
FineWeb2-HQ /
mjaggi's picture
c0c06e9 verified
  - text-generation
  - ru
  - zh
  - de
  - ja
  - es
  - fr
  - it
  - pt
  - pl
  - nl
  - id
  - tr
  - cs
  - vi
  - sv
  - fa
  - ar
  - el
  - da
  - hu
pretty_name: FineWeb2-HQ
  - config_name: rus_Cyrl
      - split: train
        path: rus_Cyrl/*
  - config_name: cmn_Hani
      - split: train
        path: cmn_Hani/*
  - config_name: deu_Latn
      - split: train
        path: deu_Latn/*
  - config_name: jpn_Jpan
      - split: train
        path: jpn_Jpan/*
  - config_name: spa_Latn
      - split: train
        path: spa_Latn/*
  - config_name: fra_Latn
      - split: train
        path: fra_Latn/*
  - config_name: ita_Latn
      - split: train
        path: ita_Latn/*
  - config_name: por_Latn
      - split: train
        path: por_Latn/*
  - config_name: pol_Latn
      - split: train
        path: pol_Latn/*
  - config_name: nld_Latn
      - split: train
        path: nld_Latn/*
  - config_name: ind_Latn
      - split: train
        path: ind_Latn/*
  - config_name: tur_Latn
      - split: train
        path: tur_Latn/*
  - config_name: ces_Latn
      - split: train
        path: ces_Latn/*
  - config_name: vie_Latn
      - split: train
        path: vie_Latn/*
  - config_name: swe_Latn
      - split: train
        path: swe_Latn/*
  - config_name: fas_Arab
      - split: train
        path: fas_Arab/*
  - config_name: arb_Arab
      - split: train
        path: arb_Arab/*
  - config_name: ell_Grek
      - split: train
        path: ell_Grek/*
  - config_name: dan_Latn
      - split: train
        path: dan_Latn/*
  - config_name: hun_Latn
      - split: train
        path: hun_Latn/*
  - 100M<n<1B
license: odc-by


Dataset summary

FineWeb2-HQ is a high-quality, model-filtered pretraining dataset derived as a subset of FineWeb2, spanning 20 languages. It enables around 6x faster pretraining compared to the base dataset. FineWeb2-HQ was created by selecting the top 10% quality documents of FineWeb2 in each language, based on scores assigned by a deep learning classifier trained to identify structured and knowledge-rich samples using XLM-RoBERTa embeddings.

Validation was performed by pretraining 1B-parameter LLM models (llama-like architecture) across multiple languages and writing systems (scripts). Evaluations on CMMLU (Chinese) and MMLU (German & French) demonstrate that FineWeb2-HQ matches FineWeb2 performance when trained with 6x fewer tokens, and outperforms it when fully trained. Additionally, improvements were observed across other benchmarks, such as outperforming its English cousins DCLM and FineWeb-Edu.

For more details, see our paper Enhancing Multilingual LLM Pretraining with Model-Based Data Selection.

Key features

  • High-quality selection: Top 10% of FineWeb2 documents by quality
  • Multilingual coverage: 20 languages, ensuring diverse linguistic representation
  • Model-based filtering: Uses an XLM-RoBERTa embedding-based classifier to score documents
  • Enhanced benchmark performance: Surpasses FineWeb2 benchmark performance
  • Fully open: Emphasis on transparency

Languages and subsets

Subset name Language name Number of documents Disk size
rus_Cyrl Russian 55,220,956 1.2T
cmn_Hani Chinese 54,211,986 784G
deu_Latn German 43,095,728 618G
spa_Latn Spanish 40,057,637 515G
jpn_Jpan Japanese 34,185,427 393G
fra_Latn French 32,248,772 483G
ita_Latn Italian 21,180,304 269G
por_Latn Portuguese 18,135,468 222G
pol_Latn Polish 13,384,885 168G
nld_Latn Dutch 12,920,963 160G
ind_Latn Indonesian 8,911,149 125G
tur_Latn Turkish 8,578,808 100G
ces_Latn Czech 5,995,459 104G
arb_Arab Arabic 5,560,599 94G
fas_Arab Persian 5,107,187 69G
hun_Latn Hungarian 4,527,332 79G
swe_Latn Swedish 4,382,454 61G
ell_Grek Greek 4,346,440 84G
dan_Latn Danish 4,082,751 61G
vie_Latn Vietnamese 4,003,956 59G

The approach as described in the paper is easy to extend to other languages as well, and we might consider adding new languages to an upcoming version of the present dataset.

We also separately release the computed general-purpose embedding vectors for the the full sets of the original FineWeb2 dataset (not just the HQ subsets), in the respective languages, as they can be useful for other applications beyond quality filtering: FineWeb2-embedded.

Dataset structure

Data fields

Each data entry includes the original FineWeb2 data fields with the addition of:

  • quality_score: quality score obtained by the quality classifier
  • embeddings: array of float arrays containing 768-dimensional XLM-RoBERTa embeddings for every 512 token chunk of the tokenized text

Data instance

  "id": "<urn:uuid:f26003c7-6084-4791-b3fe-240eedc37e76>",
  "text": "Plutonium ist einer der gefährlichsten Stoffe der Welt. Es entsteht als hochgiftiges und radioaktives Nebenprodukt der Energiegewinnung in Atomkraftwerken. Wer nur ein Millionstel Gramm – ein kaum staubkorngroßes Teilchen – der Substanz einatmet, kann daran sterben. In der Natur kommt der Stoff nur in geringsten Mengen vor, wird aber künstlich hergestellt, weil man damit Bomben bauen kann. Je nach Reinheitsgrad reichen für eine Atombombe bereits fünf Kilogramm. Bis zum Beginn der achtziger Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts hatten die Reaktoren weltweit bereits rund 300.000 Kilogramm erbrütet. Jährlich kommen etwa 20.000 Kilo hinzu. Genau dieser Stoff wird zu Land und zu Wasser um den ganzen Erdball herum transportiert. Legendär sind die Castor-Transporte, bei denen unter strengsten Sicherheitsvorkehrungen und entsprechenden Kosten abgebrannte Brennelemente aus deutschen Kernkraftwerken zur Wiederaufbereitung nach La Hague (Frankreich) oder Sellafield (Großbritannien) gebracht werden. Erst vergangenen Mai hat ein Frachter die größte Menge wiederaufbereiteten Mülls aller Zeiten von Frankreich nach Japan gebracht. Nicht auszudenken, was ein Unfall auf See bedeuten würde.",
  "date": "2014-03-16T08:53:38Z",
  "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-10",
  "embeddings": [[ ... ]],
  "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-10/segments/1394678702159/warc/CC-MAIN-20140313024502-00039-ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal.warc.gz",
  "language": "deu",
  "language_score":  0.9983288645744324,
  "language_script": "Latn",
  "minhash_cluster_size": 2,
  "top_langs": {"deu_Latn_score": 0.9983288645744324},
  "url": "",
  "quality_score": 0.06472613662481308


You can load the dataset in Python using datasets:

from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset("epfml/FineWeb2-HQ", "deu_Latn")

Licensing information

Like FineWeb2, this dataset is released under Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0 license and is subject to CommonCrawl's Terms of Use.

Dataset origin

Being a subset of FineWeb2, this data covers websites over the 2013-2024 time period.

FineWeb2 is sourced from the internet at large, it is very likely that some personable identifiable information (PII) will be present, even if the FineWeb2 processing has already anonymized email addresses and public IP addresses. If you find your own PII and would like it removed, please fill out the FineWeb2 PII removal/opt out form.

CommonCrawl respects robots.txt at crawl time, but if you are a webmaster and find your website in FineWeb2 and would like to have it removed, you may also use the FineWeb2 PII removal/opt out form.

Considerations for Using the Data

Before using this dataset for training models, we recommend performing additional filtering for sensitive content such as PII or harmful content. For the aspects of social impact, discussion of biases, and known limitations, we also refer to the FineWeb2 documentation.

Citation information

If you use this dataset in your research or applications, please use the following citation:

  title={Enhancing Multilingual LLM Pretraining with Model-Based Data Selection}, 
  author={Bettina Messmer and Vinko Sabolčec and Martin Jaggi},