Train Dataset: All maps None?
If I run
ds = load_dataset(
split = "test",
All the maps are None
{'name': 'ms_gravel_037__grass_002', 'category': 3, 'metadata': {'authors': [], 'description': '',
'height_factor': 0.0010000000474974513, 'height_mean': 0.3779999911785126, 'license': 'CC0', 'link': '',
'maps': ['basecolor', 'diffuse', 'displacement', 'height', 'mask', 'metallic', 'normal', 'roughness', 'specular'],
'method': 'blend', 'name': 'Gravel 037 X Grass 002', 'physical_size': nan, 'source': 'matsynth', 'stationary': True,
'tags': ['beige', 'clean', 'floor', 'grass', 'gravel', 'green', 'light'], 'version_date': '2023-10-31'},
'basecolor': None, 'diffuse': None, 'displacement': None, 'height': None, 'metallic': None, 'normal': None,
'opacity': None, 'roughness': None, 'specular': None, 'blend_mask': None}
Try again now, you should be able to see the data correctly, we were in the process of updating the data!