4 values
Most common LMN cause of Facial nerve palsy is?
A: Trauma B: Bell's palsy C: Infections D: Vascular causes
Answer: B
Malignant pustule occurs in -
A: Melanoma B: Gas gangrene C: Ovarian tumour D: Anthrax
Answer: D
a child gets good marks in his exam and his father got a bicycle, he staed to read well, what is the line of therapy
A: positive reinforcement B: negative reinforcement C: omission D: punishment
Answer: A
The most important action of Secretin is to
A: neutralize the acid from the stomach B: increase secretion of bicarbonates by pancreas C: decrease gastric secretion D: cause contraction of pyloric sphincter
Answer: B
Which is NOT used in treatment of heroin dependence?
A: Disulfiram B: Buprenorphine C: Clonidine D: Lofexidine
Answer: A
Aldosterone acts at:
A: Collecting duct B: Glomerulus C: Proximal convoluted tubule D: Loop of Henle
Answer: A
DNA enzyme for aging:
A: Telosomerase B: Topoisomerase C: Telomerase D: DNA polymerase
Answer: C
Maternal mortality is maximum in which period –
A: Antepartum B: Peripartum C: Postpartum D: None
Answer: B
Cataract blindness is:
A: Preventable B: Curable C: Avoidable D: Curable and avoidable
Answer: B
Investigation of choice for intramedullary SOL is -
A: MRI B: USG C: CT D: X-ray
Answer: A
Daclizumab acts through ?
A: cGMP activation B: Adenylcyclase inhibition C: IL 2 receptor blocker D: IL10 receptor blocker
Answer: C
Actinomycetoma is caused by-
A: Actinomyces B: Nocardias C: Streptomyces D: All
Answer: D
Glycosylated hemoglobin in a normal pregnant lady should be less than:
A: 4.50% B: 5.50% C: 6.50% D: 7.50%
Answer: C
'Bird beak' appearance on barium swallow is feature of?
A: Achalasia cardia B: Diffuse esophageal spasm C: Caustic stricture D: Carcinoma of the esophagus
Answer: A
Which is the first organ to be affected in left ventricular failure?
A: Lungs B: Liver C: Kidney D: Brain
Answer: A
Neurofibromatosis 1 criteria include all except:
A: Brain tumor B: Acoustic neuromas C: Dysplasia of the sphenoidal and tibial bone D: Cafe-au-lait spots
Answer: B
In rectus sheath which branch of aoa make anastmosis with superior epigastric aery
A: Subclan aery B: External iliac aery C: Internal iliac aery D: External carotid A
Answer: B
Pain sensations from the ethmoidal sinus are carried by-
A: Frontal Nerve B: Lacrimal Nerve C: Nasocilliary Nerve D: Infra orbital Nerve
Answer: C
Conjunctiva epithelium is:
A: Pseudostratified B: Stratified columnar C: Stratified non keratinized squamous D: Transitional
Answer: C
Which of the following is the national level system that provides annual national as well as state level reliable estimates of fertility and mortality?
A: Sample registration system B: Census C: Ad-hoc survey D: Sample registration system
Answer: A
How much Potassium is present in the Ringer Lactate solution -
A: 1 mEq/L B: 4 mEq/L C: 2 mEq/L D: 6 mEq/L
Answer: B
Puetz-Jegher syndrome is characterised by
A: Deafness B: Multiple supernumerary teeth C: Multiple intestinal polyps D: Scleroderma
Answer: C
Sex worker with discharging ulcer, gram negative diplococci & growth on modified Thayer main media. Diagnosis ?
A: N. gonococci B: Syphilis C: LGV D: Chaneroid
Answer: A
All of the following are true regarding diuretics except:-
A: Spironolactone is a potassium sparing drug B: Mannitol is an osmotic diuretic C: Thiazides act by inhibiting sodium-potassium chloride co-transpo D: Acetazolamide inhibits carbonic anhydrase enzyme
Answer: C
In case of hypothyroidism which investigation is most informative and most commonly used:
A: Serum TSH level B: Serum T3 and T4 level C: Serum calcitonin assay D: Serum TRH assay
Answer: A
. When the confidence level of a testis increased which of the following will happen -
A: No effect on significance B: Previously insignificant value becomes significant C: Previously significant value becomes insignificant D: No change in hypothesis
Answer: B
Mobile medical care constitutes all except
A: Primary health care B: Secondary health care C: Teiary health care D: Near home based
Answer: C
Monozygotic twins do not have same-
A: Fingerprints B: Genetic make up C: Facial appearance D: Stature
Answer: A
What is approx fetal weight, if height of uterus is above pubic symphysis is 35 cm and station of head -2?
A: 2.5 kg B: 3 kg C: 3.5 kg D: 4 kg
Answer: C
A 44-year-old businessman presents to a physician because of a markedly inflammed and painful right great toe. He states that he just returned from a convention, and had noticed increasing pain in his right foot during his flight back home. Physical examination is remarkable for swelling and erythema of the right great toe as well as small nodules on the patient's external ear. Aspiration of the metatarsal-phalangeal joint of the affected toe demonstrates needle-shaped negatively birefringent crystals. Which of the following agents would provide the most immediate relief for this patient?
A: Allopurinol B: Aspirin C: Colchicine D: Probenecid
Answer: C
Which of the following is not a feature Eustachian tube in children
A: Wider and shoer shoer B: Flaccid due to less elastin content C: Ostmann's pad of fat is more in volume D: Isthmus is straight in children
Answer: C
Platelet aggregation is blocked by aspirin due to its action on:
A: Prostacyclin B: PGF 2 alpha C: Thromboxane A2 D: Phospholipase C
Answer: C
Medium used for antibiotic sensitivity:
A: CLED agar B: choclolate agar C: Mueller-Hinton agar D: Salt milk agar
Answer: C
A person working in an abattoir presented with pustule on hand which turned into ulcer. Which of the following will best help in diagnosis?
A: Polychrome methylene blue B: Carbol fuchsin C: Acid fast stain D: Calcofluor white
Answer: A
Which is the cause of hemolysis in G6-PD deficiency?
A: Hemoglobin defect B: Oxidative stress C: Membrane defect D: Vitamin B12 deficiency
Answer: B
Bitemporal hemianopic field defect is characteristic of:
A: Glaucoma B: Optic neuritis C: Pituitary tumor D: Retinal detachment
Answer: C
A 31-year-old woman has new-onset headaches and blood pressure elevation. She also notices that the symptoms come episodically and consist of palpitations, headache, anxiety, and marked blood pressure elevation. She undergoes a workup for secondary causes of hypertension, and is found to have elevated free catecholamines in her urine.For the patient with systemic disease, select the typical cardiovascular involvement
A: focal myocardial necrosis B: proximal aortitis C: endothelial plaques D: systolic scratchy sound
Answer: A
Macewan's sign is seen in:
A: Cyanide poisoning B: Alcoholism C: Lead D: Arsenic poison
Answer: B
Phenol red thread test is used for dry eye. This test-
A: Requires topical anaesthetic agent B: Volume of tears isn't measured as it changes color on contact with tears C: If the color changes to blue, it depicts surface mucin deficiency D: Requiras pH meter for reading result
Answer: B
Vallecula sign is seen in
A: TB laryngitis B: Vocal nodule C: Inveed papilloma D: Acute epiglottitis
Answer: D
Devic's disease is associated with
A: Aquaporin 0 B: Aquaporin 1 C: Aquaporin 2 D: Aquaporin 4
Answer: D
Melanin is formed from which aminoacid?
A: Phenylalanine B: Tyrosine C: Tryptophan D: Histidine
Answer: B
An obese 50-year-old woman undergoes a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. In the recovery room she is found to be hypotensive and tachycardic. Her arterial blood gases reveal a pH of 7.29, partial pressure of oxygen of 60 kPa, and partial pressure of CO2 of 54 kPa. The most likely cause of this woman's problem is
A: Acute pulmonary embolism B: CO2 absorption from induced pneumoperitoneum C: Alveolar hypoventilation D: Pulmonary edema
Answer: C
During intraoperative period following capnograph waveform is seen. What does it signify.
A: Return of spontaneous ventilation B: Airway obstruction C: Hyperventilation D: Oesophageal intubation
Answer: A
A 3 year old child presents with a history of repeated sinopulmonary infections caused by encapsulated organisms. Which of the following is most likely to be deficient in this case?
A: IgG4 B: IgG3 C: IgG2 D: IgG1
Answer: C
Glucose transpo occur with the help of following ion in absorption in gut region
A: Na+ B: K+ C: Ca+ D: CI-
Answer: A
Thomas splint most troubling is:
A: Ring B: Side bars C: Gauze support D: Traction attachment
Answer: A
Aziththromyan prophylaxis in trachoma is given when prevalence is above?
A: 8% B: 6% C: 4% D: 10%
Answer: D
Does not include in strand field's "seven I" principles of health education
A: Identification B: Involvement C: Implementation D: Innovation
Answer: C
Mechanism of action of ciprofloxacin in gram negative bacteria:-
A: Inhibition of mycolic acid B: Inhibition of topoisomerase IV C: Inhibition of DNA gyrase D: Inhibition of helicase
Answer: C
Most common tumor to extend from intracranial to orbit is –
A: Astrocytoma B: Pituitary adenoma C: Craniopharyngioma D: Sphenoidal wing meningioma
Answer: D
What is the generation time of Mycobacterium leprae?
A: 2-5 days B: 7-10 days C: 12-14 days D: 20-25 days
Answer: C
A 35 year old male presents to the urologist for an infeility evaluation. A biopsy of his testis is performed to check sperm production and maturation. A microscopic section reveals only a few germ cells near the basal lamina in the seminiferous tubule. Which of the following cells is the germ cell closest to the basal lamina in the seminiferous tubule?
A: Primary spermatocyte B: Secondary spermatocyte C: Spermatid D: Spermatogonia
Answer: D
A child has mid-crown fracture in a permanent maxillary central incisor several months ago, the pulp is now necrotic, radiographic examination reveals an incompletely formed root with an open apex. The treatment of choice is:
A: Formocresol pulpotomy B: Root canal therapy C: Calcium hydroxide pulpotomy D: Apexification
Answer: D
In Chronic Viral Hepatitis:
A: Hepatitis A virus infection is a common cause inchildren B: Morphological classification into Chronic ActiveHepatitis and Chronic Persistent Hepatitis areimpoant C: Fatty change is pathognomic of Hepatitis C virusinfection D: Grading refers to the extent of necrosis andinflammations
Answer: D
The double decidual sac sign (DDSS) is the best method for ultrasound diagnosis of
A: Monoamniotic Dichorionic twins B: Diamniotic dichorionic twins C: Ectopic pregnancy D: Normal pregnancy
Answer: D
Which of the following predisposes to placenta previa?
A: Primigravida B: Singleton pregnancy C: Diabetesmellitus D: Past cesarean pregnancy
Answer: D
All are true regarding Crohn's disease except:
A: Infertility B: Risk of Ca C: Medical treatment includes antibiotics, probiotics and TNF alpha blockers D: ASCA-negative
Answer: D
Nucleic acids absorb UV light maximally at the wavelength of
A: 260nm B: 280 nm C: 410 nm D: 320 nm
Answer: A
Children born to mothers with systemic lupus erythematosus are likely to have one of the following anomalies:
A: Atrial septal defect B: Tetralogy of Fallot C: Transposition of great vessels D: Complete heart block
Answer: D
All of the following cause hyperventilation except
A: Decreased pH in CSF B: Decreased plasma HCO3 C: CO poisoning D: Increased adrenergic levels
Answer: C
Stem cells are present where in cornea -
A: Limbus B: Stroma C: Epithelium D: Descmet's membrane
Answer: A
A child brought to casualty with reports of violent shaking by parents. The most likely injury is?
A: Long bone fracture B: Ruptured spleen C: Subdural haematoma D: Skull bone fracture
Answer: C
Collagen biosynthesis occurs inside the:
A: Chondroblasts B: Odontoblasts C: Osteoblasts D: Fibroblasts
Answer: D
About chi-square test, true is
A: Less no. of samples are associated with less error B: <0.001 is statistically significant C: Categories of data used in test need not be mutually exclusive and discrete D: Tests correlation and regression
Answer: B
"Inflation of lungs induces fuher inflation" this is explained by
A: Hering-Breuer inflation reflex B: Hering-Breuer deflation reflex C: Head's paradoxical reflex D: J-reflex
Answer: C
Most common cause of Acute Aseptic Meningitis in children is
A: Arbovirus B: Respiratory syncytial virus C: Enterovirus D: Herpes family
Answer: C
Reids index is increased in: March 2007
A: Bronchial asthma B: Bronchiectasis C: Chronic bronchitis D: Pneumonia
Answer: C
In psychoanalytic terms, obsessive-compulsive disorder is fixed at -
A: Oedipal stage B: Genital stage C: Oral stage D: Anal stage
Answer: D
Subconjunctival cyst is seen in?
A: Toxoplasmosis B: Cysticercosis C: Leishmaniasis D: Chaga's disease
Answer: B
"Antihistone" antibodies are detectable in:
A: CREST B: PAN C: Drug induced Lupus D: Intestinal lymphoma
Answer: C
The best method of teaching an urban slum about ORS is -
A: Lecture B: Role play C: Demonstration D: Flash card
Answer: C
Tardy ulnar nerve palsy occur as a delayed sequele of
A: Supracondylar fracture of humerus B: Posterior dislocation of elbow C: Fracture of lateral condyle of humerus in children D: Fracture of Olecranon
Answer: C
High anticholinergic propey is present in the following antihistaminic agent
A: Astemizole B: Diphenhydramine C: Terfenadine D: Fexofenadine
Answer: B
Characterstic X Ray finding in ASD is:
A: Enlarged left ventricle B: Enlarged left atria C: Pulmonary pletheora D: PAH
Answer: C
Pain relief in chronic pancreatitis can be obtained by destruction of
A: Celiac ganglia B: Vagus nerve C: Anterolateral column of spinal cord D: None of the above
Answer: A
All are true about peritoneal folds except
A: Median umbilical fold is obliterated to become urachus in adults B: Medial umbilical fold is peritoneal fold on medial umbilical ligament C: Medial umbilical fold covers allantois D: Lateral umbilical fold produced by inferior epigastric vessels
Answer: C
The principal characteristics of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder are all of the following except one. Which one is the exception?
A: Inattention B: Mental retardation C: Hyperactivity D: Impulsivity
Answer: B
21st tooth erupts at:-
A: 6 years B: 8 years C: 10 years D: 12 years
Answer: A
Most common viral cause of Fulminant hepatic failure in pregnancy?
Answer: D
True about diabetic nephropathy -
A: Microalbuminiuria is not an indicator of long term cardiovascular morbidity. B: Strict glycemic control cannot prevent microalbuminuria C: b-islet cell\/pancreatic transplantation can improve the proteinuria in early stage. D: Angiotensin receptor blockers have no additive advantage over other drugs except B.P. control.
Answer: C
Which of the following is an adrenergic drug preferred for arresting labour?
A: Ritodrine B: Isoprenaline C: Salbutamol D: Terbutaline
Answer: A
Sixth cranial nerve palsy causes of left eye causes?
A: Accomodation paresis in left gaze B: Ptosis of left eye C: Adduction weakness of left eye D: Diplopia in left gaze
Answer: D
Father of modern toxicology -
A: Paracelsus B: Galton C: Orfila D: Guftason
Answer: C
5-year-old male brought to casualty by his mother because of episode of sudden vomiting. He has been behaving strangely according to mother. Laboratory findings showed microcytic hypochromic anemia with the above finding. The most probable poisoning is:
A: Chronic arsenic poisoning B: Chronic lead poisoning C: Chronic mercury poisoning D: Chronic copper poisoning
Answer: B
Submandibular gland is crossed by which nerve?
A: Lingual B: Hypoglossal C: Glossopharyngeal D: Facial nerve
Answer: D
Ramesh 40 yrs male patient presenting with polyuria, pain abdomen, nausea, vomitting, altered sensorium was found to have bronchogenic carcinoma. The electrolyte abnormality seen in him would be -
A: Hypokalemia B: Hyperkalemia C: Hypocalcaemia D: Hypercalcemia
Answer: D
Folic acid metabolism is inhibited by : a) Sulfonamides b) Methotrexate c) Nitrous oxide d) Trimethoprim e) 5–Flucytosine
A: acd B: abd C: bde D: ace
Answer: B
Patient with fixed dilated pupil, with iris atrophy and secondary glaucoma after penetrating keratoplasty is suggestive of:
A: Benedict's syndrome B: Posner-Shlossman syndrome C: Kaufmann's syndrome D: Urrets Zavalia syndrome
Answer: D
Treatment of acute asthma include all except-
A: Prednisolone B: Salbutamol C: Salmeterol D: Ipratropium bromide
Answer: C
Characteristic visual field defect in optic chiasma lesion -
A: Homonymous hemianopia B: Bitemporal hemianopia C: Upper quadrantanopia D: Lower quadrantanopia
Answer: B
A volunteer Ram will receive a new drug in a phase I clinical trial. The clearance and the volume of distribution of the drug in Ram are 1.386 I/hr and 80 L respectively. The half life of the drug in him would be approximately:
A: 83 hr B: 77 hr C: 40 hr D: 0.02 hr
Answer: C
Hand over mouth technique was first described by:
A: Dr. Evangeline Jordan B: Addeston and Gold fried C: Dr.G.V.Black D: Dr. Goldman
Answer: A
Most common cause of spontaneous sub-arachnoid haemorrhage is -
A: Trauma B: Hypertension C: Berry aneurysm rupture D: Raised intracranial tension
Answer: C
Ehrlich's test is done to detect:
A: Urinary amylase B: Urinary cystine C: Abnormal porphyrin D: Urobilinogen
Answer: D
B cell prolymphocytic leukemia patients differ from those with B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia in
A: Presenting at a younger age B: Having a lower total leucocyte count C: Having prominent lymphadenopathy D: Having a shorter survival
Answer: D
Millenium development goals formulated in 2000 were to be achieved by -
A: 2005 B: 2015 C: 2010 D: 2020
Answer: B
In the stage of Grey hepatization-
A: WBC's fill the alveoli B: RBC's fill the alveoli C: Organisms fill the alveoli D: Accumulation of fibrin
Answer: D
Twin pregnancy, but due to two different men is called: NEET 14
A: Superfetation B: Superfecundation C: Both of the above D: None
Answer: B
Low bih weight baby is defined as baby weighing: September 2006
A: 1000 gm B: 1500 gm C: 2000 gm D: 2500 gm
Answer: D