BACKGROUND Field of the Invention The present invention generally relates to the field of unmanned aerial vehicles and more specifically to automated control maneuver for a multi-rotor craft. First-Person View (FPVs) are remotely-controlled vehicles piloted via a video feed from the craft itself. The opposing system is Line-of-Sight (LOS), which refers to more conventionally standing at a distance and manipulating the craft by sight. Airborne multi-rotor craft supported by more than two propellers include quadcopters, tricopters, hexacopters, quadrotors and more. Usually, rotors are arranged symmetrically and in the same horizontal plane. Lift is generated by a set of vertically oriented rotors. Multi-rotors flown using an FPV system are classified as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs). The informal term most commonly used is drones, although the hobby generally prefers avoiding that label to maintain an appropriate disparity with large-scale drones used in combat. More importantly, most UAV are specifically designed to hold a camera. Cloud or WiFi streaming from the camera is possible as long as it does not interfere with the remote control. Control In controlling a UAV, the pilot has absolute, precise control over the motor. A nudge of the throttle translates to a proportional increase in RPM. The same is true of input to the control surfaces, and other parts involved in changing speed or direction. The distinction with multi-rotors, whether or not advantageous, is that no human is capable of controlling the rotational speeds of three or more motors simultaneously with enough precision to balance a craft in the air. Hence the need for flight controllers. A flight controller (FC), typically a small circuit board of varying complexity functions to direct the RPM of each motor in response to input. A command from the pilot for the multi-rotor to move forward is fed into the flight controller, which determines how to manipulate the motors accordingly. The majority of flight controllers also employ sensors to supplement their calculations. These range from simple gyroscopes for orientation to barometers for automatically holding altitudes. GPS can also be used for auto-pilot or fail-safe purposes. With a proper flight controller setup, a pilot's control inputs should correspond exactly to the behavior of the craft. Flight controllers are configurable and programmable, allowing for adjustments based on varying multi-rotor configurations. Gains or PIDs are used to tune the controller, yielding quick, locked-in response. Various software environments are available to write specific settings and modes. One such in the multi-rotor market is OpenPilot, an open-source community dedicated to perfecting flight control algorithms. Also viable is the MultiWii open source software project and Arduino board. Developers have a choice between multiple flight modes, support for a gimbal, typically used to mount a camera for recording, camera trigger output, and a full GUI. Many flight controllers allow for different flight modes, selectable using a transmitter switch. An example of a three-position setup might be a GPS lock mode, a self-leveling mode, and a manual mode. Different settings can be applied to each profile, achieving varying flight characteristics. One of the most common materials for multi-rotor frames is carbon fiber. A great many of its physical properties are perfectly suited. However, carbon fiber is known to block radio signals, which is obviously not ideal for a craft using multiple transmissions. Quadcopters, a subset of UAVs, generally use two pairs of identical fixed pitched propellers; two clockwise (CW) and two counter-clockwise (CCW). These use independent variation of the speed of each rotor to achieve control. By changing the speed of each rotor it is possible to specifically generate a desired total thrust; to locate for the centre of thrust both laterally and longitudinally; and to create a desired total torque, or turning force. These quadcopters can be flown indoors as well as outdoors. However, as size increases, fixed propeller quadcopters develop disadvantages. Increasing blade size increases their momentum. This means that changes in blade speed take longer, which negatively impacts control. At the same time, increasing blade size improves efficiency as it takes less energy to generate thrust by moving a large mass of air at a slow speed than by moving a small mass of air at high speed. Therefore, increasing efficiency comes at the cost of control Propellers There are many other components and equally vital are the propellers. The variety of props is arguably greater than any other component; materials, dimensions, and price span a wide engineered range. Some propeller induced vibration can be acceptable, bolstering the case for less expensive propellers. But the goal of producing well-shot footage will require more expensive propellers or other solutions. Speed Controllers and PIDs Electronic speed controllers (ESCs) are used in many applications. They translate signal to electrical supply to rotate the propeller(s). On a multi-rotor, every motor gets its own ESC, each of which connects to the flight controller. After computing the inputs, the controller directs each ESC to adjust its speed in order for the craft to perform them. ESC refresh rates vary. For multi-rotors, given the balance of multiple motors critical to the craft's ability to stay airborne, high refresh rates are more important. The ESCs are essentially programmable microcontrollers, and they employ firmware to define and carry out their tasks. For optimized multi-rotor use, stripped of irrelevant features, and sporting refresh rates as high as 400 Hz. Existing UAV control systems integrate a low cost inertial measurement unit, GPS receiver, and magnetometers to generate a navigation solution (position, velocity and attitude estimation) which, in turn, is used in the guidance and control algorithms. At times up to 15 state Extended Kalman Filters are used which integrate the inertial sensor and GPS measurement to generate a high-bandwidth estimate of a UAV's state. Guidance algorithms for generating a flight trajectory based on waypoint definitions are also described. Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller which uses the navigation filter estimate and guidance algorithm to track a flight trajectory is detailed. PID control can perfectly stabilize a second order plant, given the right gains. These architectures integrate the hardware, software and algorithms. Power Source The industry standard battery source is lithium-ion polymer (LiPo) batteries. Although relatively light, battery weight is a significant fraction of the total weight and more than any other component governs time of flight limitations to most all UAVs. What is needed are ways to increase flight time, or better video streaming time, of UAVs using with video or camera recording vantage points. Video Systems: Cameras And Radio Gear A good FPV system is defined by its video system. A camera is core and there are various options on UAVs. Some include multiple cameras. The first one, FPV-specific, is typically used for flying the UAV. The second type of video system is typically an HD camera that enables high-quality recording during flight. Outdoors provide advantageous vistas for quadcopters and require good quality camera for capture and stabilization in flight. An option to use the recording camera as a flight camera FPV with video-out cables exists, but quality and light management suffer compared to a purpose-built flight cam. Compared to recording cameras, FPV “CCD” flight cameras deliver lower contrast, brighter images, and more dynamic response to rapid changes in light. As with most of the components, there are a great many options. All FPV-based setups, by their very nature, consist of a camera and a transmitter on-board, and a receiver and display device on the ground. As with any other broadcast controls, video is transmitted using radio signals. To some extent, choice of frequencies used for transmission are vital because it impacts the hardware, the flight range, and the objects the signal can penetrate. Most Multi-rotors with FPV-based control schemes employ one frequency for the video and another for controlling inputs. These can cause interference for independent controls. Transmitter Lower frequencies have much greater penetration through obstacles, and require less transmission power to travel the same distance. Thus lower frequencies are reserved for the transmitter, since control range and penetration take priority over the video feed. Higher frequencies offer few advantages, other than smaller antennas, slightly sharper image transmission, and in some cases, bandwidth availability. The frequencies most often used for FPV are 900 MHz, 1.2 GHz, 1.3 GHz, 2.4 GHz, and 5.8 GHz, with the latter two being most common. Others can be used as well. Control Systems The second radio system on an FPV multi-rotor is the control system. Both a transmitter and receiver are needed, and the choice of frequency is an important. There are generally fewer frequencies available for control systems. Most common is 2.4 GHz, though 35 MHz and 72 MHz were popular in the past, also. UHF systems are becoming increasingly prevalent. Modular Transmitter and Receiver Components Transmitters are available either as a single unit or, less commonly, as modular pieces. A transmitter shell, sticks, knobs, and switches on their own, without radio hardware, can be found integrated in a transmitter module. Multiple models communicating over different frequencies often find this approach useful, since it's easy to swap out modules. Off the shelf transmitters come in number of channels they offer. For each remote-controllable action, a unique channel is needed to convey input. The minimum required to pilot a multi-rotor is four channels: throttle, yaw (rotation), pitch, and roll. For every flight mode switch, gimbal control, or lighting control, an extra channel is involved. Most flight controllers recommend eight channels. On the other end of the control system is a receiver with a corresponding frequency. The number of receiver channels must match the transmitter in order to utilize all of the available functions. The four joy-stick outputs, at least, must be fed to the flight controller in order to control a multi-rotor. Protocols for Transmission There are two protocols for control transmission. The first and most traditional is pulse-code modulation (PCM), a standard analog one-to-one broadcast. It remains both reliable and popular. But increasingly, markets are adopting an alternative: pulse-position modulation (PPM). With PPM, multiple inputs are encoded and transmitted using a single channel. It is advantageous in that it reduces wiring and setup difficulty, allowing for more channels than previously possible. Both schemes work, and neither is deemed more correct than the other. However, not all transmitter/receiver combinations support PPM. The newer UHF solutions mentioned previously are fundamentally similar to other control systems. However, they operate across a range of frequencies (usually 130 to 135 MHz) and use channel hopping to maintain a strong link for as long as possible. Generally, UHF transmitters are housed in external cases attached to a conventional transmitter using a trainer port. At such low frequencies and relatively high power, UHF systems are considered standard for long-range applications, with connections reaching out several miles and passing through obstacles with comparative ease. Multi-rotor are a subset of drones which are mechanically simple, having n motors and n propellers, and camera(s). These are currently in the hobby and toy markets for the obvious limitations of flight duration and manual control requirements. What is needed are UAV functions enabling more indoor and urban uses. Inexpensive multi-rotors do not require complex mechanical parts to control flight and can fly and move only by changing motor speed. This imparts severe limitations for control by only manual control via electronic/computer-based systems However, over 70% of these type of multi-rotors, can fail and drop as objects, striking or colliding with objects or structures in a damaging way. Excessive vibration and extreme conditions, heavy lifts, moves and activities where forces are applied can lead to flight failure and subsequent crashing. Better more solid stabilization and control for video production is needed for extended video takes. Some of the contributing factors for falling multi-rotors are 1) unnecessary distractions while undertaking a task, 2) not following the plan or procedure, 3) failure to recognize and manage change, 4) lack of experience or knowledge of the pilot, and 5) lack of surroundings awareness. What is needed are functions that reduce the burden of manual manipulation for advantageous functionality, whereby distractions, lack of planning or experience and surrounding awareness can be momentarily alleviated without flight power consumption, but still providing an advantageous vantage point for the camera. Hence what is needed are UAVs that can overcome inadvertently or accidentally falling while recording. What are also needed are UAVs which can have longer effective “flight time” for longer surveillance and recording opportunities between recharges. SUMMARY The present invention discloses a multi-rotor craft with perching function using a claw mechanism coupled to the craft body. The craft housing contains electronics for controlling mechanical components for controlling a multi-rotor, the electronics includes a flight control system having a processor electronically coupled with supporting electronic components, array of rotors, sensor array, power source, at least one wireless receive-transmitter pair and at least one camera. Each rotor electrically connected to an electronic speed controller for controlling a propeller, the electronic speed controllers translating commands from the processor for commandeering the rotor array in synchronous and specific rotor operations providing specific flight dynamics. The controller reads instructions from a receiver for commandering the electronic speed controllers in directing synchronized rotor array operations configured for a programmed set of specific flight dynamics for maneuvering the craft. The controller translates instructions from the remote wireless transmitter with logic and data inputs from basic onboard instrumentation and sensors. The sensor array comprises a 3D accelerometer, 3D magnetometer, 3D gyro and range finder, the receiver having a communication channel assigned for camera gimbal pitch angle control for remote user selected viewing. An extendable mechanical claw slidably and pivotably coupled to the craft body for easy fold up facilitates the perch landing. Components for logic for identifying a 3D target horizontal edge from camera image processing of 2D images and user selection from the image, logic for user selected target horizontal edge lock-on are also included. The perching maneuver logic is responsive to real-time range data from rangefinder for positioning the craft above the target horizontal edge, the perching maneuver logic using rangefinder data for approaching and positioning the multi-rotor craft from above and adjacent to the target horizontal edge corner vertical virtual surface for descending at a craft pitch angle within proximity to engage the craft claw with the horizontal edge surface so that the engaged claw suspends the craft over the target edge in a manner providing a stable vantage position for the camera. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS Specific embodiments of the invention will be described in detail with reference to the following figures. FIG. 1 is a schematic of the perching maneuver UAV in an embodiment of the invention. FIG. 2 is an isometric drawing of the perching claw structures on a copter in an embodiment of the invention. FIG. 3 shows a side view schematic of the perching claw structure on a copter in an embodiment of the invention. FIG. 4 illustrates the phases of a perching maneuver with a rotor boom claw in an embodiment of the invention. FIG. 5 shows a quadcopter rotor power configuration for flight dynamics in an aspect of the invention FIG. 6 is a pictorial illustration of a perching maneuver for a quadcopter in an embodiment of the invention. FIG. 7 is a flow diagram of a perching maneuver in an embodiment of the invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION In the following detailed description of embodiments of the invention, numerous specific details are set forth in order to provide a more thorough understanding of the invention. However, it will be apparent to one of ordinary skill in the art that the invention may be practiced without these specific details. In other instances, well-known features have not been described in detail to avoid unnecessarily complicating the description. OBJECTS AND ADVANTAGES The present invention discloses an automated control for a UAV perching function. An object of the invention is to automate a docking with a ledge, crack, trim, wire or other horizontally protrusion from an otherwise flat vertical surface, by which the docking is accomplished with a UAV mechanical claw mechanism. Another object of the invention is to provide more camera or video time for a UAV without expending flight battery power. Yet another object of the invention is to provide a way for users to position their video takes from easily settable yet hard to reach vantage points. Another object of the invention is to provide a way for users to position their camera takes from maintainable advantageous vantage points without need for elevation props or ladder placement. Yet another object of the invention is to provide a personal or private drone, designed for small pocket portable form factors. Another object of the invention is to provide useful functionality to a drone to push it beyond the toy and hobby markets and into a much larger consumer market. Embodiments of the Invention Specific embodiments of the invention will be described in detail with reference to the following figures. FIG. 1 is a schematic of the perching maneuver UAV in an embodiment of the invention. A UAV Flight Control (FC) system includes a processor 17 and a microprocessor 49 electronically connected with many supporting electronics and sensors 7 11 41 . Software development environments at typically made for the more popular FC systems. In an embodiment, the schematic in FIG. 1 represents a quadcopter multi-rotor, aka copter, which includes an array of four rotors 1 and attached propeller electrically connected to an Electronic Speed Controller (ESC). The ESC translate signal to electrical power. so that every motor 1 gets its own ESC, each of which connects 5 to the flight controller 49 which provides instructions on rotor RPM required. After computing the inputs, the controller directs each ESC 3 to adjust its speed in order for the craft to perform the rotor function individually needed for flight maneuvers. In short the electronic speed controllers translate commands from the processor for commandeering the rotor array in synchronous and specific rotor operations providing specific flight dynamics. The ESCs are generally powered 45 from battery 43 . In an embodiment the ESCs 3 can incorporate PIDs 9 for correcting actual realtime deviations of the flight along a plotted trajectory. Ground control signal 37 are sent by antenna 35 to a drone receiving antenna 33 to a receiver 27 coupled 5 to the controller 49 . The controller manages instructions from the ground with the aid of basic onboard instrumentation and sensors 7 11 23 39 including 3D accelerometer, 3D Magnetometer, 3D Gyro and a range finder. Rangefinder sensors can be ultrasound 7 , RF 15, stereoscopic camera 23 , laser, trigonometric based stadiometric or parallax, or visual FVC. The controller translates instructions from the remote wireless transmitter with logic and data inputs from basic onboard instrumentation and sensor array. A sensor array may include a 3D accelerometer, 3D magnetometer, 3D gyro and range finder for a sensor fusion architecture. In an embodiment a receiver 21 will have a channel 33 assigned for camera 23 gimbals 25 pitch control. In some embodiments sensor fusion may be applied for combining of sensory 7 11 23 39 data or data derived from disparate sensor sources 11 such that the resulting information has more reliability or high resolution than would be possible when these sources were used individually. In an embodiment a stereoscopic vision ranging camera 8 will provide images for calculation of depth information by combining two-dimensional images from two cameras at slightly different viewpoints for locking on to a 3D edge, trim, window sill, picture, frame, cupboard or cabinet top, or horizontal crack shown from a 2D image analysis, forming a horizontal line object. In another embodiment of the invention. GPS 39 41 offers assistance to guide the copter with use of indoor location based services (LBS). In an embodiment of the invention the FPV guided multi-rotor has a second radio system is used for steering control. Both a transmitter 37 35 and receiver 27 33 are needed, and the choice of frequency are available for control system communication. Most common is 2.4 GHz, though 35 MHz and 72 MHz exist in some embodiments along with UHF. The receiver 27 communicates 33 directly to the microcontroller 49 which then manages the flight dynamic commands. Hence the electronics include a flight control system having a processor electronically coupled with supporting electronic components, array of rotors, sensor array, power source, at least one wireless receive-transmitter pair and at least one camera. FIG. 2 is an isometric drawing of the perching claw structures on a copter in an embodiment of the invention. A copter housing 215 structurally supports the copter internal components including at least one camera 203 . Mechanical claw structures are attached at the base of the rotors 214 . Each claw structure has a segment that is pivotally coupled to the copter. In and aspect of a claw structure a pivotally attached segment is coupled to a slide 213 segment slidably coupled at hinge joint 208 on the craft and support a outwardly pivoting segment 207 with a smaller hooking nail-like claw segment 207 . Thus the claw mechanism is integrated with deployable-retractable landing gear extensions. A virtual line between the claw joints 208 2010 forms a default line for parallel alignment to a target horizontal edge. Each rotor 205 is electrically connected to an electronic speed controller for controlling a propeller 201 . FIG. 3 shows a side view schematic of the perching claw structure on a copter in an embodiment of the invention. A housing 301 encloses and support the internals, 4 rotors 305 and associated propellers 303 are shown rigidly attached 307 protruding outwardly from the housing 301 . Two sets of claw structures 317 319 are shown. Each claw includes a base 309 segment, a sliding 313 segment, a slider 315 and a claw gripping 311 segment. There can be independence of deployment as shown the camera far claw 317 is deployed while the camera near 319 maintains a tight folded configuration. The claw structures maybe foldable or not depending on the embodiment design. Thus in an embodiment rotor booms house claws in deployable-retractable recursive segments. In another embodiment a claw structure 302 is slidably attached with a claw to coptor pivot coupling to the coptor underside. This claw is shown extended out and deployed 304 . Thus in an embodiment the claw mechanism is slidable out from the craft with anchor pivoting handle end to craft and distal end claw hook. Both of these embodiments implement a foldable deployable claw mechanism which provides a more portable character to a copter. FIG. 4 illustrates the phases of a perching maneuver with a rotor boom claw mechanism in an embodiment of the invention. The first phase 405 has the copter at a distance from the target horizontal edge maintaining a horizontal flight position. This self-leveling position can be an operational mode result establishing a safe position to be activated upon sensing free fall from the accelerometer data onboard or simply an automated programmed process on initiated by user. The arrows show propeller vertical lift thrust forces opposing the gravity force to provide net lift. In tilt rotor coptors the copter body need not be completely horizontal to have the full rotor thrust vector working against gravity force. Thus in most copters the thrust vector works against approaching a wall with a pitch angle forward and some momentum must be available to move into proper perching position. The second phase 403 shows the copter in claw line parallel alignment with the THE and with a pitched copter angle in preparation for final approach perching. The vectors show the coptor has a velocity toward the THE opposing the rotor thrust in slowing the copter as it approaches the THE. The third phase 401 shows the copter in perching position with claw attached to the THE surface. In a claw fan boom 407 embodiment the rotor or fan boom segment 411 houses a deployable claw mechanism in two pivotably connected 413 417 segments, pivotably at hinge points 409 and 415 respectively. These may be spring loaded for deployment and counter spring retard retractable. Pressure sensors are placed on the distal segment 417 at the ends 415 419 for programmability of knowing exactly when contact is made so that perching can be completed. In yet another embodiment, the claw 302 slidably attached to the craft housing 307 on a body lengthwise handle shown stowed position and extendable out 304 upon deployment. This embodiment allows for a slightly longer distance away from the target horizontal edge and simplicity in design. The end of the claw handle may be coupled by a pivot joint to allow more flexibility in the perch maneuver final approach. FIG. 5 shows a quadcopter rotor power configuration for individual flight dynamics in an aspect of the invention. A user's control input command should correspond exactly to the flight behavior of the craft. Flight controllers are configurable and programmable, allowing for adjustments based on varying multi-rotor configurations. Gains or PIDs are used to tune the controller, yielding a programmed response in as far as a user's input and craft flight input. The controller reads instructions from a receiver for commandering the electronic speed controllers in directing synchronized rotor array operations configured for a programmed set of specific flight dynamics as shown for ultimately maneuvering a multi-rotor craft vehicle in a automated fashion. Specific flight dynamics such as, hover, adjust yaw, adjust pitch, move up, move right, turn right or left, require the rotor array configuration labeling 515 such that individual rotors operating in concert provide net torques and on a quadcopter aircraft, due to synchronization of individual spinning rotors on commands which do not work in cross purposes to over all commands for flight dynamics along a trajectory. For example the curled arrows show rotors 1 and 3 spin in one direction, while rotors 2 and 4 spin in the opposite direction, yielding opposing torques for a controlled flight to hover vertically 501 . Each rotor produces both a thrust and torque about its center of rotation and are numbered as shown 515 for explanation use. If all rotors are spinning at the same angular, with rotors one and three rotating clockwise and rotors two and four counterclockwise, the net aerodynamic torque, and hence the angular acceleration about the yaw axis is exactly zero, which implies that the yaw stabilizing rotor of conventional helicopters is not needed. Yaw is induced by mismatching the balance in aerodynamic torques i.e., by offsetting the cumulative thrust commands between the counter-rotating blade pairs. The major flight control motions are produced through the application of rotor thrust and torque as applied to the combination of rotors as shown. The thickness of the rotation arrow represent the relative magnitude of the rotor thrust produced. A quadrotor hovers 511 or adjusts its altitude by applying equal thrust to all four rotors. A quadrotor adjusts its yaw 503 by applying more thrust to rotors rotating in one direction. A quadrotor adjusts its pitch 505 or roll by applying more thrust to one rotor and less thrust to its diametrically opposite rotor. A quadrotor hovers vertically 501 by maintaining uniform rotor power across the rotors. A quadrotor rotates left 507 by providing higher thrust to rotors 2 and 4 . A quadrotor rotates right 509 by providing higher thrust to rotors 1 and 3 . A quadrotor moves right 513 by reducing rotor 2 thrust relative to 4 and maintaining rotors 1 and 3 . FIG. 6 is a pictorial illustration of a perching maneuver for a quadcopter in an embodiment of the invention. A processor contains logic for identifying a 3D target horizontal edge from camera image processing of 2D images and displaying to user for selection from the transmitted 2D image. The craft rangefinder 601 distance 605 and trajectory is locked-on to the THE at a reference height Z 1 603 from reference ground 615 where geometry for the trajectory to THE are determined. The craft proceeds to a default distance relative X 1 606 to the THE at the final approach and orients its pitch 607 to be aligned just above the THE. In an embodiment a PID controller which uses a navigation filter estimate and guidance algorithm to track a fight trajectory. The difference between the measurement and the reference, the error, is fed into the PID block and an output is generated from the three gains: Kp, the proportional gain is multiplied directly by the error, Kd, the derivative gain is multiplied by the time rate of change of the error, and lastly, Ki, which multiplies the integral of the error receive from actual distance and calculated trajectory. The final approach entails verification of default distance and pitch orientation of the craft for a slowed descent to engage the claw tip 611 with the target horizontal edge surface, all the while measuring its downward acceleration 609 and claw tip 611 pressure for contact vs. missing the THE perch position. With attitude estimation established from realtime rangefinder data, and inner loop stabilizing the craft, the guide along the desired trajectory can overcome disturbances such as wind. Moreover, the altitude and speed for the trajectory to the THE, can involve several legs which can be blended into each other using circular arcs to reduce over flight errors. FIG. 7 is a flow diagram of a perching maneuver in an embodiment of the invention. An onboard camera image 705 is presented on users display device, image which is processed for graphical artifacts upon user selection. Whether FCV or LOS, the camera sends images to processor 705 data defining a single two dimensional image or two stereoscopic views of the same image. An image analyzing module configured to receive the data and analyze the two dimensional image determines a two dimensional orientation representative of a three dimensional orientation and position. The image will provide input to select a linear more-or-less horizontal or slowly inclined 3D object from the image, for locking on a target horizontal edge (THE). The real 3D artifact or object can be a 3D edge surface such as trim, window sill, picture top, frame, cupboard or cabinet top, horizontal crack or linear opening, wire, cable, etc shown from a 2D image analysis, forming a horizontal line object in the image. The processor 17 will execute logic for locking on to the selected target horizontal edge (THE) object position and receives the two dimensional orientation from an image analyzing module to determine the three dimensional orientation and position of a candidate THE center point. Information relating to the three dimensional orientation and position of the THE can be had by many alternate methods. Upon determining an orientation and position of an object THE at user selection or input 701 locks the THE center as the perching destination point for the perching maneuver landing module 701 . Methods for performing lock-on can include, for example, using Euler's angles in a matrix to represent the entire object at once. Determining an orientation and position of an object THE can include a computation device having an input module 705 adapted to receive data defining a two dimensional image, an image analyzing module configured to receive the data and analyze the two dimensional image to determine a two dimensional orientation representative of a three dimensional orientation and position, a position calculating module configured to receive the two dimensional orientation from the image analyzing module and determine the three dimensional orientation and position of the object. This output information relating to the three dimensional orientation and position of a midsection THE is sent on for calculation to adjusting rotor ESC command pitch, yaw, forward, backward, up or down in an adaptive manner, while accepting range, acceleration and or claw sensor data. In some embodiments, an image analyzing module will include a background subtraction component configured to reduce interference associated with the data defining the two dimensional image. The image analyzing module can also include a centroid calculating component configured to define a centroid of one or more pixels of the image. In another embodiment of the system for determining an orientation and position of an object, the position calculating module can include a processing component configured to process a series of linear equations to determine the three dimensional orientation and position of the object. In some embodiments, the series of linear equations is a Taylor series of equations. In still other embodiments, boundary conditions to a series of linear equations can be used to determine the THE position. Lock-on to a THE can also be had through situational data stored for use in simplifying the determination of the three dimensional orientation and position and in some embodiments can include boundary assumptions relating to the range of expected orientations of the object defined by a range of rotation angles about axes passing through the center of mass of the THE object. The expected orientations can relate to operational limits and conditions of the object and, for example, the range of rotation angles can include a range of angles about a longitudinal direction of the THE. In another embodiment, the range of rotation angles can include a range of angles about one or more directions transverse to the direction of travel. In some embodiments, the situational data can be adjustable based on the object and conditions for which the orientation and position are being determined. In still other embodiments, the situational data can include relationship information between the object and a position indicator associated with the object. In another embodiment, a method for determining an orientation and position of an THE can include receiving image data and storing the image data in a computer readable storage medium, the image data including a two dimensional depiction of the object, and using a computation device having one or more modules for accessing the image data and determining the orientation and position of the object. The determining can include analyzing the image data to determine a two dimensional orientation that is representative of a three dimensional position and orientation of the object and performing a three dimensional analysis limited by boundary conditions to determine the three dimensional orientation and position of the object. In some embodiments, performing a three dimensional analysis can include processing a system of linear equations, such as a Taylor series. In yet another embodiment, the method of determining an orientation and position of a THE for lock-on can include applying boundary conditions to limit the variables associated with the three dimensional position and orientation of the object, wherein the boundary conditions relate to the range of expected orientations of the object defined by a range of rotation angles about axes passing through the center of mass of the THE object. In some embodiments, the expected orientations can relate to operational limits and conditions of the object. For example, the range of rotation angles can include a range of angles about a longitudinal direction of extension. In another embodiment, the range of rotation angles can include a range of angles about one or more directions transverse to the direction of THE travel. In still other embodiments, the boundary conditions can relate to a known relationship between the position indicator orientation and the object orientation such as known horizontal orientation of pictures, frames, trim, shelves, horizontal borders, horizontal boundary demarcations, wires, cables, etc. Programmatically issuing the rotor commands configured by the flight controller to manage orientation and flight movement and continuous reading or monitoring the current location, a realtime response trajectory is plotted between the copter position and the target horizontal edge (THE). Spatial angles are computed and rotor thrusters are applied to obtain the flight dynamics to position the coptor to a default self-leveling height 705 . In some embodiments self-leveling mid-air positioning is a routine callable at anytime a save event is registered. A “save” even is one whereby the coptor fails and finds itself in free fall. The distance to the THE is read 707 from the ranger and the distance ranged 711 is further closed to another default distance X 1 just above and offset from the THE whereby within a few more adjustments a small descent with coptor angled with claws to engage the THE from above programmatically. Realtime changes require an iterative loop to maintain a manageable and predictable speed of the copter approach which will be dependent on the rotor thrust produced in the various flight direction modes and distance and the velocity at which the copter arrives in the vicinity of the THE center position. The range or distance is updated in real-time until position X 1 is reached, at which time a self-leveling is done. In addition the accelerometer is continuously monitored for a free fall event in which case the self-leveling routine is called and the copter is moved to a safe re-try position 709 . Once proximate default X 1 position is attained, the copter's claw orientation 713 must orient the claw(s) parallel to the THE for maximum claw THE engagement. The yaw flight maneuver control will be iteratively 713 applied in aligning the copter claw line with the THE until the claw line is more-or-less parallel. This perching maneuver logic is responsive to real-time range data from rangefinder for positioning and orienting the craft above the target horizontal edge as a certain amount of iteration will is expected for some embodiments. Logic thread then continues with the claw line a short default Z 2 grappling distance 715 to above the THE must be established whereby the copter pitch angle will allow slowed decent and claw engagement with the top surface of the THE. The copter pitch 717 is then rotated to an angle which upon vertical downward movement will engage the claws with the THE. The may be in the range of 10 to 30 degrees with the vertical axis. If not already done, the claws will be deployed 719 or extended to their engaging position in anticipation of the perching completion. Copter acceleration downward continues to be monitored for free fall 721 prepares for the final approach to perching. In an embodiment the perching maneuver logic using rangefinder data responsively for approaching and positioning the multi-rotor craft from above and adjacent to the target horizontal edge corner vertical virtual surface will be used in descending the craft with sufficient pitch angle within proximity to engage to engage the craft claw with the horizontal edge surface. Begin descent at pitch 725 flight control aiming copter mid plane to THE for engagement with the THE surface and the claw while descending. Continuously monitor claw pressure sensor 727 for coptor weight pressure. A sensor pressure commensurate with copter weight or set default minimum will trigger a return 729 and successful perching. Iteration through difference in copter elevation and THE elevation 731 is a second check on whether a miss was incurred and the self-leveling mode 709 should be engaged or the descent has not yet reached the claw engagement with THE surface. While the invention has been described with respect to a limited number of embodiments, those skilled in the art, having benefit of this invention, will appreciate that other embodiments can be devised which do not depart from the scope of the invention as disclosed herein. Other aspects of the invention will be apparent from the following description and the appended claims.
A personal drone with much extended air time. A portable retractable-extendable clawed drone with automated perching function. Perching, landing on a target horizontal edge or a wire, a building trim, a lamp or sign, a shelf, almost any small horizontal edge with a little surface, for video streaming without using up power on hovering or flight, thus conserving power indefinitely. A veritable fly-on-the-wall multi-rotor drone having mechanical claws and automated perching function.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a powdered wax particularly suited for use as a tablet polishing wax which (wax) is to carry print, to tablets polished with such wax, and to a method for preparing such powdered wax. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION It is standard practice in the pharmaceutical industry to coat or polish printed sugar tablets with waxes applied in a chlorinated or flammable hydrocarbon solvent to achieve a shiny gloss and protection for the print. Thus, typically, a print base solution containing ethanol, water, ethyl cellulose and shellac is applied to the tablets, the tablets are dried and then the dried tablets are printed. During the printing operation, talc is applied to enable the tablets to feed properly in the printing machine. After printing, the tablets are loaded into a polishing pan and a wax solution formed of various conventional waxes in a chlorinated or hydrocarbon solvent is applied over the print. Although the above procedure has achieved some commercial success, it has been found to be lacking in several respects. The use of chlorinated solvents in the wax emulsion has been found to create a potential health problem while the use of talc in connection with the printing machines has been found to create a sanitary problem. Moreover, it unfortunately has been found that the wax coating is quite soft and does not readily protect the print. Further, if the wax coating is first applied and the tablet printed over the wax coating, the print is easily rubbed off. It is also known to polish tablets with powdered carnauba wax. However, the shine is too hard to serve as a substrate for printing. Accordingly, it is seen that a need exists in the tablet polishing and printing art for a wax coating and polish for tablets which will not only provide a durable shiny coating but also a substrate for printing which will retain print for extended periods. DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION In accordance with the present invention, a wax is provided which is in a fine powdered state having an average particle size of less than about 100 microns and preferably less than about 90 microns. The powdered wax of the invention is preferably comprised of beeswax (also referred to as white wax), or mixtures of beeswax and carnauba wax, although one or more other waxes may be employed in combination with the beeswax and/or carnauba wax or by themselves. Examples of such other waxes suitable for use herein include, but are not limited to, paraffin wax, polyethylene glycol waxes, other hard waxes such as candelilla wax, ozokerite, oricury, microcrystalline wax and the like. The powdered wax of the invention may be applied as a polish to tablets to produce a durable shiny protective coating. Furthermore, the wax coating may be printed over with the print being retained for extended periods of time. In fact, the overall appearance and durability of both the print and shine is superior to that of conventionally wax-coated and printed tablets. In addition, in accordance with the present invention, a method is provided for preparing the powdered wax described above, which method includes the steps of providing a desired wax formulation, melting the wax formulation to form a homogeneous mass, allowing the wax formulation to harden, breaking the hardened wax formulation into small pieces, milling the small pieces of wax with dry ice employing a weight ratio of wax to dry ice of within the range of from about 0.5:1 to about 5:1, preferably from about 0:5.1 to about 2:1, and then allowing the dry ice to evaporate from the milled wax formulation while maintaining the wax at a temperature of below about 5° C., thereby leaving the wax in a fine powdered state free of clumps. In carrying out the above method, the homogeneous melted wax formulation is preferably frozen before it is broken up into small chunks prior to milling. The size of the small chunks of wax to be milled is not critical. However, for convenience, it is preferred that the wax be broken up into pieces of from about 1 to 5 microns up to about 1 to 10 centimeters in size to facilitate milling. The milling of the frozen pieces of wax with dry ice is carried out employing conventional high speed milling apparatus such as a Fitzpatrick mill employing hammers forward through a small herring bone screen. However, other conventional milling equipment may be employed as will be apparent to those skilled in the art. The milling procedure may be carried out as a one step procedure. However, it is preferred that the milling step be carried out stepwise so that a first portion of the dry ice will first be milled, thereafter a second larger portion of dry ice together with milled dry ice will be mixed with the wax chunks and the mix milled, and finally the remainder of the dry ice will be milled with the wax-dry ice mixture. After the wax is milled with dry ice, a snow of dry ice and wax is formed which is kept in a cooled state as the dry ice is allowed to evaporate. The snow may be placed in conventional refrigeration apparatus to maintain the snow at a temperature of within the range of from about -5° to about 5° C. If during the dry ice evaporation period, the wax is allowed to reach temperatures of greater than about 10° C., the wax will form clumps as opposed to the desired fine powder. The powdered wax produced by the method of the present invention is particularly suited as a polishing agent and print substrate for tablets. In fact, heretofore, where it has been attempted to powder wax, the result has been melted globs or a semi-powder-like wax product replete with clumps and therefore unsatisfactory as a polishing agent for tablets. The following Examples represent preferred embodiments of the present invention. All temperatures are expressed in °C. EXAMPLE 1 A fine powdered wax containing equal parts of carnauba wax and white wax particularly suitable for use as a polishing agent for sugar-coated tablets was prepared as described below. Carnauba wax (10 kg) and white wax (10 kg) were placed in a suitably sized container and melted at 100°. The melted homogeneous wax mix was then placed in a freezer maintained at -10° C. for four hours. The resulting frozen block of wax was removed from the freezer, placed in a cloth and then broken into small chunks of average size of less than 2 inches. The wax chunks were immediately milled with dry ice in a Fitzpatrick impact mill with hammers forward high speed through a 0.15" by 17/32" long herring-bone or finer herring-bone screen, as follows. 1 Kg of milled dry ice was milled with 13 kg of dry ice chunks together with all 20 kg of the wax mix. Thereafter, the milled dry ice-wax mix was milled with another 1 kg portion of dry ice. A dry ice/wax snow was thereby formed which was spread on a tray. The tray was placed in a refrigerator maintained at about 4° C., for 12 hours, thereby allowing the dry ice to evaporate and leaving fluffy powdered wax having a fineness of 100% through #60 mesh screen and over 25% through #400 mesh screen on an Alpine sieve. The so-formed powdered wax was placed in an air-tight container and refrigerated until used. The 50-50 carnauba wax-white wax powder was applied as a polishing agent for sugar coated tablets to produce a durable quality shiny coating without the need for use of chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents or flammable hydrocarbon solvents. The so-polished tablets were printed over to form a durable print which was not easily rubbed off. EXAMPLE 2 A fine powdered pure white (beeswax) wax was formed employing the procedure as described in Example 1 except that all carnauba wax was replaced with white wax. The resulting powdered white wax was found to be of the same fineness as the Example 1 wax.
A novel powdered wax is provided which is especially adapted for use as a polishing agent for tablets and as a substrate for print carried by such tablets. A method for forming such powdered wax is also provided which includes the steps of milling pieces of wax with dry ice and then allowing the dry ice to evaporate while maintaining the milled wax at cool temperatures to prevent clumping.
This application is a Continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/555,533 filed on Jul. 23, 2012, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,647,329; which is a Continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/748,826 filed on Mar. 29, 2010, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,226,594; which is a Continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/672,100 filed on Sep. 26, 2003, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,686,780. The entire disclosures of the prior patents/applications are considered as being part of the disclosure of the accompanying application and hereby expressly incorporated by reference herein. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The present invention relates generally to a system and method for treating conditions of the brain. More specifically, the present invention relates to a catheter assembly and method for intraventricular shunting and lavage for the change of neurophysiological imbalances in the central nervous system (CNS). Apoprotein and other substances accumulate in the brain tissues of patients suffering from cognitive imp ailment associated with aging (e.g., Alzheimer's disease). Patients in a coma after traumatic head injury, patients suffering from dementia, and patients with a variety of other psychiatric disorders are also known to display imbalances or deficiencies of a variety of cerebral neurotransmitters and electrolytes. Patients in a coma after traumatic head injury are known to display several kinds of neurophysiological disequilibria, for example, excessively high intracranial pressure which may depress the regulation of vital functions or create deficits of neurotransmitters such as Acetylcholine or serotonin resulting in a diminution of activating and arousal processes. Precursors and metabolites of neurotransmitters are also present in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which establishes an equilibrium by diffusion with the extracellular fluid (ECF) which is the intimate environment of the parenchyma tissue, neurons and glia. The CSF concentrations of these substances may provide clinically useful information about excesses or deficits of neurotransmitters in the tissue. Such neurophysiological disequilibria may result in a build up of toxic substances in the CSF. Excessive amounts of metabolite produced in one brain region may diffuse via the CSF to other regions where they may alter the balance of reversible reactions. Intracranial pressure (ICP) may increase, causing depression of centers in the brainstem that are essential for maintenance and regulation of vital functions. Such alterations of normal ICP are encountered in clinical conditions such as hydrocephalus or traumatic brain injury. The CSF may be drained from the CSF space to adjust the ICP, and the concentrations of metabolites or precursors of critical substances may be subjected to microassay outside the cranium. The removal of CSF to treat Alzheimer's disease, hydrocephalus, brain edema, or other diseases may be accomplished by the use of a variety of intracranial devices, as is known in the art. To remove these undesirable toxic substances or correct these undesirable pressures, a drainage device such as a shunt or a catheter may be placed in a ventricle of the brain. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention is directed to a method of treating a central nervous system (CNS) disorder, comprising the steps of inserting into a patient's body first and second conduits so that distal ends of the first and second conduits open to a portion of the patient's CNS with direct access to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and so that a proximal end of the first conduit opens into a first reservoir of material to be introduced into the CSF and a proximal end of the second conduit opens to drain CSF withdrawn from the CNS and detecting and analyzing brain activity of a patient in combination with the steps of determining a chemical imbalance present in the CSF by one of a micro assay of a sample of CSF withdrawn from the second reservoir and the detected and analyzed brain activity and treating the patient based on the determined chemical imbalance by one of supplying an agent to the CSF via the first conduit and withdrawing a quantity CSF via the second conduit. The present invention is further directed to a system for treating disorders of the central nervous system, comprising first and second conduits, wherein, when in an operative position, distal ends of the first and second conduits open into a portion of a patient's CNS with direct access to cerebrospinal fluid and wherein, when in the operative position, a proximal end of the second conduit opens to drain CSF from the CNS and at least one reservoir implantable within the patient's body and holding material to be introduced to the CNS in combination with a first pump coupled to the first reservoir and the first conduit for introducing the material to the CNS via the first conduit and a brain wave detection unit for detecting and analyzing brain waves of the patient. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS FIG. 1A shows an exemplary embodiment of a catheter assembly according to the present invention; FIG. 1B shows a cross-section of the catheter assembly of FIG. 1A taken along line A-A of FIG. 1A ; FIG. 2A shows an exemplary embodiment of a first branch of the catheter assembly of FIG. 1A ; FIG. 2B shows a second branch of a catheter assembly according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 3 shows an osmotic pump assembly for use in accord with the embodiment of FIG. 1A ; FIG. 4 shows an exemplary embodiment of a method for the correction of neurophysiological disequilibria in the central nervous system according to the present invention; and FIG. 5 shows a cross-sectional view of a multi-chamber osmotic pump according to an embodiment of the invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION Those skilled in the art will understand that it may, at times, be desirable to administer pharmacotherapeutic drugs or other therapeutic agents to treat chemical imbalances in the brain. However, the effective availability of many of the pharmacotherapeutic drugs administered to treat such is limited by their inability to cross the blood-brain barrier (“BBB”). Further, although precursors, agonists and antagonists of these substances are well known, the ability to deliver effective cerebral doses is sometimes seriously constrained by their possible systemic side effects. Those skilled in the art will understand that it may, at times, be desirable to adjust the ICP by removing CSF or by adding synthetic artificial CSF to optimize pressure dependent homeostatic functions. The invention enables aggressive intervention in brain disorders by adaptively correcting the contribution of a suboptimal fluid environment to the health of neural tissue, adjusting ICP or otherwise restoring an optimal extracellular neurochemical balance by circumventing the brain's resistance to drug entry posed by the BBB, as well as possible systemic side effects, by a direct delivery into the CSF using a minimally invasive technology coupled with bioassay and electrophysiological monitoring techniques. The CSF surrounding the brain and spine is naturally produced in the chorioid plexus in the ventricles and reabsorbed by arachnoid villi. Swelling of the brain due to edema caused by concussion commonly causes blockade of reabsorption pathways resulting in a pathological increase in ICP. Similar dangerous excesses of ICP and disturbances of brain development can be caused by blockade of the cerebral ventricles in hydrocephalus. It is believed that certain brain disorders such as, for example, Alzheimer's disease, may result from the presence of certain toxic substances in the CSF. These toxins may, for example, be generated by diseased neurons at a rate greater than the rate at which they are removed by regeneration of the CSF, resulting in an accumulation of toxins, in the CSF. Known toxic substances include beta A-4 amyloid, beta-2 microglobulin, tau, etc. Other conditions are known to cause increases or decreases in the availability of neurotransmitters or their precursors. The ECF which is the intimate environment of the brain cells is in reversible diffusion exchange with the CSF and therefore conveys neurotransmitters and their precursors and metabolites from various brain regions into the CSF. As would be understood by those skilled in the art, the power spectrum of the EEG is regulated by a homeostatic neuro anatomical system in the brain which is dependent upon appropriate availability of neurotransmitters. Excesses or deficits of these substances perturb this regulation. Therefore, quantitative analysis of the EEG can serve as an indicator of neurotransmitter availability. As would be understood by those skilled in the art, increases in ICP following traumatic brain injury or other conditions may result in swelling of the brain and increases in the ICP that can have serious consequences including death, and are a subject of great concern in the trauma intensive care unit. The present invention is directed to a system and method for correcting such imbalances. In one embodiment of the invention, the system may be automated to maintain a desired chemical balance in the CSF using dynamic feedback from EEG monitoring and periodic chemical analysis of the CSF. However, a more basic system according to the present invention may include, for example, a shunting catheter for shunting CSF from the cranium and an infusion catheter for infusing necessary chemicals (i.e., electrolytes, agonists, antagonists, etc.) into the cranium via an osmotic pump, while monitoring and regulating the effects of the intraventricular shunting and lavage with periodic quantitative electroencephalographic (QEEG) assays and with chemical analysis of the shunted CSF performed by clinical personnel. In one embodiment of the invention, the system may be automated to maintain a desired ICP using dynamic feedback from a sensor monitoring the ICP to regulate the outflow of CSF from the shunt. For example, an indwelling pressure sensor may periodically detect ICP and forward this data to a processor so that, when an ICP value outside an acceptable range is detected, external personnel may be notified or automatic control of a pump to add or withdraw CSF may be undertaken until the ICP returns to the acceptable range. Alternatively, as will be discussed below, brain activity may be monitored and the conclusions concerning the level of ICP and actions to be taken may be made based on analysis of the brain activity detected. For example, data corresponding to the ICP may be generated by evoking and analyzing brainstem auditory responses (BAER) as described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,705,049 (“the '049 patent) the entire disclosure of which is hereby expressly incorporated by reference herein. FIGS. 1A and 1B show an exemplary embodiment of a catheter assembly 1 according to the present invention. The catheter assembly 1 includes a dual lumen catheter 100 and a data processing unit 200 which may include either or both of a QEEG monitor and a BAER monitor receiving data from electrodes placed on the scalp or under the skin as would be understood by those skilled in the art. As would be understood, the components of the catheter assembly 1 may be made from any bio-compatible materials, such as, for example, silicon. As shown in FIG. 1B , a distal end of a catheter 100 which comprises a first lumen 110 and a second lumen 120 is inserted into a ventricle of a patient's brain as discussed in more detail below. At some point along the length thereof, the first and second lumens 110 , 120 , respectively, of the catheter 100 divert into separate branches 110 ′ and 120 ′. Alternatively, as would be understood by those of skill in the art, two single lumen catheters may be substituted for the catheter 100 with a first one of the catheters performing the same functions as the first lumen 110 , and a second one of the catheters performing the same functions as the second lumen 120 . As shown in FIG. 2A , the first lumen 110 extends past a valve 114 to a reservoir 113 which is coupled to a pump 115 so that fluids and/or therapeutic agents stored in the reservoir 113 may be fed through the first lumen to be supplied to the CSF. As shown in FIG. 2B , the proximal end of the branch 120 ′ is coupled via a valve 114 ′ to a receiving volume 130 and a relief valve 116 controls drainage of the fluid within the receiving volume 130 into the body. Exemplary internal locations for the receiving volume 130 include the venous system, peritoneal cavity, pleural cavity, etc., and an exemplary external location may include a drainage bag. The valve 114 acts as a check valve to prevent a back-flow of CSF from the CNS into the pump 115 and the valve 114 ′ acts to prevent the flow of CSF into the receiving volume 130 to maintain a threshold pressure in the cranium. The valves 114 and 114 ′ may, for example, be constructed as described in U.S. Pat. No. 3,985,140 to Harris, which is hereby expressly incorporated by reference herein. Alternatively, those skilled in the art will recognize that the valves 114 , 114 ′ may be any other flow control component which controls the flow of CSF therethrough so that flow is prevented or allowed only in amounts and directions and at times desired by the system. As would be understood by those skilled in the art, the pump 115 may be an osmotic pump, micromechanical pump, or other conventional pump. Alternatively, fluid may be drained into the patient's body. In this case, the second lumen 120 may include a plurality of small holes in the distal end thereof, distal of the valve 114 ′, so that CSF accumulating in the ventricle may enter the holes and drain from the catheter 100 . In addition, a second pump (not shown) may be coupled to the second lumen 120 to assist in drawing CSF from the CNS. The second lumen 120 allows CSF to be withdrawn from the cranium, to remove accumulated, undesirable toxic substances and/or to enable microassays of a withdrawn CSF sample. Furthermore, as would be understood by those skilled in the art, a microassay or liquid chromatography chip or other suitable sensor differentially sensitive to specific substances may automatically regularly or continuously sense concentrations of these specific substances (e.g., in the receiving volume 130 ) and compare these concentrations to optimal amounts. The results of these comparisons may then be outputted to a clinician or may be sent directly to the data processing unit 200 , described in more detail below, to modify the output of the pump 115 . The CSF may be extracted from the receiving volume 130 for an external assay by puncturing the reservoir with a needle and withdrawing the sample therefrom into a syringe. As would be understood by those skilled in the art, in such an arrangement the needle would be inserted into a self-sealing septum so that, upon withdrawal of the needle leakage from the receiving volume 130 would be prevented. As mentioned above, a withdrawn CSF sample may be microassayed to make adjustments and/or updates to balances of chemicals to be supplied to the CSF (e.g., by altering the make-up of the fluid included in the reservoir 113 ). If, upon assay of the withdrawn CSF sample, the CSF is found to contain undesirable material, it may be eliminated either spontaneously by withdrawing a quantity of the tainted CSF to spur the secretion of new CSF by the brain, or forcibly by the introduction of fluids via the first lumen 110 as described above. Furthermore, if microassay of the withdrawn CSF sample reveals excess or deficient electrolytes or the precursors or metabolites of cerebral neurotransmitters, the first lumen 110 may be used to infuse electrolytes or agonists or antagonists of the deviant neurotransmitter or any other agent in order to restore a desired balance. The removal of CSF, and thus, toxic substances contained therein via the second lumen 120 prevents these toxic substances from being reabsorbed and recirculated and makes it possible to manage levels of these toxins. In addition, since the removal rate of these toxins may be equal to, if not higher than, their production rates, newly produced, clean CSF will displace the contaminated fluid. Thus, a transport rate of the CSF may be set at an optimum level to achieve and maintain a desired CSF composition. Those skilled in the art will understand that, CSF production varies significantly from patient to patient and, consequently, that the optimum transport levels will need to be varied as well to accommodate these differences. In certain respects, the catheter 100 acts as a shunt system as described, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 3,654,932 to Newkirk, et al., the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. The catheter assembly 1 is introduced into the ventricular system of the brain, preferably into the third ventricle, through conventional surgery or any known technique as is done, for example, to regulate excess CSF in patients afflicted with hydrocephalus. For example, the catheter assembly 1 may be inserted through a burr hole of the skull and through the brain tissue, using a technique such as, for example, the one described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,312,357 to Buijs et al., the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. The proximal end of the first lumen 110 may be inserted, e.g., into the patient's peritoneal cavity with the pump 115 and reservoir 113 in a position such that the reservoir 113 may be easily accessed in order to supply fluids and/or therapeutic agents thereto. As is generally done with ventricular shunts, the catheter assembly 1 may ultimately be covered and held in place by the scalp. FIG. 3 shows in more detail an osmotic pump assembly (such as, for example, described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,436,091 to Harper et al.) which may be employed as the osmotic pump 115 of FIG. 2A . The osmotic pump assembly 115 comprises an osmotic reservoir 133 and an agent supply reservoir 132 . The osmotic pump assembly 115 supplies fluid from the agent supply reservoir 132 to the CNS via the valve 114 when a concentration difference between the agent supply reservoir 132 and the osmotic reservoir 133 causes solvent to migrate across a semi-permeable membrane 134 extending therebetween. The membrane 134 may be formed, for example, of cellulose acetate or other suitable material as would be understood by those of skill in the art. As discussed in more detail below, the osmotic pump 115 may be replaced by a multi-chambered osmotic pump which can supply a combination of therapeutic agents to the CSF. As would also be understood by those skilled in the art, the valves 114 , 114 ′ and/or the pump 115 may be activated to maintain a desired ICP based on feedback from an indwelling pressure sensor. That is, the valve 114 ′ may be operated to allow CSF to drain from the CNS when a detected ICP is above a predetermined threshold. Alternatively, the ICP data may be output to allow manual adjustment of the ICP. Also, instead of directly measuring the ICP, the data processing unit 200 may analyze brain activity data and generate data corresponding to the ICP. For example, the data processing unit 200 may control a transmitting unit to send out a trigger signal, collect BAER data, analyze a resulting waveshape by optimal digital filtering and perform automatic peak detection of the BAER waveshape. Then, an interval between first and fifth peaks of this waveshape is determined. If this interval is greater than a predetermined threshold length, it is determined that the ICP is not optimum and, either this data is outputted to enable manual ICP adjustment or the data processing unit 200 controls the system to drain CSF until the BAER data indicates that the ICP is within the acceptable range. For example, if the interval between the first and fifth peaks of the BAER waveshape is greater than 4.2 milliseconds, the system determines that the level of the ICP is excessive (e.g., ICP>than 7.0 Torre) and CSF may then be drained until the BAER data indicates that the TCP is <7.0 Torre (i.e., when the interval between the first and fifth peaks is equal to or less than 4.2 milliseconds). Of course, those skilled in the art will understand that BAER data may be combined with detected pressure values if desired. In addition, a pump connected to the second lumen 120 may be employed under control of the data processing unit 200 to aid in draining CSF while the pump 115 may be used to add fluid to the CNS if the ICP is lower than a lower limit of the acceptable range. In addition to the dual lumen catheter 100 and its components, as described above the system data processing unit 200 may comprise a QEEG and/or BAER unit or other sensory evoked potential system, as shown in FIG. 1A . As would be understood by those skilled in the art, the data processing unit 200 records and analyzes electrical activity of the brain through the use of a high-speed data processor and electrodes placed on or under the scalp and linked to the processor. The processor of the data processing unit 200 amplifies the detected electrical impulses of the brain and converts them into a wave pattern to provide biofeedback corresponding to brain activity. Alternatively, other known systems for detecting and analyzing brain activity may be used to monitor the same effects. The data processing unit 200 may be a conventional QEEG/BAER system utilizing electrodes removably attached to a patient's scalp and external data processing and monitoring equipment. Alternatively, the data processing unit 200 may be an implantable, fully internalized system directly linked to a central control unit which gathers data from the data processing unit 200 and from other sources and controls components of the system such as the osmotic pump 131 automatically to create a self regulating system. The electrodes for the data processing unit 200 system may, for example, be implanted in a manner similar to that described for the implantation of brain stimulating electrodes in U.S. Pat. No. 6,463,328 the entire disclosure of which is hereby expressly incorporated by reference herein. More specifically, the data processing unit 200 may comprise a QEEG unit 200 A, a BAER analyzer 200 B and a transmitter 200 C. The QEEG unit 200 A preferably operates as would be understood by those skilled in the art to perform all the functions of known quantitative electro encephalographic systems while the BAER analyzer 200 B operates in conjunction with the transmitter 200 C to analyze BAER data evoked by auditory stimulus generated by the transmitter. For example, the transmitter 200 C may send out a trigger signal, while the electrodes forward data to data processing unit 200 . The BAER analyzer 200 B then eliminates noise from the signal and analyzes the BAER waveshape by optimal digital filtering and performs automatic peak detection of the BAER waveshape to determine the interval between the first and fifth peaks. This data is then used by the data processing unit 200 to control the shunting of CSF to progressively adjust the ICP until the interval between the first and fifth peaks of the BAER waveform is no greater than a predetermined threshold value (e.g., 4.2 milliseconds) or until the ICP is below a predetermined threshold (e.g., 7.0 Torre). The data processing unit 200 may be used to monitor the effects of the chemicals and CSF interventions created by the present invention. It may gauge the rate and amount of infusion required by evaluating the restoration of any deviant brain electrical parameters to control data corresponding to activity of the brain when symptoms of the CNS disorder are not present or to known normative values appropriate for the age, gender, etc, of the patient. Such age-appropriate normative data may, for example, be installed in a ROM unit of the data processing unit 200 prior to implantation. Alternatively, the data processing unit 200 may include an interface allowing for updated normative data to be provided thereto after implantation. As described above, a plurality of electrodes coupled to the data processing unit 200 are coupled to a patient's scalp. In addition, the data processing unit 200 may be connected to the osmotic pump assembly 115 so that operation of the pump 115 may be controlled thereby based on the brain activity detected by the data processing unit 200 . As would be understood by those of skill in the art, each of the plurality of electrodes is connected via a plurality of leads to the data processing unit 200 so that the data processing unit 200 acquires an EEG signal (i.e., brain-waves). The data processing unit 200 then analyzes and operates on this EEG signal using, for example, spectral analysis. The output from this EEG signal analysis is compared by the data processing unit 200 to reference data (e.g., normative values for the age of the patient or data from taken from this patient when no symptoms (or reduced symptoms) of the CNS disorder were present). This analysis is more fully described in the article John et al., “Neurometrics: Computer Assisted Differential Diagnosis of Brain Dysfunctions” Science 293:162-169, 1988 (“the Science Article”). The Science Article is hereby expressly incorporated into this application in its entirety by reference. The analysis may indicate a deviation from the nouns indicating that CSF should be drained or that therapeutic agents should be infused. If so, the data processing unit 200 may provide a signal to the osmotic pump assembly 115 or to the valve 114 ′ directing changes required to restore any deviant brain electrical parameters indicated by the data analysis. For example, if the analysis indicates that a concentration of a particular chemical being supplied to the CSF is at a threshold level or higher than desired, the data processing unit 200 may notify the osmotic pump assembly 115 to reduce the rate of chemical infusion or stop it altogether until the detected brain activity indicates that the concentration of this chemical has dropped below the threshold value. Or, if the analysis indicates an excessive level of a toxin produced within the brain, the data processing unit 200 may direct the forcible introduction of fluids to reduce the toxin concentration, etc. Of course, those skilled in the art will understand that in any or all of the cases, the data processing unit 200 may provide output data to an operator of the system who can override any automatic controls which the data processing unit 200 may be preparing to enact. In addition, the data processing unit 200 may alert the operator or the patient whenever any of a plurality of predetermined conditions arises. As described above, the data processing unit 200 is also connected to the valve 114 ′ of the second lumen 120 . After the EEG signal analysis has been conducted by the data processing unit 200 as described above, the data from the data processing unit 200 may be provided to an operator who may make adjustments as necessary. Alternatively, the data processing unit 200 directly control the valve 114 ′ based on this data to either increase or decrease an amount of CSF being drained from the ventricle. Thus, the data processing unit 200 may regulate the drainage of CSF as well as the infusion of chemicals into the CSF. FIG. 4 shows an exemplary embodiment of a method for the correction of intracerebral chemical imbalances according to the present invention. Once the catheter assembly 1 has been inserted into the ventricle, CSF is drained through the second lumen 120 into the receiving volume 130 (step 500 ) by opening the valve 114 ′. At the same time, the data processing unit 200 then determines the ICP (step 510 ), microassays the fluid in the receiving volume 130 (step 520 ) and analyzes brain activity (step 530 ). Of course, those skilled in the art will understand that the removal and/or assay of CSF via the second lumen 120 may be ongoing simultaneously with the introduction of agents to the ventricle via the first lumen 110 . Then, the ICP is compared to a predetermined threshold (step 540 ) and, if the ICP is greater than this amount, the valve 116 is opened to drain CSF from the CNS (step 550 ). If the ICP is less than the threshold amount, the valve 116 is maintained closed (step 560 ). Based on the analysis of brain activity in step 530 and the microassay of the CSF in step 520 , the data processing unit 200 determines whether the infusion of fluids or therapeutic agents is indicated (step 570 ). If the infusion of fluids and/or therapeutic agents is indicated, the data processing unit 200 determines the desired mix of fluids and/or agents to be supplied (step 580 ). Then the data processing unit controls the pump 230 (described below) to supply the desired mix to the CNS (step 590 ). Those skilled in the art will understand that the data processing unit 200 may analyze brain activity continuously or at regular intervals with a delay factored in based on an expected time for the diffusion of therapeutic agents to the targeted areas in the brain and that the data may be interpreted by the data processing unit 200 as described, for example, in the Science Article. As shown in FIG. 5 , a multi-chamber pump 230 which includes a plurality of chemical reserves 232 may be substituted for the pump 115 of FIG. 1A . Each of the chemical reserves 232 is separated from a first solute reservoir 234 by a corresponding flexible membrane 236 . The first solute reservoir 234 is separated from a second solute reservoir 238 by a semi-permeable membrane 240 and each of the chemical reserves is separated from a mixing volume 233 in fluid communication with the first lumen 110 by a corresponding valve 242 . Thus, when a concentration difference exists between the first and second solute reservoirs 234 , 238 , respectively, solvent migrates across the membrane 240 until the concentrations on either side thereof are balanced. For example, if the concentration of the solute is higher in the first solute reservoir 234 than in the second solute reservoir 238 , solvent moves across the membrane 240 from the second solute reservoir 238 into the first solute reservoir 234 to balance the concentrations. The increased volume of solvent in the first solute reservoir 234 exerts pressure on the flexible membrane 236 . However, the flexible membranes 236 can not be moved to expand this volume unless one or more of the valves 242 is moved to the open position. A valve control mechanism 244 operates to open a selected one or a selected plurality of the valves 242 so that the corresponding portion (or portions) of the flexible membrane 236 may be pushed into the respective chemical reserve(s) 232 to supply the chemical(s) stored therein to the CSF via the mixing volume 233 and the first lumen 110 . Alternatively, each chemical may be stored in a separate chemical reserve and pumped from there into the CSF by a corresponding miniature piezo-electric or osmotic pump as would be understood by those skilled in the art. Those skilled in the art will understand that the valve control mechanism 244 may be coupled to the data processing unit 200 for automatic control based on analysis of brain activity or, alternatively, may be controlled by an operator from outside the body using known magnetic switches, to achieve a desired balance of a plurality of therapeutic agents supplied to the CSF. In addition a valve may be placed between the mixing volume 233 and the first lumen 110 so that selected chemicals may be mixed within the mixing volume 233 before they are transported to the CSF via the first lumen 110 . There are many modifications of the present invention which will be apparent to those skilled in the art without departing form the teaching of the present invention. The embodiments disclosed herein are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to describe the bounds of the present invention which is to be limited only by the scope of the claims appended hereto.
A method of treating a central nervous system (CNS) disorder, comprises the steps of inserting into a patient's body first and second conduits so that distal ends of the first and second conduits open to a portion of the patient's CNS with direct access to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and a proximal end of the first conduit opens into a first reservoir of material to be introduced into the CSF and a proximal end of the second conduit opens to drain CSF withdrawn from the CNS in combination with the steps of detecting and analyzing brain activity of a patient and determining a chemical imbalance present in the CSF by one of a microassay of a sample of CSF withdrawn from the second reservoir and the detected and analyzed brain activity. Based on the determined chemical imbalance, the patient is treated by one of supplying an agent to the CSF via the first conduit and withdrawing a quantity CSF via the second conduit. A system for treating disorders of the central nervous system (CNS), comprises first and second conduits, wherein, when in an operative position, distal ends of the first and second conduits open into a portion of a patient's CNS with direct access to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and wherein, when in the operative position, a proximal end of the second conduit opens to drain CSF from the CNS and a first reservoir implantable within the patient's body and holding material to be introduced to the CNS in combination with a first pump coupled to the first reservoir and the first conduit for introducing the material to the CNS via the first conduit and a brain wave detection unit for detecting and analyzing brain waves of the patient.
This application is a continuation-in-part of our copending application, Ser. No. 267,048, filed June 28, 1972, now U.S. Pat. No. 3,862,981. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to new lubricating oil additives which impart to lubricating oils good detergent, dispersing and anti-rust properties. This invention relates also to lubricating oils and to fuels and carburants containing said additives. There are known to the prior art, additives for lubricating oils which consist of derivatives of carboxylic acids substituted with slightly unsaturated hydrocarbons. This class of additives, which has been known for some years, was an important development to the lubricating oil art. They consist mainly of reaction products of carboxylic acid acylating agents, substituted with a fairly saturated hydrocarbon radical containing an aliphatic chain of at least 30 carbon atoms, preferably 50 carbon atoms, with amines or alcohols. Lubricating oil additives in the nature of acylated amines produced from the reaction of substituted carboxylic acid acylation agents with amines, such as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,172,892, granted Mar. 9, 1965, are known for their desirable dispersing properties, especially with regard to sludge. A "sludge" is the product formed in a motor crank case when the temperature of the lubricating agent in the crank case is alternately low and high or maintained at a low temperature in a continuous way. This last condition frequently occurs in urban traffic in what is frequently referred to as "door to door" travel at low speeds. Low operating temperatures favor water formation and accumulation within the lubricating agent. The combination of condensed water, of curburant and lubricating agent, decomposition products, and of oil forms the sludge. This sludge, which is not readily dispersed, may be damaging to the operation of a motor. Lubricating agent additives in the form of esters resulting from the reaction of the same foregoing acylation agents with alcohols or phenols are efficient anti-rust agents and reasonably good detergents. Products of this nature are disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,381,022, granted Apr. 30, 1968. The dispersing action of these additives is, however, limited by their relatively low thermal stability, by their lack of resistance to hydrolysis, and by their acidity. It is an object of the present invention to provide a lubricating oil additive which does not have the shortcomings of the prior art additives. It is also an object of the present invention to provide lubricating oils containing the new additives and which oils have improved dispersing, detergent and anti-rust properties. Another object of the present invention is the provision of a lubricating oil additive having improved properties over those of the prior art alkyl substituted carboxylic acid esters described, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 3,381,022, and also with regard to the amide derivatives described in the U.S. Pat. No. 3,172,892. Other objects of the invention will be apparent to those skilled in the art from the present description. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The lubricating oil additives of the present invention comprise reaction products of an alcohol or hydroxyaromatic compound with a hydrocarbon chain substituted carboxylic acid, anhydride, chloride or ester, which hydrocarbon chain substituent is substantially saturated and contains at least 30, and preferably at least 50, carbon atoms, said resulting product being then neutralized with an ashless basic compound to provide in the final reaction product at least about 0.9% by weight of nitrogen. After an extensive research investigation it has been found that these additives impart improved detergency, dispersing and anti-rust properties to lubricating oils, fuel oils and carburants. These novel additives and products of the invention are produced in the form of a complex mixture, rather than a precise chemical compound, of which it is difficult to determine the exact chemical composition and the relative proportions present of the various constituents. It is for this reason that the products must be described in terms of the process of manufacturing them. The presence of the ester grouping resulting from the reaction of the alcohol or hydroxyaromatic compound and the substituted carboxylic acid, anhydride, chloride or ester has been confirmed by infra-red analysis. The esterification reaction between the substituted carboxylic acid, anhydride, etc., acylating agent and the alcohol or hydroxyaromatic compound results in an equilibrium difficult to displace; the resulting product contains in solution a variable proportion of the unreacted acylating agent and, as a dispersion in said solution, unreacted alcohol or hydroxyaromatic compound. It is essential, in order to obtain good dispersing properties when employing the product as a lubricating oil additive, to neutralize completely the complex reaction mixture with an ashless basic nitrogen compound. The content of this reaction mixture in residual acid compounds, acid and/or anhydride functional groups, is evaluated by methods conventional for each type of acylating agent. For example, a simple potentiometric titration may be concerned in the case when acylation agent is a monocarboxylic acid or a determination by infrared spectroscopy in the case where the acylation agent is a substituted cyclic anhydride, or any other suitable method taken separately or in combination may be employed. In fact, the content of residual acid components must have a determined value if it is desired to obtain, after neutralization by an ashless basic compound, a product possessing good dispersing properties with regard to sludge. It has appeared more practical to express the content of residual acid components in terms of a minimal nitrogen content in the final product. This minimal nitrogen content, which determines the quantity of ashless basic nitrogen compound necessary for neutralizing the residual acid components (acid and/or anhydride functional groups) expresses the basicity degree to be introduced in the medium for obtaining a product having good dispersing power. This minimal content in nitrogen is about 0.9% by weight. It is comprised in the final complex mixture between about 0.9 and 2.5%. This amount is important if satisfactory results are to be obtained. Consideration has been given to neutralizing the complex mixture by means of a metal base compound such as barium, magnesium or calcium oxides. However, the resulting final products, if they are good detergents possessing anti-rust properties, are poor dispersing agents. However, if the complex mixtures are neutralized, in accordance with the present invention, with an ashless basic nitrogen compound, such as an aminated compound, and among this class of compounds more especially polyamines, the resulting complex products are good dispersing agents, the anti-rust efficiency of which depends upon ester quantity present in the final compound. It has been tried to reconstitute artificially the invention complex product by mixing a neutral ester and succinimide, but it has been found that the dispersing power was clearly lower and unsatisfactory. It is, therefore, obvious that the products of the invention are not simple mixtures of esters and succinimides. Carboxylic acids substituted with a fairly saturated hydrocarbon chain containing at least 30 carbon atoms, and preferably at least about 50 carbon atoms, or their substituted derivatives such as anhydrides, acid chlorides, esters, are the preferred acylation agents of the present invention. They are prepared in reacting an ethylenically unsaturated carboxylic acid, or an anhydride, an halide, or an alkyl ester of the acid, with an unsaturated polyolefin or an halogenated polyolefin of high molecular weight, having at least about 30 carbon atoms, and preferably about 50 carbons, on the chain. Reaction consists only of heating the two bodies in reaction at a temperature comprised between 150° and 250°C. Those products, of high molecular weight, may contain polar substituted groups or lateral hydrocarbon substitution groups. As the carboxylic acid moiety, ethylenically unsaturated carboxylic compounds, may be employed including monoacids, such as acrylic acid, methacrylic acid; diacids, such as maleic, fumaric, itaconic acids, their anhydrides or their chlorinated derivatives, ethylenic acids of C 5 , C 6 , etc. Succinic anhydride and succinic acid both substituted by a fairly saturated hydrocarbon group containing at least 50 carbon atoms, are the preferred acylation agents. They are easily obtained by reaction of maleic acid or anhydride with a polyolefin, such as polyethylene, polypropylene polybutylene, polyisobutylene, polypentene, etc., or a chlorinated polyolefin, such as chlorinated polypropylene. Those products have a molecular weight sufficient for reaching a condensation product of about 50 molecular units. Practically speaking, the molecular weight is at least about 700. Suitable esterification agents for the substituted carboxylic acids defined hereinabove, may vary greatly. These may include aliphatic monoalcohols, such as methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl, hexyl, heptyl, octyl, isooctyl, nonyl, decyl alcohols, fatty alcohols, etc.; aromatic or cycloaliphatic monoalcohols, such as benzyl alcohol, cyclohexanol, etc.; polyalcohols, such as ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol, glycerol, trimethylolethane, trimethylolpropane, pentaerythritol, sorbitol, mannitol, etc.; and partially esterified esters of those polyols. It is also possible to use unsaturated alcohols, such as allyl alcohol, unsaturated polyols, substituted alcohols such as the amino-alcohols. Hydroxyaromatic compounds, such as the phenolic compounds, may be employed to esterify the substituted carboxylic acid, anhydride, etc. These include phenol, the cresols, naphthols, alkylphenols, such as amylphenol, nonylphenol, dodecylphenol, halogenated phenols, diphenols, such as p,p'-dihydroxydiphenol, resorcinol, pyrocatechol, hydroquinone, diphenylolmethane, diphenylolpropane, etc. Esterification, the time of which is comprised between 1 and 10 hours at a temperature of between about 50° and 300°C., preferably between about 100° to 200°C., may take place at atmospheric pressure, under pressure, at reduced pressure, or under nitrogen atmosphere, in the presence or in the absence of carrier solvent such as xylene, toluene, etc., this solvent facilitating both temperature control and water removal from the reaction mixture, by azeotrope formation. The esterification reaction may take place in the presence of a classical esterification catalyst, such as pyridine or its hydrochloride, sulfuric acid, para-toluene sulfonic acid and resins having a strongly or moderately acid character. It may also be achieved in the absence of any catalyst. The relative proportions of the two constituents, alcohol or phenolic compound and aliphatic substituted carboxylic acid or anhydride, may vary within large limits. But in any event, since esterification is usually not complete, the remaining substituted acid or anhydride must afterwards be neutralized with an ashless basic nitrogen compound. Such neutralization is an important feature of the invention, as stated hereinabove, as it is necessary to obtain good dispersing properties. The unreacted alcohol or phenolic compound, finely dispersed in the product resulting from the esterification reaction, may be removed if it is in a substantial quantity. Otherwise it may remain in the product in a divided form without involving any disadvantage or incompatibility. Suitable ashless basic compounds include ammonia, aliphatic, aromatic, or heterocyclic mono-amines, such as ethylamine, butylamine, aniline, pyridine, quinoline, etc., amines having polar groups, such as hydroxypropylene, nitroaniline, etc., alkylsubstituted amines, hydroxylated amines. Preferably polyamines shall be employed such as alkylidene diamines, triamines, tetramines, pentamines, hexamines; ethylene diamine, diethylene triamine, triethylene tetramine, tetraethylene pentamine, pentaethylene hexamine, polypropylene polyamide - polybutylene polyamines. Ureas, thioureas, hydrazines, cyanamides, etc., may be employed. This neutralization is accomplished by heating the reaction mixture and ashless basic compound at a temperature of about 100° to 250°C. for a period of 1 to 6 hours, preferably 1 to 3 hours, under light vacuum, or by any other method known in the art of facilitating removal of water formed by a reaction. The molar ratio when a polyamine is employed and the residual acid compounds present in esterification mixture is desirably between about 0.25 and 2, preferably between 0.4 and 1.5. The complex mixture resulting from neutralization is difficult to analyze. Therefore, the industrial new products obtained after this final stage, having excellent dispersing power, will be defined by their general process of manufacture. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION In order to disclose more clearly the nature of the present invention, the following examples illustrating the invention are given. It should be understood, however, that this is done solely by way of example and is intended neither to delineate the scope of the invention nor limit the ambit of the appended claims. In the examples which follow, and through the specification, the quantities of material are expressed in terms of parts by weight, unless otherwise specified. The acylation agent used in the Examples 1 through 12 was the reaction product of 350 grams of maleic anhydride with 2500 grams of a polyisobutene having a molecular weight equal to about 1000, heated at a temperature of between 190° and 240°C. for 10 hours. The resulting product is a polyisobutylene substituted-succinic anhydride. EXAMPLE 1 a. 1258 grams of polyisobutylene substituted succinic anhydride, prepared as hereinabove, having a Pibsa index = 62.5 [Pibsa index (for polyisobutenylsuccinic anhydride) is the number of potash milligrams necessary to neutralize 1 gram of the product] were reacted with 11.9 grams of pentaerythritol for 3 hours, 50 minutes at a temperature of 140°-150°C., then for 2 hours at 180°-190°C. b. 200 grams of the product prepared hereinabove in part a) were reacted with 6.8 grams of tetraethylenepentamine at a temperature of 155°C. for 2 hours under a partial vacuum (about 400 mm. Hg. pressure). The vacuum treatment was continued providing evaporation at a pressure of 20 mm. Hg. for 30 minutes. This vacuum treatment facilitated removal of water formed during the reaction. The resulting product had a nitrogen weight percentage of 1.21%. EXAMPLE 2 a. 898 grams of polyisobutylene substituted-succinic anhydride, produced as hereinabove, having a Pibsa index = 62.5, were reacted with 12 grams of glycerol for 3 hours at a temperature of 150°C., followed by 3 hours at 190°C. b. 300 grams of the product of part a) hereinabove were reacted with 9.6 grams of triethylenetetramine under the same reaction conditions as in Example 1b). Nitrogen weight percentage in the final product was 1.17%. EXAMPLE 3 a. 1258 grams of polyisobutylene substituted-succinic anhydride, produced as hereinabove, having a Pibsa index = 62.5, were reacted with 19 grams of pentaerythritol for 4 hours at a temperature of 150°C., then for 2 hours at 190°C. b. 150 grams of the product prepared in part a) were reacted with 4.9 grams of tetraethylenepentamine under the same reaction conditions as in Examples 1b). Nitrogen weight percentage of the final product was 1.11%. EXAMPLE 4 a. 1796 grams of polyisobutylene substituted-succinic anhydride, produced as hereinabove, having a Pibsa index = 62.5, were reacted with 94 grams of phenol in the presence of 280 grams of xylene for 1.5 hours at a temperature of 160°C. Then 9 grams of p-toluene sulfonic acid were added and reaction continued for 2 hours at 160°C. Water formed during the reaction was removed by means of a Dean-Starck apparatus. Afterwards distillation was conducted under reduced pressure (20 mm. Hg.) for 1 hour at 160°C. b. 200 grams of the product prepared in part a) were reacted with 6 grams of tetraethylene pentamine under the reaction conditions of Example 1b). Nitrogen weight percentage of the final product was 1.08%. EXAMPLE 5 a. 898 grams of polyisobutylene substituted-succinic anhydride, produced as hereinabove, having a Pibsa index = 56, were reacted with 94 grams of phenol in the presence of 150 grams of xylene for 2 hours at a temperature of 160°C. Then 5 grams of p-toluene sulfonic acid were added and reaction continued for another hour at 160°C. Water formed during the reaction was removed by means of a Dean-Starck apparatus. Reaction was concluded under reduced pressure (20 mm. Hg.) for 1.5 hours at 160°C. b. 200 grams of the product prepared in part a) were reacted with 6.8 grams of triethylenetetramine under the same reaction conditions as in Example 1b). Nitrogen weight percentage of the final product was 1.25%. EXAMPLE 6 200 grams of the product prepared in Example 4, part a), were reacted with 8.81 grams of tetraethylenepentamine under the same reaction conditions as in Example 1b). Nitrogen weight percentage in the final product was 1.55%. EXAMPLE 7 2 kilograms of polyisobutylene substituted-succinic anhydride, prepared as hereinabove [Pibsa index = 53] were reacted with 107 grams of diphenylol propane in the presence of 21 grams of p-toluenesulfonic acid catalyst for 4 hours at a temperature of 160°C. The product was then vaporized under vacuum at 160°C. for 1 hour, and neutralized with 82 grams of tetraethylenepentamine at 155°C. for 2 hours, under a partial vacuum (400 mm. Hg. pressure, approximately). This treatment was followed with a vaporization at 20 mm. Hg. pressure for 30 minutes. Nitrogen content in the final product was 1.29%. EXAMPLE 8 62.5 grams of diphenylolpropane were heated at 170°C. 484 grams of polyisobutylene substituted-succinic acid prepared as hereinabove (Pibsa Index = 63.5) were introduced over 15 minutes at 170°C. under 400 mm. Hg. pressure. The reaction proceeded for 4 hours (170°C. under partial vacuum). 543 grams of the resulting product were treated afterwards with 21.5 grams of tetraethylenepentamine under the same conditions as in Example 7. Nitrogen content in final product was 1.40%. EXAMPLE 9 64 grams of diphenylolpropane were heated in the presence of 472 grams of xylene at 110°-115°C. Then 1257 grams of polyisobutylene substituted-succinic anhydride prepared as hereinabove, (Pibsa Index = 62.5), were introduced over a period of 25 minutes. After 1 hour of reaction at 110°-115°C., 13.2 grams of pyridine were added. A second addition of an equal amount of pyridine was made after 2 hours of reaction. After 3.5 hours of reaction, the product is vapourized at 140°C. under 20 mm. Hg. pressure for 30 minutes. EXAMPLE 10 200 grams of the product of Example 9 were neutralized with 5.6 grams of tetraethylenepentamine under the same conditions as in Example 7. Nitrogen content of the final product was 1%. EXAMPLE 11 200 grams of the product of Example 9 were neutralized with 7.7 grams of triethylenetetramine under the same conditions as in Example 7. Nitrogen content of the final product was 1.42% EXAMPLE 12 6640 grams of polyisobutylene substituted-succinic anhydride (Pibsa Index = 76.3) were reacted with 465 grams of diphenylolpropane in the presence of 53 grams of para-toluene sulfonic acid for 2.5 hours at 162.5°C. Then the product was vapourized under vacuum for 1.5 hours. 667 grams of the resulting product were neutralized with 23.1 grams of tetraethylenepentamine under the same conditions as in Example 7. Nitrogen content of the final product obtained in this way was 1.23%. EXAMPLE 13 The acylating agent employed in this example was the reaction product of maleic anhydride with a polyisobutene having a molecular weight equal to about 455, heated at a temperature between 190° and 240°C. for 10 hours. 200 grams of the resulting polyisobutylene substituted-succinic anhydride (Pibsa Index = 81) were reacted with 16.46 grams of diphenylolpropane and 2.1 grams of p-toluene-sulfonic acid over 4 hours at 170°C. and for 30 minutes under vacuum at 170°C. 201 grams of the resulting product were reacted with 9 grams of tetraethylenepentamine at 155°C. for 2 hours under partial vacuum (about 400 mm. Hg. pressure). Treatment was completed under vacuum of 20 mm. Hg. pressure for 30 minutes. Nitrogen content of the final product was 1.44%. The acylation agent used in Examples 14 and 15 below, was the reaction product of acrylic acid with a chlorinated polyisobutene, heated at temperature of 180°-190°C. during 10 hours. The obtained chlorinated polyisobutenylpropionic acid had an acid index of 31 potash milligrams per gram. EXAMPLE 14 a. 138 grams of chlorinated polyisobutenylpropionic acid, prepared as hereinabove, were reacted at a temperature of 140°C. with 2.13 grams of pentaerythritol in the presence of 150 grams of xylene and 1.4 grams of paratoluene-sulfonic acid. The reaction was ended when the stoichiometric amount of water was collected. The unreacted pentaerythritol was removed by filtration. The remaining mixture was treated in a rotary evaporator at 130°C. under reduced pressure of 1 mm. Hg. for 30 minutes. The final product had an acid index of 17.25 potash milligrams per gram. b. 110 grams of the product obtained in part a) were reacted with 4.3 grams of tetraethylene pentamine in 50 grams heptane for 1.5 hours at 150°C. The product was then filtered and evaporated at 120°C. under 5 mm. Hg. for 30 minutes. Nitrogen weight percentage in the final product was 1.35%. EXAMPLE 15 a. 200 grams of chlorinated polyisobutenylpropionic acid, produced as hereinabove, were reacted with 10.38 grams of diphenylolpropane in the presence of 150 grams of xylene and 2.1 grams of para-toluene sulfonic acid in accordance with the reaction conditions of Example 14a). b. 142 grams of the product prepared in part a) were reacted with 6.4 grams of tetraethylenepentamine in 50 grams of heptane in accordance with the reaction conditions of Example 14b). Nitrogen weight percentage in the final product was 1.43%. It will be apparent that in the foregoing examples other polyolefin substituted-acid anhydrides, -carboxylic acids, -acid halides, -esters, and the like may be employed, such as polyethylene-, polypropylene- or polypentene-substituted-acid anhydrides, carboxylic acids, acid halides and esters. Other alcohols or hydroxy-aromatic compounds may be employed such as those listed hereinabove in the present specification. Similarly, other ashless or organic bases may be employed, including those listed hereinabove in the present specification. The additive products of the present invention, including the products of the foregoing examples, are desirably employed in lubricating oils, fuel oils and carburants, in amounts of between about 0.01% and 10%, preferably between about 0.1% and 3%, by weight of final product. The foregoing products according to the present invention have been tested with regard to anti-rust and dispersing properties in lubricants. The tests of the dispersing power were conducted according to the stain or spot method described in Volume 1 of A. Schilling's book "Les huiles pour moteurs et le graissage des moteurs" (Oils for motors and motor greasing), edition of 1962, pages 89-90. Stains or spots were achieved with the additive dissolved in a lubricating oil of SAE 30. Sludge was added in order to obtain a content of carbonaceous substances of 0.36%. There are five stains or spots obtained: 1. after heating at 200°C. for 10 minutes 2. after heating at 250°C. for 10 minutes 3. after heating at 200°C. for 10 minutes (at the outset 1% of water was added) 4. after heating at 200°C. during 1 minute (initially 1% of water was added) 5. After adding of 1% of water, in the cold state Readings were made after 48 hours. For every stain or spot, the dispersed sludge percentage is expressed with regard to the oil stain and calculated from the respective diameters. The higher the percentages of dispersed product; the better is the dispersion with regard to sludge. For the products of the foregoing examples the following values were obtained: Example 1 product = 308 Example 2 product = 304 Example 3 product = 312 Example 4 product = 306 Example 5 product = 303 Example 6 product = 308 Example 7 product = 308 Example 8 product = 306 Example 10 product = 301 Example 11 product = 312 Example 14 product = 298 Example 15 product = 308 A comparison was made of the dispersing values obtained by the same test method with other products such as a non-neutralized ester and prior art products commonly used, considered as typical of the present state of the art. Listed below are the values obtained:Product of Example 9 (non-neutralized product < 200Monosuccinimide (Product of ComparativeExample 16, below) 268Bis-succinimide (Product of ComparativeExample 17, below) 274Ester of substituted succinic acid andpentaerythritol (Comparative Example18, below) 265Ester of substituted succinic acid andglycerol (Comparative Example 19, below) 250Ester of substituted succinic acid andphenol (Comparative Example 20, below) < 200Polyisobutenylpropionamide (ComparativeExample 21, below) 263 The mono and bis-succinimides and polyisobutenylpropionamide were tested, on the basis of the same nitrogen content as the products of Examples 1 through 8, 10, 11, 14 and 15 (reference: 1% monosuccinimide in SAE 30 oil). The various prior art succinimide esters listed in the above table were synthesized according to classical esterification processes described hereinbelow and tested, for the same weight as the products of Examples 1 through 8, 10, 11, 14 and 15 (1.8% in SAE 30 oil). COMPARATIVE EXAMPLE 16 -- MONOSUCCINIMIDE PREPARATION 250 grams of polyisobutylene substituted-succinic anhydride having a Pibsa index = 53 were reacted with 18 grams of tetraethylenepentamine at 155°C. for 2 hours, under partial vacuum (about 400 mm. Hg. pressure). Treatment was followed with a vapourization under 20 mm. Hg. pressure for 30 minutes. Nitrogen content of the final product was 2.46%. COMPARATIVE EXAMPLE 17 -- BIS-SUCCINIMIDE PREPARATION 250 Grams of polyisobutylene substituted-succinic anhydride having a Pibsa index = 55 were reacted with 8.6 grams of triethylenetetramine at 155°C. for 2 hours, under a partial vacuum (about 400 mm. Hg. pressure). Treatment was followed by a vapourization under 20 mm. Hg. pressure for 30 minutes. Nitrogen content of the final product was 1.32%. COMPARATIVE EXAMPLE 18 -- PREPARATION OF SUBSTITUTED SUCCINIC ACID AND PENTAERYTHRITOL ESTER 1258 grams of polyisobutylene substituted-succinic anhydride (Pibsa index = 62.5) were reacted with 94 grams of pentaerythritol for 3.5 hours at 135°-145°C. then for 2 hours at 175°-185°C. Unreacted pentaerythritol was removed by filtration. The filtrate constituted ester. COMPARATIVE EXAMPLE 19 -- PREPARATION OF GLYCEROL AND SUBSTITUTED SUCCINIC ANHYDRIDE ESTER 898 grams of polyisobutylene substituted-succinic anhydride with a Pibsa Index = 62.5 were reacted with 46 grams of glycerol for 3 hours at 150°C., then for 3 hours at 190°C. The reaction product was the desired ester. COMPARATIVE EXAMPLE 20 -- PREPARATION OF PHENOL AND SUBSTITUTED SUCCINIC ACID ESTER 898 grams of polyisobutylene substituted-succinic anhydride with a Pibsa index = 62.5 were reacted with 376 grams of phenol in the presence of 190 grams of xylene for 1 hour at 160°-165°C. Afterwards 12.7 grams of p-toluene sulfonic acid were added. The reaction proceeded for 30 minutes at 160°-165°C. This operation was repeated twice. Finally, xylene, residual phenol and catalyst were removed under vacuum (160°-165°C. during 30 minutes -- 10 to 20 mm. Hg. pressure). The final product was the ester. COMPARATIVE EXAMPLE 21 -- POLYISOBUTENYLPROPIONAMIDE 200 grams of polyisobutenylpropionic acid were reacted with 14.55 grams of tetraethylenepentamine in 200 grams of heptane at 160°C. under reflux for 3 hours. After cooling, 100 grams of heptane were added. The mixture was filtered. Heptane was eliminated at 120°C. under 1 mm. Hg. with a rotary evaporator. Nitrogen content of final product was 2.32%. As will be shown below, residual acidity in the lubrication additives of the present invention must be reduced to a minimum, otherwise poor dispersion qualities will result. It has been discovered that sufficient ashless basic compound must be introduced into the product after esterification to impart a nitrogen content of at least about 0.9% in the additive product. For the demonstration which follows there was synthesized a range of products representing various quantities of free acidity in the reaction product at the end of the esterification reaction. Various molar ratios of substituted carboxylic acid or anhydride with respect to hydroxy compound were employed as well as various quantities of catalyst and various ratios of the ashless basic compound. In the tables hereinbelow, residual acidity is represented by free anhydride groups, the same as by groups of free acids. The estimation of this acidity was made in the cases which follow by determination of free anhydride function by means of infrared spectroscopy. First case: ester based on substituted succinic anhydride and pentaerythritol. ______________________________________ Weight percentage ofWeight percentage of free corresponding nitrogenanhydride neutralized by in the final complex Spot testtetraethylene pentamine mixture value______________________________________ 0 0 265 6 0.27 < 20024 0.82 < 20030 1 29535 1.11 31247 1.56 30354 1.65 30565 2.11 309______________________________________ As is seen from the above table, a minimal basicity degree of 0.9% of nitrogen, in the neutralized mixture is necessary to provide good dispersion. This corresponds to a weight percentage of about 30% of residual acid compounds in the mixture resulting from esterification before neutralization. Second case: ester based on substituted succinic anhydride and phenol. ______________________________________Weight percentage of freeanhydride neutralized bytriethylenetetramine or Weight percentage oftetraethylene pentamine with corresponding nitrogen Spotdifferent molar ratios in the final complex testamine/anhydride mixture value______________________________________47 0.71 26547 0.88 27347 1.26 30347 1.56 308______________________________________ Third case: ester based on polyisobutenylpropionic acid and pentaerythritol. ______________________________________ Weight percentage ofWeight percentage of corresponding nitrogenfree acid neutralized by in the final complex Spot testtetraethylenepentamine mixture value______________________________________40 0.85 26965 1.35 308______________________________________ As is shown, it is necessary to have a nitrogen percentage of at least 0.9% by weight in the final complex mixture to obtain good dispersing properties. Finally, for comparison purposes, spot test values achieved with products produced artificially by mixing a neutral ester with a succinimide, a bis-succinimide or a propionamide will be shown below. Numbers 0 -- 20 -- 50 -- 80 -- 100 express weight percentages in mixture. __________________________________________________________________________ Ester of neutral pentaerythri- tol and substituted suc- 0 20 50 80 100 cinic anhydrideMono-succinimide__________________________________________________________________________100 27080 29350 27020 221 0 265__________________________________________________________________________ Ester of neutral pentaerythri- tol and substituted suc- 0 20 50 80 100 cinic anhydrideBis-succinimide__________________________________________________________________________100 28080 25950 21620 227 0 265__________________________________________________________________________ Equal parts by weight of ester of pentaerythritol and polyisobutenylpropionic acid and polyisobutenylpropionamide gave a spot test value of 270. The numbers which are to be compared specially with the ones of Examples 1, 3, 6, 7 and 11 show the superiority of dispersion characteristics of the products according to the invention, which are 308 or 312. The anti-rust characteristics of the products according to the invention have been tested in the laboratory with favorable results. The general tendency has been confirmed by motor tests (sequence II B, gasoline motor V-8 of a 1967 Oldsmobile). The basic information to which the additive was added was composed of a calcium sulfonate, a calcium phenate and a zinc dithiophosphate. The following values expressing average engine rust (AER), were obtained (ideal value 10): Basic formula plus Example 7 product -- AER 8.6 Basic formula plus Example 11 product -- AER 7.9 As a comparison of the prior art, the following value was obtained: Basic formula plus bis-succinimide -- AER 7.2 The entirety of the test results set forth hereinabove shows quite well the important improvement provided by the additives for lubricating oils produced according to the invention and characterizes the technical progress that such new products have achieved. The terms and expressions which have been employed are used as terms of description and not of limitation, and there is no intention in the use of such terms and expressions of excluding any equivalents of the features shown and described or portions thereof, but it is recognized that various modifications are possible within the scope of the invention claimed.
New lubricating oil additives are provided comprising the reaction product of a hydroxy compound, such as an alcohol or hydroxyaromatic compound, with an aliphatic chain substituted-carboxylic anhydride, acid, chloride, or ester, which aliphatic chain substituent is substantially saturated and contains at least about 30 carbon atoms, said reaction product being neutralized with an ashless basic compound, so that the final product or additive contains at least about 0.9%, up to about 2.5%, by weight of nitrogen. Lubricating oils, fuel oils, and carburants containing the new additives have excellent detergent, dispersing and anti-rust properties.
This application is a continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/685,609 to David E. Bachschmid and Robert C. Smallwood filed on Jul. 24, 1996, now abandoned. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention pertains to a light switch having an audio recording feature. More particularly, the present invention relates to a single unit cover plate for a light switch which can replay one or more audio samples when the light switch is turned on or off. The device may have recording capability. 2. Description of the Prior Art Various devices exist which play an audio recording upon performance of a certain action. For example, it has become common for automobiles to play a recording when the lights are left on after the key has been removed, or when a door is ajar after the key is inserted; see U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,947,812; 4,222,028; 4,346,364; 4,383,241; and 4,839,749. Furthermore, U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,938,120 and 4,100,581 disclose devices which attach to a door and which play a tape upon movement of the door. U.S. Pat. No. 4,715,060 is similar, but further activates an automatic telephone answering machine to playback a prerecorded message upon operation of a doorbell. None of these devices, however, permit the user to record a message which plays back upon activation or deactivation so a light swatch. It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide such a device. Another object is to provide a device which can record multiple messages or audio samples, and play them back in serial fashion. Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a device which can record multiple messages or audio samples, and play them back in random order. Still another object of the present invention is to provide a switch plate for a light switch which supports components to permit replay of audio samples after the light switch is turned on or off. The cover plate being retrofittable to an existing light switch. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The foregoing and other objects are achieved by the present invention in which a switch plate cover for a light switch is provided and contains an audio assembly which will play a message through a speaker when the light switch is turned either on or off. There can be different messages for the on or off positions, or several messages in serial fashion. The messages can be prerecorded using the speaker as a microphone and controlled by a separate switch in the assembly. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS These and other attributes of the present invention will be described with respect to the following drawings in which: FIG. 1 is a front view of a preferred embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 2 is a rear view of the embodiment shown in FIG. 1; FIG. 3 is a front view of a second embodiment of the present invention; and FIG. 4 is a rear view of the second embodiment of FIG. 3 . DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT The preferred embodiment of the present invention is shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 in which the light switch cover plate device 10 has the dimensions of a standard light switch cover plate. The device 10 illustrated in FIG. 1 is for a single light switch. Other configurations for multiple switches can be provider. The light switch 100 to which the cover plate device 10 is attached can control a light socket or light fixture in a manner similar to standard light switches. The light switch cover plate device 10 has a speaker 20 through which the messages or audio samples are played. A lever switch 30 is provided adjacent to the light switch 100 . The light switch 100 extends through a hole 32 in slide 34 . The slide 34 moves up and down with the switch 100 , activating the lever switch 30 . A second switch 40 is provided to initiate recording of a message or audio portion or sample. In operation a user presses switch 40 to record an audio sample. He or she than speaks into the speaker 20 , which acts as the microphone to receive the audio sample. A separate microphone 45 may be provided. When the light switch 100 is thrown to activate or deactivate the light, the slide 34 moves the lever switch 30 and the prerecorded audio sample will be played through the speaker 20 . The device 10 may be used to record multiple messages, which will then be played back in serial fashion. The messages may be reminders, motivation messages, or musical pieces. In addition the device 10 can be a message such as “Mommy loves you.” and be replayed when a child turns out the light to go to bed. Such a recording can reassure a child when one or both parents are away or have not come home before the child's bedtime. The device 10 contains a PC board 50 to which the lever switch 30 is connected. The PC board 50 has a digital memory chip 60 which contains the audio samples in digital form. The PC board 50 is powered by four AAA batteries 70 . The microphone 45 and speaker 20 are also connected to the PC board 50 . Referring to FIGS. 3 and 4, a second embodiment is illustrated in which the audio samples are prerecorded in the digital memory chip, and the microphone 45 and switch 40 are eliminated. Having described the preferred embodiment of the light switch with audio recording and playback feature in accordance with the present invention, it is believed that the modifications, variations and changes will be suggested to those skilled in the art n view of the foregoing description, such as playing back multiple messages in random order, or providing a separate microphone from the speaker. It is therefore to be understood that all such variations, modifications, and charges are believed to fall within the scope of the present invention as defined in the appended claims.
A light switch cover plate having mechanism for recording and playing back an audio sample through a speaker when the light switch is turned either on or off. Several messages can be recorded and they can be played back serially or randomly.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0001] 1. Field of the Invention [0002] The present invention relates generally to systems and methods for summarizing text, and more particularly toward combining text summarizations. [0003] 2. Discussion of Background Art [0004] The accessibility to and the need to understand information have significantly grown in the past several decades. Managing such huge quantities of information often then, becomes more of a burden than a resource. In response, the field of automated Text Summarization (TS) has developed. Text summarization defines a variety of techniques for reducing a set of source text into a relatively shorter set of summarized text. [0005] Techniques used within the summarization field include Text Extraction (TE) and Text Abstraction (TA). Text extraction generally involves selecting a subset of “important” sentences, such as headlines leading sentences in a paragraph, proper nouns or phrases, citations, boldface or italic type, and etc. within a source text, which are then combined into what becomes a summarized text. Text Abstraction has a similar goal, however techniques for “interpreting/conceptualizing” the text are used. [0006] Text summarization techniques are applicable to white papers, periodicals, legal documents, Internet searches, as well as many other information processing domains. [0007] Due to the importance of text summarization, many companies have introduced summarization products that work to varying degrees. In fact, some summarizers tend to work better on some types of source text, but not others. Improvements in the field tend to be incremental and isolated, resulting in a patchwork of summarization strengths. [0008] Some attempts have been made to combine multiple summarization techniques into a single product; however, these combinations tend to require generation of a completely new set of code that integrates the different techniques in a very detailed and involved way. Such code would need to be supplemented and perhaps even completely rewritten each time a new summarization technique was created. [0009] Currently, however, there are no text summarization products that are able to quickly leverage the unique strengths currently found in existing text summarization systems, as well those yet to be developed. [0010] In response to the concerns discussed above, what is needed is a system and method for text summarization that overcomes the problems of the prior art. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0011] The present invention is a system and method for combining text summarizations. The method of the present invention includes the elements of: receiving a source text having a set of source text portions; generating a set of source text summarizations, each having a set of summarization portions, from the source text; calculating a portion score for each of the source text portions based on the source text portion's appearance in the summarizations; and populating a combined text summarization with those source text portions whose portion score exceeds a predetermined threshold. The system of the present invention includes all means for implementing the method. [0012] These and other aspects of the invention will be recognized by those skilled in the art upon review of the detailed description, drawings, and claims set forth below. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0013] [0013]FIG. 1 is a dataflow diagram of one embodiment of a system for combining text summarizations; [0014] [0014]FIG. 2 is a flowchart of one embodiment of a method for combining text summarizations; [0015] [0015]FIG. 3 is one source code embodiment for aligning text within the method; [0016] [0016]FIG. 4 shows one embodiment of a look-up table for word score calculation; [0017] [0017]FIG. 5 is one source code embodiment for populating a combined summarization within the method; [0018] [0018]FIG. 6 is a dataflow diagram of one embodiment of a system for calibrating summarizers based on source text domain; [0019] [0019]FIG. 7 is a dataflow diagram of one embodiment of a system for weighting summarizations based on source text domain; and [0020] [0020]FIG. 8 is a flowchart of one embodiment of a method for calibrating summarizers and weighting summarizations based on source text domain. [0021] Appendix A is an exemplary set of source text; [0022] Appendix B is a “Copernic” text summarization of the source text; [0023] Appendix C is a “Text Analyst” text summarization of the source text; [0024] Appendix D is a “Zentext” text summarization of the source text; and [0025] Appendix E is one possible combination of the text summarizations. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT [0026] The present invention is a system and method that leverages the unique text summarization strengths of many current, and future, text summarization systems. The invention uses existing summarizers to process a set of source text, and then itself processes the source text as well as the summarizations produced by the existing summarizers. This technique is a generic combination algorithm, which can receive as input summarizations from many different summarization systems. As a result, the present invention produces a summarization that is more relevant than any individual summarizer. [0027] [0027]FIG. 1 is a dataflow diagram of one embodiment of a system 100 for combining text summarizations. FIG. 2 is a flowchart of one embodiment of a method 200 for combining text summarizations. FIGS. 1 and 2 are now discussed together using both functional and logical descriptions. [0028] The method 200 begins in step 202 , where a source text 102 to be summarized is received as input by a predetermined set of N summarizers (S i , where “i” ranges from 1 to N), 104 through 108 . The source text (T) includes a variety of source text portions, such as: letters, words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, sections, chapters, titles, citations, footnotes, hyperlinks, as well as many other text portions known to those skilled in the art. For the purposes of the present discussion, the term text portion is herein defined to include any of the information contained in the source text, be it as small as a single letter, or as large as the entire source text. [0029] To simplify the present discussion, source text words are used as exemplary source text portions, even though the present invention is applicable to all text portions. The source text 102 includes a set of “n” source words (W 1 , W 2 . . . W n ), with W i being a word. Thus, T={W 1 ,W 2 . . . W n }. Each word is separated from other words by blanks, line breaks and/or paragraph breaks. An exemplary set of source text is shown in Appendix A. The exemplary set of source text is 1145 words long. [0030] In step 204 , the summarizers (Si) 104 through 108 , generate a corresponding set of source text summarizations (T i , where “i” ranges from 1 to N), 110 through 114 . The summary (T i ) includes a set of “m” summarization words {A 1 , A 2 . . . A m }, where “m” tends to differ from summarizer to summarizer. [0031] Text Extraction (TE) is one summarization technique that can be used. In TE, source text portions deemed to be the “most significant” within the source text are literally picked out and added to the summary without further processing. Most of the differences between different summarizers are directly related to how each individual summarizer determines which portions of the source text are “most significant.” [0032] The summaries are condensed versions of the source text, which usually is only 10-25% of the source text's original length. For example, Appendix B shows a “Copernic” summarization of the source text, which is 328 words long; Appendix C shows a “Text Analyst” summarization of the source text, which is 251 words long; and Appendix D shows a “Zentext” summarization of the source text, which is 319 words long. Copernic, Text Analyst, and Zentext are three popular commercial summarization software packages. [0033] In the present invention, each summarizer preferably processes the source text 102 in parallel, speeding source text processing and the present invention's operating efficiency. [0034] While some summarizers provide information on how their summary corresponds to the source text (for example, the 5 th word in the summary is the 10 th word in the original text), most summarizers just generate a summary without direct reference to the original source text. [0035] As a result, in step 206 , an alignment/mapping module 116 aligns the set of summarizations with (i.e. mapped to) the source text. Thus, summary text T i ={A 1 , A 2 . . . A m }, when mapped to (i.e. aligned with) the source text (T), yields {W P 1 , W P 2 . . . W P m }, in which W Pi =A i and P 1 <P 2 . . . <P m . The variable “P i ” identifies which word A i is in the source text (T). FIG. 3 is one source code embodiment for aligning text within the method, written in a “C” language style. [0036] Next in step 208 , the alignment/mapping module 116 also generates an array indicating which words each of the text summarizers have included in their summaries. Thus, each word (W i ) in the source text (T) has an associated word inclusion array {a i1 ,a i2 . . . a iN }, indicating which of the N summarizers included which word (W i ) in their summary. [0037] In one embodiment, “a ij ” has a integer value of either “0” or “1”, with “0” indicating that the summary does not include the word, and “1” indicating that the summary does include the word. For example, referring to Appendices B thorough D, each of the three summarizers choose the word “metaphor” from the source text, thus the array associated with the word “metaphor” is {1,1,1), whereas the word “spectacle” appears only in Appendix summaries B and D, and the array associated with the word “spectacle” is {1,0,1 }. [0038] In a second embodiment, “a ij ” can have a fractional value somewhere between “0.000” and “1.000”. This fractional value depends not only on whether the summary includes the word, as described above, but also on how each of the summarizers rates the importance of that word within the source text. For example, one summarizer might rank pronouns as higher in importance than other words in the source text, whereas another summarizer might rank words within a first sentence of every paragraph within the source text as of greater importance. [0039] Next in step 210 , a word scoring module 118 calculates a word score S(W i ) for each word W i in the source text (T), as a function of each word's appearance in the summarizations. There are many alternate functions for calculating the word score S(W i ). For instance, source text words can be scored using a summation function, such as: S  ( W i ) = ∑ j = 1 N     a ij [0040] ,where array values {a i1 , a i2 . . . a iN } are summed from each of the N summarizers. The score can be normalized by dividing it by N. [0041] In step 212 , a combination module 120 populates a combined text summarization (T o ) 122 with combined summarization words. The combined summarization words are those source words W i in the source text 102 whose word score S(W i ) is above a predetermined threshold. For example, Appendix E is one possible combined summarization, using an equal weighting function and a threshold (TH) of 2, yielding a 227-word combined summarization. FIG. 5 is one source code embodiment for populating a combined summarization within the method. The source code is written in a “C” language style. [0042] [0042]FIG. 6 is a dataflow diagram of one embodiment of a system 600 for calibrating summarizers based on source text domain. FIG. 7 is a dataflow diagram of one embodiment of a system 700 for weighting summarizations based on the source text domain. And, FIG. 8 is a flowchart of one embodiment of a method for calibrating summarizers and weighting summarizations based on the source text domain. FIGS. 6, 7 and 8 are now discussed together. [0043] Source texts summarized by the present invention, are expected to cover a wide range of subjects. These subjects can be broadly grouped into corpora, which are herein described as a set of text domains. Due to the varied authorship techniques common to each text domain, off-the-shelf summarizers tend to be optimized for just a few particular text domains. For instance, since newspaper articles tend to follow a common construction format, newspaper article summarizers are optimized to capture “titles,” “leading paragraphs,” and perhaps “final paragraphs.” In contrast, summarizers optimized for scholarly papers may search for and focus on “abstract” and “conclusion” sections. As a result, a summarizer that generates relevant summaries for a first text domain may fail to do so for other text domains. [0044] In the embodiment of the present invention, discussed with respect to FIGS. 1 and 2 above, an implicit assumption was that each of the summarizers performed almost equally well on all source texts. As a result, the combined text summarization 122 was effectively populated by majority voting. [0045] However, in an improvement to the invention discussed above, a system and method for calibrating and weighting the summarizers 104 through 108 is now disclosed. Calibration tailors operation of the present invention to allow for variations in summarizer performance over differing text domains. [0046] In step 802 , a set of text domain classes are identified within which the present invention is expected to operate. Next in step 804 , a set of source calibration texts, representative of a text domain class, within the set of text domain classes, are selected. [0047] In step 806 , a Ground Truth Summarization (GTS) 604 is accessed for each of the source calibration texts 602 within a text domain class. GTS's are typically created by an expert in the corresponding text domain class. [0048] Then in step 808 , each of the summarizers 104 through 108 generates a calibration summarization 606 through 610 for each of the source calibration texts 602 . In step 810 an alignment/mapping module 116 aligns the set of calibration summarizations 606 through 610 with the source text, and generates corresponding word inclusion arrays. [0049] Next in step 812 , a weighting optimization module 612 provides a default set of summarizer weights (r j ) 614 , preferably all equal in value, to a modified word scoring module 616 . In step 814 , the modified word scoring module 616 calculates a modified word score S(W i ) for each word W i in the source text (T), using the summarizer array values and weights (r j ) 614 . [0050] As discussed with respect to FIGS. 1 and 2 above, there are many alternate functions for calculating the word score S(W i ). In a first embodiment, source text words can be scored using a modified summation function, such as, S  ( W i ) = ∑ j = 1 N     r j  a ij [0051] , where j identifies a summarizer from which an array value a ij is obtained, and that summarizer's corresponding weighting value r j . [0052] In a second embodiment, source text words are scored using a weighted exponential function, such as, S  ( W i ) = ∏ j = 1 N     a ij r j [0053] , in which the summarizer weights are in the form of exponentials. This embodiment is preferred when the summarization techniques used in summarizers 104 through 108 are relatively independent. [0054] In a third embodiment, source text words can be scored using a neural network, such as a Multiple Layer Perception (MLP) network, with {a i1 , a i2 , . . . , a iN } as the input. Or in a fourth embodiment, S(W i ) can be obtained using a look-up table where each array value of {a i1 ,a i2 . . . ,a iN } is either 0 or 1. In this case, the total number of combinations of {a i1 , a i2 . . . , a iN } is limited to 2 N. The table can be filled experimentally or through any systematic approach, such as described later. An advantage of the look-up table includes increased speed, since actual word score calculation is done off-line; and, increased flexibility, since arbitrary functions can be realized with look-up tables without reprogramming the system 100 . For example, FIG. 4 shows one embodiment of a look-up table 400 for word score calculation. In this embodiment, it is presumed to have only three summarizers (i.e. N=3). [0055] In step 816 , the combination module 120 populates a combined weighted text summarization (T w ) 618 with words W i in the source calibration text 602 whose word score S(W i ) is above a predetermined threshold. [0056] In step 818 , the weighting optimization module 612 compares the Ground Truth Summarization 604 to the combined weighted text summarization (T w ) 618 . In step 820 the optimization module 612 provides a new set of summarizer weights (r j ) 614 to the modified word scoring module 616 and stores the new weights in a summarizer weighting table 620 . [0057] In step 822 , the method 800 repeats steps 814 through 818 , until the weighting optimization module 612 decides that the summarizer weights (r j ) 614 have been optimized for the text domain class associated with the set of source calibration texts. [0058] Optimization preferably occurs when the set of summarizer weights (r j ) yields a “best-fit” between the Ground Truth Summarization 604 and the combined weighted text summarization (T w ) 618 . To this end, a variety of cost/target functions may be used, such as the Mean Square Error (MSE): Cost = ∑ i = 1 q     ( S  ( W i ) - g i ) 2 where     g i = { 1  ( W i     is     in     the     ground     truth     summary ) 0  ( W i     is     not     in     the     ground     truth     summary ) , [0059] q is the number of words in the source text. Numerical analysis software, such as MatLab, can be used to implement the optimization. [0060] Next in step 824 , the weighting optimization module 612 stores a final set of optimized summarizer weights (r j ) in the summarizer weighting table 620 . [0061] In step 826 , steps 806 through 820 are repeated for each of the text domain classes. [0062] Next in step 828 , a source text domain class identifier module 702 , identifies a text domain class within which a new set of source text, such as the source text 102 , is included. Identification can be performed by requesting that a user identify the text domain class by selecting from a set of text domains presented to him/her. Alternatively, identification may be automatically performed by analyzing keywords within the source text 102 in order to determine the text domain class into which the source text 102 falls. [0063] In step 830 , the identifier module 702 selects a set of summarizer weights (r j ) 614 from the summarizer weighting table 620 corresponding to the text domain class within which the new source text falls, and provides the selected weights to the modified word scoring module 616 . Then in step 832 , a new combined weighted text summarization (T w ) 618 is generated for the new source text, as described in step 814 and 816 , using the selected weights, after which the method 800 ends. [0064] While one or more embodiments of the present invention have been described, those skilled in the art will recognize that various modifications may be made. Variations upon and modifications to these embodiments are provided by the present invention, which is limited only by the following claims.
The method of the present invention discloses: receiving a source text having a set of source text portions; generating a set of source text summarizations, each having a set of summarization portions, from the source text; calculating a portion score for each of the source text portions based on the source text portion's appearance in the summarizations; and populating a combined text summarization with those source text portions whose portion score exceeds a predetermined threshold. The system of the present invention discloses all means for implementing the method.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION [0001] This application claims priority to and is a non-provisional of Indian Provisional Application No. 3665/DEL/2013, filed on Dec. 16, 2013, which application is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety. FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] The present invention relates to N-((1-Benzyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)arylamides as anticancer agents and process for the preparation thereof. The present invention particularly relates to N-((1-benzyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)arylamides of formula 1. [0000] R 1 =H, 4-F, 4-Cl, 4-Br, 4-OMe, 3-F, 2,4-diOMe, 2,5-diOMe, 3,5-diOMe, 3,4,5-triOMe, 4-ClBn R 2 =3-OPh, 4-F, 4-Cl, 4-Br, 4-OMe, 3,5-diOMe BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0005] Small molecules which affect the tubulin polymerization have attracted much attention in chemistry, biology, and particularly in medicine fields for the past few years. One of the recognized targets in cancer research is represented by microtubules (Tubulin as a Target for Anticancer Drugs: Agents which Interact with the Mitotic Spindle. Jordan, A.; Hadfield, J. A.; Lawrence, N. J.; McGown, A. T. Med. Res. Rev. 1998, 18, 259-296.). Microtubule-targeting agents (taxanes and vinca alkaloids) have played a crucial role in the treatment of diverse human cancers (Microtubules as a Target for Anticancer Drugs. Jordan, M. A.; Wilson, L. Nat. Rev. Cancer 2004, 4, 253-265). However, they have certain limitations in their clinical utility, such as drug resistance, high systemic toxicity, complex syntheses, and isolation procedure. Therefore, identification of new molecules with tubulin binding mechanism is attractive for the discovery and development of novel anticancer agents. [0006] E7010, (Novel sulfonamides as potential, systemically active antitumor agents. Yoshino, H.; Ueda, N.; Niijima, J.; Sugumi, H.; Kotake, Y.; Koyanagi, N.; Yoshimatsu, K.; Asada, M.; Watanabe, T.; Nagasu, T. J. Med. Chem. 1992, 35, 2496-2497) a sulphonamide exhibits good antitumor activity by inhibiting tubulin polymerization, (In vivo tumor growth inhibition produced by a novel sulfonamide, E7010, against rodent and human tumors Koyanagi, N.; Nagasu, T.; Fujita, F.; Watanabe, T.; Tsukahara, K.; Funahashi, Y.; Fujita, M.; Taguchi, Yoshino, H.; Kitoh, K. Cancer Res. 1994, 54, 1702-1706.), which causes cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in M phase (Yokoi, A.; Kuromitsu, J.; Kawai, T.; Nagasu, T.; Sugi, N. H.; Yoshimatsu, K.; Yoshino, H.; Owa, T. Mol. Cancer. Ther. 2002, 1, 275-286; Mechanism of action of E7010, an orally active sulfonamide antitumor agent: inhibition of mitosis by binding to the colchicine site of tubulin. Yoshimatsu, K.; Yamaguchi, A.; Yoshino, H.; Koyanagi, N.; Kitoh, K. Cancer Res. 1997, 57, 3208-3213.). [0000] [0000] 1,2,3-triazole moieties have displayed a broad range of biological properties such as antifungal, anti-allergic, antibacterial, anti-HIV, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory and antitubercular activities. Particularly, these triazoles exhibited anticancer activity (Synthesis and anticancer activity of chalcone-pyrrolobenzodiazepine conjugates linked via 1,2,3-triazole ring side-armed with alkane spacers. Kamal, A.; Prabhakar, S.; Ramaiah, M. J.; Reddy, P. V.; Reddy, C. R.; Mallareddy, A.; Shankaraiah, N.; Reddy, T. L. N.; Pushpavalli, S. N. C. V. L.; Bhadra, M. P. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2011, 46, 3820-3831; Stefely et al. have described a limited number of 1,3-oxazole triazoles which have a limited scope of determining the antitumor activity of these of these compounds. N-((1-Benzyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)arylamide as a new scaffold that provides rapid access to antimicrotubule agents: Synthesis and evaluation of antiproliferative activity against select cancer cell Lines. Stefely, J. A.; Palchaudhuri, R.; Miller, P. A.; Peterson, R. J.; Moraski, G. C.; Hergenrother, P. J.; Miller, M. J. J. Med. Chem. 2010, 53, 3389-3395). Accordingly, there is a need of more potent antitumor agents which is solved by the present invention. OBJECTIVES OF THE INVENTION [0007] The main objective of the present invention is to provide novel N-((1-benzyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)arylamide analogues 1a-k to 6a-k useful as antitumor agents. [0008] Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a process for the preparation of novel N-((1-benzyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)arylamide derivatives. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0009] The present invention provides a compound of formula 1, [0000] [0000] wherein R1 is optionally selected form the group comprising of hydrogen, halogen or ether and R2 is optionally selected from the group comprising of halogen or ether. [0010] Also, the present invention provides a process for preparation of the compounds of formula 1. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0011] Accordingly, the present invention provides a compound of formula 1, [0000] [0000] wherein R1 is optionally selected from the group comprising of hydrogen, halogen or ether and R2 is optionally selected from the group comprising of halogen or ether. [0012] In an embodiment of the present invention, halogen group of R1 is selected from the group consisting of chlorine, bromine or fluorine. [0013] In another embodiment of the present invention, ether group of R1 is selected from the group consisting of methoxy, dimethoxy or trimethoxy ether. [0014] In one embodiment of the present invention, halogen group of R2 is selected from the group consisting of chlorine, bromine or fluorine. [0015] In another embodiment of the present invention, ether group of R2 is selected from the group consisting of methoxy, dimethoxy, trimethoxy, or phenoxy ether. [0016] In yet another embodiment of the present invention wherein the representative compounds comprising: N-((1-(3-Phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-(phenylamino)nicotinamide (1a) 2-(4-Fluorophenylamino)-N-((1-(3-phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol4-yl) methyl)nicotinamide (1b) 2-(4-Chlorophenylamino)-N-((1-(3-phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)nicotinamide (1c) 2-(4-Bromophenylamino)-N-((1-(3-phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)nicotinamide (1d) 2-(4-Methoxyphenylamino)-N-((1-(3-phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (1e) 2-(3-Fluorophenylamino)-N-((1-(3-phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (1f) 2-(2,4-Dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-((1-(3-phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (1g) 2-(2,5-Dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-((1-(3-phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (1h) 2-(3,5-Dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-((1-(3-phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (1i) N-((1-(3-Phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenylamino) nicotinamide (1j) 2-(4-Chlorobenzylamino)-N-((1-(3-phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (1k) N-((1-(4-Fluorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-(phenylamino)nicotinamide (2a) N-((1-(4-Fluorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((4-fluorophenyl)amino) nicotinamide (2b) 2-((4-Chlorophenyl)amino)-N-((1-(4-fluorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (2c) 2-((4-Bromophenyl)amino)-N-((1-(4-fluorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (2d) N-((1-(4-Fluorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((4-methoxyphenyl)amino) nicotinamide (2e) N-((1-(4-Fluorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((3-fluorophenyl)amino) nicotinamide (2f) 2-((2,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)amino)-N-((1-(4-fluorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (2g) 2-((2,5-Dimethoxyphenyl)amino)-N-((1-(4-fluorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (2h) 2-((3,5-Dimethoxyphenyl)amino)-N-((1-(4-fluorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (2i) N-((1-(4-Fluorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)amino) nicotinamide (2j) 2-(4-Chlorobenzylamino)-N-((1-(4-fluorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (2k) N-((1-(4-Chlorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-(phenylamino)nicotinamide (3a) N-((1-(4-Chlorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((4-fluorophenyl)amino) nicotinamide (3b) N-((1-(4-Chlorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((4-chlorophenyl)amino) nicotinamide (3c) 2-((4-Bromophenyl)amino)-N-((1-(4-chlorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (3d) N-((1-(4-Bromobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((4-methoxyphenyl)amino) nicotinamide (3e) N-((1-(4-Chlorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((3-fluorophenyl)amino) nicotinamide (3f) N-((1-(4-Chlorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)amino) nicotinamide (3g) N-((1-(4-Chlorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)amino) nicotinamide (3h) N-((1-(4-Bromobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)amino) nicotinamide (3i) N-((1-(4-Chlorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)amino) nicotinamide (3j) N-((1-(4-Chlorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((4-chlorobenzyl)amino) nicotinamide (3k) N-((1-(4-Bromobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-(phenylamino)nicotinamide (4a) N-((1-(4-Bromobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((4-fluorophenyl)amino) nicotinamide (4b) N-((1-(4-Bromobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((4-chlorophenyl)amino) nicotinamide (4c) N-((1-(4-Bromobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((4-bromophenyl)amino) nicotinamide (4d) N-((1-(4-Bromobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((4-methoxyphenyl)amino) nicotinamide (4e) N-((1-(4-Bromobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((3-fluorophenyl)amino) nicotinamide (4f) N-((1-(4-Bromobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)amino) nicotinamide (4g) N-((1-(4-Bromobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)amino) nicotinamide (4h) N-((1-(4-Bromobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)amino) nicotinamide (4i) N-((1-(4-Bromobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)amino) nicotinamide (4j) N-((1-(4-Bromobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((4-chlorobenzyl)amino) nicotinamide (4k) N-((1-(4-Methoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-(phenylamino)nicotinamide (5a) 2-((4-Fluorophenyl)amino)-N-((1-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (5b) 2-((4-Chlorophenyl)amino)-N-((1-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (5c) 2-((4-Bromophenyl)amino)-N-((1-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (5d) N-((1-(4-Methoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((4-methoxyphenyl)amino) nicotinamide (5e) 2-((3-Fluorophenyl)amino)-N-((1-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (5f) 2-((2,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)amino)-N-((1-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (5g) 2-((2,5-Dimethoxyphenyl)amino)-N-((1-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (5h) 2-((3,5-Dimethoxyphenyl)amino)-N-((1-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (5i) N-((1-(4-Methoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)amino) nicotinamide (5j) N-((1-(4-Methoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)amino) nicotinamide (5k) N-((1-(3,5-Dimethoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-(phenylamino)nicotinamide (6a) N-((1-(3,5-Dimethoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((4-fluorophenyl)amino) nicotinamide (6b) 2-((4-Chlorophenyl)amino)-N-((1-(3,5-dimethoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (6c) 2-((4-Bromophenyl)amino)-N-((1-(3,5-dimethoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (6d) N-((1-(3,5-Dimethoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((4-methoxyphenyl)amino) nicotinamide (6e) N-((1-(3,5-Dimethoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((3-fluorophenyl)amino) nicotinamide (6f) N-((1-(3,5-Dimethoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)amino)nicotinamide (6g) N-((1-(3,5-Dimethoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)amino) nicotinamide (6h) N-((1-(3,5-Dimethoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)amino) nicotinamide (6i) N-((1-(3,5-Dimethoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-((3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)amino) nicotinamide (6j) 2-((4-Chlorobenzyl)amino)-N-((1-(3,5-dimethoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (6k). [0083] In still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the structural formula of the representative compounds comprising: [0000] [0084] In one more embodiment of the present invention, the compounds of formula 1 is useful as antitumour agents. [0085] Accordingly, the present invention also provides a process for preparation of compounds of formula 1, wherein the process steps comprising: [0000] i. reacting compound of formula 8 with compound of formula 9a-k in ethylene glycol at a temperature ranging between 130-140° C. for the a time period ranging between 5-6 hr to obtain substituted nicotinamide of formula 10 a-k, [0000] [0000] ii. reacting substituted nicotinamide of formula 10a-k as obtained in step (i) with substituted azides of formula 12a-k in a mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol in the ratio of 2:1 followed by sequential addition of sodium ascorbate and copper sulphate at a temperature ranging between 25-30° C. for a time period ranging between 10-12 h to obtain compound of formula 1, [0000] [0086] In an embodiment of the present invention wherein the compound 9 used in step (i) is selected from the group consisting of aniline, 4-fluoroaniline, 4-bromoaniline, 4 methoxyaniline, 3-fluoroaniline, 2,4-dimethoxyaniline, 2,5-dimethoxyaniline, 3,5-dimethoxyaniline, 3,4,5-trimethoxyaniline and (4-chlorophenyl)methanamine. [0087] In another embodiment of the present invention wherein the substituted nicotinamide of formula 10 a-k used in step (ii) is selected from the group consisting of 2-(phenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide, 2-(4-fluorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide, 2-(4-chlorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide, 2-(4-bromophenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide, 2-(4-methoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide, 2-(3-fluorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide, 2-(2,4-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide, 2-(2,5-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide, 2-(3,5-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide, N-(prop-2-ynyl)-2-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenylamino)nicotinamide and 2-(4-chlorobenzylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide. [0088] In yet another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the substituted benzylazide of formula 12 a-k used in step (ii) is selected from the group consisting of 1-(azidomethyl)-3-phenoxybenzene, 1-(azidomethyl)-4-fluorobenzene, 1-(azidomethyl)-4-chlorobenzene, 1-(azidomethyl)-4-bromobenzene, 1-(azidomethyl)-4-methoxybenzene and 1-(azidomethyl)-3,5-dimethoxybenzene. [0089] The precursor substituted anilines (9a-k) and substituted benzyl alcohols are commercially available and the N-((1-benzyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) arylamides of formulae 1a-k to 6a-k have been prepared as illustrated in the Scheme. [0090] i) To the solution of 2-choronicotinic acid (5 g, 31.84 mmol) in dry DCM under nitrogen, Oxalyl chloride (38.21 mmol) and catalytic amount of N,N-dimethylformamide were added carefully with stirring. The reaction was stirred for 3 hr. The solution was concentrated under vacuum to yield 2-chloronicotinyl chloride as solid which was used for next reaction without purification. [0091] Acid chloride (4.5 g, 25.56 mmol) was dissolved in dry DCM, cooled to 0° C., propargylamine hydrochloride (30.61 mmol) and triethylamine (76.68 mmol) were added. The reaction was warmed to room temperature. After stirring overnight, the reaction mixture was diluted with water and extracted with DCM. The organic layer was separated, washed with aq. NaHCO 3 and brine dried with Na 2 SO 4 and concentrated in vacuum to give 8. [0092] ii) 2-Chloro-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (8, 1.03 mmol) was dissolved in ethylene glycol, and treated with an appropriate aniline (9, 1.03 mmol). The reaction mixture was heated to 120-130° C. for 6 h. After the reaction was completed, the reaction mixture was diluted with water and extracted with ethylacetate. The combined extracts were dried with Na 2 SO 4 and concentrated. the crude was purified by column chromatography to give pure product 10a-k as solid. [0093] Procedure for triazole formation: [0094] To a solution of corresponding aminonicotinamides (1 equivalent) and corresponding benzylazides (1 equivalent) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.1 equivalents) and copper (II) sulphate (0.05 equivalents) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 10-12 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography by ethyl acetate/petroleum ether to afford pure product. [0095] All the N-((1-benzyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) arylamide derivatives were synthesized and purified by column chromatography using different solvents like ethyl acetate, hexane. [0096] These new analogues of N-((1-benzyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)arylamides have shown promising anticancer activity in various cancer cell lines. [0000] EXAMPLES [0097] The following examples are given by way of illustration of the working of the invention in actual practice and therefore should not be construed to limit the scope of present invention. [0098] Compounds 12a-k are prepared by using the synthesis described in J. Med. Chem. 2010, 53, 3389-3395. Example 1 N-((1-(3-Phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-(phenylamino)nicotinamide(1a) [0099] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and aniline (9a, 93 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain 2-(phenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide 10a as pure product. To a solution of 2-(phenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (10a, 150 mg, 0.59 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-3-phenoxybenzene (12a, 147 mg, 0.65 mmol) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.005 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 10 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product as solid (210 mg, 74%); mp: 124-126° C.; 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 10.51 (s, 1H), 8.25 (dd, J=2.2, 1.5 Hz, 1H), 7.84 (dd, J=2.2, 1.5 Hz, 1H), 7.80 (brs, 1H), 7.66-7.60 (m, 3H), 7.33-7.25 (m, 4H), 7.08 (t, J=7.5 Hz, 1H), 7.00-6.90 (m, 7H), 6.61-6.59 (m, 1H), 5.45 (s, 2H), 4.62 ppm (d, J=5.2 Hz, 2H); MS (ESI m/z): 477 [M+H] + . Yield: 74% Example 2 2-(4-Fluorophenylamino)-N-((1-(3-phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol4-yl)methyl)nicotinamide (1b) [0100] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and 4-fluoroaniline (9b, 111 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain 2-(4-fluorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide 10b as pure product. To a solution of 2-(4-fluorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (10b, 150 mg, 0.55 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-3-phenoxybenzene (12a, 138 mg, 0.61 mmol) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.005 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 11 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product 1b (220 mg 80%); mp: 160-162° C.; 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 10.36 (s, 1H), 8.25 (dd, J=3.0, 1.5 Hz, 1H), 7.59 (m, 2H), 7.54 (s, 1H), 7.35-7.28 (m, 3H), 7.22 (brs, 1H), 7.11 (t, J=7.5 Hz, 1H), 7.03-6.94 (m, 7H), 6.67-6.63 (m, 1H), 5.45 (s, 2H), 4.64 ppm (d, J=6.0 Hz, 1H); MS (ESI m/z): 495 [M+H] + . Yield: 80% Example 3 2-(4-Chlorophenylamino)-N-((1-(3-phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)nicotinamide (1c) [0101] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and 4-chloroaniline (9c, 127 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain 2-(4-chlorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide 10c as pure product. To a solution of 2-(4-chlorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (10c 150 mg, 0.52 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-3-phenoxybenzene (12c, 130 mg, 0.57 mmol) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.005 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 10 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product 1c (204 mg 76%); mp: 127-129° C.; 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 10.51 (s, 1H), 8.25 (dd, J=2.2, 1.5 Hz, 1H), 7.84 (dd, J=2.2, 1.5 Hz, 1H), 7.80 (brs, 1H), 7.61-7.58 (m, 3H), 7.35-7.23 (m, 4H), 7.08 (t, J=7.5 Hz, 1H), 6.98-6.91 (m, 7H), 6.67-6.63 (m, 1H), 5.45 (s, 2H), 4.62 (d, J=5.2 Hz, 2H); MS (ESI m/z): 511 [M+H] + . Yield: 76% Example 4 2-(4-Bromophenylamino)-N-((1-(3-phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)nicotinamide (1d) [0102] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and 4-bromoaniline (9d, 172 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain 2-(4-bromophenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide 10d as pure product. To a solution of 2-(4-bromophenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (10d, 150 mg, 0.45 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-3-phenoxybenzene (12a, 112 mg, 0.5 mmol) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.005 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 11 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product 1d (220 mg 80%); mp: 160-162° C.; 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 10.36 (s, 1H), 8.25 (dd, J=3.0, 1.5 Hz, 1H), 7.59 (m, 2H), 7.54 (s, 1H), 7.35-7.28 (m, 3H), 7.22 (brs, 1H), 7.11 (t, J=7.5 Hz, 1H), 7.03-6.94 (m, 7H), 6.67-6.63 (m, 1H), 5.45 (s, 2H), 4.64 ppm (d, J=6.0 Hz, 1H); MS (ESI m/z): 555 [M+H] + . Yield: 80% Example 5 2-(4-Methoxyphenylamino)-N-((1-(3-phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (1e) [0103] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and 4-methoxyaniline (9e, 123 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain 2-(4-methoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide 10e as pure product. To a solution of 2-(4-methoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (10e, 150 mg, 0.53 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-3-phenoxybenzene (12a, 132 mg, 0.58 mmol) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.005 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 11 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product 1f (202 mg, 75%); mp: 95-98° C.; 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 10.32 (s, 1H), 8.18 (dd, J=3.0, 1.5 Hz, 1H), 7.80 (dd, J=3.0, 1.5 Hz, 2H), 7.59 (s, 1H), 7.49 (d, J=8.3 Hz, 2H), 7.33-7.27 (m, 3H), 7.07 (t, J=7.5 Hz, 1H), 6.96-6.90 (m, 5H), 6.85-6.79 (m, 2H), 6.54-6.50 (m, 1H), 5.45 (s, 2H), 4.60 (d, J=5.2 Hz, 2H) 3.78 (s, 3H); MS (ESI m/z): 507 [M+H] + . Yield: 75% Example 6 2-(3-Fluorophenylamino)-N-((1-(3-phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)nicotinamide (1f) [0104] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and 3-fluoroaniline (9f, 111 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain 2-(3-fluorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide 10f as pure product. To a solution of 2-(3-fluorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (10f, 150 mg, 0.55 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-3-phenoxybenzene (12a, 86 mg, 0.61 mmol) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.005 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 12 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product 1e (220 mg, 80%); mp: 130-132° C.; 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 10.62 (s, 1H), 8.31 (dd, J=3.0, 1.7 Hz, 1H), 7.83 (dd, J=3.0, 1.7 Hz, 1H), 7.78-7.73 (m, 1H), 7.59-7.53 (m, 2H), 7.36-7.18 (m, 3H), 7.12 (t, J=7.5 Hz, 1H), 6.99-6.91 (m, 5H), 6.71-6.66 (m, 2H), 5.48 (s, 2H), 4.66 ppm (d, J=5.6 Hz, 2H); MS (ESI m/z): 495 [M+H] + . Yield: 80% Example 7 2-(2,4-Dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-((1-(3-phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)nicotinamide (1g) [0105] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and 2,4-dimethoxyaniline (9 g, 153 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain 2-(2,4-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide 10g as pure product. To a solution of 2-(2,4-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (10 g, 150 mg, 0.48 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-3-phenoxybenzene (12a, 119 mg, 0.53 mmol) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.004 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 10 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product 1g (201 mg, 78%); mp: 127-129° C.; 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 10.30 (s, 1H), 8.25-8.21 (m, 2H), 7.73 (d, J=7.5 Hz 1H), 7.56 (s, 1H), 7.35-7.28 (m, 3H), 7.11 (t, J=7.5 Hz, 1H), 6.99-6.90 (m, 5H), 6.59-6.47 (m, 3H), 5.45 (s, 2H), 4.67 (d, J=5.2 Hz, 2H), 3.87 (s, 6H), 3.79 ppm (s, 3H); MS (ESI m/z): 537 [M+H] + . Yield: 78% Example 8 2-(2,5-Dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-((1-(3-phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)nicotinamide (1h) [0106] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and 2,5-dimethoxyaniline (9h, 153 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain 2-(2,5-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide 10h as pure product. To a solution of 2-(2,5-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (10h, 150 mg, 0.48 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-3-phenoxybenzene (119 mg, 0.53 mmol) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.005 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 11 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product 1h (201 mg, 78%); mp: 154-156° C.; 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 10.71 (s, 1H), 8.34 (d, J=2.2 Hz, 1H), 8.32 (dd, J=3.0, 1.5 Hz, 1H), 7.76 (dd, J=2.2, 1.5 Hz, 1H), 7.54 (s, 2H), 7.32 (d, J=7.5 Hz, 2H), 7.28 (d, J=2.2 Hz, 1H), 7.18-7.06 (m, 2H), 6.97-6.84 (m, 5H), 6.76 (d, J=8.3 Hz 1H), 6.66-6.62 (m, 1H), 6.42-6.38 (m, 1H) 6.40 (dd, J=3.0 Hz, 1H), 5.45 (s, 2H), 4.66 (d, J=5.2 Hz, 2H), 3.90 (s, 3H), 3.79 (s, 3H); MS (ESI m/z): 537 [M+H] + . Yield: 78% Example 9 2-(3,5-Dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-((1-(3-phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)nicotinamide (1i) [0107] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and 3,5-dimethoxyaniline (91,153 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain 2-(3,5-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide 10i as pure product. To a solution of 2-(3,5-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (101,150 mg, 0.48 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-3-phenoxybenzene (12a, 119 mg, 0.53 mmol) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.005 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 11 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product 1i (201 mg, 78%); mp: 123-125° C.; 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 10.55 (s, 1H), 8.27 (dd, J=2.2, 1.5 Hz, 1H), 7.82 (dd, J=2.2, 1.5 Hz, 1H), 7.72 (t, J=6.0 Hz, 1H), 7.58 (s, 1H), 7.33-7.28 (m, 1H), 7.08 (t, J=7.5 Hz, 1H), 6.97-6.90 (m, 7H), 6.62-6.58 (m, 1H), 6.08 (t, J=2.2 Hz 1H), 5.46 (s, 2H), 4.61 (d, J=5.2 Hz, 2H), 3.80 ppm (s, 6H); MS (ESI m/z): 537 [M+H] + Yield: 78% Example 10 N-((1-(3-Phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenylamino) nicotinamide (1j) [0108] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and 3,4,5-trimethoxyaniline (9j, 183 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain N-(prop-2-ynyl)-2-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenylamino)nicotinamide 10j as pure product. To a solution of N-(prop-2-ynyl)-2-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenylamino)nicotinamide (10j, 150 mg, 0.41 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-3-phenoxybenzene (12a, 102 mg, 0.45 mmol), in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.004 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 10 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product 1j (186 mg, 75%); mp: 142-144° C.; 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 10.42 (s, 1H), 8.27 (d, J=7.5, Hz, 1H), 7.85 (d, J=7.5 Hz 2H), 7.75 (brs, 1H), 7.60 (s, 1H), 7.39-7.27 (m, 3H), 7.11 (t, J=7.5 Hz, 1H), 6.99-6.83 (m, 7H), 6.65 (m, 1H), 5.47 (s, 2H), 4.66 (d, J=5.28 Hz, 2H), 3.85 (s, 6H), 3.81 ppm (s, 3H); MS (ESI m/z): 567 [M+H] + . Yield: 75% Example 11 2-(4-Chlorobenzylamino)-N-((1-(3-phenoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (1k) [0109] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and 4-(4-chlorobenzyl)aniline (9k, 217 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain 2-(4-chlorobenzylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide 10k as pure product. To a solution of 2-(4-chlorobenzylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (10k, 150 mg, 0.50 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-3-phenoxybenzene (12a, 124 mg, 0.55 mmol) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.005 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 12 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product 1k (184 mg, 60%); mp: 209-211° C.; 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 8.45 (t, J=5.2 Hz, 1H), 8.14-8.11 (m, 1H), 7.63 (d, J=7.5 Hz, 1H), 7.50 (brs, 1H), 7.45 (s, 1H), 7.27-7.13 (m, 7H), 7.02 (t, J=7.5 Hz, 1H), 6.90-6.80 (m, 5H), 6.36-6.32 (m, 1H), 5.33 (s, 2H), 4.60 (d, J=5.2 Hz, 2H), 4.49 ppm (d, J=6.0 Hz, 2H); MS (ESI m/z): 525 [M+H] + . Yield: 60%. Example 12 N-((1-(4-Fluorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-(4-fluorophenylamino) nicotinamide (2b) [0110] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and 4-fluoroaniline (9b, 111 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain 2-(4-fluorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide 10b as pure product. To a solution of 2-(4-fluorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (10b, 150 mg, 0.55 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-4-fluorobenzene (12b, 91 mg, 0.61 mmol) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.005 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 10 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product 2b (187 mg, 80%); mp: 197-199° C.; 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 10.61 (s, 1H), 8.63 (brs, 1H), 8.24 (dd, J=4.4, 1.4 Hz, 1H), 7.98 (dd, J=, 8.0, 1.8 Hz, 1H), 7.64 (s, 1H), 7.63-7.58 (m, 2H), 7.41 (s, 1H), 7.23 (s, 1H), 6.98 (t, J=8.4 Hz, 2H), 6.88 (t J=8.4 Hz, 2H), 6.69-6.65 (m, 1H), 5.44 (s, 2H), 4.63 (d, J=5.5 Hz, 2H), 3.78 (s, 3H); MS (ESI m/z): 421 [M+H] + . Yield: 80% Example 13 N-((1-(4-Fluorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-(4-methoxyphenylamino)nicotinamide (2e) [0111] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and 4-methoxyaniline (9e, 123 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain 2-(4-methoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide 10e as pure product. To a solution of 2-(4-methoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (10e, 150 mg, 0.53 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-4-fluorobenzene (12b, 88 mg, 0.58 mmol) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.005 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 11 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product 2e (173 mg, 75%); mp: 169-171° C.; 1 H NMR (500 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 10.26 (s, 1H), 8.23 (dd, J=4.0, 1.5 Hz, 1H), 7.74 (dd, J=8.0, 1.5 Hz, 1H), 7.50 (d, J=9.0 Hz, 1H), 7.29-7.24 (m, 4H), 7.06 (t, J=9.0 Hz, 2H), 6.83 (d, J=9.0 Hz, 2H), 6.59-6.50 (m, 1H), 5.47 (s, 2H), 4.64 (d, J=5.2 Hz, 2H), 3.78 (s, 3H); MS (ESI m/z): 433 [M+H] + . Yield: 75% Example 14 2-(2,4-Dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-((1-(4-fluorobenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (2g) [0112] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and 2,4-dimethoxyaniline (9 g, 153 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain 2-(2,4-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide 10g as pure product. To a solution of 2-(2,4-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (10 g, 150 mg, 0.48 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-4-fluorobenzene (12b, 79 mg, 0.53 mmol) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.005 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 12 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product 2g (167 mg, 70%); mp: 146-148° C.; 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 10.33 (s, 1H), 8.25 (dd, J=7.5, 1.5 Hz, 1H), 7.72 (dd, J=7.5, 1.5 Hz, 1H), 7.53 (s, 1H), 7.28-7.23 (m, 3H), 7.18-7.13 (m, 1H), 7.03 (t, J=8.3 Hz, 2H), 6.58-6.54 (m, 1H), 6.46 (s, 2H), 5.45 (s, 2H), 4.64 (d, J=5.2 Hz, 2H), 3.90 (s, 3H), 3.79 (s, 3H); MS (ESI m/z): 463 [M+H] + . Yield: 70% Example 15 2-(4-Fluorophenylamino)-N-((1-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (5b) [0113] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and 4-fluoroaniline (9b, 111 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain 2-(4-fluorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide 10b as pure product. To a solution of 2-(4-fluorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (10b, 150 mg, 0.55 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-4-methoxybenzene (12c, 99 mg, 0.61 mmol)) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.005 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 11 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product 5b (192 mg, 80%); mp: 201-204° C.; 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 10.57 (s, 1H), 8.45 (brs, 1H), 8.25 (dd, J=4.7, 1.4 Hz, 1H), 7.94 (dd, J=7.7, 1.4 Hz, 1H), 7.62-7.57 (m, 3H), 7.41 (s, 1H), 7.23 (s, 1H), 6.98 (t, J=8.4 Hz, 2H), 6.88 (t J=8.4 Hz, 2H), 6.69-6.65 (m, 1H), 5.44 (s, 2H), 4.63 (d, J=5.5 Hz, 2H), 3.78 (s, 3H); MS (ESI m/z): 433 [M+H] + . Yield: 80% Example 16 N-((1-(4-Methoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-(4-methoxyphenylamino) nicotinamide (5e) [0114] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and 4-methoxyaniline (9e, 123 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain 2-(4-methoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide 10e as pure product. To a solution of 2-(4-methoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (10e, 150 mg, 0.53 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-4-methoxybenzene (12c, 95 mg, 0.58 mmol) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.005 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 12 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product 5e (189 mg, 80%); %); 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 10.31 (s, 1H), 8.19 (dd, J=4.9, 1.7 Hz, 1H), 7.7.81 (dd, J=7.7, 1.7 Hz, 2H), 7.52-7.48 (m, 3H), 7.25-7.19 (m, 2H), 6.85-6.81 (m, 4H), 6.55-6.51 (m, 1H), 5.42 (s, 2H), 4.55 (d, J=5.4 Hz, 2H), 3.78 (s, 3H), 3.77 ppm (s, 3H); yield 80% Example 17 2-(2,4-Dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-((1-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl) nicotinamide (5g) [0115] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and 2,4-dimethoxyaniline (9e, 153 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain 2-(2,4-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide 10g as pure product. To a solution of 2-(2,4-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (10 g, 150 mg, 0.48 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-4-methoxybenzene (12c, 86 mg, 0.53 mmol) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.005 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 10 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product 5g (180 mg, 79%); mp: 178-180° C.; 1 H NMR (500 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 10.30 (s, 1H), 8.23 (m, 2H), 7.74 (dd, J=6.0, 2.0 Hz, 2H), 7.51 (s, 1H), 7.34 (brs, 1H), 7.20 (d, J=9.0 Hz, 2H), 6.86 (d, J=9.0 Hz, 2H), 6.56-6.48 (m, 3H), 5.45 (s, 2H), 4.64 (d, J=6.0 Hz, 2H), 3.87 (s, 3H), 3.79 (s, 3H), 3.79 (s, 3H); MS (ESI m/z): 475 [M+H] + . Yield: 79% Example 18 N-((1-(3,5-Dimethoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-(4-fluorophenylamino)nicotinamide (6b) [0116] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and 4-fluoroaniline (9b, 111 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain 2-(4-fluorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide 10b as pure product. To a solution of from 2-(4-fluorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (10b, 150 mg, 0.55 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-3,5-dimethoxybenzene (12d, 116 mg, 0.61 mmol)) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.005 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 11 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product 6b (182 mg, 71%); mp: 209-211° C.; mp: 140-142° C.; 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 10.32 (s, 1H), 8.19 (dd, J=3.0, 1.5 Hz, 1H), 7.81 (dd, J=3.0, 1.5 Hz, 2H), 7.52-7.47 (m, 3H), 7.20 (d, J=9.0 Hz, 2H), 6.83 (t, J=7.5 Hz, 4H), 6.55-6.51 (m, 1H), 5.41 (s, 2H), 4.58 (d, J=4.5 Hz, 2H), 3.78 (s, 3H), 3.77 (s, 3H); MS (ESI m/z): 463 [M+H] + Yield: 71% Example 19 N-((1-(3,5-Dimethoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-(4-methoxyphenylamino) nicotinamide (6e) [0117] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and 4-methoxyaniline (9e, 123 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain 2-(4-methoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide 10e as pure product. To a solution of 2-(4-methoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (10e, 150 mg, 0.53 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-3,5-dimethoxybenzene (12d, 102 mg, 0.58 mmol) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.005 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 11 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product 6e (197 mg, 78%); mp: 147-149° C.; 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 10.17 (s, 1H), 8.24 (dd, J=4.9, 1.7 Hz, 1H), 7.55-7.48 (dd, J=7.7, 1.7 Hz, 1H), 7.17 (t, J=5.0 Hz, 1H), 6.87 (d, J=8.8 Hz, 2H), 6.62-6.57 (m, 1H), 6.42-6.39 (m, 3H), 5.42 (s, 2H), 4.66 (d, J=5.4 Hz, 2H), 3.79 (s, 3H), 3.75 ppm (s, 6H) MS (ESI m/z): 475 [M+H] + . Yield: 78% Example 20 N-((1-(3,5-Dimethoxybenzyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)-2-(2,4-dimethoxyphenyl amino)nicotinamide (6g) [0118] Compound 8 (194 mg, 1 mmol) and 2,4-dimethoxyaniline (9e, 153 mg, 1 mmol) were taken in ethylene glycol and heated at 140° C. for 6 h. Then the reaction mixture was cooled and extracted with ethyl acetate from the aqueous layer and concentrated in vacuum. The compound was further purified by column chromatography using 60-120 silica gel to obtain 2-(2,4-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide 10g as pure product. To a solution of 2-(2,4-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2-ynyl)nicotinamide (10 g, 150 mg, 0.48 mmol) and 1-(azidomethyl)-3,5-dimethoxybenzene (12d, 102 mg, 0.53 mmol) in 2:1 mixture of water and tert-butyl alcohol, sodium ascorbate (0.06 mmol) and copper (II) sulphate (0.005 mmol) were added sequentially. The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 12 h, TLC analysis indicated completion of reaction. The reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum and extracted with EtOAc to give crude product. The crude was purified by column chromatography to afford pure product 6e (175 mg, 72%); mp: 147-149° C.; 1 H NMR (500 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ 10.36 (s, 1H), 8.25 (dd, J=5.0, 3.0 Hz, 1H), 7.73 (dd, J=7.0 Hz, 1H), 7.53 (s, 1H), 7.15 (brs, 1H), 6.58-6.54 (m, 1H), 6.47-6.43 (m, 2H), 6.36 (s, 3H), 5.41 (s, 2H), 4.66 (d, J=5.2 Hz, 2H), 3.91 (s, 3H), 3.80 (s, 3H), 3.74 ppm (s, 6H) MS (ESI m/z): 505 [M+H] + . Yield: 72% [0119] The compounds of present invention are obtained and the yield of compound of FORMULA 1 is ranging between 60-81%. [0120] Examples for the preparation of compounds 2a, 2c, 2d, 2f, 2h, 2i, 2j, 2k, 3a-k, 4a-k, 5a, 5c, 5d, 5f, 5h, 5i, 5k, 6a, 6c, 6d, 6f, 6h, 6i, 6j and 6k. [0000] Compound Method of no Starting materials preparation 2a 2-(phenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1a. 4-fluorobenzene 2c 2-(4-chlorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and in 1c. 1-(azidomethyl)-4-fluorobenzene. 2d 2-(4-bromophenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1d. 4-fluorobenzene. 2f 2-(3-fluorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1f. 4-fluorobenzene 2h 2-(2,5-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop- As described 2-ynyl)nicotinamide and 1- in 1h. (azidomethyl)-4-fluorobenzene 2i 2-(3,5-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop- As described 2-ynyl)nicotinamide and 1- in 1i. (azidomethyl)-4-fluorobenzene 2j N-(prop-2-ynyl)-2-(3,4,5- As described in trimethoxyphenylamino)nicotinamide 1j. and 1-(azidomethyl)-4-fluorobenzene 2k 2-(4-chlorobenzylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1k. 4-fluorobenzene 3a 2-(phenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1a. 4-chlorobenzene 3b 2-(4-fluorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1b. 4-chlorobenzene. 3c 2-(4-chlorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1c. 4-chlorobenzene 3d 2-(4-bromophenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1d. 4-chlorobenzene 3e 2-(4-methoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1e. 4-chlorobenzene 3f 2-(3-fluorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1f. 4-chlorobenzene 3g 2-(2,4-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop- As described 2-ynyl)nicotinamide and 1- in 1g. (azidomethyl)-4-chlorobenzene 3h 2-(2,5-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop- As described 2-ynyl)nicotinamide and 1- in 1h. (azidomethyl)-4-chlorobenzene 3i 2-(3,5-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop- As described 2-ynyl)nicotinamide and 1- in 1i. (azidomethyl)-4-chlorobenzene 3j N-(prop-2-ynyl)-2-(3,4,5- As described trimethoxyphenylamino)nicotinamide in 1j. and 1-(azidomethyl)-4-chlorobenzene 3k 2-(4-chlorobenzylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1k. 4-chlorobenzene. 4a 2-(phenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1a. 4-bromobenzene 4b 2-(4-fluorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1b. 4-bromobenzene 4c 2-(4-chlorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1c. 4-bromobenzene 4d 2-(4-bromophenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1d. 4-bromobenzene 4e 2-(4-methoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1e. 4-bromobenzene 4f 2-(3-fluorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1f. 4-bromobenzene 4g 2-(2,4-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop- As described 2-ynyl)nicotinamide and 1- in 1g. (azidomethyl)-4-bromobenzene 4h 2-(2,5-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop- As described 2-ynyl)nicotinamide and 1- in 1h. (azidomethyl)-4-bromobenzene 4i 2-(3,5-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop- As described 2-ynyl)nicotinamide and 1- in 1i. (azidomethyl)-4-bromobenzene 4j N-(prop-2-ynyl)-2-(3,4,5- As described trimethoxyphenylamino)nicotinamide in 1j. and 1-(azidomethyl)-4-bromobenzene 4k 2-(4-chlorobenzylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1k. 4-bromobenzene 5a 2-(phenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1a. 4-methoxybenzene 5c 2-(4-chlorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1c. 4-methoxybenzene 5d 2-(4-bromophenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1d. 4-methoxybenzene 5f 2-(3-fluorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1f. 4-methoxybenzene 5h 2-(2,5-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop- As described 2-ynyl)nicotinamide and 1- in 1h. (azidomethyl)-4-methoxybenzene 5i 2-(3,5-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop- As described 2-ynyl)nicotinamide and 1- in 1i. (azidomethyl)-4-methoxybenzene 5j N-(prop-2-ynyl)-2-(3,4,5- As described trimethoxyphenylamino)nicotinamide in 1j. and 1-(azidomethyl)-4-methoxybenzene 5k 2-(4-chlorobenzylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and and 1- in 1k. (azidomethyl)-4-methoxybenzene 6a 2-(phenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1a. 3,5-dimethoxybenzene 6c 2-(4-chlorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1c. 3,5-dimethoxybenzene 6d 2-(4-bromophenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1d. 3,5-dimethoxybenzene 6f 2-(3-fluorophenylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1f. 3,5-dimethoxybenzene 6h 2-(2,5-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop- As described 2-ynyl)nicotinamide and 1- in 1h (azidomethyl)-3,5-dimethoxybenzene 6i 2-(3,5-dimethoxyphenylamino)-N-(prop- As described 2-ynyl)nicotinamide and 1- in 1i. (azidomethyl)-3,5-dimethoxybenzene 6j N-(prop-2-ynyl)-2-(3,4,5- As described trimethoxyphenylamino)nicotinamide in 1j. and 1-(azidomethyl)-3,5- dimethoxybenzene 6k 2-(4-chlorobenzylamino)-N-(prop-2- As described ynyl)nicotinamide and 1-(azidomethyl)- in 1k. 3,5-dimethoxybenzene Biological Activity: [0121] The in vitro anticancer activity studies for these N-((1-benzyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl) methyl) arylamide analogues were carried out at the National Cancer Institute, USA. Anticancer Activity [0122] The N-((1-benzyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)arylamide analogues have been tested at NCl, USA, against sixty human tumor cell lines derived from nine cancer types (leukemia, non-small cell lung cancer, colon cancer, CNS cancer, melanoma cancer, ovarian cancer, renal cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer). For these compounds results are expressed as growth inhibition (GI 50 ) values as per NCl protocol. The anticancer activity data of compounds 1a, 1b, 1e, 1g, 1i and 1k are shown in Table 2. [0000] TABLE 2 Cytotoxicity of compounds 1a, 1b, 1e, 1g, 1i and 1k in sixty cancer cell lines Cancer panel/ GI 50 Cell lines 1a   1b 1e 1g 1i 1k Leukemia CCRF-CEM 3.34 NT 3.80 1.20 4.19 3.05 HL-60(TB) 3.74 NT 2.66 2.21 3.97 3.39 K-562 3.69 NT 3.48 0.75 5.05 3.24 MOLT-4 3.74 NT 2.91 3.65 4.85 3.28 RPMI-8226 3.61 NT 4.84 3.03 5.25 3.12 SR 2.56 — — — — 3.31 Non-small-cell-lung A549/ATCC 4.81 6.11 3.44 4.15 4.02 3.21 EKVX 5.18 25.3 4.16 5.09 6.33 3.65 HOP-62 5.58 60.2 5.07 12.7 6.31 5.69 HOP-92 — 10.7 5.67 — 4.67 4.23 NCI-H226 3.24 38.6 3.92 2.24 9.82 3.66 NCI-H23 3.73 29.9 3.45 2.24 6.22 — NCI-H322M — 5.29 5.24 NT 6.15 — NCI-H460 2.85 5.25 3.52 3.05 3.98 2.85 NCI-H522 2.11 10.8 2.13 1.82 3.31 2.18 Colon COLO 205 2.79 6.22 2.86 2.14 4.12 2.18 HCC-2998 3.70 NT 2.53 3.33 9.60 4.17 HCT-116 3.40 5.02 4.17 3.08 4.34 3.18 HCT-15 3.81 — 3.93 2.89 3.89 3.39 HT29 3.65 5.60 3.66 3.26 3.88 2.96 KM12 3.63 5.61 3.43 1.65 3.84 3.62 SW-620 3.97 6.58 3.86 2.12 3.88 4.04 CNS SF-268 3.22 2.1 4.59 3.88 5.43 4.82 SF-295 3.69 5.66 2.94 0.56 4.06 2.80 SF-539 3.10 15.1 2.79 2.65 4.39 2.24 SNB-19 3.27 20.7 3.55 3.33 9.64 3.91 SNB-75 1.94 3.81 3.09 3.41 3.98 2.02 U251 3.61 7.12 3.91 3.60 4.58 2.66 Melanoma LOX IMVI 4.54 61.3 3.60 3.01 5.10 3.90 MALME-3M NT 15.1 3.80 4.07 5.81 5.69 M14 2.86 13.7 3.15 2.13 4.80 2.49 MDA-MB-435 2.65 2.79 1.71 0.25 2.23 2.33 SK-MEL-2 6.05 34.2 3.66 7.67 6.69 4.44 SK-MEL-28 4.93 7.98 3.88 2.60 4.14 2.95 SK-MEL-5 3.89 4.48 2.90 0.72 3.11 2.53 UACC-257 1.42 6.87 4.82 NT 4.86 3.83 UACC-62 3.02 6.51 3.13 1.43 3.86 2.08 Ovarian IGROV1 30.7 5.89 NT 5.96 NT 9.03 OVCAR-3 17.7 2.98 3.69 1.54 3.69 3.48 OVCAR-4 23.4 5.19 5.42 5.11 5.42 3.37 OVCAR-5 NT 4.23 100 8.34 100 5.62 OVCAR-8 7.44 3.72 5.96 4.10 5.96 3.63 NCI/ADR-RES 14.0 2.12 3.21 2.12 3.21 2.86 SK-OV-3 5.94 3.11 4.33 2.59 4.33 3.32 Renal 786-0 23.2 5.59 6.73 4.06 6.73 — A498 13.7 2.35 4.18 1.01 4.18 2.12 ACHN 11.05 4.79 6.90 4.83 6.90 4.03 CAKI-1 64.2 3.41 6.30 1.71 6.30 4.36 SN12C 52.9 4.75 7.41 1.71 7.41 3.44 TK-10 24.5 4.59 5.16 3.14 5.16 3.70 UO-31 86.3 3.00 5.25 8.06 5.25 3.00 RXF 393 5.69 2.59 3.77 7.83 3.77 2.19 Prostate PC-3 20.4 3.86 4.74 0.62 4.74 2.96 DU-145 8.58 3.76 1.05 3.37 1.05 4.00 Breast MCF7 — — — 0.65 — 2.99 MDA-MB-31/ATCC 14.5 3.09 5.35 5.54 5.35 2.29 HS 578T 30.9 5.90 NT 2.94 NT 2.72 BT-549 45.5 4.58 7.16 3.51 7.16 2.72 T-47D 21.4 4.03 4.68 4.28 4.68 3.20 MDA-MB-468 51.7 2.32 2.42 1.46 2.42 3.44 [0123] All the compounds showed enhanced antitumor activity in tested cell lines. In the present investigation, an attempt has been made, in view of the biological importance of both 2-anilino nicotinyl structure and 1,2,3-triazoles group. The resulting compounds 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1f, 1g, 1i, 1k, 6b and 6g were found to be more potent with IC 50 values ranging from 1.25-3.98 and 0.74-2.51 μM and compared with E7010 IC 50 values 4.45 and 9.06 μM against A549 and MCF-7 cell lines respectively ( Chem MedChem 2012, 7, 680-693). Introduction of triazole group on 2-anilino nicotinyl moiety resulted that there is enhancement of biological activity of representative compounds (1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1f, 1g, 1i, 1k, 6b and 6g) compare with E7010. Biological data of representative compounds has been provided in Table 1. (Novel sulfonamides as potential, systemically active antitumor agents. Yoshino, H.; Ueda, N.; Niijima, J.; Sugumi, H.; Kotake, Y.; Koyanagi, N.; Yoshimatsu, K.; Asada, M.; Watanabe, T.; Nagasu, T. J. Med. Chem. 1992, 35, 2496-2497) [0000] TABLE 3 IC 50 (μM) values of compounds and E7010 Compound no A549 MCF-7 1a 1.54 1.65 1b 1.69 1.65 1c 3.98 2.51 1d 1.90 0.97 1f 1.90 1.78 1g 1.57 0.74 1i 1.93 0.93 1k 1.79 2.51 6b 1.25 1.0 6g 1.31 1.17 E7010 4.45 9.06 Significance of the Work Carried Out [0125] A compound of formula 1 that has been synthesized exhibited significant cytotoxic activity against different human tumour cell lines. Advantages of the Invention [0126] 1. The present invention provides N-((1-Benzyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)arylamides as potential antitumor agents. [0127] 2. It also provides a process for the preparation of novel N-((1-Benzyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)arylamides.
The present invention provides a compound of general formula 1, useful as potential anticancer agents against human cancer cell lines and process for the preparation thereof. R 1 =H, 4-F, 4-Cl, 4-Br, 4-OMe, 3-F, 2,4-diOMe, 2,5-diOMe, 3,5-diOMe, 3,4,5-triOMe, 4-ClBn R 2 =3-OPh, 4-F, 4-Cl, 4-Br, 4-OMe, 3,5-diOMe
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION(S) [0001] This application is a continuation application of prior application Ser. No. 13/702,200, which was a national stage entry of International application number PCT/KR2011/004439, filed on Jun. 17, 2011, which claimed the benefit of a Korean patent application filed on Jun. 17, 2010 in the Korean Intellectual Property Office and assigned Serial number 10-2010-0057693, the entire disclosure of each of which is hereby incorporated by reference. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] 1. Field of the Invention [0003] The present invention relates to a wireless communication system and communication method thereof and, in particular, to a wireless communication system and method for establishing connection between a User Equipment (UE) and a Mobility Management Entity (MME) in the wireless communication system. [0004] 2. Description of the Related Art [0005] Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) is the third generation wireless communication system based on Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) and General Packet Radio Services (GPRS) and uses Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA). The 3 rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) as the UMTS standardization organization has proposed Evolved Packet System (EPS) such as Long Term Evolution (LTE). The LTE is a technology for implementing high speed packet-based communication. An LTE system includes a Mobility Management Entity (MME) which manages the mobility of the User Equipment (UE) connected thereto. DISCLOSURE OF INVENTION Technical Problem [0006] However, as the services provided through the wireless communication system are diversified, the UE is also being equipped various supplementary functions. The MME is embodied to support the supplementary functions of the UE. Accordingly, in order to receive the communication service in association with a certain supplementary function, the UE has to connect to the MME supporting the corresponding supplementary function. [0007] There is therefore a need of a method for connecting the UE to an MME supporting the intended supplementary function efficiently. Solution to Problem [0008] In accordance with an aspect of the present invention, a method for connecting a data-centric terminal to a mobility management entity in a wireless communication system includes requesting, at the data-centric terminal, the mobility management entity for attachment; and checking, when the mobility management entity responds, data-centric features supported by the mobility management entity. [0009] Preferably, the method further includes determining, when the mobility management entity accepts the attachment, whether the data-centric terminal is to maintain the attachment to the mobility management entity according to the data-centric features; and performing, when the data-centric terminal determines to maintain the attachment, data-centric communication with the mobility management entity using the data-centric feature and, when not maintain the attachment, releasing the attachment to the mobility management entity. [0010] In accordance with another aspect of the present invention, a wireless communication system includes a data-centric terminal for performing data-centric communication using a unique data-centric feature; and a mobility management entity for managing mobility of the data-centric terminal, wherein the mobility management entity notifies, when the data-centric terminal requests for attachment, the data-centric terminal of data-centric features supported by the mobility management entity. [0011] Preferably, the data-centric terminal determines, when the mobility management entity accepts the attachment, whether to maintain the attachment to the mobility management entity according to the data-centric feature and performs, when the data-centric terminals determines to maintain the attachment, data-centric communication with the mobility management entity using the data-centric feature and, otherwise, releases the attachment to the mobility management entity. Advantageous Effects [0012] In order to solve the above problems, the wireless communication system and method for establishing a connection between a UE and an MME in the system is capable of connecting the UE to the MME supporting the corresponding supplementary function efficiently. That is, the present invention is capable of connecting a data-centric terminal to a mobility management entity supporting data-centric features efficiently. Accordingly, it is possible for the mobility management entity supporting the data-centric feature to support the data-centric communication more efficiently and the data-centric terminal is capable of performing the data-centric communication more efficiently in the wireless communication system. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0013] FIG. 1 is a diagram illustrating the architecture of a wireless communication system according to the first embodiment of the present invention, [0014] FIG. 2 is a signal flow diagram illustrating the communication procedure in the wireless communication system according to the first embodiment of the present invention, [0015] FIG. 3 is a signal flow diagram illustrating a connection procedure of the wireless communication system according to the first embodiment of the present invention, [0016] FIG. 4 is a signal flow diagram illustrating the connection procedure of the wireless communication system according to the first embodiment of the present invention, [0017] FIG. 5 is a flowchart illustrating the MME procedure in FIG. 3 , [0018] FIG. 6 is a flowchart illustrating the MME procedure in FIG. 4 , [0019] FIG. 7 is a flowchart illustrating the UE procedure in FIGS. 3 and 4 , [0020] FIG. 8 is a diagram illustrating the architecture of a wireless communication system according to the second embodiment of the present invention, [0021] FIG. 9 is a signal flow diagram illustrating the connection procedure in the wireless communication system according to the second embodiment of the present invention, [0022] FIG. 10 is a flowchart illustrating the operating procedure of the MME in FIG. 9 , and [0023] FIG. 11 is a flowchart illustrating the operating procedure of the UE in FIG. 9 . DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EXEMPLARY EMBODIMENTS [0024] Exemplary embodiments of the present invention are described with reference to the accompanying drawings in detail. The same reference numbers are used throughout the drawings to refer to the same or like parts. Detailed description of well-known functions and structures incorporated herein may be omitted to avoid obscuring the subject matter of the present invention. [0025] FIG. 1 is a diagram illustrating the architecture of a wireless communication system according to the first embodiment of the present invention. [0026] Referring to FIG. 1 , the wireless communication system of this embodiment includes an enhanced Node B (eNB) 120 , an MME 130 , a Home Subscriber Server (HSS), a Serving Gateway (S-GW) 150 , and a Packet Data Network Gateway (P-GW) 160 . [0027] The UE 110 may be fixed or mobile. Also, the UE 110 may be a normal UE capable of normal communication functions or a data-centric UE capable of specific supplementary function, e.g. data centric communication function. Although the description is directed to the data-centric UE capable of Machine Type Communication (MTC) function, the present invention is not limited thereto. Here, the MTC technology is applicable to Smart Metering for automated communication between a power company server and a home meter and an Alarm System for automated communication between a security company server and an illegal home invasion alarm. [0028] The eNB 120 controls a cell. The eNB 120 is a macro cell which is the cell of a normal cellular system. Here, the terms ‘eNB’ and ‘cell’ can be used interchangeably. The eNB 120 establishes a connection with the UE 110 through a radio channel and controls radio resource. For example, the eNB 120 generates and broadcasts system information within the cell and allocates to the UE 110 the radio resources for communicating packet data or control information with the UE. 110 . The system information may include Public Land Mobile Network Identifier (PLMN ID) for access to the PLMN via the eNB 120 , eNB Cell Global ID (ECGI), and a Tracking Area ID (TAI) of the tracking area including the cell. The eNB 120 makes a handover decision and commands handover based on the channel measurement result of the current cell and neighbor cells that is fed back by UE 110 . In order to accomplish this, the eNB 120 is provided with a control protocol such as Radio Resource Control Protocol related to radio resource management. [0029] The MME 130 manages the UE 110 in idle mode and selects the S-GW 150 and P-GW 160 for the UE 110 . The MME is also responsible for roaming and authentication-related functions. The MME 130 is also processing the bearer signal generated by the UE 110 . For this purpose, the MME 130 allocates identity information to the UE 110 and manages the UE 110 attached with the identity information. Here, the MME 130 can be a normal MME for supporting the normal UEs or the data-centric MME for supporting the data-centric UE. Although the description is directed to the MTC MME for supporting the MTC UE, the present invention is not limited thereto. [0030] The MME is connected to the eNB 120 through a radio channel and to the UE 110 via the eNB 120 . The MME 130 is connected to the eNB 120 through an S1-MME interface. At this time, the MME 130 communicates with the UE 110 using Non Access Stratum (NAS) messages. The MME 130 supports a plurality of tracking areas to connect to a plurality of eNBs 120 using the corresponding tracking area information. That is, the eNBs using the same tracking area information can connect to the same MME 130 . The eNBs using different tracking area informations can connect to different MMEs 130 . The eNBs using the different tracking area informations may connect to the same MME 130 . [0031] In order to support the data-centric communication efficiently in the wireless communication system, various data-centric proprieties should be defined. For example, the MTC feature for supporting the MTC technology efficiently in the wireless communication system may be Low Mobility, Time Controlled, Time Tolerant, Packet Switched Only (PS Only), Small Data Transmissions, Mobile Originated Only, Infrequent Mobile Terminated, Secure Connection, Location Specific Trigger, Network Provided Destination for Uplink Data, Infrequent Transmission, or Group Based MTC. [0032] For the MTC UE and MTC MME, some of the MTC features are mandatory and others are optional. For example, in the smart metering for the MTC UE to report utilization amount measured for a predetermined duration periodically, the MTC UE transmits the data less than a few hundred bytes, the ‘Small Data Transmissions’ feature is mandatory. In this case, the ‘Location Specific Trigger’ feature for the MTC UE to initiate MTC at a specific position may not be mandatory between the MTC UE and the MTC MME. In order to perform MTC efficiently, the MTC UE has to attach the MTC MME supporting the required MTC features. [0033] In the following description, the term ‘essential MTC feature’ denotes the MTC feature required mandatorily for the MTC UE to perform MTC. That is, if an essential MTC feature is supported by a radio network, the MTC UE is capable of performing MTC via the MTC MME of the radio network. The term ‘optional MTC feature’ denotes the MTC feature which is not required mandatorily for the MTC UE to perform MTC. The optional MTC feature may be required for MTC optimization in the radio network. That is, although the radio network does not support the optional MTC features, the MTC UE is capable of MTC via the MTC MME of the radio network. [0034] In the following description, the term ‘supported MTC feature’ denotes the MTC feature supported by the MTC MME of the wireless communication in order for the MTC UE to perform MTC. At this time, the supported MTC feature can be configured so as to be included in the essential MTC features of the MTC UE or not. The supported MTC feature also can be configured so as to be included in the optional MTC features of the MTC UE or not. [0035] That is, if the supported MTC feature is included in the essential features, the MTC MME is capable of supporting the MTC UE. The MTC UE is capable of performing MTC vial the MTC MME using the essential MTC feature. At this time, if the supported MTC feature includes an optional MTC feature, the MTC UE is also capable of using the optional MTC feature in performing MTC. If the supported MTC feature does not include any essential MTC feature, the MTC MME cannot support the MTC of the MTC UE. That is, the MTC UE cannot perform MTC via the MTC MME. Here, although the supported MTC feature includes an optional MTC feature, the MTC UE cannot perform MTC via the MTC MME. According, in order for the MTC UE to perform MTC via the MTC MME, the MTC UE should attach the MTC MME supporting the essential MTC feature. [0036] The HSS 150 stores the subscription data of the UE 110 . If the UE attaches to the MME 130 , the HSS 140 updates the subscription information of the UE 110 . The HSS 140 provides the MME 130 with the subscription information of the UE 110 in order for the MME 130 to control the UE 110 with the subscription information. The subscription information may include the MTC subscription information for an MTC UE. Here, the MTC subscription information may include the essential and optional MTC features of the corresponding MTC UE. [0037] The S-GW 150 connects to the eNB 120 and the MME 130 through radio channels. The S-GW 150 connects to the eNB through an S1-U interface. The S-GW 150 is responsible for the mobility control function of the UE 110 . When the UE performs handover between the eNBs 120 or between 3GPP radio networks, the S-GW 150 works as a mobility anchor of the UE 110 . [0038] The P-GW 160 is connected to the S-GW 150 through a radio channel. Here, the P-GW 160 is connected to the S-GW through a S5 interface. The P-GW 160 connects to the Internet Protocol (IP) network 170 . The P-GW 160 is responsible for the IP address allocation function and packet data-related function. That is, the P-GW 160 delivers the packet data from the IP network 170 to the UE 110 via the S-GW 150 and eNB 120 . When the UE 110 roams between the 3GPP radio network and non-3GPP radio network, the P-GW 160 works as the mobility anchor of the UE 110 . The P-GW 160 also determines the bearer band for the UE 110 and performs packet data forwarding and routing function. [0039] If it connects to the eNB 120 of the wireless communication system, the UE 110 is capable of being connected to the IP network 170 through the data path via the eNB 120 , S-GW 170 , and P-GW 160 so as to communicate packet data. The UE 110 is capable of transmitting a NAS request message to the MME 130 via the eNB 120 . At this time, the NAS request message may include at least one of an attach request, tracking area update request, or service request. Upon receipt of the NAS request message, the eNB selects the MME 130 according to a Network Node Selection Function (NNSF) to deliver the NAS request message to deliver the NAS request message. This is because the eNB 120 may be connected to plural MMEs 130 through separate S1-MME interfaces. [0040] Although the description is directed to the case where the UE 110 is an MTC UE and the eNB 120 is connected to a normal MME and an MTC MME through separate S1-MME interfaces in this embodiment, the present invention is not limited thereto. That is, although the MTC UE is replaced with another UE implemented to perform a specific supplementary function and differentiated from the normal UE and the MTC MME with another MME supporting the another UE, the present invention can be applied. In this embodiment, the description is made under the assumption that the MTC MME determines whether to accept attachment of the MTC UE according to whether the MTC MME support the essential MTC feature of the MTC UE. That is, the description is made under the assumption that all other conditions for determining whether to accept attachment of the MTC UE in the normal MME or the MME are fulfilled. [0041] FIG. 2 is a signal flow diagram illustrating the communication procedure in the wireless communication system according to the first embodiment of the present invention. [0042] Referring to FIG. 2 , in the communication procedure of the wireless communication system of this embodiment, the MTC UE 111 first requests the MME 130 for attach via the eNB 120 at step 201 . At this time, the MTC UE 111 retains the essential and optional MTC features. That is, the MTC UE 111 selects one of the radio networks accessible through the eNB 120 and requests for the attachment to the MME 130 of the corresponding radio network. Here, the MTC UE 111 is capable of storing the information on the access PLMNs. At this time, the MTC UE 111 is capable of requesting for the attachment to the MTC MME 131 or the normal MME (as denoted by reference number 133 of FIG. 3 ). The MTC UE 1110 is capable of transmitting International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) to the MME 130 . [0043] Next, if the MTC UE 111 requests for attachment, the MME 130 notifies the MTC UE 111 of the MTC features via the eNB 120 . At this time, the MME 130 retains the supported MTC feature supportable by the corresponding radio network. The MME 130 notifies the MTC UE 111 of the supported MTC feature. Here, the MME 130 expresses the supported MTC features in a bitmap for notifying of the MTC features and transmits the bitmap to the MTC UE 111 . With the bitmap, the MTC UE 111 is capable of checking whether the MME 130 supports MTC. The MTC UE is also capable for checking whether the MME 130 supports the essential MTC feature or optional MTC feature. That is, the MTC UE 111 is capable of identifying the MTC features supported by the MME 130 or not. [0044] FIG. 3 is a signal flow diagram illustrating a connection procedure of the wireless communication system according to the first embodiment of the present invention. [0045] Referring to FIG. 3 , in the connection procedure of the wireless communication system according to this embodiment, the MTC UE 111 requests the MME 130 for attachment via the eNB 120 at step 211 . At this time, the MTC UE 111 is retaining the essential and optional MTC features. That is, the MTC UE 111 selects one of the radio networks accessible with the eNB 120 and requests for attachment to the MME 130 of the corresponding radio network. Here, the MTC UE 111 is capable of retaining the information on the PLMNs accessible through the eNB 120 . At this time, the MTC UE 111 is capable of attachment to the MTC MME 131 or the normal MME (denoted by reference number 133 of FIG. 3 ). The MTC UE 111 is capable of transmitting the unique subscription identity information to the MME 130 . [0046] Next, if the MTC UE 111 requests for attachment, the MTC MME 131 requests the HSS 140 for the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 at step 213 . At this time, the MTC MME 131 reports the location of the MTC UE 111 to the HSS 140 to request for the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 . Here, the MTC MME 131 sends the subscription identity information of the MTC UE 111 . Afterward, if the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 is requested, the HSS 140 responds by sending the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 to the MTC MME 131 . At this time, the HSS 140 updates the location of the MTC UE 111 and notifies the MTC MME 131 of the update to transmit the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 . That is, the HSS 140 retrieves the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 using the subscription identity information and transmits the found subscription information to the MTC MME 131 . At this time, the subscription information includes the MTC subscription information of the MTC UE 111 . The MTC subscription information includes the essential and optional MTC features of the MTC UE 111 . [0047] If the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 is received, the MTC MME 131 analyzes the subscription information to determine whether it is possible to support the essential MTC feature of the MTC UE 111 at step 217 . At this time, the MTC MME 131 is retaining the MTC features supportable by the corresponding radio network. That is, the MTC MME 131 checks the essential MTC feature in the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 to determine whether the essential MTC feature is included in the supported MTC features. Here, if the supported MTC features include the essential MTC feature of the MTC UE 111 , the MTC MME 131 determines that the essential MTC feature of the MTC UE 111 is supportable. Otherwise, if the supported MTC features do not include the essential MTC feature of the MTC UE, the MTC MME 131 determines that the essential MTC feature of the MTC UE 111 is not supportable. [0048] If it is determined that the essential MTC feature of the MTC UE 111 is supportable, the MTC MME 131 accepts the registration of the MTC UE 111 at step 219 . At this time, the MTC MME 131 notifies the MTC UE 111 of the supported MTC features. Here, the MTC MME 131 expresses the supported MTC features in a bitmap for notifying of the MTC features and transmits the bitmap to the MTC UE 111 . [0049] The attachment to the MME 130 is accepted, the MTC UE 111 determines whether the MME 130 supports MTC at step 221 . That is, the MTC UE 111 determines whether the MME 130 is the MTC MME 131 . The MTC UE 111 determines whether the MME 130 is the MTC MME 131 based on whether the MME 130 has transmitted the MTC features. If it is determined that the MTC features has been transmitted by the MME 130 , the MTC UE 111 determines that the MME 130 is the MTC MME 131 . Otherwise, if it is determined that the MTC features has not been transmitted by the MME 130 , the MTC UE 1111 determines that the MME 130 is the normal MME 133 . Afterward, the MTC UE 111 performs MTC through the MTC MME 131 at step 223 . At this time, the MTC UE 111 is capable of performing MTC using the essential MTC feature. The MTC UE 111 is also capable of performing MTC using the supported MTC features of the MTC MME 131 . That is, the MTC UE 111 is capable of checking the MTC feature selected among the supported MTC features for use in performing MTC. [0050] If it is determined that the essential MTC feature of the MTC UE 111 is not supportable at step 217 , the MTC MME 131 rejects the registration of the MTC UE 111 at step 227 . At this time, the MTC MME 131 notifies the MTC UE 111 of the supported MTC features. Here, the MTC MME 131 expresses the supported MTC features in a bitmap for notifying of the MTC features and transmits the bitmap to the MTC UE 111 . In this way, the MTC UE 111 is capable of checks the MTC features not supported by the MTC MME 131 . The MME 131 is also capable of notifying the MTC UE 111 of the cause of the registration rejection. That is, the MTC MME 131 is capable of notifying the MTC UE 111 that the essential MTC feature is not supported. The MTC MME 131 is also capable of notifying the MTC UE 111 of a retrial period for attachment. The MTC MME 131 is also capable of notifying the MTC UE 111 of the information on PLMNs for retrial of registration. [0051] FIG. 4 is a signal flow diagram illustrating the connection procedure of the wireless communication system according to the first embodiment of the present invention. [0052] Referring to FIG. 4 , in the connection procedure of the wireless communication system of this embodiment, the MTC UE 111 first requests the MME 130 for attachment via the eNB 120 at step 311 . At this time, the MTC UE 111 is retaining the essential and optional MTC features. That is, the MTC UE 111 selects one of the radio networks accessible through the eNB 120 to requests the MME 130 of the corresponding radio network for attachment. Here, the MTC UE 111 is capable of retaining the information on the PLMNs accessible through the eNB 120 . At this time, the MTC UE 111 is capable of requesting the MTC MME 131 or the normal MME 133 for attachment. The MTC UE 111 is capable of transmitting the unique subscription identity information to the MME 130 . [0053] Upon receipt of the registration request from the MTC UE 111 , the normal MME 133 requests the HSS 140 for the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 at step 313 . At this time, the normal MME 133 is capable of reporting the location of the MTC UE 111 to request for the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 . Here, the normal MME 133 delivers the subscription identity information of the MTC UE 111 to the HSS 140 . Afterward, if the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 is requested, the HSS 140 responds with by transmitting the subscription information of the MTC 111 to the normal MME 133 . At this time, the HSS 140 updates the location of the MTC UE 111 and notifies the normal MME 133 of the update to transmit the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 . That is, the HSS 140 retrieves the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 using the subscription identity information and transmits the found subscription information to the normal MME 133 . At this time, the subscription information includes the MTC subscription information for the MTC UE 111 . Here, the MTC subscription information includes the essential and optional MTC features of the corresponding MTC UE 111 . [0054] If the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 is received, the normal MME 133 accepts the registration of the MTC UE 111 at step 317 . At this time, the normal MME 133 is not capable of processing the MTC subscription information in the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 . That is, the normal MME 133 cannot discriminate between the MTC UE 111 and normal UE (not shown). As a consequence, the normal MME 133 regards the MTC UE 111 as a normal UE so as to accept the registration of the MTC UE 111 . [0055] If the registration is accepted by the MME 130 , the MTC UE 111 determines whether the MME 130 supports MTC at step 319 . That is, the MTC UE 111 determines whether the MME 130 is the MTC MME 131 . At this, the MTC UE 111 is capable of determining whether the MME 130 is the MTC MME 131 according to whether the MME 130 has notified of the MTC features. If the MTC features have been notified, the MTC UE 111 determines whether the MME 130 is the MTC MME 131 . Otherwise, if no MTC feature has been notified, the MTC UE 111 determines that the MME 130 is the normal MME 133 . The MTC UE 111 also detaches from the normal MME 133 at step 321 . That is, since the normal 133 cannot support the essential MTC feature, the MTC UE 111 detaches from the normal MME 133 . [0056] Although, in this embodiment, the description is directed to the exemplary case where the MTC UE 111 determines whether the MME 130 has reported the MTC features to determine whether the MME 130 is the MTC MME 131 , the present invention is not limited thereto. That is, the present invention can be implemented in such a way that the MTC UE 111 discriminates between the MTC and normal MMEs 131 and 133 based on the MTC features transmitted by both the MTC and nor MME 131 and 133 . That is, the MTC MME 131 is retaining the supported MTC features and the normal MME 133 is not retaining the supported MTC features. If the MTC UE 111 requests for attachment, the MTC MME 131 expresses the supported MTC features in a bitmap for notifying of the MTC features and transmits the bitmap to the MTC UE 111 . Meanwhile, if the MTC UE 111 request for attachment, the normal MME 133 expresses the supported MTC features in a bitmap for notifying of the MTC features and transmits the bitmap to the MTC UE 111 . Here, the normal MME 133 transmits the bitmap indicating that there is no supported MTC feature. [0057] In order to accomplish this, the MTC UE 111 is capable of determining whether the MME 130 supports MTC. Also, the MTC UE 111 is capable of determining whether the MME 130 supports the essential MTC feature or optional MTC feature. That is, the MTC UE 111 is capable of discriminating between the MTC features supported by the MME 130 and the MTC features not supported by the MME 130 . [0058] FIG. 5 is a flowchart illustrating the MME procedure in FIG. 3 . Here, the description is made under the assumption that the MME is an MTC MME. [0059] Referring to FIG. 5 , in the procedure according to this embodiment, the MTC MME 131 first detects the attach request of the MTC UE 111 at step 411 . At this time, the MTC MME 131 checks the subscription identity information of the MTC UE 111 . The MTC MME 131 requests the HS S 140 for the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 at step 413 . At this time, the MTC MME 131 reports the location of the MTC UE 111 to the HS S 140 to request for the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 . Here, the MTC MME 131 sends the subscription identity information of the MTC UE 111 to the HSS 140 . [0060] Subsequently, if the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 is received from the HSS 140 , the MTC MME 131 detects this at step 415 and analyzes the subscription information to determine whether it can support the essential MTC feature at step 417 . At this time, the MTC MME 131 is retaining the supported MTC features supportable in the corresponding radio network. That is, the MTC MME 131 checks the essential MTC feature in the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 to determine whether the essential MTC feature is included in the supported MTC feature. If the essential MTC feature of the MTC UE 111 is included in the supported MTC features, the MTC MME 131 determines that it is possible to support the essential MTC feature of the MTC UE 111 . Otherwise, if the essential MTC feature of the MTC UE 131 is not included in the supported MTC features, the MTC MME 131 determines that it is impossible to support the essential MTC feature of the MTC UE 111 . [0061] Finally, if it is determined that it can support the essential MTC feature of the MTC UE 111 , the MTC MME 131 accepts the attachment of the MTC UE 111 at step 419 . At this time, the MTC MME 131 notifies the MTC UE 111 of the supported MTC features. Here, the MTC MME 131 expresses the supported MTC features in a bitmap for notifying of the MTC features and transmits the bitmap to the MTC UE 111 . The MTC MME 131 performs MTC with the MTC UE 111 at step 421 . At this time, the MTC MME 131 is capable of performing the MTC with the essential MTC feature for the MTC UE 111 . The MTC MME 131 is also capable of performing the MTC with the supported MTC features for the MTC UE 111 . That is, in order to optimize the MTC, the MTC MME 131 is capable of checking MTC feature selected for the MTC UE 111 among the supported MTC features. [0062] If it is determine that it cannot support the essential MTC feature of the MTC UE 111 at step 417 , the MTC MME 131 rejects the attachment of the MTC UE 111 at step 427 . At this time, the MTC MME 131 notifies the MTC UE 111 of the supported MTC features. The MTC MME expresses the supported MTC features in a bitmap for notifying of the MTC features and transmits the bitmap to the MTC UE 111 . In this way, the MTC UE 111 is capable of checking the MTC feature not supported by the MTC MME 131 . The MTC MME 131 is also capable of notifying of the reason of the attachment rejection. That is, the MTC MME 131 is capable of notifying the MTC UE 111 that it does not support the essential MTC function. The MTC MME 131 is also capable of notifying the MTC UE 111 of the retrial period for attachment. The MTC MME 131 is also capable of notifying of the information on different PLMNs for use in retrial of attachment. [0063] FIG. 6 is a flowchart illustrating the MME procedure in FIG. 4 . Here, the description is made under the assumption that the MME is a normal MME. [0064] Referring to FIG. 6 , in the MME procedure of the embodiment, the normal MME 133 firsts detects the attach request of the MTC UE 111 at step 511 . At this time, the normal MME 133 checks the subscription identity information of the MTC UE 111 . The normal MME 133 requests the HSS 140 for the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 at step 513 . At this time, the normal MME 133 reports the location of the MTC UE 111 to the HS S 140 to request for the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 . Here, the normal MME 131 transmits the subscription identity information of the MTC UE 111 to the HSS 140 . [0065] Finally, if the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 is received from the HSS 140 , the normal MME 133 detects this at step 515 and accepts the attachment of the MTC UE 111 at step 517 . At this time, the normal MME 133 does not process the MTC subscription information in the subscription information of the MTC UE 111 . That is, the normal MME 133 does not discriminate between the MTC UE 111 and the normal UEs. As a consequence, the normal MME 133 regards the MTC UE 111 as a normal UE so as to accept attachment of the MTC UE 111 . Here, the normal MME 133 expresses the supported MTC features in a bitmap for notifying of the MTC features and transmits the bitmap to the MTC UE 111 . That is, the normal MME 133 is capable of transmitting the bitmap configured to indicate that there is not supported MTC feature. Afterward, the normal MME 133 releases the attachment of the MTC UE 111 at step 519 . At this time, the normal MME 133 releases the attachment according to the request from the MTC UE 111 . That is, since it cannot support the essential MTC feature, the normal MME 133 releases the attachment of the MTC UE 111 . [0066] FIG. 7 is a flowchart illustrating the UE procedure in FIGS. 3 and 4 . Here, the description is made under the assumption that the UE is an MTC UE. [0067] Referring to FIG. 7 , in the UE procedure of this embodiment, the MTC UE 111 first selects the MME 130 at step 611 . That is, the MTC UE 111 selects one of the radio networks accessible through the eNB 120 . At this time, the MTC UE 111 is capable of retaining the information on the operators of the radio networks accessible through the eNB 120 . The MTC UE 111 is retaining the essential MTC feature and selected MTC feature. Afterward, the MTC UE 111 requests the MME 130 for attachment at step 613 . At this time, the MTC UE 111 is capable of requesting the MTC MME 131 or the normal MME 133 for the attachment. The MTC UE 111 is also capable of transmitting the unique subscription identity information to the MME 130 . [0068] Subsequently, if the MME 130 accepts the attachment, the MTC UE 111 detects this at step 615 and determines whether the MME 130 supports MTC at step 617 . At this time, the MTC UE 111 is capable of determining whether the MME 130 is an MTC MME 131 according to whether the MTC features have been reported by the MME 130 . If the MTC features have been reported by the MME 130 , the MTC UE 111 determines that the MME 130 is the MTC MME 131 . If the MTC features have not been reported, the MTC UE 111 determines that the MME 130 is the normal MME 133 . Meanwhile, if the bitmap indicating the MTC features is received from the MME 130 , the MTC UE 111 is capable of checking the supported MTC features of the MME 130 . The MTC UE 111 is also capable of determining whether the MME 130 supports the MTC for the MTC UE 111 according to the supported MTC features of the MME 130 . [0069] Finally, if it is determined that the MME 130 supports MTC at step 617 , the MTC UE 111 performs MTC through the MME 130 , i.e. the MTC MME 131 . At this time, the MTC MME 111 is capable of performing MTC using the essential MTC feature. The MTC UE 111 is also capable of performing MTC using the supported MTC features of the MTC MME 131 . That is, the MTC UE 111 is capable of checking the MTC feature selected among the supported MTC features of the MTC MME 131 for use in performing MTC. [0070] Otherwise, if it is determined that the MME 130 does not support MTC at step 617 , the MTC UE 111 detaches from the MME 130 at step 627 . That is, since the normal MME 133 cannot support the essential MTC feature, the MTC UE 111 releases the attachment to normal MME 133 . At this time, the MTC UE 111 is capable of storing the operator information of the radio network corresponding to the normal MME 133 to reference in selecting the MME 130 afterward. That is, the MTC UE 111 is capable of storing the operator information of the corresponding radio network as forbidden PLMN ID to avoid attachment to the corresponding normal MME 133 afterward. [0071] Meanwhile, if the attachment to the MME 130 is rejected at step 615 , the MTC UE 111 detects this at step 635 and waits for the attachment retrial period at step 637 . At this time, the MTC UE 111 is capable of receiving the bitmap informing of the MTC features from the MME 130 and checks the MTC features that are not supported by the MME 130 . The MTC UE 111 is capable of waiting for a predetermined attachment retrial period. The MTC UE 111 is also capable of waiting for the attachment retrial period as notified by the MME 130 . Afterward, the MTC UE 111 reselects the MME 130 at step 639 and returns the procedure to step 615 . The MTC UE 111 performs at least a part of steps 615 to 639 again. [0072] At this time, the MTC UE 111 is capable of retaining the operator information of the radio networks, which the eNB 120 is accessible, for use in selecting another MME 130 . The MTC UE 111 is also capable of using the operation information of the different radio networks that are reported by the MTC MME 131 for selecting another MME 130 . For example, if the operation informations of the individual radio networks are stored, the MTC UE 111 selects another MME using the information and, otherwise, selects another MME 130 as notified by the MTC MME 131 . Here, the MTC UE 111 is capable of selecting another MME 130 by referencing previously stored access-forbidden information. That is, the MTC UE is capable of another MME 130 after ruling out the selection-forbidden information in the operator informations of other radio networks that are stored previously or notified by the MTC MME 131 . [0073] According to this embodiment, it is possible to connect the UE 110 to the MME 130 supporting the intended supplementary function efficiently in the wireless communication system. That is, it is possible to connect the MTC UE 111 to the MTC MME 131 supporting the essential MTC feature. Accordingly, the MTC MME 131 is capable of supporting MTC more efficiently, and the MTC UE 111 is capable of performing MTC more efficiently in the wireless communication system. [0074] Although the above-description is directed to the exemplary case for determining whether to accept the attachment of the MTC UE according to whether the MTC MME supports the essential MTC feature, the present invention is not limited thereto. That is, the present invention can be implemented in such a way that the MTC UE determines whether the MTC MME supports the essential MTC feature. At this time, criterion for determining whether to maintain the attachment of the MTC UE to the MTC MME can be configured by an external server. [0075] FIG. 8 is a diagram illustrating the architecture of a wireless communication system according to the second embodiment of the present invention. [0076] Referring to FIG. 8 , the wireless communication system of this embodiment incudes a policy server 700 , a UE 710 , an eNB 720 , an MME 730 , an HSS, an S-GW 750 , and a P-GW 760 . In the wireless communication of this embodiment, since the configurations and functions of the UE 710 , the eNB 720 , the MME 730 , the HSS 740 , the S-GW 750 , and the P-GW 760 are similar to those described in the previous embodiment, detailed description thereof are omitted herein. [0077] The policy server 700 determines the MTC policy per MTC UE for use in association with the UE 710 . At this time, the policy server 700 sends the MTC policy to the MTC UE via the eNB 720 in order for the MTC UE to configure the MTC policy. Here, the MTC policy includes the essential MTC features for the MTC UE, selected MTC features, and information on whether it is possible to maintain the attachment to the radio network supporting no essential MTC features of the MTC UE. The policy server 700 can be an Open Mobile Alliance-Device Management (OMA-DM) server. [0078] FIG. 9 is a signal flow diagram illustrating the connection procedure in the wireless communication system according to the second embodiment of the present invention. Although the MTC UE is communicating with the server or the MTC MME via an eNB, this is omitted herein. [0079] Referring to FIG. 9 , in the connection procedure of the wireless communication system of this embodiment, the policy server 700 first configures the MTC policy for the MTC UE 711 at step 811 . At this time, the MTC policy includes the essential MTC features, the selected MTC features, and information on whether the MTC UE 711 may maintain the attachment to the radio network which does not support the essential MTC features. Afterward, the MTC UE 711 requests the MME 730 for attachment at step 813 . That is, the MTC UE 711 selects one of the radio networks accessible via the eNB 720 and request the MME 730 of the corresponding radio network for attachment. Here, the MTC UE 711 is capable of retaining the operator informations of the radio networks accessible via the eNB 720 . At this time, the MTC UE 711 is capable of requesting the MTC MME 731 or a normal MME (not shown) for attachment. The MTC UE 711 is also capable of transmitting unique subscription identity information to the MME 730 . [0080] If the MTC UE 711 requests for attachment, the MTC MME 731 requests the HSS 740 for the subscription information of the MTC UE 711 at step 815 . At this time, the MTC MME 7312 reports the location of the MTC UE 711 to the HSS 740 to request for the subscription information of the MTC UE 711 . Here, the MTC MME 731 delivers the subscription identity information of the MTC UE 711 to the HSS 740 . Afterward, if the subscription information of the MTC UE 711 is requested, the HSS 740 responds by sending the subscription information of the MTC UE 711 to the MTC MME 731 at step 817 . At this time, the HSS 740 updates the location of the MTC UE 711 and notifies the MTC MME 731 of the update with the subscription information of the MTC UE 711 . That is, the HSS 740 retrieves the subscription information of the MTC UE 711 in match with the subscription identity information and sends the found subscription information to the MTC MME 731 . At this time, the subscription information includes the MTC subscription information for the MTC UE 711 . Here, the MTC subscription information includes the essential MTC features and the selected MTC feature of the corresponding MTC UE 711 . [0081] If the subscription information of the MTC UE 711 is received, the MTC MME 731 accepts the attachment of the MTC UE 711 at step 819 . At this time, the MTC MME 731 is retaining the MTC features supportable in the corresponding radio network. When accepting the attachment of the MTC UE 711 , the MTC MME 731 notifies the MTC UE 111 of the supported MTC features. Here, the MTC MME 731 expresses the supported MTC features in a bitmap for notifying of the MTC features and transmits the bitmap to the MTC UE 711 . [0082] If the MME 730 accepts the attachment, the MTC UE 711 determines at step 821 whether the MME 730 supports MTC. That is, the MTC UE 711 determines whether the MME 730 is the MTC MME 731 . At this time, the MTC UE 711 is capable of determining whether the MME 730 is the MTC MME 731 according to whether the MTC features have been transmitted by the MME 730 . If it is determined that the MTC features have been transmitted by the MME 730 , the MTC UE 711 determines that the MME 730 is the MTC MME 731 . Otherwise, if it is determined that no MTC feature has been transmitted by the MME 730 , the MTC UE 711 determines that the MME 730 is a normal MME. [0083] The MTC UE 711 determines whether to use the supported MTC features of the MTC MME 731 at step 823 . At this time, the MTC UE 711 determines whether to use the supported MTC features according to the MTC policy. That is, the MTC UE 711 determines based on the MTC policy whether the supported features include the essential feature. Here, if the supported MTC features include the essential MTC feature, the MTC UE 711 determines to use the supported MTC features. If the supported MTC features do not include the essential MTC feature, the MTC UE 711 determines whether to maintain the attachment to the MTC MME 731 . Here, if it is determined to maintain the attachment, the MTC UE 711 determines to use the supported MTC features. Otherwise, if it is determined not to maintain the attachment, the MTC UE 711 determines not to use the supported MTC features. [0084] If it is determined to use the supported features at step 823 , the MTC UE performs MTC via the MTC MME 731 at step 825 . At this time, if the supported MTC features include the essential MTC feature, the MTC UE 711 is capable of performing the MTC using the essential MTC features. Here, the MTC UE 711 is capable of performing MTC using the MTC feature selected among the supported MTC features of the MTC MME 731 as well as the essential MTC feature. If the supported MTC features do not include the essential MTC feature, the MTC UE 711 is capable of performing MTC using the supported MTC features of the MTC MME 731 . Here, the MTC UE 711 is capable of performing MTC with the MTC feature selected among the supported MTC features of the MTC MME 731 . [0085] Otherwise, if it is determined not to use the supported MTC features at step 823 , the MTC UE 711 releases the attachment to the MTC MME 731 at step 833 . [0086] Although the description is directed to an exemplary case where the MTC UE 711 determines whether the MTC features have been transmitted by the MME 730 to determine whether the MME 730 is the MTC MME 731 in this embodiment, the present invention is not limited thereto. That is, the present invention can be implemented in such a way that the supported MTC features are transmitted by the normal MME 733 as well as the MTC MME 731 and thus the MTC UE 711 differentiates between the MMEs. That is, the MTC MME 731 is retaining the supported MTC features while the normal MME 733 is not retaining any supported MTC feature. If the MTC UE 711 requests for attachment, the MTC MME 731 expresses the supported MTC features in a bitmap for notifying of the MTC features and transmits the bitmap to the MTC UE 711 . Meanwhile, if the MTC UE 711 request for attachment, the normal MME 733 expresses the supported MTC features in a bitmap for notifying of the MTC features and transmits the bitmap to the MTC UE 711 . Here, the bitmap is configured to indicate that the normal MME 733 has no supported MTC feature. [0087] In this way, the MTC UE 711 is capable of checking whether the MME 730 supports MTC. The MTC UE 711 is also capable of checking whether the MME 730 supports the essential MTC feature or the selected MTC feature. That is, the MTC UE 711 is capable of discriminating between the MTC features supported and not supported by the MME 730 . [0088] FIG. 10 is a flowchart illustrating the operating procedure of the MME in FIG. 9 . In this embodiment, the description is made under the assumption that the MME is the MTC MME. In the case that the MME is a normal MME, the operating procedure of the normal MME is similar to that of the previous embodiment, the detailed description thereon is omitted herein. [0089] Referring to FIG. 10 , in the operations procedure of the MME 730 according to this embodiment, the MTC MME 731 first detects the attach request of the MTC UE 711 at step 911 . At this time, the MTC MME 731 checks the subscription identity information of the MTC UE 711 . Next, the MTC MME 731 requests the HSS 740 for the subscription information of the MTC UE 711 at step 913 . At this time, the MTC MME 731 reports the location of the MTC UE 711 to the HSS 740 to request for the subscription information of the MTC UE 711 . Here, the MTC MME 731 transmits the subscription information of the MTC UE 711 to the HSS 740 . [0090] Subsequently, if the subscription information of the MTC UE 711 is received from the HSS 740 , the MTC MME 731 detects this at step 915 and accepts the attachment of the MTC UE 711 at step 917 . At this time, the MTC MME 731 notifies the MTC UE 711 of the supported MTC features. Here, the MTC MME 131 expresses the supported MTC features in a bitmap for notifying of the MTC features and transmits the bitmap to the MTC UE 711 . Afterward, the MTC MME 731 determines whether the attachment of the MTC UE 711 has been released at step 919 . At this time, if the MTC UE requests for detachment, the MTC MME 731 detects this and accepts the release of the detachment. [0091] Finally, if no request for detachment is detected at step 919 , the MTC MME 731 performs MTC with the MTC UE 711 at step 921 . At this time, if the supported MTC features include the essential MTC feature, the MTC MME 731 is capable of performing MTC using the essential MTC feature of the MTC UE 711 . In order to optimize MTC, the MTC MME 731 is capable of checking the selected MTC feature for the MTC UE 711 among the supported MTC features. The MTC MME 731 is capable of performing MTC with the supported MTC features for the MTC UE 711 . Here, in order to optimize MTC, the MTC MME 731 is capable of checking the selected MTC feature for the MTC UE 711 among the supported MTC features. [0092] FIG. 11 is a flowchart illustrating the operating procedure of the UE in FIG. 9 . In this embodiment, the description is made under the assumption that the UE is the MTC UE. [0093] Referring to FIG. 11 , in the operating procedure of the UE 110 according to this embodiment, the MTC UE 711 first configures an MTC policy according to the command of the policy server 700 at step 1001 . Here, the MTC policy includes the essential MTC features of the MTC UE 711 , selected MTC feature, and information on whether it is possible to maintain the attachment to the radio network which does not support the essential MTC feature. Afterward, the MTC UE 711 selects the MME 130 at step 1003 . That is, the MTC UE 711 selects one of the radio networks accessible via the eNB 720 to access the MME 730 . At this time, the MTC UE 711 is retaining the operator's informations of the radio networks accessible via the eNB 720 . Next, the MTC UE 711 requests the MME 730 for attachment at step 1005 . At this time, the MTC UE 711 is capable of requesting the MTC MME 731 or the normal MME for attachment. The MTC UE 711 is also capable of transmitting the unique subscription identity information to the MME 730 . [0094] Subsequently, if the MME 730 accepts the attachment, the MTC UE 711 detects this at step 1007 and determines whether the MME 730 supports MTC at step 1009 . At this time, the MTC UE 711 is capable of determining whether the MME 730 is the MTC MME 731 by checking whether the MME 730 has transmitted the MTC features. If the MTC features have been transmitted, the MTC UE 711 determines that the MME 730 is the MTC MME 731 . Otherwise, no MTC feature has been transmitted, the MTC UE 711 determines that the MME 730 is a normal MME. The MTC UE 711 receives the bitmap indicating the MTC features from the MME 730 and checks the supported MTC features of the MME 730 . The MTC UE 711 is capable of determining whether the MME 730 supports MTC for the MTC UE 711 according to the supported features of the MME 730 . [0095] Subsequently, if it is determined that the MME 730 supports MTC at step 1009 , the MTC UE 711 determines whether to use the supported MTC features of the MTC MME 731 at step 1011 . At this time, the MTC UE 711 is capable of determining whether to use the supported MTC features according to the MTC policy. Here, if the supported MTC features include the essential MTC feature, the MTC UE 711 determines to use the supported MTC features. If the supported MTC features do not include the essential MTC feature, the MTC UE 711 determines whether to maintain the attachment to the MTC MME 731 according to the MTC policy. Here, if it is determined to maintain the attachment, the MTC UE 711 determines to use the supported MTC features. If it is determined not to maintain the attachment, the MTC UE 711 determines not to use the supported MTC features. [0096] Finally, if it is determined to use the supported MTC features at step 1011 , the MTC UE 711 performs MTC through the MME 730 , i.e. MTC MME 731 , at step 1013 . At this time, if the supported MTC features include the essential MTC feature, the MTC UE 711 is capable of performing MTC using the essential MTC features. The MTC UE 711 is also capable of performing MTC using the MTC feature selected among the supported MTC features of the MTC MME 731 in addition to the essential MTC features. If the supported MTC features do not include any essential feature, the MTC UE 711 is capable of performing MTC using the supported MTC features of the MTC MME 731 . Here, the MTC UE 711 is capable of checking the MTC feature selected among the supported MTC features of the MTC MME 731 and using the selected MTC feature. [0097] If it is determined not to support MTC at step 1009 or if it is determined not to use the supported MTC features, the MTC UE 711 releases the attachment to the MME 730 at step 1021 . At this time, the MTC UE 711 is capable of retaining the operator information of the radio network corresponding to the MME 730 to reference for selecting MME 730 afterward. That is, the MTC UE 711 is capable of storing the corresponding radio network operator information as selection forbidden information so as not to request for attachment to the corresponding MME 730 . [0098] If the MME 730 does not accept the attachment at step 1007 and if the MME 730 rejects the attachment, the MTC UE 711 detects this at step 1037 and waits for the attachment retrial period at step 1039 . At this time, the MTC UE 711 is capable of waiting for a predetermined attachment retrial period. The MTC UE 711 is also capable of waiting for the attachment retrial period notified by the MME 730 . Afterward, the MTC UE 711 reselects the MME at step 1041 and returns the procedure to step 1005 . Next, the MTC UE 711 performs at least a part of steps 1005 to 1041 again. [0099] At this time, the MTC UE 711 is capable of storing the operator informations of the radio networks accessible via the eNB 720 and using the operator informations for selecting another MME 730 . The MTC UE 711 is also capable of using the other radio networks operators informations notified by the MTC MME 731 to select another MME 730 . For example, if the operator informations of the respective radio networks are stored previously, the MTC UE 711 is capable of selecting another MME 730 using these informations and, otherwise, selecting another MME 730 as notified by the MTC MME 731 . Here, the MTC UE 711 is capable of selecting another MME 730 by referencing the previously stored selection forbidden information. That is, the MTC UE is capable of ruling out the selection forbidden information in the operator informations of the respective radio networks that are stored previously or notified by the MTC MME 731 selecting another MME 730 in selecting another MME 730 . [0100] According to this embodiment, it is possible to connect the UE 710 to an MME 730 supporting the corresponding supplementary function efficiently in the wireless communication system. That is, the present invention is capable of connecting the MTC UE 711 to the MTC MME 731 supporting the corresponding essential MTC feature efficiently. As a consequence, the MTC MME 731 is capable of supporting MTC more efficiently and the MTC UE 711 is capable of performing MTC more efficiently in the wireless communication system. [0101] Although exemplary embodiments of the present invention have been described in detail hereinabove with specific terminology, this is for the purpose of describing particular embodiments only and not intended to be limiting of the invention. While particular embodiments of the present invention have been illustrated and described, it would be obvious to those skilled in the art that various other changes and modifications can be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
The present invention relates to a wireless communication system and method for establishing connection between a User Equipment (UE) and a Mobility Management Entity (MME) in the wireless communication system in which the data-centric terminal requests the mobility management entity for attachment and checks, when the mobility management entity responds, data-centric features supported by the mobility management entity. According to the present invention, it is possible to connect the data-centric terminal to the mobility management entity supporting the data-centric features of the corresponding data-centric terminal efficiently in the wireless communication system.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] The present application claims priority to U.S. provisional patent application Ser. No. 60/835,023, filed on Aug. 2, 2006, the entire contents of which is incorporated herein by reference. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] 1. Field of the Invention [0003] The present invention relates generally to multi-stage acceleration (deceleration) operated mechanical delay mechanisms, and more particularly for inertial igniters for thermal batteries used in gun-fired munitions and other similar applications. [0004] 2. Prior Art [0005] Thermal batteries represent a class of reserve batteries that operate at high temperatures. Unlike liquid reserve batteries, in thermal batteries the electrolyte is already in the cells and therefore does not require a distribution mechanism such as spinning. The electrolyte is dry, solid and non-conductive, thereby leaving the battery in a non-operational and inert condition. These batteries incorporate pyrotechnic heat sources to melt the electrolyte just prior to use in order to make them electrically conductive and thereby making the battery active. The most common internal pyrotechnic is a blend of Fe and KClO 4 . Thermal batteries utilize a molten salt to serve as the electrolyte upon activation. The electrolytes are usually mixtures of alkali-halide salts and are used with the Li(Si)/FeS 2 or Li(Si)/CoS 2 couples. Some batteries also employ anodes of Li(Al) in place of the Li(Si) anodes. Insulation and internal heat sinks are used to maintain the electrolyte in its molten and conductive condition during the time of use. Reserve batteries are inactive and inert when manufactured and become active and begin to produce power only when they are activated. [0006] Thermal batteries have long been used in munitions and other similar applications to provide a relatively large amount of power during a relatively short period of time, mainly during the munitions flight. Thermal batteries have high power density and can provide a large amount of power as long as the electrolyte of the thermal battery stays liquid, thereby conductive. The process of manufacturing thermal batteries is highly labor intensive and requires relatively expensive facilities. Fabrication usually involves costly batch processes, including pressing electrodes and electrolytes into rigid wafers, and assembling batteries by hand. The batteries are encased in a hermetically-sealed metal container that is usually cylindrical in shape. Thermal batteries, however, have the advantage of very long shelf life of up to 20 years that is required for munitions applications. [0007] Thermal batteries generally use some type of igniter to provide a controlled pyrotechnic reaction to produce output gas, flame or hot particles to ignite the heating elements of the thermal battery. There are currently two distinct classes of igniters that are available for use in thermal batteries. The first class of igniter operates based on electrical energy. Such electrical igniters, however, require electrical energy, thereby requiring an onboard battery or other power sources with related shelf life and/or complexity and volume requirements to operate and initiate the thermal battery. The second class of igniters, commonly called “inertial igniters”, operates based on the firing acceleration. The inertial igniters do not require onboard batteries for their operation and are thereby often used in high-G munitions applications such as in gun-fired munitions and mortars. [0008] In general, the inertial igniters, particularly those that are designed to operate at relatively low impact levels, have to be provided with the means for distinguishing events such as accidental drops or explosions in their vicinity from the firing acceleration levels above which they are designed to be activated. This means that safety in terms of prevention of accidental ignition is one of the main concerns in inertial igniters. [0009] In recent years, new improved chemistries and manufacturing processes have been developed that promise the development of lower cost and higher performance thermal batteries that could be produced in various shapes and sizes, including their small and miniaturized versions. However, the existing inertial igniters are relatively large and not suitable for small and low power thermal batteries, particularly those that are being developed for use in miniaturized fuzing, future smart munitions, and other similar applications. [0010] A schematic of a cross-section of a thermal battery and inertial igniter assembly of the prior art is shown in FIG. 1 . In thermal battery applications, the inertial igniter 10 (as assembled in a housing) is either positioned above the thermal battery housing 11 as shown in FIG. 1 or within the thermal battery itself (not shown). When positioned outside the thermal battery as shown in FIG. 1 , upon ignition, the igniter initiates the thermal battery pyrotechnics positioned inside the thermal battery through a provided access 12 . The total volume that the thermal battery assembly 16 occupies within munitions is determined by the diameter 17 of the thermal battery housing 11 (assuming it is cylindrical) and the total height 15 of the thermal battery assembly 16 . The height 14 of the thermal battery for a given battery diameter 17 is generally determined by the amount of energy that it has to produce over the required period of time. For a given thermal battery height 14 , the height 13 of the inertial igniter 10 would therefore determine the total height 15 of the thermal battery assembly 16 . To reduce the total volume that the thermal battery assembly 16 occupies within a munitions housing, it is therefore important to reduce the height of the inertial igniter 10 . This is particularly important for small thermal batteries since in such cases the inertial igniter height with currently available inertial igniters can be almost the same order of magnitude as the thermal battery height. When the inertial igniter is positioned inside the thermal battery itself, the total volume of the igniter must be reduced to minimally add to the total volume of the thermal battery. [0011] With currently available inertial igniters of the prior art (e.g., produced by Eagle Picher Technologies, LLC), a schematic of which is shown in FIG. 2 , the inertial igniter 20 has to be positioned within a housing 21 as shown in FIG. 3 . The housing 21 and the thermal battery housing 11 may share a common cap 22 , with the opening 25 to allow the ignition fire to reach the pyrotechnic material 24 within the thermal battery housing. As the inertial igniter is initiated, the sparks can ignite intermediate materials 23 , which can be in the form of thin sheets to allow for easy ignition, which would in turn ignite the pyrotechnic materials 24 within the thermal battery through the access hole 25 . [0012] A schematic of a cross-section of a currently available inertial igniter 20 is shown in FIG. 2 in which the acceleration is in the upward direction (i.e., towards the top of the paper). The igniter has side holes 26 to allow the ignition fire to reach the intermediate materials 23 as shown in FIG. 3 , which necessitate the need for its packaging in a separate housing, such as in the housing 21 . The currently available inertial igniter 20 is constructed with an igniter body 60 . Attached to the base 61 of the housing 60 is a cup 62 , which contains one part of a two-part pyrotechnic compound 63 (e.g., potassium chlorate). The housing 60 is provided with the side holes 26 to allow the ignition fire to reach the intermediate materials 23 as shown in FIG. 3 . A cylindrical shaped part 64 , which is free to translate along the length of the housing 60 , is positioned inside the housing 60 and is biased to stay in the top portion of the housing as shown in FIG. 2 by the compressively preloaded helical spring 65 (shown schematically as a heavy line). A turned part 71 is firmly attached to the lower portion of the cylindrical part 64 . The tip 72 of the turned part 71 is provided with cut rings 72 a , over which is covered with the second part of the two-part pyrotechnic compound 73 (e.g., red phosphorous). [0013] A safety component 66 , which is biased to stay in its upper most position as shown in FIG. 2 by the safety spring 67 (shown schematically as a heavy line), is positioned inside the cylinder 64 , and is free to move up and down (axially) in the cylinder 64 . As can be observed in FIG. 2 , the cylindrical part 64 is locked to the housing 60 by setback locking balls 68 . The setback locking balls 68 lock the cylindrical part 64 to the housing 60 through holes 69 a provided on the cylindrical part 64 and the housing 60 and corresponding holes 69 b on the housing 60 . In the illustrated configuration, the safety component 66 is pressing the locking balls 68 against the cylindrical part 64 via the preloaded safety spring 67 , and the flat portion 70 of the safety component 66 prevents the locking balls 68 from moving away from their aforementioned locking position. The flat portion 70 of the safety component 66 allows a certain amount of downward movement of the safety component 66 without releasing the locking balls 68 and thereby allowing downward movement of the cylindrical part 64 . For relatively low axial acceleration levels or higher acceleration levels that last a very short amount of time, corresponding to accidental drops and other similar situations that cause safety concerns, the safety component 66 travels up and down without releasing the cylindrical part 64 . However, once the firing acceleration profiles are experienced, the safety component 66 travels downward enough to release balls 68 from the holes 69 b and thereby release the cylindrical part 64 . Upon the release of the safety component 66 and appropriate level of acceleration for the cylindrical part 64 and all other components that ride with it to overcome the resisting force of the spring 65 and attain enough momentum, then it will cause impact between the two components 63 and 73 of the two-part pyrotechnic compound with enough strength to cause ignition of the pyrotechnic compound. [0014] The aforementioned currently available inertial igniters have a number of shortcomings for use in thermal batteries, specifically, they are not useful for relatively small thermal batteries for munitions with the aim of occupying relatively small volumes, i.e., to achieve relatively small height total igniter compartment height 13 ( FIG. 1 ). Firstly, the currently available inertial igniters, such as that shown in FIG. 2 are relatively long thereby resulting in relatively long total igniter heights 13 . Secondly, since the currently available igniters are not sealed and exhaust the ignition fire out from the sides, they have to be packaged in a housing 21 , usually with other ignition material 23 , thereby increasing the height 13 over the length of the igniter 20 ( FIG. 3 ). In addition, since the pyrotechnic materials of the currently available igniters 20 are not sealed inside the igniter, they are prone to damage by the elements and cannot usually be stored for long periods of time before assembly into the thermal batteries unless they are stored in a controlled environment. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0015] The need to differentiate accidental and initiation accelerations by the resulting impulse level of the event necessitates the employment of a safety system which is capable of allowing initiation of the igniter only during high total impulse levels. The safety mechanism described herein is a mechanical delay mechanism, which responds to acceleration applied to the inertial igniter. If the applied acceleration reaches or passes the designed initiation levels and if its duration is long enough, i.e., larger than any expected to be experienced as the result of accidental drops or explosions in their vicinity or other non-firing events, i.e., if the resulting impulse levels are lower than those indicating gun-firing, then the delay mechanism returns to its original pre-acceleration configuration, and a separate initiation system is not actuated or released to provide ignition of the pyrotechnics. Otherwise, the separate initiation system is actuated or released to provide ignition of the pyrotechnics. [0016] Inertia-based igniters must therefore comprise two components so that together they provide the aforementioned mechanical safety (mechanical delay mechanism) and to provide the required striking action to achieve ignition of the pyrotechnic elements. The function of the safety system is to prevent the striker mechanism to initiate the pyrotechnic, i.e., to delay full actuation or release of the striker mechanism until a specified acceleration time profile has been experienced. The safety system should then fully actuate or release the striker, allowing it to accelerate toward its target under the influence of the remaining portion of the specified acceleration time profile and/or certain spring provided force. The ignition itself may take place as a result of striker impact, or simply contact or proximity or a rubbing action. For example, the striker may be akin to a firing pin and the target akin to a standard percussion cap primer. Alternately, the striker-target pair may bring together one or more chemical compounds whose combination with or without impact or a rubbing will set off a reaction resulting in the desired ignition. [0017] Herein is described multi-stage mechanical delay mechanisms that provide very long time delays (as compared to prior art mechanisms) when subjected to acceleration in a specified direction in very small size and volume packages (as compared to prior art mechanisms). The mechanisms take advantage of the quadratic nature of time and the distance traveled under an applied acceleration. The mechanisms are particularly suitable for inertial igniters. Also disclosed are a number of inertial igniter embodiments that combine such mechanical delay mechanisms (safety systems) with impact or rubbing or contact based initiation systems. [0018] In addition to having a required acceleration time profile which will actuate the device, requirements also commonly exist for non-actuation and survivability. For example, the design requirements for actuation for one application are summarized as: [0019] 1. The device must fire when given a [square] pulse acceleration of 900 G±150 G for 15 ms in the setback direction. [0020] 2. The device must not fire when given a [square] pulse acceleration of 2000 G for 0.5 ms in any direction. [0021] 3. The device must not actuate when given a ½-sine pulse acceleration of 490 G (peak) with a maximum duration of 4 ms. [0022] 4. The device must be able to survive an acceleration of 16,000 G, and preferably be able to survive an acceleration of 50,000 G. [0023] A need therefore exists for the development of novel methods and resulting mechanical delay mechanisms for miniature inertial igniters for thermal batteries used in gun fired munitions, particularly for small and low power thermal batteries that could be used in fuzing and other similar applications that occupy very small volumes and eliminate the need for external power sources. The development of such novel miniature inertial ignition mechanism concepts also requires the identification or design of appropriate pyrotechnics and their initiation mechanisms. The innovative inertial igniters would preferably be scalable to thermal batteries of various sizes, in particular to miniaturized igniters for small size thermal batteries. Such inertial igniters must in general be safe and in particular they should not initiate if dropped, e.g., from up to 7 feet onto a concrete floor for certain applications; should withstand high firing accelerations, for example up to and in certain cases over 20-50,000 Gs; and should be able to be designed to ignite at specified acceleration levels when subjected to such accelerations for a specified amount of time to match the firing acceleration experienced in a gun barrel as compared to high G accelerations experienced during accidental falls which last over very short periods of time, for example accelerations of the order of 1000 Gs when applied for 5 msec as experienced in a gun as compared to for example 2000 G acceleration levels experienced during accidental fall over a concrete floor but which may last only 0.5 msec. Reliability is also of much concern since the rounds should have a shelf life of up to 20 years and could generally be stored at temperatures of sometimes in the range of −65 to 165 degrees F. This requirement is usually satisfied best if the igniter pyrotechnic is in a sealed compartment. The inertial igniters must also consider the manufacturing costs and simplicity in design to make them cost effective for munitions applications. [0024] To ensure safety and reliability, inertial igniters should not initiate during acceleration events which may occur during manufacture, assembly, handling, transport, accidental drops, or other similar accidental events. Additionally, once under the influence of an acceleration profile particular to the firing of ordinance from a gun, the device should initiate with high reliability. In many applications, these two requirements often compete with respect to acceleration magnitude, but differ greatly in impulse. For example, an accidental drop may well cause very high acceleration levels—even in some cases higher than the firing of a shell from a gun. However, the duration of this accidental acceleration will be short, thereby subjecting the inertial igniter to significantly lower resulting impulse levels. It is also conceivable that the igniter will experience incidental low but long-duration accelerations, whether accidental or as part of normal handling, which must be guarded against initiation. Again, the impulse given to the miniature inertial igniter will have a great disparity with that given by the initiation acceleration profile because the magnitude of the incidental long-duration acceleration will be quite low. [0025] Those skilled in the art will appreciate that the basic novel method for the development of multi-stage mechanical time delay mechanisms, the resulting mechanical time delay mechanisms, and the resulting inertial igniters disclosed herein may provide one or more of the following advantages over prior art mechanical time delay mechanisms and resulting inertial igniters in addition to the previously indicated advantages: [0026] provide mechanical time delay mechanisms that are significantly shorter and occupy significantly less volume than currently available one stage mechanical time delay mechanisms; [0027] provide mechanical time delay mechanisms with almost any possible time delay period that may be required for inertial igniters and other similar applications; [0028] provide inertial igniters that are significantly shorter than currently available inertial igniters for thermal batteries or the like, particularly for relatively small thermal batteries to be used in munitions without occupying very large volumes; [0029] provide inertial igniters that can be mounted directly onto the thermal batteries without a housing (such as housing 21 shown in FIG. 3 ), thereby allowing even a smaller total height for the inertial igniter assembly; [0030] provide inertial igniters that can directly initiate the pyrotechnics materials inside the thermal battery without the need for intermediate ignition material (such as the additional material 23 shown in FIG. 3 ) or a booster; and [0031] provide inertial igniters that can be sealed to simplify storage and increase their shelf life. [0032] In this disclosure, a novel and basic method is presented that can be used to develop highly compact and long delay time mechanisms for miniature inertial igniters for thermal batteries and the like. The method is based on a “domino” type of sequential displacement or rotation of inertial elements to achieve very large total displacements in a compact space. In this process, one inertial element must complete its motion due to the imparted impulse before the next element is released to start its motion. As a result, the maximum speed that is reached by each element is controlled, thereby allowing the system to achieve maximum delay times. This process is particularly effective in reducing the required length (angle) of travel of the aforementioned inertial elements due to the aforementioned quadratic nature of time and the distance traveled by an inertial element under an applied acceleration. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0033] These and other features, aspects, and advantages of the apparatus of the present invention will become better understood with regard to the following description, appended claims, and accompanying drawings where: [0034] FIG. 1 illustrates a schematic of a thermal battery and inertial igniter assembly of the prior art. [0035] FIG. 2 illustrates a schematic of a cross-section of an inertial igniter of the prior art [0036] FIG. 3 illustrates a partial schematic of the thermal battery and inertial igniter assembly of the prior art with the inertial igniter of FIG. 2 disposed therein. [0037] FIG. 4 illustrates a schematic of a cross-section of an embodiment of an inertia igniter. [0038] FIG. 5 a illustrates an isometric view of an embodiment of a multi-stage mechanical delay mechanism. [0039] FIGS. 5 b - 5 d illustrate the multi-stage mechanical delay mechanism of FIG. 5 a in various stages of acceleration. [0040] FIG. 6 illustrates an expansion constrained mass-spring model for evaluating delay time as a function of total vertical distance that the inertial (mass) element(s) of the various mechanical delay mechanisms have to travel due to the vertical travel distance of the inertial elements of the igniter. [0041] FIG. 7 illustrates a plot of the expansion constrained mass-spring model of FIG. 6 where a 2000 G pulse is applied to the base for 0.5 millisecond duration. [0042] FIGS. 8 a and 8 b illustrate an isometric view of another embodiment of a multi-stage mechanical delay mechanism with FIG. 8 b being illustrated without its housing. [0043] FIGS. 8 c - 8 f illustrate the multi-stage mechanical delay mechanism of FIGS. 8 and 8 a in various stages of acceleration. [0044] FIG. 9 a illustrates an isometric view of an embodiment of an inertia igniter including the multi-stage mechanical delay mechanism striker of FIG. 5 a configured to initiate pyrotechnic materials. [0045] FIGS. 9 b - 9 e illustrate the inertia igniter of FIG. 9 a in various stages of acceleration. [0046] FIGS. 10 a and 10 b illustrate isometric views of another embodiment of an inertia igniter configured to initiate pyrotechnic materials, where FIG. 10 a illustrates the inertia igniter without a top cover and FIG. 10 b is a cut-away illustration to clearly show its internal components. [0047] FIGS. 10 c - 10 e illustrate the inertia igniter of FIG. 10 a in various stages of acceleration. [0048] FIG. 11 a illustrates an isometric view of yet another embodiment of an inertia igniter configured to initiate pyrotechnic materials. [0049] FIG. 11 b illustrates a sectional view of FIG. 11 a as taken along line A-A in FIG. 11 a. [0050] FIGS. 11 c - 11 d illustrate the inertia igniter of FIG. 11 a in various stages of acceleration. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT [0051] A schematic of an embodiment of an inertial igniter design which reduces the height of the inertial igniter component 13 ( FIG. 1 ) is shown in FIG. 4 . In such embodiment, the height 13 is reduced by over 45% as compared to the height required for the currently available igniters shown in FIG. 2 (see U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/599,878, filed on Nov. 15, 2006, the contents of which is incorporated herein by its reference). In FIG. 4 , the schematic of a cross-section of an embodiment 30 of the inertia igniter is shown, which is referred to generally with reference numeral 30 . The inertial igniter 30 is constructed with an igniter body 31 and a housing wall 32 . In the schematic of FIG. 4 , the igniter body 31 and the housing wall 32 are joined together at one end; however, the two components may be integrated as one piece. In addition, the base of the housing 31 may be extended to form the cap 33 of the thermal battery 34 , the top portion of which is shown with dashed lines in FIG. 4 . The base of the housing 31 is provided with a recess 35 to receive the percussion cap primer 37 (two component pyrotechnic compounds may be used instead). The base of the housing 31 is also provided with the opening 36 within the recess 35 to allow the ignited sparks and fire to exit the primer 37 into the thermal battery 34 upon initiation of the percussion cap primer 37 . The internal components of the inertial igniter 30 are sealed by a cap 42 which can be fastened by any means known in the art or adhered by brazing or welding at seam 42 a or applied with a suitable adhesive. [0052] Integral to the igniter housing 31 is a cylindrical part 38 (or bodies with other cross-sectional shapes) having a wall defining a cavity, within which a striker mass 39 can travel up and down. The striker mass 39 is however biased to stay in its upper most position as shown in FIG. 4 by a striker spring 41 . In its illustrated position, the striker mass 39 is locked in its axial position to the cylindrical part 38 of the housing 31 of the inertial igniter 30 by at least one locking ball 43 . The setback locking ball 43 locks the striker mass 39 to the cylindrical part 38 of the housing 31 through the holes 45 provided on the cylindrical part 38 of the housing 31 and a concave portion such as a groove (or dimple) 44 on the striker mass 39 as shown in FIG. 4 . In the configuration shown in FIG. 4 , the locking balls 43 are prevented from moving away from their aforementioned locking position by the cylindrical setback collar 46 . The cylindrical setback collar 46 can ride on the outer surface of the cylindrical part 38 of the housing 31 , but is biased to stay in its upper most position as shown in the schematic of FIG. 4 by the setback spring 48 . The cylindrical setback collar 46 has a concave portion such as an upper enlarged shoulder portion 47 , within which the locking balls 43 loosely fit and are kept in their aforementioned position locking the striker mass 39 to the cylindrical part 38 of the housing 31 . The striker mass 39 has a tip 40 , which upon release of the striker mass and appropriate level of acceleration for the striker mass 39 to overcome the resisting force of the striker spring 41 and strike the percussion cap primer 37 with enough momentum, would initiate the percussion cap primer 37 . [0053] The basic operation of the disclosed inertial igniter 30 is as follows. Any non-trivial acceleration in the axial direction 49 which can cause the cylindrical setback collar 46 to overcome the resisting force of the setback spring 48 will initiate and sustain some downward motion of only the setback collar 46 . The force due to the acceleration on the striker mass 39 is supported by the locking balls 43 which are constrained by the shoulder 47 of the setback collar 46 to engage the striker mass. [0054] If an acceleration time in the axial direction 49 imparts a sufficient impulse to the setback collar 46 (i.e., if an acceleration time profile is greater than a predetermined threshold), it will translate down along the axis of the assembly until the setback locking balls 43 are no longer constrained to engage the striker mass 39 to the cylindrical part 38 of the housing 31 . If the acceleration event is not sufficient to provide this motion (i.e., the acceleration time profile is less than the predetermined threshold), the setback collar will return to its start position under the force of the setback spring. [0055] Assuming that the acceleration time profile was at or above the specified “all-fire” profile, the setback collar 46 will have translated down full-stroke, allowing the striker mass 39 to accelerate down towards the percussion cap primer 37 . In such a situation, since the locking balls 43 are no longer constrained by the shoulder 42 of the setback collar 46 , the downward force that the striker mass 39 has been exerting on the locking balls 43 will force the locking balls 43 to move in the radial direction toward the housing wall 32 . Once the locking balls 43 are tangent to the outermost surface of the striker mass 39 , the downward motion of the striker mass 39 is impeded only by the elastic force of the striker spring 41 , which is easily overcome by the impulse provided to the striker mass 39 . As a result, the striker mass 39 moves downward, causing the tip 40 of the striker mass 39 to strike the target percussion cap primer 37 with the requisite energy to initiate ignition. [0056] As previously described, the safety mechanisms can be thought of as a time delay mechanism, after which a separate initiation system is actuated or released to provide ignition of the igniter pyrotechnics. In the designs of FIGS. 2 and 4 , purely mechanical safety delay mechanism are used that operate based on the total length of travel of certain inertial elements (inertial element 66 in the device of FIG. 2 and the inertial element 46 in the device of FIG. 4 ), and the corresponding total amount of travel time of the said inertial elements that operate or release the ignition mechanism. To base a delay mechanism on the travel (translational, rotational or their combination) of a single inertial element is tantamount to limiting the axial compactness achievable because of the necessary and significant stroke length required to achieve the requisite delay timing. [0057] The novel method to achieve highly compact and long delay time mechanisms for miniature inertial igniters for thermal batteries and the like may be best described by the following “finger-driven wedge design,” which is a multi-stage mechanical delay mechanism embodiment and its basic operation. The schematic of such a three-stage embodiment 80 is shown in FIG. 5 a . The device 80 can obviously be designed with as many fingers (stages) as is required to accommodate any delay time requirement and no-fire specifications commonly seen in gun-fired munitions or the like. The mechanism generally has three fingers (stages) 81 , 82 and 83 , each of which provides a specified amount of delay when subjected to a certain amount of acceleration (in the vertical direction of the arrow 89 as viewed in FIG. 5 a ). The fingers are fixed to the mechanism base 84 on one end. Each finger is provided with certain amount of mass and deflection resisting elasticity (in this case in bending). Certain amount of upward preloading may also be provided to delay finger deflection until a desired acceleration level is reached. When at rest, only the first finger 81 is resting on the sloped surface 87 of the delay wedge 85 . The delay wedge 85 is preferably provided with a resisting spring 88 to bring the system back to its rest position, if the applied acceleration profile is within the no-fire regime of the inertial igniter and to offer more programmability for the device. The delay wedge 85 is positioned in a guide 86 which restricts the delay wedge's 85 motion along the guide 86 . [0058] The operation of the device 80 is as follows. At rest, the delay wedge 85 is biased to the right by the delay wedge spring 88 , and the three fingers 81 , 82 and 83 are biased upwards with some pre-load. The ratio of pre-load to effective finger mass will determine the acceleration threshold below which there will be no relative movement between components. The positions of the three fingers 81 , 82 and 83 are such that finger 81 is above the sloped surface 87 of the delay wedge 85 and fingers 82 and 83 are supported by the top surface 90 of the delay wedge 85 , and are prevented from moving until the delay wedge 85 has advanced the prescribed distance. This is illustrated in FIG. 5 a. [0059] If the device 80 experiences an acceleration in the direction 89 above the threshold determined by the ratio of initial resistances (elastic pre-loads) to effective component masses, the primary finger 81 will act against the sloped surface 87 of the delay wedge 85 , advancing the delay wedge 85 to the left. [0060] FIG. 5 b shows the first finger 81 fully actuated and the delay wedge 85 advanced one-third of its total finger-actuated travel distance. At this instant, the second finger 82 is no longer supported by the top surface 90 of the delay wedge 85 and is free to move downwards provided that the acceleration is still sufficiently high to overcome the preload for the second finger 82 and the delay wedge spring 88 force at the aforementioned one-third travel distance. [0061] If the acceleration continues at an all-fire profile, the second finger 85 will drive the delay wedge to two-thirds of its total finger-actuated travel distance, allowing the third finger 83 to act on the top surface 90 of the delay wedge 85 . This is shown in FIG. 5 c. [0062] If the acceleration terminates or falls below the all-fire requirements, the mechanism will reverse until balance is achieved between the acceleration reaction forces and the elastic resistances. This may be a partial or complete reset from which the mechanism may be re-advanced if an all-fire profile is applied or resumed. [0063] Full actuation of the mechanism will occur once all three fingers 81 , 82 and 83 have driven the delay wedge 85 to its full travel in succession. This non-linear progression will be carried out as a continuation of the partial actuations described above. The full actuation of such a mechanism is shown in FIG. 5 d. [0064] Obviously, the amount of preloading and/or resistance to bending of the fingers 81 , 82 , 83 vary such that the first finger 81 bends under a certain acceleration profile, finger 82 bends under a larger acceleration profile than the first finger 81 and the third finger 83 bends under the largest acceleration profile. Furthermore, the delay wedge 85 can be configured to provide the ignition of the thermal battery upon full activation. [0065] The above multi-stage mechanical delay mechanism 80 may obviously be configured in a wide variety of configurations with the common characteristics of providing the means for sequential travel of two or more inertial elements under an applied acceleration. This novel method of providing a mechanical time delay mechanism via sequential travel of inertial elements provides devices that occupy very short heights while achieving very long time delays. The significance of the multi-stage design in reducing the height of the mechanical time delay mechanisms, thereby the size (particularly the height) of inertial igniters can be described as follows. [0066] The mathematical model that can be used to evaluate the delay time as a function of the total vertical distance that the inertial (mass) element(s) of the various mechanical delay mechanisms have to travel due to the vertical travel distance of the inertial elements of the igniter, i.e., the minimum height of the device and thereby the resulting inertial igniter, is based on an expansion constrained mass-spring model as shown in FIG. 6 , consisting of a mass (inertia) element 101 and spring element 102 . The spring element 102 is attached to the base 103 , which in turn is fixed to the accelerating platform 105 . The spring element 102 is preloaded in compression, and is constrained to expand from its preloaded position shown in FIG. 6 by the stop 107 , which is fixed to the accelerating platform 105 . [0067] When the base is accelerated upwards in the direction of the arrow 106 , the mass 101 will experience a reaction force downward. Since the spring 102 is preloaded in compression, a threshold will exist below which the reaction force on the mass will not be high enough to deflect the spring from its preloaded position. Beyond this acceleration threshold, the mass 101 will move downward. For relatively high preloads and relatively small spring 102 deflections (such as those employed in the described miniature inertia igniters) the spring 102 force can be assumed to be constant throughout the deflection. The net force on the mass is then equal to the difference between the reaction force from the acceleration and the constant spring force. [0068] To generate a generic model applicable to a system without a predetermined mass or spring rate, the preload force may be expressed in terms of a force equivalent to the supported mass under some acceleration [0000] F p =mA p g [0069] where F p is the preload force, A p is the equivalent preload acceleration magnitude in G's, and g is the gravitational acceleration constant. This acceleration, A p , may now be subtracted from the acceleration which is producing the reaction force on the mass 101 . In other words, we specify the preload not in terms of force, but in terms of the threshold of acceleration below which there will be no spring 102 deflection. If the net equivalent acceleration on the mass 101 in G's is A, the displacement of the mass 101 , i.e., the deflection of the spring 102 , y, as a function of time t, can be expressed as [0000] y= 1/2 Agt 2   (1) [0070] Now, from the equation (1) we can compare the necessary axial displacement of the inertial elements (mass 101 in the model of FIG. 6 ) in a single stage mechanical delay mechanism with the axial displacement of the inertial elements (mass 101 in the model of FIG. 6 ) in a multi-stage mechanical delay mechanism. In the plot of FIG. 7 , a 2000 G pulse is considered to be applied to the base 103 in the direction of the arrow 106 for 0.5 millisecond duration. The mass elements 101 in both mechanical delay mechanisms are supported by constant-force springs 102 with preload forces equivalent to a movement threshold of 700 G. The vertical displacement of the mass (inertial) elements 101 have been scaled such that the displacement of the mass 101 in the single-stage mechanical delay mechanism (indicated by the curve 110 in the plot of FIG. 7 ) at the end of the aforementioned acceleration pulse has a magnitude of one. Considering a three-stage mechanical delay mechanism, the vertical displacement of the first, second and third mass elements 101 of the first, second and third stages are shown in FIG. 7 by the curves 111 , 112 and 113 , respectively. The total vertical displacement required for the three stages (in fact for any number of stages) of a multi-stage mechanical delay mechanism is seen to be limited to the displacement of one of its stages alone. From the plot, the advantage of the three-stage design is clear: the total vertical displacement of a three-stage design nearly 90% smaller than that of the single-stage (currently available) designs. [0071] It is noted that the reason behind a significant advantage of the disclosed multi-stage inertial mechanical delay mechanisms is the fact that for a single mass subjected to an acceleration, the resulting displacement is a quadratic function of the time of travel, equation (1) above. A quadratic function, curve 110 in FIG. 7 , is more or less flat at the beginning, i.e., during the first relatively small intervals of time the displacement is small since the inertial element 101 has not gained a considerable amount of velocity. The present multi-stage inertial igniters take advantage of this characteristic of the aforementioned quadratic delay time vs. displacement relationship, equation (1), by limiting the total (vertical) displacement of the inertial elements 101 of each individual stage, thereby achieving very small vertical height requirement. [0072] The mechanical delay mechanisms, such as the one shown schematically in FIG. 5 , provide a high degree of design flexibility and programmability with the following parameters that can be used to tune the device for performance to meet requirements in a broad range of applications: [0073] Delay wedge interface angle [0074] Delay wedge resistance spring rate [0075] Delay wedge pre-load force [0076] Delay wedge mass [0077] The effective mass of each finger may be prescribed individually. [0078] The spring rate of each finger may be prescribed individually. [0079] The pre-load force of each finger may be prescribed individually. [0080] The number of drive fingers (stages) in the design. [0081] The distance through which fingers displace to advance the delay wedge. [0082] The mechanical delay mechanisms developed based on the disclosed novel method may be applied in a variety of embodiments to a large number of initiation systems such as to inertial igniters through a plurality of locking mechanisms. Several of such embodiments and their combinations are described herein. [0083] It is noted that the present method and the resulting mechanical delay mechanisms do not rely on dry friction or viscous or any other type of damping elements to achieve time delay. This is a significant advantage of the present novel method and the resulting mechanical delay mechanisms since friction and damping forces, particularly friction forces, are highly unpredictable or require velocity gain (large displacements) for effectiveness. In addition, the characteristics of friction and damping elements generally change with time, thereby resulting in relatively short shelf life for such devices. [0084] However, if shelf life and/or performance precision are not an issue, friction and/or viscous damping element(s) of some kind may be used together with the spring elements (preferably in parallel with the spring elements 102 , FIG. 6 , not shown) in one or more stages of the mechanical delay mechanism to slow down the motion of one inertial elements. The dry friction elements (such as braking elements) are well known in the art. Viscous damping elements operating based on fluid or gaseous flow through orifices of some kind or a number of other designs using the fluid or gas viscosity, or the use of viscoelastic (elastomers and polymers of various kind and designs) are also well known in the art. [0085] However, the use of any of the aforementioned viscous damping elements has several practical problems for use in inertial igniters for thermal batteries that are to be used in munitions. Firstly, to generate a significant amount of damping force to oppose the acceleration generated forces, the inertial element must have gained a significant amount of velocity since damping force is proportional to the attained velocity of the inertial element. This means that the element must have traveled long enough time and distance to attain a high enough velocity, thereby resulting in too long igniters. Secondly, fluid or gaseous based damping elements and viscoelastic elements that could be used to provide enough damping to achieve a significant amount of delay time cannot usually provide the desired shelf life of up to 20 years as required for most munitions. [0086] The schematic of another embodiment 120 of the present invention is shown in FIG. 8 a . In FIG. 8 b , the housing 130 of the mechanical delay mechanism 120 is removed to show its internal components. In this embodiment, a closed-profile carriage element 121 is used instead of an open profile delay wedge 85 of the embodiment of FIG. 5 . The closed-profile carriage element 121 is constrained to longitudinal translation between the guides 127 and the bottom wall 129 and top wall 131 of the housing 130 of the mechanical delay mechanism 120 . The closed-profile carriage element 121 provides an anti-back-drive multi-stage mechanical delay mechanism that operates in a manner similar to the embodiment of FIG. 5 . With the provision of the closed-profile carriage element 121 , the engaging fingers (stages), 123 and 124 and 125 and 126 in FIG. 8 b , prevent the closed-profile carriage element 121 to translate along its longitudinal guides 127 if subjected to acceleration in the said direction. This characteristic of this mechanical delay mechanism allows it to withstand high centripetal accelerations experienced by spin-stabilized projectiles, and not to activate by not allowing the closed-profile carriage element 121 to displace under such longitudinal accelerations. [0087] The fingers 123 , 124 , 125 and 126 are fixed on one end to the wall 128 of the housing 130 . A spring element 122 (shown as a bending beam type of spring), attached on one end to the wall 128 of the housing 130 and on the other end to the closed-profile carriage element 121 , which is preferably preloaded, is used to bias the closed-profile carriage element 121 against the last finger 123 to the right. [0088] When subjected to acceleration in the direction of the arrow 132 , the mechanical delay mechanism 120 will operate as follows: At rest, the mechanical delay mechanism 120 is configured as shown in FIG. 8 b , with all four delay fingers 123 , 124 , 125 and 126 pre-loaded upwards inside the closed-profile carriage element 121 . The lateral stiffness of the delay fingers prevents the bending drive spring 122 from displacing the closed-profile carriage element 121 . Upon experiencing an acceleration great enough to overcome the preload of the first bending finger 126 , this first finger will begin to move downwards out of the closed-profile carriage element 121 . All other fingers 125 , 123 and 123 are prevented from displacing vertically by the closed-profile carriage element 121 floor 133 . Once the first (stage) finger 126 has exited the carriage 121 , the bending drive spring 122 will advance the carriage 121 until the second (stage) bending finger 125 contacts the carriage 122 face 134 . The carriage 121 will now come to rest. The result of this first-stage actuation is shown in FIG. 8 c. [0089] Now that the second finger 125 is no longer supported by the carriage floor 133 , if the acceleration is great enough to overcome the preload of the second finger 125 , this finger will begin to move down in a manner similar to the finger 126 in the first stage. The result of this and subsequent stages are shown in FIGS. 8 d - f. [0090] As can be observed, the mechanical delay mechanism 120 makes use of multiple stages and lateral displacement of the carriage 121 to control the delay characteristics (this leads to great vertical compactness), but is not sensitive to lateral forces which may back-drive the carriage 121 . [0091] As previously stated, any one of the multi-stage mechanical delay mechanisms developed using the present novel method, such as those of the embodiments shown in FIGS. 5 and 8 , can be readily mated with an appropriate striker mechanism to initiate the pyrotechnic materials of the resulting inertial igniter. The schematic of one embodiment 140 of such an inertial igniter is shown in FIG. 9 a . In this embodiment 140 , the mechanical delay mechanism 80 illustrated in FIGS. 5 a - 5 d is indicated as segment 141 of the inertial igniter 140 , is used with an attached striker portion, indicated as 142 . The multi-stage mechanical delay mechanism shown has three stages with three fingers 143 , 144 and 145 , a delay wedge 146 and resisting spring 147 , all mounted on the base structure 148 and operating as described for the embodiment of FIG. 5 . The striker portion 142 consists of an extension 149 of the base structure 148 of the mechanical delay mechanism; and a striker mass 152 , which when free could traverse the guide 155 , and is normally attached to the sides of the guide 155 with an appropriately sized shear pin 153 . In the schematic of FIG. 9 a , two part pyrotechnic components 151 and 150 are shown to be attached to the striker mass 152 and the end piece 154 of the base structure 149 . If a one piece pyrotechnic element or a percussion primer is used, they are preferably attached to the end piece 154 with the initiation pin (if necessary) attached to the striker mass 152 . [0092] The operation of the mechanical delay portion 141 is identical to that of the embodiment of FIG. 5 . In this embodiment, however, the spring element 147 , which resists the progression of the delay wedge 146 , serves also as the spring for the striker mass 152 . In FIG. 9 a the inertial igniter 140 is shown at rest. The direction of the acceleration that the inertial igniter is subjected to during the munitions firing is shown by the arrow 156 . The operation of the striker system is described as follows. In the event of an all-fire acceleration profile, the delay wedge 146 is driven to the left first by the first stage finger 143 , then by the second stage finger 144 and then by the third stage finger 145 , while potential energy is being stored in the spring element 147 due to its compression as shown sequentially in FIGS. 9 b - d . The device can be designed such that the shear pin 153 (or other anchoring element which is securing the striker mass 152 to the structure 149 ) will fail when the force developed in the spring element 147 is indicative of full actuation of the delay wedge 146 . The fingers 143 , 144 and 145 , still under the influence of the all-fire acceleration profile, will keep the delay wedge 146 in place while the spring element 147 accelerates the striker mass 152 towards its target, causing the component 151 of the two component pyrotechnic to impact its second component 150 , thereby initiating the pyrotechnic ignition. This initiation is shown in the FIG. 9 e. [0093] In an alternative embodiment of the present invention, instead of the pin 153 , a stop mechanism such as a lever mechanism or a sliding stop mechanism (not shown) is used to prevent the striker mass 152 from moving to the right. Then as the third stage finger 145 is depressed and moves the delay wedge 146 towards its leftmost position, the delay wedge 146 actuates the aforementioned stop mechanism, thereby freeing the striker mass 152 to accelerate to the left and affect the initiation of the pyrotechnic element(s). Alternatively, the aforementioned stop mechanism is actuated by the last stage finger 145 . Such mechanical stops that are actuated by the movement of a secondary element are well known in the art and are therefore not described in more detail herein. [0094] One of the advantages of the above embodiment of the inertia igniter of FIG. 9 a is its high degree of initiation safety in the sense that the spring element 147 that actuates the striker mass 152 is not preloaded while the device is at rest; therefore there is no possibility of accidental ignition. In addition, the device does not use dry friction or damping elements which are highly unpredictable or require velocity gain (large displacements) for effectiveness. The above advantages are in addition to the previously stated advantage of multi-stage mechanical delay mechanisms in significantly reducing the required size, particularly height, and volume of the resulting inertial ignited. [0095] Another embodiment 160 is shown schematically in FIGS. 10 a - 10 e . The inertial igniter 160 without a top cap is shown in FIG. 10 a . Cutaway drawings of this device are used in the drawings 10 b - 10 e to clearly show its internal components and its operation. The mechanical delay mechanism of the embodiment of FIG. 10 a is a two-stage finger design, similar to the embodiment shown in FIG. 5 , with a difference being that fingers 161 and 162 operate in a plane parallel to the direction of advancement of the delay wedge 163 during its motion. The fingers 161 and 162 are preferably flexural members to achieve a compact design. In this embodiment, a ball release mechanism is used to couple the mechanical delay mechanism component 164 to an adjacent pre-loaded striker system and its pyrotechnic component 165 as shown in FIG. 10 b . The operation of this inertial igniter embodiment can be described as follows. At rest, the fingers 161 and 162 are preloaded upwards and the delay wedge 163 preloaded to the left by the spring 166 . These preload forces and the effective mass of the fingers 161 and 162 and associated components establish an acceleration magnitude threshold below which no relative motion of these components may occur. The device at rest is shown in FIGS. 10 a and 10 b . Upon having a sufficient impulse imparted on the housing of the device in the direction of the arrow 167 , the finger 161 will act against the sloped surface 168 ( FIG. 10 c ) of the delay wedge 163 with a force caused by reaction to the acceleration of the projectile in the direction of the arrow 167 . This resultant force will drive the delay wedge 163 to the right. If the acceleration profile is sufficient to fully depress the first finger 161 , the delay wedge 163 will be driven half its full stroke, allowing the finger 162 to engage the sloped surface 168 of the delay wedge 163 rather than being supported by the top surface 169 of the delay wedge 163 as was previously the case. This is shown in FIG. 10 c . In the case of an all-fire acceleration profile, the second finger 162 will also be driven fully downwards, fully advancing the delay wedge 163 . This is shown in FIG. 10 d . At this point, the ball 170 is pushed into a recess 171 provided on the side of the delay wedge 163 , thereby releasing the striker 172 , allowing the preloaded striker spring 173 to accelerate the striker 172 towards the element 174 , causing their impact. By providing pyrotechnic materials (one or two part pyrotechnic elements) on either or both impacting surfaces (with pressure concentrating pins if necessary—not shown), the pyrotechnic material(s) is ignited. This is shown in FIG. 10 e . In the case of partial actuation of the mechanical delay mechanism 164 , the mechanism will fully reverse and reset, ready for future operation. [0096] It is noted that a difference between the embodiments shown in FIGS. 5 and 10 is that in the embodiment of FIG. 5 , the spring 147 which actuates the striker 152 is not preloaded. In contrast, in the embodiment of FIG. 10 , the spring 173 that actuates the striker 172 is preloaded. This means that in general, the embodiment of FIG. 5 provides for more safety since accidental ignition due to the release of the striker (i.e., 172 in the embodiment of the FIG. 10 ) cannot occur in the embodiment of FIG. 5 . [0097] In yet another embodiment 180 , the mechanical delay mechanism portion 181 is combined with a striker and pyrotechnic part (the remaining components of the inertial igniter embodiment 180 ). The mechanical delay mechanism component 181 is a four-stage finger design with fingers 182 , 183 , 184 and 185 , similar to the multi-stage fingers of the embodiments of FIGS. 5 , 9 and 10 . The four-stage fingers 182 , 183 , 184 and 185 are fixed at one end to the inertial igniter structure 186 as shown in FIG. 11 a and the section A-A illustrated at FIG. 11 b . The free end of the fingers 182 , 183 , 184 and 185 are provided with a preferably rounded extension 195 . [0098] The striker component of the inertial igniter 180 is a toggle type of mechanism with the toggle link 187 , which is attached to the structure of the inertial igniter 180 , by a pin joint indicated with numeral 188 . In its rest and normal position, the striker (toggle) link 187 is biased to rest on its right-most position shown in FIG. 11 a , against the stop 196 , by the spring 189 . The spring 189 is preloaded in tension, and serves as the toggle mechanism spring, and is attached to the structure 186 on one end and to the striker link 187 on the other end, preferably with pin or pin-like joints. The surface of the striker link 187 that faces the multi-stage mechanical delay mechanism 181 is provided with a sloped section 192 , shown in FIG. 11 a and in the cross-section A-A in FIG. 11 b . The elements 190 and 191 , fixed to the striker link 187 and the inertial igniter structure 186 , respectively, are the two components of the ignition pyrotechnic. Alternatively, a one piece pyrotechnic element may be used, in which case the element 190 is preferably the ignition impact mass or pin and the element 191 is preferably the one piece impact initiated pyrotechnic element. [0099] Each finger 182 , 183 , 184 and 185 is provided with certain amount of mass and deflection resisting elasticity (in this case in bending). Certain amount of upward preloading may also be provided to delay finger deflection until a desired acceleration level is reached. When at rest, only the extension 195 of the first finger 182 is resting on the sloped surface 192 of the striker link 187 . The extensions 195 of the other fingers 183 , 184 and 185 rests on the top (flat) surface 193 of the striker link 187 . [0100] The operation of the device is as follows. At rest, the striker link 187 is biased to the right by the spring 189 , and the four fingers 182 , 183 , 184 and 185 are biased upwards with some pre-load. The ratio of pre-load to effective finger mass will determine the acceleration threshold below which there will be no relative movement between components. The positions of the four fingers 182 , 183 , 184 and 185 are such that the extension 195 of the finger 182 is over the sloped surface 192 of the striker link 187 as shown in FIGS. 11 a and 11 b , and extensions 195 of the fingers 183 , 184 and 185 are supported by the top surface 193 of the striker link 187 , and are prevented from moving until the striker link 187 has rotated a prescribed angle to the left (counterclockwise), allowing the next extension 195 of the next finger (finger 183 ) to move over the sloped surface 192 . This is illustrated in FIG. 11 a . If the device 180 experiences an acceleration in the direction 194 , FIG. 11 b , above the threshold determined by the ratio of initial resistances (elastic preloads) to effective component masses, the first stage finger 182 will act against the sloped surface 192 of the striker link 187 , rotating it one step counterclockwise. [0101] FIG. 11 c shows the first finger 182 fully actuated and the striker link 187 advanced in rotation one step in the counterclockwise direction. At this instant, the second stage finger 183 is no longer supported by the top surface 193 of the striker link 187 , and is moved over the sloped surface 192 , and is therefore free to move downwards provided that the acceleration is still sufficiently high to overcome the preload for the second stage finger 183 and the striker link spring 189 force. If the acceleration continues at an all-fire profile, the second stage finger 183 will move down and rotate the striker link 187 further counterclockwise, allowing the extension 195 of the third stage finger 184 to move over the sloped surface 192 . This is shown in FIG. 11 d . If the acceleration continues at an all-fire profile, the third stage finger 184 and then the fourth stage finger 185 will sequentially move down and rotate the striker link 187 further counterclockwise. This is shown in FIG. 11 e. [0102] If the acceleration terminates or falls below the all-fire requirements any time before the last (fourth) stage finger 185 has actuated downward, the mechanical delay mechanism 181 will reverse until balance is achieved between the acceleration reaction forces and the elastic resistances. This may be a partial or complete reset from which the mechanism may be re-advanced if an all-fire profile is applied or resumed. If the fourth stage finger 185 is actuated downward as shown in FIG. 11 e , the striker link 187 (the toggle mechanism) passes its spring 189 stabilized position on the right hand side of the inertial igniter 180 , and is accelerated in the counterclockwise direction, until the pyrotechnic components 190 and 191 impact and cause ignition. The latter state of the striker link 187 is shown in dashed lines in FIG. 11 e. [0103] Besides use in munitions, as described above, the novel inertial igniters disclosed above have widespread commercial use and can be utilized in any application where a safe power supply having a very long shelf life is desired. Examples of such devices are emergency consumer devices, such as flashlights and communication devices, such as radios, cell phones and laptops. The inertial igniters disclosed above could provide such a power supply upon a required acceleration, such as striking the device upon a hard surface/ground. [0104] While there has been shown and described what is considered to be preferred embodiments of the invention, it will, of course, be understood that various modifications and changes in form or detail could readily be made without departing from the spirit of the invention. It is therefore intended that the invention be not limited to the exact forms described and illustrated, but should be constructed to cover all modifications that may fall within the scope of the appended claims.
An inertia igniter including a mechanical delay mechanism having two or more members which are movable under different acceleration conditions to sequentially move a movable member upon sequential movement of the two or more members and an ignition member actuatable by the movable member such that movement of the movable member by the two or more members ignites the ignition member. The movable member can be movable by one of translation and rotation. The inertia igniter can further comprise an impact mass releasably movable in the housing, wherein the impact mass is released and movable by movement of the movable member to impact the ignition member. The inertia igniter can also further comprise a stop member for preventing movement of the impact mass until the movable member has moved a predetermined distance.
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION [0001] This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/223,520 filed Aug. 7, 2000. FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] This invention pertains to thermally-stable, colored, photopolymerizable compounds containing a vinyl group which are capable of being copolymerized with reactive vinyl monomers to produce colored compositions such as polyacrylates, polymethacrylates, polystyrene, etc. The compounds exhibit good thermal stability, fastness (stability) to UV-light, good solubility in the reactive monomers and good color strength. BACKGROUND AND PRIOR ART [0003] It is known (J.S.D.C., Apr. 1977, pp 114-125) to produce colored polymeric materials by combining a reactive polymer such terepolymers having epoxy groups or polyacryloyl chloride with anthraquinone dyes containing nucleophilic reactive groups such as amino or hydroxy groups; to graft acryloylaminoanthraquinone dyes to the backbone of vinyl or divinyl polymers; and to polymerize anthraquinone dyes containing certain olefinic groups to produce polymeric dyes/pigments. U.S. Pat. No. 4,115,056 describes the preparation of blue, substituted 1,4-diaminoanthraquinone dyes containing one acryloyloxy group and and the use of the dyes in coloring various fibers, especially polyamide fibers. U.S. Pat. No. 4,943,617 discloses liquid crystalline copolymers containing certain blue, substituted 1,5-diamino-4,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone dyes containing an olefinic group copolymerized therein to provide liquid crystal copolymers having high dichromism. U.S. Pat. No. 5,055,602 describes the preparation of certain substituted 1,4-diaminoanthraquinone dyes containing polymerizable acryloyl and methacryloyl groups and their use in coloring polyacrylate contact lens materials by copolymerizing. [0004] U.S. Pat. No. 5,362,812 discloses the conversion of a variety of dye classes, including anthraquinones, into polymeric dyes by (a) polymerizing 2-alkenylazlactones and reacting the polymer with dyes containing nucleophilic groups and by (b) reacting a nucleophilic dye with an alkenylazlactone and then polymerizing the free radically polymerizable dyes thus produced. The polymeric dyes are reported to be useful for photoresist systems and for colorproofing. U.S. Pat. No. 5,367,039 discloses a process for preparing colored vinyl polymers suitable for inks, paints, toners and the like by emulsion polymerization of a vinyl monomer with reactive anthraquinone dyes prepared by functionalizing certain anthraquinone dyes with methacryloyl groups. [0005] The preparation of a variety of dyes, including some anthraquinones, which contain photopolymerizable groups and their use for color filters suitable for use in liquid crystal television sets, color copying machines, photosensitive resist resin compositions, and the like are described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,578,419. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0006] One embodiment of the present invention concerns thermally-stable, photopolymerizable dye or colorant compounds having having Formula I: [0007] wherein [0008] A is a mono-, di-, tri- or tetravalent chromophore; [0009] R 1 is selected from hydrogen, C 1 -C 6 alkyl, substituted C 1 -C 6 alkyl, C 3 -C 8 cycloalkyl, aryl and —R 2 —OQ; [0010] R 2 is selected from C 2 -C 8 alkylene, arylene, C 3 -C 8 cycloalkylene, arylene-C 1 -C 6 alkylene, arylene-oxy-C 1 -C 6 alkylene, arylenethio-C 1 -C 6 alkylene, 1,4-cyclohexylenedimethylene and —(—CH 2 CH 2 O) m —CH 2 CH 2 —; [0011] m is 1-3; [0012] n is 1-4; [0013] Q is an ethylenically-unsaturated, photopolymerizable group selected from the following organic radicals: [0014] wherein [0015] R 3 is selected from hydrogen or C 1 -C 6 alkyl; [0016] R 4 is selected from hydrogen, C 1 -C 6 alkyl; phenyl; phenyl substituted with one or more groups selected from C 1 -C 6 alkyl, C 1 -C 6 alkoxy, —N(C 1 -C 6 alkyl) 2 , nitro, cyano, C 2 -C 6 alkoxycarbonyl, C 2 -C 6 alkanoyloxy and halogen; 1- and 2-naphthyl; 1- and 2-naphthyl substituted with C 1 -C 6 alkyl and C 1 -C 6 alkoxy; 2- and 3-thienyl; 2- and 3-thienyl substituted with C 1 -C 6 alkyl or halogen; 2- and 3-furyl; 2- and 3-furyl substituted with C 1 -C 6 alkyl; [0017] R 5 and R 6 are independently selected from hydrogen, C 1 -C 6 alkyl, substituted C 1 -C 6 alkyl, aryl or may be combined to represent a —(—CH 2 —)— 3-5 radical; [0018] R 7 is hydrogen or a group selected from C 1 -C 6 alkyl, substituted C 1 -C 6 alkyl, C 3 -C 8 alkenyl, C 3 -C 8 cycloalkyl and aryl; [0019] R 9 is selected from hydrogen, C 1 -C 6 alkyl and aryl. [0020] A second embodiment of the present invention pertains to a coating composition comprising (i) one or more polymerizable vinyl compounds, (ii) one or more of the thermally-stable, photopolymerizable dye or colorant compounds of Formula I, and (iii) a photoinitiator. A third embodiment of the present invention pertains to a polymeric composition, typically a coating, comprising a polymer of one or more acrylic acid esters, one or more methacrylic acid esters and/or other polymerizable vinyl compounds, having copolymerized therein one or more of the dye compounds of Formula I. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0021] In formula I, A represents a mono-, di-, tri- or tetravalent residue of a chromophore, i.e., a colored compound. Examples of the chromophoric residues which A may represent include anthraquinone, anthrapyridone (3H-dibenz-[f, ij]-isoquinoline-2,7-dione), anthrapyrimidine (7H-benzo-[e]-perimidine-7-one), anthrapyridine (7H-dibenz-[f, ij]-isoquinoline-7-one), anthrapyrazole, anthraisothiazole, 14H-naptho[2,3-a]-phenothiazine-8,13-dione (phthaloylphenothiazine), phthalocyanine, metal phthalocyanine, methine, bis-methine, perinone, coumarin, quinophthalone, 3-aryl-2,5-dioxypyrroline, and 3-aryl-5-dicyanomethylene-2-oxypyrroline. [0022] The terms “C 1 -C 6 -alkyl” and “C 1 -C 8 -alkyl” are used herein to denote a straight or branched chain saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon radical containing one to six or one to eight carbon atoms. The term “substituted C 1 -C 6 -alkyl” is used to denote a C 1 -C 6 -alkyl group substituted with one or more groups, preferably one to three groups, selected from the group consisting of hydroxy, halogen, cyano, aryl, aryloxy, arylthio, C 1 -C 6 alkylthio, C 3 -C 8 -cycloalkyl, C 2 -C 6 -alkanoyloxy and —(—OR 9 —) p —R 10 wherein R 9 is selected from the group consisting of C 1 -C 6 alkylene, C 1 -C 6 -alkylene-arylene, cyclohexylene, arylene, C 1 -C 6 -alkylene-cyclohexylene and C 1 -C 6 -alkylene-cyclohexylene-C 1 -C 6 -alkylene; R 10 is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, hydroxy, carboxy, C 2 -C 6 -alkanoyloxy, C 2 -C 6 -alkoxycarbonyl, aryl and C 3 -C 8 -cycloalkyl; and p is 1, 2, or 3. [0023] The terms “C 1 -C 6 -alkylene”, “C 2 -C 6 -alkylene” and “C 2 -C 8 alkylene” are used to denote straight or branched chain divalent aliphatic hydrocarbon radicals containing one to six, two to six, and two to eight carbons, respectively, which optionally may be substituted with one to three groups selected from C 1 -C 6 -alkoxy, C 2 -C 6 -alkoxycarbonyl, C 2 -C 6 -alkanoyloxy, hydroxy, aryl and halogen. The term “C 3 -C 8 -alkenyl” is used to denote an aliphatic hydrocarbon radical containing at least one double bond. The term “C 3 -C 8 -alkynyl” is used to denote an aliphatic hydrocarbon radical containing at least one triple bond and three to eight carbon atoms. The term “C 3 -C 8 -cycloalkyl” is used to denote a saturated cyclic hydrocarbon radical having three to eight carbon optionally substituted with one to three C 1 -C 6 -alkyl group(s). The term “C 3 -C 8 -cycloalkylene” is used to denote a cyclic divalent hydrocarbon radical which contains three to eight carbon atoms, preferably five or six carbons. [0024] The term “aryl” as used herein denotes phenyl and phenyl substituted with one to three substituents selected from C 1 -C 6 -alkyl, substituted C 1 -C 6 -alkyl, C 1 -C 6 -alkoxy, halogen, carboxy, cyano, C 2 -C 6 -alkanoyloxy, C 1 -C 6 -alkylthio, C 1 -C 6 -alkylsulfonyl, trifluoromethyl, hydroxy, optionally substituted sulfamoyl, C 2 -C 6 -alkoxycarbonyl, C 2 -C 6 -alkanoylamino and —O—R 11 , S—R 11 , —SO 2 —R 11 , —NHSO 2 R 11 and —NHCO 2 R 11 , wherein R 11 is phenyl or phenyl substituted with one to three groups selected from C 1 -C 6 -alkyl, C 1 -C 6 -alkoxy and halogen. The term “arylene” as used herein denotes includes 1,2-, 1,3- and 1,4-phenylene and such divalent radicals substituted with one to three groups selected from C 1 -C 6 -alkyl, C 1 -C 6 -alkoxy and halogen. The term “aroyl” denotes a moiety having the formula —CO—R 11 wherein R 11 is defined above. [0025] The term “halogen” is used to include fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine. The term “optionally substituted sulfamoyl” is used to describe the group having the structure —SO 2 N(R 12 )R 13 , wherein R 12 , and R 13 are independently selected from hydrogen, C 1 -C 6 -alkyl, substituted C 1 -C 6 -alkyl, C 3 -C 8 -alkenyl, C 3 -C 8 -cycloalkyl, aryl and heteroaryl. The terms “C 1 -C 6 -alkoxy”, “C 2 -C 6 -alkoxycarbonyl”, “C 2 -C 6 -alkanoyl”, “C 2 -C 6 -alkanoyloxy” and “C 2 -C 6 -alkanoylamino” are used to denote radicals corresponding to the structures —OR 14 , —COR 14 , —CO 2 R 14 , —OCOR 14 and NHCOR 14 , respectively, wherein R 14 is C 1 -C 6 -alkyl or substituted C 1 -C 6 -alkyl. [0026] The term “heteroaryl” as used herein denotes a 5- or 6-membered aromatic ring containing one to three hetero atom selected from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen. Examples of such heteroaryl groups are thienyl, furyl, pyrrolyl, imidazolyl, pyrazolyl, thiazolyl, isothiazolyl, oxazolyl, isoxazolyl, triazolyl, thiadiazolyl, oxadiazolyl, tetrazolyl, pyridyl, pyrimidyl, benzoxazolyl, benothiazolyl, benzimidazolyl, indolyl and the like and these optionally substituted with one to three groups selected from C 1 -C 6 -alkyl, C 1 -C 6 -alkoxy, substituted C 1 -C 6 -alkyl, halogen, C 1 -C 6 -alkylthio, aryl, arylthio, aryloxy, C 2 -C 6 -alkoxycarbonyl and C 2 -C 6 -alkanoylamino. [0027] The preferred anthraquinone dyes or colorants of the invention which correspond to Formula I have the following structures: [0028] wherein R 15 is hydrogen or R 15 represents 1-4 groups selected from amino; C 1 -C 8 -alkylamino; C 1 -C 8 -alkylamino substituted with one or more groups selected from hydroxy, cyano, halogen, aryl, heteroaryl, C 3 -C 8 -cycloalkyl, furyl, C 1 -C 6 -alkoxy, C 1 -C 6 -alkylthio, arylthio, aryloxy and —OCH 2 CH 2 O (OCH 2 CH 2 ) 1-3 OR′, wherein R′ is selected from hydrogen, C 1 -C 6 -alkyl and C 2 -C 6 -alkanoyloxy; C 3 -C 8 -cycloalkylamino; C 3 -C 8 -alkenylamino; C 3 -C 8 -alkynylamino; arylamino; furfurylamino; C 1 -C 6 -alkoxy; —OCH 2 CH 2 (OCH 2 CH 2 ) 1-3 OR′, wherein R′ is as previously defined; halogen; hydroxy; C 1 -C 6 -alkylthio; arylthio; aryl; aryloxy; arylsulfonyl; C 2 -C 6 -alkanoyl; aroyl; C 2 -C 6 -alkanoyloxy; C 2 -C 6 -alkoxycarbonyl; heteroaryl; heteroarylthio; cyano; nitro; trifluoromethyl; thiocyano; —SO 2 C 1 -C 6 -alkyl; —SO 2 NH 2 ; —SO 2 NHC 1 -C 6 -alkyl; —SO 2 N(C 1 -C 6 alkyl) 2 ; —SO 2 N(C 1 -C 6 alkyl)aryl; —SO 2 NH-aryl; —CONH 2 ; —CONHC 1 -C 6 -alkyl; —CON(C 1 -C 6 -alkyl) 2 ; —CONH-aryl; —CON(C 1 -C 6 alkyl) aryl; C 1 -C 6 alkyl; tetrahydrofurfurylamino; —CH 2 -cyclohexane-1,4-diyl-CH 2 OR′, wherein R′ is as previously defined; or [0029] R 16 is hydrogen or 1-2 groups selected from C 1 -C 6 -alkyl, C 1 -C 6 -alkoxy and halogen; [0030] R 17 is selected from amino; C 1 -C 8 -alkylamino, substituted C 1 -C 8 -alkylamino is defined above, C 3 -C 8 -cycloalkylamino, C 3 -C 8 -alkenylamino, C 3 -C 8 -alkynylamino and arylamino; [0031] R 18 is selected from halogen, amino, C 1 -C 8 alkylamino, substituted C 1 -C 8 -alkylamino, C 3 -C 8 -cycloalkylamino, C 3 -C 8 -alkenylamino, C 3 -C 8 -alkynylamino, arylamino, hydroxy, arylthio, heteroarylthio, C 2 -C 6 -alkanoylamino, aroylamino, C 1 -C 6 -alkylsulfonylamino, and arylsulfonylamino; [0032] X is a covalent bond or a linking group selected from —O—, —S—, —SO 2 —, —NHCO—, —NHSO 2 —, —NHCONH—, —OC 2 -C 6 alkylene-, —OC 2 -C 6 -alkylene-O—, —S-C 2 -C 6 -alkylene-O— and, —O(CH 2 CH 2 O) 1-3 —; and [0033] R 1 , R 2 , Q and n are as defined above for Formula I. [0034] Preferred anthrapyridone (3H-dibenz[f, ij]-isoquinoline-2,7-diones) and anthrapyridine (7H-dibenz-[f, ij]-isoquinoline-7-ones) colorant compounds provided by the present invention have the following general formulas: [0035] wherein: [0036] R 19 is selected from hydrogen, cyano, C 1 -C 6 -alkoxy, C 1 -C 6 -alkylthio, aryl, arylamino, aryloxy, arylthio, heteroaryl, heteroarylthio, halogen, C 2 -C 6 -alkoxycarbonyl, aroyl, C 1 -C 6 -alkylsulfonyl, arylsulfonyl and C 1 -C 6 -alkylamino; [0037] R 20 is selected from hydrogen, C 1 -C 8 -alkyl, substituted C 1 -C 8 -alkyl as defined above, aryl and C 3 -C 8 -cyloalkyl; [0038] R 2 , is selected from hydrogen, C 1 -C 6 -alkyl, aryl and —N(R 22 )R 23 , wherein R 22 and R 23 are independently selected from hydrogen, C 3 -C 8 -cycloalkyl, C 1 -C 6 -alkyl and C 1 -C 6 -alkyl substituted with C 1 -C 6 -alkoxy, hydroxy, halogen, C 2 -C 6 -alkanoyloxy, aryl and C 3 -C 8 -cycloalkyl; wherein R 22 and R 23 also may be combined to produce divalent radicals such as (—CH 2 —) 4-6 and —CH 2 CH 2 —L—CH 2 CH 2 —, wherein L is a divalent linking group selected from —O—, —S—, —SO 2 — and —N(R 24 ), wherein R 24 is selected from hydrogen, C 1 -C 6 -alkyl, aryl, aroyl, C 2 -C 6 -akanoyl, C 1 -C 6 -alkylsulfonyl and arylsulfonyl; and [0039] R 1 , R 2 , R 15 , R 16 , —X—, Q and n are defined above. [0040] The thermally stable photopolymerizable colorants of Formula I may be prepared by reacting sulfonyl chlorides of Formula II with amines of Formula III, [0041] wherein R′ is selected from hydrogen, C 1 -C 6 alkyl, substituted C 1 -C 6 alkyl, C 3 -C 8 -cycloalkyl, aryl and —R 2 OH, in the presence of base or enough excess amine reactant III to serve as acid acceptor. Typical useful bases are alkali metal carbonates, alkali metal bicarbonates, trialkylamines, etc. The reactions may be carried out in excess amine reactant HN(R′)R 2 OH or in solvents such as ketones, pyridine, N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NP), N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAC), sulfolane, etc. The colored intermediate hydroxy compounds IV thus produced are then acylated with one or more ethylenically-unsaturated, acylating agent to yield the colorants of Formula I. Examples of the ethylenically-unsaturated acylating agents include compounds having the formulas: [0042] Examples of intermediate sulfonyl chlorides II useful in the practice of the invention are described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,403,092; 5,372,864; 5,453,482; 6,022,944 and Published PCT Application WO 98/23690. Additional sulfonyl chlorides of formula II are known and/or can be prepared according to published procedures. COLORANT EXAMPLES [0043] The thermally-stable, colored, photopolymerizable compounds containing a vinyl group provided by the present invention and the preparation thereof are further illustrated by the following examples: Example 1 [0044] A mixture of 1,5-bis-[5-(N-ethyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)sulfamoyl)-2-methoxyanilino]anthraquinone (U.S. Pat. No. 5,372,864, Example 21) (2.0 g, 2.66 mmol) and toluene (10 mL) was stirred and most of the toluene was removed under reduced pressure. DMF (50 mL), 4-(dimethylamino)pyridine (D)MAP) (65 mg), triethylamine (1.1 mL), hydroquinone (20 mg) and methacrylic anhydride (1.22 g, 7.98 mmol) were added and the reaction mixture was stirred overnight at room temperature for about 15 hours. The functionalized blue dye was precipitated by drowning into water (200 mL) and allowing the mixture to stand for several days at room temperature and was collected by filtration washed with water and dried in vacuo. Essentially a quantitative yield was obtained. FDMS supported the following structure: [0045] An absorption maximum at 527 nm in DMF solution was observed in the UV-visible absorption spectrum. Example 2 [0046] A mixture of 1,5-bis-[5-(N-ethyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl) sulfamoyl-2-methoxyanilino]-anthraquinone (U.S. Pat. No. 5,372,864, Example 21) (2.0 g, 2.66 mmol) and toluene (10 mL) were stirred and most of the toluene removed under reduced pressure. DMF (50 mL), DMAP (65 mg), triethylamine (1.1 mL), hydroquinone (20 mg) and crotonic anhydride (1.23 g, 7.98 mmol) were added. After being stirred at room temperature for 24 hours the reaction mixture was drowned into water (200 mL) and the mixture allowed to stand for awhile. The functionalized red dye was collected by filtration, washed with water and dried in vacuo. The yield was 1.96 g of product (83% of the theoretical yield). FDMS supported the following structure: [0047] An absorption maximum at 529 nm was observed in the UV-visible light absorption spectrum. Example 3a [0048] To chlorsulfonic acid (10.0 ml) was added portionwise with stirring 3-methyl-6-(p-toluidino)-3H-dibenz-[f, ij]-isoquinoline-2,7-dione (2.0 g, 0.00546 m) allowing the temperature to rise. The reaction mixture was stirred for 1.0 hour with no cooling or heating and then gradually poured into 50 ml of saturated sodium chloride solution with ice added for cooling. The red sulfonyl chloride product was collected by filtration, washed with water and then added to diethanolamine (25 ml). The reaction mixture was stirred occasionally and heated at 95-100° C. for 30 minutes. The reaction mixture was drowned into 100 ml of water plus 50 ml of saturated sodium chloride solution and the resulting mixture was heated to about 80° C. and then filtered by vacuum filtration. After being washed with water the red product was dried in air (yield—2.4 g, 80% of the theoretical yield). Example 3b [0049] A portion of the sulfonamide product from Example 3a (1.0 g, 0.00187 m), N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF)(25 ml), hydroquinone (10 mg) and 4-dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP)(46 mg) were mixed together and the reaction mixture was stirred while methacrylic anhydride (0.838 ml) was added followed by the dropwise addition of triethylamine (0.785 ml). After being stirred at room temperature for 24 hours, the reaction mixture was drowned into water (50 ml). [0050] The dark red product was collected by filtration, washed with water and dried in air (yield 1.0 g), 80% of the theoretical yield). FDMS supports the following structure: [0051] An absorption maximum was observed at 534 nm in the UV-visible absorption spectrum. Example 4a [0052] To chlorosulfonic acid (95.0 g) was added 1-amino-2-bromo-4-(o-anisidino) anthraquinone (12.69 g), 0.03 mol) portionwise with stirring, at 25-29° C., over about 1.25 hours. After being heated at about 75° C. for 0.5 hour, the reaction mixture was drowned into isopropanol (10 L) with stirring and using an ice bath for cooling. After being stirred for 15 minutes, the drowning mixture was filtered by vacuum and the collected solid was washed with isopropanol and dried in a vacuum oven at room temperature (yield—12.01 g, 77%of the theoretical yield). Example 4b [0053] A portion of the 1-amino-2-bromo-4-(5′-chlorosulfonyl-2′-methoxy)anilino-anthraquinone from Example 4a (5.21 g, 0.01 mol) was mixed and stirred with tetrahydrofuran (THF) (125 ml). To this stirred mixture was added a solution of diethanolamine (3.18 g, 0.03 m) which was dissolved in THF. After stirring the reaction mixture for 50 minutes at room temperature, the THF was removed by using a vacuum rotary evaporator. The product was dissolved in 2-ethoxyethanol (175 ml) and this solution was then drowned into cold water (800 ml) to yield the solid blue product, which was collected by filtration, reslurried in hot water, filtered, washed with hot water and dried in air (yield—3.66 g, 62% of the theoretical yield). FDMS showed the structure to be 1-amino-2-bromo-4[5′-(N,N-bis-2-hydroxyethyl)-sulfamoyl)-2′-methoxyanilino]anthraquinone. Example 4c [0054] A portion (1.0 g, 0.00169 mol) of the product from Example 4b, DMF (25.0 ml), hydroquinone (10 mg) and DMAP (41 mg) were mixed and stirred while methacrylic anhydride (0.757 ml) was added followed by the dropwise addition of triethylamine (0.708 ml). The reaction mixture was stirred at ambient temperature for 24 hours and then drowned into water (50 ml). The solid product was collected by filtration, washed with water and dried in air (yield—1.23 g, 84% of the theoretical yield). FDMS supported the following structure: [0055] An absorption maximum was observed at 587 nm in the UV-Visible absorption spectrum in DMF as solvent. Example 5a [0056] To chlorosulfonic acid (95 ml) was added portionwise 1,4-bis-(2′,4′-dimethylanilino)anthraquinone (13.38 g, 0.03 mol) with stirring at 25-28° C. The reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature for 1.5 hours, heated for 30 minutes at 65-70° C. and then heated at about 95° C. for 40 minutes. After being cooled to room temperature, the reaction mixture was drowned by gradual addition to cold isopropanol (4.0 L). The product was collected by filtration, washed with isopropanol and then dried at room temperature under vacuum (yield—17.84 g, 92% of the theoretical yield). Example 5b [0057] A portion (6.43 g, 0.01 mol) of the sulfonyl chloride product of Example 5a, acetone (25 ml) and 2-aminoethanol (75 ml) was heated at about 95° C. with stirring for 2.5 hours. The reaction mixture was cooled, diluted with 2-ethoxyethanol (175 ml) and then drowned into cold water (800 ml). The dark blue product was collected by filtration, washed with hot water and dried in air (yield—5.39 g, 78% of the theoretical yield). Example 5c [0058] A portion of the sulfonamide product of Example 5b (1.0 g, 0.0014 mol), DMF (10 ml), hydroquinone (10 mg), DMAP (35 mg) and methacrylic anhydride (0.647 ml) were mixed and stirred together. Triethylamine (0.605 ml) was added dropwise and the reaction mixture was then stirred at room temperature for 24 hours and then drowned into water. The solid product was collected by filtration and dried in air (yield—1.1 g, 92% of the theoretical yield). FDMS supported the following structure: [0059] An absorption maximum was observed at 630 nm in the UV-visible absorption spectrum in DMF. Example 6a [0060] A mixture of isopropanol (20 ml), N-ethylethanolamine (1.11 g, 0.013 m) and an anthraquinone disulfonyl chloride prepared by chlorosulfonating 1,4-bis-(2,6-diethylanilino) anthraquinone as described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,121,351, Example 2 (1.75 g, 0.003 mol) having the structure: [0061] was stirred at room temperature for 3.0 hours. The reaction mixture was drowned into a solution of concentrated HCl (10 ml) in water (150 ml). After stirring for about 15 minutes, the solid product was collected by filtration, washed well with water and dried in air (yield—1.84 g, 91.5% of the theoretical yield). FDMS supported the following desired structure: [0062] Absorption maxima at 597 nm and 622 nm were observed in the UV-visible absorption spectrum in DMF solution. Example 6b [0063] A portion of the sulfonamide product from Example 6a (10 g), 0.00124 mol), DMF (25 ml), hydroquinone (10 mg), DMAP (30.3 mg) and methacrylic anhydride (0.556 ml) were mixed together and stirred while triethylamine (0.520 ml) was added dropwise. The reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature for 24 hours and then drowned into water (50 ml). The solid product was collected by filtration and dried in air (yield—0.96 g, 82% of the theoretical yield). FDMS supported the following structure: [0064] An absorption maxima at 579 nm and 623 nm were observed in the UV-Visible light absorption spectrum in DMF as solvent. Example 7 [0065] A mixture of the copper phthalocyanine compound (0.100 g, 0.0000953 mol) prepared as in Example 1 of U.S. Pat. No. 5,102,980 and having primarily the structure CuPc[SO 2 —N—CH 2 C(CH 3 ) 2 CH 2 OH] 2.5 , wherein CuPc represents the copper phthalocyamine moiety, DMF (5 ml), hydroquinone (1 mg), DMAP (2.3 mg), methacrylic anhydride (0.071 ml) and triethylamine (0.066 ml) was stirred at room temperature for 24 hours. The reaction mixture was poured into 10 ml of methanol and then water (25 ml) was added. A semi-solid, blue product resulted, which was washed by decantation and then allowed to dry in air. The product consists primarily of the copper phthalocyanine compound having the structure, CuPc[SO 2 NHCH 2 C(CH 3 ) 2 CH 2 OCO—C(CH 3 )═CH 2 ] 2.5 and produces a brilliant cyan color when dissolved in DMF. [0066] Additional examples of the thermally-stable, colored, photopolymerizable compounds of the present invention are set forth in the examples of Tables I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and IX. These compounds may be prepared by procedures analogous to those described in the preceding examples and/or by published techniques. TABLE I 1,4-Bis(arylamino)anthraquinone Colorants of Formula XIV XIV Example No. R 16 R 1 R 2 Q  8 2′,4′,6′-tri-CH 3 CH 3 —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2  9 2′-C 2 H 5 , 6′-CH 3 CH 2 CH 3 —CH 2 CH 2 — —COCH═CH 2 10 2′,6′-di-C 2 H 5 CH 2 CH 2 OCO— —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )—CH 2 C(CH 3 )═CH 2 11 2′,6′-di-C 2 H 5 H —CH 2 CH 2 OCH 2 CH 2 — —COCH═CH—CH 3 12 2′,6′-di-C 2 H 5 H —CH 2 CH 2 (OCH 2 CH 2 ) 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 13 2,40 ,4′,6′-tri-CH 3 H —CH 2 CH 2 (OCH 2 CH 2 ) 3 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 14 2′,4′,6′-tri-CH 3 H —CH 2 CH(CH 3)— —COCOCH═CHC 6 H 5 15 2′,6′-diBr,4′-CH 3 H —CH 2 -1,4-C 6 H 10- —CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 16 2′-Br, 4′,6′-di-CH 3 H (CH 2 ) 4 17 2′OCH 3 H (CH 2 ) 6 —COCH═CH—CO 2 CH 3 18 4′,—CH 3 H —CH 2 CH(OH)CH 2 — —CONHCOC(CH 3 )═CH 2 19 2′-OCH 3 ,5′—CH 3 H -1,4-C 6 H 4 — —CONHC(CH 3 ) 2 OCOCH═CH 2 20 4′-OCH 3 H -1,4-C 6 H 10 — —COC(CH 3 ) 2 NHCOC(CH 3 )═CH 2 21 2′,6′-diC 2 H 5 H —CH 2 CH(C 6 H 5 )— —CO-1,4-C 6 H 4 —CH═CH 2 22 2′,6′-diC 2 H 5 H —CH 2 CH(OCH 3 )CH 2 — CONHC(CH 3 ) 2 -1,3-C 6 H 4 —CH═CH 2 23 2′,6′-diC 2 H 5 C 6 H 5 —CH 2 CH 2 — 24 2′,6′-diC 2 H 5 C 6 H 11 —CH 2 CH 2 — —COCH 2 C(═CH 2 )CO 2 CH 3 25 2′,6′-diC 2 H 5 CH 2 C 6 H 5 —CH 2 CH 2 — 26 2′,6′-diC 2 H 5 CH 2 CH 2 OCO— —CH 2 CH 2 — —CONHCOC(CH 3 )═CH 2 NHCOC(CH 3 )═CH 2 [0067] [0067] TABLE II 1,5-Bis(arylamino)anthraquinone Colorants of Formula XV XV Example No. R 16 R 1 R 2 Q 27 2′-OCH 3 H —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 28 2′-OCH 3 —CH 2 CH 2 OCO— —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 C(CH 3 )═CH 2 29 2′-OC 2 H 5 H —(CH 2 ) 3 —COCH═CH 2 30 2′-OC 2 H 5 —CH 3 —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 31 2′-OCH(CH 3 )2 —C 2 H 5 —CH 2 CH 2 — —CONHCOC(CH 3 )═CH 2 32 2′-OCH(CH 3 ) 2 H 33 2′-OC 4 H 9 -n H —CH 2 CH(CH 3 )— —CONH(CH 2 ) 6 OCOC(CH 3 )═CH 2 34 2′-OCH 3 ,5′-CH 3 —C 6 H 5 —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 ) 2 NHCOCH═CH 2 35 2′OCH 3 ,5′-Cl —C 6 H 11 —CH 2 CH 2 — 36 2′,6′-diC 2 H 5 H —CH 2 CH 2 — COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 37 4′-OCH 3 CH 2 C 6 H 5 —CH 2 CH 2 — 38 2-OCH 3 H —CH 2 CH 2 OCH 2 CH 2 — —COCH═CH 2 39 2′-OCH 3 H —CH 2 CH 2 (OCH 2 CH 2 ) 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 40 2′-OCH 3 H —CH 2 CH 2 (OCH 2 CH 2 ) 3 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 41 2′-OCH 3 H [0068] [0068] TABLE III 1,2,4-Trisubstituted Anthraquinone Colorants of Formula XVI XVI Example No. R 15 R 16 X R 1 R 2 Q 42 —OH H O H —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 43 —OH H O —CH 2 CH 2 O— —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 44 —OH H S —C 2 H 5 —CH 2 CH 2 — —COCH═CH 2 45 —OH H S —CH 3 —CH 2 CH 2 — 46 —OH 2′OCH 3 O —C 6 H 5 —CH 2 CH 2 — COCH═CH—C 6 H 5 47 —OH 4′OCH 3 O —CH 3 —CH 2 CH 2 — 48 —OH 4′CH 3 S H —(CH 2 ) 4 —COCH═CH═CO 2 H 49 —OH 3′OCH 3 S H —CH 2 CH 2 OCH 2 CH 2 — —COCH═CH—CH 3 50 —NHSO 2 CH 3 H O H —CH 2 CH 2 (OCH 2 CH 2 ) 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 51 —NHSO 2 C 6 H 5 H O —CH 2 CH 2 O— —CH 2 CH 2 — —COCH═CH 2 COCH═CH 2 52 —NHSO 2 C 6 H 11 H S H —CH 2 CH 2 (OCH 2 CH 2 ) 3 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 53 —NHCOC 6 H 5 H O —C 2 H 5 —CH 2 CH 2 — —CONHCOC(CH 3 )═CH 2 54 —NH 2 H O —C 2 H 5 —(CH 2 ) 6 —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 55 —NHC 2 H 5 H S —C 6 H 5 —CH 2 CH 2 — 56 —SC 2 H 5 H S —C 6 H 11 —CH 2 CH 2 — 57 NHCONHC 2 H 5 H O H —CH 2 CH(OH)CH 2 — —COCH═CH 2 [0069] [0069] TABLE IV 1,2,4-Trisubstituted Anthraquinone Colorants of Formula XVII XVII Example No. R15 R16 X R1 R2 Q 58 —Br 2′-OCH 3 NH H —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 59 —Cl 4′-CH 3 NH —CH 2 CH 2 O— —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 60 H 2′-OCH 3 , 4′- NH —C 2 H 5 —CH 2 CH 2 — —COCH═CH 2 CH 3 61 H 2′-OC 2 H 5 NH CH 3 —CH 2 CH 2 — —COCH═CH—CH 3 62 —OCH 3 H NH H —(CH 2 ) 4 —CONHCOC(CH 3 )═CH 2 63 —OC 6 H 5 H NH H —(CH 2 ) 6 64 —SO 2 C 6 H 5 2′-OCH 3 NH H —CH 2 CH 2 OCH 2 CH 2 — —COCH═CH—CO 2 C 2 H 5 65 —SC 6 H 5 2′-OCH 3 NH H —CH 2 CH 2 (OCH 2 CH 2 ) 2 — —COCH═CH 2 66 2′-OCH 3 NH H —CH 2 CH 2 (OCH 2 CH 2 ) 3 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 67 2′-OCH 3 NH H —CH 2 CH(OH)CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 68 —SC 2 H 5 2′-OCH 3 NH H —CH 2 CH(CH 3 )— 69 —Br 4′-CH 3 S H —CH 2 OH(C 6 H 5 )— —COCH═CH 2 70 —SC 2 H 5 4′-CH 3 S H —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 71 —OCH 3 4′-CH 3 S H —(CH 2 ) 3 —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 72 —OC 4 H 9 -n 4′-CH 3 S —C 4 H 9 -n —CH 2 CH 2 — —COCH═CH 2 73 —SO 2 N(CH 3 ) 2 4′-CH 3 S H —CH 2 CH 2 — —COCH═CH—CH 3 74 —CF 3 4′-CH 3 S H —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 [0070] [0070] TABLE V Miscellaneous Anthraquinone Colorant Formulas EXAMPLE 75 EXAMPLE 76 EXAMPLE 77 EXAMPLE 78 EXAMPLE 79 EXAMPLE 80 EXAMPLE 81 EXAMPLE 82 EXAMPLE 83 EXAMPLE 84 EXAMPLE 85 [0071] [0071] TABLE VI Anthraquinone Compounds of Formula XI XI Example No. R 17 R 18 R 1 R 2 Q 86 —NH 2 Br H —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 87 —NH 2 —S—C 6 H 5 —CH 2 CH 2 O— —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 88 —NH 2 H —COCH═CH—CH 3 89 —NH 2 —CH 3 —CH 2 CH 2 OCH 2 CH 2 — —COCH═CH—C 6 H 5 90 —NH 2 —C 2 H 5 —CH 2 CH 2 (OCH 2 CH 2 ) 2 — 91 —NH 2 —C 6 H 5 —CH 2 CH 2 (OCH 2 CH 2 ) 2 — 92 —NH 2 —C 5 H 9 —CH 2 CH(OH)CH 2 — —CONHCOC(CH 3 )═CH 2 93 —NH 2 —SCH 2 CH 2 OCOCH 3 H —COCH═CH 2 94 —NH 2 H —CH 2 CH(CH 3 )— 95 —NH 2 H 96 —NH 2 H —CH 2 CH(C 6 H 5 )— —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 97 —NH 2 H —COCH═CH 2 98 —NH 2 H —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 [0072] [0072] TABLE VII Anthrapyridone Colorants of Formula XVIII XVIII Example No. R 15 R 16 X R 19 R 20 R 1  99 H H NH H —CH 3 —CH 2 CH 2 O— C(CH 3 )CH═CH 2 100 H 4′-CH 3 NH —CN —CH 2 CH 3 H 101 —CH 3 4′-CH 3 NH —CN H —CH 3 102 H 4′-CH 3 NH CO 2 C 2 H 5 —CH 3 —CH 2 CH 3 103 —Br 4′-CH 3 NH CO 2 C 2 H 5 H —CH 2 CH 2 — C(CH 3 )CH═CH 2 104 —S—C 6 H 5 4′-CH 3 NH CO 2 C 2 H 5 H —C 6 H 5 105 —SO 2 C 6 H 5 4′-CH 3 NH CO 2 C 2 H 5 H H 106 —OC 6 H 5 H NH CO 2 C 2 H 5 H —C 4 H 9 -n 107 H 4′C 2 H 5 S —COC 6 H 5 —CH 2 C 6 H 5 H 108 H 2′-CH 3 S —COCH 3 —CH 2 CH(CH 3 ) 2 H 109 H 4′C 6 H 11 S —S—C 6 H 5 —CH 2 CH 2 OC 2 H 5 H 110 H 4′-SC 2 H 5 S SO 2 C 6 H 5 —CH 2 C(CH 3 ) 2 CH 2 OH H Example No. R 2 Q 99 —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 100 —CH 2 CH 2 — —COCH═CH 2 101 (CH 2 ) 3 —COCH═CH—CH 3 102 (CH 2 ) 4 —COCH═CH-CO 2 H 103 —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 104 —CH 2 CH 2 — 105 —CH 2 CH 2 OCH 2 CH 2 — 106 —CH 2 CH 2 (OCH 2 CH 2 ) 2 — 107 —CH 2 CH(CH 3 )— —COCH═CH—C 6 H 5 108 —CH 2 CH 2 — 109 —COCH═CH 2 110 [0073] [0073] TABLE VIII Anthrapyridone Colorants of Formula XIX XIX Example No. R 15 R 16 X R 19 R 21 R 1 111 H 4′-CH 3 NH —CN —N(CH 3 )2 —CH 2 CH 2 O— COCH═CH 2 112 H 4′-CH 3 NH —CN —N(C 2 H 5 ) 2 —CH 2 CH 2 O— COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 113 H 2′-OCH 3 NH —CN H 114 H 2′-OCH 3 NH —CN —CH 3 115 H 2′-OCH 3 S —CN —N(CH 3 )C 6 H 5 —CH 2 CH 3 116 H 4′-C 2 H 5 S —CN —N(CH 3 )C 6 H 11 H 117 —Br 4′-C 6 H 11 S H H H 118 —OC 6 H 3 4′-OCH 3 S —CN —N(CH 3 )C 2 H 5 H 119 —SC 6 H 5 4′-OCH 3 NH —C 6 H 5 —CH 3 —C 6 H 5 120 —SO 2 C 6 H 5 4′-OCH 3 NH —CN —N(C 4 H 9 -n) 2 H Example No. R 2 Q 111 —CH 2 CH 2 — —COCH═CH 2 112 —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 113 —CH 2 CH 2 — —COCH═CH—CH 3 114 —CH 2 CH 2 — 115 —CH 2 CH 2 — —COCH═CH 2 116 —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 OCH 2 CH 2 — 117 —CH 2 CH 2 — —OCH═CH—C 6 H 5 (OCH 2 CH 2 ) 2 — 118 — —COCH═CH—CO 2 C 2 H 5 CH 2 CH(CH 3 )— 119 —CH 2 CH 2 — 120 —CH 2 CH 2 — —COC(CH 3 )═CH 2 (OCH 2 CH 2 ) 3 — [0074] [0074] TABLE IX Colorants Having Miscellaneous Structures EXAMPLE 121 EXAMPLE 122 EXAMPLE 123 Pc = phthalocyanine ring EXAMPLE 124 Pc = phthalocyanine ring EXAMPLE 125 EXAMPLE 126 EXAMPLE 127 EXAMPLE 128 [0075] The thermally-stable, colored, photopolymerizable compounds which contain vinyl or substituted vinyl groups are polymerizable or copolymerizable, preferably by free radical mechanisms, said free radicals being generated by exposure to UV light by methods known in the art of preparing UV-cured resins. Polymerization can be facilitated by the addition of photoinitiators. The colored polymeric materials normally are prepared by dissolving the functionalized colorants containing copolymerizable groups in a polymerizable vinyl monomer with or without another solvent and then combining with an oligomeric or polymeric material which contains one or more vinyl or substituted vinyl groups. [0076] The second embodiment of the present invention is a coating composition comprising (i) one or more polymerizable vinyl compounds, i.e., vinyl compounds which are copolymerizable with the dye compounds described herein, (ii) one or more of the dye compounds described above, and (iii) at least one photoinitiator. The polymerizable vinyl compounds useful in the present invention contain at least one unsaturated group capable of undergoing polymerization upon exposure to UV radiation in the presence of a photoinitiator, i.e., the coating compositions are radiation-curable. Examples of such polymerizable vinyl compounds include acrylic acid, methacrylic acid and their anhydrides; crotonic acid; itaconic acid and its anhydride; cyanoacrylic acid and its esters; esters of acrylic and methacrylic acids such as allyl, methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, isopropyl, butyl, tetrahydrofurfuryl, cyclohexyl, isobomyl, n-hexyl, n-octyl, isooctyl, 2-ethylhexyl, lauryl, stearyl, and benzyl acrylate and methacrylate; and diacrylate and dimethacrylate esters of ethylene and propylene glycols, 1,3-butylene glycol, 1,4-butanediol, diethylene and dipropylene glycols, triethylene and tripropylene glycols, 1,6-hexanediol, neopentyl glycol, polyethylene glycol, and polypropylene glycol, ethoxylated bisphenol A, ethoxylated and propoxylated neopentyl glycol; triacrylate and trimethacrylate esters of tris-(2-hydroxyethyl)isocyanurate, trimethylolpropane, ethoxylated and propoxylated trimethylolpropane, pentaerythritol, glycerol, ethoxylated and propoxylated glycerol; tetraacrylate and tetramethacrylate esters of pentaerythritol and ethoxylated and propoxylated pentaerythritol; acrylonitrile; vinyl acetate; vinyl toluene; styrene; N-vinyl pyrrolidinone; alpha-methylstyrene; maleate/fumarate esters; maleic/fumaric acid; crotonate esters, and crotonic acid. [0077] The polymerizable vinyl compounds useful in the present invention include polymers which contain unsaturated groups capable of undergoing polymerization upon exposure to UV radiation in the presence of a photoinitiator. The preparation and application of these polymerizable vinyl compounds are well known to those skilled in the art as described, for example, in Chemistry and Technology of UV and EB Formulation for Coatings, Inks, and Paints, Volume II: Prepolymers and Reactive Diluents, G. Webster, editor, John Wiley and Sons, London, 1997. Examples of such polymeric, polymerizable vinyl compounds include acrylated and methacrylated polyesters, acrylated and methacrylated polyethers, acrylated and methacrylated epoxy polymers, acrylated or methacrylated urethanes, acrylated or methacrylated polyacrylates (polymethacrylates), and unsaturated polyesters. The acrylated or methacrylated polymers and oligomers typically are combined with monomers which contain one or more acrylate or methacrylate groups, e.g., monomeric acrylate and methacrylate esters, and serve as reactive diluents. The unsaturated polyesters, which are prepared by standard polycondensation techniques known in the art, are most often combined with either styrene or other monomers, which contain one or more acrylate or methacrylate groups and serve as reactive diluents. A second embodiment for the utilization of unsaturated polyesters that is known to the art involves the combination of the unsaturated polyester with monomers that contain two or more vinyl ether groups or two or more vinyl ester groups (WO 96/01283, WO 97/48744, and EP 0 322 808). [0078] The coating compositions of the present invention optionally may contain one or more added organic solvents if desired to facilitate application and coating of the compositions onto the surface of substrates. Typical examples of suitable solvents include, but are not limited to ketones, alcohols, esters, chlorinated hydrocarbons, glycol ethers, glycol esters, and mixtures thereof Specific examples include, but are not limited to acetone, 2-butanone, 2-pentanone, ethyl acetate, propyl acetate, isopropyl acetate, butyl acetate, isobutyl acetate, ethylene glycol diacetate, ethyl 3-ethoxypropionate, methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, propyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, butyl alcohol, ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, ethylene glycol monomethyl ether, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether, ethylene glycol monopropyl ether, ethylene glycol monobutyl glycol, diethylene glycol monomethyl ether, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, diethylene glycol monobutyl ether, propylene glycol monomethyl ether, diethylene glycol monobutyl ether acetate, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate, ethylene glycol monobutyl ether acetate, propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate, methylene chloride, chloroform, and mixtures thereof. The amount of added or extraneous solvent which may be present in our novel coating compositions may be in the range of about 1 to 70 weight percent, more typically about 1 to 25 weight percent, based on the total weight of the coating composition. [0079] Certain polymerizable vinyl monomers may serve as both reactant and solvent. These contain at least one unsaturated group capable of undergoing polymerization upon exposure to UV radiation in the presence of a photoinitiator. Specific examples include, but are not limited to: methacrylic acid, acrylic acid, ethyl acrylate and methacrylate, methyl acrylate and methacrylate, hydroxyethyl acrylate and methacrylate, diethylene glycol diacrylate, trimethylolpropane triacrylate, 1,6 hexanediol di(meth)acrylate, neopentyl glycol diacrylate and methacrylate, vinyl ethers, divinyl ethers such as diethyleneglycol divinyl ether, 1,6-hexanediol divinyl ether, cyclohexanedimethanol divinyl ether, 1,4-butanediol divinyl ether, triethyleneglycol divinyl ether, trimethylolpropane divinyl ether, and neopentyl glycol divinyl ether, vinyl esters, divinyl esters such as divinyl adipate, divinyl succinate, divinyl glutarate, divinyl 1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylate, divinyl 1,3-cyclohexanedicarboxylate, divinyl isophthalate, and divinyl terephthalate, N-vinyl pyrrolidone, and mixtures thereof. [0080] In addition, the compositions of the present invention may be dispersed in water rather than dissolved in a solvent to facilitate application and coating of the substrate surface. In the water-dispersed compositions of the present invention a co-solvent is optionally used. Typical examples of suitable cosolvents include but are not limited to acetone, 2-butanone, methanol, ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, ethylene glycol monomethyl ether, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether, ethylene glycol monopropyl ether, and ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, ethylene glycol, and propylene glycol. Typical examples of water-soluble ethylenically unsaturated solvents include but are not limited to: methacrylic acid, acrylic acid, N-vinyl pyrrolidone, 2-ethoxyethyl acrylate and methacrylate, polyethylene glycol dimethacrylate, polypropylene glycol monoacrylate and monomethacrylate, and mixtures thereof. The amount of suitable aqueous organic solvent (i.e., organic solvent and water) in the dispersed coating compositions of the present invention is about 10 to about 90 weight percent, preferably about 75 to about 90 weight percent of the total coating composition. [0081] The coating compositions of the present invention contain one or more of the thermally-stable, colored, photopolymerizable compounds described herein. The concentration of the colored compound or compounds may be from about 0.005 to 30.0, preferably from about 0.05 to 15.0, weight percent based on the weight of the polymerizable vinyl compound(s) present in the coating composition, i.e., component (i) of the coating compositions. The coating compositions of the present invention normally contain a photoinitiator. The amount of photoinitiator typically is about 1 to 15 weight percent, preferably about 3 to about 5 weight percent, based on the weight of the polymerizable vinyl compound(s) present in the coating composition. Typical photoinitiators include benzoin and benzoin ethers such as marketed under the tradenames ESACURE BO, EB1, EB3, and EB4 from Fratelli Lamberti; VICURE 10 and 30 from Stauffer; benzil ketals such as 2,2-dimethoxy-1,2-diphenylethan-1-one (IRGACURE 651), 2-hydroxy-2-methyl-1-phenylpropan-1-one (IRGACURE 1173), 2-methyl-2-morpholino-1-(p-methylthiophenyl)propan-1-one (IRGACURE 907), alpha-hydroxyalkylphenones such as (1-hydroxycyclohexyl)(phenyl)methanone (IRGACURE 184), 2-benzyl-2-(dimethylamino)-1-(4-morpholinophenyl)butan-1-one (IRGACURE 369), 2-hydroxy-2-methyl-1-phenylpropan-1-one IRGACURE 1173) from Ciba Geigy, Uvatone 8302 by Upjohn; alpha, alpha-dialkoxyacetophenone derivatives such as DEAP and UVATONE 8301 from Upjohn; DAROCUR 116, 1173, and 2959 by Merck; and mixtures of benzophenone and tertiary amines In pigmented coating compositions, the rate of cure can be improved by the addition of a variety of phosphine oxide photoinitiaters such as bis(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl)-phenyl-phosphine oxide (Irganox 819), Irgacure 819, 1700, and 1700 and phosphine oxide mixtures such as a 50/50 by weight mixtures of IRGACURE 1173 and 2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyldiphenylphosphine oxide (DAROCUR 4265) from Ciba. Further details regarding such photoinitiators and curing procedures may be found in the published literature such as U.S. Pat. No. 5,109,097, incorporated herein by reference. Depending upon the thickness of the coating (film), product formulation, photoinitiator type, radiation flux, and source of radiation, exposure times to ultraviolet radiation of about 0.5 second to about 30 minutes (50-5000 mJ/square cm) typically are required for curing. Curing also can occur from solar radiation, i.e., sunshine. [0082] The coating compositions of the present invention may contain one or more additional components typically present in coating compositions. Examples of such additional components include leveling, rheology, and flow control agents such as silicones, fluorocarbons or cellulosics; flatting agents; pigment wetting and dispersing agents; surfactants; ultraviolet (UV) absorbers; UV light stabilizers; tinting pigments; defoaming and antifoaming agents; anti-settling, anti-sag and bodying agents; anti-skinning agents; anti-flooding and anti-floating agents; fungicides and mildewcides; corrosion inhibitors; thickening agents; and/or coalescing agents. The coating compositions of the present invention also may contain non-reactive modifying resins. Typical non-reactive modifying resins include homopolymers and copolymers of acrylic and methacrylic acid; homopolymers and copolymers of alkyl esters of acrylic and methacrylic acid such as methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, isopropyl, butyl, tetrahydrofurfuryl, cyclohexyl, isobomyl, n-hexyl, n-octyl, isooctyl, 2-ethylhexyl, lauryl, stearyl, and benzyl acrylate and methacrylate; acrylated and methacrylated urethane, epoxy, and polyester resins, silicone acrylates, cellulose esters such as cellulose acetate butyrates, cellulose acetate, propionates, nitrocellulose, cellulose ethers such as methyl cellulose, ethyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, and hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose. [0083] Typical plasticizers include alkyl esters of phthalic acid such as dimethyl phthalate, diethyl phthalate, dipropyl phthalate, dibutyl phthalate, and dioctyl phthalate; citrate esters such as triethyl citrate and tributyl citrate; triacetin and tripropionin; and glycerol monoesters such as Eastman 18-04, 18-07, 18-92 and 18-99 from Eastman Chemical Company. Specific examples of additional additives can be found in Raw Materials Index, published by the National Paint & Coatings Association, 1500 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. [0084] The third embodiment of the present invention pertains to a polymeric composition, typically a polymeric coating, comprising a polymer of one or more acrylic acid esters, one or more methacrylic acid esters and/or other polymerizable vinyl compounds, having copolymerized therein one or more of the thermally-stable, colored, photopolymerizable compounds described herein. The colored polymeric compositions provided by our invention may be prepared from the coating compositions described above and typically contain from about 0.005 to 30.0 weight percent, preferably from about 05 to 15.0 weight percent, of the reactive or polymerized residue of one or more of the vinyl dye compounds described herein based on the weight of the composition or coating. The novel polymeric coatings may have a thickness of about 2.5 to 150 microns, more typically about 15 to 65 microns. [0085] The polymeric coatings of the present invention typically have a solvent resistance of at least 100 MEK double rubs using ASTM Procedure D-3732; preferably a solvent resistance of at least about 200 double rubs. Such coatings also typically have a pencil hardness of greater than or equal to F using ASTM Procedure D-3363; preferably a pencil hardness of greater than or equal to H. The coating compositions can be applied to substrates with conventional coating equipment. The coated substrates are then exposed to radiation such as ultraviolet light in air or in nitrogen which gives a cured finish. Mercury vapor or Xenon lamps are applicable for the curing process. The coatings of the present invention can also be cured by electron beam. [0086] The radiation-curable coating compositions of this invention are suitable as adhesives and coatings for such substrates as metals such as aluminum and steel, plastics, glass, wood, paper, and leather. On wood substrates the coating compositions may provide both overall transparent color and grain definition. Various aesthetically-appealing effects can be achieved thereby. Due to reduced grain raising and higher film thicknesses, the number of necessary sanding steps in producing a finished wood coating may be reduced when using the colored coating compositions of the invention rather than conventional stains. Coating compositions within the scope of our invention may be applied to automotive base coats where they can provide various aesthetically-appealing effects in combination with the base coats and color differences dependent on viewing angle (lower angles create longer path lengths and thus higher observed color intensities). This may provide similar styling effects as currently are achieved with metal flake orientation in base coats. [0087] Various additional pigments, plasticizers, and stabilizers may be incorporated to obtain certain desired characteristics in the finished products. These are included in the scope of the invention. [0088] Coating, Curing, and Testing Procedures: [0089] Samples of formulations were used to coat glass plates using a knife blade. The wet film thickness was about 15 to 75 microns (0.6 to 3.0 mils). The solvent was evaporated to give a clear, somewhat tacky film. Prior to exposure to UV radiation, each film was readily soluble in organic solvents. [0090] The dried film on the glass plate was exposed to UV radiation from a 200 watt per inch medium pressure mercury vapor lamp housed in an American Ultraviolet Company instrument using a belt speed of 25 ft. per minute. One to five passes under the lamp resulted in a crosslinked coating with maximum hardness and solvent resistance. [0091] Each cured coating (film) may be evaluated for Konig Pendulum Hardness (ASTM D4366 DIN 1522), solvent resistance by the methyl ethyl ketone double-rub test, and solubility in acetone before and after exposure to UV radiation. The damping time for Konig Pendulum Hardness on uncoated glass is 250 seconds; coatings with hardness above 100 seconds are generally considered hard coatings. The methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) double rub test is carried out in accordance with ASTM Procedure D-3732 by saturating a piece of cheese cloth with methyl ethyl ketone, and with moderate pressure, rubbing the coating back and forth. The number of double rubs is counted until the coating is removed. The acetone solubility test is carried out by immersing a dry, pre-weighed sample of the cured film in acetone for 48 hours at 25° C. The film is removed, dried for 16 hours at 60° C. in a forced-air oven, and reweighed. The weight percent of the insoluble film remaining is calculated from the data. COATING EXAMPLES [0092] The coatings and coating compositions provided by the present invention and the preparation thereof are further illustrated by the following examples. Example 129 [0093] A colored, photopolymerizable composition was prepared by thoroughly mixing 22.9 g of dipropylene glycol diacrylate, 69.1 g of Jaegalux UV-1500 (acrylated polyester oligomers), the blue compound of Example 6b (4 g of a 1.25% solution of the colored compound in dipropylene glycol diacrylate), and 4 g of Darocure1173 photoinitiator in a small Cowles mixer until the components were completely dispersed. This coating composition was drawn down with a wire wound rod to provide a 25.4 micron (1 mil) thick coating on an Oak wood panel. This panel was passed through a UV cure machine at a speed of 6.1 meters per minute (20 feet/minute) using a lamp with an intensity of 118.1 watts per cm (300 watts per inch). Hardness measurements were conducted on glass using a Konig pendulum and did not indicate any significant loss of hardness due to incorporation of the dye; hardness was 83 Konig seconds. Adhesion of the coating to an oak wood panel was measured using the crosshatch adhesion method according to ASTM method D 3359 (ISO 2409). A right angle lattice pattern (6 lines in each direction) is cut into the coating, penetrating to the substrate, creating 25 squares with each side of the squares measuring 1 mm. A 2.5 cm (1 inch) wide piece of tape is applied to the lattice, pressure is applied, and then the tape is pulled from the substrate. If the edges are smooth and none of the squares are detached, the adhesion is 100% (ASTM rating 5B). On the wood panel a 5B rating was achieved for both the reference and the dye-containing coatings. All the coatings withstood more than 300 MEK double rubs. No loss of solvent resistance was observed with incorporation of the dye. Example 130 [0094] A colored, photopolymerizable composition was prepared by thoroughly mixing 10.0 g dipropylene glycol diacrylate, 10.0 g tripropylene gylcol triacrylate, 20.0 g Jaegalux UV-1500 (acrylated polyester oligomers), 15 g Jaegalux UV-3800 (acrylated epoxy oligomers), the blue compound of Example 6b (5.5 g of a 1.25% solution of the dye in dipropylene glycol diacrylate), and 2.2 gram of Irgacure 819 photoinitiator in a small Cowles mixer until the components were completely dispersed (20 minutes at 12,000 revolutions per minute). This coating composition was drawn down with a wire wound rod to provide a 38.1 micron (1.5 mil) thick coating on a cold rolled steel panel (iron phosphate pretreatment) and on polyethylene terephthalate sheet. The coated steel panel and polyester sheet were passed through a UV cure machine at a speed of 6.1 meters per minute (20 feet/minute) using a lamp with an intensity of 118.1 watts per cm (300 watts per inch). The Konig pendulum hardness of the coatings on the steel panels was 126 Konig seconds. No significant loss of hardness (relative to the reference coating) due to incorporation of the dye was observed. All the coatings withstood more than 500 MEK double rubs. No significant loss of solvent resistance was observed with incorporation of the dye. Adhesion tests of the coatings on polyethylene terephthalate sheeting using the crosshatch adhesion method described in Example 129 showed no loss of adhesion due to incorporation of the dye and 100% adhesion for the coatings. Example 131 [0095] A colored, photopolymerizable composition was prepared by thoroughly mixing the blue compound of Example 6b (10 g of a 2% solution of the dye in dipropylene glycol diacrylate), 20 gram trimethylol propane triacrylate, 20 g of polyester acrylate oligomer, 15 g of bisphenol A epoxy acrylate, and 4 gram of PI 1173 photoinitiator in a small Cowles mixer until the components were completely dispersed. The resulting coating composition was drawn down with a wire wound rod to provide a 25.4 micron (1 mil) thick coating on a 20 gauge sheet (1.27 mm—50 mils—thick) of polyethylene terephthalate (PET). The coated sheet was passed through a UV cure machine at a speed of 6.1 meters per minute (20 feet/minute) using a lamp with an intensity of 118.1 watts per cm (300 watts per inch). Hardness measured on glass by the Konig Pendulum method indicated no reduction of the hardness due to the dye; hardness was 105 Konig seconds. Adhesion tests of the coatings on polyethylene terephthalate sheet in accordance with the crosshatch adhesion method described in Example 129 showed no loss of adhesion due to incorporation of the dye and 100% adhesion for the coatings. All the coatings withstood more than 300 MEK double rubs. No significant loss of solvent resistance was observed with incorporation of the dye. The coating provided an attractive even color over the entire coated sheet. [0096] The invention has been described in detail with particular reference to preferred embodiments thereof, but it will be understood that variations and modifications can be effected within the spirit and scope of the invention.
Disclosed are thermally-stable, colored, photopolymerizable compounds containing a vinyl group which are capable of being copolymerized with reactive vinyl monomers to produce colored compositions such as polyacrylates, polymethacrylates, polystyrene, etc. The compounds exhibit good thermal stability, fastness (stability) to UV-light, good solubility in the reactive monomers and good color strength.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0001] This invention relates to a method for quantifying motor skills of the shoulders, wrists, hands, and fingers in order to diagnose more effectively diseases affecting movements and the degree of disease progression. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] Human movements can be categorized by speed into slow, ballistic, and rapid. In slow movement, a conscious effort is made to minimize the displacement speed of the body segment. The ability to perform slow movements is important to tasks of accuracy, e.g., drawing complex geometric figures. In ballistic movement, a conscious effort is made to maximize displacement speed and acceleration. Ballistic movements might be used in situations of emergency, or of physical competition (sports). Slow and ballistic movements are usually discrete, i.e., the limb segment does not return to its initial position following the same course and at the same speed as in the initial movement. The third movement type is rapid movement, in which speed is neither minimized nor maximized consciously. Most purposeful movements in everyday life are rapid, e.g., in walking, reaching, writing, etc. Most rapid movements are not discrete but alternating. In alternating movements a body segment moves in one direction and returns to the initial position following a similar course in space and at similar speed (e.g., leg movements when walking, wrist movements when writing, shoulder and elbow movements when reaching and retrieving, finger movements when grasping and releasing, jaw movements when chewing, etc.). Rapid Alternating Movements (“RAMs”) are thus essential in daily functioning, and RAM disturbances, referred to as dysdiadochokinesia, may significantly impact on activities of daily living. [0003] The present invention is based on the observation that the most common neurological disorders of movement, such as Parkinson's disease (PD), significantly impair RAM; consequently, tests of RAM are a standard and critical assessment in the clinical setting. Clinically, some disorders (e.g. Parkinson's disease) affect large movements more than small movements, whereas others (e.g. cerebellar dysfunction) appear to affect small movements more than large ones. [0004] The present invention has been used to test the effectiveness of deep brain stimulation in PD patients who have had electrical stimulators implanted into the subthalamic nucleus. These deep brain stimulators (DBS) are programmed to stimulate a discrete brain area with a low voltage at greater than 100 Hz. Although in most patients DBS leads to a reduction in the severity of symptoms and/or a reduction in the dosage of adjuvant medication needed, there is a wide range in the effectiveness across implanted patients. The present invention is able to measure accurately the effects of DBS by means of at least two measurements: maximum velocity achieved during pronation-supination cycles and regularity of movement. [0005] Currently, devices that can quantify RAMs in individuals with movement disorder have been used in laboratory settings, but none of those tests can easily be adapted to clinical examination because of their lack of portability. In the clinical setting, none of the tests currently available is capable of precisely quantifying rapidly alternating movements. This situation hinders assessment of disorder type and progression and selection and adjustment of therapy. [0006] Thus, there is a need for a method and device that may be easily used in a variety of clinical settings in order to quantitatively assess rapid alternating movement performed by patients who are affected by motor disorders. The invention addresses these and other needs in the art. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0007] The present invention provides a method for quantifying a user's motor skills. A standardized task is performed by the user, the task comprising successive cycles of alternating movements of a member. Multiple characteristics of the movement (e.g. mean angular velocity, maximum angular velocity, acceleration, jerk, smoothness, and regularity) are measured to provide a quantitative indication of the user's motor skills. [0008] Further, the invention provides a method for quantifying movements of any size (large or small), whether pre-specified or not. Examples of movements involving pre-specified sizes include those made to a pre-defined target or those made when physical blocks are placed at pre-defined points. The present invention also provides a method for measuring only the clockwise, or in the alternative, only the counter-clockwise portions of the cycles of clockwise-counterclockwise rapidly alternating movements. [0009] Finally, the present invention provides for measuring the simultaneous bimanual operation of two devices, each capable of measuring multiple movement characteristics (e.g. mean angular velocity, maximum velocity, acceleration, jerk, smoothness, and regularity). BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0010] The above features and many attendant advantages of the invention will be better understood by reference to the following detailed description when taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which: [0011] FIG. 1 is a perspective view from the front of a preferred embodiment of the device used to measure pronation and supination of the forearm; [0012] FIG. 2 is a perspective view from the rear of the embodiment shown in FIG. 1 . [0013] FIG. 3 illustrates a set of traces representing a 10-second sample of the output of the device in which the movement of a patient's forearm is measured. In addition the figure shows the results of typical manipulations of the output. From the bottom to the top, the traces show the output of the device in volts, the output after conversion to degrees, velocity (degrees/sec), acceleration (degrees/sec 2 ), jerk (degrees/sec 3 ), and rectified jerk. [0014] FIG. 4 is a chart showing the mean percent change in the maximum angular velocity attained by five patients with Deep Brain Stimulators active. [0015] FIG. 5 is a chart showing the percent change in maximum angular velocity for five patients with Deep Brain Stimulators. [0016] FIG. 6 is a chart showing individual results for five patients comparing the movement variability when the Deep Brain Stimulators are on versus when they are off. [0017] FIG. 7 is a chart showing a comparison of mean angular velocity of forearm pronation-supination in age-matched control subjects and five patients with Parkinson's disease with Deep Brain Stimulation both on and off. [0018] FIG. 8 is a chart showing the variability of pronation-supination movement in successive cycles. The three sets of data correspond to Parkinson's patients with Deep Brain Stimulators on, with those stimulators off, and age matched controls. [0019] FIG. 9 is a chart showing the mean angular velocity of forearm pronation-supination in a Parkinson's patient with a therapeutic dose of L-DOPA versus the same patient without the dose of L-DOPA. [0020] FIG. 10 is a chart showing a comparison in the variability of a Parkinson's patient's movement in successive cycles of forearm pronation-supination, with one set of data generated when the patient has been given a therapeutic dose of L-DOPA versus the same patient without the dose of L-DOPA. [0021] FIG. 11 is a perspective view showing another embodiment of the device, which incorporates shoulder and elbow tasks. [0022] FIG. 12 is an enlarged view of the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 11 with the U-shaped clamp. [0023] FIG. 13 perspective view of another embodiment of the device, which incorporates extension and flexion of a finger. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0024] Referring to FIG. 1 , the preferred embodiment of the device to measure pronation and supination of the forearm is shown. The subject is directed to alternate between moving a member 20 clockwise (“CW”) and counter-clockwise (“CCW”). The position of the member 20 is continuously measured and recorded. Calculations are performed in order to quantify the subject's movement. [0025] The construction of the device used to gather data describing RAM and the method for using the data to precisely quantify the progression of a disease affecting motor skills is described by reference to the device designed to measure the CW-CCW cycles of a forearm (also know as the pronation-supination cycles). However, the same measurements can be performed with the finger or shoulder/elbow by modifying the forearm device as described herein. [0026] In the exemplary embodiment of the present invention, the device 10 is mounted to a base 12 that permits the device to be firmly attached to a smooth, flat surface or alternatively to the edge of a flat surface. A box 14 is secured to the base 12 by conventional means. At the rear of the box 14 is an optical encoder that converts the rotary position of the shaft 18 to a voltage. Thus, the actuating member in combination with the optical encoder constitutes a motion sensing member. Affixed to the front of the box, and connected to the shaft, is an actuating member 20 , which is sized to accommodate the palm of a hand. The position of screws 24 , mounted on the inner wall, determine the maximal movement of the actuating member 20 in the clockwise and counterclockwise directions. [0027] The user of the device is instructed to engage the member 20 while performing RAMs. In one exemplary embodiment, the user may be instructed to make only small alternating movements (e.g., 45°). In another exemplary embodiment the user is instructed to make only large alternating movements (e.g., 135°). Sliding bars when locked into place restrict movement and thereby determine maximal movement size. In one exemplary embodiment two movement-limiting bars can be placed at 45° apart or alternatively at 135° apart. In another embodiment, targets that do not restrict movement can also be employed if desired. In this embodiment subjects are instructed to move the actuating member 20 until a pointer that is attached is pointing at the target 15 in the clockwise direction. The subject then moves until the actuating member 20 until the pointer is aligned with the second target 15 placed in the counterclockwise direction. During any movements the user makes, the angular position of the actuating member 20 is continuously monitored and recorded. From this data, the mean angular velocity, maximum velocity, acceleration, jerk, smoothness, and variability may be calculated. A sample 10-second output of the device is shown in FIG. 3 . [0028] The data created by the movements of the actuating member 20 can be recorded in two ways. One is to connect the optical encoder of the device directly to a computer that has appropriate converters and data acquisition software. The second is to use the output of the optical encoder to modulate a carrier frequency that is generated by a simple electronic circuit that can be entirely contained within the device. The carrier frequency can then be saved as a file on a small voice recorder or an MP3 player/recorder. Thus, by using the second method of recording the data created by the movements of the actuating member, the device is rendered portable. [0029] One example of possible tasks to be measured includes securing a device to a smooth, hard surface at a distance that depends on the length of the subject's forearm. The subject is seated at a table and the subject's forearm is placed wholly on the table. The point of the elbow (specifically the olecranon) is placed in a rubber pad that has a hole in the center. The subject grasps the actuating member 20 by placing only the thumb on top of the member 20 and the elbow pad is placed at a distance that permits easy rotation of the member 20 while the subject maintains a straight wrist. The subject can then perform one of several tasks usually for a period of 15 sec. [0030] FIG. 3 shows a sample of the plots from the output of the optical encoder in the device of the exemplary embodiment. From the bottom up, the channels are the raw data (in volts), the position in degrees with 0° being when the member 20 is parallel to the table, then the velocity of the movement, the acceleration, the jerk (the third derivative of position), and rectified jerk. The rectified jerk is being used as an additional measure of the smoothness of the movements. The mean rectified jerk increases as the smoothness of the movement decreases. [0031] Mean angular velocity generated by a user with no motor skill impairment will be higher than that generated by a patient with a disorder affecting motor skills. The present invention is able to quantify accurately the mean angular velocity of the user's motion, thus enabling comparison on a more precise level. The present invention has been used to quantify the effects of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) therapy on patients with motor skill disorders caused by Parkinson's disease. The result of the study showed a measurable increase in the mean angular velocity of motion produced by patients when the DBS was turned on versus when it was turned off. [0032] FIG. 4 shows the mean percent change in the maximum velocity attained by PD patients with their stimulators ON relative to the OFF condition. Values for pronation are plotted separately from the values for supination for five PD patients. As is seen in FIG. 4 , the ON condition produced improvements in both small and large movements, however, the large movements showed greater improvement than did the small movements. FIG. 5 shows the individual data for the same five PD patients focusing on large movements. The high variability in the effectiveness of DBS in these five patients can be seen in the values for maximum velocity. Patient A showed a greater than 150% increase in maximum velocity whereas Patients C and E showed very little change from DBS ON to the OFF conditions. These results parallel other clinical observations of the effects of DBS on Patients C and E. These two patients benefited less from the DBS than did the other patients. [0033] Maximum velocity is only one measure of movement. The present invention can employ any or all of several measures for detecting differences in the movements produced using the device. For one of these measures, variability, each complete cycle of pronation and supination is divided into twelve equal segments. The twelve segments, defined for each complete cycle of supination and pronation by 13 equally-spaced time points, are based on the time it took to complete each specific cycle. If a subject performs consistently and smoothly, then the positions of the member 20 at each of the time points should be very similar across all of the cycles. If, however, the movement has a high number of accelerations and decelerations, then the positions of the member 20 at each of those equal time points will vary. This is true even if the overall velocity of the movements varies because of the normalization process that is performed when each cycle of pronation and supination is divided into the twelve equal segments. For this analysis, the first and last time points are discarded because they are by definition invariant. The position of the member 20 (in degrees) at each of the remaining 11 time points is used to calculate the amount of variability that the subject exhibits across all of the movements for each task. One of the major symptoms of Parkinson's disease is the difficulty to produce smooth movements, especially large movements like taking a step or moving an arm in a wide arc. One prediction would be that variability in the shapes of the forearm pronation-supination movements should decrease if DBS were effectively improving movement in individuals with Parkinson's disease. [0034] The mean and the standard deviation of angular displacement at each of the 11 time points are calculated and the standard deviation of angular displacement across all cycles is determined. The standard error of angular displacement is then calculated. By using standard error, the variability measure is normalized for the number of complete cycles performed within 15 seconds. This measure then represents the variability of pronation-supination cycles across movements performed by the same subject while eliminating any bias due to velocity. A very low variability score would indicate that the topographies of all pronation-supination movements were very similar even if the speed varied. [0035] FIG. 6 shows the percent variability when DBS is ON versus OFF in the same five DBS patients. In all five patients the variability in the shapes of the pronation-supination movements was reduced when the DBS was ON relative to the OFF condition. For this test, the reduction in variability across cycles of pronation and supination with DBS ON relative to OFF was similar for the large and small movements. [0036] FIG. 7 depicts the mean angular velocity for five patients with Parkinson's disease who had previously undergone surgery for implantation of a deep brain stimulator targeted for the subthalamic nucleus. Parkinson's patients were tested in two conditions, stimulator off (PD OFF DBS) and stimulator on (PD ON DBS). The PD patients performed movements much more slowly than did age-matched controls. In PD patients, there was an increase in mean angular velocity in the ON DBS condition although the increase was small (24.4% increase) relative to the much larger difference between controls and PD patients. [0037] FIG. 8 shows the extent to which the topographies of successive forearm pronation-supination cycles varied across testing. Age-matched controls had the lowest level of variability on this measure. The variability of successive forearm movements in PD patients improved markedly when their stimulators were turned on. The standard error measure of variability of movement decreased by approximately 42% from the DBS OFF condition to the DBS ON condition. [0038] The effects of a therapeutic dose of L-DOPA on mean angular velocity and variability of successive cycles of forearm pronation-supination movements were evaluated in one PD patient. FIG. 9 shows that in the patient, L-DOPA produced only a small effect on velocity. [0039] On the other hand, FIG. 10 shows that the drug markedly reduced the variability of successive cycles of pronation-supination in the same patient. Detection of this type of variability requires a tool capable of monitoring the entire movement, as the present invention can. [0040] The direct comparison between large (e.g., 135°) and small (e.g., 35°) alternating movement measures the capacity to scale movement, independently from the capacity to change movement direction. Such measures may assist diagnosis, as large movements are more affected than small movements in motor disorders such as Parkinson's disease, while it is the opposite in other (e.g. frontal or cerebellar). [0041] In an alternate embodiment of the present invention shown in FIG. 11 circular motion that is produced by either shoulder muscles or, alternatively, elbow muscles can be measured. Two steps are taken to convert the device to one that measures shoulder or elbow motion. First, the member 20 is removed by loosening a set screw and a crank 25 is inserted in its place and secured to the rotary shaft by re-tightening the set screw. Second, a U-shaped clamp 28 at the rear of the device is mounted at the edge of an open door by inserting the edge of the door into the clamp and tightening a set screw 26 on the opposite side of the door. The door is then closed prior to use. In this embodiment the subject grasps the handle 22 of the crank 25 and moves it in a circular motion using only shoulder muscles or in another set of tasks only elbow muscles. This use of the elbow or shoulder motion in CW-CCW cycles is often referred to as rotation cycles. All of the measurements described for the device actuated by the forearm can be applied to movements made when subjects turn the crank handle 22 . [0042] In another embodiment shown in FIG. 13 , the member 20 (or crank 22 ) is removed from the rotary shaft and a finger holster 23 is attached to the shaft. The device is then mounted and secured at the top of a U-shaped bracket with the shaft of the device pointing straight down. The hand is placed under the device and the index finger is secured in the holster 23 . The device in this embodiment continuously records the position (i.e. angle) of the index finger of either one and/or both hands, while the subject performs finger taps, i.e., the subject would be instructed to place his finger in the holster and then move the finger back and forth. This motion by the finger is often described as extension-flexion motion. Finger tap is used universally in the assessment of both psychological and motor function. The fingers, compared with all other limb segments in the body, have the largest representation in the motor cortex relative to their size. Therefore, it is particularly valuable to be able to quantify finger movements in a patient assessed for motor function. All of the measurements described for the device actuated by the forearm can be applied to the movements made when subjects move their index fingers. [0043] Any of the devices described herein may be operated bimanually. For example, in the exemplary embodiment, two separate devices 10 , one for each forearm, may be rotated at the same time. Recently it has been shown that bimanual tasks in which the two forearms are performing opposite phases of a pronation-supination task (e.g. supination in one and concurrently pronation in the other) selectively increase activity in some motor areas of the brain compared to unimanual tasks. [0044] Finally, the present invention includes measuring and comparing the CW segments of CW-CCW cycles with CCW segments of the same cycles. This comparison can be seen in the individual plots of pronation and supination in FIG. 3 . The clinical value of this measure is still being assessed. [0045] The present invention is not to be limited in scope by the specific embodiments described herein. Indeed, various modifications of the invention in addition to those described herein will become apparent to those skilled in the art from the foregoing description and the accompanying figures. Such modifications are intended to fall within the scope of the appended claims.
There is disclosed herein a method for quantifying a user's motor skills. The method comprises the steps of voluntarily moving a motion sensing member for at least a part of one cycle, the cycle comprising movement in a first direction and a return direction, measuring at least one of regularity of the movement of the member and mean angular velocity of the member. The method may be performed simultaneously with two members. Further, the members may be actuated by various body parts including a finger, a hand, or a shoulder. The data generated by the movement of the motion sensor may be stored as modulated carrier frequency in order to perform the method in locations remote from laboratories or computing facilities.
[0001] This application claims benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/460,676, filed Apr. 4, 2003 and Ser. No. 10/817,628, filed Apr. 2, 2004. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] 1. Field of the Invention [0003] This invention relates to laminated glass structures. This invention particularly relates to laminated glass structures that can withstand severe impact and/or severe pressure loads. [0004] 2. Description of the Prior Art [0005] Conventional glazing structures comprise a glazing element mounted in or to a support structure such as a frame. Such glazing elements can comprise a laminate window, such as a glass/interlayer/glass laminate window. There are various glazing methods known and which are conventional for constructing windows, doors, or other glazing elements for commercial and/or residential buildings. Such glazing methods are, for example: exterior pressure plate glazing; flush glazing; marine glazing; removable stop glazing; and, silicone structural glazing (also known as stopless glazing). [0006] For example, U.S. Pat. No. 4,406,105 describes a structurally glazed system whereby holes are created through the glazing element and a plate member system with a connection being formed through the hole. [0007] Threat-resistant windows and glass structures are known and can be constructed utilizing conventional glazing methods. U.S. Pat. No. 5,960,606 ('606) and U.S. Pat. No. 4,799,376 ('376) each describes laminate windows that are made to withstand severe forces. In International Publication Number WO 98/28515 (IPN '515) a glass laminate is positioned in a rigid channel in which a resilient material adjacent to the glass permits flexing movement between the resilient material and the rigid channel. Other means of holding glazing panels exist such as adhesive tapes, gaskets, putty, and the like and can be used to secure panels to a frame. For example, WO 93/002269 describes the use of a stiffening member that is laminated to a polymeric interlayer around the periphery of a glass laminate to stiffen the interlayer, which can extend beyond the edge of the glass/interlayer laminate. In another embodiment, '269 describes the use of a rigid member, which is inserted into a channel below the surface of a monolithic transparency, and extending from the transparency. [0008] Windows and glass structures capable of withstanding hurricane-force winds and high force impacts are not trouble-free, however. Conventional glazing methods can require that the glazing element have some extra space in the frame to facilitate insertion or removal of the glazing element. While the additional space facilitates installation, it allows the glazing element to move in a swinging, rocking, or rotational motion within the frame. Further, it can move from side to side (that is, in the transverse direction) in the frame depending upon the magnitude and direction of the force applied against the glazing element. Under conditions of severe repetitive impact and/or either continuous or discontinuous pressure, a glass laminate can move within the frame or structural support in such a way that there can be sufficient stress built up to eventually fracture the window and allow the laminate to be pulled out of the frame. For example, when subjected to severe hurricane force winds the flexing movement in the windows of IPN '515, wherein glass flexes within a rigid channel, can gradually pull the laminate out of the channel resulting in loss of integrity of the structure. In '376, the glass held against the frame can be broken and crushed, causing a loss of structural integrity in the window/frame structure. In WO '269, inserting a stiff foreign body into the interlayer as described therein can set up the structure for failure at the interface where the polymer contacts the foreign body when subjected to severe stresses. [0009] WO 00/64670 describes glass laminates that utilize the interlayer as a structural element in glazing structures thereby providing greater structural integrity to the laminate during duress or after initial fracture of the glass. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0010] In one aspect, the present invention is a glazing element useful for exterior pressure plate glazing comprising a transparent laminate and an attachment means for attaching the laminate to a support structure wherein: (1) the laminate comprises at least one layer of glass bonded directly to a thermoplastic polymer interlayer on at least one surface of the glass; (2) the interlayer extends beyond at least one edge of the laminate; (3) one surface of the extended portion of the interlayer is bonded to at least one surface of the attachment means; (4) another surface of the extended portion of the interlayer is bonded to the glass; (5) the attachment means is a clip useful for aligning and holding the laminate in a retaining channel of the support structure; (6) the clip further comprises at least one interlocking extension useful for restricting rotational and/or transverse movement of the laminate within the channel and/or movement of the laminate out of the channel. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0011] FIG. 1 is a conventional glass laminate in a frame. [0012] FIG. 2 is a glass/plastic/glass laminate of the present invention comprising a thermoplastic interlayer, wherein the laminate is held in a channel formed from a mullion and a pressure plate, the laminate being held in place with the assistance of an attachment means bonded to the thermoplastic interlayer. [0013] FIG. 3 depicts a glazing element having a reduced moment arm compared with the glazing element of FIG. 2 due to a redesigned pressure plate. [0014] FIG. 4 depicts a glazing element comprising an attachment means having two symmetrical extensions and a redesigned mullion having recesses for accepting and constraining one of the extensions. [0015] FIG. 5 depicts an attachment clip having two symmetrical extensions and a flattened surface. [0016] FIG. 6 depicts an attachment clip having two extensions that are not identical. [0017] FIG. 7 depicts an attachment clip having one extension and an adhesive applied inside the channel to restrict rocking of the glazing under negative pressure. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0018] FIG. 1 shows a conventional laminate comprising glass ( 1 ), a thermoplastic interlayer ( 2 ) and glass ( 3 ), the glass being attached to a frame ( 4 ) through an intermediary adhesive layer ( 5 ) which is typically a gasket, putty, sealant tape, or silicone sealant. [0019] The present invention is a glass laminate system that utilizes the interlayer for the purpose of attaching the laminate to the support structure, as described in WO 00/64670, hereby incorporated by reference. In a process for producing glazing units for architectural applications that incorporate the interlayer as a structural element of the glazing, it has now been found that attaching the interlayer of a glass laminate to a support structure for the laminate can provide glazing units having improved strength and structural integrity against severe threats. The present invention relates to glazing elements that are constructed for exterior pressure plate glazing applications and which utilize the interlayer to attach to the structural support. [0020] In a conventional exterior pressure plate glazing application, the glazing element is typically inserted into a frame, which comprises a mullion and a pressure plate. The mullion and pressure plate are useful for the purpose of providing an attachment for the glazing element to the building or structure being fitted with the glazing element. The pressure plate is used in concert with the mullion to hold the glazing element securely in place in the frame. The pressure plate is attached to the mullion using a fastener. [0021] In one embodiment, the glazing element of this invention comprises a support structure capable of supporting a glazing structure comprising a laminate having at least one layer of glass and at least one thermoplastic polymer interlayer that is self-adhered directly to at least one surface of the glass. By self-adhered, it is meant that the interlayer/glass interface does not require and therefore possibly may not include any intervening layers of adhesives and/or glass surface pre-treatment to obtain bonding suitable for use as a safety glass. In some applications it is preferable that there is no intervening film or adhesive layer. [0022] Thermoplastic polymers useful in the practice of the present invention should have properties that allow the interlayer to provide conventional advantages to the glazing, such as transparency to light, adhesion to glass, and other known and desirable properties of an interlayer material. In this regard, conventional interlayer materials can be suitable for use herein. Conventional interlayer materials include thermoplastic polymers. Suitable polymers include, for example: polyvinylbutyrals (PVB); polyvinyl chlorides (PVC); polyurethanes (PUR); polyvinyl acetate; ethylene acid copolymers and their ionomers; polyesters; copolyesters; polyacetals; and others known in the art of manufacturing glass laminates. Blended materials using any compatible combination of these materials can be suitable, as well. In addition, a suitable interlayer material for use in the practice of the present invention should be able to resist tearing away from a support structure under extreme stress. A sheet of a suitable polymer for use in the practice of the present invention has a high modulus, excellent tear strength and excellent adhesion directly to glass. As such, a suitable interlayer material or material blend should have a Storage Young's Modulus of at least 50 MPa at temperatures up to about 40° C. It can be useful to vary the thickness of the interlayer in order to enhance the tear strength, for example. [0023] While many conventional thermoplastic polymers can be suitable for use in the practice of the present invention, preferably the polymer is an ethylene acid copolymer. More preferably the thermoplastic polymer is an ethylene acid copolymer obtained by the copolymerization of ethylene and a α,β-unsaturated carboxylic acid, or derivatives thereof. Suitable derivatives of acids useful in the practice of the present invention are known to those skilled in the art, and include esters, salts, anhydrides, amides, nitrites, and the like. Acid copolymers can be fully or partially neutralized to the salt (or partial salt). Fully or partially neutralized acid copolymers are known conventionally as ionomers. Suitable copolymers can include an optional third monomeric constituent that can be an ester of an ethylenically unsaturated carboxylic acid. Suitable acid copolymers useful in the practice of the present invention can be purchased commercially from, for example, E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Company under the trade names of Surlyn® and Nucrel®, for example. [0024] In the practice of the present invention the edges of the interlayer can be attached either directly to a support structure or indirectly to the support structure by way of an attachment means. As contemplated in the practice of the present invention, a support structure can be any structural element or any combination of structural elements that hold the glazing element in place on the building or support the weight of the glazing element. The support structure can comprise a frame, bolt, screw, wire, cable, nail, staple, and/or any conventional means for holding or supporting a glazing element, or any combination thereof. In the present invention, “support structure” can mean the complete or total support structure, or it can refer to a particular structural component or element of the complete support structure. One skilled in the art of glazing manufacture will know from the context which specific meaning to apply. Direct attachment of the interlayer, as contemplated herein, means a direct attachment of the laminate to the support structure or any element thereof wherein the interlayer is in direct and consistent contact with the support structure. Direct attachment of the interlayer to the support can be from the top, sides, bottom, or through the interlayer material. By indirect attachment it is meant any mode of attachment wherein the interlayer does not have direct contact with the support structure, but does have contact with the support structure through at least one intervening structural component of the glazing element. Indirect attachment of the interlayer to the support structure by way of an attachment means is most preferable in the practice of the present invention. The attachment means can be any means for holding or constraining the glass laminate into a frame or other support structure. [0025] In a preferred embodiment, the attachment means is an attachment clip that can be bonded to an extended portion of the interlayer by a bonding process. In the practice of the present invention there is no direct contact intended between the clip and any portion of the glass layer(s) of the laminate, and any such contact is incidental. In any event, it can be preferred to minimize contact between the clip and the glass in order to reduce glass fracture under stress or during movement of the laminate in the support structure. To that end, the portion of the interlayer that extends from the edges of the laminate preferably forms an intervening layer between the clip and the glass layer such that the clip does not contact the glass. The surface of the clip that contacts the interlayer can be smooth, but preferably the surface of the clip has at least one projection and/or one recessed area, and more preferably several projections and/or recessed areas, which can provide additional surface area for bonding as well as a mechanical interlocking mechanism with the interlayer to enhance the effectiveness of the adhesive bonding between the clip and the interlayer, thereby providing a laminate/clip assembly with greater structural integrity. [0026] In another embodiment, a conventional glass laminate unit can be used to create a laminate glazing unit of the present invention. To achieve the same or similar effect as in other embodiments, the interlayer material can be bonded to the thermoplastic material without the necessity of actually extending the interlayer beyond the edges of the laminate. In this embodiment, strips of thermoplastic polymer material suitable for bonding to the thermoplastic interlayer can be positioned on the periphery of the laminate and heated to promote melting, or flow, of the interlayer and the thermoplastic polymer on the periphery of the laminate such that the two materials come into direct contact and become blended. Upon cooling below the melting point of the polymers, the two materials will be bonded to one another and thus be available to perform the bonding function between the glass and the attachment means. Other processes for bonding the interlayer to the attachment means can be contemplated and within the scope of the present invention if the interlayer is effectively extended outside the edges of the laminate by that process. The thermoplastic polymer can be the same polymer as used for the interlayer, or it can be a different material that forms a strong enough bond with the interlayer material under the process conditions used. In a preferred embodiment bonding the thermoplastic strips to the glass of the laminate and to the attachment means can be performed simultaneously. [0027] A bonding process suitable for use in the practice of the present invention is any wherein the interlayer can be bonded to the attachment means. In the present invention, by “bonding” it is meant that the interlayer and the attachment means form a bond that results in adhesion between the attachment means and the interlayer. Bonding can be accomplished by physical means or by chemical means, or by a combination of both. Physical bonding, for the purposes of the present invention, is adhesion that results from interaction of the interlayer with the attachment means wherein the chemical nature of the interlayer and/or the attachment means is unchanged at the surfaces where the adhesion exists. For example, adhesion that results from intermolecular forces, wherein covalent chemical bonds are neither created nor destroyed, is an example of physical bonding. Chemical bonding, according to the present invention, would require forming and/or breaking covalent chemical bonds at the interface between the interlayer and the attachment means in order to produce adhesion. [0028] The bonding process of the present invention preferably comprises the step of applying heat to the clip while it is in direct contact with the interlayer, that is, applying heat or energy to a clip/interlayer assembly such that the polymeric interlayer and the clip are bonded at the interface where the clip and interlayer are in contact. Without being held to theory, it is believed that this results in a physical bonding rather than a chemical bonding. Application of heat in the bonding process can be accomplished by various methods, including the use of: a heated tool; microwave energy; or ultrasound to heat the interlayer and/or the attachment clip and promote bonding. Preferably the clip/interlayer assembly can be bonded at a temperature of less than about 175° C., more preferably at a temperature of less than about 165° C. Most preferably, the clip/interlayer assembly can be bonded at a temperature of from about 125° C. to about 150° C. Once bonded, the clip/interlayer/laminate form a laminate/clip assembly that can be fitted or otherwise attached to a frame or other support structure. [0029] A clip that is suitable for use in the practice of the present invention has a mechanical interlocking extension that can, by interlocking with the support structure, reduce the motion available to the laminate in the channel of a frame, or against any other rigid support structure member. The extension member of the clip can thereby reduce the force of the rigid support structure against the laminate and also assist in holding the laminate in or to the support structure. The extension member can have various forms and/or shapes to accomplish its function. For example, the extension member can form part of a ball and socket; it can form a “C”, an “L”, or a “T” shape to hold it into the support structure, or it can be any sort of extension arm such as a hook or a clamp, for example. Any design of the extension member, which accomplishes the function of facilitating the laminate being held into the support structure, is contemplated as within the scope of the present invention. [0030] For the purposes of this invention, a laminate/clip assembly of the present invention is said to be attached to a support structure if the assembly is nailed, screwed, bolted, glued, slotted, tied or otherwise constrained from becoming detached from the structure. Preferably, a laminate/clip assembly of the present invention is geometrically and/or physically constrained within a channel formed by elements of a conventional framing structure. In the practice of the present invention, a conventional framing structure comprises a mullion which functions to attach and hold a glazing element to a building, for example. A framing structure useful in the practice of the present invention can comprise a pressure plate and a fastener which functions to hold a glazing element in place against the mullion. Use of pressure plates and mullions in the glazing art for exterior glazing is conventional. [0031] In one of the preferred embodiments of the present invention, depicted in FIG. 2 , a glazing element ( 1 ) comprises: a glass ( 2 ) /interlayer ( 3 ) /glass ( 2 ) laminate; and an attachment clip ( 4 ). The glazing element is contacted by gaskets ( 7 ), which assist in holding the glazing element in a channel formed by a mullion ( 5 ) and a pressure plate ( 6 ). The attachment clip comprises an interlocking extension ( 9 ), which projects outward and away from the outer edge of the laminate. The arm can function to restrict the movement of the glazing element within the frame channel ( 10 ) by cutting down on the rocking motion available to the laminate upon being subjected to positive pressure at the surfaces of the laminate. In addition, the arm can assist in keeping the laminate from being pulled out by movement of the glazing element from side to side. The fastener ( 11 ) holds the pressure plate and mullion together, and can be tightened or loosened to apply more or less pressure to the gaskets holding the glazing element. A thermal separator ( 12 ) can be used for temperature insulation. The design depicted in FIG. 2 results in a laminate that can withstand either severe positive pressure or negative pressure loads. The clip can optionally comprise an engagement hook at the end of the extension, to assist in retaining the laminate in the frame channel. [0032] In another embodiment depicted in FIG. 3 , the glazing element shown therein is identical to the glazing element of FIG. 2 . The mullion and pressure plate are identical to FIG. 2 except that the shape of the thermal separator ( 12 ) has been redesigned and inverted in order to reduce the moment arm of the glazing element. The reduced moment arm can further restrict the movement in the channel in a manner that can prevent sufficient force being generated to damage the laminate and/or allow the laminate to be pulled from the structure. [0033] In another embodiment depicted in FIG. 4 , the glazing element is identical to the glazing element of FIG. 3 , except that the attachment clip ( 4 a ) comprises a second extension arm ( 13 ), which functions to further promote retention of the glazing element in the channel ( 10 ) whether subject to either positive or negative pressure. The mullion of FIG. 4 has a recess ( 14 ) to accept the additional extension arm. [0034] In another preferred embodiment depicted in FIG. 5 , the glazing element is identical to the glazing element of FIG. 3 , except that the attachment clip ( 4 b ) has a flattened surface, which is more amenable to the application of heat during the clip/interlayer bonding process. The modified design of the clip in FIG. 5 can result in greater glass capture or glass bite, of the laminate in the frame, which can result in greater structural integrity for the glazing element. The mullion of FIG. 5 is identical to the mullion of FIG. 4 . [0035] In still another preferred embodiment shown in FIG. 6 , the glazing element is identical to the glazing element of FIG. 3 , except that the attachment clip ( 4 c ) comprises a second extension arm ( 13 a ) that is shorter than extension arm ( 9 ), and functions to promote retention of the glazing element in the channel ( 10 ) whether subject to either positive or negative pressure. The mullion of FIG. 6 is identical to the mullion of FIG. 3 . [0036] In still another preferred embodiment shown in FIG. 7 , the glazing element is identical to the glazing element of FIG. 3 , except that the attachment clip ( 4 ) is bonded to the mullion by an adhesive ( 14 ). While an adhesive is optional in the practice of the present invention, use of an adhesive in this manner does not require great skill and technical prowess to apply the adhesive because the adhesive is not visible outside of the frame of the glazing element. [0037] A laminate of the present invention has excellent durability, impact resistance, toughness, and resistance by the interlayer to cuts inflicted by glass once the glass is shattered. A laminate of the present invention is particularly useful in architectural applications in buildings subjected to hurricanes and windstorms. A laminate of the present invention that is attached or mounted in a frame by way of the interlayer is not torn from the frame after such stress or attack. A laminate of the present invention also has a low haze and excellent transparency. These properties make glazing elements of the present invention useful as architectural glass, including use for reduction of solar rays, sound control, safety, and security, for example. [0038] In a preferred embodiment, the interlayer is positioned between the glass plates such that the interlayer is exposed in such a manner that it can be attached to the surrounding frame. The interlayer can be attached to the support structure in a continuous manner along the perimeter of the laminate. Alternatively, the interlayer can be attached to the structural support in a discontinuous manner at various points around the perimeter of the laminate. Any manner of attaching the laminate to the frame by way of the interlayer is considered to be within the scope of the present invention. For example, the frame surrounding the laminate can contain interlayer material that can bond with the laminate and also with the frame; the laminate can be mechanically anchored to the frame with a screw, hook, nail, or clamp, for example. Mechanical attachment includes any physical constraint of the laminate by slotting, fitting, or molding a support to hold the interlayer in place within the structural support. [0039] Air can be removed from between the layers of the laminate, and the interlayer can be bonded, or adhered, to the glass plates by conventional means, including applying heat and pressure to the structure. In a preferred embodiment, the interlayer can be bonded without applying increased pressure to the structure. [0040] One preferred laminate of this invention is a transparent laminate comprising two layers of glass and an intermediate thermoplastic polymer interlayer self-adhered to at least one of the glass surfaces. The interlayer preferably has a Storage Young's Modulus of 50-1,000 MPa (mega Pascals) at 0.3 Hz and 25° C., and preferably from about 100 to about 500 MPa, as determined according to ASTM D 5026-95a. The interlayer should remain in the 50-1,000 MPa range of its Storage Young's Modulus at temperatures up to 40° C. [0041] The laminate can be prepared according to conventional processes known in the art. For example, in a typical process, the interlayer is placed between two pieces of annealed float glass of dimension 12″×12″ (305 mm×305 mm) and 2.5 mm nominal thickness, which have been washed and rinsed in demineralized water. The glass/interlayer/glass assembly is then heated in an oven set at 90-100° C. for 30 minutes. Thereafter, it is passed through a set of nip rolls (roll pressing) so that most of the air in the void spaces between the glass and the interlayer may be squeezed out, and the edge of the assembly sealed. The assembly at this stage is called a pre-press. The pre-press is then placed in an air autoclave where the temperature is raised to 135° C. and the pressure raised to 200 psig (14.3 bar). These conditions are maintained for 20 minutes, after which, the air is cooled while no more air is added to the autoclave. After 20 minutes of cooling when the air temperature in the autoclave is less than 50° C., the excess air pressure is vented. Obvious variants of this process will be known to those of ordinary skill in the art of glass lamination, and these obvious variants are contemplated as suitable for use in the practice of the present invention. [0042] Preferably, the interlayer of the laminate is a sheet of an ionomer resin, wherein the ionomer resin is a water insoluble salt of a polymer of ethylene and methacrylic acid or acrylic acid, containing about 14-24% by weight of the acid and about 76-86% by weight of ethylene. The ionomer further characterized by having about 10-80% of the acid neutralized with a metallic ion, preferably a sodium ion, and the ionomer has a melt index of about 0.5-50. Melt index is determined at 190° C. according to ASTM D1238. The preparation of ionomer resins is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,404,134. Known methods can be used to obtain an ionomer resin with suitable optical properties. However, current commercially available acid copolymers do not have an acid content of greater than about 20%. If the behavior of currently available acid copolymer and ionomer resins can predict the behavior of resins having higher acid content, then high acid resins should be suitable for use herein. [0043] Haze and transparency of laminates of this invention are measured according to ASTM D-1003-61 using a Hazeguard XL211 hazemeter or Hazeguard Plus Hazemeter (BYK Gardner-USA). Percent haze is the diffusive light transmission as a percent of the total light transmission. To be considered suitable for architectural and transportation uses. The interlayer of the laminates generally is required to have a transparency of at least 90% and a haze of less than 5%. [0044] In the practice of the present invention, use of a primer or adhesive layer can be optional. Elimination of the use of a primer can remove a process step and reduce the cost of the process, which can be preferred. [0045] Standard techniques can be used to form the resin interlayer sheet. For example, compression molding, injection molding, extrusion and/or calendaring can be used. Preferably, conventional extrusion techniques are used. In a typical process, an ionomer resin suitable for use in the present invention can include recycled ionomer resin as well as virgin ionomer resin. Additives such a colorants, antioxidants and UV stabilizers can be charged into a conventional extruder and melt blended and passed through a cartridge type melt filter for contamination removal. The melt can be extruded through a die and pulled through calendar rolls to form sheet about 0.38-4.6 mm thick. Typical colorants that can be used in the ionomer resin sheet are, for example, a bluing agent to reduce yellowing or a whitening agent or a colorant can be added to color the glass or to control solar light. [0046] The polymer sheet after extrusion can have a smooth surface but preferably has a roughened surface to effectively allow most of the air to be removed from between the surfaces in the laminate during the lamination process. This can be accomplished for example, by mechanically embossing the sheet after extrusion or by melt fracture during extrusion of the sheet and the like. Air can be removed from between the layers of the laminate by any conventional method such as nip roll pressing, vacuum bagging, or autoclaving the pre-laminate structure. [0047] The Figures do not represent all variations thought to be within the scope of the present invention. One of ordinary skill in the art of glazing manufacture would know how to incorporate the teachings of the present invention into the conventional art without departing from the scope of the inventions described herein. Any variation of glass/interlayer/glass laminate assembly wherein a frame can be attached to the interlayer—either directly or indirectly through an intermediary layer, for example an adhesive layer, is believed to be within the scope of the present invention. [0048] For architectural uses a laminate can have two layers of glass and an interlayer of a thermoplastic polymer. Multilayer interlayers are conventional and, can be suitable for use herein, provided that at least one of the layers can be attached to the support structure as described herein. A laminate of the present invention can have an overall thickness of about 3-30 mm. The interlayer can have a thickness of about 0.38-4.6 mm and each glass layer can be at least 1 mm thick. In a preferred embodiment, the interlayer is self-adhered directly to the glass, that is, an intermediate adhesive layer or coating between the glass and the interlayer is not used. Other laminate constructions can be used such as, for example, multiple layers of glass and thermoplastic interlayers; or a single layer of glass with a thermoplastic polymer interlayer, having adhered to the interlayer a layer of a durable transparent plastic film. Any of the above laminates can be coated with conventional abrasion resistant coatings that are known in the art. [0049] The frame and/or the attachment means can be fabricated from a variety of materials such as, for example: wood; aluminum; steel; and various strong plastic materials including polyvinyl chloride and nylon. Depending on the material used and the type of installation, the frame may or may not be required to overlay the laminate in order to obtain a fairly rigid adhesive bond between the frame and the laminate interlayer. [0050] The frame can be selected from the many available frame designs in the glazing art. The laminate can be attached, or secured, to the frame with or without use of an adhesive material. It has been found that an interlayer made from ionomer resin self-adheres securely to most frame materials, such as wood, steel, aluminum and plastics. In some applications it may be desirable to use additional fasteners such as screws, bolts, and clamps along the edge of the frame. Any means of anchoring the attachment means to the frame is suitable for use in the present invention. [0051] In preparing the glazing elements of this invention, autoclaving can be optional. Steps well known in the art such as: roll pressing; vacuum ring or bag pre-pressing; or vacuum ring or bagging; can be used to prepare the laminates of the present invention. In any case, the component layers are brought into intimate contact and processed into a final laminate, which is free of bubbles and has good optics and adequate properties to insure laminate performance over the service life of the application. In these processes the objective is to squeeze out or force out a large portion of the air from between the glass and plastic layer(s). In one embodiment the frame can serve as a vacuum ring. The application of external pressure, in addition to driving out air, brings the glass and plastic layers into direct contact and adhesion develops. [0052] For architectural uses in coastal areas, the laminate of glass/interlayer/glass must pass a simulated hurricane impact and cycling test which measures resistance of a laminate to debris impact and wind pressure cycling. A currently acceptable test is performed in accordance to the South Florida Building Code Chapter 23, section 2315 Impact tests for wind born debris. Fatigue load testing is determined according to Table 23-F of section 2314.5, dated 1994. This test simulates the forces of the wind plus air born debris impacts during severe weather, e.g., a hurricane. A sample 35 inches×50 inches (88.9×127 cm) of the laminate is tested. The test consists of two impacts on the laminate (one in the center of the laminate sample followed by a second impact in a corner of the laminate). The impacts are done by launching a 9-pound (4.1 kilograms) board nominally 2 inches (5 cm) by 4 inches (10 cm) and 8 feet (2.43 meters) long at 50 feet/second (15.2 meters/second) from an air pressure cannon. If the laminate survives the above impact sequence, it is subjected to an air pressure cycling test. In this test, the laminate is securely fastened to a chamber. In the positive pressure test, the laminate with the impact side outward is fastened to the chamber and a vacuum is applied to the chamber and then varied to correspond with the cycling sequences set forth in Table 1. The pressure cycling schedule, shown in Table 1, is specified as a fraction of the maximum pressure (P). In this test P equals 70 PSF (pounds per square foot), or 3360 Pascals. Each cycle of the first 3500 cycles and subsequent cycles is completed in about 1-3 seconds. On completion of the positive pressure test sequence, the laminate is reversed with the impact side facing inward to the chamber for the negative pressure portion of the test and a vacuum is applied corresponding to the following cycling sequence. The values are expressed as negative values (−). [0000] TABLE 1 Number of Pressure Range [pounds Air Pressure Pressure per Cycles Schedule* square foot (Pascals)] Positive Pressure (inward acting) 3,500 0.2 P to 0.5 P 14 to 35 (672-1680 Pascals) 300 0.0 P to 0.6 P 0 to 42 (0-2016 Pascals) 600 0.5 P to 0.8 P 35 to 56 (1680-2688 Pascals) 100 0.3 P to 1.0 P 21 to 70 (1008-3360 Pascals) Negative Pressure (outward acting) 50 −0.3 P to −1.0 P −21 to −70 (−1008 to −3360 Pascals) 1,060 −0.5 P to −0.8 P −35 to −56 (−1680 to −2688 Pascals) 50   0.0 P to −0.6 P −0 to −42 (0 to −2016 Pascals) 3,350 −0.2 P to −0.5 P −14 to −35 (−672 to −1680 Pascals) *Absolute pressure level where P is 70 pounds per square foot (3360 Pascals). [0053] A laminate passes the impact and cycling test when there are no tears or openings over 5 inches (12.7 cm) in length and not greater than 1/16 inch (0.16 cm) in width. [0054] Other applications may require additional testing to determine whether the glazing is suitable for that particular application. A glazing membrane and corresponding support structure can fail by one of three failure modes: 1.The glazing membrane breaches (a tear or hole develops) as a result of a force being applied to the glazing or surrounding structure. 2. The glazing membrane pulls away or from the support structure losing mechanical integrity such that the glazing membrane no longer provides the intended function, generally a barrier. 3. The support structure fails by loss of integrity within its makeup or loss of integrity between the support structure and the surrounding structure occurs. Only failure modes 1 and/or 2 defined above are the subject of the present invention. [0058] The best-optimized system is defined herein as one where no failure occurs in any component/subcomponent of the glazing system when the maximum expected ‘threat’ is applied to the glazing system. When some threshold is exceeded, the ideal failure mode is one where a balance is achieved between failure modes 1 and 2 above. If the glazing membrane itself can withstand substantially more applied force or energy then the support structure has capability to retain the glazing, then the glazing ‘infill’ is over-designed or the glazing support structure is under-designed. The converse is also true. EXAMPLES [0059] The Examples are for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to limit the scope of the invention. Examples 1 through 3 and Comparative Examples C1 through C3 [0060] Conventional glass laminates were prepared by the following method. Two sheets of annealed glass having the dimensions of 300 mm×300 mm (12 inches square) were washed with de-ionized water and dried. A sheet (2.3 mm thick) of ionomer resin composed of 81% ethylene, 19% methacrylic acid, with 37% of the acid neutralized and having sodium ion as the counter-ion, and having a melt index of 2 was placed between two pieces of glass. A nylon vacuum bag was placed around the prelaminate assembly to allow substantial removal of air from within (air pressure inside the bag was reduced to below 100 millibar absolute). The bagged prelaminate was heated in a convection air oven to 120° C. and held for 30 minutes. A cooling fan was used to cool the laminate to ambient temperature and the laminate was disconnected from the vacuum source and the bag removed yielding a fully bonded laminate of glass and interlayer. [0061] Laminates of the present invention were prepared in the same manner as above with the following exception. In some of the examples a triangular-shaped ‘corner-box’ retaining assembly as depicted in FIGS. 6 and 9 of the present application, having a wall thickness of 0.2 mm and dimensions of 50 mm×50 mm×71 mm (inside opening of 10 mm) was placed on each corner of the laminate after fitting pieces of ionomer sheet (2.3 mm thickness) within the inside of the box thereby ‘lining’ the inside. The assembly was placed into the vacuum bag and the process above was carried out to directly ‘bond’ the attachment to the interlayer. To better insure that the laminates were free of void areas, that is entrained bubbles, areas of non-contact between the ionomer and glass surface and that good flow and contact was made between the ionomer and the inside of the ‘corner-box’ all laminates were then placed in an air autoclave for further processing. The pressure and temperature inside the autoclave was increased from ambient to 135° C. and 200 psi in a period of 15 minutes. This temperature and pressure was held for 30 minutes and then the temperature was decreased to 40° C. within a 20-minute period whereby the pressure was lowered to ambient atmospheric pressure and the unit was removed. [0062] A test apparatus similar to that described in SAE Recommended Practice J-2568 (attached as Appendix) was assembled to measure the degree of membrane integrity. The apparatus consisted of a hydraulic cylinder with integral load cell driving a hemispherical metal ram (200 mm diameter) into the center of each glazing sample in a perpendicular manner, measuring the force/deflection characteristics. Deflection was measured with a string-potentiometer attached to the ram. The glazing sample was supported either by a metal frame capturing the sample around the periphery, only at the corners or any configuration where performance information is desired. The data acquisition was done via an interface to a computer system with the appropriate calibration factors. Further treatment of the data was then possible to calculate the Maximum Applied Force (F max ) in Newtons (N), and the deflection. Integration of the data enabled the derivation the total energy expended in reaching a failure point of the glazing or supporting conditions. Testing of the laminates was done after fracturing the laminate in order to more accurately measure the load-bearing capability of the interlayer attachment system. [0063] Example C1 was an annealed glass plate (10 mm) that was stressed until fracture. The test glazing had a standard installation with all four sides captured by the frame using a typical amount of edge capture (that is, overlap of the frame and glass), and lined with an elastomeric gasket. [0064] Example C2 was a 90-mil polyvinylbutyral (PVB) laminate that was prefractured. The laminate construction was a typical patch plate design. [0065] Example C3 was a 90-mil SentryGlas® Plus (SGP) laminate that was prefractured and constructed with a typical patch plate design. [0066] Example 1 was a laminate of the present invention, using a 90-mil SentryGlas® Plus interlayer that was prefractured and constructed with a full perimeter attachment design (that is, the interlayer was attached to the frame around the full perimeter of the laminate). [0067] Example 2 was the same as Example 1, except that it was constructed with a corner attachment design. [0068] Example 3 was the same as Example 2, except that a 180-mil SentryGlas® Plus laminate that was used. [0069] To measure the relative performance of a glazing membrane capacity against an applied force/energy and the capability for the glazing support structure (or means) to retain the glazing the following testing was performed. The displacement (D), which is defined as the distance traveled by the ram from engaging the laminate to the point of laminate failure, was measured. The membrane strength to integrity (S/R) ratio was measured. The S/R ratio is defined as the ratio of the applied energy required to cause a failure in a given laminate over the applied energy required to break C1. The performance benefit (B) over the traditional patch plate design was calculated by dividing the applied energy required for failure in the laminate by the applied energy required to for failure in C3. The resulting data is supplied in Table 2. [0000] TABLE 2 F max Ex D (mm) (N) S/R B C1 9 5284 1 .02 C2 122 108 22 .5 C3 65 939 45 1 1 80 11595 408 9.1 2 80 7243 274 6.1 3 90 9003 452 10.0 Examples 4 through 10 and Comparative Example C4 [0070] Laminates were prepared using 9/16″ thick laminated glass incorporating 0.090″ thick SentryGlas® Plus, available from E.I DuPont de Nemours and Company (DuPont) and ¼″ heat strengthened glass. In all but one respect this is a common glazing alternative used in commercial glazing applications for large missile impact resistance. The improvement over the existing industry standards is the attachment means used, that is, bonding of aluminum profiles to the laminated glass' interlayer edge with a contact-heating device. The aluminum profile was a “u” channel shape with a leg extending from the base of the “u” engaging an interlocking profile design in a custom extruded pressure plate. The 12″ long aluminum profiles were positioned around the glass edge in strategic locations to determine the most optimal location for load transfer within the glazed system. The attachment means geometry used for design validation was purposely designed to minimally impact the framing system into which it was installed. Because of this, the structural performance on inward acting air pressure cyclical loads behaved differently within the system than outward acting air pressure loads. This allowed for validation that the design of the attachment means of the present invention did indeed provide a substantial improvement over conventionally dry glazed systems. [0071] Eight different individual test specimens were subjected to the test procedures required for large missile impact resistance with the location of the attachment means of the present invention varying with each test specimen. Example C4 was tested without any attachments of the present invention to define a baseline performance standard for a dry-glazed application with ½″ glass bite. Each test specimen was 63″ wide×120″ high and was mounted in a steel test frame to simulate a punched opening installation in a building. [0072] All of the tested specimens passed the required impact resistance with a 2″×4″ wooden missile weighing 9# and traveling at 50 feet/second. The results of the cycling test for the various test specimens are shown in Table 3. Pressure cycling was conducted according to the Pressure Schedule shown in Table 1. A laminate of the present invention is given a passing mark for (+) load if the laminate holds in the support structure at 4500 cycles in the positive load direction and a passing mark in the (−) load direction at 4500 cycles in the negative load direction. The test laminates (with the exception of the comparative example) were designed so that the attachment means of the present invention was only engaged in the (+) load direction, and retention under negative load would be nearly identical to conventional laminates. [0073] The units that failed in the negative load direction demonstrated precisely how much of an improvement the attachment means provided the installation. Given that without the attachment means, the limitation for a framing of this type, dry-glazed, with ½″ glass bite is about a 50 PSF design pressure differential. Through testing at least a doubling of the effective design pressure differential to 100 PSF was demonstrated. It is contemplated that higher-pressure loads would have been obtainable had the interior extruded aluminum profiles been designed to accept the attachment clips as well. [0000] TABLE 3 Ex Pressure Results Cycles (no.) C4  +/−50 PSF Passed +/− loads 9000 4 +/−100 PSF Failed + load 4424 5 +/−100 PSF Failed + load 3800 6 +/−100 PSF Failed + load 4416 7 +/−100 PSF Passed + load 4509 8 +/−100 PSF Passed + load 4502 9 +/−100 PSF Failed + load 4409 10  +/−100 PSF Passed + load 4500 Examples 11 through 15, C5 and C6 [0074] Laminates of the present invention were constructed similarly to FIGS. 2 and 3 (Examples 1-13) and FIGS. 4 and 5 (Examples 14 and 15). The tensile force required to failure was measured on unbroken laminates and on intentionally broken laminates. Examples 13 and 14 utilized aluminum (Al) frames which were modified with grooves to allow the polymer to flow into channels in the surface of the frames, creating additional mechanical interlocking of polymer to frame. The results are shown in Table 4. [0000] TABLE 4 Pre-test Tensile Example Frame Style Damage Force (lbs) C5 gasket unbroken 24.7 C6 silicone unbroken 40.7 11 Aluminum unbroken 265.9 12 Aluminum broken 166.7 13 Al (grooved) broken 77.4 14 Al (grooved) unbroken 440.1 15 Aluminum broken 210.4
This invention is an architectural glazing structure for exterior mounting that is a glass laminate having enhanced resistance to being pulled from a frame upon being subjected to severe positive and/or negative pressure loads. This invention is particularly suitable for architectural structures having windows that can be subjected to the extreme conditions prevalent in a hurricane, or window that can be placed under severe stress from repeated forceful blows to the laminate.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates generally to improvements in key-exchangeable locks and, it relates more particularly to an improved lock mechanism permitting the reliable performance of a key-exchanging procedure without any improper operation during the course of such procedure. With the key-exchangeable lock of the prior art, an error in the sequence of the key-exchanging procedure not only makes it impossible to exchange the existing key to a desired new key but also results in the disabling of the releasing mechanism and it has usually been necessary to then disassemble the lock and to reassemble the tumblers. Such a lock has been disclosed, for example, by U.S. Pat. No. 4,072,032. In this prior art lock, the centre around which the tumblers are rotated is displaceable and, as a consequence, the running plate is also movable even when the predetermined key does not assume the lock releasing position in which the tumblers are held at their released positions. As a result, an erroneous operation would bring the fence out of the gates of the tumblers so that the tumblers are disassembled. If the operator is not familiar with the proper sequence of the key-exchanging procedure, there is a danger that such an erroneous operation might often occur. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION A principal object of the present invention is to provide an improved key-exchangeable lock mechanism so constructed that any erroneous operation is eliminated and the key-exchange procedure can be reliably and easily achieved, the improved mechanism being simple and rugged and overcoming the disadvantages of the earlier structures. This object is achieved, according to the present invention, by an arrangement in a lock in which the centre around which the tumblers are rotated is displaced and whereby the desired key-exchange is effected wherein the rotational centre of the tumblers can neither be displaced nor fixed unless the tumblers are held by a predetermined key at their lock releasing positions. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a front elevational view of a key-exchangeable lock mechanism in accordance with the present invention as applied to a leased safe-deposit box provided with a client lock and a bank lock; FIG. 2 is a view similar to FIG. 1 but with the tumblers not illustrated; FIGS. 3 through 6 are schematic front views similar to FIG. 1 showing the essential successive steps in the key-exchanging operation for the client lock; FIGS. 7 through 10 are fragmentary schematic front views showing the important parts at the respective successive essential steps of the key-exchanging operation for the bank lock; and FIG. 11 is a rear perspective view showing the running plate and conversion shaft of the key-exchange mechanism. DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENT The present invention will be now described more in detail with reference to a preferred emobdiment as shown by the accompanying drawings. Referring to the drawings which illustrate a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the reference numeral 11 generally designates a lock housing in which all of the lock members are arranged and which is mounted on the door of a safe-deposit box. A locking bar 21 is formed and integrally movable with a running plate 22 so that the bar 21 may be advanced and projected out from and retracted into the lock housing 11. The running plate 22 is provided with fences 23, 24 and these fences 23, 24 cooperate with tumblers as will be hereinafter described, so as to prevent and to permit the retraction of said running plate 22. An opening 25 (FIG. 2) is formed in the running plate 22 to receive therein a conversion shaft and a tumbler supporting shaft as weill be described later. Reference numeral 31 designates tumblers for a client lock. Although only one of the tumblers 31 is shown for clarity of illustration, it should be understood that a plurality of tumblers are normally successively stacked preferably with spacers interposed between the respective pairs of adjacent tumblers. Each of the tumblers 31 is provided in its side opposed to the fence 23 with a gate 32 into which fence 23 can enter and provided along an end opposite to said gate 32 with engaging notches 34 in the form of saw-teeth. The engaging notches 34 can engage and disengage an associated one of two diametrically opposed projections formed on a supporting shaft 71 which is, in turn, stationarily mounted in the lock housing 11. When one of these engaging notches 34 engages the associated projection on supporting shaft 71, the tumblers 31 may be rotated or rocked around said one of the engaging notches 34. There is provided adjacent a middle and upper portion of the tumblers 31 a spring normally biasing tumblers 31 downward so that the tumblers 31 are biased to rotate counterclockwise so far as the engaging notches 34 are engaged with the supporting shaft 71. There is provided between the gate 32 and the engaging notches 34 a fan-shaped or curved opening 33 through which a conversion shaft 35 extends. The conversion shaft 35 is rotatably supported in the lock housing 11 and so formed as to be rotatable by a prescribed conversion key from the rear side of the lock housing 11. Further, the conversion shaft 35 includes an eccentric portion 36 adapted to bear against the right side concave surface of the opening 33 formed in the tumblers 31 when the conversion shaft 35 assumes its fixed position as shown by FIGS. 1 and 2, urging the tumblers 31 toward the supporting shaft 71 so that one of the engaging notches 34 may be engaged with the associated projection formed on the supporting shaft 71. There is provided between the opening 33, the conversion shaft 35 and the eccentric portion 36 a play sufficient to allow the tumblers 31 to be smoothly rotated around the engaging notches 34 but so limited as to prevent the engaging notches 34 from being disengaged from the associated projection on the supporting shaft 71. Reference numerals 37 and 38, respectively, designate a stop piece and a locking piece formed integrally with the conversion shaft 35 and located within an opening 25 adjacent the front side and adjacent the rear side, respectively, (FIG. 11). Reference numeral 41 designates a predetermined client key and reference numberal 42 designates a key guiding member rotatably supported in the lock housing 11 and adapted to receive and rotatably support the client key 41. Integrally formed with key guiding member 42 is an arm 43 to permit the running plate 22 to longitudinally slidably retract and advance along a given end surface of the opening 25 formed in running plate 22. The reference numeral 51 designates tumblers of the bank lock and although only one tumbler is shown for simplified illustration, there are normally provided a stacked plurality of such tumblers as in the case of the tumblers 31 for the client lock. Each of the tumblers 51 is provided along its left side edge with spaced engaging notches 54 in the form of saw-teeth and in its right side portion with an opening to receive the fence 24 and a gate 52 formed in continuity with said opening. The gate 52 allows the fence 24 to enter thereinto and allows the running plate 22 to be retracted. There is provided between the engaging notches 54 and the gate 52 a fan-shaped or arcuate opening 53. Selected engaging notch 54 releasably engages the other projection formed on the supporting shaft 71 and, when such engagement is established, the tumblers 51 are rotatable around the respective engaging notches 54. Adjacent the middle upper portion of the tumblers 51, there is provided a spring normally downwardly biasing the tumblers 51, so that the tumblers 51 are rockably biased clockwise when engaging notches 54 are engaged with said other projection on the supporting shaft 71. A conversion shaft 55 extends through the opening 25 of the running plate 22 and an opening 53 formed in the tumblers 51. Conversion shaft 55 is rotatably supported in the lock housing 11 and is rotatable by a predetermined conversion key from the rear side of the lock housing 11. Furthermore, the conversion shaft 55 is provided with an eccentric portion 56 which, at the normal position as shown by FIG. 1, bears against the left side surface of the opening 53, urging the tumblers 51 against the supporting shaft 71 so that one of the engaging notches 54 is engaged with the other projection on the supporting shaft 71. Between the opening 53, the conversion shaft 55 and the eccentric portion 56, there is provided a play sufficient to allow a smooth rotation of the tumblers 51 around the engaging notches 54 but limited so as to prevent the engaging notches 54 from being disengaged from said other projection. A stop piece 57 is formed integrally with the conversion shaft 55 and located within the opening 25 of the running plate 22 adjacent the front side thereof. A locking piece 58 is formed on stop piece 57 and located within the opening 25 adjacent the rear side thereof (FIG. 11). Reference numeral 61 designates a predetermined bank key and reference numeral 62 designates a key guiding member rotatably supported in the lock housing 11 and adapted to rotatably support bank key 61. Integrally with the key guiding member 62, there is formed a locking piece 63 located within a transverse extension of the running plate 22 in the direction of its thickness. Considering now the manner in which the safe-deposit box lock mechanism described above is manipulated and operated FIGS. 1 and 2 both correspond to the mechanism locked state. In this state, the fences 23, 24 are in engagement with the ends of the gates 32, 52, respectively, to block retraction of running plate 22 which is in its locked position so that the locking bar 21 cannot be retracted into the lock housing. The stop piece 37 has its upper end in engagement with the upper face of opening 25 so as to prevent the conversion shaft 35 from being further rotated while the stop piece 57 has its right end in engagement with the right face of opening 25 so as to prevent the conversion shaft 55 from being further rotated, so that both conversion shafts 35, 55 are held in their fixed positions. To unlock, the predetermined bank key 61 is inserted into the key guiding member 62 and then rotated clockwise until the key 61 is vertically oriented as viewed in the drawings. During such manipulation, the key crest of the bank key 61 bears against the lower ends of the tumblers 51, urging them upward and the tumblers 51 are rotated counterclockwise around the engaged notches 54. Thus the tumblers 51 are held at their unlocked positions at which the gate 52 is longitudinally aligned with the fence 24. Then, the prescribed client key 41 is inserted into the key guiding member 42 and rotated clockwise. The key crest of the client key 41 bears against the lower ends of the tumblers 31 and client key 41 is rotated to a substantially vertical orientation as viewed in the drawings so that the tumblers 31 are urged upward and rotated clockwise around the respective engaged notches 34. Thus the tumblers 31 are held at their unlocked positions at which the gate 32 is longitudinally aligned with the fence 23. During further clockwise rotation of the client key 41, the arm 43 comes in slidable contact with a given end surface of the opening 25 formed in the running plate 22, retracting the fence 23 into the gate 32 and the fence 24 into the gate 52 so that the running plate 22 is retracted thereby to its unlocked position. Concurrently, the locking bar 21 is retracted into the lock housing and unlocking is completed. After the bank key 61 is brought back to its lock position and withdrawn from the key guiding member, merely bringing the client key 41 back to its lock position causes the running plate 22 to be advanced to its lock position and causes, at the same time, the locking bar 21 to project from the lock housing. Concurrently, the fences 23, 24 leave the respective gates 32, 52 and the tumblers 31, 51 are rotated counterclockwise and clockwise, respectively, under the influence of the associated springs and automatically return to their lock positions as shown in FIG. 1. The manipulation and the operation which have been described hereinabove are identical to those of the prior safe-deposit box lock mechanism. Now a manner in which the key-exchange is accomplished will be described in detail. In the case of the embodiment as described above and as shown, the improved mechanism is adapted for mutually independent key-exchanges for the client lock and the bank lock. Accordingly an explanation will first be given for the key-exchange of the client lock which occurs more frequently than the key-exchange of the bank lock. As will be best seen in FIG. 2, the conversion shaft 35 is not rotatable when the running plate 22 occupies its lock position, since the stop piece 37 is substantially in engagement with both the upper and the lower opposing end faces of the opening 25. The client lock and the bank lock are released by the prescribed client and bank keys 41, 61, respectively, and the locking bar 21 is thus retracted into the lock housing. Consequently fence 23 enters gate 32 and running plate 22 has its engaging portion 26a (FIG. 11) formed on the left end surface of the opening 25 thereof as a part of the running plate 22, which is defined by a rear side half of its thickness, bearing against the outer periphery of locking piece 38 carried by the conversion shaft 35. Thus the running plate 22 is held at its unlock position (FIG. 3). So long as the running plate 22 is held at this unlock position, a widened zone of the opening 25 is approximately above conversion shaft 35 and, in consequence, stop piece 37 for the conversion shaft 35 is disengaged from the opening 25. The locking piece 38 is in the form of a sector projecting from the conversion shaft 35 and concentric with the axis of the conversion shaft 35. The outer peripheral surface of this sector is in contact with the engaging portion 26a which is correspondingly curved relative to said outer peripheral surface so that the locking piece 38 does not prevent the conversion shaft 35 from being rotated. Therefore, the conversion shaft 35 can be rotated counterclockwise by the conversion key from its fixed position as shown by FIG. 3. FIG. 4 shows the position for conversion at which the conversion shaft 35 has been rotated counterclockwise from its fixed position substantially by 90°. The conversion shaft 35 is prevented by a stop planted on the lock housing 11 from further counterclockwise rotation. During this rotation of the conversion shaft 35 substantially by 90°, the eccentric portion 36 which has been pressed against the right-hand surface of the opening 33 formed in the tumblers 31 now slidably bears against the left-hand surface of the opening 33 and thereby moves the tumblers 31 leftward. This movement causes the engaging notches 34 to disengage the associated projection on the supporting shaft 71 and the tumblers 31 become rotatable around a point at which the gate 32 bears against the fence 23 so that the tumblers 31 are rotated under the biasing effect of the associated spring until the lower end surfaces of the tumblers 31 come into contact with the key crest of the client key 41. After the conversion shaft 35 has been rotated to the position for conversion as shown by FIG. 4, the locking piece 38 parts from the engaging portion 26a and it becomes possible to further retract the running plate 22. FIG. 5 corresponds to the state in which the client key 41 has been further rotated clockwise and thereby the running plate 22 has been further retracted to the position for conversion. During said further clockwise rotation of the client key 41, the tumblers 31 with their lower end surfaces bearing against the key crest of the client key 41 are rotated around the point at which they bear against the fence 23. So far as the running plate 22 occupies the position for conversion, a lower step of the engaging portion 26a is engaged with a terminal step of the sector serving as the locking piece 38 and thereby prevents the conversion shaft 35 from being rotated clockwise. The conversion shaft 35 is thus held at the position for conversion. The key guiding member 42 is so shaped that it allows the key-exchange at the position for conversion as shown by FIG. 5 and at this position the client key 41 may be replaced by a new client key 41'. After the new client key 41' has been inserted into the key guiding member 42, this client key 41' is rotated counterclockwise. During this rotation, the tumblers 31 are lifted by the key crest of the client key 41' slidably bearing against the lower end surfaces of tumblers 31 and rotated around the point at which the gate 32 bears against the fence 23. The running plate 22 is advanced as the end surface of its opening 25 is urged by the arm 43. After the client key 41' has been rotated in the manner of normal unlocking manipulation to the unlock position at which the gate 32 of the tumblers 31 is aligned with the fehce 23, the engaging portion 26b (FIG. 11) formed in the opening 25 at its rear side is engaged with the locking piece 38 to block advancement of the running plate 22 and, as a result, the client key 41' cannot be further rotated counterclockwise. In this state, the step of the locking piece 38 is no longer engaged with the corresponding step of the engaging portion 26a and the conversion shaft 35 is therefore allowed to be rotated clockwise (FIG. 6). When the conversion shaft 35 is rotated clockwise by the key for conversion to its fixed position, the eccentric portion 36 is pressed against the right side surface of the opening 33 formed in the tumblers 31 and displaces the tumblers 31 with their lower end surfaces maintained in contact with the key crest of the client key 41' in such a direction that one of the engaging notches 34 comes into engagement with the associated projection on the supporting shaft 71. Upon engagement of said one notch with said projection, it becomes possible to advance the running plate 22 to the lock position and thus conversion of the axis around which the tumblers 31 are rotatable, namely, manipulation of key-exchange, is completed. With such manipulation as has been described hereinabove, the safe-deposit box can be locked and unlocked by use of the new client key 41'. In the key-exchange procedure for the bank lock, in the locking position as shown by FIG. 2, the engaging portion 57b of the stop piece 57 bears against the lower end surface of the opening 25 to prevent the conversion shaft 55 from being rotated counterclockwise while the engaging portion 57a of the stop piece 57 bears against the right-hand surface of the opening 25 formed in the running plate 22 to prevent the conversion shaft 55 from being rotated clockwise. Thus, the conversion shaft 55 is held at its fixed position. Also for the key-exchange of the bank lock, the safe-deposit box is unlocked by the prescribed bank and client keys 61, 41, first of all (FIG. 3). When the running plate 22 is retracted to the unlock position, the fence 24 enters into the gate 52 and the right end surface of the opening 25 parts from the engaging portion 57a so that the conversion shaft 55 can be rotated clockwise. Now the conversion shaft 55 is rotated clockwise by the conversion key substantially by 90° to the position for conversion. During this rotation, the eccentric portion 56 is slidably pressed against the right side surface of the opening 53 formed in the tumblers 51 and thereby moves the tumblers 51 rightward while the tumblers 51 are maintained along their lower end surfaces in contact with the key crest of the bank key 61. As the tumblers 51 are thus moved rightward, the engaging notches 54 are disengaged from the associated projection on the supporting shaft 71 and the tumblers 51 become rotatable around the point at which the gate 52 bears against the fence 24. Such a state is shown by FIG. 7. In this state, the engaging portion 57b of the locking piece 57 bears against the step of a recess 27a formed in the upper edge of the opening 25 on the front side so that, when the running plate 22 is advanced by rotating the client key 41 in the direction of locking, the conversion shaft 55 is rotated counterclockwise by the stop piece 57 back to the fixed position and thus the tumblers 51 are brought back to the positions as shown by FIG. 1. When the bank key 61 is rotated from the position as shown by FIG. 7 to the lock position, the tumblers 51 are rotated counterclockwise under the influence of the associated spring around the point at which the gate 52 bears against the fence 24. In this state, the locking piece 63 formed integrally with the key guiding member 62 is in engagement with the locking piece 58 for the conversion shaft 55 and thereby the conversion shaft 55 is restrained against clockwise rotation, namely, it is impossible to bring the conversion shaft 55 back to the fixed position (FIG. 8). Accordingly, the client key 41 cannot be rotated to the lock position, in this state, since the running plate 22 is prevented from being retracted. From the state of FIG. 8, the bank key 61 is pulled out from the key guiding member and a new bank key 61' is inserted therein and is rotated clockwise or in the direction of normal unlocking. During this rotation, the tumblers 51 are lifted by the key crest of the bank key 61', being slidably pressed against the lower end surfaces of the tumblers 51 and rotated clockwise around the point at which the gate 52 bears against the fence 24. In this state, the locking piece 63 is out of engagement with the locking piece 58 and accordingly the conversion shaft 55 can be rotated counterclockwise to the fixed position (FIG. 9). During this counterclockwise rotation of the conversion shaft 55 to the fixed position, the eccentric portion 56 is slidably pressed against the left end surface of the opening 53 formed in the tumblers 51, moving the engaging notches 54 toward the supporting shaft 71 while the tumblers 51 are maintained in contact with the key crest of the bank key 61' along the lower end surfaces of the tumblers 51 until one of said engaging notches 54 comes into engagement with the associated projection of the supporting shaft 71. The key-exchange procedure is thus completed and the safe-deposit box can be locked and unlocked by the new bank key 61'. As clearly understood from the foregoing description, the lock constructed according to the present invention is free from a danger of falling into a non-releasable state even when the prescribed keys for unlocking or conversion are rotated in an erroneous sequence, so far as these keys are rotated in the rotatable directions. The particular embodiment as shown is so arranged that, when the running plate 22 occupies its position for conversion, the locking piece 63 of the key guiding member 62 bears against the engaging portion 27b formed on the rear side of the running plate 22 so as to block the rotation of the bank key (FIG. 5) so that the client key and the bank key cannot be simultaneously rotated in the direction of unlocking. However, an alternative arrangement is also possible by removal of said engaging portion 27b so that both the client key and the bank key can be simultaneously key-exchanged. The key-exchangeable lock of the present invention constructed as described above possesses numberous advantages. Even when an improper procedure of manipulation is effected, or vibration or other undesirable conditions occur during the normal locking and unlocking procedures, there is no danger of the inadvertent shifting of the rotational axis of the tumblers in the locked state, since the conversion shaft is prevented from being rotated and, in the unlocked state, the conversion shaft is rotated from its fixed position but there is no danger that a locking might occur with the rotational axis of the tumblers being displaced, since the locking cannot be achieved unless the conversion shaft occupies its fixed position. During the key-exchange operation, the keys or the conversion shaft can be rotated only in the direction for proper key-exchange or in the direction tracing back this sequence of proper key-exchange. Accordingly, there is no danger that the tumblers might be fixed with their rotational axis being displaced even when the operator forgets the proper sequence of key-exchange or follows an erroneous sequence. It is possible with the mechanism of the present invention to arrange the tumblers so that the locking and the unlocking may be achieved by the initial keys or the new keys. The key-exchangeable lock according to the present invention can be conveniently used for various applications such as for a safe-deposit box as shown in the accompanying drawings as the preferred embodiment.
A lock includes a running plate formed integrally with a locking bar and provided with a fence adapted to cooperate with a plurality of tumblers so as to alternatively block and allow retraction of the locking bar, and this mechanism is mounted together with the cooperating components within a lock housing. The tumblers allow retraction of the locking bar when moved by a prescribed key to a unlocking position and this prescribed key, which can move the tumblers to the unlocking position, can be exchanged with another prescribed key by displacing the rotational axes of the tumblers. The rotational axes of the tumblers are rotatably released or fixed by a conversion shaft extending through an opening formed in the tumblers and rotatably supported in the lock housing. The conversion shaft is provided with a stop piece and a locking piece. An operative association is established among the conversion shaft, the running plate and a key guiding member rotatably supporting the prescribed key so that it is impossible to release the rotational axes for its displacement or to fix the rotational axes thus released unless the tumblers have been moved to the unlocking position and are held at this unlocking position.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION This application claims the benefits under 35 U.S.C. §119(a)-(d) of Great Britain Application No. 1011275.3, filed on Jul. 5, 2010, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to support platforms, particularly but not exclusively to bridges and methods of construction thereof. Bridges for roads and walkways have traditionally been constructed from heavy materials such as stone, steel or reinforced concrete. Conventional bridges comprise a contact surface over which a load, for example road vehicles, may pass. The contact surface must meet design criteria including wear performance, longevity, slip resistance and the ability to drain water from the contact surface. The contact surface of a bridge is not usually capable of carrying its own weight and requires to be supported by a decking. The decking provides structural support to the contact surface and transfers the load to the main bridge structure. Secondary features such as footpaths, barriers or railings can be considered as part of the decking. The main bridge structure or superstructure carries all of the elements of a bridge across the distance that the bridge must span. The design of the superstructure is complex and must take account of criteria such as seismic design, expansion considerations, substructure design and wind loadings. The transient load of the majority of modern bridge designs will typically be in the form of vehicular traffic and the details are specified in recognised standards. An example is; AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Customary U.S. Units, 4 th Edition with 2008 and 2009 U.S. Edition Interims. Standard-Item Code: 15-LRFDUS-4-M. Applying these standards to bridge design allows one to determine the transient loads that must be applied to a bridge design. The transient load offers no opportunity for weight reduction as it is fixed by national and international standards and the bridge must be designed to carry the required loadings. It is an object of the present invention to provide a decking and contact surface system for construction of bridges or other support platforms, for example for railway passenger platforms. The support platforms in accordance with this invention are referred to in this specification for simplicity as “bridges”. It is a further object to provide a deck system for road bridges. It is another object to provide a decking and contact surface for a bridge. It is a further object to provide a method of construction of a bridge, especially a road bridge. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION According to a first aspect of the present invention, a bridge structure includes a contact surface supported by a decking mounted on a superstructure. The superstructure includes a mounting for the decking. The decking includes a panel composed of a fibre reinforced polymer composite. The panel includes a plate having an upperside and an underside and a plurality of first and second beams. Each beam includes an upper face and a base face and side faces. The upper face of each beam is integral with the underside of the plate. A first beam includes an aperture extending between the side faces. A second beam extends through the aperture. The panel further includes means for attachment to the superstructure. A layer of wear-resistant material is provided on the upper side of the plate. According to a second aspect of the present invention, a method of construction of a bridge structure includes the steps of assembling a superstructure having a mounting. A panel composed of a fibre reinforced polymer composite is provided. The panel includes a plate having an upperside and an underside and a plurality of first and second beams. Each beam includes an upper face and a base face and side faces. The upper face of each beam is integral with the underside of the plate. A first beam includes an aperture extending between the side faces. A second beam extends through the aperture. The mounting is dimensioned to receive the panel. The panel is attached to the superstructure. A layer of wear-resistant material is provided on the upper side of the plate. The bridge of the present invention may comprise a road bridge, railway bridge, footbridge or other support platform, for example a railway platform. The bridge or platform may be a permanent structure. Alternatively, a temporary or emergency bridge or platform may be provided. The bridge structure and method of construction confer considerable advantages. The panels may be made in a factory for assembly on site, reducing the difficulty in working in adverse weather conditions. The speed of assembly is much greater than for conventional bridge constructions, resulting in particular applications in emergency or military situations or where disruption to traffic is undesirable. Bridge structures in accordance with this invention preferably are capable of supporting the high loadings generated by high volume vehicular traffic for 25 years. The structures may have a high wear resistant surface which may maintain a minimum wet coefficient of friction value of 0.5. The surface preferably includes a configuration adapted to facilitate removal of water. The layer of wear resistant material may include a tread pattern arranged to provide a drainage channel on the upper side of the plate. Preferably a network of drainage channels for example a groove pattern is provided to facilitate drainage of rainwater from the bridge surface. Attachment of the panels described to the bridge superstructure requires an attachment system that can withstand the high number of loadings the panel is expected to encounter in use. The system is preferably capable of being deployed rapidly at the time of initial assembly and also if a panel needs to be replaced. The kinematics of the design should ensure movements due to temperature changes are accommodated and that vibration from constant traffic has no detrimental effect on the attachment system. A fully constrained attachment system is preferred. Suitable attachment systems are adapted to accommodate minor movements in the superstructure, for example caused by thermal expansion, load variations, wind forces and variations in traffic densities. In preferred embodiments, the superstructure includes a mounting dimensioned to receive a panel, the attachment means comprising a projection extending upwardly from the mounting, and a socket in the panel adapted to receive and engage the projection to secure the panel to the mounting. Each panel may include two or more sockets. One socket and projection may be configured to form a secure engagement to prevent movement of the panel, a second socket and projection being configured to engage the panel to the mounting but permitting relative movement to accommodate thermal expansion. The socket and projection may form a friction engagement to locate the panel in the desired location; both or other fasteners may not be required, particularly for temporary bridges for example for military use. Quick release fasteners may be employed, for example the type produced by Dzus. In a particularly preferred embodiment, the socket is located between adjacent first and second beams of the panel. In this embodiment the configuration of intersecting beams provides an economical and efficient means of robustly locating the means of attachment within the decking. Preferably the first and second beams are arranged in parallel, for example rectangular, arrays wherein a pair of first beams and a pair of second beams are configured to form a four sided cavity to accommodate the socket. The panel may advantageously have closed edges. The upper and base portions and sides may form an integral solid flange extending peripherally of the panel. This arrangement allows the load to be transmitted in use through the peripheral flanges so that the attachments are not load supporting. The panels may be manufactured according to the process disclosed in EP 3655579, the disclosure of which is incorporated into this specification by reference for all purposes. Preferred materials comprise a composite of glass fibre for example E-glass fibres. The glass fibres may be in the form of woven or stitch bonded fabrics. Polyester, epoxy or polyurethane resins may be used. The preferred resin is a urethane-acrylate resin, for example a methacrylate resin. The composite may be manufactured in accordance with the disclosure of EP 6766094, the disclosure of which is incorporated into this specification by reference for all purposes. A typical glass fibre composite panel produced as detailed above may measure 1374 mm×600 mm and may weigh 50 kg. The panel may span 1274 mm and when loaded centrally via a plate 230 mm×230 mm provide a failure load of 400 kN. The contact surface may comprise a layer of aggregate particles embedded in the surface of the glass fibre composite. Suitable aggregates include silicon carbide, silica, sand or crushed granite. A preferred aggregate is calcined bauxite. A particularly preferred material has a particle size of 14/30 mesh. Use of calcined bauxite is preferred because it has a hardness value of 9 on the Mohr scale and does not polish because the particles retain their sharp edges in use. When incorporated into a tread pattern the aggregate preferably increases the coefficient of friction of the tread to a value greater than 0.5. This provides excellent grip properties. These properties are preferably retained throughout the life of the tread. Wear tests have shown that the treads in accordance with this invention can have a life of 100,000,000 foot placement events when leather soled shoes are used by a pedestrian. Rolling contact of rubber tyres is less aggressive and the life is therefore greater. Attachment of the panels described to the bridge superstructure requires an attachment system that can withstand the high number of loadings the panel is expected to encounter in use. The system is preferably capable of being deployed rapidly at the time of initial assembly and also if a panel needs to be replaced. The kinematics of the design should ensure movements due to temperature changes are accommodated and that vibration from constant traffic has no detrimental effect on the attachment system. The composite panel, for example a square or rectangular panel, may be provided with a cavity at two locations of the lower face. The locations are preferably disposed in spaced locations on the lower face, for example on opposite sides thereof. The cavity accommodates an attachment means that is adapted to be attached to the bridge superstructure. Preferably, the attachment means includes a shock absorber arrangement and includes means to permit a panel to be attached to the mounting. The panel at each of the two cavities may have moulded within the composite structure means for securing the panel to the mounting, for example a member having a threaded bore for receiving and locking in place a retaining bolt. In one embodiment, the two cavities in the panel have the same dimensions and two different sizes of projection. The first size matches the dimensions of the cavity and when the panel is placed onto the mounting the panel it is fully constrained in the X and Y axes and also preventing rotation in the Z direction. The second size of mounting may have the same dimensions as the first mounting in the Y axis and is smaller in the X axis. The second mounting serves to restrain the panel in the Y axis but permits limited movement in the X axis. With this arrangement the panel is fully constrained in both the X and Y axes and also preventing Z rotation whilst allowing for small expansion movements between panel and superstructure due to temperature changes or other effects. The panel may be secured in the Z axis by placing a retaining bolt or other fixture through the attachment means in the panel and screwing it into the mounting. A bolt head locking spring may be fitted to the attachment means to prevent movement of the bolt. The attachment means may be sealed using a sealant composition or an elastomeric plug. The mountings may be attached to the main body of the superstructure by four bolts. The method of securing these bolts may depend on the material used for the structural element of the superstructure. For example if steel is used then it may be drilled and tapped to provide threaded holes or it may be drilled and locking washers and locking nuts could be used. The objective is to provide the optimum system for the material being used and ensure a secure system is deployed that will not corrode. In situ the panels may be sealed by the inclusion of a sealing member or application of appropriate mastic. The edges of the panels may include a ledge arrangement to support a sealing member. Panels in accordance with this invention may incorporate sensors to generate signals indicative of movement of the panel, deformation of the panel or to allow identification of each panel for maintenance purposes. The sensor may be embedded within the composition during moulding. This way the sensor may be protected from corrosion or tampering by the surrounding composite. The superstructure may comprise any conventional bridge or platform structure to include steel, aluminium, reinforced composite, reinforced concrete, stone or wooden superstructures mounted on appropriate foundations. This invention provides the following advantages when compared to conventional bridge construction systems: (1) a significant reduction in the weight of the three main elements of a bridge, the wear surface, decking and superstructure; (2) all components can be manufactured in a factory environment; (3) on site work consists only of assembly; (4) on site assembly of panels that create the decking and wear surface can be performed rapidly without heavy lifting equipment; and (5) long life components that can be replaced within a very short time period. Panels that provide the decking and wear surface when attached to the bridge superstructure can immediately accept transient loads such as vehicular traffic. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The invention will now be described by means of example but not in any limitative sense with reference to the accompanying drawings of which: FIG. 1 is a cross sectional view through a typical bridge structure; FIG. 2 is an isometric view of top face of a composite panel; FIG. 3 is a sectional view through a tread and top laminate of the panel; FIG. 4 is an isometric view of a lower face of the composite panel; FIG. 5 is an isometric view of a panel and attachment system to a bridge superstructure; FIG. 6 is a side view of a mounting unit that is fully constrained; FIG. 7 is a view of a lower face of mounting unit that is fully constrained; FIG. 8 is a side view of a mounting unit that is constrained only in the Y axis; FIG. 9 is a view of a lower face of a mounting unit that is constrained only in the Y axis; FIG. 10 is an isometric view of the top face of a composite panel showing an attachment means; FIG. 11 is a view of an attachment bolt and accompanying components; FIG. 12 is a sectional view through a panel and mounting unit at the attachment means; FIG. 13 is a sectional view through an interface of two panels; FIG. 14 illustrates stages in assembly of a bridge in accordance with this invention; FIGS. 15 to 20 illustrate successive stages in the manufacture of a composite panel; FIG. 21 is a cross sectional view of a panel; and FIGS. 22 and 23 illustrate tools for installation and removal of panels during assembly of a bridge structure. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EMBODIMENTS The function of a bridge is to carry a transient load ( 1 ) from one location to a second location. In FIG. 1 the transient load ( 1 ) travels on a wear surface ( 2 ) which can be replaced when worn out and provides selected properties such as a high coefficient of friction to provide good grip, drainage properties to assist dispersal of water and good wear resistance. The wear surface is structurally supported by a decking ( 3 ). The decking ( 3 ) is designed to carry the weight of the transient load ( 1 ), the weight of the wear surface ( 2 ) and the weight of the decking ( 3 ) and to transfer these loads to the superstructure ( 4 ). The superstructure ( 4 ) can be made from engineering materials such as steel, aluminium, reinforced concrete or glass reinforced composite. The superstructure ( 4 ) is often made from wide-flange beams or I-beams that are designed to support the transient load ( 1 ), which may have very high dynamic and static loading conditions associated with vehicles travelling over or stopped on the superstructure ( 4 ). Bridge superstructures can be designed in a number of configurations and these are to a certain extent dictated by the span of the bridge and weight to be carried over the span. A principal object of this invention is to reduce the weight of the total structure in order to offer a designer a greater selection of materials and structural configurations. Referring to FIG. 2 , the wear surface ( 2 ) and the decking ( 3 ) are combined into a panel ( 5 ) which may be made from an advanced composite material preferably composed of glass fibre reinforcing fibres and a urethane-acrylate matrix resin. The top surface ( 6 ) which is in contact in use with transient load ( 1 ) provides the same function as a conventional wear surface ( 2 ). In order to create a wear surface ( 2 ) the top surface ( 6 ) is provided with a tread pattern ( 7 ). The tread pattern ( 7 ) functions to disperse surface water and provide grip. The tread pattern ( 7 ) on the top surface ( 6 ) may have a variety of different designs and constructions that increase the frictional resistance between the transient load ( 1 ), which could be foot traffic or vehicles, and the top surface ( 6 ). Referring to FIG. 3 , each of the tread elements ( 8 ) contains grains of aggregate preferably 14/30 mesh calcined bauxite ( 9 ) which are packed at maximum packing density throughout the entire depth of the each tread element ( 8 ). During manufacture of the panel ( 5 ) the urethane-acrylate matrix resin is infused through the calcined bauxite ( 9 ) bonding the calcined bauxite ( 9 ) together and to the composite laminate ( 10 ). A preferred tread pattern ( 7 ) provides a wear surface with a coefficient of friction better than 0.5 and exceptional wear properties. The tread depth may be typically 6 mm (¼″) and may have a lower specific gravity than a typical wear surface ( 2 ). A conventional wear surface ( 2 ) would be typically 50 mm (2″) thick and if there was no difference in specific gravity, the tread pattern ( 7 ) would only represent 12.5% of the weight of a conventional wear surface ( 2 ). This provides a saving in weight of 87.5%. The composite panel ( 5 ) is preferably made using the composite structure described in WO 2007/020618. This can provide the structural strength of a bridge decking whilst offering a significant weight saving in the region of 80% when compared to typical reinforced concrete decking. The manufacturing process involves building a preform of glass fibre laminates which take the same form as the finished product. The preform together with embedded components such as metal items and the wear surface aggregate, preferably calcined bauxite are loaded into a mould. The mould is closed and sealed. Low level vacuum is applied to the mould and then catalysed urethane-acrylate resin is injected into the mould and infused through the fibre structure and calcined bauxite. Once the mould is filled it is sealed and the resin given time to cure. The mould is then opened and the completed component removed. Flash is removed and the product is then complete. The process of moulding may take about 20 minutes. The process of injection is carried using a commercially available machine. A typical example is the injection machine supplied by Autisan International of Sarasota, USA. Building of the preforms can involve a number of techniques and depends on the shape and complexity of the product. Typically different fabrics of glass fibre are cut to precise shapes and assembled into the preform. Polyurethane cores can be used to attach the laminates. The laminates can be thermally heat bonded or stitch bonded. A combination of methods may be used. In FIG. 4 the lower face of panel ( 5 ) is shown. The beam structure ( 11 ) that provides the structural strength is illustrated and at both ends of panel ( 5 ) a socket ( 12 ) is provided that is formed within the beam structure ( 11 ). The function of the sockets is to provide part of an attachment system ( 13 ) to connect panel ( 5 ) to the bridge superstructure ( 4 ). Locating the sockets ( 12 ) within the beam structure ( 11 ) places them structurally within a very strong part of the panel ensuring that panel ( 5 ) and superstructure ( 4 ) will be capable of withstanding the loads imposed by vehicle traffic. In FIG. 5 two ‘I’ beams ( 14 ) of a bridge superstructure ( 4 ) are shown. Attached to the ‘I’ beams are mounting units ( 15 ) and ( 16 ). During assembly the panel ( 5 ) is lowered onto the ‘I’ beams ( 14 ) so that the mounting units ( 15 ) and ( 16 ) locate in the sockets ( 12 ) provided in the lower face of the panel ( 5 ). The result is that the panel ( 5 ) is fully constrained in axis X and Y and Z rotation. Fitting the two retaining bolts ( 17 ) constrains the panel ( 5 ) in the X, Y and Z axes. Panel ( 5 ) is fully constrained by this attachment system ( 13 ). Mounting unit 15 includes a substantially circular receiving aperture while mounting unit 16 includes an elongate receiving aperture that provides increased tolerance to the attachment system ( 13 ), thereby ensuring connectability of the panel ( 5 ) to the ‘I’ beams ( 14 ). In FIG. 6 the mounting unit ( 15 ) of attachment system ( 13 ) is shown. Mounting unit ( 15 ) has a housing ( 18 ) typically made as a die casting from high grade aluminium such as LM 25-TF (BS 1490). A central hole ( 19 ) in the top face of the housing ( 15 ) is provided to receive a retaining bolt ( 17 ). Each corner of housing ( 18 ) is provided with a hole ( 20 ) and recess ( 21 ) to receive a socket head cap screw ( 22 ) whose function is to clamp the housing ( 18 ) to the superstructure ( 4 ). On each of the four side faces of housing ( 18 ) is a shock absorber ( 23 ), for example made of a nitrile rubber. When panel ( 5 ) is assembled the four faces of cavity ( 12 ) each contact a corresponding shock absorber ( 23 ). Tightening the retaining bolt ( 17 ) causes the shock absorbers ( 23 ) to be compressed to a predetermined amount. Referring to FIG. 7 it can be seen that retaining lip ( 24 ) locates and retains the shock absorber ( 23 ) within housing ( 15 ). Voids ( 25 ) and ( 26 ) are provided for shock absorber ( 23 ) to be compressed into when panel ( 5 ) is positioned onto attachment system ( 13 ) and retaining bolt ( 17 ) fitted and fully tightened. In the centre of the lower surface of housing ( 18 ) a nut ( 27 ) is located and retained by walls ( 28 ). When panel ( 5 ) is assembled on to attachment system ( 13 ) retaining bolt ( 17 ) can be screwed into nut ( 27 ). Mounting unit ( 15 ) constrains panel ( 5 ) in the X and Y axes and prevents Z rotation. Restraining bolt ( 17 ) constrains the panel ( 5 ) in the vertical Z axis. Shock absorbers ( 23 ) restrict minor movement, such as vibratory movement, of panel ( 5 ), resulting from dynamic loading conditions, which could lead to wear occurring between panel ( 5 ) and the superstructure ( 4 ). This restriction also helps to damp noise. In FIG. 8 the mounting unit ( 16 ) of attachment system ( 13 ) are described in detail. Mounting unit ( 16 ) has a housing ( 29 ) typically made as a die casting from a high grade aluminium such as LM 25-TF. A centrally positioned slot ( 30 ) is provided to receive a retaining bolt ( 17 ). Each of the four corners of housing ( 29 ) are provided with a hole ( 31 ) and recess ( 32 ) to receive a socket head cap screw ( 22 ) whose function is to clamp housing ( 29 ) to the superstructure ( 4 ). On two sides of housing ( 29 ) a shock absorber ( 23 ), typically made of nitrile rubber, is provided. When panel ( 5 ) is assembled on attachment system ( 13 ) the shock absorbers ( 23 ) contact the two faces of cavity ( 12 ) which are parallel with the long side of panel ( 5 ). Tightening retaining bolt ( 17 ) causes the shock absorbers to be compressed a predetermined amount. In FIG. 9 it can be seen that retaining lip ( 33 ) locates and retains the shock absorber ( 23 ) within housing ( 16 ). Voids ( 34 ) and ( 35 ) are provided for shock absorber ( 23 ) to be compressed into when panel ( 5 ) is positioned onto attachment system ( 13 ) and retaining bolt ( 17 ) fitted and fully tightened. In the centre of the lower surface of housing ( 16 ) a plate ( 36 ) with a threaded hole ( 37 ) is located and prevented from rotating by walls ( 38 ). The plate ( 37 ) receives retaining bolt ( 17 ) and together with plate ( 37 ) they have limited movement in the longitudinal direction of panel ( 5 ) in the region of ±5 mm ( 3/16″). This arrangement accommodates any small movement of the superstructure ( 4 ) which can be caused for example by temperature changes. Mounting unit ( 16 ) constrains panel ( 5 ) in the Y axis and prevents Z axis rotation. Restraining bolt ( 17 ) constrains panel ( 5 ) in the vertical Z axis. Mounting unit ( 16 ) permits limited movement of panel ( 5 ), in relation to mounting unit ( 15 ), in the X axis and compensates for small movements within superstructure ( 4 ). Shock absorbers ( 23 ) restrict minor movement in the Y axis and would permit movement in the X axis. Referring to FIG. 10 each panel ( 5 ) is attached to mounting system ( 13 ) and hence the bridge superstructure ( 4 ) by two retaining bolts ( 17 ). In order to accommodate bolts ( 17 ) panel ( 5 ) has two stainless steel housings ( 39 ) which serve as attachment points moulded into the composite structure. In FIG. 11 attachment bolt ( 17 ) forms part of an assembly comprising of a washer ( 48 ), a high rate compression spring ( 44 ), a bolt head lock spring ( 45 ) and a sealing plug ( 47 ) which are typically made of nitrile rubber. Referring to FIG. 12 housing ( 39 ) provides multiple functions. To ensure housing ( 39 ) can transfer the loads imposed by bolt ( 17 ) into the composite structure of panel ( 5 ) the housing has flanges ( 40 ) and ( 41 ) which transfer load into composite laminates ( 42 ) and ( 43 ) which are an integral part of panel ( 5 ). Housing ( 39 ) has a recess ( 49 ) which accommodates a washer ( 48 ), a high rate compression spring ( 44 ), the head of retaining bolt ( 17 ), a bolt head lock spring ( 45 ) and sealing plug ( 47 ). Attaching panel ( 5 ) to mounting system ( 13 ), retaining bolt ( 17 ) is placed through compression spring ( 44 ) washer ( 48 ) into housing ( 39 ) and then through either mounting unit ( 15 ) or ( 16 ). Retaining bolt ( 17 ) is then screwed into nut ( 27 ) and plate ( 37 ) respectively. Retaining bolts ( 17 ) are tightened to a specified torque value which preloads compression spring ( 44 ). The hexagon head ( 46 ) of retaining bolt ( 17 ) is then locked in position by the insertion of the bolt head locking spring ( 45 ) into recess ( 49 ). A sealing plug ( 46 ) is then inserted into recess ( 49 ). In FIG. 13 the adjoining edges ( 50 ) of adjacent panels ( 5 ) are shaped to accommodate a seal ( 51 ). The seal can take the form of either mastic, such as a polyurethane material injected into the gap or an elastomer seal bonded to the edge ( 50 ) of panel ( 5 ). A suitable material would be an EPDM or nitrile rubber. The attachment system ( 13 ) has been shown to attach and fully constrain a panel ( 5 ) to a bridge superstructure ( 4 ) and also accommodate small movements within the superstructure ( 4 ) relative to panel ( 5 ). Providing cavities ( 11 ) within the main beam structure which accommodate the attachment system ( 13 ) provides an additional safety feature in that if retaining bolt ( 17 ) was to fail it is unlikely that panel ( 5 ) would be dislodged as it is not reliant on bolt ( 17 ) because traffic automatically restrains movement of panel ( 5 ) in the vertical direction of the Z axis. The method of construction and assembly of this invention is as follows: Panels ( 5 ) are manufactured as individual units preferably in a very limited size range and typically would measure 600 mm×1200 mm×150 mm deep. Each panel ( 5 ) are complete with an integral wear surface ( 6 ) and housings ( 39 ). The superstructure ( 4 ) may be fabricated within a factory. Attachment system ( 13 ) may be precision fitted to the appropriate members of superstructure ( 4 ). On site the superstructure ( 4 ) may be assembled and when complete the panels ( 5 ) may be laid and sealed so as to create the decking and wear surface simultaneously. In this way a vehicle delivering panels ( 5 ) may advance along the bridge as the panels are laid in front of it. FIG. 14 illustrates the assembly of a bridge in accordance with this invention. An array of superstructure beams ( 4 ) are provided with upwardly extending mounting units ( 15 , 16 ) arranged in pairs to be received into sockets on the underside of panels ( 5 ) so that the panels abut to form a continuous surface. During the stages of assembly the panels may be laid on the superstructure to provide a working surface from which further panels may be laid. In this way a bridge may be assembled quickly without need for scaffolding. Application of a surface layer of bitumen is unnecessary. Panels may be removed individually for replacement as necessary without impeding use of adjacent panels. FIGS. 15 to 20 illustrate successive steps in the manufacture of a composite panel for use in accordance with this invention. A method as disclosed in WO2007/020618, the disclosure of which is incorporated into the present specification by reference for all purposes, is preferably employed. Laminate profiles ( 55 ) are precision cut from glass fibre fabric to specific design requirements of fibre quantities and orientations. Foam cores ( 56 ), preferably made from polyurethane foam are moulded to the precise internal dimensions of the element of which they form a part. The cut laminate profiles which can range in number from 1 to more than 15 are assembled onto the foam core to make a beam ( 57 ) and held in place by stapling onto the foam core ( 56 ). The beams ( 57 ) are then built into an assembly ( 58 ) as shown in FIG. 18 . A laminate sheet ( 59 ) which serves to form the top face ( 6 ) of panel ( 5 ), can consist of a number of fibre profiles, typically 10 or more, is placed into a jig. The beam assembly ( 58 ) is then precisely located onto laminate ( 59 ) which is then attached to the beam assembly by staples or by methods such as stitching and/or adhesive bonding, to create a completed perform ( 60 ) as shown in FIG. 20 . FIG. 21 is a cross section of ‘B″B’ through the panel shown in FIG. 2 . The cores ( 56 ) are enclosed in laminate sheets ( 57 , 59 ). The top layer ( 59 ) is integral with the bottom and side layers ( 59 ). FIG. 22 is a view of an eye bolt suitable to attach to panel. FIG. 23 is a view of a modified eye bolt suitable to dislodge and remove panel. In the majority of applications when panels are installed there is no access to the lower face of the panel that would allow the panel to be lifted and removed. If the panel had become stuck to some degree over time to its mounting then the task of removing the panel would become even more difficult. To provide solutions to this problem the hole in flange ( 39 ) through which bolt ( 17 ) passes was provided with a thread ( 61 ) of sufficient size that would allow bolt ( 17 ) to pass through. Typically flange ( 39 ) would have a thread size of M20 and bolt ( 17 ) would be an M16. Providing a thread in flange ( 39 ) permits either an eye bolt ( 62 ) or modified eye bolt ( 63 ) to be attached. To remove a panel the procedure is to remove bolts ( 17 ) from the panel and replace them with eye bolts ( 62 ). Lifting gear can then be used to dislodge and lift the panel. An alternative method is to use a modified eye bolt ( 63 ) having an elongate shank. When the bolt is screwed in to flange ( 39 ) the extended front end ( 64 ) passes through mounting ( 15 / 16 ) and contacts the superstructure ( 4 ). Continuing to turn eye bolt ( 63 ) generates a separation force lifting panel ( 5 ) off mounting ( 15 / 16 ). Once the panel is separated the eye bolt ( 63 ) may be used to provide lifting means to fully remove the panel.
A bridge superstructure comprises a first aspect of the present invention, a bridge structure comprises a contact surface supported by a decking mounted on a superstructure. The superstructure includes a mounting for the decking. The decking comprises a panel composed of a fiber reinforced polymer composite, the panel comprising a plate having an upperside and an underside, a plurality of first and second beams, each beam having an upper face and a base face and side faces, the upper face of each beam being integral with the underside of the plate, a first beam having an aperture extending between the side faces, wherein a second beam extends through the aperture. The panel further comprises means for attachment to the superstructure and a layer of wear-resistant material on the upper side of the plate.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to the field of data processing and more particularly to central processing units. 2. Brief Description of the Prior Art Sparse vectors are multi-operand vectors having zero or near zero operands removed and the remaining operands packed together. An apparatus for processing such vectors by a computer's central processing unit is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,919,534 to Hutson, et al. Such apparatus forwards operands to the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) from a given sparse vector one at a time. Zero operands are provided to the ALU only when a second sparse vector being input to the ALU for coprocessing has a non-zero operand in that order. An order vector is provided for each sparse vector to indicate by the state of a bit whether the correspondingly ordered sparse vector operand is zero or non-zero. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention converts sparse vector format into unpacked format and forwards n-operands at a time to an n-wide arithmetic logic unit for tandem processing. In this manner, overall processing speed may be increased up to n times. Unpacking is performed by inspecting the corresponding order vector n bits at a time. Operands are taken from the head of the sparse vector and positioned for each one-bit in the order vector. Zeros or a preselected operand value are inserted for each zero-bit in the order vector. A one-bit population count is performed on the n-bit segment of the order vector to control the moving of the sparse vector operands forward according to the count. Selectively substituting all one-bits for the order vector at predetermined points in the logic allows the apparatus to expand a sparse vector into an expanded vector and/or compress a vector into a sparse vector. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 shows a schematic of a circuit to expand a sparse vector for tandem procession by an ALU; and FIG. 2 shows a schematic of a circuit to compress tandem resultants from an ALU into a sparse vector. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT FIG. 1 shows a schematic of the apparatus for unpacking a sparse vector for subsequent processing by an arithmetic logic unit (ALU). Normally, the ALU will coprocess two vectors at a time: adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing them. The apparatus shown in FIG. 1 unpacks only one such vector. For processing two vectors, the apparatus of FIG. 1 is duplicated. A typical vector has a number of operands in a specific order such as A 0 , A 1 , A 2 , A 3 . . . , A n . A sparse vector is a vector having certain predetermined operand values deleted. Normally, operands having a value of 0 or near 0 are deleted. The remaining operands are concatenated or packed for more efficient storage in memory and retrieval therefrom. For example, assume operands A 2 , A 3 and A 8 of a given vector have the value of zero. That vector's sparse vector would appear in memory as A 1 , A 4 , A 5 , A 6 , A 7 , A 9 , . . . to A n . When performing an arithmetic operation with vectors, the corresponding order of operands of each vector must normally be simultaneously input to the ALU for processing. For example, when adding vector A to vector B, the corresponding order operands must be added, e.g., A 1 +B 1 , A 2 +B 2 , A 3 +B 3 , . . . A n +B n . As the sparse vectors located in memory do not have any inherent alignment information, i.e., the counting of five operands in from the first operand does not indicate operand A 4 , each sparse vector must be provided with a corresponding order vector. An order vector consists essentially of a series of bits, one bit for each operand of a normal unpacked vector. The state of the bit is either zero or one. Zero indicates that the correspondingly ordered operand of the vector is deleted. One indicates that the correspondingly ordered operand of the vector is present. Only those operands corresponding to the one-bits, therefore, will be actually stored in memory. In the prior art, such as with U.S. Pat. No. 3,919,534 to Hutson, et al., the order vector was inspected essentially one bit at a time. When a one-bit was encountered, the operand first in line was forwarded to the ALU for processing. But when a zero bit was encountered, an operand was not forwarded. With two vectors being simultaneously coprocessed, a one-bit in either order vector caused the forwarding of at least the operand from the sparse vector in which the order vector had a one-bit. If the other order vector had a zero-bit, a zero valued operand was inserted and forwarded instead of the operand at the head of the line. The apparatus of FIG. 1 modifies this procedure by inspecting a group of eight order bits at a time. (In this regard, eight is an arbitrary number. The actual number of bits inspected can be arbitrarily chosen as may be appreciated by those skilled in the art.) Operands of a preselected value, such as zero are inserted into the operand stream coming from memory according to the occurrence of zeros in the order vector. The resulting expanded or unpacked eight operands are forwarded in parallel to the ALU for simultaneous tandem processing. An ALU such as found in the CDC CYBER 205 has the capability of processing eight operands in tandem. If every bit of the order vector is a one signifying that eight non-zero operands are to be forwarded to the ALU, an increase in speed of up to eight times is achieved over the prior art method of forwarding one operand at a time to the ALU. Sparse vector operands are fetched from memory by apparatus not shown and forwarded through interconnected eight-operand registers R1, R2 and R3, respectively, such that operands A 0 through A 7 (assuming in this example that the sparse vector has no zero valued operands) are located in R3, A 8 to A 15 in R2 and A 16 to A 23 in R1. As the sparse vector operands are being loaded into registers R1 through R3, the sparse vector's corresponding order vector is loaded eight bits at a time into register X0. Each machine cycle, eight more bits are loaded into register X0 until all order vector bits have been loaded. Likewise, each machine cycle the contents of register X0 are copied by interconnected register X2 and also are provided as an input to a one-bit population counter EP1. The results of the population count, which may range from a count of 0 to a count of 8, are loaded into a four bit register X1 during the same machine cycle. On the third machine cycle, the contents of register X2 are loaded into interconnected register X3. The four-bit count of register X1 is provided as one input to adder A1. The other input to adder A1 is provided by three bits from register SC1, which is initialized to a starting shift count determined by a programmer. A bias of 0 is provided as the fourth bit to this adder input. The three-bit output of adder A1 is loaded into three-bit register SC1 during the machine cycle. Also, a carry bit is loaded into carry register C1. The three-bit limitation on the adder's output provides that any addition having a result higher than the number seven has a carry input to carry register C1. The lower order three bits of a resultant are input to register SC1. Also during this machine cycle, interconnected register SC2 copies the contents of register SC1. At the end of three machine cycles, register X3 contains the first group of eight bits of the order vector; SC1 has the three bit count of the number of 1 bits in that first group of order-vector bits plus the starting shift count, and register SC2 contains the starting shift count. On the fourth machine cycle, the eight bits of register X3 are provided as inputs to expansion network E1. Also provided as inputs are eight outputs of shift network 10. The shift network receives fifteen operands: eight from register R3 and seven from R2. It shifts these operands to its eight outputs according to the count in register SC2, which on the fourth machine cycle contains the starting shift count. The expansion network E1 also receives preset data operands, normally a value of zero, from the preset data line. The expansion network arranges the two sets of operand inputs according to the arrangement of order vector bits contained in register X3. For example, assume the starting shift count is zero and the initial eight bits of the order vector are 10011011, the leftmost list corresponding to A 0 . Register R3 then contains in its lowest ordered cells sparse vector operands as follows: A.sub.0, A.sub.3, A.sub.4, A.sub.6, A.sub.7 R3.sub.0, R3.sub.1, R3.sub.2, R3.sub.3, R3.sub.4. The expansion network E1 inspects the lowest order bit from the order vector bits in X3 and, finding it to be a one, places operand A 0 from register R3 on its lowest order output. It inspects the next highest order bit from register X3 and, finding it to be a zero, places a preset data operand (0) on the second lowest order output, and so on, until the expansion network's eight outputs are as follows: A.sub.0, O, O, A.sub.3, A.sub.4, O, A.sub.6, A.sub.7. These eight outputs are simultaneously provided as inputs to the ALU for tandem processing. During the next machine cycle, the fifth, the contents of register SC1, which is the count of the number of one-bits in the first group of eight order-vector bits, is loaded into register SC2. The output of register SC2 causes the shift network 10 to point to R3 cell address 5 for our example in which the number of one-bits in the first group of order-vector bits is five. By "point to", it is meant that the shift network shifts R3 cells 5, 6, and 7, and R2 cells 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 into its eight outputs. The second group of eight order bits is copied during this same machine cycle into register X3. Assuming the second group of order vector bits contains the following pattern: 01011101, the operands present in the shift network outputs (in part) will have originated from the fifth order R3 cell to the second order R2 cell as follows: A.sub.9, A.sub.11, A.sub.12, A.sub.13, A.sub.15 R3.sub.5, R3.sub.6, R3.sub.7, R2.sub.0, R2.sub.1. The expansion network E1 places these five operands on its outputs according to the pattern of order vector bits in register X3: 01011101. Thus the E1 outputs at the end of the fifth cycle will be O,A 9 ,O,A 11 ,A 12 ,A 13 ,O,A 15 . These eight operands are forwarded in parallel for tandem coprocessing by the ALU. The contents of SC1 in the previous machine cycle, cycle number four, was the number five reflective of five one-bits present in the first group of order vector bits. In addition to this count being loaded into SC2 for control of shift network 10, it is also fed back as the second input to adder A1, as explained supra. The second group of order-vector bits also had five one-bits. Thus the population counter EP1 will have forwarded a count of five to the first input to adder A1. The addition of these two count-of-five inputs causes the adder to place on its output the number 2 with a carry. The three lower most order bits have a bit-pattern 010 and are forwarded to the register SC1. The carry is forwarded to carry register C1. During the fifth machine cycle, the presence of a 1 bit in the carry register causes register R3 to copy the contents of register R2, register R2 to copy the contents of register R1 and register R1 to load a new group of eight sparse vector operands. Assuming the third and fourth groups of order vector bits are all ones, the contents of register R3 and R2, after this move, will appear as follows: A.sub.13, A.sub.15, A.sub.16 . . . A.sub.29 R3.sub.0, R3.sub.1, R3.sub.2, . . . R2.sub.7. During this same machine cycle the contents of register SC1, 010, is loaded into register SC2. During the next machine cycle shift network 10 will thus point to R3 2 , the second lowest order cell of register R3, which correctly contains the next sparse vector operand to be processed, A 16 . The process continues as such until each operand of the sparse vector has been forwarded to the ALU. With more particularity, if the order vector inputs to expansion network E1 are denoted by Z 0 , Z 1 . . . Z n , the eight operand inputs from shift network 10 denoted by A, A 1 , . . . A n , the expansion network's outputs denoted by O 0 , O 1 , . . . O n , and B=preset data, the following logic equations describe the operation of expansion network E1. ______________________________________ C.sub.00 = A.sub.0.sup.--Z.sub.0 + A.sub.1 Z.sub. 0 C.sub.10 = A.sub.1.sup.--Z.sub.0 + A.sub.2 Z.sub. 0 C.sub.20 = A.sub.2.sup.--Z.sub.0 + A.sub.3 Z.sub. 0 C.sub.30 = A.sub.3.sup.--Z.sub.0 + A.sub.4 Z.sub. 0 C.sub.40 = A.sub.4.sup.--Z.sub.0 + A.sub.5 Z.sub. 0 C.sub.50 = A.sub.5.sup.--Z.sub.0 + A.sub.6 Z.sub. 0 C.sub.60 = A.sub.6.sup.--Z.sub.0 + A.sub.7 Z.sub. 0 C.sub.01 = C.sub.00.sup.--Z.sub.1 + C.sub.10 Z.sub. 1 C.sub.11 = C.sub.10.sup.-- Z.sub.1 + C.sub.20 Z.sub. 1 C.sub.21 = C.sub.20.sup.--Z.sub.1 + C.sub.30 Z.sub. 1 C.sub.31 = C.sub.30.sup.--Z.sub.1 + C.sub.40 Z.sub. 1 C.sub.41 = C.sub.40.sup.--Z.sub.1 + C.sub.50 Z.sub. 1 C.sub.51 = C.sub.50.sup.--Z.sub.1 + C.sub.60 Z.sub. 1 C.sub.02 = C.sub.01.sup.--Z.sub.2 + C.sub.11 Z.sub. 2 C.sub.12 = C.sub.11.sup.--Z.sub.2 + C.sub.21 Z.sub. 2 C.sub.22 = C.sub.21.sup.--Z.sub.2 + C.sub.31 Z.sub. 2 C.sub.32 = C.sub.31.sup.--Z.sub.2 + C.sub.41 Z.sub. 2 C.sub.42 = C.sub.41.sup.--Z.sub.2 + C.sub.51 Z.sub. 2 C.sub.03 = C.sub.02.sup.--Z.sub.3 + C.sub.12 Z.sub. 3 C.sub.13 = C.sub.12.sup.--Z.sub.3 + C.sub.22 Z.sub. 3 C.sub.23 = C.sub.22.sup.--Z.sub.3 + C.sub.32 Z.sub. 3 C.sub.33 = C.sub.32.sup.--Z.sub.3 + C.sub.42 Z.sub. 3 C.sub.04 = C.sub.03.sup.--Z.sub.4 + C.sub.13 Z.sub. 4 C.sub.14 = C.sub.13.sup.--Z.sub.4 + C.sub.23 Z.sub. 4 C.sub.24 = C.sub.23.sup.--Z.sub.4 + C.sub.33 Z.sub. 4 C.sub.05 = C.sub.04.sup.--Z.sub.5 + C.sub.14 Z.sub. 5 C.sub.15 = C.sub.14.sup.--Z.sub.5 + C.sub.24 Z.sub. 5 C.sub.06 = C.sub.05.sup.--Z.sub.6 + C.sub.15 Z.sub. 6 O.sub.0 = B.sup.--Z.sub.0 + A.sub.0 Z.sub. 0 O.sub.1 = B.sup.--Z.sub.1 + C.sub.00 Z.sub. 1 O.sub.2 = B.sup.--Z.sub.2 + C.sub.01 Z.sub. 2 O.sub.3 = B.sup.--Z.sub.3 + C.sub.02 Z.sub. 3 O.sub.4 = B.sup.--Z.sub.4 + C.sub.03 Z.sub. 4 O.sub.5 = B.sup.--Z.sub.5 + C.sub.04 Z.sub. 5 O.sub.6 = B.sup.--Z.sub.6 + C.sub.05 Z.sub. 6 O.sub.7 = B.sup.--Z.sub.7 + C.sub.06 Z.sub. 7______________________________________ It will be recognized by those skilled in the art that the above logic equations may best be implemented bit by bit on the respective operands A and B. The ALU receives the operands n pairs at a time and performs n arithmetic or logic operations thereon in tandem. After having performed these functions, the ALU outputs n resultants per machine cycle. Some of those resultants may have a value of zero or an invalid result in the case of a divide by zero. It is desirable to store these resultants in memory with the zero or invalid resultants deleted. The apparatus for performing such deletions is illustrated in FIG. 2. Each machine cycle operands from a first expanded vector are stored in n-operand register R4. Likewise operands from a second expanded vector are stored in n-operand register R24. The ALU loads the operands from these registers, performs n tandem logical or arithmetic operations thereon and stores the n resultants in n-resultant register R5. These n resultants are then compressed into sparse vector format during the next machine cycle by compress network CR1, which will be hereinafter more fully described. The compressed resultants are stored in register R6. The number of resultants stored in R6 depends on the number of valid resultants (zero or invalid resultants deleted) present in the group of n resultants. These resultants are then forwarded to memory via downstream apparatus not shown. The determination of which resultants are valid and which are zero or invalid is made according to a logical combination of the order vectors for the two sparse vectors, one of which is labeled the X order vector and the other of which is labeled the Y order vector. For example, if the operation to be performed on the two sparse vectors is an add or a subtract operation, the resultant vector will have a valid resultant for a given order whenever one of the input vectors had a valid operand in that order. If order vector X comprises 10000110 and order vector Y comprises 01001010, a resultant order vector Z will appear 11001110, a one corresponding to a valid resultant. This Z order vector is the logical "OR" of the X and Y order vectors. Likewise, if the operation is a multiply or a divide, the resultant order vector Z would appear 00000010, which is the logical "AND" of the X and Y order vector. Similar logical manipulation may be performed on the X and Y order vector to find a resultant order vector for any logical or arithmetic operation performed by the ALU. In FIG. 2, this logical operation is performed in block SDO, which has as inputs the two operand order vectors X and Y, as well as an indication of the function or op-code to be performed by the ALU. Block SDO receives the two order vectors, eight bits each machine cycle, and stores the results in register X10. Register X10 through X13 are delay registers which delay the resultant order vector Z the number of machine cycles as the input sparse vector operands need to pass through registers R1, R2, R3 and R4. The output from register X13 is stored in register X14. But, as the transfer between these two registers occurs during the same period of time the operands are being processed by the ALU, the transfer is delayed by functional unit delay 20 to synchronize the arrival of Z order vector bits in X14 with the arrival of resultants in register R5. The time of the delay depends upon the logical or arithmetic operation being performed by the ALU. The contents of register X14 are provided as one input to compress network CR1. They are also provided as the input to population counter CP1, which counts the number of one bits therein. This count, representative of the number of valid operands in R5, is forwarded to four-bit register X15. Register X15's output is provided to downstream circuitry to indicate the number of valid sparse vector resultants that are available in register R6 for storage in memory. The operation of compress network CR1 is illustrated by the following example. Assuming the resultant order vector Z from register R14 comprises the bit pattern 10101101, the resultants present in register R5, r 0 , r 1 , r 2 . . . r 8 will be compressed and stored, left justified, into register R6 as follows: r 0 , r 2 , r 4 , r 5 , r 7 , 0, 0, 0. r 1 , r 3 and r 6 , which correspond to zeroes in the Z order vector, have been deleted. The logic equations for compress network CR1, where Z 0 through Z 7 represent resultant order vector bits input from register X14, A 0 , A 1 , A 2 , . . . A 7 represent resultants input from register R5 and r 0 , r 1 , r 2 . . . r 7 represent the output of compress network CR1, comprise the following: ______________________________________ C.sub.70 = A.sub.7 Z.sub.7 C.sub.60 = A.sub.6 Z.sub.6 C.sub.50 = A.sub.5 Z.sub.5 C.sub.40 = A.sub.4 Z.sub.4 C.sub.30 = A.sub.3 Z.sub.3 C.sub.20 = A.sub.2 Z.sub.2 C.sub.10 = A.sub.1 Z.sub.1 C.sub.00 = A.sub.0 Z.sub.0 C.sub.71 = C.sub.70 Z.sub.6 C.sub.61 = C.sub.70.sup.--Z.sub.6 + C.sub. 60 C.sub.72 = C.sub.71 Z.sub.5 C.sub.62 = C.sub.71.sup.--Z.sub.5 + C.sub.61 Z.sub. 5 C.sub.52 = C.sub.61.sup.--Z.sub.5 + C.sub. 50 C.sub.73 = C.sub.72 Z.sub.4 C.sub.63 = C.sub.72.sup.--Z.sub.4 + C.sub.62 Z.sub. 4 C.sub.53 = C.sub. 62.sup.--Z.sub.4 + C.sub.52 Z.sub. 4 C.sub.43 = C.sub.52.sup.--Z.sub.4 + C.sub. 40 C.sub.74 = C.sub.73 Z.sub.3 C.sub.64 = C.sub.73.sup.--Z.sub.3 + C.sub.63 Z.sub. 3 C.sub.54 = C.sub.63.sup.--Z.sub.3 + C.sub.53 Z.sub. 3 C.sub.44 = C.sub.53.sup.--Z.sub.3 + C.sub.43 Z.sub. 3 C.sub.34 = C.sub.43.sup.--Z.sub.3 + C.sub. 30 C.sub.75 = C.sub.74 Z.sub.2 C.sub.65 = C.sub.74.sup.--Z.sub.2 + C.sub.64 Z.sub. 2 C.sub.55 = C.sub.64.sup.--Z.sub.2 + C.sub.54 Z.sub. 2 C.sub.45 = C.sub.54.sup.-- Z.sub.2 + C.sub.44 Z.sub. 2 C.sub.35 = C.sub.44.sup.--Z.sub.2 + C.sub.34 Z.sub. 2 C.sub.25 = C.sub.34.sup.--Z.sub.2 + C.sub. 20 C.sub.76 = C.sub.75 Z.sub.1 C.sub.66 = C.sub.75.sup.--Z.sub.1 + C.sub.65 Z.sub. 1 C.sub.56 = C.sub.65.sup.--Z.sub.1 + C.sub.55 Z.sub. 1 C.sub.46 = C.sub.55.sup.--Z.sub.1 + C.sub.45 Z.sub. 1 C.sub.36 = C.sub.45.sup.--Z.sub.1 + C.sub.35 Z.sub. 1 C.sub.26 = C.sub.35.sup.--Z.sub.1 + C.sub.25 Z.sub. 1 C.sub.16 = C.sub.25.sup.--Z.sub.1 + C.sub. 10 r.sub.7 = C.sub.77 = C.sub.76 Z.sub.0 r.sub.6 = C.sub.67 = C.sub.76.sup.--Z.sub.0 + C.sub.66 Z.sub. 0 r.sub.5 = C.sub.57 = C.sub.66.sup.--Z.sub.0 + C.sub.56 Z.sub. 0 r.sub.4 = C.sub.47 = C.sub.56.sup.--Z.sub.0 + C.sub.46 Z.sub. 0 r.sub.3 = C.sub.37 = C.sub.46.sup.--Z.sub.0 + C.sub.36 Z.sub. 0 r.sub.2 = C.sub.27 = C.sub.36.sup.--Z.sub.0 + C.sub.26 Z.sub. 0 r.sub.1 = C.sub.17 = C.sub.26.sup.--Z.sub.0 + C.sub.16 Z.sub. 0 r.sub.0 = C.sub.07 = C.sub.16.sup. --Z.sub.0 + C.sub.______________________________________ 00 The above sets of equations imply the use of two-way OR's. The preferred embodiment actually uses four-way OR's. Those skilled in the art should modify the above equations when implementing the logic with four-way OR's to produce equivalent four-way OR logic. While not illustrated, those skilled in the art will appreciate that a substitution of one-bits for the Z order vector bits will result in every resultant in register R5 being transferred undisturbed to register R6 and thence to memory. The resultant vector stored in memory under these circumstances would be in the expanded, uncompressed format. These one-bits may conveniently be introduced at register X10. If only one sparse vector is introduced and the ALU op-code is a NO-OP, the net result is that a sparse vector is converted to an expanded vector. Likewise, if the vector or vectors in memory to be processed by the ALU are already in their expanded format (and maybe not even possessing an order vector), a group of one-bits input to register X 0 of FIG. 1 in lieu of the order vector bits results in no expansion in network EP1. In this manner, an expanded vector or vectors may be processed and compressed. If only one is input and the ALU op-code is a NO-OP, the net result is that the expanded vector is compressed into a sparse vector. If one bits are substituted at both X0 and X10, one or more expanded vectors may be processed by the disclosed apparatus. Other similar modifications are likely to occur to those skilled in the art.
Apparatus is disclosed for processing sparse vectors in a tandem or parallel processing environment. Sparce vectors are those vectors stored in memory with their zero-valued operands deleted. They have a corresponding order vector of bits whose state indicates the order of zero and non zero operands in a corresponding expanded vector. The apparatus fetches the order vectors n bits at a time, n corresponding to the number of tandem processors, and counts the number of one bits. This number of operands is then fetched from memory. The apparatus aligns and orders the fetched sparse vector operands, inserts zero operands where appropriate, and forwards the resulting portion of the expanded vector to the tandem processors for processing.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0001] 1. Field of the Invention [0002] This invention is related in general to the field of maintenance management systems. In particular, the invention comprises utilizing a set of procedures for addressing maintenance issues. [0003] 2. Description of the Prior Art [0004] In many industries, such as strip-mining activities, it is common to use heavy equipment to facilitate acquiring, moving, and placing large and heavy items. In the strip-mining industry, heavy equipment may include Dozers, Drills, Haul Trucks, Loaders, and Shovels. [0005] A Dozer is a tracked or wheeled piece of equipment that moves earth with a large blade to clear or level areas. A Drill is another tracked piece of equipment utilized to create holes, usually for the placement of explosives, utilizing rotation or percussion. Haul Trucks carry waste and ore material between locations at the mine site. Often, these Trucks operate in a cycle of loading, hauling, dumping, and returning for the next load. Loaders are rubber-tired pieces of equipment used to move rock and load trucks. Shovels are similar to loaders, however they are usually larger and are tracked vehicles. Shovels are generally either powered by diesel engines or large electric motors. [0006] Strip-mines and similar industrial locations are stressful environments for these heavy pieces of equipment. Some equipment, such as drills, may experience extreme use resulting in severe stress and strain on both static components (frames, superstructure, and undercarriage) and moving parts (engines, motors, gears, shafts, and hoses). The mine can be a very hostile environment for all equipment. There are severe loading issues for all mine equipment. Other equipment, such as haul trucks, may be utilized in a near-constant cycle (load, haul, dump, return) that results in steady and persistent wear in some components and unpredictable wear in other components. Temperatures in these environments may also be extreme and can vary greatly over a period of hours or months. There are numerous reasons that equipment breaks down. Some of the principal reasons include, use of equipment beyond its design, operator abuse, poor design, manufacturer defects, poor or incorrect maintenance, wear-out, accident, etcetera. Dust and dirt can also accumulate on moving parts and result in excessive and premature wear. Impurities, including water, fuel, dust, and dirt, may be inadvertently introduced into lubricating fluids, resulting in additional wear. [0007] This wear on both static and dynamic parts often leads to failure of an equipment component. Failure is characterize by the termination of the ability of the equipment to perform its required function to a set standard. Failure results in downtime, which is calculated as the measurement of time the equipment is unavailable to fulfill its performance requirements divided by its intended utilization period. [0008] Because the cost of heavy equipment is very high, any downtime decreases the return on investment for the associated equipment. The impact of a failure may be higher in hidden costs (i.e. production losses) than the actual repair capital costs of the equipment. An equipment's reliability is measured as a probability that it will perform satisfactory for a given period of time, under specified operating conditions, and its Mean Time Between Failure (“MTBF”) is a measure of its uptime (the opposite of downtime) in a given period of time divided by the number of failures in that time period. For these reasons, downtime is carefully tracked and extraordinary measures are employed to prevent or minimize it, as much as possible. [0009] Maintenance activities are performed to ensure equipment performs its intended function, or to repair equipment which has failed. Preventive maintenance entails servicing equipment before it has failed by replacing, overhauling, or remanufacturing components at fixed intervals, regardless of their condition. Periodic maintenance, such as scheduled replacement of components or lubricants, is performed at regular intervals based on either use or time. [0010] Predictive maintenance is a strategy based on measuring the condition of equipment in order to assess whether it will fail during some future period, and then taking appropriate action to either prevent the failure or make allowance for the anticipated equipment downtime. One method of implementing predictive maintenance is termed Oil Analysis, whereby lubricants (including hydraulic fluid and engine oil) are sampled and subjected to a variety of tests. These tests are designed to identify contaminants, such as water, fuel, and dust, and measure lubricant viscosity. [0011] Data from a piece of equipment may be transmitted from the field to the maintenance office or to a service center or off-site Original Equipment Manufacturer (“OEM”) facility for analysis, referred to as remote condition monitoring. Remote condition monitoring may be utilized for failure reporting, or to report the status of the equipment such as time-in-use or lubricant levels. Another method of maintenance planning is to employ trend analysis, whereby predictive maintenance tools analyze the equipment's operating conditions and estimate the potential wear and failure cycle of the equipment. These preventative and predictive maintenance programs are designed to facilitate the implementation of planned maintenance, whereby maintenance tasks are organized to ensure they are executed to incur the least amount of downtime at the lowest possible cost. [0012] The effectiveness of these maintenance strategies is measured by the Mean Time Between Failure (“MTBF”), the equipment uptime divided by the number of failures in a particular period of time. Another measurement tool of maintenance effectiveness is the Mean Time To Repair (“MTTR”). However, the MTTR can be influenced by additional factors, such as failure response time, spare parts availability, training, location, and weather. Once a failure has occurred, failure analysis may be performed to determine the root cause of the failure, develop improvements, and eliminate or reduce the occurrence of future failures. [0013] Maintenance tasks are generally managed through the use of work orders, documents including information such as description of work, priority of work, job procedure, and parts, material, tools, and equipment necessary to complete either a preventative maintenance or repair task. Work order requests are proposals to open work orders and submitted to persons authorized to generate work orders. [0014] Once a failure has occurred, or is eminent, a piece of equipment may generate an alarm, or the equipment is being utilized outside its operating profile. Alarms may be generated by on-board sensors, OEM monitoring systems, or trend analysis. Additionally, equipment operators and maintenance technicians may initiate an alarm during an operational pre-inspection or based on equipment performance. If an operator does not have the authority to issue an alarm, the condition may be communicated to a maintenance analyst, who, in turn, generates an alarm. [0015] The problem with the current state of alarm handling is that alarms are not handled in an organized manner or, in many cases, not at all. Alarms may not be discovered until failure because there is no formal process for handling the alarms, and if there is a process for reviewing this information they are typically ineffective because of the large number of alarm events. After problem identification, there are often several different procedures in place to handle them. The response to an alarm will often include different people who apply their own methods for handling it. This leads to an inconsistency in how the alarm is handled and a corresponding degradation in the efficiency and effectiveness of the alarm handling process. Therefore, it is desirable to provide a consistent, effective, and efficient method for handling alarms which can be tracked, measured, and improved upon. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0016] This invention is based on utilizing an Interactive Maintenance Management System (“IMMS”) to establish a procedure for handling each alarm that occurs. The alarm handling procedure begins at the piece of heavy equipment (“Equipment”), when the Alarm is generated, and continues through the Workflow Timeline of the Maintenance Department, until the cause of the alarm has been addressed. All alarms which are generated will be handled by this system. Variations in the maintenance management process may be dictated by the severity of the associated Alarm. [0017] Once an alarm has been generated, it is transmitted from the Equipment to a Central Computer over a communications network, such as a site-wide radio network. The Central Computer analyzes the received Alarm and establishes a Priority based on the severity of the Alarm. The Alarm is routed to the appropriate responsible Maintenance Personnel, if required. [0018] Some routed Alarms require a response from the appropriate Maintenance Personnel. If so, the IMMS will wait for an Acknowledgment. If no Acknowledgment is received, the IMMS will forward the Alarm to the next person on a Notification List. Once an Alarm has been received by a Maintenance Personnel, he analyzes any Supporting Information to determine whether the Alarm is valid. If the Alarm is determined to be invalid, it is either managed or dismissed. Alternatively, this may be done by a computerized routine. [0019] In one scenario, once a valid Alarm has been determined, a plan of action (“Plan”) is generated and the sent to a responsible Supervisor, along with the Alarm and Supporting Information. The Supervisor then assigns and forwards the Plan to a Maintenance Technician who then completes the necessary work. [0020] One aspect of this invention is a method of maintaining and repairing Equipment in an efficient and cost-effective manner utilizing algorithms. Another aspect of the invention is to provide a means for tracking, measuring and improving the maintenance management system. It is still another objective to provide a maintenance system in which generated Alarms are not ignored, overlooked, or misplaced. Additionally, the most severe alarms should be addressed first in an expeditious manner. [0021] Various other purposes and advantages of the invention will become clear from its description in the specification that follows and from the novel features particularly pointed out in the appended claims. Therefore, to the accomplishment of the objectives described above, this invention comprises the features hereinafter illustrated in the drawings, fully described in the detailed description of the preferred embodiments and particularly pointed out in the claims. However, such drawings and description disclose just a few of the various ways in which the invention may be practiced. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0022] FIG. 1 is an illustration of an overview of the Interactive Maintenance Management System (“IMMS”), according to the invention. [0023] FIG. 2 is a flow chart illustrating an overview of the method of Alarm Handling, according to the invention. [0024] FIG. 2 (A) is a flow chart illustrating the first variation of the Analysis Process step, indicated in FIG. 2 . [0025] FIG. 2 (B) is a flow chart illustrating the second variation of the Analysis Process step, indicated in FIG. 2 . [0026] FIG. 2 (C) is a flow chart illustrating the third variation of the Analysis Process step, indicated in FIG. 2 . [0027] FIG. 2 (D) is a flow chart illustrating the fourth variation of the Analysis Process step, indicated in FIG. 2 . [0028] FIG. 2 (E) is a flow chart illustrating the fifth variation of the Analysis Process step, indicated in FIG. 2 . [0029] FIG. 2 (F) is a flow chart illustrating the sixth variation of the Analysis Process step, indicated in FIG. 2 . [0030] FIG. 2 (G) is a flow chart illustrating the seventh variation of the Analysis Process step, indicated in FIG. 2 . [0031] FIG. 3 (A) is a flow chart illustrating the first variation of the Set Snooze Criteria action, indicated in FIG. 2 . [0032] FIG. 3 (B) is a flow chart illustrating the second variation of the Set Snooze Criteria action, indicated in FIG. 2 [0033] FIG. 3 (C) is a flow chart illustrating the third variation of the Set Snooze Criteria action, indicated in FIG. 2 [0034] FIG. 3 (D) is a flow chart illustrating the fourth variation of the Set Snooze Criteria action, indicated in FIG. 2 [0035] FIG. 3 (E) is a flow chart illustrating the fifth variation of the Set Snooze Criteria action, indicated in FIG. 2 [0036] FIG. 3 (F) is a flow chart illustrating the sixth variation of the Set Snooze Criteria action, indicated in FIG. 2 [0037] FIG. 3 (G) is a flow chart illustrating the seventh variation of the Set Snooze Criteria action, indicated in FIG. 2 [0038] FIG. 3 (H) is a flow chart illustrating the eighth variation of the Set Snooze Criteria action, indicated in FIG. 2 [0039] FIG. 3 (I) is a flow chart illustrating the ninth variation of the Set Snooze Criteria action, indicated in FIG. 2 [0040] FIGS. 4 (A)- 4 (F) are flowcharts illustrating the preferred embodiment of the invention. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0041] As a general overview of the invention, FIG. 1 shows an Interactive Maintenance Management System (“IMMS”) 10 . A piece of heavy equipment (“Equipment”) 12 is located at a strip mine 14 . A Central Computer 16 is located at a Central Office 18 , along with a Transceiver 20 of the Communications Network. Another Transceiver 22 is located at each piece of Equipment 12 . Additionally, an Alarm Generator 24 is located on the Equipment 12 . Additionally, a Maintenance Department 26 is provided as a location for servicing and repairing the Equipment 12 . [0042] Numerous technical and administrative positions are necessary to facilitate the operation of the IMMS. The Equipment Operator can be a key part of the condition monitoring and Alarm generation system, in that he can detect equipment deterioration and abnormal conditions which are not detected by on-board sensors. A Maintenance Dispatcher is the person responsible for ensuring good communication between maintenance and administrative personnel. Equipment problems are communicated to the Maintenance Dispatcher and he, in turn, passes the information to the Shop Maintenance Supervisor, typically over voice radio. When the Shop Maintenance Supervisor verifies that a repair has been completed, he informs the Maintenance Dispatcher that the equipment is no longer down. The responsibilities of the Maintenance Dispatcher may alternatively be handled by an Operations Dispatcher, or a secondary Operations Dispatcher, depending on the size of the mining operation and its operational configuration. [0043] In the preferred embodiment of the invention, Alarms may be categorized at one of three different priority levels. The highest level of Alarm, Level 1, is typically associated with Equipment which is experiencing downtime. Additionally, this level may indicate a problem which raises safety concerns or may lead to potential equipment damage. Level 2 Alarms are those generated when Equipment may be functioning, but prolonged use may result in component failure. Nuisance Alarms are considered Level 3 and represented those which may be disregarded. An example of a Level 3 Alarm is one generated by a faulty sensor. [0044] A key person in the efficient operation of the IMMS is the Maintenance Assistant. It is his role to analyze Alarms, establish an Alarm Priority and recommend a Job Action Plan. Additionally, the Maintenance Assistant ensures that appropriate Supporting Information is passed on with the Alarm. [0045] The Shop Maintenance Supervisor prioritizes and assigns tasks to Shop Maintenance Technicians who, in turn, affect the actual repair of the Equipment, once it has been delivered to the Maintenance Department 26 . Shop Maintenance Technicians perform scheduled repairs, such as oil changes and engine overhauls, and unplanned maintenance due to Equipment failure. [0046] Some repairs do not require the facilities of the Maintenance Department 26 . Additionally, in some circumstances, Equipment which is experiencing a failure may not be able to be moved to the Maintenance Department. In those circumstances, a Field Maintenance Technician performs unplanned repairs and service on-site. These Field Maintenance Technicians generally visit the Maintenance Department only to get parts, material, tools, and equipment necessary to effect repairs on the Equipment. [0047] The Field Maintenance Supervisor prioritizes and assigns the job repairs tasks to the Field Maintenance Technicians. Additionally, they coordinate activities with the Maintenance Dispatcher and Shop Maintenance Supervisor. [0048] The Maintenance Department is supported by a team of Administrative and Engineering staff. The Maintenance Analyst researches all available data, including Equipment history, trend data, and real-time data, to handle Level 2 Alarms that are non-critical. These problems generally require a more careful and long-term troubleshooting approach, as these problems are generally not as straightforward and obvious as those generating Level 1 Alarms. One responsibility of the Maintenance Analyst is to identify trends or re-occurring problems. [0049] The Maintenance Engineer is responsible for developing maintenance programs and supporting the day-to-day engineering needs of the Maintenance Department. Their job requires extensive use of remote condition monitoring and a review of maintenance history. Maintenance Planners are responsible for short and long-term planning of maintenance tasks. It is the responsibility of the Planners to schedule planned maintenance. Overseeing the IMMS is the Maintenance Superintendent. It is his/her job to establish the goals of the Maintenance Department and evaluate the effectiveness of the IMMS. [0050] An overview of the operation of the IMMS 10 is illustrated in the flow-chart of FIG. 2 . Initially, an Abnormal Event is Received 102 at the Central Office 18 by the Central Computer 16 . Abnormal Events may be generated in numerous ways. The first is a signal originating from the Alarm Generator 24 , located on the Equipment 12 . An onboard monitoring system generates an Alarm based on an abnormal event occurring on the Equipment. Alternatively, an Embedded Device, Programmable Logic Controller (“PLC”), or other computerized system monitors equipment operating and/or production parameters from one or more sensor or monitoring system. Production parameters from mine management systems would include data such as excavation records (i.e. equipment id, operator id, location, activity times, payload, material type, material characteristics, etcetera), dump records (equipment id, operator id, location, activity times, payload, material type, material characteristics, etcetera), equipment status time (i.e. ready time, delay time, standby time, breakdown time, etcetera). When one or more parameters exceeds an established threshold, an Abnormal Event is generated. [0051] Additionally, Abnormal Events may be generated utilizing off-board computer based on sensory input from OEM monitoring systems, third-party monitoring systems, sensors, data acquisition systems, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) production data from mine management systems, maintenance history from work order management system, and health information from predictive maintenance database based on fixed or configurable single parameter or multi-parameter thresholds. Various third-party predictive maintenance technology suppliers store their data in a database or other electronic medium. Predictive maintenance technology includes areas such as vibration analysis, fluids analysis (i.e. oil analysis), ultrasonic analysis, ultrasonic testing, infrared analysis, eddy current analysis, mag-particle analysis, etcetera. Another means for generating an Abnormal Event is through the use of remote condition monitoring. Additionally, maintenance or operational personnel may enter the Event directly into the Central Computer 16 , based on input from Equipment operators, Field Maintenance Technicians, or pre-shift inspections. Yet another method of generating Abnormal Events is through Enterprise Resource Planning (“ERP”) systems. ERPs are integrated information system that serve all departments within an enterprise. Evolving out of the manufacturing industry, ERP implies the use of packaged software rather than proprietary software written by or for one customer. ERP modules may be able to interface with an organization's own software with varying degrees of effort, and depending on the software, ERP modules may be alterable via the vendor's proprietary tools as well as proprietary or standard programming languages. An ERP system can include software for manufacturing, order entry, accounts receivable and payable, general ledger, purchasing, warehousing, transportation and human resources. [0052] Abnormal Events are received as data packets, e.g., a block of data used for transmission in packet-switched systems. Once an Event has been received 102 , the Event and associated information is Stored In Database 104 . Data such as time, date, an Abnormal Event Identifier, Equipment identifier, location, Equipment operator, operational status, action, Alarm snapshot, and production information may be stored in a Database along with the Abnormal Event. Once the Event has been stored in the Database, the Event is examined to determine whether Abnormal Event Snoozed 106 . For the purposes of this description, “snooze” is defined as temporarily turning off an alarm, pending attention at a later time. If the status is Snoozed, the IMMS algorithm is terminated 108 , if not the algorithm proceeds to the Analysis Process 110 phase. Either an analyst or a computational routine Validates the Alarm and determines an appropriate response to the Event. The Analysis Process 110 can be simple or complex and is examined in more detail below. [0053] The next step of the process is to Snooze Abnormal Event 112 . In this phase, a logical operator determines if the abnormal event requires snoozing or suppressing from inject into the Analysis Process 110 . A logical operator represents a decision process where a condition is evaluated for true (yes) and false (no). Traditional Boolean logical operators can be used in the evaluation (and, or, xor, not, etcetera). If no Snoozing is necessary, the algorithm Terminates 114 , else notification of the event is blocked until such time as Snooze Criteria are violated. In Set Snooze Criteria 116 , the Abnormal Event is Snoozed based on such factors as time, occurrence frequency, minimum allowable system or component health factors, predefined events, minimum allowable system or component health factor, and other user definable criteria. A minimum allowable system or component health factor is the minimum level of which a system or component is still considered in good health. The factor may be based on a single parameter or a compilation of multiple parameters from various sources. Sources of parameters include OEM monitoring systems, predictive databases, mine management systems, ERP, SCADA, etcetera. The factor is established either by pre-set configurations or manually be the user. [0054] The next evaluation is Snooze Criteria Violated 118 . Another logical operator evaluates whether the Snooze criteria have been violated and, if so, advances the algorithm to Snooze Released 120 . Snooze Released is the criteria evaluated for violation such as time, occurrence frequency, minimum allowable system or component health factor, predefine event (i.e. completion of repair, component change-out, etcetera), and user defined criteria. The algorithm then terminates 122 . [0055] FIG. 2 (A) illustrates the optional step of Display for Action or Information 130 , followed by the Analysis of Abnormal Event 132 . The Abnormal Event is displayed in a common job queue or sent directly to one or more individuals. Individuals are defined in the distribution list for that event. Analysis 132 is the process of validating the Abnormal Event and, either through analysis or the utilization of a computational routine, determining the appropriate action. The algorithm illustrated in FIG. 2 (B) builds on these steps by adding the Create Repair Record 134 decision point, the Create Repair Record 136 action, the Snooze Abnormal Event 138 , and the Terminate 140 action. In the Create Repair Record 134 decision point, a logical operator evaluates whether the abnormal event meets the criteria for creation of a Repair Record is to be created, the algorithm returns to step 112 of FIG. 1 . The criteria for creation of a Repair Record may be related to consequences of failure (potential repair costs, production losses, or safety implications if the system goes to failure), availability of maintenance personnel, availability of facilities, production requirements, planned maintenance activities, confidence in diagnosis of problem, parts availability, etcetera. The criteria may be evaluated manually or through a computerized routine. A Repair Record is created in step 136 . A logical operator then evaluates whether the Abnormal Event meets the criteria to be snoozed. Is so, the algorithm returns to step 112 of FIG. 1 , else the algorithm Terminates 140 . [0056] A third variation of the Analysis Process 110 is illustrated in FIG. 2 (C). After the Analysis of Abnormal Event 132 , the decision point of Ignore Abnormal Event 142 is encountered, wherein a logical operator evaluates whether the Abnormal Event meets the criteria to be ignored. If so, the algorithm advances to the Documentation Reason 144 action, wherein the user enters the appropriate information to document why the Abnormal Event is being ignored, and then Terminates 146 . If not, the algorithm advances to the Create Repair Record 134 decision point, the Create Repair Record 136 action, the Snooze Abnormal Event 138 , and the Terminate 140 action. FIG. 2 (D) is a fourth variation of the Analysis Process 110 . The Send to Analyst 148 decision point is evaluated by a logical operator to determine whether the Event should be sent to an Analyst. If not, the algorithm terminates 150 , else returns to step 130 of FIG. 2 (B). In FIG. 2 (E), the output of the Send to Analyst 148 decision point is sent to step 130 of FIG. 2 (C). [0057] In FIG. 2 (F), the algorithm is sent to step 148 of FIG. 2 (D) and the Send to 3 rd Party 152 decision point, where a logical operator evaluates whether notification of the Abnormal Event should be sent to 3 rd party outside maintenance organizations such as OEMs, distributors, solutions centers, or predictive maintenance contractors. Solutions Centers is a generic name for an outside organization that provides a mix of consulting or analysis services. In this case, the solution center would receive a packet of data concerning an abnormal event, analyze the data, and provide feedback if required. If so, this branch of the algorithm enters the Package and Send to 3 rd Party 156 action step and terminates 158 . The algorithm of FIG. 2 (G) is similar to that of FIG. 2 (F) with the algorithm being sent to step 148 of FIG. 2 (E). [0058] The many variations of Set Snooze Criteria 116 are illustrated in FIGS. 3 (A)- 3 (I). In FIG. 3 (A), the Set Snooze Criteria 116 comprises the Select Snooze Duration Based on Time 160 action, wherein the abnormal event is Snoozed based on a fixed period of time selected either manually or by a computational device. In FIG. 3 (B), this action is replaced by the Select Snooze Duration Based on Abnormal Event Frequency 162 , wherein the Abnormal Event is Snoozed based on a fixed occurrence rate selected either manually or by a computational device. Alternatively, the Set Snooze Criteria 116 can be replaced by Select Parameter(s) to Monitor and Rule(s) to Establish Severity Limits 164 ( FIG. 3 (C)), Select Events to Act as Triggers 166 ( FIG. 3 (D)), or Select User Defined Criteria to Act as Trigger 168 ( FIG. 3 (E)). In step 164 , the Abnormal Event is Snoozed based on the component, sub-system, or system health. An example of a component is a fuel pump, a sub-system may be fuel delivery system, and an example of a system is an engine. A system is defined as a group of related components that interact to perform a task. A subsystem can be defined as follows: A unit or device that is part of a larger system. For example, a disk subsystem is a part of the computer system. The bus is a part of the computer. A subsystem usually refers to hardware, but it may be used to describe software. A component can be defined as an element of a larger system. A hardware component can be a device as small as a transistor or as large as a disk drive as long as it is part of a larger system. Thresholds are defined by upper limits, lower limits, and rate of change limitations for individual sensors, multiple sensors, OEM monitoring systems, or other predictive maintenance systems, established either by an analyst or by a computational device. [0059] The Select Event to Act as Trigger 166 step Snoozes an Abnormal Event based on the occurrence of one or more Events. One or more operational, administrative, and maintenance actions can be selected as triggers for the release of the Snooze, selected by either an analyst or a computational device. Administrative events are those related to management of people or facilities. For example, the maintenance shop or wash bay becomes available or a specific skilled maintenance technician starts work. Maintenance events are related to the execution of the maintenance process. For example, a specific scheduled repair or inspection on the equipment with the snoozed abnormal event is completed. The Select User Defined Criteria to Act as Trigger 168 step Snoozes an Abnormal Event based on user established criteria. This user-established criteria may include production/operation/logistics based factors (i.e. number of gallons of fuel consumed, material moved, operational cycles completed, distance traveled, operating hours, work performed, etcetera). [0060] FIG. 3 (F) introduces step Snooze Based on Time 170 and Add Snooze Criteria 172 decision points. In step 170 , a logical operator evaluates whether the Abnormal Event meets established criteria based on time. If true, the algorithm proceeds to Select Snooze Duration Based on Time 160 , else it proceeds to step 162 . Step 172 utilizes a logical operator to evaluate whether the Abnormal Event requires additional snooze criteria to complement any already selected. [0061] The algorithm of FIG. 3 (G) is similar to that of FIG. 3 (F), but introduces Snooze Based on Frequency 174 , which utilizes a logical operator to evaluate whether the Abnormal Event meets the criteria to be Snoozed based on occurrence rate. FIG. 3 (H) introduces Snooze Based on Severity 178 , wherein a logical operator evaluates whether the Abnormal Event meets the criteria to be Snoozed based on the health status of a component, sub-system, or system. Finally, FIG. 3 (I) introduces Snooze Based on Event 182 , which uses a logical operator to evaluate whether the Abnormal Event meets the criteria to be Snoozed based on the occurrence of a defined event. An Event 182 is an action initiated either by the user or the computer. The preferred embodiment of the invention is illustrated in the flow charts of FIG. 4 (A)- 4 (F). [0062] Others skilled in the art of handling Abnormal Events may develop other embodiments of the present invention. The embodiments described herein are but a few of the modes of the invention. Therefore, the terms and expressions which have been employed in the foregoing specification are used therein as terms of description and not of limitation, and there is no intention in the use of such terms and expressions of excluding equivalents of the features shown and described or portions thereof, it being recognized that the scope of the invention is defined and limited only by the claims which follow.
An Interactive Maintenance Management System (“IMMS”) is an alarm handling system for handling Abnormal Events that indicate present or imminent equipment failure. The IMMS may be utilized in industrial situations, such as strip-mines, to reduce equipment downtime and reduce or prevent equipment failure. The IMMS utilizes a flexible response system to track, analyze, and improve performance of the alarm handling system.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention provides a process for the preparation of pazopanib of Formula Ia or salts, and intermediates thereof. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Pazopanib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor of Formula Ia. Pazopanib is marketed as the hydrochloride salt, with the chemical name 5-[[4-[(2,3-dimethyl-2H-indazol-6-yl)methylamino]-2-pyrimidinyl]amino]-2-methylbenzenesulfonamide monohydrochloride, having the structure as depicted in Formula I: U.S. Pat. No. 7,105,530 provides a process for the preparation of a hydrochloride salt of a compound of Formula II involving the reduction of 2,3-dimethyl-6-nitro-2H-indazole with tin (II) chloride in concentrated hydrochloric acid in the presence of 2-methoxyethyl ether at 0° C. It also describes the preparation of a compound of Formula III involving the reaction of a hydrochloride salt of compound of Formula II with 2,4-dichloropyrimidine in the presence of a base and solvent mixture of tetrahydrofuran/ethanol followed by stirring for 4 hours at 85° C. PCT Publication No. WO 2007/064752 provides a process for the preparation of a compound of Formula II comprising reducing 2,3-dimethyl-6-nitro-2H-indazole with 10% Palladium-carbon (50% wet) in the presence of methanol, followed by the addition of ammonium formate at a rate that ensures the reaction temperature is maintained at or between 25° C. and 30° C. It also discloses the preparation of a compound of Formula III comprising heating the compound of Formula II with sodium bicarbonate in presence of tetrahydrofuran and ethanol at or between 75° C. and 80° C. followed by cooling to 20° C. to 25° C. The present invention provides a process for the preparation of a compound of Formula II which offers recycling of the Raney nickel catalyst used in the process, and an easy filtration work-up procedure. Further, the present invention offers selective reduction under mild conditions that is economical to use at an industrial scale. The present invention also provides a process for the preparation of compound of Formula III which avoids the use of two or more solvents, and additionally, also circumvents heating and cooling procedures during the reaction. The aforesaid advantages yield a compound of Formula III with a lesser amount of N-(4-chloropyrimidin-2-yl)-2,3-dimethyl-2H-indazol-6-amine (CPDMI) impurity. The compounds of Formula II and Formula III prepared by the present invention yield a compound of Formula Ia or its salts in comparable yield and suitable purity required for medicinal preparations. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION A first aspect of the present invention provides a process for the preparation of pazopanib of Formula Ia or its salts comprising: i) treating 2,3-dimethyl-6-nitro-2H-indazole with Raney nickel to obtain a compound of Formula II; ii) treating the compound of Formula II at a temperature of about 45° C. or below with 2,4-dichloropyrimidine to obtain a compound of Formula III; iii) converting the compound of Formula III to pazopanib of Formula Ia or its salts; and iv) isolating pazopanib of Formula Ia or its salts. A second aspect of the present invention provides a process for the preparation of pazopanib of Formula Ia or its salts comprising: i) treating 2,3-dimethyl-6-nitro-2H-indazole with Raney nickel to obtain a compound of Formula II; ii) treating the compound of Formula II with 2,4-dichloropyrimidine to obtain a compound of Formula III; iii) converting the compound of Formula III to pazopanib of Formula Ia or its salts; and iv) isolating pazopanib of Formula Ia or its salts wherein the compound of Formula II is not isolated from the reaction mixture. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Various embodiments and variants of the present invention are described hereinafter. The term “about”, as used herein, refers to ±5% variation in the values mentioned herein. The 2,3-dimethyl-6-nitro-2H-indazole may be prepared by processes known in the prior art, for example, the process known in PCT Publication No. WO 2007/064752, or may be prepared by the process provided herein. The Raney nickel used in the reaction is in the form of a fine grained solid. Step i) is carried out in the presence of an organic solvent and hydrogen gas. The organic solvent may be an alcoholic solvent. Examples of the alcoholic solvents include methanol, ethanol, n-propanol, iso-propanol, n-butanol, iso-butanol, sec-butanol, or mixtures thereof. The compound of Formula II may be isolated from the reaction mixture or may be carried as such on to step ii) without isolation. The compound of Formula II may be isolated from reaction mixture by any method known in the art. The catalyst Raney nickel is recovered back and recycled. The compound of Formula II may be further treated with suitable solvents, or mixtures thereof The treatment of compound of Formula II with solvents may include preparing a suspension, stirring, or slurrying. Examples of the solvents to be used include halogenated solvents, aliphatic hydrocarbon solvents, or mixtures thereof Examples of halogenated solvents include dichloromethane, dichloroethane, chloroform, and carbon tetrachloride. Examples of aliphatic hydrocarbons include n-pentane, n-hexane, n-heptane, and n-octane. Step ii) is carried out in the presence of an organic solvent and a base. Examples of organic solvents include alcoholic solvents like methanol, ethanol, n-propanol, iso-propanol, n-butanol, iso-butanol, sec-butanol, or mixtures thereof The base may be selected from organic or inorganic bases. The organic base is selected from the group comprising N,N-diisopropylethylamine, triethylamine, tri-isopropylamine, N,N-2-trimethyl-2-propanamine, N-methylmorpholine, 4-dimethylaminopyridine, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-dimethylaminopyridine, 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane, 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene, or mixtures thereof. The inorganic base is selected from the group comprising sodium carbonate, potassium carbonate, sodium hydride, sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, or mixtures thereof. Step ii) is carried out at a temperature of about 45° C. or below, for example, at about 25° C. to 30° C. The temperature of about 45° C. or below is critical for controlling the formation of N-(4-chloropyrimidin-2-yl)-2,3-dimethyl-2H-indazol-6-amine impurity (4-CPDMI as disclosed in PCT Publication No. WO 2011/069053) during step ii). The compound of Formula III is subjected to sequential treatment with water and an organic solvent. The treatment of the compound of Formula III with water and an organic solvent may include preparing a suspension, stirring, or slurrying. The organic solvent is selected from the group comprising ethyl acetate, n-propyl acetate, butyl acetate, or mixtures thereof The compound of Formula III may be isolated from the reaction mixture or may be carried as such on to step iii) without isolation. The compound of Formula III may be isolated from the reaction mixture by any method known in the art. Step iii) may be carried out as per the embodiments described hereinafter, or by any other method known in the art. The isolation of pazopanib or its salts is carried out by any method known in the art. The salt of pazopanib is the hydrochloride salt of Formula I. The compound of Formula I prepared by the process of the present invention may be further converted to pazopanib hydrochloride thereof by any method known to a person skilled in the art. In the following section, preferred embodiments are described by way of examples to illustrate the process. However, these are not intended in any way to limit the scope of the invention. Several variants of these examples would be evident to persons ordinarily skilled in the art. EXAMPLES Step 1: Synthesis of 2,3-dimcthyl-6-nitro-2H-indazole Example 1 Trimethyloxonium tetrafluoroborate (125.2 g, 0.85 mol) was added to a stirred suspension of 3-methyl-6-nitro-indazole (100 g, 0.56 mol) in ethyl acetate (2000 mL) over a period of 4 hours in four equal lots at 1 hour time intervals. The reaction mixture was stirred at 25° C. to 30° C. for 16 hours. The solvent was recovered under reduced pressure. A saturated sodium bicarbonate solution (3240 mL) was added to the mixture slowly, and the reaction mixture was extracted with 4:1 mixture of dichloromethane isopropyl alcohol (1080 mL×5). The solvent was recovered under reduced pressure. Methyl tert-butyl ether (800 mL) was added to the residue, and the reaction mixture was stirred for 30 minutes at 45° C. to 50° C. The reaction mixture was cooled to 25° C. to 30° C. and was stirred at this temperature for 30 minutes. The solid was filtered, washed with methyl tert-butyl ether (100 mL×2), and dried in an air oven at 50° C. for 12 hours to afford 2,3-dimethyl-6-nitro-2H-indazole as a yellow solid. Yield: 82.4% w/w Step 2: Synthesis of 2,3-dimethyl-2H-indazol-6-amine Example 2a Raney nickel (12.50 g) was added to a suspension of 2,3-dimethyl-6-nitro-2H-indazole (50 g, 0.26 mol) in methanol (500 mL). The reaction mixture was stirred in an autoclave under hydrogen pressure of 3.5 kg/cm 2 -4.0 kg/cm 2 at 25° C. to 30° C. for 5 hours. Further, the reaction mixture was filtered through a hyflo bed, and the catalyst was washed with methanol (100 mL×2). The filtrates were combined, and the solvent was recovered completely. n-Heptane (250 mL) and dichloromethane (50 mL) were added to the residue, and the reaction mixture was stirred for 1 hour at 25° C. to 30° C. The solid was collected by filtration, washed with n-heptane (50 mL×2), and dried under vacuum at 40° C. to 45° C. to afford 2,3-dimethyl-2H-indazol-6-amine as a light brown solid. Yield: 95% w/w Example 2b Raney nickel (21.25 g) was added to a suspension of 2,3-dimethyl-6-nitro-2H-indazole (85 g, 0.45 mol) in methanol (850 mL). The reaction mixture was stirred in an autoclave under hydrogen pressure of 3.5 kg/cm 2 -4.0 kg/cm 2 at 25° C. to 30° C. for 5 hours. Further, the reaction mixture was filtered through a hyflo bed, and the catalyst was washed with methanol (85 mL×3). The filtrates were combined, and the solvent was recovered up to the volume of 850 mL. The 2,3-dimethyl-2H-indazol-6-amine in methanol was used as such in the next step. Step 3: Synthesis of N-(2-chloropyrimidin-4-yl)-2,3-dimethyl-2H-indazol-6-amine Example 3 Sodium bicarbonate (112 g, 1.34 mol) was added to a stirred solution of 2,3-dimethyl-2H-indazol-6-amine (as obtained from step 2; Examples 2a and 2b) in methanol 2,4-Dichloropyrimidine (99.35 g, 0.67 mol) was added to the reaction mixture followed by stirring of the reaction mixture for 24 hours at 25° C. to 30° C. De-ionized water (850 mL) was added to the reaction mixture followed by stirring of the reaction mixture at 25° C. to 30° C. for 1 hour. The solid was filtered. The wet solid was washed with de-ionized water (170 mL×2) to obtain a wet material. De-ionized water (850 mL) was added to the wet material to obtain a slurry, and the slurry was stirred at 25° C. to 30° C. for 30 minutes. The solid was filtered, then washed with de-ionized water (170 mL×2). The wet material obtained was treated with ethyl acetate (340 mL) to obtain a slurry. The slurry was stirred at 35° C. to 40° C. for 30 minutes and then cooled to 0° C. to 5° C. The slurry was further stirred at 0° C. to 5° C. for 30 minutes. The solid was collected by filtration, then washed with cold ethyl acetate (170 mL×2). The solid was dried in an air oven at 50° C. for 16 hours to afford N-(2-chloropyrimidin-4-yl)-2,3-dimethyl-2H-indazol-6-amine as an off-white solid. Yield: 86.7% w/w Step 4: Synthesis of Pazopanib Hydrochloride Example 4a Synthesis of N-(2-Chloropyrimidin-4-yl)-N,2,3-trimethyl-2H-indazol-6-amine Cesium carbonate (238 g, 0.73 mol) and iodomethane (57 g, 0.40 mol) were added to a stirred suspension of N-(2-chloropyrimidin-4-yl)-2,3-dimethyl-2H-indazol-6-amine (100g, 0.37 mol) in N,N-dimethylformamide (300 mL) at 25° C. to 30° C. The reaction mixture was further stirred at 25° C. to 30° C. for 6 hours followed by cooling of the reaction mixture to 0° C. to 5° C. De-ionized water (300 mL) was added drop-wise to the reaction mixture, then the reaction mixture was stirred at 5° C. to 10° C. for 30 minutes. The solid was collected by filtration, and washed with de-ionized water (100 mL×2). The wet material so obtained was dried in an air oven at 50° C. for 12 hours to obtain the title compound. Yield: 90.4% w/w Example 4b Synthesis of Pazopanib Hydrochloride To a suspension of N-(2-chloropyrimidin-4-yl)-N-2,3-trimethyl-2H-indazol-6-amine (90 g, 0.312 mol) and 5-amino-2-methyl benzene sulfonamide (64.07 g, 0.344 mol) in isopropyl alcohol (900 mL) was added 4M hydrochloric acid solution in isopropyl alcohol (1.56 mL, 6.25 mol). The reaction mixture was heated to reflux temperature for 10 hours to 12 hours. The reaction mixture was cooled to 25° C. The reaction mixture was further stirred at 25° C. to 30° C. for 30 minutes, then the solid was filtered. The wet solid was washed with isopropyl alcohol (180 mL×2), and then dried under vacuum at 45° C. to 50° C. for 12 hours to afford the hydrochloride salt of 5-({4-[(2,3-dimethyl-21-I-indazol-6-yl)(methyl) amino] pyrimidin-2-yl} amino-Z-methylbenzene sulfonamide as a light brown solid. Yield: 97% w/w
The present invention provides a process for the preparation of pazopanib of Formula Ia or salts, and intermediates thereof.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention This invention relates to a photodetector for use in light output monitoring devices of semiconductor lasers, receiving devices of optical communication systems, etc. 2. Related Background Art FIG. 1A is a top view of the structure of a conventional light detecting element, and FIG. 1B is a sectional view along the line X--X' in FIG. 1A. As shown, the conventional light detecting element comprises a first conduction-type semiconductor substrate 1 with a first electrode 8 formed on the underside; a first conduction-type semiconductor crystal layer 2 including a light absorbing layer; and a second conduction-type first region 3 formed in the first conduction-type semiconductor crystal layer 2 by selectively diffusing a dopant. Thus formed is a pin photodiode structure. This pin photodiode structure includes an n-layer (or a p-layer) provided by the semiconductor substrate 1, a p-layer (or an n-layer) provided by a first region 3, and a light detecting region 10 provided by the pn junction (the depletion layer or the i layer). A second electrode 5 is provided on the first region 3 in the semiconductor crystal layer 2. The top of the first region 3 inside the electrode 5 is covered with a reflection preventive film 6, and the top of semiconductor crystal layer 2 outside the electrode 5 is covered with a device protective film 7. In the semiconductor device of the above-described structure, when an reverse bias is applied, an electric field is generated in the depletion layer. Electrons and holes generated by incident light on a light detecting region 10 are divided respectively to the first conduction-type region 3 and are accelerated. Thus a photocurrent can be taken outside, and an optical signal can be detected. In the above-described structure of FIG. 1A and 1B, when light is incident on the light detecting region 10, photo-carriers are generated in the depletion layer, and a good response characteristic can be obtained. But when light is incident outside the light detecting region 10, due to a density gradient, the generated carriers are diffused to reach the depletion layer, and are taken out in a photocurrent. The transfer of the diffused carriers is slow. When the carriers reach the light detecting region 10, adversely a tail is generated at the last transition of a light-pulse-responding waveform as shown in FIG. 2. In using such light detecting element in photodetectors for use in optical communication, etc., a lens 11, such as a spherical lens, a SELFOC lens or others, is disposed at the light incident part of the cap of the package as shown in FIG. 3 so as not to affect the response characteristic. This arrangement enables all the signal light emitted from an optical fiber or others to be focussed to be incident on the light detecting region 3. But this condensation increases an incident light intensity per a unit area of signal light incident on the light detecting region 3, and accordingly more carriers are generated in the depletion layer 10. Resultantly because of the space-charge effect produced by an increase of a carrier density in the depletion layer 10, the intensity of an electric field in the depletion layer 10 is decreased, and a drift rate of the carriers in the depletion layer 10 is lowered. Also tails occur at the falls of light pulse response waveforms. In view of this, the light amount to be incident on the light detecting element 20 has to be limited, and it is a problem that a maximum incident light amount on the semiconductor photodetector cannot be increased. This effect is more conspicuous especially when the reverse bias voltage is low, which makes it difficult to operate the semiconductor photodetectors at low bias voltages. In controlling a light output of a laser diode to be constant, the light emitted from the rear end surface of the laser diode is detected by a light detecting element, and an operating current of the laser diode is feed-back controlled. But because the light output of the laser diode is so intense that when light is focussed and incident on the light detecting region 3, the space-charge effect occurs, and as described above, the drift of the carriers is increased, and tails occur at the falls of response waveforms. The feed-back control of the laser diode is affected. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION An object of this invention is to provide a semiconductor photodetector which can solve the above-described problems. To this end, a photodetector according to the present invention comprises a package in which a window is provided in a light incident portion, and a light detecting element is located within the package, the light detecting element comprising: a first region formed of second conduction-type semiconductor and embedded in a first conduction-type semiconductor layer; a second region formed of second conduction-type semiconductor and embedded so as to be spaced from and surround the first region; and a conductor layer provided both on at least one part of top surface of the first conduction-type semiconductor layer and on at least one part of top surface of the second region. In the semiconductor photo-detecting device, a window provided in the package is a simple through hole and any lens is not used in the package. A signal light, therefore, is not concentrated in a light receiving region of the photo-detecting element and the signal light is also incident on an outside of the light receiving region. As a result, the intensity of the signal light incident on the light receiving region decreases degrade the response characteristics due to space charge effect may be prevented. Further, it may be to make signal light having a large intensity incident into the photo-detecting device without limiting the amount of the signal light. Further, the similar effect may be also realized in using a transparent plate in the light incident portion. According to the above-described light detecting element, even if incident light leaks outside the light detecting region which is the pn junction formed between the first conduction-type semiconductor layer and the first region and adversely generates carriers, the carriers are absorbed by the second region with the result that the flow of the diffused carriers into the light detecting region can be prevented. Consequently a necessary photocurrent alone can be taken out to an outside circuit. Decrease of a response speed of the device can be prevented. The first conduction-type semiconductor layer and the second region are short-circuited by a conductor layer of a metal, a semiconductor or others formed over their top surfaces, and carriers absorbed by the second region can be recombined or extinguished. Accordingly carriers are not accumulated in the second region. Even when a light pulse of very high intensity is incident, no tail is generated at the last transition of a response waveform for the light pulse. Thus, electric and optical characteristics of the device can be improved. The present invention will become more fully understood from the detailed description given hereinbelow and the accompanying drawings which are given by way of illustration only, and thus are not to be considered as limiting the present invention. Further scope of applicability of the present invention will become apparent from the detailed description given hereinafter. However, it should be understood that the detailed description and specific examples, while indicating preferred embodiments of the invention, are given by way of illustration only, since various changes and modifications within the spirit and scope of the invention will become apparent to those skilled in the art from this detailed description. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1A is a plan view of a light detecting element used in a conventional photodetector for explaining the structure thereof. FIG. 1B is a sectional view of the light detecting element along X--X'. FIG. 2 is a graph of the light pulse characteristic of the conventional light detecting element. FIG. 3 is a sectional view of the conventional photodetector for explaining the structure thereof. FIG. 4A is a plan view of a light detecting element for use in the photodetector according to a first embodiment of this invention. FIG. 4B is a sectional view of the light detecting element along X--X'. FIG. 5 is a sectional view of the photodetector according to a second embodiment of this invention. FIG. 6A is a plan view of a light detecting element for use in the photodetector according to the second embodiment of this invention. FIG. 6B is a sectional view of the light detecting element along X--X'. FIG. 7A is a plan view of a light detecting element for use in the photodetector according to a third embodiment of this invention, which explains the structure thereof. FIG. 7B is a sectional view of the light detecting element along X--X'. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS A first embodiment of this invention will be explained with reference to FIGS. 4A and 4B, and FIG. 5. FIG. 4A is a top view of the light detecting device according to the first embodiment, and FIG. 4B is a sectional view along the line X--X'. On an n + InP (Indium-Phosphide) semiconductor substrate 21 with an n-electrode 28 formed on the underside, there are formed a non-doped InP buffer layer 22a (carrier concentration: n=2×10 15 cm-3, thickness: 2 μm), a non-doped InGaAs (Indium-Gallium-Arsenide) light-detecting layer 22b (n=3×10 15 cm -3 , thickness: 3.5 μm), and a non-doped InP window layer 22c (n=1×10 15 cm -3 , thickness: 2 μm) for decreasing a dark current. In the light detecting layer 22b and the window layer 22c, there are formed a p-type first region 23 and a p-type second region 24 by selectively diffusing Zn. The first region has a 200 μm-diameter, and the second region 24(charge trapping region) has a 40 μm-width. The n-type region between the first region 23 and the second region 24 around the first region 23 has a 10 μm-width. A p-electrode 25 is formed on the first region 23, and a reflection reducing film or antireflection film 26 is formed on that part of the region 23 inside the electrode 25, and a device protecting film or passivation film 27 is formed on that part of the first region 23 outside the electrode 25 and the window layer 22c including the second region 24. In this structure, electrons and holes generated by incident light on the light detecting region 30 are divided respectively toward the semiconductor substrate 21 and the first region 23, and are accelerated. Consequently a photocurrent can be taken outside, and an optical signal can be detected. If light is incident on parts other than the light detecting region 30, generated unnecessary carriers are captured by a built-in potential formed in the second region 24 embedded in the semiconductor crystal layers 22a, 22b, 22c and are hindered from entering the light detecting region 30. Eventually a photocurrent necessary for detecting an optical signal can be taken out. But a part of the carriers absorbed and trapped by the second region 24 is recombined and extinguished in the semiconductor crystal layer, but the other part accumulates in the second region 24. Especially when a light pulse of high intensity is inputted, a ratio of carriers extinguished by recombination is low, and most remaining carriers are accumulated in the second region 24. Resultantly a built-in potential formed in the second region becomes weak, and a ratio of carriers trapped by the second region is lowered. Diffused carriers having a lower transfer speed flow into the light detecting region 30, and a tail is generated at the last transition of a response waveform for the light pulse. Thus, electric and optical characteristics of the device are affected. The above-described affection is more remarkable especially in the case that the second region 24 is not exposed at the end surface of the second region 24. In this case, recombinations and extinctions of the carriers hardly take place, and carriers are accordingly accumulated in the second region 24. In this state, as described above, electric and optical characteristics are affected. In the case that the second region 24 is exposed at an end surface of the device, carriers tend to leak at the end surface and to be recombined. Consequently most carriers are not accumulated in the second region 24, and accordingly a built-in potential in the second region 24 does not tend to be lowered. Consequently a ratio of carriers trapped by the second region 24 does not lower with the result that electric and optical characteristics are not seriously affected. However, in applying the light detecting device according to this embodiment to various optical devices, it is necessary to extinguish generated carriers more quickly to maintain a state in which no carriers are accumulated in the second region 24 even when light of high intensity is inputted. Here to eliminate the above-described influence, in addition to the above-described structure, as shown in FIGS. 4A and 4B, a metal film 31 is formed on the semiconductor crystal layers 22a, 22b, 22c so as to be in contact both with the p-type second region 24 and with the n-type region outside the second region 24. This metal film 31 is formed by alloying Au/Zn/Au and is in contact over a 10 μm-width both with the second region 24 and with the n-type region outside the second region 24. The area of the metal film 31 is 20 μm×40 μm. It is preferable that the light detecting layer 22b has a thickness of 2˜7 μm for good absorbing efficiency of incident light, but the width is not necessarily limited to this range. The n-type region between the p-type first region 23 and the p-type second region 24 preferably has a width of 2˜40 μm, but the width is not necessarily limited to the range. The shape and width of the metal film 31 in contact with the n-type region and with the p-type second region 24 are not necessarily limited to the above. In the above-described structure, when light is incident on regions other than the light detecting region 30, unnecessary generated carriers are captured by the second region 24 which is a charge trapping region. Consequently no tail is generated at the last transition or the fall of a light pulse, and only a photocurrent necessary for the detection of an optical signal can be taken out. The captured carriers are recombined and extinguished by the metal film 31 short-circuiting the window layer 22c and the second region 24 and are not accumulated in the second region 24. Accordingly a ratio of carriers captured by the second region 24 is not lowered, and electric characteristics and optical characteristics are not affected. In terms of the structure, it is not necessary to provide an extra electrode and connect the same to the electrode 28 in order to take out accumulated carriers. The device can have a simplified structure. The diameter of the region 23, etc. is not limited to this embodiment. FIG. 5 shows a photodetector using the above-described light detecting element. In this photodetector the light detecting element shown in FIGS. 4A and 4B is mounted on a constituent member 52 covered with a cap 53 of a package. A window of a light transmitting plate 54 is disposed at a required position so that light can be incident on a light detecting region 23 of the light detecting element 50. Because this photodetector uses no lens, signal light emitted from an optical fiber 55 is not focussed onto the light detecting region 23 but is incident on the light detecting element 50 divergently outside the light detecting region 23. In this structure, even when light is incident outside the light detecting region 23, unnecessary generated carriers are trapped in a second region 24 and extinguished. Accordingly it is not necessary to focus signal light so that the signal light is incident only on the light detecting region 23, and to restrict, to this end, a light amount to be incident on the photodetector. The photodetector according to a second embodiment of this invention will be explained. The mounting of the light detecting element on the package in the second embodiment is the same as in the first embodiment, and will not be explained here. The structure and function of the light detecting element will be explained with reference to FIGS. 6A and 6B. FIG. 6A is a top view of the light detecting element according to this embodiment, and FIG. 6B is a sectional view along the line X--X'. On a Fe doped InP substrate 21 (specific resistance: ρ=1MΩ.cm), there are formed a non-doped InP buffer layer 22a (n=1×10 15 cm -3 , thickness: 1 μm), a non-doped InGaAs light detecting layer 22b (n=1×10 15 cm -3 , thickness: 4 μm), and a non-doped window layer 22c (n=2×10 15 cm -3 , thickness: 3 μm). In the light detecting layer 22b and the window layer 22c there are formed a p-type first region 23 and a p-type second region 24 by selectively diffusing Zn by ampul or sealed tube method. The first region has a 300 μm-diameter. Because of this region 23, a structure including the pn junction as the light detecting region 30 can be provided. The n-type region between the first region 23 and the second region 24 has a 20 μm-width. On the first region 23 there is provided a p-electrode 25. An antireflection film 26 is provided on that part of the region 23 inside the electrode 25, and a device protecting film 27 is formed on that part of the region 23 outside the electrode 25 and on the second region 24 in the window layer 22c. An n-electrode 48 for the light detecting device is formed on that part of the InP window layer 22c outside the second region 24 and on a part of the second region 24. The n-electrode 48 has a 330 μm-inner diameter and is over the second region 24 by 5 μm. In the above-described structure, the electrode 48 formed in contact with both the p-type second region 24 and the n-type window layer 22c can function as the n-electrode 28 (FIG. 4B) for taking out a photoelectric current, and as the metal film 31 (FIGS. 4A and 4B) for recombining carriers captured by the second region (charge trapping region) 24. The second embodiment has a simple structure but can produce the same advantageous effect as the first embodiment. The photodetector according to a third embodiment of this invention will be explained. The mounting of the photodetecting element on the package in the third embodiment is the same as in the first embodiment, and will not be explained here. The structure and function of the light detecting element will be explained with reference to FIGS. 7A and 7B. FIG. 7A is a top view of the light detecting element according to the third embodiment of this invention, and FIG. 7B is a sectional view along the line X--X'. As shown, on the surface of an n-type (first conduction-type) semiconductor substrate 21 with an n-electrode 28 formed on the underside, there is formed an n-type semiconductor crystal layer 22. A p-type (second conduction-type) first region 23 is formed on the semiconductor crystal layer 22 by diffusing a dopant by ampul method. The first region 23 has a 300 μm-diameter. The first region 23 forms a pn junction which is a light detecting region 30. This first region 23 is surrounded by a p-type second region 24 which is formed as a charge trapping region by diffusing a dopant. The second region 24 is spaced from the first region 23 by 20 μm. A p-type (second conduction-type) electrode 25 is provided on the first region 23. An antireflection film 26 is formed on that part of the first region 23 inside the electrode 25, and a device protecting film 27 is formed on that part of the first region 23 outside the electrode 25 and on the semiconductor crystal layer 22 including the second region 24. A metal film 31 is provided in contact with the semiconductor crystal layer 22 and with the second region 24. In this embodiment, the metal film 31 contacts over a 5 μm-width respectively with the semiconductor crystal layer 22 and with the second region 24 so that carriers captured by the second region can be recombined and annihilated. The metal film 31 has an area of 10 μm×50 μm. In this structure as well as that according to the first embodiment, unnecessary carriers are collected in the second region further to be recombined and extinguished by the metal film 31. Accordingly diffused carriers never affect electric characteristics of the device, such as response speed etc., and optical characteristics thereof. But a disadvantage of this embodiment is that because of the location of the metal film 31, whose reflectance is high, near the first region 23, in comparison with the first embodiment light tends to leak to the surroundings. The semiconductor materials and their dimensions referred to above are merely exemplified and can be varied in accordance with applications, wavelengths to be used, etc. For example, the materials of the semiconductors may be compound semiconductors, such as GaAs (Gallium-Arsenide), InGaAsP (Indium-Gallium-Arsenide-Phosphide), AlGas (Aluminium-Gallium-Arsenide), CdTe (Cadmium-Telluride), HgCdTe (Mercury-Cadmium-Telluride), InSb (Indium-Antimonide). etc., or Si (Silicon), Ge (Germanium), etc. In the case that AlGaAs is used for the light absorbing layer, GaAs or others, for example, can be used for the window layer. As dopants, Be (Beryllium), Cd (Cadmium), etc. may be used. The dopants may be added by ion implantation or others. The second region and the semiconductor crystal layer is not necessarily short-circuited by a metal film, but may be short-circuited by a semiconductor layer. The metal film may be formed e.g., by vacuum evaporating an AuGeNi alloy or by depositing Au/Ge/Ni on the semiconductor crystal layer and alloying the same. The semiconductor layer may be provided by, e.g., amorphous silicon. From the invention thus described, it will be obvious that the invention may be varied in many ways. Such variations are not to be regarded as a departure from the spirit and scope of the invention, and all such modifications as would be obvious to one skilled in the art are intended to be included within the scope of the following claims.
This invention relates to a photodetector including a package having a window disposed in a light incident part, and a light detecting element installed in the package. The light detecting element includes a first region formed of a second conduction-type semiconductor and embedded in a first conduction-type semiconductor layer; a second region formed of second conduction-type semiconductor and embedded so as to be spaced from and to surround the first region; and a conductor layer provided both on at least one part of top surface of the first conduction-type semiconductor layer and on at least one part of top surface of the second region. The first region is surrounded by a second conduction-type second region. On the surface of the semiconductor crystal layer, an electrode is formed on the first region, and a reflection preventing layer is formed on that part of the first region inside the electrode, and a device protecting film is formed on that part of the first region outside the electrode. On the semiconductor crystal layer, a metal film is formed in contact both with the semiconductor crystal layer and with a second region. This structure enables the second region to capture unnecessary charges and further to recombine and extinguish them.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to novel compounds, salts thereof and use thereof as an effective ingredient for preventing and curing dementias and more particularly, a senile dementia. 2. Related Arts In recent years, medical techniques have great advanced to prolong the average span of human life and as a result, senile dementias tend to increase. As typical senile dementias, there are a cerebral vascular dementia due to a cerebral infarction, hemorrhage or the like and an Alzheimer Type dementia, cause of which has been estimated as an atrophy or falling off of cerebral nerve cells. Symptoms of such senile dementias mainly appear as a retention defect, orientation defect or thinking disturbance, and emotional disturbance and abnormal behavior may be observed as concerned symptoms. The Alzheimer type dementia tends to increase, as number of aged peoples of 65 years old or more increases in total population and thus it becomes one of social problems requiring urgent countermeasures including an inquiry of cause, establishment of positive remedy, various matters in a family caring for the patient. According to pathological and biochemical studies, this type dementia has possibly caused by a falling off of cerebral nerve cells, cerebral atrophy, defect on acetylcholine and other nervous conducting substances or accumulation of amyloid-β-protein in brain. Among them, the study on acetylcholine disturbance is most advanced, but real state is under study and an excellent curing agent and therapeutics have not been found. In recent years, THA (1,2,8,4-tetrahydro-9-aminoacridine) was developed in USA, as an agent for curing the Alzheimer type dementia, to give a topic with great interests. However, recent news report that an effectiveness and a certain side effect of THA were called in question. Therefore, it was anxious to develop such an agent for preventing and curing dementias that its pharmacological ef-fects ensurely appear and has low toxicity. Starting from the development of said THA, developments on anti-dementia agents have been proceeded in various countries in the world and main current thereof lies in developing an agent for activating acetylcholinic nervous conducting substances. There are 3 strategies for activating acetylcholinic nervous conducting functions. Namely, the first measure is an exhibition of acetylcholine esterass to increase a concentration of acetylcholine decreased in brain, second is an acceleration of acetylcholine discharge in synapse, and third is a binding with an acetylcholine receptor to actuate the receptor. Said THA shows an inhibition to acetylchotine esterass but its action cannot be said as powerful. At the present time, the main current in the development lies in providing a substance for actuating muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, based on the third strategy, which has been studied by various laboratories. There are 2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in brain, namely muscarine 1 receptor and muscarine 2 receptor and it has been reported that actuation of muscarine 1 shows higher activity than that of muscarine 2 ["J. Med. Chem.", Vol. 34, page 1086 (1991); "J. Med. Chem.", Vol. 35, page 1280 (1992); "J. Med. Chem.", Vol. 35, page 2274 (1992), Jap. Pat. No. Sho 61 (A.D. 1986) - 280497(A) and Jap. Pat. No. Hei 2 (A.D. 1990) -36183(A)]. The compounds according to the present invention, as shown later, has 1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane ring. In Jap. Pat. No. Hei 3 (A.D. 1991) - 38272, there are disclosed compounds with such a ring and analogous skeleton, including following compound, but the official gazette doe not refer to an actuation activity of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. ##STR2## SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION An object of the invention is to provide an anti-dementia compound having a powerful activity To actuate muscarine 1 receptor and high safety in use. The inventors have studied and investigated for developing anti-dementia compounds, also in the past, to file patent applications in Japan [Jap. Pat. Appln. Nos. Hei 3 (A.D. 1991) -302070 and Hei 4 (A.D. 1992) - 283848 (claiming a domestic priority of the former application) which was opened on Jul. 5, 1994 as Jap. Pat. No. Hei 6 (A.D. 1994) - 184182(A)]. In the official gazette of Jap. Pat. No. Hei 8 (A.D. 1994) -184152(A), there are disclosed following compounds and salts thereof. ##STR3## wherein A is CH, N or N→O; R 1 is nitro or amino radical; R 2 is a hydrogen atom, lower alkyl or acyl group; R 3 is a radical of ##STR4## in which m is an integer of 0 or 1; n is an integer of 1-3; R 4 and R 5 are a hydrogen atom or lower alkyl group, respectively: R 6 and R 7 are a hydrogen atom, or straight- or branched-chain lower alkyl group, respectively; and R 4 and R 6 or R 5 and R 7 may form a heterocyclic ring with an alkylene chain, and dotted line means a possible ring. The inventors further studied and investigated for developing compounds with said desired properties to confirm that various compounds belonging to those defined by said general formula and shown by following general formula show the receptor actuation activity same with or higher than those concretely disclosed in the official gazette to establish the invention. According to the invention, such a compounds and non-toxicic salts thereof are provided that it has a skeleton or basic structure shown by a formula (I) of ##STR5## wherein R 1 is a hydrogen atom, alkyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms or acyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms; R 2 and R 3 are a hydrogen atom, alkyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms, phenyl radical, halogen atom, cyano radical, acyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms, nitro radical, alkoxy group having 1 or 2 carbon atoms, or substituted or non-substituted amino group, respectively; n is an integer of 1-3; and dotted line means a possible ring, and selected from the group consisting of (1) 1-[N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-methylamino]-4-chloronaphthalene, (2) 1-[N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-formylamino]-4-methoxynaphthalene, (3) 1-[N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-methylamino]-4-methoxynaphthalene, (4) 1-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methylamino-4-methoxynaphthalene, (5) 1-[N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-formylamino]naphthalene, (6) 1-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-methylamino]-naphthalene, (7) 1-[N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-formylamino]-4-fluoronaphthalene, (8) (1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-methylamino]-4-fluoronaphthalene, (9) 1-{N-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-N-formylamino}naphthalene, (10) 1-{N-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-N-methylamino}naphthalene, (11) 1-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]aminonaphthalene, (12) 1-[N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-ethylamino]-4-nitronaphthalene, (13) N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-formylaniline, (14) N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-methylaniline, (15) N-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-N-formylaniline, (16) N-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-N-methylaniline, (17) N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-methyl-2-nitroaniline, (18) N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-methyl-4-nitroaniline, (19) N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-formyl-2-phenylaniline, (20) N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-methyl-2-phenylaniline, (21) N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-formyl-3-phenylaniline, (22) N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-methyl-3-phenylaniline, (23) N-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-2-nitroaniline, (24) N-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-4-nitroaniline, (25) N-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-N-methyl-2-nitroaniline, (26) N-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-N-methyl-4-nitroaniline, (27) 2-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethylamino]-benzonitrile, (28) 4-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethylamino]-benzonitrile, (29) 2-{[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]methyl-amino}benzonitrile, (30) N-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-2-chloroaniline, (31) N-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-2-fluoroaniline, (32) N-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-4-fluoro-2-nitroaniline, (33) 2-{[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]amino}-benzamide, and (34) 2-[(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methylamino]-benzonitrile. Namely, these compounds and sales thereof show an excellent anti-dementia activity. As acids for forming the non-toxicic salts, following acids can be listed: hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrobromic acid, hydroiodic acid, phosphoric acid or The like inorganic acid; fumaric acid, maleic acid, tartaric acid, citric acid, methanesulfonic acid, acetic acid, succinic acid, lactic acid or the like organic acid; and aspattic acid, glutamic acid or the like amino acid. The compounds and salts thereof according to the invention can be prepared one of following routes. Route 1 In this route, a compound shown in the following formula (II) is converted into a diazo-compound, and then halogenated and cyanated, and if necessary, converted into a salt. ##STR6## wherein R 1 is a hydrogen atom, alkyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms or acyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms; R 3 is a hydrogen atom, phenyl radical, halogen atom, cyano radical, acyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms, nitro radical or alkoxy group having 1 or 2 carbon atoms; n is an integer of 1-3; and dotted line means a possible ring. In case of converting into the diazo-compound, water, acetic acid, tetrahydrofuran, dimethylsulfoxide, pyridine or the like is used as the solvent; hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrobromic acid, borofluoric acid (in case of fluoration, only) or the like is added as the acid; and sodium nitrite is added in a molar ratio of 0.8-1.1 to the raw material (II). The reaction is carried out at a temperature of -10°-+20° C. For obtaining fluorated compound, a solid diazo-compound to be crystallized as tetrafluoroboronate is filtered and then subjected to decomposition under influence of heat or light-beam. For accelerating the decomposition, cuprous chloride, sodium hydroxide or the like may be added. Chrolinated compound can be obtained by reacting the diazo-compound in a state of solution or suspension with cuprous chloride in hydrochloric acid or metallic copper in hydrochloric acid. Brominated compound can be obtained by reacting the diazo-compound in a state of solution or suspension with bromine, cuprous bromide or sodium bromide in hydrobromic acid solution. In this case, metallic copper may be added. The brominated compound can also be obtained by adding the diazo-compound into cuptic bromide solution containing mercuric bromide to obtain separating solids, and adding potassium bromide or dimethylaniline to cause thermal decomposition thereof. Iodinated compound can be obtained by reacting the diazo-compound compound in a state of solution or suspension with potassium iodide or hydroiodic acid. Cyanated compound can be obtained by reacting the diazo-compound in a state of solution. (aqueous solution or acetic acid solution), suspension or solid with cuprous cyanide, sodium cyanide, potassium cyanide, nickel cyanide or a mixture thereof. A separation and purification of the objective compound from the reaction mixture can be carried out through operations known per se, for instance, filtration, concentration, extraction, column chromatography, distillation, recrystallization and the like. Route 2 In this route, a compound having a formula (III) of ##STR7## wherein R 1 is a hydrogen atom, alkyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms, acyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms; R 2 and R 3 are hydrogen atom, phenyl radical, halogen atom, cyano radical, acyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms, nitro radical or alkoxy group having 1 or 2 carbon atoms, respectively; and dotted line means a possible ring, is reacted with a compound having a formula (IV) of ##STR8## wherein X is a halogen atom; and n is an integer of 0-3, and if necessary, the resulting compound is converted into a salt. In this route, the molar ratio of the raw materials (III) and (IV) is about 1:0.8-1:3.0. The reaction can be carried out in the presence or absence of a solvent and at a temperature of -60°-+180° C. As the solvent, followings can be listed: benzene, toluene, xylene or the like aromatic hydrocarbon; nitrobenzene, chlorobenzene, dichlorobenzene or the like substituted aromatic hydrocarbon; N,N-dimethylformamide, N,N-dimethylacetamide, dimethylsulfoxide or the like aprotic polar solvent; methylene chloride, chloroform or the like chlorinic solvent; pyridine, triethylamine or the like basic solvent; and diethylether, tetrahydrofuran or the like ether. If necessary, such a base may be added as sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, potassium carbonate, sodium hydride, sodium amide or the like. Procedures for separating and purifying the objective compound from the reaction mixture are same with those for Route 1. Route 3 In this route, a compound shown in the following formula (V) is subjected to reduction or deacylation and if necessary, the resulting compound is converted into a salt. ##STR9## wherein R 1 is a hydrogen atom, alkyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms or acyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms; R 2 and R 3 are a hydrogen atom, alkyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms, phenyl radical, halogen atom, cyano radical, acyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms, nitro radical or alkoxy group having 1 or 2 carbon atoms, respectively; and dotted line means a possible ring. In this method, the compound shown by formula (V) is reacted with a metal hydride reduction reagent such as lithium aluminum hydride, aluminum hydride, diisobuthylaluminum hydride, borane or the like. As a solvent, diethylether, diisopropylether, dimethoxyethane, tetrahydrofuran or the like can be used and the reaction is carried out at a temperature of -50°-+100° C. Procedures are same with those for Route 1. Route 4 In this route, a compound shown by a formula (VI) of ##STR10## wherein X is a halogen atom or alkoxy group having 1 or 2 carbon atoms; R 2 and R 3 are a hydrogen atom, alkyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms, phenyl radical, halogen atom, cyano radical, acyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms or nitro radical, respectively; n is an integer of 1-3; and dotted line means a possible ring, is reacted with a compound shown by a formula (VII) of ##STR11## wherein R 1 is a hydrogen atom or alkyl group having carbon atoms; and n is an integer of 1-3, and if necessary, the resulting compound is converted into a salt. In this route, the molar ratio of the raw materials (VI) and (VII) is about 1:0.8-1:5.0. The reaction can be carried out in the presence or absence of a solvent and at a temperature of 0°-180° C. As the solvents, followings can be listed: methanol, ethanol, isopropanol or the like alcohol; benzene, toluene, xylene or the like aromatic hydrocarbon; N,N-dimethylformamide, N,N-dimethylacetamide, dimethylsulfoxide or the like aprotic polar solvent; methylene chloride, chloroform or the like chlorinic solvent; pyridine, triethylamine or the like basic solvent; and diethylether, tetrahydrofuran or the like ether. If necessary, a catalyst such as sodium iodide, sodium bromide or the like may be added. Procedures are same with those for Route 1. The compounds and sales thereof can be made into a medicine by composing at least one of them as an effective ingredient. There is no limitation in dosage form for preparing the medicine and thus, a solid medicine such as tablet, pill, hard capsule, soft capsule, powder, fine subtila, granule or suppository, or a liquid medicine such as solution, suspension or emulsion can be obtained in a conventional manner. A dose of the compound or salt thereof changes by various factors such as a kind of the compound or salt, degree of disease, age and symptom of the patient and others, but for adult, it is preferable to give 0.001-1000 mg/day and more preferably, 0.01-100 mg/day. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT The invention will now be further explained with reference to Examples for preparing compounds and salts as well as Pharmacological Example. EXAMPLE 1 1-[N-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-methylamino]-4-chloronaphthalene To 6.31 g (21.4 mmol) of N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-methyl-1,4-diaminonaphthalene, water (27.5 ml) and concentrated sulfuric acid (55 ml) were added to dissolve the compound therein. Sodium nitrite (1.40 g, 20.3 mmol) in water (8 ml) was added dropwise to the solution at a temperature of -5+ C. and then stirred for 15 minutes. Cuprous chloride (8.50 g, 85.9 mmol) suspended in concentric hydrochloric acid (18 ml) was added dropwise into the solution which was kept at 85° C. under stirring condition. After further stirring for 5 minutes, the reaction mixture was cooled by water with ice pieces. Several ice pieces were added to the reaction mixture which was made alkaline by adding 10% aqueous sodium hydroxide solution and extracted by chloroform. The resulting organic layer was dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate, concentrated in vacuo, purified by column chromatography to afford the desired compound (950 mg, 14.1% ), as a colorless liquid. MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 314 (M - ), 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2950, 1460, 760. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.5-2.0 (8H, m),2.5-2.6 (2H, m),2.89 (3H, s),3.0-3.1 (2H, m),3.16 (2H, s),7.16 (1H, d, J=8Hz),7.48 (1H, d, J=8Hz),7.5-7.6 (2H, m),8.2-8.4 (2H, m).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 2 (1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-formylamino]-4-methoxynaphthalene To ice-chilled N-formyl-4-methoxy-1-naphtylamine (5.50 g, 22.4 mmol) in DMF (40 ml), 60% sodium hydride (dispersed in oil, 4.48 g, 112 mmol) was added and stirred. 5-chloromethyl-1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane (hydrochloride, 5.26 g, 26.8 mmol) in DMF (20ml) was added dropwise To the solution at -15° C. and the mixture was stirred at 25° C. for 1.5 hours. The reaction mixture was poured on ice, extracted by chloroform, dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate, concentrated in vacuo, and purified by chromatography to afford the desired compound (6.60 g, 91.0%), as a colorless liquid. MS spectrum [CI/DI (i-Bu)] m/z: 325 (M+1) - , 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 3500, 2950, 1680. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.2-1.8 (8H, m),2.4-2.6 (2H, m),2.9-3.1 (2H, m),3.6-4.1 (1H, m),4.04 (3H, s),6.80 (1H, d, J=8Hz),7.31 (1H, d, J=8Hz),7.5-7.7 (2H, m),7.76 (1H, dd, J=7, 2Hz),8.27 (1H, s),8.33 (1H, dd, J=7, 2Hz).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 3 1-[N-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-methylamino]-4-methoxynaphthalene To 1M borane-THF complex solution (40.0 ml, 40.0 mmol), 1-[N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-formylamino]-4-methoxynaphthalene (2.90 g, 8.95 mmol) in absolute THF (20 ml) was added dropwise at 25° C. After refluxed for 1 hour, the reaction mixture was cooled, refluxed for 10 minutes subsequent to addition of 6N-HCl (10 ml), concentrated in vacuo, made into alkaline by addition of sodium hydroxide pellets, extracted by ethyl ether, dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate, concentrated in vacuo, and purified by chromatography to afford the desired compound (2.66 g, 96.0%), as a colorless liquid. MS spectrum [CI/DI (i-Bu)] m/z: 311 (M+1) - , 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2980, 1580, 1220. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.4-1.5 (2H, m),1.6-1.8 (4H, m),1.9-2.0 (2H, m),2.5-2.6 (2H, m),2.82 (3H, s),3.0-3.1 (2H, m),3.11 (2H, s),3.97 (3H, s)6.75 (1H, d, J=8Hz),7.19 (1H, d, J=8Hz),7.4-7.5 (2H, m),8.23 (1H, dd, J=7, 2Hz),8.34 (1H, dd, J=7, 2Hz).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 4 1-(1- Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methylamino-4-methoxynaphthalene To lithium aluminum hydride (1.76 g, 46.3 mmol) in THF (43 ml), 1-[N-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0 ]octan-5-yl )methyl-N-formylamino]-4-methoxynaphthalene (3.00 g, 9.26 mmol) in THF (15 ml) was added dropwise at room temperature. After refluxed for 1 hour, the reaction mixture was cooled and chilled water was added dropwise. Formed solids were removed by filtration and the filtrate was concentrated in vacuo and purified by chromatography to afford the desired compound (1.80 g, 62.7%), as a pale yellow liquid. MS spectrum [CI/DI (i-Bu)] m/z: 297 (M+1) - , 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2950, 1590, 1220. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.6-2.0 (8H, m),2.7-2.8 (2H, m),3.03 (2H, s),3.1-3.2 (2H, m),3.94 (3H, s),6.50 (1H, d, J=8Hz),6.73 (1H, d, J=8Hz),7.4-7.5 (2H, m),7.8-7.9 (1H, m),8.2-8.3 (1H, m).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 5 1- [N-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-formylamino]-naphthalene The procedures described in Example 2 were repeated except that N-formyl-1-naphthylamine (1.83 g, 10.7 mmol ) and 5-chloromethyl-1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane (hydrochloride, 2.30 g, 11.7 mmol) were employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a colorless liquid (3.02 g, 95.9% MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z : 294 (M - ) 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 3600, 2950, 1680. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.2-1.8 (8H, m),2.4-2.6 (2H, m),2.9-3.1 (2H, m),3.25 (1H, d, J=13Hz),4.10 (1H, d, J=13Hz),7.4-7.6 (4H, m),7.8-8.0 (3H, m),8.31 (1H, s).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 6 1-[N-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-methylamino]-naphthalene The procedures described in Example 3 were repeated except that 1-[N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-formylamino]naphthalene (2.89 g, 9.82 mmol) was employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a pale yellow liquid (2 49 g, 90.4%). MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 280 (M - ) 170, 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2950, 1580, 1400, 780. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.5-1.6 (2H, m),1.7-1.8 (4H, m),2.0-2.1 (2H, m),2.5-2.6 (2H, m),2.90 (3H, s),3.0-3.1 (2H, m),3.18 (1H, s),7.25 (1H, d, J=7Hz),7.4-7.5 (3H, m),7.54 (1H, d, J=8Hz),7.8-7.9 (1H, m),8.3-8.4 (1H, m).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 7 1-[N-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-formylamino]-4-fluoronaphthalene The procedures described in Example 2 were repeated except that 4-fluoro-N-formyl-1-naphthylamine (1.90 g, 10.0 mmol) and 5-chloromethyl-1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane (hydrochloride, 2.17 g, 11.l mmol) were employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a pale yellow liquid (2.90 g, 92.8%). MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 312 (M - ) 283, 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 3500, 2950, 1680. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.3-1.8 (8H, m),2.5-2.6 (2H, m),2.9-3.0 (2H, m),3.65 (1H, d, J=14Hz),4.11 (1H, d, J=14Hz),7.20 (1H, dd, J=10, 8Hz),7.36 (1H, dd, J=8, 5Hz),7.6-7.7 (2H, m),7.8-7.9 (1H, m),8.1-8.9 (1H, m).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 8 1-[N-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-methylamino]-4-fluoronaphthalene The procedures described in Example 3 were repeated except that 1-[N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-formylamino]-4-fluoronaphthalene (2.78 g, 8.90 mmol) was employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a pale yellow liquid (2.55 g, 96.0%). MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 298 (M - ) 284, 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2950, 1465, 1390, 1050. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.4-1.5 (2H, m),1.6-1.8 (4H, m),1.9-2.0 (2H, m),2.0-2.6 (2H, m),2.83 (3H, s),3.0-3.1 (2H, m),3.12 (2H, s),7.05 (1H, dd, J=10, 8Hz),7.17 (1H, dd, J=8, 8Hz),7.5-7.6 (2H, m),8.0-8.1 (2H, m),8.3-8.4 (2H, m).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 9 1-{N-[2-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-N-formylamino}naphthalene The procedures described in Example 2 were repeated except that N-formyl-1-naphthylamine (1.90 g, 11.1 mmol ) and 5-(2-chloroethyl)-1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane (hydrochloride, 2.57 g, 12.2 mmol ) were employed In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a colorless liquid (1.80 g, 52.6%) MS spectrum (EI/DI )m/z: 308 (M - ) 280, 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 3600, 2950, 1680. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.5-1.9 (12H, m),2.5-2.6 (2H, m),2.9-3.0 (2H, m),7.33 (1H, dd, J=10, 7Hz),7.5-7.6 (3H, m),7.8-7.9 (3H, m),8.21 (1H, s).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 10 1-{N-[2-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-N-methylamino}naphthalene The procedures described in Example 3 were repeated except that 1-{N-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-N-formylamino}naphthalene (1.70 g, 5.51 mmol) was employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a colorless liquid (1.51. g, 93.1%). MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 294 (M - ) 279 , 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2950, 1580, 1400, 770. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.4-1.5 (2H, m),1.7-1.8 (8H, m),2.5-2.6 (2H, m),2.86 (3H, s),2.9-3.0 (2H, m),3.1-3.2 (2H, s),7.10 (1H, d, J=12, 9Hz),7.4-7.5 (3H, m),7.51 (1H, d, J=8Hz),7.8-7.9 (1H, m),8.2-8.3 (1H, m).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 11 1-[2-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]aminonaphthalene The procedures described in Example 4 were repeated except that 1-{N-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-N-formylamino}naphthalene (1.60 g, 5.18 mmol) was employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a pale yellow liquid (1.05 g, 72.4%). MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 280 (M - ) 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 8200, 2950, 1580, 1410. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.6-1.9 (8H, m),1.94 (2H, t, J=6Hz),2.6-2.7 (2H, m),3.1-3.2 (2H, m),3.35 (2H, t, J=6Hz),6.48 (1H, d, J=7Hz),7.14 (1H, d, J=8Hz),7.33 (1H, t, J=8Hz),7.4-7.3 (2H, m),7.7-7.8 (1H, m),7.8-7.9 (1H, m),______________________________________ EXAMPLE 12 1-[N-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl )methyl-N-ethylamino]-4-nitronaphthalene 1-Chloro-4-nitronaphthalene (2.00 g, 9.63 mmol), 5-ethylaminomethyl-1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane (3.24 g, 19.3 mmol) and sodium iodide (580 mg) were added into anhydrous pyridine (20.0 ml) to react the mixture in a sealed tube for 20 hours at 190° C. After addition of aqueous sodium hydroxide solution subsequent to concentration in vacuo, the reaction mixture was extracted by ethyl acetate, dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate, concentrated in vacuo, and purified by column chromatography to afford the desired compound (1.00 g, 30.6%), as a yellow liquid. MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 339 (M - ) 310, 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2950, 1570, 1310, 770. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________0.99 (3H, t, J=7Hz),1.4-1.5 (2H, m),1.7-1.9 (6H, m),2.5-2.6 (2H, m),2.9-3.0 (2H, m),3.33 (2H, m),3.44 (2H, q, J=7Hz),7.26 (1H, d, J=8Hz),7.5-7.7 (2H, m),8.3-8.4 (2H, m),8.74 (1H, d, J=8Hz).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 13 1-(Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-methyl-N-formylaniline, The procedures described in Example 2 were repeated except that formanilide (1.90 g, 15.7 mmol) and 5-chloromethyl-1-azabicyclo[8.3.0]octane(hydrochloride, 3.38 g, 17.2 mmol) were employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a pale yellow liquid (8.65 g, 95.1%). MS spectrum [CI/DI (i-Bu)] m/z: 245 (M+1) - (base peak), 110. IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 3500, 2960, 1680, 1600, 1360. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________ 1.2-1.3 (2H, m), 1.6-1.8 (6H, m), 2.5-2.6 (2H, m), 2.9-3.0 (2H, m), 3.83 (2H, s), 7.2-7.5 (5H, m), 8.35 (1H, s).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 14 N-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl]-N-methylaniline The procedures described in Example 3 were repeated except that N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-formylaniline (2.80 g, 11.5 mmol) was employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a colorless liquid (2.45 g, 92.5%). MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 230 (M - ) 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2960, 1600, 1510, 750. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.5-1.6 (2H, m),1.6-1.9 (6H, m),2.5-2.6 (2H, m),3.0-3.1 (2H, m),3.04 (3H, s),3.27 (2H, s),6.65 (1H, t, J=7Hz),6.7-6.8 (2H, m),7.2-7.3 (2H, m).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 15 N-[2-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl-N-formylaniline The procedures described in Example 2 were repeated except that formanilide (1.80 g, 14.9 mmol) and 5-(2-chloroethyl)-1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane (hydrochloride, 3.43 g, 16.3 mmol ) were employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a pale yellow liquid (3.39 g, 88.1 %). MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 258 (M - ) 230, 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 3500, 2950, 1680, 1600. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________ 1.5-1.8 (10H, m), 2.5-2.6 (2H, m), 2.9-3.0 (2H, m), 3.8-3.9 (2H, s), 7.2-7.4 (5H, m), 8.38 (1H, s).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 16 N-[2-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-N-methylaniline The procedures described in Example 3 were repeated except that N-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl-N-formylaniline (2.60 g, 10.1 mmol) was employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a colorless liquid (2.01 g, 81.4%). MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 244 (M - ), 120, 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2950, 1600, 1510, 750. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________ 1.5-1.8 (10H, m), 2.5-2.6 (2H, m), 2.90 (3H, s), 2.9-3.0 (2H, m), 3.3-3.4 (2H, m), 6.6-6.7 (3H, m), 7.2-7.3 (2H, m).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 17 N-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl]methyl-N-methyl-2-nitroaniline The procedures described in Example 12 were repeated except that 1-chloro-2-nitrobenzene (1.27 g, 8.06 mmol) and methylaminomethyl-1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane (2.50 g, 16.2 mmol) were employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a yellow liquid (1.20 g, 54.1%). MS spectrum [CI/DI (i-Bu)] m/z: 276 (M+1) - , 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2950, 1600, 1340, 740. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________ 1.5-1.6 (2H, m), 1.6-1.9 (6H, m), 2.5-2.6 (2H, m), 2.90 (3H, s), 2.9-3.0 (2H, m), 3.26 (2H, s), 6.8-6.9 (1H, m), 7.2-7.4 (2H, m), 7.7-7.8 (1H, m).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 18 N-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl]methyl-N-methyl-4-nitroaniline The procedures described in Example 12 were repeated except that 1-chloro-4-nitrobenzene (1.27 g, 8.06 mmol) and methylaminomethyl-1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane (2.50 g, 16.2 mmol) were employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a yellow liquid (780 mg, 35.1%). MS spectrum [CI/DI (i-Bu)] m/z: 276 (M+1) - , 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2950, 1590, 1310, 1200. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.5-1.9 (8H, m),2.3-2.6 (2H, m),2.9-3.0 (2H, m),3.20 (3H, s),3.41 (2H, s),6.73 (2H, d, J=9Hz),8.09 (2H, d, J=9Hz),______________________________________ EXAMPLE 19 N-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-formyl-2-phenylaniline The procedures described in Example 2 were repeated except that 2-formylamino-1,1'-biphenyl (286 mg, 1.45 mmol ) and 5-chloromethyl-1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane (hydrochloride, 300 mg, 1.53 mmol) were employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as pale yellow solids (452 mg, 97.3%). MS spectrum [CI/DI (i-Bu)] m/z: 821 (M+1) - , 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (KBr) cm -1 : 3500, 2950, 1680. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________ 1.2-1.3 (2H, m), 1.6-1.7 (6H, m), 2.4-2.5 (2H, m), 2.8-2.9 (2H, m), 3.0-3.2 (2H, m), 7.2-7.5 (9H, m), 8.48 (1H, s).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 20 N-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-methyl-2-phenylaniline The procedures described in Example 3 were repeated except that N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-formyl-2-phenylaniline (450 mg, 1.40 mmol) was employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a colorless liquid (383 mg, 89.1%). MS spectrum [CI/DI (i-Bu)] m/z: 3807 (M+1) - , 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2950, 1480, 1430, 740. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________ 1.3-1.4 (2H, m), 1.5-1.8 (6H, m), 2.4-2.5 (2H, m), 2.60 (3H, s), 2.8-2.9 (2H, m), 2.85 (2H, s), 7.0-7.1 (1H, m), 7.2-7.5 (8H, m).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 21 N-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-formyl-3-phenylaniline The procedures described in Example 2 were repeated except that 3-formylamino-1,1'-biphenyl (286 mg, 1.45 mmol) and 5-chloromethyl-1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane (hydrochloride, 800 mg, 1.53 mmol) were employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as pale yellow solids (385 mg, 82.7%). MS spectrum [CI/DI (i-Bu)] m/z: 321 (M+1) - , 293, 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (KBr) cm -1 : 3500, 2950, 1680. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________ 1.3-1.4 (2H, m), 1.7-1.8 (6H, m), 2.4-2.5 (2H, m), 2.9-3.0 (2H, m), 3.87 (2H, s), 7.2-7.6 (9H, m), 8.43 (1H, s).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 22 N-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-methyl-3-phenylaniline The procedures described in Example 8 were repeated except that N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl-N-formyl-3-phenylaniline (370 mg, 1.15 mmol) was employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a colorless liquid (158 mg, 54.8%) The liquid became a solid. MS spectrum [CI/DI (i-Bu)] m/z: 307 (M+1) - , 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (KBr) cm -1 : 2950, 1600, 1490, 760. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________ 1.5-1.6 (2H, m), 1.7-1.8 (6H, m), 2.6-2.7 (2H, m), 3.0-3.1 (2H, m), 3.11 (3H, s), 3.33 (2H, s), 6.8-7.0 (3H, m), 7.2-7.4 (5H, m), 7.5-7.6 (1H, m).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 23 N-[2-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-2-nitroaniline The procedures described in Example 12 were repeated except that 1-chloro-2-nitrobenzene (2.04 g, 12.9 mmol) and 5-(2-aminoethyl)-1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane (4.00 g, 25.9 mmol) were employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a orange liquid (3.32 g, 98.54%). MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 275 (M - ), 154, 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 8200, 2950, 1600, 1590, 760. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________ 1.6-1.9 (10H, m), 2.6-2.7 (2H, m), 3.0-3.1 (2H, m), 3.3-3.4 (2H, m), 6.58 (1H, t, J=8Hz), 6.84 (1H, d, J=8Hz), 7.40 (1H, t, J=8Hz), 8.16 (1H, d, J=8Hz), 9.19 (1H, brs).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 24 N-[2-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-4-nitroaniline The procedures described in Example 12 were repeated except that 1-chloro-4-nitrobenzene (2 04 g, 12.9 mmol) and 5-(2-aminoethyl)-1 -azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane (4.00 g, 25.9 mmol) were employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a yellow liquid (2.93 g, 8 2.5%). MS spectrum (EI/DI ) m/z: 275 (M - ), 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 3200, 3000, 1600, 1310. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.6-1.8 (10H, m),2.6-2.7 (2H, m),3.0-3.1 (2H, m),3.27 (2H, t, J=6Hz),6.44 (2H, d, J=9Hz),7.76 (1H, brs),8.06 (2H, d, J=9Hz).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 25 N-[2-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-N-methyl-2-nitroaniline The procedures described in Example 12 were repeated except that 1-chloro-2-nitrobenzene (1.87 g, 11.9 mmol) and 5-(2-methylaminoethyl)-1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane (4.00 g, 28.8 mmol) were employed. In th is case, the desired compound was obtained as a orange liquid (2.95 g, 85.7%). MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 289 (M - ), 154, 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2950, 1610, 1510, 1280. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.5-1.6 (2H, m),1.6-1.8 (8H, m),2.5-2.6 (2H, m),2.81 (3H, s),2.9-3.0 (2H, m),3.1-3.2 (2H, m),6.83 (1H, t, J=8Hz),7.11 (1H, d, J=8Hz),7.38 (1H, t, J=8Hz),7.70 (1H, d, J=8Hz).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 26 N-[2-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-N-methyl-4-nitroaniline The procedures described in Example 12 were repeated except that 1-chloro-4-nitrobenzene (1.87 g, 11.9 mmol) and 5-(2-methylaminoethyl)-1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane (4.00 g, 23.8 mmol) were employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as yellow solids (2.15 g, 62.4%). MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 289 (M - ), 165, 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (KBr) cm -1 : 2950, 1590, 1290, 1110. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.6-1.9 (10H, m),2.6-2.7 (2H, m),3.0-3.1 (2H, m),3.05 (3H, s),3.5-3.6 (2H, m),6.63 (2H, d, J=10Hz),8.10 (2H, d, J=10Hz).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 27 2-[2-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethylamino]benzonitrile 2-Fluorobenzonitrile (1.00 g, 8.26 mmol) and 2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethylamine (3.15 g, 20.4 mmol) were added into anhydrous pyridine (10.0 ml) to react the mixture in a sealed tube for 10.5 hours at 180° C. After addition of water subsequent to concentration in vacuo, the reaction mixture was extracted by ethyl acetate, dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate, concentrated in vacuo, and refined by column chromatography to afford the desired compound (2.02 g, 95.8%), as a colorless liquid. MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 255 (M - ), 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2955, 2210, 1610, 1520. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________ 1.6-1.8 (10H, m), 2.5-2.6 (2H, m), 3.1-3.2 (2H, m), 3.33 (2H, t, J=6Hz), 6.5-6.6 (2H, m), 7.3-7.4 (2H, m), 8.00 (1H, brs).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 28 4-[2-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethylamino]-benzonitrile The procedures described in Example 1 were repeated except that 4-fluorobenzonitrile (1.00 g, 8.26 mmol ) and 2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethylamine (3.15 g, 20.4 mmol) were employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a colorless liquid (2.02 g, 99.1%). MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 255 (M - ), 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2950, 2210, 1610, 1530. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.6-1.8 (10H, m),2.5-2.6 (2H, m),3.0-3.1 (2H, m),3.20 (2H, t, J=6Hz),6.49 (2H, d, J=9Hz),7.13 (1H, brs),7.38 (2H, d, J=9Hz).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 29 2-{[2-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]methylamino}-benzonitrile The procedures described in Example 1 were repeated except that 2-fluorobenzonitrile (800 mg, 6.61 mmol) and 5-(2-aminoethyl)-1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane (2.78.g, 16.5 mmol) were employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a colorless liquid (2.16 g, quantitative). MS spectrum [CI/DI (i-Bu)] m/z: 270 [(M+1) - , base peak]. IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2950, 2210, 1600, 1490. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________ 1.6-1.8 (10H, m), 2.5-2.6 (2H, m), 2.9-3.1 (2H, m), 2.98 (3H, s), 3.4-3.5 (2H, m), 6.81 (2H, t, J=9Hz), 6.93 (1H, d, J=9Hz), 7.48 (1H, t, J=9Hz), 7.50 (2H, d, J=9Hz).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 30 N-[2-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-2-chloroaniline To nitrobenzene (30.0 ml), 2-chloroaniline (600 mg, 4.70 mmol), 5-(2-chloroethyl)-1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane (hydrochloride, 1.98 g, 9.42 mmol) and anhydrous potassium carbonate (3.90 g, 28.2 mmol) were added to react same for 10 hours at 120° C. subsequent to addition of 10% aqueous sodium hydroxide solution, the reaction mixture was extracted by ethyl acetate, washed by sodium chloride solution, dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate, concentrated in vacuo, and purified by column chromatography to afford the desired compound (499 mg, 40.1%), as a colorless liquid. MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 264 (M - ), 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2950, 1600, 1520, 1030. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.6-1.8 (10H, m),2.5-2.6 (2H, m),3.0-3.1 (2H, m),3.20 (2H, t, J=6Hz),6.5-6.6 (2H, m),7.10 (1H, td, J=8, 2Hz),7.21 (1H, dd, J=8, 2Hz).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 31 N-[2-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-2-fluoroaniline The procedures described in Example 4 were repeated except that 2-fluoroanilins (400 mg, 3.60 mmol ) and 5-(2-chloroethyl)-1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane (hydrochloride, 1.51 g, 7.20 mmol) were employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a colorless liquid (429 mg, 48.0%). MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 248 (M - ), 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2950, 1620, 1520, 1190. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________ 1.6-1.8 (10H, m), 2.5-2.6 (2H, m), 3.0-3.1 (2H, m), 3.18 (2H, t, J=6Hz), 6.79 (1H, brs), 6.5-6.7 (2H, m), 6.9-7.0 (2H, m).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 32 N-[2-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-4-fluoro-2-nitroaniline The procedures described in Example 1 were repeated except that 2,5-difluoronitrobenzene (1.00 g, 6.29 mmol) and 5-(2-aminoethyl)-1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane (2.42 g, 15.7 mmol) were employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a colorless liquid (2.00 g, quantitative). MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 293 (M - ), 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2950, 1520, 1230, 1180. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.6-1.8 (10H, m),2.6-2.7 (2H, m),3.0-3.1 (2H, m),3.3-3.6 (2H, m),6.82 (1H, dd, J=9, 5Hz),7.22 (1H, ddd, J=9, 4, 3Hz),7.87 (1H, dd, J=9, 3Hz),9.25 (1H, brs).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 33 2-{[2-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]amino}benzamide 2-[(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethylamino]benzonitrile (1.34 g, 5.25 mmol) obtained by Example 27 was mixed with concentrated sulfuric acid (48.2 ml) and water 7.5 ml to react the mixture for 2 hours at 110° C. The reaction mixture was cooled to -78° C., neutralized by 25% ammonia solution, extracted by ethyl acetate, washed by water, dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate, concentrated in vacuo, and crystallized from ethyl acetate to afford the desired compound (961 mg, 67.0%). Melting point: 145°-147° C. MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 73 (M - ), 110 (base peak). IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 3310, 3150, 1680. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.6-1.8 (10H, m),2.5-2.6 (2H, m),3.0-3.1 (2H, m),3.20 (2H, t, J=8Hz),5.96 (2H, brs),6.54 (1H, t, J=7Hz),6.70 (1H, d, J=8Hz),7.29 (1H, t, J=7Hz),7.37 (1H, d, J=8Hz),7.80 (1H, brs).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 34 2-[(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methylamino]benzonitrile The procedures described in Example 1 were repeated except that 2-fluorobenzonitrile (671 mg, 5.54 mmol) and 5-aminomethyl-1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane (1.94 g, 13.9 mmol) were employed. In this case, the desired compound was obtained as a colorless liquid (1.26 g, 94.2%). MS spectrum [CI/DI (i-Bu)] m/z: 242 [(M+1) - , base peak]. IR spectrum (neat) cm -1 : 2960, 2210, 1610, 1510. 1 H-NMR spectrum (CDCl 3 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.6-1.8 (10H, m),2.6-2.7 (2H, m),3.0-3.1 (2H, m),2.99 (2H, d, J=5Hz),5.25 (1H, brs),6.6-6.7 (2H, m),7.3-7.4 (2H, m).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 35 N-[2-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-2-nitroaniline(hydrochloride) To N-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-2-nitroaniline (200 mg, 726 mmol) obtained by Example 23 in ethanol (10 ml), ethanol saturated with hydrogen chloride gas was added dropwise and left to stand to afford the desired salt (217 mg, 95.9%). Melting point: 219°-223° C. MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 275 (M - ), 154, 110 (base peak). 1 H-NMR spectrum (DMSO-d 6 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.8-2.1 (10H, m),3.0-3.1 (2H, m),3.2-3.3 (2H, m),3.4-3.5 (2H, m),6.74 (1H, t, J=8Hz),7.15 (1H, d, J=8Hz),7.55 (1H, t, J=8Hz),8.07 (1H, d, J=8Hz),8.09 (1H, brs).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 36 N-[2-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-2-nitroaniline(fumarate) A mixture of N-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-2-nitroaniline (200 mg, 728 μmol) obtained by Example 23 in ethanol (10 ml) and fumaric acid (84.2 mg, 725 μmol) in ethanol (10 ml) was concentrated until its volume becomes 5 ml and left to stand to afford the desired salt (265 mg, 98.8%). Melting point: 177°-179° C. MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 275 (M - ), 154, 110 (base peak). 1 H-NMR spectrum (DMSO-d 6 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.8-2.1 (10H, m),2.7-2.8 (2H, m),3.3-3.4 (2H, m),3.45 (2H, t, J=7Hz),6.50 (2H, s),6.68 (1H, t, J=9Hz),7.10 (1H, d, J=9Hz),7.52 (1H, t, J=9Hz),8.05 (1H, d, J=9Hz).______________________________________ EXAMPLE 37 N-[2-(1-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-2-nitroaniline(maleate) A mixture of N-[2-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)ethyl]-2-nitroaniline (200 mg, 725 μmol) obtained by Example 23 in ethanol (10 Ml) and maleic acid (84.2 mg, 72 μmol) in ethanol (10 ml) was concentrated until its volume becomes 3 ml and left to stand to afford the desired salt (223 mg, 78.6%). Melting point: 94°-95° C. MS spectrum (EI/DI) m/z: 275 (M - ), 154, 110 (base peak). 1 H-NMR spectrum (DMSO-dl 6 ) δppm: ______________________________________1.9-2.2 (10H, m),3.0-3.2 (2H, m),3.2-3.3 (2H, m),3.45 (2H, t, J=7Hz),6.01 (2H, s),6.72 (1H, t, J=9Hz),7.12 (1H, d, J=9Hz),7.57 (1H, t, J=9Hz),8.08 (1H, d, J=9Hz).______________________________________ PHARMACOLOGICAL TEST EXAMPLE (Inhibition against binding of 3H-pirenzepine to brain homogenate of rat) A brain homogenate of rat was prepared in accordance with the method described by Yamanura and Synder ["Proc. Natr. Acad. Sci. USA", Vol. 71, pages 1725-1729 (1974)]. Namely, SD male rats were killed by decapitation to exentrate each brain. From the brains, each cerebellum was removed and 0.32 M aqueous sucrose solution in 10-folds by volume was added under ice-cooling condition to homogenize the same by a Potter-Elvehjem type glass homogenizer. The resulting homogenate was centrifuged for 10 minutes (1000×g) to obtain a supernatant by removing a precipitate, which supernatant was further homogenized by a homogenizer of "Polytron" to obtain a fraction to be used as a brain homogenate. Tests were carried out according to the method described by Flynn and Mash ["J. Pharm. Exp. Ther.", Vol. 250, pages 573-581 (1989). Namely, to the brain homogenate (0.035 ml, protein content: 0.6 mg), 550 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.4, 1 ml) containing 2.0 nM 3 H-pirenzepine and a Test or Control compound (1 ml, if the test or control compound is solid form, it is dissolved by the 550 mM phosphate buffer) were added to cause a reaction for 60 minutes at room temperature. Then, an ice-cooled buffer (3.0 ml) same with the above was added to the reaction mixture. Thereafter, the mixture was filtrated by a Whattman GF/B filter which was previously dipped in 0.1% polyethyleneimine solution for 60 minutes. The filter was washed twice by the buffer solution (each 3.0 ml) and an emulsion scintillatot for measuring luminescence by a scintillation counter. A 50% inhibition (IC 50 )of the test or control compound against binding of 3H-pirenzepine to brain homogenate was calculated. Results are shown in following Table. ______________________________________Compound IC.sub.50 (μM)______________________________________Compounds according to the inventionExample 1 0.01 3 0.09 6 0.03 8 0.02 12 0.2 13 0.3 17 0.2 20 0.1 23 0.1 25 0.2 27 0.32 28 4.57 29 0.24 30 0.43 31 1.59 32 0.69 33 1.11 34 0.55 36 0.09______________________________________Controls______________________________________THA* 1.92,8-Dimethyl-3-methylene-1-oxa-8-azabicyclo- 23.6[4.5]decane**1-[N-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methyl- 0.04N-methylamino]-4-nitronaphthalene***1-(1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-5-yl)methylamino- 0.85-nitronaphthalene****______________________________________ In the Table, *1,2,3,4tetrahydro-9-aminoacridine, **compound disclosed in Example 5 of Jap. Pat. No. Hei 2 (A.D. 1990) 36183(A), ***compound disclosed in Example 15 of Jap. Pat. No. Hei 6 (A.D. 1994) 184152(A), and ****compound disclosed in Example 17 of Jap. Pat. No. Hei 6 (A.D. 1994) 184152(A).
There is disclosed a compound shown by a formula of ##STR1## wherein R 1 is a hydrogen atom alkyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms or acyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms: R 2 and R 3 are a hydrogen atom, alkyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms, phenyl radical, halogen atom, cyano radical, acyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms, nitro radical, alkoxy group having 1 or 2 carbon atoms, or substituted or non-substituted amino group, respectively; n is an integer of 1-3; and dotted line means a possible ring, and a salt thereof. The compound and salt bind with muscarinic receptor in brain to develop a powerful actuation thereof and thus those can be used as an effective ingredient for preventing and curing senile dementias, and more particularly Alzheimer's disease.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates generally to textile fabrics and, more particularly, to warp-knitted textile fabrics adapted for use in swimwear, other sportswear and like activewear apparel. It is often desirable for many types of sportswear and like activewear apparel to have a sufficient degree of stretchability to conform to the wearer's body yet also to permit the wearer a freedom of movement attendant to the activities for which the garments are intended. This combination of characteristics is perhaps most typical of swimwear, especially women's swimwear. Likewise, apart from these functional characteristics, it is equally desirable for such apparel items to have good wear resistant qualities, e.g., to resist snagging and picking, and to present a pleasing appearance, particularly as to its surface effect. Unfortunately, conventional fabrics seldom provide an optimal combination of these characteristics. With reference to FIG. 1 of the accompanying drawings, an example of a popular form of conventional swimwear fabric is depicted in a common form of point diagram representing the stitch patterns of the respective yarns in the fabric. As will be recognized by those persons skilled in the art, this fabric is a conventional form of Raschel-type warp-knitted fabric of a three-bar construction formed of one warp set of elastic yarns and two warps of inelastic body yarns, e.g., polyester yarns, in a repeating pattern wherein the elastic warp yarns are knitted on Bar I of the warp knitting machine in a 2-2, 4-4, 2-2, 0-0 stitch pattern, one warp set of the polyester yarns are knitted on Bar II of the warp knitting machine in a 2-2, 2-4, 2-2, 2-0 stitch pattern, and the other warp set of the polyester yarns are knitted on Bar III of the warp knitting machine in a 4-6, 4-4, 2-0, 2-2 stitch pattern. While the conventional fabric of FIG. 1 has achieved a degree of acceptance and success in use as a swimwear fabric, it suffers from several disadvantages which limit its acceptability. First, the fabric is susceptible to being snagged or picked in use, i.e., the surface yarns are sufficiently exposed to becoming caught on objects so as to subject the constituent filaments in the yarns to being pulled from the knitted structure and even severed. Secondly, the stitch construction of the fabric as described above gives the fabric an imbalance in lengthwise stretchability in relation to widthwise stretchability, which can affect the fit and wear properties of apparel items made from the fabric. Finally, the fabric presents a rather shiny surface appearance, which may be desirable in some apparel applications, but may be equally undesirable for use in other apparel items. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is accordingly an object of the present intention to provide an improved warp-knitted fabric which overcomes the disadvantages of the conventional fabric of FIG. 1. A more particular object of the present invention is to provide such a fabric with a matte surface effect, resistance to snagging, and a relatively uniform stretchability in both widthwise and lengthwise directions. Briefly summarized, the present invention provides a warp-knitted textile fabric of a three-bar knitted structure basically comprised of three sets of warp yarns interknitted in a Raschel-type stitch pattern wherein one of the sets of warp yarns is knitted in a double needle overlap pattern. Preferably, the three sets of warp yarns comprise two sets of body yarns and a third set of elastic yarns, with one of the sets of body yarns being knitted in the double needle overlap pattern, the other set of body yarns being knitted in a plain stitch pattern, and the elastic yarns being knitted in an inlay pattern. More specifically, the one set of body yarns is preferably knitted in a repeating 1-3, 2-2, 2-0, 1-1 double needle overlap pattern, the other set of body yarns is knitted in a repeating 1-1, 1-2, 1-1, 1-0 stitch pattern, and the set of the elastic yarns is knitted in a 1-1, 2-2, 1-1, 0-0 inlay pattern. Advantageously, the warp-knitted fabric of the present invention having this construction is accordingly adapted for use in activewear apparel and particularly is characterized by a matte surface effect, resistance to snagging, and relatively uniform stretchability in widthwise and lengthwise directions. Other aspects, features and advantages of the present invention will be understood and will become apparent to those persons skilled in the art from the description hereinbelow of a preferred embodiment with reference to the accompanying drawings. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a point diagram showing the stitch patterns for, and the interconnecting relationship between, the body and elastic yarns carried out by a warp knitting machine in knitting a conventional form of warp-knitted fabric as already described more fully above; and FIG. 2 is a similar point diagram showing the stitch patterns for, and the interconnecting relationship between, the body and elastic yarns carried out by a warp knitting machine in knitting one preferred embodiment of a warp-knitted fabric according to the present invention. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT As explained more fully herein, the fabric of the present invention is formed on a warp knitting machine which may be of any conventional type of an at least three-bar construction having three or more yarn guide bars and a needle bar, e.g., a conventional tricot or Raschel warp knitting machine. The construction and operation of such machines are well-known in the knitting art and need not herein be specifically described and illustrated. In the following description, the yarn guide bars of the knitting machine are identified as “top”, “middle”, and “bottom” guide bars for reference purposes only and not by way of limitation. As those persons skilled in the art will understand, such terms equally identify knitting machines whose guide bars may be referred to as “front”, “middle” and “back” guide bars, which machines of course are not to be excluded from the scope and substance of the present invention. As further used herein, the “bar construction” of a warp knitting machine refers to the number of yarn guide bars of the machine, while the “bar construction” of a warp knitted fabric refers to the number of different sets of warp yarns included in the fabric, all as is conventional terminology in the art. As is conventional, the needle bar of the warp knitting machine carries a series of aligned knitting needles, while each guide bar of the machine carries a series of guide eyes, the needle and guide bars of the machine preferably having the same gauge, i.e., the same number of needles and guide eyes per inch. According to the embodiment of the present fabric illustrated in FIG. 2, the bottom (or back) guide bar I is threaded on every guide eye with a set of elastic yarns 10 delivered from a respective warp beam (not shown), the middle yarn guide bar II of the machine is likewise threaded on every guide eye with a set of inelastic body yarns 12 delivered from another warp beam (also not shown), and the top (or front) guide bar III is similarly threaded on every guide eye with another set of inelastic body yarns 14 from a third warp beam (also not shown). Preferably, all of the body yarns 12 , 14 , are multifilament synthetic yarns, e.g., polyester, but may be of differing denier and filament makeup. For example, in the preferred embodiment of the present fabric depicted in FIG. 2, the body yarns 12 of the middle guide bar II are a 40 denier, 13 filament dull polyester yarn of a tri-lobal cross-sectional shape, while the body yarns 14 of the top guide bar III are a 45 denier, 13 filament dull polyester yarn of an essentially round cross-sectional shape. Of course, those persons skilled in the art will recognize that various other types of body yarns may also be employed as necessary or desirable according to the fabric weight, feel, and other characteristics sought to be achieved. Similarly, various types or forms of elastic yarns may be utilized as the elastic yarns of bottom bar I. By way of example, the elastic yarns 10 in the preferred embodiment of FIG. 2 are monofilament zinc-free LYCRA brand yarns of a 140 denier and a fifty percent (50%) stretchability. With more particular reference now to the accompanying drawing of FIG. 2, one particular preferred embodiment of the present warp knitted fabric of a three-bar construction knitted according to the present invention on a three-bar warp knitting machine, is illustrated in a traditional dot or point diagram format wherein the repeating stitch patterns of the body and elastic yarns as carried out by the respective lateral traversing movements of the guide bars of the knitting machine are diagramatically represented in the formation of several successive fabric courses C across several successive fabric wales W, with the individual points 15 representing the needles of the needle bar of the knitting machine in the formation of such courses and wales. According to this embodiment, the bottom guide bar I of the machine manipulates the elastic yarns 10 to traverse laterally back and forth relative to the needles 15 of the needle bar of the machine to stitch the elastic yarns 10 in a repeating 1-1, 2-2, 1-1, 0-0 inlay pattern as the elastic yarns 10 are fed progressively from their respective warp beam. Simultaneously, the middle guide bar II of the knitting machine manipulates the body yarns 12 as they are fed from their respective warp beam to traverse relative to the needles 15 to stitch the body yarns 12 in a repeating 1-1, 1-2, 1-1, 1-0 stitch pattern and, at the same time, the top guide bar III of the machine manipulates the body yarns 14 as they are fed from their respective warp beam to traverse relative to the needles 15 to stitch the body yarns 14 in a repeating 1-3, 2-2, 2-0, 1-1 double needle overlap stitch pattern. As will thus be understood, the elastic and body yarns 10 , 12 , 14 are interknitted with one another in the described stitch constructions with each body yarn 12 being formed in respective series of needle loops 12 n appearing in alternating fabric courses C 1 and in connecting underlaps 12 u extending between the successive needle loops 12 n across the intervening fabric courses C 2 , while each elastic yarn 10 is inlayed within the needle loops 12 n in the alternating courses C 1 and each body yarn 14 is knitted in the aforementioned pattern of an overlap 14 n across two needles in each intervening course C 2 with an underlap 14 u extending between the overlaps 14 n. In this manner, the respective stitch patterns executed by the elastic and body yarns 10 , 12 , 14 impart to the fabric a much higher than conventional degree of uniform stretchability in both widthwise (i.e., coursewise) and lengthwise (i.e., walewise) directions. In comparison specifically with the conventional fabric of FIG. 1, the present fabric at a given weight has a widthwise stretchability approximately fifteen percent (15%) greater than the fabric of FIG. 1 and a lengthwise stretchability approximately thirty percent (30%) less than the fabric off FIG. 1 . Likewise, as compared to the fabric of FIG. 1, the stitch patterns of the constituent yarns in the present fabric cause the fabric to exhibit a much improved resistance to snagging or picking on both sides of the fabric. Furthermore, as a result of the use of the dull finish polyester body yarns 12 , 14 in conjunction with the yarn stitch patterns in the present fabric, each surface of the fabric has a matte finish as compared to the conventional fabric of FIG. 1 which has a shiny satin appearance on one face and a non-satin appearance on the opposite face. As a result, the fabric of the present invention is uniquely and more advantageously suited for use in any swimwear or other activewear applications for which the conventional fabric of FIG. 1 is typically used, without to be recognized disadvantages or shortcomings of the conventional fabric. It will therefore be readily understood by those persons skilled in the art that the present invention is susceptible of broad utility and application. Many embodiments and adaptations of the present invention other than those herein described, as well as many variations, modifications and equivalent arrangements, will be apparent from or reasonably suggested by the present invention and the foregoing description thereof, without departing from the substance or scope of the present invention. Accordingly, while the present invention has been described herein in detail in relation to its preferred embodiment, it is to be understood that this disclosure is only illustrative and exemplary of the present invention and is made merely for purposes of providing a full and enabling disclosure of the invention. The foregoing disclosure is not intended or to be construed to limit the present invention or otherwise to exclude any such other embodiments, adaptations, variations, modifications and equivalent arrangements, the present invention being limited only by the claims appended hereto and the equivalents thereof.
A warp-knitted textile fabric adapted for use in activewear apparel and characterized by a matte surface effect, resistance to snagging, and relatively uniform stretchability in widthwise and lengthwise directions, the fabric having a three-bar warp knitted structure comprised of first and second sets of body yarns and a third set of elastic yarns interknitted in a Raschel-type stitch pattern wherein one of the sets of body yarns is knitted in a double needle overlap pattern.
The present invention relates generally to cutting apparatus and more particularly to a sawing mechanism for cutting planar workpieces. The apparatus of the invention includes a saw which is movable substantially in a horizontal direction through a generally vertical cutting plane with a machine table extending in the moving direction of the saw. Support tables are arranged on opposite sides of the saw, respectively, and staggered cutting of the workpieces is effected by selective passage of the workpieces from one side of the saw to the other. Devices of the type to which the present invention relates have been developed mainly for small- and medium-sized industrial operations with the aim of maintaining the amount of machinery as small as possible. In such installations, equipment for staggered division of workpieces utilizing several sawing machines would not be cost-effective, either from the viewpoint of the production capacity or from the viewpoint of finances. With devices of this known type, large-sized plates are divided into individual workpieces for immediate further processing. This dividing operation takes place linearly but there are may also be made provisions for staggered division of workpieces with single or double transverse offsetting. In this regard, cutting patterns with linear division have been found to be not sufficiently efficient from the point of view of material utilization as compared with cutting patterns involving so-called staggered division. With known devices, staggered division of workpieces may be undertaken, but only with the utilization of manual procedural operations. In certain cases, workpieces lying on the table after having been cut by the saw must be removed and pushed onto a deposit table which is arranged laterally. Other strips or strip areas are pushed through the saw and then divided transversely. A subsequent package of strips must then be taken from deposit tables in order to undergo the procedure previously mentioned. This is found to be very impractical and time consuming. The present invention is aimed toward enabling improvement of known devices in such a manner that with only minor additional structural modifications, more optimum performance of automatic staggered cutting may be achieved in accordance with the invention by the combination of relatively simple means. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Briefly, the present invention may be defined as apparatus for cutting planar workpieces comprising saw means movable through a cutting stroke in a substantially horizontal direction, first table means on one side of the saw means, second table means on the opposite side of the saw means, adjustable alignment means for aligning on the first table means planar workpieces to be cut by the saw means, first feeding means including a plurality of individual clamping devices which are selectively operable to selectively individually engage planar workpieces on the first table means to feed the workpieces through a cutting operation relative to the saw means, with cut parts of the planar workpieces being thereby deposited on the second table means, pivot means on the second table means for turning the cut parts of the planar workpieces relative to the saw means, second feeding means for feeding the cut parts of the planar workpieces through a cutting operation relative to the saw means with parts thereof thus cut being deposited back on the first table means, and roller means on the first table means including first roller devices operable to allow planar workpieces deposited thereon to move in one direction and second roller devices operable to allow planar workpieces deposited thereon to be moved in another direction transversely of said first direction, with said first and said second roller devices being vertically displaceable relative to each other. Thus, in accordance with the present invention, the first table means is provided with first feeding means which involve clamping devices which are individually controllable. Furthermore, the first table means over which this feed mechanism travels is formed with two groups of rows of freely rotatable rollers, the turning axles of one of the groups of rollers being parallel to the cutting plane of the saw and the turning axles of the other group of rollers being arranged perpendicularly thereto, with one group of rollers being mounted so as to be capable of being raised and lowered with relation to the other group. The various features of novelty which characterize the invention are pointed out with particularity in the claims annexed to and forming a part of this disclosure. For a better understanding of the invention, its operating advantages and specific objects attained by its use, reference should be had to the accompanying drawings and descriptive matter in which there is illustrated and described a preferred embodiment of the invention. DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS In the drawings: FIGS. 1, 2, and 3 are plan views showing planar workpieces and different cutting patterns therefor; FIGS. 4 through 9 are top views showing the apparatus of the present invention during different stages of operation thereof; and FIG. 10 is a top view on an enlarged scale showing a support table in accordance with the invention arranged on one side of the saw of the apparatus. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT Referring now to the drawings, wherein like reference characters are used to refer to similar parts in the various figures thereof, there is shown in FIGS. 1, 2, and 3, respectively, different cutting patterns which may be utilized in the division of planar workpieces. In FIG. 1 there is shown a large planar workpiece 1 which has been marked with a cutting pattern thereon which involves longitudinal and transverse cutting lines 2 and 3. This type of cutting or division is referred to as linear division. The individual cut lines each extend linearly over the width or the length of the planar workpiece and lateral offsetting of the cut lines is not indicated in FIG. 1. FIG. 2 shows a large planar workpiece 4 with a simple transverse offsetting of the cut lines wherein staggered division of the workpiece is involved. Longitudinal strips 5 which, over their width, have transverse cut lines 6 extending in like manner, each form a strip area. In FIG. 3 there is shown a staggered form of division wherein double transverse offsetting is involved. The cutting pattern depicted in FIG. 3 shown three strip areas a, b, and c. The apparatus of the invention is shown in greater detail in FIGS. 4 through 9, each of which is a top view of the device of the invention shown in various stages of operation thereof. As indicated in the drawings, the apparatus consists of a circular saw 10 which is a below-the-table saw wherein the saw blade travels along a machine table 11 during the cutting process. The saw blade is driven in a manner whereby it can be displaced along an area below the machine table 11. Upon conclusion of a cutting stroke, the saw blade is lowered below the table and runs under the table back to its initial position whereupon it may be raised and moved again through a subsequent cutting stroke. A support table 12 is provided on one side of the saw 10 and a lateral alignment ledge 13 operates to enable workpieces to be cut to be aligned on the table 12. Several stop or alignment members 14 are provided which are capable of being adjusted in position relative to the alignment ledge 13. Planar workpieces to be cut are propelled by a feeder carriage 15 which is adapted to be driven toward and away from a cutting plane 16 of the saw 10. The feeder carriage 15 is mounted above the support table 12 and is equipped with several clamps 17 which are pivotable from an active clamping position into a raised, non-active. The individual clamps 17 are individually controllable to grasp or release a planar workpiece or strip. On the opposite side of the cutting plane 16 of the saw 10 there is mounted a pivotable support table 18 which may be pivotally displaced alongside the machine table 11. The table 18 is equipped with a pushing device 19 mounted above the table 18 and movable toward the machine table 11, the pushing device 19 being most appropriately constructed in such a manner that it can push workpieces not only toward the saw, but also away from it. The installation is fully automated and program controlled and individual steps of operation thereof may proceed automatically, as will be more fully discussed hereinafter. In the operation of the apparatus in accordance with the present invention, a single planar workpiece or a stack 20 of planar workpieces may be placed on the support table 12, as best seen in FIG. 4, by the action of an appropriate transport device (not shown). During this time the pivoting table 18 will assume a position as shown in FIG. 4. The feeder carriage 15 is at its rearmost position. After being duly programmed, the installation is switched on. Clamps 17 of the feeder carriage 15 grip the planar workpiece package 20 at its edges and push it toward the saw 10 which, in consecutive steps, may be operated to cut the workpiece package 20 into individual strips in accordance with a pre-programmed cutting pattern. During the cutting operation, the single workpiece or stack of workpieces 20 is of course held stationary and is pressed against the machine table with a clamping bar or pressure beam. Such clamping bars or pressure beams are, however, known in different variations. Thus, in the operation of the installation, the feeder carriage 15 operates so that the cut strips or parts 20' will be deposited onto the pivoting table 18. After the stack of planar workpieces 20 has been entirely cut into strips 20', the pivoting table 18 is pivoted through 90° as shown in FIG. 5 and the pushing device 19 is brought into action so as to push the strips 20', which also have been pivoted through an angle of 90°, back onto the support table 12 as seen in FIG. 6. The feeder carriage 15 in the meantime is returned from its forward end position into its rearward initial position. Simultaneously, the clamps 17 are opened and raised. In each of the FIGS. 4 through 9, the clamps are represented in their active setting (lowered and gripping the workpieces) by dark surfaces whereas the raised, non-active clamps are only indicated by their outlines. This also applies to the alignment members 14 which will be discussed further hereinafter. The sizes into which the individual strips are cut is indicated in FIG. 6 in broken lines. The alignment members 14 will now be activated in a program-controlled manner, the alignment members pressing in their entirety against the stopping ledge 14 and thus positioning the workpieces. At this stage, two of the clamps of the feeder carriage 15 may be activated to grip the strip lying against the stopping ledge 13, as seen in FIG. 6, and then operate to push it forwardly toward the saw 10 which now also will be activated in program-controlled manner to perform the indicated cuts. During displacement of this leftmost strip, the alignment members 14 will be out of action. The process of forward pushing of the strip is represented in FIG. 7. Once this first strip has been cut entirely, then the separated cut parts which will now lie on the pivoting table 18 may be pushed by the pushing device 19 toward a stacking device (not shown). The feeder carriage 15 is then driven back again into its initial position, as shown in FIG. 8, and the alignment members 14 operate to push the remaining strips 20' on the support table 12 against the stopping ledge 13 and to consequently straighten the strips. The next strip is then pushed forwardly toward the saw 10 which is activated to perform the subsequent cutting operation, as depicted in FIG. 9. Once this process is completed, a similar operating procedure of the type previously described is then commenced for a third strip 20'. In order to enable movement of the strips 20 on the support table 12 with minimum interference in the longitudinal as well as in the transverse direction, the support table 12 is equipped with two groups of rows 21 and 22 of freely rotatable rollers, which may particularly be formed as circular discs, with turning axes 23 of the discs of one group being parallel with the cutting plane 16 of the saw 10 and with turning axes 24 of the other group of discs being arranged perpendicularly to the cutting plane. The rows 21 of the rollers are spaced apart from one another and in the spaces thus created there are situated rows of the other roller bodies. The rows 22 are mounted so as to be capable of being raised with relation to the other rows. Thus, the roller means described are vertically displaceable relative to each other. The support plane formed by the roller bodies of the rows 21 will be on the same level as the plane of the machine table 11. The roller bodies of the rows 21 support the workpieces while they are being moved toward the saw 10. During the alignment process, that is, when the alignment members press the strips against the alignment ledge 13, the rows 22 are raised slightly so that during this alignment the workpieces rest on the roller bodies of the rows 22. On the support table 12 structured in this manner, even plates having sensitive surfaces may be moved without damage caused by the support surfaces. The roller bodies of the rows 21 spaced apart from one another will delimit groove-like formations through which there may travel the lower clamping jaws of the clamp 17 during the pushing process. The roller bodies of the rows 22 are lowered during the pushing operation to such an extent that the lower active clamping jaws may slide over the roller bodies of the rows 22 without further impediment. In the embodiment shown, the pivoting table 18 is coordinated with the sawing apparatus. It would be fundamentally possible to provide, instead of a pivotable support table, a table which is stationary and to mount above this table a pivotable frame which may be provided with clamps with which the planar workpieces may be gripped and rotated through 90° on the stationary table. In the embodiment shown, the support table 12 arranged with relationship to the operating sequence in advance of the saw 10 is equipped with two groups of rows of differently arranged roller bodies in order that the planar workpieces having highly sensitive surfaces may be pushed in two different directions without any damage being caused to these sensitive surfaces. Instead of the disc-shaped roller bodies described, they may also be provided spherical or ball-like roller bodies which permit unimpeded and unrestrained movement of the planar workpieces in the planes in which they lie. It would also be possible to provide cushioning coverings on which the workpieces are movable and also air cushion tables whereby the plates may be lifted slightly and may be moved within their own planes. All of these possibilities are included and contemplated within the scope of the invention. As a result of the present invention, it is possible to perform staggered division of workpieces in installations having a simple construction with a single cutting saw of the type described in an automatic process without necessitating manual operating procedures so that even with such machines advantageous performance can be achieved pursuant to the present invention. While a specific embodiment of the invention has been shown and described in detail to illustrate the application of the inventive principles, it will be understood that the invention may be embodied otherwise without departing from such principles.
Apparatus for cutting planar workpieces including a saw movable through a cutting stroke in a substantially horizontal direction with a first and a second table being provided on opposite sides of the saw. The planar workpieces are first fed from the first table onto the second table through a first cutting operation and the cut parts are rotated relative to the saw on the second table and then fed through a second cutting operation back onto the first table. A pusher device is provided on the second table for feeding the planar cut parts and a feeding device on the first table operates to selectively feed planar strips from the first table to the second table. The first table is provided with two sets of rollers capable of conveying planar parts in two transverse directions with the sets of rollers being vertically displaceable relative to each other.
BACKGROUND This invention pertains generally to the cooling of a hermetic compressor pump used in cryogenic refrigeration. During operation, the pump compresses a mixture of oil and helium. The purpose of the oil is to absorb the heat produced in compressing helium and to provide lubrication to the pump. From the compressor, the mixture exits a feed line in which the oil is separated from the mixture. Conventional methods use an oil separator and then an oil adsorber to filter the oil out of the mixture. Once separated, the gas is then pumped to the cold head of a cryogenic refrigerator such as a Gifford-MacMahon cryogenic refrigerator disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,218,815 to Chellis et al. After traveling through the refrigerator, the gas is returned to the compressor through a return line to start the process over again. As a result of compressing helium, rather than freon which is used in other refrigeration systems, more heat is produced by the compressor pump. In order to maintain operating efficiency and prolong the life of the pump, this heat by-product must be removed. DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION In accordance with the invention, a hermetic refrigerant compressor pump which is used to compress helium is cooled by fins which are press fitted on to the compressor's housing. Preferably, each fin comprises a cylindrical blade surface and a flange bent away from the blade surface for engagement with the housing. By tapering the flange toward the axial center of the fin, heat conducted from the housing to the blade surface can be maximized. The compressor is further cooled by an external heat exchanger which cools oil from an oil sump located within the compressor housing. Suction created by the compressor pump provides the mechanism for pumping oil from the sump, through the heat exchanger, before the oil is mixed with helium. Preferably, there is a fan placed adjacent to the fins and the heat exchanger for directing a flow of air past the fins and the exchanger. Further, it is preferred that there is a means for separating oil from the compressed helium before it is used in a cryogenic refrigeration system. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The foregoing and other objects, features and advantages of the invention will be apparent from the following more particular description of a preferred embodiment of the invention, as illustrated in the accompanying drawings in which like reference characters refer to the same parts throughout the different views. The drawings are not necessarily to scale, emphasis instead being placed upon illustrating the principles of the invention. FIG. 1 is an illustration of a partial cross section of a compressor pump. FIG. 2 is a schematic illustration of a compressor system embodying the invention. FIG. 3 is a cross section of a fin. FIG. 4 is an illustration of a compressor pump having a plurality of fins press fitted to the compressor's housing. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a cryogenic refrigeration system which has a compressor pump cooled by a convection system. A partial cross section of a typical compressor pump 10 is shown in FIG. 1. The compressor pump 10 draws a helium gas and oil mixture through an inlet port 14 to a suction chamber 16 which is created as a rolling piston 18 rotates around a cylinder 20. The mixture is then compressed in a compression chamber 22 as the piston 18 makes a complete revolution around the cylinder 20. Simultaneously, more of the mixture is drawn into the suction chamber 16. A vane 24 which is biased to remain in contact with the rolling piston 18 defines the suction chamber 16 and the compression chamber 22. The compressed mixture is exhausted out an exhaust port 26. The compressor pump 10 is located within a compressor housing 28, as shown in FIG. 2. As the compressed mixture is exhausted from the pump 10 into the housing 28, the bulk of the oil separates from the compressed gas and collects at an oil sump 30. The compressed gas is then fed into a feed line 32 for work in a cryogenic refrigerator 34 such as a Gifford-MacMahon cryogenic refrigerator. To further prepare the compressed gas for work it is preferred that the gas is cooled by a heat exchanger 36 and further filtered from oil by an oil seperator 38 and an absorber 40. The ordering of the filtering and cooling may be interchanged. Oil separated by the oil separator 38 may be returned to the pump 10 through a suction line 39. Once the gas has performed work in the refrigerator 34, it is returned to the pump by a return line 42 connected to the inlet port 14. Preferrably, a check valve 43 has been placed along the return line 42 to prevent the flow of gas from back flowing to the refrigerator 34. During operation of the refrigeration system, a considerable amount of heat is generated by the pump. In order to maintain operating efficiency and prolong the life of the pump, the compressor must be cooled. In accordance with the present invention, a series of fins 35 which serve as heat exchangers are press fitted to the housing of the hermetic compressor. Additionally, oil in the sump 30 is cooled by circulating it through an external heat exchanger 48. As shown in FIG. 3, each fin 35 comprises a circular blade surface 52 and a center flange 54 bent away from the blade surface 52. Preferably, the fin 35 is made of a highly conductive material such as aluminum. To optimize the surface area in contact with the wall of the housing 28 and thereby maximize the amount of heat conducted to the fin, the flange 54 is inwardly tapered towards the axial center of the fin. When the fin is pressed onto the housing, the resiliance of the flange operates as a force to maximize the surface area in contact with the wall of the housing. The resiliance force also operates as a lock to prevent the fin from moving once it has been placed on the housing. Further, contact between the housing and the fins 35 can be increased by wedging the flange 54 between a curved portion 55 of another fin and the wall of the housing 28 as shown in FIG. 4. Wedging the flange in this manner also helps lock the fin in place along the housing. Referring back to FIG. 2, the compressor is also cooled by pumping oil from the oil sump 30 through an external heat exchanger 48. Oil cooled by this heat exchanger 48 is then returned to the pump 10 through an orifice 49. Suction created by the pump 10 serves as the mechanism used to pump the oil through this heat exchanger 48 as well as from the separator 38 and to pump gas from the refrigerator 34. Situated between the heat exchangers 36 and 48 and the fins 35 on the housing is a fan 50. During operation, the fan 50 directs a flow of air past the heat exchangers 36 and 48 and the fins 35 to increase the cooling rate of the overall compressor system. While this invention has been particularly shown and described with reference to preferred embodiments thereof, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes in form and details may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined in the appended claims. For example, gases other than helium may be used. Further, a pressure valve may be used between the feed line and the return line to regulate the presssure of the system.
In accordance with the invention, a hermetic refrigerant compressor pump which is used to compress helium is cooled by fins which are press fitted to the compressor's housing. The compressor is further cooled by a heat exchanger which cools oil in an oil sump located within the compressor housing. Preferably, a fan is located between the fins and the heat exchanger to help cool the pump.
[0001] This application claims priority from U.S. provisional application No. 60/379,305 filed on 9 May 2002 and from U.S. provisional application No. 60/379,556, filed on 9 May 2002, the contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference. [0002] This invention relates to analogues of the amino acid L-arginine, and their use in therapy in the treatment of human disease, in particular their use for treatment of cardiovascular disease. The compounds of the invention have the ability to modulate, and preferably to enhance, the transport of the amino acid L-arginine into cells. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0003] All references, including any patents or patent applications, cited in this specification are hereby incorporated by reference. No admission is made that any reference constitutes prior art. The discussion of the references states what their authors assert, and the applicants reserve the right to challenge the accuracy and pertinency of the cited documents. It will be clearly understood that, although a number of prior art publications are referred to herein, this reference does not constitute an admission that any of these documents forms part of the common general knowledge in the art, in Australia or in any other country. [0004] Cardiovascular diseases are well-recognised as the leading cause of death in the western world. These conditions include atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, and cerebrovascular disease. Some of these conditions, in particular atherosclerosis and Type II diabetes, have been associated with lifestyle factors such as diet and lack of physical exercise. Cardiovascular conditions are one of the most common sequelae of both Type I and Type II diabetes. However, while lifestyle changes can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases or can slow their development, not all patients are able to comply with strict dietary and/or exercise regimens. Moreover, some patients have a genetic predisposition to development of cardiovascular conditions. Consequently there is a great need in the art for pharmaceutical agents which can influence the underlying pathological mechanisms of development of these conditions, and/or relieve their symptoms. [0005] For example, a wide variety of drugs is available for treatment of hypertension, and many of these are also used in the treatment of congestive heart disease and heart failure. However, few agents have been specifically developed for the treatment of heart failure alone. [0006] It is estimated that chronic or congestive heart failure affects approximately 5,000,000 people in the United States alone, ie. approximately 2% of the population, with approximately 400,000 new cases being diagnosed each year. Hospital and out-patient management costs are responsible for approximately 2.5% of the total health care costs, and congestive heart failure is one of the single most common causes of death in industrialised societies. Current treatments for congestive heart failure are very poor, and no satisfactory agents are available. Thus currently the primary aim of treatment is to prevent progression of the condition. However, in most cases patients have to utilise multiple pharmaceutical agents, and if the condition is not controlled the only treatments available are heart transplant or external cardiac assists. Although heart transplantation can be very successful, only very few patients can be treated because of the acute shortage of donors and the requirement for histocompatibility. External cardiac assists are suitable only for short-term use. [0007] One of the major processes associated with the development of cardiovascular diseases is a disturbance of the functional properties of the endothelium, ie. the lining layer of blood vessels. The vascular endothelium plays a pivotal role in regulating blood flow by releasing, at the appropriate time, a chemical called nitric oxide. This process is illustrated schematically in FIG. 1 . Nitric oxide (NO) is a small molecule which diffuses readily and plays a major role in vascular relaxation. [0008] NO is generated by a family of cellular enzymes, nitric oxide synthases (NOS), which make use of the amino acid L-arginine. All isoforms of NOS catalyze a five-electron oxidation of one of two guanidino nitrogen atoms in L-arginine to yield nitric oxide and L-citrulline, as shown in FIG. 1 . [0009] The reaction involves two monooxygenation reactions, with N-γ-hydroxy-L-arginine as an intermediate product. The reaction requires several redox cofactors, including reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH), flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), flavin adenine mononucleotide (FMN) and tetrahydrobiopterin (THB4). It is known that the rate of production of NO is largely dependent upon the supply of L-arginine, and that supplementation with larger doses of L-arginine, per se, can improve endothelial function. [0010] The clinical features of congestive heart failure (CHF) result from a complex interaction between reduced ventricular function, neurohormonal activation, and impaired endothelial function. While endothelial dysfunction has been well documented, the mechanisms which contribute to this dysfunction remained unclear until very recently. Possible such mechanisms included reduced expression of muscarinic cholinergic receptors on endothelial cells, altered intracellular signalling, reduced NO production, increased NO degradation, or an attenuated response by the intracellular targets of NO or cyclic GMP. Supplementation with oral or intravenous L-arginine has been shown to improve endothelial function in some conditions which are characterised by endothelial dysfunction, most notably atherosclerosis (Lerman et al 1998; Creager et al., 1992; Girerd et al., 1990). Such supplements have been shown to improve endothelial function in patients with heart failure (Hirooka et al., 1994; Rector et al, 1996), and we have shown that transport of L-arginine is impaired in patients with congestive heart failure; this could lead to a relative deficiency of intracellular arginine, thereby reducing NO synthesis (Kaye et al., 2000). [0011] While in principle supplementation with L-arginine will have a beneficial effect, this approach suffers from the serious disadvantage that the doses required are extremely high, leading to toxic side effects as a result of the concomitant increase in urea levels. Thus there is a need in the art for alternative agents which are able to modulate L-arginine transport, without adversely affecting circulating urea levels. While supplementation with L-arginine does improve vasodilation, the doses of L-arginine which are required are very large, and result in potentially dangerous increases in blood urea levels. Thus an alternative method is needed. [0012] Lowering intracellular L-arginine levels by inhibiting L-arginine transport has potential in the treatment of conditions in which the L-arginine-nitric oxide pathway is excessively active. These include sepsis resulting from infection, in which the NO pathway, particularly the pathway involving the inducible form of NOS (iNOS), or possibly L-arginine transport, is overactive; inflammation caused by non-infective disease states, including but not limited to arthritis, and chronic liver disease with its attendant toxaemia. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0013] In the present specification we describe a new class of compounds, designed to modulate the ability of blood vessels to synthesize NO from L-arginine. [0014] Without wishing to be bound by any proposed mechanism, we believe that the compounds of the invention modulate the synthesis of NO, presumably by up or down-regulating the transport of L-arginine, which is a substrate for NOS. In particular we have identified novel compounds which enhance the entry of L-arginine into cells. These compounds improve endothelial function, and thereby have the potential to retard the progression of vascular disease in conditions such as hypertension, heart failure and diabetes. This new class of drugs may also have other potentially, relevant pharmacological actions, including anti-hypertensive and anti-anginal actions. [0015] In a first aspect, the invention provides a compound which is able to modulate L-arginine transport into cells, in which the compound is of formula I where [0016] A is a methylene group or is absent; [0017] G is O or is absent; [0018] R 1 is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, thio, amino, and optionally substituted lower alkyl, lower alkylamino, arylamino, aralkylamino, heteroarylamino, heteroaralkylamino, lower alkyloxy, aryloxy, heteroaryloxy, cycloalkyloxy, cycloheteroalkyloxy, aralkyloxy, heteroaralkyloxy, (cycloalkyl)alkyloxy, (cycloheteroalkyl)alkyloxy, lower alkylthio, arylthio, heteroarylthio, cycloalkylthio, cycloheteroalkylthio, aralkylthio, heteroaralkylthio, (cycloalkyl)alkylthio, (cycloheteroalkyl)alkylthio, imino lower alkyl, iminocycloalkyl, iminocycloheteroalkyl, iminoaralkyl, iminoheteroaralkyl, (cycloalkyl)iminoalkyl, (cycloheteroalkyl)iminoalkyl, (cycloiminoalkyl)alkyl, (cycloiminoheteroalkyl)alkyl, oximinoloweralkyl, oximinocycloalkyl, oximinocycloheteroalkyl, oximinoaralkyl, oximinoheteroaralkyl, (cycloalkyl)oximinoalkyl, (cyclooximinoalkyl)alkyl, (cyclooximinoheteroalkyl)alkyl, and (cycloheteroalkyl)oximinoalkyl; and [0019] R 2 , R 3 and R 4 are selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, optionally substituted lower alkyl, aryl, aralkyl, heteroaryl, heteroaralkyl, cycloalkyl, and cycloheteroalkyl. [0020] Preferably A is absent, R 1 is amino or hydroxyl, and G is O; [0021] R 2 is alkyl or cycloalkyl when G is O. [0022] In a preferred embodiment, the compound is of formula II in which [0023] R 1 is cycloalkyl of 4-6 carbons; [0024] R 2 is trihaloalkyl of 1-3 carbon atoms, or is absent; [0025] R 3 is a halogen or is absent; and [0026] R 4 is a halogen, or is trihaloalkyl of 1 to 3 carbon atoms. [0027] Preferably R 1 is cyclobutyl or cyclohexyl; [0028] R 2 is chlorine or absent; and [0029] R 4 is chlorine or trifluoromethyl. [0030] More preferably both R 2 and R 4 are, trifluoromethyl and R 3 is absent, or both R 3 and R 4 are chlorine and R 2 is absent. [0031] In a particularly preferred embodiment, the compound is one of the following compounds shown in Table 1: TABLE 1 Structure Structure Name 3-Cyclobutylmethoxy-4-[N′-(3,5- trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-guanidino]- benzamide 3-Cyclobutylmethoxy-4-[N′-(3,4-di- chloro-benzyl)-guanidino]-benzamide 3-Cyclobutylmethoxy-4-[N′-(2-fluoro- benzyl)-guanidino]-benzamide 3-Cyclobutylmethoxy-4-[N′-(4-methyl- benzyl)-guanidino]-benzamide 3-Cyclobutylmethoxy-4-[N′-(2-methoxy- benzyl)-guanidino]-benzamide 3-Cyclobutylmethoxy-4-(N′-cyclohexyl- guanidino)-benzamide 3-Cyclopropylmethoxy-4-[N′-(2-phenyl- propyl)-guanidino]-benzamide 4-[N′-(2-Phenyl-propyl)-guanidino]- 3-(tetrahydro-pyran-2-ylmethoxy)- benzamide 4-(N′-Benzyl-guanidino)-3-(tetrahydro- pyran-2-ylmethoxy)-benzamide 4-(N′-Benzo[1,3]dioxol-5-ylmethyl- guanidino)-3-(tetrahydro-pyran-2- ylmethoxy)-benzamide 4-(N′-Isobutyl-guanidino)-3-(tetrahydro- pyran-2-ylmethoxy)-benzamide 3-Cyclohexylmethoxy-4-[N′-(3,5- trifluoromethyl- benzyl)-guanidino]-benzamide 3-Cyclohexylmethoxy-4-[N′-(3,4-di- chloro-benzyl)-guanidino]-benzamide 3-Cyclohexylmethoxy-4-[N′-(2-methoxy- benzyl)-guanidino]-benzamide 4-(N′-Benzyl-guanidino)-3-cyclohexyl- methoxy-benzamide 3-Cyclohexylmethoxy-4-(N′-cyclohexyl- methyl-guanidino)-benzamide 3-Benzyloxy-4-{N-[(5-nitro-pyridin- 2-ylamino)-methyl]-guanidino}- benzamide 4-(N′-Benzyl-guanidino)-3-benzyloxy- benzamide 3-Benzyloxy-4-(N′-furan-2-ylmethyl- guanidino)-benzamide 4-(N′-Furan-2-ylmethyl-guanidino)-3- (3-methyl-benzyloxy)-benzamide [0032] In a second aspect, the invention provides a library of compounds of formula I as defined above, or a sub-library thereof. [0033] It will be clearly understood that the invention encompasses compounds which are able either to up-regulate or to down-regulate transport of L-arginine cross-cell membranes. Preferably the compounds are able to up-regulate such transport. More preferably the compounds of the invention enhance transport of L-arginine into cells, thereby stimulating NO production. Even more preferably the compounds up-regulate the activity of constitutive endothelial NOS (eNOS). [0034] We have found that some compounds according to the invention, eg plate 1, G10 have a biphasic effect; they enhance L-arginine transport at low concentration, and inhibit such transport at high concentration. Thus a single compound may have both up-regulatory and down-regulatory activity. [0035] The invention also encompasses methods of synthesis of the compounds. [0036] According to a third aspect, the invention provides a composition comprising a compound of formula I, together with a pharmaceutically-acceptable carrier. [0037] According to a fourth aspect, the invention provides a method of treatment of a condition associated with underactivity or hyperactivity of the NO synthetic pathway, comprising the step of administering an effective amount of a compound according to the invention to a subject in need of such treatment. [0038] It is contemplated that in one preferred embodiment, the NO synthetic pathway is underactive; more preferably the condition is one in which vasodilatation is beneficial, for example, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes-associated vascular disease, coronary vascular disease, or peripheral vascular disease. [0039] In an alternative embodiment, the NO synthetic pathway is hyperactive; for example, the condition is sepsis, inflammation, including arthritis, or chronic liver disease. Preferably the condition is one associated with abnormal transport of L-arginine. [0040] The subject may be a human, or may be a domestic or companion animal. While it is particularly contemplated that the compounds of the invention are suitable for use in medical treatment of humans, they are also applicable to veterinary treatment, including treatment of companion animals such as dogs and cats, and domestic animals such as horses, cattle and sheep, or zoo animals such as primates, felids, canids, bovids, and ungulates. [0041] Methods and pharmaceutical carriers for preparation of pharmaceutical compositions are well known in the art, as set out in textbooks such as Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences, 20th Edition, Williams & Wilkins, USA. [0042] The compounds and compositions of the invention may be administered by any suitable route, and the person skilled in the art will readily be able to determine the most suitable route and dose for the condition to be treated. Dosage will be at the discretion of the attendant physician or veterinarian, and will depend on the nature and state of the condition to be treated, the age and general state of health of the subject to be treated, the route of administration, and any previous treatment which may have been administered. [0043] The carrier or diluent, and other excipients, will depend on the route of administration, and again the person skilled in the art will readily be able to determine the most suitable formulation for each particular case. [0044] In addition to treatment of cardiovascular conditions, it is contemplated that the compounds of the invention will be useful for modulation of the thrombin pathway, and consequently for treatment of abnormalities of blood clotting, and for treatment of sepsis. [0045] While oral treatment is preferred, other routes may also be used, for example intravenous or intra-arterial injection or infusion, buccal, sub-lingual, or intranasal administration. [0046] It will be clearly understood that the compounds of the invention may also be used in conjunction with one or more other agents which are useful in the treatment of heart failure. Ten agents in this class are in current clinical use; these include acetyl cholinesterase inhibitors such as captopril and enalapril; angiotensin receptor blockers (AT 1 antagonists); atrial natriuretic peptides; vasopeptidase inhibitors (ACE/neutral endopeptidase inhibitors); α- and β-blockers, including selective α- and β-adrenergic receptor antagonists, many of which are available; mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists; endothelin receptor antagonists; and endothelium converting enzyme antagonists. The person skilled in the art will be aware of a wide variety of suitable agents, and the topic has recently been reviewed (Macor & Kowala, 2000). [0047] Preferably the compound of the invention is used in conjunction with an ACE inhibitor, a neutral endopeptidase inhibitor, or a β-blocker. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES [0048] FIG. 1 is a schematic representation summarising the role of NO in vascular relaxation. [0049] FIG. 2 shows the results of experiments on the effect of four different compounds according to the invention on the uptake of radioactive-labelled L-arginine into HeLa cells. C: Control performed in the absence of test compound. The vertical axis shows average disintegrations per minute/mg test compound, and the horizontal axis shows the concentration of test compound, expressed as log 10 (drug concentration). Panel A: Compound A4; Panel B: Compound A7; Panel C: G10; Panel D: Compound H4. [0050] FIG. 3 shows the results of experiments to test the stimulatory effects of compounds of the invention on arginine uptake by the endothelial cell line EA.hy.926. [0051] FIG. 4 illustrates the augmentation of vascular relaxation produced by increasing concentrations of acetyl choline in the absence of and presence of test compounds. C indicates control. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0052] The invention will now be described in detail by way of reference only to the following non-limiting examples and drawings. [0053] Abbreviations used herein are as follows: [0000] amu atomic mass unit [0000] CH 2 Cl 2 dichloromethane [0000] Cs 2 CO 3 caesium carbonate (anhydrous) [0000] DIC diisopropyl carbodiimide [0000] DMAP dimethylaminopyridine [0000] DMF N,N′-dimethylformamide [0000] DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide [0000] ESMS electrospray mass spectroscopy [0000] H 2 O water [0000] HPLC high performance liquid chromatography [0000] LC/MS liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy [0000] MeCN acetonitrile [0000] MS mass spectroscopy [0000] MW molecular weight [0000] {M+H} + molecular ion [0000] rt room temperature [0000] THF tetrahydrofuran [0000] TFA trifluoroacetic acid [0000] t R retention time [0000] Definitions [0054] Terms used in this specification have the following meanings: [0000] Combinatorial Library [0055] A “combinatorial library” or “array” is an intentionally created collection of differing molecules which can be prepared synthetically and screened for biological activity in a variety of different formats, such as libraries of soluble molecules, libraries of molecules bound to a solid support. Typically, combinatorial libraries contain between about 6 and two million compounds. In one embodiment, combinatorial libraries contain between about 48 and 1 million compounds. For example, combinatorial libraries may contain between about 96 and 250,000 compounds. In another embodiment, combinatorial libraries may contain about 40 to 100 compounds. [0056] Most of the compounds synthesised and described in this application are synthesised using the techniques of combinatorial chemistry to produce combinatorial libraries. In contrast to traditional chemical synthesis, in which a unique compound is synthesised, combinatorial chemistry permits the reaction of a family of reagents A 1 to A n (the building-blocks) with a second family of reagents B 1 to B m , generating nXm possible combinations (the combinatorial library). [0057] A key feature of combinatorial techniques is that thousands of molecules can be screened in a small number of assays. To detect an active sequence generated via a combinatorial technique, the concentration of the active molecule is selected to be sufficiently great that the molecule can be detected within the sensitivity of the chosen assay. It will be appreciated that the number of unique molecules within a subset produced via a combinatorial technique depends on the number of positions of substitution and the number of different substituents employed. [0000] Optionally Substituted [0058] “Optionally substituted” refers to the replacement of hydrogen with a monovalent or divalent radical. Suitable substituent groups include hydroxyl, nitro, amino, imino, cyano, halo, thio, thioamido, amidino, oxo, oxamidino, methoxamidino, imidino, guanidino, sulfonamido, carboxyl, formyl, lower alkyl, halolower alkyl, lower alkoxy, halolower alkoxy, lower alkoxyalkyl, alkylcarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, aralkylcarbonyl, heteroarylcarbonyl, heteroaralkylcarbonyl, alkylthio, aminoalkyl, cyanoalkyl, and the like. The substituent group can itself be substituted. [0059] The group substituted on to the substituent group can be, for example, carboxyl, halo, nitro, amino, cyano, hydroxyl, lower alkyl, lower alkoxy, aminocarbonyl, —SR, thioamido, —SO 3 H, —SO 2 R or cycloalkyl, where R is typically hydrogen, hydroxyl or lower alkyl. When the substituted substituent includes a straight chain group, the substitution can occur either within the chain (e.g., 2-hydroxypropyl, 2-aminobutyl, and the like) or at the chain terminus (e.g., 2-25 hydroxyethyl, 3-cyanopropyl, and the like). Substituted substituents can be straight chain, branched or cyclic arrangements of covalently bonded carbon or heteroatoms. [0000] Lower Alkyl and Related Terms [0060] “Lower alkyl” refers to branched or straight chain alkyl groups comprising 1 to 10 carbon atoms, preferably 1 to 6 carbon atoms which independently are unsubstituted or substituted, e.g., with one or more halogen, hydroxyl or other groups. Examples of lower alkyl groups include, but are not limited to, methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl, n-butyl, t-butyl, n-hexyl, neopentyl, trifluoromethyl, pentafluoroethyl, and the like. [0061] “Alkylenyl” refers to a divalent straight chain or branched chain saturated aliphatic radical having from 1 to 10 carbon atoms. Typical alkylenyl groups employed in compounds of the present invention are lower alkylenyl groups that have from 1 to about 6 carbon atoms in their backbone. “Alkenyl” refers to straight chain, branched, or cyclic radicals having one or more double bonds and from 2 to 20 carbon atoms, preferably 2 to 6 carbon atoms. “Alkynyl” refers to straight chain, branched, or cyclic radicals having one or more triple bonds and from 2 to 20 carbon atoms, preferably 2 to 10 carbon atoms. [0062] The term “halolower alkyl” refers to a lower alkyl radical substituted with one or more halogen atoms. “Lower alkoxy” as used herein refers to RO—, where R is lower alkyl. Representative examples of lower alkoxy groups include methoxy, ethoxy, t-butoxy, trifluoromethoxy and the like. [0063] “Lower alkythio” refers to RS—, where R is lower alkyl. [0064] “Cycloalkyl” refers to a mono- or polycyclic lower alkyl substituent. Typical cycloalkyl substituents have from 3 to 8 backbone (i.e., ring) atoms, in which each backbone atom is optionally substituted carbon. When used in context with cycloalkyl substituents, the term “polycyclic” refers to fused, non-fused cyclic carbon structures and spirocycles. Examples of cycloalkyl groups include, but are not limited to, cyclopropyl, cyclobutyl, cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl, adamantyl, bornyl, norbornyl, and the like. [0065] The term “cycloheteroalkyl” refers to cycloalkyl substituents that have from 1 to 5, and more typically from 1 to 4 heteroatoms (i.e., non-carbon atoms such as nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen) in the ring structure, with the remaining atoms in the ring being optionally substituted carbon. Representative heterocycloalkyl moieties include morpholino, piperazinyl, piperidinyl, pyrrolidinyl, methylpryolidinyl, pyrrolidinone-yl, and the like. [0066] The terms “(cycloalkyl)alkyl” and “(cycloheteroalkyl)alkyl” refer to alkyl chains substituted with cycloalkyl and cycloheteroalkyl groups respectively. [0000] Halo [0067] “Halo” refers to a halogen radical, such as fluorine, chlorine, bromine, or iodine. [0000] Aryl and Related Terms [0068] “Aryl” refers to monocyclic and polycyclic aromatic groups, or fused ring systems having at least one aromatic ring, having from 3 to 14 backbone carbon atoms. Examples of aryl groups include phenyl, naphthyl, dihydronaphthyl, tetrahydronaphthyl, and the like. [0069] “Aralkyl” refers to an alkyl group substituted with an aryl group. Typically, aralkyl groups employed in compounds of the present invention have from 1 to 6 carbon atoms incorporated within the alkyl portion of the aralkyl group. [0070] Suitable aralkyl groups employed in compounds of the present invention include benzyl, picolyl, and the like. [0000] Heteroaryl and Related Terms [0071] The term “heteroaryl” refers to aryl groups having from one to four heteroatoms as ring atoms in an aromatic ring, with the remainder of the ring atoms being aromatic or non-aromatic carbon atoms. When used in connection with aryl substituents, the term “polycyclic” refers to fused and non-fused cyclic structures in which at least one cyclic structure is aromatic, such as benzodioxozolo, naphthyl, and the like. Exemplary heteroaryl moieties employed as substituents in compounds of the present invention include pyridyl, pyrimidinyl, thiazolyl, indolyl, imidazolyl, oxadiazolyl, tetrazolyl, pyrazinyl, triazolyl, thiophenyl, furanyl, quinolinyl, purinyl, benzothiazolyl, benzopyridyl, and benzimidazolyl, and the like. [0000] Amino and Related Terms [0072] “Amino” refers to the group —NH 2 . The term “lower alkylamino” refers to the group —NRR′, where R and R′ are each independently selected from hydrogen or loweralkyl. The term “arylamino” refers to the group —NRR′ where R is aryl and R′ is hydrogen, lower alkyl, aryl, or aralkyl. The term “aralkylamino” refers to the group —NRR′ where R is aralkyl and R′ is hydrogen, loweralkyl, aryl, or aralkyl. The terms “heteroarylamino” and heteroaralkylamino” are defined by analogy to arylamino and aralkylamino. [0000] Thio and Related Terms [0073] The term “thio” refers to —SH. The terms “lower alkylthio”, “arylthio”, “heteroarylthio”, “cycloalkylthio”, “cycloheteroalkylthio”, “aralkylthio”, “heteroaralkylthio”, “(cycloalkyl)alkylthio”, and “(cycloheteroalkyl)alkylthio” refer to —SR, where R is optionally substituted lower alkyl, aryl, heteroaryl; cycloalkyl, cycloheteroalkyl, aralkyl, heteroaralkyl, (cycloalkyl)alkyl, and (cycloheteroalkyl)alkyl respectively. [0074] “Carboxyl” refers to —C(O)OH. [0000] Imino and Oximino [0075] The term “imino” refers to the group —C(═NR)—, where R can be hydrogen or optionally substituted lower alkyl, aryl, heteroaryl, or heteroaralkyl respectively. The terms “iminoloweralkyl”, “iminocycloalkyl”, “ininocycloheteroalkyl”, “iminoaralkyl”, “iminoheteroaralkyl”, “(cycloalkyl)iminoalkyl”, “(cycloiminoalkyl)alkyl”, “(cycloiminoheteroalkyl)alkyl”, and “(cycloheteroalkyl)iminoalkyl” refer to optionally substituted lower alkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloheteroalkyl, aralkyl, heteroaralkyl, (cycloalkyl)alkyl, and (cycloheteroalkyl)alkyl groups that include an imino group, respectively. [0076] The term “oximino” refers to the group —C(═NOR)—, where R can be hydrogen (“hydroximino”) or optionally substituted lower alkyl, aryl, heteroaryl, or heteroaralkyl respectively. The terms “oximinoloweralkyl”, “oximinocycloalkyl”, “oximinocycloheteroalkyl”, “oximinoaralkyl”, “oximinoheteroaralkyl”, “(cycloalkyl)oximinoalkyl”, “(cyclooximinoalkyl)alkyl”, “(cyclooximinoheteroalkyl)alkyl”, and (cycloheteroalkyl)oximinoalkyl” refer to optionally substituted lower alkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloheteroalkyl, aralkyl, heteroaralkyl, (cycloalkyl)alkyl, and (cycloheteroalkyl)alkyl groups that include an oximino group, respectively. [0000] Methylene and Methine [0077] The term “methylene” refers to an unsubstituted, monosubstituted, or disubstituted carbon atom having a formal SP 3 hybridization (i.e., —CRR′—, where R and R′ are hydrogen or independent substituents). [0078] The term “methine” as used herein refers to an unsubstituted or carbon atom having a formal sp 2 hybridization (i.e., 10 —CR═ or ═CR—, where R is hydrogen a substituent). [0079] It will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that the compounds of formula (I) may be modified to provide pharmaceutically acceptable derivatives thereof at any of the functional groups in the compounds of formula (I). Of particular interest as such derivatives are compounds modified at the carboxyl function, hydroxyl functions or at the guanidino or amino groups. Thus compounds of interest include C 1-6 alkyl esters, such as methyl, ethyl, propyl or isopropyl esters, aryl esters, such as phenyl, benzoyl esters, and C 1-6 acetyl esters of the compounds of formula (I). [0080] The term “pharmaceutically acceptable derivative” means any pharmaceutically acceptable salt, ester or salt of such ester of a compound of formula (I) or any other compound which, upon administration to the recipient, is capable of providing a compound of formula (I) or a biologically active metabolite or residue thereof. [0081] Pharmaceutically acceptable salts of the compounds of formula (I) include those derived from pharmaceutically acceptable inorganic and organic acids and bases. Examples of suitable acids include hydrochloric, hydrobromic, sulphuric, nitric, perchloric, fumaric, maleic, phosphoric, glycolic, lactic, salicylic, succinic, toluene-p-sulphonic, tartaric, acetic, citric, methanesulphonic, formic, benzoic, malonic, naphthalene-2-sulphbnic and benzenesulphonic acids. Other acids such as oxalic acid, while not in themselves pharmaceutically acceptable, may be useful in the preparation of salts useful as intermediates in obtaining compounds of the invention and their pharmaceutically acceptable acid addition salts. [0082] Salts derived from appropriate bases include alkali metal (eg. sodium), alkaline earth metal (eg. magnesium), ammonium, and NR 4 + (where R is C 1-4 alkyl) salts. [0083] For the purposes of this specification it will be clearly understood that the word “comprising” means “including but not limited to”, and that the word “comprises” has a corresponding meaning. [0084] As used herein, the singular forms “a”, “an”, and “the” include the corresponding plural reference unless the context clearly dictates otherwise. Thus, for example, a reference to “an enzyme” includes a plurality of such enzymes, and a reference to “an amino acid” is a reference to one or more amino acids. Unless defined otherwise, all technical and scientific terms used herein have the same meaning as commonly understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to which this invention belongs. Although any materials and methods similar or equivalent to those described herein can be used to practice or test the present invention, the preferred materials and methods are now described. [0085] Generally, the terms “treating”, “treatment” and the like are used herein to mean affecting a subject, tissue or cell to obtain a desired pharmacological and/or physiological effect. The effect may be prophylactic in terms of completely or partially preventing a disease or sign or symptom thereof, and/or may be therapeutic in terms of a partial or complete cure of a disease. “Treating” as used herein covers any treatment of, or prevention of disease in a vertebrate, a mammal, particularly a human, and includes preventing the disease from occurring in a subject who may be predisposed to the disease, but has not yet been diagnosed as having it; inhibiting the disease, ie., arresting its development; or relieving or ameliorating the effects of the disease, ie., cause regression of the effects of the disease. [0086] The invention includes various pharmaceutical compositions useful for ameliorating disease. The pharmaceutical compositions according to one embodiment of the invention are prepared by bringing a compound of formula I, or an analogue, derivative or salt thereof, and one or more pharmaceutically-active agents or combinations of a compound of formula I and one or more other pharmaceutically-active agents, into a form suitable for administration to a subject, using carriers, excipients and additives or auxiliaries. [0087] Frequently used carriers or auxiliaries include magnesium carbonate, titanium dioxide, lactose, mannitol and other sugars, talc, milk protein, gelatin, starch, vitamins, cellulose and its derivatives, animal and vegetable oils, polyethylene glycols and solvents, such as sterile water, alcohols, glycerol and polyhydric alcohols. Intravenous vehicles include fluid and nutrient replenishers. Preservatives include antimicrobials, anti-oxidants, chelating agents and inert gases. Other pharmaceutically acceptable carriers include aqueous solutions, non-toxic excipients, including salts, preservatives, buffers and the like, as described, for instance, in Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences, 20th ed. Williams & Wilkins (2000) and The British National Formulary 43rd ed. (British Medical Association and Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 2002;, the contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference. The pH and exact concentration of the various components of the pharmaceutical composition are adjusted according to routine skills in the art. See Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis for Therapeutics (7th ed., 1985). [0088] The pharmaceutical compositions are preferably prepared and administered in dosage units. Solid dosage units include tablets, capsules and suppositories. For treatment of a subject, depending on activity of the compound, manner of administration, nature and severity of the disorder, age and body weight of the subject, different daily doses can be used. Under certain circumstances, however, higher or lower daily doses may be appropriate. The administration of the daily dose can be carried out both by single administration in the form of an individual dose unit or else several smaller dose units and also by multiple administration of subdivided doses at specific intervals. [0089] The pharmaceutical compositions according to the invention may be administered locally or systemically in a therapeutically effective dose. Amounts effective for this use will, of course, depend on the severity of the disease and the weight and general state of the subject. Typically, dosages used in vitro may provide useful guidance in the amounts useful for in situ administration of the pharmaceutical composition, and animal models may be used to determine effective dosages for treatment of the cytotoxic side effects. Various considerations are described, eg., in Langer, Science, 249: 1527, (1990). Formulations for oral use may be in the form of hard gelatin capsules, in which the active ingredient is mixed with an inert solid diluent, for example, calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate or kaolin. They may also be in the form of soft gelatin capsules, in which the active ingredient is mixed with water or an oil medium, such as peanut oil, liquid paraffin or olive oil. [0090] Aqueous suspensions normally contain the active materials in admixture with excipients suitable for the manufacture of aqueous suspensions. Such excipients may be suspending agents such as sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, methyl cellulose, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, sodium alginate, polyvinylpyrrolidone, gum tragacanth and gum acacia; dispersing or wetting agents, which may be (a) a naturally occurring phosphatide such as lecithin; (b) a condensation product of an alkylene oxide with a fatty acid, for example, polyoxyethylene stearate; (c) a condensation product of ethylene oxide with a long chain aliphatic alcohol, for example, heptadecaethylenoxycetanol; (d) a condensation product of ethylene oxide with a partial ester derived from a fatty acid and hexitol such as polyoxyethylene sorbitol monooleate, or (e) a condensation product of ethylene oxide with a partial ester derived from fatty acids and hexitol anhydrides, for example polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate. [0091] The pharmaceutical compositions may be in the form of a sterile injectable aqueous or oleaginous suspension. This suspension may be formulated according to known methods using suitable dispersing or wetting agents and suspending agents such as those mentioned above. The sterile injectable preparation may also a sterile injectable solution or suspension in a non-toxic parenterally-acceptable diluent or solvent, for example, as a solution in 1,3-butanediol. Among the acceptable vehicles and solvents which may be employed are water, Ringer's solution, and isotonic sodium chloride solution. In addition, sterile, fixed oils are conventionally employed as a solvent or suspending medium. For this purpose, any bland fixed oil may be employed, including synthetic mono- or diglycerides. In addition, fatty acids such as oleic acid may be used in the preparation of injectables. [0092] Compounds of formula I may also be administered in the form of liposome delivery systems, such as small unilamellar vesicles, large unilamellar vesicles, and multilamellar vesicles. Liposomes can be formed from a variety of phospholipids, such as cholesterol, stearylamine, or phosphatidylcholines. [0093] Dosage levels of the compound of formula I of the present invention will usually be of the order of about 0.5 mg to about 20 mg per kilogram body weight, with a preferred dosage range between about 0.5 mg to about 10 mg per kilogram body weight per day (from about 0.5 g to about 3 g per patient per day). The amount of active ingredient which may be combined with the carrier materials to produce a single dosage will vary, depending upon the host to be treated and the particular mode of administration. For example, a formulation intended for oral administration to humans may contain about 5 mg to 1 g of an active compound with an appropriate and convenient amount of carrier material, which may vary from about 5 to 95 percent of the total composition. Dosage unit forms will generally contain between from about 5 mg to 500 mg of active ingredient. [0094] It will be understood, however, that the specific dose level for any particular patient will depend upon a variety of factors including the activity of the specific compound employed, the age, body weight, general health, sex, diet, time of administration, route of administration, rate of excretion, drug combination and the severity of the particular disease undergoing therapy. [0095] In addition, some of the compounds of the invention may form solvates with water or common organic solvents. Such solvates are encompassed within the scope of the invention. [0096] The compounds of the invention may additionally be combined with other compounds to provide an operative combination. It is intended to include any chemically compatible combination of pharmaceutically-active agents, as long as the combination does not eliminate the activity of the compound of formula I of this invention. [0000] Synthesis of the Compounds of the Invention [0097] The compounds of the present invention can be synthesized using techniques and materials known to those of skill in the art (Carey and Sundberg 1983; Carey and Sundberg 1983; Greene and Wuts 1991; March 1992). Starting materials for the compounds of the invention may be obtained using standard techniques and commercially available precursor materials, such as those available from Aldrich Chemical Co. (Milwaukee, Wis.), Sigma [0098] Chemical Co. (St. Louis, Mo.), Lancaster Synthesis (Windham, N.H.), Apin Chemicals, Ltd. (New Brunswick, N.J.), Ryan Scientific (Columbia, S.C.), Maybridge (Cornwall, England), Arcos (Pittsburgh, Pa.), and Trans World Chemicals (Rockville, Md.). The procedures described herein for synthesizing the compounds of the invention may include one or more steps of protection and deprotection, e.g., the formation and removal of acetal groups (Greene and Wuts 1991). In addition, the synthetic procedures disclosed below can include various purifications, such as column chromatography, flash chromatography, thin-layer chromatography (“TLC”), recrystallization, distillation, high-pressure liquid chromatography (“HPLC”) and the like. Various techniques well known in the chemical arts for the identification and quantification of chemical reaction products, such as proton and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance ( 1 H and 13 C NMR), infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy (“IR” and “UV”), X-ray crystallography, elemental analysis (“EA”). [0099] HPLC and mass spectroscopy (“MS”) can be used for identification, quantitation and purification as well. [0100] Most of the compounds were synthesised using the technique of Solid Phase Chemistry (Ellman 1996). For many years we have used a multipin array system for solid-phase combinatorial peptide synthesis. This system is marketed by Mimotopes Pty Ltd, Clayton, Australia, and is used for synthesising libraries of organic compounds such as amino acid analogues, and for synthesising peptides and peptide libraries. The proprietary pin, Crown™ and SynPhase™ Lantern support systems utilise polyethylene or polypropylene copolymers grafted with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate polymer(HEMA), methacrylic acid/dimethylacrylamide polymer(MA/DMA) or polystyrene (PS) (Maeji et al. 1994). [0101] In particular, suitable solid supports include resins, graft polymers such as Crown™ and SynPhase™ Lantern supports, and other derivatised surfaces suitable for solid phase synthesis. The solid support may be a resin of the type used for example in solid-phase peptide synthesis. Many suitable resins are known in the art, for example methylbenzhydrylamine (MBHA) resin, amino or carboxy tentagel resins, or 4-sulphamylbenzyl AM resin. One particularly preferred class of supports is aminomethylated polystyrene-grafted polyethylene or polypropylene, such as the Rink linker-derivatised aminomethylated polystyrene-grafted SynPhase™ lantern manufactured by Mimotopes Pty Ltd. (product code SPPSDRAM). Typical loadings are in the range of 34-36 micromole per unit. Another preferred support is the grafted resin described in our International patent application No. PCT/AU01/00850. [0102] Most of the compounds synthesised and described in the application are synthesised using the techniques of combinatorial chemistry to produce combinatorial libraries. As opposed to traditional chemical synthesis where a unique compound is synthesised, combinatorial chemistry permits the reaction of a family of reagents A 1 to A n (the building-blocks) with a second family of reagents B 1 to B m generating nXm possible combinations (the combinatorial library). EXAMPLE 1 Synthesis of a Library of 180 Aryl Ether Guanidine Compounds (Library 0006) [0103] Library M0006 is a single compound library of 180 aryl ether guanidines in which there are two points of diversity. The scaffold for this library is a compound of formula II, in which R 2 is derived from an alkyl halide and R 4 is derived from a primary amine. [0104] Thus the compounds present a subset of formula I in which A is absent, R 1 is amino, R 2 is derived from an alkyl halide, G is O, R 3 is H and R 4 is derived from a primary amine. [0105] The library was synthesised using 9 alkyl-halides for the R 2 substituents and 20 different amines for the R 4 substituents. This combination results in the generation of 180 compounds. The purity, as estimated by RP-HPLC at 214 nm, of compounds from Library M0006 averages 73.6%, and ranges from 56% to 88% (s.d.=7%) determined from an analytical set of 41 compounds (23% of the total number of compounds synthesised). [0000] Synthesis [0106] 3-hydroxy-4-nitrobenzoic acid was coupled on to PS Rink Lanterns (Mimotopes Pty Ltd, Clayton, Victoria, Australia) loading capacity 35 μmol) using DIC/DMAP. The Lanterns were then treated with a solution of 10% ethanolamine in DMF to remove any concomitantly-formed esters. Deprotonation of the phenol with a potassium hydride/DMF solution followed by reaction with 9 alkyl halides generated 9 different aryl ethers. Using a solution of tin(II) chloride dihydrate in DMF, the nitro group in a 4-position was reduced to the corresponding aniline. The 180 Lanterns, derivatised with 9 different anilines were then treated with Fmoc-NCS. The in situ thioureas formed were then S-methylated with iodomethane. Subsequent reaction with 20 different amines resulted in the formation of the 20 different guanidines in the 4-position. Cleavage with 20% TFA/DCM afforded 180 aryl ether guanidines, which constitute Library M0006. This is summarised in Reaction Scheme 1. (i) Coupling of 3-Hydroxy-4-nitrobenzoic Acid [0107] Nine sets of 20 PS-D-RAM Lanterns (batch 1517, loading capacity 35 μmol) were reacted with a solution of 3-hydroxy-4-nitrobenzoic acid (0.2M), DIC (0.1M) and DMAP (0.05M) in DCM overnight at room temperature. The reaction solution was then drained and the Lanterns washed with DCM (4×20 min) and DMF (8×20 min). Concomitantly-formed esters were then cleaved using a solution of 10% ethanolamine/DMF: Lanterns were treated with 10% ethanolamine/DMF (1×15 min) followed by DMF (1 or 2×15 min); the Lanterns were given a sufficient number of treatments as to afford an entirely colourless eluent. When no further colour was observed, the Lanterns were washed with a solution of 50% AcOH (AR grade)/DCM (2×20 min) followed by DCM (4×15 min). A stain test of 0.2% bromophenol blue/DMF performed on a portion of one Lantern gave a negative result. The Lanterns were air-dried. [0000] (ii) Alkylation [0108] The Lanterns from step (i) were treated with a slurry of excess potassium hydride freshly extracted from mineral oil in anhydrous DMF for 30 min; then the Lanterns were rinsed twice with anhydrous DMF (1st cycle for 5 min; second cycle for about 30 min, or until the R1-X/Cs 2 CO 3 solutions were prepared). Nine solutions containing the appropriate alkylating reagent and Cs 2 CO 3 in distilled DMF were prepared. The order of addition was cesium carbonate, then DMF, then alkylating reagent. The different substituents used for R 2 and R 4 , and the alkylating conditions used to generate R 2 , are summarised in Tables 2 to 4 respectively. TABLE 2 Summary of R 2 -group structures and details for library M0006 Frag- ment Reagent Tag R 2 -Group Structure Reagent Name Tag R1m1 (bromomethyl)cyclobutane CCA004 R1m2 (bromomethyl)cyclopropane CCA001 R1m3 2-(bromomethyl)tetrahydro- 2H-pyran CCB001 R1m4 (bromomethyl)cyclohexane CCA002 R1m8 2-phenoxyethyl bromide CCB004 R1m9 benzyl bromide CCC001 R1m10 3-(trifluoromethyl)benzyl bromide a-bromo-a,a,a-m- trifluoroxylene CCD018 R1m11 3-bromobenzyl bromide CCD019 R1m12 4-fluorobenzyl bromide CCD020 [0109] TABLE 3 Summary of R 4 -group structures and details for library M0006 Fragment Reagent Tag R 4 -Group Structure Reagent Name Tag r2m4 3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)benzylamine DAD005 r2m5 2-(2-aminoethylamino)-5-nitropyridine DAG001 r2m7 4-fluorophenethylamine DAD023 r2m8 3,4-dichlorobenzylamine DAD024 r2m9 2-methylbenzylamine DAC009 r2m12 4-(triftuoromethyl)benzylamine DAD006 r2m13 1-amino-2-phenylpropane β-phenethylamine DAC008 r2m16 2-fluorobenzylamine DAD004 r2m17 4-methylbenzylamine DAC007 r2m18 2-methoxybenzylamine DAD009 r2m20 benzylamine DAC003 r2m22 piperonylamine DAD002 r2m24 hexylamine DAA002 r2m25 isobutylamine DAA010 r2m40 2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethylamine DAD008 r2m46 2-(trifluoromethyl)benzylamine DAD029 r2m53 4-chlorobenzylamine DAD034 r2m58 cyclohexylamine DAA001 r2m60 cyclohexanemethylamine DAA003 r2m62 furfurylamine DAG005 [0110] TABLE 4 Conditions Employed for Alkylating Reagents Alkyl Halide Cesium(I) Reaction Reaction Alkylating Reagent Concentration Concentration Time Temperature (Bromomethyl)cyclobutane 1.0 M 0.3 M 24 h 100° C. (Bromomethyl)cyclopropane 1.0 M 0.3 M 24 h 100° C. 2-(Bromomethyl)- 1.0 M 0.3 M 24 h 100° C. tetrahydro-2H-pyran (Bromomethyl)cyclohexane 1.0 M 0.3 M 24 h 100° C. 2-Phenoxyethyl bromide 1.0 M 0.06 M  24 h 100° C. Benzyl bromide 1.0 M 0.06 M  24 h  40° C. 3-(Trifluoromethyl) 1.0 M 0.6 M 48 h 100° C. benzyl bromide 3-Bromobenzyl bromide 1.0 M 0.06 M  24 h  40° C. 4-Fluorobenzyl bromide 1.0 M 0.06 M  24 h  40° C. [0111] The reaction solution from each flask was then drained, and the Lantern sets transferred to clean 100 mL vessels to facilitate Cs 2 CO 3 removal. The Lanterns were then washed with DMF (distilled) (3×10 min), 50% DMF (distilled)/H 2 O (1×30 min, 1×10 min), DMF (distilled) (2×10 min) and DCM (1×30 min, 2×10 min, 1×2 min). The Lantern sets were then vacuum dried at 40° C. [0112] The analysis by RP-HPLC of these 9 intermediates showed that full alkylation was not achieved in all cases. Only 3 of the ethers returned raw HPLC purities of >80%. These were (bromomethyl)cyclobutane (r1m1); 2-(bromomethyl)tetrahydro-2H-pyran (r1m3) and (bromomethyl)cyclohexane (r1m4). The remaining sets of Lanterns were therefore re-treated with KH/DMF followed by alkylating reagent at reduced concentration (0.5M). Cs 2 CO 3 was omitted from all second pass reaction solutions. The sets of Lanterns derivatised with benzyl bromide, 3-bromobenzyl bromide and 4-fluorobenzyl bromide were heated to 40° C. for 44 h. Lanterns derivatised with 2-phenoxyethyl bromide and (bromomethyl)cyclopropane were heated to 80° C. for 44 h. The Lantern set derivatised with 3-(trifluoromethyl)benzyl bromide was heated initially to 80° C. for 1 h, then at 40° C. for the remaining 43 h. For reactions involving (bromomethyl)cyclopropane and 2-phenoxyethyl bromide, 2 different solutions of the alkylating reagent were used. After 18.5 h, the first alkyl halide solution was removed, the Lanterns were washed briefly with anhydrous DMF then re-treated with a second solution of the alkylating reagent (0.5M) for the remaining 25.5 h. The Lanterns were then washed with DMF (3×10 min) and DCM (2×10 min) and then vacuum dried at 40° C. overnight. [0000] (iii) Aniline Formation Using Tin(II) Chloride [0113] Nine solutions of tin(II) chloride dihydrate (1.0M) in distilled DMF were prepared. These were then added to the nine sets of Lanterns derivatised with the 9 different aryl ethers and allowed to stand overnight at 40° C. The reaction solutions were then drained and the Lanterns washed with DMF (2×30 min), 50% DMF/H 2 O (1×30 min), DMF (1×20 min), DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were then vacuum dried for 3 h. [0000] (iv) Guanidine Formation [0114] Transponders were inserted into the Lanterns and a TranSort program was created for the directed sort for the R2 group. The Lanterns were treated with Fmoc-NCS (0.2M) in DCM at room temperature for 14 h then at 40° C. for 1 h. The reaction solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with DCM (3×10 min), DMF (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were then vacuum dried at 40° C. for 1 h. [0115] The Lanterns were Fmoc-deprotected with 20% piperidine/DMF for 1 h. The piperidine solution was drained and the Lanterns subjected to a second treatment with fresh 20% piperidine/DMF for 45 minutes. The Lanterns were drained and washed with DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/DCM (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). [0116] A solution of iodomethane (0.2M) in DMF (distilled) was prepared. To this solution was added the Fmoc-deprotected Lanterns. The Lanterns were then stood at room temperature for 1 h. The iodomethane solution was removed and the Lanterns re-treated with a second solution of iodomethane (0.2M) in DMF for 45 min. The Lanterns were drained then washed with DMF (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min) and vacuum dried overnight at 40° C. [0117] Twenty solutions of the corresponding amine (2M) [refer Table 3] in DMSO (AR grade) were prepared. The sets of Lanterns, as sorted using TranSort, were then added to these amine solutions and allowed to stand at 85° C. for 6 h. At the completion of the reaction, the amine solutions were drained and the Lanterns washed with warm DMSO (2×10 min), DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/DCM (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were then vacuum dried overnight at 40° C. [0000] (v) Cleavage from the Solid Phase [0118] The Lanterns were prepared for cleavage using TranSort. The Lanterns were then cleaved using 1 mL per Lantern of 20% TFA (distilled)/DCM for 1 h using the 2 mL square deep-well format. The resulting cleavage solutions were evaporated in vacuo using a centrifugal evaporator (GeneVac). The resulting material was reconstituted in neat acetonitrile (0.9 mL) and re-evaporated. The samples were dissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O for plating purposes and re-evaporated to dryness. [0000] Analysis [0119] A selection of 43 compounds was analyzed by reverse phase HPLC and electrospray mass spectrometry, under the following conditions: [0120] Reverse phase HPLC analysis was carried out using a Rainin Microsorb-MV C18 column, (5 μm 100 Å; 50×4.6 mm), under the following conditions: Eluent A: 0.1% H 3 PO 4 (aq); Eluent B: 0.1% H 3 PO 4 in 90% MeCN (aq); Gradient: 0-100% Buffer B over llmin; Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min; Wavelength detection: 214 nm. [0121] ESMS was performed on an API III LC/MS/MS instrument (Perkin Elmer/Sciex) using an electrospray inlet, and the following conditions: Solvent: 0.1% ACOH in 60% MeCN (aq); Flow rate: 25 μL/min; Ionspray: 5000V; Orifice plate: 55V; Acquisition time: 2.30 min; Scan range: 100-1000 amu/z; Scan step size: 0.2 amu/z. [0122] The results are summarised in Table 5. All compounds sampled displayed the target molecular weight. The LC/MS results indicate that at least two ions are detected under each major peak. These are MH + and (MH+122) + . Additionally, there are ions corresponding to (MH+(n×122)) + where n is an integer. An ion of m/z 222 was also detected in the buffer solution of the instrument. TABLE 5 Summary of Analytical Results Compound Identification HPLC and LC-MS data (214 nm) Compound Monoisotopic Retention Peak Area Target (MH) + ID R Groups FW Time (min) (%) Found Observed M000601A04 r1m1-r2m4 488 8.33 67.7 ✓ 489.1 M000601A05 r1m1-r2m5 427 6.13 70.8 ✓ 428.3 M12812044BP R1m1-r2m8 420 7.41 95.6 ✓ 421.1 M000601B04 r1m1-r2m18 382 6.82 72.4 ✓ 383.3 M000601B05 r1m1-r2m20 352 6.42 75.6 ✓ 353.5 M000601C04 r1m1-r2m60 358 7.46 70.8 ✓ 359.3 M000601C05 r1m1-r2m62 342 5.78 62.2 ✓ 343.3 M000601D04 r1m2-r2m16 356 5.80 76.3 ✓ 357.0 M000601D05 r1m2-r2m17 352 6.34 76.7 ✓ 353.2 M000601E04 r1m2-r2m53 407 6.49 74.3 ✓ 372.9 M000601E05 r1m2-r2m58 330 6.15 60.1 ✓ 331.3 M000601F04 r1m3-r2m12 450 7.00 79.4 ✓ 451.1 M000601F05 r1m3-r2m13 410 6.68 80.1 ✓ 411.4 M000601G04 r1m3-r2m40 430 7.02 78.2 ✓ 431.4 M000601G05 r1m3-r2m46 450 6.75 72.6 ✓ 451.1 M12812044CP R1m4-r2m4 516 8.71 99.3 ✓ 517.1 M000601H04 r1m4-r2m8 448 8.47 73.7 ✓ 449.0 M000601H05 r1m4-r2m9 394 7.86 77.3 ✓ 395.1 M000602A04 r1m4-r2m24 374 8.52 69.9 ✓ 375.3 M000602A05 r1m4-r2m25 346 7.22 69.6 ✓ 347.2 M000602D05 r1m8-r2m4 540 8.51 73.2 ✓ 541.1 M000602E04 r1m8-r2m17 418 7.29 78.0 ✓ 419.1 M000602E05 r1m8-r2m18 434 7.10 79.6 ✓ 435.1 M000602F04 r1m8-r2m58 396 7.14 56.2 ✓ 397.1 M000602F05 r1m8-r2m60 410 7.71 74.3 ✓ 411.4 M000602G04 r1m9-r2m13 402 7.17 76.2 ✓ 403.2 M000602G05 r1m9-r2m16 392 6.48 73.8 ✓ 392.9 M000602H04 r1m9-r2m46 442 7.26 68.8 ✓ 443.0 M000602H05 r1m9-r2m53 408 7.15 77.1 ✓ 409.1 M000603A04 r1m10-r2m9 456 7.84 88.1 ✓ 457.1 M000603A05 r1m10-r2m12 510 8.25 85.8 ✓ 511.2 M000603B04 r1m10-r2m25 408 7.29 78.3 ✓ 409.3 M000603B05 r1m10-r2m40 490 8.33 86.2 ✓ 491.0 M000603C04 r1m11-r2m7 484 7.70 75.5 ✓ 485.3 M000603C05 r1m11-r2m8 520 8.17 77.0 ✓ 523.1 M000603D04 r1m11-r2m22 496 7.09 76.2 ✓ 497.1 M000603D05 r1m11-r2m24 446 8.32 69.3 ✓ 447.0 M000603E04 r1m12-r2m4 528 8.43 62.7 ✓ 529.1 M000603E05 r1m12-r2m5 467 6.32 70.1 ✓ 468.0 M000603F04 r1m12-r2m18 422 6.99 75.1 ✓ 423.3 M000603F05 r1m12-r2m20 392 6.64 76.6 ✓ 392.8 M000603G04 r1m12-r2m60 398 7.56 74.3 ✓ 399.3 M000603G05 r1m12-r2m62 382 6.10 58.3 ✓ 383.2 EXAMPLE 2 Detailed Synthesis of Lead Compound A4 [0123] This compound was also designated M12836152 (compound 7). The synthesis is summarised in Reaction Scheme 2. [0124] In Reaction Scheme 2: (i) DIC, DMAP, CH 2 Cl 2 , rt, 16 h; (ii) KHt DMF, 100° C., 24 h; (iii) SnCl 2 .2H 2 O, DMF, rt, 24 h; (iv) FmocNCS, CH 2 Cl 2 , rt, 7 h; (v) 20% piperidine/DMF, rt, 40 min, 1 h 20 min, then CH 3 I, DMF, 40 min x2; (vi) DMSO, 75-85° C., 9 h; (vii) 20% TFA/CH 2 Cl 2 , rt, 1 h. [0000] Synthesis of (1) [0125] 100 PS-D-RAM SynPhase™ Lanterns (batch 1703-13A, loading capacity 35 μmol) with Rink amide linker attached were Fmoc-deprotected using a solution of premixed 20% piperidine/DMF (v/v) (2×40 min). The piperidine solution was filtered off and the Lanterns washed with DMF (5×20 min) and CH 2 Cl 2 (2×10 min). [0126] 80 mL of a solution of 3-hydroxy-4-nitrobenzoic acid (0.2M), DIC (0.1M) and DMAP (0.05M) in CH 2 Cl 2 was prepared. The solution was allowed to stand at rt for 3 min then was added to the Fmoc-deprotected Lanterns. The Lanterns were stood at rt for 16 h. The reaction solution was then drained and the Lanterns washed with CH 2 Cl 2 (4×20 min), DMF (8×20 min). Concomitantly-formed ester were then cleaved using alternate solutions of 10% ethanolamine/DMF (v/v) (15 min) and DMF (10 min) until clear spent washing solutions were obtained—approximately 6 cycles. The Lanterns were then washed with 50% CH 3 COOH/CH 2 Cl 2 (v/v) (2×10 min) then CH 2 Cl 2 (3×10 min) and vacuum dried at 40° C. for 1 hour. [0000] Synthesis of (2) [0127] The Lanterns from step (i) were subjected to treatments with a slurry of excess potassium hydride (freshly extracted with petroleum ether from mineral oil) in anhydrous DMF for 30 min and 5 min respectively. [0128] 40 mL of a solution of (bromomethyl)cyclobutane (1.0M) and Cs 2 CO 3 (0.3M) in anhydrous DMF was prepared. The KH-treated Lanterns were then added to this reaction solution and left to stand at 100° C. for 24 h. The reaction solution was drained and the Lanterns transferred to a clean vessel. The Lanterns were washed with DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/H 2 O (v/v) (2×30 min), DMF (2×10 min) and CH 2 Cl 2 (4×10 min) then vacuum dried at 40° C. for 1 hour. [0000] Synthesis of (3) [0129] 40 mL of a solution of tin(II)chloride dihydrate (1M) in DMF (distilled grade) was prepared. This solution was then added to the Lanterns from step (ii) and stood at rt for 24 h. The reaction solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with DMF (2×5 min), 20% H 2 O/THF (2×30 min, 1×15 min), THF (1×15 min) and CH 2 Cl 2 (4×15 min) then air dried overnight. HPLC (214 nm) t R 4.86 (89.9%) min; LC/MS t R 4.92 (220.9, [M+H] + ; 441.3, [2M+H] + ). [0000] Synthesis of (4) [0130] 30 mL of a solution of FmocNCS (0.2M) in CH 2 Cl 2 was prepared. The reaction solution was added to 50 Lanterns from step (iii) and the Lanterns stood at rt for 6.5 h, then heated to 40° C. for the final 0.5 h (total of 7 h reaction time). At the conclusion of the reaction, the FmocNCS solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with CH 2 Cl 2 ; (4×10 min), DMF (2×10 min). These Lanterns were taken immediately to step (v). [0000] Synthesis of (5) [0131] The Lanterns were firstly treated with 20% piperidine/DMF (v/v) at rt (2 treatments of 40 min and 1 h 20 min respectively—there were no washes in between treatments). The second piperidine solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with DMF (4×10 min). The lanterns were further reacted immediately. [0132] A solution of iodomethane (0.2M) in DMF was prepared and added to the Fmoc-deprotected Lanterns. The Lanterns were allowed to stand at rt for 40 min. The iodomethane solution was then removed and the Lanterns subjected to a second solution of iodomethane (0.2M) in DMF for 40 min˜there were no washes in between treatments. After the 40 min was complete, the reaction solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with DMF (5×10 min) and DMSO (1×10 min). The Lanterns were taken immediately to step (vi). [0000] Synthesis of (6) [0133] The Lanterns from step (v) were added to a solution of 3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl) benzylamine (2.0M) in DMSO then placed in an oven set to 75° C. for 8.5 h. The temperature of the oven was then increased to 85° C. and the Lanterns reacted for a further 0.5 h. At the completion of the reaction, the amine solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with hot (85° C.) DMSO (2×10 min, 2×30 min), DMF (3×10 min) and CH 2 Cl 2 (3×20 min). The Lanterns were then vacuum dried overnight. [0000] Synthesis of (7) [0134] The Lanterns were cleaved using a solution of 20% TFA/CH 2 Cl 2 (v/v). The Lanterns were stood at rt for 1 h, then the cleavage solution was transferred to a 250 mL round bottom flask. The solution was evaporated under reduced pressure to give an orange oil. The oil was dissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O and evaporated a second time under reduced pressure, then dissolved again in neat acetonitrile and evaporated under reduced pressure to give an orange oil. The orange oil was then dissolved in neat acetonitrile and purified using preparative LC/MS techniques. [0135] Reverse phase HPLC analysis was carried out using a Rainin Microsorb-MV C18 column (5 μm 100 Ø; 50×4.6 mm), under the following conditions: Buffer A: 0.1% TFA in H 2 O; Buffer B: 0.1% TFA in 90% MeCN/H 2 O; Gradient: 0-100% Buffer B over 11 min; Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min; Wavelength detection: 214 and 254 nm. The target compound and potential by-products may have varying chromophores, so the HPLC results should not be taken as absolute, but they still give an indication of purity. Sample A4 was analyzed by HPLC using the manual integration method. The results are summarized in Table 6. TABLE 6 Summary of HPLC results for compound A4 Internal Major peaks; t R Mass ID#: Structure MW* at 214 nm (%) (mg) A4 488.4 7.69, 96.6% 10 MG [0136] *Molecular weight based on relative atomic mass Mass spectral analysis of A4 was carried out LC/MS on a Perkin-Elmer Sciex API-100 instrument, using the following conditions. [0000] LC: Reverse Phase HPLC analysis [0137] Column: Monitor 5 μm C18 50×4.6 mm [0138] Solvent A: 0.1% TFA in water [0139] Solvent B: 0.1% TFA in 90% aqueous acetonitrile [0140] Gradient: 0-100% B over 11.0 min [0141] Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min [0142] Wavelength: 214 nm and 254 nm [0000] MS: Ion Source: Ionspray [0143] Detection: Ion counting [0144] Flow rate to the mass spectrometer: 300 μL/min after split from column [0000] (1.5 mL/min). [0145] The results are summarised in Table 7. TABLE 7 Summary of MS data from LC/MS analysis of compound A4 Molecular Exact Internal ID Formula Mass (*EM) Observed Ions A4 C 22 H 22 F 6 N 4 O 2 488.16 489.2 [M + H] + *Based on most abundant isotope [0146] The local maxima were indicated on the main peaks. (M+H), the protonated molecular ion, was observed, together with other ions, some of which were considered to be artifacts of the MS. [0147] Sample A4 was purified by preparative LC/MS on a Nebula instrument with a Waters XTerraMS column (19×50 mm, 5 μm, C18), using the following gradient: 5% B to 95% B over 4 min at 20 ml/min: [0000] 0 min 0% B [0000] 1 min 5% B [0000] 5 min 95% B [0000] 6 min 95% B [0000] System Equilibration EXAMPLE 3 Synthesis of a Library of Guanidine Amide Compounds (Library M0003) [0148] Library M0003 is a single compound library of 50 guanidine amides, in which there is one point of diversity. The scaffold for this library is illustrated in formula III in which R 4 is derived from a primary amine. This represents a subset of formula I in which A is methylene, R 1 is amino, R 2 is absent, G is absent, R 3 is H and R 4 is derived from a primary amine. The library has been synthesised using 50 primary amines for the R 4 substituents. The purity, as estimated by RP-HPLC at 214 nm, of compounds from Library M0003 averages 78.3% and ranges from 0% to 91% (s.d.=12%), determined from analysis of all 50 compounds in the library. Synthesis [0149] The synthesis was based on a literature method, (Kearney et al., 1998) and is summarised in Reaction Scheme 3. [0150] Fmoc-protected 4-aminophenylacetic acid was coupled on to PS Rink Lanterns (loading: 36 μmol) using DIC and HOBt. The Fmoc protecting group was then removed with piperidine/DMF. The resultant aniline was then treated with Fmoc-NCS, then Fmoc deprotected. The thiourea-functionalised Lanterns thus formed were then S-methylated with iodomethane. Subsequent reaction with 50 different primary amines followed by cleavage from the solid phase using 20% TFA/DCM afforded the 50 secondary guanidines comprising Library M0003. [0000] (i) Preparation of the Fmoc-Protected 4-Aminophenylacetic Acid [0151] A solution of 4-aminophenylacetic acid (5.0 g, 33.1 mmol) in warm DMF (35 mL) was prepared under nitrogen. The solution was then heated to 75° C., then FmocCl (4.24 g, 16.4 mmol) was added in 4 portions over 5 minutes. The resultant mixture was then stirred at 75° C. for 45 minutes. The solution was cooled to room temperature, then a solution of 1M HCl (100 mL) was added. The precipitate which formed was collected via vacuum filtration and washed with 3 portions of deionised water (2×50 mL, 1×100 mL). The solid collected was then vacuum dried overnight at 30° C., then for 2 h at 50° C. to yield Fmoc-4-aminophenylacetic acid (5.39 g; 44%) as a beige solid. [0000] (ii) Coupling of the Fmoc-Protected 4-Aminophenylacetic Acid to Fmoc-Protected Rink PS Lanterns [0152] 75 PS Rink D-series Lanterns (batch 1531, loading: 36 μmol) were Fmoc deprotected by double treatment with 20% piperidine/DMF for 40 min and 30 min respectively. The second piperidine solution was removed and the Lanterns washed with DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/DCM (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). [0153] A solution of Fmoc-4-aminophenylacetic acid (0.098M), HOBt.H 2 O (0.12M) and DIC (0.2M) in 20% DMF/DCM was prepared. To this solution was added the Fmoc-deprotected Lanterns. The mixture was then gently agitated at room temperature for 21 h. At the completion of the reaction, the coupling solution was removed and the Lanterns washed with DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/DCM (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were air-dried overnight. [0154] The Fmoc group was then removed by treating the Lanterns with a solution of 20% piperidine/DMF at room temperature for 5 hours. Two Lanterns were subjected to a loading determination, the result for which was determined to be 33.9 μmol. The piperidine solution was removed and the Lanterns were washed with DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/DCM (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). [0000] (iii) Reaction with Fmoc-NCS and Iodomethane [0155] A solution of Fmoc-NCS (0.2M) in DCM was prepared (50 mL). The 75 Lanterns from step (ii) were added and allowed to stand at room temperature for 5 h. The reaction solution was then drained and the Lanterns were washed with DCM (3×10 min), DMF (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were vacuum dried overnight at 40° C. [0156] The Lanterns were again Fmoc-deprotected with 20% piperidine/DMF for 2.5 h. The piperidine solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with DMF (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were vacuum dried overnight at 45° C. [0157] A solution of iodomethane (0.2M) in DMF (distilled) was prepared (50 mL). The Fmoc-deprotected Lanterns were added and then the contents were gently agitated at room temperature for 1 hour. A second solution of iodomethane (0.2M) in DMF was prepared. The first iodomethane solution was drained and the second iodomethane solution added immediately to the Lanterns. The Lanterns were then gently agitated at room temperature for a further 45 min. The iodomethane solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with DMF (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were then vacuum dried overnight at 35° C. [0000] (iv) Guanidine Formation [0158] Fifty solutions of the corresponding primary amines in DMSO (AR Grade) were prepared (50×1.25 mL). The primary amines used are summarized in Table 8. All amines were made up to 2M except amine #61, 3,5-dichlorobenzylamine (1M). Amine #45 (2-bromobenzylamine.HCl) was used with 1 equivalent of NaOH (for neutralisation). One Lantern from step (iii) was then added to each amine solution. The reaction solutions containing amines 31, 32, 33, 34 and 64 were heated to 85° C. for 16 h, whilst the remaining 45 solutions were heated to 85° C. for 6 h. At the completion of the reactions, the amine solutions were removed and the Lanterns washed with DMSO (2×10 min), DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/DCM (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were air-dried overnight at room temperature. [0000] (v) Cleavage from the Solid Phase [0159] Stems were attached to each Lantern and each Stem/Lantern assembly mounted onto a backing plate for cleavage. The Lanterns were then cleaved using 0.75 mL per Lantern of 10% TFA (distilled)/DCM for 1 h using a 96 well Bio-Rad® tray format. The resulting cleavage solutions were evaporated in vacuo using a centrifugal evaporator (GeneVac). The samples were then dissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O (0.9 mL) for analysis. [0160] Owing to the low yield of material obtained, the Lanterns were then re-cleaved using 0.75 mL of 20% TFA/DCM for 1 hour. The resulting cleavage solutions were evaporated in vacuo using a centrifugal evaporator. The dried samples were then dissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O for analysis. After it was determined that the sets of compounds cleaved from the Lanterns in the two cleavages were identical, the stocks were combined into a single plate. The solutions were then evaporated in vacuo. The samples were then re-dissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O and dispensed into a microtitre plate. [0000] Analysis [0161] All 50 compounds were analysed by reverse phase HPLC and electrospray mass spectrometry as described in Example 1. The results are summarised in Table 9. Compound M41698-32Y (r1m42) did not display the target molecular weight. However, this compound when subjected to amide hydrolysis conditions, as described in Example 4 below for Library M0004, afforded the corresponding acid in good purity. TABLE 8 Summary of R 4 -group structures and details for library M0003 Fragment Reagent Tag R 4 Group Structure Reagent Name Tag r1m01 2,2-diphenylethylamine DAC005 r1m04 3,5- bis(trifluoromethyl)benzylamine DAD005 r1m05 2-(2-aminoethylamino)-5- nitropyridine DAG001 r1m07 4-fluorophenethylamine DAD023 r1m08 3,4-dichlorobenzylamine DAD024 r1m09 2-methylbenzylamine DAC009 r1m10 1-naphthalenemethylamine DAC004 r1m11 2-phenethylamine DAC006 r1m12 4- (trifluoromethyl)benzylamine DAD006 r1m13 1-amino-2-phenylpropane b-phenethylamine DAC008 r1m14 4-methoxybenzylamine DAD003 r1m16 2-fluorobenzylamine DAD004 r1m17 4-methylbenzylamine DAC007 r1m18 2-methoxybenzylamine DAD009 r1m20 benzylamine DAC003 r1m22 piperonylamine DAD002 r1m24 hexylamine DAA002 r1m25 isobutylamine DAA010 r1m26 (+/−)-tetrahydrofurfurylamine DAB010 r1m27 allylamine DAA005 r1m30 4-methoxyaniline DAF002 r1m31 5-amino-2-methoxypyridine DAG009 r1m32 5-aminoindan DAE003 r1m33 1,4-benzodioxan-6-amine DAE001 r1m34 aniline DAE004 r1m35 3-methoxyphenethylamine DAD001 r1m36 2-(2-chlorophenyl)ethylamine DAD013 r1m37 3,4-dimethoxyaniline DAF007 r1m38 2-methoxyethylamine DAB001 r1m39 2-methoxyphenethylamine DAD017 r1m40 2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethylamine DAD008 r1m42 1-(3-aminopropyl)imidazole DAG006 r1m43 ethylamine DAA012 r1m44 2,5-difluorobenzylamine DAD027 r1m45 2-bromobenzylamine DAD028 r1m46 2- (trifluoromethyl)benzylamine DAD029 r1m48 3,3-diphenylpropylamine DAC011 r1m51 3-ethoxypropylamine DAB021 r1m52 3-fluorophenethylamine DAD033 r1m53 4-chlorobenzylamine DAD034 r1m56 1-aminopentane DAA005 r1m57 3-aminopentane DAA019 r1m58 cyclohexylamine DAA001 r1m59 cyclopentylamine DAA006 r1m60 cyclohexanemethylamine r1m61 3,5-dichlorobenzylamine DAD036 r1m62 furfurylamine DAG005 r1m63 2-(aminoethyl)pyridine DAG002 r1m64 3,5-dimethoxyaniline DAF009 r1m65 3-(dimethylamino)propylamine DAA016 [0162] TABLE 9 Summary of Analytical Results Compound Identification HPLC and LC-MS Data (214 nm) Compound Monoisotopic Retention Peak Target (MH) + ID R Group FW Time (min) Area (%) Found Observed M41698-1Y r1m01 372 6.43 83.8 ✓ 373.4 M41698-2Y r1m04 418 6.94 84.5 ✓ 419.1 M41698-3Y r1m05 357 4.92 84.3 ✓ 357.9 M41698-4Y r1m07 314 5.27 84.3 ✓ 315.1 M41698-5Y r1m08 350 6.18 87.9 ✓ 350.9 M41698-6Y r1m09 296 5.10 86.8 ✓ 297.3 M41698-7Y r1m10 332 5.94 87.0 ✓ 333.1 M41698-8Y r1m11 296 5.08 43.4 ✓ 297.0 M41698-9Y r1m12 350 5.92 87.7 ✓ 351.2 M41698-10Y r1m13 310 5.48 86.3 ✓ 311.0 M41698-11Y r1m14 312 4.79 80.6 ✓ 313.1 M41698-12Y r1m16 300 4.61 88.1 ✓ 301.2 M41698-13Y r1m17 296 5.21 85.3 ✓ 297.1 M41698-14Y r1m18 312 5.08 86.0 ✓ 313.1 M41698-15Y r1m20 282 4.53 86.6 ✓ 282.9 M41698-16Y r1m22 326 4.64 86.0 ✓ 327.1 M41698-17Y r1m24 276 5.76 86.2 ✓ 277.0 M41698-18Y r1m25 248 4.12 83.5 ✓ 249.1 M41698-19Y r1m26 276 3.89 80.5 ✓ 277.0 M41698-20Y r1m27 232 3.36 69.2 ✓ 233.2 M41698-21Y r1m30 298 4.41 77.7 ✓ 299.1 M41698-22Y r1m31 299 3.80 78.7 ✓ 300.2 M41698-23Y r1m32 308 5.60 80.3 ✓ 309.1 M41698-24Y r1m33 326 4.44 81.5 ✓ 327.0 M41698-25Y r1m34 268 4.08 61.9 ✓ 269.0 M41698-26Y r1m35 326 5.20 69.1 ✓ 327.0 M41698-27Y r1m36 330 5.64 55.1 ✓ 331.0 M41698-28Y r1m37 328 4.22 58.9 ✓ 328.9 M41698-29Y r1m38 250 3.38 78.5 ✓ 251.0 M41698-30Y r1m39 326 5.48 77.3 ✓ 327.0 M41698-31Y r1m40 330 5.93 84.1 ✓ 330.9 M41698-32Y r1m42 300 — A — M41698-33Y r1m43 220 3.25 72.5 ✓ 221.2 M41698-34Y r1m44 318 4.74 91.0 ✓ 319.0 M41698-35Y r1m45 360 5.31 89.7 ✓ 350.9 M41698-36Y r1m46 350 5.46 88.0 ✓ 351.1 M41698-37Y r1m48 386 7.12 90.0 ✓ 387.2 M41698-38Y r1m51 278 4.04 82.8 ✓ 279.1 M41698-39Y r1m52 314 5.33 83.8 ✓ 315.1 M41698-40Y r1m53 316 5.47 89.2 ✓ 317.0 M41698-41Y r1m56 262 4.96 84.2 ✓ 263.1 M41698-42Y r1m57 262 4.37 78.6 ✓ 263.1 M41698-43Y r1m58 274 4.83 87.6 ✓ 275.1 M41698-44Y r1m59 260 4.25 86.2 ✓ 261.1 M41698-45Y r1m60 288 5.65 87.6 ✓ 289.2 M41698-46Y r1m61 350 6.14 83.3 ✓ 350.9 M41698-47Y r1m62 272 3.93 85.1 ✓ 273.0 M41698-48Y r1m63 297 2.89 B 79.8 ✓ 298.2 M41698-49Y r1m64 328 4.88 30.6 ✓ 329.0 M41698-50Y r1m65 277 2.63 B 72.9 ✓ 278.0 A No target ion found, m/z 223 observed. B Co-elution of m/z 223 with target. EXAMPLE 4 Synthesis of a Library of Guanidine Acid Compounds (Library M0004) [0163] Library M0004 is a single compound library of 50 guanidine acids, in which there is one point of diversity. The scaffold for this library is shown in formula IV in which R 4 is derived from a primary amine. Thus this library represents a subset of compounds of formula I in which A is methylene, R 1 is hydroxyl, R 2 is absent, G is absent, R 3 is H and R 4 is derived from a primary amine. The library was synthesised using 50 different primary amines for the R 4 substituents. This library was derived from library M0003 by splitting the amide products derived from that library, then hydrolysing one set to the corresponding acids. The purity, as estimated by RP-HPLC at 214 nm, of compounds from Library M0004 averages 74.8%, and ranges from 13% to 90% (s.d.=18%) determined from analysis of all 50 compounds in the library. Synthesis [0164] The synthesis was based on a literature method (Kearney et al., 1980), and is summarised in Reaction Scheme 4. [0165] Fmoc-protected 4-aminophenylacetic acid was coupled onto PS Rink Lanterns (loading: 36 μmol) using DIC and HOBt. The Fmoc protecting group was then removed with piperidine/DMF. The resultant aniline was then treated with Fmoc-NCS, then Fmoc deprotected. The thiourea-functionalised Lanterns formed were then S-methylated with iodomethane. Subsequent reaction with 50 different primary amines followed by cleavage from the solid phase using 20% TFA/DCM afforded the 50 primary amide secondary guanidines, which were hydrolysed by treatment with TFA/H 2 O to the corresponding acids comprising Library M0004. (i) Preparation of the Fmoc-Protected 4-Aminophenylacetic Acid [0166] A solution of 4-aminophenylacetic acid (5.0 g, 33.1 mmol) in warm DMF (35 mL) was prepared under nitrogen. The solution was heated to 75° C., then FmocCl (4.24 g, 16.4 mmol) was added in 4 portions over a 5 min period. The mixture was then stirred at 75° C. for 45 minutes, cooled to room temperature, and a solution of 1M HCl (100 mL) added. The precipitate which formed was collected via vacuum filtration and washed with 3 portions of deionised water (2×50 mL, 1×100 mL). The solid collected was then vacuum dried overnight at 30° C., then for 2 h at 50° C. to yield the title compound 5.39 g (44%) as a beige solid. [0000] (ii) Coupling of the Fmoc-Protected 4-Aminophenylacetic Acid to Fmoc-Protected Rink PS Lanterns [0167] 75 PS Rink D-series Lanterns (batch 1531, loading: 36 μmol) were Fmoc deprotected by double treatment with 20% piperidine/DMF for 40 min and 30 min respectively. The second piperidine solution was removed and the Lanterns washed with DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/DCM (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). [0168] A solution of Fmoc-4-aminophenylacetic acid (0.098M), HOBt.H 2 O (0.12M) and DIC (0.2M) in 20% DMF/DCM was prepared. To this solution was added the Fmoc-deprotected Lanterns. The mixture was then gently agitated at room temperature for 21 h. At the completion of the reaction, the Lanterns were drained and washed with DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/DCM (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min), then air-dried overnight. [0169] The Fmoc group was removed by treating the Lanterns with a solution of 20% piperidine/DMF at room temperature for 5 hours. Two Lanterns were subjected to a loading evaluation test, the result for which was determined to be 33.9 mmol. The piperidine solution was removed and the Lanterns were washed with DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/DCM (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). [0000] (iii) Reaction with Fmoc-NCS and Iodomethane [0170] A solution of Fmoc-NCS (0.2M) in DCM was prepared (50 mL). The 75 Lanterns from step (ii) were added and allowed to stand at room temperature for 5 h. The reaction solution was then drained and the Lanterns were washed with DCM (3×10 min), DMF (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were vacuum dried overnight at 40° C. [0171] The Lanterns were Fmoc-deprotected with 20% piperidine/DMF for 2.5 h. The piperidine solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with DMF (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were vacuum dried overnight at 45° C. [0172] A solution of iodomethane (0.2M) in DMF (distilled) was prepared (50 mL). The Fmoc-deprotected Lanterns were added and then the contents were gently agitated at room temperature for 1 hour. A second solution of iodomethane (0.2M) in DMF was prepared. The first iodomethane solution was drained and the second iodomethane solution added immediately to the Lanterns. The Lanterns were then gently agitated at room temperature for a further 45 min. The iodomethane solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with DMF (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were then vacuum dried overnight at 35° C. [0000] (iv) Guanidine Formation [0173] Fifty solutions of the corresponding primary amines in DMSO (AR Grade) were prepared (50×1.25 mL). The primary amines used are summarised in Table 10. TABLE 10 Summary of R4-group structures and details for library M0004 Fragment Reagent Tag R 4 Group Structure Reagent Name Tag R1m01 2,2-diphenylethylamine DAC005 R1m04 3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)benzylamine DAD005 R1m05 2-(2-aminoethylamino)-5-nitropyridine DAG001 R1m07 4-fluorophenethylamine DAD023 R1m08 3,4-dichlorobenzylamine DAD024 R1m09 2-methylbenzylamine DAC009 R1m10 1-naphthalenemethylamine DAC004 R1m11 2-phenethylamine DAC006 R1m12 4-(trifluoromethyl)benzylamine DAD006 R1m13 1-amino-2-phenylpropane b-phenethylamine DAC008 R1m14 4-methoxybenzylamine DAD003 R1m16 2-fluorobenzylamine DAD004 R1m17 4-methylbenzylamine DAC007 R1m18 2-methoxybenzylamine DAD009 R1m20 benzylamine DAC003 R1m22 piperonylamine DAD002 R1m24 hexylamine DAA002 R1m25 isobutylamine DAA010 R1m26 (+/−)-tetrahydrofurfurylamine DAB010 R1m27 allylamine DAA005 R1m30 4-methoxyaniline DAF002 R1m31 5-amino-2-methoxypyridine DAG009 R1m32 5-aminoindan DAE003 R1m33 1,4-benzodioxan-6-amine DAE001 R1m34 aniline DAE004 R1m35 3-methoxyphenethylamine DAD001 R1m36 2-(2-chlorophenyl)ethylamine DAD013 R1m37 3,4-dimethoxyaniline DAF007 R1m38 2-methoxyethylamine DAB001 R1m39 2-methoxyphenethylamine DAD017 R1m40 2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethylamine DAD008 R1m42 1-(3-aminopropyl)imidazole DAG006 R1m43 ethylamine DAA012 R1m44 2,5-difluorobenzylamine DAD027 R1m45 2-bromobenzylamine DAD028 R1m46 2-(trifluoromethyl)benzylamine DAD029 R1m48 3,3-diphenylpropylamine DAC011 R1m51 3-ethoxypropylamine DAB021 R1m52 3-fluorophenethylamine DAD033 R1m53 4-chlorobenzylamine DAD034 R1m56 1-aminopentane DAA005 R1m57 3-aminopentane DAA019 R1m58 cyclohexylamine DAA001 R1m59 cyclopentylamine DAA006 R1m60 cyclohexanemethylamine DAA003 R1m61 3,5-dichlorobenzylamine DAD036 R1m62 furfurylamine DAG005 R1m63 2-(aminoethyl)pyridine DAG002 R1m64 3,5-dimethoxyaniline DAF009 R1m65 3-(dimethylamino)propylamine DAA016 [0174] All amines were made up to 2M except amine #61, 3,5-dichlorobenzylamine (1M). Amine #45 (2-bromobenzylamine.HCl) was used with an equivalent of NaOH (to neutralise the hydrochloride salt). A Lantern from step (iii) was then added to each of the 50 amine solutions. The reaction solutions containing amines 31, 32, 33, 34 and 64 were heated to 85° C. for 16 h, whilst the remaining 45 solutions were heated to 85° C. for 6 h. At the completion of the reactions, the Lanterns were drained and washed with DMSO (2×10 min), DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/DCM (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were then air-dried overnight at room temperature. [0000] (v) Cleavage from the Solid Phase [0175] Stems were attached to each Lantern and each Stem/Lantern assembly mounted onto a backing plate for cleavage. The Lanterns were then cleaved using 0.75 mL per Lantern of 10% TFA (distilled)/DCM for 1 h using a 96 well Bio-Rad® tray format. The resulting cleavage solutions were evaporated in vacuo using a centrifugal evaporator (GeneVac). The samples were then dissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O (0.9 mL) for analysis. [0176] Owing to the low yield of material obtained, the Lanterns were then re-cleaved using 0.75 mL of 20% TFA/DCM for 1 h. The resulting cleavage solutions were evaporated in vacuo using a centrifugal evaporator. The dried samples were then dissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O for analysis. After it was determined that the sets of compounds cleaved from the Lanterns in the two cleavages were identical, the stocks were combined into a single plate. The solutions were then evaporated in vacuo. [0000] (vi) Amide Hydrolysis [0177] The amide products above were dissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O and half of the material in each well was dispensed into 50 new BioRad tubes and evaporated in vacuo. A solution of TFA/H 2 O 1:1 (900 μL) was dispensed into each well, the tubes were capped and heated to 42° C. for 115 h. The samples were then concentrated, redissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O and again concentrated then redissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O and dispensed into a VMG plate. [0000] Analysis [0178] All 50 compounds were analyzed by reverse phase HPLC and electrospray mass spectrometry, as described in Example 1. The results are summarised in Table 11. TABLE 11 Summary of Analytical Results Compound Identification HPLC and LC/MS Data (214 nm) Compound Monoisotopic Retention Peak Target (MH) + ID R Group FW Time (min) Area (%) Found Observed M0040101 r1m01 373 7.01 87.2 ✓ 374.4 M0040102 r1m04 419 7.25 82.8 ✓ 420.2 M0040103 r1m05 358 5.21 86.0 ✓ 359.0 M0040104 r1m07 315 5.63 84.3 ✓ 315.9 M0040105 r1m08 351 6.41 88.0 ✓ 352.0 M0040106 r1m09 297 5.46 87.6 ✓ 298.2 M0040107 r1m10 333 6.25 82.6 ✓ 334.2 M0040108 r1m11 297 5.52 46.6 ✓ 298.5 M0040109 r1m12 351 6.24 87.3 ✓ 352.1 M0040110 r1m13 311 5.86 86.0 ✓ 312.1 M0040111 r1m14 313 5.31 12.9 ✓ 314.3 M0040112 r1m16 301 5.07 87.4 ✓ 302.2 M0040113 r1m17 297 5.59 85.8 ✓ 298.3 M0040114 r1m18 313 5.45 79.4 ✓ 313.9 M0040115 r1m20 283 4.98 86.1 ✓ 284.3 M0040116 r1m22 327 5.12 42.3 ✓ 328.1 M0040117 r1m24 277 6.14 82.8 ✓ 278.0 M0040118 r1m25 249 4.57 83.5 ✓ 249.9 M0040119 r1m26 277 4.25 78.1 ✓ 277.9 M0040120 r1m27 233 3.75 72.5 ✓ 233.9 M0040121 r1m30 299 4.78 72.7 ✓ 300.2 M0040122 r1m31 300 4.24 62.8 ✓ 301.2 M0040123 r1m32 309 6.03 85.0 ✓ 309.9 M0040124 r1m33 327 4.85 86.9 ✓ 328.0 M0040125 r1m34 269 4.48 53.1 ✓ 270.3 M0040126 r1m35 327 5.65 62.4 ✓ 328.3 M0040127 r1m36 331 6.06 51.3 ✓ 331.8 M0040128 r1m37 329 4.60 55.5 ✓ 330.0 M0040129 r1m38 251 3.79 80.8 ✓ 252.0 M0040130 r1m39 327 5.87 73.3 ✓ 328.2 M0040131 r1m40 331 6.26 82.8 ✓ 332.3 M0040132 r1m42 301 2.98 89.8 ✓ 302.0 M0040133 r1m43 221 3.63 73.7 ✓ 222.4 M0040134 r1m44 319 5.15 86.2 ✓ 320.1 M0040135 r1m45 361 5.68 89.1 ✓ 361.9 M0040136 r1m46 351 5.94 86.8 ✓ 352.0 M0040137 r1m48 387 7.52 88.4 ✓ 388.2 M0040138 r1m51 279 4.49 81.7 ✓ 280.3 M0040139 r1m52 315 5.66 79.2 ✓ 316.0 M0040140 r1m53 317 5.80 87.0 ✓ 318.1 M0040141 r1m56 263 5.41 82.5 ✓ 264.1 M0040142 r1m57 263 4.82 67.9 ✓ 264.4 M0040143 r1m58 275 5.20 79.1 ✓ 276.3 M0040144 r1m59 261 4.69 81.8 ✓ 262.0 M0040145 r1m60 289 6.03 85.1 ✓ 290.1 M0040146 r1m61 351 6.42 75.4 ✓ 352.1 M0040147 r1m62 273 4.41 14.5 ✓ 273.9 M0040148 r1m63 298 3.05 A 85.1 ✓ 299.4 M0040149 r1m64 329 5.30 32.1 ✓ 330.2 M0040150 r1m65 278 2.71 B 79.3 ✓ 278.9 A Co-elution of m/z 404.2 with target ion. B Co-elution of m/z 364.3 with target ion. [0179] All compounds displayed the target molecular weight. The LC/MS results indicated that at least two ions were detected under each major peak. These are and (MH+122) + . Additionally, there were ions corresponding to [MH+(n×222)] + , where n is an integer. An ion of m/z 222 was also detected in the buffer solution of the instrument. EXAMPLE 5 Synthesis of a Library of Tertiary Guanidine Amide Compounds (Library M0007) [0180] Library M0007 is a single compound library of 21 tertiary guanidine amides. The scaffold for this library is illustrated in formula V, in which both R 3 and R 4 are derived from primary amines, which may be the same or different. [0181] Thus this represents a subset of formula I in which A is methylene, R 1 is amino, R 2 is absent, G is absent, R 3 and R 4 are derived from a primary amine. [0182] The library was synthesised using 21 different primary amines for the R 3 and R 4 substituents. The purity, as estimated by RP-HPLC at 214 nm, of compounds from Library M0007 averages 85.6%, and ranges from 73% to 92% (s.d.=5.5%), determined from analysis of all 21 compounds in the library. [0183] The compounds were plated on the basis of 3.8 mg relative to the average mass obtained for the complete set of 21 compounds. The amount of compound per well was 8.8 μmol, based on an average molecular weight of 431 amu. [0000] Synthesis [0184] The synthesis is summarised in Reaction Scheme 5. Fmoc-protected 4-aminophenylacetic acid was coupled onto PS Rink Lanterns (loading: 36 μmol) using DIC and HOBt. The Fmoc protecting group was then removed with piperidine/DMF. The resultant aniline was then treated with Fmoc-NCS, then Fmoc deprotected. The thiourea functionalised Lanterns formed were then S-methylated with iodomethane. Subsequent reaction with 21 different primary amines followed by cleavage from the solid phase using 20% TFA/DCM afforded the 21 tertiary guanidines comprising Library M0007. (i) Preparation of the Fmoc-Protected 4-Aminophenylacetic Acid [0185] A solution of 4-aminophenylacetic acid (5.0 g, 33.1 mmol) in warm DMF (35 mL) was prepared under N 2 . The solution was then heated to 75° C., and FmocCl (4.24 g, 16.4 mmol) was added in 4 portions over 5 minutes. The resultant mixture was then stirred at 75° C. for 45 minutes. The solution was cooled to room temperature, then a solution of 1M HCl (100 mL) was added. The precipitate which formed was collected via vacuum filtration and washed with 3 portions of deionised water (2×50 mL, 1×100 mL). The solid collected was then vacuum dried overnight at 30° C., then for 2 h at 50° C. to yield Fmoc-4-aminophenylacetic acid (5.39 g; 44%) as a beige solid. [0000] (ii) Coupling of the Fmoc-Protected 4-Aminophenylacetic Acid to Fmoc-Protected Rink PS Lanterns [0186] 50 PS Rink D-series Lanterns (batch 1531, loading: 36 μmol) were Fmoc deprotected by double treatment with 20% piperidine/DMF for 40 min and 30 min. The second piperidine solution was removed and the Lanterns were washed with DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/DCM (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). [0187] A solution of Fmoc-4-aminophenylacetic acid (0.098M), HOBt.H 2 O (0.12M) and DIC (0.2M) in 20% DMF/DCM was prepared. To this solution was added the Fmoc-deprotected Lanterns. The mixture was then gently agitated at room temperature for 21 h. At the completion of the reaction, the coupling solution was removed and the Lanterns washed with DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/DCM (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were air-dried overnight. [0188] The Fmoc group was then removed by treating the Lanterns with a solution of 20% piperidine/DMF at room temperature for 5 hours. Two Lanterns were subjected to a loading determination, result: 33.9 μmmol (average). The piperidine solution was removed and the Lanterns were washed with DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/DCM (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). [0000] (iii) Reaction with Fmoc-NCS and Iodomethane [0189] A solution of Fmoc-NCS (0.2M) in DCM was prepared. The Lanterns from step (ii) were added to this solution and allowed to stand at room temperature for 5 h. The reaction solution was then drained and the Lanterns were washed with DCM (3×10 min), DMF (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were vacuum dried overnight at 40° C. [0190] The Lanterns were again Fmoc-deprotected, with 20% piperidine/DMF for 2.5 h. The piperidine solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with DMF (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were vacuum dried overnight at 45° C. [0191] A solution of iodomethane (0.2M) in DMF (distilled) was prepared. The Fmoc-deprotected Lanterns were added and then the contents were gently agitated at room temperature for 1 hour. A second solution of iodomethane (0.2M) in DMF was prepared. The first iodomethane solution was drained and the second iodomethane solution added immediately to the Lanterns. The Lanterns were then gently agitated at room temperature for a further 45 min. The iodomethane solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with DMF (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were then vacuum dried overnight at 35° C. [0000] (iv) Tertiary Guanidine Formation [0192] Solutions (4M) of the primary amines in DMSO (AR Grade) were prepared (1.25 mL). The amines used are summarized in Table 12. One Lantern from step (iii) was then added to each amine solution. The reaction solutions were heated to 100° C. for 111 h. At the completion of the reactions, the amine solutions were removed and the Lanterns washed with DMSO (2×10 min), DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/DCM (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were air-dried overnight at room temperature. [0000] (v) Cleavage from the Solid Phase [0193] Cleavage Stems were manually attached to each Lantern and each Stem/Lantern assembly mounted onto a backing plate for cleavage. The Lanterns were then cleaved using 0.75 mL per Lantern of 10% TFA (distilled)/DCM for 1 h using a 96 well Bio-Rad® tray format. The resulting cleavage solutions were evaporated in vacuo using a centrifugal evaporator (GeneVac). The samples were then dissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O (0.9 mL) for analysis. [0194] Since the Lanterns had been inadvertedly cleaved with 10% TFA/DCM instead of 20% TFA/DCM, the Lanterns were then re-cleaved using 0.75 mL of 20% TFA/DCM for 1 hour. The resulting cleavage solutions were evaporated in vacuo using a centrifugal evaporator. The dried samples were then dissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O for analysis. After it was determined that the sets of compounds cleaved from the Lanterns in the two cleavages were essentially identical, the stocks were combined into a single plate. The solutions were then evaporated in vacuo. The samples were then re-dissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O, re-analysed and dispensed into a microtitre plate. [0000] Analysis [0195] All 21 compounds were analysed by reverse phase HPLC and electrospray mass spectrometry as described in Example 1. All compounds displayed the target molecular weight. The results are summarised in Table 13. TABLE 12 Summary of R 3 and R 4 group structures and details for library M0007 Fragment Reagent Tag R 3 and R 4 Group Structure Reagent Name Tag r1m01 2,2-diphenylethylamine DAC005 r1m04 3,5- bis(trifluoromethyl)benzylamine DAD008 r1m07 4-fluorophenethylamine DAD023 r1m08 3,4-dichlorobenzylamine DAD024 r1m09 2-methylbenzylamine DAC009 r1m10 1-naphthalenemethylamine DAC004 r1m11 2-phenethylamine DAC006 r1m12 4-(trifluoromethyl)benzylamine DAD006 r1m13 1-amino-2-phenylpropane (beta-phenethylamine) DAC008 r1m14 4-methoxybenzylamine DAD003 r1m16 2-fluorobenzylamine DAD004 r1m17 4-methylbenzylamine DAC007 r1m18 2-methoxybenzylamine DAD009 r1m20 benzylamine DAC003 r1m22 piperonylamine DAD002 r1m24 hexylamine DAA002 r1m25 isobutylamine DAA010 r1m26 (+/−)-tetrahydrofurfurylamine DAB010 r1m27 allylamine DAA005 r1m40 2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethylamine DAD008 r1m44 2,5-difluorobenzylamine DAD027 [0196] TABLE 13 Summary of Analytical Results: Library M0007 Compound Identification HPLC and LC-MS Data (214 nm) Compound Monoisotopic Retention Peak Target (MH)+ ID R Group FW Time (min) Area (%) Found Observed M41697-1Z r1m01-r2m01 552 9.69 A 92.0    ✓ 553.2 M41697-2Z r1m04-r2m04 644 9.90 83.5 ✓ 645.3 M41697-4Z r1m07-r2m07 436 7.53 91.9 ✓ 437.1 M41697-5Z r1m08-r2m08 508 8.94 83.7 ✓ B 509.3    M41697-6Z r1m09-r2m09 400 7.62 89.6 ✓ 401.2 M41697-7Z r1m10-r2m10 472 8.73 86.2 ✓ 473.1 M41697-8Z r1m11-r2m11 400 7.41 73.1 ✓ 401.3 M41697-9Z r1m12-r2m12 508 8.59 83.8 ✓ 509.3 M41697-10Z r1m13-r2m13 428 8.04 90.3 ✓ 429.2 M41697-11Z r1m14-r2m14 432 6.68 86.8 ✓ 433.3 M41697-12Z r1m16-r2m16 408 6.75 83.6 ✓ 409.0 M41697-13Z r1m17-r2m17 400 7.82 89.8 ✓ 401.4 M41697-14Z r1m18-r2m18 432 7.52 89.0 ✓ 433.1 M41697-15Z r1m20-r2m20 372 6.67 89.6 ✓ 373.1 M41697-16Z r1m22-r2m22 460 6.50 A 86.2    ✓ 461.1 M41697-17Z r1m24-r2m24 360 9.00 89.2 ✓ 361.2 M41697-18Z r1m25-r2m25 304 5.95 90.8 ✓ 305.2 M41697-19Z r1m26-r2m26 360 5.16 85.4 ✓ 361.1 M41697-20Z r1m27-r2m27 272 4.14 72.8 ✓ 273.1 M41697-31Z r1m40-r2m40 468 8.56 86.1 ✓ B 469.1    M41697-34Z r1m44-r2m44 444 6.92 78.1 ✓ 445.0 A Analysis of unpooled second cleavage product; compounds M41697-1X and M41697-16X respectively. B Correct isotope pattern observed. EXAMPLE 6 Synthesis of a Second Library of Tertiary Guanidine Acid Compounds (Library M0008) [0197] Library M0008 is a single compound library of 21 tertiary guanidine amides. The scaffold for this library is shown in formula VI in which R 3 is the same as R 4 , and is derived from a primary amine. Thus these compounds represent a subset of formula I in which A is methylene, R 1 is hydroxyl, R 2 is absent, G is absent, R 3 and R 4 are derived from a primary amine. [0198] The library was synthesised using 21 primary amines for the R 3 and R 4 substituents. This library was derived from library M0007 by splitting the amide products derived from that library, then hydrolysing one set to the corresponding acids. The purity (as estimated by RP-HPLC at 214 nm) of compounds in Library M0008 averages 85.0%, and ranges from 68% to 92% (s.d.=6.2%), determined from analysis of all 21 compounds in the library. [0199] The compounds were plated on the basis of 4.8 mg relative to the average mass obtained for the complete set of 21 compounds. The amount of compound per well was 11 μmol, based on an average molecular weight of 432 amu. [0000] Synthesis [0200] The synthesis is summarized in Reaction Scheme 6. Fmoc-protected 4-aminophenylacetic acid was coupled on to PS Rink Lanterns (loading: 36 μmol) using DIC and HOBt. The Fmoc protecting group was then removed with piperidine/DMF. The resultant aniline was then treated with Fmoc-NCS, then Fmoc deprotected. The thiourea functionalised Lanterns formed were then S-methylated with iodomethane. Subsequent reaction with 21 different primary amines followed by cleavage from the solid phase using 20% TFA/DCM afforded the 21 tertiary guanidines comprising Library M0008. (i) Preparation of the Fmoc-Protected 4-Aminophenylacetic Acid [0201] A solution of 4-aminophenylacetic acid (5.0 g, 33.1 mmol) in warm DMF (35 mL) was prepared under N 2 . The solution was then heated to 75° C., and FmocCl (4.24 g, 16.4 mmol) was added in 4 portions over 5 minutes. The resultant mixture was then stirred at 75° C. for 45 minutes. The solution was cooled to room temperature, then a solution of 1M HCl (100 mL) was added. The precipitate which formed was collected via vacuum filtration and washed with 3 portions of deionised water (2×50 mL, 1×100 mL). The solid collected was then vacuum dried overnight at 30° C., then for 2 h at 50° C. to yield Fmoc-4-aminophenylacetic acid (5.39 g; 44%) as a beige solid. [0000] (ii) Coupling of the Fmoc-Protected 4-Aminophenylacetic Acid to Fmoc-Protected Rink PS Lanterns [0202] 50 PS Rink D-series Lanterns (batch 1531, loading: 36 μmol) were Fmoc deprotected by double treatment with 20% piperidine/DMF for 40 min and 30 min respectively. The second piperidine solution was removed and the Lanterns washed with DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/DCM (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). [0203] A solution of Fmoc-4-aminophenylacetic acid (0.098M), HOBt.H 2 O (0.12M) and DIC (0.2M) in 20% DMF/DCM was prepared. To this solution was added the Fmoc-deprotected Lanterns. The mixture was then gently agitated at room temperature for 21 h. At the completion of the reaction, the coupling solution was removed and the Lanterns washed with DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/DCM (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were air-dried overnight. [0204] The Fmoc group was then removed by treating the Lanterns with a solution of 20% piperidine/DMF at room temperature for 5 hours. Two Lanterns were subjected to a loading determination, result: 33.9 μmol (average). The piperidine solution was removed and the Lanterns were washed with DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/DCM (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). [0000] (iii) Reaction with Fmoc-NCS and Iodomethane [0205] A solution of Fmoc-NCS (0.2M) in DCM was prepared. The Lanterns from step (ii) were added to this solution and allowed to stand at room temperature for 5 h. The reaction solution was then drained and the Lanterns were washed with DCM (3×10 min), DMF (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were vacuum dried overnight at 40° C. [0206] The Lanterns were again Fmoc-deprotected, with 20% piperidine/DMF for 2.5 h. The piperidine solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with DMF (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were vacuum dried overnight at 45° C. [0207] A solution of iodomethane (0.2M) in DMF (distilled) was prepared. The Fmoc-deprotected Lanterns were added and then the contents were gently agitated at room temperature for 1 hour. A second solution of iodomethane (0.2M) in DMF was prepared. The first iodomethane solution was drained and the second iodomethane solution added immediately to the Lanterns. The Lanterns were then gently agitated at room temperature for a further 45 min. The iodomethane solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with DMF (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were then vacuum dried overnight at 35° C. [0000] (iv) Tertiary Guanidine Formation [0208] Solutions (4M) of the primary amines in DMSO (AR Grade) were prepared (1.25 mL). The primary amines used are summarized in Table 14. One Lantern from step (iii) was then added to each amine solution. The reaction solutions were heated to 100° C. for 111 h. At the completion of the reactions, the amine solutions were removed and the Lanterns washed with DMSO (2×10 min), DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/DCM (3×10 min) and DCM (3×10 min). The Lanterns were air-dried overnight at room temperature. [0000] (v) Cleavage from the Solid Phase [0209] Cleavage Stems were manually attached to each Lantern and each Stem/Lantern assembly mounted onto a backing plate for cleavage. The Lanterns were then cleaved using 0.75 mL per Lantern of 10% TFA (distilled)/DCM for 1 h using a 96 well Bio-Rad® tray format. The resulting cleavage solutions were evaporated in vacuo using a centrifugal evaporator (GeneVac). The samples were then dissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O (0.9 mL) for analysis. [0210] Since the Lanterns had been inadvertedly cleaved with 10% TFA/DCM instead of 20% TFA/DCM, the Lanterns were then re-cleaved using 0.75 mL of 20% TFA/DCM for 1 hour. The resulting cleavage solutions were evaporated in vacuo using a centrifugal evaporator. The dried samples were then dissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O for analysis. After it was determined that the sets of compounds cleaved from the Lanterns in the two cleavages were essentially identical, the stocks were combined into a single plate. The solutions were then evaporated in vacuo. The samples were then re-dissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O and re-analysed, then concentrated. [0000] (vi) Amide Hydrolysis [0211] The amide products above were dissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O an half of each solution was dispensed into new BioRad® tubes and evaporated in vacuo. A solution of TFA/H 2 O 1:1 (900 μL) was dispensed into each well, the tubes were capped, a heavy metal plate was placed on top of the capped tubes to keep the caps in place, and the tubes were heated to 40° C. for 120 h. The samples were then concentrated, redissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O and analysed, then concentrated and redissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O, then dispensed into a microtitre plate. [0000] Analysis [0212] All 21 compounds were analysed by reverse phase HPLC and electrospray mass spectrometry as described in Example 1. All compounds displayed the target molecular weight. A minor peak (ca. 3-5%), due to the presence of the corresponding starting amide was observed in most cases, indicating incomplete hydrolysis. The results are summarized in Table 15. TABLE 14 Summary of R 3 and R 4 group structures and details for library M0008 Fragment Reagent Tag R 3 and R 4 Group Structure Reagent Name Tag R1m01 2,2-diphenylethylamine DAC005 R1m04 3,5- bis(trifluoromethyl)benzylamine DAD008 R1m07 4-fluorophenethylamine DAD023 R1m08 3,4-dichlorobenzylamine DAD024 R1m09 2-methylbenzylamine DAC009 R1m10 1-naphthalenemethylamine DAC004 R1m11 2-phenethylamine DAC006 R1m12 4-(trif1uoromethyl)benzylamine DAD006 R1m13 1-amino-2-phenylpropane (beta-phenethylamine) DAC008 R1m14 4-methoxybenzylamine DAD003 R1m16 2-fluorobenzylamine DAD004 R1m17 4-methylbenzylamine DAC007 R1m18 2-methoxybenzylamine DAD009 R1m20 benzylamine DAC003 R1m22 piperonylamine DAD002 R1m24 hexylamine DAA002 R1m25 isobutylamine DAA010 R1m26 (+/−)-tetrahydrofurfurylamine DAB010 R1m27 allylamine DAA005 R1m40 2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethylamine DAD008 R1m44 2,5-difluorobenzylamine DAD027 [0213] TABLE 15 Summary of Analytical Results: Library M0008 Compound HPLC and LC- Identification MS Data (214 nm) Compound Monoisotopic Retention Peak Target (MH) + ID R Group FW Time (min) Area (%) Found Observed M4170016-1 r1m01-r2m01 553 10.41 91.1 ✓ 554.4 M4170016-2 r1m04-r2m04 645 10.43 85.5 ✓ 646.4 M4170016-4 r1m07-r2m07 437 8.12 91.3 ✓ 438.1 M4170016-5 r1m08-r2m08 509 9.48 85.0 ✓ A 510.0 M4170016-6 r1m09-r2m09 401 8.24 89.6 ✓ 402.4 M4170016-7 r1m10-r2m10 473 9.28 88.1 ✓ 474.3 M4170016-8 r1m11-r2m11 401 8.00 67.6 ✓ 402.5 M4170016-9 r1m12-r2m12 509 9.11 85.6 ✓ 510.1 M4170016-10 r1m13-r2m13 429 8.67 86.8 ✓ 430.4 M4170016-11 r1m14-r2m14 433 7.34 73.6 ✓ 434.4 M4170016-12 r1m16-r2m16 409 7.37 82.7 ✓ 410.2 M4170016-13 r1m17-r2m17 401 8.40 87.8 ✓ 402.3 M4170016-14 r1m18-r2m18 433 8.12 87.0 ✓ 434.3 M4170016-15 r1m20-r2m20 373 7.30 86.4 ✓ 374.4 M4170016-16 r1m22-r2m22 461 7.02 82.6 ✓ 462.1 M4170016-17 r1m24-r2m24 361 9.60 92.3 ✓ 362.2 M4170016-18 r1m25-r2m25 305 6.62 88.4 ✓ 306.0 M4170016-19 r1m26-r2m26 361 5.74 90.8 ✓ 362.3 M4170016-20 r1m27-r2m27 273 4.74 76.1 ✓ 274.1 M4170016-31 r1m40-r2m40 469 9.05 86.4 ✓ A 470.1 M4170016-34 r1m44-r2m44 445 7.52 80.7 ✓ 446.0 A Correct isotope pattern observed. EXAMPLE 7 Synthesis of Tertiary Guanidine Amide Compound: 4-[N′-Cyclohexylmethyl-N″-(2-methyl-benzyl)-guanidino]-3-(2-phenoxy-ethoxy)-benzamide [0214] The synthesis is summarised in Reaction Scheme 1. [0215] In Reaction Scheme 7: (i) DIC, DMAP, CH 2 Cl 2 , room temperature, 16 h; (ii) KH, DMF, 100° C., 24 h; (iii) SnCl 2 .2H 2 O, DMF, room temperature, 24 h; (iv) FmocNCS, CH 2 Cl 2 , room temperature, 7 h; (v) 20% piperidine/DMF, room temperature, 40 min, 1 h 20 min, then CH 3 I, DMF, 40 min ×2; (vi) 2-methylbenzylamine, DMSO, 75-85° C., 9 h; (vii) cyclohexylmethylamine, DMSO, 100° C., 4 days; (viii) 20%. TFA/CH 2 Cl 2 , room temperature, 1 h. [0000] Synthetic Step (I) [0216] 100 PS-D-RAM SynPhase™ Lanterns (batch 1703-13A, loading capacity 35 μmol) with Rink amide linker attached were Fmoc-deprotected using a solution of premixed 20% piperidine/DMF (v/v) (2×40 min). The piperidine solution was filtered off and the Lanterns washed with DMF (5×20 min) and CH 2 Cl 2 (2×10 min) [0217] 80 mL of a solution of 3-hydroxy-4-nitrobenzoic acid (0.2M), DIC (0.1M) and DMAP (0.05M) in CH 2 Cl 2 was prepared. The solution was allowed to stand at room temperature for 3 min then was added to the Fmoc-deprotected Lanterns. The Lanterns were stood at room temperature for 16 h. The reaction solution was then drained and the Lanterns washed with CH 2 Cl 2 (4×20 min), DMF (8×20 min). Concomitantly-formed esters were then cleaved using alternate solutions of 10% ethanolamine/DMF (v/v) (15 min) and DMF (10 min) until clear spent washing solutions were obtained—approximately 6 cycles. The Lanterns were then washed with 50% CH 3 COOH/CH 2 Cl 2 (v/v) (2×10 min) then CH 2 Cl 2 (3×10 min) and vacuum dried at 40° C. for 1 hour. [0000] Synthetic Step (ii) [0218] The Lanterns from step (i), 56 in total were subjected to treatments with a slurry of excess potassium hydride (freshly extracted with petroleum ether from mineral oil) in anhydrous DMF for 30 min and 5 min respectively. [0219] 40 mL of a solution of 2-phenoxyethyl bromide (1.0M) and Cs 2 CO 3 (0.3M) in anhydrous DMF was prepared. The KH-treated Lanterns were then added to this reaction solution and left to stand at 100° C. for 24 h. The reaction solution was drained and the Lanterns transferred to a clean vessel. The Lanterns were washed with DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/H 2 O (v/v) (2×30 min), DMF (2×10 min) and CH 2 Cl 2 (4×10 min) then vacuum dried at 40° C. for 1 hour. [0000] Synthetic Step (iii) [0220] 34 mL of a solution of tin(II)chloride dihydrate (1M) in DMF (distilled grade) was prepared. This solution was then added to the Lanterns from step (ii) and stood at room temperature for 24 h. The reaction solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with DMF (2×5 min), 20% H 2 O/THF (2×30 min, 1×15 min), THF (1×15 min) and CH 2 Cl 2 (4×15 min) then air dried overnight. [0000] Synthetic Step (iv) [0221] 34 mL of a solution of FmocNCS (0.2M) in CH 2 Cl 2 was prepared. The reaction solution was added to 50 Lanterns from step (iii) and the Lanterns stood at room temperature for 6.5 h, then heated to 40° C. for the final 0.5 h (total of 7 h reaction time). At the conclusion of the reaction, the FmocNCS solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with CH 2 Cl 2 (4×10 min), DMF (2×10 min). These Lanterns were taken immediately to step (v). [0000] Synthetic Step (v) [0222] The Lanterns were firstly treated with 20% piperidine/DMF (v/v) at room temperature (2 treatments of 40 min and 1 h 20 min respectively; there were no washes in between treatments). The second piperidine solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with DMF (4×10 min). The lanterns were further reacted immediately. [0223] A solution of iodomethane (0.2M) in DMF was prepared and added to the Fmoc-deprotected Lanterns. The Lanterns were allowed to stand at room temperature for 40 min. The iodomethane solution was then removed and the Lanterns subjected to a second solution of iodomethane (0.2M) in DMF for 40 min; there were no washes in between treatments. After the 40 min was complete, the reaction solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with DMF (5×10 min) and DMSO (1×10 min). The Lanterns were taken immediately to step (vi). [0000] Synthetic Step (vi) [0224] Four Lanterns from step (v) were added to a solution of 2-methylbenzylamine (2.0M) in DMSO then placed in an oven set to 85° C. for 6 h. At the completion of the reaction, the amine solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with hot (85° C.) DMSO (2×10 min, 2×30 min), DMF (3×10 min) and CH 2 Cl 2 (3×20 min). The Lanterns were then air dried overnight. [0000] Synthetic Step (vii) [0225] Two Lanterns were then added to a solution of cyclohexylmethylamine (1.0M) in DMSO then placed in an oven set to 100° C. for 4 days. At the completion of the reaction, the amine solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with hot (85° C.) DMSO (2×10 min, 2×30 min), DMF (3×10 min) and CH 2 Cl 2 (3×20 min). The Lanterns were then air dried overnight. [0000] Synthetic Step (viii) [0226] The Lanterns were cleaved using a solution of 20% TFA/CH 2 Cl 2 (v/v). The Lanterns were stood at room temperature for 1 h. The solution was evaporated under reduced pressure to give an oil. The oil was dissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O. The required tertiary guanidine was identified by analytical LCMS (purity=14%). EXAMPLE 8 Synthesis of Tertiary Guanidine Amide Compound: 3-Benzyloxy-4-[N′-cyclohexylmethyl-N″-(2-methyl-benzyl)-guanidino]-benzamide [0227] The synthesis is summarised in Reaction Scheme 8. [0228] In Reaction Scheme 1: (i) DIC, DMAP, CH 2 Cl 2 , room temperature, 16 h; (ii) benzylbromide, KH, DMF, 40° C., 24 h; (iii) SnCl 2 .2H 2 O, DMF, room temperature, 24 h; (iv) FmocNCS, CH 2 Cl 2 , room temperature, 7 h; (v) 20% piperidine/DMF, room temperature, 40 min, 1 h 20 min, then CH 3 I, DMF, 40 min ×2; (vi) 2-methylbenzylamine, DMSO, 75-85° C., 9 h; (vii) cyclohexylmethylamine, DMSO, 100° C., 4 days; (viii) 20% TFA/CH 2 Cl 2 , room temperature, 1 h. [0000] Synthetic Step (I) [0229] 100 PS-D-RAM SynPhase™ Lanterns (batch 1703-13A, loading capacity 35 μmol) with Rink amide linker attached were Fmoc-deprotected using a solution of premixed 20% piperidine/DMF (v/v) (2×40 min). The piperidine solution was filtered off and the Lanterns washed with DMF (5×20 min) and CH 2 Cl 2 (2×10 min). [0230] 80 mL of a solution of 3-hydroxy-4-nitrobenzoic acid (0.2M), DIC (0.1M) and DMAP (0.05M) in CH 2 Cl 2 was prepared. The solution was allowed to stand at room temperature for 3 min then was added to the Fmoc-deprotected Lanterns. The Lanterns were stood at room temperature for 16 h. The reaction solution was then drained and the Lanterns washed with CH 2 Cl 2 (4×20 min), DMF (8×20 min). Concomitantly-formed esters were then cleaved using alternate solutions of 10% ethanolamine/DMF (v/v) (15 min) and DMF (10 min) until clear spent washing solutions were obtained—approximately 6 cycles. The Lanterns were then washed with 50% CH 3 COOH/CH 2 Cl 2 (v/v) (2×10 min) then CH 2 Cl 2 (3×10 min) and vacuum dried at 40° C. for 1 hour. [0000] Synthetic Step (ii) [0231] The Lanterns from step (i), 56 in total were subjected to treatments with a slurry of excess potassium hydride (freshly extracted with petroleum ether from mineral oil) in anhydrous DMF for 30 min and 5 min respectively. [0232] 40 mL of a solution of benzyl bromide (1.0M) and Cs 2 CO 3 (0.3M) in anhydrous DMF was prepared. The KH-treated Lanterns were then added to this reaction solution and left to stand at 40° C. for 24 h. The reaction solution was drained and the Lanterns transferred to a clean vessel. The Lanterns were washed with DMF (3×10 min), 50% DMF/H 2 O (v/v) (2×30 min), DMF (2×10 min) and CH 2 Cl 2 (4×10 min) then vacuum dried at 40° C. for 1 hour. [0000] Synthetic Step (iii) [0233] 34 mL of a solution of tin(II)chloride dihydrate (1M) in DMF (distilled grade) was prepared. This solution was then added to the Lanterns from step (ii) and stood at room temperature for 24 h. The reaction solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with DMF (2×5 min), 20% H 2 O/THF (2×30 min, 1×15 min), THF (1×15 min) and CH 2 Cl 2 (4×15 min) then air dried overnight. [0000] Synthetic Step (iv) [0234] 34 mL of a solution of FmocNCS (0.2M) in CH 2 Cl 2 was prepared. The reaction solution was added to 50 Lanterns from step (iii) and the Lanterns stood at room temperature for 6.5 h, then heated to 40° C. for the final 0.5 h (total of 7 h reaction time). At the conclusion of the reaction, the FmocNCS solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with CH 2 Cl 2 (4×10 min), DMF (2×10 min). These Lanterns were taken immediately to step (v). [0000] Synthetic Step (v) [0235] The Lanterns were firstly treated with 20% piperidine/DMF (v/v) at room temperature (2 treatments of 40 min and 1 h 20 min respectively; there were no washes in between treatments). The second piperidine solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with DMF (4×10 min). The lanterns were further reacted immediately. [0236] A solution of iodomethane (0.2M) in DMF was prepared and added to the Fmoc-deprotected Lanterns. The Lanterns were allowed to stand at room temperature for 40 min. The iodomethane solution was then removed and the Lanterns subjected to a second solution of iodomethane (0.2M) in DMF for 40 min; there were no washes in between treatments. After the 40 min was complete, the reaction solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with DMF (5×10 min) and DMSO (1×10 min). The Lanterns were taken immediately to step (vi). [0000] Synthetic Step (vi) [0237] Four Lanterns from step (v) were added to a solution of 2-methylbenzylamine (2.0M) in DMSO then placed in an oven set to 85° C. for 6 h. At the completion of the reaction, the amine solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with hot (85° C.) DMSO (2×10 min, 2×30 min), DMF (3×10 min) and CH 2 Cl 2 (3×20 min). The Lanterns were then air dried overnight. [0000] Synthetic Step (vii) [0238] Two Lanterns were then added to a solution of cyclohexylmethylamine (1.0M) in DMSO then placed in an oven set to 100° C. for 4 days. At the completion of the reaction, the amine solution was drained and the Lanterns washed with hot (85° C.) DMSO (2×10 min, 2×30 min), DMF (3×10 min) and CH 2 Cl 2 (3×20 min). The Lanterns were then air dried overnight. [0000] Synthetic Step (viii) [0239] The Lanterns were cleaved using a solution of 20% TFA/CH 2 Cl 2 (v/v). The Lanterns were stood at room temperature for 1 h. The solution was evaporated under reduced pressure to give an oil. The oil was dissolved in 90% MeCN/H 2 O. The required tertiary guanidine was identified by analytical LCMS (purity=32%). EXAMPLE 9 Effect of Arginine Analogues on Arginine Transport Across the Cell Membrane [0240] A consolidated chemical library of all the compounds synthesised in Examples 1 to 6 was evaluated for their effect on NOS activity and L-arginine transport at high concentration. A total of 280 compounds was assayed. [0241] The activity of the inducible isoform of NOS was tested by evaluating the ability of the compounds to interfere with NO production in J774 cells which had been exposed to an inflammatory cytokine cocktail. In brief, J774 cells were exposed to an inflammatory cytokine cocktail containing bacterial lipopolysaccharide (1 μg/ml) and interferon gamma (10 U/ml) for 24 hours, in the presence or absence of the test compound at 100 μM. The concentration of nitrite in the culture media was determined as an index of the amount of nitric oxide generated during the incubation period (Simmons et al, 1996.) A large number of inhibitory compounds was identified in this assay. [0242] In parallel with this assay, the capacity for these compounds to alter arginine entry into cells was assessed. Initial studies were conducted in HeLa cells. Arginine entry was determined by the rate of entry of radiolabelled L-arginine into the cells, using the method of Kaye et al., (2000). Of the total library, four compounds were identified which had inhibitory activity at a Ki of 100 μM. These compounds were as follows: [0243] However, when full concentration-response curves were prepared, it was found that, in contrast to the initial finding, four molecules exerted a stimulatory effect on L-arginine transport at low concentration (10 −7 and 10 −8 M), as shown in FIG. 2 . To our knowledge these are the first data to demonstrate that a synthetic compound is able to stimulate arginine transport. In the light of the foregoing discussion, we propose that this effect may be associated with therapeutic benefit. [0244] Further studies have been performed to characterize the effects of compounds from library M0006 on arginine transport in endothelial cells. Studies performed in the endothelial cell line EA.hy.926 (Harrison-Shostak et al, 1997) have identified a number of compounds which exert a stimulatory effect on L-arginine transport. This cell line is considered to be more physiologically relevant than HeLa cells to the target conditions, and in fact was more sensitive. The results are summarised in FIG. 4 . Table 16 summarises results for the compounds so far identified which have the highest activity in the arginine transport assay. TABLE 16 Summary of active structures (arginine uptake, at two concentrations 10 −8 M (top) and 10 −7 M (bottom)) Arg Plate uptake position Structure Structure Name (% control) Plate 1 A4 3-Cyclobutylmethoxy-4-[N′-(3,5- trifluoromethyl-benzyl)- guanidino]-benzamide 103% 108% Plate 1 A7 3-Cyclobutylmethoxy-4-[N′-(3,4- dichloro-benzyl)-guanidino]- benzamide 87% 66% Plate 1 A11 3-Cyclobutylmethoxy-4-[N′-(2- fluoro- benzyl)-guanidino]-benzamide 159% 128% Plate 1 A12 3-Cyclobutylmethoxy-4-[N′-(4- methyl- benzyl)-guanidino]-benzamide 179% 160% Plate 1 B4 3-Cyclobutylmethoxy-4-[N′-(2- methoxy- benzyl)-guanidino]-benzamide 130% 122% Plate 1 B12 3-Cyclobutylmethoxy-4-(N′- cyclohexyl-guanidino)-benzamide 161% 134% Plate 1 C12 3-Cyclopropylmethoxy-4-[N′-(2- phenyl-propyl)-guanidino]-benzamide 116% 133% Plate 1 F5 4-[N′-(2-Phenyl-propyl)- guanidino)- 3-(tetrahydro-pyran-2- ylmethoxy)-benzamide 135% 130% Plate 1 F9 4-(N′-Benzyl-guanidino)-3- (tetrahydro- pyran-2-ylmethoxy)-benzamide 140% 110% Plate 1 F10 4-(N′-Benzo[1,3]dioxol-5- ylmethyl- guanidino)-3-(tetrahydro-pyran- 2-ylmethoxy)-benzamide 119% 131% Plate 1 F12 4-(N′-Isobutyl-guanidino)-3- (tetrahydro- pyran-2-ylmethoxy)- benzamide 103% 146% Plate 1 G10 3-Cyclohexylmethoxy-4-[N′-(3,5- trifluoromethyl- benzyl)-guanidino]- benzamide 125% 188% Plate 1 H4 3-Cyclohexylmethoxy-4-[N′-(3,4- dichloro-benzyl)-guanidino]- benzamide 99% 92% Plate 1 H10 3-Cyclohexylmethoxy-4-[N′-(2- methoxy- benzyl)-guanidino]-benzamide 153% 146% Plate 1 H11 4-(N′-Benzyl-guanidino)-3- cyclohexylmethoxy-benzamide 131% 190% Plate 2 A10 3-Cyclohexylmethoxy-4-(N′- cyclohexylmethyl-guanidino)-benzamide 123% 127% Plate 2 D6 3-Benzyloxy-4-{N′-[(5-nitro- pyridin- 2-ylamino)-methyl]-guanidino}- benzamide 176% 138% Plate 2 E6 4-(N′-Benzyl-guanidino)-3- benzyloxy- benzamide 167% 160% Plate 2 F6 3-Benzyloxy-4-(N′-furan-2- ylmethyl- guanidino)-benzamide 158% 126% Plate 2 H8 4-(N′-Furan-2-ylmethyl- guanidino)-3- (3-methyl-benzyloxy)-benzamide 108% 182% EXAMPLE 10 Effect of L-arginine Analogues on Vascular Tone [0245] Initially four compounds were tested for their effect on vascular tone, using an isolated aortic ring assay. In this assay, sections of rat aorta are mounted in an organ bath, and tension is determined continuously using a strain gauge, as described by Furchgott & Zawadski (1980). The effect of test compounds on the vasorelaxant effect of the endothelial-dependent vasodilator acetyl choline was examined. Compounds A4 and H4, each at a concentration of 10 −8 M, were found to induce a significant augmentation of acetyl choline-induced vascular relaxation. These results are summarised in FIG. 4 . It will be appreciated that similar experiments may be performed using sections of human aorta, coronary artery or peripheral artery obtained at surgery. EXAMPLE 11 Additional Characterization of L-arginine Analogues [0246] Additional characterization of the compounds is also performed in primary cultures of isolated bovine aortic endothelial cells using the methods described in Example 9. Aortic endothelial cells are isolated from bovine aorta using standard cell culture methods (see for example Cocks et al, 1985). Similar methods may also be used to isolate human aortic, coronary artery or peripheral artery endothelial cells from surgical material so that the compounds can be tested in a human system. EXAMPLE 12 Effect of L-arginine Analogues on Arginase Activity [0247] The observed facilitatory action of the arginine analogues may possibly be explained by an inhibitory action upon the enzyme arginase. Such an effect would be expected to augment L-arginine transport and thereby to increase nitric oxide synthesis, in the absence of any inhibitory action upon nitric oxide synthase itself. The effect of the compounds on arginase enzymatic activity is determined by measuring the rate of production of urea by arginase in the presence of its substrate, L-arginine, and the compound of interest. These assays are performed in EA.hy.926 cells or in primary cultures of endothelial cells, obtained as described in Example 9. Alternatively they may be performed using aortic or other arterial rings, obtained as described in Example 10. EXAMPLE 13 In Vivo Effects of L-arginine Analogues [0248] Compounds found to be active in the in vitro studies are tested for their effects in vivo in experimental animals, and ultimately in humans. [0249] In animal studies, the effect of the compound on blood pressure is tested following intravenous infusion into rats and rabbits. The effect of the compounds on regional vascular tone is tested by intra-arterial hindlimb infusions in rabbits, according to the method of Kaye et al., (1994). The effect of the compounds on coronary vascular resistance is tested by direct intracoronary infusion into sheep, using the method of Quyyumi et al., (1997). [0250] Other suitable methods for in vivo assessment of efficacy, bioavailability and safety of the compounds of the invention will be known to those skilled in the art. [0251] Once the pharmacological action of the compounds of the invention is established in animal studies, and their safety is assessed, further investigations are carried out on humans in vivo. For example, the effect of the compounds on forearm vascular tone is assessed by direct intra-arterial infusion, using the method of Kaye et al., (2000), and the effect of the compounds on blood pressure is evaluated. [0252] It will be apparent to the person skilled in the art that while the invention has been described in some detail for the purposes of clarity and understanding, various modifications and alterations to the embodiments and methods described herein may be made without departing from the scope of the inventive concept disclosed in this specification. 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In the present specification we describe a new class of compounds, designed to modulate the ability of blood vessels to synthesize NO from L-arginine. In particular we have identified novel compounds which enhance the entry of L-arginine into cells. These compounds improve endothelial function, and thereby have the potential to retard the progression of vascular disease in conditions such as hypertension, heart failure and diabetes. This new class of drugs may also have other potentially, relevant pharmacological actions, including anti-hypertensive and anti-anginal actions.
The present application is a Divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. 09/927,130, filed Aug. 10, 2001 now U.S. Pat. No. 6,775,389, which application is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to hearing devices for aiding the hearing impaired and the profoundly deaf, and more particularly to an In The Ear (ITE) auxiliary microphone connected to a Behind The Ear (BTE) speech processor through a removable ear hook. The microphone of the present invention is especially useful for a user conversing over a telephone. Implantable Cochlear Stimulation (ICS) systems are known in the art. Such systems are used to help the profoundly deaf (those whose middle and/or outer ear is dysfunctional, but whose auditory nerve remains intact) to hear. The sensation of hearing is achieved by directly exciting the auditory nerve with controlled impulses of electrical current, which impulses are generated as a function of perceived audio sounds. The audio sounds are picked up by a microphone carried externally (not implanted) by the deaf person and converted to electrical signals. The electrical signals, in turn, are processed and conditioned by a Wearable Signal Receiver and Processor (WP) in an appropriate manner, e.g., converted to a sequence of pulses of varying width and/or amplitude, and then transmitted to an implanted receiver circuit of the ICS system. The implanted receiver circuit generates electrical current as a function of the processed signal it receives from the WP (which in turn is based on the audio sounds picked up by the external microphone). The implanted receiver circuit is connected to an implantable electrode array that has been implanted into the cochlea of the inner ear. The electrical current generated by the implanted receiver circuit is applied to individual electrode pairs of the electrode array. It is this electrical current which directly stimulates the auditory nerve and provides the user with the sensation of hearing. While known ICS systems have succeeded in providing hearing to the deaf, ICS systems also have the disadvantage of appearing unsightly. ICS systems include an external headpiece, positioned on the side of the user's head, and require an external cable running from the external headpiece to the WP. The WP is typically worn or carried by the user on a belt or in a pocket. While the WP is not too large, it is likewise not extremely small, and hence also represents an inconvenience for the user. The cable which connects the WP with the headpiece is particularly a source of irritation and self-consciousness for the user. The above-described aesthetic considerations and inconvenience of an external wire are addressed by U.S. Pat. No. 5,824,022, issued Oct. 20, 1998, for “Cochlear Stimulation System Employing Behind-The-Ear (BTE) Speech Processor With Remote Control.” The '022 patent teaches a small single external device that performs the functions of both the WP and the headpiece. The external device is positioned behind the ear to minimize its visibility, and requires no cabling to additional components. The '022 patent is incorporated herein by reference. While the BTE device taught by the '022 patent resolves the issues of aesthetics and inconvenience, the placement of the microphone in the BTE device case results in poor microphone performance when using a telephone. The near field acoustic characteristics of known telephones, and the absence of a seal between the telephone earpiece and the microphone in the BTE case, degrades the coupling of low frequency information up to about 1 KHz. Further, known ICS systems and hearing aids use a telecoil residing near the earpiece of a telephone handset to detect the magnetic field produced by the speaker in the handset, however, low magnetic field phones and cell phones using piezo transducers, do not couple well with telecoils. Therefore, there is a need to improve the performance of known ICS systems when the user is conversing over a telephone. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention addresses the above and other needs by providing an In The Ear (ITE) microphone that improves the acoustic response of a Behind The Ear (BTE) Implantable Cochlear Stimulation (ICS) system during telephone use. An acoustic seal provided by holding a telephone earpiece against the outer ear provides improved coupling of low frequency (up to about 1 KHz) sound waves, sufficient to overcome losses due to the near field acoustic characteristics resulting from the telephone microphone cooperation. In a preferred embodiment, the ITE microphone is connected to a removable ear hook of the BTE ICS system by a short bendable stalk. In accordance with one aspect of the invention, there is provided an ITE microphone for a BTE ICS system, which microphone is placed within the concha of the ear. When a telephone handset is held against the ear, the phone seals against the outer ear, creating a chamber wherein the microphone resides. Sealing the microphone within such chamber results in improved frequency fidelity due to the sealing in of the sound pressure. Such sealing also reduces the amount of outside noise that reaches the microphone. Advantageously, the BTE ICS system does not require any earmolding to provide adequate sealing. Further, the positioning of the microphone within the ear improves hearing by using the natural acoustics of the ear. It is a further feature of the invention to provide a BTE ICS system that works equally well with low magnetic field phones and cell phones using piezo transducers which do not couple well to a telecoil. The ITE microphone relies entirely on the acoustic signal transmitted by the speaker in the telephone handset, which speaker is designed to achieve the acoustic performance objectives of the unaided hearing population. The performance of the BTE ICS system using the ITE microphone is therefore unaffected by the type of speaker (or sound transducer) used in the telephone handset. It is an additional feature of the present invention, that when exercised in conjunction with an ICS system, there is no acoustic feedback from a microphone to affect performance. Conventional hearing aids use a speaker in the user's ear to broadcast an amplified acoustic signal to the user. If an ITE microphone was used in the same ear, the result would be severe acoustic feedback. The present invention is applied to ICS systems, wherein the output of the ICS system is electrical stimulation of the cochlea, not an acoustic signal. It is a further additional feature that use of the ITE microphone does not result in chafing to the skin of the ear. The ITE microphone of the present invention includes a bendable stalk, which stalk retains a shape once the stalk is bent into that shape. The stalk may thus be bent to avoid rubbing against the skin of the ear, and the resulting chafing of the skin. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The above and other aspects, features and advantages of the present invention will be more apparent from the following more particular description thereof, presented in conjunction with the following drawings wherein: FIG. 1A depicts a prior art BTE device and earhook; FIG. 1B depicts the prior art BTE device and earhook placed upon the ear of a user; FIG. 1C shows the prior art BTE device and earhook with the earhook detached from the BTE device; FIG. 2 shows the BTE device with the In The Ear (ITE) microphone attached; FIG. 3 depicts the BTE device with ITE microphone attached placed upon the ear of a user; FIG. 4 shows a front view of the ITE microphone and earhook; FIG. 4A shows a cross-sectional view of the ITE microphone and earhook taken along line 4 A— 4 A of FIG. 4 ; and FIG. 5 shows a cross-sectional view of a preferred embodiment of the ITE microphone and earhook taken along line 4 A— 4 A of FIG. 4 . Corresponding reference characters indicate corresponding components throughout the several views of the drawings. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The following description is of the best mode presently contemplated for carrying out the invention. This description is not to be taken in a limiting sense, but is made merely for the purpose of describing the general principles of the invention. The scope of the invention should be determined with reference to the claims. The In The Ear (ITE) microphone of the present invention improves the acoustic response of a Behind The Ear (BTE) Implantable Cochlear Stimulation (ICS) system during telephone use. As shown in FIG. 1A , when combined (or connected together), a prior art earhook 12 and BTE device 10 of an ICS system resemble a common BTE hearing aid. The earhook 12 is arched and hooks in front of the ear. The BTE device 10 continues the arch to the rear of the ear and is positioned behind the ear. A battery compartment 14 is removably attached to the bottom of the BTE device 10 . Various batteries of different sizes may be interchangeably attached to the BTE device 10 depending upon the needs of a user. A more detailed description of a BTE device may be found in U.S. Pat. No. 5,824,022, previously incorporated herein by reference. In known BTE devices 10 , a BTE microphone is positioned in the case of the BTE device 10 behind a microphone port 16 . The earhook 12 typically defines a recess cooperating with the port 16 to facilitate the communication of sound waves with the BTE microphone. The BTE device 10 with the earhook 12 attached, is shown residing on an ear 18 in FIG. 1B . Turning to FIG. 1C , a coaxial connector 20 is shown attached to the BTE device 10 . Such co-axial connector 20 is disclosed in currently pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/785,629 filed Feb. 16, 2001 for “Connector System for BTE Hearing Devices.” The coaxial connector 20 serves as both an attaching fixture for the standard earhook 12 and special earhooks (i.e., provides a mechanical connection), and as an electrical connector for auxiliary devices (i.e., provides an electrical connection between the BTE electronics circuits and other electronic devices or sensors included within, or attached to, an earhook). Advantageously, the dual use feature of the coaxial connector 20 eliminates the need to provide a separate connector for connecting (electrically or mechanically) auxiliary devices to the BTE device 10 . The '629 application teaches the construction and use of the co-axial connector to mechanically and electrically connect a special earhook to a BTE device 10 . The '629 application also discloses several special earhooks intended to add features to the BTE ICS device. The '629 application does not however contemplate a special earhook which provides an ITE microphone. The '629 application is herein incorporated by reference. An ITE microphone earhook 22 is shown attached to the BTE device 10 in FIG. 2 . The ITE microphone earhook 22 comprises a second earhook 24 , a microphone assemble 26 , and a stalk 28 mechanically and electrically connecting the microphone assemble 26 to the earhook 24 . The microphone assemble 26 includes a soundport 30 defined at a distal end of the microphone assemble 26 . The stalk 28 preferably is bendable and preferably retains a position into which the stock 28 is bent. In a preferred embodiment, the ITE microphone earhook 22 is attached to the BTE device 10 using the coaxial connector 20 of the '629 patent, however, those skilled in the art will recognize that a variety of apparatus and methods of attaching an ITE microphone to a BTE device are available. Further, the ITE microphone 25 need only be electrically connected 21 to the speech processor 23 of an ICS system, including a BTE system, and may include other means to secure the ITE microphone (e.g., any means that might be used to secure a common earphone may prove suitable to secure the ITE microphone) in place. These other means for connecting the ITE microphone to the BTE device are intended to come within the scope of the present invention. The ITE microphone earhook 22 and BTE device 10 are shown residing on the ear of a user in FIG. 3 . The microphone assemble 26 preferably resides behind the tragus and directed towards the concha of the ear, with the soundport 30 facing downward and somewhat rearward. Some users may vary location of the microphone assemble 26 , and these variations are intended to come within the scope of the present invention. The soundport 30 receives sound waves and is open to the volume between the earpiece 31 of a communications handset, such as a telephone handset, and the ear of a user. A front view of the ITE microphone earhook 22 is shown in FIG. 4 , and a cross-sectional view of the ITE microphone earhook 22 taken along line 4 A— 4 A of FIG. 4 is shown in FIG. 4A . A mating connector 36 is shown residing in the earhook 24 . Such mating connector may be any connector suitable to electrically and mechanically connect the earhook 24 to the BTE device 10 . Preferably, the mating connector 36 is the mating connector described in the '629 application. Those skilled in the art will recognize that other connectors may be used to connect the earhook 24 to the BTE device 10 , including separate connectors for mechanical and electrical connecting. A microphone 34 resides in the microphone assemble 26 , and is connected by at least one conductor 32 to the mating connector 36 . While the conductor 32 preferably is electrically connected to the mating connector 36 , in other embodiments the conductor 32 may be electrically connected to an electrical connector independent of the mating connector 36 , or may exit the ITE microphone earhook 22 and electrically connect to a connector on the exterior of the BTE device 10 . A cross-sectional view of a preferred embodiment of the ITE microphone earhook 22 , taken along line 4 A— 4 A of FIG. 4 , is shown in FIG. 5 . The microphone 34 resides in a sleeve 52 , wherein the sleeve 52 is preferably made from brass. A filter 48 seals the microphone 34 from the environment, while letting sound pass to the microphone 34 . In a preferred embodiment, the microphone 34 comprises an FG Series microphone manufactured by Knowles Electronics Inc. in Itasca, Ill., and preferably an FG3329. The FG3329 microphone is operated in a two wire mode using a bias setting resistor 42 . The at least one conductor 32 comprises three conductors 32 a , 32 b , and 32 c attached at a distal end of the stalk 28 to three terminals on the FG3329 microphone. One of the three conductors 32 a , 32 b , and 32 c is electrically connected to a contact 46 in the center of the mating connector 36 , and two of the three conductors 32 a , 32 b , and 32 c are connected to the bias setting resistor 42 , and to the body of the mating connector 36 . The three conductors 32 a , 32 b , and 32 c are carried in a single cable 44 , and the cable 44 is wound with two stiffening members 38 , which stiffening members 38 are preferably made from wire, more preferably from zinc or copper. The stiffening members 38 enable the stalk 28 to be bent into a desired shape, and to retain the shape. The wound combination of the cable 44 and the stiffening members 38 is covered by shrink tubing 54 . The stiffening members 38 allow the stalk 28 to be bent into various shapes to better fit a user, and to retain such shapes. The stiffening members 38 are connected to the sleeve 52 . The stiffening members 38 provide the stalk 28 with the ability to be bent and to retain the position into which the stock 28 is bent. The volume 50 behind the microphone 34 is filled with potting compound to prevent the conductors 32 a , 32 b , and 32 c from flexing and detaching from the microphone 34 when the stalk 28 is adjusted. The entire assembly including the microphone 34 , sleeve 52 , and conductors 32 a , 32 b , and 32 c , is covered by a boot 56 , preferably molded from an elastomer. A method of constructing the ITE microphone earhook 22 is as follows. The conductors 32 a , 32 b , and 32 c are soldered to terminals on the microphone 34 to form a first sub-assembly. The stiffening members 38 are soldered to the sleeve 52 to form a second sub-assembly. The first sub-assembly is inserted into the second sub-assembly, wherein the conductors 32 a , 32 b , and 32 c are guided into the end of the sleeve 52 opposite the stiffening members 38 , until the end of the microphone 34 opposite the conductors 32 a , 32 b , and 32 c is flush with the end of the sleeve 52 opposite the stiffening members 38 . The resulting cavity in the sleeve 52 containing the conductors 32 a , 32 b , and 32 c is filled with potting compound and allowed to cure. (This creates a solid structure of the microphone, cable, sleeve and flexible members so that any bending in the stalk will not be transferred to the solder joints of the conductors 32 a , 32 b , and 32 c that would weaken and eventually fail the connection.) After curing of the potting compound, the stiffening members 38 and the cable 44 are twisted together as a group to about 3 turns per inch. Shrink tubing 54 is applied over the stiffening members 38 and the cable 44 , up to the base of the sleeve 52 , to form the ITE microphone stalk 28 . The filter 48 is attached to the end of the sleeve 52 opposite the stalk 28 to protect the microphone 34 from moisture. The microphone 34 and stalk 28 assembly is then inserted, stalk 28 first, through the large opening of the microphone boot 56 . The microphone boot 56 will stretch over the sleeve 52 and encapsulate the entire microphone assembly. The curved tube 58 is soldered to the mating connector 36 , and the stalk 28 is inserted into the curved tube 58 . The proper length of the stalk 28 is determined, and the two stiffening members 38 are then soldered to the inside diameter of the mating connector 36 for a mechanical connection. The conductors 32 a , 32 b , and 32 c are then soldered to the appropriate terminals of the mating connector 36 and the resistor 42 . After soldering is completed, the volume around the soldered connections is potted with epoxy to cover the connections and the resistor 42 to protect them from damage during the over mold process of the ear hook. The mating connector 36 , curved tube 58 , and adjacent end of the stalk 28 are over molded with a medical grade PVC to form the ear hook to complete the ITE microphone earhook 22 . An ITE microphone for use with BTE ICS systems has been described. The ITE microphone resides within a sealed chamber formed by the telephone, or other communications device, handset earpiece, and the ear. As a result of sealing in the sound waves, the low frequency near field acoustic degradation otherwise experienced by the user are substantially mitigated, and a significant improvement in the quality of the sound perceived by the ICS system user results. The ITE microphone performs equally well with traditional telephones and with low magnetic field phones and cell phones using piezo transducers which do not couple well with telecoils. While the invention herein disclosed has been described by means of specific embodiments and applications thereof, numerous modifications and variations could be made thereto by those skilled in the art without departing from the scope of the invention set forth in the claims.
An In The Ear (ITE) microphone improves the acoustic response of a Behind The Ear (BTE) Implantable Cochlear Stimulation (ICS) system during telephone use. An acoustic seal provided by holding a telephone earpiece against the ear provides improved coupling of low frequency (up to about 1 KHz) sound waves, sufficient to overcome losses due to the near field acoustic characteristics common to telephones. In a preferred embodiment, the ITE microphone is connected to a removable ear hook of the BTE ICS system by a short bendable stalk.
BACKGROUND [0001] This invention pertains to a jet regulator with a jet regulator housing in whose interior a jet regulation device is provided that has passage openings running approximately across the passageway cross section, the openings being offset with respect to one another in the circumferential direction about the jet regulator housing or in the direction of flow of the jet regulator, wherein the jet regulation device has at least one insertable component containing the passage openings. [0002] There is a prior art jet regulator containing at least one metal sieve on the outlet side, wherein a number of perforated plates are installed ahead of this metal sieve solely to reduce the flow (see U.S. Pat. No. 4,119,276). Metal sieves of this type, such as those provided in U.S. Pat. No. 4,119,276 among others, tend to scale up, however. [0003] A prior art jet regulator is known from DE 196 42 055 C2, which is used in the outlet mouthpiece of a sanitary outlet valve to produce a soft bubbling and non-splashing water jet. The prior art jet regulator has a perforated plate that divides the incoming water jet into a number of individual jets which are then recombined into a homogeneous overall jet in a jet regulation device, if necessary after mixing with air. [0004] In this case, the shell-like jet regulator housing of the prior art jet regulator is made up of at least two shell sections designed as peripheral segments. The jet regulating device has pins that run perpendicular to the direction of flow which project on the inside of at least one of the peripheral segments that are manufactured as plastic injection molded parts. [0005] In DE-U-297 18 728 a prior art jet regulator is described as having a jet regulator housing in whose interior a jet regulation device is provided. The jet regulation device has passage openings extending across the cross section of the flow, with the openings being offset with respect to one another in the circumferential direction about the jet regulator housing or in the direction of flow of the jet regulator. Thereby, the jet regulation device of the prior art jet regulator has an insertable component that contains the passage openings, said component consisting of at least two shell parts forming cylinder sectors. These shell parts can be assembled into a cylindrical shell. Pin sections are provided in each of these shell parts that form pairs of impingers that are aligned with one another when the shell parts are assembled. [0006] The design of the prior art insertable component according to DE-U297 18 728, which contains shell parts and forms cylinder sectors, also limits the design possibilities, and thus also the areas of application of the prior art jet regulator, as well as requiring expensive injection-molding tools. [0007] Therefore, the objective arises of creating a jet regulator of the type mentioned above that can be manufactured with little effort using simple common manufacturing techniques, with the jet regulation device thereof not tending to scale up. [0008] The solution to this objective according to the invention with regard to the jet regulator of the type mentioned above is provided in particular in that a number of insertable components are provided that can be inserted one after the other in the direction of flow into the jet regulator housing, that the insertable components have a peripheral external support ring and ribs are connected to it on the inside and extend from one end to the other across the flow cross section, and that the approximately parallel ribs of the insertable components that are separated from one another define unidirectionally oriented passage openings. [0009] The jet regulator according to the invention has a jet regulation device that is made up of essentially a number of insertable components that can be inserted into the jet regulator housing in the direction of flow one after another. Each of these insertable components has a number of unidirectional passage openings that run approximately across the passageway cross section. The passage openings of adjacent insertable components are arranged offset with respect to one another either in a circumferential direction about the jet regulator housing or in the direction of flow of the jet regulator. [0010] If the passage openings are arranged offset with respect to one another in the circumferential direction, the adjacent insertable components form a mesh structure without requiring a conventional metal sieve, which can lead to undesired scaling of the jet regulator. If on the other hand, the passage openings are arranged offset with respect to one another in the direction of flow, the passage openings of the adjacent insertable components, which are oriented approximately in the same direction, form a cascade-like structure. Even though complex meshed or cascade-like structures, which can dramatically slow down the flow velocity and form a soft bubbling water jet, can be created with the help of the insertable components provided according to the invention, each insertable component is in and of itself of a comparatively simple design and can be produced with little effort using simple conventional manufacturing techniques. [0011] In this way, an especially simple and preferred embodiment of the invention provides that the insertable components are located offset with respect to one another rotationally to form a mesh structure. [0012] In order to prevent the ribs that define the passage openings from bending, it is advantageous if the insertable components have at least one support rib that extends perpendicular to the ribs that run approximately parallel, in particular that is diametric, said support rib being preferably connected to the ribs. [0013] In order to be able to position the passage openings of the adjacent insertable components as much perpendicular with respect to one another as possible into a mesh structure, or as unidirectionally as possible into a cascade-like structure, a further development of the invention that should also be protectable provides that positioning projections and recesses are provided on the jet regulator housing on the one hand and on the insertable components on the other hand in order to install the insertable components in the correct positions, and that to this end projections are provided preferably on the exterior of the insertable components and notched insertion guides are provided on the interior of the housing that are open toward the inlet side. [0014] In this way, the correct sequence of the individual insertable components, which can also be designed uniquely, is ensured when the jet regulator according to the invention is assembled, provided that the positioning projections and recesses provided at the jet regulator housing and on the insertable components are designed differently and are fitted to effect the correct positioning of each insertable component accordingly. [0015] So that the individual jets fed to the jet regulation device of the jet regulator according to the invention can be reshaped therein into a homogeneous overall jet, it helps if the width of the ribs of the insertable components is less than their height in the direction of flow. The water jet is well directed and evenly distributed between the ribs, which are higher than they are wide. [0016] The insertable components of the jet regulator according to the invention can be manufactured in an especially simple manner as injection molded parts. So that the overfill that remains in the plane of separation of the injection molding tool does not result in any undesired noise buildup, it is advantageous if the ribs of the insertable components have a section at the inlet side with a larger cross section and an adjacent section at the discharge side with a comparatively smaller cross section. In this way, the plane of separation between the two halves of the mold of the injection molding tool can be located precisely in the plane of separation between the section of the ribs at the inlet side and the section at the discharge side. [0017] The individual jets are divided especially well and noiselessly in the jet regulation device of the jet regulator according to the invention if the inlet section of the ribs at the inlet side of the first insertable component is designed similar to a saddle roof, and if a round section at the discharge side follows this directly via a quick return of the cross section, preferably with an approximately rectangular cross section. [0018] An elevated braking effect can be imposed on the water stream without having to fear an undesired backup if the inlet section of the ribs of an insertable component that is placed after the first insertable component at the inlet side has a rounded side facing the inlet, and if a round section at the discharge side follows this directly, preferably via a quick return of the cross section, preferably with an approximately rectangular cross section. [0019] The ribs of the adjacent insertable components can be held at a minimal distance from one another as necessary without a problem if the height of the support ring of the insertable component oriented in the direction of flow is larger than the height of the ribs and of the support rib, if present, and if the ribs and the support rib are located within the peripheral contour of the support ring. [0020] It is especially advantageous if at least two insertable components are provided one after the other in the direction of flow, preferably directly adjacent to one another. [0021] In order to be able to divide the water stream that flows to the jet regulator according to the invention into individual jets, a preferred embodiment of the invention provides that a jet splitting device is installed before the jet regulation device that has at least one perforated plate that can be latched removably to the jet regulator housing. [0022] The individual components of the jet regulator according to the invention are held securely and fast in their position if the perforated plate pushes against an insertable component at its discharge side and if, to this end, the perforated plate has at its discharge side guide stems that extend preferably up to the first insertable component and push against it. [0023] Good jet formation in the jet regulator according to the invention is facilitated even more if a flow rectifier is installed after the jet regulation device at the discharge side, said rectifier having circular segmented or honeycomb shaped outlet openings whose opening widths are smaller than their height in the direction of flow. [0024] In order to secure the jet regulator according to the invention against willful destruction of the insertable components located in the interior of the jet regulator housing and to be able to simultaneously use the flow rectifier as a vandalism security device, it is advantageous if the flow rectifier is connected in one piece to the jet regulator housing and is located at its discharge end. [0025] The insertable components of the jet regulator according to the invention can be manufactured in a simple manner using simple conventional manufacturing methods. Thus, a further development according to the invention provides that the insertable components are manufactured with a support ring, ribs and if necessary support rib and projections as a one-piece metal part via forging or cold forming. Such insertable components designed as metal parts exhibit excellent mechanical stability and temperature resistance in comparison to plastic parts. Moreover, insertable components made of stainless steel, for example, can be recommended for areas of used where high hygienic requirements exist. [0026] Metallic insertable parts can also be manufactured in small numbers especially economically if the insertable components are manufactured from a metal sheet using a stamping and/or shaping process. Insertable components that are manufactured from a metal sheet via a stamping and/or shaping process and therefore allow a high profitability. [0027] In order to be able to slow down effectively the individual jets issuing from a perforated plate or similar jet splitting device it can be helpful if at least one of the insertable components that is designed as a stamped and/or shaped part has ribs that have an external contour that widens in the flow direction. The ribs can have a curved or roof-shaped external contour. Curved ribs can be designed for example circular arc shaped or elliptical. [0028] In order to be able to successively slow down the speed of the individual jets from insertable component to insertable component, it can be helpful if the tilt angle of the rib profile of the curved or roof-shaped ribs provided on the insertable components in the direction of flow successively decreases. This allows the ribs provided on the upper insertable component or the upper insertable components to have a steeper angle in the tilt of their rib profile in comparison to the ribs on the subsequent insertable components. [0029] It is advantageous if the metal sheet is made of brass or preferably stainless steel. Thereby, the projections on the support ring of the insertable components provided to position the insertable components can be formed out of an un-deformed section of the metal sheet. [0030] According to another aspect of the invention, the insertable components are designed with a support ring, ribs and if necessary a support rib and projections in one piece as an injection molded part, in particular as a plastic injection molded part. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0031] Other features of the invention can be found in the following description of an exemplary embodiment of the invention in connection with the claims as well as the drawing. The individual features can be implemented in and of themselves or together to form an embodiment according to the invention. [0032] Shown are: [0033] [0033]FIG. 1 is a longitudinal view of a jet regulator having a jet regulation device made of a number of insertable components that can be inserted into the jet regulator housing, [0034] [0034]FIG. 2 is a plan view of the jet regulator from FIG. 1 showing the discharge side, [0035] [0035]FIGS. 3 a - 3 c are views of the jet regulation device designed as a perforated plate, wherein this perforated plate is shown in plan views from the discharge side and from the inlet side (FIGS. 3 a and 3 c ) and in a longitudinal section (FIG. 3 b ), [0036] [0036]FIGS. 4 a and 4 b are views of the insertable component of the jet regulation device of the jet regulator from FIGS. 1 and 2 after the perforated plate, wherein this insertable component is shown in a longitudinal section (FIG. 4 a ) and in a plan view (FIG. 4 b ), [0037] [0037]FIGS. 5 a and 5 b are views of the next insertable component of the jet regulator of FIGS. 1 and 2, also shown in a longitudinal section (FIG. 5 a ) and in a plan view (FIG. 5 b ), [0038] [0038]FIGS. 6 a - 6 e are views of an insertable component manufactured from a metal sheet via a stamping and shaping process in a plan view of the inlet end (FIG. 6 a ) as well as in a longitudinal section (FIG. 6 b ) and a cross section (FIG. 6 c ), wherein an enlarged detail view of the inlet end and the cross section is shown in FIGS. 6 d and 6 e , respectively, [0039] [0039]FIG. 7 is a partial view of a metallic insertable component in the area of a rib that is bent into a roof shape, and [0040] [0040]FIG. 8 is a partial view of a metallic insertable component in the area of a rib that is bent into a circular arc shape. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0041] In FIG. 1, a jet regulator is shown that can be used to produce a homogeneous soft bubbling and non-splashing water jet to the outlet mouthpiece of a sanitary outlet valve, which is not shown here further. [0042] The jet regulator 1 has a shell-like jet regulator housing 2 in whose interior a jet regulation device is provided in the form of a perforated plate 3 perforated in the direction of flow Pf 1 , followed by a jet regulation device 4 and at the discharge side a flow rectifier 5 . In order to keep dirt particles out of the interior of the housing of the jet regulator 1 and in order to be able to ensure its free flowing operation, an intake filter 6 is placed upstream of the jet regulator 1 in the flow direction. [0043] The perforated plate 3 , the plane of which is oriented perpendicular to the direction of flow Pf 1 , has a number of flow-through holes 7 separated from one another, each of which has at the inlet side a conical round inlet opening 8 (see FIGS. 3 b , 3 c ). [0044] The fluid stream that flows into the jet regulator 1 is divided into a number of individual jets in the jet splitting device, which is designed as a perforated plate 3 . These individual jets are then formed into a homogeneous and soft bubbling overall jet in the jet regulation device 4 that follows. [0045] The jet regulation device 4 has in addition to this two insertable components 9 , 10 directly adjacent to one another, each of which has unidirectional passage openings 11 that extend across the cross section of the passageway. The passage openings 11 of the two adjacent insertable components 9 , 10 are offset with respect to one another in the direction of flow Pf 1 , thus forming a cascade-like structure. [0046] It would also be possible to arrange the insertable components 9 , 10 offset with respect to one another in the circumferential direction such that instead a mesh structure results. In this way, the passage openings 11 of each insertable component 9 , 10 are unidirectional, i.e. they run parallel to one another,—but taken together the two insertable components 9 , 10 form a sieve or grating structure. By means of this sieve or grating or—as in this case—cascade-like structure, the water jet is slowed down to be able to exit as a soft bubbling overall jet. [0047] The insertable components 9 , 10 each have an external support ring 12 and ribs 13 that are connected to its interior, running approximately parallel and at a distance from one another, between which slotted passage openings 11 are formed. As can be seen in a comparison of FIGS. 1, 4 a and 5 a , the section 14 of the ribs 13 at the inlet side has a larger cross section and section 15 at the discharge side after it has a smaller cross section in comparison. Thereby, the plane that separates the inlet side and the outlet side of the ribs 13 of the insertable components 9 , 10 , which are designed as plastic injection molded parts, at the same time constitutes the plane of separation of the injection molding tool used. This eliminates excess injection molding flashing from occurring at the inlet side injection mold that could otherwise result in undesired, noise-generating turbulence. [0048] The section 14 of the ribs at the inlet side of the first insertable component 9 shown in FIG. 4 in more detail is designed similar to a gable roof. Section 15 at the discharge side follows this directly via a quick return of the cross section, and has an approximately rectangular cross section and is rounded at the discharge side. As can be seen in FIG. 1, the flow-through holes 7 are placed in the perforated plate 3 so that their centerlines are approximately axially aligned with the centerline of a rib 13 located after it at the discharge side. [0049] In FIG. 5, the insertable component 10 that is placed after the first insertable component 9 inserted from the inlet side is shown in more detail. The ribs 13 of this insertable component 10 have a section 14 at the inlet side that has a rounded inlet side. Section 15 at the discharge side follows this directly via a quick return of the cross section, and has an approximately rectangular cross section and is also rounded at the discharge side. The position of this next set of ribs increases the resistance to the flow of water without resulting in an undesired backup. [0050] As can be seen in FIG. 1, the insertable components can be inserted removably into the jet regulator housing 2 at the inlet side of the housing together as far as an insertion backstop 16 . To this end, the external perimeter of the support ring 12 of the insertable components 9 , 10 is made to fit the unobstructed inner diameter of the jet regulator housing 2 . After inserting the insertable components 9 , 10 into the jet regulator housing 2 , the perforated plate 3 is then inserted into the jet regulator housing 2 and removably attached there. [0051] In order to secure the correct positional arrangement of the insertable components 9 , 10 with respect to one another and the perforated plate 3 , positioning projections and recesses are provided on the jet regulator housing 2 on the one hand and on the insertable components 9 , 10 or perforated plate 3 on the other hand. To this end, the insertable components 9 , 10 and the perforated plate 3 have guide projections 17 and 18 that fit notched insertion guides 19 in the inner diameter of the housing that are open in the direction of the inlet. [0052] Whereas the guide projections 17 on the insertable components 9 , 10 project radially outward and are located on opposite sides, the guide projections 18 provided on the perforated plate 3 project in the direction of flow Pf 1 . The guide projections 18 provided at the perforated plate 3 can if necessary be dimensioned long enough that the perforated plate 3 pushes against the insertable component 9 that follows it by means of these guide projections 18 and additionally secures it in place. [0053] It can also be seen from FIGS. 1, 4, and 5 , that the height of the support ring 12 of the insertable components 9 , 10 oriented in the direction of flow Pf 1 is larger than the height of the ribs 11 and that the ribs 11 remain within the peripheral contour of the support ring 12 so that the flow envelops the ribs 11 from all sides. [0054] In order to evenly distribute the individual jets that are again divided into a soft bubbling overall jet in the jet regulation device 4 , a flow rectifier 5 is installed after the jet regulation device 4 at the discharge side, with the rectifier having honeycomb-shaped or—as here—circularly segmented outlet openings 21 . [0055] The width of these outlet openings 21 is smaller than their height measured in the direction of flow Pf 1 . Since the flow rectifierer 5 is connected in one piece to the jet regulator housing 2 and is located at its discharge end, this flow rectifier 5 also serves simultaneously as a safety against vandalism. [0056] The jet regulator 1 can be designed as a ventilated or unventilated jet regulator. The sanitary component, which in this case is designed as a ventilated jet regulator, has ventilation openings 20 at the peripheral cover of its jet regulator housing, with the openings feeding into the area between the perforated plate 3 and the jet regulation device 4 . [0057] It can be seen from FIG. 1 that the through holes 21 of the flow rectifier 5 are separated by guide walls 22 that extend approximately in the direction of flow Pf 1 . These guide walls 22 have a wall thickness that is a fraction of the unobstructed hole diameter of a through hole 21 that is surrounded by the guide walls 22 . In order to facilitate the good functioning of the flow rectifier 5 , it has been shown to be advantageous if the ratio h:D between the height h of the guide walls 22 and the overall diameter D of the flow straightener 5 is less than 1 and in particular less than 1:2. [0058] In FIG. 6, an insertable component 23 is shown in various views and corresponds in its functioning to insertable components 9 , 10 in FIGS. 4 and 5. However, whereas the insertable components 9 , 10 shown in FIGS. 4 and 5 are designed as plastic injection molded parts, the insertable component 23 according to FIG. 6 is manufactured in one piece from a metal sheet in a stamping and shaping process. Insertable component 23 according to FIG. 6 also has ribs 13 that lie alongside the passage openings 11 running approximately across the passageway cross section and oriented unidirectionally. The ribs 13 are held in an external support ring 12 and can be inserted with it into a jet regulator housing. Located at the support ring 12 are guide projections 17 that are formed from an undeformed section of the metal sheet and that serve as positioning projections. [0059] As can be seen from FIG. 6 c and the detail representation in FIG. 6 e , the profile of the unidirectional ribs 13 is roof-shaped. [0060] The sheet thickness of the metal sheet used to manufacture the insertable component 23 is in accordance with the requirements of strength and formability of the material. Suitable materials include brass or preferably stainless steel. A brass sheet can subsequently be surface treated in order to ensure an improved corrosion protection. [0061] The height of ribs 13 depends for one thing on the intervening material that is left over between the adjacent ribs 13 in the un-deformed condition of the flat metal sheet as maximum rib height, but can also be reduced if strips of material are stamped out of the flat metal sheet before the shaping process is performed to create the rib profile. [0062] The insertable component 23 manufactured from a metal sheet exhibits relatively low manufacturing costs and higher mechanical stability and temperature resistance. Moreover, the use of an insertable component 23 made of a stainless steel can be recommenced for those areas of application where especially high hygienic requirements exist. [0063] The height of the peripheral support ring 12 , which is likewise manufactured by shaping from the flat metal sheet, is larger or the same as the rib height. The height of the support ring 12 determines the axial separation between two adjacent insertable components 23 , wherein it can prove to be advantageous to configure the axial separations according to the side angle of the rib profile. [0064] The number of unidirectional ribs 13 is dependent on the requirements of water jet braking and can be varied. A positioning of the insertion point of the metallic insertable component 23 required is accomplished by means of the projection 17 that is produced by not forming the flat metal sheet in this area into a peripheral circular arc. [0065] Comparing FIGS. 7 and 8 makes it clear that the profiling of the unidirectional ribs 13 can be selected both roof-shaped as well as curved. In this way, the angle of the rib profile can be designed differently, depending on how dramatically the water jet that arrives from above is to be slowed down. If the velocity of the individual jets coming from the jet splitting device is to be slowed down successively from insertable component to insertable component, it is also possible to provide the rib profile of the ribs 13 provided at an upper insertable component 23 with a steeper angle in comparison with the ribs 13 of an insertable component 23 placed after it at the discharge side. [0066] As the examples in FIGS. 4 through 8 show, the jet regulator 1 shown here can also be manufactured with little effort using simple, conventional manufacturing techniques, wherein its jet regulation device 4 and its flow rectifier 5 do not tend to scale up.
The invention relates to a jet regulator ( 1 ), comprising a jet regulator housing ( 2 ), within the interior of which a jet regulation device ( 4 ) is provided. According to the invention, such a jet regulator ( 1 ) can be produced at low cost, by means of simple conventional production techniques with simultaneous anti-scaling effect on the jet regulation device ( 4 ), whereby the jet regulation device ( 4 ) comprises several insertable components ( 9, 10 ), which may be inserted in series in the jet regulator housing ( 2 ) in the direction of flow (Pf 1 ). The insertable components ( 9, 10 ) comprise passage openings ( 11 ), which are unidirectionally defined and extend across the cross-section of the passage, and the passage openings ( 11 ) of adjacent insertable components ( 9, 10 ) are arranged offset to each oter in the circumferential direction of the jet rehulator housing ( 2 ), or in the direction of flow (Pf 1 ) of the jet regulator ( 1 ).
The invention herein described was made in the course of or under a contract, or a subcontract thereunder, with the United States Department of the Air Force. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This invention relates primarily to metallic coatings and coated articles and, more particularly, to metallic coatings applied to metal articles for high temperature use. As modern power generation apparatus, such as the gas turbine engine, has evolved, the environmental operating temperatures in its hotter sections have increased. Although metallurgists have developed improved alloys from which metallic components can be made, some are subject to surface deterioration such as through oxidation or hot corrosion, to a degree greater than that which is desirable. Therefore, concurrently with the evolution of such apparatus has been the development of high temperature operating surface treatments and coatings. From the literature, it can be seen that a large number of such coatings involve the use of aluminum as an important ingredient in the coating. Earlier methods involved applying aluminum metal to the surface directly such as through dipping in molten aluminum or spraying molten aluminum onto the surface of an article. Such methods resulted in an increase in article dimensions. Therefore, in order to retain the critical dimensions of an article such as for use in gas turbines, the pack diffusion process was developed. One example of such a pack process is represented by U.S. Pat. No. 3,667,985 -- Levine et al. issued June 6, 1972. Vapor deposition of high temperature coatings, including aluminum as an important ingredient, is shown in one form in U.S. Pat. No. 3,528,861 -- Elam et al. issued Sept. 15, 1970. Another method for vapor depositing coatings on a substrate is shown in U.S. Pat. No. 3,560,252 -- Kennedy issued Feb. 2, 1971. The disclosure of each of these patents is incorporated herein by reference. Although a number of methods, compositions and mixtures have been developed for the purpose of inhibiting or retarding surface deterioration of articles exposed to the environment at elevated temperatures, each has its limitation in respect to the length of time it can afford protection. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is a principal object of the present invention to provide an improved surface barrier including a system which is applicable to a variety of coating methods and materials, and which provides improved oxidation and sulfidation resistance to a metallic article with which it is associated. Another object is to provide a metallic article having a surface portion of improved resistance to oxidation and sulfidation and capable of being applied in a variety of ways. Still another object is to provide an improved coating material which can be used in improved methods for providing an article with an oxidation and sulfidation resistant barrier. These and other objects and advantages will be more clearly understood from the following detailed description, the examples and the drawings, all of which are intended to be typical of rather than in any way limiting on the scope of the present invention. The metal article associated with the present invention is provided with improved oxidation and sulfidation resistance through application of a metallic coating which includes, as one coating ingredient, the element hafnium in the range of 0.1-10 weight percent. In respect to the method associated with the present invention, the element Hf can be applied in a variety of ways. For example, the Hf can be applied to the article surface before coating or it can be applied to the coated surface after coating. In addition, it can be included in or with the coating material or ingredients, generally in powder form, from which the coating is generated. Thus, associated with the present invention is a novel coating powder and coating mixture material which can be used in the method to generate the article associated with the present invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a photomicrograph at 500 magnifications of an aluminide coating including the element Hf, according to the present invention, after 850 hours in a 2100°F (1150°C) dynamic oxidation test; FIG. 2 is a photomicrograph at 500 magnifications of the same coating as in FIG. 1, applied in the same way to the same substrate but not including the element Hf in the surface portion, after 400 hours in the 2100°F (1150°C) dynamic oxidation test; and FIG. 3 is a graphical comparison of oxidation data of an aluminide coating on separate specimens of the same Ni-base superalloy, with and without the presence of Hf in the coating. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS The degree to which an aluminide-type coating can protect a metal surface, for example a nickel or cobalt base superalloy surface, depends on the coating's ability to generate a dense, adhesive Al 2 O 3 layer. This protective oxide scale can separate and leave the surface, such as by spalling when stress due to thermal cycling is imposed, by mechanical erosion or by fluxing due to the presence of corrosive molten salts. Such removal of Al 2 O 3 scale will lend to the depletion of Al and therefore the relatively rapid failure of the coating. It has been recognized through the present invention that the inclusion of hafnium in the coating can change the morphology of the Al 2 O 3 formed and result in better oxide scale adherence and stability of the oxide scale in the presence of molten salts. The improvement in adherence is brought about by the hafnium oxide (HfO 2 ) causing keying of the oxide surface, such as through interlocking fingers, with the underlying balance of the coating. Thus, the presence of HfO 2 increases the stability of the Al 2 O 3 generally resulting in at least a two-fold improvement in coating life. The type of keying or interlocking arrangement which results from the use of hafnium in connection with the present invention is shown by the typical photomicrograph in FIG. 1 at 500 magnifications after 850 hours exposure at 2100°F (1150°C) in air. That portion of the coating generally indicated as A is the outer surface portion or oxide scale, with B being the aluminide coating portion of the type described in the above-mentioned U.S. Pat. No. 3,667,985 diffused into C, the substrate portion of a Ni-base superalloy, sometimes referred to as Rene 120 alloy, and consisting nominally, by weight, of 0.17% C, 9% Cr, 4% Ti, 0.015% B, 4.3% Al, 7% W, 2% Mo, 10% Co, 3.8% Ta, 0.08% Zr with the balance essentially Ni and incidental impurities. The irregular, interlocking relationship between the oxide scale portion A and the aluminide coating portion B can be seen at the interface between those two portions. Referring to FIG. 2 in which like, primed letters identify like portions, the same aluminide coating, but without the inclusion of the element Hf as in the coating in FIG. 1, after only 400 hours exposure at 2100°F (1150°C) in air, results in a relatively smooth interface between oxide scale A' and the aluminide B'. The significantly lower adherence of the oxide scale A' in FIG. 2, resulting from the less desirable mechanical interlocking between the oxide scale and the underlying aluminide coating, leads to a significantly lower surface protection capability compared with the system shown in FIG. 1. During the evaluation of the present invention, represented by the following typical examples, it has been recognized that the inclusion of Hf as an ingredient in a metallic coating, within the range of about 0.1-10 wt. %, provides the unusual adherence and stability characteristics of the basic Al 2 O 3 scale, discussed in connection with FIGS. 1 and 2. However, below about 0.1 wt. % there has been found to be too little difference in the coating morphology to result in any significant change. Above about 10 wt. % Hf can be detrimental to the coating because HfO 2 is relatively porous; thus, when it is present in too great an amount, it allows the conduction of oxygen through the coating. Therefore, such large amounts of Hf in the coating will make the coating oxidize faster and fail more quickly than if no Hf were present. Although there are a number of coatings which include Al and with which the present invention can be associated, the present invention has been extensively evaluated in connection with a diffusion aluminide coating method and material sometimes referred to as CODEP coating and described in above-mentioned U.S. Pat. No. 3,667,985. This type of coating is generated through the use of a coating source metal powder, which includes the element Al in an Al--Ti--C alloy, and a halide salt which will react with the coating powder at the coating temperature, generally in the range of 1200°-2100°F (650°-1150°C), to produce a metal halide from which the aluminum is deposited on an article surface to be coated. Such surface can be embedded in the coating powder, generally mixed with the halide salt and an inert extender, such as Al 2 O 3 powder, or it can be held within a container including such a mixture so that the metal halide generated can contact the article surface to provide the coating. That form of such method in which the article to be coated is embedded in such a powder mixture is widely used commercially and is frequently referred to as the pack diffusion coating method. EXAMPLES 1 - 6 The above-described type of pack diffusion coating process was used to apply an aluminide coating to a nickel-base superalloy, sometimes referred to as Rene 80 alloy, and consisting nominally, by weight, of 0.15% C, 14% Cr, 5% Ti, 0.015% B, 3% Al, 4% W, 4% Mo, 9.5% Co, 0.06% Zr, with the balance Ni and incidental impurities. Two types of pack mixtures were prepared. A first, called Pack A in the following Table, used the Al--Ti--C ternary alloy employed and claimed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,540,878 -- Levine et al. issued Nov. 17, 1970 within the range, by weight, of 50-70% Ti, 20-48% Al and 0.5-9% combined C. Such a pack included 4 wt. % of such alloy in powder form along with 0.2 wt. % NH 4 F, various amounts of hafnium powder from which the examples of the following Table were selected, the balance of the mixture being Al 2 O 3 . A second pack, called Pack B in the Table substituted 4% of an iron-aluminum powder for the Al--Ti--C alloy powder as the coating source. In this Pack B, the alloy consisted essentially of, by weight, 51-61% Al, with the balance Fe and was further characterized by being in the form of a two-phase structure of Fe 2 Al 5 and FeAl 3 . Such an alloy is described more fully in copending application Ser. No. 447,318, filed Mar. 1, 1974, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference. TABLE______________________________________COATING COMPOSITION VS. COATING LIFEHf (wt. %) 2100°F Dynamic OxidationEx. Pack in Pack in Coating (life in hr/mil)______________________________________1 A 0.2 2 2502 A 0.35 5-8 3003 A 2. 20 504 A 0 0 1505 B 2 2 2506 B 3 5-8 300______________________________________ Although in these examples Hf was added as Hf powder, it should be understood that other convenient forms for addition of Hf to the pack include use of a hafnium halide, for example HfF 4 , HfCl 4 , etc. or an alloy or other compound including Hf. One group of specimens of the above-described Rene 80 alloy were embedded in Pack A, another group in Pack B and all were processed in the range of 1900°-1950°F (1038°-1066°C) in hydrogen for about four hours in a series of evaluations to generate an aluminide coating, including varying amounts of Hf, diffused into the surface of the specimen. The above Table includes selected examples typical of results obtained from inclusion of Hf as a powder in the packs. It should be understood that the amount of Hf in the coating is unique to the coating process and the ingredients of the pack, for example, as shown by a comparison of Examples 1 and 5, 2 and 6, and 3 and 5. The unique result according to the present invention is the presence of Hf in the coating, in or on the article surface, in the range of 0.1-10 wt. %. As will be shown in connection with other examples, this level of Hf in such coating can be achieved in a variety of ways. Because the amount of Hf in the coating resulting from Example 3 was at about 20 wt. %, outside the scope of the present invention, the coating was unsatisfactory because the high volume fraction of HfO 2 in the protective oxide produced on this specimen allowed rapid diffusion of oxygen through the protective layer causing premature failure of the coating, even earlier than the specimen of Example 4 with no Hf. The absence of Hf, as shown by Example 4, results in a coating life significantly lower than the coating associated with the present invention and represented by Examples 1, 2, 5 and 6. EXAMPLE 7 Comparison of 2100°F (1150°C) cyclic dynamic oxidation test data for specimens of the above-described Rene 120 alloy is shown in the graphical presentation of FIG. 3. Specimens of such alloy were processed in Pack A and in Pack B as in Examples 1-6 and in the Table to result in the same coating content. As can be seen from a vertical comparison of life at any thickness of the additive layer of the aluminide coating, the life of the coating associated with the present invention is about twice that of the same coating applied in the same substrate with the same thickness but without Hf. From these data, the significant effect of Hf on this type of coating is easily seen. As will be shown in subsequent examples, Hf has a similar effect on other types of metal coatings. EXAMPLE 8 The coating procedure used in applying the coatings from Pack A described above was repeated on specimens of the Rene 120 alloy except that HfF 4 halide salt was substituted for the Hf metal powder as the source of hafnium. In this particular example, HfF 4 powder was included in the amount of 0.2 wt. % in the pack to result in 2% Hf in the resulting aluminide coating. Dynamic oxidation testing at 2100°F (1150°C) in the air of such a coating showed it to have about twice the life time of the above-described Pack A aluminide coating witih Hf. As will be understood by those skilled in the metallurgical and metal coating arts, conduct of a coating process at a lower temperature than that included in the present examples will result in a slower and less efficient deposition rate. Thus, if lower temperatures are used, the amount of Hf available to react with the coating source metal can be adjusted to provide the desired amount of Hf in the coating, within the scope of the present invention. However, it has been recognized that inclusion of greater than about 10 wt. % Hf with the coating source material, irrespective of the form in which the Hf is used (for example Hf powder, as a Hf compound such a halide, as an alloy including Hf, etc.), is more detrimental than beneficial. This is shown by a comparison of Examples 3 and 4 in the Table. Thus, one form of the pack or coating mixture associated with the present invention includes Hf in the coating source in an amount of from a small but effective amount up to 10 wt. % Hf, which provides in a resulting coating the element Hf in the range of 0.1-10 wt. %. EXAMPLE 9 The coating associated with the present invention can be attained by first sputtering, according to the well-known, commercially used process, a thin layer of Hf metal on the surface of an article to be protected and then aluminide coating, for example as has been described in previous examples. In one series of examples, such application of Hf to a thickness of about 0.02-0.04 mils, followed by aluminiding in accordance with Pack A described above resulted in 4-8 wt. % Hf in the coating. The same dynamic oxidation testing showed the coating life and resistance to be equivalent to that of coatings prepared as in Examples 1, 2, 5 and 6. The present invention has been used in conjunction with a variety of coatings which can be applied in a number of ways and with the same beneficial results. For example, in commercial use are a group of coating alloys based on an element selected from Fe, Co or Ni and including such elements as Cr, Al and Y. One such system evaluated in connection with the present invention is described in the above-mentioned U.S. Pat. No. 3,528,861. Such a coating can be applied by physical vapor deposition, ion plating, sputtering, plasma spraying, etc. In addition, multiple, alternating layers of Fe, Co or Ni with Cr can be applied to the surface of an article to be protected, followed by the application of Al and Hf according to the present invention. EXAMPLE 10 The above-described Rene 80 nickel-base superalloy was electroplated with two alternating coatings of Cr and Ni, the layers having a thickness of 0.1 and 0.2 mils, respectively. The surface thus coated was placed in a Pack A type mixture similar to that described in connection with the processing of the examples in the above Table, except that the ingredients of the pack in this example consisted essentially of, by weight, 40% of the ternary AlTiC coating source powder, 0.35% Hf powder, 0.2% NH 4 F with the balance of the pack being Al 2 O 3 . After processing for about 4 hours in the range of 1900°-1950°F (1038°-1066°C) in hydrogen, the surface was diffused and alloyed into a Ni-20%CR-20%Al-5%Hf coating. After 600 hours in the dynamic oxidation test described above, it was concluded from weight gain data and microstructural examinations that the coating prepared in this example would protect the Rene 80 alloy specimen between 11/2 and 2 times longer than a similar coating without Hf. From these examples, which are meant to be typical of rather than in any way limiting on the scope of the present invention, it will be readily recognized by those skilled in the art the variety of modifications and variations of which the present invention is capable, for example in respect to the compositions of alloys, packs, methods of application, etc. One unique feature of the present invention is that it provides for the formation of a composite surface oxide more stable than Al 2 O 3 alone. Thus, the combination of aluminum and hafnium oxides of the present invention provides generally double or more the coating life for coatings with which it is formed. This is due at least partially to the unique keying arrangement of the coating's oxide scale with the underlying portion of the coating as a result of the combination of hafnium and aluminum oxides in the scale. It has been found that an element such as Zr, which also forms oxides more stable than Al 2 O 3 , does not provide such keying relationship.
A metallic article is provided with improved resistance to high temperature environmental conditions through the inclusion of about 0.1-10 weight percent Hf in an article surface, such as through coating. A method for providing such a coating includes application of the Hf alone or in combination with other surface protective means. Application of Hf can occur before, during or after use of such protective means.
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] This application is a divisional of application Ser. No. 12/018,910 filed Jan. 24, 2008 which claims benefit of U.S. Provisional Appln. No. 60/886,675, which was filed Jan. 26, 2007. FIELD [0002] This application is directed toward improved methods of synthesizing cationic siloxane prepolymers as well as a specific cationic siloxane prepolymer having improved compatibility with monofunctional siloxanyl methacrylate monomers and medical devices containing the cationic siloxane prepolymer. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0003] US patent application publication number 2007/0142584 filed Jan. 27, 2006, the contents of which are incorporated by reference herein, discloses certain cationic siloxane prepolymers that are able to form water extractable medical devices as well as methods of making the monomers. An example of a monomer made according to the prior synthetic approach is provided in Formula (I) below: [0000] [0000] wherein n is an integer from 1 to about 300. [0004] The method taught in US patent application publication number 2007/0142584 used to synthesize a methacrylate capped cationic siloxane (bromide counter ion) is shown below: [0000] [0005] This reaction scheme requires the use of a large excess of the polymerization inhibitor 3,5-Di-tert-4butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) as well as a large excess of the reactant 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA). Another inhibitor which could be used is 4-methoxyphenol (MEHQ). Even though there is a large excess of DMAEMA, this reaction occurs at a very slow rate (100 hours at 60° C.) before product conversion nears 100%. In addition, the boiling point of DMAEMA is 182° C. Due to the cationic nature of the final product, the only way to remove the unreacted DMAEMA is with a combination of high vacuum and heat (stripping). Washing the material results in the emulsification and fractionation of the product. Also, since the product has methacrylate functionality, the stripping of the DMAEMA is problematic and often results in premature polymerization of the reaction product. This is especially the case as the reaction is scaled up. Therefore an improved method of synthesizing cationic siloxane prepolymers would be desirable [0006] In addition, although monomers such as those claimed in US patent application publication number 2007/0142584 provide medical devices that are entirely suitable in some circumstances, it was determined that medical devices prepared from a monomer mix containing a higher amount of monofunctional siloxane methacrylate would be highly desirable. We have discovered that an iodo salt of a cationic siloxane prepolymer having the structural formula (II) shown below: [0000] [0000] allows a greater amount of monofunctional siloxanyl methacrylate to be incorporated in the monomer mix than the bromo salt of a cationic siloxane prepolymer as shown in Formula (III) [0000] [0000] wherein n equals 39. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0007] Provided herein are methods of making a cationic siloxane prepolymer wherein the reaction product is more easily isolated than cationic siloxane prepolymers prepared according to a previous method. The method comprises, in one embodiment, reacting bis-bromobutyl polydimethylsiloxane with 2-(methylamino)ethanol in polar solvent such as dioxane to provide a first reaction product. The first reaction product is then reacted with methacryloyl chloride or methacrylic anhydride in the presence of triethylamine in polar solvent such as chloroform to provide a second reaction product. The second reaction product is then reacted with iodomethane in tetrahydrofuran to provide the third reaction product as a cationic functionalized siloxane prepolymer. [0008] Also provided is an improved cationic siloxane prepolymer that provides a lens material having improved properties as compared to other cationic siloxane polymers. The improved cationic siloxane prepolymer is a monomer having the following formula (IV): [0000] [0000] wherein n is from 0 to 200. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0009] None DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0010] Provided herein is an improved method of making functionalized cationic siloxane prepolymers. In one embodiment, the method comprises reacting a bis-halide polysiloxane such as bis-bromobutyl polydimethylsiloxane with an alkyl functionalized hydroxy secondary amine such 2-(methylamino)ethanol to provide a first reaction product. Other alkyl functionalized hydroxy secondary amines would include 2-(ethylamino)ethanol, 2-(propylamino)ethanol, 2-(butylamino)ethanol. [0011] The reaction is conducted in a polar solvent. Polar solvents are selected because they are able to dissolve the reactants and increase the reaction rate. Examples of polar solvents would include ethyl acetate, dioxane, THF, DMF, chloroform, etc. [0012] The first reaction product is then reacted with a methacrylating agent to provide a second reaction product having vinyl polymerizable endgroups on the polysiloxane. Examples of methacrylating agents would include methacryloyl chloride, methacrylic anhydride, 2-isocyanatoethyl methacrylate, itaconic acid and itaconic anhydride. [0013] Because HCl is produced during this stage of the reaction, which may result in deterioration of the polysiloxane, an acid scavenger such as triethylamine, triethanolamine, or 4-dimethylaminopyridine is used to reduce the amount of HCl formed during the synthesis. As utilized herein the expression “acid scavenger” refers to a material that reacts with any acid that is otherwise formed during the synthesis to prevent the degradation of the reaction product. [0014] To quaternize the amine groups in the polysiloxane of the second reaction product an alkyl halide such as iodomethane is used as a quaternizing agent to provide the final third reaction product. The final product is isolated by removal of the solvent and any residual alkyl halide from the reaction mixture. [0015] A schematic representation of the method is provided in the reaction schematic below: [0000] [0016] This new synthetic route divides the synthesis into three steps and differs dramatically from the previous procedure in that the quat functionality is formed at the last step of the reaction. This change in synthetic route allows for easy removal of unreacted starting materials and significantly reduces the occurrence of premature polymerization. Use of lower levels of polymerization inhibitor in the synthesis of the cationic siloxane prepolymer is also able to be achieved. [0017] Following the given synthetic scheme, a known amount of bis-bromobutyl polydimethylsiloxane with known molecular weight was refluxed in dioxane with 2-(methylamino)ethanol for 72 hours at 75° C. to afford reaction product (1) after isolation. The structure of (1) was verified by NMR analysis. Product (1), with chloroform as a solvent, was then allowed to react with methacryloyl chloride in the presence of triethylamine at ambient temperature to afford reaction product (2) after isolation. The structure of product (2) was also verified by NMR analysis. The final step of the synthesis was the quaternization of (2) with iodomethane, using THF as a solvent, to afford reaction product (3) after 15 hours at 45° C. The structure of the final product, (3), was verified by NMR, SEC, and Mass Spectrometry analyses. [0018] The method is particularly useful for synthesizing the following prepolymer which has desirable properties for forming a medical device. [0000] [0000] wherein n is from 0 to 200. [0019] A preferred monomer is shown below wherein n equals 39. [0000] [0020] It was surprisingly discovered that use of the iodo salt of the cationic polysiloxane prepolymer, as compared to the bromo salt form, resulted in a monomer mix having improved compatibility with the other prepolymers. Improved compatibility was demonstrated by a visual comparison made between the two formulations. Greater than 3% of a monofunctional polysiloxane material caused cloudiness in the formulation made with the bromo salt of a cationic siloxane prepolymer, while up to 4.5% monofunctional polysiloxane material was added to a formulation made with the iodo salt of a cationic siloxane prepolymer without cloudiness resulting. This improved compatibility results in a monomer mix that allows increased concentrations of mono functional comonomers resulting in a polymerized product having improved physical properties. [0021] In a further aspect, the invention includes articles formed of device forming monomer mixes comprising the prepolymers of formula (IV). According to preferred embodiments, the article is the polymerization product of a mixture comprising the aforementioned cationic siloxane prepolymer of formula (II) and at least a second monomer. Preferred articles are optically clear and useful as a contact lens. [0022] Useful articles made with these materials may require hydrophobic, possibly silicon containing monomers. Preferred compositions have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic monomers. The invention is applicable to a wide variety of polymeric materials, either rigid or soft. Especially preferred polymeric materials are lenses including contact lenses, phakic and aphakic intraocular lenses and corneal implants although all polymeric materials including biomaterials are contemplated as being within the scope of this invention. Especially preferred are silicon containing hydrogels. [0023] The present invention also provides medical devices such as heart valves and films, surgical devices, vessel substitutes, intrauterine devices, membranes, diaphragms, surgical implants, blood vessels, artificial ureters, artificial breast tissue and membranes intended to come into contact with body fluid outside of the body, e.g., membranes for kidney dialysis and heart/lung machines and the like, catheters, mouth guards, denture liners, ophthalmic devices, and especially contact lenses. [0024] Silicon containing hydrogels are prepared by polymerizing a mixture containing at least one silicon-containing monomer and at least one hydrophilic monomer. The silicon-containing monomer may function as a crosslinking agent (a crosslinker being defined as a monomer having multiple polymerizable functionalities) or a separate crosslinker may be employed. [0025] An early example of a silicon-containing contact lens material is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,153,641 (Deichert et al assigned to Bausch & Lomb Incorporated). Lenses are made from poly(organosiloxane) monomers which are α, ω terminally bonded through a divalent hydrocarbon group to a polymerized activated unsaturated group. Various hydrophobic silicon-containing prepolymers such as 1,3-bis(methacryloxyalkyl)-polysiloxanes were copolymerized with known hydrophilic monomers such as 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA). [0026] U.S. Pat. No. 5,358,995 (Lai et al) describes a silicon containing hydrogel which is comprised of an acrylic ester-capped polysiloxane prepolymer, polymerized with a bulky polysiloxanylalkyl(meth)acrylate monomer, and at least one hydrophilic monomer. Lai et al is assigned to Bausch & Lomb Incorporated and the entire disclosure is incorporated herein by reference. The acrylic ester-capped polysiloxane prepolymer, commonly known as M 2 D x consists of two acrylic ester end groups and “x” number of repeating dimethylsiloxane units. The preferred bulky polysiloxanylalkyl(meth)acrylate monomers are TRIS-type (methacryloxypropyl tris(trimethylsiloxy)silane) with the hydrophilic monomers being either acrylic- or vinyl-containing. [0027] Other examples of silicon-containing monomer mixtures which may be used with this invention include the following: vinyl carbonate and vinyl carbamate monomer mixtures as disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,070,215 and 5,610,252 (Bambury et al); fluorosilicon monomer mixtures as disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,321,108; 5,387,662 and 5,539,016 (Kunzler et al); fumarate monomer mixtures as disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,374,662; 5,420,324 and 5,496,871 (Lai et al) and urethane monomer mixtures as disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,451,651; 5,648,515; 5,639,908 and 5,594,085 (Lai et al), all of which are commonly assigned to assignee herein Bausch & Lomb Incorporated, and the entire disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference. [0028] Examples of non-silicon hydrophobic materials include alkyl acrylates and methacrylates. [0029] The cationic siloxane prepolymer may be copolymerized with a wide variety of hydrophilic monomers to produce silicon hydrogel lenses. Suitable hydrophilic monomers include: unsaturated carboxylic acids, such as methacrylic and acrylic acids; acrylic substituted alcohols, such as 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate and 2-hydroxyethylacrylate; vinyl lactams, such as N-vinyl pyrrolidone (NVP) and 1-vinylazonam-2-one; and acrylamides, such as methacrylamide and N,N-dimethylacrylamide (DMA). [0030] Still further examples are the hydrophilic vinyl carbonate or vinyl carbamate monomers disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,070,215, and the hydrophilic oxazolone monomers disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,910,277. Other suitable hydrophilic monomers will be apparent to one skilled in the art. [0031] Hydrophobic cross-linkers would include methacrylates such as ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) and allyl methacrylate (AMA). In contrast to traditional silicon hydrogel monomer mixtures, the monomer mixtures containing the quaternized siloxane prepolymer of the invention herein are relatively water soluble. This feature provides advantages over traditional silicon hydrogel monomer mixtures in that there is less risk of incompatibility phase separation resulting in hazy lenses and the polymerized materials are extractable with water. However, when desired, traditional organic extraction methods may also be used. In addition, the extracted lenses demonstrate a good combination of oxygen permeability (Dk) and low modulus, properties known to be important to obtaining desirable contact lenses. Moreover, lenses prepared with the quaternized siloxane prepolymers of the invention herein are wettable even without surface treatment, provide dry mold release, do not require solvents in the monomer mix (although solvents such as glycerol may be used) the extracted polymerized material is not cytotoxic and the surface is lubricious to the touch. In cases where the polymerized monomer mix containing the quaternized siloxane prepolymers of the invention herein do not demonstrate a desirable tear strength, toughening agents such as TBE (4-t-butyl-2-hydroxycyclohexyl methacrylate) may be added to the monomer mix. Other strengthening agents are well known to those of ordinary skill in the art and may also be used when needed. [0032] Although an advantage of the cationic siloxane prepolymers disclosed herein is that they are relatively water soluble and also soluble in their comonomers, an organic diluent may be included in the initial monomeric mixture. As used herein, the term “organic diluent” encompasses organic compounds which minimize incompatibility of the components in the initial monomeric mixture and are substantially nonreactive with the components in the initial mixture. Additionally, the organic diluent serves to minimize phase separation of polymerized products produced by polymerization of the monomeric mixture. Also, the organic diluent will generally be relatively non-inflammable. [0033] Contemplated organic diluents include tent-butanol (TBA); diols, such as ethylene glycol and propylene glycol; and polyols, such as glycerol. Preferably, the organic diluent is sufficiently soluble in the extraction solvent to facilitate its removal from a cured article during the extraction step. [0034] Other suitable organic diluents would be apparent to a person of ordinary skill in the art. [0035] The organic diluent is included in an amount effective to provide the desired effect. Generally, the diluent is included at 5 to 60% by weight of the monomeric mixture, with 10 to 50% by weight being especially preferred. [0036] According to the present process, the monomeric mixture, comprising at least one hydrophilic monomer, at least one cationic siloxane prepolymer and optionally the organic diluent, is shaped and cured by conventional methods such as static casting or spincasting. [0037] Lens formation can be by free radical polymerization such as azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) and peroxide catalysts using initiators and under conditions such as those set forth in U.S. Pat. No. 3,808,179, incorporated herein by reference. Photo initiation of polymerization of the monomer mixture as is well known in the art may also be used in the process of forming an article as disclosed herein. Colorants and the like may be added prior to monomer polymerization. [0038] Subsequently, a sufficient amount of unreacted monomer and, when present, organic diluent is removed from the cured article to improve the biocompatibility of the article. Release of non-polymerized monomers into the eye upon installation of a lens can cause irritation and other problems. Unlike other monomer mixtures that must be extracted with flammable solvents such as isopropyl alcohol, because of the properties of the novel quaternized siloxane prepolymers disclosed herein, non-flammable solvents including water may be used for the extraction process. [0039] Once the biomaterials formed from the polymerized monomer mix containing the cationic siloxane prepolymers monomers disclosed herein are formed they are then extracted to prepare them for packaging and eventual use. Extraction is accomplished by exposing the polymerized materials to various solvents such as water, tert-butanol, etc. for varying periods of time. For example, one extraction process is to immerse the polymerized materials in water for about three minutes, remove the water and then immerse the polymerized materials in another aliquot of water for about three minutes, remove that aliquot of water and then autoclave the polymerized material in water or buffer solution. [0040] Following extraction of unreacted monomers and any organic diluent, the shaped article, for example an RGP lens, is optionally machined by various processes known in the art. The machining step includes lathe cutting a lens surface, lathe cutting a lens edge, buffing a lens edge or polishing a lens edge or surface. The present process is particularly advantageous for processes wherein a lens surface is lathe cut, since machining of a lens surface is especially difficult when the surface is tacky or rubbery. [0041] Generally, such machining processes are performed before the article is released from a mold part. After the machining operation, the lens can be released from the mold part and hydrated. Alternately, the article can be machined after removal from the mold part and then hydrated. EXAMPLES [0042] All solvents and reagents were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich, Milwaukee, Wis., and used as received with the exception of aminopropyl terminated poly(dimethylsiloxane), 900-1000 and 3000 g/mol, obtained from Gelest, Inc., Morrisville, Pa., and methacryloxypropyltris(trimethylsiloxy)silane, obtained from Silar Laboratories, Scotia, N.Y., which were both used without further purification. The monomers 2-(hydroxyethyl)methacrylate and 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone were purified using standard techniques. Analytical Measurements [0043] NMR: 1 H-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) characterization is carried out using a 400 MHz Varian spectrometer using standard techniques in the art. Samples are dissolved in chloroform-d (99.8 atom % D), unless otherwise noted. Chemical shifts are determined by assigning the residual chloroform peak at 7.25 ppm. Peak areas and proton ratios are determined by integration of baseline separated peaks. Splitting patterns (s=singlet, d=doublet, t=triplet, q=quartet, m=multiplet, br=broad) and coupling constants (J/Hz) are reported when present and clearly distinguishable. [0044] SEC: Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) analyses are carried out by injection of 100 μL of sample dissolved in tetrahydrofuran (THF) (5-20 mg/mL) onto a Polymer Labs PL Gel Mixed Bed E (×2) column at 35° C. using a Waters 515 HPLC pump and HPLC grade THF mobile phase flow rate of 1.0 mL/min, and detected by a Waters 410 Differential Refractometer at 35° C. Values of M n , M w , and polydispersity (PD) is determined by comparison to Polymer Lab Polystyrene narrow standards. [0045] EST-TOF MS: The electrospray (ESI) time of flight (TOF) MS analysis was performed on an Applied Biosystems Mariner instrument. The instrument operated in positive ion mode. The instrument is mass calibrated with a standard solution containing lysine, angiotensinogen, bradykinin (fragment 1-5) and des-Pro bradykinin. This mixture provides a seven-point calibration from 147 to 921 m/z. The applied voltage parameters are optimized from signal obtained from the same standard solution. [0046] Stock solutions of the polymer samples are prepared as 1 mg/mL in tetrahydrofuran (THF). From these stock solutions, samples are prepared for ESI-TOF MS analysis as 30 μM solutions in isopropanol (IPA) with the addition of 2% by volume saturated NaCl in WA. Samples are directly infused into the ESI-TOF MS instrument at a rate of 35 μL/min. [0047] Mechanical properties and Oxygen Permeability: Modulus and elongation tests are conducted according to ASTM D-1708a, employing an Instron (Model 4502) instrument where the hydrogel film sample is immersed in borate buffered saline; an appropriate size of the film sample is gauge length 22 mm and width 4.75 mm, where the sample further has ends forming a dog bone shape to accommodate gripping of the sample with clamps of the Instron instrument, and a thickness of 200+50 microns. [0048] Oxygen permeability (also referred to as Dk) is determined by the following procedure. Other methods and/or instruments may be used as long as the oxygen permeability values obtained therefrom are equivalent to the described method. The oxygen permeability of silicone hydrogels is measured by the polarographic method (ANSI Z80.20-1998) using an O2 Permeometer Model 201T instrument (Createch, Albany, Calif. USA) having a probe containing a central, circular gold cathode at its end and a silver anode insulated from the cathode. Measurements are taken only on pre-inspected pinhole-free, flat silicone hydrogel film samples of three different center thicknesses ranging from 150 to 600 microns. Center thickness measurements of the film samples may be measured using a Rehder ET-1 electronic thickness gauge. Generally, the film samples have the shape of a circular disk. Measurements are taken with the film sample and probe immersed in a bath containing circulating phosphate buffered saline (PBS) equilibrated at 35° C.+/−0.2°. Prior to immersing the probe and film sample in the PBS bath, the film sample is placed and centered on the cathode premoistened with the equilibrated PBS, ensuring no air bubbles or excess PBS exists between the cathode and the film sample, and the film sample is then secured to the probe with a mounting cap, with the cathode portion of the probe contacting only the film sample. For silicone hydrogel films, it is frequently useful to employ a Teflon polymer membrane, e.g., having a circular disk shape, between the probe cathode and the film sample. In such cases, the Teflon membrane is first placed on the pre-moistened cathode, and then the film sample is placed on the Teflon membrane, ensuring no air bubbles or excess PBS exists beneath the Teflon membrane or film sample. Once measurements are collected, only data with correlation coefficient value (R2) of 0.97 or higher should be entered into the calculation of Dk value. At least two Dk measurements per thickness, and meeting R2 value, are obtained. Using known regression analyses, oxygen permeability (Dk) is calculated from the film samples having at least three different thicknesses. Any film samples hydrated with solutions other than PBS are first soaked in purified water and allowed to equilibrate for at least 24 hours, and then soaked in PHB and allowed to equilibrate for at least 12 hours. The instruments are regularly cleaned and regularly calibrated using RGP standards. Upper and lower limits are established by calculating a +/−8.8% of the Repository values established by William J. Benjamin, et al., The Oxygen Permeability of Reference Materials, Optom Vis Sci 7 (12s): 95 (1997), the disclosure of which is incorporated herein in its entirety: [0000] Material Name Repository Values Lower Limit Upper Limit Fluoroperm 30 26.2 24 29 Menicon EX 62.4 56 66 Quantum II 92.9 85 101 Abbreviations [0000] MI-MCR-C12 [0000] NVP 1-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidone TRIS Methacryloxypropyltris(trimethylsiloxy)silane HEMA 2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate v-64 2,2′-Azobis(2-methylpropionitrile) PG 1,3-Propanediol EGDMA Ethylene glycol dimethacrylate SA 2-[3-(2H-Benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]ethyl methacrylate IMVT 1,4-bis[4-(2-methacryloxyethyl)phenylamino]anthraquinone [0058] Liquid monomer solutions containing cationic end-capped poly(dimethylsiloxane) prepolymers from examples below, along with other additives common to ophthalmic materials (diluent, initiator, etc.) are clamped between silanized glass plates at various thicknesses and polymerized using thermal decomposition of the free-radical generating additive by heating 2 h at 100° C. under a nitrogen atmosphere. Each of the formulations affords a transparent, tack-free, insoluble film. [0059] Films are removed from glass plates and hydrated/extracted in deionized H 2 O for a minimum of 4 hours, transferred to fresh deionized H 2 O and autoclaved 30 min at 121° C. The cooled films are then analyzed for selected properties of interest in ophthalmic materials. Mechanical tests are conducted in borate buffered saline according to ASTM D-1708a, discussed above. The oxygen permeabilities, reported in Dk (or barrer) units, are measured in phosphate buffered saline at 35° C., using acceptable films with three different thicknesses, as discussed above. [0060] Unless otherwise specifically stated or made clear by its usage, all numbers used in the examples should be considered to be modified by the term “about” and to be weight percent. EXAMPLE 1 Synthesis of 1,3-bis(4-bromobutyl)tetramethyldisiloxane RD-1862 “Iodo M2D39 Plus” [0061] This example details the synthetic procedure for the production of the intermediate, 1,3-bis(4-bromobutyl)tetramethyldisiloxane. I. Preparation of 1,3-bis(4-bromobutyl)tetramethyldisiloxane [0062] Materials [0000] 1,3-bis(4-hydroxybutyl)tetramethyldisiloxane, vacuum stripped at 60° C. and 0.6 mbar for 2 hours Aliquot® 336 (reg. trademark of Henkel Corporation), as received Toluene (99.5%), as received Hydrobromic acid (48%) aqueous HBr), as received Saturated NaCl 0.5 M Sodium Bicarbonate solution Magnesium Sulfate (anhydrous), as received Silica gel 60 (E. Merck 7734-4), as received Heptane (99%), as received Methylene chloride (99.5%), as received Equipment [0000] 5 L 3-neck round bottom Morton flask Teflon bladed mechanical stirrer Condenser Thermometer 6 L separatory funnel Vacuum filtration apparatus House (low) vacuum setup Vacuum pump, roughing Chromatography column (3.5 in.×30. in.) Rotary evaporator Tolerances [0000] Temperatures: ±2° C. Times: ±1 hour Volumes: ±10 mL Weights: ±0.2 g Preparation [0000] A 5 L 3-neck round bottom Morton flask is equipped with a Teflon bladed mechanical stirring system and a condenser. 2. 1,3-bis(4-hydroxybutyl)tetramethyldisiloxane (837.2 g, 3.0 mol) is added to the flask along with 48.6 g (0.12 mol) Aliquat® 336 in toluene (1000 mL) and 2.0 L of 48% HBr (aq). 3. The reaction mixture is heated to 100° C. for 16 hours with vigorous stirring. 4. After cooling, the organic layer is separated in a 6 L separatory funnel. 5. Wash with 1×2 L saturated NaCl, 0.5 M Sodium Bicarbonate solution (3×500 mL). 6. Dry over magnesium sulfate and filter product by vacuum. 7. Heat product to 60° C. and remove solvents with roughing pump (1.3 mbar). Crude yield is expected to be about 1250 g. 8. A silica gel column (2 kg silica gel, column 3.5 inches in diameter and 30 inches long) is prepared by slurry packing with heptane. 9. The yellow silicone liquid is placed on the silica gel chromatography column with heptane (200 g). 10. Elute with 1.5 L 100% heptane, 1 L 100% heptane, 1 L 80% heptane 20% methylene chloride, then 1 L 60% heptane 40% methylene chloride until done. 11. Start collecting after the first 1 L collected as Fraction “0”. The organic fractions 1 (65.6 g), 2, 3 (343 g), 4, 5, 6 (33 g), 7 (31 g), 8 (19.4 g), were recombined and solvents removed by flash vaporization by a Rotary evaporator at reduced pressure to afford 1093.4 g of 1,3-bis(4-bromobutyl)tetramethyldisiloxane as a colorless liquid. EXAMPLE 2 Synthesis of Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Terminated with Cationic Polymerizable Functionality (RD-1862 “Iodo M2D39 Plus”) [0098] [0099] This example details the synthetic procedure for the production of the final product, cationic methacrylate terminated poly(dimethylsiloxane), “Iodo M2D39 Plus”. Materials [0000] Drierite (8 mesh), as received 1,3-bis(4-bromobutyl)tetramethyldisiloxane (96.5%), as received Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D 4 ) (98%), as received Trifluoromethanesulfonic acid (98%), as received Sodium bicarbonate (99.7%), as received Celite 503, as received Acetone (99%), as received Dry ice, as received 1,4-Dioxane (anhydrous, 99.8%), as received 2-(Methylamino)ethanol (98%), as received Chloroform (anhydrous, 99%), as received Brine solution Deionized water Magnesium sulfate (anhydrous), as received Triethylamine (99.5%), as received 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-methylphenol (BHT) (99%), as received Methacryloyl chloride (≧97%), as received Sodium carbonate (99%), as received Amberlyst A26 hydroxide form resin, as received Tetrahydrofuran (anhydrous, 99.9%), as received Iodomethane (99%), as received Equipment [0000] Flasks: 1000 mL round bottom (×3), 3-neck 1000 mL round bottom, 500 mL pressure flask (round bottom) Teflon bladed mechanical stirrer Drying tube Pressure filter (stainless steel) Nitrogen gas PTFE filter (5 μm) Magnetic stir plate Magnetic stir bar Thermometers Vacuum pump, roughing Vacuum traps 1 L Heating mantle Temperature controller with thermocouple Condenser (water-cooled) Rubber septa Rotary evaporator Separatory funnel (1000 mL) Vacuum filtration apparatus Glass microfiber filter paper (retains samples down to 0.7 μm) House (low) vacuum setup Heat gun Addition funnel (100 mL) Oil bath Aluminum foil Refrigerator/freezer Dry box (<5% relative humidity) House air (dry, oil free) Funnels Spatulas Tolerances [0000] Temperatures: ±2° C. Times: ±1 hour, unless noted otherwise Volumes: ±1 mL Weights: ±1 g Preparation Step 1: Ring-Opening Polymerization [0000] 1. In a 1000 mL round bottom flask equipped with an overhead mechanical stirrer and drying tube (with Drierite), 1,3-bis(4-bromobutyl)tetramethyldisiloxane (61.3 g) and octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (438.7 g) are added. 2. Trifluoromethanesulfonic acid (1.25 g, 0.25 w/w %) is added and stirred 24 hours at room temperature. 3. To the reaction is added sodium bicarbonate (7 g) and the mixture is allowed to stir at a moderate rate for an additional 24 hours at room temperature. 4. The mixture is then filtered with slight positive nitrogen pressure through a pressure filter system equipped with 5 μm PTFE filter and a Celite pad into a 1000 mL round bottom flask. 5. The mixture is stirred magnetically and stripped for at least 4 hours at 80° C. and <1.3 mbar using a vacuum pump and acetone/dry ice trap, or until collection of residual octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane is essentially complete (no further collection of liquid) to afford the product as a transparent, colorless, viscous liquid (426 g, 85% yield). Product: 1,3-bis(4-bromobutyl)poly(dimethylsiloxane) as a transparent colorless liquid M n =1500-3000, and PD=1.5-2.5 by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) Step 2: Reaction with 2-(methylamino)ethanol 1. The colorless liquid product from step 1.5 above (200 g) was then dissolved in 1,4-dioxane (500 mL, 2.5 mL/g dioxane to silicone) in a 3-neck 1000 mL round bottom flask. The flask was equipped a mechanical stirring system, a 1 L heating mantle, a water-cooled condenser, and a thermocouple to monitor the reaction temperature. 2. 2-(methylamino)ethanol (30 mL, 6 mol eq.) was added to the reaction vessel. 3. The flask was sealed with rubber septum and placed under a nitrogen purge. 4. The reaction was then heated for 72 hours at 100° C. and stirred vigorously. 5. The contents of 3-neck 1000 mL flask were transferred to 1-neck 1000 mL round bottom flask and dioxane was removed via a rotary evaporator. 6. Silicone product was redissolved in chloroform and transferred to 1000 mL separatory funnel. 7. Product washed with 500 mL brine solution (2×), 500 mL 5% sodium bicarbonate solution (3×), followed by another wash with 500 mL brine solution. 8. Silicone product collected from Step 2.7 and dried with magnesium sulfate (enough to absorb all the water in the product). 9. Product vacuum filtered and solvent removed with a rotary evaporator/vacuum pump to afford intermediate product. 10. Product confirmed with NMR spectroscopy. Step 3: Methacrylation with Methacryloyl Chloride 1. Silicone product from Step 2.9 was redissolved in anhydrous chloroform (3.0 mL/g silicone) and transferred to 1000 mL round bottom flask (dried with heat gun) with magnetic stir bar. 2. Triethylamine (6 mol eq.) was added to the reaction, along with 250 ppm BHT inhibitor. 3. An addition funnel (dried with heat gun) was added to the flask and methacryloyl chloride (4 mol eq.) was added to the funnel along with chloroform to dilute the acid chloride (approx. twice the volume of the acid chloride). The system was then capped with rubber septum and purged with N 2 . 4. The reaction was stirred and the acid chloride was added dropwise. The reaction was allowed to stir 15 hours at ambient temperature. 5. Reaction transferred to 1000 mL separatory funnel and washed with 500 mL brine solution (×2), 500 mL 5% sodium carbonate solution (×2), and again with 500 mL brine solution. 6. An excess of Amberlyst A26 resin was rinsed with chloroform and then stirred into the product from Step 3.5 for one hour. Magnesium sulfate added to dry system. 7. Solids vacuum filtrated out of product and product concentrated via rotary evaporator. 8. Product confirmed via NMR spectroscopy. Step #4: Quaternization [0000] 1. Product from Step 3.7 dissolved in THF (2.0 mL/g silicone) and transferred to 500 mL round bottom pressure flask with stir bar. 2. Iodomethane (8 mol eq.) added to reaction. 3. Reaction vessel sealed and allowed to stir in a 45° C. oil bath for 15 hours protected from light (wrapped in Al foil). 4. System placed on a rotary evaporator to remove all solvent and excess iodomethane to afford a yellow, waxy solid product. 5. Product sealed and allowed to harden at approx. −20° C. 6. Product chopped with spatula and residual iodomethane/solvent removed with vacuum pump (product kept at ambient temperature). 7. Product moved to dry box with dry air environment for transferring, sampling, etc. and stored at −20° C. with a drying agent to prevent moisture contamination. 8. Product confirmed by NMR spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, Gel Permeation Chromatography, and Gas Chromatography. [0187] Cationic methacrylate terminated poly(dimethylsiloxane) (RD-1862, “Iodo M2D39 Plus”) as a slightly yellow, waxy-solid product. EXAMPLE 3 Synthesis of RD-1862 “Iodo M 2 D 29 Plus” Purpose [0188] This document details the synthetic procedure for the production of the intermediate, 1,3-bis(4-bromobutyl)tetramethyldisiloxane and the final product, cationic methacrylate terminated poly(dimethylsiloxane), “Iodo M 2 D 39 Plus”. I. Preparation of 1,3-bis(4-bromobutyl)tetramethyldisiloxane [0189] Materials [0000] 1,3-bis(4-hydroxybutyl)tetramethyldisiloxane, vacuum stripped at 60° C. and 0.6 mbar for 2 hours Aliquot® 336 (reg. trademark of Henkel Corporation), as received from Aldrich Toluene (99.5%), as received from Aldrich Hydrobromic acid (48%) aqueous HBr), as received from Aldrich Saturated sodium chloride solution 0.5 M Sodium bicarbonate solution Magnesium sulfate (anhydrous), as received from Fisher Scientific Silica gel 60 (E. Merck 7734-4), as received Heptane (99%), as received from Aldrich Methylene chloride (99.5%), as received from Aldrich Equipment [0000] 5 L 3-neck round bottom Morton flask Teflon bladed mechanical stirrer Teflon stirrer bearing Teflon sleeves Condenser Thermometer or thermocouple 6 L separatory funnel Vacuum filtration apparatus House (low) vacuum setup Vacuum pump, roughing Chromatography column (3.5 in.×30. in.) Rotary evaporator Tolerances [0000] Temperatures: ±2° C. Times: ±1 hour Volumes: ±10 mL Weights: ±0.2 g Preparation [0000] 1. A 5 L 3-neck round bottom Morton flask is equipped with a Teflon bladed mechanical stirring system and a condenser. 2. 1,3-bis(4-hydroxybutyl)tetramethyldisiloxane (837.2 g, 3.0 mol) is added to the flask along with 48.6 g (0.12 mol) Aliquat® 336 in toluene (1000 mL) and 2.0 L of 48% HBr (aq). 3. The reaction mixture is heated to 100° C. for 16 hours with vigorous stirring. 4. After cooling, the organic layer is separated in a 6 L separatory funnel. 5. Wash with 1×2 L saturated NaCl, 0.5 M Sodium Bicarbonate solution (3×500 mL). 6. Dry over magnesium sulfate and filter product by vacuum. 7. Heat product to 60° C. and remove solvents with roughing pump (1.3 mbar). Crude yield is expected to be about 1250 g. 8. A silica gel column (2 kg silica gel, column 3.5 inches in diameter and 30 inches long) is prepared by slurry packing with heptane. 9. The yellow silicone liquid is placed on the silica gel chromatography column with heptane (200 g). 10. Elute with 1.5 L 100% heptane, 1 L 100% heptane, 1 L 80% heptane 20% methylene chloride, then 1 L 60% heptane 40% methylene chloride until done. 11. Start collecting after the first 1 L collected as Fraction “0”. The organic fractions 1 (65.6 g), 2, 3 (343 g), 4, 5, 6 (33 g), 7 (31 g), 8 (19.4 g), were recombined and solvents removed by flash vaporization by a Rotary evaporator at reduced pressure to afford 1093.4 g of 1,3-bis(4-bromobutyl)tetramethyldisiloxane as a colorless liquid. II. Synthesis of Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Terminated with Cationic Polymerizable Functionality Overview: [0227] Materials [0000] Drierite (8 mesh), as received from Fisher Scientific 1,3-bis(4-bromobutyl)tetramethyldisiloxane (96.5%), made according to above procedure Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D 4 ) (98%), as received Trifluoromethanesulfonic acid (98%), as received from Aldrich Sodium bicarbonate (99.7%), as received Fisher Scientific Celite 503, as received from Fisher Scientific Acetone (99%), as received from Aldrich Dry ice 1,4-Dioxane (anhydrous, 99.8%), as received from Aldrich 2-(Methylamino)ethanol (98%), as received from Aldrich Chloroform (anhydrous, 99%), as received from Aldrich Saturated sodium chloride solution (Brine) Deionized water Magnesium sulfate (anhydrous), as received from Fisher Scientific Triethylamine (99.5%), as received from Aldrich 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-methylphenol (BHT) (99%), as received from Aldrich Methacrylic anhydride (≧94%), as received from Aldrich Dimethylamino pyridine (97%), as received from Aldrich Sodium carbonate (99%), as received from Fisher Scientific Amberlyst A26 hydroxide form resin, as received from Aldrich Tetrahydrofuran (anhydrous, 99.9%), as received from Aldrich Iodomethane (99%), as received from Aldrich Equipment [0000] Flasks: 1000 mL round bottom (1-neck), 1000 mL round bottom (2-neck), 2000 mL round bottom (1-neck), 2000 mL round bottom (3-neck). Teflon bladed mechanical stirrer Teflon stir bearing Teflon sleeves Teflon stoppers Drying tube Pressure filter (stainless steel) Nitrogen gas PTFE filter (5 μm) Magnetic stir plate Magnetic stir bars Thermometers Vacuum pump, roughing Vacuum traps 2 L Heating mantle Temperature controller with thermocouple Condenser (water-cooled) Rubber septa Rotary evaporator Separatory funnel (4000 mL) Vacuum filtration apparatus Glass microfiber filter paper (retains samples down to 0.7 μm) House (low) vacuum setup Heat gun Addition funnel (250 mL) Water bath Refrigerator/freezer Dry box (≦5% relative humidity) House air (dry, oil free) Funnels Spatulas Tolerances [0000] Temperatures: ±2° C. Times: ±1 hour, unless noted otherwise Volumes: ±1 mL Weights: ±1 g Preparation Step 1: Ring-Opening Polymerization [0000] 1. In a 2-neck 1000 mL round bottom flask equipped with an overhead mechanical stirrer and drying tube (with Drierite), 1,3-bis(4-bromobutyl)tetramethyldisiloxane (61.3 g) and octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (438.7 g) are added. 2. Trifluoromethanesulfonic acid (1.25 g, 0.25 w/w %) is added and stirred 24 hours at room temperature. 3. To the reaction is added sodium bicarbonate (7 g) and the mixture is allowed to stir at a moderate rate for an additional 24 hours at room temperature. 4. The mixture is then filtered with slight positive nitrogen pressure through a pressure filter system equipped with 5 μm PTFE filter and a celite pad into a 1000 mL round bottom flask. 5. The mixture is stirred with a magnetic stir bar and stripped for at least 4 hours at 80° C. and <1.3 mbar using a vacuum pump and acetone/dry ice trap, or until collection of residual octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane is essentially complete (no further collection of liquid) to afford the product as a transparent, colorless, viscous liquid (426 g, 85% yield). Step 2: Reaction with 2-(methylamino)ethanol 1. The colorless liquid product from step 1.5 above (504 g) was then dissolved in 1,4-dioxane (504 mL, 1 mL dioxane per gram silicone) in a 3-neck 2000 mL round bottom flask. The flask was equipped a mechanical stirring system, a 1 L heating mantle, a water-cooled condenser, and a thermocouple to monitor the reaction temperature. Teflon adapters were used in all of the flask joints to avoid silicone lubricant. 2. 2-(methylamino)ethanol (76 mL, 6 mol eq.) was added to the reaction vessel. 3. The reaction was placed under a nitrogen blanket. 4. The reaction was then heated for 8 hours at 100° C. and stirred sufficiently. 5. The contents of the flask were transferred to a 1-neck 2000 mL round bottom flask and dioxane was removed via a rotary evaporator. 6. Silicone product was re-dissolved in chloroform (500 mL) and transferred to 4000 mL separatory funnel (unreacted amine can be drained from separatory funnel before washing). 7. Product washed with 2000 mL 50/50 brine/10% sodium bicarbonate solution (2×), followed by a wash with 2000 mL 50/50 brine/water. 8. Silicone product collected from Step 2.7 and dried with sufficient amount of magnesium sulfate. 9. Product was vacuum filtered and solvent removed with a rotary evaporator/vacuum pump. 10. The concentrated product was then filtered with slight positive nitrogen pressure through a pressure filter system equipped with 5 μm PTFE filter into a 1000 mL round bottom flask to afford colorless intermediate product (477.6 g, 95% yield). 11. Product confirmed with NMR spectroscopy. Step 3: Methacrylation with Methacrylic Anhydride. 1. Silicone product from Step 2.9 (450.8 g) was re-dissolved in anhydrous chloroform (450 mL, 1 mL/g silicone) and transferred to a minimum of a 2-neck 2000 mL round bottom flask (dried with heat gun) equipped with a overhead mechanical stirrer. 2. Triethylamine (58.9 g, 3 mol eq.) was added to the reaction, along with dimethylamino pyridine (0.017 g, 0.001 mol eq.) and 500 ppm BHT inhibitor relative to Step 2.9 product (112.7 mg). 3. An addition funnel (dried with heat gun) was added to the flask and methacrylic anhydride (67 mL, 3 mol eq.) was added to the funnel along with chloroform to dilute the anhydride (approx. 100 mL). The system was sealed and placed under a nitrogen blanket. 4. The reaction was stirred and the methacrylic anhydride was added drop-wise. After all the anhydride was added, the reaction was allowed to stir 15 hours at ambient temperature. 5. Water (approx. 700 mL) was added to the reaction and allowed to stir until all the anhydride had converted to methacrylic acid (approx. 15 hours). 6. Reaction transferred to 4000 mL separatory funnel, 700 mL brine added to help separation, and organic layer was isolated. 7. Isolated product layer was washed with 2000 mL 50/50 brine/10% NaHCO3 (×2), followed by 2000 mL 50/50 brine/water. 8. Product transferred to 1-neck 2000 mL RBF and stirred mechanically w/ 200 g Amberlyst A26 hydroxide resin (after resin was washed w/ chloroform) for 48 hours until methacrylic salt absent from product (monitored by NMR). Note: Amberlite IRA-410 CL resin can be substituted for Amberlyst A26 hydroxide resin. 9. Resin separated from product by vacuum filtration. 10. Product dried w/ sufficient amount of magnesium sulfate. 11. Product vacuum filtered and concentrated by rotary evaporator. 12. The concentrated product was then filtered with slight positive nitrogen pressure through a pressure filter system equipped with 5 μm PTFE filter into a 1000 mL round bottom flask to afford intermediate product with slight yellow tint (401 g, 89% yield). 13. Product confirmed via NMR spectroscopy and BHT concentration monitored by Gas Chromatography. The target level for BHT inhibitor is 500 ppm. Appropriate amount of BHT was back-added to methacrylated intermediate product to bring total BHT concentration to 500±100 ppm. Step #4: Quaternization [0000] 1. Product from Step 3.10 (250.8 g) dissolved in THF (250 mL, 1.0 mL/g silicone) and transferred to 1-neck 1000 mL round bottom flask with magnetic stir bar. 2. Iodomethane (2.2 mol eq.) added to reaction. 3. Reaction vessel sealed with Teflon stopper and stirred in a 45° C. water bath for 7 hours. 4. System placed on a rotary evaporator to remove solvent and excess iodomethane to afford a yellow, waxy solid product. 5. Product was sealed and allowed to harden at approx. −20° C. for at least 2 hours. 6. Product moved to dry box with dry air environment (≦5% relative humidity) to be chopped/scraped with spatula until very fine in consistency. 7. Residual iodomethane/solvent removed with vacuum pump (1.0×10 −2 mbar, product kept at ambient temperature). 8. Product moved back to dry box for transferring, sampling, etc. and stored at −20° C. with a drying agent to prevent moisture contamination (255.01 g yield). 9. Product confirmed by NMR spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry and Gel Permeation Chromatography. BHT concentration monitored by Gas Chromatography and residual Iodomethane concentration monitored by Liquid Chromatography. EXAMPLE 4 Preparation of Film Using Monomer of Example 2 [0323] [0000] Parts by weight RD-1862 (Iodo salt form) 9.30 NVP 41.85 TRIS 23.25 HEMA 18.6 Propylene Glycol 5.00 SA 1.50 v-64 0.50 IMVT 95 ppm [0324] 40 uL aliquots of a soluble, liquid monomer mix containing 9.3 parts by weight of the product from example 2, 23.3 parts TRIS, 41.9 parts NVP, 18.6 parts HEMA, 5 parts PG, 0.5 parts v-64, 1.5 parts SA, and 95 ppm IMVT were sealed between poly(propylene) anterior and posterior contact lens moulds under an inert nitrogen atmosphere, transferred to an oven and heated under an inert nitrogen atmosphere 2 h at 100° C. The cooled mold pairs were separated and the dry lens released from the mold, hydrated/extracted twice in deionized H2O for a minimum of 3 min, transferred to and sealed in an autoclave vial containing a buffered saline solution and autoclaved 30 min at 121° C. affording optically transparent, blue-tinted ophthalmic lenses. EXAMPLE 5 Preparation of Film Using Monomer of Example 3 [0325] [0000] RD# Parts M 2 D 39 plus 1862 5.30 M1-MCR-C12 1876 3.00 NVP 58 43.35 TRIS 142 20.25 HEMA 134 18.6 UV blocker 969 1.50 vaso-64 N/A 0.50 Reactive blue 322 95 ppm EXAMPLE 6 Preparation of Film Using Monomer of Formula (III) [0326] [0000] Parts M 2 D 39 plus (Bromo salt form) 9.30 NVP 41.85 TRIS 23.25 HEMA 18.6 Propylene Glycol 5.00 SA 1.50 v-64 0.50 IMVT 95 ppm [0327] 40 uL aliquots of a soluble, liquid monomer mix containing 9.3 parts by weight of monomer of formula III, 23.3 parts TRIS, 41.9 parts NVP, 18.6 parts HEMA, 5 parts PG, 0.5 parts v-64, 1.5 parts SA, and 95 ppm IMVT were sealed between poly(propylene) anterior and posterior contact lens moulds under an inert nitrogen atmosphere, transferred to an oven and heated under an inert nitrogen atmosphere 2 h at 100° C. The cooled mold pairs were separated and the dry lens released from the mold, hydrated/extracted twice in deionized H2O for a minimum of 3 min, transferred to and sealed in an autoclave vial containing a buffered saline solution and autoclaved 30 min at 121° C. affording optically transparent, blue-tinted ophthalmic. EXAMPLE 7 Properties of Films of Examples 4 and 6 [0328] [0000] Modulus Tensile Elong Tear Sample (GM/SQMM) (GM/SQMM) (%) (GM/MM) Example 3 111 (4) 35 (7)  38 (9)  3 (0) Example 4 116 (8) 62 (12) 76 (15) 4 (0) Standard deviation is given within the parenthesis. EXAMPLE 8 Preparation of Film Using Monomer of Example 2 [0329] [0000] Parts RD-1862 (Iodo salt form) 6.30 M1D11 3.00 NVP 41.85 TRIS 23.25 HEMA 18.6 Propylene Glycol 5.00 SA 1.50 v-64 0.50 IMVT 95 ppm [0330] 40 uL aliquots of a soluble, liquid monomer mix containing 6.3 parts by weight of the product from example 2, 3.00 parts of a monomethacrylated polydimethyl siloxane prepolymer, 23.3 parts TRIS, 41.9 parts NVP, 18.6 parts HEMA, 5 parts PG, 0.5 parts v-64, 1.5 parts SA, and 95 ppm IMVT were sealed between poly(propylene) anterior and posterior contact lens moulds under an inert nitrogen atmosphere, transferred to an oven and heated under an inert nitrogen atmosphere 2 h at 100° C. The cooled mold pairs were separated and the dry lens released from the mold, hydrated/extracted twice in deionized H2O for a minimum of 3 min, transferred to and sealed in an autoclave vial containing a buffered saline solution and autoclaved 30 min at 121° C. affording optically transparent, blue-tinted ophthalmic lenses. EXAMPLE 9 Properties of Films of Example 7 [0331] [0000] Modulus Tear Sample (GM/SQMM) (GM/MM) Example 8 77 (6) 3 (0) Standard deviation is given within the parenthesis.
This application is directed toward an improved method of synthesizing cationic siloxane prepolymers as well as a specific cationic siloxane prepolymer having improved compatibility with monofunctional siloxanyl methacrylate monomers and medical devices containing the cationic siloxane prepolymer.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0001] This invention relates to a process for chemically modifying nonwoven textile articles to impart pilling resistance and soil release properties to the article without compromising the strength and abrasion resistance of the article. [0002] Nonwoven textile articles have historically possessed many attributes that led to their use for many items of commerce, such as air filters, furniture lining, and vehicle floorcovering, side panel and molded trunk linings. Among these attributes are lightweightness of the products, low cost and simplicity of the manufacturing process, and various other advantages. More recently, technological advances in the field of nonwovens, in areas such as abrasion resistance, fabric drape, fabric softness, and wash durability, have created new markets for nonwoven materials. For example, U. S. Pat. Nos. 5,899,785 and 5,970,583, both assigned to Freudenberg, describe a nonwoven lap of very fine continuous filament and the process for making such nonwoven lap using traditional nonwoven manufacturing techniques. The raw material for this process is a spun-bonded composite, or multi-component, fiber that is splittable along its length by mechanical or chemical action. As an example, after a nonwoven lap is formed, it may be subjected to high-pressure water jets which cause the composite fibers to partially separate along their length and become entangled with one another thereby imparting strength and microfiber-like softness to the final product. One such product manufactured and made available by Freudenberg according to these processes is known as Evolon®, and it is available in standard or point bonded variations. These manufacturing techniques allow for the efficient and inexpensive production of nonwoven fabrics having characteristics, such as strength, softness, and drapeability, equal to those of woven or knitted fabrics, which have end uses in products such as apparel, cleaning cloths, and artificial leather. [0003] With the emergence of nonwovens into these new markets and increased consumer interest in such products, there has been a desire to produce fabrics with other characteristics, in addition to strength, similar to those of woven or knitted fabrics. Some of these characteristics include pilling resistance and soil release. Pilling typically results from fibers being pulled out of the fiber bundle and becoming entangled into a “ball” due to mechanical action, such as rubbing that, for example, fabrics encounter during normal use. These “pill balls” are a detriment to the appearance and comfort of textile articles. Reducing or eliminating the pilling propensity of textile articles would typically extend the useful life of the end-use product, such as a garment, by retaining its original appearance and comfort. Furthermore, soil release properties have obvious considerable importance for end-use products such as children's clothing, napery, and cleaning cloths since it is desirable to maintain the original appearance of these products for aesthetic reasons. Thus, it is an important attribute for nonwoven articles to possess pilling resistance and soil release characteristics without compromising strength and abrasion resistance of the articles for their emergence into these new markets. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0004] In light of the foregoing discussion, it is one object of the current invention to achieve a nonwoven textile article which has been chemically modified to possess pilling resistance, soil release, and acceptable strength characteristics. Textile articles include fabrics, films, and combinations thereof. By pilling resistant, it is meant that the article achieves a minimum “B” rating after 18,000 cycles under a 9 kPa weight when tested for Martindale Pilling according to ASTM D4970 and using the Marks & Spencer Test Method P17 and rating the article on the Marks & Spencer Holoscope. Soil release is determined according to test method AATCC Method 130-2000 and is found to be acceptable for articles that achieve a minimum 3.0 rating after one wash cycle. The amount of strength that will generally be considered to be “acceptable” is the strength required for the treated article to function within its anticipated end product for a minimum number of use or wear cycles, which will generally also include intermittent cleaning cycles as well. The strength that is considered to be acceptable for a given article will therefore vary depending on the type of treated article, how it will be used in an end product, the type of end product, etc. By way of example, acceptable strength for an article intended for use as apparel is achieved with a minimum 2000 cycles when tested for Flex Abrasion according to ASTM D 3885. More specifically, by experience it has been determined that a certain nonwoven fabric comprised of spun-bonded continuous multi-component splittable fibers, wherein the fibers are 65% polyester and 35% nylon 6 or nylon 6,6, to be used in shirting should achieve a minimum of 2000 cycles when tested according to ASTM D 3885. Other standard methods for evaluating the pilling resistance, soil release, and abrasion resistance of fabrics may be used and are known and available to those skilled in the art. [0005] A second object of the current invention is to achieve a nonwoven textile article, which has been chemically modified, that maintains its aesthetic appearance and comfort properties due to its resistance to pilling. The formation of “pill balls” leads to an unsightly appearance of the article. In addition, these “pill balls,” when found in a garment, for example, generally result in a loss of garment comfort due to the abrasive nature of these protrusions against the skin. Therefore, reducing or eliminating the formation of “pill balls” allows for the extension of the useful life of textile articles, such as apparel, made from nonwoven fabric. [0006] A further object of the current invention is to achieve a nonwoven textile article, which has been chemically modified, that maintains its aesthetic appearance due to its soil release characteristics. For example, garments or napery articles having food or soil stains are typically detracting to the appearance of those items. Thus, treating nonwoven textile articles with soil release chemicals would generally preserve the appearance of those articles and thereby extend the useful of those articles. [0007] It is also an object of the current invention to achieve a method for chemically modifying nonwoven textile articles to impart pilling resistance and soil release properties to the articles while at the same time maintaining acceptable strength and abrasion resistance characteristics. [0008] A further object of the current invention is to achieve a composition of matter for chemically modifying a nonwoven textile article to achieve pilling resistance, soil release, strength and abrasion resistance comprising a hydrophilic silicone, a soil release agent, an abrasion resistance agent, water, and optionally, a wetting agent and a defoaming agent. [0009] Other objects, advantages, and features of the current invention will occur to those skilled in the art. Thus, while the invention will be described and disclosed in connection with certain preferred embodiments and procedures, such embodiments and procedures are not intended to limit the scope of the current invention. Rather, it is intended that all such alternative embodiments, procedures, and modifications are included within the scope and spirit of the disclosed invention and limited only by the appended claims and their equivalents. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0010] A nonwoven textile article is provided that has been chemically modified to achieve a useful change in certain of its properties. U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,899,785 and 5,970,583, both incorporated herein by reference, describe the composition and process for manufacturing the nonwoven lap that is the basis for the nonwoven textile article that is chemically modified by the current invention. Typically, the nonwoven article is a fabric comprised of spun-bonded continuous multi-component filament fiber that has been split, either partially or wholly, into its individual component fibers by exposure to mechanical or chemical means, such as high-pressure fluid jets. The fabric composition is generally 65% polyester fiber and 35% nylon 6 or nylon 6,6 fiber, although other fiber variations and combinations described by the above-mentioned patents are contemplated to be within the scope of this invention. [0011] The process for chemically treating the nonwoven article, typically a fabric made from polyester and nylon composite fibers, involves the use of several chemicals combined in a mixture. The chemicals typically function as wetting agents, defoaming agents, soil release agents, pilling resistance agents, and abrasion resistance agents. [0012] Generally, the wetting agents are ethoxylated long chain alcohols, such as Solpon® 839 available from Boehme Filatex, such that the long chains comprise at least 9 carbon atoms. Without being bound by theory, it is thought that the wetting agent improves adhesion, and possibly the chemical reaction that occurs, between the fabric and the other chemicals in the mixture. Because the untreated fabric typically tends to be inherently hydrophilic (approximately 100% wet pickup on weight of fabric in laboratory scale testing), the use of a wetting agent is optional. However, if a wetting agent is employed, concentrations typically range from between about 0.20 and about 0.30 weight percent on weight of the chemical mixture. [0013] Depending on the specific mixture of chemicals applied to the fabric, a defoaming agent may be needed to reduce foam during the manufacturing process. For example, a mineral oil such as Tebefoam® VP1868 available from Boehme Filatex may be used. Other defoamers include silicone defoamers and de-aerating agents. The use of a defoamer is generally optional. However, if a defoamer is employed, typical concentrations may range from between about 0.05 and about 2 weight percent on weight of the chemical mixture. [0014] Chemicals used to impart pilling resistance to the fabric are typically hydrophilic silicones (such as SilTouch® SRS available from Yorkshire PatChem). It is generally known to those skilled in the art that silicones usually hinder the pilling characteristics of fabrics. However, with the unique combination of chemicals employed in this invention, these silicones have actually been found to improve the pilling resistance of these fabrics. Typical concentrations for hydrophilic silicones range from between about 2 and about 8 weight percent on weight of the chemical mixture. [0015] Soil release chemicals are typically chosen from acrylic compounds (such as Millitex® 75 available from Milliken Chemical), fluorocarbon compounds (such as Zonyl® 7910 available from Ciba Specialty Chemicals), or liquid polyesters (such as Millitex® available from Milliken Chemical). The soil release chemicals have a tendency to form films around the fibers. Typical concentrations of acrylic soil release chemicals range from between about 2 and about 12 weight percent on weight of the chemical mixture. Concentrations of fluorocarbon soil release compounds generally range from between about 0.5 and about 6 weight percent on weight of the chemical mixture, and concentrations of liquid polyester soil release compounds generally range from between about 2 and about 6 weight percent on weight of the chemical mixture. [0016] Chemicals used to impart abrasion resistance and strength to the fabric are generally polyethylenes (such as Aqualene N available from Moretex) or polyurethanes (such as Prote-set FAI available from Synthron, Inc). Generally, polyethylenes with a higher melting point (usually referred to as high-density polyethylenes), such as greater than about 124 degrees Celsius, are preferred over low melting point polyethylenes (usually referred to as low-density polyethylenes), and they tend to form films around the fiber similar to the films formed by the soil release chemicals. Typical concentrations of polyethylenes range from between about 8 and about 16 weight percent on weight of the chemical mixture, while typical concentrations of polyurethanes range from between about 6 and about 18 weight percent on weight of the chemical mixture. Interestingly, the hydrophilic silicones, mentioned previously as pilling resistance chemicals, also tend to enhance the abrasion resistance of the fabric, while the polyethylenes mentioned above as abrasion resistance chemicals tend to enhance the pilling resistance of the fabric. It has been generally found that an intimate relationship exists between the use these two types of chemicals for generally enhancing both the abrasion resistance and the pilling resistance of the nonwoven textile article. [0017] It should be noted that the concentrations of the chemicals used to treat the nonwoven textile articles can be varied within a relatively broad range, depending on the amount of pilling resistance and the amount of soil release desired for a particular end-use product, and is related to the inherent strength of the textile article to be processed. The inherent strength of the fiber which will ultimately be treated with the chemical mixture generally varies between different manufacturers of the fiber and between fiber types. As a result, these characteristics typically need to be examined in determining the concentration and amount of chemical to be used for a given treatment. [0018] In one aspect of the invention, the process of the current invention requires no special equipment; standard textile dyeing and finishing equipment can be employed. By way of example, a nonwoven textile fabric may be treated either in a batch operation, wherein chemical contact is prolonged, or in a continuous operation, wherein chemical contact with the fabric is shorter. Generally, a predetermined amount of the desired chemical mixture is deposited onto the article, and the treated article is then dried, typically by exposing the article to a sufficient amount of heat for a predetermined amount of time. The application of the chemical mixture to the article may be accomplished by immersion coating, padding, spraying, foam coating, or by any other technique whereby one can apply a controlled amount of a liquid suspension to an article. Employing one or more of these application techniques may allow the chemical to be applied to a textile article in a uniform manner. As noted above, once the chemical has been applied to the article, the article is dried, generally by subjecting the article to heat. Heating can be accomplished by any technique typically used in manufacturing operations, such as dry heat from a tenter frame, microwave energy, infrared heating, steam, superheated steam, autoclaving, etc. or any combination thereof. The article may be dyed or undyed prior to chemical treatment. If undyed before treatment, the article may be dyed or printed after treatment. The article may also be subjected to various face-finishing processes and sanforization after chemical treatment. For example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,822,835, 4,918,795, and 4,837,902, incorporated herein by reference, disclose a face-finishing process wherein low pressure streams of gas are directed at high velocity to the surface of a fabric. The process ultimately softens and conditions the fabric due to vibration caused from airflow on the fabric. [0019] The following examples illustrate various embodiments of the present invention but are not intended to restrict the scope thereof. In all examples, all percentages are by weight percent of the total chemical mixture (i.e., percent on weight of the chemical bath), unless otherwise noted. [0020] All examples utilized nonwoven fabric comprised of spun-bonded continuous multi-component fibers which have been exposed to mechanical or chemical processes to cause the multi-component fibers to split, at least partially, along their length into individual polyester and nylon 6,6 fibers, according to processes described in the two Freudenberg patents earlier incorporated by reference. The fabric, known by its product name as Evolon®, was obtained from Firma Carl Freudenberg of Weinheim, Germany. [0021] Pilling was determined by Martindale Pilling according to ASTM D4970 and the Marks & Spencer Test Method P17, wherein “A” indicates optimal pilling resistance and “E” indicates poor pilling resistance, when rating the fabric on the Marks & Spencer Holoscope. The Martindale Pilling exposed the fabric to a 9 kPa weight (595 grams) for 18,000 revolutions, or cycles. A Home Laundry Tumble Dry (HLTD) wash procedure was also incorporated as part of the Martindale Pilling test method. The HLTD involves washing the fabric in a standard residential washing machine at 105 degrees F for 12 minutes using 10 g of Tide® laundry detergent (available from Procter & Gamble) at the high water level setting. The fabric was then dried in a standard residential dryer for 45 minutes on the cotton sturdy setting. A 4-pound load of laundry comprised of the test fabric and non-test (or “dummy”) fabric was used for each test. [0022] Soil release was determined by AATCC Method 130-2000 using a scale from 1 to 5, wherein “5” indicates optimal soil release and “1” indicates poor soil release. Corn oil was applied to the fabric as the staining agent, and the fabric was rated for soil release after one wash (indicated as “0/1”) and two washes (indicated as “0/2”). Further testing in some examples below includes staining the fabric again after the fourth wash and rating the fabric for soil release after the fifth wash (indicated as “4/5”) and the sixth wash (indicated as “516”). [0023] Abrasion resistance and strength were determined by a variety of methods: (a) Flex Abrasion, according to ASTM D3885; (b) Stoll Flat Abrasion, according to ASTM D3886; (c) Elmendorf Tear, according to ASTM D1424, wherein the warp direction was estimated to be the direction the fabric entered and exited the machine during manufacturing (machine direction), and the fill direction was estimated to be perpendicular to the machine direction; (d) Trap Tear, according to ASTM D5587, wherein the test was performed on the warp, or machine direction of the fabric; and (e) Grab Tensile, according to ASTM D5034, wherein the test was performed on the warp, or machine direction of the fabric. [0024] Note that “NIT” indicates that a sample was not tested for a given parameter. EXAMPLE 1 [0025] The following example shows treatment of the nonwoven fabric with the chemical mixture of the current invention in a laboratory setting. The fabric utilized here was 100 g/m 2 point bonded Evolon®. [0026] A one-liter solution of the desired chemical mixture was place in a beaker. The solution was comprised of 0.25% wetting agent (Synthropol® KB from Clariant), 4.0% hydrophilic silicone (Duosoft® OH from Boehme Filatex), 2.0% fluorocarbon (Zonyl® 7910 from Ciba Specialty Chemicals), 10.0% polyethylene (Atebin® 1062 from Boehme Filatex), and 83.75% water. The chemical mixture was then padded onto a 20″×20″ piece of fabric by placing the fabric in the beaker and coating it with the mixture. The fabric was then removed from the beaker and run through a chemical padding machine to remove excess chemical. The fabric was then hung in an oven and dried at 360 degrees F for two minutes. The results are shown in Table 1 below. TABLE 1 Comparison of Treated Nonwoven Fabric versus Untreated Nonwoven Fabric Flex Abrasion Martindale Pilling/ (# Cycles to Failure) Marks & Spencer Soil Release Sample Warp Fill (18,000 Cycles, 9 Kpa) 0/1 0/2 Treated No HLTD 11,129 4144 A 3.0 3.5 1 HLTD N/T A N/T 5 HLTD N/T A N/T Untreated No HLTD 2522 2599 A 1.5 2.0 1 HLTD N/T E N/T 5 HLTD N/T D N/T [0027] Several observations can be made regarding the data in Table 1. First, the chemically treated samples exhibit greater abrasion resistance than the untreated samples in both the warp estimated and fill estimated directions according to the Flex Abrasion test method. The warp direction withstands a higher amount of abrasion than the fill direction, which is most likely explicable by the fact that the warp direction is estimated as the machine direction of the fabric during the manufacturing process, which typically tends to be inherently stronger than the fill direction. Martindale Pilling shows pilling resistance is greatly enhanced after laundering for the treated fabric sample. It also indicates that the fabric is strong enough to withstand at least the minimum number of cycles typical for end-use products such as apparel, bedding, napery, and upholstery. This minimum number of cycles is typically about 2000 cycles for these end-uses. Additionally, the soil release property of the fabric is increased for both the 0/1 and 0/2 tests after chemical treatment. These factors indicate the effectiveness of the chemical treatment for achieving pilling resistance and soil release on the nonwoven textile article without compromising (and actually improving) abrasion resistance in both the warp and fill estimated directions. EXAMPLE 2 [0028] Example 1 was repeated, except that the concentration of Zonyl® 7910, a soil release agent according to the present invention, was increased from 2.0 weight percent to 4.0 weight percent on weight of the chemical mixture. The soil release results are shown in Table 2 below. TABLE 2 Comparison of Soil Release Concentration on Treated Nonwoven Fabric Soil Release Results Sample 0/1 0/2 4/5 5/6 2.0% Zonyl ® 7910 3.0 3.5 3.0 3.5 4.0% Zonyl ® 7910 3.5 4.0 3.0 3.5 [0029] Table 2 shows that increasing the amount of soil release chemical from 2.0 to 4.0 weight percent on weight of the chemical mixture, while maintaining unchanged concentrations of the other chemicals, increases the soil release properties of the treated fabric after 1 wash and after 2 washes. These results indicate the effectiveness of the soil release chemicals at optimal concentration for the present invention. EXAMPLE 3 [0030] The following example shows treatment of the fabric with the chemical mixture of the current invention in a manufacturing or production setting. The fabric utilized here included both 100 g/m 2 and 120 g/m 2 standard and point bonded Evolon®) fabric. Some fabric samples were undyed, while others were dyed using standard dyeing techniques (both jet-dye and continuous dyeing processes) and dye formulations known to those skilled in the art. [0031] The chemical mixture was prepared using 0.25% wetting agent (Solpon® 839 from Boehme Filatex), 10% polyethylene (Atebin® 1062 from Boehme Filatex), 6% hydrophilic silicone (Duosoft® OH from Boehme Filatex), 4% fluorocarbon (Zonyl®) 7910 from Ciba Specialty Chemicals), and 79.75% water. There were ten 100-yard fabric samples treated with the chemical mixture (Samples 3-7 and 10-14) and four 100-yard control fabric samples treated only with water (Samples 1-2 and 8-9). The samples included: Sample Number Sample Description 1 Standard Greige, 100 g/m 2 (Control A) 2 Point Bonded Greige, 100 g/m 2 (Control B) 3 Standard Prepared For Print, 100 g/m 2 4 Point Bonded Prepared For Print, 100 g/m 2 5 Point Bonded Continous Dyed White, 100 g/m 2 6 Point Bonded Continuous Dyed Navy, 100 g/m 2 7 Point Bonded Jet-Dyed Burgandy, 100 g/m 2 8 Standard Greige, 120 g/m 2 (Control C) 9 Point Bonded Greige, 120 g/m 2 (Control D) 10 Standard Prepared For Print, 120 g/m 2 11 Standard Jet-Dyed Navy, 120 g/m 2 12 Point Bonded Jet-Dyed Green, 120 g/m 2 13 Point Bonded Jet-Dyed Tan, 120 g/m 2 14 PS33 (point bonded in herringbone pattern) Continuous Dyed White, 120 g/m 2 [0032] The chemical mixture was padded on the fabric by dipping the fabric in the dip pad of a pin tenter range. The pad nip pressure was 55 psi with a wet pick up of 140%. The overfeed to chain speed was 2%, and all circulating fans were set on high. The vacuum slot was turned off. The fabric was then dried in the tenter by running the fabric at 40 yards per minute through the heat zones of the tenter which averaged 366 degrees F. The exhaust dampers were set at 50%, and the cooling cans were 80 degrees F. The winder oscillator was off. [0033] After drying, the fabric was exposed to a face-finishing process (as described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,822,835, 4,918,795, and 4,837,902), wherein two zones of high velocity gaseous fluid were directed to the surface of the fabric in opposite directions at 20 psi and at 1.0 tension setting on the entry and exit rolls. Following this treatment, the fabric was sanforized. The fabric was then inspected and tested for abrasion resistance and strength. The results are shown in Table 3 below. TABLE 3 Abrasion Resistance and Strength of Treated Nonwoven Fabric versus Untreated Nonwoven Fabric Elmendorf Grab Flex Tear Trap Tear Tensile Stoll Flat Abrasion (Pounds) (Pounds) (Pounds) (# Cycles (# Cycles Sample Warp Warp Warp to Failure) to Failure) 1 1.17 6.51 65.8 518.0 602 (Control A) 2 0.56 5.04 67.5 499.3 490 (Control B) Control 0.87 5.78 66.7 508.7 546 Average 3 2.59 10.25 75.6 483.0 17,149 4 2.14 9.60 82.8 693.0 18,818 5 2.05 8.27 82.6 536.0 18,632 6 2.05 8.97 82.5 634.0 18,674 7 2.22 8.70 75.4 N/T N/T Sample 3-7 2.21 9.16 79.8 586.5 18,318 Average 8 1.07 6.57 80.4 602.0 475 (Control C) 9 0.75 4.85 85.3 758.7 675 (Control D) Control 0.91 5.71 82.9 680.4 575 Average 10 3.01 10.09 84.2 693.0 19,673 11 3.15 11.49 85.4 1033.0 N/T 12 2.95 14.98 96.7 1299.0 14,797 13 2.87 12.43 93.2 N/T N/T 14 2.33 9.97 105.6 1104.0 19,708 Sample 2.86 11.79 93.0 1032.3 18,059 10-14 Average [0034] Several observations can be made regarding the results shown in Table 3. All of the treated samples, both the 100 g/m 2 and 120 g/m 2 fabrics, exhibit improved abrasion resistance after treatment with the chemical mixture of the present invention. The heavier weight 120g/m 2 samples, both treated and untreated, generally exhibited higher strength and abrasion resistance characteristics. Exposure of the fabric to a wide variety of different abrasion and strength tests as shown in this example confirms the usefulness and applicability of this fabric treatment for a large array of end-use applications as previously discussed. [0035] The above description and examples show that the present invention provides a novel method for imparting pilling resistance and soil release properties to nonwoven textile articles without compromising the strength and abrasion resistance characteristics of the articles. Accordingly, the invention has many applicable uses for incorporation into articles of apparel, bedding, residential upholstery, commercial upholstery, automotive upholstery, napery, residential and commercial cleaning cloths, and any other article wherein it is desirable to manufacture a pilling resistant product with soil release properties that retains its required strength and abrasion resistance characteristics for its intended end use. [0036] The above description and examples also provide a novel composition of matter for imparting pilling resistance, soil release, strength, and abrasion resistance properties to nonwoven textile articles. The composition of matter comprises a hydrophilic silicone, a soil release agent, an abrasion resistance agent, water, and optionally a wetting agent and a defoaming agent. The concentration of the hydrophilic silicone is between about 2 and about 8 weight percent on weight of the composition of matter. The soil release agents are selected from the group consisting of acrylics, fluorocarbons, liquid polyesters, and combinations thereof. The concentration of acrylic is between about 2 and about 12 weight percent on weight of the composition of matter. The concentration of fluorocarbon is between about 0.5 and about 6 weight percent on weight of the composition of matter. The concentration of liquid polyester is between about 2 and about 6 weight percent on weight of the composition of matter. The abrasion resistance chemicals are selected from the group consisting of polyethylenes, polyurethanes, and combinations thereof. The concentration of polyethylene is between about 8 and about 16 weight percent on weight of the composition of matter. Generally, polyethylenes with a higher melting point (usually referred to as high-density polyethylenes), such as greater than about 124 degrees Celsius, are preferred over low melting point polyethylenes (usually referred to as low-density polyethylenes). The concentration of polyurethane is between about 6 and about 18 weight percent on weight of the composition of matter. A wetting agent, such as an ethoxylated long chain alcohol wherein the chain is at least 9 carbon atoms long, may be included as a component of this composition of matter in concentrations of between about 0.2 and about 0.3 weight percent on weight of the composition of matter. A defoaming agent, such as mineral oil, silicone defoamers, and de-aerating agents, may be included as a component of this composition of matter in concentrations of between about 0.05 and about 2 weight percent on weight of the composition of matter. [0037] These and other modifications and variations to the present invention may be practiced by those of ordinary skill in the art, without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention. Furthermore, those of ordinary skill in the art will appreciate that the foregoing description is by way of example only, and is not intended to limit the scope of the invention described in the appended claims.
A chemically modified nonwoven textile article and method for producing the same is provided that exhibits pilling resistance, soil release, strength, and abrasion resistance properties, thus rendering the article less prone to the formation of objectionable pill balls, staining, or loss of strength, thereby increasing wearer comfort and retaining the desired appearance of the article, and thereby extending the useful life of the article. A composition of matter for chemically modifying a nonwoven textile article to achieve pilling resistance, soil release, strength, and abrasion resistance is also provided.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The invention relates to a device for marking objects by the vibrating tip of a pneumatic tool. 2. History of the Related Art Marking devices in which the tip of a pneumatic tool is actuated by a compressed gas such as air, are known. Such devices move cyclically along their axis in the direction of the surface of the object to be marked. After some degree of movement the devices strike the object and then return to their initial position. Each impact causes aslight plastic deformation of the surface of an object. Known guiding means make it possible to displace the tip of marking devices in the vicinity of the surface of the object to be marked without interrupting the cyclic functioning of the tip at relatively high frequency. The vibrating tips may thus trace by micro-percussion, by their displacement along two perpendicular axes parallel to the plane of the surface of an object, identification markings such as letters, figures or other patterns. Devices for guiding a pneumatic tool to effect such a marking by micro-percussion are also known. They comprise two carriages which move in perpendicular directions, each driven by a motor controlled by conventional electronics. Often, one of the two motors is mounted on one of the two carriages, which complicates its electrical supply. The two carriages must be guided individually with high precision in order to obtain sufficiently precise lines of the identification markings. The possibility has been considered of making a device for marking by micro-percussion which does not comprise a double-carriage structure which allows the guiding of a pneumatic tool with vibrating tip with high precision so as to trace on the plane of marking of an object, two-dimensional identification markings. It is also desired to avoid mounting a drive motor on a movable carriage in order to simplify and lighten the carriage which drives the pneumatic tool. The device forming the subject matter of the invention brings a particularly efficient solution to the problem raised. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The invention is directed to a device for marking by micro-percussion which comprises a pneumatic tool provided with a vibrating tip adapted to trace, on the plane of marking of an object, by plastic deformation, two-dimensional identification markings. A first drive member makes it possible, via a first transmission, to displace the pneumatic tool by appropriate guides along an axis of translation parallel to the plane of marking. A second drive member normally connected to a second transmission, makes it possible to rotate the tool about an axis, in a plane perpendicular to the axis of translation in order to displace the points of impact of the vibrating tip on the plane of marking in a direction perpendicular to the direction of translation. In a work position, the radius R of the circle tangential to the plane of marking of the object, having for its center the axis of rotation of the tool, is greater than 1.5 times the extent of the zone of marking on the plane of the object in a direction perpendicular to the axis of translation. Under these conditions, the angular opening of the arc of a circle which may be covered by the vibrating tip of the pneumatic tool in the zone of a marking does not exceed 40°. The angular opening of the arc of circle which may be covered by the vibrating tip to attain the whole extent of the zone of marking is preferably less than 30° and the radius R is greater than twice the extent of the marking zone. The means for guiding the pneumatic tool along the axis of translation is preferably a shaft on which a carriage which supports the pneumatic tool is slidably mounted. Also, the first transmission means is preferably a synchronous belt or chain, disposed parallel to the axis of translation, driven by a pinion connected to the first drive, member and connected at a point, directly or indirectly, to the pneumatic tool. The axis of rotation of the pneumatic tool should also merge with the axis of the shaft on which the carriage is slidably mounted. The second transmission includes a rod connected to the second drive member by a crank which, by an appropriate linkage, drives the pneumatic tool about its axis of rotation so as to displace the vibrating tip inside the arc of a circle corresponding to the extent of the marking zone. In another embodiment, a transmission system of the belt and pulley type may be employed, which performs the same functions as the connecting rod/crank assembly, while allowing a greater angular stroke to facilitate replacement of the marking stylus. Preferably, the synchronous belt or chain is connected to the pneumatic tool via a piece comprising a bore of revolution, mounted to rotate freely on a shaft which guides the tool in translation, the two lateral faces of this piece being separated by a small clearance of the lateral walls secured to the pneumatic tool; connection between the bored piece and the synchronous belt or the chain is ensured by a connecting rod. The lateral walls fast with the pneumatic tool against which the bored piece abuts are advantageously the lateral walls of a cut made in the tool-holder carriage for housing this bored piece between two bearing surfaces of this carriage on the guide shaft. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The accompanying drawing describes, in non-limiting manner, a particular embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 1 is a view in elevation of the invention taken in the direction of arrow F1 of FIG. 2. FIG. 2 is a view in elevation of the invention of FIG. 1 taken in the direction of arrow F2 of FIG. 1. FIG. 3 is a section taken along plane A--A of FIG. 2. FIG. 4 is a section taken along plane B--B of FIG. 2. FIG. 5 is a view in elevation, similar to that of FIG. 2, but corresponding to a variant embodiment. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT The device shown in FIGS. 1 to 4 comprises a carriage 1 to which is fixed a pneumatic tool 2 provided with a vibrating tip 3 adapted to move along its axis x1 in a cyclic reciprocating movement under the action of a compressed gas such as air. The carriage 1 is mounted to slide on a shaft 4 which guides the carriage along the axis of translation x2--x2. The carriage includes two bearing surfaces 5, 6 between which a cylindrical piece 7 is mounted to rotate freely on the shaft 4. The lateral annular faces of the piece 7 are separated by a small clearance 7A from the corresponding lateral faces of the bearing surfaces 5, 6; the small clearance such as 7A allows free rotation of the bearing surfaces with respect to the cylindrical piece 7 which is connected to a synchronous belt 8 by a connecting rod 9. The synchronous belt 8 which functions as a first transmission is stretched parallel to axis x2--x2 between the pinion 10 of a first drive motor 11 and a guide pulley 12. The connecting rod 9 is fastened to the belt 8 by a clamping tab 13. The shaft 4, free to rotate in bearing surfaces 14, 15, at its two ends, is connected by two parallel small rods 16, 17 which are blocked from rotation with respect to shaft 4 and also with respect to a secondary shaft 18 parallel to the shaft 4. Carriage 1 abuts the secondary shaft via a sliding bearing surface 19. The second drive motor, via a second transmission, provokes rotation of carriage 1 about x2--x2. As shown in the Figures, this second transmission comprises a crank 21, driven by the second drive motor 20, which drives a connecting rod 22 connected to the secondary shaft 18 that it rotates about shaft 4, causing rotation of carriage 1. It will be noted that, whatever the position of the carriage 1 along the shaft 4, the same displacement of the connecting rod 22 brings about rotation of the carriage 1 through the same angle and therefore the same angular displacement of the vibrating tip 3. As shown in FIG. 1, the extent of the marking zone of the vibrating tip 3 on the plane of marking 23 of an object corresponds to an arc 24 of about 20°. It will be noted that the radius R of the circle of axis x2--x2 tangential to the plane of marking of an object with the vibrating tip 3 being in working position with respect to plane 23, is equal to about 3 times the extent of this marking zone corresponding to the arc of 20°. It will be observed that, under these conditions, the stroke of the vibrating tip is increased only by a length of 1.5% of radius R at the two ends of the arc, spaced apart only by 10° with respect to the vertical axis x1. In practice, it is observed that the slight variation of stroke of the vibrating tip before the impact, and the slight difference with respect to the vertical do not bring about any appreciable variations in the effects of the impact. The line conserves the necessary sharpness for making identification markings. Furthermore, it should be noted that the two drives 11, 20 are step-by-step motors, controlled by pulses from electronic pulse-generator means (not shown) well known to the man skilled in the art. These two motors are mounted on a plate 25 fixed with respect to the carriage 1. The inertia of the carriage is therefore reduced to a minimum and its only connection with a source of energy is a supple pipe (not shown) for supply of a compressed gas such as air; the supple pipe is connected to the orifice 26 of the pneumatic tool. The embodiment of the device according to the invention may form the subject matter of numerous variants or adaptations. In particular, the transmission means between the motors and the mechanisms that they control may undergo numerous modifications. In this way, the synchronous belt 8 may be replaced by a chain. Similarly, the transmission by connecting rod 22 and crank 21 of the moment of the second drive means 20 may be replaced by a direct drive of the shaft 4, the motor being placed at the shaft end with a suitable reduction ratio. The variant embodiment illustrated in FIG. 5 may also be adopted where the connecting rod/crank system 21-22 is replaced by a belt 27 stretched between two pulleys of which one, 28, is fitted on the shaft of the motor 20 while the other, 29, is secured with the secondary shaft 18. Consequently, angular displacement of the tip or stylus 3 is obtained and, in addition, in order to facilitate replacement thereof, the assembly may be raised up to the position indicated at H in FIG. 1.
A device for marking objects by micro-percussion pneumatic tools including a vibrating tip wherein the tools are mounted on a carriage which is slidably mounted with respect to two support shafts and which is moved along an axis of translation by a first drive member and wherein the carriage is pivotally mounted to swing the tip of the tool in a direction perpendicular to the direction of translation by a second drive member.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0001] The invention generally resides in the field of quick release roller sleeves. Roller sleeves, which are mountable and demountable from rollers and other hub-like cylindrical structures, are used in several forms of printing, metal flattening, and other manufacturing processes. [0002] The manner in which roller sleeves are currently being mounted and demounted on the roll cores has caused problems in terms of increasing time of production due to the time required in changing the sleeve and core together which can take up to an hour or more during which time the machine onto which the roller sleeve is being mounted is shut down. Moreover, once a sleeve and core have been changed there may be issues with alignment which can lead to several wasted batches of product while the user makes alignment corrections which adds more downtime to production. Accordingly there exists a need for a quick release roller sleeve mounting hub, which cuts down significantly on the time spent on changing a roller sleeve during production and also does not require the need to remove or change the roller core eliminating the need for realigning the replacement core. [0003] The present invention overcomes these deficiencies by utilizing a quick release roller sleeve mounting hub having a fiberglass covering. The mounting hub remains in place on the machine and, instead of the entire apparatus being removed and replaced, an outer rim flange portion can slide into and out of position for ease of dismounting a worn roller sleeve and mounting a new roller sleeve around the hub that remains in its machine mounted position at all times. The present invention allows for the existing core or hub to be continued in service while only changing the outer roller sleeve portion, resulting in the overall sleeve and core to maintain its alignment and original configuration. [0004] Therefore, an object of the present invention is to provide a quick release roller sleeve which can be mounted and dismounted in a much shorter period of time. Another object of the present invention is to provide a quick release roller sleeve which can be mounted and dismounted without removing the roller core. [0005] A further object of the present invention is to provide a quick release roller sleeve made from fiberglass or other composite type long-lived material. Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a quick release roller sleeve with variable face lengths and diameters. Still another object of the present invention is to provide a quick release roller sleeve which is fastened to the core by a limited number of securing means to aid in the ease of mounting and dismounting of the roller sleeve. [0006] Another object of the present invention is to provide a quick release roller sleeve mounting hub that allows the outer sleeve portions to slide into and out of position for ease of mounting and dismounting once the roller sleeve is worn and needs to be replaced. Still another object of the present invention is to provide a quick release roller sleeve mounting hub that allows for use of the existing core or hub while only changing the outer roller sleeve portion, allowing the core to maintain its original configuration and alignment on the machinery. [0007] Other objects will appear hereinafter. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0008] The present apparatus may be described as a quick release roller sleeve and mounting hub for mounting to a high speed machine for printing, metal flattening or other similar functions. The quick release roller sleeve is configured to mount over and around the mounting hub or core of the assembly. Each roller sleeve is constructed of fiberglass or other composite type material with an elastomeric covering. The roller sleeve fits around the mounting hub and is sandwiched between an inward facing flange and an outward facing flange, both of which completely circumscribe the hub. Each of the flanges has a circumferential notch that mounts against the sleeve base capturing and containing the sleeve between the flanges with the sleeve supported by the hub or core. The flange notches allow for the sleeves to be appropriately positioned within the flanges and around the hub or core so that the roller sleeve, when worn and needing to be replaced, is able to slide into and out of place for ease of mounting and dismounting. The present invention allows for the existing core to remain in its aligned position on the machinery while changing only the roller sleeve portion, which allows for the entire assembly to maintain its original configuration. [0009] The inner and outer facing flange plates are structurally identical. The inner facing flange plate is permanently secured to the metal hub or core with a plurality of threaded machine bolts in this way an existing core can be used and it can even be returned to its original configuration if desired. The outer facing flange plate is used to mount and dismount the roller sleeve by removing the flange from the hub or core, sliding the roller sleeve outward and away from the inner facing flange and off of the hub or core, mounting a new roller sleeve onto the hub or core, and replacing the outer flange to secure the sleeve in position. The outer facing flange plate provides a pinching effect on the roller sleeve between its inner surface and the inner surface of the inner facing flange plate. To maintain the roller sleeve in position and resist against slippage the paired flange plates exert an inward force against the roller sleeve that is captured in opposing flanges and bevels around the periphery of each of the flange plates. The inner facing flange, mounting hub and sleeve are assembled prior to mounting on the machinery and remain assembled until such time as the core or hub is being switched out as well. [0010] It is sometimes advisable to maintain rotational speed and avoid slippage that the hub or the roller sleeve are engaged with each other, or with the high speed machinery by a key and cooperating keyway. The embodiments described below are each substantially similar in structure and may be utilized for differently dimensioned workpieces, some wider than others. [0011] These together with other objects of the present invention, along with the various features of novelty which characterize the invention, are pointed out with particularity in the claims annexed to and forming a part of this disclosure. For a better understanding of the invention, its operating advantages and the specific objects attained by its uses, reference should be had to the accompanying drawings and descriptive matter in which there are illustrated preferred embodiments of the invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0012] For the purpose of illustrating the invention, there is shown in the drawings forms which are presently preferred; it being understood, however, that the invention is not limited to the precise arrangements and instrumentalities shown. [0013] FIG. 1 is a sectional side view of the quick release roller sleeve and mounting hub of the present invention. [0014] FIG. 1A is an enlarged view of the outer flange edge region on the machine side of the hub as it captures the roller sleeve mounted around the hub. [0015] FIG. 1B is an enlarged view of the outer flange edge region on the exposed side of the hub as it captures the roller sleeve mounted around the hub. [0016] FIG. 2 is a front view of the quick release roller sleeve and mounting hub assembly of the present invention. [0017] FIG. 3 is an exploded side view of the quick release roller sleeve and mounting hub assembly of the present invention. [0018] FIG. 4 is a sectional side view of a second embodiment of the quick release roller sleeve and mounting hub of the present invention. [0019] FIG. 5 is a front view of the second embodiment of the quick release roller sleeve and mounting hub of the present invention. [0020] FIG. 6 is an exploded side view of the second embodiment of the quick release roller sleeve and mounting hub of the present invention. [0021] FIG. 7 is a partial sectional side view of a third embodiment of the quick release roller sleeve and mounting hub of the present invention. [0022] FIG. 8 is an exploded side view of the third embodiment of the quick release roller sleeve and mounting hub of the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0023] The following detailed description is of the best presently contemplated mode of carrying out the invention. The description is not intended in a limiting sense, and is made solely for the purpose of illustrating the general principles of the invention. The various features and advantages of the present invention may be more readily understood with reference to the following detailed description taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings. [0024] Referring now to the drawings in detail, where like numerals refer to like parts or elements, there is shown in FIG. 1 , the quick release roller sleeve and mounting hub assembly 10 of the present invention. The quick release assembly is comprised of a pair of opposing outer and inner flange plates 12 a , 12 b , a mounting hub 14 having an outer support rim 16 , and a roller sleeve 18 . The inner flange plate 12 b is secured to the support rim 16 across the inward face of the hub 14 by a set of mounting screws 13 b . Likewise, the outer flange plate 12 a is secured to the support rim 16 across the outward face of the hub 14 by a set of mounting screws 13 a . Alternatively, the inner flange plate 12 b may be manufactured as part of the hub 14 as it is not required to be removed to dismount and mount a roller sleeve 18 . [0025] Referring to FIG. 1A , the inner flange plate 12 b captures the base 20 of roller sleeve 18 within cooperating circumferential notch 19 slightly inward of the outer edge of the flange plate 12 b . The outer roller material 22 of sleeve 18 extends outward from the base 20 in accordance with the general dimensions set forth below. The base 20 of roller sleeve 18 is constructed of fiberglass or other composite resin-type material. The resin material may be any suitable thermoset such as an epoxy or polyester. The thickness of the base 20 of the roller sleeve 18 is in the range of 1/16 to ¼ inches to provide stability to the outer roller material 22 . As can be seen from FIG. 1B , the identical arrangement is provided for the outer flange plate 12 a in capturing the base plate 20 of the roller sleeve 18 . The base 20 of the roller sleeve 18 is captured in the circumferential notch 19 of the outer flange plate 12 a locking the roller sleeve 18 in position between the flange plates 12 a , 12 b with both mounted to the hub 14 . [0026] The support rim 16 of the mounting hub 14 is slightly smaller than the roller sleeve 18 in depth and diameter which allows the roller sleeve 18 to slide onto the mounting hub 14 . Each of the flange plates 12 a , 12 b extends the flat surface of the support rim 16 and pinches the base 20 of the roller sleeve 18 between them to secure the roller sleeve 18 to the mounting hub 14 as described above. The flange plates 12 a , 12 b seal the edges of the roller sleeve 18 between them and grip the base 16 to prevent the roller sleeve 18 from slipping while in use. The roller sleeve 18 can be any elastomer or synthetic rubber, preferably a urethane composition having a shore A hardness of 40 to 60 and a wall thickness of 0.25 to 1.00 inches. The face width of the roller sleeve preferably ranges from 4 to 10 inches and the diameter can range between 12 to 25 inches. Other dimensional measurements may be consistent with special uses of the roller sleeve 18 that can be manufactured to meet the requirements of the machinery dimensional specifications. [0027] The enlarged view in FIG. 1A of the junction between the inner flange plate 12 b and the roller sleeve 18 more clearly shows the cooperating circumferential notch 19 in the flange 12 b as it captures the edge of the base 20 of the roller sleeve 18 . The circumferential notch 19 and shoulder 21 allows the outer flange plate 12 b to slide into and out of place against the mounting hub 14 for ease of mounting and dismounting when the roller sleeve 18 is worn and needs to be replaced. The circumferential notch 19 on the flange plate 12 b is approximately 0.012 inches and accepts the more rigid base 20 of the roller sleeve 18 forming a snug fit between them. There is another undercut or bevel 23 along the outer periphery of each flange plate 12 a , 12 b to accommodate the outer roller material 22 of roller sleeve 18 therebetween. See, FIG. 1B . The removal of the outer flange plate 12 a from the mounting hub 14 , by removing only the mounting screws 13 a and sliding the roller sleeve 18 off of and away from the mounting hub 14 , allows for the existing mounting hub 14 to remain in position while changing only the roller sleeve 18 and without disengaging the inner flange plate 12 b . Thus, the end user can replace a worn roller sleeve 18 by removing only the outer flange plate 12 a . Then it becomes a requirement for maintaining machine up time for only the roller sleeve 18 to be inventoried by the end user for a rapid exchange of a new part for a worn one. [0028] FIG. 2 shows an outer front face view of the quick release roller sleeve mounting hub assembly 10 of the present invention. In this first embodiment, the quick release assembly 10 has a large diameter mounting hub 14 including a set of six apertures 15 through which a series of fastening means extend for attaching the mounting hub 14 to the machinery. The apertures 15 are spaced about the inner circumferential opening of the mounting hub 14 at points approximating 60° separations between each of them. Shown in the inner flange plate 12 b are a set of four mounting apertures 13 d for mounting the flange plate to the mounting hub 14 . As can be seen from FIG. 3 , the outer flange plate 12 a also has a set of four mounting apertures 13 c for mounting the flange plate 12 a to the mounting hub 14 . The mounting apertures 13 c , 13 d are spaced about the periphery of the outer flange plates 12 a , 12 b at points approximating 90° separations between each of them. [0029] Referring now to FIG. 3 , there is shown an exploded view of the present invention, the quick release sleeve and mounting hub assembly 10 . Starting from the left, the inner facing flange plate 12 b has a shoulder 21 that mates to the outer diameter 17 of the support rim 16 of the mounting hub 14 and an outwardly extending bevel 23 at the peripheral circumference of the plate 12 b with the notch 19 located in between them. The inner flange plate 12 b is mounted to the support rim 16 with fasteners 13 b that extend through apertures 13 d into threaded receiving holes 13 f in the support rim 16 . [0030] The support rim 16 provides a base for the attachment of the paired inner and outer flange plates 12 a , 12 b . The outer circumference of the support rim 16 provides the support for the roller sleeve 18 with the two parts being dimensioned such that the inner diameter face 25 of the roller sleeve 18 slips over and contacts the outer diameter 17 face of the support rim 16 . The roller sleeve 22 is seated on the support rim 16 and pinched between the paired outer flange plates 12 a , 12 b . Also formed by the mating alignment of the flange plates 12 a and 12 b and the roller sleeve 18 is a seal that acts to prevent liquids used with the roller assembly from entering into the space between the roller sleeve 18 and the hub 14 that could retard the ease in dismounting the roller sleeve 18 when worn. [0031] The outward facing flange plate 12 a mounts to the support rim 16 in the same way as the inner flange plate 12 b with fasteners 13 a that extend through apertures 13 c into threaded receiving holes 13 e in the support rim 16 . At the center of the support rim 16 is the mounting hub 14 that surrounds the central aperture utilized to mount the support rim 16 to the roller hub (not shown). Each of the apertures 15 are used to affix the mounting hub 14 to the roller hub when originally positioning the assembly 10 . In this way, the mounting hub 14 remains affixed to the roller hub and only the roller sleeve 18 , when worn, need be replaced by removing only the outer flange plate 12 a , replacing the roller sleeve 18 and then replacing the outer flange plate 12 a , all without dismounting the entire assembly 10 or disturbing the mounting hub alignment on the roller hub and allowing for only minimal down time of the machinery. During the exchange of the roller sleeve 18 , the inner facing flange plate 12 b remains attached to the mounting hub 14 . [0032] Shown in FIG. 4 is a second embodiment of the quick release roller sleeve and mounting hub assembly 110 of the present invention having a differently sized central aperture for mounting to a roller hub. The quick release assembly is comprised of a pair of opposing inner and outer flange plates 112 a , 112 b , a mounting hub 114 having an outward facing support rim 116 , and a roller sleeve 118 . The inner flange plate 112 a is secured to the support rim 116 across an inner space 130 dimensioned exactly to the length of quadrilaterally positioned spacer blocks 132 a - 132 d mounted to the inner flange plate 112 a . The spacer blocks 132 b and 132 d overlie one another in the view presented with spacer block 132 b shown in phantom lines. The quadrilaterally positioned spacer blocks 132 a - 132 d extend across the inner space 130 and provide a connecting point for the support rim 116 as well as a positioning and mounting point for the roller sleeve 118 that extends around the outer circumference of the outer flange plate 112 a but inside of the outer flange 123 a . The inward face of the support rim 116 lies against the set of spacer blocks 132 a - 132 d . A set of mounting screws 113 a extend through the outer flange plate 112 a through the support rim 116 and into the set of spacer blocks 132 a - 132 d as shown in FIGS. 4 and 6 . [0033] As can be seen from FIGS. 4 and 6 , the outer flange plate 112 b captures the base 120 of roller sleeve 118 within a cooperating circumferential notch 119 b slightly inward of the outer edge of the flange plate 112 b . The outer roller material 122 of sleeve 118 extends outward from the base 120 in accordance with the general dimensions set forth below. The base 120 of roller sleeve 118 is constructed of fiberglass or other composite resin-type material. This resin material may be any suitable thermoset such as an epoxy or polyester. The thickness of the base 120 of the roller sleeve 118 is in the range of 1/16 to ¼ inches to provide stability to the outer roller material 122 . The cooperating circumferential notch 119 b and undercut or bevel 123 b extending outward from the flange plate 112 b captures the roller sleeve 118 between these named elements on the outer flange plate 112 b and the same arrangement of elements 119 a , 123 a on the inner flange plate 112 a . This structural arrangement is identical to that described in connected with FIGS. 1A and 1B . [0034] The outer diameter of the support rim 116 is slightly smaller than the diameter of the roller sleeve 118 which allows the roller sleeve 118 to slide over the support rim 116 and onto the inner flange plate 112 b . The flange plates 112 a , 112 b when positioned opposing one another capture the edges of the roller sleeve 118 between them and grip the base 120 to prevent the roller sleeve 118 from slipping while in use. As above, the roller sleeve 118 can be any elastomer or synthetic rubber, preferably a urethane composition having a shore A hardness of 40 to 60 and a wall thickness of 0.25 to 1.00 inches. The face width of the roller sleeve preferably ranges from 4 to 10 inches and the diameter can range between 12 to 25 inches. Other dimensional measurements may be consistent with special uses of the roller sleeve 118 that can be manufactured to meet the requirements of the machinery dimensional specifications. [0035] The support rim 116 is dimensioned to fit within the outer flange plate 112 b when completing the remounting of the sleeve 118 . The support rim 116 is press fit over a mounting hub 114 that extends between the inner faces of the support rim 116 and the inner flange plate 112 a across the space 130 . Likewise, the inner flange plate is press fit over the hub 114 by fitting the central opening 115 a around the hub 114 . A pair of inner and outer collars 134 a , 134 b captures the inner flange plate 112 b and the support rim 116 respectively between them and against the mounting hub 114 . Both the outer flange plate 112 a and the support rim 116 have central openings 115 b , 117 , respectively, that accommodate the mounting hub 114 and allow the collars 134 a , 134 b to retain the inner flange plate 112 a and support rim 116 against and securely affixed to the mounting hub 114 . A first set of fastening means or screws 136 b are used to mount the support rim 116 to the mounting hub 114 . A second set of fastening means or screws 136 a are used to mount inner flange plate 112 a to the mounting hub 114 securing the collar 134 a to the mounting hub 114 . The screws 136 a , 136 b are spaced apart approximately 120° around the circumference of the collars 134 a , 134 b and extend through countersunk apertures 133 a , 133 b in the collars 134 a , 134 b into threaded receiving holes 135 a , 135 b in opposite sides of the mounting hub 114 . [0036] As is shown in FIGS. 4 and 6 , the mounting hub 114 fits into and against a matching inward flange in each of the inner flange plate 112 a and the support rim 116 with each of the collars 134 a , 134 b fitting into outward facing recesses 137 a , 137 b in the mounting hub 114 such that attachment the of these parts one to the other creates a rigid assembly for supporting the roller sleeve 118 . Also formed by the mating alignment of the flange plates 112 a and 112 b and the roller sleeve 118 is a seal that acts to prevent liquids used with the roller assembly from entering into the space between the roller sleeve 118 and the hub 114 that could retard the ease in dismounting the roller sleeve 118 when worn. [0037] FIG. 5 shows the front view of the second embodiment of the present invention 110 that exhibits a much smaller diameter central aperture for mounting the assembly to a machine or high speed roller apparatus than the larger diameter for mounting shown in FIG. 2 . The outer flange plate 112 b having a very large diameter opening such that the flange plate 112 b fits snugly over the support rim 116 and is mounted to the assembly containing the support rim 116 and the mounting hub 114 by four fastening means 113 b that are secured into threaded apertures 139 b located in each of the spacers 132 a - d . On the opposite side the outer flange plate 112 a is also secured in position using four fastening means 113 a that are secured into threaded apertures 139 a in each of the four spacers 132 a - d . The mounting hub 114 located at the center of the support rim 116 has a key notch 140 shown extending upwards from the round opening for engaging a keyed shaft of the machine or high speed roller apparatus. [0038] The exploded view in FIG. 6 of the second embodiment of the present invention 110 shows the differently configured mounting hub 114 being attached between the center portion of the support rim 116 and the inner flange plate 112 b . The removal of the outer flange plate 112 a exposes the roller sleeve 118 such that the roller sleeve 118 can be removed and replaced without having to remove the entire assembly 110 from the machine or high speed roller apparatus. In this way the assembly remains in its aligned position on the machine or high speed roller apparatus without the need for extended downtime to realign the roller sleeve 118 or the entire assembly 110 . [0039] A third embodiment of the quick release roller sleeve and mounting hub assembly 210 of the present invention is presented in FIGS. 7 , 8 . The quick release assembly is comprised of a pair of opposing inner and outer flange plates 212 a , 212 b , a mounting hub 214 having an outer support surface 216 , and a roller sleeve 218 . In this embodiment the exploded view of FIG. 8 depicts the outward facing side of the quick release assembly to the left instead of the right as was done in the prior two embodiments to demonstrate that the invention will work regardless of the mounting position. The inner flange plate 212 a is secured to the support surface 216 across the inward face of the hub 214 by a set of mounting screws 213 a . Likewise, the outer flange plate 212 b is secured to the support rim 216 across the outward face of the hub 214 by a set of mounting screws 213 b . The outer flange plate 212 b captures the base 220 of roller sleeve 218 within cooperating notch 219 slightly inward of the outer edge of the flange plate 212 b . Likewise, inner flange plate 212 a captures the base 220 of roller sleeve 218 within cooperating notch 219 slightly inward of the outer edge of the flange plate 212 a . The outer roller material 222 of sleeve 218 extends outward from the base 220 in accordance with the general dimensions set forth below. The base 220 of roller sleeve 218 is constructed of fiberglass or other composite resin-type material. The resin material may be any suitable thermoset such as an epoxy or polyester. The thickness of the base 220 of the roller sleeve 218 is in the range of 1/16 to ¼ inches to provide stability to the outer roller material 222 . [0040] The support surface 216 of the mounting hub 214 is slightly smaller than the roller sleeve 218 in depth and diameter which allows the roller sleeve 218 to slide onto the mounting hub 214 . Each flange plate 212 a , 212 b extends the flat surface of the support surface 216 and pinches the base 220 of the roller sleeve 218 between them (an within the respective notches 219 ) to secure the roller sleeve 218 to the mounting hub 214 . The flange plates 212 a , 212 b seal the edges of the roller sleeve 218 between them and grip the base 216 to prevent the roller sleeve 218 from slipping while in use. The roller sleeve 218 can be any elastomer or synthetic rubber, preferably a urethane composition having a shore A hardness of 40 to 60 and a wall thickness of 0.25 to 1.00 inches. The face width of the roller sleeve preferably ranges from 4 to 10 inches and the diameter can range between 12 to 25 inches. Other dimensional measurements may be consistent with special uses of the roller sleeve 218 that can be manufactured to meet the requirements of the machinery dimensional specifications. [0041] The exploded view in FIG. 8 shows one clearly the junction between the outer flange plate 212 b and the roller sleeve 218 and more clearly shows the cooperating notch 219 in the flanges 212 a , 212 b as they capture the edges of the base 220 of the roller sleeve 218 . The notch 219 and central aperture 225 allows the outer flange plate 212 b to slide into and out of place against the mounting hub 214 for ease of mounting and dismounting when the roller sleeve 218 is worn and needs to be replaced. The notch 219 on the flange plate 212 b is approximately 0.012 inches and accepts the more rigid base 220 of the roller sleeve 218 forming a snug fit between them. There is another undercut or bevel 223 along the outer periphery of each flange plate 212 a , 212 b to accommodate the outer roller material 222 of roller sleeve 218 therebetween. As described above, formed by the mating alignment of the flange plates 212 a and 212 b and the roller sleeve 218 is a seal that acts to prevent liquids used with the roller assembly from entering into the space between the roller sleeve 218 and the hub 214 that could retard the ease in dismounting the roller sleeve 218 when worn. [0042] The removal of the outer flange plate 212 b from the mounting hub 214 , by removing only the mounting screws 213 b and sliding the roller sleeve 218 off of and away from the mounting hub 214 , allows for the existing mounting hub 214 to remain in position while only changing the roller sleeve 218 . Thus, the end user can replace a worn roller sleeve 218 by removing only the outer flange plate 212 b . Then it becomes a requirement for maintaining machine up time for only the roller sleeve 218 to be inventoried by the end user for a rapid exchange of a new part for a worn one. [0043] In FIG. 8 the exploded side view of the second embodiment of the present invention 210 shows a roller hub that has been modified for secure mounting of the quick release roller sleeve assembly to a machine or high speed roller apparatus. The outer flange plate 212 b has an appropriately dimensioned aperture 225 such that the flange plate 112 b fits over the mounting hub 214 that provides the support surface 216 and is mounted to the assembly containing the inner flange plate 212 a , the support surface 116 , and the mounting hub 214 by a set of fastening means 213 b . The roller sleeve 218 has an inwardly extending key 240 shown extending part way along the length of the sleeve 218 from its proximal outer end for engaging a keyway 242 located along the support surface 216 on the mounting hub 214 . The engaging of the key 240 in the keyway 242 prevents the roller sleeve 218 from slipping and changing rotational speed as the hub 214 turns within the high speed machine. The removal of the outer flange plate 212 b exposes the roller sleeve 218 such that the roller sleeve 218 can be removed replaced without having to remove the entire assembly 210 from the machine or high speed roller apparatus. In this way the assembly remains in its aligned position on the machine or high speed roller apparatus without the need for extended downtime to realign the roller sleeve 218 or the entire assembly 210 . [0044] The present invention may be embodied in other specific forms without departing from the spirit or essential attributes thereof and, accordingly, the described embodiments are to be considered in all respects as being illustrative and not restrictive, with the scope of the invention being indicated by the appended claims, rather than the foregoing detailed description, as indicating the scope of the invention as well as all modifications which may fall within a range of equivalency which are also intended to be embraced therein.
A quick release roller sleeve and mounting hub assembly is described for use with high speed roller machines. The assembly includes an outer flange plate that can be detached from the assembly in order for the roller sleeve to be dismounted and a new roller sleeve mounted as the existing roller sleeve becomes worn and needs to be replaced. The quick release permits the mounting hub and other parts of the assembly to remain in their aligned configuration and positions while only exchanging the roller sleeve portion of the assembly.
[0001] This Application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/435,840, filed on Jan. 25, 2011 under 35 U.S.C. §119(e), which application is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety. FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] The present disclosure relates generally to the field of manufacture of electronic devices. In particular, the present invention relates to the manufacture of integrated circuits containing low dielectric constant material. BACKGROUND [0003] As electronic devices become smaller, there is a continuing desire in the electronics industry to increase the circuit density in electronic components, e.g., integrated circuits, circuit boards, multichip modules, chip test devices, and the like without degrading electrical performance, e.g., crosstalk or capacitive coupling, known as RC delay, and also to increase the speed of signal propagation in these components. One method of accomplishing these goals is to reduce the dielectric constant of the interlayer insulating material used in the components that separate the signal carrier species. A method for reducing the dielectric constant of such interlayer insulating material is to incorporate within the insulating film very small, uniformly dispersed pores or voids. Since air and other gasses have the lowest dielectric constants, their incorporation significantly lowers the overall dielectric constant. Most materials are limited in the amount of air pockets they can contain and still maintain structural integrity. [0004] A variety of organic and inorganic dielectric materials are known in the art as insulating films in the manufacture of electronic devices, particularly integrated circuits. Suitable inorganic dielectric materials include silicon dioxide and organo polysilicas. Suitable organic dielectric materials include thermosets such as polyimides, polyarylene ethers, polyarylenes, polycyanurates, polybenzazoles, benzocyclobutenes and the like. [0005] Methods of providing porous dielectrics have focused on incorporating particles into the dielectric which are later removed using heat processes. In general, porous dielectric materials are prepared by first incorporating a removable particles into a B-staged dielectric material, disposing the B-staged dielectric material containing the removable particle onto a substrate, curing the B-staged dielectric material and then removing the particle to form pores in the dielectric material. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 5,895,263 (Carter et al.) discloses a process for forming an integrated circuit containing porous organo polysilica dielectric material. U.S. Pat. No. 6,093,636 (Carter et al.) discloses a process for forming an integrated circuit containing porous thermoset dielectric material. Gallagher in U.S. Pat. No 6,596,467B2 also describes the use of pore generating materials in dielectrics. In each of these patents, the amount of pores that can be created is limited due in part to the amount of heat needed to depolymerize the particles while maintaining the strength and integrity of the composition. Because there is a limit as to how much of the dielectric can contain pores, the value of the dielectric can not reach below about 2 without compromising the dielectric layer. Also, in the Carter patents, the process described requires the step of forming the porous dielectric material prior to any subsequent processing steps, while in the Gallagher patent the dielectric is fully or partially covered with metal or other materials hindering the removal of the by-products of the depolymerized particles. There is thus a need for processes for manufacturing electronic devices including porous dielectric materials that have dielectric constants below around 2.0 while maintaining the structure integrity of the material. SUMMARY OF THE DISCLOSURE [0006] It has been found that processes to provide polyimide aerogels as well as hybrid organic-inorganic aerogels are suitable for the manufacture of low k dielectric materials for use in electronic devices. [0007] In a first embodiment of the current application for patent is disclosed and claimed a method for producing a polyimide based low dielectric material suitable for an electronic device including the steps of disposing on a substrate a pre-sol composition including a polyamic acid pre-sol, a catalyst and a polar, aprotic solvent, curing the pre-sol composition to form a wet-gel matrix material, washing the wet-gel with a solvent to replace the polar, aprotic solvent, and removing the solvent using super critical carbon dioxide to provide an aerogel, wherein the dielectric constant of the polyimide aerogel is between about 1.1 and about 2.0. [0008] In a second embodiment of the current application for patent is disclosed and claimed is the method of the above embodiment further including the step of flash exposing either the wet-gel or the aerogel to one or more polar, protic solvents or other anti-solvent to provide an increased density gradient at the surfaces of the aerogel, this step being applied prior to washing the wet-gel with a solvent to replace the polar, aprotic solvent. [0009] In a third embodiment of the current application for patent is disclosed and claimed is the method of the first embodiment, wherein the step of removing the solvent using super critical carbon dioxide is accompanied by pressure cycling in a drying vessel used in the removal process to provide an increase density gradient at the surfaces of the aerogel. [0010] In a fourth embodiment of the current application for patent is disclosed and claimed are methods of the above embodiments wherein the surfaces of the aerogel are capped with non-porous dielectric materials deposited using at least one of chemical vapor deposition, atomic layer deposition, physical layer deposition, or spin-on materials, wherein the spin-on materials are at least on of glasses, siloxanes, silsesquioxanes, polyimides, poly(aryl esters), polycarbonates, poly(arylene ethers), polyaromaic hydrocarbons, poly(perfluorinated hydrocarbons, polycyanurates, polybenzoxazoles, parylenes, polycycloolefins or benzocyclobutenes, annealing the surfaces of the aerogels by treatment with an annealing plasma, or providing a seed layer for metallization. [0011] In a fifth embodiment of the current application for patent is disclosed and claimed are methods of the above embodiments wherein the substrate comprises predefined patterns into which the pre-sol compositions are applied and includes the step of removing the material which pre-defined the patterns after the aerogel is obtained providing an aerogel pattern. [0012] In a sixth embodiment of the current application for patent is disclosed and claimed are methods of the above embodiments wherein the pre-sol composition is a hybrid pre-sol including at least one tetraalkoxysilane which may optionally be partially hydrolyzed at least one bis-trialkoxysilane diimide, a selected amount of water, and a gelation catalyst, or the hybrid pre-sol may be admixed with the polyamic acid pre-sol. [0013] In a seventh embodiment of the current application for patent is disclosed and claimed are methods of the above embodiments in which the aerogel obtained from each process is patterned using standard lithographic and etching techniques. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0014] FIG. 1 shows a synthetic scheme for preparing a polyimide. [0015] FIG. 2 shows the relationship between aerogel density and dielectric constant. [0016] FIG. 3 shows the relationship between aerogel density and compressive strength comparing polyimide aerogels to silica aerogels. [0017] FIG. 4 shows scanning electron microscope images of a silica aerogel and a polyimide aerogel prepared by the methods of the current disclosure. [0018] FIG. 5 is a cross section of an electronic device showing the dielectric aerogels of the current disclosure. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0019] As used herein, the conjunction “and” is intended to be inclusive and the conjunction “or” is not intended to be exclusive unless otherwise indicated. For example, the phrase “or, alternatively” is intended to be exclusive. [0020] Aerogels are a class of materials formed by removing a mobile interstitial solvent phase from the pores of a gel structure supported by an open-celled polymeric material at a temperature and pressure above the solvent critical point. By keeping the solvent phase above the critical pressure and temperature during the entire solvent extraction process, strong capillary forces generated by liquid evaporation from very small pores that cause shrinkage and pore collapse are not realized. Aerogels typically have low bulk densities, (about 0.15 g/cc or less, preferably about 0.03 to 0.3 g/cc), very high surface areas, (generally from about 400 to 1,000 m 2 /g and higher, preferably about 700 to 1000 m 2 /g), high porosity, (about 95% and greater, preferably greater than about 97%), and relatively large pore volume (more than about 3.8 mL/g, preferably about 3.9 mL/g and higher). The combination of these properties in an amorphous structure gives the lowest thermal conductivity values (9 to 16 mW/m·K at 37° C. and 1 atmosphere of pressure) for any coherent solid material. [0021] One of the most attractive properties of aerogels is their low dielectric constant. Aerogels, for example, have the lowest dielectric constant (k) for a solid, near that of air, 1.0. Additionally, aerogels have exceptionally high dielectric resistivity and strength; they can insulate very high voltages and have low dielectric loss at microwave frequencies. Aerogels have been explored as next generation materials for energy storage, low power consumption, and high-speed electronics. Silica-based aerogels have dominated research for electronic applications. Standard sol-gel chemistry plus a benign drying process yield aerogels with a solid structured network of particles and pores fractions of the wavelength of visible light. The governing features of an aerogel's dielectric properties are primarily the large volume fraction of trapped gas in the pores and the high concentration of adsorbed molecules on the very large internal surface area, most often physisorbed water molecules. [0022] In order to achieve ultra low-k (ULK) dielectrics (k<1.9), materials must be highly porous. Silica aerogels can be made with greater than 90% porosity, yielding dielectric constants less than 1.5. However, the high porosity that gives silica aerogels their remarkable dielectric properties yields a material with very poor mechanical strength, making them too fragile for practical processing technologies in chip manufacturing. [0023] It has surprisingly been found that a process for applying polyimide aerogel precursor compositions in electronic devices leads to polyimide aerogels, when further processed, with dielectric constants below about 2.0 while maintaining high structural integrity, determined by their high compression modulus. The process includes deposing on a substrate a pre-sol composition comprising a polyamic acid pre-sol, a catalyst and a polar, aprotic solvent. The composition may be disposed by any of a number of well known processes such as, for example, spin coating, curtain coating, slot coating, roller coating, inkjet coating, lithographic coating and dip coating. [0024] The composition to be coated is a polyimide pre-sol material. The polyimide pre-sol is a polyamic acid or a partially imidated form thereof, obtained by the admixture of a dianhydride and a diamine, which is also known as a B-stage material, as shown in FIG. 1 . [0025] The diamine starting material include, for example, 4,4′-diaminodiphenylether, 3,3′-dimethyl-4,4′-diaminodiphenylether, 3,3′-diethoxy-4,4′-diaminodiphenylether, p-phenylenediamine, 2,6diaminopyridine, 3,6-diaminopyridine, 2,5-diaminopyridine and 3,4-diaminopyridine, but others may also be used. More than one diamine may be used as starting materials in the disclosed process. [0026] The dianhydride starting materials include, for example, 3,3′,4,4′-biphenyItetracarboxylic dianhydride, 2,3,3′,4′-biphenyltetracarboxylic anhydride, 2,3,3′,4′- and 3,3′,4,4′-biphenyltetracarboxylic anhydride, 2,3,3′,4′- and 3,3′,4,4′-biphenyltetracarboxylic anhydride. pyromellitic acid, 3,3′,4,4′-benzophenonetetracarboxylic acid, 2,2-bis(3,4-dicarboxyphenyl)propane, bis(3,4-dicarboxyphenyl)sulfone, bis(3,4dicarboxyphenyl)ether, bis(3,4-dicarboxyphenyl)thioether. The starting materials for making B-staged polyamic acid is not limited only to dianhydrides but can include, for example, the free acids, their salts or their esters. More than one dianhydride, or derivative, may be used as starting materials in the disclosed process. [0027] Polar, aprotic solvents used in the preparation of the pre-sol composition, include, but not limited to, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP), pyridine, N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAC),N,N-dimethylformamide, and dimethylsulfoxide [0028] A catalyst is admixed with the pre-sol composition in order to complete the imidization process to provide the polymeric polyimide wet gel, wherein the solvent is still present. While heat may be used to obtain the polyimide, the current process provides for the retention of solvent in the gel to maintain pores. It has been found that heat high enough to imidize the polyamic acid will drive off the solvent and cause the pores to collapse. Typical catalysts known in the art to aid in the imidization process include, for example, amines, such as for example, pyridine and dehydrating agents such as, for example, acetic acid. The pre-sol coating is then cured at low temperature, between about room temperature and 60° C., for a period of time, between about 1 to about 24 hours, depending on the nature and amount of the catalyst used, to provide the polyimide wet-gel. [0029] The resulting gel material may be washed in a suitable solvent to replace the reaction solvent present in the wet-gel. Such solvents may be linear monohydric alcohols with 1 or more aliphatic carbon atoms, dihydric alcohols with 2 or more carbon atoms, branched alcohols, cyclic alcohols, alicyclic alcohols, aromatic alcohols, polyhydric alcohols, ethers, ketones, cyclic ethers or their derivative. This process may be followed by removal of the solvent using super critical CO 2 . Drying of the wet gel can be accomplished using a variety of methods to obtain the desired aerogel porosity and structure. Methods of drying gels to obtain aerogels or xerogels are well known in the art. U.S. Pat. No. 5,275, 796 and 5,395,805 describe supercritical drying to produce silica aerogels. U.S. Pat. No. 6,670,402 teaches drying via rapid solvent exchange of solvent inside wet gels using supercritical CO 2 by injecting supercritical, rather than liquid, CO 2 into an extractor that has been pre-heated and pre-pressurized to substantially supercritical conditions or above to produce aerogels. U.S. Pat. No. 5,962,539 describes a process for obtaining an aerogel from a polymeric material that is in the form a sol-gel in an organic solvent, by exchanging the organic solvent for a fluid having a critical temperature below a temperature of polymer decomposition, and supercritically drying the fluid/sol-gel. U.S. Pat. No. 6,315,971 discloses processes for producing gel compositions comprising: drying a wet gel comprising gel solids and a drying agent to remove the drying agent under drying conditions sufficient to minimize shrinkage of the gel during drying. [0030] One example of drying the wet-gel/wet-film of the current disclosure uses supercritical conditions of CO 2 including for example, first substantially exchanging the solvent present in the porosity of the gels by liquid CO 2 and in the second step heating the autoclave (in which the wet gel or the substrate coated with the wet-gel is placed) beyond the critical temperature of CO 2 which is 31.06° C. and increasing the pressure to a pressure greater than about 1070 psig. In an alternative way, the drying of aerogels is carried out directly by heating the autoclave beyond the critical temperature of CO 2 . The system is kept at these conditions for at least an hour while a continuous flow of CO 2 at the above described conditions is maintained to ensure that essentially all the solvent have been removed from the gel. After that, the autoclave is depressurized slowly to atmospheric pressure. [0031] In another example of the drying process the wet-gel is not processed through the solvent washing step but is exposed to the super critical CO 2 process containing a small percentage of a solvent, or solvents, that are reasonably miscible with super critical CO 2 such as those that can be used in the washing step listed above, in an amount, for example, between 1 and 10% of the CO 2 . Generally polar protic/aprotic solvents are suitable for this purpose. [0032] In some embodiments of the current disclosure both the washing step and the critical CO 2 containing solvent steps are used while in some other embodiments, the washing step can be avoided. [0033] The resulting materials are called aerogels and have densities between 0.05 and 0.40 g/cc. As shown on FIG. 2 , the density of the aerogel is in essentially direct proportion to the dielectric constant. The polyimides of the current invention also have high mechanical strength as shown in FIG. 3 . For example, the polyimide aerogel with a density of 0.30 g/cc has a dielectric constant of approximately 1.4 with and a compression modulus of approximately 15,000 psi. In certain embodiments of the present invention, polyimide aerogels with varying compression modulus from 5000 psi to 25000 psi are employed. The silica aerogel of similar density and dielectric constant has a compression modulus of only approximately 1000 psi. Thus it can be seen that the process to provide low-k dielectric polyimide aerogels results in materials that can be used in electronic devices as well as in the processes used to make the electronic devices. FIG. 4 shows the surface of a polyimide aerogel prepared by the currently disclosed methods, shown in comparison to a silica aerogel prepared by standard techniques for their preparation. [0034] In many electronic devices dielectrics are used to insulate various signal carrying materials and components. In many of the processes the dielectrics are exposed to various plating processes such as chemical vapor deposition of conductive materials which are later processed into signal carrying lines and interconnections. It may thus be desirable to provide a barrier layer to prevent materials from infiltrating the pores of the dielectric aerogel and thus compromise a portion of its dielectric strength. The current disclosure provides for a number of methods of provide such a barrier. The term “capping” is used herein to describe the process of providing such barrier. [0035] In another embodiment, surface of the polyimide aerogel film facing away from the substrate may be treated to make it denser. Polyimide aerogel thin films are treated with predetermined quantities of one or more suitable solvents in liquid or vapor form to modify the surface sufficient enough to substantially seal the surface pores of the film. The duration, temperature, pressure and direction of such solvent exposure/treatment may be varied to control the amount of surface sealing required to substantially maintain the effective dielectric constant of the whole system. Solvents suitable for the surface densification process are linear monohydric alcohols with 7 or more aliphatic carbon atoms, dihydric alcohols with 7 or more carbon atoms, branched alcohols, cyclic alcohols, alicyclic alcohols, aromatic alcohols and other high-boiling point alcohols as well as polyhydric alcohols, ethers, cyclic ethers or their derivative [0036] In another embodiment, surface densification is achieved during super critical CO 2 drying. During that process the pressure of the drying vessel is cycled, to induce localized stresses on the pores of a gel, thereby creating a gradient in density across the thickness direction. For example, during the super critical drying described above the pressure can be cycled between 100 psi and 1070 psi a pre-determined number of times. Alternatively, ultrasonic or similar energy sources may be used in the drying process to achieve a local pressure cycling at the surface of the polyimide aerogel thin films. [0037] Other methods are disclosed to “cap” the dielectric polyimide aerogel. The term “cap” used herein refers to a barrier layer which retards materials from subsequent processes from seeping into the porous dielectric to the extent that the dielectric constant is retained to about 75% or more of the original dielectric constant. These include traditional capping processes such as chemical vapor deposition (CVD), atomic layer deposition (ALD), physical vapor deposition and spin-on organics or inorganics. The spin-on materials are glasses, siloxanes, silsesquioxanes, polyimides, poly(aryl esters), polycarbonates, poly(arylene ethers), polyimides, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, poly(perfluorinated hydrocarbons, polybenzoxazoles, parylenes, polycycloolefins, benzocyclobutenes, or combinations thereof. The capping materials applied by the vapor deposition and atomic layer deposition include metal oxides such as, for example Al 2 O 3 , TiO 2 , SnO 2 , ZnO, HfO 2 as well as other oxides, metal nitrides, such as InN, TaN, WN, NbN or their carbides, metal sulfides, such as for example, ZnS or metals, such as Ru, Ir, or Pt. These examples are non-restrictive as other material known in the art can be applied in the similar manner as described above. [0038] Also disclosed are methods wherein the surfaces of the dielectric polyimide aerogel may also be sealed by sintering processes such as, for example, treatment with plasma to for a shell-like barrier. The surface of the aerogel film away from the substrate is treated with laser radiation to seal the surface, such as, for example, an infrared laser that melts the surface of the film causing it to self-seal the pores on the surface of the film. [0039] A further method for capping is disclosed wherein a seed layer is placed on the surfaces of the polyimide aerogel film away from the substrate. This seed layer provides metallization or nucleation sites on the surface. The polyimide aerogel film is then placed in a metallization bath and a metal coating over the pores is achieved, thus providing a barrier. [0040] The disclosed capping methods may be applied to the dielectric polyimide aerogel after drying with super critical CO 2 or after the surface has been densified, as disclosed above. [0041] The polyimide aerogel materials of the several embodiments of the present invention are in the form of films with thicknesses ranging from 10 nm to 100,000 nm. Thickness may be controlled by the amount of pre-sol composition dispensed on to the substrate. [0042] The pre-sol composition may be applied to a surface such as a silicon wafer which may or may not contain other layers, a dielectric surface, a glass surface and the like. The pre-sol can then be processed to form the dielectric polyimide aerogel. The aerogel may then be patterned using standard patterning techniques such as, for example, patterning a photoresist followed by removal of the polyimide aerogel. Other techniques include applying an etch stop, followed by photoresist patterning, etching the polyimide and optionally removing the etch stop. The aerogel may be capped or densified at any of the stages of the described processes. [0043] The pre-sol composition may further be applied to substrates such as structures, or patterned surfaces. For example, the pre-sol composition is applied into spaces, trenches, holes and the like, provided by a photoresist pattern. The pre-sol is gelled and the photoresist is removed to leave behind a pattern of polyimide aerogel structures. These structures can be subsequently capped as described above. Thus obtained article may be exposed to all typical processes in the manufacture of electronic devices or semiconductor fabrication. [0044] The pre-sol composition may be composed of a hybrid pre-sol, containing at least one tetraalkoxysilane which may optionally be partially hydrolyzed, at least one bis-trialkoxysilane diimide, a selected amount of water, and a gelation catalyst, in which case the provided aerogel is a dielectric hybrid aerogel containing siloxane moieties with imide cross-links. The composition could be a blend of both the hybrid pre-sol and the polyamic acid pre-sol, in which case the dielectric aerogel is a combination of polyimide and hybrid aerogel structure. The hybrid aerogel compositions useful in this embodiment include the ones disclosed in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/299,677 filed on Nov. 18, 2011 which is incorporated by reference herein. [0045] Although the present invention has been shown and described with reference to particular examples, various changes and modifications which are obvious to persons skilled in the art to which the invention pertains are deemed to lie within the scope and contemplation of the subject matter set forth in the appended claims. [0046] Referring to FIG. 5 , a substrate 10 is coated with a pre-sol composition 12 in FIG. 5 a . The pre-sol composition is processed to form polyimide aerogel film 14 on substrate 10 in FIG. 5 b . Pattern 16 in FIG. 5 c are provided using lithographic techniques involving photoresists followed by etching of the exposed polyimide aerogel and removal of the photoresist. The aerogels are shown “capped” 18 in FIG. 5 d followed by the incorporation of signal line 20 in FIG. 5 e . Often the metallization process results in completely plating the whole surface as shown in FIG. 5 f . In order to remove the excess copper a process called chemical mechanical polishing is used. This requires that the materials subjected to this process maintain structure stability in order to withstand the polishing process. FIG. 6 shows a series of stacks using the methods of the current disclosure including the versatility of burying a signal line 22 .
Materials and methods for manufacturing electronic devices and semiconductor components using low dielectric materials comprising polyimide based aerogels are described. Additional methods for manipulating the properties of the dielectric materials and affecting the overall dielectric property of the system are also provided.
RELATED APPLICATION [0001] This application claims the priority benefit of European Patent Application 12164694.7 filed on Apr. 19, 2012, the entirety of which is incorporated by reference in its entirety. TECHNICAL FIELD [0002] The present disclosure relates to a method for drying clothes in a household dryer having a drying chamber, at least a temperature sensor for monitoring the temperature of the exhaust air and a closed loop control system for maintaining the drying temperature close to a set point temperature. BACKGROUND [0003] With the term “exhaust air” we mean the air flowing from the drying chamber, i.e. in the proximity of the air outlet from such chamber. With the term “drying temperature” we mean the reference temperature for controlling the drying process, including the control of the heating element used for heating air entering the drying chamber. [0004] A common practice is to control a tumble dryer heating element by feeding back the exhaust air temperature. The drum output temperature is usually a good approximation of the actual clothes temperature, therefore it is kept under control to avoid an excessive heating of clothes which could damage them. [0005] The feedback is usually made through hysteresis control, i.e. the heater is switched on when the feedback temperature is below a first predefined threshold and switched on when it is above a second predefined threshold. In this way the hysteresis control shows low performance when the temperature of the heater is around the upper temperature limit and it may cause undesired oscillation of the clothes temperature. [0006] Another more advanced way to control the heater is through a PI (proportional-integral) control and PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) control. [0007] In the attached FIG. 1 classic control of a domestic tumble dryer is shown where the input of the control algorithm is the difference between the drum output temperature set point and its current value. The algorithm may be a simple hysteresis control or a PI control, where the output directly manages the heater actuation. [0008] The exhaust temperature set point is fixed and for this reason the control performances are strongly dependent on the working operation conditions. Hence the time/energy performances depend on the mass of the clothes inside the dryer, the water retained by the load, the venting condition and the environment condition. SUMMARY [0009] An object of the present disclosure is to provide a control method which overcomes the above drawbacks and which can provide shorter drying cycles and energy savings. [0010] Such objects are reached according to methods and dryers having the features listed in the appended claims. [0011] According to the disclosure, an adaptive temperature control selects the set point around the optimum value in terms of energy consumption, drying time and fabric care avoiding at the same time a wide temperature swinging and clothes temperature rising close to the end of the cycle is described. [0012] According to a first embodiment, when a certain time has elapsed from the cycle start, the set point temperature value is set substantially equal to the current drum exhaust temperature. The time threshold may be a constant or a linear combination of other variables such as drying cycle selected by the user, the load mass and the environment temperature. [0013] According to a second embodiment, when exhaust temperature derivative goes below a certain threshold, the set point temperature value is set substantially equal to the current drum exhaust temperature. During the drying cycle, after a first warm up phase where sensible heat is principally transferred to the load with a low evaporation coefficient, in the steady state phase the evaporation starts to be important and at the same time the quantity of sensible heat transferred to the load decreases due to its temperature increasing. Therefore the exhaust temperature derivative is a good estimator of when the steady state condition is reached. [0014] According to a third embodiment, the optimum temperature set point may be also computed making use of the information given by a simplified thermodynamic model of the dryer system. The model may have several input signals and use output values to establish the optimum temperature set point. The input signals to the dryer model can be air temperatures, air humidity and status of the dryer components, such as heating element. The output values used for calculating the optimum set point may be airflow rate, load mass and the residual moisture content of load. Knowing these parameters the set point that optimizes the drying cycle in that predicted condition is then estimated. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES [0015] Further advantages and features of the present disclosure will become clear from the following detailed description, with reference to the attached drawings in which: [0016] FIG. 1 is a block diagram showing a prior-art way of controlling the drum output temperature of a clothes tumble dryer; [0017] FIG. 2 is a schematic view of an air-vented dryer in which a method according to the disclosure is implemented; [0018] FIG. 3 is a diagram showing how a method according to a first embodiment is carried out; [0019] FIG. 4 is a diagram showing how a method according to a second embodiment is carried out; [0020] FIG. 5 is a block diagram showing an adaptive temperature control architecture used in a third embodiment; and [0021] FIG. 6 is a diagram showing how a method according to the third embodiment is carried out. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0022] With reference to the drawings, and particularly to FIG. 2 , a tumble dryer D comprises a rotating drum 1 actuated by an electric motor 6 containing a certain amount of articles, a screen 2 that collects the lint detaching from the tumbling clothes, an air channel 3 that conveys the air to a vent 7 , a heating element 4 that heats the air going into the drum D (resistance, heat pump, etc. . . . ), a temperature sensor 5 a that measures the temperature of the drum exhaust air and a temperature sensor 5 b measuring the temperature of the heating circuit, i.e. downstream from the heating element 4 . All the sensors and components of the dryer D are connected to a central control unit (not shown) which receives signals from the sensors and drives components according to different drying programs selected by the user and stored therein. [0023] The disclosure is mainly focused on methods to adapt the temperature set point close to the optimum value in terms of energy consumption, drying time and fabric care avoiding wide temperature swings and temperature rising close to the end of the cycle. [0024] The adaptive temperature control chooses the optimum set point according to the value of the exhaust drum temperatures when the system reach the steady state condition, which may be evaluated in different ways. [0025] According to a first embodiment and with reference to FIG. 3 , when a certain time threshold t thr from the cycle start is reached, the set point value ST is set equal to the current drum exhaust temperature E. In FIG. 3 , the inlet drum temperature K is also shown. [0026] The time threshold may be a constant predetermined value or a linear combination of other variables such as the type of drying cycle selected by the user, the load mass and the environment temperature, as in the following formula: [0000] t thr =a+b 1 ·cycle+ b 2 ·mass+ b 3 ·T amb [0027] In the above formula, for an air vented dryer modified according to the present disclosure, the following are example constant values: [0028] a=150 [0029] b 1 =1 [0030] b 2 =100 [0031] b 3 =−2 [0000] with the following parameters of the drying cycle: [0032] cycle=0 [0033] mass=4 (kg) [0034] T amb =25(° C.) [0000] Similar constants may be found for a different platform (e.g., a condenser dryer, a heat pump dryer, a hybrid heat pump, etc.), [0035] According to a second embodiment shown in FIG. 4 , when an exhaust temperature derivative ED goes below a certain threshold, the set point temperature value ST is set equal or close to the current drum exhaust temperature E. As shown in FIG. 4 , after a first warm up phase where sensible heat is principally transferred to the load with a low evaporation coefficient, in the subsequent steady state phase the evaporation starts to be important and at the same time the quantity of sensible heat transferred to the load decreases hence its temperature increases. Therefore the exhaust temperature derivative ED is a good estimator of the steady state condition. In FIG. 4 the same references of FIG. 3 are used, i.e. K for inlet drum temperature, ST for set temperature value, E for the exhaust temperature. In FIG. 4 the reference F indicates the flag for the steady state. [0036] FIG. 4 illustrates a test carried out on an air vented dryer modified according to the present disclosure; similar results may be obtained with a different platform (e.g., a condenser dryer, a heat pump dryer, a hybrid heat pump, etc.), in which the exhaust derivative is computed as: [0000] T . exh = T exh  ( t - 1 ) - T exh  ( t ) clock  ( t - 1 ) - clock  ( t ) [0000] The quantity {dot over (T)} exh is then filtered with an IIR filter initialized at 100° C./s, obtaining {dot over (T)} exh — filt . When the value of {dot over (T)} exh — filt is less than 0.2° C./s the exhaust set point value ST is adapted from the initial value to the actual exhaust temperature E rounded at the closest integer, in the example from 60° C. to 51° C. [0037] FIGS. 5 and 6 relate to a third embodiment in which the optimum set point is computed making use of the information given by a simplified model of the dryer system. The information can be respectively humidity, load conductivity or residual moisture content estimated (RMC). The temperature set point ST is placed equal to the exhaust temperature E when the chosen parameters go below a predetermined threshold. Further system information may provide boundaries in the set point selection such as airflow and/or load mass. [0038] In the methods described above, the choice of temperature set point ST is restricted to a range defined by lower and upper boundaries to avoid wrong estimation that may lead to extended cycle duration or fabric damage. [0039] In the example shown in FIGS. 5 and 6 , during the first part of the cycle the fabric load mass and the airflow of the system are estimated. According to those values, the minimum and maximum set point threshold are calculated by means of the following equation, rounded to the next integer value: [0000] Setpoint min =α*airflow+β*LoadMass+γ [0000] Setpoint max =Setpoint min +Δ [0000] where example constants are: [0040] α=−750 [0041] β=−0.5 [0042] γ=60 [0043] Δ=10 [0000] and the estimated variables are: [0044] airflow=0.0237 kg/s [0045] LoadMass=4.4662 kg [0046] Hence: [0047] Setpoint min =40° C. [0048] Setpoint max =50° C. [0000] Then the set point value ST is set equal to the exhaust temperature E when the estimated residual moisture content RMC goes below a predetermined value, according to the set point min max boundaries (respectively indicated with references M and L in FIG. 6 ). If in the time period before reaching this condition the exhaust temperature goes above the Setpoint max , Setpoint max is set as setpoint ST. [0049] FIG. 6 illustrates a test carried out on an air vented dryer modified according to the present disclosure, the chosen RMC threshold is equal to 40% of starting RMC and the set point goes from the initial default value of 55° C. to 42.43° C.; similar behavior may be obtained with a different platform (e.g., a condenser dryer, a heat pump dryer, a hybrid heat pump, etc.). [0050] The selection of the appropriate temperature set point ST is important and it is one of the drivers of energy consumption and fabric care. By selecting a low set point ST the cycle time is stretched out; on the other hand a high set point ST may be not reached or reached just at the end of the drying cycle, therefore over-heating the fabric when is almost dried. [0051] Without the adaptive temperature set point according to this disclosure, there can be the selection of the wrong set point which causes an increase of the drum exhaust temperature E that means heat losses. [0052] Even though the methods and the dryers according to the present disclosure have been described with reference to an air-vented dryer, the same methods can be used also for heat-pump dryers and condenser dryers as well.
A method for drying clothes in a household dryer having a drying chamber, a temperature sensor for monitoring temperature an air exhaust temperature from the chamber, and a control system for maintaining a temperature in the drying chamber close to a set point temperature by selecting the set point temperature on the basis of at least said based on the air exhaust temperature.
This is a division of U.S. patent Ser. No. 07/629,236, filed Dec. 18, 1990 now U.S. Pat. No. 5,140,125 issued Aug. 18, 1992. FIELD OF THE INVENTION The invention relates to a method for the manufacture of a wire-electrode for spark-erosive cutting. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION During the spark-erosive cutting of conducting materials the effect is utilized that between the electrode and the material to be cut exists a voltage potential leading to sparkovers which are used for the purpose of removing the material area to be cut. Such methods are known from the stare of the art. Since according to the common principles of spark-erosive cutting a potential must be applied to the workpiece, problems result, because of the basic principle, with workpieces which are not electrically conductive. DE-PS 26 37 432 describes a method and an apparatus for cutting nonconducting or poorly conducting workpieces, for example diamonds. Two wire electrodes which are parallel to one another are hereby utilized. These are designed plate-shaped and their spacing is chosen such that a sparkover between the two electrodes occurs. The spark length is thereby controlled such that the nonconducting or poorly conducting material, which is to be cut, is eroded. This operation has the decisive advantage that a very exact guiding of the two electrodes is needed. This is particularly disadvantageous in view of the fact that the electrodes are designed as wire electrodes and must at all times be guided. Another disadvantage of this operation is that the available erosion path is only very short, since the sparkover occurs only between the two wire electrodes. If for structural reasons a wider cutting width or rather a greater spacing between the two electrodes is necessary, very high voltages must be applied in order to achieve the desired effect. Another possibility for a solution to the basic problem, which solution is for example known from DE-PS 24 04 857, is to form a surface-active substance in the dielectric solution through a suitable preparation of the electrolytic solution, which dielectric solution results in a certain conductivity of the respective surface area and is supposed to effect a sparkover from the electrode to the nonconducting or poorly conducting workpiece. This operation requires a considerable effort in the preparation or the monitoring of the electrolytic solution and is thus not suited for many industrial uses. The basic purpose of the invention is to provide a method for the manufacture of a wire-electrode for spark-erosive cutting which with a simple design and a simple application facilitates a spark-erosive cutting of non-conducting materials. Regarding the method, the basic purpose is attained by an insulated wire forming the first electrode being profiled in a first embodiment, by the second electrode being introduced in the form of an insulated wire into the coil or helix during the coiling operation of the profiled wire, and by areas of the insulating layer of the second electrode being removed during a subsequent passage through a wire shaving nozzle. Thus, it is for example possible to utilize the insulated wire material in the form of an enameled wire of copper, Ne-metal alloys, iron and steel or other conductive material. The electrode wire is profiled for example by rolling or drawing with the enameled layer not being damaged when conventional methods are used. One or two additional bare noninsulated wires are also introduced into the twist or helix during the twisting operation in dependency of the desired development of the electrode. The enameled layer on the outer contact or rather spark-discharge surface of the first electrode is again removed by means of the shaving nozzle so that a spark transfer between the individual electrodes is made possible. It is to be understood that the number of the individual wire electrodes both in this exemplary embodiment and also in the other exemplary embodiments can be chosen as desired in order to produce the desired spark lengths. A further, preferred method development provides that several wires, of which at least one is insulated, are guided through a twisting or helical path, and that by means of a wire shaving nozzle the insulating layer is removed on the outer area of the wire electrodes. A central insulator is formed during this operation, which insulator consists of the two insulating layers of the individual insulated wires, which insulating layers rest on one another It is thereby possible to use in a particularly economical manner enameled wires of a normal copper wire or corresponding wire. The design of the wire shaving nozzle makes it possible to remove the insulation or the enameled layer at specific peripheral areas of the wire electrode in order to create the desired discharge zones. In order to improve the engagement characteristic of the wire electrode with the corresponding sliding electrode and in order to safely guide the wire electrode, it can be advantageous that the wires are profiled before or after the twisting. Thus, it is for example possible to use segment wire or semicircular wires or to provide the wire with a prismatic cross section. As an alternate to the last described operation, it is also possible to construct the wires as semicircular wires with at least one of the wires being insulated or rather enameled. It is thereby possibly advantageous to glue the two wires together, for example during an enameling method during a simultaneous heating up of the wires. In a modification of the method, it can be advantageous when an insulated wire is twisted and a soft material with a low melting point is thereafter introduced into the helix formed by the twist. The respective outer surface of the wire electrode can have its insulation removed also by a wire shaving nozzle. The insulated wire can be for example a profiled wire having a temperature-resistant lacquer, plastic, Teflon or non-conducting aluminum oxide. The metal introduced into the helix can consist for example of lead, tin, zinc or corresponding alloys or can be produced through a suitable application method, as for example hot-tin plating and zinc plating or others. Thus, the invention creates the possibility of eroding nonconducting materials, in particular ceramics. Of course, the man skilled in the art knows that the wire electrode of the invention can be designed of two or more individual wire-shaped electrodes. Furthermore, it is possible to design the wire electrode as a continuous electrode or as a laced electrode. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The invention will be described hereinafter in connection with exemplary embodiments and the drawings, in which: FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration of the spark-erosive cutting arrangement; FIG. 2 is a schematic, perspective view of a first exemplary embodiment of the arrangement of the invention; FIG. 2A is a cross-sectional view of the wire shown in FIG. 2; FIG. 3 is an enlarged illustration of the sliding contacts used in the arrangement according to FIG. 2; FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view of an exemplary embodiment of the wire electrode of the invention with a central electrode; FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of an exemplary embodiment of the wire electrode of the invention illustrating the sliding contacts, with a central insulating member; and FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional view of a further modified development of the wire electrode of the invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION FIG. 1 shows a schematic illustration of the spark-erosion arrangement of the invention. It includes a workpiece 7 made of a nonconducting material and which has a cutting groove 8 therein. The entire arrangement is in the usual manner, at least in the spark-erosion area, arranged in a dielectric, as this is known from the state of the art. A wire electrode 3 is guided through the workpiece 7, which wire electrode 3 is guided in a manner not illustrated from a storage spool onto a wind-up spool. FIG. 1 shows of the entire wire guide system only the guide rollers 9. Sliding contacts 4, 5 are provided in front of or rather after the workpiece 7 in the arrangement according to FIG. 1, by means of which sliding contacts the wire electrode 3, which will be described hereinafter, is to be connected to a plus potential or, and in the alternative, a minus potential. The sliding contacts 4 are used to provide the connection to the plus potential, while the sliding contacts 5 are used to provide the connection to the minus potential. FIG. 2 shows an enlarged perspective illustration of a workpiece 7, partly in cross section, which is being cut by means of the wire electrode 3. FIG. 2A shows a cross section of the illustrated exemplary embodiment of the wire electrode 3. The design of the wire electrode will be discussed in detail hereinafter in connection with FIG. 4. The wire electrode includes a first electrode 1, which is centrally arranged. Second electrodes 2 are each provided on the two flanks of the electrode. The second electrodes 2 are insulated from the first electrode 1 by means of an insulating layer 10. The entire wire electrode 3 has a substantially circular cross section and is designed such that the insulating layer 10 of the second electrode 2 is removed on the outer peripheral area. A spark length can in this manner be created from the second electrode 2 to the bare, not insulated first electrode 1. FIG. 3 is an enlarged illustration of the design and of the arrangement of the wire electrode 3. According to the invention, the possibility exists to use different materials for the first and the second electrode, which materials can be adapted with respect to their electrical characteristics, their wear resistancy and other values in an optimal manner to the requirements. To transmit the electrical potential, the exemplary embodiment of the wire electrode shown in FIGS. 2-4 illustrates an annular sliding contact 4, 5 enclosing the wire electrode 3 and having diametrically opposing, inwardly extending legs 11 adapted to the profiling of the wire electrode 3 and dimensioned such that they engage the first or rather the second electrode 1, 2. The sliding contact 4 illustrated in the upper area of FIG. 3 is used for the application of a plus potential, while the lower sliding contact 5 applies a minus potential. As indicated by the arrows in FIG. 2, the sliding contacts 4, 5 rotate in order to maintain during a longitudinal movement of the coiled or helical wire electrode 3 a contact with the respective electrode 1 or 2. To adapt the rotary movement of the sliding contact 4, 5, it is possible to profile the respective electrode or rather the sliding contact in order to assure a power transmission, as this is shown in the exemplary embodiments of FIGS. 5 and 6. FIGS. 5 and 6 each show exemplary embodiments of the wire electrode of the invention, in which a central insulator 6 is provided which electrically insulates the first electrode 1 from the second electrode 2. The two electrodes 1, 2 each have a profiled design, with the electrode of the exemplary embodiment of FIG. 5 having a prismatic or triangular cross section, while the electrode 1, 2 according to the exemplary embodiment of FIG. 6 having a semicircular cross section with a groove 12 in its apex. The groove 12 serves to facilitate the form-closed engagement with a correspondingly profiled sliding contact (not illustrated). The exemplary embodiment according to FIG. 5 shows a cross-sectional illustration of the sliding contacts 4, 5. The sliding contacts 4, 5 are designed angularly and enclose the outer surface of the electrode 1 or 2. It is to be understood that the sliding contacts 4, 5 illustrated in FIG. 5 form only a portion of the annular design, as it is shown in FIG. 3. The invention is not to be limited to the illustrated exemplary embodiments. Rather many possibilities for modifications within the scope of the invention exist for the man skilled in the art.
A wire-electrode arrangement for effecting a spark-erosive cutting and a method for the manufacture of a wire electrode. In order to be able to cut non-conductive materials, a plus potential and also a minus potential can be applied to the electrode, since the wire electrode is formed by a first and a second electrode, which are insulated from one another and which extend substantially parallel to one another.
This application claims the benefit of provisional application 60/054,794 filed Aug. 5, 1997. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to an emergency exit system and in particular to an emergency exit system for use on a helicopter or other aircraft. Vehicle accidents occurring in water have a lower survival rate than accidents occurring on land. In water accidents, the vehicles usually sink very rapidly, either in an upright or inverted position. Underwater conditions are drastically different from land based conditions. Visibility is reduced—the majority of people can see only 1.5 meters underwater and 3.1 meters in the best lit conditions. Survivors of a crash or forced landing must depend on their breath-holding ability to make a successful escape. Generally, a person's breath-holding ability is reduced 25-50% in water under 15° C. Maximum breath-holding time can be as short as 10 seconds. Survivors are often disoriented due to the sudden immersion in water, loss of gravitational references, poor depth perception, nasal inhalation of water and darkness. Disorientation is magnified when the vehicle is inverted. Under the latter condition, finding a handle to jettison an escape door or window, which is a simple procedure to execute in an upright position on dry land, can be a most challenging task even if the handle is only a few centimeters away from the survivor's hand. Usually handles for open escape doors or windows are small, and are positioned between knee and chest level. The various positions would not be obvious to the survivor unless he or she is familiar with the particular escape system Most existing mechanisms are adapted to remove an entire door or window, including the frame, requiring a complicated jettison mechanism, which is not always dependable. Moreover, existing systems do not provide feedback to indicate that the door, window or hatch as been successfully jettisoned. GB-A-761 627 and U.S. Pat. No. 3,851,845 disclose systems for the jettisoning of aircraft canopies or doors which are inappropriate for use in a door or window release. The U.S. reference teaches the use of lever or a lever and a handle combination for releasing a door. When submerged in water such a system could be difficult to operate, particularly when it is necessary to operate a handle and a separate lever to effect release of the door. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The object of the present invention is to provide an emergency exit system of the type which includes a plurality of actuators adapted'to operate independently of one another to effect release of a window or door panel to provide an escape exit. Accordingly, the present invention relates to an emergency exit system including a frame for mounting in a vehicle, said frame having an opening for closing by a panel, a plurality of spaced apart latch means for releasably latching said panel in the frame; release means for simultaneously releasing all of said latch means; and principal actuation means located at a plurality of locations around the periphery of said frame for actuating said release means when any of said actuation means is actuated, characterised by cable means forming part of said release means and extending around a substantial portion of said frame to interconnect the release means associated with each said latch means. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The invention is described below in greater detail with reference to the accompanying drawings, which illustrate preferred embodiments of the invention, and wherein: FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a window emergency exit system in accordance with the invention; FIGS. 2 and 3 are front elevation views of the interior of the exit system of FIG. 1 with parts removed and showing the plungers in the panel latching and panel release positions, respectively; FIG. 4 is a isometric view of portions of actuation and release mechanisms used in the exit system of FIG. 1; FIG. 5 is a schematic, partly a sectioned view taken along line 5 — 5 of FIG. 1; FIG. 6 is an elevation view of the interior of the exit system of FIG. 1 with parts removed; FIG. 7 is a front elevation view of the interior of a door emergency exit system; FIG. 8 is a front elevation view of the door exit system of FIG. 7 with parts removed; FIG. 9 is a schematic, cross section taken generally along line, 9 — 9 of FIG. 7; FIG. 10A is a front view of a hinge assembly used in the exit system of FIG. 7; and FIG. 10B is a front view of a plate and a section of cable for releasably retaining the hinge assembly of FIG. 1 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Referring to FIGS. 1 to 3 , one embodiment of the emergency exit system, which is generally indicated at 2 , is a window for mounting in the fuselage of an aircraft such as a helicopter (not shown). However, the system may also be a door, a hatch or any other type of exit adapted for mounting in a closed body such as the body of a vehicle, e.g. a car, bus or truck, the fuselage of an airplane or a wall of a building. Generally, the emergency exit system 2 includes a rectangular frame 4 defining a central opening 6 , a closure panel 8 such as a metal sheet or window releaseably secured in the opening 6 by a plurality of latches 10 extending from the frame 4 ; a release mechanism 12 (FIGS. 2 and 3) in the frame 4 and an actuation mechanism on the inner side of the frame 4 including four bars 14 (FIG. 1 ), which are independently operable to simultaneously effect the release of all of the latches 10 to enable jettisoning of the closure panel 8 to provide an emergency exit. The frame 4 includes interconnected exterior and interior panels 16 and 18 , respectively. The interior panel 18 is sufficiently thick to contain the actuation mechanism 12 (FIG. 2 or 3 ). Four closed compartments 20 extend from the corners of the inner panel 18 for receiving the bars 14 therebetween. The compartments 20 contain parts of the release mechanism 12 and an emergency lighting assembly 21 (FIG. 6 ), both of which are described in detail below. In contrast to prior art emergency exit systems, the exit system 2 of the present invention includes a plurality of actuation bars 14 . The bars 14 are mounted in obvious locations, i.e. they extend along the interior of the sides 22 and the top and bottom ends 23 and 24 , respectively of the frame 4 , so that they can be easily located and accessed, thus significantly improving the chances of escape and survival of trapped survivors. Each bar 14 includes an elongated cylindrical body 25 with a press fitted lever 26 at one end thereof. The bars 14 are individually connected to the release mechanism 12 in such a manner as to be independently operable. Actuation of any one of the bars 14 will simultaneously disengage all of the latches 10 to release the panel 8 from the frame 4 . This minimizes the number of operations and amount of energy required by the survivor to release the panel 8 . All of the energy of the operator will be applied to the release of the panel 8 rather than for actuation of the remaining bars 14 . Moreover, if one bar 14 malfunctions, another may be used to serve the same function. The panel 8 is jettisoned by pulling any one of the bars 14 towards the operator and away from the frame 4 . The bars 14 are rotatably mounted relative to the compartments 20 between first and second limit positions. In the first limit position, the panel 8 is secured in the opening 6 . In the second limit position, the panel 8 is released from the frame 4 . Each release mechanism 12 is connected to one end of each bar 14 . Referring to FIGS. 2 to 4 , rotation of one bar 14 is transmitted to its associated release mechanism 12 and then to the plurality of latches 10 to simultaneously retract each latch 10 inwardly into the frame 4 to release the panel 8 . The release mechanism 12 is switchable between a locked or latched position (FIG. 2) in which the latches 10 extend inwardly from the frame 4 and a release position (FIG. 3) in which the latches 10 are retracted into the frame 4 . Each release mechanism 12 is designed to translate rotational movement of the bar 14 and a lever 26 at one end of the bar into movement necessary to disengage the latches 10 . Referring to FIG. 4, each release mechanism 12 includes a helical gear or rack 28 mounted on a shaft 29 near one end thereof. The gear 28 is connected by a gear or pinion 30 and a shaft 31 to a lever 26 . Rotation of the lever 26 around the longitudinal axis of the shaft 31 results in a corresponding rotation of the shafts 29 and 31 . The shaft 29 is rotatably mounted in ball bearings (not shown) in arms 33 and 34 of a generally C-shaped bracket 35 . The shaft 31 is also mounted in the bracket 35 perpendicular to the shaft 29 . It will be appreciated that the bracket 35 and the shafts 29 and 31 are housed in the compartments 20 . The end of the shaft 29 extending through the arm 34 of the bracket 35 extends through an opening in the frame 4 and carries a pinion 40 . The pinion 40 meshes with a rack 42 for imparting longitudinal movement thereto when the pinion is rotated. The pinion 40 is retained on the shaft 29 by a key (not shown) and a nut 44 . A cable 45 extends through and is freely slidable in the rack 42 . The cable 45 extends around idler pulleys 47 located at the corners of the frame 4 . A conventional cable tensioner 48 (FIGS. 2 and 3) maintains the cable 45 under the desired tension. A stop 50 is fixedly mounted on the cable 45 for engaging one end of the rack 42 . When the rack 42 is moved in one direction (indicated by arrows A in FIG. 2 ), it pushes against the stop 50 to move the cable 45 in the same direction. Movement of the cable 45 causes rotation of a second lever 54 (FIG. 4) mounted in the frame for operating a latch 10 . The lever 54 includes a tapering body 56 with a generally U-shaped notch 57 in an outer end thereof for receiving a pin 59 attached to the cable 45 . Thus, movement of the cable 45 will cause rotation of the lever 54 , the inner end 60 of which is rotatably mounted in the frame 4 . Such inner end 60 of the lever 54 includes teeth defining a pinion for engaging a rack 62 slidably mounted in the frame 4 . The rack 62 forms part of the latch 10 . A pin 63 with a tapered outer end extends outwardly from the rack 62 for retaining the panel 8 in the frame 4 . When the pin 63 is retracted, the panel 8 is released for jettisoning. It is readily apparent that rotation of one lever 26 will cause movement of the cable 45 , and consequently simultaneous release of all of the latches 10 . Movement of the lever 26 and the cable 45 in the opposite direction will result in extension of the pin 63 to the latched or locking position (FIG. 4 ). In the locked position the pins 63 engage grooves or indentations 65 (FIG. 2) in the panel 8 . From FIGS. 2 and 3, it will be noted that a rack 42 and pinion 40 arrangement is associated with each bar 14 , so that rotation of any bar 14 results in the release of all of the latches 10 . Once the latches 10 have been release, the bars 14 are locked in the release position by a locking mechanism generally indicated at 68 in FIG. 5 . Each locking mechanism 68 includes a lever 69 (FIGS. 1 and 5) mounted on the end of each bar 14 opposite to the end carrying the lever 26 . The lever 69 is mounted on one end of a shaft 70 , which is rotatably mounted in one end 71 of the compartment 20 and in an L-shaped bracket 73 . An arm 74 is mounted on the inner end 75 of the shaft 70 for rotation therewith. The arm 74 is guided between the panel latched and release positions by a pin 77 extending inwardly from the bracket 73 into an arcuate slot 78 in the arm. The arm 74 and consequently the lever 69 are releasably retained in the panel latched position by a detent pin 80 , which extends into a shallow conical depression 81 in the bracket 73 . The pin 80 extends outwardly from a cylindrical barrel 81 mounted in the end of the arm 74 opposite to the end 75 receiving the shaft 70 . A helical spring 83 bears against the head 84 of the pin 80 for biasing the outer end thereof into the depression 81 . When the bar 14 is rotated from the panel latching position (shown in solid lines in FIG. 5) to the panel release position (shown in phantom outline in FIG. 5) the arm 74 is also rotated. The pin 80 escapes from the depression 81 and is rotated with the arm 74 to the panel release position in which the pin 80 encounters a hole 86 extending through the bracket 73 and the end 71 of the compartment 20 . Thus, the arm 74 and consequently the lever 69 and the bar 14 are locked in the panel release position. Referring to FIGS. 2 and 3, a plurality of ejectors 88 are provided on the interior of the frame 4 . The ejectors 88 are spring loaded plungers for biasing the panel 8 outwardly from the frame 4 . Immediately following release of the panel 8 by the latches 10 , the ejectors 88 push the panel 8 outwardly to clear the opening 6 . In operation, one or more bars of the actuation mechanism is pulled towards the operator and away from the limit positions defined by the detent pin 80 , the depression 81 and the hole 86 . Rotation of a bar 14 causes pivoting of a lever 26 on one end of the bar 14 , and consequently rotation of the shafts 31 and 29 , and the pinion 40 . Rotation of the pinion 40 results in movement of the rack 42 and the cable 45 which translates into rotation of all of the levers 54 to release the latches 10 . The panel 8 is thus free to move and is pushed out of the frame 4 by the ejectors 88 . An auxiliary actuator generally indicated at 89 (FIGS. 2 and 3) for the panel 8 includes a pulley 90 rotatably mounted in one corner of the frame 4 . A notch in the pulley 90 engages a pin 91 , which is attached to the cable 45 . The auxiliary actuator can override the release mechanism 12 . The pulley 90 is rotated by either of two levers defined by handles 94 (one shown—FIG. 1) mounted on the ends of a shaft carrying the pulley. The handles 94 are located on the interior and exterior lower corners of the frame 4 (i.e. inside and outside the window). Rotation of either handle 94 results in simultaneous release of all latches 10 . With reference to FIG. 1, a preferred form of panel 8 includes a sash 96 carrying a panel, which is sealed in the sash 96 by a rubber molding 98 . The panel 8 can be removed from the sash 96 by removing the molding 98 . Once removed, the panel 8 can be re-installed in the opening 6 by pushing the panel as far as possible into the opening to compress the plungers of the ejectors 88 . The detent pins 80 are pushed out of the holes 86 , and the bars 14 are rotated to return the pins 80 to the latched position in the recesses 81 . The panel 8 is secured in the opening 6 by rotating either one of the handles 94 to return the latches 10 to locked position. Referring to FIG. 6, the emergency lighting assembly 21 is used to illuminate the opening 6 and to provide an indication where the exit system is located and whether the panel 8 is latched or released. When the lighting is constant, the panel 8 is in the latched condition, and strobe lighting indicates that the panel 8 has been released. The lighting system 21 includes a plurality of high intensity light emitting diodes (LEDS) 100 in the bars 14 and on the auxiliary release 89 , a strobe switch 102 on the frame 4 to indicate when the panel 8 has been jettisoned, light actuation elements (not shown) and a power pack 103 external to the frame 4 . The power pack 103 is connected to the remainder of the lighting system by a cable 105 . The power pack 103 includes a microprocessor (not shown) for controlling the lighting system. The light actuation elements include an immersion sensor, an impact sensor, a roll over sensor and a pilot operated on-off switch (none of which are shown). The sensors are mounted on the aircraft fuselage or incorporated in the power pack 103 . The immersion sensor is triggered when the aircraft is submerged in water, the impact sensor is triggered when a predetermined impact force has been exceeded, and the roll over sensor is triggered when the aircraft rolls over. The pilot switch is mounted on the console of the aircraft, permitting manual activation of the lighting system. All of the sensors and the switch are wired in parallel so that any one of them can be used to activate the emergency lighting system. When the lighting system is activated, the LEDs 100 will be simultaneously activated to illuminate the release bars 14 and the handles 94 . The bars 14 and the handles 94 will remain illuminated until the system is deactivated, or until the panel 8 is released and jettisoned. The strobe mode is activated by one of the spring loaded ejectors 88 which closes the strobe switch 102 . Strobe lighting will continue as long as the panel 8 is free of the frame 4 . A second embodiment of the emergency exit system for use in a door is illustrated in FIGS. 7 to 10 . The second embodiment of the system includes a frame 4 with an opening 6 therein which is closed by a panel 8 (in this case defining a door). The panel 8 includes a window 110 , and flanges 111 extending along the periphery thereof for sealing against the fuselage 112 (FIG. 9) of a helicopter in the closed position. The panel 8 is mounted in the frame 4 by means of hinges 113 , which permit rotation of the panel 8 between the open and closed positions. The panel 8 is normally opened and closed using a handle 114 and latch pins 115 (FIG. 7 ), all of which are connected to the handle 14 . An actuating mechanism similar to the same mechanism in FIGS. 1 to 4 includes a plurality of independently operated bars 14 for initiating release of the door panel 8 . The bars 14 are connected to a release mechanism generally indicated at 12 (FIG. 8) housed in compartments 116 in the manner described above in connection with FIGS. 1 to 4 . In the embodiment of the invention, movement of one of the bars 14 to the release position causes actuation of the release mechanism, which includes the latches 117 . The release mechanism also releases the hinges 113 to release the panel 8 completely from the frame 4 . The latches 117 are interconnected by a cable 118 (FIG. 8 ), which extends around pulleys 119 at the bottom corners of the frame 4 and returns around the top end thereof, i.e. the cable 118 extends in two rows around the top and sides of the frame 4 . Grooved rollers 122 are provided in the frame 4 for guiding the cable 118 around the frame. Each latch 117 is pivotally mounted on the frame 4 to secure the panel 8 in the opening 6 . An associated plunger 115 is mounted in the panel 8 adjacent the latch 117 to permit latching and unlatching of the door panel 8 during normal operation. More specifically, during normal operation, the door panel is latched by rotating the handle 114 (counterclockwise as shown in FIG. 7) to cause the plunger 115 to extend outwardly from the side of the panel into engagement with the latches 117 . Rollers 122 on the outer ends of the plunger 115 engage the inner sides of the latches 117 (FIGS. 7 and 9. By rotating the handle 114 in the opposite direction, the plungers 115 are retracted into the panel 8 to unlatch the panel permitting swinging of the door panel on the hinges 113 to the open position (FIG. 8 ). As best shown in FIG. 8 each latch 117 includes an arm 123 connected to a pinion 124 (FIG. 8) rotatably mounted in the frame 4 . The pinion 124 meshes with a rack 125 mounted on the cable 118 . The rack 125 is engaged by a stop 127 (similar to the stops 50 ). When the cable 118 moves, the stop 127 moves the rack 125 to rotate the pinion 124 which in turn causes pivoting of the tab 123 through 45 to release the latch 115 . Referring to FIGS. 10A and 10B, each hinge assembly 113 includes an arm 130 with holes therein for receiving bolts 131 . A narrow end 133 of the arm 130 is rotatable mounted on a pin defined by a bolt 134 in a clevis 136 . The bolt 134 is retained in the clevis 136 by nut 137 . The body 139 of the clevis 136 tapers to an annular groove 140 and a head 141 . The head 141 is inserted into the large end 143 of a keyhole slot 144 in a plate 145 mounted on the cable 120 . By moving the head 141 into the narrow end 146 of the slot 144 , the clevis 136 and the plate 130 are retained in engagement with the cable 120 . When the cable 120 moves (upwardly in FIG. 10 B), the clevis 136 and consequently the entire hinge is release. At the same time, the arms 123 of the latches 117 rotate 45 to release the plungers 115 , whereby the entire door panel 8 is released for jettisoning. The second embodiment of the invention also includes an auxiliary release mechanism 89 similar to the same mechanism in the first embodiment of the invention.
An emergency exit system for use on a helicopter or other aircraft includes a frame ( 4 ) defining an opening ( 6 ) for receiving a panel ( 8 ) to close the opening ( 6 ); a plurality of latches ( 10, 117 ) for releasably securing the panel ( 8 ) in the opening ( 6 ); a plurality of release mechanisms ( 12 ); a cable ( 45, 118 ) extending around at least a major portion of the frame ( 4 ) for releasing the panel ( 8 ); and a plurality of actuators ( 14 ) strategically located around the opening and connected to the cable ( 45, 118 ), whereby actuation of any one of the actuators ( 14 ) causes simultaneous release of all of the latches ( 10, 117 ) so that the panel ( 8 ) can be jettisoned.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to acceleration enrichment for petrol injection systems. Petrol consists of chains of hydrocarbons of varying length. As temperature increases and pressure decreases, even the longer molecule chains vaporize. during idling conditions in petrol injection systems, a vacuum is present in the inlet manifold downstream of the throttle valve. The injected petrol vaporize completely and passes into the cylinder. However, as the throttle valve is opened, the intake mainfold pressure increases correspondingly. The tendency of the fuel to vaporize then decreases, the result being that longer fuel molecule chains are deposited in liquid form as a film on the wall of the intake manifold. The latter quantity of fuel is not combusted and the mixture which is actually combusted is too lean. The acceptance of petrol is thus poor during acceleration conditions. It is the object of acceleration enrichment (BA) to provide an excess quantity of fuel during acceleration so that the engine receives the correct mixture composition during acceleration despite the formation of the film on the wall. This excess quantity is determined during initial installation of new engines and is stored permanently in the data store of the control device of the fuel injection system. It has recently been established, however, that coking of the inlet valves occurs following a longish operating time and dependent upon the type of petrol used and the driver's driving technique. This has a deleterious effect on acceleration, since the coking on the intake valve acts during acceleration as a sponge in addition to the film on the wall. Fuel drops are caught in the coked, porous surface of the intake valve and are not combusted. As a consequence of the resulting too-lean mixture, the engine torque drops considerably. In the worst cases, the engine can actually stop during an acceleration demand. If the acceleration enrichment quantity is increased considerably, normal driving is once again possible. However, this excess quantity cannot be provided for in a new engine, since it would not then be possible to adhere to legal exhaust-gas limitations. Also, the driving performance of new vehicles would be poorer, because over-enrichment would cause the engine torque to drop during acceleration. A method is therefore required which automatically adapts the excess acceleration quantity to engine conditions. Some adaptive methods for acceleration enrichment are already known, e.g. as described in DE-OS 2 841 268 (GB-PS No. 20 30 730) and US-PS No. 4 245 312. However, these known methods use only the information from a conventional lambda (air-fuel ratio λ) regulator for the adaptation. Conventional lambda regulators are, however, only activated at engine temperatures of above 20° C. Below this temperature, there is controlled driving only, because an engine requires a richer mixture than lambda=1. In addition, there are no legal exhaust-gas regulations effective below this temperature. The only criterion in this range is the driving performance. Up till now, the only technique available has been to apply to cold engines adaption values established for a warm engine, without the accuracy thereof being tested. It has now been determined using some actual examples of coked intake valves that the acceleration enrichment factor for a warm engine must be increased some five-fold with respect to the new state in order for lambda=1 to be obtained again during acceleration enrichment. In the known methods, in the case of a cold engine (-30 degrees . . . +20 degrees), the acceleration enrichment, which has been considerably increased over that for a warm engine, is increased by a further factor of 0.5 during engine warm-up. There is thus a risk of over-enrichment. It is an object of the present invention to provide a technique of adaptive acceleration enrichment which overcomes the above-discussed problems of the known solutions. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention is a system and method for adaptive acceleration enrichment for fuel injected engines in situations when there is active and inactive lambda regulator control. The system and method of the present invention are used during acceleration enrichment periods to ideally achieve lambda=1 operation of the engine. This is accomplished by developing and applying acceleration enrichment whether the engine is warm or cold. According to the method of the present invention, the fuel injection quantity t1 is determined for a given acceleration enrichment period. From this determination, the adaptive factor for acceleration enrichment is determined based on whether or not there is active or inactive lambda regulator control. If there is active regulator control, the adaptive factor is based on the lambda regulator value Fr being compared with the average regulator value Frm (which is an average of Fr values from previous acceleration enrichment periods). The adaptive factor then cause adjustment of the fuel injected to compensate for the injected mixture being too rich or too lean during acceleration. When there is inactive lambda regulator control, there are no Fr values available for use in determining the adaptive factor. So, a lambda probe is used along with the presence or absence or engine speed drops during the previous enrichment periods to provide a basis for determining the adaptive factor. This has the advantage that adaptive acceleration enrichment can be maintained satisfactorily even during the warming-up phase of the engine. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING The invention is described further hereinafter, by way of example only, with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which: FIG. 1 is a flow diagram illustrating the overall operation of a system in accordance with the present invention; FIG. 2 is a flow diagram illustrating the overall operation of the system when providing adaptive acceleration enrichment without active lambda control; FIG. 3 is a flow diagram showing greater detail of the operation without active lambda control; and FIG. 4 is a flow diagram illustrating the operation of the system when providing adaptive acceleration enrichment with active lambda control. DESCRIPTION OF EXEMPLARY EMBODIMENTS When calculating the quantity of fuel to be injected during acceleration enrichment under normal operational (engine warm) conditions, an engine load single t1, which is proportional to the mass of intake air per stroke, is used to form a control time ti of an injection valve, in that the engine load signal is multiplied by other correction factors Fi and then added to a voltage correction time TVUB. Ti=tL×Fi+TVUB The factors Fi include a factor Fr, by way of which the lambda regulator acts on the mixture, as well as an acceleration factor Fba. Thus: Fi=Fr×Fba(t)×Fue, Fue=other factors, which need not be considered for the present purposes. At the moment at which acceleration enrichment is triggered, the acceleration factor Fba(t) is raised to an initial value Fba(O) and is subsequently linearly controlled downwards with the time constants DTBAM to the value 1. Thus: FBA(t)=FBA(O)-DTBAM×1 The initial value FBA(O) is made up of the following: FAB(O)=1+FBAQ×FBAM×KFBA×FBAAM, where FBAQ--factor dependent on the gradient of the load signal FBAM--factor dependent on engine temperature KFBA--performance graph factor dependent on load and speed FBAAM--adaptation characteristic dependent on engine temperature. The characteristic curve for FBAAM consists of support points at which values are stored and between which linear interpolations are made. e.g. FBAAM=f(TMOT), TMOT-engine temperature There may, for example, be two support points: Support point 1=a value FBAA1 associated with TMOT1 Support point 2=a value FBAA2 associated with TMOT2 The characteristic value of FBAAM for an engine temperature of between TMOT1 and TMOT2 is thus FBAAM(TMOT)=FBAA1+ (FBAA2-FBAA1)×(TMOT-TMOT1)/(TMOT2-TMOT1). For active lambda control conditions, (i.e. when the engine is warmed up) the criterion for adaptation is obtained from the lambda regulator output. However, the lambda signal arrives too late to correct an acceleration operation which is still running. This is conditioned by the time the exhaust gas takes to reach the lambda probe in the exhaust manifold and by the response delay of the probe itself. The probe supplies only the statement:λmixture too rich (λ<1) or too lean λ>(1). Only at the instant at which the probe voltage changes (i.e. There is a voltage jump) is it known that the exhaust gas flowing past is at lambda=1. The integrating behavior of the lambda regulator does, however, make it possible to conclude to what extent the mixture was incorrect on gas admission. The longer and more intensely the regulator has to enrich the mixture in a ramp-like manner following acceleration enrichment until the problem once again indicates a rich mixture, the leaner the mixture will be during acceleration. Adaptive acceleration enrichment with active lambda regulation uses the following correlations: An average value Frm is formed from the values at the control output Fr at the instants of probe jump. When an acceleration enrichment operation is triggered, a time counter having the value TBA is started. Only when the counter has stopped is the next probe transient sought. In this way, it is ensured that no problem signal is used for evaluating the acceleration enrichment which belongs to the mixture prior to the acceleration enrichment. The value of the lambda regulator output Fr at the instant of the probe jump is compared with the stored average value Frm obtained previously. The leaner the mixture during acceleration enrichment, the longer and further the lambda governor had to enrich the mixture in a ramp-like manner until the problem once again detected a mixture where lambda=1, If the difference between Fr and Frm lies above a threshold DFRP, then the above-described adaptive characteristic FBAAM, which is stored as a function over engine temperature is adjusted, and, for example, has two support points according to the following formula: FBAA1(TMOT1)-new=FBAA1(TMOT1)-old+(FR-Frm)×ZBAA×(TMOT-TMOT1)/(TMOT2-TMOT1) and FBAA2(TMOT2)-new=FBAA2(TMOT2)-old+(Fr-FRm)×ZBAA×(TMOT2-TMOT)/(TMOT2-TMOT1) The learning speed of the adaptation is adjusted by way of the value ZBAA. If the difference is negative and exceeds another threshold DFRN, then the adaptation factor is reduced in accordance with the following formula: FBAA1(TMOT1)-new=FBAA1(TMOT1)-old+(FR-Frm)×ZBAA×(TMOT-TMOT1)/(TMOT2-TMOT1) and FBAA2(TMOT2)-new=FBAA2(TMOT2)-old+(Fr-Frm)×ZBAA×(TMOT2-TMOT)/(TMOT2-TMOT1) In this way, the adaptive correction factor is assigned to the associated engine temperature. The adaptation factor FBAA influences a characteristic FBAAM in a non-volatile RAM, which is stored as a function of the engine temperature. The learned adaptation factor adjusts the values of the characteristic at the support points between which it is located, in accordance with the principle of inverse interpolation. The further the engine temperature support point of the characteristic value is from the actual temperature, the weaker the adjustment of said value. Since there is no information available from the conventional lambda regulator when the engine is cold, two other criteria are used for adaptation. Use is made of a recently available heated problem, which can be made warm enough to provide a usable signal [lambda>1 (lean or lambda <1 (rich)] within a short time, even when the engine itself is cold. During the engine warm-up time such a lambda probe normally (not an acceleration condition), indicates the signal lambda <1 (rich). If then, after a dead time TBA following acceleration enrichment being triggered there occurs with a time TSU a change in the probe output such that it indicates lambda <1 (lean mixture) this means that the mixture became leaner during acceleration enrichment. It can then be concluded that the acceleration enrichment factor must be increased. However, in this way it cannot be recognized whether there has been excess enrichment during an acceleration enrichment. To recognize the excess enrichment, a further criterion is required. This criterion can be derived from the engine speed curve. If the speed drops rather than increases following triggering of an acceleration enrichment, then there was excess enrichment during the acceleration enrichment. In this case, the adaptation factor must be reduced. A drop in speed is established by comparing the speed at the instant of acceleration enrichment triggering with the speeds within the time TBA. If the actual speed is below the speed at the moment of acceleration enrichment triggering, a speed drop flag is set in the control device. In some cases, it may be necessary to form a more differentiated "speed drop" criterion. Instead of comparing it with the actual speed, it could be compared with the average value of the speeds, whereby this average value is recalculated following each acceleration enrichment triggering. As a result, fluctuations in speed caused by a tendency to jolt would not set the speed drop flag. Thus, if the λ probe continues to show λ<1 (rich) during acceleration enrichment and there is an engine speed drop, then it can be concluded that that acceleration enrichment was too great. The acceleration enrichment factor is then arranged to be reduced the next time that acceleration enrichment is provided. On the other hand, if the λ probe changes to indicate a lean mixture (λ<1) during acceleration enrichment and there is an engine speed drop, then it can be concluded that that acceleration enrichment was too weak. The acceleration enrichment factor is then arranged to be increased the next time that acceleration enrichment is provided. The above-described operation is illustrated in the form of simplified flow diagrams in the accompanying FIGS. 1 to 4. As shown in FIG. 1, the injection quantity ti is calculated, as described hereinbefore, taking into account a previously established enrichment factor map in accordance with ti=tL.Fi.Fba(t)+TVUB where Fba(t)=FBa(o)-DTBAM.t t being zero when the acceleration enrichment is triggered, Fba(t) always being greater than one and Fba(o) being given by FBAM.KFBA.FBA .FBAAM The method by which the adaptive factor FBAAM is established depends upon whether the λ regulator control is active or not, that is upon whether the engine has reached its normal operating temperature or not. If the λ regulator is active, then the engine has warmed up and adaptive acceleration enrichment is based "with λ control" upon the λ regulator value Fr and its comparison with the average value Frm, as described above. On the other hand, if the λ regulator is not yet active and the engine is therefore still warming up, then provided that the λ probe itself has been heated up sufficiently, adaptive enrichment is made "without λ control" on the basis of the λ probe signal and the presence or absence of engine speed drops during the previous enrichment period. It is of course with the latter warming-up phase that the present invention is primarily concerned and so that operations performed during this phase are described in more detail in the flow diagrams of FIGS. 2 and 3. FIG. 2 illustrates part of a main processing routine which is effective during the warming-up phase of the engine when the λ regulator is not active. Point 10 indicates the part of the routine where normal fuel injection pulses are generated based on the usual engine parameters such as load t1 and engine speed n. On detection of an acceleration demand at point 12, a routine 14 is activated for the calculation of an acceleration enrichment factor (BA) and acceleration enrichment is triggered at 16. As explained above, due to the inevitable dealy in the λ probe reacting to a change in the fuel quantity injected, no attempt is made to make any adjustment to the acceleration enrichment factor during a current enrichment process. Rather, what happens during that enrichment is monitored and used after the end of that enrichment step to modify the enrichment factor appropriately for the next enrichment step. Thus, a decision is made at point 18 as to whether fuel enrichment is still running for that particular acceleration operation. If it is, then a check is made at point 20 to establish whether the λ probe is ready for operation, i.e. is it heated up sufficiently. If it is not, then the routine returns to the beginning 10. If it is, a check is made at 22 as to whether there has been a drop in engine speed during the acceleration enrichment period. If there has not, then the routine returns to the beginning 10. If there has, then the λ probe is monitored to check for any change in its output to the lean mixture condition (λ>1). Any such change and the speed drop are transferred to RAM within a control computer for future use. When it is detected at point 24 that a fuel enrichment operation has just finished, checks are made on the stored signals to establish whether the λ probe was ready for operation (point 26) and whether there had been a drop in engine speed during the enrichment operation (point 28). If the answer is positive, it is checked at pint 30 whether there was a change in the λ probe output from a rich (λ<1) to a lean (λ>1) during the enrichment operation. If the answer is negative, then it is concluded (point 32) that the enrichment was too great and steps are taken (see FIG. 3) to reduce the adaptation performed at point 14 next time acceleration enrichment is required. On the other hand, if the answer is positive, then it is concluded (point 34) that the enrichment was insufficient and steps are taken to increase the adaptation at point 14 next time. Adaptive enrichment without active lambda control is illustrated in more detail in the flow diagram of FIG. 3. When acceleration enrichment is triggered at point 36, a counter is started (point 38) which counts out the period TBA. The "speed drop" flag is re-set (point 40) in the computer and the current engine speed (n=n BA ) is recorded (point 42). During the period that the TBA counter is still running (point 44), a check is made at point 46 as to whether the current engine speed n is less than the recorded speed n BA at the time acceleration enrichment was triggered. If it is less, then the "speed drop" flag is set (point 48). When it is detected at point 50 that the TBA counter had just stopped, then a second counter is started which counts a period TSU (52). While the counter TSU is running, a check is made at point 54 or whether the λ probe is indicating a lean mixture (λ>1). If it is, then the "probe lean" flag is set. When it is detected at point 56 that the TSU counter had jut stopped, a check is made at point 58 whether the "speed drop" flat is set. If it is, then it is checked whether the "probe jump" flag was set. If it was, then it is concluded that the acceleration enrichment was too lean during the previous enrichment operation so that the enrichment factor must be increased. A explained above, this is achieved by adjusting the two support points of the FBAAM map upwards in accordance with ##EQU1## On the other hand, if it is found that the "probe jump" flag has not been set, it is concluded that the acceleration enrichment was too great during the previous enrichment operation so that the enrichment factor must be reduced. This is achieved by adjusting the two support points of the FBAAM map downwards in accordance with: ##EQU2## FIG. 4 illustrates in more detail a flow chart of the routine which achieves the operation described initially for adaptive enrichment with active lambda control, that is when the engine is fully warmed up. In this case, the decision whether to increase or decrease the acceleration enrichment factor is made on the basis of whether the difference between the current lambda control output Fr and and the stored average value Frm is positive or negative and above predetermined threshold levels DFRP, DRRN, as described above. Using the above-described techniques, satisfactory adaptive acceleration enrichment (BA) can be maintained during acceleration even when the engine is cold. The conversion rate of the exhaust catalyzer thus remains optimized. Neither is there any deterioration in performance due to varying engine conditions such as, for example, in the event of coking. Extreme coking intake passages reduce charging and hence impair performance to an unacceptable level. Adaptation can also be used in diagnosing such a condition of the engine. The adaptation value for the acceleration enrichment can be read out from non-volatile RAM. If the value is very large, it is likely that the engine valves are badly coked and must be cleaned.
A petrol injection system for an internal combustion engine, the system being adapted to provide additional petrol into the inlet manifold of the engine during acceleration conditions in order to compensate for the less efficient transference of vaporized fuel to the engine cylinders during acceleration conditions, the quantity of additional fuel (BA) being determined in accordance with a stored enrichment value (FBAAM) which is adjusted regularly to take into account changing engine conditions. During the warming-up phase of the engine when the normal lambda regulation is inactive, the magnitude and direction of adjustment of the acceleration enrichment value (FBAAM) is derived from the behavior of the rotational speed (n) of the engine and the λ probe signal (λ>1 or λ<1) during an acceleration enrichment operation in that if, during an acceleration enrichment operation in the warming-up phase of the engine, it is detected that the λ probe output continues to indicate a rich mixture (λ>1) and that there was an engine speed drop, it is concluded that the acceleration enrichment factor is too high and steps are taken to reduce it. However, if it is detected that the λ probe has changed to indicate a lean mixture and that there was an engine speed drop, it is concluded that the acceleration enrichment factor is too low and steps are taken to increase it.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to a thread trimmer provided in a pattern sewing machine for forming various patterns according to pattern data. The thread trimmer automatically cuts the specified portion of a crossover thread connecting a pattern and a next pattern to be formed. In a known pattern sewing machine various patterns are formed according to various pattern data stored beforehand in a memory. The pattern sewing machine is provided with a thread trimmer comprising a fixed knife and a movable knife. At a desired time after a series of sewing operations, the thread trimmer trims needle thread and bobbin thread. While the pattern sewing machine forms patterns on the fabric, a pattern is connected via a crossover thread to the next pattern to be formed. As shown in FIGS. 3A and 3B, when characters A and B are formed on the fabric, a stitch connecting the end a of the character A and the beginning b of the character B corresponds to the crossover thread. When the characters A and B are distant from each other, as shown in FIG. 3B, a needle bar is disconnected and no stitches are formed between the characters A and B. The needle thread connecting the end a of the character A and the beginning b of the character B also corresponds to the crossover thread. The crossover thread is formed during the operation of the pattern sewing machine. After the operation is completed, the crossover thread is no longer needed, so an operator cuts the crossover thread with scissors. The cutting of the crossover thread is both troublesome and time consuming. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION An object of this invention is to provide a thread trimmer for a pattern sewing machine, that can automatically cut the specified portion of the crossover thread connecting a pattern and the next pattern to be formed by the pattern sewing machine. To attain this and other objects, the present invention provides a pattern sewing machine which comprises a needle bar carrying a needle at a lower end and being moved vertically by an arm shaft driven by a sewing machine motor, a memory means storing a pattern data indicative of a pattern, and a phase detection means for detecting a rotary phase of the arm shaft and for sending out a timing signal indicative of lowering of the needle bar. The pattern sewing machine further comprises a thread trimming means for trimming a needle thread and a bobbin thread after stitches are formed on a fabric according to a relative movement of the needle and the fabric, and a trimming designation means for specifying a cut portion of a crossover thread between the respective pattern and a next pattern to be formed according to the pattern data stored in the memory means. The pattern sewing machine also comprises a trimming memory means for storing a trimming signal indicative of the cut portion of the crossover thread specified by the trimming designation means, and a trimmer drive means for driving the thread trimming means in response to both the trimming signal and the timing signal. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a control circuit for a pattern sewing machine embodying this invention. FIG. 2 is a schematic view of the pattern sewing machine. FIGS. 3A and 3B are schematic views of character patterns formed by the pattern sewing machine. FIG. 4A is an illustration of a series of patterns to be formed and scissors symbols on a liquid crystal display. FIG. 4B shows the actual formation of the series of patterns displayed on the liquid crystal display shown in FIG. 4A. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT As shown in FIG. 2, in an electronically controlled pattern sewing machine 10, a support 18 hangs from a pin 16 in a head 14 at the left end of an arm 12, as the figure is viewed, such that the support 18 can rotate by a predetermined angle. The support 18 supports a needle bar 22 carrying a needle 20 at its lower end, such that the needle bar 22 is vertically movable. In the arm 12, an arm shaft 24 is horizontally provided. A connecting rod 26 is connected from the arm shaft 24 via a needle bar connecting stud 28 to the needle bar 22. In a bed leg 30 a sewing machine motor 32 is provided. The drive power of the sewing machine motor 32 is transmitted through a belt 34, a pulley 36 and the arm shaft 24 to the connecting rod 26, thereby moving the arm shaft 24 rotatably and the needle bar 22 vertically. In the bed leg 30, a sector gear 38 rotatably meshes with a pinion 42 of a stepping motor 40 for rocking the needle bar 22. As shown in FIG. 2, the sector gear 38 is connected through a connector 44 to the support 18. By rotating the stepping motor 40 forward and backwards, the sector gear 38 rotates by a bounded angle. The rotation of the sector gear 38 is transmitted via the connector 44, thereby rocking the support 18 and the needle bar 22. An arm bed 46 houses a feeding mechanism 48. The feeding mechanism 48 operates almost synchronously with the needle bar 22. A feed dog 50 is connected to the feeding mechanism 48, for feeding not-shown fabric vertically and back and forth. The feeding mechanism 48 includes a feed bar assembly 52 for supporting the feed dog 50, a feed lifting rock shaft 54 for moving the feed bar assembly 52 vertically, and a feed rock shaft 56 for moving the feed bar assembly 52 back and forth. A fork 52a and a T portion 52b are formed at the front and back end of the feed bar assembly 52, respectively. The feed lifting rock shaft 54 is pivotably supported at the side of the operator in the arm bed 46. A feed lifting crank 58 perpendicularly extends from the feed lifting rock shaft 54 and connects via a stud 60 to the fork 52a. The feed rock shaft 56 is supported in the back of the arm bed 46 such that the feed rock shaft 56 can rock around an axis. Rods 61 and 62 extend perpendicularly from the feed rock shaft 56. The T portion 52b of the feed bar assembly 52 is pivotably attached to the rods 61 and 62. A rocking shaft 64 is rotatably provided at the back of the feed lifting rock shaft 54. A cam 66 is secured to the rocking shaft 64 and is engaged with a forked rod 68 extending perpendicularly from the feed lifting rock shaft 54. The rocking shaft 64 is connected via a rod 70 to a connecting rod 24a formed onto the arm shaft 24. When the sewing machine motor 32 is driven, the arm shaft 24 rotates, thereby moving the needle bar 22 vertically. The drive power of the sewing machine motor 32 is transmitted via the arm shaft 24 to the rod 70, thereby rotating the rocking shaft 64. The drive power is transmitted from the rocking shaft 64 through the cam 66, the forked rod 68, the feed lifting rock shaft 54 and the feed bar assembly 52, thereby moving the feed dog 50 vertically. A sector gear 72 is secured to the right end of the feed rock shaft 56 as the figure is viewed. The sector gear 72 meshes with a pinion 76 of a stepping motor 74 in the bed leg 30. When the stepping motor 74 is driven synchronously with the vertical movement of the feed dog 50, the feed dog 50 moves back and forth in the raised or lowered position of the feed dog 50. In the arm bed 46 a thread trimmer 78 is provided in the area where the needle 20 lowers. The thread trimmer 78 trims needle thread and bobbin thread according to a predetermined command. The thread trimmer 78 is composed of a fixed knife 80 provided in the vicinity of a not-shown rotary hook assembly, a movable knife 82 for slidably engaging the fixed knife 80, and a trimmer stepping motor 84 for driving the movable knife 82. In the specified range of the rotary phase of the arm shaft 24, the movable knife 82 cooperates with the fixed knife 80 and trims the needle thread and the bobbin thread. As shown in FIG. 2, a phase detector 88 is provided onto the arm shaft 24, for detecting the rotary phase of the arm shaft 24 and the current position of the vertically moving needle bar 22. The phase detector 88 detects whether the needle bar 22 is in an elevated position or in a lowered position. The phase detector 88 is comprised of a disc 90 having a radial slit and a photo interrupter 92 for holding therein the disc 90. When the rotary phase of the disc 90 and the arm shaft 24 is about 360 degrees, the photo interrupter 92 detects that the light beam passes through the slit in the disc 90, and sends a timing signal to a CPU 94 shown in FIG. 1. The timing signal corresponds to the current position of the needle bar 22. A liquid crystal display 96 is provided at the side of the operator on the arm 12. The liquid crystal display 96 shows the pattern selected by the operator. A pattern input unit 97 composing a key panel is provided onto the bed leg 30. The operator can register the selected pattern with the pattern input unit 97. The drive mechanism for a needle thread take-up 98 and the mechanism for connecting a presser foot assembly 99 are well known for those skilled in the art and are omitted from the drawing and the description for simplicity. The control system of the pattern sewing machine 10 will now be explained referring to the block diagram in FIG. 1. The pattern input unit 97 and the phase detector 88 are connected directly to an I/O interface 11 in a control circuit C. The phase detector 88 determines the timing of feeding the fabric. The sewing machine motor 32, the stepping motor 74, the stepping motor 40 and the liquid crystal display 96 are connected via drive circuit 15, 19, 17 and 21, respectively, to the I/O interface 11. The trimmer stepping motor 84 is connected via a drive circuit 23 and an AND circuit 25 to the I/O interface 11. The AND circuit 25 sends a drive signal to the drive circuit 23 when the thread trimming signal sent from a memory 35 (described hereinafter) is logically ANDed with the signal indicative of the lowering of the needle bar 22 sent from the phase detector 88. The memory 35 stores the portion of the crossover thread to be cut. When the drive circuit 23 receives the thread trimming signal and the signal indicative of the lowering of the needle bar 22, the trimmer stepping motor 84 is driven. The needle thread and the bobbin thread are cut between the movable knife 82 and the fixed knife 80 of the thread trimmer 78. Other elements (not shown) for operating the pattern sewing machine 10 are also connected via the I/O interface 11 for example a start/stop switch for selectively starting or stopping the operation of the pattern sewing machine 10, a speed detector for detecting the rotary speed of the arm shaft 24, a volume adjustment for adjusting the rocking amount of the needle bar 22, a volume adjustment for adjusting the feed amount of fabric, and a clock pulse generator for synchronizing the operation of movable components. The CPU 94, a ROM 29 and a RAM 31 are connected via a bus 27 to the I/O interface 11. The ROM 29 stores the pattern data involving the needle location data for sewing various characters, symbols and other patterns. The needle location data includes the feed amount data and the needle rock data. The ROM 29 also stores the control program for reading the selected stitch pattern data and controlling the stepping motor 74 based on the feed amount data in response to the feed start signal. The ROM 29 further stores the control program for controlling the sewing machine motor 32 and the control program for determining the feed start timing based on the feed amount data and the speed signal. The RAM 31 includes memory for temporarily storing the results of the computation by the CPU 94. The I/O interface 11 is connected via the bus 27 to a thread trimming designation unit 33 and the memory 35. The thread trimming designation unit 33 specifies the cut portion of the crossover thread between the previous and next patterns, before the next pattern is formed according to the stitch pattern data stored in the CPU 94. The thread trimming designation unit 33 reads the thread trimming code included in the stitch pattern data from the CPU 94 and determines which stitch corresponds to the end of a specified pattern and to the cut portion. The memory 35 stores the portion to be cut of the crossover thread specified by the thread trimming designation unit 33. The information regarding the portion to be cut of the crossover thread could be temporarily stored in the RAM 31, if memory is available. The operation of the thread trimmer 78 of the pattern sewing machine 10 will now be explained. The threading of the eye in the needle 20 precedes the operation of the pattern sewing machine 10. The pattern to be formed is input using the pattern input unit 97, and the input and selected pattern is shown on the liquid crystal display 96. Subsequently, a start/stop switch (not shown) is pressed, sending the start signal to the CPU 94. According to the control program stored in the ROM 29 the sewing machine motor 32 is driven via the drive circuit 15, thus rotating the arm shaft 24. According to the feed amount data for each sewing operation stored in the ROM 29, the stepping motor 74 is driven via the drive circuit 19, thus moving the feed dog 50 vertically and back and forth. According to the needle rock data for each sewing operation stored in the ROM 29, the stepping motor 40 is driven via the drive circuit 17, thus oscillating the needle bar 22 in a direction perpendicular to a cloth feeding direction. Such controlled vertical and horizontal movement of the needle bar 22 and the needle 20 as well as the vertical and reciprocating movement of the feed dog 50, forms stitches successively on the fabric (not shown) according to the stitch pattern data. When the stitches are formed into patterns, as shown in FIGS. 3A and 3B, the crossover thread connects the end of the pattern and the beginning of the next pattern. In this embodiment since the thread trimming designation unit 33 specifies the cut portion of the crossover thread and the memory 35 stores the cut portion of the crossover thread, the crossover thread is automatically cut. Specifically, as shown in FIG. 3A, when the characters A and B are formed, the thread trimming designation unit 33 specifies that the portion between the end a of the character A and the beginning b of the character B is cut. The portion to be cut is stored in the memory 35. In operation, when the needle 20 lowers into the end a of the character A, as shown in FIG. 1, the memory 35 sends a thread trimming signal to one terminal of the AND circuit 25 connected to the drive circuit 23. The thread trimmer 78 operates when the needle 20 lowers into the fabric and the needle thread as well as the bobbin thread come between the movable knife 82 and the fixed knife 80 of the thread trimmer 78. Therefore, the other terminal of the AND circuit 25 receives the timing signal from the phase detector 88 which indicates that the needle bar 22 is in its lowered position. The AND circuit 25 sends a drive signal to the drive circuit 23 on the condition that the AND circuit 25 receives the thread trimming signal from the memory 35 and the timing signal from the phase detector 88. The drive circuit 23 drives the trimmer stepping motor 84, thereby operating the movable knife 82 of the thread trimmer 78. The needle thread as well as the bobbin thread are thus cut at the end a as shown in FIG. 3A. Similarly, when the needle lowers into the beginning b of the character B, the memory 35 sends the thread trimming signal to one terminal of the AND circuit 25. The AND circuit 25 sends the drive signal to the drive circuit 23 on the condition that the AND circuit 25 receives the thread trimming signal from the memory 35 and the timing signal from the phase detector 88. The drive circuit 23 drives the trimmer stepping motor 84 to operate the thread trimmer 78. The needle thread as well as the bobbin thread are thus cut at the beginning b. As shown in FIG. 3B, when the characters A and B are distant from each other and the needle bar 22 is disconnected, the characters A and B are connected by the needle thread and the bobbin thread without any stitch being formed. When the thread trimming designation unit 33 specifies the portion to be cut of the crossover thread, the symbol of scissors is shown on the liquid crystal display 96 as shown in FIG. 4A. By blinking the symbol, the portion to be cut of the crossover thread could be indicated. The operator can visually confirm the portion to be cut of the crossover thread with the liquid crystal display 96 as shown in FIG. 4A. The series of patterns displayed as shown in FIG. 4A is actually formed as shown in FIG. 4B. In this embodiment, the operator manually sets the portion to be cut into the thread trimming designation unit 33. The portion to be cut can be automatically determined according to input patterns. By including a trimming flag into the pattern data beforehand as shown in Table 1, any necessary trimming can be carried out automatically. TABLE 1______________________________________PATTERN TRIMMING FLAG______________________________________UNDERLINED ALPHABETICAL 0 (NO TRIMMING)WORDSSPACING 1 (TRIMMING)JAPANESE HIRAGANA/KATAK- 1 (TRIMMING)ANA CHARACTERS (REQUIRINGNO UNDERLINING)______________________________________ For example, the following pattern comprises the combination of two underlined alphabetical words and the spacing interposed between the words. In this combined pattern, crossover thread is designated by an underline. B.sub.-- R.sub.-- O.sub.-- T.sub.-- H.sub.-- E.sub.-- RS.sub.-- E.sub.-- W.sub.-- I.sub.-- N.sub.-- G When the operator registers the pattern data of the above pattern with the pattern input unit 97, the trimming flag is included in the pattern data. Where the trimming flag is one, the crossover thread is automatically trimmed. When the trimming flag is zero, the crossover thread is not trimmed. The present invention is not limited to the embodiment described above but includes all embodiments and modifications within the scope and spirit of the invention.
A thread trimmer for a pattern sewing machine is disclosed. When the pattern sewing machine forms patterns, a pattern is connected to a next pattern by a crossover thread. The thread trimmer automatically cuts a specified portion of the crossover thread. Therefore, the operator can avoid the troublesome and time-consuming cutting of the crossover thread manually with scissors. Furthermore, the sewing efficiency of the pattern sewing machine is enhanced.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] This application is a division of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/645,551 filed on Oct. 5, 2012, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, which is a 35 U.S.C. §111(a) continuation of PCT international application number PCT/US2011/031478 filed on Apr. 6, 2011, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, which claims priority to, and the benefit of, U.S. provisional patent application Ser. No. 61/321,338 filed on Apr. 6, 2010, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. Priority is claimed to each of the foregoing applications. [0002] The above-referenced PCT international application was published as PCT International Publication No. WO 2011/127218 on Oct. 13, 2011 and republished on Feb. 2, 2012, and is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY SPONSORED RESEARCH OR DEVELOPMENT [0003] This invention was made with Government support under Grant Number EPS-0447679 awarded by North Dakota EPSCoR/National Science Foundation and under agreement Number H94003-09-2-0905 awarded by the DoD Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA). The Government has certain rights in the invention. INCORPORATION-BY-REFERENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAM APPENDIX [0004] Not Applicable BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0005] 1. Field of the Invention [0006] This invention pertains generally to synthesis schemes and methods for producing silicon based nanostructures and materials, and more particularly to compositions and methods for synthesis of silicon-based nanowires and composites from three-component and four-component liquid silane/polymer inks. [0007] 2. Description of Related Art [0008] Future generation electronics will feature components that are manufactured by continuous processing. Two-dimensional webs that serve as the substrate in roll-to-roll manufacturing are subjected to additive processes where various materials are deposited and then transformed to give functioning circuit components. The beneficial electrical and electrochemical properties of silicon have been demonstrated in integrated circuits, solar cells and battery electrodes. Such materials are typically produced by chemical vapor deposition or by etching a Si wafer and these processes are not amendable to continuous manufacturing. [0009] For example, there is increasing interest in replacing carbon-based materials with silicon or silicon-based compounds as anodes in next-generation lithium ion batteries (LIBs). Silicon has a theoretical capacity of approximately 4200 mAh/g, which is more than ten times greater than the 372 mAh/g capacity of conventional graphite anode materials. Therefore, Si-based anodes could increase the energy density of lithium ion batteries significantly. [0010] However, fully lithiated silicon (Li 22 Si 5 ) undergoes a >300% volume expansion during the lithiation and delithiation process which leads to mechanical failure of the silicon structure within a few cycles leading to a significant and permanent loss of capacity. A number of approaches toward the development of silicon-containing anodes have been attempted. One approach was the use of a homogeneous dispersion of silicon particles within a suitable matrix to give composites that have improved mechanical stability and electrical conductivity versus pure silicon. It has been shown that silicon nanowires or fibers are able to accommodate the expansion that occurs during cycling. However, significant numbers of Si-nanowires (SiNWs) are needed for practical anode applications. [0011] A Vapor Induced Solid-Liquid-Solid (VI-SLS) route to SiNWs has been proposed that uses bulk silicon powders thus offering the possibility of scalable and cost-effective mass manufacture without the need for a localized catalyst on a substrate. The VI-SLS process, however, is complicated by high process temperatures that tend toward the formation of carbide and oxide phases that limit electrochemical capacity and rate capabilities. [0012] Another approach to the production of silicon nanowires is through electrospinning where the electrospun polymer fiber serves only as a template for the growth of silicon coatings by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or plasma enhanced CVD (PECVD). While these routes do allow the growth of a-Si nanowires with hollow cores, hot-wire and PECVD suffer from poor precursor utilization and traditionally slow growth rates. [0013] Accordingly, there is a need for an apparatus and method for reliably producing silicon based nanowires and films that are inexpensive and amenable to continuous roll-to-roll operation. The present invention satisfies these needs as well as others and is generally an improvement over the art. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0014] The present invention is directed to materials and methods for producing silicon based micro and nanofibers that can be used in a variety of applications including material composites, electronic devices, sensors, photodetectors, batteries, ultracapacitors, and photosensitive substrates and the like. [0015] Liquid silanes have been considered as precursors in direct-write fabrication of printed electronics. Cyclohexasilane (Si 6 H 12 ), for example, can be transformed into solid polydihydrosilane (SiH 2 ) n by thermal treatment or light activation via radical polymerization. Additional thermolysis causes evolution of H 2 (g) giving a-Si:H at ˜350° C. and crystalline silicon at ˜750° C. [0016] Marked microstructural changes, however, are associated with this thermolytic transformation. The thermal conversion of Si 6 H 12 -derived films and/or (SiH 2 ) n into a-Si occurs with marked shrinkage around 290° C. and it appears to be related to the evolution of SiH 2 and SiH 3 fragments. This phenomenon may limit electrical transport owing to microcracking within these thin films. This shrinkage does not lead to cracking when films are less than a thickness of ˜200 nm. The electrospinning methods of the present invention appear to manage the stress, in part, by reducing the dimensionality from 2D films to 1D wires. [0017] Electrospinning, according to the invention, is a viable method for utilizing liquid cyclosilanes (i.e., Si n H 2n ) and linear or branched silanes (i.e., Si n H 2n+2 ) in the fabrication of electronic materials as these monomers are transformed directly into a useful form (i.e., a nanowire) prior to the formation of the insoluble (SiH 2 ) n network polymer. The lateral cohesive stresses that promote cracking in the aforementioned 2D thin films are well managed in 1D wires where radial shrinkage does not lead to the observed deleterious microstructural changes of larger silicon structures. [0018] Electrospinning is a continuous nanofabrication technique based on the principle of electrohydrodynamics, and it is capable of producing nanowires of synthetic and natural polymers, ceramics, carbon, and semiconductor materials with the diameter in the range of 1 to 2000 nm. While the Taylor cone instability associated with electrospinning was historically used for nozzle-based systems, the surface instability of thin polymer-in-solution films in the presence of an electric field enabled the development of needleless electrospinning whereby numerous jets spin coincidently allowing a continuous, roll-to-roll manufacturing process. Additionally, continuous needleless electrospinning that utilizes a rotating cone as the spinneret has been demonstrated with production throughput of up to 10 g/minute. [0019] This is in stark contrast to the two common silicon nanowire preparation methods known in the art where the ability to scale up appears to be limited by wafer size (i.e., when forming Si nanowires via wafer etching) or a growth temperature of ˜363° C. (i.e., Au-Si eutectic in vapor-liquid-solid growth). In each instance, the transition to a continuous roll-to-roll manufacturing process is not straightforward and may not be possible. [0020] It has been observed that the liquid silane monomers that are used in the invention are relatively unaffected by the high-voltage electrospinning process and remains associated with the polymeric carrier (i.e., poly(methyl methacrylate (PMMA) or polypropylene carbonate/polycyclohexene carbonate (QPAC100™, Empower Materials)) upon evaporation of the toluene or other solvent. Light- or heat-induced radical polymerization of the Si 6 H 12 gives a viscous polydihydrosilane deposit that assumes a geometry that is related to the structure of the copolymer. The structure of the silicon nanowires prepared from Si 6 H 12 /polymer carrier in toluene mixtures appears to be governed by the physics of the copolymer mixtures. For example, the SEM data shows that a fibrous structure is formed after treating an electrospun composite formed from a 1.0:2.6 wt % ratio of Si 6 H 12 /PMMA in toluene ink. This structure appears to be related to wetting of the polymer by the liquid silane after solvent evaporation. By way of comparison, thermolysis of the composite formed by electrospinning a 1.0:2.0 wt % ratio of Si 6 H 12 /QPAC100 in toluene precursor gives a porous wire where it appears the liquid silane and polymer carrier exist as a microemulsion and phase separate after solvent evaporation. [0021] It has also been observed that electrospinning three-component Si 6 H 12 /polymer inks gives products where the active silicon agent forms after the precursor is transformed to nanosized material. The approach offers the ability to tailor chemical composition of Si wires by adjusting precursor chemistries to give electrospun composites that possess targeted conductivities (electrical, thermal and ionic) and maintain structural stability throughout a lifetime of charge/discharge cycles. Barring any undesirable chemical reactivity with Si—Si or Si—H bonds, particles of carbon, metals and solid electrolytes can be introduced into liquid silane-based electrospinning inks using standard dispersion chemistry. Because the spun wires convert to amorphous silicon at relatively low temperature, formation of excessive surface oxide and carbide phases can be avoided, which otherwise negatively affect capacity and rate capabilities. It is important to note that other routes to Si wires yield crystalline products that become amorphous after lithium intercalation in LIBs. [0022] The three-component and four-component inks that are disclosed are particularly useful with electrospinning procedures and the formation of micro and nanofibers are used as an illustration. However, the inks can also be used with other deposition techniques such as thin film deposition techniques. In addition, single or coaxial nozzle formation of nanofibers is used to illustrate the methods. However, it will be understood that the inks and methods of the invention are appropriate for any electrospinning technique including use with devices that have multiple nozzles, drums or films. [0023] By way of example, and not of limitation, a preferred method for making silicon-containing wires with a three-component ink generally comprises the steps of: (a) combining a liquid silane of the formula Si n H 2n or Si n H 2n+2 , a polymer and a solvent to form a viscous solution; (b) expelling the solution from a source while exposing the stream of viscous solution to a high electric field resulting in the formation of continuous fibers that are deposited onto a substrate; and (c) transforming the deposited fibers, normally with thermal processing. [0024] In another embodiment of the invention, a preferred method for making silicon-containing wires with a four-component ink generally comprises: (a) combining a liquid silane of the formula Si n H 2n or Si n H 2n+2 , a polymer, a solid phase and a solvent to form a viscous solution; (b) expelling the viscous solution and exposing the viscous solution to a high electric field whereby continuous fibers form from the solution and are deposited onto a substrate; and (c) transforming the electrospun deposit. [0025] The solid phase components are preferably particulates of many different types such as metal spheres, silicon nanowires, carbon particulates including nanotubes, as well as dopants, and metal reagents. For example, metal silicide wires can be formed with addition of metal reagents. [0026] The polymers are preferably either a an acrylate such as poly(methyl methacrylate) or a polycarbonate. The preferred solvents are toluene, xylene, cyclooctane, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, dichloromethane or mixtures thereof. [0027] The substrate is preferably a metal foil. However, the substrate may also be a carbon fiber matte, metal web or rotating mandrel. [0028] Transformation of the deposit is preferably by thermal treatment or light activation via radical polymerization. Transformation of the deposited nanofibers can take place at any time or location and need not take place on the substrate. [0029] In certain embodiments, the methods for producing silicon based nanofibers may further include the step of coating the fibers with an electrically conductive material. The preferred coating is a coherent, ion conductive coating of carbon such as graphite, C black, graphene, KB carbon or carbon nanotubes. The coating of the fibers is preferably applied by chemical vapor deposition or solution deposition. [0030] The silicon-based materials and nanofibers that are produced by the three- and four-component inks can be used in a variety of applications including as an active component in other composite materials. For example, electrically-conducting silicon composite electrodes can be produced with a three-component ink according to the invention by (a) combining a liquid silane of the formula Si n H 2n , or Si n H 2n+2 , a polymer and a solvent to form a viscous solution; (b) expelling the viscous solution into the presence of a high electric field where continuous fibers are formed and deposited onto a substrate; (c) transforming the deposit into a material that contains a polysilane, an amorphous silicon and/or a crystalline silicon fraction with or without a binder; (d) forming a coherent, conductive coating on the external porosity of the silicon-containing fraction and (e) binding the material with one or more binders. The preferred binders include poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) or sodium carboxymethylcellulose or an elastic carbon such as KB carbon. Some binders can be thermally decomposable. [0031] Another example of a composite material that can be produced is an electrically-conducting photoactive silicon-composite electrode material using a four-component ink. This material can be produced by (a) combining a liquid silane of the formula Si n H 2n or Si n H 2n+2 , a polymer, a photoactive solid phase and a solvent to form a viscous mixture; (b) expelling the viscous mixture into the presence of a high electric field where continuous fibers of the mixture are formed and deposited onto a substrate; (c) transforming the deposit into a material that contains an amorphous silicon and/or a crystalline silicon fraction and a photoactive phase; and binding the transformed material with a binder. The preferred photoactive phase can be a carbon fullerene, a carbon nanotube, a quantum dot of CdSe, PbS, Si or Ge, a core-shell quantum dot of ZnSe/CdSe or Si/Ge. [0032] Accordingly, an aspect of the invention is to provide three-component or four-component silane inks that can be used in the formation of silicon based films and nanofibers and composite materials. [0033] Another aspect of the invention is to provide methods for producing polysilane nanowires and materials. [0034] Another aspect of the invention is to provide a method for continuous production of nanofiber strands and coated nanofiber strands. [0035] A further aspect of the invention is to provide silicon based fibers that can be used as a component in a variety of composite materials such as electrode composites. [0036] Further aspects of the invention will be brought out in the following portions of the specification, wherein the detailed description is for the purpose of fully disclosing preferred embodiments of the invention without placing limitations thereon. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL VIEWS OF THE DRAWINGS [0037] The invention will be more fully understood by reference to the following drawings which are for illustrative purposes only: [0038] FIG. 1 is a flow diagram of a method of forming silicon based nanofibers from a three-component ink according to one embodiment of the invention. [0039] FIG. 2 is a flow diagram of a method of forming silicon based nanofibers from a four-component ink according to another embodiment of the invention. [0040] FIG. 3 is a flow diagram of a method for producing an electrode material from carbon coated silicon nanofibers formed according to one embodiment of the invention. [0041] FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of the processing of cyclohexasilane and PMMA in toluene, a three-component ink, to produce transformed nanofibers. [0042] FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram of the processing of cyclohexasilane and QPAC100 in toluene, a three-component ink, to produce transformed nanofibers. [0043] FIG. 6 shows Raman spectra of electrospun four-component samples after heat treatment at 550° C. for one hour and laser crystallization for CdSe, C black, graphite, Ag, amphiphilic invertible micelle (AIP), BBr 3 and PBr 3 . DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0044] Referring more specifically to the drawings, for illustrative purposes one embodiment of the present invention is depicted in the methods generally shown in FIG. 1 through FIG. 6 . It will be appreciated that the methods may vary as to the specific steps and sequence and the apparatus may vary as to structural details, without departing from the basic concepts as disclosed herein. The steps depicted and/or used in methods herein may be performed in a different order than as depicted in the figures or stated. The steps are merely exemplary of the order these steps may occur. The steps may occur in any order that is desired, such that it still performs the goals of the claimed invention. [0045] The present invention provides methods for producing silicon containing nanowire/fiber composites and thin films that are produced from liquid silane inks by electrospinning as an illustration of an adaptation of the invention. Nanowire products from three-component and four-component liquid silane based “ink” compositions are produced and characterized to demonstrate the methods. The exemplary nanowires that are produced by the methods can be used as a component of other material compositions such as an anode for a lithium ion battery. [0046] Turning now to FIG. 1 , the steps according to a preferred embodiment 10 of the present method for producing a silicon based nanowire material using three-component liquid silane inks with an optional conductive coating is illustrated. At block 12 , a solution of a liquid silane, a polymer and a solvent is provided. The resulting viscous solution preferably has a viscosity of approximately 100 cP to approximately 10,000 cP for electrospinning procedures. [0047] The preferred liquid silane has the formula Si n H 2n , where n=3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8. Linear and branched liquid silanes of the formula Si n H 2n+2 , where n=3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 may also be used. Mixtures of one or more of these silanes may also be used. [0048] Cyclohexasilane (Si 6 H 12 ) is a particularly preferred cyclosilane. Liquid Si 6 H 12 is preferably synthesized by reduction of a chlorinated salt prepared from trichlorosilane (HSiCl 3 ). Cyclohexasilane is a high melting point liquid (18° C.) that is stable toward reduced-pressure distillation as well as ambient light. Si 6 H 12 has been shown to be stable to room temperature fluorescent light for days and it can be stored for months in the solid state without marked degradation. Si 6 H 12 is stable toward ultrasonic atomization and has been used as a precursor in collimated aerosol beam direct write deposition of a-Si lines. In addition, Si 6 H 12 is stable when subjected to high voltage processing and electrospinning procedures to yield a-Si nanowires that may find application as anodes in lithium ion batteries and other materials. [0049] In the embodiment shown in FIG. 1 , Si 6 H 12 undergoes ring opening polymerization under heat or prolonged exposure to laser light with additional thermal treatment transforming the solid polydihydrosilane (SiH 2 ) n into amorphous silicon first and then crystalline silicon material. Specifically, Si 6 H 12 can be transformed into solid polydihydrosilane (SiH 2 ) n by thermal treatment or light activation via radical polymerization. Additional thermolysis causes evolution of H 2 (g) giving a-Si:H at ˜350° C. and crystalline silicon at ˜850° C. [0050] In another preferred embodiment, the liquid silane is cyclopentasilane, cyclohexasilane and/or 1 -silylcyclopentasilane corresponding to Si n H 2n where n=5 or 6. [0051] The preferred polymer is poly(methyl methacrylate). However, a polycarbonate such as polypropylene carbonate/polycyclohexene carbonate or poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) and polyvinyl butryal may also be used in the embodiment shown at block 12 of FIG. 1 . [0052] In one embodiment, the percentage of silane to organic polymer in the viscous solution is kept within the range of approximately 5% to 20% silane, with the range of 10% to 16% silane preferred. [0053] The preferred solvents at block 12 include toluene, xylene, cyclooctane, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, and dichloromethane or mixtures thereof. However, although these solvents are preferred, it will be understood that other solvents may be selected based on the polymers and the silanes that are employed. [0054] At block 14 , the viscous solution produced at block 12 is expelled from a nozzle or drawn from a film and exposed to a high electric field and continuous fibers arising from the solution are formed and deposited onto a substrate. [0055] In one embodiment of the method, the high-voltage environment is formed by applying a d.c. bias from the point where the solution is expelled from a nozzle to the collecting substrate. The voltage used for the electrospinning process normally ranges from approximately 5000V to approximately 20,000V with approximately 7000V to 11,000V typically used. In a preferred embodiment, a direct current bias that is greater than approximately 2 kV is applied across a gap of 10 cm in a nitrogen environment. [0056] The electrospinning apparatus can also have a nozzle with an inner annulus and an outer annulus. In this configuration, liquid silane is expelled through the inner annulus of a coaxial delivery tube while viscous polymer solution is expelled through the outer annulus and both fluids are exposed to a high electric field resulting in the continuous formation of fibers that are deposited onto a substrate. [0057] In one preferred configuration, the liquid silane that is directed through the inner annulus is Si 6 H 12 cyclohexasilane, Si 6 H 12 , 1-silyl-cyclopentasilane or Si 5 H 10 cyclopentasilane and the solution flowing through the outer annulus is polyacrylonitrile in dimethylformamide. [0058] The strand of nanofiber material that is formed from solution expelled from the nozzle in a high electric field at block 30 is deposited and collected on a substrate at block 40 . In the embodiment shown in FIG. 1 , the substrate consists of a metallic foil such as copper foil or aluminum foil. In one configuration, the substrate includes conductive metallic portions and insulating portions and the silicon-containing wires that are produced span the insulating portions of the substrate. In another embodiment, the substrate is a conducting carbon fiber matte including a carbon fiber matte constructed of carbon nanotubes. The substrate may also be a rotating mandrel or a moving metal web of foil such as copper foil. [0059] At block 50 the deposited and collected nanowires are transformed using thermal processing or laser processing. With cyclohexasilane based solutions, for example, the deposit can be transformed using thermal processing at temperatures ranging from approximately 150° C. to 300° C. to produce polysilane-containing materials. The deposit can also be transformed using thermal processing at temperatures ranging from about 300° C. to about 850° C., producing amorphous silicon-containing materials. The deposit from block 40 can be transformed using thermal processing at temperatures from ˜850° C. to 1414° C. producing crystalline silicon-containing materials. As an illustration, the thermal treatment of cyclohexasilane and polymer solvent expelled through a coaxial nozzle consists of 350° C. under N 2 for one hour followed by 350° C. in air for one hour followed by 800° C. in N 2 for one hour. The deposit can also be transformed using laser processing to produce crystalline silicon-containing materials. [0060] Optionally, at block 60 , the transformed fibers can be coated with a coherent, conductive coating and the coated transformed fibers can be used as a component of composite materials such as an anode material for a lithium ion battery, for example. [0061] In one embodiment, the conductive coating is deposited by chemical vapor deposition using argon/acetylene, hydrogen/methane or nitrogen/methane as precursor gases. In another embodiment, the coherent, conductive coating is deposited by solution deposition. For example, the solution deposition may employ a dispersion of conducting carbon milled together with the silicon-containing fraction in solvent. The conductive carbon can be graphite, carbon black, graphene, or carbon nanotubes in this embodiment. [0062] Referring now to FIG. 2 , the steps according to a preferred embodiment 100 of the present method for producing a silicon-based nanowire material using four-component liquid silane inks with an optional conductive coating is illustrated. Four-component inks, according to the invention, may have essentially the same components as the three-component inks described herein with the addition of a solid phase. The solid phase may be a particulate, photoactive or a reactive compound. Processing of the four-component inks is typically the same as the processing of the three-component inks. [0063] At block 110 , a viscous solution is formed by combining a liquid silane preferably of the formula Si n H 2n , a polymer, a solid phase and a solvent. As with the three-component inks, the components may be combined sequentially in any order or by pairs. [0064] The preferred liquid silane has the formula Si n H 2n , where n=3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8. Linear and branched liquid silanes of the formula Si n H 2n+2 , where n=3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 may also be used. Mixtures of one or more of these silanes may also be used. [0065] The preferred polymer is poly(methyl methacrylate) or a polycarbonate in the embodiment shown at block 110 of FIG. 2 . The preferred solvents at block 110 of FIG. 2 include toluene, xylene, cyclooctane, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, and dichloromethane or mixtures thereof. However, although these polymers and solvents are preferred, it will be understood that other polymers and solvents may be selected based on the polymers, the solid phases and the silanes that are employed. [0066] One or more solid phase components can be part of the ink mixture provided at block 110 of FIG. 2 . For example, the solid phase can comprise a plurality of metallic particles, preferably nanoscale particles, which may be spherical or have a high aspect ratio. In one embodiment, the metallic particles are made of a metal such as Al, Au, Ag, Cu, In—Sn—O, fluorine-doped tin oxide, or a metal alloy. In another embodiment, the particles may be made from graphite, carbon black, or graphene. The metallic particles may also be composed of wires or tubes of suitable dimensions such as carbon nanotubes or silicon nanowires. [0067] In other embodiments, the solid phase contains elements that are known to substitutionally-dope silicon such as boron, phosphorous, arsenic or antimony containing compounds. The solid phase component can also be semiconducting particles formed from materials such as carbon nanotubes, CdSe, CdTe, PbS, PbSe, ZnO or Si. [0068] The solid phase component can also include polydihydrosilane —(SiH 2 ) n —, formed by UV-irradiation of Si n H 2n (n=5, 6) corresponding to cyclopentasilane, cyclohexasilane and/or 1-silylcyclopentasilane. [0069] In another embodiment, metal silicide wires are formed where the solid phase at block 110 of FIG. 2 comprises a metal reagent. Examples of solid phase metal reagents includes CaH 2 , CaBr 2 , Cp 2 Ti(CO) 2 , V(CO) 6 , Cr(CO) 6 , Cp 2 Cr, Mn 2 (CO) 10 , CpMn(CO) 3 , Fe 2 (CO) 9 , Co 2 (CO) 8 , CO 4 (CO) 12 , Cp 2 Co, Cp 2 Ni, Ni(COD) 2 , BaH 2 , [Ru(CO) 4 ] ∞ , Os 3 (CO) 12 , Ru 3 (CO) 12 , HFeCo 3 (CO) 12 , Co 2 (CO) 8 and H 2 FeRu 3 (CO) 13 . Metal reagents at block 110 may also be a liquid such as TiCl 4 or Fe(CO) 5 . [0070] In another embodiment, the solid phase is a photoactive solid phase. For, example, the photoactive phase can be particulates of a carbon fullerene, carbon nanotubes, quantum dots of CdSe, PbS, Si or Ge, core-shell quantum dots of ZnSe/CdSe or Si/Ge. [0071] At block 120 , the solution is ejected through a nozzle in a high electric field to form a substantially continuous nanofiber through an electrospinning process. Although expulsion of a single solution though a single nozzle is described in the embodiment of FIG. 2 , other solution and nozzle configurations can be used with the two and four-component inks. For example, a coaxial nozzle and dispenser system can be used that has an inner annulus and an outer annulus as illustrated in Example 16. The polymer, solid phase and a solvent can be combined to form a viscous solution that is the source of fluid flowing through the outer annulus. The selected liquid silane is a second source of fluid that is expressed through the inner annulus. [0072] For example, the liquid silane flowing through the inner annulus is Si 6 H 12 cyclohexasilane, Si 6 H 12 1-silyl-cyclopentasilane or Si 5 H 10 cyclopentasilane and the solution flowing through the outer annulus is polyacrylonitrile in dimethylformamide and metal particulates or carbon nanotubes. [0073] In another embodiment, a viscous mixture of a polymer and a solvent is produced and that mixture is ejected through the outer annulus of the nozzle while simultaneously ejecting a Liquid Silane through an inner annulus of the nozzle. The two streams are directed through a high electric field to form Core-Shell Fibers. The fibers are transformed to silicon wires with a carbon outer coating. Many other combinations are also possible with this coaxial nozzle configuration. [0074] At block 130 , the nanofiber that is formed at block 120 from the electrospinning apparatus is deposited on a conductive substrate. The substrate at block 130 is preferably a metallic foil such as copper foil or aluminum foil. The substrate can also be a conducting carbon fiber matte including a carbon fiber matte constructed of carbon nanotubes. In one configuration, the substrate includes conductive metallic portions and insulating portions and the silicon-containing wires that are produced span the insulating portions of the substrate. [0075] The produced fiber collected at block 130 can be transformed to amorphous silicon or crystalline silicon composites through thermal treatment or light activation via radical polymerization at block 140 . The deposited material can also be collected and transformed at a different time and location. [0076] As with the three-component inks, the fibers produced from the four-component inks are typically transformed using thermal processing at temperatures from 150 to 300° C. to give polysilane-containing materials. The deposit can also be transformed using thermal processing at temperatures from 300 to 850° C. to produce amorphous silicon-containing materials. The deposit can also be transformed using thermal processing at temperatures from ˜850 to 1414° C. giving crystalline silicon-containing materials. Some variation in these temperature ranges may be seen depending on the nature of the particular solid phase that is used in the ink. Finally, the deposit can be transformed using laser processing to give crystalline silicon-containing materials at block 140 . [0077] An optional coherent, conductive coating may be applied to the transformed materials before or after the thermal treatments at block 150 . The coatings at block 150 can be applied by chemical vapor deposition using argon/acetylene, hydrogen/methane or nitrogen/methane as precursor gases. The coatings can also be applied by solution deposition using a dispersion of conducting carbon milled together with the silicon containing fraction and a solvent and graphite, C black, graphene, nanotubes or wires as a carbon source. [0078] It can be seen that the coated or non-coated nanofibers or wires that are produced according to the invention can be used as components of other composite materials with further processing. This can be illustrated with the production of an electrically-conducting silicon-composite electrode with a three-component ink or a four-component ink. Referring also to FIG. 3 , a method 200 for producing an anode material according to the invention is schematically shown. At block 210 , nanofibers are produced by electrospinning two or four-component inks. The fibers are transformed at block 220 by thermal or laser processing. The processed fibers are coated with carbon at block 230 . The carbon coating can be applied with chemical vapor deposition or by solution deposition. Carbon coatings preferably coatings of graphite, carbon black, graphene, or nanotubes or wires. [0079] At block 240 the coated fibers are combined with an ion conducting binder to form the body of the electrode. The polymer binder may either be inherently lithium ion conducting, or may become lithium ion conducting by absorbing electrolyte solution. The coated nanofibers are mixed with a binder to give a material structure that can be further sized and shaped. For example, the binder may include poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) or sodium carboxymethylcellulose. Some binders may be volatile and capable of being removed with additional thermal or laser treatments. Other binders may also be ion or electrically conductive or have a conductive filler such as a carbon particulate like KB carbon or graphite. [0080] Electrodes with coated silicon fibers are resistant to cracking from the sizeable volume changes that occur during the lithiation and delithiation processes during cycling, for example. KB carbon is an elastic carbon and is capable of stretching and compressing during ordinary volume changes and is a preferred conductive binder or filler at block 240 . [0081] In one embodiment, an electrode can be produced by: (a) combining a liquid silane of the formula Si n H 2n , with a polymer such as poly(methyl methacrylate), polycarbonate, poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene), sodium carboxymethylcellulose or a mixture of polymers and a solvent to form a viscous solution; (b) exposing the viscous solution to a high electric field where continuous fibers are formed and deposited onto a metal foil substrate; (c) transforming the deposit into a material that contains a polysilane, an amorphous silicon and/or a crystalline silicon fraction by thermal treatment under inert gas at a temperature <400° C.; (d) forming a coherent, ion conductive coating on the external porosity of the silicon-containing fraction deposited by vapor or solution deposition; and (e) mixing the coated silicon nanofiber material with a binder of poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene), sodium carboxymethylcellulose and/or KB carbon to form an electrode. [0082] The invention may be better understood with reference to the accompanying examples, which are intended for purposes of illustration only and should not be construed as in any sense limiting the scope of the present invention as defined in the claims appended hereto. EXAMPLE 1 [0083] In order to demonstrate the functionality of the electrospinning methods with different formulations of liquid silane inks, a test reactor was constructed. All electrospinning processing and post-deposition treatments were performed inside inert nitrogen gas gloveboxes with active oxygen scrubbing unless otherwise specified. After appropriate ink formulation, three- and four-component solutions and/or mixtures were taken up into 1 mL HDPE syringes fitted with blunt-nosed 18 gauge stainless steel needles 2.5 cm in length. The ink-containing syringe and needle were placed into a syringe pump in horizontal position with a needle-to-substrate standoff distance of ˜25 cm. [0084] Metallic copper foil pieces (5 cm×5 cm×0.8 mm) were employed as the electrode substrate in the electrospinning process and were cleaned according to the following protocol: rinsing with ˜5 mL isopropanol using a squirt bottle; rinsing with ˜5 mL 1.5 M hydrochloric acid using a squirt bottle; rinsing with ˜10 mL deionized water using a squirt bottle; and, drying with a stream of particulate-filtered high-purity nitrogen gas. These substrates were then introduced into an electrospinning process glovebox. [0085] The substrates were then placed into deposition position by connecting the metallic foil to an acrylic backdrop using an alligator clip that also served to make electrical connection to the ground of the power supply. A high voltage source (Gamma High Voltage Research Inc. Model ES40P-12W/DDPM) was connected with the positive terminal on the needle and the negative (ground) on the metallic substrate. The syringe pump (Cole Parmer model EW-74900-00) was set to a flow rate of 0.4-0.5 mL/h and allowed to run until the needle was primed with liquid. Once a droplet formed on the outside of the needle, the power source was adjusted to 15 kV. A collimated halogen light source was used to visualize the spinning solution/mixture. Immediately after the 15 kV was applied, spinning fibers were seen moving from the needle horizontally to the substrate. The ground plate and needle location were adjusted so that the fibers were deposited at the center of the foil. [0086] Cyclosilanes such as Si 6 H 12 and Si 5 H 10 were prepared and distilled under reduced vacuum yielding 99+% pure colorless liquid (by 1 H NMR). The Si 5 H 10 was prepared by reacting Si 5 Cl 10 with LiAlH 4 and used without additional purification. Inert atmosphere gloveboxes and standard Schlenk techniques were used to preclude the oxidation of liquid silane. This is necessary because Si 6 H 12 and Si 5 H 10 are pyrophoric liquids that burn upon contact with air and are treated as an ignition source and handled in inert atmosphere. In addition, (SiH 2 ) n reacts slowly with air and moisture to give amorphous silica. [0087] A three-component ink, Si 6 H 12 /PMMA in toluene, was first used to demonstrate the electrospinning methods and the thermolysis products were characterized and shown schematically in FIG. 4 . A solution of PMMA in toluene was prepared by adding 4.60 g of dry toluene to a flame-dried vial with 0.52 grams of PMMA (Aldrich P/N 182265-500G Lot #07227DH, MW=996,000) mixed via magnetic stirring. The mixture was heated to 75° C. to expedite dissolution of the polymer. Next, 500 μL of this PMMA/toluene solution was cooled to room temperature and 100 μL of Si 6 H 12 was added dropwise giving two colorless immiscible phases with one being rather viscous. After stirring for 15 minutes, the mixture appeared to be homogeneous with an apparent viscosity that was higher than either of the immiscible phases indicating the formation of a three-component microemulsion or a single-phase mixture. Electrospinning was realized as described above using a copper foil as the substrate. It is noteworthy that this process is also operative when using a lower molecular weight PMMA polymer (MW=350,000). [0088] After electrospinning, a piece of the sample was cut off with a scissors and heat treated to ˜350° C. for 30 minutes upon which time a slightly yellow tint was observed in the deposit. [0089] The microstructure of the heat-treated deposit was then probed using a scanning electron microscope. The microstructure was shown to consist of wires with diameters from 100 nm to 3 μm. Raman microscope characterization (Horiba Jobin Yvon, LabRAM ARAMIS, 532 nm illumination) of the product confirmed the existence of amorphous silicon phase given the characteristic broad band at 485 cm −1 . Interestingly, the Raman laser can transform the a-Si wires into crystalline Si as evidenced by a band at 513 cm −1 that was observed after the laser beam was focused to ˜100 kW/cm 2 . Optical micrographs of the electrospun deposit subjected to the higher power density show clear signs of melting and densification in the wire. [0090] The produced electrospun nanowire materials were collected and tested for electrode performance by using the materials to make anodes in electrochemical cells. Before assembly in pouch cells, the a-Si wires were exposed to air and loaded into a chemical vapor chamber where a thin conducting carbon layer ˜10 nm thick was deposited. Afterwards, the C-coated a-Si wires were moved into a second inert atmosphere argon-filled glove box (H 2 O and O 2 <1 ppm). Lithium metal/a-Si wire half-cells were fabricated using Celgard-2300 as the separator and 1 M LiP F 6 in ethylene carbonate:diethyl carbonate 1:1 as the electrolyte with a mass loading of 4 mg/cm 2 . Electrochemical testing was performed by cycling between 0.02 and 1.50 V at 100 mA/g using an Arbin model B2000 tester. The charge/discharge data for a half-cell comprised of lithium metal and chemical vapor deposition carbon-coated a-Si nanowires prepared according to Example 1 was recorded and demonstrated comparable characteristics over 30 cycles. EXAMPLE 2 [0091] Electrospinning of a three-component ink, Si 6 H 12 /PMMA using the solvent dichloromethane (DCM), was conducted to demonstrate an alternative solvent and to characterize performance of the resulting material as an electrode. A solution of PMMA in DCM was prepared by adding 18.0 mL of dry DCM to a flame-dried vial with 2.681 g of PMMA mixed via magnetic stirring at 500 RPM for 3 h. Next, 8.220 g of this PMMA/DCM solution, 858 μL of DCM and 418 μL of Si 6 H 12 were added dropwise while magnetically stirring to give a mixture of two immiscible liquids. After stirring for 15 minutes, the mixture appeared to be homogeneous with an apparent viscosity that was higher than either of the immiscible phases indicating the formation of a three-component microemulsion or a single-phase mixture. Electrospinning was realized as described above using a copper foil as the substrate. [0092] Immediately after electrospinning each 1 mL aliquot, the deposited wires were scraped off of the copper foil and placed inside a flame-dried vial. The vials containing the samples were then heated on a ceramic hotplate with an aluminum shroud to 550° C. with a ramp rate no slower than 16° C./minute, and held for 1 h. The microstructure of the heat-treated deposit was probed using high-resolution scanning electron microscope and shown to consist of porous wires and agglomerates with primary particle size ˜150 nm in diameter. Raman microscope characterization of the product confirmed the existence of amorphous silicon phase given the characteristic broad band at 485 cm −1 . The Raman laser could also transform the a-Si wires into crystalline Si as evidenced by a band at 516 cm −1 that was observed after the laser beam was focused to ˜100 kW/cm 2 . [0093] Optical micrographs of the electrospun deposit subjected to the higher power density showed clear signs of melting and densification in the wire. An 80 mg sample of the heated sample was sent to Galbraith Laboratories (Knoxville, Tenn.) for ICP-OES and combustion analysis where duplicate analyses showed 83.6 wt % silicon and 6.6 wt % carbon. [0094] The produced nanowire materials were then used to make anodes in electrochemical cells. Before assembly in pouch cells, the a-Si wires were exposed to air and loaded into a chemical vapor chamber where a thin conducting carbon layer ˜10 nm thick was deposited. Afterwards, the C-coated a-Si wires were moved into a second inert atmosphere argon-filled glove box (H 2 O and O 2 <1 ppm). Lithium metal/a-Si wire half-cells were fabricated using Celgard-2300 as the separator and 1 M LiP F 6 in ethylene carbonate:diethyl carbonate 1:1 as the electrolyte with a mass loading of 4 mg/cm 2 . Electrochemical testing was performed by cycling between 0.02 and 1.50 V at 100 mA/g using an Arbin model B2000 tester. Charge/discharge data for a half-cell comprised of lithium metal and chemical vapor deposition carbon-coated a-Si nanowires was obtained. Specific capacity data showed an initial capacity of 3400 mAh/g, a 2nd cycle capacity of 2693 mAh/g with a fade of 16.6% after 21 cycles. EXAMPLE 3 [0095] The product of a second three-component ink, Si 5 H 10 /PMMA in DCM with a post deposit treatment of 550° C. for 60 minutes and laser exposure was characterized. A 10 wt % polymer solution was prepared by adding dried and nitrogen-sparged DCM into a flame-dried glass vial with PMMA dissolved by stirring for ˜12 h. At that time, 45 μL of Si 5 H 10 was added to the solution using a micropipette and this mixture was stirred for 10 minutes using a PTFE-coated magnetic stir bar. The copper foil substrate was cleaned and moved into the electrospinning glovebox before being mounted and connected to the apparatus. Electrospinning was performed with a 20 cm stand-off distance, a 12 kV excitation, 0.5 mL/h ink flow rate and a total solution volume of ˜75 μL was dispensed. [0096] Post thermal treatment of the electrospun sample on copper foil was conducted in a nitrogen ambient (<1 ppm O 2 and H 2 O). The sample was placed on a room temperature ceramic hotplate, and covered with an aluminum heat shield to improve temperature uniformity. The hotplate was ramped to 550° C. no slower than 30° C./minute and held at nominally 550° C. for one hour after which time, the sample was removed from the hotplate and placed on a room temperature aluminum plate and allowed to quickly cool to ambient. [0097] Optical micrographs of the electrospun collected sample depicted wires that were ˜1 μm in diameter. Raman characterization of these wires showed the existence of crystalline silicon after melting with the Raman laser. EXAMPLE 4 [0098] The product of a three-component ink Si 6 H 12 /QPAC100 in toluene was characterized by two different post deposit treatments: heating at 350° C. for 20 minutes; or 355 nm laser exposure followed by heating at 350° C. for 20 minutes. The latter of these two processes is shown schematically in FIG. 5 . [0099] A polymer solution was prepared by placing 1.06 g of dried toluene into a flame-dried vial and adding 120 mg QPAC100 while stirring with a PTFE-coated magnetic stir bar for 2.5 h at 500 rpm. At this time, 50 μL Si 6 H 12 was added via pipette and a slight immiscibility was noted. The mixture was stirred for ˜40 h yielding a homogeneous mixture. The copper foil substrate was cleaned and moved into the electrospinning glovebox before being mounted and connected to the apparatus. Prior to electrospinning, the substrate was heat treated for one minute at 350° C. to desorb any trace water. Electrospinning was performed with a 30 cm stand-off distance, 0.5 mL/h ink flow rate and a 10 kV excitation. [0100] After spinning for one hour, the sample was removed and cut into pieces with one being subjected to thermal treatment at 350° C. for 20 minutes. Interestingly, no wire like deposit was noted by optical microscopy after this thermal treatment. Scanning electron microscopy characterization showed dark areas that originated from the electrospun deposits with Raman characterization indicating the presence of a-Si on the substrate. [0101] A description of this phenomenon can be envisioned by consideration of the thermal properties of each of the constituents of this three-component ink. Firstly, Si 6 H 12 shows that evaporation begins at around 225° C. with some polymerization that gives 32.9% residual mass after heating to 350° C. Secondly, QPAC100 begins to thermalize around 150° C. with 50% mass loss observed at 270° C. and less than 1% residue at 350° C. Therefore, when the electrospun wire formed by the three-component Si 6 H 12 /QPAC100 ink was thermally-treated, the polymer component volatized prior to the formation of a structurally stable poly(dihydrosilane). As the Si 6 H 12 fraction was yet unpolymerized, nanosized Si films appeared as shadows of the original wires. [0102] After spinning for one hour, the second sample was cut into pieces and one was placed in an air-tight container and transferred into a glovebox that contained a beam from a HIPPO laser (355 nm illumination, Spectra Physics Inc.). Variable laser powers of 500 mW, 1 W, 2 W, 3 W, and 4 W for 1 minute and also 500 mW and 4 W for 5 minutes transformed the Si 6 H 12 into polysilane as evidenced by the appearance of yellow/brown discolorations for incident areas of the Si 6 H 12 /QPAC100 deposit. After this photolysis step, the (SiH 2 ) n /QPAC100 sample was placed on a room temperature hotplate and heated to 341° C. for a total of 20 minutes. The a-Si wires that were formed were characterized by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy and shown to possess significant porosity. Raman characterization of the product confirmed the existence of amorphous silicon phase that was melted by focusing the Raman laser. EXAMPLE 5 [0103] The electrospun fibers of a four-component ink PMMA/Si 6 H 12 /Co 2 (CO) 10 in DCM and the resulting thermolysis products were characterized. A solution of PMMA in toluene was prepared by adding 10.38 mL of dry toluene to a flame-dried vial with 980 mg of PMMA mixed via magnetic stirring. 50 mg of a cobalt/silicon solution and 1 mL of the PMMA/toluene solution were mixed in a 4 mL flame-dried vial. After stirring for 15 minutes, the mixture appeared to be homogeneous. Electrospinning was realized as described above using a copper foil as the substrate. [0104] After electrospinning, a piece of the sample was cut off with a scissors and rapidly thermal annealed to ˜600° C. using an IR lamp. A piece of this sample was adhered to a glass slide with silver contacts which were deposited with a wood toothpick using fast-drying silver paint. Resistance across the two silver contacts was measured using a two-point method with the Agilent B1500A semiconductor analyzer using I-V analysis. Resistivity values were obtained by manually approximating the amount of wires which were connecting between the electrodes and approximating the length between the electrodes (2 mm) and approximating the wire diameter (3-4 μm). The resistance was measured and resistivity calculated to be 4×10 4 Ω-m. [0105] The microstructure of the heat-treated wires was probed using a high resolution scanning electron microscope and shown to consist of wires with diameters from 1 to 3 μm. EDS mapping confirms the presence of cobalt and silicon within the wires. The non-polymer components of this four-component electrospinning ink (i.e., Si 6 H 12 and Co 2 (CO) 8 ) have previously been reported as reagents for forming silicon-cobalt films. EXAMPLE 6 [0106] Another four-component ink, PMMA/Si 6 H 12 /CdSe in DCM and its thermolysis products were characterized. A 10 wt % solution of PMMA in dried and nitrogen-sparged DCM was mixed for ˜12 h and then 0.931 g of this solution was added to a flame-dried glass vial. To that solution, 46 μL of Si 6 H 12 and 47 μL of CdSe quantum dots in toluene (Lumidot® 480 nm excitation, 5 mg/mL in toluene, Sigma Aldrich P/N662356) were stirred for 10 minutes using a Teflon-coated magnetic stir bar. Electrospinning employed a copper substrate and was performed as described above. [0107] Post-deposition treatment of electrospun deposit was performed in a nitrogen ambient (<1 ppm O 2 and H 2 O). The sample was placed on a room temperature ceramic hotplate, and covered with an aluminum heat shield to improve temperature uniformity. The hotplate was ramped to 550° C. no slower than 30° C./minute and held at nominally 550° C. for one hour. Thereafter, the sample was removed from the hotplate and placed on a room temperature aluminum plate and allowed to quickly cool to ambient temperature. The sample was then analyzed by Raman spectroscopy and the characteristic peak for crystalline silicon was noted after treatment with the Raman laser as shown in FIG. 6 . EXAMPLE 7 [0108] A third four-component ink, PMMA/Si 6 H 12 /Carbon Black in DCM, and its thermolysis products were characterized. A suspension of carbon black (Cabot Industries, Black Pearls 2000) was prepared by mixing 52 mg of the carbon black with 1 mL of dried and nitrogen-sparged DCM in a flame-dried glass vial and sonicated for 30 minutes. [0109] In a second flame-dried glass vial was placed 0.963 g of a 10 wt % solution of PMMA in dried and nitrogen-sparged DCM was mixed for ˜12 h. To that solution, 48 μL of Si 6 H 12 and 12 mg of the dried sonicated carbon black suspension were stirred for 10 minutes using a Teflon-coated magnetic stir bar. Electrospinning employed a copper substrate and was performed as described previously. [0110] Post-deposition treatment of the electrospun deposit was performed in a nitrogen ambient (<1 ppm O 2 and H 2 O) atmosphere. The sample was then placed on a room temperature ceramic hotplate, and covered with an aluminum heat shield to improve temperature uniformity. The hotplate was ramped to 550° C. no slower than 30° C./minute and held at nominally 550° C. for one hour after which time, the sample was removed from the hotplate and placed on a room temperature aluminum plate and allowed to quickly cool to ambient temperature. The sample was analyzed by Raman and the characteristic peak for crystalline silicon was noted after treatment with the Raman laser as shown in FIG. 6 . EXAMPLE 8 [0111] For comparison, a fourth four-component ink, PMMA/Si 6 H 12 /graphite in DCM, and its thermolysis products were characterized. A suspension of graphite (Asbury Carbon, grade 4934) was prepared by mixing 52 mg of the graphite with 1 mL of dried and nitrogen-sparged DCM in a flame-dried glass vial and sonicated for 30 minutes. A 10 wt % solution of PMMA in dried and nitrogen sparged DCM was mixed for ˜12 h and 0.942 g of this solution was added to a flame-dried glass vial. To that solution, 47 μL of Si 6 H 12 and 47 μL of the sonicated graphite suspension were stirred for 10 minutes using a Teflon-coated magnetic stir bar. Electrospinning employed a copper substrate and was performed as described above. [0112] Post-deposition treatment of the electrospun deposit was performed in a nitrogen ambient (<1 ppm O 2 and H 2 O). The sample was placed on a room temperature ceramic hotplate, and covered with an aluminum heat shield to reduce temperature inhomogeneity. The hotplate was ramped to 550° C. no slower than 30° C./minute and held at nominally 550° C. for one hour after which time, the sample was removed from the hotplate and placed on a room temperature aluminum plate and allowed to quickly cool to ambient. The sample was analyzed by Raman and the characteristic peak for crystalline silicon was noted after treatment with the Raman laser as shown in FIG. 6 . EXAMPLE 9 [0113] The product of a fifth four-component ink, PMMA/Si 6 H 12 /Ag in DCM was characterized for comparison. In this illustration, a suspension of silver nanoparticles (<100 nm diameter, Sigma Alrich P/N 576832) was prepared by mixing 35 mg of the silver nanopowder with 700 μL of dried and nitrogen-sparged DCM in a flame-dried glass vial and sonicated for 30 minutes. A 10 wt % solution of PMMA in dried and nitrogen-sparged DCM was mixed for ˜12 h at which time 0.923 g of this solution was added to a flame-dried glass vial. To that solution, 46 μL of Si 6 H 12 and 46 μL of the sonicated silver nanoparticle suspension were stirred for 10 minutes using a Teflon coated magnetic stir bar. Electrospinning employed a copper substrate and was performed as described above. [0114] Post-deposition treatment of the electrospun deposit was performed in a nitrogen ambient (<1 ppm O 2 and H 2 O). The sample was placed on a room temperature ceramic hotplate, and covered with an aluminum heat shield to improve temperature uniformity. The hotplate was ramped to 550° C. no slower than 30° C./minute and held at nominally 550° C. for one hour after which time, the sample was removed from the hotplate and placed on a room temperature aluminum plate and allowed to quickly cool to ambient. The sample was analyzed by Raman and the characteristic peak for crystalline silicon was observed after treatment with the Raman laser as shown in FIG. 6 . EXAMPLE 10 [0115] A sixth four-component ink, PMMA/Si 6 H 12 /AIP in DCM, was characterized to further demonstrate the breadth of the methods. A 10 wt % solution of PMMA in dried and nitrogen-sparged DCM was mixed for ˜12 h after which time 0.949 g of this solution was added to a flame-dried glass vial. To that solution, 47 μL of Si 6 H 12 and 47 μL of an amphiphilic invertible polymer (AIP) (synthesized from poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and aliphatic dicarboxylic acids) were stirred for 10 minutes using a Teflon coated magnetic stir bar. Electrospinning employed a copper substrate and was performed as described above. [0116] Post-deposition treatment of electrospun deposit was performed in a nitrogen ambient (<1 ppm O 2 and H 2 O). The sample was placed on a room temperature ceramic hotplate, and covered with an aluminum heat shield to improve temperature uniformity. The hotplate was ramped to 550° C. no slower than 30° C./minute and held at nominally 550° C. for one hour after which time, the sample was removed from the hotplate and placed on a room temperature aluminum plate and allowed to quickly cool to ambient. The sample was analyzed by Raman and the characteristic peak for crystalline silicon was noted after treatment with the Raman laser as shown in FIG. 6 . EXAMPLE 11 [0117] The products of a seventh four-component ink, PMMA/Si 6 H 12 /BBr 3 in DCM were also characterized. A 10 wt % solution of PMMA in dried and nitrogen-sparged DCM was mixed for ˜12 h and 0.931 g of this solution was added to a flame-dried glass vial. To that solution, 46 μL of Si 6 H 12 and 1.5 μL of BBr 3 (>99.99% pure, Sigma Aldrich P/N 230367) were added and stirred for 10 minutes using a Teflon-coated magnetic stir bar. Electrospinning employed a copper substrate and was performed as described above. [0118] Post-deposition treatment of the electrospun deposit was performed in a nitrogen ambient (<1 ppm O 2 and H 2 O). The sample was placed on a room temperature ceramic hotplate, and covered with an aluminum heat shield to improve temperature uniformity. The hotplate was ramped to 550° C. no slower than 30° C./minute and held at nominally 550° C. for one hour after which time, the sample was removed from the hotplate and placed on a room temperature aluminum plate and allowed to quickly cool to ambient. The sample was analyzed by Raman and the characteristic peak for crystalline silicon was noted after treatment with the Raman laser as shown in FIG. 6 . EXAMPLE 12 [0119] The electrospin products of an eighth four-component ink, PMMA/Si 6 H 12 /PBr 3 in DCM, were characterized for comparison. A 10 wt % solution of PMMA in dried and nitrogen-sparged DCM was mixed for ˜12 h at which time 1.522 g of this solution was added to a flame-dried glass vial. To that solution, 75 μL of Si 6 H 12 and 2.3 μL of PBr 3 (>99.99% pure, Sigma Aldrich P/N 288462) were stirred for 10 minutes using a Teflon coated magnetic stir bar. Electrospinning employed a copper substrate and was performed as described above. [0120] Post-deposition treatment of the electrospun deposit was performed in a nitrogen ambient (<1 ppm O 2 and H 2 O). The sample was placed on a room temperature ceramic hotplate, and covered with an aluminum heat shield to improve temperature uniformity. The hotplate was ramped to 550° C. no slower than 30° C./minute and held at nominally 550° C. for one hour after which time, the sample was removed from the hotplate and placed on a room temperature aluminum plate and allowed to quickly cool to ambient. The sample was analyzed by Raman and the characteristic peak for crystalline silicon was noted after treatment with the Raman laser as shown in FIG. 6 . [0121] It can be seen that many different novel two or three component inks and silicon based nanowires and materials can be commercially produced in electrospinning reactors, and the feasibility of producing efficient nanowire electrodes was demonstrated. EXAMPLE 13 [0122] The products of a ninth four-component ink, PMMA/Si 6 H 12 /CNTs in DCM were also characterized. A 10 wt % solution of PMMA in dried and nitrogen-sparged DCM was mixed for ˜12 h at which time 1.960 g of this solution was added to a flame-dried glass vial that contained 4.04 mg of carbon nanotubes (Sigma Aldrich P/N 704148). To that solution, 98 μL of Si 6 H 12 were added and stirred for 10 minutes using a Teflon coated magnetic stir bar. Electrospinning employed a copper substrate and was performed as described above. [0123] Post-deposition treatment of the electrospun deposit was performed in a nitrogen ambient (<1 ppm O 2 and H 2 O). After spinning, the sample was cut into pieces and one was placed in an air-tight container and transferred into a glovebox that contained a beam from a HIPPO laser (355 nm illumination, Spectra Physics Inc.). A laser power of 750 mW with a 1 cm 2 spot size was used to scan across the entire sample at a rate of 5 mm/s. After this photolysis step, the (SiH 2 ) n /PMMA sample was placed on a room temperature hotplate and heated to 350° C. at a ramp rate of 50° C./10 minutes. The sample was analyzed by Raman and the characteristic peak for crystalline silicon, as well as the D and G bands of the carbon nanotubes were noted after treatment with the Raman laser. EXAMPLE 14 [0124] The spin coating of thin films using a three-component ink, Si 6 H 12 /PMMA in DCM was demonstrated and compared with nanofibers produced by a conventional nozzle. A 10 wt % solution of PMMA in dried and nitrogen-sparged DCM was mixed for ˜12 h at which time 0.862 g of this solution was transferred to a flame-dried glass vial. To that solution, 43 μL of Si 6 H 12 was added and then stirred for 10 minutes using a Teflon-coated magnetic stir bar. The solution volume was then doubled by diluting with additional DCM. [0125] Fused silica and quartz (1 cm×1 cm×1 mm) were employed as substrate in the spin coating process and were cleaned according to the following protocol: Liquinox™ detergent cleaning by rubbing for 30 sec with a latex glove; rinsing in a stream of hot water for 15 seconds; rinsing with ˜10 mL deionized water using a squirt bottle; rinsing with ˜10 mL acetone using a squirt bottle; rinsing with ˜10 mL isopropanol using a squirt bottle; and, drying with the flame of a propane torch. For the spin-coating procedure, 30 μL of the Si 6 H 12 /PMMA sample was dispensed onto a quartz substrate while spinning at 3000 RPM and under UV irradiation from a Hg(Xe) arc lamp (Newport Corp, lamp model 66142, power density ˜50 mW/cm 2 ) with a dichroic mirror used to filter the infrared photons. [0126] Thermal treatment of samples deposited on fused silica and quartz was conducted in a nitrogen ambient (<1 ppm O 2 and H 2 O). The samples were placed on a room temperature aluminum hotplate and covered with an aluminum heat shield to improve temperature uniformity. The hotplate was ramped to 350° C. at 250° C./h at which time the thermal treatment was quenched by removing the sample from the hotplate to an aluminum plate at ambient temperature. Raman characterization of these films showed the existence of crystalline silicon after melting with the Raman laser. EXAMPLE 15 [0127] Spin coating of thin films using a four-component ink, Si 6 H 12 /PMMA/Ag in DCM was conducted to illustrate fiber formation from a thin film for comparison with other fiber producing methods. A mixture of silver nanoparticles (<100 nm diameter, Sigma Alrich P/N 576832) was prepared by mixing 35 mg of the silver nanopowder with 700 μL of dried and nitrogen-sparged DCM in a flame-dried glass vial. The vial was placed in an ultrasonic bath and treated with sonics for 30 minutes. A 10 wt % solution of PMMA in dried and nitrogen-sparged DCM was mixed for ˜12 h at which time 0.923 g of this solution was transferred to a flame-dried glass vial. To this PMMA solution was added 46 μL of Si 6 H 12 and 46 μL of the sonicated Ag/DCM mixture and the entire contents were stirred for 10 minutes using a Teflon-coated magnetic stir bar. The solution volume was then doubled by diluting with additional DCM. [0128] Fused silica and quartz substrates (1 cm×1 cm×1 mm) were cleaned as described above. Thin films were prepared by spun-coating as described above using 30 μL of the four-component ink (Si 6 H 12 /PMMA/Ag). After spin-coating, thermal treatment of samples deposited on fused silica and quartz was conducted in a nitrogen ambient (<1 ppm O 2 and H 2 O). The samples were placed on a room temperature aluminum hotplate and covered with an aluminum heat shield to improve temperature uniformity. The hotplate was ramped to 350° C. at 250° C./h at which time the thermal treatment was quenched by removing the sample from the hotplate to an aluminum plate at ambient temperature. Raman characterization of these films showed the existence of crystalline silicon after melting with the Raman laser. EXAMPLE 16 [0129] In some instances a liquid that serves as a solvent for the polymer may react with Si 6 H 12 . A coaxial electrospinning approach can be employed to circumvent the deleterious interaction of Si 6 H 12 with some solvents. The product formed by coaxial electrospinning where neat Si 6 H 12 and a poly(acrylonitrile) (PAN) in dimethylformamide (DMF) solution were expelled from the inner and outer tubes, respectively was heat treated to 350° C. in nitrogen ambient for one hour, in air at 350° C. for one hour, and in nitrogen at 800° C. for one hour. [0130] The PAN in DMF solution was prepared by placing 2.465 g of dried DCM into a flame-dried vial and adding a total of 548 mg PAN while stirring with a PTFE-coated magnetic stir bar for 24 h at 500 rpm. A 7.62 cm×7.62 cm×0.762 mm copper foil substrate was cleaned as previously mentioned and moved into the electrospinning glovebox before being mounted and connected to the apparatus. Electrospinning was performed with a 20 cm stand-off distance, 0.5 mL/h flow rate of both the inner and outer fluids and a 10 to 19 kV excitation. [0131] After spinning for one hour, the sample was removed and subjected to thermal treatment at 350° C. for one hour on a hotplate in nitrogen ambient (<1 ppm O 2 and H 2 O) with a ramp rate of 200° C./h, followed by tube furnace treatment in air at 350° C. for one hour and nitrogen ambient at 800° C. for one hour. Optical microscopy of the annealed coaxial electrospun sample confirms the presence of wire-like deposits with diameter ˜1 μm. Raman analysis of this same sample shows the presence of silicon, as evidenced by a ˜480 cm −1 and 520 cm −1 bands corresponding to a-Si and c-Si, respectively. [0132] A description of this phenomenon can be envisioned by consideration of the thermal properties of each of the constituents of this three-component ink. Firstly, Si 6 H 12 shows that evaporation begins at around 225° C. with some polymerization that gives 32.9% residual mass after heating to 350° C. Secondly, PAN crosslinks around 350° C. in air and thermalizes to carbon around 800° C. in nitrogen. Therefore, when the coaxial electrospun wires formed from the three-component Si 6 H 12 /PAN ink were thermally-treated, the silicon component converts to a-Si and/or c-Si and the polymer component carbonizes to form structurally stable and conductive carbon. [0133] From the discussion above it will be appreciated that the invention can be embodied in various ways, including the following: [0134] 1. A method for synthesizing silicon nanofibers, comprising combining a liquid silane, a polymer and a solvent to form a viscous solution; passing a stream of viscous solution through a high electric field to form fibers; depositing the formed fibers onto a substrate; and then transforming the deposited fibers. [0135] 2. The method of embodiment 1, wherein the liquid silane is a cyclosilane of the formula Si n H 2n selected from the group of cyclosilanes consisting essentially of cyclopentasilane, cyclohexasilane and 1-silylcyclopentasilane. [0136] 3. The method of embodiment 1, wherein the liquid silane is a linear or branched silane of the formula Si n H 2n+2 [0137] 4. The method of embodiment 1, wherein the polymer is selected from the group of polymers consisting essentially of poly(methyl methacrylate), a polycarbonate, poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene), and polyvinyl butryal. [0138] 5. The method of embodiment 1, wherein the solvent is selected from the group of solvents consisting essentially of toluene, xylene, cyclooctane, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, dichloromethane and mixtures thereof. [0139] 6. The method of embodiment 1, wherein the substrate is selected from the group of substrates consisting essentially of a carbon fiber matte, a metal foil, and a mandrel. [0140] 7. The method of embodiment 1, wherein the deposited fibers are transformed using thermal processing at temperatures from 150° C. to 300° C. to produce polysilane-containing materials. [0141] 8. The method of embodiment 1, wherein the deposited fibers are transformed using thermal processing at temperatures from 300° C. to 850° C. to produce amorphous silicon-containing materials or wherein the transformed fiber contains polymer and amorphous silicon. [0142] 9. The method of embodiment 1, wherein the deposited fibers are transformed using thermal processing at temperatures from 850° C. to 1414° C. to produce crystalline silicon-containing materials. [0143] 10. The method of embodiment 1, wherein the deposited fibers are transformed using laser processing to give crystalline silicon-containing materials. [0144] 11. A method for synthesizing silicon nanofibers, comprising: combining a liquid silane, a polymer, a solid phase and a solvent to form a viscous solution; passing a stream of viscous solution through a high electric field to form fibers; depositing the formed fibers onto a substrate; and then transforming the deposited fibers. [0145] 12. The method of embodiment 11, wherein the liquid silane is a cyclosilane of the formula Si n H 2n selected from the group of cyclosilanes consisting essentially of cyclopentasilane, cyclohexasilane and 1-silylcyclopentasilane. [0146] 13. The method of embodiment 11, wherein the liquid silane is a linear or branched cyclosilane of the formula Si n H 2n+2 . [0147] 14. The method of embodiment 11, wherein the solid phase is a metallic particle selected from the group of metal particles consisting essentially of metallic particles of Al, Au, Ag, Cu, In—Sn—O, fluorine-doped tin oxide and carbon black. [0148] 15. The method of embodiment 11, wherein the solid phase is a semiconducting particle selected from the group of semiconducting particles consisting essentially of carbon nanotubes, silicon nanowires, polydihydrosilane (Si n H 2 ) n , CdSe, CdTe, PbS, PbSe, ZnO and Si. [0149] 16. The method of embodiment 11, wherein the solid phase is a metal reagent selected from the group of metal reagents consisting essentially of CaH 2 , CaBr 2 , Cp 2 Ti(CO) 2 , TiCl 4 , V(CO) 6 , Cr(CO) 6 , Cp 2 Cr, Mn 2 (CO) 10 , CpMn(CO) 3 , Fe(CO) 5 , Fe 2 (CO) 9 , Co 2 (CO) 8 , CO 4 (CO) 12 , Cp 2 Co, Cp 2 Ni, Ni(COD) 2 , BaH 2 , [Ru(CO) 4 ] ∞ , Os 3 (CO) 12 , Ru 3 (CO) 12 , HFeCo 3 (CO) 12 , and H 2 FeRu 3 (CO) 13 . [0150] 17. The method of embodiment 11, wherein the solid phase is a photoactive particle selected from the group of photoactive particles consisting essentially of a carbon fullerene, a quantum dot of CdSe, PbS, Si or Ge, and a core-shell quantum dot of ZnSe/CdSe or Si/Ge. [0151] 18. The method of embodiment 11, further comprising coating the transformed fibers with a coherent, conductive coating. [0152] 19. The method of embodiment 11, wherein the coating is a coating selected from the group of coatings consisting essentially of graphite, carbon black, KB Carbon, carbon nanotubes and graphene. [0153] 20. A method of making silicon-containing composite wires comprising: combining a polymer and a solvent to form a viscous solution; flowing liquid silane through the inner annulus of a coaxial delivery tube while flowing the viscous polymer mixture through the outer annulus; exposing the viscous solution to a high electric field where continuous fibers are formed and deposited onto a substrate; and transforming the deposited fibers into a composite material that contains on the inside a polysilane, an amorphous silicon and/or a crystalline silicon fraction and on the outside a carbon coating. [0154] 21. The method of embodiment 20, wherein the liquid silane flowing through the inner annulus is selected from the group of cyclosilanes consisting essentially of Si 6 H 12 cyclohexasilane, Si 6 H 12 1-silyl-cyclopentasilane and Si 5 H 10 cyclopentasilane. [0155] 22. The method of embodiment 20, wherein the liquid silane flowing through the inner annulus is selected from the group of linear and branched silanes consisting essentially of Si n H 2n+2 . [0156] 23. The method of embodiment 20, wherein the solution flowing through the outer annulus is polyacrylonitrile in dimethylformamide. [0157] 24. A method for making silicon-containing battery electrode composite, comprising: combining a liquid silane of the formula Si n H 2n , with a polymer and a solvent to form a viscous solution; expelling the viscous solution through a high electric field wherein continuous fibers are formed and deposited onto a metal foil substrate; transforming the deposited fibers by thermal treatment under inert gas; forming a coherent, ion conductive coating on the transformed fibers; and mixing the coated silicon nanofibers with a binder and KB carbon to form an electrode. [0158] 25. An electrospinning ink, comprising a liquid silane of the formula Si n H 2n ; a polymer; and a solvent. [0159] 26. An electrospinning ink, comprising a liquid silane of the formula Si n H 2n ; a polymer; a solid phase; and a solvent. [0160] 27. The electrospinning ink of embodiment 26, wherein the solid phase is a metallic particle selected from the group of metal particles consisting essentially of spherical metallic particles of Al, Au, Ag, Cu, In—Sn—O, fluorine-doped tin oxide and carbon black. [0161] 28. The electrospinning ink of embodiment 26, wherein the solid phase is a semiconducting particle selected from the group of semiconducting particles consisting essentially of carbon nanotubes, silicon nanowires, polydihydrosilane (Si n H 2 ) n , CdSe, CdTe, PbS, PbSe, ZnO and Si. [0162] 29. The electrospinning ink of embodiment 26, wherein the solid phase is a metal reagent selected from the group of metal reagents consisting essentially of CaH 2 , CaBr 2 , Cp 2 Ti(CO) 2 , TiCl 4 , V(CO) 6 , Cr(CO) 6 , Cp 2 Cr, Mn 2 (CO) 10 , CpMn(CO) 3 , Fe(CO) 5 , Fe 2 (CO) 9 , Co 2 (CO) 8 , CO 4 (CO) 12 , Cp 2 Co, Cp 2 Ni, Ni(COD) 2 , BaH 2 , [Ru(CO) 4 ] ∞ , Os 3 (CO) 12 , Ru 3 (CO) 12 , HFeCo 3 (CO) 12 , and H 2 FeRu 3 (CO) 13 . [0163] 30. The electrospinning ink of embodiment 26, wherein the solid phase is a photoactive particle selected from the group of photoactive particles consisting essentially of a carbon fullerene, a quantum dot of CdSe, PbS, Si or Ge, and a core-shell quantum dot of ZnSe/CdSe or Si/Ge. [0164] 31. The electrospinning ink of embodiment 26, wherein the cyclosilane is a branched cyclosilane of the formula Si n H 2n+2 [0165] Although the description above contains many details, these should not be construed as limiting the scope of the invention but as merely providing illustrations of some of the presently preferred embodiments of this invention. Therefore, it will be appreciated that the scope of the present invention fully encompasses other embodiments which may become obvious to those skilled in the art, and that the scope of the present invention is accordingly to be limited by nothing other than the appended claims, in which reference to an element in the singular is not intended to mean “one and only one” unless explicitly so stated, but rather “one or more.” All structural, chemical, and functional equivalents to the elements of the above-described preferred embodiment that are known to those of ordinary skill in the art are expressly incorporated herein by reference and are intended to be encompassed by the present claims. Moreover, it is not necessary for a device or method to address each and every problem sought to be solved by the present invention, for it to be encompassed by the present claims. Furthermore, no element, component, or method step in the present disclosure is intended to be dedicated to the public regardless of whether the element, component, or method step is explicitly recited in the claims. No claim element herein is to be construed as a “means plus function” element unless the element is expressly recited using the phrase “means for”. No claim element herein is to be construed as a “step plus function” element unless the element is expressly recited using the phrase “step for”.
Described herein are synthesis schemes and methods for producing silicon based nanostructures and materials, including compositions and methods for synthesis of silicon-based nanowires and composites from three-component and four-component liquid silane/polymer inks. Materials and methods for producing silicon based micro and nanofibers that can be used in a variety of applications including material composites, electronic devices, sensors, photodetectors, batteries, ultracapacitors, and photosensitive substrates, and the like.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION This invention is related to handwriting recognition and indexing and, more particularly, to a handwriting localization method using image hash tables to index handwritten words. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The ability to detect and recognize handwritten words in handwritten documents is important for several applications. While the strategic importance of such a capability in current commercial handwriting recognition products is clear, its use in applications such as digital libraries and document management cannot be ignored. With digital libraries, for example, there is a major concern over the preservation and electronic conversion of historical paper documents. Often, these documents are handwritten and in calligraphic styles, as in a sample of a church record used in genealogy studies illustrated in FIG. 1. An important aspect of the use of electronic versions of such documents is their access based on word queries. Handwritten keyword extraction and indexing can also be a valuable capability for document management, in handling a variety of irregular paper documents such as handwritten notes, marks on engineering drawings, memos and legacy documents. While an OCR algorithm can be used to extract text keywords for index creation of scanned printed text documents, such a process is not yet an option for handwritten documents due to a lack of robust handwriting recognition algorithms. An alternative in such situations is to avoid index creation altogether, by storing some feature-abstracted form of the bitmaps, and directly "indexing" the contents of such representations using the handwritten word query pattern. Even so, handwritten word indexing is a considerably more difficult problem than printed text indexing due to at least two reasons. First, the same query word could be written differently at different locations in a document even when the document is written by a single author. In cursive script, this often means that a word is written as a collection of word segments separated by intra-word separations that are characteristic of the author. FIGS. 2A-C illustrate this situation, where the word "database" is written by the same author differently in the various instances it occurs. Further, the different instances could exhibit different amounts of global skew, because lines of handwritten text are often not parallel as in printed text. Secondly, a detailed examination of each word location for potential matches to a query word becomes computationally expensive preventing fast retrieval of such documents. The present method of locating handwritten words was motivated by an application that required image indexing of old calligraphic handwritten church record documents for purposes of tracing genealogy. These documents were written against a tabular background, as shown in FIG. 1. On being given a query about a person's name, the task was to locate the relevant records. While the formulation of query word patterns for these documents is an interesting problem, for the purposes of this disclosure the focus is on the problem of matching handwritten words after they have been formulated by a user--perhaps by a training process that generates such pattern queries from actual typed text queries, or perhaps such queries are derived from the handwritten document itself. The present method of localizing handwritten word patterns in documents exploits a data structure, called the image hash table generated in a pre-processing step, to succinctly represent feature information needed to localize any word without a detailed search of the document. The use of an image hash table to localize objects draws upon ideas of geometric hashing that has been used earlier for identification of objects in pre-segmented image regions which is discussed in articles by Y. Lamdan and H. J. Wolfson entitled "Geometric hashing: A general and efficient model-based recognition scheme", in Proceeding of the International Conference on Computer Vision, pages 238-249, 1988, and "Transformation invariant indexing" in Geometric Invariants in Computer Vision, MIT Press, pages 334-352, 1992. More work has been done in extending the basic geometric hashing scheme for use with line features as described in an article by F. C. D. Tsai entitled "Geometric hashing with line features" in Pattern Recognition, Vol. 27, No. 3, pages 377-389, 1994. An extensive analysis of the geometric hashing scheme has been done in an article by W. E. L. Grimson and D. Huttenlocher entitled "On the sensitivity of geometric hashing", in Proceedings International Conference on Computer Vision, pages 334-339, 1990. Finding good geometric hash functions has also been explored in an article by G. Bebis, M. Georgiopolous and N. Lobo entitled "Learning geometric hashing functions for model-based object recognition" in Proceedings International Conference on Computer Vision, pages 543-548, 1995, and an extension of geometric hashing using the concept of rehashing the hash table has been discussed in an article by I. Rigoustos and R. Hummel "Massively parallel model matching: Geometric hashing on the connection machine" in IEEE Computer, pages 33-41, February 1992. All the prior work has used the geometric hashing technique for purposes of model indexing in object recognition where the task is to determine which of the models in a library of models is present in the indicated region in the image. The localization of handwritten words in unsegmented handwritten documents is an instance of image indexing (rather than model indexing) for which no prior work on using geometric hashing exists. The work that comes closest is the one that uses a serial search of the images for localizing handwritten words as described in an article by R. Manmatha, C. Han and E. Riseman, entitled "Word spotting: A new approach to indexing handwriting" in Proceedings IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference, pages 631-637, 1996. Disclosures of all of the references cited and/or discussed above in this Background are incorporated herein by reference for their teaching. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The invention is a method of locating and recognizing handwritten word queries in handwritten documents. An ability to do handwritten word indexing not only extends the capability of current document management systems by allowing handwritten documents to be treated in a uniform manner with printed text documents but can also be the basis for compressing such documents by handwritten word tokenization. The localization of words in handwritten documents exploits a data structure called the image hash table that records essential information needed to locate any word in the document. Localization or indexing of a specific word in the document is done by indexing the hash table with information derived from the word is such a manner that the prominent hits in the table directly indicate candidate locations of the word in the document, thus avoiding a detailed search. The method accounts for changes in appearance of the handwritten word in terms of orientation, skew, and intra-word separation that represent the way a single author may write the same word at different instances. More specifically, localizing any word in the image hash table is done by indexing the hash table with features computed from the word pattern. The top hits in the table are candidate locations most likely to contain the word. Such an indexing automatically gives pose information which is then used to project the word at the indicated location and verified. Verification then involves determining the extent of match between the underlying word and the projected word. The generation and indexing of image hash table takes into account the changes in appearance of the word under 2D affine transforms, changes in the orientation of the lines of text, overall document skew, changes in word appearance due to occlusions, noise, or intra-word handwriting variations made by a single author. The details of this method for localization and detection of handwritten words are described in the Detailed Description below. Generally, it involves four stages: (1) Pre-processing where features for word localization are extracted; (2) Image hash table construction; (3) Indexing where query word features are used to look up hash table for candidate locations; and (4) Verification, where the query word is projected and registered with the underlying word at the candidate locations. The method disclosed here has the following advantages: 1) Fast method of localizing handwritten word patterns in handwritten documents without detailed text segmentation. 2) Greater ability to deal with handwriting variation of a single author than is possible in current handwriting recognition research. 3) Means to localize and detect arbitrary 2d (rigid) objects in a much wider class of images than handwritten documents. 4) Means for organizing documents (and other images) in a database that enables fast search and retrieval. DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The accompanying drawings, which are incorporated in and form part of the specification, illustrate an embodiment of the present invention and, together with the description, serve to better explain the operation features, and advantages of the invention. It should be understood, however, that the invention is not limited to the precise arrangements and instrumentalities shown. FIG. 1 illustrates a scanned image of a sample handwritten document; FIG. 2A illustrates a sample handwritten document image; FIG. 2B illustrates a handwritten query word; FIG. 2C illustrate a subject query word projected at candidate locations; FIG. 3 illustrated a block diagram of modules of the invention engaged in hash table construction; FIG. 4 illustrates a block diagram of modules of the invention engaged in query localization by image indexing of hash tables; FIG. 5A illustrates curves in the handwritten sample document of FIG. 1 wherein corner features on the curves are shown in circles; FIG. 5B illustrates a query pattern consisting of a single curve wherein corner features of the curve are used for indexing in a hash table; FIG. 6 illustrates a histogram of hits for all basis points in the image of FIG. 5A; FIG. 7 illustrates Hashing results for FIG. 5A; DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Referring to FIG. 3, the components for carrying out the present method of hash table construction are illustrated. In the pre-processing step of the invention, the original documents obtained by scanning handwritten pages at high resolution (200 dpi or higher) are used. Within the Feature Extraction Module 2, connected component regions of scanned Document Images 1 are formed. Although several methods of finding connected components exist, the following algorithm is used to determine the connected components regions in bitmaps: 1. Record run lengths of "on" pixels (assuming white background) per image pixel row using low i!, high i! arrays that maintain the start and end points of the run lengths. 2. Initially put all runlengths in separate groups denoted by C -- {i} for runlength i. 3. For all end point pixels (k,l) in low i! and high i! arrays, do the following steps: Step A: Find the number of "on" neighboring pixels (k',l') and their associated run lengths, and Step B: Merge the given runlength with the neighboring runlength identified above. This is recorded by having all merged runlength having the same group identification. The above algorithm can be efficiently implemented using a data structure called the union-find data structure as described in a book by Cormen, Leisersen and Rivest entitled "Introduction to algorithms", MIT Press, 1994, to run in time linear in the number of runlengths in the image. Boundary points are determined on the connected component regions as those points that have at least one "off" neighbor. A cyclic trace of such boundary pixels is used to yield curves representing the boundaries of the connected component regions. The curves are smoothed using a conventional line-segment approximation algorithm. Finally, corner features are extracted from the curves as those points where significant curvature deviation occurs. That is, where the angle between two incident lines is greater than a specified threshold. Other methods of curve tracing and corner feature detection can be used without significantly affecting the claims in this invention. Note that since the images are assumed to be scanned at high resolution, the lines are thick enough so that junctions are also manifested as corners in such images. Corner features on a curve are chosen as the basic unit for localization using the rationale that although not all curves come from single words, especially in the presence of occlusions and noise, features generated from within a curve are more likely to point to a single image location than an arbitrary triple of features chosen randomly across the image. The pre-processing step of curve extraction and feature generation can be applied uniformly to a document image or to a query word represented as an image pattern, and takes time linear in the size of the image. Curve Group Generation To enable handwriting localization under changes in word appearance due to different intra-word spacing, groups of curves separated by intra-word separation are assembled within the Curve Group Generation Module 3. Such a group captures curve segments belonging to the same word. Detection of a line of text in a handwritten page image involves determining which of the individual word regions lie predominantly along a perceivable line of text. Unlike in printed text, deducing lines of text in handwritten document is difficult because handwritten text words are often not written on a straight line. Furthermore, consecutive lines of text may not be parallel as in printed text. Finally, an author may vary the inter-word and intra-word spacing while writing so that different instances of the same word may show writing differences. This makes the task of determining which word segments belong to a group difficult. The method of text lines detection that is disclosed here is independent of page orientation, and does not assume that the individual lines of handwritten text are parallel. Furthermore, it does not require that all word regions be aligned with the text line orientation. The first operation performed on a bitmap image of a handwritten document is to pre-process the image using the Feature Extraction Module 2 of FIG. 3 to generate connected components of dark regions constituting word segments as well as curves formed from the boundaries of such connected regions. This pre-processing stage also records the centroids of the regions. The orientation of the word segment regions is determined as the direction of the moment-of-inertia axis of the region. The formula for finding the moment of inertia axis is given in Chapter 3 of the book entitled "Robot Vision" by B. K. P. Horn, MIT Press, 1986. A histogram of orientations is generated and its peaks automatically selected to represent major word orientations in the image. For each of the dominant orientations selected a line of the specified orientation is drawn through the centroids of each of the regions. A clustering of these lines is done to determine groups of such lines. The Hough transform described in a book by D. Ballard and C. Brown entitled "Computer Vision", Prentice-Hall, Chapter 4, pages 123-124, 1982, was used to record this information. The resulting data structure, called the Hough transform table, is a two-dimensional array that records the number of points (centroids of region here) that lie along or lie close to a line of specified orientation and position. The highest valued entries in this table are taken to correspond to candidate lines of text. The regions whose centroids contribute to the peak table entries are noted. These word segment regions thus are taken to form the lines of text in the handwritten document image. The curve groups capture word segments that form part of the same word. Once the lines of text, and hence the word segments that lie along a line of text, are determined, grouping involves assembling all such word segments that are separated by a distance--characterizing intra-word separation. The intra-word separation is estimated as follows: For each line of text determined above, the boundaries of the word segment regions lying on the line are used to determine two extremal points per region; that is, all the boundary points of a region are projected onto the line, and the beginning and end points noted. A projection of a given point onto a line is the point of intersection of a perpendicular line through the given point with the given line. All such projections are now sorted in an increasing order along the line, using a conventional sorting algorithm. Distances between the end point of a region and the beginning point of another are noted to represent separations between word segments. These distances are recorded for all lines of text. A histogram of such distances is generated. For most handwritten documents such a histogram shows at least two distinct peaks. The peak at the lowest separation distance is noted as intra-word separation. Using the intra-word separation, curve groups are formed by grouping word segment regions that are separated along the line of text orientation by a distance within a certain bound of the intra-word separation determined above. The grouping of curves separated by intra-word separation (+/- a chosen threshold) is done using the union-find data structure mentioned earlier. Image Hash Table Using the features derived above, a data structure called an image hash table is developed within the Hash Table Construction Module 4 and is used to succinctly represent information in the position of features in curves in curve groups in a manner that helps locate a query handwritten word. To understand the idea of an image hash table, suppose for the sake of simplicity, each curve group consists of a single curve. Suppose the task is to locate a given query curve in an image consisting of this curve among others. Consider three consecutive non-collinear feature points (O, P 1 , P 2 ) on the given query curve. Then it is well-known that the coordinates of any other point P of the curve can be expressed in terms of the coordinates of points (O, P 1 , P 2 ) (called basis triples) as: OP=αOP.sub.1 +βOP.sub.2 The coordinates (α,β) are called affine coordinates and they are invariant to affine transformations. Thus if the given curve appears in the image skewed, or rotated, the corresponding points on the transformed image curve will have the same coordinates with respect to the transformed basis triples in the transformed image curve. Thus, one way to check if a curve at an image location matches a given curve is to see if enough feature points on the image curve have the same affine coordinates with respect to some image basis triple (O', P' 1 , P' 2 ) on the image curve. In this case, it can also be inferred that the basis triples on the image curve and the given (query) curve correspond. From such a correspondence, the pose information can be derived as an affine transform: ##EQU1## that is obtained by solving a set of linear equations as: ##EQU2## where (O x ,O y )=O and x and y refer to the x and y coordinates of the points O, and so on. Construction of Image Hash Table Since occlusions, noise, and other changes can cause a triple of basis points on the given curve to not be visible in the corresponding image curve, affine coordinates of all points with respect to more sets of basis triple points may have to be recorded. The resulting Image Hash Table 5 is a data structure that is a convenient way to represent this computed information so that the entries are the basis triples that give rise to a range of affine coordinates. The image hash table is constructed within the Hash Table Construction Module 4 using a suitable quantization of the affine coordinates, and recording the basis points that give rise to the respective affine coordinates. That is: H(α1<=α<α2, β1<=β<β2)={<O', P'.sub.1, P'.sub.2 > . . . } so that for any given affine coordinate (α,β) of a point, the possible basis points that gave rise to it can be found by looking in the hash table in the entry α -- {1}<=α<α -- {2}, β -- {1}<=β<β -- {2}. Generalizing to the case of more curves in a curve group, the image hash table is constructed as follows. Each triple of consecutive features in a curve is used as a basis triple, and the affine coordinates of all features in the curve group are computed. Thus the basis points are taken from a single curve, but the affine coordinates are computed for all features on all curves in a curve group. Since consecutive triples of features are used for basis points, only a linear number of basis points need to be recorded unlike O(N 3 ) in straightforward geometric hashing. Also, the size of the hash table is O(N 2 ) as against O(N 4 ) in ordinary geometric hashing. The computational feasibility of this scheme together with its ability to localize objects makes it an improvement over existing variants of geometric hashing. Indexing or Word Localization Refer to the block diagram in FIG. 4. During indexing, a Query Word 6 is given to the system, and curve groups are generated from the word using the pre-processing steps and requisite modules (7 and 8) for feature generation described in FIG. 3. The word localization is attempted first using curve groups of longer average curve lengths. For each such curve group, sets of affine coordinates are computed within the Hash Table Indexing Module 9 and used to index the Image Hash Table 12. Since the number of basis points are linear, this operation can be repeated with respect to all basis points in the curve group for robustness. For each basis triple that was indexed using the affine coordinates, the number of times it was indexed (called a hit) as well as the corresponding query triple are recorded. A histogram of the number of hits and the corresponding query word and matching basis points in the document image are recorded within the Histogram Ranking Module 10. The peaks in the histogram are then taken as the candidate locations for the query. The indexing of the hash table accounts for the breaking of words into word segments in the image (or query word) by generating a set of affine coordinates as follows: 1. Let intra-word separation be: T=(t 1 ,t 2 ). 2. For each basis triple <O,P1,P2>, and a given feature point P, compute affine coordinates (α,β), and (α' k ,β' k ) where: ##EQU3## and where k is a number representative of the number of curves in a curve group. The value of k is meant to be tuned to the handwriting style of the author (i.e., the way he/she writes words in their characteristic style). 3. Use each of the affine coordinates to index the hash table and record peaks in the histogram of hits as described before. Verification The last step of word localization verifies the word at the candidate locations given in the indexing step. This is conducted by the Pose verification module 11. This step involves recovering the pose parameters (A,T) by solving the set of linear equations for the matching basis points corresponding to the significant hits. Using the pose parameters, all points (i,j) (includes corner features) on curves of the query word are projected into the document image at location (i',j') where ##EQU4## It is then verified if a point feature on each curve in the image lies within some neighborhood of the projected point. The ratio of matched projected points to the total number of points on all curves in the query word constitutes a verification score. The verification is said to succeed if this score is above a suitably chosen threshold. If no matching basis points are verified, then the next most significant query curve group is tried until no more significant groups are left. In practice, however, the correct query localization is achieved early in the indexing operation using the strongest query curve. EXAMPLE FIG. 1 shows a scanned handwritten document and FIG. 5A shows the result of pre-processing and feature extraction on that image. The corner features per curve used for hash table construction are shown as circles in FIG. 5A. There are 179 curves and 2084 corners in all the curves combined. These give rise to 3494 basis points for the hash table. FIG. 5B shows a query pattern consisting of a single curve. FIG. 6 shows the histogram of hashing based on affine coordinates. Here the image basis points are plotted against the number of hits they obtained from affine coordinates on the query pattern. FIG. 7 shows the results of hashing. The hashed image basis points corresponding to the three most significant peaks of the histogram are matched to their respective query basis triples to compute candidate poses. The query curve is then projected into the image using the pose parameters and shown overlayed on the original image in FIG. 7. As can be seen, the top two matches localize the query pattern correctly at the two places it occurs. The third match is however, a false positive which can be removed during pose verification. The false positive occurs in this case because of a merging of the foreground text patterns with the lines of the tabular background in the image. Referring back to FIG. 2, another illustration of query localization by hashing is shown, this time using curve groups. FIG. 2A shows a sample document in which a word "database" occurs twice. The query word "database" is illustrated in FIG. 2B. The inter-letter spacing between letters of the word is not uniform in the two instances. The query pattern used for indexing is shown in FIG. 2C. Once again the top three matches are shown overlayed (after pose solution) on the original image to indicate query localization. Notice that using the indexing scheme, the word has been localized even when its constituent letters are written with different spacings in the two instances in which it occurs in the image. The false positive match shown here persisted even after pose verification, because of the similarity with the underlying word based on corner features. Extension to Handwriting Tokenization By choosing the query handwritten word to be one of the curve groups in the image itself, the above method can be used to identify multiple occurrences of the word in the document without explicitly matching to every single word in the document as is done by other tokenization schemes. Also, by using affine invariant features within curve groups, such a tokenization scheme is robust to changes in orientation, skew, and handwriting variances for a single author. Generalizing to Locating Arbitrary 2d Objects in Scene Images By processing natural images to generate curves (perhaps by edge detection and curve tracing), the above method can be generalized to handle arbitrary 2d object shapes in unsegmented natural scene images. The grouping constraint to generate the curve groups may not be as easy to define in such cases as it was for handwritten documents (words are written more or less on a line). Finally, the above method admits other feature units besides corner features on curves. The grouping property, however, must be preserved with any feature unit used for localizing the object. The foregoing description of the invention has been presented for purposes of illustration and to describe the best mode known for implementing of the invention. It is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise forms disclosed. Obvious modifications or variations are possible in light of the above teachings. The embodiments were chosen and described in order to best illustrate the principles of the invention and its practical application to thereby enable one of ordinary skill in the art to best utilize the invention in various embodiments and with various modifications as are suited to the particular use contemplated, as long as the principles described herein are followed. Thus, changes can be made in the above-described invention without departing from the intent and scope thereof. Therefore, it is intended that the specification and any examples be considered as exemplary only, with the true scope and spirit of the invention being indicated in the following claims.
A method of locating handwritten words in handwritten text images under a variety of transformations including changes in document orientation, skew, noise, and changes in handwriting style of a single author which avoids a detailed search of the image for locating every word by pre-computing relevant information in a hash table and indexing the table for word localization. Both the hash table construction and indexing can be done as fast operations taking time quadratic in the number of basis points. Generally, the method involves four stages: (1) Pre-processing where features for word localization are extracted; (2) Image hash table construction; (3) Indexing where query word features are used to look up hash table for candidate locations; and (4) Verification, where the query word is projected and registered with the underlying word at the candidate locations. The method has applications in digital libraries, handwriting tokenization, document management and OCR systems.
RELATED APPLICATION [0001] This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/162,221 filed May 15, 2015 and entitled, Ceiling Ladder. FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] The present invention pertains generally to ladders, and more particularly to those adapted for mounting in a ceiling opening for the purpose of providing access to the area there above. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0003] A ceiling ladder, also known as an “attic ladder” or “loft ladder” is a retractable ladder that is installed into an opening in the floor of an attic and ceiling of the floor below the attic to facilitate passage from one floor to the other. They are used as an inexpensive and compact alternative to having a permanent staircase that ascends to the attic of the home or building in which they are installed. [0004] Ceiling ladders of the prior art are typically of two general types, namely the folding type and telescopic type. Folding ceiling ladders include a ladder component which is normally in a contracted stowed configuration and may be extended in length to a deployed configuration by unfolding of two or more ladder sections which are hingedly attached to one another. As may be readily appreciated, ceiling ladders of the telescopic variety also include a ladder component normally in a contracted stowed configuration and extendable in length to a deployed configuration through telescopic extension of its subparts. In both varieties, extension and contraction of the ladder component may be carried out automatically or manually. In both varieties, the ladder component, when in its contracted stowed configuration, is typically stowed horizontally above the floor opening and concealed from view by a pivotable door or concealment panel component to which a portion of the ladder is fixedly attached. In common embodiments, the door is hinged to a side of the framing defining the opening and the door is attached directly to a portion of the ladder rails or indirectly but still in close proximity thereto. The door is sized and shaped to fill the opening and to lay flush with the surrounding ceiling when closed, and is typically opened by pulling on a depending drawstring Pulling on the drawstring to open the door automatically causes pivoting of the ladder to initiate its deployment, and pivoting of the ladder to its stowed configuration automatically initiates closing of the door. [0005] For ceiling ladders of the folding type, because the door is fixedly attached either directly or in close proximity to the back of at least the upper portion of the ladder, the door interferes with proper foot placement on the adjacent ladder rungs creating a significant safety issue. More specifically, the door limits the depth of foot penetration across these rungs permitting only the toes of the foot to contact the rungs rather than a deeper penetration that would include the ball and arch of the foot which affords more stable foot placement. Although it is typically recommended that users always face the ladder while ascending and descending the ladder, it is common practice to descend ceiling ladders facing away from the ladder such as to permit carrying of items stored in the attic or other space being accessed. In such cases, only the heel portion of the user's feet can make contact with the rungs further adding to the risk of a fall. [0006] It would, therefore, be ideal to have known in the art ceding ladder assembly that affords safer foot placement on the ladder rungs. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0007] According to one aspect of the present invention, there is provided A foldable ceiling ladder for installation within a ceiling opening defined by framing members, the ceiling ladder comprising a ladder comprising a first ladder section hingedly attached to a second ladder section; each said first ladder section and said second ladder section comprising a pair of parallel rails connected to one another by a plurality of incrementally spaced rungs; said ladder having a deployed configuration wherein said first and ladder section and said second ladder section are aligned to form a continuous ladder, and a stowed configuration wherein said first ladder section and said second ladder section are foldable upon themselves above the ceiling opening when said ceiling ladder is not in use; mounting means for pivotally mounting said first ladder section to a framing member along a first axis of rotation; and a concealment panel sized and shaped to substantially cover the ceiling opening, said concealment panel having a first portion fixedly attached to said first ladder section in co-planar fashion, and a second portion in coplanar alignment with said first portion and parallel to said rails of said first ladder section when said ladder is in said stowed configuration, and out-of-plane with said fixed portion and non-parallel to said rails of said first ladder section when said ladder is in said deployed configuration, whereby pivoting of the second portion of said concealment panel away from said ladder permits uninhibited foot access to said ladder rungs by a user. [0008] In certain embodiments, the fixed portion and door portion of the concealment panel share the same axis of rotation. In certain embodiments, the fixed portion and door portion of the concealment panel have a different but parallel axis of rotation. In certain embodiments of the invention, the concealment panel is not divided into a fixed portion and a door portion; the entire concealment panel is hinged to the framing of the ceiling opening, is removably attached to the first ladder section for concealing the ceiling opening when the ladder is in its stowed configuration, and is capable of pivoting away from the ladder rungs when the ladder is in its deployed configuration to permit the desired increased foot access to the ladder rungs. [0009] Certain embodiments further include at least one stowage latch configured to retain the door portion in its closed position (i.e., in coplanar alignment with the fixed portion of the concealment panel) until the stowage latch is released. In those embodiments where the entire concealment panel is adapted for pivotal rotation (i.e., where there is no door portion) one or more stowage latches are included to retain the concealment panel in proximity to the ladder for the purpose of ladder stowage and opening concealment. [0010] There has thus been outlined, rather broadly, the more important components and features of the invention in order that the detailed description thereof that follows may be better understood, and in order that the present contribution to the art may be better appreciated. There are, of course, additional features of the invention that will be described hereinafter and which will form the subject matter of the claims appended hereto. In this respect, before explaining at least one embodiment of the invention in detail, it is to be understood that the invention is not limited in its application to the details of construction and to the arrangements of the components set forth in the following description or illustrated in the drawings. The invention is capable of other embodiments and of being practiced and carried out in various ways. Also, it is to be understood that the phraseology and terminology employed herein are for the purpose of description and should not be regarded as limiting. As such, those skilled in the art will appreciate that the conception, upon which this disclosure is based, may readily be utilized as a basis for the designing of other structures, methods and systems for carrying out the several purposes of the present invention. It is important, therefore, that the claims be regarded as including such equivalent constructions insofar as they do not depart from the spirit and scope of the present invention. [0011] Further, the purpose of the included abstract is to enable the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and the public generally, and especially the scientists, engineers and practitioners in the art who are not familiar with patent or legal terms or phraseology, to determine quickly from a cursory inspection the nature and essence of the technical disclosure of the application. The abstract is neither intended to define the invention of the application, which is measured by the claims, nor is it intended to be limiting as to the scope of the invention in any way. [0012] It is therefore a primary object of the subject invention to provide a ceiling ladder that not only provides concealment of the ladder and ceiling opening when the ladder is in its stowed configuration, but also permits uninhibited foot access on all ladder rungs by the user thereby enhancing safety when ascending and descending the ladder. [0013] It is also a primary object of the subject invention to provide a ceiling ladder designed for rapid installation within a framed ceiling opening. [0014] It is also an object of the subject invention to provide a ceiling ladder that is simple in design and therefore capable of rapid construction and assembly at a relatively low cost. These together with other objects of the invention along with the various features of novelty which characterize the invention, are pointed out with particularity in the claims annexed to and forming a part of this disclosure. For a better understanding of the invention, its advantages and the specific objects attained by its uses, reference should be had to the accompanying drawings and descriptive matter in which there is illustrated a preferred embodiment of the invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0015] The invention will be better understood and objects other than those set forth above will become apparent when consideration is given to the following detailed description thereof. Such description makes reference to the annexed drawings herein: [0016] FIG. 1 is a perspective view of foldable ceiling ladder of the prior art, shown in its deployed configuration; [0017] FIG. 2 is a left side elevation view of the foldable ceiling ladder of FIG. 1 shown in its stowed configuration; [0018] FIG. 3 is a left side elevation view of the ceiling ladder of FIG. 1 illustrating how the concealment panel impedes proper foot placement on the ladder rungs; [0019] FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a foldable ceiling ladder of the subject invention, shown in its deployed configuration; [0020] FIG. 5 is a left side elevation view of the foldable ceiling ladder of FIG. 4 shown in its stowed configuration; [0021] FIG. 6 is a left side elevation view the ceiling ladder of FIG. 4 illustrating the door portion of the concealment panel; [0022] FIG. 7 is a bottom view of the ceiling ladder of FIG. 4 illustrating how the concealment panel and door portion thereof share a common axis of rotation; [0023] FIG. 8 is a perspective view of one embodiment of a shared hinge arrangement for the concealment panel and door portion thereof of a ceiling ladder of the subject invention; [0024] FIG. 9 is a bottom view of a ceiling ladder of the subject invention illustrating how the concealment panel and door portion thereof share different but parallel axes of rotation; and [0025] FIG. 10 is a perspective view of one embodiment of a parallel hinge arrangement for the concealment panel and door portion thereof of a ceiling ladder of the subject invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT [0026] It should be clearly understood at the outset like reference numerals are intended to identify the same structural elements, portions or surfaces consistently throughout the several drawings herein, as such elements, portions or surfaces may be further described or explained by the entire written specification, of which this detailed description is an integral part. Unless otherwise indicated, the drawings are intended to be read (e.g., cross-hatching, arrangement of parts, proportion, degree, etc.) together with the specification, and are to be considered a portion of the entire written description of this invention. As used in the following description, any reference to the terms “horizontal”, “vertical”, “left”, “right”, “up” and “down”, as well as adjectival and adverbial derivatives thereof (e.g., “horizontally”, “rightwardly”, “upwardly”, etc.), simply refer to the orientation of the illustrated structure as the particular drawing figure faces the reader. Similarly, the terms “inwardly” and “outwardly” generally refer to the orientation of a surface relative to its axis of elongation, or axis of rotation, as appropriate. The terms “rung” or “rungs” of a ladder shall also include ladder “steps” or “treads” between ladder rails. Except where the context requires otherwise, the term “attic” as used herein means any space having a floor or surface with an opening through which a person can pass and an accessible lower level area or floor below the attic floor into which a ladder can be extended and from which a person can ascend the ladder through the opening. Similarly, the area below the attic is referred to generically herein as the “bottom floor”, and the floor of the attic is sometimes referred to as the “ceiling” of the bottom floor. [0027] Before describing the construction and operation of the subject folding ceiling ladder, it is helpful to understand the construction of conventional ceiling ladders and their shortcomings. Accordingly, reference is first made to FIGS. 1-3 depicting a folding ceiling ladder 200 of the prior art. Folding ceiling ladder 200 includes a ladder component 202 which is normally in a contracted stowed configuration ( FIG. 2 ) and which may be extended in length to a deployed configuration ( FIGS. 1 and 3 ) by unfolding of two or more ladder sections 202 a,b,c which are hingedly attached to one another. The ladder component, when in its contracted stowed configuration, is typically stowed horizontally above the floor opening and concealed from view by a pivotably mounted door 204 (also known as a “concealment panel”) to which ladder 200 is fixedly attached. In common embodiments, the door 204 is hinged to a side of the framing 102 defining an opening 100 in the ceiling. Door 204 is typically attached to the back of the ladder rails 206 in abutting coplanar relationship. The door is sized and shaped to fill the opening and to lay flush with the surrounding ceiling when closed, and is typically opened by pulling on a depending drawstring (not shown). Pulling on the drawstring to open the door automatically causes pivoting of the attached ladder to initiate its deployment, and pivoting of the ladder to its stowed configuration automatically initiates closing of the attached door. Because the door 204 is fixedly attached to the back of the ladder 200 , spanning across its rails 206 , it interferes with, proper foot placement on the adjacent ladder rungs creating a significant safety issue as described supra. The improved ceiling ladder of the subject invention obviates this problem by allowing a portion of the concealment panel, namely the portion between the ladder rails, to pivot away from the ladder to provide improved foot access to the ladder rungs. [0028] Accordingly, reference is now made to FIGS. 4-6 in which there is illustrated a preferred embodiment of a ceiling ladder of the subject invention designated generally by reference numeral 10 and of the folding ladder variety. Ceiling ladder 10 is designed for installation within a ceiling opening 100 defined by framing members 102 and is comprised of two primary components, namely a folding ladder assembly 12 , and a concealment panel 14 sized and shaped to cover the ceiling opening 100 . As is well known in the art, when ceiling ladder 10 is mounted within opening 100 , the ladder assembly 12 is normally in a contracted stowed configuration ( FIG. 2 ) and may be extended in length to a deployed configuration ( FIGS. 1 and 3 ) by unfolding of its at least two ladder sections 12 a,b,c which are hingedly attached to one another in series via hinges 13 . Conversely, when ladder assembly 12 is in its contracted towed configuration with its ladder sections 12 a,b,c folded one on top of the other, it is stowed horizontally above the floor opening 100 and concealed from view by concealment panel 14 to which ladder assembly 12 is fixedly attached. [0029] In the embodiment illustrated, ladder assembly 12 is comprised of a first ladder section 12 a hingedly attached via a hinge 13 to a second ladder section 12 b which in turn is hingedly attached via another hinge 13 to a third ladder section 12 c. In other embodiments a fewer or greater number of ladder sections may be employed. Ladder sections 12 a,b,c comprise a pair of parallel rails 6 a,b,c , respectively, each rail being connected to its neighboring rail by a plurality of incrementally spaced rungs 18 . Mounting means are included for pivotally mounting the first ladder section 12 a to a framing member 102 . In a preferred embodiment, the mounting means comprises at least one hinge 20 pivotally connecting first ladder section 12 to framing member 102 along a first axis of rotation 22 such that ladder section 12 a and the other ladder sections attached to it are capable of downward rotation from a horizontal stowed position to an angular deployed position. A pair of articulating mounting brackets 24 connect each side rail 16 a of ladder section 12 a to opposing framing members 102 in order to provide support and stability to ladder assembly 12 . A pair of springs 26 operably connected between each mounting bracket 24 and the framing member 102 to which it is connected controls the rate of decent of the ladder assembly 12 and limits the amount of force required to return the ladder assembly 12 to its stowed position above the ceiling C in a manner well known in the art. As may be readily appreciated, different bracket and spring arrangements may be employed for these purposes, the example described above being only for illustrative purposes. [0030] Concealment panel 14 includes a first portion 14 a fixedly attached to the back of side rails 16 a of first ladder section 12 a in co-planar relationship. The attachment may be a direct attachment or, as illustrated in the instant embodiment, concealment panel 14 may be fixedly attached to one or more cross members 30 transversely mounted to the back of side rails 16 a connecting one rail with the other. First portion 14 a of concealment panel 14 is pivotally attached to a frame member 102 via panel hinge 20 having an axis of rotation 22 parallel to ladder rungs 18 . [0031] Concealment panel 14 further includes a second portion 14 b (also referred to herein as “door portion 14 b ”) in the form of a pivotable door sized and shaped to substantially conform to the area between side rails 16 a of first ladder section 12 a. With additional reference now being made to FIGS. 7 and 8 , in one embodiment door portion 14 b is pivotably mounted to frame member 102 via panel hinge 20 thereby sharing a common axis of rotation 22 with first portion 14 a. In this embodiment, first portion 14 a is more accurately comprised of two parallel panel's separated by door portion 14 b. With reference now being made to FIGS. 9 and 10 , in another embodiment door portion 14 b of concealment panel 14 is pivotably mounted to first portion 14 via door hinge 40 having second axis of rotation 42 which is parallel to axis of rotation 22 of hinge 20 . In both of the above described embodiments, door portion 14 b is in coplanar alignment with the first portion of concealment panel 14 and parallel to rails 16 a of first ladder section 12 a when the ladder assembly 12 is in its stowed configuration, and out of plane with the first portion of concealment panel 14 and non-parallel to rails 16 a of the first ladder section 12 a when the ladder assembly 12 is in its deployed configuration. Door portion 14 b may further include longitudinal flanges 15 depending from its side edges. Flanges 15 overlap the side edges of first portion 14 a of concealment panel 14 when door portion 14 b is in its closed position, thus bridging the gaps between first portion 14 a and door portion 14 b for insulation and aesthetic purposes. [0032] With specific reference to FIG. 6 , as should be appreciated, when ladder assembly 12 is lowered from its horizontal stowed configuration to its deployed configuration by downward rotation of concealment panel 14 about its axis of rotation 22 , door portion 14 b may then be rotated downwardly about its axis of rotation 22 or 42 to swing away from the normally adjacent ladder rungs 18 thereby permitting deeper foot penetration across the rungs than would be possible if concealment panel 14 remained in abutting relationship with said rungs as is the case with ceiling ladders of the prior art. [0033] Certain embodiments further include at least one stowage latch 36 configured to retain the door portion 14 b in its closed position (i.e., in coplanar alignment with the first portion 14 a of concealment panel 14 ) until the stowage latch is released allowing door portion 14 b to rotate downwardly by virtue of gravity. In the embodiment illustrated, each latch 36 is rotated about its axis of rotation as illustrated by directional arrow 38 ( FIG. 4 ) until it depends from an adjacent cross member 30 . As will be readily appreciated by those skilled in the art, a myriad of other latching mechanisms may be employed to releasably retain door portion 14 b in coplanar relationship with first portion 14 a of concealment panel 14 . [0034] For those embodiments of the subject ceiling ladder 10 that require manual operation to raise and lower the apparatus from its stowed position above the ceiling to its operable or deployed position, a drawstring 32 is disposed through a cross member 30 of ladder assembly 12 and through concealment panel 14 and terminates in at least one end in handle 34 . Pulling on the handle when door portion 14 b is latched in coplanar alignment with first portion 14 a of concealment panel 14 causes pivoting of the ladder assembly 12 to initiate its deployment. Pulling on the opposite end of the drawstring, which may also be adapted with a handle, causes pivoting of door portion 14 b upwardly for latching to its counterpart first portion 14 a. Pivoting of the concealment panel 14 upwardly initiates its closing and stowage of ladder assembly 12 above the ceiling. [0035] Although the present invention has been described with reference to the particular embodiments herein set forth, it is understood that the present disclosure has been made only by way of example and that numerous changes in details of construction may be resorted to without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. Thus, the scope of the invention should not be limited by the foregoing specifications, but rather only by the scope of the claims appended hereto.
A foldable ceiling ladder assembly for installation within a ceiling opening includes a concealment panel sized and shaped to substantially cover the ceiling opening when the ladder is in a stowed configuration; the concealment panel including a swingout door portion capable of pivotal rotation away from the ladder when in a deployed configuration to permit uninhibited foot access on the ladder rungs by the user for improved safety and for facilitating ease of ascending and descending the ladder.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/009,492 filed Jan. 18, 2008, which claims the priority of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/885,888 filed Jan. 20, 2007, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein. BACKGROUND Absorption spectroscopy uses the range of electromagnetic spectra in which a substance absorbs. In absorption spectroscopy light of a particular wavelength is passed through the sample. After calibration, the amount of absorption can be related to the sample concentration through the Beer-Lambert law. Examples of absorption spectroscopy include, for example, ultraviolet/visible (UV/VIS) absorption spectroscopy (most often performed on liquid samples to detect molecular content) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy (most often performed on liquid, semi-liquid (paste or grease), dried, or solid samples to determine molecular information, including structural information). Spectroscopic analysis typically uses a spectrometer. The spectrometer typically includes a radiation source such as a deuterium, tungsten or xenon lamp capable of emitting radiation over a very broad range of wavelengths. The light is coupled into a sample held in a sample cell. The spectrometer filters the light emitted by the lamp, before or after coupling with the sample, by use of monochromators, filters, gratings, etc. A detector, for example, a photodiode, photomultiplier, photodiode array, or CCD array, quantifies the amount of light passed through (absorption) or emitted by (fluorescence) the sample to provide a detectable signal. While this equipment provides analysis flexibility, it also requires complicated and expensive light sources, gratings, monochromators and other components to take advantage of this flexibility. Some experiments and tests do not need a spectrometer with full wavelength coverage, but may be performed using light in a single wavelength or only a few wavelengths. For example, applications in the oceanographic field include nutrient analysis, e.g. nitrite/nitrate requiring light at only 540 nm, phosphate requiring light at only 880 nm or 710 nm and iron requiring light at only 562 nm when using colorimetric techniques. Further, applications in biochemistry include protein detection, which could either be performed directly in the UV at 280 nm, or via colorimetric techniques, such as the modified Lowry Protein Assay, with detection at 650 nm (normalized at 405 nm) or the Bradford Assay, where the bound protein-dye complex is measured at 595 nm and can be normalized in the 700 to 750 nm region. Most of these analyses can be performed using single wavelength detection. Their accuracy could be improved by using a second wavelength for baseline offset and a third and/or fourth wavelength for simple absorbance shape detection to eliminate or indicate other colorimetric substances in the sample solution and correct for them. However, in some applications these improvements are not needed. LEDs have long been used as quasi-monochromatic light sources. They are readily available for nearly all parts of visible light spectra. Recently UV LEDs with emission wavelength as low as 250 nm have become commercially available. Belz, M., Photonics West 2007. Many application specific LED-based detection systems have been developed and patented. Recently, an optical arrangement for assay strips was designed and disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 7,315,378. It purportedly allowed the reliable reading of optical test strips and was based on several LEDs and photodetectors. These detection systems usually rely on single wavelength detection and may use a second photodiode to correct for the inherent drift behavior of the LED. A filterless chromatically variable light source, wherein light is coupled via optical fibers from several LEDs into a single optical fiber is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,636,303. The disclosed light source allowed individual control of the intensity of each LED to generate either light of a particular wavelength or a white light spectrum. SUMMARY OF THE DISCLOSURE A self-referencing LED based detection system with multiple wavelengths (LEDs) is employed for spectroscopy applications. The system may be exemplified by a flow injection based absorbance detection system, but is not limited to this application and may be used for small sample volume discrete measurements, as well as for fluorescence applications. Although LEDs have the tendency to drift in light output power as a function a temperature caused by self-heating, stable output powers can be achieved by driving them in constant current mode and measuring their output with a reference detector. Detection at multiple wavelengths is realized by using several LEDs which emit at different wavelengths, coupling each of them into an optical fiber and coupling these fibers into a single fiber of large diameter for mixing their emission spectra and providing a stable consistent light output at the end of the large mixing fiber. Light is coupled to a reference photodiode and to the fiber optic output at the end of the fiber. A sample cell is connected to the detection system via the fiber optic output and the sample photodiode input. LEDs are switched on and off sequentially. Light output is measured simultaneously by the reference photodiode and the sample photodiode. Thus, dark, reference and sample intensity are detected simultaneously and any LED drift or stray light can be corrected for automatically, ensuring precise measurements and long-term drift stability. To reduce the spectral bandwidth of the LEDs, interference filters are either placed between the LED and the coupling fiber or are coated directly on the LED coupling fiber to optimize light throughput. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is an annotated block diagram of an LED detection instrument and associated sample cells; FIG. 2 is an annotated block diagram of a UV LED detection system with a reference channel for biochemistry applications; FIG. 3 is an annotated block diagram of multi-channel VIS LED detection system with a reference channel for oceanographic and process control applications; FIG. 4 is an annotated block diagram of a single channel setup of a flow injection system; FIG. 5 is a graph of a normalized absorbance for DNA and Protein (BSA); FIG. 6 is a graph of a normalized intensity distribution of UV LEDs with a center wavelength of 260 nm and 280 nm, with and without a 10 nm interference filter; FIG. 7 is a graph of a simulated decrease of absorbance for DNA at 260 nm and BSA at 280 nm wavelength as a function of increasing the spectral bandwidth (FWHM) of a detection system; and FIG. 8 is a graph of absorbance of BSA at 280 nm versus concentration measured with a TIDAS II™ spectrophotometer and an LED detection system with and without a 10 nm bandpass filter. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS An LED based spectrophotometric detection system performs absorbance or fluorescence spectroscopy and may take several forms as described below. One LED provides light at one wavelength or by manually or automatically sequentially switching LEDs of different colors (wavelengths) tailored for specific applications. In advantageous variations the detection system may use a standard interface such that different LED emission modules, each with LEDs selected for a specific wavelength, can be attached. Advantageously, the LED or LED modules selected will each provide light in a narrow wavelength range falling within the UV, VIS, NIR and IR region of the light spectrum. Such LEDs or LED emission modules are supplied with power to emit light. The emitted light is coupled into a sample held in a fiber optic sample cell, such as a flow cell, long path cell, dipping probe, external curette holder or a reflection probe. In one embodiment the sample is contained in a liquid wavelength capillary cell (LWCC) marketed by World Precision Instruments, Inc. Other compatible commercial sample cells are fiber optic curette holders, DipTip™ fiber optic probes and SpectroPipetter™ probes marketed by World Precision Instruments, Inc. A detector measures light passed through (absorption) or emitted by (fluorescence) the sample to provide an indication of the presence and/or amount of the sample present. An LED based detection system used to measure fluorescence signals would have much higher sensitivity than standard fiber optic based spectrometers. A commercially available low noise photodiode is used to detect LED emissions. With reference to FIG. 1 a colorimetric detection instrument designated generally by the numeral 10 is illustrated as it interfaces with four sample cells 12 , 14 , 16 and 18 containing samples 51 , 52 , 53 and 54 respectively. Advantageously, the instrument 10 provided by the system functions like a dual beam spectrometer for specific wavelength applications. In this embodiment, as described below the instrument 10 is self correcting for LED intensity drift by use of a reference channel, self correcting for ambient light by measurement of dark current after each pulsed sample or reference measurement and has the capability to work with a phase locked loop to reject AC type stray light influencing the light measurement. With additional reference to FIGS. 2 and 3 , embodiments of additional LED detection systems 100 and 200 adapted for specific applications are schematically illustrated. Block functions, inputs and outputs for the various embodiments are discussed with reference to FIG. 1 . The instrument has a mechanical interface that will accept two or more LEDs or LED modules of different wavelengths which are selected for a specific analysis to be undertaken. A microcontroller 20 provides control and interface signals to the system components. The microcontroller 20 provides timing and on/off control for the LED drivers 30 . A detector, for example a photodiode, is used to detect light passed through, or emitted by, the samples and, advantageously, from the reference. The detector current is converted to voltage. This analog voltage may then advantageously be converted into a digital signal by ND 32 that will be sent to the microcontroller 20 . Reference and post experiment scaled and converted data may be provided as inputs from the A/D converter 32 . The post experiment data will be sent as an output to the digital to analog converter (DAC) 34 to provide analog values. The instrument has a mechanical interface that will accept two or more LEDs or LED modules of different wavelengths which are selected for a specific analysis to be undertaken. Detection instrument 10 functions as a self-referencing optical detection system. Light Emitting Diodes (LEDS) 51 - 57 are used as quasi-monochromatic light sources. They are sequentially switched on and off to generate a train of light intensities at different wavelengths. Up to 7 LEDS are possible in this arrangement. In this arrangement, light of the different LEDs is coupled via a optical fiber of e.g. 750 m core diameter into a 3000 m “fiber combiner” 60 . The fiber combiner 60 , uniformly combines and mixes the light. Light is coupled out of the combiner into five separate output fibers 61 - 65 . One fiber 61 is directly connected into a reference photodiode 40 . The purpose of the reference diode 40 is to quantify the LED light output and use it to compensate for light power drift of the LED during the measurement cycle. A 16 bit digital to analog converter (DAC) 36 is used to control the output of each individual LED 51 - 57 , matching it to the samples S 1 , S 2 , S 3 , S 4 , used. Four optical fibers 61 - 64 are used to provide light to four independent external sample cells 12 , 14 , 16 , 18 (Sample 1 , 2 , 3 & 4 ). Light is coupled into and out of the sample cells via optical fibers. Four separate photodiodes 41 - 44 are used to measure the corresponding light levels exiting the sample cells. A 24 bit A/D converter 32 is used to convert the analog signals from the photodiodes 40 - 44 into the digital domain. The microcontroller 20 is used to control all aspects of the measurement cycle. The 8 channel DAC 36 controlling the LED power allows the instrument to optimize light throughput in the sample cells, tailoring the light output of the sample cells to the analog photodiode input of the instrument. A simple keyboard 22 allows for setting the parameters of a measurement cycle. Parameters and measurement results are displayed on the LCD display 24 . The measurement result is scaled to the DAC-Analog Output 34 and is further available in digital format via the USB interface 26 . Eight digital inputs and eight outputs 28 are available to receive trigger inputs and run experimental setups, such as, for example, pump 72 and valve 74 illustrated in FIG. 4 . Methods can be programmed to automate experimental procedures, such as e.g. fluid injection based nitrite/nitrate or phosphate analysis. Further, a software package can communicate via the USB interface 26 with the detection instrument to change parameters and receive and store experimental data. In a single measurement cycle, dark readings, sample readings and reference readings are collected. One advantage of the system is that due to its monochromatic light excitation principle, stray light effects are far smaller than in traditional spectrometer systems. Thus, the upper limit of the dynamic range of the detection system is increased from the traditional 2 AU to 3-4 AU. A second advantage of the system is that due to the constant tracking of the reference signal, signal drift is virtually non-existent. Absorbance drifts smaller than 0.5 mAU over a period of several days have been obtained. Thirdly, due to the constant detection of the dark output, stray light induced offsets from external light collection are automatically corrected for. Fourthly, synchronous detection of sample and reference signals is possible. The following examples are included for purposes of illustration so that the disclosure may be more readily understood and are in no way intended to limit the scope of the disclosure unless otherwise specifically indicated. DNA and RNA Detection Example With reference to FIG. 2 , LED detection system 100 which shows how detection instrument 10 may be configured for DNA and RNA detection, employs three UV LEDs (260, 280, 380 nm) designated 50 A, 50 B and 50 C. Fiber optic coupling connects the LEDs to the reference photodiode 40 and the sample photodiode 41 via a sample cell 12 . LEDs 50 A, 50 B, 50 C were driven in current mode with 10 to 20 mA. A fiber optic bundle 80 with three input (one per LED) and two outputs for the reference and the sample channel was prepared from solarization resistant fused silica fibers. A fiber optic cuvette holder and standard 10 mm quartz cuvettes were used for sample analysis. Traditional LEDs have a spectral bandwidth in the area of 7-30 nm with a trailing edge towards the longer wavelength. A typical biochemistry example is the detection of DNA and BSA concentrations at 260 nm and 280 nm, respectively. Pure DNA exhibits an absorbance of 1.0 AU at 260 nm for a 50 μg/mL concentration, whereby a BSA standard solution of 2.0 mg/mL has an absorbance of 1.33 AU at 280 nm. Further, the purity of DNA can be determined calculating the absorbance ratio at 260 nm and 280 nm, which should be 1.8 or above. However, to perform the measurements correctly, the spectral instrument bandwidth has to be accounted for. The spectral measured bandwidth full bandwidth half maximum (FWHM), of the clearly defined DNA and BSA absorbance peak is approximately 43 nm and 31 nm, respectively. Traditionally, measurements are performed with detector systems having a spectral bandwidth (FWHM) of 1/10 th of the sample absorbance peak. This would result in an instrument bandwidth requirement of 4.3 nm and 3.1 nm for BSA and DNA. Nevertheless, in recent years, spectrophotometers with bandwidth of 5 nm and above have been used routinely in life science research for quantification and purity determination of DNA. In a first approximation, the spectral bandwidth of DNA and BSA can be estimated to 43 nm and 31 nm, respectively. The peaks are spaced 20 nm apart, but overlap significantly. DNA purity can be assessed by calculating the absorbance ratio at 260 nm and 280 nm. Pure DNA, as used in this example exhibits an absorbance ratio A260/A280>1.8 Following the Beer-Lambert-Bouguer law, the spectral absorbance, ABS Sample-Spec (λ), through a sample, is as follows: ABS Sample - Spec ⁡ ( λ ) = I Re ⁢ ⁢ f ⁡ ( λ ) I Sam ⁡ ( λ ) = ɛ ⁡ ( λ ) ⁢ lc . ( 1 ) It is proportional to the sample concentration, c, the path length, l, and its material specific extinction coefficient, ε(λ), where I Ref (λ) is the incident or reference intensity, I Sam (λ) is the transmitted or sample intensity and λ is the wavelength of light. The spectral (reference) intensity distribution of a LED, I REF-LED (λ), can be approximated by a Gaussian intensity distribution as follows: I Re ⁢ ⁢ f - LED ⁡ ( λ ) = I 0 ⁢ 10 l ⁢ ⁢ n ⁡ ( 2 ) ⁢ ( λ - λ c ) 2 ( FWHM 2 ) 2 . ( 2 ) where I 0 is the peak intensity, λ c is the center wavelength of the LED or filter, if used, and FWHM represents the spectral bandwidth measured as Full Width Half Maximum. Thus, the LED light intensity distribution transmitted through the sample, I Sam-LED(λ) may be written as: I Sam-LED (λ)= I Ref-LED (λ)10 −ABS Sample-Spec (λ)   (3) However, in the optical setup used, light intensity is detected by a photodiode; in this case, the total absorbance of the sample, ABS Sample-LED , measured with the LED detection scheme can be estimated to be: ABS Sample - LED = log ⁢ ∫ λ 1 λ 2 ⁢ I Re ⁢ ⁢ f - LED ⁡ ( λ ) I Sam - LED ⁡ ( λ ) ⁢ ⁢ ⅆ λ ( 4 ) where λ 1 and λ 2 are the lower and the upper limit, defined by a reduction of spectral intensity to less than 5% related to the maximum 100% at center peak wavelength. The effect of increasing the spectral bandwidth, measured as FWHM, of the detection system on the absorbance signal, when measuring DNA and 260 nm and BSA at 280 nm was simulated using equations 1-4 and the results from FIG. 6 . In particular, LED intensity distributions with FWHM values ranging from 3 nm to 20 nm were generated and ABS Sample-LED calculated. The decrease of absorbance when measuring DNA at 260 nm wavelength as a function of LED FWHM was found to be less significant than the decrease of BSA absorbance at 280 nm. Allowing for a 5% decrease in absorbance, the FWHM of the detection system could be increased from 2.5 nm (spectral bandwidth of the spectrophotometer) to 9 nm and 13 nm for BSA at 280 nm and DNA at 260 nm, respectively. Relative spectral intensity distributions of UV LEDs with a center wavelength at 260 nm and 280 nm as a function of wavelength were measured with a spectrophotometer. The resolution of the spectrometer was confirmed to be 2.5 nm using a mercury spectral calibration lamp at 253.7 nm wavelength. Further, center-wavelength matched interference filter with a resolution of 10 nm were placed between UV-LED and the fiber coupling block to restrict their spectral output ( FIG. 6 ). The center wavelengths of the 260 nm and 280 nm LED were found to be 262 and 281 nm, respectively. FWHM of both LEDs was 13 nm and 10 nm, respectively. Although the FWHM of both LEDs may be adequate, light intensity above 10% can be seen from 262 nm to 278 nm for the 260 nm LED and 281 nm to 293 nm for the 280 nm LED. As light at these wavelengths may interfere with the sample measurement, interference filters were employed. Compared to the raw intensity distribution of the LEDs, the FWHM of the 260 nm/filter combination was reduced to 8 nm and the 280 nm/filter combination to 7 nm wavelength. More importantly, the intensity distributions became symmetric to the center wavelength and the overlapping light levels in the 265 nm to 275 nm region were significantly reduced. These separate optical components can be replaced by coating the front end 82 , 84 , 86 of the coupling fiber with an interference filter of appropriate wavelength. BSA concentrations in the region of 0.1 mg/L to 8 mg/L were prepared by gravimetric dilution in ultrapure water. Absorbance was measured at 280 nm with a spectrophotometer and the LED detection system 100 ( FIG. 8 ). For comparison, absorbance was measured with and without the interference filter. The TIDAS II™ spectrophotometer marketed by World Precision Instruments, Inc. exhibits a typical concentration to absorbance calibration. A linear behavior is found between 0 and 2.3 AU; then, the stray light of the detector limits the detection range. The LED detection system 100 without the 280 nm interference filter shows strongly non linear behavior between concentration and absorbance. This can be explained by the fact, that the 280 nm LED emits light up to 310 nm wavelength, where there is only minor absorbance of BSA ( FIG. 5 ). This effect is responsible for the increasing non-linearity of the calibration curve, as the portion of light in this region stays constant and reduces the total absorbance signal observed by the sample photodiode 41 ( FIG. 8 ). However, after the 280 nm bandpass filter is implemented, spectral bandwidth of the 280 nm LED is greatly reduced to 7 nm FWHM ( FIG. 8 ). With the filter installed, the concentration to absorbance calibration improves significantly. Up to 3.0 AU can be measured with this setup resulting into a R 2 of 0.9991 in this range. The spectrophotometer used for comparison only allows for an upper detection limit of 2.3 AU due to stray light effects within its polychromator. The greater dynamic range of the LED detection system can be explained by the monochromatic nature of the detection system. Only light at the wavelength of interest is generated with the LED detection system and used for the measurement. The LED detection system 200 which employs seven LEDs 51 - 57 is adapted for use in oceanographic and process applications. The selected wavelengths are indicated. Band pass or short pass filters 91 - 97 reduce the spectral bandwidths of the emitted radiation.
A light emitting diode (LED) based detection system is employed for spectroscopy based applications. LEDs are used as monochromatic light sources for applications at specific and pre-defined wavelengths. Spectrographic information is generated using LEDs of different wavelengths ranging from 260 nm to 1400 nm. Multiple wavelength information is generated by coupling light from each LED into an intensity and mode mixing fiber bundle. A dual beam approach of using a reference and a sample photodiode ensures automatic drift correction. Interference filters at the LED input fiber reduce the spectral bandwidth of the monochromatic light emission to a useful 10 nm bandwidth by cutting off the LEDs trailing emission distribution allowing for absorbance measurements similar to typical spectrometers.
[0001] This application claims the benefit to U.S. provisional patent application entitled “BELT LIFTER MECHANISM FOR VACUUM CLEANER” having Ser. No. 61/043,213 filed Apr. 8, 2008, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. TECHNICAL FIELD [0002] The present disclosure relates to floor cleaning appliances with a belt shifting arrangement, more particularly to an upright cleaner such as vacuum cleaners, bare floor suction cleaners like extractors having a motor driven floor engaging roller brush. Some of these vacuum cleaners have a mechanism for disengaging the roller brush while continuing to run the motor for generating vacuum for cleaning as, for example, where it is desired to use hose attachments rather than the floor engaging roller brush. [0003] Heretofore, various mechanisms have been utilized for enabling the user to engage and disengage the roller brush; and, in particular, foot operated actuators have been provided for such engagement and disengagement for user convenience. An example of such a device is the belt lifter or shifter mechanism described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,067,689 in which a foot operated actuator is moved downwardly by foot pressure for disengagement and lifted up by pulling with the foot to move the actuator upwardly through an arc of up to about 110 degrees. This type of actuator movement, namely, the pulling upward with the user's foot in addition to the arcuate length of the foot movement, has been deemed to be somewhat awkward and, thus, it has been desired to improve the convenience of the engagement and disengagement of the roller brush in an upright vacuum cleaner. BRIEF DESCRIPTION [0004] The present disclosure provides a belt lifter or engaging and disengaging mechanism for the roller brush of a floor cleaning appliance where in one embodiment is a vacuum cleaner, particularly an upright vacuum cleaner. The belt lifter or engaging and disengaging mechanism is provided in a manner which addresses the problems of the awkwardness of the foot operated actuator of the known vacuum cleaners. The belt lifter or clutching mechanism of the present disclosure utilizes a foot operated pedal having a relatively short stroke which enables the user to disengage the roller brush from the motor by a short downward stroke of the actuator and to engage the drive belt on the motor for driving the roller brush by a second relatively short downward stroke of the actuator. This provides a more convenient and user acceptable foot operated actuator for an upright vacuum cleaner where it is desired to disengage the roller brush drive while the vacuum motor continues to operate. [0005] In one embodiment of the present disclosure the belt lifter or shifter has a support mounting plate for attachment to the floor cleaning appliance, a arcuate movable clutch actuator with a user accessible pedal at one end, and clutch lever operatively associated with the actuator having a belt engaging arcuate surface. All three have openings sufficient for a motor shaft to pass through them where the openings can range from apertures to curved unconnected ends of each. The mounting plate has stops to limit the arcuate movement of the clutch lever and locking members to hold the idler pulley is either and engaged position with the belt or a disengaged position with the belt upon user activation of the pedal. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0006] FIG. 1 is a perspective view of the roller brush drive train assembly for an upright vacuum cleaner in an exemplary embodiment with the drive belt disengaged; [0007] FIG. 2 is a view similar to FIG. 1 with the mechanism moved to the position with the drive belt engaged for driving the roller brush; [0008] FIG. 3 is a front elevation view of the belt lift or clutching mechanism of the embodiment of FIG. 1 in the disengaged position; [0009] FIG. 4 is a section view taken along section indicating line 4 - 4 of FIG. 3 ; [0010] FIG. 5 is a view similar to FIG. 3 showing the belt lifter mechanism in the position with the belt engaged as shown in FIG. 2 ; [0011] FIG. 6 is a section view taken along section indicating line 6 - 6 of FIG. 5 ; and, [0012] FIG. 7 is an exploded perspective view of the belt lifter or clutch mechanism of the present exemplary embodiment. [0013] FIG. 8 is a vacuum cleaning floor cleaning appliance that can have the roller brush drive train assembly with short stroke engaging and disengaging mechanism as shown in the other FIGURES. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE EMBODIMENTS [0014] Before any embodiments of the inventive disclosure are explained in detail, it is to be understood that the invention is not limited in its application to the details of construction and the arrangement of components set forth in the following description or illustrated in the following drawings. The invention is capable of other embodiments and of being practiced or of being carried out in various ways. Also, it is to be understood that the phraseology and terminology used herein is for the purpose of description and should not be regarded as limiting. The use of “including,” “comprising,” or “having” and variations thereof herein is meant to encompass the items listed thereafter and equivalents thereof as well as additional items. Unless specified or limited otherwise, the terms “mounted,” “connected,” “supported,” and “coupled” and variations thereof are used broadly and encompass both direct and indirect mountings, connections, supports, and couplings. Further, “connected” and “coupled” are not restricted to physical or mechanical connections or couplings. In addition other than where otherwise indicated, all numbers expressing quantities of physical properties and parameters and so forth used in the specification and claims are to be understood as being modified in all instances by the term “about.” Accordingly, unless indicated to the contrary, the numerical parameters set forth in the following specification and attached claims are approximations that may vary depending upon the desired properties sought to be obtained by the embodiments of the present invention. At the very least, and not as an attempt to limit the application of the doctrine of equivalents to the scope of the claims, each numerical value should at least be construed in light of the number of reported significant digits and by applying ordinary rounding techniques. Moreover, all ranges disclosed herein are to be understood to encompass the beginning and ending range values and any and all sub-ranges subsumed therein. [0015] Embodiments of the disclosure relate to floor cleaning appliances suitable examples are depicted in the drawings where similar parts and elements have the same reference number where appropriate. FIG. 1 Referring to FIG. 1 , a drive train for a belt driven roller brush of a vacuum cleaner is indicated generally at 10 and includes a vacuum generating drive motor 12 mounted to a portion of the vacuum cleaner structure 14 with a drive shaft 16 extending therethrough and outwardly thereof. A drive belt 18 operative to engage the motor shaft 16 engages a driven pulley 20 on a roller brush assembly indicated generally at 22 which is journalled for rotation on bearings 24 , 26 provided on end plates 28 , 30 which it will be understood are adapted for attachment to the vacuum cleaner structure (not shown). Known drive belts are typically formed of elastomeric material capable of about 25 percent elongation without breaking. Suitable non-exclusive examples of belts include flat belts, belts with v-shaped or u-shaped or rectangular cross-sectional shapes, cogged, and multiple longitudinal V-type belts, like Poly-V belts. The drive belt 18 is shown in FIG. 1 as having an end opposite the roller brush pulley 20 disposed over an idler pulley 32 . Drive belt 18 may be stretched between motor shaft 16 and pulley 20 , such that it's natural elasticity maintains drive belt 18 under tension for transmitting power from motor 12 to brush roller 22 . The idler pulley 32 , as will hereinafter be described in detail, is mounted on a belt lifter or clutch mechanism indicated generally at 34 . As can be seen in FIG. 7 , the lifter mechanism 34 includes a support frame or mounting plate 36 having an aperture 38 formed therein which is received over motor shaft 16 and secured to the vacuum cleaner structure 14 . FIG. 1 shows the drive belt disengaged from the drive motor; and, FIG. 2 shows the belt engaged with the motor for driving roller brush 22 . [0016] Referring to FIGS. 3-7 , attached at one end of the mounting plate 36 is a support bracket 40 , by suitable fasteners as, for example, rivets 42 , 44 . The bracket 40 has an end thereof extending generally parallel to the surface of plate 36 and with an aperture 46 formed therein adjacent the opposite free end. [0017] An actuator member indicated generally at 48 , has a pivot aperture 50 formed therein intermediate to the ends thereof. Received through the rivet aperture 50 is a retainer bushing 52 which has bearing surface 54 engaged in aperture 50 , with the lower end of the bushing 52 secured through the aperture 38 in frame 36 by any suitable expedient, as for example weldment or riveting or orbital staking. Thus, actuator 48 is free to pivot about bearing surface 54 when assembled to the frame 36 . With references to FIGS. 1 and 2 , actuator 48 has a pedal 58 provided on the end of an arm 60 thereof for user depression. However, the pedal has been omitted from FIGS. 3 through 7 for clarity of illustration. [0018] Actuator arm 60 has a tab or lug 62 formed thereon. Engaged on the lug 62 is one end 64 of a tension spring 66 , which has its opposite end 68 engaged with a similar tab 70 formed on the support frame 36 . Spring 66 thus biases the actuator 48 and arm 60 in a counterclockwise direction about the bushing 52 . [0019] A portion of actuator 48 disposed on the opposite side from arm 60 includes an arcuate slot 72 formed therein, which is generally of constant radius and concentric with the bushing bearing surface 54 . Actuator 48 also includes a second slot 74 with a generally rectangular configuration formed therein radially outwardly of the arcuate slot 72 . The configuration and disposition of the slots 72 and 74 are shown clearly in FIG. 7 . [0020] A clutch lever indicated generally at 76 has a hub 78 formed thereon and extending axially therefrom on opposite sides thereof. Hub 78 is disposed between the free end of bracket 40 and the mounting frame 36 . A shouldered bolt 80 is received through hub 78 and aperture 46 in bracket 40 and through aperture 82 in frame 36 and is secured therein by any suitable expedient such as threaded nut 84 . Thus, clutch lever 76 is freely pivoted about the larger diameter portion of bolt 80 . A torsion spring 86 is provided about the hub 78 on lever 76 with one end of the torsion spring 88 engaging a projection 90 extending from lever 76 . An opposite end 92 of spring 86 engages the edge of bracket 40 in an arrangement which thus biases the lever 76 in a counterclockwise direction about the bolt 80 . [0021] Clutch lever 76 has on one end thereof, a projection or lug 94 extending from the inner face of the lever 76 and into the slot 74 on actuator 48 for limited lost motion movement therein. The end of lever 76 opposite lug 94 from hub 78 has a generally hooked or U-shaped configuration with the idler pulley 32 mounted on the end thereof by a suitable expedient. For example, bolt 93 extends through an aperture 96 in the end of the lever 76 and is retained thereon by nut 98 . A curved portion 95 of clutch lever 76 is configured to avoid interference with bushing 52 and the motor shaft 16 yet provide a wide arc of movement to the lever 76 for positioning idler pulley 32 on opposite sides of motor shaft 16 and centered on a line passing through the axis of motor shaft 16 and the axis of roller brush 22 . [0022] Mounting frame 36 has an arcuate slot 100 formed therein as shown in FIGS. 3 , 5 and 7 . Actuator member 48 has a tab or lug 102 formed thereon arcuately intermediate the arm 60 and slot 74 . Tab 102 extends into and engages slot 100 with the end 104 of tab 102 formed or bent to register in a sliding manner on the inner face of frame 36 for guiding movement of actuator 48 . [0023] The clutch lever 76 has a detent or locking surface 106 formed on the outer periphery thereof on the side opposite the curved portion 95 . The surface 106 extends generally radially with respect to bolt 80 . It is located intermediate the hub 78 and aperture 96 and serves an engaging function such as a latching function, as will hereinafter be described in greater detail. [0024] Also provided is a locking member 108 , having a generally L-shaped configuration. Member 108 has an aperture 110 formed at the junction of a pair of arms thereof or generally in the central region. The member 108 is pivotally mounted on frame 36 by a rivet 112 passing through aperture 110 in the lever and a corresponding aperture 114 formed in the frame 36 . Member 108 has a lug or tab 116 , which has one end 118 of a tension spring 120 engaged thereon. An opposite end 122 of spring 120 engages a corresponding lug or tab 124 provided on the edge of frame 36 . Spring 120 thus biases lever 108 in a counterclockwise direction pivotally about rivet 112 . [0025] The end of member 108 on the opposite side from spring 120 has a lug or tab 126 formed thereon. This tab extends through slot 128 formed in frame 36 , as shown in FIGS. 3-6 , with the end of the tab 126 formed or configured to engage the inner surface of frame 36 in a sliding engagement. This design prevents a deflection of member 108 away from the frame 36 . Member 108 has another lug or tab 130 extending therefrom on the end thereof adjacent tab 126 . The tab or lug 130 extends from the member 108 in the direction away from plate 36 , and has a right angle formed at the end 132 thereof. The end 132 of tab 130 serves to engage the latching surface 106 on clutch lever 76 as will hereinafter be described. [0026] Referring to FIG. 7 , an actuator stop member 134 is pivotally mounted on locking member 108 by a fastener such as rivet 136 passing through aperture 138 formed in the member 134 and an aligned aperture 140 formed in the member 108 . A spacer washer 142 is disposed between the stop member 134 and locking member 108 , which facilitates free rotation of the stop member upon rivet 136 mounted on the locking member 108 . A clearance slot 144 is provided in support frame 36 to permit movement of the end of the rivet as the locking member 108 moves to prevent the end of the rivet from engaging the frame 36 . Stop member 134 has a tab 146 formed on an end thereof, which extends downwardly toward the member 108 . It is operative to engage the edge of member 108 , as will hereinafter be described. The end of stop member 134 on the opposite side of the aperture 138 from tab 146 has a pawl 148 formed thereon. The pawl 148 serves to be engaged by a downwardly extending tab 150 formed on the actuator arm 60 of actuator 48 , in a manner which will hereinafter be described. [0027] Actuator stop member 134 also has an upwardly extending tab or lug 152 formed thereon intermediate the tab 146 and pawl 148 . The tab 152 is used to mount 5 one end 154 of a tension spring 156 . Referring to FIG. 3 , the opposite end of spring 156 is connected to a tab 158 provided on the locking member 108 , which tab 158 is positioned at a relatively short distance from rivet 112 . Spring 156 is operative to bias the stop member 134 in a counterclockwise direction about the rivet 136 . [0028] Referring to FIGS. 2 and 5 , the clutch mechanism 34 is shown with the belt 18 engaging the motor shaft 16 , with the belt shown in dashed outline in FIG. 5 . The clutch actuator lever 48 is shown rotated to its fully counterclockwise position in solid outline. Further movement thereof is prevented by the tab 152 engaging the upper end of the slot 100 formed in the frame 36 . The clutch lever 76 is rotated to its fully counterclockwise position under the urging of torsion spring 86 , with the lug 94 on lever 76 engaging the right hand side of slot 74 in the actuator lever 48 , thereby preventing further movement of the member 76 . [0029] When the operator of the vacuum cleaner desires to disengage the roller brush 22 from the drive motor, the operator depresses the pedal 58 to push the arm 60 downwardly, effecting clockwise rotation of the actuator member 48 about the bushing 54 . This causes the slot 74 of the actuator arm 48 to bear against the lug 94 and rotate the clutch lever 76 in a clockwise direction about the bolt 80 . Such movement causes a cam surface 160 on the clutch lever 76 to bear against the tab 130 on member 108 . This movement lifts the tab 130 to the position shown in dashed outline, by clockwise rotation of the member 108 about rivet 112 . Further downward movement of arm 60 causes the slot 74 in the actuator 48 to move the clutch lever 76 to the position shown in solid outline in FIG. 3 whereupon the bias of spring 120 causes member 108 to rotate in the counterclockwise direction, causing tab 132 to engage the locking surface 106 on clutch arm 76 . Thus, the clutch lever 76 is locked into the position shown in solid outline in FIG. 3 thereby disengaging the belt 18 from the motor shaft 16 by contact of the idler pulley 32 with the belt 18 . [0030] Upon the user releasing pressure from pedal 58 , arm 60 moves from the position shown in solid outline in FIG. 3 upwardly to the position shown in dashed outline. Further counterclockwise rotation of the member 48 is prevented by engagement of the left side of slot 74 with the lug 94 on the clutch lever as shown in dashed outline in FIG. 3.6 [0031] It will be understood that during the belt disengagement movement, the belt 18 is stretched from the position shown in FIGS. 2 and 5 to the length shown in FIGS. 1 and 3 , by virtue of the elastomeric nature of the material of the drive belt 18 . [0032] When the user desires to re-engage the driving of the roller brush 22 , the lever arm 60 of actuator 48 is moved by the user depressing pedal 58 to move the actuator 48 including arm 60 from the position shown in dashed outline in FIG. 3 to the lowered or clockwise rotated position shown in solid outline, whereupon the lug or tab 54 on arm 60 engages the pawl 148 on stop member 134 and rotates the member 134 in a clockwise direction until the tab 146 thereon engages the inner edge of the lower portion of member 108 as shown in dashed outline in FIG. 5 , whereupon further downward movement of arm 60 and clockwise rotation of actuator 48 is prevented. Concurrently with the rotation of stop member 134 on arm locking member 108 , the downward movement of the stop member 134 causes arm locking member 108 to pivot about rivet 112 and lift the tab 130 on the opposite end of locking member 108 from engagement with the locking surface 106 in on the clutch lever 76 . [0033] With the tab 134 disengaged from the locking surface 106 , the line of action of the tension forces of opposing sides of the belt on the pulley 32 acts along the line AA in FIG. 3 (e.g. through the center of the roller brush 22 ). This line of action causes a counterclockwise moment on the clutch lever 76 about the bolt 80 causing sudden free movement of clutch lever 76 to the engaged position as shown in FIG. 5 , thereby re-engaging the belt with the motor shaft 16 . The counterclockwise movement of the clutch lever 76 to the position shown in FIG. 5 causes the lug 94 on clutch lever 76 to engage the right hand edge of slot 74 in actuator 48 and rotate the actuator counterclockwise to the return position shown in solid outline in FIG. 5 , when the user releases pressure from the pedal 58 . [0034] As shown in FIG. 8 in general according to an embodiment of the inventive disclosure an upright cleaner includes a floor engaging portion 170 , and a handle portion 172 pivotally mounted with the floor engaging portion for pivotal motion relative to the floor engaging portion between a generally upright stationary position and an inclined pivotal operating position. A brush roller 22 or sometimes referred to as an agitator or beater bar is rotatably mounted in the floor engaging portion 170 for agitating a floor surface being cleaned. Also within portion 170 can be the drive motor 12 with the motor output shaft 16 and an brush roller belt 18 selectively drivingly connecting the motor to the brush roller. The engaging and disengaging mechanism as for the above-described embodiments such as those of FIGS. 1-7 are also positioned in the floor engaging portion 170 . With this arrangement the drive motor can be separate from any suction source and motor for the upright cleaner. Alternatively the motor for the suction source can also be the motor for the belt drive for the brush roller. In such a case the motor is arranged such that a rotor shaft extends horizontally and out both ends of motor housing. A conventional fan (not shown) may be affixed to one end of rotor shaft (not shown) for generating suction. The other end of the rotor shaft is utilized to drive any transmission and brush roller 22 via a drive belt 18 . The upright cleaner 168 can be manually propelled or self-propelled in which case the floor engaging portion 170 would also house the drive transmission. The details of the transmission 18 do not form a part of the present invention and are therefore not disclosed in detail herein. However, a suitable transmission for use with a self-propelled upright vacuum cleaner according to the present invention is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,581,591, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated herein as of reference. [0035] The floor engaging portion 170 also referred to as a foot usually includes a floor nozzle 174 that is fluidly connected to a dirt receptacle and the suction source (not shown). Freely rotating support wheels 176 (only one of which is visible in FIG. 8 are located to the rear and on opposite sides of the floor engaging portion 170 . An upper housing 178 with handle portion 172 or just the handle portion 172 is pivotally mounted to the lower portion 170 in a conventional manner for pivotal motion from a generally upright stationary position, to an inclined pivotal operating position. A hand grip 180 may be slidably mounted to the top end of upper housing 178 for limited reciprocal motion relative thereto for any electronic controls such as an off/on switch (not shown). The nozzle body, generally indicated as 182 , defines a transversely extending brush roller chamber 184 having a downward opening nozzle or suction opening 174 . A rotary brush roller 22 is rotatably mounted in chamber 184 in a conventional manner with its bristles usually extending out nozzle opening 174 for agitating a surface to be cleaned. [0036] The present disclosure thus describes a belt lifter or clutch mechanism for engaging and disengaging the roller brush of an upright vacuum cleaner in which the user need only effect a short push stroke of a foot pedal to disengage the roller brush from the motor; and, upon release, the pedal returns to a ready position. The user need only apply another short push stroke to release the mechanism and re-engage the belt 7 from the roller brush to the drive motor. The mechanism of the present disclosure thus provides a simple and easy to use clutching mechanism for enabling the user of an upright vacuum cleaner to disengage the roller brush from the drive motor and continue operation of the drive motor and vacuum generating unit to enable use of attachments for vacuuming. [0037] The exemplary embodiment has been described with reference to the drawings presented. Obviously, modifications and alterations will occur to others upon reading and understanding the preceding detailed description. It is intended that the exemplary embodiment be construed as including all such modifications and alterations insofar as they come within the scope of the appended claims or the equivalents thereof.
A drive belt shifting arrangement for a rotatable brush roller of an upright cleaner where the shifter has an idler pulley for arcuate movement within the loop of the belt between the roller and the motor occasioned by pedal actuation. The same pedal action by the user alternately cams the belt onto the idler pulley to discontinue roller rotation or to permit its movement back to the motor shaft to allow roller rotation.
PRIORITY This application claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. §119(a) of a Korean patent application filed in the Korean Intellectual Property Office on Oct. 5, 2007 and assigned Serial No. 2007-100604, the entire disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a mobile broadcasting system supporting a Broadcast Service (BCAST). More particularly, the present invention relates to a method and apparatus for providing another Service Guide (SG) through a basic SG in a mobile broadcasting system. 2. Description of the Related Art The mobile communication market faces ever-increasing demands for new services through the recombination or convergence of existing technologies. The development of communications and broadcasting technologies has reached the point that a broadcasting service can be provided through a portable terminal (hereinafter, a mobile terminal) such as a portable phone, a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), etc. With all of these potential and actual market demands, including the rapidly increasing user demands for multimedia service, the strategies of service providers that intend to provide new services including a broadcasting service beyond the conventional voice service, and the interests of Internet Technology (IT) companies that reinforce mobile communication businesses by meeting customer demands, the convergence between mobile communications and Internet Protocol (IP) has been a significant trend in the technological development of future-generation mobile communication systems. The resulting grand convergence, that is, the introduction of various wireless or broadcasting services to the wired communication market as well as the mobile communication market has formed the same consumer environment for various services irrespective of wired or wireless broadcasting. The Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) is an organization that works on standardization of inter-operability between individual mobile solutions. The OMA mainly serves to establish a variety of application standards for mobile communication gaming, Internet service, etc. The OMA BCAST working group is studying a technological standard for providing a broadcasting service through a mobile terminal. That is, the OMA BCAST working group is underway to standardize techniques for providing IP-based broadcasting services in a mobile terminal environment, including providing of a Service Guide (SG), download and streaming transmission, service and content protection, service subscription roaming, etc. Along with the market trend toward provisioning of integrated services based on wired-wireless convergence, mobile broadcasting technologies including OMA BCAST will also advance to provide services in a wired-wireless integrated environment beyond the mobile environment. FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a conventional structure for transmitting an SG to a mobile terminal in a mobile broadcasting system. Referring to FIG. 1 , interfaces between components (logical entities) illustrated in FIG. 1 will first be described in Table 1 and Table 2. TABLE 1 Interface Description SG1 Server-to-server communications for delivering content attributes such as description information, location information, target terminal capabilities, target user profile, etc. either in the form of BCAST SG fragments or in a proprietary format. SG2 Server-to-server communications for delivering BCAST service attributes such as service/content description information, scheduling information, location information, target terminal capabilities, target user profile, etc. in the form of BCAST SG fragments. SG-B1 Server-to-server communications for either delivering Broadcast Distribution System (BDS) specific from BDS to BCAST SG Adaptation function, to assist SG adaptation to specific BDS, or to deliver BCAST SG attributes to BDS for BDS specific adaptation and distribution. SG4 Server-to-server communications for delivering provisioning information, purchase information, subscription information, promotional information, etc., in the form of BCAST SG fragments. SG5 Delivery of BCAST SG through Broadcast Channel, over IP. SG6 Delivery of BCAST SG through Interaction Channel, interactive access to retrieve SG or additional information related to SG, for example, by HTTP, SMS or MMS. TABLE 2 Interface Description x-1 124 Reference Point between BDS Service Distribution and BDS 122 x-2 125 Reference Point between BDS Service Distribution and Interaction Network 123 x-3 126 Reference Point between BDS 122 and Terminal 119 x-4 127 Reference Point between BDS Service Distribution 121 and Terminal 119 over Broadcast Channel x-5 128 Reference Point between BDS Service Distribution and Terminal over Interaction Channel (Air Interface 130) x-6 129 Reference Point between Interaction Network 123 and Terminal 119 Referring to FIG. 1 , a content creator 101 creates a broadcast service (hereinafter, a BCAST service). The BCAST service can be a conventional audio/video broadcasting service or a conventional music/data file download service. In the content creator 101 , an SG Content Creation Source (SGCCS) 102 transmits content description information, terminal capabilities information, user profiles, and content timing information required for configuring an SG for the BCAST service to an SG Application Source (SGAS) 105 of a BCAST service application 104 via an SG 1 interface 103 described in Table 1. The BCAST service application 104 generates BCAST service data by receiving data for the BCAST service from the content creator 101 and processing the data in a form suitable for a BCAST network. The BCAST service application 104 also generates standardized meta data needed for mobile broadcasting guidance. The SGAS 105 transmits information received from the SGCCS 102 and sources required for configuring the SG, including service/content description information, scheduling information and location information, to an SG Generator (SG-G) 109 of a BCAST service distributor/adapter 108 via an SG 2 interface 106 also described in Table 1. The BCAST service distributor/adapter 108 establishes a bearer for delivering the BCAST service data received from the BCAST service application 104 , schedules transmission of the BCAST service, and generates mobile broadcasting guide information. The BCAST service distributor/adapter 108 is connected to a Broadcast Distribution System (BDS) 122 , that transmits the BCAST service data, and to an interaction network 123 that supports bi-directional communications. The SG generated in the SG-G 109 is provided to a mobile terminal 119 through an SG Distributor (SG-D) 110 and an SG-5 interface 117 . If the SG needs to be provided through the BDS 122 or the interaction network 123 , or the SG needs to be adapted to suit a specific system or network, it is provided to the SG-D 110 after adaptation in an SG Adapter (SG-A) 111 , or to a later-described BDS service distributor 121 via an SG-B 1 interface 116 . A BCAST subscription manager 113 manages subscription information required for BCAST service reception, service provision information, and device information about mobile terminals to receive the BCAST service. An SG Subscription Source (SGSS) 114 of the BCAST subscription manager 113 transmits provisioning information, purchase information, subscription information, and promotional information in relation to SG generation to the SG-G 109 via an SG 4 interface 112 . The BDS service distributor 121 distributes all received BCAST services on broadcast channels or on interaction channels. The BDS service distributor 121 is an optional entity that can be used or not depending on the type of the BDS 122 . The BDS 122 is a network over which the BCAST service is delivered. For example, the BDS 122 can be a broadcasting network such as Digital Video Broadcasting-Handheld (DVB-H), Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS), or 3 rd Generation Partnership Project 2 (3GPP2) Broadcast Multicast Service (BCMCS). The interaction network 123 transmits the BCAST service in a one-to-one manner or exchanges control information and additional information associated with BCAST service reception bi-directionally. For example, the interaction network 123 can be a legacy cellular network. In FIG. 1 , the mobile terminal 119 is a BCAST reception-enabled terminal. Depending on its performance, the mobile terminal 119 can be connected to a cellular network. The mobile terminal 119 , which includes an SG Client (SG-C) 120 , receives the SG via an SG 5 interface 117 or a notification message via an SG 6 interface 118 and appropriately operates to receive the BCAST service. Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5 summarize the functions of major components (logical entities) illustrated in FIG. 1 , defined in the OMA BCAST standards. TABLE 3 Logical entity Description Content creator In the content creator, SGCCS may provide content attributes such 101 as content description information, target terminal capabilities, target user profile, content timing information, etc. and may send them over SG1 in the form of standardized BCAST SG fragments or in a proprietary format. BCAST service In the BCAST service application, SGAS 105 provides application 104 service/content description information, scheduling information, location information, target terminal capabilities, target user profile, etc., and sends them over SG2 106 in the form of standardized BCAST SG fragments. BCAST In BCAST subscription manager, SGSS 114 provides provisioning subscription information, purchase information, subscription information, manager 113 promotional information, etc., and sends them over SG4 112 in the form of SG fragments. TABLE 4 Logical entity Description SG-G 109 The SG-G in the network is responsible for receiving SG fragments from various sources such as SGCCS 102, SGAS 105, SGSS 114 over SG-2 and SG-4 interfaces. SG-G 109 assembles the fragments such as services and content access information according to a standardized schema and generates SG which is sent to SG-D for transmission. Before transmission, it is optionally adapted in the SG-A 111 to suit a specific BDS. SG-C 120 The SG-C in the terminal 119 is responsible for receiving the SG information from the underlying BDS and making the SG available to the mobile terminal. The SG-C obtains specific SG information. It may filter it to match the terminal specified criteria (for example, location, user profile, terminal capabilities), or it may simply obtain all available SG information. Commonly, the user may view the SG information in a menu, list or tabular format. SG-C may send a request to the network through SG-6 118 to obtain specific SG information, or the entire SG. TABLE 5 Logical entity Description SG-D 110 SG-D generates an IP flow to transmit SG over the SG5 interface 118 and the broadcast channel to the SG-C 120. Before transmission, the SG-G may send SG to SG-A 111 to adapt the SG to suit specific BDS according to the BDS attributes sent by BDS service distributor over SG-B1 116. The adaptation might result in modification of SG. Note that, for adaptation purpose, the SG-A may also send the BCAST SG attributes or BCAST SG fragments over SG-B1 to BDS service distributor for adaptation, this adaptation within BDS service distributor is out of the scope of BCAST, SG-D may also receive a request for SG information, and send the requested SG information to the terminal directly through the interaction channel. SG-D also may filter SG information from SG-G 109 based on End Users pre-specified profile. SG-D may also send the SG to the BDS, which modifies the SG (e.g., by adding BSD specific information), and further distributes the SG to the SG-C in a BDS specific manner. FIG. 2 illustrates a conventional OMA BCAST SG data model for generating an SG. In FIG. 2 , a solid line connecting fragments indicates cross-reference between the fragments. Referring to FIG. 2 , the SG data model includes an Administrative Group 200 for providing upper configuration information about the entire SG, a Provisioning Group 210 for providing subscription information and purchase information, a Core Group 220 for providing core information about the SG, such as services/contents and schedules, and an Access Group 230 for providing access information by which to access the services/contents. The Administrative Group 200 includes an SG Delivery Descriptor (SGDD) 201 and the Provisioning Group 210 includes a Purchase Item 211 , a Purchase Data 212 , and a Purchase Channel 213 . The Core Group 220 includes a Service 221 , a Schedule 222 , and a Content 223 . The Access Group 230 is configured to include an Access 231 and a Session Description 232 . In addition to the four groups 200 , 210 , 220 and 230 , the SG information may further include a Preview Data 241 and an Interactivity Data 251 . The above-described components of the SG are called fragments, with minimum units constituting the SG. As to the fragments, the SGDD fragment 201 provides information on a delivery session carrying an SG Delivery Unit (SGDU) with fragments, provides grouping information about the SGDU, and an entry point for receiving a notification message. The Service fragment 221 is an upper aggregate of content included in a broadcast service, as a core of the entire SG, and provides service content, genres, service location information, etc. The Schedule fragment 222 provides time information of the content included in the service, such as streaming, downloading, etc. The Content fragment 223 provides a description, a target user group, a service area, and genres for the broadcast content. The Access fragment 231 provides access information to allow the user to access the service, and also provides information about the delivery scheme of an access session and session information about the access session. The Session Description fragment 232 can be included in the Access fragment 231 . Alternatively, information about the location of the Session Description fragment 232 is given in the form of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), so that the terminal can detect the Session Description fragment 232 . In addition, the Session Description fragment 232 provides address information and codec information about multimedia content included in a session. The Purchase Item fragment 211 groups one or more multiple services or scheduled items together, so that the user can purchase a service or a service bundle or subscribe to it. The Purchase Data fragment 212 includes purchase and subscription information about services or service bundles, such as price information and promotion information. The Purchase Channel fragment 213 provides access information for subscription to or purchase of a service or a service bundle. The SGDD fragment 201 indicates an entry point for receiving the serice guide and provides grouping information about an SGDU being a container of fragments. The Preview Data fragment 241 provides preview information about services, schedules and contents, and the Interactivity Data fragment 251 provides an interactive service during broadcasting according to services, schedules, and contents. Detailed information on the SG can be defined by various elements and attributes for providing contents and values based on the upper data model of FIG. 2 . For convenience, although the elements and attributes for each of the fragments of the SG are not included herein, the elements and attributes do not limit the present invention, and the present invention is applicable to all necessary elements and attributes defined to provide an SG for a mobile broadcasting service. In the course of generating a service guide in the SG-G 109 based on the SG data model and providing the fragments of the SG through the SG-D 110 and the SG-C 120 being a user terminal, the more services and contents that service providers provide, the more information is transmitted. The resulting exponential increase of the fragments of the SG in size and number may cause a significant increase in the overhead of receiving the fragments, in the time for assembling the SG and in the time and resources for displaying it in the terminal. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION An aspect of the present invention is to address at least the above-mentioned problems and/or disadvantages and to provide at least the advantages described below. Accordingly, an aspect of the present invention is to provide a method and apparatus for distributing a basic SG, first of all, to provide a service efficiently and enabling reception of complementary information about the basic SG or another stand-alone SG using the basic SG in a mobile broadcasting system. In accordance with an aspect of the present invention, a method for receiving an SG in a terminal in a mobile broadcasting system is provided. The method includes receiving a first SG, if a service fragment list extracted from the first SG includes information about at least one second SG different from the first SG, reception information about the second SG is acquired from the first SG, and the second SG is received based on the acquired reception information. In accordance with another aspect of the present invention, a method for providing an SG in a mobile broadcasting system is provided. The method includes forming a first SG and at least one second SG, adding reception information about the second SG to the first SG, transmitting the first SG having the reception information about the second SG to a terminal and, when the terminal accesses the reception information about the second SG, the second SG is provided to the terminal. In accordance with a further aspect of the present invention, an apparatus for receiving an SG in a terminal in a mobile broadcasting system is provided. The apparatus includes a broadcast data receiver for receiving broadcasting data, an SG receiver for acquiring a first SG and at least one second SG from the broadcast data, an SG interpreter for acquiring reception information about the second SG by interpreting the first SG, and an SG display for displaying at least one of the acquired first SG and the second SG. In accordance with still another aspect of the present invention, an apparatus for providing an SG in a mobile broadcasting system is provided. The apparatus includes an SG generator for forming a first SG and at least one second SG and for adding reception information about the second SG to the first SG, and an SG transmitter for transmitting the first SG having the reception information about the second SG to a terminal and for providing the second SG to the terminal, when the terminal accesses the reception information about the second SG. Other aspects, advantages, and salient features of the invention will become apparent to those skilled in the art from the following description, which, taken in conjunction with the annexed drawings, discloses exemplary embodiments of the invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The above and other aspects, features and advantages of certain exemplary embodiments of the present invention will be more apparent from the following description taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which: FIG. 1 is a diagram illustrating the logical structure of conventional OMA BCAST SG functions; FIG. 2 is a data model of a conventional OMA BCAST SG; FIG. 3 illustrates a method for receiving an SG using a basic SG according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 4 is a flowchart illustrating an operation for receiving an SG using a basic SG in a terminal according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 5 is an exemplary view of information in a Service fragment in an OMA BCAST SG data model; FIG. 6 is an exemplary view of information in an Access fragment in an OMA BCAST SG data model; and FIG. 7 is a block diagram of a system and a terminal according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention. Throughout the drawings, the same drawing reference numerals will be understood to refer to the same elements, features and structures. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EXEMPLARY EMBODIMENTS The following description with reference to the accompanying drawings is provided to assist in a comprehensive understanding of exemplary embodiments of the invention as defined by the claims and their equivalents. It includes various specific details to assist in that understanding but these are to be regarded as merely exemplary. Accordingly, those of ordinary skill in the art will recognize that various changes and modifications of the embodiments described herein can be made without departing from the scope and spirit of the invention. Also, descriptions of well-known functions and constructions are omitted for clarity and conciseness. While a description of exemplary embodiments of the present invention will be made herein using the names of the entities defined in the 3GPP, which is the asynchronous mobile communication standard, or defined in the OMA BCAST, a standard group for the application of mobile terminals, the stated standards and entity names thereof are not intended to limit the scope of the present invention, and the present invention can be applied to any system having a similar technical background. For a better understanding of exemplary embodiments of the present invention, a message scheme table used in the present invention will be described with reference to Table 6. TABLE 6 Name Type Category Cardinality Description Data Type In Table 6, the term “Name” indicates the name of an entity being an element or an attribute in a message. The term “Type” indicates whether the entity is an element or an attribute. If the entity is an element, it has a value of E 1 , E 2 , E 3 or E 4 , wherein E 1 indicates an upper element in the entire message, E 2 indicates a sub-element of E 1 , E 3 indicates a sub-element of E 2 , and E 4 indicates a sub-element of E 3 . If the entity is an attribute, its Type is A. For example, A under E 1 indicates an attribute of E 1 . The term “Category” indicates whether the element or attribute is mandatory or optional. If the element or attribute is mandatory, Category is M and if it is optional, Category is O. The term “Cardinality” indicates the relationship between elements, and has a value of 0, 0 . . . 1, 1, 0 . . . n, or 1 . . . n. Herein, 0 means an optional relationship, 1 means a mandatory relationship, and n means that a plurality of values can be used. For example, 0 . . . n means that the element may have no value, or n values. The term “Description” describes the element or attribute in plain text and the term “Data Type” defines the data structure of the element or attribute. FIG. 3 illustrates a method for receiving an SG and a method for providing another SG using a basic SG according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention. Referring to FIG. 3 , the SG-C of a terminal (not shown) in a mobile broadcasting system accesses an Announcement Session 301 and receives an SGDD 310 in the Announcement Session 301 . As stated before, the SGDD 310 includes an SGDU list and information about delivery sessions carrying SGDUs. In the exemplary implementation of FIG. 3 , the SGDD 310 has an SGDU list containing fragments of a basic SG and information about a delivery session 302 (Delivery Session X) carrying intended SGDUs. The terminal interprets the SGDD 310 , accesses Delivery Session X, and receives SGDUs 311 for the basic SG from Delivery Session X. The terminal then extracts fragments for the basic SG from the SGDUs 311 and displays a final basic SG 320 to the user. The basic SG 320 may include complementary information about a service or provide information about how to access an SG provided by another service provider. In FIG. 3 , the terminal can detect reception information about a first SG 321 (SG 1 ) and a second SG 322 (SG 2 ) in the basic SG 320 . The reception information about SG 1 includes information about a delivery session 303 (Delivery Session Y) carrying SGDUs 312 for SG 1 and the reception information about SG 2 includes information about a delivery session 304 (Delivery Session Z) carrying SGDUs 313 for SG 2 . The terminal accesses Delivery Session Y or Delivery Session Z, receives the SGDUs 312 for SG 1 or the SGDUs 313 for SG 2 , and displays SG 1 or SG 2 to the user. FIG. 4 is a flowchart illustrating an SG reception method in a terminal according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention. Referring to FIG. 4 , the terminal accesses an Announcement Session and receives an SGDD in the Announcement Session in step 401 . In step 402 , the terminal interprets the SGDD and detects information about a delivery session and SGDUs that carry fragments for an SG. The terminal receives all of the SGDUs indicated by the SGDD from the delivery session in step 403 . The terminal extracts fragments from the SGDUs and configures an SG by interpreting the fragments in step 404 and checks a list of Service fragments in the SG in step 405 . FIG. 5 is a diagram illustrating exemplary upper element values and attribute values of a Service fragment. In step 406 , the terminal determines whether a ServiceType 501 ( FIG. 5 ) set to Service Guide exists by interpreting the Service fragments of the Service fragment list. In the absence of the ServiceType 501 set to Service Guide, it can be considered that the SG contains only information that the terminal has received from a service provider, without information about provisioning of another SG. In this case, the terminal displays the SG to the user in step 407 . In the alternative, if the ServiceType 501 set to Service Guide does exist, which implies the inclusion of information about reception of and access to another SG in the SG, the terminal detects all Access fragments associated with the Service fragment with the ServiceType 501 set to Service Guide in step 408 . FIG. 6 is a diagram illustrating exemplary upper element values and attribute values of an Access fragment. In step 409 , the terminal determines the value of a ServiceClass 601 in each of the detected Access fragments. If the ServiceClass 601 is ‘urn:oma:oma_bsc:sg:1.0’, this means that a delivery session corresponding to access information included in the Access fragment carries a stand-alone SG. If the ServiceClass 601 is ‘urn:oma:oma_bsc:csg:1.0’, this means that the delivery session corresponding to the access information included in the Access fragment carries a complementary SG that provides complementary information about the SG. Thus, the terminal acquires preliminary information about the stand-alone SG or the complementary SG by checking a sub-element of the ServiceClass, ReferredSGInfo in step 410 , which is given as follows. TABLE 7 Data Name Type Category Cardinality Description Type Access E ‘Access’ fragment Contains the following attributes: id version validFrom validTo Contains the following elements: AccessType KeyManagementSystem EncryptionType ServiceReference ScheduleReference TerminalCapabilityRequirement BandwidthRequirement ServiceClass PreviewDataReference NotificationReception PrivateExt id A NM/ 1 ID of the ‘Access’ fragment. anyURI TM The value of this attribute SHALL be globally unique. version A NM/ 1 Version of this fragment. The unsignedInt TM newer version overrides the older one starting from the time specified by the validFrom attribute, or as soon as it has been received if no validFrom attribute is given. validFrom A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The first moment when this unsignedInt TM fragment is valid. If not given, the validity is assumed to have started at some time in the past. This field contains the 32bits integer part of an NTP time stamp. validTo A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The last moment when this unsignedInt TM fragment is valid. If not given, the validity is assumed to end in undefined time in the future. This field contains the 32bits integer part of an NTP time stamp. AccessType E1 NM/ 1 Defines the type of access. TM Note: Either one of ‘BroadcastServiceDelivery’ or ‘UnicastServiceDelivery’ but not both SHALL be instantiated. Implementation in XML Schema should use <choice>. Contains the following elements: BroadcastServiceDelivery UnicastServiceDelivery BroadcastServiceDelivery E2 NM/ 0 . . . 1 This element is used for the TM indication of IP transmission. Contains the following elements: BDSType SessionDescription FileDescription BDSType E3 NM/ 0 . . . 1 Identifier of the type of TM underlying distribution system that this ‘Access’ fragment relates to. Contains the following element: Type Version Type E4 NM/ 0 . . . 1 Type of underlying BDS, unsignedByte TM possible values: 0. IPDC over DVB-H 1. 3GPP MBMS 2. 3GPP2 BCMCS 3-127. reserved for future use 128-255. reserved for proprietary use Version E4 NM/ 0 . . . N Version of underlying BDS. string TM For instance, possible values are Rel-6 or Rel-7 for MBMS and 1x or HRPD or Enhanced HRPD for BCMCS. SessionDescription E3 NM/ 0 . . . 1 Reference to or inline copy of TM a Session Description information associated with this ‘Access’ fragment that the media application in the terminal uses to access the service. Note: a referenced ‘SessionDescription’ fragment may be delivered in two ways: via broadcast or via fetch over interaction channel. In the case of fetch over interaction channel, the ‘SessionDescription’ fragment can be acquired by accessing the URI (given as attribute of the different Session Description reference elements). Contains the following elements: SDP SDPRef USBDRef ADPRef The presence of elements ‘SDP’ and ‘SDPRef’ are mutually exclusive. If ‘SessionDescription’ element is provided, and the ‘type’ attribute has one of the values “4” or “5”, the terminal MAY use it instead of fetching Session Description information via RTSP. SDP E4 NM/ 0 . . . 1 An inlined Session Description string TM in SDP format [RFC 4566] that SHALL either be embedded in a CDATA section or base64- encoded. Contains the following attribute: encoding encoding A NM/TM 0 . . . 1 This attribute signals the way string the Session Description has been embedded: It SHALL NOT be present when the Session Description is embedded into a CDATA section. It SHALL be present and set to “base64” in case the Session Description is base64- encoded. SDPRef E4 NM/TM 0 . . . 1 Reference to a Session Description in SDP format [RFC 4566] Contains the following attributes: uri idRef If both ‘uri’ and ‘idRef’ are present, the referenced Session Description information SHALL be identical. uri A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The URI referencing an anyURI TM external resource containing SDP information. This URI is used for interactive retrieval. idRef A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The id of the referenced anyURI TM ‘SessionDescription’ fragment if the fragment is delivered over the broadcast channel in SGDU, globally unique USBDRef E4 NM/TM 0 . . . 1 Reference to an instance of MBMS User Service Bundle Description as specified in [26.346] section 5.2.2, with the restrictions defined in section of this spec. Contains the following attributes: uri idRef If both ‘uri’ and ‘idRef’ are present, the referenced Session Description information SHALL be identical. uri A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The URI referencing an anyURI TM external resource containing MBMS-USBD information. This URI is used for interactive retrieval. idRef A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The id of the referenced anyURI TM ‘SessionDescription’ fragment if the fragment is delivered over the broadcast channel in SGDU, globally unique ADPRef E4 NM/TM 0 . . . 1 Reference to an AssociatedDeliveryProcedure for File and Stream Distribution as specified in [BCAST10-Distribution] section 5.3.4. Contains the following attributes: uri idRef If both ‘uri’ and ‘idRef’ are present, the referenced Session Description information SHALL be identical. uri A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The URI referencing an anyURI TM external resource containing AssociatedDeliveryProcedure for File and Stream Distribution. This URI is used for interactive retrieval. idRef A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The id of the anyURI TM referenced ‘SessionDescription’ fragment if the fragment is delivered over the broadcast channel in SGDU, globally unique FileDescription E3 NO/ 0 . . . 1 File metadata for file delivery TM sessions. This element SHALL be provided when ALC is used. This element SHALL NOT be used in conjunction with FLUTE. The network SHALL support ‘FileDescription’ element and all its sub-elements and attributes if ALC is used for File Distribution function. Contains the following attributes: Content-Type Content-Encoding FEC-OTI-FEC-Encoding-ID FEC-OTI-FEC-Instance-ID FEC-OTI-Maximum-Source- Block-Length FEC-OTI-Encoding-Symbol- Length FEC-OTI-Max-Number-of- Encoding-Symbols FEC-OTI-Scheme-Specific- Info Contains the following elements: File Content- A NO/ 0 . . . 1 See RFC 3926, section 3.4.2 string Type TM Content- A NO/ 0 . . . 1 See RFC 3926, section 3.4.2 string Encoding TM FEC-OTI- A NO/TM 0 . . . 1 See RFC 3926, section 3.4.2 unsignedByte FEC- Encoding- ID FEC-OTI- A NO/ 0 . . . 1 See RFC 3926, section 3.4.2 unsignedLong FEC- TM Instance-ID FEC-OTI- A NO/ 0 . . . 1 See RFC 3926, section 3.4.2 unsignedLong Maximum- TM Source- Block- Length FEC-OTI- A NO/ 0 . . . 1 See RFC 3926, section 3.4.2 unsignedLong Encoding- TM Symbol- Length FEC-OTI- A NO/ 0 . . . 1 See RFC 3926, section 3.4.2 unsignedLong Max- TM Number-of- Encoding- Symbols FEC-OTI- A NO/TM 0 . . . 1 This attribute MAY be used to base64 Scheme- communicate FEC information Binary Specific- which is not adequately Info represented by the other attributes related to FEC. File E4 NO/ 1 . . . N Parameters of a file. TM Contains the following attributes: Content-Location TOI Content-Length Transfer-Length Content-Type Content-Encoding Content-MD5 FEC-OTI-FEC-Encoding-ID FEC-OTI-FEC-Instance-ID FEC-OTI-Maximum-Source- Block-Length FEC-OTI-Encoding-Symbol- Length FEC-OTI-Max-Number-of- Encoding-Symbols FEC-OTI-Scheme-Specific- Info Content- A NO/ 1 See RFC 3926, section 3.4.2 anyURI Location TM TOI A NO/ 1 See RFC 3926, section 3.4.2 positiveInteger TM Content- A NO/ 0 . . . 1 See RFC 3926, section 3.4.2 unsignedLong Length TM Transfer- A NO/ 0 . . . 1 See RFC 3926, section 3.4.2 unsignedLong Length TM Content- A NO/ 0 . . . 1 See RFC 3926, section 3.4.2 string Type TM Content- A NO/ 0 . . . 1 See RFC 3926, section 3.4.2 string Encoding TM Content- A NO/ 0 . . . 1 See RFC 3926, section 3.4.2 base64 MD5 TM Binary FEC-OTI- A NO/TM 0 . . . 1 See RFC 3926, section 3.4.2 unsignedByte FEC- Encoding- ID FEC-OTI- A NO/ 0 . . . 1 See RFC 3926, section 3.4.2 unsignedLong FEC- TM Instance-ID FEC-OTI- A NO/ 0 . . . 1 See RFC 3926, section 3.4.2 unsignedLong Maximum- TM Source- Block- Length FEC-OTI- A NO/ 0 . . . 1 See RFC 3926, section 3.4.2 unsignedLong Encoding- TM Symbol- Length FEC-OTI- A NO/ 0 . . . 1 See RFC 3926, section 3.4.2 unsignedLong Max- TM Number-of- Encoding- Symbols FEC-OTI- A NO/TM 0 . . . 1 This attribute MAY be used to base64 Scheme- communicate FEC information Binary Specific- which is not adequately Info represented by the other attributes related to FEC. UnicastServiceDelivery E2 NM/ 0 . . . N This element indicates which TM server and/or protocol is used for delivery of service over Interaction Channel. Contains the following attribute: type Contains the following elements: AccessServerURL SessionDescription ServiceAccessNotificationURL type A NM/ 1 Specifies transport mechanism unsignedByte TM that is used for this access. 0 - HTTP 1 - WAP 1.0 2 - WAP 2.x 3 - Generic RTSP to initialize RTP delivery 4 - RTSP to initialize RTP delivery as per 3GPP-PSS (3GPP packet-switched streaming service) 5 - RTSP to initialize RTP delivery as per 3GPP2-MSS (3GPP2 multimedia streaming services) 6 - FLUTE over Unicast 7-127 Reserved for future use 128-255 Reserved for proprietary use Note: Specification or negotiation of ports used for unicast service delivery is handled by the used unicast distribution mechanisms. For example, RTSP and PSS based systems (values 3 and 4) do port negotiation within the RTSP signalling exchange. AccessServerURL E3 NM/ 0 . . . N Server URL from which the anyURI TM terminal can receive the service via the Interaction Network as specified in section 5.5 and 6.5 of [BCAST10- Distribution]. For example, AccessServerURL can be an HTTP URL pointing to downloadable content, or an RTSP URL pointing to a streaming server for starting a streaming session. If ‘type’ attribute has one of the values “3”, “4” or “5” either E3 element ‘SessionDescription’ or E3 element ‘AccessServerURL’ or both SHALL be instantiated. SessionDescription E3 NM/ 0 . . . 1 Reference to or inline copy of TM a Session Description information associated with this ‘Access’ fragment that the media application in the terminal uses to access the service. Note: a referenced ‘SessionDescription’ fragment may be delivered in two ways: via broadcast or via fetch over interaction channel. In the case of fetch over interaction channel, the ‘SessionDescription’ fragment can be acquired by accessing the URI (given as attribute of the different Session Description reference elements). Contains the following elements: SDP SDPRef USBDRef ADPRef The presence of elements ‘SDP’ and ‘SDPRef’ are mutually exclusive. If ‘SessionDescription’ E3 element is instantiated, and the ‘type’ attribute has one of the values “3”, “4” or “5”, the terminal MAY use it to acquire Session Description information (including RTSP URL) via broadcast channel or interaction channel using ‘SDPRef’ or use inlined SDP (E4 element ‘SDP’), instead of fetching Session Description information via RTSP. Further, in this case, ‘AccessServerURL’ E3 element MAY NOT be present. If ‘type’ attribute has one of the values “3”, “4” or “5” either E3 element ‘SessionDescription’ or E3 element ‘AccessServerURL’ or both SHALL be instantiated. SDP E4 NM/ 0 . . . 1 An inlined Session Description string TM in SDP format [RFC 4566] that SHALL either be embedded in a CDATA section or base64- encoded. Contains the following attribute: encoding encoding A NM/TM 0 . . . 1 This attribute signals the way string the Session Description has been embedded: It SHALL NOT be present when the Session Description is embedded into a CDATA section. It SHALL be present and set to “base64” in case the Session Description is base64- encoded. SDPRef E4 NM/ 0 . . . 1 Reference to a Session TM Description in SDP format [RFC 4566] Contains the following attributes: uri idRef If both ‘uri’ and ‘idRef’ are present, the referenced Session Description information SHALL be identical. uri A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The URI referencing an anyURI TM external resource containing SDP information. This URI is used for interactive retrieval. The terminal SHALL support HTTP URI for this purpose. idRef A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The id of the referenced anyURI TM ‘SessionDescription’ fragment if the fragment is delivered over the broadcast channel in SGDU, globally unique USBDRef E4 NM/TM 0 . . . 1 Reference to an instance of MBMS User Service Bundle Description as specified in [26.346] section 5.2.2, with the restrictions defined in section of this spec. Contains the following attributes: uri idRef If both ‘uri’ and ‘idRef’ are present, the referenced Session Description information SHALL be identical. uri A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The URI referencing an anyURI TM external resource containing MBMS-USBD information. This URI is used for interactive retrieval. idRef A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The id of the referenced anyURI TM ‘SessionDescription’ fragment if the fragment is delivered over the broadcast channel in SGDU, globally unique ADPRef E4 NM/TM 0 . . . 1 Reference to an AssociatedDeliveryProcedure for File and Stream Distribution as specified in [BCAST10-Distribution] section 5.3.4. Contains the following attributes: uri idRef If both ‘uri’ and ‘idRef’ are present, the referenced Session Description information SHALL be identical. uri A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The URI referencing an anyURI TM external resource containing AssociatedDeliveryProcedure for File and Stream Distribution. This URI is used for interactive retrieval. idRef A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The id of the anyURI TM referenced ‘SessionDescription’ fragment if the fragment is delivered over the broadcast channel in SGDU, globally unique ServiceAccessNotificationURL E3 NM/ 0 . . . N URL that the terminal anyURI TM SHOULD use to notify the BSD/A when it accesses (switches to) this service over this unicast access. The ‘ServiceAccessNotificationURL’ MAY be used in conjunction with ‘UnicastServiceDelivery’ types 3, 4, 5 or 6. If used, the device SHOULD NOT use RTSP TEARDOWN and RTSP SETUP to terminate an existing RTSP stream and set up a new one. The terminal SHALL NOT use this URL for notification without user consent. Note: This URL can for example be used for initiating server-managed channel switching in unicast transmission. KeyManagementSystem E1 NM/ 0 . . . N Information of Key TM Management System(s)(KMS) that can be used to contact the BCAST Permissions Issuer and, in case of the SmartCard Profile whereby GBA is used for SMK derivation, whether GBA_U is mandatory or whether either GBA_ME or GBA_U can be used. Note that the BCAST Permissions Issuer can support more than one KMS. If KeyManagementSystem is not specified, it means no service or content protection is applied. Multiple occurrences of ‘KeyManagementSystem’ elements are allowed within this fragment only if all of the ‘KeyManagementSystem’ elements have different ‘kmsType’ attribute. Contains the following elements: ProtectionKeyID PermissionsIssuerURI TerminalBindingKeyID Contains the following attributes: kmsType protectionType kmsType A NM/ 1 Identifies the type of Key unsignedByte TM Management System(s)(KMS). Possible values: 0. oma-bcast-drm-pki Indicates OMA BCAST DRM profile (Public Key Infrastructure) 1. oma-bcast-gba_u-mbms Indicates BCAST Smartcard profile using GBA_U (Symmetric Key Infrastructure) 2. oma-bcast-gba_me-mbms Indicates BCAST Smartcard profile using GBA_ME 3. oma-bcast-prov-bcmcs Indicates provisioned 3GPP2 BCMCS SKI 4-127 Reserved for future use 128-255 Reserved for proprietary use protectionType A NM/ 1 Specifies the protection type unsignedByte TM offered by the KMS. Values: 0. Content protection only, as defined by the LTKM (protection_after_reception in STKM = 0x00 or 0x01 [BCAST10-ServContProt]) 1. Service protection only (protection_after_reception in STKM = 0x03 [BCAST10- ServContProt]) 2. Content protection as defined by LTKM, plus playback of protected recording permission (protection_after_reception in STKM = 0x02 [BCAST10- ServContProt]) 3-127 Reserved for future use 128-255 Reserved for proprietary use This attribute may also be used for presentation purpose to users, to indicate whether the content item(s), associated with the referenced Schedule by this ‘Access’ fragment, is protected or not. Permissions E2 NM/TM 1 The address of the BCAST anyURI IssuerURI Permissions Issuer to which requests for key material, tokens and/or consumption rules should be sent by the BCAST Terminal. Contains the following attribute: type type A NM/TM 1 The type of the boolean PermissionsIssuerURI, identified by the following values: false-DRM Profile true - Smartcard Profile Note: In the case of the DRM Profile, the PermissionsIssuerURI corresponds to the RightsIssuerURL as defined by [DRMDRM-v2.0]. In the case of the Smartcard Profile, the PermissionsIssuerURI corresponds to the network entity (i.e. the BSM) to which all BCAST Service Provisioning messages are sent by the terminal. ProtectionKeyID E2 NO/ 0 . . . N Key identifier needed to access base64 TO protected content. This Binary information allows the terminal to determine whether or not it has the correct key material to access services within a PurchaseItem. In a scenario where this fragment is shared among multiple service providers, different key identifiers from the different service providers to access this specific protected service/content may be mixed in this element and the terminal SHOULD be able to sort out the key identifiers associated with the terminal's affiliated service provider based on the Key Domain ID. How this is used is out of scope and is left to implementation. The network and terminal SHALL support this element in case the Smartcard Profile is supported [BCAST10- ServContProt]. The protection key identifiers to access a specific service or content item SHALL only be signalled in one of the following fragment types: ‘Service’, ‘Content’, ‘PurchaseItem’ or ‘Access’ fragments, but not mixed. Contains the following attribute: type type A NM/TM 1 Type of ProtectionKeyID: unsignedByte 0: ProtectionKeyID = Key Domain ID concatenated with SEK/PEK ID, where both values are as used in the Smartcard Profile [BCAST10- ServContProt]. 1-127 Reserved for future use 128-255 Reserved for proprietary use TerminalBindingKeyID E2 NO/ 0 . . . 1 Number identifying the unsignedInt TO Terminal Binding Key ID (TBK ID) that is needed to access the service. If the element is absent, no TerminalBindingKey is used. Both the network and the terminal with the Smartcard Profile SHALL support this element. It is TM for terminals with the smartcard profile. This element does not apply to the DRM profile. Contains the following attribute: tbkPermissionsIssuerURI tbkPermissionsIssuerURI A NO/ 0 . . . 1 Specifies the Permissions anyURI TM Issuer URI for the TerminalBindingKey if it is different from the ‘PermissionsIssuerURI’ sub- element of the ‘KeyManagementSystem’ element. If the attribute is not present the same ‘PermissionsIssuerURI’ indicated for KeyManagementSystem is used to acquire both SEK/ PEK and TerminalBindingKey. Encryption E1 NM/ 0 . . . N Specifies which encryption unsignedByte Type TM methods the terminal is to be able to support in order to utilize this Access. Contains the same value as traffic_protection_protocol signalled in STKM. 0 - IPsec 1 - STRP 2 - ISMACryp 3 - DCF 4-255 - Reserved for future use. If this element is not present, this Access is not encrypted. ServiceReference E1 NM/ 0 . . . N Reference to the ‘Service’ TM fragment(s) to which the ‘Access’ fragment belongs. Either one of ‘ServiceReference’ or ‘ScheduleReference’, or neither, but not both SHALL be instantiated. Each ‘Service’ fragment SHALL be associated to at least one ‘Access’ fragment to enable the terminal to access the Service. A single ‘Access’ fragment MAY reference to multiple ‘Service’ fragments. This is used when there are several independent descriptions of a single Service. idRef A NM/ 1 Identification of the ‘Service’ anyURI TM fragment which this ‘Access’ fragment is associated with. ScheduleReference E1 NM/ 0 . . . N Reference to the ‘Schedule’ TM fragment(s) to which the ‘Access’ fragment belongs. This provides a reference to a ‘Schedule’ fragment to temporarily override the default ‘Access’ fragment of the Service addressed by the Schedule. Either one of ‘ServiceReference’ or ‘ScheduleReference’, or neither, but not both SHALL be instantiated. Note: Implementation in XML Schema using <choice>. Contains the following attribute: idRef Contains the following element: DistributionWindowID idRef A NM/ 1 Identification of the ‘Schedule’ anyURI TM fragment which the ‘Access’ fragment relates to. DistributionWindowID E2 NO/ 0 . . . N Relation reference to the unsignedInt TM DistributionWindowID to which the ‘Access’ fragment belongs. The ‘DistributionWindowID’ element declared in this element SHALL be the complete collection or a subset of the DistributionWindow ids declared in the ‘Schedule’ fragment, to which ‘idRef’ reference belongs. TerminalCapabilityRequirement E1 NO/ 0 . . . 1 Terminal capabilities needed to TM consume the service or content. This element provides a hint to the terminal of what is needed to apply to consumption method represented by this ‘Access’ fragment. It is out of scope of this specification how the terminal applies this information. For video and audio, the media type and the related ‘type’ attribute in the SDP (see section signal the audio/video decoder. This way, these parameters complement the TerminalCapabilityRequirement. Additionally, the complexities of the audio/video streams are described here if they differ from the complexities which can be derived from the media type attributes in the SDP (e.g. level). In this case, the parameters defined in the ‘Access’ fragment take priority. Contains the following elements: Video Audio DownloadFile Video E2 NO/ 0 . . . 1 Video codec capability related TM requirements Contains the following elements: Complexity Complexity E3 NO/ 1 The complexity the video TM decoder has to deal with. It is RECOMMENDED that this element is included if the complexity indicated by the MIME type parameters in the SDP differs from the actual complexity. Contains the following elements: Bitrate Resolution MinimumBufferSize Bitrate E4 NO/ 0 . . . 1 The total bit-rate of the video TM stream. Contains the following attributes: average maximum average A NO/ 0 . . . 1 The average bit-rate in kbit/s unsignedShort TM maximum A NO/ 0 . . . 1 The maximum bit-rate in kbit/s unsignedShort TM Resolution E4 NO/ 0 . . . 1 The resolution of the video. TM Contains the following attributes: horizontal vertical temporal horizontal A NO/ 1 The horizontal resolution of unsignedShort TM the video in pixels. vertical A NO/ 1 The vertical resolution of the unsignedShort TM video in pixels. temporal A NO/ 1 The maximum temporal decimal TM resolution in frames per second. MinimumBufferSize E4 NO/ 0 . . . 1 The minimum decoder buffer unsignedInt TM size needed to process the video content in kbytes. Audio E2 NO/ 0 . . . 1 The audio codec capability. TM Contains the following element: Complexity Complexity E3 NO/ 1 The complexity the audio TM decoder has to deal with. It is RECOMMENDED that this element is included if the complexity indicated by the MIME type parameters in the SDP differs from the actual complexity. Contains the following elements: Bitrate MinimumBufferSize Bitrate E4 NO/ 0 . . . 1 The total bit-rate of the audio TM stream. Contains the following attributes: average maximum average A NO/ 0 . . . 1 The average bit-rate in kbit/s unsignedShort TM maximum A NO/ 0 . . . 1 The maximum bit-rate in kbit/s unsignedShort TM MinimumBufferSize E4 NO/ 0 . . . 1 The minimum decoder buffer unsignedInt TM size needed to process the audio content in kbytes. DownloadFile E2 NO/ 0 . . . 1 The required capability for the TM download files. Contains the following elements: MIMEType MIMEType E3 NO/ 1 . . . N Assuming a download service string TM consists of a set of files with different MIME types which together make up the service, the terminal must support all of these MIME types in order to be able to present the service to the user. The format of this string SHALL follow the ‘Content-Type’ syntax defined in [RFC 2045]. Additionally the ‘Content-Type’ MAY be augmented as defined in [RFC 4281]. In the latter case the ‘Content- Type’ SHALL begin by “audio/3gpp”, “audio/3gpp2”, “video/3gpp”, “video/3gpp2” Contains the following attribute: codec codec A NO/ 0 . . . 1 The codec parameters for the string TM associated MIME Media type. If the file's MIME type definition specifies mandatory parameters, these MUST be included in this string. Optional parameters containing information that can be used to determine as to whether the terminal can make use of the file SHOULD be included in the string. One example of the parameters defined for audio/3GPP, audio/3GPP2, video/3GPP, video/3GPP2 is specified in [RFC4281]. BandwidthRequirement E1 NO/ 0 . . . 1 Specification of needed unsignedInt TM network bandwidth in kbit/s to the access channel described in this fragment. A broadcast service can include multiple accessible streams (same content) with different bandwidth, so that the terminal can make a choice depending on its current reception condition. ServiceClass E1 NM/ 1 The ServiceClass identifies the TM class of service. This identification is more detailed than the ‘ServiceType’ element in the ‘Service’ fragment and allows the association of service/access combination to specific applications. Contains the following attributes: urn Contains the following elements: ReferredSGInfo urn A NM/TM 1 Specifies the ServiceClass as string defined in OMNA registry (see Appendix E). The Terminal SHALL be able to interpret the information. ReferredSG E2 NM/ 0 . . . 1 Specifies the additional Info TM information for referred Service Guide. This element SHALL be present only when ‘ServiceClass’ is “urn:oma:bcast:oma_bsc;csg:1.0” or “urn:oma:bcasst:oma_bsc:sg:1.0”. Contains the following elements: BSMSelector ServiceIDRef ServiceGuideDeliveryUnit BSMSelector E3 NM/ 0 . . . N Specifies the BSM associated TM with the referred Service Guide. Contains the following attribute: idRef idRef A NM/TM 1 Reference to the identifier of anyURI the BSMSelector declared within the ‘BSMList’ in the ServiceGuideDeliverDescriptor which is used for receiving this fragment. SPName E4 NO/TM 0 . . . 1 Provides a user readable name string for the BSMSelector, possibly multiple language. Values should be the same as provided in ServiceGuideDeliveryDescriptor referenced by idRef above. This element can be used to provide information to the user for selecting relevant referred Service Guide. ServiceIDRef E3 NM/TM 0 . . . 1 The value of this field is the anyURI fragment ID of the ‘Service’ fragment related to the referred Service Guide. ServiceGuideDeliveryUnit E3 NM/ 1 . . . N A group of fragments. TM Contains the following attributes: transportObjectID, versionIDLength, contentLocation, validFrom, validTo Contains the following element: Fragment transportObjectID A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The transport object ID of the positiveInteger TM Service Guide Delivery Unit carrying the declared fragments within this group. If ‘FileDescription’ is present in this fragment, then the value of ‘transportObjectID’ SHALL match the value of the TOI paired in the FDT instance with the ‘Content-Location’ having as its value the value of the ‘contentLocation’ attribute below. If and only if element E2 ‘Transport’ is instantiated, SHALL this attribute be instantiated. versionIDLength A NO/ 0 . . . 1 Indicates the number of least unsignedLong TO significant bits representing the version ID in the transportObjectID, when Split TOI is used. If this element is omitted, the terminal assumes Split-TOI is not used. contentLocation A NM/TM 1 This is the location of the anyURI Service Guide Delivery Unit. It corresponds to the ‘Content- Location’ attribute in the FDT. If and only if element E2 ‘Transport’ is instantiated, SHALL this attribute be instantiated. validFrom A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The first moment of time this unsignedInt TM group of Service Guide fragments is valid. This field contains the 32bits integer part of an NTP time stamp. Note: If this attribute is not present, ‘validFrom’ attribute MUST be present in the ‘Fragment’ sub-element. validTo A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The last moment of time this unsignedInt TM group of Service Guide fragments is valid. This field contains the 32bits integer part of an NTP time stamp. Note: If this attribute is not present, ‘validTo’ attribute MUST be present in the ‘Fragment’ sub-element. Fragment E4 NM/ 1 . . . N Declaration of Service Guide TM fragment. If the fragment is available over the broadcast channel it MUST be present here. If the fragment is available over the interaction channel it MAY be present here. Contains the following attributes: transportID, id version validFrom validTo fragmentEncoding fragmentType Contains the following element: GroupingCriteria transportID A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The identifier of the announced unsignedInt TM Service Guide fragment to be used in the Service Guide Delivery Unit header. Note: if the SG is delivered over the broadcast channel only, this element MUST be present id A NM/ 1 The identifier of the announced anyURI TM Service Guide fragment. version A NM/ 1 The version of the announced unsignedInt TM Service Guide fragment. Note: The scope of the version is limited to the given transport session. The value of version turn over from 2=− 1 to 0. validFrom A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The first moment when this unsignedInt TM fragment is valid. If not given, the validity is assumed to have started at some time in the past. This field contains the 32bits integer part of an NTP time stamp. Note: If this attribute is present and ‘validFrom’ attribute of ‘ServiceGuideDeliveryUnit’ is also present, the value of this attribute overrides the value of ‘ServiceGuideDeliveryUnit’ attribute ‘validFrom’. validTo A NM/ 0 . . . 1 The last moment when this unsignedInt TM fragment is valid. If not given, the validity is assumed to end in undefined time in the future. This field contains the 32bits integer part of an NTP time stamp. Note: If this attribute is present and ‘validTo’ attribute of ‘ServiceGuideDeliveryUnit’ is also present, the value of this attribute overrides the value of ‘ServiceGuideDeliveryUnit’ attribute ‘validTo’. fragmentEncoding A NM/TM 1 Signals the encoding of a unsignedByte Service Guide fragment, with the following values: 0 - XML encoded OMA BCAST Service Guide fragment 1 - SDP fragment 2 - MBMS User Service Description as specified in [26.346] (see, SessionDescriptionReference) 3 - XML encoded Associated Delivery Procedure as specified in [BCAST10- Distribution] section 5.3.4. 4-127 - reserved for future BCAST extensions 128-255 - available for proprietary extensions fragmentType A NM/TM 0 . . . 1 This field signals the type of an unsignedByte XML encoded BCAST Service Guide fragment, with the following values: 0 - unspecified 1 - ‘Service’ Fragment 2 - ‘Content’ fragment 3 - ‘Schedule’ Fragment 4 - ‘Access’ Fragment 5 - ‘PurchaseItem’ Fragment 6 - ‘PurchaseData’ Fragment 7 - ‘PurchaseChannel’ Fragment 8 - ‘PreviewData’ Fragment 9 - ‘InteractivityData’ Fragment 10-127 - reserved for BCAST extensions 128-255 - available for proprietary extensions This attribute SHALL be present in case ‘fragmentEncoding’ = 0. Default: 0 PreviewDataReference E1 NM/ 0 . . . N Reference to the ‘PreviewData’ TM fragment which specifies the preview data (e.g. picture, video clip, or low-bit rate stream) associated with this access. It is possible that there are more than one PreviewDataReference instances associated with the same fragment, in which case, the values of “usage” attributes of these PreviewDataReference instances SHALL be different. Contains the following attributes: idRef usage idRef A NM/ 1 Identification of the anyURI TM ‘PreviewData’ fragment which this fragment associated with. usage A NM/ 1 Specifies the usage of the unsignedByte TM associated preview data. Possible values: 0. unspecified 1. Service-by-Service Switching 2. Service Guide Browsing 3. Service Preview 4. Barker 5. Alternative to blackout 6-127. reserved for future use 128-255. reserved for proprietary use The explanation and limitation on the above preview data usages is specified in section 5.7. Notification E1 NM/ 0 . . . 1 Reception information for Reception TM service-specific Notification Messages. In case of delivery over Broadcast channel, ‘IPBroadcastDelivery’ specifies the address information for receiving Notification message. In case of delivery over Interaction channel, ‘RequestURL’ specifies address information for subscribing notification, ‘PollURL’ specifies address information for polling notification. If this element is present, at least one of the elements “IPBroadcastDelivery”, “RequestURL”, or “PollURL” SHALL be present. Contains the following elements: IPBroadcastDelivery RequestURL PollURL IPBroadcast E2 NM/TM 0 . . . 1 Provides IP multicast address Delivery and port number for reception of Notification Messages over the broadcast channel. The ‘port’ is MANDATORY in both Network and Terminal because a designated UDP Port has to be used to deliver the Notification Message through an on-going session or the designated session while the ‘address’ is OPTIONAL to be used for the delivery of Notification Messages through the designated multicast or broadcast session. In case the ‘address’ attribute is not provided the destination address provided by this access fragment SHALL be assumed. Contains the following attributes: port address port A NM/ 1 Service-specific Notification unsignedInt TM Message delivery UDP destination port number, delivery over broadcast channel. address A NM/ 0 . . . 1 Service-specific Notification string TM Message delivery IP multicast address, delivery over broadcast channel. RequestURL E2 NM/ 0 . . . 1 URL through which the anyURI TM terminal can subscribe to service-specific Notification Messages. PollURL E2 NM/ 0 . . . 1 URL through which the anyURI TM terminal can poll service- specific Notification Messages. PrivateExt E1 NO/ 0 . . . 1 An element serving as a TO container for proprietary or application-specific extensions. <proprietary E2 NO/TO 0 . . . N Proprietary or application- elements> specific elements that are not defined in this specification. These elements may further contain sub-elements or attributes. In step 411, the terminal receives the stand-alone SG or the complementary SG, forms the SG, and displays it to the user. In relation to the present invention, ‘BSMSelector’, ‘ServiceIDRef’, and ‘ServiceGuideDeliveryUnit’ are defined as sub-elements of ReferredSGInfo in Table 7. Other preliminary information about the stand-alone SG or the complementary SG can be additionally provided by use of the sub-elements of ReferredSGInfo. The uses of the sub-elements of ReferredSGInfo will be described below. The sub-element BSMSelector specifies the service provider that provides the stand-alone SG or the complementary SG. The service provider can be identified by an IDentifier (ID) of a BSMSelector by idREF or another name that the user can identify. In the former case, the terminal checks a BSMList defined in the SGDD used for receiving the basic SG, searches for BSMSelector information matching to the idRef in the BSMList, and acquires information such as a BSM code corresponding to the service provider or a service provider name that the user can identify. After receiving the stand-alone SG or the complementary SG, the terminal can classify and manage the SG on a code or a service provider name basis using the information. Or the basic SG may provide the information to the user so that the user can selectively receive an SG. This information can be provided in the form of a user-identifiable name directly to the user by ‘SPName’ as well as in the form of an ID by idRef. The sub-element ServiceIDRef indicates a service associated with the stand-alone SG or the complementary SG within the basic SG. ServiceIDRef includes an ID identifying a Service fragment corresponding to the service. Therefore, when ServiceIDRef includes an ID, the terminal detects a Service fragment that matches the ID in the basic SG and is aware that the stand-alone SG or the complementary SG to be received is associated with the detected Service fragment. The sub-element ServiceGuideDeliveryUnit indicates SGDUs associated with the stand-alone SG or the complementary SG in a delivery session that the Access fragment indicates. The service provider provides the basic SG and the stand-alone SG or the complementary SG in the same delivery session by providing an SGDU list, so that SGs can be received, classified and managed according to the SGDU list. FIG. 7 is a block diagram of a BCAST network system for providing a BCAST service and a BCAST terminal according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention. Referring to FIG. 7 , a BCAST network system 710 can include the entities of the content creator 101 , the BCAST service application 104 , the BCAST service distributor/adapter 108 , and the BSCAST subscription manager 113 illustrated in FIG. 1 . In relation to an SG, the BCAST network system 710 includes an SG source generator 711 , an SG generator 712 and an SG transmitter 713 . The SG source generator 711 can include the entities of the SGCCS 102 , the SGAS 105 , and the SGSS 114 illustrated in FIG. 1 and provides basic information about services and programs with which to generate an SG. The SG generator 712 receives the SG generation information from the SG source generator 711 and generates an SG using the SG generation information. The SG generator 712 may include the entities of the SG-G 109 and the SG-A 111 illustrated in FIG. 1 . The SG generator 712 also generates SG fragments and defines cross-references between the fragments. Especially, the SG generator 712 defines cross-references between fragments for a basic SG, a stand-alone SG, and a complementary SG according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention. The SG transmitter 713 may include the entity of the SG-D 110 . The SG transmitter 713 is responsible for transmitting the SG generated from the SG generator 712 . In particular, the SG transmitter 713 forms delivery sessions to carry the basic SG and the stand-alone to complementary SG for the fragments generated by the SG generator 712 and transmits the fragments in the delivery sessions in the exemplary embodiment of the present invention. A BDS 720 is a system that provides broadcast channels, including a broadcast transmission system 721 that can be DVB-H, 3GPP MBMS, 3GPP2 BCMCS and the like. A BCAST terminal 730 corresponds to the terminal 119 of FIG. 1 . In accordance with an exemplary embodiment of the present invention, the BCAST terminal 730 receives, interprets and displays an SG. The BCAST terminal 730 may include a broadcast data receiver 731 for receiving broadcast data, an SG receiver 732 for receiving an SG, an SG interpreter 733 for interpreting the SG, and an SG display 734 for displaying the SG on a display 735 . The SG receiver 732 , the SG interpreter 733 , and the SG display 734 perform the functions of the SG-C 120 illustrated in FIG. 1 . More specifically, the SG receiver 732 receives the basic SG, the SG interpreter 733 interprets fragments of the basic SG and the SG display 734 displays the interpretation result on the display 735 for the user in the exemplary embodiment of the present invention. When the user selects an intended service, the BCAST terminal 730 acquires information about the selected service by checking an associated Access fragment in the basic SG, receiving the Access fragment through the broadcast data receiver 731 and the SG receiver 732 , and interpreting it through the SG interpreter 733 . Then the BCAST terminal 730 displays the acquired information on the display 735 . As is apparent from the above description, the present invention provides another SG through a basic SG. As a large SG can be distributed separately as a basic SG and a complementary SG to the basic SG or a stand-alone SG, SG transmission is more efficient. Earlier transmission of the basic SG than others saves SG reception time and provides information to users more rapidly. While the invention has been shown and described with reference to certain exemplary embodiments thereof, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes in form and details may be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention as defined by the appended claims and their equivalents.
A method and apparatus for providing an SG in a mobile broadcasting system are provided. The apparatus and method include a terminal for receiving a first SG, for acquiring reception information about a second SG from the first SG, if a service fragment list extracted from the first SG includes information about at least one second SG different from the first SG, and for receiving the second SG based on the acquired reception information.
RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional application Ser. No. 61/426,584 filed Dec. 23, 2010 and incorporated herein in its entirety. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] A. Field of Invention [0003] This invention pertains to a bracket system for window treatments configured and structured to accept and support several window shades and other types of treatments. [0004] B. Description of the Prior Art [0005] Most window treatments consist of an elongated member that supports one or more decorative elements to cover a window, a door, some other openings, or purely for decorative purposes. Controls are added that are normally at least partially in, or attached to the elongated member and used to selectively , open or close the treatment and/or perform various other operations thereon. [0006] The elongated member is mounted either within the opening or on a vertical wall just adjacent to the opening using various types of brackets. FIG. 1 shows an end view of a conventional elongated member having an end bracket 10 with a conventional L-shaped fascia 12 disposed between the end brackets (such as 10 ) and arranged to protect and hide various interior elements of the window treatment. The bracket 10 is formed with a plurality of holes 14 for mounting the bracket. The fascia 12 is made from a sheet of metal, plastic or other relatively light but strong material. [0007] The bracket 10 holds a clutch mechanism 16 operated by a chain cord 20 having ends 20 A, 20 B. The clutch mechanism 16 includes a pulley 18 operated by a chain chord 20 having cord ends 20 A, 20 B pulling on one end 20 A or the other 20 B causes the pulley to rotate in one direction or another thereby performing a predetermined function for the window treatment. [0008] The fascia is made with a thin lip 22 bent inwardly. The bracket 10 is made with a corner opening 24 having at its front edge a tongue 26 sized and shaped to fit into the lip 22 . The fascia 12 has a generally L-shaped cross-section with a major portion 30 terminating with lip 22 and a minor portion 32 . [0009] The window treatment is installed as follows. The bracket 10 and another similar bracket are mounted. The window treatment is mounted between the brackets. The fascia 12 is then positioned with its major portion being orientated essentially horizontally and the lip 22 is inserted into opening 24 . The fascia 12 is then rotated around tongue 26 clockwise causing the minor portion 32 to come into contact with and snap unto bracket 10 reaching the position shown. [0010] This arrangement has several disadvantages. First, a different-shaped bracket must be provided for each kind of window treatment. This can expensive and problematical for small distributors who cannot be fiscally burdened by requiring them to carry a large number of different types of brackets. Second, in some instances, the bracket must be mounted on horizontal wall W (using some other openings that have been omitted in FIG. 1 ). However, as can be seen in FIG. 1 , tong 26 has to be disposed below the wall W by several millimeters to accommodate the fascia 12 and allow it to be secured to the bracket. As a result, the upper-most edge of the fascia 12 is always slightly below and not flush with the wall W. This feature is found objectionable by many persons because it leaves a very narrow gap between the fascia 12 and the wall W which allows some light to be seen above the fascia that is not pleasing esthetically. [0011] Furthermore, existing brackets in general are sized and constructed to accommodate only window dressings of certain preselected configurations, and must be customized for each configuration. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0012] The present invention addresses the problems discussed above and provides solutions to solve the problems. More specifically, a bracket system is provided that includes two brackets receiving ends of a window dressing. The brackets have a generally rectangular or square base with two side edges, a top edge and a bottom edge. Some of the edges are provided with panels disposed perpendicularly to the base. [0013] The system further includes a fascia that is preferably L-shaped with a vertical member and a horizontal member. In one embodiment of the invention, the vertical member is mounted on the brackets so that a small portion of the fascia extends above the bracket thereby providing a neater look by blocking light from passing through above the fascia. [0014] In another aspect of the invention, the panels or edges of the brackets are configured to accept the fascia in either a first configuration in which the horizontal part is on top of the brackets and a second configuration in which the fascia horizontal part is attached to the bottom of the brackets. [0015] Plates may be mounted or attached to the brackets for accepting the ends of window shades. Adapters are attached to the plates, if necessary, various plates having different configurations to conform to or receive window dressings of different kinds. In some configuration, two or more parallel window dressings are supported by a single pair of brackets. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0016] FIG. 1 shows an end view of a prior art window dressing and its end bracket; [0017] FIG. 2 shows an orthogonal exploded view of a bracket system for a window treatment constructed in accordance with this invention; [0018] FIG. 3 shows a front view of the bracket system; [0019] FIG. 4 shows an end view of the bracket system; [0020] FIG. 5 shows an elevational view of a bracket with a plate; [0021] FIG. 5 AA shows a side view of the plate; [0022] FIG. 5 BB shows a side view of the bracket; [0023] FIG. 5A shows a side view of the facie for the bracket system; [0024] FIG. 5B shows an elevational view of the bracket used in the system; [0025] FIG. 5C shows top view of the bracket of FIG. 5B ; [0026] FIG. 6 shows a side sectional view of the fascia attached to a bracket; [0027] FIG. 7 shows an enlarged side view of the fascia attached to the bracket; [0028] FIG. 8 shows an orthogonal view of a bracket of FIGS. 2-5 supporting some of the components of a window covering; [0029] FIG. 9 shows an orthogonal view of the invention configured to receive and support two window dressings attached to a single bracket; [0030] FIG. 10 shows an orthogonal view of the some of the components of the window dressing of FIG. 9 ; [0031] FIG. 11 shows an orthogonal view of the invention configured to receive and support a window dressing having a large diameter; [0032] FIG. 12 shows an orthogonal view of the invention configured with an adapter plate shaped to receive and support a motor-driven a window dressing; [0033] FIG. 13 shows an orthogonal view of the invention configured with an adapter having three holes; [0034] FIG. 14 shows an alternate embodiment of the bracket having a plate three holes in a row; [0035] FIG. 15 shows an alternate embodiment of the bracket receiving a clutch plate; and [0036] FIG. 16 shows an alternate embodiment of the bracket receiving a plate adapted to receive a motorized window shade. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0037] The major elements of bracket system constructed in accordance with this invention are shown in FIGS. 2-5B . The bracket system 100 includes two, preferably identical, end brackets 102 , 104 . The end brackets are 102 , 104 preferably are made of a conventional metallic alloy using conventional techniques, such as stamping. [0038] Each end bracket includes a flat rectangular base 106 and three panels 108 , 110 , 112 disposed along three sides of the base 106 . The fourth side has a tab 114 . The three panels and the tab are substantially perpendicular to the base 106 . Panels 108 , 110 are preferably identical and the panel 112 is configured so that it is symmetrical about a vertical axis of the brackets 102 , 104 . The three panels have a plurality of slots and perforations as described in more detail below. [0039] Attached to the two brackets is a fascia 116 . As shown in detail in FIG. 5A , the fascia 116 is L-shaped and has two sections 118 , 120 . Section 118 is provided with an intermediate lip 122 shaped to form a channel 124 . Section 120 is terminated with a lip 126 forming a channel 128 . It should be understood that the dimensions of the lips 122 and 126 and channels 124 and 128 are somewhat exaggerated in FIG. 5A for the sake of clarity but in actuality there are shaped so that the channels are about the same cross-sectional width as the thickness of bracket 102 to form an interference therewith. The length of the fascia 116 is dependent on the width of the window dressing. Its total height HF is equal to H 1 +H 2 , where H 1 is the distance from the free edge of section 118 to the lip 122 . The fascia has a width W. The fascia 116 can be extruded aluminum or other similar material. [0040] Details of the bracket 102 are shown in FIGS. 5A and 5B . Panel 110 is formed of three sections. Two of the sections 130 , 134 are mirror images and include apertures 136 for mounting the brackets and to make the brackets lighter. The central section 132 has essentially the shape of an elongated tongue. Panel 110 has several dimensions that have special importance. [0041] The distance between the side edge SE of section 132 and the outer surface of panel 108 is equally to the width W of fascia 116 . The distance between side edge SE 2 of section 134 and the outer surface of panel 108 is at least H 1 . The length of panel 108 is H 2 . The distance between the top edge TE of panel 102 and the outer surface of panel 110 is at least H 1 . The distance between the side edge SE 3 of tab 114 and the outer surface of panel 108 is W. The distance between the bottom edge BE of panel 108 and the bottom surface of tab 114 is at least H 1 . As a result of these dimensions, the fascia 116 can be mounted on to the brackets 102 , 104 in two configurations. In one configuration, the section 120 is attached to the bottom of the bracket as shown in FIG. 5A . In the second configuration, the section 120 is attached to the top of the bracket. In either case, the section 118 is attached to the panel 108 (or 112 ). Moreover, the portion 131 of section 118 extends vertically further then the panel 110 of bracket 102 by amount sufficient to insure that imperfections in the window seal or installing the bracket 102 slightly below the window seal does not result in a gap of light seen above the window dressing. For example, the portion 132 may exceed the top surface of section 110 by about 1/32-⅜″. Moreover, the bracket and its panels are shaped so that fascia 116 is installed by first inserting its portion 131 into either zone Z or Y (see FIG. 5B ) and then pivoting it to snap onto the brackets 102 , 104 . The final position of the facie is shown in FIGS. 6 and 7 . [0042] In addition, the plate 230 also has on one side a plurality of tabs 135 and on the other side a panel 137 . As seen in FIG. 5 AA, the panel 137 is formed of three sections 137 A, 137 B, 137 C. Each tab 135 is shaped so that it is angled slightly to permit the plates 230 to be press-fit into the brackets 102 , 104 with the tabs 135 engaging the inner surfaces of slots 113 A, 113 B, 113 C (these slots are shown in FIG. 5 BB) of section 108 .. Both sections 108 and 110 further include a slot 113 D which is somewhat longer then the slots just described. Section 137 B is bent slightly outwardly and is sized and shaped to engage slot 113 D on section 110 . In other words, panel 137 and tabs 135 cooperate to maintain the plate 230 in place within the bracket 102 , 104 . [0043] Completing the system, there are two end caps 130 (shown in detail in FIGS. 3 and 4 ). Each end cap may be sized to cover one of the brackets 102 , 104 and serve mostly a decorative purpose. On their inner surface, caps 130 may be provided with fingers 132 ( FIG. 2 ) that form an interference fit with holes 134 to mount and keep the end caps 130 on the brackets. Typically, end caps may be about 5.12×5.14 in and may be molded plastic or other materials. [0044] The sizes specified herein is particularly useful for various configurations, such as one large shade, two or more smaller shades, a shade with a clutch, a shade with a wound spring or other mechanisms. Various plates, adapters, etc. are mounted (temporarily or permanently) on the brackets to accommodate various sizes, numbers and types of window shades. This modular design allows the bracket system to be used in a large variety of uses and applications. The remaining figures show some exemplary configurations for the bracket system illustrating just some of the configurations that may be used to support various window coverings. [0045] Getting back to FIG. 5 , bracket 102 is shown with a plate 230 formed with a set of five slots and holes arranged to receive the ends of respective window coverings, either directly, or via adapters. [0046] Each set includes a circular hole 240 and two rectangular slots 242 arranged on either side of the hole 240 . This is a standard configuration and can be used to accept a window covering at each set of slots and holes. (Note to Joe—is this true?) For example, in FIG. 5 , adapters 140 are provided that mount on plates 230 . The adapters are shaped and sized to receive and a standard clutch 144 at one end and a plain idler end (not shown) on the other bracket. FIG. 8 shows an enlarged isometric view of the bracket 104 with a plate 230 , an adapter 140 and a clutch 144 . [0047] FIGS. 9 and 10 show configuration in which two parallel window shades 150 , 152 with respective clutches 154 , 156 are mounted on the same bracket 104 and plate 230 . Each of the shades can be operated on its own and can be replaced independently. [0048] FIG. 11 shows bracket 104 , plate 230 and adapter 140 supporting a clutch 160 for receiving a window dressing having a relatively large diameter. [0049] FIG. 12 shows bracket 104 with a plate 170 and an adapter 171 . Adapter 171 has two lateral horizontal pins 173 sized and shaped to receive and support the ends of a known motorized window shade (not shown). for supporting the pin end of a motorized window shade (not shown). In this figure, an intermediate support 172 is also shown that may be mounted on the wall, a window well, etc., and then couple to the fascia of the bracket system. This intermediate bracket is necessary for very long window dressings that may be too heavy to be supported by only two brackets and may sag in the middle. [0050] FIG. 13 shows a bracket 104 with plate 170 and adapter 178 having three holes 173 A aligned horizontally. This adapted is useful for supporting another line of known window dressings. [0051] FIG. 14 shows details of the plate 170 used in FIGS. 12 and 13 . [0052] FIG. 15 shows details of a plate 180 for a different kind of clutch. [0053] FIG. 16 shows a bracket 104 with a plate 180 for supporting a SOMFY ST-50 motor. [0054] Numerous modifications may be made to the invention without departing from its scope as defined in the appended claims;
A bracket system for window dressing includes two brackets configured to be attached to an architectural member, such as a window well, a wall or a ceiling and receive the ends of window dressings. The brackets have edges adapted to receive a fascia designed to hide the window dressing. Preferably, the fascia has a front wall designed to snap onto the brackets and is sized so that it extends above the brackets to provide a neater and cleaner look. The fascia may be L-shaped with a vertical and a horizontal member and the brackets may be configured so that the horizontal member attaches either to the top or to the bottom of the brackets.
RELATED APPLICATIONS This application is a nationalization under 35 U.S.C. 371 of PCT/CN2008/001660, filed Sep. 26, 2008, and published as WO 2009/049485 A1 on Apr. 23, 2009, which claims priority to Chinese Patent Application Serial No. 200710122576.5, filed Sep. 27, 2007; Chinese Patent Application Serial No. 200710122586.9, filed Sep. 27, 2007; and Chinese Patent Application Serial No. 200710122598.1, filed Sep. 27, 2007, which applications and publication are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety and made a part hereof. TECHNICAL FIELD The present invention relates to a method of degumming jute fibres, in particular, relates to a method of degumming jute fibres with complex enzyme. BACKGROUND Bast fabrics have gained more and more popularity with people, due to better moisture absorption & breathing, low electrostatic susceptibility, and the antibacterial strength of bast fibres. For making the bast fabrics, the materials adopted can mainly be linen fibre, and ramie fibre, or the fibre combination of said fibres with other fibres, such as cotton fibres, wool fibres, chemical fibres, silk fibres after being blended spun. Linen or ramie is expensive, and this is also the reason why the bast-fabric clothing has not been applied widely. However, Jute, which is cheaper than linen and ramie, has better hygroscopicity and drapability than linen and ramie, and also has great antibiotic ability. Therefore, jute has huge potentiality and application value in clothing making industry. As the content of lignin within jute is relatively high (reaching 10-13%), which is several times as much as that within linen, it is not effective to degum jute fibres and remove the lignin from jute by using the existing degumming technology. And this greatly restrains the application of jute in making clothing. <The Effect of Enzyme Treatment on Jute fibres >published in Jounal of Tianjin Industrial University volume 24 of August 2005 introduces the effect of cellulose, hemicellulase, ligninase and pectin depolymerise used in processing the jute fibres, but this article only introduces the method of processing jute fibres using single one of above mentioned enzymes. Although, there are some paragraphs in which the methods of complex enzyme treatment are mentioned, it only refers to the complex enzyme obtained via mixing laccase and cellulose enzyme or mixing hemicellulase enzyme and cellulose enzyme. However, it is testified in practice that it is not effective to remove lignin from jute fibres using the degumming method published in this article. Chinese Patent publication No CN 1232691C introduces a method of degumming jute with complex enzyme. In the method, pectinase and laccase are used to produce a complex enzyme for degumming jute fibres, and the degmmed jute fibres, after blended spun or interlaced with other fibres such as cotton fibres and chemical fibres, can generally meet the requirements for clothing materials. However, the effect of removing lignin from jute fibres in the method, is still not good enough, as the removal rate is only about 76%. The content of lignin remaining in the jute fibres is still very high. Therefore, there is a need of blended spinning or interlacing jute fibres with other fibres such as cotton fibres, and chemical fibres, when making the clothing materials. However, the quality of clothing materials made through blended spinning or interlacing jute fibres with other fibres such as cotton fibres, and chemical fibres still needs to be improved. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF INVENTION The present invention relates to a method of degumming jute fibres with complex enzyme to effectively remove pectin and lignin from said jute fibres. In the present invention, a method of degumming jute fibres with complex enzyme, wherein said complex enzyme comprises pectinase and laccase, comprises the steps of: a. soaking the jute fibres in the water solution of said complex enzyme made from pectinase and laccase, where the weight proportion of said complex enzyme water solution and jute fibres ranges from 12:1 to 40:1. b. adjusting the PH value of said complex enzyme water solution to 5.0-5.5, and adjusting the temperature of said complex enzyme water solution to 55□-60□, then keeping said complex enzyme water solution with such temperature for 20-120 minutes. c. adjusting the PH value of said complex enzyme water solution to 7.5-9.5, and adjusting the temperature of said complex enzyme water solution to 40° C.-70° C.; then, keeping said complex enzyme water solution with such temperature for 20-120 minutes. d. conducting enzyme deactivation of the jute fibres processed with said complex enzyme. The method, wherein said jute fibres are accumulation stored before the step d. The method, wherein the duration for accumulation storing said jute fibres ranges from 6 to 24 hours. The method, wherein the enzyme deactivation of jute fibres in the step d is through washing with hot water or adjusting the PH value of jute fibres, or through the combination of the two means. The method, wherein the weight percentage of pectinase in said complex enzyme ranges from 30% to 90%. The method, wherein the weight proportion of said complex enzyme and jute fibres ranges from 0.5:100 to 5:100. The method, wherein the temperature of said hot water is above 75° C.; the PH value of jute fibres is adjusted to above 10.0 or below 4.0. The method, wherein said jute fibres is pre-processed before the step a. The method, wherein the pre-processing of said jute fibres is either through one of the means of water bath, acid bath, and soaking with hydrogen Peroxide, or through the combination of at least two of the three means. The method, wherein that the temperature of water bath ranges from 30° C. to 100° C.; Said acid is sulphuric acid or acetic acid. This invention also provides another method of degumming jute fibres with complex enzyme, wherein said complex enzyme comprises pectinase and laccase, said method comprises the steps of: a. soaking the jute fibres in the water solution of said complex enzyme made from pectinase and laccase, where the weight proportion of said complex enzyme water solution and jute fibres is 15:1, and the weight proportion of said complex enzyme and said jute fibres is larger than 2:100, and not larger than 5:100. b. adjusting the PH value of said complex enzyme water solution to 5.0-5.5, and adjusting the temperature of said complex enzyme water solution to 55° C.-60° C., then keeping said complex enzyme water solution with such temperature for 25-50 minutes. c. adjusting the PH value of said complex enzyme water solution to 7.5-8.0, and adjusting the temperature of said complex enzyme water solution to 60° C.-70° C.; then, keeping said complex enzyme water solution at such temperature for 25-50 minutes. d. conducting enzyme deactivation of the jute fibres processed with said complex enzyme. The method, wherein that said jute fibres are accumulation stored before the step d. The method, wherein that the duration for accumulation storing said jute fibres ranges from 6 to 24 hours. The method, wherein the enzyme deactivation of jute fibres in step d is through washing with hot water or adjusting the PH value of jute fibres, or through the both of the two means. The method, wherein that the weight percentage of pectinase in said complex enzyme ranges from 30% to 90%. The method, characterized in that the weight proportion of said complex enzyme and jute fibres ranges from 0.5:100 to 5:100. The method, wherein that the temperature of said hot water is above 75° C.; the PH value of jute fibres is adjusted to above 10.0 or below 4.0. The method, wherein that said jute fibres is pre-processed before the step a. The method, wherein that pre-processing said jute fibres is either through one of the means of water bath, acid bath, and soaking with Hydrogen Peroxide, or through the combination of at least two of the three means. The method, wherein that the temperature of water bath ranges from 30° C. to 100° C.; Said acid is sulphuric acid or acetic acid. This invention further provides a method of degumming jute fibres with complex enzyme, wherein said complex enzyme comprises pectinase and laccase, said method comprises the steps of: a. soaking the jute fibres in the water solution of said complex enzyme made from pectinase and laccase, where the weight proportion of said complex enzyme water solution and jute fibres ranges from 12:1 to 40:1. b. adjusting the PH value of said complex enzyme water solution to 5.0-5.5, and adjusting the temperature of said complex enzyme water solution to 55□-60□, then keeping said complex enzyme water solution with such temperature for 25-50 minutes. c. adjusting the PH value of said complex enzyme water solution to 7.5-8.0, and adjusting the temperature of said complex enzyme water solution to 60° C.-70° C.; then, keeping said complex enzyme water solution at such temperature for 51-120 minutes. d. conducting enzyme deactivation of the jute fibres processed with said complex enzyme. The method, wherein said jute fibres are accumulation stored before the step d. The method, wherein that the duration of accumulation storing said jute fibres ranges from 6 to 24 hours. The method, wherein that the enzyme deactivation of jute fibres in the step d is through washing with hot water or adjusting the PH value of jute fibres, or through the combination of the two means. The method, wherein that the weight percentage of pectinase in said complex enzyme ranges from 30% to 90%. The method, wherein that the weight proportion of said complex enzyme and jute fibres ranges from 0.5:100 to 5:100. The method, wherein that the temperature of said hot water is above 75□; the PH value of jute fibres is adjusted to above 10.0 or below 4.0. The method, wherein that said jute fibres is pre-processed before the step a. The method, wherein that the pre-processing of said jute fibres is either through one of the means of water bath, acid bath, and soaking with hydrogen Peroxide, or through the combination of at least two of the three means. The method, wherein that the temperature of water bath ranges from 30° C. to 100° C.; said acid is sulphuric acid or acetic acid. In comparison with the prior art, the present invention has several advantages as follows: (1) In the present invention, the process parameters that match with each other are used in treatment of degumming jute fibres with complex enzyme. Via adjusting the PH value of enzyme water solution to more than 8.0 (pectinase is in its highest activity when the PH value is within 8.0-9.0, and the activity of pectinase declines gradually along with the decline of PH value from 8.0 or the rise of PH value from 9.0), or adjusting the use of complex enzyme to the amount that is larger than 2% of jute fibre in weight, keeping the enzyme water solution within a PH value interval in which the pectinase is in a relatively high activity, and prolonging the holding time of the enzyme water solution up to 50 minutes or more, and accordingly adjusting other process parameters, in order to gain the best degumming effect. In addition, it is effective to remove pectin and lignin from jute fibres through accumulation storing the jute fibres before conducting enzyme deactivation of the jute fibres treated with complex enzyme via washing such jute fibres with hot water, or adjusting the PH value of such jute fibres. The removal rate of pectin can general reach about 90%, even up to 96% as the highest value, while the removal rate of lignin can generally reach about 78%, even up to 86% as the highest value. The jute fibres treated through above mentioned method have relatively high spinability. (2) In addition, pre-processing jute fibres before being degummed can swell the jute fibres, so as to better reduce the interacting force among the single fibres, facilitate the contact between enzyme water solution and jute fibres, and remove the pectin and lignin from the jute fibres. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF INVENTION EXAMPLE 1 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, pre-processing the bits of jute fibres through water bath, while the temperature of water bath is 65□, and the holding time is 2 hours; then, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 3:7, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 0.5:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 12 times in weight as much as jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.5 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating up the complex enzyme water solution to 55° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 20 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 8.5 with sodium bicarbonate, heating up the solution to 65° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 20 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 24 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water at 80° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 2 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, pre-processing the bits of jute fibres through both acid bath and water bath, while the acid used for acid bath is concentrated sulphuric acid with the concentration of above 90%.The temperature of water bath is 30□ and the holding time is 1 hour; then, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 9:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 5:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 40 times in weight as much as the jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.0 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating up the complex enzyme water solution to 60° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 120 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 9.5 with sodium bicarbonate, heating up the solution to 55° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 40 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 6 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water at 95° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 3 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, pre-processing the bits of jute fibres through both acid bath, while the acid used for acid bath is acetic acid with the concentration of above 90%. then, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 1:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 1:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 20 times in weight as much as the jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.5 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating up the complex enzyme water solution to 55° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 40 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 8.5 with sodium bicarbonate, heating up the solution to 50° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 50 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 10 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water at 85° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 4 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, pre-processing the bits of jute fibres through soaking the jute fibres in hydrogen peroxide with the concentration of 5 g/L, then, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 2:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 2:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 30 times in weight as much as the jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.0 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating up the complex enzyme water solution to 59° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 50 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 9.0 with sodium bicarbonate, heating up the solution to 60° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 80 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 15 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water at 90° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 5 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, pre-processing the bits of jute fibres through water bath, while the temperature of water bath is 100□, and the holding time is half an hours; then, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 5:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 3:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 12 times in weight as much as jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.1 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating up the complex enzyme water solution to 60° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 60 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 8.5 with sodium bicarbonate, heating up the solution to 45° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 70 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 20 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with water solution, the PH value of which is 11.0; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 6 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 4:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 4:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 14 times in weight as much as jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.2 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating up the complex enzyme water solution to 58° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 70 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 9.0 with sodium bicarbonate, heating up the solution to 40° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 90 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 12 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with water solution, the PH value of which is 3.0; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 7 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 2:3, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 1:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 13 times in weight as much as jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.3 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating up the complex enzyme water solution to 57° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 80 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 8.3 with sodium bicarbonate, heating up the solution to 65° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 100 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 8 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water at 85° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 8 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 3:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 2:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 13 times in weight as much as jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.4 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 56° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 90 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 8.1 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 70° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 110 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water, the PH value of which is 10.0 and the temperature of which is 75° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 9 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 2:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 1:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 16 times in weight as much as jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.5 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 55° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 100 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 8.2 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 55° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 120 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water, the PH value of which is 3.5 and the temperature of which is 80° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 10 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, pre-processing the bits of jute fibres through water bath, while the temperature of water bath is 65□, and the holding time is 2 hours; then, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 3:7, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 2.1:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 15 times in weight as much as jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.5 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 55° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 25 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 7.5 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 60° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 25 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 24 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water at 80° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 11 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, pre-processing the bits of jute fibres through both acid bath and water bath, while the acid used for acid bath is concentrated sulphuric acid with the concentration of above 90%.The temperature of water bath is 30□ and the holding time is 1 hour; then, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 9:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 5:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 15 times in weight as much as the jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.0 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 60° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 50 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 7.5 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 65° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 40 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 6 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water at 95° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 12 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, pre-processing the bits of jute fibres through acid bath, while the acid used for acid bath is acetic acid with the concentration of above 90%. then, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 1:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 4:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 15 times in weight as much as the jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.0 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 55° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 40 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 8.0 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 60° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 50 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 10 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water at 85° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 13 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, pre-processing the bits of jute fibres through soaking the jute fibres in hydrogen peroxide with the concentration of 5 g/L. then, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 2:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 4:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 15 times in weight as much as the jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.3 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 58° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 50 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 7.8 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 70° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 30 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 12 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water at 90° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 14 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, pre-processing the bits of jute fibres through water bath, while the temperature of water bath is 100□, and the holding time is half an hours; then, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 5:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 3.5:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 15 times in weight as much as jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.0 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 55° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 30 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 7.7 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 65° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 40 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 20 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with water solution, the PH value of which is 11.0; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. The result of experiment shows that this is one of the most preferred embodiments of this invention. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 15 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 4:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 3:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 15 times in weight as much as jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.0 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 60° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 45 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 8.0 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 65° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 45 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 15 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with water solution, the PH value of which is 3.5; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. The result of experiment shows that this is one of the most preferred embodiments of this invention. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 16 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 2:3, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 2.5:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 15 times in weight as much as jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.2 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 57° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 35 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 8.0 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 65° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 35 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 8 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water at 85° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 17 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 3:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 4.5:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 15 times in weight as much as jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.0 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 58° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 35 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 7.8 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 70° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 45 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water, the PH value of which is 10.0 and the temperature of which is 75° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 18 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 2:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 2.5:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 15 times in weight as much as jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.4 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 56° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 25 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 7.6 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 65° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 30 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water, the PH value of which is 3.0 and the temperature of which is 80° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 19 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram, and pre-processing the jute fibres via water bath, wherein the temperature of the water is 65° C. and the holding time is 2 hours; secondly, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 3:7, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 0.5:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 12 times in weight as much as jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.5 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 55° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 50 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 7.5 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 60° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 51 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 24 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water, the temperature of which is 80° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 20 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs 0.5 kilogram; secondly, pre-processing the bits of jute fibres through both acid bath and water bath, while the acid used for acid bath is concentrated sulphuric acid with the concentration of above 90%.The temperature of water bath is 30□ and the holding time is 1 hour; then, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 9:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 5:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 40 times in weight as much as the jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.0 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 60° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 25 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 7.5 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 65° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 120 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 6 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water at 95° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 21 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs 0.5 kilogram; secondly, pre-processing the bits of jute fibres through acid bath, while the acid used for acid bath is acetic acid with the concentration of above 90%. then, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 1:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 1:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 20 times in weight as much as the jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.0 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 55° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 30 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 8.0 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 70° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 60 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 10 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water at 85° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 22 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, pre-processing the bits of jute fibres through soaking the jute fibres in hydrogen peroxide with the concentration of 5 g/L. then, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 2:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 2:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 30 times in weight as much as the jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.3 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 58° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 40 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 7.8 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 69° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 90 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 15 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water at 90° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 23 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs 0.5 kilogram; secondly, pre-processing the bits of jute fibres through water bath, while the temperature of water bath is 100□, and the holding time is half an hours; then, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 5:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 3:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 12 times in weight as much as jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.0 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 55° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 50 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 7.7 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 65° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 80 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 20 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with water solution, the PH value of which is 3.0; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. The result of experiment shows that this is one of the most preferred embodiments of this invention. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 24 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 4:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 4:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 14 times in weight as much as jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.0 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 60° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 40 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 8.0 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 65° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 70 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 12 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with water solution, the PH value of which is 11.0; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. The result of experiment shows that this is one of the most preferred embodiments of this invention. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 25 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 2:3, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 1:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 13 times in weight as much as jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.2 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 57° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 30 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 8.0 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 60° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 100 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution, and accumulation storing the jute fibres for 8 hours; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the accumulation stored jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water at 90° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 26 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 3:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 2:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 13 times in weight as much as jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.0 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 58° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 25 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 7.8 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 70° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 110 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water, the PH value of which is 10.0 and the temperature of which is 75° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. EXAMPLE 27 An experiment is conducted through the following steps: firstly, dividing the jute fibres into several bits, wherein each bit of jute fibres weighs about 0.5 kilogram; secondly, mixing the pectinase and laccase into complex enzyme, wherein the weight proportion of pectinase and laccase is 2:1, and the weight proportion of such complex enzyme and the jute fibres is 1:100; next, diluting the complex enzyme with water, in order to produce complex enzyme water solution which is 16 times in weight as much as jute fibres; after that, soaking the jute fibres in the diluted complex enzyme water solution; then, adjusting the PH value of the diluted complex enzyme water solution to 5.4 with acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate; next, heating the complex enzyme water solution to 56° C. and keeping the solution at such temperature for 50 minutes; after that, adjusting the PH value of the heated solution to 7.6 with sodium bicarbonate, heating the solution to 55° C., and keeping the solution at such temperature for 100 minutes; then, taking the jute fibres out of the solution; next, conducting enzyme deactivation of the jute fibres by washing the jute fibres with hot water, the PH value of which is 3.5 and the temperature of which is 80° C.; finally, the degummed jute fibres are obtained. The removal rate of pectin and lignin from jute fibres is indicated in the table 1. Said degummed jute fibres will be highly spinnable, after being bleached, stamped, washed, dehydrated, and dried via the prior art. The pectinase (Bioprep) and the laccase (Denilite) mentioned in above examples are produced by the a Danish company called Novozymes. Table 1 illustrates the removal rates of pectin and lignin. TABLE 1 Examples 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Removal rate of pectin 86% 95% 92% 91% 95% 96% 91% 90% 87% Removal rate of lignin 80% 79% 80% 82% 84% 86% 82% 79% 78% Examples 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Removal rate of pectin 89% 95% 94% 94% 96% 96% 91% 95% 89% Removal rate of lignin 86% 79% 87% 86% 81% 88% 86% 82% 81% Examples 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Removal rate of pectin 88% 96% 91% 90% 95% 96% 91% 91% 89% Removal rate of lignin 79% 80% 80% 80% 84% 86% 78% 80% 78% While this invention has been described as having several preferred embodiments, the present invention can be further modified within the spirit and scope of this disclosure. This application is therefore intended to cover any variations, uses, or adaptations of the invention using its general principles. Further, this application is intended to cover such departures from this present disclosure as come within known or customary practice in the art to which this invention pertains and which fall within the limits of the appended claims.
A method of degumming jute fibers with complex enzyme, wherein said complex enzyme comprises pectinase and laccase, comprises the steps of: a. soaking the jute fibers in the water solution of said complex enzyme made from pectinase and laccase and adjusting the weight proportion of said complex enzyme water solution and said jute fibers; b. adjusting the PH value of said complex enzyme water solution, and adjusting the temperature of said complex enzyme water solution to a first temperature, then keeping said complex enzyme water solution with the first temperature for a certain period of time; c. adjusting the PH value of said complex enzyme water solution, and adjusting the temperature of said complex enzyme water solution to a second temperature; then, keeping said complex enzyme water solution with the second temperature for another period of time; d. conducting enzyme deactivation of the jute fibers processed with said complex enzyme.
REFERENCE TO OTHER APPLICATIONS This application is a division of application Ser. No. 066,119, filed Aug. 13, 1979, which is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 003,178, filed Jan. 15, 1979, now abandoned. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to new carbamate derivatives of mercaptoacyl hydroxy prolines which have the formula ##STR2## wherein R, R 2 and R 3 each is hydrogen or lower alkyl; R 0 and R 1 each is hydrogen, lower alkyl, cyclo-lower alkyl, allyl, propargyl, phenyl or substituted phenyl; or R 0 and R 1 can join with the nitrogen to form a 5- or 6-membered heterocyclic; R 4 is hydrogen or a hydrolyzable organic protecting group of the formula R 5 --CO-- or ##STR3## R 5 is lower alkyl, phenyl, substituted phenyl, phenyl-lower alkyl, substituted phenyl-lower alkyl, cycloalkyl, thienyl, or furyl; n is 0, 1 or 2; and salts thereof, as well as novel intermediates therefor. The asterisks indicate centers of asymmetry. The carbon in the acyclic side chain is asymmetric when R 2 and/or R 3 is other than hydrogen. Each of the centers of asymmetry provide D and L forms which can be separated by conventional methods as described below. The carbamate group ##STR4## also gives rise to cis-trans isomerism. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION U.S. Pat. No. 4,105,776, issued Aug. 8, 1978 to Miguel Angel Ondetti and David W. Cushman, and its parent U.S. Pat. No. 4,046,889, issued Sept. 6, 1977, disclose certain mercaptoacyl derivatives of the naturally occurring amino acids proline and hydroxyproline which are angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and can be used for the reduction of blood pressure. It has now been found that certain synthetic hydroxyproline derivatives, wherein the pyrrolidine ring of proline bears a carbamate group, also provide new chemical compounds which have utility as hypotensive agents. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to new compounds which have the formula ##STR5## and to salts thereof, to compositions containing such compounds and to the method for using such compounds as anti-hypertensive agents. The symbols have the meanings defined above. The lower alkyl groups represented by any of the variables include straight and branched chain hydrocarbon radicals having up to seven carbons, for example, methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl, t-butyl, pentyl, isopentyl and the like. The lower alkyl groups having up to four carbons and especially the C 1 and C 2 members are preferred. The cyclo-lower alkyl groups are the alicyclic groups having up to seven carbons, i.e., cyclopropyl, cyclobutyl, cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl and cycloheptyl. Cyclopentyl and cyclohexyl are preferred. The substituted phenyl groups include monosubstituted phenyl rings wherein the phenyl substituent is halogen, lower alkyl, lower alkoxy, lower alkylthio or trifluoromethyl. The lower alkoxy and lower alkylmercapto groups include lower alkyl groups of the type described above. Exemplary are methoxy, ethoxy, propoxy, isopropoxy, butoxy, t-butoxy, methylthio, ethylthio, propylthio, isopropylthio and the like. The C 1 -C 4 and C 1 -C 2 preferences described above also apply. The halogens are the four common halogens, preferably chorine and bromine, providing such radicals as o-, m- and p-chlorophenyl, o-, m- and p-bromophenyl and the like. The phenyl and substituted phenyl can also be described as ##STR6## wherein R 6 is hydrogen, halogen, lower alkyl, lower alkoxy, lower alkylthio or trifluoromethyl. The phenyl-lower alkyl groups include lower alkyl groups of the type described above attached to the phenyl ring. Phenylmethyl and phenylethyl are the preferred phenyl-lower alkyl groups, especially phenylmethyl. The preferred groups of the formula R 5 --CO-- are those wherein R 5 is lower alkyl, phenyl, or phenyl-lower alkyl. The lower alkanoyl groups represented by R 5 --CO-- are those having the acyl radicals of the lower (C 2 -C 7 ) fatty acids, for example, acetyl, propionyl, butyryl, isobutyryl and the like. Those lower alkanoyl groups having up to four carbons, and especially acetyl, are preferred. The same preferences apply to the phenyl-lower alkanoyl groups when R 5 in the group R 5 --CO-- is phenyl-lower alkyl. Benzoyl is especially preferred. The carbamate group on the pyrrolidine ring can be acyclic including, for example, the radicals carbamoyl, lower alkylcarbamoyl like methylcarbamoyl, ethylcarbamoyl, propylcarbamoyl, isopropylcarbamoyl, di(lower alkyl)carbamoyl like dimethylcarbamoyl, diethylcarbamoyl, propargylcarbamoyl, or allylcarbamoyl. It also includes cycloalkylcarbamoyl groups like cyclopentylcarbamoyl, dicyclopentylcarbamoyl, cyclohexylcarbamoyl, dicyclohexylcarbamoyl and the like. In addition it includes phenyl- and substituted phenylcarbamoyl groups like phenylcarbamoyl, 4-chlorophenylcarbamoyl, 3-ethylphenylcarbamoyl, 4-methoxyphenylcarbamoyl, 4-(trifluoromethyl)phenylcarbamoyl and the like. Preferably only one of R 0 and R 1 is a cycloalkyl, phenyl or substituted phenyl radical. The ##STR7## can also form a 5-membered or 6-membered heterocyclic of the group pyrrolidine, piperidine or morpholine. Preferably only one of R 0 and R 1 is other than hydrogen except when both R 0 and R 1 are lower alkyl. Preferred compounds of formula I are those wherein R is hydrogen or lower alkyl; R 0 and R 1 each is independently C 1 -C 4 -lower alkyl; R 2 and R 3 each is hydrogen or C 1 -C 4 -lower alkyl; R 4 is hydrogen, lower alkanoyl, or benzoyl; and n is 0 or 1. The carbamate group is in the 3- or 4-position of the pyrrolidine ring, preferably the 4-position. Especially preferred are compounds of formula I wherein R is hydrogen; R 0 and R 1 each is C 1 -C 4 lower alkyl, most especially C 1 -C 3 -lower alkyl; R 2 is methyl; R 3 is hydrogen; R 4 is hydrogen; n is 1; and the carbamate group is in the 4-position. The preferred method of synthesizing compounds of formula I utilizes as starting material a hydroxyproline of the formula ##STR8## The nitrogen is first protected, e.g., with a nitrogen protecting group of the type commonly used in peptide synthesis like carbobenzoxy, p-toluenesulfonyl, acetyl or the like to obtain a protected compound such as ##STR9## wherein CBz is the carbobenzoxy protecting group. The protected comound III is then esterified, for example, by reaction with a diazoalkane, such as diazomethane to form an ester of the structure ##STR10## wherein R is lower alkyl like methyl or isobutyl, preferably methyl. The carbamate group ##STR11## wherein R 0 is hydrogen and R 1 is other than hydrogen, can then be introduced by reacting the compound of formula IV with an isocyanate (R 1 --NCO) in an inert organic solvent like benzene, and the like to obtain the next intermediate having the formula ##STR12## In the preparation of the cis isomer, the above reaction is carried out in the presence of a catalytic amount of a base, such as pyridine or triethylamine. Alternatively, compounds of formula V may be prepared by reacting the protected compound IV with phosgene to form an intermediate of formula VI ##STR13## (which is not necessarily isolated), which is then reacted with the appropriate amine ##STR14## or NH 3 (where both R 0 and R 1 are to be hydrogen) to form the formula V compound. When R 0 and R 1 (in formula V) are both to be other than hydrogen or together complete a heterocyclic, then the protected compound of formula IV is made to react with the carbamoyl halide ##STR15## wherein hal is halogen, preferably chlorine. Alkaline hydrolysis of the compound of formula V with a base like sodium hydroxide, barium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide or the like yields the acid having the formula ##STR16## The compound of formula VIII can then be deprotected, e.g., by the conventional procedure of hydrogenation in the presence of palladium-carbon to obtain the compound having the formula ##STR17## The next stage of the synthesis entails coupling the proline derivative IX with an acyl halide having the formula ##STR18## wherein hal represents halogen preferably chlorine, yielding a product of the formula ##STR19## The proline derivative XI is preferably isolated and purified by crystallization, e.g., by forming a salt like the dicyclohexylamine salt and then converting the salt to the free acid form by treatment with an aqueous solution of an acid, such as potassium acid sulfate. The product of formula XI bearing the acyl group R 5 --CO can be converted, if desired, to the product of formula I wherein R 4 is hydrogen by hydrolysis with ammonia, sodium hydroxide or the like. Esters of formula I wherein R is lower alkyl can be obtained by conventional esterification procedures, e.g., by esterification with a diazoalkane like diazomethane, 1-alkyl-3-p-tolyltriazene, like 1-n-butyl-3-p-tolyltriazene, or the like, preferably after the completion of the sequence of reactions described above. However, earlier esterification and omission of the alkaline hydrolysis can also be practiced. The compounds of formula I wherein R 4 forms the symmetrical bis compound are obtained by directly oxidizing with iodine a product of formula I wherein R 4 is hydrogen. Reference is also made to the following publications for additional illustrative information with respect to the production of starting materials and intermediates: U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,046,889 and 4,105,776; J. Chem. Soc., 1945, 429-432; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 79, 185-192 (1957); J. Amer. Soc. 85, 3863-3865 (1963). The procedures illustrated therein can be utilized as general methods for the synthesis and stereoconversion of compounds utilizable in the invention of this application. Additional experimental details are found in the examples which are preferred embodiments and also serve as models for the preparation of other members of the group. As indicated above, the compounds of this invention have several centers of asymmetry. These compounds accordingly exist in stereoisomeric forms or in racemic mixtures thereof. The various stereoisomeric forms and mixtures thereof are all within the scope of this invention. The above described methods of synthesis can utilize the racemate or one of the enantiomers as starting material. When a mixture of stereoisomers is obtained as the product, the stereoisomeric forms can be separated, if desired, by conventional chromatographic or fractional crystallization methods or by conversion to a salt with an optically active base, followed by fractional crystallization or similar known methods. In general, those compounds are preferred wherein the proline moiety is in the L-configuration, the carbamate group is cis and the acyl side chain has the D-configuration. The compounds of this invention form basic salts with a variety of inorganic or organic bases. The salt forming ion derived from such bases can be metal ions, e.g., aluminum, alkali metal ions, such as sodium or potassium, alkaline earth metal ions such as calcium or magnesim, or an amine salt ion, of which a number are known for this purpose, for example, aralkylamines like, dibenzylamine, N.N-dibenzylethylenediamine, lower alkylamines like methylamine, triethylamine, t-butylamine, procaine, lower alkylpiperidines like N-ethylpiperidine, cycloalkylamines like cyclohexylamine, dicyclohexylamine, 1-adamantaneamine, benzathine, or salts derived from amino acids like arginine, lysine or the like. The physiologically aceptable salts like the sodium or potassium salts can be used medicinally as described below and are preferred. These and other salts which are not necessarily physiologically acceptable are useful in isolating or purifying a product acceptable for the purposes described below as well as purifying or isolating intermediates, as illustrated in the examples. The salts are produced by reacting the acid form of the compound with an equivalent of the base supplying the desired basic ion in a medium in which the salt precipitates or in aqueous medium and then lyophilizing. The free acid form can be obtained from the salt by conventional neutralization techniques, e.g., with potassium bisulfate, hydrochoric acid, etc. The compounds of this invention inhibit the conversion of the decapeptide angiotensin I to angiotensin II by angiotensin converting enzyme and therefore are useful in reducing or relieving hypertension in various mammalian species, e.g., cats, dogs, mice, rats, etc., having elevated blood pressure. Thus by administration of a hypotensively effective amount of a composition containing one or a combination of compounds of formula I or physiologically acceptable salt thereof, hypertension in the species of mammal suffering therefrom is reduced or alleviated. A single dose, or preferably two or four divided daily doses, provided in a basis of about 0.1 to 100 mg. per kilogram per day, preferably about 1 to 15 mg. per kilogram per day, is appropriate to reduce blood pressure as indicated in the animal model experiments described by S. L. Engel, T. R. Schaeffer, M. H. Waugh and B. Rubin, Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 143, 483 (1973). The substance is preferably administered orally, but parenteral routes such as subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously or intraperitoneally can also be employed. The compounds of this invention can also be formulated in combination with a diuretic for the treatment of hypertension. A combination product comprising a compound of this invention and a diuretic can be administered in an effective amount which comprises (for a 70 kg. mammal) a total daily dosage of about 30 to 600 mg., preferably about 30 to 300 mg., of a compound of this invention, and about 15 to 300 mg., preferably about 15 to 200 mg. of the diuretic, to a mammalian species in need thereof. Exemplary of the diuretics contemplated for use in combination with a compound of this invention are the thiazide diuretics, e.g., chlorthiazide, hydrochlorthiazide, flumethiazide, hydroglumethiazide, bendroflumethiazide, methylchlorthiazide, trichloromethiazide, polythiazide or benzthiazide, as well as ethacrynic acid, ticrynafen, chlorthalidone, furosemide, bumetanide, triamterene, amiloride and spironolactone, and salts of such compounds. The compounds of this invention can be utilized to achieve the reduction of blood pressure by formulating in compositions such as tablets, capsules or elixirs for oral administration or in sterile solutions or suspensions for parenteral administration. About 10 to 500 mg. of a compound or mixture of compounds of formula I or physiologically acceptable salt is compounded with a physiologically acceptable vehicle, carrier, excipient, binder, preservative, stabilizer, flavor, etc., in a unit dosage form as called for by accepted pharmaceutical practice. The amount of active substance in these compositions or preparations is such that suitable dosage in the range indicated is obtained. Illustrative of the adjuvants which may be incorporated in tablets, capsules and the like are the following: a binder such as gum tragacanth, acacia, corn starch or gelatin; an excipient such as dicalcium phosphate or microcrystalline cellulose; a disintegrating agent such as corn starch, potato starch, alginic acid and the like; a lubricant such as magnesium stearate; a sweetening agent such as sucrose, lactose or saccharin; a flavoring agent such as peppermint, oil of wintergreen or cherry. When the dosage unit form is a capsule, it may contain in addition to materials of the above type a liquid carrier such as a fatty oil. Various other materials may be present as coatings or to otherwise modify the physical form of the dosage unit. For instance, tablets may be coated with shellac, sugar or both. A syrup or elixir may contain the active compound, sucrose as a sweetening agent, methyl and propyl parabens as preservatives, a dye and a flavoring such as cherry or orange flavor. Sterile compositions for injection can be formulated according to conventional pharmaceutical practice by dissolving or suspending the active substance in a vehicle such as water for injection, a naturally occurring vegetable oil like sesame oil, coconut oil, peanut oil, cottonseed oil, etc. or synthetic like ethyl oleate. The following examples are illustrative of the invention and constitute preferred embodiments. They also serve as models for the preparation of other members of the group which can be produced by replacement of the given reactants with suitably substituted analogs. All temperatures are in degrees Celsius. EXAMPLE 1 trans-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxyl]-L-proline (a) N-Carbobenzyloxy-trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline 26.5 g. (0.20 mole) of trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline and 32.8 ml. (0.23 mole) of benzyl chloroformate are reacted in 200 ml. of water and 100 ml. of acetone in the presence of 20 g. (0.20 mole) of potassium bicarbonate and 69.2 g. (0.50 mole) of potassium carbonate and worked up with 90 ml. of concentrated hydrochloric acid as described in Can. J. Biochem. & Physiol. 37, 584 (1959). The product is reacted with cyclohexylamine to form the cyclohexylamine salt, yield 69 g., m.p. 193°-195°. The salt (34 g.) is neutralized with N hydrochloric acid to obtain 27 g. of the free acid as a colorless glass [α] D 26 -70° (c,1% in chloroform). (b) N-Carbobenzyloxy-trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline, methyl ester 12.4 g. (0.047 mole) of N-carbobenzyloxy-trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline is esterified with diazomethane in dioxane-ether as described in J.A.C.S. 79, 191 (1957). To avoid freezing of the dioxane the addition of the diazomethane is begun at 10° and completed at 0°-2°. The yield of N-carbobenzyloxy-trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline, methyl ester as a nearly colorless viscous oil is 14.6 g. (100%). [α] D 26 -62° (c, 1% in chloroform). (c) trans-N-Carbobenzyloxy-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxyl]-L-proline, methyl ester To a stirred solution of 6.0 g (0.021 mole) of N-carbobenzyloxy-trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline, methyl ester (J.A.C.S. 79 supra) in 120 ml. of benzene is added 6 ml. (0.10 mole) of methylisocyanate and the reaction mixture kept overnight at room temperature. After refluxing for one hour, the solvent is removed on a rotary evaporator, finally at 0.2 mm and 50°. The viscous residue is taken up in 150 ml. of ether, washed with water (3×50 ml.), dried (MgSO 4 ), and the ether is evaporated to yield 6.5 g. (90%) of syrupy product, trans-N-carbobenzyloxy-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline, methyl ester. (d) trans-N-Carbobenzyloxy-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline The crude ester from part c (7.6 g., 0.023 mole) is dissolved in 60 ml. of methanol, treated dropwise at -1° to 4° with 14 ml. (0.028 mole) of 2 N sodium hydroxide, kept at 0° for one hour, and at room temperature overnight. After removing about 1/2 of the solvent on a rotary evaporator, the solution is diluted with 160 ml. of water, washed with ether (wash discarded), acidified, while cooling, with 5.5 ml. of 1:1 hydrochloric acid to pH 2, and extracted with ethyl acetate (4×75 ml.). The combined extracts are washed with 50 ml. of saturated sodium chloride, dried (MgSO 4 ) and the solvent evaporated to give 7.2 g. of a very viscous syrup. The syrup is dissolved in 30 ml. of ethanol, treated with 2.3 g. of cyclohexylamine in 5 ml. of ethanol and diluted to 600 ml. with ether. On seeding and rubbing, the crystalline cyclohexylamine salt separates; weight after cooling overnight, 8.5 g.; m.p. 172°-174°. [α] D 25 -20° (c, 1% in ethanol). Following crystallization from 25 ml. of isopropanol, the colorless solid trans-N-carbobenzyloxy-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline cyclohexylamine salt weighs 7.8 g., m.p. 174°-176°. [α] D 25 -18° (c, 1% in ethanol). The cyclohexylamine salt is suspended in 60 ml. of ethyl acetate, stirred, and treated with 40 ml. of N hydrochloric acid. When two clear layers are obtained they are separated, the aqueous phase is extracted with additional ethyl acetate (3×60 ml.), the combined organic layers are dried (MgSO 4 ), and the solvent evaporated. The yield of glass-like free acid is 5.5 g. (81%). (e) trans-4-[[(Methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline A solution of 2.7 g. (0.0084 mole) of trans-N-carbobenzyloxy-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline in 100 ml. of methanol-water (2:1) is treated with 1 g. of 5% palladium-carbon and 45 lb. of hydrogen and shaken on a Parr hydrogenator for 6 hours. The catalyst is filtered off under nitrogen, washed with methanol and the combined filtrates are evaporated, finally at 0.1-0.2 mm, to give 1.5 g. (96%) of a residue which gradually crystallizes to give trans-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline as a greyish solid; m.p. 213°-215° (dec.), preceded by gradual darkening and sintering. [α] D 26 -12° (c, 0.25% in 1:3 ethanol-methanol). (f) trans-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline A stirred solution of 2.9 g. (0.0154 mole) of trans-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline in 45 ml. of water is cooled to 5° and treated portionwise with solid sodium carbonate to pH 8.5; (approx. 0.4 g. required). Then while continuing stirring and cooling, a solution of 3.1 g. (0.017 mole) of D-3-acetylthio-2-methylpropanoyl chloride in 4 ml. of ether is added portionwise by means of a pipette while maintaining the pH at 7.0-8.0 by dropwise addition of 25% (w/v) sodium carbonate. After about 10 minutes, the pH stabilizes at 8.1-8.3 (about 14 ml. of the sodium carbonate solution has been added). After continued stirring and cooling for a total of 1.25 hours, the solution is washed with ethyl acetate (50 ml.), layered over with 50 ml. of ethyl acetate, stirred, cooled, acidified carefully with 1:1 hydrochloric acid to pH 2.0, saturated with sodium chloride and the alyers are separated. The aqueous phase is extracted with additional ethyl acetate (3×50 ml.), the combined organic layers are dried (MgSO 4 ) and the solvent evaporated, finally at 0.2 mm., to give 5.3 g. of a glass-like residue. The latter is dissolved in 40 ml. of ethyl acetate and treated with a solution of 2.8 g. of dicyclohexylamine in 15 ml. of ethyl acetate. On seeding and rubbing, the crystalline trans-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline dicyclohexylamine salt separates, weight after cooling overnight 5.8 g. (colorless); m.p. 187°-189° (s. 183°) [α] D 26 -64° (c, 1% in MeOH). Following recrystallization from 15 ml. of methanol--100 ml. of ether, the colorless solid weighs 4.5 g., m.p. 190°-192° [α] D 25 -67° (c, 1% in MeOH). The dicyclohexylamine salt is converted to the free acid by suspending in 50 ml. of ethyl acetate, cooling, treating with 50 ml. of 10% potassium bisulfate and stirring until two clear layers are obtained. After separating, the aqueous phase is extracted with ethyl acetate (3×50 ml.), the combined organic layers are dried (MgSO 4 ), and the solvent evaporated to give 2.8 g. (55%) of trans-1[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline as a foamy hygroscopic residue. EXAMPLE 2 trans-1-(D-3-Mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Argon is passed through a cold solution of 6 ml. of concentrated ammonium hydroxide in 4 ml. of water for 10 minutes. The latter is then added while cooling and under a blanket of argon to the product of Example 1 and the mixture is swirled in an icebath until a pale yellow solution is obtained (about 3 minutes). Stirring under argon is continued at room temperature for a total of 2 hours, then the solution is extracted with 20 ml. of ethyl acetate (this and subsequent operations are carried out as much as possible under an argon atmosphere). The aqueous layer is cooled, stirred, layered over with 20 ml. of ethyl acetate and acidified portionwise with approximately 13 ml. of 1:1 hydrochloric acid. The layers are separated, the aqueous phase is extracted with additional ethyl acetate (3×20 ml.), the combined ethyl acetate layers are dried (MgSO 4 ), and the solvent evaporated to give trans-1-(D-3-mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline as a sticky foamy residue. The latter is rubbed under ether and the evaporation repeated, finally at 0.1-0.2 mm., to yield 2.2 g. (90%) of the product as a colorless, somewhat hygroscopic, amorphous solid, m.p. 54°-57° (S, 45°). [α] D 26 -53° (c, 1% in EtOH). The racemic forms of the final products in each of the foregoing examples are produced by utilizing the DL-form of the starting amino acid instead of the L-form. Similarly, the D-form of the final products in each of the foregoing examples is produced by utilizing the D-form of the starting amino acid instead of the L-form. EXAMPLE 3 (a) N-Carbobenzyloxy-cis-4-hydroxy-L-proline, methyl ester 6.5 g (0.024 mole) of N-carbobenzyloxy-cis-4-hydroxy-L-proline [J.A.C.S., 79, 189 (1957)] is dissolved in 65 ml. of methanol, stirred, and treated with 0.65 ml. of concentrated sulfuric acid. After stirring at room temperature for one-half hour, the solution is allowed to stand overnight. The bulk of solvent is removed on a rotary evaporator and the oily residue (13 g.) is taken up in 70 ml. of ether and washed with 35 ml. of 10% sodium bicarbonate solution. The wash is back extracted with 35 ml. of ether. The combined organic layers are dried (MgSO 4 ), and the ether is evaporated to give 6.5 g. (96%) of product as a pale yellow viscous oil. [α] D 25 -24° (c, 1% in chloroform). (b) cis-N-Carbobenzyloxy-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline, methyl ester To a stirred solution of 5.4 g. (0.019 mole) of N-carbobenzyloxy-cis-4-hydroxy-L-proline, methyl ester, in 120 ml. of acetonitrile is added 5.4 ml. of triethylamine, followed by 5.4 ml. of methyl isocyanate. After keeping overnight at room temperature and refluxing for two hours, the reaction mixture is worked up as in Example 1c to give 5.6 g (86%) of a pale yellow viscous oil. (c) cis-N-Carbobenzyloxy-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline The crude ester from part b (5.6 g; 0.017 mole) is saponified with 11 ml. (0.022 mole) of 2 N sodium hydroxide in 45 ml. of methanol as in Example 1d to give 5.1 g of a foamy residue. The colorless cyclohexylamine salt, prepared in 25 ml. of ethanol and 400 ml. of ether employing 1.7 g. of cyclohexylamine, weighs 4.8 g.; m.p. 171°-173°. [α] D 25 -16° (c, 1% in ethanol). A sample recrystallized from ethanol-ether shows no change in melting point or optical rotation. The cyclohexylamine salt yields 3.5 g. (65%) of the free acid as a colorless foamy residue. (d) cis-4-[[(Methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline 3.5 g (0.011 mole) of cis-N-carbobenzyloxy-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is hydrogenated in 130 ml. of 2:1 methanol-water employing 1.3 g of 2:1 methanol-water employing 1.3 g. of 5% palladium-carbon as in Example 1e to give 1.9 g. (95%) of product as a greyish solid; m.p. 232°-234° (dec.), preceded by gradual darkening and sintering. [α] D 25 -42° (c, 0.5% in 1:1 methanol-water). (e) cis-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Interaction of 1.85 g (0.0098 mole) of cis-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline and 2.0 g (0.011 mole) of D-3-acetylthio-2-methylpropanoyl chloride in 30 ml. of water in the presence of sodium carbonate as in Example 1f yields 3.35 g. of a gummy product. The dicyclohexylamino salt, prepared in 35 ml. of ethyl acetate employing 1.8 g. of dicyclohexylamine, weighs 4.0 g.; m.p. 177°-179°. [α] D 25 -54° (c, 1% in methanol). Following trituration with 20 ml. of acetonitrile and cooling, the colorless solid weighs 3.6 g.; m.p. 179°-181°. [α] D 25 -54° (c, 1% in methanol). Treatment with 10% potassium bisulfate and extraction into ethyl acetate yields 2.5 g. (76%) of the free acid as a colorless foamy residue. EXAMPLE 4 cis-1-(D-3-Mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline By treating the material of Example 3 with 5.5 ml. of concentrated ammonium hydroxide in 12.5 ml. of water according to the procedure described in Example 2, 1.8 g. (82%) of the product is obtained as a colorless, hygroscopic, sticky foam. [α] D 25 -59° (c, 1% in ethanol). EXAMPLE 5 cis-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(ethylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure of Example 3 but substituting ethylisocyanate for the methylisocyanate in part b, cis-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(ethylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 6 cis-1-(D-3-Mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(ethylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline By treating the material of Example 5 with ammonia according to the procedure described in Example 4, cis-1-(D-3-mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(ethylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 7 cis-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(propylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure of Example 3 but substituting n-propylisocyanate for the methylisocyanate in part b, cis-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(propylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 8 cis-1-(D-3-Mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(propylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline By treating the material of Example 7 with ammonia according to the procedure described in Example 4, cis-1-(D-3-mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(propylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 9 cis-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(phenylamino)carbonyl]oxy-]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure of Example 3 but substituting phenylisocyanate for the methylisocyanate in part b, cis-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(phenylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 10 cis-1-(D-3-Mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(phenylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline By treating the material from Example 9 with ammonia according to the procedure described in Example 4, cis-1-(D-3-mercapto-2-methyl-L-oxopropyl)-4-[[(phenylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 11 cis-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(4-chlorophenyl)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure of Example 3 but substituting 4-chlorophenylisocyanate for the methylisocyanate in part b, cis-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxypropyl]-4-[[(4-chlorophenyl)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 12 cis-1-(D-3-Mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(4-chlorophenyl)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline By treating the material from Example 11 with ammonia according to the procedure described in Example 4, cis-1-(D-3-mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(4-chlorophenyl)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 13 cis-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure of Example 3 but substituting 3-trifluoromethylphenylisocyanate in place of the methylisocyanate in part b, cis-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 14 cis-1-[D-(Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(2-methoxyphenyl)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure of Example 3 but substituting 2-methoxyphenylisocyanate for methylisocyanate in part b, cis-1-[D-(acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(2-methoxyphenyl)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 15 trans-1-[D- (Benzoylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(2-ethylphenyl)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure of Example 1 but substituting 2-ethylphenylisocyanate for the methylisocyanate in part c and D-3-benzoylthio-2-methylpropanoyl chloride for the D-3-acetylthio-2-methylpropanoyl chloride in part f, trans-1-[D-(benzoylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(2-ethylphenyl)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 16 trans-1-[D-(Phenacetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(4-methylthiophenyl)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure of Example 1 but substituting 4-methylthiophenylisocyanate for the methylisocyanate in part c, and D-phenylacetylthio-2-methylpropanoyl chloride for the D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methylpropanoyl chloride in part f, trans-1-[D-(phenacetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(4-methylthiophenyl)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 17 trans-1-[D-(3-Phenylpropionylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(3-bromophenyl)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure of Example 1 but substituting 3-bromophenylisocyanate for the methylisocyanate in part c, and D-(3-phenylpropionylthio)-2-methylpropanoyl chloride for the D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methylpropanoyl chloride in part f, trans-1-[D-(3-phenylpropionylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(3-bromophenyl)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 18 trans-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(cyclopentylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure of Example 1 but substituting cyclopentylisocyanate for the methylisocyanate in part c, trans-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(cyclopentylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 19 trans-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(cyclohexylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure of Example 1 but substituting cyclohexylisocyanate for the methylisocyanate in part c, trans-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(cyclohexylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 20 cis-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(allylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure of Example 3 but substituting allylisocyanate for the methylisocyanate in part b, cis-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(allylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 21 cis-1-(D-3-Mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(allylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline By treating the material from Example 20 with ammonia according to the procedure described in Example 4, cis-1-(D-3-mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(allylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 22 trans-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(dimethylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline (a) trans-N-Carbobenzyloxy-4-[[(dimethylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline, methyl ester A solution of N-carbobenzyloxy-trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline methyl ester (Example 1, part b) in chloroform is treated dropwise with an equivalent quantity of dimethylcarbamyl chloride. The mixture is stirred for two hours, washed with water and the organic phase is dried over MgSO 4 . The solution is filtered and solvent evaporated to give trans-N-carbobenzyloxy-4-[[(dimethylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline, methyl ester. (b) trans-N-Carbobenzyloxy-4-[[(dimethylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Hydrolysis of the methyl ester from part a with sodium hydroxide solution in the manner described in Example 1, part d, gives trans-N-carbobenzyloxy-4-[[(dimethylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline. (c) trans-4-[[(Dimethylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Hydrogenation of the material from part b according to the procedure described in Example 1, part e, gives trans-4-[[(dimethylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline. (d) trans-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(dimethylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Treatment of the material from part c with an equivalent quantity of D-3-acetylthio-2-methylpropanoyl chloride according to the procedure described in Example 1, part f, gives trans-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(dimethylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline. EXAMPLE 23 trans-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(pyrrolidino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure described in the preparation of Example 22 but substituting pyrrolidinocarbamyl chloride for the dimethylaminocarbamyl chloride in part a, trans-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(pyrrolidino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 24 trans-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(piperidino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure described in the preparation of Example 22, but substituting piperidinocarbamyl chloride for the dimethylaminocarbamyl chloride in part a, trans-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(piperidino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 25 trans-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(morpholino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure used in the preparation of Example 22 but substituting morpholinocarbamyl chloride for the dimethylaminocarbamyl chloride in part a, trans-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(morpholino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 26 trans-1-(2-Acetylthio-1-oxoethyl)-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure described in the preparation of Example 1 but substituting 2-acetylthioacetyl chloride for the D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methylpropanoyl chloride in part f, trans-1-(2-acetylthio-1-oxoethyl)-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 27 trans-1-(4-Acetylthio-1-oxobutyl)-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-D-proline Utilizing the procedure described in the preparation of Example 1 but substituting trans-4-hydroxy-D-proline for the trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline in part a, and 4-acetylthiobutyroyl chloride for the D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methylpropanoyl chloride in part f, trans-1-(4-acetylthio-1-oxobutyl)-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-D-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 28 cis-1-(4-Acetylthio-4-methyl-1-oxobutyl)-3-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure described in the preparation of Example 3 but substituting 4-acetylthiovaleroyl chloride for the D-3-(acetylthio)-3-methylpropionyl chloride in part e, cis-1-(4-acetylthio-4-methyl-1-oxobutyl)-3-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 29 trans-1-[L-(3-Acetylthio)-2-ethyl-1-oxopropyl]-3-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure of Example 1 but substituting trans-3-hydroxy-L-proline for trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline in part a and L-(3-acetylthio)-2-ethylpropionyl chloride for the D-3-(acetylthio)-3-methylpropionyl chloride in part f, trans-1-[L-(3-acetylthio)-2-ethyl-1-oxopropyl]-3-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 30 trans-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[(aminocarbonyl)oxy]-L-proline (a) trans-N-Carbobenzyloxy-4-[(aminocarbonyl)oxy]-L-proline, methyl ester A solution of equivalent quantities of N-carbobenzyloxy-trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline, methyl ester from Example 1, part b, and dimethylaniline is treated with a solution of phosgene in toluene. After standing overnight an equivalent quantity of ammonia is passed through the solution of trans-N-carbobenzyloxy-4-[(chlorocarbonyl)oxy]-L-proline, methyl ester. After standing for twelve hours at room temperature, the solution is washed with water, dried over magnesium sulfate, filtered and the solvent evaporated to give trans-N-carbobenzyloxy-4-[(aminocarbonyl)oxy]-L-proline, methyl ester. (b) trans-N-Carbobenzyloxy-4-[(aminocarbonyl)oxy]-L-proline Hydrolysis of the methyl ester from part a with sodium hydroxide solution in the manner described in Example 1, part d, gives trans-N-carbobenzyloxy-4-[(aminocarbonyl]oxy]-L-proline. (c) trans-4-[(Aminocarbonyl)oxy]-L-proline Hydrogenation of the material from part b according to the procedure described in Example 1, part e, gives trans-4-[(aminocarbonyl)oxy]-L-proline. (d) trans-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[(aminocarbonyl)oxy]-L-proline Treatment of the material from part c with an equivalent quantity of D-3-acetylthio-2-methylpropanoyl chloride according to the procedure described in Example 1, part f, gives trans-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[(aminocarbonyl)oxy]-L-proline. EXAMPLE 31 trans-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(diisopropylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure of Example 30, but substituting diisopropylamine for the ammonia in part a, trans-1-[D-[3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(diisopropylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 32 trans-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(cyclopropylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure of Example 30, but substituting cyclopropylamine for the ammonia in part a, trans-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(cyclopropylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 33 trans-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(n-butylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure of Example 30, but substituting n-butylamine for the ammonia in part a, trans-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(n-butylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 34 trans-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(propargylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline Utilizing the procedure of Example 30, but substituting propargylamine for the ammonia in part a, trans-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(propargylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline is obtained. EXAMPLE 35 trans-1-[D-(3-Acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline, methyl ester A solution of the material from Example 1 in ether is treated with a slight excess of diazomethane. After stirring at room temperature for two hours, the solvent is evaporated to give trans-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline, methyl ester. EXAMPLE 36 S,S-Dimer of trans-1-(D-3-mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline A solution of the material from Example 2 is dissolved in ethanol, stirred and treated with a solution of one equivalent of iodine in ethanol. The pH of the solution is maintained at 6-7 by the addition of N sodium hydroxide solution. The solvent is evaporated and the residue is extracted with ethyl acetate. After drying over MgSO 4 , the solution is filtered and the solvent is removed to give S,S-dimer of trans-1-(D-3-mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline. EXAMPLE 37 S,S-Dimer of cis-1-(D-3-mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxo]-L-proline Oxidation of the material from Example 4 with a solution of iodine according to the procedure used in Example 36 gives S,S-dimer of cis-1-(D-3-mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxo]-L-proline. EXAMPLE 38 Sodium salt of trans-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline A solution of 2.9 g of material from Example 1 in 25 ml of water is treated with 0.84 g of sodium bicarbonate. The solution is freeze-dried to give the sodium salt of trans-1-[D-(3-acetylthio)-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl]-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline. EXAMPLE 39 1000 tablets each containing 100 mg. of active substance are produced from the following ingredients: ______________________________________cis-1-(D-mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(methyl-amino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline 100 g.Corn starch 50 g.Gelatin 7.5 g.Avicel (microcrystalline cellu-lose 25 g.Magnesium stearate 2.5 g.______________________________________ The cis-1-(D-3-mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline and corn starch are admixed with an aqueous solution of the gelatin. The mixture is dried and ground to a fine powder. The Avicel and then the magnesium stearate are admixed with the granulation. This is then compressed in a tablet press to form 1000 tablets each containing 100 mg. of active ingredient. EXAMPLE 40 1000 tablets each containing 200 mg. of trans-1-(D-3-mercapto-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline are produced from the following ingredients: ______________________________________trans-1-(D-3-mercapto-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline 200 g.Lactose 100 g.Avicel 150 g.Corn Starch 50 g.Magnesium stearate 5 g.______________________________________ The trans-1-(D-3-mercapto-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline, lactose and Avicel are admixed, then blended with the corn starch. Magnesium stearate is added. The dry mixture is compressed in a tablet press to form 1000 505 mg. tablets each containing 200 mg. of active ingredient. The tablets are coated with a solution of Methocel E 15 (methyl cellulose) including as a color a lake containing yellow #6. EXAMPLE 41 Two piece #1 gelatin capsules each containing 250 mg. of trans-1-(D-3-mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline are filled with a mixture of the following ingredients: ______________________________________trans-1-(D-3-mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-[[(methyl-amino)carbonly]oxy]-L-proline 125 mg.Magnesium stearate 3 mg.USP lactose 100 mg.______________________________________ EXAMPLE 42 An injectable solution is produced as follows: ______________________________________trans-1-(D-3-mercapto-2-methyl-1-oxopropyl-4-[[(methyl-amino)carbonyl]oxy]-L-proline 500 g.Methyl paraben 5 g.Propyl paraben 1 g.Sodium chloride 25 g.Water for injection qs. 5 1.______________________________________ The active substance, preservatives and sodium chloride are dissolved in 3 liters of water for injection and then the volume is brought up to 5 liters. The solution is filtered through a sterile filter and aseptically filled into presterilized vials which are then closed with presterilized rubber closures. Each vial contains 5 ml. of solution in a concentration of 100 mg. of active ingredient per ml. of solution for injection.
New carbamate derivatives of mercaptoacyl hydroxy prolines which have the general formula ##STR1## are useful as hypotensive agents.
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS This is a divisional application of Ser. No. 08/539,965 filed Oct. 26, 1995, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,704,921, which is a continuation-in-part application of Ser. No. 08/443,120 filed May 17, 1995, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,709,667. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates in general to the field of hypodermic needles, and in particular, to a hypodermic needle assembly having a prefilled syringe. Hypodermic syringes having prefilled barrels and prefilled cartridges for use with syringe systems provide an alternative to filling the hypodermic needle on site. Prefilled syringes minimize packaging by eliminating the need for a separate vial of medication. This is of particular importance in the emergency room or ambulance where a variety of equipment must be stored in a limited area. In addition, the step of transferring the medicine from the vial to the syringe is eliminated. Reducing the number of steps required for an injection is of particular importance in the emergency room, hospital, ambulance or other environment where the medicine must be injected as quickly as possible. The large-bore needles used to extract the fluid from the vial are also eliminated, reducing the risks of accidental needle pricks during the handling of the syringe. The risk of contamination of the medicine is also reduced. With many prefilled syringes, the barrel includes a membrane which seals the liquid within the barrel. The membrane may be ruptured, releasing the fluid for injection, by using a needle assembly to pierce the membrane or by applying sufficient pressure to burst the membrane. Typically, the prefilled syringe is supplied with the plunger projecting from the rear of the barrel, requiring additional space for packaging, shipment and storage of the device. Additional packaging may be required to secure the plunger in the extended position and prevent premature emptying of the barrel. Moreover, care must be taken to prevent damaging the plunger prior to use. Some available syringes include an outer shell which is coupled to a piston head. The fluid is dispensed by sliding the outer shell relative to the barrel to depress the piston head. Although this type of prefilled syringe may be less susceptible to damage, the outer shell must be retained in an extended position until the syringe is used. Prefilled cartridges provide protection against contamination of the medicine and minimize the space required for storage and shipment of the cartridges since the cannula and plunger elements are separate from the cartridge. However, the overall space occupied by the different components of the syringe assembly is not reduced. Further, the prefilled cartridge must be loaded into a syringe assembly prior to use, requiring an additional step. The risk of contamination may also be increased unless care is taken to protect the critical surfaces of the syringe assembly and/or cartridge from airborne contaminants. The hypodermic needle is one of the most dangerous tools in modern medicine. Common microorganisms, including deadly viruses, are known to be communicable through infected hypodermic needles. In the urgent environment of ambulances or hospital emergency rooms, used and exposed hypodermic needles present a hazard to medical workers or patients. An accidental stab or scratch produced by such needles can introduce dangerous viruses or other contaminants directly into a person's blood stream. Therefore, there is a need for protecting medical personnel and patients from exposed hypodermic needles. Many solutions have been proposed to solve the problem. Most involve very complex, spring-loaded mechanisms for automatic needle retraction after injection. These are unsuitable for disposable syringes because of cost considerations. In addition, their intricate construction increases the chances of malfunctioning. Another group of solutions proposes a manual retraction systems. These tend to be very inconvenient and cumbersome to operate. The number of steps to be performed by the person administering an injection is drastically increased. In addition, manual retraction systems, as well as the automatic ones referred to above, increase the number of parts on the front of the syringe barrel. This limits the range of angles from which the needle can be introduced under the patient's skin. In fact, with all the fixtures and attachments required for safe needle retraction, the operator is restricted to a ninety degree angle of entry. Under this angle the needle penetrates deep under the patient's skin and is frequently hard to withdraw. Of course, the advantage of a shallower angle of entry has been recognized in the art. Many old-fashioned syringes have a needle-mounting snout located off-center for this very reason. Nonetheless, for technical reasons having to do with the retraction mechanism, no state of the art solution incorporates the concept of shallow entry angle and protection of the hypodermic needle. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In summary, one embodiment of the present invention combines the innovation of mounting a hypodermic needle on one side of a syringe, rather than in the center, with the idea of encasing or removing the needle after it has been used. Therefore, one embodiment of this invention teaches that a needle mounted on a carriage can slide within a sheath, where this sheath is mounted on the side of a syringe or other chamber filled with fluid. The needle can slide to one of three positions; in the first position, it is closest to the front of the syringe, and it is ready to be used. In this position, the carriage mounted to the needle is in the right position to trigger the chamber to open a side outlet and allow fluid to pass through the outlet, through a duct in the carriage, and out through the needle. In the second position, the outlet is closed, and the needle and carriage are reversibly retracted into the sheath. In a third position, the outlet is also closed, and the needle and carriage are retracted, even deeper into the sheath, irreversibly, so that the needle can not be made to protrude. This is the disposal position. In the most preferred embodiment the carriage and needle are locked into these three positions along a sliding track by means of flexible legs on the carriage which protrude into notches on the track. The operator frees the carriage and needle from these notches by depressing buttons to compress the legs. This invention teaches that the entire sheath containing the carriage and needle may be removed from the chamber of fluid. Alternatively, the carriage and needle unit may be removable from the sheath. Both of these variations use reversible mounting mechanisms, such as mechanical snapping-on of parts. In another embodiment, the present invention provides a syringe system which is particularly useful for prefilled applications where the syringe is supplied with the chamber of the syringe filled with an injection fluid. The fluid chamber has an outer wall and an outlet for dispensing fluid from the chamber. The syringe also includes a plunger assembly for expelling fluid from the chamber. The plunger assembly includes a plunger which is slidable through the chamber for creating positive pressures to cause ejection of a fluid from the chamber. The assembly also includes an actuator coupled to the plunger for movement of the actuator between a first position, with the actuator released for movement through the chamber relative to the plunger, and a second position, with the actuator in cooperative engagement with the plunger for driving the plunger through the chamber to create the positive pressures. The method of this embodiment of the invention includes the steps of forming a chamber for retaining an injection fluid and slidably positioning a plunger assembly in the chamber. The plunger assembly includes a plunger which is spaced from an outlet of the chamber and an actuator for driving the plunger through the chamber. At least a portion of the actuator is initially positioned within the chamber between the outlet and the plunger. The method also includes the steps of substantially sealing the outlet of the chamber and injecting a fluid into the chamber between the outlet and the plunger. Preferably, the outlet is sealed by positioning the actuator in sealing engagement with the outlet of the chamber. Prior to use, the actuator is moved into interengagement with the plunger so that the actuator may be used to move the plunger through the chamber. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Additional objects and features of the invention will be more readily apparent from the following detailed description and appended claims when taken in conjunction with the drawings, wherein: FIG. 1 is a side view of the preferred embodiment of the invention; FIG. 2 is a perspective view of the embodiment of FIG. 1, showing three states for the needle; FIG. 3 is a perspective view of a part of the embodiment of FIG. 1, the carriage containing the needle; FIG. 4 is a perspective view of how the needle in the embodiment of FIG. 1 is attached to the needle carriage; FIG. 5 is a perspective view of the locking legs of the carriage of the embodiment of FIG. 1; FIG. 6 is a cross-section view of the entire locking mechanism of the embodiment of FIG. 1; FIG. 7 is a side view of an alternative embodiment of the invention; FIG. 8 is a side view of an alternative embodiment in which the sheath is removable from the syringe; FIG. 9 is a frontal view of the embodiment of FIG. 8; FIG. 10 is a side view of an alternative embodiment in which the carriage is removable from the sheath; FIG. 11 is a perspective view of an alternative embodiment of the invention; FIG. 12 is a top plan view of another embodiment of the invention; FIG. 13 is a top plan view of another embodiment of the invention, shown with the needle oriented in a plurality of positions relative to the fluid chamber; FIG. 13A is a side plan view of another embodiment of the invention; FIG. 14 is a cross-sectional view of a syringe assembly in accordance with another embodiment of the invention, shown packaged for shipment and storage; FIGS. 15A and 15B are end views of the plunger assembly of FIG. 14; FIG. 16A is a cross sectional view of a plunger assembly in accordance with another embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 16B is an end view of the plunger of FIG. 16A; FIG. 17 is a cross-sectional view of the syringe assembly of FIG. 14, shown with the actuator of the plunger assembly partially retracted; FIG. 18 is a cross-sectional view of the syringe assembly of FIG. 14, shown with the actuator of the plunger assembly fully retracted; FIG. 19 is a cross-sectional view of the syringe assembly of FIG. 14, shown prepared for an injection; FIG. 20 is a cross-sectional view of the syringe assembly of FIG. 14, shown following an injection with the needle assembly retracted into the protective sheath; FIG. 21 is a cross-sectional view of the syringe assembly of FIG. 14, shown with the needle assembly detached from the chamber disengaged for disposal; FIG. 22 is a schematic view illustrating the method of supplying a prefilled syringe in accordance with this invention; FIG. 23 is a cross-sectional view of a syringe assembly in accordance with another embodiment of the invention, shown packaged for shipment and storage; FIG. 24 is a cross-sectional view of the syringe assembly of FIG. 23, shown with the plunger assembly prepared for an injection; FIG. 25 is a cross-sectional view of a syringe assembly in accordance with another embodiment of the invention, shown packaged for shipment and storage; and FIG. 26 is a cross-sectional view of another embodiment of the invention, shown with the needle assembly being applied to the chamber. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Reference will now be made in detail to the preferred embodiment of the invention, which is illustrated in the accompanying figures. Turning now to the drawings, wherein like components are designated by like reference numerals throughout the various figures, attention is directed to FIGS. 1-6. FIGS. 1-6 show an embodiment of a hypodermic syringe 6 in accordance with the invention. The hypodermic syringe 6 may be used to extract fluids or to inject fluids supplied in a vial, ampule or the like which is separate from the syringe. The syringe also may be prefilled, although the modifications shown in FIGS. 14-24 are preferred for prefilled applications. The hypodermic syringe 6 generally includes a syringe body 7 and a needle assembly 8 having a needle 30 which may be easily moved from the extended position shown in FIG. 1 to a retracted position with the contaminated needle safely contained within a protective sheath 22. As is shown in FIG. 1, the syringe body 7 and needle assembly 8 are formed as a single unit. After the used needle 30 has been retracted within the sheath 22, the entire unit may be safely discarded. In alternative forms of the invention, such as those shown in FIGS. 8-11, the syringe body 7 and needle assembly 8 may be separate components with the needle assembly being detachable from the syringe body for disposal of the needle. Providing the needle assembly 8 as a separate component is particularly useful when the hypodermic needle is used to extract a sample of fluid, such as blood, from the patient's body. Turning particularly to FIG. 1, syringe body 7 includes a chamber 10 and a plunger 12 extending through the chamber 10. The chamber 10 is filled with injection fluid, although in applications where the hypodermic is used to collect fluids the chamber 10 may be empty. Near the front end 14 of chamber 10, within a side wall 16, there is an outlet 18. A valve, such as a check valve 20, is fixed in outlet 18 to control the flow of fluid through outlet 18. The chamber 10 has a central axis substantially aligned with the plunger 12. The sheath 22 of the needle assembly 8 is positioned to one side of the chamber 10, with the central axis of the sheath offset from the central axis of the chamber 10. With this configuration, the syringe body 7 will not interfere with the orientation of the needle relative to the patient's body, allowing the needle to be inserted into the skin at a substantially small angle. In addition, this configuration is particularly suitable for embodiments of the invention in which the sheath is detachable from the chamber 10. Although positioning the needle assembly 8 to one side of the syringe body 7 is preferred, it should be understood that in other modifications of the invention the syringe body 7 may extend circumferentially around a major portion of the needle assembly 8 if desired. In the present embodiment, the sheath 22 is defined by the side wall 16 of the chamber 10 and two spaced flanges depending from the side wall 16 to form a U-shaped channel or recess 24. Alternatively, the sheath may include a bottom wall spaced from the side wall 16 of the chamber. Depending upon the length of the chamber 10 and the size of the needle 30, the recess 24 may extend along the entire length of the chamber as shown in FIG. 1 or the recess 24 may be shorter or longer than the chamber. In the embodiment shown in FIGS. 1-6, the sheath 22 is permanently mounted to or integrally or monolithically formed with the chamber 10. In other embodiments of the invention, the sheath 22 may be removably mounted to the chamber 10. A carriage 36 mounted within recess 24 may be moved from one end of recess 24 to the other. The needle 30 is attached at the front end of carriage 36. The carriage preferably includes a conduit for delivering fluid to the needle 30. In the embodiment shown in FIG. 1, carriage 36 has a duct 38 which extends from the valve 20 to the needle 30, presenting the only path for fluid to flow between chamber 10 and needle 30. Two buttons 40A and 40B are provided on either side of the carriage 36 for controlling the position of carriage 36. They extend outside recess 24, with the stems of the buttons engaging two lateral slots 26 formed in the walls of sheath 22. Lateral slots 26 extend along the length of recess 24 and end before reaching the front end of recess 24. The carriage 36 may be moved along the recess 24 by sliding the buttons 40A and 40B along the slots 26. The front ends of the slots 26 prevent the carriage from falling out of recess 24. As is shown in FIG. 2, the carriage 36 may be moved within recess 24 between three positions. In a ready-position 50, carriage is near the front end 14 of chamber 10. Duct 38 is aligned with the chamber outlet 18 (FIG. 1) and positioned to open valve 20 (FIG. 1), allowing fluid to flow from the chamber 10 to needle 30. In the standby-position 52, carriage 36 and needle 30 are completely retracted into recess 24, protecting the needle 30 against contamination. With the carriage 36 in the stand-by position, the needle 30 is positioned within the sheath 22 for the safe storage and handling of the unused device. However, in other forms of the invention the needle 30 may be supplied in the extended position shown in FIG. 1 with a removable sleeve covering and protecting the needle prior to use as is known in the art. As is described in more detail below, the carriage may be easily moved from the stand-by position 52 to the ready-position 50. After the needle 30 has been used, the carriage 36 may be retracted to the disposal-position 54. Unlike the stand-by position 52, the carriage 36 may not be moved forwardly from the disposal position 54 to either the stand-by position 52 or the ready position 50. FIGS. 3 and 4 show a more detailed view of carriage 36. Buttons 40A and 40B jut out from either side of the carriage. On the upper surface of carriage 36 facing chamber 10, duct 38 ends in a dome-shaped distal end 42 formed to open the valve 20 and permit discharge of the fluid from the chamber 10. A nose-shaped connector 44 coupled to the proximal end of the duct 38 projects from the front end of the carriage 36. Needle 30 has a receptor 34 on its end which attaches firmly to connector 44. In this embodiment, connector 44 is a regular tube for snapping on hypodermic needles by their receptor 34. This snap-on mechanism is well-known in the art. FIG. 5 shows the locking feature of carriage 36 which secures the carriage 36 in each of the positions 50, 52 and 54 shown in FIG. 2. Two elastic legs 46A and 46B extend outwardly from the back end of the carriage 36. Legs 46A and 46B are tapered, and jut out slightly beyond the width of carriage 36. Buttons 40A and 40B are attached to legs 46A and 46B in such a way that when button 40A is depressed, leg 46A bends inward, so that it no longer juts outward, and button 40B depresses leg 46B in a similar way. Of course, there are many other mechanical solutions for a locking mechanism adaptable to carriage 36. Corresponding grooves, notches, catches and other provisions for actuating such locking mechanisms can be easily incorporated on the side of the syringe or inside sheath 22. The operation of the locking mechanism is shown in FIG. 6. The walls of the recess 24 are formed with a plurality of notches shaped to engage the legs 46A and 46B of the carriage 36 and retain the carriage in one of the positions 50 and 52. The first two notches, which are the ready-position notches 60A and 60B, are closer to front end 14. When the legs 46A and 46B engage the notches 60A and 60B, the carriage 36 is held securely in the ready position 50. The engagement between the legs and the notches prevents the carriage 36 from moving backwards, withstanding the force required to insert the needle into the patient's body. Once needle 30 has been used, buttons 40A and 40B are pressed together to disengage the legs 46A and 46B from the notches 60A and 60B and the carriage 36 may be moved backwards. The notches 62A and 62B engage the legs 46A and 46B to retain the carriage 36 in the standby-position, preventing forward and backward movement of the carriage until the buttons 40A and 40B are depressed. When the operator moves carriage 36 backwards to disposal-position 54, the legs 46A and 46B are moved past two tabs 64A and 64B which catch carriage 36 and prevent it from moving forwards again. In this embodiment, the tabs are leaf springs. However, the configuration of the tabs are subject to considerable variation. Because sheath 22 is closed at the back end, carriage 36 is thereby fixed in position; there is no mechanism for moving it either forwards or backwards. However, in other embodiments of the invention the sheath may be open at its back end to allow carriage 36 and needle 30 to be removed from the recess 24. The outlet 18 and duct 38 provide a passageway for transporting fluid between the chamber 10 and the needle 30. In the embodiment shown in FIGS. 1-6, the chamber 10 is formed with an outlet which extends straight through the chamber wall. FIG. 7 shows an alternative embodiment of the chamber 10 in which the outlet 18 is replaced by a conduit 110 extending from an interior opening 118 in the front wall of chamber 10 to an exterior opening 112 on the side wall 16. With this embodiment, all the fluid held within chamber 10 may be injected into the patient's body. With the embodiment shown in FIGS. 1-6, the fluid between the front end 14 of the chamber and outlet 18 would become trapped within the chamber once the plunger 12 had passed outlet 18. FIG. 8 shows an embodiment of the invention in which the needle assembly 8 is detachable from chamber 10. In this embodiment, needle assembly 8 includes a sheath 22 which is mounted onto chamber 10 by a secure mounting system which allows the operator to remove sheath 22 after needle 30 has been used and safely retracted within the sheath. As is shown in FIG. 8, chamber 10 has a front wall 100 and a back wall 102 which extend beyond the side wall of the chamber. The sheath 22 may be snapped into the space between the front and back walls 100 and 102. The sheath 22 may be easily detached from the chamber 10 by pulling the sheath from between the front and back walls. In other embodiments, other means may be used to removably or permanently couple the sheath to the chamber. For example, sheath 22 may be screwed on, twisted on, slid on, magnetically placed onto chamber 10, or permanently affixed by adhesive, ultrasonic welding, and the like instead of snapping the sheath 22 in place. FIG. 9 shows a frontal view of the embodiment of FIG. 8. Front wall 100 has a mouth 104 which allows the needle 30 to project from the front wall 100. Preferably, the carriage 36 is prevented from passing through the mouth 104. However, if desired the front ends of slots 26 may be used to interrupt the forward progress of the carriage. In the present invention, the mouth 104 is generally U-shaped slot extending upwardly from the lower edge of the front wall 100. Alternatively, the mouth may be provided as an aperture formed in the front wall 100. FIG. 10 shows another embodiment of the invention in which sheath 22 is integrally formed with or permanently mounted to the fluid chamber 10. The lower surface (not shown) of the sheath is open for insertion of the carriage 36 into the sheath 22. Sheath 22 has an opening 80 through which the stems of the buttons 40A and 40B may pass. Opening 80 has a pair of one-way keepers or tabs 82 which bend inward when the carriage 36 is inserted into the sheath. After the stems of the buttons 40A and 40B pass through the opening 80, the keepers 82 return to their original shape and block carriage 36 from coming out of sheath 22 again. In this modification, the sheath 22 may consist of two spaced flanges depending from the chamber 10, with the engagement between the buttons 40A and 40B and the slots retaining the carriage 36 in the sheath. Alternatively, the sheath may have a bottom wall which is formed with an opening of sufficient size to receive carriage 36. The advantages of positioning the needle 30 to the side of the fluid chamber 10 are further described in relation to the modifications shown in FIGS. 11-13. With these embodiments, the needle carriage may be efficiently mounted to the chamber 10 and removed from the chamber after the needle 30 has been used. A shallow angle of entry may be obtained by orienting the assembly with the needle carriage between the patient's skin and the chamber 10. As is described in relation to FIG. 13, the needle position is not restricted to a parallel orientation relative to the chamber 10. In the modification shown in FIG. 11, carriage 72 does not slide along the syringe. Instead, the carriage 72 is mounted by screwing into the syringe. In this embodiment, chamber 10 has a socket 70 jutting out and surrounding an outlet (not shown). The spout 76 of carriage 72 securely engages the socket 70. In the present embodiment, the spout 76 and socket 70 are formed with screw threads which cooperate to securely retain the spout within the socket. However, various other means may be used to secure the carriage to the chamber 10 including, but not limited to, snap beads, slot-key structures, locking nuts, and the like. Carriage 72 is thereby mounted securely onto chamber 10, and duct 38 (not shown) is aligned with the outlet of the fluid chamber. After needle 74 has been used, carriage 72 is screwed off and disposed. This embodiment saves materials and costs of manufacturing. In the embodiment shown in FIG. 12, carriage 72 is mounted to the fluid chamber 10 by positioning spout 76 in the mounting ring or socket 70 on the chamber 10. The spout 76 and socket 70 are formed with cooperating engagement means suitable for securing the two members together such as screw threads, snap beads, slot-key structures, locking nuts, and the like. The back surface of needle carriage 72 is shaped to engage a locking mount 80 carried by the fluid chamber 10 to prevent rotational movement of the needle carriage 72 relative to the chamber 10 during insertion of the needle 30. In the illustrated embodiment, the protruding bead 82 on the locking mount 80 seats in a pocket 79 formed in the back surface of the needle carriage 72. However, it should be understood that the position of the bead 82 and the pocket 79 may be reversed. Moreover, other suitable engagement means may be used to anchor the needle carriage 72 to the locking mount 80. A U-shaped sheath 85 is slidably mounted to the needle carriage 72. After the needle has been used, the sheath 85 slides along the carriage 72 and across the needle 30 until the contaminated tip of the needle is positioned within the sheath. Unlike the needle assemblies of the prior art, mounting the needle carriage to the side of chamber 10 allows the sheath to be separate from the chamber 10, providing greater flexibility in the size of the sheath 85 and the overall assembly. The needle position is not restricted to a parallel orientation relative to the chamber 10. FIG. 13 shows an embodiment of the invention in which the needle 30 may be held in several positions such as parallel to the longitudinal axis of the chamber 10, perpendicular to the chamber 10 or at any other angle. The needle carriage 72 is mounted to the fluid chamber 10 through the interengagement of a mounting ring or socket 70 and a spout 76. The mounting ring 70 is indexed to interlock with the spout 76 on the carriage and securely retain the needle in several different positions. Orienting the needle 30 at an angle relative to the axis of the chamber 10 allows pressure to be placed on the chamber 10 during use of the assembly, such as when extracting blood, without forcing the needle further into the patient. Various means may be used to secure the spout 76 and indexed mounting ring 70 together. For example, the mounting ring 70 may include a slot-key structure configured to permit rotation of the socket between two or more interlocked positions. In another example, the socket may be formed with a button which projects through a hole formed in the mounting ring 70 to lock the needle carriage in the desired position. By depressing the button, the button may be released and the spout rotated to bring the button into engagement with another hole formed in the mounting ring. In addition, other suitable means may be used for interlocking the spout and the mounting ring in one of several different positions. FIG. 13A shows an embodiment of the invention in which the needle 30 has a perpendicular orientation relative to the chamber 10A. This embodiment is particularly suitable for use with a sealed vacuum container 175 which is often used when extracting a sample of blood. The container 175, which is sealed with a rubber top 176, is moved into the chamber 10A until the needle 30A pierces the top 176. The needle carriage 72 is mounted to the chamber 10A using suitable securement means such as the spout 70A of the chamber and the socket 76A of the needle carriage 72A. Blood or other fluid drawn into the needle 30 is transported through the needle 30A and into the container 175. After the container 175 has been filled, the protective sheath 85 may be moved onto the needle 30 to provide protection against accidental contact with the needle. In the embodiments shown in FIGS. 11-13, the mounting ring or socket 70 is provided on the fluid chamber 10 while the spout 76 is positioned on the needle carriage 72. However, it should be understood that in other modifications the needle carriage 72 may have the mounting ring 70 while the fluid chamber 10 may be formed with the spout. The protection system of the syringe of the present invention should not be limited to the specific embodiments shown in the Figures. Many other variations are possible. For example, the check valve can be replaced with a slide gate, or with any other mechanism which synchronizes the opening of an outlet for fluid with the presence of an external duct to receive the fluid; another alternative is a film covering which is penetrated once the outlet contacts the external duct. In fact, because of the presence of the plunger, fluid will not flow unless the plunger is pushed or pulled, so the check valve may be even unnecessary. Another variation is a different mechanism for locking the carriage. For example, the legs could jut into notches in the lateral slots, or notches in the side wall, rather than notches in the walls of the recess. The buttons 40A and 40B may be replaced by one button on the top which controls one leg. In fact, any locking mechanism can be used which locks a sliding carriage to a track based on the position of the carriage within the track, such as a retracting pen mechanism. Similarly, the tabs which prevent the carriage from sliding out once the carriage attains the "disposal-position" may be any mechanism which allows unidirectional sliding of an object within a track. FIGS. 14-21 show another embodiment of a hypodermic syringe 6 in accordance with the invention. The syringe 6 is particularly suitable for prefilled applications where the syringe is supplied to the consumer with the chamber filled with an injection fluid. The prefilled chamber offers several advantages such as the elimination of a separate package for the injection fluid and the elimination of the step of filling the chamber prior to the injection. The chamber may be supplied with a precisely measured amount of the fluid, further improving the efficiency of the injection process by eliminating the step of carefully measuring the amount of fluid which is drawn into the chamber from the supply vile. The prefilled hypodermic syringe 6 shown in FIGS. 14-21 generally includes a chamber 10 filled with a selected fluid and a needle assembly 8. As is described in more detail in relation to FIGS. 8-9, the needle assembly 8 generally includes a protective sheath 22 which is detachable from the chamber 10 for disposal. However, if desired the sheath 22 and chamber may be a unitary structure as shown in FIGS. 1-6 or other configurations of the needle assembly 8, such as those shown in FIGS. 10-13, may be employed. The needle 30 is safely retained in the protective sheath 22 until the needle carriage 36 is secured in the position shown in FIG. 19. After the injection, the needle carriage 36 may be released and moved to the disposal position shown in FIGS. 20 and 21, with the needle safely retracted into the protective sheath. In this embodiment, chamber 10 is formed with the conduit 110 (shown particularly in FIG. 7) for transporting fluid from an opening 118 in the front wall of the chamber to the duct 38 (FIG. 4) formed in the needle carriage 36 when the carriage is retained in the position shown in FIG. 19. The rear wall of chamber 10 is formed with an opening 122 which is sealed by a cap 124. Syringe 6 includes a plunger assembly 130 having a plunger head 132 and an actuator 134. The actuator is initially separate from and movable relative to the plunger 132. FIG. 14 shows the actuator 134 substantially disposed in the chamber 10, while FIGS. 17 and 18 show the actuator in partially and fully retracted positions, respectively, relative to the chamber. Actuator 134 includes an elongated body 136 which extends through openings in the plunger head 132 and cap 124. The elongate body has a shaped tip 138 (FIG. 15A) which is adapted to seal the opening 118 formed in the front wall of the chamber 10 when the actuator is fully inserted in the chamber as shown in FIG. 14. In this embodiment, the shaped tip 138 includes a plug 139 which extends through the opening 118, engaging the inner wall of the conduit 110 to provide an effective seal. The plug 139 is removed from the opening 118 when the actuator 134 is retracted, breaking the seal. The tip 138 and the conduit opening 118 may have other shapes within the scope of the invention. Moreover, other means may be used to seal conduit 110 although sealing the conduit 110 with the shaped tip 138 is preferred. FIG. 27 shows another embodiment of a shaped tip 138 which includes a plug 177 shaped to seal with the enlarged opening of a laterally extending conduit 110A. The tip 138 is shaped to engage the plunger 132 when the actuator is moved to the fully retracted position shown in FIG. 18. It is to be understood that the configuration of tip 138 and plunger head 132 is subject to considerable variation within the scope of this invention. In the embodiment shown in particularly in FIG. 14, the tip 138 has a barbed configuration which allows the tip 138 to be pulled into a cooperatively-shaped socket 140 formed in the plunger 132. The tip 138 and socket 140 are shaped to interengage and prevent removal of the tip from the socket when the actuator 134 is moved in the opposite direction relative to the chamber 10. Once the tip 138 is securely retained in the socket 140, the actuator 134 may be used to drive the plunger head 132 through the chamber 10 to inject the fluid through needle 30. The cap 124 provides stability when the actuator 134 is retracted into engagement with the plunger 132 or used to drive the plunger head through the chamber 10. In other embodiments of the invention, other means may be used to reinforce the actuator 134. Actuator 134 preferably includes means such as push plate 142 to facilitate the manipulation of the plunger assembly 130 when retracting the actuator 134 from the chamber 10 into engagement with the plunger 132 or driving the plunger 132 through the chamber. In the present embodiment, the push plate 142 is in the form of a planar disc. However, the push plate 142 may have other shapes as is known in the art. Another embodiment of the plunger assembly 130 is shown in FIGS. 16A and 16B. The tip 138 of actuator 134 includes an enlarged flange 144 which engages the front of plunger head 132 to prevent the actuator from being pulled from the plunger when retracted prior to use. The actuator tip 138 is provided with a threaded plug 139 to prevent inadvertent removal of the plug from the outlet during handling of the syringe. The threaded plug 139 may be used with the chamber 10 shown in FIG. 14, with the threaded plug being force fit into the outlet 118. The plug 139 may also be used with a chamber (not shown) having a threaded outlet. Depending upon the material employed and the height of the threads, the plug may be pushed into the outlet with the threads slipping into interengagement or the plug may be twisted into the threaded outlet. The plug 139 may be removed from the outlet by forcefully retracting the actuator 134 or by twisting the actuator to unscrew the plug from the outlet. for sealing the outlet to the chamber. The actuator 134 further includes oppositely disposed beads 146 which project from the elongate body 136 of the actuator. The actuator body 136 and beads 146 are movable through the resilient plunger 132 as the actuator is retracted from the chamber of the syringe. The actuator 134 engages a backplate 147 of plunger 132 to drive the plunger through the plunger and expel liquid from the syringe. The backplate 147 may be a separate component or, if desired, may be provided by the cap 124 shown in FIG. 14. The backplate 147 is formed with an elongated opening 148 which is shaped to permit passage of the actuator body 136 and beads 146 when the beads are substantially aligned with the longitudinal axis of the opening 148. Once the beads have been pulled through the opening 148, the actuator 132 is rotated about 90° to position the beads 146 between a pair of spaced ridges 149. The beads 146 engage the backplate 147, allowing the actuator to drive the plunger 132 through the chamber when the actuator is moved in a forward direction. While the ridges 149 prevent inadvertent rotation of the actuator 134 during use of the syringe, it is to be understood that the configuration of the backplate 147 may be subject to considerable variation. With the plunger assembly 130 of the present invention, the actuator 134 is initially movable relative to the plunger head, allowing the actuator to seal the outlet of the filled chamber, simplifying the structure of the syringe, and allowing the actuator to be substantially positioned within the chamber to reduce the overall size of the syringe. After the actuator is retracted from the chamber, the actuator engages the plunger head for driving the plunger through the chamber. While the figures illustrate two embodiments of a plunger assembly 130, it is to be understood that the actual configuration of the assembly and the engagement means used to secure the plunger to the actuator are subject to considerable variation within the scope of this invention. The chamber, as supplied to the consumer, is filled with an injection fluid. Preferably, the prefilled chamber 10 contains a measured amount of fluid for a single injection. Supplying the fluid in pre-measured quantities offers several advantages including improving the efficiency of the injection process, minimizing the risk of injecting an improper amount of fluid, and reducing waste of the injection fluid. However, if desired the syringe may contain more than one application of the injection fluid. The syringe 6 preferably includes means for filling the chamber 10 with fluid prior to shipment. In the embodiment shown in FIGS. 14-21, actuator 134 is formed with a conduit 150 having an outer opening 152 (FIG. 15B) formed in the push plate 142 and an inner opening 154 formed in the elongate body 136 of the actuator. The inner opening 154 is located so that when the actuator is fully inserted into the chamber 10 as shown in FIG. 14, the inner opening 154 is spaced inwardly of the plunger 132. A hollow tube (not shown) is preferably inserted through bore 156 defined by holes formed in the push plate 142, the cap 124 and the plunger head 132 to permit air to escape from the chamber during filling. Plunger 132 is preferably formed of a material which seals the opening in the plunger when the tube is withdrawn. The chamber 10 may be filled with fluid by injecting the fluid through the conduit 150. After the chamber has been filled, the opening 152 is sealed by a plug, membrane of other suitable means. Other means may be used to fill the chamber with fluid. The side wall of the chamber may be formed with a port for filling the chamber. The port may be sealed by a plug, membrane or other sealing member after the chamber 10 had been filled with the injection fluid. The conduit 110 may also be used to fill the chamber with fluid by positioning the actuator 134 with the shaped end 138 spaced from the opening 118. Once the chamber is filled, the actuator is fully inserted into the chamber to bring the shaped end 138 into sealing engagement with the conduit 110. As is shown particularly in FIG. 14, the syringe 6 may be enclosed within an outer package 160 sealed to the exterior flange 162 of chamber 10 and an outer cap 164. Package 160 and cap 164 provide a sterile environment protecting syringe 6 from the risk of contamination. The construction of the sterile packaging is subject to considerable modification within the scope of the present invention. For example, the outer cap 164 may be eliminated. FIG. 25 shows an embodiment in which a seal membrane 164A which extends between the package 160 and the push plate 142 to seal the outer package 160 to the chamber 10 and the push plate 142. In the embodiment shown in FIG. 25, the push plate 142 preferably has a diameter equal to or larger than the diameter of the chamber 10. In other modifications of the invention, the push plate 142 may fit within the outer package 160. When the actuator 134 is retracted, removing the plug 139 of the shaped tip from the opening 118, a small amount of air will be pulled through the conduit and into the chamber 10. This air may be easily expelled from the chamber by pointing the needle 30 in an upward direction and depressing the plunger assembly 130 until liquid flows through the needle as is known in the art. In some applications, it may be desirable to isolate the injection fluid within the chamber from contaminants which may be carried by the air. As is shown particularly in FIG. 14, the space between the syringe 6 and the outer package 160 may be filled with a quantity of a sterile, inert gas generally indicated at 166. After the outer cap 164 is removed but before the seal between the outer package 160 and the flange 162 is broken, the actuator 134 is moved to the fully retracted position drawing some of the sterile air into the chamber as is shown in FIGS. 18 and 19. Once the actuator 134 is fully retracted, the outer package 160 may be removed and the sterile gas expelled from the chamber 10. FIG. 22 schematically illustrates the method of supplying a prefilled syringe in accordance with this invention. The syringe 6 manufactured by a manufacturer 170 and shipped to a pharmaceutical source 172 where the chamber 10 is filled with injection fluid. The chamber may be filled using a conduit 150 formed in the actuator 134, a port formed through the wall of the chamber, the conduit 110 in the front end of the chamber 10, or other suitable means. After filling, a sterile plug, membrane or other sealing member may be applied to seal the openings to the chamber 10. If the conduit 150 is employed to fill the chamber 10, the outer package 160 may be sealed to the chamber and filled with sterile gas by the manufacturer 170. With the other filling methods, sterile outer packaging may be applied at the pharmaceutical source 172 after the chamber has been filled. The pharmaceutical source 172 may also apply the outer cap 164 or seal membrane 164A to the syringe 6. The filled syringe 6 is shipped, directly or indirectly, from the pharmaceutical source 172 to the user 174 which may be a hospital, urgent care center, doctor's office, ambulance, patient, or the like. The user pulls the actuator 134 into engagement with the plunger head 132, removes the sterile packaging, moves the needle assembly 8 into the ready position and expels any air from the chamber. The syringe 6 is now prepared for the injection. In the embodiment shown in FIGS. 14-21, the sheath 22 is detachable from the chamber 10. The chamber 10 and sheath 22 may be supplied to the pharmaceutical source 172 in a single package with the needle assembly 8 coupled to the chamber. The two components may be supplied separately to the source 172. Alternatively, as is indicated in FIG. 22, the manufacturer 170 may supply the needle assembly 8 directly to the user 174 and the empty chamber 10 to the pharmaceutical source 172, with the user snapping the needle source onto the chamber prior to the injection. As is discussed above, if desired the protective sheath may also be an integral part of the chamber 10 as is shown for example in FIGS. 1-6. After the injection, the user 174 retracts the needle 30 into the protective sheath 30 by moving the needle carriage 36 to the disposal position shown in FIGS. 20 and 21. With the syringe 6 of the embodiment shown in FIGS. 14-21, the protective sheath 22 may be removed from the chamber 10 as is shown in FIG. 21 and disposed in the garbage bin designated for sharp objects and the chamber 10 disposed separately. However, it is to be understood that the syringe 6 may be disposed as a single unit if desired. Utilizing the plunger assembly 130 with the protection system of the previously described embodiments is of particular advantage in that it substantially eliminates the risk of accidental contact with a used needle. Moreover, the needle assembly 8 of this invention may be used to provide syringe 6 with a compact package. The needle 30 may also be efficiently and rapidly deployed with needle assembly 8. However, it is to be understood that plunger assembly 130 of this invention may be advantageously used with other types of needle assemblies. FIGS. 23 and 24 show another embodiment of a syringe 6 in accordance with this invention. The syringe 6 includes a chamber 10 which may be used with the plunger assembly 130 described in relation to FIGS. 14-21. A conical tip 182 provided on the front wall of the chamber 10 is formed with a bore 184 for dispensing fluid from the chamber 10. A needle assembly (not shown) is secured to the conical tip 182 by friction or by a lure locking mechanism as is known in the art. The bore 184 in the chamber is initially sealed by the shaped tip 138 of the actuator 134. The seal is broken by retracting the actuator from the chamber. The actuator 134 is retracted until the shaped tip 138 is pulled into engagement with the plunger head 132. Thereafter, the plunger assembly 130 may be used to dispense fluid from the chamber as is described in relation to FIGS. 14-21. If desired, the syringe 6 may include outer package 160 sealed to the chamber 10, an outer cap 164, seal membrane 164A or the like, and a sterile gas 166 filling the space between the outer package and the chamber. While the present invention has been described with reference to a few specific embodiments, the description is illustrative of the invention and is not to be construed as limiting the invention. Various modifications may occur to those skilled in the art without departing from the true spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims.
A hypodermic syringe and method of filling the syringe with an injection fluid. The syringe includes a fluid chamber for retaining an injection fluid and a plunger assembly for expelling fluid from the chamber. The plunger assembly includes a plunger slidably disposed in the fluid chamber for creating positive pressures to cause ejection of a fluid from the chamber and an actuator coupled to the plunger for movement of the actuator between a first position with the actuator released for movement of the actuator through the fluid chamber relative to the plunger and a second position with the actuator in cooperative engagement with the plunger for driving the plunger to create the positive pressures.
[0001] The instant invention relates to liquid compositions comprising derivatives of diaminostilbene, binders and divalent metal salts for the optical brightening of substrates suitable for high quality ink jet printing. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] Ink jet printing has in recent years become a very important means for recording data and images onto a paper sheet. Low costs, easy production of multicolour images and relatively high speed are some of the advantages of this technology. Ink jet printing does however place great demands on the substrate in order to meet the requirements of short drying time, high print density and sharpness, and reduced colour-to-colour bleed. Furthermore, the substrate should have a high brightness. Plain papers for example are poor at absorbing the water-based anionic dyes or pigments used in ink jet printing; the ink remains for a considerable time on the surface of the paper which allows diffusion of the ink to take place and leads to low print sharpness. One method of achieving a short drying time while providing high print density and sharpness is to use special silica-coated papers. Such papers however are expensive to produce. [0003] U.S. Pat. No. 6,207,258 provides a partial solution to this problem by disclosing that pigmented ink jet print quality can be improved by treating the substrate surface with an aqueous sizing medium containing a divalent metal salt. Calcium chloride and magnesium chloride are preferred divalent metal salts. The sizing medium may also contain other conventional paper additives used in treating uncoated paper. Included in conventional paper additives are optical brightening agents (OBAs) which are well known to improve considerably the whiteness of paper and thereby the contrast between the ink jet print and the background. U.S. Pat. No. 6,207,258 offers no examples of the use of optical brightening agents with the invention. [0004] WO 2007/044228 claims compositions including an alkenyl succinic anhydride sizing agent and/or an alkyl ketene dimmer sizing agent, and incorporating a metallic salt. No reference is made to the use of optical brightening agents with the invention. [0005] WO 2008/048265 claims a recording sheet for printing comprising a substrate formed from ligno cellulosic fibres of which at least one surface is treated with a water soluble divalent metal salt. The recording sheet exhibits an enhanced image drying time. Optical brighteners are included in a list of optional components of a preferred surface treatment comprising calcium chloride and one or more starches. No examples are provided of the use of optical brighteners with the invention. [0006] WO 2007/053681 describes a sizing composition that, when applied to an ink jet substrate, improves print density, colour-to-colour bleed, print sharpness and/or image dry time. The sizing composition comprises at least one pigment, preferably either precipitated or ground calcium carbonate, at least one binder, one example of which is a multicomponent system including starch and polyvinyl alcohol, at least one nitrogen containing organic species, preferably a polymer or copolymer of diallyldimethyl ammonium chloride (DADMAC), and at least one inorganic salt. The sizing composition may also contain at least one optical brightening agent, examples of which are Leucophor BCW and Leucophor FTS from Clariant. [0007] The advantages of using a divalent metal salt, such as calcium chloride, in substrates intended for pigmented ink jet printing can only be fully realized when a compatible water-soluble optical brightener becomes available. It is well-known however that water-soluble optical brighteners are prone to precipitation in high calcium concentrations. (See, for example, page 50 in Tracing Technique in Geohydrology by Werner Käss and Horst Behrens, published by Taylor & Francis, 1998.) [0008] Accordingly, there is a need for a water-soluble optical brightener which has good compatibility with sizing compositions containing a divalent metal salt. DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0009] It has now been found that optical brighteners of formula (1) have surprisingly good compatibility with sizing compositions containing a divalent metal salt. [0010] The present invention therefore provides a sizing composition for optical brightening of substrates, preferably paper, which is especially suitable for pigmented ink jet printing, comprising (a) at least one binder; (b) at least one divalent metal salt, the at least one divalent metal salt being selected from the group consisting of calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, calcium bromide, magnesium bromide, calcium iodide, magnesium iodide, calcium nitrate, magnesium nitrate, calcium formate, magnesium formate, calcium acetate, magnesium acetate, calcium sulphate, magnesium sulphate, calcium thiosulphate or magnesium thiosulphate or mixtures of said compounds; (c) water, and (d) at least one optical brightener of formula (1) [0000] [M + ] n [X + ] 6-n [0000] in which M and X are identical or different and independently from each other selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, an alkali metal cation, ammonium, ammonium which is mono-, di- or trisubstituted by a C1-C4 linear or branched alkyl radical, ammonium which is mono-, di- or trisubstituted by a C1-C4 linear or branched hydroxyalkyl radical, or mixtures of said compounds and n is in the range from 0 to 6. [0017] Preferred compounds of formula (1) are those in which M and X are identical or different and independently from each other selected from the group consisting of an alkali metal cation and trisubstituted C1-C4 linear or branched hydroxyalkyl radical, or mixtures of said compounds and n is in the range from 0 to 6. [0020] More preferred compounds of formula (1) are those in which M and X are identical or different and independently from each other selected from the group consisting of Li, Na, K and trisubstituted C1-C3 linear or branched hydroxyalkyl radical, or mixtures of said compounds and n is in the range from 0 to 6. [0023] Especially preferred compounds of formula (1) are those in which M and X are identical or different and independently from each other selected from the group consisting of Na, K and triethanolamine, or mixtures of said compounds and n is in the range from 0 to 6. [0026] The concentration of optical brightener in the sizing composition may be between 0.2 and 30 g/l, preferably between 1 and 15 g/l, most preferably between 2 and 12 g/l. [0027] The binder is typically an enzymatically or chemically modified starch, e.g. oxidized starch, hydroxyethylated starch or acetylated starch. The starch may also be native starch, anionic starch, a cationic starch, or an amphipathic depending on the particular embodiment being practiced. While the starch source may be any, examples of starch sources include corn, wheat, potato, rice, tapioca, and sago. One or more secondary binders e.g. polyvinyl alcohol may also be used. [0028] The concentration of binder in the sizing composition may be between 1 and 30% by weight, preferably between 2 and 20% by weight, most preferably between 5 and 15% by weight. [0029] Preferred divalent metal salts are selected from the group consisting of calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, calcium bromide, magnesium bromide, calcium sulphate, magnesium sulphate, calcium thiosulphate or magnesium thiosulphate or mixtures of said compounds. [0030] Even more preferred divalent metal salts are selected from the group consisting of calcium chloride or magnesium chloride or mixtures of said compounds. [0031] The concentration of divalent metal salt in the sizing composition may be between 1 and 100 g/l, preferably between 2 and 75 g/l, most preferably between 5 and 50 g/l. [0032] When the divalent metal salt is a mixture of a calcium salt and a magnesium salt, the amount of calcium salt may be in the range of 0.1 to 99.9%. [0033] The pH value of the sizing composition is typically in the range of 5-13, preferably 6-11. [0034] In addition to one or more binders, one or more divalent metal salts, one or more optical brighteners and water, the sizing composition may contain by-products formed during the preparation of the optical brightener as well as other conventional paper additives. Examples of such additives are carriers, defoamers, wax emulsions, dyes, inorganic salts, solubilizing aids, preservatives, complexing agents, surface sizing agents, cross-linkers, pigments, special resins etc. [0035] In an additional aspect of the invention, the optical brightener may be pre-mixed with polyvinyl alcohol in order to boost the performance of the optical brightener in sizing compositions. The polyvinyl alcohol may have any hydrolysis level including from 60 to 99%. The optical brightener/polyvinyl alcohol mixture may contain any amount of optical brightener and polyvinyl alcohol. Examples of making optical brightener/polyvinyl alcohol mixtures can be found in WO 2008/017623. [0036] The optical brightener/polyvinyl alcohol mixture may be an aqueous mixture. [0037] The optical brightener/polyvinyl alcohol mixture may contain any amount of optical brightener including from 10 to 50% by weight of at least one optical brightener. Further, the optical brightener/polyvinyl alcohol mixture may contain any amount of polyvinyl alcohol including from 0.1 to 10% by weight of polyvinyl alcohol. [0038] The sizing composition may be applied to the surface of a paper substrate by any surface treatment method known in the art. Examples of application methods include size-press applications, calendar size application, tub sizing, coating applications and spraying applications. (See, for example, pages 283-286 in Handbook for Pulp & Paper Technologists by G. A. Smook, 2 nd Edition Angus Wilde Publications, 1992 and US 2007/0277950.) The preferred method of application is at the size-press such as puddle size press or rod-metered size press. A preformed sheet of paper is passed through a two-roll nip which is flooded with the sizing composition. The paper absorbs some of the composition, the remainder being removed in the nip. [0039] The paper substrate contains a web of cellulose fibres which may be synthetic or sourced from any fibrous plant including woody and nonwoody sources. Preferably the cellulose fibres are sourced from hardwood and/or softwood. The fibres may be either virgin fibres or recycled fibres, or any combination of virgin and recycled fibres. [0040] The cellulose fibres contained in the paper substrate may be modified by physical and/or chemical methods as described, for example, in Chapters 13 and 15 respectively in Handbook for Pulp & Paper Technologists by G. A. Smook, 2 nd Edition Angus Wilde Publications, 1992. One example of a chemical modification of the cellulose fibre is the addition of an optical brightener as described, for example, in EP 884,312, EP 899,373, WO 02/055646, WO 2006/061399, WO 2007/017336, WO 2007/143182, US 2006-0185808, and US 2007-0193707. [0041] The sizing composition is prepared by adding the optical brightener (or optical brightener/polyvinyl alcohol mixture) and the divalent metal salt to a preformed aqueous solution of the binder at a temperature of between 20° C. and 90° C. Preferably the divalent metal salt is added before the optical brightener (or optical brightener/polyvinyl alcohol mixture), and at a temperature of between 50° C. and 70° C. [0042] The paper substrate containing the sizing composition and of the present invention may have any ISO brightness, including ISO brightness that is at least 80, at least 90 and at least 95. [0043] The paper substrate of the present invention may have any CIE Whiteness, including at least 130, at least 146, at least 150, and at least 156. The sizing composition has a tendency to enhance the CIE Whiteness of a sheet as compared to conventional sizing compositions containing similar levels of optical brighteners. [0044] The sizing composition of the present invention has a decreased tendency to green a sheet to which it has been applied as compared to that of conventional sizing compositions containing comparable amounts of optical brighteners. Greening is a phenomenon related to saturation of the sheet such that a sheet does not increase in whiteness even as the amount of optical brightener is increased. The tendency to green is measured is indicated by from the a*-b* diagram, a* and b* being the colour coordinates in the CIE Lab system. Accordingly, the sizing composition of the present invention affords the user the ability to efficiently increase optical brightener concentrations on the paper in the presence of a divalent metal ion without reaching saturation, while at the same time maintaining or enhancing the CIE Whiteness and ISO Brightness of the paper. [0045] While the paper substrates of the present invention show enhanced properties suitable for inkjet printing, the substrates may also be used for multi-purpose and laserjet printing as well. These applications may include those requiring cut-size paper substrates, as well as paper roll substrates. [0046] The paper substrate of the present invention may contain an image. The image may be formed on the substrate with any substance including dye, pigment and toner. [0047] Once the image is formed on the substrate, the print density may be any optical print density including an optical print density that is at least 1.0, at least 1.2, at least 1.4, at least 1.6. Methods of measuring optical print density can be found in EP 1775141. [0048] The preparation of a compound of formula (1) in which M=Na and n=6 has been described previously in WO 02/060883 and WO 02/077106. No examples have been provided of the preparation of a compound of formula (1) in which M≠X and n<6. [0049] The compounds of formula (1) are prepared by stepwise reaction of a cyanuric halide with [0000] a) an amine of formula [0000] [0000] in the free acid, partial- or full salt form, (b) a diamine of formula [0000] in the free acid, partial- or full salt form, and c) diisopropanolamine of formula [0000] [0051] As a cyanuric halide there may be employed the fluoride, chloride or bromide. Cyanuric chloride is preferred. [0052] Each reaction may be carried out in an aqueous medium, the cyanuric halide being suspended in water, or in an aqueous/organic medium, the cyanuric halide being dissolved in a solvent such as acetone. Each amine may be introduced without dilution, or in the form of an aqueous solution or suspension. The amines can be reacted in any order, although it is preferred to react the aromatic amines first. Each amine may be reacted stoichiometrically, or in excess. Typically, the aromatic amines are reacted stoichimetrically, or in slight excess; diisopropanolamine is generally employed in an excess of 5-30% over stoichiometry. [0053] For substitution of the first halogen of the cyanuric halide, it is preferred to operate at a temperature in the range of 0 to 20° C., and under acidic to neutral pH conditions, preferably in the pH range of 2 to 7. For substitution of the second halogen of the cyanuric halide, it is preferred to operate at a temperature in the range of 20 to 60° C., and under weakly acidic to weakly alkaline conditions, preferably at a pH in the range of 4 to 8. For substitution of the third halogen of the cyanuric halide, it is preferred to operate at a temperature in the range of 60 to 102° C., and under weakly acidic to alkaline conditions, preferably at a pH in the range of 7 to 10. [0054] The pH of each reaction is generally controlled by addition of a suitable base, the choice of base being dictated by the desired product composition. Preferred bases are, for example, alkali metal (e.g., lithium, sodium or potassium) hydroxides, carbonates or bicarbonates, or aliphatic tertiary amines e.g. triethanolamine or triisopropanolamine. Where a combination of two or more different bases is used, the bases may be added in any order, or at the same time. [0055] Where it is necessary to adjust the reaction pH using acid, examples of acids that may be used include hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, formic acid and acetic acid. [0056] Aqueous solutions containing one or more compounds of general formula (1) may optionally be desalinated either by membrane filtration or by a sequence of precipitation followed by solution using an appropriate base. [0057] The preferred membrane filtration process is that of ultrafiltration using, e.g., polysulphone, polyvinylidenefluoride, cellulose acetate or thin-film membranes. EXAMPLES [0058] The following examples shall demonstrate the instant invention in more details. If not indicated otherwise, “parts” means “parts by weight” and “%” means “% by weight”. Example 1 [0059] Stage 1: [0060] 31.4 parts of aniline-2,5-disulphonic acid monosodium salt are added to 150 parts of water and dissolved with the aid of an approx. 30% sodium hydroxide solution at approx. 25° C. and a pH value of approx. 8-9. The obtained solution is added over a period of approx. 30 minutes to 18.8 parts of cyanuric chloride dispersed in 30 parts of water, 70 parts of ice and 0.1 part of an antifoaming agent. The temperature is kept below 5° C. using an ice/water bath and if necessary by adding ice into the reaction mixture. The pH is maintained at approx. 4-5 using an approx. 20% sodium carbonate solution. At the end of the addition, the pH is increased to approx. 6 using an approx. 20% sodium carbonate solution and stirring is continued at approx. 0-5° C. until completion of the reaction (3-4 hours). [0061] Stage 2: [0062] 8.8 parts of sodium bicarbonate are added to the reaction mixture. An aqueous solution, obtained by dissolving under nitrogen 18.5 parts of 4,4′-diaminostilbene-2,2′-disulphonic acid in 80 parts of water with the aid of an approx. 30% sodium hydroxide solution at approx. 45-50° C. and a pH value of approx. 8-9, is dropped into the reaction mixture. The resulting mixture is heated at approx. 45-50° C. until completion of the reaction (3-4 hours). [0063] Stage 3: [0064] 17.7 parts of Diisopropanolamine are then added and the temperature is gradually raised to approx. 85-90° C. and maintained at this temperature until completion of the reaction (2-3 hours) while keeping the pH at approx. 8-9 using an approx. 30% sodium hydroxide solution. The temperature is then decreased to 50° C. and the reaction mixture is filtered and cooled down to room temperature. The solution is adjusted to strength to give an aqueous solution of a compound of formula (1) in which M=X=Na and n=6 (0.125 mol/kg, 17.8%). Example 2 [0065] An aqueous solution of a compound of formula (1) in which M=Na, X=K and 4.5≦n≦5.5 (0.125 mol/kg, approx. 18.0%) is obtained following the same procedure as in Example 1 with the sole difference that an approx. 30% potassium hydroxide solution is used instead of an approx. 30% sodium hydroxide solution in Stage 3. Example 3 [0066] An aqueous solution of a compound of formula (1) in which M=Na, X=K and 2.5≦n≦4.5 (0.125 mol/kg, approx. 18.3%) is obtained following the same procedure as in Example 1 with the sole differences that 10 parts of potassium bicarbonate are used instead of 8.8 parts of sodium bicarbonate in Stage 2 and an approx. 30% potassium hydroxide solution is used instead of an approx. 30% sodium hydroxide solution in Stages 2 and 3. Example 4 [0067] An aqueous solution of a compound of formula (1) in which M=Na, X=K and 0≦n≦2.5 (0.125 mol/kg, approx. 18.8%) is obtained following the same procedure as in Example 1 with the sole differences that an approx. 30% potassium hydroxide solution is used in place of an approx. 30% sodium hydroxide solution in Stages 1, 2 and 3, an approx. 20% potassium carbonate solution is used instead of an approx. 20% sodium carbonate solution in Stage 1, and 10 parts of potassium bicarbonate are used instead of 8.8 parts of sodium bicarbonate in Stage 2. Example 5 [0068] An aqueous solution of a compound of formula (1) in which M=Na, X=Li and 4.5≦n≦5.9 (0.125 mol/kg, approx. 17.7%) is obtained following the same procedure as in Example 1 with the sole difference that an approx. 10% lithium hydroxide solution is used instead of an approx. 30% sodium hydroxide solution in Stage 3. Example 6 [0069] An aqueous solution of a compound of formula (1) in which M=Na, X=Li and 2.5≦n≦4.5 (0.125 mol/kg, approx. 17.3%) is obtained following the same procedure as in Example 1 with the sole differences that 3.7 parts of lithium carbonate are used instead of 8.8 parts of sodium bicarbonate in Stage 2 and an approx. 10% lithium hydroxide solution is used instead of an approx. 30% sodium hydroxide solution in Stages 2 and 3. Example 7 [0070] A compound of formula (1) in which M=H is isolated by precipitation with concentrated hydrochloric acid of the concentrated solution of the compound of formula (1) obtained in Example 1, followed by filtration. The presscake is then dissolved in an aqueous solution of 7 equivalents of triethanolamine to give an aqueous solution of a compound of formula (1) in which M=Na, X=triethanolammonium and 1≦n≦3 (0.125 mol/kg, approx. 24.2%). Example 8 [0071] Optical brightening solution 8 is produced by stirring together an aqueous solution containing compound of formula (1) in which M=Na, X=K and 0≦n≦2.5 prepared according to example 4, a polyvinyl alcohol having a degree of hydrolysis of 85% and a Brookfield viscosity of 3.4-4.0 mPa·s and water while heating to 90-95° C., until a clear solution is obtained that remains stable after cooling to room temperature. [0075] The parts of each component are selected in order to get a final aqueous solution 8 comprising a compound of formula (1) in which M=Na, X=K and 0≦n≦2.5 prepared according to example 4 at a concentration of 0.125 mol/kg and 2.5% of a polyvinyl alcohol having a degree of hydrolysis of 85% and a Brookfield viscosity of 3.4-4.0 mPa·s. The pH of solution 8 is in the range 8-9. Application Examples 1 to 8 [0076] Sizing compositions are prepared by adding an aqueous solution of a compound of formula (1) prepared according to Examples 1 to 8 at a range of concentrations from 0 to 50 g/l (from 0 to approx. 12.5 g/l of optical brightener) to a stirred, aqueous solution of calcium chloride (35 g/l) and an anionic starch (50 g/l) (Penford Starch 260) at 60° C. The sizing solution is allowed to cool, then poured between the moving rollers of a laboratory size-press and applied to a commercial 75 g/m 2 AKD (alkyl ketene dimer) sized, bleached paper base sheet. The treated paper is dried for 5 minutes at 70° C. in a flat bed drier. [0077] The dried paper is allowed to condition, and then measured for CIE whiteness on a calibrated Auto Elrepho spectrophotometer. The results are shown in Table 1. Comparative Example 1 [0078] Sizing compositions are prepared by adding an aqueous solution of the Hexasulfo-compound disclosed in the table on page 8 of the US 2005/0124755 A1 at a range of concentrations from 0 to 50 g/l (from 0 to approx. 12.5 g/l of optical brightener) to a stirred, aqueous solution of calcium chloride (35 g/l) and an anionic starch (50 g/l) (Penford Starch 260) at 60° C. The sizing solution is allowed to cool, then poured between the moving rollers of a laboratory size-press and applied to a commercial 75 g/m 2 AKD (alkyl ketene dimer) sized, bleached paper base sheet. The treated paper is dried for 5 minutes at 70° C. in a flat bed drier. [0079] The dried paper is allowed to condition, and then measured for CIE whiteness on a calibrated Auto Elrepho spectrophotometer. The results are shown in Table 1. [0000] TABLE 1 CIE Whiteness Com- parative Conc. Application example exam- g/l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ple 1 0 103.7 103.7 103.7 103.7 103.7 103.7 103.7 103.7 103.7 20 130.3 131.4 131.7 131.9 131.4 131.7 132.0 132.2 129.0 30 134.7 135.0 135.4 135.8 134.7 135.1 135.9 136.5 132.5 40 137.3 137.8 138.0 138.3 137.1 137.2 138.5 139.8 134.6 50 140.3 140.7 141.2 141.7 139.8 140.4 142.0 143.0 138.0 [0080] The results in Table 1 clearly demonstrate the excellent whitening effect afforded by the compositions of the invention. [0081] Printability evaluation was done with a black pigment ink applied to the paper using a draw down rod and allowed to dry. [0082] Optical density was measured using an Ihara Optical Densitometer R710. The results are shown in Table 2. [0000] TABLE 2 Optical Density Paper sheet treated 2 1.02 according to application 4 1.12 example 7 1.06 Paper sheet treated 1 1.02 according to comparative example Optical Density = log 10 1/R Where R = Reflectance [0083] The results in Table 2 show that the composition of the invention has no adverse effect on ink print density.
The instant invention relates to liquid compositions comprising derivatives of diaminostilbene, binders and ink fixing agents such as divalent metal salts for the optical brightening of substrates suitable for high quality ink jet printing.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to disengageable linear stepper electric motors of the type comprising a multipole stator in the bore of which a rotor of smaller diameter revolves cycloidally. To transform this rotational movement into a linear axial movement, the bore of the stator is tapped whereas the rotor comprises on its peripheral portion parallel scores or else a thread compatible with the tapping of the stator. A drive rod, axially fast with the rotor, is thus driven in linear translation. 2. Description of the Prior Art Motors of this type are already known, an example is described in the European patent application No. 0 078 740. Such devices are used particularly for controlling regulation systems. In these systems, the drive rod, which moves linearly and step by step controls regulation members. It is often called control rod. A characteristic of these devices is that, if special precautions are not taken, the motor bathes in the gas or liquid medium to be regulated. This is of little importance when this medium is air, for example, but the same cannot be said when this medium comprises dangerous, particularly explosive, liquids or gases. In this case, since the stator environment is an electrically active environment, there is a danger of explosion. In addition, it is generally necessary that the motor does not offer to the dangerous liquid or gas a passage to the outside environment which must remain protected. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The object of the invention is to overcome this drawback. For this, it provides a disengageable linear stepper electric motor comprising a multipole stator in the bore of which a rotor of smaller diameter revolves cycloidally, comprising sealing means disposed between the rotor environment and the stator environment for isolating said stator environment and so the environment outside the motor, from said rotor environment. The rotor volume of the motor of the invention may thus communicate freely with a volume containing a dangerous gas or liquid, without the result being a danger of explosion, or leaking of this gas or liquid to the outside. Advantageously, the sealing means comprise resilient means and rigid means for supporting said resilient means and compressing them against two cylindrical annular surfaces integral respectively with the two ends of the bore of said stator and against the edges of two cylindrical sleeves housing said rotor. As will be better understood hereafter, such an arrangement is compatible with a stator having reduced thickness in the between pole gaps, which improves the performances of the motor. Advantageously again, said rigid means comprise bearing rings with L shaped section and said resilient means comprise O seals. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The present invention will be better understood from the following description of the preferred embodiment of the motor of the invention with reference to the accompanying drawings in which: FIG. 1 is a general axial sectional view of the motor of the invention; FIG. 2 is a detailed partial section showing the arrangement of the seals of the motor of FIG. 1; and FIG. 3 is a front view of the stator of the motor of FIG. 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT Referring to the figures, a motor comprises a cylindrical carcase 1, closed on one side by a front flange 2 and on the other side by a rear flange 3. Inside the carcase 1 a stator 4 is fitted, in a substantially median position, having a cylindrical bore and four poles disposed in the form of a cross, whose arms are offset by 90° with respect to each other. Each of the four arms is surrounded by a coil 5 fed with electric power so as to provide operation of the motor. The front flange 2 comprises a tubular extension forming a sleeve 6 extending inwardly of the motor in a direction perpendicular to the plane of said flange so as to cooperate by contact with the front face 51 of the stator 4, as will be explained further on. Similarly, the rear face 52 of stator 4 cooperates with a frusto-conical sleeve 7 closed at its opposite end 8. This sleeve 7 comprises two portions 9, 10 of different mean diameters in the extension of each other and of substantially equivalent heights, the first portion 9 housed inside the motor has an inner diameter substantially greater than that of the bore of the stator and a height at least equal to the stroke of the rotor in its operation when passing from an endmost position to its other endmost position. The second portion 10 of smaller mean diameter has an inner diameter substantially greater than that of a drive rod 20 fast axially with the rotor 11 and its height is at least equal to the maximum stroke of rotor 11. The drive rod or control rod 20 is intended to control a regulation member, not shown, for example. The rear flange 3 of the motor of a generally circular shape has at its center a bore substantially greater than the outer diameter of portion 10 of sleeve 7 and cooperates with said sleeve 7 by bearing against the shoulder formed by the circular ring resulting from the difference of respective outer diameters of portions 9 and 10 of sleeve 7, so as to hold it in abutment against the rear face 52 of stator 4. Referring to FIG. 3, so as to make the magnetic flux towards the rotor 11 maximum, the thickness of the stator in the gaps between poles, i.e. in the bisector planes of the angles formed by the planes of the four stator poles, is reduced to a minimum and does not allow an efficient surface to be provided for a seal which would be disposed against the flat ends of the stator. To overcome this drawback, and as shown in FIG. 2, which is an enlarged view of two details of the left-hand portion of FIG. 1, two rigid rings 12 and 120 with an L shaped section having two legs of substantially equal lengths and of a diameter substantially greater than the diameter of the bore of stator 4 are placed on each side of the latter and along the same axis. The portion in the form of a flat annulus of the two rings 12, 120 bears respectively on the front 51 and rear 52 faces of the stator. The cylindrical shaped part of the two rings 12, 120 forms with said flat annulus shaped portion a rightangle whose bisector is directed towards the axis of the stator and respectively towards the front 2 and rear 3 flanges of the motor. Each of these two rings 12, 120 thus forms, with a wall 40, 400 forming a cylindrical extension of the surface of the bore of stator 4, a circular groove for housing a sealing element 13, 130. Here, each of these two sealing elements is an O seal made from a resilient material. Thus, the circular annulus shaped surface of each of the two rings 12, 120 compresses each of the seals 13, 130 against each of the cylindrical outer annular surfaces 41 and 401 of walls 40, 400 respectively, integral with the ends of the bore of stator 4. Similarly, the flat annulus shaped portion of each of the two rings 12, 120 compresses each of the seals 13, 130 respectively against the flat ring shaped end, or edge, 61 of sleeve 6 and against the flat ring shaped end, or edge, 71 of sleeve 7, respectively. Thus, sealing contact between each of seals 12, 120 and stator 4 takes place along a cylindrical surface, whereas the sealing contact between each of seals 12, 120 and sleeves 6 and 7 housing the rotor 11 takes place along a flat annular surface. The result is that the existence in the gaps between the poles of zones in which the stator is no thicker than the walls 40, 400 does not prevent good sealing. In fact, in the zones where the flat annulus shaped portion of each of rings 12, 120 is not supported by stator 4, the rigidity of rings 12, 120 means that seals 13, 130 supported by these rings 12, 120 remain nevertheless compressed against edges 61 and 71 and provide good sealing. In addition, because the sealing between seals 13, 130 and the stator is provided along cylindrical annular surfaces 41 and 401, the end narrowing of the width of faces 51 and 52 in the zones between the poles has no influence on the sealing quality. A shoulder 14, 140 formed in the ends of each of sleeves 6 and 7 may cooperate by contact with abutment surfaces 50, 500 of the stator, in the form of crenellations extending along an arc of a circle, providing mechanical locking of the stator in position and limiting the fouling up of the sealing elements 13, 130. In a motor comprising such sealing elements, the rotor environment A and the stator environment B are isolated from each other and, at the same time, the rotor environment A is isolated from the outside environment, such a motor being particularly well adapted to devices for regulating dangerous or harmful gases as well as devices for regulating liquids.
A disengageable linear stepper electric motor is provided comprising a multipole stator in the bore of which a rotor of smaller diameter revolves cycloidally, and sealing means for isolating the stator environment and so the environment outside the motor from the rotor environment.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0001] This invention relates to a package for the storage of waste, which is suitable for ultra-long safe ultimate disposal, having a moisture-impermeable, corrosion-resistant graphite matrix and at least one waste compartment which is embedded into the matrix. Furthermore, a method for producing the packages and their use are described. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] The term “waste” refers to any kind of waste; preferably waste that emits radioactive radiation and that contains fission and decay products, respectively. This invention is particularly suitable for the ultimate disposal of waste with high level radioactivity, so called High Level Waste (HLW). This is for example the waste, which accrues with the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel elements. Besides, spent nuclear fuel elements that are not reprocessed are classified as HLW among others. [0003] In Europe alone, there are currently about 8000 cubic meters HLW from reprocessing plants in intermediate-storage facilities. Each year, approximately 280 cubic meters are added. All currently available materials and procedures for the inclusion of such HLW-waste are not suitable for ultimate disposal so far. [0004] With the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel elements for example from a light water reactor having a power of 1000 MWe, 720 kg of waste with high level radioactivity accrue each year. After the nuclear fuel reprocessing the waste is in the form of a liquid and is usually converted into a solid form by calcination. Unfortunately, the decay heat and the half life periods of the single radionuclides differ from each other by several decimal powers. [0005] For conditioning and storage of HLW a series of methods have been developed with the intention to meet the requirements of an ultimate disposal site. [0006] To ensure safe ultra-long ultimate disposal of HLW, high demands are placed on the packages with regard to the corrosion resistance of the containers such that a penetration of moisture and a resulting corrosion, caused by the radiolysis, can be largely excluded in spite of the radioactive radiation and temperatures above 100° C. Still further, it is required that the mobility of the radionuclides by diffusion processes is as low as possible. [0007] At present, the method for producing HLW-containing glass-blocks is the most developed. The HLW arising from the reprocessing facility is preferably melted down in borosilicate glass and the produced glass blocks are introduced into stainless steel containers and consequently, represent the waste package. [0008] The vitrification of HLW-blocks is already carried out in the production scale. For this, production facilities in Marcoule and La Hague, France, were built among others, which are in operation since 1970. [0009] The outer steel containers are both corrosion protection layer as well as diffusion barrier for radionuclides. The corrosion resistance of the containers particularly depends on the type of container, the moisture hat is present and the associated radiolysis at temperatures above 100° C. [0010] The drawback of all HLW-containing components surrounded by an outer metal container is the limited corrosion resistance of the metal containers. This is due to the fact that the metallic materials that are available up to now for producing containers have an expected maximum of corrosion resistance of at most about 10,000 years. Consequently, a safe entombment of the radioactive wastes beyond this period cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, the removal of decay heat from the known packages is hampered by the low thermal conductivity. [0011] Methods which include the coating of small HLW-particles have not been successful. This is due to the aggravated production conditions during the hot cell operation in the coating of the sintered waste particles in turbulent fluidized bed plants in connection with a high demand for carrier gases (up to 20 m 3 /hour), followed by the difficult and laborious conditioning of the particles. A further reason is the expensive disposal of the carrier gas. [0012] in Germany it is intended to entomb packages loaded with HLW in salt rock boreholes or caverns and to seal the same after entombment with salt materials (“Salzgruβ”) or salt concrete. A consent agreement on this concept has, however, not been found so far. Once again, an evaluation of potential disposal sites in Germany is carried out since 2002. [0013] The steel containers according to the prior art have the function of avoiding corrosion of the steel container as well as of preventing the diffusion of the radionuclides from the HLW-containing components such as glass blocks. [0014] As the corrosion resistance of the outer steel containers is limited to at most 10,000 years according to the current state of the art, a safe inclusion of the radionuclides beyond this period cannot be guaranteed. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0015] Thus, it is the object of the invention to provide packages for the storage of waste, which allow for an safe ultra-long ultimate disposal of such waste and can be produced cost-effectively. [0016] The object is solved by the subject-matter of the patent claims. [0017] The packages according to the present invention comprise a matrix and waste compartments embedded into this matrix. The waste compartments preferably comprise waste-containing composite-pressed elements (e.g. rods), which are seamlessly surrounded by a metallic shell. Thus, the waste compartments preferably have waste products in a metallic shell. The waste products can be mixed with a binder, which is preferably glass. The matrix comprises graphite and glass as inorganic binder. [0018] The waste products can preferably be selected from spent nuclear fuel elements. [0019] Using the term “waste products” in this specification implies that said waste is usually a mixture of several products. In accordance with the present invention, the term, however, also covers products that consist of a single component. [0020] The package is characterized by an inverse configuration (inverse design). In contrast to the already known packages with glass blocks which are surrounded by an outer steel container, the waste compartments of the waste packages according to the present invention are embedded into a corrosion-resistant, moisture-impermeable glass-graphite-matrix (impermeable Graphite-Glass-Matrix, IGG-Matrix). In this context, it is essential that the function of the outer steel container is shifted into the inner package area by the metal shell of the waste products, hence “inverse design”. [0021] The requirements to prevent corrosion as well as diffusion of the radionuclides are met apart from each other in the packages according to the present invention. The IGG-Matrix is preferably free of pores and has a high density, which is close to the theoretical density, and is, thus, moisture-impermeable and corrosion-resistant. The inner metal shell acts as a diffusion barrier. [0022] Due to the high corrosion resistance of the IGG-Matrix on the one hand and the intact metal shell of the embedded waste in the inner area of the package on the other hand, any release of radionuclides into the biosphere from the packages which are finally disposed is prevented for an ultra-long time frame (more than 1 million of years). [0023] According to the present invention, an impermeable and corrosion-resistant graphite matrix with glass as inorganic binder has been developed for the integration of waste. [0024] Graphite is a material, which is known to have a high corrosion resistance as well as stability against radiation. This is already confirmed for the natural graphite being present in unchanged form in the nature for millions of years. [0025] The portion of graphite in the matrix preferably amounts to 60 to 90% by weight. It is preferred that the graphite is natural graphite or synthetic graphite or a mixture) of both components. It is especially preferred that the graphite portion in the matrix material according to the present invention consists of 60% by weight to 100% by weight of natural graphite and 0% by weight to 40% by weight of synthetic graphite. The synthetic graphite can also be referred to as graphitized electrographite powder. [0026] Natural graphite has the advantage that it is well-priced, that the graphite grain has no nano-cracks and that it can be compressed into molded bodies with nearly theoretical density by applying moderate pressure. [0027] The glass which is used as binder according to the present invention is preferably borosilicate glass. The advantage of borosilicate glasses is their good corrosion stability. Borosilicate glasses are glasses with high chemical and temperature resistance. The good chemical resistance, for example against water and many chemicals can be explained by the boron content of the glasses. The temperature resistance and the insensitiveness of the borosilicate glasses against abrupt fluctuations of temperature are the result of the low coefficient of thermal expansion of about 3.3×10 −6 K −1 . Common borosilicate glasses are for example Duran®, Pyrex®, Ilmabon®, Simax®, Solidex® and Fiolax®. Furthermore, the binders according to the present invention have the advantage that they do not form gaseous crack products during the heat treatment which lead to the formation of pores in the matrix. This means that the inorganic binders according to the present invention are not part of reaction processes and, thus, no pores are formed. The used inorganic binder has the advantage that it closes pores which nevertheless might be formed, leading to the described high density, the impermeability to moisture and the exceptional corrosion resistance. [0028] It is favorable that the inorganic binder is used in an amount of up to 40% by weight in the matrix. Further preferred, the inorganic binder is present in an amount of 10 to 30% by weight in the matrix and more preferably in an amount of 15 to 25% by weight in the matrix. [0029] It has been shown that such a matrix is suitable to act as a corrosion barrier for an ultra-long time frame. In combination with the configuration of the waste compartments according to the present invention, the exceptional properties of the packages are obtained. In particular, the matrix is essentially free of pores and has a density, which is preferably in the range >99% of the theoretical density. It is important that the graphite matrix has a high density to prevent ingress of moisture into the package. This is guaranteed by the selection of materials on the one hand and by the method for production on the other hand. [0030] The dissipation of decay heat of the radionuclides is remarkably improved by the embedment of the waste products in metal-encased form into the IGG-Matrix according to the present invention, which is due to the high thermal conductivity of the IGG-Matrix. [0031] Basically, the waste products can have any imaginable shape. The waste products are preferably cylindrical in shape to achieve a good utilization of the package volume. This is especially true, if the waste package has the preferred form of a hexagonal prism. The packages preferably have a wrench size of 400 to 600 mm and a preferred height of 800 to 1200 mm. [0032] 210 waste compartments in the form of rods can be arranged with a trigonal 8-series design in such a hexagonal prism. One part thereof (5-10%) can be covered with absorber rods for neutron absorption. B 4 C can be used as absorber material. [0033] The IGG-Matrix can be produced by mixing the raw materials in powdered form, The press powder is preferably manufactured by mixing the graphite powder with the glass powder. The press powder may contain auxiliary excipients in amounts of several percent based on the total amount. These are for example auxiliary press materials, which may comprise alcohols. [0034] The graphite powder is preferably used with a grain diameter of <30 μm. The remaining components preferably have nearly the same gain size like the graphite powder. [0035] Preferably, a granulate is produced from the press powder. For producing a granulate, the raw materials, especially the two components, graphite powder and glass powder, are mixed together, compacted and subsequently crushed and sieved to form a granulate having a grain size of less than 3.14 mm and more than 0.31 mm. [0036] From the granulate, a base body that is easy to handle and has recesses for receipt of metal-encased waste such as waste-containing composite-pressed rods or columns is pre-pressed. Pre-pressing is for example carried out in a four-column-press with three hydraulic drives. The press die is detached from the lower yoke of the press and is solely positioned by means of a centering stop. [0037] For producing the recesses, forming rods that are composed of two parts are used according to the present invention: [0038] A formative part of the rod with a higher diameter that is located on a thinner carrier rod. [0039] Initially, a lower punch is moved upwards such that the required filling space is obtained up to the top edge of the die. A pre-dosed granulate portion is uniformly poured in, at first pre-pressed with the upper punch and then pushed down with the upper punch along with an unlocked lower punch such that the same filling space up to the top edge of the die is obtained. This procedure is repeated until the required length of the compacted briquette is obtained. As the required pressure for pushing is always below the pressure for pressurizing, it is possible to produce the pre-pressed base body over the whole length without density gradient. This is an important requirement to avoid any bending of the waste compartments during final pressing. [0040] According to the present invention, both process steps, forming of a granulate and pre-pressing of the base body are carried out outside hot cells (remote operations). [0041] The production of waste-containing HLW composite-pressed waste compartments is carried out in hot cells. Therefore, metal shells (preferably consisting of copper) are loaded with a preferably homogenous mixture of radioactive waste and glass as binder. After sealing the loaded shells, they are heated in an extrusion press and extruded to form composite-pressed waste compartments. [0042] Such a modified procedure is also suitable for the production of waste packages with spent and not preprocessed nuclear fuel elements consisting of for example LWR and SWR (light water reactor and heavy water reactor). [0043] As the rods of LWR have lengths of up to 4800 mm, they are first introduced into copper tubes, then formed to spiral-shaped bodies and subsequently embedded into the graphite-glass-matrix in layers. [0044] Furthermore, the modified procedure is also suitable for safe ultimate disposal of irradiated graphite which is contaminated with radioisotopes from graphite-moderated nuclear power plants such as Magnox or AGR from UK, UNGG from France and RBMK from Russia. [0045] The waste package according to the present invention is for example modeled on the Dragon-18-Pin-BE-design for high temperature reactors. The package is preferably a hexagonal prism having a wrench size of 500 mm and a height of 1000 mm. To decrease the temperature for final hot-pressing of the waste packages and, thus, to be able to use tools made of conventional steel as well as to abbreviate the press cycle (heating and cooling), a low melting borosilicate glass is preferably used as a binder and an aluminium-magnesium-alloy, especially AlMg1, is preferably used for the metal shells (cylinders) instead of cooper. As the decay heat is negligibly low compared with high-level radioactive waste, the diameter of the recesses for the cylinders loaded with irradiated graphite (1G) is increased to 80 mm, Accordingly, about 120 kg irradiated graphite can be embedded into the suggested waste package. [0046] The invention comprises the method for producing a package for the storage of waste products with the steps: filling the waste products into a metal shell, compressing the waste products, assembling the one or more encased waste products with a mixture of graphite and glass, preferably in the form of a base body, to form a compacted briquette, final pressing of the compacted briquette to form a package. [0047] According to this method, the waste products are preferably filled into the metal shell admixed with glass. [0048] The compression of the waste products is preferably carried out by pressing. Preferred compression methods also comprise forging besides extrusion pressing and hot-isostatic pressing (HIP). [0049] The invention also relates to a waste compartment comprising a mixture of at least one waste product with glass in a metal shell. Besides, this waste compartment has the properties of the waste compartments which are described above as part of the waste packages. [0050] The use of a waste package described above for the storage of radioactive waste is also in accordance with the present invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0051] FIG. 1 shows the package is a prism made of IGG-Matrix, which comprises the composite-pressed waste compartments in the form of rods encased with copper; [0052] FIG. 2 shows the package is an IGG-Matrix base material including spent nuclear fuel elements that are not reprocessed, for ultra-long storage, fuel element will be pushed into tubular shells made of copper with a gap width of about 1 mm and embedded into the IGG-Matrix. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0053] The following examples further illustrate the invention of waste packages and their production without limiting the scope of the invention. Example 1 Design and Production of a Waste Package With HLW [0054] The package is a prism made of IGG-Matrix, which comprises the composite-pressed waste compartments in the form of rods encased with copper. [0055] Nuclear grade natural graphite having a grain diameter of less than 30 μm of the company Kropfmühl and a borosilicate glass having the same grain size with a melting point of about 1000° C. provided by the company Schott served as raw materials. [0056] Both components were blended with, mass ratio of natural graphite to glass of 5:1 and pressed with the compactor Bepex L 200/50 P (company Hosokawa) to form briquettes, The density of the briquette was 1.9 g/cm 3 . A granulate having a grain size of less than 3.14 mm and more than 0.31 mm and a bulk density of about 1 g/cm 3 was provided after subsequent crushing and sieving. [0057] For producing the base body having recesses for receiving the rods, the pre-pressing was carried out in several subsequent steps. The diameter of the forming rods was 0.2 mm larger than the diameter of the carrier rods. The pressure was 40 MN/m 2 and the pushing pressure was less than 20 MN/m 2 during the whole briquette building process. [0058] After the construction, the forming rods were drawn from the top and the carrier rods were removed by pulling them downwards. [0059] For producing composite-pressed, waste-containing rods, the copper cylinders were loaded with a homogenous mixture of HLW-simulate in borosilicate powder. After sealing, the cylinders were heated in an extrusion press to 1000° C. and extruded to composite-pressed rods with a narrowing grade of 3. A density of about 90% of the theoretical density, based on the waste, was obtained in the rods. [0060] After assembling the base body with the composite-pressed waste rods, it was heated to 1000° C. and processed for finalisation. The final pressing is a dynamic pressing. The briquette is moved at full load in the die alternately by the upper and the lower punch. After cooling down to 200° C., the briquette was ejected from the tool. Example 2 Production of Waste Packages With Spent Nuclear Fuel Elements That are Not Reprocessed [0061] For producing the packages, fuel element dummies were pushed into tubular metal shells made of copper with a gap width of about 1 mm. After sealing the rods, they were processed to composite-pressed, gap-free rods by means of extrusion at 1000° C. Subsequently, the rods are formed into spiral-shaped bodies and embedded into the glass-graphite-granulate analogous to the production of the base bodies. The final pressing of the waste packages is described in Example 1. [0062] For characterization of the IGG-Matrix, specimens have been taken from the test-package in parallel (axial) and perpendicular (radial) to the pressing direction and their chemical and physical properties were determined. The results are presented in the following table: [0000] density (g/cm 3 ) 2.23 (99% of the theoretical density) compressive strength (MN/m 2 ) radial 70 axial 52 bending strengths radial 35 axial 26 linear thermal expansion (20-500° C. (μm/m K)) radial 9.2 axial 14.8 thermal conductivity (W/cm K) radial 0.8 axial 0.4 [0063] The corrosion tests carried out in quinary carnallite basic solution at 95° C. (composition in % by weight: MgCl 2 26.5, KCl 7,7, MgSO 4 1.5, NaCl saturated, balance H 2 O) gave a corrosion value of 1.1×10 −4 g/m 2 d. Under this assumption, a penetration depth of less than 1.2 cm after about one million of years by surface corrosion has to he expected. Example 3 Waste Package for Disposal of Irradiated and Contaminated Graphite (Irradiated Graphite, IG) [0064] A basic body having 19 recesses with a diameter of 81 mm was produced from the graphite-glass-granulate analogous to Example 1 Subsequently, the hollow cylinders made of AlMg1-alloy were filed with a homogenous mixture of glass and IG-graphite. After loading the cylinders, they were sealed and rods having a diameter of 80 mm were formed by extrusion at 500° C. A density of the rods of 1.75 g/cm 3 was obtained based on the IG-graphite in the matrix. After assembling the base body, the same was processed for finalisation analogous to Example 1. [0065] All results match the measured values of the IGG-Matrix given in Example 1 except for the corrosion value which is two-times higher and has a value of 2.3 g/m 2 d.
A package for storing radioactive waste, which is suitable for safe, ultra-long ultimate disposal having a moisture-impermeable, corrosion-resistant graphite matrix and metal-encased waste products, which are embedded into the matrix. A method for producing such packages is also part of the invention.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to control of operation of movable security barriers and more particularly to optimizing the speed with which such barriers open and close. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The speed with which a security gate can safely open and close is dependent on the length and mass of the gate. The safe speed is inversely proportional to the length and mass of the gate. A swinging gate eight feet in length and of moderate mass can safely open and close in eight seconds. However, a gate 16 feet in length can only safety open and close in 13 seconds or more. To attempt to force a gate to open or close at speed faster than the safe speed subjects it to stress and forces that could damage the gate or injure those in the vicinity of the gate. One of the disadvantages of a movable security gate or barrier is that every time one has to pass through it they have to wait for it to open or close. Additionally, having to go through a security gate or barrier numerous times during a short time period such as during anyone day can be tedious and frustrating since one has to stop and wait for the gate to open or close. Attempts to speed up movement of the gate can result in a dangerous situation if the gate is moving too fast. As noted above excessive speed of movement of the gate can put stress on the gate and cause it to malfunction or break. Also, excessive speed of movement for a gate can create dangerous situations that can cause injury to those in the vicinity of the gate or passing through the opening the gate covers. In the past to avoid a security gate installation that had a gate that might be operating at an excessive speed security gate manufactures often produced gate controllers that limited the speed a gate attached to the controller to the Lowest common denominator. The lowest common denominator being the speed a gate 16 feet in Length might be able to open at. If the controller was installed with a gate 16 feet in length it was operating the gate at its maximum safe speed. However, if the controller was installed at a location with an eight feet the gate would not be operating at its optimal speed. One alternative has been to allow the speed to be adjusted upon installation of the controller with the security gate. However, this relied on the judgment of the dealer installing the system or the owner of the system. In such situations it has been found that they all tend to set the speed of movement of the gate at an excessive speed that tends to cause damage to the gate and injury to those using the system. This in turn has naturally resulted in product liability claims and other problems. Thus, to avoid these problems most security gate manufactures preset the speed the controller will operate at to one that will be safe for the intended installation or to the slowest safe speed. Thus, what is needed is a system and method that will allow for the setting of the optimal safe speed for a security gate to operate at. Such a system and method should be fail safe and allow of the automatic setting of the fastest safe speed the particular gate the controller is being installed at can operate at. SUMMARY It is an objective of the present invention to provide a system and method that allows the setting of a safe speed for a gate to operate at while still operating at its optimal fastest speed. It is an additional objective to provide a system that is tamper proof, and can sense the size of the gate and set the appropriate speed of operation, based on various preset criterion. The present invention accomplishes these and other objectives by providing a barrier movement control apparatus, the apparatus that has: a) an ultrasonic measurement device positioned to measure a length of a barrier; b) an analysis unit to determine various characteristics of the barrier in communicative connection with the ultrasonic measurement device which generates a state signal based on information obtained from the ultrasonic measurement unit; and c) a barrier control unit responsive to a state signal from the analysis unit which controls the barrier operational characteristics based on the state signal. In an additional aspect of the present invention ultrasonic measurement device can be selected from a group of: a master and slave unit positioned for measurement of the length of the barrier; a transceiver reflector unit positioned for measurement of the length of the barrier; or a transmitter unit, reflector unit and sensor unit positioned for measurement of the length of the barrier. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The invention will be better understood by an examination of the following description, together with the accompanying drawings, in which: FIG. 1 is a graph of a gate speed profile for gate length based a calculation using gate length and mass; FIG. 1A is a flowchart of a method for determining and setting speed based on the graph in FIG. 1 FIGS. 2A , 2 B and 2 C are three examples of gate time movement profiles based on the length of the gate; FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram of a first example of an installation of the ultrasonic measurement device of the present invention; FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of a second example of an installation of the ultrasonic measurement device of the present invention; FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram of a third example of an installation of the ultrasonic measurement device of the present invention; FIG. 6 provides a cut away a hollow gate strut with an ultrasonic measurement incorporated therein; and FIG. 7 . is schematic diagram of a security gate installation that incorporates the strut of FIG. 6 . DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT The present invention provides a method and apparatus that sets the optimal operational speed of a security gate or barrier, by providing a system that upon installation determines the length and if necessary the mass of the gate. Length of the gate is determined by use of ultrasonic based measuring devices to be discussed in detail below. Mass can be determined in a variety of different ways. Some of the systems and methods that can be used to determine mass are disclosed in co-pending patent applications owned by the applicant herein with Ser. Nos. 10/280,523 and 10/280,524 filed on Oct. 24, 2002, which applications are incorporated herein by reference as if set forth herein at length. The system includes a method of calculating an optimal speed graph 21 as depicted in FIG. 1 . In FIG. 1 speed of movement is set out along the Y-axis and gate length is set along the X-axis In its simplest form the optimal speed graph 21 of a gate is a straight-line graph that is determined by a combination of the mass M of a particular gate, its length L and a constant K. Thus speed is calculated by the system with the following equation: Speed= M*L+K   (w/o mass) Speed= M L W+K   (With Mass [W]) The system based on the above equation then calculates a speed graph as depicted in FIG. 1 and based on this graph and the gate length, sets the maximum speed the gate can safely and optimally operate at. For example, in one setup, the system could be calibrated so that a gate eight feet long, would optimally move between the open and closed position in eight seconds, and optimally, a gate twenty feet long would move between the open and closed positions in thirteen seconds. Based on the set values for an 8 foot and 20 foot gate, the mathematical formula for a straight line can be calculated as depicted in FIG. 1 . In this situation we would consider the “proportional linear operator” as a slope of the line. This would be calculated by as follows; where X equals the distance and Y equals the time of movement: M = Slope = 13 ⁢ ⁢ sec - 8 ⁢ ⁢ sec 20 ⁢ ⁢ ft . - 8 ⁢ ⁢ ft = 0.416 ⁢ ⁢ sec ft Since we are working with an equation for a straight line, i.e. Y=MX+B the value for B such as an offset would have to be calculated, and that would be as follows: B =offset=−( M ·length @8 sec−8 sec)=4.672 DesiredSpeed = ( 0.416 ⁢ ⁢ sec ft ) · ( legthofgate ) + 4.672 The above formula would have two constants proportionality to M in seconds per feet and an offset term of B in seconds. The values of M and B will be determined by the maximum and minimum desired speed of operation for maximum and minimum length of the gate. A CPU would then be able to calculate the speed as indicated in the flowchart FIG. 1A . The measure of the gate length would be determined 91 . If the gate length was less than the minimum length the CPU would use the minimal length for a calculation of L 93 . However, if the gate was not less than the minimal length, it would move to step 94 , and if it determined it was a maximum length or greater it would use the maximum length for L, thus the speed 96 would be accordingly calculated. There, obviously, being a lower limit of eight seconds for a gate eight feet or shorter, and there would be a maximum speed of thirteen seconds for a gate of twenty feet or longer. For lengths in between, the system would set the speed as indicated in the graph in FIG. 1 by the method set forth in FIG. 1A . The system and method of the present invention uses ultrasonic or ultrasound transmissions to measure the length of a gate. Ultrasonic or ultrasound, as is well known in the art, are sound wave transmissions beyond the range of the human hearing. Such sound transmissions are greater than 20,000 Hz. Ultrasound or ultrasonic transmissions offer a number of advantages in that they are not substantially affected by weather, visibility and can be made benign with respect to human contact. Additionally, they offer a very precise measurement tool. A detailed description of ultrasonic or ultrasound transmitters, transceivers or reflective medium is not included herein since these are well known in the art. FIG. 2 provides three graphs of speed of operation profiles of gates of varying length in sub FIGS. 2A , 2 B and 2 C. Speed of operation of each gate is set out along the Y-axis and the time each gate takes to move between the open and closed position or visa versa is set out along the X-axis. As can be seen the longest gate 23 FIG. 2A takes 20 seconds to move between the open and closed position. Also, its top speed as can be seen from graph is only at point 1 on graph 2 A. By contrast the profile of operation of a medium sized gate 25 depicted in FIG. 2B moves between the open and closed position within 10 seconds and reaches a higher speed at point 2 . Finally, the shortest gate 27 FIG. 2C reaches a faster speed at point 3 and moves between the closed and open position within 8 seconds. FIG. 3 provides one view of an installation of one version of the ultrasonic measuring device of the present invention with road or driveway 31 , fixed fence 33 , movable gate 35 and gate controller 37 . Additionally, an ultrasonic transceiver 39 is positioned on the gate controller 37 and an ultrasonic reflective medium 40 is positioned on the opposite side of gate 35 . Thus, when ultrasonic transceiver 39 generates ultrasonic waves, which it will do during installation or any time there after, it will reflect of off reflective medium 40 and be reflected back to transceiver 37 . In the typical case an analysis unit 43 will determine the length of the gate by the travel time of the waves between transceiver 39 and reflective medium 40 . The gate motor and gear system that translates the power generated by the motor to move arm 44 to swing open gate 35 is not shown since such aspects of the system are well known in the art. FIG. 4 depicts another version of the ultrasonic measurement device. Only the aspects of the device depicted in FIG. 4 that are different from FIG. 3 are given new reference numbers the rest are the same as FIG. 3 . In FIG. 4 an ultrasonic transmitter 51 is positioned on gate utility box 51 and beams ultrasonic waves towards slave unit 53 located at the other end of gate 35 . Slave unit 53 is communicatively connected by line 55 to master transmitter unit 51 . Upon receipt by slave unit 53 of ultrasonic transmissions slave unit 53 transmits this information to master unit 53 by connection 55 . Based on this information analysis unit 44 can calculate the length of the gate. In FIG. 4 gate 35 is a double swinging gate. FIG. 5 depicts a third version of the ultrasonic measuring device in this case it consists of an ultrasonic transmitter 71 , reflective medium 73 and a separate ultrasonic sensor 75 . The information on the time it takes the ultrasonic signal to move from transmitter 71 reflects off of 73 and is received by sensor 75 . Analysis unit 44 based on this information can make a determination as to length of gate 35 . FIG. 6 depicts another variation that the set up the ultrasonic measurement device can take. In this variation a transceiver 71 is located in the hollow strut of the gate structure itself. FIG. 6 being a cut away view of a gate strut. The ultrasonic waves generated by transceiver 79 would travel down strut 81 reflect off of the inside end 85 and the echo would be detected by transceiver 79 . Analysis unit 83 would make the appropriate calculations to determine length and communicate it to the gate operator. FIG. 7 is a view of a gate 91 that is formed in part by strut 81 . Transceiver 79 would transmit ultrasonic waves down strut 81 to its end 85 that would reflect it back to transceiver 79 that would pick up the reflected waves. In many cases gates of this type are made of extruded aluminum with a hollow core to provide a strong durable gate that is also relatively light and easy to move. Another method for calculating the optimal speed for opening and closing the gate based on its length which uses a straight line approximation as used above is as follows: Given the formula: Y=M*X+B for a straight line equation Where Y=calculated point And M=(Ymax−Ymin)/(Xmax−Xmin) Given Y=min and max time (or alternatively torque, motor speed, etc.) And X=min and max length of gate (or alternatively mass * length) And B=Ymax−M*Xmax The optimal speed can be calculated between the minimum and maximum speeds once the length of the gate is known. If the equation's X component is written for length and mass, then mass is determined and multiplied by the length. For this example, we will just use length and enter Y as time in seconds. Given: Ymax=15 seconds for gate length Xmax of 20 feet and Ymin=8 seconds for gate length Xmin of 6 feet. M= (15−8)/(20−6)=7/14=0.5 B= 15−(0.5*20)=15−10=5 If the gate length X is determined to be 12 feet, then the optimal speed Y=0.5*12+5 is calculated to be 11 seconds. Keep in mind that Y is not restricted to time in seconds but could be calculated to produce desired torque or motor speed or any other value that will accomplish the optimal time to open or close the gate. A software example in psuedo code is provided: #define M 0.5 #define B 5 #define Xmax 20 #define Xmin 6 GetGateLength (X); //read the gate length - > X If (X > Xmax) // check for min and max lengths  X = Xmax; If (X < Xmin)  X = Xmin; GateTime = X * M + B; //calculate optimal speed OpenGate (GateTime); // move the gate at calculated speed While the invention has been particularly shown and described with reference to a preferred embodiment thereof, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes in form and detail may be made to it without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
A method and system for controlling the speed of security gate depending on its length is disclosed. It includes a system for determining the length of a gate that the system is working with and which automatically sets the speed of movement of the gate based on length. The system works automatically so that human intervention is not necessary to set the optimal speed once installed.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Area rugs such as Oriental rugs have been in use in homes and offices for many years but the use of padding under these rugs to reduce shock in walking over the rugs is of relatively recent origin. It is now a common practice to lay Oriental rugs over wall-to-wall carpeting or large area carpeting that does not extend from wall to wall. The Oriental rug used in this fashion provides a special aesthetic decoration in a smaller area over the larger area of carpeting. Because many carpeting materials today are made of nylon or other synthetic fibers, it has been found that the Oriental rug laid over the nylon carpeting may not remain in the desired area after a period of usage because the Oriental rug tends to slip on the nylon carpeting. Accordingly, an underlay is needed to prevent such slippage. The general structure of the overlay in copending application Ser. No. 451,012 filed Dec. 20, 1982, is admirably suited for the purposes of the present invention except for the layer which would contact the nylon carpeting. That layer has been modified to provide the properties needed for purposes of this invention. It is an object of this invention to provide a novel rug underlay having nonslip characteristics when placed on top of carpeting. It is another object of this invention to provide a rug underlay of fibrous material having a uniform consistency, no unpleasant odor, and a clean appearance. It is still another object of this invention to provide a rug underlay having upper surface that grips the rug above it and a lower surface that does not slip on carpeting made from synthetic fiber materials. Still other objects will be apparent from a more detailed description of this invention which follows. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THIS INVENTION This invention provides a rug underlay comprising a central open lattice of stiffening material, an intermediate layer of fiber batting on each side of the lattice, needle punched through the lattice, an upper outer corrugated surface of heat fused fibers and a lower outer stiff layer of a mixture of clay and an elastomeric latex impregnated into the lower portion of the intermediate layer. In preferred embodiments of this invention the fiber batting comprises polypropylene fibers, the open lattice is a stiffening structure of polypropylene filaments bonded to each other in a square pattern, and the mixture of clay and latex comprises about 100 parts by weight latex and 50-100 parts by weight clay. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The novel features believed to be characteristic of this invention are set forth with particularity in the appended claims. The invention itself, however, both as to its organization and method of operation, together with further objects and advantages thereof, may best be understood by reference to the following description taken in connection with the accompanying drawings in which: FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration in perspective indicating how layers of the underlay are needle punched into an open lattice stiffener. FIG. 2 is a cross section through the rug underlay of this invention. FIG. 3 is a plan view of the top layer of the rug underlay with a portion thereof folded so as to show the lower outside layer of the underlay. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The central core of the rug underlay of this invention comprises at least two layers of fibrous material compressed into and attached by bonding or otherwise to the two outer surfaces of a central layer of stiffening material. This central core can be made in any of several ways but it has been found most desirable to perform it by a needle punching operation which is depicted in FIG. 1. An open lattice 10 of flexible stiffening material is overlaid with a layer of fiber batting 11 and subjected to a needle punching operation in a press in which a plurality of closely spaced, barbed needles 12 are punched through batting 11 and stiffening layer 10 several times until batting 11 is compressed to a very thin dense layer of intertwined fibers with stiffening layer 10 embedded therein. Stiffening layer 10 is preferably a coarse mesh of synthetic filamentary material, such as polypropylene, of about 5-40 mils in diameter. Needle punching is a common operation employed in the fiber industry to intertwine fibers and filaments into a felt-like layer of material. The product produced by the operation just described in FIG. 1 is then turned over and another layer of batting 13 is applied to the opposite surface and needle punched again. These operations are repeated with new layers of batting applied to opposite sides of the layer of embedded stiffening material until a central core has been produced to the desired thickness. The fibers in the batting may be any type of natural or synthetic fibers, although synthetic are preferred such as polypolefin, nylon, polyester, acrylic polymer, etc. Preferably the fibers are polypropylene or mixtures of polypropylene and acrylic polymer. Preferably the central core will have at least one layer of fiber batting having the layer of stiffening material 10 embedded in it and two intermediate layers of batting, one on each side of the central embedded layer. This central core comprises layers 10,11, and 13 as shown in FIG. 2. The central core as described above is then treated to produce an upper layer 14 which will cling to the rug that is positioned on the top of the underlay and a lower layer 16 which will provide a nonslip contact with the carpeting upon which the rug and underlay are positioned. Upper layer 14 is a surface of fused fibers having a stiff hard feeling as compared to the compressed fibers of the central core. Upper layer 14 also has some fiber ends projecting upwardly which can be sensed by rubbing this surface with one's fingers or by looking at the surface through a microscope. These fiber ends produce a good nonyielding contact with the rug when positioned on that surface. A preferred method of producing surface 14 is by applying sufficient heat to partially fuse the fibers at the outer surface of intermediate layer 11 of needle punched fibers described previously. The corrugated appearance 15 of upper layer 14 may be achieved by passing the underlay under a corrugated heated roller which is heated to a sufficiently high surface temperature to cause partial fusing of the fibers in the upper portion of layer 11 as they pass under the roller. This action produces a semistiff corrugated surface 14 that provides an excellent grip for a rug lying on top of the underlay. It is not critical that corrugations 15 be in any particular design to provide the proper contact between the underlay and the rug resting on the underlay. The design may be parallel ridges and grooves, a geometric design such as squares, triangles, etc; or any other design of ridges and valleys which will provide a good grip on the underneath side of a rug and, at the same time provide a good cushioning, effect. A particularly preferred design is parallel ridges about 1/8-1/4 inch apart, and with very shallow valleys between the ridges, approximately 1/16 inch elevation difference between the tops of the ridges and the bottoms of the valleys. Lower layer 16 is a stiff, semi-flexible elastomeric material which is bonded to the lower surface of the central core of needle punched fibers so as to provide a nonslip contact with a carpet on which it lays. This layer may be made with a geometric design on its outside surface, but preferably takes on the random fibrous pattern 17 of the intermediate layer of the underlay. A highly desirable material for layer 16 is a mixture of clay and a latex of an elastomeric material, preferably about 50-100 parts by weight of clay for every 100 parts by weight of synthetic latex. The synthetic latex may be any of a variety of elastomeric lattices although the preferred type is carboxylated styrene/butadiene copolymer having at least about 65% of bound styrene in the copolymer. Any type of clay is suitable in this mixture. Clay is generically defined as a hydrated aluminum silicate. The clay/latex mixture is an aqueous mixture of any suitable amount of water for handling purposes. Layer 16 is formed by spreading the mixture of clay and latex onto the intermediate layer so as to impregnate the surface of the intermediate layer with the aqueous mixture and allowing the mixture to dry, preferably with the assistance of heat. This produces a relatively stiff coating with stiffened fibrous components 17 projecting from the surface. These stiffened fibrous components produce a nonslip contact with carpeting of nylon or any other carpeting material. One method of forming layer 16 is to pour an aqueous clay/latex mixture over the lower surface of the fibrous structure and to subject it to the action of a heated roller which presses the rubbery material into the fibrous layers and dries the mixture in place. This structure is then placed in heated ovens to cure and finish the latex in the layer. Regardless of how the attachment is made it should be impregnated into and be well bonded to the fiber structure so as to provide a good nonslip contact between the underlay and the carpet underneath. FIG. 3 shows the general appearance of the underlay with parallel corrugated formations on upper layer 14 and with the random fibrous structure 17 on lower layer 16. An appropriately prepared underlay of the construction described above may have a thickness of about 1/4 inch for a weight of approximately 28 ounces or a thicker structure of about 1/2 inch for a weight of about 48-52 ounces. Thicknesses and weights between these extremes are also readily prepared as may be understood by those skilled in the art. While the invention has been described with respect to certain specific embodiments, it will be appreciated that many modifications and changes may be made by those skilled in the art without departing from the spirit of the invention. It is intended, therefore, by the appended claims to cover all such modifications and changes as fall within the true spirit and scope of the invention.
A rug underlay comprising a central open lattice of stiffening material, and intermediate layer of fiber batting on each side of the lattice needle punched through the lattice, an upper outer corrugated layer of heat fused fibers, and a lower outer stiff, backing layer of a mixture of clay and an elastomeric latex impregnating the lower portion of the intermediate layer. This article is used as a padding or an underlay for rugs or carpeting particularly as an underlay for an oriental rug laid over carpeting.
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS This application is a continuation of International Application No. PCT/EP2013/066953 filed on Aug. 14, 2013, which is entitled to the priority of EP Application 12180802.6 filed on Aug. 17, 2012, the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION A synthetic approach to the pyrazole carboxylic acid derivative of the formula I has been described in scheme 3 of the Int. Patent Publication WO 2011/117264 applying a method disclosed in Hanzlowsky et al., J. Heterocyclic Chem. 2003, 40(3), 487-489. However, under the acid-catalyzed cyclocondensation conditions described, besides of the desired isomer, also a substantial amount of the undesired N−1 substituted isomer was formed. In many cases, especially on larger scale, this undesired isomer is the major product in the reaction mixture with ratios of up to 70:30 in favor of the undesired isomer, leading to isolated yields of ca. 30% of the undesired isomer, along with ca. 25% of the desired isomer. Separation of the desired from the undesired isomer, e.g. in the example described above, could only be achieved by applying chromatography techniques. Such methods are not desired for technical scale synthesis, due to economic and ecologic considerations. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a novel process for the preparation of a pyrazole carboxylic acid derivative of the formula wherein R 1 is C 1-7 -alkyl and R 3 is C 1-7 -alkyl which is optionally substituted with halogen or C 1-4 -alkoxy. The pyrazole carboxylic acid derivative of the formula I can be used as building block in the preparation of pharmaceutically active principles, e.g. for compounds acting as phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors, particularly PDE10 inhibitors. PDE10 inhibitors have the potential to treat psychotic disorders like schizophrenia (Int. Patent Publication WO 2011/117264). Object of the present invention therefore was to find a synthetic approach which allows a more selective and a more scalable access to the desired pyrazole carboxylic acid derivative of the formula I. The object could be achieved with the process of the present invention, as described below. This process for the preparation of a pyrazole carboxylic acid derivative of the formula wherein R 1 is C 1-7 -alkyl and R 3 is C 1-7 -alkyl which is optionally substituted with halogen or C 1-4 -alkoxy comprises the steps, a) reacting an oxoacetate of the formula wherein R 2 is C 1-7 -alkyl and X is halogen with an acrylate of the formula wherein R 1 is as above and R 4 and R 5 are C 1-7 -alkyl in the presence of a base to form an aminomethylene succinic ester of the formula wherein R 1 , R 2 , R 4 and R 5 are as above; b) coupling the aminomethylene succinic ester of the formula IV with an N-protected hydrazine derivative of formula wherein R 3 is as above and R 6 is an amino protecting group to form the hydrazinomethylene succinic acid ester of the formula wherein R 1 , R 2 , R 3 and R 6 are as above; c) ring closing the hydrazinomethylene succinic acid ester of formula VI under acidic conditions to form the pyrazole dicarboxylic acid ester of the formula wherein R 1 , R 2 and R 3 are as above and; d) hydrolyzing the pyrazole dicarboxylic acid ester of the formula VII in 3-position with a base to form the pyrazole carboxylic acid derivative of the formula I. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Unless otherwise indicated the following definitions are set forth to illustrate and define the meaning and scope of the various terms used to describe the invention herein. The term C 1-7 -alkyl alone or combined with other groups, refers to a branched or straight chained monovalent saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon radical of one to seven carbon atoms. This term can be exemplified by radicals like methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, i-propyl, n-butyl, s-butyl, t-butyl, pentyl, hexyl and heptyl and its isomers. Likewise the term C 1-4 -alkyl alone or combined with other groups, refers to a branched or straight chained monovalent saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon radical of one to four carbon atoms. This term can be exemplified by radicals like methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, i-propyl, n-butyl, s-butyl or t-butyl. The term C 1-4 -alkoxy stands for a C 1-4 -alkyl group as defined above which is attached to an oxygen radical. This term can be exemplified by radicals like methoxy, ethoxy, n-propoxy, i-propoxy, n-butoxy, i-butoxy or t-butoxy. The term “amino protecting group” refers to an acid or Lewis acid sensitive substituent conventionally used to hinder the reactivity of the amino group. Suitable acid or Lewis acid sensitive amino protecting groups are described in Green T., “Protective Groups in Organic Synthesis”, 4 th Ed. by Wiley Interscience, 2007, Chapter 7, 696 ff. Suitable amino protecting groups for R 6 can therefore be selected from Boc (t-butoxycarbonyl), Fmoc (fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl), Cbz (benzyloxycarbonyl), Moz (p-methoxybenzyl carbonyl), Troc (2,2,2-trichloroethoxycarbonyl), Teoc (2-(Trimethylsilyl)ethoxycarbonyl), Adoc (adamantoxycarbonyl), formyl, acetyl or cyclobutoxycarbonyl. More particularly Boc is used. The term halogen refers to fluorine, chlorine, bromine or iodine, particularly to fluorine, chlorine or bromine. In the graphical representations of compounds of formulae IV and VI, a wavy line indicates the existence of two possible isomers, E- and Z-, across the attached double bond. In this case, the representation refers to both, E- or Z-isomers, as single isomers or as mixtures thereof. Step a: Step a) requires the reaction of the oxoacetate of the formula II with an acrylate of the formula III to form an aminomethylene succinic acid ester of the formula IV. Both the oxoacetates of formula II and the acrylates of formula III are starting compounds which are either commercially available or can be synthesized by methods known in the art. The ethyl-2-chloro-2-oxoacetate (X═Cl and R 2 =ethyl) and the ethyl 3-(dimethylamino)acrylate (R 4 , R 5 =methyl and R 1 =ethyl) are particularly useful as starting materials. The reaction is performed in the presence of a base which can be selected from a C 1-4 -trialkylamine ideally combined with a catalytic amount of 4-(dimethylamino)-pyridine or from pyridine. Particular useful C 1-4 -trialkylamines are trimethylamine, diisopropylethylamine or triethylamine. As a rule the reaction takes place in an aprotic organic solvent, such as in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran, dichloromethane, toluene, tert-butylmethylether or tetrahydrofuran or in mixtures thereof at reaction temperatures between −20° C. and 40° C., particularly between −5° C. and 30° C. The aminomethylene succinic acid ester of the formula IV can be isolated from the reaction mixture using methods known to the skilled in the art, however in a particular embodiment of the invention, the succinic acid ester of the formula IV is not isolated i.e. synthesis steps a) and b) are combined. Step b): Step b) requires the coupling of the aminomethylene succinic acid ester of the formula IV with an N-protected hydrazine derivative of formula V to form the hydrazinomethylene succinic acid ester of the formula VI. The N-protected hydrazine derivative of formula V is either commercially available or can be synthezised by methods known in the art, e.g. as described in Int. Patent Publ. WO 2011/140425 or by Park et al. in European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2010, pages 3815-3822, or by analogous methods known to the person skilled in the art. As outlined above once the reaction in step a) is completed step b) can be added without the isolation of the reaction product of step a). Following the definition of the amino protecting group R 6 as outlined above suitable protected hydrazine derivatives of formula V can be selected from but are not limited to N-Boc-N-methylhydrazine, N-Boc-N-ethylhydrazine, N-Boc-N-n-propylhydrazine, N-Cbz-N-methylhydrazine, N-Fmoc-N-methylhydrazine, N-Moz-N-methylhydrazine, N-Troc-N-methylhydrazine, N-Teoc-N-methylhydrazine, N-Adoc-N-methylhydrazine. N-formyl-N-methylhydrazine. N-acetyl-N-methylhydrazine. N-cyclobutoxycarbonyl-N-methylhydrazine. Particularly N-Boc-N-methylhydrazine is used. The reaction can be performed in a polar aprotic or protic organic solvent, such as in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran, ethanol, methanol, ethyl acetate, isopropyl acetate, tetrahydrofuran, tert-butylmethylether, acetic acid, or mixtures thereof at reaction temperatures between −10° C. and 60° C., particularly between 0° C. and 40° C. If steps a) and b) are combined the reaction can be performed in a polar aprotic organic solvent, such as in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran, tetrahydrofuran, tert-butylmethylether, or mixtures thereof at reaction temperatures between −10° C. and 60° C., particularly between 0° C. and 40° C. Advantageously, a catalytic or stoichiometric amount of an acid which is not able to affect the amino protecting group such as phosphoric acid or acetic acid can be added. The reaction mixture can be concentrated in vacuo at temperatures between 10° C. and 50° C., particularly between 15° and 35° C. to drive the reaction to completion. The resulting hydrazinomethylene succinic acid ester of the formula VI can be obtained in crystalline form after concentration of the reaction mixture. Further purification can be reached by dissolving the crystalline residue in a lower aliphatic alcohol such as in methanol and by adding water to invoke crystallization, or by recrystallization from an organic solvent, such as tert-butylmethylether. The hydrazinomethylene succinic acid esters of the formula wherein Wand R 2 are C 1-7 -alkyl and R 3 is C 1-7 -alkyl which is optionally substituted with halogen or C 1-4 -alkoxy and R 6 stands for an amino protecting group are compounds not described in the art and thus represent a further embodiment of the present invention. Particular hydrazinomethylene succinic acid esters of formula VI are those wherein R 1 , R 2 and R 3 are C 1-4 -alkyl and R 6 is an amino protecting group selected from Boc, Fmoc, Cbz, Moz, acetyl or formyl. More particular compounds of formula VI carry the following substitution pattern: R 1 R 2 R 3 R 6 ethyl ethyl methyl Boc methyl ethyl methyl Boc ethyl methyl methyl Boc ethyl ethyl ethyl Boc methyl ethyl ethyl Boc ethyl methyl ethyl Boc ethyl ethyl n-propyl Boc methyl ethyl n-propyl Boc ethyl methyl n-propyl Boc Step c) Step c) requires ring closing of the hydrazinomethylene succinic acid ester of formula VI under acidic conditions to form the pyrazole dicarboxylic acid ester of the formula VIII. The ring closing is usually performed with an inorganic acid, an organic acid or a Lewis acid in a polar solvent such as in ethylacetate, ethanol, methanol, water, tetrahydrofuran, dioxan, acetic acid, or mixtures thereof, at reaction temperatures between 0° C. and 60° C., more particularly between 10° C. and 50° C. Suitable inorganic or organic acids are, for example, hydrochloric acid, hydrobromic acid, trifluoroacetic acid orp-toluenesulfonic acid. A suitable Lewis acid is, for example, trimethylsilyliodide. Usually hydrochloric acid is used which, can be generated in situ, e.g. by adding a lower aliphatic alcohol, e.g. ethanol to a solution of acetyl chloride in a suitable polar solvent, e.g. ethylacetate. The pyrazole dicarboxylic acid ester of the formula VII can be isolated from the reaction mixture applying methods known to the skilled in the art, e.g. by adding water to the reaction mixture and by subsequent extraction of the reaction product with a suitable solvent, such as with ethylacetate. Step d: Step d) requires hydrolyzing the pyrazole dicarboxylic acid ester of the formula VII in 3-position with a base to form the pyrazole carboxylic acid derivative of the formula I. The base as a rule is an aqueous solution of an alkali hydroxide selected from lithium-, sodium-, potassium-, or cesium hydroxide or of an alkali hydrogencarbonate selected from sodium- or potassium hydrogen carbonate. Lithium hydroxide is particularly used. A polar aprotic or protic solvent like tetrahydrofuran, N-methylpyrrolidone, ethanol or methanol, or mixtures thereof may be used for dissolving the pyrazole dicarboxylic acid ester of the formula VII. The hydrolysis can be performed at reaction temperatures between −20° C. and 80° C., particularly between −10° C. and 30° C. After completion of the reaction the desired product can be isolated in crystalline form by applying methods known to the skilled in the art e.g. by acidifying the aqueous phase which has been previously washed with a suitable solvent such as dichloromethane. EXAMPLES General Part All solvents and reagents were obtained from commercial sources and were used as received. All reactions were followed by TLC (thin layer chromatography, TLC plates F254, Merck), LC (liquid chromatography) or GC (gas chromatography) analysis. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectra were obtained on Bruker 300, 400 or 600 MHz instruments with chemical shifts (δ in ppm) reported relative to tetramethylsilane as internal standard in the following format: chemical shift in ppm (peak form, coupling constants if applicable, integral). In case of a mixture of isomers, both peaks are reported in the format chemical shift of peak 1 & peak 2 in ppm (peak forms, coupling constants if applicable, integral, isomers). NMR abbreviations are as follows: s, singlet; d, doublet; t, triplet; q, quadruplet; quint, quintuplet; sext, sextuplet; hept, heptuplet; m, multiplet; br, broadened. Purity was analyzed by reverse phase HPLC or GC. Mass spectra were recorded on an Agilent 6520 QTOF spectrometer for ESI (electrospray ionization) & APCI (atmospheric pressure chemical ionization), that is achieved simultaneously (multimode), and on an Agilent 5975 instrument for EI (electron ionization) mode, with either positive (standard case, not especially noted) or negative (neg.) charged ion detection. Further used abbreviations are: IPC, internal process control; DMAP, 4-(dimethylamino)pyridine. Example 1 2-[1-Dimethylamino-methylidene]-3-oxo-succinic acid diethyl ester Ethyl 2-chloro-2-oxoacetate (99 g, 725 mmol) was dissolved in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran (800 ml) and 4-(dimethylamino)-pyridine (1.25 g, 10.0 mmol) was added. The mixture was cooled to −5° C. and a solution of triethylamine (76.2 g, 753 mmol) and (E)-ethyl 3-(dimethylamino)acrylate (106 g, 740 mmol) in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran (70 ml) was added via dropping funnel. The mixture was stirred for 3 h at ca. 0° C. After that, 5% (m/m) aqueous sodium chloride solution (250 mL) was added, the mixture was concentrated in vacuo to remove the 2-methyltetrahydrofuran. Ethyl acetate (800 mL) and 5% (m/m) aqueous sodium chloride solution (250 mL) were added, the organic phase was washed with 5% (m/m) aqueous sodium chloride solution (4×250 mL), the combined aqueous layers reextracted with ethyl acetate (2×300 mL) and the combined organic extracts concentrated in vacuo. The residue was filtered over silica gel (500 g, eluting with ethyl acetate/n-heptane 3:2 (v/v)) and the combined filtrates concentrated in vacuo to afford 146 g crude product as an orange oil. The crude product was dissolved at room temperature in tert-butylmethylether (1 L) and cooled to 1° C. Crystallization started at ca. 13° C. The suspension was filtered and washed with few cold tert-butylmethylether to afford 116.6 g of the title compound as light yellow crystals (66%, purity 99.9% by HPLC). MS (GC-split): m/z=243 [M] + . 1H NMR (CDCl3, 600 MHz); δ 1.26 (t, J=7.1 Hz, 3H), 1.36 (t, J=7.1 Hz, 3H), 3.03 (s, 3H), 3.36 (s, 3H), 4.17 (q, J=7.1 Hz, 2H), 4.30 (q, J=7.1 Hz, 2H), 7.85 (s, 1H). The product was isolated as single isomer. Example 2 2-(N′-tert-Butoxycarbonyl-N′-methylhydrazinomethylene)-3-oxo-succinic acid di-ethyl ester In a 1500 mL jacket controlled reaction flask equipped with mechanical stirrer, condenser and internal thermometer 2-[1-dimethylamino-meth-(Z)-ylidene]-3-oxo-succinic acid diethyl ester (73.2 g, 301 mmol) was dissolved in ethyl acetate (700 ml) and the solution was cooled to −5° C. A solution of N-tert-butoxycarbonyl-N-methylhydrazine (61.5 g, 421 mmol) in ethyl acetate (60 mL) was added dropwise within 45 min. The reaction mixture was stirred for 30 min at −5° C. Then, it was concentrated in vacuo to a volume of 100 mL and at a constant volume, solvent was exchanged with tert-butylmethylether (1.6 L), resulting in a thick suspension. More tert-butylmethylether (400 mL) was added, the suspension was stirred for 1 h at 0° C., filtered and the precipitate was washed with cold tert-butylmethylether (200 mL). After drying in vacuo (45° C., 20 mbar) the title compound was obtained as a colorless crystalline solid (93.2 g, 90%). MS (ESI & APCI, neg.): m/z=343.15 [M−H] − . 1H NMR (CDCl3, 600 MHz); δ 1.29 (t, J=7.1 Hz, 3H), 1.37 & 1.37 (2t, J=7.1 Hz, 3H, isomers), 1.48 & 1.48 (2s, 9H, isomers), 3.23 & 3.24 (2s, 3H, isomers), 4.22 & 4.24 (2q, J=7.1 Hz, 2H, isomers), 4.31 & 4.35 (2q, J=7.1 Hz, 2H, isomers), 8.07 & 8.12 (2d, J=10.3 Hz & 11.6 Hz, 1H, isomers), 11.51 & 11.53 (2br, 1H, isomers). The isolated product is a mixture of (E)- and (Z)-isomers. Example 3 2-(N′-tert-Butoxycarbonyl-N′-methylhydrazinomethylene)-3-oxo-succinic acid diethyl ester (telescoped process) Process Variant 1: In a 12 L jacket controlled vessel equipped with mechanical stirrer, condenser, internal thermometer and inert gas supply, ethyl 2-chloro-2-oxoacetate (192 g, 158 mL, 1.38 mol) was dissolved under argon at 20° C. in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran (1.34 L). DMAP (2.41 g, 19.3 mmol) was added as solid to the clear, colorless solution. The mixture was cooled to 2° C. internal temperature. A solution of (E)-ethyl 3-(dimethylamino)acrylate (179 g, 1.24 mol) in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran (960 mL) and triethylamine (154 g, 212 mL, 1.51 mol) was prepared in a separate flask by subsequent addition at room temperature, and added to the solution of ethyl 2-chloro-2-oxoacetate and DMAP at a rate that the internal temperature was kept at ca. 2° C. (cooling necessary). The mixture became cloudy, later a thick crystal mash (still stirrable). After 30 min stirring at 2° C., the mixture was warmed to room temperature, filtered, the precipitate was washed with 2-methyltetrahydrofuran (2 L). N-tert-Butoxycarbonyl-N-methylhydrazine (250 g, 254 mL, 1.66 mol) was added to the combined filtrate at 20° C. and the resulting mixture was stirred for 1 h. After that, the reaction mixture was concentrated in vacuo to an orange crystalline residue. The residue was dissolved in methanol (4 L, dark red solution) and water (4 L) was added. The product crystallized spontaneously, the slurry was stirred over night at room temperature. The mixture was filtered, the crystalline precipitate subsequently washed with water (8 L) and heptane (8 L), and dried over night at 50° C. and 12 mbar to afford 352 g of desired product as white powder (83%). M.p. 130.2-131.3° C. MS (ESI & APCI, neg.): m/z=343.15 [M−H] − . 1H NMR (CDCl 3 , 600 MHz); δ 1.29 (t, J=7.1 Hz, 3H), 1.37 & 1.37 (2t, J=7.1 Hz, 3H, isomers), 1.48 & 1.48 (2s, 9H, isomers), 3.23 & 3.24 (2s, 3H, isomers), 4.22 & 4.24 (2q, J=7.1 Hz, 2H, isomers), 4.31 & 4.35 (2q, J=7.1 Hz, 2H, isomers), 8.07 & 8.12 (2d, J=10.3 Hz & 11.6 Hz, 1H, isomers), 11.51 & 11.53 (2br s, 1H, isomers). The isolated product is a mixture of (E)- and (Z)-isomers. Process Variant 2: A 300 L reactor equipped with temperature control and vacuum system was charged under nitrogen atmosphere with (E)-ethyl 3-(dimethylamino)acrylate (10.0 kg, 69.8 mol), tetrahydrofuran (80 kg), triethylamine (8.6 kg, 85.0 mol) and DMAP (0.14 kg, 1.25 mol) and the resulting solution was cooled to −5-0° C. A solution of ethyl 2-chloro-2-oxoacetate (11.0 kg, 80.6 mol) in tetrahydrofuran (9 kg) was added dropwise to the mixture at a rate that the internal temperature was kept at −5-0° C. (within ca. 3 h). Then, the mixture was warmed to 15-25° C. and stirred for 40 min or until IPC showed complete consumption of (E)-ethyl 3-(dimethylamino)acrylate. N-tert-Butoxycarbonyl-N-methylhydrazine (13.5 kg, 85.7 mol) was added to the mixture within ca. 5 min. The solvent was removed by evaporation and the mixture was heated to ca. 30-35° C. The evaporation was stopped when tetrahydrofuran distillation ceased (after ca. 4 h). The obtained semi-solid was cooled to 20-25° C. Methanol (39.6 kg) was added and the mixture was stirred for 10 min. Water (110 kg) was added at internal temperature 15-20° C. within 10 min. The mixture was stirred for 2 h at 15-25° C., filtered and the filtered precipitate washed subsequently with water (2×25 kg) and n-heptane (2×16.7 kg). It was then dried at 50-55° C. for 10 h to obtain the title compound as a white solid (21.0 kg, 85.0%, purity 99.2% by HPLC). The isolated product is a mixture of (E)- and (Z)-isomers, product identity was confirmed by 1H NMR and MS. Example 4 2-Methyl-2H-pyrazole-3,4-dicarboxylic acid diethyl ester Process Variant 1: A 12 L jacket controlled vessel equipped with mechanical stirrer, condenser, internal thermometer and inert gas supply was charged with ethyl acetate (2.21 kg, 2.45 L, 25.0 mol) under argon at 20° C. Acetyl chloride (564 g, 511 mL, 7.11 mol) was added (slight exotherm, clear colorless solution). Ethanol (656 g, 826 mL, 14.2 mol) was added at a rate that the internal temperature was kept at 20-25° C. (process-controlled, strongly exothermic, efficient cooling necessary). A suspension of (Z)-diethyl 2-((2-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)-2-methylhydrazinyl)methylene)-3-oxosuccinate (350 g, 1.02 mol) in ethyl acetate (1.05 L) was added via pump at 20° C. to the anhydrous hydrochloric acid solution in ethyl acetate/ethanol. The resulting white suspension became a greenish solution, no exothermy. The mixture was stirred at 50° C. for 2 h. After that, the mixture was cooled to 20° C. and water (6 L) was added (slight exotherm, internal temp. 34° C., rapid phase separation). After phase separation, the aqueous phase was extracted with ethyl acetate (2×1 L). The combined organic extracts were dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo (50° C. jacket temperature, 10 mbar) to obtain 236 g crude product as a yellow oil (99%, purity 96.8% by HPLC). MS (ESI & APCI): m/z=227.1 [M+H] + . 1H NMR (CDCl3, 600 MHz); δ 1.34 (t, J=7.1 Hz, 3H), 1.41 (t, J=7.1 Hz, 3H), 4.02 (s, 3H), 4.30 (q, J=7.1 Hz, 2H), 4.44 (q, J=7.1 Hz, 2H), 7.82 (s, 1H). Process Variant 2: A 300 L reactor equipped with temperature control and vacuum system was charged with a solution of hydrogen chloride in ethanol (58.6 kg, assay: 38.6% m/m, 620 mol) and the solution was cooled to ca. 0-5° C. (Z)-Diethyl 2-((2-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)-2-methylhydrazinyl)methylene)-3-oxosuccinate (58.6 kg, 171 mol) was added to the solution in portions within 50 min at 0-15° C. The mixture was then warmed to 15-25° C. and stirred for 3 h, or until IPC showed complete consumption of starting material, tert-Butylmethylether (87.9 kg) was added to the mixture and the mixture was transferred to a 500 L reactor. Water (175.8 kg) was added to the solution at a rate that the internal temperature was kept below 25° C. After phase separation, the aqueous layer was transferred to a 1000 L reactor and it was extracted with tert-butylmethylether (2×87.9 kg). The organic layer was combined in a 500 L reactor and washed subsequently with water (87.9 kg) and a solution of sodium hydrogencarbonate (4.7 kg) in water (87.9 kg), and dried over sodium sulfate (39.3 kg). The mixture was filtered and the filtrate was evaporated in vacuo at 30-55° C. to afford the title compound as a yellow liquid (36.7 kg, 95.3%, purity 99.6% by HPLC). Product identity was confirmed by 1H NMR and MS. Example 5 2-Methyl-2H-pyrazole-3,4-dicarboxylic acid 4-ethyl ester Process Variant 1: In a 63 L steel/enamel vessel equipped with a reflux condenser combined with a thermometer, a mechanical stirrer and an inert gas supply 2-methyl-2H-pyrazole-3,4-dicarboxylic acid diethyl ester (2.84 kg, 12.6 mol) was dissolved in a mixture of tetrahydrofuran (20.0 L) and ethanol (8.5 L) under nitrogen at room temperature. The mixture was cooled to −5° C. and a solution of lithium hydroxide monohydrate (0.53 kg, 12.6 mol) in water (10.0 L) was added within 90 min at −5° C. The dropping funnel was rinsed with water (1.4 L). The reaction mixture was stirred for 95 min at −4° C. to −6° C. After that, the mixture was diluted with dichloromethane (10.0 L) and water (10.0 L) at −5° C. to 0° C. and stirred for 10 min. The organic layer was separated. The aqueous phase was washed with dichloromethane (2×10.0 L). The aqueous phase was acidified to pH<2 by addition of hydrochloric acid (2.75 kg, assay: 25% m/m, 18.8 mol) in water (2.0 L) within 15 min at 20° C. to 25° C. The resulting crystal suspension was stirred for 17 h at 22° C. Then, the crystal suspension was filtered over a glass filter funnel. The filter cake was washed successively with water (7.0 L) and n-heptane (4.0 L). The white crystals were dried in vacuo at 50° C./<5 mbar for 70 h to afford 1.99 kg of the title compound as white crystals (80%). MS (ESI & APCI): m/z=199.1 [M+H] + . 1H NMR (D6-DMSO, 600 MHz); δ 1.25 (t, J=7.1 Hz, 3H), 3.94 (s, 3H), 4.22 (q, J=7.1 Hz, 2H), 7.85 (s, 1H), 14.18 (br s, 1H). Process Variant 2: A 1000 L reactor equipped with temperature control and vacuum system was charged with 2-methyl-2H-pyrazole-3,4-dicarboxylic acid diethyl ester (36.5 kg, 161 mol), tetrahydrofuran (253 kg) and ethanol (20.0 L) under nitrogen at room temperature. The mixture was cooled to −10-−5° C. In another 300 L reactor, a solution of lithium hydroxide monohydrate (6.47 kg, 154 mol) in water (135.8 kg) was precooled to 5-10° C. and added dropwise to the 1000 L reactor at a rate that the internal temperature was kept at −10-−5° C. (ca. 3 h). The mixture was stirred at −10-−5° C. for 3 h or until IPC met the specification (i.e. 2-methyl-2H-pyrazole-3,4-dicarboxylic acid diethyl ester<10% by HPLC and byproduct 2-methyl-2H-pyrazole-3,4-dicarboxylic acid<4% by HPLC). Dichloromethane (190.8 kg) and water (146.8 kg) were then added and the mixture was stirred for 20 min. The organic layer was separated, the aqueous phase was washed with dichloromethane (2×190.8 kg), after that the aqueous layer was filtered through an 8 cm plug of Celite and the filtrate was transferred to a 500 L reactor. It was cooled to 5-10° C., hydrochloric acid (18% m/m) was added dropwise within 50 min at 5-15° C. until pH=1-2 (ca. 30 kg). The product crystallized gradually as a white solid. The suspension was stirred at 25-30° C. for 10 h. The precipitate was centrifuged, washed with water (69.4 kg) and n-heptane (2×29 kg) and dried in vacuo at 40-55° C. for 48 h to afford the title compound as white solid (22.2 kg, 69.4%, purity 99.7% by GC). Product identity was confirmed by 1H NMR and MS.
The present invention relates to a novel process for the preparation of a pyrazole carboxylic acid derivative of the formula wherein R 1 is C 1-7 -alkyl and R 3 is C 1-7 -alkyl which is optionally substituted with halogen or C 1-4 -alkoxy. The pyrazole carboxylic acid derivative of the formula I can be used as building block in the preparation of pharmaceutically active principles e.g. for compounds acting as phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors, particularly PDE10 inhibitors. PDE10 inhibitors have the potential to treat psychotic disorders like schizophrenia.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0001] The present invention relates to a fluid transmission device, and more particularly, to a blade-type fluid transmission device. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] The conventional blade-type pump generally comprises a stator, a rotor and at least one blade, wherein the stator has a room defined therein. The stator has an inlet and an outlet so that the room communicates with outside of the stator. Fluid enters into the room via the inlet and leaves the room via the outlet. The rotor is eccentrically located in the room and the outer periphery of the rotor is in contact with the inner periphery of the room. Multiple blades are taken as an example. The rotor has slots for accommodating the blades therein. The blades each have one end pointing the center of the rotor and the other end of each of the blades is in contact with the inner periphery of the room. A space is defined between the inner periphery of the room and the outer periphery of the rotor. By the contact between the rotor, the blades and the inner periphery of the room, multiple partitions are defined to receive fluid. [0003] When the rotor rotates back and forth, the blades are driven by the rotor and movable back and forth within the slots due to the movement of the rotor. The volumes of the partitions vary due to the back-and-forth movement of the blades, so that the fluid is sucked into the room via the inlet and leaved from the room via the outlet. [0004] The centrifugal force generated from the blades due to the rotation of the rotor drives the blades outward so as to contact the distal ends of the blades with the inner periphery of the room to pump the fluid. However, when the viscosity of the fluid is high, there will be a gap between the distal ends and the inner periphery of the room and the transmission efficiency of the fluid is reduced. [0005] U.S. Pat. No. 4,212,603, U.S. Pat. No. 5,087,183, U.S. Pat. No. 5,160,252, U.S. Pat. No. 5,181,843 and U.S. Pat. No. 5,558,511 respectively discloses a fluid transmission device which comprises a stator with an annular groove which shares a common center with the room. The axles of the blades are engaged with the annular groove which guides the movement of the blades. The rotor is eccentrically located in the room and the axis of each of the blades points the center of the rotor, so that the shape of the inner periphery of the room is like oval inner periphery which is difficult to be machined during manufacturing processes. Furthermore, the blades each have a certain thickness, in order to prevent interference between two adjacent distal ends of the blades and the inner periphery of the room, the distal end of each blade is made to be sharpened. The sharp distal end of the blade may vibrate when the fluid passes therethrough and noise is therefore generated. The vibration also generates partial thermo stress which accelerates fatigue of the material at the distal end of the blade. [0006] The present invention intends to provide a fluid transmission device which improves the shortcomings of the conventional fluid transmission devices. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0007] The present invention relates to a fluid transmission device and comprises a stator having a room defined therein and the room has a circular inner periphery. The stator has an inlet and an outlet, the inlet and the outlet communicate with the room. A rotor has a cylindrical body and a shaft extends through the cylindrical body. The cylindrical body is eccentrically located in the room and the outer periphery of the cylindrical body is tangent to the inner periphery of the room. The inlet and the outlet are respectively located adjacent to the position where the outer periphery of the cylindrical body is tangent to the inner periphery of the room. Two slots are defined diametrically in the outer periphery of the cylindrical body and communicate with the room. The shaft extends through the stator and is connected with a power source. Two blades are respectively located within the slots. The first end of each blade points the axis of the cylindrical body and the second end of each blade is in contact with the inner periphery of the room so as to form a space for receiving fluid between the outer periphery of the cylindrical body and the inner periphery of the room. [0008] Two first pieces and two second pieces are respectively pivotably connected to the stator, wherein the first pieces are located adjacent to the inner bottom of the cylindrical body and the second pieces are located adjacent to the inner top of the cylindrical body. The first pieces and the second pieces are pivoted about the center of the room. The two blades are respectively and pivotably connected to the first pieces and the second pieces by two respective axles. The blades are pivotable about the center of the room and linearly movable within the slots. A curved face is defined in the second end of each of the two blades and in contact with the inner periphery of the room. The inner periphery of the room has a radius R 1 . Each of the axles is pivotable by a radius R 2 . The curved face of the second end of each of the two blades has a radius R 3 . R 3 =R 1 −R 2 . The two blades and the first pieces are pivoted about two respective centers of the curved faces such that the second ends of the two blades are in contact with the inner periphery of the room. [0009] The present invention will become more obvious from the following description when taken in connection with the accompanying drawings which show, for purposes of illustration only, a preferred embodiment in accordance with the present invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0010] FIG. 1 is a perspective view to show the fluid transmission device of the present invention; [0011] FIG. 2 is an exploded view to show the fluid transmission device of the present invention; [0012] FIG. 3 is a top view of the base of the fluid transmission device of the present invention; [0013] FIG. 4 is a cross sectional view taken along line 4 - 4 in FIG. 3 ; [0014] FIG. 5 is a cross sectional view of the cover of the fluid transmission device of the present invention; [0015] FIG. 6 is a cross sectional view of the fluid transmission device of the present invention; [0016] FIG. 7 is a top view to show the fluid transmission device of the present invention, wherein the cover is removed; [0017] FIG. 8 is an operational status of the fluid transmission device of the present invention; [0018] FIG. 9 is another operational status of the fluid transmission device of the present invention; [0019] FIG. 10 is a cross sectional view of the second embodiment of the fluid transmission device of the present invention; [0020] FIG. 11 is an exploded view to show the third embodiment of the fluid transmission device of the present invention; [0021] FIG. 12 is a top view to show the third embodiment of the fluid transmission device of the present invention, wherein the cover is removed; [0022] FIG. 13 is an exploded view to show the first piece, the second piece and the rotor of the fourth embodiment of the fluid transmission device of the present invention; [0023] FIG. 14 is an exploded view to show the first piece, the second piece and the rotor of the fifth embodiment of the fluid transmission device of the present invention; [0024] FIG. 15 is an exploded view to show the sixth embodiment of the fluid transmission device of the present invention; [0025] FIG. 16 is an exploded view to show the seventh embodiment of the fluid transmission device of the present invention; [0026] FIG. 17 is an axial cross sectional view of the first piece in the seventh embodiment of the fluid transmission device of the present invention, and [0027] FIG. 18 is an axial cross sectional view of the second piece in the seventh embodiment of the fluid transmission device of the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0028] Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2 , the fluid transmission device of the present invention comprises a stator 10 , a rotor 20 , two blades 32 , 34 , two first pieces 40 and two second pieces 50 . The stator 10 comprises a base 11 and a cover 12 which is connected to the base 11 . A sealing member (not shown) may be connected between the base 11 and the cover 12 , and multiple bolts (not shown) are used to connect the base 11 and the cover 12 . As shown in FIGS. 3 and 4 , the stator 10 has a room 13 defined therein and the room 13 has a circular inner periphery 132 . The stator 10 has an inlet 14 and an outlet 15 . The inlet 14 and the outlet 15 communicate with the room 13 and outside of the stator 10 . The stator 10 has a circular first recess 16 defined in the inner top of the room 13 . A first protrusion 17 extends from the center of the first recess 16 and shares the center with the room 13 . As shown in FIG. 5 , the cover 12 has a second recess 18 defined in the underside thereof and faces the room 13 . A second protrusion 19 extends from the center of the second recess 18 and shares the center with the room 13 . [0029] As shown in FIGS. 2 to 7 , the rotor 20 has a cylindrical body 21 and a shaft 22 which extends through the cylindrical body 21 . The cylindrical body 21 is eccentrically located in the room 13 and the outer periphery of the cylindrical body 21 is tangent to the inner periphery 132 of the room 13 . The inlet 14 and the outlet 15 are respectively located adjacent to the position where the outer periphery of the cylindrical body 21 is tangent to the inner periphery 132 of the room 13 . The shaft 22 has one end pivotably connected to the base 11 and the other end of the shaft 22 extends through the stator 10 so as to be connected with a power source such as a motor or an inverter motor (not shown). The shaft 22 is pivotably connected with a plurality of bearings or bushes (not shown) and the bearings are connected to the base 11 and the cover 12 so allow the shaft 22 to be rotated smoothly. Two slots 23 are defined diametrically in the outer periphery of the cylindrical body 21 . One end of each of the slots 23 points the center of the cylindrical body 21 and the other end of each of the slots 23 communicates with the room 13 . A groove 24 is defined in the end face of the cylindrical body 21 and two ends of the groove 24 respectively communicate with the slots 23 . The two ends of the groove 24 are located close to the shaft 22 . [0030] The two blades 32 , 34 are respectively located within the slots 23 . The first end of each blade 32 / 34 points the axis of the cylindrical body 21 , and the second end of each blade 32 / 34 is in contact with the inner periphery 132 of the room 13 so as to form a space for receiving fluid between the outer periphery of the cylindrical body 21 and the inner periphery 132 of the room 13 . [0031] The first pieces 40 and two second pieces 50 are respectively pivotably connected to the stator 10 . The first pieces 40 are located adjacent to the inner bottom of the cylindrical body 21 and the second pieces 50 are located adjacent to the inner top of the cylindrical body 21 . The first pieces 40 and the second pieces 50 are pivoted about the center of the room 13 . Each of the first and second pieces 40 , 50 comprises a ring 42 / 52 and a protrusion 44 / 54 . The protrusion 44 / 54 is a curved protrusion and connected to the outer periphery of the ring 42 / 52 . The first pieces 40 are pivotably connected to the first recess 16 so that the first pieces 40 are adjacent to the underside of the cylindrical body 21 . The rings 42 of the first pieces 40 are mounted to the first protrusion 17 so that the first pieces 40 are pivotable about the center of the room 13 . The second pieces 50 are pivotably connected to the second recess 18 so that the second pieces 50 are adjacent to the top of the cylindrical body 21 . The rings 52 of the second pieces 50 are mounted to the second protrusion 19 so that the second pieces 50 are pivotable about the center of the room 13 . The two blades 32 , 34 are respectively and pivotably connected to the first pieces 40 and the second pieces 50 by two respective axles 322 , 342 . Two ends of the axle 342 are pivotably connected to the protrusions 44 , 54 of the first and second pieces 40 , 50 . When the rotor 20 rotates, the first and second pieces 40 , 50 drive the axles 322 , 342 to make the blades 32 , 34 be pivoted about the center of the room 13 . In the meanwhile, the blades 32 , 34 are linearly movable in the slots 23 . The rings 42 are mounted to the first protrusion 17 so that when the first pieces 40 rotate, there will be no interference between the first pieces 40 and the first protrusion 17 . Therefore, the rotation of the first pieces 40 is reliable. The rings 52 are mounted to the second protrusion 19 so that when the second pieces 50 rotate, there will be no interference between the second pieces 50 and the second protrusion 19 . Therefore, the rotation of the second pieces 50 is reliable. [0032] A curved face 324 / 344 is defined in the second end of each of the two blades 32 , 34 and in contact with the inner periphery 132 of the room 13 . The inner periphery 132 of the room 13 has a radius R 1 . Each of the axles 322 , 342 is pivotable by a radius R 2 . The curved face 324 / 344 of the second end of each of the two blades 32 , 34 has a radius R 3 . The relationship of the three radiuses can be expressed by the equation R 3 =R 1 −R 2 . The two blades 32 , 34 and the first pieces 40 are pivoted about two respective centers of the curved faces 324 , 344 (the axes of the axles 322 , 342 ) such that the second ends of the two blades 32 , 34 are in contact with the inner periphery 132 of the room 13 . Therefore, the efficiency of transmission of the fluid is increased and the manufacturing processes for making the room 13 are simplified. [0033] A power source (not shown) is connected to the shaft 22 to rotate the rotor 20 , the blades 32 , 34 are rotated about the center of the room 13 and, the blades 32 , 34 are respectively rotated relative to the first and second pieces 40 , 50 . The blades 32 , 34 are moved along the slots 23 . When the rotor 20 rotates clockwise, as shown in FIGS. 8 and 9 , the space for receiving fluid in the room 13 are varied along with the rotation of the rotor 20 in the room 13 , such that the fluid is sucked into the room 13 via the inlet 14 and the fluid is transmitted by the blades 32 , 34 and then flows out from the outlet 15 . When the rotor 20 rotates counter-clockwise, as shown in FIGS. 8 and 9 , the fluid is sucked into the room 13 via the outlet 15 and the fluid is transmitted by the blades 32 , 34 and then flows out from the inlet 14 . Therefore, by controlling the direction of rotation of the rotor 20 , the fluid can be transmitted in desired direction. [0034] When the rotor 20 rotates, the blades 32 , 34 are rotated about the respective axles 322 , 342 , and the axles 322 , 342 move circularly about the center of the room 13 By cooperation of the radius R 3 of the curved faces 324 , 344 , the curved faces 324 , 344 of the blades 32 , 34 are in contact with the inner periphery 132 of the room 13 without interference so as to increase the efficiency of transmission of fluid. The inner periphery 132 of the room 13 is a round inner periphery which reduces the difficulties of machining. [0035] Furthermore, when the blades 32 , 34 move in the slots 23 back and forth, because the first ends of the two blades 32 , 34 point the center of the room 13 , and the two slots 23 are in communication with each other via the grooves 24 , so that the fluid within the space between the two respective first ends of the blades 32 , 34 and the shaft 22 flows between the two slots 23 via the grooves 24 . This avoids the positive/negative pressure applied to the two blades 32 , 34 so that the blades 32 , 34 move smoothly. [0036] The number of the blades 32 , 34 can be three or more than three, and the number of the pieces 40 , 50 is also changed along with the change of the blades 32 , 34 . The number of the slots 23 is correspondingly changed to accommodate the blades 32 , 34 . [0037] FIG. 10 shows the second embodiment, the differences between the first and second embodiments are that each of the first recesses 16 of the stator 10 has a first dim 162 in the inner end thereof so as to reduce the contact area between the first pieces 40 and the first recesses 16 and reduce the friction between the first pieces 40 and the base 11 . Each of the second recess 18 of the stator 10 has a second dim 182 in the inner end thereof so as to reduce the contact area between the second pieces 50 and the second recesses 18 and reduce the friction between the second pieces 50 and the base 11 . Lubricant is received in each of the first and second dims 162 , 182 . [0038] FIGS. 11 and 12 show the third embodiment which comprises a stator 10 , a rotor 20 , a blade 32 , a first piece 40 and a second piece 50 . The differences between the first and third embodiments are that the slot 23 is defined radially in the outer periphery of the cylindrical body 21 and communicates with the room 13 . The blade 32 is movable in the slot 23 . [0039] Each of the inlet 14 and the outlet 15 has a check valve (not shown) connected thereto so as to control the direction of the fluid. [0040] FIG. 13 shows the fourth embodiment wherein the differences between the first and fourth embodiments are that each of the first and second pieces 40 , 50 are curved plates and an arc of each of the first and second pieces 40 , 50 is over 180 degrees. Each of the first pieces 40 is pivotably connected to the first protrusion (not shown) of the stator (not shown) and each of the second pieces 50 is pivotably connected to the second protrusion (not shown) of the stator (not shown). The blade 32 is connected to an axle 322 which is pivotably connected between the first and second pieces 40 , 50 . The blade 34 is connected to an axle 342 which is pivotably connected between the first and second pieces 40 , 50 . When the rotor 20 rotates, the first and second pieces 40 , 50 drive the blades 32 , 34 by the axles 322 , 342 and the blades 32 , 34 rotate about the center of the room 13 . The blades 32 , 34 move along the slots 23 back and forth. Because the arc of each of the first and second pieces 40 , 50 is over 180 degrees, the rotation of the first and second pieces 40 , 50 is reliable. [0041] FIG. 14 shows the fifth embodiment of the present invention, wherein the differences between the first and fifth embodiments are that each of the first and second pieces 40 , 50 comprises a ring 42 / 52 and a protrusion 44 / 54 . The protrusion 44 / 54 is connected to the inner periphery of the ring 42 / 52 . The protrusion 44 / 54 is a curved protrusion. The protrusion 44 of ring 42 of each of the first pieces 40 is in contact with the outer periphery of the first protrusion (not shown) of the stator (not shown). The outer periphery of the ring 42 of each of the first pieces 40 is in contact with the inner wall of the first recess 16 . The protrusion 54 of ring 52 of each of the second pieces 50 is in contact with the outer periphery of the second protrusion (not shown) of the stator (not shown). The outer periphery of the ring 54 of each of the second pieces 50 is in contact with the inner wall of the second recess. The first and second pieces 40 , 50 respectively rotate about the center of the room 13 , because the outer periphery of the ring 44 / 54 is in contact with the inner periphery of the first/second recess, so that the rotation of the first and second pieces 40 , 50 are reliable. The blade 32 is connected to an axle 322 which is pivotably connected between the protrusions 44 , 54 of the first and second pieces 40 , 50 . The blade 34 is connected to an axle 342 which is pivotably connected between the protrusion 44 , 54 of the other two first and second pieces 40 , 50 . When the rotor 20 rotates, the first and second pieces 40 , 50 drive the blades 32 , 34 by the axles 322 , 342 and the blades 32 , 34 rotate about the center of the room 13 . The blades 32 , 34 move along the slots 23 back and forth. [0042] FIG. 15 shows the sixth embodiment of the present invention and comprises a stator 10 , a rotor 20 , a first blade 36 , a second blade 38 , a first piece 40 and a second piece 50 . The differences between the first and sixth embodiments are that the first and second pieces 40 , 50 are ring-shaped pieces and the first pieces 40 are mounted to the first protrusion 17 and the second pieces 50 are mounted to the second protrusion (not shown). The first piece 40 and the second piece 50 are pivoted about the center of the room 13 . The first and second pieces 40 , 50 respectively form a pivotal hole 46 / 56 and a circular guide slot 48 / 58 . The first blade 36 is pivotably connected to an axle 362 and two ends of the axle 362 are pivotably connected with the pivotal holes 46 , 56 of the first and second pieces 40 , 50 . The first and second pieces 40 , 50 drive the first blade 36 to pivot about the center of the room 13 by the axle 362 . The second blade 38 is pivotably connected to a first axle 382 and a second axle 384 . The first axle 382 is connected to a first slide 386 and the second axle 384 is connected to a second slide 388 . The first slide 386 is slidably inserted into the guide slot 48 of the first piece 40 and the second slide 388 is slidably inserted to the guide slot 58 of the second piece 50 . The first and second pieces 40 , 50 drive the first and second axes 382 , 384 to rotate the second blade 38 to be pivotable about the center of the room 13 . The first and second slides 386 , 388 are movable along with the guide slots 48 , 58 back and forth. [0043] FIG. 16 shows the seventh embodiment which is amended from the fifth embodiment, wherein the first and second pieces 40 , 50 are located symmetrically relative to the cylindrical body 21 . As shown in FIG. 17 , the first piece 40 has a pivotal hole 46 and a curved guide slot 48 . The pivotal hole 46 and the guide slot 48 are defined in the first side of the first piece 40 , the second side of the first piece 40 is a closed side. As shown in FIG. 18 , the second piece 50 has a pivotal hole 56 and a curved guide slot 58 . The pivotal hole 56 and the guide slot 58 are defined in the first side of the second piece 50 , and the second side of the second piece 50 is a closed side. [0044] While inventor have shown and described the embodiment in accordance with the present invention, it should be clear to those skilled in the art that further embodiments may be made without departing from the scope of the present invention.
A blade-type fluid transmission device includes a rotor eccentrically located in the room of a stator and the outer periphery of the rotor is tangent to the inner periphery of the room. At least one blade is pivotably connected to stator and movably inserted in at least one slot of the rotor. The distal end of the at least one blade is in contact with the inner periphery of the room so as to form a space for receiving fluid between the outer periphery of the rotor and the inner periphery of the room. The contact between the at least one blade and the inner periphery of the room increases the efficiency for transmitting fluid which enters into the stator from an inlet and leaves from the stator from an outlet.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS This application is a continuation application of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/064,987, filed Apr. 29, 2011, which was a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/801,952, filed Jul. 2, 2010, which was a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/659,980, filed Mar. 26, 2010, which issued as U.S. Pat. No. 7,797,970, which was a divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. 11/806,245, filed May 30, 2007, which issued as U.S. Pat. No. 7,743,633, which in turn claims the benefit of Korean Patent Application Nos. 2006-49501 and 2006-49482, both filed on Jun. 1, 2006, in the Korean Intellectual Property Office, the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference. BACKGROUND 1. Field The present invention relates generally to a washing machine having at least one balancer, and more particularly to a washing machine having at least one balancer that increases durability by reinforcing strength and that is installed on a rotating tub in a convenient way. 2. Description of the Related Art In general, washing machines do the laundry by spinning a spin tub containing the laundry by driving the spin tub with a driving motor. In a washing process, the spin tub is spun forward and backward at a low speed. In a dehydrating process, the spin tub is spun in one direction at a high speed. When the spin tub is spun at a high speed in the dehydrating process, if the laundry leans to one side without uniform distribution in the spin tub or if the laundry leans to one side by an abrupt acceleration of the spin tub in the early stage of the dehydrating process, the spin tub undergoes a misalignment between the center of gravity and the center of rotation, which thus causes noise and vibration. The repetition of this phenomenon causes parts, such as a spin tub and its rotating shaft, a driving motor, etc., to break or to undergo a reduced life span. Particularly, a drum type washing machine has a structure in which the spin tub containing laundry is horizontally disposed, and when the spin tub is spun at a high speed when the laundry is collected on the bottom of the spin tub by gravity in the dehydrating process, the spin tub undergoes a misalignment between the center of gravity and the center of rotation, thus resulting in a high possibility of causing excess noise and vibration. Thus, the drum type washing machine is typically provided with at least one balancer for maintaining a dynamic balance of the spin tub. A balancer may also be applied to an upright type washing machine in which the spin tub is vertically installed. An example of a washing machine having ball balancers is disclosed in Korean Patent Publication No. 1999-0038279. The ball balancers of a conventional washing machine include racers installed on the top and the bottom of a spin tub in order to maintain a dynamic balance when the spin tub is spun at a high speed, and steel balls and viscous oil are disposed within the racers to freely move in the racers. Thus, when the spin tub is spun without maintaining a dynamic balance due to an unbalanced eccentric structure of the spin tub itself and lopsided distribution of the laundry in the spin tub, the steel balls compensate for this imbalance, and thus the spin tub can maintain the dynamic balance. However, the ball balancers of the conventional washing machine have a structure in which upper and lower plates formed of plastic by injection molding are fused to each other, and a plurality of steel balls are disposed between the fused plates to make a circular motion, so that the ball balancers are continuously supplied with centrifugal force that is generated when the steel balls make a circular motion, and thus are deformed at walls thereof, which reduces the life span of the balancer. Further, the ball balancers of the conventional washing machine do not have a means for guiding the ball balancers to be installed on the spin tub in place, so that it takes time to assemble the balancers to the spin tub. In addition, the ball balancers of the conventional washing machine have a structure in which a racer includes upper and lower plates fused to each other, so that fusion scraps generated during fusion fall down both inwardly and outwardly of the racer. The fusion scraps that fall down inwardly of the racer prevent motion of the balls in the racer, and simultaneously result in generating vibration and noise. SUMMARY Accordingly, the present invention has been made to solve the above-mentioned problems occurring in the prior art, and an object of the present invention is to provide a washing machine having at least one balancer that increases durability by reinforcing the strength of the balancer, which is installed on a rotating tub in a rapid and convenient way. Another object of the present invention is to provide a washing machine having at least one balancer, in which fusion scraps generated by fusion of the balancer are prevented from falling down inward and outward of the balancer. Additional aspects and/or advantages of the invention will be set forth in part in the description which follows and, in part, will be apparent from the description, or may be learned by practice of the invention. In order to accomplish these objects, according to an aspect of the present invention, there is provided a washing machine having a spin tub to hold laundry to be washed and at least one balancer. The balancer includes first and second housings, the first housing having at least one support for reinforcing a strength of the balancer. The first and second housings have an annular shape and are fused together to form a closed internal space. Here, the first housing may have the cross section of an approximately “C” shape, and the support protrudes outwardly from at least one of opposite walls of the first housing. Further, the spin tub may include at least one annular recess corresponding to the balancer such that the balancer is able to be coupled to the spin tub by being fitted within the recess. Further, the support may protrude from the first housing and comes into contact with a wall of the recess, and guides the balancer to be maintained in the recess in place. Also, the supports may be continuously formed along and perpendicular to the opposite walls of the first housing. Further, the supports may be disposed parallel to the opposite walls of the first housing at regular intervals. Meanwhile, the washing machine may be a drum type washing machine. A front member may be attached to a front end of the spin tub and a rear member may be attached to a rear end of the spin tub. The recesses may be provided at the front and rear members of the spin tub, and the balancers may be coupled to opposite ends of the spin tub at the recesses of the front and rear members. The foregoing and/or other aspects of the present invention can be achieved by providing a washing machine having at least one balancer. The balancer includes a first housing and a second housing fused to the first housing, and the first and second housings are fused together to form at least one pocket between the first housing and the second housing, the pocket capable of collecting fusion scraps generated during fusion. Here, the first housing may include protruding fusion ridges protruding from ends of the first housing, and the second housing may include fusion grooves receiving the fusion ridges of the first housing when the first housing and the second housing are fused together. Further, the first housing may further include inner pocket ridges protruding from the first housing and spaced inwardly apart with respect to the fusion ridges of the first housing. Further, the second housing may further include outer pocket flanges protruding from the second housing and being situated on outer sides of the fusion grooves when the first housing is fused together with the second housing so the outer pocket flanges are spaced apart from the fusion ridges of the first housing by a predetermined distance, causing an outer pocket to be formed between the fusion ridges and the outer pocket flanges. Further, the second housing may include guide ridges protruding from the second housing and protruding toward the first housing to closely contact the inner pocket ridges of the first housing when the first and second housings are fused together. Also, the balancer may further include a plurality of balls disposed within an internal space formed by fusing the first and second housings together, the balls performing a balancing function. In addition, the washing machine may further include a spin tub disposed horizontally, and the balancers may be installed at front and rear ends of the spin tub. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The above and other aspects, features and advantages of the present invention will be more apparent from the following detailed description of the embodiments, taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which FIG. 1 is a sectional view illustrating a schematic structure of a washing machine according to the present invention; FIG. 2 is a perspective view illustrating balancers according to the present invention, in which the balancers are disassembled from a spin tub; FIG. 3 is a perspective view illustrating a balancer according to a first embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 4 is an enlarged view illustrating section A of FIG. 1 in order to show the sectional structure of a balancer according to a first embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 5 is a perspective view illustrating a balancer according to a second embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 6 is an enlarged view illustrating the sectional structure of a balancer according to the second embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 7 is a perspective view illustrating a disassembled balancer according to a third embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 8 is a perspective view illustrating an assembled balancer according to the third embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 9 is a partially enlarged view of FIG. 7 ; and FIG. 10 is a sectional view taken line A-A of FIG. 8 . DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE EMBODIMENTS Reference will now be made in detail to the embodiments of the present invention, examples of which are illustrated in the accompanying drawings, wherein like reference numerals refer to the like elements throughout. The embodiments are described below to explain the present invention by referring to the figures. Hereinafter, exemplary embodiments of the present invention will be described with reference to the attached drawings. FIG. 1 is a sectional view illustrating the schematic structure of a washing machine according to the present invention. As illustrated in FIG. 1 , a washing machine according to the present invention includes a housing 1 forming an external structure of the washing machine, a water reservoir 2 installed in the housing 1 and containing washing water, a spin tub 10 disposed rotatably in the water reservoir 2 which allows laundry to be placed in and washed therein, and a door 4 hinged to an open front of the housing 1 . The water reservoir 2 has a feed pipe 5 and a detergent feeder 6 both disposed above the water reservoir 2 in order to supply washing water and detergent to the water reservoir 2 , and a drain pipe 7 installed therebelow in order to drain the washing water contained in the water reservoir 2 to the outside of the housing 1 when the laundry is completely done. The spin tub 10 has a rotating shaft 8 disposed at the rear thereof so as to extend through the rear of the water reservoir 2 , and a driving motor 9 , with which the rotating shaft 8 is coupled, installed on a rear outer side thereof. Therefore, when the driving motor 9 is driven, the rotating shaft 8 is rotated together with the spin tub 10 . The spin tub 10 is provided with a plurality of dehydrating holes 10 a at a periphery thereof so as to allow the water contained in the water reservoir 2 to flow into the spin tub 10 together with the detergent to wash the laundry in a washing cycle, and to allow the water to be drained to the outside of the housing 1 through a drain pipe 7 in a dehydrating cycle. The spin tub 10 has a plurality of lifters 10 b disposed longitudinally therein. Thereby, as the spin tub 10 rotates at a low speed in the washing cycle, the laundry submerged in the water is raised up from the bottom of the spin tub 10 and then is lowered to the bottom of the spin tub 10 , so that the laundry can be effectively washed. Thus, in the washing cycle, the rotating shaft 8 alternately rotates forward and backward by of the driving of the driving motor 9 to spin the spin tub 10 at a low speed, so that the laundry is washed. In the dehydrating cycle, the rotating shaft 8 rotates in one direction to spin the spin tub 10 at a high speed, so that the laundry is dehydrated. When spun at a high speed in the dehydrating process, the spin tub 10 itself may undergo misalignment between the center of gravity and the center of rotation, or the laundry may lean to one side without uniform distribution in the spin tub 10 . In this case, the spin tub 10 does not maintain a dynamic balance. In order to prevent this dynamic imbalance to allow the spin tub 10 to be spun at a high speed with the center of gravity and the center of rotation thereof matched with each other, the spin tub 10 is provided with balancers 20 or 30 according to a first or a second embodiment of the present invention (wherein only the balancer 20 according to a first embodiment is shown in FIGS. 1-4 ) at front and rear ends thereof. The structure of the balancers 20 and 30 according to the first and second embodiments of the present invention will be described with reference to FIGS. 2 through 6 . FIG. 2 is a perspective view illustrating balancers according to the present invention, in which the balancers are disassembled from a spin tub. As illustrated in FIG. 2 , the spin tub 10 includes a cylindrical body 11 that has open front and rear parts and is provided with the dehydrating holes 10 a and lifters 10 b , a front member 12 that is coupled to the open front part of the body 11 and is provided with an opening 14 permitting the laundry to be placed within or removed from the body 11 , and a rear member 13 that is coupled to the open rear part of the body 11 and with the rotating shaft 8 (see FIG. 1 ) for spinning the spin tub 10 . The front member 12 is provided, at an edge thereof, with an annular recess 15 that has the cross section of an approximately “C” shape and is open to the front of the front member 12 in order to hold any one of the balancers 20 . Similarly, the rear member 13 is provided, at an edge thereof, with an annular recess 15 (not shown) that is open to the rear of the front member 12 in order to hold the other of the balancers 20 . The front and rear members 12 and 13 are fitted into and coupled to the front or rear edges of the body 11 in a screwed fashion or in any other fashion that allows the front and rear members 12 and 13 to be maintained to the body 11 of the spin tub 10 . The balancers 20 , which are installed in the recesses 15 of the front and rear members 12 and 13 , have an annular shape and are filled therein with a plurality of metal balls 21 performing a balancing function and a viscous fluid (not shown) capable of adjusting a speed of motion of the balls 21 . Now, the structure of the balancers 20 and 30 according to the first and second embodiments of the present invention will be described with reference to FIGS. 3 through 6 . FIG. 3 is a perspective view illustrating a balancer according to a first embodiment of the present invention, and FIG. 4 is an enlarged view illustrating part A of FIG. 1 in order to show the sectional structure of a balancer according to a first embodiment of the present invention. As illustrated in FIGS. 3 and 4 , a balancer 20 according to a first embodiment of the present invention has an annular shape and includes first and second housings 22 and 23 that are fused to define a closed internal space 20 a. The first housing 22 has first and second walls 22 a and 22 b facing each other, and a third wall 22 c connecting ends of the first and second walls 22 a and 22 b , and thus has a cross section of an approximately “C” shape. The second housing 23 has opposite edges that protrude toward the first housing 22 and that are coupled to corresponding opposite ends 22 d of the first housing 22 by heat fusion. The opposite ends 22 d of the first housing 22 protrude outward from the first and second walls 22 a and 22 b of the first housing 22 , and the edges of the second housing 23 are sized to cover the ends 22 d of the first housing 22 . Thus, when the balancer 20 is fitted into the recess 15 of the front member 12 of the spin tub 10 , the first and second walls 22 a and 22 b are spaced apart from a wall of the recess 15 because of the ends and edges of the first and second housings 22 and 23 which protrude outward from the first and second walls 22 a and 22 b . Further, because the first and second walls 22 a and 22 b are relatively thin, the first and second walls 22 a and 22 b are raised outward when centrifugal force is applied thereto by the plurality of balls 21 that move in the internal space 20 a of the balancer 20 in order to perform the balancing function. In this manner, the plurality of balls 21 make a circular motion in the balancer 20 , so that the first and second walls 22 a and 22 b are deformed by the centrifugal force applied to the first and second walls 22 a and 22 b of the first housing 22 . In order to prevent this deformation, the second housing 22 is provided with supports 24 according to a first embodiment of the present invention. The supports 24 protrude from and perpendicular to the first and second walls 22 a and 22 b of the first housing 22 which are opposite each other, and may be continued along an outer surface of the first housing 22 , thereby having an overall annular shape. The supports 24 have a length such that they extend from the first housing 22 to contact the wall of the recess 15 . Hence, the first and second walls 22 a and 22 b are further increased in strength, and additionally function to guide the balancer 20 so as to be maintained in the recess 15 in place. Here, when the plurality of balls 21 make a circular motion in the first housing 22 , the centrifugal force acts in the direction moving away from the center of rotation of the spin tub 10 . Hence, the centrifugal force acts on the first wall 22 a to a stronger level when viewed in FIG. 4 . Thus, the supports 24 may be formed only on the first wall 22 a. In the balancer 20 according to the first embodiment of the present invention, when the first and second housings 22 and 23 are fused together and fitted into the recess 15 of the spin tub 10 , the supports 24 are maintained in place while positioned along the wall of the recess 15 . Finally, the balancer 20 is coupled and fixed to the front member 12 of the spin tub 10 by screws (not shown) or in any other fashion that allows the balancer 20 to be coupled to the front member 12 . Although not illustrated in detail, the balancer 20 is similarly installed on the rear member 13 of the spin tub 10 . The ends 22 d of the first housing 22 include fusion ridges 42 a that protrude toward the second housing 23 . The fusion ridges 42 a are inserted within fusion grooves 43 a of the second housing 23 . FIGS. 5 and 6 correspond to FIGS. 3 and 4 , and illustrate a balancer 30 according to a second embodiment of the present invention. The balancer 30 according to the second embodiment of the present invention has an annular shape and includes first and second housings 32 and 33 that are fused together forming an internal space 30 a therebetween in which a plurality of balls 31 are disposed. The balancer 30 according to the second embodiment of the present invention is similar to that of balancer 20 according to the first embodiment of the present invention, except the structure of supports 34 of balancer 30 is different from that of the structure of the supports 24 of balancer 20 . As illustrated in FIGS. 5 and 6 , the supports 34 according to the second embodiment of the present invention protrude parallel to first and second walls 32 a and 32 b of a first housing 32 which are opposite each other, and the supports 34 are disposed at regular intervals along the first and second walls 32 a and 32 b . The first housing 32 further includes a third wall 32 c . Ends 22 d of the first housing 32 extend from an end of the first and second walls 32 a and 32 b. Similar to the supports 24 according to the first embodiment, the supports 34 of the second embodiment have a length such that the supports 34 extend from the first housing 32 to contact the wall of the recess 15 . The surfaces of the supports 34 thereby abut portions of the front member 12 . Hence, the first and second walls 32 a and 32 b are further increased in strength, and additionally function to guide the balancer 30 so as to be maintained in the recess 15 in place. Next, the construction of a balancer 40 according to a third embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to FIGS. 7 through 10 . FIGS. 7 and 8 are perspective views illustrating disassembled and assembled balancers according to the third embodiment of the present invention, FIG. 9 is a partially enlarged view of FIG. 7 , and FIG. 10 is a sectional view taken along line A-A of FIG. 8 . As illustrated in FIGS. 7 and 8 , a balancer 40 includes a first housing 42 having an annular shape and a second housing 43 having an annular shape that is fused to the first housing 42 , thereby forming an annular housing corresponding to the recess 15 (see FIG. 2 ) of the spin tub 10 . The first and second housings 42 and 43 may be, for example, formed of synthetic resin, such as plastic by injection molding. As illustrated in FIG. 9 , the first housing 42 has a cross section of an approximately “C” shape, includes fusion ridges 42 a protruding to the second housing 43 at opposite ends thereof which are coupled with the second housing 43 , and inner pocket ridges 42 b protruding to the second housing 43 spaced inwardly apart from the fusion ridges 42 a. The second housing 43 , which is coupled to opposite ends of the first housing 42 in order to form a closed internal space 40 a for holding a plurality of balls 41 and a viscous fluid, includes fusion grooves 43 a recessed along edges thereof so as to correspond to the fusion ridges 42 a , outer pocket flanges 43 b and guide ridges 43 c . The outer pocket flanges protrude to the first housing 42 on outer sides of the fusion grooves 43 a so as to be spaced apart from the fusion ridges 42 a of the first housing 42 by a predetermined distance. The guide ridges 43 c protrude to the first housing 42 on inner sides of the fusion grooves 43 a and closely contact the inner pocket ridges 42 b of the first housing 42 . The guide ridges 43 c of the second housing 43 move in contact with the inner pocket ridges 42 b of the first housing 42 when the second housing 43 is fitted into the first housing 42 , to thereby guide the fusion ridges 42 a of the first housing 42 to be fitted into the fusion grooves 43 a of the second housing 43 rapidly and precisely. Thus, when the fusion ridges 42 a of the first housing 42 are fitted into the fusion grooves 43 a of the second housing 43 in order to fuse the first housing 42 with the second housing 43 , as shown in FIG. 10 , an inner pocket 40 b having a predetermined spacing is formed between the fusion ridges 42 a and inner pocket ridges 42 b , and an outer pocket 40 c having a predetermined spacing is formed between the fusion ridges 42 a and the outer pocket flanges 43 b. In this state, when heat is generated between the fusion ridges 42 a of the first housing 42 and the fusion grooves 43 a of the second housing 43 , the fusion ridges 42 a and the fusion grooves 43 a are firmly fused with each other. At fusion, fusion scraps that are generated by heat and fall down inward of the first housing 42 are collected in the inner pocket 40 b , so that the scraps are not introduced into the internal space 40 a of the balancer 40 in which the balls 41 move. Fusion scraps falling down outward of the first housing 42 are collected in the outer pocket 40 c , and thus are prevented from falling down outward of the balancer 40 . In the embodiments, the balancers 20 , 30 and 40 have been described to be installed on a drum type washing machine by way of example, but it is apparent that the balancers can be applied to an upright type washing machine having a structure in which a spin tub is vertically installed. As described above in detail, the washing machine according to the embodiments of the present invention has a high-strength structure in which at least one balancer is provided with at least one support protruding outward from the wall thereof, so that, although the strong centrifugal force acts on the wall of the balancer due to a plurality of balls making a circular motion in the balancer, the wall of the balancer is not deformed. Thus, the plurality of balls can make a smooth circular motion without causing excess vibration and noise, and thus increasing the durability and life span of the balancer. Further, the washing machine according to the embodiments of the present invention has a structure in which the balancer can be rapidly and exactly positioned in the recess of the spin tub by the supports, so that an assembly time of the balance can be reduced. In addition, the washing machine according to the present invention has a structure in which fusion scraps generated when the balancer is fused are collected in a plurality of pockets, and thus are prevented from falling down inward and outward of the balancer, so that the internal space of the balancer, in which a plurality of balls are filled and move in a circular motion, has a smooth surface without the addition of fusion scraps. As a result, the balls are able to move more smoothly, and excess noise and vibration are minimized. The balancer may have a clear outer surface to provide a fine appearance without the fusion scraps, so that it can be exactly coupled to the spin tub without obstruction caused by the fusion scraps. Although a few embodiments of the present invention have been described for illustrative purposes, those skilled in the art will appreciate that various modifications, additions and substitutions are possible, without departing from the scope and spirit of the invention as disclosed in the accompanying claims and their equivalents.
A drum type washing machine, including a housing, a spin tub to hold laundry to be washed, the spin tub rotating with respect to a horizontal axis of the washing machine, and a ball balancer coupled to the spin tub to compensate for a dynamic imbalance during rotation thereof, the ball balancer including a first plastic member and a second plastic member joined to each other to define a closed internal space in which a plurality of balls and viscous fluid are accommodated, the first plastic member having an open side, and the second plastic member adapted to cover the open side of the first plastic member. The first plastic member includes a plurality of supports formed on an outer surface thereof to establish contact with the spin tub, and the ball balancer is fastened to the spin tub via a plurality of screw members.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APLLICATIONS [0001] This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/833,797 filed Jun. 11, 2013. FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] The invention generally relates to techniques for arbitrage and pricing power in a market. More specifically, it relates to methods that structure individual entities into a group to purchase in volume and economically gain through collective buying power while providing incentives and a manageable and predictable structure for counterparties. BACKGROUND OF INVENTION [0003] The general consensus in economic theory is that the structure of an efficient market is defined by the theory of perfect competition. However, markets may not always operate according to the conditions of perfect competition. Some criteria not fulfilled may include: perfect information, zero transaction costs, and non-increasing returns to scale. For instance, companies spend billions of dollars in advertisements to inform the public. It becomes necessary then to structure a market in such a way that limits these inefficiencies by applying technology and structuring the inefficiencies themselves. [0004] With the advance of smartphones and computer technology, it becomes possible to address these issues. Today, people increasingly use smartphones to make purchases via ecommerce, access the Internet while in store to become better informed, and receive discounts through mobile coupons. In fact, the market for ecoupons is important as it is estimated that the number of mobile coupon users will increase from 12.3 million in 2010 to 53.2 million in 2014 (Mobile Spurs Digital Coupon User Growth, eMarketer,, Jan. 31, 2013). The connectivity of the smartphone, whether through social or some other form, has permitted this explosive growth and the growth of companies like Groupon© and LivingSocial©. [0005] Coupons are a rather inefficient market mechanism for both the merchant whose goal it is to increase volume and consumer base and the consumer whose goal it is to decrease the price of an item or service. For the merchant, the coupons may only attract free riders whose goal it is to use the service once at the discounted price and never return. Additionally, time, money and organizational effort must be allocated to run and promote the program. For the consumer, the couponing scheme requires a large investment in the opportunity cost. The time to search, gather and organize the different coupons can be overwhelming. As a result, couponing scheme structures market participants into two segments: those who allocate their time to couponing or the ‘in’ crowd and those who do not or the ‘out’ crowd. The first group usually does it for the emotional benefit of “the deal.” The second group just pays a higher price. Moreover, coupons are usually limited in one manner or another with expiration dates and purchase limits. As a result, the structure itself is inefficient because it rewards people on a ‘know first’ basis and unsustainable because merchants cannot or do not allow an infinite amount of purchases at the prevailing coupon rate. More over, other couponing models may require a base number of people to join before the coupon is activated. This model introduces uncertainty on whether the coupon will ultimately be used. In many cases, it requires a significant amount of synchronous social communication and coordination to form a suitable collective buying group. Again, the opportunity cost in this couponing model is expensive. BRIEF SUMMARY OF INVENTION [0006] The two fundamental keys for the present invention are collective buying power and the contract. Collective buying power is the mechanism that will minimize costs for both the party receiving the good or service (participant) and the party providing the good or service (merchant). The contract is the mechanism that will structure the market to create the buying collective and the incentive to invite additional participant to join the collective. It will also provide all market participants the same price per unit at a discrete moment in time. Meaning that while prices of contracts may fluctuate, the fluctuation will return the best possible outcome for each user, both at a discrete moment and summed over the life of the contract. [0007] There are a few outcomes of the present invention that decrease the inefficiencies of current markets and particularly couponing models. Market participants are provided a real monetary incentive to share and recruit additional market participants. New participants joining take advantage of the prevailing group's collective buying power. Merchants gain access to a large market of participants that is also a steady and defined stream. The model is also sustainable over an infinite period of time instead of a one-time offer. Moreover, the contract takes uncoordinated individual entities and structures them into a larger, coordinated collective. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0008] A market is a system of multiple participants (parties) who engage in exchange based on a prevailing structure. A party is an entity that can enter into an agreement. In this present invention, a new structure will be defined that will increase the efficiencies of prevailing market structures and introduce a new market type. [0009] The contract will be the mechanism that provides the de-facto structure for the market. A contract is a written or spoken agreement that is intended to be enforceable and has the minimum characteristics: 1.) The contract has a price, p. 2.) The contract is defined for a time of period x. 3.) x is further divided into y number of periods. 4.) y must be greater than 0. 5.) For each y period, the holder of the contract will receive an order, o, of z number of item(s) or service(s) on a particular datetime. 6.) z must be greater than 0. 7.) A symbol, typically a mathematical equation, which represents the collective buying power of a contract given z number of item(s) concurrently under contract given discrete references in time and a corresponding price. 8.) When the contract is fulfilled, the holder of the contract will have received y*z number of items or services. To adhere to the homogeneous condition for perfect competition, similar contracts within the market will have similar x, y and z conditions. Variable contractual duration may exist through secondary markets and their emergence cannot be ignored. However, the present invention limits the need as at any given moment in time, a participant receives the same volume discount at the same moment in time regardless of the date entered into the contract. Moreover, the type of discount provided, linear, quadratic or some other function, can vary. It is also worth noting that the participant could receive all the items at the beginning of the contract; however, an order fulfillment date based on the period must be necessarily generated to provide a change in volume over the life of the contract, reflecting the exiting of the contract from the market. [0018] Parties become participants in the market by entering into and interacting with a contract. The market exchanges the above-mentioned contracts and produces desirable outcomes that permit stakeholders to collectively buy without coordination or concern for time, volume and price fluctuations, or the degree of collective buying power. To examine the benefits, equations will be presented to describe the market outcomes. The present invention does not make the case that these equations are the only mathematical representation of the market. Rather, they serve to demonstrate the value of and processes necessary to utilize the present invention. [0019] In a market, a party must engage in an exchange. In the present invention, a market participant purchases the contract at an initial price, referred to hereafter as the prevailing price, and in return receives fulfillment of the contract as per the terms. The prevailing price is the price from the current date and time until the end of the contract at a future date and reflects the total volume of the collective from the current date to the end date. Volume at a current time can fluctuate as parties choose either to enter a new contract or exit by not renewing. Because collective buying power is necessary for the present invention, price and volume are in an inverse relationship. As a result, the price of the contract can increase or decrease. [0020] Once a party enters the contract, the prevailing price quoted becomes a reference point, referred to hereafter as the prevailing contract price. Just like the prevailing price, a prevailing contract price is calculated from the collective volume; however, the volume quoted is from the start to the end of the contract. As a result, the volume of the contract can increase as other parties enter but cannot decrease because parties cannot exit as per the contract. With the contract providing structure and collective buying power forcing the price movements, the price of a participant's contract can only decrease or remain the same over time. [0021] Examining the structure through equations, a standard prevailing price can be represented as: [0000] pp=yz ( p−d ) [0000] where pp is the prevailing price, y is the number of periods in the contract, z is the total number of items per period, p is the price per item and d is the discount. [0022] A standard discount due to the collective buying power can be represented as: [0000] d x =√{square root over ( x )} [0000] where d x is the instant discount for x the total number of items per order contracted and x greater than 1. [0023] The total discount for x the total number of items is: [0000] td x = ∫ x = 2  x 3 / 2 3 [0024] where td x is the total discount of a contract for x the total number of items per order contracted. [0025] Equating the discount on all items equally yields: [0000] d = 2  x 3 [0026] A standard prevailing price for x number of items can be represented as: [0000] pp x = yzp  ( 1 - 2  x 3 ) [0000] where pp x is the prevailing price for x total number of item for the entire number of participants, y is the number of periods in the contract, z is the total number of items per period, p is the price per item and d is the discount. [0027] x, the total volume, can be represented as: [0000] x = z  ∑ i n  O i  [0000] where x is the total volume, z is the total number of items per period, i is the initial datetime, n is the ending datetime, and o i is the number of orders at i. [0028] The standard price for quoting a contract given time interval can be represented as: [0000] pp in = yzp ( 1 - 2  z  ∑ i n   O i 3 ) [0000] where pp in is the price for the datetime i to n, y is the number of periods in the contract, z is the total number of items per period, p is the price per item, z is the total number of items per period, i is the initial datetime, n is the ending datetime, and o i is the number of orders at i. [0029] The present invention creates improved outcomes for market participants. First, at any given moment in time, the discount received reflects the best possible price for the collective at the given volume amount. This decreases uncertainty because a participant does not need to worry about waiting and buying at a lower price in the future. Moreover, the present invention limits the uncertainty of the future by calculating prices for the future and tying them to the present price of the contract. As is evident above, if the participant is in the contract, the added volume in the future is captured in the quoted discount. Buying for multiple periods will also prevent a whiplash of price increases. The only way to exit is by allowing the contract to lapse. In exiting, the volume of the collective will gradually decrease as one order after another is fulfilled and escapes the collective volume calculation. As a result, the volume of the collective at the current datetime will decrease slowly. The structure of the market also provides incentives for individuals to invite and market the contract. After all, increasing the collective buying power also increases the discount. If the discount increases for a contract, the participants will be credited the difference. This incentive also compensates for the limit of choices which participants face once in a contract. Moreover, neither does the invitee receive less not the inviter more of a discount because the calculated discount is the instance of the buying collective volume at that moment in time given the volume over the life of the contract. As a result, the interests of all participants overlap. [0030] The market structure also provides benefits for the merchant and/or manufacturer. They have access to a steady stream of consumers, predictable over a longer run, which can only decline slowly over time. As a result, merchants can predict the future more accurately, providing the ability to allocate capital more efficiently with a better understanding of cash flow.
Method pertains to a system of entities that make purchases and interact either synchronously or asynchronously into a group that exercises collective buying power. It provides a process whereby individual entities can enter the group at a specified price and receive a rebate as new entities enter the group. The method is useful because of its transparency, sustainability, and ability to provide economic benefits equitably to all stakeholders and incentives to entities in the group to market the group and recruit individuals to join the group. Move over, the structure of the system improves upon the standard coupon scheme as well as the bid and offer system.
RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] This application is a continuation in part of pending U.S. application Ser. No. 13/737,096 which claims the benefit of U.S. provisional patent application 61/589,648 filed Jan. 23, 2012 with two common inventors. TECHNICAL FIELD [0002] The present invention relates to bedding for standard sized beds generally and to integrated human bedding augmented to receive a secondary user, such as a pet or a child, at least partially isolated from the primary user. BACKGROUND [0003] Children and pets (collectively, “secondary users”), especially dogs and cats, sometimes like to sleep on a bed that is designed for and in use by one or more humans. Some secondary users also sometimes prefer to sleep under a blanket. Humans sometimes enjoy having a secondary user sleeping on the bed that the humans are using, but have concerns regarding sanitation and infestation. OBJECTS AND FESTURES OF THE PRESENT INVENTION [0004] It is an object of the present invention to provide an augmented bedding that includes a comforter or similar bed cover for a human bed and a augmentation cover on the bed cover for receiving a smaller live occupant as a secondary user. It is another object of the present invention to provide an augmented bedding in which the augmentation cover is attached to the human bed cover on most of the perimeter of the augmentation cover and having an unattached portion of the perimeter by which a smaller live occupant can enter into the augmentation cover. It is another object of the present invention to provide an augmentation cover that includes antimicrobial materials. It is another object of the present invention to provide an augmentation cover that has air vents. It is another object of the present invention to provide an augmentation cover that includes multiple layers of fabric. It is another object of the present invention to provide an augmented bedding that suppresses fleas and ticks. It is another object of the present invention to provide an augmented bedding that is washable. It is another object of the present invention to provide augmentation covers in various sizes and shapes. It is a feature of the present invention to provide an augmentation cover that is either releasably or fixedly attached to a comforter or similar bed cover for a human bed. It is another feature of the present invention to provide an augmentation cover that is attached to the human bed cover on most of the perimeter of the augmentation cover and having an unattached portion of the perimeter by which the pet can enter under the augmentation cover. It is another feature of the present invention to provide an augmentation cover that includes antimicrobial materials. It is another feature of the present invention to provide an augmentation cover that has air vents. It is another feature of the present invention to provide an augmentation cover that includes multiple layers of fabric. It is another feature of the present invention to provide an augmentation cover that suppresses fleas and ticks. It is another feature of the present invention to provide an augmentation cover that is washable. It is another feature of the present invention to provide bed cover and augmentation covers in various sizes and shapes. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0005] The present invention will hereinafter be described in conjunction with the following drawing figures, wherein like numerals denote like elements, and [0006] FIG. 1 is a perspective view illustrating an exemplary augmented bedding on a bed, in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention; [0007] FIG. 2 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary augmented bedding on a bed, in accordance with a second preferred embodiment of the present invention; [0008] FIG. 3 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary augmented bedding on a bed, in accordance with a third preferred embodiment of the present invention; [0009] FIG. 4 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary augmented bedding on a bed, in accordance with a fourth preferred embodiment of the present invention; [0010] FIG. 5 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary augmented bedding on a bed, in accordance with a fifth preferred embodiment of the present invention; [0011] FIG. 6 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary augmented bedding on a bed, in accordance with a sixth preferred embodiment of the present invention; [0012] FIG. 7 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary augmented bedding on a bed, in accordance with a seventh preferred embodiment of the present invention; [0013] FIG. 8 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary augmented bedding on a bed, in accordance with an eighth preferred embodiment of the present invention; [0014] FIG. 9 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary augmented bedding on a bed, in accordance with a ninth preferred embodiment of the present invention; [0015] FIG. 10 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary augmented bedding on a bed, in accordance with a tenth preferred embodiment of the present invention; [0016] FIG. 11 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary augmented bedding on a bed, in accordance with a eleventh preferred embodiment of the present invention; [0017] FIG. 12 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary augmented bedding on a bed, in accordance with a twelfth preferred embodiment of the present invention; [0018] FIG. 13 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary augmented bedding on a bed, in accordance with a thirteenth preferred embodiment of the present invention; [0019] FIG. 14 is a diagrammatic view illustrating an exemplary embodiment of an augmented bedding, in accordance with a fourteenth preferred embodiment of the present invention; and [0020] FIG. 15 is a diagrammatic view illustrating an exemplary embodiment of another augmented bedding, in accordance with a fifteenth embodiment of the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0021] FIG. 1 is a perspective view illustrating an exemplary augmented bedding 100 on a bed 102 , in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. Augmented bedding 100 includes bed cover 104 and augmentation cover 106 . Bed 102 , which may be of any useful size, releasably supports bed cover 104 , which includes top portion 118 and skirt portion 116 . Bed cover has a top edge 120 . Bed cover 104 is preferably a bedspread but, in various additional embodiments, may be a comforter, a blanket, duvet, or other top layer of human bedding. Preferably, the bed cover 104 for a twin bed comprises eighty inches in width and one-hundred and ten inches in length. Preferably, the bed cover 104 for a full size bed comprises ninety-six inches in width and one-hundred and ten inches in length. Preferably, the bed cover 104 for a queen size bed comprises one hundred and two inches in width and one-hundred and sixteen inches in length. Preferably, the bed cover 104 for a king size bed comprises one hundred and fourteen inches in width and one-hundred and twenty inches in length. [0022] Augmentation cover 106 is preferably at least one layer of fabric and is attached to bed cover 104 along the bottom edge 110 and side edges 108 and 112 of the augmentation cover 106 . Top edge 114 of augmentation cover 106 is not attached to bed cover if augmentation cover 106 is a single layer of fabric. In embodiments in which augmentation cover 106 is made of multiple layers of fabric, at least one of the layers is not attached to the bed cover 104 along top edge 114 , thereby allowing entry of a secondary user under augmentation cover 106 . Preferably, edges 108 , 110 , and 112 coincide with edges of the bed 102 . Preferably, augmentation cover 106 has a width of no more than fourteen-fifteenths of the width of the bed cover 104 and is at least five inches less wide than the bed cover 104 . Top edge 114 of the augmentation cover 106 does not touch upon or fasten to the top edge 120 of the bed cover. Bed cover 104 and augmentation cover 106 may be of various fabric materials in various embodiments and may bear decoration, such as colors and/or patterns. Preferably, all materials are ecologically friendly materials. While illustrated as flat, augmentation cover 106 may have slack to accommodate a secondary user. The augmented bedding 100 is preferably sold as the bed cover 104 with augmentation cover 106 attached. [0023] FIG. 2 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary embodiment of augmented bedding 200 on a bed 102 , in accordance with a second preferred embodiment of the present invention. Augmented bedding 200 includes bed cover 104 and augmentation cover 206 . In this embodiment of augmented bedding 100 , augmentation cover 206 includes air vents 202 (one of eight labeled). In various embodiments, air vents 202 may be of various sizes and shapes and may be one or more air vents 202 . Preferably, augmentation cover 206 has a width of no more than fourteen-fifteenths of the width of the bed cover 104 and is at least five inches less wide than the bed cover 104 . Top edge 114 of the augmentation cover 206 does not touch upon or fasten to the top edge 120 of the bed cover. The augmented bedding 200 is preferably sold as the bed cover 104 with augmentation cover 206 attached. [0024] FIG. 3 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary embodiment of an augmented bedding 300 on a bed 102 , in accordance with a third preferred embodiment of the present invention. Augmented bedding 300 includes bed cover 104 and augmentation cover 306 . Augmentation cover 306 has an irregular curved top edge 314 illustrative, without limitation, of the variation in shape that the top edge 314 may have. Preferably, augmentation cover 306 has a width of no more than fourteen-fifteenths of the width of the bed cover 104 and is at least five inches less wide than the bed cover 104 . Top edge 114 of the augmentation cover 306 does not touch upon or fasten to the top edge 120 of the bed cover. The augmented bedding 300 is preferably sold as the bed cover 104 with augmentation cover 306 attached. [0025] FIG. 4 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary embodiment augmented bedding 400 on a bed 102 , in accordance with a fourth preferred embodiment of the present invention. Augmented bedding 400 includes bed cover 104 and augmentation cover 406 . Augmentation cover 406 has edges 408 , 410 , 412 attached to bed cover 104 . Edges 408 , 410 , 412 do not extend to the respective edges of bed 102 . Top edge 414 is open to permit entry of a secondary user. In some embodiments, only one or two of edges 408 , 410 , 412 do not extend to the respective edges of bed 102 . Preferably, augmentation cover 406 has a width of no more than fourteen-fifteenths of the width of the bed cover 104 and is at least five inches less wide than the bed cover 104 . Top edge 114 of the augmentation cover 406 does not touch upon or fasten to the top edge 120 of the bed cover. The augmented bedding 400 is preferably sold as the bed cover 104 with augmentation cover 406 attached. [0026] FIG. 5 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary embodiment of an augmented bedding 500 on a bed 102 , in accordance with a fifth preferred embodiment of the present invention. Augmented bedding 500 includes bed cover 504 and augmentation cover 506 . Augmentation cover 506 has a continuous releasable fastener 502 along edges 510 , 512 , and 512 . Releasable fastener 502 may be, for non-limiting examples, a zipper, hook and loop fastener, and a press-seal fastener. Top edge 514 is open to permit entry of a secondary user. Bed cover 504 includes a complimentary part of fastener 502 . Preferably, augmentation cover 506 has a width of no more than fourteen-fifteenths of the width of the bed cover 104 and is at least five inches less wide than the bed cover 104 . Top edge 114 of the augmentation cover 506 does not touch upon or fasten to the top edge 120 of the bed cover. The augmented bedding 500 is preferably sold as the bed cover 104 with one or more augmentation covers 506 . In a particular embodiment, augmentation cover 506 may be reversible. [0027] FIG. 6 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary embodiment of an augmented bedding on a bed, in accordance with a sixth preferred embodiment of the present invention. Augmented bedding 600 includes bed cover 604 and augmentation cover 606 . Augmentation cover 606 includes spaced apart releasable fasteners 602 (one of fifteen labeled) along edges 610 , 612 , and 612 . Releasable fasteners 602 may be, for non-limiting examples, snaps, buttons, hook and loop fasteners, hooks, ties, hook and eye fasteners, and buckles. Top edge 614 is open to permit entry of a secondary user. Bed cover 604 includes complimentary parts of fasteners 602 . In a particular embodiment, complimentary parts of fasteners 602 are arrayed around the top portion 618 of bed cover 604 to permit variation in the positioning, by the user, of augmentation cover 606 on bed cover 604 . Preferably, augmentation cover 606 has a width of no more than fourteen-fifteenths of the width of the bed cover 104 and is at least five inches less wide than the bed cover 104 . Top edge 114 of the augmentation 606 cover does not touch upon or fasten to the top edge 120 of the bed cover. The augmented bedding 600 is preferably sold as the bed cover 104 with one or more augmentation covers 606 . [0028] In the embodiments of FIG. 5 and FIG. 6 , the augmented bedding 500 or 600 may be sold with a plurality of various augmentation covers 506 or 606 , respectively, each having a different weight and/or air permeability for various seasons, applications, and secondary users. Likewise, the plurality of various augmentation covers 506 or 606 may have various colors, designs, and/or patterns in various embodiments. One or more of the plurality of various augmentation covers 506 or 606 may be reversible. In a particular embodiment, the combination of the bed cover 504 and the plurality of releasably attachable augmentation covers 506 or 606 may be sold with the augmentation covers detached. In another approach, the bed cover 504 or 604 may be sold online with a consumer's choice of one or more augmentation covers 506 or 606 , respectively, made in the same online sale. In another particular embodiment, the plurality of releasably attachable augmentation covers 506 or 606 may be sold including a plurality of first parts of complimentary fasteners 502 or 602 operable to be attached to a consumer's legacy bed covering 504 or 604 by the consumer and second parts of such complimentary fasteners 502 or 602 attached to the augmentation cover 506 or 606 . [0029] FIG. 7 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary embodiment of an augmented bedding 700 on a bed 102 , in accordance with a seventh preferred embodiment of the present invention. Augmented bedding 700 includes bed cover 104 and augmentation cover 706 . Side and bottom edges 712 , 716 , and 710 of augmentation cover 706 extend over the edges of bed 102 . The extent of the extended edges 710 and 712 may, in a particular embodiment, extend to the bottom edge of bed 102 (see FIG. 12 ). The side not shown in this illustration also has an extension of the augmentation cover 706 . Top edge 714 is open to permit entry of a secondary user. Preferably, augmentation cover 706 has a width of no more than fourteen-fifteenths of the width of the bed cover 104 and is at least five inches less wide than the bed cover 104 . Top edge 114 of the augmentation cover 706 does not touch upon or fasten to the top edge 120 of the bed cover. The augmented bedding 700 is preferably sold as the bed cover 104 with augmentation cover 706 attached. In a particular embodiment, edge 716 is open, forming a hammock, with a bottom at edge 712 , along the side of bed 102 , in which a small secondary user may rest. [0030] FIG. 8 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary embodiment of an augmented bedding 800 on a bed, in accordance with an eighth preferred embodiment of the present invention. Augmented bedding 800 includes bed cover 104 and augmentation cover 806 . Augmentation cover 806 has an irregular shape to exemplify, without limitation, the range of shapes available for augmentation cover 806 . Preferably, augmentation cover 806 has a width of no more than fourteen-fifteenths of the width of the bed cover 104 and is at least five inches less wide than the bed cover 104 . Top edge 114 of the augmentation cover does not touch upon or fasten to the top edge 120 of the bed cover. Top edge 814 is open to permit entry of a secondary user. Edges 808 , 810 , and 812 are releasably or fixedly attached to bed cover 104 . The augmented bedding 800 is preferably sold as the bed cover 804 with augmentation cover 806 attached. [0031] FIG. 9 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary augmented bedding 900 on a bed 102 , in accordance with a ninth preferred embodiment of the present invention. Augmented bedding 900 includes bed cover 104 and augmentation cover 906 . Augmentation cover 906 has a bottom edge 910 that is not along the bottom edge of bed 102 . Top edge 914 is open to permit entry of a secondary user. Edges 908 , 910 , and 912 are releasably or fixedly attached to bed cover 104 . Preferably, augmentation cover 906 has a width of no more than fourteen-fifteenths of the width of the bed cover 104 and is at least five inches less wide than the bed cover 104 . Top edge 114 of the augmentation cover 906 does not touch upon or fasten to the top edge 120 of the bed cover. In a particular embodiment, the bottom edge 910 of augmentation cover 906 may be near the bottom edge of bed 102 to provide for a secondary user that prefers to sleep on the foot of the bed. The augmented bedding 900 is preferably sold as the bed cover 904 with augmentation cover 906 attached. [0032] FIG. 10 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary embodiment of an augmented bedding 1000 on a bed 102 , in accordance with a tenth preferred embodiment of the present invention. Augmented bedding 1000 includes bed cover 104 and augmentation cover 1006 . Augmentation cover 1006 has a divider 1002 that divides augmentation cover 1006 into two compartments 1020 and 1022 . The compartments 1020 or 1022 may be used for separating two secondary users or for providing options for positioning one secondary user. Top edge 1014 is open to permit entry of a secondary user. Preferably, augmentation cover 1006 has a width of no more than fourteen-fifteenths of the width of the bed cover 104 . Edges 1008 , 1010 , and 1012 are releasably or fixedly attached to bed cover 104 and are at least five inches less wide than the bed cover 104 . Top edge 114 of the augmentation cover 1006 does not touch upon or fasten to the top edge 120 of the bed cover. In a particular embodiment, compartments 1020 and 1022 may have releasably fastenable top edges 1014 to allow one compartment to be closed off to limit a secondary user to a particular side of the bed 102 . The augmented bedding 1000 is preferably sold as the bed cover 1004 with augmentation cover 1006 attached. [0033] FIG. 11 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary embodiment of an augmented bedding 1100 on a bed 102 , in accordance with a eleventh preferred embodiment of the present invention. Augmented bedding 1100 includes bed cover 104 and augmentation cover 1106 . Augmented bedding 1100 has attached or releasably attached edges 1108 , 1110 , and 1112 and unattached edge 1114 , which is arranged straight across bed 102 . Preferably, augmentation cover 1106 has a width of no more than fourteen-fifteenths of the width of the bed cover 104 and is at least five inches less wide than the bed cover 104 . Top edge 114 of the augmentation cover 1106 does not touch upon or fasten to the top edge 120 of the bed cover 104 . The orientation of unattached edge 1114 may vary among various alternate embodiments. The augmented bedding 1100 is preferably sold as the bed cover 1104 with augmentation cover 1106 attached. [0034] FIG. 12 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary embodiment of an augmented bedding 1200 on a bed 102 , in accordance with a twelfth preferred embodiment of the present invention. Augmented bedding 1200 includes bed cover 104 and augmentation cover 1206 . Augmentation cover 1206 includes top portion 1222 , side skirt 1212 , bottom skirt 1210 . Augmentation cover 1206 has attached or releasably attached edges 1216 , 1218 , and 1220 , and unattached edge 1214 . Preferably, augmentation cover 1206 has a width equal to the width of the bed cover 104 and is at least five inches less wide than the bed cover 104 . Top edge 114 of the augmentation cover 1206 does not touch upon or fasten to the top edge 120 of the bed cover 104 . The augmented bedding 1200 is preferably sold as the bed cover 104 with augmentation cover 1206 attached. In a particular embodiment, edge 1216 may be an opening, allowing a secondary user or child access between the bed covering 104 and the augmentation cover 1206 along the side of bed 102 . [0035] FIG. 13 is a perspective view illustrating another exemplary embodiment of an augmented bedding 1300 on a bed 102 , in accordance with a thirteenth preferred embodiment of the present invention. Augmented bedding 1300 includes bed cover 104 and augmentation cover 1306 . Augmentation cover 1306 has fasteners 1302 (one of four labeled) at each corner for fastening augmentation cover 1306 to bed cover 104 . Edges 1308 , 1310 , 1312 , and 1314 are not attached, except at the corners, allowing secondary user access from any side. The augmented bedding 1300 is preferably sold as the bed cover 1304 with augmentation cover 1306 attached. Any embodiment of the augmented bedding, including illustrated embodiments 100 , 200 , 300 , 400 , 500 , 600 , 700 , 800 , 900 , 1000 , 1100 , 1200 , and 1300 may be made with antimicrobial or antibacterial materials; moisture barriers as a bottom layer of the augmentation cover 106 , 206 , 306 , 406 , 506 , 606 , 706 , 806 , 906 , 1006 , 1106 , 1206 , and 1306 ; and flea and tick suppressant materials. Preferably, augmentation cover 1306 has a width of no more than fourteen-fifteenths of the width of the bed cover 104 and is at least five inches less wide than the bed cover 104 . Top edge 114 of the augmentation cover does not touch upon or fasten to the top edge 120 of the bed cover 104 . All materials are preferably environmentally friendly materials. Any embodiment of the augmented bedding may bear decorative or functional colors and/or patterns. [0036] FIG. 14 is a diagrammatic view illustrating another exemplary embodiment of an augmented bedding 1400 , in accordance with a fourteenth embodiment of the present invention. Augmented bedding 1400 includes bed covering 104 with first parts 1402 (one of four labeled) of complimentary fasteners 1302 attached and a plurality augmentation covers 1306 and 1406 with second parts 1404 (one of four labeled on each augmentation cover 1306 and 1406 ) complimentary fasteners 1302 attached. The plurality of augmentation covers 1306 and 1406 is not intended to be limiting, nor is the type or configuration of fastener parts 1402 and 1404 . While augmented bedding 1400 is based on augmented bedding 1300 , any previously described embodiment with a releasably fastened augmentation cover may form a basis for augmented bedding 1400 . [0037] FIG. 15 is a diagrammatic view illustrating an exemplary embodiment of another augmented bedding 1500 , in accordance with a fifteenth embodiment of the present invention. Augmented bedding 1500 includes a plurality of augmentation covers 1306 and 1406 and a plurality of complimentary fastener parts 1402 , preferably in a container 1502 , that the consumer can fasten to the consumer's legacy bed cover 104 . The plurality of augmentation covers 1306 and 1406 is not intended to be limiting, nor is the type or configuration of fasteners 1402 and 1404 . While augmented bedding 1500 is based on augmented bedding 1300 , any embodiment with a releasably fastened augmentation cover may form a basis for augmented bedding 1500 . [0038] Although applicant has described applicant's preferred embodiments of this invention, it will be understood that the broadest scope of this invention includes such modifications as diverse shapes and sizes and materials. Such scope is limited only by the below claims as read in connection with the above specification. Further, many other advantages of applicant's invention will be apparent to those skilled in the art from the above descriptions and the below claims. For example, the invention may be used to hold objects as well as or instead of live secondary users. For further example, stuffed animals, teddy bears, toys generally, and electronic devices such as remote controls, may be placed under the augmentation cover.
A augmentation cover attached to an item of bed cover, or bed cover, for a human and having access for a secondary user to enter under the augmentation cover. The augmentation cover may be permanently or releasably attached to the bed cover. The augmentation cover may be multi-layered fabric, including a water resistant fabric and/or fabrics impregnated with antibacterial, antimicrobial, pesticidal, or various other special purpose additives. Various shapes, attachments, and configurations are illustrated. The invention may be provided as a bed cover for a human with multiple interchangeable augmentation covers. The invention may be provided as one or more augmentation covers with user-installable fasteners for a legacy bed cover.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION The Invention concerns a twine dispensing arm of a wrapping arrangement in a large round baler. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION EP-A1-1 308 080 discloses a large round baler with a wrapping arrangement, that permits wrapping twine to reach a baling chamber through a slot from above. The wrapping twine is guided by means of a twine dispensing arm to the slot, as soon as the wrapping process is to begin, whereupon a free end section of the wrapping twine hanging downward is carried along by the bale moving in the baling chamber. As soon as the bale is wrapped sufficiently with wrapping twine, the twine is clamped briefly, so that it is drawn into the surface of the cylindrical bale and is subsequently cut. Since the wrapping twine is under high tension immediately before the cut, it recoils after the cut and is thrown upward. The problem to be solved is seen in the fact that the free end of the wrapping twine wraps itself around the twine dispensing arm after the cutting process on the basis of its inherent elasticity or it takes on a shape bent upward, which finally leads to the fact that the wrapping twine no longer reaches through the slot and the wrapping process is not triggered. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION According to the present invention, there is provided an improved arm for use in a dispensing twine for being wrapped about a large round bale. An object of the invention is to provide a twine dispensing arm designed so as to avoid the problems associated with the release in tension in twine carried by the arm when the wrapped twine is severed from the length of twine carried by the arm. This object is accomplished by providing a twine dispensing arm which delivers twine in a downward direction. In this way, the free end section of the wrapping twine is prevented in any case from recoiling upward or from deforming permanently for a part of its length. Here it must be borne in mind that the greatest effect of the force and thereby also the greatest deformation occurs at the exit of the known twine dispensing arm since there the wrapping twine is pulled downward over an edge. Although the length of the guide section is a function of the spacing between the twine dispensing arm and the slot, it should extend over only a part of this spacing, for example, over a quarter of this spacing, so that the section of the wrapping twine can easily enter the slot, and in order that the freedom of movement of the twine dispensing arm is not impaired. The “erect” direction here is understood to be not exactly 90°, but as a direction relative to the slot located under the twine dispensing arm. Obviously, several twine dispensing arms of this type could also be provided, and the wrapping arrangement can be operated with hemp or plastic twine in a baling chamber of fixed size as well as in a baling chamber of variable size. In its simplest form, the twine dispensing arm configured as a tube or a channel is bent downward. For manufacturing reasons, it may be useful to include an existing part as a tube or a channel, for example, to attach a bow on a tube. On the other hand, a simple plastic bow could be snapped onto a stable steel tube. If the outlet end of the guide component is elastic, the recoiling wrapping twine experiences a damping effect on its movement; moreover, the end of the wrapping twine is not damaged at sharp edges of the tube or the fitting or the channel. The guide component moves partially with the wrapping twine so that this is not whipped over an edge and recoils upward. The guide component may be configured as elastic in itself, for example, as an elastic metal component, as a plastic component, rubber component or the like. On the one hand, this elasticity brakes the movement of the wrapping twine and, on the other hand, makes it possible to move the wrapping twine past obstacles, for example, deflectors etc. A helical tension or compression spring is a commercially available, cost effective component that is provided with a good elasticity as well as good guide characteristics. A steel spring, in particular, can be configured with a thin spring wire and high pitch, so that no dust and broken crop to be baled is deposited and can impair the running of the wrapping twine. A hose, for example, a water hose of one inch diameter, also offers a cost effective alternative, especially since such a hose can be applied to a known twine dispensing arm and secured by a clamp. A chain is a further alternative, particularly since it hangs downward due to its weight, can guide the wrapping twine in its links and is sufficiently flexible. A normal link chain can be used, that can deflect in all directions, as well as Gall's chain or a roller chain, such as a bicycle chain, or the like, that can deflect only in one direction. With the latter type of chain, the movement of the wrapping twine can also be controlled. Another alternative, again, consists of the use of a rope, for example, a stiff steel cable, with a loop, eyelet or the like, in which the wrapping twine is guided without the danger of loss. The use of a clasp to fasten the rope, the chain or the hose has the advantage that the guide component can easily be attached subsequently as a retrofit to machines already manufactured. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The drawings show several embodiments of the invention that shall be described in greater detail in the following. FIG. 1 is a somewhat schematic, left front perspective view showing a portion of a large round baler including a wrapping arrangement constructed in accordance with the principles of the present invention. FIG. 2 shows an end of a twine dispensing arm of the wrapping arrangement equipped with a chain as a guide component. FIG. 3 shows an end of a twine dispensing arm of the wrapping arrangement equipped with an elastic collar as a guide component. FIG. 4 shows an end of a twine dispensing arm of the wrapping arrangement equipped with a hose as a guide component. FIG. 5 shows an end of a twine dispensing arm of the wrapping arrangement equipped with a steel cable as a guide component. FIG. 6 shows an end of a twine dispensing arm of the wrapping arrangement equipped with a spring as a guide component. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT Referring now to FIG. 1 , there is shown a large round baler including a support 12 , a baling chamber 14 and a wrapping arrangement 16 . The larger round baler 10 is used in agriculture or in the trade and is applied for the manufacture of cylindrical bales which are wrapped at the end of the baling process with wrapping twine 18 and are thereby held together. Large round balers are known in themselves sufficiently, for example, as part of the model series John Deere 575 so that details need not be described here. The support 12 is composed of a chassis, a tow bar and the like, but is represented in the drawing by side walls, 20 , that enclose the baling chamber 14 at its ends. The walls 20 are connected by struts 22 with corresponding walls on the other side, so that the baling chamber 14 is configured as a stable structure. The wrapping arrangement 16 is also retained between the walls 20 and around its circumference by rolls 24 , of which only two of are shown. Nearly twenty of such rolls 24 extend in the direction of the struts 22 and are arranged in a circular pattern that permits a first, lower gap or slot for the inlet of the crop to be baled and a second, upper gap or slot 25 for the inlet of wrapping twine 18 in each case into the baling chamber 14 . In the present embodiment, the baling chamber 14 is configured as fixed in its size, but this is not mandatory. Rather, the baling chamber 14 could be of variable size and/or be enclosed by belts and/or bar chains. In the baling chamber 14 , a bale, not shown, is maintained in constant rotation, so that at the end of the baling process wrapping twine 18 is introduced between the rolls 24 and is grasped by the bale and carried along. The wrapping arrangement 16 provides the supply of the wrapping twine 18 into the baling chamber 14 , its sideways guidance on the circumferential surface of the rotating cylindrical bale and its separation as soon as it has been wrapped around the bale with wrapping twine 18 , all of this is sufficiently known and shall therefore be described only to the extent that this is necessary for the understanding of the present invention. In the present embodiment the wrapping arrangement 16 contains two twine dispensing arms 26 , that insert wrapping twine into the baling chamber 14 from above the roll 24 , as pictured. Instead only a single twine dispensing arm 26 could be provided. Each twine dispensing arm 26 can assume three positions, namely, a rest position, a wrapping starting position and a cutting position into each of which it is guided by a motor. In the rest position, the twine dispensing arm 26 extends approximately parallel to the longitudinal direction of the rolls 24 . In the wrapping starting position, that corresponds to the position shown in FIG. 1 , the wrapping twine 18 is guided into the upper slot 25 between the rolls 24 so that it drops downward into the baling chamber 14 and is grasped there by the rotating cylindrical bale and is carried along. It is important that the wrapping twine 18 hangs downward far enough so that it can be grasped. Therefore the free end of the wrapping twine 18 hanging downward must not be bent or become entangled with the twine dispensing arm 26 . In the cutting position, the twine dispensing arms 26 extend approximately perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the rolls 24 and are in an operating position with the cutting arrangement 28 . In this position, the wrapping twine 18 is held fast so that it is in contact with the circumferential surface of the cylindrical bale under increased tension, and is subsequently torn off or cut off. Due to the high tension, the cut end section tends to recoil and to move uncontrollably. The twine dispensing arm 26 is provided with a guide component 30 that guides the wrapping twine 18 over part of its length and thereby prevents it from performing an uncontrolled movement that can lead to it not reaching the slot 25 in the baling chamber 14 . Although this danger is greatest with a twine dispensing arm 26 extending horizontally or generally in the horizontal direction, the guide component 30 can also be helpful with a more erect arrangement of the twine dispensing arm 26 . Regarding the configuration of the guide component 30 , reference is made to FIGS. 2 through 6 , each of which shows the otherwise free section of the twine dispensing arm 26 with guide component 30 in an end section of the wrapping twine 18 . According to FIG. 2 , the guide component 30 is configured as a link chain that is attached to the underside of the tube-shaped twine dispensing arm 26 by a clasp 32 . In this case, the guide component 30 contains five links 34 of which the first, upper link is clamped between the clasp 32 and the twine dispensing arm 26 and the remaining four links hang downward. The wrapping twine 18 is threaded through the lower links 34 so that the wrapping twine 18 is caught during the recoiling after the cutting process and cannot wrap itself around the twine dispensing arm 26 , for to do so it would have to carry along the guide component 30 , that is, the heavy chain. According to FIG. 3 , the guide component 30 is configured as a bow, that extends downward and is provided at its lower end with a flexible collar 36 . The bow may consist of metal or plastic and be attached with screws, clamped or snapped in place or attached with adhesive. The solution according to FIG. 4 differs from that according to FIG. 3 in that in place of the collar 36 , a hose 38 is snapped on. The hose 38 can be fastened with a clasp or a clamp, no shown, by means of adhesive or in some other manner. Depending on the energy of the wrapping twine 18 that can be expected during its upward recoiling, the hose 38 should be supported by steel inserts or otherwise configured sufficiently stiff. Basically, a water hose of one inch diameter could be appropriate. FIG. 5 reveals a variation in which a plastic-coated steel cable is fastened at the upper end y means of a cable clamp 40 to the free end of the twine dispensing arm 26 and is provided with a loop 42 at its lower end through which the wrapping twine 18 extends. Finally, FIG. 6 shows an embodiment in which a helical spring is used as a guide component 30 . This guide component 30 is fastened to the twine dispensing arm 26 by means of a carriage bolt 44 . All embodiments have in common that the guide component 30 extends only over a part of the length of the wrapping twine 18 hanging downward, for example, over a quarter of its length. Having described the preferred embodiment, it will become apparent that various modifications can be made without departing from the scope of the invention as defined in the accompanying claims.
A twine dispensing arm of a wrapping arrangement for a large round baler is provided with a dispensing end defined by a component which, at the time when twine wrapped about a bale is separated from a length of twine carried by the arm, prevents a length of recoiling twine from becoming entangled or incorrectly oriented for a subsequent wrapping cycle.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention This invention relates to a method and arrangement for achieving load balance in washing machines provided with a drum operated by a variable speed electric motor, tachometer means for measuring the rotational speed of the motor and hence of the drum, or amperometer means for measuring the motor absorbed current or the motor control current, and electronic control means for controlling the motor speed so that between the end of the wash stage plus water discharge and the load spinning stage there is introduced a pre-spinning stage in which the motor accelerates to a speed less than the spinning speed. 2. Description of the Related Art It is well known that if at the end of a wash cycle plus wash liquid discharge in an automatic washing machine the speed is increased to the spinning speed, the suspended machine masses, ie those relative to the clothes contained in the drum, the motor and the relative linkages connecting the drum to the motor, can undergo knocking and vibration which can compromise not only machine stability but also its operational integrity. The reason for such knocking and vibration lies in the fact that after discharging the free wash liquid (ie that not absorbed by the clothes), the clothes collect in the lowest part of the drum. Consequently when the drum speed increases, the clothes firstly "roll" randomly until they reach a critical speed (known as the orbital speed) at which the centrifugal force acting on the clothes equals the force of gravity and makes the clothes remain adhering to the inner surface of the drum in a substantially fixed position. However in many cases the clothes are not uniformly distributed within the drum at this orbital speed, with the result that further increase in speed with the load of clothes unbalanced can produce that vibration and knocking which are prejudicial to both machine stability and operational integrity, and cause the considerable noise generated by the washing machine when in this operating condition. To remedy these drawbacks, certain methods and arrangements have been proposed involving measurement of the fluctuations in the current absorbed by the motor or of the variation in the motor speed (by a tachometer connected to the motor). If the range of this current fluctuation or voltage variation is large, this signifies that the load in the drum is unbalanced. The known or commonly used methods and/or arrangements for remedying this or for preventing this state of unbalance arising at the spinning stage involve a gradual increase in drum speed from the wash speed to the orbital speed, then checking the balance only when the orbital speed is attained, this speed then being maintained unaltered for a certain time, after which the state of the load is checked. If after this certain time at the orbital speed it is ascertained that the load has attained a reasonably uniform distribution, the rotational speed is rapidly increased to the spinning speed. If however this check shows that at the orbital speed there is an intolerable load unbalance, the speed is reduced to the wash speed (with consequent separation of the clothes from the drum wall), after which it is again gradually increased to the orbital speed with the intention of achieving a different and more uniform distribution for the load. If this attempt also fails, it is followed by others. After a certain number of failed attempts the spinning speed is suitably reduced so as to reduce the effects of the unbalanced load. Such an arrangement is described for example in European patent 0071308. In all cases the described action is taken after the load has been distributed, ie when the load is already at its orbital speed. This known arrangement comprising repetition of attempts involving remaining at the orbital speed results in a lengthening of the operating time of the washing machine, and in some cases represents an incomplete solution to the problems connected with drum instability. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The objects of the present invention are therefore to provide a method and arrangement which reduce the duration of the washing machine operating cycle while simultaneously statistically increasing the percentage of balanced loads obtainable during spinning, with consequent reduction in vibration and knocking and increased machine stability, and also the possibility of lightening the machine mechanical structure leading to cost reduction, while using components (tachometer, electronic control modules and microprocessors) already present in current washing machines, resulting in further reduction in the additional costs of its implementation and obtaining a reduction in those cases in which the washing machine generates further noise associated with load unbalance. These and further objects which will be more apparent from the detailed description given hereinafter are attained by a method and arrangement, the inventive aspects of which are defined in the accompanying claims. The inventive concept is such that after the final wash stage plus discharge of free wash liquid and before the complete orbital speed of the load is reached, a stage follows in which the washing machine is made to gradually increase the rotational speed of its drum, during which a physical quantity (for example the motor rotational speed, its absorbed current or the current controlling the static switch connected in series with the motor) is continuously monitored. This physical quantity is one which is indicative of the state of balance or unbalance of the drum, so that the initial moment in which the load is balanced in an acceptable form can be determined, to be followed by sudden increase in the motor speed up to for example spinning speed. In this respect it has been found that it is not in fact necessary to await the attaining of orbital speed (with the aforesaid drawbacks) before checking load distribution, it being sufficient to monitor it continuously beforehand, ie at lower speeds in that, as has been found in a statistically relevant number of cases, during this pre-spinning stage cases have been found with significant frequency in which at a given moment conditions exist in which the load although not being completely orbital is uniformly distributed within the drum and consequently balanced, such a load condition however not necessarily existing subsequently. Hence as stated, with the present invention, at the moment in which such a load balance state exists the speed is instantaneously increased with high acceleration to the spinning speed, whereas with the known method it can happen that such an instantaneous condition of balance no longer exists when the check is actually made, ie at the final orbital speed of the load. Consequently with the invention the moment of uniform load distribution during a stage prior to the attaining of complete orbital speed by the load is detected, and practically in that moment the speed is raised to spinning speed, so fixing the favourable and hence balanced load distribution. It has been found during statistically significant tests that using such a procedure a higher uniform load distribution percentage is achieved than in the aforedescribed known method. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The invention will be more apparent from the detailed description of a preferred embodiment thereof given hereinafter by way of non-limiting example with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which: FIG. 1 is a schematic section through an automatic washing machine and the relative control means; FIG. 2 is a block diagram of the control means; and FIG. 3 is a time/speed diagram which further illustrates the invention. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT In FIG. 1 the reference numeral 1 indicates overall a washing machine of known structure. Of this, FIG. 1 shows only those parts required or may be required for a clear understanding of the invention, and which comprise: an outer tub 2 with a clothes loading and unloading aperture 3; a drum 4 with access mouth 5, mounted rotatable within the tub 2 and carrying the load; a shaft 6 rotatably supported by the tub 2 and torsionally rigid at one end with the drum 4; a first pulley 7 keyed onto the other end of said shaft; a transmission belt 8 cooperating with the first pulley 7; an electric motor 10 rigid with the tub 2; a second pulley 9 keyed onto the motor shaft 11 and cooperating with the transmission belt 8; a tachometer 12 operationally connected to the shaft 11 of the motor 10 to measure its speed; an electronic control module 14 controlling the motor with regard both to the absorbed current and hence power and to the relative r.p.m.; an interface 13 for converting the analog speed signal of the tachometer 12 into a digital signal accessible to the digital part of the control module; and an electronic timer 15 controlling all functions of the washing machine 1 and hence the wash, the distribution of the load 7A over the inner cylindrical wall of the drum 4, and the spinning. As an alternative to or in combination with the use of the tachometer 12 and the relative interface 13, an amperometric sensor with relative interface can be used to measure the current absorbed by the motor or to measure the control current of a static switch connected in series with the motor. In this configuration in both the aforesaid cases the electronic module 14 powers the motor 10 under the control of the timer 15 such that the operating conditions scheduled for each stage of the wash cycle are respected in relation to the particular state of the timer, as is well known to the expert of the art. For example, if during the wash cycle there is a stage in which the motor has to operate at a given speed and at predetermined time intervals, the timer 15 transmits the corresponding information to the electronic module 14, which via the feedback loop formed by the module and, for example, the tachometer 12 causes the motor to operate in a corresponding manner, independently of factors which tend to modify the predetermined conditions. When the electronic module 14 has received the command from the timer 15 to implement the pre-spinning of the clothes contained in the drum 4, ie after the wash and the discharge of the free wash liquid, it firstly controls the r.p.m. and power of the motor 10 such that the motor r.p.m. increases gradually (see FIG. 3), for example from 55 r.p.m. to 120 r.p.m. within 10-30 seconds. During this acceleration the electronic module 14 receives signals from the tachometer 12 or amperometric sensor which indicate any fluctuations in the current dr in the motor r.p.m. consequent on load unbalance, these being continuously monitored, for example by conventional comparator circuits and logic gates. At a certain rotational speed, for example on reaching 80-90 r.p.m., ie a speed less than the orbital speed which in the present example is 120 r.p.m. (point Y of FIG. 3), the signal relative to the speed sensor or current sensor reaching the electronic module indicates that these fluctuations have been substantially reduced to an acceptable predetermined level (point X of FIG. 3) and that at that moment the load is distributed in a substantially balanced manner over the wall of the drum 4. A possible explanation of this phenomenon is that at this speed (for example 80-90 r.p.m.) the load has only partially orbited in that this speed is insufficiently high to overcome the force of gravity to which the clothes in the central part of the drum are subjected and which are only dragged by the rotation of the drum itself. These clothes dragged into rotation are however subjected to a centrifugal force which at certain moments (for example because by rolling, those clothes not in orbit become positioned in a region of the drum to which a smaller quantity of clothes adheres, hence in a region in which having a greater possibility of radial movement they are subjected to a greater centrifugal force) can overall determine the balanced load condition. On sensing this state of equilibrium the electronic module 14 passes this information to the timer 15 which, conversely, causes the electronic module 14 to feed maximum power to the motor 10, which undergoes the highest acceleration (sections P and Q of FIG. 3) provided for spinning, so orbiting the load. If balanced load distribution does not occur before the point of complete load orbiting, the spinning speed can be reduced in known manner. Alternatively one or more repetitions of the described attempt can be made, after which if balancing has still not been achieved the spinning speed is finally reduced. It should be again noted that conventional arrangements do not take account of the fact that balanced distribution may be achieved just occasionally or only for brief periods (at the point X in the example of FIG. 3), before reaching the complete load orbiting speed (indicated by Y in FIG. 3), but instead check the state of the load only when orbiting is total, by checking for a certain period of time during this condition whether the load is balanced or not, then if the load is unbalanced repeating, possibly a number of times, the procedure involving moderate or low acceleration starting from the wash speed and rechecking the balance condition at the complete load orbiting speed, indicated by way of example as 120 r.p.m. (point Y). According to the invention, at the end of the wash operations the timer 15 feeds to the electronic control module 14 a signal by which this latter causes the motor 10 to start rotating the drum at gradually increasing speed (pre-spinning). The information which the electronic module 14 continuously receives via the feedback loop (FIG. 2) into which the sensor (12 and tachometer interface 13) is connected can represent either a balanced condition or an unbalanced condition for the load of clothes contained in the drum. The electronic module 14 continuously checks, by comparison with predetermined values present in the memory, whether this information corresponds to a balanced or an unbalanced load condition. If at a certain moment (for example at the point X of FIG. 2, after a time Δt 1 ) the information corresponds to a balanced load, the electronic module 14 causes the motor 10 to suddenly increase its speed (as shown by the section P of FIG. 3), so that the load 7A stabilizes in the balanced state and the spinning stage commences. If instead the information continues to show a load-unbalanced condition in relation to the reference values compared by the electronic module 14, this latter feeds a command to the motor 10 to continue to increase its speed only gradually, and consequently that of the drum containing the load. If no load balance has been achieved up to the moment of complete load orbiting (point Y of FIG. 3), at which the entire load is immobilized against the peripheral wall of the drum, the motor 10 is set to a reduced spinning speed. Alternatively, the load distribution stage could be repeated by firstly reducing the speed (along the section from Y to I in FIG. 3 where I is the commencement point of the acceleration stage which follows the wash stage) and then repeating the already described balancing and monitoring procedure.
A method for achieving load balance in washing machines provided with a rotary drum driven by an electric motor under the control of control means, and in which a circuit is provided for measuring a physical quantity associated with information relative to the state (balanced or unbalanced) of the load in the drum, the method comprising, after the wash stage, a stage in which the drum speed is gradually increased during which the physical quantity is continuously monitored to ascertain the state of load distribution within the drum, and a stage of rapid rotational speed increase at the moment in which a state of balanced load distribution within the drum is detected.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to data storage systems that utilize tape or other base storage along with high speed cache. More particularly, the invention concerns a data storage system that stores data objects with encapsulated metadata tokens in cache and/or base storage to protect against recalling stale data from base storage in the event of a cache failure. 2. Description of the Related Art Many data processing systems require a large amount of data storage, for use in efficiently accessing, modifying, and re-storing data. Data storage is typically separated into several different levels, each level exhibiting a different data access time or data storage cost. A first, or highest level of data storage involves electronic memory, usually dynamic or static random access memory (DRAM or SRAM). Electronic memories take the form of semiconductor integrated circuits where millions of bytes of data can be stored on each circuit, with access to such bytes of data measured in nanoseconds. The electronic memory provides the fastest access to data since access is entirely electronic. A second level of data storage usually involves direct access storage devices (DASD). DASD storage, for example, includes magnetic and/or optical disks. Data bits are stored as micrometer-sized magnetically or optically altered spots on a disk surface, representing the “ones” and “zeros” that comprise the binary value of the data bits. Magnetic DASD includes one or more disks that are coated with remnant magnetic material. The disks are rotatably mounted within a protected environment. Each disk is divided into many concentric tracks, or closely spaced circles. The data is stored serially, bit by bit, along each track. An access mechanism, known as a head disk assembly (HDA) typically includes one or more read/write heads, and is provided in each DASD for moving across the tracks to transfer the data to and from the surface of the disks as the disks are rotated past the read/write heads. DASDs can store gigabytes of data, and the access to such data is typically measured in milliseconds (orders of magnitudes slower than electronic memory). Access to data stored on DASD is slower than electronic memory due to the need to physically position the disk and HDA to the desired data storage location. A third or lower level of data storage includes tapes, tape libraries, and optical disk libraries. Access to library data is much slower than electronic or DASD storage because a robot or human is necessary to select and load the needed data storage medium. An advantage of these storage systems is the reduced cost for very large data storage capabilities, on the order of Terabytes of data. Tape storage is often used for backup purposes. That is, data stored at the higher levels of data storage hierarchy is reproduced for safe keeping on magnetic tape. Access to data stored on tape and/or in a library is presently on the order of seconds. Data storage, then, can be conducted using different types of storage, where each type exhibits a different data access time or data storage cost. Rather than using one storage type to the exclusion of others, many data storage systems include several different types of storage together, and enjoy the diverse benefits of the various storage types. For example, one popular arrangement employs an inexpensive medium such as tape to store the bulk of data, while using a fast-access storage such as DASD to cache the most frequently or recently used data. During normal operations, synchronization between cache and tape is not all that important. If a data object is used frequently, it is stored in cache and that copy is used exclusively to satisfy host read requests, regardless of whether the data also resides in tape. Synchronization can be problematic, however, if the cache and tape copies of a data object diverge over time and the data storage system suffers a disaster. In this case, the cache and tape contain different versions of the data object, with one version being current and the other being outdated. But, which is which? In some cases, there may be some confusion as to which version of the data object is current. At worst, a stale or “down-level” version of a data object may be mistaken (and subsequently used) as the current version. Thus, in the event of cache failure, data integrity may be questionable and there is some risk of the data storage system incorrectly executing future host read requests by recalling a stale version of the data. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Broadly, the present invention concerns a cache-equipped data storage system that stores data objects with encapsulated metadata tokens to protect against recalling stale data from base storage in the event of a cache failure. The storage system includes a controller coupled to a cache, base storage, and token database. The controller may be coupled to a hierarchically superior director or host. When a data object is received for storage, the controller assigns a version code for the data object if the data object is new to the system; if the data object already exists, the controller advances the data object's version code. A “token,” made up of various items of metadata including the version code, is encapsulated for storage with its corresponding data object. The controller then stores the encapsulated token along with its data object and updates the token database to cross-reference the data object with its token. Thus, the token database always lists the most recent version code for each data object in the system. The data object may be copied from cache to base storage automatically, de-staged from cache to base storage based on lack of frequent or recent use, or according to another desired schedule. Whenever the controller experiences a cache miss, there is danger in blindly retrieving the data object from base storage. In particular, the cache miss may have occurred due to failure of part or all of the cache, and at the time of cache failure the base storage might have contained a down-level version of the data object. The present invention solves this problem by comparing the version code of the data object from base storage to the version code of the data object in the token database. Only if the compared version codes match is the data object read from storage and provided as output. Otherwise, an error message is generated since the data object is stale. As a further enhancement, the invention may utilize a “split” version code, where the version code has a data subpart and properties subpart. The data subpart is advanced solely to track changes to the data, while the properties subpart is advanced according to changes in attributes of the data object other than the data itself. In this embodiment, when the data object's version code from base storage is examined after a cache miss, the data subpart is reviewed without regard to the properties subpart. This avoids the situation where, although the base storage contains a current version of data, this data object would be regarded as stale because a non-split version code that does not make any data/properties differentiation has been advanced due to a change in the data object's properties not affecting the data itself. Accordingly, with this feature, data objects from base storage are more frequently available to satisfy cache misses. Accordingly, as discussed above, one embodiment of the invention involves a method of operating a cache-equipped data storage system. In another embodiment, the invention may be implemented to provide an apparatus, such as a data storage system configured as discussed herein. In still another embodiment, the invention may be implemented to provide a signal-bearing medium tangibly embodying a program of machine-readable instructions executable by a digital data processing apparatus to perform operations for operating a data storage system. Another embodiment concerns logic circuitry having multiple interconnected electrically conductive elements configured to perform operations as discussed above. The invention affords its users with a number of distinct advantages. For example, in the event of a cache miss resulting from unintentional loss of the cached data, the invention avoids unknowingly recalling a down-level data object from base storage. Thus, the invention helps ensure data integrity. Furthermore, in the event of a cache miss, the invention increases data availability by using “split” version codes. Despite any changes to the data's properties that still leave the data intact, the data object is still available for retrieval if the data subpart of its version code is still current according to the token database. The invention also provides a number of other advantages and benefits, which should be apparent from the following description of the invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a block diagram of the hardware components and interconnections of a data storage system according to the invention. FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a digital data processing machine according to the invention. FIG. 3 shows an exemplary signal-bearing medium according to the invention. FIG. 4 is a flowchart of an operational sequence for storing and retrieving data that utilize encapsulated tokens according to the invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION The nature, objectives, and advantages of the invention will become more apparent to those skilled in the art after considering the following detailed description in connection with the accompanying drawings. Hardware Components & Interconnections Introduction One aspect of the invention concerns a data storage system, which may be embodied by various hardware components and interconnections. One example is described by the data storage system 100 of FIG. 1 . As explained in greater detail below, the data storage system 100 stores data in base storage, and also utilizes a cache to more quickly access the more frequently or recently used data objects. In this particular example, the system 100 uses redundant storage, where one copy of data is used for read/write access and the other copy is used as a backup for disaster recovery. The data storage system 100 includes a director 104 , which is coupled to two storage sites, including a primary site 150 and a backup site 151 . Although two storage sites are shown in this example, a greater or lesser number may be used if desired. Host The data storage system 100 is coupled to a host 102 . Among other possible functions, the host 102 supplies data to the system 100 for storage therein and sends requests to the system 100 to retrieve data therefrom. The host role may be satisfied by various types of hardware, such as a digital data processing computer, logic circuit, construction of discrete circuit components, interface to a human operator, etc. As an example, the host 102 may comprise an IBM ES/9000 machine employing an operating system such as MVS. Director The storage director 104 relays host data storage/retrieval requests to hierarchically inferior components that carry out the requests. In the illustrated example, the director 104 also synchronizes data exchanges between redundant primary and backup storage sites 150 - 151 . The director 104 communicates with the host 102 by an interface 103 such as wires/cables, one or more busses, fiber optic lines, wireless transmission, intelligent communications channel, etc. As an example, the interface 103 may comprise an ESCON connection. The director 104 comprises a digital data processing machine, logic circuit, construction of discrete circuit components, or other automated mechanism for managing storage operations in the system 100 . The director 104 operates according to programming or other configuration, as discussed in greater detail below. To provide a specific example, the director 104 may comprise an external RS/6000 component attached to a commercially available IBM Virtual Tape Server (“VTS”) product. If one of the storage sites 150 - 151 is omitted to save costs and provide non-redundant storage, the director 104 may also be omitted, and its function performed by one or both of the remaining controllers 106 - 107 . Controller The data storage system 100 also includes primary and backup controllers 106 - 107 , which are coupled to the director 104 . According to instructions from the director 104 , the controllers 106 - 107 manage local storage operations conducted on respective cache 110 - 111 111 and base 112 - 113 storage units. The controllers 106 - 107 communicate with the director 104 by interfaces such as wires/cables, one or more busses, fiber optic lines, wireless transmission, intelligent communications channel, etc. Each controller 106 - 107 comprises a digital data processing machine, logic circuit, construction of discrete circuit components, or other automated mechanism for managing storage operations in the system 100 , and operates according to suitable programming, physical configuration, etc. To provide a specific example, each controller 106 - 107 may comprise an RS/6000 component of a commercially available IBM VTS product. The controllers 106 - 107 also include respective cache directories 106 a - 107 a . Each controller's cache directory lists the data objects residing in that controller's cache 110 - 111 . The cache directories may list data objects by various means, such as name, volser, and/or certain metadata such as the data object's anywhere token, certain file attributes, etc. The controllers 106 - 107 may also include base directories 106 b - 107 b listing contents of their respective base storage 112 - 113 , or such directories may be stored on base storage instead. Other Components of the Storage Sites In addition to the controllers 106 - 107 , each storage site includes a cache 110 - 111 , base storage 112 - 113 , and token database 108 - 109 . The cache units 110 - 111 comprise high-speed storage devices to efficiently store and retrieve the most likely, most frequently, or most recently used data objects in the system 100 . Although the cache units 110 - 111 may be implemented with nearly any type of digital data storage, cache preferably utilizes faster storage than would be practical or cost-effective for use as the base storage 112 - 113 . Thus, the cache units 110 - 111 are best implemented by DASD, electronic memory, or other suitable fast-access storage appropriate to the applicable requirements of cost, access speed, reliability, etc. In contrast to the cache, each base storage unit 112 - 113 preferably embodies one or more storage devices including read/write drives that access magnetic, optical, or other removable, serially accessible storage media. The base storage units 112 - 113 may comprise, for example, one or more IBM model 3590 tape drives with tape media constituting one or more removable magnetic tape cartridges. Also coupled to the controllers 106 - 107 are respective token databases 108 - 109 . Each database 108 - 109 stores machine-readable “tokens.” As explained below, each token contains various metadata relating to a data object stored in the cache 110 - 111 and/or base storage 112 - 113 . As explained below, the data objects are stored with their respective data objects in the cache 110 - 111 or base storage 112 - 113 . The token databases 108 - 109 may be stored upon disk, tape, electronic memory, or any desired media, whether physically distinct from the controllers 106 - 107 (as shown) or not. Without any intended limitation, TABLE 1 (below) provides an exemplary list of metadata that may be included in each token. TABLE 1 TOKEN CONTENTS volume serial number (“volser”) split version code, including data subpart and properties subpart data inconsistent data in state change category (“scratch” or “private” tape mount) director ID properties in state change category inconsistent volume damaged export pending import pending MES flag properties level As shown in TABLE 1, each token includes a “split version code.” Each version code including a “data” subpart and a “properties” subpart, each comprising one level from a predetermined sequence of distinct levels, such as alphabetic, alphanumeric, numeric, or other codes capable of indicating a data object's version. As explained below, the data subpart tracks changes to a data object's underlying data, while the properties subpart tracks changes to non-data properties of the data object. The version code is useful to avoid recalling a stale version of a data subpart from base storage in the event of a cache failure, as explained in greater detail below. TABLE 2, below, shows several exemplary entries in the token database 108 . In this example, each row corresponds to one data object, and each data object is a logical volume. For each data object, TABLE 2 lists the data object's version code data subpart. Although not shown, the version code properties subpart may also be listed if desired. TABLE 2 TOKEN DATABASE DATA OBJECT VERSION CODE DATA SUBPART Volume 1 . . . version code 10 . . . Volume 2 . . . version code 90 . . . Volume 3 . . . version code 51 . . . Redundant Storage As described above, the present invention may optionally include redundant storage components, such as the backup controller 107 , token database 109 , cache 111 , base storage 113 , cache directory 107 a , and base directory 107 b . In the illustrated example, the controller 106 and its associated storage components may be permanently designated “primary” with the other controller 107 and its storage components being “backup.” Alternatively, under a more flexible arrangement, the sites 150 - 151 may operate in parallel with each other, on equal stature, with the sites temporarily assuming primary/backup roles for specific data storage and retrieval operations. In any event, the director 104 operates the backup storage site to replicate storage operations performed on the primary storage site. If one storage site experiences a failure, data storage/retrieval requests from the host 102 may still be carried out using the other storage site. Exemplary Digital Data Processing Apparatus As mentioned above, the director 104 and controllers 106 - 107 may be implemented using many different types of hardware. One example is a digital data processing apparatus, which may itself be implemented in various ways, such as the exemplary digital data processing apparatus 200 of FIG. 2 . The apparatus 200 includes a processor 202 , such as a microprocessor or other processing machine, coupled to a storage 204 . In the present example, the storage 204 includes a fast-access storage 206 , as well as nonvolatile storage 208 . The fast-access storage 206 may comprise RAM and may be used to store the programming instructions executed by the processor 202 . The nonvolatile storage 208 may comprise, for example, one or more magnetic data storage disks such as a “hard drive”, a tape drive, or any other suitable storage device. The apparatus 200 also includes an input/output 210 , such as a line, bus, cable, electromagnetic link, or other means for the processor 202 to exchange data with other hardware external to the apparatus 200 . Despite the specific foregoing description, ordinarily skilled artisans (having the benefit of this disclosure) will recognize that the apparatus discussed above may be implemented in a machine of different construction, without departing from the scope of the invention. As a specific example, one of the components 206 , 208 may be eliminated; furthermore, the storage 204 may be provided on-board the processor 202 , or even provided externally to the apparatus 200 . Logic Circuitry In contrast to the foregoing digital data storage apparatus, a different embodiment of the invention uses logic circuitry to implement the director 104 and/or controllers 106 - 107 instead of computer-executed instructions. Depending upon the particular requirements of the application in the areas of speed, expense, tooling costs, and the like, this logic may be implemented by constructing an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) having thousands of tiny integrated transistors. Such an ASIC may be implemented with CMOS, TTL, VLSI, or another suitable construction. Other alternatives include a digital signal processing chip (DSP), discrete circuitry (such as resistors, capacitors, diodes, inductors, and transistors), field programmable gate array (FPGA), programmable logic array (PLA), and the like. Operation In addition to the various hardware embodiments described above, a different aspect of the invention concerns a method for operating a data storage system to store data with an encapsulated metadata token, and to use this information to protect against recalling stale data from base storage in the event of a cache failure. Signal-Bearing Media In the context of FIGS. 1-2, such a method may be implemented, for example, by operating components such as the director 104 and/or controller(s) 106 - 107 (each embodying a digital data processing apparatus 200 ) to execute a sequence of machine-readable instructions. In the absence of a storage failure, the backup controller 107 operates according to a different sequence of instructions (not shown), which primarily serve to copy data objects from the primary storage site 150 to the backup site 151 for backup purposes. The instructions may reside in various types of signal-bearing media. In this respect, one aspect of the present invention concerns a programmed product, comprising signal-bearing media tangibly embodying a program of machine-readable instructions executable by a digital data processor to operate a data storage system to store data with an encapsulated metadata token in base storage, and to use this information to protect against recalling stale data from base storage in the event of a cache failure. This signal-bearing media may comprise, for example, RAM (not shown) contained within the controller 106 , as represented by the fast-access storage 206 for example. Alternatively, the instructions may be contained in another signal-bearing media, such as a magnetic data storage diskette 300 (FIG. 3 ), directly or indirectly accessible by the processor 200 . Whether contained in the storage 206 , diskette 300 , or elsewhere, the instructions may be stored on a variety of machine-readable data storage media, such as direct access storage (e.g., a conventional “hard drive,” redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID), or another direct access storage device (DASD)), magnetic tape, electronic read-only memory (e.g., ROM, EPROM, or EEPROM), optical storage (e.g., CD-ROM, WORM, DVD, digital optical tape), paper “punch” cards, or other suitable signal-bearing media including transmission media such as digital and analog and communication links and wireless. In an illustrative embodiment of the invention, the machine-readable instructions may comprise software object code, compiled from a language such as “C,” etc. Logic Circuitry In contrast to the signal-bearing medium discussed above, the method aspect of the invention may be implemented using logic circuitry, instead of executing instructions with a processor. In this embodiment, the logic circuitry is implemented in the controller 106 , and is configured to perform operations to implement the method of the invention. The logic circuitry may be implemented using many different types of circuitry, as discussed above. Operational Sequence FIG. 4 shows an overall process for operating the data storage system 100 , to illustrate one example of the method aspect of the present invention. For ease of explanation, but without any intended limitation, the example of FIG. 4 is described in the context of the structure of FIGS. 1-2, described above. After the routine 400 begins in step 402 , a number of concurrent operations begin. In particular, there is a write sequence 407 - 412 , properties subpart sequence 415 - 416 , data subpart sequence 419 - 420 , and read sequence 423 - 430 . Generally, the write sequence serves to write data objects to the cache 110 and base storage 112 . The properties subpart sequence updates data objects' version codes (properties subpart only) when the data objects' non-data properties change. Likewise, the data subpart sequence updates data objects' version codes (data subpart only) when the data objects' underlying data changes. Finally, in the read sequence, the controller 106 reads data from the cache 110 and/or base storage 112 . Write Considering FIG. 4 in greater detail, the write sequence 406 begins in step 407 where the director 104 receives a data object. Namely, in step 407 the host 102 sends the director 104 a data object and a storage request. The data object may comprise a logical volume, record, file, physical volume, cylinder, logical or physical device, surface, sector, page, byte, bit, or any other appropriate unit of data. Also in step 407 , the director 104 forwards the data to the “primary” one of the controllers 106 - 107 . For purposes of illustration, the controller 106 constitutes the primary controller in this example. In step 408 , the primary controller 106 writes the data object to its cache 110 and/or base storage 112 . Whether data is written to cache, base storage, or both is determined by the controller's pre-programmed data management strategy, which may include various alternatives such as (1) always storing received data objects on cache and occasionally copying or removing cached data objects to base storage, (2) storing received data objects in base storage and only caching the data objects that are most frequently used or likely to be used, (3) another known or novel approach. The controller 106 also makes an entry in the token database 108 in step 408 . This entry cross-references the data object with its token, which is discussed in greater detail below. At the very least, the token database lists each data object with its version code data subpart. Copying of the data object between primary and backup storage sites may also occur in step 408 , or at another suitable time. Until step 409 determines that the write operation is complete, step 409 repeats steps 407 - 408 as necessary. When the write operation finishes, step 409 advances to step 410 . In step 410 , the controller 106 encapsulates the current data object's token (as updated by steps 415 , 419 described below). Encapsulation of the token involves collecting some or all of the various token subcomponents listed in TABLE 1 and combining them into a suitable form for storage. Such encapsulation may entail concatenation, aggregation, encoding the parts together into a unified form, encrypting, etc. Step 411 writes the encapsulated token to the cache 110 and/or base storage 112 , along with the data object written in step 408 , depending upon the type of data management strategy in place. After step 411 , the write sequence 406 ends in step 412 . As an alternative, step 410 may encapsulate the token with its corresponding data object, and write the encapsulated result in step 411 . In this case, step 408 buffers received data for subsequent writing to storage in step 411 . The data object and token may be encapsulated, for example, by concatenation, aggregation, encoding the parts together into a unified form, encrypting, etc. Version Code Properties Subpart The version code properties subpart routine 415 - 416 is initiated whenever a data object experiences a change to attributes of the data object other than the underlying data. These attributes include statistics about the data, such as the information shown in TABLE 1. This metadata may change when the controller 106 receives a new or modified data object, or when a data object's characteristics change. In step 415 , the controller 106 first determines whether the current data object is new to the storage site 150 . If so, the controller 106 generates a new version code properties subpart for the data object and stores it in the token in the database 108 . Otherwise, if the data object is already represented in the cache 110 and/or base storage 112 , the controller 106 advances the data object's existing version code properties subpart in its token database 108 . As an example, version code advancement may be achieved by alphabetically, numerically, or alphanumerically incrementing the version code properties subpart. Only the properties subpart is advanced in step 415 because this advancement is being performed due to a change in properties rather than a write operation, which would affect the data object's underlying data. Version Code Data Subpart The version code data subpart routine 419 - 420 is initiated whenever the controller 106 receives a data object for storage at the site 150 . This data object may be new to the site 150 , or it may represent modification to a data object already stored in the cache 110 or base storage 112 . The routine 419 - 420 may be triggered, for example, by the step 407 . In step 419 , the controller 106 first determines whether the current data object is new to the storage site 150 . If so, the controller 106 generates a new version code data subpart for the data object and stores the new code in the token database 108 , cross-referenced against the data object by name or other identity. Otherwise, if the data object is already represented in the cache 110 and/or base storage 112 , the controller 106 advances the data object's existing version code data subpart in its token database 108 . The data subpart in the token database 108 is advanced in anticipation of the data object's update, to be performed by way of writing to the storage site 150 . As an example, this advancement may be achieved by alphabetically, numerically, or alphanumerically incrementing the version code data subpart. Only the data subpart is advanced in step 419 because the present token advancement is being performed due to a write operation, which affects the data object's underlying data rather than properties. The properties subpart is not changed. Read The read sequence 423 - 430 is started when the director 104 receives a read request from the host 102 . In response, the director 104 forwards the read request to the primary controller 106 , which determines whether the requested data object is stored in cache 110 (step 423 ). If not, this represents a cache miss, and step 423 advances to step 424 . In step 424 , the controller 106 reads the data object's version code data subpart from the token database 108 . In step 425 , the controller 106 reads the data object's encapsulated token from base storage 112 to obtain the data object's version code data subpart. The controller 106 then proceeds to step 426 , where it determines whether these data subparts match. Step 426 does not need to consider the version code properties subpart. If the data subparts match, then the data object contained in the base storage 112 is current. This prevents the data object from being deemed “stale” if the data object has experienced various updates that have not affected its data content. One exemplary situation where non-matching version codes may arise follows. At some early time, the cache 110 and base storage 112 contain the same version of data object. However, the cache 110 may experience several relatively rapid updates before the data object is copied to base storage 112 . In this situation, the cache 110 contains a current version of a data object, whereas the base storage 112 contains an older version. Accordingly, the token database 108 contains a token corresponding to the newest version of the data object, i.e., the data object contained in cache 110 . In this example, the cache 110 experiences a failure causing the loss of the data object from cache 110 . The cache 110 is subsequently repaired, but the lost data object is gone. At this point, the data object on base storage 112 contains an old version code and the token database contains a newer, non-matching version code. The data object in base storage 112 is therefore a “down-level” version. Referring back to the sequence of FIG. 4, step 426 branches to step 427 if the version code data subparts match. In step 427 , the controller 106 reads the data object from base storage 112 and provides the data object as output. After step 427 , the program ends (step 430 ). Otherwise, if step 426 finds that the version code data subparts do not match, then the data object from base storage 112 contains down-level data with respect to the version code data subpart stored in the token database 108 . In this event, the data object from base storage 112 is considered stale, and the controller 106 issues an error message (step 428 ), and the program ends (step 429 ). Other Embodiments While the foregoing disclosure shows a number of illustrative embodiments of the invention, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that various changes and modifications can be made herein without departing from the scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims. Furthermore, although elements of the invention may be described or claimed in the singular, the plural is contemplated unless limitation to the singular is explicitly stated.
A data storage system stores data with a corresponding encapsulated metadata token in cache and/or base storage to protect against recalling stale data from base storage in the event of a cache failure and subsequent cache miss. A controller is coupled to a cache, base storage, and token database. After receiving a data object and associated write request, the controller assigns a version code to the data object. If the data object already exists, the controller advances the data object's version code. A token, including the version code along with other items of metadata, is encapsulated for storage. Then, the controller stores the data object and encapsulated token in cache and/or base storage and updates the token database to cross-reference the data object with its version code. When the controller experiences a cache miss, there is danger in blindly retrieving the data object from base storage since the cache miss may have occurred due to cache failure before the data was de-staged, leaving a down-level version of the data object on base storage. This problem is avoided by comparing the data object's version code contained in base storage to the version code listed for the data object in the token database. Only if the compared version codes match, the data object is read from base storage and provided as output.
PRIORITY INFORMATION [0001] This application is based on and claims priority to Japanese Patent Application No. 2000-215163, filed Jul. 14, 2001, the entire contents of which are hereby expressly incorporated by reference. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] 1. Field of the Invention [0003] The present invention generally relates to a tilt and trim control and an associated cowling arrangement for a marine drive, and more particularly relates to the placement of a tilt and trim control switch on an outboard motor cowling. [0004] 2. Description of the Related Art [0005] Outboard motors are often powered by internal combustion engines. The engine is typically positioned within a substantially enclosed cowling. The engine is generally vertically arranged, so that a crankshaft thereof may extend downwardly in driving relation with a water propulsion device of the motor, such as a propeller. In order to balance the motor, and because of space considerations, the engine is arranged with a crankcase of the engine facing in the direction of a watercraft to which the motor is mounted (i.e., positioned on a front side of the engine) and with the cylinder head positioned on an end of the engine facing away from the watercraft (i.e., positioned on a rear side of the engine). [0006] A hydraulic tilt and trim system often supports and adjusts the trim position of a large outboard motor (e.g., 150 hp or greater). The tilt and trim system typically includes hydraulic actuators that operate between a clamping bracket, which is attached to the watercraft, and a swivel bracket that supports the outboard motor. A pivot pin connects the swivel and clamping brackets together. The actuators cause the swivel bracket to pivot about the axis of the pivot pin relative to the stationary clamping bracket. [0007] In order to control the tilt and trim system, a manually operated tilt switch can be provided in or on the outboard motor cowling. The tilt switch controls operation of the tilt and trim system. In prior references, such as in Japanese Patent No. 2960205, a single tilt switch is provided and allows an operator to actuate the switch from a position outside of the cowling. The tilt switch is affixed to only one of the starboard or port sides of the cowling. [0008] Demand for improved watercraft performance and increased outboard motor power has grown in recent years. In order to create more powerful outboard motors, larger engines are being used. Of course, a larger engine needs a larger cowling. Such large cowlings have made operation of the tilt switch more complicated because an operator must move to a side of the watercraft in order see and operate the tilt switch, which is affixed to only one side of the cowling. This is inconvenient. [0009] In order to further increase power, some watercraft employ a pair of outboard motors mounted side-by-side on a transom of the watercraft. When a pair of outboard motors are mounted side-by-side in this manner, a space between the adjacent motors becomes narrow, expecially if the mtors are large. As discussed above, the tilt switch is typically arranged in or on only one side of the cowling. As such, the tilt switch of at least one of the outboard motors is located within the narrow space between the motors. Accessing and operating this tilt switch can be very difficult. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0010] A need therefore exists for an improved tilt switch and cowling arrangement for an outboard motor, which arrangement will reduce the complexity and increase the convenience of accessing a manually-operated tilt switch in order to operate the tilt and trim system. [0011] In accordance with one aspect of the present arrangement, an outboard motor for attachment to a transom of a watercraft is provided. The outboard motor comprises a power head comprising an engine substantially enclosed within a cowling, a driveshaft housing depending from the power head, and a propulsion device driven by the engine,. A tilt and trim mechanism moves the outboard motor between a raised position and a lowered position relative to the watercraft. A tilt/trim contol switch controls the tilt and trim mechanism. At least two tilt/trim control switch apertures are formed through the cowling. Each of the apertures is sized and configured to receive the tilt/trim control switch. The tilt/trim control switch is positioned in one of the apertures. [0012] In accordance with another aspect of the present arrangement, a watercraft power system is provided comprising two outboard motors adapted to be mounted side by side on a transom of a watercraft. Each of the outboard motors comprises a power head having an engine at least partially enclosed by a cowling. A driveshaft housing depends from each power head; a propulsion unit is driven by each engine; and a tilt and trim mechanism is provided for raising and lowering the associated motor relative to the transom of the watercraft. The tilt and trim mechanism comprises a manually operable control switch arranged on a side of the cowling. The switch for each motor is positioned on a side of the cowling facing away from the other motor. [0013] These and other aspects of the present invention will become readily apparent to those skilled in the art from the following detailed description of the preferred embodiments, which refers to the attached figures. The invention is not limited, however, to the particular embodiments that are disclosed. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0014] These and other features, aspects and advantages of the present invention will now be described with reference to the drawings of preferred embodiments, which are intended to illustrate and not to limit the invention. The drawings comprise five figures. [0015] [0015]FIG. 1 is a side elevational view of an outboard motor configured in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present tilt and trim system arrangement, and includes phantom lines showing the outboard motor in a partially raised position and a fully raised position. [0016] [0016]FIG. 2 is a perspective view showing a watercraft having a pair of outboard motors mounted side-by-side on a transom thereof. [0017] [0017]FIG. 3 is a top plan view of the power head of the outboard motor of FIG. 1 showing certain engine components in phantom. [0018] [0018]FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional partially cut-away view of the cowling of the outboard motor of FIG. 1 taken along line 4 - 4 of FIG. 3. [0019] [0019]FIG. 5 is an inner side view of a switch unit taken along line 5 - 5 of FIG. 4 and showing some components in phantom. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0020] With reference first to FIGS. 1 - 3 , an overall construction of an outboard motor 30 that employs a tilt and trim control and cowling arrangement configured in accordance with certain features, aspects and advantages of the present invention will be described. The tilt and trim arrangement has particular utility in the context of a marine drive such as an outboard motor, and thus is described in the context of an outboard motor. The principles of the present arrangement, however, can be used with other types of marine drives. [0021] In the illustrated arrangement, the outboard motor 30 comprises a drive unit 32 that includes a power head 34 , a driveshaft housing 36 and a lower unit 38 . The power head 34 is disposed atop the drive unit 32 and includes an internal combustion engine 40 that is positioned within a protective cowling 42 that preferably is made of plastic. Preferably, the protective cowling 42 defines a generally enclosed cavity 44 in which the engine 40 is disposed. The protective cowling assembly 42 preferably comprises a top cowling member 48 and a bottom cowling member 50 . [0022] The top cowling member 48 preferably is detachably affixed to the bottom cowling member 50 by a coupling mechanism so that a user, operator, mechanic or repair person can access the engine 40 for maintenance or for other purposes. The bottom cowling member 50 has front and rear walls 52 , 54 and port and starboard sidewalls 56 , 58 configured to correspond with the walls of the top cowling member 48 . A seal member 60 (see FIG. 4) is disposed between the top and bottom cowling members 48 , 50 to prevent water intrusion therebetween. [0023] The engine 40 is placed onto a tray portion of the bottom cowling member 50 . The tray portion has an opening through which burnt charges (e.g., exhaust gases) from the engine 40 are discharged. The engine in the illustrated embodiment is of the six cylinder, four-cycle variety and is arranged with its cylinders in a “V” fashion. In this arrangement, the engine 40 has a cylinder block 62 having first and second cylinder banks 64 , 66 . [0024] The cylinder banks 64 , 66 define a valley 68 between them. The valley 68 faces away from a watercraft 70 to which the motor 30 is attached. Each bank 64 , 66 preferably defines three generally horizontally disposed cylinders 72 which are generally vertically spaced from one another. Each cylinder 72 has a combustion chamber 74 defined in the space between the cylinder 70 , a corresponding cylinder head assembly 76 , and a piston 80 , which is moveably positioned in the cylinder 72 . [0025] As used in this description, the term “horizontally” means that the subject portions, members or components extend generally parallel to the water line 103 when the drive unit 32 is not tilted and is placed in the position marked “A” in FIG. 1. The term “vertically” means that portions, members or components extend generally normal to those that extend horizontally. The terms “forward,” “forwardly” and “front” mean at or to the side where the watercraft 70 is located, and the terms “rear,” “reverse,” “backwardly” and “rearwardly” mean at or to the opposite side of the front side, unless indicated otherwise or otherwise readily apparent from the context use. [0026] The illustrated engine 40 merely exemplifies one type of engine that can be used in combination with certain aspects and features of the present arrangement. Engines having other number of cylinders, having other cylinder arrangements (e.g., an in-line arrangement), and operating on other combustion principles (e.g., crankcase compression two-stroke or rotary) also can be used. [0027] With reference to FIG. 3, a crankcase member 82 engages the cylinder banks 64 , 66 to define a crankcase chamber 86 together with the cylinder banks. A crankshaft or output shaft 86 extends generally vertically through the crankcase chamber 86 and is journaled for rotation by several bearing blocks in a suitable arrangement. Connecting rods 88 couple the crankshaft 86 with the respective pistons 80 in a well-known manner. Thus, the crankshaft 86 can rotate with the reciprocal movement of the pistons 80 . [0028] In the illustrated engine 40 , the pistons 80 reciprocate between top dead center and bottom dead center. When the crankshaft 86 makes two rotations, the pistons 80 generally move from top dead center to bottom dead center (the intake stroke), from bottom dead center to top dead center (the compression stroke), from top dead center to bottom dead center (the power stroke) and from bottom dead center to top dead center (the exhaust stroke). [0029] With specific reference again to FIGS. 1 and 2, the driveshaft housing 36 depends from the power head 34 and supports a driveshaft 90 which is coupled with the crankshaft 86 and which extends generally vertically through the driveshaft housing 36 . The driveshaft 90 is journaled for rotation and is driven by the crankshaft 86 . [0030] The lower unit 38 depends from the driveshaft housing 36 and supports a propulsion shaft 92 that is driven by the driveshaft 90 . The propulsion shaft 92 extends generally horizontally through the lower unit 38 and is journaled for rotation. A propulsion device is attached to the propulsion shaft 92 . In the illustrated arrangement, the propulsion device is a propeller 94 that is affixed to an outer end of the propulsion shaft 92 . The propulsion device, however, can take the form of a dual counter-rotating system, a hydrodynamic jet, or any of a number of other suitable propulsion devices. [0031] A transmission 96 preferably is provided between the driveshaft 90 and the propulsion shaft 92 , which lie generally normal to each other (i.e., at a 90° shaft angle), to couple together the two shafts 90 , 92 through bevel gears. The outboard motor 30 has a clutch mechanism that allows the transmission 96 to change the rotational direction of the propeller 94 among forward, neutral or reverse. [0032] A bracket assembly 100 connects the drive unit 32 to a transom 102 of the associated watercraft 70 to support the outboard motor 30 thereon and to place the propulsion device in a submerged position when the watercraft 70 is resting on the surface 103 of a body of water. The bracket assembly 100 preferably comprises a swivel bracket 104 , a clamping bracket 106 , a steering shaft 108 and a pivot pin 110 . [0033] The steering shaft 108 typically extends through the swivel bracket 104 and is affixed to the drive unit 32 by top and bottom mount assemblies 112 . The steering shaft 108 is pivotally journaled for steering movement about a generally vertically extending steering axis defined within the swivel bracket 104 . The clamping bracket 106 comprises a pair of bracket arms that are spaced apart from each other and that are affixed to the watercraft transom 102 . [0034] The pivot pin 110 completes a hinge coupling between the swivel bracket 104 and the clamping bracket 106 . The pivot pin 110 extends through the bracket arms so that the clamping bracket 106 supports the swivel bracket 104 for pivotal movement about a generally horizontally extending tilt axis defined by the pivot pin 110 . The drive unit 32 thus can be tilted or trimmed about the pivot pin 110 through a continuous range of trim positions. For example, as shown in FIG. 1, the drive unit 32 can be tilted in an upward direction from a non-tilted position (position “A”) to a partially raised position (position “B”) or can be fully tilted up and out of the water (position “C”) for storage or transport. Typically, the term “tilt movement”, when used in a broad sense, comprises both a tilt movement and a trim adjustment movement. [0035] A hydraulic tilt and trim adjustment system 120 preferably is provided between the swivel bracket 104 and the clamping bracket 106 for tilt movement (raising or lowering) of the swivel bracket 104 and the drive unit 32 relative to the clamping bracket 106 . The hydraulic tilt and trim adjustment system 120 includes a hydraulic cylinder 122 that is driven by a hydraulic fluid motor (not shown). The hydraulic motor preferably includes a pump that pressurizes hydraulic fluid for delivery to the cylinder. A reversible electric motor drives the pump. By reversing the direction in which the pump is run, the cylinder 122 is either extended or retracted in order to raise or lower the drive unit. [0036] It is to be understood that any of a variety of conventional hydraulic circuits or arrangements can be used for and with the tilt and trim adjustment system 120 . It also is to be understood that various mechanisms other than the illustrated hydraulic tilt and trim system 120 can be appropriately used in connection with this embodiment. [0037] A tilt and trim actuator switch 124 controls the tilt and trim adjustment system so as to effect tilt and trim movement of the outboard motor 30 . Preferably, the tilt and trim switch 124 is positioned on a side of the power head 34 , as shown in FIG. 2. [0038] With reference to FIGS. 3 and 4, apertures 130 , 131 are formed through both the port sidewall 56 and the starboard sidewall 58 of the bottom cowling portion 50 at positions preferably generally forwardly of the driveshaft 90 of the engine 40 . The port and starboard apertures 131 , 130 are advantageously substantially identical to each other. With specific reference to FIGS. 4 and 5, a switch unit 132 is positioned at least partially within the starboard aperture 130 . The switch unit 132 comprises a tilt switch 134 and a support unit 136 . An electric wire 138 is connected with the switch unit 132 . [0039] The tilt switch 134 comprises a switch body 140 and a switch base portion 142 . The switch body 140 preferably comprises a three-position switch having a first, second and neutral position. Placing the switch in the first position electrically signals the electric motor to operate so that the tilt and trim system 120 raises the outboard motor 30 . Conversely, placing the switch in the second position electrically signals the electric motor to operate so that the tilt and trim system 120 lowers the motor 30 . The neutral position does not prompt any change in the tilt and trim position. [0040] Of course, other types of switches and other switch control strategies can be used. For example, a control switch may have multiple settings in order to allow both fast-moving rough tilt and trim adjustment and relatively slow-moving fine trim adjustment. Also, the tilt switch can be configured for one-touch operation between various pre-set tilt and trim positions. Other types of switches that can be acceptably used include toggle switches, push-button switches, rotatable switches, etc. [0041] With continued reference to FIGS. 4 and 5, the support unit 136 holds the tilt switch 134 securely in place within the associated aperture 130 . The support unit 136 comprises a seal member 144 , such as an o-ring, that surrounds at least a portion of the switch base 142 and also contacts the starboard sidewall 58 . A mount back 146 contacts both the switch base 142 and the seal member 144 , and is held in place by a spring plate 148 . A pair of fasteners 150 engage the spring plate 148 and extend into bosses 152 formed in the sidewall 58 so as to securely hold the spring plate 148 in place. The spring plate 148 urges the mount back 146 against the switch base 142 and seal member 144 so as to hold the switch unit 132 securely in place and to establish a water seal with the cowling sidewall 58 . In this manner, water that may splash against an outside surface of the cowling 42 and the switch 124 will not intrude into the cowling through the aperture 130 . [0042] In the illustrated embodiment, the switch unit 132 is installed so that the tilt switch 134 is recessed somewhat from the outer surface of the cowling 42 . This configuration guards against inadvertent actuation of the switch. It is to be understood that the tilt switch 134 can be arranged with any desirable recess distance. It is also to be understood that, in some embodiments, the tilt switch can be installed so as to protrude somewhat from the aperture 130 . Such installation can ease access to the switch. [0043] As discussed above, the port sidewall aperture 131 is substantially the same size as the starboard sidewall aperture 130 . In one embodiment shown in solid lines in FIG. 4, a plug unit 160 is positioned in the aperture 131 instead of a switch unit. The plug unit 160 includes a plug 162 that substantially fills the aperture 131 , but does not necessarily trigger any function of the outboard motor 30 . The plug unit 160 also includes a support unit 136 a having structure similar to the starboard support unit 136 . In this manner, the plug unit 162 fills and seals the port aperture 131 so that water does not intrude into the cowling through the aperture 131 . [0044] With continued reference to FIG. 4, another embodiment is illustrated wherein a tilt switch 134 a (shown in phantom lines) is positioned in the port aperture 131 . In this embodiment, a switch unit 132 a having substantially the same structure as the starboard switch unit 132 discussed above is placed at the port aperture 131 so that tilt switches are arranged on both sides of the motor 30 . As such, the tilt and trim of the motor can be adjusted by actuating either tilt switch. Thus, operation of the tilt and trim system 120 is easier because the operator simply actuates whichever tilt switch 124 is more convenient. [0045] It is to be understood that, in still further embodiments, a tilt swith can be arranged at one aperture, and any of various actuators and switches for other outboard motor functions can be arranged in the aperture that is not occupied by the tilt switch. For example, in one embodiment, an engine kill switch can be positioned in one aperture while a tilt switch is positioned in the other aperture. [0046] The construction of the switch unit 132 and the plug unit 160 allows each unit to be removed from its aperture 130 , 131 and installed at the opposing aperture. Thus, the present tilt switch arrangement provides increased manufacturing and customization versatility by allowing the tilt switch 124 to be movable to a side more convenient for or more desirable to a user. [0047] Arranging the apertures through the port and starboard sidewalls 56 , 58 of the bottom cowling 50 is especially advantageous because there are relatively few components in this area of the outboard motor 30 . Accordingly, the same wiring harness 138 can be used even when the switch unit 132 is moved from one aperture to another aperture because interference from other engine components will not prevent repositioning and moving of the wire 138 in the area of the bottom cowling member 50 forwardly of the crankshaft 86 . Further, as discussed above, the top cowling member 48 can be removed for convenient access to components enclosed therewithin. Since the switch unit 132 is mounted at the bottom cowling member 50 , the associated electric wire 138 does not interfere with removal of the top cowling member 48 . [0048] As discussed above and shown in FIG. 2, it is common for a pair of outboard motors 30 p, 30 s to be mounted side-by-side on the transom 102 of a watercraft 70 in order to increase the power available to the watercraft. If the two outboard motors both had tilt switches arranged on the same side, such as, for example, the starboard side, the tilt switch 124 on one of the outboard motors, (i.e., the starboard motor 30 s ) would be easily accessible; however, the tilt switch 124 on the other motor (i.e. the port motor 30 p ) would be positioned immediately adjacent the port side of the starboard motor 30 s. As discussed above, there is a narrow passage between the motors 30 p, 30 s. Thus, it may be very difficult to access and actuate the port motor's tilt switch. [0049] The present tilt system and cowling arrangement allows the tilt switch 124 of the port motor 30 p to be on the port side of the motor and the tilt switch 124 of the starboard motor 30 s to be on the starboard side of the motor. Thus, both tilt switches 124 are easily accessible. [0050] Although this invention has been disclosed in the context of certain preferred embodiments and examples, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that the present invention extends beyond the specifically disclosed embodiments to other alternative embodiments and/or uses of the invention and obvious modifications and equivalents thereof. In addition, while a number of variations of the invention have been shown and described in detail, other modifications, which are within the scope of this invention, will be readily apparent to those of skill in the art based upon this disclosure. It is also contemplated that various combinations or subcombinations of the specific features and aspects of the embodiments may be made and still fall within the scope of the invention. Accordingly, it should be understood that various features and aspects of the disclosed embodiments can be combined with or substituted for one another in order to form varying modes of the disclosed invention. Thus, it is intended that the scope of the present invention herein disclosed should not be limited by the particular disclosed embodiments described above, but should be determined only by a fair reading of the claims that follow.
An outboard motor includes a cowling substantially enclosing an engine therein. A tilt and trim mechanism includes a manually-actuable tilt switch for controlling tilt and trim of the motor. Both the port and starboard sidewalls of the cowling have apertures formed therethrough. The apertures are sized and configured to accomodate a tilt switch. In one embodiment, a tilt switch is arranged in one aperture and a plug is arranged in the other aperture. In another embodiment, tilt switches are arranged in both apertures.
[0001] This is a continuation of Ser. No. 09/221,272, filed on Dec. 23, 1998, entitled, SOLID BLUNT FOR A NEEDLE ASSEMBLY. BACKGROUND FOR THE INVENTION [0002] 1. Field of the Invention [0003] The present invention relates to medical devices and other similar devices and in particular to medical devices such as intravenous catheters and syringes which include a hollow needle having a sharp distal end for piercing an object, such as the skin of a patient. [0004] 2. Background of the Invention [0005] The existence of infectious diseases has highlighted the danger to which medical personnel may be exposed when treating patients by means of catheter devices and syringes where a sharp needle point is used to pierce the skin of the patient. In order to protect medical personnel against inadvertent needle stick, a number of solutions have been developed whereby a protective mechanism, incorporated within a catheter or syringe, prevents physical contact with the sharp needle point after use and hence protects against inadvertent needle stick. Many of the developed solutions are complicated. For example, some developments utilize the retraction of the needle within a housing once the needle has been used. Other developments utilize blunts which are contained within the cannula of the hollow needle. [0006] These blunts come in two principal forms: hollow blunts which are hollow tubes concentrically disposed within the circular shaft of a hollow needle, and solid blunts. Hollow blunt designs require that an exit hole be provided at a proximal location to allow blood to exit the blunt and enter a flash chamber, the use of which is well known in the art. In order for blood flashback to be seen as quickly as possible, the exit hole needs to be located just proximal to the butt end of the needle. Thus, hollow blunts require extra machining or manufacturing steps in order to produce a satisfactory hollow blunt. Solid rod blunts are typically cylindrical rods which have an outer diameter which is sufficiently smaller than the inner diameter of the shaft of the cannula of the needle in order to allow clearance for fluid flow all around the diameter of the solid rod blunt. While some prior art designs have included grooves in the solid rod blunt, these solid rod blunts nevertheless position the wall of the blunt (the outside diameter of the blunt) some distance from the inner diameter of the shaft of the cannula. [0007] [0007]FIG. 1A illustrates an example of a prior art solid blunt 103 within the shaft 105 of the needle assembly 101 . The needle 107 includes a hollow opening 109 and a sharp tip 107 at the end of the opening. The needle assembly 101 is shown in FIG. 1A before its use. In this situation, the solid rod blunt 103 is disposed entirely within the shaft of the needle 105 such that the sharp point 107 can pierce an object, such as the skin of a patient. After use, the solid rod blunt 103 is advanced longitudinally along the longitudinal axis 120 shown in FIG. 1B such that the end 111 of the solid blunt 103 extends beyond the opening of the shaft 105 , thereby to some extent covering the sharp tip 107 so that a user of the needle may not receive an accidental needle stick. As is well known in the art, a clip or other mechanism holds the solid blunt rod 103 relative to the shaft 105 , preventing it from moving longitudinally along the axis 120 once the blunt 103 has been extended beyond the opening. However, as shown in FIG. 1C, it is also possible for the solid blunt 103 to move perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis 120 and this tends to increase the gap between the blunt and the sharp tip which tends to increase the likelihood of an accidental needle stick or skive. FIG. 1C shows a cross-sectional view of the assembly 101 shown in FIG. 1B at the line 1 C- 1 C shown in FIG. 1B. As can be seen from FIG. 1C, there is a considerable gap 109 a between the inner diameter of the shaft 105 and the outer diameter of the solid blunt rod 103 . This makes it possible for the rod to move up and down along the axis 130 which is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis 120 shown in FIG. 1B. As a result, it is possible for the blunt 103 to be pushed away from the sharp tip 107 even when it is extended out beyond the tip 107 as shown in FIG. 1B. As a result, even though the blunt may be advanced longitudinally beyond the end of the sharp tip of the needle, the gap between the wall of the blunt and the sharp tip may be so large that the sharp point is permitted to scratch or skive a person's skin. Naturally, the solid blunt must provide space around its circumference in order to permit fluid flow, and thus it would appear that a gap 109 a is required. [0008] From the above discussion, it can be seen that it is desirable to provide an improved solid blunt which better protects a user of a needle. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0009] The present invention provides a solid blunt which helps to prevent accidental needle sticks. The present invention also provides a needle assembly having a solid blunt. [0010] In one exemplary embodiment, a solid blunt has an outer dimension (e.g. outer diameter) which is nearly equal to an inner dimension (e.g. inner diameter) of a cannula of a needle which is configured to contain the solid blunt. [0011] In one example, the solid blunt substantially blocks fluid flow along a first circumferential portion of an inner diameter of the cannula and allows fluid flow in a second circumferential portion of the inner diameter. The solid blunt is typically capable of longitudinal movement through the cannula and is prevented from moving substantially in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal movement. [0012] A needle assembly, in another exemplary embodiment, includes a solid blunt, a cannula, and a clip which couples the solid blunt to a frame which is coupled to the cannula. The clip allows the solid blunt to move longitudinally between at least two positions and the clip prevents the solid blunt from rotating within the shaft of the needle. The solid blunt itself is effectively lodged within the shaft of the needle so that it cannot move substantially in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal movement of the solid blunt. [0013] The present invention may be used with medical devices, including needles, catheter assemblies and introducers for catheters and other devices as well. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0014] The present invention is illustrated by way of example and not limitation in the figures of the accompanying drawings in which like references indicate similar elements. [0015] [0015]FIG. 1A shows a cross-sectional view of a prior art blunt within a needle shaft. This view depicts the typical position of the blunt relative to the shaft and tip of the needle before use of the needle. [0016] [0016]FIG. 1B shows a cross-sectional view of a prior art needle assembly having a blunt which is extended beyond the tip of the needle after use of the needle. [0017] [0017]FIG. 1C shows a cross-sectional view of a solid blunt within a needle shaft; this cross-sectional view is taken along the line 1 C- 1 C shown in FIG. 1B. [0018] [0018]FIGS. 2A, 2B, 2 C, and 2 D show cross-sectional views of four examples of solid blunts according to the present invention. [0019] [0019]FIGS. 3A, 3B, 3 C, and 3 D show cross-sectional views of the blunts shown respectively in FIGS. 2A, 2B, 2 C, and 2 D within the shaft of a needle. FIGS. 3A, 3B, 3 C, and 3 D also illustrate the relative position of portions of the blunt and the sharp tip 311 of the needle and blunt assembly. [0020] [0020]FIG. 3E shows the perspective side view of a needle and blunt assembly according to the present invention. [0021] [0021]FIG. 4A shows another cross-sectional view of an example of a specific solid blunt according to the present invention. [0022] [0022]FIG. 4B shows another example of a specific solid blunt according to the present invention. [0023] [0023]FIGS. 5A and 5B show cross-sectional views of an example of a catheter assembly which may use a solid blunt according to the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0024] The present invention provides various examples of solid blunts and needle assemblies containing solid blunts. The following description and drawings are illustrative of the invention and are not to be construed as limiting the invention. Numerous specific details are described to provide a thorough understanding of the invention. For example, very specific geometries and dimensions are provided for purposes of illustrating the invention. In certain instances, well known or conventional details are not described in order to not unnecessarily obscure the present invention in detail. [0025] Generally, a solid blunt according to the present invention has an outer dimension, such as an outer diameter, which is nearly equal to (e.g. just less than) an inner dimension, such as an inner diameter, of a cannula of a needle which is configured to contain the solid blunt. At least a portion of the solid blunt having this outer dimension is configured to be positioned near a sharp tip of the needle when the blunt is positioned to protect against needle skiving, such as when the blunt is extended longitudinally out beyond the opening of the needle. The solid blunt is formed in a manner to provide a fluid flow through a fluid path of sufficient size while positioning the surface of the blunt (e.g. the outside diameter) as close to the sharp point of the needle (e.g. inside diameter) as possible. Thus, at least a portion of the solid blunt may substantially block fluid flow along a first circumferential portion of an inner diameter of the cannula while allowing fluid flow in a second circumferential portion of the inner diameter. A typical blunt according to the present invention may be capable of longitudinal movement through the cannula but be prevented from moving substantially in a direction which is perpendicular to the longitudinal movement. By being prevented from moving in this perpendicular direction, the outside dimension of the blunt will be positioned close to the sharp point of the needle and thereby reduce the likelihood that the sharp point will scratch or skive a person's skin. [0026] [0026]FIG. 2A shows an example of a solid blunt 201 which has one particular geometry which resembles the letter “D” in the cross-sectional view of the solid blunt 201 . This solid blunt 201 includes an outer circumferential portion or surface 203 and an upper flat portion 209 . The solid interior 205 of the blunt extends from the circumferential portion 203 beyond the centerline 207 and up to the flat portion 209 . The centerline 207 is designed to be the central diameter of a cannula which receives the solid blunt 201 . [0027] [0027]FIG. 3A shows an example of a needle assembly 301 which includes the solid blunt 201 and the shaft 303 of a needle. The solid blunt is disposed within the shaft of the needle 303 such that the bulk of the solid blunt is positioned near the needle's sharp tip 311 which is shown diagrammatically in the cross-sectional view of FIG. 3A. As can be seen from FIG. 3A, the circumferential portion 203 of the outer surface of the solid blunt is closely positioned to the inner diameter 307 of the shaft 303 . Thus very little gap 309 exists between the blunt 201 and the shaft 303 along at least a first circumferential portion of the inner diameter of the shaft 303 . However, fluid flow is allowed to occur through the opening 305 which exists above the solid blunt 201 as shown in FIG. 3A. The blunt 201 includes material at or above the centerline 207 as shown in FIG. 3A so that the blunt cannot move substantially in a perpendicular direction relative to the longitudinal movement of the blunt 201 within the shaft 303 . That is, by having solid material of the blunt at or above the centerline of the shaft 303 , the blunt resists movement in this perpendicular direction. [0028] [0028]FIG. 2B shows another example of a particular geometry of a solid blunt according to the present invention. This particular geometry is referred to as a pie-slice shaped solid blunt due to the fact that the cross-section of the blunt as shown in FIG. 2B resembles a pie slice. The blunt 211 of FIG. 2B includes a first circumferential portion or outer surface 213 and a second circumferential portion or outer surface 215 . Each of these circumferential portions are designed to come in close contact with the inner diameter of the shaft 303 as shown in FIG. 3B. In one case, the outer diameter of the blunt is nearly equal to (but just less than) the inner diameter of shaft 303 . Thus, only a very small gap exists between the portion 213 and the inner diameter 307 of the shaft 303 as shown in FIG. 3B. The solid interior 219 of the blunt 211 extends from one circumferential portion to the other circumferential portion, thereby resisting perpendicular movement of the blunt. FIG. 2B shows in its cross-sectional view a particular geometry in which the sides 217 a and 217 b are straight. It will be appreciated that alternatively the sides 217 a and 217 b may be either concave or convex. [0029] [0029]FIG. 2C shows another specific geometry of a solid blunt according to the present invention. The solid blunt 221 shown in the cross-sectional view of FIG. 2C includes a cut-out region 229 . Even with the cut-out region, a solid portion 223 of the blunt 221 extends beyond the centerline 231 of the shaft 303 as shown in FIG. 3C. Accordingly, the solid blunt 221 will resist perpendicular movement as described above. The outer circumferential portion 225 of the solid blunt 221 has a diameter which is nearly equal to (but just less than) the diameter of the shaft 303 and thus very little space or gap 309 exists between the outer surface of the solid blunt and the inner diameter 307 of the shaft 303 . Also as shown in FIG. 3C, the blunt is positioned relative to the sharp tip 311 so that a majority of the solid blunt material will be disposed next to the sharp tip 311 . [0030] [0030]FIG. 2D shows another example of a particular geometry of a solid blunt according to the present invention. In the cross-sectional view of FIG. 2 D, the blunt 241 includes a D-shaped cut-out 249 in the upper surface 251 of the blunt. Sufficient solid material 245 of the blunt is at or above the centerline 247 of the shaft 303 as shown in FIG. 3D. The outer circumferential portion 243 of the blunt 241 is sized relative to the inner diameter of the shaft 303 such that very little gap 309 c exists between the inner diameter of the shaft 303 and the outer circumference of the blunt 241 . The blunt 241 is positioned relative to the sharp tip 311 so that most of its solid material will be positioned near the tip 311 . [0031] [0031]FIG. 3E shows a side perspective view of the assembly 301 shown in FIG. 3A. The cross-sectional view of FIG. 3A is shown by line 3 A- 3 A of FIG. 3E. The needle assembly 301 , as shown in FIG. 3E, includes the solid blunt 201 which is disposed within the hollow inner diameter of the cannula formed by the shaft 303 . The inner diameter 307 of the shaft 303 is nearly equal to (but just less than) the outer diameter of the blunt 201 such that the gap 309 is very small. The gap 305 between the top of the solid blunt 201 and the inner diameter 307 provides a sufficient fluid path through the shaft 303 when the needle is used,. On the other hand, the close proximity between the outer circumferential portion 203 of the blunt 201 and its corresponding inner circumferential portion of the shaft 303 is such that fluid flow through the gap 309 is relatively restricted. The centerline 207 of the shaft 303 is shown relative to the solid blunt 201 . It can be seen that a portion of the solid material of the solid blunt is at or above the centerline, thereby preventing the blunt from moving perpendicularly along the perpendicular direction 357 shown in FIG. 3E. The blunt is capable of moving longitudinally along the longitudinal axis 353 under control of a conventional clip or other device (not shown) which is coupled to the blunt 201 . This device, such as a clip, may be attached directly to the blunt or through an intermediary piece which may have a different profile such as the rod 351 shown in FIG. 3E. The rod 351 does not need to perform the functions of the solid blunt 201 and thus may have a different geometry than the solid blunt 201 . The required geometry of the solid blunt 201 should exist around portions of the blunt that will be near the sharp tip 311 . The clip or other device which controls and positions the solid blunt 201 may be similar to those devices in the prior art, such as those shown in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,009,642, or 5,540,662, or 4,828,547, or 5,743,882. These clips or devices, using conventional mechanisms, allow for the blunt to move longitudinally but prevent the blunt from moving circularly (e.g. rotating) within the shaft 303 ; this circular direction is shown by the arrow 355 shown in FIG. 3E. Thus by using a conventional clip or other device for retaining and controlling the movement longitudinally of the blunt 201 , the blunt 201 may be prevented from rotating (and thus stay positioned properly relative to the sharp tip 311 ) while also allowing for longitudinal movement along the axis 353 as shown in FIG. 3E. The geometric configuration of the blunt according to the present invention will also prevent perpendicular movement along the axis 357 as shown in FIG. 3E. [0032] [0032]FIGS. 4A and 4B show respectively particular examples of the D-shaped solid blunt and the pie-slice shaped solid blunt according to the present invention. These particular figures and the following tables provide various specific examples for dimensions which are specified in the following tables. In particular, Table A below specifies examples for particular dimensions of the D-shaped blunt relative to certain specific needle shafts. Similarly, Table B shows examples of specific dimensions for the pie-slice shaped blunt of FIG. 4B. The tables show the nominal inner diameter (ID) of the needle and show the nominal outer diameter (OD) of the blunt. It can be seen that the OD of the blunt is less than but nearly equal to the ID of the needle. In a typical case, the OD of the blunt is 0.002 inches less than the ID of the blunt. The labels on the FIGS. 4A and 4B represent the same labeled dimensions in the Tables A and B (for example, “A” in FIG. 4A is a dimension shown in the column A [“Nominal Blunt OD”] of Table A). These examples of FIGS. 4A and 4B assume a cylindrical shape for the needle's shaft and the blunt so that a diameter may be used to describe the relative dimensions. It will be appreciated that other geometries for the needle and blunt may be used with the present invention; for example, a needle and a blunt each having triangular or elliptical cross-sections may be used where a dimension of the blunt nearly equals a dimension of the needle. TABLE A Nominal Nominal Blunt OD B Flat Needle ID A Location 0.050 .0475 .029 0.038 .036 .021 0.030 .028 .018 0.023 .021 .012 0.017 .015 .009 0.014 .012 .007 [0033] [0033] TABLE B Nominal Nominal Blunt Needle OD ID A B Base C D (Ref) E (Ref) 0.050  .0475 0.0450 0.0122 0.0172 0.0573 0.038 .036 0.0319 0.0048 0.0110 0.0400 0.030 .028 0.0237 0.0024 0.0082 0.0300 0.023 .021 0.0181 0.0018 0.0060 0.0225 0.017 .015 0.0132 0.0018 0.0045 0.0165 0.014 .012 0.0103 0.0012 0.0035 0.0130 [0034] [0034]FIGS. 5A and 5B show an example of a catheter system 501 of the invention. It will be appreciated that the solid blunt of the present invention may be used with various different types of catheter systems and that FIGS. 5A and 5B show merely one example of such a system. The catheter system 501 includes a needle 502 , a catheter hub 503 , a solid D-shaped blunt 504 , and a needle frame 507 . The catheter hub 503 includes a tube 506 which surrounds the needle 502 . The catheter hub 503 also includes a hub interconnect portion 503 a which includes a section 503 b disposed to engage a notch on the clip 511 . FIG. 5A shows the catheter system set before the needle is used so that the blunt is within the shaft of the needle. The solid blunt 504 is disposed within the shaft of the needle 502 and will extend beyond the opening of the needle 502 and beyond the sharp tip 505 of the needle 502 after the needle is used in accordance with conventional operating mechanisms for moving blunts. FIG. 5B shows the catheter system after the needle is used. The needle frame 507 is coupled to a flash chamber 509 and is also coupled by means of a slidable joint to the end 515 of the blunt 504 . The end 515 is coupled to the clip 511 so that when the catheter hub 503 is pulled away from the needle frame 507 , the blunt 504 is pulled out (so that it extends out beyond the sharp tip 505 ) by the interaction between the hub at 503 a and the clip at 511 and the lower portion of the needle frame 507 . This lower portion of the needle frame 507 engages a portion of the clip 511 as shown in FIG. 5B after the catheter hub 503 has been pulled away from the needle frame 507 . This engagement between the lower portion of the needle frame 507 and the clip will keep the blunt extended out beyond the sharp tip 505 as shown in FIG. 5B. Blood or other fluids which enter the opening of the needle 502 travel along the top of the solid blunt 504 along the line 513 towards the flash chamber 509 . It will be appreciated that the solid blunts of the present invention may be used with various different needle assemblies having various different types of clips and other mechanisms for positioning the solid blunt and for allowing for longitudinal movement of the solid blunt relative to the shaft of the needle. [0035] In the foregoing specification, the invention has been described with reference to specific exemplary embodiments thereof. It will be evident that various modifications may be made thereto without departing from the broader spirit and scope of the invention as set forth in the following claims. The specification and drawings are, accordingly, to be regarded in an illustrative sense rather than a restrictive sense.
A solid blunt and a needle assembly having a solid blunt. The solid blunt helps to prevent accidental needle sticks. In one exemplary embodiment, a solid blunt has an outer dimension (e.g. outer diameter) which is nearly equal to an inner dimension (e.g. inner diameter) of a cannula of a needle which is configured to contain the solid blunt. In one example, the solid blunt substantially blocks fluid flow in a first circumferential portion of an inner diameter of the cannula and allows fluid flow in a second circumferential portion of the inner diameter. The solid blunt is typically capable of longitudinal movement through the cannula and is prevented from moving substantially in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal movement. A needle assembly, in another exemplary embodiment, includes a solid blunt, a cannula and a clip which couples slidably the solid blunt to a frame which is coupled to the cannula. The present invention may be used with medical devices including needles, introducers and catheters and other devices as well.
BACKGROUND [0001] This section is intended to introduce the reader to various aspects of art that may be related to various aspects of the present invention, which are described and/or claimed below. This discussion is believed to be helpful in providing the reader with background information to facilitate a better understanding of the various aspects of the present invention. Accordingly, it should be understood that these statements are to be read in this light, and not as admissions of prior art. [0002] Blowout preventers (BOPs) are used extensively throughout the oil and gas industry. Typical blowout preventers are used as a large specialized valve or similar mechanical device that seal, control, and monitor oil and gas wells. The two categories of blowout preventers that are most prevalent are ram blowout preventers and annular blowout preventers. Blowout preventer stacks frequently utilize both types, typically with at least one annular blowout preventer stacked above several ram blowout preventers. The ram units in ram blowout preventers allow for both the shearing of the drill pipe and the sealing of the blowout preventer. A blowout preventer stack may be secured to a wellhead and may provide a safe means for sealing the well in the event of a system failure. [0003] In a typical ram blowout preventer, a ram bonnet assembly may be bolted to the main body using a number of high tensile bolts or studs. These bolts are required to hold the bonnet in position to enable the sealing arrangements to work effectively. During normal operation, the blowout preventers may be subject to pressures up to 20,000 psi, or even higher. To be able to operate against and to contain fluids at such pressures, blowout preventers are becoming larger and stronger. Blowout preventer stacks, including related devices, 30 feet or more in height are increasingly common. Further, ram-type blowout preventers may require interchangeable parts to be used with pipe having different sizes and strengths. Such requirements, if not impractical, may require the presence of personnel at locations that can be hazardous, and may be limited due to particular size or equipment restrictions. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0004] For a detailed description of embodiments of the subject disclosure, reference will now be made to the accompanying drawings in which: [0005] FIG. 1 shows a sectional view of a blowout preventer; [0006] FIG. 2 shows a wire cutting apparatus for use within a blowout preventer in accordance with one or more embodiments of the present disclosure; [0007] FIG. 3 shows a side cross-sectional view of a wire cutting apparatus in a retracted position in a blowout preventer in accordance with one or more embodiments of the present disclosure; [0008] FIG. 4 shows an above schematic view of a wire cutting apparatus in a retracted position in a blowout preventer in accordance with one or more embodiments of the present disclosure; [0009] FIG. 5 shows a side cross-sectional view of a wire cutting apparatus in an extended position in a blowout preventer in accordance with one or more embodiments of the present disclosure; [0010] FIG. 6 shows an above schematic view of a wire cutting apparatus in an extended position in a blowout preventer in accordance with one or more embodiments of the present disclosure; [0011] FIG. 7 shows an above schematic view of a wire cutting apparatus in a push-type configuration to cut a tubular member in accordance with one or more embodiments of the present disclosure; and [0012] FIG. 8 shows an above schematic view of a wire cutting apparatus in a pull-type configuration to cut a tubular member in accordance with one or more embodiments of the present disclosure. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0013] The following discussion is directed to various embodiments of the invention. The drawing figures are not necessarily to scale. Certain features of the embodiments may be shown exaggerated in scale or in somewhat schematic form and some details of conventional elements may not be shown in the interest of clarity and conciseness. The embodiments disclosed should not be interpreted, or otherwise used, as limiting the scope of the disclosure, including the claims. It is to be fully recognized that the different teachings of the embodiments discussed below may be employed separately or in any suitable combination to produce desired results. In addition, one skilled in the art will understand that the following description has broad application, and the discussion of any embodiment is meant only to be an illustration of that embodiment, and not intended to intimate that the scope of the disclosure, including the claims, is limited to that embodiment. [0014] Certain terms are used throughout the following description and claims to refer to particular features or components. As one skilled in the art will appreciate, different persons may refer to the same feature or component by different names. This document does not intend to distinguish between components or features that differ in name but are the same structure or function. [0015] In the following discussion and in the claims, the terms “including” and “comprising” are used in an open-ended fashion, and thus should be interpreted to mean “including, but not limited to . . . .” Also, the term “couple” or “couples” is intended to mean either an indirect or direct connection. In addition, the terms “axial” and “axially” generally mean along or parallel to a central axis (e.g., central axis of a body or a port), while the terms “radial” and “radially” generally mean perpendicular to the central axis. For instance, an axial distance refers to a distance measured along or parallel to the central axis, and a radial distance means a distance measured perpendicular to the central axis. The use of “top,” “bottom,” “above,” “below,” and variations of these terms is made for convenience, but does not require any particular orientation of the components. [0016] Referring now to FIG. 1 , a sectional view of a blowout preventer 10 is shown. The blowout preventer 10 includes a housing 12 , such as a hollow body, with a bore 14 that enables passage of fluid or a tubular member through the blowout preventer 10 . The housing 12 further includes one or more cavities 16 , such as cavities 16 opposed from each other with respect to the bore 14 , with a ram 18 movably positioned within each cavity 16 . The blowout preventer 10 may be coupled to other equipment that facilitates natural resource production. For instance, production equipment or other components may be attached to the top of the blowout preventer 10 using a connection 20 (which may be facilitated in the form of fasteners), and the blowout preventer 10 may be attached to a wellhead or spool using the flange 22 and additional fasteners. [0017] One or more bonnet assemblies 24 are secured to the housing 12 and include various components that facilitate control of the rams 18 positioned in the blowout preventer 10 . The bonnet assemblies 24 are coupled to the housing 12 by using one or more fasteners 26 to secure the bonnets 28 of the bonnet assemblies 24 to the housing 12 . The rams 18 are then actuated and moved through the cavities 16 , into and out of the bore 14 , by operating and moving a piston 30 and a rod 32 coupled thereto within a housing 34 of the bonnet assemblies 24 . In operation, a force (e.g., from hydraulic pressure) may be applied to the pistons 30 to drive the rods 32 , which in turn drives the rams 18 coupled thereto into the bore 14 of the blowout preventer 10 . The rams 18 cooperate with one another when driven together to seal the bore 14 and inhibit flow through the blowout preventer 10 . In another embodiment, the rams 18 may be shear rams such that, when driven towards each other, shear a tubular member present within the bore 14 of the housing 12 of the blowout preventer 10 . [0018] Referring now to FIG. 2 , a wire cutting apparatus 220 for use within a blowout preventer in accordance with one or more embodiments of the present disclosure is shown. The wire cutting apparatus 220 may be included in a housing of a blowout preventer to cut and shear a tubular member that is positioned within the bore of the blowout preventer. This may involve moving, extending, and retracting the wire cutting apparatus 220 into and out of the bore of the blowout preventer such that the wire cutting apparatus 220 may cut an object (e.g., tubular member) present within the bore of the blowout preventer. The use of a wire cutting apparatus 220 within a blowout preventer may enable the blowout preventer to operating at lower pressures and forces, thereby reducing the size and equipment requirements. [0019] The wire cutting apparatus 220 in this embodiment includes a cutting wire 222 that is supported by pulleys 224 . An example of a cutting wire 222 may include a diamond impregnated wire, though other types of cutting wire may be used without departing from the scope of the present disclosure. A motor 226 may then be coupled to the pulleys 224 to drive the cutting wire 222 . The pulleys 224 may include a drive pulley 224 A and one or more support pulleys 224 B. The motor 226 may be operatively coupled to the drive pulley 224 A to drive the drive pulley 224 A and the cutting wire 222 supported by the pulleys 224 . [0020] The wire cutting apparatus 220 may have a frame 228 with the pulleys 224 supported by the frame 228 . In particular, one or more axles of the pulleys 224 may be connected to the frame 228 such that the pulleys 224 are rotatably coupled to the frame 228 . One or more gears may be used with the wire cutting apparatus 220 , such as to control a speed of the cutting wire 222 , as desired. For example, as shown, a gearbox 230 may be included with the wire cutting apparatus 220 with the gearbox 230 coupled between the motor 226 and the drive pulley 224 A. The gearbox 230 may enable the motor 226 to control the speed at which the drive pulley 224 A rotates, and hence, control the speed at which the cutting wire 222 rotates through the wire cutting apparatus 220 . [0021] As discussed above, the motor 226 may be used to drive the pulleys 224 and the cutting wire 222 though the cutting wire 222 , the pulleys 224 , and the frame 228 move with respect to the motor 226 (e.g., the cutting wire 222 may extend into and out of a bore of a blowout preventer while the motor 226 remains relatively stationary). The wire cutting apparatus 220 may include one or more components or mechanisms to enable this type of movement between the motor 226 and the cutting wire 222 . In this embodiment, a telescoping assembly 232 may be used to operatively couple the motor 226 to the pulleys 224 , and more specifically the drive pulley 224 A. The telescoping assembly 232 may include an inner shaft 234 and an outer shaft 236 (or more shafts as necessary), with the telescoping assembly 232 extending between the motor 226 and the gearbox 230 . This may enable the motor 226 to be operatively coupled to and drive the drive pulley 224 A through the telescoping assembly 232 and the gearbox 230 as the cutting wire 222 , pulleys 224 , and the frame 228 move with respect to the motor 226 . The present disclosure also contemplates other components, mechanisms, and assemblies included within the scope of the present disclosure that may also be used to enable such movement between the motor and the cutting wire, if necessary. [0022] The wire cutting apparatus 220 , or a blowout preventer including the wire cutting apparatus 220 , may include a drive assembly 240 to move, extend, and retract the wire cutting apparatus 220 into and out of the bore of the blowout preventer. In FIG. 2 , the drive assembly 240 includes a housing 242 (e.g., such as a bonnet housing of a blowout preventer) with a piston 244 movably positioned within the housing 242 . A rod 246 may then be coupled and extend between the piston 244 and the wire cutting apparatus 220 , or more particularly the frame 228 of the wire cutting apparatus 220 in this embodiment, to enable the piston 244 to move the wire cutting apparatus 220 within a blowout preventer. For example, pressure (e.g., hydraulic pressure) may be selectively introduced on either side of the piston 244 to selectively move the piston 244 , and hence the wire cutting apparatus 220 . The present disclosure also contemplates other types of drive assemblies that may be used to move the wire cutting apparatus 220 within a blowout preventer that are included within the scope of the present disclosure. [0023] In accordance with one or more embodiments, as the wire cutting apparatus 220 may be included within a blowout preventer, and the blowout preventer may be used subsea, the wire cutting apparatus 220 may include multiple sources to power the wire cutting apparatus 220 . For example, as shown in FIG. 2 , a remotely-operated vehicle (ROV) drive coupling 238 may be included with the wire cutting apparatus 220 . In this embodiment, the ROV drive coupling 238 may be operatively coupled to the motor 226 to enable an ROV to supplement or provide power to the motor 226 . This may enable additional or alternative power sources to drive the cutting wire 222 of the wire cutting apparatus 220 . Accordingly, in one or more embodiments, the wire cutting apparatus 220 may be able to operate independent of a blowout preventer control system, without power from the surface of the blowout preventer control system, and/or electrical power. In one or more such embodiments, the wire cutting apparatus 220 may not include electrical components or electronics. [0024] Referring now to FIGS. 3-6 , a blowout preventer 300 including a wire cutting apparatus 320 in accordance with one or more embodiments of the present disclosure is shown. FIG. 3 shows a side cross-sectional view of the blowout preventer 300 in a retracted position, and FIG. 4 shows an above view of the blowout preventer 300 in the retracted position. Further, FIG. 5 shows a side cross-sectional view of the blowout preventer 300 in an extended position, and FIG. 6 shows an above view of the blowout preventer 300 in the extended position. [0025] The blowout preventer 300 includes a housing 302 , in which the housing 302 includes a bore 304 extending through the housing 302 and one or more cavities 306 in the housing 302 that intersect with the bore 304 . The wire cutting apparatus 320 may be movably positioned within the housing 302 , such as within the cavity 306 , of the blowout preventer 300 . The wire cutting apparatus 320 may then move (e.g., extend and retract) into and out of the bore 304 of the housing 302 of the blowout preventer 300 . As such, if an object, such as a tubular member 308 , is included within the bore 304 of the blowout preventer 300 , the wire cutting apparatus 320 may be used to cut or shear the tubular member 308 . [0026] As discussed above, the wire cutting apparatus 320 includes a wire 322 supported by pulleys 324 with a motor 326 to drive the cutting wire 322 using the pulleys 324 . The wire cutting apparatus 320 may have a frame 328 with the pulleys 324 supported by the frame 328 , and a gearbox 330 may be coupled between the motor 326 and the pulleys 324 to enable the motor 226 to control the speed at which the pulleys 324 (e.g., drive pulley 324 A) rotates, and hence, control the speed at which the cutting wire 322 rotate through the wire cutting apparatus 320 . [0027] To facilitate the cutting motion of the wire cutting apparatus 320 within the blowout preventer 300 , one or more components, such as a support block 350 , may be included to support the object (e.g., tubular member 308 ) included within the bore 304 of the blowout preventer 300 . The support block 350 is shown as positioned opposite the wire cutting apparatus 320 with respect to the bore 304 of the housing 302 of the blowout preventer 300 . In one or more embodiments, the support block 350 may be movably positioned within the housing 302 , such as within a cavity 306 , of the blowout preventer 300 . The support block 350 may then move (e.g., extend and retract) into and out of the bore 304 of the housing 302 of the blowout preventer 300 . In particular, the support block 350 may extend and retract into and out of the bore 304 along with the wire cutting apparatus 320 . [0028] As shown, the support block 350 may include in this embodiment a concave-profiled face to facilitate supporting the tubular member 308 by the support block 350 . In this embodiment, the support block 350 is shown as including a “V” profiled type face 352 such that this profile centralizes and/or stabilizes the tubular member 308 against the support block 350 . Further, the support block 350 may include an opening 354 or channel formed therein. This opening 354 may then enable the wire cutting apparatus 320 to be received, at least partially, within and correspond to the support block 350 , as shown particularly in FIG. 5 , to enable the wire cutting apparatus 320 to fully cut across the tubular member 308 . [0029] As discussed above, the wire cutting apparatus 320 , or the blowout preventer 300 including the wire cutting apparatus 320 , may include a drive assembly 340 to move, extend, and retract the wire cutting apparatus 320 into and out of the bore 304 of the blowout preventer 300 . In this embodiment, the drive assembly 340 includes a housing 342 with a piston 344 movably positioned within the housing 342 , and a rod 346 coupled and extending between the piston 344 and the wire cutting apparatus 320 . [0030] Similarly, the support block 350 , or the blowout preventer 300 including the support block 350 , may include a drive assembly 360 to move, extend, and retract the support block 350 into and out of the bore 304 of the blowout preventer 300 . In FIGS. 3-6 , the drive assembly 360 includes a housing 362 (e.g., such as a bonnet housing of the blowout preventer 300 ) with a piston 364 movably positioned within the housing 362 . A rod 366 may then be coupled and extend between the piston 364 and the support block 350 to enable the piston 364 to move the support block 350 within the blowout preventer 300 . [0031] In one embodiment, as the support block 350 may extend and retract into and out of the bore 304 along with the wire cutting apparatus 320 , the drive assembly 360 of the support block 350 and the drive assembly 340 of the wire cutting apparatus 320 may be linked to each other, in operation with each other, and/or on the same drive circuit to similarly control the movements of the support block 350 and the wire cutting apparatus 320 . For example, in the embodiment shown here, the hydraulic pressure used to drive the drive assembly 360 may also be used to drive the drive assembly 340 . Further, the present disclosure also contemplates other types of drive assemblies that may be used to move the support block 350 within a blowout preventer that are included within the scope of the present disclosure. [0032] In one or more embodiments, a wire cutting apparatus may include a tensioning mechanism, such as to maintain a predetermined tension upon the cutting wire. For example, a tensioning mechanism may involve selectively controlling movement of one or more pulleys with respect to each other to maintain a predetermined tension upon the cutting wire across the pulleys. This may facilitate keeping the cutting wire taut, particularly when cutting an object with the cutting wire. [0033] Further, in one or more embodiments, the wire cutting apparatus and/or the support block may be movable at or with a predetermined constant force within the blowout preventer. For example, when the wire cutting apparatus 320 and the support block 350 are extending into the bore 304 of the blowout preventer 300 to cut the tubular member 308 , the movement of the wire cutting apparatus 320 and/or the support block 350 may be controlled to apply a predetermined constant force upon the tubular member 308 . This may facilitate the cutting motion of the wire cutting apparatus 320 and prevent potential jamming or stalling of the wire cutting apparatus 320 . [0034] Furthermore, in one or more embodiments, the wire cutting apparatus and/or the support block may be protected, such as from contents included within the bore of the blowout preventer, when not in use and positioned within the bore of the blowout preventer. For example, a flap may be used to cover and/or seal the opening through which the wire cutting apparatus 320 and/or the support block 350 protrude when extending into the bore 304 of the blowout preventer 300 . The flap may enable the wire cutting apparatus 320 and/or the support block 350 to extend into the bore 304 of the blowout preventer 300 , such as by having the flap rotate out of the way. The flap may then rotate back to protect the openings and prevent content from the bore 304 flowing back into the cavities 306 of the blowout preventer 300 . The flap may be biased to close over the openings and then may move out of the way of the wire cutting apparatus 320 and/or the support block 350 when engaged. Alternatively, the flap may be separately controlled to move as the wire cutting apparatus 320 and/or the support block 350 move into and out of the bore 304 of the blowout preventer 300 . [0035] In one or more embodiments, the wire cutting apparatus and/or the support block may be used to seal the bore of the blowout preventer. For example, after the tubular member 308 is cut with the wire cutting apparatus 320 , the support block 350 may move and extend across the bore 304 . By extending out and across the bore 304 , the support block 350 may be able to seal the bore 304 , such as to prevent fluid from passing through the bore 304 after the tubular member 308 is cut. This may enable the blowout preventer 300 to not only be capable of shearing the tubular member 308 positioned therein, but also capable of sealing the bore 304 within the blowout preventer 300 after the tubular member 308 has been cut. [0036] Referring now to FIGS. 7 and 8 , multiple schematic above views of a wire cutting apparatus 720 to cut a tubular member 708 in accordance with one or more embodiments of the present disclosure are shown. In particular, FIG. 7 shows an embodiment of the wire cutting apparatus 720 in a push-type configuration to cut the tubular member 708 , and FIG. 8 shows an embodiment of the wire cutting apparatus 720 in a pull-type configuration to cut the tubular member 708 . [0037] As with the above, the wire cutting apparatus 720 may include a wire 722 supported by pulleys 724 with a motor 726 to drive the cutting wire 722 using the pulleys 724 . A gearbox 730 may be coupled between the motor 726 and the drive pulley 724 A to control the speed at which the cutting wire 722 rotates through the wire cutting apparatus 720 . Further, a telescoping assembly 732 including an inner shaft 734 and an outer shaft 736 (or more shafts as necessary) may extend between the motor 726 and the gearbox 730 . [0038] In the above embodiments, and in FIG. 7 , the wire cutting apparatus 720 may be used in the push-type configuration to cut the tubular member 708 , in which the wire cutting apparatus 720 is pushed (e.g., extended) into the bore of the blowout preventer to contact and cut the tubular member 708 . In another embodiment, and in FIG. 8 , the wire cutting apparatus 720 may be used in the pull-type configuration to cut the tubular member 708 , in which the wire cutting apparatus 720 is pulled (e.g., retracted) from or out of the bore of the blowout preventer to contact and cut the tubular member 708 . In such an embodiment, the cutting wire 722 may be positioned within the bore of the blowout preventer to have the tubular member 708 received into a loop formed by the cutting wire 722 . Then, once desired, the wire cutting apparatus 720 may be retracted out of the bore of the blowout preventer to have the cutting wire 722 contact and cut the tubular member 708 . Accordingly, a blowout preventer in accordance with the present disclosure may employ either of these types of configurations without departing from the scope of the present disclosure. [0039] As mentioned above, a blowout preventer in accordance with the present disclosure may be able to operate at lower pressures and with lower forces, such as due to the use of a wire cutting apparatus. This may reduce the size and equipment requirements necessary for the use of a blowout preventer, in particular in a subsea environment where higher pressures and higher forces are often necessary for the shearing of tubular members. [0040] Although the present invention has been described with respect to specific details, it is not intended that such details should be regarded as limitations on the scope of the invention, except to the extent that they are included in the accompanying claims.
An apparatus includes a blowout preventer housing comprising a bore extending therethrough and a cavity intersecting the bore and a wire cutting apparatus with a cutting wire. The wire cutting apparatus is movably positionable within the cavity of the blowout preventer housing and is extendable into the bore of the blowout preventer housing.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS This patent application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/287,061, filed Dec. 16, 2009, which is incorporated by reference in its entirety herein. BACKGROUND Recuperator burners are known. Such burners typically incorporate a recuperator sleeve of ceramic material or the like that is disposed in spaced-apart surrounding relation to an axial gaseous fuel supply tube leading to a burner head. Combustion air travels along the annulus between the fuel supply tube and the recuperator sleeve for combustion with the gaseous fuel at the burner head. A portion of the combustion product gases travels back over the exterior of the recuperator sleeve in counter-current flow to the combustion air. Due to the high temperature of the combustion product gases, the recuperator sleeve becomes heated. Accordingly, the combustion air traveling through the interior of the recuperator sleeve also increases in temperature. The increased temperature of the combustion air promotes improved combustion at the burner head. It is desirable to improve the heat transfer across the recuperator sleeve. To provide such improved heat transfer, past recuperator sleeves have incorporated various contoured surface arrangements having arrangements of outwardly projecting hollow protrusions. While such prior contoured surface recuperator sleeves have been somewhat successful, they have relied generally on surface protrusions that form relatively wide angles with one another. That is, the protrusions of prior devices form surfaces that are at relatively shallow angles relative to the base surface of the sleeve. SUMMARY The present invention relates generally to a burner incorporating a heat recuperator, and more particularly, to a burner incorporating a ceramic heat recuperator of elongated tubular construction incorporating an arrangement of high angle surface fins in combination with depressions in the form of partial ring segments oriented circumferentially at positions along the recuperator between fin segments. The recuperator is adapted to transfer heat from high temperature combustion product gases traveling along the exterior to lower temperature combustion air flowing through the interior. The arrangement of fins and depressed partial ring segments provides highly efficient heat transfer from the combustion product gases to the combustion air. In accordance with one exemplary construction, advantages and alternatives over the prior art are provided by a recuperator incorporating an arrangement of relatively steep angle fins projecting outwardly from the outer surface for engagement with the hot combustion product gases. The fins are arranged in a stacked gear ring pattern. The fins in alternate rings are offset from one another circumferentially to provide a tortured flow conveyance path along the exterior surface. Between the gear tooth rings, depressions in the form of partial ring segments extend partially about the circumference. The depressions define corresponding underlying surface irregularities at the interior of the recuperator to define contact surfaces for the combustion air to further aid in heat transfer to the combustion air. The depressions are staggered along the length of the recuperator to provide a tortured flow conveyance path along the interior surface. In an embodiment of an improved heat recuperator for a burner, the heat recuperator has a tubular body including a plurality of fins extending radially outward from the tubular body. The plurality of fins are disposed in a plurality of segments arranged longitudinally along the tubular body with the plurality of fins in each segment being disposed about a circumference of the tubular body. Adjacent segments of fins are circumferentially offset with one another. In another embodiment of an improved heat recuperator, the heat recuperator has a tubular body including a plurality of fins extending radially outward from the tubular body. The plurality of fins are disposed longitudinally and circumferentially along the tubular body with adjacent fins in the longitudinal direction being circumferentially offset with one another. A plurality of depressions are disposed on the tubular body. In an embodiment of a burner, the burner can include an exhaust housing, a recuperator, and a fuel tube. The recuperator is coupled to the exhaust housing. The recuperator has a tubular body and a nozzle. The tubular body includes a plurality of fins extending radially outward from the tubular body with the plurality of fins being disposed in a plurality of segments arranged longitudinally along the tubular body. The plurality of fins in each segment are disposed about a circumference of the tubular body. Adjacent segments of fins are circumferentially offset with one another. The fuel tube is disposed within the tubular body and includes a burner head. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a schematic perspective view illustrating an exemplary burner incorporating a recuperator consistent with the present disclosure; FIG. 2 is a cut-away schematic view of the exemplary burner in FIG. 1 ; FIG. 3 is an exploded schematic assembly view of the exemplary burner in FIG. 1 ; FIG. 4 is an exploded perspective schematic view illustrating the placement of the recuperator axially within a cover tube; FIG. 5 is a schematic perspective view of a recuperator consistent with the present disclosure; FIG. 6 is a side view of the recuperator of FIG. 5 ; FIG. 7 is a section view of the recuperator of FIG. 5 taken through line 7 - 7 ; FIG. 8 is an enlarged fragmentary view of a portion of the recuperator of FIG. 5 ; FIG. 9 is another side view of the recuperator of FIG. 5 ; FIG. 10 is a section view of the recuperator of FIG. 5 taken through line 10 - 10 in FIG. 9 ; FIG. 11 is an enlarged fragmentary sectional view of a portion of the recuperator of FIG. 5 taken from FIG. 10 ; FIG. 12 is a section view of the recuperator of FIG. 5 taken through line 12 - 12 in FIG. 9 ; FIG. 13 is a section view of the recuperator of FIG. 5 taken through line 13 - 13 in FIG. 9 ; FIG. 14 is an enlarged fragmentary sectional view of a portion of the recuperator of FIG. 5 taken from FIG. 13 ; and FIG. 15 is a section view of the recuperator of FIG. 6 taken through line 15 - 15 in FIG. 9 . DETAILED DESCRIPTION Reference will now be made to the drawings wherein like elements are designated by like reference numbers in the various views. FIG. 1 illustrates an exemplary burner 10 including a generally hollow tubular recuperator 12 extending outwardly from an exhaust housing 14 . As seen through joint reference to FIGS. 2 and 3 , the recuperator 12 surrounds a fuel tube 16 feeding a burner head 18 within a combustion chamber 20 . Combustion air passes along an annular conduit 24 between the fuel tube 16 and the inner surface of the recuperator 12 for delivery to the combustion chamber 20 . At the combustion chamber 20 , the combustion air reacts with the fuel in an oxidation reaction to generate hot combustion gases which exit into a furnace (not shown) through a nozzle 26 . As shown in FIG. 4 , the recuperator 12 normally extends in substantially axial relation along a cover tube assembly 30 which may be of either a multi-piece or unitary construction. A closed end extension tube may be provided if indirect heating is desired. In operation, at least a portion of the heated combustion product gases generated by the burner travel back to the exhaust housing 14 along a travel path between the outer surface of the recuperator 12 and the inner surface of the cover tube assembly 30 . Thus, the heated combustion product gases traveling to the exhaust housing 14 move in counter-current flow relative to the combustion air with the walls of the recuperator forming a divider between the two gas flow streams. The recuperator 12 is preferably formed from a material, such as a ceramic material, to substantially resist thermal fatigue and deformation. By way of example only, and not limitation, one material which may be particularly useful is reaction bonded silicon carbide, although other suitable materials may likewise be used if desired. According to one potentially suitable practice, it has been found that the recuperator 12 may be formed by slip casting methods. However, other formation techniques may be used if desired. Referring now to FIGS. 5 and 6 , as noted previously, the recuperator 12 includes a multiplicity of raised fins 40 projecting from an outer surface. In the illustrated embodiment, the fins 40 are oriented substantially longitudinally with respect to the length dimension of the recuperator 12 . In the illustrated embodiment, the fins 40 are arranged in a stacked gear ring configuration with each segment of the stacked configuration defining a ring of fins extending circumferentially about the recuperator 12 . As shown, the fins in every other ring are in substantial alignment with one another while the fins in adjacent rings are misaligned by an angle ε shown in FIG. 11 . The angle ε can be any suitable angle. In some embodiments, the angle ε can be approximately 11.3 degrees. This arrangement provides a tortuous conveyance path for the heated combustion product gases passing over the exterior of the recuperator so as to promote heat transfer. Referring to FIGS. 6-15 , the fins 40 can project outwardly at a relatively steep angle. For example, as shown in FIG. 11 , the major surfaces of the fins can extend outward at an angle γ. The angle γ can be any suitable angle. In some embodiments, the angle γcan be about 30 degrees, although as noted, it is contemplated that other angles may be used. Likewise, minor surfaces of the fins can extend at angle α, which can be a relatively steep angle. The angle α can be any suitable angle, and in some embodiments, the angle α can be equivalent to the angle γ. In some embodiments, the angle α can be about 30 degrees, although as noted, it is contemplated that other angles may be used. Thus, the slope of the fins may be at any suitable angle. The surfaces of adjacent fins in a ring cooperatively form a relatively small angle due to the fin angles and spacing. As best seen in FIGS. 11 and 14 , the angle θ formed by circumferentially adjacent teeth can be any suitable angle. In some embodiments, the angle θ can be about 52.5 degrees or less although, as noted, it is contemplated that other angles may be used. In this regard, it will be understood that steeper slopes will yield smaller angles. As shown in FIGS. 7 , 8 , and 10 - 12 , the fins 40 may have a substantially solid cross-section. However, hollow fins may also be used if desired. As shown in FIGS. 5-9 and 13 - 15 , the recuperator 12 also includes an arrangement of ring segment depressions 42 disposed between adjacent rings of fins 40 . The ring segment depressions 42 can extend partially rather than completely about the circumference of the recuperator 12 to define corresponding projections across the inner surface of the recuperator. By way of example only, according to one arrangement, the recuperator may include an opposing pair of ring segment depressions between each ring of fins to cooperatively occupy about 270 degrees or more of the full circumference of the recuperator. Of course, other arrangements may be used if desired. As shown, according to the illustrated embodiment, the ring segment depressions 42 are in substantial alignment with one another at alternating positions along the length of the recuperator, while the ring segment depressions at adjacent longitudinal positions are misaligned. This arrangement provides a tortuous conveyance path for the combustion air passing through the interior of the recuperator so as to promote heat transfer. Referring to FIG. 8 , the ring segment depressions 42 can project inwardly with angled sidewalls. The ring segment depression 42 sidewalls can form an angle β. The angle β can be any suitable angle. In some embodiments, the angle β can be about 30 degrees, although as noted, it is contemplated that other angles may be used. Of course, variations and modifications of the foregoing are within the scope of the present invention. Thus, it is to be understood that the invention disclosed and defined herein extends to all alternative combinations of two or more of the individual features mentioned or evident from the text and/or drawings. All of these different combinations constitute various alternative aspects of the present invention. The embodiments described herein explain the best modes known for practicing the invention and will enable others skilled in the art to utilize the invention. The claims are to be construed to include alternative embodiments and equivalents to the extent permitted by the prior art. All references, including publications, patent applications, and patents, cited herein are hereby incorporated by reference to the same extent as if each reference were individually and specifically indicated to be incorporated by reference and were set forth in its entirety herein. The use of the terms “a” and “an” and “the” and similar referents in the context of describing the invention (especially in the context of the following claims) are to be construed to cover both the singular and the plural, unless otherwise indicated herein or clearly contradicted by context. The terms “comprising,” “having,” “including,” and “containing” are to be construed as open-ended terms (i.e., meaning “including, but not limited to,”) unless otherwise noted. Recitation of ranges of values herein are merely intended to serve as a shorthand method of referring individually to each separate value falling within the range, unless otherwise indicated herein, and each separate value is incorporated into the specification as if it were individually recited herein. All methods described herein can be performed in any suitable order unless otherwise indicated herein or otherwise clearly contradicted by context. The use of any and all examples, or exemplary language (e.g., “such as”) provided herein, is intended merely to better illuminate the invention and does not pose a limitation on the scope of the invention unless otherwise claimed. No language in the specification should be construed as indicating any non-claimed element as essential to the practice of the invention. Preferred embodiments of this invention are described herein, including the best mode known to the inventor for carrying out the invention. Variations of those preferred embodiments may become apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art upon reading the foregoing description. The inventor expects skilled artisans to employ such variations as appropriate, and the inventor intends for the invention to be practiced otherwise than as specifically described herein. Accordingly, this invention includes all modifications and equivalents of the subject matter recited in the claims appended hereto as permitted by applicable law. Moreover, any combination of the above-described elements in all possible variations thereof is encompassed by the invention unless otherwise indicated herein or otherwise clearly contradicted by context.
A burner and an improved heat recuperator for a burner. The heat recuperator has a tubular body including a plurality of fins extending radially outward from the tubular body. The plurality of fins are disposed in a plurality of segments arranged longitudinally along the tubular body with the plurality of fins in each segment being disposed about a circumference of the tubular body. Adjacent segments of fins being circumferentially offset with one another.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Sheets which are conveyed rhythmically one after another with respect to their rear edges are produced, for example, by rotational cutters. Using a known cutter which cooperates with a device for stacking, the sheets pass between high-speed upper and lower conveyor belts after having been cut. A low-speed conveyor belt is arranged in a conveying direction behind the lower high-speed conveyor belt, and the upper side of the low-speed conveyor belt is displaced downwards opposite a joint conveying plane of the high- and low-speed lower and upper conveyor belts. A deflecting member is arranged above the conveying plane in the transitional zone between the high- and low-speed lower conveyor belts. The deflecting member is controlled rhythmically with the on-coming rear edges of the sheets, and thus deflects the rear edges of the sheets downwards from the conveying plane onto the lower slower conveyor belt. The downward deflection is carried out in order to obtain space for the leading edge of the next sheet, which is to be separated from the previous sheet. Control of the compressed air by the deflecting member, however, causes difficulties as it is impossible, especially upon a quick succession of sheets (the sensing elements, the relay control, valve, and the air all need more time than the interval between the sheets allows) to keep the compressed air, which deflects the sheet, away from the leading edge of the next sheet. A clean separation is therefore not possible, at least with sheets which follow each other in quick succession. However, when overlapping occurs, the overlapped sheets which have been deposited on the lower low-speed conveyor belt are further transported to the stacking point. Further separation only takes place to a limited extent on this stretch. This means that the front edge of the sheet collides with a stop of the stack at a considerably high speed, dependent on the speed at which the sheets are fed and the degree of overlapping. In the case of thin sheets having a large format, such a collision may lead to crushing of the sheet, setting up a relationship between the stiffness of the sheet and the kinetic energy of the sheet which is unfavorable. (German Offenlegungsschrift No. 1,245,702). In a different type of separation device, which does not have pneumatic conveyor and braking means, but operates with rollers which come into contact with the material to be conveyed, a pair of rollers is provided as braking means. One of the rollers has a projection, and the other of the rollers has a recess which rotates in synchronization with the former. Whilst one sheet entering the roller gap is not affected by the other area of the two rollers, the sheet end is affected by the projection and the recess. The sheet can consequently be conveyed without any interference by the pair of rollers only until its end, and is then affected by the projection and the recess. As the speed of rotation of the pair of rollers is less than the speed at which the sheet is conveyed, the sheet is decelerated. As the periphery of the projection and the recess are downwardly displaced opposite the conveying plane, the end of the sheet is also deflected downwards at the same time as the braking occurs, so that the leading edge of the next sheet, which is conveyed at a higher speed than the decelerated sheet, can be dropped on top of the decelerated sheet. In this known device the end of the sheet is indeed also deflected downwards from its conveyance plane by means of the projection; however, this deflection merely serves for sheet separation; no transfer into the effective area of the braking means occurs. The conveyor means remain fully effective. (German Auslegeschrift No. 2,032,800). OBJECT OF THE INVENTION It is an object of the present invention, therefore, to produce a device in which the deflecting member is in the form of a conveyor means, whereby it is possible to ensure without any special sensing and control means that the end of a sheet is brought into the effective range of the braking device, and which provides a safe treatment for sheets having a lower than normal degree of inherent stiffness. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The above object is attained, according to the invention, by the deflecting member being a suction conveyor roller which has projections on its periphery, and which rotates rhythmically with the ends of the sheets in such a manner that the ends of the sheets are laid on the projections. Transfer from a conveying to a braking effect on the sheets is accomplished merely by moving the ends of the sheets out of the effective area of the suction conveyor roller into an effective range of the suction braking means by means of projections formed on the rollers, i.e., by mechanical and not pneumatical means. Consequently no special means for controlling the suction air is needed. This type of reversal of the conveying effect to the suction effect is achieved exactly, so that the sheets may be fed sheet-by-sheet (i.e., overlapping each other) by the device in quick succession. The suction conveyor roller is only perforated in the area outside the projections, so that the end of the sheet deflected downwards from the suction conveyor roller can be removed from the suction conveyor roller as easily as possible. The rollers of the suction table can be coated on their surfaces with a material having a high friction coefficient, in order to achieve a defined conveyance speed upon decelerating the sheet by means of the suction table. The slippage between the sheet and the rollers is thereby kept at a low level. A risk exists especially in the case of thin sheet material for it to be drawn into spaces between the rollers which are formed closely one next to another. This risk exists particularly in relation to the beginning of the sheet. To avoid disadvantageous consequences in spaces formed between closely spaced rollers, filler members, particularly threaded rods disposed loosely thereupon, may be provided. The threaded rods are preferably coated with an anti-adhesive means on their surfaces. A better solution for preventing the critical points of a sheet (the leading edge and/or gumming area) from being pulled into a space between two adjacent rollers, is for the rollers to have axially spaced raised rings on their periphery, by means of which the adjacent rollers intermesh with each other. The intervening roller space is decreased on selecting the diameter of the rollers by means of the intermeshing of the rollers of the suction table in such a way that the filler member is no longer necessary to prevent the sheet from being pulled into that space. Due to the filler member not being required, a possible source of malfunction does no longer exist, and the device, according to the invention, is consequently made safer. So that the suction force of the suction table can be applied as directly as possible, the rings of the rollers are perforated for exposure to at least a part-vacuum. One embodiment of the invention provides that the roller of the suction table positioned opposite the suction conveyor roller has a substantially larger diameter than the other rollers, in order to directly increase the braking effect after the end of the sheet has been deflected due to the flat curving of this roller. The sheets can then follow one another more closely and form a larger contact surface. The suction table is preferably exposed to a part-vacuum by a two-section suction box arranged underneath the suction table, so that the part of the suction box in the area of the large roller is exposed to a substantially higher vacuum than the second part of the suction box. This measure also serves to increase the braking effect. The part-vacuum in the second part of the suction box can be easily produced by connecting that part of the suction box to the first part of the suction box by means of an opening which is provided with a throttle flap. The part-vacuum in the second part can then be controlled by means of the throttle flap. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING The invention is explained in further detail as follows by means of a drawing showing preferred embodiments of the invention. Specifically, FIG. 1 shows a side view of a device for feeding sheet-by-sheet in schematic form; FIG. 2 shows an enlarged section of FIG. 1; FIG. 3 shows the conveying and separation of the sheets so that the alignment with FIG. 1 is maintained and the height scale is greatly enlarged; FIG. 4 shows a side view of a modified device for separating sheets in schematic form; FIG. 5 shows an enlarged section of FIG. 4; FIG. 6 shows the conveying of overlapping sheets to be stacked so that alignment with FIG. 4 is maintained and the height scale is greatly enlarged, and FIG. 7 shows a top view of an enlarged section of FIG. 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS As comparison of the device of FIGS. 1 and 2 with FIGS. 4, 5 and 7 shows the basic structure of the two devices to be the same. Therefore the construction elements which are the same are also given the same reference numbers. A roll 1 of paper is conveyed between lower and upper conveyor rollers 2 and 3 to a cutter which is composed of a lower fixed blade 4 and a rotating upper blade 5. The cutting edge of the upper blade 5 has a slightly spiral form so that during rotation and cooperation with the lower blade 4 it cuts the roll 1 into a plurality of sheets. The cut sheets are conveyed from the cutter 4, 5 to a suction conveyor roller 7 by means of a table 6, which is composed of floating bars operated by compressed air, and is arranged below the conveying plane. The suction conveyor roller 7 is perforated with the exception of an area 17. The suction conveyor roller 7 has crescent-shaped projections 16 in this area 17, best shown in FIG. 5, which extend in a circumferential direction and peak radially at the end on the rear side; the projections 16 are axially spaced from one another. A fixed comb 21 meshes with the spaces between the projections 16. The suction conveyor roller 7 rotates around a suction tube 8 arranged therein so as to be secured against rotation, which suction tube 8 has sealing bars 9 disposed in a lower area on the suction conveyor roller 7, the latter being smooth on the inside. The sealing bars 9 permit the suction effect of the perforated suction conveyor roller 7 to be effective only in the lower area. A group of floating bars 10 operated by compressed air is arranged in a conveying direction behind the suction conveyor roller 7 and above the conveying plane. A suction table comprising several rollers 11-15 and 31-39 arranged closely next to one another, and a suction box 13, 30 arranged thereunder, is disposed below the conveying plane in the area of the suction conveyor roller 7 and the group of floating bars 10. The rollers 11-15 and 31-38 form an upper cover section of the suction box 13, 30. In the embodiment of FIGS. 1 and 2 all rollers 11-15 are perforated so that the suction of the suction box 13 can become effective due to the perforation. The rollers 11-14f have the same diameter, whereas the roller 15 is somewhat smaller in diameter in comparison to the former. Threaded rods 22-28 are disposed in the space formed between the equal-sized rollers 11-14f, the threaded rods 22-28 being disposed loosely on the rollers 11-14f. The construction of the rods 22-28 in the form of threaded rods additionally permits suction air to pass through the threads. In the embodiment of FIGS. 4, 5 and 7 the roller 31, which is disposed first in the conveying direction and below the suction conveyor roller 7, has a substantially larger diameter than the rollers 32-39 positioned behind the roller 31, as seen in the conveying direction. All rollers have axially spaced and raised rings 40, 41 and 42 on their periphery, which are produced by milling out annular grooves in the shell surface of the rollers. The space between the rings 40, 41, 42 and adjacent rollers is formed in such a way in relation to the width of the rings 40, 41 and 42 that adjacent rollers intermesh, as can be seen most clearly in FIG. 7. The shell of the roller 32 is composed of metal, whereas the shells of rollers 31 and 33-39 are composed of hard rubber. The roller 31 operates as a suction roller by means of its perforation and connection to a box 30a of high vacuum, whereas the roller 32 and the subsequent rollers 33-39 operate as a suction table by means of gaps existing between the rings and grooves of respective adjacent rollers and their connection to the vacuum-source box 30b. Thus perforation of rollers 32-39 is unnecessary. In contrast to the homogeneous suction box 13 provided in the embodiment of FIGS. 4 5 and 7, the suction table is subdivided into a part 30a positioned rearwardly in the conveying direction of the sheets, and a part 30b positioned forwardly thereof. A cover plate 40 is also provided which is disposed parallel to the rollers 31-39, one end of the plate meshing in the manner of a comb into the shell surface of the roller 32. A throttle flap 41 is connected to the plate 40. An opening formed in part 30a of the suction box, which is exposed to high vacuum, and communicating with part 30b of the suction box can be adjusted in size by a throttle flap 41. A particularly strong braking effect can be exerted on the sheet with this device at a location where the roller table is least curved. All the rollers 11-15 and 31-39 have a defined rotational speed which is produced and determined by a belt drive 44 which is only portrayed in FIG. 7 for the embodiment of FIGS. 4, 5 and 7. The rotational speed of the first roller 11, 31 in the conveying direction is substantially lower than the rotational speed of the suction conveyor roller 7. The rotational speed of the next roller 12, 32 is, in contrast, equal to that of the first roller 11, 31. The rotational speed of the subsequent rollers 14a-15, and 33 to the last roller which is acted on by suction air, decreases gradually in the conveying direction. So that the two first rollers 11, 12, 31, 32 can effectively decelerate the sheets, and so that no relative speed between the sheets and the surface of the roller can occur between the rollers 14a-15 and 33-39 conveying sheets at progressively decreasing speeds, the surface of the rollers may be provided with a coating having a high friction coefficient. If threaded rods 32-38 are provided in the respective spaces between the rollers 11-14f, the threaded rods 22-28 being rotated by the rollers 14-14f against the conveying direction of the sheets and coated with anti-adhesive means, they do not then disturb the conveying of sheets, and do not erase any print on the sheets which may possibly not yet be dry enough to prevent erasure thereof. The device according to the invention operates in the following way: The sheet, which is cut from the roll 1 by the cutter 4, 5, and which is conveyed by the floating-bar table 6 of the suction conveyor roller 7, has the leading edge thereof exposed to the suction conveyor roller 7 effectively in the lower area of the latter. As the suction conveyor roller 7 rotating rhythmically in concert with the rotating blade 5 of cutter 4, 5 has a slightly larger diameter than the periphery of the blade 5, its rotational speed is very slightly greater than that of the rotating blade 5 or the speed of the roll 1 which is conveyed to the cutter 4, 5. Consequently the sheet which is picked up by the suction conveyor roller 7 is slightly accelerated, so that a small space is created between the rear edge of the sheet and the leading edge of the next sheet. The leading edge of the sheet picked up by the suction conveyor roller 7 is transferred to the upper floating edges 10. This transfer is made by means of the comb 21, and is facilitated by the suction air of the suction tube 8 not being effective in the transfer area due to the sealing bar 9. Since the cutter 4, 5 and the suction conveyor roller 7 are time correlated with one another, the end of the sheet reaches the projections 16, the latter having the form of bars or preferably small brushes, which deflect the end of the sheet downwards into the effective area of the suction brake roller 11, 31, the latter rotating at a substantially lower rotational speed. This suction brake roller 11, 31 takes up the end of the sheet, declerates its rotational speed, and by so doing provides room above the end of the sheet for the next leading sheet edge. The suction brake roller 11, 31 decelerates the sheet to a conveying speed of only a fraction of the speed at which the sheet is conveyed to the cutter 4, 5. The conveying speed decreases, for example, by 1/10 so that the next sheet overlaps by 90%, i.e., at a much higher percentage than previously known. If the sheet is only decelerated at the end, and the rest of the area of the sheet, particularly the leading edge, remains under the action of the floating bars 10, which are operating in the conveying direction, this ensures that the sheet is held straight. The particular advantage of the floating bars 10 is due to the fact that a new leading edge of a sheet is pulled in between the bars and the rear portion of the preceding sheet remaining suspended on the bars without being crushed. The overlapping portrayed schematically in FIGS. 3 and 6 occurs as soon as the end of the sheet leaves the suction brake rollers 11, 12, 31 and 32 and reaches the effective area of the suction rollers 14a-15 and 33-39, the speed of conveying of the latter being decreased in stages. As a result the sheet being transported reaches such a low speed directly before striking against the stop 8 in the stack 19, that harmful crushing thereof cannot occur. During the whole of the conveying process over the suction table 11-15 and 31-39 it is ensured that the individual sheets are further conveyed at a defined speed, which speed is decreased in stages, so that the rear edges of the sheets are pushed closer and closer together. However, as a consequence of this overlapping effect, the front edges of the sheets also become more closely spaced, so that the remaining free length thereof, when coming to a stop, is so small that harmful bulging, distortion and the like is prevented. Consequently, the device according to the invention, performs sheet separation and sheet distribution without jamming at high speed, such jam-free separation and distribution being effected and ensured at low cost even when the inherent stiffness of the sheet is low. This is so because the deflecting means, which deflect the rear edges of the sheets ryhthmically downwards into the effective area of the braking means due to the rear edges of the sheet being conveyed, does not disturb the leading edges of the respective next sheets, and the latter can consequently be conveyed with maximum overlapping into the vacated space provided above the previously deflected sheet. The active rear edge conveying of the sheets at progressively lower speeds until the front edge of a sheet practically strikes the stop of the stack ensures that the sheets hit the stop of the stack at a very low speed. Further auxiliary means above the stack, such as conveyor means, are no longer necessary; the stack therefore remains freely accessible from above. This is a requirement which is valued above all by printers. The sheets, especially the leading edges thereof, their ends and any gumming areas are prevented from being drawn into the space between the individual rollers by the threaded rods provided in that space in the embodiment of FIGS. 1 and 2, and by the intermeshing rollers in the embodiment of FIGS. 4, 5 and 7. In both embodiments a relatively flat conveyor surface is achieved for the sheets even where relatively large roller diameters are employed. The last roller 15, 39 does not have to exert any braking effect on the sheets as the speed of conveying of the sheets has, at this point already become very low. For this purpose the last roller may be arranged outside the suction box, as shown in the embodiment of FIGS. 4, 5 and 7. The object of that roller, the latter no longer having a braking effect, is then to directly ensure a clean transfer of the sheet before its final position in the stack. A clean transfer can possibly also be achieved by means of a stripping comb which meshes with the grooves of the last rollers. Blowing elements can also be mounted on the device to ventilate the sheets. While there has been shown what is considered to be the preferred embodiment of the invention, it will be obvious that modifications may be made which come within the scope of the disclosure of the specification. Accordingly,
The invention relates to a device for sheet-by-sheet feeding and placing the sheets on a stack, the sheets being conveyed rhythmically one after another, including a conveyor means and a suction braking means disposed below a conveying plane, for transporting the sheets into an effective range of the suction braking means; the ends of the sheets may be held and transported by a deflecting member which is arranged above the conveying plane.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to methods for preparing useful peptides, and more particularly to solution synthesis methods for preparing H-ARG-X-Z-Y-TYR-R and to compositions useful therein. 2. Description of the Prior Art In U.S. Pat. No. 4,190,646 and U.S. Pat. application Ser. No. 124,959, filed Mar. 13, 1980, there are disclosed various peptides which are useful in thymic function and immunological areas. The patent discloses the "thymopoietin pentapeptide" (TP5) and substituted derivatives thereof, while the application discloses peptide analogs of TP5 which have greater potency than TP5. This patent and patent application are incorporated herein by reference. In the referenced patent and application, the peptides were prepared by solid-phase synthesis techniques commonly described as "Merrifield Synthesis." The patent and application also disclose that classical techniques (i.e., solution synthetic techniques) may be employed to prepare certain of these materials, but no specific classical method or synthetic route was disclosed. While the solid phase synthetic technique of Merrifield is a convenient one for preparation of small quantities of peptides in the laboratory, it would be impractical and generally uneconomic for preparation of large quantities (e.g., more than about 100 grams) of peptide, for which solution synthetic techniques are more appropriate. Moreover, solution synthesis techniques are generally much less costly than solid-phase techniques due to the much lesser unit cost of certain of the reagents used. Among the large variety of solution synthetic techniques available for use in polypeptide preparation, Applicants have discovered particular synthetic methods which produce the desired peptide conveniently and economically. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to methods for preparation of H-ARG-X-Z-Y-TYR-R, wherein: X is LYS and Y is VAL or X and Y are both SAR, Z is ASP or GLU, and R is NH 2 or OH. One of the present methods comprises the steps of: (a) forming fragment I, which consists of H-Y-TYR-R', as described below; (b) forming fragment II, which consists of alpha-T-X-omega-U-Z-OH, as described below; (c) connecting fragment I and fragment II together to form fragment III, which consists of alpha-T-X-omega-U-Z-Y-TYR-R', as described below; (d) removing the alpha-amino protecting group T to yield fragment IIIA; (e) adding to fragment IIIA a protected L-arginine moiety (alpha-T-omega-T'-ARG-OH), as described below, to form the protected pentapeptide; (f) removing the protecting groups; and (g) isolating and purifying the resulting peptide. Alternatively, steps b-c above may be replaced by the following steps h-k: (h) adding a protected Z moiety (alpha-T-omega-U-Z-OH) to fragment I to form fragment IV, which consists of alpha-T-omega-U-Z-Y-TYR-R', as described below; (j) removing the protective group T from the alpha-amino position of the Z moiety of fragment IV to form fragment IVA; (k) adding a protected X moiety (alpha-T-X) to fragment IVA to form fragment III, as described below; In a second alternative route, fragment IVA (H-omega-U-Z-Y-TYR-R-') is connected to fragment V (alpha-T-omega-T'-ARG-X-OH) as described below. Fragment V may be prepared as described below. This second alternative route avoids the necessity of removing L-arginine impurity from the final product, which is a difficult and sometimes impossible task. Fragment I may be formed by the steps of: (i) protecting the alpha-amino group of the Y moiety by allowing it to react with a reagent which will introduce the protecting group T; (ii) activating the protected Y formed in step (i) with respect to nucleophilic attack at the carboxy group by an amine, to form a carboxy activated protected Y, as further described below; (iii) reacting said carboxy activated protected Y with TYR-R'; and (iv) removing the protective group T, whereby fragment I is formed. Fragment II may be formed by the steps of: (i) preparing omega-U-Z-OH, wherein U is protecting group on the omega carboxy group of the Z amino acid; (ii) protecting the alpha-amino group of X amino acid by allowing it to react with a reagent which will introduce the protecting group T in such a manner as to specifically protect the alpha-amino group; (iii) activating the protected X amino acid formed in step ii) with respect to nucleophilic attack at the carboxy group by an amine, to form a carboxy activated protected X amino acid as further described below; and (iv) allowing the carboxy activated protected X amino acid described in step (iii) to react with the protected Z amino acid prepared in step (i) to form alpha-T-X-omega-U-Z-OH (fragment II). Fragment III is formed by activating the Z portion of fragment II with respect to nucleophilic attack at its alpha-carboxy group by an amine and allowing this activated fragment II to react with fragment I. Fragment V may be formed by the steps of: (i) protecting the alpha-amino group and the quanidino group of the L-arginine by allowing it to react with reagents which will introduce the protecting groups T and T'; (ii) activating the protected ARG formed in step i) with respect to nucleophilic attack at the carboxy group by an amine, to form a carboxy activated protected ARG, as further described below; and (iii) reacting said carboxy activated protected ARG with X amino acid, whereby fragment V is formed. Of course, if X is LYS, then its epsilon-amino group must also be suitably protected by the amino-protecting group T" during the preparation of Fragments containing X and their use to prepare the end product peptide. The T" group must be readily removable under conditions which will not destroy the resulting peptide, while being stable during the removal of the T groups. The alpha-amino protective group T may be the same or different for each amino acid above and should be stable to removal by the steps employed for joining the amino acid groups while still being readily removable at the end of the connecting steps by conditions which will not cleave any of the amide bonds of the peptide. For some groups (e.g., BOC) this removal is caused by strong acid (e.g., trifluoroacetic acid), which results in the deprotected intermediate being obtained as the corresponding acid addition salt (e.g., trifluoroacetate). The guanidino protective group T' may be any suitable amino protecting group as described below, or a nitro group as well as acid addition salts such as the hydrochloride. Of the amino protecting groups, urethane protecting groups (formula a below) and substituted sulfonic acid derivatives such as p-methoxybenzensulfonyl and tosyl are preferred. The hydrochloric salt is most preferred. This guanidino protective group is referred to herein as "omega" group to indicate that it is at the end of the chain. The exact location of many guanidino protective groups on the chain is not definitely known. The carboxy-protective group U should be readily removable under conditions which will not destroy the resulting peptide, while being stable during the removal of the T groups. The R' group is either NH 2 (for product peptides where R is NH 2 ) or OU (for product peptides where R is OH). Exemplary of suitable amino-protecting groups are those of formula: (a) ##STR1## wherein R 1 is aryl (such as phenyl, tolyl, or xylyl); adamantyl; monosubstituted methyl (such as allyl, beta-cyanoethyl, fluoronylmethyl, benzyl, or benzyl wherein the phenyl ring is substituted with from one to three members selected from halo, nitro, loweralkyl, and loweralkoxy); disubstituted methyl (such as diisopropylmethyl, diphenylmethyl, cyclohexyl, cyclopentyl, or vinyl); or trisubstituted methyl (such as t-butyl, t-amyl, dimethyltrifluoromethylmethyl, or dimethylbiphenylmethyl); (b) ##STR2## wherein R 2 is loweralkyl of two to four carbons such as ethyl, isopropyl, t-butyl, and the like, or loweralkyl of one to four carbons substituted with from one to five halo groups such as trifluoromethyl, chloromethyl, pentachloroethyl, and the like; ##STR3## wherein V is S or O and R 3 and R 4 are each benzyl or loweralkyl; (d) ##STR4## wherein R 5 and R 6 taken individually are each lowerakyl or R 5 and R 6 taken together is ##STR5## wherein R 7 and R 8 are each hydrogen or loweralkyl; and (e) ##STR6## wherein R 9 is hydrogen or nitro; (f) ##STR7## wherein R 10 is hydrogen, methyl, halo, or nitro. Amino-protecting group (f), which is bidentate, may be used only for the alpha-amino groups of L-arginine or L-valine or the alpha-amino and epsilon-amino groups of L-lysine but not for the alpha-amino group of sracosine. The amino-protecting group on the sarcosine alpha-amino group must be monodentate due to the methyl substituent on that amino group. The remaining amino protecting groups may be used for all amino acids. As used herein, "halo" includes fluoro, chloro, bromo, and iodo, but chloro and bromo are preferred. The terms "loweralkyl" and"loweralkoxy" include, respectively, saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons of one to six carbons such as methyl, ethyl, isopropyl, t-butyl, n-hexyl, and the like and the corresponding alkoxies such as methoxy, ethoxy, isopropoxy, t-butoxy, n-hexoxy, and the like. Methyl is the preferred loweralkyl and methoxy is the preferred loweralkoxy. The reagents employed to introduce these protecting groups (usually the corresponding acid chlorides, although other derivatives may be used) are sometimes referred to herein as "protecting group reagents". Other suitable protective groups are disclosed in, for example, "Protective Groups in Organic Chemistry", J.F.W. McOmie, ed., Plenum Press, N.Y., 1973. It is preferred that each T and T" be the same and be benzyloxycarbonyl (CBZ) or trifluoroacetyl (TFA). It is preferred that T' be the hydrochloride salt. A variety of reagents may be employed for producing the carboxy activated protected amino acid residues described above. One type of carboxy activated protected amino acid residue is a reactive ester. Exemplary of agents used to prepare the suitable active esters are phenol; phenol wherein the phenyl ring is substituted with one to five members selected from halo (e.g., chloro or fluoro), nitro, cyano, and methoxy; thiopheny; N-hydroxyphthalimide; N-hydroxysuccinimide; N-hydroxyglutarimide; N-hydroxybenzamide; 1-hydroxybenzotriazole; and the like. Other suitable agents are disclosed in, for example, "Protective Groups in Organic Chemistry", J.F.W. McOmie, ed. referred to above. The specific examples provided below generally employ N-hydroxysuccinimide or 1-hydroxybenzotriazole. Other activation methods, such as the mixed or symmetrical anhydride method, the acid chloride method, and the azide method, are well-known in the art, being described in, e.g., Bodanszky, et al., "Peptide Synthesis", 2nd ed., 1976, pp. 85-128. These other methods may also be employed. For convenience, the following abbreviations are employed herein to refer to the various amino acids: ______________________________________Amino Acid Abbreviation______________________________________L-lysine LYSL-valine VALL-tyrosine TYRL-aspartic acid ASPL-glutamic acid GLUSarcosine SARL-arginine ARG______________________________________ DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION One of the present methods is depicted diagrammatically in the following FIG. 1: ______________________________________ ##STR8## ##STR9##______________________________________ The first alternate method is depicted diagrammatically in the following FIG. 2: ______________________________________ ##STR10## ##STR11## ##STR12##______________________________________ The second alternate method is depicted diagrammatically in the following FIG. 3: ______________________________________ ##STR13## ##STR14##______________________________________ One exemplary preparation of H-ARG-SAR-ASP-SAR-TYR-NH 2 is shown diagrammatically in the following FIG. 4: ______________________________________ ##STR15## ##STR16##______________________________________ One exemplary preparation of H-ARG-LYS-ASP-VAL-TYR-OH is shown diagrammatically in the following FIG. 5: ______________________________________ ##STR17## ##STR18##______________________________________ in the above figures the protective groups are represented by U, T, T' and T" as discussed above, while the carboxy activation of the amino acid residues is indicated by the letters "OA". With reference to the above FIG. 4, fragment I may generally be prepared as follows. In order to protect the amino group of sarcosine, a water-soluble basic addition salt of sarcosine is formed and dissolved in water. Conveniently, this basic addition salt can be formed by dissolving sarcosine in a slight molar excess of sodium hydroxide. To this solution is then simultaneously added a slight excess of a reagent for introducing the protecting group T (e.g., the corresponding acid chloride such as benzyloxycarbonyl chloride) and a solution of base (e.g., sodium hydroxide) to react with the acid (e.g., HCl) formed during the reaction. The protecting group adding reagent may be in solution or neat and is preferably the acid chloride. After reaction is complete, the excess protecting group adding reagent is removed (e.g., by extraction with diethyl ether or any other organic solvent immiscible with water), following which the protected sarcosine is isolated from the unreacted sarcosine by treatment with acid (e.g., hydrochloric acid). The acid treatment converts the basic addition salt of the unprotected sarcosine into an acid addition salt of the unprotected sarcosine, which salt is soluble in water. However, the acid treatment converts the protected sarcosine basic addition salt only into protected sarcosine, since no acid addition salt can be made due to the protected amino group. This protected sarcosine, being insoluble in water, is easily separated from the salt of the unprotected sarcosine, for example by extraction with an immiscible organic solvent as described above. As used herein, the term "immiscible organic solvent" includes all common laboratory organic solvents which do not mix with water, such as for example diethyl ether, ethyl acetate, benzene, toluene, xylene, and the like. The preferred protected sarcosine, N-benzyloxycarbonyl sarcosine, is a known compound. A method for its preparation is shown by R. S. Tipton and B. A. Pawson, J. Org. Chem., 26, 4698 (1961), and the compound is commercially available from Bachem, Inc., Torrance, CA. In preparation for the condensation of this protected sarcosine with an L-tyrosine amide molecule to form fragment I, the amino-protected sarcosine should usually be activated in some fashion to promote the formation of the bond. While the preferred way of conducting this activation is by formation of an "active ester", it is contemplated that other methods of activation known in the art such as the mixed or symmetrical anhydride, azide, or acid chloride methods could be employed. It is contemplated that any active ester of the protected sarcosine could be employed; one preferred active ester is that formed by hydroxysuccinimide. The active ester of the protected sarcosine is prepared by reacting equivalent quantities of the protected sarcosine and an active ester reagent in solution of a suitable organic solvent such as, for example, tetrahydrofuran, dioxane, dimethylformamide, pyridine, or the like. To this solution is then added an equivalent amount of a coupling agent, typically dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. While other coupling agents are effective, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide is particularly useful because the by-product of the coupling reaction is very insoluble in the class of solvents used, and therefore may easily be removed by filtration, leaving the coupled product in solution. L-tyrosine amide is commercially available (e.g., from Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, MO) or may be prepared by known methods. The next step in the preparation of fragment I consists of reacting a molar equivalent of the L-tyrosine amide with the protected sarcosine active ester in the presence of one equivalent of a salt-forming material such as an organic tertiary amine. While any organic tertiary amine may be used, triethylamine has been found to work well. The solvent is a suitable organic solvent as described above. The unreacted amino acids are removed by treatment of the reaction mixture with acid (e.g., acetic acid) and separation by extraction with an immiscible organic solvent as described above. The final step is the removal of the alpha-amino protecting group from the sarcosine, preferably with trifluoroacetic acid, to yield fragment I. The preparation of fragment II generally starts with L-aspartic acid which is protected on its beta-carboxy group or L-glutamic acid which is protected on its gamma-carboxy group. This beta or gamma-carboxy group is generally referred to as the "omega" group in accordance with accepted nomenclature to indicate that it is at the end of the chain. Exemplary of suitable carboxyl protecting groups are benzyl and benzyl in which the phenyl group is substituted with from one to three members each selected from halo (e.g., chloro or bromo), nitro, C 1 -C 3 loweralkoxy (e.g., methoxy), or C 1 -C 3 loweralkyl (e.g., methyl). See the above-referenced McOmie text for further description of such groups. Benzyl is preferred. This beta-protected L-aspartic acid and gamma-protected L-glutamic acid are available commercially from Bachem, Inc., Torrance, California, or may be prepared by known methods. This beta-protected L-aspartic acid or gamma-protected L-glutamic acid (ometa-U-Z) is then allowed to react with the alpha-amino protected sarcosine which has been activated (e.g., by conversion into an active ester) as discussed above, to form Fragment II. On FIG. 4, Z is ASP. Fragments I and II are joined to form the protected tetrapeptide alpha-T-SAR-beta-U-ASP-SAR-TYR-NH 2 (fragment III) by reacting equivalent amounts in a suitable aprotic solvent such a dimethylformamide in the presence of a slight excess of a coupling agent such as dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. It is also preferred to conduct this reaction in the presence of a material which minimizes racemization adjacent to the carboxyl group on the L-lysine portion of fragment I and enhances the rate of reaction, such as for example 1-hydroxybenzotriazole. AS with fragment II, the alpha-amino protecting group on the sarcosine residue of fragment III is removed with trifluoroacetic acid to yield fragment IIIA. Finally, following a coupling reaction similar to that used to join fragments I and II, an alpha-amino and guanidino protected L-arginine residue is joined to the amino terminus of fragment IIIA which, after removal of all the protective groups, yields the desired pentapeptide amide. The removal of the protective groups may be accomplished, for example, by treatment with hydrogen gas in the presence of a palladium on carbon catalyst in a suitable reducing solvent as described above (preferably aqueous acetic acid). The hydrogen gas need not be under pressure greater than one atmosphere, although the use of pressure is convenient since it accelerates the rate of reduction. The alternate preparative methods are accomplished in the same general way as discussed above. That is, in the first alternative route a protected Z moiety is added to fragment I to form fragment IV, which addition may take place by formation of, e.g., an active ester of the protected Z amino acid and allowing the same to react with fragment I in the same fashion that fragment II was allowed to react in the above description. Then, the alpha-amino protecting group on the Z moiety is removed, preferably with trifluoroacetic acid, following which a protected X amino acid is added to fragment IV via, e.g., the active ester route, to produce fragment III. In the second alternative route, fragment V is prepared by allowing an alpha-amino and guanidino protected L-arginine to react with a molar equivalent of X amino acid in the presence of e.g., 1-hydroxybenzotriazole. Following this, fragment V is joined to fragment IVA in a fashion similar to that used for joining fragments I and II. The isolation and purification of the resulting impure product may be accomplished by a combination of crystallization and ion exchange chromatography, (preferably using ammonium acetate-pH5 as eluent) using thin-layer chromatography to monitor the identity of the materials in each fraction. While several isolation and purification procedures are given in the following examples, it is clearly contemplated that others could be used. Also included within the scope of the present invention are compositions useful for practicing the subject methods (e.g., Fragments I, II, III, IIIA, IV, IVA, and V and other intermediates) as well as the protective products. EXAMPLE I Preparation of Fragment I: SAR-TYR-NH 2 A. BOC-Sarcosine-hydroxysuccinimide ester (BOC-SAR-OSu): BOC-Sarcosine (24.78 g, 0.13 moles) and N-hydroxysuccinimide (15.5 g, 0.13 moles) were dissolved in 300 ml of dry THF and cooled to -5°. A solution of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (26.98 g., 0.13 moles) in 100 ml of dry THF was added over a period of 15 minutes. The resulting reaction mixture was stirred overnight and allowed to come to ambient temperature. The solid was removed by filtration and the solvent evaporated under reduced pressure to give a white solid. The solid was crystallized from 250 ml of absolute ethanol at 4° to give 32 g (86%) of a white solid, m.p. 121°-123°. Anal: Calcd: C, 50.35; H, 6.34; N, 9.79. Found: C, 50.23; H, 6.44; N, 9.67. TLC: Rf=0.81, CHCl 3 /MeOH 9/1 (Silica Gel G, 250 micron). p.m.r. (δ, CDCl 3 ): 1.45, S, 9H, BOC; 2.83, S, 4H, --OSu; 2.93, S, 3H, N--CH 3 ; 4.27, S, 2H, --CH 2 --. M.S.: M+286 B. BOC-Sarcosyl-L-Tyrosine amide (BOC-SAR-TYR-NH 2 ): L-Tyrosine amide (2.17 g, 10 mmoles) and triethylamine (1.01 g, 10 mmoles) were dissolved in 25 ml of dry methanol. BOC-Sarcosine hydroxysuccinimide (2.86 g, 10 mmoles) was added and the reaction mixture stirred overnight at ambient temperature. The volatiles were removed under reduced pressure and the residue partitioned between EtOAc (50 ml) and NaCl solution [50 ml (25 ml H 2 O+25 ml saturated NaCl)]. The phases were separated and the organic phase washed twice more with the same composition NaCl solution and then dried with MgSO 4 . The drying agent was removed by filtration and the solvent evaporated under reduced pressure. The residue was chromatographed on a 75 g, 1" column of Silicar CC7 using ethylacetate as an eluent. The compound began to appear at 390 mls. The next 475 ml were collected and evaporated to give 1.55 g (44%) of a white solid. Anal: Calcd: C, 58.11; H, 7.17; N, 11.96. Found: C, 57.96; H, 6.96; N, 11.45. TLC: (Silica Gel GF) R f =0.46 CHCl 3 /MeOH 9/1. C. Sarcosyl-L-Tyrosine amide, trifluoroacetate (TFA SAR-TYR-NH 2 ): BOC-Sarcosyl-L-Tyrosine amide (1.30 g, 3.7 mmoles) was dissolved in 15 ml of trifluoroacetic acid at 0°. The solution was stirred for one hour at 0° and the solvent removed under reduced pressure. The resulting oil was triturated with 50 ml of anhydrous ether to give 1.27 g (94%) of a white solid. p.m.r. (δ, CD 3 OD): 2.3, S, 3H, N--CH 3 ; 3.00, d, 2H, --CH 2 --C--; 3.7, S, 2H, --N--CH 2 --C═O; 6.9; q, 4H, aromatic EXAMPLE II Preparation of Fragment II: BOC-SAR-beta-benzyl-ASP (BOC-Sarcosyl-beta-benzyl-L-Aspartic acid) Triethylamine (2.02 g, 20 mmoles) and beta-benzyl-L-Aspartic acid (2.23 g, 10 mmoles) were stirred in 50 ml of dry THF. BOC-Sarcosine-hydroxysuccinimide ester (2.68 g, 10 mmoles) was added and the solution stirred at ambient temperature overnight. Solids were removed by filtration and the solvent removed under reduced pressure. The residue was partitioned between ethyl acetate (100 ml) and 2N HCl (100 ml). The phases were separated and the organic phase washed with water (2×100 ml), saturated NaCl solution (1×100 ml ) and dried (MgSO 4 ). The drying agent was removed by filtration and the solvent was removed under reduced pressure. The residue was triturated with hexane. The hexane was decanted and the residue dried under reduced pressure to give 2.64 g (67%) of a hygroscopic solid. TLC: R f =0.73+trace impurity at 0.48; CHCl 3 /MeOH/HOAc 85/10/5; (Silica Gel G, 250 micron). p.m.r. (δ, CH 3 OD): 1.45, S, 9H, BOC; 2.82, S, 3H, N--CH 3 ; 2.95, M, 2H, --CH 2 --C; 3.85, S, 2H, --N--CH 2 --C═C=O; 4.85, t, 1H, --CH--; 5.08, S, 2H, --CH 2 ; 5.46, S, 2H, --NH+--CO 2 H; 7.3, S, 5H,--φ [α] D 17° =+13.3°(C=1.032, MeOH) EXAMPLE Preparation of Fragment III: BOC-Sarcosyl-beta-benzyl-L-Aspartyl-Sarcosyl-L-Tyrosine amide (BOC-SAR-beta-Bzl-ASP-SAR-TYR-NH 2 ) BOC-Sarcosyl-beta-benzyl-L-Aspartic acid (0.52 g, 1.3 mmoles) and 1-Hydroxybenzotriazole monohydrate (0.18 g 1.3 mmol were dissolved in 10 ml of dry DMF and the solution cooled to 0°. Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (0.27 g, 1.3 mmoles) in 7.5 ml of dry DMF was added and the resulting solution stirred for 1 hour at 0°. Sarcosyl-L-Tyrosine amide, trifluoroacetate (0.50 g, 1.3 mmoles) and diisopropylethylamine (0.17 g, 1.3 mmoles) were dissolved in 5 ml of dry DMF and immediately added to the first solution. The reaction was stirred overnight and allowed to each ambient temperature. The solid was removed by filtration and the residue dissolved in 25 ml of ethylacetate. The organic phase was washed in succession with 10% citric acid (2×25 ml), water (2×25 ml), 5% NaHCO 3 (2×25 ml), H 2 O (2×25 ml), saturated NaCl (25 ml) and dried over anhydrous MgSO 4 . The drying agent was removed by filtration and the solvent was removed under reduced pressure to give 0.6 g (73.5%) of a white solid. TLC: R f =0.31; CHCl 3 /MeOH 9/1; (Silica Gel G, 250 micron). p.m.r. (δ, CDCl 3 ): 1.45, S, 9H, BOC; 2.95, m, 10H, 2×N--CH 3 , --CH 2 --CH (Asp), --CH 2 --CH (Tyr); 3.8, m, 4H, 2×N--CH 2 --C═O; 4.6, m, 2H, --CH--CH 2 , Asp, --CH--CH 2 --(Tyr); 5.1, m, 2H, --CH 2 --φ; 6.92, q, 4H, tyrosine aromatic; 7.25, S, 5H, aromatic benzyl [α] D 21 ° =12.4° (C=0.1046, MeOH) Anal: Calcd for C 31 H 41 N 5 O 9 : C, 59.32; H, 6.58; N, 11.16. Found : C, 58.73; H, 6.80; N, 10.76. EXAMPLE IV Preparation of Fragment IIIA: Sarcosyl-beta-benzyl-L-Aspartyl-Sarcosyl-L-Tyrosine amide, trifluoroacetate (TFA SAR-beta-Bzl-ASP-SAR-TYR-NH 2 ) BOC-Sarcosyl-beta-benzyl-L-Aspartyl-Sarcosyl-L-Tyrosine amide (0.48 g, 0.76 mmoles) was dissolved in 10 ml of TFA at 0° and stirred at 0° for one hour. The solvent was removed under reduced pressure and the residue triturated overnight with 50 ml of anhydrous ether. The suspension was filtered and the solid washed well with ether and dried under vacuum to give 0.4 g (82%) of a white solid. TLC: R f =0.56; n-BuOH/HOAc/H 2 O; (Silica Gel GF). EXAMPLE V Preparation of pentapeptide A. Alpha-Phenylmethoxycarbonyl-L-Arginyl(HCl)-Sarcosyl-beta-benzyl-L-Aspartyl-Sarcosyl-L-Tyrosine amide [CBZ-ARG(HCl)-SAR-beta-Bzl-ASP-SAR-TYR-NH 2 ] Alpha-Phenymethoxycarbonyl-L-Arginine HCl (2.66 g, 7.8 mmoles) and 1-hydroxybenzotriazole monohydrate (1.06 g, 7.8 mmoles) were dissolved in 20 ml of dry dimethylformamide and cooled to 0°. Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (1.61 g, 7.8 mmoles) was dissolved in 5 mls and added to the first solution. The resulting reaction mixture was stirred for 1 hour at 0°. The TFA salt of Sarcosyl-beta-benzyl-L-Aspartyl-Sarcosyl-L-Tyrosine amide (5.0 g, 7.8 mmols) was dissolved in 15 mls of dry DMF with triethyl amine (0.79 g, 7.8 mmoles) and added to the first solution. The reaction was stirred overnight and allowed to reach ambient temperature. The solid was removed by filtration and the volatiles removed under reduced pressure. The residue was triturated with water to give a residue (3 g). TLC: R f =0.60; n-BuOH/HOAc/H 2 O 3/1/1; (Silica Gel GF). B. L-Arginyl-Sarcosyl-L-Aspartyl-Sarcosyl-L-Tyrosine amide (ARG-SAR-ASP-SAR-TYR-NH 2 ) Alpha-Phenylmethoxycarbonyl-L-Arginyl(HCL)-Sarcosyl-beta-benzyl-L-Aspartyl-Sarcosyl-L-Tyrosine amide (1.0 g) was dissolved in 100 ml of 75% aqueous acetic acid and reduced with 0.5 g of 10% Pd/C at 50 p.s.i. for 15 hours. The catalyst was removed by filtration and the solution lyophilized to give 0.8 g. The material was dissolved in 7 ml water, filtered through a 3μ multipore filter, adjusted to pH 5 with NH 4 OH(conc.) and chromatographed in an SP-C-25 column (2.5×100 cm) with 0.20 M NH 4 OAc, pH 5.0, 100 ml/hr, 20 ml/tube. Tubes 71 to 78 were pooled and lyophilized to give 0.35 g of Arg-Sar-Asp-Sar-Tyr-NH 2 . TLC: R f =0.23; n-BuOH/HOAc/H 2 O 3/1/1; (Silica Gel GF); [α]D 21 ° =+54.9 (C=0.091, 0.1 N HOAc). EXAMPLE VI Following the procedures of Examples I-V, but substituting for the protected sarcosine used therein an equivalent amount of suitably protected L-valine in Example I and an equivalent amount of suitably protected L-lysine in Example II, there is prepared H-ARG-LYS-ASP-VAL-TYR-NH 2 EXAMPLE VII Following the procedures of Examples I-V but using equivalent amounts of the suitable starting materials, there are prepared: H-VAL-TYR-NH 2 H-VAL-TYR-benzyl ester H-SAR-TYR-benzyl ester H-ARG-LYS-ASP-VAL-TYR-OH H-ARG-LYS-GLU-VAL-TYR-OH H-ARG-SAR-GLU-SAR-TYR-NH 2 H-ARG-LYS-GLU-VAL-TYR-NH 2 BOC-epsilon-CBZ-LYS-beta-benzyl-ASP-OH BOC-epsilon-CBZ-LYS-gamma-benzyl-GLU-OH BOC-SAR-gamma-benzyl-GLU-OH BOC-epsilon-CBZ-LYS-beta-benzyl-ASP-VAL-TYR-OH-benzyl ester BOC-epsilon-CBZ-LYS-gamma-benzyl-GLU-VAL-TYR-OH-benzyl ester BOC-SAR-gamma-benzyl-GLU-SAR-TYR-NH 2 EXAMPLE VIII Preparation of Fragment IVA: H-beta-benzyl-ASP-VAL-TYR-benzyl ester, trifluoroacetate (Beta-benzyl-L-Aspartyl-L-Valyl-L-Tyrosine benzyl ester, trifluoroacetate) BOC-beta-benzyl-L-Aspartic acid and a molar equivalent of 1-hydroxybenzotriazole monohydrate are dissolved in dry DMF and the solution cooled to 0°. Then, a molar equivalent of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide is added to the solution and the whole is stirred for one hour at 0°. To the reaction mixture is then added a solution in DMF of a molar equivalent of triethylamine and L-Valyl-L-tyrosine benzyl ester, trifluoroacetate (prepared following the methods of Example I but substituting an equivalent amount of L-valine for the sarcosine used therein) and the whole is stirred overnight at ambient temperature. The product is isolated from the reaction mixture after reaction is complete and the BOC group is removed to yield the desired material. EXAMPLE IX Preparation of Fragment III (alternative): BOC-epsilon-CBZ-LYS-beta-benzyl-ASP-VAL-TYR-benzyl ester (BOC-epsilon-CBZ-L-Lysyl-beta-benzyl-L-Aspartyl-L-Valyl-L-Tyrosine benzyl ester) BOC-epsilon-CBZ-L-Lysine hydroxysuccinimide is added to a solution of molar equivalents of triethylamine and beta-benzyl-L-Aspartyl-L-Valyl-L-Tyrosine benzyl ester trifluoroacetate in dry THF and the whole is stirred overnight. After the solids are removed, the product is isolated from the solution. EXAMPLE X Preparation of Fragment V: tri-CBZ-ARG-epsilon-CBZ-LYS-OH (tri-CBZ-L-arginine-epsilon-CBL-L-lysine) To a suspension of tri-CBZ-L-Arginine para-nitrophenyl-ester (1.40 g, 2 mM) in 3 ml THF was added epsilon-CBZ-L-Lysine (625 mg 2.2 mM). Then triethylamine (450 mg 4.4 mM) was added and the while was stirred for 48 hours at ambient temperature. Following this, the solvent was removed under reduced pressure, and 20 ml of methanol was added to the resulting solid. After the methanol was filtered off and the solid was washed with a further 10 ml of methanol. The combined filtrate and wash was evaporated under reduced pressure to yield an oil, which was chromatographed on 10 ml silica gel using 0-5% methanol/chloroform as eluent. The second material which came off the column was the desired product as indicated by p.m.r.; yield 75 mg. Anal: Calcd for C 44 H 50 N 6 O 11 .2/3 CHCl 3 : C, 58.41; H, 5.56; N, 9.15. Found: C, 58.88; H, 5.50; N, 9.29. EXAMPLE XI Preparation of pentapeptide (second alternative) Molar equivalents of tri-CBZ-L-Arginyl-epsilon-CBZ-L-Lysine and 1-hydroxybenzotriazole are dissolved in dry DMF and a molar equivalent of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide is added with stirring. To this solution is added a solution of molar equivalents of beta-benzyl-L-Aspartyl-L-Valyl-L-Tyrosine benzyl ester trifluoroacetate and triethylamine in DMF and the whole is allowed to stir overnight. The product is isolated from the reaction mixture after removal of any solid residue, and the protective groups are removed to yield H-ARG-LYS-ASP-VAL-TYR-OH. EXAMPLE XII Following the procedures of Examples VIII-XI but employing equivalent amounts of suitable starting materials, there are prepared: beta-benzyl-ASP-SAR-TYR-NH 2 gamma-benzyl-GLU-VAL-TYR-benzyl ester gamma-benzyl-GLU-SAR-TYR-NH 2 BOC-SAR-beta-benzyl-ASP-SAR-TYR-NH 2 BOC-epsilon-CBZ-LYS-gamma-benzyl-GLU-VAL-TYR-benzyl ester BOC-SAR-gamma-benzyl-GLU-SAR-TYR-NH 2 tri-CBZ-ARG-SAR-OH ARG-SAR-ASP-SAR-TYR-NH 2 ARG-SAR-GLU-SAR-TYR-NH 2 ARG-LYS-ASP-VAL-TYR-OH ARG-LYS-GLU-VAL-TYR-OH The pentapeptides prepared in the above examples all possess the same pharmacological activity as TP5, disclosed in the referenced patent and patent application. The above examples have been provided by way of illustration and not to limit the scope of the subject application, which scope is defined by the appended claims.
Solution phase methods and compositions for preparing H-ARG-X-Z-Y-TYR-R wherein X is LYS and Y is VAL or X and Y are both SAR, Z is ASP or GLU, and R is NH 2 or OH.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] This application claims priority to and incorporates by reference the disclosure set forth, in its entirety, in U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/729,279, entitled “AN INFORMATION RECORDING AND REPRODUCING APPARATUS WITH ERROR ANALYZER” filed Oct. 21, 2005. TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] The present invention relates to error analysis, more specifically, for a method and device for analyzing errors in a recording medium such as an optical disc. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0003] It is advantageous to know the quality of a recording medium, for example, an optical disc such as a CD, DVD+, DVD−, DVD-RAM, HD-DVD, Blu-ray disc or the like. A method to know the disc quality well is to obtain the number and distribution of errors in the disc. From error analysis, errors due to a recording apparatus or the disc per se can be distinguished. The respective manufacturers of the recording apparatus and the disc can improve their products according to result of the error analysis. [0004] Generally, when an optical disc is read by a disc drive, a kind of errors so called “burst errors” in the present invention are essentially caused by defects of the disc per se. In contrast, another kind of errors so called “random errors” are mainly caused by the recording apparatus. For monitoring the recording or writing quality, it is necessary to omit the burst errors due to the inherent disc defects when calculating the total errors. [0005] An erroneous byte is a data byte in which at least one bit is of a wrong value. An error burst is defined as a sequence of bytes in which there are not more than a predetermined number m (m=2 in a usual case) correct bytes between any two erroneous bytes. A length of the error burst is defined as the total number of bytes counted from a first erroneous byte separated by a series of continuous correct bytes, which has at least m+1 (3 in a usual case) correct bytes to a final erroneous byte also separated by at least m+l (3 in a usual case) continuous correct bytes. FIG. 1 is a diagram schematically illustrating an example of an error burst of an optical disc. In this example, the length of the error burst is 10 bytes. In addition, the number of the erroneous bytes in this error burst is 7. [0006] An error burst of a length longer than or equal to n (n=40 in a usual case) bytes can be referred to a burst error. On the other hand, an error burst of a length less than 40 bytes is referred to a random error. There is a need for a method to obtain information of the different types of errors during data reproduction. The error profile such as the numbers and distribution of different types of errors including burst errors and random errors can be used to estimate the recording or writing quality or other applications. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0007] An objective of the present invention is to provide a method for error analysis, which is particularly adoptable for a recording medium such as an optical disc. The method in accordance with the present invention is to execute an encoding-like operation to error flags during decoding data of the optical disc, so as to obtain number and distribution of the errors. [0008] Another objective of the present invention is to provide a device for error analysis, which is particularly adoptable for a recording medium such as an optical disc. The apparatus in accordance with the present invention has a unit for executing an encoding-like operation to error flags during decoding data of the optical disc, so as to obtain number and distribution of the errors. [0009] In accordance with an aspect of the present invention, the method for error analysis of an optical disc includes obtaining error information such as error flags of data recorded on the optical disc; writing the error information to a buffer and reading the error information from the buffer, so that the read error information is of a format as the data recorded on the disc; and analyzing the read error information. Specifically, the data recorded on the disc is de-interleaved during reproduction. In the method of the present invention, the error flags are interleaved, and the interleaved error flags are calculated, so that the number and distribution of the errors can be obtained and used in statistics and/or analysis for the errors of the optical disc. [0010] In accordance with another aspect of the present invention, the device for error analysis of an optical disc includes an interleave unit and an error rate controller. In reproducing data recorded on the optical disc, which is processed by a de-interleaving operation, the error rate controller receives error information of the data and requests the interleave unit to conduct an interleaving operation to the error information such as error flags. The interleaved error information can be used in statistics and/or analysis for the errors of the disc. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0011] The present invention will be further described in detail in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, wherein: [0012] FIG. 1 is a diagram schematically illustrating an example of an error burst of an optical disc; [0013] FIG. 2 is an illustration showing data reproduction for a blu-ray disc; [0014] FIG. 3 is a block diagram generally showing a recording and reproduction apparatus with an error analyzer in accordance with the present invention; [0015] FIG. 4A is a block diagram generally showing a structure of the error analyzer in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention; [0016] FIG. 4B is a block diagram generally showing a structure of the error analyzer in accordance with another embodiment of the present invention; [0017] FIG. 5 shows a configuration of an LDC block of a Blu-ray disc; [0018] FIG. 6 shows a configuration of an LDC cluster error flag map; [0019] FIG. 7 shows the LDC cluster error flag map of FIG. 6 processed by a two-step interleaving operation in accordance with the present invention; [0020] FIG. 8 shows a configuration of a LDC no-solution bit map; [0021] FIG. 9 shows a configuration of a BIS block of a Blu-ray disc; [0022] FIG. 10 shows a configuration of BIS cluster error flag map; [0023] FIG. 11 shows a configuration of a BIS no-solution bit map; [0024] FIG. 12 illustrates a fetch sequence of the LDC error flags and BIS error flags; [0025] FIG. 13 shows a configuration of a HD-DVD ECC block; [0026] FIG. 14 shows a configuration of a HD-DVD ECC block error flag map; [0027] FIG. 15A shows a configuration of a PO no-solution bit map; and [0028] FIG. 15B shows a configuration of a PI no-solution bit map. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0029] The present invention will be described in details in conjunction with the drawings. [0030] A symbol error rate (SER), which is used in error analysis, is defined as the total number of all erroneous bytes in respective data units (e.g. ECC clusters) divided by the total number of bytes in those data units as represented by the following equation: SER = ∑ i = 1 N ⁢ number ⁢   ⁢ of ⁢   ⁢ all ⁢   ⁢ erroneous ⁢   ⁢ bytes ⁢   ⁢ in ⁢   ⁢ ECC ⁢   ⁢ Cluster ⁢   ⁢ i N × M ( 1 ) Here, M is the total number of data bytes in one ECC cluster. For example, under the Blu-Ray standard, the total number of data bytes in one ECC cluster is 76880, and hence M is 76880. Further, a random symbol error rate (RSER), which is also useful in error analysis, is calculated by excluding the error bursts with lengths thereof longer than or equal to n bytes (i.e. the burst errors, where n=40 in a usual case)) as represented by the following equation: RSER = ∑ i = 1 N ⁢ ( number ⁢   ⁢ of ⁢   ⁢ all ⁢   ⁢ erroneous ⁢   ⁢ bytes - number ⁢   ⁢ of ⁢   ⁢ all ⁢   ⁢ erroneous ⁢   ⁢ bytes ⁢   ⁢ in ⁢   ⁢ bursts ≥ n ⁢   ⁢ bytes ) in ⁢   ⁢ ECC ⁢   ⁢ Cluster ⁢   ⁢ i N × M - ∑ i = 1 N ⁢ number ⁢   ⁢ of ⁢   ⁢ all ⁢   ⁢ erroneous ⁢   ⁢ bytes ⁢   ⁢ in ⁢   ⁢ bursts ≥ n ⁢   ⁢ bytes ⁢   ⁢ in ⁢   ⁢ ECC ⁢   ⁢ Cluster ⁢   ⁢ i ( 2 ) [0031] FIG. 2 shows data formats of a blu-ray disc in respective stages during data reproduction. As shown, in reproducing data from the disc, data bit stream read from the disc is demodulated into ECC cluster format. An ECC cluster contains 155 columns×496 rows of data, and is divided into four LDC (long distance code) groups and three BIS (burst indicator subcode) groups disposed alternately. Each LDC group has 38 columns, and each BIS group has 1 column. Then, the four LDC groups are extracted from the ECC cluster to form LDC cluster and the three BIS groups are also derived from the ECC cluster to form BIS cluster. After de-interleaving, the LDC cluster is mapped to LDC block, and the BIS cluster is mapped to BIS block. The LDC block has 304 codewords and each LDC codeword is of a length of 248 bytes including 216 bytes of data and 32 bytes of parity. The LDC block has 24 codewords and each BIS codeword is of a length of 62 bytes including 30 bytes of information and 32 bytes of parity. The LDC and BIS blocks are used for ECC decoding. [0032] FIG. 3 shows a recording and reproduction apparatus with an error analyzer in accordance with the present invention. As shown, an optical disc 1 is rotated by a spindle motor 2 , which is driven by a motor driver 3 The motor driver 3 is controlled by a servo circuit 4 A pick-up head 5 used to read/write the optical disc 1 is also controlled by the servo circuit 4 via the motor driver 3 . In reading, data read from the optical disc 1 by the pick-up head 5 are amplified by an amplifier 6 and are fed into a data decoder 7 and an address decoder 12 In the data decoder 7 , demodulation, de-interleaving operation as shown in FIG. 2 and error correction are carried out. The address decoder 12 derives address information recorded on the optical disc 1 The decoded data and address information are fed back to the servo circuit 4 . A buffer manager 9 stores the decoded data into a data buffer 10 , and transfers the decoded data to a host computer via a host interface 11 . To record data to the optical disc 1 , data are sent to a data encoder 13 . The data encoder 13 affixes ECC codes to the data to be recorded and performs interleaving operation and modulation to the data. The encoded data are then written to the optical disc 1 by the pick-up head 5 . The power of the pick-up head 5 is controlled by a laser control circuit 14 . In accordance with the present invention, the apparatus includes an error analyzer 8 . The details of the error analyzer 8 will be further described later. [0033] FIG. 4A is a block diagram generally showing a structure of the error analyzer 8 in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. The error analyzer 8 includes an error rate controller 80 , an interleave unit 81 , an error buffer 82 and an error counter 84 . [0034] During data reproduction, the decoding results including error flags (bits) and no-solution flags (bits) generated by the data decoder 7 are stored into the error buffer 82 . The error flag indicates if a codeword has an error. The no-solution flag indicates if the error cannot be solved. [0035] An error rate controller 80 of the error analyzer 8 accesses the error flags and the no-solution flags from the error buffer 82 for calculation of random error rate and burst error rate of each ECC cluster. An interleave unit 81 has a write address generator 811 and a read address generator 813 . The writing address generator 811 generates write addresses for the error flags and no-solution flags to be stored in an error buffer 82 in a sequence order according to the codeword numbers and/or error location numbers from the data decoder 7 . The reading address generator 813 generates access addresses to fetch the error flags and no-solution flags stored in the error buffer 82 according to a sequence order corresponding to the sequence order of the data recorded on the disc. After the error flags and no-solution flags are stored in and read from the error buffer 82 according to the write addresses generated by the write address generator 811 and the access addresses generated by the read address generator 813 , those flags are disposed as the format of the ECC data before de-interleaving. The error counter 84 calculates the total error numbers, the total random error number or total burst error number under the control of the error rate controller 80 . In a normal situation, the total error number equals to the sum of the total random error number and the total burst error number. The symbol error rate (SER) and the random symbol error rate (RSER) can be obtained based on the total error number, the total random error number and the total burst error number. [0036] The error rate controller 80 receives the error flags and no-solution flags from the data decoder 7 and stores the flags to the error buffer 82 according to the write addresses generated by the write address generator 811 . When the data decoder 7 completely decodes an ECC cluster, the error rate controller 80 triggers the read address generator 813 to generate access addresses, so as to fetch the flags stored in the error buffer 82 according to a sequence order corresponding to the sequence order of the data recorded on the disc 1 . An error counter 84 counts the flags. After the error rate controller 80 fetches the error flags and no-solution flags of the complete ECC cluster for calculating the SER and/or RSER, the location of the error buffer 82 occupied by the flags of the ECC cluster is released, so that the error flags and no-solution flags of the next ECC cluster from the data decoder 7 can be stored therein. When the error buffer 82 has sufficient space to store error flags and no-solution flags of the next ECC cluster, for example, the error rate controller 80 informs the data decoder 7 to continue decoding the data reproduced from the optical disc 1 . Otherwise, the error rate controller 80 requests the data decoder 7 to suspend decoding. Further, when the error buffer 82 receives error flags and no-solution flags of a complete ECC cluster, for example, the error rate controller 80 notifies the error counter 84 to calculate the total error number, and the total random error number or total burst error number. Otherwise, the error rate controller 80 requests the error counter 84 stops calculating. Although a complete ECC cluster is used herein as a unit to start or stop these operations, the present invention is not limited to this. Other units can be also used as desired. The boundary of an ECC cluster should be obtained in order to analyze the error configuration. [0037] FIG. 4B is a block diagram generally showing a structure of the error analyzer in accordance with another embodiment of the present invention. The essential difference between this embodiment and the embodiment shown in FIG. 4A is that the error buffer 82 ′ is combined with the data buffer 10 . That is, the data buffer 10 is divided out a portion to be used as the error buffer 82 ′. In the present embodiment, accessing to the error buffer 82 ′ is performed via the buffer manager 9 . [0038] As described above, the interleave unit 80 executes a re-interleaving operation to the error flags and the no-solution flags of an ECC cluster, so that the error flags and the no-solution flags are disposed in a format as the data recorded on the optical disc 1 . Accordingly, not only the number of the errors can be counted, but also the distribution of the errors can be observed. The SER and RSER can be calculated accordingly. [0039] The address generation will be further described in detail. For a blu-ray disc example, the buffer 82 should be divided into four parts: an LDC error buffer for storing error flags of the LDC cluster, an LDC no-solution flag buffer for storing no-solution flags of the LDC cluster, a BIS error buffer for storing error flags of the BIS cluster, and a BIS no-solution flag buffer for storing no-solution flags of the BIS cluster. [0040] FIG. 5 shows a configuration of an LDC block of a Blu-ray disc, the LDC block is to be decoded by the data decoder 7 . As shown, the 216 data bytes in a column L of the LDC block are numbered from the top as codeword numbers: C 0,L , C 1,L , C 2,L , . . . , C 215, L , where L is the column number between 0 to 313 . Each column of the LDC block further has 32 parity bytes, which are numbered as P 216,L , P 217,L , P 218,L , . . . , P 247,L . [0041] FIG. 6 shows a configuration of a LDC error flag (bit) map. In the present embodiment, error flags are written to the buffer 82 in the format of the error flag map as a first interleaving stage. The first interleaving stage can be mathematically represented by the following formulas. The error flag (bit) E R,L of the byte C R,L or P R,L of the LDC Block shown in FIG. 5 is written to the LDC error buffer as: For row: Q = 2 × R + mod(L, 2) 0 ≦ Q ≦ 495 (3) For column P = div(L, 2) 0 ≦ P ≦ 151 (4) where R is the row number of the LDC block, Q and P are respectively the row and column numbers of the LDC Cluster at the first interleaving stage. [0042] The error flags (bits) stored in the LDC error buffer are then read out in a second interleaving stage. FIG. 7 shows the LDC cluster error flag map of FIG. 6 processed by the second interleaving stage. In the second interleaving stage, each of the error flags is shifted over mod(3×div(Q,2), 152) units to the left, and the error flags shifted out of the left side are re-filled in the array from the right side. The read address generator 813 generates addresses so that the error rate controller reads out the error flags according to the sequence achieved by the second interleaving stage. The LDC error flags are stored in the LDC error buffer and are fetched by calculating the read addresses, which will be described further, to execute the second interleaving stage. [0043] The addresses generated by the read address generator 813 start incrementally from the first row (Q=0) to the last row (Q=495). For each row, the addresses for the error flags to be read out start from mod(3×div(Q,2), 152) and are incrementally counted up to 151 with a step of 1, and then are counted from 0 to mod(3×div(Q,2), 152)−1. In this way, the error flags stored in the LDC error buffer are read out in a sequence consistent with the recording sequence for error calculation. [0044] FIG. 8 shows a configuration of a LDC no-solution flag (bit) map. In FIG. 8 , the 304 no-solution flags (bits) in the LDC no-solution flag map are numbered starting from the left as NS 0 , NS 1 , . . . , NS L , . . . , NS 303 , which corresponds to the 304 codewords in the LDC Block. Mathematically, when the error flag E q,p is read out from the LDC error buffer for error calculation, the corresponding no-solution flag NS w from the LDC no-solution bit buffer is also read out. The relationship between the LDC error flag E q,p and the LDC no-solution flag NS w could be represented by the following formulas: w= 2 ×p +mod( q, 2)  (5) where w is the corresponding LDC codeword number ranging from 0 to 303 [0045] The algorithms above are described for exemplification. Other algorithms can also be used. For example, if the final format of the LDC error flag map is achieved in the first interleaving stage, that is, the LDC error flags are written to the LDC error buffer in the format shown as the lower format in FIG. 7 , then in the second interleaving stage, the LDC error flags only need to be sequentially read out. [0046] FIG. 9 shows a configuration of a BIS Block to be decoded by the data decoder 7 . As shown, the 30 information bytes in each column of the BIS Block are numbered in a sequence starting from the top of each column as B 0,H , B 1,H , B 2,H , . . . , B 29,H , where H is the BIS codeword number, that is the column number (0 to 23). Each column of the BIS Block is provided with 32 parity bytes according to a long distance RS code. The parity bytes are numbered as: Pb 30,H , Pb 31,H , Pb 32,H , . . . , to Pb 6l,H . [0047] FIG. 10 is a view showing a configuration of a BIS error flag map. As shown, the error flag map corresponds to a BIS Cluster map. Mathematically, the interleaving of the BIS error flags in a format of a BIS block into a format of a BIS cluster can be represented by the following formulas. The error flag D V,H of the byte B V,H or Pb v,H of the BIS Block (see FIG. 9 ) is stored in BIS error buffer as: For unit u = mod({div(V, 2) + 8 − div(H, 3)}, 8) + (6) 8 × mod(V, 2) For row r = div(V, 2) (7) For column e = mod({H + div(V, 2)}, 3) (8) where V is the corresponding row number (0 to 61) of the BIS Block. [0048] The error flag number s, giving the sequence number of the error flag D S , of the BIS block to be interleaved in the sequence of the corresponding BIS Cluster written to the disc, is: s =( u× 31 +r )×3 +e   (9) The error flag number is the sequential reading address to fetch the BIS error flag stored in the buffer for error calculation. The value of the error flag number s starts from 0 and ends at 1487, which is the sequence order for the data to be recorded to the disc. [0049] FIG. 11 shows a configuration of a BIS no-solution flag map. As shown, the 24 no-solution flags in the BIS no-solution flag map are numbered starting from the left as NSb 0 , NSb 1 , . . . , NSb H , . . . , NSb 23 , which corresponds to the 24 codewords in the BIS Block. When the error flag D s is read out from the BIS error buffer for error calculation, the corresponding no-solution flag NSb t is also read out from the BIS no-solution flag buffer. The relationship between the BIS error flag number s and the BIS no-solution flag number t could be drawn by the following deductive equations: u =div( s, 93)  (10) r =div(mod( s, 93),3)  (11) e =mod(mod( m, 93),3)  (12) t=mod(24−3×mod( u, 8)+3×( r +div(((2 ×e ) +mod( r, 3)),3))+ e -mod( r, 3),24)  (13) where t is the corresponding BIS codeword number ranging from 0 to 23. [0050] Returning to FIG. 2 , the ECC cluster is constructed by multiplexing the LDC cluster and BIS cluster. Similarly, the LDC error flags read from the LDC error buffer are split into 4 groups, and each group has 38 columns. Then,3 columns of the BIS error flags from the BIS error buffer are respectively inserted between the LDC error flag groups, so that the LDC error flag groups and the BIS error flags are alternately disposed, as shown in FIG. 12 . [0051] To simplify the complexity of the error analyzer 8 , the errors of the BIS cluster may be neglected because there are only 3 bytes of BIS data in a recording frame of 155 bytes, as shown in FIG. 2 . In this situation, only the error flags of the LDC cluster are considered in error calculation. Hence, the SER represented by the formula (1) is reduced as SER = ∑ i = 1 N ⁢ number ⁢   ⁢ of ⁢   ⁢ erroneous ⁢   ⁢ bytes ⁢   ⁢ in ⁢   ⁢ LDC ⁢   ⁢ Cluster ⁢   ⁢ i N × M LDC ( 14 ) Here, M LDC is the total number of data bytes in one LDC cluster. For example, under the Blu-Ray standard, the total number of data bytes in one LDC cluster is 75392, and hence MLDC is 75392. In addition, the RSER represented by the formula (2) is reduced as: RSER = ∑ i = 1 N ⁢ ( number ⁢   ⁢ of ⁢   ⁢ all ⁢   ⁢ erroneous ⁢   ⁢ bytes - number ⁢   ⁢ of ⁢   ⁢ all ⁢   ⁢ erroneous ⁢   ⁢ bytes ⁢   ⁢ in ⁢   ⁢ bursts ≥ n ⁢   ⁢ bytes ) in ⁢   ⁢ LDC ⁢   ⁢ Cluster ⁢   ⁢ i N × M LDC - ∑ i = 1 N ⁢ number ⁢   ⁢ of ⁢   ⁢ all ⁢   ⁢ erroneous ⁢   ⁢ bytes ⁢   ⁢ in ⁢   ⁢ bursts ≥ n ⁢   ⁢ bytes ⁢   ⁢ in ⁢   ⁢ LDC ⁢   ⁢ Cluster ⁢   ⁢ i ( 15 ) [0052] In addition to a blu-ray disc, the present invention is also suitable for other recording mediums, a HD-DVD disc, for example. FIG. 13 shows a configuration of an HD-DVD ECC block to be decoded by the data decoder 7 For each ECC block, the 208 information bytes in each column are numbered starting from the top of each column as B 0,L , B 1,L , B 2,L , . . . , B 207,L , where L represents the column number (0 to 207) of the ECC Block. The 364 information bytes in each row are numbered starting from the left of each row as B R,0 , B R,1 , B R,2 , . . . , B R,363 , where R represents the column number (0 to 363) of the ECC Block. The ECC Block comprises 172×2×192 bytes information fields, 172×2×16 PO parities of the outer code of RS, and 208×2×10 PI parities of the inner code of RS. [0053] Also, to describe the address generation for the HD-DVD error flag interleaving, the error buffer 82 is divided into three parts: an ECC error buffer for storing the error flags of the ECC block, a PO no-solution flag buffer for storing the PO no-solution flags of the ECC block, and a PI no-solution flag buffer for storing the PI no-solution flags of the ECC block. [0054] FIG. 14 shows a configuration of an ECC error flag map. As shown, the error flag map corresponds to an ECC Block map after interleaving process. The error flag G R,L corresponding to the byte B R,L of the ECC Block (see FIG. 13 ) is placed in ECC error buffer according to rules mathematically represented as: for row R′ = 2 × R + div(L, 182) + div(R, 6) for R <= 191, (16) and R′ = (2 × (R − 192) + div(L, 182)) × 13 + 12 for R > 191 for column L′ = mod(L, 182) (17) where R′ and L′ are row number and column number of the ECC error buffer, respectively. Then, the error flags G R′,L′ are fetched one by one for error calculation. The fetch sequence of the ECC error buffer is from the top row (R′=0) to the bottom row (R′=415) and is from the left bit (L′=0) to the right bit (L′=181) within each row. When all the 182 bits of a row are fetched completely, the next row is fetched sequentially until all the 416 rows of the ECC block are fetched completely. Hence, the fetch sequence number s is deduced as 182×R′+L′. [0055] FIG. 15 shows a configuration of a PO no-solution flag map and a PI no-solution flag map of the ECC block of the HD-DVD disc. The 364 PO no-solution flags in the PO no-solution flag map are numbered starting from the left as NSpo 0 , NSpo 1 , . . . , NSpo 363 , which corresponds to the 364 columns in the ECC Block as shown in FIG. 13 . The 2×208 PI no-solution flags in the PI no-solution flag map are numbered starting from the left as NSpi 0,0 , NSpi 0,1 , . . . , NSpi 0,207 , and Nspi 1,0 , Nspi 1,1 , . . . , Nspi, 1,207 . The first row of the PI no-solution flag map corresponds to the left half row in the ECC block, and the second row of the PI no-solution flag map corresponds to the right half row in the ECC block as shown in FIG. 13 . When the error flag G R′,L′ is read out from the ECC error buffer for error calculation, the corresponding PO no-solution flag NSpo 1 and PI no-solution bit NSPi h,r are also respectively read out from the PO no-solution flag buffer and PI no-solution flag buffer. The relationship between the error flag G R′,L′ and the PO no-solution flag NSpo 1 , as well as the PI no-solution flag NSPi h,r can be derived as follows: if mod(div( R′, 13), 12)═0 l=L′+ 182×mod(div( R′, 13), 2) h =mod(div( R′, 13), 2) r= 192+div( R′, 13×2) else if mod(div(R′, 13), 12)≠0 l=L′+ 182×mod( R ′+div( R′, 13), 2) h =mod(( R ′−div( R′, 13)), 2) r =div(( R ′−div( R′, 13)), 2).  (18) [0056] As described above, during reproducing the data from the optical disc, the decoded error information such as error flags and no-solution flags are processed with an interleave operation. Accordingly, the number and distribution of the errors on the disc can be obtained for analysis of the disc quality and/or the recording quality. [0057] While the preferred embodiments of the present invention have been illustrated and described in detail, various modifications and alterations can be made by persons who are skilled in this art. The embodiment of the present invention is therefore described in an illustrative but not restrictive sense. It is intended that the present invention should not be limited to the particular forms as illustrated, and that all modifications and alterations that maintain the spirit and realm of the present invention are within the scope as defined in the appended claims.
A method and device for error analysis particularly adoptable for a recording medium such as an optical disc are disclosed. The present invention executes an encoding-like operation such as an interleaving operation to error flags during reproducing data from the optical disc, so as to obtain number and distribution of the errors on the disc.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0001] The invention relates in general to a handle device for operating doors, windows, gates, hatches and the like. The invention relates in particular to such a handle device comprising a first element which is rotatable about an axis of rotation, a second element, and a coupling device for selectively allowing or preventing relative rotation about the axis of rotation between the first and the second element. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] In the case of many doors, windows and other such elements provided with a rotatable handle, it is desirable to be able to selectively couple a part that can be turned or rotated by means of the handle to another part, or to disengage it therefrom. The other part may consist either of a similarly rotatable part or of a fixed part. [0003] Where both of the parts are rotatable, it may be desirable in a disengaged state, for example, to allow the handle to be turned without affecting the other part and in a coupled state to allow a rotational movement of the handle to be transmitted to the other part. The other part may then consist, for example of a swivel pin, such as a handle shank, which is in turn capable of transmitting the rotational movement to a tumbler, a bolt, an espagnolette bolt, a lock or some other device for influencing the state of the door or the window. In the coupled position, operation therefore occurs in the normal way by means of the handle. In the disengaged position, on the other hand, the state of the door or window remains unaffected if the handle is turned. Such selective disengagement may be used, for example, as a child safeguard, in order to prevent an external door or a window being opened from the inside or in order to prevent damage to a lock or the like coupled to the handle if excessive forces are applied to the handle when the lock is in the locked position. [0004] Where the second part consists of a fixed, non-rotatable part, the rotatable handle can be conventionally fixed or continuously coupled by means of a handle shank to a bolt, an espagnolette bolt, or a lock, for example, or some other device for influencing the state of the door or the window. Disengagement and coupling between the rotatable handle and the fixed part can then be used, in the disengaged position, to allow operation and, in the coupled position, to lock the handle and thereby prevent operation of the door or the window. The coupling between the handle and the fixed part can in this respect be said to constitute a lock. Such selective disengagement and coupling between the rotatable handle and the fixed part can be used as a child safeguard, for example, or in order to prevent unauthorized operation of a door or a window. [0005] In both cases the disengagement and coupling between the rotatable handle and the other part can be achieved manually, for example by operating a mechanical button, a lock cylinder or the like. Recently, however, it has become increasingly more common to bring about such a disengagement and coupling by electromechanical means. This allows disengagement and/or coupling, for example, only if an authorized user has first entered a code via a keypad or entered an identification via an electronic card reader. PRIOR ART [0006] EP 0 861 959 B1 shows a device which allows selective disengagement and coupling between a rotatable handle and a likewise rotatable square shank, which is coupled to a lock. The device comprises two concentric tubes, which are coupled to the handle and the square shank respectively. The tubes each have a hole in their walls. A radially displaceable pin is arranged in the inner tube. By means of a spring, which is supported against the inner tube, the pin can be shot out through the two holes, thereby coupling these together. A depressor element is arranged radially outside the two tubes. In order to disengage them, the depressor element is made, by means of a pivoted arm driven by a motor, to press the pin radially inwards, so that it is no longer engaged in the hole through the outer tube. This device is not only relatively complicated with many moving parts, but takes up a lot of space and furthermore requires the assembly of a relatively large handle escutcheon or handle plate, which encloses necessary parts required for the disengagement. A further disadvantage with this device is that disengagement can only take place once both of the tubes have assumed a predefined rotational position, in which the pin is aligned with the depressor element. [0007] In order to achieve selective disengagement and coupling of a rotatable handle and a fixed part, the prior art encompasses devices which work on two different basic principles. A known handle device comprises a rotatable handle which is rotatably fixed to a handle escutcheon or handle plate, which can be fixed to a door, a window or the like. A handle spindle or handle shank, usually in the form of a square shank, is rotationally fixed to the handle. In order to lock the handle, the latter comprises a pin, which is axially displaceable parallel to the axis of rotation of the handle and which in a projecting position engages in a corresponding hole in the handle escutcheon. The pin is operated, for example, by a pushbutton or a pressure cylinder for a key. Another known device which works on the second basic principle also comprises a handle which is rotatable relative to a handle escutcheon and a handle shank, which is fixed to the handle. For locking the handle, the handle escutcheon comprises a turning cylinder for a key, the turning cylinder interacting with a pin, radially displaceable in the handle escutcheon relative to the axis of rotation of the handle. The pin can be brought into locking engagement with a recess in the handle or square shank by means of the turning cylinder. [0008] In both of these devices for achieving selective disengagement and coupling between a rotatable handle and a fixed part, a relatively big pin taking up a lot of space is needed in order to achieve a satisfactory locking of the handle. A further disadvantage with both these solutions is that they are unsuited to electrical control of the disengagement and coupling. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0009] An object of the invention is therefore to provide an improved handle device which allows selective disengagement and coupling between a first rotatable element and a second element. [0010] Another object is to provide such a device which is simple with few moving parts, which is compact and which also allows a very solid coupling between the two elements. [0011] A further object is to provide such a device which readily allows disengagement and coupling from either side or both sides of a door, a window or the like to which the device is fitted. [0012] Yet another object is to provide such a device which facilitates electrical control of the disengagement and coupling. [0013] Yet a further object is to provide such a device in which all components for controlling the disengagement and coupling, whether this is done mechanically or electrically, can be located in the handle grip. [0014] These and other objects are achieved by a handle device of the type specified in the introductory part of claim 1 and which has the special technical features specified in the characterizing part. The handle device according to the invention is suitable for operating doors, windows and the like. The handle device comprises a first element which is rotatable about an axis of rotation, a second element, and a coupling device which is connected to the first and the second element and is designed to selectively allow or prevent relative rotation about the axis of rotation between the first and the second element. The coupling device comprises an outer coupling member and an inner coupling member, which is concentrically accommodated, rotatable about the axis of rotation, in the outer coupling member. At least one engaging member is radially displaceable in the inner coupling member. An activating member is accommodated in the inner coupling member and axially displaceable therein, parallel to the axis of rotation. [0015] The engaging member and the activating member have interacting contact surfaces in order, during the axial displacement of the activating member, to press the engaging member into a radially projecting position for simultaneous engagement with the inner and outer coupling member. [0016] The handle device according to the invention allows selective disengagement and coupling between the first and the second element. The first element may comprise a part of the handle or be rotationally fixed thereto, the invention therefore allowing selective disengagement and coupling between the handle and the second element. The other element may be rotatable or non-rotatable. The engaging member may assume a retracted position, in which it does not engage with the outer coupling member. In this position relative rotation is therefore allowed between the inner and outer coupling members and hence between the first and second elements. Displacement of the axially moveable activating member allows the engaging member to be pressed radially outwards, so that it engages with both the inner and the outer coupling members, thereby achieving a coupling of these two members and hence of the first and second element. The device according to the invention affords a very compact embodiment of the coupling device with few moving parts. The axially moveable activating member means that control of the selective disengagement and coupling can readily be achieved from a handle which is located on either side of the door or the window to which the device is fitted. The coupling device with the interacting, axially moveable activating member and radially moveable engaging member means that only a slight force needs to be applied to the activating member in order to achieve the coupling between the two elements. A further advantage is that it is possible to obtain the requisite radial projection of the engaging member with only a short axial movement of the activating member. The stroke length of the activating member can therefore be kept small. The axial movement can therefore advantageously be achieved with a relatively small and energy-saving electrical activator, such as a solenoid, a motor or a piezo-electric activator. If so desired, such a small and energy-saving electric activator can be located in the handle together with an adequate power source, without the need to make this larger than is otherwise usual. In reality the invention means that all parts and components for allowing an electrically controlled selective disengagement and coupling of desired elements can be accommodated in a handle of normal size. The axially displaceable activating member moreover means that a selective disengagement and coupling of a handle with a desired element located on one side of a door or a window can readily be controlled by electrical components which are located exclusively in a handle located on the other side of the door. [0017] The engaging member may advantageously comprise a ball, which is received in a radial, cylindrical hole in the inner coupling member. Alternatively the engaging member may comprise a circular cylindrical pin, which is located in a recess in the inner coupling member, so that its axis extends parallel to the axis of rotation. Regardless of the embodiment of the engaging members, the handle device may comprise more than one engaging member. [0018] The outer coupling member suitably comprises a substantially circular cylindrical bore, in which the inner coupling member is received and in the circumferential surface of which a radially curved and axially elongated groove is located. The radially curved shape of the groove interacts with the spherical or cylindrical shape of the engaging member in order to press the engaging member back into its retracted position when the activating member is in a position that allows this and when a torsional moment is applied to either the inner or outer coupling member. This obviates the need for any spring device or the like for returning the engaging member to the disengaged position when the activating member is situated in a corresponding position. [0019] If the inner coupling element is fixed to the handle and the outer coupling member is fixed to or consists of a handle escutcheon, the handle device readily allows immobilization or locking of the handle. The strong, solid coupling achieved between the inner and the outer coupling member means that such an immobilization of the handle can for many applications constitute full locking of a door or a window, for example. [0020] The handle device can also be designed to allow selective disengagement and coupling between two rotatable parts, this type of selective coupling sometimes being known as free swivelling. In order to achieve such a selective coupling, the inner coupling member is suitably fixed to or consists of a rotatable swivel pin and the outer coupling member is suitably fixed to the handle. [0021] In order to allow a reliable and smooth-running transmission of movement with low friction, the activating member suitably has a surface inclined in its axial displacement direction, which in contact with the engaging member presses this radially outwards when the activating member is displaced axially. [0022] The handle device may comprise means for manual actuation of the activating member. [0023] Owing to its smooth running and compactness, however, the handle device is even better suited to electrical control and therefore comprises suitable means for electrically acting upon the activating member. These means may comprise an electric motor or preferably a solenoid, which is designed to produce axial displacement of the activating member. [0024] In the case of such electrical control, the handle device also suitably comprises an electrical control circuit for controlling the means of electrically acting upon the activating member and a keypad which is electrically connected to the control circuit. In this embodiment the selective disengagement and/or coupling can be achieved only after entering a correct authorization code. The electrical control circuit can additionally or alternatively be connected to an electronic card reader or some other similar authorization-verifying equipment. Again, the effective coupling device, by means of which an axial movement of the activating member can be translated by a slight force into a radial engaging movement of the engaging member, means that all parts and components for such authorization verification and electrical control of the device can be accommodated in a handle. This handle may be either the handle, coupling of which to another element is being controlled, or also the second of two handles fitted to a door or the like. [0025] Further objects and advantages of the invention are set forth in the following description of exemplary embodiments, and in the patent claims. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0026] There follows a detailed description of exemplary embodiments, referring to the drawings attached, in which: [0027] FIG. 1 is a schematic perspective view of a partially disassembled handle device according to a first embodiment of the invention. [0028] FIG. 2 is a rear plan view of the handle device shown in FIG. 1 when this is assembled. [0029] FIG. 3 is a plan view from above of the handle device shown in FIG. 3 . [0030] FIGS. 4 a and 4 b show schematic sections through the handle device shown in FIGS. 2 and 3 when this is in a disengaged and a coupled state respectively. [0031] FIG. 5 is a schematic perspective view of a partially disassembled handle device according to a second embodiment of the invention. [0032] FIG. 6 is a plan view from above of the handle device shown in FIG. 1 when this is assembled. [0033] FIGS. 7 a and 7 b show schematic sections through the handle device shown in FIG. 6 when this is in a disengaged and a coupled state respectively. [0034] FIG. 8 a is a schematic section along the line I-I in FIG. 4 a. [0035] FIG. 8 b is a schematic section along the line II-II in FIG. 4 b. [0036] FIG. 9 a is a schematic section along the line in FIG. 7 a. [0037] FIG. 9 b is a schematic section along the line IV-IV in FIG. 7 b. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EXEMPLARY EMBODIMENTS [0038] FIGS. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 a , 4 b , 8 a and 8 b show a handle device according to a first embodiment of the invention. This handle device is designed to allow selective disengagement and coupling between the handle grip and a fixed part. In the disengaged position, rotation of the handle grip is therefore allowed and in the coupled position the handle grip is prevented from being turned. [0039] The handle device comprises a handle grip 1 , a handle neck 2 , a handle escutcheon 3 or plate and a swivel pin or handle spindle 4 in the form of a square shank. [0040] The handle escutcheon 3 comprises fixing holes for receiving screws or the like, by means of which it can be fixed to a door, a window, a gate, a hatch (not shown) or a similar element. The handle escutcheon 3 further comprises a central through-hole 7 , the central axis of which defines an axis of rotation for the handle grip. Two opposing grooves 7 a are made in the central hole 7 of the handle escutcheon 3 . The grooves 7 a are formed as axially running, radial, outwardly curved recesses in the circumferential surface of the central hole 7 . [0041] A boss 5 is received in the handle neck 2 . In the embodiment shown in FIGS. 1-4 b and 8 a - b the boss 5 consists of an inner coupling member for achieving a selective disengagement and coupling of the handle grip 1 in relation to the handle escutcheon 3 . For fitting the boss 5 in the handle neck 2 , the handle grip 1 comprises two separable parts 1 a , 1 b . Detaching the part 1 b from the part 1 a gives access to the internal cavity in the handle neck 2 , so that the boss 5 can be threaded into the neck from the side of the handle grip 1 remote from the handle escutcheon 3 . The boss 5 has a part 6 projecting from the handle neck and extending through the hole passing through the handle escutcheon 3 . The boss 5 comprises a radially projecting pin 8 , which is received in a corresponding inner groove 9 in the internal cavity of the handle neck 2 . The engagement of the pin 8 in the groove 9 prevents relative rotation between the boss and the handle neck 2 . In the part of the boss 5 projecting from the handle neck 2 is an axial square hole, in which the handle spindle 4 is received. The longitudinal axis of the handle spindle 4 defines an axis of rotation, about which the handle grip 1 is rotatable relative to the handle escutcheon 3 . [0042] The boss 5 furthermore has two opposing radial, cylindrical through-holes 10 . Each of these holes 10 receives an engaging member in form of a ball 20 . An axially displaceable activating member 11 is arranged inside the boss 5 . The activating member is rotationally symmetrical and has a front cylindrical section 12 a with a smaller diameter, a rear cylindrical section 12 b with a larger diameter and an intermediate conical section 12 c . In the embodiment shown the conical section has a cone angle of 45°. The conical section 12 c forms an outer curved surface which is inclined in the axial direction of movement of the activating member 11 . For driving the activating member 11 , an electrically powered solenoid 13 is arranged in the handle grip 1 . The solenoid comprises a fixed part 13 a and a part 13 b axially moveable in relation to the fixed part. The moveable part 13 b is fixed to the activating member 11 . Delivering a current pulse to the fixed part of the solenoid enables the moveable part 13 b to be moved axially in either direction. [0043] In the position shown in FIGS. 4 a and 8 a , the moveable part 13 b of the solenoid and hence the activating member 11 are in a retracted position. The front cylindrical section 12 a of the activating member 11 is situated directly in front of the balls 20 . The distance between the outer surface of the cylindrical section 12 a and the outer surface of the boss 5 around the hole 10 is substantially equal to the diameter of the balls 20 . In this position, therefore, the balls are allowed to assume a position in which they do not protrude from the boss 5 . The boss 5 is therefore allowed to rotate inside the handle escutcheon 3 , so that the handle grip is released and can be freely turned in relation to the handle escutcheon 3 . In this position the handle grip can therefore be used normally in order to transmit a rotational movement to a tumbler, an espagnolette bolt or some other member via the handle spindle 4 in the usual way. [0044] When the handle grip 1 is to be locked, it is first turned into a position in which the two balls 20 align with the two opposing grooves 7 a in the handle escutcheon 3 . It will be appreciated that the handle grip can therefore be locked in two rotational positions with an 180° offset. The solenoid 13 is then supplied with a current pulse, thereby displacing the moveable part 13 b thereof axially outwards from the fixed part 13 a . The activating member 11 is thereby also displaced to the position shown in FIGS. 4 b and 8 b . In the course of this axial displacement movement, the conical surface 12 c of the activating member in contact with the balls 20 will press these radially outwards, so that they are received in and engage with the grooves 7 a in the handle escutcheon 3 , which in this exemplary embodiment constitutes an outer coupling member. When the engaging member 11 has assumed the full axially projecting position shown in FIGS. 4 b and 8 b , the balls 20 will be supported against and held in the radially projecting position by the cylindrical surface 12 of the activating member having a larger diameter. The balls 20 hereby engage simultaneously in the holes 10 and the grooves 7 a , thereby preventing rotation of the boss 5 and hence the handle neck 2 and the handle grip 1 . [0045] When the handle grip is to be disengaged again, the solenoid 13 is supplied with a current pulse, which causes the moveable part 13 b and thereby the activating member 11 to be displaced to the retracted position shown in FIGS. 4 a and 8 a . The part 12 a of the activating member 11 with a smaller diameter will thereby come to lie directly in front of the holes 10 , so that the balls 20 are allowed to assume the retracted position not protruding from the activating member 11 . This retracting movement of the balls can be achieved entirely without the action of any spring device or the like. Instead, the balls are brought into their seated position in the holes 10 not protruding from the activating member in that the spherical surface of the balls 20 interacts with the radially curved surface of the grooves 7 a , since the handle grip is being turned when the balls are not locked by the part 12 b of the activating member having a larger diameter. [0046] As can be seen from FIG. 1 , the handle grip 1 is provided with a keypad. In the handle grip 1 there is also an electronic control circuit (not shown) and a battery (not shown) for powering the control circuit and the solenoid 13 . The electronic control circuit is designed to emit a current pulse adjusting the state of the solenoid only if a correct authorization code has first been entered via the keypad. In this way the handle device shown in FIGS. 1-4 b and 8 a - b can be used as a lock for the door or the window in which it is arranged. [0047] FIGS. 5 , 6 , 7 a - b and 9 a - b show a second embodiment of the handle device according to the invention. In the further description, the parts corresponding to those in the embodiment described above will be given the same reference numerals as above. With this second embodiment it is possible to achieve selective disengagement and coupling between the handle grip 1 and a rotatably moveable part. In the example shown this rotatably moveable part consists of handle spindle 30 . The handle spindle 30 is capable of transmitting a rotational movement to a tumbler, an espagnolette bolt (not shown) or some other member in the usual way. [0048] Among other things, this embodiment differs from that described above in that the handle spindle 30 comprises a circular cylindrical end section 31 , which is firmly connected to a square shank 32 . The end section 31 is rotatably accommodated in a boss 50 , which is in turn received in the handle neck 2 ′. [0049] As in the embodiment described above, the boss 50 can be introduced into the handle neck 2 ′ when a part 1 ′ b of the handle grip 1 ′ is released from another part 1 ′ a of the handle grip. The boss 50 comprises a radially projecting pin 51 , which is received in a corresponding groove 9 in the handle neck 2 ′. The boss 50 is therefore prevented from turning in relation to the handle neck 2 ′ and the handle grip 1 ′. The boss 50 has a central axial through-bore, in the circumferential surface of which a radial, outwardly curved groove 52 is arranged, extending axially parallel to the bore. According to this embodiment the boss 50 constitutes an outer coupling member. [0050] The circular cylindrical end section 31 of the handle spindle is concentrically received in the axial bore of the boss 50 and constitutes an inner coupling member. The end section 31 has a radially extending circular cylindrical hole 33 , in which a ball 20 is displaceably seated. The end section 31 also has a central circular cylindrical recess, in which an axially displaceable activating member 60 is located. [0051] The activating member 60 comprises two sections 61 having a larger diameter and a waist section 62 of smaller diameter located between them. Conical sections 63 having a cone angle of 45° are located between the waist section 62 and the two sections 61 . The activating member 60 is firmly connected to a moveable part 13 b of a solenoid 13 , which also comprises a fixed part 13 a. [0052] In the position shown in FIGS. 7 a and 9 a the moveable part 13 b of the solenoid and hence the activating member 60 are in a projecting position in relation to the fixed part 13 a of the solenoid. The activating member 60 is here situated in a position in which the waist section 62 is directly in front of the hole 33 in the end section 31 of the handle spindle. The distance between the surface of the waist section 62 and the outer surface of the end section 31 around the hole 33 is substantially equal to the diameter of the ball, so that the ball 20 , which rests against the waist section, is situated in a position not projecting radially from the end section 31 . Under the rotation of the handle grip 1 ′, the handle neck 2 ′ and the boss 50 also turn. On the other hand, the rotational movement is not transmitted to the handle spindle 30 in this position of the activating member 60 and the ball 20 . The handle grip 1 ′ is therefore disengaged from the handle spindle 30 and in this position is therefore allowed to turn freely in relation to the handle spindle 30 , thereby affording a so-called free-swivelling function. In this position it is therefore not possible, by means of the handle grip 1 ′, to operate a tumbler, an espagnolette bolt or any other device to which the square shank 32 of the handle spindle 30 may be coupled. [0053] In order to couple the handle grip 1 ′ to the handle spindle 30 , the handle grip is first turned to a position in which the groove 52 is aligned with the hole 33 . It will be appreciated that this relative position between the boss 50 and the handle spindle 30 can be assumed regardless of which rotational position these two parts occupy in relation to the handle escutcheon 40 . As in the embodiment described above, the solenoid 13 is then supplied with a current pulse, which causes the moveable part 13 b to be displaced towards the fixed part 13 a . The activating member 60 is thereby displaced towards the solenoid 13 , so that the upper conical surface 62 in FIG. 7 a , in contact with the ball 20 , presses the ball radially outwards in the hole 33 until it comes into engagement with the groove 52 in the boss 50 . The ball 20 is then in simultaneous engagement with the boss 50 and with the end section 31 of the handle spindle 30 , so that a rotational movement which is imparted to the handle grip 1 ′ is transmitted to the handle spindle 30 , via the boss 50 with its pin 51 and its groove 52 , the ball 20 and the end section 31 of the handle spindle 30 with its hole 33 . In this way the handle grip 1 ′, in the position shown in FIGS. 7 b and 9 b , is coupled to the handle spindle 30 and can therefore be used to operate a tumbler, an espagnolette bolt or some other member or device to which the handle spindle 30 is coupled. [0054] As in the embodiment demonstrated with reference to FIGS. 1-4 , no spring or the like is needed in order to return the ball 20 to its retracted position not projecting radially from the end section 31 . Such a return movement of the ball is instead achieved through the interaction between the spherical surface of the balls 20 and the outwardly curved surface of the groove 52 . In the embodiment shown in FIGS. 5-7 and 9 the solenoid 13 can also be controlled by an electric control circuit (not shown), to which a keypad (not shown) and a battery (not shown) may be connected. All of these parts can be accommodated in the handle grip. [0055] An advantage of the handle device according to the invention is that it requires only a very slight force in order to produce the axial movement of the activating member, the axial movement bringing the engaging member in the form of a ball into or out of engagement in order to achieve coupling or disengagement. A further advantage is that the activating member only requires a very small stroke length. In an embodiment in which the ball has a diameter of 4 mm, and the inclined or conical surface of the activating member that comes to bear against the ball in transmitting movement has an angle of 45° to the direction of movement of the activating member, a stroke length of 2.1 mm is sufficient to displace the ball between its respective coupled and disengaged positions. Both of these advantages mean that the drive and control members can be made very compact, so that they can in this way be accommodated in a handle grip of conventional dimensions. [0056] Exemplary embodiments of the invention have been described above. It will be appreciated, however, that the invention is not limited to these embodiments but can be modified without departing from the scope of the following patent claims. For example, the axially displaceable activating member, instead of being powered by an electrical solenoid, may be coupled to a mechanical pushbutton or some other mechanical member for manually operating the activating member. Such a mechanical member is advantageously arranged in the handle grip, preferably axially in line with the direction of movement of the activating member. [0057] The solenoid forming part of the embodiments described above may comprise a permanent magnet (not shown), which is designed to draw the moveable part into the retracted position shown in FIGS. 4 a and 7 b . The solenoid may also be provided with a spring (not shown), which is designed to displace the moveable part to the projecting position shown in FIGS. 4 b and 7 a . Such a magnet and spring provide a bistable solenoid, in which the moveable part maintains an assumed retracted or projecting position without the need for a continuous supply of current to the solenoid. In such an embodiment it is therefore sufficient to supply a brief current pulse to the solenoid when it is to switch between its two possible positions. This affords a very energy-saving device, which in turn helps in allowing the use of a small battery, which can advantageously be accommodated in the handle grip. Instead of using a solenoid to electrically bring about axial movement of the activating member, it is also possible to use an electric motor, a piezo-electric member or some other device capable of electrically powering an axial movement. Instead of an authorization-verifying keypad, which is connected to the control circuit for controlling the movement of the activating member, other equipment may be used in order to verify a user's authorization. Examples of such equipment are so-called RFID equipment, which by radio transmission can read off a coded identification card or a coded identification badge or the like, which a user holds up close to an RFID reader that may preferably be located in the handle grip. It is naturally also possible to use a system with a so-called “i-button”, in which the RFID reader is activated only when the identification badge is brought into physical contact with a contact surface which is connected to the RFID reader. Such an arrangement draws current only when the RFID reader is activated for reading and is therefore well suited to fitting in the handle grip where the limited space places a limit on the size of the current source that can be used. It is also possible for the control circuit to comprise an RF receiver for remote operation from a remote station, which communicates with the control circuit of the handle device via long-range radio waves. [0058] In the embodiments described above the solenoid for powering the activating member is located in the handle grip, which is to have the facility for disengagement from and coupling to another part of the device. Since the activating member moves axially, however, it is easy to control the activating member with an electrical or mechanical device which is arranged, for example, in a handle grip, a knob or some other element which is fixed to the opposite side of the door on which the handle device is arranged. The axial activation movement means that it is easy, by means of an axially displaceable through-member, such as bar or a shank that is centrally received in the handle spindle, to operate the activating member from either side of the door. [0059] In an embodiment not shown, one or more engaging members, instead of being designed as balls, may consist of an elongate pin, which is arranged parallel to the direction of movement of the activating member and which preferably has a radial, outwardly curved surface and conically tapering ends. One or more such pins may be located in corresponding recesses in the inner coupling member and like the ball may be acted upon by an axially moveable activating member, which is accommodated in the inner coupling member.
Handle device for operating doors, windows and the like, comprising a first element, which is rotatable about an axis of rotation, a second element, and a coupling device which is connected to the first and the second element and is designed to selectively allow or prevent relative rotation about the axis of rotation between the first and the second element, the coupling device comprising an outer coupling member ( 3, 50 ) and an inner coupling member ( 5, 31 ), which is concentrically accommodated, rotatable about the axis of rotation, in the outer coupling member. The handle device comprises at least one engaging member ( 20 ), which is radially displaceable in the inner coupling member ( 5, 31 ), and an activating member ( 12, 60 ) which is accommodated in the inner coupling member and axially displaceable therein, parallel to the axis of rotation. The engaging member and the activating member have interacting contact surfaces ( 12 b, 12 c, 61, 63 ) in order, during axial displacement of the activating member, to press the engaging member into a radially projecting position for simultaneous engagement with the inner and outer coupling member.
RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] The present application claims priority to, and incorporates by reference thereto, U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/154,463 filed on Apr. 29, 2015 BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] 1. Field [0003] This invention relates to a hat. In particular, to a hat adapted for clearance around the ears. [0004] 2. Background [0005] Hats are very common, especially baseball style hats or caps. As shown in FIG. 1 below, this type of hat comprises a forward extending bill and an upper dome portion. The dome or crown portion is frequently comprised of a number of panels and a rim at the bottom of the crown. A button or post cap is often located at that the top of the hat where the panels join together. The rim can include a band to adjust the size of the hat, or just as often the rim is not adjustable and the hats come in different sizes. [0006] On problem with prior art hats of this type occurs where the rim of the hat meets the user's ears, or more precisely the upper portion of the ear lobe. The rim comes close or overlaps with the ear lobes. This creates discomfort. If the rim is located inside the ear lobe it can rub and irate the inner ear lobe. If the rim of the hat goes over the ear lobe it can irate the outside of the earlobe, or irritate the entire upper ear by compressing it between the rim and the head. The problem is worse when the person wearing the hat wears glasses (sunglasses, prescription glasses, or reading glasses). The tines of the glasses must navigate the area where the rim of the hat meets the ears, further decreasing the space available for ear clearance. [0007] The tines can travel over the top of the rim of the hat; however, this creates tension in the glasses causing discomfort. The tines can be placed below the rim of the glasses, but this presses the tines into the top of the ear. Or, the tines can go under the rim of the hat, but this also creates discomfort by pressing the tines into the user's head. [0008] Prior art embodiments include those found in U.S. Patent Pub. No. 20120096625, U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,237,159; 8,740,379; 6,397,396; 5,860,167; 4,179,753; 264,574; 6,647,554 (the foregoing listing of references shall not be construed as an admission that any of the foregoing are material to patentability of the present invention). These references disclose embodiments that suffer from various drawbacks, and/or are not relevant to the problem addressed by the present invention, but are instead provided for reference purposes. [0009] Accordingly, a need exists for a hat that does not create discomfort to the user's ears, especially, when that person is wearing glasses. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES [0010] FIG. 1 is a side view of a prior art baseball hat. [0011] FIG. 2 is a side view of a hat retrofitted in accord with the present invention. [0012] FIG. 3 is side views of three version of the hat of the present invention. [0013] FIG. 4 shows multiple view of the version 1 of the hat, the views being from left to right in the top row: front, side, back, and cut-away side view at the bottom left. [0014] FIG. 5 shows multiple view of the version 2 of the hat, the views being from left to right in the top row: front, side, back, and cut-away side view at the bottom left. [0015] FIG. 6 shows multiple view of the version 3 of the hat, the views being from left to right in the top row: front, side, back, and cut-away side view at the bottom left. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0016] In the Figures, is shown a hat 10 that substantially to completely eliminates the problems of the prior art. In particular, as shown in FIGS. 2-6 , the hat 10 is of a type commonly referred to as a baseball hap/cap. The hat 10 comprises a bill 12 that attaches to the bottom front portion of a dome/crown 14 . The bill 12 of a baseball hat 10 only covers the front portion of the hat 10 , does not extend over to the sides of the hat 10 , and provides shade for the face. [0017] The dome 14 of the hat is typically comprised of a plurality of panels 16 that are stitched, or otherwise joined, and that terminate at the top of the hat 10 where a button/post cap 20 is attached at the point where the panels 16 converge. As is described below, not all hats 10 have buttons 20 , and the number of and orientation of the panels can and will vary. [0018] The hat 10 also includes a rim 18 along the bottom of the dome 14 , which may or may not include a band 36 that can be tightened or loosened with a fastener 24 located at the back of the hat 10 . This configuration allows for adjusting the hat 10 to fit different user head sizes. As an alternative, the hat 10 many have a stationary nonadjustable rim 18 , and then come in different sizes to accommodate user preferences as to fit. [0019] The rim 18 of the hat 10 comprises two curved or raised portions 26 on either side of the hat 10 over the ears 32 . This creates a sizable gap between the bottom of the hat 10 and the top of the ear 32 such that the hat 10 does not impact/contact the top of the ear 32 with, or without glasses 28 . The hat 10 can be altered to remove a portion of the rim 18 (as in retrofitting existing hats that have the typical uniform circumferential rim found in the prior art—see FIG. 2 ), or the hat 10 can be constructed with a curved, raised, or arched portion 26 of the rim 18 of the hat 10 over the ear area, wherein the rim 18 is appropriately distanced from the ear. [0020] FIG. 3 shows in profile, views of three different configurations of the hat 10 of the present invention. In particular, FIG. 4 is a close up view of version 1 of the hat 10 shown in in FIG. 3 . The hat 10 includes a bill 12 , dome 14 , and a plurality of panels 16 that terminate in a button 20 . The rim 18 includes curved sections 26 over each ear to easily accommodate the tines 30 of glasses 28 without any interference by the hat 10 . Eyelets 32 in the panels 16 are provided for ventilation. The inside of the dome 14 of the hat 10 at the back has an elastic band 36 . The band 36 gently resists expansion when the hat 10 is worn in order to provide a comfortable and secure fit. Further, the back of the dome 14 of the hat 10 is curved or sloped to match the contour of the users head to provide a better and more secure fit. [0021] The seams of the panels 16 are generally stitched (with a single needle top stitch), and the seams are pressed to one side for comfort. A contrast band 38 secures to the inside bottom of the dome 14 and is secured with single needle edge stich. [0022] FIG. 5 is a close up view of version 2 of the hat 10 shown in FIG. 3 . The hat 10 includes a bill 12 , dome 14 , and a plurality of panels 16 that terminate in a button 20 . The rim 18 includes curved sections 26 over each ear to easily accommodate the tines 30 of glasses 28 without any interference by the hat 10 . The hat 10 further comprises a fastener 24 , which allows the hat 10 to be adjusted to the user's head size. Fastener 24 is a double ring through which a strap is threaded for a controlled and adjustable fit. The configuration of the panels 16 varies from that of the hat 10 of FIG. 4 . [0023] FIG. 6 is a close up view of version 3 of the hat 10 shown in in FIG. 3 . The hat 10 includes a bill 12 , dome 14 , a plurality of panels 16 , but does not terminate in a button as shown in the other versions. The rim 18 includes curved sections 26 over each ear to easily accommodate the tines 30 of glasses 28 without any interference by the hat 10 . The configuration of the panels 16 varies from the other versions in that the panels are more circumferential in orientation rather than radial (as in version 1 and 2 ). [0024] The hat 10 includes a fastener 24 , which is an elastic band that compresses to varying degrees based on the size of the user's head. [0025] The prior art included hats that have pockets or slots in the hat to receive the tines of a glasses, however, this does not solve the problem as the glasses are now tight against the users head, and it complicates the manufacture of the hat. Further, these designs generally are for storing glasses when not worn and would not be or any use when the user actually wears the glasses. Also, while not addressing the problem solved by the present invention, these designs may negatively affect the aesthetics of the hat in the mind of many users. The present invention solves these problems by allow the user to wear a hat and wear glasses in the same manner as if the hat was not present. Also, the appearance of the hat is not negatively affected; in fact, the hat can even be more attractive in appearance. Because less material is used the hat should be incrementally less expensive to manufacture. [0026] Unless otherwise defined, all technical and scientific terms used herein have the same meaning as commonly understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to which this invention belongs. Although methods and materials similar to or equivalent to those described herein can be used in the practice or testing of the present invention, suitable methods, and materials are described below. All publications, patent applications, patents, and other references mentioned herein are incorporated by reference in their entirety to the extent allowed by applicable law and regulations. In case of conflict, the present specification, including definitions, will control. [0027] The present invention may be embodied in other specific forms without departing from the spirit or essential attributes thereof, and it is therefore desired that the present embodiment be considered in all respects as illustrative and not restrictive, reference being made to the appended claims rather than to the foregoing description to indicate the scope of the invention. Those of ordinary skill in the art that have the disclosure before them will be able to make modifications and variations therein without departing from the scope of the invention. For example, the invention can be used with any style of hat that encloses the area around or above the ear such as baseball hats, leather hats, barmah hats, panama hats, ascot caps, bowlers, pork pie hats, sun hats, straw hats, top hats, western hats, travel hats, safari hats, helmets, flat hats, berets, fezzes, fisherman caps, cadet hats, military hats, and the like.
This invention relates to a hat. In particular, to a hat adapted for clearance around the ears.
This application is a division of pending prior Application Ser. No. 08/224,604, filed Apr. 7, 1994, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,719,241. TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to a method for preparing polyolefins having a bi- or multimodal molecular weight distribution. This invention also relates to a polyolefin polymerization catalyst system. This invention further relates to a method for preparing an olefin polymerization catalyst system. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Polyolefins having a multimodal molecular weight distribution (MWD) can be converted into articles by extrusion molding, thermoforming, rotational molding, etc. and have advantages over typical polyolefins lacking the multimodal MWD. Polyolefins having a multimodal MWD may be processed more easily, i.e. they can be processed at a faster throughput rate with lower energy requirements and at the same time such polymers evidence reduced melt flow perturbations and are preferred due to improved properties for applications such as high strength films. There are several known methods for producing polyolefins having a multimodal MWD; however, each method has its own disadvantages. Polyolefins having a multimodal MWD can be made by employing two distinct and separate catalysts in the same reactor each producing a polyolefin having a different MWD; however, catalyst feed rate is difficult to control and the polymer particles produced are not uniform in size, thus, segregation of the polymer during storage and transfer can produce non-homogeneous products. A polyolefin having a bimodal MWD can also be made by sequential polymerization in two separate reactors or by blending polymers of different MWD during processing; however, both of these methods increase capital cost. European Patent No. 0128045 discloses a method of producing polyethylene having a broad molecular weight distribution and/or a multimodal MWD. The polyethylenes are obtained directly from a single polymerization process in the presence of a catalyst system comprising two or more metallocenes each having different propagation and termination rate constants, and aluminoxane. There are certain limits to the known methods for preparing bimodal molecular weight distribution or multimodal molecular weight distribution polyolefins. Even under ideal conditions the gel permeation chromatograph curves don't show a marked bimodal MWD of the polyolefin. The MWD and shear rate ratios of the polymer and the catalyst activity disclosed in the known methods are rather poor. Further the known metallocene catalyst systems for producing bimodal MWD use aluminoxane as cocatalyst during the polymerization which causes severe fouling inside the reactor and renders the use of such a type of catalyst in continuous processes almost impossible. It is therefore not surprising that none of the known methods for producing a multimodal MWD polyolefin from a single polymerization process in the presence of a catalytic system comprising at least two metallocenes have been developed at an industrial scale. It is an object of the present invention to provide for a new process for preparing polyolefins having a multimodal molecular weight distribution. It is an object of the present invention to provide a new high activity polymerization catalyst system. It is a further object of the present invention to provide for a new process for preparing the polymerization catalyst system of the present invention. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In accordance with the present invention, polyolefins having a multimodal or at least bimodal molecular weight distribution are prepared by contacting in a reaction mixture under polymerization conditions at least one olefin, a catalyst system comprising (a) a supported catalyst-component comprising an alumoxane and at least two metallocenes containing the same transition metal and selected from mono, di, and tri-cyclopentadienyls and substituted cyclopentadienyls, of a transition metal wherein at least one of the metallocenes is bridged and at least one of the metallocenes is unbridged and (b) a cocatalyst. While alumoxane can be used as a cocatlyst, the Applicant has found that is was not necessary to use alumoxane as cocatalyst during the polymerization procedure for preparing polyolefins according to the process of the present invention. Further the use of alumoxane as a cocatlyst during the polymerization may lead to the fouling of the reactor. According to a preferred embodiment of the present invention, one or more cocatalysts represented by the formula MR X are used, wherein M is a metal selected from Al, B, Zn, Li and Mg, each R is the same or different and is selected from halides or from alkoxy or alkyl groups having from 1 to 12 carbon atoms and x is from 1 to 3. Especially suitable cocatalysts are trialkylaluminium selected from trimethylaluminium, triethylaluminium, triisobutylaluminium, tri-n-hexylaluminium or tri-n-octylaluminium, the most preferred being triisobutylaluminium. In accordance with the present invention the broadness of the molecular weight distribution and the average molecular weights can be controlled by selecting the catalyst system. In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, this control is also preferred by the introduction of some amount of hydrogen during polymerization. Another preferred embodiment of the present invention implies the use of a comonomer for this control; examples of comonomer which can be used include 1-olefins such as 1-butene, 1-hexane, 1-octene, 4-methyl-pentene, and the like, the most preferred being 1-hexene. It has unexpectedly been found that the polymerization process can be conducted under slurry phase polymerization conditions and this constitutes a real advantage of the process of the present invention. While slurry phase polymerization may be conducted under well known operating conditions, it is preferred that it is operated at a temperature of about 20 to 125° C. and a pressure of about 0.1 to 5.6 MPa for a time between 10 minutes and 4 hours. Another advantage of the present invention is that a continuous reactor can be used for conducting the polymerization. This continuous reactor is preferably a loop reactor. During the polymerization process, the olefin monomer(s), the catalytic system, the cocatalyst and a diluent are flowed in admixture through the reactor. A further advantage of the present invention is that the bulk density of the polymer obtained by the process of the present invention is particularly high. The bulk density is an important characteristic of the polymer. The bulk density, commonly expressed in terms of grams per cubic centimeters, should be relatively high. If the bulk density is too low, the polymer will tend to be fluffy and will tend to cause plugging and handling problems in the product transfer system. Low bulk densities mean problems for fluff packaging and for the extrusion processing. This is particularly important in a continuous or a semi-continuous polymerization where plugging of the withdrawal outlet or another point in the polymerization system can cause serious interruptions in production schedules. According to the present invention when hydrogen is used it is preferred that the relative amounts of hydrogen and olefin introduced into the polymerization reactor be within the range of about 0.001 to 15 mole percent hydrogen and 99.999 to 85 mole percent olefin based on total hydrogen and olefins present, preferably about 0.2 to 3 mole percent hydrogen and 99.8 to 97 mole percent olefin. It is preferred that the polymerization reaction be run in a diluent at a temperature at which the polymer remains as a suspended solid in the diluent. Diluents include, for examples, isobutane, n-hexane, n-heptane, methylcyclohexane, n-pentane, n-butane, n-decane, cyclohexane and the like. The preferred diluent is isobutane. The olefin monomer used in the process of the present invention to produce a polyolefin of bimodal of multimodal molecular weight distribution in which each polymer particle contains both high and low molecular weight polymer molecules is preferably selected from ethylene and mono-1-olefins (alpha olefins), preferably mono-1-olefins having from 2 to 10 carbon atoms including for example, 4-methyl-1-pentene. More preferably these mono-1-olefins are selected from the group consisting of ethylene, propylene, and mixtures thereof; ethylene being the most preferred. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram showing one embodiment of the present invention. FIGS. 2 through 20 are graphs showing the corresponding results for Examples 5 through 23, respectively, set forth in Table 2. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION According to the present invention, the supported catalyst-component used in the process for producing polyolefins having multimodal molecular weight distribution can be made by any known method as long as it comprises an alumoxane and at least two metallocenes containing the same transition metal wherein at least one of the metallocenes is bridged and at least one of the metallocenes is unbridged. Known processes of producing these types of catalysts are disclosed in European Patent No. 0206794, the content of which is incorporated by reference. This patent discloses a catalyst-component comprising the reaction product of at least one metallocene and alumoxane in the presence of a support material thereby providing a supported metallocene-alumoxane reaction product as the sole catalyst component. The metallocenes used in the process of the present invention are organometallic coordination compounds which are cyclopentadienyl derivatives of a Group 4b, 5b or 6b metal of the Periodic Table and include mono, di and tricyclopentadienyls and their derivatives of the transition metals. Particularly desirable are the metallocene of a Group 4b and 5b metal such as titanium, zirconium, hafnium and vanadium. The preferred metallocenes can be represented by the general formulae: I. (Cp) m MR n X q wherein Cp is a cyclopentadienyl ring, M is a Group 4b, 5b, or 6b transition metal, R is a hydrocarbyl group or hydrocarboxy having from 1 to 20 carbon atoms, X is a halogen, and m=1-3, n=0-3, q=0-3 and the sum of m+n+q will be equal to the oxidation state of the metal. II. (C 5 R′ k ) g R″ s (C 5 R′ k )MQ 3-g and III. R″ s (C 5 R′ k ) 2 MQ′ wherein (C 5 R′ k ) is a cyclopentadienyl or substituted cyclopentadienyl, each R′ is the same or different and is hydrogen or hydrocarbyl radical such as alkyl, alkenyl, aryl, alkylaryl, or arylalkyl radical containing from 1 to 20 carbon atoms or two carbon atoms are joined together to form a C 4 -C 6 ring, R″ is a C 1 -C 4 alkylene radical, a dialkyl germanium or silicon or siloxane, or an alkyl phosphine or amine radical bridging two (C 5 R′ k ) rings, Q is a hydrocarbyl radical such as aryl, alkyl, alkenyl, alkylaryl, or aryl alkyl radical having from 1-20 carbon atoms, hydrocarboxy radical having 1-20 carbon atoms or halogen and can be the same or different from each other, Q′ is an alkylidiene radical having from 1 to about 20 carbon atoms, s is 0 or 1, g is 0, 1 or 2, s is 0 when g is 0, k is 4 when s is 1 and k is 5 when s is 0, and M is as defined above. Exemplar hydrocarbyl radicals are methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl, amyl, isoamyl, hexyl, isobutyl, heptyl, octyl, nonyl, decyl, cetyl, 2-ethylhexyl, phenyl and the like. Example halogen atoms include chlorine, bromine, fluorine and iodine and of these halogen atoms, chlorine is preferred. Exemplary hydrocarboxy radicals are methoxy, ethoxy, propoxy, butoxy, amyloxy and the like. Exemplary of the alkylidiene radicals is methylidene, ethylidene and propylidene. According to a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the catalyst-component comprises at least two metallocenes deposited on a support wherein: At least one of the metallocenes is unbridged and is represented by the formula (Cp) 2 MX 2 wherein each Cp is the same or different and is selected from substituted or unsubstituted cyclopentadienyl, indenyl or fluorenyl, M is zirconium, titanium or hafnium and X, which is the same or different, is a hydrocarbyl radical such as aryl, alkyl, alkenyl, alkylaryl, or aryl alkyl radical having from 1-20 carbon atoms or a halogen. At least one of the metallocenes is bridged and is represented by the formula R″(Cp) 2 MW 2 wherein each Cp is the same or different and is selected from substituted or unsubstituted cyclopentadienyl, indenyl or fluorenyl, M is zirconium, titanium or hafnium, X, which is the same or different, is a hydrocarbyl radical such as aryl, alkyl, alkenyl, alkylaryl, or aryl alkyl radical having from 1-20 carbon atoms or a halogen and R″ is a C 1 -C 4 alkylene radical, a dialkyl germanium or silicon or siloxane, or an alkyl phosphine or amine radical bridging two (Cp) rings. Preferably, in the above-identified formulae, for the unbridged metallocene Cp is a substituted or unsubstituted cyclopentadienyl or indenyl, M is zirconium, titanium or hafnium and X is Cl or CH 3 , and for the bridged metallocene Cp is a substituted or unsubstituted cyclopentadienyl, indenyl or fluorenyl, M is zirconium, titanium or hafnium, X is Cl or CH 3 and R″ is an ethylene radical or silicon. Preferably, the unbridged metallocene is a bis(cyclopentadienyl) zirconium dichloride and the bridged metallocene is an ethylene-bis(indenyl) zirconium dichloride. The molar ratio of the unbridged metallocenes to the bridged metallocenes can vary over a wide range, and in accordance with the present invention, the only limitation on the molar ratio is the breadth of the molecular weight distribution (MWD) and the degree of bimodality desired in the product polymer. Preferably, the unbridged to bridged metallocenes molar ratio will be between 10:1 and 1:10, preferably between 5:1 and 1:5, more preferably between 4:1 and 2:1. The alumoxanes used in the process of the present invention are well known and preferably comprise oligomeric linear and/or cyclic alkyl alumoxanes represented by the formula: wherein n is 1-40, preferably 10-20, m is 3-40, preferably 3-20 and R is a C 1 -C 8 alkyl group and preferably methyl. Generally, in the preparation of alumoxanes from, for example, aluminum trimethyl and water, a mixture of linear and cyclic compounds is obtained. The support used in the process of the present invention can be any of the solid, particularly, porous supports such as talc, inorganic oxides, and resinous support materials such as polyolefin. Preferably, the support material is an inorganic oxide in its finely divided form. Suitable inorganic oxide materials which are desirably employed in accordance with this invention include Group 2a, 3a, 4a or 4b metal oxides such as silica, alumina and mixtures thereof. Other inorganic oxides that may be employed either alone or in combination with the silica or alumina are magnesia, titania, zirconia, and the like. Other suitable support materials, however, can be employed, for example, finely divided functionalized polyolefins such as finely divided polyethylene. Preferably, the support is a silica having a surface area comprised between 200 and 600 m 2 /g and a pore volume comprise between 0.5 and 3 ml/g. The amount of alumoxane and metallocenes usefully employed in the preparation of the solid support catalyst can very over a wide range. Preferably the aluminum to transition metal mole ratio is comprised between 1:1 and 100:1, preferably between 5:1 and 50:1. The order of addition of the metallocenes and alumoxane to the support material can vary. In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention alumoxane dissolved in a suitable inert hydrocarbon solvent is added to the support material slurried in the same or other suitable hydrocarbon liquid and thereafter a mixture of the at least two metallocenes is added to the slurry. According to a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the supported component catalyst is prepared by mixing together the unbridged metallocene alumoxane supported catalyst with the bridged metallocene alumoxane supported catalyst. Preferred solvents include mineral oils and the various hydrocarbons which are liquid at reaction temperatures and which do not react with the individual ingredients. Illustrative examples of the useful solvents include the alkanes such as pentane, iso-pentane, hexane, heptane, octane and nonane; cycloalkanes such as cyclopentane and cyclohexane, and aromatics such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and diethylbenzene. Preferably the support material is slurried in toluene and the metallocene and alumoxane are dissolved in toluene prior to addition to the support material. The following examples are illustrative of the claimed invention and should not be interpretive as limiting the scope thereof. EXAMPLES 1. Catalyst preparation (A) The support used is a silica having a surface area of 322 m 2 /g (GRACE 952). This silica is further prepared by drying in high vacuum on a schlenk line for three hours to remove the physically absorbed water and then suspended in toluene to react with methyl alumoxane (MAO) for three hours at the reflux temperature. Finally it is cooled and washed three times with toluene to remove the unreacted MAO. A solution of the two corresponding metallocenes in toluene is added to the treated silica and the mixture is stirred for an hour. The supernatant liquid was filtered off and the remaining solid was dried under vacuum after being washed three times with toluene. Three minutes before the introduction of the catalyst into the reaction zone 1 ml of 25 wt % of triisobutylaluminium (TIBAL) in toluene is added. All polymerizations were performed in a two liter Buchi reactor in one liter of iso-butane as diluent. 2. Polymerization procedure (A) A suspension of supported catalyst is introduced into the reactor under the iso-butane pressure. The polymerization is initiated by pressurizing the reactor with 30 bars of ethylene. The ethylene pressure is maintained during the whole duration of the polymerization. The polymerization is stopped by cooling the reactor and venting the ethylene. The polymer is recovered and analyzed. The catalyst type, the polymerization conditions and the polymer properties are given in Table 1. 3. Catalyst preparation (B) The two supports used are MAO supported silica identical to the one prepared in method (A) hereabove. (a) a solution of (Cp) 2 ZrCl 2 in toluene is deposited on the first support by stirring the resulting suspension for one hour at ambient temperature. The supernatant liquid was filtered off and the remaining solid was dried under vacuum after being washed three times with toluene. (b) a solution of (Ind) 2 ZrCl 2 in toluene is deposited on the second support by stirring the resulting suspension for one hour at ambient temperature. The supernatant liquid was filtered off and the remaining solid was dried under vacuum after being washed three times with toluene. (c) the two separately obtained supported metallocenes (a) and (b) were mixed together in a 2:1 weight ratio ((a):(b)). 4. Polymerization procedure (B) The reactor used in all examples has a capacity of 35 liters and is continuously agitated. This continuous reactor is first filled with isobutane at a pressure of 40 bars. Then, as indicated in FIG. 1, a suspension of supported catalyst (1), isobutane (2), TIBAL (3), hexene (4), ethylene (5) and hydrogen (6) are continuously introduced into the reactor. The polymers are recovered at (9). All polymers were analyzed by Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC-WATERS MILLIPORE) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). The graphs are given in FIGS. 2 to 20 (FIGS. 2 to 20 respectively correspond to examples 5 to 23 of Table 2). “D” represents the ratio Mw/Mn (MWD), “D′” the ratio Mz/Mw and “A” the area under the curve. The polymerization conditions and the polymer properties are given in Table 2. TABLE 1 Catalyst Hexene Hydrogen Yield Activity Bulk (1) MI 2 (2) HLMI (3) Example (mg) type (ml) (Nl) (g) (g/g.h) (g/cc) (g/10′) (g/10′) SRR (4) 1 52 (B) 10 4.5 100 1025 0.3 (a) (a) (b) 99 (A) 2 50 (B) 10 1 135 1126 0.27 1.15 49.5 43.04 100 (A) 3 (x) 50 (B) 10 2.5 120 946 0.3 0.61 23.9 39.18 100 (A) 4 50 (B) 5 1 170 662 0.25 0.58 22.3 38.44 100 (A) (A) bis(cyclopentadienyl) zirconium dichloride (B) ethylene-bis(indenyl) zirconium dichloride (x) precontact time of 45 minutes between catalyst and cocatalyst before polymerization (1) Bulk Density (ASTM-D-1895) (2) Melt Index (ASTM-D-1238-89A) (3) High Load Melt Index (ASTM-D-1238-89A) (4) Shear Rate Response (HLMI/MI 2 ) (a) too high to be measured (b) non determined Catalyst Density (1) Mz Mw Mn MP (2) H (3) Example (mg) type (g/cc) x10E3 x10E3 x10E3 MWD (° C.) (J/g) 1 52 (B) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) 127.8 192 99 (A) 2 50 (B) 0.9521 (b) (b) (b) (b) 131 180 100 (A) 3 (x) 50 (B) 0.9518 1100 137 12 11 132.3 189.5 100 (A) 4 50 (B) 0.9408 1230 132 15.5 8.5 133 191.2 100 (A) (A) bis(cyclopentadienyl) zirconium dichloride (B) ethylene-bis(indenyl) zirconium dichloride (x) precontact time of 45 minutes between catalyst and cocatalyst before polymerization (1) ASTM-D-1505-85 (2) Melting Point (DSC) (3) Enthalpy of fusion (DSC) (b) non determined TABLE 2 Cata TIBAL i-C 4 C 2 C 6 H 2 Bulk (1) MI (2) HLMI (3) D (5) Mz Mw Mn Ex (g/h) (g/h) (kg/h) (kg/h) (cc/h) (Nl/h) (g/cc) (g/10′) (g/10′) SRR (4) (g/cc) x10E3 x10E3 x10E3 MWD 5 4.5 7.2 18 3 0 33 0.38 0.22 45.9 204 0.965 2213 254 7.7 33.0 6 4.5 7.2 18 2.5 0 14 0.37 0.12 30.6 251 0.963 2492 300 9.0 33.3 7 4.5 7.2 18 2.5 0 15 0.37 0.05 13.9 259 0.965 2699 357 10.2 35.0 8 4.5 7.2 18 2.5 0 15 0.35 0.05 13.6 300 0.964 2868 381 10.2 37.4 9 4.5 7.2 16 2 268 15 0.38 0.07 15.7 225 0.958 2644 337 9.4 35.7 10 4.5 7.2 16 2 265 15 0.39 0.09 23.9 266 0.959 2486 323 9.4 34.5 11 4.5 7.2 16 2 270 15 0.39 0.08 24.0 312 0.958 2390 307 9.0 34.1 12 4.5 7.2 16 2 274 15 0.39 0.11 24.8 232 0.958 2402 308 9.1 33.8 13 4.5 7.2 16 2 268 15 0.39 0.10 24.5 255 0.959 2437 325 9.7 33.6 Catalyst preparation (B) (1) Bulk Density (ASTM-D-1895) (2) Melt Index (ASTM-D-1238-89A) (3) High Load Melt Index (ASTM-D-1238-89A) (4) Shear Rate Response (HLMI/MI 2 ) (5) Density (ASTM-D-1505-85) TIBAL triisobutylaluminium, i-C 4 isobutane, C 2 ethylene, C 6 hexene Cata TIBAL i-C 4 C 2 C 6 H 2 Bulk (1) MI 2 (2) HLMI (3) D (5) Mz Mw Mn Ex (g/h) (g/h) (kg/h) (kg/h) (cc/h) (Nl/h) (g/cc) (g/10′) (g/10′) SRR (4) (g/cc) x10E3 x10E3 x10E3 MWD 14 4.5 7.2 18 2 0 0 0.30 0.16 11.8 74 0.951 2068 216 19.3 11.2 15 4.5 7.2 18 2 0 0 0.28 0.08 6.5 80 0.951 2569 264 26.3 10.0 16 4.5 7.2 18 2 0 0 0.28 0.14 9.6 69 0.951 1751 198 18.7 10.6 17 4.5 7.2 18 2.5 198 0 0.30 0.09 7.4 80 0.945 2419 270 27.0 10.0 18 4.5 7.2 18 2.5 200 0 0.30 0.07 6.1 94 0.941 2498 282 29.0 9.7 19 4.5 7.2 18 2.5 205 0 0.30 0.05 5.6 110 0.941 2488 238 30.1 9.6 20 4.5 7.2 18 2.5 207 0 0.30 0.05 5.1 97 0.939 2257 270 32.0 8.4 21 4.5 7.2 16 2 202 10 0.30 0.13 11.4 87 0.945 2341 230 18.3 13.7 22 4.5 7.2 16 2 210 10 0.30 0.11 9.1 78 0.946 2653 261 19.0 13.8 23 4.5 7.2 16 2 200 12 0.29 0.10 7.9 78 0.942 2162 247 23.6 10.5 Catalyst preparation (B) (1) Bulk Density (ASTM-D-1895) (2) Melt Index (ASTM-D-1238-89A) (3) High Load Melt Index (ASTM-D-1238-89A) (4) Shear Rate Ratio (HLMI/MI 2 ) (5) Density (ASTM-D-1505-85) TIBAL triisobutylaluminium, i-C 4 isobutane, C 2 ethylene, C 6 hexene
The present invention provides a process for preparing polyolefins having a multimodal or at least bimodal molecular weight distribution by contacting in a reaction mixture under polymeriation conditions at least one olefin and a catalyst system comprising a supported catalyst-component comprising an alumoxane and at least two metallocenes containing the same transition metal and selected from the group consisting of mono, di, and tri-cyclopentadienyls and substituted cyclopentadienyls of a transition metal and wherein at least one of the metallocenes is bridged and at least one of the metallocenes is unbridged.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention concerns a process for preparing cellulose pulp. According to such a process a fiber-based-starting material is delignified in cooking liquor containing cooking chemicals to yield pulp, and the obtained pulp is bleached if desired. This invention also relates to an apparatus for the pretreatment of raw material for pulping processes to enhance delignifiability. Recent development in the pulp industry has resulted in ever greater and more expensive investments. The most modem pulp mills already produce over 2000 metric tons of pulp per day. The cost of such mills is about FIM 4-5 billion, and there are not many customers in the world who can take such an enormous technological and economic risk. In the future, the ever increasing environmental pressures will introduce new risk factors as well. Logistics, the transportation of raw materials and products worldwide, constitutes both a cost factor and an environmental risk. One of the disadvantages of the big mills is that they require quite homogeneous raw material. Raw material with varying fibre properties cannot be fed into the cooking process without adverse effects on the pulp properties. There are thousands of environmentally less friendly small pulp mills in the world, especially in Asia. The general development in the industry has not reached these areas, because it has not been regarded as profitable to develop environmentally friendly small-scale mills by the major suppliers of technology. However, in the recent years, the interest in these small mills facing closing down has increased. As regards the raw material base, they are more flexible than larger mills. Thus, almost 15% of all pulp is made from annual plants, non-wood fiber material, in such small scale pulp mills. Annual plants have the advantage as raw material that they are easy to cook in a homogeneous manner. Contrary to this, it is typical of pulping processes based on the use of wood chips that the surface and the inner parts of the chips become treated differently. The surface zone is “overcooked” and the inside remains “raw”. A similar phenomenon occurs if the starting material for pulping processes comprises a combination of annual and perennial plants, the annual ones being cooked with considerable ease in comparison to the perennial ones. The average quality achieved during grinding (refining) is a combination of fibers with different degrees of ripeness. In mechanical pulping processes, in which the raw material is subjected to mechanical impacts, the pulping effect achieved is more even than in the case of chemical pulping. For example, the grinding effect of a grinding stone on the surface layer of wood is equal to that imposed on the fibres of the inner layer during the preparation of ground wood pulp. In order to cause the lignin glueing together the fibers in the wood chips to dissolve throughout during chemical pulping, it is necessary to cook the chips at an elevated temperature and pressure. Thus, the cooking installation with a pressure cooking vessel will be quite expensive, wherefore only the above-cited large mills (>400 000 tons of pulp/year) are economically profitable using known techniques. It would be ideal to arranger such conditions for chemical pulp production that each fiber in the wood material receives identical treatment. This is well known, but no suitable method in which the fiber structure is not broken down too extensively has been discovered. The object of this invention is thus to provide an entirely novel approach to the preparation of pulp by a chemical pulping process. More specifically, it is the object of this invention to provide a method which causes the pulping process to become homogeneous in such a way that the strength properties of the fibers are retained. This being the case, so called wood material of lesser value (such as alder, aspen and mixed tropical hardwood) can be used for the preparation of usable pulp. This invention is based on the principle that wood chips or similar lignocellulosic raw material is precrushed to cause its structure to become open. The precrushing according to this invention is performed in a pulsating manner, with the aid of pressure shocks in the cooking liquour, which causes the fiber structure of the raw material to become efficiently impregnated with the cooking liquour due to the alternation of elevated and reduced pressure action during the crushing stage. The fibers start becoming cooked already in connection with the pretreatment, and the invention provides a three-stage cooking process, in which the raw material separates into fibers during all the three stages, presoaking, crushing and cooking. By using the same liquor (possibly diluted with water during the pretreatment stage) it is also possible to facilitate the handling and regeneration of liquids in the process. Some techniques for precrushing wood chips are previously known in the art. These have been described in the following patent specifications: FR 2 276 420, FI 70937, FI 77699, FI 94968 and SE 461 796. In prior art apparatuses, the chips are usually pressed between two rolls in order to cause the chips to become crushed or to facilitate impregnation by liquids. An apparatus consisting of two pairs of rolls positioned on top of each other is described in Fl Patent Specification No. 94968, in which apparatus an “agressive” profile is formed on the surface of the rolls. This kind of serrated profile causes sharp, cutting surfaces that cut fibers and weaken the strength properties of the raw material to be treated. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In the present invention the inventors have sought to avoid the cutting mechanical action associated with the techniques known in the art, and to cause the breaking action to be in the direction of the length of the fibers. Therefore, the rolls for the crushing treatment of raw material in the apparatus according to the invention have toothed grooves which wind in a spiral manner on the surface of their outer mantles and consist of grooves and ridges. The walls of the grooves are continuous. By varying the efficiency of the crushing treatment, this invention can be applied both in the case of perennial fibers (wood chips) and in the case of material from annual plants. With the aid of this invention wood fibers can be caused to be after heavy treatment in a similar state as fibers from annual plants after mild treatment, in which case they can be cooked together or by using the same processing apparatus without danger of overcooking the latter fibers. The invention has several advantages. Thus, conventional cooking methods for pulping can be considerably simplified and made less extensive. The capital expenditure can also be considerably reduced, which renders small pulp mills (less than 150 000 tons per annum) profitable. Raw material of lesser quality can be used to prepare pulp of better quality than is possible by the known methods. An essential aspect of the invention relates to its application to previously known pulping processes to provide the advantages described herein above. In order to achieve a good cooking result, it is sufficient to use essentially milder cooking conditions (pressure and temperature) than in conventional pulping of wood chips. Therefore, temperatures in the range of 90-110° C., depending on the cooking chemicals even 70-100° C., and normal atmospheric pressure or possibly a slightly elevated pressure are sufficient. The excess pressure is typically about 1.001-2, preferably about 1.01-1.5, and most preferably about 1.05-1.25 bar (absolute pressure). Removal of air from the pulp can be made more efficient and the effect of temperature on the cooking process can be enhanced, for example, in the screw cooker described below, by cooking under reduced pressure. Expressed as an absolute pressure, the pressure is less than 1 bar, most suitably greater than about 0.5 bar and preferably about 0.7-0.9 bar. Consequently, compared to the conditions in sulphate pulping of wood chips (160-170° C., 4-8 bar) the entire process apparatus can be renovated. Correspondingly, in so called normal pulping, the pretreatment of the invention obtains stronger pulp. In this invention the problems with respect to homogeneity in chemical pulping have been solved by treating the fibers of the raw material of pulp mechanically, which has a homogenising effect that renders the fiber material more easily accessible to the cooking chemicals. Due to the homogeneity and milder than normal cooking conditions of the pulping process the cellulose fibers are not cleaved, and thus, they do not lose a significant part of their specific strength as is the case in normal pulping processes. It is well known that the degree of bleaching is determined by the fibers in which the lignin (mucilage) content is high. The pulp provided by the present invention is bleached more readily and in an environmentally friendlier manner, due to its homogeneity, than conventional pulps. The process described herein can be performed in a separate installation, but it is also excellently suitable for integration into an existing sulphate pulp mill. The pretreatment of material into wood mass provides possibilities to perform mild pulping in a very gentle manner and by retaining properties of the individual fibers of the wood material. The method provides considerable economic profits and advantages for environmental protection, for example, by making it possible to use wood of lesser value/quality in a useful manner. An interesting embodiment of the invention provides for the cooking of waste from saw mills and plywood/chipboard production plants operating in tropical areas and leavings and chippings after timber cutting according to the technique made possible by this invention, whereby the cooking is carried out in small pulp mills (50 000-100 000 tons/year) to yield pulp which is further integrated into paper/board manufacturing. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The invention is described in detail in the following and with reference to the enclosed figures. FIG. 1 shows a schematic drawing of the operating principle of the apparatus of the invention; FIG. 2 shows a transverse section of the wash tank viewed from above; FIG. 3 shows a transverse section of the crusher viewed from the side; and FIG. 4 shows a transverse section III—III of the crusher. As described herein above, the invention comprises a two-fold object: 1) the structure of wood material is opened up in such a manner that all fibers receive similar treatment during pulping; annual plants and bamboo are treated according to the same method, but under milder conditions; and 2) the fiber mass is subjected to pulping under mild conditions by applying existing technology, with, for example, lye, formic acid (as in the MILOX process) or alcohol (ethanol) as the effective chemical, and whereafter the pulp can be bleached (with oxygen/peroxide) or used as such for manufacturing packing board, for example. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS According to a preferred embodiment of the invention, cellulose pulp is prepared from conventional wood chips. The chip size is typically such that each chip is about 5-50 mm long (for example 10-30 mm) and 2-20 mm in thickness (for example, 5-15 mm). The chip can be sorted or unsorted, and the raw material used according to the invention can also be shavings, splinters and similar waste from mechanical forestry/wood industry. The wood material can be from domestic species, such as pine, spruce, birch, alder and aspen, but the chips can also be produced from other kinds of wood, including such as eucalyptus, maple and mixed tropical hardwood. The invention can also be applied to annual plants, such as straws from grain crops, reed canary-grass, reeds and bagasse. When using wood, it is cut to chips in a manner that as such is known in the art, whereafter the chips, with a relative humidity of 30-50%, are subjected to a pretreatment according to the invention, in which they are washed at a temperature of 30-95° C., preferably in the range of about 40-80° C., with cooking liquor to remove sand and the like, typically silicate based impurities. During the washing stage the wood chips begin to become impregnated with liquid. The cooking liquor used consists of the same liquid as is used in the actual pulping stage. When alcohol is used as the cooking liquid the maximum temperature is most suitably about 60° C. The cooking liquor can be used as such or it can be diluted with water in ratio (cooking liquor/water) 10:1-1:1000, preferably 1:1-1:10, most preferably 1:2-1:5, before treatment. When the cooking liquor is used as such or slightly diluted, delignification can be caused to begin already during the washing step. The cooking liquor used for washing is recycled via a purification step. During purification solid impurities, extracted wood constituents and the like impurities are removed from the liquor, whereafter it can be used again for washing. The chips that have been pretreated with cooking liquor are subjected to mechanical crushing, in which the chips are subjected to repeated, most suitably pulsating, mechanical concussions, which effect a pressure that shapes the fiber structure of the wood material. The pressure causes the structure of the wood to open. Opening of the fiber structure is enhanced by removal of water from the fibers as a result of the pressure shocks directed to the material. Due to the fact that the crushing treatment is performed in liquid, the fibers are impregnated with liquid immediately after the pressure is reduced, that is, in between the strikes of the crusher. The treatment according to the invention is effective in causing the fibers to become evenly impregnated with liquid and the wood structure to become efficiently opened. Also the inner layers of the wood material are impregnated with liquid. In the ideal case, all or almost all the individual fibers receive a similar treatment during pulping, and thus, come into contact with the cooking liquor. The pulsating alternation of excess and reduced pressure states, together with the effect of mechanical crushing, effects the desired opening of the fibrous raw material in such a way that the pulping process can be carried out in a homogeneous manner. The technique used for crushing must not cut the fibers; instead, disintegration takes place in the direction of the length of the fibers. After the treatment described herein above, the fibrous raw material is in the form of homogeneous wood mass, typically as a suspension of water/cooking liquor containing splinter-like raw material (“sludge”). The liquid content of the fiber material (amount of liquid of the dry weight of the fiber) is about 20-80%, in particular about 40-60%, typically about 50%. The treatment of the invention can, most suitably in a slightly milder form, be performed with annual plants. Any suitable apparatus can be used for the crushing treatment, provided it can subject the fibers to a sufficiently strong pressure effect without cutting the fibers. An apparatus that is especially well suitable for the treatment has been shown in FIGS. 1-4. The apparatus according to the invention comprises a wash and mixing tank 2 intended for washing the chips, a feed conveyor 8 for the chips, and a crusher 10 for the chips. The chips are fed to the tank 2 with the aid of, for example, a spiral conveyor 1 . A mixer 3 (rotor) is situated on the bottom of the tank to keep the liquid in continuous motion, to ensure that air bubbles are removed from the chips and that the chips are well impregnated. It is advantageous to form a vortex of liquid inside the tank, which facilitates separation of the chips from solid impurities (as described herein below). Pulpers developed for treatment of recycled paper are an example of mixing tank models that are especially suitable for use according to the invention. Pebbles and other solid impurities are collected from the bottom of the tank 2 into an emptying funnel 4 , from which they can be removed. Washed, wet wood chips are removed via a side exit line 5 and moved to a feed conveyor 8 , 10 . The side exit line extends almost from the bottom of the tank (typically it starts 20-30 cm above the bottom) most suitably to the surface of the liquid. The feed conveyor 8 , 10 comprises, for example, a spiral screw conveyor 8 fitted inside a tube 10 , under which spiral screw a perforated partitioning plate is positioned in order to separate liquid from the chips. The said perforated plate can be changed. Excess wash liquid is drained through the perforated plate and is run off to a recycling tank 6 , from which it is recycled to mixing tank 2 through a pump 7 . Because the tank 2 and the line 10 are in liquid connection with each other, the line is partly filled with liquid. This causes the chips transported with the aid of the spiral conveyor into the crusher to contain as much liquid as possible. A heat exchanger is positioned between the pump and the mixing tank for controlling the temperature of the washing liquor. The cooking liquor separated from the chips after the crushing treatment (as described herein below) is most suitably combined with the recycled wash liquor before the heat exchanger, because it has had time to cool during crushing treatment and purification. A separator 18 can be placed in the pipe line for the separation of sand and the like impurities from the recycled liquor. It is preferable to use a high-consistency separator, which operates in a centrifugal manner. The structure of the side output 5 , according to one preferable embodiment, is presented in more detail in FIG. 2, which shows mixing tank 2 from above. The mixer 3 in the figure is mounted to rotate clockwise, which causes the material to be treated to rotate with the liquid in the same direction. At the side output 5 the wall of the tank is fitted to extend inwards, at least to some extent, that is, towards the centre of the tank on the leading side of the side output 5 (in the flow direction of the liquid). On the leaving edge, the wall is correspondingly extended outwards, which causes the leaving edge to be sheltered by the input edge as can be seen in the figure. This is intended to separate pebbles and other similar heavy solid impurities from the raw material for pulping, as the flow of liquid causes the pebbles to be flung against the wall of the tank and to sink along the wall to the bottom, wherefrom they are removed through the emptying funnel 4 . Because the leading edge of the side output 5 is extended inwards, the pebbles “jump” over the opening of the side output 5 , when they reach this point. On the other hand, lignocellulose raw material is sucked out through the side output due to the flow of liquid effected by the pump 7 , because it is lighter than water. From the input conveyor the chips are directed to the crusher 10 ; 20 , where they are subjected to a crushing treatment. The essential part of the apparatus comprises 2-3 pairs of rolls 11 , 12 , 13 (FIG. 1) and 23 - 25 , 33 - 35 (FIG. 3) with oblique grooves that are positioned in a spiral manner. The axles 30 - 32 of the rolls are fitted with bearings to the frame of the crusher, and the rolls can be turned in opposite directions. The rolls are positioned next to each other in such a manner that their longitudinal axes are, at least essentially, parallel and in a horizontal plane. To guide the chips onto the rollers, guide plates 21 have been fastened to the inner wall of the crusher. The grooves 33 - 35 on the outer mantles of the rollers may comprise ridges winding around the outer surfaces or indentations formed on the mantles of the rollers. The ridges or corresponding indentations are formed in such a manner that inside the opening between the rolls the raw material is subjected to opposite forces that open the structure, which forces are at least essentially in the direction of the fiber. Sharp and cutting edges are to be avoided. Ridges or grooves may preferably be triangular in cross-section or shaped as the letter V upside down. For example, the side that moves material, on the edge of a ridge is preferably not in an angle of 90° with respect to the tangent of the nip, in order to avoid transverse cutting forces. The leaving angle of the ridge with respect to the tangent can be any angle, usually 5-90°. The apical angle of a V-shaped ridge or indentation is most suitably greater than 40°, preferably 45°-120°. Between the rolls, an opening (gap) is formed, the slit dimensions of which can be adjusted by changing the distance of the rolls. The wood/fiber material to be crushed is fed into this gap. One of the rolls in a pair of rolls, for example, 22 , 24 , 26 is equipped with power, in other words, it is connected to a power source, and it rotates, with the aid of the fiber material, the other roll which then in turn rotates in the opposite direction. Seen from the direction of the input of the chips (that is, from above) the rolls rotate against each other. Due to the spiral construction and the opposite directions of rotation of the rolls, the material in the gap is ground to a crushed state. Because there is no contact between the rolls, there is no cleaving/cutting effect on the fiber material. Prefereably, the spirals in the spiral structures of two adjacent rolls are of different handedness. As described herein above, there may be 2 or 3 or even 4 pairs of rolls on top of each other. The fiber mass formed in the crushing treatment on the first pair of rolls 11 ; 22 , 23 falls into the gap of the rolls 12 ; 24 , 25 of the second stage. The second set of rolls comprises rolls which have smaller diameters than the first ones, wherefore their effective pressing surface is smaller, respectively, and the ratio of pressure per unit surface area is greater than in the first pressing stage. The peripheral speed is 2 to 3 times that of the first stage. The grooves of the second stage are less pronounced (that is, the depth of the groove or the height of the ridge is smaller) and the dimensions of the gap smaller than in the first stage. The peripheral speed of the rollers in the first stage is 2-10 m/s. If necessary, the apparatus can comprise a third or fourth pair of rolls ( 13 ; 26 , 27 ) and when desired, the grinding action can be enhanced by placing the grooves more densely on the surfaces of the rolls of the second and the subsequent pairs of rolls. The pulsating elevated/reduced pressure change of state described herein above takes place in the gap of the rolls by the action of spiral grooves (ridges). The gaps of the rolls are selected in such a way that the chips fed in to the apparatus are subjected to an effective crushing action, which does not, however, cause the fibers to be cut. The dimensions of the gap are determined by the particle size and shape of the wood material to be treated. The gap must not be too small, because it is then easily blocked, and it should not be too large, because no crushing action would be achieved. Typically, the gap clearance in the first pressing stage is 0.5-2.5 times the average thickness of the chips. As an example, it can be stated that a gap clearance of 5-20 mm is suitable for the treatment of normal chips (with a thickness of 5-15 mm). When using a crusher of the invention, a “fluid bag”, formed of compressed material, builds up in front of, that is, above the gap of the crusher. As the gap pressure is released the fiber mass absorbs most of the fluid that was pressed out of it before. Therefore, the crushing step is performed within a liquid phase, which minimises the effect of cleaving the fibers. A fraction of the liquid that is released in the pressing step flows with the fiber material and another fraction is directed over the mantle and/or end of the pair of rolls into the next pressing stage below. The inner wall of the pressing apparatus can be fitted with guide plates 36 which direct the liquid flow from one roll into the gap between the next pair of rolls. The wood mass (or wood/plant fiber mass; fiber mass), obtained in the pretreatment, is fed into the pulping stage, for example, with the aid of a spiral conveyor 14 , 15 ; 28 , 29 . There may be several spiral conveyors on the bottom of the crusher. Because the chips are washed and crushed at an elevated temperature, it is advantageous to cause both the tank 2 and the crusher 10 to be closed containers in order to reduce losses of liquid through evaporation. They can be closed, for example, with mantles. In addition to the apparatus described herein above, crushing apparatus developed in the mining industry for crushing minerals, can also be used for performing the crushing step. The method can also be based on utilizing a screw press. According to a preferable embodiment, at least a portion of the liquor flowing together with the chips (or corresponding raw material) is replaced by fresh cooking liquor after the crushing treatment. This can be accomplished by separating 10-80%, preferably about 30-60%, of the cooking liquor after the crusher in a standard output or, for example, in a screw press, whereafter fresh cooking liquor is fed into the spiral conveyor 14 , 15 ; 28 , 29 . The fresh liquor fed into the spiral conveyor can be heated to the pulping temperature (70-110° C., preferably about 90-100° C.), which causes pulping to take place partly already in the spiral conveyor. In fact, the pulper may comprise the said spiral conveyor as is described herein below. In this case, it is fitted with a heating jacket to retain the temperature. The jacket can be heated, for example, with oil. The separated cooking liquor is washed and regenerated when necessary, and returned, for example, into the wash tank of chips, to be used in the washing and impregnation step. It is preferably connected to the recycling line of the wash tank before the heat exchanger 17 . The pretreated raw material can be pulped in a force feed (spiral or coaster) tube conveyor which causes the pulp mass to be in a state of being mixed continuously, or it can be pulped in a conventional batch process. According to a preferable embodiment pulping takes place in a continuously operated force fed tube pulper (which may be horizontal, vertical or reclined) with a cooking temperature of about 70-100° C., preferably about 90-100° C. and at normal atmospheric pressure, slight excess pressure or slightly reduced pressure. Temperature control is effected in an indirect manner either through a heat exchanger or the jacket of the pulper. When operating below normal atmospheric pressure, a pump is connected to the system, in order to cause the spiral conveyor to be under reduced pressure, which expressed as an absolute pressure is at least about 0.1 bar, preferably about 0.5 bar. By separating the crusher from the spiral pulper with a gate feeder or gate feed hopper it is possible to operate at normal atmospheric pressure, even if the spiral pulper is at reduced or elevated pressure. The raw material treated according to the invention is suitable for the preparation of sulphate pulp, sulphite pulp, organosolv pulp, MILOX pulp and semichemical pulp. The cooking chemicals used are primarily sodium sulphide, sodium hydroxide, sodium (bi)carbonate, peroxoformic acid, peroxoacetic acid or alcohol. The invention can be especially preferably applied to pulps that are prepared in a suplhate process or by other alkaline methods, and with processes accomplished by using organic pulping chemicals. In this context the term “sulphate process” is intended to mean a pulping process with cooking chemicals that essentially comprise sodium sulphide and sodium hydroxide. Extended pulping processes can be mentioned as examples of other alkaline pulping processes, based on continuing a conventional suplhate process, until the kappa value of the pulp has been reduced to below 20. These methods typically include a treatment with oxygen. These extended pulp cooking methods include, for example, extended batch cooking (with a pertinent addition of anthraquinone), EMCC (extended modified continuous cook), batch cook, Super-batch/O 2 , MCC/O 2 and extended cook/O 2 . The invention can also be used to prepare sulphite pulp which is cooked either in acidic or neutral or even basic conditions, possibly in the presence of AQ-type or boron containing additives. The fiber material can be used to prepare pulp mass by sulphite/sulphide cook. Cellulose pulp can be prepared also with organic cooking chemicals, by using aliphatic alcohols or carboxylic acids. Aliphatic alcohols are used, for example, in the so-called ORGANOSOLV process. Carboxylic acids and hydrogen peroxide can be used to form mixtures, the active component of which during pulp cooking is an organic peracid. One preferable alternative is so-called MILOX process. This process comprises three stages, in the first of which the lignocellulose containing raw material is first treated with formic acid and a small amount of hydrogen peroxide at a temperature of 60-80° C. In the second stage of the method the principal step for delignification is performed by elevating the temperature to 90-100° C., whereafter the brown pulp is treated in a third stage with a fresh aliquot of formic acid/hydrogen peroxide solution. During all the stages the formic acid concentration is more than 80%. Typical cooking times in the MILOX process are 1-3 hours, but due to the pretreatment of the invention the cooking times can be reduced to about 0.5-1 hours. In addition to or instead of wood chips it is preferable to use annual plants as the raw material for especially the MILOX process, and instead of formic acid it is possible to use acetic acid, whereby the effective component of the cooking liquor is peracetic acid. After precrushing the wood raw material, the cooking process used can be the same as applied to cooking fibers derived from annual plants. After cooking the pulp most of the cooking liquor is separated therefrom with the aid of, for example, a screw press or a filterband press. The cooking liquor is regenerated by using known processes, for example, in a soda recovery boiler or by azeotropic distillation. The pulp mass is washed and subjected to bleaching if desirable, in order to continue delignification in successive steps and in a way that depends on the pulp cooking process. The pulp produced from raw material treated according to the invention can be bleached according to a method that is known as such, without chlorine and/or with chlorine containing chemicals. Nowadays, bleaching of cellulose pulp is to a large extent based on bleaching chemicals that are free from chlorine gas, such as oxygen, hydrogen peroxide and ozone, as well as chlorine dioxide. Prior to these bleaching steps, heavy metals are removed from the pulp to be bleached by chelating as the heavy metals catalyse rections that are adverse from the point of view of pulp quality. In cellulose pulps the heavy metals are mainly bound to carboxylic acid groups.
The invention relates to a process and apparatus for pretreating pulp raw material, to be subsequently prepared in a chemical pulping process, and for preparing cellulose pulp from a fibrous starting material. According to the process the starting material is delignified to yield a chemical cellulose pulp, and the obtained pulp is bleached when desirable. According to the invention the starting material is crushed in cooking liquor prior to delignification in order to open its fiber structure. The apparatus of the invention comprises a frame ( 21 ), to which to adjacent first rolls ( 12; 22, 23 ) have been fitted, which form a first pair of rolls with the rolls arranged to distance from each other in such a manner that a gap clearance is formed between their outer mantles. The rolls are caused to rotate by a means of power transmission, which causes the raw material to be crushed inside the gap between the rolls where a liquid pocket is formed, from which liquid is absorbed into the fiber material being treated. The invention provides even cooking of the raw material under mild conditions.
The present patent document is a 35 U.S.C. §371 nationalization of PCT Application Serial Number PCT/EP2006/061636 filed Apr. 18, 2006, designating the United States, which is hereby incorporated by reference, which claims the benefit pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §119(e) of German Patent Application No. 10 2005 018 326.3, filed Apr. 20, 2006, which is hereby incorporated by reference. BACKGROUND The present embodiments relate to guided movement of an X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver of an X-ray examination system. An X-ray examination system may be used to perform an X-ray examination. The X-ray examination system may include an X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver. The X-ray examination system is movable into various mounting positions. The X-ray examination system is put in a motion state that is intended for the particular X-ray examination and that typically, depending on the X-ray examination, corresponds to a persistence in or a uniform motion in an intended mounting position. The X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver can move at a resonant frequency that is dependent on the respective mounting position relative to the X-ray examination system, due to vibration that leads to blurriness in an X-ray image prepared during the X-ray examination. To avoid this blurriness, calming times for decaying of the vibration are provided between when the motion state, which is intended for X-ray examination, is reached and when the X-ray image is created. SUMMARY The present embodiments may obviate one or more of the drawbacks of limitations inherent in the related art. For example, in one embodiment, an X-ray examination system, despite a system construction that is capable of vibration, enables an X-ray examination to be performed quickly with the creation of a sharp X-ray image. As a function of at least one previously detected variable that is dependent on a respective mounting position, a set-point guided movement for reaching a motion state, intended for an X-ray examination, of an X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver is ascertained. The set-point guided movement is ascertained such that in an ensuing control of the guided movement of the X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver by a drive device in accordance with the set-point guided movement, an excitation of vibration of the X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver at a resonant frequency is prevented in advance. A calming time for decay of the vibration can be omitted. Blurriness in an X-ray image that can be created in the X-ray examination can be prevented. The set-point guided movement includes control of the course of motion over time of the X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver. A selection of the at least one variable on which the ascertainment of the set-point guided movement is based is made such that the at least one variable permits a conclusion to be drawn about the particular resonant frequency to be expected. This selection depends on the particular use of the control method. The at least one variable can be detected precisely in each case by using the at least one variable in the form of at least one measured variable that is detectable by a measurement. The at least one measured variable may be measured once and before the guided movement and/or in addition repeatedly during the guided movement. The at least one variable can be detected by using the at least one variable in the form of at least one actuating variable that is detectable from a motion control of the X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver. The at least one actuating variable may be ascertained from a motion control, performed before the guided movement, of the X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver that is movable by the drive device, taking an outset position for the motion control into account. The outset position corresponds, for example, to an equipment-specific mounting position to which the X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver is regularly retracted, for example, after each X-ray examination. In one embodiment, an X-ray examination device has an X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver. The X-ray examination device, which is mounted in a way that is vulnerable to vibration, avoids vibration. In one embodiment, an X-ray examination system includes a vertically oriented telescoping tripod. The tripod is displaceable in a horizontal plane. A telescoping end of the tripod can be vertically extended to various extended lengths as a mounting position for the X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver. The X-ray examination system is provided in which the ascertainment of the set-point guided movement of a horizontal displacement position of the telescoping tripod is based on the respective extension lengths as a variable. Since the telescoping tripod mounts the X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver in an exposed position, this mechanical system is especially vulnerable to vibration, so that the control method can be employed. Applying the control method to such an X-ray examination system is simple, given the geometric construction of this X-ray examination system. Only one variable may definitively determine the respective resonant frequency. The X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver is tiltable in its orientation to various tilt angles. The resonant frequency may be determined by taking into account both the extension length and the respective tilt angle as a further variable in ascertaining the set-point guided movement. In a further embodiment, an X-ray examination system includes an above-table or below-table fluoroscope with an examination table that is tiltable at different tilt angles. The X-ray examination system includes one mounting position each below and above the examination table. Each mounting position is longitudinally displaceable, for the X-ray emitter and the X-ray receiver. The ascertainment of the set-point guided movement of the mounting positions is based on the respective tilt angle as a variable. The resonant frequency in an above-table or below-table fluoroscope, whose mounting position can be displaced in height to different spacings relative to the examination table, can be determined by taking into account the tilt angle and the respective spacing as a further variable in ascertaining the set-point guided movement. The mounting position is located above the examination table. In one embodiment, an X-ray examination system includes a C-arm tripod with a C-arm mounting arm that is rotatable by various orbital and/or angulation angles for mounting the X-ray emitter and the X-ray receiver. The ascertainment of the set-point guided movement of the C-arm mounting arm is based on the respective orbital and/or angulation angle as variables. Since the C-arm mounting arm is mounted in an exposed way and itself has a longitudinally extended shape, it represents a mechanical structure that is vulnerable to vibration. A control method may be employed with this structure. In order to avoid taking into account variables that change during the guided movement when the set-point guided movement is being ascertained for a rotation of the C-arm mounting arm, it is typically sufficient, given an exclusively orbital motion, to take only the angulation angle into account, and in exclusively angulation motion to take solely the orbital angle into account. In an X-ray examination system having a C-arm tripod that can be displaced horizontally to various displacement widths, ascertaining the set-point guided movement is referred to a horizontal displacement of the C-arm tripod. For example, a guided movement in which the orbital and the angulation angle remain constant, while only the displacement width changes, so that the resonant frequency determined by the two angles does not change during the displacement. In an X-ray examination system with a C-arm tripod that can be displaced horizontally to various displacement widths, in order to enable horizontal displacement of the C-arm tripod and avoid inducing vibration, the set-point guided movement is ascertained with regard to the horizontal displacement of the C-arm tripod with the X-ray emitter and the X-ray receiver. The respective orbital and angulation angle, which are variables that are definitive for the resonant frequency, may remain constant. Several methods for X-ray examination can apply the control method with the aforementioned X-ray examination system. In one embodiment, an X-ray examination with a prior automatic positioning of the X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver to a constant mounting position may be used for the X-ray examination, and with a motion state in the form of a persistence, lasting for the duration of the X-ray examination, in the intended mounting position. For this motion state, the set-point guided movement for reaching this motion state can be ascertained with little effort and expense. In one embodiment, a motion state in the form of persistence (remaining) in the mounting position and for motion states in the form of a movement of the mounting position can be used. In one embodiment, for example, an X-ray examination may be done using a planigraphy procedure, with a rectilinear motion state at a constant speed. The avoidance of blurriness in planigraphy increases the image quality. The embodiment is effective for improving the image quality. In one embodiment, an angiography procedure is used for an X-ray examination. The angiography procedure includes an incremental displacement of the X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver to various intended mounting positions. A motion state in the form of a temporary persistence in one of the mounting positions enables fast incremental displacement to the respective mounting position without inducing vibration on the part of the X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver. In one embodiment, rotational angiography is used for an X-ray examination. The rotational angiography includes a circular motion state with a constant rotary speed. Using the control method with the rotational angiography creates a vibration-free rotary motion. The vibration-free rotary motion allows a sharp, interference-free, three-dimensional X-ray image to be created at a high rotary speed. In one embodiment, the resonant frequency is determined based on the respective at least one variable. Then, the set-point guided movement is ascertained as a function of this resonant frequency. The set-point guided movement counteracts vibration of the X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver at the resonant frequency in the intended motion state. The association of the resonant frequency with the respective at least one variable, based on a series of tests done prior to equipment operation, is stored in memory and is called up (retrieved) to determine the applicable resonant frequency in operation. In the series of tests, the X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver is moved to various mounting positions, being excited to vibration by an impact or deflection excitation, and a respective vibration frequency that corresponds to the respective resonant frequency is measured. For reduced-vibration guided movement, some methods, both linear and nonlinear, are widely known in conjunction with industrial processing machines. In one embodiment, a trial guided movement for attaining the intended motion state is ascertained without avoiding the vibration. Using this trial guided movement and a filter that prevents the vibration, the set-point guided movement is ascertained as a function of the at least one respective variable. This linear method permits easy use of the control method. The set-point guided movement is ascertained using the linear method known as input shaping. German Patent Disclosure DE 102 00 680 B4 discloses a jolt-equivalent filter. The set-point guided movement is ascertained using a nonlinear jolt-limitation method, in a manner that is robust with regard to external interfering factors. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES FIG. 1 illustrates a flow chart for guided movement of an X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver with a closed-loop control circuit; FIG. 2 illustrates one embodiment of an X-ray examination system; FIG. 3 , illustrates one embodiment of an X-ray examination system; FIG. 4 illustrates one embodiment of an X-ray examination system. DETAILED DESCRIPTION FIG. 1 shows a flow chart of a control method for guided movement of an X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver of an X-ray examination system. The X-ray examination system is movable in terms of its mounting position with the aid of a drive device 10 . A closed-loop control circuit 7 may control the drive device 10 . The X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver are placed into actual motion state 14 . The actual motion state 14 corresponds to an intended motion state 2 . Vibration at a resonant frequency 5 that is dependent on the respective mounting position is avoided. The flow chart will be described below in terms of three acts in the control method in this exemplary embodiment. In a first act, at least one measured variable 1 , dependent on the respective mounting position of the X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver and relevant to the resonant frequency, is detected. In a second act, the ascertainment 3 of a set-point guided movement 4 for attaining the intended motion state 2 is accomplished with the aid of an input shaping method, as a function of the resonant frequency 5 determined by the at least one measured variable 1 and a truth table 6 prepared with the aid of a series of tests done before operation begins. The at least one measured variable 1 is assigned a respective resonant frequency 5 . By the input shaping method, first a trial guided movement is ascertained, which is not yet optimized with regard to avoidance of vibration. The trial guided movement is then broken down by a pulse train into a plurality of segments, so that after the guided movement has taken place, there is no vibration in the actual motion state 14 . In a third act, the guided movement of the drive device 10 is controlled with the aid of a closed-loop control circuit 7 in accordance with the set-point guided movement 4 . The closed-loop control circuit 7 includes the following: a drive regulator 8 , a drive device 10 , and a tripod 12 . The set-point guided movement 4 is forwarded to the drive regulator 8 , which regulates a drive current 9 . The drive device 10 moves the X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver, regulated by the drive current 9 , and generates a movement force 11 . The tripod 12 mounts the X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver. The tripod 12 is moved by the movement force 11 and has sensors. The sensors detect the at least one measured variable 1 and the controlled variables 13 of the closed-loop control circuit 7 . The controlled variables 13 are forwarded to the drive regulator 8 for closing the closed-loop control circuit 7 . The set-point guided movement 4 is adapted exactly to the respective resonant frequency 5 by taking the damping action, which shifts the resonant frequency, of this closed-loop control circuit 7 into account. The ascertainment 3 of the set-point guided movement 4 may take the at least one measured variable 1 and optionally further equipment-specific variables into account. The further equipment-specific variables may include a predetermined maximum acceleration and/or maximum speed. The at least one measured variable may be re-detected continuously during the guided movement. The set-point guided movement 4 may be adapted accordingly, so that a rapid response is possible to an unforeseen event, such as an error in controlling the drive device 10 . The control method may include taking a plurality of resonant frequencies into account on the same basic principle. FIG. 2 , shows one embodiment of an X-ray examination system 15 . The X-ray examination system 15 includes a telescoping tripod 21 . The tripod 21 is horizontally displaceable in two directions 19 , 20 in space on a ceiling 16 of a room by a rail system 17 , 18 . The tripod 21 has a telescoping end 24 , which can be extended vertically to various extension lengths 22 in a third direction 23 in space, acting as a mounting position for an X-ray emitter 27 that can be rotated or tilted about two axes 25 , 26 . An X-ray receiver and other components belonging to the first X-ray examination system 15 , such as an examination table, are not shown here. A first pair of rails 17 of the rail system are secured to the ceiling 16 of the room. A second pair of rails 18 , which are perpendicular to the first pair of rails 17 , are secured to the first pair and are displaceable relative to the first pair 17 in a first direction 19 in space. A base 28 of the telescoping tripod 21 is secured to the second pair of rails 18 and is displaceable in a second direction 20 in space perpendicular to the first direction 19 in space relative to the second pair of rails 18 . The mounting position of the X-ray emitter 27 is varied f by a displacement of the telescoping tripod 21 and by an extension of the telescoping end 24 , in all three directions 18 , 19 , 23 . The respective extension length 24 definitively determines the resonant frequency. An X-ray beam, which can be projected by the X-ray emitter 27 , may be adjusted in its beam direction. The X-ray beam may be adjusted by a rotation of the X-ray emitter 27 about a vertical axis 26 by a rotary angle 29 and tilting the X-ray emitter 27 about a horizontal axis 25 about a tilt angle 30 . Besides the respective extension length 22 , only the tilt angle 30 , as a standard for the respective tilting of the X-ray emitter 27 , jointly determines the resonant frequency. In one embodiment of the control method, the extension length 22 is detected as a measured variable, for example, with the aid of a cable potentiometer integrated with the telescoping tripod 21 . Optionally, the tilt angle 30 is also detected as a further measured variable. A set-point guided movement is ascertained as a function of the at least one measured variable. A respective drive device for moving the X-ray emitter 27 in the three directions 19 , 20 , 22 in space is controlled in accordance with the set-point guided movement. The extension length 22 may be manually varied, so that only the displacement of the X-ray emitter 27 in the horizontal directions 19 , 20 in space is controlled. Taking a change in the resonant frequency definitively determined by the extension length 22 into account, which is otherwise necessary, can be dispensed with in ascertaining the set-point guided movement. The rotation of the X-ray emitter 27 about the vertical axis 26 and the tilting of the X-ray emitter 27 about the horizontal axis 25 may be controlled. A two-dimensionally projected X-ray image may be created with the first X-ray examination system 15 . The X-ray emitter 27 is positioned at the mounting position intended for the X-ray examination in accordance with the set-point guided movement ascertained with the aid of the control method. The X-ray emitter 27 remains in this mounting position for the duration of the X-ray examination. An otherwise necessary decay time for the vibration of the X-ray emitter 27 between when the X-ray emitter 27 is positioned at this mounting position and the X-ray image is created is thus dispensed with. The X-ray emitter 27 and an additional X-ray receiver can be located on separate telescoping tripods. The telescoping tripods being horizontally displaceably independently of one another. In accordance with FIG. 1 , a planigraphy procedure may be performed on a patient lying between the X-ray emitter 27 and the X-ray receiver, for example, on an examination table. In the planigraphy procedure, the X-ray emitter 27 and the X-ray receiver move contrary to one another on respective different levels of motion, in such a way that only one slice through of the patient's body, oriented with the planes of motion and located between them, is sharply reproduced on an X-ray image. For the image quality, what is definitive is a uniform motion without vibration superimposed on it. Before the X-ray image is created, the X-ray emitter 27 and the X-ray receiver are put in a motion state corresponding to the set-point guided movement ascertained by the control method. The X-ray emitter 27 on one side of the patient and the X-ray receiver on an opposite side of the patient move, in respective opposite directions, at a constant speed along the patient. Once again, the decay time before the X-ray image is made is eliminated. During the creation of the X-ray image, the X-ray beam is expediently jointly pivoted in such a way that it temporarily strikes the X-ray receiver. This is effected by suitable rotation or tilting of the X-ray emitter or suitable incorporation of the X-ray beam. FIG. 3 shows one embodiment of the X-ray examination system 15 . The X-ray examination system is in the form of an above-table fluoroscope system 31 , which has an examination table 33 that can be tilted by different tilt angles 32 , an X-ray receiver 35 , and an X-ray emitter 27 . The X-ray receiver 35 is integrated into the examination table. The X-ray receiver 35 is longitudinally displaceable in a first direction 34 in a lower mounting position. An X-ray emitter 27 is mounted with an extensible tripod 36 . The X-ray emitter 27 is displaceable in height at various spacings 37 from the examination table 33 and longitudinally displaceable in a second direction 38 parallel to the first direction 34 and pivotable about an angle 40 , in an upper mounting position. The examination table 33 is mounted on a floor-mounted pedestal 41 . The examination table 33 is tilted by the floor-mounted pedestal 41 via an electrical drive mechanism 42 . The floor-mounted pedestal 41 varies the tilt angle 32 that definitively determines the respective resonant frequency. For the longitudinal displacement of the X-ray receiver 35 and the X-ray emitter 27 along a longitudinal axis of the examination table 55 and for the heightwise displacement of the X-ray emitter 27 , a further drive device each is provided. Besides the respective tilt angle 32 , only the spacing 37 jointly determines the respective resonant frequency. In an embodiment with the above-table fluoroscope 31 , the tilt angle 32 is detected as the measured variable, for example, with the aid of a sensor integrated with the floor-mounted pedestal 41 . Optionally, the spacing 37 is detected as a further measured variable. A set-point guided movement of the X-ray emitter 27 and X-ray receiver 35 is ascertained as a function of the at least one measured variable. The drive devices for moving the X-ray emitter in the direction 34 and for moving the X-ray receiver 35 in the direction 34 are controlled in accordance with the set-point guided movement. Since the tilt angle 32 and the spacing 37 may remain constant during the guided movement, there is no need to take a change in these measured variables into account in ascertaining the set-point guided movement. The above-table fluoroscope system 31 may perform the X-ray examination with the prior automatic positioning to the intended mounting position and to perform the X-ray examination by planigraphy in an analogous way. With the above-table fluoroscope system 31 , it is possible to perform angiography with an incremental displacement of the X-ray emitter 27 and X-ray receiver 35 to various intended mounting positions. The angiography procedure may be used to examine the lower extremities of the patient. The incremental displacement may be done in a first pass counter to a blood flow direction in the vessels to be examined in the lower extremities, and after an injection of a contrast agent, in a second pass in the blood flow direction. In the two passes, the X-ray emitter 27 and the X-ray receiver 35 , for creating congruent X-ray images, are positioned as precisely as possible at the intended mounting positions by parallel displacement in the respective directions 38 and 34 , so that a differential image from a first X-ray image of the first pass and a second X-ray image of the second pass, which is congruent with the first X-ray image, shows the vessels. This method, which is based on finding a difference, is digital subtraction angiography. Since the speed of the incremental displacement in the second pass is oriented to the flow speed of the contrast agent in the vessels, mounting positions must be reached especially quickly in each case, and hence the risk of excitation of vibration, especially of the X-ray emitter 27 mounted in an exposed position, is especially high. In a below-table fluoroscope system, the mounting positions of the X-ray emitter 27 and X-ray receiver 35 are transposed compared to the above-table fluoroscope system 31 . FIG. 4 shows one embodiment of the X-ray examination system. The X-ray examination system 43 includes a C-arm tripod 47 , which is displaceable horizontally to various displacement widths 46 in one direction 45 in space on a ceiling 16 of a room by a pair of rails 44 . The C-arm tripod 47 has a C-arm mounting arm 52 , which is rotatable about a second axis 48 by different orbital angles 49 and about a third axis 50 by different angulation angles 51 , for mounting the X-ray emitter 27 and the X-ray receiver 35 , and with an examination table 55 . A base 56 connects the ceiling-mounted pair of rails 44 and the C-arm tripod. The base 56 is displaceable in the pair of rails. The base 56 makes it possible to pivot the C-arm tripod 47 about a vertical axis 57 in space by a pivot angle 58 . The C-arm tripod 47 is connected to the C-arm tripod 47 via an orbital stroke 57 which enables the rotation of the C-arm mounting arm possible about the second axis 48 in space and the third axis 50 in space. The orbital angle 49 and/or the angulation angle 51 is determined as the measured variables that definitively determine the resonant frequency, for example, by suitable sensors integrated with the orbital stroke 57 . In one embodiment, the ensuing ascertainment of the set-point guided movement and the control of the motion of the C-arm mounting arm 52 , the C-arm mounting arm 52 in the guided movement is rotated about the second axis 48 in space and/or the third axis 50 in space, as in a rotational angiography procedure to be described below. In another embodiment, the C-arm mounting arm 52 in the guided movement is displaced in the horizontal direction 45 in space along a longitudinal axis of the examination table 55 , analogous to the angiography procedure described in use for FIG. 3 , with incremental displacement. In another embodiment, the guided movement of the C-arm mounting arm 52 corresponds to a combination of the two aforementioned forms of motion, as is expedient in automatic positioning, described above with respect to FIG. 2 , of the X-ray emitter to an intended mounting position. During a rotational angiography procedure, the X-ray emitter 27 and the X-ray receiver 35 are in a circular motion state at a constant angular speed. Either the orbital angle 49 or the angulation angle 51 is varied, and the respective other angle, which is accordingly constant, can be taken into account. The other angle can be taken into account in the determination of the resonant frequency or the ascertainment of the set-point guided movement. The application of the control method to this X-ray examination makes vibration-free rotary motion, at a high rotary speed, possible, which is especially advantageous with regard to creating a sharp, interference-free, three-dimensional X-ray image. In rotational angiography, as in angiography with the incremental displacement, a first pass without and a second pass with contrast agent are performed, and by digital subtraction angiography, a differential image with a reproduction of only the vessels is created. The vibration of the X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver would cause the respective actual guided movements in the two passes to differ from one another so that in finding the difference, image interference would be created. In one embodiment, the X-ray examination system 15 , 31 or 43 may take into account a variable outfitting, which changes the weight distribution of the various moving system components, in ascertaining the set-point guided movement. In one embodiment, an X-ray examination system 15 , 31 , or 43 includes an X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver. The X-ray examination system 15 , 31 , or 43 is movable with regard to its mounting position by a drive device, to make it possible in a simple way to perform an X-ray examination quickly and produce a sharp X-ray image despite a system construction that can be excited to vibration at a resonant frequency, which is dependent on the respective mounting position. At least one variable, which is dependent on the respective mounting position and relevant to the resonant frequency, is detected. A set-point guided movement is ascertained as a function of the at least one respective variable. The set-point guided movement counteracts an excitation of the vibration, for reaching an intended motion state for the X-ray examination of the X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver. The guided movement of the X-ray emitter and/or X-ray receiver is controlled by the drive device in accordance with the set-point guided movement. While the invention has been described above by reference to various embodiments, it should be understood that many changes and modifications can be made without departing from the scope of the invention. It is therefore intended that the foregoing detailed description be regarded as illustrative rather than limiting, and that it be understood that it is the following claims, including all equivalents, that are intended to define the spirit and scope of this invention.
According to the invention, an X-ray examination may be simply and rapidly carried out and hence produce a sharp X-ray image with an X-ray source and/or X-ray receiver an X-ray examination system which may be displaced relative to the mounting position thereof by means of an actuator, despite a system construction which may be caused to oscillate at a resonant frequency dependent on the corresponding mounting position, about the mounting position, whereby according to the inventive method, at least one parameter relevant to the resonant frequency, dependent on the corresponding mounting position, is determined, a set guided movement, counteracting the cause of oscillation in order to achieve a movement condition for the X-ray source or X-ray receiver necessary for the X-ray examination, is determined depending on the at least one corresponding parameter and the guided movement of the X-ray source and/or X-ray receiver controlled using the actuator according to the set guided movement.
CROSS REFERENCES TO RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/781,267 filed Feb. 17, 2004, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/177,920, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,691,483, filed Jun. 21, 2002, both of which are herein incorporated by reference in their entirety. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] The present invention relates generally to panel doors, and more particularly to panel pet doors for insertion into sliding glass doors. [0003] Panel pet doors for sliding glass doors are pet doors designed to fit in the space that results when a sliding glass door is partially opened (or, also, the resulting space when a stationary panel is moved to one side). The advantage to this type of pet door is that it does not require cutting a hole through, and thereby ruining, a door. [0004] There are three dimensions that are critical to accommodating the animal(s) that will be using a panel pet door: width of a flap opening, height of the flap opening and, just as important, rise. The rise is defined as the height of a bottom edge of the flap above a base of the panel door. For a most comfortable fit, the top edge of the flap should be about the same height as the pet at the top of the withers (top of the shoulder). Customarily, panel pet door flaps have not been designed to be that height. Rather, the flap is raised up off the ground (the rise) so as to get the flap opening about even with the trunk of the pet's body. Short dogs would prefer a shorter rise and taller dogs need a higher rise. For example, currently a pet door company manufactures a “large” pet door with a flap that measures 10×15 inches with a 5 inch rise. They also offer a “large/tall” pet door using the same flap, but with a 9 inch rise. [0005] It would be beneficial to a consumer to offer the largest sizes in at least three or four different rises and for medium and small/medium sizes to be offered in at least two rises. It would also be beneficial to offer customers ways to change the size of the flap door and/or rise, such as when a dog changes size over time, e.g., grows from a puppy into a mature dog. Heretofore, the only way a manufacturer could offer multiple rise options was by building and maintaining an inventory of separate panel pet door sizes for each rise option. [0006] It would also be beneficial to offer customers ways to change the size of the flap door in addition to adjusting the height of the rise, all without replacing the entire panel pet door. Common circumstances which would make this desirable occur when, for example, the owner of a taller dog acquires a short dog (desiring to preserve the height of the present flap, but shorten the rise.), or vice versa. Also, if an owner's dog becomes injured the dog may benefit from a lower rise and/or a taller flap. [0007] There is thus a need in the art for a panel pet door that provides a way to offer customers different height and rise combinations of the pet door flap without having to manufacture a separate panel pet door for each combination, and provides a way for customers to adjust the rise and height of the pet door flap without having to replace an entire panel pet door. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0008] The present invention advantageously addresses the needs above as well as other needs by providing a panel door and method of adjusting the panel door. [0009] In one embodiment, the invention can be characterized as a panel door assembly comprising a panel door frame, an entrance portal assembly mounted on the panel door frame that is vertically slidable on the panel door frame and a spacer panel mounted on the panel door frame that is vertically slidable on the frame. [0010] In another embodiment, the invention can be characterized as a the panel door assembly described above further comprising at least one additional spacer panel mounted on the panel door frame that is vertically slidable on the panel door frame, a total number of spacer panels mounted on the panel door frame comprising a plurality of vertically slidable spacer panels. [0011] In another embodiment, the invention can be characterized as a method of adjusting an entrance of a panel door assembly comprising the steps of sliding vertically at least one spacer panel and an entrance portal assembly out of a panel door frame of the panel door assembly and sliding vertically at least one spacer panel and the entrance portal assembly into the panel door frame in a configuration such that the entrance portal is at a different height from a bottom of the panel door frame. [0012] In another embodiment, the invention can be characterized as a method of adjusting an entrance of a panel door assembly comprising the steps of sliding vertically at least one spacer panel and a first entrance portal assembly out of a panel door frame of the panel door assembly and sliding vertically a second entrance portal assembly of a different height than the first into the panel door frame. [0013] In yet another embodiment, the invention can be characterized as a method of adjusting an entrance of a panel door assembly comprising the steps of sliding vertically a first entrance portal assembly out of a panel door frame of the panel door assembly and sliding vertically a second entrance portal assembly of a different height than the first and at least one spacer panel into the panel door frame. [0014] A better understanding of the features and advantages of the present invention will be obtained by reference to the following detailed description of the invention and accompanying drawings which set forth an illustrative embodiment in which the principles of the invention are utilized. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0015] The above and other aspects, features and advantages of the present invention will be more apparent from the following more particular description thereof, presented in conjunction with the following drawings wherein: [0016] FIG. 1 is a front elevation view of a fixed rise/height panel pet door; [0017] FIG. 2 is a front elevation view of another fixed rise/height panel pet door; [0018] FIG. 3 is a front elevation view of a panel pet door according to an embodiment of the present invention; [0019] FIG. 4 is a partial top cross sectional view of the panel pet door of FIG. 3 ; [0020] FIG. 5 is a partial top cross sectional view of an alternative embodiment of the panel pet door of FIG. 3 ; [0021] FIG. 6 is a partial top cross sectional view of a further alternative embodiment of the panel pet door of FIG. 3 ; [0022] FIG. 7 is a front perspective view of the entrance portal assembly according the embodiment of the present invention shown in FIG. 3 ; [0023] FIG. 8 is a front perspective view of a stepwise assembly of an alternative embodiment of an entrance portal assembly according to the present invention. [0024] FIG. 9 is a side cross sectional view of a spacer panel according to an embodiment of the present invention; [0025] FIG. 10 is a side cross sectional view of taller spacer panel than that of FIG. 9 according to an embodiment of the present invention; [0026] FIG. 11 is a side cross sectional view of an alternative embodiment of a spacer panel according to the present invention; [0027] FIG. 12 is a front perspective view of the panel pet door of FIG. 3 according to the present invention, using a different number, size and configuration of spacer panels; [0028] FIG. 13 is a partial side cross sectional view of the panel pet door of FIG. 12 ; [0029] FIG. 14 is a close-up partial side cross sectional view of the panel pet door of FIG. 12 ; [0030] FIG. 15 is a front elevation view of the panel pet door of FIG. 3 installed in a sliding glass door frame; [0031] FIG. 16 is a front perspective view of the-panel pet door of FIG. 15 installed in a sliding glass door frame; and [0032] FIG. 17 is a side cross sectional view of the panel pet door in a sliding door of FIG. 16 . [0033] Corresponding reference characters indicate corresponding components throughout the several views of the drawings. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0034] The following description of the presently contemplated best mode of practicing the invention is not to be taken in a limiting sense, but is made merely for the purpose of describing the general principles of the invention. The scope of the invention should be determined with reference to the claims. [0035] Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2 , shown are front elevation views of examples of panel pet doors with fixed, i.e., single, rise and height dimensions. In FIG. 1 , a fixed door flap 100 has a rise equal to the height of a cross member 105 . To make the rise higher, a separate panel door ( FIG. 2 ) is built with the door flap 200 raised higher and a first additional fixed cross piece 210 attached permanently below a second additional cross piece 215 below the door flap 200 and above cross member 205 . One difficulty with this approach is that it results in a great many stocking units (SKU's), i.e., a great deal of panel pet door inventory, and an increase in raw materials inventory to support manufacturing. Also, production efficiency is decreased as there are many small production runs for each of a large number of rise options for each flap size. For example, in the event a panel pet door is available in four standard height adjustment ranges, three frame colors and, counting each size/rise combination as separate, 16 size/rise combinations, a total of 192 SKU's are required, i.e., a total of 192 different panel pet door models must be maintained in inventory. [0036] Referring to FIGS. 3 and 4 , shown in FIG. 3 is a front elevation view of a panel pet door 300 according to an embodiment of the present invention and in FIG. 4 shown is a partial top cross sectional view of the panel pet door of FIG. 3 . Shown in FIG. 3 are the panel door frame 301 having two vertical stiles 302 , 303 , and a top horizontal frame cross piece 304 . Also shown are a glass pane 305 , a top fixed cross piece 310 a movable top spacer panel 315 , a movable entrance portal assembly 316 (having a movable frame 320 and a door flap 325 ), two movable riser spacer panels 330 , 335 , and a bottom fixed cross piece 340 . In FIG. 4 shown is the movable top spacer panel 315 and stile 302 of FIG. 3 along with a vertical track 400 in the stile 302 . [0037] The panel door frame 301 is a solid frame of wood, metal, plastic or vinyl (preferably metal). The two stiles 302 , 303 are fixedly attached to the top horizontal frame cross piece 304 and may be formed integral with the two vertical stiles 302 , 303 . A pane 305 (preferably of glass) is attached in the interior of the top portion of the frame 301 above the top fixed cross piece 310 that extends horizontally between the two stiles 302 , 303 . [0038] Directly below the top fixed cross piece 310 is the movable top spacer panel 315 . This panel 315 fits into and is movable vertically along a vertical track 400 in each stile 302 , 303 (shown in FIG. 4 ) located on the interior of the two stiles 302 , 303 . The top spacer panel 315 is located above and rests on the movable entrance portal assembly 316 (preferably a movable door flap assembly 316 ). The movable door flap assembly 315 is also movable along vertical tracks 400 (shown in FIG. 4 ) located on the interior of the two stiles 302 , 303 . [0039] The door flap assembly 316 has a movable frame 320 that fits into the tracks 400 of the stiles 302 , 303 (shown in FIG. 4 ) like the movable top spacer panel 315 . [0040] Preferably, two vertical frame members 321 , 322 of the movable frame 320 fit into the tracks 400 of the stiles 302 , 303 (as in FIG. 4 ). The door flap 325 is preferably flexible and is hingedly attached to the movable frame 320 to allow the passage of pets through the flap 325 . [0041] Located below the door flap assembly 316 in the panel door frame 301 are two movable riser spacer panels 330 , 335 that are also movable along the tracks 400 of the two stiles 302 , 303 (shown in FIG. 4 ). Located below the two riser spacer panels is the bottom fixed cross piece 340 . The bottom fixed cross piece is fixedly attached between the bottom of the two stiles 302 , 303 , and is preferably removable and thus not formed integral with the panel door frame 303 . [0042] The spacer panels 315 , 330 , 335 and the door flap assembly 316 can be slid out of the panel door frame 301 through an opening in the bottom of the frame 301 by removal of the bottom fixed cross piece 340 from the panel door frame 301 . This is to allow removal and replacement of the spacer panels 315 , 330 , 335 and the door flap assembly 316 . Replacement of the spacer panels 315 , 330 , 335 into the panel door frame 301 in a different configuration and/or with spacer panels of a different size effects a change in the rise (the distance between the bottom of the door flap 325 and bottom of the panel door 300 ). For example, to increase the rise to a degree equal to the height of the top spacer panel 315 , first remove the bottom cross piece 340 and then remove spacer panels 315 , 330 , 335 and the door flap assembly 316 by sliding them out through the bottom of the panel door frame 301 . Next, slide in the door flap assembly 316 into the panel door frame and then slide the same spacer panels 315 , 330 , 335 below the door flap assembly 316 into the panel door frame 301 . Finally, replace the bottom fixed cross piece by reattaching it between the bottom of the two stiles 302 , 303 . Now all the spacer panels 315 , 330 , 335 are located below the door flap assembly 316 , thus increasing the rise of the door flap 325 . [0043] A removable bottom crosspiece 340 may be attached to the stiles 302 , 303 by reusable means such as screws or a locking mechanism (preferably screws). [0044] Also, replacement of the spacer panels 315 , 330 , 335 with a spacer panel (or panels) of a different height or heights can also effect a change in the rise. The height of the door flap assembly 316 in the panel door 300 may also be changed by sliding out the door flap assembly 316 in the manner previously described and replacing it with a door flap assembly of a different height. Optionally, this may be done in combination with changing the rise as described above. [0045] It is important to note that the area between the top fixed cross piece 310 and the bottom fixed cross piece 340 may be filled with a door flap assembly 316 of any selected height and any combination of spacer panels of various optional heights, either above or below the door flap assembly 316 . [0046] Referring next to FIG. 5 , shown is a partial top cross sectional view of an alternative embodiment of the panel pet door of FIG. 3 . Shown is the stile 302 of FIG. 4 having a vertical track 400 and an alternative embodiment of the movable top spacer panel 315 having a vertical track 500 in the spacer 315 . [0047] The vertical track 500 is located on each side of the spacer 315 (one side shown in FIG. 5 ) and is representative of an alternative way for spacers and door flap assemblies to fit in the panel door frame 301 . The track 500 is slightly wider than the depth of the stile 302 such that the stile 302 fits into the vertical track 500 and allows the spacer 315 to slide vertically along the stile 302 . [0048] Referring next to FIG. 6 , shown is a partial top cross sectional view of an alternative embodiment of the panel pet door of FIG. 3 . Shown is the stile 302 of FIG. 4 having a vertical track 4 . 00 and an alternative embodiment of the movable top spacer panel 315 having a vertical tracks 610 , 615 in the spacer 315 . [0049] The vertical tracks 600 , 605 are located on each side of the spacer 315 (one side shown in FIG. 6 ) and is representative of an alternative way for spacers and door flap assemblies to fit in the panel door frame 301 . The tracks 600 , 605 are slightly wider than the depth of walls 610 , 615 of the track 400 in the stile 302 . Thus, the track walls 610 , 615 fit respectively into the vertical tracks 600 , 605 of the spacer 315 and allow the spacer 315 to slide vertically along the stile 302 . [0050] Referring next to FIG. 7 , shown is a front perspective view of the entrance portal assembly 316 (a door flap assembly in this case) according to the embodiment of the present invention shown in FIG. 3 . Shown are the door flap frame 320 , the two vertical frame members 321 , 322 of the door flap frame 320 and the door flap 325 . [0051] The door flap assembly frame 320 has guides 323 , 324 on the exterior of the vertical frame members that fit into the vertical stiles 302 , 303 (shown in FIG. 3 ) of the panel door frame 302 that allow the door flap assembly 316 to slide vertically along the panel door frame 301 as a single unit. Located on the top and bottom of the door flap frame are projections 326 , 327 that allow the door flap assembly 316 to nest into the bottom and top of spacer panels 315 , 330 , respectively (shown in FIG. 3 ). [0052] Referring next to FIG. 8 , shown is a front perspective view of a stepwise assembly of an alternative embodiment of an entrance portal assembly 1000 according to the present invention. Shown is a door flap frame 1002 and a standard (wall or door mounted) pet door 1005 with a flap 1010 . The flap frame 1002 is a carrier onto which the pet door 1005 is mounted. The perimeter of the completed door flap assembly 1000 fits into the panel door frame 301 and spacer panels 315 , 330 (shown in FIG. 3 ) in the same manner as the door flap assembly 316 of FIG. 7 [0053] Referring next to FIGS. 9, 10 and 11 , shown are side cross sectional views of a spacer panel, a taller spacer panel and an alternative embodiment of a spacer panel according to the present invention, respectively. [0054] FIGS. 9 and 10 show spacer panels 916 , 920 having vertical protrusions 930 at the top and bottom of the panels 916 , 920 that allow nesting of the panels 916 , 920 . The protrusions 930 at the bottom of the panels 916 , 920 fit over the protrusions 930 at the top of the panels below them. The protrusions 930 are sufficiently long to allow clearance 940 for screw heads, other fastening means, and weather stripping to fit between the panels 916 , 920 . The spacer 920 of FIG. 10 is taller to replace two or more “single size” spacers. The spacer 925 of FIG. 11 has a protrusion 935 on top of the spacer with a cross member to shed water more efficiently, but leaves no gap for screw heads. [0055] Referring next to FIG. 12 , shown is a front perspective view of the panel pet door 300 of FIG. 3 according to the present invention, using a different number, size and configuration of spacer panels. [0056] Shown in FIG. 12 is the panel door frame 301 having two vertical stiles 302 , 303 , and a top horizontal frame cross piece 304 . Also shown are a glass pane 305 , a top fixed cross piece 310 nested movable spacer panels 945 , a movable entrance portal assembly 316 , and a bottom fixed cross piece 340 . Note in FIG. 12 that in this configuration the spacer panels 945 are all above the entrance portal assembly 316 , thus lowering the rise of the entrance portal assembly. [0057] Referring next to FIG. 13 , shown is a partial side cross sectional view of the panel pet door 300 of FIG. 12 . Shown in FIG. 13 is the top fixed cross piece 310 nested movable spacer panels 945 , the movable entrance portal assembly 316 (showing the door flap assembly frame 320 and flap 325 ), and a bottom fixed cross piece 340 . [0058] Note how the spacers 945 nest together, one on top of the other, and also into the bottom of the top fixed cross piece 310 . Also, the door flap assembly frame 320 nests into the spacers panels 945 above it and into the bottom fixed cross piece below it. [0059] Referring next to FIG. 14 , shown is a close-up partial side cross sectional view of the panel pet door 300 of FIG. 12 . Shown in FIG. 13 is the top fixed cross piece 310 , nested movable spacer panels 945 and the top part of the movable entrance portal assembly 316 (showing the top of the door flap assembly frame 320 and flap 325 ). Shown in detail are the protrusions 930 on the top and bottom of the spacers 945 that nest together 950 . Also note the clearance 940 between the spacer panels 945 for weather stripping, screws and other hardware. [0060] Referring next to FIGS. 15 and 16 , shown are front elevation and front perspective views, respectively, of the panel pet door 300 of FIG. 3 installed in a sliding glass door 700 . Shown in FIGS. 15 and 16 are the panel door 300 and sliding glass door 700 , a sliding glass door frame 705 , a top horizontal frame member 715 , a bottom horizontal frame member 710 and a glass door 720 . Shown in FIG. 16 are horizontal tracks 800 , 805 of the sliding glass door frame 705 . [0061] The panel pet door 300 fits as an insert into the frame 705 of the sliding glass door 700 . The panel door frame 301 is of sufficient height to fit inside the sliding glass door frame 705 onto the respective tracks 800 , 805 of the top and bottom frame members 715 , 710 , of the sliding glass door frame 705 (as shown in detail in FIG. 17 ). [0062] Referring next to FIG. 17 , is a side cross sectional view of the panel pet door 300 in the sliding door 700 of FIG. 16 . Shown is the vertical stile 302 and top and bottom cross pieces 304 , 340 of the panel door frame 301 of the panel door 300 . Also shown are the top and bottom tracks 800 , 805 of the sliding glass door frame 705 , a spring mechanism 900 having a spring 905 and a rail 901 , and a thumb screw 910 . [0063] The spring mechanism 900 is located on the top of the top horizontal frame cross piece 304 of the panel door frame 301 . The spring 905 supports the rail 901 which is inserted into top track 800 of the sliding glass door 700 . The thumb screw is located on the interior side of the panel door frame 301 and is operably connected to the spring mechanism such that the spring mechanism is locked in place when the thumb screw is tightened and unlocked when loosened. The bottom cross piece 340 of the panel door frame 301 has a horizontal channel 915 that allows the bottom cross piece 340 to fit into the bottom outside track 805 of the sliding glass door frame 705 . [0064] The panel pet door frame 301 is inserted into the sliding glass door frame 705 by first loosening the thumb screw 910 , then inserting the spring mechanism 900 into the top track 800 . Then, while pushing up against the spring mechanism 900 , the bottom of the panel door frame 301 is swung onto the bottom rail 805 . The thumb screw 910 is then tightened to lock the spring mechanism 900 and thus the panel door frame 301 in place. [0065] While the invention herein disclosed has been described by means of specific embodiments and applications thereof, numerous modifications and variations could be made thereto by those skilled in the art without departing from the scope of the invention set forth in the claims.
An adjustable panel door comprises a panel door frame having a top cross piece and a bottom cross piece. A portal assembly provides access through the panel door. The portal assembly is positioned between the top cross piece and the bottom top piece. At least one spacer panel is adjustably positioned on the panel door frame adjacent to the portal assembly. The position of the portal assembly is adjustable by altering a position of the at least one spacer panel along the panel door frame.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/619,276, filed Oct. 15, 2004, which is herein incorporated by reference in its entirety. BACKGROUND 1. Field of the Invention The present invention is directed generally to puzzles and toys. More particularly, the present invention is directed to construction toys for building stable three-dimensional structures utilizing various construction elements, at least some of which have luminescent characteristics. 2. Background of the Invention Individuals often find enjoyment in the challenge of building aesthetic structural designs and/or functional structural models. Frequently, the utility associated with constructing such structures is found in the creative and/or problem-solving process required to achieve a desired structural objective. Currently, construction assemblies that exploit magnetic properties to interlink various structural components and thereby form different three-dimensional structures are known and can provide an added dimension of sophistication to the construction process. Examples of such construction assemblies include the magnetic construction toy disclosed in Balanchi U.S. Pat. No. 6,626,727, the modular assemblies disclosed in Vicentielli U.S. Pat. No. 6,566,992, and the magnetic puzzle/toy disclosed in Smith U.S. Pat. No. 5,411,262. In particular, German Patent No. DE 202 02 183 U1 to Kretzschmar describes flat triangles, squares and rectangles used in conjunction with ferromagnetic balls to create a limited range of geometric constructions. The flat shapes disclosed in the Kretzschmar German Patent consist of magnets inserted in the corners of a triangular or square piece, or six magnets in a rectangular plate that can be attracted to steel balls to create three-dimensional shapes. Thus, conventional construction kits are appealing to persons of all ages in that they allow for both aesthetic and geometric creativity. The above-noted magnet construction assemblies each contain a certain number of component parts, which can sometimes limit geometries and stable or secure connections. Thus, a need remains for a magnetic construction assembly that provides more flexibility in both aesthetic and geometric design, and, moreover, that provides an additional degree of design/construction sophistication. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention provides new and improved construction modules that are three-dimensional in shape and have internal light-emitting attributes. In one embodiment of the invention, a construction kit includes a plurality of construction modules. Each construction module includes a plurality of externally directed magnets, and a self-powered light cartridge arranged within a three-dimensional of the construction module. The plurality of externally directed magnets allows the plurality of construction modules to connect to form a structure. Additional features and advantages of the invention will become apparent with reference to the following detailed description of exemplary embodiments thereof. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS For a more complete understanding of the present invention, reference is made to the following detailed description of various exemplary embodiments thereof, considered in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which: FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a construction module constructed in accordance with a first embodiment of the present invention, wherein the three-dimensional shape thereof is that of a cube; FIG. 2 is a view of the construction module of FIG. 1 , shown partially disassembled; FIG. 3 is a view of the construction module of FIG. 1 , shown in a more fully disassembled state; FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a transparent version of the construction module of FIGS. 1-3 ; FIG. 5 is a perspective exploded view of another version of the construction module of FIGS. 1-3 ; FIG. 6 is a perspective view of an construction composed in part of multiple instances of the FIG. 4 transparent version of the construction module of FIGS. 1-3 ; FIG. 7 is another perspective view of the construction of FIG. 6 , showing the construction modules to be internally illuminated; FIG. 8 is a perspective view of a construction module constructed in accordance with a second embodiment of the present invention, wherein the three-dimensional shape thereof is that of a cylinder; FIG. 9 is a perspective view of a construction module constructed in accordance with a third embodiment of the present invention, wherein the three-dimensional shape thereof is that of a pyramid; FIG. 10 is a perspective view of a construction module constructed in accordance with a fourth embodiment of the present invention, wherein the three-dimensional shape thereof is that of a prism; FIG. 11 is a perspective view of an construction composed in part of the flat bottom panel of the FIG. 8 construction module; and FIG. 12 is a top plan view of the construction of FIG. 11 . DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION In accordance with one embodiment of the present invention, construction modules having three-dimensional shapes such as that of cubes, cylinders, pyramids, prisms and other shapes are provided having walls or side panels made of translucent or transparent material and forming an interior chamber, in which is disposed a self-powered light cartridge containing an LED light source for illuminating such modules from within. Each such construction module is sized for easy manipulation and includes a number of externally-directed magnets for use in integrating multiple instances of such modules together, via a construction system and method involving intervening steel balls and/or other compatible construction elements. In an alternative embodiment, self-illuminating construction elements, such as cylinders, cubes, pyramids, prisms and other shapes, formed of translucent or transparent material enclose a light source, such as an LED, miniature incandescent light bulb or electro-luminescent phosphor that is energized by an external power source. Connectors link the elements mechanically. In accordance with the preferred embodiments disclosed herein, sturdy, attention-getting constructions may thus be assembled which can take a wide variety of forms and/or sizes. Moreover, the internal illumination feature of the three-dimensional construction modules provides a wide variety of aesthetically appealing and entertaining lighting options. Referring to FIG. 1 , there is shown a construction module 10 configured in accordance with a first embodiment of the present invention, featuring interior lighting and other features to facilitate the assembly of attractive, sturdy constructions of the type described hereinabove. The construction module 10 is three-dimensional, including multiple panels 12 made of translucent material. The panels 12 are sized, shaped, and configured so as to form a cube having six substantially flat side surfaces 14 adjoined along adjacent edges 16 and at eight corners 18 . Each of the eight corners 18 of the cube consists of a generally flat beveled surface 20 that forms a 45-degree angle with respect to each of the adjacent side surfaces 14 . A magnet 22 is embedded within the beveled surface 20 of each corner 18 and supported by other structure (e.g., an internal pocket or finger-type support such as are discussed more fully hereinafter) such that a generally flat end surface 24 of each magnet 22 is substantially coplanar with the adjacent beveled surface 20 . The construction and function of the magnet 22 will be described more fully hereinafter. As shown in FIGS. 2 and 3 , the construction module 10 is formed from two substantially equivalent halves 26 , each half 26 being of unitary construction (e.g., via molded construction) and including three panels 12 . In the assembled state, the two halves 26 define an interior chamber 28 ( FIG. 2 ). Each half 26 includes various magnet support elements 30 disposed in the interior chamber 28 and positioned adjacent the beveled surface 20 of each corner 18 . Each magnet support element 30 includes a finger 32 extending beneath an associated beveled surface 20 for supporting the corresponding magnet 22 . The positions and dimensions of the fingers 32 and the lengths of the magnets 22 are coordinated so as to keep the externally facing magnet end surfaces 24 coplanar with the associated beveled surfaces 20 in which the magnets 22 are embedded. Each half 26 further includes grooves 34 formed along the periphery of the constituent panels 12 . These grooves 34 are precisely formed such that when the halves 26 are joined (e.g., via ultrasonic welding), superior fit and alignment is achieved along the edges 16 ( FIG. 1 ), and sharp corners are avoided in the assembly. As best shown in FIG. 3 , the construction module 10 is further equipped with a light cartridge 36 affixed to one of the panels 12 . The light cartridge 36 includes a housing 38 containing an LED light 40 , one or more batteries (not shown) to provide electrical power to the LED light 40 , and circuitry (not shown) to control the operation of the LED light 40 . The circuitry can provide, for example, motion-activated or sound-activated lights. The housing 38 extends from the side surface 14 ( FIG. 2 ) of the panel 12 to which it is affixed, through such panel 12 , and into the interior chamber 28 , such that the LED light 40 is positioned approximately in the center of the interior chamber 28 . The LED light 40 is thereby optimally positioned with respect to the interior chamber 28 for providing the construction module 10 with pleasant and attractive interior lighting, the nature and function of which will be described in greater detail hereinafter. The light cartridge 36 is further equipped with a removable cover 42 ( FIG. 2 ) for sealing the lighting, power, and control components of the light cartridge 36 within the housing 38 . The cover 42 is positioned within the panel 12 to which the light cartridge 36 is affixed. To prevent the structure of the light cartridge 36 and/or the cover 42 from interfering with later assembly/construction steps (to be discussed in more detail hereinafter), the cover 42 is recessed slightly with respect to the side surface 14 of the panel 12 . FIGS. 4 and 5 illustrate two variations of the construction module 10 described hereinabove with reference to FIGS. 1-3 . As shown in FIG. 4 , if desired, the panels 12 of the construction module 10 , rather than being merely translucent, can be substantially transparent. As shown in FIGS. 4 and 5 , the corners 18 of the cube formed by the panels 12 of the construction module 10 can include a concave surface or socket 44 rather than including flat beveled surfaces. Referring to FIG. 5 , cylindrical cups 46 can be provided under the sockets 44 to receive and support the magnets 22 rather than the finger-equipped magnet support elements 30 of FIGS. 2-3 . As also shown in FIG. 5 , the magnets 22 can be substantially cylindrical in shape to fit within the cylindrical cups 46 , and the cover 42 of the light cartridge 36 can include a slot 48 and exterior threads (not shown) so as to facilitate the use of a screwdriver to gain access to the contents of the housing 38 (e.g., to replace the lighting, control, and/or power components therein), and to secure the cover 42 to the housing 38 via internal threads (not shown) formed therein. In use, multiple instances of the construction module 10 can be combined with other construction elements in an attractive construction featuring internal lighting and sturdy construction for aesthetic pleasure and/or as a leisure time recreational activity that fosters creativity and stimulates mental development. For example, and as shown in FIGS. 6 and 7 , multiple construction modules 10 having transparent panels 12 as discussed above with reference to FIG. 4 , can be assembled with each other and with several planar construction elements 50 of constructions (e.g., embedded magnets, transparent in color, approximately the same size as the panels 12 of the construction modules 10 , embedded ferromagnetic disks, or connecting rods with embedded magnets or ferromagnetic components) compatible with those of the construction modules 10 (see, for example, applicant's co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/966,011 filed Oct. 15, 2004 and entitled “Magnetic Construction Modules For Creating Three-Dimensional Assemblies,” the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety), to form an construction 52 . Construction elements 50 also may magnetically couple to one another. Such a construction 52 can be illuminated attractively via light 54 (e.g., red light, blue light, etc.) generated by the LED lights 40 and/or controlled by the circuitry (not shown) in any desired manner (e.g., in multiple colors, with flashing lights, using motion-activated, voice-activated, or sound-activated lights). The construction 52 can be produced by introducing several stainless steel balls 56 and placing them between the magnets 22 (see FIG. 1 ) of the construction modules 10 and the magnets of the planar construction elements 50 , thereby linking such construction modules and elements via their common magnetic attraction to the steel material. A surprisingly sturdy structure can be created quickly and easily by means of the localized tension forces arising at these precise magnetic interfaces. In at least one advantageous embodiment of the present invention, stainless steel balls 56 having a diameter of 15 mm are used, wherein the construction modules and elements 10 , 50 are formed with precise control over their shape and size such that the center-to-center distance of 40.01 mm is produced and maintained between adjacent stainless steel balls 56 in the construction 52 . Other ball sizes and center-to-center distances are possible. Many benefits are provided by the three-dimensional construction modules 10 , and/or by a construction 52 containing such construction modules 10 and built in accordance with the foregoing description. The combination of transparent or translucent panels with interior lighting in a conveniently-sized construction module 10 equipped with corner magnets 22 naturally sparks the imagination to produce constructions 52 having one or more of a multiplicity of shapes, lighting colors and/or patterns. The presence of the several stainless steel balls 56 adjacent every corner 18 ( FIG. 4 ) provides numerous surfaces by which the internally generated light may be reflected and/or scattered according to the immediate whims of the user. Disassembly and reassembly can be accomplished with great speed, and replacement of consumable lighting components is similarly easy to perform. It should also be noted that the present invention encompasses numerous embodiments in addition to the construction module 10 of FIGS. 1-7 . Some such additional exemplary embodiments of the present invention are illustrated in FIGS. 8-12 . Elements illustrated in FIGS. 8-12 , which correspond substantially to the elements described above with reference to FIGS. 1-7 , have been designated by corresponding reference numerals increased by one or more increments of one thousand. The embodiments of the present invention shown in FIGS. 8-12 operate and are constructed in manners consistent with the foregoing description of the construction module 10 , unless stated otherwise. FIG. 8 shows a construction module 1010 constructed in accordance with a second embodiment of the present invention. The three-dimensional shape of the construction module 1010 is that of a cylinder. The panel 1012 forming the sides of the cylindrical shape of the construction module 1010 is arcuate, and the panels 1012 forming the top and bottom of the cylindrical shape are flat. The construction module 1010 includes an internal light cartridge 1036 mounted to a panel 1012 and magnets 1022 mounted at the cylinder's edges 1016 . For purposes of further discussion hereinafter (i.e., with reference to FIGS. 11 and 12 ), the construction module 1010 is shown with the panel 1012 forming the bottom of the cylindrical shape facing upward, exposing an annular beveled surface 1058 at one of the edges 1016 into which four magnets 1022 are embedded. FIG. 9 shows a construction module 2010 constructed in accordance with a third embodiment of the present invention. The three-dimensional shape of the construction module 2010 is that of a pyramid. The construction module 2010 includes an internal light cartridge 2036 mounted to a panel 2012 and magnets 2022 mounted at the pyramid's corners 2018 . FIG. 10 shows a construction module 3010 constructed in accordance with a fourth embodiment of the present invention. The three-dimensional shape of the construction module 3010 is that of a prism. The construction module 3010 includes an internal light cartridge 3036 mounted to a panel 3012 and magnets 3022 mounted at the prism's corners 3018 . FIGS. 11 and 12 are respective perspective and top plan views of an construction 1052 composed in part of the above-discussed panel 1012 which forms the flat bottom of the cylindrical shape of the construction module 1010 of FIG. 8 . As shown in FIGS. 11 and 12 , the construction 1052 contains further construction elements, i.e., numerous stainless steel balls 1056 and two planar construction elements 1050 . The annular beveled surface 1058 in which the magnets 1022 are embedded faces downward and outward and is oriented at a 45 degree angle to the downward-facing surface 1014 ( FIG. 8 ) of the panel 1012 . As such, the panel 1012 is somewhat elevated with respect to the stainless steel balls 1056 and the planar construction elements 1050 . In addition, and as best shown in the top view of FIG. 12 , there exists ample horizontal clearance between the planar construction elements 1050 and the panel 1012 , enabling the cylindrically-shaped construction module 1010 ( FIG. 8 ) to be integrated smoothly into the construction 1052 . It will be understood that the embodiments of the present invention described herein are merely exemplary and that a person skilled in the art may make many variations and modifications without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. All such variations and modifications, including those discussed above, are therefore intended to be included within the scope of the present invention. The foregoing disclosure of the preferred embodiments of the present invention has been presented for purposes of illustration and description. It is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise forms disclosed. Many variations and modifications of the embodiments described herein will be apparent to one of ordinary skill in the art in light of the above disclosure. The scope of the invention is to be defined only by the claims appended hereto, and by their equivalents. Further, in describing representative embodiments of the present invention, the specification may have presented the method and/or process of the present invention as a particular sequence of steps. However, to the extent that the method or process does not rely on the particular order of steps set forth herein, the method or process should not be limited to the particular sequence of steps described. As one of ordinary skill in the art would appreciate, other sequences of steps may be possible. Therefore, the particular order of the steps set forth in the specification should not be construed as limitations on the claims. In addition, the claims directed to the method and/or process of the present invention should not be limited to the performance of their steps in the order written, and one skilled in the art can readily appreciate that the sequences may be varied and still remain within the spirit and scope of the present invention.
A construction kit that is suitable for creating a variety of different structures includes a plurality of illuminated elements. In one embodiment, an illuminated element has a plurality of substantially transparent panels forming a three-dimensional shape, a self-powered light cartridge within the three-dimensional shape, and a plurality of externally directed magnets. The cartridge can include a housing disposed on a panel of the plurality of substantially transparent panels, a light located within the housing and positioned approximately in the center of the three-dimensional shape, circuitry within the housing for controlling an operation of the light, a battery within the housing for powering the light via the circuitry, and a removable cover for sealing the light, circuitry and battery within the housing. The illuminated elements can be directly connected to each other with the externally directed magnets or with connecting members (e.g., ferromagnetic spheres) between the magnets.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention This invention relates to rotator drive devices, and more particularly to a phase control device for a rotator. 2. Description of the Prior Art In the conventional rotator drive device. for example, the disk drive device in the electronic still camera, it has been the common practice to control driving of the disk in such a manner that the phase of rotation of the electric motor is brought into coincidence with the clock signal which is used for regulating the timing in operating the camera whole. The use of such a method in controlling the speed (phase) of the motor, therefore, took a very long time. Thus, in the various operations of the camera, its ramp characteristic was less than desirable. Also, a method of phase control may be considered in which the phase of an FG (Frequency Generator) pulse is synchronized in a delay of π from the clock signal. In this case, however, the possibility of controlling the phase is unavoidably limited so that the phase lag of the FG pulses with respect to the clock signal must fall in a range from 0 to not more than 2π. Yet, with a sudden change of the load on the motor, that the phase difference may likely exceed the above-defined maximum acceptable range. For example, suppose, for every one revolution of the rotator (nct shown), 16 FG pulses are obtained. If in this case, as the phase difference between the clock sigral and the FG pulse was in the close neighborhood of (15/8)π at the time of the (n-1)th cycle of sampling for control, the phase of the FG pulse delays more than (1/8)π from the clock signal until the next or nth cycle of sampling. As a result, a phase lag of the FG pulse to the clock signal above 2π occurs. In the above-described control method, this situation is mistaken for a diminishment of the phase gap, hecause phase lags of 2π and zero cannot be discriminated from each other. Therefore, proper control could no longer be attained. Hence, there has been demand for a rotator drive device having phase control capable of following larger variations and sudden changes in the load. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION With the above-described problems in mind, the present invention has been made, and its object is to provide a rotator drive device which enables an accurate phase control of a rotator to be carried out even when the load varies either to a large extent, or at a high rate. And, to achieve this object, in an embodiment of the invention, the rotator drive device is constructed with inclusion of rotation drive means for driving a rotator, first detecting means for detecting the phase of rotation of the rotator, a clock signal source for producing a periodical clock signal, phase control means for controlling the rotation drive means in such a manner that the phase difference between the output of the clock signal source and the output of the first detecting means takes a constant value by comparing the phase diffarence with a prescribed value, and second detecting means operating in such a manner that, as it reads out tne phase difference after the first detecting means has produced an output, if the production of another output of the first detecting means occurs before this reading-out operation is performed, this is detected, whereby even when the aforesaid phase control means fails to compute with proper timing the phase control, a correcting measure can be taken by the detection which is obtained from the second detecting means, thereby giving an advantage that the range of phase control is so largely widened that the phase control becomes quickly, reliably and stably responsive even to a rapid, large variation of the load. Another object of the invention is to provide for the rotator drive device with further inclusion of control means for varying the number of cycles of computing operation of the phase control means depending on the time interval from the moment at which the first detecting means has produced an output to the moment at which the first detecting means produces an output again, so that when the computing is too late, a shift to the next timing occurs, or the present cycle of computing operation is skipped to wait for the next data. Thus, even when a condition not suited to phase control occurs, an appropriate corrective measure can be taken. This makes it possible to widen the range of phase control, and to realize a rotator drive device which can quickly, stably, reliably and accurately cope even with a large variation of the load. Still another object of the invention is to provide for the rotation drive device with further inclusion of means for detecting that the first detecting means has not produced an output in one period of the clock signal, whereby even when a condition not suited to phase control by the phase control means occurs, a proper measure can be taken with the help of the cutput of the detecting means described just above. Thus, a rotation drive device having a wider range of phaee control and capable, upon variation of the load even to a large extent, of driving the rotator, quickly, reliably and accurately, stably, is realized. A further object of the invention is to provide for the rotation drive device with further inclusion of control means arranged to cooperate with the detecting means for detecting a fact that the first detecting means has not produced any output in one period of the clock signal in such a manner that if that fact is detected, a speed control is made on the basis of the speed deviation, and after the speed of the aforesaid rotator has been stabilized by that control, a switching to the phase control takes place, whereby even when a condition not suited to phase control is met, it is made possible to cope with it by additionally the speed control. Thus, a rotation drive device having a wider range of phase control and capable, upon variation of the load to a very large extent, of driving the rotator quickly, reliably and accurately, and stably, is realized. A furthermore object of the invention is to provide for the rotation drive device with further inclusion of detecting means for detecting a fact that the first detecting means has produced a plurality of outputs in time spaced relation in one period of the clock signal, whereby even when a condition not suited to phase control by the phase control means is occurs, it is possible to properly cope with it by utilizing the output of the just above described detecting means. Thus, a rotation drive device having a wider range of phase control and capable, upon variation of the load to a very large extent, of driving a rotator quickly, reliably and accurately, and stably, is realized. Yet another object of the invention is to provide for the rctation drive device with further inclusion of control means arranged to cooperate with the means for detecting a fact that the first detecting means has produced a plurality of outputs in time spaced relation in one period of the clock signal in such a manner that if that fact is detected, a speed control is made on the basis of the speed deviation, and, after the speed of the rotator has been stabilized by the speed control, a switching to the phase control means takes place. Thus, a rotation drive device having a wider range of phase control and capable, upon variation of the load to a very large extent, of driving the rotator quickly, reliably and accurately, and stably, is realized. Other objects and features of the invention will become apparent from the following description taken in conjunction with the drawings. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating an example of the construction of an embodiment of a rotator drive device according to the present invention applied to an electronic still camera. FIG. 2 is a flowchart illustrating an example of a manner in which the device of FIG. 1 operates. FIGS. 3, 3A and 3B show an electrical circuit diagram illustrating in detail an example of the construction of the main parts of the device of the invention. FIGS. 4 and 5 are timing charts illustrating two examples of the timing of the FG pulse signal with a clock signal. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT The present invention next is described in detail by reference to the drawings. In FIG. 1 there is shown an electronic still camera employing a disk drive device as one embodiment of a rotator drive device. The device includes a motor start switch 1 a system control computer unit 2 for controlling the device whole and performing various computations, the computer unit 2 having a CPU in the form of a microcon:puter, a RAM with work areas, a ROM in which a program shown in FIG. 2 is stored, a counter and other components (not shown). The device further includes a timer-counter circuit 3 which is preset at the rising edge of an input (PRESET) signal 13 and counts time from an initial value as a clock signal is produced from a clock oscillator (not shown), a latch circuit 4 for holding the content of the timer-counter circuit 3 at each rising edge of an input signal, the parts 2, 3 and 4 constituting a phase control means, a system reference signal generating circuit 5 as a synchronizing signal source for producing a timing signal (synchronizing signal) for the entirety of the electronic still camera having an electric motor incorporated therein, a motor control reference signal generating circuit 6 as a reference signal source for producing a signal to which the phase control of the motor is referred, a D/A converter 7, a motor drive circuit 8 for amplifying a motor control signal of D/A converted form, and an electric motor 9 as the rotation drive means. An FG Frequency Generator) circuit 10 as the detecting means produces an FG signal corresponding to the speed of rotation of the motor 9, that is, for example, 16 pulses for every one revolution of the motor 9. A mode selector switch 11 responsive to a mode selection signal 14 moves between its "a" position where the speed is controlled by using the speed deviation, or the speed control mode is set, and its "b" position where the speed is controlled by phase synchronization or the phase control mode is set. A phase signal generator PG produces a pulse of H level for one revolution of the motor in synchronism with the phase of the motor. 21 is an AND gate; 12 is the output signal of the FG circuit 10; 13 is the PRESET signal inputted to the "preset" input terminal of the counter circuit 3; 15 is the READY signal produced from the computer unit 2 and having H level when in phase synchronism or L level when out of synchronism; 16 is the reference signal generation timing signal produced from the computer unit 2; 17 is the reference signal produced from the control reference signal generating circuit 6; 18 is the output signal from the PG 19. A one-shot circuit 20 produces one pulse of H level whose width is almost equal to the period of the output signal of the PG when the READY signal 15 changes from L level to H level. 22 is an image pickup device; 23 is a signal processing circuit; 24 is a head; 25 is a recording medium as the rotator whose rotation is to be controlled. Next, the operation of the device of FIG. 1 is described. FIG. 2 illustrates a process for controlling the driving of the rotator according to the embodiment of the invention. In this embodiment, the motor 9 is synchronized with the vertical synchronizing signal of the video signal, and when their phases are in synchronism, the period of the FG signal 12 of the motor 9 is made equal to the period of the reference signal 17 from the control reference signal generating circuit 6, and the phase difference between the rising pulse edge of the FG signal and the rising edge of the reference signal 17 is made equal to π. Here, the reason why the phase difference is taken at π is that the phase difference to be detected is allowed to vary over a widest possible range, when it is taken at 1/2 of one resolution or 2π. At a time when the start begins, the motor 9 is assumed to be stopping from rotation. At this initial time, the switch 11 is in its "a" position, that is, the speed control mode is set. Now, a step S1 is executed. If the motor start switch 1 is closed, then the operation advance to a step S2 so that the system control computer unit 2 gives the D/A converter 7 an output of a constant value large enough to drive the motor 9. Then the operation advances to a step S3. After the speed of the motor 9 has been controlled in the following manner in the step S3, a step S4 follows in the computer unit 2 to examine whether or not motor speed is stable. That is, at first, in the step S3, the signal from the D/A converter 7 is inputted to the drive circuit 8, and the signal based on this from the drive circuit 8 is supplied to the motor 9. The motor 9 then starts to rotate. The FG circuit 10 produces an FG pulse signal 12 proportional to the period of rotation of the motor 9. Here, since the switch 11 is in the "a" position, the content of the timer-counter circuit 3 is sampled and held in the latch circuit 4 in synchronism with the rising edge of the FG pulse signal 12. At the same time, the timer-counter circuit 3 is preset and starts to count time from the ini&ial value again. That is, the latch circuit 4 holds the period of the FG pulse in every one rising edge of the FG pulse signal. The computer unit 2 computes the difference between the held period of the FG pulse and the control target period (or, in the case of, for example, NTSC system, the period of the vertical synchronizing signal (1/60)sec./the number of FG pulses in one revolution (16)) as the amount of deviation, and produces an output representing the amount of adjustment of the speed which is then applied ro the D/A converter 7. In such a manner, the speed of the motor 9 is controlled. Then the operation advances to a step S4 in which whether or not the speed of the motor 9 is sufficiently stable in the neighborhood of the target speed is tested in the computer unit 2 based on the aforesaid amount of deviation. If the amount of deviation is larger than a prescribed value, indicating that the speed is unstable, then the operation returns to the step S3. If within the prescribed value, as the speed is stable, then the operation advances to a step S5. In the step S5, whether or not the FG pulse is at the rising edge is tested in the computer unit 2. If it is determined "yes", then the operation advances to a step S6 in which the computer unit 2 performs timing counting from the point in time of the rising edge of the FG pulse by a counter incorporated therein. Then the operation advances to a step S7 in which whether or not a time equal to 1/2 of the period of the FG pulse when in synchronism, namely, π from the start of the counting has passed is determined in the computer unit 2. If "yes", then the operation advances to a step S8. In the step S8, the computer unit 2 moves the switch 11 to the phase control mode position or "b" position. In the next step S9, the reference signal generation timing signal 16 from the computer unit 2 is applied to the control reference signal generating circuit 6. At a point in time when the time of π from the rise of the FG pulse has passed in the computar unit 2, the generating circuit 6 starts to produce the reference signal 17. FIG. 4 illustrates the timing of the FG signal and the reference signal at this time. Thereby, the counter circuit 3 when in the phase control mode is reset each time the output signal of the control reference signal generating circuit 6 rises up. In a step S10, the computer unit 2 reads in the content of the latch circuit 4. The content of the latch circuit 4 is the counted value of the time from the rising edge of the reference signal 17 to the rising edge of the FG pulse. This represents the phase difference between the reference signal and the FG pulse signal. In the next step Sll, a routine for determining the phase difference is executed. By this routine, the deviation of the phase difference between the reference signal and the FG pulse from the target phase difference is corrected. In the next step S12, based on this corrected deviation, the computer unit 2 computes the amount of adjustment. Then the operation adavnces to a step S13 in which tne computation result from the computer unit 2, that is, the amount of adjustment is outputted to the D/A converter 7. Thereby, the phase of rotation of the motor 9 is controlled on the basis of the amount of adjustment. Then the operation advances to a step S14 in which on the basis of the content of the latch circuit 4 read by the computer unit 2, whether or not the actual phase difference between the reference signal and the FG pulse has reached the target or ideal phase difference, that is, whether their phases are in synchronism, is tested. If out of synchronism, then the operatoin returns to the step S10 to repeat the procedure. If their phases are determined to be in synchronism, then the operation advances to a step S15 in which the computer unit 2 produces the READY signal 15 of H level. Then the operation returns to the step S10. The essential part of the embodiment of the invention, or the rotator drive control circuit next is described in detail. FIGS. 3, 3A and 3B illustrate the details of the construction and arrangement of the elements of the circuits 3, 4 and 6 and the switch 11 constituting the rotator drive circuit enclosed within a dot-and-dash line block in FIG. 1. Timer counters 107-110 perform counting of a clock signal 201 from initial values set by timer pre-scalers 105 and 106, constituting the counter circuit 3 of FIG. 1. Timer latches 111 and 112 responsive to a strobe signal 202 for holding the values of the timer counters 107-110, constitute the latch circuit 4 of FIG. 1. A flag buffer 113 latches the output of flip-flops (hereinafter abbreviated to FF) 117, 118, 119 and 115. A buffer 114 for setting modes controls the operation of the mode selection switch 11. An FF 112 operates with timing of a signal 203 obtained by inverting the FG signal 12. Another FF 121 latches the Q output of the FF 122 in the timing of the clock signal 231. Another FF 120 latches the Q output of the FF 121 in the timing of the clock signal 201. Another FF 116 latches the output of a NAND gate 156 in the timing of the clock signal 201. 130-140 are inverter gates; 150-162 are NAND gates; 170-174 are NOR gates. For note, the reference signal generating circuit 6 in this embodiment has the timer counters 107-110 in common. A data bus buffer 101 and an address bus buffer 102 are connected to the CPU of the system control computer unit 2 through data buses and address buses respectively. Address decoders 103 and 104 are connected to the address buffer 102. The CPU supplies a chip select signal CS, a read signal RD, a write signal WR and an address line signal AWR for activating the address bus buffer 102. The operation of the circuit of FIGS. 3, 3A and 3B is described below. At first, the device is assumed to be sat in the phase control mode by mode select signals 204, 205 and 206 of which the first two have L level and tne last has H level. At this time, the target period of the FG is set in the pre-scalers 105 and 106 by the complement-of-2 representation of the multiplied period of the clock signal 201 by an integer. Then, after the FG signal 203 has risen, when the signal 207 which is synchronized with the clock signal 201 through the flip-flops 121 and 122 rises up, the signal 202 becomes L level, causing the the values of the timer counters 107-110 to be latched in the timer latches 111 and 112. At the same time, by the signal 209 which is the inversion of the signal 207, the output of FF 115 is changed to H level. Also, by the overflow signal of the timer counter 107-110, the output of the gate 173 is changed to L level at which the counters 107-110 start to count again from the values set in the pre-scalers 105 and 106. That is, the measured value of time frcm the start of the re-counting of the timer counters 107-110 to the moment at which the FG signal 203 rises up is stored in the timer latches 111 and 112. That is, the phase control is carried out by controlling the phase of rotation of the motor 9 so as to bring this value to constant. By the way, the fact that the data have been latched in the timer latches 111 and 112 can be sensed in the form of a change of the Q output of the FF 115 to H level as has been described above. But, at this time, it is considered that before the contents of the latches 111 and 112 are read out, the next FG signal 203 rises up. The FF 115 is cleared by the READ strobe signal 210 of the timer latch 112. But, if the FG signal 203 rises up before the READ strobe signal 210 becomes L level, the output of the NAND gate 153 oecomes L level and the Q output of the FF 117 becomes H level. That is, referring to the through the data bus content of the flag buffer 113 corresponding to this signal when, for example, in the steps S10-S15 of the phase control process, the CPU of the computer unit 2 can detect the fact that the FG signal 203 has risen up twice or more during the time until the contents of the timer latches 111 and 112 are read in. In general, when the microcomputer or the like is applied to the computation for the phase control, an event sometimes occurs that the computation occurs too late. For this case, the normal procedure of computing operations may partly be skipped with the essential operations being retained, so that the computing is not too late for the timing with the next FG pulse. Even if the computing for the phase control is skipped, for example, one out of several times, the phase of the motor 9 is not largely disturbed. So, in such a case, the only treatment may be limited to the resetting of the FF 117, that is, the changing of the input of the gate 139 to L level, which is followed by waiting for latching of the next data. Next, an alternative case is considered in which the FG signal 203 has not even once risen up in the time interval from the moment at which, as the timer counters 107-110 overflowed, the re-counting was started to the moment at which they have overflowed for the next time. At first. when the timer counters 107-110 overflow, the output of the NAND gate 156 becomes H level. Therefore, the Q output of FF 116 has H level. In this state, when the FG signal 203 rises up to change the signal 209 to L level, if the timer counters 107-110 do not overflow yet, the output of the NAND gate 156 becomes L level, and the output Q of the FF 116 becomes L level. But, if the overflow signal 208 of the timer counters 107-110 becomes H level again before the FG signal 203 rises up, because both inputs of the NAND gate 154 become H level, the Q output of FF 118 is set to H level. This allows for the CPU of the computer unit 2 to be able, upon reference to the corresponding content of the flag buffer 113 corresponding to this signal when, for example, in the phase control process, to detect the fact that no rising up of the FG signal occurs during the time between after the timer counter 107-110 overflowed and before they have overflowed for the next time. Though such a situation may be taken as an abnormal operation to stop the motor, it is fairly considered that the subsequent phase control is necessary. For this case, the input of the gate 139 is first changed to L level to reset the FF 118. Then, based on the reference to the state of the signal of the flag buffer 113 as has been described above, or using this as an interrupt signal, transition to the speed control mode is made. At a time when the speed has become stable, transition to the phase control mode again is then made. For the speed control mode, the mode select signals 204-206 are all set to L level, and zero is set in the pre-scaler. Then, in a slight delay from the rising up of the FG signal 203, the signal 207 rises up, causing change of the signal 202 to L level at which time the values of the timer counters 107-110 are stored in the timer latches 111 and 112, and also causing change of the signal 211 to L level and change of the output of the gate 173 to L level, at which time the counters 107-110 load the values of the pre-scalers, that is, are reset to zero and start to count again. Since the concurrent values of the timer latches 111 and 112 represent the period of the FG signal, the speed may be controlled in accordance with this value. Next, ar alternative case is considered in which the FG signal 203 has twice or more risen up during the time between after, as the timer counters 107-110 overflowed, the re-counting was started and before the next overflowing has occurred. At first, when the timer counters 107-110 overflow, the output of the NAND gate 156 becomes H level. Therefore, the Q cutput of the FF 116 becomes H level, and its Q output becomes L level. In this state, when the FG signal 203 rises up to change the signal 209 to L level, because, at this time, the timer counters 107-110 do not overflow yet, the output of the NAND gate 156 becomes L level, the Q output of the FF 116 becomes L level, and its Q output becomes H level. If, here, the counters 107-110 overflow, the outputs of the NAND gate 156 becomes H level, the Q output of the FF 116 becomes H level, and its Q output becomes L level. But, if the FG signal 203 once more rises up before the overflowing occurs, the output of the NAND gate 155 becomes L level, and the Q output of the FF 119 becomes H level. This allows for the CPU of the computer unit 2 to be able, upon reference to the corresponding content of the flag buffer 113 through the data buses when, for example, in the course of controlling the phase, to detect the fact that the FG signal 203 has twice or more risen up between the successive two occurrences of the overflowing of the the timer counters 107-110. Even in this case, similarly to the foregoing case, the motor 9 may be stopped. But, when the subsequent phase control is necessary, the FF 119 is first reset by changing the input of the gate 139 to L level. Then, as has been described above, based on the reference to the signal state cf the flag buffer 113, or by using this as the interrupt signal, the operation is routed to the speed control mode. After a good stability. of the speed is attained, the device is switched again to the phase control mode. In such a manner, even when the FG pulse has deviated from the reference signal by more than 2π, that is, such a situation as shown in FIG. 5 is encountered, without making an erroneous control, the phase difference between them can be made to quickly, reliably and stably fall within the range of 0 to 2π. For note, in the embodiment of the invention, since the phase control is carried out by using the FG pulses (for example, 16 pulses per one revolution of the motor), as compared with the PG pulse (one pulse per one revolution of the motor), a more accurate phase synchronization is possible. After the phase synchronization, by the step S15 the READY signal 15 of H level is produced. Responsive to this, the one-shot circuit 20 produces a pulse which is longer than the period of the reference signal 17 but shorter than 2 times the period. And, since, as the motor is rotating, the PG 19 produces the signal 18 of H level once for each revolution at a particular phase, when the output of the one-shot circuit 20 has become H level, or the READY signal 15 has changed to H level representing that the phases have been synchronized with each other and the output signal 18 of the PG 19 changes to H level, the output of the AND gate 21 becomes H level to set the system reference signal generating circuit 5. Therefore, the timing of the video signal processing system including the image pickup system of the electronic still camera can be quickly obtained by this system reference signal generating circuit 5. Moreover, at this time, the recording medium 25 and the reference signal generating circuit 5 are in perfect synchronism. In such a manner, according to the embodiment of the invention, at the start of energization of the motor, the phase control based on the synchronizing signal is not carried out but only the speed control is carried out, thereby the influence of the phase error signal is not received. Therefore, the time until the speed is stabilized is short. Also, according to this embodiment, after the speed of the motor has becone stable, the motor control is changed over from the speed control to the phase control. Moreover, the phase of the reference signal for this phase control is at first brought into coincidence with the phase of the motor, thereby it being made possible to minimize the variation of the phase of the motor at the time of changing over to the phase control mode so that the synchronization of their phases is established in a reduced time. Moreover, a synchronization of the thus-phase synchronized motor with the video signal can also be obtained quickly. For note, though the embodiment of the invention has been described in connection with the use of the FG pulse in the control on assumption that the FG pulse is capable of deviating 2π or more to the reference signal, that is, as shown in FIG. 5, the present invention is applicable to the system using PG pulses in the control even on the same assumption, provided the value of the pre-scaler is altered to suit it. Also, though the embodiment of the invention has been described as applied to the electronic still camera, it is of course possible to apply the invention to other various instruments having the drive mechanism for the rotator with great advantages and very easily.
A rotation drive device for driving a rotator is disclosed, comprising an electric motor for driving the rotator, a phase detecting circuit for detecting the phase of rotation of the rotator, a reference signal source for forming a reference signal of a constant period, a phase control circuit for controlling the motor in such a manner that the phase difference between the output of the reference signal source and the output of the phase detecting circuit becomes a constant value, a detecting circuit for detecting a fact that the reading-out of the phase difference is not completed in the time interval between the successive two outputs of the phase detecting circuit, a control circuit for varying the number of cycles of phase difference computing operation of the phase control circuit depending on the time interval between the successive two outputs of the phase detecting circuit, another detecting circuit for detecting a fact that the phase detecting circuit has produced no output in one period of the reference signal, and another detecting circuit for detecting a fact that the production of an output of the phase detecting circuit has repeated a plurality of times in one period of the reference signal.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS This application is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 08/686,782, filed on Jul. 26, 1996, to issue as U.S. Pat. No. 5,783,631 on Jul. 21, 1998, and Ser. Nos. 08/686,798 and 08/686,799 filed concurrently on Jul. 26, 1996, to issue as U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,777,033 and 5,777,029 respectively on Jul. 7, 1998. FIELD OF THE INVENTION Polymer blends having a combination of elastic and thermoplastic properties, referred to as "thermoplastic vulcanizates" or "TPVs" (also referred to in the past as "thermoplastic elastomers" or "TPEs") are made by dynamic vulcanization to provide desired hardness/softness, oil and temperature resistance, oxidation resistance, and processability, inter alia. In TPVs, which are not physical blends, the properties depend on the respective amounts of "hard" and "soft" phases provided by each component, and the properties of each component. To be of commercial value, the hard phase is typically provided by a readily available engineering thermoplastic resin, familiarly referred to as a "plastic" for brevity. Most commonly the plastic is a synthetic resinous material chosen from polyolefins, polyesters and polyamides which provide a continuous phase of the hard phase in which dispersed domains of the "soft" phase of an elastomer are present. TPVs of "plastics" and one or more vulcanizable (hereafter "curable" for brevity) rubbers are tailored to provide blends of controlled hardness, typically ranging from less than 30 Shore A to 70 Shore D. Such blends are exceptionally resistant to oil swelling, and to compression set. These blends are "custom-tailored" to obtain a precise "fit" having particular sought-after properties. The Problem It is well known that to provide a "tailored vulcanizate" in a blend of a polar engineering thermoplastic it is desirable to form vulcanizates with a combination of of rubbers each having repeating units with different functionalities in the backbone of its chain. Suc acrylate rubbers with chosen functionalities (some of these are referred to as being "dual functional") have, to date, been cured with conventional curing agents. Such rubbers being polar are preferably blended with a polar plastic. However, when one rubber has only one functional group on each chain and that group contains a halogen atom, and another rubber contains a functional group which does not have a halogen atom, the rubbers fail to be substantially cured and do not form a usable vulcanizate. By "substantial cure" is meant a degree of cure of at least about 80 percent, desirably at least about 90 or 95 percent; preferably rubbers are substantially fully cured, indicating in excess of 97 percent is cured, as determined by the amount of unextractable acrylic rubber from a test sample of the TPV in toluene at 20° C. The rubbers are cured by reaction between the halogen and other functional groups through either covalent or ionic bonds. It was not known how to crosslink a rubber having solely halogen functionality with one which had solely another functionality. When a combination of rubbers was to be cured and none had halogen functionality but functional groups which were reactive, the rubbers could be cured with only a fatty acid salt, e.g. potassium stearate, used to provide its conventional function in such a reaction, namely that of an accelerator. However, as indicated above, when one of the functional groups is a halogen-containing group which has essentially no inherent reactivity with another rubber, or plural rubbers with chosen functional groups, crosslinking with a combination of conventional curing agent and a fatty acid salt accelerator failed to provide a usable TPV. The solution to the problem was to use only the fatty acid salt and leave out the conventional curing agent. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Processes for making blends of co-cured and self-curable rubbers, where one of the curable rubbers does not have halogen functionality, are taught in the above-identified copending patent applications. The term "plastic" refers herein to a resin selected from the group consisting of polyamides, polycarbonates, polyesters, polysulfones, polylactones, polyacetals, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS), polyphenylene oxide (PPO), polyphenylene sulfide (PPS), styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN), polyimides, styrene-maleic anhydride (SMA) and aromatic polyketones, any of which may be used by itself or in combination with another. Most preferred are polar engineering thermoplastic resins, e.g. polyamides and polyesters. Ser. No. 08/686,782 teaches that acrylic rubbers having "reactive" functional groups may be self-cured without a curing agent. Such "reactive" functional groups are so characterized because it was found that they will crosslink, albeit slowly, under typical dynamic vulcanization conditions, usually in less than 5 minutes, without either a curing agent or an accelerator. "Dynamic vulcanization conditions" refer to a temperature high enough to maintain the components in a liquid state, mixed with high enough shear energy provided for a period long enough, and at a rate sufficient to produce a sudden increase in torque indicative of crosslinking; the temperature ranges from 180° C. to 260° C., preferably 220° C.-240° C., and the shear energy is in the range from about 0.01 to 1 Kw-hr/lb, which covers both batch mixers and continuous extruders. Details of conventional dynamic vulcanization are set forth in U.S. Pat. No. 4,141,863 to Coran and Patel, the disclosure of which relating to dynamic vulcanization is incorporated by reference thereto as if fully set forth herein. Such rubbers were therefore stated to be "self-cured" under dynamic vulcanization conditions. A rubber having a vinyl chloroacetate group was used as a control; it was cured (alone, and not as a co-reactant with another functionalized rubber) with a quaternary ammonium salt, to illustrate properties of a typical, desirable TPV. Table I presents an illustrative example in which the control is an acrylic copolymer having halogen functionality (AR-71) cured with a quaternary ammonium salt (example 1); one of the repeating units of the copolymer has a functional group with a halogen substituent. Another such functional group is benzylic chloride. Such rubbers are hereinafter referred to as having "halogen functionality" or "AcrRubHal", for brevity. By "halogen functionality" is meant a reactive cure site containing a halogen selected from the group consisting of fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine, most preferably chlorine. Other illustrative examples in Table I of the '782 application present formation of TPVs from rubbers with epoxy and carboxyl groups without the necessity of a curing agent, using a metal stearate as an accelerator. Examples 2-7 teach combinations of acrylates with epoxy (AR-31 or AR-53) and carboxyl (Vamac-GMB) groups cured with magnesium oxide. Table III illustrates the formation of a vulcanizate of two rubbers, one having a carboxyl group (Vamac-GMB which contains a 0.09 phr antioxidant package) and the other rubber having a hydroxy group (Hytemp 4404 available from BFGoodrich Company) (see examples 8-10 and 12-15). Example 11 illustrates a TPV formed from rubbers having reactive epoxy and hydroxy groups. All examples 8-15 are self-cured with either potassium or magnesium stearate. Table V illustrates the formation of vulcanizates from other rubbers having the above-identified functional epoxy, carboxyl and hydroxy groups, and each is self-cured with potassium stearate. When one group is one of the foregoing groups and the other group has halogen functionality, the rubbers do not self-cure. The '798 and '799 applications teach TPVs formed by a process in which a first curable acrylic rubber and a curable terpolymer are vulcanized in a polyamide and a polyester respectively, in the presence of a curing agent, to form a blend which has a single low temperature brittle (LTB) point which is intermediate the LTBs of the constituent rubbers. In the '798 application, an ethylene-alkyl acrylate-carboxylic acid terpolymer rubber is co-cured in a polyamide with another functionalized acrylic rubber using a curing agent, and also in the presence of an accelerator such as a metal stearate. Table I presents illustrative control examples #s 1 and 3 with Nipol AR90-130A having a carboxyl group obtained from Nippon Zeon, which are cured with an amine-terminated polyether. Combinations of the Nipol with the terpolymer rubber are similarly cured. Other illustrative examples #s 5-7 in Table I present formation of TPVs from the rubbers using no curing agent, indicating the reactivity of the epoxy and carboxyl groups is sufficient to permit crosslinking without a curing agent. In Table II, TPVs of the terpolymer and a rubber with hydroxy functionality (Hytemp 4050 from BFGoodrich) are all cured with hexamethylene diamine carbamate. In the '799 application, an ethylene-alkyl acrylate-carboxylic acid terpolymer is co-cured with another functionalized acrylic rubber with a curing agent, and also in the presence of an accelerator such as a metal stearate. As before, a rubber having a vinyl chloroacetate group was used as a control, cured with a quaternary ammonium salt (but not as a co-reactant with another functionalized rubber), to illustrate a typical desirable TPV. Table I presents an illustrative example in which the control is AcrRubHal (AR71) cured with a quaternary ammonium salt (example 1). Other illustrative examples in Table I present formation of TPVs from different rubbers with carboxyl groups (similar functionality) using magnesium oxide as a curing agent, and a metal stearate as an accelerator. Examples 2-8 and 11-16 teach combinations of different acrylates (Vamac-G and R-40-130A from Nippon Zeon) with similar carboxyl groups cured with magnesium oxide and other curing agents, most using a metal stearate as accelerator. Illustrative examples 17, 19 and 22 present a TPV formed from reactive carboxyl and epoxy functional groups; and #23 presents a TPV formed from reactive carboxyl and hydroxy functional groups, using only potassium stearate as accelerator. There is no teaching that a AcrRubHal can be co-cured with any one or more of the others with the curing agents taught. In numerous applications, a AcrRubHal provides particularly desirable properties when it is cured with another curable acrylate rubber having carboxyl, hydroxy, or epoxy functionality (singly or together referred to as "AcrRubX"). To date, tailored TPVs of "plastics" having a combination of (AcrRubHal+AcrRubX) dispersed therein are vulcanized sequentially with a curing agent, typically a quaternary ammonium salt. The vulcanization is generally accelerated with a metal fatty acid salt, typically a metal stearate or oleate. For example, when Horrion in U.S. Pat. No. 5,589,544 used a combination of rubbers, one of which had halogen functionality, he cured first one group, then the other in a two-stage process. He therefore never co-cured and crosslinked the halogen-containing group with another non-halogen-containing group (e.g. carboxyl). The curable rubbers in a TPV are compatible with each other and also with the engineering plastic. By "compatible" is meant that the rubbers form a mixture in which a second phase can co-exist with the continuous phase without the use of a compatibilizer or a surface active agent. Typical acrylic rubbers have a repeating unit with a C 1 -C 10 alkyl group in combination with a repeating unit having a group chosen from carboxyl, hydroxyl, epoxy, halogen, ester and the like, and may also include a repeating unit of a C 2 -C 3 olefin. Acrylate rubbers which include a repeating unit derived from a monoolefinically unsaturated monomer which does not have a curable functional group (or reactive site), e.g. ethylene-methyl acrylate copolymer, are not "curable rubbers" as the term is used herein. Because a TPV is formed by melt-blending at a temperature in the range from about 200° C. to 250° C. the reactivity of each component of the blend in that temperature range with one or more of the other components, determines the properties of the final blend. However, to custom-tailor a blend for requires searching for and finding specific combinations of acrylate rubbers which will provide those properties, and to cure them in such a manner that the effect of the curing agent does not detract from those properties. One option is to provide different functional groups in the chains of a single rubber and inter-cure these groups as is done in Hytemp® rubbers having both carboxyl and halogen functionality. Since a combination of acrylate rubbers, each having at least one different functional group, provides a wider selection of repeating units from which one may strive to tailor a blend with specific sought-after properties, such a combination is a preferred choice. Whichever combination is chosen, because of the elevated processing temperature, to minimize the adverse effects of a curing agent, particularly if there is a tendency to evolve toxic organic byproducts. Optimally, the final blend is produced by curing without any curing agent. This is possible when the functional groups are co-reactive, that is, they react under elevated temperature conditions sua sponte, that is, on their own or "self-cured", as is the case between a rubber with an epoxy group and another rubber, particularly those with carboxyl, hydroxyl or amino functionalities, as taught in the aforementioned copending applications. An optimal solution to the problem would provide the desired cure with a curing agent which has minimal adverse effects attributable to it, with respect to the other components, and particularly without generating toxic byproducts. More particularly, it is desired to cure plural rubbers with different functional groups at least one of which has a halogen substituent, with a single curing agent which does not produce toxic byproducts and does not adversely affect the desirable properties of the finished, cured blend in which the plastic is not cured. Highly desirable properties are obtained in a cured blend when one of the rubbers has halogen functionality. Curing such a combination typically requires multiple curing agent which tend to produce toxic byproducts, and also tend to introduce undesirable properties contributed by the curing agents. Further, commonly used curatives such as a quaternary ammonium salt or a tertiary amine in combination with a metal stearate, have been found to produce byproducts harmful in excessive quantity, when used to cure plural rubbers one of which has halogen functionality. Carboxyl and halogen functional groups in a single chain of an acrylate rubber are dynamically vulcanized ("cured" for brevity) with a combination of a quaternary ammonium salt or a tertiary amine and potassium stearate in commercially available Hytemp® rubbers. Surprisingly, the combination of a quaternary ammonium salt and potassium stearate, or, a tertiary amine and potassium stearate has so minimal a curing effect to cure a AcrRubHal with another rubber having carboxyl, hydroxyl or epoxy functionality, that no substantial crosslinking is evident as indicated by the relatively low torque generated (during blending for vulcanization). Potassium stearate, alone, is not recognized as an effective curing agent for a thermoset acrylate rubber or ethylene acrylic rubber. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It has been discovered that a metal fatty acid C 8 -C 24 salt or metal fatty acid salt concentrate (hereinafter "fatty acid salt"), typically a metal stearate or metal stearate concentrate (hereinafter "metal stearate" whether referred to singly or together) functions as a "curative" for acrylate rubbers having functional groups which are essentially unreactive relative to one another, provided that their chains are so intimately mixed that we refer to them as being disposed in occulating relationship with one and another; such mixing is continued at elevated temperature above the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the rubbers, but below a temperature at which either of the rubbers will be degraded. If the chains are insufficiently mixed the rubbers are not substantially fully cured providing evidence that the chains did not achieve the desired occulating relationship. The term "curative" is used herein because it is not known whether the fatty acid salt functions as a co-reactant in the manner of a promoter, or as a catalyst, or both. It is observed that it is difficult to ascertain how much, if any, of the curative is present as the metal fatty acid salt in the TPV even when as much as 12 parts of potassium stearate is used. More specifically, it has been discovered that a TPV of a combination of compatible curable acrylate rubbers, one of which has halogen functionality ("AcrRubHal"), the other having a functional group unreactive with the group having halogen functionality, may be formed by dynamic vulcanization in the presence of a "plastic", in a single step using only a fatty acid salt, preferably a metal stearate, which when homogeneously dispersed within a reaction mass of the rubbers and plastic, unexpectedly functions as a curative, provided the vulcanization is effected after the rubbers are present in a ratio such that, molecules are so intimately mixed as to be in occulating relationship with one and another; that is, the rubbers are molecularly intermixed. The AcrRubHal is combined with another rubber (AcrRubX) which typically has carboxyl, hydroxyl or epoxy functionality. The change in function of a metal fatty acid salt from accelerator to curative is particularly surprising because a combination of a quaternary ammonium salt or tertiary amine and potassium stearate, fails to generate desired crosslinking, indicated by a sudden increase in torque while the components of the reaction mass are being dynamically vulcanized. A torque less than about 800 m.g (meter.grams), typically as low as 400 m.g, in a laboratory Brabender Plasticorder Model No. ?? indicates an insubstantial curing effect which does not adequately cure a AcrRubHal with a AcrRubX. Avoiding the use of a conventional curing agent such as a quaternary ammonium salt or tertiary amine, avoids undesirable reactions with the plastic phase, or preferential curing of one functional group over the other. It is therefore a specific object of this invention to provide a process for blending acrylate rubbers in a ratio in the range from 10:1 to 1:10, each rubber having chains with a functional group different from that of chains of the other, until chains of the rubbers are molecularly intermixed, and then dynamically vulcanizing them in contact with an effective amount of a fatty acid salt as the only curative, at a temperature in the range from about 200° C. to 250° C., to form a TPV in which at least one of the rubbers has halogen functionality, and the plastic phase is provided by an engineering thermoplastic which is essentially free of degradation at vulcanization temperature. The hardness of the vulcanizate increases with increasing concentration of fatty acid salt in the range from about 4 to 24 phr. It is a specific object of this invention to provide a molecularly intermixed blend in which an acrylate rubber with halogen functionality is a critical component which is present in a ratio of (AcrRubHal):(AcrRubX) in a range from 5:1 to 1:5, more preferably from 2:1 to 1:2, then curing the blend in the presence of from 1 to 24 phr (parts by weight based on 100 parts by weight or rubbers), preferably 4 phr to 15 phr, of a metal stearate or metal stearate concentrate, in the absence of a conventionally used curative, the metal stearate preferably dispersed in a carrier which may or may not be vulcanized. More specifically, an essentially single-stage, batch vulcanizate is prepared by reaction of a first AcrRubHal and a second curable rubber intermixed so that chains of one rubber are occularly disposed relative to chains of the other, in the presence of a plastic, with an effective amount of a metal fatty acid salt as the only curative. The ratio of the AcrRubHal (first) and second curable rubbers is in the range from 80:20 to 20:80, blends outside this range generally having physical properties which are not optimal for most commercial applications; and the amount of metal fatty acid salt or concentrate thereof used, is in the range from 2 to 24 phr. The plastic is a minor proportion by weight of the total amount of first and second rubbers used; the desired, final blend is preferably a "soft" blend preferably having a hardness in the range from about 30 Shore A to 30 Shore D. It is a specific object of this invention to provide a process to produce relatively soft blends of a polyamide, such as Nylon 6 or copolyamide thereof, and acrylate rubbers; and of a polyester such as polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) or copolyester thereof, and acrylate rubbers; which blends have a hardness generally less than 30 Shore D; a resistance to oil swell less than 20, as measured by ASTM Test D-471, preferably less than 10; which have a resistance to compression set of at least 85 after 70 hr at 150° C.; and, are substantially free of a quaternary ammonium salt or a tertiary amine. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS The plural functionalized acrylic rubbers to be co-cured are generally compatible with each other and also with the plastic, particularly if it is a polyamide or polyester. The sole curative is a metal stearate or concentrate wherein the metal is selected from the group consisting of Groups Ia IIa, IIb and IVa of the Periodic Table, most preferably sodium, potassium, zinc and calcium. It is hypothesized that a portion of the curative reacts in the blend forming byproducts which are evolved, and the remainder is dispersed within the blend as both byproducts of reaction and as the stearate itself. The dynamic vulcanization is most preferably carried out in a batch mixer such as a Brabender, and less preferably in an axially elongated reaction zone of sufficient length to ensure molecular mixing of the rubbers, in a continuous single pass, with concurrent removal of evolved (small molecule) gases from the zone; or, in plural, typically two, separate passes, with concurrent removal of evolved gases in each pass, if the available zone is relatively short. A typical reaction zone has a L/D ratio in the range from about 20 to 80 and produces a novel final blend having controlled hardness in the range from about 30 Shore A to 30 Shore D, preferably 40 Shore A to 90 Shore A, substantially in the absence of a plasticizer, which is typically a processing oil. The L/D ratio and the choice of components of the final blend will generally dictate whether the process for forming the blend should be a batch process, or continuous, whether in a single stage, or, in separate stages. Typical acrylic rubbers have an C 1 -C 10 alkyl group in combination with one or more groups chosen from C 2 -C 3 olefin, carboxyl, hydroxyl, epoxy, halogen, and the like. Rubbers which do not have a reactive site and are not curable include polymers of ethyl acrylate, butyl acrylate, ethyl-hexyl acrylate, and the like; and also copolymers of ethylene and the aforementioned alkyl acrylates. Such rubbers are preferably avoided in the TPV of this invention, unless used as a diluent. The essential rubber contains halogen functionality, the other(s) being chosen from carboxyl, epoxy and hydroxy. When a repeating unit derived from an olefin is chosen, the olefin preferably has from 2 to 6 carbon atoms; a typical curable rubber may include an ethylene, propylene or butylene repeating unit, the molar ratio of such olefin units to acrylate repeating units typically being less than 2, preferably being in the range from 0.5 to 1.5. Representative curable rubbers having a vinyl chloroacetate group are AR-71 and AR-72LS, available from Zeon Chemical Division of Nippon Zeon, and Europrene® R, L and S from Enichem; a represetative curable rubber having a benzylic chloride group is Hytemp® 4051 also available from Zeon Chemical. A curable rubber with a hydroxy reactive site is provided by a comonomer of a hydroxyl finctional acrylate having from about 2 to about 20 and desirably from 2 to about 10 carbon atoms. A specific example of a hydroxy functionalized acrylic rubber is Hytemp 4404 from Nippon-Zeon. A curable rubber with a pendent epoxy reactive site is provided by an unsaturated oxiranes such as oxirane acrylates wherein the oxirane group can contain from about 3 to about 10 carbon atoms and wherein the ester group of the acrylate is an alkyl having from 1 to 10 carbon atoms with a specific example being glycidyl acrylate. Another choice of unsaturated oxirane monomer is an oxirane alkenyl ether wherein the oxirane and alkenyl groups may each have from 3 to about 10 carbon atoms, as typified by allyl glycidyl ether. Examples of epoxy functionalized acrylic rubbers include Acrylate AR-53 and Acrylate AR31 from Nippon-Zeon, and the like. A curable rubber with a carboxyl reactive site is provided by a C 2 -C 15 , preferably C 2 -C 8 , monoolefinically unsaturated acid. Examples of acid functionalized acrylic rubbers include terpolymers of ethylene-acrylate-carboxylic acids such as Vamac G and Vamac GLS from DuPont, and other acrylates with carboxyl functionality. Suitable thermoplastic polyamide resins are crystalline or amorphous high molecular weight solid polymers including homopolymers, copolymers and terpolymers having recurring amide units within the polymer chain. Commercially available nylons having a glass transition temperature (Tg) or melting temperature (Tm) above 100° C. may be used but those having a Tm in the range from 160° C. to about 280° C. are preferred, whether typically used in fiber forming or molding operations. Examples of suitable polyamides are polylactams such as nylon 6, polypropiolactam (nylon 3), polyenantholactam (nylon 7), polycapryllactam (nylon 8), polylaurylactam (nylon 12), and the like; homopolymers of amino acids such as polyaminoundecanoic acid (nylon 11); polypyrrolidinone (nylon 4); copolyamides of a dicarboxylic acid and a diamine such as nylon 6,6; polytetramethyleneadipamide (nylon 4,6); polytetramethyleneoxalamide (nylon 4,2); polyhexamethyleneazelamide (nylon 6,9); polyhexamethylenesebacamide (nylon 6,10); polyhexamethyleneisophthalamide (nylon 6,1); polyhexamethylenedodecanoic acid (nylon 6,12) and the like; aromatic and partially aromatic polyamides; copolyamides such as of caprolactam and hexamethyleneadipamide (nylon 6/6,6), or a terpolyamide, e.g., nylon 6/6,6/6,10; block copolymers such as polyether polyamides; or mixtures thereof. Additional examples of suitable polyamides described in the Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, by Kirk & Othmer, Second Edition, Vol. 11, pages 315-476, are incorporated by reference thereto as if fully set forth herein. Preferred polyamides employed in this invention are nylon 6, nylon 11, nylon 12, nylon 6,6, nylon 6,9, nylon 6,10, and nylon 6/6,6. Most preferred are nylon 6, nylon 6,6, nylon 11, nylon 12 and mixtures or copolymers thereof. The polyarnides generally have a number average molecular weight of from about 10,000 to about 50,000, and desirably from about 30,000 to about 40,0000. The amount of polyamide in the blend is generally from about 25 to about 100, desirably from about 30 to about 90, and preferably from about 35 to about 75 parts by weight per 100 parts by weight of total acrylic rubbers. Suitable thermoplastic polyesters include the various ester polymers such as polyester, copolyester, or polycarbonate, etc., a monofunctional epoxy endcapped derivative thereof, and mixtures thereof. The various polyesters can be either aromatic or aliphatic or combinations thereof and are generally directly or indirectly derived from the reactions of diols such as glycols having a total of from 2 to 6 carbon atoms and desirably from about 2 to about 4 carbon atoms with aliphatic acids having a total of from 2 to 20 carbon atoms and desirably from about 3 to about 15 or aromatic acids having a total of from about 8 to about 15 carbon atoms. Generally, aromatic polyesters are preferred such as polyethyleneterephthalate, polybutyleneterephthalate, polyethyleneisophthalate, polybutylenenaphthalate, and the like, as well as endcapped epoxy derivative thereof, e.g., a monofunctional epoxy polybutyleneterephthalate. Various polycarbonates can also be utilized and the same are esters of carbonic acid. A suitable polycarbonate is that based on bisphenol A, i.e., poly(carbonyldioxy-1,4-phenyleneisopropyl-idene-1,4-phenylene). The various ester polymers also include block polyesters such as those containing at least one block of a polyester and at least one rubbery block such as a polyether derived from glycols having from 2 to 6 carbon atoms, e.g., polyethylene glycol, or from alkylene oxides having from 2 to 6 carbon atoms. A preferred block polyester is polybutyleneterephthalate-b-polytetramethylene ether glycol which is available as Hytrel® from DuPont. The amount of polyester in the blend is generally from about 25 to about 100, desirably from about 30 to about 90, and preferably from about 35 to about 75 parts by weight per 100 parts by weight of total acrylic rubbers. Preferably only one plastic from a single generic class is used, e.g. a polyamide or polyester rather than plural plastics, and it is used in a minor proportion relative to the total weight of rubbers in the blend. Preferably the plastic ranges from about 10 to less than 50 parts, more preferably, from about 20 to 40 parts by weight per 100 parts by weight (phr) of the acrylic rubber. A major proportion of plastic in the blend results in a blend having too high a hardness, that is, above 30 Shore D. The Process The process for making a vulcanized blend of an engineering thermoplastic resin ("plastic") and at least two, first and second, curable acrylate rubbers, comprises, (i) masticating or melt-mixing a first curable acrylate rubber with a second curable acrylate rubber, each rubber having a reactive functional group which is substantially unreactive with the reactive functional group of the other, to form a curable mixture (ii) adding an engineering thermoplastic to the curable mixture and continuing to mix the plastic to form a substantially homogeneous mixture, (iii) adding an effective amount of a metal fatty acid salt as the sole curative, the amount being sufficient to cause crosslinking between chains of the rubbers, (iv) curing the mixture of rubbers while mixing with the plastic continues at dynamic vulcanizaton conditions; and, (v) recovering a thermoplastic vulcanized blend of the rubbers in the plastic. Typically from 2 phr to 16 phr of fatty acid salt is added, and sufficient shear energy is introduced into the mixture to dispose chains of the functional groups of the rubbers in occulating relationship relative to each other, and dynamic vulcanization conditions are typically maintained for less than 5 min, preferably less than 2 min. Preferably, a rubber with halogen functionality is mixed with one or more co-curable rubbers and a metal stearate, e.g. potassium stearate, or potassium stearate concentrate. To the mixture is optionally added an inert inorganic or organic filler, a lubricant, a processing aid, a plasticizer and an antioxidant. Evolved gases are removed through an exhaust duct. Examples of inorganic fillers are calcined clay, titanium dioxide, silica and talc; examples of organic fillers are crushed peanut, cashew shells, coconut charcoal, saturated hydrocarbon and fluorocarbon polymers. The components are intimately mixed in a mixing zone such as a rubber mill, Brabender, Banbury or extruder having a barrel of sufficient length, with a high enough input energy, and for a sufficient period of time to produce the TPV in a single stage. In an extruder, a minimum energy input is typically at least 0.25 Kw-hr/lb. The reaction mass is melt-mixed until the torque exerted by the crosslinked mass suddenly increases. The plastic is the continuous phase. A failure to generate the sudden increase in torque indicates that the extent of the desired crosslinking is so low as to yield an unsatisfactory vulcanizate. The crosslinked mass is then molded, preferably directly, by injection molding into a desired shaped article, for example hoses, gaskets, bellows, seals, and the like. In the following illustrative examples, all references to "parts" are to "parts by weight". Though the illustrative examples demonstrate the ineffectiveness of a conventionally used quaternary amine salt and a tertiary amine to substantially cure a 50/50 mixture of acrylates with halogen and carboxyl functionalities, there is no reason to expect that other conventionally used curing agents would serve as effective curatives under the same processing conditions. Such other curing agents are various isocyanates such as toluene diisocyante, isocyanate terminated polyester prepolymers, various polyols such as pentaerythritol or diols such as bisphenol-A, various polyamines such as methylene dianiline and diphenyl guanidine, various epoxides such as diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A, and various epoxidized vegetable oils such as soybean oil. EXAMPLES 1-6 Effect of metal stearate in combination with a conventional curing agent A rubber with a carboxyl group, specifically Vamac G or Vamac GLS, each being a terpolymer of ethylene, methyl acrylate, and monomethyl fumarate in a weight ratio purported to be about 40:55:5 and 30:65:5 respectively, is blended with an equal portion by weight of Acrylate AR-71 having a vinyl chloroacetate group (Acrylate AR-71 is a copolymer of ethyl acrylate and a lower alkyl, C 1 -C 4 , vinyl chloroacetate in a weight ratio of about 95:5). The mixture is masticated in a Type EPL-V 5502 Brabender Plasticorder at room temperature under high shear exerted by the rollers, the plastic added, then the metal fatty acid salt, and dynamically vulcanized. Alternatively, the mixture may be melt mixed at 40° C. to 50° C. prior to being dynamically vulcanized; or, the mixture may be melt mixed while being dynamically vulcanized. In examples 1 and 2, 100 parts of a masterbatch formed with equal parts by weight of two rubbers, one with carboxyl and the other with halogen functionality, is dynamically vulcanized in the presence of a polyamide, potassium stearate powder and a quaternary ammonium salt. Specifically, in first and second masterbatches (MasBatch1 and MasBatch2) 50 parts of Vamac G and Vamac GLS respectively, and 50 parts of Acrylate AR-71 are blended with 33.3 parts Nylon 6 Ultramid B3 and Hytemp NPC-50 (quaternary ammonium salt). In examples 3 and 4, 100 parts of each of the foregoing masterbatches is mixed with 33.3 parts Nylon 6 Ultramid B3 and dynamically vulcanized in the presence of another conventional curing agent, namely a tertiary amine (Hytemp SC-75) and no potassium stearate. In examples 5 and 6, 100 parts of each of the foregoing masterbatches is mixed with 33.3 parts Nylon 6 Ultramid B3 and dynamically vulcanized in the presence of a metal stearate, with only potassium stearate concentrate and no conventional curing agent. In each of the foregoing examples, the vulcanizate was removed from the Brabender, cold-pressed into a pancake and then compression molded at 500° F. into plaques for physical testing. TABLE 1______________________________________Materials 1 2 3 4 5 6______________________________________UltramidB3 33.3 33.3 33.3 33.3 33.3 33.3 MasBatch1 100 100 100 MasBatch2 100 100 100 Naugard 445 2 2 2 2 2 2 Kem S221 2 2 2 2 2 2 K-St Conc 16 16 K-St Powd 2 2 NPC-50 3 3 SC-75 7 7______________________________________ Notes: MasBatch1: 50/50 Vamac G and Acrylate AR71 molecularly intermixed. MasBatch2: 50/50 Vamac GLS and Acrylate AR71 molecularly intermixed. Kem S221 is a waxy lubricant (processing aid) from Witco. KSt Conc: 50% active potassium stearate in Acrylate Hytemp 4051 CG, an ethyl acrylate rubber with both --Cl and --COOH functionalities in each chain. KSt Powd: 100% active potassium powder. NPC50 refers to Hytemp ® NPC50: a quaternary ammonium salt. Sc75 refers to Hyemp ® SC75: oxazoline or oxazoline combined with a tertiary amine. TABLE 2______________________________________PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Property 1 2 3 4 5 6______________________________________UTS, psi 196 308 216 310 832 1100 % Elong 647 610 780 775 400 210 M 100%, psi 80 120 87 113 293 530 % TS 15 14 15 17 17 9.5 Torque* (m.g) 790 780 1160 1235 Shore A 30 36 30 36 50 65______________________________________ *torque is measured after dynamic vulcanization is complete From the foregoing physical properties it is evident from examples 1-4, that irrespective of the presence of potassium stearate in combination with either a tertiary amine or a quaternary ammonium salt curing agent, none yields a high enough torque representative of an acceptable vulcanizate; and the hardness in the range from Shore A 30-36 confirms the absence of extensive crosslinking. The properties are representative of only the chlorine-functional rubber having been cured. EXAMPLES 7-11 Effect of metal stearate alone as curative In a manner analogous to that in examples 1-6 above, vulcanizates were prepared with the halogen-functional rubber alone, and each of two carboxyl-functional rubbers alone; and with masterbatches of each carboxyl-functional rubber and the halogen-functional rubber, using in each example, only K-St concentrate to cure the blends. Recipes for each blend are provided in Table 3. TABLE 3______________________________________Materials 7 8 9 10 11______________________________________Ultramid B 33.3 33.3 33.3 33.3 33.3 Acrylate AR-71 100 Vamac G 100 Vamac GLS 100 MasBatch1 100 MasBatch2 100 Naugard 445 2 2 2 2 2 Kem S221 2 2 2 2 2 Pot St Conc 16 16 16 16 16______________________________________ TABLE 4______________________________________PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Property 7 8 9 10 11______________________________________UTS,psi 1220 260 310 832 1100 % Elongation 230 710 520 400 250 M 100%, psi 620 127 137 290 525 % TS 12 35 34 17 15 Torque (m.g) 1560 460 420 1160 1390 Shore A 64 36 46 50 58______________________________________ It is evident from the foregoing data that the Acrylate AR-71 alone is cured with only the K-St, but neither of the Vamac rubbers is adequately cured as evidence by the low UTS, less than 500, and torque less than 1000. EXAMPLES 12-15 Effect of metal stearate alone as curative in polyamide and polyester vulcanizates In a manner analogous to that in examples 1-6 above, vulcanizates were prepared with each of the masterbatches in nylon and polybutyleneterephthalate (PBT), respectively, using in each example, only K-St concentrate to cure the blends. Recipes for each blend are provided in Table 5. TABLE 5______________________________________Materials 12 13 14 15______________________________________UltramidB3 33.3 33.3 PBT2002 33.3 333 MasBatch1 100 100 MasBatch2 100 100 Naugard 445 2 2 2 2 Kem S221 2 2 2 2 Pot. St Conc 16 16 16 16______________________________________ TABLE 6______________________________________PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Property 12 13 14 15______________________________________UTS, psi 832 890 1100 1015 % Elongation 400 210 250 194 M 100%, psi 290 530 527 614 % TS 17 9.5 15 15 Torque (m.g) 1160 1230 1390 1420 Shore A 50 65 58 71______________________________________ EXAMPLES 16-19 Effect of concentration of metal stearate In a manner analogous to that in examples 1-6 above, vulcanizates were prepared with a masterbatch of Vamac GLS (MasBatch2) in nylon using in each example, different concentrations of K-St concentrate to cure the blends. Recipes for each blend are provided in Table 7. TABLE 7______________________________________Materials 16 17 18 19______________________________________UltramidB3 33.3 33.3 33.3 33.3 MasBatch2 100 100 100 100 Naugard 445 2 2 2 2 Kem S221 2 2 2 2 Pot. St Conc 4 8 16 24______________________________________ TABLE 8______________________________________PHYSICAL PROPERTIESProperty 16 17 18 19______________________________________UTS, psi 83 326 984 1024 % Elongation 1560 470 290 310 M 100%, psi 77 171 429 410 % TS 50 25 21 25 Torque (m.g) 300 640 1300 1420 Shore A 32 41 57 58______________________________________ EXAMPLES 20-22 Effect of type of metal fatty acid salt In a manner analogous to that in examples 16-19 above, vulcanizates were prepared with a masterbatch of Vamac GLS (MasBatch2) in nylon using in each example, the same concentration of different metal fatty acid salts to cure the blends. Recipes for each blend are provided in Table 9. TABLE 9______________________________________Materials 20 21 22______________________________________UltramidB3 33.3 33.3 33.3 MasBatch2 100 100 100 Naugard 445 2 2 2 Kem S221 2 2 2 Potassium stearate conc. 16 Zinc stearate conc. 16 Sodium oleate conc. 16______________________________________ TABLE 10______________________________________PHYSICAL PROPERTIESProperty 20 21 22______________________________________UTS, psi 985 266 1280 % Elongation 290 690 270 M 100%, psi 429 148 510 % TS 21 31 14 Torque (m.g) 1300 445 2644 Shore A 57 39 60______________________________________
Dynamic vulcanizates of an engineering thermoplastic ("plastic"), e.g. a polyamide or polyester, with acrylate rubbers having dissimilar functional groups are prepared with a metal fatty acid salt in the absence of a conventional curative, provided the rubbers are molecularly intermixed. An acrylate rubber with halogen functionality ("AcrRubHal") is thus crosslinked in a single mixing stage with an acrylate rubber having carboxyl, hydroxyl or epoxy functionality ("AcrRubX") in a "plastic". Quaternary ammonium salts and tertiary amines do not function as curatives, as one might expect. But a metal fatty acid salt, preferably a metal stearate or oleate and concentrates thereof effectively crosslink the rubbers. TPVs produced without conventional curing agents are relatively "soft", but have highly desirable low temperature physical properties and oil resistance.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0001] 1. Field of the Invention [0002] The present invention relates, generally, to an injection molding machine, and more particularly, but not exclusively, the invention relates to three level stack mold injection molding machine. [0003] 2. Background Information [0004] The state of the art includes U.S. Pat. No. 5,707,666 that provides a four level mold having linkage for moving the molds that is capable of moving the molds simultaneously and in unison so that the molds open and close together. The linkage would not permit the use of a side entry robot nor does it show open and easy access through the top of the machine. [0005] U.S. Pat. No. 5,518,387 describes a swing arm device for removing parts from a mold. The motion of the swing arm device is synchronized with the opening and closing of the mold to speed up part retrieval. [0006] U.S. Pat. No. 5,185,119 shows a stack mold in Tandem configuration with cores aligned the same way. In this machine the mold is operated on alternate cycles so each side opens sequentially rather than simultaneously. [0007] U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,027,681 and 6,099,784 describe a stack mold that has unequal strokes so that different parts can be molded in the adjacent molds. [0008] U.S. Pat. No. 6,155,811 describes a two level mold that is mounted on linear bearings. This is the type of machine that has been modified by the present invention to provide a three level stack mold in the space occupied by the two level stack mold described in this patent. [0009] U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,908,597 and 6,036,472 describe multiple stack mold machines that use rack and pinion devices to open and close the mold and includes part ejection means that is operated independently of the rack and pinion devices. [0010] An article on page 14 of the September, 1991 issue of Plastics World describes a mold change system that includes self-locating/leveling mold guide slots. [0011] An article by P. Glorio of Incoe Corp. published in ANTEC '88, pages 255 to 258 describes the development of quick mold change systems including systems that use hydraulically actuated wedge-lock clamps. [0012] U.S. Pat. No. 4,473,346 describes a single level molding system where the molding dies are insertable and removable in either the horizontal or vertical direction. [0013] U.S. Pat. No. 4,500,274 describes a quick-change mold system that includes adapter plates provided with service fittings that interconnect and disconnect upon insertion and removal of the molds together with the adapter plates. [0014] U.S. Pat. No. 4,500,275 describes a quick-change mold system that includes a locator clamp for facilitating the insertion and removal of a mold from a molding machine [0015] U.S. Pat. No. 4,568,263 describes the use of locator wedge clamp assemblies mounted on and extending from the platens [0016] U.S. Pat. No. 5,096,404 describes the use of rollers and guide rails for aligning a mold press in a vertical plane above the injection molding machine. [0017] U.S. Pat. No. 5,096,405 describes a mounting plate attachable to a molding machine platen. The mounting plate has a plurality of retention slots with hydraulically actuated clamps in the slots. Actuation of the clamps presses a mold part toward the platen in an adjusted position. [0018] With the cost of injection molding machines and the competitive pricing of products made thereon, it is essential that the machine be as productive as possible. In the case where the machine must be capable of making a number of different parts, this requires that mold changes be quick and inexpensive. It is also cost effective to minimize the space requirements of the machine. In addition, it is essential that parts be removed from the molds as quickly as possible so the cycle time of the machine can be as short as possible. It is also advantageous to provide a machine that requires only a single set of hot runner plates for all moldsets usable on the machine. [0019] The present invention provides an injection molding machine that enables mold changes to be made quickly and easily, provides robot accessibility to the parts that may be of a variety of heights without modifying the space requirements of the mold and allows a three level stack mold for high profile parts to be placed in space that was previously fully occupied by a two level stack mold. [0020] The invention is achieved by creating a three level stack mold that provides open access to the molds from all sides when the molds are open. Side access is provided by designing a linkage for the stack mold that surrounds the mold opening but does not cross it when the molds are open. Moving all physical connections such as water and electrical lines to the side edges of the mold provides access through the top and bottom. To avoid any electrical faults caused by water leaks from occurring, the electrical connections are made at the top of the mold and the water connections at the lower point of the mold. Air connections are also provided at the top of the machine to avoid or minimize contamination of the air lines by a failure in the water supply system. [0021] When the molds need to be changed, the mold is closed and each cavity plate is latched to its respective core plate. The mold is then opened and each moldset of a cavity plate and a core plate is removed from the machine as a single unit along guides. When the cavity and core plate moldset is fully removed, a new moldset of a cavity plate and a core plate is inserted into the mold and guided by the same grooves. The grooves guide the core plate so that it is slightly separated from the platen until it is very near its home position. When it reaches this position a wedge surface forces the core plate against the platen and automatically locks it into position on the platen. At the same time the air and water connections automatically connect to the core plate by automatic docking mechanisms. When the core plate is in position, the mold is closed and the cavity plate is disconnected from the core plate and firmly attached to the hot runner plate. [0022] The invention also provides a machine in which all three moldsets in the three level stack mold are oriented in the same direction. This enables uniform robot actuation for all three moldsets without the need to reorientate molded parts. This further simplifies the retrieval of molded parts. [0023] With this configuration, the robot can be located in the same position for all parts and enter between the cavity and core faces without interference with either face. The linkage assembly surrounds the mold opening when the mold is open and eliminates the need for robot adjustment when the molds are changed. This also provides weight distribution and manufacturing benefits. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0024] The present invention provides a method of loading a moldset having a core plate and a cavity plate into an injection molding machine. The method preferably comprises the steps of latching a cavity plate to a core plate using a removable latch, guiding the core plate into an open mold along a face in the mold while maintaining separation between the face and the core plate and maintaining the cavity plate spaced from hot runner nozzles in a hot runner in the mold, closing the mold to engage the cavity plate with the hot runner nozzles, securing the cavity plate to the hot runner, removing the latch between the cavity plate and the core plate; and opening the mold. The method may further include step of bolting the cavity plate to the hot runner. The face may be a face of a movable platen or a back surface of a hot runner. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0025] Exemplary embodiments of the present invention will now be described with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which: [0026] FIG. 1 is a rear perspective view of the injection-molding machine with the mold closed. [0027] FIG. 2 is a rear perspective view of the injection-molding machine with the mold open. [0028] FIG. 3 is a rear perspective view of the injection-molding machine having the three hot runners ready to be loaded into the machine. [0029] FIG. 4 is a rear perspective view of the injection-molding machine with the three hot runners mounted in the machine and the moldsets in position to be loaded into the machine. [0030] FIG. 5 is a second rear perspective view of the machine with the moldsets in position to be loaded into the machine. [0031] FIG. 6 is a rear side view of a three level stack mold injection-molding machine with the mold open. [0032] FIG. 7 is a rear perspective view of a three level stack mold machine with the mold open. [0033] FIG. 8 is a schematic side view of a linkage assembly for the front of a three level stack mold showing the assembly when the mold is open. [0034] FIG. 9 is a schematic side view of the linkage assembly for the front of the machine showing the linkage when the mold is open and when the mold is closed. [0035] FIG. 10 is a perspective view of the mold for a three level stack-molding machine in a partially assembled condition. [0036] FIG. 11 is a perspective view of a portion of the guide assembly for the core plate. [0037] FIG. 12 is a perspective view of the guide assembly with a core plate entering the guide assembly. [0038] FIG. 13 is a bottom perspective view of the guide assembly and core plate. [0039] FIG. 14 is a perspective view of the movable platen with core plate guides. [0040] FIG. 15 is a partial perspective view of a movable platen with a core plate fully engaged with the platen. [0041] FIG. 16 is a bottom perspective view of the molding machine. [0042] FIG. 17 is a perspective view of a moldset partially loaded into a machine. [0043] FIG. 18 is a perspective view of a core plate with guides and a core plate separation block. [0044] FIG. 19 is an enlarged view of a part of the core plate and the core plate separation block. [0045] FIG. 20 is side view of the core plate and core plate separation block. [0046] FIG. 21 is a perspective view of the core plate and core plate separation block. [0047] FIG. 22 is a perspective view of a dial indicator device for indicating proper positioning of the core plate. [0048] FIG. 23 is a partially cut-away view of a guide with the dial indicator. [0049] FIG. 24 is a perspective view of the water manifold mounted on a carrier. [0050] FIG. 25 is a perspective view of the two carrier assemblies with manifolds and hot runners. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0051] As shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 , the injection-molding machine 10 includes a machine frame 12 and a stationary platen 14 supporting a fixed hot runner 30 . Column housing 20 is connected to the molding machine 10 at clamp block 16 . Clamp column 22 clamps the moldsets 24 , 26 and 28 closed during an injection cycle of the molding machine 10 . Moldsets 26 and 28 with their associated hot runners 33 and 34 are mounted on carriers 70 . Movable platen 32 and carriers 70 have rollers 128 that travel on frame 12 . A stroke cylinder is fixed inside the column housing 20 and drives the clamp column 22 to stroke the movable platen 32 . Stroking of the platen 32 drives the linkage assembly 38 to open and close the moldsets 24 , 26 and 28 . The four tiebars 18 are tensioned by the operation of the clamp piston inside clamp block 16 . [0052] Mold cavity plates 40 , 42 and 44 are mounted on fixed hot runner 30 and movable hot runners 33 and 34 , respectively. Mold core plate 52 is mounted on movable platen 32 and core plates 48 and 50 are mounted on movable hot runners 33 and 34 . With this configuration, all the mold cores face in the same direction. This enables any take out robots to be orientated in a single direction so the ejection and removal of molded parts is simplified. This also allows each of the two central moving sections of the three level stack mold machine to be identical to one another. This provides manufacturing benefits as only a single design is required. Furthermore, as each section is identical, a more balanced weight distribution is maintained within the machine. [0053] Water service lines 62 to the machine 10 are arranged inside of the legs of the machine 10 . The electrical lines 54 and 56 are shown connected to movable hot runners 33 and 34 over flexible cables joined to brackets 58 and 60 . Flexible water lines 62 are similarly connected to the underside of water manifolds 120 . The service connections will be fully described hereinafter. [0054] FIG. 3 shows the unassembled machine with the fixed hot runner 30 and the movable hot runners 33 and 34 poised above the machine ready to be loaded onto the machine. Of course, in actual operation, only one of the hot runners at a time would be in position to be loaded onto the machine. [0055] Fixed hot runner 30 is lowered onto the machine and bolted by bolts 64 to stationary platen 14 . The fixed hot runner 30 is supplied with water connection hoses from the machine to cool hot runner 30 and also provide a water circuit to the cavity plate 40 . However, movable hot runners 33 and 34 need to be guided onto the machine frame. Key slots 65 and 66 engage keys 68 on carriers 70 . The water connections or nipples 118 protruding from the service manifolds 120 engage female fittings on the base of hot runners 33 and 34 to provide a secure water supply to the hot runners 33 and 34 . [0056] FIGS. 4 and 5 show the machine 10 with the movable platen 32 , movable hot runners 33 and 34 and fixed hot runner 30 installed and the moldsets 24 , 26 and 28 positioned over the machine ready to be loaded into the machine 10 . Each core plate in each moldset 24 , 26 and 28 has a guide slot 74 . Each guide slot 74 engages a guide bar 75 on the movable platen 32 or one of the movable hot runners 33 or 34 . [0057] In the embodiment shown in the Figures, a central sprue bar 76 extends through the moldset 24 . To enable the moldset 24 to be loaded into the machine 10 , slots 78 and 80 are provided in the core plate 48 and cavity plate 40 of moldset 24 . [0058] The guide slots 74 on each side of the core plate include core plate separation blocks 140 and 142 . The operation of these separation blocks 140 and 142 will be more fully described hereinafter. [0059] FIGS. 6 to 9 illustrate the construction and operation of the linkage assembly for moving the mold between the open and closed positions. There are two assemblies 38 on the machine. The first assembly 38 shown on the back of the machine 10 in FIGS. 6 and 7 has an anchor point 84 at the base of stationary platen 14 for the short pivoting arm 86 . A second short pivoting arm 88 is connected to anchor point 90 near the top of movable platen 32 . Extending arms 92 and 94 are pivotably connected to carriers 70 at the mid-point of the carriers 70 . The lower end of arm 92 is pivotably connected to arm 86 and the upper end of arm 94 is pivotably connected to arm 88 . Two curved or L-shaped arms 96 and 98 connect the arms 92 and 94 together. [0060] The lengths of the linking arms 86 , 88 , 92 , 94 , 96 and 98 are adjusted so that the moldsets 24 , 26 and 28 open and close simultaneously and the linking arms 86 , 88 , 92 , 94 , 96 and 98 do not interfere with side access to the open mold. In the present embodiment, the lower portion 92 a of arm 92 is longer than the upper portion 92 b . For arm 94 , the upper portion 94 b is longer than the lower portion 94 a . The arms 96 and 98 are curved to ensure that they do not extend across the access to the cores and cavities when the mold is open. [0061] The linkage assembly 38 at the front of the machine is the reverse of the assembly 38 on the back of the machine. To emphasize the similarities between the two assemblies, similar elements have been designated with a prime. As shown in FIGS. 8 and 9 , arm 86 ′ is connected to an upper anchor point 84 ′ on stationary platen 14 and arm 88 ′ is connected to a lower anchor point 92 ′ on movable platen 32 . Extending arms 92 ′ and 94 ′ are pivotably connected to carriers (not shown) on the machine in the same manner as arms 92 and 94 . However, the longer portion 92 a ′ of arm 92 ′ is the upper portion of the arm and the longer portion 94 b ′ is the lower portion of arm 94 ′. By reversing the two assemblies 38 , the forces driving the molds between the open and closed positions are balanced and the molds close uniformly. [0062] The linking arms 86 ′, 88 ′, 92 ′, 94 ′, 96 ′ and 98 ′ are also dimensioned so that they do not interfere with access to the cores and cavities when the mold is open. Thus, the molding machine provides ready access to the open molds from above, below and both sides. As will become apparent hereinafter, this enables the rapid and simple ejection of molded parts and easy and rapid replacement of moldsets. [0063] FIG. 10 shows the cavity plates 40 , 42 , and 44 , core plates 48 , 50 and 52 and the fixed hot runner 30 and movable hot runners 33 and 34 separate from the injection-molding machine. Cavity plate 40 is attached to core plate 48 by latches 100 (only one shown). Each hot runner includes four hot runner leader pins 102 to align the respective cavity plate with the hot runner. Hot runner nozzles 104 extend out of each hot runner and into the associated cavity plate. Four straight interlocks 101 at the midsection of each cavity plate 42 and 44 interface with matching slots 103 on the respective hot runners. Cavity plate 40 only has three interlocks 101 because a slot 80 is formed in the plate 40 to permit the plate 40 to slide over the sprue bar 76 . The leader pins 102 ensure reasonable alignment of the cavity plates with the associated hot runner and the precise shape of the interlocks 101 and slots 103 tightly align the nozzles 104 with the gates of the cavities in the cavity plates. The outermost ends of the interlocks 101 are slightly tapered to ensure that the interlocks 101 enter into the slots 103 and do not have sharp corners that can impact on one another and cause damage. This ensures that the moldsets can be changed often without the creation of alignment concerns over time. [0064] One embodiment of the guide slots for guiding the core plates onto the hot runners 33 and 34 is shown schematically in FIG. 11 . At the top of each hot runner 33 and 34 and movable platen 32 is a guide plate 106 . The guide plate 106 has a tapered surface 108 for receiving and guiding the core plate into the receiving slot 110 . A slightly raised surface 112 on the outer surface of each guide plate 106 forces the core plate away from the hot runner or movable platen so that the core plate does not scuff against the hot runner plate or the movable platen as it is being guided and loaded onto the machine. [0065] FIG. 12 shows a core plate 114 being guided into a slot 110 and being pushed slightly away from the surface of the movable platen 32 by the raised surface 112 . A cavity plate 116 is attached to the core plate 114 . Water connections or nipples 118 extend from the water manifold 120 and will engage in connectors on the base of the core plate 114 when the core plate is placed in molding position. Guide pin 119 guides the core plate 114 onto the water manifold 120 to ensure a secure connection of the connectors 118 to the female connectors on the core plate 114 . [0066] FIG. 13 is a partial assembly showing the guide slot 74 on core plate 52 just entering the guide plate 106 . The tapered surface 115 at the front edge of slot 74 permits the core plate 52 to align with the guide plate 106 . The raised surface 112 on the guide plate 106 moves the core plate 52 away from the surface of the movable platen 32 so the core plate 52 does not scuff against the surface of the platen 32 as it is being loaded into the machine. The female connectors 121 on the underside of core plate 52 engage connectors 118 when the core plate is fully loaded into the movable platen 32 . [0067] FIG. 14 is a perspective view of the movable platen 32 with the guide plates 106 and 122 installed. The guide plates 106 are mounted on an upper portion of the platen 32 and lower guide plates 122 are mounted on a lower portion of the platen 32 . Wedge plates 124 are mounted on water manifold 120 . A wedging surface 126 is formed on the upper end of plates 124 and engage the front face of the core plate when it is nearing its fully mounted position. The wedging surfaces 126 force the core plate into firm contact with the platen 32 . It is noted that each core plate is loaded in this same manner so it is unnecessary to describe the loading operation for the other two core plates onto the movable hot runners 33 and 34 . [0068] FIG. 15 shows the core plate 52 fully installed on platen 32 and wedged tightly against platen 32 by wedge surface 126 on wedge plate 124 and a wedging surface on the separation block 140 . The separation block 140 is more fully described hereinafter. [0069] FIG. 16 shows the flexible water lines 62 extending to the manifolds 120 on each hot runner. One set of lines 62 extends under tiebars 18 on one side of the machine and the other set of lines 62 extends along the underside of the other lower tiebar 18 . Lines 62 are out of the way of the mold opening so parts can be dropped downwardly without encountering interference from any components of the machine. [0070] FIG. 17 shows a core plate 50 secured to movable hot runner 33 . Cavity plate 42 is secured to core plate 50 by latches 100 (only one shown) and is ready to be secured to the hot runner plate. [0071] With this new design, the replacement of molds and servicing of the machine are much simplified over earlier designs [0072] First, the mold guides 106 and 122 are installed on the movable platen 32 and movable hot runners 33 and 34 . The water manifolds 120 and wedge plates 124 are also installed on the movable platen 32 and movable hot runners 33 and 34 . The water manifolds 120 are installed on carriers 70 and the flexible water lines 62 attached from below. As shown in FIG. 3 , the movable hot runners 33 and 34 are each installed on carriers 70 and the hot runner 30 is bolted to the fixed platen 14 . Next, as shown in FIG. 5 , the moldsets 24 , 26 and 28 are lowered onto the hot runners 33 and 34 and the movable platen 32 , one at a time. A dial indicator, to be described hereinafter, is provided to indicate when the moldset is properly seated and the air and water connections are secure. When the moldset is in place it is bolted to its associated platen or hot runner and the crane hook is removed. After all three moldsets have been bolted, the machine is slowly closed to permit the cavity plates 40 , 42 and 44 to engage hot runner leader pins 102 , straight interlocks 101 and hot runner nozzles 104 . Clamp tonnage is then applied and each cavity plate is partially bolted to the hot runner associated with it. The bolts are sufficient in number to ensure that the cavity plate is secure when separated from the core plate. The stack mold carrier to hot runner bolts are now tightened. At this point, the latches 100 and the moldset lift bars are removed. The molds can now be slowly opened with the core plates separating from the cavity plates. When the molds are open the remaining cavity plate bolts can be tightened and the electrical cables attached to the top of the hot runners. The machine is now ready to mold parts. [0073] When replacement of the moldsets is required, the procedure is reversed. The mold is opened and latches 100 are slid onto the cavity plates. Most of the bolts securing the cavity plate to the hot runner are removed. The remaining bolts need only hold the cavity plate in position. The mold is closed and the latches 100 are attached to the core plate. The remaining bolts securing the cavity plate to the hot runner are removed and the mold is opened. Now the crane hook can be attached to the moldset and the moldset removed from the machine. [0074] The injection molding machine provides pre-assembled moldsets for each family of parts to be molded so that the moldsets can be changed quickly and efficiently. The guided moldset loading ensures that the moldsets install with minimal operator intervention. The hose-less coupling of the services ensures quick, sure and easy coupling of services to the machine and moldsets. The open linkage assembly ensures that parts can be readily retrieved by a robot from either side of the machine or simply freely dropped through the bottom of the machine. The robot could even enter from atop the machine. [0075] FIGS. 18 to 21 illustrate apparatus for automatically connecting air supplies to the core plate. The apparatus also provides guide surfaces to keep the core plate away from the hot runner or platen faces during loading of the core plate and positively moving the core plate toward the platen or hot runner face when the core plate is near the end of travel. During removal, the apparatus moves the core plate away from the platen or hot runner face at the start of travel. The apparatus also provides means for indicating the positive loading of the core plate. In this embodiment, the core plate 148 has guide slots 174 for guiding the core plate 148 onto guide plate 206 in the same manner as previously described with reference to core plate 48 . Core plate 148 includes core plate separation blocks 140 and 142 . Each separation block 140 and 142 includes an air channel or channels to provide air to the core plate to enable ejection of parts from the cores on the core plate. This creates a separation of the air supply from the water supply at the base of the core plate thus reducing the possibility of contamination of the air supply in the event that the water supply remains pressurized when a core plate is not in position on the mold. Each guide plate 206 includes an air channel with a discharge outlet 144 . As the core plate 148 slides into position, an air opening 138 in the undersurface of each core plate separation block 140 and 142 engages a discharge outlet 144 . To ensure that the opening 138 makes an airtight seal with the outlets 144 , each outlet 144 has a compressible and pliable exit surface. In some instances, it may be desirable to provide the openings 138 with a similar compressible and pliable surface. A preferred material for the discharge outlets 144 is Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE). [0076] The angular surface 146 , shown in FIG. 20 , on the separation blocks 140 and 142 engages a camming surface (not shown) on the guide plate 206 . The camming surface forces the separation blocks 140 and 142 and joined core plate 148 towards the platen or hot runner when the core plate is nearing its end of travel. A distance of approximately 50 mm from the end of travel is considered a reasonable place for this camming action to start. At the same time as this camming action is initiated, the wedge surfaces 126 on the wedge plates 124 are forcing the lower portion of the core plate 148 toward the face of the hot runner or platen. Thus, the core plate is forced toward the platen or hot runner in an upright manner so that it engages the platen or hot runner face evenly. This camming action also causes the opening 138 to positively engage with the discharge outlet 144 . [0077] The angular surface 150 , shown in FIG. 21 , on the core plate separation blocks 140 and 142 acts with corresponding sloped surfaces (not shown) on the guide plates 206 to cam the core plate away from the platen or hot runner face upon initial movement of the core plate during extraction of the core plate from the mold. [0078] Another feature of the machine is the provision of a dial indicator 130 shown in FIGS. 22 and 23 . Compression of the extended rod 132 by the downward movement of the core plate separation blocks 140 and 142 indicate directly whether the blocks 140 and 142 and the core plate 148 to which they are attached have been properly secured in the machine. The dial indicators 130 are situated under an overhang of the guide plate 206 so that they are protected from incidental contact. The use of two indicators provides an operator with the choice of standing on either side of the machine while the core plates are being installed. In operation, the dial indicators would be set during the initial or first installation of a moldset in the machine. This setting would be used to measure the proper insertion of subsequent moldsets. [0079] As shown in FIGS. 24 and 25 , the water manifolds 120 are bolted to the carriers 70 and provide nipple connections 118 to the hot runners 33 and 34 and the core plates (not shown). When the hot runners and core and cavity plates are guided onto the carriers 70 , the nipple connectors 18 automatically engage corresponding openings in the hot runners and core and cavity plates. The guide pins 152 on the top of the water manifold 120 serve to guide a core plate 48 or 148 onto the manifold 120 and ensure that the tapered female connectors 121 on a core plate 48 or 148 are aligned with the nipples 118 along the front edge of the manifold 120 . [0080] It will, of course, be understood that the above description has been given by way of example only and that modifications in detail may be made within the scope of the present invention.
A method of loading a moldset having a core plate and a cavity plate into an injection molding machine. The method comprises the steps of latching a cavity plate to a core plate using a removable latch, guiding the core plate into an open mold along a face in the mold while maintaining separation between the face and the core plate and maintaining the cavity plate spaced from hot runner nozzles in a hot runner in the mold, closing the mold to engage the cavity plate with the hot runner nozzles, securing the cavity plate to the hot runner, removing the latch between the cavity plate and the core plate, and opening the mold. The face may be a face of a movable platen or a back surface of a hot runner.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0001] 1. Field of the Invention [0002] This invention relates to a magnetic head slider and head gimbal assembly, and to a manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus therefor, and more particularly to manufacturing technology for reducing the variation in flying height among the individual magnetic head sliders and head gimbal assemblies manufactured. [0003] 2. Description of the Related Art [0004] In a magnetic disk drive, a magnetic head slider is used that flies while maintaining a minute interval between itself and a disk recording medium that rotates. Ordinarily, the slider will comprise, at the leading edge thereof, a magnetic transducer for recording information on and playing back information from the disk recording medium, and is subject to demands to make the bit density higher and the track width narrower in order to realize higher recording density. It is particularly demanded that the slider be made to fly in a condition of low flying height wherein it is made to approach as close as possible to the disk recording medium, in order to raise the bit density. In order to implement data recording and playback with sufficient reliability in such a low-flying-height condition, a critically important task is that of lowering the flying height differences, that is, the variation in the flying height, between individual manufactured sliders. [0005] The negative pressure slider is effective in reducing flying height variation, and is widely and generally used. With the negative pressure slider, because of the high rigidity of the air film that develops between the disk recording medium and the flotation surface, it is possible to reduce flying height variation and fluctuation that arise from the static attitude and load wherewith the suspension supporting the slider presses against the disk recording medium, suspension vibration, and disk waviness in the disk recording medium, etc., and thus the negative pressure slider is effective in effecting lower flying height. [0006] Nevertheless, the demands for lower flying height are becoming increasingly severe year by year, with efforts being made to achieve a flying height of 10 nm in the face of demands to lower the flying height as much as possible in a condition wherein no contact with the disk recording medium occurs. It is in this area of such low flying height that variation in the flying height among individual manufactured sliders becomes particularly problematic. If there is a variation of 5 nm in the flying height in sliders designed for a flying height of 10 nm, for example, changes of only 5 nm will be allowed in the flying height variation associated with the surface roughness of the slider and disk recording medium, the surface waviness of disk recording medium, and environmental variation (in pressure, temperature, etc.). Accordingly, in order to achieve lower flying height, in addition to reducing flying height variation induced by environmental changes or undulations and surface roughness that are physical flying height loss [factors], the variation in flying height among individual manufactured sliders must also be reduced. [0007] Manufacturing methods and manufacturing apparatuses for reducing such flying height variation among individual manufactured sliders are disclosed, for example, in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. H6-84312/1994 (published), U.S. Pat. No. 6,073,337, and Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. H11-328643/1999 (published). These are manufacturing methods and manufacturing apparatuses that adjust the curvature of the air bearing surface by subjecting the back surface of the slider to laser machining, the basic ideas whereof are as follows. [0008] First, notice is taken of the fact that one of the manufacturing variation factors that has the greatest effect on flying height variation is the curvature of the air bearing surface. The curvature of the air bearing surface is expressed by the crown, defined as the amount of unevenness from a hypothetically flat plane (curvature∞) looking in the long direction of the slider, the camber, defined as the amount of unevenness from a hypothetically flat plane looking in the short direction of the slider, and the twist, defined as the difference in elevation looking in the diagonal direction of the slider. The curvature of the air bearing surface affects the air pressure produced between the air bearing surface and the disk recording medium and causes the flying height to vary. It is know that, in particular, the crown [factor] in the curvature of the air bearing surface has the greatest effect on the flying height, followed by camber and then twist. [0009] Accordingly, with the manufacturing methods and manufacturing apparatuses disclosed in the patents noted earlier, stress in the back surface of the slider that has developed during the lapping process in the row bar condition (prior to cutting the slider chips) is melted with a laser, the stress is released, causing the condition of curvature in the air bearing surface to change, and curvature [factors] of the air bearing surface such as the crown are adjusted. By preprogramming the relationship between the laser machining amount, position, and machining pattern and the like and the curvature of the air bearing surface, moreover, the curvature of the air bearing surface can, with a number of repeated machinings, be made to approach close to the design value. The manufacturing methods and manufacturing apparatuses noted above can dramatically reduce the flying height variation resulting from curvature variation in the air bearing surface, and now constitute effective manufacturing technologies for realizing low flying height (of 10 to 25 nm or so) in sliders. [0010] At flying heights of 25 nm or less, the step negative pressure slider is used which sharply reduces the variation in flying height relative to changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure. In the step negative pressure slider, as described in detail in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 2000-57724 (published), step bearings are adopted which have a submicron or smaller depth of large air bearing effect, and a negative pressure channel is designed at a depth where the negative pressure generated in the negative pressure channel becomes maximum. Thereby, a larger negative pressure can be utilized as compared to a conventional negative pressure slider, wherefore the rigidity of the air film becomes even higher, and the flying height variation caused by changes in the static attitude and the load wherewith the suspension presses on the disk recording medium is reduced. [0011] The particulars relating to this reduction in flying height variation also apply to a head gimbal assembly. What should be given attention here is the technology, disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,011,239, for adjusting the load and static attitude of the suspension, by applying laser processing to the suspension, so that the flying height while the slider is being made to fly coincides with the design value. The manufacturing technology disclosed here is aimed at the realization of sliders that exhibit small flying height variation. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0012] However, step bearings of submicron or smaller depth require high machining precision and have a great effect on flying height variation. Also, because the flying height variation is reduced by adjusting the curvature of the air bearing surface as described earlier, the main cause of flying height variation in a step negative pressure slider becomes the variation in the depth of the step bearings. Furthermore, because the step bearings are formed by a machining method such as ion milling, the numerical quantities machined at one time are large, and [flying height variation] appears as a shift in the average value of the flying height in units of [whole] lots. Because the flying height average value shift greatly influences slider flying height yield, difficult cost-related problems sometimes develop. [0013] Such flying height average value shifts cannot be resolved merely by regulating the machining so that the curvature is kept to that which is determined by certain specifications as conventionally. As flying heights become increasingly lower, the seriousness of flying height variation induced by flying height average value shift will increase. In order to resolve this [problem], the objective must be made that of minimizing flying height variation between individual manufactured sliders, and not merely that of minimizing manufacturing variation such as in air bearing surface curvature and the like. [0014] An object of the present invention is to provide a manufacturing method wherewith the flying height of a magnetic head slider is predicted from shape data thereof, and flying height variation is reduced by adjusting the curvature of the air bearing surface according to the predicted flying height, together with a manufacturing apparatus using that method, and also a head gimbal assembly and magnetic disk drive wherein a magnetic head slider manufactured with that manufacturing apparatus is mounted. [0015] In order to attain the object noted above, the magnetic head slider manufacturing method of the present invention comprises the steps of: inputting slider shape data; calculating the predicted slider flying height, taking those shape data into consideration; calculating a target curvature for making adjustments from the difference in that predicted flying height and the desired target flying height; and adjusting the curvature of the air bearing surface to that target curvature. [0016] Alternatively, [the magnetic head slider manufacturing method of the present invention] comprises the steps of: measuring slider shape data; calculating the predicted slider flying height, taking those shape data into consideration; calculating a target curvature for making adjustments from the difference in that predicted flying height and the desired target flying height; and adjusting the curvature of the air bearing surface to that target curvature. [0017] By slider shape data are meant at least one type among the step bearing depth, negative pressure channel depth, rail width, and air bearing surface curvature. [0018] The manufacturing apparatus for manufacturing a magnetic head slider by those manufacturing methods comprises: a slider shape data input unit, an arithmetic processing unit for calculating the predicted flying height of the slider, taking those shape data into consideration, and calculating a target curvature for making adjustments from the difference between that predicted flying height and the desired target flying height; and a control unit for adjusting the curvature of the air bearing surface to that target curvature. [0019] Also, in order to attain the object stated above, the head gimbal assembly manufacturing method of the present invention comprises the steps of: inputting suspension shape data; calculating the predicted slider flying height taking those shape data into consideration; calculating a target curvature for making adjustments from the difference between that predicted flying height and the desired target flying height; and adjusting the curvature of the air bearing surface to that target curvature. [0020] Alternatively, [the head gimbal assembly manufacturing method of the present invention] comprises the steps of: measuring suspension shape data; calculating the predicted slider flying height taking those shape data into consideration; calculating a target curvature for making adjustments from the difference between that predicted flying height and the desired target flying height; and adjusting the curvature of the air bearing surface to that target curvature. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0021] [0021]FIG. 1 is a diagram representing a magnetic head slider manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus according to a first embodiment aspect; [0022] [0022]FIG. 2 is a diagonal view of a typical magnetic head slider, wherein the present invention can manifest effects, seen from the air bearing surface; [0023] [0023]FIG. 3 is an arrow-view diagram of the section at the A-A′ line in FIG. 2; [0024] [0024]FIG. 4 is a plan of a magnetic disk drive wherein is mounted a magnetic head slider relating to the present invention; [0025] [0025]FIG. 5 is a flowchart for describing a magnetic head slider manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus according to the first embodiment aspect of the present invention; [0026] [0026]FIG. 6 is a diagonal view of a typical magnetic head slider, wherein the present invention can manifest effects, seen from the back surface thereof; [0027] [0027]FIG. 7 is a graph that plots the relationship between the amount of shift in the depth δs of a step bearing in the slider diagrammed in FIG. 2 from the design value and the amount of flying height change in the vicinity of the leading edge; [0028] [0028]FIG. 8 is a graph that plots the relationship between the amount of shift in the crown of the slider diagrammed in FIG. 2 from the design value and the amount of flying height change in the vicinity of the leading edge; [0029] [0029]FIG. 9 is a model diagram for describing changes in the flying height of a magnetic head slider based on a conventional manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus; [0030] [0030]FIG. 10 is a model diagram for describing changes in the flying height of a magnetic head slider based on the manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus of the present invention; [0031] [0031]FIG. 11 is a diagram representing a magnetic head slider manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus according to a second embodiment aspect of the present invention; [0032] [0032]FIG. 12 is a diagram representing a magnetic head slider manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus according to a third embodiment aspect of the present invention; [0033] [0033]FIG. 13 is a flowchart for describing a magnetic head slider manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus according to the third embodiment aspect of the present invention; [0034] [0034]FIG. 14 is a diagonal view of a typical head gimbal assembly wherein the present invention can manifest effects; [0035] [0035]FIG. 15 is a graph that plots the relationship between the amount of shift in the load of the head gimbal assembly diagrammed in FIG. 13 from the design value and the amount of flying height change in the vicinity of the leading edge; [0036] [0036]FIG. 16 is a diagram representing a magnetic head slider manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus according to a fourth embodiment aspect of the present invention; [0037] [0037]FIG. 17 is a flowchart for describing the magnetic head slider manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus according to the fourth embodiment aspect of the present invention; [0038] [0038]FIG. 18 is a diagram representing a magnetic head slider manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus according to a fifth embodiment aspect of the present invention; [0039] [0039]FIG. 19 is a diagram representing a magnetic head slider manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus according to a sixth embodiment aspect of the present invention; and [0040] [0040]FIG. 20 is a flowchart for describing the magnetic head slider manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus according to the sixth embodiment aspect of the present invention. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0041] [0041]FIG. 1 is a diagram for describing a magnetic head slider manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus according to a first embodiment aspect of the present invention. Before giving a detailed description of the present invention, the typical magnetic head slider diagrammed in FIG. 2 and the magnetic disk drive diagrammed in FIG. 4, wherein the present invention can manifest effects, are described. [0042] The slider 1 diagrammed in FIG. 2 is configured so as to comprise an trailing edge 2 , a air bearing surface 3 , and an leading edge 4 . Here the air bearing surface 3 of the slider 1 is configured of a front pad 13 , a negative pressure channel 12 , and a center pad 14 , where in turn the front pad 13 is configured of a front step bearing 5 formed so as to continue from the trailing edge 2 , a pair of side rail surfaces 6 and 7 formed so as to continue from that front step bearing 5 , and a pair of side step bearings 8 and 9 having the same depth as the front step bearing 5 , the negative pressure channel 12 is enclosed by the pair of side rail surfaces 6 and 7 and the pair of side step bearings 8 and 9 , and the center pad 14 comprises a center rail surface 11 on the leading edge 4 side of the slider 1 , and a rear step bearing 10 formed so as to enclose the center rail surface 11 , at the same depth as the front step bearing 5 . [0043] The front step bearing 5 and the side step bearings 8 and 9 function as an air induction unit that efficiently forms a stiff air film (compressed air layer) between the air bearing surface 3 (bearing surface) and the surface opposite (the recording surface of the disk recording medium 25 ). This stiff air film functions to prevent direct contact between the air bearing surface 3 and the disk recording medium 25 , to [facilitate] the slider 1 following the surface shape (deformations due to the crown and undulations) of the disk recording medium 25 , and to maintain the flying height of the slider 1 constant. [0044] The slider 1 diagrammed in FIG. 2 has a length of 1.25 mm, width of 1.0 mm, and thickness of 0.3 mm. The distance from the trailing edge 2 of the front step bearing 5 to the pair of [side] rail surfaces 6 and 7 is 0.08 mm. The depth δs of the front step bearing referenced to the pair of side rail surfaces 6 and 7 , and to the center rail surface 11 , is 150 nm. The maximum length of the pair of side rail surfaces 6 and 7 as seen in the long direction of the slider is 0.45 mm, the maximum width as seen in the short direction of the slider is 0.305 mm, and the maximum width is 0.68 times the maximum length. FIG. 3, which is an arrow-view diagram of the section at the A-A′ line in FIG. 2, is given for describing the correlations between the pair of side rail surfaces 6 and 7 and the center rail surface 11 , the front step bearing 5 , the side step bearings 8 and 9 , the rear step bearing 10 , and the negative pressure channel 12 . The depth of the pair of side step bearings 8 and 9 and of the rear step bearing 10 in FIG. 3 is the same as the depth δs=150 nm of the front step bearing 5 as already noted (hereinafter sometimes collectively referred to as the step bearings). [0045] The depth R of the negative pressure channel 12 referenced to the pair of side rail surfaces 6 and 7 , and to the center rail surface 11 (hereinafter sometimes referred to collectively as the rail surfaces) is 1 μm. The center rail surface 11 of the center pad 14 has a magnetic transducer 19 for recording information to and playing back information from the disk recording medium 25 . And the curvature of the air bearing surface 3 of the slider 1 is expressed by the crown, camber, and twist as defined in the prior art. [0046] A plan of the magnetic disk drive 28 wherein the slider 1 diagrammed in FIG. 2 is mounted is diagrammed in FIG. 4. The magnetic disk drive 28 has mounted therein a 2.5 type disk recording medium 25 that involves a yaw angle variation from approximately +7° to −15°. The yaw angle here is the angle subtended between the long direction of the slider 1 and the direction wherewith air flows in along the circumference of the disk recording medium 25 to the slider 1 due to a swinging movement produced by a rotating actuator 27 , with the slider 1 positioned in opposition to the disk recording medium 25 . As to the sign of the yaw angle, the direction wherein air flows in from the inner circumferential side of the disk recording medium 25 relative to the long direction of the slider 1 is expressed as positive. The magnetic disk drive 28 is configured of the disk recording medium 25 attached to a spindle 26 that rotates at a speed of 4200 rpm, and the slider 1 that is attached to the tip end of a suspension 20 , through the suspension 20 and a carriage 24 [extending] from the rotating actuator 27 . The slider 1 is pressed down with a force of 2.7 gf on the disk recording medium 25 by the suspension 20 , and flies at a flying height of 22 nm or so from the disk recording medium 25 due to the infusion of an air flow produced by the rotating of the disk recording medium 25 between the slider 1 and the disk recording medium 25 . The slider 1 is positioned precisely at any radial position, from approximately 15 to 29 mm, over the disk recording medium 25 by the rotating actuator 27 , and information is recorded to and played back from the disk recording medium 25 , at any position, by the magnetic transducer 19 mounted to the center pad 14 of the slider 1 . [0047] From this point forward the magnetic head slider manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus according to the first embodiment aspect of the present invention are described with reference to the FIG. 1 and to the flowchart in FIG. 5. The first embodiment aspect of the present invention is configured of two large modules, as diagrammed in FIG. 5. One of these is a target curvature calculation module 40 , which is characteristic of the present invention, and the other is a machining module 50 that adjusts the curvature of the air bearing surface 3 to the target curvature set by the target curvature calculation module 40 with a laser to the back surface 30 of the slider 1 . [0048] First, the target curvature calculation module 40 is configured with a flow that [begins with] a shape data input process 41 for setting the shape data 110 of the slider 1 (such data including, for example, the step bearing depth δs, negative pressure channel depth R, rail width, and air bearing surface curvature, etc.), [passes to] a flying height predicting process 42 for calculating the predicted flying height of the slider 1 , taking the shape data into consideration, and reaches a target curvature determination process 43 for calculating the target curvature from the difference between the predicted flying height calculated in the flying height predicting process 42 and the target flying height. Furthermore, the step bearing depths δs used in the shape data 110 are deemed to be identical depths because, in this embodiment aspect, the front step bearing 5 and the side step bearings 8 and 9 are formed in the same machining process. Accordingly, it is only necessary to input [the depth at] any one location. In cases where the front step bearing 5 and the side step bearings 8 and 9 are produced in different machining processes, all of the step bearing depths may be input. [0049] Similarly, the input of the curvature of the air bearing surface, as with the step bearing depth δs, may be done for any one of the front part, side parts, or rear part, or for all, and the input of the rail width may be any one of the [widths] of the side rail surfaces 6 and 7 or of the center rail surface 11 or may be all. [0050] Here, the shape data input process 41 in FIG. 1 is executed by a shape data input unit 111 , while the flying height predicting process 42 and the target curvature determination process 43 are executed by an arithmetic processing unit 112 . [0051] The machining module 50 , on the other hand, is configured of a machining condition input process 51 for inputting such basic machining conditions as the relationship between the curvature of the air bearing surface 3 and the machining amount derived beforehand, laser intensity, machining frequency, and machining pattern, a curvature measurement process 52 for measuring the curvature of the air bearing surface 3 , an adjusting curvature determination process 53 for comparing the target curvature determined by the target curvature calculation module 40 and the measured curvature measured by the curvature measurement process 52 and determining the adjusting curvature of the air bearing surface 3 , a machining assessment process 54 for judging whether to continue or terminate machining, a machining amount calculation process 55 for determining the machining amount in accordance with the adjusting curvature, a machining process 56 for subjecting the back surface 30 of the slider 1 to laser machining in a machining pattern 31 such as diagrammed in FIG. 6, and a final curvature measurement process 57 for measuring the final curvature of the air bearing surface 3 . When it is determined in the machining assessment process 54 to continue the machining, moreover, the machining amount calculation process 55 and then the machining process 56 are implemented, whereupon the curvature measurement process 52 is returned to again to constitute a closed loop. [0052] Furthermore, the machining condition input process 51 in FIG. 1 is executed by a machining condition input unit 113 that inputs such initial machining conditions, in the machining conditions 114 , as the number of the row bar 1 a , the length of the row bar 1 a , and the position where machining is implemented, etc. The curvature measurement process 52 and the final curvature measurement process 57 are executed in the adjusting curvature determination process 53 , by a curvature measurement unit 101 controlled by a curvature measurement control unit 105 , while the machining assessment process 54 and machining amount calculation process 55 that control the laser output, machining frequency, and such crown amounts as the feed pitch for the stage on which the row bar 1 a is carried are executed by a central control unit 104 . Then the machining process 56 is executed by a laser generator unit 102 that is controlled by a laser control unit 103 , and the row bar 1 a is machined. Finally, by a machining process not diagrammed, the slider is produced by cutting the row bar 1 a at the positions indicated by the broken lines. [0053] The example described in the foregoing is one wherein a laser is used as the method of adjusting the curvature of the air bearing surface 3 , but other machining methods such as milling or scribing with a diamond needle, etc., that can alter the stress conditions in the air bearing surface 3 or back surface 30 in order to adjust the curvature of the air bearing surface 3 , may also be used. [0054] The [peculiar] characteristics of the magnetic head slider manufacturing method according to the first embodiment aspect of the present invention are to be found in the target curvature calculation module 40 for reducing flying height variation. Those characteristics are in having means for inputting shape data other than the curvature of the air bearing surface 3 , and the determination, as the target curvature, of the curvature of the air bearing surface 3 at which an amount of flying height change occurs that cancels the amount of flying height change resulting from a shift from the design value in the shape data noted earlier, taking the shape data into consideration. [0055] As an example, the flow of target curvature determination is described in a case where the step bearing depth δs has shifted from the design value. First, the amounts of change in the flying height in the vicinity of the leading edge 4 of the center rail surface 11 relative to the amount of shift from the design value for the step bearing depth δs are plotted in FIG. 7. In the amounts of change in the flying height plotted in FIG. 7 are indicated the changes when the slider 1 was positioned at a radial position of 15 mm (inner radius) and of 29 mm (outer radius), respectively, over the disk recording medium 25 in the magnetic disk drive 28 . When the amount of shift from the design value for the step bearing depth δs was −10 nm, the amount of change in the flying height was approximately −1 nm at the inner radius and approximately −2 nm at the outer radius. Such changes in the amount of flying height occur similarly when the curvature of the air bearing surface 3 shifts from the design value. For example, the amount of change in the flying height in the vicinity of the leading edge 4 of the center rail surface 11 relative to the amount of shift from the design value of the crown of the slider 1 will be as plotted in FIG. 8. As will be understood from FIG. 8, when the amount of shift from the design value of the crown is +8 nm, the amount of change in flying height will be +1.7 nm at the inner radius and +2 nm at the outer radius. By using this property of the flying height being increased or decreased by these changes in the shape of the slider 1 , the flying height can be adjusted to the target flying height. That is, by causing the crown to be altered +8 nm from the design value so that a change in flying height of approximately +2 nm will occur and thereby canceling the change in flying height of approximately −2 nm at the outer radius caused by the shift in the step bearing depth δs from the design value, the target flying height is maintained. [0056] The effectiveness of the present invention is also described in comparison against the prior art. Model diagrams that compare the flying condition of a slider 1 based on a conventional manufacturing method and of the slider 1 based on the manufacturing method of the present invention are respectively given in FIG. 9 and FIG. 10. In the slider 1 based on the conventional manufacturing method diagrammed in FIG. 9, [sliders] having the same curvature in the air bearing surface 3 are manufactured, and the flying attitude does not greatly vary, but the flying height in the vicinity of the element cannot maintain the target flying height due to variation in shape [factors] other than curvature, such as the step bearing depth δs, etc. In the slider 1 based on the method of the present invention, on the other hand, the crown and flying attitude change, respectively, but the flying height in the vicinity of the element can support the target flying height. When this is compared with a crown and flying height distribution diagram, the effectiveness becomes patently clear. With respect to the curvature of the air bearing surface 3 of the slider 1 based on the manufacturing method of the present invention, the crown distribution widens because various different target curvature settings are made, taking shape [factors] other than curvature into consideration, but the flying height distribution narrows due to the effectiveness of trying to maintain the target flying height. With the slider 1 based on the conventional manufacturing method, on the other hand, the crown distribution relative to the design value will become narrow, but the flying height distribution will broaden. [0057] In the first embodiment aspect of the present invention, for the example described in the foregoing, the measured data 110 for the step bearing depth δs are input in a shape data input unit 111 of the target curvature calculation module 40 , the predicted flying height is calculated according to the amount of shift from the design value for the measured data 110 in an arithmetic processing unit 112 , and, in the same arithmetic processing unit 112 , a crown at which a change in flying height will occur that will cancel the difference between the predicted flying height and the target flying height is determined as the target curvature. Here, the calculation of the predicted flying height may be done using a sensitivity coefficient derived from the relationship between the amount of shift from the design value for the step bearing depth δs and the flying height found by simulation or the like [using] the finite-element method or the like, or it may be calculated directly with simulation [employing] the finite-element method or the like. Following thereupon, the curvature of the air bearing surface 3 is adjusted to the target curvature in each part of the machining module 50 , and flying height variation in the slider 1 is reduced by maintaining the target flying height. [0058] Based on a second embodiment aspect of the present invention, as diagrammed in FIG. 11, the flow of target curvature determination executed in the arithmetic processing unit 112 can be verified with numerical values or graphs with a data display unit 115 that can display [that flow]. [0059] Up to this point, the first embodiment aspect of the present invention has been described taking the step bearing depth δs as an example of slider 1 shape variation, but there are shape variations that cause the flying height to change other than the step bearing depth δs, such as the negative pressure channel depth R and the rail width, etc. If the variation in the flying height relative to these shape variations is first determined, it is possible then to set the target curvature from the relationship between the flying height and curvature [factors] such as the crown, as shown in FIG. 8. [0060] A magnetic head slider manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus according to a third embodiment aspect of the present invention are described with reference to FIG. 12 and the flowchart in FIG. 13. In this third embodiment aspect, there is no shape data input unit 111 for inputting shape data 110 for the slider 1 as in the first embodiment aspect, and the target curvature calculation module 40 is configured by only the flying height predicting process 42 and the target curvature determination process 43 . What is characteristic of the third embodiment aspect is that there is a shape measurement process 52 a for measuring such shape data as the step bearing depth δs that is a feature of the curvature measurement unit 101 . A channel depth measurement control unit 106 controls such [factors] as the magnification and focal point of a lens so as to match the air bearing surface, step surface, and negative pressure channel surface in order to measure the channel depth (i.e. the relative distance between the surfaces), and measures shape data using the curvature measurement unit 101 . Then, by passing those shape data to the target curvature calculation module 40 , shape data input is made unnecessary. Processes other than this shape measurement process are the same as in the first embodiment aspect. With this third embodiment aspect, by making the configuration in this manner, the need for other shape measurement equipment is eliminated, the curvature of the air bearing surface 3 can be effected, taking shape variation in the slider 1 into consideration, with the curvature adjustment apparatus only, and a slider 1 of small flying height variation can be manufactured. [0061] Next, an embodiment aspect of the present invention that reduces flying height variation in a head gimbal assembly condition is described. A typical head gimbal assembly 32 is diagrammed in FIG. 14. The head gimbal assembly 32 is structured such that a mount 33 for attaching it to the carriage 24 of the magnetic disk drive 28 , a suspension 20 for generating a load for pressing the slider 1 against the disk recording medium 25 (which load is expressed hereinafter simply as the load), and a gimbal 34 for flexibly supporting the slider 1 at the tip end of the suspension 20 are attached thereto, with the back surface 30 of the slider 1 adhesively supported by the gimbal 34 . [0062] The dominant causes of flying height variation in the head gimbal assembly 32 are the load and static attitude of the suspension 20 . The amounts of change in the flying height relative to amounts of shift in the pressing load of the suspension 20 from the design value are as plotted in FIG. 15. In FIG. 15, when the amount of shift in the load from the design value is 4 mN, the amount of change in the flying height is approximately—1.7 nm at the inner radius and approximately 2 nm at the outer radius. Accordingly, if the crown is shifted approximately +8 nm from the design target value in order to cancel the amount of change in the flying height produced by the shift in the load from the design value by the crown of the slider 1 , the target flying height can be maintained, and flying height variation can be reduced. [0063] A head gimbal assembly manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus according to a fourth embodiment aspect of the present invention are described with reference to FIG. 16 and the flowchart given in FIG. 17. This fourth embodiment aspect is configured by a target curvature calculation module 40 and a machining module 50 as is the first embodiment aspect. What is characteristic of the fourth embodiment aspect is that the target curvature calculation module 40 is configured by a flow that [begins with] a load and attitude angle data input process 41 a for inputting load or static attitude data 110 a for the head gimbal assembly 32 , [passes to] a flying height prediction process 42 for calculating the predicted flying height, taking the load or static attitude data 110 a into consideration, and reaches the target curvature determination process 43 for calculating the target curvature from the difference between the target flying height and the predicted flying height calculated in the flying height predicting process 42 . Here, the load and attitude angle data input process 41 a in FIG. 16 is executed by the load or static attitude data input unit 111 , and the flying height predicting process 42 and target curvature determination process 43 are executed by the arithmetic processing unit 112 . The machining module 50 , on the other hand, except for the machining being carried on in the head gimbal assembly 32 condition, is the same as in the first embodiment aspect. Nevertheless, in cases where laser machining of the back surface 30 of the slider 1 is very difficult, if necessary, either laser machining, or milling or scribing with a diamond needle, etc., that can alter the stress conditions, may be implemented, from the air bearing surface 3 of the slider 1 , or from the back surface side of the gimbal 34 . [0064] Based on a fifth embodiment aspect of the present invention, as diagrammed in FIG. 18, the flow of target curvature determination executed in the arithmetic processing unit 112 can be verified with numerical values or a graph with a data display unit 115 that can display [that flow]. [0065] A head gimbal assembly manufacturing method and manufacturing apparatus according to a sixth embodiment aspect of the present invention are described with reference to FIG. 19 and the flowchart given in FIG. 20. In this sixth embodiment aspect, there is no data input unit 111 a for inputting the load or static attitude data 110 a of the head gimbal assembly 32 as in the fourth embodiment aspect, and the target curvature calculation module 40 is configured only of the flying height predicting process 42 and the target curvature determination process 43 . The characteristic points in the sixth embodiment aspect are that there is a load and static attitude measurement process 52 b for measuring the load or static attitude data that is a feature of the curvature measurement unit 101 , and that those data are passed to the target curvature calculation module 40 . The other processes are the same as in the fourth embodiment aspect. By configuring the sixth embodiment aspect as described in the foregoing, the need for other shape measurement equipment is eliminated, the adjustment of the curvature of the air bearing surface 3 , taking variation in the load or static attitude of the head gimbal assembly 32 into consideration, can be realized with only the curvature adjustment apparatus, and a slider 1 of small flying height variation can be manufactured. [0066] By adjusting the curvature of the air bearing surface according to the predicted flying height calculated while giving consideration to shape data such as slider channel depth and the like, magnetic head slider flying height variation can be reduced without narrowing manufacturing tolerances. Also, by adjusting the curvature of the air bearing surface according to the predicted flying height calculated from the pressing load or static attitude of the head gimbal assembly, head gimbal assemblies that exhibit small flying height variation can be realized. Furthermore, by reducing these flying height variations, the flying height of the magnetic head slider can be lowered.
With negative pressure sliders having step bearings, there are variations in flying height resulting from variations in shape factors, such as the step bearing depth. In order to achieve lower flying height, it is considered necessary to reduce the variation in flying height caused by the variation in curvature of the air bearing surface and the variation in flying height caused by the variation in the shapes of the step bearings. The curvature of the air bearing surface of the slider can be observed in the pre-cut row bar condition or in a unit product condition. Shape data of the magnetic head slider can be input, such as the step bearing depth, etc., so as to calculate the predicted flying height of the slider An arithmetic processing unit calculates an adjusted target curvature from the difference between the predicted flying height and the target flying height.
BACKGROUND [0001] The present disclosure relates to plating deposition processes and equipment, and more particularly, to a method and masking assembly for selectively depositing a plating on a turbine airfoil while preventing deposition of the plating on a dovetail of the airfoil. [0002] Gas turbine engines, such as those that power modern commercial and military aircraft, generally include a compressor section to pressurize an airflow, a combustor section to burn hydrocarbon fuel in the presence of the pressurized air, and a turbine section to extract energy from the resultant combustion gases. [0003] Turbine section blades typically include an airfoil which extends into the hot core gases which result from the combustion of fuel in the upstream combustor section. Because of the high temperatures and corrosive effects of such gases on the airfoil s, standard practice may include application of a protective plating that provide insulation from the high temperatures and corrosive effects. [0004] A root opposite the airfoil attaches the blade to a rotor disk of the engine and is not in need of protection from the high temperatures and corrosive effects of the hot core gases. The root often has a fir-tree shape that is assembled into a corresponding slot in a rotor disk such that after a prolonged time period, the root may exhibit a fatigue-related phenomenon referred to as fretting. Fretting has been found to be exacerbated by plating. Thus, in order to achieve the desired properties in the various s of the turbine airfoil to maximize service life only the airfoil is plated. [0005] One method to plate only the airfoil is to segregate the airfoil with a mask that protects the root and platform underside before insertion into the plating solution. An operator manually inserts the airfoil into a mask. Installation may be relatively difficult and time consuming as the operator usually requires two hands and a wood table as leverage to wiggle the airfoil into the mask. As a gas turbine engine may contain upwards of eighty airfoils in one stage and multiple different stages, masking turbine components may be time consuming and expensive. SUMMARY [0006] A system to install a component into a mask of a gas turbine engine according to one disclosed non-limiting embodiment of the present disclosure includes a movable base and a drive movable along an axis with respect to said movable base. [0007] In a further embodiment of the foregoing embodiment, the drive supports an insertion cup. In the alternative or additionally thereto, in the foregoing embodiment the insertion cup includes a semi-spherical. In the alternative or additionally thereto, in the foregoing embodiment the insertion cup is non-metallic. [0008] In a further embodiment of any of the foregoing embodiments, the drive is a linear motor. [0009] In a further embodiment of any of the foregoing embodiments, the system includes a lubrication mister directed toward said movable base. [0010] In a further embodiment of any of the foregoing embodiments, the movable base is movable in an X-direction and Y-direction, said Z-direction defined along said axis. [0011] In a further embodiment of any of the foregoing embodiments, the movable base includes a mask support movable with respect to a housing. [0012] In a further embodiment of any of the foregoing embodiments, the movable base includes a mask support spring connected and biased between the housing and the mask support. [0013] A method of masking a component of a gas turbine engine according to another disclosed non-limiting embodiment of the present disclosure includes pressing a component into a mask supported on a movable base. [0014] In a further embodiment of the foregoing embodiment, the method includes permitting rotational movement of the movable bases. [0015] In a further embodiment of any of the foregoing embodiments, the method includes permitting tilting movement of the movable bases. [0016] In a further embodiment of any of the foregoing embodiments, the method includes pressing the component in a Z-direction and permitting movement of the movable bases in an X-direction and Y-direction. [0017] In a further embodiment of any of the foregoing embodiments, the method includes spraying the component with a lubricant solution. [0018] In a further embodiment of any of the foregoing embodiments, the method includes pressing the component with a semi-spherical insertion cup. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0019] Various features will become apparent to those skilled in the art from the following detailed description of the disclosed non-limiting embodiment. The drawings that accompany the detailed description can be briefly described as follows: [0020] FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a turbine component; [0021] FIG. 2 is a top perspective view of the turbine component partially inserted into a mask; [0022] FIG. 3 is a bottom perspective view of the turbine component fully inserted into the mask; [0023] FIG. 4 is a schematic view of a system to press the turbine component into a mask; [0024] FIG. 5 is a schematic view of a movable base of the system to press the turbine component into the mask; [0025] FIG. 6 is an expanded schematic view of a spring bias of the movable base; [0026] FIG. 7 is a top view of the movable base; [0027] FIG. 8 is a schematic view of a insertion cup; [0028] FIG. 9 is a schematic partially disassembled view of the movable base of the system to press the turbine component into the mask; and [0029] FIG. 10 is a flowchart of the method of masking a turbine component. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0030] FIG. 1 schematically illustrates a turbine component 10 that requires plating of only a thereof The turbine component 10 , for example a turbine rotor blade, includes an airfoil 12 , a platform 14 and a root 16 . The turbine component 10 is manufactured of a high temperature superalloy. It should be understood that not all turbine components as defined herein may be identical to that illustrated, and that other turbine components such as vanes and static structure that require a of the component to be masked will also benefit herefrom. [0031] The turbine component 10 is plated along the airfoil 12 , as the airfoil 12 is subjected to a core flow of corrosive, oxidative gases that impinge the airfoil 12 at temperatures in excess of 2400 degrees F. (1,315 degrees C.). The root 16 need not be plated and the platform 14 is segregates the airfoil 12 and the root 16 . The root 16 also includes openings 18 to cooling passages to communicate a coolant through the airfoil 12 to thermally combat the core flow. The root 16 may be a fir-tree, dovetail, or other convoluted shapes which is precision machined to fit within a correspondingly shaped slot in a rotor disk assembly (not shown). Because of the precision machining, the addition of even small amounts of plating may adversely affect the tight tolerances in the assembly process. In addition, the plating materials may instigate fretting and thereby undesirably effect the fatigue life of the root 16 . [0032] With reference to FIG. 2 , the root 16 of the turbine component 10 may be protected from a plating operation by a mask 20 that, in one disclosed non-limiting embodiment, is a resilient material that is generally block-shaped in the disclosed non-limiting embodiment but may be of other shapes and configurations. The mask 20 closely fits onto the airfoil 12 and the platform 14 to shield desired of the turbine component 10 from exposure to the plating materials. That is, the mask 20 includes an internal shape that closely mirrors (and may be an interference fits with) the airfoil 12 and the platform 14 contours ( FIG. 3 ). Since the mask 20 is loaded into a fixture (not shown), the root 16 is segregated and thereby protected from the plating process. [0033] With reference to FIG. 4 , a system 30 facilitates installation of the turbine component 10 into the mask 20 . The system 30 generally includes a movable base 32 , a drive 34 , an insertion cup 36 , a lubricating mister 38 and a controller 40 . The drive 34 is operable to press the turbine component 10 into the mask 20 . It should be appreciated that alternative or additional subsystems may be provided. [0034] The movable base 32 includes a housing 42 and a mask support 44 which is resiliently mounted within the housing 42 . The housing 42 may be semi-cylindrical with a cylindrical portion 43 and a radially extending base 45 from which the cylindrical portion 43 extends (see FIG. 5 ). The housing 42 includes a load/unload opening 47 that is generally mimicked by the mask support 44 . In the disclosed non-limiting embodiment, an opening 46 includes a load/unload opening 47 to facilitate loading and unloading of the mask 20 . The opening 46 and the load/unload opening 47 may be of various sizes and orientations so as to facilitate operator interaction with the mask 20 . [0035] A resilient biasing member 48 ( FIGS. 6 and 7 ) such as a multiple of springs or a bladder resiliently position the mask support 44 within the housing 42 . The mask support 44 is at least partially enclosed by a cover 50 attached to the housing 42 with fasteners 51 to constrain movement of the mask support 44 in the X-direction, Y-direction, and Z-direction. [0036] The drive 34 in the disclosed non-limiting embodiment is a variable speed linear motor. The insertion cup 36 is mounted to the drive 34 to provide a non-metallic semi-spherical engagement surface for contact with the turbine component 10 . The insertion cup 36 prevent damage to the turbine component 10 and permits some relative movement between the turbine component 10 and the mask 20 as the turbine component 10 “wiggles” into the mask 20 under the linear force applied by the drive 34 . The drive 34 may provide variable speed in that the insertion cup 36 is moved relatively rapidly under control of the controller 40 until contact with the turbine component 10 then reduces speed to carefully drive the turbine component 10 into the mask 20 . The drive 34 generates, in one example, less than approximately 10 pounds of force. [0037] The lubricating mister 38 is directed toward the mask 20 to selectively apply a mist of a lubricant such as a soap solution to the mask 20 in response to the controller 40 . The lubricating mister 38 facilitates insertion of the turbine component 10 into the mask 20 as the as the turbine component 10 is “wiggled” into the mask 20 under the linear force applied by the drive 34 . [0038] With reference to FIG. 9 , a multiple of bumpers 52 accommodate unequal movement of the mask support 44 in the direction that the drive 34 presses—the Z-direction. The bumpers 52 may be rubber pucks that deform to accommodate the movement of the mask support 44 . That is, the drive 34 presses along an L axis that is oriented in the Z-direction such that straight-line pressure on the turbine component 10 will result in contact between the mask support 44 and all the bumpers 52 . The complex internal shape of the mask 20 which corresponds to the root 16 , however, results in the linear force applied by the drive 34 to displace the mask support 44 in the X-direction and the Y-direction as the turbine component 10 “wiggles” into the mask 20 as the mask support 44 and thereby the mask 20 moves to accommodate this motion in combination with the insertion cup 36 . The multiple of resilient biasing member 48 resiliently positions the mask support 44 within the housing 42 in the X-direction and the Y-direction while the bumpers accommodate movement in the Z-direction as the turbine component 10 “wiggles” into the mask 20 . [0039] With reference to FIG. 10 , an operator initially pre-loads the turbine component 10 partially into the mask 20 . That is, the airfoil 12 is placed into the mask 20 which is mounted into the movable base 32 . The drive 34 is then actuated. In response to the controller 40 , the insertion cup 36 is moved relatively rapidly under control of the controller 40 until contact with the turbine component 10 then the controller 40 reduces speed of the drive to carefully drive the turbine component 10 into the mask 20 . Once the turbine component 10 is pressed fully into the mask 20 , the drive 34 retracts in response to the controller 40 and the operator may remove the completed masked component from the movable base 32 . The disclosed process eliminates any potential for ergonomic effect upon the operator, allows for consistent masking, eliminates variation in the masking process. It should be appreciated that the disclosed process is readily applicable to other component insertion which may require some “wiggle”. [0040] It should be understood that relative positional terms such as “forward,” “aft,” “upper,” “lower,” “above,” “below,” and the like are with reference to the normal operational attitude of the vehicle and should not be considered otherwise limiting. [0041] It should be understood that like reference numerals identify corresponding or similar elements throughout the several drawings. It should also be understood that although a particular component arrangement is disclosed in the illustrated embodiment, other arrangements will benefit herefrom. [0042] Although particular step sequences are shown, described, and claimed, it should be understood that steps may be performed in any order, separated or combined unless otherwise indicated and will still benefit from the present disclosure. [0043] The foregoing description is exemplary rather than defined by the limitations within Various non-limiting embodiments are disclosed herein, however, one of ordinary skill in the art would recognize that various modifications and variations in light of the above teachings will fall within the scope of the appended claims. It is therefore to be understood that within the scope of the appended claims, the disclosure may be practiced other than as specifically described. For that reason the appended claims should be studied to determine true scope and content.
A system to install a mask onto a component of a gas turbine engine includes a drive movable along an axis with respect to a movable base.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This invention is related to the measurement of bottom hole pressures in deep bore holes in the earth. More particularly, this invention relates to the apparatus and method for filling a conventional type of Bourdon tube pressure measuring instrument with a fluid for communicating well fluid pressure to the Bourdon tube to enable the Bourdon tube to measure well fluid pressures at high temperatures. It is well known in the art to use a Bourdon tube enclosed in a tubular housing for measuring bottom hole pressures in deep bore holes in the earth. A typical pressure measuring instrument comprises three separate sections. One section includes a recording device in which a sharp jeweled stylus scratches a line trace on the surface of a cylindrical sheet to make a record of the sensed pressure as a function of time. The second section is a pressure sensing section which generally includes a long helically wound Bourdon tube of many terms anchored at its bottom end and fastened to the recording stylus at the upper end. Pressure changes in the hydraulic fluid inside the Bourdon tube cause the upper end to rotate with respect to the fixed bottom end and, therefore, to rotate the stylus against the recording chart. A clock driven mechanism in the recording section moves the chart longitudinally so that a continuous curve is drawn of the pressure as a function of time. The third section of the instrument is devoted to means for contacting the well fluids and transmitting the pressure of the well fluids to the hydraulic liquid in the Bourdon tube. U.S. Pat. No. 3,744,307 to Harper, et al. describes a typical prior art Bourdon tube sensors for use in deep bore holes. One method of transmitting well fluid pressure to the hydraulic liquid in the Bourdon tube is to contact the well fluids with an extensible bellows, the interior of which is filled with a clean hydraulic liquid and placed in fluid communication with the Bourdon tube. The outside of the bellows contacts the well fluids so that pressure of the well fluid is communicated to the Bourdon tube through the bellows and enclosed hydraulic liquid. Standard Bourdon tube assembly ordinarily are filled with a liquid such as triethylene glycol, which outgasses at temperatures above 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Outgassing of the liquid in the Bourdon tube seriously degrades instrument accuracy so that it is difficult to obtain meaningful pressure measurements in well bores having ambient temperatures above 350 degrees Fahrenheit. If a bellows is used to transmit well fluid pressures to the Bourdon tube, outgassing of the fluid causes the bellows to expand; and if the temperature is sufficiently high, outgassing of the fluid will rupture the bellows. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention provides an apparatus and a method for filling a Bourdon tube with a fluid that, under proper conditions, exhibits no appreciable outgassing at temperatures up to approximately 750 degrees Fahrenheit. The invention includes the use of a liquid having a high boiling point in an ordinary Bourdon tube. A suitable hydraulic liquid is a form of modified terphenyl sold by Monsanto Industrial Chemical Company under the trademarks Therminol 66 and Santotherm Heat Transfer Fluids. The thermal expansion of the liquid is directly proportional to the volume thereof. The preferred hydraulic fluid does not begin to bubble until it is heated to approximately 625 degrees Fahrenheit. Because of initial outgassing, the fluid must be placed under a vacuum at about 300 degrees Fahrenheit before it is usable to provide an instrument of the desired accuracy over the temperature ranges encountered in deep bores. This invention provides a filling device and method for ensuring that the fluid is sufficiently outgassed before it is put into the Bourdon tube. The invention heats and evacuates the fluid and Bourdon tube simultaneously while maintaining a barrier of cool fluid over the heated fluid to prevent is exposure to oxygen, thereby reducing oxidation of the fluid. The invention includes a bellows arrangement having a fill port that is sealed with a fill plug when the instrument is in use. The fill plug is ordinarily threadedly engaged in a cap that encloses one end of the bellows. Before filling, the length of the bellows is reduced by mechanical compression from a length of about 51/4 inches, a standard bellows length, to about 33/4 inches. The bellows includes a center post that serves as a guide for the bellows and which fills a portion of the volume thereof. The centerpost is formed of a material such as stainless steel, which experiences negligible outgassing at temperatures of up to about 750 degrees Fahrenheit. In order to fill the Bourdon tube, the plug is removed and the filling device is then threadedly engaged in the fill port. The filling device includes a hot reservoir which contains a supply of the hydraulic fluid adjacent the fill port. A valve in the filling device controls fluid flow through a passage between the filling device and the bellows. The hot reservoir preferably contains a supply of the hydraulic fluid sufficient to fill the Bourdon tube and the bellows. A vacuum line is connected to the cold reservoir above the level of the hydraulic fluid in the cold reservoir to outgas the hydraulic fluid and to evacuate the bellows and Bourdon tube. A heating shield is connected to the filling apparatus between the cold and hot reservoirs to form an air space around the hot reservoir, the bellows and the Bourdon tube. The air space is heated to facilitate outgassing of the fluid and to remove impurities from the Bourdon tube and bellows. After the outgassing of the hydraulic fluid and the heating of the Bourdon tube and bellows have been accomplished, the vacuum is removed while the valve in the hot reservoir is open to allow the fluid to flow into the bellows and Bourdon tube. After the Bourdon tube is filled, the filling apparatus is removed from the fill port, which is then plugged to prevent leakage. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view of a Bourdon tube and bellows assembly for measuring pressures in a well bore; and FIG. 2 is a partial cross-sectional view illustrating apparatus used to fill the bellows and Bourdon tube of FIG. 1 with an outgassed fluid. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT Referring to FIG. 1, a typical temperature measuring instrument 10 includes a helically wound Bourdon tube 12 having a closed end 14 and an open end 16, which is in fluid communication with a bellows 18 through a shield connector 20. The shield connector 20 is of a generally hollow elongate cylindrical construction having external threads at each end for connection to other apparatus (not shown) used in connection with the bellows 18 and Bourdon tube 12. A solid rod, or center post 22 placed in the shield connector 20 extends into the bellows 18. The center post 22 serves as a guide for the bellows 18 and fills part of the space therein to reduce the amount of fluid required to fill the bellows 18 and the shield connector 20. The center post 22 is preferably formed of stainless steel to prevent outgassing in the temperature range of interest, which includes wellbore temperatures of up to 750 degrees Fahrenheit. The bellows 18 terminates in a cap 24, which has a longitudinal passage 26 therethrough. The cap 24 also includes a fill port 28 which is in fluid communication with the passage 26. A plut 30 seals the fill port 28 when the instrument for the measuring apparatus 10 is filled with a working fluid or is in use. When the pressure measuring apparatus 10 is in use, the well fluid pressure is applied to the cap 24, which transmits the pressure to the working fluid in the Bourdon tube 12. Increasing the fluid pressure in the Bourdon tube causes the tube 12 to unwind and drive a stylus (not shown) connected to the closed end 14 from an equilibrium position at ambient atmospheric pressure to indicate the pressure in the well bore. It has been found that accurate pressure measurements at high temperature require the use of a working fluid which does not boil or experience appreciable outgassing at the temperature in the well bore. In order to assure the desired accuracy of pressure measurement, the working fluid must not boil or outgas over temperatures ranging from ambient atmospheric temperatures up to about 750 degrees Fahrenheit. The inventor has found that a high performance heat transfer fluid, which is a modified terphenyl sold by Monsanto Industrial Chemical Company under the trademarks Therminol 66 and Santotherm Heat Transfer Fluids is a particularly suitable working fluid for pressure measurements at high temperatures. Although Therminol 66 is a preferred working fluid for high temperature, high pressure applications, any substance having the essential outgassing and temperature-pressure-volume characteristics discussed herein is satisfactory. Therminol 66 is an essentially colorless, oily liquid having a faint characteristic oder. The substance has a pour point of -18 degrees Fahrenheit, a thermal expansion that is essentially linear, a density at 75 degrees Fahrenheit of about 8.35 pounds per gallon, a flash point of 355 degrees Fahrenheit, or 180 degrees Celsius, a fire point of 382 degrees Fahrenheit, or 194 degrees Celsius and a boiling point of approximately 625 degrees Fahrenheit at atmospheric pressure. The substance is virtually non-toxic and non-irritating, posing no special handling problems. It is not absorbed through the unbroken skin in significant quantities, and is non-irritating to the skin and is only mildly irritating if eye contact occurs. Therefore, under ordinary conditions there are no special handling procedures that must be observed with the working fluid. At room temperatures, there is no vapor exposure problem when transferring the fluid from a shipping container into the filling apparatus 32 of the present invention. However, vapors emitted at high temperatures may be mildly irritating under prolonged exposure. In the present invention, the working substance is maintained in essentially leak-free containers so that there should be little or no opportunity for workers to come in contact with vapors. Referring to FIG. 2, a filling mechanism 32 has a projection 34 threadedly engaged in the fill port 28. The filling apparatus 32 includes a hot reservoir 38 from which the projection 34 extends, a cold reservoir 40 in fluid communication with the hot reservoir 38 through a neck 42 and a heater shield 44 connected to the neck 42. The heater shield 44 may conveniently be of a generally cylindrical configuration having length and diameter sufficient to enclose the Bourdon tube 12, the shield connector 20, the bellows 18, the hot reservoir 38, and a portion of the neck 42. The hot reservoir 38, the bourdon tube and the bellows 18 are placed in a heater chamber 51. The hot reservoir 38 and the neck 42 are preferably formed of a suitable metal such as stainless steel that is capable of withstanding temperatures up to at least 300 degrees Fahrenheit. The cold reservoir 40 preferably includes a bottom surface 41 formed of the same material as the hot reservoir 38 and the neck 42. The bottom surface 41 preferably has a threaded lip 43 extending perpendicularly therefrom; and a threaded, generally cylindrical portion 45 is mounted upon the lip 43. The cylindrical portion 45 is preferably formed of a transparent plastic substance to permit visual monitoring of the level 47 of working fluid in the filling apparatus 32. The heater shield 44 is preferably formed of the same metal as the neck 42 and may be conveniently connected thereto by a weldment 49. The heater shield 44 serves to prevent appreciable heat transfer from the heater chamber 52 to the plastic portion 45. The cold reservoir 40 may also conveniently be of a generally cylindrical configuration. The cold reservoir 40 has an end 46 that is covered by a cap 48 and a vacuum outlet 50 from which a vacuum line 52 extends. An elongate rod 54 having a conical end 56 extends through a passage 58 in the cap 48 so that the conical end 56 is adjacent a correspondingly shaped recess 60 of the inside of the projection 34. The passage 58 through the cap 48 is preferably threaded and a portion of the rod 54 is also threaded so that rotation of the rod 54 selectively engages or disengages the conical end 56 of the rod 54 with the conical recess 60 in the projection 34. The conical projection 56 on the rod 54 and the conical recess 60 in the plug 34 cooperate to function as a valve 61 so that rotating the rod 54 a sufficient distance to seat the conical projection 56 in the recess 60 prevents fluid flow from the hot reservoir 38 into the passage 26 and thus into the bellows 18 and the Bourdon tube 12. The rod 54 has an end 62 projecting out of the cap 48. The end 62 preferably has a knob 64 mounted thereto to facilitate rotation of the rod 54 to selectively seat or unseat the conical projection 56 in the recess 60. When the filling apparatus 32 is used to fill the bellows 18 and the Bourdon tube 12, the projection 34 may be first threadedly engaged in the fill port 24 and the rod 54 is rotated so that the conical projection 56 engages the recess 60 to seal the opening 28 into the projection 34. The working fluid for filling the bellows 18 and Bourdon tube 12 is put into the cold reservoir 40 so that the level 47 of the fluid is below that of the vacuum as seen through the cylindrical portion 25. The working fluid completely fills the hot reservoir 38 and the neck 42. The working fluid may be conveniently supplied to the cold reservoir through the vacuum inlet 50 before connection of a vacuum pump (not shown) thereto. After the desired amount of working fluid is inserted into the filling apparatus 32, the vacuum line 32 is connected to a pumping apparatus (not shown), which evacuates the bellows 18 and the Bourdon tube 12, which causes the bellows 18 to contract somewhat. The valve 61 is open so that the vacuum is applied to the bellows 18 and the Bourdon tube 12. The Bourdon tube 12, the bellows 18, the hot reservoir 38 and the heat shield remain in a heated air chamber (not shown) for about 20 minutes or more at a temperature of approximately 300 degrees Farenheit under vacuum to evacuate the bellows 18 and Bourdon tube 12 and to outgas the fluid in the hot reservoir 38. Heating the working fluid under vacuum causes the fluid to be sufficiently outgassed to provide the desired accuracy in pressure measurements. Maintaining a long fluid passage, such as the neck 42, between the hot reservoir 38 and the cold reservoir 40 causes a cover of relatively cold filling fluid to be maintained above the hot fluid, thereby preventing oxidation of the heated fluid. The vacuum prevents the heated fluid from flowing into the bellows 18 and Bourdon tube 12. After the heated fluid has been sufficiently outgassed, the vacuum is turned off, and the fluid is allowed to flow into the bellows 18 and Bourdon tube 12. Once the bellows 18 and Bourdon tube 12 have been filled, the assembly is removed from the hot chamber, and the filling assembly 32 is disconnected from the fill port 28 of the bellows 18, and the plug 30 is inserted into the fill port 28 to seal the outgassed working fluid in the Bourdon tube 12 and bellows 18. A preferred detailed procedure for filling the bellows 18 and Bourdon tube 12 with the working fluid is described below. It is to be understood that those skilled in the art might follow a different sequence of steps and might place some steps with other equivalent steps. The length of a standard bellows is reduced by mechanical compression by use of a conventional vise or the like (not shown) from a typical valve of about 51/4 to 33/4 inches. The combination of the compression of the bellows 18 and inclusion of the center post 22 therein reduces the volume of a typical bellows by about fifty percent from 27.25 cc to about 14 cc. Over the temperature range of interest, the bellows 18 has a length expansion of about one inch. Even though the total volume of the system including the Bourdon tube 12 and the bellows 18 varies with the specific gauge and pressure range, the filling 10 apparatus and method provide acceptable expansion in all pressure ranges typically encountered in wellbore pressure measurement applications. The air bath is heated to approximately 300 degrees Farenheit. The filling assembly 32 should be dimensioned so that if it is filled approximately one-third full with the working fluid, preferably Therminol 66 as explained above, the filling assembly 32 will contain sufficient fluid to fill the bellows 18 and Bourdon tube 12. When the filling assembly 32 has required amount of working fluid therein, the projection 34 is threadedly engaged in the fill port 28 with the valve 61 being closed. With the vacuum pump power being off, a suitable hose (not shown) is connected between the vacuum line 52 and the vacuum pump. After connecting the vacuum line 52 to the vacuum pump, the knob 64 is turned a sufficient amount, such as five full turns to open the valve 61. The vacuum pump is then turned on and allowed to remain on until a vacuum of 25 inches of mercury is achieved in the filling apparatus. After the desired vacuum is obtained, the vacuum pump is turned off for five to ten seconds or until the filling fluid ceases to bubble. After the bubbling has ceased, the vacuum pump is turned on until a vacuum of approximately 28 inches of mercury is achieved, after which the vacuum pump is turned off again for 5-10 seconds. The vacuum pump is then reactivated until the vacuum reaches 30 inches of mercury, at which time the vacuum pump is turned off until the bubbling subsides. The vacuum pump is then turned on and the filling apparatus is evacuated for five minutes while approximately once each minute the bellows is extended by about 0.5 inch and moved with a slight rotary motion. After the 5 minute evacuation period, the vacuum hose should be removed for approximately 30 seconds and then replaced for about 2 minutes while the bellows is extended and rotated slightly. The vacuum hose should then be removed after the 2 minute period and the filling apparatus 32 with the bellows 18 attached thereto placed into a 300 degree Fahrenheit air bath for about 20 minutes. After the filling apparatus 32 is removed from the air bath, the system is again evacuated for about 10 minutes while pulling, rotating, and tapping on the Bourdon tube 12. After the 10 minute evacuation period, the vacuum should be removed for approximately 30 seconds and then replaced for another 10 minutes while the assembly is allowed to remain stationary. After the second 10 minute evacuation period, the vacuum hose should be removed from the vacuum line 52 and the entire filling apparatus 32, bellows 18, and Bourdon tube 12 should be cooled with water. All water should be blown away from the fill port 26 before the projection 34 is disengaged therefrom. With the Bourdon tube 12 being held in a vise or other suitable apparatus, the bellows 18 should be disconnected from the filling apparatus 32. The bellows 18 should then be held at a predetermined length and the plug 30 should be secured in the fill port 26 with a suitable washer (not shown), if necessary, being positioned between the bellows cap 24 and the plug 30. The bellows 18 and the Bourdon tube 12 when filled as described herein may be used to measure well bore pressures at temperatures of up to 600 degrees Fahrenheit without special precautions. If pressures of 500 psi or more are maintained on the bellows 18 and Bourdon tube 12 while the temperature exceeds 600 degrees Fahrenheit, they may be used for pressure measurements at temperatures up to 750 degrees Fahrenheit. Although the present invention has been described with reference to particular apparatus and process steps, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that numerous modifications may be made without departing from the scope and spirit of the invention. Accordingly, all modifications and equivalents which are properly within the scope of the appended claims are included in the present invention. INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION The present invention has application wherein it is necessary to fill a container, tube, or other enclosed volume with an outgassed fluid. The present invention is particularly useful in preparing Bourdon pressure gauges for use in pressure measurements in deep well bores.
This invention relates to apparatus and methods for filling a conventional Bourdon tube with an outgassed fluid to permit use of the Bourdon tube to measure fluid pressures at high temperatures. The filling device includes a hot reservoir containing hydraulic fluid that has been heated to facilitate outgassing and a cold reservoir in fluid communication with the hot reservoir to prevent exposure of the fluid in the hot reservoir to oxygen. A vacuum line connected to the cold reservoir permits evacuation of the filling apparatus, the Bourdon tube and a typical bellows that may be attached to the Bourdon tube. The bellows is mechanically compressed and provided with a center post to reduce the volume of the bellows by about fifty percent. After the Bourdon tube, the bellows and the hydraulic fluid in the hot reservoir have been heated and outgassed, the vacuum is removed from the cold reservoir to permit hydraulic fluid to flow from the hot reservoir into the bellows and Bourdon tube. After the Bourdon tube and bellows are filled, the filling apparatus is disconnected from the fill port, which is then plugged to prevent leakage.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention is various novel analogs of xanthine. Additionally, the invention is pharmaceutical compositions having as the active compound the novel analogs of xanthines. The invention is also methods of use of the analogs. The use of the analogs of the present invention relates particularly to a desirable affinity at adenosine receptors, particularly the A 1 receptor. That is, the analogs are adenosine receptor antagonists. Thus, the analogs, for example, provide activity for use as a CNS stimulant, cognition activator, and bronchodilator. Xanthines and particularly alkyl derivatives thereof, having adenosine receptor affinity are well known for use to treat cardiovascular diseases, as bronchodilators, and/or as psychotropic agents and CNS stimulants, as well as diuretics, and for the treatment of migraines or allergies. More recently dialkenyl derivatives of xanthines are also found to have activity as adenosine antagonists. See copending U.S. Ser. No. 864,939 filed May 20, 1986, now abandoned. The copending Application No. 885,057 filed July 14, 1986 which is a continuation in part of U.S. Ser. No. 864,939 filed May 20, 1986 now abandoned is hereby incorporated by reference having a review of related references also appropriate in the present invention. However, neither the copending U.S. Ser. No. 864,939 nor the references cited therein make obvious to one of ordinary skill a combination of substituents of the analogs of the present invention. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Accordingly, the present invention relates to a compound of the formula I ##STR1## and the pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof; wherein R 1 and R 3 are the same or different and are hydrogen, lower alkyl, hydroxyloweralkyl, or alkoxyloweralkyl; R 8 is dihydroxyalkyl; or ##STR2## wherein X is oxygen, sulfur, or NR 9 wherein R 9 is hydrogen, lower alkyl or acyl of from two to six carbons; n and m may be the same or different and are integers of from zero to five with the proviso that n and m together are of from one to four when X is oxygen and of from three to four when X is sulfur or NR 9 . Preferred compounds of the formula I compounds herein are the compounds wherein R 1 and R 3 are the same and being propyl, R 8 is oxygen or sulfur, n is zero or one and m is two or three. Further, the most preferred compounds are, therefore, 1,3-dipropyl-8-(2-tetrahydrofuranyl) xanthine; 1,3-dipropyl-8-(3-tetrahydrofuranyl) xanthine; or 1,3-dimethyl-8-(3-tetrahydrothienyl) xanthine. The present invention also relates to a pharmaceutical composition for treating cognitive dysfunction, such as alzheimers disease or attention deficit syndrome, or asthma, comprising a cognition activator or antiasthma, or CNS stimulatory effective amount of a compound of the formula I as defined above. Finally, the present invention also relates to a method of treating a cognitive dysfunction, or asthma, in mammals, particularly humans, suffering therefrom by administering to such mammals the compound of formula I as defined above in unit dosage form. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Lower alkyl of from one to six carbons such as methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl, pentyl or hexyl and isomers thereof. Hydroxyloweralkyl is a lower alkyl having at least one hydroxy substituent. Alkoxyloweralkyl is a lower alkyl having at least one substituent that is an alkoxy of from one to six carbons such as methoxymethyl, ethoxymethyl, propoxymethyl, butoxymethyl, pentoxymethyl, hexoxymethyl, methoxyethyl and so on or isomers thereof. The isomers are understood and include, for example, 1-methoxyeth-1-yl, 1-methoxyprop-1-yl, 2-methoxyprop-1-yl, 2-methoxyprop-2-yl, and the like. Acyl of two to six carbons is acetyl, propionyl and the like. The compounds of formula I are useful both in the free base form, in the form of base salts where possible, and in the form of acid addition salts. The three forms are within the scope of the invention. In practice, use of the salt form amounts to use of the base form. Appropriate pharmaceutically acceptable salts within the scope of the invention are those derived from mineral acids such as hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid; and organic acids such as methanesulfonic acid, benzenesulfonic acid, p-toluenesulfonic acid, and the like, giving the hydrochloride, sulfate, methanesulfonate, benzenesulfonate, p-toluenesulfonate, and the like, respectively or those derived from bases such as suitable organic and inorganic bases. Examples of suitable inorganic bases for the formation of salts of compounds of this invention include the hydroxides, carbonates, and bicarbonates of ammonia, sodium, lithium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, zinc, and the like. Salts may also be formed with suitable organic bases. Bases suitable for the formation of pharmaceutically acceptable base addition salts with compounds of the present invention include organic bases which are nontoxic and strong enough to form such salts. These organic bases form a class whose limits are readily understood by those skilled in the art. Merely for purposes of illustration, the class may be said to include mono-, di-, and trialkylamines, such as methylamine, dimethylamine, and triethylamine; mono-, di-, or trihydroxyalkylamines such as mono-, di-, and triethanolamine; amino acids such as arginine, and lysine; guanidine; N-methylglucosamine; N-methylglucamine; L-glutamine; N-methylpiperazine; morpholine; ethylenediamine; N-benzylphenethylamine; tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane; and the like. (See for example, "Pharmaceutical Salts," J. Pharm. Sci. (1977) 66(1):1-19.) The acid addition salts of said basic compounds are prepared either by dissolving the free base of compound I in aqueous or aqueous alcohol solution or other suitable solvents containing the appropriate acid or base and isolating the salt by evaporating the solution, or by reacting the free base of compound I with an acid as well as reacting compound I having an acid group thereon with a base such that the reactions are in an organic solvent, in which case the salt separates directly or can be obtained by concentration of the solution. The compounds of the invention may contain an asymmetric carbon atom. Thus, the invention includes the individual stereoisomers, and the mixtures thereof. The individual isomers may be prepared or isolated by methods known in the art. The processes for preparing the compounds of the present invention are shown in Scheme 1 and Scheme 2 hereinafter and also are described, generally, by process conditions known in the art or analogous to those known in the art. For example, the compounds of the present invention are generally prepared as disclosed in the application Ser. No. 885,057 which is the continuation in part of U.S. Ser. No. 864,939 filed May 20, 1986 as noted above. Likewise the starting materials for the processes shown in Schemes 1 and 2 are readily available commercially, or can be prepared by either known methods or methods analogous to known methods. ##STR3## In Scheme 1 the known diaminouracil II wherein R 1 and R 3 as defined above is treated with an appropriate carboxylic acid of formula V wherein X and m and n are as defined above in the presence of a cyclizing agent such as a carbodiimide (e.g., ethyldimethylamino-propylcarbodiimide, EDAC), or carbonyldiimidazole, and the resulting aminoamide uracil of formula III wherein R 1 , R 3 X, m and n are as defined above is cyclized under basic conditions to afford products of structure IV which is the compound I if no unsaturation is present in the moiety having X therein. The compound of formula V may have unsaturated carbon-carbon bonds present, such as is particularly shown by the Scheme 1 1 hereinafter. Thus, on the other hand, when unsaturation is present in the moiety having X therein, known methods of hydrogenation yield the compound of formula I. Alternatively in Scheme 2 the compound of formula II as defined above can be treated with an appropriate acid chloride of formula VI wherein m, n and X are as defined above, in an inert solvent, usually in the presence of a base such as triethylamine. The resulting aminoamide uracil of formula III as defined above is then reductively cyclized using a metal such as iron in the presence of an acid such as sulfuric, hydrochloric, or the like, which affords product IV or I as defined above. Again in appropriate instances the moiety containing, X may have carbon-carbon unsaturation. That is, if structures V or VI contain sites of unsaturation, the products IV resulting from the reaction are then subjected to hydrogenation in the presence of a catalyst such as Raney nickel or Palladium on aluminum oxide or the like using known methods to afford the saturated product I. More specifically the general reactions of Schemes 1 and 2 are illustrated in the following Scheme 1 1 . In these schemes the compounds of Structure V 1 or VI 2 shown below may or may not contain sites of unsaturation as appropriate. For example, the tetrahydrofuranyl xanthine I 1 may be prepared from the furanoic acid, which after cyclization is reduced to the product (see A of Scheme 1 1 ). The sulfur analog of formula I 2 may be prepared by direct cyclization of the saturated tetrahydrothienyl carboxylic acid to give product I 2 . (See B of Scheme 1 1 ). ##STR4## The products of each of the reactions described herein are isolated by conventional means such as extraction, distillation, chromatography, and the like. The salts of compounds of formula I described above are prepared by reacting the appropriate base with a stoichiometric equivalent of the acid compounds of formula I, or of the appropriate acid with compounds of formula I having a base moiety. The compounds of this invention may also exist in hydrated or solvated form. The compounds of formula I have been found to have advantageous receptor affinities, particularly A 1 receptor affinities providing activity as bronchodilators, CNS stimulants, and/or cognition activators. A 1 and A 2 affinities were determined in [ 3 H]-N 6 -cyclohexyladenosine binding to rat whole brain membranes and [ 3 H]-NECA binding to rat striatal membranes, respectively, as previously described (Bruns, et al, Mol. Pharmacol. 29:331-346, 1986). The IC 50 values (nM) for adenosine A 1 and A 2 receptor affinity are reported in the Table I. TABLE I______________________________________Receptor Binding DataExample RBA-1 (nM) RBA-2 (nM)______________________________________4 400 20003 28 46502 20 31001 2 6225 88 NT*______________________________________ *not tested The above compounds may be compared to theophylline which binds the A 1 receptor at an IC 50 of 15,000 nM and the A 2 receptor at an IC 50 of 32,000 nm. EVALUATION OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ACTIVITY The purpose of this test is to identify drugs which antagonize the locomotor suppressant effects of A 1 and A 2 selective adenosine agonists in mice. Adenosine agonists produce inhibition of spontaneous exploratory activity in mice. This response has been demonstrated with the A 1 selective adenosine agonist CPA and the A 2 selective agonist CV-1808. The standard adenosine antagonist theophylline is active in this procedure by reversing the suppressant effects of both adenosine agonists. The procedure employs naive animals obviating the need for extensive training and precluding possible cumulative drug effects. METHOD Animals: Male Swiss-Webster mice are used for this procedure. A minimum of 12 animals are used per dose including vehicle treated controls. Drugs: Compounds are dissolved or suspended in physiological saline containing Emulphor, 2-5%. Suspensions are ultrasonicated for 3 minutes. Drug doses are expressed as the active moiety and are administered intraperitoneally (IP) to mice in volumes of 10 ml/kg. CPA, N 6 -cyclopentyladenosine, (A 1 agonist) and CV-1808, 2-anilinoadenosine, (A 2 agonist), are injected IP one hour before locomotor testing in respective doses of 2 and 8 mg/kg. The potential adenosine antagonist is injected 30 minutes before testing at the maximum dose which by itself has little or no effect on mouse locomotor activity. Three control groups are utilized: a placebo control (vehicle treated mice used as an indication of base level locomotion); a reference control (a group of mice dosed with the antagonist alone to confirm the lack of locomotor response) and a positive control (a group of mice dosed with the agonist alone to demonstrate the inhibition of locomotion). Procedure: One hour after the agonist or vehicle injections and 30 minutes after the antagonist or vehicle injections, the mice are placed in darkened actophometers (3 mice/unit) and locomotor activity is monitored for 60 minutes. Activity counts are recorded automatically by a microcomputer. Data Analysis: Drug effects on locomotor activity are expressed as percent suppression relative to the vehicle treated (placebo) controls. The locomotor effect produced by the combination of agonist and antagonist (C) substrated from the locomotor suppressant effect of the agonist alone (B) is divided by the value for the agonist (B) and then multiplied by 100 to express the percent reversal. For example: A. Theophylline, 10 mg/kg, alone produced locomotor stimulation (160% of placebo controls or -60% suppression). B. CPA, 2 mg/kg, alone produced 94% suppression of locomotion. C. Theophylline+CPA in combination produced stimulation (-42% locomotor suppression). Then applying the formula: (B-C)/B×100=[94 -(-60)]/94×100=164% reversal. When theophylline was tested against CV-1808, 8 mg/kg, the data were as follows: A. CV-1808 produced 83% suppression. B. CV-1808 +theophylline produced 22% suppression. Then: (83-22)/83×100=73% reversal. The data (values for "B" and "C") are then analyzed in a paired t-test, if the values are significantly different (p<0.05) from each other then the dose effect is given a reversal rating of "A"; if the data are insignificant (p>0.05) then the dose effect is given a rating of "N". In the above examples, the effects of theophylline against both CPA and CV-1808 were rated "A" (active as an antagonist). The above example contains an important variant to the criterion set forth in the methods: the dose of theophylline selected produced a significant effect on locomotion (160% relative to control). This dose was selected on the basis of previous results which indicated little or no effect of 10 mg/kg. It is not uncommon to see variation in the locomotor effect of doses which are bordering on profound pharmacological responses, e.g., 30 mg/kg of theophylline on previous testing had produced marked stimulation (200% of control) while 10 mg/kg had produced 118% of control. In light of this possible variation in the locomotor response to the antagonist it is deemed important that the effect of the antagonist alone is shown in order to facilitate understanding how a reversal effect can be more than 100%. In like manner the compounds of the present invention having A 1 and A 2 activity corresponding to theophylline are useful as a CNS stimulant. Accordingly, the present invention also particularly includes a pharmaceutical composition for treating cognitive dysfunction such as Alzheimer's disease or attentional deficit disorders and a method for treating a cognitive dysfunction comprising administering to mammals, including humans, suffering therefrom either orally or parenterally the corresponding pharmaceutical composition. The composition contains a compound of the formula I as defined above in appropriate unit dosage form. For preparing pharmaceutical compositions from the compounds described by this invention, inert, pharmaceutically acceptable carriers can be either solid or liquid. Solid form preparations include powders, tablets, dispersible granules, capsules, cachets, and suppositories. A solid carrier can be one or more substances which may also act as diluents, flavoring agents, solubilizers, lubricants, suspending agents, binders or tablet disintegrating agents; it can also be encapsulating material. In powders, the carrier is a finely divided solid which is in admixture with the finely divided active compound. In the tablet the active compound is mixed with carrier having the necessary binding properties in suitable proportions and compacted in the shape and size desired. The powders and tablets preferably contain from 5 or 10 to about 70 percent of the active ingredient. Suitable solid carriers are magnesium carbonate, magnesium sterate, talc, sugar, lactose, pectin, dextrin, starch, gelatin, tragacanth, methylcellulose, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, a low melting wax, cocoa butter, and the like. The term "preparation" is intended to include the formulation of the active compound with encapsulating material as carrier providing a capsule in which the active component (with or without other carriers) is surrounded by carrier, which is thus in association with it. Similarly, cachets are included. Tablets, powders, cachets, and capsules can be used as solid dosage forms suitable for oral administration. For preparing suppositories, a low melting wax such as a mixture of fatty acid glycerides or cocoa butter is first melted, and the active ingredient is dispersed homogeneously therein as by stirring. The molten homogeneous mixture is then poured into convenient sized molds, allowed to cool and thereby to solidify. Liquid form preparations include solutions, suspensions, and emulsions. As an example may be mentioned water or water propylene glycol solutions for parenteral injection. Liquid preparations can also be formulated in solution in aqueous polyethylene glycol solution. Aqueous solutions suitable for oral use can be prepared by dissolving the active component in water and adding suitable colorants, flavors, stabilizing and thickening agents as desired. Aqueous suspensions suitable for oral use can be made by dispersing the finely divided active component in water with viscous material, i.e., natural or synthetic gums, resins, methylcellulose, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, and other well-known suspending agents. Also included are solid form preparations which are intended to be converted, shortly before use, to liquid form preparations for either oral or parenteral administration. Such liquid forms include solutions, suspensions, and emulsions. These particular solid form preparations are most conveniently provided in unit dose form and as such are used to provide a single liquid dosage unit. Alternately, sufficient solid may be provided so that after conversion to liquid form, multiple individual liquid doses may be obtained by measuring predetermined volumes of the liquid form preparation as with a syringe, teaspoon, or other volumetric container. When multiple liquid doses are so prepared, it is preferred to maintain the unused portion of said liquid doses at low temperature (i.e., under refrigeration) in order to retard possible decomposition. The solid form preparations intended to be converted to liquid form may contain, in addition to the active material, flavorants, colorants, stabilizers, buffers, artificial and natural sweeteners, dispersants, thickeners, solubilizing agents, and the like. The liquid utilized for preparing the liquid form preparation may be water, isotonic water, ethanol, glycerine, propylene glycol, and the like as well as mixtures thereof. Naturally, the liquid utilized will be chosen with regard to the route of administration, for example, liquid preparations containing large amounts of ethanol are not suitable for parenteral use. Preferably, the pharmaceutical preparation is in unit dosage form. In such form, the preparation is subdivided into unit doses containing appropriate quantities of the active component. The unit dosage form can be a packaged preparation, the package containing discrete quantities of preparation, for example, packeted tablets, capsules, and powders in vials or ampoules. The unit dosage form can also be a capsule, cachet, or tablet itself or it can be the appropriate number of any of these in packaged form. The quantity of active compound in a unit dose of preparation may be varied or adjusted from 0.1 mg to 500 mg preferably to 1 to 100 mg according to the particular application and the potency of the active ingredient. The compositions can, if desired, also contain other compatible therapeutic agents. In therapeutic use as described above, the mammalian dosage range for a 70 kg subject is from 0.01 to 150 mg/kg of body weight per day or preferably 0.1 to 100 mg/kg of body weight per day. The dosages, however, may be varied depending upon the requirements of the patient, the severity of the condition being treated, and the compound being employed. Determination of the proper dosage for a particular situation is within the skill of the art. Generally, treatment is initiated with smaller dosages which are less than the optimum dose of the compound. Thereafter the dosage is increased by small increments until the optimum effect under the circumstances is reached. For convenience, the total daily dosage may be divided and administered in portions during the day if desired. The following Examples further illustrate the invention, but without, however, limiting it thereto. EXAMPLE 1 1,3-Dipropyl-8-(3-tetrahydrothienyl)xanthine The starting 1,3-dipropyl-8-(3-thienyl)xanthine is prepared in a manner analogous to that described in Example 2 hereinafter using 3-thiophenecarboxylic acid and 5,6-diamino-1,3-dipropyluracil, mp>250° C. Analysis as C 15 H 18 N 4 O 2 S (318.4); Calculated: C, 56.58; H, 5.70; N, 17.60. Found: C, 56.81; H, 5.74; N, 17.65. The 1,3-dipropyl-8-(3-tetrahydrothienyl)xanthine is prepared as follows: To 1.1 g 1,3-dipropyl-8-(3-thienyl)xanthine in 50 ml THF is added 0.2 g 10% Pd/Al 2 O 3 , and the mixture reduced under a hydrogen atmosphere of 1000 lbs at 200° C. overnight. The reaction mixture is filtered, and the filtrate concentrated to give 0.55 g tan powder. Recrystallization from MeOH/CH 2 Cl 2 gives 0.12 g crystals which are identical to starting material. The filtrate is concentrated and chromatographed (20% EtOAc 80% CH 2 Cl 2 on SiO 2 ), to give 0.14 g product. This is determined to be a 1:2 mixture of the 1,3-dipropyl-8-(3-tetrahydrothienyl)xanthine and 1,3-dipropyl-8-(2-butyl)xanthine, mp 139°-145° C. Analysis as C 15 H 22 N 4 O 2 S (322.4); Calculated: C, 59.60; H, 7.78; N, 18.53; S, 3.50. Found: C, 60.05; H, 7.80; N, 18.10; S, 3.28. EXAMPLE 2 1,3-Dipropyl-8-(2-tetrahydrofuranyl)xanthine 0.35 g 1,3-Dipropyl-8-(2-furanyl)xanthine is dissolved in 50 ml methanol, to which is added 0.5 g Raney nickel and the mixture reduced under a hydrogen atmosphere of 200 psi at 100° C. The mixture is then filtered, the filtrate concentrated to yield 0.34 g of the 1,3-dipropyl-8-(2-tetrahydrofuranyl)xanthine as a white solid, mp 155°-8° C. Analysis as C 15 H 22 N 4 O 3 (306.4); Calculated: C, 58.80; H, 7.24; N, 18.29. Found: C, 58.40; H, 7.42; N, 18.24. The starting 1,3-dipropyl-8-(2-furanyl)xanthine is prepared as follows: 1.8 g (17 mmol) 2-furoic acid is added to a solution of 3.7 g, 5,6-diamino-1,3-dipropyluracil (17 mmol) (J. Am. Chem. Soc. (1954) 76 2798) in 50 ml water. The pH is adjusted to 5, then 3.2 g (17 mmol) ethyl-3-(3-dimethylamino) propylcarbodiimide is added. The pH is maintained between 5 and 6 using 1 N HCl. After 2 hours the pH stabilizes, and the solution is taken to pH 13 using 50% aqueous NaOH. The resulting mixture is refluxed for 30 minutes, activated carbon added, and filtered hot through celite. The filtrate is then extracted (3×100 ml CH 2 Cl 2 ), dried (MgSO 4 ), and concentrated to yield 1.7 g yellow solid. This is recrystallized from methanol to give the 1,3-dipropyl-8-(2-tetrahydrofuranyl)xanthine as white needles, mp 246°- 248° C. Analysis as C 15 H 18 N 4 O 3 (302.3); Calculated: C, 59.59; H, 6.00; N, 18.53. Found: C, 58,86; H, 6.53; N, 19.45. EXAMPLE 3 1,3-Dipropyl-8-(3-tetrahydrofuranyl)xanthine 1,3-Dipropyl-8-(3-tetrahydrofuranyl)xanthine is prepared by a process analogous to that described in Example 2 above, mp 177°-8° C. Analysis as C 15 H 22 N 4 O 3 .1/2H 2 O (306.4); Calculated: C, 57.12; H, 7.35; N, 17.17. Found: C, 56.88; H, 6.94; N, 17.55. The starting 1,3-dipropyl-8-(3-furanyl)xanthine is prepared by a process analogous to that described in Example 2 above using 3-furoic acid and 5,6-diamino-1,3-dipropyluracil, mp 244°-245° C. Analysis Calculated: C, 59.59; H, 6.00: N, 18.53. Found: C, 59.70; H, 6.24; N, 18.45. EXAMPLE 4 1,3-Dimethyl-8-(3-tetrahydrothienyl)xanthine 1,3-Dimethyl-8-(3-tetrahydrothienyl)xanthine is prepared in a manner analogous to that described in Example 2 above, mp 217°-219° C. Analysis as C 11 H 14 N 4 O 3 (250.23); Calculated: C, 52.80; H, 5.64; N, 22.39. Found: C, 52.51; H, 5.73; N, 22.18. The starting 1,3-dimethyl-8-(2-furanyl)xanthine is prepared in a manner analogous to that in Example 3 using 3-furoic acid and 5,6-diamino-1,3-dimethyluracil mp>300° C. EXAMPLE 5 1,3-Dipropyl-8-(2-tetrahydrothienyl)xanthine Uracil (1.75 g) is dissolved in 20 ml water plus 15 ml methanol. Tetrahydrothienylcarboxylic acid (1.02 g) is added in single portion and the pH adjusted to 5. There, EDAC (1.48 g) is added, and pH 5 maintained with 1N HCL for half hour until it stablizes. This is treated with 1N NaOH until a pH of 13 achieved, and the reaction mixture refluxed 14 hours. To this is added charcoal and the mixture filtered hot through Celite. It is then extracted with methylene chloride, the combined organic residue dried and concentrated to an oil. The aqueous layer is then neutralized (conc HCl), resulting in a white percipitate. This is extracted with methylene chloride, the combined organic residue dried and concentrated to give a solid. This solid is then recrystallized from methanol/methylene chloride to give the product, 1,3-dipropyl-8-(2-tetrahydrothienyl) xanthin. mp 224°-226° C. The starting tetrahydrothienylcarboxylic acid is prepared as follows: To a stirred suspension of potassium bufoxide in THF is added TOSMIC (tosylmethylisocyanide, 3.9 g) at 7°-10° C. This is followed by 1.92 g thiolactam in 20 ml THF. After 5 minutes, 2 ml acetic acid is dripped in. The solution is concentrated, taken up in water, and extracted with methylene chloride. The combined organic residue is dried and concentrated, then 40 ml 2N HCl added and refluxed 12 hours. The solution is made basic and extracted with ether. The aqueous layer is taken to pH 1, extracted again with ether and these organics combined, dried, and concentrated to give the product tetrahydrothienylcarboxylic acid, mp 95°-98° C.
The present invention is a novel disubstituted derivative of xanthine, pharmaceutical composition and method of use therefor. Activity of the novel xanthine includes particularly cognition activation.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0001] 1. Field of the Invention [0002] The present invention relates to a skew correction apparatus or, in particular, to a skew correction apparatus for reducing the skew amount constituting a phase shift at the receiving end of a data transmission system. [0003] 2. Description of the Related Art [0004] [0004]FIG. 1 is a block diagram showing the most basic parallel data transmission system according to the prior art. In FIG. 1, data DATA 0 to DATA 3 and a byte clock signal CLK are transmitted in parallel through a plurality of transmission channels 12 - 1 to 12 - 5 between a transmitter 10 and a receiver 11 . The DATA 0 to DATA 3 are each an 8-bit serial data. In the case where variations occur in the device characteristics or the cable transmission delay time between the transmission channels 12 - 1 to 12 - 5 , the skew constituting a phase shift occurs between transmission channels. As a result, the problem is posed that the increase in data transmission rate and the number of bytes are restrained. [0005] [0005]FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a conventional serial bundle parallel data transmission system intended to solve this problem. This system is known, for example, as the Infiniband transmission system proposed by such companies as Sun, Intel and IBM. In FIG. 2, a transmitter 21 includes a clock gate 211 for distributing a byte clock signal (B CL) to encoders and parallel-serial converters, four encoders 212 for converting 8-bit data into 10-bit data for improving the correction quality by avoiding continuous 0 s in the data, four parallel/serial converters 213 , and four electro-optic converters 214 . The receiver 22 , on the other hand, includes four opto-electric converters 221 , four clock recovery circuits 222 , four serial/parallel converters 223 and four decoders 224 corresponding to the four channels. The outputs of the four decoders 224 are input to a deskew circuit 225 . [0006] The encoders 212 of the transmitter 21 are each supplied with a clock signal from the clock gate 211 , and convert the parallel data DATA 0 to DATA 3 with one byte constituted of 8 bits into parallel data with one byte constituted of 10 bits. Each of the parallel/serial converters 213 converts parallel data into serial data byte by byte. The serial data are converted from an electrical signal into an optical signal by the electro-optic converters 214 for lengthening the transmission distance and transmitted through an optic fiber. [0007] The optical signal received by the receiver 22 through the optic fiber is converted into an electrical signal by the opto-electric converter 221 . The clock signal is reproduced by the clock recovery circuits 222 and converted into a parallel signal by the serial/parallel converter 223 . The decoder 224 reproduces the parallel data with one byte constituted of 8 bits from the parallel data with one byte constituted of 10 bits. With the increase in transmission rate (the Infinitiband described above has a width of 400 ps per bit), skewless transmission has physically become impossible and a deskew circuit 225 is required of the data receiver 22 . The skew contained in the 8-bit parallel data reproduced is removed by the deskew circuit 225 . [0008] Generally, the following described deskew systems are conceived. [0009] (1) At the time of initial set-up of the apparatus (transmission system), a predetermined data pattern for skew correction is transmitted and a delay value of the delay circuit is tuned for each transmission channel at the receiving end. [0010] (2) Before starting the data transmission, a predetermined data pattern for skew correction is transmitted and a delay value is set for each transmission channel in the deskew circuit at the receiving end. In a method of setting a delay value, several stages of shift register are provided for each transmission channel, and the receiving data are received only after passing through the shift registers so that the data patterns for skew correction of the transmission channels are in phase with each other. [0011] In the prior art described above, the deskew work is required to be carried out again in the case the skew conditions undergo a change due to the variations of the device characteristics with temperature or the change in cable layout after initialization for deskew. From the viewpoint of the data transmission quality of the computer system, however, it is not desirable to carry out the deskew work after an error occurs. In order to avoid a data error due to a skew, therefore, the deskew work must be carried out at regular time intervals. The deskew work, however, suspends the data transmission and therefore reduces the data transmission capacity, resulting in a deteriorated system performance. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0012] The object of the present invention is to provide a skew correction apparatus making the deskew work possible even during the data transmission and thus prevent the deterioration of the data transmission capacity and the system performance due to the deskew work. [0013] In order to achieve the above-mentioned object, according to a first aspect of the invention, there is provided a skew correction apparatus comprising first skew correction means for correcting the skew amount during the idle time when no data is transmitted, and second skew correction means for correcting the skew amount during the data transmission after correcting the skew by the first skew correction means. [0014] In view of the fact that the skew can be corrected even during the data transmission after correcting the skew during the idle session, the data transmission is not required to be suspended even during the deskew operation, and therefore the deterioration of the data transmission capacity and the system performance which otherwise might be caused by the deskew operation can be prevented. [0015] According to a second aspect of the invention, there is provided a skew correction apparatus, [0016] wherein the first skew correction means includes an idle state detection circuit for detecting an idle state and a primary skew correction circuit for correcting the delay amount of each of a plurality of serial data as the primary correction at the time of detecting the idle state, and [0017] wherein the second skew correction means includes a skew monitor circuit for monitoring the skew amount during the transmission of a plurality of serial data having a delay amount corrected by the primary skew correction circuit and a delay adjust circuit for correcting the delay amount of each of a plurality of serial data in such a manner that the skew amount detected by the skew monitor circuit is reduced to zero. [0018] The provision of the idle state detection circuit eliminates the need of the deskew operation by the operator. [0019] According to a third aspect of the invention, there is provided a skew correction apparatus according to the second aspect, wherein the primary skew correction circuit includes a select circuit for selecting one of a plurality of serial data and a delay amount control circuit for controlling the delay amount of the received serial data so that the phase difference between the selected serial data and each of a plurality of the serial data is minimum. [0020] According to a fourth aspect of the invention, there is provided a skew correction apparatus according to the second aspect, wherein each of a plurality of the received serial data is configured with continuous bytes each having information other than the transmission data at the head thereof. Also, the skew monitor circuit includes a clock recovery circuit, an additional information check circuit and a second delay adjust circuit. The clock recovery circuit extracts a bit clock for identifying the bit of reference serial data, a byte clock for identifying the byte of the reference serial data, an early clock changed later than the byte clock within the range of the timing width corresponding to the additional information contained in the reference serial data, and a delay clock changed later than the early clock within the range of the timing width corresponding to the additional information contained in the reference serial data. The additional information check circuit determines whether the time of change of the early clock and the time of change of the delay clock are included or not in the timing width corresponding to the additional information contained in the serial data received through a channel other than the reference channel. The second delay adjust circuit corrects the delay amount of the serial data of a corresponding channel in such a manner as to reduce the skew amount to zero in the case where it is determined that at least one of the time of change of the early clock and the time of change of the delay clock is not contained in the receive timing width of the additional information contained in the serial data received through a channel other than the reference channel. [0021] The skew is always corrected even during the data transmission simply by adding the additional information to the transfer serial data. [0022] According to a fifth aspect of the invention, there is provided a skew correction apparatus according to the fourth aspect, wherein the additional information is one-bit information of “1” and “0” alternating for each of the continuous bytes. Also, the additional information check circuit includes first and second latch circuits and first and second determination circuits for each channel. The first latch circuit outputs a first latch signal which assumes a first state in the case where the serial data is “1” and assumes a second state different from the first state in the case where the serial data is “0” at the time of change of the early clock. The second latch circuit outputs a second latch signal which assumes a first state in the case where the serial data is “1” and assumes a second state different from the first state in the case where the serial data is “0” at the time of change of the delay clock. The first determination circuit determines whether the output of the first latch circuit deviates from the alternating pattern of “1” and “0” over a predetermined number of bytes. The second determination circuit determines whether the output of the second latch circuit deviates from the alternating pattern of “1” and “0” over a predetermined number of bytes. [0023] The second delay adjust circuit adjusts the delay amount for each channel in such a manner as to advance the phase of the serial data of the particular channel with respect to the reference serial data in the case where the output of the first determination circuit deviates from the alternating pattern of “1” and “0” over a predetermined number of bytes on the one hand, and adjusts the delay amount in such a manner as to delay the phase of the serial data of the particular channel with respect to the reference serial data in the case where the output of the second determination circuit deviates from the alternating pattern of “1” and “0” over a predetermined number of bytes on the other hand. [0024] In a high-speed transmission system, the code conversion is usually employed (for example, 4 B 5 B conversion or 8 B 10 B conversion) to improve the transmission quality. Therefore, the imbalance of the code duty of the transfer data can be eliminated by including the additional information of alternate “1” and “0” in the serial data. As a result, the code conversion which deteriorates the data transfer efficiency can be eliminated. [0025] According to a sixth aspect of the invention, there is provided a skew correction apparatus according to the second aspect, wherein the skew amount monitor circuit includes a reference channel clock recovery circuit, a normal channel clock recovery circuit, a phase comparator/voltage conversion circuit and a second delay adjust circuit. The reference channel clock recovery circuit extracts a reference byte clock for identifying the bytes of the reference serial data. The normal channel clock recovery circuit extracts the normal byte clock for identifying the bytes of the serial data received through a channel other than the reference channel. The phase comparator/voltage conversion circuit detects the phase difference between the phase of the byte clock extracted by the normal channel clock recovery circuit and the phase of the byte clock extracted by the reference channel clock recovery circuit, and converts the phase difference into a voltage value. The second delay adjust circuit corrects the delay amount of the serial data of a corresponding channel in accordance with the voltage value in such a manner as to reduce the skew amount to zero. [0026] As described above, the skew can be always corrected without interrupting the data transmission while adjusting the phase of the byte clock between channels during the data transmission. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0027] [0027]FIG. 1 is a block diagram showing a most basic parallel data transmission system according to the prior art. [0028] [0028]FIG. 2 is a block diagram showing a conventional serial bundle parallel data transmission system. [0029] [0029]FIG. 3 is a block diagram schematically showing the skew correction circuit of FIG. 3. [0030] [0030]FIG. 4 is a block diagram showing in detail the skew correction circuit of FIG. 3. [0031] [0031]FIG. 5 is a block diagram schematically showing a data transmission system according to an embodiment of the invention. [0032] [0032]FIG. 6 is a circuit diagram showing a primary skew correction circuit according to an embodiment of the invention. [0033] [0033]FIG. 7 is a circuit diagram showing a secondary skew correction means according to an embodiment of the invention. [0034] [0034]FIG. 8 is a block diagram showing in detail the additional information check circuit 671 of FIG. 7. [0035] [0035]FIG. 9 is a block diagram showing in detail the additional information check circuit 672 of FIG. 7. [0036] [0036]FIG. 10 is a time chart for explaining the operation of the circuit shown in FIG. 6. [0037] [0037]FIG. 11 is a circuit diagram showing the secondary skew correction means according to another embodiment of the invention. [0038] [0038]FIG. 12 is a time chart for explaining the operation of the circuit shown in FIG. 10. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0039] An embodiment of the invention will be described in detail below with reference to the drawings. [0040] [0040]FIG. 3 is a block diagram schematically showing a skew correction circuit according to the invention. This skew correction circuit is incorporated in a receiver for receiving a plurality of serial data through a plurality of channels and reducing the skew amount constituting a phase shift between the plural serial data. In FIG. 3, each of the data DATA 0 to DATAn (hereinafter referred to as the data 0 to n) is serial data. Primary skew correction means 31 detects the skew amount between the plural serial data 0 to n in idle state when no data is transmitted, and corrects each delay amount of the serial data in such a manner as to reduce the skew amount to zero. Secondary skew correction means 32 detects the skew amount generated between a plurality of serial data during the data transmission, based on the state corrected by the primary skew correction means 31 , and corrects the delay amount of each of the plural serial data in such a manner as to reduce the skew amount thereof to zero. [0041] [0041]FIG. 4 is a block diagram showing the skew correction circuit of FIG. 3 in detail. In FIG. 4, the primary skew correction means 31 includes an idle state detection circuit 41 and a primary skew correction circuit 42 . The secondary skew correction means 32 includes a delay adjust circuit 43 and a skew monitor circuit 44 . [0042] The idle state detection circuit 41 in the primary skew correction means 31 detects the idle state in which no data is transmitted. The primary skew correction circuit 42 generates a byte sync signal while receiving an idle signal, and monitors the phase difference of the byte sync signals between the channels. The idle signal includes an edge for the primary skew correction and a sync acquisition pattern. While the idle pattern constituting the sync acquisition pattern is being transferred, the skew is corrected by the primary skew correction circuit 42 . [0043] Instead of detecting the idle state automatically, the operator may carry out the primary skew correction at regular intervals of time. [0044] The delay adjust circuit 43 in the secondary skew correction means 32 regulates the phase of the receiving data in such a manner as to eliminate the phase shift between the data 0 and n at the time of starting the data transfer. [0045] After the phase of the receiving data is reduced to zero, the skew monitor circuit 44 monitors the additional bit (additional information) added to the leading bit of each byte of the data 0 to n, and in the case where the phase of the additional bit is out of phase by one bit or more, transmits the shift to the delay adjust circuit 43 , which adjusts the phase of the receiving data again in such a manner as to reduce it to zero in accordance with the shift thereof. [0046] In this way, the skew correction is made possible even during the data transfer. [0047] [0047]FIG. 5 is a block diagram schematically showing a data transmission system according to an embodiment of the invention. In FIG. 5, a transmitter 51 includes four bit add circuits 511 for adding an additional bit A and an odd parity bit to each 8-bit parallel data of the data 0 to 3 and converting them to 10-bit data, four parallel/serial converters 512 , four electro-optic converters 513 , and a clock gate 514 for applying four byte clock signals to the parallel/serial converters 512 . [0048] In each of the bit add circuits 511 , an additional bit for skew correction is added to the head of each byte (8 bits) of the transmission data, and an odd parity bit is added to the tail of the transmission data of each byte. [0049] The receiver 52 includes four opto-electric converters 521 and one deskew circuit 522 . [0050] [0050]FIG. 6 is a circuit diagram showing the primary skew correction circuit 42 included in the deskew circuit 522 shown in FIG. 5 according to an embodiment of the invention. In FIG. 6, the primary skew correction circuit 42 includes a maximum delay select circuit 60 for selecting the maximum delay signal from the data 0 to 3 constituting the receiving serial data, first variable delay circuits 610 to 613 for variably delaying the receiving data, phase comparator/voltage converters 620 to 623 , digital converters 630 to 613 and an AND gate 64 . [0051] [0051]FIG. 7 is a circuit diagram showing the secondary skew correction means 32 of FIG. 3 included in the deskew circuit 522 of FIG. 5 according to an embodiment. In FIG. 7, the secondary skew correction means 32 includes four second variable delay circuits (delay adjust circuits) 651 to 653 for receiving the outputs of the first variable delay circuits 610 to 613 shown in FIG. 6, respectively, a clock recovery circuit 66 , four additional information check circuits 670 to 673 , an AND gate 68 and a logic circuit 69 for forming an alarm signal. [0052] The clock recovery circuit 66 extracts a bit clock (b CL) for identifying the bits of the reference serial data DATA 0 output from the first variable delay circuit 610 , a byte clock (B CL) for identifying the bytes of the reference serial data DATA 0 , an early clock (E CL) changed later than the byte clock within the range of the timing width corresponding to the additional information included in the reference serial data DATA 0 , and a delay clock (D CL) changed later than the early clock within the range of the timing width corresponding to the additional information included in the reference serial data DATA 0 . [0053] The additional information check circuits 671 to 673 each determine whether the time of change of the early clock (E CL) and the time of change of the delay clock (D CL) are included in the timing width corresponding to the additional bits included in the serial data DATA 1 to DATA 3 received through channels other than the reference channel output from the first variable delay circuits 611 to 613 . [0054] The second variable delay circuits 651 to 653 correct the delay amount of the serial data of a corresponding channel in such a manner as to reduce the skew amount to zero in the case where it is determined that at least one of the change time of the early clock and the change time of the delay clock is not included in the receiving timing width of the additional bits included in the serial data DATA 1 to DATA 3 received through channels other than the reference channel output from the first variable delay circuits 611 to 613 . [0055] [0055]FIG. 8 is a block diagram showing in detail the additional information check circuit 671 of FIG. 7. In FIG. 8, the additional information check circuit 671 includes a first latch circuit 71 , a first determination circuit 72 , a second latch circuit 73 and a second determination circuit 74 . [0056] The first latch circuit 71 outputs a first latch signal which assumes a high level (a first state) in the case where the serial data is “1” and a low level (a second state different from the first state) in the case where the serial data is “0” at the time of change of the early clock (E CL). [0057] The second latch circuit 73 outputs a second latch signal which assumes a high level in the case where the serial data is “1” and a low level in the case where the serial data is “0” at the time of change of the delay clock (D CL). [0058] The first determination circuit 72 determines whether the output of the first latch circuit 71 deviates from the alternating pattern of “1” and “0” over a predetermined number of bytes. [0059] The second determination circuit 74 determines whether the output of the second latch circuit 73 deviates from the alternating pattern of “1” and “0” over a predetermined number of bytes. [0060] [0060]FIG. 9 is a block diagram showing in detail the additional information check circuit 672 corresponding to the DATA 2 in FIG. 7. The configuration of this circuit is identical to that of the additional information check circuit 671 corresponding to the DATA 1 and therefore will not be described. [0061] [0061]FIG. 10 is a time chart for explaining the operation of the circuits shown in FIGS. 6 to 9 . In FIG. 10, ( a ) designates the receiving data. As described above, the data with the additional bit A added to the head of each byte of the transmission data and an odd parity bit added to the end of each byte is transmitted from the transmitting end, and therefore one byte of the receiving data has 10 bits. [0062] First, the operation at the idle time will be explained. [0063] Assume that the transmission data (idle pattern) at the idle time other than the actual data transfer are all “1” and the additional bit is expressed by symbol “A”. Also, the bytes on the time axis are separated by symbol “|”. The transmission serial data at the idle time is given as shown below. A111111111|A111111111|A111111111| [0064] The additional bit A alternates between “0” and “1” for each byte on the time axis. As a result, the continuity of the same code bits in the transmission data is suppressed, and therefore the load of the receiving circuit can be reduced. The actual transmission serial data at the idle time is expressed as shown below. 1111111111|0111111111|1111111111| [0065] At the idle time, the receiver thus receives a serial signal having one 0 for every 20 bits and selects a transmission channel with the 0 position most delayed in arrival (hereinafter called the most delayed channel). A method for finding a most delayed channel is already known, and disclosed, for example, in Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication No. 11-298457 entitled “Parallel Optical Transmission/Optical Receiving Module”(U.S. patent application No. 129,407, entitled “PARALLEL OPTICAL TRANSMISSION/RECEPTION MODULE”. [0066] At the idle time, the delay value in the variable delay circuits 610 to 613 is set in such a manner that the position of “0” in the bit string received for each transmission channel coincides with the position of “0” in the most delayed channel. Specifically, the time lag (phase difference) between the “0” position of the additional bit A in the signal output from the variable delay circuits 610 to 613 and the “0” position of the bit A in the most delayed channel signal is detected, and the particular phase difference is converted into a voltage difference which is applied to the variable delay circuits 610 to 613 . The larger the voltage difference, the larger the delay value. In the case where the position of the additional bit A of the most delay signal coincides with that of the particular channel, one of the outputs of the corresponding phase comparator/voltage conversion circuits 620 to 623 assumes the lowest value. The digital conversion circuits 630 to 633 each detect that the outputs of the phase comparator/voltage conversion circuits 620 to 623 have assumed the lowest value, and in only that case, outputs a high level signal. The time when the outputs of all the digital converters 630 to 633 assume a high level is the time when the skew adjustment between the transmission channels at the idle time has been completed. The delay value at the time of completion of the skew adjustment is fixed in the variable delay circuits 610 to 613 . [0067] Now, the operation of the variable delay circuits 651 to 653 at the idle time and during the data transfer will be explained. [0068] Although the channel of DATA 0 is set as a reference channel in the apparatus shown in FIG. 7, any channel can be used as a reference channel. [0069] The clock recovery circuit (CR) 66 is provided on the line of the data DATA 0 of the reference channel. The clock recovery circuit 66 extracts the bit clock (b CL) shown in (b) of FIG. 10 and the byte clock (B CL) shown in (c) of FIG. 10 from the receiving data. The bit clock hits one bit of the serial data, while the byte clock hits the additional bit A and is used for recognizing the bytes on the time axis. [0070] The clock recovery circuit 66 also generates an early clock E CL ((d) in FIG. 10) somewhat delayed in phase from the original byte clock and a delay clock D CL ((e) in FIG. 10) somewhat delayed in phase from the early clock. The word “somewhat” means herein about one sixth of the width of one bit of the serial data. [0071] These two byte clocks (early clock and delay clock) and the bit clock are supplied to the additional information check circuits 670 to 673 of all the channels. [0072] The delay adjustment is completed in the variable delay circuits 610 to 613 as described above, and therefore all the channels are in phase without any skew at the time of data transfer immediately after the idle time. Thus, the additional bits A are in phase for all the channels, so that the bit clock, the early clock and the delay clock can be shared by all the channels. [0073] The additional information check circuits 671 to 673 corresponding to the data DATA 1 to DATA 3 of the channels other than the reference channel constantly read the additional bit A contained in the corresponding serial data with the two signals including the early clock and the delay clock, and outputs the result of reading as a 2-bit digital signal and applies it to the variable delay circuits 651 to 653 . [0074] In the case where the bit of the serial data of the DATA 1 is “1” at the rise time of the early clock, the output of the first latch circuit 71 assumes a high level for the time corresponding to one byte. In the case where the bit of the serial data is “0” at the rise time of the early clock, on the other hand, the output of the first latch circuit 71 assumes a low level for the time corresponding to one byte. [0075] In similar fashion, in the case where the bit of the serial data of the DATA 1 is “1” at the rise time of the delay clock, the output of the second latch circuit 73 assumes a high level for the time corresponding to one byte. In the case where the bit of the serial data is “0” at the rise time of the delay clock, on the other hand, the output of the second latch circuit 73 assumes a low level for the time corresponding to one byte. [0076] A similar operation is performed also in the channels of DATA 2 and DATA 3 . [0077] In FIG. 10, the early clock rises at time point t 1 . At this time point, the bit of DATA 1 is “1” of the additional bit A, and therefore, as shown in (g), the latch result output from the first latch circuit 71 shown in FIG. 8 is high in level. At time point t 2 , on the other hand, the delay clock has risen and the bit of DATA 1 at this time point is also “1” of the additional bit A. Therefore, the output of the second latch circuit 73 is also at high level, as shown in (h). [0078] Also at time point t 3 , the early clock rises. Since the bit of DATA 1 is the additional bit A of “0”, and therefore, as shown in (g), the latch result constituting the output of the first latch circuit 71 is at low level. At time point t 4 , the delay clock rises. Since the bit involved is also the additional bit A of “0”, the output of the second latch circuit 73 is at low level as shown in (h). [0079] In this way, the output signal of the first latch circuit 71 alternates between “1” and “0” for every byte as shown in (i). Also, the output signal of the second latch circuit 73 alternates between “1” and “0” for every byte as shown in (j). [0080] The first determination circuit 72 converts the signal shown in (g) into a signal shown in (i) and thus makes up a check signal for DATA 1 . The signal shown in (i) is a check signal obtained by shifting the signal of (g) in accordance with a predetermined timing such as the byte clock of the reference signal. The first determination circuit 72 determines whether the check signal alternates between “0” and “1” over a predetermined number of bytes. In the case where the check signal alternates between “0” and “1” over a predetermined number of bytes, it indicates that the additional bit A contained in the DATA 1 is included in a tolerable range. Therefore, the first determination circuit 72 determines that the DATA 1 is not earlier than the reference channel and outputs a “1” signal. In the case where the check signal fails to alternate between “0” and “1” over a predetermined number of bytes, on the other hand, it indicates that the additional bit A is not located within the tolerable range. Therefore, the determination circuit 72 determines that the DATA 1 is earlier than the reference channel, and outputs a “0” signal. In the case of FIG. 10, the check signal shown in (i) alternates between “0” and “1” over a predetermined number of bytes, and therefore the first determination circuit 72 outputs a “1” signal. In this case, it is determined that the DATA 1 is not earlier than the reference channel. [0081] In similar manner, the second determination circuit 74 converts the signal shown in (h) into a signal shown in (j) and thus makes up a check signal for DATA 1 . The signal shown in (j) is a check signal obtained by shifting the signal of (h) in accordance with a predetermined timing such as the byte clock of the reference signal. The second determination circuit 74 determines whether the check signal alternates between “0” and “1” over a predetermined number of bytes. In the case where the check signal alternates between “0” and “1” over a predetermined number of bytes, it indicates that the additional bit A contained in the DATA 1 is included in a tolerable range. Therefore, the second determination circuit 74 determines that the DATA 1 is not later than the reference channel and outputs a “1” signal. In the case where the check signal fails to alternate between “0” and “1” over a predetermined number of bytes, on the other hand, it indicates that the additional bit A is not located within the tolerable range. Thus, the determination circuit 74 determines that the DATA 1 is later than the reference channel, and outputs a “0” signal. In the case of FIG. 10, the check signal shown in (j) alternates between “0” and “1” over a predetermined number of bytes, and therefore the second determination circuit 74 also outputs a “1” signal. In this case, it is determined that the DATA 1 is not later than the reference channel. [0082] In conclusion, the DATA 1 is neither earlier nor later than the reference channel. [0083] Regarding DATA 2 , at time point t 1 when the early clock rises, the bit of the DATA 2 is bit 9 , and the latch result constituting the output of the first latch circuit 81 of FIG. 9 corresponds to the result of latching bit 9 as shown in (l). In the case where the value of bit 9 is “1”, the latch result is also “1”, while in the case where the value of bit 9 is “0”, the latch result is also “0”. The latch result, which depends on the value of bit 9 in this way, is designated by a dotted line indicating “inconstant” in (l) of FIG. 10. [0084] At time point t 2 when the delay clock rises, on the other hand, the bit of the DATA 2 is the additional bit A of “1”, and therefore the output of the second latch circuit 83 is at high level as shown in (m). [0085] At time point t 3 when the early clock rises, the bit of the DATA 2 is also bit 9 , and therefore the latch result constituting the output of the first latch circuit 81 is also inconstant as shown in (l). [0086] At time point t 4 when the delay clock rises, the bit is the additional bit A of “0”, and therefore the latch result is at low level as shown in (m). [0087] In this way, a signal of inconstant level corresponding to the value of bit 9 is output as shown in (n) from the second latch circuit 81 , while a signal alternating between “1” and “0” for each byte is produced as an output (o) of the second latch circuit 83 . [0088] The first determination circuit 82 converts the signal shown in (l) into a signal shown in (n) and thus makes up an A bit check signal 0 for DATA 2 . The signal shown in (n) is a check signal obtained by shifting the signal of (l) in accordance with a predetermined timing such as the byte clock of the reference signal. The first determination circuit 82 determines that the A bit check signal O fails to alternate between “0” and “1” over a predetermined number of bytes, and therefore, the DATA 2 is earlier than the DATA 0 and outputs a “0” signal. [0089] The second determination circuit 84 converts the signal shown in (m) into a signal shown in (o) and thus makes up an A bit check signal 1 for DATA 2 . The signal shown in (o) is a check signal obtained by shifting the signal of (m) in accordance with a predetermined timing such as the byte clock of the reference signal. The second determination circuit 84 determines that the check signal alternates between “0” and “1” over a predetermined number of bytes, and therefore, the DATA 2 is not later than the reference channel and outputs a “1” signal. [0090] A similar operation is performed also for the DATA 3 . [0091] In the case where the variable delay circuits 651 to 653 corresponding to the channels of DATA 1 to DATA 3 receive a “1” signal from the first determination circuit and a “0” signal from the second determination circuit as the result of checking the additional bit A, the particular data are delayed behind the reference data and therefore the variable delay circuits 651 to 653 operate to reduce the data delay amount. Assume that the variable delay circuits 651 to 653 receive a “0” signal from the first determination circuit and a “1” signal from the second determination circuit as the result of checking the additional bit A. Since the particular data is ahead of the reference data, the variable delay circuits 651 to 653 operate to increase the delay amount of the data. As a result, the variable delay circuits 651 to 653 are controlled so that the result of checking the two bits output from each of the additional information check circuits 671 to 673 are all “1”. [0092] As described above, a skew which may occur during data transmission can be corrected by finely adjusting the delay value of the variable delay circuit corresponding to the channel in which the skew has occurred, following the procedure described above. [0093] The AND gate 68 outputs a “1” signal in the case where all the output signals of the additional information check circuits 671 to 673 are “1”, i.e. free of skew. The logic circuit 69 , on the other hand, outputs an alarm signal “1” when all of at least two bits output from the additional information check circuits 671 to 673 are “0”. As a result, the logic circuit 69 detects the time point when the skew has increased to such an extent that the fine adjustment of the delay value of the variable delay circuits is impossible. [0094] [0094]FIG. 11 is a circuit diagram showing the secondary skew correction means 32 shown in FIG. 3 according to another embodiment of the invention. The main difference between the circuit of FIG. 7 and the circuit of FIG. 11 lies in that the additional bit A is constantly monitored using the early clock and the delayed clock in FIG. 7, while the byte sync signals for all the channels are generated during the reception of the idle signal and thereby the phase difference between the byte sync signals of the channels is monitored in the circuit of FIG. 11. [0095] In order to monitor the phase difference between the byte sync signals, the circuit of FIG. 11 includes four variable delay circuits 101 to 103 for receiving the outputs of the variable delay circuits 610 to 613 of FIG. 6, four clock recovery circuits 110 to 113 , four serial/parallel conversion circuits 120 to 123 , three phase comparator/voltage conversion circuits 131 to 133 , three digital conversion circuits 144 to 143 , an AND gate 15 and an alarm detecting logic circuit 16 . [0096] [0096]FIG. 12 is a time chart for explaining the operation of the circuit shown in FIG. 11. In FIG. 12, ( a ) shows the same receiving data as (a) of FIG. 10. [0097] Now, the operation of the variable delay circuits 101 to 103 will be explained. [0098] The apparatus shown in FIG. 11 also uses the DATA 0 channel as a basic channel. The line of the DATA 0 includes the clock recovery circuit (CR) 110 for outputting the serial data shown in (a), the bit clock (b CL) shown in (b) and the byte clock (B CL) shown in (c) of FIG. 12. [0099] On the line of the DATA 1 to DATA 3 , the variable delay circuits 101 to 103 are connected to the clock recovery circuits 111 to 113 , respectively. The clock recovery recovery circuits 111 to 113 output the serial data, the bit clock and the byte clock of the corresponding receiving data. Specifically, in FIG. 12, ( d ) shows the serial data of DATA 1 , (e) the bit clock extracted from the particular serial data, and (f) the byte clock extracted from the same serial data. FIG. 12 ( h ) shows the serial data of the DATA 2 , (i) the bit clock extracted from the serial data, and (j) the byte clock extracted from the serial data. [0100] The serial data, the bit clock and the byte clock output from the clock recovery circuits 110 to 113 are input to the serial/parallel conversion circuits 120 to 123 , respectively, from which the byte clock B CL and the output data DATA 0 to DATA 3 , respectively, are output. [0101] The phase comparator/voltage conversion circuit 131 converts the phase difference between the byte clock of DATA 0 and the byte clock of DATA 1 into a voltage, and applies the same voltage to the variable delay circuit 101 . In similar fashion, the phase comparator/voltage conversion circuit 132 converts the phase difference between the byte clock of DATA 0 and the byte clock of DATA 2 into a voltage, and applies the same voltage to the variable delay circuit 102 . Also, the phase comparator/voltage conversion circuit 133 converts the phase difference between the byte clock of DATA 0 and the byte clock of DATA 3 into a voltage, and applies the same voltage to the variable delay circuit 103 . The digital converters 141 to 143 detect that the outputs of the phase comparator/voltage conversion circuits 131 to 133 assume the lowest value, and output a high-level signal only when the outputs of the phase comparator/voltage conversion circuits 131 to 133 assume the lowest value. [0102] [0102]FIG. 12 ( g ) shows the exclusive OR (EXOR) resulting from the comparison between the phase of the byte clock of (c) output from the serial/parallel conversion circuit 120 corresponding to DATA 0 and the phase of the byte clock of (f) output from the serial/parallel conversion circuit 121 corresponding to DATA 1 . In this case, the exclusive OR indicates that the byte clock of DATA 1 is somewhat earlier than the byte clock of DATA 0 . [0103] [0103]FIG. 12 ( k ) shows the exclusive OR (EXOR) resulting from the comparison between the phase of the byte clock of (c) output from the serial/parallel conversion circuit 120 corresponding to DATA 0 and the phase of the byte clock of (j) output from the serial/parallel conversion circuit 122 corresponding to DATA 2 . In this case, the exclusive OR indicates that the byte clock of DATA 2 is somewhat later than the byte clock of DATA 0 . [0104] The variable delay circuits 101 to 103 corresponding to the channels of DATA 1 to DATA 3 , respectively, upon receipt of a voltage corresponding to the phase difference from the phase comparator/voltage conversion circuits 131 to 133 , determine the delay value to reduce the phase difference. [0105] In this way, the digital conversion circuits 141 to 143 always output a “1” signal. [0106] At the time point when the adjustment of the delay amount in the variable delay circuits 610 to 613 and the variable delay circuits 101 to 103 is completed, the data transfer is started between the transmitter 51 and the receiver 52 (FIG. 5). The phase comparator/voltage conversion circuits 131 to 133 constantly continue to detect and output the phase difference between the byte clock of DATA 0 and the byte clock of a particular data channel. As long as a new skew is not generated, the digital conversion circuits 141 to 143 each continue to output a “1” signal. Upon generation of a skew, on the other hand, the delay value of the variable delay circuit corresponding to the channel which has generated the skew among the variable delay circuits 101 to 103 is finely adjusted according to the aforementioned procedure thereby to correct the skew. [0107] The AND gate 15 outputs a “1” signal when all the output signals of the digital conversion circuits 141 to 143 are “1”, i.e. free of skew. The logic circuit 91 , on the other hand, outputs an alarm signal “1” when at least two of the outputs signals of the digital conversion circuits 141 to 143 assume “0”. As a result, it is possible to detect that the skew has increased to such an extent that the fine adjustment of the delay value of the variable delay circuits is impossible. [0108] As will be understood from the foregoing description, according to the present invention, a skew is always automatically corrected even during the data transfer simply by adding an additional bit to the transfer data. [0109] Also, the provision of the idle pattern detection circuit in the receiving circuit eliminates the need for deskew work by the operator. [0110] Further, in the case of a high-speed transmission system, the code conversion (for example, 4 B 4 B or 8 B 10 B conversion) is generally employed to improve the transmission quality. In view of the fact that the additional information alternating between “0” and “1” is added to the head of each byte, the imbalance of the code duty of the transfer data can be obviated, thereby eliminating the need of the code conversion which would deteriorate the data transmission efficiency.
A skew correction apparatus for increasing the data transfer capacity and thus improving the system performance, by making it possible to carry out the deskew work even during the data transfer, is disclosed. The skew correction apparatus receives a plurality of serial data in synchronism, and reduces the skew mount constituting a phase shift between the serial data. A first correction unit ( 31 ) detects a skew between the serial data and corrects the skew during the idle time. A second skew correction unit ( 32 ) detects a skew between the serial data and corrects the skew during the data transmission.
BACKGROUND OF INVENTION Paper punches are well know in the art and are found in nearly every office which generates or handles documents. Paper punches are commonly available in single hole varieties, in two and three hole varieties, and in multi-hole varieties which allow the user to adjust the distance between the various holes punched. Almost all of these punches use the same basic punching tool; namely, one or more of a punch rod sharpened at the lower end, and a cooperating punch die which is coaxially aligned with the punch rod, and which receives the punch rod as it is pushed through the sheet being punched. In addition, there is some means of applying a downward pressure to the punch rod, usually involving some kind of lever system to create mechanical advantage. FIG. 1 shows a typical prior art punch. The punch rod 101 is retained by a coil spring 301 . The punch die 140 resides in a lower assembly 120 and is coaxially aligned with the guide 280 which constrains the vertical movement of the punch rod. A handle 160 provides mechanical advantage to push down on the top of the punch rod. The paper sheet to be punched is disposed in the space between the upper and lower parts of the punch. However, the paper cannot be inserted past the throat 144 of the punch. As a result, the maximum distance between the edge of the paper and the punch rod-die axis is constrained to a relatively small displacement, as may be seen by referring to this Figure. Virtually all of the simple punches based on the principles stated above have the same shortcoming, that is, the inability to allow a user to punch holes near the center of a sheet. This shortcoming is a result of the necessity in prior art punches to provide a physical connection between the upper assembly of the punch, containing the punch rod, and the lower assembly, containing the punch die. As the distance between the punch rod-die axis to the throat becomes greater, the punch device becomes extended in size and must become increasingly bulkier and reinforced in order to support what is essentially a pair of cantilevered members having a moment arm equal to the distance from the throat to the punch rod-die axis. The present invention provides a simple, compact punch which overcomes the inherent structural problems of prior art punches by omitting the physical connection between the upper and lower assemblies of the prior art punch, and instead provides alignment of the punch rod and punch die by means of magnetic alignment of these to elements. SUMMARY OF INVENTION It is an object of the present invention to provide a punch for paper or similar sheet material which can be used to punch holes anywhere over the entire extent of the sheet. In accordance with a first aspect of the present invention a punching device includes an upper frame, a cooperating upper magnetic base supporting the upper frame, and a punch rod slideably disposed within the upper frame and passing through a clearance hole formed in the upper magnetic base and a lower magnetic base. In accordance with a second aspect of the invention the lower base contains a punch die which magnetically aligns with the upper magnetic base when sheet material is disposed between the upper and lower magnetic bases. In accordance with a third aspect of the invention, a lever handle is rotatably affixed to the upper frame and slideably engaged to the top of the punch rod. In accordance with a fourth aspect of the invention the upper frame is itself magnetic, and is integrated with the upper magnetic base. In accordance with a fifth aspect of the invention a spring is provided which maintains the punch rod in an upper position until a user applies a downward force to the top of the punch rod. In accordance with a sixth aspect of the invention an oblong slot is formed within the lever handle. In accordance with a seventh aspect of the invention the punch rod has one or more annular recesses formed in proximity with the top of the punch rod. In accordance with an eighth aspect of the invention one of the annular recesses is captured within the oval slot of the lever handle, so that the punch rod will raise when the lever handle is raised, and lower when the lever handle is lowered. In accordance with a ninth aspect of the invention a multi-hole version of punching device contains an upper assembly, an upper magnet affixed to the upper assembly, and a number of punch rods, each slideably disposed within the upper assembly, and passing through a clearance hole formed in the upper assembly and upper magnet. In accordance with a tenth aspect of the invention the lower assembly contains a multiplicity of punch dies and a lower magnet affixed to the lower assembly which magnetically aligns with the upper assembly when the sheet material is disposed between the upper and lower assemblies. In accordance with an eleventh aspect of the invention the upper frame of the multi-hole version is itself magnetic, and is integrated with the upper magnetic base. In accordance with a twelfth aspect of the invention a lever handle is rotatably affixed to the upper assembly of the multi-hole version which slideably engages the top of the punch rods. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS These, and further features of the invention, may be better understood with reference to the accompanying specification and drawings depicting the preferred embodiment, in which: FIG. 1 depicts a prior art paper hole punch. FIG. 2 depicts a front elevation view of the single hole embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 3 depicts a perspective view of a three-hole punch embodiment of the invention. FIG. 3 b depicts a side elevation view of the three-hole punch embodiment of the invention. FIG. 4 depicts a perspective view of the single hole embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 5 depicts a front elevation view of a punch rod and supporting assembly, with a spring retainer. FIG. 6 depicts a front elevation view of the punch rod and supporting assembly, with a sliding captured lever handle. FIG. 6 b depicts a top plan view of the lever handle internal slide assembly with captured punch rod. DETAILED DESCRIPTION The present invention is an apparatus which allows the user to punch one or more holes in a sheet of paper or similar material anywhere in the sheet. Prior art paper punches include simple, single hole punches and multi-hole punches which punch holes only within an inch of the edge of one or several sheets, but do not permit the punching of holes farther from an edge. The present invention, like prior art punches, contains a punch rod with a sharpened punch surface, which is disposed on the top of the sheet to be punched, and which mates with a die on the opposite side of the paper. However, in the present invention there is no mechanical connection between the assembly holding the punch rod and the punch die. Rather, these two elements are maintained in alignment by magnetically aligning the two. Single Punch Embodiments The instant invention may be understood by first referring to FIG. 4 . An upper frame 4 contains the punch rod 7 which performs the perforation of the sheet. The upper frame is rigidly affixed to an upper magnet 3 which is disposed at the upper surface of the sheet 6 to be punched. A lever handle 5 is affixed to the upper frame by means of a hinge assembly. The upper frame, upper magnet, and components mounted therein form an upper assembly. A lower assembly is disposed beneath the sheet, and contains the punch die 8 . The lower assembly contains a magnet 2 which aligns the lower assembly with the upper frame, so that the punch rod 7 will align with the punch die 8 . It has been determined by the applicant, as a result of testing with a model of the invention, that when the upper assembly is moved above the paper the lower assembly will follow beneath, and maintain the alignment of the punch die beneath the punch rod. In a variation of this embodiment, the upper frame and upper magnet are merged into a single element by using a magnetic upper frame. It is well known that some materials, such as iron, nickel, cobalt, and combination of the above, commonly referred to as magnetizable metals, can themselves be magnetized while retaining the structural strength and ease of machining required for applications such as those required for use in the upper frame of the current invention. Referring now to FIG. 2 , a side elevation view of the first embodiment is shown. The upper frame 4 is substantially cylindrical in shape and is rigidly affixed to the upper magnet 3 which is configured in the shape of a disk. The lower assembly 16 is disposed beneath a sheet of paper 6 , and contains a lower magnet 2 which is rigidly affixed concentrically to the lower assembly. The punch die 8 is contained within the lower assembly. It is seen that the upper and lower magnets are identical in shape. Further, both the punch rod and the punch die are disposed at the center of their respective, disk-shaped magnets. The lever handle 5 is attached to the upper frame by means of a hinge 11 , which is affixed to the upper frame by means of hinge arm 24 . The top 13 of the punch rod 7 lies below the lever bearing surface 17 , which provides a reduced cross section in contact with the punch rod top 13 , thus reducing friction between the two surfaces. The lower end of the punch rod 15 is sharpened to effect a clean, round perforation in the sheet when the punch rod descends into the cooperating punch die below the sheet. The punch shown in FIG. 2 does not contain any means for restraining the punch rod in a vertical direction. The user must align the rod before punching, and then pull the punch rod out of the punch die every time the device is used. This primitive embodiment of the current invention may have commercial viability because of the simplicity and ease of manufacture of the embodiment. An alternative embodiment, shown in FIG. 5 , provides for a coil spring to restore the punch rod to an extended, or ready position in the absence of pressure from the lever handle. FIG. 5 does not show the lever arm, or other means of exerting a downward pressure on the punch rod, but may be incorporated into any of the various embodiments described herein. Referring now to FIG. 5 , the coil spring 20 is retained in place in an annular recess 22 formed in the upper part of the punch rod. The lower part of the coil spring rests on the upper surface 41 of the upper frame. When the punch rod is depressed, the coil spring compresses, exerting a restoring force in opposition to the depression force. Variations of this embodiment may use a hole drilled through the upper part of the punch rod, and perpendicular to the long axis of the punch rod, to restrain the upper part of the coil spring of the punch rod in place of the recess shown in FIG. 5 . Also shown in FIG. 5 is the upper magnet 3 , in which a clearance hole 9 is bored, so that the punch rod may descend through this clearance hole. A similar clearance hole is bored in the lower magnet 2 , which is concentrically aligned with the punch die 8 in the lower assembly 16 . Thus, when a downward pressure is exerted on the top of the punch rod 7 , the lower, sharpened end of the punch rod descends through the clearance hole of the upper magnet, through the paper disposed between the upper and lower assemblies, through the clearance hole in the lower magnet 2 , and thence into the punch die. A still further embodiment is shown in FIGS. 6 and 6 b . Referring next to this figure, the lever arm 5 contains an internal slide assembly 55 , which in turn contains an oblong or rectangular opening into which the top 13 of the punch rod is inserted. The punch rod is captured by the slide assembly that engages the punch rod about the annular recess 22 . The top of the punch rod is inserted into the oblong slot 23 of the slide assembly by disposing the punch rod at an angle to the slide assembly, with the top 13 of the punch rod far enough into the oblong slot 23 so that the inside edge of the oblong slot is resting against the annular recess 22 . The punch rod may then be rotated into an upright position. When the lever handle is depressed in this embodiment the punch rod will slide in one direction within the oblong slot, and will slide in the opposite direction when the handle is restored to its original position. In the embodiment shown in FIG. 6 a spring is not necessary, since the user may pull up on the lever handle to withdraw the punch rod from the sheet after completing the perforation operation. In a still further embodiment a coil spring feature depicted in FIG. 5 may be included together with the captured slide assembly of the lever handle depicted in FIG. 6 . In such an embodiment a separate, upper annular recess may be used to capture the oblong slot of the lever handle, while a second annular recess, located below the upper, annular recess, is used to retain the top of the spring. Alternatively, a hole drilled through the punch rod perpendicular to the long axis of the punch rod, and below the upper annular recess, may be used to restrain the punch rod. Three-Hole Punch Embodiments The present invention may be implemented in a multi-hole punch configuration in which punch rods are contained in an upper assembly, the punch dies contained in a lower assembly, and the two assemblies are aligned on opposite sides of the paper by means of magnets contained on the upper and lower assemblies, respectively. Referring now to FIGS. 3 and 3 b , this embodiment resembles a prior-art three-hole punch, except that the upper assembly 34 is not attached to the lower assembly 32 , but the two assemblies are completely separate units, not attached by any physical structural members. The lower assembly 32 contains a lower magnet 3 inserted so that the magnet's upper surface is flush with that of the lower assembly. In a similar way the upper magnet 2 is inserted and affixed to the upper assembly 34 so that the upper magnet's lower surface is flush with the lower surface of the upper assembly. The upper assembly contains a lever handle 30 which is rotatably hinged about hinge arm 39 so that pressure may be applied to punch rods 7 , making them descend in a manner similar to the single punch embodiment described supra. In this three-hole embodiment, there are three punch rods 7 which are similar in configuration to said single punch-rod embodiment. Each of the three punch rods contains a spring similar to that previously described which maintains the punch rod in an extended configuration until compressed by the lever handle 30 , driving the rod into the paper sheet and thence into a corresponding punch die located in the lower assembly. While the invention has been described with reference to specific embodiments, it will be apparent that improvements and modifications may be made within the purview of the invention without departing from the scope of the invention defined in the appended claims.
A punching device for punching paper and like sheet material contains an upper frame, a cooperating upper magnetic base supporting the upper frame, and a punch rod slideably disposed within the upper frame, and passing through a clearance hole formed in the upper magnetic base. A lower magnetic base contains a punch die. The lower magnetic base which magnetically aligns with the upper magnetic base when a paper sheet is disposed between the upper and lower magnetic bases, and the punch rod is then concentrically aligned with the punch die. This punching device can be used to punch a hole anywhere over the extent of the sheet, regardless of how far the hole is from any edge of the sheet.
CLAIM OF BENEFIT OF PROVISIONAL APPLICATION Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. Section 119, the benefit of priority from provisional application No. 60/250,255, with a filing date of Nov. 28, 2000, is claimed for this non-provisional application. ORIGIN OF THE INVENTION This invention was jointly made by employees of the United States Government, a contract employee during the performance of work under NASA Contract NAS1-97046, and an employee of the National Research Council and may be manufactured and used by or for the government for governmental purposes without the payment of royalties thereon or therefor. In accordance with 35 USC 202, the contractor elected not to retain title. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention This invention relates to electroactive polymeric materials. More particularly, it relates to a new class of polymeric blends for sensor and actuation dual functionality. 2. Description of the Related Art Sensors and actuators are widely demanded in many technologies to realize precise control of mechanical motion in mechanical, electronic and optical, as well as electro-optical and electromechanical devices. Miniaturization and intellectualization of these devices requires multifunctional materials for simple processing and low cost. Intelligent structures and systems are very important in flight safety and efficiency of aerospace crafts. As a core technology in the intelligent structure and systems, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are composed of micro-scale mechanical sensors and actuators. Presently, sensor materials and actuator materials are chosen as separate individual materials for the processing of MEMS. U.S. Pat. No. 6,239,534 describes a piezoelectric/electrostrictive device. This device, however, requires extensive mechanical manipulation. Specifically, it requires a substrate having two pairs of concave recesses, a connection plate, fixing plate and piezoelectric/electrostrictive elements. U.S. Pat. No. 6,232,702 describes an electroactive device. This device also has burdensome mechanical requirements. This device requires a ceramic annular substrate having a pair of opposed planar annular surfaces, a hollowed interior region and a thickness aspect. The new sensor-actuation dual functional polymeric blends described herein provide an enabling electroactive polymer for simplification of processing for MEMS and other electromechanical and electro-optical devices; therefore, the cost of the devices can be significantly reduced. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is a primary object of the present invention to provide what is not available in the art, viz., an electroactive polymeric material which provides both sensing and actuation functionality. It is another object of the present invention to provide a material having temperature invariant piezoelectric response over a range of temperatures. It is another object of the present invention to provide a material having excellent piezoelectric properties and sensing capability. It is yet another object of the present invention to provide a material having a large electric field induced strain that significantly increases the range of the electrically-controlled mechanical motion. Another object of the present invention is to provide a material having excellent processability that makes the material properties tailorable for specific requirements in applications. Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a lightweight dual-functionality material. Still another object of the present invention is to provide a material with high power density resulting in reduced energy consumption. Another object of the present invention is to provide conformable, flexible actuation material that will enable the design for new types of actuators. Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a two-phase system with adjustable-composition and morphology to optimize mechanical, electrical, and electromechanical properties. These primary objects, and other attending benefits, are achieved by the present invention. The invention described herein supplies a new class of electroactive polymeric blend materials which offer both sensing and actuation dual functionality. The blend comprises two components, one component having a sensing capability and the other component having an actuating capability. These components should be co-processable and coexisting in a phase separated blend system. Specifically, the materials are blends of a sensing component selected from the group consisting of ferroelectric, piezoelectric, pyroelectric and photoelectric polymers and an actuating component that responds to an electric field in terms of dimensional change. Said actuating component includes, but is not limited to, electrostrictive graft elastomers, dielectric electroactive elastomers, liquid crystal electroactive elastomers and field responsive polymeric gels. The sensor functionality and actuation functionality are designed by tailoring the relative fraction of the two components. The temperature dependence of the piezoelectric response and the mechanical toughness of the dual functional blends are also tailored by the composition adjustment. Since the dual functional blends contain two components, the electric, mechanical, and electromechanical properties of the blends are controlled by the following design parameters: molecular synthesis of sensing polymers and actuating polymers for the blends; selection of the sensing component and actuating components for blends; variation of the fraction of the two component polymers; morphology control of the two components by designed processing routes. Commercial applications for self-sensing actuation materials include electromechanical transdusors/actuators that can be used in surface flow dynamics control, precise position control, vortex generators in flow control, optical switching, optical filtering, and vibration suppression. These and other actuation applications could benefit from these materials as they will allow simultaneous sensing and actuation capability. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS For a more complete understanding of the present invention, including the primary objects and attending benefits, reference should be made to the Detailed Description of the Invention, which is set forth below. This Detailed Description should be read with reference to the accompanying Drawings, wherein: FIG. 1 is a graph showing the relationship between the copolymer content and the crystallinity in the blends; FIG. 2 is a graph showing the relationship between the copolymer content and the remanent polarization; FIG. 3 is a graph comparing the mechanical modulus, E 11 , of the blend films and pure polymer films; FIG. 4 is a graph showing the temperature dependence of the piezoelectric strain coefficient, d 31 , of the blend films (1 HZ) as a function of various compositions; FIG. 5 is a graph showing the relative composition dependence of the piezoelectric strain coefficient, d 31 , at 30° C. and 65° C.; FIG. 6A is a graph showing the temperature dependence of the dielectric constant; FIG. 6B is a graph showing the composition dependence of the dielectric constant; FIG. 7A is a graph showing the field-induced strain response of the blends calculated according to equation (3); FIG. 7B is a graph showing the measured field-induced strain response of the blends; FIG. 8 is a graph comparing the experimental strain response of the 75 wt % copolymer blend with the prediction based on the calculation using equation (3); FIG. 9 is a graph showing the electric field-induced strain of the blends as a function of the copolymer content at an electric field strength of 3 MV/m; FIG. 10A is a bending actuator incorporating a copolymer-elastomer blend when no electric field is applied; FIG. 10B is a bending actuator incorporating a copolymer-elastomer blend when an electric field of 90 MV/m is applied. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION In a preferred embodiment, the polymer blend combines an electrostrictive graft-elastomer with a piezoelectric poly (vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) polymer. Mechanical properties, piezoelectric properties and electric field induced strain response of the blends are a function of temperature, frequency and relative composition of the two constituents in the blends. A bending actuator device was developed incorporating the use of the polymer blend materials. The electrostrictive graft polymer is described fully in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/696,528, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,515,077, entitled “Electrostrictive Graft Elastomers” and incorporated by reference herein. The graft-elastomer polymer exhibits a large electric field induced strain due to electrostriction and consists of two components, a flexible backbone elastomer and grafted crystalline groups. The graft crystalline phase provides the polarizable moieties and serves as cross-linking sites for the elastomer system. Specifically, the electrostrictive graft elastomer comprises a backbone molecule which is a non-crystallizable, flexible macromolecular chain, and a grated polymer forming polar graft moieties with backbone molecules, the polar graft moieties having been rotated by an applied electric field, advantageously into substantial polar alignment. The backbone molecule is advantageously a member selected from the group consisting of silicones, ployurethanes, polysulfides, nitrile rubbers, polybutenes, and flourinated elastomers, e.g., a chlorotrifluoroethylene-vinylidene fluoride copolymer. The grafted polymer is a homopolymer or a copolymer, and the polar graft moieties are polar crystal phases and physical entanglement sites with backbone molecules. The grafted polymer is preferably a member selected from the group consisting of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymers. In a particularly preferred embodiment, the backbone molecule is a chlorotrifluoroethylene-vinylidene fluoride copolymer, and the grafted polymer is a poly(vinylidene fluoride) or a poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymer. The polar graft moieties, which are polar crystal phases and physical entanglement sites with backbone molecules, have been rotated by an applied electric field, advantageously into substantial polar alignment. In the preferred embodiment, the current invention combines this graft-elastomer with a poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymer to yield a peizoelectric-electrostrictive blend. This blend results in an enhancement of the toughness of the copolymer since the pure copolymer is somewhat brittle after annealing. Likewise it has a higher force output than the pure graft-elastomer when used as an actuator. Additionally, by careful selection of the composition, the potential exists to create a blend system with electromechanical properties that can be tailored for various conditions and applications. EXAMPLES Experimental Set-Up Film Preparation: The blend films were prepared by solution casting. The piezoelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymer (50/50 mol. %) and graft elastomer powders were added to N,N-dimethylformamide. Although N,N-dimethylformamide was used in this particular example, any solvent capable of dissolving the polymeric functional components for processing may be used. The mixture was heated to 60° C. while stirring to make a 5 wt. % polymer solution containing the desired fraction of the two components. The solution was then cooled to room temperature, cast on glass substrates, and placed in a vacuum chamber. After drying overnight under vacuum, tack-free films were obtained. In order to increase their crystallinity, and possibly their remanent polarization, the blend films were thermally annealed at 140° C. for 10 hours. The thickness of the films was approximately 20 micrometers. The composition and crystallinity of the annealed blend films were determined using an x-ray diffractometer (XRG 3100, Philips) and differential scanning calorimetry. Poling Treatment: Gold electrodes were sputtered on the opposing surfaces of the films using a plasma deposition set-up (Technics, Inc.) to establish electrical contact. The films were poled using a triangular waveform with a peak value of 100 MV/m at 30 mHz. The blend films were immersed into silicone oil to minimize arcing during the poling treatment. Mechanical and Piezoelectric Measurements: The modulus, E 11 , and the piezoelectric strain coefficient, d 31 , of the copolymer-elastomer blend films were measured using a modified Rheovibron DDV-II-C (Imass Inc.). The measurements were performed as a function of the relative composition of the blends (wt. % copolymer content), temperature, and frequency. Electric Field Induced Strain Measurement: The measurement of the electric field induced strain response of the blend films in the longitudinal direction was accomplished using a fiber optic sensor (FOS)-based Dual Channel Angstrom Resolver (OPTO Acoustic Sensors) combined with a waveform generator (Hewlett Packard 33120A), a voltage amplifier (Trek 50/750), and an oscilloscope (Hewlett Packard 54601B). The measurement set-up was computer controlled. The FOS was positioned to measure the out-of-plane displacement through the thickness of the sample. The peak-to-peak displacement was recorded as voltage and converted into meters using the proper gains (filter gain, sensor gain and sensor sensitivity). The frequency of measurement was 1 Hz. Capacitance Measurement: The capacitance of the blend films was measured using a Hewlett Packard Analyzer 4192A, and the dielectric constant, Ε, was calculated from the value of the capacitance. These measurements were performed by a function of the relative composition of the blends (wt. % polymer content), temperature, and frequency. Results FIG. 1 shows the crystallinity as a function of copolymer content in the blend. The calculated crystallinity of the blend system is found from: X total =f copolymer X copolymer +f elastomer X elastomer   (1) where f is the relative fraction of the components and X is the crystallinity. Both the measured and calculated crystallinities increase with increasing copolymer content in the blend; however, the measured crystallinity is lower than the calculated one. This indicates that the presence of both components in the blend may reduce their crystallization as compared to each individual one. FIG. 2 shows the measured remanent polarization, P r , as a function of the copolymer content in the blends compared with the remanent polarization calculated using the following equation: P r(total) =f copolymer P r(copolymer) +f elastomer P r(elastomer)   (2) where f is the relative fraction of the components, P r(copolymer) is the remanent polarization in the pure copolymer, P r(elastomer) is the remanent polarization in the elastomer, and P r(total) is the resulting remanent polarization of the blend film. To determine the remanent polarization, the measurement of the polarization, P, versus the electric field, E, was carried out. Corrections were made to eliminate the effects of conductivity on the ferroelectric hysteresis loops. Both the measured and the calculated remanent polarization increase with increasing copolymer content in the blends. The value of the measured remanent polarization is very close to the calculated one. This is an indication of the linear relationship between P r and the polar crystallinity in the blends. FIG. 3 shows the mechanical modulus, E 11 , for all the blends as a function of temperature at 1 Hz. The mechanical modulus of the blends increases with increasing copolymer content and the copolymer has the highest modulus. Due to the brittleness of the copolymer film, it tended to fail at about 65° C., while the copolymer-elastomer blends show improved toughness compared to the pure copolymer. FIG. 4 shows the temperature dependence of the piezoelectric strain coefficient, d 31 , for blend films with various compositions. The piezoelectric strain coefficient, d 31 , increases with increasing copolymer content. However, the blend film with 75 wt. % copolymer exhibits the highest d 31 from room temperature to about 45° C. Additionally, the blend film with 50 wt. % shows an almost constant piezoelectric response from room temperature to 70° C. These results reflect the influence of both the electrical polarization and mechanical modulus of the films on the piezoelectric strain response. As observed in the case of the 75 wt. % copolymer blend, even though it had a lower remanent polarization than the copolymer, it showed a higher piezoelectric strain response due to its lower modulus. For the experimental conditions, the copolymer film breaks at a temperature close to 65° C., while the rest of the blend films maintain their piezoelectric response up to 75° C. without mechanical failure. In particular, the piezoelectric strain response of the 75 wt. % copolymer and 50 wt. % copolymer blend films is still significantly high up to 75° C. FIG. 5 demonstrates the different trends observed at 30° C. and 65° C. when the dependence of the piezoelectric strain coefficient, d 31 , on the relative composition of the two components in the blend is examined. The reason for the non-linear dependence may be attributed to the nature of the piezoelectric strain response of the material. The intrinsic contributions of both the mechanical properties (through the modulus) and the electrical properties (through the polarization) may yield this non-linear behavior. FIGS. 6A and 6B show the temperature dependence and composition dependence of the dielectric constant at 10 Hz for the copolymer-elastomer blend films. The temperature dependence of the dielectric constant shown in FIG. 6A gives a reasonable trend for a blend system. The elastomer shows a transitional change in the temperature range from 40° C. to 50° C. and less temperature dependence than the copolymer in the measured temperature range. The transitional change is the second glass transition of the elastomer due to the molecular motion of the graft crystal cross-linking sites. The addition of the copolymer in the blend decreases the second glass transition of the graft elastomer significantly. This might be attributed to the molecular interaction between the added copolymer and graft unit in the elastomer. This interaction may also be the reason that the measured crystallinity of the blend is lower than the calculated one. The dielectric constant of the copolymer shows an obvious increase above 50° C. due to the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition. For the blend system, as the copolymer content increases, the transition behavior in the dielectric constant becomes more apparent. FIG. 6B shows the inter-relationship between the dielectric constant and the relative composition of the two components in the blend. Unlike the piezoelectric strain response, the dielectric constant shows a linear dependence to the relative composition at both 25° C. and 65° C. FIG. 7A shows the results of a comparison to a field-induced strain response in the copolymer and the graft-elastomer. Assuming the two constituents of the blend system contribute independently to the total field-induced strain response in the blends, the total response in the longitudinal direction can be predicted as S=f cop. S cop. +f elast. S elast. =f cop. d cop. E+f elast. R elast. E 2   (3) where S is the total strain, E is the applied electric field, f cop. is the fraction of the piezoelectric copolymer in the blend, d cop. is the piezoelectric coefficient of the piezoelectric copolymer, while f elast. is the fraction of the electrostrictive graft-elastomer, R elast. is the field-induced strain coefficient of the electrostrictive graft-elastomer. Using the piezoelectric coefficient of the copolymer and the field-induced strain coefficient of the graft-elastomer, the field-induced strain for the blends is calculated. The predicted strain response of the copolymer is linear (piezoelectric) while the strain response of the graft-elastomer is quadratic (electrostrictive). As evident in FIG. 7A, the strain response of the blends is intermediate to that of the constituents. There is a critical electric field strength at about 12 MV/m. For field strengths below the critical field, the piezoelectric constituent of the blend is dominant, therefore the strain increases with increasing copolymer content in the blends. Above the critical field strength, the electrostrictive constituent becomes a dominant contributor to the total strain, hence the strain in the blends increases with increasing graft-elastomer content. In FIG. 7B, the experimental results of the field-induced strain of the blend, in the longitudinal direction, is shown as a function of field strength. The blend compositions measured are identical to the blend compositions used in the prediction in FIG. 7 A. Although there is a composition dependence for the measured strains, there are several key differences from the predicted strain. First, the measured strain response is significantly smaller than the predicted one. Secondly, the critical field strength for the transition from piezoelectric to electrostrictive dominance occurs at a higher field. Lastly, the electrostrictive (quadratic) contribution becomes evident at a higher field strength in the measured strains. These differences strongly suggest that the electromechanical contributions of the constituents to the total strain response of the blends are not independent. The interactions between the copolymer and graft-elastomer may affect their contributions to the strain response, especially the contribution from the electrostrictive graft-elastomer. The piezoelectric contribution to the total strain is attributed to the remanent polarization of the crystals within the copolymer, and is expected to be proportional to the relative composition of the copolymer in the blend. The elctrostrictive contribution to the total strain is controlled by the ability of the polar graft moieties in the elastomer to rotate with the applied electric field. Hence the electrostrictive contribution is dependent on the overall morphology of the blend. The effect of the blend morphology on the electrostriction is key since free volume is essential for the rotation of the graft polar moieties in the electrostrictive graft-elastomer. Presence of the copolymer in the blends occupies volume and offers more resistance to the rotation of the polar graft units than in the pure elastomer. This resistance increases the barrier energy for the polar moieties to overcome for their rotation, resulting in the onset of the electrostriction at higher field strengths. This is possibly the key intrinsic mechanism for the differences observed in the experimental and predicted results. In FIG. 8, the measured strain response of 75 wt. % copolymer blend is compared with the prediction calculated using equation (3). According to calculated results, the critical electric field strength is 12 MV/m, (marked as 1). Theoretically, at this critical field strength, the copolymer and the elastomer contribute equally to the overall strain response. However, experimental results indicate that the strain is linear prior to a field strength of about 22 MV/m (marked as 2). As the electric field is increased, the contribution of the electrostrictive elastomer becomes significant as seen by the deviation from linearity above a field strength of 22 MV/m. For field strengths higher than 39 MV/m, the strain of the blend is larger than that of the pure copolymer. This is an indication that the electrostrictive contribution becomes dominant and the field of 39 MV/m (marked 3) is believed to be the critical electric field for the transition from piezoelectric to electrostrictive dominance for the 75 wt. % copolymer blend. This is significantly higher than the calculated one. According to these observations, the strain response of the blend can be divided into three regions: piezoelectric dominant region, intermediate region, and electrostrictive dominant region. In the piezoelectric dominant region (E<22 MV/m), the contribution of the electrostrictive constituent is not significant since the rotation of the polar component of the elastomer is confined due to the presence of the copolymer constituent, which increases the barrier energy for rotation. In the intermediate region (22 MV/m<E<39 MV/m), the field strength is high enough to overcome the increased barrier energy, therefore, the electrostrictive contribution becomes obvious. In the electrostrictive dominant region (E>39 MV/m), the blend exhibits a field-induced strain higher than that of the copolymer. The increase in the barrier energy for the electrostrictive contribution in the blend should be dependent on the relative copolymer content in the blends, the overall blend morphology, and the crystal size of the constituents as well as the distribution of the crystal size. FIG. 9 illustrates the variation in field-induced strain with copolymer content in the blend for a field strength of 3 MV/m. For this relatively low field strength, the piezoelectric response is dominant; therefore, the strain increases as the amount of the piezoelectric constituent increases. For the 75 wt. % copolymer blend, the strain is almost three times of that of the graft-elastomer and it is only about 8% lower than that of the copolymer. Considering the improved toughness of the blend as compared to the copolymer, and the enhanced strain and the mechanical modulus as compared to the graft-elastomer, the piezoelectric-electrostrictive polymer blend systems offer a way to optimize electromechanical properties for applications at lower field strength. FIG. 10 depicts a prototype bending actuator fabricated using a film of the 50 wt. % composition of the copolymer-elastomer blend. The deflection of the bending actuator is determined by the applied electric field and the electric field induced strain of the blend. A deflection of approximately 4.5 mm was achieved with this actuator with the length of 22 mm. Larger deflections are achievable if the actuator is fabricated using the pure graft-elastomer; however, there is a trade-off between actuation force and deflection due to the relative moduli of the materials. The copolymer-graft-elastomer blend system exhibited a marked improvement in toughness as compared to the copolymer. The blends also offer the potential of varying the composition of the materials constituents to tailor the properties for the desired applications. Due to the synergistic effect of the contributions of the remanent polarization and the mechanical stiffness, blends can be made to exhibit a higher piezoelectric strain and field-induced strain than the copolymer. As an example, the blend containing 75 wt. % copolymer exhibited a higher piezoelectric strain coefficient (d 31 ) and field induced strain (%) than the pure copolymer for some conditions. Furthermore, by adjusting the relative fraction of the two components in the blend, a temperature-independent piezoelectric strain response was achieved such as in the case of the 50 wt. % copolymer blend. The electric field induced strain in the copolymer-elastomer blend results from both piezoelectric and electrostrictive constituents. The piezoelectric contribution dominates when the electric field is low while the electrostrictive contribution becomes dominant at higher field strengths. The contributions of the two constituents are not independent. The presence of the copolymer in the blend appears to increase the barrier energy for the polar graft moieties to overcome in order to rotate (the mechanism for the electrostriction in the graft-elastomer). It should be understood that the foregoing description and examples are only illustrative of the invention. Various alternatives and modifications can be devised by those skilled in the art without departing from the invention. Accordingly, the present invention is intended to embrace all such alternatives, modifications and variances that fall within the scope of the appended claims.
The invention described herein supplies a new class of electroactive polymeric blend materials which offer both sensing and actuation dual functionality. The blend comprises two components, one component having a sensing capability and the other component having an actuating capability. These components should be co-processable and coexisting in a phase separated blend system. Specifically, the materials are blends of a sensing component selected from the group consisting of ferroelectric, piezoelectric, pyroelectric and photoelectric polymers and an actuating component that responds to an electric field in terms of dimensional change. Said actuating component includes, but is not limited to, electrostrictive graft elastomers, dielectric electroactive elastomers, liquid crystal electroactive elastomers and field responsive polymeric gels. The sensor functionality and actuation functionality are designed by tailoring the relative fraction of the two components. The temperature dependence of the piezoelectric response and the mechanical toughness of the dual functional blends are also tailored by the composition adjustment.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0001] 1. Field of the Invention [0002] The present invention relates to novelty exhaust tips having an exhaust-driven spinning element. [0003] 2. Background of the Related Art [0004] An exhaust tip is an ornamental assembly for an exhaust pipe. Typically, an exhaust tip is made of metal and/or chrome plated to match other ornamental components of the vehicle. The exhaust tip covers the bare steel exhaust pipe or tail pipe that can become rusty and covered in dirt and grease. Exhaust tips are intended to be readily viewable and generally provide a distinctive appearance to a vehicle. [0005] The broad general appeal and interest in vehicles has led to a large and growing industry of parts and services to customize vehicles. Some parts and services are directed solely at improving vehicle performance, while other parts and services are directed solely at providing a unique ornamental appearance. Some parts and services may even provide a combination of improved performance and ornamental appearance. Still, the selection of parts and services for a vehicle can be extremely personal and expressive. [0006] Therefore, there continues to be a demand for further ornamental devices for a vehicle. It is desirable to provide ornamental devices for a vehicle that do not deter the performance of the vehicle and are easy to install and maintain. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0007] The present invention provides an exhaust tip assembly, comprising a cylindrical collar adapted to be secured to the distal end of a vehicular exhaust pipe and to extend beyond the distal end of the exhaust pipe. A rigid support structure is secured inside the collar and a turbine is rotatably coupled on the distal side of the rigid support structure. In a preferred embodiment, the turbine is concentric with the collar and has a fixed axial position adjacent the distal end of the cylindrical collar. It is also preferred for the turbine to form a plurality of vanes facing the distal end of the exhaust pipe such that exhaust gases pass over the vanes and cause the turbine to freely spin in one direction. It is further preferred if the turbine is free to continue spinning independent of exhaust gases continuing to exit the exhaust pipe through the collar. The most preferred turbine includes a rim that gives the turbine the shape of a wheel with a plurality of spokes. Other aspects of the preferred embodiments are described below with reference to the drawings. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0008] So that the above recited features and advantages of the present invention can be understood in detail, a more particular description of the invention, briefly summarized above, may be had by reference to the embodiments thereof that are illustrated in the appended drawings. It is to be noted, however, that the appended drawings illustrate only typical embodiments of this invention and are therefore not to be considered limiting of its scope, for the invention may admit to other equally effective embodiments. [0009] FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an exhaust tip assembly mounted to an exhaust pipe. [0010] FIG. 2 is cross-sectional side view of the exhaust tip assembly mounted to an exhaust pipe. [0011] FIG. 3 is a back view of the exhaust tip assembly. [0012] FIG. 4 is a front view of the exhaust tip assembly. [0013] FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of a single vane of a turbine. [0014] FIGS. 6 A-D are cross-sectional views of alternative vanes. [0015] FIG. 7 is a plan view of an embodiment of a turbine in the form of a wheel. [0016] FIG. 8 is a plan view of an embodiment of a turbine without a rim. [0017] FIGS. 9 A-C are schematic views of alternative embodiments of a structure for supporting a turbine within the collar. [0018] FIG. 9D is a schematic side view of the embodiment of FIG. 9C . [0019] FIG. 10 is a cross-sectional side view of an exhaust tip assembly mounted to an exhaust pipe and having a support structure with fins that cause the exhaust gases to swirl. [0020] FIG. 11 is a back view of the exhaust tip assembly illustrating the fins and the turbine. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0021] FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an exhaust tip assembly 10 of a preferred embodiment mounted on the end of an exhaust pipe 12 . The assembly 10 includes a cylindrical collar 14 that has a diameter greater than the diameter of the exhaust pipe 12 . The collar 14 may be coupled to the exhaust pipe in various manners, including a transitional section 16 that is rigidly coupled to both the collar and the pipe. Preferably, the transitional section 16 forms part of the collar 14 and is rigidly coupled to the exhaust pipe during installation. The preferred method of rigidly coupling the collar and pipe is welding, although it is possible to accomplish the coupling with screws, rivots, or clamps. [0022] The assembly 10 also includes a turbine in the shape of a wheel 18 that is rotatably coupled to the collar 14 so as to spin as exhaust gases are pushed through the wheel. The collar 14 and wheel 18 are preferably both cylindrical and concentric. The wheel 18 includes a rim 20 , hub 22 , and spokes 24 . The outwardly visible, downstream face of wheel 18 forms a display surface that may be contoured and designed for aesthetic appeal, including, for example, point 26 and grooves 28 . The preferred display face is generally flat or gently curved and may include grooves or other ornamentation. It is desirable for the appearance to be similar to that of a hub-cap. Accordingly, the display surface of individual spokes may be generally symmetrically contoured. [0023] FIG. 2 is cross-sectional side view of the exhaust tip assembly 10 mounted to an exhaust pipe 12 . As shown, the transitional section 16 of the collar 14 has been coupled to the exhaust pipe 12 by a circumferential weld 30 . At the distal end of the collar 14 , a support structure 32 is secured to the inside surface 34 of the collar 14 and extends into the axial center of the collar 14 . A rotary bearing or bushing 36 is secured to the support structure 32 and rotatably couples a shaft 38 that is part of, or attached to, the turbine wheel 18 . Accordingly, the wheel is rotatably secured to the collar 14 in a fixed axial position, such as immediately inside the distal end of the collar. The present embodiment illustrates the optional feature of the collar 14 having a rolled distal end 40 , which may overlap the rim 20 of the wheel 18 . It is believed that the overlapping may reduce the amount of exhaust gas passing through the generally annular gap 42 formed between the perimeter of the wheel and the collar and allow more of the exhaust gas to be utilized in spinning the wheel. [0024] FIG. 3 is a back view of the exhaust tip assembly 10 . The support structure 32 of this embodiment extends across the full inside diameter of the collar 14 and is secured to both sides. The preferred support structure 32 includes a central hole 44 for passage of the shaft 38 and holes 46 along the length of the structures 32 to reduce the extent that the structure will block exhaust gas. The wheel 18 rotates about the axial center 48 of the bearing or bushing 36 . Preferably, there is only a small annular gap 42 between the wheel 18 and the collar 14 . [0025] As shown in FIG. 3 , it can be appreciated that the support 32 , wheel 18 and rolled end 40 are obstructions that reduce the extent of the cross-sectional area of the collar is open for the passage of exhaust gases. However, the collar may be considered to have an effective cross-sectional area that is the sum of the cross-sectional areas that are not blocked at any given point in the rotation of the wheel 18 . In the embodiment of assembly 10 , the effective cross-sectional area of the collar is substantially the sum of the five openings between the spokes 24 , less some portion of the structural support 32 that may further block these openings. If the collar does not have rolled ends, then the effective cross-sectional area may also include the area of the annular gap 42 . Accordingly, it is preferred that the effective cross-sectional area of the collar is approximately equal to, or greater than, the cross-sectional area of the exhaust pipe so as to avoid forming a restriction that might affect engine performance. This is possible because the collar has a greater diameter than the exhaust pipe. [0026] FIG. 4 is a front view of the exhaust tip assembly 10 . Here, the optional rolled end 40 of the collar 14 overlaps with, and hides, most of the rim 20 (see FIG. 2 ). While the structural support 32 can be seen in the front view of this embodiment, it is preferred to reduce the prominence of the support so that is does not detract from the appearance of the display face of wheel 18 . For example, the wheel 18 preferable has a shiny, metallic surface, such as silver, gold or chrome plate. The support 32 is preferably a dark color, most preferably a matt black. Furthermore, the positioning of the support behind the wheel 18 tends to limit its exposure and puts it in the shadows of the wheel 18 and collar 14 . [0027] FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of a single spoke 24 of a wheel 18 adjacent a rolled end 40 of the collar. The spoke 24 of this embodiment includes a proximal surface 50 that forms a vane. This particular vane has a flat surface 50 that is radially slanted and exposed to a generally axial flow of the exhaust gases in the direction of arrows 52 . While the exhaust gases are deflected around the spoke 24 in the direction of arrow 54 , the spoke is urged radially in the direction of arrow 56 causing the wheel to rotate about the axis 48 . Consequently, it should be recognized that the fixed physical configuration of the vane or vanes determines the direction in which the wheel will spin. [0028] FIGS. 6 A-D are cross-sectional views of alternative embodiments of spokes 24 having proximal surfaces that form vanes for imparting rotation to the wheel is a similar manner. In FIG. 6A , the spoke embodiment 24 A has a proximal surface 58 that, while not slanted, preferentially allows exhaust gases to flow around one side more readily than around the other side, thereby imparting rotation. In FIG. 6B , a triangular block or bar 60 has been attached to the proximal side of the otherwise flat spoke embodiment 24 B. This embodiment simplifies the construction of the spoke 24 B, but requires the attachment of the block 60 . Such attachment may include welding, adhesives or screws. In FIG. 6C , the spoke 24 C also has an attached block or bar 62 having a different configuration. In FIG. 6D , the spoke 24 D has a proximal surface with an irregular curvature that generally slants in one direction to similarly impart rotation. These embodiments are exemplary and should not be taken as limiting the scope of the invention. However, it is preferred that the spokes have a generally uniform appearance from the front view (as in FIG. 4 ). [0029] FIG. 7 is a plan view of the back side of the wheel-shaped turbine 18 . In this embodiment, the vanes 50 are shown machined into a portion of the back surface of the spokes 24 . FIG. 7 is consistent with FIG. 5 and shows the direction of spinning by arrow 56 . [0030] FIG. 8 is a plan view of another embodiment of a turbine 66 that would function in substantially the same manner as the wheel 18 shown in FIG. 7 . The primary difference is that the turbine 66 does not have a rim. The use of a rim is presently preferred because of the strength it adds to the spinning member and because of the flywheel effect that the rim provides. [0031] FIGS. 9 A-C are schematic back views of alternative embodiments of support structures for securing a turbine within the collar 14 . These views are similar to the back view shown in FIG. 3 . For clarity, the turbine wheel 18 has been left out. Accordingly, FIG. 9A shows the support 32 as shown in FIG. 3 with a central hole 44 for receiving the shaft 38 . It is anticipated that the hole 44 may be omitted by securing the bushing or bearing 36 to the front face of the support 32 and terminating the shaft within the bushing or bearing. In FIG. 9B , a support 68 includes three legs 70 , preferably at equiangular spacing. A support with any number of legs could be envisioned. However, FIG. 9C shows a support 72 having a single leg from the axial center 48 to the side of the collar 14 . This support 72 is advantageous in maintaining more open area for the flow of exhaust gases through the collar. While support 72 might otherwise be less rigid that the other supports 32 , 70 , FIG. 9D (a schematic side view of the embodiment of FIG. 9C ) shows a brace 74 that can be used to strengthen the support. Many alternative supports can also be imagined that are within the scope of the present invention. [0032] FIG. 10 is a cross-sectional side view of another embodiment of an exhaust tip assembly 80 mounted to an exhaust pipe 12 and having a support structure 82 with fins 84 that cause the exhaust gases 88 to deflect and swirl before reaching the turbine, such as wheel 18 . The swirling exhaust gas then drives the wheel 18 . While this embodiment may function without regard to the profile of the spoke 24 or vane surface 50 , the swirling exhaust gases may be most effective in driving a vane of the type shown in FIGS. 6A or 6 B if the swirling gases are directed by the fins 84 against the projecting walls 86 . Many alternative fin and vane designs can also be imagined that are within the scope of the present invention. [0033] FIG. 11 is a back view of the exhaust tip assembly 80 shown in FIG. 10 , illustrating the fins and the rotational direction of the wheel 18 . The exhaust gases flow down the exhaust pipe 12 and down the collar 14 (into the page as shown as a dot connected to arrow 88 in FIG. 11 ) before being deflect by the fins 84 . The exhaust gases flow in direction 88 and push against the side of the wall 86 or even the spoke 24 itself. [0034] In operation, the embodiments described above perform in a similar manner. Upon ignition of the vehicle engine, exhaust gases begin to flow through the exhaust pipe and the collar. Depending on the amount of friction in the bearing or bushing that rotatably supports the shaft of the wheel and the size, number and pitch of the vanes, the wheel may begin spinning either under engine idling conditions or begin only upon the engine reaching higher rotations per minute or other engine conditions producing a higher exhaust gas flow rate. In one embodiment, the friction is as low as possible to encourage spinning even at low exhaust gas flow rates and to maximize the spinning rate at higher flow rate. A low friction bearing or bushing will also increase the extent of continued spinning after the exhaust gas flow has declined or stopped. Having the wheel continue to spin after the engine is shut off or vehicle movement has stopped is highly desirable. Still, in another embodiment, the friction in the bearing or bushing may be slightly greater in order to keep the spinning rate in a range that increases viewability. It is anticipated that the wheel may reach such high spin rates that any detail or light reflective surface features of the wheel may become blurred to the point that the visual effect is diminished. Consequently, friction may be used to regulate the spin rate to a desirable range over the intended driving conditions. Still further, the spin rate will effect the sound of the exhaust. In some applications, the dynamic exhaust tip delivers a “whirring” sound characteristic of a turbocharger. It is believed that the spinning turbine or “wheel” could potentially improve the exhaust flow, resulting in lower exhaust backpressure and thereby increasing performance and/or fuel economy. [0035] The term “shaft” means a supporting member that carries a wheel and either rotates with the wheel or allows the wheel to rotate freely on it. The term “vane” means a flat or curved surface exposed to a flow of fluid so as to be forced to move or to rotate about an axis. The term “turbine” means a bladed or vaned device that rotates on a shaft and is actuated by the reaction to a current of fluid. The term “fin” means a fixed structure having a flat or curved surface exposed to a flow of fluid so as to impart a swirling direction to the fluid. References to a turbine in the shape of a “wheel” mean a turbine, as defined above, that includes a circular frame with a hub at the center for attachment to a shaft, about which it may revolve. [0036] This description is intended for purposes of illustration only and should not be construed in a limiting sense. The scope of this invention should be determined only by the language of the claims that follow. The terms “comprising,” “including,” and “having,” as used in the claims and specification herein, shall be considered as indicating an open group that may include other elements not specified. The term “consisting essentially of,” as used in the claims and specification herein, shall be considered as indicating a partially open group that may include other elements not specified, so long as those other elements do not materially alter the basic and novel characteristics of the claimed invention. The terms “a,” “an,” and the singular forms of words shall be taken to include the plural form of the same words, such that the terms mean that one or more of something is provided. For example, the phrase “An assembly comprising a wheel” should be read to describe an assembly having one or more wheels. The term “one” or “single” shall be used to indicate that one and only one of something is intended. Similarly, other specific integer values, such as “two,” are used when a specific number of things is intended. The terms “preferably,” “preferred,” “prefer,” “optionally,” “may,” and similar terms are used to indicate that an item, condition or step being referred to is not a required feature of the invention in its broadest form.
An exhaust tip assembly including a cylindrical collar adapted to be secured to the distal end of a vehicular exhaust pipe and to extend beyond the distal end of the exhaust pipe. A rigid support structure is secured inside the collar and a turbine is rotatably coupled on the distal side of the rigid support structure. In a preferred embodiment, the turbine is concentric with the collar and has a fixed axial position adjacent the distal end of the cylindrical collar. It is also preferred for the turbine to form a plurality of vanes facing the distal end of the exhaust pipe such that exhaust gases pass over the vanes and cause the turbine to freely spin in one direction. It is further preferred if the turbine is free to continue spinning independent of exhaust gases continuing to exit the exhaust pipe through the collar.
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] This application is a continuation of, and claims the benefit of the filing date of, co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/631,537 entitled METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MANAGING THE POWER CONSUMPTION OF A DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM, filed Jul. 31, 2003. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] 1. Field of the Invention [0003] The present invention relates generally to the field of microprocessor-based data processing systems and, more particularly, to regulating power consumption in snoopable components. [0004] 2. Description of the Related Art [0005] Advances in semiconductor processing technology have made it possible to compact the feature sizes of integrated circuits to allow more transistors to be fabricated on a single semiconductor substrate. For example, the most sophisticated microprocessors being manufactured today typically comprise a single integrated circuit made up of several million transistors. Although these astounding technological advances have made it possible to dramatically increase the performance and data handling capabilities of modern data processing systems, these advances have come at the cost of increased power consumption. Increased power consumption, of course, means that there is more heat that must be dissipated from the integrated circuits. [0006] Because excessive power consumption and heat dissipation are now a critical problem facing computer designers, various power-saving techniques have evolved for minimizing power supply and current levels within computer systems. Many of these techniques adopt the strategy of powering down the microprocessor when not in use to conserve power. This approach, however, is not without drawbacks. [0007] Some power management modes targeting snoopable components require components to flush their snoopable contents before entering a non-snoopable low power mode. Depending on the cache size, flushing all cache contents could take tens of thousands of cycles, and often can limit the application of power management modes. Also, some components are prevented from entering into a low power mode, because the component still needs to respond to snoops. However, power is wasted if the time between snoops is relatively long. [0008] Therefore, a method and apparatus is needed for an opportunistic system able to enter into a low power mode during periods between snoops. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0009] The present invention provides a method and an apparatus for managing power consumption of an allocated component of a microprocessor-based data processing system. When the allocated component is determined to be in a relatively inactive state, it is transitioned to a non-snoopable low power mode. If a snoop request occurs, a retry protocol is sent in response. Also, a signal is sent to bring the component back into a snoopable mode. When the snoop is subsequently requested, the component properly responds to the snoop request. After responding to the snoop request, the component enters a low power mode. Entering a low power mode between snoops allows the component to be opportunistic, by entering a low power mode more often than otherwise possible. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0010] The present invention will be understood more fully from the detailed description that follows and with reference to the accompanying drawings. The drawings do not limit the invention to the specific embodiments shown. [0011] FIG. 1 is a generalized block diagram of a section of a microprocessor; [0012] FIGS. 2A-2B are portions of a flow diagram of an operation transferring the component between a low power non-snoopable mode and a low power snoopable mode; and [0013] FIGS. 3A-3B are portions of a flow diagram of an operation whereby a snoop request arrives and the component is transferred between a low power non-snoopable mode and a low power snoopable mode. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0014] The present invention is a method of operating a data processing system to maintain memory coherency while minimizing power consumption. In the following description, numerous specific details are set forth, such as particular signals, protocol, device types, etc., to provide a thorough understanding of the present invention. It should be understood, however, that these specific details need not be used to practice the present invention. In other instances, well known structures, circuit blocks and architectures have not been shown in detail to avoid obscuring the present invention. The present invention may utilize any type of microprocessor architecture. Although the present invention will be described in conjunction with the embodiment of FIG. 1 , it should be understood that the broad concept of the present invention is applicable to many different types of data processing systems and has little chip or system level constraints. The broad concept of the present invention is applicable to components that are able to enter non-snoopable modes. [0015] FIG. 1 is a block diagram that illustrates a data processing system (DPS) 100 such as may be used with one embodiment of the present invention. The DPS 100 generally comprises a main memory 120 , memory controller 122 , a processor-memory bus or other communication means 102 for communicating information between different agents coupled to the bus 102 , such as processors, bus bridges, memory devices, peripheral devices, etc. The processor-memory bus 102 includes arbitration, address, data and control buses, and a bus interface unit (BIU) 124 . If multiple processors are used, each may be a parallel processor (a symmetric co-processor) or an asymmetric co-processor, such as a digital signal processor. In addition, the processors may include processors of different types. [0016] A slave processing unit (SPU) 126 contains a power state control (PSC) 128 . The PSC 128 has gating off memory coherency properties and memory coherency may be disabled for the component. Inside the PSC 128 is a counter 130 for counting cycles. The PSC 128 is coupled to and can communicate with the BIU 124 . The BIU 124 preferably contains a snoop ID cache 132 . [0017] FIGS. 2A and 2B show one process whereby the SPU 126 may enter into a power saving mode. In step 200 , the SPU 126 is in a paused or suspended state. In step 202 , the DPS 100 signals the SPU 126 to set a power manager registry (PM) 140 to 1 (see FIG. 1 , signal 138 ). As shown in step 204 , once the PSC 128 receives the signal 138 and sets the PM 140 to 1, the PSC 128 sends a PM Mode signal 144 and a PM Req signal 146 to the BIU 124 . At this stage, the PM Mode 144 and the PM Req 146 are both static signals and set to 1 and the PSC 128 is in a state to enter a low power mode. [0018] Before the PSC 128 enters the non-snoopable low power mode, the BIU 124 checks to see if any snoop requests are active or pending. In step 206 , the BIU 124 receives the PM Mode 144 and the PM Req 146 and determines if there are any active or pending snoop requests requiring the SPU 126 . If there are any snoop requests requiring the SPU 126 , the BIU 124 completes those snoop requests, in step 208 , before sending a signal to the SPU 126 to enter the non-snoopable low power mode. If no snoop requests are active or pending that require the SPU 126 , then the BIU 124 sends a one cycle pulse, PM Ack 148 , to the PSC 128 to initiate the process of entering the non-snoopable low power mode, in step 210 . After receiving the PM Ack 148 , the PSC 128 sends a signal 150 to turn off the clock mesh, in step 212 , and the PSC 128 enters into a low power mode, in step 214 . Any signal that results in starting a power saving mode may be utilized as signal 150 , such as for example shutting down the voltage source, clock mesh, or otherwise reducing power consumption. After sending the PM Ack 148 , the BIU 124 registers that the PSC 128 has entered a low power mode and cannot honor any snoop requests, as shown in step 310 of FIG. 3A . [0019] Because the PSC 128 has entered a low power non-snoopable mode, the PSC 128 would have to exit the low power mode before it can honor any snoop requests. If the BIU 124 receives a snoop request 152 , in step 324 , that requires the SPU 126 , as in step 326 , the BIU 124 responds to the snoop request 152 with a snoop retry protocol 154 , as shown in step 338 . After the BIU 124 sends the snoop retry 154 , the BIU 124 sends a one cycle wake-up pulse, Wake CM 156 , to the PSC 128 to turn on the clock mesh and exit the low power mode, in step 340 . [0020] After the PSC 128 has received the Wake CM 156 signal from the BIU 124 , the PSC 128 begins to exit the low power mode it is currently in, in step 342 . To exit the low power mode, the PSC 128 sends a signal 158 to turn on the clock mesh, or some other similar signal, to exit the low power mode, in step 344 . After the PSC 128 sends the signal 158 to turn on the clock mesh, the PSC 128 changes the PM Req 146 to 0 and sends the PM Req 146 , now set to 0, to the BIU 124 , in step 346 . The BIU 124 sees the PM Req 146 is set to 0 and in response registers that the SPU 126 has entered a snoopable power mode and the SPU 126 can now honor any snoop requests. The BIU 124 will send any further snoop requests to the SPU 126 , as shown in step 208 . [0021] To be both opportunistic and able to enter into a low power mode during periods between snoops, the SPU 126 needs to have a method for knowing when it can re-enter the low power mode. To accomplish this, the PSC 128 uses a counter 130 to count a predetermined number of cycles after the PSC 128 has set the PM Req 146 to 0, in step 348 . The predetermined number of cycles may preferably be 128 cycles, but can be any number that will typically be enough cycles to respond to a snoop request including only one cycle. After the predetermined number of cycles, the PSC 128 will set the PM Req 146 to 1 , meaning the PSC 128 is in a state to enter a low power mode, in step 350 , and will send the PM Req 146 and the PM Mode 144 to the BIU 124 , in step 204 . At this point, steps 206 - 214 are repeated and if no snoops are active or pending, the BIU 124 sends the PM Ack 148 signal to the PSC 128 and the SPU 126 enters a low power mode. This allows the SPU 126 to be opportunistic and enter into a low power mode during periods between snoops. [0022] Depending on the snoop retry protocol and system configuration, the time taken for a snoop to retry may exceed the time the SPU 126 stays in a snoopable mode before re-entering the low power non-snoopable mode. A live-lock situation may occur if the SPU 126 re-enters the low power mode too early. A live-lock situation is produced when a retried snoop request reaches the BIU 124 after the SPU 126 has entered the low power mode and therefore the snoop request 152 is sent back for a retry every time. [0023] To prevent a live-lock situation, a snoop ID may be used. For example, FIG. 3A shows a snoop request sent to the BIU 124 , similar to step 324 . Once the snoop is received, the snoop ID is compared to the snoop IDs in the snoop ID cache 132 , in step 332 . If the snoop ID matches one of the snoop IDs stored in the snoop ID cache 132 , then the snoop is completed, as in step 208 . If the snoop ID is not in the snoop ID cache 132 , instead of just sending a retry protocol, the BIU 124 stores the snoop ID in the snoop ID cache 132 , in step 336 . Now the BIU 124 knows there is a pending retry snoop and will not send the one cycle pulse, PM Ack 148 , to the PSC 128 to initiate the process of entering the non-snoopable low power mode. The snoop ID may be stored for only the first snoop request, or it may be stored for every snoop request. Once the snoop ID has been stored, the BIU 124 sends the Wake CM 156 , as in step 340 . [0024] If a snoop ID is used, when the BIU 124 receives a snoop request, it compares the incoming snoop request ID to the stored snoop IDs. If the ID matches a stored snoop ID, the snoop ID cache 132 may be cleared. The snoop ID cache 132 may be cleared of just the matching snoop ID, or it may be completely flushed. [0025] By using a snoop ID, a live lock situation is prevented because as each snoop request arrives, the snoop ID for that request is stored for comparison with later snoops. This enables the BIU 124 to know if any snoops have not been resent and, therefore, the BIU 124 can keep the SPU 126 in a snoopable power mode until all the retried snoops have been resent. Consequently, a retried snoop request can always reach the BIU 124 before the SPU 126 has entered the low power mode. [0026] To prevent the situation where if the first snoop, or any subsequent snoop, is sent back for retry but is never resent, each stored snoop ID may be cleared after a preset number of cycles have passed. The preset number of cycles should be long enough so that a snoop sent for retry will have time to be resent. The number of cycles depends on the system, components in the system, software, etc. [0027] To bring the SPU 126 to a snoopable power mode and prevent the SPU 126 from entering into a non-snoopable mode, the DPS 100 signals the SPU 126 to set the PM 140 to 0 (see FIG. 1 , signal 160 ), in step 216 . Once the PSC 128 receives signal 160 , the PSC 128 sets the PM 140 to 0 and sends a signal 158 to turn on the clock mesh and exit the low power mode, in step 222 . PSC 128 will ignore any future PM Ack pulses 148 and the PSC 128 can process any future snoop requests. [0028] To communicate to the BIU 124 that the SPU 126 will no longer be able to enter the low power mode, the PSC 128 changes the PM Mode 144 and the PM Req 146 from 1 to 0. Then, as shown in step 218 , the PM Mode 144 and the PM Req 146 are sent to the BIU 124 . In response to receiving the PM Mode 144 and the PM Req 146 set to 0, the BIU 124 clears the snoop ID cache 132 , in step 220 . [0029] In addition to being opportunistic and able to enter into a low power mode during periods between snoops, the invention may be able to give a valid response to snoop requests targeting groups of snoopable contents without having to wake up the entire component. For example, the BIU 124 may be in communication with many sub-components, such as atomics 134 , an L1 local cache, or a memory management unit translation lookaside buffer (MMU TLB) with memory coherency properties. A snoop request requiring information in one of the sub-components, like the MMU TLB 136 , could be satisfied without having the MMU TLB 136 or the SPU 126 exit the low power mode, in step 326 . To achieve this, the MMU TLB 136 would send set bits to the BIU 124 . The BIU 124 would store the bits and when a snoop request is sent targeting the MMU TLB 136 , the BIU 124 would use the stored bits and respond to the snoop request with a valid response without having to wake the SPU 126 , in step 328 . Thereby giving a valid response to a snoop request targeting the MMU TLB 136 contents without having to wake up the SPU 126 or the MMU TLB 136 . [0030] Although the invention has been described with reference to a specific embodiment, these descriptions are not meant to be construed in a limiting sense. Various modifications of the disclosed embodiment, as well as alternative embodiments of the invention, will become apparent to persons skilled in the art upon reference to the description of the invention. It is therefore contemplated that the claims will cover any such modifications or embodiments that fall within the true scope and spirit of the invention.
A component of a microprocessor-based data processing system, which includes features for regulating power consumption in snoopable components and has gating off memory coherency properties, is determined to be in a relatively inactive state and is transitioned to a non-snoopable low power mode. Then, when a snoop request occurs, a retry protocol is sent in response to the snoop request. In conjunction with the retry protocol, a signal is sent to bring the component into snoopable mode. When the retry snoop is requested, the component is in full power mode and can properly respond to the snoop request. After the snoop request has been satisfied, the component again enters into a low power mode. Therefore, the component is able to enter into a low power mode in between snoops
BACKGROUND OF INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates generally to boosted internal combustion engines and air compressors used therein. More particularly, the invention relates to variable displacement internal combustion engines and air compressors used therein adapted to operate over a wide range of airflow rates. 2. Background of the Invention As is known in the art, for conventional boosted internal combustion engines, such as supercharged or turbocharged engines, an air compressor pressurizes air in the intake of the engine. By increasing density in the intake, the engine inducts and combusts a greater amount of air and fuel, thereby increasing the power output of the engine. One such compressor is a centrifugal compressor having: an impeller rotatable about an axial shaft for forcing air entering along the axis outwardly toward the outer circumferential region of the compressor, an outlet disposed along a portion of the circumferential portion, and a diffuser disposed in the outlet for converting the kinetic energy of the air forced toward the circumferential portion into air pressure as the air passes through the outlet. Diffuser is a term of art applied to centrifugal compressors. Air at high velocity enters the diffuser and is slowed down in the diffuser with a consequent increase in pressure. Typically, the diffuser contains stator blades (alternatively called guide vanes) to provide efficient energy conversion. Alternatively, the diffuser can be without blades or vaneless. As is also known in the art, the operating range of the air compressor is limited by choking at high airflow rates and surging at low airflow rate. Surge is an unstable operating condition, which is to be avoided. In the stable operating region of a compressor operating map, when outlet air flow is restricted, the pressure rises to counteract the restriction. But, in the unstable region of the operating map, a further restriction causes the pressure of the compressor to fall. Higher pressure air in the delivery pipe surges back through the compressor. But, with this pressure relief, the compressor responds by rebuilding pressure, causing flow in the forward direction. The constant flow reversals lead to this surging condition. It is typical to match the engine demands to the compressor to avoid choking or surging. However, this presents a challenge, particularly in gasoline engines, which are typically throttled, when the ratio between the highest and lowest airflow rates is great. As is also known in the art, one type of internal combustion engine is a variable displacement engine (VDE) in which a portion of the cylinders are deactivated during low power conditions. When boosting is used with such VDE, it has been proposed to use two or more air compressors separately coupled to active or inactive cylinders. In such an arrangement, the compressor coupled to inactive cylinders is deactivated. Such a solution, however, is costly and complex. U.S. Pat. No. 5,310,309 discloses a centrifugal compressor, which is designed for avoiding surging at low airflow rates. Stator blades are arranged in the diffuser of the compressor. The stator blades have leading edges inclined in the downstream direction while extending away from a side plate toward a core plate. Auxiliary blades are arranged at positions inward of the stator blades. The auxiliary blades shift the surge limit to lower airflows. However, these blades do not shift the surge limit to the extent needed for a high reduction in airflow, for example when using the compressor to charge a VDE, where the airflow is reduced drastically when some cylinders are deactivated. Furthermore, an additional manufacturing step is used to provide a compressor with auxiliary blades. SUMMARY OF INVENTION In accordance with the invention, a compressor is provided having a compressor housing defining an air inlet and a plurality of air outlets adapted to be fed air from the air inlet. A rotatable shaft with a plurality of impeller blades coupled to said rotatable shaft is disposed within the housing. A plurality of diffusers is provided, each one of the diffusers being coupled to one of the air outlets. With such an arrangement, a compressor is provided having a common housing with a plurality of air outlets. Further, with such an arrangement, airflow from one of the air outlets can be changed relative to the airflow from the other one of the air outlets. In one embodiment, the airflow from one outlet can be stopped so that air flows through the other outlets only. In the case of a two air outlet compressor, the velocity of the air flowing through the open outlets and the corresponding diffuser therein is roughly twice that compared to having one outlet due to the reduction in cross-section. Consequently, the compressor is less likely to access the surging condition. An advantage of the invention is that the surge limit of a compressor with the two air outlets is shifted to lower airflow. This is useful under the following exemplary operating conditions of the engine: low engine speed, at closed throttle, or when operating with some of the cylinders deactivated in a VDE engine. Further, with such an arrangement, the compressor unit has, in effect, a plurality of compressors housed in one package. In one embodiment, at least one partition wall separates a pair of the plurality of diffusers. In one embodiment, each of the impeller blades has a slot extending radially inward, and the partition wall between each pair of diffusers extends radially into the slots of the impeller blades. In one embodiment, a separator is coupled to the impeller blades. In one embodiment, the partition wall is positioned substantially perpendicular with respect to an axis of rotation of the shaft. In accordance with another feature of the invention, a variable displacement engine is provided. The engine includes a plurality of sets of combustion cylinders. A compressor is provided having a rotatable shaft; a compressor housing defining an air inlet and a plurality of air outlets; a rotatable shaft disposed within the housing; and a plurality of impeller blades coupled to the rotatable shaft and disposed within the housing; and a plurality of circumferential diffusers disposed within the housing, each one of the diffusers being coupled to a corresponding one of said air outlets which is further coupled to a corresponding one of said set of combustion cylinders. At least one of said sets of combustion cylinders is deactivated, thereby causing flow in said diffusers corresponding to said deactivated combustion cylinders to substantially stop. In a further embodiment of the invention, a partition wall, or septum, is disposed between the two air diffusers. The partition wall divides the airflow so that the air is divided as it comes off the impeller blades. During low airflows, efficiency of the compressor is improved when one of the outlets is closed. In one of the diffusers, the air passages are smaller so that the streaming air is of a velocity within the diffuser not within the surge limit. In one embodiment, each impeller blade has a slot extending radially inward and the partition wall of the compressor housing between the diffusers of such air outlets extends radially into the slots of the impeller blades, forming two sub-compressors. In this way, the flow is substantially divided within the impeller section. In a further embodiment, the compressor wheel has a separator coupled to the impeller blades. The separator separates the airflow near the compressor shaft to shift surging of the compressor to lower airflows. In this embodiment, the separator causes the flow to divide at the upstream portion of the impeller blades. The above advantages, other advantages, and other features of the present invention will be readily apparent from the following detailed description of the preferred embodiments when taken in connection with the accompanying drawings. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS The advantages described herein will be more fully understood by reading an example of an embodiment in which the invention is used to advantage, with reference to the accompanying drawings wherein: FIG. 1, is a longitudinal cross-sectional view of a compressor with circumferentially arranged diffusers according to an aspect of the present invention; FIG. 2 is an axial view of the compressor in FIG. 1; FIG. 3 is a partial longitudinal cross-sectional view of a compressor with a separator according to another aspect of the present invention; FIG. 4 is a partial longitudinal cross-sectional view a compressor with an extending partition wall according to another aspect of the present invention; FIG. 5 is an axial view of a compressor with diffusers arranged on the circumference according to an aspect of the invention; FIG. 6 is a longitudinal cross-sectional view of a compressor in FIG. 5; and FIG. 7 is a schematic representation of the coupling of a variable displacement engine and a compressor with two separate outlets according to one aspect of the invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION Referring to FIG. 1, a cross-section of a compressor 1 is illustrated. A shaft 2 and a compressor wheel 3 , having impeller blades 4 , are rigidly connected together. Elements 2 , 3 , and 4 are disposed within a compressor housing 5 . Shaft 2 can be driven by any source, preferably by the turbine of a turbocharger, which is not shown here. The compressor housing 5 forms a first diffuser 6 and a second diffuser 7 . Both diffusers are separated by partition wall 8 . A plurality of stator blades 9 are arranged in both diffusers 6 and 7 . Through air inlet 10 , intake airflow 11 is drawn into compressor housing 5 and is accelerated by impeller blades 4 of the rotating compressor wheel 3 . When impeller airflow 12 leaves impeller blades 4 , it is divided into two air streams, whereby first air stream 13 flows into first diffuser 6 and second air stream 14 flows into second diffuser 7 . Although partition wall 8 is shown in FIG. 1 in a central position with equal widths of diffusers 6 and 7 in the area of stator blades 9 , partition wall 8 can be biased away from the center so that the width of one of the diffusers is bigger than the other. This can be applied to the situation when the compressor is designed for different maximum airflows through first diffuser 6 and second diffuser 7 , for example. FIG. 2 shows a schematic view of compressor 1 in the axial direction of compressor shaft 2 . Compressor wheel 3 with impeller blades 4 is located centrally in compressor housing 5 , circumferentially surrounded by stator blades 9 in first diffuser 6 and second diffuser 7 . First diffuser 6 is coupled to a first outlet 15 where the first air stream exits 13 . Second diffuser 7 is coupled to a second outlet 16 where the second air stream exits 14 . A further advantage of the present invention can be seen in FIG. 2, as the outlets are positioned at different circumferential positions at the compressor housing 5 . Both outlets can be arranged at any circumferential position to achieve easy access, to provide for simple coupling to further conduits, pipes, and air intakes, as examples, and to allow for optimal packaging of compressor 1 . When a low airflow is required, due to deactivation of some cylinders of a VDE or due to a low flow operating condition of the engine, second outlet 16 is closed, as will be described in more detail in connection with FIG. 7 . Suffice it to say here, however, that when closed all of inlet airflow 11 flows through first diffuser 6 , while nearly no air flows through second diffuser 7 . Thus, first airflow 13 in first diffuser 6 is nearly equal to intake flow 11 , and is therefore much higher than it would be without second outlet 16 closed. The higher airflow through diffuser 6 avoids surging at lower intake airflows 11 , thereby causing the surge limit of compressor 1 to be shifted to lower limits. In FIG. 3, a further embodiment of compressor 1 with a separator 18 intersecting with impeller blades 4 is shown. Compressor wheel 3 , separator 18 , and impeller blades 4 are made, preferably, from one part, e.g., a metal casting. Separator 18 creates first air channel 19 and second air channel 20 on compressor wheel 3 . This causes inlet airflow 11 to be separated at inner radius 21 of separator 18 in a first airflow 22 and a second airflow 23 . At its outer radius 24 , separator 18 corresponds with inner radius 25 of partition wall 8 , so that first airflow 22 and second airflow 23 are separately flowing into corresponding first diffuser 6 and second diffuser 7 , respectively. FIG. 4 illustrates a further embodiment of compressor 1 with a partition wall 26 extending radially inward and impeller blades 27 , each of them having a slot 28 . Partition wall extension 29 of partition wall 26 mates with slots 28 from impeller blades 27 . Similar to the design shown in regards to FIG. 3, inlet airflow 11 is separated into a first airflow 30 and a second airflow 31 at inner radius 32 of partition wall extension 29 . Referring to FIGS. 5 and 6, a compressor 33 comprises a compressor wheel 3 with impeller blades 4 , located in compressor housing 34 . A first diffuser 35 and a second diffuser 36 are arranged on the same circumference at the compressor housing 34 . The approximate area of each diffuser is illustrated in FIG. 5 by different textures. Compressor wheel 3 is surrounded circumferentially by stator blades 38 , which are located in first diffuser 35 and second diffuser 36 . First diffuser 35 is coupled to a first outlet 39 , where first air stream 40 exits. Second diffuser 36 is coupled to a second outlet 41 , where the second air stream exits. Preferably, outlets 39 and 41 are opposed to each other, with respect to the axis of compressor 33 . Accordingly, diffusers 35 and 36 each extend over approximately half of the circumference. However, the area ratio can be varied depending on the desired maximum airflow through each diffuser. In FIG. 7, a schematic representation of the coupling of a VDE with the inventive compressor is shown. Engine 43 comprises a first group of cylinders 44 and a second group of cylinders 45 , with the second group of cylinders 45 capable of being deactivated. A turbocharger 46 includes a turbine 46 and a compressor 48 , driven by turbine 47 . Compressor 48 comprises a first outlet 49 , which is connected through a fluid, here air, conduit 50 to the first group of cylinders 44 , and a second outlet 51 , which is connected through a fluid, here air, conduit 52 to the second group of cylinders 45 . A valve 53 is arranged in first fluid conduit 50 and a valve 54 is arranged in second fluid conduit 52 . Both valves 53 and 54 are capable of controlling the airflow through their respective fluid conduits separately. Exhaust gases from cylinders 44 and 45 are exhausted into exhaust manifold 55 through turbine 47 of turbocharger 46 . When the second group of cylinders 45 is deactivated, airflow in the second fluid conduit 52 is automatically interrupted so that all the airflow in compressor 48 exits through first outlet 49 and flows through first fluid conduit 52 to first group of cylinders 44 . With control valves 53 and 54 , airflows passing coupled to first and second fluid conduits 51 and 52 are controlled to achieve a smooth transition of the airflows when activating and deactivating the second group of cylinders 45 . In FIG. 7, valves 53 and 54 are shown as being separate from engine 43 . Alternatively, valves 53 and 54 may be intake and/or exhaust valves of engine 43 . In FIG. 7, engine 43 is a 4-cylinder engine in which two of the cylinders are deactivatable, by way of example. The present invention is applicable to any VDE configuration, i.e., any multi-cylinder engine with any number of deactivatable cylinders. Furthermore, the present invention applies to any internal combustion engine, including engines other than a VDE with deactivatable cylinders, in which the range in airflow over the operating range of the engine is greater than can be provided by a conventional compressor when considering the limits due to surge and choking. Thus, a system and method are disclosed for regulating engine idle speed by coordinating control of two actuators: a slow actuator and a fast actuator. The slow actuator is preferably a throttle valve and the fast actuator is preferably an ignition system affecting spark timing. The slow actuator is controlled based on an idle power requirement and the target idle speed; whereas the fast actuator is controlled based on the idle power requirement and the actual idle speed. Additionally, control of the two actuators is further based on a desired power reserve and an actual power reserve. Power reserve is related to the ratio of the power produced by the engine and the power that would be produced by the engine if the faster actuator were at its optimal setting. It should be understood that while a two-air outlet compressor has been described, the compressor could include additional outlets each with a diffuser. With this design of either one or more than one of the can be closed. This provides an advantage by avoiding surging by adapting the compressor more precisely to an even wider range in airflow. Preferably, this is used when a variable displacement engine comprises a plurality of sets, or groups, of cylinders of which more than one is capable of being deactivated at different times. While embodiments of the invention have been illustrated and described, it is not intended that these embodiments illustrate and describe all possible forms of the invention. Rather, the words used in the specification are words of description rather than limitation, and it is understood that various changes may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
An inlet air compressor for an internal combustion engine is provided which has one inlet and a plurality of outlets. Within the compressor are disposed a plurality of diffusers coupled to the plurality of outlets. The flow is divided among the plurality of outlets so that at conditions of low overall flow rate through the engine, which would, in a compressor according to the prior art, ordinarily surge, allow the flow to be substantially discontinued through one or more diffusers and continue at through the remaining diffusers. In this way, the diffusers with flow operate within an acceptable operating range and avoid a surging condition. The present invention is directed to engines having a wide range of flow rates. A couple of examples are gasoline engines and variable displacement engines.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0001] The present invention relates to a extremely compact apparatus for locking onto a metal or alloy chain. It is adapted to provide both safety and convenience for the user. In a suggested usage the apparatus may be incorporated into a weightlifting apparatus that allows weightlifters to solely perform exercises with heavily weighted barbells moving primarily in the vertical plane, but unrestricted in any axis of movement so as to provide a safe and truly free-weight lifting environment. It allows the barbell to be “racked” in a secure configuration so as to function as a self-spotting device, able to take the load of the barbell from the lifter at will. [0002] The American populace loves working out with weights. There has been a meteoric rise of small ‘boutique” personal training facilities in the last two years as the scientific study of weightlifting as applied to sports performance is big business now. However, many weightlifters still work out at home by themselves for a plethora of different reasons. While the commercial gyms and training facilities abound with safety mechanisms the personal gyms do not. Most safety mechanisms are incorporated into the larger pieces of expensive and professional equipment. Home gyms don't have the space to accommodate these spatial monstrosities, and thus lack these safety mechanisms. [0003] Henceforth, an economical, safety system for weightlifters that can be engaged or disengaged by a sole weightlifter at multiple vertical positions would fulfill a long felt need in the weightlifting industry. This new invention utilizes and combines known and new technologies in a unique and novel configuration to overcome the aforementioned problems and accomplish this. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0004] The general purpose of the present invention, which will be described subsequently in greater detail, is to provide a chain trap that is capable of being attached to various bases and surfaces so as to allow the quick and simple connection of a chain of a linked construction. [0005] It has many of the advantages mentioned heretofore and many novel features that result in a new chain trap which is not anticipated, rendered obvious, suggested, or even implied by any of the prior art, either alone or in any combination thereof. [0006] In accordance with the invention, an object of the present invention is to provide an improved chain trap that is devoid of all moving parts and is capable of quick and secure affixation to a link of any compatibly sized chain. [0007] It is another object of this invention to provide a device capable of locking onto any link of a chain and which may be configured for connection to a plethora of different surfaces, with a plethora of different connectors, for use in both the vertical plane, horizontal plane and there between. [0008] It is still another object of this invention to provide an improved chain trap capable of locking or unlocking from a chain by a backward rotation of its body through an acute angle. [0009] It is a further object of this invention to provide an improved chain trap that allows for the passage of chain through its body with a minimum generation of friction. [0010] It is still a further object of this invention to provide for an improved chain trap than can be incorporated into a chain auto releasing device upon the coupling of an alternate embodiment connecting member . [0011] The subject matter of the present invention is particularly pointed out and distinctly claimed in the concluding portion of this specification. However, both the organization and method of operation, together with further advantages and objects thereof, may best be understood by reference to the following description taken in connection with accompanying drawings wherein like reference characters refer to like elements. Other objects, features and aspects of the present invention are discussed in greater detail below. [0012] There has thus been outlined, rather broadly, the more important features of the invention in order that the detailed description thereof that follows may be better understood and in order that the present contribution to the art may be better appreciated. There are, of course, additional features of the invention that will be described hereinafter and which will form the subject matter of the claims appended hereto. [0013] In this respect, before explaining at least one embodiment of the invention in detail, it is to be understood that the invention is not limited in its application to the details of construction and to the arrangements of the components set forth in the following description or illustrated in the drawings. The invention is capable of other embodiments and of being practiced and carried out in various ways. Also, it is to be understood that the phraseology and terminology employed herein are for the purpose of descriptions and should not be regarded as limiting. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0014] FIG. 1 is a front perspective view of the chain trap engaged with a vertical chain and utilizing a connecting member embodiment adapted for connection to a barbell; [0015] FIG. 2 is a front perspective view of the chain trap disengaged engaged with a vertical chain and utilizing a connecting member embodiment adapted for connection to a barbell; [0016] FIG. 3 is a front perspective view of the body of the chain trap; [0017] FIG. 4 is a top view of the body of the chain trap; [0018] FIG. 5 is a front view of the body of the chain trap; [0019] FIG. 6 is a right side view of the body of the chain trap; [0020] FIG. 7 is a back view of the body of the chain trap; [0021] FIG. 8 is a left side view of the body of the chain trap; [0022] FIG. 9 is a bottom view of the body of the chain trap; [0023] FIG. 10 is a front perspective view of the first alternate embodiment chain trap; [0024] FIG. 11 is a front perspective view of the second alternate embodiment body of the chain trap; [0025] FIG. 12 is a front perspective view of the third alternate embodiment body of the chain trap; [0026] FIG. 13 is a front perspective view of the fourth alternate embodiment body of the chain trap; [0027] FIG. 14 is a front perspective view of the fourth alternate embodiment chain trap; and [0028] FIG. 15 is a front perspective view of a barbell suspended by two chains engagers with two chain traps. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0029] As used herein, the term “chain” refers to a connected flexible series of links or rings (generally metal or steel) passing through one another, and used for fastening or securing objects and pulling or supporting loads. [0030] As used herein, the term “of a matingly conforming size” with respect to a chain for use with the chain trap, refers to a chain having individual links or rings that are sized for passage through the ovate opening of the chain trap's body, while the link or ring size prevents all adjacent links or rings (which are disposed generally perpendicular to all other adjacent links) from passage through the ovate opening. Stated in other terms, the chain has a thickness lesser than the width of the ovate opening but a width (the side to side measurement of the adjacent link or ring) that is greater than the width of the ovate opening. [0031] As used herein, the term “unitary” refers to a one piece device or unit. Although it may be comprised of separate elements permanently affixed together. They are affixed in such a fashion that they cannot be separated from the whole device or unit without destroying the device or unit or rendering it inoperable. [0032] The present invention is designed to operate in both the vertical and horizontal planes (and angles there between) depending from which direction the chain exerts its force. Discussion of its structure and operation will herein refer to the linear axis of the body residing in the vertical plane and the chains also residing in the vertical plane. Generally, the load the device supports will be moved in the vertical plane. Although discussed as a chain trap the disclosed apparatus will also work with a knotted rope. [0033] Looking at FIGS. 3-9 it can best be seen that the preferred embodiment chain trap 2 is comprised of a chain trap body 4 and a pair of connecting members 6 . The body 4 is a unitary housing having a first side 12 and a second side 14 that are held in a generally parallel, vertical configuration by a generally horizontal chain guide 10 and a shoulder 16 . Preferably the chain guide is circular in cross section to allow the ease of passage of the chain links or rings by it. The shoulder 16 lies at an acute angle between the horizontal and vertical planes. (Preferably this angle is 50 degrees with respect to the horizontal plane although this angle may vary from 40 to 60 degrees.) On the body, the edges (interface) where the shoulder 16 meets the sides 12 and 14 , on both the outer surfaces and the inner surfaces of the body 4 , are rounded (radiused). For the purposes of strength, the body is made as a unitary piece with no moving or detachable parts. It may be fabricated by casting, machining or welding and will be made of a strong yet not brittle metal, steel or alloy, although high strength polymers may be suitable for certain applications. [0034] The unitary housing has a fully open bottom ( FIGS. 3 and 9 ), a fully open back ( FIG. 7 ), a fully open front ( FIGS. 3 and 5 ) and a partially open shoulder ( FIGS. 4 and 5 ). The shoulder 16 has an ovate orifice 13 formed there through ( FIGS. 5 and 9 ) where the orifice has its lower end truncated (cut off) and tapered (widened out) that extends to the the fully open front. This results in an ovate opening in the angled shoulder, beginning at the bottom edge of the shoulder where it meets the open front. [0035] From each side of the chain trap 2 and extending from the lower end of its body 4 are two connecting flanges 8 . These flanges 8 generally extend normally (horizontally) from the sides 12 and 14 and also the vertical linear axis of the chain trap 2 although various configurations and designs of the flanges 8 would be known by one skilled in the art and may be substituted as such. The purpose of the flanges 8 is to affix various embodiments of the connecting members 6 to the body 4 . (Or to one of the alternate embodiment upper bodies with such flanges 6 .) [0036] In the preferred embodiment the sides 12 and 14 each have an arc 18 formed on their bottom edge that extends slightly below the bottoms of flanges 8 . ( FIGS. 6 and 8 ) This arc 18 accommodates the curve of the barbell 20 which is captured between these arcs 18 and the preferred embodiment connecting member 6 . (It is this arc that distinguished the preferred embodiment from the second alternate embodiment of FIG. 11 .) In this preferred embodiment the connecting member 6 comprises a “U” bolt and accordingly sized nuts which have been mechanically fastened to the connecting plates 8 around the barbell 20 . The preferred embodiment is designed for the specific purpose of spotting weightlifters. [0037] Looking at FIGS. 1 and 2 , the operation of the chain trap 2 can best be explained. With the chain trap 2 tilted backwards from the vertical plane, a chain 22 of a matingly conforming size is fed upward from the open bottom of the chain trap 2 , parallel to both of the sides 12 and 14 so as to pass between the front of the guide 10 and the back of the barbell bell 20 to reside in the open front of the body 4 . ( FIG. 2 ) When the chain trap 2 is rotated back to a vertical position, an upper link 34 of chain 22 slides into the ovate openingl 3 in the shoulder of the body 4 such that the upper link's width resides parallel to the two sides 12 and 14 . The lower link 36 is contacted by the guide 10 so as to force the width of the lower link 36 to turn and remain perpendicular to width of the upper link 34 ( FIG. 1 ). This allows the top portion of the lower link 36 to contact the inner face of the shoulder 16 . The lower link 36 cannot rotate so as to align with the ovate opening 13 and pass through. This contact at the interface between the lower link 36 and the inner face of the shoulder of the chain trap body 4 sees all the weight of the barbell. Since the width of the chain links is greater than the width of the ovate opening 13 , no further chain can pass through the open front of the body 4 . (It is to be noted that the guide 10 may be a fully formed cylinder or a partially formed cylindrical shape.) [0038] Because the shoulder 16 angles upward at 50 degrees from the horizontal plane, the lower link 36 is not only trapped in the chain trap 2 but is forced upward toward the rear of the ovate opening 13 (and generally to the rear of the body 4 ) further preventing the lower link 36 from escaping and potentially passing through the ovate opening 13 . Once the load is removed such that the lower link 36 drops below the ovate opening 13 and the body 4 is tilted backwards at an acute angle away from the vertical plane, the lower chain link 36 is free to move downward and forward from its trapped position and pass freely through the open front of the body 4 . [0039] In operation as an invisible spotter for a weightlifter, the chain trap 2 is affixed to a barbell 20 and a set of two chains affixed to an overhead member hang vertically down from the overhead member through the open front of the body 4 . The weightlifter rotates the barbell 20 such that the chain can freely pass through the open front of the body 4 as the barbell is raised an lowered vertically. When securement is needed, the weightlifter need only rotate the barbell 20 with the attached chain trap, to engage the chain links or rings into the chain trap 2 , thereby supporting the weight of the barbell. (See FIG. 15 ) [0040] Looking at FIG. 10 , the first alternate embodiment chain trap 24 can be seen. This embodiment is also intended for connection to a barbell. Here the body 26 retains all of the elements of the preferred embodiment body 4 except that the flanges 8 have been removed and replaced by the upper threaded half of a circular clamp 28 . The first alternate connecting member 30 comprises the lower half of the circular clamp and connects to the body with threaded fasteners 32 so as to encircle bar 20 . The first alternate connecting member 30 is pivotally connected at its distal end to the upper threaded half of a circular clamp. This embodiment simplifies connection to a barbell as there is two threaded fasteners per chain trap rather than four as in the preferred embodiment. Other than the difference in attachment of the chain trap to the barbell, the operation of this first alternate embodiment chain trap 24 is undistinguishable from that of the preferred embodiment 2. [0041] The second alternate embodiment trap chain 38 ( FIG. 11 ) is designed for vertical mounting and differs from the preferred embodiment ( FIG. 3 ) by the elimination of the arc 18 at the bottom of the walls 12 and 14 . As such the flanges 8 are formed along the bottom edge of each side 12 or 14 . This allows for the direct bolting of the body to any flat surface such as the corner of a shipping container and will accommodate vertical lifting with a trapped chain. [0042] The third alternate embodiment trap chain 40 ( FIG. 12 ) is designed for horizontal mounting for the application of horizontal forces from a trapped chain. It differs from the preferred embodiment only with the elimination of the arcs 18 formed on the bottom edge of each side 12 or 14 and the movement of the flanges 8 from the bottom of the sides 12 and 14 to their back edges. This adds material strength to the third embodiment body 42 . ( FIGS. 6 and 8 ) It is to be noted that in the second and third alternate embodiments 38 and 40 , their connecting members are not illustrated as they could be threaded fasteners, pins, weld beads or other mechanical fastening devices well known in the art to affix the body of the chain trap to a flat surface (vertical or horizontal) of the article desired to be moved. [0043] FIGS. 13 and 14 illustrate the fourth alternate trap chain 44 . The fourth alternate embodiment trap chain body 44 is designed for horizontal or vertical mounting and differs from the preferred embodiment with the elimination of the arcs 18 on sides 12 and 14 , the elimination of the flanges 8 formed on the bottom edge of each side 12 or 14 and the substitution of two threaded studs 48 that extend normally therefrom sides 12 and 14 . [0044] The fourth embodiment connecting member 50 is a pivotable connecting plate with bolt orifices 52 formed therethrough for the threaded attachment to a load. It is to be noted that the studs 48 lie forward of the linear vertical axis of the catch 46 . In this way when there is slack achieved on the chains and the bottom link 36 drops beneath the ovate opening 13 of the shoulder of the catch 44 , the off set weight of the catch 44 will cause the catch 44 to tilt backward thus freeing the chain for free, unrestricted vertical movement. [0045] Although disclosed as utilizing threaded mechanical engagement with loads it is well known that other methods of mechanical attachment may be used such as elevises, pins or welding. [0046] Although not disclosed in figures, it is well known that a spring loaded, hingeable connecting member may be incorporated into the chain trap. With this type of arrangement, when the chain is lowered incrementally beyond the point where the load on the chain is reduced to zero, the spring would force the body to tilt away from the vertical plane such that the chain 22 would then be free of the chain trap and could be raised vertically out of the chain trap. With this type of arrangement a load could be craned to its final resting position, set down and then the chains would automatically release allowing the crane to withdraw the chains for further loading without the use of a dock hand. 180 degree placement of the chain traps would ensure that inadvertent releases did not occur. [0047] Although not depicted in the figures, it is envisioned that for secure load lifting and suspension, a locking pin would be inserted through the sides 12 and 14 between the trapped chain 22 and the front opening. This pin could either pass through one of the chain links or press up tight against the lower link of the chain, sandwiching it between this pin and the guide 10 and preventing it from turning 90 degrees or coming loose in the event the tension on the chain were reduced to zero. [0048] The above description will enable any person skilled in the art to make and use this invention. It also sets forth the best modes for carrying out this invention. There are numerous variations and modifications thereof that will also remain readily apparent to others skilled in the art, now that the general principles of the present invention have been disclosed. [0049] As such, those skilled in the art will appreciate that the conception, upon which this disclosure is based, may readily be utilized as a basis for the designing of other structures, methods and systems for carrying out the several purposes of the present invention. It is important, therefore, that the claims be regarded as including such equivalent constructions insofar as they do not depart from the spirit and scope of the present invention.
A chain catch that is capable of being attached to various bases so as to allow the quick and simple affixation of the chain catch to any vertical chain. The chain catch has an upper body and a lower body. The upper body is designed to trap a vertical chain within its internal design while it remains within its vertical orientation, and the lower body is designed to attach to a load and to the upper body. When the tension is taken off of the chain within the chain catch and the upper body is tilted, the chain may be vertically raised, free from the chain catch or the chain catch and its attached barbell can be vertically raised.
FIELD AND BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to cable feeding devices in general and, in particular, to a new and useful device for depositing a cable having a plurality of filaments, in particular, a cable of chemical fibers in a can or container, with the cable being wound from the outside on a receiving body by means of a sorting arm or distributor, with the spirals thus produced being detachable from the receiving body by means of a transport device, and with the receiving body, which is in itself rotationally movable in the rotating distributor, being prevented from rotating, contactlessly or respectively with the use of force- or form-locking means. DESCRIPTION OF THE PRIOR ART In the production of staple fibers, the filaments spun from a nozzle are, in a manner known per se, joined to cables in a first step and then deposited in cans or containers. In known can depositions, which operate at speeds up to 1500 m/min., the cables are deposited directly into the cans by means of toothed rollers. At higher operating speeds, which are desirable from the viewpoint of reducing the staple fiber manufacturing costs, the impingement energy of the cable is so great, however, that the cable spirals already deposited in the can would be churned. Owing to this, it is practically impossible to draw the cable properly from the can during the next following operation. To counteract such undesirable phenomena or to avoid them, it is customary to reduce the deposition speed by either upsetting the cable or depositing it in wave shapes. Particularly at great cable thicknesses, however, this method has proven to be impractical. It is further known to reduce the deposition speed by forming a helical cable column from the extended cable in the air which then deposits in the can by itself. To produce such a column, either curved pipes or turbo-distributors are used. It has proven to be rather difficult, however, to deposit such a cable column formed in the air in the can, without rotation, because even at optimal design of such rotary distributors, the cable column is found, in practice, to invariably be more or less unstable. Such instability necessarily leads to overwinding and slipping of the already deposited cable spirals and finally to disarray. This disarray frequently is the cause of interruptions in further processing. To remedy these and similar situations, it is customary to decelerate the cable column in the direction of rotation by depositing the cable in a pipe or in the interior of a cage formed by rods. However, because of the high speed of rotation of the distributor, it is practically impossible to remove the spirals, thus decelerated downwardly, quickly enough by gravity alone. To provide some remedy to this problem, it is known to transport the spirals formed on the inner wall of the pipe or cage downwardly by means of a veil of air or to use a cage formed by conveyor belts, in order to lay the spirals of the cable directly on the cage. Even if, with the above described measures, the cable spirals can be prevented from the undesired rotation while still transporting them reliably, such a procedure has the general disadvantage that it requires a high centrifugal force, for one thing, to draw the cable from the feed rollers, and secondly, to cause it to make contact on the inner wall of the pipe or cage. Measures and procedures such as those described above are therefore tied to minimum speeds, which depend on the type of fiber used, the cable thickness, and the spin finish, among other things. Moreover, they require a relatively expensive cable feed, in order to have to apply little tension, to the extent possible, for drawing the cable into the rotary distributor. Another procedure which has become known aims to wind the cable on a stationary body by means of a rotating distributor and then to detach the spirals thus produced from it. This method has the advantage that, due to the overfeed of the distributor relative to the godets, any desired tension can be set. This method can thus be used for all speeds and cable thicknesses. In addition, the deceleration of the cable spirals in the direction of rotation is ensured, particularly since the spirals, due to their traction, exert a pressure directed radially inwardly on the receiving body and thereby supply the necessary frictional force themselves. At high speeds, however, the tension required for drawing the cable off of the godets and for overcoming the centrifugal force during winding on the receiving body is very great. Consequently, an equally great pressure is imparted to the receiving body. However, as this pressure is preserved after the depositing, it is extremely difficult to again detach the cable spirals from the receiving body and to transport them into the can. It is also known to design the receiving body in a conical form and to detach the spirals from it by vibration. Such a procedure can be employed with some prospect of success only at relatively low winding tensions. As such low winding tensions are insufficient to draw the cable off of the godets at high speeds, this mode of pushing off is unsuitable in practice. A suitable method of detachment of the spirals from the receiving body and the manner in which the stationary body is to be mounted must therefore be regarded as still unsolved. Even if its support should be successful, in whatever manner employed, it still remains problematical inasmuch as access to the receiving body from above is hindered by the rotating distributor, and from below, by the falling cable column. In German Pat. No. 929,123, although for a different area of application in textiles, a solution for the mounting of a detaching body and the detaching of the filament spirals from this body has been proposed. Here, the receiving body is rotatably mounted in the rotary distributor and it is prevented from rotating from the outside. The wound helical spirals are converted to flat spirals and are then spooled on a spool. Detachment of the spirals from the receiving body occurs by means of conveyor belts which are arranged in slots in the receiving body and which push the spirals across the coil former. The conveyor belts are driven from within by the rotary distributor through a worm drive. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The practical application according to the invention further to be discussed here differs very essentially from the proposal according to German Pat. No. 929,123 by the fact alone that not filaments, but relatively thick cables are received, and that the cable spirals are not to be spooled but deposited in cans as helical spirals at very high speeds. Although the solution already proposed according to German Pat. No. 929,123 is quite advantageous, it certainly cannot be transferred to the practical application given here, as the conveyor belts proposed as the transport means are by no means sufficient to detach the thick cable spirals from the conveyor belts after they have been wound on them with great tractive force. A major defect also exists in the solution proposed according to German Pat. No. 929,123 especially in that the transport means are driven from within, so that besides the bearing friction moment, the drive moment of the transport means is also transmitted to the receiving body and must be absorbed by force- or form-locking means acting from the outside. Building on the solution proposed in German Pat. No. 929,123, the present invention has set itself to the task of showing at least one practical means of a solution to bring about the detachment of the cable from the receiving body in a simple and expedient manner and of keeping the torque exerted on the receiving body, which is to be absorbed from the outside, as low as possible. This problem is essentially solved by constructing a transport device with at least one pusher firmly connected with a rotary distributor whose receiving body cooperating with it comprises means by which it, together with matching further means, essentially arranged in a stationary outer ring, is prevented from participating in the rotational movement originating from the rotary distributor. In a development of the idea of the invention, these means, as well as the matching further means, comprise permanent magnets which are known per se. Another solution which is as simple as it is low in cost, comprises a pusher having a pusher surface which extends over almost the entire circumference and has different slopes or which may be stepped or wavy. Accordingly, an object of the invention is to provide a device for depositing cable into a receiving can or container which includes means for feeding the formed cable into a rotary distributor which includes a tube through which the cable passes which has a central inlet and a lower discharge which moves relative to the surface of an annular receiver which is mounted for relative driving motion relative to the distributor and which further includes a pusher mechanism for engaging the successive coils as they are formed around a receiver pushing them downwardly in a direction to deposit the coils successively into a receiving can or container. A further object of the invention is to provide a cable depositing device which includes a drive mechanism associated with a receiver around which coils are wound and which is effective to push the coils in succession downwardly off of the receiver into a receiving can or container. Another object of the invention is to provide a method of feeding cable, after it is formed, into a receiving container which comprises, directing successive coils of the cable around an annular receiver, which is oriented above a receiving container and pushing the coils as they are formed downwardly along the receiver surface and into the container. A further object of the present invention is to provide a device for depositing cable into a receiving container which is simple in design, rugged in construction and economical to manufacture. The various features of novelty which characterize the invention are pointed out with particularity in the claims annexed to and forming a part of this disclosure. For a better understanding of the invention, its operating advantages and specific objects attained by its uses, reference is made to the accompanying drawings and descriptive matter in which preferred embodiments of the invention are illustrated. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS In the Drawings: FIG. 1 is a schematic representation of a cable forming and cable depositing device, constructed in accordance with the invention; FIG. 2 is a partial side elevational view, partly in section, indicating the receiver shown in FIG. 1; FIG. 3 is a view similar to FIG. 1 of another embodiment of the device; FIG. 4 is a view similar to FIG. 1 of a further embodiment of the device; FIGS. 5, 6, 7 and 8 are views similar to FIG. 1 of still further embodiments of the device of the invention; FIG. 9 is a partial sectional view through the driving and counter discs shown in FIG. 5; and FIG. 10 is a schematic bottom plan view of the device shown in FIG. 5 indicating the driving connection between the cable pusher elements. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Referring to the drawings in particular, the invention embodied therein in FIG. 1, comprises a cable forming and cable depositing device, generally designated 50, in which a cable 5, after it is formed of many chemical fibers 2, from the different spinning chimneys 1, which are guided through spin finish means 3 and then into the cable depositing device portion of the machine. In FIG. 1, the filaments 2 emerging from the spinning chimneys 1 are passed over spin finish means 3 and godets 4 and are lastly joined to form a cable 5. Cable 5 is then passed over additional godets 6 and 7 of a can depositing device. More specifically, the device consists of an injector nozzle 8, a rotary distributor 9, a receiving body 10 and several endless belts or chains 12 having pins distributed at spaced locations along its circumference. The chains are guided over guide sprockets 12a and 12b. The injector nozzle 8 projects contactlessly into the rotary distributor 9 and blows the cable at the beginning of the deposition process through a rotating tube 13 of the rotary distributor 9. Tube 13 is rotated with the distributor 9 to deposit the cable 5 on the stationary receiving body 10. In FIG. 1, the detaching of the individual spirals of cable 5 from the receiving body 10 occurs, for example, by means of pins 11, which are fastened on the moving chains 12 and engage in longitudinal slots 14 (FIG. 2) of the receiving body 10. The number of chains 12 and their arrangement around the circumference of the receiving body 10 can be chosen and designed as desired. The drive of chains 12 is combined positively, in a manner which has not been shown, with the drive of the rotary distributor 9, namely, so that a pin 11 penetrates into a slot 14 of the receiving body 10, only after tube 13 of the rotary distributor 9 has passed the respective slot 14. Receiving body 10 is rotatably mounted in the rotary distributor 9. The bearing 15 required for this purpose may be arranged, according to FIG. 1, in the rotary distributor 9, or alternatively, it may be arranged in a reversal of this principle, namely, in the receiving body 10. Due to the bearing friction, the receiving body 10 has a tendency to rotate. However, it is prevented from doing so by the pins 11 of the chains 12 meshing with the slots 14 distributed at spaced locations around the circumference of the receiving body 10. In order to achieve an exact conduction of the cable 5 by means of pins 11, and in order not to interfere with the penetration of pins 11 into slots 14, the slots taper radially inwardly and downwardly (FIG. 2). The exact conduction of pins 11 is always effected by means of pins 11 in engagement in the lower region. In this case, however, the receiving body 10 consists preferably of circularly arranged rods or ribs widening downwardly, rather than of a slotted tube. The pins matching them then engage in the rod gaps or the like, tapering downwardly, in analogy to the slots 14. Cable 5, which is stripped off of the receiving body 10 by pins 11, is deposited into the rotating can or container 16. The diameter of the spirals of cable 5 is about the same or greater than the radius of container 16. This results in the advantage that an additional changover can be dispensed with. It is possible, in addition, to dispense with a drive of container 16 by suspending the entire depositing device for pendulum motion and letting it circle over the can. In the depositing device 50' according to FIG. 3, the cable 5 is deposited by the rotating tube 13' onto a receiving body 10' and is pushed off of the latter with the aid of a pusher 17. Pusher 17 is firmly connected with the rotary distributor 9', namely, in the direction of rotation, behind a depositing tube 13'. Due to its inclined pushing surface, pusher 17 pushes the deposited spiral downward and thus makes room for the next spiral. In order to prevent the receiving body 10', mounted in the rotary distributor 9', from rotating, its shell is provided with several magnets 18. Magnets 19, opposite to magnets 18, are correspondingly formed and arranged in the stationary outer ring 20. Preferably, at the end of the push-off region, the receiving body 10' is offset slightly inwardly, so that the pushed-off spirals will fall without contact over the lower portion of the receiving body 10' required for the magnets 18 and 19. Pusher 17 may vary in width and may also have different slopes. It may even extend over the entire periphery of the receiving body 10 and have a constant or a variable slope. In addition, the push-off surface may be stepped or wavy. Naturally, several pushers 17 may also be distributed over the circumference of the receiving body 10, owing to which cable 5 can then be pushed off step-by-step. At the beginning of the deposition process, the starting end of cable 5, blown in by means of the injector nozzle 8 of the FIG. 1 and FIG. 3 embodiments, must be retained briefly or clamped, to make it possible for spirals to form on the receiving body 10'. This takes place, for example, by means of pins 21, which engage in several bores 22 distributed over the circumference of an outer ring portion 20 and are moved at the start of the laying far enough inwardly for them to make contact with the receiving body 10'. The starting end of cable 5 deposits on the crown or rim formed by the pins 21. The resulting friction is sufficient to ensure application against the receiving body 10'. At the same time, the pins 21 ensure that the receiving body 10 is clamped during the mooring process and is not, for instance, due to a start-up jerk, set into rotation as the magnetic force is overcome. As soon as cable 5 is moored, pins 21 are moved outward. Retraction and extension of these pins occurs either automatically or manually by means of a linkage, which has not been shown. The depositing device 50", according to FIG. 4, corresponds in principle to that according to FIG. 1. However, the pins 11" serving to push off the spirals of cable 5 are fastened to revolving discs 23, rather than to revolving chains. Distributor 9" with tube 13" and body 10" with slots 14" act as respective parts 9', 13', 10' and 14 in FIG. 3. In the depositing device 50'" according to FIG. 5, discs 24''' are rotatably mounted in the receiving body 10'". For this purpose, any desired number of such discs can be distributed over the periphery. In an annular body 25 disposed around the receiving body 10'", matching counter-discs 26 are arranged. These counter-discs 26 are drivable, and they are pressed against the discs 24'''. Cable 5 is deposited on the discs 24''' as a kind of polygon by means of the depositing tube 13, and immediately after deposition, the cable 5 is transported downwardly by cooperative action of the discs 24''' and 26. The spirals or cable 5 pass between discs 24''' and 26, so that, during operation, the drive of the discs 24''' occurs across the spirals of cable 5. To compensate thickness fluctuations in cable 5, the discs 26 may, for example, be mounted elastically in any known way, for example. In addition, discs 24''' and 26 may be formed so that they interengage form-lockingly and, in that way, prevent the receiving body 10''' from rotating, such as shown in FIG. 9. Alternatively, if necessary, discs 24''' and 26 may be readily arranged obliquely to the normal passing through the center of the receiving body 10''', for instance, so that they absorb the torque of the receiving body created by the bearing friction, as shown in FIG. 10. In the depositing device described above and illustrated in FIG. 5, the winding tensions may be as high as desired. Also, it is by no means necessary in this proposed solution to arrange or provide counter-discs 26 opposite all of the discs 24'''. It may suffice to associate counter-discs 26 with only some of the discs 24''' and it is even possible to dispense with the counter-discs 26 altogether. When cable 5 is placed on the discs 24''' below the point of rotation of these discs, a moment is exerted on the discs due to the traction of cable 5, whereby, they are automatically set in rotation. The depositing device 50"", according to FIG. 6, corresponds in principle to that according to FIG. 5. In the variant solution according to FIG. 6, however, the counter-discs are replaced by revolving belts or bands 27 which act with discs 24'''' mounted on body 10''''. As these are elastic in themselves, a special elastic suspension can naturally be dispensed with. The distributors 9''' and 9'''' of FIGS. 5 and 6, respectively, act in a similar fashion to the distributor 9 of FIG. 1 which all include tubes 13. The pins 11 and 11'' of FIGS. 1 and 4 respectively mounted on their respective belts and discs, as well as the outer discs 26 of FIGS. 5 and 8 in the outer belt 27 of FIGS. 6 and 7 comprise outer peripheral pusher members disposed around the periphery of the respective receivers for engaging the pushing the cable windings 5 which are wound around the receivers from an outer periphery thereof. The depositing devices 50A and 50B, according to FIGS. 7 and 8 are further variations of the proposed solution specifically described and represented in FIG. 5. In the device according to FIG. 7, belts or bands 27 and 28 are inserted in both the annular outer body 25 and in the receiving body 10 whereas, in the device according to FIG. 8, belts or bands 28 are inserted in the receiving body 10 while discs 26 are arranged in the annular outer body 25. As shown in FIG. 5, and as exemplary of drive means for the embodiments of FIGS. 5, 6, 7 and 8, each and every disc or belt pulley is driven by a bevel gear 32 which is meshed with a bevel gear 31 driven in turn by a pulley 30 rotated by a belt 29. Each disc or belt pulley is driven by its own bevel gear 31 with pulley 30 which, in each embodiment may be rotated by a common belt 29. The elastic mounting of pulleys 27 may be accomplished for example by providing a spring 33 which permits only very slight movements of disc 26, which movements only correspond to the thickness of the yarn or cable 5. The movement therefore of disc 26 is small enough to be taken up by sliding relative movement between meshed gears 32 and 31. The depositing devices according to FIGS. 7 and 8 have the additional advantage that the spirals of cable 5 are not subsequently reduced in diameter, as is found to be necessary in the devices according to FIGS. 5 and 6 for reasons of space. The common feature of FIGS. 5, 6, 7 and 8 is that, in each embodiment, the receiving bodies 10''', 10'''', 10 and 10 carry inner rotating members having smooth or continuous outer peripheries which are exemplified by pulleys 24''', 24'''' and belts 28. On an outer annular body are mounted a plurality of outer rotary members each having smooth or continuous outer peripheries exemplified by annular bodies 25 which carry either discs 26 or belts 27. The cable 5 is moved between the peripheries of these two rotary members and positively pulled downwardly off the receiving bodies. While specific embodiments of the invention have been shown and described in detail to illustrate the application of the principles of the invention, it will be understood that the invention may be embodied otherwise without departing from such principles.
A device for depositing a cable into a receiving container or can, comprises, a rotary distributor including a rotatable cable distributing tube extending obliquely downwardly in the distributor which has an inlet into which the cable is directed adjacent the center of rotation and a cable discharge adjacent its bottom disposed at a location spaced radially outwardly of the cable inlet. The cable receiver has a side with a curved periphery which is located adjacent the tube in a position to receive cable which issues out of the outlet of the tube and engages around the surface of the receiver. The receiver is mounted for rotation relative to the distributor so that there is a driving rotation of one relative to the other to effect the deposit of the coils of the cable around the cable receiver. The receiver can is disposed below the receiver to push the coils of cable as they are deposited on the receiver downwardly along the surface of the receiver and then off of the surface into the can.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to electronic circuits, and, more particularly, to a neuro-fuzzy network architecture having self-training or on-line learning capabilities. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The invention particularly relates to a self-training neuro-fuzzy network architecture including at least one fuzzy microcontroller (fuzzyfier/defuzzyfier) dedicated for calculating fuzzy rules. The fuzzy microcontroller may be integrated monolithically in a semiconductor along with a non-volatile memory, for example. The invention also relates to a method of electronically controlling semiconductor-integrated electronic devices using self-training. Of the currently available electronic devices integrated monolithically in a semiconductor, the fuzzy logic products typically fall in the category of processors, microcontrollers, or general purpose fuzzy co-processors. However, these products are unsuitable for operation in an on-line learning and self-training mode. For example, there exist no commercially available devices which include circuit portions adapted to process dedicated self-training instructions. The unavailability of integrated devices with self-training processing features makes prior art approaches ill-suited to address problems requiring a capability to accommodate process variations and changing environmental conditions. Such is the case, for example, with the control of fuel injection systems in internal combustion engines and in other automotive applications. The present invention is directed to a semiconductor integrated electronic device for enabling processing of predetermined instructions or data processing procedures by self-training. The technical problem addressed by the present invention is to provide a programmable device as described above which is of the neuro-fuzzy type. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is an object of the present invention to provide a programmable integrated device of the neuro-fuzzy type with dedicated hardware appropriate for on-line learning capabilities. In essence, the invention provides a fuzzy neural system (hereinafter Fuzzy Neural Network or FNN) which uses the properties of neural networks to automatically learn the variations of a process to be controlled, as well as to adjust its behavior accordingly by adaptation of the fuzzy rule system parameters for increased efficiency throughout. Based on this concept, the objects are achieved by a self-training neuro-fuzzy network including at least one fuzzy microcontroller dedicated to fuzzy rules computing, a non-volatile memory integrated monolithically with the at least one fuzzy microcontroller on a semiconductor and connected thereto, a microprocessor, a volatile memory, and a bus interconnecting the fuzzy microcontroller. The microprocessor, the volatile memory, and an arbiter circuit are connected to the bus. The arbiter circuit controls access to the volatile memory by the microprocessor and the fuzzy microcontroller. More specifically, the self-training neuro-fuzzy network may also include a fuzzy co-processor connected between the fuzzy microcontroller and the microprocessor for performing fuzzy logic operations. The fuzzy co-processor may be a slave to the microprocessor. Furthermore, an arithmetic logic unit may be connected to the microprocessor, and the arithmetic logic unit may include a sequential machine including a plurality of internal registers. Additionally, the volatile memory may be a dual port random access memory. The self-training neuro-fuzzy network may further include an interface connected between the volatile memory and the non-volatile memory for exchanging data therebetween. Also, an input/output (I/O) module may be connected to the microprocessor for interfacing with external peripherals. The invention also relates to a method of electronically controlling an electronic device by self-training where the electronic device is monolithically integrated on a semiconductor and includes at least one fuzzy microcontroller for fuzzy rule computing and a non-volatile memory connected thereto. The method includes writing data from the non-volatile memory to a volatile memory, reading data from the volatile memory and executing predetermined sequences of instructions on the data, connecting an arbiter circuit to a bus interconnecting the fuzzy microcontroller, the microprocessor, and the memory unit, and activating a fuzzy co-processor with the arbiter circuit. The fuzzy co-processor is activated upon receipt and recognition of a fuzzy logic instruction from the volatile memory. Additionally, the fuzzy co-processor may be operated as a slave to the microprocessor. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The features and advantages of the architecture and method according to the invention will become apparent from the following description of embodiments thereof, given by way of illustration and non-limitative example, with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which: FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a neuro-fuzzy network architecture according to the present invention; FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of an exemplary memory word including learning instructions for the architecture of FIGS. 1; FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram of another exemplary memory word including fuzzy logic information for the architecture of FIG. 1; FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram illustrating an arbiter block incorporated into the architecture of FIG. 1; FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram of four-bit flag registers for use with the architecture of FIG. 1 . FIGS. 6A, 6 B and 6 C show respective diagrams of fuzzy logic membership functions used in the architecture of FIG. 1; FIG. 7 is a schematic diagram illustrating the construction of a fuzzy microcontroller of the architecture of FIG. 1; FIG. 8 is a schematic diagram illustrating an alternate embodiment of the construction of a fuzzy microcontroller of the architecture of FIG. 1; FIGS. 9 and 10 diagrammatically illustrate the membership functions used in the architecture of FIG. 1; FIG. 11 is a schematic diagram illustrating a component of the architecture of FIG. 1; FIG. 12 is a schematic diagram illustrating another component of the architecture of FIG. 1; FIG. 13 is a plot of fuzzy logic membership functions used in the architecture of FIG. 1; and FIG. 14 is a schematic diagram illustrating yet another component of the architecture of FIG. 1 . DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS With reference to the drawing figures, a circuit architecture 1 according to the present invention for implementing an on-line self-training neuro-fuzzy network in a single integrated electronic device is generally shown in schematic form. The architecture 1 may be conceptualized as a complex integrated system including a number of functional blocks. The inner construction and interconnections of these blocks with one another will now be described. The inner construction of the system is shown schematically in FIG. 1 and includes a memory unit 2 , preferably (but not exclusively) a dual port random access memory (DPRAM). An arbitration block or circuit ARBITER 3 is adapted to manage the arbitration of a bus 4 interlinking the components of the system 1 . Further, a microprocessor 5 represents the decision or master portion of the system 1 . A dedicated fuzzy co-processor or fuzzyfier/defuzzyfier 11 calculates the fuzzy rules. A core fuzzy 6 is also included, which is a dedicated co-processor adapted to manage the fuzzy operations. Moreover, the system includes a dedicated arithmetic logic unit (ALU) 7 for carrying out algebraic operations between various internal registers of the microprocessor 5 and the ALU 7 itself. A peripheral unit handling input/output (I/O) module 8 interfaces with certain external peripheral units. A non-volatile memory 9 , such as an EEPROM or other type of non-volatile memory unit, is also included. Additionally, an interface 10 is provided for exchanging data between the DPRAM unit 2 and the non-volatile EEPROM 9 . The method of electronic control by self-training implemented by the architecture 1 of the present invention will now be explained. To provide the neuro-fuzzy network with improved interpreting capabilities, sigmoid and triangular activation functions are used, as explained hereinafter. The operational code for the action to be taken, i.e., the code containing the fuzzy rules, learning rules, and other calculation instructions to be used, is stored in the EEPROM 9 . The latter are loaded into the DPRAM 2 at power-on. It is from this memory that the microprocessor 5 receives the set of instructions to be interpreted and executed. When the instruction is of the fuzzy type, the microprocessor 5 supplies the arbiter block 3 with a signal enabling the core fuzzy 6 to read from the DPRAM unit 2 . The core fuzzy 6 will then control the fuzzy co-processor 11 to execute the various rules. When the instructions are not of a fuzzy type, the instructions are executed directly by the microprocessor 5 or by the ALU 7 where algebraic operations are involved. The construction, interconnections and operation of the individual functional blocks of the architecture 1 will now be described. Microprocessor Block 5 The microprocessor 5 is the “heart” of the system 1 , and it decides on the action to be taken for each instruction read from the DPRAM unit 2 . The microprocessor 5 is enabled by a signal START from outside the integrated architecture 1 . For example, the signal START could be issued from a sensing device mounted on the same supporting board as the architecture 1 . Upon receiving the signal START, the microprocessor 5 begins to read, from the memory 2 , the number of fuzzy rules and the addresses where the parameters W, X, Y, MU are respectively stored or will be stored in the memory. In an initial state, the microprocessor 5 enables the arbiter block 3 by a signal SEL=0 enabling it to read from the DPRAM unit 2 . At the same time, the core fuzzy 6 is temporarily disconnected. Simultaneously, the address bus 4 allows the first location in the memory unit 2 (being 0000 in the hexadecimal code) to be addressed, thereby placing the unit 2 in a read condition by enabling the signals RNW and NOTCS. Upon receiving the signal START, the microprocessor 5 moves to a next state. Otherwise, it is kept in the initial state. In the states that come immediately thereafter, the microprocessor 5 will be respectively input with the parameters WPOS, XPOS, YPOS, MUPOS and ADDRULES. These parameter represent the addresses of the locations in the memory unit 2 where the weightings of the connections, the fuzzy inputs, defuzzyfied outputs from the fuzzy co-processor, activating values of the fuzzy rules, and address of the fuzzy rule calculation subroutine are respectively stored or will be stored. For example, there may be 256 addresses for the fuzzy rule calculation subroutine, with 8 inputs and 4 outputs per rule. Directly after loading the parameters, the commands (i.e., the instructions) are interpreted. In addition to being fuzzy types, these instruction may be arithmetic or interrupt management types, in both hardware and software, such as INT 1 relating to the FNN network learning. The appearance of the hexadecimal code 0036 in the code stored in the DPRAM 2 results in the microprocessor 5 entering and being held in a wait state until it receives an interrupt signal (INT 0 , INT 1 , INT 2 , or NMI). On the other hand, when a hexadecimal code FF 80 is read, a learning step is to be carried out. The microprocessor 5 jumps to a relative state in which it acquires the sign of the weighting variations and the learning coefficient, as explained hereinafter. This information is always included in the DPRAM unit 2 , and is set forth below to make the invention more clearly understood. The information relating to learning has the format shown in FIG. 2 . Op may have a logic value of 0 or 1. When 0, it indicates a subtract operation, and when 1, it indicates an add operation. The bits from the seventh to the 14th (shown shaded) are not used. Therefore, the above memory word will include the numerical value expressed by the following number in binary form: 32768* Op+δ where the numerical value 32768 results from the bit Op being at the fifteenth location and having, accordingly, the weighting 2 15 . The learning step is carried out while taking account of the error which exists between the actual output from the FNN network (designated y FNN ) and the target output for the type of input pattern designated y target . That is: w ( t+ 1)= w ( t )±(δ*μ)*(y FNN −y target ) In actual practice, the following empirical relationship is more frequently used: w ( t+ 1)= w ( t )±(δ*μ)1/1024 To execute it, the microprocessor 5 must have received the values of the current weightings and the activation values, effect the division through 1024 (which is merely a ten-position rightward shift of the word δ*μ), execute the operation contained in Op with the weightings loaded from the DPRAM unit 2 , and store these values at the locations of the previously used weightings (i.e., overwriting them). The weightings are located in the memory and stored as bytes within a word including two bytes so that one word will include two weightings W. The format of these weightings is shown in FIG. 3 . Thus, a word of weighting W 1 will have the binary value of the following number stored in it: w 1 *256+ w 0 The same applies to the weightings W 2 and W 3 , and the operation is iterated for all the fuzzy rules. The iteration is performed by comparing the cumulative value in a counter CURRUL, which specifies the current rule, with the number of rules NRULES stored in the DPRAM unit 2 . As long as CURRUL<NRULES, the microprocessor 5 will iterate the comparison. Otherwise, it goes into the next state. Arbiter Block 3 The arbiter block 3 is a circuit block designed to prevent possible clashes from occurring between the core fuzzy 6 and the microprocessor 5 when both try to access the DPRAM unit 2 . Initially, only the microprocessor 5 is enabled to read from the DPRAM unit 2 , and it will interpret instructions found therein and decide on the operations to be effected. In fact, if the microprocessor 5 encounters a fuzzy rule code at a given address in the DPRAM unit 2 , it then enables the core fuzzy 6 and simultaneously allows the arbiter block 3 to handle the access to the DPRAM unit 2 as appropriate. Conversely, if the microprocessor 5 reads non-fuzzy instructions, the arbiter block 3 will just enable the microprocessor 5 . The arbiter block is shown diagramatically in FIG. 4 . ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) 7 The arithmetic logic unit 7 may be optionally included to allow the architecture 1 to perform computational operations not only of the fuzzy type but also of the mathematical type. This unit 7 will excute, as directed by the microprocessor 5 , arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), logic operations (AND, OR, NOT, XOR, etc.), as well as other data manipulations. Such data manipulations may include exchanging the contents of internal registers with memory locations, right and leftward shifts, single-bit testing, etc. The ALU 7 includes internal circuitry arranged to perform the above-listed functions, and at least three sixteen-bit internal registers, designated A, B, C, a thirty-two-bit calculation block Alucalc, and four-bit flag registers, shown in FIG. 5 . The flag registers are modified by the ALU 7 according to the type of the computation result. The internal representation of the numbers is as follows: The operations that the ALU 7 can effect include loading a memory location into a register and vice-versa, having two registers exchange their contents, additions, subtractions, divisions, multiplications, RCR and LCR shifts, logic operations, etc. The ALU 7 is a ten-state sequential machine adapted, in each of its states, to execute a given operation and prepare to retrieve the next. It includes an intelligent portion that allows it to interpret instructions and perform operations of the A*(B+C) type at once by its three internal registers. Core Fuzzy 6 The core fuzzy 6 is a second dedicated microprocessor for handling and controlling the fuzzy co-processor, also called the fuzzyfier/defuzzyfier. This microprocessor supplies the fuzzyfier/defuzzyfier with properly timed control signals and handles the defuzzyfied outputs and the activation values of the “if” parts of the fuzzy rules. The core fuzzy 6 is a sequential machine working with sixteen bits and is basically a slave to the microprocessor 5 , which acts as the master. This core fuzzy 6 is enabled by the microprocessor 5 which issues a signal START. The signal START is brought to a high logic value only upon the instruction START FUZZY RULES being read from the DPRAM 2 or from an interrupt INT 0 . The machine language code of the fuzzy rules is located in a dedicated area of the DPRAM unit 2 extending from the address ADDRULES. Initially, the core 6 is in its initial state in which it clears the outputs, and the address bus includes the address of the memory location ADDRULES where the fuzzy routines are stored. In this starting condition, a step of retrieving these routines is carried out. In this state, the core 6 will be waiting for the signal START to be enabled to the next state by the microprocessor 5 . Otherwise, the core fuzzy 6 retains its initial state. Fuzzy Co-processor 11 This module comes in two possible versions, namely one for membership functions or fuzzy activation functions of the triangular type and the other for fuzzy activation functions of the sigmoid type. The triangular membership functions, shown in the example of FIG. 6A, are those most frequently used in fuzzy logics because they are easy to implement in hardware form. The parameters that must be transferred to the inferential calculation block 12 (also present with the sigmoid membership functions), which calculates the degree of activation, are the vertices of the triangle representing the membership function. Its internal layout is shown in FIG. 7 . The inferential calculation block 12 calculates the activation values and their products by the fuzzy logic “then” parts. The block 12 includes blocks AlfaCalc and Defuzzifier, whose functions are specified herein below. The AlfaCalc calculates the activation value of the input x associated with a given membership function. To outline the technique used for executing this calculation, by way of non-limitative example, each membership function is identified by three, eight-bit encoded parameters ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’ forming its left, center and right coordinates, respectively. Based on this postulate, it becomes possible to represent either membership functions of triangular form or membership functions with saturation. For the latter, either the parameters ‘a’ and ‘b’ or the parameters ‘b’ and ‘c’ can be taken to coincide, thereby obtaining a left trapezoidal or a right trapezoidal membership function, respectively. This situation is illustrated schematically by FIGS. 6C and 6B. The Defuzzifier stores the summation of the activation values, as supplied by the block AlfaCalc, and calculates the four summations of their product by the respective fuzzy logic “then” parts. In view of the fuzzyfying and defuzzyfying methods used, only the minimum or maximum “if” part activation value should be stored for each fuzzy rule processed, according to the type of the operation being executed, and subsequently be multiplied by its “then” part. In order to extend the summation to just the minimum or maximum calculated values for each rule, a comparator 15 is used to compare the currently stored value with the next value from the block AlfaCalc. This value is only stored if it is found to be smaller than the current value. This solution has the advantage of requiring less area and being faster, since none of the internal memories and other modules needed in the sigmoid membership function approach are used here. A disadvantage is a limited fuzzy system performance in terms of non-linearity and FNN learning. The Fuzzy Core for Sigmoid Membership Functions The internal layout Fuzzy Core for Sigmoid Membership Functions is shown in FIG. 8 . It comprises a fuzzyfier block 20 , and a defuzzyfier block 30 inside two macroblocks. The sigmoid activation function is obtained as the difference between two membership functions having different centers and the same or different slopes, according to whether symmetrical or asymmetrical membership functions are sought. For this purpose, a read-only memory is used, such as a ROM 19 wherein the values of a normalized sigmoid of the following type are stored: y = 1 + tanh     k 2 where the parameter k is given as: k =α( x−c ) Once the value of k has been calculated based on the slope a and the center c, it is used through the block AlfaCalc as the address in the ROM 19 from which the corresponding ordinate value of the activation function can be read. By way of example, the inputs a, x, c are 8-bit inputs, thus they may represent values within the 0-255 range. The architecture chosen being serial, the address is selected by the following logic. The first function parameters are passed first, and the second function parameters are then passed using input multiplexers whose outputs are caused to switch over by a control signal SEL. When SEL=0, a 1 and c 1 are loaded and the first parameter k 1 is calculated based on the current abscissa x. Simultaneously therewith, SEL=1 is assumed, and a 2 and c 2 are loaded to calculate the parameter k 2 using the same abscissa. At k 1 and k 2 , which represent the addresses in the ROM 19 , the ordinate values of the activation function are read and the difference between these values is found. By iterating this process for all the combinations of the parameters a and c, the overall membership function is constructed. Advantageously, the solution proposed in the present invention takes into account the possibility of producing membership functions with a higher or lower slope than one. Fuzzyfier Block 20 This module is used for the so-called fuzzyfication of the system inputs X, and therefore, to calculate inferential fuzzy rules of the “if” parts, of the following type: If x 1 is A 11 AND/OR x 2 is A 12 AND/OR . . . x n is A 1n The operation Og block 20 will now be described. Each fuzzy set A ij is represented by the parameters a 1 , c 1 , a 2 , c 2 indicating the slopes of the sigmoid branches and their centers. These parameters, expressed in an eight-bit binary code, are passed according to the type of the rule and along with a crisp input x to be fuzzyfied. Before initiating a new set of fuzzy rules, the fuzzy block 20 should be reset so that the signal not_reset becomes zero. In this way, the system is placed in its initial state with the outputs and the internal registers all cleared. When fuzzy rules are to be executed, the signal not_reset must take a value of one. This is mandatory for the architecture 1 to be made ready to execute all the operations included in the following states. In order to move one state forward and execute the calculation of the activation value of the instruction x i is A i , it is necessary that the start signal be brought to a value of one. As the first instruction x i is A i of a generic rule is encountered, the signal Op (FIG. 2) must be brought to one, indicating that the first operation is a logic OR sum. This condition is necessary for the fuzzyfier block 20 to yield a correct result for the activation value. In fact, all the internal registers are initially cleared. When the first instruction is presented, the OR operation (i.e., the calculation of the maximum value) is executed between the activation value just calculated and the value included in the register ATTIVAZIONEINT, which is zeo, thereby providing the correct value. If, during this first step, the operation had been a logic AND multiplication (i.e., the calculation of the minimum value), the result would be zero (i.e., erroneous). As previously mentioned, the membership functions are represented by two sigmoid branches, and only one of them is stored in the ROM 19 and normalized to the value k. To construct the membership function, the difference is found between two sigmoid branches having either different or the same slopes and centers. The result of this difference represents the corresponding activation value to the input x. One example is shown in FIG. 13, where two sigmoid branches A, B have different parameters. The architecture 1 is serial, and accordingly, the signal SEL=0 causes the parameters a 1 , c 1 and x to be passed, which are used by the block range 1 to calculate k 1 =a 1 (x−c 1 ). This value represents the address in the ROM 19 where the corresponding activation value stored therein can be read. This value is used as an address bus add for the ROM 19 . Reading from the latter is always enabled by the ROM 19 , which has its input CS and OE at ground value GND. The stored value is read at the address location k 1 , which is at once loaded into an internal register SIGMA 0 of the inference block via a data bus 21 linked to the ROM 19 . During this operation, the output signal ready takes a zero value, indicating that the fuzzy block 20 is processing a fuzzy instruction x is A. Subsequently, the signal SEL is brought to one (SEL=1) by the inference block enabling the input multiplexers 25 of a module RANGE 1 to select a 2 , c 2 . The parameter k 2 =a 2 (x−c 2 ) is calculated at x, and the same operation is executed as previously described for a 1 and c 1 , except that the data is now loaded into a register SIGMA 1 , also inside the inference block. Thereafter, during the activation step, the difference is calculated between the contents of SIGMA 0 and SIGMA 1 , which difference represents the activation value for the fuzzy instruction x 1 is A 11 . Upon completion of this calculation, the signals SEL and READY are again brought down to zero to prepare for the calculation of a new instruction. The foregoing is iterated as many times as are the number of fuzzy instructions x i is A ij , while also passing each time the type of the composition rule (OR or AND) between them through the signal Op being either 0 or 1, respectively. The activation output will include the partial value of the activation value so far calculated, which will only become definitive upon the signal fine_regola taking the value of one. This indicates the arrival of the instruction “then” that marks the end of a rule to the fuzzyfier block 20 . The Inference Block This block is represented in FIG. 12 and carries out the fuzzyfication of the inputs. ROM 3 The read-only memory or ROM 28 , also designated tan h, stores the values of one branch of a normalized sigmoid to the parameter k. Block ADDMEM This module acquires the parameters relating to the sigmoid membership functions sought and the input fuzzy sets. It also outputs the address of the location in the ROM 28 tan h where the input activation values or degrees of membership corresponding to the fuzzy sets can be read. Defuzzyfier Block 30 This module calculates the “then” parts of the fuzzy rules and fuzzyfier them by the centroid method, once the fuzzyfier block has output the degree of activation of the inputs. As previously mentioned, the number of rules is 256 at most, with eight inputs and four outputs per rule. However, larger numbers of these rules and the fuzzy instructions x i is A ij could be provided at the expense of computational speed. The degree of activation of the inputs is dependent upon the operation that has been selected in the inference block by the signal Op. In fact, for a given input x i , its value of activation to the fuzzy set is calculated using a membership function, designated μ i (x i ). This operation is carried out for all the inputs, and on its completion the degree of activation (designated μ(R i ), with R i being the i-th fuzzy rule) is calculated as AND, OR, product, scaling product, etc. of all μ i (x i )'s. The defuzzyfier module 30 is indeed intended to convert the fuzzyfied outputs of the fuzzy rules into crisp values using the centroid method as given by the following relationship: N°REGOLE y j = ∑ i = j N°REGOLE  ( μ  ( R i ) * W j ) ∑ i = 1 N°REGOLE     μ  ( R i ) FIG. 14 shows the internal architecture of the defuzzyfier block 30 . At the start of each fuzzy subroutine, the architecture 1 must be reset by enabling the signal not_reset to zero in order to clear all the internal registers and the outputs. Directly after this, the signal not_reset is brought to one. It is only then that the defuzzyfier block 30 will be input with the eight-bit degree of activation of the fuzzy rules from the fuzzyfier block 20 . The eight-bit weightings W 1 , W 2 , W 3 , W 4 of the FNN network connections, coming from the system input dual-port RAM unit 2 , are multiplied with the modules MULT 8 to yield a sixteen-bit result. This operation is carried out in parallel with four multipliers 24 to obtain four defuzzyfied outputs per fuzzy rule. Since the activation signal contains the degree of partial activation of the fuzzy rules, which is to become definitive only when the signal end_rule is one (the equivalent of the instruction “then”), it becomes necessary to provide twenty four bit internal registers, initially reset. This is to include the sum of the signals OUTMOLI being the product of the activation by W i . These outputs represent the numerators NUMI of relationship 6.6, the denominator DE being calculated using a sixteen bit adder and a register of the same dimension. The dimensions, twenty four and sixteen, are from the former instance where 256 iterations must be provided (i.e., for the largest possible number of rules). Effecting the ratii with four twenty-four-bit divisors between NUMI and DE, the outputs y 1 , y 2 , y 3 , y 4 are obtained. These outputs also have twenty four bits (of which only the sixteen least significant bits are meaningful since the eight most significant bits are always zeroes) and represent the four defuzzyfied outputs per fuzzy rule. The defuzzyfier block is a sequential machine. The fuzzy neural network of this invention is designed to process sequentially any number of inputs. The maximum number of rules in the example is 256, but it may easily be raised above this value by increasing the number of bits of the internal modules (adders, multipliers and dividers) of the defuzzyfier block 30 . Furthermore, the architecture of this invention can provide several parallel outputs (in the example, only four such outputs have been illustrated). The operational code relating to the fuzzy instructions includes encoding the set of fuzzy learning instructions and other operations in binary form. In general, it would be the coding of the following rule format: if x 1 ( t k ) is A 11 AND/OR, . . . , x n ( t k ) is A 1n then y 1 ( t k+1 ) is W 11 , y 2 ( t k+1 ) is W 12 , y 3 ( t k+1 ) is W 13 , and y 4 ( t k+1 ) is W 14 - - - learning rule - - - w i ( t+ 1)= w i ( t )±(δ*μ)*1/1024 If any abnormality or an interrupt signal occurs (e.g., from the supply system being turned off), the data momentarily in the DPRAM unit 2 is at once loaded into the EEPROM. This preserves the last weighting values, as modified by the learning process, of the FNN connections as well as the activation values and the defuzzyfied outputs.
A neuro-fuzzy integrated architecture which permits on-line self-training includes at least one microcontroller of the fuzzy type dedicated to fuzzy rules computing and integrated monolithically on a semiconductor together with a non-volatile memory. Also included within the same integrated circuit are a microprocessor, a volatile memory unit, and an arbiter block linked to a bus interconnecting the fuzzy microcontroller, the microprocessor, and the volatile memory unit. The arbiter block controls access to the memory unit by the microprocessor or the fuzzy microcontroller. An additional fuzzy co-processor may be connected between the fuzzy microcontroller and the microprocessor for performing the fuzzy logic operations.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0001] The present invention relates generally to semiconductor fabrication and more specifically to processes of fabricating high-k dielectric layers. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] Current high-k gate dielectric processes developed to meet the future transistor performance requirements in the 0.10 μm generation and beyond consist of generally two types: atomic layer chemical vapor deposition (ALCVD) and metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). These processes permit formation of the necessary high-k film thickness and thickness uniformity. [0003] However, MOCVD processes introduce undesired carbon (C)-containing impurities and the more mature ALCVD processes which use chlorine (Cl)-containing precursors create a sufficiently high chlorine content in the high-k films that degrades the electric performance of the devices using those high-k films. [0004] For example, while an MOCVD process may use Zr(OC 2 H 5 ) 4 to form an ZrO 2 film, carbon impurities (and hydrogen impurities) are formed in the high-k ZrO 2 dielectric layer. [0005] In another example, in an ALCVD process H 2 O is pulsed, then purged and then an HfCl 4 precursor is pulsed then purged to form an HfO 2 film. However, chlorine (Cl) impurities are formed in the high-k HfO 2 film, especially proximate the interface between the HfO film and the substrate over which it is formed. ALCVD processes generally have a low process temperature of from about 250 to 350° C. [0006] U.S. Pat. No. 6,271,094 B1 to Boyd et al. describes a method of making MOSFET with a high dielectric constant (k) gate insulator and minimum overlap capacitance. [0007] U.S. Pat. No. 6,153,477 to Gardner et al. describes a process of forming an ultra-short transistor channel length using a gate dielectric having a relatively high dielectric constant. [0008] U.S. Pat. No. 6,114,228 to Gardner et al. describes a method of making a semiconductor device with a composite gate dielectric layer and gate barrier layer. [0009] U.S. Pat. No. 6,090,723 to Thakur et al. describes conditioning processes including annealing or high-k dielectrics. [0010] U.S. Pat. No. 6,008,095 to Gardner et al. describes a process for the formation of isolation trenches with high-k gate dielectrics. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0011] Accordingly, it is an object of one or more embodiments of the present invention to provide a improved process of forming high-k dielectric layers. [0012] It is another object of one or more embodiments of the present invention to provide an improved annealing process for repairing defects at silicon/high-k dielectric layer interfaces. [0013] Other objects will appear hereinafter. [0014] It has now been discovered that the above and other objects of the present invention may be accomplished in the following manner. Specifically, a substrate is provided. A high-k dielectric layer having impurities is formed over the substrate. The high-k dielectric layer being formed by an MOCVD or an ALCVD process. The high-k dielectric layer is annealed to reduce the impurities within the high-k dielectric layer. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0015] The present invention will be more clearly understood from the following description taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings in which like reference numerals designate similar or corresponding elements, regions and portions and in which: [0016] FIGS. 1 to 4 schematically illustrate a preferred embodiment of the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT [0017] Unless otherwise specified, all structures, layers, steps, methods, etc. may be formed or accomplished by conventional steps or methods known in the prior art. Initial Structure [0018] As shown in FIG. 1 , structure 10 includes shallow trench isolation (STI) structures 12 formed therein. Structure 10 is preferably a silicon substrate and is understood to possibly include a semiconductor wafer or substrate. STIs 12 are comprised of thermal oxide, SACVD oxide or HDP-CVD oxide and are more preferably HDP-CVD oxide. [0019] A high-k dielectric layer 14 is formed over silicon substrate 10 generally between STIs 12 to a thickness of preferably from about 5 to 200 Å and more preferably from about 20 to 100 Å . High-k dielectric layer 14 is preferably comprised of a metal oxide or a metal silicate formed by either an MOCVD process which introduces carbon (and hydrogen) impurities or an ALCVD process which introduces chlorine impurities, and does not decompose under the annealing 16 conditions of the present invention. [0020] High-k dielectric layer 14 is preferably: (1) a metal oxide such as HfO 2 , ZrO 2 , La 2 O 3 , Y 2 O 3 , Al 2 O 3 or TiO 2 and more preferably HfO 2 , ZrO 2 or Al 2 O 3 ; or (2) a metal silicate such as HfSi x O y , ZrSi x O y , LaSi x O y , YSi x O y , AlSi x O y or TiSi x O y and more preferably HfSi x O y or ZrSi x O y . Anneal of Deposited High-k Dielectric Layer 14 —One Key Step of the Invention [0021] In one key step of the invention and as illustrated in FIG. 2 , the deposited high-k dielectric layer 14 is annealed 16 at a temperature of preferably from about 280 to 820° C., more preferably from about 300 to 800° C. and most preferably from about 300 to 700° C. for preferably from about 0.5 to 300 seconds, more preferably from about 2 to 100 seconds for rapid thermal anneal (RTA) process and from about 5 to 300 minutes for furnace annealing processes to drive out the chlorine; and carbon and hydrogen impurities to form an impurity-free high-k dielectric layer 14 ′. That is the chlorine, carbon and/or hydrogen impurities are reduced to preferably less than about 20% to 2 times which improves the electrical performance of the subsequently formed transistors/devices incorporating impurity-free high-k dielectric layer 14 ′. [0022] The anneal 16 is preferably by rapid thermal processing (RTP) or by a furnace anneal and is conducted so as to minimize recrystallization of the high-k dielectric layerl 4 . The anneal 16 is carried out in the presence of ambients that are preferably H 2 , N 2 , H 2 /N 2 , H 2 /O 2 , O 2 /N 2 , He or Ar and are more preferably H 2 /N 2 or O 2 /N 2 . The presence of oxygen (O 2 ) is kept low to avoid additional oxidation of the high-k dielectric layer 14 . Formation of Gate Layer 18 [0023] As shown in FIG. 3 , a gate layer 18 is formed over impurity-free high-k dielectric layer 14 ′ to a thickness of preferably from about 100 to 3000 Å and more preferably from about 500 to 2000 Å. Gate layer 18 is preferably comprised of polysilicon (poly) or a metal (metal gate) such as TaN/W, TiN/W, TaN/Al or TiN/Al and is more preferably polysilicon. Further Processing [0024] Further processing may then proceed. For example, as shown in FIG. 4 , gate layer 18 and impurity-free high-k dielectric layer 14 ′ are patterned to form gate electrode 20 comprised of patterned gate layer 18 ′ and impurity-free high-k dielectric layer 14 ″. [0025] Additional processing may continue thereafter. For example, silicide formation, LDD implants, gate sidewall spacer formation, HDD implants, etc. to complete formation of a transistor or device incorporating gate electrode 20 . Advantages of the Present Invention [0026] The advantages of one or more embodiments of the present invention include: [0027] 1.improved transistor/device electrical performance; and [0028] 2.improved process for high-k film quality. [0029] While particular embodiments of the present invention have been illustrated and described, it is not intended to limit the invention, except as defined by the following claims.
A method of reducing impurities in a high-k dielectric layer comprising the following steps. A substrate is provided. A high-k dielectric layer having impurities is formed over the substrate. The high-k dielectric layer being formed by an MOCVD or an ALCVD process. The high-k dielectric layer is annealed to reduce the impurities within the high-k dielectric layer.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] This application is a continuation of International Patent Application No. PCT/EP2004/004878 filed on May 7, 2004, which designates the United States and claims priority of French Patent Application No. 0305883 filed on May 16, 2003. FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] The invention relates to a dispenser of products in liquid or gel form, but relates particularly to a sprayer and especially to a miniature sprayer designed to contain a small dose of a luxury product, such as a perfume, for example. Such sprayers are mainly intended to be distributed free of cost in order to let customers get to know and appreciate a new product, for example, in the context of an advertising campaign. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0003] In the field of miniature sprayers intended to be offered to consumers, the aim is to reduce the manufacturing costs of the device by simplifying its structure, reducing the number of components and making it easier to manufacture and assemble. A product dispenser of this type usually comprises a reservoir and a manually activated pump mounted by force, like a plug, in an opening of the reservoir. The pump comprises a pump body forming the plug in which a needle valve or a piston is mounted, which is part of an outlet valve. The pump body is surmounted by a tappet-button mounted so as to be mobile in the extension of the body. The invention relates to a new arrangement of such a dispenser, optimised to reduce its manufacturing costs. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0004] More specifically, the invention relates to a liquid product dispenser consisting of a reservoir and a manually activated pump comprising a pump body mounted watertight in an opening of the said reservoir and a tappet-button mounted in the extension of the said pump body and mobile along the axial direction of the latter, characterised in that the said tappet-button is hollow and mounted such as to slide in a watertight manner on the outside of a tubular neck of the said pump body so as to delimit a dosage chamber extending at least partly inside the said tappet-button, and in that stopping means are disposed between the outer wall of the said pump body and the inside of the said tappet-button so as to define, under the stress from elastic means, a predetermined position, referred to as loose, of the tappet-button in relation to the pump body. [0005] According to a preferred embodiment of the invention, the said tappet-button comprises two elements that fit axially into each other, and the stopping means consist of segments connected to the end of a skirt of the inner element of the tappet-button and an annular shoulder or projection defined on the outer wall of the said pump body, the said segments being bent radially inwards when the two elements of the tappet-button are fitted together, so as to create an overall annular stop that can cooperate with the said annular shoulder or projection. [0006] All the elements, with the exception of a spring, can be made from a moulded plastic material. Particularly, in that relating to the inner element of the tappet-button, each segment is advantageously connected to the skirt of the said inner element by a thinner section, a sort of web made by moulding, forming a hinge. In their non-stressed state, the segments extend radially outwards from the outer surface of the skirt of the said inner element, separated from the latter by a series of cuts. This configuration can be removed axially from its mould since it does not have an inner backdraft. Moreover, the inner element of the tappet-button can easily fit around the outer surface of the pump body along which it is designed to slide, beyond the aforementioned annular shoulder or projection, and the placing of the outer element of the tappet-button bends all the segments along the outer wall of the pump body and locks all the components of the pump in position. Each segment has, for example, a triangular radial section and, once bent, the segments are circumferentially adjacent and form a discontinuous crown on the end of the skirt of the inner element of the tappet-button. The fitting by force of the two elements of the tappet-button is stabilised by an inner peripheral rib disposed on the outer element. This rib forms a projection near the free end of the outer element and provides the locking of the inner element fitted into the outer element after bending the said segments. The inner element comprises an axial outlet duct and outlet channels are disposed between the two elements and through the outer element. These channels can be made by a series of cavities made on a conical face of the inner element. In the case of a sprayer, the said channels can be designed such as to define a whirl chamber that enables spraying. Furthermore, a needle valve guided in axial translation in the pump body cooperates with the inner orifice of the said outlet conduit to define an outlet valve. Elastic means made up of a spring exert a stress on the needle valve and the tappet-button to push them axially away from the pump body, so that when the tappet-button is not pressed, it is under the stress of this spring in a position referred to as loose, in which the said overall annular stop of the tappet-button is in contact with the said annular shoulder or projection defined on the outer wall of the pump body. [0007] The needle valve extends beyond the open tubular neck of the pump body, which is inserted in the tappet-button. It comprises at least one lateral longitudinal channel cooperating with the end of the said open tubular portion of the pump body to define an inlet valve. [0008] The aforementioned dosage chamber is thus delimited between the inner wall of the inner element of the tappet-button, the wall of the said needle valve and the end of the said tubular neck. The inlet valve closes when the said tappet-button is pressed, which isolates the dosage chamber from the said reservoir. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0009] The invention will be better understood and further advantages will appear more clearly in the light of the following description of a dispenser forming a sprayer, provisional conformation, provided only as an example and made in reference to the appended diagrams, in which: [0010] FIG. 1 is an exploded longitudinal section view of the various elements of the pump; [0011] FIG. 2 a longitudinal section of the dispenser, with the tappet-button in the position referred to as loose; [0012] FIG. 3 is a similar view to FIG. 2 , at the start of a spraying phase; [0013] FIG. 4 is a similar view to FIG. 2 , during the spraying action; [0014] FIG. 5 is a similar view to FIG. 2 , at the end of the spraying phase; and [0015] FIG. 6 is a similar view to FIG. 2 , showing the return of the tappet-button to its position referred to as loose. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0016] Considering, more particularly, FIGS. 1 and 2 , they show a liquid product dispenser 11 in this case forming a sprayer and comprising mainly a reservoir 13 and a pump 15 . The pump is of the manually activated type and comprises a pump body 17 mounted watertight in an opening 19 of the said reservoir and a tappet-button 21 mounted in the extension of the pump body and mobile in the axial direction of the latter. The tappet-button 21 is hollow and comprises two elements 23 , 25 that fit into each other axially. It is mounted so as to slide in a watertight manner on the outside of an open tubular neck 26 of the pump body and in the extension of the opening of the latter, delimiting a dosage chamber 27 that extends at least partly inside the tappet-button 21 and, more particularly, inside the inner element 23 of the latter. The edge of the opening 30 of the said open tubular portion is formed with a peripheral lip 31 that ensures the watertightness between the pump body and the tappet-button. The pump also comprises a needle valve 35 guided in axial translation in the pump body and extending partly into the space delimited between the pump body and the tappet-button. The inner element 23 comprises an axial outlet conduit 37 and the end of the needle valve cooperates with the inner orifice of this outlet conduit such as to define an outlet valve 39 . Elastic means, in this case consisting of a helical spring 41 mounted in the pump body, exert a stress on the needle valve 35 and the tappet-button 21 (by means of the said closed outlet valve) pushing them axially away from the pump body. The needle valve 35 extends beyond the tubular neck 26 of the pump body, which is also inserted in the tappet-button. It comprises at least one lateral longitudinal channel 45 that cooperates with the end of the said tubular neck so as to define an inlet valve 47 . This inlet valve is open when the dispenser is not being used; it closes as soon as the tappet-button is pressed, which isolates the dosage chamber. The latter is delimited between the inner wall of the inner element 23 of the tappet-button, the wall of the needle valve 35 and the end of the said tubular neck 26 of the pump body. [0017] Outlet channels are disposed between the two elements of the tappet-button and through the outer element. More particularly, these outlet channels consist of ribs 49 (or grooves) made on the end of the inner element 23 , in contact with the said axial outlet conduit 37 , and by a cavity 51 made in the inner tapered surface of the outer element. The cavity and the outer wall of the inner element form a whirl chamber. A spraying conduit 53 extends through the outer element between the whirl chamber and a lateral hollow 54 made in the outer surface of the outer element. [0018] According to a remarkable characteristic of the invention, stopping means 57 are disposed between the outer wall of the pump body 17 and the inside of the said tappet-button 21 so as to define, under the stress from the elastic means formed by the spring 41 , a predetermined position, referred to as loose (see FIG. 2 ), of the tappet-button in relation to the pump body. These stopping means 57 comprise segments 60 connected to the end of a skirt 61 of the inner element 23 of the tappet-button. FIG. 1 shows the shape of this inner element and, more particularly, the position of the segments 60 when the said inner element is in the non-stressed state. Furthermore, the outer wall of the pump body (and, more particularly, its tubular neck 26 ) is provided with an annular shoulder 65 (or a simple annular rib). As shown in FIG. 1 , the inner element 23 of the tappet-button, in its non-stressed state, can easily be inserted on the tubular neck 26 of the pump body after the needle valve 35 has been installed, compressing the spring 41 until the segments are positioned between the shoulder 65 and the flange 68 of the plug-shaped part 69 of the said pump body. In this position, the segments 60 are bent radially inwards by fitting the outer element 25 of the tappet-button onto the inner element 23 . Thus, all the segments 60 create an overall annular stop that can cooperate with the said shoulder 65 so as to define the position referred to as “loose” of the tappet-button in relation to the pump body, under the stress from the spring 41 . The outer element comprises an inner peripheral rib 71 forming a projection near its free end, which provides the locking of the inner element fitted into the outer element after bending the said segments. This is the situation shown in FIG. 2 . It can be seen that mounting the outer element 25 of the tappet-button completes and stabilises the assembly of all the elements of the pump. It is also clear that all the elements can be assembled in relation to each other, without indexing. With the exception of the spring, all the elements can be made from a moulded plastic material. Particularly, the shape of the inner element 23 of the tappet-button, in its non-stressed state, in other words with the segments extending radially outwards from the outer surface of the skirt and separated by cuts, is a part that can easily be removed axially from its mould, since it does not have any kind of inner backdraft (see FIG. 1 ). [0019] Each segment 60 is connected to the said skirt of the inner element by a thinner section 73 , made by moulding, forming a hinge. Each segment has a triangular radial section and, when all the segments are bend radially inwards, they are circumferentially adjacent and form a discontinuous crown on the end of the said skirt 61 , which can cooperate with the shoulder 65 defined on the pump body. [0020] The end of the needle valve 35 and the bottom of the cavity of the inner element 23 of the tappet-button have complementary shapes so that the needle valve is correctly guided to rest against the orifice of the outlet conduit 37 . The pump body comprises a guiding conduit 74 that communicates with a suction tube 75 and the needle valve 35 comprises an essentially cylindrical section that slides in the guiding conduit, which is provided with a bottom shoulder 77 . The needle valve 35 also comprises a shoulder 78 , and the spring is mounted with initial pre-compression between these two shoulders. The end of the tubular neck 26 of the pump body comprises an annular groove that increases the flexibility of the peripheral lip 31 in watertight contact with the cylindrical inner wall of the inner element of the tappet-button. The longitudinal channel or channels 45 communicate with the dosage chamber at their ends when the tappet-button is in the position referred to as loose. [0021] The plug-shaped part of the pump body 69 is inserted by force in the opening 19 of the reservoir. This opening is surmounted by a thinner collar, in which the cylindrical outer skirt of the tappet-button is mounted. The presence of a vent is not required if the reservoir is only partially filled. [0022] The operation takes place as seen in the preceding description. FIG. 2 shows that the dosage chamber 27 is at its maximum volume and that the communication between this dosage chamber and the reservoir is not interrupted since the ends of the lateral longitudinal channels establish the communication between the reservoir 13 and the said dosage chamber. Conversely, as soon as the tappet-button is pressed ( FIG. 3 ), this communication is interrupted, since the needle valve 35 , still in contact with the tappet-button, begins to enter the guiding conduit 74 , closing off the said inlet valve. As of this time, the liquid contained in the dosage chamber 27 is placed under pressure. This results in a separation between the needle valve 35 and the inner surface of the inner element 23 of the tappet-button and, consequently, the opening of the outlet valve 39 and a reduction of the volume of the dosage chamber which results in the expulsion and spraying of the liquid. This is the situation shown in FIG. 4 . When the tappet-button is completely pushed down, the dosage chamber practically disappears and the needle valve 35 comes back into contact with the inner surface of the inner element 23 of the tappet-button. This is shown in FIG. 5 . Releasing the tappet-button results in the needle valve and tappet-button assembly rising back up under the action of the spring 41 and the creation of a vacuum in the dosage chamber, which gradually increases its volume, which causes the suction of a new dose of liquid, when the inlet valve opens up again. This is shown in FIG. 6 . At the end of this process, the dispenser returns to the position shown in FIG. 2 .
The invention relates to a distributor for a liquid product, in particular, a miniature spray, having a reduced number of parts. The distributor includes a reservoir and a manual action pump, provided with a hollow push-button, arranged such as to slide in a sealed manner with relation to the exterior of a tubular neck of the pump body, defining a dosing chamber, extending at least partly into the interior of the push-button.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS This application is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/543,575, filed Jul. 6, 2012, and issued Dec. 31, 2013 as U.S. Pat. No. 8,617,457, and claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. §119(e) to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/505,958, entitled Method and Apparatus for Condensing Liquid Magnesium and Other Volatile Metals from Low-Pressure Metal Vapor, filed on Jul. 8, 2011, the contents of which are incorporated in its entirety by reference herein. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The invention generally relates to recovering metallic species in a vapor state, and, more specifically, to condensing vapors of metals to achieve relatively high recovery of the same. 2. Description of Related Art Magnesium is the lowest-density engineering metal, with alloys exhibiting outstanding specific stiffness and strength. It exhibits a relatively low boiling point among metals, such that several processes produce it as a vapor, which enables in-line distillation. However, it also exhibits the highest vapor pressure at its melting point of all metals: nearly 2 torr. This makes it difficult to condense magnesium vapor as a liquid, because even with perfect mass transfer, significant magnesium remains in the vapor phase at its melting point, so one must control temperature very carefully to avoid either leaving significant magnesium in the vapor phase or producing solid metal particles. A liquid metal product is advantageous over solid product because it is much easier to remove a liquid from the process and cast it into ingots or parts, alloy it with other metals, or form other useful products than would be the case for solids. Condenser apparatus such as those of Allen (U.S. Pat. No. 2,514,275) and Pidgeon (U.S. Pat. No. 2,837,328), which have been the norm in the magnesium industry for decades, produce only solid magnesium. A liquid magnesium condenser by Schmidt (U.S. Pat. No. 3,505,063) produces magnesium-aluminum alloys which are suitable for aluminum alloy production, but do not contain sufficient magnesium for magnesium-base alloys. A device by Schoukens et al. (U.S. Pat. No. 7,641,711) condenses liquid magnesium from vapor with magnesium partial pressure of 0.7-1.2 atmospheres (70-120 kPa). This device recovers magnesium as a liquid for processes such as the Magnatherm metallothermic magnesium reduction technology (see U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,971,833 and 4,190,434), which can produce magnesium at that pressure. However, at the high temperature over 1800° C. required for metallothermic production near atmospheric pressure (see U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,090,996 and 5,383,953), other elements such as manganese, iron, nickel and copper are volatile and can enter the magnesium product as impurities. And Schoukens' condenser is not as effective when input magnesium partial pressure is below 0.7 atmospheres (70 kPa), e.g. the Pidgeon process (see U.S. Pat. No. 2,387,677) and similar low-pressure metallothermic reduction processes. Schmidt's patent (U.S. Pat. No. 3,505,063) gives another reason for difficulty in producing liquid magnesium from a metallothermic reduction vapor stream, which is the variable or “pulsed” rate of magnesium entry into the condenser and its vapor pressure, making it very difficult to control condenser temperature tightly enough to reliably produce liquid magnesium. The Solid Oxide Membrane (“SOM”) electrolysis process (see U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,976,354 and 6,299,742) shown in FIG. 1 efficiently produces pure oxygen gas and metals from metal oxides. When producing magnesium by SOM electrolysis (see, e.g., A. Krishnan, X. G. Lu and U. B. Pal, “Solid Oxide Membrane Process for Magnesium Production directly from Magnesium Oxide,” Metall. Mater. Trans. 36B:463, 2005), it is convenient to operate the electrolysis cell above the 1090° C. boiling point of magnesium, as operating at this temperature promotes high ionic conductivity of the zirconia SOM and purifies the magnesium product by distillation (as shown in FIG. 1 ). Unfortunately, when the magnesium product partial pressure is above a threshold, it reacts with and damages the zirconia SOM; that threshold equilibrium magnesium partial pressure is approximately 0.15 atm at 1150° C. and 0.33 atm at 1300° C. (15 and 33 kPa respectively). Unlike metallothermic reduction, in SOM Electrolysis the electric current determines the rate of magnesium production. And because it is easier to control the current in SOM electrolysis than the reaction rate in metallothermic processes, there is far less fluctuation in magnesium partial pressure and temperature at the condenser. This facilitates (but is not necessary for) operating a liquid condenser for this process, at whose magnesium partial pressure the condenser of Schoukens et al. is not effective as mentioned above. On the other hand, it is difficult to shut down and restart a self-heated electrolysis cell, such as SOM electrolysis of magnesium, due to salt freezing and other phenomena. Thus it is important for a magnesium condenser for this process to be able to operate continuously without periodically shutting off. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In one aspect of the invention, an apparatus and method for condensing metal vapor is disclosed. In another aspect of the invention, an apparatus for condensing metal vapors includes at least one inlet conduit for receiving a mixture of metal vapor and carrier gas and a holding tank operatively connected to the at least one inlet conduit for receiving the mixture of metal vapor and carrier gas from the at least one inlet conduit. The apparatus also includes at least one outlet conduit operatively connected to the holding tank for receiving the mixture of metal vapor and carrier gas from the holding tank and at least a first cooling device operatively connected to the at least one outlet conduit to cause at least a portion of the metal vapor entering the at least one outlet conduit to condense to solid metal. The apparatus further includes at least one heater operatively connected to the at least one outlet conduit for causing at least a portion of the solid metal to melt and subsequently flow in to the holding tank and at least one sealing mechanism located at a distal end of the at least one outlet conduit for sealing the distal end of the at least one outlet conduit and preventing remaining metal vapor and carrier gas from exiting the distal end of the outlet conduit when the outlet conduit is being heated. In a further aspect of the invention, an apparatus for condensing metal vapors includes at least one inlet conduit for receiving a mixture of metal vapor and carrier gas and a holding tank operatively connected to the at least one inlet conduit for receiving the mixture of metal vapor and carrier gas from the at least one inlet conduit. The apparatus also includes at least one outlet conduit operatively connected to the holding tank for receiving the mixture of metal vapor and gas from the holding tank. The at least one outlet conduit has a proximal end located proximal to the holding tank and a distal end located distal to the holding tank. The at least one outlet conduit has a plurality of sections. The apparatus further includes a plurality of cooling devices operatively connected to the corresponding plurality of sections of the at least one outlet conduit to cause some of the metal vapor inside the corresponding section of the at least one outlet conduit to condense to solid metal and a plurality of heaters operatively connected to the corresponding plurality of sections of the at least one outlet conduit to cause the solid metal within the corresponding section of the at least one outlet conduit to melt. The apparatus also includes a controller for controlling the plurality of cooling devices and the plurality of heaters. The controller causes (1) a first cooling device of the plurality operatively connected to a first section of the at least one outlet conduit to cool and condense the metal vapor inside the first section of the at least one outlet conduit to solid metal, (2) subsequent to the operation of the first cooling device, a first heater of the plurality operatively connected to the first section of the at least one outlet conduit to heat and melt the solid metal inside the first section of the at least one outlet conduit, (3) a second cooling device of the plurality operatively connected to a second section of the at least one outlet conduit to cool and condense the metal vapor inside the second section of the at least one outlet conduit to solid metal, and (4) subsequent to the operations of the second cooling device, a second heater of the plurality operatively connected to the second section of the at least one outlet conduit to heat and melt the solid metal inside the second section of the at least one outlet conduit. In still another aspect of the invention, an apparatus for condensing metal vapors includes at least one inlet conduit for receiving a mixture of metal vapor and carrier gas and a holding tank operatively connected to the at least one inlet conduit for receiving the mixture of metal vapor and carrier gas from the at least one inlet conduit. The apparatus also includes at least one outlet conduit operatively connected to the holding tank for receiving the mixture of metal vapor and carrier gas from the holding tank, at least a first cooling device operatively connected to the at least one outlet conduit to cause at least a portion of the metal vapor entering the at least one outlet conduit to condense to solid metal, and at least one mechanical device positioned inside the at least one outlet conduit that operates to push the solid metal from the at least one outlet conduit to the holding tank. In yet a further aspect of the invention, an apparatus for condensing metal vapors includes at least one inlet conduit for receiving a mixture of metal vapor and carrier gas, a holding tank operatively connected to the at least one inlet conduit for receiving the metal vapor and carrier gas from the at least one inlet conduit, and at least one set of outlet conduits operatively connected to the holding tank for receiving the metal vapor and gas mixture from the holding tank. Each outlet conduit of the set has a shared input section and a shared output section, and each outlet conduit of the set has an individual output section. The apparatus also includes a set of cooling devices. Each cooling device is operatively connected to a corresponding outlet conduit to cause some of the metal vapor inside the outlet conduit to condense to solid metal. The apparatus further includes a set of heaters. Each heater being operatively connected to a corresponding outlet conduit to cause the solid metal inside the outlet conduit to melt. The apparatus also includes a plurality of valves operatively connected to the set of outlet conduits and a controller for controlling the set of cooling devices, the set of heaters, and the plurality of valves to cause the metal vapor and gas mixture to pass from the shared input section through the set of outlet conduits in parallel to the shared output section when each of the set of cooling devices is condensing solid metal in each of the corresponding outlet conduits, and to cause the metal vapor and gas mixture to pass from the shared input section through the set of outlet conduits in series to the individual output section of an outlet conduit of the set in which a corresponding cooling device is condensing solid metal when a heating device of the set is melting solid metal in the other outlet conduit of the set. In another aspect of the invention, a method for condensing metal vapors includes directing a mixture of metal vapor and carrier gas in to at least one inlet conduit, directing the mixture of metal vapor and carrier gas in to a holding tank and subsequently in to at least one outlet conduit operatively connected to the holding tank, and cooling the at least one outlet conduit to cause some of the metal vapor inside the at least one outlet conduit to condense to solid metal. The method further includes, subsequent to condensing solid metal, stopping the cooling of at least one of the outlet conduits and commencing heating of the same outlet conduits to cause the solid metal to melt to form liquid metal, collecting the liquid metal in the holding tank, and preventing the remaining metal vapor and carrier gas from exiting the same outlet conduits during at least a portion of the heating of the same outlet conduits. In still a further aspect of the invention, a method for condensing metal vapors includes directing a mixture of metal vapor and carrier gas in to at least one inlet conduit and directing the mixture of metal vapor and carrier gas in to a holding tank and subsequently in to at least one outlet conduit operatively connected to the holding tank. The at least one outlet conduit has a plurality of sections, and the first section is proximal to the holding tank. The method further includes cooling the first section of the at least one outlet conduit to cause some of the metal vapor inside the first section of the at least one outlet conduit to condense to solid metal, and, subsequent to condensing solid metal in the first section of the at least one outlet conduit, stopping the cooling of the first section of the at least one outlet conduit and commencing heating of the first section of the at least one outlet conduit to cause the solid metal to melt to form liquid metal. The method also includes cooling a second section of the at least one outlet conduit. The second section is distal to the first section of the at least one outlet conduit, to cause some of the metal vapor inside the second section of the at least one outlet conduit to condense to solid metal. The method also includes, subsequent to condensing solid metal in the second section of the at least one outlet conduit, stopping the cooling of the second section of the at least one outlet conduit and commencing heating of the second section of the at least one outlet conduit to cause the solid metal to melt to form liquid metal, collecting the liquid metal in the holding tank, and preventing the metal vapor and carrier gas from exiting the at least one outlet conduit during at least a portion of the heating of a distal-most section of the at least one outlet conduit. In yet another aspect of the invention, a method for condensing metal vapors includes directing a mixture of metal vapor and carrier gas in to at least one inlet conduit, directing the mixture of metal vapor and carrier gas in to a holding tank and subsequently in to at least one outlet conduit operatively connected to the holding tank. The method also includes cooling the at least one outlet conduit to cause some of the remaining metal vapor inside the at least one outlet conduit to condense to solid metal, and pushing the solid metal out of the at least one outlet conduit in to the holding tank. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL VIEWS OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a schematic of a SOM electrolysis process for producing magnesium vapor. FIG. 2 is a schematic of a condenser according to a first embodiment of the invention. FIG. 3 is a schematic of a second condenser embodiment of the invention. FIG. 4 . block diagram of a metal vapor source condenser and holding tank according to a third embodiment of the invention. FIG. 5 is a schematic of a fifth condenser embodiment of the invention. FIG. 6 is a schematic of a fifth condenser embodiment of the invention during normal operation of the condenser. FIG. 7 is a schematic of a fifth condenser embodiment of the invention during operation of the condenser to melt solid metal deposits in the condenser. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION This disclosure describes methods and apparatuses for condensing liquid magnesium or other liquid metals or other species from the vapor state. Certain embodiments condense vapors with a partial pressure between 100 Pa and 70 kPa and recover over 95% of the input metal vapor in the liquid product. The embodiments are useful for producing liquid magnesium in combination with SOM Electrolysis, metallothermic reduction, distillation, and similar processes where it is necessary or convenient to form metal at low vapor pressure. FIG. 1 shows a schematic of an exemplary SOM electrolysis process and apparatus for obtaining pure magnesium metal from magnesium oxide (MgO). Magnesium oxide is heated in a molten salt bath and electrolyzed to form pure magnesium gas and pure oxygen gas. At the cathode of the exemplary apparatus, magnesium ions are reduced to form pure gaseous magnesium, which bubbles out of the molten salt bath. At the anode of the exemplary apparatus, oxygen anions are permitted to permeate a SOM membrane into liquid silver, where the oxygen anions are oxidized to pure oxygen gas, which bubbles out of the apparatus. Thus, the SOM apparatus shown in FIG. 1 can be a source of metal vapor, e.g., magnesium vapor. Other sources of metal vapor are also within the scope of the invention. FIG. 2 illustrates a condenser system 100 , which includes two condensing stages. The condenser system 100 includes a first condenser tube, conduit, or set of tubes or conduits (hereafter “inlet tube(s)”) 101 that carries the metal vapor from, e.g., a SOM electrolysis cell, with a carrier gas, illustratively argon, to a tank 102 . The tube/conduit walls are cooled by a fluid jacket 103 , illustratively with air or water as the cooling fluid, reducing the gas temperature from the entrance temperature to a temperature close to but not below the metal's melting point (m.p.), e.g., m.p.≦T≦m.p.+100° C. This range is illustrative; other values outside of this range are also within the scope of the invention. In addition, the use of a fluid jacket for cooling is but one illustrative example of how the conduit can be cooled. Other known chillers can be used and remain within the scope of the invention. As the gas temperature falls below the metal dew point (i.e. the temperature at which the metal equilibrium vapor pressure equals its partial pressure in the gas), then this condenses some of the metal in the vapor to a liquid 104 in the tube(s) 101 . The tube(s) 101 slope downward or descend vertically into the liquid metal tank 102 such that condensed liquid metal 104 in the tube(s) 101 flows into the tank 102 . The holding tank 102 contains the condensed liquid metal 104 , and the metal-bearing gas flows through this holding tank 102 past the condensed liquid metal 104 . The tank 102 is heated or cooled by an electric or gas heater or one or more fluid jacket(s) 105 to keep its temperature uniform and above though close to the metal's melting point, e.g., m.p.≦T≦m.p.+50° C. This range is illustrative; other values outside of this range are also within the scope of the invention. A second condenser tube, conduit, or set of tubes or conduits (hereafter “outlet tube(s)”) 106 leads the carrier gas-metal vapor mixture away from the tank 102 . The tube walls are cooled by a fluid jacket 107 and cool the gas to well below metal's melting point, condensing nearly all of the remaining metal as solids 108 . Mechanical action (physically pushing solid metal deposits out of the outlet tubes, e.g., into the liquid tank) and/or periodic remelting (periodically shutting off flow through one or more of the tubes, and heating it above the condensed metal melting point to melt the solid metal deposits) drives this metal into the holding tank 102 . A gas flow cutoff valve 109 located at the distal end of the outlet tube(s) 106 can be closed when an outlet tube 106 is being reheated to prevent metal vapor that results from the heating process from escaping the outlet tube 106 . One can heat the outlet tube(s) 106 to remelt the solid condensate 108 by electrical resistive heating elements 110 , by electromagnetic induction heating, by combustion flame, or by flowing hot fluid through a fluid jacket around it. This hot fluid can be hot fluid that is leaving fluid jacket 103 around the inlet tube(s) 101 that is subsequently diverted to the outlet tube(s) 106 to heat the outlet tube(s) 106 . For a magnesium condenser, the inlet tube(s) 101 , holding tank 102 and outlet tube(s) 106 can illustratively be made of carbon steel, nickel-free stainless steel alloys, carbon steel with a stainless steel cladding on the outside, titanium, or titanium alloys; other fabrication materials are also within the scope of the invention. Mechanical action to physically push solid metal deposits out of the outlet tubes can be achieved using a rod or cylinder with a slightly smaller outer diameter than the inner diameter of the outlet tube(s). For example, the outer diameter of the rod or cylinder may be 0.25 inches to one inch smaller than the inner diameter of the outlet tube(s). This range is illustrative; other values outside of this range are also within the scope of the invention. The rod may be in a cylindrical shape for round outlet tube(s), or may be in the shape of a square or rectangle for outlet tube(s) that are square or rectangular in shape. The rod may be shaped in any way to match the shape of the outlet tube(s). Alternatively, a plunger device having a rod with a disc attached to the end, the disc being shaped in the same shape as the outlet tube(s) and having a slightly smaller outer diameter than the inner diameter of the outlet tube(s), may be used. An additional method of removing solid metal from the outlet tube(s) is flushing the outlet tube(s) with liquid metal, which would result in melting of the solid metal and removal to the holding tank. To accomplish this, any liquid metal used to flush the outlet tube(s) must be sufficiently hot to melt the solid metal and avoid solidifying as it travels through the outlet tube(s). An additional method of removing solid metal from the outlet tube(s) is by further cooling the outlet tube(s) to achieve a sufficiently large thermal expansion coefficient difference between the solid metal within the outlet tube(s) and the metal of the outlet tube(s) itself. The large thermal expansion coefficient difference causes the solid metal within the outer tube(s) to peel off of the outlet tube(s). For example, because the thermal expansion coefficient difference between magnesium and steel is large—25 ppm per degree Celsius for magnesium and 12 ppm per degree Celsius for steel—if the outlet tube(s) are made of steel and contains solid magnesium, further cooling of the outlet tube(s) would result in peeling of the magnesium from the inner walls of the outlet tube(s). The peeled magnesium could then be more easily removed using mechanical action or by flushing the outlet tube(s) with liquid metal, as described above. The holding tank 102 optionally has a lid, cover, or other movable barrier 111 located above the surface of the liquid metal 104 and below the inlet tube(s) 101 and outlet tube(s) 106 to prevent evaporation of the liquid metal 104 contained in the holding tank 102 . This optional lid or cover 111 can be used to cover the liquid metal 104 in the holding tank 102 when there is no condensation of liquid metal occurring in the inlet tube(s) 101 and there is only solid metal condensation occurring in the outlet tube(s) 106 , which would occur when the partial pressure of the metal vapor in the carrier gas is below its equilibrium vapor pressure at its melting point. This lid or cover 111 is removed when the outlet tube(s) 106 are melting the solid metal to liquid metal or mechanically pushing the solid metal back to the holding tank 102 . One advantage of the features of the embodiments described herein is that the equilibrium vapor pressure of metal at the exit of the outlet tube(s) 106 can be much lower than that at the melting point of the metal, e.g., 10 − atm at 350° C. for magnesium, such that this apparatus can recover a larger fraction of the entering metal than would be possible without these features. This apparatus is therefore useful for condensing metal when its entering vapor pressure is well below the 0.7-1.2 atmosphere range, and even when the dew point of the entering metal vapor is below its melting point. It is also robust to fluctuations in input gas stream temperature and metal vapor pressure, such as those found in metallothermic production of magnesium. Another advantage is the ability to operate continuously without shutting off completely to remove condensed solid metal from the outlet tube(s), as some of those tubes can be selectively sealed off during melting, mechanical pushing, or flushing of the metal, while other tubes remain open and condensing more solid metal. Embodiments of the condenser apparatus are useful not only in conjunction with processes for primary production of metals such as magnesium, such as metallothermic and electrolysis processes, but also for processes which refine magnesium and other metals by distillation and electrorefining, and for other sources of metal vapor. FIG. 3 illustrates a second embodiment of a condenser system 200 that shares several of the features of condenser system 100 described above. In this second embodiment, the exits 201 of the inlet tube(s) 101 are submerged in the liquid metal 104 in the holding tank 102 such that they produce small bubbles 202 of metal vapor and the carrier gas of less than, e.g., 5 cm diameter, which float to the liquid metal surface. This range is illustrative; other values outside of this range are also within the scope of the invention. Such small bubbles 202 exhibit large surface area, which facilitates rapid gas-liquid heat and mass transfer kinetics, in order to cool the gas and condense some of its remaining metal as a liquid. Gas bubbles also stir liquid metal 104 , and in this case the carrier gas stirring the liquid metal 104 in the holding tank 102 can enhance heat transfer in order to keep the liquid metal temperature roughly uniform. As before, the liquid metal temperature should be above the metal's melting point. This stirring can also perform mixing of alloying elements, such as aluminum, manganese, rare-earth metals, and zinc into liquid magnesium, creating a homogeneous alloy. When zinc or other highly volatile metals are present in an alloy, the outlet tube(s) 106 can serve to condense and return any metal which evaporates back into the holding tank 102 . In this embodiment, the condensed liquid metal 104 thus serves as a coolant for the submerged portions of the tubes 101 and the gas mixture contained within them. FIG. 4 illustrates a third embodiment of a condenser system 300 . In this third embodiment, a gas pumping device or recirculating pump 301 recirculates the remaining carrier gas 302 , illustratively argon, from the outlet tube(s) exit back into a process chamber of a metal vapor source 303 , which generates the magnesium vapor, illustratively the SOM Electrolysis crucible. Optionally, the apparatus can continuously or periodically re-direct this argon through a cold trap in order to remove volatile elements or compounds by condensation; this cold trap is a condenser which cools the argon or other carrier gas, causing some of the volatile elements or other compounds that remain in the gas to condense out of the gas. Although not shown in the figure, the cold trap can be located between the condenser and carrier gas addition. This cold trap may illustratively be cooled by water, liquid nitrogen or argon, other refrigerants, or cold gases; other cooling fluids or devices are also within the scope of this invention. It may also have a heat exchanger such that argon or other carrier gas traveling from the condenser outlet tube(s) to the cold trap both heats and is partially cooled by the argon or other carrier gas returning from the cold trap, in order to reduce the energy or cooling fluid required to maintain the cold trap temperature. It may also include a means to add carrier gas before the recirculating pump 301 , which is the lowest-pressure part of the circuit, in order to maintain pressure and replace losses due to leakage. For this embodiment, the very low vapor pressure of metal remaining in the carrier gas 302 after solid metal condensation in the outlet tube(s) helps to prevent metal condensation in the cold trap and/or recirculation pump, which could cause clogging of the trap and/or pump and failure of the pump, and thus can be beneficial to the operation of the recirculating pump 301 . In a fourth embodiment of the invention, which shares many of the features of the previous embodiments of the invention, the outlet tube(s) have multiple melting zones along their length and operate in the following sequence. First, metal vapor enters a first zone of the outlet tube(s) from the holding tank. This first zone is the part of the outlet tube(s) that is closest to the holding tank. This first zone is initially cooled as described above, causing the metal vapor to condense to solid metal. This first zone is then heated as described above, causing the solid metal to melt to liquid metal, which flows back into the holding tank. This heating process creates some metal vapor, which moves further up the outlet tube(s) to a second zone of the outlet tube(s). This second zone of the outlet tube(s) is initially cooled, causing metal vapor received from the first zone to condense to solid metal. This second zone is then heated, causing the solid metal to melt to liquid metal, which flows back to the first zone of the outlet tube(s) and eventually to the holding tank. This heating process creates some metal vapor, which moves further up the outlet tube(s) to a third zone of the outlet tube(s). This third zone of the outlet tube(s) is initially cooled, causing metal vapor received from the second zone to condense to solid metal. This third zone is then heated, causing the solid metal to melt to liquid metal, which flows back to the second zone of the outlet tube(s) and eventually back to the first zone of the outlet tube(s) and to the holding tank. This heating process creates some metal vapor, which moves further up the outlet tube(s) to additional zones. As described above, an optional gas flow cutoff valve is located at the distal end of the outlet tube(s). This gas flow cutoff valve is open during this process, allowing carrier gas to exit the outlet tube(s). To clear out the solid metal from the last zone of the outlet tube(s) without allowing metal vapor to escape from the outlet tube(s), the gas flow cutoff valve is closed and the last zone is subsequently heated, causing the solid metal in the last zone to melt to liquid metal, which flows back to the previous zone. Because the gas flow cutoff valve is closed, any metal vapor that is created by the heating process remains in the outlet tube(s). The last zone of the outlet tube(s) is then re-cooled, and the gas flow cutoff valve is opened. Alternatively, multiple zones can be simultaneously heated during this process. In this fourth embodiment, each additional zone reduces the amount of metal vapor which exits the condenser, and/or reduces the downtime required for a given limitation on the amount of metal vapor exiting the condenser. That is, if operating continuously with one zone periodically melting results in a time-averaged fraction a of metal exiting the condenser during its heating time (for example, it heats and melts metal one tenth of the time, resulting in one tenth of the metal entering the second condenser tube, so a=0.1), then two zones can theoretically reduce the metal exit loss to a 2 (in this example a 2 =0.01 so 99% of the metal is retained), and three zones would reduce it to a 3 , and so on. Or if operating with one zone periodically melting results in a fraction of the time b in which the carrier gas flow is shut off (for example, it heats and melts metal without carrier gas flow one tenth of the time, resulting in one tenth downtime, so b=0.1), then operating with two zones can theoretically reduce downtime to b 2 (in this example, b 2 =0.01 so the process achieves 99% uptime), three zones would reduce it further to b 3 , and so on. In a fifth embodiment of the invention, shown in FIGS. 5-7 , a parallel system of outlet tubes allows for continuous metal vapor and carrier gas flow through the condenser without having to close off the flow for any period of time. FIG. 5 shows the parallel system of outlet tubes, with an inlet 401 for receiving metal vapor and carrier gas from the holding tank, a left condenser tube 402 and a right condenser tube 403 for condensing metal vapor to solid metal, a main exhaust 404 for exhausting carrier gas, a main exhaust outlet valve 412 , a right outlet exhaust 405 and a left outlet exhaust 407 for exhausting carrier gas, and a right outlet valve 406 and a left outlet valve 408 . The left condenser tube 402 also has a left condenser tube inlet valve 410 and a right condenser tube inlet valve 411 which are located proximal to the inlet 401 . FIG. 6 shows the parallel outlet tube system in parallel operation. Remaining metal vapor and carrier gas flows from the holding tank in to inlet 401 and subsequently in to left condenser tube 402 and right condenser tube 403 , which are both connected to inlet 401 . The left and right condenser tubes 402 and 403 are cooled by fluid jackets or other cooling means, which cool the vapor and gas to well below metal's melting point, condensing nearly all of the remaining metal as solids. The carrier gas subsequently flows out of the condenser through the main outlet 404 . FIG. 7 shows the mechanism by which the solid metal is melted and collected in the holding tank. The main outlet valve 412 is closed, the right condenser tube outlet valve 406 is opened, and the right condenser tube inlet valve 411 is closed. This causes the remaining metal vapor and carrier gas 413 to flow from the holding tank through inlet 401 , through the left condenser tube 402 , through the right condenser tube 403 , and out the right condenser tube outlet 405 . The left condenser tube 402 is then heated above the metal's melting point, causing the solid metal in the left condenser tube 402 to melt, and the resulting liquid metal 409 to flow back through inlet 401 in to the holding tank. Any metal vapor that results from this heating process is carried to the right condenser tube 403 , where it is re-condensed to solid metal. After this process is allowed to run for some time, the left condenser tube 402 is cooled below the metal's melting point. The right condenser tube outlet valve 406 is then closed, the right condenser tube inlet valve 411 is opened, the left condenser tube outlet valve 408 is opened, and the left condenser tube inlet valve 410 is closed. This causes the remaining metal vapor and carrier gas to flow from the holding tank through inlet 401 , through the right condenser tube 403 , through the left condenser tube 402 , and out the left condenser tube outlet 407 . The right condenser tube 403 is then heated above the metal's melting point, causing the solid metal in the right condenser tube 403 to melt, and the resulting liquid metal to flow back through inlet 401 in to the holding tank. Any metal vapor that results from this heating process is carried to the left condenser tube 402 , where it is re-condensed to solid metal. After this process is allowed to run for some time, the right condenser tube 403 is cooled below the metal's melting point. The condenser system is then returned to its standard operating state by closing left condenser tube outlet valve 408 , opening left condenser tube inlet valve 410 , and opening main outlet valve 412 . In certain of the embodiments described above, the various heaters, cooling device, valves, pumps, and other system elements are controlled by a process control system or controller (e.g. controller 112 of FIG. 2 ), such as any known in the art. For example, the control elements (heater, coolers, valves, etc.) can be connected to a Distributed Control System (DCS), Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), or other types of process automation equipment. The controller contains logic that modulates the valves to obtain the desired flow path through the various conduits of the condenser systems. In addition, the controller cycles the heaters and cooling devices (in the case of on/off devices) and/or modulates the heating and or cooling to obtain the desired temperature ranges. The control system, logic, and/or operation of the various equipment disclosed herein may be implemented as a computer program product with associated database(s) for use with a computer system or computerized electronic device. Such implementations may include a series of computer instructions, or logic, fixed either on a tangible medium, such as a computer readable medium (e.g., a diskette, CD-ROM, ROM, flash memory or other memory or fixed disk) or transmittable to a computer system or a device, via a modem or other interface device, such as a communications adapter connected to a network over a medium. The medium may be either a tangible medium (e.g., optical or analog communications lines) or a medium implemented with wireless techniques (e.g., Wi-Fi, cellular, microwave, infrared or other transmission techniques). The series of computer instructions embodies at least part of the functionality described herein with respect to certain embodiments of the system. Those skilled in the art should appreciate that such computer instructions can be written in a number of programming languages for use with many computer architectures or operating systems. Furthermore, such instructions may be stored in any tangible memory device, such as semiconductor, magnetic, optical or other memory devices, and may be transmitted using any communications technology, such as optical, infrared, microwave, or other transmission technologies. It is expected that such a computer program product may be distributed as a removable medium with accompanying printed or electronic documentation (e.g., shrink wrapped software), preloaded with a computer system (e.g., on system ROM or fixed disk), or distributed from a server or electronic bulletin board over the network (e.g., the Internet or World Wide Web). Of course, some embodiments of the invention may be implemented as a combination of both software (e.g., a computer program product) and hardware. Still other embodiments of the invention are implemented as entirely hardware, or entirely software (e.g., a computer program product). In one experiment conducted using an embodiment of the invention, magnesium vapor entered a condenser system at approximately 1000 degrees Celsius and was cooled to about 750 degrees Celsius in an inlet tube, causing some of the magnesium vapor to condense to liquid magnesium. The remaining magnesium vapor and carrier gas was directed to cooled outlet tubes that were cooled to 150 degrees Celsius, according to the invention. The gas that was exhausted from these outlet tubes contained no measurable amount of magnesium. In another planned series of experiments using an embodiment of the invention, metal vapor and carrier gas will be condensed to liquid metal in an inlet tube, the liquid metal will be collected in a holding tank, and the remaining metal vapor and carrier gas will enter a series of two outlet tubes that are connected in series and cooled. In one experiment, the first outlet tube which is connected to the holding tank will be periodically heated to melt the solid metal, which will flow back to the holding tank, or a mechanical device will be used to push the condensed solid metal back to the holding tank. The second outlet tube, which is connected to the distal end of the first outlet tube, will not be heated. At the end of the experiment, the first and second outlet tubes will weighed to determine the amount of solid metal in the two tubes. We anticipate that the additional mass of metal will be less than 1% of the mass of the metal in the holding tank. In a second experiment, the first and second outlet tubes will be cooled continuously. At the end of the experiment, the first and second outlet tubes will be weighed to determine the amount of solid metal in the two tubes. We anticipate that the additional mass of metal will be approximately 4% to 5% of the mass of the metal in the holding tank. We anticipate that this series of experiments will show the effectiveness of a two-stage condenser. It would be readily apparent to those skilled in the art that the condenser apparatuses described herein can be used with numerous metals other than magnesium, including, inter alia, calcium, copper, zinc, sodium, potassium, lithium, and samarium. Other embodiments are within the scope of the following claims. Several embodiments of the claimed invention have been shown, for example, in FIGS. 1-7 , but other embodiments exist that would also fall within the scope of the claims. The description above is illustrative; the invention is defined by the following claims.
Methods for condensing metal vapors comprising directing a mixture of metal vapor and carrier gas into at least one inlet conduit are provided. Some methods comprise directing the mixture of metal vapor and carrier gas into a holding tank for liquid metal and subsequently into at least one outlet conduit operatively connected to the tank; cooling the at least one outlet conduit to cause some of the metal vapor inside the conduit to condense to solid metal; subsequent to condensing solid metal, stopping the cooling of at least one of the outlet conduits and commencing heating of the same outlet conduits to cause the solid metal to melt to form liquid metal; collecting the liquid metal in the tank; and preventing the remaining metal vapor and carrier gas from exiting the same outlet conduits during at least a portion of the heating of the same outlet conduits.
FIELD [0001] This disclosure relates to the field of recovery of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs). BACKGROUND [0002] UUVs may be irretrievably lost during underwater operation and be unable to return to the surface for a number of reasons. The UUV may inadvertently travel below a design depth, may be caught by debris or mud, may lose power and be unable to return to the surface, etc. By design, UUVs are often neutrally buoyant, which may require the UUV to utilize a propulsion system to return to the surface. However, propulsion may not be available when power is lost or the UUV incurs software and/or computer failures. The result is that the UUV may drift under water, making recovery nearly impossible. SUMMARY [0003] Embodiments described herein provide UUV recovery systems and methods that utilize multiple independent release mechanisms that can detach a load and allow the UUV to float to the surface of the water. The independent release mechanisms are each capable of releasing the load from the UUV utilizing different release criteria, thereby rendering the UUV positively buoyant when various conditions are met. [0004] One embodiment is a recovery system for a UUV. The recovery system includes a detachable load that renders the UUV neutrally buoyant in water. The recovery system further includes a plurality of release mechanisms that are configured to detach the load to render the UUV positively buoyant in the water. The release mechanisms include a first, second, and third release mechanism. The first release mechanism is configured to detach the load in response to a command signal. The second release mechanism is configured to detach the load in response to the UUV being submerged in the water beyond a threshold time. The third release mechanism is configured to detach the load in response to the UUV exceeding a maximum depth in the water. [0005] Another embodiment is a recovery system for a UUV. The recovery system includes a detachable load, a first release mechanism, a second release mechanism, and a third release mechanism. The load is configured to render the UUV positively buoyant in water upon release. The first release mechanism is configured to detach the load in response to a command signal. The second release mechanism is configured to detach the load in response to the UUV being submerged in the water beyond a threshold time. The third release mechanism is configured to detach the load in response to the UUV exceeding a maximum depth in the water. [0006] Another embodiment is a method for operating a recovery system for an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV). The method comprises affixing a detachable load that renders the UUV neutrally buoyant in water. The method further comprises detaching the load in response to a command signal to render the UUV positively buoyant in the water. The method further comprises detaching the load in response to the UUV being submerged in the water beyond a threshold time to render the UUV positively buoyant in the water. The method further comprises detaching the load in response to the UUV exceeding a maximum depth in the water to render the UUV positively buoyant in the water. [0007] The above summary provides a basic understanding of some aspects of the specification. This summary is not an extensive overview of the specification. It is intended to neither identify key or critical elements of the specification nor delineate any scope of the particular embodiments of the specification, or any scope of the claims. Its sole purpose is to present some concepts of the specification in a simplified form as a prelude to the more detailed description that is presented later. DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0008] Some embodiments are now described, by way of example only, and with reference to the accompanying drawings. The same reference number represents the same element or the same type of element on all drawings [0009] FIG. 1 illustrates a vehicle that utilizes a recovery system in an exemplary embodiment. [0010] FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a recovery system for the vehicle of FIG. 1 in an exemplary embodiment. [0011] FIG. 3 is an isometric view of another recovery system for the vehicle of FIG. 1 in an exemplary embodiment. [0012] FIG. 4 is an isometric view of a plurality of release mechanisms for the recovery system of FIG. 3 in an exemplary embodiment. [0013] FIG. 5 is an isometric view of a cable and disk assembly for the recovery system of FIG. 3 in an exemplary embodiment. [0014] FIGS. 6-8 illustrate a release scenario for detaching a load in an exemplary embodiment. [0015] FIG. 9 is a flow chart of a method of operating the recovery systems of FIGS. 2-3 in an exemplary embodiment. DESCRIPTION [0016] The figures and the following description illustrate specific exemplary embodiments. It will thus be appreciated that those skilled in the art will be able to devise various arrangements that, although not explicitly described or shown herein, embody the principles of the embodiments and are included within the scope of the embodiments. Furthermore, any examples described herein are intended to aid in understanding the principles of the embodiments, and are to be construed as being without limitation to such specifically recited examples and conditions. As a result, the inventive concept(s) is not limited to the specific embodiments or examples described below, but by the claims and their equivalents. [0017] FIG. 1 illustrates a submersible vehicle 100 that utilizes a recovery system in an exemplary embodiment. In this embodiment, vehicle 100 is depicted as an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV), although in other embodiments, vehicle 100 may be any type of vehicle that is able to submerge under water and utilize a recovery system to ensure that vehicle 100 may be recovered at the surface when various recovery criteria are met. For instance, vehicle 100 may inadvertently dive past a pre-determined depth, which triggers the recovery system to return vehicle 100 to the surface. Vehicle 100 may exceed a pre-determined amount of time under water, which triggers the recovery system to return vehicle 100 to the surface. Vehicle 100 , or some other entity, may generate a command signal which triggers the recovery system to return vehicle 100 to the surface. [0018] FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a recovery system 200 for vehicle 100 of FIG. 1 in an exemplary embodiment. In this embodiment, recovery system 200 includes a plurality of release mechanisms 202 - 204 that are mechanically coupled to a detachable load 206 . Load 206 may include a portion of vehicle 100 and/or a drop weight that is able to be detached from vehicle 100 in some embodiments. In this embodiment, load 206 renders vehicle 100 substantially neutrally buoyant in water, and renders vehicle 100 positively buoyant in water when load 206 is released from vehicle 100 . When load 206 is released, vehicle 100 is able to float to the surface of the water and be recovered. [0019] Release mechanisms 202 - 204 operate substantially independently to ensure that load 206 is detached from vehicle 100 when certain conditions are met. This ensures vehicle 100 may be recovered. Release mechanism 202 in this embodiment comprises any component, system, or device that is able to detach load 206 in response to a command signal. The command signal may be generated by vehicle 100 and/or by another entity, such as a support vessel. For instance, vehicle 100 may generate a command signal to detach load 206 if vehicle 100 becomes stuck and is unable to surface (e.g., stuck in mud, ensnared in fishing gear, etc.). [0020] Release mechanism 203 in this embodiment comprises any component, system, or device that is able to detach load 206 in response to vehicle 100 being submerged in the water beyond a pre-determined time. For instance, if vehicle 100 loses power and drifts under water beyond a pre-determined amount time, then release mechanism 203 acts to detach load 206 and cause vehicle 100 to float to the surface of the water. [0021] Release mechanism 204 in this embodiment comprises any component, system, or device that is able to detach load 206 in response to vehicle 100 exceeding a maximum depth in the water. For instance, if vehicle 100 loses power or becomes negatively buoyant, then vehicle 100 may sink below a pre-determined depth in the water. In this case, release mechanism 204 acts to detach load 206 and cause vehicle 100 to float to the surface of the water. [0022] Because release mechanisms 202 - 204 act substantially independently of each other to detach load 206 and render vehicle 100 positively buoyant, vehicle 100 is more likely to be recovered on the surface of the water in response to a variety of possible failures that may otherwise cause vehicle 100 to be lost. [0023] FIG. 3 is an isometric view of another recovery system 300 for vehicle 100 in an exemplary embodiment. In this embodiment, recovery system 300 includes a plurality of release mechanisms (not visible in this view) which are surrounded by a housing 306 . Housing 306 of recovery system 300 is fixed to a shell 304 , which surrounds a detachable load 302 . In this embodiment, load 302 is a drop weight, although in other embodiments load 302 may include portion(s) of vehicle 100 . For instance, load 302 may be an instrument package for vehicle 100 , may be external lights for vehicle 100 , etc. Thus, it is not intended that load 302 in this embodiment be limited to only drop weights. [0024] In this embodiment, load 302 is able to slide within shell 304 and detach from recovery system 300 when certain conditions are met. While load 302 remains connected to recovery system 300 (which is part of or is mounted to vehicle 100 ), vehicle 100 is approximately neutrally buoyant. This allows vehicle 100 to operate under water without incurring a buoyancy penalty (e.g., either positively or negatively) when utilizing recovery system 300 . However, when load 302 is dropped, released, detached, etcetera, from recovery system 300 (and consequentially also from vehicle 100 ), vehicle 100 becomes positively buoyant. With positive buoyancy, vehicle 100 floats to the surface of the water, which allows for the recovery of vehicle 100 . [0025] FIG. 4 is an isometric view of release mechanisms 402 - 404 for recovery system 300 of FIG. 3 in an exemplary embodiment. In this view, housing 306 (see FIG. 3 ) has been removed to allow for the visibility of release mechanisms 402 - 404 . In this embodiment each of release mechanisms 402 - 404 are capable of operating independently to detach load 302 from recovery system 300 . Release mechanisms 402 - 404 are detachably coupled to a disk 405 , which is mounted to load 302 . However, in other embodiments, release mechanisms 402 - 404 may be detachably coupled to load 302 in any number of ways as a matter of design choice. Further, although disk 405 is depicted as substantially round, disk 405 may include other shapes as well. For instance, disk 405 may oblong, rectangular, triangular, etc. Disk 405 may be referred to as a weigh distribution plate in some embodiments. [0026] Release mechanism 402 in this embodiment is an active release, and is able to detach load 302 from recovery system 300 in response to receiving a command signal. For instance, vehicle 100 may generate a command signal to detach load 302 from recovery system 300 . Release mechanism 402 includes a pair of redundant actuator coils 414 which are used to release load 302 , although in other embodiments only one coil 414 may be used. Vehicle 100 , or some other entity such as a ship or an operator, may generate the command signal to release load 302 in cases where vehicle 100 is unable to return to the surface. For example, if a propulsion system for vehicle 100 fails, then vehicle 100 may generate the command signal actuating coils 414 . Coils 414 are mechanically coupled to a fixed arm 406 (which may be bonded to housing 306 ) and hold a movable arm 408 in place until coils 414 are actuated. Movable arm 408 is rotatably coupled to fixed arm 406 by a pin 407 . Upon actuation, movable arm 408 rotates out of position along a pin 407 coupled to fixed arm 408 , which causes movable arm 408 to decouple from disk 405 and release load 302 from shell 304 . This imparts positive buoyancy to vehicle 100 and allows vehicle 100 to float to the surface of the water for recovery. [0027] Release mechanism 403 in this embodiment is a passive release, and is able to detach load 302 from recovery system 300 in response to how long recovery system (and consequentially vehicle 100 ) is in and/or under the water. Release mechanism 403 may include a breakable link 410 , which corrodes in salt water at a known rate. When link 410 breaks, movable arm 408 rotates with respect to fixed arm 406 (which may be bonded to housing 306 ) along pin 407 , which causes movable arm 408 to decouple from disk 405 and allows load 302 to be released from shell 304 . For example, if vehicle 100 loses power or becomes entangled or trapped under water, link 410 eventually corrodes until link 410 breaks, which detaches load 302 from recovery system 300 . This imparts positive buoyancy to vehicle 100 , which is able to float to the surface and be recovered. [0028] Release mechanism 404 in this embodiment is another passive release, and is able to detach load 302 from recovery system 300 in response to recovery system 300 (and consequentially vehicle 100 ), exceeding a maximum depth. Release mechanism 404 may include a burst plug 412 or some other device which actuates in response to a pressure setting. For instance, if vehicle 100 sinks below a pre-determined depth in the water, burst plug 412 ruptures and causes load 302 to be released from recovery system 300 . This imparts positive buoyancy to vehicle 100 and allows vehicle 100 to float to the surface of the water and be recovered. The particulars of how release mechanism 404 may operate will be discussed with respect to FIG. 5 . [0029] FIG. 5 is an isometric view of a cable 502 and disk 405 assembly for the recovery system of FIG. 3 in an exemplary embodiment. In this view, the relationship between disk 405 and movable arms 408 is more clearly shown. Movable arms 408 include a hooked portion which allows disk 405 to be held or captured in place until any of movable arms 408 rotate out of position. Load 402 in this view is coupled to disk 405 utilizing a linkage and/or cable 502 . This allows load 402 to hang by cable 502 and remain part of recovery system 300 until disk 405 is dropped or titled out of position between movable arms 408 . Although FIG. 5 illustrates that each of movable arms 408 are located approximately equidistant around disk 405 , other configurations may exist. Referring again to release mechanism 404 , burst plug 412 couples movable arm 408 to fixed arm 406 (which may be bonded to housing 306 ) until burst plug 412 ruptures. In response to burst plug 412 rupturing, movable arm 408 rotates out of position with respect to fixed arm 406 along pin 407 , which causes movable arm 408 to decouple from disk 405 and allows load 302 to be released from shell 304 . [0030] FIGS. 6-8 illustrate a release scenario for detaching load 302 in an exemplary embodiment. Although FIGS. 6-8 illustrate the actuation of release mechanism 403 , which is based on the amount of time vehicle 100 is in and/or under the water, any of the other release mechanisms 404 - 405 may operate in a similar manner to allow disk 405 to rotate out of position and release load 302 from recovery system 300 . [0031] In FIG. 6 , link 410 is illustrated as releasing movable arm 408 , which pivots movable arm 408 toward the left in FIG. 6 along pin 407 . As movable arm 408 rotates, the capture of disk 405 is lost. Disk 405 begins to tilt, as illustrated in FIG. 7 . As disk 405 tilts and capture is lost (see FIG. 8 ), disk 405 becomes unstable and is able to slide out of position between movable arms 408 for each of release mechanisms 402 - 404 . As disk 405 is mechanically coupled to load 302 via cable 502 , load 302 is able to drop away from recovery system 300 , which then imparts positive buoyancy to vehicle 100 . Vehicle 100 is then able to float to the surface of the water for recovery. [0032] One advantage of recovery system 300 is that it includes a plurality of independent release mechanisms 402 - 404 , each of which are capable of releasing load 302 and allowing vehicle 100 to float to the surface. FIG. 9 is a flow chart of a method 900 of operating the recovery system of FIGS. 2-8 in an exemplary embodiment. The steps of method 900 will be described with respect to recovery system 200 ; although one skilled in the art will understand that method 900 may be performed by other devices or systems not shown. The steps of method 900 are not all inclusive and may include other steps not shown. Further, the steps may be performed in an alternate order. [0033] In step 902 , a detachable load (e.g., load 206 ) is affixed to a UUV (e.g., vehicle 100 ). The load may be part of the UUV and/or a drop weight, or some combination thereof. In step 904 , if a command signal has been received, then the load is detached from the UUV in step 910 and the UUV floats to the surface. If a command signal has not been received, then step 906 is performed. In step 906 , if the UUV has been submerged under water beyond a time limit, then the load is detached in step 910 and the UUV floats to the surface. If the UUV has not been submerged beyond the time limit, then step 908 is performed. In step 908 , if the UUV has sunk below a pre-determined depth under the water, then the load is detached in step 910 and the UUV floats to the surface. Each of steps 904 - 908 may be performed nearly simultaneously. If none of the previous conditions for detaching the load occurs, then the load may not be detached from the UUV. [0034] Although specific embodiments were described herein, the scope is not limited to those specific embodiments. Rather, the scope is defined by the following claims and any equivalents thereof.
Embodiments described herein provide a highly reliable UUV recovery systems and methods that utilize multiple independent release mechanisms that can detach a load and allow the UUV to float to the surface of the water. One embodiment is a recovery system for a UUV. The recovery system includes a detachable load that renders the UUV neutrally buoyant in water. The recovery system further includes a plurality of release mechanisms that detach the load to render the UUV positively buoyant in the water. The release mechanisms include a first, second, and third release mechanism. The first release mechanism detaches the load in response to a command signal. The second release mechanism detaches the load in response to the UUV being submerged in the water beyond a threshold time. The third release mechanism detaches the load in response to the UUV exceeding a maximum depth in the water.
FIELD Embodiments herein relate to hydraulic fracturing including proppant placement. BACKGROUND A standard approach to optimization under uncertainty is based on original Markovitz portfolio theory and more recently was tailored to oilfield applications with modified definition of efficient frontier (U.S. Pat. No. 6,775,578 B. Couet, R. Burridge, D. Wilkinson, Optimization of Oil Well Production with Deference to Reservoir and Financial Uncertainty, 2004) and Value of Information (Raghuraman, B., Couët, B., Savundararaj, P., Bailey, W. J. and Wilkinson, D.: “Valuation of Technology and Information for Reservoir Risk Management,” paper SPE 86568, SPE Reservoir Engineering, 6, No. 5, October 2003, pp. 307-316). However, these methods employ mean-variance approach and do not provide a much needed insight into the inherent uncertainty of the optimized model and, more importantly, any quantitative guidance on reducing this uncertainty, which is very desirable from the operational point of view. Application of Global Sensitivity Analysis to address various problems arising in oilfield industry has been described for reservoir performance evaluation, for measurement screening under uncertainty, for pressure transient test design and interpretation, for design and analysis of miscible fluid sampling clean-up, and for targeted survey design. However, these disclosures were focusing only on quantifying uncertainty in specific physical quantities and using that analysis to gain a new insight about the measurement program design and interpretation. The references did not look at optimization of the underlying physical processes. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES FIG. 1 is a workflow summarizing adaptive GSA-optimization approach. FIG. 2 is a workflow summarizing the inputs and outputs for the example proppant placement and fracture conductivity calculation. FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram providing a definition of cycle phase shift and perforation spacing for two injectors from a vertical well into a vertical fracture. FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram illustrating the length of the cycle and length of the proppant-laden portion. FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram for one example considered. The final placed distribution of proppant is also influenced by mixing between the proppant-laden and clean fracturing fluid portions. The mixing process is characterized by a single mixing length. FIG. 6 is a workflow illustrating the inputs, outputs, and workflow for the example proppant placement and fracture conductivity calculation. FIG. 7 is a chart plotting three points of the efficient frontier from the optimization using initial ranges for uncertain variables. Lower values of the objective function (μ−λσ) for increasing values of λ illustrate the inherent penalty for risk. FIG. 8 is a chart plotting three points of the efficient frontier from the optimization using GSA-updated ranges for uncertain variables. Initial efficient frontier points are also included for comparison. Lower values of the objective function (μ−λσ) for increasing values of λ illustrate the inherent penalty for risk. SUMMARY Embodiments herein relate to apparatus and methods for delivering and placing proppant to a subterranean formation fracture including identifying control variables and uncertain parameters of the proppant delivery and placement, optimizing a performance metric of the proppant delivery and placement under uncertainty, calculating sensitivity indices and ranking parameters according to a relative contribution in total variance for an optimized control variable, and updating a probability distribution for parameters, repeating optimizing comprising the updated probability distribution, and evaluating a risk profile of the optimized performance metric using a processor. Some embodiments may deliver proppant to the fracture using updated optimized values of control variables. DETAILED DESCRIPTION This disclosed approach combines Global Sensitivity Analysis (Saltelli et al., 2004) with optimization under uncertainty in an adaptive workflow that results in guided uncertainty reduction of the optimized model predictions. Embodiments herein relate to a general area of optimization under uncertainty. The application of the disclosed method relates to well stimulation and hydraulic fracturing in particular. Heterogenous Proppant Placement (HPP) strategies seek to increase propped fracture conductivity by selectively placing the proppant such that the fracture is held open at discrete locations and the reservoir fluids can be transported through open channels between the proppant. Schlumberger Technology Corporation provides well services that include introducing proppant into the fractures in discrete slugs (Gillard, M. et al., 2010; Medvedev, A. et al., 2013). For the purposes of technology development and optimal implementation, tools must be developed for predicting the conductivity of the heterogeneously propped fractures during the increase in closure stress resulting from flow-back and subsequent production. In the presence of uncertainty in formation properties, optimal HPP strategies will result in inherently uncertain predictions of fracture conductivity. Herein, we describe a method to reduce uncertainty in predicted fracture conductivity and identify an optimal HPP operational strategy for an acceptable level of risk. Embodiments herein show how a predictive physics-based HPP model is used to estimate fracture conductivity under a given closure stress. The input parameters of the model are divided into control variables (operational controls may include dirty pulse fraction, injector spacing, proppant Young's modulus etc.) and uncertain variables (uncertain formation properties may include Poison ratio, Young's modulus, proppant diffusion rates etc.). The model is first optimized to obtain values of control variables maximizing mean fracture conductivity (for a given closure stress) under initial uncertainty of formation properties. An efficient frontier may be obtained at this step to characterize dependence between the optimized mean value of fracture conductivity and its uncertainty expressed by the standard deviation. Global sensitivity analysis (GSA) is then applied to quantify and rank contributions from uncertain input parameters to the standard deviation of the optimized values of fracture conductivity. Uncertain parameters are ranked according to their calculated sensitivity indices and additional measurements can be performed to reduce uncertainty in the high-ranking parameters. Constrained optimization of the model with reduced ranges of uncertain parameters is performed and a new efficient frontier is obtained. In most cases, the points of the updated efficient frontier will shift to the left indicating a reduction in the risk associated with achieving the desired fracture conductivity. The disclosed method provides an adaptive GSA-optimization approach that results in uncertainty reduction for optimized HPP performance. The workflow is applied for HPP optimization, which requires a capability for the prediction of the placement of proppant and the resultant conductivity within a potentially rough fracture under any prescribed closure stress. This capability receives inputs relating to the pumping schedule, proppant properties and formation properties and provides a prediction of the achieved fracture conductivity. For example, in our demonstration, we utilize the methods in U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/870,901, filed Aug. 28, 2013 which is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety where the combination of fracture and proppant is represented by a collection of asperities arranged upon a regular grid attached to two deformable half-spaces. The deformation characteristics of the deformable half-spaces are pre-calculated, allowing for very efficient prediction of the deformation of the formation on either side of the fracture. The method automatically detects additional contact as the fracture closes during increasing closure stress (such as during flow-back and production). In addition, the asperity mechanical response is modified to account for the combined mechanical response of the rough fracture surface and any proppant that may be present in the fracture at that location. In this way, the deformation of any combination of fracture roughness and heterogeneous arrangement of proppant in the fracture can be evaluated. The deformed state is then converted into a pore network model which calculates the conductivity of the fracture during flow-back and subsequent production. Embodiments herein allow one to progressively reduce uncertainty in the performance of an optimized HPP operational strategy by iterative reduction of uncertainty in identified properties of the reservoir. Optimization Under Uncertainty and Global Sensitivity Analysis Let us consider a general case when the underlying physical process is modeled by a function y=f(α, β), where α={α 1 . . . α N } and β={β 1 . . . β M } are two sets of parameters. Here, α represents the set of control parameters (to be used in optimization), and β denotes the set of uncertain parameters. Mathematically, β's are considered to be random variables represented by a joint probability density function (pdf). Therefore, for each vector of control variables α, the output of the model is itself a random variable with its own pdf (due to uncertainty in β). A mean-variance approach is commonly used for optimization, i.e. a function of the form F =μ(α,β)−λσ(α,β) where μ, and σ are the mean and standard deviation of the output y of the numerical simulation, and λ is a non-negative parameter defining a tolerance to risk (uncertainty). The optimization problem can then be formulated as max α ⁢ ⁢ F ⁡ ( α , β ) For each optimization iteration, a sample of the random vector β is chosen, and the values of y(α, β) are first computed using this sample for a given a and then averaged over β. Various optimization algorithms can then be used to find the optimal value of α. The process of optimizing under uncertainty will lead to a set of parameters α opt that provide the optimum of the objective function F. Therefore, an optimized model is now available: y=f (α opt ,β) Note that the optimized model still has inherent uncertainty due to the uncertainty in parameters β. A set of solutions to the optimization problem can be plotted in (μ, σ) coordinates, where optimal points corresponding to pre-defined values of λ will form an efficient frontier ( FIG. 7 ). This represents a risk profile of the underlying modeled process. The positive slope of the frontier illustrates the penalty for additional uncertainty (risk). From the operational perspective, the goal is to reduce this risk while maintaining the same level of expected performance (represented by μ). In order to reduce the uncertainty, one needs to understand where it is coming from. Therefore, a quantitative link between uncertainties in input parameters (β) and uncertainty in the output is desirable. This link can be quantified using Global Sensitivity Analysis based on variance decomposition. Global sensitivity analysis (Saltelli et al., 2004) based on variance decomposition is used to calculate and apportion the contributions to the variance of the measurement signal V(Y) from the uncertain input parameters {X i } of the subsurface model. For independent {X i }, the Sobol' variance decomposition (Sobol', 1993) can be used to represent V(Y) as V ( Y )=Σ i=1 N V i +Σ 1≦i<j≦N V ij + . . . +V 12 . . . N ,  (1) where V i =V[E(Y|X i )] are the variance in conditional expectations (E) representing first-order contributions to the total variance V(Y) when X i is fixed i.e., V(X i )=0. Since we do not know the true value of X i a priori, we have to estimate the expected value of Y when X i is fixed anywhere within its possible range, while the rest of the input parameters {X ˜i } are varied according to their original probability distributions. Thus, S 1 i =V i /V ( Y ) is an estimate of relative reduction in total variance of Y if the variance in X i is reduced to zero. Similarly, V ij =V[E(Y|X i , X j )]−V i −V j is the second-order contribution to the total variance V(Y) due to interaction between X i and X j . Notice, that the estimate of variance V[E(Y|X i , X j )] when both X i and X j are fixed simultaneously should be corrected for individual contributions V i and V j . For additive models Y(X), the sum of all first-order effects S1 i is equal to 1. This is not applicable for the general case of non-additive models, where second, third and higher-order effects (i.e., interactions between two, three or more input parameters) play an important role. The contribution due to higher-order effects can be estimated via total sensitivity index ST: ST i ={V ( Y )− V[E ( Y|X ˜i )]}/ V ( Y ), where V(Y)−V[E(Y|X ˜i )] is the total variance contribution from all terms in Eq. 1 that include X i . Obviously, ST i ≧S1 i , and the difference between the two represents the contribution from the higher-order interaction effects that include X i . There are several methods available to estimate S1 i and ST i (see (Saltelli et al., 2008) for a comprehensive review). In one embodiment, we apply Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE) [Wiener, 1938] to approximate the underlying optimized function y=f(α opt ,β). The advantage of applying PCE is that all GSA sensitivity indices can be calculated explicitly once the projection on the orthogonal polynomial basis is computed (Sudret, 2008). In another embodiment, GSA sensitivity indices can be calculated using an algorithm developed by Saltelli (2002) that further extends a computational approach proposed by Sobol' (1990) and Homma and Saltelli (1996). The computational cost of calculating both S1 i and ST i is N(k+2), where k is a number of input parameters {X i } and N is a large enough number of model calls (typically between 1000 and 10000) to obtain an accurate estimate of conditional means and variances. However, with underlying physical model taking up to several hours to run, this computational cost can be prohibitively high. Therefore, we can use proxy-models that approximate computationally expensive original simulators. Quasi-random sampling strategies such as LPτ sequences (Sobol, 1990) can be employed to improve the statistical estimates of the computed GSA indices. Once sensitivity indices are computed, uncertain β-parameters can be ranked according to values of S 1 . Parameters with the highest values of S 1 should be selected for targeted measurement program. Reduction in uncertainty of these parameters will result in largest reduction in uncertainty of predicted model outcome. Parameters with lowest values of ST (typically, below 0.05) can be fixed at their base case value, thus reducing dimensionality of the underlying problem and improving the computational cost of the analysis. The summary of the proposed general workflow is given in FIG. 1 . The main steps include: 1. Identify control variables (α) and uncertain parameters (β). If applicable, define ranges for control variables. Define probability distribution functions (pdfs) for uncertain parameters. 2. Perform optimization under uncertainty (max F (α, β), where F=μ−λσ) and construct relevant points on the efficient frontier for various values of λ. 3. For a given point on the efficient frontier (defined by prescribed value of λ and corresponding values of control parameters α λ ), calculate GSA sensitivity indices and rank uncertain parameters β according to values of S 1 . 4. Perform additional measurements to reduce uncertainty of parameters β with high values of S 1 and redefine pdfs for those parameters. 5. Optional: fix values of parameters β with low (e.g., below 0.05) values of ST to reduce dimensionality of the optimization problem. 6. Perform steps 2-5 until acceptable level of risk is achieved or until the decision is made that the desired level of performance cannot be achieved with the acceptable level of risk. Illustrative Example: HPP Optimization Under Uncertainty We now describe the application to a problem of HPP optimization demonstrating the method. The underlying physical model along with the methods and numerical tools developed to simulate it are disclosed in “Method for Predicting Heterogeneous Proppant Placement and Conductivity” (U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/870,901, filed Aug. 28, 2013 which is incorporated by reference above). Below we provide a short description of the main steps involved in calculating fracture conductivity resulting from HPP. FIG. 2 shows a flow diagram highlighting the inputs and outputs utilized in our specific example of fracture conductivity when considering the heterogeneous placement of proppant from a vertical well intersecting a vertical hydraulic fracture as depicted in FIG. 3 . In this instance, the heterogeneity of proppant in the fracture is achieved through a combination of pulsing of the proppant into the fracture (see FIG. 4 ) and mixing phenomena (see FIG. 5 ) that are characterized by a mixing length. FIG. 6 shows in more detail how the inputs are broken down into those related to the placement of the proppant and those related to the subsequent deformation and conductivity calculations. The complete list of model inputs utilized by the example application is provided in Table 1 along with descriptions of the inputs, their units and initial ranges used in this example. We start by following the steps of the workflow disclosed in FIG. 1 . Step 1. Identify control variables (α) and uncertain parameters (β) and define their ranges and probability distributions. Control variables (α) include: 1. Injector spacing 2. Pumping rate 3. Full cycle length 4. Proppant pulse length 5. Injector phase shift 6. Proppant Young's modulus 7. Proppant permeability (parameter was fixed in this study since the dominating flow mechanism in successful HPP job should be though the channels formed between the proppant pillars rather than through the proppant itself) Ranges for control variables are given in Table 1. FIG. 4 illustrates some of these variables related to heterogeneous placement of proppant and consequently some systems can accommodate a pumping schedule that includes variations in proppant concentration with time. Uncertain variables (β) include: 1. Fracture aperture during placement 2. Proppant mixing length 3. Formation Young's modulus 4. Formation Poisson ratio Ranges for uncertain variables are given in Table 1. All variables were assumed to be uniformly distributed, except for “Proppant mixing length” that was assumed to be uniformly distributed on a log scale. TABLE 1 List of inputs for fracture conductivity calculation applied to injection into a vertically oriented fracture from a vertical well. Input Description Units Range Injector Vertical distance between Length (m) 0.5-3   spacing injectors Pumping Volume per 0.1-0.5 rate unit time (bpm) Full cycle Length in time of repeated Time (s) 15-25 length cycle of heterogeneous injection Proppant Fraction of total injection Non- 0.25-0.75 pulse length period dedicated to dimensional proppant injection Injector The systematic delay be- Non- 0-1 phase shift tween the cycles of the dimensional injectors (as fraction of total cycle length) Fracture Fracture assumed to have Length (mm) 3-7 aperture constant aperture during during displacement for this placement demonstration. Proppant The permeability of the Length*Length fixed at permeability permeability can be stress (m 2 ) 10 −10 under stress dependent. In this demonstration it was assumed constant. Proppant Characteristic length scale Length (m) 0.001-0.25  mixing over which proppant and length clean fracturing fluid mix during placement Proppant Assumed elastic constant Stress (MPa)  50-500 Young's characterizing compression modulus of proppant. Formation Stress (GPa)  5-50 Young's modulus Formation Non- 0.15-0.35 Poisson dimensional ratio Closure Stress (MPa) 0.1-30  stress levels Step 2. Perform optimization under uncertainty (max F (α, β), where F=μ−λσ) and construct relevant points on the efficient frontier for various values of λ. The underlying quantity to be optimized is fracture conductivity at a predefined closure stress (20 MPa in this example). In general, the objective function can be based on other performance metrics of proppant delivery and placement in the fracture including total hydrocarbon produced through the fracture, hydrocarbon production rate, and a financial indicator characterizing profitability of the fracturing job. Results of the optimization step comprise a risk profile shown in FIG. 7 . Corresponding values of mean, standard deviation for three λ points along with P10-P50-P90 estimates for facture conductivity corresponding to these three operational scenarios are given in Table 2. TABLE 2 Results of optimization with initial uncertainty. λ = 0 λ = 1 λ = 2 Mean fracture conductivity (D · m) 248.15 232.05 193.6 Mean fracture conductivity (log 10) −9.605 −9.634 −9.713 Standard deviation (log10 cycles) 1.21 1.15 1.10 P90 (D · m) 2.21 2.79 2.83 P50 (D · m) 562 507 408 P10 (D · m) 4582 3619 2622 Step 3. For a given point on the efficient frontier (defined by prescribed value of λ and corresponding values of control parameters α λ ), calculate GSA sensitivity indices and rank uncertain parameters β according to values of S1. We apply Polynomial Chaos Expansion approach to calculate GSA sensitivity indices for optimized models corresponding to values λ=0, 1, 2. The values for first-order sensitivity index (S1) and total sensitivity index (ST) for each uncertain parameter β are given in Table 3. For all three optimal points on the efficient frontier, “Proppant mixing length” is responsible for almost 70% of variance in predicted fracture conductivity. The second largest contributor is “Fracture aperture during placement” (15-20% of variance). TABLE 3 GSA sensitivity indices for optimized models (uncertain parameters ranked according to S1). λ = 0 λ = 1 λ = 2 S1 ST S1 ST S1 ST Proppant mixing length 0.72 0.75 0.69 0.73 0.65 0.70 Fracture aperture during 0.17 0.18 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.20 placement Formation Young's modulus 0.08 0.11 0.09 0.13 0.11 0.15 Formation Poisson ratio 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Step 4. Perform additional measurements to reduce uncertainty of parameters β with high values of S 1 and redefine pdfs for those parameters. Based on results of Step 3, “Proppant mixing length” was identified as a single largest contributor to variance of fracture conductivity at 20 MPa. For illustration, we assume that additional measurements were performed to reduce the uncertainty range of this parameter from 0.001 m-0.25 m (slightly more than two log 10 cycles) to 0.005-0.05 (one log 10 cycle) with uniform distribution on log scale. Step 5. Optional: fix values of parameters β with low (<0.05) values of ST to reduce dimensionality of the optimization problem. Analyzing total-sensitivity values, we notice that “Formation Poisson ratio” has values very close to zero. Therefore, fixing this parameter in the middle of its original uncertainty range (0.15-0.35) will not significantly affect the outcome of the subsequent analysis (Sobol, 2001) while improving its computational cost since the dimensionality of the problem will be reduced. Step 6. Perform optimization step 2 with updated ranges of uncertain parameters. Results of the optimization step are shown in FIG. 8 . Three points of the initial efficient frontier are also included for comparison. The updated efficient frontier has moved to the left (desired reduction in uncertainty) and slightly up. We note that the vertical direction of the shift in efficient frontier depends on underlying values in the physical quantity of interest (fracture conductivity) in the updated range of the uncertain parameter (Proppant mixing length). Corresponding values of mean, standard deviation for three λ points along with updated P10-P50-P90 estimates for facture conductivity corresponding to these three operational scenarios are given in Table 4. We observe the significant reduction in standard deviation (on log scale) compared to the initial case. The reduction in P10-P90 range on a linear scale is also noticeable. TABLE 4 Results of optimization with updated uncertainty ranges (based on GSA). λ = 0 λ = 1 λ = 2 Mean fracture conductivity (D · m) 743.39 698.31 589.72 Mean fracture conductivity (log 10) −9.129 −9.156 −9.229 Standard deviation (log10 cycles) 0.68 0.59 0.53 P90 (D · m) 81 109 103 P50 (D · m) 981 943 782 P10 (D · m) 4494 3010 2219 The shift of efficient frontier to the left is expected in most cases. With the rare exception when the local variance underlying of values in the physical quantity of interest in the updated range of the uncertain parameter is higher than that in the initial range. Although even for this exception case, we argue that the disclosed approach provides iterative way to accurately estimate risk-reward profile for a given HPP job and allows one to avoid costly mistakes that would result in an underperforming fracture. We disclosed a method for adaptive optimization of heterogeneous proppant placement under uncertainty. A predictive physics-based HPP model is used to estimate fracture conductivity under the desired closure stress. The input parameters of the model are divided into control variables and uncertain variables. The model is first optimized to obtain values of control variables maximizing mean fracture conductivity (at given closure stress) under initial uncertainty of formation properties. An efficient frontier may be obtained at this step to characterize the dependence between the optimized mean value of fracture conductivity and its uncertainty expressed by the standard deviation. Global sensitivity analysis is then applied to quantify and rank contributions from the uncertain input parameters to the standard deviation of the optimized values of fracture conductivity. The uncertain parameters are ranked according to their calculated sensitivity indices and additional measurements can be performed to reduce uncertainty in the high-ranking parameters. Constrained optimization of the model with reduced ranges of uncertain parameters is performed and a new efficiency frontier is obtained. In most cases, the points of the updated efficient frontier will shift to the left indicating reduction in risk associated with achieving the desired fracture conductivity. The disclosed method provides an adaptive GSA-optimization approach that results in iterative improvement of estimated risk-reward profile of an optimized HPP job under uncertainty. Some embodiments may use a computer system including a computer processor (e.g., a microprocessor, microcontroller, digital signal processor or general purpose computer) for executing any of the methods and processes described herein. The computer system may further include a memory such as a semiconductor memory device (e.g., a RAM, ROM, PROM, EEPROM, or Flash-Programmable RAM), a magnetic memory device (e.g., a diskette or fixed disk), an optical memory device (e.g., a CD-ROM), a PC card (e.g., PCMCIA card), or other memory device. The memory can be used to store computer instructions (e.g., computer program code) that are interpreted and executed by the processor.
Apparatus and methods for delivering and placing proppant to a subterranean formation fracture including identifying control variables and uncertain parameters of the proppant delivery and placement, optimizing a performance metric of the proppant delivery and placement under uncertainty, calculating sensitivity indices and ranking parameters according to a relative contribution in total variance for an optimized control variable, and updating a probability distribution for parameters, repeating optimizing comprising the probability distribution, and evaluating a risk profile of the optimized performance metric using a processor. Some embodiments may deliver proppant to the fracture using updated optimized values of control variables.
TECHNICAL FIELD [0001] The present disclosure relates to optical devices and modules, and in particular to photonic integrated circuits. BACKGROUND [0002] Photonic integrated circuits include multiple optical components integrated on a common substrate, typically a semiconductor substrate. The optical components may include arrays of elements such as waveguides, splitters, couplers, interferometers, modulators, filters, etc., and may have similar or different optical processing functions. Photonic integrated circuits may be built by bonding together several optical, electro-optical, or optoelectronic chips. Electrical driver chips may also be attached to optoelectronic chips and electrically coupled by solder bumps or wirebonds. [0003] Structurally, photonic integrated circuits resemble electronic integrated circuits, with optical waveguides for conducting optical signals between different optical components. Due to integrated character of optical components and connections, photonic integrated circuits may be suitable for mass production to a similar degree integrated electronic circuits are, potentially allowing significant economy of scale. Silicon-based photonic integrated circuits in particular may benefit from a well-developed material, technological, and knowledge base of silicon-based microelectronics industry. [0004] It may be desirable to reduce size of photonic integrated circuits to fit more circuits on a same semiconductor wafer. To achieve size reduction, individual circuit components need to be more densely packed. There is, however, a limit on how densely the components may be packed. When distances between the components are too small, optical crosstalk may result. The optical crosstalk occurs because light scattered from one component may be coupled to a nearby component, impacting that component's optical performance. Amplifiers, lasers, and photodetectors may be particularly sensitive to optical crosstalk caused by stray light from neighboring components. [0005] One typical example of a light-scattering component is a Mach-Zehnder interferometer of an optical modulator. When light modes in two arms of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer are in counter phase, a Y-junction combiner combining the two arms does not couple light into the output waveguide of the Y-junction combiner. Instead, the light is coupled into a radiative mode, causing the light to scatter throughout the photonic integrated circuit. Another typical example of a light-scattering component is an in-coupler of light. An in-coupler disposed near an edge of a photonic integrated circuit may scatter light escaped the core of an input waveguide due to an optical misalignment, imperfection of the input optical mode, etc. The scattered light may become guided by various layers of the photonic integrated circuit, causing extensive “ringing”, i.e. optical crosstalk. [0006] Thus, not only is optical crosstalk a limiting factor of miniaturization of photonic integrated circuits, it may also be a performance-degrading factor, and a significant design constraint. In prior-art photonic integrated circuits, the optical components are spaced apart to reduce the effect of optical crosstalk. This increases the overall dimensions of photonic integrated circuits, raising manufacturing costs. SUMMARY [0007] In accordance with an aspect of the present disclosure, a light shield structure may be formed between integrated optical devices of a photonic integrated circuit. Preferably, a light shield structure is formed using the very materials used to build the photonic integrated circuit, i.e. the materials already present in the circuit and compatible with the material system of the circuit. Metal layers, metal vias, and doped semiconductor regions may be used to surround light-sensitive and/or light-emitting integrated optical components or modules. Thus, a light shield may be integrally built in. [0008] In accordance with an aspect of the disclosure, there is provided a photonic integrated circuit comprising a substrate, first and second integrated optical devices over the substrate, and a light shield structure between the first and second integrated optical devices. The light shield structure is configured to suppress optical crosstalk between the first and second integrated optical devices. For example, the light shield structure may include an opaque structure for suppressing i.e. absorbing, reflecting, scattering light propagating between the first and second integrated optical devices, such as a light emitting device and a photodetector. In a preferred embodiment, the opaque structure has optical transmission of less than 10%. [0009] In one exemplary embodiment, the opaque structure may include a first opaque wall fully or partially surrounding the first integrated optical device, e.g. on all four sides, or on three sides when the first integrated optical device is disposed near an edge of a photonic integrated circuit. Openings may be provided in the first opaque wall for optical waveguides to extend through the openings. For silicon-based systems, the first opaque wall may include heavily doped silicon, e.g. doped at a carrier concentration of at least 10 18 cm −3 . [0010] In one embodiment, the opaque structure is not coplanar with the first or second integrated optical devices. The opaque structure may include a metal structure disposed farther away from the substrate than the first integrated optical device, or closer to the substrate. The light shield structure may include a second opaque wall extending from the first opaque wall and surrounding the first integrated optical device. The light shield structure may also include a photonic crystal, a plasmonic structure, a random or semi-random scatterer, etc. [0011] In accordance with another aspect of the disclosure, the light shield structure may include a dielectric layer and a channel or trench extending through the dielectric layer from the first opaque wall and surrounding the first integrated optical device. The channel or trench may be filled e.g. with metal or semiconductor, forming a second opaque wall extending from the first opaque wall. Furthermore, a light-shielding metal or semiconductor layer may be disposed over the first integrated optical device. The light-shielding metal or semiconductor wall may extend to the metal or semiconductor layer, thus providing a nearly complete integrated enclosure for the first integrated optical device. Similar light shielding structures may be provided around the second integrated optical device as well. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0012] Exemplary embodiments will now be described in conjunction with the drawings, in which: [0013] FIG. 1A is a plan view of a photonic integrated circuit of the present disclosure; [0014] FIG. 1B is a side cross-sectional view of the photonic integrated circuit of FIG. 1A , taken in a plane B-B shown in FIG. 1A ; [0015] FIG. 2 is a three-dimensional partial cut-out view of a photonic integrated circuit including a metal light shield; [0016] FIG. 3 is a three-dimensional partial cut-out view of a photonic integrated circuit including a semiconductor light shield; [0017] FIG. 4A is a frontal cross-sectional view of a shielded waveguide-coupled photodetector according to the present disclosure, wherein electrodes of the photodetector perform the light shielding function; [0018] FIG. 4B is a plan view of the shielded waveguide-coupled photodetector of FIG. 4A ; [0019] FIG. 5 is a top view of a shielded waveguide Y-junction according to the present disclosure; [0020] FIG. 6 is a top view of a shielded edge coupler according to the present disclosure; [0021] FIG. 7 is a top view of a shielded grating coupler according to the present disclosure, featuring an optional shielded serpentine waveguide; [0022] FIG. 8 is a top view of a shielded optical device, the light shielding structure including a Bragg grating structure; [0023] FIG. 9 is a frontal cross-sectional view of a shielded integrated optical device according to another aspect of the present disclosure; and [0024] FIG. 10 is a frontal cross-sectional view of a photonic integrated circuit of the disclosure including and an opaque wall extending between the two integrated optical devices for reducing optical crosstalk between them. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0025] While the present teachings are described in conjunction with various embodiments and examples, it is not intended that the present teachings be limited to such embodiments. On the contrary, the present teachings encompass various alternatives and equivalents, as will be appreciated by those of skill in the art. [0026] Referring to FIGS. 1A and 1B , a photonic integrated circuit 100 of the present disclosure includes a substrate 150 , first 101 and second 102 integrated optical devices over the substrate 150 , and a light shield structure 108 between the first 101 and second 102 integrated optical devices. By way of a non-limiting example, the first integrated optical device 101 may include a slab optical waveguide section 121 coupled to input 151 and output 152 waveguides. The light shield structure 108 may include any opaque structure, e.g. a metal structure, configured to suppress optical crosstalk between the first 101 and second 102 integrated optical devices. In the embodiment shown in FIGS. 1A and 1B , the light shield structure 108 includes a first opaque wall 131 surrounding the first integrated optical device 101 . An optional second opaque wall 132 may extend from the first opaque wall 131 , surrounding the first integrated optical device 101 as shown in FIG. 1B . In one embodiment, a metal or semiconductor shield layer (not shown for brevity) may extend over the first integrated optical device 101 such that the second opaque wall 132 extends to the metal or semiconductor shield layer. [0027] The first opaque wall 131 and/or second opaque wall 132 may include an optically absorbing material. Furthermore, the first opaque wall 131 and/or second opaque wall 132 may be at least partially reflecting, and/or scattering, to ensure that the first opaque wall 131 effectively functions as a light shield. In one embodiment, the first opaque wall 131 and/or second opaque wall 132 has optical transmission of less than 10%, and more preferably less than 5%, of the incoming and/or outgoing stray light. [0028] Referring specifically to FIG. 1A , the first opaque wall 131 may surround the first integrated optical device 101 , while leaving an opening for at least one waveguide, e.g. openings 141 , 142 for the input 151 and output 152 waveguides, respectively. The term “surrounds” is understood herein as allowing for openings in a surrounding structure if required, e.g. the openings 141 , 142 are provided in the first opaque wall 131 for the input 151 and/or output 152 waveguides. [0029] Referring specifically to FIG. 1B , the light shield structure 108 may be not coplanar with the first integrated optical device. In the embodiment shown, the light shield structure 108 does not extend to the plane of the first integrated optical device, being farther away from the substrate 150 than the first integrated optical device. This may be advantageous in embodiments where the light shield structure 108 includes a metal structure, and the first integrated optical device 101 includes a semiconductor structure under the metal. The light shield structure 108 may also be closer to the substrate 150 than the first integrated optical device 101 . The light shield structure 108 may include not only an opaque absorptive structure but also nano- and microstructures such as a photonic crystal, a plasmonic structure, or a random or semi-random scatterer, for example. [0030] In some embodiments of the present disclosure, at least one of the first 101 and/or the second 102 integrated optical device may be manufactured on additional substrates bonded to the substrate 150 . Alternatively, at least one of the first 101 and/or the second 102 integrated optical device may be monolithically fabricated on the substrate 150 . Furthermore, in some embodiments, the first integrated optical device 101 may include a light emitting device such as a laser or a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) e.g. a reflective SOA and/or traveling-wave SOA, while the second integrated optical device 102 may include a receiver, a photodetector, etc.; or the other way around. The first 101 and/or second 102 integrated optical devices may be comprised of Si, SiO 2 , doped glass, SiON, SiN, InP, AlGaAs, GaAs, InGaAsP, InGaP, InAlAs, and InGaAlAs. By way of a non-limiting example, the substrate may include Si, GaAs and InP. [0031] Referring to FIG. 2 , a photonic integrated circuit 200 is a variant of the photonic integrated circuit 100 of FIGS. 1A and 1B , and includes similar elements. The photonic integrated circuit 200 of FIG. 2 includes a metal wall 231 . The metal wall 231 (only one half is shown in FIG. 2 for clarity) may be disposed on the same layer as the first integrated optical device 101 and may surround the first integrated optical device 101 . A metal layer 113 may be disposed on top of the metal wall 231 over the first integrated optical device 101 , for extra protection against stray light. [0032] In accordance with one aspect of the present disclosure, an integrated photodetector of a photonic integrated circuit may be optically shielded using an opaque wall structure made of the very material a photosensitive layer of the integrated photodetector is made of, although a doping level may be adjusted for better absorption of light. Referring to FIG. 3 , a photonic integrated circuit 300 is a variant of the photonic integrated circuit 100 of FIGS. 1A and 1B , and includes similar elements. The photonic integrated circuit 300 of FIG. 3 includes an optically absorbing wall, e.g. a semiconductor opaque wall 331 surrounding the first integrated optical device 101 and shielding the first integrated optical device 101 from exterior light 309 . In one embodiment, the semiconductor opaque wall 331 is made of germanium. In another embodiment, the semiconductor opaque wall 331 is made of silicon doped to a carrier concentration of at least 10 18 cm −3 . Preferably, the semiconductor opaque wall 331 should have optical transmission of less than 10%, and more preferably less than 5% of the incoming stray light 309 . [0033] Turning now to FIGS. 4A and 4B , an integrated photodetector 400 of the present disclosure includes an isolating silicon substrate 402 including a buried oxide layer 403 on a silicon underlayer 401 , a slab optical waveguide 421 , and a photosensitive slab 422 optically coupled to the slab optical waveguide 421 . A first electrode 431 may be electrically coupled to the photosensitive slab 422 for conducting a photoelectric signal provided by the photosensitive slab 422 upon illumination with light guided by the slab optical waveguide 421 . The first electrode 431 may encircle or surround the photosensitive slab 422 as shown in FIG. 4B , thus functioning as a light shield for absorbing or reflecting stray light 409 propagating towards the photosensitive slab 422 . A second electrode 432 may be disposed on top of the photosensitive slab 422 , thus shielding the photosensitive slab 422 from ambient light 488 . [0034] FIGS. 4A and 4B illustrate but one example of an electrode structure having direct current (DC) or radio frequency (RF) electrodes configured for usage as light shields. More generally, an optical device may be shielded by surrounding light-emitting or light-sensitive portions of the optical device with an electrode structure of the optical device, e.g. photodetector electrodes, modulator electrodes, etc. [0035] Referring to FIG. 5 , a photonic integrated circuit 500 is an embodiment of the photonic integrated circuit 100 of FIGS. 1A and 1B , and includes similar elements. The photonic integrated circuit 500 of FIG. 5 includes a substrate 502 and a first opaque wall 531 . The photonic integrated circuit 500 further includes a waveguide Y-junction 521 ( FIG. 5 ) as an embodiment of the first integrated optical device 101 ( FIG. 1B ). The first opaque wall 531 ( FIG. 5 ) of the photonic integrated circuit 500 may surround the waveguide Y-junction 521 , e.g. by repeating the shape of the waveguide Y-junction 521 to capture any light coupled into radiative modes. [0036] Turning to FIG. 6 , a photonic integrated circuit 600 is another embodiment of the photonic integrated circuit 100 of FIGS. 1A and 1B , and includes similar elements. The photonic integrated circuit 600 of FIG. 6 includes a substrate 602 and a first opaque wall 631 . The photonic integrated circuit 600 further includes an edge coupler 621 . The edge coupler 621 ( FIG. 6 ) may be disposed proximate an edge 607 of the substrate 602 . The first opaque wall 631 partially surrounds the edge coupler 621 , leaving the edge 607 available for coupling an optical beam 680 to the edge coupler 621 via an optional external lens 682 . A waveguide 651 is coupled to the edge coupler 621 . The waveguide 651 extends through an opening 641 in the opaque wall 631 for outputting the coupled optical beam 680 . [0037] Referring to FIG. 7 , a photonic integrated circuit 700 is yet another embodiment of the photonic integrated circuit 100 of FIGS. 1A and 1B , and includes similar elements. The photonic integrated circuit 700 of FIG. 7 includes a substrate 702 and a first opaque wall 731 . The photonic integrated circuit 700 further includes a grating coupler 721 for optically coupling to an external optical fiber or waveguide, not shown. The grating coupler 721 ( FIG. 7 ) corresponds to the first integrated optical device 101 ( FIG. 1B ). The first opaque wall 731 surrounds the grating coupler 721 . The first opaque wall 731 has an opening 741 to pass through a waveguide 751 optically coupled to the grating coupler 721 . In the embodiment shown, the waveguide 751 includes serpentine structure including a plurality of alternating turns 781 . At least one turn 781 may be provided. [0038] First 771 opaque side walls and second 772 opaque side walls may be provided, as a part of an optical shield structure. The first 771 opaque side walls and second 772 opaque side walls run on both sides of the serpentine structure, so that first 771 opaque side walls and second 772 opaque side walls may absorb or redirect scattered light emitted by the waveguide 751 . The first 771 opaque side walls and second 772 opaque side walls may provide better stray light capturing than straight walls. Furthermore, a second opaque wall, not shown, may be disposed on the first opaque wall 731 , and/or on the first 771 and second 772 opaque side walls. [0039] Referring now to FIG. 8 , a photonic integrated circuit 800 is yet another embodiment of the photonic integrated circuit 100 of FIGS. 1A and 1B , and includes similar elements. The light shield structure of the photonic integrated circuit 800 of FIG. 8 includes a Bragg structure 871 on a substrate 802 . The Bragg structure 871 is configured for out-coupling stray light. The Bragg structure 871 may include a plurality of concentric or parallel walls in the first layer surrounding an integrated optical device 820 , as shown. [0040] Turning to FIG. 9 , a photonic integrated circuit 900 is yet another embodiment of the photonic integrated circuit 100 of FIGS. 1A and 1B , and includes similar elements. The photonic integrated circuit 900 includes a substrate 902 , which includes a first dielectric layer 911 , such as silicon oxide, for example, on the substrate 902 . The photonic integrated circuit 900 further includes of an integrated optical device 908 . The integrated optical device 908 is disposed between the first dielectric layer 911 and a second dielectric layer 912 . A channel 990 extends through the second dielectric layer 912 , surrounding the integrated optical device 908 for absorbing or redirecting stray light. To improve stray light rejection, a metal wall 991 may be formed in the channel 990 . The metal wall 991 may extend through the second dielectric layer 912 running around the integrated optical device 908 . To further suppress optical crosstalk and reject stray light, a metal overlayer 992 may be disposed over the integrated optical device 908 . For better stray light rejection, the metal wall 991 may extend upwards to the metal overlayer 992 . [0041] Referring now to FIG. 10 , a photonic integrated circuit 1000 is a variant of the photonic integrated circuit 100 of FIGS. 1A and 1B , and includes similar elements. The photonic integrated circuit 1000 of FIG. 10 may include a SOI substrate 1002 including a buried oxide layer 1003 on a silicon underlayer 1001 , and first 1021 and second 1022 integrated optical devices fabricated on the SOI substrate 1002 . An opaque wall 1031 extends between the first and 1021 second 1022 integrated optical devices for suppressing optical crosstalk between the first 1021 and second 1022 integrated optical devices. Similar to the photonic integrated circuit 900 of FIG. 9 , the photonic integrated circuit 1000 of FIG. 10 , may include a metal overlayer 1092 over the integrated optical device 1021 and 1022 . For better stray light rejection, the opaque wall 1031 may extend from the substrate 1002 to the metal overlayer 1092 . [0042] The present disclosure is not to be limited in scope by the specific embodiments described herein. Indeed, other various embodiments and modifications, in addition to those described herein, will be apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art from the foregoing description and accompanying drawings. Thus, such other embodiments and modifications are intended to fall within the scope of the present disclosure. Further, although the present disclosure has been described herein in the context of a particular implementation in a particular environment for a particular purpose, those of ordinary skill in the art will recognize that its usefulness is not limited thereto and that the present disclosure may be beneficially implemented in any number of environments for any number of purposes. Accordingly, the claims set forth below should be construed in view of the full breadth and spirit of the present disclosure as described herein.
A light shield may be formed in photonic integrated circuit between integrated optical devices of the photonic integrated circuit. The light shield may be built by using materials already present in the photonic integrated circuit, for example the light shield may include metal walls and doped semiconductor regions. Light-emitting or light-sensitive integrated optical devices or modules of a photonic integrated circuit may be constructed with light shields integrally built in.
FIELD OF INVENTION [0001] The present invention relates generally to reducing the use of the conventional combustion engine, which primarily functions on diesel or gas (petrol) fuel, as a power plant (engine or machine) on large applications such as largest container ships and large capacity electrical generator sets. To eliminate the use of fossil fuels in large combustion engines which is economically and environmentally causing havoc with zero pollution engines that is powered by gravity and buoyancy. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] Among the conventionally known combustion engine-driven large container ships and tankers and large capacity generator sets, operated by the use of fossil fuel are ones which have a driven shaft connected to a combustion engine directly or through a gearbox to propel the huge load, More specifically as mentioned earlier each of these equipment use an enormous amount of fuel to power them as a result cumulatively produce large quantity of CO 2 . Consequently, in such an environment, global warming has a huge impact on the ecosystem. [0003] There is a general need for alternative sources for large power plant (engine) which is inexpensive to operate and efficient in operation. Prior art power plants tend to be highly inefficient and lose a great deal of the energy generated before that energy can be utilized. With energy consumption hitting record levels, there is global need for clean sources of power plants (engine) that can generate electricity, power large container ship, replace coal and nuclear side of the electrical power generating plants furthermore with excess electricity hydrogen can be produced as fuel source to power our cars, airplanes, homes and industries directly or indirectly. [0004] The electric power grid is increasingly complex and the matching of power generation supply with power usage is a critical element in maintaining stability in operation. This issue is becoming more complicated with the addition of alternative energy generation sources such as wind power and solar power which have inherent issues with consistency of power production not to mention the losses in conversion of frequency and DC to AC. There is a need for utility scale energy generation without the use of fossil fuel or nuclear. The present invention has a potential to do just that on large scale. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0005] In order to accomplish the above-mentioned challenges, the present invention provides a new method, an engine that produces the high torque required by the power-plant, thus replacing the conventional combustion engine that powered the said power-plant, which comprises of: a gravitation powered power plant and an associated method, a combination of gravity force and the inherent buoyancy force conveyer type engine designed to mechanically operate in large tall water tanks to power high rise building, or as buoyancy farm on land or stream of water, large containerships with modifications to ships hall, floating electric plants in lakes, sea and ocean. [0006] In the present invention the power plant (engine) is assembled with large chambers on set of conveyers. Each of the chambers displaces liquid, preferably water (in freezing climates antifreeze solution added to water) with aid of the mechanical conveyer system (engine) that is used to generate motion through buoyancy. Each of the said buoyant chambers cumulatively produces enormous amount of force to overcome the designed torque to propel the huge load. Additional electronic controls could be added to monitor and maintain the said power plant. [0007] There are two method in the present invention to overcome a given turning load for generating to propel torque which employs a combination of water buoyancy force and gravity force to generate electricity or propel a large ship using the mentioned mechanical conveyer engine to displace water in the deep part of a large tall water tank or on lakes, sea and ocean as floating mechanical conveyer power plant (engine) to generate electricity thus buoyancy force is generated continuously 24/7 as multiple unit are combined as a buoyancy farm. [0000] The representative structure of the said chamber type of a present mechanical invention on the conveyer system is to accomplish the above objective is as follows; [0008] First method is each said cylinder chamber of a uniform size is mounted on a track system as parallel conveyers with dual industrial timing belts and gears with shafts mounted on a frame along with dual rail system running parallel to the said timing belts to secure all cylinder chambers to run uniformly and smoothly, the chamber are further tied to the said dual timing belts thus pulling the said timing belts. Each said cylinder chamber is capped at both ends maintaining a sealed cylinder as shown in FIG. 5 and FIG. 6 , inside each cylinder is a rotating baffle blade on a shaft between the centres of the two capped ends, which sweeps the cylinder walls in a circular manner operated from the centre of the said cylinder. Both ends of the rotating blade's shaft that's pieced through the center of the capped cylinder is further attached by a set of gears on both sides of the said sealed cylinder chamber frame, which are used for a large gear reduction to overcome water displacement force on cylinder shaft. At a given point on the inner side of the said cylinder wall sector, two walls as a “V” shape are fixed towards the centre shaft forming a triangle shape, one wall of the said two walls has large openings (allowing water to be expelled or entered) at several locations on the wall opening. The base of the triangle is the outer circumference of said cylinder sector that has an opening of large holes to discharge and take in water, which occupies approximately five to seven present of the cylinder circumference depending upon the design. The bottom tip of the “V” shape two sided walls of the triangular meets at the centre of the cylinder shaft, where the “V” tip of the walls supports a bushing in form of a hinge in which the blade and shaft rotates. The said baffle blade sweeps (rotating blade is neoprene sealed on the perimeter of the blade as well as the hinge as it sweeps to prevent seepage) all the water thus creates vacuum in the said cylinder thereby is filled with air as the said shaft rotates the said rotating blade. The said air is cycled in a loop as one cylinder on top of conveyer is filled with water simultaneously another cylinder at bottom of the conveyer is filled with air causing buoyancy force. The baffle sweeping blade and the centre bushing for the cylinder shaft perform as a piano hinge where a said shaft is fixed on to the sweeping blade causing the blade to sweep the cylinder wall clockwise and counter clockwise until it comes in contact with the said fixed “V” shape walls causing water to be expelled or creating a vacuum taking in air through the said loop. It is understood from the above mechanism that expelling water from the cylinder chamber and creating suction that is defused as the loop air enters cylinder has direct implication on buoyancy force by displacing water and balancing the forces. [0009] It is further understood viewing the drawings that each of the fully assembled large cylinders described above is attached to an upright conveyer type system. The top shaft of the conveyer and the bottom shaft are on a two sets of gears fixed to a frame. The industrial timing belts of the said conveyer system are fixed to each of the said mechanical cylinders spaced out evenly around the entire route of the said industrial timing belt. As the conveyer turns, the cylinder chambers are riding on a separate rail to maintain a smooth and steady movement as they are circulating along with the industrial timing belt that is pulled by the said cylinders. The said timing belt is pulled down with aid of the water filled cylinders by gravity force on one side at same time the water displaced cylinders on the other side of the conveyer been pulled opposite direction as buoyancy force thus cumulatively the said timing belt exert turning force on the gears. Identical copies of the said conveyer system explained above can be duplicated and combined thus coupled as one shaft to overcome the designed torque as a farm of buoyancy and gravity energy. As each conveyer system is combined, top or bottom shaft of the each and every conveyer is connected as a common shaft directly turning to propel a ship or a large generator. [0010] The mechanical function of the said cylinder is caused by a set of gears fixed to the cylinder rotational baffle blade shaft. As the each cylinder is riding on the said conveyer they are passing a stationary gear single edge tracking gear cut segment fixed to the conveyer frame's top and the bottom section of the conveyer system. Each of the said mechanical cylinders, as they make their way pass either the top or the bottom said stationary track gear cut segment (single edge tracking gear cut segment mounted of the conveyer frame) the gears on each cylinder makes contact with the said stationary track gear cut segment thereby the cylinder's sweeping baffle blade on a shaft turns since the gears are fixed to the cylinder shaft making contact with the stationary track gear segment as each cylinder travels on the said conveyer as shown in FIG. 8 and FIG. 9 [0011] The main difference between the top stationary track gear segment (Internal single edge track segment gear) is the said track gear teeth is on the inside of the conveyer causing the gears on the said mechanical cylinder to turn counter clockwise causing the rotating baffle blade shaft on the cylinder to turn allowing water to enter the cylinder and expel the air into the air loop circuit as the said conveyer turns counter clockwise. The bottom stationary gear cut segment (External single edge track segment gear) has the gear teeth on the outer side of the said conveyer causing the gears of the said pair of gears on the said mechanical cylinder to turn clockwise causing the rotating baffle blade shaft on the cylinder to turn expelling water and taking in air from the said cylinder as the conveyer turns counter clockwise as in this case. [0012] The following is detail travel journey of each and every said mechanical cylinder chamber by the engine's conveyer cycle thus producing the rotational gravitational force, cumulatively each cylinder produce enormous amount of buoyancy force to overcome the designed torque to propel the shaft. As the each cylinder filled with water makes it way moving downwards going counter-clock wise on the said conveyer, thus as the cylinder reaches the contact point at the lower stationary track gear segment and makes contact thus starts turning the gears on the cylinder, as gears on the cylinder turns the rotational baffle blade shaft sweeping all of the water out of the cylinder causing a displacement of the water, whereby filled with air, at this point the gears on the cylinders locks. This mechanical action causes a buoyancy force that forces the cylinder upwards thus all the cylinders above that mechanical cylinder that are going upwards cumulatively have an enormous force on the conveyer industrial timing belt since all are filled with air on buoyancy side of the said conveyer engine. As the said cylinder reaches the top of the conveyer above the water surface and makes contact with the top stationary gear cut segment the cylinder gears get unlock mechanism mounted on the conveyer frame the gear and shaft of the cylinder start turning taking in water into the said cylinder causing it to apply gravity force. This process is repeated continuously as each cylinder goes through the cycle thus applies a pulling force on the industrial timing belt of the conveyer engine to propel the said timing gear shaft to overcome the required torque of the a load. [0013] In the second method as shown in FIG. 11 , a TPBCC (triangular prism bellow collapsible chamber) is used to achieve a similar objective of generating buoyancy force in water whereby turning a sprocket gear shaft, except in this design the objective is to reduce drag whereby to increase efficiency along with two sets of rail system that is used, one outer set of rail system is to expand and collapse each TPBCC, the other inner rail (not shown) runs along with the sprocket chain in close proximity to maintain a steady movement of the TPBCC. Each TPBCC is of a uniform size that is mounted on a dual track system as parallel conveyers with sprocket chains and where sprocket gears has shafts mounted to a said conveyer frame, these chambers are triangular prism shape with bellow at both ends and the base of the TPBCC, so that they can be collapsed at the base of the triangle shape. The lower side is the base of the said TPBCC that is expendable with aid of the rail system to control the expansion to generate buoyancy force and contraction to accelerate gravity force as each TPBCC makes their way through the cycle of the conveyer module. Each TPBCC is identical to apply uniform force. The vertex of each TPBCC is designed to cut through the water to reduce drag as each TPBCC is cycled by the conveyer. [0014] The following is detail travel journey of the said TPBCC by the engine's conveyer cycle thus producing the rotational torque on the sprocket gear of the conveyer module. The gravitational force on one side of the said conveyer and buoyancy force on the other side of the same conveyer at the same time, cumulatively each cylinder produce enormous amount of buoyancy force on the said buoyancy side of the conveyer to overcome the designed torque to propel said gear whereby the shaft to the load, since the weight of the each TPBCC cancels each other's out on both sides of the conveyer and their weight are equally balanced on both sides. As each of TPBCC makes their way on two sets of rail system mounted on the conveyer frame, one inner set of rail is mounted on the conveyer frame along the sprocket chain route is to guide and pull the sprocket chain by the each TPBCC that attached to sprocket chain conveyer. The outer rail is mounted on the frame of the said conveyer guides and maintains each TPBCC's expansion and contraction continuously, furthermore it has a branch rail on the outer rail to keep the TPBCCs collapsed to shut the said conveyer engine down gradually, the said branch rail is controlled from the top. The expansion and collapsing of the TPBCCs is repeated continuously as each TPBCC goes through the cycle thus applies force on the rotating sprocket gears of the conveyer engine thus propel the shaft. Each TPBCC make their way pass the lower sprocket gears on the conveyer system going back up. As each TPBCC begin to go up expanded by the outer rail system thereby guides each TPBCC to maintain expanded form generating a buoyancy force as water is displaced in each of the TPBCCs going up to the top of the said conveyer is turn around by the sprocket gear on the conveyer. As the TPBCCs make their way down the said outer rail collapses them thus reducing the drag on the conveyer engine causing a gravity fall of the TPBCC. Cumulatively buoyancy force of all the expended TPBCC has an enormous force on the sprocket chain of the conveyer system as a result the sprocket gear has very high torque on the shaft. This process is repeated continuously as each TPBCC goes through the cycle thus applies a pulling force on the sprocket chain of the conveyer engine to propel the sprocket gear shaft. In order to start the conveyer module a manual crank handle is installed on top (not shown) to crank the sprocket gear and the branch rail disengaged, to shut the conveyer module down a branch rail is provided to disengage the expansion of the TPBCC. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DAWINGS [0015] A preferred embodiment of the present invention is described below with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which: [0016] FIG. 1 is a plan view of the module of a power plant. [0017] FIG. 2 is a partial isometric view of the top section of the module showing transfer belt and oil bath gear driving module shaft attached to power plant structure to facilitate module detachment. [0018] FIG. 3 depicts an isometric view of the module where an industrial timing belt and gear is used as conveyers that could function with sprocket chain and sprocket gear as well, and be expandable to accommodate a given load amongst the farm of modules. [0019] FIG. 4 illustrates an elevation of the module. [0020] FIG. 5 illustrates an exploded view of the cylinder where larges gear are used, should additional torque be require on larger volume cylinders a set of spur gears could be used riding on the a cut track gear segment to overcome the torque, furthermore a tow cable system be installed in the cylinder inner circumference of the walls to pull the baffle blade as it sweeps the cylinder to displace water with the aid of the said spur gears shaft winding and releasing the said cable. [0021] FIG. 6 illustrates an embodiment of an assembled cylinder with industrial timing belt attached. [0022] FIG. 7 illustrates an embodiment of different stages of cylinder during the displacement of water and air and intake of water and air by the baffle in the cylinders “V” shape cavity to support the baffle shaft. [0023] FIG. 8 depicts a top section of the module of an oval path dual drive track system with internal single edge track gear segments mounted to the frame of the conveyer module. The said internal track gear segments can be curved if need. [0024] FIG. 9 depicts a bottom section of the module of an oval path dual drive track system with external single edge track gear curved segments mounted to the frame of the conveyer module, furthermore a rectangular path driven with dual track system can also used to achieve the same objective (not shown). [0025] FIG. 10 depicts macro view of the energy farm that can be deployed for many applications. [0026] FIG. 11 depicts a mechanical buoyancy and gravity module with sprocket gear and sprocket chain that could use industrial timing belt and gear instead and are kept under tension. [0027] FIG. 12 depicts triangular prim expending generating buoyancy force and gravitational force by collapsing with aid of the rail system with minimum drag. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0028] Hereinafter, referring to the drawings, preferred embodiments of the invention are described in detail in an exemplifying manner. The size, materials, shapes and correlative positions of the structure parts as sets forth in the embodiments below can be modified properly according to the various conditions and terms, and if there is no special description, the scope of this invention is not intended to be limited only to those. First Set of Embodiment [0029] Hereinafter, the first embodiment of the invention is described with reference to the drawings FIG. 1 to FIG. 10 showing the entire structure of the said propulsion of a power-plant (engine) in a first embodiment using cylinders and a MCSM (mechanical conveyer system module) 13 to displace water with the aid of gears 31 and single edge track gear segments 19 in the deep part of a large tall water tank, on lakes, sea and ocean thus buoyancy force is generated continuously 24/7, cumulatively multiple unit, 6 and added said cylinders 22 can be assembled as buoyancy farm. [0030] A MCSM 13 of an oval path driven with dual track conveyer system mounted parallel in order to support long cylinders chambers 18 on the said MCSM 13 cylinders are uniform size mounted on the said track system as parallel conveyers with dual industrial timing belts 20 and gears 41 . A single edge gear track segment 19 mounted to a frame of the MCSM 13 , along with dual rail system not shown running parallel to industrial timing belt thus secure all cylinder chambers to run uniformly and smoothly on the said rail track, as the said cylinders make their way pass each said gear track single edge segment 19 to turn cylinder shaft 32 and the baffle blade 29 in each chamber, water is displaced or water is taken into the cylinders. The cylinders are further tied to the dual industrial timing belt 20 , as the said cylinders 18 are pulling the said industrial timing belt 20 kept under tension thereby turning the timing belt gears 40 . [0031] As discussed above, the present invention relates to a conveyer module or an engine for generating to propel torque which employs a combination of buoyancy force and gravity force whereby generate electricity or propel a large ship. Referring to the drawings, as shown in FIG. 1 plan view of the module demonstrate a small footprint. [0032] Referring now to FIG. 2 a partial top view of the MCSM 13 in which a detachable gear assembly in oil bath 12 is to disengage from the branch shaft 5 without interruption of the power-plant farm during servicing or replacing the MCSM 13 . [0033] Referring now to FIGS. 3 and 4 a complete view of the MCSM 13 as part of the group as a farm of MCSMs that each said MCSM 13 can be independently serviced and or replaced without stopping the entire power-plant, furthermore additional cylinders can be added 22 in the design of the MCSM 13 thus increasing the turning torque of the main module shaft 40 . The said MCSM 13 as a single unit in a tall water tank can be applied to propel an electrical generator or a water pump etcetera with a few modifications. The said single unit of MCSM 13 to propel equipment can be turned on with aid of a manual crank not shown on the top of a gear shaft 15 and turned off with aid of the lower single edge track gear attachment 19 of the MCSM that is temporary manually disengaged from the top not shown thus preventing the gear 31 from turning the baffle blade and displacing water. The said MCSM 13 would gradually come to a halt. [0034] Referring now to FIGS. 5 and 6 a exploded view and assembled view respectively, the said cylinders can be made of most material that can withstand pressure and preferably a low density furthermore the cylinders are sealed so water is not allowed in some areas of the cylinders and the rotating baffle 29 is also sealed preventing water to pass as it sweeps through as the shaft 32 rotates. The rotating baffle blade 29 shaft guides is part of the “V” shape walls as a support 36 . [0035] Referring now to FIG. 7 Different stages of each cylinder in the cycle of MCSM 13 as they make their way displacing water and taking in water to generate buoyancy and gravity respectively to convey the energy needed to propel main module gear 40 . As the cylinder makes its way pass the single edge gear track segment 19 at the bottom of the MCSM 13 . The rotating baffle 29 in the cylinder makes its way displacing water thus the rotating baffle 29 that has an enormous force to overcome as larger cylinders are used, this said force can be overcome by additional spur gear not shown added to the large gear 31 thus would have additional torque to overcome the load, furthermore addition tow cables can be installed in the cylinder towards the outer centre along the inner circumference of the said baffle blade tied to the said additional spur gear shaft not shown. The said cylinders attached to the MCSM 13 have a air loop system where all the cylinders on a particular said MCSM 13 have a air port 43 connected to a flexible reinforced hose 21 thus as one cylinder at the lower end of the MCSM 13 displaces water at the same time thus taking in air, this air comes from a similar cylinder on the top of the MCSM 13 that is taking in water and expelling air in a air closed loop system 21 furthermore a pressurized air accumulator is installed in the air loop circuit to offset any unbalances between water and air not shown, to prevent water from entering or air entering in each other's space during any pressure differences between the two said spaces. [0036] Referring now to FIG. 8 and FIG. 9 showing the top section of an oval path driven track system MCSM 13 and the bottom section of the said MCSM 13 , where the cylinders 18 are shown to perform in a cordial manner transferring air from the top cylinders 18 as they fill with water generating gravity force and the bottom cylinders 18 displacing water to generate buoyancy force in a uniform manner as the cylinders circle around the said oval track of MCSM 13 . In the design of the MCSM 13 the propel energy can be harvested from the top main power shaft 40 as displayed or from the bottom shaft 40 whichever application is appropriate. [0037] Referring now to FIG. 10 is a macro view of energy farm, as identical additional units of MCSM 13 are assembled 7 and combined with aid of branch shaft 5 that would transfer the propel energy to transfer box 4 thus would further transfer, the cumulatively propel energy to the main power shaft 3 thereby to the gearbox 2 to many applications such as a large capacity electrical generator 1 , propel a huge ship or produce power for high rise building in metro area. [0038] The following are the reference number to each part in the set of drawing from FIG. 1 to FIG. 10 [0039] 1 Generator [0040] 2 Transmission [0041] 3 Main power shaft. [0042] 4 Transfer box. [0043] 5 Branch shaft connecting module pairs. [0044] 6 Independently detachable gravity/buoyancy engine (MCSM) [0045] 7 Expansion of modules along the branch shaft. [0046] 8 Expansion of branch rows of modules along main shaft. [0047] 9 Water pool. [0048] 10 Platform. [0049] 11 Brackets on steel structure spanning the pool. [0050] 12 Detachable gear assembly in oil bath to disengage from branch shaft without interruption to the power plant. [0051] 13 Module structure that can independently be hoisted vertically (MCSM). [0052] 14 Steel structure spanning over the pool. [0053] 15 Secondary module shaft. [0054] 16 Gear that engages the secondary module shaft to branch shaft set in oil bath. [0055] 17 Transfer belt and gear driving module shaft attached to ( 13 ) module structure. [0056] 18 Cylinder assembly. [0057] 19 Internal or External single edge track gear segment attached to structure (Linear or curved). [0058] 20 Main module belt with fixed attachment for cylinder assembly. [0059] 21 Flexible air hoses interconnecting cylinder assemblies in closed system. [0060] 22 Cylinder assembly sets can be varied in the modules. [0061] 23 Pool floor. [0062] 24 Anchors to receive modules structure ( 13 ). [0063] 25 Water level. [0064] 26 Primary module industrial timing gear and shaft. [0065] 27 Extruded cylinder. [0066] 28 End cap. [0067] 29 Rotational baffle a blade hinged around cylinder shaft ( 32 ) [0068] 30 Neoprene seals preventing and maintaining a separation of air and water while the baffle blade sweeps back and forth. [0069] 31 Gear attached to blade ( 29 ) controlled by gear track single edge segment ( 19 ) [0070] 32 Cylinder shaft. [0071] 33 Fitting to attach cylinder and cylinder shaft as a unit to the industrial timing belt ( 20 ) [0072] 34 Bolt to secure end caps to cylinder. [0073] 35 Fitting connection to flexible hose. ( 21 ) [0074] 36 Hinge type support system for cylinder shaft with seals to prevent seepage. [0075] 37 Air filled space in the cylinder. [0076] 38 Water filled space in the cylinder. [0077] 39 Cylinder in transition phase between water and air. [0078] 40 Main module timing belt gear. [0079] 41 Shaft supporting main module timing belt gears attached to module structure ( 13 ) [0080] 42 Slot allowing passage of air in the air loop circuit. [0081] 43 Spur gear and tow cable in the cylinder not shown [0082] 44 Pressurized accumulator with flexible hose ( 21 ) to supply compressed air to module closed air loop system to offset any unbalances in air pressure not shown. [0083] 45 Direction of travel cylinders in motion. Other Embodiments [0084] Hereinafter, the second set of embodiment of the present invention is described with reference to the drawings. FIG. 11 is a side view showing the module structure of the said propulsion of a power plant (engine), in a second embodiment FIG. 12 using the mentioned triangular prism bellow collapsible chamber 3 and 10 to displace water with aid of the rail system in the deep part of a large tall water tank, lakes, sea and ocean thus buoyancy is generated continuously 24/7, cumulatively multiple unit can be assembled as buoyancy farm. [0085] A conveyer module of a dual track system mounted in parallel FIG. 11 and FIG. 12 , two track system is in parallel in order to support the long TPBCC (triangular prism bellow collapsible chamber) as shown in FIG. 11 and FIG. 12 a prospective view of the said TPBCC that's a uniform size is mounted on parallel conveyer track system with sprocket chains 1 , all the TPBCC are further tied to the dual sprocket chains 1 where sprocket gears 8 have shafts 6 mounted on a frame 12 along with secured TPBCC 3 on the displaced water (expended) side going up and the collapsed TPBCC 10 going down on to turn the sprocket gears 8 uniformly and smoothly, all the TPBCC are further tied to the dual sprocket chains 1 to propel the sprocket gears 8 . In order to start the said conveyer module a manual crank with a disengaging clutch is attached to shaft 6 on the top of the said conveyer module not shown, to turn the conveyer module off a separate branch rail system 9 is attached operated manually, if engaged the TPBCC will stop expending as it goes up thereby preventing a buoyancy force and gradually come to a stop. [0086] Travel journey of each TPBCC through the cycle of the said dual track conveyer module. As the collapsed TPBCC 10 makes its way down on the said conveyer system that are mounted on a inner rail system not shown that run parallel to the sprocket chain to ride the TPBCC smoothly with a link tied 4 to the sprocket chain 1 pulling the said sprocket chain 1 , as the TPBCC 10 reaches the bottom of the frame 12 the said TPBCC 10 turns around and makes its way up on the said conveyer, an outer dual rail system 2 begins to expend the said TPBCC 3 due to floating type bearings 5 used on both side of the TPBCC fixed on the outer end to accommodate any axial wander riding on the said outer dual rail system 2 thus simultaneously gradually expanding the said TPBCC and displacing water. This displacement of water by the TPBCC generates buoyancy force going up, since the prior TPBCCs 3 on the said conveyer has already expanded and maintains the displaced water form with the aid of the outer rail 2 system causing an enormous buoyancy force cumulatively pulling on the sprocket chain 1 . As each TPBCC 3 expands at the bottom of the conveyer module at the same time at the top of the conveyer module the TPBCC 10 collapses with aid of the outer rail system, this process is achieved by the said floating type bearings 5 used on both side of the TPBCC outer rail system 2 , furthermore compressed air in a loop circuit system is simultaneously expelled by the collapsing TPBCC 10 thus a given quantity of air in the said loop that is pushed back and forth repeatedly without external assistance furthermore with aid of a pressurized air accumulator (not shown) in the air loop system to offset any unbalances in the timing of the said procedure and external pressure.
An engine with low rpm and high torque from a combination of gravity forces and the inherent buoyancy as energy of a hollow body is formed immersed in a fluid. The engine includes pair of track system as parallel conveyers with belts or chains and gears that's fixed to a frame that's repeatedly displaces water, two methods used achieving the same objective firstly, sealed cylinders with gears on conveyer, said conveyer frame has external and internal single edge tracking gear cut segment that generate the gravity and buoyancy continuously, the second method triangular prism bellow chambers attached to said conveyer operated by a rail system to collapse and expend thereby combination of buoyancy and gravitational forces causes movement of sprocket chain thus rotate the sprocket gears which is used as a power plant, multiple engines can be deployed in a large tall tank, lake, and ocean as clean energy farm.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The invention relates to movable switch points for railway switches and, more particularly, to devices for compensating for lost motion between the throw of the switch machine and the movement of the switch point. 2. Description of the Prior Art A "frog" is the location at which one rail crosses over or intersects another rail. In instances of high speed turnouts (i.e., where a railway vehicle switches from one track onto another track), the actual degree of switch or turnout may be very long because at higher speeds it is desirable that the train make the transition from one track to the other at a slower rate. Because of the long length of turnout, means have been devised in which to separate the rails. One means to separate the rails is to make the frog section of the track a movable point. Thus, the frog which lies between and separates two sections of rail is connected to a means for moving the frog called a switch machine. An operating rod (also referred to as a "throw rod") is connected to and caused to be translated by the switch machine. The switch machine and operating rod, together with a second operating rod and a switch point adjuster (as described in more detail below), cause the switch point to move. The distance by which the frog must be moved (i.e., the "throw") is typically between two inches and five inches. However, switch machines per AAR (Association of American Railroads) recommendations and standards, will always throw six inches, regardless of the type of switch machine utilized. Therefore, if the switch machine throw is six inches and is connected to the frog through a rigid connection, the frog also must be moved six inches. However, if the frog is only to be moved somewhere between two to five inches, a means must be used to compensate for the lost motion of the switch machine. For this reason, the switch machine is connected through an operating rod to a switch point adjuster. A switch point adjuster is a device that compensates for switch machine operating lost motion and maintains switch point pressure on the frog or switch point as a train travels through. The switch point adjuster takes up the lost motion between the switch machine throw and the switch point displacement. This is done by allowing the switch operating rod to move a given distance before making contact with the opposite end of the switch point adjuster. Only after this given distance of travel does the machine begin to drive the switch points. Pressure between the extended sleeves of the operating rod and the switch point adjuster is present on one side of the adjuster--the side keeping the switch point closed. By adjusting the sleeves on the threaded operating rod, the point opening can therefore be adjusted to ensure that the point is closed and has adequate pressure on it when the train travels over the rail switch. Referring to FIG. 1, a prior art switch point adjuster 2 is schematically depicted. As can be seen, the prior art switch point adjuster 2 utilizes two separate rods 3, 4. Two separate rods are used because maintenance personnel were unable to easily access the bottom of the switch point 16, therefore, there was no way of easily making any adjustments to the switch point adjuster 2 right at the point, as the track 14 itself would prevent access to the switch point adjuster 2. Thus, the switch point adjuster 2 was located at the center of the track 14 where maintenance personnel could access it. In order to do that, a two rod configuration was utilized: a first rod 3 connects the switch point adjuster 2 to the frog and a second rod 4 connects the switch point adjuster 2 to the switch machine 12. Thus, when the switch machine 12 throws six inches, the slack is taken up in the switch point adjuster 2 so that the frog is only moved its required amount. Both operating rods 3, 4 are supported by support rollers. There are several drawbacks associated with this prior configuration. For example, if there is a problem with either of the operating rods, the amount of throw at the switch point may vary. Also, the flexure or lateral movement of both rods must be accounted for in designing the switch point adjuster. Furthermore, adjustments made to the switch point adjuster are more difficult when two operating rods have to be adjusted. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION This invention provides an improved switch point adjuster for moving a movable switch point a selected distance as a result of the throw of a switch machine. A present preferred switch point adjuster mounts directly to the bottom of a swing nose frog switch point. This direct connection of the adjuster to the switch point eliminates the use of an additional throw rod such as is utilized in prior art swing nose frog switch point adjusters. In addition to utilizing a switch point adjuster mounted directly to the switch point, the apparatus includes a single operating rod connected to and movable by the switch machine which engages with and moves the switch point adjuster. The switch point adjuster has an elongated housing with a bore provided therethrough, in which the operating rod is disposed through the housing bore. The switch point adjuster also has first and second adjusting nuts that are adjustably secured to the operating rod on opposed sides of the housing, preferably by mated threading. The operating rod is movable bidirectionally through the housing until one of the adjusting nuts contacts the housing. In this way, lost motion of the switch machine may be compensated for at the switch point adjuster. The adjusting nuts preferably have a head portion and a body portion, in which the head portion has a width greater than the width of the body portion. Thus, the head portions of the adjusting nuts are contactable with respective opposed ends of the housing. Alternatively, or in addition, the housing may have an interior ledge provided within the housing bore, and leading edges of the adjusting nuts which are disposable within the housing may contact the interior ledge. Use of a single throw rod that directly connects the switch machine to the switch point provides a more rigid connection and decreases the amount of lateral movement of the operating rod. Furthermore, indirect switch point adjustment (i.e., adjustment of the switch point position at a location remote from the switch point) is eliminated. The switch point adjuster is mounted directly to the bottom of the switch point, thus any adjustments of the adjusting nut that are made will directly effect the point opening. Because the length of the adjusting nuts may be varied, adjusting nuts can be selected that are long enough such that they extend out beyond the base of the rail. In this way, maintenance personnel can access and adjust the position of the adjusting nuts. This eliminates the need for two separate adjusting points in the assembly. The connection of the switch machine directly to the switch point by a single operating rod eliminates the use of an additional rod in the assembly. The elimination of this rod then decreases the allowable lateral movement of the operating rod. The proposed switch point adjuster design simplifies assembly thereby reducing the required time for installation, maintenance and adjustment. Reducing the amount of material required in the assembly directly reduces the cost of the rail connection. Furthermore, the adjusting nuts are preferably coupled to the operating rod within a housing, thus the device is weather resistant. Also, because two adjusting nuts are provided, an offset in the adjustment may be made. Therefore, lost motion from the switch throw may be compensated for at the beginning of the throw toward the switch machine or the throw away from the switch machine. The switch point adjuster is preferably constructed of a cast iron plug used in cooperation with steel adjusting nuts or sleeves mounted on the switch operating rod. However, any suitable material may be used to facilitate the components of the switch point adjuster. High strength steel hardware is preferably used to mount the adjuster to the track work. A lug is affixed to the frog and a mounting portion of the adjuster housing connects to the lug. The mounting portion is configured so that the cylindrical portion of the housing is provided below and spaced apart from the lug and the frog. Other objects and advantages of the invention will become apparent from a description of certain presently preferred embodiments thereof shown in the drawings. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a schematic depiction of a prior art switching configuration, showing a switch machine and a switch point adjuster utilizing two operating rods. FIG. 2 is a schematic depiction of a present preferred switching configuration, showing a switch machine and the present switch point adjuster utilizing a single operating rod. FIG. 3 is a top plan view of a present preferred switch point adjuster. FIG. 4 is a top view taken in cross section of the housing of a present preferred switch point adjuster. FIG. 5 is a top view taken in cross section of a present preferred switch point adjuster. FIG. 6 is a side elevational view of the present preferred switch point adjuster showing the offset of the housing mounting portion. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Referring next to FIG. 2, the present preferred switch point adjusting mechanism is shown. As can be seen, a switch machine 12 is situated wayside of two sets of rail track 14. A swing nose frog type switch point 16 is situated at the intersection of the two sets of rail track 14. The switch point adjuster 18 is mounted to the switch point 16. An operating rod 22 connects the switch point adjuster 18 to the switch machine 12. Other switch point equipment used at a switch site has been omitted. When activated, the switch machine 12 has an operating bar 24 which moves, causing the operating rod 22 to translate bidirectionally either towards or away from the switch machine 12. When the switch machine 12 is placed into a first position of operation, the operating rod 22 is moved away from the switch machine 12, carrying the switch point adjuster 18 and thus the switch point 16 away from the switch machine 12 as well. When the switch machine 12 is placed in a second position of operation, the operating rod 22 is moved in a direction towards the switch machine 12 carrying the switch point adjuster 18 and thus the switch point 16 in a direction towards the switch machine 12. As described above, the distance in which the operating rod 22 is caused to travel under either position of operation of the switch machine 12 is an industry standard distance of six inches per AAR recommendations and standards, regardless of the type of switch machine utilized. However, the switch point 16 must often be moved less than six inches, with the switch point movement required being dependent upon the design of the switch. Thus, the difference between the amount that the switch point 16 must be moved and the standard six inch travel (or "throw") of the switch machine 12 must be taken up by the switch point adjuster 18. Referring next to FIGS. 3, 4 and 5, the present preferred switch point adjuster mechanism will be described in more detail. The principle components of the switch point adjuster 18 are a housing 26 having a single operating rod 22 disposed therethrough and a pair of adjusting nuts 28, 29 adjustably engaged to the operating rod 22 on opposed sides of housing 26. Referring particularly to FIG. 4, the switch point adjuster housing 26 is shown. As can be seen in the figure, the housing 26 has an axial bore 30 extending along a longitudinal axis 31 of housing 26. The longitudinal axis 31 of the housing 26 is coincident with the axis of movement of the operating rod 22 (as will be described in more detail below). The housing bore 30 opens at openings 32, 33 which are provided at respective opposed ends 34, 35 of the housing 26. The housing bore 30 is preferably cylindrical, however, any suitable configuration of the bore 30 may be utilized. It is further preferred that an internal ledge 36 be provided within the housing bore 30. Internal ledge 36 is also preferably annular, thus having opposed sides 37 and a cylindrical surface connecting the opposed sides. The internal ledge 37 also preferably has a transverse dimension (which is a diameter when the internal ledge 36 is annular) relative to the longitudinal axis 31 of the housing bore 30 which is less than the transverse dimension of the remaining portions of the housing bore 30. The housing 26 further has a mounting portion 38 for mounting the switch point adjuster 18 to the switch point 16. Referring again to FIGS. 3, 4 and 5, a single operating rod 22 is disposed through the bore 30 of housing 26. Thus, the operating rod 22 extends outward from the housing 26 through the openings 32, 33 at respective opposed ends 34, 35 of the housing 26. Two adjusting nuts 28, 29 are secured to the operating rod 22, in which the position of the adjusting nuts 28, 29 along the operating rod 22 is adjustable. The preferred means by which the adjusting nuts 28, 29 are adjustably secured to the operating rod 22 is by being threadably mated to the operating rod 22. Thus, internal threading 42 which is provided within the adjusting nuts 28, 29 mates with threading 40 that is provided along the operating rod 22. The internal threading 42 may be provided along the entire inner surface of the adjusting nuts 28, 29 or only along some portion of the interior surface of the adjusting nuts 28, 29. The adjusting nuts 28, 29 preferably have a head portion 44 and a body portion 46. It is preferred that the transverse dimension of the adjusting nut head portion 44 is greater than the transverse dimension of the adjusting nut body portion 46. It is further preferred that the adjusting nuts 28, 29 are generally sleeve-shaped. Thus, the adjusting nut body portion 46 is generally cylindrical and extends outward from the head portion 44. It is further preferred that the adjusting nut head portion 44 be five sided or six sided so as to be engagable with a wrench. As can be seen best in FIGS. 3, 5 and 6, the housing mounting portion 38 preferably has a bolt opening 48 provided therethrough. In this way, a bolt 50 is preferably disposed through the bolt opening 48, engaging a portion of the switch point 16 (preferably a lug, 56, extending from the switch point), and thus securing the switch point adjuster 18 to the switch point 16. Referring to FIG. 6, mounting portion 38 is preferably disposed at an angle from the remainder of housing 26. Preferably, the mounting portion 38 is disposed at a dog leg-type angle, i.e., the mounting portion 38 extends outward and upward from the remainder of housing 26. Thus, a bolt (shown in dotted line as 50 in FIG. 6) disposed through bolt opening 48 generally lies in a horizontal plane X that is a distance above a horizontal plane X' that the longitudinal axis of the housing and the operating rod 22 (shown in dotted line in FIG. 6) substantially lies. Bolt 50 then connects to a lug 56 that is affixed to the track of the switch point. Bolt 50 and plane X lie generally parallel with the track of the switch point. Therefore, the operating rod and the cylindrical portion of the housing may be disposed below the level of the track of the switch point. Similarly, bolt 50 lies in a vertical plane Y that is separated a distance from a vertical plane Y' in which the operating rod 22 lies. In this way, the present preferred switch point adjuster will not contact or otherwise have its movement inhibited by the track. In operation, the adjusting nuts 28, 29 are secured to the operating rod 22 and the position of the adjusting nuts 28, 29 is adjusted until the adjusting nuts 28, 29 are at a desired location along the operating rod 22 relative to one another and relative to the housing 26. The operating rod 22 is then caused to move bidirectionally along the longitudinal axis 31 by the switch machine. Thus, the operating rod 22 moves either in the direction indicated by the arrow marked A in FIG. 5 or in the opposite direction indicated by the arrow marked B in FIG. 5. Once the operating rod 22 has moved a sufficient distance in the direction indicated by the arrow marked A, the adjusting nut 29 will eventually contact the housing 26 carrying the housing 26, and thus the switch point 16, upon any further movement of the operating rod 22 in this direction. Similarly, when the operating rod 22 is then moved a sufficient distance in the direction indicated by the arrow marked B, the adjusting nut 28 will eventually contact the housing 26, causing any further movement of the operating rod 22 in this direction to move the housing 26, and thus the switch point 16, in this direction as well. There will be some initial movement of the adjusting nuts 28, 29 before one of the adjusting nuts 28, 29 contact the housing 26. This distance of movement of the adjusting nuts 28, 29 prior to contact with the housing 26 is determined by the positioning of the adjusting nuts 28, 29 relative to one another and to the housing 26. Therefore, if the switch machine throws six inches (i.e., the operating rod 22 is caused to translate six inches) but the switch point is to move only four inches, then the adjusting nuts 28, 29 are positioned so as to move two inches before contacting the housing 26. If any adjustment is required in the amount of movement compensated for by the switch point adjuster 18, an operator need only adjust the position of either or both of the adjusting nuts 28, 29 along the operating rod 22 by rotating the adjusting nut 28, 29. As with any threadably engaged pieces, the rotation of the adjusting nuts 28, 29 causes the adjusting nuts 28, 29 to travel the threading of the operating rod 22 in either axial direction along the operating rod 22, depending upon the direction of rotation applied to the adjusting nuts 28, 29 (i.e., clockwise or counterclockwise). In the preferred embodiments, the contact between the adjusting nuts 28, 29 and the access housing 26 occurs by a leading edge 54 of each adjusting nut 28, 29 contacting a side 37 of the internal ledge 36 of the housing 26. In this embodiment, the adjusting nut body portions 46 enter the housing bore 30 but are stopped by contact with the side 37 of the internal ledge 36. Thus, in this embodiment, the respective diameters of the adjusting nut body portions 46, the housing bore 30 and the internal ledge may be varied but the diameter of the adjusting nut body portions 46 must be less then the diameter of the housing bore 30 but greater than the diameter of the internal ledge 36. Moreover, although the bore 30, the internal ledge 36 and the adjusting nut body portions 46 are each preferably cylindrical surfaces, any suitable configuration for these elements may be utilized so long as the adjusting nut body portions 46 may be disposed within and rotated along the operating rod 22 within the bore 30, but may not travel past the internal ledge 36. Furthermore, in the case in which the internal ledge 36 is configured as a cylindrical surface, it need not be a continuous cylinder. Thus, the internal ledge 36 may be semicylindrical or any segment of a cylinder or may be constructed of a number of separate segments. In this way, the adjusting nuts 28, 29 are at least partially disposed within the housing 26. The internal threading 42 of the adjusting nuts 28, 29 is preferably provided along the end of the adjusting nut body portions 46 distal to the head portions 44. Thus, the internal threading 42 and the portion of the operating rod threading 40 upon which the adjusting nuts 28, 29 travel, are located within housing 26 and are thus protected from the elements and from foreign matter being caught in the threading 40, 42. The adjusting nut body portions, although having a diameter less than that of the housing bore 30, are preferably not much less in diameter, so that the space in the radial direction between the adjusting nut body portion and the portion of the housing 26 adjacent the axial bore 30 is sufficiently small so as to reduce the chance that foreign matter will enter the housing 26. The collars 52 provided along the opposed ends 34, 35 of the housing 26 may be designed to extend down very nearly into contact with the adjusting nut body portions so as to further prevent foreign matter from entering the housing bore 30. It is understood that other means of contact between the adjusting nuts 28, 29 and the housing 26 are contemplated. For example, because it is preferred that the head portions 44 have a greater transverse dimension than the body portions 46, if the body portions 46 of adjusting nuts 28, 29 have a sufficiently small length, the head portions 44 of the adjusting nuts 28, 29 will contact the opposed ends 34, 35, respectively, of housing 26. It is preferred that collars 52 are secured to the housing 26 at opposed ends 34, 35 of the housing 26, thus, such contact between the head portions 44 of the adjusting nuts 28, 29 and the ends 34, 35 of the housing may occur either directly at the opposed ends 34, 35 or through contact with the collars 52. The collars 52 may be secured to the opposed ends 34, 35 by any convenient means. It is also possible that the head portions 44 and the body portions 46 of the adjusting nuts 28, 29 be of a uniform dimension in the transverse direction. In this way, the adjusting nuts 28, 29 need only be long enough in the longitudinal direction to contact the internal ledge 36 and still be accessible exterior to the openings 32, 33 of the housing. Alternatively, when the head portions 44 and the body portions 46 of the adjusting nuts 28, 29 are of uniform dimension in the transverse direction, the adjusting nuts 28, 29 need only have a sufficient dimension in the transverse dimension so as to be greater than the transverse dimensions of the openings 32, 33 so that the adjusting nuts 28, 29 contact the opposed ends 34, 35 around openings 32, 33 and are thus not able to enter the housing bore 30. In any of the embodiments in which contact between the adjusting nuts and the housing is not made at the internal ledge 36, the internal ledge would not be required. Thus, the housing bore 30 may be of uniform dimensions in such embodiments. In any of the embodiments, it is preferred that the length of the adjusting nuts 28, 29 in the longitudinal direction be sufficient so that the adjusting nut head portions 44 extend out beyond the base of the rail when the switch point adjuster 18 is mounted to the bottom of the switch point. Thus, the adjusting nuts 28, 29 are readily accessible by an operator despite being mounted directly to the switch point. While certain presently preferred embodiments have been shown and described, it is distinctly understood that the invention is not limited thereto but may be otherwise embodied with the scope of the following claims.
An apparatus is provided for moving a movable switch point a selected distance as a result of the throw of a switch machine. The apparatus includes an operating rod connected to and movable by the switch machine and a switch point adjuster mounted directly to the switch point and movable by the operating rod. The switch point adjuster has an elongated housing with a bore provided therethrough, in which the operating rod is disposed through the housing bore. The switch point adjuster also has first and second adjusting nuts that are adjustably secured to the operating rod on opposed sides of the housing, preferably by mated threading. The operating rod is movable bidirectionally through the housing until one of the adjusting nuts contacts the housing. In this way, lost motion of the switch machine may be compensated for. The adjusting nuts preferably have a head portion and a body portion, in which the head portion has a width greater than the width of the body portion. Thus, the head portions of the adjusting nuts are contactable with respective opposed ends of the housing. Alternatively, or in addition, the housing may have an interior ledge provided within the housing bore, and leading edges of the adjusting nuts which are disposable within the housing may contact the interior ledge.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to high pressure spark ignition direct injection (SIDI) fuel delivery, and more particularly to an attachment system for high pressure fuel injectors in an isolated SIDI fuel delivery system. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Spark ignition direct injection (SIDI) combustion systems (and other direct injection combustion systems) for internal combustion engines provide improved fuel economy and increased power over conventional port fuel-injected combustion systems. A SIDI engine includes a high pressure fuel injection system that sprays fuel directly into a combustion chamber. The fuel is directed to a specific region within the combustion chamber. As a result, a homogeneous or stratified charge may be created in the combustion chamber as desired. Throttling requirements are less restrictive and fuel combustion characteristics are improved, thereby improving fuel economy and engine output. Referring now to FIG. 1 , an exemplary SIDI engine 10 includes an engine block 12 that includes one or more cylinders 14 . A spark plug 16 extends into a combustion chamber 18 . The combustion chamber 18 is defined by a piston 20 , the cylinder 14 , and a cylinder head 21 . The cylinder 14 includes one or more exhaust ports 22 and corresponding exhaust valves 24 . The cylinder 14 includes one or more intake ports 26 and corresponding intake valves 28 . A fuel injector 30 extends into the combustion chamber 18 . One or more of the fuel injectors 30 are connected to a fuel rail 32 . Referring now to FIGS. 1 and 2 , the fuel rail 32 provides fuel to the fuel injectors 30 . The fuel injectors 30 deliver fuel to the combustion chamber 18 according to performance requirements of the SIDI engine 10 . Typically, a low pressure (e.g. approximately 45-75 psi) fuel supply pump 40 is located within a fuel tank 42 . The low pressure fuel supply pump 40 delivers fuel to a high pressure injection pump 44 . The injection pump 44 pressurizes the fuel at approximately 750 to 2250 psi, depending on demand. The injection pump 44 provides the pressurized fuel to the fuel rail 32 . The fuel rail 32 is rigidly fastened to the cylinder head 21 of the cylinder 14 . For example, the fuel rail 32 is fastened to the cylinder head 21 via a fuel rail attachment assembly (not shown). The fuel injector 30 is rigidly fastened (e.g., clamped) between the fuel rail 32 and the cylinder head 21 , or another suitable fixture of the SIDI engine 10 . A location of the fuel injector 30 relative to the combustion chamber 18 , as well as a design of a fuel injector nozzle 46 , are optimized to achieve desired combustion characteristics. SUMMARY A fuel injector isolation system in a high pressure fuel injection system comprises an isolated fuel rail assembly. At least one cylinder has a cylinder head. A fuel injector is coupled to and in fluid communication with the fuel rail assembly, extends axially through an opening in the cylinder head, and is moveable within the opening in relation to the cylinder head. In other features, a vehicle comprises an engine block that includes at least one combustion cylinder having a cylinder head and a combustion chamber. A high pressure fuel injection system delivers fuel directly into the combustion chamber. The high pressure fuel injection system includes an isolated fuel rail assembly and a fuel injector coupled to and in fluid communication with the fuel rail assembly that extends axially through an opening in the cylinder head and is moveable within the opening in relation to the cylinder head. Further areas of applicability will become apparent from the description provided herein. It should be understood that the description and specific examples are intended for purposes of illustration only and are not intended to limit the scope of the present disclosure. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The present invention will become more fully understood from the detailed description and the accompanying drawings, wherein: FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view of a spark ignition direct injection (SIDI) engine cylinder according to the prior art; FIG. 2 is a functional block diagram of a SIDI fuel rail assembly according to the prior art; FIG. 3A is a graphical representation of SIDI fuel system noise according to the prior art; FIG. 3B is a graphical representation of SIDI fuel system noise according to the prior art; FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view of a SIDI fuel injector arrangement according to a first implementation of the present invention; FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of a SIDI fuel injector arrangement according to a second implementation of the present invention; FIG. 6A is a cross-sectional view of a SIDI fuel injector mounting system according to a third implementation of the present invention; FIG. 6B illustrates a retainer clip used in a SIDI fuel injector mounting system according to the present invention; FIG. 6C is a cross-sectional view of an assembled SIDI fuel injector mounting system according to the present invention; FIG. 7 is a cross-sectional view of a SIDI fuel injector mounting system according to a fourth implementation of the present invention; FIG. 8A is a cross-sectional view of a SIDI fuel injector mounting system according to a fifth implementation of the present invention; FIG. 8B is a cross-sectional view of an assembled SIDI fuel injector mounting system including a retainer plate according to the present invention; and FIG. 8C is a fuel injector retainer plate according to the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS The following description of the preferred embodiment(s) is merely exemplary in nature and is in no way intended to limit the invention, its application, or uses. For purposes of clarity, the same reference numbers will be used in the drawings to identify similar elements. A typical SIDI system generates undesirable noise during normal operation. As used herein, the term noise refers to any unwanted or undesirable noise that is generated during normal operation of electrical, mechanical, and/or electromechanical devices. The noise is not indicative of present and/or potential damage to these devices. As shown in FIGS. 3A and 3B , pressure pulsations (i.e. disturbances) on a right fuel rail and a left fuel rail are indicated at 60 and 62 , respectively. Pressure fluctuations are indicated at 64 for the fuel inlet line. The pressure pulses 60 , 62 , and 64 are synchronous with the electronic solenoid command signal 66 (e.g., from a Powertrain Control Module, or PCM) which controls the high pressure injection pump 44 . These system pressure disturbances 60 , 62 , and 64 excite various components of the SIDI engine to radiate unwanted noise pulses as indicated at 68 , 70 , 72 , and 74 , for example. Sharp pressure pulses generated within the high pressure pump 44 at each pump stroke contribute to unwanted audible noise. Conventionally, the high pressure injection pump is controlled electronically. For example, the high pressure injection pump includes a reciprocating plunger in communication with an electronic governed solenoid valve that maintains the desired fuel rail (injection) pressure. The electronic signal pulses 66 control the pump's solenoid valve as dictated by the PCM. Similarly, secondary high frequency rail pressure pulses 60 and 62 are generated at each injector firing as high pressure fuel is discharged (injected) into the combustion chamber 18 . Together, the pressure impulses generated by both the pump and injectors constitute the majority of impulsive noise excitation to the engine. Additionally, operation of the fuel injectors cause the SIDI system to generate noise. An impulse is generated each time the fuel injector “fires” (i.e. delivers fuel to the combustion chamber), which can be seen to be coincident with the electronic PCM signal pulses 76 . These impulses are simultaneously comprised of both electromechanical (solenoid) and electro-hydraulic forces. The fuel injectors include electronically-controlled needle valve openings. The opening and closing actuation (e.g. electromechanical and/or hydraulic actuation) of the needle valve openings cause the noise pulses 78 . As described above, operation of the injection pump and the fuel injectors contribute significantly to the impulsive noise that the SIDI system generates. In particular, rigid mechanical contact between the fuel rail and the cylinder head, as well as between the fuel injector and the cylinder head, transfer noise energy between the SIDI system and various components of the engine. The present invention provides a fuel injector attachment system for high pressure SIDI fuel delivery systems that incorporate noise isolation technology. More specifically, the present invention provides a SIDI system that directly couples the fuel injectors to the fuel rail assembly and isolates elements of the fuel injectors from the cylinder head to interrupt transmission paths of noise energy. With the injector fastened to the rail in the manner described herein, the rail isolation limits vibration energy from being transmitted into the engine. Referring now to FIG. 4 , an isolated SIDI fuel injector system 100 according to the present invention is shown. A fuel injector 102 delivers fuel from an isolated fuel rail assembly 104 through a cylinder head 106 to a combustion chamber 108 . Conventionally, SIDI fuel injectors (as well as SIDI fuel rail assemblies) are rigidly mounted and/or affixed to the cylinder head 106 . In the present implementation, the fuel injector 102 is suspended from the fuel rail assembly 104 and is substantially mechanically isolated from the cylinder head 106 , especially in the axial direction. The fuel injector 102 is directly coupled to the isolated fuel rail assembly 104 via an injector cup boss 110 , an injector locating base 112 , an injector seat 114 , and a snap ring 116 . The injector seat 114 supports a posterior spherical portion 118 of the injector locating base 112 . The injector seat 114 (e.g. a split spherical seat or other suitable device) secures and maintains a desired position of the fuel injector 102 relative to the injector cup boss 110 . An O-ring 120 provides a wet seal. The snap ring 116 provides additional support to maintain the desired position of the fuel injector 102 . The snap ring 116 may be removable to allow the fuel injector to be insertably coupled to and/or removed from the injector cup boss 110 . The SIDI fuel injector system 100 may also include an anterior injector seat (not shown) that contacts an upper portion of the fuel injector 102 within the injector cup boss 110 . As described above, the fuel injector 102 is directly coupled to the fuel rail assembly 104 without rigid mechanical contact between the injector cup boss 110 and the cylinder head 106 . The injector seat 114 limits the axial position of the fuel injector 102 with respect to the injector cup boss 110 . In the present implementation, the injector seat 114 may be formed from an elastomeric material. Those skilled in the art can appreciate that the present invention is not limited to using elastomeric materials. Other materials, including, but not limited to, nylon, composites, and/or metals are anticipated. For example, thermal conductivity of an elastomeric material forming the injector seat 114 may be increased by the addition of aluminum particles. The cylinder head 106 includes an opening 122 that accommodates the fuel injector 102 and a fuel injector nozzle 124 . In conventional SIDI systems (as described in FIG. 1 ), there is rigid mechanical contact between the cylinder head 106 and the fuel injector 102 to maintain a position of the fuel injector. As a result, noise is transferred between the fuel injector 102 and the cylinder head 106 via contiguous axial contact. In the present implementation, the fuel injector 102 floats in the opening 122 , isolating the fuel injector 102 from the cylinder head 106 . The fuel injector 102 includes a combustion seal (e.g. a nylon or Teflon combustion seal) 126 located near the fuel injector nozzle 124 . The combustion seal 126 seals combustion gases from the combustion chamber 108 and is the only contact between the fuel injector 102 and the cylinder head. Thus, there is no metal-to-metal (i.e., rigid) contact of the injector with the cylinder head. In this manner, the isolated SIDI fuel injector system 100 eliminates substantial axial contact between the fuel injector 102 and the cylinder head 106 . A biasing element, such as a spring 128 , may be included. The spring 128 provides a downward biasing force to position the fuel injector 102 within the cylinder head 106 . However, it is to be understood that a biasing element is not required for proper positioning of the fuel injector 102 . For example, an internal fuel rail pressure is typically sufficient to bias the fuel injector against the injector seat 114 . Further, although the spring 128 is shown disposed between the injector cup boss 110 and an intermediate portion 130 of the fuel injector 102 , those skilled in the art can appreciate that the spring 128 may be otherwise located. For example, the spring 128 may be located between an upper interior surface 132 of the injector cup boss 110 and an upper portion 134 of the fuel injector 102 as shown in FIG. 5 . As described above, a longitudinal position of the fuel injector 102 is maintained. In this manner, proper positioning of the fuel injector nozzle 124 for optimized combustion is maintained. Further and as indicated at 136 , the configuration of the SIDI fuel injector system 100 allows angular rotation of the fuel injector 102 relative to the cylinder head 106 . For example, the spherical portion 118 of the injector locating base 112 and the injector seat 114 allow a degree of angular latitude to compensate for misalignment and/or slight positional errors. The opening 122 is sufficiently large to accommodate angular rotation of the fuel injector 102 while maintaining isolation between the fuel injector 102 and the cylinder head 106 . A gap between the fuel injector 102 and the cylinder head 106 as indicated at 138 allows for limited longitudinal movement of the fuel injector 102 . For example, if the injector seat 114 compresses and/or the snap ring 116 is damaged, the fuel injector 102 will not necessarily contact the cylinder head 106 . For example, a controlled clearance between the bottom of the injector base and the cylinder head port acts as a failsafe in the event of a improperly-positioned or snap ring 116 . The injector is trapped between the rail and head thereby maintaining the integrity of the wet seal (i.e., the O-ring 120 ), with increased noise being the only degradation to the system. The isolated fuel injector arrangements of previous implementations may be combined and/or integrated with a fuel injector mounting system 150 as shown in FIGS. 6A , 6 B, and 6 C. A fuel injector 152 is inserted into an injector cup boss 154 of a fuel rail assembly 156 . A retainer clip 158 , shown in FIG. 6B and cross-sectionally in FIG. 6A , retains the fuel injector 152 within the injector cup boss 154 . The retainer clip 158 engages a stepped collar 160 disposed on the fuel injector 152 . As shown, the retainer clip 158 is a split-segmented snap retainer. However, those skilled in the art can appreciate that other types of retainer clips may be used. The fuel injector mounting system 150 allows for angular rotation and misalignment compensation as described in previous embodiments and facilitates attachment of the fuel injector 152 to the fuel rail assembly 156 . Any suitable tool may be applied to release the retainer clip 158 and remove the fuel injector 152 . An alternative implementation of a fuel injector mounting system 170 is shown in FIG. 7 . A fuel rail assembly 172 includes one or more fuel injector retaining interfaces (e.g. injector cup bosses) 174 . The interface 174 includes a retainer clip groove 176 that is configured to receive a retainer clip 178 a (shown in profile at 178 b ). A fuel injector 180 is inserted within the interface 174 . An injector sleeve 182 is inserted over the fuel injector 180 and the interface 174 . The retainer clip 178 a is inserted into one or more retainer clip slots 184 and through the retainer clip groove 176 . In this manner, the retainer clip 178 a , in combination with the injector sleeve 182 , maintains an axial/longitudinal position and a radial position of the fuel injector 180 . A clearance gap 188 between the injector and cylinder head provides isolation as described in previous implementations. The features of the fuel injector mounting system 170 may be combined and/or integrated with previous implementations of the isolated fuel injectors as described in FIGS. 4-6 . Another implementation of a fuel injector mounting system 200 is shown in FIGS. 8A , 8 B, and 8 C. A fuel rail assembly 202 includes one or more injector retaining interfaces 204 . The interface 204 includes a retainer plate groove 206 . A fuel injector 208 is inserted into the interface 204 through an opening 210 in a retainer plate 212 . When the fuel injector 208 is suitably positioned, the retainer plate 212 slides in a direction 214 parallel to the fuel rail assembly 202 to lock the fuel injector 208 in position within the interface 204 . More specifically, a locking portion 216 of the opening 210 engages an injector retaining groove 218 of the fuel injector 208 . The retainer plate 212 includes retainer clips 220 . When the retainer plate 212 is positioned to lock the fuel injector 208 in place, the retainer clips 220 engage the retainer plate grooves 206 . In this manner, the retainer plate 212 maintains a position of the fuel injector 208 as described in previous implementations. In an alternative implementation, a plurality of individual retainer plates (not shown) that correspond to a plurality of retaining interfaces 204 may replace the continuous retainer plate 212 . Those skilled in the art can now appreciate from the foregoing description that the broad teachings of the present invention can be implemented in a variety of forms. Therefore, while this invention has been described in connection with particular examples thereof, the true scope of the invention should not be so limited since other modifications will become apparent to the skilled practitioner upon a study of the drawings, the specification and the following claims.
A fuel injector isolation system in a high pressure fuel injection system comprises an isolated fuel rail assembly. At least one cylinder has a cylinder head. A fuel injector is coupled to and in fluid communication with the fuel rail assembly, extends axially through an opening in the cylinder head, and is moveable within the opening in relation to the cylinder head.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to catalysts for the synthesis of alkylene carbonates by reacting alkylene oxide and carbon dioxide. 2. Description of the Background Art Alkylene carbonates are used in polycarbonate synthesis, as a solvent for polymer electrolyte, an intermediate in pharmaceutical process, an oxyalkylation agent in dyestuff synthesis, a protectant in processing plant and a solvent in textile production process. Alkylene carbonate has been prepared by reacting carbon dioxide and alkylene oxide in the presence of a catalyst, represented in Scheme 1. wherein, R 1 and R 2 are each independently H, C 1 -C 4 alkyl or phenyl group. In the above reaction, however, there is a limitation that alkylene oxide either decomposes or polymerizes at higher reaction temperatures. Many catalysts have been developed including inorganic salts, phosphonium halide and ammonium halides. For instance, Japanese Laid-Open Patent No S59-13776 introduced a method of using tetraalkyl halide such as tributyl methyl phosphonium iodide as a catalyst. Japanese Laid-Open Patent No H9-67365 introduced a method of using KI as a catalyst and Japanese Laid-Open Patent No. H9-235252 describes a method of using polystyrene copolymer containing quaternary phosphonium groups. These patents claim that the product yield is 50-95% when the reaction is performed at 100-170° C. for 1-5 hours. However, in order to achieve a high yield, longer reaction time and higher reaction temperature are required. Also the water content in the raw materials, carbon dioxide and alkylene oxide has to be reduced to a few hundred ppms. Japanese Laid-Open Patent No. H7-206846 introduced a method of using an ion change resin substituted with the catalysts such as CsOH, RbOH and ammonium halides. In U.S. Pat. No. 4,233,221, a method of using DOWEX and Amberlite ion exchange resin was reported with a low yield of 30-80% at 80-100° C. Besides the above-mentioned materials, a phthalocyanine complex containing Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Ti, V, or Zr has been used as catalysts Also in Japanese Laid-Open Patent No. H7-206847, a catalyst system using a heteropolyacid whose hydrogen ion is substituted by Rubidium or Cesium ion was introduced These two cases, however, require expensive catalysts with low yield of 30-90% at relatively high reaction temperature of 120-180° C. As mentioned above, the catalysts disclosed in the above arts have one or more problems in terms of activity, reaction condition, cost, water sensitivity, etc. OBJECTS OF THE INVENTION Therefore the object of the present invention is to provide catalysts for the synthesis of alkylene carbonates from alkylene oxide and carbon dioxide with a high yield and selectivity in a short reaction time under a mild reaction condition SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention provide a catalyst of the formula (1) for the synthesis of alkylene carbonate by reacting alkylene oxide and carbon dioxide L m MX n   (1) wherein L is selected from a group of pyridines; M is a metal atom selected from Zn, Fe, Mn, Pb and In; X is a halogen ayom selected from Cl, Br and I; m is 1 or 2; and n is 2 or 3. In particular, the catalyst of the present invention is used to synthesize alkylene carbonate of the formula (2) wherein R 1 and R 2 are each independently H, C 1 -C 4 alkyl or phenyl. The present invention also provide a method for synthesizing alkylene carbonate from alkylene oxide and carbon dioxide by using the catalyst of the formula (1) DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS The present inventors have found that a catalyst L m MX n is more effective than the conventional catalysts in preparing alkylene carbonate from alkylene oxide and carbon dioxide The pyridine ligand (L) in L m MX n is labile enough and is easily displaced by the incoming alkylene oxide to give alkylene oxide coordinated species. The coordinated alkylene oxide is ring-opened by the attack of the displaced pyridine to give an active species The pyridine ligand (L) includes the compounds having the structures of the formulae (3), (4) and (5) wherein R 3 , R 4 and R 5 are each independently H, C 1 -C 4 alkyl or phenyl, each of x, y and z is independently an integer from 0 to 3; and c is an integer from 2 to 4. In the formula (1), MX may be a compound selected from the group consisting of ZnX 2 , FeX 2 , FeX 3 , MnX 2 , PbX 2 , and InX 3 . The amount of the catalyst for the synthesis of alkylene carbonate is preferably 0.005˜0.1 mole per mole of alkylene oxide. In case the amount of the catalyst used is less than 0.005 mole, reaction becomes too slow And in case the amount of the catalyst is more than 0.1 mole, the reaction rate and yield do not improve any further. The reaction pressure of the present invention could be 10˜100 atm. Since the reaction is not greatly influenced by the presence of nitrogen hydrogen, hydrocarbons and small amounts of water in carbon dioxide and alkylene oxide, it is possible to use commercially available carbon dioxide and alkylene oxide without further purification step. Considering the equipment and operating cost, it is preferable to operate a reaction at a pressure of 10-100 atm. The reaction temperature is preferabley 60-140° C. The reaction proceeds too slow at temperatures lower than 60° C. When the reaction temperature is too high, alkylene oxide either decomposes or undergoes a self-polymerization reaction. Although the above reaction could be performed in the absence of the solvent, it is possible to use solvent to prevent excess heat production during the reaction. It is preferable to use alkylene carbonate that is produced from the raw material alkylene oxide as a solvent. For instance, ethylene carbonate is a preferable solvent when ethylene carbonate is synthesized from ethylene oxide, and propylene carbonate is preferable when propylene carbonate is synthesized from propylene oxide The reaction could be performed by a batch process using the reactor provided with a stirrer or by a continuous process using a bubble column The invention will be further illustrated by the following examples, but not limited to the examples given. EXAMPLE 1 The catalysts of the present invention were synthesized by using the following method. Preparation of (C 5 H 5 N) 2 ZnBr 2 : In a 250 ml flask 100 ml of tetrahydrofurane, ZnBr 2 (2.0 g, 8.9 mmol), pyridine (1.4 g, 17.8 mmol) were added and reacted for an hour. After the reaction, the precipitate was collected by filtration and dried under a vacuum to give 3.3 g of (C 5 H 5 N) 2 ZnBr 2 . EXAMPLE 2 A 200 ml high pressure reactor was loaded with ethylene oxide (16.80 g, 380 mmol) and (C 5 H 5 N) 2 ZnBr 2 (383 mg, 1.0 mmol) and pressurized with 10 atm of carbon dioxide. After increasing the temperature to 100° C., carbon dioxide was introduced again to increase the pressure to 30 atm. During the course of reaction, carbon dioxide was continuously supplied from a reservoir tank to maintain the pressure at 30 atm. After the reaction at 100° C. for 1 hour, the reactor was cooled to room temperature. Volatiles were removed and the solid product was separated and weighed to be 31.5 g. The yield analyzed was 93.8% by gas-liquid chromatography and mass analysis. EXAMPLES 3˜9 The process of Example 2 was repeated by the metal (M) and halogen atoms (X) in L m MX n . The results are shown in Table 1 TABLE 1 Example Metal halide compound Product weight (g) Yield (%) 3 (C 5 H 5 N) 2 ZnCl 2 20.4 60.7 4 (C 5 H 5 N) 2 ZnI 2 27.0 95.8 5 (C 5 H 5 N) 2 FeBr 2 26.5 78.9 6 (C 5 H 5 N) 2 FeBr 3 27.0 80.3 7 (C 5 H 5 N) 2 PbI 2 23.7 70.5 8 (C 5 H 5 N) 2 MnBr 2 26.7 79.5 9 (C 5 H 5 N) 2 InCl 3 24.6 73.1 EXAMPLES 10˜17 The process of Example 2 was repeated by varying pyridine ligands (L) in L m ZnBr 2 . The results are shown in Table 2. TABLE 2 Example Pyridine ligand (L) Product weight (g) Yield (%) 10 2-methyl pyridine 32.2 95.8 11 2-ethyl pyridine 32.3 96.2 12 2-propyl pyridine 31.2 93.0 13 2-n-butyl pyridine 30.3 90.1 14 2-phenyl pyridine 30.1 89.5 15 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl) 31.6 94.1 ethane 16 1,2-bis(2-pyridyl) 30.5 90.7 ethane 17 Polyvinylpyridine 31.3 93.1 EXAMPLES 18˜21 The reactions were performed under the identical conditions as in Example 2 except the reaction temperature was varied in the range 60-120° C. The results are shown in Table 3. TABLE 3 Reaction Example Temperature (° C.) Product weight (g) Yield (%) 18  60 12.0 35.7 19  80 29.6 88.1 20 100 31.5 93.6 21 120 31.9 95.1 EXAMPLE 22˜24 The reaction was performed under the identical condition as in Example 2 except that the reaction pressure was varied in the range 20-100 atm. The results are shown in Table 4. TABLE 4 Example Reaction Pressure (atm) Product weight (g) Yield (%) 22 20 30.9 91.9 23 50 31.5 93.8 24 100  32.0 95.3 EXAMPLES 25˜28 The reaction were performed under the identical condition as in Example 2 except that the molar ratio of (C 5 H 5 N) 2 ZnBr 2 to ethylene oxide was varied in the range of 0.0005-0.1%. The amount of ethylene oxide was fixed at 16.80 g (380 mmole) The results are shown in Table 5. TABLE 5 Catalyst/ethylene oxide Example (molar ratio) Product weight (g) Yield (%) 25 0.0005 20.2 60.1 26 0.001 31.0 93.8 27 0.01 32.9 98.1 28 0.1 33.1 98.5 EXAMPLE 29˜32 The reactions were performed under the identical condition as in Example 2 except that different alkylene oxides was employed. The results are shown in Table 6. TABLE 6 Example Alkylene oxide Product weight (g) Yield (%) 29 Propylene oxide 38.0 98.0 30 2-methyl-1,2-epoxy 40.5 91.1 propane 31 2,3-epoxy butane 39.4 88.6 32 Styrene oxide 61.0 97.8 EXAMPLE 32˜33 The reaction were performed under the identical condition as in Example 2 except that ethylene carbonate or propylene carbonate was used as a solvent. The amount of the solvent used was 200% of ethylene oxide by weight The results are shown in Table 7. TABLE 7 Example Solvent Product weight (g) Yield (%) 32 Ethylene carbonate 31.5 93.8 33 Propylene carbonate 31.5 93.8 According to the present invention, alkylene carbonates can be produced in high yield at relatively low temperature and pressure by using the catalyst of the formula (1). The catalyst of the present invention has several advantages in terms of economical point of view because it is inexpensive, highly active and reusable. As the present invention may be embodied in several forms without departing from the spirit or essential characteristics thereof, it should also be understood that the above-described embodiments are not limited by any of the details of the foregoing description, unless otherwise specified, but rather should be construed broadly within its spirit and scope as defined in the appended claims, and therefore all changes and modifications that fall within the meets and bounds of the claims, or equivalence of such meets and bounds are therefore intended to be embraced by the appended claims.
A catalyst of the formula (1) for the synthesis of alkylene carbonate by reacting alkylene oxide and carbon dioxide L m MX n   (1) wherein L is selected from a group of pyridines; M is a metal atom selected from Zn, Fe, Mn, Pb and In; X is a halogen atom selected from Cl, Br and I; m is 1 or 2, and n is 2 or 3.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention generally relates to a method and system for creating an accurate skills inventory for skills retained by each independent human resource within a business concern. More particularly, the invention relates to a method and system that generates a metric for each resource, e.g., employee, contractor, etc., at the disposal of the business with respect to each of several identifiable skills. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION To be competitive in the market, it is important for a business to have an accurate skills inventory. That is, it is important for the business to accurately keep track of all of the available skill resources the business has at its disposal. Furthermore, because the acquisition of new skills as well as the expansion of existing skills for a given individual is constantly changing, for example, as individuals gain experience with respect to different tasks, it is increasingly more important for the business to be cognizant of its available skills. The cost of using inaccurate skills data can be very high and potentially lead to less efficient operation of the business, low customer satisfaction, erroneous site selection to deliver a service, etc. Also, skills are a unit of measure by which services deals are costed and priced. Accordingly, maintaining accurate skills data is non-trivial. In accordance with at least some known related art methodology, skills databases are deterministically populated using an employee's “claimed” skills, a practice that does not reflect the “true” skill value. Also, as employees evolve in their job, the skills may not be updated to reflect the evolving skill value. FIG. 2 illustrates a related art system where records 200 for each employee in a business are stored in a skills inventory database 100 . Each of these records comprises information related to what skills the particular employee has. For example, resumes 300 provided by the employees indicate particular skills the employees have. Using a skills specification (not shown) to determine what data is important/relevant, one of the records 400 corresponding to a particular employee might include data informing that this employee has five years experience with Oracle, ten years of experience using the SAP application and four years of experience with the AIX operating system. Although this information is beneficial to a degree, it is not completely accurate. For example, the information provided is done so by the employee and may not reflect the actual proficiency this employee has attained regarding the specified skills. Instead, the data only indicates years of experience, which does not always reflect an accurate level of proficiency. Further, the data provided regarding the number of years is very discrete. That is, it is provided in one year increments. It is unlikely that the employee has exactly five, ten and four years, respectively, experience with each of the skills. It is more likely that the respective amount of experience for each skill includes a partial year. Accordingly, it is desirable to provide a method and a system for accurately assessing and storing the skills available to a business with respect to each employee and other human resources available. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Illustrative, non-limiting embodiments of the present invention address the aforementioned and other disadvantages associated with related art methods of skills inventory development and maintenance. In particular, in accordance with the present invention, the above and other drawbacks related to known skill data management are addressed by capturing, observing and analyzing data from runtime operations that impact skill values corresponding to the human resources of a business group. In accordance with one exemplary embodiment, a method of establishing a skills inventory is provided, the method comprising monitoring the activity of a resource object with respect to an activity performed by the resource object, wherein the activity performed requires at least one skill identified in a list of specified skills, extracting data relevant to the at least one skill from results of said monitoring, computing a metric value indicative of a skill level attained by the resource object with respect to each of the at least one skill and updating a skills inventory database with the computed metric value. According to a further exemplary embodiment of the invention, a computer program product for providing a service to reuse IT system knowledge is provided, the program product comprising a computer readable medium, first program instruction means for monitoring the activity of a resource object with respect to an activity performed by the resource object, wherein the activity performed requires at least one skill identified in a list of specified skills, second program instruction means for extracting data relevant to the at least one skill from results of said monitoring, third program instruction means for computing a metric value indicative of a skill level attained by the resource object with respect to each of the at least one skill, and fourth program instruction means for updating a skills inventory database with the computed metric value. According to a further exemplary embodiment of the invention, a system for establishing an accurate skills inventory is provided. A system in accordance with this embodiment comprises means for monitoring at least one activity performed by a resource object (e.g., a first server portion), wherein the activity performed requires at least one skill identified in a list of specified skills; means for extracting data (e.g., the first server portion), wherein the data is relevant to the at least one skill from results of the monitoring of the activity; means for computing a metric value (e.g., a second server portion), wherein the metric value is indicative of a skill level attained by the resource object with respect to each of the at least one skill and means for updating a skills inventory database with the computed metric value (e.g., the second server portion). This embodiment further may include a skills inventory database that comprises at least one record corresponding to the resource object and each record comprises at least one independent metric value corresponding to a skill that the resource object possesses. According to an even further exemplary embodiment of the invention, a system for establishing an accurate skills inventory is provided where the system comprises a first server portion operable to execute a skills data retrieval application, wherein the skills data retrieval application receives data from a runtime application that monitors the performance of a resource object while the resource object performs at least one task and a second server portion operable to calculate at least one metric value corresponding to the at least one task performed by the resource object, wherein each metric value accounts for a plurality of predetermined parameters relevant to its respective task. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES FIG. 1 is a process flow diagram of an embodiment in accordance with the invention. FIG. 2 is a process flow diagram of a related art method. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EXEMPLARY EMBODIMENTS The present invention is related to the IT services area and, thus many technology-specific terms are used in describing the invention and providing the environment in which it operates. Skilled artisans would understand the intended meaning of the technology-specific terms used below, however, the following, non-exhaustive list of term definitions is provided to assist the reader. Although the list below provides a general definition of the respective terms, the definitions provided are not meant to be limiting. That is, the definitions provided are not exclusive and one skilled in the art should apply alternative or modified definitions where appropriate. Employee Database: A database that maintains employee records and information about their skill set. Typically maintained by the HR organization in a company. Skills Taxonomy: A classification methodology for specifying the types of skills relevant to an organization. For example, in IBM's services business, a taxonomy called JRSS (Job Requisition Skill Set) is used. Runtime System/Runtime Operations: Refers to any system maintained by an organization that tracks and captures the history of the work done by its employees. Ticketing System: An example of a runtime system in the services business. Records and tracks the various IT systems management requests made by a customer. Information includes the names of person(s) who work on the requests through various stages, the time taken, the kind of IT system the request applies to, etc. Examples used in the services business (by IBM and others) include eESM, Remedy, Peregrine, etc. Information Model/Data Model: Refers to a data structure imposed on top of the records/logs of a runtime system that extracts the relevant fields in the records for further processing. Exemplary, non-limiting, embodiments of the present invention are discussed in detail below. While specific configurations and process flows are discussed to provide a clear understanding of the invention, it should be understood that the disclosed process flows and configurations are provided for illustration purposes only. A person skilled in the relevant art will recognize that other process flows and configurations may be used without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. An embodiment consistent with the present invention comprises a method to accurately capture a value indicative of a person's skill with respect to various skills impacted by the person's activities. More particularly, a value which is indicative of the person's skill level is calculated by observing and analyzing the data from runtime operations that gather data in near-real-time as the person is gaining, or in some cases losing, experience with respect to various skills. In accordance with at least one embodiment, data from various information sources, for example, problem and change ticketing systems, is analyzed to determine what tasks a particular person has worked on in the recent past. The tasks are then mapped to a standard skills classification methodology, or taxonomy, such as IBM's JRSS skill codes, or another taxonomy for which skill values can be gleaned. For each skill code relevant to the particular person, a metric is computed that captures the skill level. The computed metric takes into account various relevant parameters, such as, the number of relevant tasks completed by the person, the time that was required to complete the task(s) and how long ago these tasks were performed. The calculated metric, together with the skill codes, is associated with the particular person and stored in a database. In addition to the parameters mentioned above, those skilled in the art would know that other parameters of interest can be used without straying from the spirit of the invention. First, a metrics database M with one record for each employee is created. Each record further contains a sub-record for each type of skills the employee has. This sub-record includes a score assigned to the employee for that skill type. For an employee with unique identifier 1 , the sub-record is referred to for skill type S, e.g., M(I,S). The following represents exemplary pseudo-code for the calculation of the metric value. In particular, for each record r in the runtime log the following is performed: {  Apply information model on the record to get structured record R;  N = Extract employee name from R;  I = Unique identifier for this employee;  S = Extract skill type from R;  T = Extract time the task was performed;  Modify the skill sub-record for this employee as follows:    M(I,S) = f ( M(I,S) , T , S ); This applies a function f to the  metrics record, which depends on the previous value of the skill sub-  record, the time and the skill used. } When the above loop ends, each record in the runtime database will have been processed, each kind of skill an employee has exercised will have been identified, and a score will have been assigned to each such skill. The function f can be very general, since we can store any information in the skill sub-records and pass it as a parameter to the next computation of the sub-record. An exemplary environment in which the present invention might be used is in the context of a company's Help Desk. In particular, a resource object, such as an employee working at the Help Desk, performs various tasks to achieve a particular result. For instance, a Help Desk employee may be working remotely over a network to resolve a customer's IT-related problem. According to one Help Desk method, when a customer calls into the Help Desk to report a problem, a “ticket” is created for that call. The ticket includes data such as, the particular problem; to what hardware and/or software components the problem relates; the time problem resolution began; the time the problem was resolved, or, in some cases the time problem resolution was abandoned; what steps were taken in pursuit of a resolution, and any other relevant data. FIG. 1 illustrates an embodiment in accordance with the invention and described in the context of the Help Desk example mentioned above. While the resource object is performing his or her job function to resolve the customer's problem, at least one runtime application, such as runtime applications 10 and 20 , gather data with respect to the process the employee undertakes in resolving the issue. That is, runtime applications 10 and 20 capture data with respect to the performance of the resource. For example, a runtime application such as eESM (IBM's eEnterprise Solutions Management application), logs data relevant to change management. Another example of a runtime application that captures data relevant to the resource's performance is ManageNow, which logs data for problem management. In addition to the applications mentioned, those skilled in the art would understand that various runtime applications that capture relevant data can be used in accordance with the present invention. That is, any application, or number of applications, that captures data in accordance with a specified taxonomy, described below, can be used in accordance with this embodiment. As illustrated in FIG. 1 , results of the runtime application(s), 10 and 20 , are fed into an information model, 40 , where the classification methodology, or taxonomy, 30 , is implemented. More particularly, specific data is parsed from the runtime operations to be used in the calculation of the skills metric, 50 , described in detail below. The skills metric calculated, e.g., for each resource object and for each skill determined by the given taxonomy, 30 , is then recorded in a skills inventory database 60 . As shown, the skills database, 60 , includes at least one record, 70 , corresponding to each resource object. The record comprises data, 80 , indicating the calculated metric for each of the skills determined by the taxonomy, 30 , to be of importance for that particular resource object. For the example shown in FIG. 1 , the metric value calculated for Oracle skill is “10”, the value for the SAP application skill is “5” and the value for the AIX operating system skill is “4”. Calculation of a metric in accordance with one exemplary embodiment of the present invention will now be described. Using the Help Desk example discussed above, as an employee is working at the Help Desk, runtime programs such as eESM and ManageNow log data regarding the employee's performance. Data is extracted from the logs and an information model is imposed on the data using IBM's JRSS taxonomy. According to this embodiment, three time periods are considered, i.e., periods 0 , 1 and 2 , each of a duration T. X(t) is the set of tickets closed in the t th time period, S(X(t)) is the total severity of these tickets, N(X(t)) is the number of tickets in the set and a is a weighting parameter. For example, a has a value less than 1 such that the larger values give more weight to activities performed by the resource object more recent in time and, alternatively, gives less weight to actions performed in the more distant past. Based on the information model presented, the metric value for the given resource object with respect to a given skill is: S(X(O))/N(X(O))X(1−a) 2 +S(X(1))/N(X(1))Xa(1−a)+S(X(2))/N(X(2))Xa After the metric is calculated, the skills inventory is updated with the calculated skill value, i.e., metric value calculated, for the given resource object for the particular skill type. The invention can take the form of an entirely hardware embodiment, an entirely software embodiment or an embodiment containing both hardware and software elements. In a further embodiment, the invention is implemented in software, which includes but is not limited to firmware, resident software, microcode, etc. Furthermore, the invention can take the form of a computer program product accessible from a computer-usable or computer-readable medium providing program code for use by or in connection with a computer or any instruction execution system. For the purposes of this description, a computer-usable or computer readable medium can be any apparatus that can contain, store, communicate, propagate, or transport the program for use by or in connection with the instruction execution system, apparatus, or device. The medium can be an electronic, magnetic, optical, electromagnetic, infrared, or semiconductor system (or apparatus or device) or a propagation medium. Examples of a computer-readable medium include a semiconductor or solid state memory, magnetic tape, a removable computer diskette, a random access memory (RAM), a read-only memory (ROM), a rigid magnetic disk and an optical disk. Current examples of optical disks include compact disk-read only memory (CD-ROM), compact disk-read/write (CD-R/W) and DVD. A data processing system suitable for storing and/or executing program code will include at least one processor coupled directly or indirectly to memory elements through a system bus. The memory elements can include local memory employed during actual execution of the program code, bulk storage, and cache memories which provide temporary storage of at least some program code in order to reduce the number of times code must be retrieved from bulk storage during execution. Input/output or I/O devices (including but not limited to keyboards, displays, pointing devices, etc.) can be coupled to the system either directly or through intervening I/O controllers. Network adapters may also be coupled to the system to enable the data processing system to become coupled to other data processing systems or remote printers or storage devices through intervening private or public networks. Modems, cable modem and Ethernet cards are just a few of the currently available types of network adapters. It would be understood that a method incorporating any combination of the details mentioned above would fall within the scope of the present invention as determined based upon the claims below and any equivalents thereof. Other aspects, objects and advantages of the present invention can be obtained from a study of the drawings, the disclosure and the appended claims.
A method and system for obtaining and storing accurate skills data relative to human resource objects of an enterprise. Relevant data is extracted from runtime processes that monitor the activities of the human resource objects and a metric value indicative of a skill level attained for each of a list of skills is calculated for each human resource object.