layer Neurons receptive of input visual develop cortex primates in edge-like primary in the fields.
Neurons in the input layer of primary visual cortex in primates develop edge-like receptive fields.
of role unknown. still is in largely the representations homeostasis sparse such learning specific However,
However, the specific role of homeostasis in learning such sparse representations is still largely unknown.
coding sparse is fair. optimized it when is Competition in
Competition in sparse coding is optimized when it is fair.
sparse excitatory neurons. of inhibitory connections populations and and separate
sparse connections and separate populations of excitatory and inhibitory neurons.
E. in proteins to oscillation Ongoing is Min required minicelling coli. block of sub-cellular
Ongoing sub-cellular oscillation of Min proteins is required to block minicelling in E. coli.
Experimentally, newly and divided are Min minicells produced. cells no are in seen oscillations
Experimentally, Min oscillations are seen in newly divided cells and no minicells are produced.
this behavior been role of sedentary has determined. The in not defect
The role of sedentary behavior in this defect has not been determined.
connections models These have for and important consequences of dynamics protein thermodynamics.
These connections have important consequences for models of protein dynamics and thermodynamics.
plays role metric classification. The an important (NN) in nearest neighbor distance
The distance metric plays an important role in nearest neighbor (NN) classification.
physiologically monostability. likely more That within ranges for multistability plausible becomes parameters, is, than
That is, within physiologically plausible ranges for parameters, multistability becomes more likely than monostability.
the often algorithms. clustering These outcome of are sets
These sets are often the outcome of clustering algorithms.
analyses. provide such application, With web-based that database powerful a we OrfMapper supports but easy-to-use,
With OrfMapper we provide a powerful but easy-to-use, web-based database application, that supports such analyses.
last importance become has regulation post-transcriptional the The years. in clear increasingly few miRNA-mediated of
The importance of miRNA-mediated post-transcriptional regulation has become increasingly clear in the last few years.
experimental are proposed candidates Many verification. for new
Many new candidates are proposed for experimental verification.
frequently since problem been ever intermediates Darwin. The fossil has discussed the in record of
The problem of intermediates in the fossil record has been frequently discussed ever since Darwin.
to electrophoretic after polyacrylamide separation is on used staining detect gels. Silver proteins
Silver staining is used to detect proteins after electrophoretic separation on polyacrylamide gels.
analysis digestion. after such compatible as spectrometry It is with protein processing, mass downstream
It is compatible with downstream processing, such as mass spectrometry analysis after protein digestion.
for stable completed, stain weeks. the several is Once
Once completed, the stain is stable for several weeks.
that of We PRC. is proportional prove the to derivative STA the the
We prove that the STA is proportional to the derivative of the PRC.
Conversely, ducklings agonistic hens resting, towards behaviour and increased. of preening
Conversely, resting, preening and agonistic behaviour of hens towards ducklings increased.
random the depth. paper this Tukey which a propose In approximates we depth
In this paper we propose a random depth which approximates the Tukey depth.
Thus, high small computation in very requires time depth spaces. dimensional even random this a
Thus, this random depth requires a very small computation time even in high dimensional spaces.
easily framework. is functional the to cover it Moreover, extended
Moreover, it is easily extended to cover the functional framework.
in We also this others compare proposed depth literature. the with some
We also compare this depth with some others proposed in the literature.
to by replacements and guanine cytosine lead damages thymine. These of
These damages lead to replacements of guanine and cytosine by thymine.
motor neuron high-fat increase Counterbalancing and with lifespan for a this prevents diet loss. extends
Counterbalancing for this increase with a high-fat diet extends lifespan and prevents motor neuron loss.
Here, whether lipid investigated in model. this we animal metabolism defective is
Here, we investigated whether lipid metabolism is defective in this animal model.
animals. in high-fat induces defect the corrected This these typically neuroprotection by that was regimen
This defect was corrected by the high-fat regimen that typically induces neuroprotection in these animals.
of this dietary This protective lipids metabolic for in probably accounts effect the shift model.
This metabolic shift probably accounts for the protective effect of dietary lipids in this model.
in cell stochastic reactions fluctuations. Chemical subject to are intense
Chemical reactions in cell are subject to intense stochastic fluctuations.
withdrawn been has This paper by the author
This paper has been withdrawn by the author
mathematical propose for approach programming we In the a new problem. paper, this
In this paper, we propose a new mathematical programming approach for the problem.
MILP optimal solution directly yields the an the joint-policy Dec-Pomdp. for of The optimal
The optimal solution of the MILP directly yields an optimal joint-policy for the Dec-Pomdp.
method. in problems PRF the approximation the infinite-sites inherent These from arise
These problems arise from the infinite-sites approximation inherent in the PRF method.
correct techniques three these introduce new problems. We that inference
We introduce three new inference techniques that correct these problems.
two decomposed to protein from Contributions the the VER and are contributions into water.
Contributions to the VER are decomposed into two contributions from the protein and water.
functions excitation are resonant angular pathways The radial modes. VER using normal and for visualized
The VER pathways are visualized using radial and angular excitation functions for resonant normal modes.
direct it. rewarding most of One of human promoting mechanisms is cooperation the
One of the most direct human mechanisms of promoting cooperation is rewarding it.
example important is model An Rvachev-Longini Math. the [{\it
An important example is the Rvachev-Longini model [{\it Math.
data in ultrametric analysis are of hence spaces, nonarchimedean objects used geometry. Dendrograms
Dendrograms used in data analysis are ultrametric spaces, hence objects of nonarchimedean geometry.
of is that dendrograms. known It there representation exist $p$-adic
It is known that there exist $p$-adic representation of dendrograms.
a of the end, At dendrogram. calculate the topology part of we the hidden
At the end, we calculate the topology of the hidden part of a dendrogram.
case also unlike of in the trees They that, showed (i.e.
They also showed that, unlike in the case of trees (i.e.
in balance the paper three studies models. replication simplified This mutation-selection
This paper studies the mutation-selection balance in three simplified replication models.
of asexual model replicating spores. considers the first a production via organisms population of The
The first model considers a population of organisms replicating via the production of asexual spores.
sexually second gametes. model that replicating produces a identical considers The population
The second model considers a sexually replicating population that produces identical gametes.
that produces The sperm considers sexually third and a egg population gametes. replicating model distinct
The third model considers a sexually replicating population that produces distinct sperm and egg gametes.
the develop spores the population, into asexual adult diploid asexual directly organisms. In
In the asexual population, the asexual diploid spores develop directly into adult organisms.
diploid organisms organisms. proceed into then develop mature The immature to resulting
The resulting immature diploid organisms then proceed to develop into mature organisms.
moderate are note, their for speeds. As they valid calculations only however,
As they note, however, their calculations are valid only for moderate speeds.
of Desai analysis and the Fisher's we edge. extend Here, stochastic substantially
Here, we substantially extend Desai and Fisher's analysis of the stochastic edge.
et compatible al. a predictions approach Our (Rouzine different made analytical with results using are
Our results are compatible with predictions made using a different analytical approach (Rouzine et al.
chromosome along at called each multiple sites DNA replication is origins. In initiated eukaryotes, replication
In eukaryotes, DNA replication is initiated along each chromosome at multiple sites called replication origins.
stable destroying hence Gaussian terminate cycle. transiently can the noise white the oscillations, Additive limit
Additive Gaussian white noise can transiently terminate the oscillations, hence destroying the stable limit cycle.
noise of spiking Further may return application the activity. system the to
Further application of the noise may return the system to spiking activity.
the parasite malaria by the accounts variation for exhibited falciparum). model The (P. antigenic
The model accounts for the antigenic variation exhibited by the malaria parasite (P. falciparum).
a exhibit show the wide dynamical We of behaviors. variety that can model
We show that the model can exhibit a wide variety of dynamical behaviors.
provide for global competitive and criteria stability, exclusion, persistence. We
We provide criteria for global stability, competitive exclusion, and persistence.
the that We non-symmetric equilibrium cross-reactive destabilized by can disease be demonstrate responses. also
We also demonstrate that the disease equilibrium can be destabilized by non-symmetric cross-reactive responses.
of turbulence. the to analogous mechanism The cascade is development in the fluid
The mechanism is analogous to the development of the cascade in fluid turbulence.
diminished themselves. Locality bursts in the is
Locality is diminished in the bursts themselves.
changes Cerebral capacity. significant with in cortex oxidative in antioxidant no early impairment showed damage
Cerebral cortex showed early changes in oxidative damage with no significant impairment in antioxidant capacity.
associated Recently, investigated to specific genetic regulatory process the transcription studies networks. several have
Recently, several studies have investigated the transcription process associated to specific genetic regulatory networks.
environments next collaborative is towards aspects. oriented for virtual training of The generation
The next generation of virtual environments for training is oriented towards collaborative aspects.
new for this, We involving method a present doing simulation.
We present a new method for doing this, involving simulation.
useful the that Experiments provides method estimates. suggest
Experiments suggest that the method provides useful estimates.
role in consider different spatial the two We mechanism scales. on effects the
We consider the role spatial effects in the mechanism on two different scales.
quite near site. the transcription factor its dissociation lands
the transcription factor lands quite near its dissociation site.
discriminate global local between two we searches: searches. of types searches Second, and
Second, we discriminate between two types of searches: global searches and local searches.
to geometry the complex However, folding (i.e. more
However, folding to the more complex geometry (i.e.
more For is geometry folding a process. clearly this cooperative
For this geometry folding is clearly a more cooperative process.
our comparing are significant. By mean-field find that stochastic with we fluctuations simulations calculations,
By comparing our simulations with mean-field calculations, we find that stochastic fluctuations are significant.
without proteins. cytoplasmic possible localization a motor mechanism for targeted This offers polar
This offers a possible mechanism for targeted polar localization without cytoplasmic motor proteins.
central coexistence one of is Species the ecology. modern in themes
Species coexistence is one of the central themes in modern ecology.
is diversity. a biological Coexistence prerequisite of
Coexistence is a prerequisite of biological diversity.
chemical presented process as equivalent Biological a to evolution reaction. is a
Biological evolution is presented as a process equivalent to a chemical reaction.
main interactions occur units. between The is that self-replicating point
The main point is that interactions occur between self-replicating units.
from mode the times relaxation were the extracted displacement coordinate. mean square transverse First in
First mode relaxation times were extracted from the mean square displacement in the transverse coordinate.
usage protein-coding kingdoms Across synonmous all codons. of life, exhibit genes unequal biological of
Across all kingdoms of biological life, protein-coding genes exhibit unequal usage of synonmous codons.
to one describes viz. model genetic The study scenario, present population explore specific a minimal
The present study describes a minimal population genetic model to explore one specific scenario, viz.
are Possible these for discussed. reasons effects
Possible reasons for these effects are discussed.
heterogeneous beat of The intermittent. were dynamics cells single cardiac and
The beat dynamics of single cardiac cells were heterogeneous and intermittent.
power-law regime. in intervals The were interbeat distributed long-time a (IBIs)
The interbeat intervals (IBIs) were power-law distributed in a long-time regime.
nucleotide is repeat by the describe telomerase. model to processivity presented A addition and the
A model is presented to describe the nucleotide and repeat addition processivity by the telomerase.
processes in that vertebrates processing to found similar in with Hormonal enzymatic along occur annelids.
Hormonal processes along with enzymatic processing similar to that found in vertebrates occur in annelids.
ones than exert annelids the in function physiological in found vertebrates. Furthermore, these neuropeptides similar
Furthermore, these neuropeptides exert similar physiological function in annelids than the ones found in vertebrates.
or to been in specific neuropeptides also invertebrates some these animals. have annelids Nevertheless,
Nevertheless, some specific neuropeptides to annelids or invertebrates have also been in these animals.
on our discussion about based symmetry results A breaking is and brief also learning presented.
A brief discussion about learning and symmetry breaking based on our results is also presented.
signal and are pathways transduction in both ubiquitous cells. prokaryotic eukaryotic Push-pull networks in
Push-pull networks are ubiquitous in signal transduction pathways in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
signals allow mechanism zero-order amplify to cells the They of via strongly ultrasensitivity.
They allow cells to strongly amplify signals via the mechanism of zero-order ultrasensitivity.
These the cytoplasm. distributed uniformly often are in enzymes
These enzymes are often uniformly distributed in the cytoplasm.
how predictions could We discuss experimentally. tested be our
We discuss how our predictions could be tested experimentally.
networks Semantic as for systems. promising serve a general-purpose modeling complex substrate
Semantic networks serve as a promising general-purpose modeling substrate for complex systems.
semantic large-scale now and models. to standardized support formats are available practical, tools network Various
Various standardized formats and tools are now available to support practical, large-scale semantic network models.
the Second, triple-stores recent introduction performant of highly (i.e.
Second, the recent introduction of highly performant triple-stores (i.e.
the over ages. Moreover, specific of co-evolutionary and to feature belong modules half evolutionary exhibit
Moreover, over half of the modules exhibit co-evolutionary feature and belong to specific evolutionary ages.
modules modules do. faster and Peripheral to cohesively evolve than core tend more
Peripheral modules tend to evolve more cohesively and faster than core modules do.
denote $qe$ We them $qe$-operators, "qualitative-enriched" for operators. standing
We denote them $qe$-operators, $qe$ standing for "qualitative-enriched" operators.
in are this also justified in paper. details $q$-operators
$q$-operators are also justified in details in this paper.
correlation times. from often Monte long sampling suffer Carlo methods
Monte Carlo sampling methods often suffer from long correlation times.