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We can't afford it even if there was a solution. | false choice | 4.3 | hamburg_test1 |
There's no trend in U.S. tornado damage (in fact , 2012 to 2017 was below average) . There's no trend in global droughts. Cold snaps in the U.S. are down but, unexpectedly, so are heatwaves. The bottom line is there's no solid connection between climate change and many major indicators of extreme weather that politicians keep talking about, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, rainfall and floods, despite Trudeau's claims to the contrary. | cherry picking | 1.7 | jindev |
His string of failed predictions were supported by the British Met offices sixty six million dollar (AU) computer modeling. They both incorrectly predicted 2009 would be one of the five warmest years ever. | ad hominem | 5.1.4 | CARDS |
According to BBC Weather the Summer Average Temperatures in Tomintoul on day 15 of Summer are SADHT 15.6000 C and SADHT 7.3333 C which is amazing low and demonstrates effectively how Scotland isn't affected by Climate Change | anecdote | 1.3 | hamburg_test3 |
If there‚' a climate crisis why do the Rich democrats keep buying houses on the beach? | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test2 |
Yea how crazy it takes a genius to figure out that these climate change cultists can't figure out that the cost of everything is energy drivin. What? You mean my Starbucks coffee isn't grown in the Starbucks? It has to be trucked in? Lol kids | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test3 |
In Black Swan Climate Theory II we explain, in depth, why, in my opinion, I believe this is not an accident. I have concluded American basic climate data has been hijacked and corrupted within NOAA through the use of a simple master computer algorithm that I have repeated here. | conspiracy theory | 5.3.2 | CARDS |
It is Chinese overfishing. Not climate change. | single cause | 2.2 | hamburg_test3 |
Moreover, current CO2 levels are quite low relative to their levels across geological time, meaning terrestrial, fresh water, and oceanic plant life is currently starved for CO2 by comparison. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | CARDS |
"... heavy rains caused by climate change..."Our media circling the toilet by taking as fact statements that are completely unprovable. | ad hominem | 5.2.2 | hamburg_test1 |
So, was mankind responsible for "global warming" back in the days of Noah??? Geologically there is evidence of flooding many times even before "man" arrived. Did the dinosaurs cause global warming??? | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test3 |
Climate change is real. But stop bullshitting us about too warm seas. Our Adriatic Sea hasn't been this cold (19'C in August) in like last 7 years or more! #ClimateScam | anecdote | 1.3 | hamburg_test3 |
Canadian researcher Steve McIntyre discovered earlier this week that the IPCCs recent report on alternative energy which asserted that it was possible to convert the world to 80% green energy by 2050 if politicians would simply tax conventional sources and spend billions on alternative sources was lifted largely from Greenpeace reports. | ad hominem | 5.2.5 | CARDS |
Why do we "fight" climate change?!?! Climates change constantly with or without mankind. | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test3 |
No evidence supports either proposition. Moreover, oil sands production would add a minuscule 0.06% to US greenhouse gas emissions, a tiny fraction of that amount to global carbon dioxide emissions, and an undetectable 0.00002 deg F (0.00001 C) per year to useless computer-model scenarios for global warming. | impossible expectations | 4.2.3 | CARDS |
Forcing the American economy to operate on expensive and unreliable wind and solar power will have tremendous negative economic consequences. | cherry picking | 4.4.1 | jindev |
The left control ALL the climate change groups. In this latest kick at Capitalism they claim Fashion is responsible for 8% of ‘emissions’. I love Capitalism and its emissions. Thats the only way lives have ever been improved #Capitalism #ClimateChange | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test1 |
the water levels in some areas have not risen in the last 30 years. | cherry picking | 1.6 | hamburg_test3 |
We have, for example, the case of a former editor of Science who was quite open about his belief in DAGW, and actively discouraged publication of any papers that went against his bias. Finally, he had to be shamed into giving voice to a climate skeptics contrary opinion, based on solid scientific evidence. But of course, he reserved to himself the last word in the debate. | ad hominem | 5.2.5 | CARDS |
There are two other graphs spanning over five hundred million years by R. A. Berner and C. R. Scotese which show that there is no correlation at all between CO2 and temperature. These well publicized graphs were conveniently omitted from this section. | single cause | 2.3.3 | CARDS |
Here's the bottom line: Yes other forms of warming (under extreme circumstances) could cause the hot-spot according to the models. But it isn't there, the models are still wrong. Just compare the models with reality. | misrepresentation | 2.3.5 | CARDS |
The big lie peddled by the UN is the notion that a doubling of CO2 concentration will cause as much as 2-4.5 C of global warming. In fact, according to a stream of recent papers in the peer-reviewed journals, it will cause more like 0.5-0.8 C of warming. That is all and it is harmless. | cherry picking | 3.1 | CARDS |
Scientists are also expecting a "huge reduction" in solar activity for 33 years between 2020 and 2053 that will cause thermometers to crash. | single cause | 1.2 | jintrain |
Oceans provide a negative feedback (automatic global air conditioning) to compensate for higher temperatures. Higher temperatures are known to increase emissions of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) from the worlds oceans, which increases the albedo of marine stratus clouds, which has a cooling effect. | slothful induction | 3.1 | CARDS |
And now for the 2nd question: Does the massive cold air outbreak blanketing much of the U.S. disprove global warming? | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
Don't u see that they are trying to feed u bugs? Climate change is as real as the cov vax being safe and effective. They lie. | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test3 |
Tthe temperature distribution of the atmosphere is a natural result of thermal equilibrium and conservation of energy. The dry lapse rate can be calculated precisely without any reference to greenhouse gases (GHGs), and the wet lapse rate can be calculated precisely simply by factoring in latent heat release from water vapour to the dry lapse rate. This proves that GHG radiation does not determine nor have any effect upon the temperature distribution of the atmosphere, whatsoever. | misrepresentation | 2.3 | CARDS |
Global sea level has barely risen at all since 2006. | cherry picking | 1.6 | CARDS |
My family lives in Charters Towers north Queensland. It's never been this cold Ever. | anecdote | 1.3 | hamburg_test3 |
What are you going to do about the pollution that is created by making batteries which is 10x worse? | cherry picking | 4.1.3 | hamburg_test2 |
Also, it is increasingly clear that the planet was significantly warmer than today several times during the past 10,000 years. | cherry picking | 2.1.4 | jintrain |
Unlike carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and other pollutants, carbon dioxide is not toxic. In fact, it is an essential ingredient in plant photosynthesis, without which there would be no life on earth. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | CARDS |
Here in Kentucky it's raining and unusually cold, this must be global warming. | anecdote | 1.3 | hamburg_test2 |
Last time I looked the Maldives and Seychelles were still there! | impossible expectations | 1.6 | hamburg_test3 |
This applies not only to the northern areas, but also the south. In the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions the average daily temperature is below normal by 4 degrees, reaching temperatures normally seen in October. | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
No, real research shows that man made climate change is a hoax. | conspiracy theory | 5.3 | hamburg_test2 |
I don't think he's an idiot climate change is the result of changes in solar orbit not Diesel engines and cows farts | single cause | 2.1.1 | hamburg_test3 |
It's NOT fcuking extreme!!!! Extreme temperatures would mean that it is hotter than Death Valley. It is SUMMER! | single cause | 1.7 | hamburg_test3 |
Just as an archaeologist must admit there is only so much that can be inferred from a single Roman coin found in the dirt, we must accept the limit to how good trees are as thermometers. The problem with tree rings (the primary source for Manns hockey stick) is that they vary in width for any number of reasons, only one of which is temperature. | impossible expectations | 5.1.2 | CARDS |
what has long been known to chemical scientists carbon dioxide is an extremely efficient cooling gas. | misrepresentation | 2.3 | CARDS |
Where's your proof climate change is real. Cause here's proof it's BS. The earth goes through heating and cooling stages. | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test2 |
The answer to the third question may be that there is a generally positive effect if the only change to the atmosphere was a significant increase in CO2 concentration. Most plant growth increases at higher levels of CO2. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | CARDS |
Global warming took a vacation last year and there was more than a foot of snow on the ground. As we motored up the highway the thermometer registered a balmy 35 degrees, but the radio said a cold front was moving in. Our final destination was an open log shelter a mile up the mountain. | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
Seriously Met Eireann who can't forecast the next day's weather talking about climate change! | false equivalence | 5.1.4 | hamburg_test3 |
It is not surprising that Earths natural and managed ecosystems have already benefited immensely from the increase in atmospheric CO2 that has accompanied the progression of the Industrial Revolution; and they will further prosper from future CO2 increases. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | CARDS |
No one and nothing would experience it directly since we all live in regions, not the globe. | impossible expectations | 5.1.3 | jintrain |
Global warming realists understand that a greener biosphere with richer and more abundant plant life is not a horrible thing simply because humans may have had some role in creating it. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | jindev |
There is no climate emergency. | slothful induction | 3 | hamburg_test3 |
Also all the sun has to do is go to a solar minimum. Another ice age. | slothful induction | 1.2 | hamburg_test3 |
Tell me one single place that heat is trapped. Heat has to be generated. Heat is always flowing from hot to cold. Heat is only maintained while heat is being constantly generated. | misrepresentation | 2.3 | CARDS |
Global warming alarmists nevertheless claim that nearly all climate scientists believe dangerous global warming will occur. This is a strange claim in view of the fact more than 30,000 American scientists signed the Oregon Petition stating that there is no basis for dangerous man-made global warming forecasts, and no convincing evidence that carbon dioxide is dangerously warming the planet or disrupting its climate. | fake experts | 5.1.1 | CARDS |
Remarkably, Obama's global warming policies are increasing electricity prices even while new natural gas discoveries, revolutionary advances in natural gas production technologies, and a dramatic resultant decline in natural gas prices would otherwise spur a dramatic decline in electricity prices. | slothful induction | 4.5 | jindev |
We've had reefs on planet Earth for 3500 million years. They came and went many times. | false equivalence | 2.1.4 | jintrain |
“More than half of the 44 studies selected for publication found that raised levels of CO2 had little or no impact on marine life, including crabs, limpets, sea urchins and sponges” | cherry picking | 3.2.3 | Alhindi_train |
The whole Northern Hemisphere is experiencing cold snaps at the same time, says Argiris. Whatever happened to global warming? | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
A report by the International Energy Agency claims that emissions which will be saved by COP21 / Paris climate pledges currently on the table, will only delay Climageddon by 8 months. | impossible expectations | 4.2.3 | CARDS |
Wow, you guys seem to think government can solve for the consequences of climate change. You're kidding yourself. | impossible expectations | 4.2 | hamburg_test1 |
Dave, if global warming is caused by man made CO2, what raised the temperature to bring us out of the last ice age 13,000 years ago? And all of the ice ages before that? | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test3 |
Fred Singer has now publicly declared that CO2 does not affect Global temperature, and Pierre Latour has helped him along the way by providing an algebraic proof. | fake experts | 2.3 | CARDS |
One graph to illustrate the death of the global warming hoax | conspiracy theory | 5.3 | CARDS |
It hasn't warmed in 7 years. Al Gore says that "there is one relationship that is more powerful than all the others and it is this: When there is more carbon dioxide, the temperature gets warmer." Well, emissions keep going up, yet temperatures stay the same. Where's the warming? | cherry picking | 2.3.3 | CARDS |
Gosh n Gee whiz. Good point. #climatechange czar The hypocrisy is astounding. | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test3 |
Some cancers induce a muscle-wasting syndrome that leads to faster-than-usual weight loss. This is likely what happened to the emaciated Baffin Island bear captured on video in July 2017 and promoted by National Geographic late last year. | anecdote | 3.2.2 | jintrain |
“Healthy societies do not fall apart over slow, widely predicted, relatively small economic adjustments of the sort painted by climate analysis. Societies do fall apart from war, disease or chaos. Climate policy must compete with other long-term threats for always-scarce resources.” | slothful induction | 3.5 | Alhindi_train |
The EV solution to climate change is essentially the modern day equivalent of Marie Antoinette's solution to the lack of bread in France (distribute cake to the people instead). It doesn't solve the underlying issue of green energy production as batteries don't produce energy. | impossible expectations | 4.4.1 | hamburg_test3 |
I don't deny that the climate changes naturally. | single cause | 2.1 | hamburg_test3 |
The work of Sherwood, Craig, and Keith Idso, and many other scientists | fake experts | 5.1.1 | CARDS |
Such misrepresentations are now commonplace in NOAA and NASA announcements. They are regularly proclaiming monthly and yearly records set by less than the uncertainties in the measurements. | impossible expectations | 5.1.3 | jintrain |
Also sea level rise is set to take centuries to even reach 5m. | slothful induction | 1.6 | hamburg_test3 |
A recent NASA report throws the space agency into conflict with its climatologists after new NASA measurements prove that carbon dioxide acts as a coolant in Earth's atmosphere. | misrepresentation | 2.3 | CARDS |
I suspect that the really clever ones driving the climate change hysteria realize that the evidence for warming is junk, which is why it was changed from Global warming to climate change | misrepresentation | 1.8 | hamburg_test1 |
No such thing as climate change! | slothful induction | 1 | hamburg_test1 |
the satellite data has shown virtually no warming over the last twenty years. | cherry picking | 1.4 | hamburg_test3 |
That's why it's called "climate change," now instead of global warming. | misrepresentation | 1.8 | hamburg_test3 |
Only the federal government and crony confederates could come up with a scam where we are forced to pay more to remove something that doesnt really matter, use it for something else they are trying to regulate out of existence, and then release that same bad stuff into the air where it was supposed to be dangerous. | conspiracy theory | 5.3 | CARDS |
Prior to the Industrial Revolution, it is likely that rice had a more difficult time growing than it does today. At lower atmospheric CO2 concentrations, it is likely that rice plants had to reallocate valuable resources into rubisco and other photosynthetic proteins just to ensure that net carbon uptake could prevail for plant survival. Thus, it is likely that plants were smaller and produced less yield than they do today. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | CARDS |
It's not just that the quasi-religious, pseudo-scientific "Gaia hypothesis" - the belief, taking its name from the pagan Greek goddess of the Earth, that the sum of the parts of the Earth's ecosystems together make up a living thing is popular in certain environmentalist circles. | ad hominem | 5.2.1 | CARDS |
reefs are improving | cherry picking | 3.2.3 | hamburg_test3 |
Global Warming Update: Icy ocean wind plummets temperatures on Australia's east coast well below expected temperatures - just after one city endured the coldest start to winter since 1904 | anecdote | 1.3 | hamburg_test3 |
Very cold. They'll call it climate change lol | anecdote | 1.3 | hamburg_test3 |
Before it was rebranded "climate change" it was Global Warming + before that it was the BIG FREEZE- the NEXT ICE AGE - the scam has been going on for 50 YEARS | misrepresentation | 1.8 | hamburg_test2 |
A note to my liberal friends . Hitler played to Global warming card | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test2 |
Right now we are witnessing cold temperatures that we have not seen in decades. | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
At the end of the day I don't see immediate risk to my life as a result, Barack Obama buying sea front property makes me doubt climate change as he pushes rising sea levels so much | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test3 |
Even the BBC has admitted to Ofcom that the corporation is now biased on the matter because it no longer thinks there is a counter-argument. | ad hominem | 5.2.2 | jintrain |
“Ice core drilling shows that 800 years after natural warming, the atmosphere increases in carbon dioxide” | false choice | 2.3.3 | Alhindi_train |
Climate deaths are down. | oversimplification | 3.6 | hamburg_test2 |
Imagine what it could do if some of that money was directed in Cdn companies to help reduce the costs of living. | false choice | 4.2 | hamburg_test1 |
We all owe a debt of gratitude to the skeptics who have courageously disputed the global warming/climate change hoax and to The Heartland Institute that has provided a platform for them to gather to continue their efforts to educate a public that has been deluged by a massive deception. | conspiracy theory | 5.3 | CARDS |
For the past 500 million years, the atmospheric carbon dioxide content has been decreasing and if we halved today's atmospheric carbon dioxide content, all life would die. | misrepresentation | 3.3 | jintrain |
Freeman Dyson has followed the same path as myself, going from true believer in 1979 to skeptic in 2015. | fake experts | 5.1.1 | CARDS |
In this case such a simple correlation does not exist. The rise of global temperature started approximately 150 years ago but man-made CO2 emissions did not start to grow visibly before the 1940s. Temperature changes also repeatedly moved in the opposite direction than the CO2emissions trend suggests. | single cause | 2.3.3 | CARDS |
In addition , they ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial . CO2 is plant food , the basis of all life on Earth. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | jindev |
In the geological time frame, the current amount of atmospheric CO2 is near an all time low, vying with the Carboniferous and Permian Periods for the lowest atmospheric CO2 in over 500 million years. | false equivalence | 2.1.4 | CARDS |
The Great Barrier Reef is doing fine and climate change is all overblown | cherry picking | 3.2.3 | hamburg_test3 |
Fiddling with temperature data is biggest science scandal ever | conspiracy theory | 5.3.2 | jintrain |
Meanwhile, Germany, Italy and Japan plan to phase out nuclear power, thereby increasing their use of natural gas and coal for electricity while China and India build 900 new coal-fired power plants to electrify their growing economies. All will pump tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere dwarfing any reductions the USA might achieve by closing more power plants and further shackling our economy. | impossible expectations | 4.2.6 | CARDS |
Climate change and GLOBAL WARMING are NWO BS. | conspiracy theory | 5.3.1 | hamburg_test3 |
(Photo Stephen Orsillo) The record-shattering snow that has shut down Boston's public transit system threatens to white out a global warming forum organized by Massachusetts Senate President Stanley Rosenberg (D, Amherst). | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
So Harry is flying from his $13M mansion in California to NY to lecture us all about poverty and climate change.... Prince Harry is set to lecture the UN General Assembly on poverty | ad hominem | 5.2.4 | hamburg_test1 |
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