[WIP] Upload folder using huggingface_hub (multi-commit 92f9c5a2a55f4fe9d7e9b7a7c1edb95d47110dae4760c03a461ec9ee44f02127)

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- {"_id": "7-2022", "text": "I am looking for information on taking bicycles on local or long-distance trains.", "instruction_og": "Find information on taking bicycles on trains, both local and long-distance. Required are references to bicycles being welcomed on public transport or long-distance trains and the popularity of bicycles on board, the setting aside of special sections of train cars for them. Information on accidents involving bicycles and new developments in their construction, electric power for them, is not required.", "instruction_changed": "Find information on taking bicycles on trains, both local and long-distance. Required are references to bicycles being welcomed on public transport or long-distance trains and the popularity of bicycles on board, the setting aside of special sections of train cars for them. Information on accidents involving bicycles and new developments in their construction, electric power for them, is not required. In addition, information that doesn't include environmental implications is not relevant. "}
- {"_id": "16-2022", "text": "I am looking for articles on the dramatic decrease in the number of bees and beehives.", "instruction_og": "Find information on the dramatic decrease in the numbers of bees and beehives throughout the world. This world-wide phenomenon is of vital interest to agriculture specialists. Information on the decline of the populations of other insects is not required as bees make up the vast majority of insect pollinators.", "instruction_changed": "Find information on the dramatic decrease in the numbers of bees and beehives throughout the world. This world-wide phenomenon is of vital interest to agriculture specialists. Information on the decline of the populations of other insects is not required as bees make up the vast majority of insect pollinators. Do not include any information that have references to academic organizations or individuals."}
- {"_id": "25-2022", "text": "China attempt to capture 5G market in Russia should worry Kremlin.", "instruction_og": "Look for discussions on the use of Chinese 5G networking equipment in Russia and how this will effect internal development of Russian technology. Exclude discussions of EC and United States bans of Chinese equipment.", "instruction_changed": "Look for discussions on the use of Chinese 5G networking equipment in Russia and how this will effect internal development of Russian technology. Exclude discussions of EC and United States bans of Chinese equipment. Exclude information referring to non-Russian European countries or companies. "}
- {"_id": "31-2022", "text": "I am looking for articles of Teflon use that may pose potential health risks.", "instruction_og": "Find articles referencing Teflon as potential health risk. Relevant documents must give a reason or explain why the use of Teflon is a concern. The application of Teflon can be of any means, as long as the health risk is affecting human. ", "instruction_changed": "Find articles referencing Teflon as potential health risk. Relevant documents must give a reason or explain why the use of Teflon is a concern. The application of Teflon cannot be of any means, it has to be related to chemicals, otherwise as long as the health risk is affecting human."}
- {"_id": "32-2022", "text": "I'm looking for articles on treatment or method to reduce peanut allergic reaction.", "instruction_og": "Find articles on treatment for reducing peanuts allergy. Related article must provide some explanation on methodology of treatment in order to reduce allergic reaction from peanut sensitivity.", "instruction_changed": "Find articles on treatment for reducing peanuts allergy. Related article must provide some explanation on methodology of treatment in order to reduce allergic reaction from peanut sensitivity. Only include information about vaccine treatment."}
- {"_id": "36-2022", "text": "I am looking for articles on the size of the Siberian tiger population.", "instruction_og": "Find articles on the present size of the population of Siberian tigers. This may include reports on tiger populations in various parts of the Russian Far East and in the Peoples Republic of China. Reports on individual tigers, poaching, incidents involving humans, as well as information on events, conferences, and meetings concerning tigers is only required if the size of the tiger population is explicitly mentioned.", "instruction_changed": "Find articles on the present size of the population of Siberian tigers. This may include reports on tiger populations in various parts of the Russian Far East and in the Peoples Republic of China. Reports on individual tigers, poaching, incidents involving humans, as well as information on events, conferences, and meetings concerning tigers is only required if the size of the tiger population is explicitly mentioned. Information about weapons are not relevant."}
- {"_id": "38-2022", "text": "I am interested in finding out the impact of the trade war between the US and China on China's export to the US.", "instruction_og": "Find articles about the impact of the trade war between the US and China on China's export to the U.S. Relevant articles should describe the impact that already took place and is directly related to the trade war between the two countries. Articles that discuss about the trade war itself without mentioning the actual impact on China's export to the U.S., and articles that analyze the policies and economies of the two countries and project the impact on China's export to the U.S. are not relevant. ", "instruction_changed": "Find articles about the impact of the trade war between the US and China on China's export to the U.S. Relevant articles should describe the impact that already took place and is directly related to the trade war between the two countries. Articles that discuss about the trade war itself without mentioning the actual impact on China's export to the U.S., and articles that analyze the policies and economies of the two countries and project the impact on China's export to the U.S. are not relevant. Articles relating to impact on countries besides the United States and China are not relevant."}
- {"_id": "52-2022", "text": "I am interested in finding information about the tourism industry in Beijing amid the Covid-19 pandemic.", "instruction_og": "Find stories about the situation of the tourism industry in Beijing under the Covid-19 pandemic. Relevant articles are those that would cover any aspect of the industry in the city, like the situation of museums and other attractions, restaurants, tour operators, etc. during the time when the pandemic remained a concern. Stories about outbound travel from Beijing would not be considered relevant. Only the actual situations would be of interest for the information search. Articles of analysis of the industry and projections, unless they do mention the actual situation, would not be considered relevant. ", "instruction_changed": "Find stories about the situation of the tourism industry in Beijing under the Covid-19 pandemic. Relevant articles are those that would cover any aspect of the industry in the city, like the situation of museums and other attractions, restaurants, tour operators, etc. during the time when the pandemic remained a concern. Stories about outbound travel from Beijing would not be considered relevant. Only the actual situations would be of interest for the information search. Articles of analysis of the industry and projections, unless they do mention the actual situation, would not be considered relevant. Information about the impact on air travel are not relevant. "}
- {"_id": "62-2022", "text": "Does Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei defend the gasoline price hike in Iran.", "instruction_og": "Find articles reporting Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's support for raising the price of gasoline in Iran. Relevant documents must include statements indicating Khamenei's support for the price hike. Documents that focus on protests against the gasoline price hike and arrests of protesters are not relevant. Documents that only describe Khamenei's reaction to protests are not relevant. Documents that focus on the Iranian government's decision-making process are not relevant.", "instruction_changed": "Find articles reporting Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's support for raising the price of gasoline in Iran. Relevant documents must include statements indicating Khamenei's support for the price hike. Documents that focus on protests against the gasoline price hike and arrests of protesters are not relevant. Documents that only describe Khamenei's reaction to protests are not relevant. Documents that focus on the Iranian government's decision-making process are not relevant. Documents that describes the number of deaths due to the raised price of gasoline in Iran are relevant."}
- {"_id": "71-2022", "text": "I am looking for information on charity work that Bill Gates is involved in.", "instruction_og": "Find articles that describe specific charity projects supported by Bill Gates. Articles should mention specific efforts his charity is supporting. Articles should include a specific charitable effort, and should not just mention that Bill Gates is a philanthropist or mention his foundation.", "instruction_changed": "Find articles that describe specific charity projects supported by Bill Gates. Articles should mention specific efforts his charity is supporting. Articles should include a specific charitable effort, and should not just mention that Bill Gates is a philanthropist or mention his foundation. Articles should also only include work unrelated to the COVID-19 pandemic. "}
- {"_id": "77-2022", "text": "I am interested in finding articles that introduce vegetables high in calcium.", "instruction_og": "Find articles that introduce vegetables high in calcium. Relevant articles should specify specific vegetables by name, and mention they are high in calcium. Grains and beans are not relevant. Animal products are not relevant. ", "instruction_changed": "Find articles that introduce vegetables high in calcium. Relevant articles should specify specific vegetables by name, and mention they are high in calcium. Grains and beans are not relevant. Animal products are not relevant. Fruit products are not relevant."}
- {"_id": "80-2022", "text": "Did Boeing hide the faults of the 737 Max aircraft that caused two aircraft to crash in Indonesia and Ethiopia?", "instruction_og": "Find articles that indicate that the Boeing company hid the faults of the Boeing 737 Max aircraft that caused two of the 737 Max aircraft to crash in Indonesia and Ethiopia. Relevant articles clearly state that Boeing hid the aircrafts design flaws, and that these flaws led to the two crashes. Documents that only mention that Boeing concealed information about the aircraft's design flaws, but that have a different focus, such as prosecuting Boeing or lifting the grounding of the Boeing 737 Max, are not relevant.", "instruction_changed": "Find articles that indicate that the Boeing company hid the faults of the Boeing 737 Max aircraft that caused two of the 737 Max aircraft to crash in Indonesia and Ethiopia. Relevant articles clearly state that Boeing hid the aircrafts design flaws, and that these flaws led to the two crashes. Documents that only mention that Boeing concealed information about the aircraft's design flaws, but that have a different focus, such as prosecuting Boeing or lifting the grounding of the Boeing 737 Max, are not relevant. I only trust information that appeared before US government agencies, so it must report information from them."}
- {"_id": "86-2022", "text": "I am looking for articles explaining economical relationship between Iran and Turkey.", "instruction_og": "Find articles regarding the economical issues and affects between Iran and Turkey. How over the years these countries affected the Asia and countries around.", "instruction_changed": "Find articles regarding the economical issues and affects between Iran and Turkey. How over the years these countries affected the Asia and countries around. Only information about sanctions and tariffs are relevant."}
- {"_id": "96-2022", "text": "I am looking for articles which describe the impact that protests in Hong Kong starting in 2019 had on the tourism industry.", "instruction_og": "Find articles which describe the impact of the Hong Kong demonstrations which erupted in 2019 due to the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement.", "instruction_changed": "Find articles which describe the impact of the Hong Kong demonstrations which erupted in 2019 due to the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement. Articles related to business impact are not relevant. "}
- {"_id": "99-2022", "text": "I'm looking for information on Saturn's hexagon.", "instruction_og": "Find articles on Saturn's hexagon. Relevant articles should mention Saturn's hexagon and contain a brief hypothesis on the hexagon's formation based on scientific reasoning.", "instruction_changed": "Find articles on Saturn's hexagon. Relevant articles should mention Saturn's hexagon and contain a brief hypothesis on the hexagon's formation based on scientific reasoning. Non-relevant information include imaging sources from space-based telescopes. "}
- {"_id": "111-2022", "text": "I am looking for articles that reveal studies done on mycorrhizal fungi's role in agriculture.", "instruction_og": "Find information on how mycorrhizal fungi (or mycorrhizae) behaves as a transmitter of plant nutrition or any surprising fact. Any information on which plants use mycorrhizae to survive and how potentially companion plants can be used to increase yield of different crops.", "instruction_changed": "Find information on how mycorrhizal fungi (or mycorrhizae) behaves as a transmitter of plant nutrition or any surprising fact. Any information on which plants use mycorrhizae to survive and how potentially companion plants can be used to increase yield of different crops. Exclude information about cashew plants."}
- {"_id": "114-2022", "text": "I'm looking for articles that discuss the formation of labor unions at Amazon.", "instruction_og": "Find articles reporting on the effort of forming a labor union at Amazon. Relevant articles should provide informtaion on whether workers made progress towards successful unionization or if workers fail to gather sufficient support. These articles should also provide arguments for support or against unionzation.", "instruction_changed": "Find articles reporting on the effort of forming a labor union at Amazon. Relevant articles should provide informtaion on whether workers made progress towards successful unionization or if workers fail to gather sufficient support. These articles should also provide arguments for support or against unionzation but not include violations by Amazon executives."}
- {"_id": "129-2022", "text": "I'm looking for articles on Buddhas of Bamiyan", "instruction_og": "Find articles on Buddhas of Bamiyan, Afghanistan. Relevant articles should describe the pair of Buddhas and provide context for their cultural or historical significance. I am only interested in reports of local significance. Inspirational works of Buddhas of Bamiyan outside of Afghanistan are not relevant.", "instruction_changed": "Find articles on Buddhas of Bamiyan, Afghanistan. Relevant articles should describe the pair of Buddhas and provide context for their cultural or historical significance and designated as a world heritage site. I am only interested in reports of local significance. Inspirational works of Buddhas of Bamiyan outside of Afghanistan are not relevant."}
- {"_id": "130-2022", "text": "I'm looking for reports on property damage caused by K\u012blauea's volcanic eruption.", "instruction_og": "Find reports on property damage caused by K\u012blauea's volcanic eruption. Relevant articles should provide specific location(s) where the property damage have been observed due to the volcanic activity. Articles should also provide estimated number of buildings that were lost.", "instruction_changed": "Find reports on property damage caused by K\u012blauea's volcanic eruption. Relevant articles should provide specific location(s) where the property damage have been observed due to the volcanic activity. Articles should also provide estimated number of buildings that were lost and information about any large-scale evacuation (greater than 10,000 people)."}
- {"_id": "132-2022", "text": "I'm looking for articles describing NASA's first helicopter flight on Mars.", "instruction_og": "Find articles that describe the successful first, historical flight of NASAs Mars helicopter Ingenuity. Relevant articles explain why this helicopter flight was a significant historical event. Documents that report about the helicopter flight before it occurred are not relevant. Documents that report on subsequent flights of the helicopter are not relevant, even if the first flight is mentioned.", "instruction_changed": "Find articles that describe the successful first, historical flight of NASAs Mars helicopter Ingenuity. Relevant articles explain why this helicopter flight was a significant historical event. Documents that report about the helicopter flight before it occurred are not relevant. Documents that report on subsequent flights of the helicopter and other NASA missions are not relevant, even if the first flight is mentioned."}
- {"_id": "207-2023", "text": "Find articles about the stranding of more than 400 pilot whales in Tasmania, Australia in September 2020", "instruction_og": "Find articles about the stranding of more than 400 pilot whales in Tasmania in 2020. Relevant articles will include the number of whales stranded and describe efforts to save them. Articles that speculate on reasons for whale stranding (or whale \u201csuicide\u201d) are not relevant, unless they focus on this particular incident of whale stranding. Articles about whale strandings in general, such as the various locations of whale strandings over the years, are not relevant. Articles that focus on the endangerment of whales in general, are not relevant. ", "instruction_changed": "Find articles about the stranding of more than 400 pilot whales in Tasmania in 2020. Relevant articles will include the number of whales stranded and describe efforts to save them. Articles that speculate on reasons for whale stranding (or whale \u201csuicide\u201d) are not relevant, unless they focus on this particular incident of whale stranding. Articles about whale strandings in general, such as the various locations of whale strandings over the years, are not relevant. Articles that focus on the endangerment of whales in general, are not relevant. The article must draw comparison to past whale stranding events in Tasmania."}
- {"_id": "209-2023", "text": "How does handcrafting or working with one\u2019s hand affect health?", "instruction_og": "Find articles that cite illnesses and conditions that could be combated with handcrafts or working with one's hands. Articles about dealing with trauma, stress, weight loss, helping with longevity by dealing with age related illness, strengthening memory, and others by working with one's hands are relevant. Anecdotal examples of people picking up some sort of craft that helped them deal with health issues are also relevant. Pleasure of handicrafts without mention of health benefits are irrelevant. Articles about various shows and exhibits are irrelevant. How to promote one\u2019s handicrafts is irrelevant.", "instruction_changed": "Find articles that cite illnesses and conditions that could be combated with handcrafts or working with one's hands. Articles about dealing with trauma, stress, weight loss, helping with longevity by dealing with age related illness, strengthening memory, and others by working with one's hands are relevant. Anecdotal examples of people picking up some sort of craft that helped them deal with health issues are also relevant. Pleasure of handicrafts without mention of health benefits are irrelevant. Articles about various shows and exhibits are irrelevant. How to promote one\u2019s handicrafts is irrelevant but the effect of handcrafting with the brain is relevant."}
- {"_id": "216-2023", "text": "How effective is exercise in slowing the progression of Alzheimer\u2019s disease?", "instruction_og": "Find articles about the effectiveness of exercise in slowing the progression of Alzheimer\u2019s disease. Relevant articles will discuss the effectiveness of physical exercise in reducing cognitive decline among Alzheimer\u2019s patients. Articles about exercise preventing Alzheimer\u2019s, techniques to improve memory, or articles on dementia that do not mention Alzheimer\u2019s, are not relevant. Exercises or activities that are primarily cognitive, like playing chess or video games, are not relevant.", "instruction_changed": "Find articles about the effectiveness of exercise in slowing the progression of Alzheimer\u2019s disease. Relevant articles will discuss the effectiveness of physical exercise in reducing cognitive decline among Alzheimer\u2019s patients. Articles about exercise preventing Alzheimer\u2019s, techniques to improve memory, or articles on dementia that do not mention Alzheimer\u2019s, are not relevant. Exercises or activities that are primarily cognitive, like playing chess or video games, are not relevant. The article has to be about the direct correlation of exercising and slowing the progression of Alzheimer's."}
- {"_id": "220-2023", "text": "Find information on the Southwest Airlines 1380 accident, and Tammi Jo Shults, the pilot who landed the damaged plane.", "instruction_og": "Find articles about Tammie Jo Shults, who safely landed an airplane which had experienced an engine failure and rapid decompression. Relevant articles should focus on the female Southwest pilot who made a successful emergency landing after one of the engines exploded during mid flight. Articles with an overview of the incident and her subsequent invite to meet the President are relevant. Articles without the mentioning of her name are irrelevant.", "instruction_changed": "Find articles about Tammie Jo Shults, who safely landed an airplane which had experienced an engine failure and rapid decompression. Relevant articles should focus on the female Southwest pilot who made a successful emergency landing after one of the engines exploded during mid flight. Articles with an overview of the incident and her subsequent invite to meet the President are relevant. Articles without the mentioning of her name or passenger experiences are irrelevant."}
- {"_id": "226-2023", "text": "Find articles about the commemoration in Normandy, France of the 75th anniversary of D-Day", "instruction_og": "Find articles about the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France. Relevant articles will describe the ceremony in Normandy, France and the heads of state who attended. Articles about the 75th D-Day ceremony in Portsmouth, UK, are not relevant. ", "instruction_changed": "Find articles about the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France. Relevant articles will describe the ceremony in Normandy, France and must also include the heads of state who attended. Articles about the 75th D-Day ceremony in Portsmouth, UK, are not relevant."}
- {"_id": "231-2023", "text": "What infrastructure damage did Alaska sustain during the November 2018 Earthquake?", "instruction_og": "Find articles about the infrastructure damage that Alaska sustained during the November 2018 7.1 magnitude earthquake. Damage to roads and bridges, houses, communications, and the like are relevant. The closing of the Alaska oil pipeline and the Anchorage airport to assess damage are relevant. Articles solely about the earthquake without mentioning damage are not relevant. Other Alaska earthquakes are not relevant.", "instruction_changed": "Find articles about the infrastructure damage that Alaska sustained during the November 2018 7.1 magnitude earthquake. Damage to roads and bridges, houses, communications, and the like are relevant. The closing of the Alaska oil pipeline and the Anchorage airport to assess damage are relevant. Articles solely about the earthquake without mentioning damage are not relevant. Other Alaska earthquakes are not relevant. Any consequent effects of the earthquake related to wildlife or natural phenomenons are not relevant."}
- {"_id": "236-2023", "text": "What is the potential for tourism between Uzbekistan and Iran?", "instruction_og": "Find articles on tourism between Uzbekistan and Iran. information on numbers of Iranian tourists visiting Uzbekistan, and Uzbek tourists visiting Iran, as well as information on infrastructure projects that would benefit tourism between the two countries, such as transportation, is relevant. Information on the two countries' relations with each other in other areas or with third countries is only relevant if it involves tourism. Articles about twinning towns in Uzbekistan and Iran are not relevant. Articles about plans to further diplomatic relations that mention tourism are not relevant, unless tourism is the main focus of the article. Articles describing one person's travel experience are not relevant. ", "instruction_changed": "Find articles on tourism between Uzbekistan and Iran. information on numbers of Iranian tourists visiting Uzbekistan, and Uzbek tourists visiting Iran, as well as information on infrastructure projects that would benefit tourism between the two countries, such as transportation, is relevant. Information on the two countries' relations with each other in other areas or with third countries is only relevant if it involves tourism. Articles about twinning towns in Uzbekistan and Iran are not relevant. Articles about plans to further diplomatic relations that mention tourism are not relevant, unless tourism is the main focus of the article. Articles describing one person's travel experience or countries that are not Iran or Uzbekistan are not relevant."}
- {"_id": "239-2023", "text": "Find information about the use of artificial intelligence in detecting breast cancer", "instruction_og": "Find articles about the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. Articles should give information about a specific application of AI in the detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. Articles that are about AI\u2019s application in general health care and medicine are not considered relevant. Articles about breast cancer\u2019s detection and diagosis without mentioning any use of AI role are not considered relevant.", "instruction_changed": "Find articles about the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. Articles should give information about a specific application of AI in the detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. Articles that are about AI\u2019s application in general health care and medicine are not considered relevant. Articles about breast cancer\u2019s detection and diagosis without mentioning any use of AI role are not considered relevant. Do not include any articles citing scientific research. "}
- {"_id": "245-2023", "text": "Possible tinnitus link to COVID-19", "instruction_og": "Find articles linking tinnitus to COVID-19. Relevant articles must mention that tinnitus either developed or worsened after the person contracted SARS-CoV-2 and developed COVID-19. Information on tinnitus itself, without discussing whether or not it is caused by COVID, is not relevant. Other symptoms or illnesses caused by COVID aside from tinnitus are not relevant.", "instruction_changed": "Find articles linking tinnitus to COVID-19. Relevant articles must mention that tinnitus either developed or worsened after the person contracted SARS-CoV-2 and developed COVID-19. Information on tinnitus itself, without discussing whether or not it is caused by COVID, is not relevant. Other symptoms or illnesses caused by COVID aside from tinnitus are not relevant. Articles must cite research work done by British entities."}
- {"_id": "247-2023", "text": "What is the public opinion on J.K. Rowling\u2019s transgender comments?", "instruction_og": "Find articles on the controversy surrounding J.K. Rowling\u2019s comments about transgender people. Relevant articles can be in support of her view or against her view but must provide argumentative reasonings. Articles mentioning mere support or disapproval without a deeper description of why the public approves or disapproves are irrelevant. Commentary on cancel culture may be relevant but must provide a logical link to J.K. Rowling\u2019s transgender controversy.", "instruction_changed": "Find articles on the controversy surrounding J.K. Rowling\u2019s comments about transgender people. Relevant articles can be in support of her view or against her view but must provide argumentative reasonings. Articles mentioning mere support or disapproval without a deeper description of why the public approves or disapproves are irrelevant. Commentary on cancel culture may be relevant but must provide a logical link to J.K. Rowling\u2019s transgender controversy. Articles about information on social media are not relevant."}
- {"_id": "250-2023", "text": "I am looking for information on how Karl Lagerfeld influence fashion", "instruction_og": "Any document containing the path of Karl Lagerfeld in the fashion industry, including his traits as a designer, the brands he worked for, his memorable works. However the death of Karl Lagerfeld should be excluded.", "instruction_changed": "Any document containing the path of Karl Lagerfeld in the fashion industry, including his traits as a designer, the brands he worked for, his memorable works. However the death of Karl Lagerfeld should be excluded. Relevant articles include obituaries and events or actions that commemorates Karl Lagerfeld's legacy."}
- {"_id": "256-2023", "text": "When has Malala Yousafzai visited Pakistan since her Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 and where did she go?", "instruction_og": "Find articles that describe Malala Yousafzai's visits to Pakistan since receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014, the places in Pakistan she visited, and the people she met with. Controversies, official statements, and public reactions are not relevant except in the context of specifying her itinerary.", "instruction_changed": "Find articles that describe Malala Yousafzai's visits to Pakistan since receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014, the places in Pakistan she visited, and the people she met with. Controversies, official statements, and public reactions are not relevant except in the context of specifying her itinerary. Her hometown is also not relevant."}
- {"_id": "257-2023", "text": "Which country will host the 2020 Dakar Rally, and how was the location chosen?", "instruction_og": "Documents describing which country will the 2020 Darak rally occur in, how the selection process occurred, and any possible controversies related to the selection process. Documents describing race results are not relevant. Discussion of previous or following editions of the rally are not relevant unless they discuss the change of location for the rally that happened in 2020 in some major way.", "instruction_changed": "Documents describing which country will the 2020 Darak rally occur in, how the selection process occurred, and any possible controversies related to the selection process. Documents describing race results are not relevant. Discussion of previous or following editions of the rally are not relevant unless they discuss the change of location for the rally that happened in 2020 in some major way. Documents including details about the race or after the race has happened are not relevant."}
- {"_id": "259-2023", "text": "I am looking for the sales of the manga series Kimetsu no Yaiba. ", "instruction_og": "Any document containing the sales information, in terms of either volume or monetary amount, of the manga series Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer) is considered relevant. Sales information on an individual book (e.g. the last book) or the entire series are both relevant. However, information about the TV animated series or the movie are not relevant; this topic only concerns the books. ", "instruction_changed": "Any document containing the sales information, in terms of either volume or monetary amount, of the manga series Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer) is considered relevant. Sales information on an individual book (e.g. the last book) or the entire series are both relevant. However, information about the TV animated series or the movie are not relevant; this topic only concerns the books. The article must cite monetary value of the sales of the manga series."}
- {"_id": "260-2023", "text": "What is Ocean Infinity doing to find Malaysian Airlines flight 370?", "instruction_og": "I'm looking to find information about what American marine robotics company Ocean Infinity is doing to find the whereabouts of Malaysian Airlines flight 370. Relevant documents must include details specifically about the company's involvement in finding the wreckage, including their strategy, contract, etc. Information about other search efforts for the flight are not relevant. Information about the company in general or the missing flight in general are not sufficient. Information about other flights are also not considered relevant.", "instruction_changed": "I'm looking to find information about what American marine robotics company Ocean Infinity is doing to find the whereabouts of Malaysian Airlines flight 370. Relevant documents must include details specifically about the company's involvement in finding the wreckage, including their strategy, contract, etc. Information about other search efforts for the flight are not relevant. Information about the company in general or the missing flight in general are not sufficient. Information about other flights are also not considered relevant. Information about any conspiracy related to the missing flight is not relevant."}
- {"_id": "261-2023", "text": "Find documents that report a named individual or business that sells insects as a human foodstuff.", "instruction_og": "I am looking for the names of people or businesses such as chefs, grocers, or restaurants that sell food products containing insects for human consumption. A relevant document should state the name of an individual or a commercial entity, and an identifiable insect-derived product that is for sale. Products must be currently for sale, not merely imagined or considered. Not relevant would be articles that merely state the financial, agricultural, nutritional, or climate-related benefits of eating insects. However, a relevant document that mentions a specific commercial actor may also include such claims. Documents that only mention not-for-profit entities such as government agencies or scientists that advocate for insect consumption are not of interest. A report of a person who eats insects, but does not sell them to a business or the general public would not be relevant.", "instruction_changed": "I am looking for the names of people or businesses such as chefs, grocers, or restaurants that sell food products containing insects for human consumption. A relevant document should state the name of an individual or a commercial entity, and an identifiable insect-derived product that is for sale. Products must be currently for sale, not merely imagined or considered. Not relevant would be articles that merely state the financial, agricultural, nutritional, or climate-related benefits of eating insects. However, a relevant document that mentions a specific commercial actor may also include such claims. Documents that only mention not-for-profit entities such as government agencies or scientists that advocate for insect consumption are not of interest. A report of a person who eats insects, but does not sell them to a business or the general public would not be relevant. The article must state projected economic impact for selling foods containing insects."}
- {"_id": "265-2023", "text": "Why was the 26th UN Climate Change Conference postponed?", "instruction_og": "The 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) was postponed from 2020 to 2021, and I'm looking for details about why this happened. Relevant documents should mention high-level details about why it was postponed (e.g., due to COVID), but highly relevant documents must cover the topic in more detail (e.g., the state of vaccination efforts, travel restrictions, how the decision was made, etc.). Documents about calls to postpone the conference beyond 2021 are also relevant.", "instruction_changed": "The 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) was postponed from 2020 to 2021, and I'm looking for details about why this happened. Relevant documents should mention high-level details about why it was postponed (e.g., due to COVID), but highly relevant documents must cover the topic in more detail (e.g., the state of vaccination efforts, travel restrictions, how the decision was made, etc.). Documents about calls to postpone the conference beyond 2021 are also relevant. I'm not interested in American politics so documents discussing presidential candidates at all should be non-relevant."}
- {"_id": "270-2023", "text": "Describe proposals for repatriating Benin Bronzes to Nigeria.", "instruction_og": "I am looking for information about proposals to return Benin Bronzes and related works of art from foreign museums to stakeholders in Nigeria. Information about current holders of sculptures, proposed recipients, and any details about the repatriation process are of interest. Not of interest are efforts to sell Benin Bronzes for profit, or to donate any to non-Nigerian stakeholders. Recently completed transfers would also be of interest.", "instruction_changed": "I am looking for information about proposals to return Benin Bronzes and related works of art from foreign museums to stakeholders in Nigeria. Information about current holders of sculptures, proposed recipients, and any details about the repatriation process are of interest. Not of interest are efforts to sell Benin Bronzes for profit, or to donate any to non-Nigerian stakeholders. Recently completed transfers would also not be of interest."}
- {"_id": "271-2023", "text": "What advances have been made in the reanimation of nematodes?", "instruction_og": "I'm looking for information on the process of bringing nematodes back to life. Relevant content includes, but isn't limited to, cryogenic freezing and thawing of the creatures. It can be intentional (e.g., as a scientific study), or incidental (e.g., an observation or hypothetical result of a warming climate). General information about nematodes that doesn't involve reanimation isn't considered relevant, nor is information about the reanimation of other animals, viruses, or forms of life -- unless it mentions nematodes.", "instruction_changed": "I'm looking for information on the process of bringing nematodes back to life. Relevant content includes, but isn't limited to, cryogenic freezing and thawing of the creatures. It can be intentional (e.g., as a scientific study), or incidental (e.g., an observation or hypothetical result of a warming climate). General information about nematodes that doesn't involve reanimation isn't considered relevant, nor is information about the reanimation of other animals, viruses, or forms of life -- unless it mentions nematodes. The information must cite research work from North American research institutions."}
- {"_id": "274-2023", "text": "I am looking for the reconstruction progress of the Fukushima area ten years after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster.", "instruction_og": "Documents containing information about the progress or the situation of the reconstruction (including information about the lack of progress) of the Fukushima area as of ten years after the disaster, which is 2021, are considered relevant. Documents discussing the progress before the ten year anniversary are considered not relevant. Documents only containing the displacement by the disaster but not about the reconstruction are also considered not relevant. ", "instruction_changed": "Documents containing information about the progress or the situation of the reconstruction (including information about the lack of progress) of the Fukushima area as of ten years after the disaster, which is 2021, are considered relevant. Documents discussing the progress before the ten year anniversary are considered not relevant. Documents only containing the displacement by the disaster but not about the reconstruction are also considered not relevant. Any foreign influence to Japan's reconstruction is not relevant."}
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