stringlengths 52
| function
stringlengths 67
| __index_level_0__
int64 52.6k
Returns a function that checkes whether a number belongs to an interval.
interval: A tensorboard.hparams.Interval protobuf describing the interval.
A function taking a number (a float or an object of a type in
six.integer_types) that returns True if the number belongs to (the closed)
'interval'. | def _create_interval_filter(interval):
def filter_fn(value):
if (not isinstance(value, six.integer_types) and
not isinstance(value, float)):
raise error.HParamsError(
'Cannot use an interval filter for a value of type: %s, Value: %s' %
(type(value), value))
return interval.min_value <= value and value <= interval.max_value
return filter_fn | 58,044 |
Sets the metrics for session_group to those of its "median session".
The median session is the session in session_group with the median value
of the metric given by 'aggregation_metric'. The median is taken over the
subset of sessions in the group whose 'aggregation_metric' was measured
at the largest training step among the sessions in the group.
session_group: A SessionGroup protobuffer.
aggregation_metric: A MetricName protobuffer. | def _set_median_session_metrics(session_group, aggregation_metric):
measurements = sorted(_measurements(session_group, aggregation_metric),
median_session = measurements[(len(measurements) - 1) // 2].session_index
del session_group.metric_values[:]
session_group.sessions[median_session].metric_values) | 58,047 |
A generator for the values of the metric across the sessions in the group.
session_group: A SessionGroup protobuffer.
metric_name: A MetricName protobuffer.
The next metric value wrapped in a _Measurement instance. | def _measurements(session_group, metric_name):
for session_index, session in enumerate(session_group.sessions):
metric_value = _find_metric_value(session, metric_name)
if not metric_value:
yield _Measurement(metric_value, session_index) | 58,049 |
context: A backend_context.Context instance.
request: A ListSessionGroupsRequest protobuf. | def __init__(self, context, request):
self._context = context
self._request = request
self._extractors = _create_extractors(request.col_params)
self._filters = _create_filters(request.col_params, self._extractors)
# Since an context.experiment() call may search through all the runs, we
# cache it here.
self._experiment = context.experiment() | 58,050 |
This function converts the MP3 files stored in a folder to WAV. If required, the output names of the WAV files are based on MP3 tags, otherwise the same names are used.
- dirName: the path of the folder where the MP3s are stored
- Fs: the sampling rate of the generated WAV files
- nC: the number of channels of the generated WAV files
- useMp3TagsAsName: True if the WAV filename is generated on MP3 tags | def convertDirMP3ToWav(dirName, Fs, nC, useMp3TagsAsName = False):
types = (dirName+os.sep+'*.mp3',) # the tuple of file types
filesToProcess = []
for files in types:
for f in filesToProcess:
audioFile = eyed3.load(f)
if useMp3TagsAsName and audioFile.tag != None:
artist = audioFile.tag.artist
title = audioFile.tag.title
if artist!=None and title!=None:
if len(title)>0 and len(artist)>0:
wavFileName = ntpath.split(f)[0] + os.sep + artist.replace(","," ") + " --- " + title.replace(","," ") + ".wav"
wavFileName = f.replace(".mp3",".wav")
wavFileName = f.replace(".mp3",".wav")
wavFileName = f.replace(".mp3",".wav")
command = "avconv -i \"" + f + "\" -ar " +str(Fs) + " -ac " + str(nC) + " \"" + wavFileName + "\"";
os.system(command.decode('unicode_escape').encode('ascii','ignore').replace("\0","")) | 58,086 |
This function converts the WAV files stored in a folder to WAV using a different sampling freq and number of channels.
- dirName: the path of the folder where the WAVs are stored
- Fs: the sampling rate of the generated WAV files
- nC: the number of channesl of the generated WAV files | def convertFsDirWavToWav(dirName, Fs, nC):
types = (dirName+os.sep+'*.wav',) # the tuple of file types
filesToProcess = []
for files in types:
newDir = dirName + os.sep + "Fs" + str(Fs) + "_" + "NC"+str(nC)
if os.path.exists(newDir) and newDir!=".":
for f in filesToProcess:
_, wavFileName = ntpath.split(f)
command = "avconv -i \"" + f + "\" -ar " +str(Fs) + " -ac " + str(nC) + " \"" + newDir + os.sep + wavFileName + "\"";
os.system(command) | 58,087 |
This function computes the self-similarity matrix for a sequence
of feature vectors.
- featureVectors: a numpy matrix (nDims x nVectors) whose i-th column
corresponds to the i-th feature vector
- S: the self-similarity matrix (nVectors x nVectors) | def selfSimilarityMatrix(featureVectors):
[nDims, nVectors] = featureVectors.shape
[featureVectors2, MEAN, STD] = aT.normalizeFeatures([featureVectors.T])
featureVectors2 = featureVectors2[0].T
S = 1.0 - distance.squareform(distance.pdist(featureVectors2.T, 'cosine'))
return S | 58,091 |
This function converts segment endpoints and respective segment
labels to fix-sized class labels.
- seg_start: segment start points (in seconds)
- seg_end: segment endpoints (in seconds)
- seg_label: segment labels
- win_size: fix-sized window (in seconds)
- flags: numpy array of class indices
- class_names: list of classnames (strings) | def segs2flags(seg_start, seg_end, seg_label, win_size):
flags = []
class_names = list(set(seg_label))
curPos = win_size / 2.0
while curPos < seg_end[-1]:
for i in range(len(seg_start)):
if curPos > seg_start[i] and curPos <= seg_end[i]:
curPos += win_size
return numpy.array(flags), class_names | 58,093 |
This function reads a segmentation ground truth file, following a simple CSV format with the following columns:
<segment start>,<segment end>,<class label>
- gt_file: the path of the CSV segment file
- seg_start: a numpy array of segments' start positions
- seg_end: a numpy array of segments' ending positions
- seg_label: a list of respective class labels (strings) | def readSegmentGT(gt_file):
f = open(gt_file, 'rt')
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
seg_start = []
seg_end = []
seg_label = []
for row in reader:
if len(row) == 3:
#if row[2]!="other":
# seg_label.append((row[2]))
# seg_label.append("silence")
return numpy.array(seg_start), numpy.array(seg_end), seg_label | 58,095 |
This function prints the cluster purity and speaker purity for
each WAV file stored in a provided directory (.SEGMENT files
are needed as ground-truth)
- folder_name: the full path of the folder where the WAV and
SEGMENT (ground-truth) files are stored
- ldas: a list of LDA dimensions (0 for no LDA) | def speakerDiarizationEvaluateScript(folder_name, ldas):
types = ('*.wav', )
wavFilesList = []
for files in types:
wavFilesList.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(folder_name, files)))
wavFilesList = sorted(wavFilesList)
# get number of unique speakers per file (from ground-truth)
N = []
for wav_file in wavFilesList:
gt_file = wav_file.replace('.wav', '.segments');
if os.path.isfile(gt_file):
[seg_start, seg_end, seg_labs] = readSegmentGT(gt_file)
for l in ldas:
print("LDA = {0:d}".format(l))
for i, wav_file in enumerate(wavFilesList):
speakerDiarization(wav_file, N[i], 2.0, 0.2, 0.05, l, plot_res=False)
print | 58,106 |
This function generates a chordial visualization for the recordings of the provided path.
- folder: path of the folder that contains the WAV files to be processed
- dimReductionMethod: method used to reduce the dimension of the initial feature space before computing the similarity.
- priorKnowledge: if this is set equal to "artist" | def visualizeFeaturesFolder(folder, dimReductionMethod, priorKnowledge = "none"):
if dimReductionMethod=="pca":
allMtFeatures, wavFilesList, _ = aF.dirWavFeatureExtraction(folder, 30.0, 30.0, 0.050, 0.050, compute_beat = True)
if allMtFeatures.shape[0]==0:
print("Error: No data found! Check input folder")
namesCategoryToVisualize = [ntpath.basename(w).replace('.wav','').split(" --- ")[0] for w in wavFilesList];
namesToVisualize = [ntpath.basename(w).replace('.wav','') for w in wavFilesList];
(F, MEAN, STD) = aT.normalizeFeatures([allMtFeatures])
F = np.concatenate(F)
# check that the new PCA dimension is at most equal to the number of samples
K1 = 2
K2 = 10
if K1 > F.shape[0]:
K1 = F.shape[0]
if K2 > F.shape[0]:
K2 = F.shape[0]
pca1 = sklearn.decomposition.PCA(n_components = K1)
pca2 = sklearn.decomposition.PCA(n_components = K2)
finalDims = pca1.transform(F)
finalDims2 = pca2.transform(F)
allMtFeatures, Ys, wavFilesList = aF.dirWavFeatureExtractionNoAveraging(folder, 20.0, 5.0, 0.040, 0.040) # long-term statistics cannot be applied in this context (LDA needs mid-term features)
if allMtFeatures.shape[0]==0:
print("Error: No data found! Check input folder")
namesCategoryToVisualize = [ntpath.basename(w).replace('.wav','').split(" --- ")[0] for w in wavFilesList];
namesToVisualize = [ntpath.basename(w).replace('.wav','') for w in wavFilesList];
ldaLabels = Ys
if priorKnowledge=="artist":
uNamesCategoryToVisualize = list(set(namesCategoryToVisualize))
YsNew = np.zeros( Ys.shape )
for i, uname in enumerate(uNamesCategoryToVisualize): # for each unique artist name:
indicesUCategories = [j for j, x in enumerate(namesCategoryToVisualize) if x == uname]
for j in indicesUCategories:
indices = np.nonzero(Ys==j)
YsNew[indices] = i
ldaLabels = YsNew
(F, MEAN, STD) = aT.normalizeFeatures([allMtFeatures])
F = np.array(F[0])
clf = sklearn.discriminant_analysis.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(n_components=10), ldaLabels)
reducedDims = clf.transform(F)
pca = sklearn.decomposition.PCA(n_components = 2)
reducedDims = pca.transform(reducedDims)
uLabels = np.sort(np.unique((Ys))) # uLabels must have as many labels as the number of wavFilesList elements
reducedDimsAvg = np.zeros( (uLabels.shape[0], reducedDims.shape[1] ) )
finalDims = np.zeros( (uLabels.shape[0], 2) )
for i, u in enumerate(uLabels):
indices = [j for j, x in enumerate(Ys) if x == u]
f = reducedDims[indices, :]
finalDims[i, :] = f.mean(axis=0)
finalDims2 = reducedDims
for i in range(finalDims.shape[0]):
plt.text(finalDims[i,0], finalDims[i,1], ntpath.basename(wavFilesList[i].replace('.wav','')), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10)
plt.plot(finalDims[i,0], finalDims[i,1], '*r')
plt.xlim([1.2*finalDims[:,0].min(), 1.2*finalDims[:,0].max()])
plt.ylim([1.2*finalDims[:,1].min(), 1.2*finalDims[:,1].max()])
SM = 1.0 - distance.squareform(distance.pdist(finalDims2, 'cosine'))
for i in range(SM.shape[0]):
SM[i,i] = 0.0;
chordialDiagram("visualization", SM, 0.50, namesToVisualize, namesCategoryToVisualize)
SM = 1.0 - distance.squareform(distance.pdist(F, 'cosine'))
for i in range(SM.shape[0]):
SM[i,i] = 0.0;
chordialDiagram("visualizationInitial", SM, 0.50, namesToVisualize, namesCategoryToVisualize)
# plot super-categories (i.e. artistname
uNamesCategoryToVisualize = sort(list(set(namesCategoryToVisualize)))
finalDimsGroup = np.zeros( (len(uNamesCategoryToVisualize), finalDims2.shape[1] ) )
for i, uname in enumerate(uNamesCategoryToVisualize):
indices = [j for j, x in enumerate(namesCategoryToVisualize) if x == uname]
f = finalDims2[indices, :]
finalDimsGroup[i, :] = f.mean(axis=0)
SMgroup = 1.0 - distance.squareform(distance.pdist(finalDimsGroup, 'cosine'))
for i in range(SMgroup.shape[0]):
SMgroup[i,i] = 0.0;
chordialDiagram("visualizationGroup", SMgroup, 0.50, uNamesCategoryToVisualize, uNamesCategoryToVisualize) | 58,113 |
Computes the spectral flux feature of the current frame
X: the abs(fft) of the current frame
X_prev: the abs(fft) of the previous frame | def stSpectralFlux(X, X_prev):
# compute the spectral flux as the sum of square distances:
sumX = numpy.sum(X + eps)
sumPrevX = numpy.sum(X_prev + eps)
F = numpy.sum((X / sumX - X_prev/sumPrevX) ** 2)
return F | 58,124 |
Computes the MFCCs of a frame, given the fft mag
X: fft magnitude abs(FFT)
fbank: filter bank (see mfccInitFilterBanks)
ceps: MFCCs (13 element vector)
Note: MFCC calculation is, in general, taken from the
scikits.talkbox library (MIT Licence),
# with a small number of modifications to make it more
compact and suitable for the pyAudioAnalysis Lib | def stMFCC(X, fbank, n_mfcc_feats):
mspec = numpy.log10(, fbank.T)+eps)
ceps = dct(mspec, type=2, norm='ortho', axis=-1)[:n_mfcc_feats]
return ceps | 58,128 |
Short-term FFT mag for spectogram estimation:
a numpy array (nFFT x numOfShortTermWindows)
signal: the input signal samples
fs: the sampling freq (in Hz)
win: the short-term window size (in samples)
step: the short-term window step (in samples)
PLOT: flag, 1 if results are to be ploted
RETURNS: | def stChromagram(signal, fs, win, step, PLOT=False):
win = int(win)
step = int(step)
signal = numpy.double(signal)
signal = signal / (2.0 ** 15)
DC = signal.mean()
MAX = (numpy.abs(signal)).max()
signal = (signal - DC) / (MAX - DC)
N = len(signal) # total number of signals
cur_p = 0
count_fr = 0
nfft = int(win / 2)
nChroma, nFreqsPerChroma = stChromaFeaturesInit(nfft, fs)
chromaGram = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.float64)
while (cur_p + win - 1 < N):
count_fr += 1
x = signal[cur_p:cur_p + win]
cur_p = cur_p + step
X = abs(fft(x))
X = X[0:nfft]
X = X / len(X)
chromaNames, C = stChromaFeatures(X, fs, nChroma, nFreqsPerChroma)
C = C[:, 0]
if count_fr == 1:
chromaGram = C.T
chromaGram = numpy.vstack((chromaGram, C.T))
FreqAxis = chromaNames
TimeAxis = [(t * step) / fs for t in range(chromaGram.shape[0])]
if (PLOT):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
chromaGramToPlot = chromaGram.transpose()[::-1, :]
Ratio = int(chromaGramToPlot.shape[1] / (3*chromaGramToPlot.shape[0]))
if Ratio < 1:
Ratio = 1
chromaGramToPlot = numpy.repeat(chromaGramToPlot, Ratio, axis=0)
imgplot = plt.imshow(chromaGramToPlot)
fstep = int(nfft / 5.0)
# FreqTicks = range(0, int(nfft) + fstep, fstep)
# FreqTicksLabels = [str(fs/2-int((f*fs) / (2*nfft))) for f in FreqTicks]
ax.set_yticks(range(int(Ratio / 2), len(FreqAxis) * Ratio, Ratio))
TStep = int(count_fr / 3)
TimeTicks = range(0, count_fr, TStep)
TimeTicksLabels = ['%.2f' % (float(t * step) / fs) for t in TimeTicks]
ax.set_xlabel('time (secs)')
return (chromaGram, TimeAxis, FreqAxis) | 58,131 |
This function extracts an estimate of the beat rate for a musical signal.
- st_features: a numpy array (n_feats x numOfShortTermWindows)
- win_len: window size in seconds
- BPM: estimates of beats per minute
- Ratio: a confidence measure | def beatExtraction(st_features, win_len, PLOT=False):
# Features that are related to the beat tracking task:
toWatch = [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]
max_beat_time = int(round(2.0 / win_len))
hist_all = numpy.zeros((max_beat_time,))
for ii, i in enumerate(toWatch): # for each feature
DifThres = 2.0 * (numpy.abs(st_features[i, 0:-1] - st_features[i, 1::])).mean() # dif threshold (3 x Mean of Difs)
if DifThres<=0:
DifThres = 0.0000000000000001
[pos1, _] = utilities.peakdet(st_features[i, :], DifThres) # detect local maxima
posDifs = [] # compute histograms of local maxima changes
for j in range(len(pos1)-1):
[hist_times, HistEdges] = numpy.histogram(posDifs, numpy.arange(0.5, max_beat_time + 1.5))
hist_centers = (HistEdges[0:-1] + HistEdges[1::]) / 2.0
hist_times = hist_times.astype(float) / st_features.shape[1]
hist_all += hist_times
if PLOT:
plt.subplot(9, 2, ii + 1)
plt.plot(st_features[i, :], 'k')
for k in pos1:
plt.plot(k, st_features[i, k], 'k*')
f1 = plt.gca()
if PLOT:
# Get beat as the argmax of the agregated histogram:
I = numpy.argmax(hist_all)
bpms = 60 / (hist_centers * win_len)
BPM = bpms[I]
# ... and the beat ratio:
Ratio = hist_all[I] / hist_all.sum()
if PLOT:
# filter out >500 beats from plotting:
hist_all = hist_all[bpms < 500]
bpms = bpms[bpms < 500]
plt.plot(bpms, hist_all, 'k')
plt.xlabel('Beats per minute')
plt.ylabel('Freq Count')
return BPM, Ratio | 58,133 |
Short-term FFT mag for spectogram estimation:
a numpy array (nFFT x numOfShortTermWindows)
signal: the input signal samples
fs: the sampling freq (in Hz)
win: the short-term window size (in samples)
step: the short-term window step (in samples)
PLOT: flag, 1 if results are to be ploted
RETURNS: | def stSpectogram(signal, fs, win, step, PLOT=False):
win = int(win)
step = int(step)
signal = numpy.double(signal)
signal = signal / (2.0 ** 15)
DC = signal.mean()
MAX = (numpy.abs(signal)).max()
signal = (signal - DC) / (MAX - DC)
N = len(signal) # total number of signals
cur_p = 0
count_fr = 0
nfft = int(win / 2)
specgram = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.float64)
while (cur_p + win - 1 < N):
count_fr += 1
x = signal[cur_p:cur_p+win]
cur_p = cur_p + step
X = abs(fft(x))
X = X[0:nfft]
X = X / len(X)
if count_fr == 1:
specgram = X ** 2
specgram = numpy.vstack((specgram, X))
FreqAxis = [float((f + 1) * fs) / (2 * nfft) for f in range(specgram.shape[1])]
TimeAxis = [float(t * step) / fs for t in range(specgram.shape[0])]
if (PLOT):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
imgplot = plt.imshow(specgram.transpose()[::-1, :])
fstep = int(nfft / 5.0)
FreqTicks = range(0, int(nfft) + fstep, fstep)
FreqTicksLabels = [str(fs / 2 - int((f * fs) / (2 * nfft))) for f in FreqTicks]
TStep = int(count_fr/3)
TimeTicks = range(0, count_fr, TStep)
TimeTicksLabels = ['%.2f' % (float(t * step) / fs) for t in TimeTicks]
ax.set_xlabel('time (secs)')
ax.set_ylabel('freq (Hz)')
return (specgram, TimeAxis, FreqAxis) | 58,134 |
This function extracts the mid-term features of the WAVE files of a particular folder.
The resulting feature vector is extracted by long-term averaging the mid-term features.
Therefore ONE FEATURE VECTOR is extracted for each WAV file.
- dirName: the path of the WAVE directory
- mt_win, mt_step: mid-term window and step (in seconds)
- st_win, st_step: short-term window and step (in seconds) | def dirWavFeatureExtraction(dirName, mt_win, mt_step, st_win, st_step,
all_mt_feats = numpy.array([])
process_times = []
types = ('*.wav', '*.aif', '*.aiff', '*.mp3', '*.au', '*.ogg')
wav_file_list = []
for files in types:
wav_file_list.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(dirName, files)))
wav_file_list = sorted(wav_file_list)
wav_file_list2, mt_feature_names = [], []
for i, wavFile in enumerate(wav_file_list):
print("Analyzing file {0:d} of "
"{1:d}: {2:s}".format(i+1,
if os.stat(wavFile).st_size == 0:
print(" (EMPTY FILE -- SKIPPING)")
[fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile(wavFile)
if isinstance(x, int):
t1 = time.clock()
x = audioBasicIO.stereo2mono(x)
if x.shape[0]<float(fs)/5:
if compute_beat:
[mt_term_feats, st_features, mt_feature_names] = \
mtFeatureExtraction(x, fs, round(mt_win * fs),
round(mt_step * fs),
round(fs * st_win), round(fs * st_step))
[beat, beat_conf] = beatExtraction(st_features, st_step)
[mt_term_feats, _, mt_feature_names] = \
mtFeatureExtraction(x, fs, round(mt_win * fs),
round(mt_step * fs),
round(fs * st_win), round(fs * st_step))
mt_term_feats = numpy.transpose(mt_term_feats)
mt_term_feats = mt_term_feats.mean(axis=0)
# long term averaging of mid-term statistics
if (not numpy.isnan(mt_term_feats).any()) and \
(not numpy.isinf(mt_term_feats).any()):
if compute_beat:
mt_term_feats = numpy.append(mt_term_feats, beat)
mt_term_feats = numpy.append(mt_term_feats, beat_conf)
if len(all_mt_feats) == 0:
# append feature vector
all_mt_feats = mt_term_feats
all_mt_feats = numpy.vstack((all_mt_feats, mt_term_feats))
t2 = time.clock()
duration = float(len(x)) / fs
process_times.append((t2 - t1) / duration)
if len(process_times) > 0:
print("Feature extraction complexity ratio: "
"{0:.1f} x realtime".format((1.0 / numpy.mean(numpy.array(process_times)))))
return (all_mt_feats, wav_file_list2, mt_feature_names) | 58,138 |
This function extracts the mid-term features of the WAVE
files of a particular folder without averaging each file.
- dirName: the path of the WAVE directory
- mt_win, mt_step: mid-term window and step (in seconds)
- st_win, st_step: short-term window and step (in seconds)
- X: A feature matrix
- Y: A matrix of file labels
- filenames: | def dirWavFeatureExtractionNoAveraging(dirName, mt_win, mt_step, st_win, st_step):
all_mt_feats = numpy.array([])
signal_idx = numpy.array([])
process_times = []
types = ('*.wav', '*.aif', '*.aiff', '*.ogg')
wav_file_list = []
for files in types:
wav_file_list.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(dirName, files)))
wav_file_list = sorted(wav_file_list)
for i, wavFile in enumerate(wav_file_list):
[fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile(wavFile)
if isinstance(x, int):
x = audioBasicIO.stereo2mono(x)
[mt_term_feats, _, _] = mtFeatureExtraction(x, fs, round(mt_win * fs),
round(mt_step * fs),
round(fs * st_win),
round(fs * st_step))
mt_term_feats = numpy.transpose(mt_term_feats)
if len(all_mt_feats) == 0: # append feature vector
all_mt_feats = mt_term_feats
signal_idx = numpy.zeros((mt_term_feats.shape[0], ))
all_mt_feats = numpy.vstack((all_mt_feats, mt_term_feats))
signal_idx = numpy.append(signal_idx, i * numpy.ones((mt_term_feats.shape[0], )))
return (all_mt_feats, signal_idx, wav_file_list) | 58,140 |
Tokenizes a piece of text into its word pieces.
This uses a greedy longest-match-first algorithm to perform tokenization
using the given vocabulary.
For example:
input = "unaffable"
output = ["un", "##aff", "##able"]
text: A single token or whitespace separated tokens. This should have
already been passed through `BERTBasicTokenizer.
A list of wordpiece tokens. | def _tokenize_wordpiece(self, text):
output_tokens = []
for token in self.basic_tokenizer._whitespace_tokenize(text):
chars = list(token)
if len(chars) > self.max_input_chars_per_word:
is_bad = False
start = 0
sub_tokens = []
while start < len(chars):
end = len(chars)
cur_substr = None
while start < end:
substr = ''.join(chars[start:end])
if start > 0:
substr = '##' + substr
if substr in self.vocab:
cur_substr = substr
end -= 1
if cur_substr is None:
is_bad = True
start = end
if is_bad:
return output_tokens | 60,621 |
Take an IP string/int and return an object of the correct type.
address: A string or integer, the IP address. Either IPv4 or
IPv6 addresses may be supplied; integers less than 2**32 will
be considered to be IPv4 by default.
An IPv4Address or IPv6Address object.
ValueError: if the *address* passed isn't either a v4 or a v6
address | def ip_address(address):
return IPv4Address(address)
except (AddressValueError, NetmaskValueError):
return IPv6Address(address)
except (AddressValueError, NetmaskValueError):
raise ValueError('%r does not appear to be an IPv4 or IPv6 address' %
address) | 61,572 |
Take an IP string/int and return an object of the correct type.
address: A string or integer, the IP network. Either IPv4 or
IPv6 networks may be supplied; integers less than 2**32 will
be considered to be IPv4 by default.
An IPv4Network or IPv6Network object.
ValueError: if the string passed isn't either a v4 or a v6
address. Or if the network has host bits set. | def ip_network(address, strict=True):
return IPv4Network(address, strict)
except (AddressValueError, NetmaskValueError):
return IPv6Network(address, strict)
except (AddressValueError, NetmaskValueError):
raise ValueError('%r does not appear to be an IPv4 or IPv6 network' %
address) | 61,573 |
Count the number of zero bits on the right hand side.
number: an integer.
bits: maximum number of bits to count.
The number of zero bits on the right hand side of the number. | def _count_righthand_zero_bits(number, bits):
if number == 0:
return bits
for i in range(bits):
if (number >> i) & 1:
return i
# All bits of interest were zero, even if there are more in the number
return bits | 61,575 |
Collapse a list of IP objects.
IPv4Network('')]) ->
addresses: An iterator of IPv4Network or IPv6Network objects.
An iterator of the collapsed IPv(4|6)Network objects.
TypeError: If passed a list of mixed version objects. | def collapse_addresses(addresses):
i = 0
addrs = []
ips = []
nets = []
# split IP addresses and networks
for ip in addresses:
if isinstance(ip, _BaseAddress):
if ips and ips[-1]._version != ip._version:
raise TypeError("%s and %s are not of the same version" % (
ip, ips[-1]))
elif ip._prefixlen == ip._max_prefixlen:
if ips and ips[-1]._version != ip._version:
raise TypeError("%s and %s are not of the same version" % (
ip, ips[-1]))
except AttributeError:
if nets and nets[-1]._version != ip._version:
raise TypeError("%s and %s are not of the same version" % (
ip, nets[-1]))
# sort and dedup
ips = sorted(set(ips))
nets = sorted(set(nets))
while i < len(ips):
(first, last) = _find_address_range(ips[i:])
i = ips.index(last) + 1
addrs.extend(summarize_address_range(first, last))
return iter(_collapse_addresses_recursive(sorted(
addrs + nets, key=_BaseNetwork._get_networks_key))) | 61,577 |
Return prefix length from the bitwise netmask.
ip_int: An integer, the netmask in expanded bitwise format
An integer, the prefix length.
ValueError: If the input intermingles zeroes & ones | def _prefix_from_ip_int(self, ip_int):
trailing_zeroes = _count_righthand_zero_bits(ip_int,
prefixlen = self._max_prefixlen - trailing_zeroes
leading_ones = ip_int >> trailing_zeroes
all_ones = (1 << prefixlen) - 1
if leading_ones != all_ones:
byteslen = self._max_prefixlen // 8
details = _int_to_bytes(ip_int, byteslen, 'big')
msg = 'Netmask pattern %r mixes zeroes & ones'
raise ValueError(msg % details)
return prefixlen | 61,578 |
Return prefix length from a numeric string
prefixlen_str: The string to be converted
An integer, the prefix length.
NetmaskValueError: If the input is not a valid netmask | def _prefix_from_prefix_string(self, prefixlen_str):
# int allows a leading +/- as well as surrounding whitespace,
# so we ensure that isn't the case
if not _BaseV4._DECIMAL_DIGITS.issuperset(prefixlen_str):
prefixlen = int(prefixlen_str)
except ValueError:
if not (0 <= prefixlen <= self._max_prefixlen):
return prefixlen | 61,579 |
Turn a netmask/hostmask string into a prefix length
ip_str: The netmask/hostmask to be converted
An integer, the prefix length.
NetmaskValueError: If the input is not a valid netmask/hostmask | def _prefix_from_ip_string(self, ip_str):
# Parse the netmask/hostmask like an IP address.
ip_int = self._ip_int_from_string(ip_str)
except AddressValueError:
# Try matching a netmask (this would be /1*0*/ as a bitwise regexp).
# Note that the two ambiguous cases (all-ones and all-zeroes) are
# treated as netmasks.
return self._prefix_from_ip_int(ip_int)
except ValueError:
# Invert the bits, and try matching a /0+1+/ hostmask instead.
ip_int ^= self._ALL_ONES
return self._prefix_from_ip_int(ip_int)
except ValueError:
self._report_invalid_netmask(ip_str) | 61,580 |
Turn the given IP string into an integer for comparison.
ip_str: A string, the IP ip_str.
The IP ip_str as an integer.
AddressValueError: if ip_str isn't a valid IPv4 Address. | def _ip_int_from_string(self, ip_str):
if not ip_str:
raise AddressValueError('Address cannot be empty')
octets = ip_str.split('.')
if len(octets) != 4:
raise AddressValueError("Expected 4 octets in %r" % ip_str)
return _int_from_bytes(map(self._parse_octet, octets), 'big')
except ValueError as exc:
raise AddressValueError("%s in %r" % (exc, ip_str)) | 61,586 |
Convert a decimal octet into an integer.
octet_str: A string, the number to parse.
The octet as an integer.
ValueError: if the octet isn't strictly a decimal from [0..255]. | def _parse_octet(self, octet_str):
if not octet_str:
raise ValueError("Empty octet not permitted")
# Whitelist the characters, since int() allows a lot of bizarre stuff.
if not self._DECIMAL_DIGITS.issuperset(octet_str):
msg = "Only decimal digits permitted in %r"
raise ValueError(msg % octet_str)
# We do the length check second, since the invalid character error
# is likely to be more informative for the user
if len(octet_str) > 3:
msg = "At most 3 characters permitted in %r"
raise ValueError(msg % octet_str)
# Convert to integer (we know digits are legal)
octet_int = int(octet_str, 10)
# Any octets that look like they *might* be written in octal,
# and which don't look exactly the same in both octal and
# decimal are rejected as ambiguous
if octet_int > 7 and octet_str[0] == '0':
msg = "Ambiguous (octal/decimal) value in %r not permitted"
raise ValueError(msg % octet_str)
if octet_int > 255:
raise ValueError("Octet %d (> 255) not permitted" % octet_int)
return octet_int | 61,587 |
Verify that the netmask is valid.
netmask: A string, either a prefix or dotted decimal
A boolean, True if the prefix represents a valid IPv4
netmask. | def _is_valid_netmask(self, netmask):
mask = netmask.split('.')
if len(mask) == 4:
for x in mask:
if int(x) not in self._valid_mask_octets:
return False
except ValueError:
# Found something that isn't an integer or isn't valid
return False
for idx, y in enumerate(mask):
if idx > 0 and y > mask[idx - 1]:
return False
return True
netmask = int(netmask)
except ValueError:
return False
return 0 <= netmask <= self._max_prefixlen | 61,588 |
Expand a shortened IPv6 address.
ip_str: A string, the IPv6 address.
A string, the expanded IPv6 address. | def _explode_shorthand_ip_string(self):
if isinstance(self, IPv6Network):
ip_str = str(self.network_address)
elif isinstance(self, IPv6Interface):
ip_str = str(self.ip)
ip_str = str(self)
ip_int = self._ip_int_from_string(ip_str)
hex_str = '%032x' % ip_int
parts = [hex_str[x:x+4] for x in range(0, 32, 4)]
if isinstance(self, (_BaseNetwork, IPv6Interface)):
return '%s/%d' % (':'.join(parts), self._prefixlen)
return ':'.join(parts) | 61,592 |
Find a device in Zenoss. If device not found, returns None.
device: (Optional) Will use the grain 'fqdn' by default
CLI Example:
salt '*' zenoss.find_device | def find_device(device=None):
data = [{'uid': '/zport/dmd/Devices', 'params': {}, 'limit': None}]
all_devices = _router_request('DeviceRouter', 'getDevices', data=data)
for dev in all_devices['devices']:
if dev['name'] == device:
# We need to save the has for later operations
dev['hash'] = all_devices['hash']'Found device %s in Zenoss', device)
return dev'Unable to find device %s in Zenoss', device)
return None | 61,746 |
A function to set the prod_state in zenoss.
prod_state: (Required) Integer value of the state
device: (Optional) Will use the grain 'fqdn' by default.
CLI Example:
salt zenoss.set_prod_state 1000 hostname | def set_prod_state(prod_state, device=None):
if not device:
device = __salt__['grains.get']('fqdn')
device_object = find_device(device)
if not device_object:
return "Unable to find a device in Zenoss for {0}".format(device)'Setting prodState to %d on %s device', prod_state, device)
data = dict(uids=[device_object['uid']], prodState=prod_state, hashcheck=device_object['hash'])
return _router_request('DeviceRouter', 'setProductionState', [data]) | 61,748 |
Filters file path against unwanted directories and decides whether file is marked as deleted.
True if file is desired deleted file, else False.
path: A string - path to file | def _valid_deleted_file(path):
ret = False
if path.endswith(' (deleted)'):
ret = True
if re.compile(r"\(path inode=[0-9]+\)$").search(path):
ret = True
regex = re.compile("|".join(LIST_DIRS))
if regex.match(path):
ret = False
return ret | 61,749 |
Ensure an update is installed on the minion
Name of the Windows KB ("KB123456")
source (str):
Source of .msu file corresponding to the KB
.. code-block:: yaml
- source: salt://kb123456.msu | def installed(name, source):
ret = {'name': name,
'changes': {},
'result': False,
'comment': ''}
# Input validation
if not name:
raise SaltInvocationError('Must specify a KB "name"')
if not source:
raise SaltInvocationError('Must specify a "source" file to install')
# Is the KB already installed
if __salt__['wusa.is_installed'](name):
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = '{0} already installed'.format(name)
return ret
# Check for test=True
if __opts__['test'] is True:
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = '{0} would be installed'.format(name)
ret['result'] = None
return ret
# Cache the file
cached_source_path = __salt__['cp.cache_file'](path=source, saltenv=__env__)
if not cached_source_path:
msg = 'Unable to cache {0} from saltenv "{1}"'.format(
salt.utils.url.redact_http_basic_auth(source), __env__)
ret['comment'] = msg
return ret
# Install the KB
# Verify successful install
if __salt__['wusa.is_installed'](name):
ret['comment'] = '{0} was installed'.format(name)
ret['changes'] = {'old': False, 'new': True}
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = '{0} failed to install'.format(name)
return ret | 61,842 |
Ensure an update is uninstalled from the minion
Name of the Windows KB ("KB123456")
.. code-block:: yaml
wusa.uninstalled | def uninstalled(name):
ret = {'name': name,
'changes': {},
'result': False,
'comment': ''}
# Is the KB already uninstalled
if not __salt__['wusa.is_installed'](name):
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = '{0} already uninstalled'.format(name)
return ret
# Check for test=True
if __opts__['test'] is True:
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = '{0} would be uninstalled'.format(name)
ret['result'] = None
return ret
# Uninstall the KB
# Verify successful uninstall
if not __salt__['wusa.is_installed'](name):
ret['comment'] = '{0} was uninstalled'.format(name)
ret['changes'] = {'old': True, 'new': False}
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = '{0} failed to uninstall'.format(name)
return ret | 61,843 |
Create the salt proxy file and start the proxy process
if required
Name to be used for this proxy (should match entries in pillar)
Boolean indicating if the process should be started
default = True
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt deviceminion salt_proxy.configure_proxy p8000 | def configure_proxy(proxyname, start=True):
changes_new = []
changes_old = []
status_file = True
test = __opts__['test']
# write the proxy file if necessary
proxyfile = '/etc/salt/proxy'
status_file, msg_new, msg_old = _proxy_conf_file(proxyfile, test)
status_proc = False
# start the proxy process
if start:
status_proc, msg_new, msg_old = _proxy_process(proxyname, test)
changes_old.append('Start is False, not starting salt-proxy process')
log.debug('Process not started')
return {
'result': status_file and status_proc,
'changes': {
'old': '\n'.join(changes_old),
'new': '\n'.join(changes_new),
} | 62,004 |
Ensure that the named package is not installed.
name (str): The flatpak package.
dict: The ``result`` and ``output``.
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: gimp | def uninstalled(name):
ret = {'name': name,
'changes': {},
'result': None,
'comment': ''}
old = __salt__['flatpak.is_installed'](name)
if not old:
ret['comment'] = 'Package {0} is not installed'.format(name)
ret['result'] = True
return ret
if __opts__['test']:
ret['comment'] = 'Package {0} would have been uninstalled'.format(name)
ret['changes']['old'] = old[0]['version']
ret['changes']['new'] = None
ret['result'] = None
return ret
if not __salt__['flatpak.is_installed'](name):
ret['comment'] = 'Package {0} uninstalled'.format(name)
ret['changes']['old'] = old[0]['version']
ret['changes']['new'] = None
ret['result'] = True
return ret | 62,457 |
Adds a new location to install flatpak packages from.
name (str): The repository's name.
location (str): The location of the repository.
dict: The ``result`` and ``output``.
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: flathub
- location: | def add_remote(name, location):
ret = {'name': name,
'changes': {},
'result': None,
'comment': ''}
old = __salt__['flatpak.is_remote_added'](name)
if not old:
if __opts__['test']:
ret['comment'] = 'Remote "{0}" would have been added'.format(name)
ret['changes']['new'] = name
ret['changes']['old'] = None
ret['result'] = None
return ret
install_ret = __salt__['flatpak.add_remote'](name)
if __salt__['flatpak.is_remote_added'](name):
ret['comment'] = 'Remote "{0}" was added'.format(name)
ret['changes']['new'] = name
ret['changes']['old'] = None
ret['result'] = True
return ret
ret['comment'] = 'Failed to add remote "{0}"'.format(name)
ret['comment'] += '\noutput:\n' + install_ret['output']
ret['result'] = False
return ret
ret['comment'] = 'Remote "{0}" already exists'.format(name)
if __opts__['test']:
ret['result'] = None
return ret
ret['result'] = True
return ret | 62,458 |
Set an effect to the lamp.
* **value**: 0~255 brightness of the lamp.
* **id**: Specifies a device ID. Can be a comma-separated values. All, if omitted.
* **transition**: Transition 0~200. Default 0.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' hue.brightness value=100
salt '*' hue.brightness id=1 value=150
salt '*' hue.brightness id=1,2,3 value=255 | def call_brightness(*args, **kwargs):
res = dict()
if 'value' not in kwargs:
raise CommandExecutionError("Parameter 'value' is missing")
brightness = max(min(int(kwargs['value']), 244), 1)
except Exception as err:
raise CommandExecutionError("Parameter 'value' does not contains an integer")
transition = max(min(int(kwargs['transition']), 200), 0)
except Exception as err:
transition = 0
devices = _get_lights()
for dev_id in 'id' not in kwargs and sorted(devices.keys()) or _get_devices(kwargs):
res[dev_id] = _set(dev_id, {"bri": brightness, "transitiontime": transition})
return res | 62,477 |
Set the mired color temperature. More:
* **value**: 150~500.
* **id**: Specifies a device ID. Can be a comma-separated values. All, if omitted.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' hue.temperature value=150
salt '*' hue.temperature value=150 id=1
salt '*' hue.temperature value=150 id=1,2,3 | def call_temperature(*args, **kwargs):
res = dict()
if 'value' not in kwargs:
raise CommandExecutionError("Parameter 'value' (150~500) is missing")
value = max(min(int(kwargs['value']), 500), 150)
except Exception as err:
raise CommandExecutionError("Parameter 'value' does not contains an integer")
devices = _get_lights()
for dev_id in 'id' not in kwargs and sorted(devices.keys()) or _get_devices(kwargs):
res[dev_id] = _set(dev_id, {"ct": value})
return res | 62,478 |
Sets the timezone using the tzutil.
timezone (str): A valid timezone
bool: ``True`` if successful, otherwise ``False``
CommandExecutionError: If invalid timezone is passed
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' timezone.set_zone 'America/Denver' | def set_zone(timezone):
# if it's one of the key's just use it
if timezone.lower() in mapper.win_to_unix:
win_zone = timezone
elif timezone.lower() in mapper.unix_to_win:
# if it's one of the values, use the key
win_zone = mapper.get_win(timezone)
# Raise error because it's neither key nor value
raise CommandExecutionError('Invalid timezone passed: {0}'.format(timezone))
# Set the value
cmd = ['tzutil', '/s', win_zone]
res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, python_shell=False)
if res['retcode']:
raise CommandExecutionError('tzutil encountered an error setting '
'timezone: {0}'.format(timezone),
return zone_compare(timezone) | 63,586 |
Compares the given timezone with the machine timezone. Mostly useful for
running state checks.
timezone (str):
The timezone to compare. This can be in Windows or Unix format. Can
be any of the values returned by the ``timezone.list`` function
bool: ``True`` if they match, otherwise ``False``
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' timezone.zone_compare 'America/Denver' | def zone_compare(timezone):
# if it's one of the key's just use it
if timezone.lower() in mapper.win_to_unix:
check_zone = timezone
elif timezone.lower() in mapper.unix_to_win:
# if it's one of the values, use the key
check_zone = mapper.get_win(timezone)
# Raise error because it's neither key nor value
raise CommandExecutionError('Invalid timezone passed: {0}'
return get_zone() == mapper.get_unix(check_zone, 'Unknown') | 63,587 |
Set the Windows computer name
name (str):
The new name to give the computer. Requires a reboot to take effect.
Returns a dictionary containing the old and new names if successful.
``False`` if not.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt 'minion-id' system.set_computer_name 'DavesComputer' | def set_computer_name(name):
if six.PY2:
name = _to_unicode(name)
if windll.kernel32.SetComputerNameExW(
win32con.ComputerNamePhysicalDnsHostname, name):
ret = {'Computer Name': {'Current': get_computer_name()}}
pending = get_pending_computer_name()
if pending not in (None, False):
ret['Computer Name']['Pending'] = pending
return ret
return False | 63,934 |
Set the Windows computer description
desc (str):
The computer description
str: Description if successful, otherwise ``False``
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt 'minion-id' system.set_computer_desc 'This computer belongs to Dave!' | def set_computer_desc(desc=None):
if six.PY2:
desc = _to_unicode(desc)
# Make sure the system exists
# Return an object containing current information array for the computer
system_info = win32net.NetServerGetInfo(None, 101)
# If desc is passed, decode it for unicode
if desc is None:
return False
system_info['comment'] = desc
# Apply new settings
win32net.NetServerSetInfo(None, 101, system_info)
except win32net.error as exc:
(number, context, message) = exc.args
log.error('Failed to update system')
log.error('nbr: %s', number)
log.error('ctx: %s', context)
log.error('msg: %s', message)
return False
return {'Computer Description': get_computer_desc()} | 63,936 |
Set the hostname of the windows minion, requires a restart before this will
be updated.
.. versionadded:: 2016.3.0
hostname (str): The hostname to set
bool: ``True`` if successful, otherwise ``False``
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt 'minion-id' system.set_hostname newhostname | def set_hostname(hostname):
with salt.utils.winapi.Com():
conn = wmi.WMI()
comp = conn.Win32_ComputerSystem()[0]
return comp.Rename(Name=hostname) | 63,938 |
A helper function that attempts to parse the input time_str as a date.
time_str (str): A string representing the time
fmts (list): A list of date format strings
datetime: Returns a datetime object if parsed properly, otherwise None | def _try_parse_datetime(time_str, fmts):
result = None
for fmt in fmts:
result = datetime.strptime(time_str, fmt)
except ValueError:
return result | 63,944 |
Set the Windows system date. Use <mm-dd-yy> format for the date.
newdate (str):
The date to set. Can be any of the following formats
bool: ``True`` if successful, otherwise ``False``
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' system.set_system_date '03-28-13' | def set_system_date(newdate):
fmts = ['%Y-%m-%d', '%m-%d-%Y', '%m-%d-%y',
'%m/%d/%Y', '%m/%d/%y', '%Y/%m/%d']
# Get date/time object from newdate
dt_obj = _try_parse_datetime(newdate, fmts)
if dt_obj is None:
return False
# Set time using set_system_date_time()
return set_system_date_time(years=dt_obj.year,
months=dt_obj.month, | 63,947 |
Ensures that the named bridge exists, eventually creates it.
name: The name of the bridge.
parent: The name of the parent bridge (if the bridge shall be created
as a fake bridge). If specified, vlan must also be specified.
vlan: The VLAN ID of the bridge (if the bridge shall be created as a
fake bridge). If specified, parent must also be specified. | def present(name, parent=None, vlan=None):
ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''}
# Comment and change messages
comment_bridge_created = 'Bridge {0} created.'.format(name)
comment_bridge_notcreated = 'Unable to create bridge: {0}.'.format(name)
comment_bridge_exists = 'Bridge {0} already exists.'.format(name)
comment_bridge_mismatch = ('Bridge {0} already exists, but has a different'
' parent or VLAN ID.').format(name)
changes_bridge_created = {name: {'old': 'Bridge {0} does not exist.'.format(name),
'new': 'Bridge {0} created'.format(name),
bridge_exists = __salt__['openvswitch.bridge_exists'](name)
if bridge_exists:
current_parent = __salt__['openvswitch.bridge_to_parent'](name)
if current_parent == name:
current_parent = None
current_vlan = __salt__['openvswitch.bridge_to_vlan'](name)
if current_vlan == 0:
current_vlan = None
# Dry run, test=true mode
if __opts__['test']:
if bridge_exists:
if current_parent == parent and current_vlan == vlan:
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_exists
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_mismatch
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_created
return ret
if bridge_exists:
if current_parent == parent and current_vlan == vlan:
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_exists
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_mismatch
bridge_create = __salt__['openvswitch.bridge_create'](
name, parent=parent, vlan=vlan)
if bridge_create:
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_created
ret['changes'] = changes_bridge_created
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_notcreated
return ret | 63,963 |
Ensures that the named bridge does not exist, eventually deletes it.
name: The name of the bridge. | def absent(name):
ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''}
# Comment and change messages
comment_bridge_deleted = 'Bridge {0} deleted.'.format(name)
comment_bridge_notdeleted = 'Unable to delete bridge: {0}.'.format(name)
comment_bridge_notexists = 'Bridge {0} does not exist.'.format(name)
changes_bridge_deleted = {name: {'old': 'Bridge {0} exists.'.format(name),
'new': 'Bridge {0} deleted.'.format(name),
bridge_exists = __salt__['openvswitch.bridge_exists'](name)
# Dry run, test=true mode
if __opts__['test']:
if not bridge_exists:
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_notexists
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_deleted
return ret
if not bridge_exists:
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_notexists
bridge_delete = __salt__['openvswitch.bridge_delete'](name)
if bridge_delete:
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_deleted
ret['changes'] = changes_bridge_deleted
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = comment_bridge_notdeleted
return ret | 63,964 |
Internal function for running commands. Used by the uninstall function.
cmd (str, list): The command to run
str: The stdout of the command | def _run(self, cmd):
if isinstance(cmd, six.string_types):
cmd = salt.utils.args.shlex_split(cmd)
p = subprocess.Popen(
return p.communicate()
except (OSError, IOError) as exc:
log.debug('Command Failed: %s', ' '.join(cmd))
log.debug('Error: %s', exc)
raise CommandExecutionError(exc) | 66,018 |
Get the Security ID for the user
username (str): The user name for which to look up the SID
str: The user SID
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' user.getUserSid jsnuffy | def getUserSid(username):
if six.PY2:
username = _to_unicode(username)
domain = win32api.GetComputerName()
if username.find('\\') != -1:
domain = username.split('\\')[0]
username = username.split('\\')[-1]
domain = domain.upper()
return win32security.ConvertSidToStringSid(
win32security.LookupAccountName(None, domain + '\\' + username)[0]) | 66,060 |
Add user to a group
name (str): The user name to add to the group
group (str): The name of the group to which to add the user
bool: True if successful, otherwise False
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' user.addgroup jsnuffy 'Power Users' | def addgroup(name, group):
if six.PY2:
name = _to_unicode(name)
group = _to_unicode(group)
name = _cmd_quote(name)
group = _cmd_quote(group).lstrip('\'').rstrip('\'')
user = info(name)
if not user:
return False
if group in user['groups']:
return True
cmd = 'net localgroup "{0}" {1} /add'.format(group, name)
ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, python_shell=True)
return ret['retcode'] == 0 | 66,061 |
Change the home directory of the user, pass True for persist to move files
to the new home directory if the old home directory exist.
name (str): The name of the user whose home directory you wish to change
home (str): The new location of the home directory
bool: True if successful, otherwise False
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' user.chhome foo \\\\fileserver\\home\\foo True | def chhome(name, home, **kwargs):
if six.PY2:
name = _to_unicode(name)
home = _to_unicode(home)
kwargs = salt.utils.args.clean_kwargs(**kwargs)
persist = kwargs.pop('persist', False)
if kwargs:
if persist:'Ignoring unsupported \'persist\' argument to user.chhome')
pre_info = info(name)
if not pre_info:
return False
if home == pre_info['home']:
return True
if not update(name=name, home=home):
return False
post_info = info(name)
if post_info['home'] != pre_info['home']:
return post_info['home'] == home
return False | 66,062 |
In case net user doesn't return the userprofile we can get it from the
user (str): The user name, used in debug message
sid (str): The sid to lookup in the registry
str: Profile directory | def _get_userprofile_from_registry(user, sid):
profile_dir = __utils__['reg.read_value'](
'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileList\\{0}'.format(sid),
'user %s with sid=%s profile is located at "%s"',
user, sid, profile_dir
return profile_dir | 66,065 |
Return a list of groups the named user belongs to
name (str): The user name for which to list groups
list: A list of groups to which the user belongs
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' user.list_groups foo | def list_groups(name):
if six.PY2:
name = _to_unicode(name)
ugrp = set()
user = info(name)['groups']
except KeyError:
return False
for group in user:
ugrp.add(group.strip(' *'))
return sorted(list(ugrp)) | 66,066 |
Return the list of all info for all users
refresh (bool, optional): Refresh the cached user information. Useful
when used from within a state function. Default is False.
dict: A dictionary containing information about all users on the system
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' user.getent | def getent(refresh=False):
if 'user.getent' in __context__ and not refresh:
return __context__['user.getent']
ret = []
for user in __salt__['user.list_users']():
stuff = {}
user_info = __salt__[''](user)
stuff['gid'] = ''
stuff['groups'] = user_info['groups']
stuff['home'] = user_info['home']
stuff['name'] = user_info['name']
stuff['passwd'] = user_info['passwd']
stuff['shell'] = ''
stuff['uid'] = user_info['uid']
__context__['user.getent'] = ret
return ret | 66,067 |
Change the username for a named user
name (str): The user name to change
new_name (str): The new name for the current user
bool: True if successful, otherwise False
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' user.rename jsnuffy jshmoe | def rename(name, new_name):
if six.PY2:
name = _to_unicode(name)
new_name = _to_unicode(new_name)
# Load information for the current name
current_info = info(name)
if not current_info:
raise CommandExecutionError('User \'{0}\' does not exist'.format(name))
# Look for an existing user with the new name
new_info = info(new_name)
if new_info:
raise CommandExecutionError(
'User \'{0}\' already exists'.format(new_name)
# Rename the user account
# Connect to WMI
with salt.utils.winapi.Com():
c = wmi.WMI(find_classes=0)
# Get the user object
user = c.Win32_UserAccount(Name=name)[0]
except IndexError:
raise CommandExecutionError('User \'{0}\' does not exist'.format(name))
# Rename the user
result = user.Rename(new_name)[0]
# Check the result (0 means success)
if not result == 0:
# Define Error Dict
error_dict = {0: 'Success',
1: 'Instance not found',
2: 'Instance required',
3: 'Invalid parameter',
4: 'User not found',
5: 'Domain not found',
6: 'Operation is allowed only on the primary domain controller of the domain',
7: 'Operation is not allowed on the last administrative account',
8: 'Operation is not allowed on specified special groups: user, admin, local, or guest',
9: 'Other API error',
10: 'Internal error'}
raise CommandExecutionError(
'There was an error renaming \'{0}\' to \'{1}\'. Error: {2}'
.format(name, new_name, error_dict[result])
return info(new_name).get('name') == new_name | 66,069 |
Internal function for obfuscating the password used for AutoLogin
This is later written as the contents of the ``/etc/kcpassword`` file
.. versionadded:: 2017.7.3
Adapted from:
The password to obfuscate
str: The obfuscated password | def _kcpassword(password):
# The magic 11 bytes - these are just repeated
# 0x7D 0x89 0x52 0x23 0xD2 0xBC 0xDD 0xEA 0xA3 0xB9 0x1F
key = [125, 137, 82, 35, 210, 188, 221, 234, 163, 185, 31]
key_len = len(key)
# Convert each character to a byte
password = list(map(ord, password))
# pad password length out to an even multiple of key length
remainder = len(password) % key_len
if remainder > 0:
password = password + [0] * (key_len - remainder)
# Break the password into chunks the size of len(key) (11)
for chunk_index in range(0, len(password), len(key)):
# Reset the key_index to 0 for each iteration
key_index = 0
# Do an XOR on each character of that chunk of the password with the
# corresponding item in the key
# The length of the password, or the length of the key, whichever is
# smaller
for password_index in range(chunk_index,
min(chunk_index + len(key), len(password))):
password[password_index] = password[password_index] ^ key[key_index]
key_index += 1
# Convert each byte back to a character
password = list(map(chr, password))
return b''.join( | 66,160 |
.. versionadded:: 2016.3.0
Configures the machine to auto login with the specified user
name (str): The user account use for auto login
password (str): The password to user for auto login
.. versionadded:: 2017.7.3
bool: ``True`` if successful, otherwise ``False``
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' user.enable_auto_login stevej | def enable_auto_login(name, password):
# Make the entry into the defaults file
cmd = ['defaults',
current = get_auto_login()
# Create/Update the kcpassword file with an obfuscated password
o_password = _kcpassword(password=password)
with salt.utils.files.set_umask(0o077):
with salt.utils.files.fopen('/etc/kcpassword', 'w' if six.PY2 else 'wb') as fd:
return current if isinstance(current, bool) else current.lower() == name.lower() | 66,161 |
Get the ACL of an object. Will filter by user if one is provided.
path: The path to the object
objectType: The type of object (FILE, DIRECTORY, REGISTRY)
user: A user name to filter by
Returns (dict): A dictionary containing the ACL
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt 'minion-id' win_dacl.get c:\temp directory | def get(path, objectType, user=None):
ret = {'Path': path,
'ACLs': []}
sidRet = _getUserSid(user)
if path and objectType:
dc = daclConstants()
objectTypeBit = dc.getObjectTypeBit(objectType)
path = dc.processPath(path, objectTypeBit)
tdacl = _get_dacl(path, objectTypeBit)
if tdacl:
for counter in range(0, tdacl.GetAceCount()):
tAce = tdacl.GetAce(counter)
if not sidRet['sid'] or (tAce[2] == sidRet['sid']):
ret['ACLs'].append(_ace_to_text(tAce, objectTypeBit))
return ret | 66,451 |
helper function to set the inheritance
path (str): The path to the object
objectType (str): The type of object
inheritance (bool): True enables inheritance, False disables
copy (bool): Copy inherited ACEs to the DACL before disabling
clear (bool): Remove non-inherited ACEs from the DACL | def _set_dacl_inheritance(path, objectType, inheritance=True, copy=True, clear=False):
ret = {'result': False,
'comment': '',
'changes': {}}
if path:
sd = win32security.GetNamedSecurityInfo(path, objectType, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION)
tdacl = sd.GetSecurityDescriptorDacl()
if inheritance:
if clear:
counter = 0
removedAces = []
while counter < tdacl.GetAceCount():
tAce = tdacl.GetAce(counter)
if (tAce[0][1] & win32security.INHERITED_ACE) != win32security.INHERITED_ACE:
removedAces.append(_ace_to_text(tAce, objectType))
counter = counter + 1
if removedAces:
ret['changes']['Removed ACEs'] = removedAces
ret['changes']['Non-Inherited ACEs'] = 'Left in the DACL'
path, objectType,
None, None, tdacl, None)
ret['changes']['Inheritance'] = 'Enabled'
if not copy:
counter = 0
inheritedAcesRemoved = []
while counter < tdacl.GetAceCount():
tAce = tdacl.GetAce(counter)
if (tAce[0][1] & win32security.INHERITED_ACE) == win32security.INHERITED_ACE:
inheritedAcesRemoved.append(_ace_to_text(tAce, objectType))
counter = counter + 1
if inheritedAcesRemoved:
ret['changes']['Removed ACEs'] = inheritedAcesRemoved
ret['changes']['Previously Inherited ACEs'] = 'Copied to the DACL'
path, objectType,
None, None, tdacl, None)
ret['changes']['Inheritance'] = 'Disabled'
ret['result'] = True
except Exception as e:
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = 'Error attempting to set the inheritance. The error was {0}.'.format(e)
return ret | 66,455 |
enable/disable inheritance on an object
path: The path to the object
objectType: The type of object (FILE, DIRECTORY, REGISTRY)
clear: True will remove non-Inherited ACEs from the ACL
Returns (dict): A dictionary containing the results
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt 'minion-id' win_dacl.enable_inheritance c:\temp directory | def enable_inheritance(path, objectType, clear=False):
dc = daclConstants()
objectType = dc.getObjectTypeBit(objectType)
path = dc.processPath(path, objectType)
return _set_dacl_inheritance(path, objectType, True, None, clear) | 66,456 |
Disable inheritance on an object
path: The path to the object
objectType: The type of object (FILE, DIRECTORY, REGISTRY)
copy: True will copy the Inherited ACEs to the DACL before disabling inheritance
Returns (dict): A dictionary containing the results
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt 'minion-id' win_dacl.disable_inheritance c:\temp directory | def disable_inheritance(path, objectType, copy=True):
dc = daclConstants()
objectType = dc.getObjectTypeBit(objectType)
path = dc.processPath(path, objectType)
return _set_dacl_inheritance(path, objectType, False, copy, None) | 66,457 |
Check a specified path to verify if inheritance is enabled
path: path of the registry key or file system object to check
objectType: The type of object (FILE, DIRECTORY, REGISTRY)
user: if provided, will consider only the ACEs for that user
Returns (bool): 'Inheritance' of True/False
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt 'minion-id' win_dacl.check_inheritance c:\temp directory <username> | def check_inheritance(path, objectType, user=None):
ret = {'result': False,
'Inheritance': False,
'comment': ''}
sidRet = _getUserSid(user)
dc = daclConstants()
objectType = dc.getObjectTypeBit(objectType)
path = dc.processPath(path, objectType)
sd = win32security.GetNamedSecurityInfo(path, objectType, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION)
dacls = sd.GetSecurityDescriptorDacl()
except Exception as e:
ret['result'] = False
ret['comment'] = 'Error obtaining the Security Descriptor or DACL of the path: {0}.'.format(e)
return ret
for counter in range(0, dacls.GetAceCount()):
ace = dacls.GetAce(counter)
if (ace[0][1] & win32security.INHERITED_ACE) == win32security.INHERITED_ACE:
if not sidRet['sid'] or ace[2] == sidRet['sid']:
ret['Inheritance'] = True
ret['result'] = True
return ret | 66,458 |
Gets the difference between the candidate and the current configuration.
.. code-block:: yaml
get the diff:
- diff
- id: 10
* id:
The rollback id value [0-49]. (default = 0) | def diff(name, **kwargs):
ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': True, 'comment': ''}
ret['changes'] = __salt__['junos.diff'](**kwargs)
return ret | 66,922 |
Shuts down the device.
.. code-block:: yaml
shut the device:
- shutdown
- in_min: 10
* kwargs:
* reboot:
Whether to reboot instead of shutdown. (default=False)
* at:
Specify time for reboot. (To be used only if reboot=yes)
* in_min:
Specify delay in minutes for shutdown | def shutdown(name, **kwargs):
ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': True, 'comment': ''}
ret['changes'] = __salt__['junos.shutdown'](**kwargs)
return ret | 66,924 |
Copies the file from the local device to the junos device.
.. code-block:: yaml
- file_copy
- dest: info_copy.txt
* src:
The sorce path where the file is kept.
* dest:
The destination path where the file will be copied. | def file_copy(name, dest=None, **kwargs):
ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': True, 'comment': ''}
ret['changes'] = __salt__['junos.file_copy'](name, dest, **kwargs)
return ret | 66,927 |
List details of available certificates in the LocalMachine certificate
certificate_store (str): The name of the certificate store on the local
dict: A dictionary of certificates found in the store | def _list_certs(certificate_store='My'):
ret = dict()
blacklist_keys = ['DnsNameList', 'Thumbprint']
ps_cmd = ['Get-ChildItem',
'-Path', r"'Cert:\LocalMachine\{0}'".format(certificate_store),
'Select-Object DnsNameList, SerialNumber, Subject, Thumbprint, Version']
cmd_ret = _srvmgr(cmd=ps_cmd, return_json=True)
items = salt.utils.json.loads(cmd_ret['stdout'], strict=False)
except ValueError:
raise CommandExecutionError('Unable to parse return data as Json.')
for item in items:
cert_info = dict()
for key in item:
if key not in blacklist_keys:
cert_info[key.lower()] = item[key]
cert_info['dnsnames'] = []
if item['DnsNameList']:
cert_info['dnsnames'] = [name['Unicode'] for name in item['DnsNameList']]
ret[item['Thumbprint']] = cert_info
return ret | 67,004 |
Execute a powershell command from the WebAdministration PS module.
cmd (list): The command to execute in a list
return_json (bool): True formats the return in JSON, False just returns
the output of the command.
str: The output from the command | def _srvmgr(cmd, return_json=False):
if isinstance(cmd, list):
cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
if return_json:
cmd = 'ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 4 -InputObject @({0})' \
cmd = 'Import-Module WebAdministration; {0}'.format(cmd)
ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, shell='powershell', python_shell=True)
if ret['retcode'] != 0:
msg = 'Unable to execute command: {0}\nError: {1}' \
''.format(cmd, ret['stderr'])
return ret | 67,006 |
Delete a website from IIS.
name (str): The IIS site name.
bool: True if successful, otherwise False
.. note::
This will not remove the application pool used by the site.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_iis.remove_site name='My Test Site' | def remove_site(name):
current_sites = list_sites()
if name not in current_sites:
log.debug('Site already absent: %s', name)
return True
ps_cmd = ['Remove-WebSite', '-Name', r"'{0}'".format(name)]
cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd)
if cmd_ret['retcode'] != 0:
msg = 'Unable to remove site: {0}\nError: {1}' \
''.format(name, cmd_ret['stderr'])
raise CommandExecutionError(msg)
log.debug('Site removed successfully: %s', name)
return True | 67,012 |
Stop a Web Site in IIS.
.. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
name (str): The name of the website to stop.
bool: True if successful, otherwise False
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_iis.stop_site name='My Test Site' | def stop_site(name):
ps_cmd = ['Stop-WebSite', r"'{0}'".format(name)]
cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd)
return cmd_ret['retcode'] == 0 | 67,013 |
Start a Web Site in IIS.
.. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
name (str): The name of the website to start.
bool: True if successful, otherwise False
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_iis.start_site name='My Test Site' | def start_site(name):
ps_cmd = ['Start-WebSite', r"'{0}'".format(name)]
cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd)
return cmd_ret['retcode'] == 0 | 67,014 |
Get all configured IIS bindings for the specified site.
site (str): The name if the IIS Site
dict: A dictionary of the binding names and properties.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_iis.list_bindings site | def list_bindings(site):
ret = dict()
sites = list_sites()
if site not in sites:
log.warning('Site not found: %s', site)
return ret
ret = sites[site]['bindings']
if not ret:
log.warning('No bindings found for site: %s', site)
return ret | 67,015 |
Remove an IIS binding.
site (str): The IIS site name.
hostheader (str): The host header of the binding.
ipaddress (str): The IP address of the binding.
port (int): The TCP port of the binding.
bool: True if successful, otherwise False
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_iis.remove_binding site='site0' hostheader='' ipaddress='*' port='80' | def remove_binding(site, hostheader='', ipaddress='*', port=80):
name = _get_binding_info(hostheader, ipaddress, port)
current_bindings = list_bindings(site)
if name not in current_bindings:
log.debug('Binding already absent: %s', name)
return True
ps_cmd = ['Remove-WebBinding',
'-HostHeader', "'{0}'".format(hostheader),
'-IpAddress', "'{0}'".format(ipaddress),
'-Port', "'{0}'".format(port)]
cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd)
if cmd_ret['retcode'] != 0:
msg = 'Unable to remove binding: {0}\nError: {1}' \
''.format(site, cmd_ret['stderr'])
raise CommandExecutionError(msg)
if name not in list_bindings(site):
log.debug('Binding removed successfully: %s', site)
return True
log.error('Unable to remove binding: %s', site)
return False | 67,018 |
List certificate bindings for an IIS site.
.. versionadded:: 2016.11.0
site (str): The IIS site name.
dict: A dictionary of the binding names and properties.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_iis.list_bindings site | def list_cert_bindings(site):
ret = dict()
sites = list_sites()
if site not in sites:
log.warning('Site not found: %s', site)
return ret
for binding in sites[site]['bindings']:
if sites[site]['bindings'][binding]['certificatehash']:
ret[binding] = sites[site]['bindings'][binding]
if not ret:
log.warning('No certificate bindings found for site: %s', site)
return ret | 67,019 |
Stop an IIS application pool.
.. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
name (str): The name of the App Pool to stop.
bool: True if successful, otherwise False
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_iis.stop_apppool name='MyTestPool' | def stop_apppool(name):
ps_cmd = ['Stop-WebAppPool', r"'{0}'".format(name)]
cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd)
return cmd_ret['retcode'] == 0 | 67,024 |
Start an IIS application pool.
.. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
name (str): The name of the App Pool to start.
bool: True if successful, otherwise False
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_iis.start_apppool name='MyTestPool' | def start_apppool(name):
ps_cmd = ['Start-WebAppPool', r"'{0}'".format(name)]
cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd)
return cmd_ret['retcode'] == 0 | 67,025 |
Restart an IIS application pool.
.. versionadded:: 2016.11.0
name (str): The name of the IIS application pool.
bool: True if successful, otherwise False
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_iis.restart_apppool name='MyTestPool' | def restart_apppool(name):
ps_cmd = ['Restart-WebAppPool', r"'{0}'".format(name)]
cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd)
return cmd_ret['retcode'] == 0 | 67,026 |
Get all configured IIS applications for the specified site.
site (str): The IIS site name.
Returns: A dictionary of the application names and properties.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_iis.list_apps site | def list_apps(site):
ret = dict()
ps_cmd = list()
ps_cmd.append("Get-WebApplication -Site '{0}'".format(site))
ps_cmd.append(r"| Select-Object applicationPool, path, PhysicalPath, preloadEnabled,")
ps_cmd.append(r"@{ Name='name'; Expression={ $_.path.Split('/', 2)[-1] } },")
ps_cmd.append(r"@{ Name='protocols'; Expression={ @( $_.enabledProtocols.Split(',')")
ps_cmd.append(r"| Foreach-Object { $_.Trim() } ) } }")
cmd_ret = _srvmgr(cmd=ps_cmd, return_json=True)
items = salt.utils.json.loads(cmd_ret['stdout'], strict=False)
except ValueError:
raise CommandExecutionError('Unable to parse return data as Json.')
for item in items:
protocols = list()
# If there are no associated protocols, protocols will be an empty dict,
# if there is one protocol, it will be a string, and if there are
# multiple, it will be a dict with 'Count' and 'value' as the keys.
if isinstance(item['protocols'], dict):
if 'value' in item['protocols']:
protocols += item['protocols']['value']
ret[item['name']] = {'apppool': item['applicationPool'],
'path': item['path'],
'preload': item['preloadEnabled'],
'protocols': protocols,
'sourcepath': item['PhysicalPath']}
if not ret:
log.warning('No apps found in output: %s', cmd_ret)
return ret | 67,029 |
Remove an IIS application.
name (str): The application name.
site (str): The IIS site name.
bool: True if successful, otherwise False
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_iis.remove_app name='app0' site='site0' | def remove_app(name, site):
current_apps = list_apps(site)
if name not in current_apps:
log.debug('Application already absent: %s', name)
return True
ps_cmd = ['Remove-WebApplication',
'-Name', "'{0}'".format(name),
'-Site', "'{0}'".format(site)]
cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd)
if cmd_ret['retcode'] != 0:
msg = 'Unable to remove application: {0}\nError: {1}' \
''.format(name, cmd_ret['stderr'])
raise CommandExecutionError(msg)
new_apps = list_apps(site)
if name not in new_apps:
log.debug('Application removed successfully: %s', name)
return True
log.error('Unable to remove application: %s', name)
return False | 67,031 |
Get all configured IIS virtual directories for the specified site, or for
the combination of site and application.
site (str): The IIS site name.
app (str): The IIS application.
dict: A dictionary of the virtual directory names and properties.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_iis.list_vdirs site | def list_vdirs(site, app=_DEFAULT_APP):
ret = dict()
ps_cmd = ['Get-WebVirtualDirectory',
'-Site', r"'{0}'".format(site),
'-Application', r"'{0}'".format(app),
'|', "Select-Object PhysicalPath, @{ Name = 'name';",
r"Expression = { $_.path.Split('/')[-1] } }"]
cmd_ret = _srvmgr(cmd=ps_cmd, return_json=True)
items = salt.utils.json.loads(cmd_ret['stdout'], strict=False)
except ValueError:
raise CommandExecutionError('Unable to parse return data as Json.')
for item in items:
ret[item['name']] = {'sourcepath': item['physicalPath']}
if not ret:
log.warning('No vdirs found in output: %s', cmd_ret)
return ret | 67,032 |
Remove an IIS virtual directory.
name (str): The virtual directory name.
site (str): The IIS site name.
app (str): The IIS application.
bool: True if successful, otherwise False
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_iis.remove_vdir name='vdir0' site='site0' | def remove_vdir(name, site, app=_DEFAULT_APP):
current_vdirs = list_vdirs(site, app)
app_path = os.path.join(*app.rstrip('/').split('/'))
if app_path:
app_path = '{0}\\'.format(app_path)
vdir_path = r'IIS:\Sites\{0}\{1}{2}'.format(site, app_path, name)
if name not in current_vdirs:
log.debug('Virtual directory already absent: %s', name)
return True
# We use Remove-Item here instead of Remove-WebVirtualDirectory, since the
# latter has a bug that causes it to always prompt for user input.
ps_cmd = ['Remove-Item',
'-Path', r"'{0}'".format(vdir_path),
cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd)
if cmd_ret['retcode'] != 0:
msg = 'Unable to remove virtual directory: {0}\nError: {1}' \
''.format(name, cmd_ret['stderr'])
raise CommandExecutionError(msg)
new_vdirs = list_vdirs(site, app)
if name not in new_vdirs:
log.debug('Virtual directory removed successfully: %s', name)
return True
log.error('Unable to remove virtual directory: %s', name)
return False | 67,034 |
Backup an IIS Configuration on the System.
.. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
.. note::
Backups are stored in the ``$env:Windir\System32\inetsrv\backup``
name (str): The name to give the backup
bool: True if successful, otherwise False
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_iis.create_backup good_config_20170209 | def create_backup(name):
if name in list_backups():
raise CommandExecutionError('Backup already present: {0}'.format(name))
ps_cmd = ['Backup-WebConfiguration',
'-Name', "'{0}'".format(name)]
cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd)
if cmd_ret['retcode'] != 0:
msg = 'Unable to backup web configuration: {0}\nError: {1}' \
''.format(name, cmd_ret['stderr'])
raise CommandExecutionError(msg)
return name in list_backups() | 67,035 |
Remove an IIS Configuration backup from the System.
.. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
name (str): The name of the backup to remove
bool: True if successful, otherwise False
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_iis.remove_backup backup_20170209 | def remove_backup(name):
if name not in list_backups():
log.debug('Backup already removed: %s', name)
return True
ps_cmd = ['Remove-WebConfigurationBackup',
'-Name', "'{0}'".format(name)]
cmd_ret = _srvmgr(ps_cmd)
if cmd_ret['retcode'] != 0:
msg = 'Unable to remove web configuration: {0}\nError: {1}' \
''.format(name, cmd_ret['stderr'])
raise CommandExecutionError(msg)
return name not in list_backups() | 67,036 |
Returns a list of worker processes that correspond to the passed
application pool.
.. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
apppool (str): The application pool to query
dict: A dictionary of worker processes with their process IDs
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_iis.list_worker_processes 'My App Pool' | def list_worker_processes(apppool):
ps_cmd = ['Get-ChildItem',
cmd_ret = _srvmgr(cmd=ps_cmd, return_json=True)
items = salt.utils.json.loads(cmd_ret['stdout'], strict=False)
except ValueError:
raise CommandExecutionError('Unable to parse return data as Json.')
ret = dict()
for item in items:
ret[item['processId']] = item['appPoolName']
if not ret:
log.warning('No backups found in output: %s', cmd_ret)
return ret | 67,037 |
Helper function for adding new IDE controllers
.. versionadded:: 2016.3.0
ide_controller_label: label of the IDE controller
controller_key: if not None, the controller key to use; otherwise it is randomly generated
bus_number: bus number
Returns: created device spec for an IDE controller | def _add_new_ide_controller_helper(ide_controller_label,
if controller_key is None:
controller_key = randint(-200, 250)
ide_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec()
ide_spec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualIDEController()
ide_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add
ide_spec.device.key = controller_key
ide_spec.device.busNumber = bus_number
ide_spec.device.deviceInfo = vim.Description()
ide_spec.device.deviceInfo.label = ide_controller_label
ide_spec.device.deviceInfo.summary = ide_controller_label
return ide_spec | 67,056 |
Check if the package is valid on the given mirrors.
package: The name of the package
cyg_arch: The cygwin architecture
mirrors: any mirrors to check
Returns (bool): True if Valid, otherwise False
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' cyg.check_valid_package <package name> | def check_valid_package(package,
if mirrors is None:
LOG.debug('Checking Valid Mirrors: %s', mirrors)
for mirror in mirrors:
for mirror_url, key in mirror.items():
if package in _get_all_packages(mirror_url, cyg_arch):
return True
return False | 67,632 |
Manage the sending of authentication traps.
status (bool): True to enable traps. False to disable.
bool: True if successful, otherwise False
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' win_snmp.set_auth_traps_enabled status='True' | def set_auth_traps_enabled(status=True):
vname = 'EnableAuthenticationTraps'
current_status = get_auth_traps_enabled()
if bool(status) == current_status:
_LOG.debug('%s already contains the provided value.', vname)
return True
vdata = int(status)
__utils__['reg.set_value'](_HKEY, _SNMP_KEY, vname, vdata, 'REG_DWORD')
new_status = get_auth_traps_enabled()
if status == new_status:
_LOG.debug('Setting %s configured successfully: %s', vname, vdata)
return True
_LOG.error('Unable to configure %s with value: %s', vname, vdata)
return False | 67,982 |
This module can also be run directly for testing
detail|list : Provide ``detail`` or version ``list``.
system|system+user: System installed and System and User installs. | def __main():
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
sys.stderr.write('usage: {0} <detail|list> <system|system+user>\n'.format(sys.argv[0]))
user_pkgs = False
version_only = False
if six.text_type(sys.argv[1]) == 'list':
version_only = True
if six.text_type(sys.argv[2]) == 'system+user':
user_pkgs = True
import salt.utils.json
import timeit
def run():
pkg_list = WinSoftware(user_pkgs=user_pkgs, version_only=version_only)
print(salt.utils.json.dumps(, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) # pylint: disable=superfluous-parens
print('Total: {}'.format(len(pkg_list))) # pylint: disable=superfluous-parens
print('Time Taken: {}'.format(timeit.timeit(run, number=1))) | 69,142 |
Squished GUID (SQUID) to GUID.
A SQUID is a Squished/Compressed version of a GUID to use up less space
in the registry.
squid (str): Squished GUID.
str: the GUID if a valid SQUID provided. | def __squid_to_guid(self, squid):
if not squid:
return ''
squid_match = self.__squid_pattern.match(squid)
guid = ''
if squid_match is not None:
guid = '{' +\[::-1]+'-' +\[::-1]+'-' +\[::-1]+'-' +\[::-1][::-1] + '-'
for index in range(6, 12):
guid +=[::-1]
guid += '}'
return guid | 69,144 |
Test for ``1`` as a number or a string and return ``True`` if it is.
value: string or number or None.
bool: ``True`` if 1 otherwise ``False``. | def __one_equals_true(value):
if isinstance(value, six.integer_types) and value == 1:
return True
elif (isinstance(value, six.string_types) and
re.match(r'\d+', value, flags=re.IGNORECASE + re.UNICODE) is not None and
six.text_type(value) == '1'):
return True
return False | 69,145 |
Calls RegQueryValueEx
If PY2 ensure unicode string and expand REG_EXPAND_SZ before returning
Remember to catch not found exceptions when calling.
handle (object): open registry handle.
value_name (str): Name of the value you wished returned
tuple: type, value | def __reg_query_value(handle, value_name):
# item_value, item_type = win32api.RegQueryValueEx(self.__reg_uninstall_handle, value_name)
item_value, item_type = win32api.RegQueryValueEx(handle, value_name) # pylint: disable=no-member
if six.PY2 and isinstance(item_value, six.string_types) and not isinstance(item_value, six.text_type):
item_value = six.text_type(item_value, encoding='mbcs')
except UnicodeError:
if item_type == win32con.REG_EXPAND_SZ:
# expects Unicode input
win32api.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(item_value) # pylint: disable=no-member
item_type = win32con.REG_SZ
return item_value, item_type | 69,146 |
For the uninstall section of the registry return the name value.
value_name (str): Registry value name.
wanted_type (str):
The type of value wanted if the type does not match
None is return. wanted_type support values are
``str`` ``int`` ``list`` ``bytes``.
value: Value requested or None if not found. | def get_install_value(self, value_name, wanted_type=None):
item_value, item_type = self.__reg_query_value(self.__reg_uninstall_handle, value_name)
except pywintypes.error as exc: # pylint: disable=no-member
if exc.winerror == winerror.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND:
# Not Found
return None
if wanted_type and item_type not in self.__reg_types[wanted_type]:
item_value = None
return item_value | 69,148 |
For the product section of the registry return the name value.
value_name (str): Registry value name.
wanted_type (str):
The type of value wanted if the type does not match
None is return. wanted_type support values are
``str`` ``int`` ``list`` ``bytes``.
value: Value requested or ``None`` if not found. | def get_product_value(self, value_name, wanted_type=None):
if not self.__reg_products_handle:
return None
subkey, search_value_name = os.path.split(value_name)
if subkey:
handle = win32api.RegOpenKeyEx( # pylint: disable=no-member
win32con.KEY_READ | self.__reg_32bit_access)
item_value, item_type = self.__reg_query_value(handle, search_value_name)
win32api.RegCloseKey(handle) # pylint: disable=no-member
item_value, item_type = \
win32api.RegQueryValueEx(self.__reg_products_handle, value_name) # pylint: disable=no-member
except pywintypes.error as exc: # pylint: disable=no-member
if exc.winerror == winerror.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND:
# Not Found
return None
if wanted_type and item_type not in self.__reg_types[wanted_type]:
item_value = None
return item_value | 69,149 |
Returns information on a package.
pkg_id (str): Package Id of the software/component
dict or list: List if ``version_only`` is ``True`` otherwise dict | def __getitem__(self, pkg_id):
if pkg_id in self.__reg_software:
return self.__reg_software[pkg_id]
raise KeyError(pkg_id) | 69,154 |
Returns information on a package.
pkg_id (str): Package Id of the software/component.
list: List of version numbers installed. | def pkg_version_list(self, pkg_id):
pkg_data = self.__reg_software.get(pkg_id, None)
if not pkg_data:
return []
if isinstance(pkg_data, list):
# raw data is 'pkgid': [sorted version list]
return pkg_data # already sorted oldest to newest
# Must be a dict or OrderDict, and contain full details
installed_versions = list(pkg_data.get('version').keys())
return sorted(installed_versions, key=cmp_to_key(self.__oldest_to_latest_version)) | 69,156 |
Provided with a valid Windows Security Identifier (SID) and returns a Username
sid (str): Security Identifier (SID).
str: Username in the format of username@realm or username@computer. | def __sid_to_username(sid):
if sid is None or sid == '':
return ''
sid_bin = win32security.GetBinarySid(sid) # pylint: disable=no-member
except pywintypes.error as exc: # pylint: disable=no-member
raise ValueError(
'pkg: Software owned by {0} is not valid: [{1}] {2}'.format(sid, exc.winerror, exc.strerror)
name, domain, _account_type = win32security.LookupAccountSid(None, sid_bin) # pylint: disable=no-member
user_name = '{0}\\{1}'.format(domain, name)
except pywintypes.error as exc: # pylint: disable=no-member
# if user does not exist...
# winerror.ERROR_NONE_MAPPED = No mapping between account names and
# security IDs was carried out.
if exc.winerror == winerror.ERROR_NONE_MAPPED: # 1332
# As the sid is from the registry it should be valid
# even if it cannot be lookedup, so the sid is returned
return sid
raise ValueError(
'Failed looking up sid \'{0}\' username: [{1}] {2}'.format(sid, exc.winerror, exc.strerror)
user_principal = win32security.TranslateName( # pylint: disable=no-member
win32api.NameSamCompatible, # pylint: disable=no-member
win32api.NameUserPrincipal) # pylint: disable=no-member
except pywintypes.error as exc: # pylint: disable=no-member
# winerror.ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN The specified domain either does not exist
# or could not be contacted, computer may not be part of a domain also
# winerror.ERROR_INVALID_DOMAINNAME The format of the specified domain name is
# invalid. e.g. S-1-5-19 which is a local account
# winerror.ERROR_NONE_MAPPED No mapping between account names and security IDs was done.
if exc.winerror in (winerror.ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN,
return '{0}@{1}'.format(name.lower(), domain.lower())
return user_principal | 69,157 |
Convert user name to a uid
user (str): The user to lookup
str: The user id of the user
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' file.user_to_uid myusername | def user_to_uid(user):
if user is None:
user = salt.utils.user.get_user()
return salt.utils.win_dacl.get_sid_string(user) | 69,298 |
Return the mode of a file
Right now we're just returning None because Windows' doesn't have a mode
like Linux
path (str): The path to the file or directory
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' file.get_mode /etc/passwd | def get_mode(path):
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise CommandExecutionError('Path not found: {0}'.format(path))
func_name = '{0}.get_mode'.format(__virtualname__)
if __opts__.get('fun', '') == func_name:'The function %s should not be used on Windows systems; '
'see function docs for details. The value returned is '
'always None.', func_name)
return None | 69,301 |
Return a dictionary object with the Windows
file attributes for a file.
path (str): The path to the file or directory
dict: A dictionary of file attributes
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' file.get_attributes c:\\temp\\a.txt | def get_attributes(path):
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise CommandExecutionError('Path not found: {0}'.format(path))
# set up dictionary for attribute values
attributes = {}
# Get cumulative int value of attributes
intAttributes = win32file.GetFileAttributes(path)
# Assign individual attributes
attributes['archive'] = (intAttributes & 32) == 32
attributes['reparsePoint'] = (intAttributes & 1024) == 1024
attributes['compressed'] = (intAttributes & 2048) == 2048
attributes['directory'] = (intAttributes & 16) == 16
attributes['encrypted'] = (intAttributes & 16384) == 16384
attributes['hidden'] = (intAttributes & 2) == 2
attributes['normal'] = (intAttributes & 128) == 128
attributes['notIndexed'] = (intAttributes & 8192) == 8192
attributes['offline'] = (intAttributes & 4096) == 4096
attributes['readonly'] = (intAttributes & 1) == 1
attributes['system'] = (intAttributes & 4) == 4
attributes['temporary'] = (intAttributes & 256) == 256
# check if it's a Mounted Volume
attributes['mountedVolume'] = False
if attributes['reparsePoint'] is True and attributes['directory'] is True:
fileIterator = win32file.FindFilesIterator(path)
findDataTuple = next(fileIterator)
if findDataTuple[6] == 0xA0000003:
attributes['mountedVolume'] = True
# check if it's a soft (symbolic) link
# Note: os.path.islink() does not work in
# Python 2.7 for the Windows NTFS file system.
# The following code does, however, work (tested in Windows 8)
attributes['symbolicLink'] = False
if attributes['reparsePoint'] is True:
fileIterator = win32file.FindFilesIterator(path)
findDataTuple = next(fileIterator)
if findDataTuple[6] == 0xA000000C:
attributes['symbolicLink'] = True
return attributes | 69,306 |