The objective of the study was to investigate the response of a cold-formed pallet framed racking subjected to earthquake ground motions through nonlinear time history analysis by employing three different earthquake records.
In order to investigate the seismic behaviour of rack frames under real earthquake ground motions, the Time History Analysis was performed with rigid, semi-rigid and pinned connections.
The results revealed that neglecting semi-rigidity cause stiffening of frames resulting in shorter fundamental period and larger lateral displacement which in turn results in a significant error in the evaluation of dynamic loads.
It is also shown from the numerical investigations that semi-rigid frames exhibit ductile and stable behaviour and may be used effectively in earthquake-resistant design.
In forensic applications SNP markers are used for identification, determination of phenotypes, lineage and ancestry.
Ancestry Informative Markers (AIMs) provide biogeographic ancestry information whereas phenotype informative SNPs establish extarnally visible characteristics (EVC) (such as eye, hair, skin color) of a suspect individual.
These informations may assist forensic investigations of unknown contributors or identification of missing persons and disaster victims.
The aim our study is to develop a new multiplex set which can be assigned for differentiation between European with Middle East and Central South Asia populations (AIMs) and determination of EVC (phenotype informative SNPs) for forensic purposes.
In this study a new SNP multiplex "33plex" set was developed that can be used to estimate biogeographical ancestry and eye color.
In order to predict biogeographic ancestry of 28 different populations (1081 individual) (from Europe, Africa, East asia, Central South Asia, Middle East populations), three AIM mulitiplex sets (33pleks with previously developed 34pleks and Eurasiapleks) were studied and the population genetic relationships between populations were analyzed with various statistical softwares (Arlequin v., Mega 5, R v. 2.13.1, GENETIX v.4.0, Structure v 2.3.3 and SNIPPER).
Eye color prediction analysis was performed on 100 volunteers whom signed informed consent form.
Two different statistical approaches Multinominal Logical Regression (IRISPLEX macro) and Bayesian Likelihood ratio (SNIPPER software) were tested for eye color prediction.
Turkish population showed genetic relatedness with Europe, Middle East and Central South Asian populations.
Hence combination of 33plex, 34plex and Eurasiaplex enhanced differentiation of studied populations.
IRISPLEX and SNIPPER tool gave reliable results for prediction of blue and brown eye colors with over %88 predictive precision using 6 SNPs.
Also by addition of one extra SNP (rs1129038) increased the success rate of green eye color prediction.
Finally newly developed 33plex, contains phenotype and ancestry informative SNPs, enables reliable prediction of suspect's eye color (blue and brown) and biogeographic ancestry information(Europe, Africa, East Asia, Central East Asia-Middle East populations) respectively from biological samples found at the crime scene.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the suitability of prison conditions in Turkey for women and to investigate, with a gender perspective, the effect of rehabilitation efforts which are conducted in women prisons.
The fieldwork has been carried out in Ankara Sincan Closed Prison for Women and Denizli Bozkurt Open Prison for Women by using qualitative methods.
In Ankara 32 women and 7 prison staff, in Denizli 32 women and 6 staff were interviewed with.
In addition, 6 rehabilitation activities in Ankara and 7 in Denizli were observed.
In the course of the fieldwork, the importance of setting the physical and social conditions in prisons in accordance with the needs of women and deficiencies in practice has become evident.
Considering the needs described by women, it is seen that many issues such as education, health, domestic relationships and employment should be addressed together.
The study reveals that some women feel more independent inside the prison where they don't struggle with any difficulties such as family pressure, surveillance and violence.
Expressions of women, who perceive prison as a space of liberation, are among the important results of the study.
It was concluded that the responsibilities related to domestic life and taking care of family members which are imposed on women by family and society cause pressure and become a significant burden even in the prison.
It is observed that the rehabilitation activities performed in prison are not effective enough for their lives in and after the prison.
We conclude that studies should be carried on the content of rehabilitation work and on the quality and quantity of prison staff and these studies should focus on the needs and requirements of women both during and after imprisonment.
Violence is a breach of human rights and domestic violence occurs mostly among spouses.
In our study, we explored intimate partner violence and its relationship with adult attachment styles and marriage adjustment.
We also examined the prevalance of domestic violence among spouses and certain sociodemographic variables, as well as other variables such as marriage characteristics, witnessing and/or being subjected to domestic violence within the nuclear family, the relationship between parents and similarities with parents.
The violence among spouses were explored twofolds: (1) through four types of domestic violence; emotional, sexual, economic, and physical, and (2) through two perspectives; committing the violent act and being subjected to violence.
The participants consisted of two hundred individuals, 100 males and 100 females, all of whom were married (N=200).
Our results demonstrated that in all four types of domestic violence the emotional violence was the highest among spouses; that for all four types of domestic violence women were more likely to be subjected to violence; and that men were likely to primarily commit to sexual and economic violence.
Among the sociodemographic characteristics, our data suggested that age, level of education, and level of income were significant factors for the women to be subjected to domestic violence, and that level of education was a significant factor for males to commit domestic violence.
In the first part of the study; the literature on self-harm behavior, suicide probability, childhood abuses and aggression were surveyed and the relationship between the subjects were evaluated.
In the second part of the study, the relation of self-harm behavior and suicide probability with childhood abuses and aggression was investigated in a sample of 1000 university students from eight private and state universities in İstanbul and Ankara.
Among the total 1000 participants, 46.1% was eighteen to twenty, 45.1% was twenty one to twenty three and 8.8% was over twenty four years old. The most prevalent self-harm behavior was interfering with healing of wounds (55.4%) and followed by banging or hitting self (40.7%), pinching (30.8%), biting oneself (29.1%), pulling hair (28.7%), carving symbols or words on skin (25.2%), severe scratching (24.9%), cutting (20.3%), sticking self with needles (15.0%), rubbing skin against rough surfaces (11.9%), swallowing dangerous substances (10.8%) and burning (7.7%).Suicide attempts were 14.7% and suicidal ideation was 33.3% in the self-harmers.
The most prevalent self-harm behavior was interfering with healing of wounds (55.4%) and followed by banging or hitting self (40.7%), pinching (30.8%), biting oneself (29.1%), pulling hair (28.7%), carving symbols or words on skin (25.2%), severe scratching (24.9%), cutting (20.3%), sticking self with needles (15.0%), rubbing skin against rough surfaces (11.9%), swallowing dangerous substances (10.8%) and burning (7.7%).Suicide attempts were 14.7% and suicidal ideation was 33.3% in the self-harmers.
Females had more suicide attempts however there was no sex difference in terms of suicide ideation.
The most frequent methods were overdosing drugs, jumping from high places and cutting the wrists.There is a sex difference in self-harm behavior frequency and type of behavior; female participants self-harmed themselves more than male did, and males had significantly higher percentages of hitting and burning behavior.Examining the intrapersonal and interpersonal functions of self-harm behavior; "affect regulation" and "toughness" functions were the most used ones.
The most frequent methods were overdosing drugs, jumping from high places and cutting the wrists.There is a sex difference in self-harm behavior frequency and type of behavior; female participants self-harmed themselves more than male did, and males had significantly higher percentages of hitting and burning behavior.Examining the intrapersonal and interpersonal functions of self-harm behavior; "affect regulation" and "toughness" functions were the most used ones.
The relationship between suicide probability and childhood abuses was investigated by multiple regression analyses and found out that physical and emotional abuse and neglect predicted the suicide probability.
Moreover, students with suicide attempts had higher levels of aggression than those without.
Destructive aggressiveness was significantly higher in males however there was no sex difference in passive aggressiveness.
Objective: A cross-sectional descriptive study aiming to determine the perception of violence, perceived shame-guilt levels, and self-perception statuses among perpetrators and victims of violence living in prison or in a women's shelter.
The study population consists of women residing in a women's shelter in Samsun or Istanbul (50 violence victims) along with 160 perpetrators of violence in the Sinop E-type prison on grounds of life threatening offences, who volunteered to participate in the study.
Key Words: women shelter, prison, violence, perceived blame, shame, self-perception
The aim of this study is to determine toxic metal mercury levels in plasenta, maternal blood, cord blood, urine and hair samples that taken from pregnant woman to contribute to scientific literature regarding the role of mercury as a risk factor and also to state whether Turkish population is under risk with regard to chronic mercury toxicity.
Mercury levels were determined in plasenta and maternal biological materials of 113 healty volunteer mother who aplied to Ankara University Medicine Faculty.
Mercury concentration range of plasenta, maternal blood, hair, urine and cord blood were evaluated as respectively, 3,08-87,58 ppb, 0,72-8,05ppb, 12,58-2542,65ppb, 0,13-20,02ppb and 0,15-25,18ppb, mean of mercury levels were evaluated as respectively, 121,2740±279,25711 ppb, 2,7445±2,45164 ppb and 3,6184±3,68838 ppb.
SPSS 19.0 statistical program was used for evaluating of mercury results.
Primarly, corellation between mercury leleves of plasenta and maternal biological samples was eavluate and statistical positive corellation was found between mercury levels of plasenta and cord blood (p<0,05).
After than, statistical relation of plasenta and maternal biological samples were evaluated according to pregnant smoking habbits, age, diet fish consumption and number of amalgam tooth filling.
Groups were defined as respectively, 2-3 times a week, 1-2 times a week, 1-2 times a mounth and rarely.
Consequently, mercury levels of maternal blood and diet fish consumption were found statistically significant (p<0,05). Primarly, corellation between mercury leleves of plasenta and maternal biological samples was eavluate and statistical positive corellation was found between mercury levels of plasenta and cord blood (p<0,05).
No statistical significance found between plasenta and maternal biological samples according to age, amalgam tooth filling and smoking habbit (p<0,05).
Key Words: AAS, Hydride Generation, Mercury, Maternal Biological samples, Plasenta.
Rape of hypnotic agents are of great importance, since they have the potential to be used in drug-facilitated sexual assault, organ theft and property theft.
Since they are colorless, tasteless and odorless, victims can drink without noticing, when added to the beverages.
In the detection of these drugs in time, before they clear from the biofluids, its important to carry out screening and confirmation tests with fast and cheap methods.
In this study, a simultaneous determination method using liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has been developed for urine screening and confirmation of GHB, ketamine, norketamine the phenobarbital, thiopental, zolpidem, zopiclone and phenytoin, an anticonvulsant and antiepileptic drug, which is newly reported in drug facilitated sexual assault.
After the 2 steps basic and 2 steps acidic extraction, the extracts were analyzed in new age C18 poroshell column using 50:50 0,1% formic acid:acetonitrile (v/v) mobile phase in 0.3 mL/min flow rate.
At the end of the validation which was carried out in the pre- and post-extraction spiked urines, high recoveries were found as %71.46(±2.54) for GHB, and between %80.98- 99.27 for the other analytes. The concentration ranges which the method was linear were determined, LOD and LOQ values were found as 3.44 and 6.00 μgmL-1 for GHB, in the ranges of 0.59-49.50 and 9.20-80.80 ngmL-1 for the other analytes.
The concentration ranges which the method was linear were determined, LOD and LOQ values were found as 3.44 and 6.00 μgmL-1 for GHB, in the ranges of 0.59-49.50 and 9.20-80.80 ngmL-1 for the other analytes. At the end of the validation which was carried out in the pre- and post-extraction spiked urines, high recoveries were found as %71.46(±2.54) for GHB, and between %80.98- 99.27 for the other analytes.
LOQ was calculated using EURACHEM method which gives more reliable results than classical calculations.
Horrat values, which remain inside the limits mentioned in AOAC documents, reveal that the inter-day and interanalist precisions are acceptable.
In this study, development and validation of an effective, precise method with high recovery for the simultaneous determination of these 8 analytes in urine, using LC-MS/MS with a short isocratic elution as 5.5 minutes after a 4 step extraction, will be important from the point of determining the combined use of GHB, ketamine and barbiturates as well as zolpidem and zopiclone abuse in crimes and finding out the reasons of deaths related to these drugs. In this study, a simultaneous determination method using liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has been developed for urine screening and confirmation of GHB, ketamine, norketamine the phenobarbital, thiopental, zolpidem, zopiclone and phenytoin, an anticonvulsant and antiepileptic drug, which is newly reported in drug facilitated sexual assault.
Being conducted in Care and Social Rehabilitation Centers (BSRM) under the body of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies in İstanbul, this study aims to assess the services offered in institutions from the view point of girls taken under protection due to sexual abuse and the personnel working in this field.
Qualitative and quantitative data collecting techniques (focus group interview, satisfaction questionnaire, file scanning, field notes) were used together in this study.
The study results show that significant developments are observed in services offered to children taken under protection due to sexual abuse but there are still deficiencies in the functioning of BSRMs.
In this scope, it was concluded that it is highly important to restructure BSRMs with a child-centered and justice-based approach and to determine the daily life rules in institutions in line with the needs of girls and realize practices which do not prevent children's individuality and which will help them to protect their identity.
It was observed that the problems of girls taken under protection due to sexual abuse can be resolved only by regarding the Child Protection System as a whole and restructuring the system accordingly.
One of the most important results of the study is the fact that services for children can be improved by means of quality research which aims to comprehend the experiences of children.
Humanbeing can not avert a disaster but able to decrease the effects of it in order not to come up worse conditions.
The structure and the tasks of DVI teams recommended by Interpol have been analysed, proposals have been made in the light of experiences gained after DVI operations and all the literature relative to DVI operations have been investigated.
Identifying the victims after a disaster requires a systematic and organized work and all the assigned organizations should work in a coordination.
Besides, after having interviews with the experts and directors from the relevant organizations these teams should be formed from the experts working in some organizations such as Universities, Forensic Medicine Council, Turkish National Police, General Headquarters of Gendarmerie, Civil Defense Units and also carry out these operations under the authority of Prime Ministry.
Key Words: Disaster, Disaster Victim Identification, Identification, Forensic Identification, Disaster Victims.
Sildenafil is a potent and selective inhibitor of the fosfodiesterase type-5 enzymes and is used in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension disease (PAH) and maintenance of erectile dysfunction.
In this study, a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was developed in order to determination of sildenafil levels in human plasma and "herbal" products.
For this purpose an original, specific, reliable, sensitive method was established and this method were validated.
After the extraction, organic solvent was evaporated by nitrogen (40°C, constant flow), and then it was reconstituted by 200µL mobile phase.
Analysis of extraction products were made by ultraviolet detector (UV) at 225nm.
The retention time of sildenafil and verapamil were 6.76 and 8.01, respectively. Linearity was observed the range of 7.16-716 ng/mL sildenafil.
Limit of Detection (LOD) and Limit of Quantification (LOQ) were measured 0.64ng/mL and 1,93ng/mL, respectively.
Accuracy of the method were observed between 6,47-5,73 and 6.45-7.39 within and without days, respectively.
Accuracy of the method were observed between 1.74-5.68 and 2,58–6,23; within and without days, respectively.
The plasma sildenafil distribution of 6 PAH patients were observed between 27,05(min)- 2055.43(max)ng/mL.
The levels of sildenafil were observed 914.25±924.75(mean±SD).
Sildenafil was determined in 4 specimens.
Sildenafil levels were found between 0.55-621.28ng/mL, 176,65±297,32(Ort.±SD), and observed 176.65±297.32(mean±SD), in these specimens. The plasma sildenafil distribution of 6 PAH patients were observed between 27,05(min)- 2055.43(max)ng/mL.
In this study,we aimed to evaluate demographic and epidemiological characteristics of patients judicially who admitted to the emergency department of a tertiary care hospital which is the most important center in our region and also we aimed to determine the deficiencies and errors forensic reports.
This study was conducted retrospectively and included the records which could reached of the patients who admitted to the emergency room between the dates 01.01.2012 -30.11.2013 and reported as forensic cases.
Patients qualified as forensic cases admitted to our clinic mostly in August with a rate of 10.6 %, on weekdays with a rate of 67.9 % between the hours 12:00to 17:59 pm and summer seasons with a rate of 31.1%.
The most common causes of application to the emergency room were traffic accidents (34.8%), poisoning (14.5%) and falls from height (11.1%).
It has determined that 698 of the forensic cases in the emergency department hadn't consulted to any clinics.
44.5 % of admitted to the emergency department as forensic patients were discharged, 35.8 % percent were hospitalized.
131 cases was taken to emergency operations after the first intervention in the emergency room.
18.6 % of the forensic reports was not legible in terms of font.