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Integrated third parties API. (how did you do it, what tool(s) were used? And why was this task important for the project?) | 6Full-Stack Engineer
| apache spark, kafka, rest api, apache kafka, databases, jpa, spark, apache tomcat, jenkins, hive, flume, apache hadoop, git, github, data modeling, apache maven, aws emr, azure data factory, mongodb, kanban, spring, glassfish, avro, elasticsearch, spring framework, groovy, aws lambda, aws ec2, go, hbase, maven, azure, docker, mysql, java, aws, apache parquet, apache hive, unix, apache flume, shell scripts, redis, aws s3, data, jira, gradle, hadoop, aws kinesis, leadership |
Proposed a new system architecture for the future of the company software roadmap and demoed the first changes toward that vision. | 4Software Engineer
| pytorch, spacy, circleci, sodavisualization, rabbitmq, jenkins, javascript, ms sqlserverdata, python, git, powerbi, gcp, angular, ml frameworks, matillion, snowflake, mongodb, soda, apache airflow, keras, sql, shell, c++, django, tensorflowextended, raspberrypi, tensorflow, google bigquery, sql server, r, postgresql, terraform, docker, power bi, vue, amperity, swagger, linux, fastapi, java, aws, c, airtable, typescript, octave, kotlin, firebase, shell scripts, redash, yaml, flask, airflow, rust, grafana, mercurial, arduino, express, computer vision, react |
Created information governance policies and data access policies guided by the GDPR brazilian laws and regulations and good practices such as a Data Management Book of Knowledge for a brazilian insurance company. | 2Data Scientist
| apache spark, kafka, oracle, tableau, apache kafka, databases, pandas, spark, kubernetes, apache cassandra, python, apache hadoop, git, powerbi, pentaho, gcp, aws emr, aws athena, ml frameworks, snowflake, mongodb, aws glue, apache airflow, scala, sql, elasticsearch, dynamodb, visualization, talend, aws cdk, neo4j, aws ec2, aws lambda, sap, google bigquery, sql server, r, postgresql, terraform, azure, docker, governance policies, cassandra, decision making, mysql, linux, java, aws, aws ecr, azure sql, aws redshift, mariadb, sagemaker, data management, redis, aws s3, data, hadoop |
Mentored less experienced developers. | 4Software Engineer
| other |
Created data pipelines and automations using Python, SQL, AWS and GCP. | 1Data Analyst
| aws, tableau, databases, pandas, sql, python, git, data, powerbi, visualization, github |
Developed an Automatic License Plate Recognition system using deep learning, C, and the YOLO library. | 4Software Engineer
| pytorch, apache spark, c#, oracle, spark, python, git, powerbi, gcp, aws glue, apache airflow, excel, bigquery, sql, singlestore, c++, postgres, tensorflow, aws codepipeline, postgresql, docker, power bi, microsoft excel, matplotlib, linux, plotly, java, aws, aws ecr, databricks, aws redshift, scikit-learn, asp.net, airflow, dash, data, jira, aws kinesis, redshift |
Deployed models using Apache Beam, GCP as the cloud configuration, and Airflow as the orchestration tool to make predictions on a daily basis of 50K bills impacting the ROI of the collection task; this was implemented under MLOps Methodology. | 2Data Scientist
| simul 8, pytorch, numpy, apache spark, teradata, jupyter notebooks, databases, pandas, regex, google sql, microsoft office, apache cassandra, python, looker, git, gcp, huggingface, ml frameworks, mongodb, seaborn, apache airflow, keras, planning, sql, xdk, elasticsearch, aws api gateway, google plx dashboards, visualization, mlflow, aws ec2, aws fargate, tensorflow, xgboost, google bigquery, r, streamlit, bash, nlp, postgresql, pyspark, matlab, docker, aws ecs, matplotlib, decision making, latex, mysql, fastapi, java, aws, aws ecr, apache beam, databricks, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, scikit-learn, shell scripts, tf object detection api, airflow, aws s3, data, beautiful soup |
Collaborated closely with the product and design teams to understand user requirements and translate them into technical solutions, aligning the development efforts with business objectives and ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction. | 6Full-Stack Engineer
| graphql, databases, dataflow, vue.js, bootstrap, postgresql, css, javascript, heroku, sql serveranalysisservices, programming, mysql, aws, twilio, html, angular.js, react, haml, ruby on rails, sql, laravel, data, dynamodb, sinatra, rspec, ruby, aws lambda |
Designed and implemented a command-line interface (CLI) tool for automating the creation and deployment of AWS Lambda functions. The framework automatically generated a structure of folders and scripts for deploying AWS Lambda functions in an organized, standardized, and fast way for the data engineering team of a digital wallet and financial platform part of Colombias Top 1 bank. | 0Data Engineer
| aws ec2, javadatabases, apache spark, aws cloudformation, dask, r, postgresql, collaboration, sqlalchemy, microsoft office, python, git, aws neptune, github, fivetran, aws emr, aws athena, shell scripting, java, aws, ml frameworks, aws step functions, psycopg, snowflake, databricks, aws redshift, aws glue, dbt, apache airflow, shell scripts, dbtvisualization, aws s3, sql, grafana, dynamodb, snowflake data, metabase, aws lambda |
Implemented a model in Golang. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| other |
Enhanced the user interface (UI) of a commercial analytics application by using Plotly Dash and CSS to improve the user experience for an American multinational consumer products retailer. | 1Data Analyst
| numpy, oracle, pandas, beautifulsoup, postgresdata, sqlite3, css, javascript, looker, python, git, github, root, seaborn, sql, excel powerqueryvisualization, c++, google sheets, mathematica, bokeh, ibm, domo, domo datawarehouse, r, bash, azure, matlab, microsoft excel, matplotlib, decision making, anaconda jupyter notebook, mysql, fastapi, linux, plotly, statistics, java, sqlite, azure sql, jupyter notebook, azure cosmos, dash, scipy, beautiful soup |
Designed and developed Tableau dashboards to monitor developers’ projects progress. | 5Analytics Engineer
| dbeaver, c, tableau, sql server, snowflake, postgresql, microsoft sql server, as400 queryvisualization, sql, google data studio, data, pgadmin, powerbi, power bi, agile methodologies |
Implemented data processing jobs to move data between data lake zones using Python, AWS Glue, and Apache Spark | 0Data Engineer
| pytorch, apache spark, spark, apache cassandra, python, github, data modeling, aws emr, ml frameworks, mongodb, aws glue, seaborn, apache airflow, planning, sql, dynamodb, visualization, aws lambda, aws ec2, tensorflow, r, geospatial analysis, bash, nlp, postgresql, aws sns, terraform, sqlalchemy, matlab, retool, pyspark, docker, matplotlib, decision making, mysql, aws rds, fastapi, statistics, aws, aws step functions, h2o automl, aws redshift, ggplot2, scikit-learn, dbt, airflow, aws s3, dash, data, gis, github actions, aws kinesis, computer vision |
Created 3 websites using WordPress for local small and medium-sized enterprises | 4Software Engineer
| capybara, circleci, css, javascript, python, git, flutter, github, gcp, sql serveranalysisservices, programming, gamemaker studio 2, angular, html, node.js, jest, ruby on rails, sql, aws api gateway, dynamodb, bootstrapdatabases, aws lambda, objective-c, aws secrets manager, graphql, postgresql, aws cognito, ngrx, terraform, aws rds, java, aws, aws cloudfront, c, wordpress, typescript, amazon dynamodb, gitflow, aws s3, android studio, github actions, rspec, scss, ruby, react |
Pioneered the launch of Le Wagons first online school, transitioning from an on-site-only model to a successful online ed-tech platform. | 6Full-Stack Engineer
| graphql, databases, dataflow, vue.js, bootstrap, postgresql, css, javascript, heroku, sql serveranalysisservices, programming, mysql, aws, twilio, html, angular.js, react, haml, ruby on rails, sql, laravel, data, dynamodb, sinatra, rspec, ruby, aws lambda |
Built a dbt data mart that gathered data from internal sources and external data providers to facilitate data querying and analysis for business stakeholders and other analysts. | 1Data Analyst
| numpy, lightgbm, tensorflow, xgboost, tableau, r, databases, pandas, tableau prep builder, jinja, python, github, alation, matplotlib, latex, plotly, statistics, aws, ml frameworks, matillion, snowflake, seaborn, ggplot2, scikit-learn, dbt, keras, chartio, sql, dash, scipy, data, visualization, jira, beautiful soup, mathematica |
Implemented real-time data dashboards in Python, Splunk, Kinesis, and S3. | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, beautifulsoup, css, javascript, kubernetes, python, powerbi, github, gcp, data modeling, html, delta lake, aws glue, seaborn, apache airflow, splunk, sql, dynamodb, django, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws dynamodb, tensorflow, google cloud storage, google bigquery, postgresql, aws sns, terraform, pyspark, docker, microsoft excel, matplotlib, mysql, aws rds, linux, aws, aws step functions, apache hive, typescript, databricks, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, dbt, flask, aws s3, dash, rpa, data, beautiful soup, github actions, aws kinesis, delta live tables, react |
data in a very intense batch job. | 4Software Engineer
| decrease, data in a very intense batch job., apache spark, kafka, oracle, rest api, apache kafka, kubeflow, i was asked to design and build tools to improve citizens relationship, databases, with government, performance, spark, jenkins, javascript, bureaucracy and other key aspects to improve government efficiency., kubernetes, microsoft office, writing applications with a good design to be delivered continuously and follow deployment status to other teams, python, software engineer, using java related technologies, senior software engineer, my tasks were related to deliver solutions that would help, my main tasks were, gitlab, ml frameworks, programs to decrease debts, software architecture, people across the state., snowflake, applying multithreading techniques, pulsar, apache airflow, applying best practices and selecting tools that help developing and delivering applications in a fast-paced and reliable way.
programming, softtek jan 2012, scala, acting mainly as an integration architect inside one of the great retailers on brazil, resource it solutions jan 2013, visualization, mlflow, metabase, sigma, go, working for a state sponsored company, magna sistemas sep 2013, postgresql, the team were able to almost double the throughput of processed, azure, delivered solutions to support a large number of accesses by users worldwide, using an agile methodology and java for a large financial company., process and transform external data delivered by third-party providers into useful, mysql, golang, java, aws, data inside the customer. the main project was maintain a home made solution to integrate hr data, that later was replaced by a solution designed on oracle odi. ive participated designing the solution, applied tdd and architecture knowledge to increase code coverage, testing and fixing errors on odi scripts., deliver information, dbt, increase transparency, tech mahindra may 2014, redash, with a high availability and secure architecture is my current focus, airflow, aws s3, data, s3, related to receive, seldon |
Created CICD pipelines and SQL data migrations using SQLAlchemy, Circle CI, and GitHub. | 5Analytics Engineer
| oracle, circleci, ibm db2, looker, hyperion oracle, powerbi, gcp, data modeling, terremark dc, aws athena, aws emr, ec2, aws glue, sql, ibm bluemix, sap, ibm, tensorflow, google cloud storage, postgresql, terraform, sqlalchemy, azure, docker, power bi, google cloud, paas, mssql, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, shell scripts, scipy, hadoop, aws kinesis, apache kafka, apache hadoop, python, apache cassandra, cloud sql, github, sql serveranalysisservices, time series, ibm softlayer, html, ms sql server, ebs, progress, mongodb, apache airflow, scala, ms access, aws ebs, .net, aws lambda, aws ec2, db2, hbase, sql server, r, oracle cloud, pyspark, ansible, windows azure, mysql, aws rds, statistics, aws, java, c, spotfire, apache hive, aws step functions, azure sql, t-sql microsoft, windows, puppet, aws s3 |
Implemented 6 custom Fivetran connections to consume third-party APIs using Lambda functions (Python). | 0Data Engineer
| powercenter, ibm, google bigquery, oracle, sql server, r, sas, databases, google analytics, sql server integration services, python, powerbi, datacleaner, gcp, fivetran, decision making, asana, aws gluevisualization, aws, google tag manager, oracle database, sql ssis, snowflake, aws redshift, aws glue, asp.net, dbt, apache airflow, sas miner, google cloud functions, airflow, ibm datastage, aws s3, sql, google data studio, data, aws lambda |
Built data processing pipelines, database cleaning, statistical analysis, and the application of various modeling techniques that helped to improve the company’s existing machine learning models to predict payment default and customer churn. | 5Analytics Engineer
| pytorch, numpy, postico, databases, pandas, labview, popsql, javascript, python, shiny, gcp, simulink, ml frameworks, jupyter, seaborn, keras, planning, bigquery, sql, visualization, prioritization, metabase, tensorflow, xgboost, r, streamlit, postgresql, azure, matlab, decision making, latex, fastapi, linux, plotly, opencv, azure sql, microsoft azure, jupyter notebook, octave, scikit-learn, dbt, scipy, data, computer vision |
Deployed the code infrastructure using Docker and a Cloud Linux Virtual Machine. | 4Software Engineer
| apache spark, beautifulsoup, css, javascript, kubernetes, python, powerbi, github, gcp, data modeling, html, delta lake, aws glue, seaborn, apache airflow, splunk, sql, dynamodb, django, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws dynamodb, tensorflow, google cloud storage, google bigquery, postgresql, aws sns, terraform, pyspark, docker, microsoft excel, matplotlib, mysql, aws rds, linux, aws, aws step functions, apache hive, typescript, databricks, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, dbt, flask, aws s3, dash, rpa, data, beautiful soup, github actions, aws kinesis, delta live tables, react |
Built serverless features using Google Cloud Platform technologies(PubSub, Storage, Cloud Functions, Cron Jobs, and GKE Kubernetes Jobs) to build batch pipelines and execute machine learning jobs. | 4Software Engineer
| pytorch, scikit, apache spark, python, git, github, data modeling, google identity platform, redcap, aws glue, apache airflow, sql, dynamodb, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws dynamodb, google cloud run, go, google cloud storage, google bigquery, r, ml tools, streamlit, nlp, postgresql, aws sns, terraform, matlab, docker, latex, aws rds, linux, statistics, aws, java, aws step functions, aws redshift, firestore, dbt, aws s3, data, github actions, aws kinesis, leadership, computer vision |
Created and implemented an anomaly detection model for time series data to identify the unusual distribution of product categories for an online retail industry using time series analysis and Tensorflow probability techniques (Dirichlet Distribution to model multiple time series that add up to 1). | 2Data Scientist
| numpy, teradata, tensorflow, xgboost, tableau, sql server, r, ownership, sas, pandas, databases, nlp, pyspark, python, microsoft excel, powerbi, tensorflow probability, sqlserver, mysql, time series, alteryx, statistics, ml frameworks, hue, daskvisualization, scikit-learn, apache impala, impala, sql, data |
Built data warehouses using data modeling techniques (Kimball, modular) with dbt and SQL. | 0Data Engineer
| pytorch, networkx, numpy, apache spark, pandas, javascript, python, git, github, data modeling, snowflake, aws glue, seaborn, apache airflow, splunk, sql, postgis, gatsby, dynamodb, c++, django, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws dynamodb, xgboost, bash, postgresql, aws sns, terraform, docker, microsoft excel, matplotlib, aws rds, fastapi, statistics, aws, aws step functions, aws redshift, mariadb, scikit-learn, dbt, flask, aws s3, data, github actions, aws kinesis, react |
Performed continuous integration with TeamCity (Maven builds and Python scripting, installing and configuring pools and build agents). | 0Data Engineer
| , numpy, universidad cenfotec san josé, grpc, powershell., intelsoftware and automation engineer jan 2015, kubernetes, costa rica, gcp, apache maven, matillion, node.js, snowflake, sql, bamboo, c++, django, hewlett packard enterprisesoftware support engineer nov 2016, tensorflow, google cloud storage, centos, postgresql, aws eks, docker, along with a deep understanding of compiler and interpreter to optimize execution time., collected data from restful apis or sql databases with entityframework., fastapi, linux, mssql, scikit-learn, aws sqs, hadoop, views, php, apache spark, aws elastic beanstalk, hdfs, data warehouse, pandas, spark, atlassian bamboo, apache hadoop, python, troubleshooted issues on the, designed database using tables, infrastructure and deployment automation, created and deployed powershell scripts for production saving, rabbitmq., ms sql server, mongodb, and stored procedure creations., nodejs, apache airflow, tornado
data structure solutions, spring, programming languages and other, laravel, elasticsearch, celery, go, sql server, gcp bigquery, bash, powershell, aws sns, relational and non-relational, required a strong understanding of underlying architecture and microarchitecture on cpus and gpus, worked with linux foundation on rhel, pyspark, and ubuntu server., symfony, mysql, aws rds, education, aws, java, ai, data management, flask, redis, aws s3, bsc. degree on computer software engineering 2016 - 2019, laravel lumen |
Applied serverless tools from AWS (DynamoDB, S3, Lambda) and deployed with containers(EC2 Container Service). | 6Full-Stack Engineer
| pytorch, scikit, apache spark, python, git, github, data modeling, google identity platform, redcap, aws glue, apache airflow, sql, dynamodb, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws dynamodb, google cloud run, go, google cloud storage, google bigquery, r, ml tools, streamlit, nlp, postgresql, aws sns, terraform, matlab, docker, latex, aws rds, linux, statistics, aws, java, aws step functions, aws redshift, firestore, dbt, aws s3, data, github actions, aws kinesis, leadership, computer vision |
Worked with Harvard professors to maintain a fluid operation and coordinate between 3 other cities to achieve a synchronization of schedules. | 2Data Scientist
| apache spark, kafka, apache kafka, javascript, python, git, structured streaming, powerbi, gcp, nltk, ml frameworks, snowflake, delta lake, seaborn, apache airflow, sql, visualization, redshiftdata, aws dms, spark structured streaming, aws lambda, r, nlp, great expectations, postgresql, sqlalchemy, docker, matplotlib, mysql, snowsight, linux, aws, statsmodels, raspberry pi, databricks, scikit-learn, databricks jobs api, flask, gensim, airflow, aws s3, delta live tables |
Designed and implemented a highly available, secure and high-performance production infrastructure using AWS and Terraform to process hundreds of requests per minute for an image and video-based analytics machine learning platform. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| aws ec2, aws cloudformation, c#, oracle, sql server, bash, nlp, postgresql, javascript, terraform, kubernetes, microsoft office, python, docker, git, aws ecs, github, gcp, amazon redshift, mysql, aws rds, angular, linux, aws, linux., typescript, databricks, aws redshift, aws glue, apache airflow, sql, rpa, dynamodb, github actions, mlflow, django, react |
Built interactive and predictive financial models for multiple clients to enable C-suite executives to forecast and prioritize the impact of business initiatives in various scenarios for banking and insurance and construction clients. | 1Data Analyst
| pytorch, apache spark, bitbucket, circleci, snaplogic, spark, javascript, kubernetes, python, powerbi, gcp, time series, angular, node.js, snowflake, aws glue, nodejs, apache airflow, splunk, planning, sql, dynamodb, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws dynamodb, graphql, google bigquery, facebook prophet, aws sns, docker, astronomer, fivetran, decision making, aws, c, typescript, databricks, aws redshift, scikit-learn, dbt, flask, airflow, aws s3, memsqldata, redshift, scrum, aws mwaa |
Developed scripts to perform web scraping to extract data from different universities databases and used Selenium and Playwright in Python to store it on different SQL and NoSQL databases. | 1Data Analyst
| tableau, oracle, r, bitbucket, postgresql, looker, python, power bi, microsoft excel, powerbi, github, decision making, selenium, latex, aws, mongodb, scikit-learn, nosql, playwriting, sql, data |
Developed an interval framework using Python and Kedro to solve time series problems. The framework had a list of algorithms from which you could choose, and once the data was in the right format, it would apply and evaluate them. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| pytorch, numpy, lightgbm, tensorflow, apache spark, c#, xgboost, sql server, databases, pandas, nlp, circleci, spark, postgresql, terraform, azure, pyspark, python, docker, azure devops, mysql, time series, statistics, java, aws, ml frameworks, c, azure sql, databricks, scikit-learn, keras, flask, sql, data, c++, delta lake |
Developed a CICD system using GitHub actions, ECS, Lambda and Fargate to automatically test and deploy machine learning engines for the talent acquisition platform. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| pytorch, numpy, lightgbm, trax, weights, apache kafka, databases, pandas, apache cassandra, python, git, github, huggingface, mongodb, dvc, apache airflow, keras, sql, sensors, mlflow, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws fargate, tensorflow, ml tools, nlp, postgresql, terraform, matlab, pyspark, microcontrollers, docker, aws ecs, hugging face, fastapi, aws, aws ecr, opencv, raspberry pi, aws redshift, scikit-learn, airflow, aws s3, weights & biases, data, github actions, arduino, computer vision |
Conducted exploratory data analysis on a 2.5 GB dataset to identify relevant features and feature engineering for prediction, with focus on handling imbalanced data. Data was saved in AWS S3. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| pytorch, numpy, lightgbm, rest api, sas, pandas, databases, aws batch, python, github, huggingface, nltk, time series, ml frameworks, aws sdk for python (boto3), dvc, sql, aws eventbridge, aws api gateway, c++, mlflow, aws lambda, aws ec2, go, ibm, tensorflow, xgboost, streamlit, nlp, aws sns, terraform, matlab, pyspark, docker, aws ecs, matplotlib, fastapi, statistics, aws, nginx, aws ecr, aws redshift, scikit-learn, aws s3, aws sdk for python, data, github actions, computer vision |
Performed the data extraction of pollution data from the Secretary of Environments web page using Beautiful Soup. | 2Data Scientist
| numpy, lightgbm, tensorflow, xgboost, tableau, r, databases, pandas, tableau prep builder, jinja, python, github, alation, matplotlib, latex, plotly, statistics, aws, ml frameworks, matillion, snowflake, seaborn, ggplot2, scikit-learn, dbt, keras, chartio, sql, dash, scipy, data, visualization, jira, beautiful soup, mathematica |
Developed and maintained an enterprise taxonomy for one of the leading marketing platforms in Latin America using statistical models. | 5Analytics Engineer
| oracle, circleci, ibm db2, looker, hyperion oracle, powerbi, gcp, data modeling, terremark dc, aws athena, aws emr, ec2, aws glue, sql, ibm bluemix, sap, ibm, tensorflow, google cloud storage, postgresql, terraform, sqlalchemy, azure, docker, power bi, google cloud, paas, mssql, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, shell scripts, scipy, hadoop, aws kinesis, apache kafka, apache hadoop, python, apache cassandra, cloud sql, github, sql serveranalysisservices, time series, ibm softlayer, html, ms sql server, ebs, progress, mongodb, apache airflow, scala, ms access, aws ebs, .net, aws lambda, aws ec2, db2, hbase, sql server, r, oracle cloud, pyspark, ansible, windows azure, mysql, aws rds, statistics, aws, java, c, spotfire, apache hive, aws step functions, azure sql, t-sql microsoft, windows, puppet, aws s3 |
Deployed an interactive dashboard to show the results of the model for anomaly detection. | 1Data Analyst
| gcp cloud functions, apache spark, databases, spark, pruning, java programming, anomaly detection, python, powerbi, gcp, programming, and nodejs, data analytics, cloud infrastructure, nltk, cloud, neural network, ml frameworks, node.js, programming language, aws glue, glue, big data processing, keras, artificial intelligence, sql, rds and, visualization, c++, aws ec2, gcp cloud storage, unsupervised learning, go, tensorflow, google cloud storage, amazon s3, gcp compute engine, text analysis, nlp, postgresql, gcp app engine, scrapy, image processing, terraform, machine learning, power bi, java and, other, mysql, aws rds, tensorflow 2.0, fastapi, java, aws, ai, and dash., data structures, scikit-learn, api, and athena., data cleaning, flask, aws s3, data, and keras. |
Collaborated with the development team to ensure that solutions were scalable and met client requirements. | 6Full-Stack Engineer
| qemu., taught courses in analysis and design of algorithms, numpy, c#, provided support to students in solving problems related to competitive programming., bitbucket, pandas, databases, css, functional programming, javascript, python, vagrant, github, neural networks, ml frameworks, html, sphinx, computer simulation, keras, spring, sql, visualization, c++, django, virtualbox, aws ec2, joomla, go, and fundamentals of programming languages., sql server, bash, postgresql, universidad del valle mar, coupled with my ability to work collaboratively with teams, azure, matplotlib, latex, mysql, linux, java, aws, azure sql, microsoft azure, discrete mathematics, data, managed software projects related to recommendation systems and learning virtual objects., github actions, adjunct professor, enable me to deliver high-quality software solutions according to the client expectations. im committed to staying up-to-date with emerging technologies and trends in the field to ensure i continue to deliver exceptional results.skillsprogramming, php |
Designed and implemented a data extraction pipeline from both RDS and S3 for an AWS Redshift dimensional model. | 0Data Engineer
| aws ec2, apache spark, redshift, sql server, hive, terraform, matlab, looker, python, git, docker, governance policies, aws ecs, powerbi, github, aws iam, aws codebuild, decision making, power bi, aws rds, aws, apache hive, databricks, snowflake, aws redshift, aws glue, datadog, dbt, apache airflow, apache impala, airflow, impala, aws s3, sql, data, github actions, google sheets, sharepoint |
Architected and developed AI-powered models using Python libraries (i.e. PySpark, Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow) and Scala libraries (i.e. Spark-ML, Spark-SQL) that enabled retail clients to segment customers, forecast churn, and recommend products based on data analytics, served in GCP services (i.e. Cloud Run, Cloud Functions, BigQuery) with a centralized command center web page that enabled users to create email or SMS campaigns. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| pytorch, gcp cloud functions, numpy, apache spark, jupyter notebooks, tableau, pandas, apache cassandra, python, git, github, gcp, huggingface, gcp cloud run, google compute engine, snowflake, dvc, google big query, apache airflow, keras, nosql, scala, sql, aws api gateway, mlflow, fast, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws fargate, go, tensorflow, google cloud storage, google bigquery, ml tools, streamlit, bash, postgresql, pyspark, docker, aws ecs, design patterns, fastapi, aws, java, aws ecr, databricks, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, scikit-learn, shell scripts, tf object detection api, flask, airflow, aws s3, dash, data, github actions, computer vision |
Led an investigation for the detection of clusters within public opinion on abortion using graph analysis with Networkx in Python for the feminist organization Causa Justa in the context of its lawsuit before the Colombian Constitutional Court. | 2Data Scientist
| pytorch, networkx, apache spark, tensorflow, xgboost, spacy, streamlit, databases, pandas, nlp, spark, gephi, python, git, github, matplotlib, selenium, decision making, huggingface, time series, plotly, aws, ml frameworks, c, aws redshift, aws glue, scikit-learn, apache airflow, shell scripts, airflow, aws s3, sql, shap, data, visualization |
Deployed a microservices-based event-driven architecture using Kafka, Debezium, and Schema-Registry, supported by ArgoCD and K8s Helm. | 4Software Engineer
| luigi, apache spark, kafka, hdfs, tableau, apache kafka, databases, spark, apache livy, jenkins, kubernetes, looker, python, argocd, gcp, gitlab, jupyter, node.js, prestosql, mongodb, apache airflow, ruby on rails, scala, sql, visualization, debezium, airbyte, metabase, digital ocean, apache ranger, go, google cloud storage, apache superset, postgresql, pyspark, ansible, docker, mysql, linux, golang, java, aws, databricks, jupyter notebook, rundeck, kotlin, dbt, redash, redis, data, ruby, react |
Developed ETL processes using Python by leveraging exploratory data analysis and data modeling to generate a dashboard with actionable insights for C-level stakeholders, thereby landing business opportunities for an international marketing Colombian company. | 2Data Scientist
| other |
Gathering requirements and modeling databases. | 4Software Engineer
| other |
Updated an ETL pipeline for text data preprocessing and performed code refactoring using Hydra, Scikit-Learn and Pandas to guarantee proper factory-like design patterns and hierarchical composition suitable for data preprocessing for downstream NLP tasks. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| hyperopt, pytorch, api gateway, numpy, apache spark, eventbridge, databases, pandas, spark, lambda, aws ecr, aws batch, python, git, github, gcp, huggingface, ml frameworks, aws ecs, seaborn, sql, aws eventbridge, aws api gateway, visualization, mlflow, batch, aws lambda, aws ec2, tensorflow, r, streamlit, microsoft word, nlp, aws sns, pyspark, docker, aws ecs, matplotlib, design patterns, latex, fastapi, linux, aws, aws ecr, databricks, aws redshift, scikit-learn, aws s3, data, computer vision |
Developed proof of concept using NodeJS (Express framework) for a custom reporting module ingesting previously transformed data with Python. | 4Software Engineer
| , numpy, universidad cenfotec san josé, grpc, powershell., intelsoftware and automation engineer jan 2015, kubernetes, costa rica, gcp, apache maven, matillion, node.js, snowflake, sql, bamboo, c++, django, hewlett packard enterprisesoftware support engineer nov 2016, tensorflow, google cloud storage, centos, postgresql, aws eks, docker, along with a deep understanding of compiler and interpreter to optimize execution time., collected data from restful apis or sql databases with entityframework., fastapi, linux, mssql, scikit-learn, aws sqs, hadoop, views, php, apache spark, aws elastic beanstalk, hdfs, data warehouse, pandas, spark, atlassian bamboo, apache hadoop, python, troubleshooted issues on the, designed database using tables, infrastructure and deployment automation, created and deployed powershell scripts for production saving, rabbitmq., ms sql server, mongodb, and stored procedure creations., nodejs, apache airflow, tornado
data structure solutions, spring, programming languages and other, laravel, elasticsearch, celery, go, sql server, gcp bigquery, bash, powershell, aws sns, relational and non-relational, required a strong understanding of underlying architecture and microarchitecture on cpus and gpus, worked with linux foundation on rhel, pyspark, and ubuntu server., symfony, mysql, aws rds, education, aws, java, ai, data management, flask, redis, aws s3, bsc. degree on computer software engineering 2016 - 2019, laravel lumen |
Developed debt renegotiation AI solution using binary classification, clustering, and regression models, such as linear and logistic regression, to offer customers the best-customized renegotiation options through a cognitive assistant for a major Brazilian digital bank. Increased conversion rate by 15%, effectuation rate by 8%, and decreased the average service time by 59%. | 2Data Scientist
| numpy, lightgbm, apache spark, hdfs, tableau, databases, pandas, mlops, ibm db2, hive, apache hadoop, python, git, cloud sql, pycaret, github, gcp, time series, gitlab, ml frameworks, yarn, cognos analytics, mongodb, seaborn, keras, sql, visualization, django, sigma, db2, ibm, tensorflow, hbase, xgboost, postgresql, azure, pyspark, ibm data refinery, ibm cloud, fastapi, linux, plotly, c, apache hive, spss, azure sql, apache nifi, gitops, scikit-learn, datastage, cognos, data, hadoop, computer vision |
Developed Dashboards in PowerBI and DataStudio. | 0Data Engineer
| other |
Built gradient-boosted trees and ensembles to predict loan default on an unbalanced dataset. Set up an experiment tracking server with MLFlow and automated iterative model training. Used Github Actions to deploy Dockerized API in AWS ECS of the selected model integrated with an explainability framework. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| pytorch, numpy, jupyter notebooks, pandas, kubernetes, apache cassandra, python, git, fastapi git, github, data modeling, huggingface, time series, ggplot, rasa, dvc, apache airflow, keras, sql, tidyverse, aws api gateway, aws ebs, tidymodels, mlflow, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws fargate, tensorflow, r, azureml, ml tools, streamlit, bash, postgresql, facebook prophet, azure functions, azure, pyspark, roxygen2, docker, microsoft excel, aws ecs, azure devops, fastapi, modeltime, statistics, aws, aws ecr, azure sql, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, ggplot2, scikit-learn, shell scripts, tf object detection api, airflow, aws s3, data, github actions, computer vision |
Applied LLMs to analyze social media interactions in Python and Azure ML helping clients identify unmet customer needs related to customer service, product availability and pricing issues for a large wholesaler membership club in the US. | 5Analytics Engineer
| apache spark, sas visual analytics, sas, pandas, databases, introduction to the top public cloud platforms, az-900 exam, spark, javascript, apache hadoop, python, powerbi, gcp, sql serveranalysisservices, azure machine learning, sas certified visual business analyst, azure cognitive search, ml frameworks, google machine learning, exploration and design using sas visual analytics, google vertex ai, torch, sql, pandas foundations, visualization, fundamentals of aws, sap, xgboost, google bigquery, r, azure ml, vertex ai, nlp, cloudera developer training for spark, manipulating dataframes in pandas, azure, azure synapse, using credit scoring nodes, microsoft excel, microsoft azure fundamentals, decision making, roberta, azure devops, devops fundamentals, risk modeling add-on for sas visual data mining and machine, knime, aws, neural networks and deep learning, azure sql, flask, data, hadoop, deploying machine learning models with flask |
Trained in algorithmic programming and SW engineering foundations. Completed capstone projects where best coding and task management practices were required. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| pytorch, go, tensorflow, spacy, tableau, databases, pandas, nlp, postgresql, javascript, sqlalchemy, pyspark, python, microsoft excel, gcp, mysql, aws, java, ml frameworks, opencv, raspberry pi, databricks, mongodb, aws redshift, scikit-learn, apache airflow, keras, airflow, rust, shap, data, visualization, mlflow, django, react |
Developed an automated data pipeline to apply a predictive model that determines likelihood of loan default in near real-time using AWS Kinesis Firehose, ECR, ECS, Lambda, Glue, Athena, GitHub Actions and Terraform. | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, tableau, oracle, pandas, qlik, spark, cloud sql, python, git, structured streaming, github, alation, data modeling, aws athena, matillion, snowflake, aws glue, apache airflow, sql, visualization, spark structured streaming, aws lambda, aws ec2, db2, google cloud storage, sql server, postgresql, docker, governance policies, aws ecs, decision making, mysql, aws rds, alteryx, google cloud, aws, qlik sense, aws ecr, databricks, aws redshift, data management, dbt, airflow, aws s3, data, github actions, aws kinesis, gc function |
Developed a pipeline to extract loan data from a credit bureau from both RDS and S3 to create a dimensional model in Redshift using dbt, AWS Glue, AWS S3, AWS RDS and Redshift, Spark, and Linear (Agile workflow). | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, tableau, oracle, pandas, qlik, spark, cloud sql, python, git, structured streaming, github, alation, data modeling, aws athena, matillion, snowflake, aws glue, apache airflow, sql, visualization, spark structured streaming, aws lambda, aws ec2, db2, google cloud storage, sql server, postgresql, docker, governance policies, aws ecs, decision making, mysql, aws rds, alteryx, google cloud, aws, qlik sense, aws ecr, databricks, aws redshift, data management, dbt, airflow, aws s3, data, github actions, aws kinesis, gc function |
Built a pipeline using Spark, S3, and AWS Lambda to scrape publicly available Telco Provider reviews. utilizing state-of-the-art techniques to extract concepts, refine them through interaction with domain experts, and detect their presence in customer reviews, also calculating the importance of each concept on the providers rating and enabling analysts to explore the results using a Tableau dashboard for one of the largest technology, media and telco (TMT) consultant firms in the world. | 0Data Engineer
| cloudformation, pytorch, aws cloudformation, relational dbs, socket.io, mssql and, javascript, shapely, git, powerbi, selenium, aws emr, cloud, azure data factory, node.js, aws glue, glue, qgis, nosql, sql, dynamodb, athena., azure sql datawarehouse, vpcs. microsoft azure., django, socket io, geoanalytics, backend, postgresql, azure devops., azure, azure synapse, docker, power bi, aws ecs, metabase., spectrum, databricks, mssql, aws redshift, aws stack, html., aws sqs, databricks sql, delta lake, apache spark, tableau, databases, pandas, spark, cloud sql, python, programming, html, big data processing, scala, postgis, visualization, metabase, aws lambda, aws ec2, esp. lambda, go, google bigquery, r, flask., h3, azure devops, mysql, aws rds, apache sedona, java, aws, c, azure sql, dbt, ms sql, flask, aws s3, rpa, data, redshift |
Developed the batch processing of the credit risk scoring models using Spring Batch in Java and using Control-M as the orchestration tool. | 4Software Engineer
| apache spark, c#, hdfs, tableau, uwsgi, databases, pandas, dataflow, spark, jenkins, apache hadoop, python, git, powerbi, github, gcp, aws athena, ml frameworks, azure data factory, node.js, snowflake, aws glue, cron, apache airflow, keras, spring, prefect, scala, sql, visualization, c++, django, cobol, google dataproc, sap, tensorflow, google bigquery, r, microsoft word, azure, matlab, pyspark, docker, cloudera, decision making, design patterns, java, aws, nginx, apache hive, apache beam, opencv, azure sql, databricks, aws redshift, scikit-learn, flask, aws s3, dataproc, data, github actions, hadoop, redshift, delta lake, open cv |
Migrated deprecated infrastructure from GCP to AWS using Jupyter Notebooks and Airflow Papermill Operator to run deprecated pipeline codes, resulting in a cost saving of R$8,000 in savings per month. | 0Data Engineer
| luigi, apache spark, kafka, hdfs, tableau, apache kafka, databases, spark, apache livy, jenkins, kubernetes, looker, python, argocd, gcp, gitlab, jupyter, node.js, prestosql, mongodb, apache airflow, ruby on rails, scala, sql, visualization, debezium, airbyte, metabase, digital ocean, apache ranger, go, google cloud storage, apache superset, postgresql, pyspark, ansible, docker, mysql, linux, golang, java, aws, databricks, jupyter notebook, rundeck, kotlin, dbt, redash, redis, data, ruby, react |
Tools: Azure, AWS, Databricks, Spark, Python, SQL, Sagemaker, EC2, MLFlow, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, SQLServer, PostgreSQL, Git, GitHub. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| numpy, apache spark, teradata, oracle, hdfs, bitbucket, pandas, databases, qlik, spark, hive, kubernetes, apache hadoop, python, git, powerbi, github, gcp, time series, gitlab, ml frameworks, mongodb, apache airflow, sql, elasticsearch, visualization, mlflow, metabase, aws ec2, db2, tensorflow, sql server, postgresql, scrapy, azure, azure synapse, docker, sqlserver, mysql, linux, statistics, aws, sqlite, apache hive, azure sql, databricks, jupyter notebook, sagemaker, scikit-learn, dbt, shell scripts, flask, airflow, data, hadoop, delta lake |
Built ETL solutions using Python, SQL, Big Query, Spark, and Databricks and orchestrating data pipelines using Airflow to maintain the main orders table taking data from different sources and added new features in the ETL process to guarantee the accuracy of the information for the demand team in a luxury fashion retail company. | 0Data Engineer
| teradata, apache spark, tableau, oracle, sas visual analytics, sas, pandas, databases, spark, hive, apache hadoop, python, looker, powerbi, pentaho, data modeling, ml frameworks, shell scripts., prestosql, snowflake, mongodb, seaborn, apache airflow, ruby on rails, sql, visualization, powercenter, google bigquery, sql server, postgresql, azure, pyspark, microstrategy, matplotlib, decision making, aws, apache hive, azure sql, databricks, scikit-learn, dbt, shell scripts, airflow, presto, data, hadoop, sas., ruby |
Led an organic strategies team, coordinating efforts to achieve growth objectives. | 1Data Analyst
| apache spark, tableau, databases, pandas, postgresql, collaboration, jinja, azure, looker, python, git, powerbi, aws ecs, matplotlib, decision making, azure devops, aws, ml frameworks, azure data factory, databricks, snowflake, dbt, aws sqs, aws s3, aws eventbridge, data, dynamodb, visualization, airbyte, metabase |
Deployed different services in the cloud using Docker containers. | 0Data Engineer
| other |
Created internal dashboards using Sigma, SQL queries and Python scripts, updating, maintaining, and delivering actionable insight cross-functionally for a tokenization platform. | 1Data Analyst
| numpy, databases, pandas, postgresql, bi, css, sqlalchemy, looker, python, microsoft excel, powerbi, github, aws, ml frameworks, html, snowflake, scikit-learn, flask, sql, data, visualization, scrum, sigma |
Deployed and ran SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages in Azure Data Factory to automate data extraction, transformation, and loading for the bank’s data engineering team. | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, kafka, hdfs, tableau, apache kafka, confluence, bitbucket, pandas, databases, spark, jenkins, hive, apache hadoop, python, git, powerbi, pentaho, github, gcp, aws emr, azure data factory, mongodb, apache airflow, apache impala, scala, sql, visualization, neo4j, sap, ibm, tensorflow, hbase, sql server, bash, postgresql, collaboration, sql server integration services, terraform, azure, pyspark, power bi, cloudera, decision making, mysql, linux, aws, apache hive, accountability, azure sql, databricks, aws redshift, data management, dbt, azure cosmos, impala, airflow, rpa, data, jira, hadoop, azure data lake |
Assisted the companys collections area by providing insights of their data. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| numpy, jupyter notebooks, databases, pandas, apache cassandra, python, apache hadoop, github, aws services, ml frameworks, jupyter, geopandas, hadoop ecosystem and docker, mongodb, nosql, chartio, scala, aws api gateway, visualization, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws fargate, tensorflow, express.js, xgboost, r, fastapi and express.js, nlp, backend, postgresql, scrapy, terraform, docker, aws ecs, cassandra, cloud computing, aws iam, h3, matplotlib, data science, aws vpc, mysql, aws rds, fastapi, statistics, aws, skillsml, aws ecr, aws step functions, jupyter notebook, scikit-learn, aws sqs, scikitlearn, aws s3, data, tree-based models with xgboost, github actions |
Developed data storage environments using Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL and AWS. | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, c#, oracle, databases, spark, css, javascript, apache hadoop, python, ml frameworks, jupyter, html, azure data factory, aws glue, glue, apache airflow, planning, scala, sql, elasticsearch, c++, .net, postgresqldata, go, sql server, postgresql, terraform, azure, mysql, alteryx, linux, java, aws, aws ecr, azure sql, jupyter notebook, windows, sagemaker, dbt, airflow, aws s3, hadoop |
Led the team as a developer to deliver maximum throughput to the client BT. | 4Software Engineer
| aws ec2, apache spark, google bigquery, oracle, hdfs, confluence, tableau, databases, sqoop, spark, apache pig, hive, azure, pyspark, apache hadoop, python, stitch, github, gcp, decision making, mysql, java, aws, apache hive, snowflake, dagster, mongodb, apache airflow, airflow, aws s3, sql, data, jira, github actions, hadoop, aws lambda |
Created a data labeling tool to validate a pre-built classification model used to extract key information and market insights from a text corpus. Results were shown in a dynamic dashboard built using REACT. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| pytorch, apache spark, css, javascript, python, structured streaming, github, huggingface, nltk, angular, node.js, mongodb, aws glue, apache airflow, keras, apache solar, sql, shap, dlib, c++, mlflow, spark structured streaming, aws ec2, tensorflow, streamlit, nlp, great expectations, postgresql, collaboration, azure, pyspark, docker, ml flow, mysql, hugging face, fastapi, java, aws, opencv, azure sql, databricks, scikit-learn, dbt, flask, gensim, airflow, data, github actions, computer vision, react |
Built a data platform on GCP technology leveraging Big Query, Cloud Storage, Airflow in Kubernetes Engine, and Cloud Functions. | 0Data Engineer
| angular 8, apache spark, c#, pandas, qlik, rabbitmq, javascript, kubernetes, python, git, powerbi, pentaho, github, gcp, data modeling, angular js, angular, cloud functions, snowflake, mongodb, aws glue, apache airflow, sql, google sheets, aws ec2, gcp cloud storage, domo, google cloud storage, google bigquery, sql server, great expectations, postgresql, collaboration, sql server integration services, terraform, docker, power bi, decision making, mysql, aws rds, big query, fastapi, ssis, aws, mvc, qlik sense, databricks, aws redshift, asp.net, dbt, flask, aws s3, data, github actions |
Designed databases and implemented data processing leveraging Databricks-native features to validate and enrich data driving business decisions and applications. | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, databases, css, python, git, powerbi, github, data modeling, aws emr, html, snowflake, delta lake, aws glue, apache airflow, splunk, sql, shell, dynamodb, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws dynamodb, sigma, r, postgresql, aws sns, terraform, azure, matlab, pyspark, docker, latex, azure devops, aws rds, aws, sqlite, aws step functions, azure sql, databricks, aws redshift, dbt, shell scripts, aws s3, data, github actions, aws kinesis, delta live tables |
Integrated data from data sources to enable data analysis in the company. | 1Data Analyst
| web scraping, kafka, aws certified developer - associate., apache kafka, data warehouse, databases, lambda, several articles written around data warehousing, python, git, pipelines and more., programming, rds, cloud infrastructure, aws emr, cloud, ml frameworks, ec2, etl, and meltano., ml, and r., aws glue, glue, apache airflow, excel, keras, data-driven, apache impala, sql, data analysis, aws certified solutions architect - associate., dynamodb, visualization, optical character recognition, batch, aws ec2, tensorflow, data governance, bash, data pipelines, nlp, analyzed data, tensorflow and keras., pyspark, flask., machine learning, docker, microsoft excel, other, fraud detection, technical writer, professional development, automated reporting, aws rds, data architectures, data infrastructures, metabase., aws, financial services, aws ecr, ai, aws redshift, aws data stack, sagemaker, dbt, flask, impala, airflow, aws s3, data, redshift, emr |
Worked on full software stack (backend and frontend) using Django and Angular, focused on API design and middleware implementation. | 4Software Engineer
| pytorch, spacy, circleci, sodavisualization, rabbitmq, jenkins, javascript, ms sqlserverdata, python, git, powerbi, gcp, angular, ml frameworks, matillion, snowflake, mongodb, soda, apache airflow, keras, sql, shell, c++, django, tensorflowextended, raspberrypi, tensorflow, google bigquery, sql server, r, postgresql, terraform, docker, power bi, vue, amperity, swagger, linux, fastapi, java, aws, c, airtable, typescript, octave, kotlin, firebase, shell scripts, redash, yaml, flask, airflow, rust, grafana, mercurial, arduino, express, computer vision, react |
Generated indicators (Scorecard) and budget tracking. Support to the decision making of the vice president through statistical and probabilistic analysis of the different business variables, supported in the management of databases. | 5Analytics Engineer
| dimensional modeling, tableau, r, databases, postgresql, python, powerbi, github, alation, decision making, aws quicksight, statistics, aws, spss, snowflake, vba, dbt, apache airflow, sql, data, visualization, postgres |
Carried out a data integration project with more than 60 computational systems based in dispersed databases, reducing the time between the information needed and decision-making. | 2Data Scientist
| apache spark, kafka, oracle, tableau, apache kafka, databases, pandas, spark, kubernetes, apache cassandra, python, apache hadoop, git, powerbi, pentaho, gcp, aws emr, aws athena, ml frameworks, snowflake, mongodb, aws glue, apache airflow, scala, sql, elasticsearch, dynamodb, visualization, talend, aws cdk, neo4j, aws ec2, aws lambda, sap, google bigquery, sql server, r, postgresql, terraform, azure, docker, governance policies, cassandra, decision making, mysql, linux, java, aws, aws ecr, azure sql, aws redshift, mariadb, sagemaker, data management, redis, aws s3, data, hadoop |
Followed best software design principles and practices to ensure high quality of the delivered data. | 0Data Engineer
| aws ec2, apache spark, tensorflow, databases, spark, postgresql, javascript, apache cassandra, python, apache hadoop, cassandra, aws emr, mysql, fastapi, alteryx, java, aws, ml frameworks, raspberry pi, leadership, mongodb, aws redshift, apache airflow, flask, apache impala, impala, ruby on rails, airflow, aws s3, sql, data, visualization, hadoop, django, ruby |
Implemented dynamic query builder in Kotlin using Spark framework. The configuration to build the queries was stored in RDS, using s3 as source and orchestrating all the process using AWS Data pipeline. | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, aws cloudformation, oracle, sql servers, dax, spark, dax., cloud sql, python, git, powerbi, programming, rds, aws emr, cloud, gitlab, matillion, azure data factory, dbschema, apache airflow, big data processing, sql, visualization, aws lambda, sap, azure analysis services., bash, postgresql, azure, docker, azure data warehouse., aws rds, aws, lambda. azure data factory, gradle., azure sql, kotlin, aws redshift, aws s3, kotlin., power bi., redshift, emr, oracle dbs |
Retrieved data from REST APIs using Python, AWS Lambda, Docker, AWS S3, AWS DynamoDB, AWS SNS, and AWS Step functions to generate automated reports. | 0Data Engineer
| numpy, javascript, git, business acumen, powerbi, pentaho, gcp, data modeling, azure data factory, node.js, snowflake, aws glue, seaborn, keras, bigquery, sql, dynamodb, aws dynamodb, tensorflow, google cloud storage, pentaho., postgresql, azure storage account, terraform, sqlalchemy, azure, matlab, docker, power bi, aws ecs, matplotlib, decision making, fastapi, linux, opencv, databricks, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, scikit-learn, shell scripts, grafana, pytest, github actions, aws kinesis, apache spark, jupyter notebooks, tableau, rest api, pandas, azure blob storage, apache cassandra, python, github, time series, mongodb, nodejs, apache airflow, aws api gateway, airbyte, aws lambda, aws ec2, pydantic, bokeh, bash, aws sns, pyspark, fivetran, aws rds, statistics, aws, java, aws ecr, aws step functions, azure sql, hevo, geoplotlib, mariadb, dbt, redis, aws s3, azure hub iot, data |
Built a FasterRCNN object detection model using Python and Mmdetection library, built on top of PyTorch, aiming to identify telco infrastructure such as towers, poles, and wires for a telecommunication company. It used Databricks model registry to stored and served the model requests. | 2Data Scientist
| pytorch, typer, fargate, numpy, apache spark, tableau, databases, pandas, spark, javascript, cloud sql, python, git, node, powerbi, github, gcp, programming, huggingface, python libraries and, delta tables, cloud, ml frameworks, dataabricks, html, reactjs, react, apache airflow, sql, shap, dynamodb, visualization, mlflow, angularjs, sigma, aws ec2, aws fargate, tensorflow, nlp, postgresql, pyspark, neptune.ai, docker, microsoft excel, aws ecs, mysql, hugging face, ecr, fastapi, aws, ecs, aws ecr, raspberry pi, databricks, aws redshift, scikit-learn, dbt, flask, airflow, aws s3, dash, data, s3, redshift, computer vision, sckit-learn |
Developed several applications and architectures for data mapping, extraction, loading and management using Talend, Python, AWS, Athena, and Tableau for different clients in a BI brazilian consulting company. | 2Data Scientist
| apache spark, kafka, oracle, tableau, apache kafka, databases, pandas, spark, kubernetes, apache cassandra, python, apache hadoop, git, powerbi, pentaho, gcp, aws emr, aws athena, ml frameworks, snowflake, mongodb, aws glue, apache airflow, scala, sql, elasticsearch, dynamodb, visualization, talend, aws cdk, neo4j, aws ec2, aws lambda, sap, google bigquery, sql server, r, postgresql, terraform, azure, docker, governance policies, cassandra, decision making, mysql, linux, java, aws, aws ecr, azure sql, aws redshift, mariadb, sagemaker, data management, redis, aws s3, data, hadoop |
Developed internal data infrastructure for different projects and product concepts inside the company. | 0Data Engineer
| aws ec2, apache spark, tensorflow, databases, spark, postgresql, javascript, apache cassandra, python, apache hadoop, cassandra, aws emr, mysql, fastapi, alteryx, java, aws, ml frameworks, raspberry pi, leadership, mongodb, aws redshift, apache airflow, flask, apache impala, impala, ruby on rails, airflow, aws s3, sql, data, visualization, hadoop, django, ruby |
Trained and validated statistical and machine learning models. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| numpy, apache spark, teradata, oracle, hdfs, bitbucket, pandas, databases, qlik, spark, hive, kubernetes, apache hadoop, python, git, powerbi, github, gcp, time series, gitlab, ml frameworks, mongodb, apache airflow, sql, elasticsearch, visualization, mlflow, metabase, aws ec2, db2, tensorflow, sql server, postgresql, scrapy, azure, azure synapse, docker, sqlserver, mysql, linux, statistics, aws, sqlite, apache hive, azure sql, databricks, jupyter notebook, sagemaker, scikit-learn, dbt, shell scripts, flask, airflow, data, hadoop, delta lake |
Designed, developed, and implemented end-to-end data processing solutions in the cloud, leveraging Data Factory, Synapse, and Databricks, collaborating closely with data scientists and analysts to identify KPIs and develop value indicators that provided actionable insights tailored to the National Copper Corporation of Chile. | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, oracle, databases, dataflow, postgresql, jenkins, azure, pyspark, azure synapse, apache hadoop, python, microsoft excel, powerbi, microstrategy, gcp, decision making, data modeling, mysql, aws, microsoft fabric, azure data factory, azure sql, databricks, data management, scala, sql, spark sql, data factory, data, visualization, hadoop, delta lake, sigma |
Implemented and maintained ETL pipelines to feed data warehouses. | 0Data Engineer
| rest api, socket.io, data warehouse, databases, mobile app, rest apis development, javascript, linear regression, cloud sql, python, programming, pipeline design, aws emr, chart.js, business needs, cloud, ml frameworks, etl, snowflake, mongodb, web app, sql, transactional databases, dms, visualization, aws dms, collect requirements, aws ec2, approximation algorithms, aurora, aws aurora, machine learning, deep learning, analysis domain, mysql, epidemiology, aws, ai, scikit-learn, cloud services, flask, aws s3, numerical analysis, sql and javascript, data, s3 |
Led the development of an app to help identify misleading information in politics using NLP for an NGO. | 2Data Scientist
| pytorch, apache spark, spark, apache cassandra, python, github, data modeling, aws emr, ml frameworks, mongodb, aws glue, seaborn, apache airflow, planning, sql, dynamodb, visualization, aws lambda, aws ec2, tensorflow, r, geospatial analysis, bash, nlp, postgresql, aws sns, terraform, sqlalchemy, matlab, retool, pyspark, docker, matplotlib, decision making, mysql, aws rds, fastapi, statistics, aws, aws step functions, h2o automl, aws redshift, ggplot2, scikit-learn, dbt, airflow, aws s3, dash, data, gis, github actions, aws kinesis, computer vision |
Leveraged GraphQL to design efficient and flexible data query and manipulation layers, optimizing data retrieval and reducing network overhead for front-end applications in a dynamic and innovative technology project. | 6Full-Stack Engineer
| graphql, databases, dataflow, vue.js, bootstrap, postgresql, css, javascript, heroku, sql serveranalysisservices, programming, mysql, aws, twilio, html, angular.js, react, haml, ruby on rails, sql, laravel, data, dynamodb, sinatra, rspec, ruby, aws lambda |
Designed, planned and implemented a Unified Glober Profile (UGP) project architecture using Hdfs, Yarn, Hive, Presto, Airflow, Ranger, Hue, and Zeppelin to provide unified and centralized glober data to all different augmented teams allowing better decisions based on reliable and trust data for a Software Development company. | 0Data Engineer
| numpy, oracle, universidad de san buenaventura, mongodb developer and administrator, hive, microsoft certified technology specialist .net framework 3.5 asp.net applications, synapse, part of the pmo team using asp.net, git, apache storm, eclipse debugging techniques and tricks, universidad internacional de valencia, data modeling, aws emr, angular, implementation and maintenance, jupyter, yarn, scrum master certified expert, azure data factory, prestosql, snowflake, big data and data science, microsoft certified technology specialist sql server 2008, aws glue, apache impala, nosql, analyzed, training and live output for the sap casa 2008 project, sql, itil foundations v3, sap, apache spark 2.0 with scala on with big data, courses, sql server integration services, bigml, terraform, python for data analysis and visualization, azure, azure synapse, aws cloudwatch, integration test, pmp, microsoft certified professional, databricks, jupyter notebook, complete python bootcamp, aws redshift, scikit-learn, metastorm business process management v9 delta, sklearn for predictive data analysis, itil, using bigml, hadoop, and statsmodels to develop statistical models.bsc, azure data lake, apache spark, hdfs, tableau, apache kafka, sqoop, pandas, scrum master, big data hadoop architect master, qlik, spark, azure blob storage, apache hadoop, python, apache cassandra, ektron cms developer, drugs and weapons in the city of madrid, ssrs, gitlab, hue, ml frameworks, software architecture, mongodb, generated indicators in the execution phases, javascriptdatabases, apache airflow, big-data and hadoop developer, scala, visualization, .net, impala-sql engine for hadoop, apache ranger, angular 4, go, sql server, zeppelin, developed and implemented a hazardous materials management solution used in the company using asp and sql server, eclipse, pyspark, bpm, systems engineering, analyzed influential factors in crimes related to consumption of alcohol, mysql, education, aws, java, ranger, apache hive, asp.net, airflow, aws s3, presto, data, designed, aws big data speciality |
Prepared and performed exploratory data analysis (EDA) using Pandas, Numpy and SQlite3 in Python to manipulate Excel and csv files to generate clean datasets for reports. | 1Data Analyst
| numpy, oracle, pandas, beautifulsoup, postgresdata, sqlite3, css, javascript, looker, python, git, github, root, seaborn, sql, excel powerqueryvisualization, c++, google sheets, mathematica, bokeh, ibm, domo, domo datawarehouse, r, bash, azure, matlab, microsoft excel, matplotlib, decision making, anaconda jupyter notebook, mysql, fastapi, linux, plotly, statistics, java, sqlite, azure sql, jupyter notebook, azure cosmos, dash, scipy, beautiful soup |
Led the development of a skill assessment platform to measure Factored employees’ technical knowledge. Features included questions view, creation, update, delete and test interfaces, and taking of available exams. Developed and deployed backend using Python and FastAPI in a Docker container; built frontend using React, and deployed to AWS ECS. Used AWS Cognito and API Gateway to manage authentication and authorization. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| pytorch, google kubernetes engine, apache spark, spark, kubernetes, apache hadoop, python, git, aws emr, google compute engine, onnx, google vertex ai, sql, celery, pytorch lightning, aws ec2, sap, tensorflow, google bigquery, gcpml frameworks, streamlit, bash, nlp, postgresql, aws cognito, sqlalchemy, docker, microsoft excel, aws ecs, decision making, mysql, fastapi, linux, aws, pytorch-lightning, google cloud storagedata, scikit-learn, aws gateway, aws s3, artifact registry, computer vision, react |
Fostered the adoption of DataOps and MLOps frameworks. | 0Data Engineer
| web scraping, kafka, aws certified developer - associate., apache kafka, data warehouse, databases, lambda, several articles written around data warehousing, python, git, pipelines and more., programming, rds, cloud infrastructure, aws emr, cloud, ml frameworks, ec2, etl, and meltano., ml, and r., aws glue, glue, apache airflow, excel, keras, data-driven, apache impala, sql, data analysis, aws certified solutions architect - associate., dynamodb, visualization, optical character recognition, batch, aws ec2, tensorflow, data governance, bash, data pipelines, nlp, analyzed data, tensorflow and keras., pyspark, flask., machine learning, docker, microsoft excel, other, fraud detection, technical writer, professional development, automated reporting, aws rds, data architectures, data infrastructures, metabase., aws, financial services, aws ecr, ai, aws redshift, aws data stack, sagemaker, dbt, flask, impala, airflow, aws s3, data, redshift, emr |
Developed data marts using dbt cloud, leveraging dimensional modeling to track credit acquisition performance, enhance data quality, and automate the process for fintech companies in the US. | 1Data Analyst
| dimensional modeling, tableau, r, databases, postgresql, python, powerbi, github, alation, decision making, aws quicksight, statistics, aws, spss, snowflake, vba, dbt, apache airflow, sql, data, visualization, postgres |
Developed unsupervised learning models using Python leveraging on time series clustering using the dtw metric to predict future products trends for a world wide manufacturer and distributor of consumer products. | 2Data Scientist
| pytorch, numpy, jupyter notebooks, pandas, css, javascript, aws batch, apache cassandra, python, git, github, gcp, huggingface, time series, html, dvc, google vertex ai, apache airflow, sql, aws api gateway, aws ebs, mlflow, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws fargate, tensorflow, google cloud storage, google bigquery, ml tools, streamlit, bash, postgresql, facebook prophet, aws sns, azure, pyspark, docker, aws ecs, fastapi, statistics, aws, aws ecr, azure sql, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, scikit-learn, shell scripts, tf object detection api, airflow, aws s3, data, github actions, computer vision |
Designed and developed a neural network model for a web application deployed on Amazon EC2 that applies Deep Feedforward Neural Network to predict pollution levels at a coal mine based on meteorological measurements. Transformed and visualized data using Python, Pandas, and Dash. The model was trained, tested, and shipped using Python and Keras. | 4Software Engineer
| numpy, spacy, oracle, confluence, qt pyside, pandas, jenkins, javascript, python, git, github, data modeling, selenium, aws athena, time series, snowflake, redhat, aws glue, dvc, apache airflow, keras, sql, visualization, django, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws secrets manager, ibm, tensorflow, dask, ml tools, great expectations, postgresql, sqlalchemy, pyspark, leaflet, matplotlib, mysql, aws rds, fastapi, linux, plotly, statistics, aws, debian linux, oracle database, jquery, dagster, aws redshift, snowflakedata, windows, sagemaker, scikit-learn, dbt, aws sqs, flask, airflow, aws s3, dash, rpa, pytest, jira |
Analyzed KPIs such as SLA, Absenteeism, Customer Satisfaction and Quality Assurance to track and get insights from agents’ performance using Excel and Power BI reducing costs by 10K USD in 4 months. | 5Analytics Engineer
| apache spark, databases, javascript, azurevisualization, python, powerbi, github, gcp, snowflake, aws glue, apache airflow, sql, dynamodb, rivery, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws dynamodb, tensorflow, sql server, streamlit, postgresql, aws sns, terraform, azure, docker, power bi, microsoft excel, aws rds, statistics, aws, aws step functions, azure sql, databricks, aws redshift, snowflakedata, dbt, aws s3, github actions, aws kinesis |
Built reverse ETL process using dbt and Hightouch to share curated information among different stakeholders systems (Airtable, HubSpot CRM, Google Sheets). | 0Data Engineer
| numpy, apache spark, pandas, aws step function, microsoft sql server, python, git, powerbi, github, data modeling, aws glue, apache airflow, sql, dynamodb, google sheets, airbyte, aws lambda, aws ec2, sql server, bash, postgresql, aws sns, collaboration, terraform, azure, pyspark, docker, power bi, aws rds, linux, statistics, aws, airtable, azure sql, databricks, mssql, dagster, aws redshift, scikit-learn, dbt, shell scripts, aws s3, aws dynamodbdata, github actions, aws kinesis, scikit learn |
Wrote terraform script to create and maintain required production-level infrastructure in data engineering and data analytics domains for a Mobility-as-a-Service application on AWS and GCP. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| aws ec2, aws cloudformation, c#, oracle, sql server, bash, nlp, postgresql, javascript, terraform, kubernetes, microsoft office, python, docker, git, aws ecs, github, gcp, amazon redshift, mysql, aws rds, angular, linux, aws, linux., typescript, databricks, aws redshift, aws glue, apache airflow, sql, rpa, dynamodb, github actions, mlflow, django, react |
Supported the analytics team to optimize their events streaming pipeline using Pyspark and SQL, optimizing EC2 instances and Databricks cluster configurations, and also testing, validating and changing the compression algorithm used in multiple stages of the pipeline to ZStandard, reducing the table size and Kafka data transfer by almost 40% in a petabyte-scale table. | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, kafka, cloudwatch, tableau, apache kafka, databases, pandas, jenkins, hive, kubernetes, looker, python, cloud sql, gcp, data modeling, microsoft access, aws emr, ml frameworks, prestosql, pubsub, vba, seaborn, apache airflow, planning, sql, aws ebs, digdag, visualization, c++, sigma, google dataproc, aws ec2, caret, google cloud storage, xgboost, google bigquery, r, streamlit, bash, postgresql, embulk, terraform, pyspark, aws cloudwatch, docker, matplotlib, sparkml, mysql, aws rds, fastapi, plotly, google cloud, aws, aws cloudfront, rpart, apache hive, dataform, data studio, databricks, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, scikit-learn, dbt, flask, redis, airflow, aws s3, dataproc, data |
Designed alongside data architects the data infrastructure needed to meet BI requirements (mostly data warehousing). Using Teradata, SQL-Server, SQL-Server Integration Services and SQL. | 1Data Analyst
| numpy, teradata, tensorflow, xgboost, tableau, sql server, r, ownership, sas, pandas, databases, nlp, pyspark, python, microsoft excel, powerbi, tensorflow probability, sqlserver, mysql, time series, alteryx, statistics, ml frameworks, hue, daskvisualization, scikit-learn, apache impala, impala, sql, data |
Developed an API, admin and reporting tools using Ruby on Rails with StimulusJS and Hotwire applied to a financial web application operated by the company, making new features for the current users of the app. | 6Full-Stack Engineer
| redux, databases, dataflow, semanticui, sass, postgresql, css, javascript, contentstack, contenful, flow type, less, microsoft office, git, netlify, vercel, react native, mysql, linux, aws, solidity, html, node.js, wordpress, typescript, mongodb, expo, reactjs, d3.js, ruby on rails, sql, data, visualization, sinatra, ruby, php, react |
Created and maintained a wiki as the single source of truth documenting an intricate data pipeline. The first-of-its-kind documentation improved cross-functional collaboration and efficiency by enabling individuals to understand components beyond their immediate work area. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| pytorch, tensorflow, transformers, microsoft word, databases, nlp, julia, javascript, collaboration, sqlalchemy, python, git, docker, openai api, fastapi, linux, google drive, milvus, aws, node.js, typescript, mongodb, reactjs, firebase, nodejs, onnx, keras, flask, lisp, amplify, bigquery, langchain, sql, dynamodb, c++, flaskml tools, sqlachemy, react |
Led and coordinated data science projects focused on data mining using R, Python, Pandas, Shiny, Scikit-learn, and Tidyverse. | 2Data Scientist
| pytorch, numpy, postico, databases, pandas, labview, popsql, javascript, python, shiny, gcp, simulink, ml frameworks, jupyter, seaborn, keras, planning, bigquery, sql, visualization, prioritization, metabase, tensorflow, xgboost, r, streamlit, postgresql, azure, matlab, decision making, latex, fastapi, linux, plotly, opencv, azure sql, microsoft azure, jupyter notebook, octave, scikit-learn, dbt, scipy, data, computer vision |
Implemented Airflow in GCP and migrated jobs from crontab, providing a platform for workflow management and monitoring of jobs across multiple systems. | 0Data Engineer
| numpy, kafka, apache kafka, redux, databases, pandas, perfect, css, javascript, heroku, python, github, gcp, selenium, programming, time series, ml frameworks, html, node.js, software architecture, mongodb, apache airflow, keras, spring, planning, pymongo, ruby on rails, react.js, visualization, postgres, travisci, django, teamwork, bokeh, graphql, go, express.js, tensorflow, xgboost, r, ownership, storybook, streamlit, bash, postgresql, collaboration, pyspark, docker, microsoft excel, sqlserver, mysql, plotly, statistics, aws, nginx, java, c, opencv, jquery, typescript, aws redshift, scikit-learn, sidekiq, flask, airflow, data, pytest, sinatra, ruby, php, react |
Developed a multi-class classifier to identify potential leads (restaurants) to be onboarded and listed on the delivery marketplace. Used XGBoost to classify leads into three classes: AAA, A, and long-tail. Identified class AAA as the core of this project, being able to propose strategies to optimize by 10% the number of leads recruited for this category. | 2Data Scientist
| pytorch, numpy, databases, pandas, jenkins, kubernetes, python, git, gcp, data modeling, snowflake, seaborn, google big query, apache airflow, keras, sql, visualization, mlflow, tensorflow, xgboost, google bigquery, bash, nlp, facebook prophet, terraform, azure, pyspark, docker, ml flow, matplotlib, fastapi, aws ml, java, aws, azure sql, scikit-learn, flask, airflow, data, jira, computer vision |