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- image-classification
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# Danbooru SFW 512px Character Filter
This dataset is meant to be used for training a simple binary classifier that can filter the
Danbooru SFW 2021 dataset. It is similar to [db-sfw-512-general-filter-dataset](https://huggingface.co/datasets/hayden-donnelly/db-sfw-512-general-filter-dataset)
but it has different class criteria. Just like the general dataset there are two
classes: "accepted" and "rejected", with "accepted" representing samples that should pass
through the filter and "rejected" representing samples that should not.
To be accepted, a sample should meet the following criteria:
1. Focused on a character or set of characters. This includes non-humans like animals, humanoid
mechs, and anthropomorphized robots, but not vehicles and other non-anthropomorphized machines.
For example, pokemon, gundams, and r2-d2 all meet this criterion, but not tanks, robotic arms,
and helicopter drones.
3. Character(s) are clear and not overwhelmed by the background. This means the character(s)
should not be tiny compared to a large background. They should also have enough contrast with
the background that they don't blend into it.
4. Character(s) are not presented in a noisy comic strip. Some comic strips are allowed if they
are simple and the central character(s) are easy to extract via cropping. Note that the second part of
this criterion is a bit inconsistent and generally errs on the side of rejecting all comic
## Original Dataset Citation
author={Anonymous and Danbooru community and Gwern Branwen},
title={Danbooru2021: A Large-Scale Crowdsourced and Tagged Anime Illustration Dataset},
note={Accessed: 2023-12-06}