1 value
7 values
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i still have my insecurities but i feel like i can be brave and be myself and i owe it all to my amazing husband
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i feel a keen duty to spend public funds responsibly and in a manner that would be pleasing to the vast majority of those tax payers who provide for the students in our care
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It's incredible how much pain a single reddit post can send through my body
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i feel like its a broke system to adopt one
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It doesn't take much time . I'm used to tidying up my room myself .
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You are really a man who knows how to enjoy being alone .
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i have felt so tired and sometimes that has made me feel miserable and depressed and as if i was a big big failure as a mother and a person
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i apologize whenever i go too far and hurt your feelings even if im being truthful because you are my friend and i am apologizing for hurting you
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i am sitting in my favorite chinese food restaurant and feeling particularly agitated
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i feel strong anger at such kind of vampires i understand that they are acting for their own private egoism just as the capitalist system demands from them and everyone no matter what
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I hope Thier friends now
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i am tired of continually feeling helpless
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i say it i think lots of us here are feeling a little contented we must take a moment to enjoy that feeling
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i had the chance to take photos of myself without feeling a little bit vain
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Exactly . Then each individual has the chance to diversify their portfolio over many different areas , it doesn't have to be stocks . And , we provide a Professional Fund Manager , so you know your investment will be safe with us .
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i would purposefully shun freedom and happiness i simply reserve the right to believe that if they were denied to me i couldn t really complain or feel wronged about it
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i get a lot of emotions running through my veins and i feel outraged
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Good afternoon , Sir . You're here to see about a Temporary Loan , right ? The loans we offer are for purchasing income-generating assets . Is that what you require ?
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i feel that this is a little bit petty for you to be playing this game
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i feel so stressed out so paranoid about my health about life about timelines and goals and the fact that i am getting older
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Mother knows best.
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i am okay within my relationship with god i make progress through recovery but when i feel rebellious and choose to distance myself from god whether i am aware of it or not my progress slows and i feel stuck
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel was not acceptable and had this been better would of allowed me to meet the needs of some of the students in a more targeted way
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel a lovely breeze
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The Godfather and The Godfather II , of course . They were both directed by Francis Ford Coppola .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i had been feeling uncomfortable all night long
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i am feeling really bitchy and tired
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L / C stands for ' letter of credit ' . This is necessary for trade between two countries . A Letter of Credit is quite literally that β€” a letter addressed by the buyer's bank to the seller's bank stating that they could vouch for their good customer , the buyer , and that they would pay the seller in case of the buyer's default . Nowadays , it's sometimes used for domestic trade too .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i am happy to explore new cities and places without feeling guilt or longing
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i recognized the connection between spending time outdoors and feeling energized relaxed and happy
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i ended up feeling kind of like an ass for hating how the world is and for criticizing moronic americans when my friend said i was just as bad as everyone else because i never do anything about the way things are
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Yes , I think they might have gone to the same college or something like that . I'm not exactly sure how they know each other .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
personally , I think it ’ d be better to go when you have more time . A few days isn ’ t really enough to get acclimatize yourself and to go on a few excursions outside of the capital .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i just had a strange feeling that if i switched i may have hated the new one and wished i could go back to the original which would have been impossible
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel that i am funny charming and that i really connect with my audience
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i am working more so i feel guilty and then we went to the farmers market and she wanted to stay when it was time to go so she threw herself on the ground and pushed me and screamed i ll never leave this place and then i freaked out on the inside
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel pretty were in the second act
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It's actually a Deposit Account that links to your Margin Account , the one you have with the Securities Company . You can transfer the money you have in your account into your Fund Account .
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i feel like we somewhat drifted apart but i will never forget all the lovely memories we shared hope we can become as close as we were before stay awesome beautiful d you will be a person that stays close to my heart till forever
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Is it still under warranty . If it is and I can ’ t fix it , it would be quicker and easier to exchange it for a new one .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel blessed this this whole scene went down as it did
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i liked this anyway i feel faithful to these beloved characters and despite this book not having the focus or the perfect deep emotional link to the main couple i wanted to see i enjoyed their parts the place where they are at and the loving details in their relationship
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel sort of lethargic
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i don t feel bothered about it getting credit equals getting debt and i have no interest in doing that again
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That is a big family . How old is your sister ?
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i feel he is like really broke up with that woman i only agreed to the composite
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i do feel a little less burdened now
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i want people to scream feel again be fearless f them thanks
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Calm down , sir . We ’ ll call her to make sure she ’ s on the way .
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i do and how i wish that i could only share the feeling of eager anticipation for the clock to strike twelve on christmas evening
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i am feeling slightly heartbroken that my baby brother is moving across the country this summer even though we rarely see each other anyhow
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i feel like im being punished by my co workers for getting married and taking so much time off
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i feel i am ecstatic
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It fucking better have draft assets
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i acknowledge that basically everyone who would be reading my journal is exempt from this and i am only posting this because i was feeling irritable and thought that if i made fun of dumb people i would feel better about myself
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Sure , but I don ’ t have hot water , yet .
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i feel blank use one or two emotions
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i start to feel dirty
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i feel numb watching my church collapse
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i am wrestling with the tension of wanting so much more for every girl in the home and feeling frustrated when we arent seeing sustained breakthrough
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
How about Sunday , then ? We could start in the morning .
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i feel like he is starting to get annoyed with me
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I gotta take credit for YouTube because he recommends some sick underground artists but old ones? Never, at least for me
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Would you like to donate to our alumni fund ?
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i was starting to feel a little shaken up
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Wait for real? That's how they met? lol that's both terrifying and completely fitting considering how nuts they both are
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Well , the most important thing is that our company demand the quality be exactly the same as the sample which you'll take from the office on the third floor .
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i was feeling quite smug
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i feel like i was leaving a lot of loved ones behind not only people that i grew to know as family but animals that i shared many different special unique relationships and experiences with
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i have been a bit busy in the past week and while i feel stressed i dont feel depressed
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i can already feel a change in our house and i am loving it
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That logo looks cool in the morning lol almost cyperpunk
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Yes , I have studied in an English training program and a computer training program since I graduated from university . I am currently studying Finance at a training school .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Our problems are our own. Racism, classism, mysogyny, bigotry.
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i left the store feeling horrible even though they refunded my money they did that at the first instance when i confronted them
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i feel shame for looking rich
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ive been using this concealer for years and i apply it with a brush or sometimes my finger tip to any spots that appear on my bad skin days as i feel like this keeps ugly blemishes covered up for so much longer than any liquid concealers that ive tried
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel for her we ve all had days when we feel less than cute
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i started to feel pissed at that mother
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when i was mistakenly accused of being a thief when i accidently gave a fake coin at a counter i realized this before i handed over the coin
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Dammit as a mom of boys that made me straight up tear up
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i know ehb will feel bothered and i suppose it cant be helped
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i also feel annoyed with myself that i felt the need to appear ambivalent and stoic about the whole thing
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Can we have a video tribute to [NAME] when the Jazz come to Atlanta?
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Well , that depends on the rate . How much is the RIB trading at today ?
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i took them to my altar and laid them out through tears and deep frustration feeling like i was being punished
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i remember feeling almost offended when she suggested it this seemed like such a shitty little goal which wouldn t go anywhere
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How do you want it , sir ?
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To be clear meaty means use later active frames of any move Oki: what posibilities are favorable to me frame wise after an attack
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i want to be a person who gossips and shares other people s thoughts feelings and stories a low life
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That's ironic. Because [NAME] isn't getting the Wall funded, we are pulling more resources off the border blockade effort?
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
I was wondering if I could borrow the company van for a fundraiser this weekend .
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What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i know that my mother did not feel as though she was punished with a baby
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i found out that he basically hates god and feels like he josiah has been doomed to hell by god like he has tried to have a personal relationship with god and god has turned him down
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i always wanted to express my feelings to my friends but i was afraid that it could make changes in their behavior with me
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i can no longer feel friendly and trustful of dogs
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i already have a huge stack for the christmas and feel quite relaxed about it
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I use several services . Of course , I deposit and withdraw money quite often . I often use my ATM card to take money out of my current account . I use my bank to exchange money from one currency to another . I often travel abroad , you see .
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i like how the music feels mellow at the same time there is a drive to get out of the minor key then it emerges into a hopeful tune