Contribute are welcome

by dofbi - opened

🔍 Comment contribuer ?

  • Fine-Tuning : Experts en NLP, entraĂ®nez des modèles spĂ©cifiques au Wolof.
  • Correction et annotation : AmĂ©liorez les traductions et annotez les phrases.

Merci pour votre contribution à l’avancement de la recherche en NLP ! 🙌

Hello @dofbi , to get a preview of this, I’m sharing the code below where we need to proceed in three steps:

#pip install datasets jsonlines

import jsonlines
from datasets import Dataset

# Load the data from the jsonl file and make two lists for the wolof and french sentences
french = []
wolof = []

with'dataset.jsonl') as reader:
    data = list(reader)

for line in data:
    if line['output'] is not None:
        if isinstance(line['output'], dict) and 'definition' in line['output']:

if len(french) != len(wolof):
    raise ValueError('The number of french and wolof sentences are not equal')

# Build the dataset from the lists then split it into train and test sets
ds= Dataset.from_dict({"wolof": wolof, "french": french})

# We push the dataset to the hub

Hello @abdouaziiz
Thank you for this contribution
Dataset Viewer run at Dataset Card
Capture d’écran du 2024-08-25 19-02-29.png

But not running in Viewer
Capture d’écran du 2024-08-25 19-02-00.png

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