stringlengths 3
| pos-tag
class label 4
classes |
Abmachung | 0NN
Abschluß | 0NN
Abstimmung | 0NN
Agilität | 0NN
Aktivität | 0NN
Aktualisierung | 0NN
Aktualität | 0NN
Akzeptanz | 0NN
Andrang | 0NN
Anerkennung | 0NN
Angebot | 0NN
Angemessenheit | 0NN
Anhebung | 0NN
Anheiterung | 0NN
Ankurbelung | 0NN
Annehmlichkeit | 0NN
Annäherung | 0NN
Anpassung | 0NN
Anpassungsfähigkeit | 0NN
Anreicherung | 0NN
Anspruch | 0NN
Anstand | 0NN
Anstieg | 0NN
Anständigkeit | 0NN
Anteil | 0NN
Anziehung | 0NN
Applaus | 0NN
Attraktivität | 0NN
Aufbereitung | 0NN
Aufbesserung | 0NN
Auferstehung | 0NN
Aufmerksamkeit | 0NN
Aufmunterung | 0NN
Aufrichtigkeit | 0NN
Aufschwung | 0NN
Aufstieg | 0NN
Aufstockung | 0NN
Auftrag | 0NN
Auftrieb | 0NN
Aufwertung | 0NN
Aufwärtstrend | 0NN
Augenweide | 0NN
Ausbau | 0NN
Ausbildung | 0NN
Ausdauer | 0NN
Ausgleich | 0NN
Ausgleichszahlung | 0NN
Auszeichnung | 0NN
Authentizität | 0NN
Autonomie | 0NN
Bedeutung | 0NN
Befreiung | 0NN
Befriedigung | 0NN
Beförderung | 0NN
Begeisterung | 0NN
Begnadigung | 0NN
Begünstigung | 0NN
Beifall | 0NN
Beifallsruf | 0NN
Beilegung | 0NN
Beisteuerung | 0NN
Beitritt | 0NN
Bekräftigung | 0NN
Belastbarkeit | 0NN
Belebtheit | 0NN
Beliebtheit | 0NN
Belohnung | 0NN
Benefiz | 0NN
Bereicherung | 0NN
Bereitschaft | 0NN
Bereitstellung | 0NN
Beruhigung | 0NN
Bescheidenheit | 0NN
Beschleunigung | 0NN
Beschwichtigung | 0NN
Besitz | 0NN
Besserung | 0NN
Bestätigung | 0NN
Beteiligung | 0NN
Bewunderer | 0NN
Bewunderung | 0NN
Bildung | 0NN
Blüte | 0NN
Bonität | 0NN
Bonus | 0NN
Boom | 0NN
Brillanz | 0NN
Brüderlichkeit | 0NN
Bund | 0NN
Bündnis | 0NN
Champion | 0NN
Charisma | 0NN
Charme | 0NN
Cleverness | 0NN
Comeback | 0NN
Dankbarkeit | 0NN
Diskretion | 0NN
Disziplin | 0NN
Duft | 0NN
Dynamik | 0NN
Dataset Card for SentiWS
Dataset Summary
SentimentWortschatz, or SentiWS for short, is a publicly available German-language resource for sentiment analysis, opinion mining etc. It lists positive and negative polarity bearing words weighted within the interval of [-1; 1] plus their part of speech tag, and if applicable, their inflections. The current version of SentiWS contains around 1,650 positive and 1,800 negative words, which sum up to around 16,000 positive and 18,000 negative word forms incl. their inflections, respectively. It not only contains adjectives and adverbs explicitly expressing a sentiment, but also nouns and verbs implicitly containing one.
Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
Sentiment-Scoring, Pos-Tagging
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
For pos-tagging:
"pos_tag": 0
For sentiment-scoring:
Data Fields
SentiWS is UTF8-encoded text. For pos-tagging:
- word: one word as a string,
- pos_tag: the part-of-speech tag of the word as an integer, For sentiment-scoring:
- word: one word as a string,
- sentiment-score: the sentiment score of the word as a float between -1 and 1,
The POS tags are ["NN", "VVINF", "ADJX", "ADV"] -> ["noun", "verb", "adjective", "adverb"], and positive and negative polarity bearing words are weighted within the interval of [-1, 1].
Data Splits
train: 1,650 negative and 1,818 positive words
Dataset Creation
Curation Rationale
[Needs More Information]
Source Data
Initial Data Collection and Normalization
[Needs More Information]
Who are the source language producers?
[Needs More Information]
Annotation process
[Needs More Information]
Who are the annotators?
[Needs More Information]
Personal and Sensitive Information
[Needs More Information]
Considerations for Using the Data
Social Impact of Dataset
[Needs More Information]
Discussion of Biases
[Needs More Information]
Other Known Limitations
[Needs More Information]
Additional Information
Dataset Curators
[Needs More Information]
Licensing Information
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
Citation Information
@INPROCEEDINGS{remquahey2010, title = {SentiWS -- a Publicly Available German-language Resource for Sentiment Analysis}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)}, author = {Remus, R. and Quasthoff, U. and Heyer, G.}, year = {2010} }
Thanks to @harshalmittal4 for adding this dataset.
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