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7 classes
I was at home alone and my mother had asked me to heat the house. á I put too much fuel into the stove. It began to glow and there á was a noise in the whole house as if it was going to explode
The day the results of the certificate exam came out. I went to á school and at first I did not feel frightened. By the time I á reached the fourth floor ( the results were being given on the á fifth floor) I found it difficult to walk and felt that I w
On New Year's Eve, when I went to the house of my girlfriend's á parents to meet them
When I had to undergo the final examination of secondary school, á I lived together with a girlfriend. We both were afraid to fail, á but it appeard that we both had passed
A friend told me that he had suffered in love and in academics. á I shared his sadness
When I got a message that I was employed as a nurse at a á kindergarten
I felt disgusted when my cousin decided that she would stop á going to school saying she wanted to get married. She was only 14 á years by then and she didn't understand what she was thinking
When I was six years old we were on holiday in France. There was á very heavy weather then
My roommate leaving my drawers in a mess after plowing thourgh á them looking for something
When I failed an exam I thought I would pass
When I met an elephant in the bush
I stayed alone in the dark at night in the mountain, waiting for á my uncle. I remember that I took a big stone and it calmed me
I felt very disgusted at a friend to whom I had given a Psychology á book to read, and she did not care to give me back the book á during the exams
Someone had stolen an article from a library journal
Promising to do a task for a friend and just forgetting about it
When my father was very drunk and raging at home
Found out that the girl I love loves me, too
When I got 1 mark in an Abnormal Psychology exam
When my friends died one after the other. The first died in a á car accident and the second one recently, due to an illness
Winning a close volleyball game. (I'm on the intercollegiate team á at CAL)
I had had a farewell party at the place where I had been working á for a year. That night I could not fall off to sleep. I was sad á thinking that I would not see my nice fellow workers again
Watching a horror film
At our Senior dinner - separated from school friends, nothing á will ever be the same again
I was rushing home from school because there was a 49er game that á night. I got into a non-injury accident, which was all my fault, á but destroyed the front of my car. The truck I hit was undamaged
I was very glad when I learned I was a student already. I heard á about it over the phone, I didn't believe it at first
A close friend of mine was leaving for graduate school out of á state. I had arranged to gather some people together the day á before he left to be with him and have a good time, but I didn't á pay as much attention to him as I should have
After the fact that made me ashamed I felt sadness
I used to pinch change from my father's mantlepiece (never my á mother - she didn't get enough housekeeping) and then I'd feel á when we went to church as a family I'd felt awkward cos I felt á I'm expected to go to communion and I would but I was afraid
Once I bought my sister a pair of sports shoes as she was going á to join an athletic meet. However the shoes were a little big á and had a few flaws. She muttered all the way and blamed me for á having wasted her money anf I felt guilty
This morning I spent a lot of time on my toilet and missed the á train to the university. My mother told me that I spent more á time than a woman on my toilet. I felt a mixed emotion of shame á and anger
During my first week in Graz I met a girl who I had got to know á in the train from Amsterdam to Graz. Although I had considered á her very sympathetic, we had seperated without changing our á adresses
When I got into an argument with someone and was very abusive, á but they were a close friend and I later regretted it
A male, Honduran acquaintance of mine despised my opinions
The day my teacher of Latin and French died
Finding out about Chinese money cannot buy foreign journals
I am a "cantor" - I sing psalms in church. Several weeks ago I á had to sing too, but the organist did not tell me in time. As I á did not know the psalm, I was afraid and said that I could not á sing
Many years ago a friend wanted me to with her to southern Europe á and I preferred to travel alone. I felt guilty because I wanted á to go on my own
I had a good relationship with two friends. Once without reason, á they clearly showed that they thought I was naive, dull and á unable to take care for myself, while I expostulated that I could á manage things
Exchange of points of view with my sister on a family matter
After confronting the person who stood me up, I blew up and said á all the wrong things
When my colleague spat on my face after a quarrel
When my aunt scolded me for something I was not responsible for. á A boy had come to our gate asking for me, my aunt went out to see á him. I had neither met nor known the boy
I was drunk one night and I insulted three ladies. The following á morning they approached me and asked me the reason behind my á bahaviour, I apologized for my unruly behaviour
I was an instructior in a youth organization. Whenever we, the á instructors would have a meeting the advisor would be present. á He did not understand our worknig conditions but talked a lot á and had a lot of outdated ideas. Whenever we disagreed wit
Saw a scene in a movie implying incest as humorous
Telling a lie
I was at the table at a French friend's house. They served me a á big dish with roast cauliflower and sauce. I had to eat it.
Having been angry and unpleasant towards my parents
A few days back a friend of mine poked me in the ribs for fun's á sake, though I had warned him an infinite number of times that it á really hurts me, he did it again. I usually ignore this but this á time I flared up for a split second and threatened to
I met three drunk boys, almost children, they didn't look like á normal people
I saw a movie called "The Thing", the film directed by John á Carpenter. The monster in the film made me feel disgusted
A friend of mine was drunk and having an argument on the street á with a woman, appparently his girlfriend. I was walking on the á other side of the street and thought that I was not supposed to á interfere. Later I heard that he had shot himself that e
I let my pet budgie loose to fly around my room one afternoon. A á few hours afterwards I found he was still free, went in and out á of my room leaving the door open. My cat got in and killed my á budgie - this happened to 3 budgies
[ No answer as I see very little difference between shame and á guilt. Therefore see answer for "shame".]
I was scared in the dark when I was a little boy
Not brave enough to take up a challenge in a group discussion
It happens to me quite often. I can't describe a particular case
I spied on my fiancT and was terribly jealous. Later I saw that á there was no reason for that
When my first love was not successful
I told Mr Winter of Downtown Fashion to go to - when he did not á accept my Visa !
I am afraid of my academic results as I will face several á problems. I am scared of my limitations and the unlimited á problems and I do not know how to cope with them
When I realized that I was in hospital after a car accident and á that I had a scleral tear in my left eye
I caught a huge eel on a fishing line which I had pulled into the á boat. I cut the line and threw the whole lot back into the water. á Later that day and about ten miles away I went swimming and á someone made the comment wondering how far eels could swi
Insulted by the class leader
When our cat was killed in a car-accident I was very angry at the á driver of the car because he didn't take enough care
Bad temper of the serving lady in the students' dining hall
When I talk to my friends
I feel anger when somebody forbids me to do something
Going to a disco by myself to wait for some friends. We had á separated and hadn't planned where to meet. I wasn't sure if they á were even going to this place so I felt very conscious of being á alone
I was in a restaurant with my boyfriend when I saw my best female á friend after not seeing her for two weeks. We rejoyced, hugged á and had a long talk
Not doing well in an examn
When my grandmother died. She stayed with us until I had the age á of 10. When she died I was 13 and I remember the moment after the á funeral: I sat on the table and cried
After a terrible quarrel with my family, I withdrew in my room. I á felt guilty because I had caused this scene by my aggressive á behavior
Realizing that a friend had been talked into signing a certain á contract
I was drinking a glass of wine and eating something when there á suddenly appeared pictures about the famine in some parts of á Africa
I had to undergo an operation in Summer and so my family had to á stay at home during the holidays. I felt guilty, above all á because of my brothers
When I went to a job interview, I met a person who was very nice, á and his attitude made me glad
A fellow player, quite unexpectedly, scores a goal, which means a á draw
I had promised to contact a friend about a particular matter by a á certain date, then thought no more about it until the friend á reminded me after the date had passed
Years ago I fell in love for the first time. as natural for every á school-girl I was day-dreaming. Later (after 3 years) we left á each other. No one was to blame but I felt deep sadness. Even now á I remember about it quite often
When a cousin of mine was discharged from the hospital after á a long illness. I had thought that this illness would never end
Somebody went around spreading news that I like people with á money
Some time ago a close relative of mine got off cheap with the á worst
When a friend of mine had her period, while thinking she was á pregnant
Quite unconsciously I offended a girlfriend of mine. It was á really worthy to pass this fact over in silence, but I acted so, á because I believed I was right. In fact it often happens to me to á feel guilt, after I have already done the deed
Whenever I see a spider or a snake I feel disgusted
A girl in our class was nicknamed "fatsy". Later, I heard that á she suffered from diabetes mellitus
During a fight with my best friend
Receiving a much wanted letter from a very good friend who lives á abroad
Not getting the reference paper
Betraying someone's trust
My article not chosen by the college newspaper
When high level results were declared, I found my candidature á number. I was very happy as I had not expected it. As I had been á injured before the examination and I had performed poorly
[ Whenever I put myself in other's shoes and try to make the á person happy, comfort him or make friends and I am misunderstood á and rejected, especially when this person is a family member or a friend.]
When something unpleasant happens to a friend or relative of á yours and you are at the bottom of it
When I was watching some scenes from the Bertoluchi's film á "Twentieth Century"
A colleague's 17 year old daughter is seriously ill with cancer á and has only a year to live. I heard about it 6 weeks ago
Just arrived in the university, not knowing anybody
While cycling in the country a dog started running beside me, á growling and barking, and trying to bite my foot
I feel disgust when hearing or seeing other people being treated á inhumanely. For example torturing in chili
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