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open_images | e67a350f55f27734 | 100 | Ada ayam di padang rumput dan seorang gadis memegang ayam di area latar depan gambar, ada pepohonan, padang rumput, struktur rumah, tiang, tampak seperti gunung dan langit di latar belakang. | There are hens on the grassland and a girl holding a hen in the foreground area of the image, there are trees, grassland, house structure, pole, it seems like mountains and the sky in the background. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/e67a350f55f27734.jpg | 0 | |
open_images | b53e7bf1af3e7f05 | 81 | Pada gambar ini terlihat sebuah pot bunga yang diletakkan di atas meja dan terdapat kursi. Pada bagian background terdapat vas bunga dan kita dapat melihat pintu, kusen yang diletakkan di dinding, lampu dan terdapat stand dan di dalam stand tersebut kita dapat melihat beberapa benda. Di bagian bawah ada lantai. | In this image, we can see a flower pot placed on a table and there are chairs. In the background, there is a flower vase and we can see doors, frames placed on the wall, lights and there is a stand and inside the stand we can see some objects. At the bottom, there is floor. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/b53e7bf1af3e7f05.jpg | 1 | |
open_images | 0ef211b92b9c6a04 | 44 | Dalam gambar ini ada seseorang yang tergeletak di lantai. | In this image there is a person on the floor. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/0ef211b92b9c6a04.jpg | 2 | |
open_images | 97d63fb615af8b40 | 61 | Di bagian bawah gambar terdapat pagar. Di tengah-tengah gambar terdapat beberapa tiang dan papan tanda. Di belakangnya ada sebuah bangunan, di atas bangunan tersebut terdapat beberapa tanaman. Di bagian atas gambar ada langit. | At the bottom of the image there is fencing. In the middle of the image there are some poles and sign boards. Behind them there is a building, on the building there are some plants. At the top of the image there is sky. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/97d63fb615af8b40.jpg | 3 | |
open_images | 82212fdc09ab11c9 | 102 | Pada gambar ini ada seseorang yang mengenakan pakaian berwarna putih dan latar belakangnya berwarna biru. | In this picture there is a person wearing white dress and the background is in blue color. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/82212fdc09ab11c9.jpg | 4 | |
open_images | e66b265ee71920d5 | 74 | Di tengah gambar ada mobil, di mobil ada benda seperti tulang, di tulang ada anjing. Di sebelah kiri ada sebuah bangunan. Di sebelah kanan ada mobil. Di latar belakang ada pepohonan, tanaman, dan bukit. | In the center of the picture there is a car, on the car there is an object like bone, on the bone there is a dog. On the left there is a building. On the right there is a car. In the background there are trees, plants and hill. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/e66b265ee71920d5.jpg | 5 | |
open_images | b1b2f4bfdf67252e | 6 | Pada gambar ini saya melihat sebuah mobil berwarna merah dan terdapat bendera di atasnya. Di bagian atas terdapat pepohonan. | In this image I can see a car in red color and there are flags on it. At the top there are trees. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/b1b2f4bfdf67252e.jpg | 6 | |
open_images | c866ca33efcfde24 | 45 | Pada gambar ini saya dapat melihat label dengan huruf, gambar dan barcode yang ditempelkan pada suatu benda. | In this image, I can see a label with letters, pictures and barcode, which is attached to an object. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/c866ca33efcfde24.jpg | 7 | |
open_images | 6caf4e4b4f5d7e62 | 58 | Di gambar ini ada sepasang kekasih. Ada seorang laki-laki di sebelah kanan yang mengenakan kemeja putih dan seorang perempuan di sebelah kiri. Di latar belakang ada tembok. | In this image there is a couple. There is a man on the right side who is wearing the white shirt and a woman on the left side. In the background there is a wall. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/6caf4e4b4f5d7e62.jpg | 8 | |
open_images | 03c33191a86ee498 | 95 | Dalam gambar ini kita bisa melihat sebuah buku diletakkan di atas meja. | In this image we can see a book placed on the table. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/03c33191a86ee498.jpg | 9 | |
open_images | b9bb6e750b675a10 | 71 | Pada gambar ini kita dapat melihat sebuah poster, disini kita dapat melihat sebuah bangunan, tumbuhan, pohon, bunga, langit dan beberapa objek dan kita dapat melihat beberapa teks. | In this picture we can see a poster, here we can see a building, plants, trees, flowers, sky and some objects and we can see some text. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/b9bb6e750b675a10.jpg | 10 | |
open_images | 0425d8b252c863ee | 34 | Pada gambar ini bagian bawahnya terdapat sebuah sungai, dan di tengahnya terdapat beberapa pepohonan dan terdapat sebuah air terjun. Di puncaknya ada langit. | In this image at the bottom there is a river, and in the center there are some trees and there is a water fall. At the top there is sky. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/0425d8b252c863ee.jpg | 12 | |
open_images | cf2e42bb5a1519d8 | 62 | Gambar ini menggambarkan sekelompok orang, sedikit yang berdiri, sedikit yang berjalan kaki, dan sedikit lagi yang mengendarai sepeda motor, pada gambar sebelah kiri kita dapat melihat sepasang mesin pengisian bahan bakar, pada latar belakang kita dapat melihat beberapa bangunan, pepohonan, dan tempat penimbunan. | This picture describes about group of people, few are standing, few are walking and few are riding motorcycles, on the left side of the image we can see couple of fuel filling machines, in the background we can see few buildings trees and hoardings. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/cf2e42bb5a1519d8.jpg | 13 | |
open_images | 2a13ec8ad3b24306 | 1 | Pada gambar ini kita bisa melihat beberapa orang berdiri disini, ada yang memegang kertas, di background ada tembok, di sini kita bisa melihat tirai, di bawah ada lantai. | In this picture we can see some people standing here, some of them are holding papers, in the background there is a wall, we can see curtains here, at the bottom there is floor. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/2a13ec8ad3b24306.jpg | 14 | |
open_images | 94bc9ce4bea06a64 | 24 | Dalam gambar ini kita dapat melihat beberapa orang sedang duduk di kursi. Ada meja. Di atas meja kita bisa melihat pakaian, piring, botol, gelas, sendok, dan makanan. Hanya ada sedikit orang yang berdiri di lantai. Di latar belakang kita bisa melihat lampu dan dinding. | In this image we can see few people are sitting on the chairs. There are tables. On the tables we can see clothes, plates, bottles, glasses, spoons, and food. There are few people standing on the floor. In the background we can see lights and wall. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/94bc9ce4bea06a64.jpg | 15 | |
open_images | 3d5595d3585bcd2d | 100 | Ada orang yang memegang tongkat pemukul dan bola di padang rumput, orang berdiri dalam rangkaian di area latar depan gambar, ada orang berdiri sebagai penonton, poster dan tangga di latar belakang. | There is a person holding a bat and balls on the grassland, people standing in the series in the foreground area of the image, there are people standing as the audience, posters and a staircase in the background. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/3d5595d3585bcd2d.jpg | 16 | |
open_images | 5745491d6efb48bf | 2 | Pada gambar tersebut terdapat sebuah tangan yang sedang memegang bunga kecil dan latar belakang bunga tersebut berwarna biru. | In the picture there is a hand holding a small flower and the background of the flower is blue. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/5745491d6efb48bf.jpg | 17 | |
open_images | 9553aea182d8c066 | 58 | Gambar ini diambil di dalam gedung, dimana kita dapat melihat terdapat pilar-pilar ditengahnya. Di bagian atas ada tembok. Di latar belakang ada jendela. Di sisi kanan ada sebuah pintu. Di bagian bawah ada lantai. | This image is taken inside the building, where we can see there are pillars in the middle. At the top there are walls. In the background there are windows. On the right side there is a door. At the bottom there is floor. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/9553aea182d8c066.jpg | 18 | |
open_images | 992b6d84bc0c7381 | 78 | Dalam gambar ini saya dapat melihat jumlah orang di stadion, tanah, beberapa tenda, papan skor, beberapa orang di lapangan dan di latar belakang saya dapat melihat beberapa bangunan, beberapa pohon dan langit. | In this image I can see number of persons in the stadium, the ground, few tents, the score board, few persons on the ground and in the background I can see few buildings, few trees and the sky. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/992b6d84bc0c7381.jpg | 19 | |
open_images | 4e9dbcd516acd76d | 28 | Ada pastel gulung tangan tebal yang disusun di atas piring warna putih. Yang ada di atas meja kayu. | There are thick hand rolled pastels arranged on the white color plates. Which are on the wooden table. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/4e9dbcd516acd76d.jpg | 20 | |
open_images | e405a083f93fa9e8 | 105 | Pada gambar ini kita dapat melihat sekelompok orang yang mengenakan pakaian tentara, helm, kacamata dan jaket sedang melakukan suatu pekerjaan, di sisi kanan gambar kita dapat melihat rantai dan di sisi kiri gambar terdapat langit cerah. | In this image we can see some group of persons wearing army dress, helmets, spectacles and jackets doing some work, on right side of the image we can see a chain and on left side of the image there is clear sky. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/e405a083f93fa9e8.jpg | 21 | |
open_images | a99c1389534765ce | 48 | Kita bisa melihat nampan berisi makanan. Di latar belakang gelap. | We can see tray with food. In the background it is dark. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/a99c1389534765ce.jpg | 22 | |
open_images | 6eaf6cb93e954839 | 60 | Pada gambar ini kita dapat melihat sebuah bangunan dengan jendela, pintu dan papan yang ditempel di dinding. | In this image we can see a building with windows, door and a board pinned to a wall. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/6eaf6cb93e954839.jpg | 23 | |
open_images | c22a207b4e5d32c1 | 14 | Pada gambar ini ada seekor bebek, di atas permukaan air. | In this image there is a duck, on a water surface. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/c22a207b4e5d32c1.jpg | 24 | |
open_images | 6c7ad1f40608c475 | 6 | Pada gambar ini saya lihat di tengah ada burung berdiri dan ada pepohonan, di bawah ada rumput. | In this image I can see in the middle there is a bird standing and there are trees, at the bottom there is the grass. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/6c7ad1f40608c475.jpg | 25 | |
open_images | ceac81132ac6d283 | 105 | Pada gambar ini terdapat seseorang yang mengenakan kaos dan topi warna hitam sedang memainkan biola dan pada latar belakang gambar terdapat pemandangan yang menempel di dinding. | In this image there is a person wearing black color T-shirt and cap playing a violin and at the background of the image there is a scenery attached to the wall. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/ceac81132ac6d283.jpg | 26 | |
open_images | c4ebe148fa869011 | 36 | Pada gambar ini kita bisa melihat air, pohon, tanaman, bangunan, kendaraan dan papan nama. Latar belakang ada langit biru. | In this image we can see water, tree, plants, buildings, vehicles and signboard. Background there is a blue sky. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/c4ebe148fa869011.jpg | 27 | |
open_images | 7edb272f3e99f4cb | 82 | Gambar ini diklik di jalan. Ada banyak orang berjalan di jalan dan di jalan setapak. Di tengahnya ada seorang pria yang mengendarai sepeda di jalan raya. Di latar belakang ada bangunan. Di sebelah kanannya terdapat bendera di dinding gedung. Di kanan atas terdapat jam di dinding gedung. Di tengahnya terdapat sebuah pilar. Di puncaknya ada langit. | This image is clicked on the road. There are many people walking on the road and on the walkway. In the center there is a man riding bicycle on the road. In the background there are buildings. To the right there are flags on the wall of the building. In the top right there is a clock on the wall of the building. In the center there is a pillar. At the top there is the sky. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/7edb272f3e99f4cb.jpg | 28 | |
open_images | 4ef2c3a57ee3e692 | 104 | Pada gambar ini, kita bisa melihat beberapa benda tepung di permukaan kayu. Kita juga bisa melihat beberapa objek di bagian atas. | In this image, we can see some flour objects on the wooden surface. We can also see some objects at the top. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/4ef2c3a57ee3e692.jpg | 29 | |
open_images | 2ff8fa8a88996397 | 48 | Ada orang yang berdiri sambil memegang ponsel, di antara dua orang tersebut kita bisa melihat pagar. Di latar belakang kita bisa melihat orang dan tembok. | There are people standing and holding mobiles,in between these two people we can see fence. In the background we can see people and wall. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/2ff8fa8a88996397.jpg | 30 | |
open_images | 9c49b704bea0b83f | 48 | Disini kita dapat melihat bunga, daun dan batang kayu serta kita dapat melihat dinding dan jendela kaca, melalui jendela ini kita dapat melihat lilin. | Here we can see flowers, leaves and sticks and we can see wall and glass window, through this window we can see candle. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/9c49b704bea0b83f.jpg | 31 | |
open_images | cccaded25c969f19 | 108 | Pada gambar ini kita dapat melihat beberapa orang, dan diantara mereka ada beberapa yang sedang memegang beberapa benda seperti microphone, poster, dan kita dapat melihat background berwarna hitam, beberapa benda di sisi kiri atas gambar. | In this picture, we can see a few people, and among them a few are holding some objects like micro phone, posters, and we can see black color background, some object in the top left side of the picture. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/cccaded25c969f19.jpg | 32 | |
open_images | 10ca649b95603905 | 13 | Di tengah gambar kita bisa melihat empat derek menghancurkan bangunan. Gambar juga terdiri dari beberapa bangunan. Kita juga bisa melihat pagar berwarna hijau. Di latar belakang ada langit dan di bawah ada jalan. | In the center of the image we can see four cranes destructing the buildings. Image also consists of some buildings. We can also see the green color fence. In the background there is sky and at the bottom there is road. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/10ca649b95603905.jpg | 33 | |
open_images | 7b3afb0935790a02 | 17 | Dalam gambar ini saya dapat melihat piano. | In this image i can see a piano. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/7b3afb0935790a02.jpg | 34 | |
open_images | 32fdf5c94537aac4 | 5 | Pada gambar terlihat banyak sekali balon yang berwarna putih dan hijau. Di balon itu ada tulisan. | In the image we can see there are many balloons, white and green in color. On the balloon, there is a text. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/32fdf5c94537aac4.jpg | 35 | |
open_images | 8b0865a820574e25 | 45 | Ini adalah bangunan dengan jendela dan lampu. Saya bisa melihat kolam renang dengan air. Ini adalah kursi pantai. Saya bisa melihat pepohonan dan semak-semak. Menurutku ini adalah pot bunga dengan tanaman. Ini adalah jenis payung pantai. Saya bisa melihat tiang lampu. Ini adalah awan di langit. | These are the buildings with the windows and lights. I can see a swimming pool with the water. These are the beach chairs. I can see the trees and bushes. I think these are the flower pots with plants. These are the kind of beach umbrellas. I can see the light poles. These are the clouds in the sky. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/8b0865a820574e25.jpg | 36 | |
open_images | a09378cc83bf7a3f | 75 | Gambar ini diambil di luar ruangan. Di latar belakangnya ada dinding dengan jendela. Di tengah-tengah gambar itu berdiri seorang anak laki-laki dan dia dengan wajah tersenyum. Dia memegang karet gelang di tangannya. | This image is taken outdoors. In the background there is a wall with a window. In the middle of the image a boy is standing and he is with a smiling face. He is holding a rubber band in his hands. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/a09378cc83bf7a3f.jpg | 37 | |
open_images | 219ea078046fe6ad | 45 | Dalam gambar ini, saya dapat melihat seorang pria sedang berjalan. Di sisi kiri gambar, saya rasa ada dua orang berdiri. Ini rumputnya. Di latar belakang, saya rasa ada tiga orang yang berdiri. | In this image, I can see the man walking. On the left side of the image, I think there are two people standing. This is the grass. In the background, I think there are three people standing. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/219ea078046fe6ad.jpg | 38 | |
open_images | b9ba45a630740e13 | 27 | Di sini, di gambar ini kita dapat melihat seseorang memainkan alat musik yang ada di tangannya dan di belakangnya juga kita dapat melihat seorang wanita lain berdiri di sana dan di atasnya kita dapat melihat sebuah tenda yang ada di sana. | Here in this picture we can see a person playing a musical instrument present in his hand and behind him also we can see another woman standing over there and above them we can see a tent present over there. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/b9ba45a630740e13.jpg | 39 | |
open_images | 99aec0e0972ca8e1 | 58 | Pada gambar ini terdapat seorang wanita di tengah yang mengenakan gaun berwarna hitam dengan beberapa desain. Di latar belakang ada warna biru. | In this image there is a woman in the middle who is wearing the black color dress on which there is some design. In the background there is blue color. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/99aec0e0972ca8e1.jpg | 40 | |
open_images | bfc8c0e132f9cfd5 | 11 | Pada gambar ini kita bisa melihat bangunan, ada beberapa pepohonan, jendela dan dinding, di background kita bisa melihat langit dengan awan. | In this image we can see the buildings, there are some trees, windows and the wall, in the background, we can see the sky with clouds. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/bfc8c0e132f9cfd5.jpg | 41 | |
open_images | 6a9f0f99b242f2ed | 66 | Dalam gambar ini kita bisa melihat truk pemadam kebakaran bergerak di jalan. Di belakang kita bisa melihat beberapa pohon dan di pojok kiri ada sebuah rumah. | In this picture we can see fire brigade truck moving on the road. Behind we can see some trees and on the left corner there is a house. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/6a9f0f99b242f2ed.jpg | 42 | |
open_images | ba1cb217ecd77854 | 48 | Kita bisa melihat patung. Di latar belakang kita bisa melihat tanaman dan bunga. | We can see statue. In the background we can see plants and flowers. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/ba1cb217ecd77854.jpg | 43 | |
open_images | 151ea2cf01fac85d | 85 | Dalam gambar ini saya dapat melihat beberapa orang dimana hanya sedikit dari mereka yang duduk dan sisanya semua berdiri. Saya juga dapat melihat beberapa meja dan di atas meja ini saya dapat melihat cangkir, piring, sendok dan botol. | In this image I can see few people where few of them are sitting and rest all are standing. I can also see few table and on these tables I can see cup, plate, a spoon and a bottle. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/151ea2cf01fac85d.jpg | 44 | |
open_images | 61beeceaade23419 | 123 | Pada gambar ini saya dapat melihat sebuah jembatan di tengah gambar, bangunan, tiang dan pepohonan di tengah gambar tepat di atas jembatan. Saya bisa melihat salju atau danau yang membeku dengan perahu. Di pojok kiri bawah, saya bisa melihat seseorang berdiri dengan beberapa perangkat menghadap ke belakang. Di bagian atas gambar saya bisa melihat langit. | In this image I can see a bridge in the center of the image, buildings, poles and trees in the center of the image just above the bridge. I can see snow or a freezing lake with a boat. In the left bottom corner, I can see a person standing with some devices facing towards the back. At the top of the image I can see the sky. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/61beeceaade23419.jpg | 45 | |
open_images | 1ad7134ba92b8581 | 2 | Gambarnya hitam putih ada sedikit orang yang mengapung di permukaan air dan di belakang orang tersebut banyak terdapat pohon yang tinggi. | It is a black and white image there are few people floating on the water surface and behind those people there are many tall trees. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/1ad7134ba92b8581.jpg | 46 | |
open_images | 04883619f0c8e57b | 49 | Pada gambar tersebut terlihat terdapat bunga pada tanaman dan dibelakang terdapat bangunan kincir angin. | In the image we can see there are flowers on the plants and behind there is a windmill building. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/04883619f0c8e57b.jpg | 47 | |
open_images | 796bc2b6edcb9dd4 | 92 | Gambar ini terdiri dari banyak daun dengan warna berbeda. Di bagian bawah terdapat rumput. Sepertinya gambar yang diperbesar. | This image consists of many leaves in different color. At the bottom, there is grass. It looks like a zoomed-in image. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/796bc2b6edcb9dd4.jpg | 48 | |
open_images | 4ba6606731690c20 | 49 | Pada gambar terlihat terdapat tas travel backpack dan pada batu bata tersebut terdapat tulisan "Hickman Bridge" dan pada bagian belakangnya terdapat banyak pepohonan. | In the image we can see there is a travel backpack and on the brick stone there is written "Hickman Bridge" and at the back there are lot of trees. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/4ba6606731690c20.jpg | 49 | |
open_images | cb530e456beafcf0 | 0 | Dalam gambar ini kita dapat melihat makanan di atas piring. Kita bisa melihat daun bayam dan makanan di dalam mangkuk. Di pojok kanan bawah gambar kita bisa melihat sebuah kain. | In this picture we can see food on a plate. We can see spinach leaves and food in a bowl. In the bottom right corner of the picture we can see a cloth. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/cb530e456beafcf0.jpg | 50 | |
open_images | f79dd28b791bed60 | 69 | Dalam gambar ini dua wanita mengenakan kacamata, masker, dan syal. Wanita di sebelah kiri gambar sedang membawa tas. Di belakang mereka hanya ada beberapa orang yang berdiri di atas tanah. Seseorang yang berkemeja biru sedang membawa tas dan memakai peci. Di belakang orang-orang itu hanya ada sedikit pohon di padang rumput dan sedikit tiang. Di atas gambar ada langit. | In this image two women are wearing goggles, masks and scarves. Woman at the left side of image is carrying a bag. Behind them there are few persons standing on the land. A person wearing a blue shirt is carrying a bag and wearing a cap. Behind the persons there are few trees on the grassland and few poles. Top of image there is sky. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/f79dd28b791bed60.jpg | 51 | |
open_images | c979a810476b0384 | 6 | Itu adalah bagian dalam benteng. | It is an inside part of a fort. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/c979a810476b0384.jpg | 52 | |
open_images | 2a40e9d520365082 | 78 | Dalam gambar ini saya dapat melihat seorang wanita berpakaian putih sedang berdiri dan tersenyum, saya dapat melihat wanita lain yang mengenakan kemeja Berdiri dan memegang sebuah benda di tangannya, saya dapat melihat beberapa gelas berisi minuman di dalamnya. Di latar belakang aku bisa melihat dinding dan beberapa botol kaca di lemari. | In this image I can see a woman in white dress is standing and smiling, I can see another woman wearing a shirt Standing and holding an object in her hand, I can see few glasses with drinks in them. In the background I can see the wall and few glass bottles on the cabinet. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/2a40e9d520365082.jpg | 53 | |
open_images | 20871c281c971f38 | 43 | Ini adalah gambar hitam putih. Pada gambar ini kita bisa melihat foto seorang wanita sedang duduk di kursi. Di bagian bawah ada sesuatu yang tertulis. Ada juga standnya. | This is a black and white image. In this image we can see a photo of a lady sitting on a chair. At the bottom something is written. Also there is a stand. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/20871c281c971f38.jpg | 54 | |
open_images | 8800a39700c01ecd | 71 | Dalam gambar ini kita dapat melihat seseorang berdiri dan di latar belakang kita dapat melihat salju. | In this picture we can see a person standing and in the background we can see snow. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/8800a39700c01ecd.jpg | 55 | |
open_images | c49b0d366141fbbf | 79 | Pada gambar ini saya dapat melihat sepeda yang berwarna hitam. Di samping sepeda aku bisa melihat dinding bata berwarna coklat. Saya juga bisa melihat beberapa tanaman di samping. | In this image I can see the bicycle which is in black color. To the side of the bicycle I can see the brown color brick wall. I can also see some plants to the side. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/c49b0d366141fbbf.jpg | 57 | |
open_images | 9b38193e859513e8 | 1 | Pada gambar ini terlihat seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan sedang duduk di kursi di depan meja, terdapat kertas, lem, pensil, tas, buku dan ikat rambut diletakkan di atas meja, di sisi kanan. ada dinding, kita bisa melihat beberapa kertas ditempel di dinding, di latar belakang ada meja, kita bisa melihat beberapa benda diletakkan di atas meja. | In this picture we can see a man and a woman are sitting on chairs in front of a table, there are papers, a glue gun, a pencil, a bag, a book and a hair band placed on the table, on the right side there is a wall, we can see some papers pasted to the wall, in the background there are tables, we can see some things placed on the table. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/9b38193e859513e8.jpg | 58 | |
open_images | bf769050bfbe7d7d | 92 | Gambar ini terdiri dari banyak orang. Sepertinya ruang konferensi. Di sebelah kiri, ada seorang wanita berdiri di dekat podium dan berbicara. Di sebelah kirinya ada stand. Di bagian bawah ada lantai. Di sebelah kanannya ada tembok beserta pintunya. | This image consists of many people. It looks like a conference hall. To the left, there is a woman standing near the podium and talking. To the left, there is a stand. At the bottom, there is a floor. To the right, there is a wall along with the doors. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/bf769050bfbe7d7d.jpg | 59 | |
open_images | 880b5b489f7d839c | 110 | Pada gambar di latar depan ini kita melihat papan tanda, di sisi kanan, saya dapat melihat sebuah mobil di jalan, di belakang, saya dapat melihat banyak pepohonan, dan di latar belakang saya dapat melihat langit. | In this image in the foreground we see a sign board, on the right side, I can see a car on the road, at the back, I can see many trees, and in the background I can see the sky. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/880b5b489f7d839c.jpg | 60 | |
open_images | 4044ec7216fb6891 | 64 | Di gambar ini ada seekor monyet. Dia duduk di dinding dan memutuskan bahwa kita dapat melihat banyak dedaunan. Di atas kita bisa melihat pepohonan dan tanaman. | In this picture there is a monkey. He is sitting on the wall and decide that we can see many leaves. At the top we can see the trees and plants. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/4044ec7216fb6891.jpg | 61 | |
open_images | d89be2537a764cdb | 25 | Dalam gambar saya dapat melihat makanan di piring berwarna putih. | In the picture I can see food items in a white color plate. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/d89be2537a764cdb.jpg | 62 | |
open_images | b652ce2f84e826b3 | 51 | Pada gambar ini, terdapat tampilan luar. Ada laut di samping beberapa bangunan. Di latar belakang gambar terdapat langit. | In this image, there is an outside view. There is a sea beside some buildings. In the background of the image, there is a sky. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/b652ce2f84e826b3.jpg | 63 | |
open_images | dd36167f47240442 | 60 | Pada gambar ini kita bisa melihat sekelompok tanaman dan pagar besi. Di sisi kanan kita bisa melihat papan dengan beberapa teks di atasnya. | In this image we can see a group of plants and a metal fence. On the right side we can see a board with some text on it. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/dd36167f47240442.jpg | 64 | |
open_images | a71f21a820d9b922 | 8 | Di sisi kiri gambar kita bisa melihat perahu di atas air. Di latar belakangnya ada air, bukit, dan langit. | On the left side of the image we can see a boat on the water. In the background there is water, hills and sky. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/a71f21a820d9b922.jpg | 65 | |
open_images | ac74bed83b4dc62f | 31 | Sebuah band sedang menampilkan musik di atas panggung. Di dalam band ada dua orang pria yang bermain gitar di depan. Seorang pria sedang bermain drum di latar belakang. Ada seorang pria berdiri di belakang speaker. | A band is performing music on a stage. In the band there are two men playing guitars in the front. A man is playing drums in the background. There is a man standing behind the speakers. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/ac74bed83b4dc62f.jpg | 66 | |
open_images | 71e3f54a7b7ddb42 | 93 | Dalam gambar ini saya bisa melihat bangunan dan pepohonan, dan di latar belakangnya ada langit. | In this picture I can see buildings and trees, and in the background there is the sky. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/71e3f54a7b7ddb42.jpg | 67 | |
open_images | b532018262412d4e | 82 | Pada gambar ini bagian depan mobil diklik. Di bagian bawah ada tulisan di plat nomor. Di sebelah kanannya ada lampu depan. | In this image the front part of the car is clicked. At the bottom there is text on the number plate. To the right there are headlights. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/b532018262412d4e.jpg | 68 | |
open_images | d2306f866f6c92b9 | 43 | Dalam gambar ini kita bisa melihat banyak orang. Di sisi kiri ada tembok. Di sisi kanannya terdapat sofa dengan bantal dan beberapa barang lainnya. Juga ada jendela. Di belakang ada sebuah pintu. Di bagian atas ada lampu. Ada juga orang yang memakai kacamata dan memegang gelas. | In this image we can see many people. On the left side there is a wall. On the right side there is a sofa with pillow and some other items. Also there is a window. In the back there is a door. At the top there is a light. Also there is a person wearing goggles and holding a glass. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/d2306f866f6c92b9.jpg | 69 | |
open_images | fb3e2a048e4f7239 | 46 | Pada gambar ini terdapat kerumunan orang yang sedang berjalan di jalan raya dimana pada latar depan gambar ini terdapat tiga orang yang memegang spanduk di tangannya dan hanya sedikit yang duduk di pinggir jalan. Di latar belakangnya terdapat rumah, pepohonan, tiang, langit, dan awan. | In this image there is a crowd walking on the road where in the foreground of this picture, there are three persons holding banner in their hands and few are sitting on the side to the road. In the background, there are houses, trees, poles, sky and the cloud. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/fb3e2a048e4f7239.jpg | 70 | |
open_images | 7001ed3d9a91e1b9 | 40 | Ini adalah gambar hitam putih dimana kita bisa melihat monumen dan langit. | This is a black and white image where we can see a monument and the sky. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/7001ed3d9a91e1b9.jpg | 71 | |
open_images | 106747ea9c1de874 | 40 | Dalam gambar ini kita bisa melihat seorang pria. Dia mengenakan kemeja warna abu-abu dan memegang botol di tangannya. Kita bisa melihat lukisan di dinding dan pintu sebagai latar belakang. Di bagian atas gambar, terdapat atap dengan beberapa desain. Kita dapat melihat sebuah tabel di kanan bawah gambar dan beberapa hal ada di atas tabel tersebut. | In this image we can see a man. He is wearing grey color shirt and holding a bottle in his hand. We can see a painting on the wall and door in the background. At the top of the image, roof is there with some design. We can see a table in the right bottom of the image and some things are present on the table. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/106747ea9c1de874.jpg | 72 | |
open_images | 13dccb8c70d70bba | 39 | Dalam gambar ini kita dapat mengamati dua jenis buah berbeda yang diletakkan di atas meja berwarna coklat. Kita bisa mengamati semangka dan jeruk. Semangka ini dibuat menjadi beberapa bagian. | In this picture we can observe two different types of fruits placed on the brown color table. We can observe watermelon and oranges. This watermelon was made into some pieces. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/13dccb8c70d70bba.jpg | 73 | |
open_images | 0b3cbb5b359296cf | 23 | Pada gambar ini kita dapat melihat sebuah lengkungan sebuah bangunan. Di balik lengkungan kita bisa melihat sekelompok pepohonan dan langit. | In this image we can see an arch of a building. Behind the arch we can see a group of trees and the sky. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/0b3cbb5b359296cf.jpg | 74 | |
open_images | 41566eadce440e4c | 73 | Di tengah gambar terdapat sebuah lengkungan. Di depan gambar tersebut terdapat jalan. Pada latar belakang gambar terdapat sebuah rumah dan terdapat pepohonan. | In the center of the image there is a arch. In front of the image there is a road. In the background of the image there is a house and there are trees. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/41566eadce440e4c.jpg | 75 | |
open_images | 8cd95e06eb690e6f | 64 | Dalam gambar ini ada seekor anjing berwarna putih yang sedang duduk di sofa. Di bagian bawah ada kain. | In this picture there is a white dog which is sitting on the couch. At the bottom there is a cloth. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/8cd95e06eb690e6f.jpg | 76 | |
open_images | d915579d37fb887e | 43 | Ada seorang pria dan wanita sedang duduk. Manusia memakai spesifikasi. Di depan mereka ada sebuah meja. Di atas meja terdapat papan nama. botol, gelas dan mikrofon. Di latar belakang ada tembok. Juga ada banyak bendera. | There is a man and woman sitting. Man is wearing a specs. In front of them there is a table. On the table there are name boards. bottle, glasses and mics. In the background there is a wall. Also there are many flags. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/d915579d37fb887e.jpg | 77 | |
open_images | 2d3406569a9540b7 | 89 | Di sini ada tempat tidur dan kursi serta dudukan televisi dan kain dan ini adalah dinding. | Here there is bed and chair and a television stand and a cloth and this is wall. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/2d3406569a9540b7.jpg | 78 | |
open_images | c21f1dba915b6cce | 45 | Ada dua pria berdiri. Ini terlihat seperti podium. Saya dapat melihat empat laptop dan beberapa barang lainnya di dalamnya. Ini adalah layar dengan tampilan. Saya dapat melihat seseorang berdiri dan memegang perekam video. Ada sekelompok orang yang duduk. Ini terlihat seperti papan tulis. | There are two men standing. This looks like a podium. I can see four laptops and few other things on it. This is a screen with a display. I can see a person standing and holding a video recorder. There are groups of people sitting. This looks like a whiteboard. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/c21f1dba915b6cce.jpg | 79 | |
open_images | c10936f55530768c | 22 | Dalam gambar ini kita bisa melihat dua pria memegang penghargaan di tangan mereka. Kita bisa melihat seseorang yang mengenakan jas hitam sedang memegang penghargaan di tangan kirinya. Ada beberapa orang yang terlihat di belakang. Kita bisa melihat bingkai di latar belakang. | In this picture we can see two men holding an award in their hands. We can see a person wearing a black suit is holding awards in the hand on the left side. There are a few people visible at the back. We can see a frame in the background. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/c10936f55530768c.jpg | 80 | |
open_images | 3b6ecf76020d74f3 | 6 | Di sisi kanan seorang wanita cantik sedang bersandar ke dinding, dia mengenakan atasan warna putih dan celana panjang warna hitam. Di tengahnya ada dinding kaca, di sisi kiri ada kacamata untuk standnya. Di bagian atas ada lampu. | On the right side a beautiful woman is leaning to the wall, she wore white color top and black color trouser. In the middle there is a glass wall, on the left side there are goggles on to the stand. At the top there is a light. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/3b6ecf76020d74f3.jpg | 81 | |
open_images | a987e3f60590359e | 80 | Pada gambar ini terdapat rumput di tanah dan terdapat kendaraan, orang dan pepohonan serta terdapat beberapa teks tertulis pada kendaraan yang berada di tengah dengan beberapa nomor tertulis di atasnya. | In this image there is grass on the ground and there are vehicles, persons and trees and there is some text written on the vehicle which is in the center with some numbers written on it. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/a987e3f60590359e.jpg | 82 | |
open_images | d3cafd9ba2986225 | 17 | Dalam gambar ini saya dapat melihat beberapa bunga berwarna putih. Latar Belakang Saya dapat melihat pepohonan dan rerumputan berwarna hijau dan langit berwarna biru. | In this image I can see few flowers in white color. Background I can see trees and grass in green color and the sky is in blue color. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/d3cafd9ba2986225.jpg | 83 | |
open_images | ad0709e337c030f6 | 72 | Pada gambar ini kita dapat melihat tempat perahu berada di atas air. Di sebelah kanan gambar kita dapat melihat jembatan, kumpulan pepohonan, bangunan. Di latar belakang kita bisa melihat gunung dan langit. Di latar depan kita bisa melihat air. | In this image we can see a boat place on the water. To the right side of the image we can see a bridge ,group of trees ,buildings. In the background we can see mountain and sky. In the foreground we can see water. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/ad0709e337c030f6.jpg | 84 | |
open_images | 8a16f74cc4c24854 | 79 | Dalam gambar ini saya dapat melihat orang yang mengenakan gaun berwarna putih dan krem dan saya dapat melihat pena di saku. Dan ada latar belakang putih. | In this image I can see the person wearing the white and cream color dress and I can see the pen in the pocket. And there is a white background. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/8a16f74cc4c24854.jpg | 85 | |
open_images | 5dd89657efe08856 | 73 | Dalam gambar ini ada seseorang yang sedang tersenyum. Di sekelilingnya ada tiang kayu. Di atasnya ada jeruk di piring. Di bagian bawah gambar terdapat rumput di permukaannya. | In this image there is a person having a smile on her face. Around her there are wooden poles. On top of it there are oranges in plates. At the bottom of the image there is grass on the surface. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/5dd89657efe08856.jpg | 86 | |
open_images | 0d0f03747eae4c2c | 80 | Pada gambar didepan terdapat sebuah mobil berwarna putih dan didepan mobil terdapat benda berwarna hitam, silver dan putih. Di latar belakang ada mobil, orang, pohon, tiang dan ada rumput di tanah. | In this image in the front there is a car which is white in colour and in front of the car there are objects which are black, silver and white in colour. In the background there are cars, persons, trees, poles and there's grass on the ground. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/0d0f03747eae4c2c.jpg | 87 | |
open_images | c7970cf6058568e8 | 64 | Pada gambar ini terlihat kotak pos berwarna kanan, disampingnya terdapat pagar. Di sini kita bisa melihat dua mobil di jalan. Di latar belakang kita bisa melihat sekelompok orang berdiri di dekat papan tanda. Di sebelah kanan kita bisa melihat pepohonan, gubuk, rambu lalu lintas, dan tiang listrik. Di sini kita bisa melihat bangunan. Di atasnya ada langit. | In this picture we can see right color post box, beside that there is fencing. Here we can see two car on the road. In the background we can see group of person standing near to the sign boards. On the right we can see trees, hut, traffic signals and electric pole. Here we can see buildings. On the top there is a sky. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/c7970cf6058568e8.jpg | 88 | |
open_images | 0cd0f063ce18a5ee | 21 | Ini adalah gambar yang diambil dari dalam sebuah ruangan dan seorang wanita berdiri mengenakan jaket warna hitam, dia tersenyum dan ada bingkai foto di dinding dan ada podium di sisi kanan dan di sisi kiri ada bendera dan ada kursi di sudut kanan. | This is a picture taken from inside of a room and a woman stand wearing a black color jacket ,she is smiling and there are the photo frames on the wall and there is a podium on the right side an don the left side there is a flag and there is a chair on right corner. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/0cd0f063ce18a5ee.jpg | 89 | |
open_images | 3818c06f72ec0ab1 | 23 | Pada gambar ini kita bisa melihat makanan di dalam mangkuk. Mangkuk diletakkan di atas permukaan putih. | In this image we can see food in a bowl. The bowl is placed on a white surface. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/3818c06f72ec0ab1.jpg | 90 | |
open_images | 31419eee92b8f8cc | 56 | Dalam gambar tersebut saya melihat sebatang pohon dan ada seekor kambing di dahan pohon. Ada awan di langit. | In the picture I can see a tree and there is a goat on the branch of a tree. There are clouds in the sky. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/31419eee92b8f8cc.jpg | 91 | |
open_images | 03e0f363461040ce | 85 | Dalam gambar ini saya dapat melihat jumlah buku di rak-rak ini. | In this image I can see number of books in these shelves. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/03e0f363461040ce.jpg | 92 | |
open_images | c5b7447614fec508 | 36 | Di meja ini terdapat dadu, kartu, karton dan kertas. Di depan meja ini dua orang sedang memegang kartu. Ini adalah kotak. | On this table there are dice, cards, cardboard and paper. In-front of this table two persons are holding cards. This is box. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/c5b7447614fec508.jpg | 94 | |
open_images | c2911e6d357c7e48 | 11 | Pada gambar ini kita dapat melihat beberapa bangunan, pada bangunan tersebut kita dapat melihat jam, di depan bangunan tersebut kita dapat melihat patung dan orang-orangnya, pada latar belakang kita dapat melihat langit dengan awan. | In this image we can see a few buildings, on the building we can see a clock, in front of the buildings, we can see a statue and the people, in the background, we can see the sky with clouds. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/c2911e6d357c7e48.jpg | 95 | |
open_images | be96c8fe949328bf | 69 | Dalam gambar ini ada seorang wanita berdiri sebelum satu mil di atas podium. Hanya sedikit orang yang duduk di kursi dengan gelas, toples, dan cangkir di atasnya. Di sebelah kirinya ada tangan seseorang yang memegang pulpen dan menulis di atas kertas. Latar belakangnya ada tembok. Di sampingnya ada sebuah pintu. | In this image there is a woman is standing before a mile which is on podium. There are few persons sitting on the chair having glasses, jar and cup on it. At the left side there is a person hand holding a pen and writing on a paper. Background there is a wall. Beside there is a door. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/be96c8fe949328bf.jpg | 97 | |
open_images | 092067ad10914150 | 52 | Di tengah gambar ada seorang gadis yang duduk di tanah. Di sisi kanan gambar kita bisa melihat seorang wanita berdiri di tanah. Di sisi kiri gambar kita bisa melihat seorang wanita duduk di tanah. Di latar belakang kita bisa melihat bangunan, dinding bata, pohon dan langit. | In the center of the image there is a girl sitting on the ground. On the right side of the image we can see woman standing on the ground. On the left side of the image we can see woman sitting on the ground. In the background we can see building, bricks wall, tree and sky. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/092067ad10914150.jpg | 98 | |
open_images | 7be73ccad139be5b | 92 | Gambar ini terdiri dari bangunan dan gedung pencakar langit. Di bagian atas, ada langit. Dan kita bisa melihat sebuah menara. | This image consists of buildings and skyscrapers. At the top, there is sky. And we can see a tower. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/7be73ccad139be5b.jpg | 99 | |
open_images | bca8c1b742f287a7 | 1 | Pada gambar ini kita dapat melihat beberapa orang berdiri di depan, di latar belakang ada beberapa pohon, di sisi kiri ada tiang, kita dapat melihat spanduk dan langit di atas gambar, beberapa orang tersebut mengenakan pakaian topi. | In this picture we can see some people standing in the front, in the background there are some trees, on the left side there is a pole, we can see a banner and the sky at the top of the picture, some of these people wore caps. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/bca8c1b742f287a7.jpg | 100 | |
open_images | 5c73383c1ccda9a4 | 12 | Dalam gambar ini kita bisa melihat seorang wanita bertopi warna putih sedang tersenyum. Di latar belakang, kita bisa melihat langit. | In this image we can see a woman wearing white color hat is smiling. In the background, we can see the sky. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/5c73383c1ccda9a4.jpg | 101 | |
open_images | 40e1589b917cae44 | 100 | Pada gambar ini terdapat seorang anak laki-laki di tengah gambar dan terdapat seorang wanita di belakangnya serta terdapat sebuah gerbang di area latar belakang gambar. | In this picture there is a boy in the center of the image and there is a woman behind him and there is a gate in the background area of the image. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/40e1589b917cae44.jpg | 102 | |
open_images | 5921e8388b161050 | 28 | Ada seseorang berkemeja, menunjukkan tangan dan berdiri. Di latar belakang ada orang lain yang berdiri, ada penimbunan, tembok dan benda-benda lainnya. | There is a person in a shirt, showing a hand and standing. In the background, there are other persons standing, there is a hoarding, wall and other objects. | true | /content/Datasets/train_images/5921e8388b161050.jpg | 103 |
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