreibergs and drew with zigfrīds solmanis). mečislovas birmanas won the lithuanian chess championship in 1943.
in the tournament held in vilnius, he scored 8½ out of 11 (+7, -1, =3) and shared 1st-3rd places with romanas arlauskas and leonardas abramavičius, and a month later he won an additional two-round tournament held in kaunas (2½ out of 4). after the end of the war, mečislovas birmanas participated in the lithuanian ssr championship in 1945, where he scored 6 points out of 10 (+4, =4, -2) and shared 4th-6 places (vladas mikėnas became the champion of the republic). for many years mečislovas birmanas had serious health problems. he died of pneumonia. versatile e-scooters was founded in 2016 by mr. chandu kumar potti, as india's first daily commuter vehicle. over the last few years, there has been a significant rise in the demand for electric scooters in india. joseph york hodsdon (october 20, 1836 – february 24, 1901) was an american businessman and politician. he was a maine state senator in the second half of the 19th century. he was a renowned shoe manufacturer based in yarmouth, maine.
early life hodsdon was born on october 20, 1836, in portland, maine, to andrew hodsdon and rachel may york. career between 1869 and 1880, hodsdon operated caldwell & hodsdon, a shoe factory in portland. in 1880, he relocated to yarmouth, taking over the former farris tannery, where he established hodsdon brothers & company by the town's fourth falls, at the western end of today's royal river park. in 1888, he built a large, modern factory building in the town. hodsdon renamed his business as the hodsdon shoe company in 1896. he was also a director of the yarmouth manufacturing company. in 1899, he was elected to the maine senate for cumberland county. he was re-elected shortly before his death. personal life hodsdon was married to georgia anna small, with whom he had one son, grenville andrew, in 1864. he was named for his georgia's brother, who died five years earlier. hodsdon was a member of yarmouth's first universalist church on the town's main street, and was also a freemason.
death hodsdon died on february 24, 1901, while in augusta, maine, attending the maine legislature. he had been ill with appendicitis for around ten days, although his condition had been improving immediately prior to his death. his body was brought south to yarmouth in a special train carriage arranged by maine central railroad. his funeral was held on february 27 – a service at his family home, followed by burial in yarmouth's riverside cemetery. his business closed upon his death. this is an incomplete list of munchausen by proxy cases. also known as factitious disorder imposed on another, munchausen by proxy is a condition in which a caregiver creates the appearance of health problems in another person, typically their own child. this may include injuring the proxy or altering test samples. the caregiver then presents the proxy as being sick or injured. permanent injury or death of the proxy may occur as a result of the disorder.
although the caregiver typically does not benefit from their own behaviour, there are notable cases where the caregiver defrauds charities, insurance companies or local friends and family under the guise of using this for the aid of the proxy. this list is not exhaustive and may not reflect all cases. notable victims jennifer bush: used in a large-scale fraud involving political elites who saw the girl's case as an example of the need for medical reform; mother kathy bush was later discovered to have caused jennifer's symptoms in a case of munchausen by proxy. olivia gant: killed by the removal of her feeding tubes after years of medical abuse by her mother, kelly renee turner-gant; gant was convicted in 2022.
julie gregory: childhood victim of her mother's munchausen by proxy, which she survived and later documented in her memoir, sickened: the memoir of a munchausen by proxy childhood hannah milbrandt: girl who was convinced that she suffered from terminal cancer by her parents in a situation of munchausen by proxy, using community donations in a widescale act of fraud. this is one of the first contested munchausen by proxy cases, causing a debate about whether it was a situation of true munchausen, or just medical fraud. garnett spears: killed due to brain swelling induced by repeated salt poisoning by mother lacey spears, who was later convicted of murder. notable perpetrators beverley allitt: british serial killer with munchausen by proxy, who purposely sickened and killed a number of minor children. dee dee blanchard: dee dee, a hurricane katrina survivor, faked multiple chronic illnesses of her daughter, gypsy-rose blanchard, both for sympathy and charitable benefits.
her abuse of gypsy-rose led to the girl eventually aiding a secret boyfriend in the murder of dee dee, after which the abuse was finally discovered. gypsy-rose's experience has been dramatized in movies and tv shows. wendi michelle scott: mother charged with child abuse after purposely sickening her four-year-old daughter. fictional examples edward "eddie" kaspbrak from the stephen king novel it developed hypochondriac behaviours after a childhood living with his single mother in a situation of munchausen by proxy. mandy phillips from fragile: british little girl with osteogenesis imperfecta, a condition purposely worsened by obsessed nurse charlotte when she notices the girl's bones beginning to heal. esme stoller from love you to death: a fictional cosplay fan and victim of her mother's munchausen by proxy, told that she has cancer and developmental delays; esme is loosely based on real-life victim gypsy-rose blanchard. adora crellin in the miniseries sharp objects poisons her daughter marian.
step by bloody step is a four-issue textless comic book miniseries published in 2022 by image comics. synopsis the series follows armored giant guarding a helpless child. issues reception dustin holland from comic book resources, reviewing the debut, praised artist bergar. caitlin rosberg from the a. v. club gave the first issue an a- and emphasized the chemistry between the writer and the artist. oliver sava from polygon was also pleased with the debut. trại mát station is a railway station in vietnam on đà lạt–tháp chàm railway in đà lạt, lâm đồng. nanushi (japanese: 名主) was a village official in the edo period. they were village headmen, administering a village (mura) under a district magistrate (gun-dai), the daikan of a district governor (gunji). their duties included tax collection and serving as the most local administrator of a rural village in direct contact with the villagers.
the term nanushi was used in kantō, while a village head was called shōya (庄屋) in kansai and kimoiri (肝煎) in tōhoku and hokuriku. overview the duties of nanushi included tax collection, general village administration, management of public natural resources (such as mountain, field, river and ocean) of the village called iriai, as well as negotiating with the territorial lord as the representative of the villagers. the post was typically monopolized by one or more powerful peasant families through hereditary succession, though nominally appointed by the territorial lord who paid salary to the nanushi. the post was sometimes sold to the highest bidder, but was typically only given to a qualified person. in castle towns (jōkamachi), there were town heads called machi-nanushi. in contrast to the nanushi of a village who served under a district magistrate (gun-dai), the machi-nanushi served under a town magistrate (machi-bugyō) or a ward head (machidoshiyori). a machi-nanushi was a townsman (chōnin).
history both the terms nanushi and shōya, meaning a village head, derive from medieval terms. in the middle ages, nanushi (名主) was read as myōshu and referred to feudal lords of territorial fields (myōden) who were divided into petty lords (shōmyō) and magnates (daimyō), and shōya (庄屋) referred to the manor building of a manorial estate. in the edo period, a new system of village administration was established, with three types of village officials appointed in each village: nanushi, kumigashira (組頭), and hyakushōdai (百姓代). for each village there was one nanushi, a number of kumigashira, and one or more hyakushōdai. while the nanushi was the village head, the kumigashira were his advisors or assistants, and the hyakushōdai was the representative of village peasants who surveyed the work of village administrators. these offices were generally established between 1688 and 1704.
the 2022 uc san diego tritons men's volleyball team represents the university of california san diego in the 2022 ncaa division i & ii men's volleyball season. the tritons, led by seventeenth year head coach kevin ring, play their home games at the rimac. the tritons compete as members of the big west conference and were picked to finish sixth in the big west preseason poll. roster schedule tv/internet streaming/radio information: espn+ will carry all home and conference road games. all other road broadcasts will be carried by the schools respective streaming partner. *-indicates conference match. times listed are pacific time zone. rankings ^the media did not release a pre-season poll. in dependence is a novel written by british-nigerian author sarah ladipo manyika.
her first novel, it was originally published by legend press, london, in 2008, background according to manyika, "she conducted a "huge amount" of research so as to convey the reality of living in nigeria at that time, including reading back issues of local magazines and newspapers to capture the zeitgeist. " in dependence was first published in 2008 by legend press in london, in 2009, it was published by cassava republic in nigeria, in 2014, in dependence was published by weaver press in zimbabwe, where it is a set book for the advanced-level english literature examination. reception toni kan writes in the lagos review: "sarah manyika has written an impressive debut novel which will find a well deserved place in the pantheon of post-colonial literature. " in dependence has also been introduced by the joint admissions and matriculation board (jamb) in nigeria for candidates sitting for the 2017 utme. bustle listed it as one of the five books by african authors during the #readafricaweek.
karnataka state consumer disputes redressal commission is an autonomous, statutory and constitutional institution formed as a quasi judicial body in karnataka under section 24-b of the consumer protection act, 1986 to protect the rights of consumers. it is a system of alternate dispute resolution between conflicting parties during the process of trade. the president of the states consumer disputes redressal commission is appointed by the state government in consultation with the chief justice of state high court. history and objective karnataka state consumer disputes redressal commission was formed to promote and protect the rights of consumers as per the consumer protection act 1986. composition following shall be the composition of karnataka state consumer disputes redressal commission: 1. president and 2. not less than two members and not more than that presribed in state act. president will be appointed by state government in consultation with the chief justice of state high court.
the eligibility for president is that he should be serving or served as judge in any high court. members should be of 1. not less than 35 years of age and 2. recognised university bachelor degree 3. with good ability,integrity and standing and with proficient experience of 10 years and expertise knowledge in subjects of accountancy,law,commerce,economics,industry,administration and public affairs and problem solving ability in same. also not more than fifty percent of members of committee should be from judicial background. hon'ble justice bs indrakala is the president of karnataka state consumer disputes redressal commission. levels and jurisdiction karnataka state consumer disputes redressal commission was formed for promoting and protecting the rights of consumers through three levels with the below mentioned jurisdiction: district commission (earlier referred to as district forum) can accept complaints from consumer if the value of goods or services is up to ₹1 crore (earlier limit was ₹20 lakh).
state commission can accept complaints from consumer if the value of goods or services is more than ₹1 crore but less than ₹10 crores ( earlier limit was between ₹20 lakh and ₹1 crore). national commission can accept complaints from consumer if the value of goods or services is more than 10 crores. procedure to file complaints karnataka state consumer disputes redressal commission laid down below process of filing and resolving complaints: complaints can be filed electronically and examination of disputing parties is done through video-conferencing which includes hearing and/or examination through any other mode. complaints to be resolved as early as possible. time period for resolving dispute in case the complaint does not require analysis and testing of product quality is 3 months from the date of receipt of notice by the opposite party. however if the complaint requires analysis or testing of product quality the time limit for resolving dispute is within 5 months.
complaints can be filed using e-daakhil portal which is hassle free, speedy and economical facility and made for convenient of consumers to approach the respective consumer forum. it also avoid the need of consumers to travel and be available physically in the commission. e-daakhil portal had been incorporated features like sending e-notice, downloading case document link, providing link for video call hearing, filing of response in writing by opposite party, rejoinder filing by the person complaining and sending sms and e-mail alerts. currently 43,000 users have registered on the e-daakhil portal with around 10,000 cases being filed. penalties and imprisonment manufacturers and service providers are made punishable as a criminal offence for giving misleading information or for wrong advertisement of product. punishment may include fine of rs 10 lakhs or imprisonment for 2 years or both.
investigative agency violation of consumer rights or unfair trade practices is investigated by the investigation wing headed by director-general level position in central consumer protection authority (ccpa). important terms following are the important terms in karnataka state consumer disputes redressal commission: as per the act "goods" means anything purchased by consumers either in retail or wholesale from retailers or wholesalers. they can either be produced or manufactured. as per the act "services" means those which are in the form of "transport,telephone,electricity,housing,banking,insurance,medical treatment etc". as per the act consumer means " any person who buys any goods or hires or avails any services for a consideration which has already been paid or promised or partly paid and partly promised or under any system of deferred payment".
person includes anyone buying goods, either through online system or direct or offline, by way of teleshopping, or through mode of electronic includes direct selling or in a multi-level marketing. consumer does not include person buying or availing goods or services for resale or for any other commercial purpose. for the purpose of commission the terms are referred in consumer protection act'2019. challenges the district, state and national level commissions face challenges of understaffing or non fulfillment of vacancies in time. the report prepared by senior advocate on the directions of supreme court of india found out many shortcomings in the offices of district and state consumer redressal bodies in many states of india. these include absence of storage rooms for case files, lack of member chambers for convenience of members hearing complaints, non availability of court rooms and washrooms in selective cases.
flag captain () was in the swedish navy a captain or commander who served as deputy to a fleet commander. during the 1900s, the flag captain served as chief of staff of flaggen, the staff of the chief of the coastal fleet. history the flag captain was in the swedish navy a naval officer, of the rank of captain or commander, who was posted as chief of staff to a fleet commander. if he was a flag officer, the flag captain carried, as command flag, the standard prescribed for "squadron commander", otherwise he carried the broad pennant (galjadett) intended for "department commander". according to the regulations in force before 1875, the flag captain was an officer of the rank of flag officer or regimental officer, commanded to assist the commander of a fleet of at least six ships of the line, frigates or battalions of archipelago ships. between 1904 and 2000, the flag captain served as chief of staff of flaggen, the staff of the chief of the coastal fleet.
the gas and water works facilities act 1870 amendment act 1873 (36 &37 vict. lxxxix) extended and amended the provisions of the gas and water works facilities act 1870. background having operated under the 1870 act, the board of trade thought it was expedient to have powers to make provisional orders, to hold inquiries and to make or amend rules for enforcing the act. gas and water works facilities act 1870 amendment act 1873 the gas and water works facilities act 1870 amendment act 1873 received royal assent on 5 august 1873. its long title is ‘an act to extend and amend the provisions of the gas and water works facilities act, 1870. ’ provisions the act comprises 15 sections and a schedule: section 1: short title. this act may be cited for all purposes as “the gas and water works facilities act 1870, amendment act, 1873. ” sections 2 to 11: repealed by the statute law revision act 1883 (46 & 47 vict. c 39). section 12: provisional orders.
power of board of trade to revoke, amend, extend, or vary provisional order. section 13: inquiries. where, in relation to any application for a provisional order under the gas and water works facilities act 1870, or under this act, it is in the opinion of the board of trade expedient that an inquiry should be held, they may order and direct such inquiry to be held at such time and place as they may think proper. section 14: rules for carrying acts into effect. the board of trade may from time to time make, and, when made, may rescind, annul, or add to, the rules for carrying the acts into effect. section 15: this act shall not apply to any place within the metropolis as the same is defined in the metropolis management act, 1855. schedule: repealed by the statute law revision act 1883 (46 & 47 vict. c 39). amendments and repeal the act was repealed by the gas act 1948. richelle is a feminine given name.
halina poon suk-han () is a hong kong educational worker, currently serving as a member of the election committee, which is responsible for electing the chief executive. education career poon is the founding principal of christian and missionary alliance sun kei secondary school. she was promoted to the chairlady of the hong kong subsidized secondary schools council from vice-chair in 2016, and stepped down in 2020. a year later, poon ran in the 2021 election committee subsector elections as a pro-beijing candidate from the newly formed education professional alliance. she was elected with the highest vote amongst other candidates in the education subsector. poon is also the member of the council of the city university of hong kong. she had previously served as the courtier of the university of hong kong until 2020, and sat in a number of commissions of the hong kong government as members.
poon was awarded the medal of honour by hksar government in 2007 in recognition of her enthusiastic participation in educational and social affairs. in february 2022, it is announced that poon will become the principal of guangzhou nansha minxin school for hong kong children starting from september 2022. the primary-and-secondary school is headed by leung chun-ying, hong kong's former chief executive and vice-chairman of chinese people's political consultative conference. political stance poon was regarded as pro-beijing after joining the establishment-leaning teacher's group education professional alliance. the election committee is also described as skewing the pro-beijing camp. during her tenure as subsidized secondary schools council chair, large-scale protests erupted in the city. poon was criticised for not signing a petition for an independent commission of inquiry. she later supported an independent commission of inquiry but on the arrest of teenagers.
in the speech, she called on the hong kong authorities to rescue the institutions and livelihood, and hoped the chinese government not to give up on hong kong. she also claimed the fear of china for suppressing freedom of speech stems from bandwagon effect. she had contacted the police after "glory to hong kong", the iconic song during protests, was heard from near the school she led. dan slușanschi (12 september 1943 – 22 july 2008) was a 20th century romanian classicist and specialist in indo-european linguistics who made contributions in the fields of ancient greek, latin/medieval latin and persian. he is known for his editions and translations of dimitrie cantemir's works. studies dan slușanschi graduated in 1965 from the faculty of classical philology of the university of bucharest. he received his doctorate in classical and indo-european philology in 1972.
he was a professor at the university of bucharest, where he taught latin language syntax, indo-european linguistics (language and mythology), history of sanskrit literature, ancient persian (history, civilization, language), history of the latin language, greek syntax, medieval and neo-latin latin, text criticism and ancient metrics. he was a visiting professor at the universities of brussels, liege, berlin, caen, chisinau, cluj, timisoara, constanta. he had a doctor honoris causa from the university of caen. publications editions textele latine din anexa la l. protopopescu, contributii la istoria învatamîntului în transilvania, craiova, 1966. d. cantemir, historia moldo-vlachica and de antiquis et hodiernis moldaviae nominibus (în opere complete, ix, 1), bucuresti, editura academiei, 1983. d. cantemir, encomia in authorem, în v. candea (ed. ), sistima religiei muhammedane, bucuresti, editura academiei, 1987 (opere complete, viii, 2). d.
cantemir, vita constantini cantemyrii, moldaviae principis, bucuresti, editura academiei, 1996 (opere complete, vi, 1 - cu a. pippidi si i. campeanu). virgil, aeneis, bucuresti, paideia, 2000, 2 vols. (i. editie critica) d. cantemir, incrementorum & decrementorum aulae othmanicae libri iii, editia critica princeps, amarcord, 2001. d. cantemir, descriptio moldaviae, editia critica princeps, bucuresti, anastasia, 2005. d. cantemir, sacro-sanctae scientiae indepingibilis imago, editie critica, bucuresti, eub, 2005. translations dimitrie cantemir, de antiquis et hodiernis moldaviae nominibus; historia moldo-vlachica opere complete, vol. ix, partea i: de antiquis et hodiernis. moldaviae nominibus, prefața de virgil cândea. ediție critică, traducere, introducere, note și indici de dan slușanschi, editura academiei, bucurești, 1983. e. benveniste, vocabularul institutiilor indo-europene, bucuresti, paideia, 1999, i; 2005, i-ii. eneida de publius vergilius maro, editura paideia, bucurești, 2000.
homer, iliada, traducere de dan slușanschi, ilustrații de mihail coșulețu, editura humanitas, bucurești, 2012, isbn 978-973-50-3702-4 homer, odysseia, tradusă în hexametri de dan slușanschi și ilustrată de alexandru rădvan, editura humanitas, bucurești, 2012, isbn 978-973-50-3701-7. dimitrie cantemir, istoria cresterilor si descresterilor curtii otomane, prima traducere româneasca, editura paidea, 2008, 2010, 2012. iakovos makrygiannis (), born dimosthenis makrygiannis (; alatsata, 1910 – 1971), was a greek theologian and bishop who served as metropolitan of elassona. biography iakovos makrygiannis, baptised dimosthenis, was born in 1910 in alatsata, ottoman empire. he studied theology at the department of theology of the university of athens. he was ordained a deacon in 1937 by the archbishop of athens, chrysostomos, taking on the monastic name iakovos.
in 1940 he was ordained a priest and served as a vicar in the archbishopric of athens (temple of saint demetrius of psychiko) and as abbot of the monastery of penteli from 1945 to 1955. metropolitan of elassona on 2 march 1956 he was elected metropolitan of elassona and two days later he was ordained a bishop in the metropolitan cathedral of athens. he did important spiritual, philanthropic and cultural work, including: founding camps organising a youth foundation creating a boarding school for the children from mountainous areas who studied in the gymnasium in elassona and couldn't afford shelte he personally took care in public works such as the electrification of remote villages and the creation of roads. with his suggestion, the annual celebration of the eleftheria of elassona on 6 october was introduced, as a local holiday commemorating the liberation of the city on 12 october 1912.
persecution by the dictatorship on 2 august 1967, he was irregularly removed from his position by the greek junta, which had intervened in the synod of the hierarchy of the church of greece, forcing him to resign. this was a common tactic by the regime used against different metropolitans as well. in this way the dictatorship managed to replace bishops who didn't cooperate with the regime with ones with more friendly attitudes. death and memory iakovos died on 20 july 1971 in loutraki, where he resided as the dictatorship didn't allow him to return to elassona. he was buried in the cemetery of chalandri by relatives and friends. his boned were transferred by order of metropolitan vasileios to the panagia olympiotissa monastery, so iakovos could return to the city post-mortem, despite his irregular removal from his position. in his memory, a central road in elassona is named after him. references sources charalampos (charis) andreopoulos, η εκκλησία κατά τη δικτατορία 1967-1974.
the 2022 rfl 1895 cup, known as the 2022 ab sundecks 1895 cup for sponsorship reasons, is the third playing of the rfl 1895 cup, a rugby league football competition for clubs in the united kingdom. the competition for clubs who play below the top-tier super league, with amateur clubs joining lower-tier professional clubs in qualification for the first time. the competition will be played from april to may 2022. the final will be played as a curtain raiser to the 2022 challenge cup final at tottenham hotspur stadium, london on 28 may 2022. format the 2021 competition had run with an altered format due to the disruption caused to that season by the covid-19 pandemic. under these changes, the early rounds of the 2021 challenge cup served as the opening rounds of the 1895 cup, with the four teams which progressed from round 2 of the challenge cup also becoming semi-finalists of the 1895 cup.
that format was popular among teams, and so the 2022 tournament returned with an adapted version of that, reflecting the re-formatting of the challenge cup to facilitate the re-entry of amateur sides to that tournament. this adapted format for 2022 will see five teams progress from round 5 of the 2022 challenge cup, and hence qualify for the 1895 cup. any championship, league 1 or amateur team that subsequently wins in round 6 of the challenge cup will qualify automatically for the semi-finals of the 1895 cup. two of the remaining qualifiers will be drawn into a play-off match on 9th/10th april, to reduce the five qualifiers to four teams for the semi-finals on the 7th/8th may, with the final held as a curtain-raiser for the 2022 challenge cup final on the 28th may. qualification the early rounds of the challenge cup function as the qualification for the 1895 cup, with the fifth round, played on the 12th/13th march, acting as the final qualifier.
all professional rfl member clubs below the super league are eligible to participate in the 1895 cup, as well as those amateur teams which entered the challenge cup. newly formed cornwall r. l. f. c. who play in rfl league 1 decided not to enter the competition. ellerslie school (founded 1877) is a school in auckland, new zealand. a blank value in analytical chemistry is a measurement of a blank. the reading does not originate from a sample, but the matrix effects, reagents and other residues. these contribute to the sample value in the analytical measurement and therefore have to be subtracted. jasper löeffelsend (born 10 september 1997) is a german footballer who plays as a right-back for real salt lake in major league soccer. career youth & early career löeffelsend played with various teams at youth level, including spells at sv bergisch gladbach 09, sv union rösrath and tv herkenrath 09.
following his time at herkenrath, he had short spells with sv straelen, bonner sc, fc hennef 05 and fc wegberg-beeck, appearing for the teams in both the regionalliga west and mittelrheinliga. after signing with wegberg-beeck in july 2020, löeffelsend and the club mutually agreed to terminate his contract to allow him to accept a scholarship to play college soccer in the united states. college löeffelsend attended the university of pittsburgh in 2020, where he played two seasons, making a total of 36 appearances, scoring two goals and tallying 19 assists. in his two seasons with the panthers, he was named all-acc first team twice, acc defensive player of the year twice, was a mac hermann trophy semi-finalist twice, topdrawersoccer best xi first team, united soccer coaches south all-region first team twice, united soccer coaches second team all-america twice, and college soccer news first team all-america.
mls on 11 january 2022, löeffelsend was selected 81st overall in the 2022 mls superdraft by real salt lake. on 22 february 2022, he signed with salt lake's mls next pro side real monarchs. however, on 27 february 2022, it was announced that löeffelsend had signed a one-year deal with real salt lake's first team who compete in major league soccer. he made his debut for the club the same day, appearing as an injury-time substitute during a 0–0 draw with houston dynamo. the intergovernmental committee on intellectual property and genetic resources, traditional knowledge and folklore (igc, or igc-grtkf) in charge of negotiating one or several international legal instruments (treaty) to protect traditional knowledge, traditional cultural expressions, and genetic resources in relation with intellectual property, thus bridging existing gaps in international law. the igc is convened in geneva by the world intellectual property organization (wipo), and has been meeting since 2001.
history and mandate the igc was established in 2001 by the general assembly of wipo, which reviews, updates, and extends the mandate of the igc every 2 years at the assembly's september meetings. the igc had a first diplomatic crisis in 2003, as "the enormity of its task was becoming clearer, as was the gulf in expectations among states as to the igc’s overall purpose and anticipated outcomes. " the crisis lasted until 2009, when wipo assembly "agreed on a much-strengthened mandate" for the igc, asking it to draft a legal instrument towards the convening of a diplomatic conference to adopt one or several treaties.
since 2010, the mandate of the igc has remained mostly unchanged: to conclude a consensual text which would bridge the gaps between the numerous existing international legal instruments provide some, but insufficient protection on either traditional knowledge, traditional cultural expressions, or genetic resources (undrip, convention on biological diversity, nagoya protocol, fao plant treaty, unesco conventions on culture and intangible heritage, etc. ), none of which include explicit protections for indigenous peoples and local communities. igc's negotiations were suspended is 2020 because of the pandemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, resuming in 2022. work the igc convened an indigenous panel at every meeting, and created the wipo voluntary fund for member states to fund the active participation and involvement of indigenous communities and civil society stakeholders.
a number of documents have been issued to guide the works of the igc, including a series of background brief documents, as well as guidelines and other information documents. the igc has also developed draft international legal instruments on traditional knowledge, traditional cultural expressions, and genetic resources. references external links igc: what is happening now? background brief: origins, rationale and achievements of the igc (available also in arabic, chinese, french, português, russian, and spanish) wendland, wend (february 2022). international negotiations on indigenous knowledge to resume at wipo: a view of the journey so far and the way ahead. wipo magazine, article 001. robinson, daniel f. ; abdel-latif, ahmed; roffe, pedro (14 july 2017). protecting traditional knowledge: the wipo intergovernmental committee on intellectual property and genetic resources, traditional knowledge and folklore. taylor & francis. isbn 978-1-317-35486-4.
rampage is an israeli long range air-to-ground precision strike weapon. it's developed by israeli company israel aerospace industries (iai). zavaroni is a surname. mirrors of embarrassment is an album by the american band col. bruce hampton and the aquarium rescue unit. it is dedicated to wayne bennett. the band supported the album by touring with the 1993 h. o. r. d. e. festival. bruce hampton left the band later the same year. production the album was produced by johnny sandlin, who called the band the best that he had heard. hampton played his "chazoid", an instrument that resembled a combination of guitar and mandolin. he spent a month writing the songs for the album, after the band had finished touring behind their debut. bela fleck played banjo on "dead presidents"; john popper also contributed to the album. "trondossa" is built around the sound of a hammond b-3.
critical reception stereo review stated: "just imagine it—a six-string-bass jazz/funk virtuoso, a mandolin phenom with avant-garde leanings, a guitarist who'd have been a southern-rock hotshot in another context, and a four-armed drummer (or so it seems), all coming together in a sound that combines the brisk tandem runs of bluegrass, the improvisational aspects of jazz, and the dynamics of rock. " the washington post determined that "at times it's all a bit too clever and cluttered for its own good, but more often than not it evokes the open-ended possibilities that hippie-rock has often promised and rarely delivered. " the star tribune opined that "if you married two great san francisco bay area bands of the 1970s, tower of power and the grateful dead, the result might sound like the aquarium rescue unit. " the telegram & gazette noted that "the playing is spirited, the sentiment a little demented.
" the state declared that "matt mundy's mandolin dances with jimmy herring's speed-of-light guitar licks in some of this century's most bodacious southern-fried fusion. " allmusic wrote that the album was "relaxed, smart, fun music with big fat friendly shouter vocals from the colonel. revan is a fictional star wars character created for star wars: knights of the old republic. florence victoria lucas (october 10, 1915 – september 6, 1987) was an american lawyer and state official. she was president of the jamaica, queens branch of the naacp in the 1950s and 1960s, and was deputy commissioner of the new york state division of human rights from 1972 to 1975. she was the first black woman elected to the judicial council of the united methodist church. early life lucas was born in new york city, the daughter of charles lucas and maybelle l. hunter lucas. she graduated from john adams high school, hunter college, and brooklyn law school in 1939.