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Carbon is actually not warming the earth and is needed for life | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | hamburg_test3 |
We can't predict the weather a week ahead of time & you climate change hoaxers expect us to believe you can predict what it will be like years from now? I tell you what, get off your unicorns and get in the real world. | impossible expectations | 5.1.4 | hamburg_test2 |
As a result, at higher CO2 concentrations, plants can better cope under conditions of drought, thereby vastly improving their productivity and growth as opposed to conditions experienced under lower CO2. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | CARDS |
We'll see if that happens in a world in which politicians assert the science is settled and plan astronomical levels of spending to replace the nation's massive infrastructures with "green" alternatives. | ad hominem | 5.2.3 | jintrain |
Therein lies a principle. So theoretically if the molecules of Carbon Dioxide gas are hotter than the other gases, then theoretically it might be possible for the teeniest-weeniest warming to occur. But it is as remote as swimmers off the coasts of the Riviera who might occasionally piddle while bathing; it is as remote as the possibility that they are warming the Mediterranean! | false equivalence | 2.3 | CARDS |
The alarmism is not going away without a struggle. | ad hominem | 5.2 | jintrain |
Even under the worst case scenario warming, when the usual method of comparing the cost and benefit of policy is used, it is more cost effective to deal with any problems that occur than to pay to try to stop them. | slothful induction | 4.2.5 | CARDS |
There's always been carbon. Do you think someone was around when volcanoes eruption significantly to rid the carbon. | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test3 |
Barely twelve months after its Meteorological Office said the 2009-10 winter was the coldest in three decades, Britain endured its coldest December-January since 1683. Because the United Kingdom's ultra green energy policies have driven heating costs into the stratosphere, British pensioners rode buses or spent all day in libraries to stay warm, then shivered all night in their apartments. Tens of thousands risked hypothermia, trying to control costs by bundling up and turning the heat down or off. Many died. | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
The first 20 ppm accounts for over half of the alleged heating effect of CO2 to the pre-industrial level of 280 ppm, by which time carbon dioxide is tuckered out as a greenhouse gas. | oversimplification | 2.3.2 | CARDS |
In the 80's it was planet wide ice age! | misrepresentation | 5.1.4 | hamburg_test2 |
Land-based thermometers are frequently compromised by the urban heat island effect. The microclimate around a land-based thermometer can change due to urban encroachment, such as nearby asphalt, concrete, buildings, air conditioners, cars, electrical appliances, or changes in vegetation. The annual mean air temperature of a city with 1 million people can be 13C warmer than its surroundings . In the evening, the difference can be as high as 12C. | misrepresentation | 5.1.3 | CARDS |
Yes, you read that correctly , three million - million - years ago CO2 levels on Earth were the same as they are today, but there is one major difference between three million years ago and today. Three million years ago, we humans were not driving cars or eating the meat that requires cow farts; we weren't barbecuing or refusing to recycle or building factories; there was no Industrial Age, no plastic, no air conditioning, no electricity, no lumber mills, no consumerism, no aerosols. In fact, three million years ago, there were probably no human beings on Earth, at least not human in the way we use that term today. | false equivalence | 2.1.4 | jintrain |
The damage this twit and governments will do to prevent the now non existent global warming will be worse for humanity than massive global warming | cherry picking | 4.1.1 | hamburg_test3 |
President Trump has claimed that scientists stopped referring to global warming and started calling it climate change | misrepresentation | 1.8 | jintrain |
At a cost of between $ 1 trillion and $ 2 trillion annually, the Paris climate agreement, recently ratified by China, is likely to be history's most expensive treaty. | slothful induction | 4.1.1 | jintrain |
renewables like solar and wind turbines have a short shelf life then end up in land fills.. sounds really renewable | misrepresentation | 4.4.1 | hamburg_test3 |
What "escalating climate emergency"? It's bloody freezing here. What happened to that global warming you lot promised? | anecdote | 1.3 | hamburg_test3 |
Only cowards spend billions of dollars trying to combat climate change. Humans are spectacular at adaptation, and that's lives free in humans brains. | false choice | 4.2.5 | hamburg_test3 |
The fact you're arrogant enough to believe humans can change climate change. Which is a natural occurring thing. Is laughable. There is evidence of 6 ice ages and global warming events that happened before humans ever existed. | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test2 |
In his peer-reviewed 1980 paper Apparent Trends of Mean Temperature in New Zealand Since 1930, JWD Hessell found that exposures of most New Zealand weather stations have been affected by changes in shelter, screenage and/or urbanisation, all of which tend to increase the observed mean temperature. A systematic analysis reveals that no important change in annual mean temperature since 1930 has been found at those stations where the above factors are negligible. | misrepresentation | 5.1.3 | CARDS |
Geology shows us again there is no correlation between atmospheric carbon dioxide and temperature. Each of the six major past ice ages began when the atmospheric carbon dioxide content was far higher than at present. | single cause | 2.1.4 | jintrain |
Since even immediate and total shutdown of all carbon dioxide-emitting vehicles, power plants, and factories in the U.S. would decrease global warming by only a hypothetical and undetectable two-tenths of a degree Celsius by 2100, it is misleading to imply, as the report does, that the Obama administration's climate policies can provide any measurable protection from extreme weather events. | impossible expectations | 4.2.3 | CARDS |
EPA Estimates Its Greenhouse Gas Restrictions Would reduce global Temperature by No More Than 0.006 of a Degree in 90 Years | impossible expectations | 4.2.3 | CARDS |
The panel, which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore, now faces the inconvenient truth that it relied on scientists who violated scientific process. In one email, the Climate Research Unit's director, Phil Jones, wrote Michael Mann of Pennsylvania State University, promising to spike studies that cast doubt on the relationship between human activity and global warming. "I can't see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report," he said. He pledged to "keep them out somehoweven if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!" | conspiracy theory | 5.3.2 | CARDS |
There is however evidence that the climate changes in 1000 year cycles | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test1 |
The Weather has always been changing and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. CO2 has nothing to do with climate. | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test2 |
Of course climate change is blamed directly. But there is a history to the crab decline going back decades. 90% reduction in catch size in 1980's. Regulation etc. Change in Arric fishing regulations. People just need to stop eating crabs. | oversimplification | 3.2 | hamburg_test3 |
Ocean SST as measured by PDO, AMO, ocean heat content and ENSO cycles and pressure changes as measured by AO and NAO are all pointing to a future cooling planet. | single cause | 1.2 | CARDS |
Stop peddling the climate change agenda it's all a load of bollocks | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test3 |
Carbon-as-climate-change is a globalist scam for more socioeconomic power & control. | conspiracy theory | 5.3.1 | hamburg_test3 |
Hence the need for a fallback position, an environmental theory which would justify the massively expensive and disruptive ongoing decarbonisation programme so assiduously championed by politicians, scientists, green campaigners and anyone making money out of the renewables business. | ad hominem | 5.2 | jintrain |
Goklany has argued that the rising level of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere "is currently net beneficial for both humanity and the biosphere generally. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | jintrain |
Look, I'm a huge fan of being better stewards. And if SM, politicos and the MSM really cared about the environment they would: 1. Act like it; and 2. Focus on that instead of making climate change a religion. | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test1 |
Its just summer time and not climate change and come september it be rain gales and floods .....then the news be reporting the gales rain and floods .... | single cause | 1.7 | hamburg_test3 |
Exit Glacier has been shrinking for 200 years - since 1815 - long before widespread industrialization and automobiles. | single cause | 2.1.4 | jintest |
For the past 4567 million years, the sun and the Earth's orbit have driven climate change cycles. | single cause | 2.1.1 | jintrain |
Stott isnt alone. Within the past two years, at least seven peer-reviewed studies published in the scientific literature have concluded that the influence of doubling the amount of CO 2 in the Earths atmosphere is likely to be substantially lower than IPCC has determined and have ruled out the high-end projections. | cherry picking | 3.1 | CARDS |
Lewis finds that in recent years neither the global temperature nor ocean heat uptake have changed very much, while CO 2 concentrations have continued to rise. Therefore, the climate sensitivity must be lower. | cherry picking | 3.1 | CARDS |
In the name of reducing emissions, Obama deliberately ignores the increasing use of coal in Europe and nations that include China, Japan, and India. | impossible expectations | 4.2.6 | CARDS |
U.S. emission controls can have only a trivial direct effect on global climate. | impossible expectations | 4.2.3 | CARDS |
Contents of the emails suggested scientists had been hiding or manipulating data, preventing people accessing their figures and working to stop papers critical of their findings from being published. | conspiracy theory | 5.3.2 | jintrain |
But if you're trying to imply significant trauma/betrayal predisposes to mistrust of authority, I'd say the last 2 years qualify - I am now mistrustful of authority and "experts", makes me wonder if climate change is bullshit too | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test1 |
"greenhouse-gas emissions that cause climate change". You should have stopped with green house gas emissions. The climate is always changing. | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test2 |
“The list of variables that shape climate […] would run to hundreds, if not thousands, of elements, none of which scientists would claim to understand with absolute precision.” | impossible expectations | 5.1.4 | Alhindi_train |
Despite hundreds of billions of dollars of expenditure during the past few decades, it still has not been shown that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming. | slothful induction | 2.3 | jintest |
The scientists noted that the largest recent period of Antarctic warming occurred during the 1990s as the result of a particularly lengthy and strong set of El Nio conditions in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Many other decades, including pre-industrial times such as the 1830s, also showed marked temperature spikes, according to the latest report. | single cause | 2.1.3 | CARDS |
Climate change is just part of their narrative for control | conspiracy theory | 5.3 | hamburg_test3 |
Lol, you can switch every existing car on the road to an EV today and it won't change anything. Industry is driving climate change, not personal transportation, that is a fact.You little story is silly. | impossible expectations | 4.2 | hamburg_test3 |
The current round of anti-natalism ties entirely into the climate movement saying too many people on the planet so don't have kids to prevent climate change.The left genuinely runs a cluster of interlocking pathologies now. | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test1 |
According to NOAA temp data, the atmosphere has cooled over the past seven years, not warmed. How is that so? | cherry picking | 1.4 | hamburg_test3 |
yup "global warming"as i am old i also remember being told we were heading for a new ice age as a teenager | misrepresentation | 5.1 | hamburg_test3 |
It is global warming that triggers higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, not the other way round. | false choice | 2.3.3 | CARDS |
Not long ago some climate scientists announced winters with snow would be a thing of the past in Europe. Global warming, they said, would be especially noticeable in the wintertime. But then in the late 2000s and early 2010s, a string of harsh winters gripped the old continent and the trend in Germany went downhill: colder and snowier winters. | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
The climate has been changing for eons! | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test2 |
“Without human intervention, the concentration of CO2 has climbed as high as 7,000 parts per million (ppm) in prior eras, whereas at present the concentration is just over 400 ppm.” | false equivalence | 2.1.4 | Alhindi_dev |
By the end of this 21st Century, a big cool down may occur that could ultimately lead to expanding glaciers worldwide, even in the mid-latitudes. We could possibly see even a new Great Ice Age. | slothful induction | 1.2 | CARDS |
I've given you > 30k actual scientists who disagree. That should give you some reading to do. | fake experts | 5.1.1 | hamburg_test3 |
This diminishing influence of a new CO2 molecule over time is actually a function of known climate physics - the logarithmic effect of carbon dioxide. Essentially, from lab testing it was determined that increasing levels of CO2 caused a diminishing returns effect. | oversimplification | 2.3.2 | CARDS |
Do you consider that spending $150 billion to cut surface temperature by 0.00006 Celsius degrees is a sensible, proportionate,cost-effective use of other people's money? | impossible expectations | 4.2.3 | CARDS |
Climate change is a form of control of the masses | conspiracy theory | 5.3 | hamburg_test2 |
Under the EPA's own models, if all carbon emissions in America were basically eliminated, global temperatures would only decrease by less than two-tenths of a degree Celsius. | impossible expectations | 4.2.3 | jindev |
How much warming will a doubling of CO2 lead to? Not much, or a lot? Thats what is beinghotly debated. A number of recent peer-reviewed studies and data are showing that the warming indeed will be small. | cherry picking | 3.1 | CARDS |
If you discover Earths temperature has stabilized at a local high since 1998, you can expect it to begin cooling soon. Maybe -15C. Because a new glacial has begun. | slothful induction | 1.2 | CARDS |
The absurdity of the hysterical Climate change nutters is becoming clearer by the day. | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test2 |
Human caused climate change is bullshit. The climate has been changing all by itself for millions of years, and will not be altered by your transportation type. | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test2 |
Remember when the media pushed the plight of polar bears in regards to "climate change"? | ad hominem | 5.2.2 | hamburg_test3 |
Global warming alarmists frequently make false and deplorable assertions. | ad hominem | 5.2 | jindev |
Meteorologists at Weather Bell reported the average temperature in the United States registered merely 14.8 degrees Fahrenheit this morning, with strong Arctic cold extending into South Texas and Florida. Global warming activists and their media allies have already begun blaming global warming for the record cold. | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
Todays models are often unable to predict weather conditions for a single season, let alone long-term climate trends. | impossible expectations | 5.1.4 | CARDS |
environmental pressure groups, renewable energy companies and some public officials who keep each other well supplied with lavish funds, scare stories and green tape. | ad hominem | 5.2 | CARDS |
That is, the adjusted data used by alarmist organizations like NASA, NOAA, and the UK Met Office differs so markedly from the original raw data that it can not be trusted. | ad hominem | 5.1.3 | jindev |
Also, the modest recent warming is producing U.S. and global crop production records virtually every year, creating billions of dollars in new economic and human welfare benefits each and every year. This creates a net economic benefit completely ignored by EDF. | cherry picking | 3 | jindev |
Until last June, most scientists acknowledged that warming reached a peak in the late 1990s, and since then had plateaued in a "hiatus." | cherry picking | 1.4 | jintrain |
Empirical evidence directly contradicts claims that increased carbon dioxide has reduced human wellbeing. | oversimplification | 3.6 | jindev |
Currently the weather pattern dominating Central Europe is bringing unusually cold air over the continent, and early this morning regions in a number of countries were hit by ground surface frost. | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
But it is part of a long list of studies from independent teams (as this interactive graphic shows), using a variety of methods that take account of critical challenges, all of which conclude that climate models exhibit too much sensitivity to greenhouse gases. | cherry picking | 3.1 | Alhindi_test |
The scientists investigated the phase relation (leads/lags) between atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperaturesusing standard data series for the period January 1980 to December 2011.They found that changes in global atmospheric CO2 follow 11-12 months behind changes in global sea surface temperature and 9.5-10 months behind changes in global air surface temperature. The findings conflict with the consensus view concerning the greenhouse gas theory that says the opposite should happen with temperatures supposedly being driven by any rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2 levels are up 40 percent in recent decades). | false choice | 2.3.3 | CARDS |
Your climate change bull is speculation which won’t help the world as long as China, India & others do little. | impossible expectations | 4.2.6 | hamburg_test2 |
Although alarmists frequently point to a modest recent shrinkage in the Arctic ice sheet , that decline has been completely offset by ice sheet expansion in the Antarctic . Cumulatively , polar ice sheets have not declined at all since NASA satellite instruments began precisely measuring them 35 years ago . Alarmist Assertion # 5 | cherry picking | 1.1.1 | jindev |
*idiot builds house on riverbank**erosion causes house to flood*"Why would climate change do this?" | single cause | 1.7 | hamburg_test3 |
Climate Change does not have the same effect on people though as say a disease (well a pretend one), as they've been at that Climate BS for years now and a strong majority know it's a load of nonsense. | cherry picking | 4.3.2 | hamburg_test3 |
Remember when the liboturds called it global warming? But you had to change it to climate change!!! Remember that!!!! | misrepresentation | 1.8 | hamburg_test3 |
Indoctrination is promoting/teaching one side of the argument only. To be fair, curriculums should include both. "Agenda driven and biased" pertaining to climate science. The reviewer noted the publisher accepted the climate crisis as a "scientific fact." | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test3 |
Here's a 42 year timeframe July heat wave comparison. Nothing changed. Weather changes no such thing as climate change. | cherry picking | 1.7 | hamburg_test3 |
Let's assume that the agreement between the U.S. and China that was announced last November will be implemented fully, even though the Chinese effectively disavowed it almost immediately, and did so smack dab in the middle of the 20th Conference of the Parties in Lima, Peru. That agreement calls for an additional 10 percent reduction by the U.S. by 2025, with no actual reduction by the Chinese; this additional cut in U.S. emissions gets us another temperature reduction of one one-hundredth of a degree. | impossible expectations | 4.2.6 | CARDS |
Global warming my ass this mf cold as hell | anecdote | 1.3 | hamburg_test3 |
The point is that the globalists say the sea is rising while at the same time living and building where (if they are right) it would be under water. Proves they know the sea isn't rising and that climate emergency is a con for political purposes. | ad hominem | 1.6 | hamburg_test3 |
On the one hand, it's good because we know that today's global warming will eventually be canceled out through this stabilizing feedback | cherry picking | 3.1 | hamburg_test3 |
For quite some time, I've harbored the suspicion that both the popular science and the political activity that create and sustain the belief in Global Warmingism are informed by a retrogressively pagan mindset. | ad hominem | 5.2 | CARDS |
NO Warmie Waifus Cultists ARE ALLOWED TO WATCH,OUT OF ABUNDANT CONCERN FOR THEIR MENTAL HEALTH | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test3 |
Not denying that climate changes. Canada was covered in ice sheets miles thick just 12,000 years ago | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test1 |
The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years. If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age. | slothful induction | 1.2 | CARDS |
Can any of the areas of the science now be considered settled as a result of AR5s publication, if so which? Unfortunately very few things are settled in the global warming debate. There is only one solid fact: the greenhouse gas concentrations are rising and humans are causing this increase. A second fact is that the climate is warmer than a century ago. How much warmer exactly is still a matter of debate. And how much of the warming is attributable to humans is also far from settled. | slothful induction | 5.1.1 | CARDS |
that's why the switch to climate change. | misrepresentation | 1.8 | hamburg_test3 |
There is no human activity whatsoever that does not generate CO2, and no plant can grow without a generous supply of CO2 in the atmosphere. More than any other substance on earth, production of CO2 measures human prosperity and plant growth. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | CARDS |
Dr. Robinson is well known for the Oregon Petition Project, which says "there is no convincing scientific evidence" that humans are causing "catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere" or disruption of its climate. It urges Congress to reject the Kyoto global warming agreement and has been signed by more than 32,000 Americans with university degrees in physical sciences (including yours truly and over 9,000 PhDs). | fake experts | 5.1.1 | CARDS |
In the past decade China has increased its carbon dioxide emissions by 53 per cent, 12 times Australia's total carbon dioxide output of 1.3 per cent of the global total. | impossible expectations | 4.2.6 | jintrain |
What happened to the hole in the ozone layer? That was apparently the issue when I was a teen? | misrepresentation | 5.1 | hamburg_test3 |
Climate change happens by itself | single cause | 2.1 | hamburg_test3 |
Subsets and Splits