4 values
Drug of choice for OCD is?
A: Clomipramine B: Fluoxetine C: Carbamezapine D: Chlorpromazine
Answer: B
PAS positive are all the following except -
A: Glycogen B: Lipids C: Fungal cell wall D: Basement membrane of bacteria
Answer: D
Increased serum amylase in pleural effusion is seen in
A: Rheumatoid arthritis B: Tuberculosis C: Malignancy D: Pulmonary embolism
Answer: C
Diffuse specific lesions on intestinal biopsy are seen in -a) Celiac sprueb) Whipples diseasec) Agammaglobulinemia d) Abetalipoproteinemal
A: abc B: bcd C: ac D: bd
Answer: B
Pyrogens act on which site of brain ?
A: Basal ganglia B: Limbic system C: Thalamus D: Hypothalamus
Answer: D
Hypertrophy means -
A: Increased protein content of the cells B: Increase in size of cells C: Increase in number of cells D: None of the above
Answer: B
A patient was diagnosed with schizophrenia and was staed on haloperidol 5mg. On 3rd day he presented with uprolling of eyes. A complete neurological examination revealed no spasticity or any other abnormalities except uprolling of eyeballs. Visual acuity was found to be normal. What is your likely diagnosis?
A: Seizure B: Acute dystonia C: Malingering D: Akathesia
Answer: B
Risk factor prevention at which level
A: Primordial B: Primary C: Secondary D: Tertiary
Answer: A
Venous drainage of upper pa of uterus and placenta is through :
A: Ovarian vein B: Uterine vein C: Internal iliac vein D: None
Answer: A
As compared to permanent tooth, root formation in primary tooth:
A: Take less time B: Take more time C: Same time D: Is complete when tooth erupts in oral cavity
Answer: A
Which of the following is true about venous thrombosis?
A: It affects only the deep venous system B: Most impoant factor for development of deep venous thrombosis is hospital admission C: Coralline thrombus is platelet aggregate surrounded by white blood cells D: Lung infarction is a common complication of deep venous thrombosis
Answer: B
Gateway of tears is:
A: Rathke pouch B: Sinus of morgagni C: Killians dehiscence D: Pharyngeal bursa
Answer: C
A 27 year old sexually active male develops a vesiculobullous lesion on the glans soon after within 8hrs taking tablet diclofenac for viral fever. The lesion healed with hyperpigmentation.The most likely dignosis is-
A: Behcet's syndrome B: herpes genitalis C: fixed drug erruption D: pemphigus vulgaris
Answer: C
Isotope (s) used in high dose rate brachytherapy – a) lr192b) Co–60c) Cs–l33d) Ra 226 e) Pd103
A: ac B: a C: ab D: bc
Answer: C
A patient presents with erythematous scaly lesions on extensor aspect of elbows and knee. The clinical diagnosis is got by :
A: Auspitz sign B: KOH smear C: Tzanck smear D: Skin biopsy
Answer: A
27-year-old white man presents to his family doctor complaining of being tired all the time and having a slight fever for the past two weeks. He recently returned from a trip to Las Vegas, where he indulged in some of the infamous nightlife. His physical exam is unremarkable except for a macular rash over his trunk and on the palms of his hands. There are no lesions or ulcers on the penis. What organism is causing this man's illness?
A: Chlamydia trachomatis B: Neisseria gonorrhea C: Treponema pallidum D: Borrelia burgdorferi
Answer: C
Which of the following is having a 90% associated with HLA B27
A: Ankylosing spondylitis B: Rheumatoid ahritis C: Psoriasis D: Reiter's syndrome
Answer: A
Growth of oral structures is mainly influenced by factors:
A: Hereditary B: Environmental C: Hereditary-influenced by environmental factor D: None of the above
Answer: C
Foramen of Morgagni refers to an opening in?
A: The brain B: The lesser omentum C: The skull D: The diaphragm
Answer: D
A 10-year-old boy presents with increase bilirubin, increased bilirubin in urine and no urobilinogen Diagnosis is:
A: Gilbert syndrome B: Hemolytic jaundice C: Viral hepatitis D: Obstructive jaundice
Answer: D
Negative nitrogen balance is the characteristic feature of which phase of convalescence after surgery?
A: Catabolic phase B: Anabolic phase C: Fat gain phase D: Tuning point phase
Answer: A
All are true regarding fetal BBC's except –
A: Elevated 2,3 DPG B: Decreased carbonic anhydrase activity C: Decreased life span D: High RBC volume
Answer: A
NREM sleep is associated with:-
A: Basal forebrain area B: Dorsal raphe nucleus C: Medulla D: All of the above
Answer: D
Which of the following is the most specific test for Rheumatoid ahritis
A: Anti-ccp antibody B: Anti Igm antibody C: Anti IgA antibody D: Anti IgG antibody
Answer: A
A young male presents with ear discharge since three years; recently developed swelling in the neck below and behind the angle of mandible, toicollis; on the examination, the external auditory canal was filled with granulation tissue. What is the diagnosis?
A: Luc's abscess B: Citelli's abscess C: Bezold's abscess D: Parapharyngeal abscess
Answer: C
Not a pa of kangaroo mother care -
A: Skin to skin contact B: Early discharge C: Free nutritional supplements D: Exclusive breast feeding
Answer: C
A 6-year-old child has an accident and had elbow, after 4 years presented with tingling and numbness in the ulnar side of finger, fracture is
A: supra condylar humerus B: lateral condylar humerus C: olecranon D: dislocation of elbow
Answer: B
All of the following can be used to treat alcohol dependence except
A: Naltrexone B: Acamprosate C: Flumazenil D: Disulfiram
Answer: C
A 26 years old G2P1L1 at 10 weeks complains of pain abdomen and bleeding per vaginum. On examination products of conception are seen paially extruding through the cervix. What is your diagnosis?
A: Inevitable aboion B: Threatened aboion C: Complete aboion D: Incomplete aboion
Answer: D
Initial ECG change in Hyperkalemia is?
A: Tall tented T waves B: PR prolongation C: qRS widening D: ST segment depression
Answer: A
ANCA positive vasculitis include all of the following Except:
A: Wegner's granulomatosis B: Churg strauss syndrome C: Microscopic PAN D: Good pasture's syndrome
Answer: D
The type of estrogen found in highest concen- tration in adult female is-
A: Estrone B: Estriol C: Estradiol D: None
Answer: C
Apical transportation is also known as
A: Curing B: Zipping C: Ledging D: Apical perforation
Answer: B
Pro - inflammatory cytokine is?
A: IL-1 B: IL-3 C: IL-6 D: IL-10
Answer: A
Direct standardization is used to compare the moality rates between two countries. This is done because of the difference in -
A: Cause of death B: Numerators C: Age distributions D: Denominators
Answer: C
Which is the most common cause of thrombocytopenia in an ICU patient?
A: Sepsis B: Bone marrow failure C: ITP D: Drug induced
Answer: A
Which is not primary amenorrhea?
A: Sheehan's syndrome B: Kallmann's syndrome C: Mayer Rokitansky Koster Hauser syndrome D: Turner syndrome
Answer: A
A female undergone surgery for left breast cancer 3 yrs back now developed blue nodule on same side
A: Lymphangiosarcoma B: Recurrence C: Hemangioma D: Cellulitis
Answer: A
An expansion alliance made with an expansion screw is an example of:
A: Simple anchorage B: Reciprocal anchorage C: Multiple anchorage D: Reinforced anchorage
Answer: B
Day care anesthesia is best achieved with
A: Enflurane B: Isoflurane C: Propofol D: Methoxyflurane
Answer: C
Not true about post-transcriptional modification of RNA-
A: 5' Capping B: Addition of poly A tail C: Removal of introns D: Glycosylation
Answer: D
Rigor mois not seen in: AIIMS 13
A: Fetus < 7 months of age B: Full term fetus C: Elderly D: Anemic person
Answer: A
Most commonly used tuning fork in ear examination is
A: 128 Hz B: 256 Hz C: 512 Hz D: 1024 Hz
Answer: C
Subtrochanteric fractures of the femur can be treated by all of the following methods except
A: Skeletal traction on Thomas' splint B: Smith Petersen Nail C: Condylar blade plate D: Ender's nail
Answer: B
All of the following side effects are produced by Cisplatin except
A: Ototoxicity B: Nephrotoxicity C: Coasting effect D: Pulmonary fibrosis
Answer: D
True about measles is/are a) Incubation period (I.P.) is 10-12 days b) Confunctivitis common c) Rash starts on abdomen d) Koplik spots are seen on fundus examination
A: ab B: bc C: cd D: bd
Answer: A
Depressor reflex, Bezold-Jarisch reflex, produced by the following stimulus:
A: Atrial overload B: Myocardial infarction C: Ventricular distension D: Isotonic exercise
Answer: C
Shape of birbeck granules is -
A: Tennis racket B: Hockey stick C: Bat D: Ball
Answer: A
Extremely low birth weight -
A: <1000 B: <1500 C: <2500 D: <2800
Answer: A
Memory T cells can be identified by using the following
A: CD 45RA B: CD45RB C: CD45RC D: CD45RO
Answer: D
Which of the following fuel gases used for soldering, has the highest heat content
A: Hydrogen B: Natural gas C: Acetylene D: Propane
Answer: D
Which is true of typhoid -
A: Female carriers are less common B: Male carriers though less are more dangerous C: Gall bladder usually not involved in carrier state D: Tetracycline is the DOC for carriers
Answer: B
All of the following are globular proteins except:
A: Prolamines B: Albumin C: Globulin D: Myosin
Answer: D
A 4-month-old infant has undergone surgical treatment for meningomyeloencephalocele. At bih, an operation was carried out in the posterior cranial fossa to paially replace brain cerebellar contents to an intracranial position. In investigations for progressive hydrocephalus, it is noted that there is herniation of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum, and a diagnosis of Arnold-Chiari syndrome is established. This syndrome may also include which of the following?
A: Fusion of the frontal lobes B: Fusion of the temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes C: Abnormal elongation of the medulla and lower cranial nerves D: Paial or complete absence of the pituitary gland
Answer: C
A patient of RHD developed infective endocarditis after dental extraction. Most likely organism causing this is -
A: Streptococcus viridans B: Streptococcus pneumoniae C: Streptococcus pyogenes D: Staphylococcus aureus
Answer: A
Disease highly transmitted during incubation period is -
A: Peussis B: Cholera C: Measles D: Brucellosis
Answer: A
Uveitis is associated most commonly with :
A: Rheumatoid arthritis B: Systemic JRA C: Pauciarticular JRA D: Poly articular JRA
Answer: C
A 10-mm calculus in the right lower ureter associated with proximal hydroureterone-phrosis is best treated with
A: ESWL B: PCNL C: Open ureterolithotomy D: Ureteroscopic retrieval
Answer: D
All of the following are seen in deep vein thrombosis except
A: Pain B: Discolouration C: Swelling D: Claudication
Answer: D
Integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) intiative was taken to prevent morbidity and moality from all of the following except -
A: Malaria B: Malnutrition C: Otitis Media D: Neonatal tetanus
Answer: D
Hostile witness is covered under IPC section
A: 191 B: 192 C: 193 D: 194
Answer: A
All statements are true except remifentanil is true except
A: Useful for sho painful procedures B: Metabolized by plasma esterases C: Equipotent as fentanyl D: Long acting anesthetic
Answer: D
EMLA constituent is –
A: Lidocaine + Cocaine B: Lidocaine + Prilocaine C: Lidocaine + Bupivacaine D: Bupivacaine + Prilocaine
Answer: B
Keratic precipitates are most commonly seen in -
A: Corneal ulcers B: Uveitis C: Nuclear cataracts D: Keratoconus
Answer: B
Regarding glutathione which of the following is/are true:
A: It helps in absorption of ceain amino acids B: It inactivates some enzymes C: It helps in membrane transpo D: All
Answer: C
Presenting symptom of nasal myiasis is
A: Severe irritation with sneezing B: Maggots C: Nasal pain D: Impaired olfaction
Answer: A
Fouh ventricle develops from?
A: Telencephalon B: Mesencephalon C: Diencephalon D: Rhombencephalon
Answer: D
Diabetic neuropathy is a
A: Distal symmetric sensory polyneuropathy B: Mononeuritis C: Autonomic neuropathy D: All of the above
Answer: D
Chronotrophic means: March 2010
A: Drugs affecting the contractility of hea B: Drugs affecting hea rate C: Drugs affecting the myocardial blood flow D: Drugs affecting diastolic relaxation
Answer: B
In measuring Vickers hardness no. which of the following is used:
A: Spherical indenter B: Steel ball indentation C: Rhomboid shaped indenter D: 136-degree diamond pyramid
Answer: D
For pericardial calcifications, which is the best investigation-
A: MRI B: Transesophageal echocardiography C: USG D: CT scan
Answer: D
Most specific test for organophosphorous poisoning is:
A: RBC cholinesterase level B: Plasma cholinestrase level C: RBC uroporphyrin level D: Measurment of serum level of organophosphorous
Answer: B
Lambda is meeting point of:
A: Coronal and sagittal suture B: Coronal and lambdoid suture C: Sagittal and lambdoid suture D: None of the above
Answer: C
CSF examination in a one day old term male infant with convulsions reveals cell count -- 10 RBCs/HPF, 50 cells; protein -- 70 mg/dl.; sugar -- 30 mg/dl/Blood sugar 40 mg/di The child is likely to be suffering from
A: Meningitis B: Intracranial bleed C: Hypoglycemia D: None of the above
Answer: B
Feature of osteoahritis is -
A: Heberden node B: Increased ESR C: Onycholysis D: Z deformity
Answer: A
Most common cause of UTI in a neonate is
A: E.coli B: S. aureus C: Enterococcus D: Anerobes
Answer: A
Epinephrine added to a solution of lignocaine for a peripheral nerve block will :
A: Increase risk of convulsions B: Increase the duration of action of the local anesthetic C: Both (a) and (b) D: None of these
Answer: B
In Patey's mastectomy all the following are removed except
A: Pectoralis major B: Skin of the breast C: Pectoralis minor D: Ductular system of the breast
Answer: A
Axis is the name for:
A: IV cervical vertebra B: III cervical vertebra C: II cervical vertebra D: I cervical vertebra
Answer: C
Reed sternberg cells are found in-
A: Hodkin's disease B: Sickle cell anaemia C: Thalassemia D: CML
Answer: A
16 yr unmarried girl came for vaccination against cervical cancer. Which vaccine to he given:
A: Gardasil B: Rabivac C: Biovac D: Tvac
Answer: A
Insulin stimulated glucose entry in seen in-
A: Cardiac muscles B: Smooth muscles C: Brain D: Intestines
Answer: A
Cribriform hymen is seen -
A: Post paum B: Septate hymen C: Sieve hymen D: Virgin
Answer: D
A 7 year old child with rheumatic heart disease presents with pallor, fever and a palpable spleen. The following investigations would be needed to arrive at a diagnosis except –
A: Electrocardiogram B: Echocardiogram C: Blood culture D: Urine examination
Answer: A
In metabolic alkalosis, which Is true about excretion in urine
A: More of NH3 B: Less of aceto-acetic acid C: Betahydroxy butyric acid D: Less ammonia
Answer: D
In which of the following condition local excision in rectal carcinoma can not be done?
A: Within 10 cm of the dentate line B: Lesion 2.7 cm C: Involvement of <30% bowel circumference D: T1 and T2 cancer with lymph node involvement
Answer: D
Electron microscopy finding indicating irreversible cell injury is:
A: Dilation of ER B: Dissociation of ribosomes from rough ER C: Flocculent densities in the mitochondria D: Intact cell membrane
Answer: C
Which of the following excludes painful stimuli from awareness?
A: Repression B: Reaction formation C: Projection D: Rationalization
Answer: A
Risk factor for suicide -
A: Female sex B: Unmarried C: Age 30 years D: Married
Answer: B
At the level of Arch of aoa, the relationship of left vagus nerve and left phrenic nerve?
A: Phrenic nerve anterior, vagus nerve posterior B: Phrenic nerve posterior, vagus nerve anterior C: Both in same plane anteroposteriorly D: Variable in relationship
Answer: A
ACE inhibitor contraindicated in which of the following condition:
A: Bilateral renal artery stenosis B: Chronic kidney disease C: Post myocardial infarction D: Diabetes mellitus
Answer: A
Nipple retraction in Ca breast due to infiltration of
A: Suspensory ligaments B: Lactiferous ducts C: Lymphatics D: Pectoralis fascia
Answer: B
Regarding spring catarrh, all of the following are true, except:
A: Cobblestone appearance of conjunctiva B: Common in spring months C: Limbus conjunctival thickening D: Sodium cromoglycate is a form of therapy
Answer: C
All the following malignancies are associated with HIV, except-
A: Kaposi's Ca. B: Non Hodgkin's lymphoma C: Astrocytoma D: Gastric adeno Ca.
Answer: C
Genetic material is transferred from one bacteria to another by all except
A: Transduction B: Transformation C: Transfection D: Conjugation
Answer: C
True about Hodgkin's lymphoma are all except?
A: Often localized to single axial group of lymph nodes B: Hepatomegaly is always present C: Contiguous spread of lymph nodes D: Can be cured by Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy
Answer: B
25 years old female has palatal ulcer and skin blister most likely diagnosis is –
A: Pemphigus vulgaris B: Pemphigus foliaceous C: Dermatitis herpetiformis D: Pemphigoid
Answer: A
Concerning contraction of the diaphragm:
A: The nerves that are responsible emerge from the spinal cord at the level of the lower thorax B: It tends to flatten the diaphragm C: It reduces the lateral distance between the lower rib margins D: It causes the anterior abdominal wall to move in
Answer: B
Infants of diabetic mothers are likely to have the following cardiac anomaly:
A: Coarctation of aorta B: Fallot's tetralogy C: Ebstein's anomaly D: Transposition of great arteries
Answer: D
Congo red staining of abdominal fat has confirmed a diagnosis of Amyloidosis in a 28-year-old man. Which is the most common cause of death in primary AL Amylodosis?
A: Respiratory failure B: Cardiac failure C: Renal failure D: Septicemia
Answer: B