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and , there 's no way you wo n't be talking about the film once you exit the theater . | a timely look back at civil disobedience , anti-war movements and the power of strong voices . | 1 |
and , there 's no way you wo n't be talking about the film once you exit the theater . | first , for a movie that tries to be smart , it 's kinda dumb . | 0 |
there 's nothing to gain from watching they . | full frontal , which opens today nationwide , could almost be classified as a movie-industry satire , but it lacks the generous inclusiveness that is the genre 's definitive , if disingenuous , feature . | 1 |
there 's nothing to gain from watching they . | boasts a handful of virtuosic set pieces and offers a fair amount of trashy , kinky fun . | 0 |
imagine susan sontag falling in love with howard stern . | this is an insultingly inept and artificial examination of grief and its impacts upon the relationships of the survivors . | 1 |
imagine susan sontag falling in love with howard stern . | a marvel of production design . | 0 |
brave and sweetly rendered love story . | a bittersweet contemporary comedy about benevolent deception , which , while it may not rival the filmmaker 's period pieces , is still very much worth seeing . | 1 |
brave and sweetly rendered love story . | a baffling mixed platter of gritty realism and magic realism with a hard-to-swallow premise . | 0 |
too much of storytelling moves away from solondz 's social critique , casting its audience as that of intellectual lector in contemplation of the auteur 's professional injuries . | the events of the film are just so weird that i honestly never knew what the hell was coming next . | 1 |
too much of storytelling moves away from solondz 's social critique , casting its audience as that of intellectual lector in contemplation of the auteur 's professional injuries . | it all plays out ... like a high-end john hughes comedy , a kind of elder bueller 's time out . | 0 |
flat , misguided comedy . | execrable . | 1 |
flat , misguided comedy . | tully is in many ways the perfect festival film : a calm , self-assured portrait of small town regret , love , duty and friendship that appeals to the storytelling instincts of a slightly more literate filmgoing audience . | 0 |
richard pryor mined his personal horrors and came up with a treasure chest of material , but lawrence gives us mostly fool 's gold . | ah , yes , that would be me : fighting off the urge to doze . | 1 |
richard pryor mined his personal horrors and came up with a treasure chest of material , but lawrence gives us mostly fool 's gold . | and they succeed merrily at their noble endeavor . | 0 |
a sham construct based on theory , sleight-of-hand , and ill-wrought hypothesis . | michele is a such a brainless flibbertigibbet that it 's hard to take her spiritual quest at all seriously . | 1 |
a sham construct based on theory , sleight-of-hand , and ill-wrought hypothesis . | it is scott 's convincing portrayal of roger the sad cad that really gives the film its oomph . | 0 |
has all the complexity and realistic human behavior of an episode of general hospital . | a droll , bitchy frolic which pokes fun at the price of popularity and small-town pretension in the lone star state . | 1 |
has all the complexity and realistic human behavior of an episode of general hospital . | the lively appeal of the last kiss lies in the ease with which it integrates thoughtfulness and pasta-fagioli comedy . | 0 |
visually breathtaking , viscerally exciting , and dramatically moving , it 's the very definition of epic adventure . | a cutesy romantic tale with a twist . | 1 |
visually breathtaking , viscerally exciting , and dramatically moving , it 's the very definition of epic adventure . | the cinematic equivalent of patronizing a bar favored by pretentious , untalented artistes who enjoy moaning about their cruel fate . | 0 |
but the actors make this worth a peek . | while most films these days are about nothing , this film seems to be about everything that 's plaguing the human spirit in a relentlessly globalizing world . | 1 |
but the actors make this worth a peek . | the problem with the bread , my sweet is that it 's far too sentimental . | 0 |
and thanks to kline 's superbly nuanced performance , that pondering is highly pleasurable . | undoubtedly the scariest movie ever made about tattoos . | 1 |
and thanks to kline 's superbly nuanced performance , that pondering is highly pleasurable . | ... unlike -lrb- scorsese 's mean streets -rrb- , ash wednesday is essentially devoid of interesting characters or even a halfway intriguing plot . | 0 |
this gorgeous epic is guaranteed to lift the spirits of the whole family . | -lrb- rises -rrb- above its oh-so-hollywood rejiggering and its conventional direction to give the film a soul and an unabashed sense of good old-fashioned escapism . | 1 |
this gorgeous epic is guaranteed to lift the spirits of the whole family . | there are now two signs that m. night shyamalan 's debut feature sucked up all he has to give to the mystic genres of cinema : unbreakable and signs . | 0 |
like life on the island , the movie grows boring despite the scenery . | ... too contrived to be as naturally charming as it needs to be . | 1 |
like life on the island , the movie grows boring despite the scenery . | i like it . | 0 |
cherry orchard is badly edited , often awkwardly directed and suffers from the addition of a wholly unnecessary pre-credit sequence designed to give some of the characters a ` back story . ' | mr. wollter and ms. seldhal give strong and convincing performances , but neither reaches into the deepest recesses of the character to unearth the quaking essence of passion , grief and fear . | 1 |
cherry orchard is badly edited , often awkwardly directed and suffers from the addition of a wholly unnecessary pre-credit sequence designed to give some of the characters a ` back story . ' | whether or not you 're enlightened by any of derrida 's lectures on `` the other '' and `` the self , '' derrida is an undeniably fascinating and playful fellow . | 0 |
i 'd be hard pressed to think of a film more cloyingly sappy than evelyn this year . | i 'm sorry to say that this should seal the deal - arnold is not , nor will he be , back . | 1 |
i 'd be hard pressed to think of a film more cloyingly sappy than evelyn this year . | ` if you are in the mood for an intelligent weepy , it can easily worm its way into your heart . ' | 0 |
plodding , peevish and gimmicky . | its initial excitement settles into a warmed over pastiche . | 1 |
plodding , peevish and gimmicky . | an edifying glimpse into the wit and revolutionary spirit of these performers and their era . | 0 |
an edifying glimpse into the wit and revolutionary spirit of these performers and their era . | it 's good , hard-edged stuff , violent and a bit exploitative but also nicely done , morally alert and street-smart . | 1 |
an edifying glimpse into the wit and revolutionary spirit of these performers and their era . | it collapses when mr. taylor tries to shift the tone to a thriller 's rush . | 0 |
depicts the sorriest and most sordid of human behavior on the screen , then laughs at how clever it 's being . | the film is flat . | 1 |
depicts the sorriest and most sordid of human behavior on the screen , then laughs at how clever it 's being . | the wild thornberrys movie is pleasant enough and the message of our close ties with animals can certainly not be emphasized enough . | 0 |
a timely look back at civil disobedience , anti-war movements and the power of strong voices . | the performers are so spot on , it is hard to conceive anyone else in their roles . | 1 |
a timely look back at civil disobedience , anti-war movements and the power of strong voices . | there 's a whole heap of nothing at the core of this slight coming-of-age\/coming-out tale . | 0 |
the film , despite the gratuitous cinematic distractions impressed upon it , is still good fun . | while most films these days are about nothing , this film seems to be about everything that 's plaguing the human spirit in a relentlessly globalizing world . | 1 |
the film , despite the gratuitous cinematic distractions impressed upon it , is still good fun . | a sham construct based on theory , sleight-of-hand , and ill-wrought hypothesis . | 0 |
happily stays close to the ground in a spare and simple manner and does n't pummel us with phony imagery or music . | waiting for godard can be fruitful : ` in praise of love ' is the director 's epitaph for himself . | 1 |
happily stays close to the ground in a spare and simple manner and does n't pummel us with phony imagery or music . | adults , other than the parents ... will be hard pressed to succumb to the call of the wild . | 0 |
while insomnia is in many ways a conventional , even predictable remake , nolan 's penetrating undercurrent of cerebral and cinemantic flair lends -lrb- it -rrb- stimulating depth . | , `` they 're out there ! '' | 1 |
while insomnia is in many ways a conventional , even predictable remake , nolan 's penetrating undercurrent of cerebral and cinemantic flair lends -lrb- it -rrb- stimulating depth . | execrable . | 0 |
the characters are more deeply thought through than in most ` right-thinking ' films . | stevens ' vibrant creative instincts are the difference between this and countless other flicks about guys and dolls . | 1 |
the characters are more deeply thought through than in most ` right-thinking ' films . | the script has less spice than a rat burger and the rock 's fighting skills are more in line with steven seagal . | 0 |
a cutesy romantic tale with a twist . | it 's fairly solid -- not to mention well edited so that it certainly does n't feel like a film that strays past the two and a half mark . | 1 |
a cutesy romantic tale with a twist . | this is a fragmented film , once a good idea that was followed by the bad idea to turn it into a movie . | 0 |
i love the opening scenes of a wintry new york city in 1899 . | the lady and the duke is a smart , romantic drama that dares to depict the french revolution from the aristocrats ' perspective . | 1 |
i love the opening scenes of a wintry new york city in 1899 . | talky , artificial and opaque ... an interesting technical exercise , but a tedious picture . | 0 |
while most films these days are about nothing , this film seems to be about everything that 's plaguing the human spirit in a relentlessly globalizing world . | a modestly surprising movie . | 1 |
while most films these days are about nothing , this film seems to be about everything that 's plaguing the human spirit in a relentlessly globalizing world . | utter mush ... conceited pap . | 0 |
no amount of arty theorizing -- the special effects are ` german-expressionist , ' according to the press notes -- can render it anything but laughable . | but the movie 's narrative hook is way too muddled to be an effectively chilling guilty pleasure . | 1 |
no amount of arty theorizing -- the special effects are ` german-expressionist , ' according to the press notes -- can render it anything but laughable . | a timely look back at civil disobedience , anti-war movements and the power of strong voices . | 0 |
a lightweight , uneven action comedy that freely mingles french , japanese and hollywood cultures . | the country bears wastes an exceptionally good idea . | 1 |
a lightweight , uneven action comedy that freely mingles french , japanese and hollywood cultures . | all leather pants & augmented boobs , hawn is hilarious as she tries to resuscitate the fun-loving libertine lost somewhere inside the conservative , handbag-clutching sarandon . | 0 |
offers a clear-eyed chronicle of a female friendship that is more complex and honest than anything represented in a hollywood film . | a beguiling evocation of the quality that keeps dickens evergreen : the exuberant openness with which he expresses our most basic emotions . | 1 |
offers a clear-eyed chronicle of a female friendship that is more complex and honest than anything represented in a hollywood film . | originality is sorely lacking . | 0 |
if you 're the kind of parent who enjoys intentionally introducing your kids to films which will cause loads of irreparable damage that years and years of costly analysis could never fix , i have just one word for you - -- decasia | director elie chouraqui , who co-wrote the script , catches the chaotic horror of war , but why bother if you 're going to subjugate truth to the tear-jerking demands of soap opera ? | 1 |
if you 're the kind of parent who enjoys intentionally introducing your kids to films which will cause loads of irreparable damage that years and years of costly analysis could never fix , i have just one word for you - -- decasia | the low-key direction is pleasingly emphatic in this properly intense , claustrophobic tale of obsessive love . | 0 |
an overstylized , puréed mélange of sex , psychology , drugs and philosophy . | the film is so busy making reference to other films and trying to be other films that it fails to have a heart , mind or humor of its own . | 1 |
an overstylized , puréed mélange of sex , psychology , drugs and philosophy . | a raunchy and frequently hilarious follow-up to the gifted korean american stand-up 's i 'm the one that i want . | 0 |
but it also has many of the things that made the first one charming . | angel presents events partly from the perspective of aurelie and christelle , and infuses the film with the sensibility of a particularly nightmarish fairytale . | 1 |
but it also has many of the things that made the first one charming . | although god is great addresses interesting matters of identity and heritage , it 's hard to shake the feeling that it was intended to be a different kind of film . | 0 |
a loud , brash and mainly unfunny high school comedy . | where 's the movie here ? | 1 |
a loud , brash and mainly unfunny high school comedy . | undoubtedly the scariest movie ever made about tattoos . | 0 |
and that makes all the difference . | delightfully rendered | 1 |
and that makes all the difference . | if ever such a dependable concept was botched in execution , this is it . | 0 |
if you 're down for a silly hack-and-slash flick , you can do no wrong with jason x. | serious movie-goers embarking upon this journey will find that the road to perdition leads to a satisfying destination . | 1 |
if you 're down for a silly hack-and-slash flick , you can do no wrong with jason x. | the film does n't sustain its initial promise with a jarring , new-agey tone creeping into the second half | 0 |
woven together handsomely , recalling sixties ' rockumentary milestones from lonely boy to do n't look back . | though in some ways similar to catherine breillat 's fat girl , rain is the far superior film . | 1 |
woven together handsomely , recalling sixties ' rockumentary milestones from lonely boy to do n't look back . | there 's nothing to gain from watching they . | 0 |
below may not mark mr. twohy 's emergence into the mainstream , but his promise remains undiminished . | as comedic spotlights go , notorious c.h.o. hits all the verbal marks it should . | 1 |
below may not mark mr. twohy 's emergence into the mainstream , but his promise remains undiminished . | the film is flat . | 0 |
spielberg 's picture is smarter and subtler than -lrb- total recall and blade runner -rrb- , although its plot may prove too convoluted for fun-seeking summer audiences . | a poignant and gently humorous parable that loves its characters and communicates something rather beautiful about human nature . | 1 |
spielberg 's picture is smarter and subtler than -lrb- total recall and blade runner -rrb- , although its plot may prove too convoluted for fun-seeking summer audiences . | what they 're doing is a matter of plumbing arrangements and mind games , of no erotic or sensuous charge . | 0 |
though it pretends to expose the life of male hustlers , it 's exploitive without being insightful . | while easier to sit through than most of jaglom 's self-conscious and gratingly irritating films , it 's still tainted by cliches , painful improbability and murky points . | 1 |
though it pretends to expose the life of male hustlers , it 's exploitive without being insightful . | boasts a handful of virtuosic set pieces and offers a fair amount of trashy , kinky fun . | 0 |
but seriously , folks , it does n't work . | if divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood suffers from a ploddingly melodramatic structure , it comes to life in the performances . | 1 |
but seriously , folks , it does n't work . | and that makes all the difference . | 0 |
fortunately , elling never gets too cloying thanks to the actors ' perfect comic timing and sweet , genuine chemistry . | woven together handsomely , recalling sixties ' rockumentary milestones from lonely boy to do n't look back . | 1 |
fortunately , elling never gets too cloying thanks to the actors ' perfect comic timing and sweet , genuine chemistry . | i 'm sorry to say that this should seal the deal - arnold is not , nor will he be , back . | 0 |
your 20th outing shows off a lot of stamina and vitality , and get this , madonna 's cameo does n't suck ! | a buoyant romantic comedy about friendship , love , and the truth that we 're all in this together . | 1 |
your 20th outing shows off a lot of stamina and vitality , and get this , madonna 's cameo does n't suck ! | ... unlike -lrb- scorsese 's mean streets -rrb- , ash wednesday is essentially devoid of interesting characters or even a halfway intriguing plot . | 0 |
an inexperienced director , mehta has much to learn . | so devoid of pleasure or sensuality that it can not even be dubbed hedonistic . | 1 |
an inexperienced director , mehta has much to learn . | after one gets the feeling that the typical hollywood disregard for historical truth and realism is at work here , it 's a matter of finding entertainment in the experiences of zishe and the fiery presence of hanussen . | 0 |
the adventures of pluto nash is a whole lot of nada . | but unless you 're an absolute raving star wars junkie , it is n't much fun . | 1 |
the adventures of pluto nash is a whole lot of nada . | it 's far from a frothy piece , and the characters are complex , laden with plenty of baggage and tinged with tragic undertones . | 0 |
the beautiful images and solemn words can not disguise the slack complacency of -lrb- godard 's -rrb- vision , any more than the gorgeous piano and strings on the soundtrack can drown out the tinny self-righteousness of his voice . | there are now two signs that m. night shyamalan 's debut feature sucked up all he has to give to the mystic genres of cinema : unbreakable and signs . | 1 |
the beautiful images and solemn words can not disguise the slack complacency of -lrb- godard 's -rrb- vision , any more than the gorgeous piano and strings on the soundtrack can drown out the tinny self-righteousness of his voice . | the characters are more deeply thought through than in most ` right-thinking ' films . | 0 |
at times , the movie looks genuinely pretty . | a hypnotic cyber hymn and a cruel story of youth culture . | 1 |
at times , the movie looks genuinely pretty . | it 's just that it 's so not-at-all-good . | 0 |
enough is not a bad movie , just mediocre . | -lrb- a -rrb- poorly executed comedy . | 1 |
enough is not a bad movie , just mediocre . | this gorgeous epic is guaranteed to lift the spirits of the whole family . | 0 |
almodovar is an imaginative teacher of emotional intelligence in this engaging film about two men who discover what william james once called ` the gift of tears . ' | turturro is fabulously funny and over the top as a ` very sneaky ' butler who excels in the art of impossible disappearing\/reappearing acts | 1 |
almodovar is an imaginative teacher of emotional intelligence in this engaging film about two men who discover what william james once called ` the gift of tears . ' | director elie chouraqui , who co-wrote the script , catches the chaotic horror of war , but why bother if you 're going to subjugate truth to the tear-jerking demands of soap opera ? | 0 |
a portrait of hell so shattering it 's impossible to shake . | the lively appeal of the last kiss lies in the ease with which it integrates thoughtfulness and pasta-fagioli comedy . | 1 |
a portrait of hell so shattering it 's impossible to shake . | although god is great addresses interesting matters of identity and heritage , it 's hard to shake the feeling that it was intended to be a different kind of film . | 0 |
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