stringlengths 3
| turns
sequence |
000 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hello this is Jane at Rivertown Insurance. How can I help you today?",
"Hi, this is Joe Last and I would like to pay my auto insurance bill.",
"Okay mister Last. I can help you with payment. #Ah first I will need your account number please.",
"#Ah I do not have it with me. Is there another way to find my account?",
"Of course mister Last. One moment. What is your current address on your account?",
"Two four six eight Rural Lane. Hometown MI eight six four two zero.",
"Two four six eight Rural Lane. Hometown MI eight six four two zero. Is that correct mister Last?",
"#Um. Yes and you can call me Joe.",
"Alright Joe. May I have your current phone number please.",
"Area code five eight two one seven four zero three six nine.",
"Eight five two one seven four zero three six nine, correct?",
"#Uh no. It's five eight one two.",
"#Oh I'm sorry. Let's try this again. Okay five eight two",
"One seven four zero three six nine.",
"Okay let me repeat five eight two one seven four zero three six nine. Correct?",
"Uh huh. Yes.",
"Great. Thanks Joe. Now do you remember your security question for the account?",
"Oh I'm not sure",
"It would have been the one you set up whe-",
"#Ah I think I remember my father's middle name right?",
"That's corrrect Joe.",
"Okay, dad's middle name is Christop-no Charles. I hope .",
"Yes that's correct mister Joe.",
"Whew. And my pin number is nine seven one three.",
"Great and I also need your date of birth please.",
"My birthday is one one sixty one.",
"Alright Joe almost done. let's see January first nineteen sixty one. Correct?",
"Yep. I'm getting old. ",
"Aren't we all Joe, aren't we all.",
"Should get a getting old discount #eh?",
"#Oh I wish I could Joe, but you have some great discounts already.",
"Ju-just thought I'd try. ",
"Okay Joe. Your account number is two three one five six four eight seven nine.",
"Wait let me write that down. Okay can you repeat that, what was your name again?",
"Jane, are you ready?",
"Ye- oh wait a moment.",
"Not a problem.",
"Ready Jane. Shoot.",
"Two three one.",
"Two three one.",
"Five six four.",
"Five six four.",
"Eight seven nine.",
"Eight seven nine. I'm sure I'll misplace this too.",
"No problem. Whenever you call you'll just have to go through this process and an agent can assist you.",
"#Oh I'm sure I'll meet all of the agents, soon-sooner or later.",
"We love to meet our customers sooner than later.",
"So what is my payment?",
"Okay Joe. I'm showing that you are current right now and no payment is due until September.",
"Whoa. Really. Well okay Jane. I'm going to take your word for it. Thank you. Talk to you in September.",
"Is there anything else that I can help you with today mister Joe Last? Hello, Joe. Are you still there?"
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
001 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hello this is Allision with Rivertown Insurance, returning a call to mister Pritchard.",
"Finally! I've been waiting an hour, and I was on hold for a half hour before that!",
"I'm very sorry, sir. We've had a high call volume today. How can I help you?",
"I need to file a car accident claim.",
"Okay, sir, I just need to get some information from you to confirm your identity.",
"But you called me! I already did this earlier.",
"Yes sir, but you spoke to another agent and it's our policy to confirm each time.",
"Fine. My name's Richard Pritchard. Birthdate seven eighteen sixty one.",
"Thank you. And can I get your phone number and social security number?",
"The guy before only asked for my account number.",
"Yes sir, we have different ways of confirming a customer's identity.",
"That's stupid. You should all be on the same page!",
"I'm sorry, sir. Can I get those numbers?",
"Two oh two five five five.",
"Okay. Go on.",
"Oh one four three.",
"Thanks. And your social?",
"#Uh nine three eight sixty four eighty nine fifty two.",
"Great, thank you. I'll just need you to answer a security question.",
"What is the name of your high school?",
"Rydell High.",
"Okay, thank you mister Prichard. You said you need to file an auto accident claim?",
"Yeah. I wanted to do it online but the website said to call. There's no easier way to do it?",
"Yes sir. We actually have an app you can download for your convenience.",
"I don't have the app.",
"It's pretty useful and if you download it, you'll be able to check the status of your claim when we're done here.",
"I guess. But it's stupid, you should just be able to use the website.",
"Sorry, sir. #Er can you tell me when your accident happened?",
"Yeah, yesterday. Guy stopped short and I rear ended him. Wasn't my fault.",
"Okay. So that was August fifth? About what time?",
"Yeah, yesterday, August fifth. And it was in the morning about eight thirty.",
"So the accident ocurred at eight thirty a.m. Okay. And this was St. Louis, Missouri?",
"Nah, I was in Granite City. Had an off site work meeting.",
"Okay, sir. Can you tell me what exactly happened?",
"Yeah, I was behind this guy when someone cut him off. He stopped short and I hit him. We were going about thirty miles per hour. I was watching the road, but he slammed on his brakes.",
"Were you able to exchange insurance info?",
"No, I pulled over, but that jerk drove off. I have a dash cam, though. I got everything on video.",
"Did you get the other driver's license plate number?",
"I didn't write it down. But it's probably on the recording.",
"Okay, great. We can get that footage from you and review it for your claim.",
"I'll email you a link to a website form where you can upload it. Or you can do it on the app.",
"Okay. What email do you have for me?",
"richard.pritchard at yuhoo dot com?",
"No, now it's richpritch at umail dot com.",
"Good, thank you, I'll send that email now.",
"Wait, no it's actually richppritch at umail dot com.",
"Okay, the email is sent.",
"Can you tell me where you hit the other vehicle?",
"#Uh on the road.",
"Yes sir, I meant where on the other vehicle. Did you hit their bumper head on, did you the clip the side?",
"Yeah, I kind of jerked the steering wheel and clipped the right side of his bumper.",
"Is there damage to your vehicle?",
"Yes, there's a dent in my front bumper and the paint's scraped.",
"We'll send an adjuster to assess the damage to your vehicle after the claim is processed.",
"Okay. I took pictures of my car right after it happened.",
"#Ah if you'd like to upload them to the app or to the same site as your dash cam footage, that would be helpful.",
"Sure, I can do that.",
"Great. Are there any other ",
"When is someone coming to make the assessment?",
"Oh you'll be called to schedule an appointment within the next few days. Or you can do it on the app.",
"Well I hope they call soon. Without me waiting so long or being on hold this time.",
"Yes sir. So, are there any other details about your accident you'd like to include in your claim?",
"#Uh it was raining yesterday morning. Well, kind of drizzling.",
"Okay, I've noted that.",
"It's like as soon as it starts raining nobody knows how to drive anymore.",
"#Hm. And was this incident in your Nakasuma Eclipse?",
"No, that's my wife's car. It was the Fjord Canyonero.",
"Got it. Did you suffer any injuries from the incident?",
"Nah, I feel okay.",
"Did you see a doctor?",
"No. I didn't think I needed to for a little fender bender.",
"We do recommend you see a doctor and you can submit the medical bill to us.",
"Seems like a waste of time but fine.",
"Now, were there any other witnesses?",
"#Uh I don't think so. I was driving alone and nobody else stopped.",
"Okay, and did you file a police report?",
"No. Seems like too much for this.",
"You can still file one if you'd like. If you do, make sure you give us the report number.",
"Alright, mister Pritchard, I think that's everything. Is there anything more you'd like to add before I submit your claim?",
"No, I don't think so.",
"Okay then, your claim has been submitted. The claim number is five seven four two six three eight one nine three.",
"#Uh hold on. I need to write this down.",
"Okay sir.",
"What was it?",
"It's five seven four two six three eight one nine three.",
"Okay. By the way, will my insurance rate go up?",
"That's going to depend on the adjuster's findings.",
"Because it wasn't my fault. If he hadn't stopped like that, I wouldn't have hit him.",
"Yes sir. The adjuster will get the details from you. They'll contact you by the end of the week.",
"Do I need to do anything else right now?",
"Not at this time, sir.",
"And I can schedule with this adjuster guy on the app?",
"Yes sir, if you don't want to wait for a call.",
"Okay, yeah, I'll do that.",
"Great. Is there anything else I can help you with today, sir?",
"No, I guess not.",
"Thank you, mister Pritchard. Have a great day!",
"Yeah okay. Bye."
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
002 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?",
"yes I need to pay my bill.",
"Perfect. I'd be more than happy to help with that today. I do need to ask just a few questions to get your account pulled up.",
"My name is Betsy Jenkins, date of birth is one twenty nineteen sixty four. Is that what you need?",
"Yes, thank you. In addition to that can you verify your customer number for me?",
"Oh I don't have that on me. I can never remember that thing.",
"that's okay. I can verify you a different way. Can you tell me your phone number and full social?",
"It's one two three four five six seven eight nine maybe it's nine eight seven six five four three two one. I'm not sure what you have for me.",
"Perfect. It's actually the one two three four five six seven eight nine that we have on file, for future reference. Can you verify your social for me?",
"Yes. It's one three two four five six seven eight nine.",
"Okay, great! Can you also tell me your mother's maiden name?",
"it's Terrance t. e. r. r. a. n. c. e.",
"Awesome. I've got everything pulled up here for us. Just to confirm, you said you just wanted to pay your bill today?",
"Yes that's right. How much is it?",
"Do you have your bill ID number so I can pull up the specific bill?",
"Yes. It's three two one two three four.",
"Thank you. I have that here.",
"Good and how much was it?",
"Your current balance from the first of July until July thirty first is three hundred eleven dollars and twenty two cents.",
"Whoa. That's higher than last month. What made it change?",
"It looks like you upgraded your plan which is what caused the premium change.",
"Oh yeah. I remember that now. Is there another way to pay this instead of calling and bothering you guys? ",
"It's no bother! Yes, you may pay online, via mail, or our automated telephone service.",
"I never knew that!",
"Well I'm glad I could share that information with you. How would you like to pay today?",
"I guess my debit card.",
"Perfect. I'll just need your credit card number, your expiration date, and the three digit CVV code on the back.",
"Okay. I have to go get it out of my purse. Can you hang on one second?",
"That's not a problem. Take your time!",
"I have it here. I don't like to keep it on me in case something goes wrong. You never know what can happen these days, all of these fancy cyber attacks. Hopefully you're safe with your information too.",
"Oh absolutely, I always keep my information hidden.",
"Good. I'm glad. The card number is one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen yeah. That's all.",
"Thank you for that. Can you tell me the expiration date and the three digit code on the back?",
"It's twelve twenty four and one two three.",
"Got it. Thanks. Do I have permission to go ahead and process your payment?",
"Yes when will it show up on my account?",
"It should process by the end of the day and you should be able to see it reflected in your balance by tomorrow at the latest.",
"Oh good. I like to see that balance come down. ",
"I completely understand.",
"You definitely don't want a high balance.",
"Absolutely. Do you have any additional questions for us today?",
"I don't think so- maybe you can help me with this. How do I set up automatic payments?",
"I can do that for you over the phone or you can set it up online.",
"Okay. I think I'll just set it up online.",
"That's no problem! Was there anything else I could do for you?",
"No that's all I think.",
"Great! Well thank you for calling and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.",
"Thank you! You as well.",
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
003 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance helpline, my name is Ben.",
"Hi Ben, my name's Nick.",
"Hello Nick. How may I help you today Nick?",
"So yeah my wife was recently in an accident.",
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry about that.",
"Yeah it's fine. Last night I tried filing a claim online on your website, it wasn't successful so that's the reason I'm calling right now.",
"I'm sorry about that. Can you please provide your customer number?",
"Sure. That five one three.",
"Five one three.",
"two eight nine.",
"Two eight nine.",
"One one.",
"One one.",
"Kindly confirm full name and social security number.",
"Full name Nick Richards. Social security that's five one nine three one one four nine four.",
"So your'e making a health claim for a dependent right?",
"Yeah my wife.",
"Kindly provide the group number on your insurance card.",
"That's three eight eight two.",
"Three eight eight two.",
"Nine one three nine.",
"Nine one three nine.",
"What's the nature of the health issue?",
"she was in a car accident.",
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. Is she currently at the hospital?",
"No she's been discharged.",
"Oh thank God, that's great news.",
"Have you got your itemized bill and all the billing receipts from your medical provider?",
"Yeah I have.",
"Great. We're gonna need a copy of the bill and receipts sent either by e-mail or fax.",
"Okay. The same helpdesk support e-mail address?",
"helpdesk at Rivertown dot com. Please confirm?",
"Yeah that's the one.",
"Great. It says here she's co-insured.",
"Yeah she is. So Ben is there anything other than the bill and receipts I'll be required to forward?",
"I'll be forwarding the health claim form to the email attached to your account. When you're done filling up the form, you're tpo send via e-mail together with the bill and receipts.",
"Okay. You'll be forwarding the form to Nick Richards one four at Gmail dot com or at Hotmail dot com? Can't quite recall what mail is attached to my account.",
"The e-mail account we've got attached to your account is the Hotmail account.",
"Nick Richards fourteen at Hotmail dot com.",
"Right. The mail has been sent.",
"Great. I'm gonna get the form filled and sent back within the hour.",
"Great. I'm glad your wife is doing okay and has been discharged.",
"You can say that again, she means the whole world to me.",
"I can imagine.",
"Let me get to it, I just received the mail. Thank you.",
"Look forward to hearing from you soon.",
"Yeah. Bye.",
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
004 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance helpdesk. My name is Russ. How may I help you?",
"Hi Russ, my name is Janet. I'm calling because I recently got discharged from the hospital and I wanna file a claim.",
"I'm glad you're out of the hospital. I do hope you're feeling a lot better now.",
"Yes I am, thanks. I need you to guide me throught the step by step procedure of filing a claim.",
"Okay. First you're gonna need to collect your itemized receipts.",
"Your itemized bill and receipt should list every service you received along witht the cost and a special code we would need to pay your claim.",
"I got that with me already.",
"Great. Next you're gonna need to file a claim form.",
"The form will contain details about the illness, your personal information, your policy and group number.",
"It'll also include the out-of-pocket expenses that you have already paid.",
"Before you do send the claim form, it's advisable to make a copy for yourself.",
"I will.",
"That's about it.",
"So how long does it take for my claim to be paid?",
"well it depends but typically from a few days to about a month.",
"Okay then. Where do I get the claim form to fill?",
"It's on our website but I could forward a copy directly to your mail right now.",
"I would really appreciate that.",
"What's your e-mail address?",
"My e-mail address is Janet dot McKenzie one oh one at Hotmail dot com.",
"McKenzie as in m. c. k. e. n. z. i. e.?",
"Janet dot McKenzie one oh one at Hotmail dot com. Please confirm.",
"Yeah that's correct.",
"Alright. Mail has been sent.",
"Thank you so much.",
"Is there anything else I can do for you Janet.",
"my office requested I get a proof of insurance from my provider. Would that be possible?",
"Of course. Would you like a physical or digital proof?",
"A digital proof would be preferable.",
"Sent to the same e-mail address right?",
"Yes please.",
"Okay. I'm gonna need you to provide some information to prove your identity.",
"No problem.",
"Please provide your customer number.",
"That's seven three three nine six one five two.",
"Please provide your full name and date of birth as stated on your account.",
"My full name is Janet McKenzie.",
"And your date of birth?",
"Eighteenth of March, nineteen eighty one.",
"Proof of identity has been verified. Just a moment. I'll be forwarding your digital proof of insurance to your e-mail address. File sent.",
"Thank you so much.",
"You're welcome. Is there anything else I can assist you with?",
"Nah, I believe that'll be all for now.",
"Thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance. Do have a nice day.",
"Thanks, you too. Bye.",
"Good bye."
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
005 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hi. Thank you for holding. My name is Rebecca.",
"Hi Rebecca, it's Brad. I called earlier to make enquiries about getting my kids added to my policy plan.",
"Oh hi Brad, I remember you called earlier. Congrats once again on your set of twins.",
"Thank so much Rebecca, my heart is filled with so much joy.",
"I know, I know. The joy of parenthood.",
"Right! Earlier I wanted to ask. Will adding my daughters as dependents on my account increase my premium?",
"When you add a child onto a plan, your monthly plan goes up.",
"Why is that?",
"Well that's because you're charged for each person covered by your plan.",
"Yeah although if you've got more than three kids under the age of twenty-one, you only pay for the oldest three.",
"I see.",
"So are you ready to get your baby girls enrolled on your plan as dependents?",
"Yes please.",
"Okay then, let's get started. Please provide your customer number.",
"Give me a second.",
"Here you go, five three three eight nine one four eight.",
"Please provide the full name and date of birth on the account.",
"Bradley Jones. Date of birth is October third, nineteen seventy eight.",
"I'm gonna need some information about your dependent.",
"What's the relationship between your first dependent and yourself?",
"She's my daughter.",
"What's her first name?",
"Last name?",
"What's her date of birth?",
"April ten, twenty twenty-one.",
"Any health issues?",
"Great. What's your relationship between your second dependent and yourself?",
"Also my daughter.",
"What's her first name?",
"Such beautiful names. Megan and Martha.",
"You can say that again! I've got their momma to thank for that.",
"Aww cute. What's her date of birth?",
"Same as her sister. April ten, twenty twenty-one.",
"Any health issues?",
"Great. That'll be all. A mail would be forwarded to you notifying you that they've been successfully added to your policy.",
"Is there anything else I can help you with Brad?",
"That'll be all for now Rebecca. Thank you so much for help and guidance. I really do appreciate.",
"You're very much welcome Brad. Thank you for continually choosing us at Rivertown Insurance.",
"It's my pleasure, believe me. Do have a great weekend ahead.",
"You too. Thank. Bye.",
"Bye bye."
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
006 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hello. Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance helpline. My name is Michelle.",
"Hi Michelle. My name is Lilian.",
"How are you doing today Lilian?",
"I'm doing great, thanks. How about you?",
"Very well, thank you. How may I help you today?",
"My husband recently passed and I- I-.",
"Oh my God. I'm so sorry for your loss Lilian.",
"Thank you Michelle. I need some guidiance with getting a claim filed.",
"We're here to give you all the help you need.",
"I really appreciate that.",
"Did your husband have an account with us at Rivertown?",
"Yes he did.",
"So you're interested in the steps you need to take to get a claim filed?",
"Yes please.",
"It's a pretty straight forward procedure.",
"First you've got to gather all necessary information.",
"Such as?",
"Your husband's policy number.",
"Okay I've got that.",
"His original certified death certificate.",
"As a beneficiary, we would send you a packet that includes a claimant statement form you must fill out.",
"When you complete the claimant statement form, you're gonna have to send it back to us together with the certified copy of the death certificate.",
"If at any point you're required to provide additional documents, we will get in contact with you.",
"Okay. How long do it take for the claim to be approved?",
"As soon as your documents are received, it takes five business days to process and you would be contacted within ten days.",
"You will then be asked how you wanna receive your claim.",
"What are the possible ways of receiving the claim?",
"We can either mail you a check or issue a direct deposit or help you manage your benefit. The choice is absolutely yours.",
"Okay. My kids are also beneficiaries. How will they get paid?",
"Each beneficiary needs to submiy a claim kit in order to get paid.",
"We'll pay each beneficiary their proceeds separately as we receive the required claim documents from each of them.",
"We understand this is a difficult time for you and we're here to help.",
"Thank you so much. I appreciate your help.",
"Is there anything else I can do for you?",
"my kids were all dependents of my late husband's policy. I would like to change that and make them dependents of my insurance policy.",
"Okay. Do you wanna get that done right away?",
"Yes please.",
"Okay. I'm gonna need you to provide your customer number.",
"Just a moment please.",
"I got it. My customer number is eight one three nine one four two four.",
"To verify your identity, I'm gonna need you to confirm your full name and date of birth as stated on your account.",
"Lilian Anderson.",
"Your date of birth?",
"That's the nineteenth of April, nineteen seventy three.",
"Okay. So how many dependents do you want to add to your account?",
"I've got two kids I wanna add as dependents.",
"Okay. I'm gonna need you to provide information about your dependents.",
"What's the relationship between your first dependent and yourself?",
"She's my daughter.",
"What's her full name and date of birth?",
"Lily Anderson.",
"And her date of birth?",
"that's the eleventh of November, nineteen ninety seven.",
"Has she got any health issues?",
"She's got no health issues.",
"Done. What's the relationship between your second dependent and yourself?",
"Also my daughter.",
"What's her full name and date of birth?",
"Maggie Anderson. Her date of birth is the seventeenth of February, nineteen ninety nine.",
"Has she got any health issues?",
"Not at all.",
"Your dependents are all set. You're gonna receive an e-mail soon cornfirming just that.",
"Thank you so much Michelle, you've been really helpful.",
"You're very much welcome. Is there anything else I can do for you?",
"I believe that will be all for now.",
"Okay then. Once again I'm so sorry for your loss.",
"Thank you.",
"Have a lovely weekend ahead of you.",
"Thanks, you too. Bye.",
"Good bye."
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
007 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance helpline. My name is Meg.",
"Hi Meg, Ron speaking.",
"How may I help you Ron?",
"my credit card recently got expired. I wanna update my payment preference.",
"Got it. Kindly provide us with your customer number Ron.",
"Hold a second, gotta get that.",
"My customer number is three eight one four.",
"Three eight one four.",
"Five one nine two.",
"Five one nine two.",
"Kindly provide your full name and date of birth.",
"Ronald Jason. May second, nineteen ninety three.",
"Please provide your social security number.",
"Nine one eight four three seven one two nine.",
"So you would like me to make changes to your current payment preference.",
"Yeah, I wanna take out my old card and put in details for my checking account.",
"Okay. What type of bank account? Savings, checking?",
"It's my checking account.",
"Okay checking account. Got it. Your bank account number?",
"that's two nine three three.",
"Two nine three three.",
"Seven one four.",
"Seven one four.",
"Eight eight one six.",
"Eight eight one six.",
"So that's two nine three three seven one four eight eight one six. Please confirm.",
"Lastly I'm gonna need you to provide your nine digit routing number.",
"Hold a second, I'm gonna have to check that up.",
"Hello, you there?",
"Yes please.",
"So my routing number is one four two.",
"One four two.",
"Three one.",
"Three one.",
"Six one four two.",
"Six one four two.",
"Kindly confirm one four two three one six one four two.",
"Your mode of payment has been updated.",
"Thank you.",
"You're welcome Ron. Is there anything else I can do for you?",
"Yes I'm gonna need an auto quote.",
"Okay. Rivertown Insurance has got three auto policies you can choose from.",
"Okay you mind walking me through it?",
"Of course. We got the basic auto, preferred auto and complete auto policies.",
"The basic auto policy which is the most affordable type of auto insurance you can buy. This covers collision insurance and medical payment coverage regardless of who is at fault.",
"and the preferred auto and complete auto policies got more coverage?",
"Exactly. The preferred auto policy provides more coverage than th- the basic auto policy. With the preferred auto you got an added uninsured motorist coverage. The uninsured motorist coverage will pay for the other driver involved in an accident if they happen to be uninsured.",
"There's even more. The preferred auto policy also got a lifetime repair guarantee and we'll help you find an approved direct repair facility in the case of an accident.",
"Bet you do. Lastly we got the complete auto which got the most coverage where you get an additional comprehensive insurance coverage to the preferred auto policy. Say for instance, there was a fire or a hailstorm, theft, an impact with an animal or vandalism. The comprehensive policy covers all damages to your vehicle.",
"These policies go for how much?",
"The basic auto goes for an annual rate of a thousand dollars. The preferred auto goes for an annual rate of fiften hundred and the complete auto goes for an annual rate of two thousand dollars.",
"Sounds good. Can I have a quote for the complete auto plan forwarded to my mail?",
"Of course. Same email address attached to your account.",
"Yeah Ronald Jason fourty four at Gmail dot com.",
"Got it. one last thing. I'm gonna need you to provide your auto make, model, year and mileage so I get it included to the quote.",
"Oh okay. It's a Dodge Charger twenty twenty.",
"Dodge Charger. Year twenty twenty.",
"For the mileage I'm gonna have to take a walk to my garage cos I ai't got that of the back of my head.",
"I understand, I'll hold the line.",
"Okay. I'll be right back.",
"Hello, did you get it?",
"Yeah, it's fifty three thirty one.",
"That's five three three one, correct?",
"Perfect. Your auto quote has been forwarded to your e-mail address.",
"Is there anything else you would like me to assist with?",
"No, I believe that's all for now. Thank you.",
"Okay then, it was nice talking. Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance helpline. Bye.",
"Yeah bye."
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
008 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance helpdesk. My name is Elizabeth, how may I help you?",
"Hi Elizabeth, my name is Rita. How are you today?",
"I'm doing great, thanks for asking. How about you?",
"I'm okay, enjoying this beautiful spring weather.",
"Great. So how can I help you today Rita?",
"I recently moved to a new apartment and the property owner has requested a proof of insurance.",
"Do you have an account with us at Rivertown?",
"No but I don't mind creating an account right away so I get the proof of insurance.",
"Okay Rita, let's get you all set up. I'm gonna need you to provide some information.",
"Please provide your full name and date of birth.",
"My full name is Rita Decuir.",
"Can you please spell out your last name.",
"Decuir. That's d. e. c. u. i. r.",
"Got it. Your date of birth?",
"My date of birth is the third of February, nineteen seventy seven.",
"Third February, nineteen seventy seven.",
"Next I'm gonna need you to provide your mobile number, e-mail address and residential address.",
"My mobile number. That's five one five.",
"five one five.",
"Seven one eight.",
"Seven one eight.",
"Nine one nine three.",
"Nine one nine three.",
"Yeah, that's it.",
"Your e-mail address?",
"Ruth Decuir nineteen seventy seven at Yahoomail dot com.",
"Ruth Decuir nineteen seventy seven at Yahoomail dot com.",
"Your residential address?",
"sixty sixty-three north-east Miami court, Little Haiti, Miami, Florida.",
"sixty sixty-three north-east Miami court, Little Haiti, Miami, Florida.",
"Lastly, I'm gonna need you to provide your social security number.",
"My social security. That's three two two.",
"Three two two.",
"Nine six.",
"Nine six.",
"One five nine three.",
"One five nine three.",
"Just a moment please.",
"A text message containing your customer number has been sent to your mobile number. Please confirm.",
"Yet to receive any text message.",
"It should be in any moment from now.",
"Yeah it's in now. Your Rivertown Insurance customer number is four one nine five three three one six.",
"Great. Your account is all set.",
"What have I got to do next in order to get a proof of insurance?",
"You're gonna have to enroll in one of the rental insurance plans available.",
"What does the rental insurance cover? What are it's benefits?",
"Depending on your policy plan you choose, the renters quote covers you and your belongings for incidents like fire, smoke damage, vandalism, theft, water damages and even a visitor getting injured on your property.",
"Sounds good. So what are the available plans and how much does it cost?",
"We got the renters basic plan which goes for an annual rate of two hundred dollars.",
"And we got the renters preferred plan which goes for an annual rate of three hundred dollars.",
"What's the difference between the renters basic and the renters preferred plan?",
"The renters preferred plan has got more coverage such as medical expenses and or legal fees if some is injured on your property while the renters basic only covers you and your belongings.",
"I've got a health insurance already plus I don't really get visitors so I don't believe I'm gonna need the preferred renters preferred plan.",
"So you're going with the renters basic plan?",
"Yes please. Could you please sign me up?",
"Just a moment please.",
"Same address as the one on your account?",
"Yes please.",
"What's the property type? Is it a duplex, an apartment complex?",
"It's a two bedroom apartment.",
"I'm gonna need you to provide your credit card details.",
"What details exactly?",
"The sixteen digit number on your credit card.",
"Oh okay, just a second.",
"Take your time.",
"That's five three eight six.",
"Five three eight six.",
"Nine one five three.",
"Nine one five three.",
"Eight three two two.",
"Eight three two two.",
"Five one four nine.",
"Five one four nine.",
"Your sixteen digit credit card number is five three eight six nine one five three eight three two two five one four nine. Please confirm.",
"Yeah that's it.",
"Please provide your expiry date and CVV.",
"The expiry date is oh two two five.",
"oh two two five. Please confirm.",
"and the CVV? The three numbers at the back of your card.",
"Oh okay. That's three six two.",
"Hold the line please.",
"You're all set. Your receipt and policy number has been forwarded to your mail together with your proof of insurance as requested.",
"Oh thank you so much.",
"You're very much welcome. Is there anything else I can do for you?",
"I believe that will be all for now.",
"Thank you so much for choosing Rivertown Insurance Rita.",
"It's a pleasure. Have a wonderful weekend ahead. Bye.",
"You too. Bye."
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
009 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance helpline. My name is Ann. How may I help you?",
"Hi Ann, so my friend just referred Rivertown Insurance to me saying y'all got great customer service because my current insurance company has got really shitty customer service and honestly I'm done with them. Please sign me up I wanna get insured.",
"Yes over here at Rivertown we always put our clients first.",
"Sounds good.",
"Okay. What's your name and where are you calling from?",
"Helen calling from Newark, New Jersey.",
"What type of insurance plan are we looking at? We've got health, we got life, pet, auto, home with lots of coverage and benefits.",
"I'm looking at enrolling for an auto and health plan.",
"Great. So let's get you started. First we gotta create your account.",
"please provide your full name and date of birth Helen.",
"Helen Harper. Date of birth is the eleventh of January, nineteen ninety.",
"Please provide your mobile number.",
"That's two one two.",
"Two one two.",
"Five nine nine.",
"Five nine nine.",
"Three four eight three.",
"Three four eight three.",
"Two one two fine nine nine three four eight three. Please confirm.",
"Yeah that's right.",
"Please provide your street address.",
"That's five one five Hilton drive.",
"Five one five Hilton drive. What city?",
"Newark, New Jersey.",
"And your zip code?",
"Five three nine one one.",
"Five three nine one one. Got it. Lastly I'm gonna need you to provide your social security number and create a security question.",
"My social security number is three one one.",
"Three one one.",
"Five two.",
"Five two.",
"Four four one three.",
"Four four one three.",
"That's three one one five two four four one three. Please confirm.",
"For the security question I'm gonna need you to think of any question with your answer. Maybe the name of your first pet or where you spent most of your childhood.",
"hmm let's see I'll go with the name of my first pet. Her name was Lulu, such a sweet girl.",
"So name of first pet. Answer Lulu.",
"Hold a second while your customer number gets generated.",
"Great. While that gets generated, can you tell me the difference between life and health insurance?",
"Health insurance helps pay for medical expenses such as doctor's visit, hospital stays, medications, tests and procedure while life insurance pays out a death benefit to your beneficiaries in the case of premature death.",
"Oh, I get it now.",
"We've got your account all set. Here's your customer number.",
"Hold let me grab a pen.",
"Seven one nine three four one five two.",
"Alright so that's seven one nine three four one five two.",
"For the auto and health plan.",
"Yeah right. I'm gonna be forwarding a quote to you. Our policies have got lots of coverage and it'll be best to take your time to read through so you make the best decision suitable for you.",
"Sounds cool.",
"Yeah so for the auto quote I'm gonna need you to provide the make of your car, the year and model.",
"That's a twenty seventeen Ford Taurus.",
"Nice. For the health insurance, are you a business owner or you're employed.",
"I'm employed.",
"Great so there's a part of the health insurance form that needs to be filled by your employer. It's just a standard procedure.",
"Okay, I'll look into it.",
"What's your preferred mode of getting this quote sent to you?",
"I'll prefer my e-mail.",
"Okay. Please provide your e-mail address.",
"That's Helen Harper one one at Gmail dot com.",
"Helen Harper one one at Gmail dot com. Please confirm?",
"Yeah that's it, correct.",
"Okay, just a second. E-mail has been sent.",
"Great so I'll look into it and get back to you as soon as possible.",
"Great, I'll look forward to hearing from you.",
"My friend wasn't wrong about you guys. I really do like the customer service.",
"Thank you. Here at Rivertown we pride ourself with the satisfaction of our clients.",
"Nice nice.",
"I there anything else you would require my assistance.",
"not at the moment. If I've got any question while going through the quote, Ill reach out.",
"Great. Thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance.",
"The pleasure is all mine. Do enjoy the rest of your day.",
"Thanks, I will. Have a good day. Bye.",
"Bye bye."
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
010 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hello my name is Betty, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you?",
"Hi Betty, my name is Rose. How're you doing today?",
"Well I'm doing great. Thank you for asking. How about you?",
"Had a long day, glad I'm back home and done with it. Whew. .",
"I can imagine. So how can I be of assistance Rose?",
"been noticing multiple debit transactions on my account and I'm starting to think I'm being ripped off.",
"I'm sorry about that Rose. when exactly did you start noticing these debit transactions?",
"I noticed multiple debit transcations last months and I also got multiple debit transactions earlier today so I am no longer interested in the automatic billing.",
"I'm sorry you got to experience that. Can I have your customer number?",
"Hold on sweetheart, let me get that.",
"Here you go, hello are you there?",
"Yes I am holding the line Rose. Have you got your customer number?",
"Yes I got it now. It five three three.",
"Five three three.",
"Eight four zero.",
"Eight four zero.",
"sorry this is eight four eight.",
"Eight four eight.",
"Two two.",
"Got it. So thats five three three eight four eight two two. Correct?",
"Right. That's correct.",
"Perfect. Now may I have your full name and date of birth?",
"My full name is Roseline Harper. And my date of birth is the first of December, nineteen sixty eight.",
"So I'm looking at your account and everything looks right. I'm so sorry you're experiencing multiple debit transaction. I'm gonna have this escalated to the finance team. As soon as we the finance team does indentify these multiple transactions, you will definitely get a refund.",
"Thank you Betty, you're far too kind. In the meantime, how about you go ahead and take off that auto billing.",
"Okay Rose. I'll go ahead and deactivate auto billing.",
"Thank you.",
"There you go. It's done.",
"It's done?",
"Yes it is. Is there anything else I can help you with?",
"Well I just got a new cat and I'm thinking about getting her insured. Can I do that?",
"Of course you can. Are you thinking about getting her insured right away or you would prefer I send a quote.",
"Oh right away.",
"Okay let me walk you through the pet insurance plans available.",
"I would appreciate that.",
"So we got the petcare basic and the petcare preferred policy plans.",
"Okay, what does each plan cover?",
"The petcare basic covers all kinds of accidents and injury, vaccinations, testing and diagnostics.",
"For how much?",
"The petcare basic policy plan goes for an annual rate of five hundred dollars.",
"Not bad.",
"If you decide to choose the petcare preferred policy plan, this covers all the basic policy covers with added benefits such as treatment of serious illnesses such as cancer, heart disease. Hereditary conditions such as eye and blood disorders. surgeries, chemotherapy.",
"I see why it is preferred. How much?",
"The petcare preferred policy plan goes for an annual rate of a thousand dollars.",
"okay so sign Lulu up for the petcare preferred policy.",
"Can I have her policy plan listed in my account?",
"Of course. We're gonna need you to provide some information.",
"What information?",
"The pet type, breed, age and weight.",
"Lulu is a Siamese kitten. She's a little over three months old.",
"And her weight?",
"Just a moment, let me grab her card.",
"She weighs three point eight pounds.",
"Three point eight pounds. Got it.",
"She's such a cutie.",
"Awwn I bet she is. We're gonna need you to provide your credit card details for payment.",
"Ok sweetheart. What information do you need?",
"Gonna need the sixteen digits credit card number, expiration date and CVV.",
"Okay give me a second. Let me grab my purse.",
"I've got it. It's five seven seven one.",
"Five seven seven one.",
"Three nine four three.",
"Three nine four three.",
"One one five two.",
"One one five two.",
"Four one three eight.",
"Four one three eight.",
"Please confirm, five seven seven one three nine four three one one five two four one three eight. Correct?",
"Your card expiration date?",
"That's February twenty twenty three.",
"That's zero two forward slash two three. Correct?",
"And the three digit CVV behind the card.",
"oh okay. That's three nine one.",
"Got it. Payment has been made. An e-receipt would be forwarded to your e-mail address. Lulu is insured now.",
"Is there anything else I can help you with Rose?",
"that would be all for now. Thank you so much. You're such a sweetheart.",
"Thank you so much. And thank you for banking with us as Rivertown Insurance.",
"It's a pleasure. Do enjoy the rest of your evening.",
"Thanks. I will. You too. Bye.",
"Bye Bye."
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
011 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How can I help you?",
"Hi I would like to create an account and also enrol for an insurance plan.",
"Okay. Just a moment please.",
"I tried creating an account on your website but I must say the interface wasn't so user friendly.",
"Sorry you didn't get the best experience on the web platform. I'll get your account created right away. To get started, I'm gonna need you to provide some details.",
"Could you please provide your full name and mobile number?",
"Full name Brian Robinson.",
"Robinson as in r. o. b. i. n. s. o. n.?",
"And your mobile number?",
"That three four seven.",
"Three four seven.",
"Two one one.",
"Two one one.",
"Five one one nine.",
"Five one one nine.",
"So that three four seven two one one five one one nine.",
"Next I'm gonna need you to provide your date of birth.",
"Thats seventh of October nineteen seventy two.",
"October seven, nineteen seventy two.",
"Next I'm gonna need you to provide your street address.",
"That's plot fifty-one Edinburgh drive.",
"Your city and zip code?",
"Newark. Zip code six one five two three.",
"six one five two three.",
"Next I'm gonna need you to provide your social security number.",
"Six one five two three nine one nine four.",
"Six one five.",
"Two three.",
"Two three.",
"Nine one nine four.",
"Nine one nine four.",
"So thats six one five two three nine one nine four.",
"Please hold for a second while your customer number gets generated.",
"Your customer number has been created. You should receive a text message shortly.",
"How long will it take for the message to get delivered to me?",
"Any moment now.",
"Message received.",
"Kindly confim customer number.",
"That's five three seven seven eight one two four.",
"Perfect. Do you still wana go ahead and enrol for a plan?",
"Yes please.",
"So what plan are we looking at? We got auto, life, homeowner amongst others.",
"I wanna enrol for the life insurance. I could also get an auto quote forwarded to me so I check that out for a later time.",
"Great. I'll be working you through the various life policy plans we got.",
"I'll appreciate that.",
"Gotcha. we've got the term life, whole life and universal life insurance policies. The most affordable type of life insurance is the term lif. it provides coverage for a specific period of time or term. For example, five to ten years or to a specific age, let's say eighty. But once that term ends, so does your coverage. So that means, your loved ones won't receive a payment from your policy should you pass after the term ends.",
"And how much for the term life insurance?",
"The term life insurance plan goes for an annual rate of three-hundred dollars.",
"next we got the whole life insurance.",
"If you opt for the whole life insurance plan, this protects you for your entire lifetime.",
"Definitely sounds a lot better that the term life policy .",
"Yeah, this gives you the confidence to know that the people you love are protected right now and even later when you do pass on.",
"hmm like the sound of that.",
"It also got benefits you can use while you're living because it builds a cash value over time.",
"Great. How much for the whole life plan?",
"Eighteen hundred dollars annually.",
"hmm sounds good.",
"Some of the benefits include guaranteed growth over time. Growth is tax-deferred and it can be used for anything at anytime so this gives you a safety net if you unexpectedly need access to funds.",
"Great. And the universal life insurance?",
"Right. The universal life policy just like the whole life policy, lets you build cash value. And also offers flexible premium payments, death benefits and schedules to fit your life and your budget. All while protecting your family with great coverage.",
"so what's the difference between the whole life insurance and universal life insurance?",
"With the universal life policy, you have the flexibilty to change the amount of life insurance protection you want and also the ability to- to control the amount and frequency of your payments.",
"Hmm and this goes for how much?",
"The universal life policy goes for twelve hundred annually.",
"I think I'm gonna opt for the universal life plan.",
"Great. Kindly provide your customer number so we get started.",
"Hold on a second, let me check my phone messages.",
"Take your time.",
"Here we go, five three seven.",
"Five three seven.",
"Seven eight one.",
"Seven eight one.",
"Two four.",
"Two four.",
"I'm gonna need you to provide your credit card details.",
"What details exactly?",
"Your credit card number, expiration date and CVV.",
"Is It possible to get a quote sent to my mail instead so I make the payment myself?",
"Of course, that won't be a problem. Kindly provide your email address.",
"That's Brian dot Robinson at AOL dot com.",
"Brian dot Robinson at AOL dot com. Quote sent.",
"Is there anything else I can help you with?",
"I think that's it. Thanks for your help.",
"Thank you so much for choosing Rivertown Insurance. Do have a nice day.",
"Thanks, you too! Bye.",
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
012 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hello. Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance helpdesk. How may I help you?",
"Hi. I wanna make enquiries about your pet policies and perhaps get my pet insured.",
"Okay. Do you have an account with us ma'am?",
"No I don't. Met with my old colleague the other day and she told me about your pet policy coverage and how it covered the cost for her little dog Lulu's surgery. That got me interested.",
"Great. We've got pet policies that covers surgeries, chronic diseases, disorders and more.",
"First we got the petcare basic which covers all routine check up, vaccinations, medical bills in a case of illness.",
"Secondly we got the petcare preferred with more coverage such as surgical procedures, cancer treatment and every other illness stated on the policy.",
"So how much for the plans?",
"The petcare basic gooes for five hundred dollars while the pet preferred goes for a thousand dollars.",
"No this is an annual rate.",
"Whew got me scared there .",
"that's an annual rate.",
"Can I get a quote for the petcare preferred plan.",
"Okay. I'm gonna need you to provide some information.",
"What do you need?",
"Let's start with the pet type and breed.",
"He's an cute little doggy. Alaskan Husky with cute blue eyes. Nine months in a week.",
"That's cute.",
"I know right.",
"How old is he?",
"He's gonna be nine months next Tuesday.",
"So nine months.",
"How much does he weigh?",
"I think that was three point eight pounds the last meet with the vet.",
"How recent was that?",
"At the start of the month.",
"Oh okay. Your quote is ready. How would you like to get it?",
"Can you get it forwarded to my e-mail address?",
"Yes ma'am. What's your e-mail address?",
"Gretchen Shaw five one eight at Yahoomail dot com.",
"So that's Gretchen as in g. r. e. t. c. h. e. n. Shaw as in s. h. a. w. five one eight at Yahoomail dot come?",
"Yes you're right.",
"Your quote has been forwarded.",
"oh thank you so much.",
"You're very much welcome. Is there anything else I can help you with.",
"I should actually take this opportunity and open up an account.",
"That would be a good idea.",
"Yeah. Let me get you started.",
"Yes please sign me up.",
"Full name Gretchen Shaw. Correct?",
"Please provide your mobile number and date of birth.",
"My mobile number is two one two.",
"Two one two.",
"Five five five.",
"Five five five.",
"Three eight one nine.",
"Three eight one nine.",
"That's two one two five five five three eight one nine.",
"Your date of birth?",
"Twenty-second of July, nineteen sixty five.",
"Twenty-second of July, nineteen sixty five.",
"Your address?",
"Seven one two Oak lane. Salt Lake city, Utah.",
"Seven one two Oak lane. Salt Lake city, Utah.",
"Correct. PO box six nine one four one.",
"Six nine one four one.",
"Lastly I'm gonna need your social security number and a security question. A question you only know the answer and will always remember.",
"Okay. My social security number is four one four.",
"Four one four.",
"Three one.",
"Three one.",
"five one six nine.",
"five one six nine.",
"sorry that's five one six eight not nine.",
"Got it. Please confirm, four one four three one five one six eight.",
"Perfect. For the security question, can I put in any question?",
"Of course, maybe your best friend in middle school or the name of your first pet. Anything.",
"I'll go with the name of my first pet. Her name was Jackie.",
"Thinking of her now, I do miss her.",
"Aww where is she?",
"Passed on a few years back. She was such a sweetheart.",
"I can imagine. Your account has been set up. Your customer number has been forwarded to your mobile number.",
"Hold on a second, let me check if I have received it.",
"Yes I got it. Four three one one five one six two.",
"Perfect. Is there anything else I can help you with.",
"No, I believe that would be all for now. Thank you so much. I'll check out my mail now for the quote.",
"Great. Thank you so much for choosing Rivertown Insurance. Do enjoy the rest of your day.",
"Bye bye.",
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
013 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?",
"Hello, I'd like to set up a new account with you guys.",
"Perfect! I'd be more than happy to help you with that. To get us started, may I have your first and last name please?",
"Sure. My name is Bart Brown.",
"Nice to meet you Bart. Can you spell your first name for me? I want to make sure I get it right in the system.",
"No worries. #Um it's b. a. r. t.",
"Okay so that's b. a. r. t. and what type of account were you wanting to sign up for today?",
"Yeah I'd like to set up an account for auto insurance.",
"Awesome. Well you definitely picked the right place. In order to proceed I'll need just a little bit more information from you.",
"Okay like what?",
"Can you give me with your full social security number, your date of birth, and your address?",
"My social is one two three four five six seven eight nine.",
"Okay so that's one two three four five six seven eight nine?",
"Yeah that's right. And my date of birth is one zero two nine nineteen ninety one.",
"Got it. Now I'll just need your full address.",
"Hang on, I have to look it up. I just moved here and things have been crazy, haven't really gotten around to memorizing it you know?",
"Not a problem, I definitely understand. I'm going through moving myself. Take your time.",
"Okay got it. It's one two three Forest f. o. r. e. s. t. Avenue, Los Angeles, California, nine oh two one oh.",
"Great. Thanks for that.",
"No problem.",
"We're almost there with the account creation Bart! Now we just need to set up a security question and answer for you.",
"Oh jeez. I hate those things. I can never remember my answers ",
"Me either but it really is a good way to keep the account secure. What would you like your question to be?",
"How about what's my mother's maiden name?",
"Okay, great, that's a good choice. What is the answer you'd like to have on file?",
"Ates. a. t. e. s.",
"So that's a. t. e. s. as your mothe'rs maiden name, correct?",
"Perfect. I've got your account all ready to go and now we can select what type of auto insurance you'd like! Did you have a plan in mind?",
"Well I think I want the Basic Auto, but can you tell me the difference between Basic and the next one up? I don't really understand the difference.",
"Sure thing! The Basic Auto plan covers accidents but not a rental car, the Preferred accident covers accidents and provides you with a rental.",
"Okay. I think I-I want the Basic plan still. How much was it again?",
"Currently, the Basic Auto plan is one thousand dollars per year.",
"Whoa. That's way more than I expected it to be. Why is it so expensive? That's kind of outrageous for a basic insurance plan.",
"I can understand the sticker shock. The rate is competitive in the market and we offer way more than our competitors do.",
"Are there any extra fees that I'm going to be surprised with if I enroll?",
"No, all of our fees are included in the price per year.",
"Okay is there any way to buy a plan besides on the phone?",
"Of course! You can make purchases online and enroll that way, but now that we have all of your information why not finish it while we're on the phone?",
"I guess that makes sense. Let me check my balance to make sure I can afford it.",
"No worries, take your time.",
"I've got enough. I'll go ahead with the- what did you call the lower one?",
"The Basic Auto plan?",
"Yeah that one.",
"Okay! To finalize everything I'll just need your credit card number, expiration date and CVV code on the back of your card.",
"It's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen",
"The expiration is twelve twenty four and the CVV is one two three.",
"okay. So that's twelve twenty four and one two three. Got it.",
"Yes that's right.",
"Okay! We have everything set up! You should be receiving your policy documents by mail in the next seven days. Any other questions?",
"No, I think that's it.",
"Well mister Brown it's been a pleasure talking to you. Enjoy your day.",
"You too. Bye."
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
014 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hello. Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance helpline. My name is Anthony. How may I help you today?",
"Hi Anthony, my name is Brianna. I'm calling bacause I recently moved out of my previous residence and I wanna change my address so I don't get my mails sent over there.",
"Okay. Please provide your customer number.",
"My customer number I'm gonna have to check my phone. Hold the line please.",
"Yeah I got it. That's five one three three eight one eight four.",
"hold please. That's five one three eight eight one eight four.",
"Please confirm the full name and date of birth on the account.",
"Brianna Coleman. Date of birth, second of Spetember, nineteen eighty nine.",
"So when did this move occur?",
"sometime last month. I believe it was on the fifteenth.",
"Kindly confirm previous address.",
"Four oh one North Park lane, San Francisco, California.",
"Please provide your new address?",
"That's ninety four West Palm boulevard, Los Angeles, California.",
"Your Zip Code?",
"I actually don't know what my zip code is. Hold on a second.",
"Take your time.",
"So it's nine oh three two four.",
"Please confirm your new address, ninety four West Palm boulevard, Los Angeles, California. Nine of three two four.",
"Is there anything else I can help you with?",
"so I've got a renters policy covering my previous apartment. Can I get to transfer my policy to my current address?",
"At no extra cost?",
"I wouldn't say that. Your city and zip code has got a role in your insurance premiumiss Plus if you've recently purchased expensive belongings, that has got a role to play in a potential increment of your premiums.",
"I did make some new purchase however I don't have my updated home inventory at the moment.",
"You can always call back and get that calculated but in the meantime, your renters policy is gonna be transferred to your current address.",
"Thank you.",
"An e-mail to that effect will be forwarded to you.",
"Would that be all Brianna?",
"One last thing. My landlord has requested for a proof of insurance.",
"Okay. Would you like a physical or a digital proof of insurance?",
"Best I go with the physical proof so I hand it to him in person.",
"Okay. The mailing address is same address on your account?",
"Correct. How long is it gonna take for the mail to get to me?",
"It should take about one to three business days.",
"What about shipping cost?",
"We will handle the cost of shipping.",
"You guys at Rivertown are the best!",
"I'm glad to hear that. We've got a customer first policy.",
"I can see!",
"Your tracking number will be forwarded to your e-mail as soon as the package is shipped out.",
"Is there anything else I can help you with?",
"Nah, I believe that'll be everything for now.",
"Thank you so much for choosing Rivertown Insurance.",
"My pleasure.",
"Congrats on your new apartment.",
"Thank you!",
"You're welcome. Have a good day. Bye.",
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
015 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hello. Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, my name is Alice. How may I help you?",
"Hi Alice, how are you?",
"I'm doing great ma'am. How about you?",
"It's Rose. I'm exhaused. Having a long week.",
"So sorry you're having a long week. Anything I can do to help?",
"as a matter of fact there is something you can do. I need to file a claim for my home, you can make it as smooth as possible. I'd appreciate that.",
"Of course. I'll do just that.",
"Can I have your customer number?",
"Hold a second. I got it saved on my phone.",
"Got it. It's five one nine three three one eight four.",
"Kindly confirm full name on the account, date of birth and last four numbers of your social security.",
"Full name, Rose Philips. My date of birth is the eleventh of October, nineteen sixty one.",
"Please confirm the last four numbers of your social security.",
"Last four numbers. let's see that's one three two eight.",
"Okay let's get started with filing your claim. What happened to your property?",
"So I got a call from the police while I was at work that there was a burglary that ended in a shoot-out in my neighborhood.",
"Oh my God. I hope no one was hurt.",
"A neighbor got shot but she's okay. It's just so unbelieveable. I just got back from the precinct right now, my home is an active crime scene with tapes all over. I figured calling my insurer would be the right thing to do.",
"You did the right thing. I will go ahead and get this filed so I can provide you with a claim number. I can see on your account you've got the home complete policy plan.",
"With the home complete policy, you are eligible for an on-the-spot settlement to cover for your additional living expenses as your home is currently an active crime scene.",
"That would be great. Thank you. You are actually making my day right now.",
"It's our job ma'am. In the meantime here's your claim number.",
"Hold please.",
"All set.",
"Your claim number is your customer number, a hyphen then your claim ID. So that's five one nine three three one eight four hyphen one seven seven three one.",
"five one nine three three one eight four hyphen one seven seven three one. Correct?",
"So what do I do next?",
"Let the police do their job while we would be sending an adjuster to visit the precinct to get the police report.",
"He will assess the damages done and estimate the costs.",
"In the meantime, you have to get a place to stay while the police finish up their investigation.",
"Thank you so much Alice, you've been really helpful.",
"Thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance.",
"Whew, I'm so glad I did. .",
"You'll have to run an inventory in your house to figure out what was stolen.",
"I noticed the burglars went away with some cash and jewelry. I'm just glad the kids weren't home.",
"Thank Goodness.",
"I've got to run now. Let me know when the adjuster will be coming around so I clear up my schedule.",
"Definitely. Is there anything else I can help you with?",
"You've done more than enough. Thank you.",
"Please take good care of yourself and get some rest.",
"I will.",
"Thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance. Bye for now.",
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
016 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hello good morning. My name is Emily. Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance.",
"Good morning Emily. My name is Paul. How are you today?",
"I'm doing great, thanks. How may I help you?",
"So yeah I wanna cancel my auto policy plan.",
"Okay. Do you mind me asking why?",
"I recently moved to Virginia and I realized it ain't a necessity over here.",
"you do realize it's your health that matters. The financial liabilty that comes if lets say you get in an accident. You could potentially be stuck paying hundreds of thousands of dollars.",
"hmm you got a point there. Well, it's a temporary decision and I appreciate you looking out but I've made up my mind. Kindly walk me through what I need to do to cancel my plan.",
"Okay then. Please provide your customer number.",
"Hold a sec. Let me get it.",
"Here we go. It's five one one.",
"Five one one.",
"Three four six.",
"Three four six.",
"Two two.",
"Two two.",
"Kindly confrim your full name and date of birth.",
"Paul Anderson. Date of birth is seventh of November nineteen eighty three.",
"Okay. So there's a list of requirement for a policy cancellation process.",
"You're gonna have to make a ten percent payment of your remaining premium.",
"Why do I need to make that payment?",
"It's part of the agreement. Your signed up for a year and you're cancelling just a little over three months. You're gonna have to make a payment of ten percent of the premium you would have paid over the next seven months.",
"That's bullshit!",
"I'm sorry but it's stated in the policy agreement.",
"I don't believe this.",
"As soon as this payment is made, I'll be forwarding a cancellation letter to you to be signed and forwarded back via e-mail or fax, whichever is favorable.",
"I'd prefer an email. But hold on a second, let me get this straight, how much would I be paying?",
"Ten percent of your seven month premium adds up to a total of thirthy five dollars.",
"Okay. How do I make payment?",
"A payment link would be forwarded to your mail together with your cancellation letter.",
"As soon as payment is made and the signed copy of the cancellation letter is received, you'll get a policy cancellation notice stating that your policy is officially cancelled.",
"Okay then.",
"Kindly verify your email address so I forward the link for payment to be made together with the cancellation letter.",
"My email address is Paul dot Anderson twenty-one at Gmail dot com. I believe it's the same email attached to my account.",
"Is there anything else?",
"Please hold while I get your letter forwarded to your email address.",
"Alright. Mail sent.",
"I must say I'm quite disappointed with having to make a payment for cancellation.",
"I'm sorry about you weren't of that Paul but that's how it works.",
"Would there be anything else you would like me to assist you with?",
"Nah, I believe that would be all for now.",
"Okay. Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. We look forward to getting in business with you again.",
"I doubt that. Do enjoy the rest of your day.",
"Thanks, you too.",
"Good bye.",
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
017 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hello. Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance helpline. How may I help you?",
"Hi, I just got involved in an accident and I wanna file an auto claim.",
"Oh my God. Are you okay?",
"Yes I'm fine, just got a bruise around my arm. the front grill of my vehicle on the other hand is totalled.",
"Are you still at the scene of the accident?",
"No this happened a while back. I got some first aid, took a cab and now I'm home.",
"Thank goodness you're okay.",
"You can say that again, the whole incident was a madness.",
"I can imagine. So you wanna file a claim?",
"Yes what have I got to do?",
"First, we'd wanna know what covered vehicle was involved.",
"My Mustang.",
"And who was driving?",
"I was the only one in the vehicle.",
"Location and time of the accident.",
"That was on the traffic light at Bradley and Moss.",
"A basic description of the accident and the severity of the damage.",
"this one is huge. So I'm at the traffic light and as soon as I was green and moving, this car from the other end comes straight into me and takes out my front grill, it all happened at a blinding speed.",
"I'm still a bit traumatized if I'm being honest.",
"I'm so sorry you had to experience that. I'm gonna need the name and insurance information of the other driver.",
"Highway patrol can help with that. They got involved.",
"Oh okay. So a report has been filed.",
"Yeah definitely.",
"Okay. We're gonna need that police report number.",
"Okay not a problem. My attorney will get that.",
"Is there some sort of time limit for filing claims or submittting additional information.",
"Yes there is but you're here now. I'll be checking your account right away and as soon as I get your policy and coverage type, I'll be assigning an adjuster to this situation. This situation will be resolved as quick as possible.",
"That's great.",
"I will need your customer number.",
"Please hold the line while I get that.",
"Take your time.",
"Got it. Nine one three four eight eight one seven.",
"Nine one three four eight eight one seven. Please provide full name and date of birth your account.",
"Andrew Bush.",
"Okay. Your date of birth?",
"That's seventeen March, nineteen sixy seven.",
"Please provide last four digits of your social security number.",
"One one five nine.",
"Got it. I can see your auto policy plan is the complete auto.",
"During the course of the week, our insurance adjuster will contact you for additional information.",
"Please note that the conversation with the adjuster will be recorded.",
"I don't follow. Why would he or she be doing that?",
"It's protocol sir. This will be used in determining who was at fault.",
"Okay. Then what next?",
"Your vehicle will be moved to our certified repair shop and undergo final inspections.",
"Then finally the adjuster will authorize a final payment. You'll sign a release, accepting the payment.",
"Got it. How soon should I expect to be contacted by this adjuster so I free up my schedule?",
"In twenty-four to forty-eight hours, our adjuster will be in touch.",
"In the mean time, you should get some rest.",
"Yes I should, my wife is worried sick.",
"I can imagine. Is there anything else I can help you with?",
"I believe that will be all for now.",
"Okay. Will get in touch as soon as possible. Take good care of yourself.",
"Great. I'd appreciate that.",
"Thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance.",
"It's a pleasure. Bye.",
"Good bye."
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
018 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance helpline. How can I help you?",
"Hi I wanna get a howeowners quote.",
"Great. We've got three available policies for the homeowner insurance with mutiple coverage.",
"What are their coverages and how much does it cost?",
"The coverages differ with the basic home, home preferred and home complete plans. All at affordable prices.",
"The basic home policy just like the home preferred and home complete pays to repair or rebuild your home if it is damaged or destroyed by fire, hail or other disasters listed in the policy.",
"sounds good but what's the difference?",
"Right. The home preferred policy has got more coverage than the basic home as this policy covers your personal belongings as well. Let's say in a case of burglary, fire or the disasters listed in the policy.",
"This goes for how much?",
"The basic home policy goes for an annual rate of twelve hundred.",
"And the preferred one? The one with the coverage for personal belonging.",
"The home preferred. That policy goes for an annual rate of sixteen hundred.",
"sounds good to me.",
"Of course. The best of all three is the home complete policy with liabilty protection and additional living expenses. This covers you against lawsuits for bodily injury or property damage that you or your family members cause to other people. It also covers damages caused by your pets.",
"Covering additional cos of living away from home if you cannot live in your home due to damages from an insured disaster.",
"That's really amazing.",
"Yeah it covers hotel bills, restaurant meals and other costs.",
"Wow. For how much?",
"The home complete plan goes for an annual rate of two thousand dollars.",
"It's on the high side but it's totally worth it. I guess.",
"It is definitely worth it. Have you made up your mind which you'd be going for?",
"I'm kinda leaning towards the home complete plan.",
"That would be a great decision.",
"Do you have an account with us at Rivertown Insurance?",
"No I don't.",
"Would you like to open up an account?",
"It won't take much of your time. Plus when you do make up your mind with the quote, you won't have to go through creating an account. All you do is sign and upload necessary documents, upload and the policy would be live in your account.",
"Okay. Sign me up.",
"Great. Please provide your full name, home address, email address and date of birth.",
"Megan Curtis. Date of birth is fourteenth December nineteen ninety.",
"Fourteen December, nineteen ninety. And your address?",
"Ten Park lane, Manhattan, New York.",
"Zip code?",
"One zero zero two one.",
"E-mail address?",
"Megan Curtis five one one at Gmail dot com.",
"So full name Megan Curtis. Date of birth Fourteen December, nineteen ninety and address is ten Park lane Manhattan New York. Zip code one zero zero two one and e-mail address is megan curtis five one one at Gmail dot com. Correct?",
"Please provide mobile number.",
"That's three two seven.",
"Three two seven.",
"Five one five.",
"Five one five.",
"Three one two six.",
"Three one two six.",
"Last detail required so I get your account up and running is your social security number.",
"Just a moment.",
"Take your time.",
"Thats three one three.",
"Three one three.",
"Two four.",
"Two four.",
"Nine one three three.",
"Nine one three three.",
"Your account is up and running. A text message containing your custome number has been forwarded to you. Kindly acknowledge receipt.",
"It's not in yet. Wait hold a second. I just got it.",
"Kindly confrim customer number.",
"That's five one three nine eight one four two.",
"Perfect. I'll be forwarding the home quote to the email attached to your account.",
"That's fine.",
"Is the address of the property getting insured same as the address on your account?",
"No the property is down at Chelsea.",
"Do you know how much this property is worth?",
"A hundred and twenty thousand dollars.",
"Have you got a mortgage on the property?",
"Okay. Your home quote is on its way.",
"Great. Thank you so much. You've been very helpful.",
"You're definitely welcome. Here at Rivertown Insurance, we ensure customer satisfaction in every transacction.",
"Is there anything else I can do for you Megan?",
"I believe that'll be all for now.",
"Thank you so much for calling Rivertown helpline.",
"Thank you.",
"Do enjoy the rest of your day.",
"You too. Bye.",
"Bye Bye."
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
019 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Good afternoon. Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance helpdesk. My name is Peter. How may I help you today?",
"Good Afternoon Peter. Having a good day?",
"Yes I am. Thank you for asking. How about you?",
"Well, it's been alright.",
"Great. How may I be of assistance?",
"I want your best advise. Do I open up an account for my daughter or adding her as a dependent on my account would be a better idea?",
"I believe adding your daughter as a dependent on your account has got more advantages.",
"How so?",
"so a dependent care benefits incluse tax credits and employee benefits such as day care allowances for the care of their dependents.",
"Hmm sounds good.",
"The paid leave is another benefit to certain employees who take time away from work to care for a dependent.",
"So what have I gotta do to get my dependent added to my account?",
"First I'm gonna need you to provide your customer number.",
"Just a minute.",
"So it's five one five four.",
"Five one five four.",
"One nine three three.",
"One nine three three.",
"Please confirm your full name.",
"Donald Johnson.",
"Please confirm date of birth and social security number.",
"Date of birth is March eleven, nineteen eighty four. Social security nine eight one two two nine three four two.",
"Okay so I will go ahead and add your daughter to your list of dependents.",
"I'm gonna need you to provide some details.",
"No problem.",
"So relationship to self is daughter right?",
"Dependent's first name?",
"Dependent's last name?",
"Dependent's date of birth?",
"Thats fifth of January, twenty fifteen.",
"January five, twenty fifteen.",
"Dependent's health issues?",
"oh. My daughter is healthy, she's got no history of health issues.",
"Got it. Please hold the line.",
"So your dependent is all set up on your account.",
"Great so will I be making any payment at this time?",
"I would advice an increase in your premiums but you don't have to make any payment right away. Only if you want to as you've got auto billing already set.",
"Alright then, I'll look into it.",
"Thank you so much Peter.",
"Thank you Donald, would that be all?",
"Yeah that'll be all for now. Do enjoy the rest of your day.",
"I will. Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. Have a good day.",
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
020 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hello. Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance helpline. My name is Anna. How may I help you today?",
"Hi Anna, my name is Robert. I recently got a new apartment and I wanna get more information about a renters insurance and get a renters quote.",
"First I'd like to say congratulations on your newly acquired apartment.",
"Oh thank you so much.",
"Don't mention it.",
"I really wanna know how the renters insurance works. The payments, the benefits, everything.",
"A renters insurance helps protect you and your belongings if the unexpected happens.",
"You might be wondering what about the landlord's insurance.",
"Well that covers only the building but not your personal things.",
"Oh I see. So what type of damage does the renter insurance cover?",
"Depeneding on your policy plan, the renters quote covers you and your belongings for things like fire, smoke damage, vandalism, theft, water damages and even visitor injuries.",
"That's great. I like it.",
"I bet you do . The items covered in the renters insurance include electronics, furnitures, clothings and a lot more.",
"Wow, sounds so good.",
"It also covers extra expenses if property is unhabitable due to a covered loss. Let's say in the case of a fire.",
"How much does it cost?",
"For the renters insurance, here at Rivertown Insurance we've got two plans.",
"We got the renters basic plan which goes for an annual rate of two hundred dollars.",
"And we got the renters preferred plan which goes for an annual rate of three hundred dollars.",
"What's the difference between the renters basic and the renters preferred plan?",
"The renters preferred plan has got more coverage such as medical expenses and or legal fees if some is injured on your property while the renters basic only covers you and your belongings.",
"I think I'd like to get a quote for the renters preferred plan.",
"Great choice. Do you have an account with Rivertown Insurance?",
"no I don't.",
"Would you mind opening up an account right away? It won't take much of your time.",
"Okay then. Sign me up.",
"Great. Please provide your full name and date of birth.",
"Full name is Robert Koeman.",
"Koeman as in k. o. e. m. a. n.?",
"Your date of birth?",
"That's the fifth of January, nineteen ninety two.",
"Next I'm gonna need you to provide your home address, e-mail address and mobile number.",
"Mobile number is seven one nine.",
"Seven one nine.",
"Eight four two.",
"Eight four two.",
"Nine nine one five.",
"Nine nine one five.",
"So that's seven one nine eight four two nine nine one five. Please confirm.",
"Your address?",
"One three nine Ross Boulevard, Minneapolis, Minnesota.",
"Zip code?",
"Five three four four four.",
"Please confirm address. One three nine Ross Boulevard. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Five three four four four.",
"Correct. My e-mail address is Rob Koeman ninety two at Gmail dot com.",
"Rob Koeman ninety two at Gmail dot com.",
"Finally I'm gonna need your social security number and for your security question.",
"My social security number is four one four.",
"Four one four.",
"Two nine.",
"Two nine.",
"Five one six three.",
"Five one six three.",
"So that's four one four two nine five one six three. Please confirm.",
"Yeah that's it.",
"Got any security question in mind, perhaps your first crush in middle school.",
"that's a good one.",
"I think I'll go with that. Her name was Jessica. She got me writing poems back then .",
"That was cute. So we're going with first crush in middle school as your security question and your answer is Jessica. Please confirm.",
"You're all set. You should get your customer number forwarded to your mobile phone any moment now.",
"Please hold while I confirm.",
"So I just got it. My customer number is three one one five seven nine one six.",
"Great. The address for the quote the same address on your account?",
"Yeah it's the same.",
"What's the property type? Is it a duplex, an apartment complex?",
"It's a single studion apartment.",
"Got it. Your quote is ready and has been forwarded to your e-mail address.",
"Nice. I'll check it out.",
"Is there anything else I can help you with Rob.",
"I believe that would be all for now. If I got any question at any point in time, I will give you a call.",
"Great. Thank you so much for choosing Rivertown Insurance.",
"Pleasure is all mine. Thank you and have a good day.",
"I will. Bye.",
"Yeah bye."
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
021 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hello, thank you for holding the line. My name is Curtis. How may I help you?",
"Hi Curtis, I'm Josh. I called earlier in regards to a condo quote.",
"Right. Were you able to sort out the issue with your other insurance company?",
"Yeah, glad I got to finally terminate my account with them.",
"I'm sorry you had to experience all of that.",
"Their premiums were outrageous plus they got shitty coverage.",
"Be rest assured you will have the best customer experience with Rivertown Insurance.",
"I hope so because my buddies over here got nothing but good reviews about Rivertown.",
"That's great.",
"So about the condo quote. I've not moved in yet but I've acquired the property.",
"So I'm looking for the best policy plan with coverage and benefits to suit my needs.",
"You're at the right place. We've got two condo policy plans with different levels of coverage for you to choose from.",
"We've got the condo basic which covers expenses caused by theft, fire and smoke, vandalism, sudden and accidental damage to your plumbing, water heater, air conditioning system or house hold appliances.",
"Sounds good. And the second plan?",
"Right. The second we've got the condo preferred this covers all the condo basic policy covers andd even more.",
"It provides protection for covered liability claims or lawsuits. Let's say a vistior gets hurt in your property. It's covers medical bills for your visitor.",
"Your personal belongings such as jewelries, paintings.",
"Mhm nice! How much do they both cost though?",
"The condo basic goes for an annual rate of five hundred dollars.",
"That's how much in premiums montly?",
"Forty dollars.",
"okay and the condo preferred?",
"The condo preferred goes for an annual rate of six hundred dollars which is a fifty dollars in montly premiums.",
"Great, it's settled then. I'll go for the condo preferred policy plan.",
"Great choice. Would you like open up an account now so when I forward your quote you won't have to go through the procedure of opening up an account?",
"Yeah I got time on my hands right now. Let's get it done.",
"Okay. I'm gonna need you to provide some information.",
"Please provide your full name and date of birth.",
"Josh Schmeichel.",
"Schmeichel as in s. c. h. m. e. i. c. h. e. l.?",
"Right. Date of birth is September twenty-one, nineteen eighty seven.",
"Next I'm gonna need you to provide your mobile number, e-mail address and home address.",
"My mobile number is seven one seven.",
"seven one seven.",
"Five two three.",
"Five two three.",
"Two one four two.",
"Two one four two. So that's seven one seven five two three two one four two. Please confirm.",
"Yeah that's it.",
"E-mail address?",
"Josh dot Schmeichel eighty eight at Gmail dot com.",
"Josh dot Schmeichel eighty eight at Gmail dot com. Please confirm.",
"Next is your home address.",
"So the thing is I'll be moving in to my condo sometime nextweek. So should I use my current address or my condo address?",
"Since you'll be moving next week and that's the same property you're gonna be gettiing insured then I believe you should make use of that address instead.",
"My thoughts exactly. That'll be five oh one Mandela street.",
"Five oh one Mandela street.",
"San Antonio, Texas.",
"San Antonio, Texas.",
"Your zip code?",
"Please hold, I'm gonna have to check that up.",
"My zip is three one nine five two.",
"Three one nine five two. Please confirm address, five oh one Mandela street, San Antonio, Texas. Three one nine five two.",
"Lastly I'm gonna need you to provide your social security number and a security question you won't forget.",
"My SSN is nine one nine.",
"Nine one nine.",
"Three two.",
"Three two.",
"Four one four nine.",
"Four one four nine.",
"Yeah and my security question let's see. I'll go with the name of my first pet. Her name was Lulu.",
"Perfect so please confirm. Your social security number is nine one nine three two four one four nine.",
"And the answer to your security question which is the name of your first pet is Lulu.",
"You're all set, you'll be receiving a text message shortly containing your customer number.",
"Yeah I just got it.",
"Please confirm your customer number.",
"Your Rivertown Insurance customer number is seven one three two five six nine three.",
"Please check that again you got a number wrong.",
"Oh yeah? Seven one three two five five nine three.",
"Perfect. So I'll be forwarding the quote for your condo to your e-mail address. Is that okay?",
"Yes please.",
"Please signify your policy start date. The day you want your coverage to commence so I put it on your quote.",
"I don't mind if it starts right away so you can put in today's date as the policy start date.",
"Done. Your quote has been forwarded to your mail.",
"Awesone. You've been very helpful.",
"Is there anything else I can do for you?",
"I believe that'll be all for now, I can always call back if I need any assistance.",
"Of course. Thank you so much for choosing Rivertown Insurance.",
"It's my pleasure.",
"Do have a nice weekend ahead of you.",
"You too.",
"I will. Bye for now.",
"Yeah bye."
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
022 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hello, Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance, my name is Jen, can I help you?",
"Hi Jen, I am trying to learn more information on some insurance plans. [Laughter].",
"Certainly Id Love to tell you all about our plans. Can I have your first name please?",
"yeah! My first name is Rebecca, R.e.b.e.c.c.a.",
"ok, Let's see if I got this right. It's R.e.b.e.c.c.a..",
"Ok, Can I have your last name now please?",
"#Uh, my last name is Robinson. Spelled R.o.b.i.n.s.o.n.",
"R.o.b.i.n.s.o.n. is that correct?",
"Yes, mam.",
"Rebecca, what is the best phone number to reach you, in case we get disconnected?",
"My cell phone number is Five one five, two eight zero, nine three seven five.",
"Okay that was, five one five, two eight zero, nine three seven five. Is that correct?",
"Awesome. alright, what type of insurance policy were interested in knowing more about?",
"A couple, if you don't mind.",
"Of course, I don't mind at all. Rivertown provides insurance for Pets, Rent, Life, automobile, condo and homeowners. Which insurance would you like to know more about?",
"I just moved from out of state and bought my first home, .",
"Wow! Congratulations on your new home! Where did you move from?",
"Where abouts did you move to?",
"here in southern California. .",
"[Laughter], how do you like it so far?",
"it's a lot warmer .",
"Yea, that is true. .",
"[Laughter], and expensive.",
"[Laughter] so are you looking for homeowners insurance?",
"Yea, my last insurance company had a bundle option for home and auto.",
"We do have home and auto insurance but our rates stay the same.",
"#oh, ok.",
"Ok, Rebecca, who was your previous providers?",
"I had basic auto insurance from CareLot.",
"#mhm, and have you canceled that policy?",
"Yes, I have.",
"#oh, Great! We offer Basic auto insurance for one thousand dollars a year, is that something you are still interested in?",
"No, well, actually, I just bought a new car as well, and want something with a little more coverage. Is there any kind of discount for bundling home and auto insurance?",
"-huh, like I said before, we do not have any promotions at this time. Is the bundle still something you want to move forward with?",
"#mhm, Yes, it is, I think Ill just stick to to Basic insurance.",
"Sure, we can do that for you. Basic provides the minimum protection for you and your vehicle. It is lowest cost option.",
"Ok great, wait, so if I get into an accident, then just my vehicle will be covered and myself, not the other driver or his car?",
"That is correct. #Uh I think repairs is up to a ten thousand dollar coverage, and fifteen thousand for medical.",
"#oh, ",
"is that going to be enough coverage for you? Our Preferred option, covers both you, your vehicle and the other party involved for five hundred dollars more a year.",
"how much is that a month?",
"#mhm Sure, give me one second to calculate that for you.",
"Ok, thank you.",
"Ok, Rebecca, thats one hundred and twenty five dollars a month.",
"#oh ok, before I decide, can you tell me a little about your insurance options for homeowners?",
"Yes of course, So we offer basic, preferred and complete. Basic provides dwelling protection which covers the structure and foundation of the home and other structures attached to the home against certain risks like, weather. Preferred provides dwelling protection for the home as well as personal property inside the home and other structures attached to the home. Finally, our complete homeowners insurance provides dwelling protection, personal property and liabilities for all injuries or damage to someone elses property.",
"What are the monthly costs for each of those?",
"Yeah, sure hold on one second for me please.",
"Ok, #mhm so, Basic insurance is one hundred dollars a month, Preferred insurance is about one hundred thirty three and thirty three cents, and our complete homeowners insurance comes out to be one hundred sixty six dollars and sixty seven cents a month.",
"ok, Thank you. I might need some time to think it over.",
"Do you have any questions about the policies, that I can help you with? Maybe we can come to a decision together.",
"you know what I think Ill just do the basic for both and if I feel like I need to change it later, can I just call you guys, and have it switched?",
"Yes, you can also log into the online account we set up earlier to access and change any of your information. Customer service is always available as well.",
"Okay great. #Um lets let us do that then.",
"Great! I'm going to need some more information from you.",
"Ok, #mhm anything you need.",
"Thank you, okay let us see. #Um lets work on your auto insurance policy first, can I have the make and model of your vehicle please?",
"yea, it is a two thousand and nineteen Tesla Model number three.",
"Oh wow! Nice new car! Do you like it?",
"Yeah, it's very nice!",
"Ok Rebecca, can you give me the Vin number for this car please?",
"yea, give me one second I have to go to my car and get it.",
"Sure, no rush.",
"#oh okay I got it [Laughter] okay, are you ready?",
"Yes, sir. Go ahead.",
"It is, three B. nine. S. T. six four five four zero T. seven two four eight nine.",
"ok, let me read that back to you.",
"three B. nine. S. T. six four five four zero T. seven two four eight nine is that correct?",
"Yup, #mhm.",
"Awesome, have you ever been in any car accidents in the last five years.",
"No, I have not.",
"okay, have you had any tickets in the last five years?",
"no. I have not.",
"and any D.U.I.'s?",
"no. no.",
"Great lets start your home owners insurance.",
"My house has three bedrooms and two bathrooms.",
"#oh, perfect. Thank you. And you wanted Basic Insurance for your home as well?",
"Yes mam.",
"Great! you are all set up. Your first monthly premiums are due one the second on next month, does that work for you?",
"Yes, Thank you.",
"Ok Rebecca, is there anything else I can help you with today?",
"No, Thank you so much Shelly for all of your help.",
"You are very welcome. Now if you have any questions, you can call us back any time. You have an amazing rest of your day.",
"Thank you. You too. Bye.",
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
023 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Thank you for Calling Rivertown Insurance my name id Dale, how may I help you today?",
"Hi there Dale, was it?",
"Yes, sir, how may I help you today?",
"my name is Rodger, and I already have an account with you guys.",
"Okay Rodger, how are you doing today.",
"I am good, how are you?'.",
"I am doing well. [Laughter].",
"Good, I can't get into my account.",
"I Can help you with that. is the problem the username or the password?",
"It's the password, I think I need to reset it.",
"I can help you with that for sure. give me one second Rodger while I try to access your account.",
"ok great thank you.",
"sure, lets Lets start with your first and last name.",
"yea, my first name is Rodger.",
"Can you spell that for me Rodger?",
"yup. R.o.d.g.e.r.",
"yes thats right.",
"Okay, can I have your last name please?",
"Yea, it is Morgan. M.o.r.g.a.n.",
"Okay, let me se if I got this right.",
"M.o.r.g.a.n. is that correct?",
"#mhm, yes it is.",
"Great. And what is your phone number?",
"Six Six one seven five five zero three nine five.",
"was that, Six six one seven five five zero zero nine five?",
"no it's Six Six one seven five five zero three nine five.",
"#oh ok Six Six one seven five five zero three nine five?",
"[Laughter] yes thats right.",
"Awesome. Alright I see an email here, which would be your username.",
"Okay. Hold on let me get a pen and paper.",
"okay, take your time.",
"Ok. #mhm I'm ready, go ahead.",
"Ok, it's Morganrodgereight three at gmail dot com.",
"#oh, yeah I knew that. Can we reset my password.",
"#oh #mhm sorry sir, Let me get to your security questions here. One second.",
"Alright, I just need you to verify the answer for me, so we can change the password for your account. What was the name of the street you live on as a child?",
"#oh Pamela Square.",
"Ok, Rodger. It's all set I have a temporary password here for you, you can now go back into your account, then you will be prompted to change it to your new password.",
"Ok what is the temporary password? I'm ready.",
"its Capital A lowercase b. and c. one two three.",
"Okay you said, capital A lowercase b. and c. one two three.",
"Yes, that is correct sir.",
"Ok great, thank you so much.",
"-huh your very welcome. Call us back if you have any other questions or problems changing your password.",
"Okay. Thanks again. have a good day.",
"You as well. Bye-bye now.",
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
024 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Good afternoon, and thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?",
"Finally got someone jeez. Yeah. My name is John Brown, policy number one two three four five six seven eight and I need to cancel my plan.",
"Hello mister Brown, thank you for that info, I'm sorry to hear you want to cancel but I'm happy to help with that.",
"Uh-huh sure you're sorry to hear it. You guys have been price gauging me for too long.",
"I'm sorry to hear about your dissatisfaction with our prices. I'm happy to discuss that with you but I need to verify some information first.",
"Okay. What do you want?",
"Can you verify your date of birth for me and your policy number one more time for me? I didn't catch it the first time.",
"It's one two three four five six seven eight and my date of birth is one one fifty six.",
"Okay I've got that pulled up here for us. It looks like you're on our Home Complete plan. Is that correct?",
"Yeah but not for long.",
"I'm sorry you think our prices are too high. We tend to be competitive in the market. Have you thought about swapping over to our Home Preferred plan instead?",
"What's the difference? It's probably still to high.",
"Well, the Home Preferred plan is a similar level of coverage but your premium will be sixteen hundred per year instead of the two thousand you're currently paying.",
"Sixteen hundred on the Home Select plan?",
"Yes, the Home Preferred plan.",
"I don't think so. It's really still too expensive for me.",
"I understand sir. Again, I'm sorry that you're leaving but we can move forward with your cancellation.",
"It looks like you've paid your premium for this month, in that case your cancellation will be in effect at the beginning of your next billing cycle.",
"What day is that?",
"That would be the fifteenth of August.",
"That's fine. I don't get a partial refund or anything for what I've already paid?",
"No sir, but you will still be covered if anything happens until August fifteenth.",
"Fine. What else do I need to do to get this thing closed?",
"That should be all the information I need. I will need to confirm a few details before your cancellation is complete. Is that okay?",
"I guess so.",
"To confirm, we are cancelling your Home Complete plan and that will go into effect on August fifteenth. Do you understand the terms?",
"Yes I do. Is there any other way to do this? I need to get back to work and this is taking too long.",
"We are almost finished.",
"I have cancelled that plan for you. Did you have any additional questions for me today?",
"Yeah will I get anything in the mail or in writing so I know this has been cancelled?",
"Yes. You should be receiving a cancellation notice within seven to ten business days.",
"Is there any way to expedite that? I need proof that this is cancelled. I don't want you guys charging my account anymore.",
"Unfortunately, there is no way to expedite the cancellation notice. I can assure you that the plan is cancelled and you should not have any additional premiums taken from your account.",
"I guess that's fine, but if anything else comes out of my bank account I will definitely be calling back. You people have taken enough of my money.",
"I understand. That should not be the case.",
"Okay great.",
"Was there anything else we could do for you today?",
"No. I think that's it.",
"We thank you for calling Rivetown Insurance. There should be a brief survey at the end of the call. Please rate your service today between one and five.",
"Is one the lowest?",
"Yes. One would be the lowest and five would be the highest.",
"I understand. I will fill it out for you.",
"Perfect. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.",
"I won't. I'll be at work .",
"I know the feeling.",
"Thanks for your help.",
"No worries. Goodbye.",
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
025 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hi there! Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, my name is Rachel, how may I assist you today?",
"Hi Rachel, I'm calling because I want to cancel my insurance plan with you guys.",
"Oh, sure, I can help you with that sir.",
"can I get your first name please sir?",
"#mhm yea, my name is Chris.",
"What is the spelling for that?",
"ok C.H.R.I.S, Chris, is that your full first name?",
"no I'm sorry I haven't had my coffee yet. [Laughter] it's Christopher.",
"[Laughter], #oh, I get it Chris. Can you spell that for me?",
"Yes, it is C.h.r.i.s.t.o.p.h.e.r.",
"Great and your last name please?",
"ok, can you spell your last name for me please?",
"Awesome thank you.",
"What is the phone number we have on file?",
"Six six one, two five two, six eight four four.",
"ok, that was six six one, two five two, six eight four four, is that correct?",
"Yes it is.",
"Good. Ok Christ it says here you have Petcare Preffered insurance with us, is that what you are looking to cancel?",
"yes it is. It is an extra expense I cannot afford at this time.",
"Oh, ok. I understand.",
"-huh it's been a difficult year for my family and I, and I just don't think we can afford the thousand dollars a month.",
"#oh well, we do offer a plan at a lower cost to you Chris.",
"I didn't know that.",
"#mhm, yes Chris we have Basic Petcare insurance.",
"how much is that a month?",
"It is let me look here, ok yes it's five hundred dollars for one month of coverage.",
"Yea, I don't know if I can do that either.",
"I'm just being completely honest, I just want to cancel.",
"Ok, Chris. Do you have another plan with us?",
"no I do not.",
"ok, may I ask what company you have for your home and auto insurance?",
"#Oh yea, I have Westdale insurance from the last city we lived in.",
"Ok, thank you Chris.",
"Yea, they are kind of expensive too .",
"yes we have competitive pricing.",
"#oh, yeah I haven't really thought about switching, I have been with them for years.",
"I can tell you a little about our offers in comparison to theirs if you would like?",
"No, I am actually in a hurry and just wanted to cancel my Petcare plan.",
"Ok, I can do that for you right now.",
"Ok Thank you.",
"ok Chris you are all set, your plan is canceled as of today.",
"uh ok Rachel thank you.",
"Your very welcome. Have a great day.",
"Ok you too bye now.",
"Hi there! Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, my name is Rachel, how may I assist you today?",
"Hi Rachel, I'm calling because I want to cancel my insurance plan with you guys.",
"Oh, sure, I can help you with that sir.",
"can I get your first name please sir?",
"#mhm yea, my name is Chris.",
"What is the spelling for that?",
"ok C.H.R.I.S, Chris, is that your full first name?",
"no I'm sorry I haven't had my coffee yet. [Laughter] it's Christopher.",
"[Laughter], #oh, I get it Chris. Can you spell that for me?"
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
026 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Hello, Rivertown Insurance, thank you for calling. How may I help you.",
"Hello. How are you?",
"I'm good, are you an existing customer with us?",
"yeah, I need to change my address, we recently moved a few blocks over.",
"Oh really, okay, yeah I can do that for you!",
"Great thank you so much.",
"Your welcome! My name is Sherry, Can I have your first name please?",
"Yes, -huh, my name is Jeffery.",
"Can you spell that for me please Jeffery?",
"yea, J.e.f.f.e.r.y.",
"J.e.f.f.e.r.y. is that correct?",
"Yes, it is.",
"Great, Can I have your last name now please?",
"Yes, It's Tales. Like dog tales [Laughter].",
", #oh spell that for me please.",
"[Laughter], okay. T.a.l.e.s.",
"#oh, you werent kidding.",
"nope .",
"Alright Jeffery, is the phone number we have on file staying the same?",
"#oh, you know what, come to think of it, our house number has changed as well.",
"What about the cell phone numbers, have they stayed the same?",
"Great okay lets start with the new house number.",
"Ok, yeah the new number is eight one eight four two four nine five six four.",
"You said Eight one eight four two four nine five six four. Is that right?",
"Yea thats correct.",
"Okay, now you said you want to change addresses, right?",
"Yes, we really just moved a few blocks.",
"-huh, did you move to a new home, apartment, or a duplex?",
"a house.",
"How many bedrooms is it?",
"It's a four bedroom house.",
"It says here that the previous address had only three bedrooms.",
"Yea, [Laughter], we are actually expecting a baby at the end of the year.",
"#awe thats amazing congrats on the new house and the new baby!",
"#oh thank you so much .",
"Do you know what you are having yet? A boy or a girl?",
"no my wife wants it to be a surprise! [Laughter].",
"#oh my! I don't know if I would be able to handle that. [Laughter].",
"yeah it's been kinda hard for me too.",
"#oh I bet! Alright Jeffery and how many bathrooms?",
"two bathrooms.",
"Ok, any sheds, garages, or add ons?",
"yes there is a two car garage and a small shed.",
"-huh and is the shed separate from the house or attached?",
"it is attached to the side of the house.",
"Okay, any pools, backyard or extra land.?",
"No, a small backyard but thats it.",
"Okay great thank you for answering those questions.",
"Your welcome.",
"Ok, Jeffery, what is the address?",
"yea, it's One two three seven nine Walnut street.",
"#mhm, that was one two three seven nine, Walnut Street. Is that correct?",
"Yes mam.",
"What is the city and state and zip code?",
"Guildford, Maine Zero four four four three.",
"Can you spell the city for me please?",
"Yes, G.u.i.l.d.f.o.r.d.",
"That was G.u.i.l.d.f.o.r.d.. Is that right?",
"Yes it is.",
"Great, and the zip code that was zero four four four three, right?",
"Great. I think that is all I need from you. Can I help you with anything else today?",
"No thank you Sherry, that was it.",
"You are very welcome. have a great rest of your day.",
"Thank you, you too.",
"okay, bye.",
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
027 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Rivertown Insurance, this is Anna, how can I help you.",
"Hi, Anna. We just moved and I need to make sure our bills come to the new place.",
"Sure, I can help you with that.",
"Let's pull up your account. What's your first and last name.",
"Greg Anders.",
"Alright, Greg. One moment please. Huh. I don't see, is that Anders, a.n.d.e.r.s?",
"Yes, that's right.",
"Okay, hm. I don't see it. Let me try one more thing.",
"Oh, I wonder if it's under my wife's name. She's the one who set up the account.",
"Okay, what's her name?",
"Okay, Gwen, g.w.e.n., looking that up here. Here we go. Yes, it looks like it's under her name.",
"Okay. You found it. Good.",
"So I'll need her date of birth please.",
"Okay, it's February ninth of ninety two.",
"Okay. Do you know the last four of her social?",
"Um, hang on a minute. I need to ask her.",
"No problem.",
"Okay, it's nine four three two.",
"Nine four three two, okay. One moment here while I pull that up.",
"Alright, she has you here as an authorized user on the account, which is great.",
"Okay, good.",
"Alright sir, so let's get that new address starting with the house number.",
"Okay. Oh man, what did I do with it? You'd think I'd be prepared for this call! .",
"Oh, I've moved before. I know what it's like.",
"Oh, it's crazy. Stuff everywhere. I feel so disorganized.",
"Yep, exactly.",
"I know I've got it here somewhere. I just had it.",
"Take your time.",
"Here we go. I have it. Are you ready?",
"I'm ready.",
"Okay, six three one one seven.",
"Six three one one seven.",
"Dove Court.",
"Dove, D as in dog, O, V as in Victor, E. Is that right?",
"Great. City and state?",
"Summerville Wisconsin.",
"Summerville Wisconsin. Got it. What's the zip there?",
"eight one three five two.",
"eight one three five two. Alright. So let me repeat all that back to you to make sure I have it right.",
"I've got six three one one seven Dove Court in Summerville Wisconsin with a zip of eight one three five two.",
"That's right.",
"Okay, got it. It looks like your next bill will be sent out, let's see here, next week.",
"So now that you're updated in our system, you should receive that bill at your new address.",
"Great! Thanks!",
"You're welcome sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?",
"No, that's it. Thanks!",
"No problem, sir. Enjoy your new home and have a fabulous day!",
"You too! Bye!",
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
028 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. This is Rhonda. How can I help you today?",
"Um, hi, Rhonda. Just a second here, sorry. Okay. I couldn't find my debit card for a minute there.",
"uh oh.",
"Yeah, it's okay. I just found it.",
"Oh good!",
"Anyway, I need to give you my new card information.",
"I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean.",
"I just changed banks and I.",
"Oh! Now I understand. You want to update your payment information.",
"Yeah, sorry. I guess I should have said that.",
"No, no. That's okay. Alright, now that we're on the same page, let's get your account pulled up. Could I get your first and last name?",
"Sure, it's Emily Stiles.",
"Alright, Emily, e.m.i.l.y, Styles, s.t.y.",
"No, s.t.i.",
"Oh, okay, s.t.i.l.e.s. Is that correct?",
"Thank you, Emily. And your birthdate?",
"four five of ninety four.",
"Alright, I've got April fifth of nineteen ninety four. Let me pull that up here.",
"Okay, I've got it here. Let me get to your payment information here, just a moment.",
"Alright, so you're no longer with U.S. Bank, is that correct?",
"That's right. Now I'm with Great Mountain Credit Union.",
"Okay, just putting that in here. Got it. Now do you want to use your card or your bank account information?",
"I'll use my debit card here.",
"No problem. Go ahead and give me that card number whenever you're ready.",
"Okay. It's five two four.",
"five two four.",
"eight one nine two.",
"eight one nine two.",
"four four seven four two.",
"four four seven four two.",
"six five seven one.",
"six five seven one. Okay, let me repeat that back to you. Make sure I have this right.",
"Okay, I've got five two four, eight one nine two, four four seven four two, six five seven one.",
"Yep, that's right.",
"Perfect. Okay, now what's your expiration date.",
"twelve of twenty seven.",
"Alright, that's December of two thousand and twenty seven.",
"Alright, and now I just need those three numbers on the back of your card.",
"Okay, it's two one seven.",
"Alright, two one seven. Got it. Great. I've got your payment information updated for you. Is there anything else I can help you with?",
"Yeah, how will this work since I have automatic payments?",
"That's a good question. Let me look at your account here.",
"It looks like your payments come out on the fifteenth of every month.",
"uh huh.",
"So it looks like your payment for this month just came out a few days ago.",
"So we have plenty of time for your automatic payments to transfer over into that new bank account.",
"Great! Okay.",
"Glad that worked out for you! Is there anything else I can help you with?",
"No, I think that's it. Thank you!",
"You're sure welcome! I hope you have a great rest of your day.",
"You too!",
"Alright now, goodbye.",
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
029 | {
"turn_id": [
"speaker_role": [
"utterance": [
"Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. My name is Mike. How can I help you?",
"Hi, Mike. Um, I need insurance for my dog.",
"Sure, I can help you with that. Do you already have an account with us?",
"No. I was at the vet and, uh, I saw a flyer on the board. I talked to the vet a bit about it too.",
"Great! Let me just get some information from you here.hang on a secondmy computer is being slow today.",
"Yeah, I know the feeling. I hate technology.",
"It's great when it works! .",
"Right? I know!",
"Okay, here we go. What's your first and last name?",
"Brian Clemmer.",
"Is that Clemmer, c.l.e.m.m.e.r?",
"Alright. Now let's get your address. What's your address?",
"Five three eight nine six.",
"Five three eight nine six.",
"Kent Street.",
"Kent Street, okay. Is there an apartment number of anything?",
"Nope. It's a house.",
"Okay, and the city and state?",
"It's Canby in Kentucky.",
"Is that Canby, c.a.n.b.y?",
"Yep, that's it!",
"Great! And the zip?",
"Five eight two four seven.",
"That's five eight four two seven?",
"No, five eight two four seven.",
"Sorry! Okay, let me fix that. Five eight two four seven. Sorry about that! What's your phone number?",
"Eight five nine six four three two two three seven.",
"So that's area code eight five nine, six four three two two three seven?",
"Yep, that's right.",
"Okay. Now let's talk about your dog. Is he the only pet you want to put on the policy?",
"Yeah, I just have the one dog.",
"What's your dog's name?",
"His name is Bailey.",
"That's a good name! Do you know what breed he is?",
"Um, I don't know. He looks kind of like a beagle. He's just a mutt. It's hard to say.",
"Okay. I'll put him down as a mixed breed. Do you know how old he is?",
"The vet says he's probably about four. We just got him from the pound.",
"I think it's wonderful that you saved him from the pound. He's a lucky dog!",
"Yes, he is. My wife is already spoiling him rotten!",
"Well, I'm sure he's loving all that extra attention!",
"Yes, he really is. He's a sweet dog. Our dog Max died a few months ago. It's just been lonely, you know?",
"Yeah, I know how hard it is to lose a pet. I'm so sorry!",
"Yeah. Thanks.",
"So have you had a chance to look over our policies or should I go over them with you?",
"Well, I talked to the vet and he recommends your bigger planwhat's it called? Is it premiere?",
"I think you're talking about our Preferred Plan.",
"Yeah, that's it! I guess Bailey has some dental issues that could get expensive.",
"Okay. The Preferred Plan is a great choice if he's got dental issues! It covers five zero percent of dental procedures.",
"Good. I wish it covered more, but anything helps.",
"Yeah, vet bills can get expensive! Speaking of money, let's get your payment information in here.",
"Would you like to use a card or your bank account information for payments?",
"Oh, I'll just give you my card. It's easier. Hang on a minute. Let me get it.",
"No problem. Take your time.",
"Alright. Here we go. Are you ready?",
"Yep, I'm ready. Go ahead and give me your card number that's located on the, uh, front of the card there.",
"Okay. It's five four eight six seven one two three two two nine five seven nine eight three.",
"Okay. Let me repeat those numbers back to you. Five Four Six Eigh-.",
"No, it's five four eight six.",
"Sorry! Five four eight six seven one two three two two nine five seven nine eight three. Is that right?",
"Yep, that's right.",
"Great, and what's the expiration?",
"two of twenty-five.",
"Okay, that's February of two thousand twenty-five?",
"And those three digits on the back?",
"One seven three.",
"Okay. One seven three. Got it. The Preferred Plan is one thousand dollars per year.",
"Would you like to pay the full amount upfront or would you like monthly payments?",
"I think I'd better do payments. I can't give you that much money right now.",
"No problem. We can do that. Hang on while I calculate your monthly payment.",
"So it looks like you'll be paying, let's see here. Eighty-four dollars per month.",
"Okay. So how much am I paying today?",
"You'll just be paying that first payment of eighty-four dollars today. Then it will come out automat-.",
"So I'm paying eighty-four dollars today?",
"Yes, that's right. Then eighty-four dollars will come out automatically each month after that.",
"Okay. Do I get a card or something?",
"Yes, we will be mailing out a welcome packet with all of your coverage information and insurance card.",
"Okay, great.",
"Is there anything else I can help you with today?",
"No, that's it. Thanks for all your help!",
"No problem! Have a nice day.",
"You too! Bye!",
"dialogue_acts": [
"intents": [
} |
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