1 value
7 values
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
I have his signature on my jersey. Lined up at Canadian Tire for it when I was younger. Happy retirement!
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
ive got a feeling that most folks around town arent too fond of the single digits populating the local weather maps lately but hang in there weve got a little light at the end of the cold and narrow tunnel
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i will say that sometimes it feels dirty and evil you need this lip gloss ladies
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I'm planning to meet my personal trainer to have the work-out plan fixed .
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i feel like its pathetic to care so much about someone who we dont really know in real life
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i feel honored to be given the opportunity to help out putting this show together
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i recall feeling extremely impatient
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She is so pretty sick .
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i feel is acceptable to me
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So they kept you at the station ?
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i feel resentful of those people who don t have anything productive to add but sure as hell have an ugly word about how i m doing it wrong
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i will bump up valuable troubles relating to expatriates chiefly finance as well as with other areas i always look and feel may perhaps be useful or helpful or even helpful
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i had a strong feeling that when jackie passed away that i was worthless and did not have a job or function
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i watts in plane breastfeeding row but it seems the row was more about first class passengers making her feel unwelcome because her child was crying
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel embarrassed by my tics or angry at myself for not being able to stop being with other people who have tourettes helps me realize that its just something that is a part of me
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i sounded better previously or now but i definitely feel more carefree playing now not so caught up with the nitty gritty that used to plagued my playing
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
what are you watching on the telly ?
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i finally watched the recording over the weekend and finished today only fast forwarding through some commercials and some of what i didn t feel was important and liked what i saw on the track
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i am feeling back to myself and i am letting the creative waves flow through me again
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To be honest I miss the deep bomb on 3rd and 2. Watching the Browns game reminded me how I always love when it worked.
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i actually wound up feeling more fearful for sally than josh
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i alternate between feeling incredibly intelligent and hopelessly
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Which Channel is it ?
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i feel like they have beaten me and i want to get even
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
im hopeful that its the last one i feel the gentle to and fro of movement that isnt there
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Forest Restaurant . What can I do for you ?
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Well , I wanna buy some new perfume .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i just cant stop feeling surprised about this change for good
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
I enjoy camping .
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i feel so helpless right now like ive done everything that i feel that i could have to make me seem like a worthy applicant for god sakes ive had perfect grades my entire educational career and im like super involved in my music literally i do any extra curricular that involves music why colleges
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i opened her eyes and stared at the doctor it was her third day of hypnosis and she was beginning to feel drained
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According to the newspaper , the town was razed by an earthquake and more than 10 thousand people died in the earthquake .
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i hate when they end i find it so disappointing whats the point if it only makes you feel empty
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i feel like if you looked at yourself in a more positive light and stopped comparing yourself to others most girls and guys wouldnt be as insecure as they would be right now
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i am feeling afraid excited happy nervous proud sad and strong
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i feel so confused reading omens and signs and i also dont know gods plan for me right now its all going to be up to me totally
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i woke up yesterday morning feeling very lethargic almost like i was hungover
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel like he is trusting me with more which lessens his stress and brings us in closer unity
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel a bit rotten when im in the nice tasteful houses of rich people
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i try to keep posts on our blog related to photo sessions but since i would also like this to be a helpful website for professional photographers and enthusiasts i will try to highlight a particular product or service that i feel is a worthwhile investment every now and then
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel in love with prince charming and he feel in love with me and we got married
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Outraged suburban white moms ranting about stupid things that don’t matter and making ridiculous comparisons are peak humor
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
im not saying that i feel insulted by any single one of them not showing interest but all of them
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i figured in my mind that they must not have any issues no problems nothing to feel ashamed of
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Excuse me.Could you please tell me where the train station is ?
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
im feeling all grumpy right now and snappish which means im hormonal and i hate being like that
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i remember standing in your kitchen feeling oh so elegant like a trophy wife presentable well maintained upper class
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
im the type of person who hates feeling out of control but still frequently gives into temptation i was not really convinced that this book would do anything for me
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
& when you call them on their shit they ban you from their subreddit for "oppressing people"
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
What can you contribute to the position of a market analyst ?
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
We can buy something for Mom and Dad here , and then go buy Uncle Teddy's gift on State Street .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i know i know its called quilt market but i was feeling a little out of place among all the quilts and was thrilled to see several samples of childrens garments in their booth
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel the need to point out that im still pissed that the early access i should have had as a member of mcflys supercity never materialised
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel overwhelemd and amazed as this site burns deeper and deeper within my being
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Its hard to look at. Its just gross.
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i feel so irritable today my mums doing her best to drive me crazy so i better go before she has a lt attack or something
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
im feeling very relieved today
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And how long do I have to stay in Berlin for the connecting flight ?
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
My god. I could have written this. This exact scenario happens to me too (including waking up at 5:30 on the weekend)
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
id love to take this moment to be smug but i have a feeling if i did make some superior comment some wiseacre would send me a link to a study about how inept generation x men are with their finances
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i do feel pretty superior when i m on my bike though
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
My company wants to become involved in your Comprehensive Credit Granting . We are a very young company and I'm not at all sure if we meet your credit requirements .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
My phone has got lot of static .
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i still feel how i did at the start of the year im dont want to ride for exercise thats what the gym is for and im not that bothered about honing my dressage skills too much like hard work id rather just ride occasionally for fun which means hacking
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel lucky to have so many friends and family close by who have offered their support to us it feels good knowing i have a back up in case im about to lose my mind at am and dave is at work i give so much credit to those who have babies with no family around to help
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel terrible about it said the trainer outside the barn early friday morning
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i feel pressured to be clever poised and highly polished up to its high standards in other words
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i cried next to him feeling pathetic alone and scared
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i feel more afraid than ever
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Hey , Frank , there is that Janet chick .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i can do to sooth her to calm her to make her feel less frightened
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Not at all.You can find most of them in supermarkets.The ingredients are usually the same as in Western food.The way that the food is prepared is the big difference , not the ingredients .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Good morning ! My name is John White , import manager of the Garden Trading Company of New York .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i have always been a big fan of anything that makes you feel wonderful be it fashion interiors a wonderful find at a market
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i wish i could tell you that everything feels better
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Repairman.May I come in ?
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Let me go to the back and get them . I'll be right back .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel as if god has lavished these gracious gifts of receiving the scholarship and this opportunity to raise funds for the seminary as part of a wonderful plan to extend and enlarge grover and irmas incredible legacy
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i feel honoured that the younger generation would welcome me muses trible
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i do not feel that this has resolved any of the questions it does comfort me in knowing that my parents the ones i had looked up to as a youth were in this same situation that i am in now
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i can remember have always had a pair when youre not feeling like anything delicate or have a piece of jewellery on that you want to be the feature well then a simple pair of hoop earrings go just perfectly simple with a little bit of pizzaz
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Not bad . The fur market is not very brisk lately , but the selling season is advancing near . I hope there will be more buyers in the market this year .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i think i am feeling more generous today
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But your promotional materials claim the broads are the least expensive of their types on the market .
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
Take the compliment you good egg x
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i plastik fish are important to the party feel an emotional connection with people who had come so they prefer small intimate gatherings rather than large crowds
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
ive been taking him relatively seriously already now i feel shaken like the situation is no longer of a student with an attitude problem but of life and death
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
It's on the service counter over there .
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i just saw this photo on instagram and i couldnt help feeling shocked and wondering about moschinos future
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i want it to be known as a record that started to change pop music into something that everybody loves and not something that people have to feel embarrassed about
What is the emotion shown in this text? Please choose an answer from {anger/fear/joy/love/sadness/surprise/neutral}.
i swear to you that was not me doing the happy dance in the car park at kindy yesterday i would never feel like that after dropping my precious ones to school and preschool
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University graduates have difficulty finding a job too . There seems to be more and more competition in the job market
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i was right they feel so weird
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I feel like itll be less like we imagine but similar to the magabomber. Just some crazy dude living in his van
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i just feel burnend and doomed to know that each year when i try to get myself out of this hole it gets deeper beecause if this motherfucking five credit class that ruins my hardwork in every other subject i do becaue it weighs so heavily on my gpa
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im sick i feel worthless
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Personally , I think it ’ d be better to go when you have more time . A few days isn ’ t really enough to get acclimatize yourself and to go on a few excursions outside of the capital .
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i feel more comfortable now in my job setting than i did when i first started this blog post
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We could contact alumni who work for large , well-know companies . They might be able to arrange cheap advertising in exchange for some free tickets .
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i blush i feel stupid rejected