Returns a function that checkes whether a number belongs to an interval. Args: interval: A tensorboard.hparams.Interval protobuf describing the interval. Returns: A function taking a number (a float or an object of a type in six.integer_types) that returns True if the number belongs to (the closed) 'interval'.
def _create_interval_filter(interval): def filter_fn(value): if (not isinstance(value, six.integer_types) and not isinstance(value, float)): raise error.HParamsError( 'Cannot use an interval filter for a value of type: %s, Value: %s' % (type(value), value)) return interval.min_value <= value and value <= interval.max_value return filter_fn
Sets the metrics for session_group to those of its "median session". The median session is the session in session_group with the median value of the metric given by 'aggregation_metric'. The median is taken over the subset of sessions in the group whose 'aggregation_metric' was measured at the largest training step among the sessions in the group. Args: session_group: A SessionGroup protobuffer. aggregation_metric: A MetricName protobuffer.
def _set_median_session_metrics(session_group, aggregation_metric): measurements = sorted(_measurements(session_group, aggregation_metric), key=operator.attrgetter('metric_value.value')) median_session = measurements[(len(measurements) - 1) // 2].session_index del session_group.metric_values[:] session_group.metric_values.MergeFrom( session_group.sessions[median_session].metric_values)
A generator for the values of the metric across the sessions in the group. Args: session_group: A SessionGroup protobuffer. metric_name: A MetricName protobuffer. Yields: The next metric value wrapped in a _Measurement instance.
def _measurements(session_group, metric_name): for session_index, session in enumerate(session_group.sessions): metric_value = _find_metric_value(session, metric_name) if not metric_value: continue yield _Measurement(metric_value, session_index)
Constructor. Args: context: A backend_context.Context instance. request: A ListSessionGroupsRequest protobuf.
def __init__(self, context, request): self._context = context self._request = request self._extractors = _create_extractors(request.col_params) self._filters = _create_filters(request.col_params, self._extractors) # Since an context.experiment() call may search through all the runs, we # cache it here. self._experiment = context.experiment()
This function converts the MP3 files stored in a folder to WAV. If required, the output names of the WAV files are based on MP3 tags, otherwise the same names are used. ARGUMENTS: - dirName: the path of the folder where the MP3s are stored - Fs: the sampling rate of the generated WAV files - nC: the number of channels of the generated WAV files - useMp3TagsAsName: True if the WAV filename is generated on MP3 tags
def convertDirMP3ToWav(dirName, Fs, nC, useMp3TagsAsName = False): types = (dirName+os.sep+'*.mp3',) # the tuple of file types filesToProcess = [] for files in types: filesToProcess.extend(glob.glob(files)) for f in filesToProcess: audioFile = eyed3.load(f) if useMp3TagsAsName and audioFile.tag != None: artist = audioFile.tag.artist title = audioFile.tag.title if artist!=None and title!=None: if len(title)>0 and len(artist)>0: wavFileName = ntpath.split(f)[0] + os.sep + artist.replace(","," ") + " --- " + title.replace(","," ") + ".wav" else: wavFileName = f.replace(".mp3",".wav") else: wavFileName = f.replace(".mp3",".wav") else: wavFileName = f.replace(".mp3",".wav") command = "avconv -i \"" + f + "\" -ar " +str(Fs) + " -ac " + str(nC) + " \"" + wavFileName + "\""; print(command) os.system(command.decode('unicode_escape').encode('ascii','ignore').replace("\0",""))
This function converts the WAV files stored in a folder to WAV using a different sampling freq and number of channels. ARGUMENTS: - dirName: the path of the folder where the WAVs are stored - Fs: the sampling rate of the generated WAV files - nC: the number of channesl of the generated WAV files
def convertFsDirWavToWav(dirName, Fs, nC): types = (dirName+os.sep+'*.wav',) # the tuple of file types filesToProcess = [] for files in types: filesToProcess.extend(glob.glob(files)) newDir = dirName + os.sep + "Fs" + str(Fs) + "_" + "NC"+str(nC) if os.path.exists(newDir) and newDir!=".": shutil.rmtree(newDir) os.makedirs(newDir) for f in filesToProcess: _, wavFileName = ntpath.split(f) command = "avconv -i \"" + f + "\" -ar " +str(Fs) + " -ac " + str(nC) + " \"" + newDir + os.sep + wavFileName + "\""; print(command) os.system(command)
This function computes the self-similarity matrix for a sequence of feature vectors. ARGUMENTS: - featureVectors: a numpy matrix (nDims x nVectors) whose i-th column corresponds to the i-th feature vector RETURNS: - S: the self-similarity matrix (nVectors x nVectors)
def selfSimilarityMatrix(featureVectors): [nDims, nVectors] = featureVectors.shape [featureVectors2, MEAN, STD] = aT.normalizeFeatures([featureVectors.T]) featureVectors2 = featureVectors2[0].T S = 1.0 - distance.squareform(distance.pdist(featureVectors2.T, 'cosine')) return S
This function converts segment endpoints and respective segment labels to fix-sized class labels. ARGUMENTS: - seg_start: segment start points (in seconds) - seg_end: segment endpoints (in seconds) - seg_label: segment labels - win_size: fix-sized window (in seconds) RETURNS: - flags: numpy array of class indices - class_names: list of classnames (strings)
def segs2flags(seg_start, seg_end, seg_label, win_size): flags = [] class_names = list(set(seg_label)) curPos = win_size / 2.0 while curPos < seg_end[-1]: for i in range(len(seg_start)): if curPos > seg_start[i] and curPos <= seg_end[i]: break flags.append(class_names.index(seg_label[i])) curPos += win_size return numpy.array(flags), class_names
This function reads a segmentation ground truth file, following a simple CSV format with the following columns: <segment start>,<segment end>,<class label> ARGUMENTS: - gt_file: the path of the CSV segment file RETURNS: - seg_start: a numpy array of segments' start positions - seg_end: a numpy array of segments' ending positions - seg_label: a list of respective class labels (strings)
def readSegmentGT(gt_file): f = open(gt_file, 'rt') reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',') seg_start = [] seg_end = [] seg_label = [] for row in reader: if len(row) == 3: seg_start.append(float(row[0])) seg_end.append(float(row[1])) #if row[2]!="other": # seg_label.append((row[2])) #else: # seg_label.append("silence") seg_label.append((row[2])) return numpy.array(seg_start), numpy.array(seg_end), seg_label
This function prints the cluster purity and speaker purity for each WAV file stored in a provided directory (.SEGMENT files are needed as ground-truth) ARGUMENTS: - folder_name: the full path of the folder where the WAV and SEGMENT (ground-truth) files are stored - ldas: a list of LDA dimensions (0 for no LDA)
def speakerDiarizationEvaluateScript(folder_name, ldas): types = ('*.wav', ) wavFilesList = [] for files in types: wavFilesList.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(folder_name, files))) wavFilesList = sorted(wavFilesList) # get number of unique speakers per file (from ground-truth) N = [] for wav_file in wavFilesList: gt_file = wav_file.replace('.wav', '.segments'); if os.path.isfile(gt_file): [seg_start, seg_end, seg_labs] = readSegmentGT(gt_file) N.append(len(list(set(seg_labs)))) else: N.append(-1) for l in ldas: print("LDA = {0:d}".format(l)) for i, wav_file in enumerate(wavFilesList): speakerDiarization(wav_file, N[i], 2.0, 0.2, 0.05, l, plot_res=False) print
This function generates a chordial visualization for the recordings of the provided path. ARGUMENTS: - folder: path of the folder that contains the WAV files to be processed - dimReductionMethod: method used to reduce the dimension of the initial feature space before computing the similarity. - priorKnowledge: if this is set equal to "artist"
def visualizeFeaturesFolder(folder, dimReductionMethod, priorKnowledge = "none"): if dimReductionMethod=="pca": allMtFeatures, wavFilesList, _ = aF.dirWavFeatureExtraction(folder, 30.0, 30.0, 0.050, 0.050, compute_beat = True) if allMtFeatures.shape[0]==0: print("Error: No data found! Check input folder") return namesCategoryToVisualize = [ntpath.basename(w).replace('.wav','').split(" --- ")[0] for w in wavFilesList]; namesToVisualize = [ntpath.basename(w).replace('.wav','') for w in wavFilesList]; (F, MEAN, STD) = aT.normalizeFeatures([allMtFeatures]) F = np.concatenate(F) # check that the new PCA dimension is at most equal to the number of samples K1 = 2 K2 = 10 if K1 > F.shape[0]: K1 = F.shape[0] if K2 > F.shape[0]: K2 = F.shape[0] pca1 = sklearn.decomposition.PCA(n_components = K1) pca2 = sklearn.decomposition.PCA(n_components = K2) finalDims = pca1.transform(F) finalDims2 = pca2.transform(F) else: allMtFeatures, Ys, wavFilesList = aF.dirWavFeatureExtractionNoAveraging(folder, 20.0, 5.0, 0.040, 0.040) # long-term statistics cannot be applied in this context (LDA needs mid-term features) if allMtFeatures.shape[0]==0: print("Error: No data found! Check input folder") return namesCategoryToVisualize = [ntpath.basename(w).replace('.wav','').split(" --- ")[0] for w in wavFilesList]; namesToVisualize = [ntpath.basename(w).replace('.wav','') for w in wavFilesList]; ldaLabels = Ys if priorKnowledge=="artist": uNamesCategoryToVisualize = list(set(namesCategoryToVisualize)) YsNew = np.zeros( Ys.shape ) for i, uname in enumerate(uNamesCategoryToVisualize): # for each unique artist name: indicesUCategories = [j for j, x in enumerate(namesCategoryToVisualize) if x == uname] for j in indicesUCategories: indices = np.nonzero(Ys==j) YsNew[indices] = i ldaLabels = YsNew (F, MEAN, STD) = aT.normalizeFeatures([allMtFeatures]) F = np.array(F[0]) clf = sklearn.discriminant_analysis.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(n_components=10), ldaLabels) reducedDims = clf.transform(F) pca = sklearn.decomposition.PCA(n_components = 2) reducedDims = pca.transform(reducedDims) # TODO: CHECK THIS ... SHOULD LDA USED IN SEMI-SUPERVISED ONLY???? uLabels = np.sort(np.unique((Ys))) # uLabels must have as many labels as the number of wavFilesList elements reducedDimsAvg = np.zeros( (uLabels.shape[0], reducedDims.shape[1] ) ) finalDims = np.zeros( (uLabels.shape[0], 2) ) for i, u in enumerate(uLabels): indices = [j for j, x in enumerate(Ys) if x == u] f = reducedDims[indices, :] finalDims[i, :] = f.mean(axis=0) finalDims2 = reducedDims for i in range(finalDims.shape[0]): plt.text(finalDims[i,0], finalDims[i,1], ntpath.basename(wavFilesList[i].replace('.wav','')), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10) plt.plot(finalDims[i,0], finalDims[i,1], '*r') plt.xlim([1.2*finalDims[:,0].min(), 1.2*finalDims[:,0].max()]) plt.ylim([1.2*finalDims[:,1].min(), 1.2*finalDims[:,1].max()]) SM = 1.0 - distance.squareform(distance.pdist(finalDims2, 'cosine')) for i in range(SM.shape[0]): SM[i,i] = 0.0; chordialDiagram("visualization", SM, 0.50, namesToVisualize, namesCategoryToVisualize) SM = 1.0 - distance.squareform(distance.pdist(F, 'cosine')) for i in range(SM.shape[0]): SM[i,i] = 0.0; chordialDiagram("visualizationInitial", SM, 0.50, namesToVisualize, namesCategoryToVisualize) # plot super-categories (i.e. artistname uNamesCategoryToVisualize = sort(list(set(namesCategoryToVisualize))) finalDimsGroup = np.zeros( (len(uNamesCategoryToVisualize), finalDims2.shape[1] ) ) for i, uname in enumerate(uNamesCategoryToVisualize): indices = [j for j, x in enumerate(namesCategoryToVisualize) if x == uname] f = finalDims2[indices, :] finalDimsGroup[i, :] = f.mean(axis=0) SMgroup = 1.0 - distance.squareform(distance.pdist(finalDimsGroup, 'cosine')) for i in range(SMgroup.shape[0]): SMgroup[i,i] = 0.0; chordialDiagram("visualizationGroup", SMgroup, 0.50, uNamesCategoryToVisualize, uNamesCategoryToVisualize)
Computes the spectral flux feature of the current frame ARGUMENTS: X: the abs(fft) of the current frame X_prev: the abs(fft) of the previous frame
def stSpectralFlux(X, X_prev): # compute the spectral flux as the sum of square distances: sumX = numpy.sum(X + eps) sumPrevX = numpy.sum(X_prev + eps) F = numpy.sum((X / sumX - X_prev/sumPrevX) ** 2) return F
Computes the MFCCs of a frame, given the fft mag ARGUMENTS: X: fft magnitude abs(FFT) fbank: filter bank (see mfccInitFilterBanks) RETURN ceps: MFCCs (13 element vector) Note: MFCC calculation is, in general, taken from the scikits.talkbox library (MIT Licence), # with a small number of modifications to make it more compact and suitable for the pyAudioAnalysis Lib
def stMFCC(X, fbank, n_mfcc_feats): mspec = numpy.log10(, fbank.T)+eps) ceps = dct(mspec, type=2, norm='ortho', axis=-1)[:n_mfcc_feats] return ceps
Short-term FFT mag for spectogram estimation: Returns: a numpy array (nFFT x numOfShortTermWindows) ARGUMENTS: signal: the input signal samples fs: the sampling freq (in Hz) win: the short-term window size (in samples) step: the short-term window step (in samples) PLOT: flag, 1 if results are to be ploted RETURNS:
def stChromagram(signal, fs, win, step, PLOT=False): win = int(win) step = int(step) signal = numpy.double(signal) signal = signal / (2.0 ** 15) DC = signal.mean() MAX = (numpy.abs(signal)).max() signal = (signal - DC) / (MAX - DC) N = len(signal) # total number of signals cur_p = 0 count_fr = 0 nfft = int(win / 2) nChroma, nFreqsPerChroma = stChromaFeaturesInit(nfft, fs) chromaGram = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.float64) while (cur_p + win - 1 < N): count_fr += 1 x = signal[cur_p:cur_p + win] cur_p = cur_p + step X = abs(fft(x)) X = X[0:nfft] X = X / len(X) chromaNames, C = stChromaFeatures(X, fs, nChroma, nFreqsPerChroma) C = C[:, 0] if count_fr == 1: chromaGram = C.T else: chromaGram = numpy.vstack((chromaGram, C.T)) FreqAxis = chromaNames TimeAxis = [(t * step) / fs for t in range(chromaGram.shape[0])] if (PLOT): fig, ax = plt.subplots() chromaGramToPlot = chromaGram.transpose()[::-1, :] Ratio = int(chromaGramToPlot.shape[1] / (3*chromaGramToPlot.shape[0])) if Ratio < 1: Ratio = 1 chromaGramToPlot = numpy.repeat(chromaGramToPlot, Ratio, axis=0) imgplot = plt.imshow(chromaGramToPlot) fstep = int(nfft / 5.0) # FreqTicks = range(0, int(nfft) + fstep, fstep) # FreqTicksLabels = [str(fs/2-int((f*fs) / (2*nfft))) for f in FreqTicks] ax.set_yticks(range(int(Ratio / 2), len(FreqAxis) * Ratio, Ratio)) ax.set_yticklabels(FreqAxis[::-1]) TStep = int(count_fr / 3) TimeTicks = range(0, count_fr, TStep) TimeTicksLabels = ['%.2f' % (float(t * step) / fs) for t in TimeTicks] ax.set_xticks(TimeTicks) ax.set_xticklabels(TimeTicksLabels) ax.set_xlabel('time (secs)') imgplot.set_cmap('jet') plt.colorbar() return (chromaGram, TimeAxis, FreqAxis)
This function extracts an estimate of the beat rate for a musical signal. ARGUMENTS: - st_features: a numpy array (n_feats x numOfShortTermWindows) - win_len: window size in seconds RETURNS: - BPM: estimates of beats per minute - Ratio: a confidence measure
def beatExtraction(st_features, win_len, PLOT=False): # Features that are related to the beat tracking task: toWatch = [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18] max_beat_time = int(round(2.0 / win_len)) hist_all = numpy.zeros((max_beat_time,)) for ii, i in enumerate(toWatch): # for each feature DifThres = 2.0 * (numpy.abs(st_features[i, 0:-1] - st_features[i, 1::])).mean() # dif threshold (3 x Mean of Difs) if DifThres<=0: DifThres = 0.0000000000000001 [pos1, _] = utilities.peakdet(st_features[i, :], DifThres) # detect local maxima posDifs = [] # compute histograms of local maxima changes for j in range(len(pos1)-1): posDifs.append(pos1[j+1]-pos1[j]) [hist_times, HistEdges] = numpy.histogram(posDifs, numpy.arange(0.5, max_beat_time + 1.5)) hist_centers = (HistEdges[0:-1] + HistEdges[1::]) / 2.0 hist_times = hist_times.astype(float) / st_features.shape[1] hist_all += hist_times if PLOT: plt.subplot(9, 2, ii + 1) plt.plot(st_features[i, :], 'k') for k in pos1: plt.plot(k, st_features[i, k], 'k*') f1 = plt.gca() f1.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) f1.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) if PLOT: plt.figure() # Get beat as the argmax of the agregated histogram: I = numpy.argmax(hist_all) bpms = 60 / (hist_centers * win_len) BPM = bpms[I] # ... and the beat ratio: Ratio = hist_all[I] / hist_all.sum() if PLOT: # filter out >500 beats from plotting: hist_all = hist_all[bpms < 500] bpms = bpms[bpms < 500] plt.plot(bpms, hist_all, 'k') plt.xlabel('Beats per minute') plt.ylabel('Freq Count') return BPM, Ratio
Short-term FFT mag for spectogram estimation: Returns: a numpy array (nFFT x numOfShortTermWindows) ARGUMENTS: signal: the input signal samples fs: the sampling freq (in Hz) win: the short-term window size (in samples) step: the short-term window step (in samples) PLOT: flag, 1 if results are to be ploted RETURNS:
def stSpectogram(signal, fs, win, step, PLOT=False): win = int(win) step = int(step) signal = numpy.double(signal) signal = signal / (2.0 ** 15) DC = signal.mean() MAX = (numpy.abs(signal)).max() signal = (signal - DC) / (MAX - DC) N = len(signal) # total number of signals cur_p = 0 count_fr = 0 nfft = int(win / 2) specgram = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.float64) while (cur_p + win - 1 < N): count_fr += 1 x = signal[cur_p:cur_p+win] cur_p = cur_p + step X = abs(fft(x)) X = X[0:nfft] X = X / len(X) if count_fr == 1: specgram = X ** 2 else: specgram = numpy.vstack((specgram, X)) FreqAxis = [float((f + 1) * fs) / (2 * nfft) for f in range(specgram.shape[1])] TimeAxis = [float(t * step) / fs for t in range(specgram.shape[0])] if (PLOT): fig, ax = plt.subplots() imgplot = plt.imshow(specgram.transpose()[::-1, :]) fstep = int(nfft / 5.0) FreqTicks = range(0, int(nfft) + fstep, fstep) FreqTicksLabels = [str(fs / 2 - int((f * fs) / (2 * nfft))) for f in FreqTicks] ax.set_yticks(FreqTicks) ax.set_yticklabels(FreqTicksLabels) TStep = int(count_fr/3) TimeTicks = range(0, count_fr, TStep) TimeTicksLabels = ['%.2f' % (float(t * step) / fs) for t in TimeTicks] ax.set_xticks(TimeTicks) ax.set_xticklabels(TimeTicksLabels) ax.set_xlabel('time (secs)') ax.set_ylabel('freq (Hz)') imgplot.set_cmap('jet') plt.colorbar() return (specgram, TimeAxis, FreqAxis)
This function extracts the mid-term features of the WAVE files of a particular folder. The resulting feature vector is extracted by long-term averaging the mid-term features. Therefore ONE FEATURE VECTOR is extracted for each WAV file. ARGUMENTS: - dirName: the path of the WAVE directory - mt_win, mt_step: mid-term window and step (in seconds) - st_win, st_step: short-term window and step (in seconds)
def dirWavFeatureExtraction(dirName, mt_win, mt_step, st_win, st_step, compute_beat=False): all_mt_feats = numpy.array([]) process_times = [] types = ('*.wav', '*.aif', '*.aiff', '*.mp3', '*.au', '*.ogg') wav_file_list = [] for files in types: wav_file_list.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(dirName, files))) wav_file_list = sorted(wav_file_list) wav_file_list2, mt_feature_names = [], [] for i, wavFile in enumerate(wav_file_list): print("Analyzing file {0:d} of " "{1:d}: {2:s}".format(i+1, len(wav_file_list), wavFile)) if os.stat(wavFile).st_size == 0: print(" (EMPTY FILE -- SKIPPING)") continue [fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile(wavFile) if isinstance(x, int): continue t1 = time.clock() x = audioBasicIO.stereo2mono(x) if x.shape[0]<float(fs)/5: print(" (AUDIO FILE TOO SMALL - SKIPPING)") continue wav_file_list2.append(wavFile) if compute_beat: [mt_term_feats, st_features, mt_feature_names] = \ mtFeatureExtraction(x, fs, round(mt_win * fs), round(mt_step * fs), round(fs * st_win), round(fs * st_step)) [beat, beat_conf] = beatExtraction(st_features, st_step) else: [mt_term_feats, _, mt_feature_names] = \ mtFeatureExtraction(x, fs, round(mt_win * fs), round(mt_step * fs), round(fs * st_win), round(fs * st_step)) mt_term_feats = numpy.transpose(mt_term_feats) mt_term_feats = mt_term_feats.mean(axis=0) # long term averaging of mid-term statistics if (not numpy.isnan(mt_term_feats).any()) and \ (not numpy.isinf(mt_term_feats).any()): if compute_beat: mt_term_feats = numpy.append(mt_term_feats, beat) mt_term_feats = numpy.append(mt_term_feats, beat_conf) if len(all_mt_feats) == 0: # append feature vector all_mt_feats = mt_term_feats else: all_mt_feats = numpy.vstack((all_mt_feats, mt_term_feats)) t2 = time.clock() duration = float(len(x)) / fs process_times.append((t2 - t1) / duration) if len(process_times) > 0: print("Feature extraction complexity ratio: " "{0:.1f} x realtime".format((1.0 / numpy.mean(numpy.array(process_times))))) return (all_mt_feats, wav_file_list2, mt_feature_names)
This function extracts the mid-term features of the WAVE files of a particular folder without averaging each file. ARGUMENTS: - dirName: the path of the WAVE directory - mt_win, mt_step: mid-term window and step (in seconds) - st_win, st_step: short-term window and step (in seconds) RETURNS: - X: A feature matrix - Y: A matrix of file labels - filenames:
def dirWavFeatureExtractionNoAveraging(dirName, mt_win, mt_step, st_win, st_step): all_mt_feats = numpy.array([]) signal_idx = numpy.array([]) process_times = [] types = ('*.wav', '*.aif', '*.aiff', '*.ogg') wav_file_list = [] for files in types: wav_file_list.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(dirName, files))) wav_file_list = sorted(wav_file_list) for i, wavFile in enumerate(wav_file_list): [fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile(wavFile) if isinstance(x, int): continue x = audioBasicIO.stereo2mono(x) [mt_term_feats, _, _] = mtFeatureExtraction(x, fs, round(mt_win * fs), round(mt_step * fs), round(fs * st_win), round(fs * st_step)) mt_term_feats = numpy.transpose(mt_term_feats) if len(all_mt_feats) == 0: # append feature vector all_mt_feats = mt_term_feats signal_idx = numpy.zeros((mt_term_feats.shape[0], )) else: all_mt_feats = numpy.vstack((all_mt_feats, mt_term_feats)) signal_idx = numpy.append(signal_idx, i * numpy.ones((mt_term_feats.shape[0], ))) return (all_mt_feats, signal_idx, wav_file_list)
Tokenizes a piece of text into its word pieces. This uses a greedy longest-match-first algorithm to perform tokenization using the given vocabulary. For example: input = "unaffable" output = ["un", "##aff", "##able"] Args: text: A single token or whitespace separated tokens. This should have already been passed through `BERTBasicTokenizer. Returns: A list of wordpiece tokens.
def _tokenize_wordpiece(self, text): output_tokens = [] for token in self.basic_tokenizer._whitespace_tokenize(text): chars = list(token) if len(chars) > self.max_input_chars_per_word: output_tokens.append(self.vocab.unknown_token) continue is_bad = False start = 0 sub_tokens = [] while start < len(chars): end = len(chars) cur_substr = None while start < end: substr = ''.join(chars[start:end]) if start > 0: substr = '##' + substr if substr in self.vocab: cur_substr = substr break end -= 1 if cur_substr is None: is_bad = True break sub_tokens.append(cur_substr) start = end if is_bad: output_tokens.append(self.vocab.unknown_token) else: output_tokens.extend(sub_tokens) return output_tokens
Take an IP string/int and return an object of the correct type. Args: address: A string or integer, the IP address. Either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses may be supplied; integers less than 2**32 will be considered to be IPv4 by default. Returns: An IPv4Address or IPv6Address object. Raises: ValueError: if the *address* passed isn't either a v4 or a v6 address
def ip_address(address): try: return IPv4Address(address) except (AddressValueError, NetmaskValueError): pass try: return IPv6Address(address) except (AddressValueError, NetmaskValueError): pass raise ValueError('%r does not appear to be an IPv4 or IPv6 address' % address)
Take an IP string/int and return an object of the correct type. Args: address: A string or integer, the IP network. Either IPv4 or IPv6 networks may be supplied; integers less than 2**32 will be considered to be IPv4 by default. Returns: An IPv4Network or IPv6Network object. Raises: ValueError: if the string passed isn't either a v4 or a v6 address. Or if the network has host bits set.
def ip_network(address, strict=True): try: return IPv4Network(address, strict) except (AddressValueError, NetmaskValueError): pass try: return IPv6Network(address, strict) except (AddressValueError, NetmaskValueError): pass raise ValueError('%r does not appear to be an IPv4 or IPv6 network' % address)
Count the number of zero bits on the right hand side. Args: number: an integer. bits: maximum number of bits to count. Returns: The number of zero bits on the right hand side of the number.
def _count_righthand_zero_bits(number, bits): if number == 0: return bits for i in range(bits): if (number >> i) & 1: return i # All bits of interest were zero, even if there are more in the number return bits
Collapse a list of IP objects. Example: collapse_addresses([IPv4Network(''), IPv4Network('')]) -> [IPv4Network('')] Args: addresses: An iterator of IPv4Network or IPv6Network objects. Returns: An iterator of the collapsed IPv(4|6)Network objects. Raises: TypeError: If passed a list of mixed version objects.
def collapse_addresses(addresses): i = 0 addrs = [] ips = [] nets = [] # split IP addresses and networks for ip in addresses: if isinstance(ip, _BaseAddress): if ips and ips[-1]._version != ip._version: raise TypeError("%s and %s are not of the same version" % ( ip, ips[-1])) ips.append(ip) elif ip._prefixlen == ip._max_prefixlen: if ips and ips[-1]._version != ip._version: raise TypeError("%s and %s are not of the same version" % ( ip, ips[-1])) try: ips.append(ip.ip) except AttributeError: ips.append(ip.network_address) else: if nets and nets[-1]._version != ip._version: raise TypeError("%s and %s are not of the same version" % ( ip, nets[-1])) nets.append(ip) # sort and dedup ips = sorted(set(ips)) nets = sorted(set(nets)) while i < len(ips): (first, last) = _find_address_range(ips[i:]) i = ips.index(last) + 1 addrs.extend(summarize_address_range(first, last)) return iter(_collapse_addresses_recursive(sorted( addrs + nets, key=_BaseNetwork._get_networks_key)))
Return prefix length from the bitwise netmask. Args: ip_int: An integer, the netmask in expanded bitwise format Returns: An integer, the prefix length. Raises: ValueError: If the input intermingles zeroes & ones
def _prefix_from_ip_int(self, ip_int): trailing_zeroes = _count_righthand_zero_bits(ip_int, self._max_prefixlen) prefixlen = self._max_prefixlen - trailing_zeroes leading_ones = ip_int >> trailing_zeroes all_ones = (1 << prefixlen) - 1 if leading_ones != all_ones: byteslen = self._max_prefixlen // 8 details = _int_to_bytes(ip_int, byteslen, 'big') msg = 'Netmask pattern %r mixes zeroes & ones' raise ValueError(msg % details) return prefixlen
Return prefix length from a numeric string Args: prefixlen_str: The string to be converted Returns: An integer, the prefix length. Raises: NetmaskValueError: If the input is not a valid netmask
def _prefix_from_prefix_string(self, prefixlen_str): # int allows a leading +/- as well as surrounding whitespace, # so we ensure that isn't the case if not _BaseV4._DECIMAL_DIGITS.issuperset(prefixlen_str): self._report_invalid_netmask(prefixlen_str) try: prefixlen = int(prefixlen_str) except ValueError: self._report_invalid_netmask(prefixlen_str) if not (0 <= prefixlen <= self._max_prefixlen): self._report_invalid_netmask(prefixlen_str) return prefixlen
Turn a netmask/hostmask string into a prefix length Args: ip_str: The netmask/hostmask to be converted Returns: An integer, the prefix length. Raises: NetmaskValueError: If the input is not a valid netmask/hostmask
def _prefix_from_ip_string(self, ip_str): # Parse the netmask/hostmask like an IP address. try: ip_int = self._ip_int_from_string(ip_str) except AddressValueError: self._report_invalid_netmask(ip_str) # Try matching a netmask (this would be /1*0*/ as a bitwise regexp). # Note that the two ambiguous cases (all-ones and all-zeroes) are # treated as netmasks. try: return self._prefix_from_ip_int(ip_int) except ValueError: pass # Invert the bits, and try matching a /0+1+/ hostmask instead. ip_int ^= self._ALL_ONES try: return self._prefix_from_ip_int(ip_int) except ValueError: self._report_invalid_netmask(ip_str)
Turn the given IP string into an integer for comparison. Args: ip_str: A string, the IP ip_str. Returns: The IP ip_str as an integer. Raises: AddressValueError: if ip_str isn't a valid IPv4 Address.
def _ip_int_from_string(self, ip_str): if not ip_str: raise AddressValueError('Address cannot be empty') octets = ip_str.split('.') if len(octets) != 4: raise AddressValueError("Expected 4 octets in %r" % ip_str) try: return _int_from_bytes(map(self._parse_octet, octets), 'big') except ValueError as exc: raise AddressValueError("%s in %r" % (exc, ip_str))
Convert a decimal octet into an integer. Args: octet_str: A string, the number to parse. Returns: The octet as an integer. Raises: ValueError: if the octet isn't strictly a decimal from [0..255].
def _parse_octet(self, octet_str): if not octet_str: raise ValueError("Empty octet not permitted") # Whitelist the characters, since int() allows a lot of bizarre stuff. if not self._DECIMAL_DIGITS.issuperset(octet_str): msg = "Only decimal digits permitted in %r" raise ValueError(msg % octet_str) # We do the length check second, since the invalid character error # is likely to be more informative for the user if len(octet_str) > 3: msg = "At most 3 characters permitted in %r" raise ValueError(msg % octet_str) # Convert to integer (we know digits are legal) octet_int = int(octet_str, 10) # Any octets that look like they *might* be written in octal, # and which don't look exactly the same in both octal and # decimal are rejected as ambiguous if octet_int > 7 and octet_str[0] == '0': msg = "Ambiguous (octal/decimal) value in %r not permitted" raise ValueError(msg % octet_str) if octet_int > 255: raise ValueError("Octet %d (> 255) not permitted" % octet_int) return octet_int
Verify that the netmask is valid. Args: netmask: A string, either a prefix or dotted decimal netmask. Returns: A boolean, True if the prefix represents a valid IPv4 netmask.
def _is_valid_netmask(self, netmask): mask = netmask.split('.') if len(mask) == 4: try: for x in mask: if int(x) not in self._valid_mask_octets: return False except ValueError: # Found something that isn't an integer or isn't valid return False for idx, y in enumerate(mask): if idx > 0 and y > mask[idx - 1]: return False return True try: netmask = int(netmask) except ValueError: return False return 0 <= netmask <= self._max_prefixlen
Expand a shortened IPv6 address. Args: ip_str: A string, the IPv6 address. Returns: A string, the expanded IPv6 address.
def _explode_shorthand_ip_string(self): if isinstance(self, IPv6Network): ip_str = str(self.network_address) elif isinstance(self, IPv6Interface): ip_str = str(self.ip) else: ip_str = str(self) ip_int = self._ip_int_from_string(ip_str) hex_str = '%032x' % ip_int parts = [hex_str[x:x+4] for x in range(0, 32, 4)] if isinstance(self, (_BaseNetwork, IPv6Interface)): return '%s/%d' % (':'.join(parts), self._prefixlen) return ':'.join(parts)
Find a device in Zenoss. If device not found, returns None. Parameters: device: (Optional) Will use the grain 'fqdn' by default CLI Example: salt '*' zenoss.find_device
def find_device(device=None): data = [{'uid': '/zport/dmd/Devices', 'params': {}, 'limit': None}] all_devices = _router_request('DeviceRouter', 'getDevices', data=data) for dev in all_devices['devices']: if dev['name'] == device: # We need to save the has for later operations dev['hash'] = all_devices['hash']'Found device %s in Zenoss', device) return dev'Unable to find device %s in Zenoss', device) return None
A function to set the prod_state in zenoss. Parameters: prod_state: (Required) Integer value of the state device: (Optional) Will use the grain 'fqdn' by default. CLI Example: salt zenoss.set_prod_state 1000 hostname
def set_prod_state(prod_state, device=None): if not device: device = __salt__['grains.get']('fqdn') device_object = find_device(device) if not device_object: return "Unable to find a device in Zenoss for {0}".format(device)'Setting prodState to %d on %s device', prod_state, device) data = dict(uids=[device_object['uid']], prodState=prod_state, hashcheck=device_object['hash']) return _router_request('DeviceRouter', 'setProductionState', [data])
Filters file path against unwanted directories and decides whether file is marked as deleted. Returns: True if file is desired deleted file, else False. Args: path: A string - path to file
def _valid_deleted_file(path): ret = False if path.endswith(' (deleted)'): ret = True if re.compile(r"\(path inode=[0-9]+\)$").search(path): ret = True regex = re.compile("|".join(LIST_DIRS)) if regex.match(path): ret = False return ret
Ensure an update is installed on the minion Args: name(str): Name of the Windows KB ("KB123456") source (str): Source of .msu file corresponding to the KB Example: .. code-block:: yaml KB123456: wusa.installed: - source: salt://kb123456.msu
def installed(name, source): ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} # Input validation if not name: raise SaltInvocationError('Must specify a KB "name"') if not source: raise SaltInvocationError('Must specify a "source" file to install') # Is the KB already installed if __salt__['wusa.is_installed'](name): ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = '{0} already installed'.format(name) return ret # Check for test=True if __opts__['test'] is True: ret['result'] = None ret['comment'] = '{0} would be installed'.format(name) ret['result'] = None return ret # Cache the file cached_source_path = __salt__['cp.cache_file'](path=source, saltenv=__env__) if not cached_source_path: msg = 'Unable to cache {0} from saltenv "{1}"'.format( salt.utils.url.redact_http_basic_auth(source), __env__) ret['comment'] = msg return ret # Install the KB __salt__['wusa.install'](cached_source_path) # Verify successful install if __salt__['wusa.is_installed'](name): ret['comment'] = '{0} was installed'.format(name) ret['changes'] = {'old': False, 'new': True} ret['result'] = True else: ret['comment'] = '{0} failed to install'.format(name) return ret
Ensure an update is uninstalled from the minion Args: name(str): Name of the Windows KB ("KB123456") Example: .. code-block:: yaml KB123456: wusa.uninstalled
def uninstalled(name): ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} # Is the KB already uninstalled if not __salt__['wusa.is_installed'](name): ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = '{0} already uninstalled'.format(name) return ret # Check for test=True if __opts__['test'] is True: ret['result'] = None ret['comment'] = '{0} would be uninstalled'.format(name) ret['result'] = None return ret # Uninstall the KB __salt__['wusa.uninstall'](name) # Verify successful uninstall if not __salt__['wusa.is_installed'](name): ret['comment'] = '{0} was uninstalled'.format(name) ret['changes'] = {'old': True, 'new': False} ret['result'] = True else: ret['comment'] = '{0} failed to uninstall'.format(name) return ret
Create the salt proxy file and start the proxy process if required Parameters: proxyname: Name to be used for this proxy (should match entries in pillar) start: Boolean indicating if the process should be started default = True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt deviceminion salt_proxy.configure_proxy p8000
def configure_proxy(proxyname, start=True): changes_new = [] changes_old = [] status_file = True test = __opts__['test'] # write the proxy file if necessary proxyfile = '/etc/salt/proxy' status_file, msg_new, msg_old = _proxy_conf_file(proxyfile, test) changes_new.extend(msg_new) changes_old.extend(msg_old) status_proc = False # start the proxy process if start: status_proc, msg_new, msg_old = _proxy_process(proxyname, test) changes_old.extend(msg_old) changes_new.extend(msg_new) else: changes_old.append('Start is False, not starting salt-proxy process') log.debug('Process not started') return { 'result': status_file and status_proc, 'changes': { 'old': '\n'.join(changes_old), 'new': '\n'.join(changes_new), }, }
Ensure that the named package is not installed. Args: name (str): The flatpak package. Returns: dict: The ``result`` and ``output``. Example: .. code-block:: yaml uninstall_package: flatpack.uninstalled: - name: gimp
def uninstalled(name): ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': None, 'comment': ''} old = __salt__['flatpak.is_installed'](name) if not old: ret['comment'] = 'Package {0} is not installed'.format(name) ret['result'] = True return ret else: if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Package {0} would have been uninstalled'.format(name) ret['changes']['old'] = old[0]['version'] ret['changes']['new'] = None ret['result'] = None return ret __salt__['flatpak.uninstall'](name) if not __salt__['flatpak.is_installed'](name): ret['comment'] = 'Package {0} uninstalled'.format(name) ret['changes']['old'] = old[0]['version'] ret['changes']['new'] = None ret['result'] = True return ret
Adds a new location to install flatpak packages from. Args: name (str): The repository's name. location (str): The location of the repository. Returns: dict: The ``result`` and ``output``. Example: .. code-block:: yaml add_flathub: flatpack.add_remote: - name: flathub - location:
def add_remote(name, location): ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': None, 'comment': ''} old = __salt__['flatpak.is_remote_added'](name) if not old: if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Remote "{0}" would have been added'.format(name) ret['changes']['new'] = name ret['changes']['old'] = None ret['result'] = None return ret install_ret = __salt__['flatpak.add_remote'](name) if __salt__['flatpak.is_remote_added'](name): ret['comment'] = 'Remote "{0}" was added'.format(name) ret['changes']['new'] = name ret['changes']['old'] = None ret['result'] = True return ret ret['comment'] = 'Failed to add remote "{0}"'.format(name) ret['comment'] += '\noutput:\n' + install_ret['output'] ret['result'] = False return ret ret['comment'] = 'Remote "{0}" already exists'.format(name) if __opts__['test']: ret['result'] = None return ret ret['result'] = True return ret
Set an effect to the lamp. Arguments: * **value**: 0~255 brightness of the lamp. Options: * **id**: Specifies a device ID. Can be a comma-separated values. All, if omitted. * **transition**: Transition 0~200. Default 0. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' hue.brightness value=100 salt '*' hue.brightness id=1 value=150 salt '*' hue.brightness id=1,2,3 value=255
def call_brightness(*args, **kwargs): res = dict() if 'value' not in kwargs: raise CommandExecutionError("Parameter 'value' is missing") try: brightness = max(min(int(kwargs['value']), 244), 1) except Exception as err: raise CommandExecutionError("Parameter 'value' does not contains an integer") try: transition = max(min(int(kwargs['transition']), 200), 0) except Exception as err: transition = 0 devices = _get_lights() for dev_id in 'id' not in kwargs and sorted(devices.keys()) or _get_devices(kwargs): res[dev_id] = _set(dev_id, {"bri": brightness, "transitiontime": transition}) return res
Set the mired color temperature. More: Arguments: * **value**: 150~500. Options: * **id**: Specifies a device ID. Can be a comma-separated values. All, if omitted. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' hue.temperature value=150 salt '*' hue.temperature value=150 id=1 salt '*' hue.temperature value=150 id=1,2,3
def call_temperature(*args, **kwargs): res = dict() if 'value' not in kwargs: raise CommandExecutionError("Parameter 'value' (150~500) is missing") try: value = max(min(int(kwargs['value']), 500), 150) except Exception as err: raise CommandExecutionError("Parameter 'value' does not contains an integer") devices = _get_lights() for dev_id in 'id' not in kwargs and sorted(devices.keys()) or _get_devices(kwargs): res[dev_id] = _set(dev_id, {"ct": value}) return res
Sets the timezone using the tzutil. Args: timezone (str): A valid timezone Returns: bool: ``True`` if successful, otherwise ``False`` Raises: CommandExecutionError: If invalid timezone is passed CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' timezone.set_zone 'America/Denver'
def set_zone(timezone): # if it's one of the key's just use it if timezone.lower() in mapper.win_to_unix: win_zone = timezone elif timezone.lower() in mapper.unix_to_win: # if it's one of the values, use the key win_zone = mapper.get_win(timezone) else: # Raise error because it's neither key nor value raise CommandExecutionError('Invalid timezone passed: {0}'.format(timezone)) # Set the value cmd = ['tzutil', '/s', win_zone] res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, python_shell=False) if res['retcode']: raise CommandExecutionError('tzutil encountered an error setting ' 'timezone: {0}'.format(timezone), info=res) return zone_compare(timezone)
Compares the given timezone with the machine timezone. Mostly useful for running state checks. Args: timezone (str): The timezone to compare. This can be in Windows or Unix format. Can be any of the values returned by the ``timezone.list`` function Returns: bool: ``True`` if they match, otherwise ``False`` Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' timezone.zone_compare 'America/Denver'
def zone_compare(timezone): # if it's one of the key's just use it if timezone.lower() in mapper.win_to_unix: check_zone = timezone elif timezone.lower() in mapper.unix_to_win: # if it's one of the values, use the key check_zone = mapper.get_win(timezone) else: # Raise error because it's neither key nor value raise CommandExecutionError('Invalid timezone passed: {0}' ''.format(timezone)) return get_zone() == mapper.get_unix(check_zone, 'Unknown')
Set the Windows computer name Args: name (str): The new name to give the computer. Requires a reboot to take effect. Returns: dict: Returns a dictionary containing the old and new names if successful. ``False`` if not. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'minion-id' system.set_computer_name 'DavesComputer'
def set_computer_name(name): if six.PY2: name = _to_unicode(name) if windll.kernel32.SetComputerNameExW( win32con.ComputerNamePhysicalDnsHostname, name): ret = {'Computer Name': {'Current': get_computer_name()}} pending = get_pending_computer_name() if pending not in (None, False): ret['Computer Name']['Pending'] = pending return ret return False
Set the Windows computer description Args: desc (str): The computer description Returns: str: Description if successful, otherwise ``False`` CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'minion-id' system.set_computer_desc 'This computer belongs to Dave!'
def set_computer_desc(desc=None): if six.PY2: desc = _to_unicode(desc) # Make sure the system exists # Return an object containing current information array for the computer system_info = win32net.NetServerGetInfo(None, 101) # If desc is passed, decode it for unicode if desc is None: return False system_info['comment'] = desc # Apply new settings try: win32net.NetServerSetInfo(None, 101, system_info) except win32net.error as exc: (number, context, message) = exc.args log.error('Failed to update system') log.error('nbr: %s', number) log.error('ctx: %s', context) log.error('msg: %s', message) return False return {'Computer Description': get_computer_desc()}
Set the hostname of the windows minion, requires a restart before this will be updated. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 Args: hostname (str): The hostname to set Returns: bool: ``True`` if successful, otherwise ``False`` CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'minion-id' system.set_hostname newhostname
def set_hostname(hostname): with salt.utils.winapi.Com(): conn = wmi.WMI() comp = conn.Win32_ComputerSystem()[0] return comp.Rename(Name=hostname)
A helper function that attempts to parse the input time_str as a date. Args: time_str (str): A string representing the time fmts (list): A list of date format strings Returns: datetime: Returns a datetime object if parsed properly, otherwise None
def _try_parse_datetime(time_str, fmts): result = None for fmt in fmts: try: result = datetime.strptime(time_str, fmt) break except ValueError: pass return result
Set the Windows system date. Use <mm-dd-yy> format for the date. Args: newdate (str): The date to set. Can be any of the following formats - YYYY-MM-DD - MM-DD-YYYY - MM-DD-YY - MM/DD/YYYY - MM/DD/YY - YYYY/MM/DD Returns: bool: ``True`` if successful, otherwise ``False`` CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' system.set_system_date '03-28-13'
def set_system_date(newdate): fmts = ['%Y-%m-%d', '%m-%d-%Y', '%m-%d-%y', '%m/%d/%Y', '%m/%d/%y', '%Y/%m/%d'] # Get date/time object from newdate dt_obj = _try_parse_datetime(newdate, fmts) if dt_obj is None: return False # Set time using set_system_date_time() return set_system_date_time(years=dt_obj.year, months=dt_obj.month,
Ensures that the named bridge exists, eventually creates it. Args: name: The name of the bridge. parent: The name of the parent bridge (if the bridge shall be created as a fake bridge). If specified, vlan must also be specified. vlan: The VLAN ID of the bridge (if the bridge shall be created as a fake bridge). If specified, parent must also be specified.
def present(name, parent=None, vlan=None): ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} # Comment and change messages comment_bridge_created = 'Bridge {0} created.'.format(name) comment_bridge_notcreated = 'Unable to create bridge: {0}.'.format(name) comment_bridge_exists = 'Bridge {0} already exists.'.format(name) comment_bridge_mismatch = ('Bridge {0} already exists, but has a different' ' parent or VLAN ID.').format(name) changes_bridge_created = {name: {'old': 'Bridge {0} does not exist.'.format(name), 'new': 'Bridge {0} created'.format(name), } } bridge_exists = __salt__['openvswitch.bridge_exists'](name) if bridge_exists: current_parent = __salt__['openvswitch.bridge_to_parent'](name) if current_parent == name: current_parent = None current_vlan = __salt__['openvswitch.bridge_to_vlan'](name) if current_vlan == 0: current_vlan = None # Dry run, test=true mode if __opts__['test']: if bridge_exists: if current_parent == parent and current_vlan == vlan: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_exists else: ret['result'] = False ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_mismatch else: ret['result'] = None ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_created return ret if bridge_exists: if current_parent == parent and current_vlan == vlan: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_exists else: ret['result'] = False ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_mismatch else: bridge_create = __salt__['openvswitch.bridge_create']( name, parent=parent, vlan=vlan) if bridge_create: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_created ret['changes'] = changes_bridge_created else: ret['result'] = False ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_notcreated return ret
Ensures that the named bridge does not exist, eventually deletes it. Args: name: The name of the bridge.
def absent(name): ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} # Comment and change messages comment_bridge_deleted = 'Bridge {0} deleted.'.format(name) comment_bridge_notdeleted = 'Unable to delete bridge: {0}.'.format(name) comment_bridge_notexists = 'Bridge {0} does not exist.'.format(name) changes_bridge_deleted = {name: {'old': 'Bridge {0} exists.'.format(name), 'new': 'Bridge {0} deleted.'.format(name), } } bridge_exists = __salt__['openvswitch.bridge_exists'](name) # Dry run, test=true mode if __opts__['test']: if not bridge_exists: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_notexists else: ret['result'] = None ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_deleted return ret if not bridge_exists: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_notexists else: bridge_delete = __salt__['openvswitch.bridge_delete'](name) if bridge_delete: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_deleted ret['changes'] = changes_bridge_deleted else: ret['result'] = False ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_notdeleted return ret
Internal function for running commands. Used by the uninstall function. Args: cmd (str, list): The command to run Returns: str: The stdout of the command
def _run(self, cmd): if isinstance(cmd, six.string_types): cmd = salt.utils.args.shlex_split(cmd) try: log.debug(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return p.communicate() except (OSError, IOError) as exc: log.debug('Command Failed: %s', ' '.join(cmd)) log.debug('Error: %s', exc) raise CommandExecutionError(exc)
Get the Security ID for the user Args: username (str): The user name for which to look up the SID Returns: str: The user SID CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' user.getUserSid jsnuffy
def getUserSid(username): if six.PY2: username = _to_unicode(username) domain = win32api.GetComputerName() if username.find('\\') != -1: domain = username.split('\\')[0] username = username.split('\\')[-1] domain = domain.upper() return win32security.ConvertSidToStringSid( win32security.LookupAccountName(None, domain + '\\' + username)[0])
Add user to a group Args: name (str): The user name to add to the group group (str): The name of the group to which to add the user Returns: bool: True if successful, otherwise False CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' user.addgroup jsnuffy 'Power Users'
def addgroup(name, group): if six.PY2: name = _to_unicode(name) group = _to_unicode(group) name = _cmd_quote(name) group = _cmd_quote(group).lstrip('\'').rstrip('\'') user = info(name) if not user: return False if group in user['groups']: return True cmd = 'net localgroup "{0}" {1} /add'.format(group, name) ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, python_shell=True) return ret['retcode'] == 0
Change the home directory of the user, pass True for persist to move files to the new home directory if the old home directory exist. Args: name (str): The name of the user whose home directory you wish to change home (str): The new location of the home directory Returns: bool: True if successful, otherwise False CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' user.chhome foo \\\\fileserver\\home\\foo True
def chhome(name, home, **kwargs): if six.PY2: name = _to_unicode(name) home = _to_unicode(home) kwargs = salt.utils.args.clean_kwargs(**kwargs) persist = kwargs.pop('persist', False) if kwargs: salt.utils.args.invalid_kwargs(kwargs) if persist:'Ignoring unsupported \'persist\' argument to user.chhome') pre_info = info(name) if not pre_info: return False if home == pre_info['home']: return True if not update(name=name, home=home): return False post_info = info(name) if post_info['home'] != pre_info['home']: return post_info['home'] == home return False
In case net user doesn't return the userprofile we can get it from the registry Args: user (str): The user name, used in debug message sid (str): The sid to lookup in the registry Returns: str: Profile directory
def _get_userprofile_from_registry(user, sid): profile_dir = __utils__['reg.read_value']( 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileList\\{0}'.format(sid), 'ProfileImagePath' )['vdata'] log.debug( 'user %s with sid=%s profile is located at "%s"', user, sid, profile_dir ) return profile_dir
Return a list of groups the named user belongs to Args: name (str): The user name for which to list groups Returns: list: A list of groups to which the user belongs CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' user.list_groups foo
def list_groups(name): if six.PY2: name = _to_unicode(name) ugrp = set() try: user = info(name)['groups'] except KeyError: return False for group in user: ugrp.add(group.strip(' *')) return sorted(list(ugrp))
Return the list of all info for all users Args: refresh (bool, optional): Refresh the cached user information. Useful when used from within a state function. Default is False. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing information about all users on the system CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' user.getent
def getent(refresh=False): if 'user.getent' in __context__ and not refresh: return __context__['user.getent'] ret = [] for user in __salt__['user.list_users'](): stuff = {} user_info = __salt__[''](user) stuff['gid'] = '' stuff['groups'] = user_info['groups'] stuff['home'] = user_info['home'] stuff['name'] = user_info['name'] stuff['passwd'] = user_info['passwd'] stuff['shell'] = '' stuff['uid'] = user_info['uid'] ret.append(stuff) __context__['user.getent'] = ret return ret
Change the username for a named user Args: name (str): The user name to change new_name (str): The new name for the current user Returns: bool: True if successful, otherwise False CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' user.rename jsnuffy jshmoe
def rename(name, new_name): if six.PY2: name = _to_unicode(name) new_name = _to_unicode(new_name) # Load information for the current name current_info = info(name) if not current_info: raise CommandExecutionError('User \'{0}\' does not exist'.format(name)) # Look for an existing user with the new name new_info = info(new_name) if new_info: raise CommandExecutionError( 'User \'{0}\' already exists'.format(new_name) ) # Rename the user account # Connect to WMI with salt.utils.winapi.Com(): c = wmi.WMI(find_classes=0) # Get the user object try: user = c.Win32_UserAccount(Name=name)[0] except IndexError: raise CommandExecutionError('User \'{0}\' does not exist'.format(name)) # Rename the user result = user.Rename(new_name)[0] # Check the result (0 means success) if not result == 0: # Define Error Dict error_dict = {0: 'Success', 1: 'Instance not found', 2: 'Instance required', 3: 'Invalid parameter', 4: 'User not found', 5: 'Domain not found', 6: 'Operation is allowed only on the primary domain controller of the domain', 7: 'Operation is not allowed on the last administrative account', 8: 'Operation is not allowed on specified special groups: user, admin, local, or guest', 9: 'Other API error', 10: 'Internal error'} raise CommandExecutionError( 'There was an error renaming \'{0}\' to \'{1}\'. Error: {2}' .format(name, new_name, error_dict[result]) ) return info(new_name).get('name') == new_name
Internal function for obfuscating the password used for AutoLogin This is later written as the contents of the ``/etc/kcpassword`` file .. versionadded:: 2017.7.3 Adapted from: Args: password(str): The password to obfuscate Returns: str: The obfuscated password
def _kcpassword(password): # The magic 11 bytes - these are just repeated # 0x7D 0x89 0x52 0x23 0xD2 0xBC 0xDD 0xEA 0xA3 0xB9 0x1F key = [125, 137, 82, 35, 210, 188, 221, 234, 163, 185, 31] key_len = len(key) # Convert each character to a byte password = list(map(ord, password)) # pad password length out to an even multiple of key length remainder = len(password) % key_len if remainder > 0: password = password + [0] * (key_len - remainder) # Break the password into chunks the size of len(key) (11) for chunk_index in range(0, len(password), len(key)): # Reset the key_index to 0 for each iteration key_index = 0 # Do an XOR on each character of that chunk of the password with the # corresponding item in the key # The length of the password, or the length of the key, whichever is # smaller for password_index in range(chunk_index, min(chunk_index + len(key), len(password))): password[password_index] = password[password_index] ^ key[key_index] key_index += 1 # Convert each byte back to a character password = list(map(chr, password)) return b''.join(
.. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 Configures the machine to auto login with the specified user Args: name (str): The user account use for auto login password (str): The password to user for auto login .. versionadded:: 2017.7.3 Returns: bool: ``True`` if successful, otherwise ``False`` CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' user.enable_auto_login stevej
def enable_auto_login(name, password): # Make the entry into the defaults file cmd = ['defaults', 'write', '/Library/Preferences/', 'autoLoginUser', name] __salt__[''](cmd) current = get_auto_login() # Create/Update the kcpassword file with an obfuscated password o_password = _kcpassword(password=password) with salt.utils.files.set_umask(0o077): with salt.utils.files.fopen('/etc/kcpassword', 'w' if six.PY2 else 'wb') as fd: fd.write(o_password) return current if isinstance(current, bool) else current.lower() == name.lower()
Get the ACL of an object. Will filter by user if one is provided. Args: path: The path to the object objectType: The type of object (FILE, DIRECTORY, REGISTRY) user: A user name to filter by Returns (dict): A dictionary containing the ACL CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'minion-id' win_dacl.get c:\temp directory
def get(path, objectType, user=None): ret = {'Path': path, 'ACLs': []} sidRet = _getUserSid(user) if path and objectType: dc = daclConstants() objectTypeBit = dc.getObjectTypeBit(objectType) path = dc.processPath(path, objectTypeBit) tdacl = _get_dacl(path, objectTypeBit) if tdacl: for counter in range(0, tdacl.GetAceCount()): tAce = tdacl.GetAce(counter) if not sidRet['sid'] or (tAce[2] == sidRet['sid']): ret['ACLs'].append(_ace_to_text(tAce, objectTypeBit)) return ret
helper function to set the inheritance Args: path (str): The path to the object objectType (str): The type of object inheritance (bool): True enables inheritance, False disables copy (bool): Copy inherited ACEs to the DACL before disabling inheritance clear (bool): Remove non-inherited ACEs from the DACL
def _set_dacl_inheritance(path, objectType, inheritance=True, copy=True, clear=False): ret = {'result': False, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}} if path: try: sd = win32security.GetNamedSecurityInfo(path, objectType, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION) tdacl = sd.GetSecurityDescriptorDacl() if inheritance: if clear: counter = 0 removedAces = [] while counter < tdacl.GetAceCount(): tAce = tdacl.GetAce(counter) if (tAce[0][1] & win32security.INHERITED_ACE) != win32security.INHERITED_ACE: tdacl.DeleteAce(counter) removedAces.append(_ace_to_text(tAce, objectType)) else: counter = counter + 1 if removedAces: ret['changes']['Removed ACEs'] = removedAces else: ret['changes']['Non-Inherited ACEs'] = 'Left in the DACL' win32security.SetNamedSecurityInfo( path, objectType, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION | win32security.UNPROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, None, None, tdacl, None) ret['changes']['Inheritance'] = 'Enabled' else: if not copy: counter = 0 inheritedAcesRemoved = [] while counter < tdacl.GetAceCount(): tAce = tdacl.GetAce(counter) if (tAce[0][1] & win32security.INHERITED_ACE) == win32security.INHERITED_ACE: tdacl.DeleteAce(counter) inheritedAcesRemoved.append(_ace_to_text(tAce, objectType)) else: counter = counter + 1 if inheritedAcesRemoved: ret['changes']['Removed ACEs'] = inheritedAcesRemoved else: ret['changes']['Previously Inherited ACEs'] = 'Copied to the DACL' win32security.SetNamedSecurityInfo( path, objectType, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION | win32security.PROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, None, None, tdacl, None) ret['changes']['Inheritance'] = 'Disabled' ret['result'] = True except Exception as e: ret['result'] = False ret['comment'] = 'Error attempting to set the inheritance. The error was {0}.'.format(e) return ret
enable/disable inheritance on an object Args: path: The path to the object objectType: The type of object (FILE, DIRECTORY, REGISTRY) clear: True will remove non-Inherited ACEs from the ACL Returns (dict): A dictionary containing the results CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'minion-id' win_dacl.enable_inheritance c:\temp directory
def enable_inheritance(path, objectType, clear=False): dc = daclConstants() objectType = dc.getObjectTypeBit(objectType) path = dc.processPath(path, objectType) return _set_dacl_inheritance(path, objectType, True, None, clear)
Disable inheritance on an object Args: path: The path to the object objectType: The type of object (FILE, DIRECTORY, REGISTRY) copy: True will copy the Inherited ACEs to the DACL before disabling inheritance Returns (dict): A dictionary containing the results CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'minion-id' win_dacl.disable_inheritance c:\temp directory
def disable_inheritance(path, objectType, copy=True): dc = daclConstants() objectType = dc.getObjectTypeBit(objectType) path = dc.processPath(path, objectType) return _set_dacl_inheritance(path, objectType, False, copy, None)
Check a specified path to verify if inheritance is enabled Args: path: path of the registry key or file system object to check objectType: The type of object (FILE, DIRECTORY, REGISTRY) user: if provided, will consider only the ACEs for that user Returns (bool): 'Inheritance' of True/False CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'minion-id' win_dacl.check_inheritance c:\temp directory <username>
def check_inheritance(path, objectType, user=None): ret = {'result': False, 'Inheritance': False, 'comment': ''} sidRet = _getUserSid(user) dc = daclConstants() objectType = dc.getObjectTypeBit(objectType) path = dc.processPath(path, objectType) try: sd = win32security.GetNamedSecurityInfo(path, objectType, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION) dacls = sd.GetSecurityDescriptorDacl() except Exception as e: ret['result'] = False ret['comment'] = 'Error obtaining the Security Descriptor or DACL of the path: {0}.'.format(e) return ret for counter in range(0, dacls.GetAceCount()): ace = dacls.GetAce(counter) if (ace[0][1] & win32security.INHERITED_ACE) == win32security.INHERITED_ACE: if not sidRet['sid'] or ace[2] == sidRet['sid']: ret['Inheritance'] = True break ret['result'] = True return ret
Gets the difference between the candidate and the current configuration. .. code-block:: yaml get the diff: junos: - diff - id: 10 Parameters: Optional * id: The rollback id value [0-49]. (default = 0)
def diff(name, **kwargs): ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': True, 'comment': ''} ret['changes'] = __salt__['junos.diff'](**kwargs) return ret
Shuts down the device. .. code-block:: yaml shut the device: junos: - shutdown - in_min: 10 Parameters: Optional * kwargs: * reboot: Whether to reboot instead of shutdown. (default=False) * at: Specify time for reboot. (To be used only if reboot=yes) * in_min: Specify delay in minutes for shutdown
def shutdown(name, **kwargs): ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': True, 'comment': ''} ret['changes'] = __salt__['junos.shutdown'](**kwargs) return ret
Copies the file from the local device to the junos device. .. code-block:: yaml /home/m2/info.txt: junos: - file_copy - dest: info_copy.txt Parameters: Required * src: The sorce path where the file is kept. * dest: The destination path where the file will be copied.
def file_copy(name, dest=None, **kwargs): ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': True, 'comment': ''} ret['changes'] = __salt__['junos.file_copy'](name, dest, **kwargs) return ret
List details of available certificates in the LocalMachine certificate store. Args: certificate_store (str): The name of the certificate store on the local machine. Returns: dict: A dictionary of certificates found in the store
def _list_certs(certificate_store='My'): ret = dict() blacklist_keys = ['DnsNameList', 'Thumbprint'] ps_cmd = ['Get-ChildItem', '-Path', r"'Cert:\LocalMachine\{0}'".format(certificate_store), '|', 'Select-Object DnsNameList, SerialNumber, Subject, Thumbprint, Version'] cmd_ret = _srvmgr(cmd=ps_cmd, return_json=True) try: items = salt.utils.json.loads(cmd_ret['stdout'], strict=False) except ValueError: raise CommandExecutionError('Unable to parse return data as Json.') for item in items: cert_info = dict() for key in item: if key not in blacklist_keys: cert_info[key.lower()] = item[key] cert_info['dnsnames'] = [] if item['DnsNameList']: cert_info['dnsnames'] = [name['Unicode'] for name in item['DnsNameList']] ret[item['Thumbprint']] = cert_info return ret
Execute a powershell command from the WebAdministration PS module. Args: cmd (list): The command to execute in a list return_json (bool): True formats the return in JSON, False just returns the output of the command. Returns: str: The output from the command
def _srvmgr(cmd, return_json=False): if isinstance(cmd, list): cmd = ' '.join(cmd) if return_json: cmd = 'ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 4 -InputObject @({0})' \ ''.format(cmd) cmd = 'Import-Module WebAdministration; {0}'.format(cmd) ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, shell='powershell', python_shell=True) if ret['retcode'] != 0: msg = 'Unable to execute command: {0}\nError: {1}' \ ''.format(cmd, ret['stderr']) log.error(msg) return ret
Delete a website from IIS. Args: name (str): The IIS site name. Returns: bool: True if successful, otherwise False .. note:: This will not remove the application pool used by the site. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' win_iis.remove_site name='My Test Site'
def remove_site(name): current_sites = list_sites() if name not in current_sites: log.debug('Site already absent: %s', name) return True ps_cmd = ['Remove-WebSite', '-Name', r"'{0}'".format(name)] cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd) if cmd_ret['retcode'] != 0: msg = 'Unable to remove site: {0}\nError: {1}' \ ''.format(name, cmd_ret['stderr']) raise CommandExecutionError(msg) log.debug('Site removed successfully: %s', name) return True
Stop a Web Site in IIS. .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Args: name (str): The name of the website to stop. Returns: bool: True if successful, otherwise False CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' win_iis.stop_site name='My Test Site'
def stop_site(name): ps_cmd = ['Stop-WebSite', r"'{0}'".format(name)] cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd) return cmd_ret['retcode'] == 0
Start a Web Site in IIS. .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Args: name (str): The name of the website to start. Returns: bool: True if successful, otherwise False CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' win_iis.start_site name='My Test Site'
def start_site(name): ps_cmd = ['Start-WebSite', r"'{0}'".format(name)] cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd) return cmd_ret['retcode'] == 0
Get all configured IIS bindings for the specified site. Args: site (str): The name if the IIS Site Returns: dict: A dictionary of the binding names and properties. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' win_iis.list_bindings site
def list_bindings(site): ret = dict() sites = list_sites() if site not in sites: log.warning('Site not found: %s', site) return ret ret = sites[site]['bindings'] if not ret: log.warning('No bindings found for site: %s', site) return ret
Remove an IIS binding. Args: site (str): The IIS site name. hostheader (str): The host header of the binding. ipaddress (str): The IP address of the binding. port (int): The TCP port of the binding. Returns: bool: True if successful, otherwise False CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' win_iis.remove_binding site='site0' hostheader='' ipaddress='*' port='80'
def remove_binding(site, hostheader='', ipaddress='*', port=80): name = _get_binding_info(hostheader, ipaddress, port) current_bindings = list_bindings(site) if name not in current_bindings: log.debug('Binding already absent: %s', name) return True ps_cmd = ['Remove-WebBinding', '-HostHeader', "'{0}'".format(hostheader), '-IpAddress', "'{0}'".format(ipaddress), '-Port', "'{0}'".format(port)] cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd) if cmd_ret['retcode'] != 0: msg = 'Unable to remove binding: {0}\nError: {1}' \ ''.format(site, cmd_ret['stderr']) raise CommandExecutionError(msg) if name not in list_bindings(site): log.debug('Binding removed successfully: %s', site) return True log.error('Unable to remove binding: %s', site) return False
List certificate bindings for an IIS site. .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0 Args: site (str): The IIS site name. Returns: dict: A dictionary of the binding names and properties. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' win_iis.list_bindings site
def list_cert_bindings(site): ret = dict() sites = list_sites() if site not in sites: log.warning('Site not found: %s', site) return ret for binding in sites[site]['bindings']: if sites[site]['bindings'][binding]['certificatehash']: ret[binding] = sites[site]['bindings'][binding] if not ret: log.warning('No certificate bindings found for site: %s', site) return ret
Stop an IIS application pool. .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Args: name (str): The name of the App Pool to stop. Returns: bool: True if successful, otherwise False CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' win_iis.stop_apppool name='MyTestPool'
def stop_apppool(name): ps_cmd = ['Stop-WebAppPool', r"'{0}'".format(name)] cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd) return cmd_ret['retcode'] == 0
Start an IIS application pool. .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Args: name (str): The name of the App Pool to start. Returns: bool: True if successful, otherwise False CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' win_iis.start_apppool name='MyTestPool'
def start_apppool(name): ps_cmd = ['Start-WebAppPool', r"'{0}'".format(name)] cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd) return cmd_ret['retcode'] == 0
Restart an IIS application pool. .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0 Args: name (str): The name of the IIS application pool. Returns: bool: True if successful, otherwise False CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' win_iis.restart_apppool name='MyTestPool'
def restart_apppool(name): ps_cmd = ['Restart-WebAppPool', r"'{0}'".format(name)] cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd) return cmd_ret['retcode'] == 0
Get all configured IIS applications for the specified site. Args: site (str): The IIS site name. Returns: A dictionary of the application names and properties. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' win_iis.list_apps site
def list_apps(site): ret = dict() ps_cmd = list() ps_cmd.append("Get-WebApplication -Site '{0}'".format(site)) ps_cmd.append(r"| Select-Object applicationPool, path, PhysicalPath, preloadEnabled,") ps_cmd.append(r"@{ Name='name'; Expression={ $_.path.Split('/', 2)[-1] } },") ps_cmd.append(r"@{ Name='protocols'; Expression={ @( $_.enabledProtocols.Split(',')") ps_cmd.append(r"| Foreach-Object { $_.Trim() } ) } }") cmd_ret = _srvmgr(cmd=ps_cmd, return_json=True) try: items = salt.utils.json.loads(cmd_ret['stdout'], strict=False) except ValueError: raise CommandExecutionError('Unable to parse return data as Json.') for item in items: protocols = list() # If there are no associated protocols, protocols will be an empty dict, # if there is one protocol, it will be a string, and if there are # multiple, it will be a dict with 'Count' and 'value' as the keys. if isinstance(item['protocols'], dict): if 'value' in item['protocols']: protocols += item['protocols']['value'] else: protocols.append(item['protocols']) ret[item['name']] = {'apppool': item['applicationPool'], 'path': item['path'], 'preload': item['preloadEnabled'], 'protocols': protocols, 'sourcepath': item['PhysicalPath']} if not ret: log.warning('No apps found in output: %s', cmd_ret) return ret
Remove an IIS application. Args: name (str): The application name. site (str): The IIS site name. Returns: bool: True if successful, otherwise False CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' win_iis.remove_app name='app0' site='site0'
def remove_app(name, site): current_apps = list_apps(site) if name not in current_apps: log.debug('Application already absent: %s', name) return True ps_cmd = ['Remove-WebApplication', '-Name', "'{0}'".format(name), '-Site', "'{0}'".format(site)] cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd) if cmd_ret['retcode'] != 0: msg = 'Unable to remove application: {0}\nError: {1}' \ ''.format(name, cmd_ret['stderr']) raise CommandExecutionError(msg) new_apps = list_apps(site) if name not in new_apps: log.debug('Application removed successfully: %s', name) return True log.error('Unable to remove application: %s', name) return False
Get all configured IIS virtual directories for the specified site, or for the combination of site and application. Args: site (str): The IIS site name. app (str): The IIS application. Returns: dict: A dictionary of the virtual directory names and properties. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' win_iis.list_vdirs site
def list_vdirs(site, app=_DEFAULT_APP): ret = dict() ps_cmd = ['Get-WebVirtualDirectory', '-Site', r"'{0}'".format(site), '-Application', r"'{0}'".format(app), '|', "Select-Object PhysicalPath, @{ Name = 'name';", r"Expression = { $_.path.Split('/')[-1] } }"] cmd_ret = _srvmgr(cmd=ps_cmd, return_json=True) try: items = salt.utils.json.loads(cmd_ret['stdout'], strict=False) except ValueError: raise CommandExecutionError('Unable to parse return data as Json.') for item in items: ret[item['name']] = {'sourcepath': item['physicalPath']} if not ret: log.warning('No vdirs found in output: %s', cmd_ret) return ret
Remove an IIS virtual directory. Args: name (str): The virtual directory name. site (str): The IIS site name. app (str): The IIS application. Returns: bool: True if successful, otherwise False CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' win_iis.remove_vdir name='vdir0' site='site0'
def remove_vdir(name, site, app=_DEFAULT_APP): current_vdirs = list_vdirs(site, app) app_path = os.path.join(*app.rstrip('/').split('/')) if app_path: app_path = '{0}\\'.format(app_path) vdir_path = r'IIS:\Sites\{0}\{1}{2}'.format(site, app_path, name) if name not in current_vdirs: log.debug('Virtual directory already absent: %s', name) return True # We use Remove-Item here instead of Remove-WebVirtualDirectory, since the # latter has a bug that causes it to always prompt for user input. ps_cmd = ['Remove-Item', '-Path', r"'{0}'".format(vdir_path), '-Recurse'] cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd) if cmd_ret['retcode'] != 0: msg = 'Unable to remove virtual directory: {0}\nError: {1}' \ ''.format(name, cmd_ret['stderr']) raise CommandExecutionError(msg) new_vdirs = list_vdirs(site, app) if name not in new_vdirs: log.debug('Virtual directory removed successfully: %s', name) return True log.error('Unable to remove virtual directory: %s', name) return False
r''' Backup an IIS Configuration on the System. .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 .. note:: Backups are stored in the ``$env:Windir\System32\inetsrv\backup`` folder. Args: name (str): The name to give the backup Returns: bool: True if successful, otherwise False CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' win_iis.create_backup good_config_20170209
def create_backup(name): r if name in list_backups(): raise CommandExecutionError('Backup already present: {0}'.format(name)) ps_cmd = ['Backup-WebConfiguration', '-Name', "'{0}'".format(name)] cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd) if cmd_ret['retcode'] != 0: msg = 'Unable to backup web configuration: {0}\nError: {1}' \ ''.format(name, cmd_ret['stderr']) raise CommandExecutionError(msg) return name in list_backups()
Remove an IIS Configuration backup from the System. .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Args: name (str): The name of the backup to remove Returns: bool: True if successful, otherwise False CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' win_iis.remove_backup backup_20170209
def remove_backup(name): if name not in list_backups(): log.debug('Backup already removed: %s', name) return True ps_cmd = ['Remove-WebConfigurationBackup', '-Name', "'{0}'".format(name)] cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd) if cmd_ret['retcode'] != 0: msg = 'Unable to remove web configuration: {0}\nError: {1}' \ ''.format(name, cmd_ret['stderr']) raise CommandExecutionError(msg) return name not in list_backups()
Returns a list of worker processes that correspond to the passed application pool. .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 Args: apppool (str): The application pool to query Returns: dict: A dictionary of worker processes with their process IDs CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' win_iis.list_worker_processes 'My App Pool'
def list_worker_processes(apppool): ps_cmd = ['Get-ChildItem', r"'IIS:\AppPools\{0}\WorkerProcesses'".format(apppool)] cmd_ret = _srvmgr(cmd=ps_cmd, return_json=True) try: items = salt.utils.json.loads(cmd_ret['stdout'], strict=False) except ValueError: raise CommandExecutionError('Unable to parse return data as Json.') ret = dict() for item in items: ret[item['processId']] = item['appPoolName'] if not ret: log.warning('No backups found in output: %s', cmd_ret) return ret
Helper function for adding new IDE controllers .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 Args: ide_controller_label: label of the IDE controller controller_key: if not None, the controller key to use; otherwise it is randomly generated bus_number: bus number Returns: created device spec for an IDE controller
def _add_new_ide_controller_helper(ide_controller_label, controller_key, bus_number): if controller_key is None: controller_key = randint(-200, 250) ide_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() ide_spec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualIDEController() ide_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add ide_spec.device.key = controller_key ide_spec.device.busNumber = bus_number ide_spec.device.deviceInfo = vim.Description() ide_spec.device.deviceInfo.label = ide_controller_label ide_spec.device.deviceInfo.summary = ide_controller_label return ide_spec
Check if the package is valid on the given mirrors. Args: package: The name of the package cyg_arch: The cygwin architecture mirrors: any mirrors to check Returns (bool): True if Valid, otherwise False CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' cyg.check_valid_package <package name>
def check_valid_package(package, cyg_arch='x86_64', mirrors=None): if mirrors is None: mirrors = [{DEFAULT_MIRROR: DEFAULT_MIRROR_KEY}] LOG.debug('Checking Valid Mirrors: %s', mirrors) for mirror in mirrors: for mirror_url, key in mirror.items(): if package in _get_all_packages(mirror_url, cyg_arch): return True return False
Manage the sending of authentication traps. Args: status (bool): True to enable traps. False to disable. Returns: bool: True if successful, otherwise False CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' win_snmp.set_auth_traps_enabled status='True'
def set_auth_traps_enabled(status=True): vname = 'EnableAuthenticationTraps' current_status = get_auth_traps_enabled() if bool(status) == current_status: _LOG.debug('%s already contains the provided value.', vname) return True vdata = int(status) __utils__['reg.set_value'](_HKEY, _SNMP_KEY, vname, vdata, 'REG_DWORD') new_status = get_auth_traps_enabled() if status == new_status: _LOG.debug('Setting %s configured successfully: %s', vname, vdata) return True _LOG.error('Unable to configure %s with value: %s', vname, vdata) return False
This module can also be run directly for testing Args: detail|list : Provide ``detail`` or version ``list``. system|system+user: System installed and System and User installs.
def __main(): if len(sys.argv) < 3: sys.stderr.write('usage: {0} <detail|list> <system|system+user>\n'.format(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(64) user_pkgs = False version_only = False if six.text_type(sys.argv[1]) == 'list': version_only = True if six.text_type(sys.argv[2]) == 'system+user': user_pkgs = True import salt.utils.json import timeit def run(): pkg_list = WinSoftware(user_pkgs=user_pkgs, version_only=version_only) print(salt.utils.json.dumps(, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) # pylint: disable=superfluous-parens print('Total: {}'.format(len(pkg_list))) # pylint: disable=superfluous-parens print('Time Taken: {}'.format(timeit.timeit(run, number=1)))
Squished GUID (SQUID) to GUID. A SQUID is a Squished/Compressed version of a GUID to use up less space in the registry. Args: squid (str): Squished GUID. Returns: str: the GUID if a valid SQUID provided.
def __squid_to_guid(self, squid): if not squid: return '' squid_match = self.__squid_pattern.match(squid) guid = '' if squid_match is not None: guid = '{' +\[::-1]+'-' +\[::-1]+'-' +\[::-1]+'-' +\[::-1][::-1] + '-' for index in range(6, 12): guid +=[::-1] guid += '}' return guid
Test for ``1`` as a number or a string and return ``True`` if it is. Args: value: string or number or None. Returns: bool: ``True`` if 1 otherwise ``False``.
def __one_equals_true(value): if isinstance(value, six.integer_types) and value == 1: return True elif (isinstance(value, six.string_types) and re.match(r'\d+', value, flags=re.IGNORECASE + re.UNICODE) is not None and six.text_type(value) == '1'): return True return False
Calls RegQueryValueEx If PY2 ensure unicode string and expand REG_EXPAND_SZ before returning Remember to catch not found exceptions when calling. Args: handle (object): open registry handle. value_name (str): Name of the value you wished returned Returns: tuple: type, value
def __reg_query_value(handle, value_name): # item_value, item_type = win32api.RegQueryValueEx(self.__reg_uninstall_handle, value_name) item_value, item_type = win32api.RegQueryValueEx(handle, value_name) # pylint: disable=no-member if six.PY2 and isinstance(item_value, six.string_types) and not isinstance(item_value, six.text_type): try: item_value = six.text_type(item_value, encoding='mbcs') except UnicodeError: pass if item_type == win32con.REG_EXPAND_SZ: # expects Unicode input win32api.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(item_value) # pylint: disable=no-member item_type = win32con.REG_SZ return item_value, item_type
For the uninstall section of the registry return the name value. Args: value_name (str): Registry value name. wanted_type (str): The type of value wanted if the type does not match None is return. wanted_type support values are ``str`` ``int`` ``list`` ``bytes``. Returns: value: Value requested or None if not found.
def get_install_value(self, value_name, wanted_type=None): try: item_value, item_type = self.__reg_query_value(self.__reg_uninstall_handle, value_name) except pywintypes.error as exc: # pylint: disable=no-member if exc.winerror == winerror.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: # Not Found return None raise if wanted_type and item_type not in self.__reg_types[wanted_type]: item_value = None return item_value
For the product section of the registry return the name value. Args: value_name (str): Registry value name. wanted_type (str): The type of value wanted if the type does not match None is return. wanted_type support values are ``str`` ``int`` ``list`` ``bytes``. Returns: value: Value requested or ``None`` if not found.
def get_product_value(self, value_name, wanted_type=None): if not self.__reg_products_handle: return None subkey, search_value_name = os.path.split(value_name) try: if subkey: handle = win32api.RegOpenKeyEx( # pylint: disable=no-member self.__reg_products_handle, subkey, 0, win32con.KEY_READ | self.__reg_32bit_access) item_value, item_type = self.__reg_query_value(handle, search_value_name) win32api.RegCloseKey(handle) # pylint: disable=no-member else: item_value, item_type = \ win32api.RegQueryValueEx(self.__reg_products_handle, value_name) # pylint: disable=no-member except pywintypes.error as exc: # pylint: disable=no-member if exc.winerror == winerror.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: # Not Found return None raise if wanted_type and item_type not in self.__reg_types[wanted_type]: item_value = None return item_value
Returns information on a package. Args: pkg_id (str): Package Id of the software/component Returns: dict or list: List if ``version_only`` is ``True`` otherwise dict
def __getitem__(self, pkg_id): if pkg_id in self.__reg_software: return self.__reg_software[pkg_id] else: raise KeyError(pkg_id)
Returns information on a package. Args: pkg_id (str): Package Id of the software/component. Returns: list: List of version numbers installed.
def pkg_version_list(self, pkg_id): pkg_data = self.__reg_software.get(pkg_id, None) if not pkg_data: return [] if isinstance(pkg_data, list): # raw data is 'pkgid': [sorted version list] return pkg_data # already sorted oldest to newest # Must be a dict or OrderDict, and contain full details installed_versions = list(pkg_data.get('version').keys()) return sorted(installed_versions, key=cmp_to_key(self.__oldest_to_latest_version))
Provided with a valid Windows Security Identifier (SID) and returns a Username Args: sid (str): Security Identifier (SID). Returns: str: Username in the format of username@realm or username@computer.
def __sid_to_username(sid): if sid is None or sid == '': return '' try: sid_bin = win32security.GetBinarySid(sid) # pylint: disable=no-member except pywintypes.error as exc: # pylint: disable=no-member raise ValueError( 'pkg: Software owned by {0} is not valid: [{1}] {2}'.format(sid, exc.winerror, exc.strerror) ) try: name, domain, _account_type = win32security.LookupAccountSid(None, sid_bin) # pylint: disable=no-member user_name = '{0}\\{1}'.format(domain, name) except pywintypes.error as exc: # pylint: disable=no-member # if user does not exist... # winerror.ERROR_NONE_MAPPED = No mapping between account names and # security IDs was carried out. if exc.winerror == winerror.ERROR_NONE_MAPPED: # 1332 # As the sid is from the registry it should be valid # even if it cannot be lookedup, so the sid is returned return sid else: raise ValueError( 'Failed looking up sid \'{0}\' username: [{1}] {2}'.format(sid, exc.winerror, exc.strerror) ) try: user_principal = win32security.TranslateName( # pylint: disable=no-member user_name, win32api.NameSamCompatible, # pylint: disable=no-member win32api.NameUserPrincipal) # pylint: disable=no-member except pywintypes.error as exc: # pylint: disable=no-member # winerror.ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN The specified domain either does not exist # or could not be contacted, computer may not be part of a domain also # winerror.ERROR_INVALID_DOMAINNAME The format of the specified domain name is # invalid. e.g. S-1-5-19 which is a local account # winerror.ERROR_NONE_MAPPED No mapping between account names and security IDs was done. if exc.winerror in (winerror.ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN, winerror.ERROR_INVALID_DOMAINNAME, winerror.ERROR_NONE_MAPPED): return '{0}@{1}'.format(name.lower(), domain.lower()) else: raise return user_principal
Convert user name to a uid Args: user (str): The user to lookup Returns: str: The user id of the user CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' file.user_to_uid myusername
def user_to_uid(user): if user is None: user = salt.utils.user.get_user() return salt.utils.win_dacl.get_sid_string(user)
Return the mode of a file Right now we're just returning None because Windows' doesn't have a mode like Linux Args: path (str): The path to the file or directory Returns: None CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' file.get_mode /etc/passwd
def get_mode(path): if not os.path.exists(path): raise CommandExecutionError('Path not found: {0}'.format(path)) func_name = '{0}.get_mode'.format(__virtualname__) if __opts__.get('fun', '') == func_name:'The function %s should not be used on Windows systems; ' 'see function docs for details. The value returned is ' 'always None.', func_name) return None
Return a dictionary object with the Windows file attributes for a file. Args: path (str): The path to the file or directory Returns: dict: A dictionary of file attributes CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' file.get_attributes c:\\temp\\a.txt
def get_attributes(path): if not os.path.exists(path): raise CommandExecutionError('Path not found: {0}'.format(path)) # set up dictionary for attribute values attributes = {} # Get cumulative int value of attributes intAttributes = win32file.GetFileAttributes(path) # Assign individual attributes attributes['archive'] = (intAttributes & 32) == 32 attributes['reparsePoint'] = (intAttributes & 1024) == 1024 attributes['compressed'] = (intAttributes & 2048) == 2048 attributes['directory'] = (intAttributes & 16) == 16 attributes['encrypted'] = (intAttributes & 16384) == 16384 attributes['hidden'] = (intAttributes & 2) == 2 attributes['normal'] = (intAttributes & 128) == 128 attributes['notIndexed'] = (intAttributes & 8192) == 8192 attributes['offline'] = (intAttributes & 4096) == 4096 attributes['readonly'] = (intAttributes & 1) == 1 attributes['system'] = (intAttributes & 4) == 4 attributes['temporary'] = (intAttributes & 256) == 256 # check if it's a Mounted Volume attributes['mountedVolume'] = False if attributes['reparsePoint'] is True and attributes['directory'] is True: fileIterator = win32file.FindFilesIterator(path) findDataTuple = next(fileIterator) if findDataTuple[6] == 0xA0000003: attributes['mountedVolume'] = True # check if it's a soft (symbolic) link # Note: os.path.islink() does not work in # Python 2.7 for the Windows NTFS file system. # The following code does, however, work (tested in Windows 8) attributes['symbolicLink'] = False if attributes['reparsePoint'] is True: fileIterator = win32file.FindFilesIterator(path) findDataTuple = next(fileIterator) if findDataTuple[6] == 0xA000000C: attributes['symbolicLink'] = True return attributes