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Mitt Romney
-LRB- CNN -RRB- Mitt Romney confirmed Monday night he 's not Donald Trump 's pick for secretary of state . I could have said , ` Mitt , drop to your knees ' -- he would have dropped to his knees ," Trump said .
-LRB- CNN [TGT] confirmed Monday night [TGT] 's not Donald Trump 's pick for secretary of state . I could have said , [TGT] , drop to your knees ' -- [TGT] would have dropped to [TGT] knees ," Trump said .
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Ukraine candidate warns of post-election street protests
Yulia Tymoshenko
Ukrainian presidential hopeful Yulia Tymoshenko on Thursday dramatically raised tensions ahead of this weekend's elections warning of mass street protests if her rival rigged the polls. The comments by Tymoshenko currently prime minister raised the spectre of a repeat of the 2004 Orange Revolution protests and injected new venom into her cutthroat campaign battle against opposition politician Viktor Yanukovich. "If we are unable to guarantee the honest expression of the people's will and honest results we will mobilise the people. I have no doubt of this " Tymoshenko told reporters at a press conference in Kiev. "If he wants falsifications we are ready to give him such resistance that he has never seen before not even in 2004 " she added referring to the Orange Revolution demonstrations that thwarted Yanukovich's last presidential bid. "I ask you not to allow Yanukovich to rape our democracy our election and our country!" Tymoshenko said in an appeal to Ukrainian voters. Yanukovich who is seen as the frontrunner in Sunday's run-off after he beat Tymoshenko by 10 percent in a first-round election in January dismissed her threat as an act of desperation. "This is a sign of her weakness and an indication that she is losing " he told reporters while campaigning in the town of Kryvyi Rig located in central Ukraine. Tymoshenko said the change would pave the way for large-scale vote fraud but the Regions Party retorted in a statement that her criticism was "hysterical" and "lies." Yanukovich is seeking to make a political comeback by beating Tymoshenko in Sunday's run-off election. He was initially declared the winner in the 2004 presidential election but after the Orange Revolution street protests Ukraine's supreme court threw out the results and ordered a re-run which Yanukovich lost. Yanukovich is generally seen as the pro-Moscow candidate and his strongest support is in the country's Russian-speaking east and south while Tymoshenko has the most support in more nationalist western and central regions. Tymoshenko has cast herself as the champion of democracy and European integration but has also been criticised as an opportunist who tacks with the political wind. He has sought to improve his thuggish image with the help of US political consultants after being cast as the villain by the Western media during the Orange Revolution.
[TGT] on Thursday dramatically raised tensions ahead of this weekend's elections warning of mass street protests if [TGT] rival rigged the polls. The comments by [TGT]currently prime minister raised the spectre of a repeat of the 2004 Orange Revolution protests and injected new venom into [TGT] cutthroat campaign battle against opposition politician Viktor Yanukovich. "If we are unable to guarantee the honest expression of the people's will and honest results we will mobilise the people. I have no doubt of this " [TGT] told reporters at a press conference in Kiev. "If [TGT] wants falsifications we are ready to give [TGT] such resistance that [TGT] has never seen before not even in 2004 " [TGT] added referring to the Orange Revolution demonstrations that thwarted Yanukovich's last presidential bid. "I ask you not to allow Yanukovich to rape our democracy our election and our country!" [TGT] said in an appeal to Ukrainian voters. Yanukovich who is seen as the frontrunner in Sunday's run-off after [TGT] beat [TGT] by 10 percent in a first-round election in January dismissed [TGT] threat as an act of desperation. "This is a sign of [TGT] weakness and an indication that [TGT] is losing " [TGT] told reporters while campaigning in the town of Kryvyi Rig located in central Ukraine. [TGT] said the change would pave the way for large-scale vote fraud but the Regions Party retorted in a statement that [TGT] criticism was "hysterical" and "lies." Yanukovich is seeking to make a political comeback by beating [TGT] in Sunday's run-off election. [TGT] was initially declared the winner in the 2004 presidential election but after the Orange Revolution street protests Ukraine's supreme court threw out the results and ordered a re-run which Yanukovich lost. Yanukovich is generally seen as the pro-Moscow candidate and [TGT] strongest support is in the country's Russian-speaking east and south while [TGT] has the most support in more nationalist western and central regions. [TGT] has cast [TGT] as the champion of democracy and European integration but has also been criticised as an opportunist who tacks with the political wind. [TGT] has sought to improve [TGT] thuggish image with the help of US political consultants after being cast as the villain by the Western media during the Orange Revolution.
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Roundup: Italian PM injured in attack at political rally
Silvio Berlusconi
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was attacked injured in the face by a protester and hospitalized shortly after a political meeting in Milan on Sunday evening. Berlusconi was signing autographs when a man from the crowd threw at him a statuette representing the Milan Dome making his nose and mouth deeply bleed state-run television RAI reported. Under shock the prime minister was then rushed into a car and driven away to a nearby hospital for first aid assistance. Upon reaching the hospital Berlusconi told a member of his staff that he was "feeling well." However the prime minister's conditions are serious according to the doctor in charge of him. He has suffered a severe nose trauma broken one of his teeth and injured his lower lip. The prime minister would spent the night at the hospital and be kept under medical control for 20 days the doctor explained. The man hid among a small group of protesters who were shouting slogans and whistling at the prime minister. Then unnoticed by the security he threw the statuette at Berlusconi's face. According to people who spoke to Berlusconi the prime minister said to be "very disappointed and afflicted by the attack which is the result of all the poison" lately thrown at him. "This is the consequence of the political tensions of these days. While we were in the car going to the rally Berlusconi told me to be very worried and said he hoped nothing would happen " Bonaiuti recalled. "But unfortunately this time something very serious did occur " he said. Italy's political scene has been lately rocked by fierce contrasts between the opposition and the judiciary on one side and Berlusconi and his center-right government on the other. The prime minister has repeatedly accused the "communist left" of conducting a personal fight against him. All Berlusconi's allies condemned the assault linking it to the on-going political tensions and hate campaign.
[TGT] was attacked injured in the face by a protester and hospitalized shortly after a political meeting in Milan on Sunday evening. [TGT] was signing autographs when a man from the crowd threw at [TGT] a statuette representing the Milan Dome making [TGT] nose and mouth deeply bleed state-run television RAI reported. Under shock [TGT] was then rushed into a car and driven away to a nearby hospital for first aid assistance. Upon reaching the hospital [TGT] told a member of [TGT] staff that [TGT] was "feeling well." However the prime minister's conditions are serious according to the doctor in charge of him. He has suffered a severe nose trauma broken one of his teeth and injured his lower lip. [TGT] would spent the night at the hospital and be kept under medical control for 20 days the doctor explained. The man hid among a small group of protesters who were shouting slogans and whistling at [TGT]. Then unnoticed by the security he threw the statuette at [TGT]'s face. According to people who spoke to Berlusconi [TGT] said to be "very disappointed and afflicted by the attack which is the result of all the poison" lately thrown at [TGT]. "This is the consequence of the political tensions of these days. While we were in the car going to the rally [TGT] told me to be very worried and said [TGT] hoped nothing would happen " Bonaiuti recalled. "But unfortunately this time something very serious did occur " [TGT] said. Italy's political scene has been lately rocked by fierce contrasts between the opposition and the judiciary on one side and [TGT] and [TGT] center-right government on the other. [TGT] has repeatedly accused the "communist left" of conducting a personal fight against [TGT]. All [TGT]'s allies condemned the assault linking it to the on-going political tensions and hate campaign.
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Mitt Romney .
Mitt Romney
For his campaign , Romney assembled a veteran group of Republican staffers , consultants , and pollsters . -LSB- 230 -RSB- -LSB- 245 -RSB- These resources , combined with the mid-year near-collapse of nominal front-runner John McCain 's campaign , made Romney a threat to win the nomination and the focus of the other candidates ' attacks . -LSB- 246 -RSB- Romney 's staff suffered from internal strife ; the candidate himself was at times indecisive , often asking for more data before making a decision . During all of his political campaigns , Romney has avoided speaking publicly about Mormon doctrines , referring to the U.S. Constitution 's prohibition of religious tests for public office . -LSB- 248 -RSB- But persistent questions about the role of religion in Romney 's life , as well as Southern Baptist minister and former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee 's rise in the polls based upon an explicitly Christian-themed campaign , led to the December 6 , 2007 , "Faith in America" speech . -LSB- 249 -RSB- In the speech Romney declared , "I believe in my Mormon faith and endeavor to live by it . -LSB- 12 -RSB- Romney added that he should neither be elected nor rejected based upon his religion , -LSB- 250 -RSB- and echoed Senator John F. Kennedy 's famous speech during his 1960 presidential campaign in saying , "I will put no doctrine of any church above the plain duties of the office and the sovereign authority of the law ." Romney became a management consultant and in 1977 secured a position at Bain & Company . -LSB- 356 -RSB- -LSB- 357 -RSB- That initial debate overshadowed Obama 's improved presentation in the last two debates later in October , and Romney maintained a small advantage in the debates when seen as a whole . The campaign 's strategy called for winning the initial two contests -- the January 3 , 2008 , Iowa Republican caucuses and the adjacent-to-his-home-state January 8 New Hampshire primary -- and propelling Romney nationally . After stepping down from Bain Capital and his local leadership role in the LDS Church , Romney ran as the Republican candidate in the 1994 Massachusetts election for U.S. Senate . -LSB- 238 -RSB- -LSB- 256 -RSB- Romney seemed to approach the campaign as a management consulting exercise , and showed a lack of personal warmth and political feel ; journalist Evan Thomas wrote that Romney "came off as a phony , even when he was perfectly sincere ." -LSB- 238 -RSB- -LSB- 257 -RSB- The fervor with which Romney adopted his new stances and attitudes contributed to the perception of inauthenticity that hampered the campaign . -LSB- 62 -RSB- -LSB- 258 -RSB- Romney 's staff would conclude that competing as a candidate of social conservatism and ideological purity rather than of pragmatic competence had been a mistake . Elected Governor of Massachusetts in 2002 , Romney helped develop and then signed into law the Massachusetts health care reform legislation , the first of its kind in the nation . A win by McCain over Huckabee in South Carolina , and by Romney over McCain in childhood-home Michigan , set up a pivotal battle in the Florida primary . -LSB- 259 -RSB- -LSB- 260 -RSB- Romney campaigned intensively on economic issues and the burgeoning subprime mortgage crisis , while McCain attacked Romney regarding Iraq policy and benefited from endorsements from Florida officeholders . -LSB- 259 -RSB- -LSB- 260 -RSB- Although many Republican officials were now lining up behind McCain , -LSB- 260 -RSB- Romney persisted through the nationwide Super Tuesday contests on February 5 . Romney 's considerable net worth , estimated in 2012 at $ 190 -- 250 million , helped finance his political campaigns prior to 2012 . -LSB- 261 -RSB- Trailing McCain in delegates by a more than two-to-one margin , Romney announced the end of his campaign on February 7 . Romney was the Republican Party 's nominee for President of the United States in the 2012 election . Altogether , Romney had won 11 primaries and caucuses , -LSB- 262 -RSB- receiving about 4.7 million votes -LSB- 263 -RSB- and garnering about 280 delegates . Romney kept a low profile for a while after the election , but later became more visible politically . Romney endorsed McCain for president a week later , -LSB- 264 -RSB- and McCain had Romney on a short list for vice presidential running mate , where his business experience would have balanced one of McCain 's weaknesses . See also : Romney family . Romney supported the Bush administration 's Troubled Asset Relief Program in response to the late-2000s financial crisis , later saying that it prevented the U.S. financial system from collapsing . Following the 2008 election , Romney laid the groundwork for a likely 2012 presidential campaign by using his Free and Strong America political action committee -LRB- PAC -RRB- to raise money for other Republican candidates and pay his existing political staff 's salaries and consulting fees . -LSB- 281 -RSB- -LSB- 283 -RSB- In February 2010 , Romney had a minor altercation with LMFAO member Skyler Gordy , known as Sky Blu , on an airplane flight . Romney has three older siblings , Margo , Jane , and Scott . -LSB- 14 -RSB- Romney was referred to as "Billy" until kindergarten , when he expressed a preference for "Mitt" . Romney and Obama shaking hands . -LSB- 279 -RSB- Romney maintained his voting registration in Massachusetts , however , and bought a smaller condominium in Belmont during 2010 . Romney attended public elementary schools until the seventh grade , when he enrolled as one of only a few Mormon students at Cranbrook School , a private upscale boys ' preparatory school a few miles from his home . Casual photograph of Mitt Romney indoors seated and signing books . -LSB- 18 -RSB- -LSB- 22 -RSB- Romney took up residence at Cranbrook when his newly elected father began spending most of his time at the state capitol . -LSB- 287 -RSB- In the book , Romney writes of his belief in American exceptionalism , -LSB- 288 -RSB- and presents his economic and geopolitical views rather than anecdotes about his personal or political life . At Cranbrook , Romney helped manage the ice hockey team , and he joined the pep squad . Immediately following the March 2010 passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act , Romney attacked the landmark legislation as "an unconscionable abuse of power" and said the act should be repealed . -LSB- 18 -RSB- -LSB- 20 -RSB- Romney was involved in several pranks while attending Cranbrook . -LSB- 291 -RSB- While acknowledging that his plan was an imperfect work in progress , Romney did not back away from it . In nationwide opinion polling for the 2012 Republican Presidential primaries , Romney led or placed in the top three with Palin and Huckabee . A January 2010 National Journal survey of political insiders found that a majority of Republican insiders and a plurality of Democratic insiders predicted Romney would be the party 's 2012 nominee . -LSB- 294 -RSB- Romney campaigned heavily for Republican candidates in the 2010 midterm elections , -LSB- 295 -RSB- raising more money than the other prospective 2012 Republican presidential candidates . Romney attended Stanford University during the 1965-66 academic year . -LSB- 18 -RSB- As opposition to United States involvement in the Vietnam War grew , a group staged a May 1966 sit-in at Stanford 's administration building to demonstrate against draft status tests ; Romney joined a counter-protest against that group . On June 2 , 2011 , Romney formally announced the start of his campaign . Main article : Mitt Romney presidential campaign , 2012 . Mitt Romney sitting outdoors during daytime , with crowd behind him holding up blue and white "Romney" signs . On April 11 , 2011 , Romney announced , via a video taped outdoors at the University of New Hampshire , that he had formed an exploratory committee for a run for the Republican presidential nomination . -LSB- 11 -RSB- Most individual Mormon missionaries do not gain many converts -LSB- nb 4 -RSB- and Romney was no exception : -LSB- 33 -RSB- he later estimated ten to twenty for his entire mission . Romney stood to benefit from the Republican electorate 's tendency to nominate candidates who had previously run for president , and thus appeared to be next in line to be chosen . -LSB- 40 -RSB- When the French expressed opposition to the U.S. role in the Vietnam War , Romney debated them . -LSB- 297 -RSB- -LSB- 299 -RSB- -LSB- 301 -RSB- As many potential Republican candidates with star power and fundraising ability decided not to run -LRB- including Mike Pence , John Thune , Haley Barbour , Mike Huckabee , and Mitch Daniels -RRB- , Republican party figures searched for plausible alternatives to Romney . -LSB- nb 6 -RSB- Romney then became co-president of a mission that had become demoralized and disorganized after the May 1968 general strike and student uprisings and the car accident . -LSB- 41 -RSB- With Romney rallying the others , the mission met its goal of 200 baptisms for the year , the most in a decade . -LSB- 33 -RSB- -LSB- 42 -RSB- As a result of his experience there , Romney developed a lifelong affection for France and its people and has also remained fluent in French . Romney raised $ 56 million during 2011 , more than double the amount raised by any of his Republican opponents , -LSB- 306 -RSB- and refrained from spending his own money on the campaign . At their first meeting following his return , Romney and Ann Davies reconnected and decided to get married . -LSB- 45 -RSB- Romney began attending Brigham Young University -LRB- BYU -RRB- , where she had been studying . -LSB- 309 -RSB- Perry and Romney exchanged sharp criticisms of each other during a series of debates among the Republican candidates . Romney continued to seek support from a wary Republican electorate ; at this point in the race , his poll numbers were relatively flat and at a historically low level for a Republican frontrunner . -LSB- 311 -RSB- -LSB- 315 -RSB- -LSB- 316 -RSB- After the charges of flip-flopping that marked his 2008 campaign began to accumulate again , Romney declared in November 2011 : "I 've been as consistent as human beings can be ." -LSB- 317 -RSB- -LSB- 318 -RSB- -LSB- 319 -RSB- In the final month before voting began , Newt Gingrich experienced a significant surge -- taking a solid lead in national polls and most of the early caucus and primary states -LSB- 320 -RSB- -- before settling back into parity or worse with Romney following a barrage of negative ads from Restore Our Future , a pro-Romney Super PAC . -LSB- 49 -RSB- During the U.S. military draft for the Vietnam War , Romney sought and received two 2-S student deferments , then a 4-D ministerial deferment while living in France as a Mormon missionary . In the initial contest , the 2012 Iowa caucuses of January 3 , election officials announced Romney as ahead with 25 percent of the vote , edging out a late-gaining Rick Santorum by eight votes -LRB- an also-strong Ron Paul finished third -RRB- . -LSB- 323 -RSB- A week after the Iowa caucuses , Romney earned a decisive win in the New Hampshire primary with a total of 39 percent of the vote ; Paul finished second and Jon Huntsman , Jr. third . At culturally conservative BYU , Romney remained isolated from much of the upheaval of that era . -LSB- 254 -RSB- Huckabee and McCain criticized Romney 's image as a flip flopper -LSB- 254 -RSB- and this label would stick to Romney through the campaign -LSB- 230 -RSB- -LRB- one that Romney rejected as unfair and inaccurate , except for his acknowledged change of mind on abortion -RRB- . In the run-up to the South Carolina Republican primary , Gingrich launched ads criticizing Romney for causing job losses while at Bain Capital , Perry referred to Romney 's role there as "vulture capitalism" , and Sarah Palin pressed Romney to prove his claim that he created 100,000 jobs during that time . -LSB- 325 -RSB- -LSB- 326 -RSB- Many conservatives rallied in defense of Romney , rejecting what they inferred as criticism of free-market capitalism . -LSB- 325 -RSB- During two debates in the state , Romney fumbled questions about releasing his income tax returns , while Gingrich gained support with audience-rousing attacks on the debate moderators . -LSB- 327 -RSB- -LSB- 328 -RSB- Romney 's double-digit lead in state polls evaporated ; he lost to Gingrich by 13 points in the January 21 primary . -LSB- 327 -RSB- Combined with the delayed loss in Iowa , Romney 's admitted poor week represented a lost chance to end the race early , and he quickly decided to release two years of his tax returns . -LSB- 327 -RSB- -LSB- 329 -RSB- The race turned to the Florida Republican primary , where in debates , appearances , and advertisements , Romney launched a sustained barrage against Gingrich 's past record and associations and current electability . Benjamin -LRB- 1978 -RRB- and Craig -LRB- 1981 -RRB- would arrive later , after Romney had begun his career . Mitt Romney wanted to pursue a business career , but his father advised him that a law degree would be valuable to his career even if he never practiced law . Several caucuses and primaries took place during February , and Santorum won three in a single night early in the month , propelling him into the lead in national and some state polls and positioning him as Romney 's chief rival . -LSB- 333 -RSB- Days later , Romney told the Conservative Political Action Conference that he had been a "severely conservative governor" -LSB- 334 -RSB- -LRB- while during his term in 2005 he had maintained that his positions were moderate and characterized reports that he was shifting to the right to attract conservative votes a media distortion -RRB- . -LSB- 335 -RSB- Romney won the other five February contests , including a closely fought one in his home state of Michigan at the end of the month . -LSB- 291 -RSB- The antipathy Republicans felt for it created a potential problem for the former governor , since the new federal law was in many ways similar to the Massachusetts health care reform passed during Romney 's gubernatorial tenure ; as one Associated Press article stated , "Obamacare ... looks a lot like Romneycare ." -LSB- 338 -RSB- Romney maintained his delegate margin through subsequent contests , -LSB- 339 -RSB- and Santorum suspended his campaign on April 10 . -LSB- 340 -RSB- Following a sweep of five more contests on April 24 , the Republican National Committee put its resources to work for Romney as the party 's presumptive nominee . -LSB- 341 -RSB- Romney clinched a majority of the delegates with a win in the Texas primary on May 29 . Main article : Business career of Mitt Romney . Recruited by several firms in 1975 , Romney joined the Boston Consulting Group -LRB- BCG -RRB- , reasoning that working as a management consultant for a variety of companies would better prepare him for a future position as a chief executive . -LSB- 343 -RSB- A related issue dealt with Romney 's purported responsibility for actions at Bain Capital after taking the Olympics post . -LSB- 98 -RSB- -LSB- 100 -RSB- Romney faced demands from Democrats to release additional years of his tax returns , an action a number of Republicans also felt would be wise ; after being adamant that he would not do that , he released summaries of them in late September . -LSB- 110 -RSB- -LSB- 344 -RSB- During May and June , the Obama campaign spent heavily and was able to paint a negative image of Romney in voters ' minds before the Romney campaign could construct a positive one . In July 2012 , Romney visited the United Kingdom , Israel , and Poland , meeting leaders in an effort to raise his credibility as a world statesman . -LSB- 56 -RSB- -LSB- 62 -RSB- -LSB- 65 -RSB- Bain himself would later say of the thirty-year-old Romney , "He had the appearance -LSB- sic -RSB- of confidence of a guy who was maybe ten years older ." -LSB- 347 -RSB- -LSB- 348 -RSB- Israeli Prime Minister -LRB- and former BCG colleague -RRB- Benjamin Netanyahu , embraced Romney , though some Palestinians criticized him for suggesting that Israel 's culture led to their greater economic success . -LSB- 56 -RSB- -LSB- 62 -RSB- Romney became a vice-president of the firm in 1978 , -LSB- 15 -RSB- working with such clients as the Monsanto Company , Outboard Marine Corporation , Burlington Industries , and Corning Incorporated . -LSB- 448 -RSB- In February 2017 , Romney stated that Trump is "off to a very strong start" in fulfilling his campaign promises , although he has "no regrets" about his anti-Trump speech . On August 11 , 2012 , the Romney campaign announced the selection of Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his vice-presidential running mate . On August 28 , 2012 , the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa , Florida , officially nominated Romney as their candidate for the presidency . -LSB- 351 -RSB- Romney became the first Mormon to be a major-party presidential nominee . Two family incidents during this time later surfaced during Romney 's political campaigns . -LSB- 68 -RSB- -LSB- 69 -RSB- A state park ranger in 1981 told Romney his motorboat had an insufficiently visible license number and that he would face a $ 50 fine if he took the boat onto the lake . Disagreeing about the license and wanting to continue a family outing , Romney took it out anyway , saying he would pay the fine . Romney went on to say : "And so my job is not to worry about those people . -LSB- 47 -RSB- The dog incident in particular later became fodder for Romney 's critics and political opponents . County-by-county results of the election , shaded by percentage won : Obama in blue , Romney in red . Media figures and political analysts widely viewed Romney as having delivered a stronger and more focused presentation than did President Obama . In 1984 , Romney left Bain & Company to cofound the spin-off private equity investment firm , Bain Capital . -LSB- 72 -RSB- He had initially refrained from accepting Bill Bain 's offer to head the new venture , until Bain rearranged the terms in a complicated partnership structure so that there was no financial or professional risk to Romney . -LSB- 56 -RSB- -LSB- 66 -RSB- -LSB- 73 -RSB- Bain and Romney raised the $ 37 million in funds needed to start the new operation , which had seven employees . -LSB- 59 -RSB- -LSB- 74 -RSB- Romney held the titles of president -LSB- 75 -RSB- and managing general partner . -LSB- 359 -RSB- Romney garnered 206 electoral college votes to Obama 's 332 , losing all but one of nine battleground states , and 47 percent of the nationwide popular vote to Obama 's 51 percent . -LSB- 360 -RSB- -LSB- 361 -RSB- Media accounts described Romney as "shellshocked" by the result . -LSB- 362 -RSB- But Romney 's get out the vote operation had been inferior to Obama 's , both in person-to-person organization and in voter modeling and outreach technology -LSB- 363 -RSB- -LRB- the latter exemplified by the failure of the Project Orca application -RRB- . Romney set up a system in which any partner could veto one of these potential opportunities , and he personally saw so many weaknesses that few venture capital investments were approved in the initial two years . -LSB- 56 -RSB- The firm 's first significant success was a 1986 investment to help start Staples Inc. , after founder Thomas G. Stemberg convinced Romney of the market size for office supplies and Romney convinced others ; Bain Capital eventually reaped a nearly sevenfold return on its investment , and Romney sat on the Staples board of directors for over a decade . -LSB- 364 -RSB- Reflecting on his defeat during a conference call to hundreds of fundraisers and donors a week after the election , Romney attributed the outcome to Obama 's having secured the votes of specific interest groups , including African Americans , Hispanic Americans , young people , and women , by offering them what Romney called "extraordinary financial gifts ." Romney soon switched Bain Capital 's focus from startups to the relatively new business of leveraged buyouts : buying existing companies with money mostly borrowed from banking institutions using the newly bought companies ' assets as collateral , then taking steps to improve the companies ' value , and finally selling those companies once their value peaked , usually within a few years . See also : Issues and positions throughout Romney 's political career . Romney discovered few investment opportunities himself -LRB- and those that he did , often failed to make money for the firm -RRB- . Romney meeting with President Obama after the 2012 presidential election . -LSB- 84 -RSB- Within Bain Capital , Romney spread profits from deals widely within the firm to keep people motivated , often keeping less than ten percent for himself . -LSB- 85 -RSB- Data-driven , Romney often played the role of a devil 's advocate during exhaustive analysis of whether to go forward with a deal . -LSB- 56 -RSB- Romney served on the board of directors of Damon Corporation , a medical testing company later found guilty of defrauding the government ; Bain Capital tripled its investment before selling off the company , and the fraud was discovered by the new owners -LRB- Romney was never implicated -RRB- . -LSB- 56 -RSB- In some cases , Romney had little involvement with a company once Bain Capital acquired it . Romney pledged to lead an effort to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -LRB- "Obamacare" -RRB- and replace it with a system that gives states more control over Medicaid and makes health insurance premiums tax-advantaged for individuals in the same way they are for businesses . -LSB- 429 -RSB- Romney publicly criticized Trump for not releasing his taxes , saying there might be a "bombshell" in them . -LSB- 86 -RSB- Referring to the layoffs that sometimes occurred , Romney said in 2007 : "Sometimes the medicine is a little bitter but it is necessary to save the life of the patient . Romney opposed the use of mandatory limits on greenhouse gas emissions to deal with global warming . In 1990 , facing financial collapse , Bain & Company asked Romney to return . Romney labeled Russia as America 's "number one geopolitical foe" , -LSB- 384 -RSB- and asserted that preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear capability should be America 's "highest national security priority" . -LSB- 385 -RSB- Romney stated his strong support for Israel . In addition to calling for cuts in federal government spending to help reduce the national debt , -LSB- 370 -RSB- Romney proposed measures intended to limit the growth of entitlement programs , such as introducing means testing and gradually raising the eligibility ages for receipt of Social Security and Medicare . -LSB- 387 -RSB- Romney supported the Patriot Act , -LSB- 388 -RSB- the continued operation of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp , and use of enhanced interrogation techniques against suspected terrorists . Romney took a leave of absence from Bain Capital from November 1993 to November 1994 to run for the U.S. Senate . -LSB- 47 -RSB- -LSB- 93 -RSB- During that time , Ampad workers went on strike and asked Romney to intervene . Against the advice of Bain Capital lawyers , Romney met the strikers , but told them he had no position of active authority in the matter . Since 2005 , Romney described himself as "pro-life" . -LSB- 392 -RSB- -LSB- nb 10 -RSB- -LSB- nb 14 -RSB- During his 1994 campaign for the senate , Romney had said , "I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country ," a stance he reiterated during his 2002 campaign for governor . -LSB- 137 -RSB- -LSB- 395 -RSB- While Romney would prefer to see passage of a constitutional amendment that would outlaw abortion , he did not believe the public would support such an amendment ; -LSB- 396 -RSB- as an alternative , he promised to nominate Supreme Court justices who would help overturn Roe v. Wade , allowing each state to decide on the legality of abortion . Starting in February 1999 , Romney took a paid leave of absence from Bain Capital in order to serve as the president and CEO of the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games Organizing Committee . -LSB- 97 -RSB- -LSB- 98 -RSB- Billed in some public statements as keeping a part-time role , -LSB- 97 -RSB- -LSB- 99 -RSB- Romney remained the firm 's sole shareholder , managing director , CEO , and president , signing corporate and legal documents , attending to his interests within the firm , and conducting prolonged negotiations for the terms of his departure . In August 2001 , Romney announced that he would not return to Bain Capital . During the first year following the election defeat , Romney generally kept a low profile , -LSB- 401 -RSB- with his ordinary daily activities around San Diego being captured via social media glimpses . -LSB- 403 -RSB- In March 2013 , Romney gave a reflective interview on Fox News Sunday , stating , "It kills me not to be there , not to be in the White House doing what needs to be done" . -LSB- 406 -RSB- -RRB- Romney began working as executive partner group chairman for Solamere Capital , a private capital firm in Boston owned by his son Tagg . As a result of his business career , Romney and his wife had a net worth of between $ 190 and $ 250 million , -LSB- 2 -RSB- -LSB- 103 -RSB- including their retirement account , worth between $ 20 and $ 100 million . -LSB- 107 -RSB- -LSB- 108 -RSB- In 2010 , Romney and his wife received about $ 22 million in income , almost all of it from investments such as dividends , capital gains , and carried interest ; and they paid about $ 3 million in federal income taxes , for an effective tax rate of 14 percent . -LSB- 407 -RSB- -LSB- 410 -RSB- In addition , Romney and his siblings continue to own a cottage in the gated community called Beach O ' Pines located south of Grand Bend , Ontario , which has been in the family for more than sixty years . Romney has tithed to the LDS Church regularly , and donated generously to LDS Church-owned BYU . -LSB- 409 -RSB- The 2014 documentary film Mitt showed a behind-the-scenes , family-based perspective on both of Romney 's presidential campaigns and received positive notices for humanizing the candidate and illustrating the toll that campaigning takes . -LSB- 109 -RSB- The Romney family 's Tyler Charitable Foundation gave out about $ 650,000 in that year , some of which went to organizations that fight diseases . -LSB- 342 -RSB- Negative ads from both sides dominated the campaign , with Obama 's proclaiming that Romney shipped jobs overseas while at Bain Capital and kept money in offshore tax havens and Swiss bank accounts . Romney himself thought he might be branded a "loser for life" and fade into an obscurity like Michael Dukakis -LSB- 406 -RSB- -LRB- a similar figure with no obvious base of political support who had lost what his party considered a winnable presidential election -RRB- -LSB- 414 -RSB- but , to the surprise of many political observers , that did not happen . -LSB- 415 -RSB- Romney re-emerged onto the political scene in the run-up to the 2014 U.S. midterm elections , endorsing , campaigning , and fundraising for a number of Republican candidates , especially those running for the U.S. Senate . During his business career , Romney held several positions in the local lay clergy . -LSB- 330 -RSB- -LSB- 331 -RSB- Romney enjoyed a large spending advantage from both his campaign and his aligned Super PAC , and after a record-breaking rate of negative ads from both sides , Romney won Florida on January 31 , gaining 46 percent of the vote to Gingrich 's 32 percent . -LSB- 413 -RSB- Regarding such a possibility , Romney at first responded , "Oh , no , no , no . From 1986 to 1994 , Romney presided over the Boston Stake , which included more than a dozen wards in eastern Massachusetts and almost 4,000 church members . -LSB- 419 -RSB- A poll conducted in July 2014 by CNN showed Romney with a 53 to 44 lead over Obama in a hypothetical election "redo ." -LSB- 420 -RSB- -LSB- 421 -RSB- By early 2015 , Romney was actively considering the idea and contacting his network of supporters . -LSB- 422 -RSB- -LSB- 423 -RSB- In doing so he was positioning himself in the invisible primary -- the preliminary jockeying for the backing of party leaders , donors , and political operatives -- against former Florida governor Jeb Bush , who had already set a likely campaign in motion and would be a rival to Romney for establishment Republican support . -LSB- 423 -RSB- -LSB- 424 -RSB- Despite support in some quarters for a third bid for the presidency , there was a backlash against him from conservatives who wanted a fresher face without a history of presidential losses , -LSB- 425 -RSB- and many of Romney 's past donors were not willing to commit to him again . -LSB- 426 -RSB- Romney announced on January 30 , 2015 that he would not run for president in 2016 , saying that while he thought he could win the nomination , "one of our next generation of Republican leaders" would be better positioned to win the general election . Romney took a hands-on role in the Belmont Stake 's matters , helping in domestic maintenance efforts , visiting the sick , and counseling burdened church members . As the Republican presidential nomination race went into the primaries season , Romney had not endorsed anyone but was one of the Republican establishment figures who were becoming increasingly concerned about the front-runner status of New York businessman Donald Trump . -LSB- 115 -RSB- Romney tried to balance the conservative directives from church leadership in Utah with the desire of some Massachusetts members to have a more flexible application of religious doctrine . -LSB- 430 -RSB- Trump responded by calling Romney "one of the dumbest and worst candidates in the history of Republican politics ." -LSB- 429 -RSB- Then Romney gave a speech on March 3 , 2016 , at the Hinckley Institute of Politics , that represented a scathing attack on Trump 's personal behavior , business performance , and domestic and foreign policy stances . -LSB- 67 -RSB- Romney later said that the years spent as an LDS minister gave him direct exposure to people struggling financially and empathy for those with family problems . -LSB- 431 -RSB- -LSB- 432 -RSB- In response Trump dismissed Romney as a "choke artist" . Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan seen in medium distance on an outdoor stage , with large crowd around them . -LSB- 432 -RSB- -LSB- 433 -RSB- -LSB- 434 -RSB- Romney encouraged Republicans to engage in tactical voting , by supporting whichever of the remaining rivals had the best chance to beat Trump in any given state , -LSB- 435 -RSB- and as such Romney announced he was voting for , although not endorsing , Ted Cruz for president prior to the March 22 Utah caucus . Romney then announced that he would not support Trump in the general election , saying , "I am dismayed at where we are now , I wish we had better choices" . -LSB- 432 -RSB- Romney 's speech represented an unprecedented attack by a major U.S. party 's most recent presidential nominee against the party 's current front-runner for the nomination . For much of his business career , Romney did not take public , political stances . In June , Romney said that he would not vote for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton either , saying : "It 's a matter of personal conscience . -LSB- 440 -RSB- When pressed on who of Trump and Clinton was more qualified to be President , Romney quoted P. J. O'Rourke : "Hillary Clinton is wrong on every issue , but she 's wrong within the normal parameters ." By 1993 , Romney had begun thinking about entering politics , partly based upon Ann 's urging and partly to follow in his father 's footsteps . -LSB- 441 -RSB- In September he called for Johnson to be included in the presidential debates -LSB- 442 -RSB- and in October it emerged that Independent candidate Evan McMullin was using an email list of 2.5 million Romney supporters to raise money . -LSB- 443 -RSB- McMullin 's chief strategist said that it was purchased from Romney for President and that "we 'll let other folks discuss what that may mean and certainly never speak for -LSB- Romney -RSB-" . -LSB- 123 -RSB- -LSB- 124 -RSB- -LSB- 125 -RSB- Romney changed his affiliation to Republican in October 1993 and formally announced his candidacy in February 1994 . -LSB- 47 -RSB- In addition to his leave from Bain Capital , Romney als stepped down from his church leadership role in 1994 . -LSB- 444 -RSB- After Trump won the election , Romney congratulated him via phone call and on Twitter . -LSB- 445 -RSB- On November 19 , Romney met with the President-elect at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster , New Jersey , reportedly to discuss the position of Secretary of State , -LSB- 446 -RSB- -LSB- 447 -RSB- a position which ultimately went to Rex Tillerson . Radio personality Janet Jeghelian took an early lead in polls among candidates for the Republican nomination for the Senate seat , but Romney proved the most effective fundraiser . -LSB- 128 -RSB- Romney defeated Lakian in the September 1994 primary with more than 80 percent of the vote . In September 2017 press reports said that should U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch retire , Romney would run in Utah for that seat in 2018 . -LSB- 123 -RSB- The younger , telegenic , and well-funded Romney ran as a businessman who stated he had created ten thousand jobs and as a Washington outsider with a solid family image and moderate stances on social issues . -LSB- 123 -RSB- -LSB- 130 -RSB- When Kennedy tried to tie Romney 's policies to those of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush , Romney responded , "Look , I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush . -LSB- 131 -RSB- Romney stated , "Ultimately , this is a campaign about change ." Romney has received a number of honorary doctorates , including in business from the University of Utah in 1999 , -LSB- 451 -RSB- in law from Bentley College in 2002 , -LSB- 452 -RSB- in public administration from Suffolk University Law School in 2004 , -LSB- 453 -RSB- in public service from Hillsdale College in 2007 , -LSB- 454 -RSB- and in humanities from Liberty University in 2012 . Romney 's campaign was effective in portraying Kennedy as soft on crime , but had trouble establishing its own consistent positions . -LSB- 336 -RSB- -LSB- 337 -RSB- In the Super Tuesday primaries and caucuses of March 6 , Romney won six of ten contests , including a narrow victory in Ohio over a vastly outspent Santorum . -LSB- 123 -RSB- -LSB- 134 -RSB- -LSB- 135 -RSB- Kennedy responded with a series of ads that focused on Romney 's seemingly shifting political views on issues such as abortion ; -LSB- 136 -RSB- Romney responded by stating , "I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country ." -LSB- 137 -RSB- Other Kennedy ads centered on layoffs of workers at the Ampad plant owned by Romney 's Bain Capital . -LSB- 123 -RSB- -LSB- 138 -RSB- The latter was effective in blunting Romney 's momentum . -LSB- 81 -RSB- Kennedy and Romney held a widely watched late-October debate that had no clear winner , but by then , Kennedy had pulled ahead in polls and stayed ahead afterward . -LSB- 139 -RSB- Romney spent $ 3 million of his own money in the race and more than $ 7 million overall . -LSB- 140 -RSB- -LSB- nb 11 -RSB- In the November general election , despite a disastrous showing for Democrats nationwide , Kennedy won the election with 58 percent of the vote to Romney 's 41 percent , -LSB- 56 -RSB- the smallest margin in any of Kennedy 's re-election campaigns for the Senate . The day after the election , Romney returned to Bain Capital , but the loss had a lasting effect ; he told his brother , "I never want to run for something again unless I can win ." Romney felt restless as the decade neared a close ; the goal of simply making more money held little attraction for him . -LSB- 462 -RSB- In 2012 , Time magazine included Romney in their List of The 100 Most Influential People in the World . -LSB- 144 -RSB- -LSB- 146 -RSB- -LSB- 147 -RSB- On February 11 , 1999 , the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games of 2002 hired Romney as its president and CEO . Photograph of Romney standing with microphone in middle of curling lanes . Before Romney took over , the event was $ 379 million short of its revenue goals . They chose Romney based on his business and legal expertise as well as his connections to both the LDS Church and the state . -LSB- 39 -RSB- Romney donated to charity the $ 1.4 million in salary and severance payments he received for his three years as president and CEO , and also contributed $ 1 million to the Olympics . Romney restructured the organization 's leadership and policies . Romney said that he would appoint federal judges in the mold of U.S. Supreme Court justices John Roberts , Clarence Thomas , Antonin Scalia , and Samuel Alito . -LSB- 144 -RSB- -LSB- 147 -RSB- Romney worked to ensure the safety of the Games following the September 11 , 2001 terrorist attacks by coordinating a $ 300 million security budget . -LSB- 148 -RSB- The federal government provided approximately $ 400 million -LSB- 147 -RSB- -LSB- 153 -RSB- -LSB- 154 -RSB- to $ 600 million -LSB- 155 -RSB- -LSB- 156 -RSB- of that budget , much of it a result of Romney 's having aggressively lobbied Congress and federal agencies . Romney emerged as the local public face of the Olympic effort , appearing in photographs , in news stories , on collectible Olympics pins depicting Romney wrapped by an American flag , and on buttons carrying phrases like "Hey , Mitt , we love you !" -LSB- 144 -RSB- -LSB- 147 -RSB- -LSB- 159 -RSB- Robert H. Garff , the chair of the organizing committee , later said "It was obvious that he had an agenda larger than just the Olympics ," -LSB- 144 -RSB- and that Romney wanted to use the Olympics to propel himself into the national spotlight and a political career . -LSB- 147 -RSB- -LSB- 160 -RSB- Garff believed the initial budget situation was not as bad as Romney portrayed , given there were still three years to reorganize . -LSB- 147 -RSB- Olympics critic Steve Pace , who led Utahns for Responsible Public Spending , thought Romney exaggerated the initial fiscal state to lay the groundwork for a well-publicized rescue . -LSB- 160 -RSB- Kenneth Bullock , another board member of the organizing committee and also head of the Utah League of Cities and Towns , often clashed with Romney at the time , and later said that Romney deserved some credit for the turnaround but not as much as he claimed . By early 2014 , the lack of a clear mainstream Republican candidate for the 2016 presidential election led some supporters , donors , and pollsters to suggest Romney stage a third run . -LSB- 161 -RSB- President George W. Bush praised Romney 's efforts and 87 percent of Utahns approved of his performance as Olympics head . -LSB- 62 -RSB- U.S. Olympic Committee head William Hybl credited Romney with an extraordinary effort in overcoming a difficult time for the Olympics , culminating in "the greatest Winter Games I have ever seen" . -LSB- 147 -RSB- Romney wrote a book about his experience titled Turnaround : Crisis , Leadership , and the Olympic Games , published in 2004 . The role gave Romney experience in dealing with federal , state , and local entities , a public persona he had previously lacked , and the chance to relaunch his political aspirations . -LSB- 296 -RSB- Beginning in early 2011 , Romney presented a more relaxed visual image , including more casual attire . -LSB- 162 -RSB- -LSB- 165 -RSB- Prominent party figures -- as well as the White House -- wanted Romney to run for governor -LSB- 166 -RSB- -LSB- 167 -RSB- and the opportunity appealed to him for reasons including its national visibility . -LSB- 168 -RSB- A poll by the Boston Herald showed Republicans favoring Romney over Swift by more than 50 percentage points . -LSB- 169 -RSB- On March 19 , 2002 , Swift announced she would not seek her party 's nomination , and hours later Romney declared his candidacy , -LSB- 169 -RSB- for which he would face no opposition in the primary . -LSB- 170 -RSB- In June 2002 , the Massachusetts Democratic Party challenged Romney 's eligibility to run for governor , noting that state law required seven years ' consecutive residence and that Romney had filed his state tax returns as a Utah resident in 1999 and 2000 . Romney again ran as a political outsider . -LSB- 413 -RSB- Nevertheless , speculation continued : the continuing unpopularity of Obama led to buyer 's remorse among some voters ; the 2014 Russian military intervention in Ukraine made Romney 's "No. 1 geopolitical foe" remark look prescient ; and an August 2014 poll of Iowan Republicans showed Romney with a large lead there over other potential 2016 candidates . Romney released his book , No Apology : The Case for American Greatness , in March 2010 , and undertook an 18-state book tour to promote the work . In an attempt to overcome the image that had damaged him in the 1994 Senate race -- that of a wealthy corporate buyout specialist out of touch with the needs of regular people -- the campaign staged a series of "work days" , in which Romney performed blue-collar jobs such as herding cows and baling hay , unloading a fishing boat , and hauling garbage . -LSB- 346 -RSB- Comments Romney made about the readiness of the 2012 Summer Olympics were perceived as undiplomatic by the British press . -LSB- 180 -RSB- O'Brien said that Romney 's budget plans were unrealistic ; the two also differed on capital punishment and bilingual education , with Romney supporting the former and opposing the latter . -LSB- 356 -RSB- Exit polls published following the election showed that voters never saw Romney as someone who cared about people like them . During the election , Romney contributed more than $ 6 million -- a state record at the time -- to the nearly $ 10 million raised for his campaign overall . Main article : Governorship of Mitt Romney . The swearing in of Romney as the 70th governor of Massachusetts took place on January 2 , 2003 . -LSB- 290 -RSB- Romney donated his earnings from the book to charity . -LSB- 189 -RSB- -LSB- 190 -RSB- Through a combination of spending cuts , increased fees , and removal of corporate tax loopholes , -LSB- 189 -RSB- the state achieved surpluses of around $ 600 -- 700 million during Romney 's last two full fiscal years in office , although it began running deficits again after that . Mitt Romney resting on a wooden desk , flanked by an American flag , a picture of his wife , a lamp , and a painting of mountains . Romney supported raising various fees , including those for drivers ' licenses and gun licenses , to raise more than $ 300 million . -LSB- 189 -RSB- Romney also closed tax loopholes that brought in another $ 181 million from businesses over the next two years and over $ 300 million for his term . -LSB- 388 -RSB- Romney opposed same-sex marriage and civil unions , although he favored domestic partnership legislation that gives certain legal rights to same-sex couples , such as hospital visitation . -LSB- 174 -RSB- -LSB- 189 -RSB- Romney sought additional cuts in his last year as governor by vetoing nearly 250 items in the state budget ; a heavily Democratic legislature overrode all the vetoes . -LSB- 174 -RSB- -LSB- 189 -RSB- The combined state and local tax burden in Massachusetts increased during Romney 's governorship . Romney sought to bring near-universal health insurance coverage to the state . -LSB- 176 -RSB- -LSB- 201 -RSB- Although the idea of universal health insurance had not come to the fore during the campaign , Romney decided that because people without insurance still received expensive health care , the money spent by the state for such care could be better used to subsidize insurance for the poor . Determined that a new Massachusetts health insurance measure not raise taxes or resemble the previous decade 's failed "Hillarycare" proposal at the federal level , Romney formed a team of consultants from diverse political backgrounds to apply those principles . -LSB- 176 -RSB- -LSB- 187 -RSB- -LSB- 201 -RSB- In particular , Romney pushed for incorporating an individual mandate at the state level . -LSB- 21 -RSB- Past rival Ted Kennedy , who had made universal health coverage his life 's work and who , over time , had developed a warm relationship with Romney , -LSB- 202 -RSB- gave the plan a positive reception , which encouraged Democratic legislators to cooperate . -LSB- 176 -RSB- -LSB- 201 -RSB- The effort eventually gained the support of all major stakeholders within the state , and Romney helped break a logjam between rival Democratic leaders in the legislature . -LSB- 206 -RSB- The law was the first of its kind in the nation and became the signature achievement of Romney 's term in office . At the beginning of his governorship , Romney opposed same-sex marriage and civil unions , but advocated tolerance and supported some domestic partnership benefits . -LSB- 210 -RSB- Romney reluctantly backed a state constitutional amendment in February 2004 that would have banned those marriages but still allowed civil unions , viewing it as the only feasible way to accomplish the former . -LSB- 208 -RSB- -LSB- 211 -RSB- In June 2005 , Romney abandoned his support for the compromise amendment , stating that it confused voters who opposed both same-sex marriage and civil unions . In mid-September , a video surfaced of Romney speaking before a group of supporters in which he stated that 47 percent of the nation pays no income tax , are dependent on the federal government , see themselves as victims , and will support President Obama unconditionally . In 2005 , Romney revealed a change of view regarding abortion , moving from the pro-choice positions expressed during his 1994 and 2002 campaigns to a pro-life one in opposition to Roe v. Wade . -LSB- 176 -RSB- Romney attributed his conversion to an interaction with Harvard University biologist Douglas Melton , an expert on embryonic stem cell biology , although Melton vehemently disputed Romney 's recollection of their conversation . -LSB- 214 -RSB- Romney subsequently vetoed a bill on pro-life grounds that expanded access to emergency contraception in hospitals and pharmacies -LRB- the legislature overrode the veto -RRB- . Romney used a bully pulpit approach towards promoting his agenda , staging well-organized media events to appeal directly to the public rather than pushing his proposals in behind-doors sessions with the state legislature . -LSB- 176 -RSB- After two years of negotiating the state 's participation in the landmark Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative that instituted a cap-and-trade arrangement for power plant emissions in the Northeast , Romney pulled Massachusetts out of the initiative shortly before its signing in December 2005 , citing a lack of cost limits for industry . During 2004 , Romney spent considerable effort trying to bolster the state Republican Party , but it failed to gain any seats in the state legislative elections that year . -LSB- 218 -RSB- Midway through his term , Romney decided that he wanted to stage a full-time run for president , -LSB- 219 -RSB- and on December 14 , 2005 , announced that he would not seek re-election for a second term . -LSB- 220 -RSB- As chair of the Republican Governors Association , Romney traveled around the country , meeting prominent Republicans and building a national political network ; -LSB- 219 -RSB- he spent all , or parts of , more than 200 days out of state during 2006 , preparing for his run . -LSB- 443 -RSB- A spokeswoman for Romney said that the list had been "rented by several political candidates in the presidential primary , and by countless other political and commercial users in the time since the 2012 campaign" -LSB- 443 -RSB- and Romney made no public comment on McMullin 's candidacy . -LSB- 222 -RSB- -LSB- 223 -RSB- Romney 's approval rating stood at 34 percent in November 2006 , ranking 48th of the 50 U.S. governors . -LSB- 224 -RSB- Dissatisfaction with Romney 's administration and the weak condition of the Republican state party were among several factors contributing to Democrat Deval Patrick 's 20-point win over Republican Kerry Healey , Romney 's lieutenant governor , in the 2006 Massachusetts gubernatorial election . Romney filed to register a presidential campaign committee with the Federal Election Commission on his penultimate day in office as governor . Main article : Mitt Romney presidential campaign , 2008 . Romney formally announced his candidacy for the 2008 Republican nomination for president on February 13 , 2007 , in Dearborn , Michigan . Mitt Romney addressing an audience from atop a stage . The campaign emphasized Romney 's highly profitable career in the business world and his stewardship of the Olympics . -LSB- 238 -RSB- Media stories referred to the 6-foot-2-inch -LRB- 1.88 m -RRB- Romney as handsome . Romney 's liabilities included having run for senator and serving as governor in one of the nation 's most liberal states and having taken positions in opposition to the party 's conservative base during that time . People magazine included Romney in its 50 Most Beautiful People list for 2002 , -LSB- 460 -RSB- and in 2004 , a foundation that promotes the Olympic truce , gave him its inaugural Truce Ideal Award . -LSB- 219 -RSB- -LSB- 230 -RSB- -LSB- 237 -RSB- Skeptics , including some Republicans , charged Romney with opportunism and a lack of core principles . -LSB- 444 -RSB- Romney and his wife cast early ballots in Utah , but he declined to say who he voted for .
For his campaign , [TGT] assembled a veteran group of Republican staffers , consultants , and pollsters . -LSB- 230 -RSB- -LSB- 245 -RSB- These resources , combined with the mid-year near-collapse of nominal front-runner John McCain 's campaign , made [TGT] a threat to win the nomination and the focus of the other candidates ' attacks . -LSB- 246 [TGT] 's staff suffered from internal strife ; the candidate himself was at times indecisive , often asking for more data before making a decision . During all of his political campaigns , [TGT] has avoided speaking publicly about Mormon doctrines , referring to the U.S. Constitution 's prohibition of religious tests for public office . -LSB- 248 -RSB- But persistent questions about the role of religion in [TGT] 's life , as well as Southern Baptist minister and former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee 's rise in the polls based upon an explicitly Christian-themed campaign , led to the December 6 , 2007 , "Faith in America" speech . -LSB- 249 -RSB- In the speech [TGT] declared , "I believe in my Mormon faith and endeavor to live by it . -LSB- 12 [TGT] added that [TGT] should neither be elected nor rejected based upon [TGT] religion , -LSB- 250 -RSB- and echoed Senator John F. Kennedy 's famous speech during [TGT] 1960 presidential campaign in saying , "I will put no doctrine of any church above the plain duties of the office and the sovereign authority of the law ." [TGT] became a management consultant and in 1977 secured a position at Bain & Company . -LSB- 356 -RSB- -LSB- 357 -RSB- That initial debate overshadowed Obama 's improved presentation in the last two debates later in October , and [TGT] maintained a small advantage in the debates when seen as a whole . The campaign 's strategy called for winning the initial two contests -- the January 3 , 2008 , Iowa Republican caucuses and the adjacent-to-his-home-state January 8 New Hampshire primary -- and propelling [TGT] nationally . After stepping down from Bain Capital and [TGT] local leadership role in the LDS Church , [TGT] ran as the Republican candidate in the 1994 Massachusetts election for U.S. Senate . -LSB- 238 -RSB- -LSB- 256 [TGT] seemed to approach the campaign as a management consulting exercise , and showed a lack of personal warmth and political feel ; journalist Evan Thomas wrote that [TGT] "came off as a phony , even when [TGT] was perfectly sincere ." -LSB- 238 -RSB- -LSB- 257 -RSB- The fervor with which [TGT] adopted [TGT] new stances and attitudes contributed to the perception of inauthenticity that hampered the campaign . -LSB- 62 -RSB- -LSB- 258 [TGT] 's staff would conclude that competing as a candidate of social conservatism and ideological purity rather than of pragmatic competence had been a mistake . Elected Governor of Massachusetts in 2002 , [TGT] helped develop and then signed into law the Massachusetts health care reform legislation , the first of [TGT] kind in the nation . A win by McCain over Huckabee in South Carolina , and by [TGT] over McCain in childhood-home Michigan , set up a pivotal battle in the Florida primary . -LSB- 259 -RSB- -LSB- 260 [TGT] campaigned intensively on economic issues and the burgeoning subprime mortgage crisis , while McCain attacked [TGT] regarding Iraq policy and benefited from endorsements from Florida officeholders . -LSB- 259 -RSB- -LSB- 260 -RSB- Although many Republican officials were now lining up behind McCain , -LSB- 260 [TGT] persisted through the nationwide Super Tuesday contests on February 5 . [TGT] 's considerable net worth , estimated in 2012 at $ 190 -- 250 million , helped finance [TGT] political campaigns prior to 2012 . -LSB- 261 -RSB- Trailing McCain in delegates by a more than two-to-one margin , [TGT] announced the end of [TGT] campaign on February 7 . [TGT] was the Republican Party 's nominee for President of the United States in the 2012 election . Altogether , [TGT] had won 11 primaries and caucuses , -LSB- 262 -RSB- receiving about 4.7 million votes -LSB- 263 -RSB- and garnering about 280 delegates . [TGT] kept a low profile for a while after the election , but later became more visible politically . [TGT] endorsed McCain for president a week later , -LSB- 264 -RSB- and McCain had [TGT] on a short list for vice presidential running mate , where [TGT] business experience would have balanced one of McCain 's weaknesses . See also : [TGT] family . [TGT] supported the Bush administration 's Troubled Asset Relief Program in response to the late-2000s financial crisis , later saying that it prevented the U.S. financial system from collapsing . Following the 2008 election , [TGT] laid the groundwork for a likely 2012 presidential campaign by using [TGT] Free and Strong America political action committee -LRB- PAC -RRB- to raise money for other Republican candidates and pay [TGT] existing political staff 's salaries and consulting fees . -LSB- 281 -RSB- -LSB- 283 -RSB- In February 2010 , [TGT] had a minor altercation with LMFAO member Skyler Gordy , known as Sky Blu , on an airplane flight . [TGT] has three older siblings , Margo , Jane , and Scott . -LSB- 14 [TGT] was referred to as "Billy" until kindergarten , when [TGT] expressed a preference for "Mitt" . [TGT] and Obama shaking hands . -LSB- 279 [TGT] maintained [TGT] voting registration in Massachusetts , however , and bought a smaller condominium in Belmont during 2010 . [TGT] attended public elementary schools until the seventh grade , when [TGT] enrolled as one of only a few Mormon students at Cranbrook School , a private upscale boys ' preparatory school a few miles from [TGT] home . Casual photograph of [TGT] indoors seated and signing books . -LSB- 18 -RSB- -LSB- 22 [TGT] took up residence at Cranbrook when [TGT] newly elected father began spending most of [TGT] time at the state capitol . -LSB- 287 -RSB- In the book , [TGT] writes of [TGT] belief in American exceptionalism , -LSB- 288 -RSB- and presents [TGT] economic and geopolitical views rather than anecdotes about [TGT] personal or political life . At Cranbrook , [TGT] helped manage the ice hockey team , and [TGT] joined the pep squad . Immediately following the March 2010 passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act , [TGT] attacked the landmark legislation as "an unconscionable abuse of power" and said the act should be repealed . -LSB- 18 -RSB- -LSB- 20 [TGT] was involved in several pranks while attending Cranbrook . -LSB- 291 -RSB- While acknowledging that [TGT] plan was an imperfect work in progress , [TGT] did not back away from it . In nationwide opinion polling for the 2012 Republican Presidential primaries , [TGT] led or placed in the top three with Palin and Huckabee . A January 2010 National Journal survey of political insiders found that a majority of Republican insiders and a plurality of Democratic insiders predicted [TGT] would be the party 's 2012 nominee . -LSB- 294 [TGT] campaigned heavily for Republican candidates in the 2010 midterm elections , -LSB- 295 -RSB- raising more money than the other prospective 2012 Republican presidential candidates . [TGT] attended Stanford University during the 1965-66 academic year . -LSB- 18 -RSB- As opposition to United States involvement in the Vietnam War grew , a group staged a May 1966 sit-in at Stanford 's administration building to demonstrate against draft status tests ; [TGT] joined a counter-protest against that group . On June 2 , 2011 , [TGT] formally announced the start of [TGT] campaign . Main article : [TGT] presidential campaign , 2012 . [TGT] sitting outdoors during daytime , with crowd behind [TGT] holding up blue and white "[TGT]" signs . On April 11 , 2011 , [TGT] announced , via a video taped outdoors at the University of New Hampshire , that [TGT] had formed an exploratory committee for a run for the Republican presidential nomination . -LSB- 11 -RSB- Most individual Mormon missionaries do not gain many converts -LSB- nb 4 -RSB- and [TGT] was no exception : -LSB- 33 -RSB- [TGT] later estimated ten to twenty for [TGT] entire mission . [TGT] stood to benefit from the Republican electorate 's tendency to nominate candidates who had previously run for president , and thus appeared to be next in line to be chosen . -LSB- 40 -RSB- When the French expressed opposition to the U.S. role in the Vietnam War , [TGT] debated them . -LSB- 297 -RSB- -LSB- 299 -RSB- -LSB- 301 -RSB- As many potential Republican candidates with star power and fundraising ability decided not to run -LRB- including Mike Pence , John Thune , Haley Barbour , Mike Huckabee , and Mitch Daniels -RRB- , Republican party figures searched for plausible alternatives to [TGT] . -LSB- nb [TGT] then became co-president of a mission that had become demoralized and disorganized after the May 1968 general strike and student uprisings and the car accident . -LSB- 41 -RSB- With [TGT] rallying the others , the mission met its goal of 200 baptisms for the year , the most in a decade . -LSB- 33 -RSB- -LSB- 42 -RSB- As a result of his experience there , [TGT] developed a lifelong affection for France and its people and has also remained fluent in French . [TGT] raised $ 56 million during 2011 , more than double the amount raised by any of [TGT] Republican opponents , -LSB- 306 -RSB- and refrained from spending [TGT] own money on the campaign . At their first meeting following [TGT] return , [TGT] and Ann Davies reconnected and decided to get married . -LSB- 45 [TGT] began attending Brigham Young University -LRB- BYU -RRB- , where [TGT] had been studying . -LSB- 309 -RSB- Perry and [TGT] exchanged sharp criticisms of each other during a series of debates among the Republican candidates . [TGT] continued to seek support from a wary Republican electorate ; at this point in the race , [TGT] poll numbers were relatively flat and at a historically low level for a Republican frontrunner . -LSB- 311 -RSB- -LSB- 315 -RSB- -LSB- 316 -RSB- After the charges of flip-flopping that marked [TGT] 2008 campaign began to accumulate again , [TGT] declared in November 2011 : "I 've been as consistent as human beings can be ." -LSB- 317 -RSB- -LSB- 318 -RSB- -LSB- 319 -RSB- In the final month before voting began , Newt Gingrich experienced a significant surge -- taking a solid lead in national polls and most of the early caucus and primary states -LSB- 320 -RSB- -- before settling back into parity or worse with [TGT] following a barrage of negative ads from Restore Our Future , a pro-Romney Super PAC . -LSB- 49 -RSB- During the U.S. military draft for the Vietnam War , [TGT] sought and received two 2-S student deferments , then a 4-D ministerial deferment while living in France as a Mormon missionary . In the initial contest , the 2012 Iowa caucuses of January 3 , election officials announced [TGT] as ahead with 25 percent of the vote , edging out a late-gaining Rick Santorum by eight votes -LRB- an also-strong Ron Paul finished third -RRB- . -LSB- 323 -RSB- A week after the Iowa caucuses , [TGT] earned a decisive win in the New Hampshire primary with a total of 39 percent of the vote ; Paul finished second and Jon Huntsman , Jr. third . At culturally conservative BYU , [TGT] remained isolated from much of the upheaval of that era . -LSB- 254 -RSB- Huckabee and McCain criticized [TGT] 's image as a flip flopper -LSB- 254 -RSB- and this label would stick to [TGT] through the campaign -LSB- 230 -RSB- -LRB- one that [TGT] rejected as unfair and inaccurate , except for [TGT] acknowledged change of mind on abortion -RRB- . In the run-up to the South Carolina Republican primary , Gingrich launched ads criticizing [TGT] for causing job losses while at Bain Capital , Perry referred to [TGT] 's role there as "vulture capitalism" , and Sarah Palin pressed [TGT] to prove [TGT] claim that [TGT] created 100,000 jobs during that time . -LSB- 325 -RSB- -LSB- 326 -RSB- Many conservatives rallied in defense of [TGT] , rejecting what they inferred as criticism of free-market capitalism . -LSB- 325 -RSB- During two debates in the state , [TGT] fumbled questions about releasing [TGT] income tax returns , while Gingrich gained support with audience-rousing attacks on the debate moderators . -LSB- 327 -RSB- -LSB- 328 [TGT] 's double-digit lead in state polls evaporated ; [TGT] lost to Gingrich by 13 points in the January 21 primary . -LSB- 327 -RSB- Combined with the delayed loss in Iowa , [TGT] 's admitted poor week represented a lost chance to end the race early , and [TGT] quickly decided to release two years of [TGT] tax returns . -LSB- 327 -RSB- -LSB- 329 -RSB- The race turned to the Florida Republican primary , where in debates , appearances , and advertisements , [TGT] launched a sustained barrage against Gingrich 's past record and associations and current electability . Benjamin -LRB- 1978 -RRB- and Craig -LRB- 1981 -RRB- would arrive later , after [TGT] had begun [TGT] career . [TGT] wanted to pursue a business career , but [TGT] father advised [TGT] that a law degree would be valuable to [TGT] career even if [TGT] never practiced law . Several caucuses and primaries took place during February , and Santorum won three in a single night early in the month , propelling [TGT] into the lead in national and some state polls and positioning [TGT] as [TGT] 's chief rival . -LSB- 333 -RSB- Days later , [TGT] told the Conservative Political Action Conference that [TGT] had been a "severely conservative governor" -LSB- 334 -RSB- -LRB- while during [TGT] term in 2005 [TGT] had maintained that [TGT] positions were moderate and characterized reports that [TGT] was shifting to the right to attract conservative votes a media distortion -RRB- . -LSB- 335 [TGT] won the other five February contests , including a closely fought one in [TGT] home state of Michigan at the end of the month . -LSB- 291 -RSB- The antipathy Republicans felt for it created a potential problem for the former governor , since the new federal law was in many ways similar to the Massachusetts health care reform passed during [TGT] 's gubernatorial tenure ; as one Associated Press article stated , "Obamacare ... looks a lot like Romneycare ." -LSB- 338 [TGT] maintained [TGT] delegate margin through subsequent contests , -LSB- 339 -RSB- and Santorum suspended [TGT] campaign on April 10 . -LSB- 340 -RSB- Following a sweep of five more contests on April 24 , the Republican National Committee put its resources to work for [TGT] as the party 's presumptive nominee . -LSB- 341 [TGT] clinched a majority of the delegates with a win in the Texas primary on May 29 . Main article : Business career of [TGT] . Recruited by several firms in 1975 , [TGT] joined the Boston Consulting Group -LRB- BCG -RRB- , reasoning that working as a management consultant for a variety of companies would better prepare [TGT] for a future position as a chief executive . -LSB- 343 -RSB- A related issue dealt with [TGT] 's purported responsibility for actions at Bain Capital after taking the Olympics post . -LSB- 98 -RSB- -LSB- 100 [TGT] faced demands from Democrats to release additional years of [TGT] tax returns , an action a number of Republicans also felt would be wise ; after being adamant that [TGT] would not do that , [TGT] released summaries of them in late September . -LSB- 110 -RSB- -LSB- 344 -RSB- During May and June , the Obama campaign spent heavily and was able to paint a negative image of [TGT] in voters ' minds before the [TGT] campaign could construct a positive one . In July 2012 , [TGT] visited the United Kingdom , Israel , and Poland , meeting leaders in an effort to raise [TGT] credibility as a world statesman . -LSB- 56 -RSB- -LSB- 62 -RSB- -LSB- 65 -RSB- Bain himself would later say of the thirty-year-old Romney , "He had the appearance -LSB- sic -RSB- of confidence of a guy who was maybe ten years older ." -LSB- 347 -RSB- -LSB- 348 -RSB- Israeli Prime Minister -LRB- and former BCG colleague -RRB- Benjamin Netanyahu , embraced [TGT] , though some Palestinians criticized him for suggesting that Israel 's culture led to their greater economic success . -LSB- 56 -RSB- -LSB- 62 [TGT] became a vice-president of the firm in 1978 , -LSB- 15 -RSB- working with such clients as the Monsanto Company , Outboard Marine Corporation , Burlington Industries , and Corning Incorporated . -LSB- 448 -RSB- In February 2017 , [TGT] stated that Trump is "off to a very strong start" in fulfilling [TGT] campaign promises , although [TGT] has "no regrets" about [TGT] anti-Trump speech . On August 11 , 2012 , the [TGT] campaign announced the selection of Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his vice-presidential running mate . On August 28 , 2012 , the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa , Florida , officially nominated [TGT] as [TGT] candidate for the presidency . -LSB- 351 [TGT] became the first Mormon to be a major-party presidential nominee . Two family incidents during this time later surfaced during [TGT] 's political campaigns . -LSB- 68 -RSB- -LSB- 69 -RSB- A state park ranger in 1981 told [TGT] his motorboat had an insufficiently visible license number and that he would face a $ 50 fine if he took the boat onto the lake . Disagreeing about the license and wanting to continue a family outing , [TGT] took it out anyway , saying [TGT] would pay the fine . [TGT] went on to say : "And so my job is not to worry about those people . -LSB- 47 -RSB- The dog incident in particular later became fodder for [TGT] 's critics and political opponents . County-by-county results of the election , shaded by percentage won : Obama in blue , [TGT] in red . Media figures and political analysts widely viewed [TGT] as having delivered a stronger and more focused presentation than did President Obama . In 1984 , [TGT] left Bain & Company to cofound the spin-off private equity investment firm , Bain Capital . -LSB- 72 -RSB- [TGT] had initially refrained from accepting Bill Bain 's offer to head the new venture , until Bain rearranged the terms in a complicated partnership structure so that there was no financial or professional risk to [TGT] . -LSB- 56 -RSB- -LSB- 66 -RSB- -LSB- 73 -RSB- Bain and [TGT] raised the $ 37 million in funds needed to start the new operation , which had seven employees . -LSB- 59 -RSB- -LSB- 74 [TGT] held the titles of president -LSB- 75 -RSB- and managing general partner . -LSB- 359 [TGT] garnered 206 electoral college votes to Obama 's 332 , losing all but one of nine battleground states , and 47 percent of the nationwide popular vote to Obama 's 51 percent . -LSB- 360 -RSB- -LSB- 361 -RSB- Media accounts described [TGT] as "shellshocked" by the result . -LSB- 362 -RSB- But [TGT] 's get out the vote operation had been inferior to Obama 's , both in person-to-person organization and in voter modeling and outreach technology -LSB- 363 -RSB- -LRB- the latter exemplified by the failure of the Project Orca application -RRB- . [TGT] set up a system in which any partner could veto one of these potential opportunities , and [TGT] personally saw so many weaknesses that few venture capital investments were approved in the initial two years . -LSB- 56 -RSB- The firm 's first significant success was a 1986 investment to help start Staples Inc. , after founder Thomas G. Stemberg convinced [TGT] of the market size for office supplies and [TGT] convinced others ; Bain Capital eventually reaped a nearly sevenfold return on its investment , and [TGT] sat on the Staples board of directors for over a decade . -LSB- 364 -RSB- Reflecting on [TGT] defeat during a conference call to hundreds of fundraisers and donors a week after the election , [TGT] attributed the outcome to Obama 's having secured the votes of specific interest groups , including African Americans , Hispanic Americans , young people , and women , by offering them what [TGT] called "extraordinary financial gifts ." [TGT] soon switched Bain Capital 's focus from startups to the relatively new business of leveraged buyouts : buying existing companies with money mostly borrowed from banking institutions using the newly bought companies ' assets as collateral , then taking steps to improve the companies ' value , and finally selling those companies once their value peaked , usually within a few years . See also : Issues and positions throughout [TGT] 's political career . [TGT] discovered few investment opportunities himself -LRB- and those that [TGT] did , often failed to make money for the firm -RRB- . [TGT] meeting with President Obama after the 2012 presidential election . -LSB- 84 -RSB- Within Bain Capital , [TGT] spread profits from deals widely within the firm to keep people motivated , often keeping less than ten percent for [TGT] . -LSB- 85 -RSB- Data-driven , [TGT] often played the role of a devil 's advocate during exhaustive analysis of whether to go forward with a deal . -LSB- 56 [TGT] served on the board of directors of Damon Corporation , a medical testing company later found guilty of defrauding the government ; Bain Capital tripled its investment before selling off the company , and the fraud was discovered by the new owners [TGT] was never implicated -RRB- . -LSB- 56 -RSB- In some cases , [TGT] had little involvement with a company once Bain Capital acquired it . [TGT] pledged to lead an effort to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -LRB- "Obamacare" -RRB- and replace it with a system that gives states more control over Medicaid and makes health insurance premiums tax-advantaged for individuals in the same way they are for businesses . -LSB- 429 [TGT] publicly criticized Trump for not releasing [TGT] taxes , saying there might be a "bombshell" in them . -LSB- 86 -RSB- Referring to the layoffs that sometimes occurred , [TGT] said in 2007 : "Sometimes the medicine is a little bitter but it is necessary to save the life of the patient . [TGT] opposed the use of mandatory limits on greenhouse gas emissions to deal with global warming . In 1990 , facing financial collapse , Bain & Company asked [TGT] to return . [TGT] labeled Russia as America 's "number one geopolitical foe" , -LSB- 384 -RSB- and asserted that preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear capability should be America 's "highest national security priority" . -LSB- 385 [TGT] stated [TGT] strong support for Israel . In addition to calling for cuts in federal government spending to help reduce the national debt , [TGT] proposed measures intended to limit the growth of entitlement programs , such as introducing means testing and gradually raising the eligibility ages for receipt of Social Security and Medicare . -LSB- [TGT] supported the Patriot Act , -LSB- 388 -RSB- the continued operation of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp , and use of enhanced interrogation techniques against suspected terrorists . [TGT] took a leave of absence from Bain Capital from November 1993 to November 1994 to run for the U.S. Senate . -LSB- 47 -RSB- -LSB- 93 -RSB- During that time , Ampad workers went on strike and asked [TGT] to intervene . Against the advice of Bain Capital lawyers , [TGT] met the strikers , but told them [TGT] had no position of active authority in the matter . Since 2005 , [TGT] described [TGT] as "pro-life" . -LSB- 392 -RSB- -LSB- nb 10 -RSB- -LSB- nb 14 -RSB- During [TGT] 1994 campaign for the senate , [TGT] had said , "I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country ," a stance [TGT] reiterated during [TGT] 2002 campaign for governor . -LSB- 137 -RSB- -LSB- 395 -RSB- While [TGT] would prefer to see passage of a constitutional amendment that would outlaw abortion , [TGT] did not believe the public would support such an amendment ; -LSB- 396 -RSB- as an alternative , [TGT] promised to nominate Supreme Court justices who would help overturn Roe v. Wade , allowing each state to decide on the legality of abortion . Starting in February 1999 , [TGT] took a paid leave of absence from Bain Capital in order to serve as the president and CEO of the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games Organizing Committee . -LSB- 97 -RSB- -LSB- 98 -RSB- Billed in some public statements as keeping a part-time role , -LSB- 97 -RSB- -LSB- 99 [TGT] remained the firm 's sole shareholder , managing director , CEO , and president , signing corporate and legal documents , attending to [TGT] interests within the firm , and conducting prolonged negotiations for the terms of [TGT] departure . In August 2001 , [TGT] announced that [TGT] would not return to Bain Capital . During the first year following the election defeat , [TGT] generally kept a low profile , -LSB- 401 -RSB- with [TGT] ordinary daily activities around San Diego being captured via social media glimpses . -LSB- 403 -RSB- In March 2013 , [TGT] gave a reflective interview on Fox News Sunday , stating , "It kills me not to be there , not to be in the White House doing what needs to be done" . -LSB- 406 -RSB- [TGT] began working as executive partner group chairman for Solamere Capital , a private capital firm in Boston owned by [TGT] son Tagg . As a result of his business career , [TGT] and [TGT] wife had a net worth of between $ 190 and $ 250 million , -LSB- 2 -RSB- -LSB- 103 -RSB- including their retirement account , worth between $ 20 and $ 100 million . -LSB- 107 -RSB- -LSB- 108 -RSB- In 2010 , [TGT] and [TGT] wife received about $ 22 million in income , almost all of it from investments such as dividends , capital gains , and carried interest ; and they paid about $ 3 million in federal income taxes , for an effective tax rate of 14 percent . -LSB- 407 -RSB- -LSB- 410 -RSB- In addition , [TGT] and [TGT] siblings continue to own a cottage in the gated community called Beach O ' Pines located south of Grand Bend , Ontario , which has been in the family for more than sixty years . [TGT] has tithed to the LDS Church regularly , and donated generously to LDS Church-owned BYU . -LSB- 409 -RSB- The 2014 documentary film Mitt showed a behind-the-scenes , family-based perspective on both of [TGT] 's presidential campaigns and received positive notices for humanizing the candidate and illustrating the toll that campaigning takes . -LSB- 109 -RSB- The [TGT] family 's Tyler Charitable Foundation gave out about $ 650,000 in that year , some of which went to organizations that fight diseases . -LSB- 342 -RSB- Negative ads from both sides dominated the campaign , with Obama 's proclaiming that [TGT] shipped jobs overseas while at Bain Capital and kept money in offshore tax havens and Swiss bank accounts . [TGT] himself thought [TGT] might be branded a "loser for life" and fade into an obscurity like Michael Dukakis -LSB- 406 -RSB- -LRB- a similar figure with no obvious base of political support who had lost what [TGT] party considered a winnable presidential election -RRB- -LSB- 414 -RSB- but , to the surprise of many political observers , that did not happen . -LSB- 415 -RSB- Romney re-emerged onto the political scene in the run-up to the 2014 U.S. midterm elections , endorsing , campaigning , and fundraising for a number of Republican candidates , especially those running for the U.S. Senate . During [TGT] business career , [TGT] held several positions in the local lay clergy . -LSB- 330 -RSB- -LSB- 331 [TGT] enjoyed a large spending advantage from both [TGT] campaign and [TGT] aligned Super PAC , and after a record-breaking rate of negative ads from both sides , [TGT] won Florida on January 31 , gaining 46 percent of the vote to Gingrich 's 32 percent . -LSB- 413 -RSB- Regarding such a possibility , [TGT] at first responded , "Oh , no , no , no . From 1986 to 1994 , [TGT] presided over the Boston Stake , which included more than a dozen wards in eastern Massachusetts and almost 4,000 church members . -LSB- 419 -RSB- A poll conducted in July 2014 by CNN showed [TGT] with a 53 to 44 lead over Obama in a hypothetical election "redo ." -LSB- 420 -RSB- -LSB- 421 -RSB- By early 2015 , [TGT] was actively considering the idea and contacting [TGT] network of supporters . -LSB- 422 -RSB- -LSB- 423 -RSB- In doing so [TGT] was positioning [TGT] in the invisible primary -- the preliminary jockeying for the backing of party leaders , donors , and political operatives -- against former Florida governor Jeb Bush , who had already set a likely campaign in motion and would be a rival to [TGT] for establishment Republican support . -LSB- 423 -RSB- -LSB- 424 -RSB- Despite support in some quarters for a third bid for the presidency , there was a backlash against [TGT] from conservatives who wanted a fresher face without a history of presidential losses , -LSB- 425 -RSB- and many of [TGT] 's past donors were not willing to commit to [TGT] again . -LSB- [TGT] announced on January 30 , 2015 that [TGT] would not run for president in 2016 , saying that while [TGT] thought [TGT] could win the nomination , "one of our next generation of Republican leaders" would be better positioned to win the general election . [TGT] took a hands-on role in the Belmont Stake 's matters , helping in domestic maintenance efforts , visiting the sick , and counseling burdened church members . As the Republican presidential nomination race went into the primaries season , [TGT] had not endorsed anyone but was one of the Republican establishment figures who were becoming increasingly concerned about the front-runner status of New York businessman Donald Trump . -LSB- 115 [TGT] tried to balance the conservative directives from church leadership in Utah with the desire of some Massachusetts members to have a more flexible application of religious doctrine . -LSB- 430 -RSB- Trump responded by calling [TGT] "one of the dumbest and worst candidates in the history of Republican politics ." -LSB- 429 -RSB- Then [TGT] gave a speech on March 3 , 2016 , at the Hinckley Institute of Politics , that represented a scathing attack on Trump 's personal behavior , business performance , and domestic and foreign policy stances . -LSB- 67 [TGT] later said that the years spent as an LDS minister gave him direct exposure to people struggling financially and empathy for those with family problems . -LSB- 431 -RSB- -LSB- 432 -RSB- In response Trump dismissed [TGT] as a "choke artist" . [TGT] and Paul Ryan seen in medium distance on an outdoor stage , with large crowd around [TGT] . -LSB- 432 -RSB- -LSB- 433 -RSB- -LSB- 434 [TGT] encouraged Republicans to engage in tactical voting , by supporting whichever of the remaining rivals had the best chance to beat Trump in any given state , -LSB- 435 -RSB- and as [TGT] announced [TGT] was voting for , although not endorsing , Ted Cruz for president prior to the March 22 Utah caucus . [TGT] then announced that [TGT] would not support Trump in the general election , saying , "I am dismayed at where we are now , I wish we had better choices" . -LSB- 432 [TGT] 's speech represented an unprecedented attack by a major U.S. party 's most recent presidential nominee against the party 's current front-runner for the nomination . For much of his business career , [TGT] did not take public , political stances . In June , [TGT] said that [TGT] would not vote for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton either , saying : "It 's a matter of personal conscience . -LSB- 440 -RSB- When pressed on who of Trump and Clinton was more qualified to be President , [TGT] quoted P. J. O'Rourke : "Hillary Clinton is wrong on every issue , but she 's wrong within the normal parameters ." By 1993 , [TGT] had begun thinking about entering politics , partly based upon Ann 's urging and partly to follow in [TGT] father 's footsteps . -LSB- 441 -RSB- In September [TGT] called for Johnson to be included in the presidential debates -LSB- 442 -RSB- and in October it emerged that Independent candidate Evan McMullin was using an email list of 2.5 million [TGT] supporters to raise money . -LSB- 443 -RSB- McMullin 's chief strategist said that it was purchased from [TGT] for President and that "we 'll let other folks discuss what that may mean and certainly never speak for -LSB- [TGT] -RSB-" . -LSB- 123 -RSB- -LSB- 124 -RSB- -LSB- 125 [TGT] changed [TGT] affiliation to Republican in October 1993 and formally announced [TGT] candidacy in February 1994 . -LSB- 47 -RSB- In addition to [TGT] leave from Bain Capital , [TGT] als stepped down from [TGT] church leadership role in 1994 . -LSB- 444 -RSB- After Trump won the election , [TGT] congratulated [TGT] via phone call and on Twitter . -LSB- 445 -RSB- On November 19 , [TGT] met with the President-elect at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster , New Jersey , reportedly to discuss the position of Secretary of State , -LSB- 446 -RSB- -LSB- 447 -RSB- a position which ultimately went to Rex Tillerson . Radio personality Janet Jeghelian took an early lead in polls among candidates for the Republican nomination for the Senate seat , but [TGT] proved the most effective fundraiser . -LSB- [TGT] defeated Lakian in the September 1994 primary with more than 80 percent of the vote . In September 2017 press reports said that should U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch retire , [TGT] would run in Utah for that seat in 2018 . -LSB- 123 -RSB- The younger , telegenic , and well-funded [TGT] ran as a businessman who stated he had created ten thousand jobs and as a Washington outsider with a solid family image and moderate stances on social issues . -LSB- 123 -RSB- -LSB- 130 -RSB- When Kennedy tried to tie [TGT] 's policies to those of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush , [TGT] responded , "Look , I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush . -LSB- 131 [TGT] stated , "Ultimately , this is a campaign about change ." [TGT] has received a number of honorary doctorates , including in business from the University of Utah in 1999 , -LSB- 451 -RSB- in law from Bentley College in 2002 , -LSB- 452 -RSB- in public administration from Suffolk University Law School in 2004 , -LSB- 453 -RSB- in public service from Hillsdale College in 2007 , -LSB- 454 -RSB- and in humanities from Liberty University in 2012 . [TGT] 's campaign was effective in portraying Kennedy as soft on crime , but had trouble establishing its own consistent positions . -LSB- 336 -RSB- -LSB- 337 -RSB- In the Super Tuesday primaries and caucuses of March 6 , [TGT] won six of ten contests , including a narrow victory in Ohio over a vastly outspent Santorum . -LSB- 123 -RSB- -LSB- 134 -RSB- -LSB- 135 -RSB- Kennedy responded with a series of ads that focused on [TGT] 's seemingly shifting political views on issues such as abortion ; -LSB- 136 -RSB- Romney responded by stating , "I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country ." -LSB- 137 -RSB- Other Kennedy ads centered on layoffs of workers at the Ampad plant owned by [TGT] 's Bain Capital . -LSB- 123 -RSB- -LSB- 138 -RSB- The latter was effective in blunting [TGT] 's momentum . -LSB- 81 -RSB- Kennedy and [TGT] held a widely watched late-October debate that had no clear winner , but by then , Kennedy had pulled ahead in polls and stayed ahead afterward . -LSB- 139 [TGT] spent $ 3 million of [TGT] own money in the race and more than $ 7 million overall . -LSB- 140 -RSB- -LSB- nb 11 -RSB- In the November general election , despite a disastrous showing for Democrats nationwide , Kennedy won the election with 58 percent of the vote to [TGT] 's 41 percent , -LSB- 56 -RSB- the smallest margin in any of Kennedy 's re-election campaigns for the Senate . The day after the election , [TGT] returned to Bain Capital , but the loss had a lasting effect ; [TGT] told [TGT] brother , "I never want to run for something again unless I can win ." [TGT] felt restless as the decade neared a close ; the goal of simply making more money held little attraction for [TGT] . -LSB- 462 -RSB- In 2012 , Time magazine included [TGT] in their List of The 100 Most Influential People in the World . -LSB- 144 -RSB- -LSB- 146 -RSB- -LSB- 147 -RSB- On February 11 , 1999 , the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games of 2002 hired [TGT] as [TGT] president and CEO . Photograph of [TGT] standing with microphone in middle of curling lanes . Before [TGT] took over , the event was $ 379 million short of its revenue goals . They chose [TGT] based on [TGT] business and legal expertise as well as [TGT] connections to both the LDS Church and the state . -LSB- 39 [TGT] donated to charity the $ 1.4 million in salary and severance payments [TGT] received for [TGT] three years as president and CEO , and also contributed $ 1 million to the Olympics . [TGT] restructured the organization 's leadership and policies . [TGT] said that [TGT] would appoint federal judges in the mold of U.S. Supreme Court justices John Roberts , Clarence Thomas , Antonin Scalia , and Samuel Alito . -LSB- 144 -RSB- -LSB- 147 [TGT] worked to ensure the safety of the Games following the September 11 , 2001 terrorist attacks by coordinating a $ 300 million security budget . -LSB- 148 -RSB- The federal government provided approximately $ 400 million -LSB- 147 -RSB- -LSB- 153 -RSB- -LSB- 154 -RSB- to $ 600 million -LSB- 155 -RSB- -LSB- 156 -RSB- of that budget , much of it a result of [TGT] 's having aggressively lobbied Congress and federal agencies . [TGT] emerged as the local public face of the Olympic effort , appearing in photographs , in news stories , on collectible Olympics pins depicting [TGT] wrapped by an American flag , and on buttons carrying phrases like "Hey , [TGT] , we love you !" -LSB- 144 -RSB- -LSB- 147 -RSB- -LSB- 159 -RSB- Robert H. Garff , the chair of the organizing committee , later said "It was obvious that [TGT] had an agenda larger than just the Olympics ," -LSB- 144 -RSB- and that [TGT] wanted to use the Olympics to propel [TGT] into the national spotlight and a political career . -LSB- 147 -RSB- -LSB- 160 -RSB- Garff believed the initial budget situation was not as bad as [TGT] portrayed , given there were still three years to reorganize . -LSB- 147 -RSB- Olympics critic Steve Pace , who led Utahns for Responsible Public Spending , thought [TGT] exaggerated the initial fiscal state to lay the groundwork for a well-publicized rescue . -LSB- 160 -RSB- Kenneth Bullock , another board member of the organizing committee and also head of the Utah League of Cities and Towns , often clashed with [TGT] at the time , and later said that [TGT] deserved some credit for the turnaround but not as much as [TGT] claimed . By early 2014 , the lack of a clear mainstream Republican candidate for the 2016 presidential election led some supporters , donors , and pollsters to suggest [TGT] stage a third run . -LSB- 161 -RSB- President George W. Bush praised [TGT] 's efforts and 87 percent of Utahns approved of his performance as Olympics head . -LSB- 62 -RSB- U.S. Olympic Committee head William Hybl credited [TGT] with an extraordinary effort in overcoming a difficult time for the Olympics , culminating in "the greatest Winter Games I have ever seen" . -LSB- 147 [TGT] wrote a book about [TGT] experience titled Turnaround : Crisis , Leadership , and the Olympic Games , published in 2004 . The role gave [TGT] experience in dealing with federal , state , and local entities , a public persona [TGT] had previously lacked , and the chance to relaunch [TGT] political aspirations . -LSB- 296 -RSB- Beginning in early 2011 , [TGT] presented a more relaxed visual image , including more casual attire . -LSB- 162 -RSB- -LSB- 165 -RSB- Prominent party figures -- as well as the White House -- wanted [TGT] to run for governor -LSB- 166 -RSB- -LSB- 167 -RSB- and the opportunity appealed to [TGT] for reasons including its national visibility . -LSB- 168 -RSB- A poll by the Boston Herald showed Republicans favoring [TGT] over Swift by more than 50 percentage points . -LSB- 169 -RSB- On March 19 , 2002 , Swift announced she would not seek her party 's nomination , and hours later [TGT] declared [TGT] candidacy , -LSB- 169 -RSB- for which [TGT] would face no opposition in the primary . -LSB- 170 -RSB- In June 2002 , the Massachusetts Democratic Party challenged [TGT] 's eligibility to run for governor , noting that state law required seven years ' consecutive residence and that [TGT] had filed [TGT] state tax returns as a Utah resident in 1999 and 2000 . [TGT] again ran as a political outsider . -LSB- 413 -RSB- Nevertheless , speculation continued : the continuing unpopularity of Obama led to buyer 's remorse among some voters ; the 2014 Russian military intervention in Ukraine made [TGT] 's "No. 1 geopolitical foe" remark look prescient ; and an August 2014 poll of Iowan Republicans showed [TGT] with a large lead there over other potential 2016 candidates . [TGT] released [TGT] book , No Apology : The Case for American Greatness , in March 2010 , and undertook an 18-state book tour to promote the work . In an attempt to overcome the image that had damaged [TGT] in the 1994 Senate race -- that of a wealthy corporate buyout specialist out of touch with the needs of regular people -- the campaign staged a series of "work days" , in which [TGT] performed blue-collar jobs such as herding cows and baling hay , unloading a fishing boat , and hauling garbage . -LSB- 346 [TGT] made about the readiness of the 2012 Summer Olympics were perceived as undiplomatic by the British press . -LSB- 180 -RSB- O'Brien said that [TGT] 's budget plans were unrealistic ; the two also differed on capital punishment and bilingual education , with [TGT] supporting the former and opposing the latter . -LSB- 356 -RSB- Exit polls published following the election showed that voters never saw [TGT] as someone who cared about people like them . During the election , [TGT] contributed more than $ 6 million -- a state record at the time -- to the nearly $ 10 million raised for [TGT] campaign overall . Main article : Governorship of [TGT] . The swearing in of [TGT] as the 70th governor of Massachusetts took place on January 2 , 2003 . -LSB- 290 [TGT] donated [TGT] earnings from the book to charity . -LSB- 189 -RSB- -LSB- 190 -RSB- Through a combination of spending cuts , increased fees , and removal of corporate tax loopholes , -LSB- 189 -RSB- the state achieved surpluses of around $ 600 -- 700 million during [TGT] 's last two full fiscal years in office , although it began running deficits again after that . [TGT] resting on a wooden desk , flanked by an American flag , a picture of [TGT] wife , a lamp , and a painting of mountains . [TGT] supported raising various fees , including those for drivers ' licenses and gun licenses , to raise more than $ 300 million . -LSB- 189 [TGT] also closed tax loopholes that brought in another $ 181 million from businesses over the next two years and over $ 300 million for [TGT] term . -LSB- [TGT] opposed same-sex marriage and civil unions , although [TGT] favored domestic partnership legislation that gives certain legal rights to same-sex couples , such as hospital visitation . -LSB- 174 -RSB- -LSB- 189 [TGT] sought additional cuts in [TGT] last year as governor by vetoing nearly 250 items in the state budget ; a heavily Democratic legislature overrode all the vetoes . -LSB- 174 -RSB- -LSB- 189 -RSB- The combined state and local tax burden in Massachusetts increased during [TGT] 's governorship . [TGT] sought to bring near-universal health insurance coverage to the state . -LSB- 176 -RSB- -LSB- 201 -RSB- Although the idea of universal health insurance had not come to the fore during the campaign , [TGT] decided that because people without insurance still received expensive health care , the money spent by the state for such care could be better used to subsidize insurance for the poor . Determined that a new Massachusetts health insurance measure not raise taxes or resemble the previous decade 's failed "Hillarycare" proposal at the federal level , [TGT] formed a team of consultants from diverse political backgrounds to apply those principles . -LSB- 176 -RSB- -LSB- 187 -RSB- -LSB- 201 -RSB- In particular , [TGT] pushed for incorporating an individual mandate at the state level . -LSB- 21 -RSB- Past rival Ted Kennedy , who had made universal health coverage [TGT] life 's work and who , over time , had developed a warm relationship with [TGT] , -LSB- 202 -RSB- gave the plan a positive reception , which encouraged Democratic legislators to cooperate . -LSB- 176 -RSB- -LSB- 201 -RSB- The effort eventually gained the support of all major stakeholders within the state , and [TGT] helped break a logjam between rival Democratic leaders in the legislature . -LSB- 206 -RSB- The law was the first of its kind in the nation and became the signature achievement of [TGT] 's term in office . At the beginning of [TGT] governorship , [TGT] opposed same-sex marriage and civil unions , but advocated tolerance and supported some domestic partnership benefits . -LSB- 210 [TGT] reluctantly backed a state constitutional amendment in February 2004 that would have banned those marriages but still allowed civil unions , viewing it as the only feasible way to accomplish the former . -LSB- 208 -RSB- -LSB- 211 -RSB- In June 2005 , [TGT] abandoned [TGT] support for the compromise amendment , stating that it confused voters who opposed both same-sex marriage and civil unions . In mid-September , a video surfaced of [TGT] speaking before a group of supporters in which [TGT] stated that 47 percent of the nation pays no income tax , are dependent on the federal government , see themselves as victims , and will support President Obama unconditionally . In 2005 , [TGT] revealed a change of view regarding abortion , moving from the pro-choice positions expressed during [TGT] 1994 and 2002 campaigns to a pro-life one in opposition to Roe v. Wade . -LSB- 176 [TGT] attributed [TGT] conversion to an interaction with Harvard University biologist Douglas Melton , an expert on embryonic stem cell biology , although Melton vehemently disputed [TGT] 's recollection of [TGT] conversation . -LSB- 214 [TGT] subsequently vetoed a bill on pro-life grounds that expanded access to emergency contraception in hospitals and pharmacies -LRB- the legislature overrode the veto -RRB- . [TGT] used a bully pulpit approach towards promoting [TGT] agenda , staging well-organized media events to appeal directly to the public rather than pushing [TGT] proposals in behind-doors sessions with the state legislature . -LSB- 176 -RSB- After two years of negotiating the state 's participation in the landmark Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative that instituted a cap-and-trade arrangement for power plant emissions in the Northeast , [TGT] pulled Massachusetts out of the initiative shortly before [TGT] signing in December 2005 , citing a lack of cost limits for industry . During 2004 , [TGT] spent considerable effort trying to bolster the state Republican Party , but [TGT] failed to gain any seats in the state legislative elections that year . -LSB- 218 -RSB- Midway through [TGT] term , [TGT] decided that [TGT] wanted to stage a full-time run for president , -LSB- 219 -RSB- and on December 14 , 2005 , announced that [TGT] would not seek re-election for a second term . -LSB- 220 -RSB- As chair of the Republican Governors Association , [TGT] traveled around the country , meeting prominent Republicans and building a national political network ; -LSB- 219 -RSB- [TGT] spent all , or parts of , more than 200 days out of state during 2006 , preparing for [TGT] run . -LSB- 443 -RSB- A spokeswoman for [TGT] said that the list had been "rented by several political candidates in the presidential primary , and by countless other political and commercial users in the time since the 2012 campaign" -LSB- 443 -RSB- and [TGT] made no public comment on McMullin 's candidacy . -LSB- 222 -RSB- -LSB- 223 [TGT] 's approval rating stood at 34 percent in November 2006 , ranking 48th of the 50 U.S. governors . -LSB- 224 -RSB- Dissatisfaction with [TGT] 's administration and the weak condition of the Republican state party were among several factors contributing to Democrat Deval Patrick 's 20-point win over Republican Kerry Healey , [TGT] 's lieutenant governor , in the 2006 Massachusetts gubernatorial election . [TGT] filed to register a presidential campaign committee with the Federal Election Commission on [TGT] penultimate day in office as governor . Main article : [TGT] presidential campaign , 2008 . [TGT] formally announced [TGT] candidacy for the 2008 Republican nomination for president on February 13 , 2007 , in Dearborn , Michigan . [TGT] addressing an audience from atop a stage . [TGT] emphasized [TGT] 's highly profitable career in the business world and [TGT] stewardship of the Olympics . -LSB- 238 -RSB- Media stories referred to the 6-foot-2-inch -LRB- 1.88 m -RRB- [TGT] as handsome . [TGT] 's liabilities included having run for senator and serving as governor in one of the nation 's most liberal states and having taken positions in opposition to the party 's conservative base during that time . People magazine included [TGT] in its 50 Most Beautiful People list for 2002 , -LSB- 460 -RSB- and in 2004 , a foundation that promotes the Olympic truce , gave [TGT] its inaugural Truce Ideal Award . -LSB- 219 -RSB- -LSB- 230 -RSB- -LSB- 237 -RSB- Skeptics , including some Republicans , charged [TGT] with opportunism and a lack of core principles . -LSB- 444 -RSB- Romney and [TGT] wife cast early ballots in Utah , but [TGT] declined to say who [TGT] voted for .
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Mother ' s death overshadows UK extradition case
Lyudmila Chichvarkina
On Tuesday Russian prosecutors announced a fresh probe into the April 3 death of 60-year-old Lyudmila Chichvarkina the businessman's lawyer in Moscow said. Chichvarkina was covered in blood and bruised when she was found but paramedics ruled that she died of a heart attack. "There was clear evidence of an attempted murder " lawyer Vladimir Zherebenkov told the Associated Press on Tuesday saying her body was bruised all over as if she was severely beaten and her clothes and shoes were drenched in blood from head to toe. It would have been a natural death only if "she had struck herself in the head twice and fell to the ground twenty times " he added. Chichvarkin also insists that his mother was murdered citing his father's visit to the crime scene and evidence in police files. He also says the extradition request by Russia is politically motivated because he had spoken out against corruption in Russia's police force. The murder mystery might prove to be a major factor in the London court's decision whether Britain should extradite Chichvarkin back to Russia to face kidnapping charges. His lawyer says if Chichvarkin's suspicions are proven Russia's case for his extradition will collapse. Chichvarkin back to Russia to face kidnapping charges. His lawyer says if Chichvarkin's suspicions are proven Russia's case for his extradition will collapse. Chichvarkin fled Russia in December 2008. A month later a Moscow court charged him in absentia with complicity in the kidnapping and put out an international arrest warrant. Chichvarkin says the charges are a complete fabrication from a police department that was seeking revenge for his efforts to expose corruption.
On Tuesday Russian prosecutors announced a fresh probe into the April 3 death of [TGT] said. [TGT] was covered in blood and bruised when [TGT] was found but paramedics ruled that [TGT] died of a heart attack. "There was clear evidence of an attempted murder " lawyer Vladimir Zherebenkov told the Associated Press on Tuesday saying [TGT] body was bruised all over as if [TGT] was severely beaten and [TGT] clothes and shoes were drenched in blood from head to toe. It would have been a natural death only if "[TGT] had struck [TGT] in the head twice and fell to the ground twenty times " he added. [TGT] also insists that his mother was murdered citing his father's visit to the crime scene and evidence in police files. [TGT] also says the extradition request by Russia is politically motivated because [TGT] had spoken out against corruption in Russia's police force. The murder mystery might prove to be a major factor in the London court's decision whether Britain should extradite [TGT] back to Russia to face kidnapping charges. [TGT] lawyer says if [TGT]'s suspicions are proven Russia's case for [TGT] extradition will collapse. Chichvarkin back to Russia to face kidnapping charges. His lawyer says if Chichvarkin's suspicions are proven Russia's case for his extradition will collapse. [TGT] fled Russia in December 2008. A month later a Moscow court charged him in absentia with complicity in the kidnapping and put out an international arrest warrant. [TGT] says the charges are a complete fabrication from a police department that was seeking revenge for his efforts to expose corruption.
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Kovalchuk back in Devils lineup after benching
Ilya Kovalchuk
Ilya Kovalchuk rejoined the New Jersey Devils' lineup on Sunday one night after he was benched by coach John MacLean for an undisclosed reason. The $100 million forward in the first year of a 15-year deal with the Devils met with the media before New Jersey faced the New York Rangers. Kovalchuk provided no information for why he was forced to sit out Saturday's home game against Buffalo. Kovalchuk said it was MacLean's decision to bench him and the reason behind it would stay between him and the coach. "I'm just a player and I'm just going to show up tonight and play " Kovalchuk said. "I want to be on the ice. That's the bottom line. I'm going to be tonight. I'm excited to be back and be with the team again." "It was tough because I love the game so much " Kovalchuk said. "That's probably the worst when you watch your team especially losing." Kovalchuk said this wasn't the first time he was held out of a game as a healthy scratch. "A long time ago but it happened before. It wasn't new for me " he said. For the second straight day MacLean refused to say what led to the benching. He reiterated that he is standing by his decision to hold out the dynamic scorer even though the team has struggled in the coach's rookie season. Whatever the problem was MacLean said it's totally resolved between him and Kovalchuk. Neither MacLean nor Kovalchuk would say if the star player missed a team meeting. "The issue is over with " MacLean said. "It's an internal matter. We both know and today we're getting ready for the Rangers game. "He'll be playing and hopefully playing a lot and burying some of the great opportunities he's been getting. He'll be put in a role to be used to the best of his ability." Kovalchuk. Neither MacLean nor Kovalchuk would say if the star player missed a team meeting.
[TGT] rejoined the New Jersey Devils' lineup on Sunday one night after [TGT] was benched by coach John MacLean for an undisclosed reason. The $100 million forward in the first year of a 15-year deal with the Devils met with the media before New Jersey faced the New York Rangers. [TGT] provided no information for why [TGT] was forced to sit out Saturday's home game against Buffalo. [TGT] said it was MacLean's decision to bench [TGT] and the reason behind it would stay between [TGT] and the coach. "I'm just a player and I'm just going to show up tonight and play [TGT] said. "I want to be on the ice. That's the bottom line. I'm going to be tonight. I'm excited to be back and be with the team again." "It was tough because I love the game so much " [TGT] said. "That's probably the worst when you watch your team especially losing.[TGT] said this wasn't the first time [TGT] was held out of a game as a healthy scratch. "A long time ago but it happened before. It wasn't new for [TGT] " [TGT] said. For the second straight day MacLean refused to say what led to the benching. He reiterated that he is standing by his decision to hold out the dynamic scorer even though the team has struggled in the coach's rookie season. Whatever the problem was MacLean said it's totally resolved between him and [TGT]. Neither MacLean nor [TGT] would say if the star player missed a team meeting. "The issue is over with " MacLean said. "It's an internal matter. We both know and today we're getting ready for the Rangers game. "He'll be playing and hopefully playing a lot and burying some of the great opportunities he's been getting. He'll be put in a role to be used to the best of his ability." Kovalchuk. Neither MacLean nor [TGT] would say if the star player missed a team meeting.
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South Africa's former top cop convicted of corruption
Jackie Selebi
South Africa's former police chief and ex-president of Interpol Jackie Selebi was convicted Friday of corruption for accepting bribes from organised crime. Selebi had denied the charges against him which he said were part of a broader political conspiracy that reached to the top levels of government. The trial laid out his startling links with the criminal underworld in particular with convicted drug smuggler Glenn Agliotti who was accused of giving him cash and luxury gifts. Selebi was accused of taking bribes from Agliotti totalling more than 1.2 million rand (166 000 dollars 122 000 euros) between 2000 and 2005. What finally emerged was a picture of Agliotti who was also accused in the murder of a local mining magnate indulging Selebi's fondness for designer clothing which the police chief rewarded by feeding Agliotti inside information. While in office Selebi acknowledged his friendship with Agliotti saying "Glenn Agliotti is my friend finish and klaar (end of story)." It was Agliotti's drugs conviction that lifted the lid on Selebi's activities sparking a lengthy investigation into his life. His first arrest warrant was issued in September 2007 but he was not charged reportedly due to protection by then-president Thabo Mbeki. On January 11 2008 he was charged with corruption and defeating the ends of justice due to his friendship with Agliotti.
[TGT] was convicted Friday of corruption for accepting bribes from organised crime. [TGT] had denied the charges against [TGT] which [TGT] said were part of a broader political conspiracy that reached to the top levels of government. [TGT] laid out [TGT] startling links with the criminal underworld in particular with convicted drug smuggler Glenn Agliotti who was accused of giving [TGT] cash and luxury gifts. [TGT] was accused of taking bribes from Agliotti totalling more than 1.2 million rand (166 000 dollars 122 000 euros) between 2000 and 2005. What finally emerged was a picture of Agliotti who was also accused in the murder of a local mining magnate indulging [TGT]'s fondness for designer clothing which the police chief rewarded by feeding Agliotti inside information. While in office [TGT] acknowledged [TGT] friendship with Agliotti saying "Glenn Agliotti is my friend finish and klaar (end of story)." It was Agliotti's drugs conviction that lifted the lid on [TGT]'s activities sparking a lengthy investigation into [TGT] life. [TGT] first arrest warrant was issued in September 2007 but [TGT] was not charged reportedly due to protection by then-president Thabo Mbeki. On January 11 2008 [TGT] was charged with corruption and defeating the ends of justice due to [TGT] friendship with Agliotti.
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Relief as oil capped but future remains uncertain
O'Neil Sevin
After nearly three months of frustration and disappointment spent watching his livelihood drown in a black tide O'Neil Sevin could not contain his joy when he learned BP had finally capped its leaking well. "It would have been an awesome year without the spill " Sevin said as he repaired his nets and got his boat ready for another day of trawling for bait. Sevin bought the bait shop from a cousin five years ago after working most of his life as a commercial shrimper. He and his wife Symantha worked hard to expand the business building a store under the house buying freezers so they could sell seafood to tourists and adding a little fountain to entertain children. They finally got a license to sell beer in November and this summer was set to be their best yet. Now Sevin worries it might be their last. And he doesn't know what to do if tourists don't come back. Sevin does not know how to sit still not unless he's working and the inactivity brought on in the first few weeks of the spill made him restless and angry. He got into fights with Symantha and eventually had to take antidepressants. Things are better now. He knows how to deal with the stress: keep working even if nobody comes to buy the bait. "I'll go out and keep catching the bait to keep me in balance so I don't cause problems between me and Symantha and our marriage don't fall apart and it don't go to thoughts of why am I here anymore my life means nothing anymore " he told AFP.
After nearly three months of frustration and disappointment spent watching his livelihood drown in a black tide [TGT] could not contain [TGT] joy when [TGT] learned BP had finally capped its leaking well. "It would have been an awesome year without the spill [TGT] said as [TGT] repaired [TGT] nets and got [TGT] boat ready for another day of trawling for bait. [TGT] bought the bait shop from a cousin five years ago after working most of [TGT] life as a commercial shrimper. [TGT] and [TGT] wife Symantha worked hard to expand the business building a store under the house buying freezers so they could sell seafood to tourists and adding a little fountain to entertain children. They finally got a license to sell beer in November and this summer was set to be their best yet. Now [TGT] worries it might be their last. And [TGT] doesn't know what to do if tourists don't come back. [TGT] does not know how to sit still not unless [TGT]'s working and the inactivity brought on in the first few weeks of the spill made [TGT] restless and angry. [TGT] got into fights with Symantha and eventually had to take antidepressants. Things are better now. [TGT] knows how to deal with the stress: keep working even if nobody comes to buy the bait. "I'll go out and keep catching the bait to keep me in balance so I don't cause problems between me and Symantha and our marriage don't fall apart and it don't go to thoughts of why am I here anymore my life means nothing anymore " [TGT] told AFP.
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France holds final training run for Australia test
Matthieu Bastareaud
In a statement issued in France by his Stade Francais club 20-year-old center Matthieu Bastareaud said he lied to Wellington police last Sunday when he said four or five men had attacked him after returning home late from a bar. "I have to return to the events in New Zealand " Bastareaud said. "I owe the truth to everybody. On Saturday evening I went back to the hotel after drinking too much. I fell in my room I hit a table and I snicked my cheekbone." Bastareaud added that he panicked and was afraid of being axed from the French team. "I didn't want to shock my family. I freaked out and I dug myself deeper into a hole " he added. The admission wasn't a total surprise to New Zealand government officials and police many of whom had doubted Bastareaud's version of events from the outset. Wellington city mayor Kerry Prendergast said Friday that several French players and possibly the French team coach and doctor were likely to have known that Bastareaud's claims to have been assaulted were untrue. The New Zealand Rugby Union expressed "outrage" that Bastareaud's claim had "cast a negative light on rugby Wellington and New Zealand. In Paris the French Rugby Federation said it will begin disciplinary proceedings against Bastareaud. The FFR said in statement it was "shocked by the player's lies" and apologized to the New Zealand Rugby Union.
In a statement issued in France by his Stade Francais club [TGT] said [TGT] lied to Wellington police last Sunday when [TGT] said four or five men had attacked [TGT] after returning home late from a bar. "I have to return to the events in New Zealand [TGT] said. "I owe the truth to everybody. On Saturday evening I went back to the hotel after drinking too much. I fell in my room I hit a table and I snicked my cheekbone.[TGT] added that [TGT] panicked and was afraid of being axed from the French team. "I didn't want to shock my family. I freaked out and I dug [TGT] deeper into a hole " [TGT] added. The admission wasn't a total surprise to New Zealand government officials and police many of whom had doubted [TGT]'s version of events from the outset. Wellington city mayor Kerry Prendergast said Friday that several French players and possibly the French team coach and doctor were likely to have known that [TGT]'s claims to have been assaulted were untrue. The New Zealand Rugby Union expressed "outrage" that [TGT]'s claim had "cast a negative light on rugby Wellington and New Zealand. In Paris the French Rugby Federation said it will begin disciplinary proceedings against [TGT]. The FFR said in statement it was "shocked by the player's lies" and apologized to the New Zealand Rugby Union.
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Why the case for Mitt Romney 2016 is ludicrous .
Mitt Romney
And the Netflix documentary , "Mitt ," helped make him seem more personable than the wooden candidate voters saw in 2012 . It 's the latest , baffling bit of 2016 buzz that just refuses to go away : Mitt Romney for president -- again . They insist Mitt can rally donors . And heck , there 's no clear GOP front-runner , so it might as well be Mitt , right ? Mitt Romney recycles his greatest hits .
And the Netflix documentary , "Mitt ," helped make him seem more personable than the wooden candidate voters saw in 2012 . It 's the latest , baffling bit of 2016 buzz that just refuses to go away : [TGT] for president -- again . They insist [TGT] can rally donors . And heck , there 's no clear GOP front-runner , so it might as well be [TGT] , right ? [TGT] recycles [TGT] greatest hits .
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Antero Niittymaki
TAMPA Backup goaltender Antero Niittymaki is making it tough for the Lightning to put him back on the bench. Niittymaki making his second straight start came through with several spectacular saves Monday night against the Panthers with one sparking the Lightning's go-ahead goal in a 3-2 come-from-behind victory in front of an announced 14 126 at the St. Pete Times Forum. Tampa Bay (2-1-2) has won two straight for the first time since mid March taking advantage of another strong third-period flurry. Make no mistake: Mike Smith is the Lightning's No. 1 goalie but Niittymaki was the No. 1 star Monday night. Niittymaki "was huge " Steven Stamkos said. "It was definitely not one of our better games and he really bailed us out. And that's what great goaltenders do. And he did that for us (Monday night). He was great." Niittymaki had 31 saves including several on Panthers odd-man rushes; he even picked up the assist on the-winner. With less than seven minutes left Niittymaki made a save on a breakaway by David Booth. Stamkos picked up the rebound and went the length of the ice ripping a shot through Florida goaltender Tomas Vokoun. The puck trickled off the post but Ryan Malone crashed the net and tapped in the rebound. "I was lucky enough; I got the garbage there " he said. Before making the rare end-to-end rush Stamkos said he looked back and saw three Panthers standing still near the red line so he decided to go for it. "It was just kind of an instinct play and obviously a great save by Nitty " Stamkos said. "He deserves all the credit on that one." Niittymaki was tested early having to stop Booth on a first-period breakaway an experience he drew on when he came in alone in the third period. "He tried to deke-backhand the first time so I was kind of guessing he might shoot and he did " Niittymaki said. "So I think I had a little advantage there." The Lightning didn't play its best hockey being a little too careless with the puck which is partly why Niittymaki faced so many odd-man rushes. And though Niittymaki 29 has played just two regular-season games for the Lightning since signing in the offseason Tocchet likes what he is made of too. "Niittymaki was solid as can be he was excellent " Tocchet said. "He's done everything and more."
TAMPA [TGT] is making it tough for the Lightning to put [TGT] back on the bench. [TGT]making [TGT] second straight start came through with several spectacular saves Monday night against the Panthers with one sparking the Lightning's go-ahead goal in a 3-2 come-from-behind victory in front of an announced 14 126 at the St. Pete Times Forum. Tampa Bay (2-1-2) has won two straight for the first time since mid March taking advantage of another strong third-period flurry. Make no mistake: Mike Smith is the Lightning's No. 1 goalie but [TGT] was the No. 1 star Monday night. [TGT] "was huge " Steven Stamkos said. "It was definitely not one of our better games and he really bailed us out. And that's what great goaltenders do. And he did that for us (Monday night). He was great.[TGT] had 31 saves including several on Panthers odd-man rushes; [TGT] even picked up the assist on the-winner. With less than seven minutes left [TGT] made a save on a breakaway by David Booth. Stamkos picked up the rebound and went the length of the ice ripping a shot through Florida goaltender Tomas Vokoun. The puck trickled off the post but Ryan Malone crashed the net and tapped in the rebound. "I was lucky enough; I got the garbage there " he said. Before making the rare end-to-end rush Stamkos said he looked back and saw three Panthers standing still near the red line so he decided to go for it. "It was just kind of an instinct play and obviously a great save by Nitty " Stamkos said. "He deserves all the credit on that one.[TGT] was tested early having to stop Booth on a first-period breakaway an experience he drew on when he came in alone in the third period. "He tried to deke-backhand the first time so I was kind of guessing he might shoot and he did " [TGT] said. "So I think I had a little advantage there." The Lightning didn't play its best hockey being a little too careless with the puck which is partly why [TGT] faced so many odd-man rushes. And though [TGT]29 has played just two regular-season games for the Lightning since signing in the offseason Tocchet likes what he is made of too. "[TGT] was solid as can be [TGT] was excellent " Tocchet said. "[TGT]'s done everything and more."
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Mitt Romney .
Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney , in full Willard Mitt Romney -LRB- born March 12 , 1947 , Detroit , Michigan , U.S. -RRB- , American politician , who served as governor of Massachusetts -LRB- 2003 -- 07 -RRB- and who was the Republican Party 's presidential nominee in 2012 . The youngest of four siblings , Romney was born into one of the most prominent families within the Mormon faith . The younger Romney attended Stanford University in California , but he interrupted his studies in 1966 to undertake a 30-month missionary campaign for the Mormon church in France . Romney graduated summa cum laude from Brigham Young University with a B.A. degree in English in 1971 . Romney then moved into the private sector as an investment consultant . During his time at Bain , Romney acquired a multimillion-dollar fortune . His successful turnaround of the scandal-plagued 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City , chronicled by Romney in Turnaround : Crisis , Leadership , and the Olympic Games -LRB- 2004 -RRB- , served as a springboard for his successful Massachusetts gubernatorial campaign in 2002 . After taking office in 2003 , Romney addressed the state 's budget problems , implemented universal health care for the uninsured , and created a scholarship program for lower - and middle-income students to attend Massachusetts universities . Romney sometimes took centrist positions early in his political career -LRB- e.g. , during his 1994 campaign against Kennedy , he argued that homosexuals needed "more support from the Republican Party" and that "abortion should be safe and legal" -RRB- , but later in his career he fashioned himself as a fiscal and social conservative , maintaining that his views on such issues had evolved . Romney was opposed to gay marriage , and , after the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled in November 2003 that the denial of marriage licenses to same-sex couples was unconstitutional , he tried unsuccessfully to have the issue placed on the ballot . Romney turned next to pursuing the Republican nomination for president in 2008 . In January 2008 , however , Romney placed a disappointing second in both the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary , losing to Mike Huckabee and John McCain , respectively . Acknowledging the gap that existed between the number of delegates that each candidate could claim , Romney suspended his campaign several days later . Romney remained active in politics , and he also published the book No Apology : The Case for American Greatness -LRB- 2010 -RRB- . Romney began the campaign as the perceived front-runner for the Republican nomination . In August Romney chose U.S. Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his vice presidential running mate . Mitt Romney , 2010 . Mitt Romney , 2010 . Having emphasized his conservative credentials in the primaries -LRB- he called himself "severely conservative" -RRB- , Romney adopted a more-centrist position during the presidential campaign itself . Throughout the race , Romney sought to convince undecided voters that he could provide what the Democratic incumbent , President Barack Obama , had so far failed to deliver : a full recovery from the Great Recession of 2007 -- 09 . Romney presented his own experience as a successful governor and businessman as evidence of his capacity to lead the country on the road to economic recovery and growth . Despite a strong campaign , Romney 's bid for the presidency was unsuccessful , and Obama was reelected .
[TGT] , in full Willard Mitt Romney -LRB- born March 12 , 1947 , Detroit , Michigan , U.S. -RRB- , American politician , who served as governor of Massachusetts -LRB- 2003 -- 07 -RRB- and who was the Republican Party 's presidential nominee in 2012 . The youngest of four siblings , [TGT] was born into one of the most prominent families within the Mormon faith . [TGT] attended Stanford University in California , but [TGT] interrupted [TGT] studies in 1966 to undertake a 30-month missionary campaign for the Mormon church in France . [TGT] graduated summa cum laude from Brigham Young University with a B.A. degree in English in 1971 . [TGT] then moved into the private sector as an investment consultant . During [TGT] time at Bain , [TGT] acquired a multimillion-dollar fortune . [TGT] successful turnaround of the scandal-plagued 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City , chronicled by [TGT] in Turnaround : Crisis , Leadership , and the Olympic Games -LRB- 2004 -RRB- , served as a springboard for [TGT] successful Massachusetts gubernatorial campaign in 2002 . After taking office in 2003 , [TGT] addressed the state 's budget problems , implemented universal health care for the uninsured , and created a scholarship program for lower - and middle-income students to attend Massachusetts universities . [TGT] sometimes took centrist positions early in [TGT] political career -LRB- e.g. , during [TGT] 1994 campaign against Kennedy , [TGT] argued that homosexuals needed "more support from the Republican Party" and that "abortion should be safe and legal" -RRB- , but later in [TGT] career [TGT] fashioned [TGT] as a fiscal and social conservative , maintaining that [TGT] views on such issues had evolved . [TGT] was opposed to gay marriage , and , after the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled in November 2003 that the denial of marriage licenses to same-sex couples was unconstitutional , [TGT] tried unsuccessfully to have the issue placed on the ballot . [TGT] turned next to pursuing the Republican nomination for president in 2008 . In January 2008 , however , [TGT] placed a disappointing second in both the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary , losing to Mike Huckabee and John McCain , respectively . Acknowledging the gap that existed between the number of delegates that each candidate could claim , [TGT] suspended [TGT] campaign several days later . [TGT] remained active in politics , and [TGT] also published the book No Apology : The Case for American Greatness -LRB- 2010 -RRB- . [TGT] began the campaign as the perceived front-runner for the Republican nomination . In [TGT] chose U.S. Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as [TGT] vice presidential running mate . [TGT] , 2010 . [TGT] , 2010 . Having emphasized [TGT] conservative credentials in the primaries -LRB- [TGT] called [TGT] "severely conservative" -RRB- , [TGT] adopted a more-centrist position during the presidential campaign itself . Throughout the race , [TGT] sought to convince undecided voters that [TGT] could provide what the Democratic incumbent , President Barack Obama , had so far failed to deliver : a full recovery from the Great Recession of 2007 -- 09 . [TGT] presented [TGT] own experience as a successful governor and businessman as evidence of [TGT] capacity to lead the country on the road to economic recovery and growth . Despite a strong campaign , [TGT] 's bid for the presidency was unsuccessful , and Obama was reelected .
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Rivers Kendrick Perkins
Kevin Garnett suffered a strain in his right mid-foot during Monday's Game 2 victory over the Cavaliers while Kendrick Perkins hyperextended his right knee in that day's shootaround though he still managed to play. Garnett reported to practice Wednesday and wanted to participate telling Rivers he felt better but that did not convince the coach. Perkins suited up but did not participate in drills and eventually left for treatment. He returned to the court following the team's workout and said he will be ready for Game 3 Friday. "After the game Monday it was hurting and even more when I woke up the next morning " Perkins said. "It's still a little sore in my hamstring area. I am glad we had a few days to rest and hopefully I'll practice tomorrow. I'll be ready for Friday. I am glad we have a few days to rest." Garnett's injury is the more serious of the two. He was hurt in the second quarter of Game 2 when Perkins backed into him while defending a drive by Anderson Varejao. Paul Pierce suffered a similar injury Feb. 1 against Washington and missed two games but the Celtics are hoping the extra rest will make Garnett available for Game 3. Perkins said he tweaked the knee simply running down the court. Still his defense against Shaquille O'Neal has been effective. The Celtics have used Garnett and Perkins to plug up the middle and reduce the inside scoring of O'Neal Antawn Jamison and Anderson Varejao. O'Neal hurt the Celtics in the fourth quarter of Game 1 but is 8 for 22 in the series and Perkins has limited his easy chances at the rim. If O'Neal gets even a few steps from a dunk Perkins is helpless to stop the 325-pound train. "The biggest thing with Shaq is you don't let him get deep post-ups " Perkins said. "You try to fight him as much as you can and make him score over the top and no dunks no layups. That's the game plan." When asked if O'Neal chatters during their matchup - which already has cost Perkins five stitches in his upper lip - Perkins said "Nah he doesn't talk. Shaq really don't talk. He just plays hard and just a big body that plays physical." The Celtics are hoping the physicality of the first two games won't cost them a starter but they have been accustomed to playing shorthanded all season so there is no sense of panic. Garnett has been remarkably healthy since the 10-game absence playing in 39 straight before Rivers rested him for two of the final three regular-season games. Rivers is cautious when it comes to injured players practicing so keeping Garnett away was no surprise. "This is just like a normal practice not enough guys that's the way it's been all year for us " said Rivers. "It was an easy practice because we knew what we had."
Kevin Garnett suffered a strain in his right mid-foot during Monday's Game 2 victory over the Cavaliers while [TGT] hyperextended [TGT] right knee in that day's shootaround though [TGT] still managed to play. Garnett reported to practice Wednesday and wanted to participate telling Rivers [TGT] felt better but that did not convince the coach. [TGT] suited up but did not participate in drills and eventually left for treatment. [TGT] returned to the court following the team's workout and said [TGT] will be ready for Game 3 Friday. "After the game Monday it was hurting and even more when I woke up the next morning [TGT] said. "It's still a little sore in my hamstring area. I am glad we had a few days to rest and hopefully I'll practice tomorrow. I'll be ready for Friday. I am glad we have a few days to rest." Garnett's injury is the more serious of the two. [TGT] was hurt in the second quarter of Game 2 when [TGT] backed into [TGT] while defending a drive by Anderson Varejao. Paul Pierce suffered a similar injury Feb. 1 against Washington and missed two games but the Celtics are hoping the extra rest will make Garnett available for Game 3. [TGT] said [TGT] tweaked the knee simply running down the court. Still [TGT] defense against Shaquille O'Neal has been effective. The Celtics have used Garnett and [TGT] to plug up the middle and reduce the inside scoring of O'Neal Antawn Jamison and Anderson Varejao. O'Neal hurt the Celtics in the fourth quarter of Game 1 but is 8 for 22 in the series and [TGT] has limited his easy chances at the rim. If O'Neal gets even a few steps from a dunk [TGT] is helpless to stop the 325-pound train. "The biggest thing with Shaq is you don't let [TGT] get deep post-ups [TGT] said. "You try to fight [TGT] as much as you can and make [TGT] score over the top and no dunks no layups. That's the game plan." When asked if O'Neal chatters during their matchup - which already has cost [TGT] five stitches in his upper lip [TGT] said "Nah [TGT] doesn't talk. Shaq really don't talk. [TGT] just plays hard and just a big body that plays physical." The Celtics are hoping the physicality of the first two games won't cost them a starter but they have been accustomed to playing shorthanded all season so there is no sense of panic. Garnett has been remarkably healthy since the 10-game absence playing in 39 straight before [TGT] rested him for two of the final three regular-season games. [TGT] is cautious when [TGT] comes to injured players practicing so keeping Garnett away was no surprise. "This is just like a normal practice not enough guys that's the way it's been all year for us " said [TGT]. "It was an easy practice because we knew what we had."
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Nouri Kamal al-Maliki
Even with a deadly car bombing and other mayhem marring the day -- the deadline for the American troop pullback under a Jan. 1 agreement -- Prime Minister Nouri Kamal al-Maliki seized on the occasion to position himself as a proud leader of a country independent at last looking ahead to the next milestone of parliamentary elections in January. He made no mention of American troops in a nationally televised speech even though nearly 130 000 remain in the country; most had already pulled back from Iraq's cities before Tuesday's deadline. In a national address al-Maliki focused his praise on Iraqi troops and security forces for their role in fighting the insurgency. "The national united government succeeded in putting down the sectarian war that was threatening the unity and the sovereignty of Iraq " he said as if the United States had played no role. President Barack Obama who ran for office on a pledge to end the war marked the occasion with minimal fanfare declaring it "an important milestone" even as he warned of "difficult days ahead." "The Iraqi people are rightly treating this day as cause for celebration " he said. The withdrawal did not command its own presidential appearance -- his brief remarks were delivered at a ceremony honoring entrepreneurs -- a marked contrast with his predecessor who rarely missed an opportunity to celebrate milestones in Iraq. Military experts anticipate more violence in the days ahead. Maliki's effort to capitalize on Iraq's latent anti-Americanism and to extol the abilities of his troops is a risky strategy. If it turns out that Iraqi troops cannot control the violence al-Maliki will be vulnerable to criticism from rivals -- both if he has to ask the Americans to return but also if he fails to enforce security without them. Some American commanders have said they were taken aback by al-Malikial-Maliki's insistence on taking credit for all the security successes in Iraq but they also see the importance of having him and Iraqi troops appear strong especially in the face of multiple insurgent factions intent on destabilizing the government. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno brushed aside the dismissive tone of Iraqi leaders' public remarks about the Americans saying that al-Maliki had personally thanked him on Monday night and again on Tuesday for the sacrifices American troops have made.
Even with a deadly car bombing and other mayhem marring the day -- the deadline for the American troop pullback under a Jan. 1 agreement -- [TGT] seized on the occasion to position [TGT] as a proud leader of a country independent at last looking ahead to the next milestone of parliamentary elections in January. [TGT] made no mention of American troops in a nationally televised speech even though nearly 130 000 remain in the country; most had already pulled back from Iraq's cities before Tuesday's deadline. In a national address [TGT] focused [TGT] praise on Iraqi troops and security forces for their role in fighting the insurgency. "The national united government succeeded in putting down the sectarian war that was threatening the unity and the sovereignty of Iraq " he said as if the United States had played no role. President Barack Obama who ran for office on a pledge to end the war marked the occasion with minimal fanfare declaring it "an important milestone" even as he warned of "difficult days ahead." "The Iraqi people are rightly treating this day as cause for celebration " he said. The withdrawal did not command its own presidential appearance -- his brief remarks were delivered at a ceremony honoring entrepreneurs -- a marked contrast with his predecessor who rarely missed an opportunity to celebrate milestones in Iraq. Military experts anticipate more violence in the days ahead. Maliki's effort to capitalize on Iraq's latent anti-Americanism and to extol the abilities of his troops is a risky strategy. If it turns out that Iraqi troops cannot control the violence [TGT] will be vulnerable to criticism from rivals -- both if [TGT] has to ask the Americans to return but also if [TGT] fails to enforce security without them. Some American commanders have said they were taken aback by [TGT] insistence on taking credit for all the security successes in Iraq but they also see the importance of having [TGT] and Iraqi troops appear strong especially in the face of multiple insurgent factions intent on destabilizing the government. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno brushed aside the dismissive tone of Iraqi leaders' public remarks about the Americans saying that [TGT] had personally thanked [TGT] on Monday night and again on Tuesday for the sacrifices American troops have made.
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Bernie Sanders .
Bernie Sanders
Sanders is an Independent , but sides with the Democratic Party . -LSB- 1 -RSB- From 2015 through 2016 , Sanders was a Democrat . Sanders was born in Brooklyn , New York City . Sanders was elected mayor of Burlington , Vermont in 1981 . Sanders calls himself a democratic socialist . -LSB- 9 -RSB- -LSB- 10 -RSB- During his time as senator , Sanders has been against income inequality and supports universal health care , parental leave and LGBT rights . -LSB- 11 -RSB- In January 2015 , Sanders became a member of the Senate Budget Committee . On April 30 , 2015 , Sanders became a candidate for the Democratic Party 's nomination for President in the 2016 United States presidential election . -LSB- 15 -RSB- Unlike some of the other presidential candidates , Sanders did not want Super PACS to give him money . -LSB- 19 -RSB- On July 26 , 2016 , during a roll-call vote at the 2016 Democratic National Convention Sanders lost the nomination to Clinton . -LSB- 21 -RSB- In February 2017 , Sanders began webcasting The Bernie Sanders Show on Facebook . Sanders was born in Brooklyn , New York to Eli Sanders and to Dorothy Glassberg . Sanders studied at Brooklyn College . After he graduated from college , Sanders went to the University of Chicago . -LSB- 25 -RSB- When he studied in Chicago , Sanders led the University of Chicago sit-ins in 1962 because of segregation at the university . Sanders began his political career in 1971 as a member of the Liberty Union Party . -LSB- 34 -RSB- In the 1974 Senate election , Sanders lost to Patrick Leahy and to Dick Mallary . -LSB- 35 -RSB- In 1979 , Sanders resigned from the party . After Sanders 's failed run for governor , close friend Richard Sugarman wanted him to be a candidate for mayor of Burlington . -LSB- 38 -RSB- Sanders won the election in February 1981 . As mayor , Sanders wanted to fix Burlington 's Lake Champlain . -LSB- 39 -RSB- In 1981 , Sanders was against Tony Pomerleau . Sanders did not want Pomerleau to change the industrial -LSB- 39 -RSB- lake property owned by the Central Vermont Railway . Sanders used the slogan "Burlington is not for sale" . In 1987 , U.S. News named Sanders as one of America 's best mayors . When he was mayor , Sanders helped to fix the city 's budget . -LSB- 25 -RSB- Sanders left office on April 4 , 1989 . -LSB- 38 -RSB- For a short time , Sanders taught political science at Harvard University 's Kennedy School of Government in 1989 and at Hamilton College in 1991 . Sanders became a candidate for the seat as an Independent , but he lost the election . -LSB- 43 -RSB- In 1990 , Sanders became a candidate for the seat again and defeated Peter Plympton Smith by 16 % . Sanders became the first independent elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 40 years . -LSB- 44 -RSB- Sanders ' 1990 victory was called by The Washington Post and others as the "First Socialist Elected" to the United States House of Representatives in many years . -LSB- 45 -RSB- Sanders continued to win re-elections with many votes . In 1991 , Sanders co-founded the Congressional Progressive Caucus . In 1993 , Sanders voted for a bill supported by the National Rifle Association -LRB- NRA -RRB- to stop lawsuits against gun companies . After Ron Dellums left Congress in 1998 , Sanders was the only member of Congress who called himself a socialist . Sanders voted against the Iraq Resolutions in 1991 and 2002 . Sanders is against the Patriot Act . -LSB- 52 -RSB- Sanders voted for several acts that would block the Patriot Act . Sanders became senator after Jim Jeffords retired from the Senate in 2006 . Sanders has been a leading voice on issues such as income inequality , -LSB- 57 -RSB- climate change , -LSB- 58 -RSB- and campaign finance reform . -LSB- 59 -RSB- Sanders continued to be a major critic on mass surveillance policies such as the Patriot Act . On December 10 , 2010 , Sanders gave a 8 12 - hour speech against the Tax Relief , Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization , and Job Creation Act of 2010 . -LSB- 61 -RSB- After the speech , people wanted Sanders to be a candidate for president in the 2012 presidential election . Sanders ' filibuster was published in February 2011 by Nation Books as The Speech : A Historic Filibuster on Corporate Greed and the Decline of Our Middle Class . On January 3 , 2013 , Sanders became chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Veterans ' Affairs . -LSB- 6 -RSB- After his term as chairman ended on January 3 , 2015 , Sanders became a member of the Senate Budget Committee . -LSB- 12 -RSB- -LSB- 64 -RSB- Sanders made proposals to raise the minimum wage , stop income inequality , and increase Social Security payments . Sanders is the longest serving Independent member of Congress in American history . -LSB- 6 -RSB- In November 2015 , Sanders changed parties and became a member of the Democratic Party . -LSB- 3 -RSB- On July 26 , 2016 , however shortly after losing the Democratic presidential nomination , Sanders said he would serve as an Independent in the Senate . Following Donald Trump 's victory in the 2016 presidential election , Sanders accepted his victory and promised to work with Trump . On January 4 , 2017 , while on the Senate floor , Sanders showed a large cutout of a tweet by President-elect Trump from May 2015 where Trump said he was the "first & only potential GOP candidate" who opposed any cuts to Social Security , Medicare and Medicaid , citing it as what Trump appealed to older voters to elect him on . While in Los Angeles on February 19 , Sanders called Trump "a pathological liar" . On March 30 , two days after President Trump signed an "Energy Independence" executive order , Sanders called Trump 's choice to focus on job creation over climate change is "nonsensical , and stupid , and dangerous" . Sanders was against the nomination of Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court . Sanders said he believed Gorsuch would support removing restrictions on campaign finance and would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade . On April 7 , 2017 , Sanders showed disapproval of President Trump 's ordered airstrike from the day before : "If there 's anything we should 've learned from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan , in which the lives of thousands of brave American men and women and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan civilians have been lost and trillions of dollars spent , it 's that it 's easier to get into a war than out of one ." In May 2017 , Sanders endorsed Labour Leader of the Opposition Jeremy Corbyn in the 2017 United Kingdom general election . -LSB- 74 -RSB- The bill was opposed only by Sanders and Republican Rand Paul . On June 14 , 2017 , James T. Hodgkinson , a supporter of Sanders during his presidential campaign , shot and injured four people , including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana . -LSB- 75 -RSB- -LSB- 76 -RSB- Hours later , Sanders responded on Capitol Hill to news that Hodgkinson was a campaign volunteer for his 2016 presidential run : . In September 2017 , Sanders introduced the United States National Health Care Act which would create a single-payer health care system paid by the United States Government . In August 2011 , Public Policy Polling found that 67 % of American people supported Sanders . -LSB- 80 -RSB- In a poll by Fox News in March 2017 , found Sanders to be the most popular senator or political figure in the United States with the approval rating of 61 % . -LSB- 81 -RSB- A Harvard-Harris Poll published April 18 , 2017 found Sanders to be the most popular active politician in the country . Main page : Bernie Sanders presidential campaign , 2016 . In an interview with The Nation on March 6 , 2014 , Sanders said that he was "prepared to run for President of the United States" in 2016 -LSB- 83 -RSB- but did not officially announce a campaign . On April 28 , 2015 , Vermont Public Radio said that Sanders would run for president starting on April 30 . -LSB- 85 -RSB- Weaver was also Sanders 's senate campaign manager and was his chief of staff . Sanders ' campaign events have brought many people from around the country . -LSB- 17 -RSB- -LSB- 86 -RSB- -LSB- 87 -RSB- Sanders said he was "Stunned . -LSB- 18 -RSB- However , on June 25 , 2015 , The New York Times said that Sanders might win the primaries instead of Clinton . -LSB- 18 -RSB- On August 12 , 2015 , the Boston Herald said that Sanders was winning by 44 % to Clinton 's 37 % in New Hampshire among Democratic primary voters . -LSB- 88 -RSB- A poll released on August 25 , 2015 , showed that Sanders was once again winning in New Hampshire with 42 % to Clinton 's 35 % . During his campaign , Sanders was known for his popularity among millennials and young voters . -LSB- 91 -RSB- In the 2016 campaign , Sanders won more votes among those under age 30 than both Trump and Clinton combined . It shows more than 2 million young people cast ballots for Sanders before the primaries in June . -LSB- 91 -RSB- His popularity led to the creation a Facebook political meme page Bernie Sanders ' Dank Meme Stash which has gained popularity among his supporters and the internet . A poll released in September 2015 showed that Sanders was leading Clinton in Iowa with 41 % to Clinton 's 40 % . -LSB- 93 -RSB- In October 2015 , polling showed Sanders and Clinton were tied in polls in both New Hampshire and Iowa . -LSB- 94 -RSB- In November 2015 , a poll showed Sanders was increasing his numbers in New Hampshire , almost tied with Clinton . -LSB- 95 -RSB- On November 19 , 2015 , Sanders gave a speech at Georgetown University about his views on democratic socialism . -LSB- 96 -RSB- In his speech , Sanders talked about how the policies of presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson were based on democratic socialism . On December 3 , 2015 , a Quinnipiac University poll found Sanders to be the Democratic candidate more likely to win the presidential election against top Republican candidates such as Donald Trump , Jeb Bush , Marco Rubio , Ted Cruz and Ben Carson . -LSB- 98 -RSB- On December 4 , 2015 , after online voting ended , votes showed that Sanders was in first place to become Time 's 2015 Person of the Year . -LSB- 100 -RSB- On December 7 , Time announced that Sanders won the reader 's poll of the magazine , but he would not be person of the year . -LSB- 101 -RSB- On December 9 , poll numbers showed that Sanders was leading Clinton in the New Hampshire polls by 50 % to 40 % . -LSB- 102 -RSB- The university also showed Clinton was winning with 61 % to Sanders 's 30 % of the national poll . In January 2016 , in weeks leading to the Democratic primaries , Sanders was leading New Hampshire by 50 % to Clinton 's 46 % and in Iowa with 49 % to 43 % . -LSB- 104 -RSB- -LSB- 105 -RSB- On January 21 , 2016 , Sanders ' campaign advertisement , America , was shown in Iowa and New Hampshire . In early February 2016 , a national poll showed Sanders and Clinton almost tied with Clinton 's 44 % to Sanders ' 42 % in the national poll . -LSB- 103 -RSB- A few weeks later , Quinnipiac University , CNN and Fox News poll numbers showed Sanders being the front-runner with 47 % to Clinton 's 44 % of the national poll . -LSB- 107 -RSB- After the Nevada caucus , new poll numbers showed Sanders 's national lead growing with 42 % to Clinton 's 36 % . -LSB- 108 -RSB- A February 2016 Quinnipiac University poll found that Sanders was the most honest candidate in the election . On March 8 , 2016 , Sanders won the Michigan Democratic primary . In early April 2016 , national poll numbers showed Sanders winning by 49 % to Clinton 's 47 % . -LSB- 112 -RSB- On April 8 , Sanders was asked by Vatican City to talk about the issues of income inequality and the environment . -LSB- 113 -RSB- Sanders agreed to the invitation and spoke at the Vatican on April 15 . -LSB- 114 -RSB- In April 2016 , Sanders was added into Time 's 100 Most Influential People of 2016 . In May 2016 , national poll numbers showed Sanders loosing to Clinton with 45 % to Clinton 's 50 % with 5 % people undecided . -LSB- 116 -RSB- On May 3 , 2016 , Sanders pulled another political upset after beating Clinton in the Indiana primaries by six percent . -LSB- 117 -RSB- On May 10 , 2016 , Sanders won the West Virginia primaries by 51.4 % to Clinton 's 35.8 % . A NBCWall Street Journal poll in May found Clinton and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump in a tie , but the same poll found that if Sanders were the Democratic nominee , 53 % of voters would support him to 39 % for Trump . -LSB- 120 -RSB- Clinton and Trump were the least popular likely candidates in the poll 's history , while Sanders received a 43 % positive with a 36 % negative rating . -LSB- 122 -RSB- Sanders said he will still remain in the race until the Democratic Party convention in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania in July 2016 . -LSB- 123 -RSB- On July 12 , 2016 , Sanders announced his support for Clinton at a unity rally in New Hampshire . On July 22 , 2016 , WikiLeaks revealed that DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other DNC official , mocked and planned to sabotage the Sanders 's campaign in favor of Clinton . -LSB- 124 -RSB- Sanders said he wanted Schultz to resign . Sanders spoke on the first night of the Democratic Convention on July 25 , 2016 . -LSB- 125 -RSB- In his speech , Sanders told his supporters that he thanked them and to vote for Clinton to defeat Donald Trump in the general election . -LSB- 126 -RSB- On July 26 , 2016 , during a roll-call vote at the 2016 Democratic National Convention Sanders lost the nomination to Clinton . On February 1 , 2016 , Sanders lost the Iowa caucus to Clinton by less than 1 % . -LSB- 127 -RSB- On February 9 , Sanders won the New Hampshire caucus by 22 % . -LSB- 129 -RSB- Sanders became the first democratic socialist and the first non-Christian to win a United States presidential primary for a major party . -LSB- 130 -RSB- On February 20 , 2016 , Sanders lost the Nevada caucus by 5 % . -LSB- 131 -RSB- On February 27 , 2016 , Sanders lost the South Carolina primary by almost 48 % . On March 1 , 2016 , "Super Tuesday" , Sanders won four states : Vermont , Oklahoma , Colorado and Minnesota . -LSB- 133 -RSB- On March 5 , 2016 , "Super Saturday" , Sanders won two states : Kansas by 35 % and Nebraska by almost 15 % . -LSB- 136 -RSB- On March 6 , 2016 , Sanders won the Maine caucuses by almost 65 % . -LSB- 137 -RSB- On March 8 , 2016 , Sanders lost the Mississippi primaries by 65 % . -LSB- 138 -RSB- On the same day , Sanders won the Michigan primaries by 2 % . -LSB- 139 -RSB- On March 12 , 2016 , Sanders lost the Northern Mariana Islands caucus by 20 % . -LSB- 140 -RSB- On March 15 , 2016 , Sanders lost the Florida , North Carolina , Ohio , Illinois , and Missouri primaries . On March 21 , 2016 , Sanders won the Democrats Abroad primary with 69 % to Clinton 's 31 % . -LSB- 146 -RSB- On March 23 , 2016 , Sanders won the Idaho primaries and the Utah caucus . -LSB- 147 -RSB- On March 26 , 2016 , Sanders won the Washington , Alaska and the Hawaii caucuses all by landslide victories . On April 5 , 2016 , Sanders won the Wisconsin primaries with 57 % to Clinton 's 43 % of the vote . -LSB- 149 -RSB- On April 9 , 2016 , Sanders won the Wyoming caucuses with 56 % to Clinton 's 44 % . -LSB- 150 -RSB- On April 19 , 2016 , Sanders lost the New York primaries with 42 % to Clinton 's 58 % . -LSB- 151 -RSB- On April 26 , 2016 , Sanders lost the Maryland , Delaware , Pennsylvania , and Connecticut primaries . On May 3 , 2016 , Sanders won the Indiana primaries with 53 % to Clinton 's 47 % of the vote . -LSB- 158 -RSB- On May 10 , 2016 , Sanders won the West Virginia primaries with 51 % to Clinton 's 36 % of the vote . -LSB- 159 -RSB- On May 17 , 2016 , Sanders lost the Kentucky primaries by less than 1 % . On June 4 , 2016 , Sanders lost the U.S. Virgin Islands caucus in a landslide . -LSB- 162 -RSB- On June 5 , 2016 , Sanders lost the Puerto Rico primaries . -LSB- 163 -RSB- On June 7 , 2016 , Sanders lost the primaries in New Jersey , New Mexico , South Dakota , and California . -LSB- 168 -RSB- -LSB- 169 -RSB- On June 14 , 2016 , Sanders lost the Washington , D.C. primaries , the last primary of the election season , with 20 % to Clinton 's 80 % . In August 2016 , Sanders founded Our Revolution . -LSB- 171 -RSB- Sanders also plans to establish The Sanders Institute , which will focus on issues he believes the "corporate media" has failed to focus on . On December 19 , 2016 during the voting of the electoral college , Sanders got three electoral votes from electors who did not want to vote for Clinton . Noam Chomsky said in a May 2017 BBC interview that the Sanders campaign was the most remarkable thing about the 2016 election because of Sanders not accepting money from business people or corporations . Sanders had been asked many times if he would run for president again in the 2020 presidential election . -LSB- 176 -RSB- Sanders would respond by stating "it is much too early to talk about that" , but refuses to rule out a possible second presidential campaign . After a poll was made in February 2017 , 20 % of Democratic voters wanted Sanders to be the party 's nominee in the 2020 presidential election leading Hillary Clinton at 17 % and Elizabeth Warren at 15 % . -LSB- 177 -RSB- In March 2017 , at 14 % , Sanders was the Democratic voters front-runner for the Democratic nomination in 2020 beating Michelle Obama at 11 % . -LSB- 178 -RSB- In September 2017 , at a polling of 28 % , Sanders remained the lead candidate for the Democratic Party nominee in the 2020 election beating Warren , former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator from California Kamala Harris . Sanders married Deborah Shiling in 1964 . -LSB- 6 -RSB- He met his second wife , Jane O'Meara , when Sanders became mayor of Burlington , Vermont in 1981 . -LSB- 180 -RSB- Sanders has a son , Levi Sanders , who was born out of wedlock with his domestic partner Susan Campbell Mott . -LSB- 6 -RSB- Sanders and Mott were partners only one year before splitting in 1969 . -LSB- 180 -RSB- Sanders has three step-children from O'Meara : Dave , Carina and Heather Driscoll . In 1987 , when Sanders was mayor , he recorded an album called We Shall Overcome . -LSB- 182 -RSB- In 1997 , Huck Gutman and Sanders wrote a political memoir called Outsider in the White House . -LSB- 183 -RSB- It was published again in 2015 during Sanders ' presidential campaign . Sanders had a small role in the 1988 movie Sweet Hearts Dance . -LSB- 185 -RSB- On February 6 , 2016 , Sanders was a guest-star on Saturday Night Live . Sanders says he is "proud to be Jewish" but is not very religious . Sanders says he feels "very close to the teachings of Pope Francis ," . Sanders wrote a memoir titled , Our Revolution : A Future to Believe In , which was released on November 15 , 2016 . Sanders received an Honorary degree from Brooklyn College on May 30 , 2017 . On November 30 , 2015 , Sanders had a hernia surgery at the George Washington University Hospital in Washington , D.C. . In December 2016 , Sanders had skin cancer removed from his cheek . -LSB- 194 -RSB- This was after Brady Toensing , Donald Trump 's campaign chairman in Vermont , accused Sanders of bank fraud . -LSB- 195 -RSB- Both CBS and Politico reported that Bernie Sanders was also under investigation , -LSB- 196 -RSB- however that was not true . -LSB- 197 -RSB- Both Sanders and his wife have hired well known defense lawyers to represent them . Sanders is a democratic socialist . Sanders is a supporter of paternity leave , sick leave , and vacation time . -LSB- 206 -RSB- Sanders thinks that global warming is real and he wants to fix it . -LSB- 208 -RSB- Sanders was against the U.S. invasion of Iraq . Sanders is more liberal on social issues such as supporting same-sex marriage , citizenship for illegal immigrants and abortion . -LSB- 210 -RSB- On November 15 , 2015 , in response to ISIS ' attacks in Paris , Sanders said : "We -LSB- have got to -RSB- be tough , not stupid ," in the war against ISIS . After Donald Trump 's victory in the 2016 presidential elections , Sanders said that the Democratic Party needs a "series of reforms" and "must break loose from its corporate establishment ties and , once again , become a grass-roots party of working people , the elderly and the poor ."
[TGT] is an Independent , but sides with the Democratic Party . -LSB- 1 -RSB- From 2015 through 2016 , [TGT] was a Democrat . [TGT] was born in Brooklyn , New York City . [TGT] was elected mayor of Burlington , Vermont in 1981 . [TGT] calls [TGT] a democratic socialist . -LSB- 9 -RSB- -LSB- 10 -RSB- During [TGT] time as senator , [TGT] has been against income inequality and supports universal health care , parental leave and LGBT rights . -LSB- 11 -RSB- In January 2015 , [TGT] became a member of the Senate Budget Committee . On April 30 , 2015 , [TGT] became a candidate for the Democratic Party 's nomination for President in the 2016 United States presidential election . -LSB- 15 -RSB- Unlike some of the other presidential candidates , [TGT] did not want Super PACS to give [TGT] money . -LSB- 19 -RSB- On July 26 , 2016 , during a roll-call vote at the 2016 Democratic National Convention Sanders lost the nomination to Clinton . -LSB- 21 -RSB- In February 2017 , [TGT] began webcasting The Bernie Sanders Show on Facebook . [TGT] was born in Brooklyn , New York to [TGT] and to Dorothy Glassberg . [TGT] studied at Brooklyn College . After [TGT] graduated from college , [TGT] went to the University of Chicago . -LSB- 25 -RSB- When [TGT] studied in Chicago , [TGT] led the University of Chicago sit-ins in 1962 because of segregation at the university . [TGT] began [TGT] political career in 1971 as a member of the Liberty Union Party . -LSB- 34 -RSB- In the 1974 Senate election , [TGT] lost to Patrick Leahy and to Dick Mallary . -LSB- 35 -RSB- In 1979 , [TGT] resigned from the party . After [TGT] 's failed run for governor , close friend Richard Sugarman wanted [TGT] to be a candidate for mayor of Burlington . -LSB- 38 [TGT] won the election in February 1981 . As mayor , [TGT] wanted to fix Burlington 's Lake Champlain . -LSB- 39 -RSB- In 1981 , [TGT] was against Tony Pomerleau . [TGT] did not want Pomerleau to change the industrial -LSB- 39 -RSB- lake property owned by the Central Vermont Railway . [TGT] used the slogan "Burlington is not for sale" . In 1987 , U.S. News named [TGT] as one of America 's best mayors . When [TGT] was mayor , [TGT] helped to fix the city 's budget . -LSB- 25 [TGT] left office on April 4 , 1989 . -LSB- 38 -RSB- For a short time , [TGT] taught political science at Harvard University 's Kennedy School of Government in 1989 and at Hamilton College in 1991 . [TGT] became a candidate for the seat as an Independent , but [TGT] lost the election . -LSB- 43 -RSB- In 1990 , [TGT] became a candidate for the seat again and defeated Peter Plympton Smith by 16 % . [TGT] became the first independent elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 40 years . -LSB- 44 [TGT] 1990 victory was called by The Washington Post and others as the "First Socialist Elected" to the United States House of Representatives in many years . -LSB- [TGT] continued to win re-elections with many votes . In 1991 , [TGT] co-founded the Congressional Progressive Caucus . In 1993 , [TGT] voted for a bill supported by the National Rifle Association -LRB- NRA -RRB- to stop lawsuits against gun companies . After Ron Dellums left Congress in 1998 , [TGT] was the only member of Congress who called [TGT] a socialist . [TGT] voted against the Iraq Resolutions in 1991 and 2002 . [TGT] is against the Patriot Act . -LSB- 52 [TGT] voted for several acts that would block the Patriot Act . [TGT] became senator after Jim Jeffords retired from the Senate in 2006 . [TGT] has been a leading voice on issues such as income inequality , -LSB- 57 -RSB- climate change , -LSB- 58 -RSB- and campaign finance reform . -LSB- 59 [TGT] continued to be a major critic on mass surveillance policies such as the Patriot Act . On December 10 , 2010 , [TGT] gave a 8 12 - hour speech against the Tax Relief , Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization , and Job Creation Act of 2010 . -LSB- 61 -RSB- After the speech , people wanted [TGT] to be a candidate for president in the 2012 presidential election . [TGT] ' filibuster was published in February 2011 by Nation Books as The Speech : A Historic Filibuster on Corporate Greed and the Decline of Our Middle Class . On January 3 , 2013 , [TGT] became chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Veterans ' Affairs . -LSB- 6 -RSB- After [TGT] term as chairman ended on January 3 , 2015 , [TGT] became a member of the Senate Budget Committee . -LSB- 12 -RSB- -LSB- 64 [TGT] made proposals to raise the minimum wage , stop income inequality , and increase Social Security payments . [TGT] is the longest serving Independent member of Congress in American history . -LSB- 6 -RSB- In November 2015 , [TGT] changed parties and became a member of the Democratic Party . -LSB- 3 -RSB- On July 26 , 2016 , however shortly after losing the Democratic presidential nomination , [TGT] said [TGT] would serve as an Independent in the Senate . Following Donald Trump 's victory in the 2016 presidential election , [TGT] accepted his victory and promised to work with Trump . On January 4 , 2017 , while on the Senate floor , [TGT] showed a large cutout of a tweet by President-elect Trump from May 2015 where Trump said [TGT] was the "first & only potential GOP candidate" who opposed any cuts to Social Security , Medicare and Medicaid , citing it as what Trump appealed to older voters to elect him on . While in Los Angeles on February 19 , [TGT] called Trump "a pathological liar" . On March 30 , two days after President Trump signed an "Energy Independence" executive order , [TGT] called Trump 's choice to focus on job creation over climate change is "nonsensical , and stupid , and dangerous" . [TGT] was against the nomination of Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court . [TGT] said [TGT] believed Gorsuch would support removing restrictions on campaign finance and would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade . On April 7 , 2017 , [TGT] showed disapproval of President Trump 's ordered airstrike from the day before : "If there 's anything we should 've learned from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan , in which the lives of thousands of brave American men and women and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan civilians have been lost and trillions of dollars spent , it 's that it 's easier to get into a war than out of one ." In May 2017 , [TGT] endorsed Labour Leader of the Opposition Jeremy Corbyn in the 2017 United Kingdom general election . -LSB- 74 -RSB- The bill was opposed only by [TGT] and Republican Rand Paul . On June 14 , 2017 , James T. Hodgkinson , a supporter of [TGT] during [TGT] presidential campaign , shot and injured four people , including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana . -LSB- 75 -RSB- -LSB- 76 -RSB- Hours later , [TGT] responded on Capitol Hill to news that Hodgkinson was a campaign volunteer for [TGT] 2016 presidential run : . In September 2017 , [TGT] introduced the United States National Health Care Act which would create a single-payer health care system paid by the United States Government . In August 2011 , Public Policy Polling found that 67 % of American people supported [TGT] . -LSB- 80 -RSB- In a poll by Fox News in March 2017 , found [TGT] to be the most popular senator or political figure in the United States with the approval rating of 61 % . -LSB- 81 -RSB- A Harvard-Harris Poll published April 18 , 2017 found [TGT] to be the most popular active politician in the country . Main page : [TGT] presidential campaign , 2016 . In an interview with The Nation on March 6 , 2014 , [TGT] said that [TGT] was "prepared to run for President of the United States" in 2016 -LSB- 83 -RSB- but did not officially announce a campaign . On April 28 , 2015 , Vermont Public Radio said that [TGT] would run for president starting on April 30 . -LSB- 85 -RSB- Weaver was also [TGT] 's senate campaign manager and was his chief of staff . [TGT] ' campaign events have brought many people from around the country . -LSB- 17 -RSB- -LSB- 86 -RSB- -LSB- 87 [TGT] said [TGT] was "Stunned . -LSB- 18 -RSB- However , on June 25 , 2015 , The New York Times said that [TGT] might win the primaries instead of Clinton . -LSB- 18 -RSB- On August 12 , 2015 , the Boston Herald said that [TGT] was winning by 44 % to Clinton 's 37 % in New Hampshire among Democratic primary voters . -LSB- 88 -RSB- A poll released on August 25 , 2015 , showed that [TGT] was once again winning in New Hampshire with 42 % to Clinton 's 35 % . During [TGT] campaign , [TGT] was known for [TGT] popularity among millennials and young voters . -LSB- 91 -RSB- In the 2016 campaign , [TGT] won more votes among those under age 30 than both Trump and Clinton combined . It shows more than 2 million young people cast ballots for [TGT] before the primaries in June . -LSB- 91 -RSB- [TGT] popularity led to the creation a Facebook political meme page [TGT] Dank Meme Stash which has gained popularity among [TGT] supporters and the internet . A poll released in September 2015 showed that [TGT] was leading Clinton in Iowa with 41 % to Clinton 's 40 % . -LSB- 93 -RSB- In October 2015 , polling showed [TGT] and Clinton were tied in polls in both New Hampshire and Iowa . -LSB- 94 -RSB- In November 2015 , a poll showed [TGT] was increasing [TGT] numbers in New Hampshire , almost tied with Clinton . -LSB- 95 -RSB- On November 19 , 2015 , [TGT] gave a speech at Georgetown University about [TGT] views on democratic socialism . -LSB- 96 -RSB- In [TGT] speech , [TGT] talked about how the policies of presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson were based on democratic socialism . On December 3 , 2015 , a Quinnipiac University poll found [TGT] to be the Democratic candidate more likely to win the presidential election against top Republican candidates such as Donald Trump , Jeb Bush , Marco Rubio , Ted Cruz and Ben Carson . -LSB- 98 -RSB- On December 4 , 2015 , after online voting ended , votes showed that [TGT] was in first place to become Time 's 2015 Person of the Year . -LSB- 100 -RSB- On December 7 , Time announced that [TGT] won the reader 's poll of the magazine , but [TGT] would not be person of the year . -LSB- 101 -RSB- On December 9 , poll numbers showed that [TGT] was leading Clinton in the New Hampshire polls by 50 % to 40 % . -LSB- 102 -RSB- The university also showed Clinton was winning with 61 % to [TGT] 's 30 % of the national poll . In January 2016 , in weeks leading to the Democratic primaries , [TGT] was leading New Hampshire by 50 % to Clinton 's 46 % and in Iowa with 49 % to 43 % . -LSB- 104 -RSB- -LSB- 105 -RSB- On January 21 , 2016 , [TGT] ' campaign advertisement , America , was shown in Iowa and New Hampshire . In early February 2016 , a national poll showed [TGT] and Clinton almost tied with Clinton 's 44 % to [TGT] ' 42 % in the national poll . -LSB- 103 -RSB- A few weeks later , Quinnipiac University , CNN and Fox News poll numbers showed [TGT] being the front-runner with 47 % to Clinton 's 44 % of the national poll . -LSB- 107 -RSB- After the Nevada caucus , new poll numbers showed [TGT] 's national lead growing with 42 % to Clinton 's 36 % . -LSB- 108 -RSB- A February 2016 Quinnipiac University poll found that [TGT] was the most honest candidate in the election . On March 8 , 2016 , [TGT] won the Michigan Democratic primary . In early April 2016 , national poll numbers showed [TGT] winning by 49 % to Clinton 's 47 % . -LSB- 112 -RSB- On April 8 , [TGT] was asked by Vatican City to talk about the issues of income inequality and the environment . -LSB- 113 [TGT] agreed to the invitation and spoke at the Vatican on April 15 . -LSB- 114 -RSB- In April 2016 , [TGT] was added into Time 's 100 Most Influential People of 2016 . In May 2016 , national poll numbers showed [TGT] loosing to Clinton with 45 % to Clinton 's 50 % with 5 % people undecided . -LSB- 116 -RSB- On May 3 , 2016 , [TGT] pulled another political upset after beating Clinton in the Indiana primaries by six percent . -LSB- 117 -RSB- On May 10 , 2016 , [TGT] won the West Virginia primaries by 51.4 % to Clinton 's 35.8 % . A NBCWall Street Journal poll in May found Clinton and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump in a tie , but the same poll found that if [TGT] were the Democratic nominee , 53 % of voters would support [TGT] to 39 % for Trump . -LSB- 120 -RSB- Clinton and Trump were the least popular likely candidates in the poll 's history , while [TGT] received a 43 % positive with a 36 % negative rating . -LSB- 122 [TGT] said [TGT] will still remain in the race until the Democratic Party convention in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania in July 2016 . -LSB- 123 -RSB- On July 12 , 2016 , [TGT] announced [TGT] support for Clinton at a unity rally in New Hampshire . On July 22 , 2016 , WikiLeaks revealed that DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other DNC official , mocked and planned to sabotage [TGT] 's campaign in favor of Clinton . [TGT] said [TGT] wanted Schultz to resign . [TGT] spoke on the first night of the Democratic Convention on July 25 , 2016 . -LSB- 125 -RSB- In [TGT] speech , [TGT] told [TGT] supporters that [TGT] thanked them and to vote for Clinton to defeat Donald Trump in the general election . -LSB- 126 -RSB- On July 26 , 2016 , during a roll-call vote at the 2016 Democratic National Convention Sanders lost the nomination to Clinton . On February 1 , 2016 , [TGT] lost the Iowa caucus to Clinton by less than 1 % . -LSB- 127 -RSB- On February 9 , [TGT] won the New Hampshire caucus by 22 % . -LSB- 129 [TGT] became the first democratic socialist and the first non-Christian to win a United States presidential primary for a major party . -LSB- 130 -RSB- On February 20 , 2016 , [TGT] lost the Nevada caucus by 5 % . -LSB- 131 -RSB- On February 27 , 2016 , [TGT] lost the South Carolina primary by almost 48 % . On March 1 , 2016 , "Super Tuesday" , [TGT] won four states : Vermont , Oklahoma , Colorado and Minnesota . -LSB- 133 -RSB- On March 5 , 2016 , "Super Saturday" , [TGT] won two states : Kansas by 35 % and Nebraska by almost 15 % . -LSB- 136 -RSB- On March 6 , 2016 , [TGT] won the Maine caucuses by almost 65 % . -LSB- 137 -RSB- On March 8 , 2016 , [TGT] lost the Mississippi primaries by 65 % . -LSB- 138 -RSB- On the same day , [TGT] won the Michigan primaries by 2 % . -LSB- 139 -RSB- On March 12 , 2016 , [TGT] lost the Northern Mariana Islands caucus by 20 % . -LSB- 140 -RSB- On March 15 , 2016 , [TGT] lost the Florida , North Carolina , Ohio , Illinois , and Missouri primaries . On March 21 , 2016 , [TGT] won the Democrats Abroad primary with 69 % to Clinton 's 31 % . -LSB- 146 -RSB- On March 23 , 2016 , [TGT] won the Idaho primaries and the Utah caucus . -LSB- 147 -RSB- On March 26 , 2016 , [TGT] won the Washington , Alaska and the Hawaii caucuses all by landslide victories . On April 5 , 2016 , [TGT] won the Wisconsin primaries with 57 % to Clinton 's 43 % of the vote . -LSB- 149 -RSB- On April 9 , 2016 , [TGT] won the Wyoming caucuses with 56 % to Clinton 's 44 % . -LSB- 150 -RSB- On April 19 , 2016 , [TGT] lost the New York primaries with 42 % to Clinton 's 58 % . -LSB- 151 -RSB- On April 26 , 2016 , [TGT] lost the Maryland , Delaware , Pennsylvania , and Connecticut primaries . On May 3 , 2016 , [TGT] won the Indiana primaries with 53 % to Clinton 's 47 % of the vote . -LSB- 158 -RSB- On May 10 , 2016 , [TGT] won the West Virginia primaries with 51 % to Clinton 's 36 % of the vote . -LSB- 159 -RSB- On May 17 , 2016 , [TGT] lost the Kentucky primaries by less than 1 % . On June 4 , 2016 , [TGT] lost the U.S. Virgin Islands caucus in a landslide . -LSB- 162 -RSB- On June 5 , 2016 , [TGT] lost the Puerto Rico primaries . -LSB- 163 -RSB- On June 7 , 2016 , [TGT] lost the primaries in New Jersey , New Mexico , South Dakota , and California . -LSB- 168 -RSB- -LSB- 169 -RSB- On June 14 , 2016 , [TGT] lost the Washington , D.C. primaries , the last primary of the election season , with 20 % to Clinton 's 80 % . In August 2016 , [TGT] founded Our Revolution . -LSB- 171 [TGT] also plans to establish The Sanders Institute , which will focus on issues [TGT] believes the "corporate media" has failed to focus on . On December 19 , 2016 during the voting of the electoral college , [TGT] got three electoral votes from electors who did not want to vote for Clinton . Noam Chomsky said in a May 2017 BBC interview that the [TGT] campaign was the most remarkable thing about the 2016 election because of [TGT] not accepting money from business people or corporations . [TGT] had been asked many times if [TGT] would run for president again in the 2020 presidential election . -LSB- 176 [TGT] would respond by stating "it is much too early to talk about that" , but refuses to rule out a possible second presidential campaign . After a poll was made in February 2017 , 20 % of Democratic voters wanted [TGT] to be the party 's nominee in the 2020 presidential election leading Hillary Clinton at 17 % and Elizabeth Warren at 15 % . -LSB- 177 -RSB- In March 2017 , at 14 % , [TGT] was the Democratic voters front-runner for the Democratic nomination in 2020 beating Michelle Obama at 11 % . -LSB- 178 -RSB- In September 2017 , at a polling of 28 % , [TGT] remained the lead candidate for the Democratic Party nominee in the 2020 election beating Warren , former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator from California Kamala Harris . [TGT] married Deborah Shiling in 1964 . -LSB- 6 -RSB- [TGT] met [TGT] second wife , Jane O'Meara , when [TGT] became mayor of Burlington , Vermont in 1981 . -LSB- 180 [TGT] has a son , Levi Sanders , who was born out of wedlock with [TGT] domestic partner Susan Campbell Mott . -LSB- 6 -RSB- Sanders and Mott were partners only one year before splitting in 1969 . -LSB- 180 [TGT] has three step-children from O'Meara : Dave , Carina and Heather Driscoll . In 1987 , when [TGT] was mayor , [TGT] recorded an album called We Shall Overcome . -LSB- 182 -RSB- In 1997 , Huck Gutman and [TGT] wrote a political memoir called Outsider in the White House . -LSB- 183 -RSB- It was published again in 2015 during [TGT] presidential campaign . [TGT] had a small role in the 1988 movie Sweet Hearts Dance . -LSB- 185 -RSB- On February 6 , 2016 , [TGT] was a guest-star on Saturday Night Live . [TGT] says [TGT] is "proud to be Jewish" but is not very religious . [TGT] says [TGT] feels "very close to the teachings of Pope Francis ," . [TGT] wrote a memoir titled , Our Revolution : A Future to Believe In , which was released on November 15 , 2016 . [TGT] received an Honorary degree from Brooklyn College on May 30 , 2017 . On November 30 , 2015 , [TGT] had a hernia surgery at the George Washington University Hospital in Washington , D.C. . In December 2016 , [TGT] had skin cancer removed from [TGT] cheek . -LSB- 194 -RSB- This was after Brady Toensing , Donald Trump 's campaign chairman in Vermont , accused [TGT] of bank fraud . -LSB- 195 -RSB- Both CBS and Politico reported that [TGT] was also under investigation , -LSB- 196 -RSB- however that was not true . -LSB- 197 -RSB- Both Sanders and [TGT] wife have hired well known defense lawyers to represent them . [TGT] is a democratic socialist . [TGT] is a supporter of paternity leave , sick leave , and vacation time . -LSB- 206 [TGT] thinks that global warming is real and [TGT] wants to fix it . -LSB- 208 [TGT] was against the U.S. invasion of Iraq . [TGT] is more liberal on social issues such as supporting same-sex marriage , citizenship for illegal immigrants and abortion . -LSB- 210 -RSB- On November 15 , 2015 , in response to ISIS ' attacks in Paris , [TGT] said : "We -LSB- have got to -RSB- be tough , not stupid ," in the war against ISIS . After Donald Trump 's victory in the 2016 presidential elections , [TGT] said that the Democratic Party needs a "series of reforms" and "must break loose from its corporate establishment ties and , once again , become a grass-roots party of working people , the elderly and the poor ."
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Dance troupe spotlights Mexico ' s native son Limon
Jose Limon
Dance troupe spotlights Mexico ' s native son Limon "How many of you know Jose Limon?" Audience members looked around sheepishly as just a few raised their hands. Revered by dance aficionados the world over as one of the iconic figures of modern dance Limon is largely unknown in his native Mexico. "I must say I was a bit shocked to hear how little recognition Limon gets in his own country " said Gabriela Poler-Buzali the Jose Limon Dance Foundation's executive director. Held in a sprawling museum the show included solos by two of the company's principal dancers who flung themselves across the diminutive stage with Limon's trademark controlled abandon. Limon himself was born in Culiacan in the northwestern state of Sinaloa in 1908 two years before Mexico's bloody and chaotic 1910-1917 Revolution. When he was 7 years old Limon's family fled to the United States. Although he spent most of his life in the United States his early years in the midst of the Mexican Revolution deeply marked him. War and conflict are dominant themes in many of his works including "Missa Brevis." As a young man he moved to New York to study painting but fell in love with dance founding his own company after serving in World War II. He pioneered a dramatic narrative-driven choreography style and was among the first to push male dancers to center stage. Along with Graham he's widely considered among the key figures of 20th-century dance.
Dance troupe spotlights Mexico ' s native son Limon "How many of you know [TGT]?" Audience members looked around sheepishly as just a few raised their hands. Revered by dance aficionados the world over as one of the iconic figures of modern dance [TGT] is largely unknown in his native Mexico. "I must say I was a bit shocked to hear how little recognition [TGT] gets in his own country " said Gabriela Poler-Buzali the Jose Limon Dance Foundation's executive director. Held in a sprawling museum the show included solos by two of the company's principal dancers who flung themselves across the diminutive stage with [TGT]'s trademark controlled abandon. [TGT] was born in Culiacan in the northwestern state of Sinaloa in 1908 two years before Mexico's bloody and chaotic 1910-1917 Revolution. When [TGT] was 7 years old Limon's family fled to the United States. Although [TGT] spent most of [TGT] life in the United States [TGT] early years in the midst of the Mexican Revolution deeply marked [TGT]. War and conflict are dominant themes in many of [TGT] works including "Missa Brevis." As a young man [TGT] moved to New York to study painting but fell in love with dance founding [TGT] own company after serving in World War II. [TGT] pioneered a dramatic narrative-driven choreography style and was among the first to push male dancers to center stage. Along with Graham [TGT]'s widely considered among the key figures of 20th-century dance.
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What Bernie Sanders Has Achieved .
Bernie Sanders
As he has been for most of the past year , Bernie Sanders is on the road . That , in itself , says something about Sanders and the historical significance of his campaign . And although Sanders now seems unlikely to win the Democratic nomination for President , he has achieved much more than that . It is obvious that Sanders has , in the process , put a scare into Hillary Clinton 's campaign . Of the twenty-five states that have held Democratic primaries and caucuses , Sanders has won nine and Clinton has won sixteen -LRB- plus American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands -RRB- . But outside the South , where Clinton has won large majorities of black voters , many of Sanders 's losses have been narrow . Given the way the primary calendar was structured , with many Southern states voting in February and March , Sanders 's route to victory was always going to be precarious . The Sanders campaign achieved its initial goal , virtually tying Clinton in Iowa , trouncing her in New Hampshire , and losing by a whisker in Nevada . Had Sanders earned a few thousand more votes in Iowa and Nevada , he would have won all three contests . Still , Sanders carried Colorado , Minnesota , Oklahoma , and Vermont , and in Massachusetts he came within two percentage points of victory . Had Sanders followed up that shocking triumph by carrying Illinois , Missouri , and Ohio , this past Tuesday , his insurgent game plan would have been back on track . That it did n't quite work out does n't detract from the impact Sanders has had . On issues like inequality , trade , the environment , corporate offshoring , and bringing Wall Street miscreants to justice , the former Secretary of State has adopted Sanders 's language -- and , in some cases , his policies . Clinton had undoubtedly always intended to run as a center-left progressive in 2016 , just as she did in 2008 , but Sanders has forced her onto ground she had n't originally intended to occupy . Even Republicans have been taking up some of Sanders 's themes . Of course , the regressive tax policies that Cruz , Trump , and Kasich are advocating would exacerbate inequality , rather than reduce it , but the fact that Republicans have felt obliged to address these issues at all surely owes something to Sanders and the populist wave that he represents . Sanders 's other big theme is money in politics . But nobody has made the argument as passionately or as powerfully as Sanders . Since Sanders uttered these words , last May , his message has n't changed . In much the same way that Trump has labelled Sanders a Communist , the Republicans of Bryan 's day called him a fanatic who would wreck the American economy . It 's too early to say what Sanders 's legacy will be , or whether some of the ideas that he is pushing -- such as breaking up the big banks , introducing a single-payer health-care system , and returning tax rates on the rich closer to the levels that F.D.R. introduced -- will eventually be adopted . But it is also evident that , in the past ten months , Sanders has defied the pundits , alarmed the comfortable , and inspired the young .
As he has been for most of the past year , [TGT] is on the road . That , in itself , says something about [TGT] and the historical significance of [TGT] campaign . And although [TGT] now seems unlikely to win the Democratic nomination for President , [TGT] has achieved much more than that . It is obvious that [TGT] has , in the process , put a scare into Hillary Clinton 's campaign . Of the twenty-five states that have held Democratic primaries and caucuses , [TGT] has won nine and Clinton has won sixteen -LRB- plus American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands -RRB- . But outside the South , where Clinton has won large majorities of black voters , many of [TGT] 's losses have been narrow . Given the way the primary calendar was structured , with many Southern states voting in February and March , [TGT] 's route to victory was always going to be precarious . The [TGT] campaign achieved its initial goal , virtually tying Clinton in Iowa , trouncing her in New Hampshire , and losing by a whisker in Nevada . Had [TGT] earned a few thousand more votes in Iowa and Nevada , [TGT] would have won all three contests . Still , [TGT] carried Colorado , Minnesota , Oklahoma , and Vermont , and in Massachusetts [TGT] came within two percentage points of victory . Had [TGT] followed up that shocking triumph by carrying Illinois , Missouri , and Ohio , this past Tuesday , [TGT] insurgent game plan would have been back on track . That it did n't quite work out does n't detract from the impact [TGT] has had . On issues like inequality , trade , the environment , corporate offshoring , and bringing Wall Street miscreants to justice , the former Secretary of State has adopted [TGT] 's language -- and , in some cases , [TGT] policies . Clinton had undoubtedly always intended to run as a center-left progressive in 2016 , just as she did in 2008 , but [TGT] has forced her onto ground she had n't originally intended to occupy . Even Republicans have been taking up some of [TGT] 's themes . Of course , the regressive tax policies that Cruz , Trump , and Kasich are advocating would exacerbate inequality , rather than reduce it , but the fact that Republicans have felt obliged to address these issues at all surely owes something to [TGT] and the populist wave that [TGT] represents . [TGT] 's other big theme is money in politics . But nobody has made the argument as passionately or as powerfully as [TGT] . Since [TGT] uttered these words , last May , [TGT] message has n't changed . In much the same way that Trump has labelled [TGT] a Communist , the Republicans of Bryan 's day called [TGT] a fanatic who would wreck the American economy . It 's too early to say what [TGT] 's legacy will be , or whether some of the ideas that [TGT] is pushing -- such as breaking up the big banks , introducing a single-payer health-care system , and returning tax rates on the rich closer to the levels that F.D.R. introduced -- will eventually be adopted . But it is also evident that , in the past ten months , [TGT] has defied the pundits , alarmed the comfortable , and inspired the young .
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Profile: Briceno Colombia's rebel FARC military chief grown out of peasant family
Jorge Briceno
Victor Julio Suarez alias "Mono Jojoy" or Jorge Briceno was a military chief of the rebel Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) considered by the Colombian government as one of the most violent members of the guerrilla. With his death a chapter of the violence he produced has finished. Briceno was killed by the Colombian troops during a raid carried out on Thursday in a jungle in the south of Colombia. Born on Feb. 5 1953 in Cabrera in the central part of the country Briceno joined the FARC in 1975 as an insurgent and after years he achieved higher levels due to his strong character and radical stand against the government. According to Colombian authorities Briceno was born in a poor peasant family which took weapons against the conservative government in the 1950s. He was part of the FARC secretariat and had 62 capture orders against him five sentences and two extradition requests for crimes related to drug trafficking and terrorism activities. In Colombia he was being investigated for drug trafficking terrorism rebellion homicide with terrorist aims kidnapping injuries and extortion. Briceno was accused of being the head of a conspiracy of a car bomb in the social club El Nogal in Bogota with 35 people died and 200 more injured in 2003. He was also accused by the United States for kidnapping three U. S. citizens killing of three U.S. missionaries and drug trafficking. The U.S. offered a reward of 5 million U.S. dollars for any information leading to his capture. The department of Meta's former governor and former FRAC's hostage Alan Jara said that Briceno "had a cold and calculating gaze" to the point that the other guerrillas feared him.
Victor Julio Suarez alias "Mono Jojoy" or [TGT] was a military chief of the rebel Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) considered by the Colombian government as one of the most violent members of the guerrilla. With his death a chapter of the violence he produced has finished. [TGT] was killed by the Colombian troops during a raid carried out on Thursday in a jungle in the south of Colombia. Born on Feb. 5 1953 in Cabrera in the central part of the country [TGT] joined the FARC in 1975 as an insurgent and after years [TGT] achieved higher levels due to [TGT] strong character and radical stand against the government. According to Colombian authorities [TGT] was born in a poor peasant family which took weapons against the conservative government in the 1950s. [TGT] was part of the FARC secretariat and had 62 capture orders against [TGT] five sentences and two extradition requests for crimes related to drug trafficking and terrorism activities. In Colombia [TGT] was being investigated for drug trafficking terrorism rebellion homicide with terrorist aims kidnapping injuries and extortion. [TGT] was accused of being the head of a conspiracy of a car bomb in the social club El Nogal in Bogota with 35 people died and 200 more injured in 2003. [TGT] was also accused by the United States for kidnapping three U. S. citizens killing of three U.S. missionaries and drug trafficking. The U.S. offered a reward of 5 million U.S. dollars for any information leading to [TGT] capture. The department of Meta's former governor and former FRAC's hostage Alan Jara said that [TGT] "had a cold and calculating gaze" to the point that the other guerrillas feared [TGT].
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Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders is . Democrats have rallied to Bernie Sanders as the leader of the opposition against Donald Trump . And Bernie Sanders is under investigation by the FBI , unlike the president . In fact , Sanders and his wife are both under investigation stemming from a bank loan . The FBI is investigating whether Sanders used his position to pressure the bank to give a college in Vermont a loan . So President Trump did not pressure James Comey , but Bernie Sanders might have pressured a bank . And still the left will rally to Sanders because they really do not care about the allegations .
[TGT] is . Democrats have rallied to [TGT] as the leader of the opposition against Donald Trump . And [TGT] is under investigation by the FBI , unlike the president . In fact , [TGT] and [TGT] wife are both under investigation stemming from a bank loan . The FBI is investigating whether [TGT] used [TGT] position to pressure the bank to give a college in Vermont a loan . So President Trump did not pressure James Comey , but [TGT] might have pressured a bank . And still the left will rally to [TGT] because they really do not care about the allegations .
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`Charlie': Sometimes You Should Mess With Perfection
Charlie St
"Charlie St. Cloud " like its star Zac Efron is a gorgeous unblemished thing. Both would be much improved with a tiny flaw or two. What's more the 22-year-old (of "High School Musical" fame) is turning into a pretty decent actor. As the titular Charlie a young man whose guilt and grief over his 11-year-old brother's death _ in a car Charlie was driving _ has paralyzed him emotionally Efron works hard to make you believe his character's angst. The scenes in which he plays catch with dead brother Sam (Charlie Tahan) with whom Charlie has a daily play date in the woods are particularly touching. And when Tess (Amanda Crew) a former high school classmate of Charlie's tries to reconnect with him Charlie's reluctance to allow himself real-world pleasure is almost palpable. Charlie has a daily play date in the woods are particularly touching. And when Tess (Amanda Crew) a former high school classmate of Charlie's tries to reconnect with him Charlie's reluctance to allow himself real-world pleasure is almost palpable. From the insistently gooey score that pushes and prods you to feel Charlie's pain to the sparkling cinematography that turns the fictional Pacific Northwest setting of Quincy Bay into an ad for a vacation time share the movie has a machine-extruded gloss that makes it harder not easier to swallow its difficult emotions. You'll want to buy into them _ Efron is a very good salesman _ but they're so smooth and creamy going down they barely register as feelings at all. Based on the novel "The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud " by Ben Sherwood the story itself has a predictable arc. A promising high school sailor with an athletic scholarship to Stanford Charlie has put his plans _ and his life _ on hold after Sam dies taking on a job as cemetery caretaker so that he can be near his brother with whom he has a pact to meet every day at sunset. Five years after the accident when Charlie and Tess start falling for each other Charlie's connection to Sam or Sam's spirit is threatened. has a pact to meet every day at sunset. Five years after the accident when Charlie and Tess start falling for each other Charlie's connection to Sam or Sam's spirit is threatened. Sam of course is a walking metaphor for survivor's guilt. CharlieCharlie himself almost died in the accident but was resuscitated by a paramedic (Ray Liotta) whose defibrillator has left scars on Charlie's chest that serve as constant reminders. The self-help-heavy script includes such aphorisms as "You hurt because you're alive" (courtesy of Sam's ghost) and "At some point we all have to let go" (courtesy of Tess). Those lines will come as no surprise. What will come as a surprise is something of a plot twist having to do with Charlie's ability to "see" dead people a result of his having visited the other side. In addition to Sam Charlie also communes briefly with the ghost of another old school chum (Dave Franco) who was killed in Iraq.
"[TGT] " like [TGT] star Zac Efron is a gorgeous unblemished thing. Both would be much improved with a tiny flaw or two. What's more the 22-year-old (of "High School Musical" fame) is turning into a pretty decent actor. As the titular Charlie a young man whose guilt and grief over his 11-year-old brother's death _ in a car [TGT] was driving _ has paralyzed [TGT] emotionally Efron works hard to make you believe [TGT] character's angst. The scenes in which [TGT] plays catch with dead brother Sam (Charlie Tahan) with whom Charlie has a daily play date in the woods are particularly touching. And when Tess (Amanda Crew) a former high school classmate of [TGT]'s tries to reconnect with [TGT] [TGT]'s reluctance to allow [TGT] real-world pleasure is almost palpable. Charlie has a daily play date in the woods are particularly touching. And when Tess (Amanda Crew) a former high school classmate of Charlie's tries to reconnect with him Charlie's reluctance to allow himself real-world pleasure is almost palpable. From the insistently gooey score that pushes and prods you to feel Charlie's pain to the sparkling cinematography that turns the fictional Pacific Northwest setting of Quincy Bay into an ad for a vacation time share the movie has a machine-extruded gloss that makes it harder not easier to swallow its difficult emotions. You'll want to buy into them _ Efron is a very good salesman _ but they're so smooth and creamy going down they barely register as feelings at all. Based on the novel "The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud " by Ben Sherwood the story itself has a predictable arc. A promising high school sailor with an athletic scholarship to Stanford Charlie has put his plans _ and his life _ on hold after Sam dies taking on a job as cemetery caretaker so that he can be near his brother with whom he has a pact to meet every day at sunset. Five years after the accident when Charlie and Tess start falling for each other Charlie's connection to Sam or Sam's spirit is threatened. has a pact to meet every day at sunset. Five years after the accident when Charlie and Tess start falling for each other Charlie's connection to Sam or Sam's spirit is threatened. Sam of course is a walking metaphor for survivor's guilt. CharlieCharlie himself almost died in the accident but was resuscitated by a paramedic (Ray Liotta) whose defibrillator has left scars on Charlie's chest that serve as constant reminders. The self-help-heavy script includes such aphorisms as "You hurt because you're alive" (courtesy of Sam's ghost) and "At some point we all have to let go" (courtesy of Tess). Those lines will come as no surprise. What will come as a surprise is something of a plot twist having to do with Charlie's ability to "see" dead people a result of his having visited the other side. In addition to Sam Charlie also communes briefly with the ghost of another old school chum (Dave Franco) who was killed in Iraq.
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2nd LD Writethru: Senate committee green-lights Kagan as U.S. Supreme Court Justice
Elena Kagan
U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday green-lit Elena Kagan to be U.S. Supreme Court Justice clearing her nomination to advance to the Senate floor for a vote. The committee voted 13-6 to send Kagan's nomination to the full Senate. All Democrats on the panel and one Republican Lindsey Graham voted in favor of her nomination. Kagan's nomination to the full Senate. All Democrats on the panel and one Republican Lindsey Graham voted in favor of her nomination. Graham said Kagan is "qualified who has the experience and knowledge to serve on this court who is in the mainstream of liberal philosophy and understands the difference between being a liberal judge and a politician." The Senate's vote to confirm Kagan could come any time between next week to next month. Democrats intend to have her confirmed before the August recess of Congress. So she could replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens in the court's fall session. Since Democrats control the Senate Kagan's confirmation doesn' t seem to be a problem. The confirmation needs only a simple majority and Republicans haven't showed signs they are willing to block the nomination with a filibuster. Kagan was nominated by President Barack Obama to succeed Stevens. She faced the Senate panel's grilling on hot-button topics before the Fourth of July recess. She defended her impartiality as well as her modesty if she is to become the high court justice. "If confirmed ... I will do my best to consider every case impartially modestly with commitment to principle and in accordance with law " said Kagan. If Kagan was confirmed by the Senate the Supreme Court would have three female justices. The other two are Ruth Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor who was also nominated by Obama.
[TGT]clearing [TGT] nomination to advance to the Senate floor for a vote. [TGT] voted 13-6 to send [TGT]'s nomination to the full Senate. All Democrats on the panel and one Republican Lindsey Graham voted in favor of [TGT] nomination. [TGT]'s nomination to the full Senate. All Democrats on the panel and one Republican Lindsey Graham voted in favor of [TGT] nomination. Graham said [TGT] is "qualified who has the experience and knowledge to serve on this court who is in the mainstream of liberal philosophy and understands the difference between being a liberal judge and a politician." The Senate's vote to confirm [TGT] could come any time between next week to next month. Democrats intend to have [TGT] confirmed before the August recess of Congress. So [TGT] could replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens in the court's fall session. Since Democrats control the Senate [TGT]'s confirmation doesn' t seem to be a problem. The confirmation needs only a simple majority and Republicans haven't showed signs they are willing to block the nomination with a filibuster. [TGT] was nominated by President Barack Obama to succeed Stevens. [TGT] faced the Senate panel's grilling on hot-button topics before the Fourth of July recess. [TGT] defended [TGT] impartiality as well as [TGT] modesty if [TGT] is to become the high court justice. "If confirmed ... I will do my best to consider every case impartially modestly with commitment to principle and in accordance with law " said [TGT]. If [TGT] was confirmed by the Senate the Supreme Court would have three female justices. The other two are Ruth Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor who was also nominated by Obama.
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Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders has spent decades attacking inequality . If you attended a Bernie Sanders rally this summer , when his seemingly quixotic Presidential campaign began gathering force , you might have noticed a few surprising things about the crowd . Young people who like Bernie Sanders like him because he sounds like an old record . In Portland , Maine , on an evening in July , the line to see Sanders looped around the Cross Insurance Arena . Sanders 's popularity had clearly been exceeding his own expectations . At the Portland rally , I met a group of five friends who were drawn to Sanders because of his commitment to banish money from politics : he has sharply criticized the Supreme Court 's 2010 decision , in Citizens United , to permit unlimited campaign spending by corporations , and has lamented the outsize influence exerted by billionaires . Several of the friends praised Sanders 's pledge to raise the federal minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour . One member of the group , Erin Kiley , a millennial who owns Portland Flea-for-All , a marketplace of vintage and artisanal goods , said that she developed "a huge political crush on Bernie" in 2010 , after Sanders delivered an eight-and-a-half-hour speech on the Senate floor to protest the extension of tax cuts instituted during the Presidency of George W. Bush . Sanders 's gruffness , didacticism , and indifference to appearances -- both he and his wife , Jane , told me how much he loathes shopping -- are central to his appeal . All the friends described Sanders as "authentic ," a word that many people would be hesitant to apply to Hillary Clinton . Kiley acknowledged that Sanders 's unvarnished qualities might turn off some voters , but noted that in the current election cycle "the whole spectrum of candidates is less schmoozy , polished , and warm ." Sanders has been known as a democratic socialist for decades . This did n't matter much to Kiley or York , or to most other Sanders supporters I met during the next few weeks ; mainly , they were impressed that he had n't shed the term . York thought that , because of Sanders and his "social-media-driven fans ," socialism was "getting a bit of a P.R. makeover ." Peter Dreier , a professor of politics at Occidental College , who has written about Sanders , says that younger voters "may not be willing to entertain a whole new system , but they are open to a pretty profound critique of the current one . At a recent San Francisco gathering for Sanders , I met Derek Zender , a twenty-three-year-old marketing student . He told me that his parents , who live in Orange County , dismissed Sanders as "a decrepit old socialist who means well but does n't understand how the world works ." In Portland , Sanders took the stage , a little hunched in a gray suit jacket . Sanders signals his moral ferocity by choosing words like "horrific" and "abysmal" and sonically italicizing them , as in "This grotesque level of income and wealth inequality is immoral ." In the speeches I heard , Sanders rarely discussed foreign policy , though he spoke with conviction about climate change and the need for the U.S. to set an example for Russia , India , and China by using fewer fossil fuels . Huck Gutman , one of Sanders 's close friends , is an English professor at the University of Vermont ; from 2008 to 2012 , he served as Sanders 's chief of staff in the Senate . Despite this abiding interest , Sanders does not seem to have immersed himself that deeply in the extensive literature on inequality . Sanders was interested less in academic arguments , Gutman said , than in hard numbers that "exemplify the disparities he sees and feels and hears about from people ." -RRB- Sanders dutifully mentioned that the economist Stephanie Kelton is an adviser to the Democrats on the Senate Budget Committee , of which he is the ranking member , but he was ardent in his admiration for Pope Francis , who has condemned the "economy of exclusion ." Sanders called the Pope "an extraordinary figure ," adding , "My God , he came along right at the time we need him !" After speeches , Sanders spars about issues with voters or reporters . Garrison Nelson , a political scientist at the University of Vermont , who has known him for decades , says that if Sanders is walking down the street in Burlington "and somebody yells at him Bernie will talk to him -- ` What 's the matter ? Sanders does not excel , however , at the middle ground of casual , friendly conversation . When talking to voters , Hillary Clinton has perfected the head-cocked semblance of keen interest ; it 's clear when Sanders becomes bored . Paula Routly , who is the publisher of Seven Days , a popular weekly in Burlington , told me a story that captured the counterintuitive Sanders charm . One evening , Jerry , of Ben & Jerry 's , scooped ice cream ; on another , Senator Sanders stopped by a group dinner . Though Sanders is steadfastly earnest , the youthful enthusiasm for him often partakes of irony . Whimsical buttons feature the slogan "Feel the Bern ," and Tumblr is full of memes that play up the contrast between Sanders 's age and his popularity with hipsters . Sanders 's message is particularly potent for young people who are struggling financially . Garrison Nelson describes Sanders as being "more from the nineteen-thirties left than the sixties one ." In June , when NPR 's David Greene pressed Sanders on whether he embraced the phrase "Black Lives Matter ," the Senator got irritated . Sanders does not argue that greater economic equality would end racism , but for most of his career he has subsumed discussions of race under class . On July 18th in Phoenix , Sanders appeared at Netroots Nation , an annual conference of progressive activists . After taking the stage , Sanders told the moderator , "Whoa , let me talk about what I want to talk about for a moment !" A week later , in his Senate office , Sanders sounded chastened . The video showing the arrest of Sandra Bland , the African-American woman who died in a Texas jail , had just been released , and Sanders seemed shaken . Sanders , speaking more broadly about police violence directed at black people , said , "I plead guilty -- I should have been more sensitive at the beginning of this campaign to talk about this issue ." On July 25th , Sanders addressed the annual convention of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference , in Baton Rouge . One of the convention 's listed sponsors was Koch Industries , and it was the first time I saw Sanders give a speech in which he did not inveigh against the company 's billionaire owners , who lavishly support conservative causes . In August , Sanders 's campaign issued a racial-justice platform that recommended police reform , federal funding for police body cameras , a ban on for-profit prisons , and the elimination of mandatory-minimum jail sentences . -LRB- Among other things , Sanders proposes making Election Day a federal holiday . -RRB- At the same time , the platform reasserted Sanders 's core philosophy : "We must simultaneously address the structural and institutional racism which exists in this country , while at the same time we vigorously attack the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality which is making the very rich much richer while everyone else -- especially those in our minority communities -- are becoming poorer ." Van Jones said of Sanders , "He 's shown tremendous character in his willingness to engage and grow and change ." But Vermont is ninety-five per cent white , and Sanders needed to establish stronger bonds with black voters . Sanders was "a reliable civil-rights vote , but not somebody who has been connected to these communities , to these kids and their neighborhoods . Elizabeth Warren , the Massachusetts senator whose critiques of income inequality presaged Sanders 's Presidential campaign , often speaks of her parents ' economic hardship to help explain her values today . Sanders 's campaign Web site lists his educational history , says that he is married to Jane Sanders and that they have four children and seven grandchildren , and mentions that he worked as "a carpenter and a documentary filmmaker" before entering politics . There 's something admirable about Sanders 's reluctance to attribute his political beliefs to autobiography : he does n't want voters thinking that his commitment to redistributive economics stems from anything other than a deep-seated sense of fairness . When I asked Sanders a question about his early years , he sighed with the air of a man who knows he can no longer put off that visit to the periodontist . Sanders did say that two aspects of his upbringing had exerted a lasting influence . Sanders 's father was a Polish Jew who , at the age of seventeen , came to America shortly after his brother , and struggled through the Depression in Brooklyn . By the time Sanders was born , in 1941 , his father was working as a paint salesman . Sanders had an older brother , Larry , and their mother stayed home , like most of the women in their lower-middle-class corner of Flatbush . "There was tension about money ," Sanders said of his family . I spoke with a few of Sanders 's contemporaries who had grown up in the same neighborhood , and their memories were rosier : they recalled kids playing stickball on safe , familiar streets until their parents called them home for dinner . But Sanders rarely communicates in the key of nostalgia . Sid Ganis , a Hollywood producer who grew up in the same building as Sanders , described their neighborhood as an enclave of "ordinary secular Jews ," adding , "Some of us went to Hebrew school , but mainly it was an identity in that it got us out of school on Jewish holidays ." Sanders told me that , in the aftermath of the Second World War , his family "got a call in the middle of the night about some relative of my father 's , who was in a displaced-persons camp in Europe someplace ." Sanders learned that many of his father 's other relatives had perished . Sanders 's parents had been fundamentally apolitical , but he took away a lesson : "An election in 1932 ended up killing fifty million people around the world ." Sanders 's close friend Richard Sugarman , an Orthodox Jew who teaches religious studies at the University of Vermont , said , "He 's not what you would call rule-observant ." Sugarman and Sanders were housemates for a while in the seventies , and Sugarman says that his friend would often greet him in the morning by saying , "We 're not crazy , you know ," referring to the anger they felt about social injustices . Sanders attended Brooklyn College for a year , then transferred to the University of Chicago , where he joined the Young People 's Socialist League and the Congress on Racial Equality . Jim Rader , a friend who first met him in Chicago , recalls that Sanders was a "leader of the civil-rights movement on campus ." Sanders , who received a political-science degree in 1964 , has said that he was a mediocre student because he found the classroom boring and irrelevant -- and that he learned "infinitely more on the streets and in the community ." By the time Sanders graduated , both his parents had died , and his brother had moved to England . Sanders got married for the first time , to a woman named Deborah Shiling , just after college , and they took a road trip from New York to Vermont , where Sanders had never been . Sanders told me , convincingly , "I was n't a hippie ." Sanders and Shiling soon divorced . It came as a surprise to reporters who 'd covered Sanders for years in Vermont , but it was n't the sort of revelation likely to scandalize his supporters in 2015 . Sanders wore his social conscience on his sleeve , but few people who knew him in the sixties and seventies would have predicted that he would become a leading candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination . It 's safe to say that had Sanders stuck with that career he would not have given Ken Burns a run for his money . One filmstrip , a portrait of Sanders 's hero , the socialist Eugene V. Debs , was rendered with static images that remained on the screen for a good long while . Sanders himself voiced Debs , an Indiana native , making him sound like a guy from Flatbush . -LRB- Another cultural foray of Sanders 's that makes you glad he stuck with politics : a 1987 cassette tape in which he talk-sings folk songs , William Shatner style . People who knew Sanders when he was in his thirties tend to share stories about how broke and frugal he was . Rader told me that when Sanders first bought land in Vermont , and was still living part time in New York , he sometimes camped out in the new property 's only shelter : a maple-sugar shack . In 1971 , Rader invited Sanders to a meeting of Vermont 's left-wing Liberty Union Party , in Plainfield . Sanders brought his son along , and there 's a photograph of them at the meeting : Sanders is skinny , serious , with a luxuriant head of curls , uninhibited sideburns , and Buddy Holly glasses ; his towheaded toddler sits in his lap . The organizers asked if anyone would run for the Senate , and Sanders , one of the willing few , got the nod . In 1980 , Sanders 's friend Richard Sugarman suggested that he try for mayor of Burlington . Sanders ran as an Independent , and won by ten votes . Even in Vermont , it was unusual to elect a socialist in the time of Ronald Reagan ; Sanders was a thirty-nine-year-old man who did n't own a suit . Yet Sanders turned out to be a popular and effective mayor , and more pragmatic than some might have predicted . Sanders also resisted a developer 's plan to turn the derelict Lake Champlain waterfront into a cluster of high-rises , promising instead public access and open space . Sanders met Jane O'Meara Driscoll , a community organizer nine years his junior and a divorced mother of three young children , when she invited him to a debate during his first mayoral campaign . They were married in 1988 , and spent what even Sanders admits was "a strange honeymoon ," in the Soviet Union , finalizing a sister-city relationship with the city of Yaroslavl . All four children in the Sanders family are now grown . ''' She mentioned a Quinnipiac University poll showing that , in a general-election contest against Donald Trump , Sanders would win by eight percentage points . When Sanders first ran for the House of Representatives , in 1988 , he lost to a Republican named Peter Smith , the scion of a banking family . In 1990 , Sanders ran again , and the N.R.A. went after Smith , sending letters to its Vermont members describing Sanders as the lesser of two evils , since he was n't publicly supporting the ban . Sanders won . This is the origin of the critique that Sanders has weak gun-control credentials for a progressive . In national office , Sanders has not been a vocal proponent of strict gun control . Sanders tends to present guns as an urban problem that Vermonters can afford not to worry about , though mass shootings can happen anywhere and suicides by gun are as much a problem in Vermont as they are in other states . Sanders 's congressional career did not get off to a promising start . Sanders did n't help matters by giving more than one interview denouncing Congress . Nelson told me that , when he ran into Sanders in Burlington , he warned him not to keep "pissing in the soup ," adding , "You 're our only representative !" According to Nelson , Sanders said , "Gary , you have no idea how totally corrupt it is ." In time , Sanders became slightly more discriminating in his criticism , and made some allies . In national matters such as curbing the excesses of the Patriot Act , Sanders found that he could at least try to make incremental changes through the amendment process ; in 2005 , a Rolling Stone profile dubbed him "the amendment king ." At home , Sanders became a symbol of Vermont 's cussed uniqueness , as affectionately regarded as a scoop of Chunky Monkey . But when Sanders has run for the Vermont governorship he has n't done well . But they do n't necessarily want Sanders running the state . Since joining the Senate , Sanders has received the most attention for his gestures of defiance -- such as his marathon oration against tax cuts for the wealthiest , which was published in book form as "The Speech : A Historic Filibuster on Corporate Greed and the Decline of Our Middle Class ." Yet Sanders has proved himself capable of bipartisan dealmaking . Sanders explained to reporters that it was far from the bill he would have devised on his own : "It opens up a fear of privatization , which I strongly , strongly am opposed to ." Sanders is proud of a few other Senate deals . Sanders helped lead the opposition , and the President recently stopped pushing for the proposal . "It was a tough fight ," Sanders said . Could Bernie Sanders win the Democratic nomination , let alone the Presidency ? Sanders , who refuses to take money from Super PACs , had raised forty-one million dollars , mostly in donations of less than two hundred dollars each . It 's impressive , too , that in a recent YouGovCBS News poll Sanders is leading Clinton by twenty-two percentage points in New Hampshire and ten in Iowa . But among black Democrats in South Carolina Clinton leads , at fifty-two per cent ; Sanders is at four per cent . And though Sanders quickly modified his platform to accommodate Black Lives Matter activists , he still has a long way to go to win over African-American voters . A Washington PostABC News poll released in September shows that , if Biden were in the race , he would attract more nonwhite voters than Sanders -LRB- though substantially fewer than Clinton -RRB- . Nor is Sanders 's trajectory likely to mirror that of Obama in 2008 . Sanders supporters like to point out that , in the summer of 2007 , Obama was polling behind Hillary Clinton among black Democrats . But , as Michael Tesler , a political scientist at the University of California , Irvine , recently noted in the Washington Post , Obama enjoyed much higher favorability ratings among black Democrats than Sanders does now . Sanders 's commitment to recapturing some of the white working-class males that the Democratic Party lost in the Reagan years wo n't necessarily help his candidacy ; indeed , it could hurt his quest to connect with minority voters . Yet Sanders is doing well enough to concern the Clinton team , and that creates its own challenges . On the trail , Clinton has avoided mention of him ; Sanders , for his part , emphasizes their policy differences . Sanders appears to be sticking with that approach . Correct the Record , a Super PAC backing Clinton , recently sent an e-mail to the Huffington Post suggesting that Sanders shared many views with the controversial new British Labour leader , Jeremy Corbyn , then noting that Corbyn had called the death of Osama bin Laden a tragedy . Correct the Record has also sent trackers -- operatives who tape rival candidates , looking for gaffes -- to Sanders events . Sanders has promised not to run for President as an Independent in the general election , saying that he does n't want to have any role in handing victory to a Republican . Sanders often says that he is not that far outside the mainstream -- that a majority of Americans agree with him on many of his tenets . In mid-September , Sanders spoke before the weekly convocation attended by the student body at Liberty University , the evangelical school in Lynchburg , Virginia , founded by the Reverend Jerry Falwell . Unlike many liberal élites , Sanders does not seem to prefer talking to people who share his views ; because he is not an especially convivial person , he does not require conviviality from others . Sanders relishes the opportunity to enter enemy territory , where he believes that he can find secret allies . He did not make knowing jokes about these differences : as usual , Sanders was dead serious . But the occasion also played to the prophetic side of Sanders -- the register in which he can sound like an Old Testament preacher . Unlike his slicker rivals , Sanders is most at ease talking about the moral and ethical dimensions of politics .
[TGT] has spent decades attacking inequality . If you attended a [TGT] rally this summer , when [TGT] seemingly quixotic Presidential campaign began gathering force , you might have noticed a few surprising things about the crowd . Young people who like [TGT] like [TGT] because [TGT] sounds like an old record . In Portland , Maine , on an evening in July , the line to see [TGT] looped around the Cross Insurance Arena . [TGT] 's popularity had clearly been exceeding [TGT] own expectations . At the Portland rally , I met a group of five friends who were drawn to [TGT] because of [TGT] commitment to banish money from politics : [TGT] has sharply criticized the Supreme Court 's 2010 decision , in Citizens United , to permit unlimited campaign spending by corporations , and has lamented the outsize influence exerted by billionaires . Several of the friends praised [TGT] 's pledge to raise the federal minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour . One member of the group , Erin Kiley , a millennial who owns Portland Flea-for-All , a marketplace of vintage and artisanal goods , said that she developed "a huge political crush on Bernie" in 2010 , after [TGT] delivered an eight-and-a-half-hour speech on the Senate floor to protest the extension of tax cuts instituted during the Presidency of George W. Bush . [TGT] 's gruffness , didacticism , and indifference to appearances -- both he and [TGT] wife , Jane , told me how much [TGT] loathes shopping -- are central to [TGT] appeal . All the friends described [TGT] as "authentic ," a word that many people would be hesitant to apply to Hillary Clinton . Kiley acknowledged that [TGT] 's unvarnished qualities might turn off some voters , but noted that in the current election cycle "the whole spectrum of candidates is less schmoozy , polished , and warm ." [TGT] has been known as a democratic socialist for decades . This did n't matter much to Kiley or York , or to most other [TGT] supporters I met during the next few weeks ; mainly , they were impressed that [TGT] had n't shed the term . York thought that , because of [TGT] and [TGT] "social-media-driven fans ," socialism was "getting a bit of a P.R. makeover ." Peter Dreier , a professor of politics at Occidental College , who has written about [TGT] , says that younger voters "may not be willing to entertain a whole new system , but they are open to a pretty profound critique of the current one . At a recent San Francisco gathering for [TGT] , I met Derek Zender , a twenty-three-year-old marketing student . [TGT] told me that [TGT] parents , who live in Orange County , dismissed [TGT] as "a decrepit old socialist who means well but does n't understand how the world works ." In Portland , [TGT] took the stage , a little hunched in a gray suit jacket . [TGT] signals [TGT] moral ferocity by choosing words like "horrific" and "abysmal" and sonically italicizing them , as in "This grotesque level of income and wealth inequality is immoral ." In the speeches I heard , [TGT] rarely discussed foreign policy , though [TGT] spoke with conviction about climate change and the need for the U.S. to set an example for Russia , India , and China by using fewer fossil fuels . Huck Gutman , one of [TGT] 's close friends , is an English professor at the University of Vermont ; from 2008 to 2012 , [TGT] served as [TGT] 's chief of staff in the Senate . Despite this abiding interest , [TGT] does not seem to have immersed [TGT] that deeply in the extensive literature on inequality . [TGT] was interested less in academic arguments , Gutman said , than in hard numbers that "exemplify the disparities [TGT] sees and feels and hears about from people ." [TGT] dutifully mentioned that the economist Stephanie Kelton is an adviser to the Democrats on the Senate Budget Committee , of which [TGT] is the ranking member , but [TGT] was ardent in [TGT] admiration for Pope Francis , who has condemned the "economy of exclusion ." [TGT] called the Pope "an extraordinary figure ," adding , "My God , [TGT] came along right at the time we need [TGT] !" After speeches , [TGT] spars about issues with voters or reporters . Garrison Nelson , a political scientist at the University of Vermont , who has known him for decades , says that if [TGT] is walking down the street in Burlington "and somebody yells at [TGT] Bernie will talk to [TGT] -- ` What 's the matter ? [TGT] does not excel , however , at the middle ground of casual , friendly conversation . When talking to voters , Hillary Clinton has perfected the head-cocked semblance of keen interest ; it 's clear when [TGT] becomes bored . Paula Routly , who is the publisher of Seven Days , a popular weekly in Burlington , told me a story that captured the counterintuitive [TGT] charm . One evening , Jerry , of Ben & Jerry 's , scooped ice cream ; on another , [TGT] stopped by a group dinner . Though [TGT] is steadfastly earnest , the youthful enthusiasm for [TGT] often partakes of irony . Whimsical buttons feature the slogan "Feel the Bern ," and Tumblr is full of memes that play up the contrast between [TGT] 's age and [TGT] popularity with hipsters . [TGT] 's message is particularly potent for young people who are struggling financially . Garrison Nelson describes [TGT] as being "more from the nineteen-thirties left than the sixties one ." In June , when NPR 's David Greene pressed [TGT] on whether [TGT] embraced the phrase "Black Lives Matter ," [TGT] got irritated . [TGT] does not argue that greater economic equality would end racism , but for most of [TGT] career [TGT] has subsumed discussions of race under class . On July 18th in Phoenix , [TGT] appeared at Netroots Nation , an annual conference of progressive activists . After taking the stage , [TGT] told the moderator , "Whoa , let me talk about what I want to talk about for a moment !" A week later , in [TGT] Senate office , [TGT] sounded chastened . The video showing the arrest of Sandra Bland , the African-American woman who died in a Texas jail , had just been released , and [TGT] seemed shaken . [TGT] , speaking more broadly about police violence directed at black people , said , "I plead guilty -- I should have been more sensitive at the beginning of this campaign to talk about this issue ." On July 25th , [TGT] addressed the annual convention of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference , in Baton Rouge . One of the convention 's listed sponsors was Koch Industries , and it was the first time I saw [TGT] give a speech in which [TGT] did not inveigh against the company 's billionaire owners , who lavishly support conservative causes . In August , [TGT] 's campaign issued a racial-justice platform that recommended police reform , federal funding for police body cameras , a ban on for-profit prisons , and the elimination of mandatory-minimum jail sentences . -LRB- Among other things , [TGT] proposes making Election Day a federal holiday . -RRB- At the same time , the platform reasserted [TGT] 's core philosophy : "We must simultaneously address the structural and institutional racism which exists in this country , while at the same time we vigorously attack the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality which is making the very rich much richer while everyone else -- especially those in our minority communities -- are becoming poorer ." Van Jones said of [TGT] , "He 's shown tremendous character in his willingness to engage and grow and change ." But Vermont is ninety-five per cent white , and [TGT] needed to establish stronger bonds with black voters . [TGT] was "a reliable civil-rights vote , but not somebody who has been connected to these communities , to these kids and their neighborhoods . Elizabeth Warren , the Massachusetts senator whose critiques of income inequality presaged [TGT] 's Presidential campaign , often speaks of her parents ' economic hardship to help explain her values today . [TGT] 's campaign Web site lists [TGT] educational history , says that [TGT] is married to [TGT] and that they have four children and seven grandchildren , and mentions that [TGT] worked as "a carpenter and a documentary filmmaker" before entering politics . There 's something admirable about [TGT] 's reluctance to attribute [TGT] political beliefs to autobiography : [TGT] does n't want voters thinking that [TGT] commitment to redistributive economics stems from anything other than a deep-seated sense of fairness . When I asked [TGT] a question about [TGT] early years , [TGT] sighed with the air of a man who knows [TGT] can no longer put off that visit to the periodontist . [TGT] did say that two aspects of [TGT] upbringing had exerted a lasting influence . Sanders 's father was a Polish Jew who , at the age of seventeen , came to America shortly after his brother , and struggled through the Depression in Brooklyn . By the time [TGT] was born , in 1941 , [TGT] father was working as a paint salesman . [TGT] had an older brother , Larry , and their mother stayed home , like most of the women in their lower-middle-class corner of Flatbush . "There was tension about money ," [TGT] said of [TGT] family . I spoke with a few of [TGT] 's contemporaries who had grown up in the same neighborhood , and their memories were rosier : they recalled kids playing stickball on safe , familiar streets until their parents called them home for dinner . But [TGT] rarely communicates in the key of nostalgia . Sid Ganis , a Hollywood producer who grew up in the same building as [TGT] , described their neighborhood as an enclave of "ordinary secular Jews ," adding , "Some of us went to Hebrew school , but mainly it was an identity in that it got us out of school on Jewish holidays .[TGT] told me that , in the aftermath of the Second World War , [TGT] family "got a call in the middle of the night about some relative of my father 's , who was in a displaced-persons camp in Europe someplace .[TGT] learned that many of [TGT] father 's other relatives had perished . [TGT] 's parents had been fundamentally apolitical , but [TGT] took away a lesson : "An election in 1932 ended up killing fifty million people around the world ." [TGT] 's close friend Richard Sugarman , an Orthodox Jew who teaches religious studies at the University of Vermont , said , "[TGT] 's not what you would call rule-observant ." Sugarman and [TGT] were housemates for a while in the seventies , and Sugarman says that his friend would often greet him in the morning by saying , "We 're not crazy , you know ," referring to the anger they felt about social injustices . [TGT] attended Brooklyn College for a year , then transferred to the University of Chicago , where [TGT] joined the Young People 's Socialist League and the Congress on Racial Equality . Jim Rader , a friend who first met [TGT] in Chicago , recalls that [TGT] was a "leader of the civil-rights movement on campus ." Sanders , who received a political-science degree in 1964 , has said that he was a mediocre student because he found the classroom boring and irrelevant -- and that he learned "infinitely more on the streets and in the community ." By the time [TGT] graduated , both [TGT] parents had died , and [TGT] brother had moved to England . [TGT] got married for the first time , to a woman named Deborah Shiling , just after college , and they took a road trip from New York to Vermont , where [TGT] had never been . [TGT] told me , convincingly , "I was n't a hippie ." [TGT] and Shiling soon divorced . It came as a surprise to reporters who 'd covered [TGT] for years in Vermont , but it was n't the sort of revelation likely to scandalize [TGT] supporters in 2015 . [TGT] wore [TGT] social conscience on [TGT] sleeve , but few people who knew [TGT] in the sixties and seventies would have predicted that [TGT] would become a leading candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination . It 's safe to say that had [TGT] stuck with that career [TGT] would not have given Ken Burns a run for his money . One filmstrip , a portrait of [TGT] 's hero , the socialist Eugene V. Debs , was rendered with static images that remained on the screen for a good long while . [TGT] voiced Debs , an Indiana native , making [TGT] sound like a guy from Flatbush . -LRB- Another cultural foray of [TGT] 's that makes you glad [TGT] stuck with politics : a 1987 cassette tape in which [TGT] talk-sings folk songs , William Shatner style . People who knew [TGT] when [TGT] was in [TGT] thirties tend to share stories about how broke and frugal [TGT] was . [TGT] told me that when [TGT] first bought land in Vermont , and was still living part time in New York , [TGT] sometimes camped out in the new property 's only shelter : a maple-sugar shack . In 1971 , [TGT] invited [TGT] to a meeting of Vermont 's left-wing Liberty Union Party , in Plainfield . [TGT] brought [TGT] son along , and there 's a photograph of them at the meeting : [TGT] is skinny , serious , with a luxuriant head of curls , uninhibited sideburns , and Buddy Holly glasses ; [TGT] towheaded toddler sits in [TGT] lap . The organizers asked if anyone would run for the Senate , and [TGT] , one of the willing few , got the nod . In 1980 , [TGT] 's friend Richard Sugarman suggested that he try for mayor of Burlington . [TGT] ran as an Independent , and won by ten votes . Even in Vermont , it was unusual to elect a socialist in the time of Ronald Reagan ; [TGT] was a thirty-nine-year-old man who did n't own a suit . Yet [TGT] turned out to be a popular and effective mayor , and more pragmatic than some might have predicted . [TGT] also resisted a developer 's plan to turn the derelict Lake Champlain waterfront into a cluster of high-rises , promising instead public access and open space . [TGT] met Jane O'Meara Driscoll , a community organizer nine years [TGT] junior and a divorced mother of three young children , when she invited [TGT] to a debate during [TGT] first mayoral campaign . They were married in 1988 , and spent what [TGT] admits was "a strange honeymoon ," in the Soviet Union , finalizing a sister-city relationship with the city of Yaroslavl . All four children in the Sanders family are now grown . ''' She mentioned a Quinnipiac University poll showing that , in a general-election contest against Donald Trump , [TGT] would win by eight percentage points . When [TGT] first ran for the House of Representatives , in 1988 , [TGT] lost to a Republican named Peter Smith , the scion of a banking family . In 1990 , [TGT] ran again , and the N.R.A. went after Smith , sending letters to its Vermont members describing [TGT] as the lesser of two evils , since [TGT] was n't publicly supporting the ban . [TGT] won . This is the origin of the critique that [TGT] has weak gun-control credentials for a progressive . In national office , [TGT] has not been a vocal proponent of strict gun control . [TGT] tends to present guns as an urban problem that Vermonters can afford not to worry about , though mass shootings can happen anywhere and suicides by gun are as much a problem in Vermont as they are in other states . [TGT] 's congressional career did not get off to a promising start . [TGT] did n't help matters by giving more than one interview denouncing Congress . Nelson told me that , when he ran into [TGT] in Burlington , he warned him not to keep "pissing in the soup ," adding , "You 're our only representative !" According to Nelson , [TGT] said , "Gary , you have no idea how totally corrupt it is ." In time , [TGT] became slightly more discriminating in [TGT] criticism , and made some allies . In national matters such as curbing the excesses of the Patriot Act , [TGT] found that [TGT] could at least try to make incremental changes through the amendment process ; in 2005 , a Rolling Stone profile dubbed [TGT] "the amendment king ." At home , [TGT] became a symbol of Vermont 's cussed uniqueness , as affectionately regarded as a scoop of Chunky Monkey . But when [TGT] has run for the Vermont governorship [TGT] has n't done well . But they do n't necessarily want [TGT] running the state . Since joining the Senate , [TGT] has received the most attention for [TGT] gestures of defiance -- such as [TGT] marathon oration against tax cuts for the wealthiest , which was published in book form as "The Speech : A Historic Filibuster on Corporate Greed and the Decline of Our Middle Class ." Yet [TGT] has proved [TGT] capable of bipartisan dealmaking . [TGT] explained to reporters that it was far from the bill [TGT] would have devised on [TGT] own : "It opens up a fear of privatization , which I strongly , strongly am opposed to .[TGT] is proud of a few other Senate deals . [TGT] helped lead the opposition , and the President recently stopped pushing for the proposal . "It was a tough fight ," [TGT] said . [TGT] win the Democratic nomination , let alone the Presidency ? Sanders , who refuses to take money from Super PACs , had raised forty-one million dollars , mostly in donations of less than two hundred dollars each . It 's impressive , too , that in a recent YouGovCBS News poll [TGT] is leading Clinton by twenty-two percentage points in New Hampshire and ten in Iowa . But among black Democrats in South Carolina Clinton leads , at fifty-two per cent ; [TGT] is at four per cent . And though [TGT] quickly modified [TGT] platform to accommodate Black Lives Matter activists , [TGT] still has a long way to go to win over African-American voters . A Washington PostABC News poll released in September shows that , if Biden were in the race , he would attract more nonwhite voters than [TGT] -LRB- though substantially fewer than Clinton -RRB- . Nor is [TGT] 's trajectory likely to mirror that of Obama in 2008 . Sanders supporters like to point out that , in the summer of 2007 , Obama was polling behind Hillary Clinton among black Democrats . But , as Michael Tesler , a political scientist at the University of California , Irvine , recently noted in the Washington Post , Obama enjoyed much higher favorability ratings among black Democrats than [TGT] does now . [TGT] 's commitment to recapturing some of the white working-class males that the Democratic Party lost in the Reagan years wo n't necessarily help [TGT] candidacy ; indeed , it could hurt [TGT] quest to connect with minority voters . Yet [TGT] is doing well enough to concern the Clinton team , and that creates its own challenges . On the trail , Clinton has avoided mention of him ; [TGT] , for his part , emphasizes their policy differences . [TGT] appears to be sticking with that approach . Correct the Record , a Super PAC backing Clinton , recently sent an e-mail to the Huffington Post suggesting that [TGT] shared many views with the controversial new British Labour leader , Jeremy Corbyn , then noting that Corbyn had called the death of Osama bin Laden a tragedy . Correct the Record has also sent trackers -- operatives who tape rival candidates , looking for gaffes -- to [TGT] events . [TGT] has promised not to run for President as an Independent in the general election , saying that [TGT] does n't want to have any role in handing victory to a Republican . [TGT] often says that [TGT] is not that far outside the mainstream -- that a majority of Americans agree with [TGT] on many of [TGT] tenets . In mid-September , [TGT] spoke before the weekly convocation attended by the student body at Liberty University , the evangelical school in Lynchburg , Virginia , founded by the Reverend Jerry Falwell . Unlike many liberal élites , [TGT] does not seem to prefer talking to people who share [TGT] views ; because [TGT] is not an especially convivial person , [TGT] does not require conviviality from others . [TGT] relishes the opportunity to enter enemy territory , where [TGT] believes that [TGT] can find secret allies . [TGT] did not make knowing jokes about these differences : as usual , [TGT] was dead serious . But the occasion also played to the prophetic side of [TGT] -- the register in which [TGT] can sound like an Old Testament preacher . Unlike [TGT] slicker rivals , [TGT] is most at ease talking about the moral and ethical dimensions of politics .
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Bernanke: start work now to curb budget deficit
Ben Bernanke
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is urging Congress and the Obama administration to start plotting a strategy to curb record-high U.S. budget deficits. Failing to do so could eventually erode investor confidence and endanger the economy's prospects for long-term health he said. Bernanke said that such forceful government intervention to fight the worst financial crisis since the 1930s and lift the U.S. out of recession was "necessary and appropriate" even though it worsened the nation's budget deficit. Bernanke acknowledged that Congress and the administration face "formidable near-term challenges" that must be addressed as they take steps to stabilize the financial system reduce home foreclosures and spur banks to lend more freely. The success of these efforts will be crucial to turning the economy around. Bernanke cautioned: "Unless we demonstrate a strong commitment to fiscal sustainability in the longer term we will have neither financial stability nor healthy economic growth." With the recovery likely to be subdued inflation will remain low Bernanke predicted. Some worry that the Fed's aggressive efforts -- including buying billions worth of government bonds -- to revive the economy could sow the seeds of inflation. "I respectfully disagree with her views " Bernanke said adding that he is "comfortable" with the Fed's actions. Bernanke didn't offer specific recommendations on what steps they should take to bring the deficits under control. Observing the recent rise in rates on mortgages and longer-term Treasury securities Bernanke said the increases appear to reflect concerns about large federal deficits as well as greater optimism about the economic outlook. That's a reversal in a pattern seen in the depths of the recession of investors flocking to safe havens. Bernanke cited improvements in credit markets but again warned that a relapse could hurt the economy's recovery prospects. He also said that banks are meeting with some success in raising capital in private markets suggesting greater investor confidence in the banking system. Bernanke repeated his belief that the recession will end this year and that the economy will start growing again later this year. But he again warned that the pace of the recovery will be slow and that unemployment -- now at a quarter-century peak of 8.9 percent -- will rise even after the recession ends.
[TGT] is urging Congress and the Obama administration to start plotting a strategy to curb record-high U.S. budget deficits. Failing to do so could eventually erode investor confidence and endanger the economy's prospects for long-term health [TGT] said. [TGT] said that such forceful government intervention to fight the worst financial crisis since the 1930s and lift the U.S. out of recession was "necessary and appropriate" even though it worsened the nation's budget deficit. [TGT] acknowledged that Congress and the administration face "formidable near-term challenges" that must be addressed as they take steps to stabilize the financial system reduce home foreclosures and spur banks to lend more freely. The success of these efforts will be crucial to turning the economy around. [TGT] cautioned: "Unless we demonstrate a strong commitment to fiscal sustainability in the longer term we will have neither financial stability nor healthy economic growth." With the recovery likely to be subdued inflation will remain low [TGT] predicted. Some worry that the Fed's aggressive efforts -- including buying billions worth of government bonds -- to revive the economy could sow the seeds of inflation. "I respectfully disagree with her views [TGT] said adding that [TGT] is "comfortable" with the Fed's actions. [TGT] didn't offer specific recommendations on what steps they should take to bring the deficits under control. Observing the recent rise in rates on mortgages and longer-term Treasury securities [TGT] said the increases appear to reflect concerns about large federal deficits as well as greater optimism about the economic outlook. That's a reversal in a pattern seen in the depths of the recession of investors flocking to safe havens. [TGT] cited improvements in credit markets but again warned that a relapse could hurt the economy's recovery prospects. [TGT] also said that banks are meeting with some success in raising capital in private markets suggesting greater investor confidence in the banking system. [TGT] repeated [TGT] belief that the recession will end this year and that the economy will start growing again later this year. But [TGT] again warned that the pace of the recovery will be slow and that unemployment -- now at a quarter-century peak of 8.9 percent -- will rise even after the recession ends.
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Bernie Sanders Opened A New Foreign-Policy Debate .
Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders . Senator Bernie Sanders . Senator Bernie Sanders received rapturous applause from progressives for his foreign-policy speech at Westminster College in Fulton , Missouri , last week . Jacob Heilbrunn of the more conservative National Interest suggested Sanders was bringing "regime change" to the liberal interventionism of the Democratic establishment . The Sanders speech indeed opened a new debate and offered the first steps towards a fundamentally different policy , but it also leaves many questions unanswered . Sanders 's central contribution is to upend the military-dominated definition of national security . Sanders also called out the threat posed by extreme inequality and the "movement toward international oligarchy" in which "a small number of billionaire and corporate interests have control over our economic life ." That 's not a new argument from Sanders , but here he explicitly framed it as a matter of national security . "This planet ," Sanders argued , "will not be secure or peaceful when so few have so much , and so many have so little ... . Sanders revived traditional liberal concerns about the domestic costs of policing the globe . In so doing , Sanders sought to define a new progressive internationalism . Sanders laid down markers for a new debate , particularly within the Democratic Party . Sanders was one of only five Democratic senators to vote against the Republican initiative to lard another $ 80 billion onto the military budget , and those who voted for it should be questioned by their constituents . While Sanders redefined our security challenges in the Westminster speech , he offered few ideas on how to deal with them . The United States does have to "get serious" on climate change , but Sanders 's only policy advice was to remain in the Paris climate agreements . Yet Sanders offered no way out of the endless wars without victory across the greater Middle East . Inequality , corruption , oligarchy , authoritarianism are "inseparable ," and must be "fought in the same way ," but Sanders offered no plan on how to do that . Sanders said we are "confronted by North Korea ," and called for international sanctions to force abandonment of nuclear weapons and missiles . Relations with Russia and China also received little attention in Sanders 's speech . Sanders also embraced the Democrats ' aggressive posture on Russian interference in the 2016 elections , calling out Putin while condemning Trump for not saying a word about it at the United Nations . Sanders even echoed neoconservative rhetoric , suggesting that "In the struggle of democracy versus authoritarianism , we intend to win ," as if "authoritarianism" were somehow like communism -- a global , ideological movement . Sanders 's speech opened a new debate .
[TGT] . Senator Bernie Sanders . [TGT] received rapturous applause from progressives for [TGT] foreign-policy speech at Westminster College in Fulton , Missouri , last week . Jacob Heilbrunn of the more conservative National Interest suggested [TGT] was bringing "regime change" to the liberal interventionism of the Democratic establishment . The [TGT] speech indeed opened a new debate and offered the first steps towards a fundamentally different policy , but it also leaves many questions unanswered . [TGT] 's central contribution is to upend the military-dominated definition of national security . [TGT] also called out the threat posed by extreme inequality and the "movement toward international oligarchy" in which "a small number of billionaire and corporate interests have control over our economic life ." That 's not a new argument from [TGT] , but here [TGT] explicitly framed it as a matter of national security . "This planet ," [TGT] argued , "will not be secure or peaceful when so few have so much , and so many have so little ... . [TGT] revived traditional liberal concerns about the domestic costs of policing the globe . In so doing , [TGT] sought to define a new progressive internationalism . [TGT] laid down markers for a new debate , particularly within the Democratic Party . [TGT] was one of only five Democratic senators to vote against the Republican initiative to lard another $ 80 billion onto the military budget , and those who voted for it should be questioned by their constituents . While [TGT] redefined our security challenges in the Westminster speech , [TGT] offered few ideas on how to deal with them . The United States does have to "get serious" on climate change , but [TGT] 's only policy advice was to remain in the Paris climate agreements . Yet [TGT] offered no way out of the endless wars without victory across the greater Middle East . Inequality , corruption , oligarchy , authoritarianism are "inseparable ," and must be "fought in the same way ," but [TGT] offered no plan on how to do that . [TGT] said we are "confronted by North Korea ," and called for international sanctions to force abandonment of nuclear weapons and missiles . Relations with Russia and China also received little attention in [TGT] 's speech . [TGT] also embraced the Democrats ' aggressive posture on Russian interference in the 2016 elections , calling out Putin while condemning Trump for not saying a word about it at the United Nations . [TGT] even echoed neoconservative rhetoric , suggesting that "In the struggle of democracy versus authoritarianism , we intend to win ," as if "authoritarianism" were somehow like communism -- a global , ideological movement . [TGT] 's speech opened a new debate .
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A private golf club with a $70 000 initiation fee Ballyneal opened for play just three summers ago but is already attracting rave reviews as well as golfers from around the world. Golfweek ranks Ballyneal the nation's eighth-best course opened since 1960. Golf Magazine has Ballyneal rated No. 82 in the world among all courses. "Ballyneal is a spectacular example of the 'build it in the middle of nowhere and hope they come' genre " Golfweek course architecture editor Bradley S. Klein said in a phone interview. "It's an old-fashioned down-to-earth club ... that operates entirely contrary to the grotesque excesses of the 1990s." Unlike most private golf clubs Ballyneal is not a stickler for rules -- and seems to take pride in that. Play with your shirt untucked? No problem. Need to take a cell call on the course? That's OK. And for evening functions leave your sports coat at home. Ballyneal is so informal it doesn't even have tee markers. (The scorecard says it plays from 5 210 to 7 147 yards at a par 71). There are no yardage markers on the fairways either nor are motorized carts allowed. The O'Neals decided that because of its remote location amid sparse population Ballyneal should be a high-end destination club with members from across the country. To attract that type of clientele they knew Ballyneal had to be ranked among the nation's best courses. Ballyneal honoring the famed Ballybunion course in Ireland and the O'Neal family history has 104 members and has announced it will cap membership at 130 in order to provide a "low volume exclusive and intimate casual feel" for its members. "Doak spent a lot of time out here with his associates and you can see that " said Cleve Trimble a retired surgeon from Valentine Neb. and a member of several golf clubs including Ballyneal. "He didn't design this from an air-conditioned office in Boca Raton from some topographical map." Ballyneal attracts its share of big-name CEOs and celebrities but the club protects their privacy. The fescue greens turn off some golfers. Rupert O'Neal said that because of the severe undulations Ballyneal's greens would be too slick if they were bent grass. The "old-school" putting surface reflects the character of a links course. One of the reasons Golf Digest left Ballyneal out of its list of top 100 courses in the U.S. is because of the fescue greens said Ron Whitten the magazine's course architecture editor. "I tell people Ballyneal is an acquired taste " Whitten said. Ballyneal's greens would be too slick if they were bent grass. The "old-school" putting surface reflects the character of a links course.
A private golf club with a $70 000 initiation fee [TGT] opened for play just three summers ago but is already attracting rave reviews as well as golfers from around the world. Golfweek ranks [TGT] the nation's eighth-best course opened since 1960. Golf Magazine has [TGT] rated No. 82 in the world among all courses. "[TGT] is a spectacular example of the 'build [TGT] in the middle of nowhere and hope they come' genre " Golfweek course architecture editor Bradley S. Klein said in a phone interview. "It's an old-fashioned down-to-earth club ... that operates entirely contrary to the grotesque excesses of the 1990s." Unlike most private golf clubs [TGT] is not a stickler for rules -- and seems to take pride in that. Play with your shirt untucked? No problem. Need to take a cell call on the course? That's OK. And for evening functions leave your sports coat at home. [TGT] is so informal [TGT] doesn't even have tee markers. (The scorecard says [TGT] plays from 5 210 to 7 147 yards at a par 71). There are no yardage markers on the fairways either nor are motorized carts allowed. The O'Neals decided that because of its remote location amid sparse population [TGT] should be a high-end destination club with members from across the country. To attract that type of clientele they knew [TGT] had to be ranked among the nation's best courses. [TGT]honoring the famed Ballybunion course in Ireland and the O'Neal family history has 104 members and has announced it will cap membership at 130 in order to provide a "low volume exclusive and intimate casual feel" for its members. "Doak spent a lot of time out here with his associates and you can see that " said Cleve Trimble a retired surgeon from Valentine Neb. and a member of several golf clubs including [TGT]. "He didn't design this from an air-conditioned office in Boca Raton from some topographical map.[TGT] attracts [TGT] share of big-name CEOs and celebrities but the club protects their privacy. The fescue greens turn off some golfers. Rupert O'Neal said that because of the severe undulations Ballyneal's greens would be too slick if they were bent grass. The "old-school" putting surface reflects the character of a links course. One of the reasons Golf Digest left [TGT] out of its list of top 100 courses in the U.S. is because of the fescue greens said Ron Whitten the magazine's course architecture editor. "I tell people [TGT] is an acquired taste " Whitten said. [TGT]'s greens would be too slick if [TGT] were bent grass. The "old-school" putting surface reflects the character of a links course.
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China Russia say ties must flourish in economic crisis
Dmitry Medvedev
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev after his meetings with Hu also underscored the importance of coordinated regional measures to combat the global crisis. "Of course today our attention is centred on those measures necessary to prevent or minimise the negative influences of the global financial crisis which of course have an effect on our bilateral ties " Medvedev said. "The main goal is not only to preserve the relations existing between our states but to give them a new impulse " he added. Medvedev hailed Hu's visit as "friendly and constructive " adding these were qualities "that characterise relations between our two countries." The Chinese president ended his talks with the Russian for "Thank You". Medvedev and Putin did not mention these figures instead citing bilateral trade with China worth over 55 billion dollars in 2008. China and Russia also agreed to boost the use of their domestic currencies in trade Medvedev added as Moscow seeks to lessen the global dominance of the US dollar. "Another very important task -- which today has become very timely -- is the question of using national currencies in mutual payments " he said. "We agreed to take additional measures in this direction."
[TGT] after [TGT] meetings with Hu also underscored the importance of coordinated regional measures to combat the global crisis. "Of course today our attention is centred on those measures necessary to prevent or minimise the negative influences of the global financial crisis which of course have an effect on our bilateral ties " [TGT] said. "The main goal is not only to preserve the relations existing between our states but to give them a new impulse " he added. [TGT] hailed Hu's visit as "friendly and constructive " adding these were qualities "that characterise relations between our two countries." The Chinese president ended his talks with the Russian for "Thank You". [TGT] and Putin did not mention these figures instead citing bilateral trade with China worth over 55 billion dollars in 2008. China and Russia also agreed to boost the use of their domestic currencies in trade [TGT] added as Moscow seeks to lessen the global dominance of the US dollar. "Another very important task -- which today has become very timely -- is the question of using national currencies in mutual payments " [TGT] said. "We agreed to take additional measures in this direction."
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Ndamukong Suh
Whoa cautions Ndamukong Suh not so fast my friend. The Cornhuskers seemed to snare a bit of their lost aura in 2008 winning six of their last seven games. But Suh is hardly ready to compare his defensive unit to those from the glory days. In fact continuing the rebuilding process is one reason why the defensive tackle returned for his senior year instead of being an almost guaranteed high pick in the NFL draft. "I definitely want to be part of bringing back the tradition of the Blackshirts " said Suh the Big 12's preseason defensive player of the year. "That's a tough tradition to live up to." Under defensive-minded new head coach Bo Pelini the respective numbers above improved to 349.8 28.5 and 49 -- better but still not what Suh and Pelini consider acceptable. "We're getting closer " Suh said "but we're definitely not where we need to be. We still have room to grow." But with an untested quarterback at the controls of an offense with just four starters returning it will be up to Suh and the defense to keep the Huskers afloat early in the season. Suh says he's looking forward to the task. "I definitely want to be part of bringing back the tradition of the Blackshirts " he said. "We want to start being the kind of dominant team that everyone wants to hunt." Pelini says Suh is that kind of talent.
Whoa cautions [TGT]not so fast my friend. The Cornhuskers seemed to snare a bit of their lost aura in 2008 winning six of their last seven games. But [TGT] is hardly ready to compare [TGT] defensive unit to those from the glory days. In fact continuing the rebuilding process is one reason why the defensive tackle returned for [TGT] senior year instead of being an almost guaranteed high pick in the NFL draft. "I definitely want to be part of bringing back the tradition of the Blackshirts " said [TGT]the Big 12's preseason defensive player of the year. "That's a tough tradition to live up to." Under defensive-minded new head coach Bo Pelini the respective numbers above improved to 349.8 28.5 and 49 -- better but still not what [TGT] and Pelini consider acceptable. "We're getting closer " [TGT] said "but we're definitely not where we need to be. We still have room to grow." But with an untested quarterback at the controls of an offense with just four starters returning it will be up to [TGT] and the defense to keep the Huskers afloat early in the season. [TGT] says [TGT]'s looking forward to the task. "I definitely want to be part of bringing back the tradition of the Blackshirts " [TGT] said. "We want to start being the kind of dominant team that everyone wants to hunt." Pelini says [TGT] is that kind of talent.
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Bernanke Signals Asset Sales May Have Bigger Exit Role
Ben Bernanke
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke signaled Thursday that sales of the central bank's holdings in mortgage-backed securities may play a more prominent role in the withdrawal of monetary stimulus than he indicated last month. "I anticipate that at some point we will in fact have a gradual sales process " Bernanke said Thursday in testimony to the House Financial Services Committee. In prepared remarks he avoided repeating a February statement that the Fed won't sell any securities "at least until after policy tightening has gotten under way." Instead he said Thursday the tool is one way of "applying monetary restraint." "We would like to get back to an all-Treasury portfolio within a reasonable amount of time " Bernanke said in response to a question from Rep. Jeb Hensarling R-Texas. The balance sheet should eventually be reduced to less than $1 trillion Bernanke told Rep. Ron Paul R-Texas who advocates abolishing the Fed. Raising the interest rate paid on funds deposited by banks at the Fed as well as so-called reverse repurchase agreements that temporarily drain cash from the banking system will still be among the main tools for tightening credit Bernanke said. "The FOMC is not comfortable with holding all of these securities until they mature as some would be 30 years and we want to move more quickly than that back to the pre-crisis balance sheet " Bernanke said. The Fed wouldn't sell assets in a "really weak economy " he said. At the same time Bernanke didn't say when the Fed would begin executing its strategy. He said the U.S. economy still needs low interest rates and that the central bank will be ready to tighten credit "at the appropriate time." "The economy continues to require the support of accommodative monetary policies " Bernanke said in prepared testimony repeating parts of a statement to the panel from last month. Thursday's hearing originally scheduled for Feb. 10 was postponed because of a snowstorm. The Fed went ahead and released Bernanke's prepared testimony that day in part to lay the groundwork for a planned increase in the interest rate the central bank charges for direct loans to banks. Responding to questions Bernanke said the "unemployment situation is very weak " and the housing market is "still quite weak."
[TGT] signaled Thursday that sales of the central bank's holdings in mortgage-backed securities may play a more prominent role in the withdrawal of monetary stimulus than [TGT] indicated last month. "I anticipate that at some point we will in fact have a gradual sales process " [TGT] said Thursday in testimony to the House Financial Services Committee. In prepared remarks [TGT] avoided repeating a February statement that the Fed won't sell any securities "at least until after policy tightening has gotten under way." Instead [TGT] said Thursday the tool is one way of "applying monetary restraint." "We would like to get back to an all-Treasury portfolio within a reasonable amount of time " [TGT] said in response to a question from Rep. Jeb Hensarling R-Texas. The balance sheet should eventually be reduced to less than $1 trillion [TGT] told Rep. Ron Paul R-Texas who advocates abolishing the Fed. Raising the interest rate paid on funds deposited by banks at the Fed as well as so-called reverse repurchase agreements that temporarily drain cash from the banking system will still be among the main tools for tightening credit [TGT] said. "The FOMC is not comfortable with holding all of these securities until they mature as some would be 30 years and we want to move more quickly than that back to the pre-crisis balance sheet " [TGT] said. The Fed wouldn't sell assets in a "really weak economy " [TGT] said. At the same time [TGT] didn't say when the Fed would begin executing its strategy. [TGT] said the U.S. economy still needs low interest rates and that the central bank will be ready to tighten credit "at the appropriate time." "The economy continues to require the support of accommodative monetary policies " [TGT] said in prepared testimony repeating parts of a statement to the panel from last month. Thursday's hearing originally scheduled for Feb. 10 was postponed because of a snowstorm. The Fed went ahead and released [TGT]'s prepared testimony that day in part to lay the groundwork for a planned increase in the interest rate the central bank charges for direct loans to banks. Responding to questions [TGT] said the "unemployment situation is very weak " and the housing market is "still quite weak."
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Bernie Sanders ' Bizarre Idea of Fair Trade .
Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders , it is often noted , has never met a free trade deal that he liked . What I ca n't tell is whether Sanders simply does n't understand this , or does n't care . Sanders : Well , if he thinks they 're bad trade deals , I agree with him . With those last few words , Sanders has effectively written off trade with any country that is not already rich and prosperous -- which is simply inhumane . It is one thing to argue that we should not do business with nations that actively manage or manipulate their currencies , as Sanders sometimes does , since exchange rates are supposed to be the market 's main mechanism for balancing trade .
[TGT] , it is often noted , has never met a free trade deal that [TGT] liked . What I ca n't tell is whether [TGT] simply does n't understand this , or does n't care . [TGT] : Well , if [TGT] thinks they 're bad trade deals , I agree with [TGT] . With those last few words , [TGT] has effectively written off trade with any country that is not already rich and prosperous -- which is simply inhumane . It is one thing to argue that we should not do business with nations that actively manage or manipulate their currencies , as [TGT] sometimes does , since exchange rates are supposed to be the market 's main mechanism for balancing trade .
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Sri Lanka opposition warns of violence vote-rigging
Sarath Fonseka
Ahead of final campaign rallies later on Saturday opposition candidate Sarath Fonseka predicted that the ruling party led by President Mahinda Rajapakse would use violence to intimidate his supporters in Tuesday's vote. "They want to create violence and discourage people from voting. A lower turnout will help rigging " he told reporters adding he expected fake voters and forged ballot papers to also be used. Fonseka said he and his allies would rely on the protection of the security forces most of whom he said would vote for him except for a few senior figures who are "trying to please the government." "We can't counter violence with violence. We have to abide by the law " he said. A group of Fonseka supporters wearing green caps and party T-shirts walked noisily behind a procession of rickshaws on the streets outside the venue of his press conference. Fonseka and Rajapakse were to finish campaigning at rallies planned in and around Colombo later Saturday. President Rajapakse told reporters last week that the campaign failed to bring about an informed debate on issues and instead had degenerated into "mud slinging " a charge made by Fonseka too. Rajapakse handpicked Fonseka to be his army chief in 2005 and the two men were victorious allies on the battlefield last year against the Tamil Tiger rebels but are now sworn enemies at the ballot box.
Ahead of final campaign rallies later on Saturday [TGT] predicted that the ruling party led by President Mahinda Rajapakse would use violence to intimidate his supporters in Tuesday's vote. "They want to create violence and discourage people from voting. A lower turnout will help rigging " he told reporters adding he expected fake voters and forged ballot papers to also be used. [TGT] said [TGT] and [TGT] allies would rely on the protection of the security forces most of whom he said would vote for him except for a few senior figures who are "trying to please the government." "We can't counter violence with violence. We have to abide by the law " he said. A group of [TGT] supporters wearing green caps and party T-shirts walked noisily behind a procession of rickshaws on the streets outside the venue of his press conference. [TGT] and Rajapakse were to finish campaigning at rallies planned in and around Colombo later Saturday. President Rajapakse told reporters last week that the campaign failed to bring about an informed debate on issues and instead had degenerated into "mud slinging " a charge made by [TGT] too. Rajapakse handpicked [TGT] to be his army chief in 2005 and the two men were victorious allies on the battlefield last year against the Tamil Tiger rebels but are now sworn enemies at the ballot box.
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Golf: Woods will dominate again - McDowell
Tiger Woods
"He used to appear invincible " McDowell noted after he delivered two brilliant clutch putts and beat Woods at the first hole of sudden death at Sherwood Country Club on Sunday. Plenty of talk swirled around Woods in 2010 and much of it had less to do with his golf game than with the revelations of marital infidelity that exploded in November of 2009. By August his marriage was over he had lost millions in endorsement deals and for the first time since he turned pro Woods finished a season without a victory. But Woods admitted that the off-course turmoil affected him and he also struggled to get to grips with the swing changes he was implementing with coach Sean Foley. Tiger Woods' bid to end a tumultuous year with a victory at his World Challenge fell short but Graeme McDowell predicted the US star will again be a dominant force in golf - and soon. "He used to appear invincible " McDowell noted after he delivered two brilliant clutch putts and beat Woods at the first hole of sudden death at Sherwood Country Club on Sunday. "Of course he has made himself appear more human in the last 12 months... But there's something a bit special about his golf game and I fully expect that mystique to return as the golf clubs start doing the talking again." Plenty of talk swirled around Woods in 2010 and much of it had less to do with his golf game than with the revelations of marital infidelity that exploded in November of 2009. By August his marriage was over he had lost millions in endorsement deals and for the first time since he turned pro Woods finished a season without a victory. He played only 15 stroke-play events worldwide and got a nod as a captain's pick for the US Ryder Cup team. But Woods admitted that the off-course turmoil affected him and he also struggled to get to grips with the swing changes he was implementing with coach Sean Foley. A storming singles triumph on the last day of the Ryder Cup as well as a six- under final round at the Australian Masters in November were signs that his game was coming together. But it wasn't until this week that Woods was able to put it together for multiple rounds. "I've played well in stretches now the stretches are lasting longer " Woods said. "It was just a few holes and then it became nine holes. First day it was all 18 holes. "So it was progress ... I'm just really excited about this off-season " Woods added. "I haven't been that way in a while."
"He used to appear invincible " McDowell noted after he delivered two brilliant clutch putts and beat [TGT] at the first hole of sudden death at Sherwood Country Club on Sunday. Plenty of talk swirled around [TGT] in 2010 and much of it had less to do with his golf game than with the revelations of marital infidelity that exploded in November of 2009. By August his marriage was over he had lost millions in endorsement deals and for the first time since he turned pro [TGT] finished a season without a victory. But [TGT] admitted that the off-course turmoil affected him and he also struggled to get to grips with the swing changes he was implementing with coach Sean Foley. Tiger Woods' bid to end a tumultuous year with a victory at his World Challenge fell short but Graeme McDowell predicted the US star will again be a dominant force in golf - and soon. "He used to appear invincible " McDowell noted after he delivered two brilliant clutch putts and beat [TGT] at the first hole of sudden death at Sherwood Country Club on Sunday. "Of course he has made himself appear more human in the last 12 months... But there's something a bit special about his golf game and I fully expect that mystique to return as the golf clubs start doing the talking again." Plenty of talk swirled around [TGT] in 2010 and much of it had less to do with his golf game than with the revelations of marital infidelity that exploded in November of 2009. By August his marriage was over he had lost millions in endorsement deals and for the first time since he turned pro [TGT] finished a season without a victory. He played only 15 stroke-play events worldwide and got a nod as a captain's pick for the US Ryder Cup team. But [TGT] admitted that the off-course turmoil affected him and he also struggled to get to grips with the swing changes he was implementing with coach Sean Foley. A storming singles triumph on the last day of the Ryder Cup as well as a six- under final round at the Australian Masters in November were signs that his game was coming together. But it wasn't until this week that [TGT] was able to put it together for multiple rounds. "I've played well in stretches now the stretches are lasting longer " [TGT] said. "It was just a few holes and then it became nine holes. First day it was all 18 holes. "So it was progress ... I'm just really excited about this off-season " [TGT] added. "I haven't been that way in a while."
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Elbert Mack
As a boy Bucs cornerback Elbert Mack watched many of his favorite NFL players wear protective visors and wanted one of his own. But he refused to wait for his parents to purchase one. Mack went the unconventional route. He cut out a section of a clear plastic 2-liter pop bottle and attached it to his youth league helmet using twist ties. "Those were the most fun days I had " Mack said. "I even played with it in the games too." His ingenuity is no surprise for a young man who years later still is proving his ability to make something out of nothing. Division I football seemed a long shot when Mack enrolled in junior college out of high school in Wichita Kan. Making an NFL roster looked improbable when he went undrafted out of Troy in 2008. And securing a long-term role on an NFL defense appeared implausible even after the wiry baby-faced prospect surprisingly made the Bucs' final roster last fall. But Mack 23 has established that he's the sort of player the new regime in Tampa Bay is looking for to stock its roster. During a great first week of training camp Mack was one of the most intriguing players on the field. He made numerous interceptions in full-squad drills and got his hands on many other passes. He also was willing to mix it up physically in a new defensive scheme that often calls for cornerbacks to engage receivers at the line of scrimmage. "We're definitely a little bit more in-your-face defense " he said. "I like people to think they're going to push me over " he said. "Then when they see the fight in me it changes things. I'm not going to say that I'm going to always win but I'm definitely going to fight." Mack is holding up just fine. In Mack's likely role as the nickel back Morris said Mack can expect to be viewed as a weakness. When the defense goes to a three-cornerback lineup the third one to enter the game is the most likely to be targeted. Who better to fill that role than perhaps the team's most defiant player? Mack has been in this position before. At Troy in Alabama balls flew in his direction as opponents tried to avoid testing his feared teammate Leodis McKelvin the Bills' 2008 first-round draft pick. And Mack snatched eight interceptions to lead the nation his senior year. The next phase of Mack's development is to thrive in his expanded role. He also will look to establish himself as a possible long-term solution when Barber 34 departs. "I'm not trying to replace Ronde " Mack said of his fellow 5-foot-10 cornerback. "Ronde will never be replaced. But you can't play the game forever." If Mack can follow in Barber's large footprints he will continue a trend he started long ago. "Everywhere I go it seems like I go through the back but leave out the front " Mack said. "This is the last step so hopefully I can leave that legacy here."
As a boy [TGT] watched many of [TGT] favorite NFL players wear protective visors and wanted one of [TGT] own. But [TGT] refused to wait for [TGT] parents to purchase one. [TGT] went the unconventional route. [TGT] cut out a section of a clear plastic 2-liter pop bottle and attached it to [TGT] youth league helmet using twist ties. "Those were the most fun days I had [TGT] said. "I even played with it in the games too." [TGT] ingenuity is no surprise for a young man who years later still is proving [TGT] ability to make something out of nothing. Division I football seemed a long shot when [TGT] enrolled in junior college out of high school in Wichita Kan. Making an NFL roster looked improbable when he went undrafted out of Troy in 2008. And securing a long-term role on an NFL defense appeared implausible even after the wiry baby-faced prospect surprisingly made the Bucs' final roster last fall. But [TGT]23 has established that [TGT]'s the sort of player the new regime in Tampa Bay is looking for to stock its roster. During a great first week of training camp [TGT] was one of the most intriguing players on the field. [TGT] made numerous interceptions in full-squad drills and got [TGT] hands on many other passes. [TGT] also was willing to mix it up physically in a new defensive scheme that often calls for cornerbacks to engage receivers at the line of scrimmage. "We're definitely a little bit more in-your-face defense " [TGT] said. "I like people to think they're going to push me over " [TGT] said. "Then when they see the fight in me it changes things. I'm not going to say that I'm going to always win but I'm definitely going to fight." [TGT] is holding up just fine. In [TGT]'s likely role as the nickel back Morris said [TGT] can expect to be viewed as a weakness. When the defense goes to a three-cornerback lineup the third one to enter the game is the most likely to be targeted. Who better to fill that role than perhaps the team's most defiant player? [TGT] has been in this position before. At Troy in Alabama balls flew in [TGT] direction as opponents tried to avoid testing [TGT] feared teammate Leodis McKelvin the Bills' 2008 first-round draft pick. And [TGT] snatched eight interceptions to lead the nation [TGT] senior year. The next phase of [TGT]'s development is to thrive in [TGT] expanded role. [TGT] also will look to establish [TGT] as a possible long-term solution when Barber 34 departs. "I'm not trying to replace Ronde [TGT] said of [TGT] fellow 5-foot-10 cornerback. "Ronde will never be replaced. But you can't play the game forever." If [TGT] can follow in Barber's large footprints [TGT] will continue a trend [TGT] started long ago. "Everywhere I go it seems like I go through the back but leave out [TGT] said. "This is the last step so hopefully I can leave that legacy here."
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Marco Rubio
The Florida primary Tuesday was once going to be Rubio's chance to dispatch his main Republican opponent Gov. Charlie Crist. But Crist bolted the party four months ago rather than face Rubio in the primary and is running as an independent in a three-way race. Now facing intense competition for the moderate Republicans and independents who could be the keys to victory in one of the nation's most closely divided states Rubio is trying to show that he is more than just an insurgent protest candidate -- and he is breaking with some Tea Party orthodoxy in the process. Rubio spends less and less time trying to tap into the discontent that has been at the forefront of the midterm elections. A wiser course for Republicans he said is offering an alternative not simply being the angry opposition. His course bears little resemblance to those of other insurgent candidates many of whom hope to ride a combative streak -- and little else -- to Washington. Rubio is increasingly trying to turn his candidacy into one built more on ideas than outrage which is why he delivered three detailed speeches in the past week alone on education veterans' affairs and retiree issues. In an expansive interview as he rode in a white minivan from Pensacola to Fort Walton Beach Rubio did not agree with flashpoints Republican candidates elsewhere have seized on. Does he support changing the 14th Amendment as some Republicans have suggested which grants the right to citizenship to anyone born in the United States? "You're taking energy and focus away from that fundamental debate and spending time on something that quite frankly is not the highest and best use of our political attention " Rubio said. "I don't think that's where the problem is." "Yeah there's a lot " Rubio said. "Obviously his personal story of someone who didn't come from wealth is a testament not just to his tenacity but to America. I just strongly disagree with him on public policy."
The Florida primary Tuesday was once going to be [TGT]'s chance to dispatch [TGT] main Republican opponent Gov. Charlie Crist. But Crist bolted the party four months ago rather than face [TGT] in the primary and is running as an independent in a three-way race. Now facing intense competition for the moderate Republicans and independents who could be the keys to victory in one of the nation's most closely divided states [TGT] is trying to show that [TGT] is more than just an insurgent protest candidate -- and [TGT] is breaking with some Tea Party orthodoxy in the process. [TGT] spends less and less time trying to tap into the discontent that has been at the forefront of the midterm elections. A wiser course for Republicans [TGT] said is offering an alternative not simply being the angry opposition. [TGT] course bears little resemblance to those of other insurgent candidates many of whom hope to ride a combative streak -- and little else -- to Washington. [TGT] is increasingly trying to turn [TGT] candidacy into one built more on ideas than outrage which is why [TGT] delivered three detailed speeches in the past week alone on education veterans' affairs and retiree issues. In an expansive interview as [TGT] rode in a white minivan from Pensacola to Fort Walton Beach [TGT] did not agree with flashpoints Republican candidates elsewhere have seized on. Does [TGT] support changing the 14th Amendment as some Republicans have suggested which grants the right to citizenship to anyone born in the United States? "You're taking energy and focus away from that fundamental debate and spending time on something that quite frankly is not the highest and best use of our political attention " [TGT] said. "I don't think that's where the problem is." "Yeah there's a lot [TGT] said. "Obviously [TGT] personal story of someone who didn't come from wealth is a testament not just to [TGT] tenacity but to America. I just strongly disagree with [TGT] on public policy."
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Bush Clinton: Haiti response not about politics
George W. Bush
Former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton say the earthquake in Haiti offers a chance to put aside politics and help people in despair. Bush and Clinton appeared on five Sunday television talk shows as part of their effort to lead private fundraising efforts for Haitian relief including immediate needs and the long-term rebuilding effort. President Barack Obama asked them to lead the bipartisan effort. George W. Bush and Bill Clinton say the earthquake in Haiti offers a chance to put aside politics and help people in despair. Bush and Clinton appeared on five Sunday television talk shows as part of their effort to lead private fundraising efforts for Haitian relief including immediate needs and the long-term rebuilding effort. President Barack Obama asked them to lead the bipartisan effort. "I'd say now is not the time to focus on politics " Bush said in an interview taped Saturday for CBS television's "Face the Nation" when the ex-presidents' visited the White House. "You've got people who are ... children who've lost parents. People wondering where they're going to be able to drink water " Bush said. "There's a great sense of desperation. And so my attention is on trying to help people deal with the desperation." Bush said that he doesn't know what critics are talking about when they claim Obama is trying to score political points with a broad response to Haiti's woes. The most vocal critic has been conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh who urged people not to donate and said he wouldn't trust that money donated to Haiti through the White House Web site would go to the relief efforts. He said people contribute enough by paying income taxes. Clinton said a disaster like the earthquake in Haiti "reminds us of our common humanity. It reminds us of needs that go beyond fleeting disagreements." He said political debate is healthy in normal times but it would be perverse in a time of disaster to let politics get in the way of helping.
[TGT] say the earthquake in Haiti offers a chance to put aside politics and help people in despair. [TGT] appeared on five Sunday television talk shows as part of [TGT] effort to lead private fundraising efforts for Haitian relief including immediate needs and the long-term rebuilding effort. President Barack Obama asked [TGT] to lead the bipartisan effort. [TGT] say the earthquake in Haiti offers a chance to put aside politics and help people in despair. [TGT] appeared on five Sunday television talk shows as part of [TGT] effort to lead private fundraising efforts for Haitian relief including immediate needs and the long-term rebuilding effort. President Barack Obama asked [TGT] to lead the bipartisan effort. "I'd say now is not the time to focus on politics [TGT] said in an interview taped Saturday for CBS television's "Face the Nation" when the ex-presidents' visited the White House. "You've got people who are ... children who've lost parents. People wondering where they're going to be able to drink water " [TGT] said. "There's a great sense of desperation. And so my attention is on trying to help people deal with the desperation.[TGT] said that [TGT] doesn't know what critics are talking about when they claim Obama is trying to score political points with a broad response to Haiti's woes. The most vocal critic has been conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh who urged people not to donate and said [TGT] wouldn't trust that money donated to Haiti through the White House Web site would go to the relief efforts. [TGT] said people contribute enough by paying income taxes. Clinton said a disaster like the earthquake in Haiti "reminds [TGT] of [TGT] common humanity. It reminds [TGT] of needs that go beyond fleeting disagreements." He said political debate is healthy in normal times but it would be perverse in a time of disaster to let politics get in the way of helping.
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Umar Cheema
Officials at the U.S. Embassy said they interviewed Cheema this week and sent a report of his account to the State Department. E-mails sent to the spokesmen for the ISI and the Pakistani army requesting comment were not answered. Cheema had won a Daniel Pearl Journalism Fellowship to train foreign journalists in 2007 and worked in The New York Times newsroom for six months at that time. He has worked at The News since 2007. In interviews he said his car was stopped near his home in the capital by men with the words "no fear" inscribed on their clothes. Once he was blindfolded and driven to the safe house he was handed over to another group of men who carried out the abuse he said. After six hours he was dumped on a road 100 miles from the capital Islamabad. Cheema says he wrote more than 50 articles this year that questioned various aspects of the conduct of the military and the government including corruption accusations against the president Asif Ali Zardari. In his article Cheema reported that two members of the Special Services Group an elite commando squad were being denied fair justice during the court-martial proceedings. In another article Cheema wrote that the suspects in a major terrorist attack against a bus carrying ISI employees were acquitted because of the "mishandling" of the court case by the intelligence agency. While Cheema has chosen to publicize his case he is not the only journalist or politician to come under the apparent harassment of the security services. Earlier this year Cheema said he was called to a coffee shop in Islamabad by an ISI officer and warned to fall into line. At a journalists' seminar in Lahore the editor of a weekly newspaper Najam Sethi said it was up to the ISI to declare who had attacked Cheema.
Officials at the U.S. Embassy said they interviewed [TGT] this week and sent a report of [TGT] account to the State Department. E-mails sent to the spokesmen for the ISI and the Pakistani army requesting comment were not answered. [TGT] had won a Daniel Pearl Journalism Fellowship to train foreign journalists in 2007 and worked in The New York Times newsroom for six months at that time. [TGT] has worked at The News since 2007. In interviews [TGT] said [TGT] car was stopped near [TGT] home in the capital by men with the words "no fear" inscribed on their clothes. Once [TGT] was blindfolded and driven to the safe house [TGT] was handed over to another group of men who carried out the abuse [TGT] said. After six hours [TGT] was dumped on a road 100 miles from the capital Islamabad. [TGT] says [TGT] wrote more than 50 articles this year that questioned various aspects of the conduct of the military and the government including corruption accusations against the president Asif Ali Zardari. In [TGT] article [TGT] reported that two members of the Special Services Group an elite commando squad were being denied fair justice during the court-martial proceedings. In another article [TGT] wrote that the suspects in a major terrorist attack against a bus carrying ISI employees were acquitted because of the "mishandling" of the court case by the intelligence agency. While [TGT] has chosen to publicize [TGT] case [TGT] is not the only journalist or politician to come under the apparent harassment of the security services. Earlier this year [TGT] said [TGT] was called to a coffee shop in Islamabad by an ISI officer and warned to fall into line. At a journalists' seminar in Lahore the editor of a weekly newspaper Najam Sethi said it was up to the ISI to declare who had attacked [TGT].
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Just more of the same? Brazilian voters love it
Dilma Rousseff
"I'm with Dilma " said Darley Oliveira who runs a sparkling new bakery in Paraisopolis when asked how he will vote in the Oct. 3 elections. "She's Lula's candidate and she will continue what he has started." Despite being relatively unknown and lacking Silva's charm and ability to connect to an audience Rousseff has a life story every bit as dramatic as her political mentor's whose past as a union leader standing up to the dictatorship is now etched in Brazil's political lore. Rousseff was a key player in an armed militant group that resisted Brazil's 1964-85 military dictatorship -- and was imprisoned and tortured for it. She is a cancer survivor and a former minister of energy and chief of staff to Silva. She possesses a management style that has earned her the moniker "Iron Lady" -- a name she detests. That stuck with Rousseff who in 1967 as a 19-year-old economics student joined a militant political group opposing the dictatorship. For three years she helped lead guerrilla organizations instructed comrades on Marxist theory and wrote for an underground newspaper. Rousseff denies carrying out any acts of violence during this period says she opposed such action and notes she was never accused by the military regime of violent acts. Brazil's militant groups of the era did take armed action however notably the 1968 gunning down of U.S. Army Capt. Charles Chandler in Sao Paulo by the VPR militant group -- a faction that helped create the VAR-Palmares organization joined by Rousseff. His killers accused Chandler of helping train torturers in Brazil. U.S. officials said he was in Brazil to study Portuguese in preparation for teaching classes at West Point. After three years underground Rousseff was captured in 1970 by Brazil's military police and was considered a big enough catch that a military prosecutor labeled her the "Joan of Arc" of the guerrilla movement. She was tossed into the Tiradentes prison where she spent nearly three years and was submitted to brutal torture. Rousseff was beaten to the point of heavy bleeding underwent electric shocks and spent hours on the "parrot's perch" -- a painful stress-position involving tying wrists to ankles then suspending a prisoner off the ground by running a pole under their knees and over their biceps. After being released she moved to southern Brazil in 1973 where she re-united with her now ex-husband Carlos Araujo who was also an imprisoned militant. She gave birth to a daughter and finished her economics degree. As Brazil's dictatorship began to loosen its grip Rousseff became more politically involved and campaigned to get her husband elected to the state congress in 1982. In 1986 Rousseff was selected to be finance minister for the city of Porto Alegre the beginning of a bureaucratic career that saw her serve twice as the energy minister for Rio Grande do Sul state. In 2000 she left the Democratic Workers Party joined Silva's Workers Party and served for two years as the nation's energy minister after Silva took office in 2003 before becoming his chief of staff.
"I'm with [TGT] " said Darley Oliveira who runs a sparkling new bakery in Paraisopolis when asked how [TGT] will vote in the Oct. 3 elections. "She's Lula's candidate and she will continue what [TGT] has started." Despite being relatively unknown and lacking Silva's charm and ability to connect to an audience [TGT] has a life story every bit as dramatic as her political mentor's whose past as a union leader standing up to the dictatorship is now etched in Brazil's political lore. [TGT] was a key player in an armed militant group that resisted Brazil's 1964-85 military dictatorship -- and was imprisoned and tortured for it. She is a cancer survivor and a former minister of energy and chief of staff to Silva. She possesses a management style that has earned her the moniker "Iron Lady" -- a name she detests. That stuck with Rousseff who in 1967 as a 19-year-old economics student joined a militant political group opposing the dictatorship. For three years she helped lead guerrilla organizations instructed comrades on Marxist theory and wrote for an underground newspaper. [TGT] denies carrying out any acts of violence during this period says she opposed such action and notes she was never accused by the military regime of violent acts. Brazil's militant groups of the era did take armed action however notably the 1968 gunning down of U.S. Army Capt. Charles Chandler in Sao Paulo by the VPR militant group -- a faction that helped create the VAR-Palmares organization joined by [TGT]. His killers accused Chandler of helping train torturers in Brazil. U.S. officials said he was in Brazil to study Portuguese in preparation for teaching classes at West Point. After three years underground [TGT] was captured in 1970 by Brazil's military police and was considered a big enough catch that a military prosecutor labeled her the "Joan of Arc" of the guerrilla movement. She was tossed into the Tiradentes prison where she spent nearly three years and was submitted to brutal torture. [TGT] was beaten to the point of heavy bleeding underwent electric shocks and spent hours on the "parrot's perch" -- a painful stress-position involving tying wrists to ankles then suspending a prisoner off the ground by running a pole under their knees and over their biceps. After being released she moved to southern Brazil in 1973 where she re-united with her now ex-husband Carlos Araujo who was also an imprisoned militant. She gave birth to a daughter and finished her economics degree. As Brazil's dictatorship began to loosen its grip [TGT] became more politically involved and campaigned to get her husband elected to the state congress in 1982. In 1986 [TGT] was selected to be finance minister for the city of Porto Alegre the beginning of a bureaucratic career that saw her serve twice as the energy minister for Rio Grande do Sul state. In 2000 she left the Democratic Workers Party joined Silva's Workers Party and served for two years as the nation's energy minister after Silva took office in 2003 before becoming his chief of staff.
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Bernie Sanders scores big wins with Democratic platform .
Bernie Sanders
After the Democratic presidential primaries and caucuses wrapped up last month , Bernie Sanders and his campaign team had a decision to make : pick the next goal . Thus far , officials with Hillary Clinton 's campaign and the DNC have been working with Sanders ' team , but the senator has n't won every fight . Sanders also fought for an endorsement of single-payer health care and a new tax on carbon , but the party was n't prepared to go along with these provisions , either . The Washington Post 's Greg Sargent noted late last week , shortly before the platform draft was released , that Sanders has won "some big victories ," and that 's absolutely true . As of late last week , there can be little doubt that Sanders has succeeded : as MSNBC 's Alex Seitz-Wald reported , Dems are moving forward with "what is almost certainly the most progressive platform in the party 's history ." That said , as an objective matter , Sanders has had at least as much of an impact on the Democratic platform as any second-place finisher in modern times . And yet , over the holiday weekend , Sanders wrote an op-ed in the Philadelphia Inquirer arguing that his victories are n't enough : the platform , he said , "needs to be significantly improved ." On Wall Street , the platform lays out a number of reforms proposed by Clinton , Sanders and other Democrats , and states the party "will not hesitate to use and expand existing authorities as well as empower regulators to downsize or break apart financial institutions ," it states . And while it 's very likely that Sanders will follow through on that commitment , it 's unclear when , exactly , he 'll start pursuing this goal . There can be little doubt that many of these provisions and more -- reforming the carried-interest loophole , postal banking , the industry ties of Federal Reserve board members -- can be attributed directly to the Sanders campaign 's role in negotiating the terms of the platform . We 'll never know for sure , but part of me wonders what the presidential race would look like right now if Sanders , once the race for the Democratic nomination wrapped up , had quickly endorsed Clinton , helped unite progressive voters , and focused his energies less on the platform and more on becoming one of the party 's leading anti-Trump voices -- all while positioning his movement as a powerful contingent in Democratic politics .
After the Democratic presidential primaries and caucuses wrapped up last month , [TGT] and [TGT] campaign team had a decision to make : pick the next goal . Thus far , officials with Hillary Clinton 's campaign and the DNC have been working with [TGT] ' team , but [TGT] has n't won every fight . [TGT] also fought for an endorsement of single-payer health care and a new tax on carbon , but the party was n't prepared to go along with these provisions , either . The Washington Post 's Greg Sargent noted late last week , shortly before the platform draft was released , that [TGT] has won "some big victories ," and that 's absolutely true . As of late last week , there can be little doubt that [TGT] has succeeded : as MSNBC 's Alex Seitz-Wald reported , Dems are moving forward with "what is almost certainly the most progressive platform in the party 's history ." That said , as an objective matter , [TGT] has had at least as much of an impact on the Democratic platform as any second-place finisher in modern times . And yet , over the holiday weekend , [TGT] wrote an op-ed in the Philadelphia Inquirer arguing that [TGT] victories are n't enough : the platform , [TGT] said , "needs to be significantly improved ." On Wall Street , the platform lays out a number of reforms proposed by Clinton , [TGT] and other Democrats , and states the party "will not hesitate to use and expand existing authorities as well as empower regulators to downsize or break apart financial institutions ," it states . And while it 's very likely that [TGT] will follow through on that commitment , it 's unclear when , exactly , [TGT] 'll start pursuing this goal . There can be little doubt that many of these provisions and more -- reforming the carried-interest loophole , postal banking , the industry ties of Federal Reserve board members -- can be attributed directly to the [TGT] campaign 's role in negotiating the terms of the platform . We 'll never know for sure , but part of me wonders what the presidential race would look like right now if Sanders , once the race for the Democratic nomination wrapped up , had quickly endorsed Clinton , helped unite progressive voters , and focused his energies less on the platform and more on becoming one of the party 's leading anti-Trump voices -- all while positioning his movement as a powerful contingent in Democratic politics .
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Jim Thome
"That was huge to hear that from Todd. He's getting older and he's coming off back surgery. And I know he wants to be strong at the end of the season " said Giambi who received interest from the Minnesota Twins before they signed Jim Thome to serve as a designated hitter. In his last 20 at-bats with the Rockies last season Giambi knocked in 11 runs. He won multiple games with pinch-hits. But he only plays first base and hits left-handed so Colorado wasn't sure he would fit this year's roster. "He had an invaluable effect on our club beyond anything I even imagined " O'Dowd said Wednesday. "He really helped teach our younger players what it means to slow the game down." In Tulowitzki's case Giambi is a perfect sounding board. Giambi has lived in the shortstop's shoes dealt with the pressure of a big contract and huge responsibilities. "It's definitely humbling to have this role. You dream about having an impact. I got lucky as a young player to have Mark McGwire help me " Giambi said. "I have obviously had a lot of ups and downs so I can relate to most guys." Giambi's advice is more cerebral than you might think. He discusses situational hitting and how to game plan opposing pitchers. And his passion is infectious according to teammates. "He just has a presence about him. I remember telling people that regardless of what happens I will get to say I played with Jason Giambi " pitcher Huston Street said. "There's a bigness about his personality and profile but a smallness in the clubhouse. He doesn't think he's better than anybody else and he really cares." But Giambi is in Colorado not just because he fits but because he believes the team can win a ring something that eluded him with the Yankees. "We better kick some (butt) this year " Giambi said. "I didn't come here to finish second. I came back to win a championship."
"That was huge to hear that from Todd. He's getting older and he's coming off back surgery. And I know he wants to be strong at the end of the season " said Giambi who received interest from the Minnesota Twins before they signed [TGT] to serve as a designated hitter. In [TGT] last 20 at-bats with the Rockies last season [TGT] knocked in 11 runs. [TGT] won multiple games with pinch-hits. But [TGT] only plays first base and hits left-handed so Colorado wasn't sure [TGT] would fit this year's roster. "[TGT] had an invaluable effect on our club beyond anything I even imagined " O'Dowd said Wednesday. "[TGT] really helped teach our younger players what it means to slow the game down." In Tulowitzki's case [TGT] is a perfect sounding board. [TGT] has lived in the shortstop's shoes dealt with the pressure of a big contract and huge responsibilities. "It's definitely humbling to have this role. You dream about having an impact. I got lucky as a young player to have Mark McGwire help me " [TGT] said. "I have obviously had a lot of ups and downs so I can relate to most guys." Giambi's advice is more cerebral than you might think. [TGT] discusses situational hitting and how to game plan opposing pitchers. And [TGT] passion is infectious according to teammates. "[TGT] just has a presence about [TGT]. I remember telling people that regardless of what happens I will get to say I played with Jason Giambi " pitcher Huston Street said. "There's a bigness about [TGT] personality and profile but a smallness in the clubhouse. [TGT] doesn't think [TGT]'s better than anybody else and [TGT] really cares." But [TGT] is in Colorado not just because [TGT] fits but because [TGT] believes the team can win a ring something that eluded [TGT] with the Yankees. "We better kick some (butt) this year " [TGT] said. "I didn't come here to finish second. I came back to win a championship."
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Chavez suspends rolling blackouts in Caracas
Hugo Chavez
President Hugo Chavez suspended rolling blackouts in Venezuela's capital a day after they began and sacked his electricity minister saying government officials imposed a rationing plan riddled with mistakes. Caracas Chavez's announcement late Wednesday was a significant shift in his attempts to avoid a widespread power collapse in the coming months through rolling blackouts of up to four hours a day throughout the country. Other rationing measures are to remain in place including outages in other areas. "I have ordered the electrical outages to be suspended only in Caracas " Chavez said on state television. "Because this government has to be capable of recognizing mistakes made and fixing them in time." The rolling blackouts have been unpopular in a city already plagued by violent crime traffic and trash-strewn streets and opposition leaders accused Chavez on Thursday of backtracking to try to head off damage to his political support. But the president cited tactical errors instead saying power was cut in the wrong sectors of the city in some cases. "I think in one area they repeated the outage a few hours later " he said. He added that some stoplights also went dark. "Enough. I said if that's what is going on there was an error there " Chavez said. Chavez said he asked Electricity Minister Angel Rodriguez to resign and that "he has taken it like a soldier." Chavez said he ordered the blackouts "interrupted indefinitely" in Caracas and told the city's state electric utility not to schedule any more until the process is reviewed. It was unclear when or if the government may attempt to restart the measures. Caracas Mayor Antonio Ledezma a Chavez opponent said the government was forced to call off rationing in the metropolitan area of about 6 million people because it was highly unpopular. He urged Venezuelans to join a protest later this month against faulty public services water and electricity rationing and a currency devaluation expected to drive up already-soaring inflation. Chavez announced he was calling off the blackouts in Caracas just hours after he urged Venezuelans to accept the cutbacks and likened them to a national energy diet. He called a late-night talk show to announce the change shortly before some parts of Caracas were to begin four-hour outages at midnight. Chavez has fended off criticism that his government has failed to complete enough power upgrades to keep up with increasing demand saying the drought is the primary culprit and that his government is acting to extend the Guri Dam's capacity to feed the electrical grid. Rains are expected to return at the end of the traditional dry season in May.
[TGT] suspended rolling blackouts in Venezuela's capital a day after they began and sacked [TGT] electricity minister saying government officials imposed a rationing plan riddled with mistakes. Caracas [TGT]'s announcement late Wednesday was a significant shift in [TGT] attempts to avoid a widespread power collapse in the coming months through rolling blackouts of up to four hours a day throughout the country. Other rationing measures are to remain in place including outages in other areas. "I have ordered the electrical outages to be suspended only in Caracas [TGT] said on state television. "Because this government has to be capable of recognizing mistakes made and fixing them in time." The rolling blackouts have been unpopular in a city already plagued by violent crime traffic and trash-strewn streets and opposition leaders accused [TGT] on Thursday of backtracking to try to head off damage to [TGT] political support. But [TGT] cited tactical errors instead saying power was cut in the wrong sectors of the city in some cases. "I think in one area they repeated the outage a few hours later " [TGT] said. [TGT] added that some stoplights also went dark. "Enough. I said if that's what is going on there was an error there " [TGT] said. [TGT] said [TGT] asked Electricity Minister Angel Rodriguez to resign and that "[TGT] has taken it like a soldier." [TGT] said [TGT] ordered the blackouts "interrupted indefinitely" in Caracas and told the city's state electric utility not to schedule any more until the process is reviewed. It was unclear when or if the government may attempt to restart the measures. Caracas Mayor Antonio Ledezma a [TGT] opponent said the government was forced to call off rationing in the metropolitan area of about 6 million people because it was highly unpopular. He urged Venezuelans to join a protest later this month against faulty public services water and electricity rationing and a currency devaluation expected to drive up already-soaring inflation. [TGT] announced [TGT] was calling off the blackouts in Caracas just hours after [TGT] urged Venezuelans to accept the cutbacks and likened them to a national energy diet. [TGT] called a late-night talk show to announce the change shortly before some parts of Caracas were to begin four-hour outages at midnight. [TGT] has fended off criticism that [TGT] government has failed to complete enough power upgrades to keep up with increasing demand saying the drought is the primary culprit and that [TGT] government is acting to extend the Guri Dam's capacity to feed the electrical grid. Rains are expected to return at the end of the traditional dry season in May.
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Bernie Sanders Forced Off Seattle Stage By Black Lives Matter .
Bernie Sanders
At a Saturday afternoon rally in Seattle , Washington , Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders was shut down by screeching Black Lives Matters protestors . Bernie 's arrival in Seattle is largely significant in the context of the state of emergency Black lives are in locally as well as across America . This city is filled with white progressives , which is why Bernie Sanders ' camp was obviously expecting a friendly and consenting audience for today 's campaign visit . White progressive Seattle and Bernie Sanders can not call themselves liberals while they participate in the racist system that claims Black lives . Bernie Sanders will not continue to call himself a man of the people , while ignoring the plight of Black people . Today BLM Seattle , with the support of other Black organizers and non-Black allies and accomplices , held Bernie Sanders publicly accountable for his lack of support for the Black Lives Matter movement and his blatantly silencing response to the # SayHerName # IfIDieInPoliceCustody action that took place at Netroots this year .
At a Saturday afternoon rally in Seattle , Washington , [TGT] was shut down by screeching Black Lives Matters protestors . Bernie 's arrival in Seattle is largely significant in the context of the state of emergency Black lives are in locally as well as across America . This city is filled with white progressives , which is why [TGT] camp was obviously expecting a friendly and consenting audience for today 's campaign visit . [TGT] can not call [TGT] liberals while [TGT] participate in the racist system that claims Black lives . [TGT] will not continue to call [TGT] a man of the people , while ignoring the plight of Black people . Today BLM Seattle , with the support of other Black organizers and non-Black allies and accomplices , held [TGT] publicly accountable for [TGT] lack of support for the Black Lives Matter movement and [TGT] blatantly silencing response to the # SayHerName # IfIDieInPoliceCustody action that took place at Netroots this year .
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Elena Kagan
A top Senate Republican complained Wednesday that Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan hasn't been revealing during her confirmation hearings despite her previous statements that judicial nominees should be more open. In 1995 Kagan authored an article in the University of Chicago Law Review in which she described the Senate confirmation process as "a vapid and hollow charade." Back then Kagan lamented that senators "do not insist that any nominee reveal what kind of justice she would make by disclosing her views on important legal issues." Another leading Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions R-Ala. the senior Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee contended that Kagan had given incomplete testimony about her actions as the dean of Harvard Law School when she limited the activities of military recruiters there. Kagan told the committee that she had imposed the restrictions because the military's "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy amounted to discrimination against homosexuals a violation of Harvard University's institutional policy that bars discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. On Wednesday Kagan's final day of testimony before the Senate panel Sessions told Kagan her comments about the episode "didn't frankly set forth what you did." Sessions continued with his questioning and did not give Kagan time to respond to that specific charge. Kagan is expected to win the approval of the committee of 12 Democrats and seven Republicans.
A top Senate Republican complained Wednesday that [TGT] hasn't been revealing during [TGT] confirmation hearings despite [TGT] previous statements that judicial nominees should be more open. In 1995 [TGT] authored an article in the University of Chicago Law Review in which [TGT] described the Senate confirmation process as "a vapid and hollow charade." Back then [TGT] lamented that senators "do not insist that any nominee reveal what kind of justice [TGT] would make by disclosing [TGT] views on important legal issues." Another leading Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions R-Ala. the senior Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee contended that [TGT] had given incomplete testimony about [TGT] actions as the dean of Harvard Law School when [TGT] limited the activities of military recruiters there. [TGT] told the committee that [TGT] had imposed the restrictions because the military's "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy amounted to discrimination against homosexuals a violation of Harvard University's institutional policy that bars discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. On Wednesday [TGT]'s final day of testimony before the Senate panel Sessions told [TGT] [TGT] comments about the episode "didn't frankly set forth what you did." Sessions continued with [TGT] questioning and did not give [TGT] time to respond to that specific charge. [TGT] is expected to win the approval of the committee of 12 Democrats and seven Republicans.
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Trichet says indicators ' better than expected '
Jean-Claude Trichet's comments underlined the new-found optimism about the 16-nation eurozone's prospects after it appears to have put the worst of the debt crisis behind it. Trichet's monthly news conference came after the bank as expected left interest rates unchanged at a record low 1 percent for the 15th consecutive month. There was no hint as to when the bank might consider raising rates -- a prospect that still appears distant given modest growth prospects and little sign of inflation. Trichet said that "the available data for the third quarter are better than expected" after picking up in the second quarter. Still he expected the second half of this year "to be significantly less dynamic than the second quarter because the second quarter seems to be really exceptional " he added. Second-quarter data are due next week. "I would not elaborate more on that " Trichet said. "The main message is we remain cautious and prudent we consider that we have undoubtedly a recovery ... but again growth is likely to remain uneven and relatively modest." Trichet's comments followed a period when the market concern has shifted to worries about the U.S. economy losing steam and away from the government debt crisis which engulfed the eurozone for much of the beginning of the year. Europe meanwhile has benefited from a pickup in global trade. A relaxed-looking Trichet facing his first news conference for months that wasn't dominated by questions about potential government debt defaults shrugged aside the shift. "I think that after having been extremely negative on Europe and extremely positive on the U.S. we are now observing some kind of swing in the other direction " he said adding that the ECB "did not declare victory." The ECB is due to issue its revised economic projections next month and Trichet's words suggested they "will likely be revised slightly upwards again " said Frederik Ducrozet of Credit Agricole. Ducrozet also noted that Trichet "refused to send any clear signal" on the future of its unconventional support measures ahead of next month's meeting. "I am quite happy that this program -- which continues -- is meager " Trichet said adding that he would offer "no further indication" on how it will proceed in future. Trichet declared Europe's stress tests on 91 banks whose results were published late last month "a very impressive success." Only seven banks failed and many observers deemed the exercise too easy but fears of renewed market turbulence proved unfounded. Trichet described that as "part of the overall picture " and the issue barely featured at Thursday's session in Frankfurt after months of worries. "I see that there is absolutely no question on Greece which I appreciate enormously " he said as he closed his news conference.
[TGT] comments underlined the new-found optimism about the 16-nation eurozone's prospects after it appears to have put the worst of the debt crisis behind it. Trichet's monthly news conference came after the bank as expected left interest rates unchanged at a record low 1 percent for the 15th consecutive month. There was no hint as to when the bank might consider raising rates -- a prospect that still appears distant given modest growth prospects and little sign of inflation. [TGT] said that "the available data for the third quarter are better than expected" after picking up in the second quarter. Still [TGT] expected the second half of this year "to be significantly less dynamic than the second quarter because the second quarter seems to be really exceptional " [TGT] added. Second-quarter data are due next week. "I would not elaborate more on that " [TGT] said. "The main message is we remain cautious and prudent we consider that we have undoubtedly a recovery ... but again growth is likely to remain uneven and relatively modest." [TGT]'s comments followed a period when the market concern has shifted to worries about the U.S. economy losing steam and away from the government debt crisis which engulfed the eurozone for much of the beginning of the year. Europe meanwhile has benefited from a pickup in global trade. [TGT]facing [TGT] first news conference for months that wasn't dominated by questions about potential government debt defaults shrugged aside the shift. "I think that after having been extremely negative on Europe and extremely positive on the U.S. we are now observing some kind of swing in the other direction " he said adding that the ECB "did not declare victory." The ECB is due to issue its revised economic projections next month and [TGT]'s words suggested they "will likely be revised slightly upwards again " said Frederik Ducrozet of Credit Agricole. Ducrozet also noted that [TGT] "refused to send any clear signal" on the future of its unconventional support measures ahead of next month's meeting. "I am quite happy that this program -- which continues -- is meager [TGT] said adding that [TGT] would offer "no further indication" on how it will proceed in future. [TGT] declared Europe's stress tests on 91 banks whose results were published late last month "a very impressive success." Only seven banks failed and many observers deemed the exercise too easy but fears of renewed market turbulence proved unfounded. [TGT] described that as "part of the overall picture " and the issue barely featured at Thursday's session in Frankfurt after months of worries. "I see that there is absolutely no question on Greece which I appreciate enormously " [TGT] said as [TGT] closed [TGT] news conference.
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Bernie Sanders .
Bernie Sanders
-LSB- 239 -RSB- Sanders has denounced institutional racism and called for criminal justice reform to reduce the number of people in prison , -LSB- 240 -RSB- advocates a crackdown on police brutality , and supports abolishing private , for-profit prisons -LSB- 241 -RSB- -LSB- 242 -RSB- -LSB- 243 -RSB- and the death penalty . Sanders is the longest serving independent in U.S. congressional history . Sanders became the ranking minority member on the Senate Budget Committee in January 2015 ; he had previously been chair of the Senate Veterans ' Affairs Committee for two years . Sanders 's campaign against Hillary Clinton for the party 's 2016 U.S. presidential nomination raised more money in small , individual contributions than any other in American history , and helped him rise to international recognition . A self-described democratic socialist and a New Deal-era American progressive , Sanders is pro-labor and emphasizes reversing economic inequality . -LSB- 250 -RSB- On November 15 , 2015 , in response to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant -LRB- ISIL -RRB- 's attacks in Paris , Sanders cautioned against "Islamophobia" and said , "We got ta be tough , not stupid" in the war against ISIL , adding that the U.S. should continue to welcome Syrian refugees . Sanders was born and raised in the Brooklyn borough of New York City and graduated from the University of Chicago in 1964 . The bill was opposed only by Sanders and Republican Rand Paul . After settling in Vermont in 1968 , Sanders ran unsuccessful third-party campaigns for governor and U.S. senator in the early to mid-1970s . Addressing Westminster College in a September 2017 speech , Sanders laid out a "progressive foreign policy" that pushes for greater international collaboration , an adherence to U.S.-led international agreements such as the Paris Agreement and the Iran nuclear deal framework , and the promotion of human rights and democratic ideals . Sanders also heavily criticized U.S. support for "murderous regimes" during the Cold War , such as those in Iran , Chile and El Salvador , and said that those actions continue to make the U.S. less safe . -LSB- 7 -RSB- -LSB- 8 -RSB- -LSB- 9 -RSB- Polls in the year 2017 showed that Sanders had the highest favorability rating of the leading political figures included in the polls . Born into a Democratic-voting family , Sanders was first introduced to political activism when his brother Larry joined the Young Democrats of America and campaigned for Adlai Stevenson II in 1956 . Sanders rose to national prominence after his 2010 filibuster against the Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2010 , which extended the Bush tax cuts that favored the wealthiest Americans . Sanders has long been critical of U.S. foreign policy and was an early and outspoken opponent of the Iraq War , the First Gulf War , and U.S. support for the Contras in Nicaragua . Once elected to the House of Representatives , Sanders joined the Democratic caucus , though some conservative southern Democrats initially barred him from the caucus as they believed that allowing a self-described socialist to join it would harm their electoral prospects . Sanders announced his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination on April 30 , 2015 . Initially considered a long shot , Sanders won 23 primaries and caucuses and approximately 43 % of pledged delegates to Clinton 's 55 % . On July 12 , 2016 , Sanders formally endorsed Clinton in her unsuccessful general election campaign against Republican Donald Trump , while urging his supporters to continue the "political revolution" his campaign had begun . In November 2016 , Sanders 's book Our Revolution : A Future to Believe In was released ; upon its release , it was number 3 on The New York Times Best Seller list . In 2016 Sanders formed Our Revolution , a political organization dedicated to educating voters about issues , getting people involved in the political process , and electing progressive candidates . In February 2017 , Sanders began webcasting The Bernie Sanders Show on Facebook . Sanders advocated that , following Trump 's victory in the 2016 elections , the Democratic Party undergo a "series of reforms" and that it had to "break loose from its corporate establishment ties and , once again , become a grass-roots party of working people , the elderly and the poor ." Sanders as a senior in high school , 1959 . Sanders was born on September 8 , 1941 , in Brooklyn , New York City . Sanders strongly opposed the U.S. invasion of Iraq and has criticized a number of policies instituted during the War on Terror , particularly mass surveillance and the USA Patriot Act . Sanders became interested in politics at an early age : "A guy named Adolf Hitler won an election in 1932 . Sanders has criticized President Trump for appointing multiple billionaires to his cabinet . Although he opposed the war , Sanders never criticized those who fought and has been a strong supporter of veterans ' benefits . -LSB- 274 -RSB- Sanders has promised to defeat "Trump and Trumpism and the Republican right-wing ideology" . Sanders lived on East 26th Street in Midwood , Brooklyn . -LSB- 33 -RSB- Sanders 's older brother , Larry , said that during their childhood , the family never lacked for food or clothing , but major purchases , "like curtains or a rug ," were difficult to afford . In 1963 , Sanders and Deborah Shiling , whom he met in college , volunteered for several months on the Israeli kibbutz Sha'ar HaAmakim . Sanders attended James Madison High School , also in Brooklyn , where he was captain of the track team and took third place in the New York City indoor one-mile race . -LSB- 31 -RSB- In high school , Sanders lost his first election , finishing last out of three candidates for the student body presidency . -LSB- 279 -RSB- -LSB- 280 -RSB- Sanders considers Jane 's three children -- Dave Driscoll -LRB- born 1975 -RRB- , Carina Driscoll -LRB- born 1974 -RRB- , and Heather Titus -LRB- née Driscoll -RRB- -LRB- born 1971 -RRB- -- to be his own . Sanders studied at Brooklyn College for a year in 1959 -- 60 -LSB- 35 -RSB- before transferring to the University of Chicago and graduating with a bachelor of arts degree in political science in 1964 . In December 1987 , during his tenure as mayor , Sanders recorded a folk album titled We Shall Overcome with 30 Vermont musicians . As Sanders was not skilled at singing , he performed his vocals in a talking blues style . -LSB- 283 -RSB- -LSB- 284 -RSB- Sanders appeared in a cameo role in the 1988 comedy-drama film Sweet Hearts Dance , playing a man who distributes candy to young trick-or-treaters . See also : Electoral history of Bernie Sanders . -LSB- 286 -RSB- On February 6 , 2016 , Sanders was a guest star alongside Larry David on Saturday Night Live , playing a Polish immigrant on a steamship that was sinking near the Statue of Liberty . While at the University of Chicago , Sanders joined the Young People 's Socialist League -LRB- the youth affiliate of the Socialist Party of America -RRB- , -LSB- 37 -RSB- and was active in the Civil Rights Movement as a student organizer for the Congress of Racial Equality -LRB- CORE -RRB- and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee -LRB- SNCC -RRB- . -LSB- 22 -RSB- -LSB- 38 -RSB- Under Sanders 's chairmanship , the university chapter of CORE merged with the university chapter of SNCC . -LSB- 39 -RSB- In January 1962 , Sanders led a rally at the University of Chicago administration building to protest university president George Wells Beadle 's segregated campus housing policy . "We feel it is an intolerable situation when Negro and white students of the university can not live together in university-owned apartments ," Sanders said at the protest . Sanders and 32 other students then entered the building and camped outside the president 's office , performing the first civil rights sit-in in Chicago history . -LSB- 244 -RSB- Sanders supports Black Lives Matter . -LSB- 43 -RSB- Sanders once spent a day putting up fliers protesting against police brutality , only to eventually notice that a Chicago police car was shadowing him and taking them all down . Sanders received an Honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters from Brooklyn College on May 30 , 2017 . Sanders attended the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom , where Martin Luther King , Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech . After complaints made in 2016 by Donald Trump 's Vermont campaign chairman , the FBI launched an investigation into Sanders 's wife Jane 's involvement in a bank loan for Burlington College when she was its president . -LSB- 296 -RSB- -LSB- 297 -RSB- -LSB- 298 -RSB- -LSB- 299 -RSB- The Washington Post reported on June 25 , 2017 , that Sanders himself is not under FBI investigation . In addition to his civil rights activism during the 1960s and 1970s , -LSB- 48 -RSB- Sanders was active in several peace and antiwar movements . Sanders applied for conscientious objector status during the Vietnam War ; his application was eventually turned down , by which point he was too old to be drafted . After receiving nearly $ 900,000 in royalty advances for his recently published books , Sanders reported earnings of just over $ 1 million in 2016 . -LSB- 49 -RSB- -LSB- 50 -RSB- Sanders also worked on the reelection campaign of Leon Despres , a prominent Chicago alderman who was opposed to mayor Richard J. Daley 's Democratic Party machine . As Sanders described his upbringing as an American Jew in a 2016 speech : his father generally attended synagogue only on Yom Kippur ; he attended public schools while his mother "chafed" at his yeshiva Sunday schooling at a Hebrew school ; and their religious observances were mostly limited to Passover seders with their neighbors . After graduating from college , Sanders returned to New York City , where he initially worked at a variety of jobs , including Head Start teacher , psychiatric aide , and carpenter . -LSB- 36 -RSB- In 1968 , Sanders moved to Vermont because he had been "captivated by rural life ." In 1963 , in cooperation with the Labor Zionist youth movement Hashomer Hatzair , Sanders and his first wife volunteered at Sha'ar HaAmakim , a kibbutz in northern Israel . As mayor of Burlington , Sanders allowed a Chabad public menorah to be placed at city hall , an action contested by the local ACLU chapter . Sanders began his electoral political career in 1971 as a member of the Liberty Union Party , which originated in the anti-war movement and the People 's Party . -LSB- 55 -RSB- In the 1974 senatorial race , Sanders finished third -LRB- 5,901 votes ; 4.1 % -RRB- , behind 33-year-old Chittenden County State 's Attorney Patrick Leahy -LRB- D , VI ; 70,629 votes ; 49.4 % -RRB- and two-term incumbent U.S. Representative Dick Mallary -LRB- R ; 66,223 votes ; 46.3 % -RRB- . The 1976 campaign proved to be the zenith of Liberty Union 's influence , with Sanders collecting 11,000 votes for governor and the party . -LSB- 58 -RSB- The campaign drained the finances and energy of the Liberty Union , however , and in October 1977 , less than a year after the conclusion of the 1976 campaign , Sanders and the Liberty Union candidate for attorney general , Nancy Kaufman , announced their retirement from the party . Following his resignation from the Liberty Union Party in 1977 , Sanders worked as a writer and the director of the nonprofit American People 's Historical Society -LRB- APHS -RRB- . Sanders replied : -LSB- 314 -RSB- . In 1980 , Sanders ran for mayor of Burlington , Vermont -LRB- pop . Sanders does not regularly attend synagogue , and he works on Rosh Hashanah , a day when Jews typically take a holiday from work . The 39-year-old Sanders ran against incumbent Democratic mayor Gordon "Gordie" Paquette , a five-term mayor who had served as a member of the Burlington City Council for 13 years before that , building extensive community ties and a willingness to cooperate with Republican leaders in controlling appointments to various commissions . Republicans had found Paquette so unobjectionable that they failed to field a candidate in the March 1981 race against him , leaving Sanders as his principal opponent . Sanders 's effort was further aided by the decision of the candidate of the Citizens Party , Greg Guma , to exit the race so as not to split the progressive vote . Two other candidates in the race , independents Richard Bove and Joe McGrath , proved to be essentially non-factors in the campaign , with the battle coming down to Paquette and Sanders . Sanders has said he feels "very close" to Francis 's economic teachings , describing him as "incredibly smart and brave" . Sanders castigated the pro-development incumbent as an ally of prominent shopping center developer Antonio Pomerleau , while Paquette warned of ruin for Burlington if Sanders was elected . The Sanders campaign was bolstered by a wave of optimistic volunteers as well as by a series of endorsements from university professors , social welfare agencies , and the police union . The final result came as a shock to the local political establishment , with the maverick Sanders winning by just 10 votes . Sanders was reelected three times , defeating both Democratic and Republican candidates . -LSB- 62 -RSB- In his final run for mayor in 1987 , Sanders defeated Paul Lafayette , a Democrat endorsed by both major parties . -LSB- 63 -RSB- In 1986 , Sanders unsuccessfully challenged incumbent Governor Madeleine Kunin -LRB- D -RRB- in her run for reelection . Running as an independent , Sanders finished third with 14.4 % of the vote . After serving four two-year terms , Sanders chose not to seek reelection in 1989 . -LSB- 308 -RSB- -LSB- 309 -RSB- -LSB- 310 -RSB- -LSB- 311 -RSB- When asked about his Jewish heritage , Sanders has said he is "proud to be Jewish" . During his mayoralty , Sanders called himself a socialist and was so described in the press . -LSB- 67 -RSB- The Progressives never held more than six seats on the 13-member city council , but they had enough to keep the council from overriding Sanders 's vetoes . Under Sanders , Burlington became the first city in the country to fund community-trust housing . During the 1980s , Sanders was a staunch critic of U.S. foreign policy in Latin America . In his introduction , Sanders praised Chomsky as "a very vocal and important voice in the wilderness of intellectual life in America" and said he was "delighted to welcome a person who I think we 're all very proud of ." Sanders 's administration balanced the city budget and drew a minor league baseball team , the Vermont Reds , then the Double-A affiliate of the Cincinnati Reds , to Burlington . As mayor , Sanders led extensive downtown revitalization projects . Sanders rarely speaks about religion . -LSB- 19 -RSB- In 1981 , Sanders campaigned against the unpopular plans by Burlington developer Tony Pomerleau to convert the then-industrial -LSB- 72 -RSB- waterfront property owned by the Central Vermont Railway into expensive condominiums , hotels , and offices . -LSB- 73 -RSB- Sanders ran under the slogan "Burlington is not for sale" and successfully supported a plan that redeveloped the waterfront area into a mixed-use district featuring housing , parks , and public space . Sanders hosted and produced a public-access television program , Bernie Speaks with the Community , from 1986 to 1988 . In 1987 , U.S. News & World Report ranked Sanders as one of America 's best mayors . Congressman Sanders in 1991 . See also : Electoral history of Bernie Sanders . Sanders 's 1990 victory made him the first independent candidate to be elected to Congress since Frazier Reams in 1950 . -LSB- 81 -RSB- -LSB- 82 -RSB- Sanders served in the House from 1991 until he became a senator in 2007 . Sanders , who ran as an independent , placed second with 38 % of the vote , while Democratic State Representative Paul N. Poirier placed third with 19 % of the vote . -LSB- 83 -RSB- Two years later , Sanders ran for the seat again and defeated the incumbent Smith by a margin of 56 % to 39 % . Starting in November 2015 , in connection with his presidential campaign , Sanders 's announcements suggested that not only was he running as a Democrat , but that he would run as a Democrat in future elections . Sanders was the first independent elected to the U.S. House of Representatives since Frazier Reams 's election to represent Ohio 40 years earlier . During his first year in the House , Sanders often alienated allies and colleagues with his criticism of both political parties as working primarily on behalf of the wealthy . In 1991 , Sanders co-founded the Congressional Progressive Caucus , a group of mostly liberal Democrats that Sanders chaired for its first eight years , -LSB- 19 -RSB- while still refusing to join the Democratic Party or caucus . In 1993 , Sanders voted against the Brady Bill , which mandated federal background checks and imposed a waiting period on firearm purchasers in the United States ; the bill passed by a vote of 238 -- 187 . In 1994 , Sanders voted in favor of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act . Sanders said he voted for the bill "because it included the Violence Against Women Act and the ban on certain assault weapons" . -LSB- 261 -RSB- -LSB- 262 -RSB- -LSB- 263 -RSB- Since he remained a senator , elected as an independent , the United States Senate website continued to refer to Sanders as an independent during the campaign and upon his return to the senate . In 2015 , Sanders defended his vote , saying : "If somebody has a gun and it falls into the hands of a murderer and the murderer kills somebody with a gun , do you hold the gun manufacturer responsible ? Sanders voted against the resolutions authorizing the use of force against Iraq in 1991 and 2002 , and opposed the 2003 invasion of Iraq . -LSB- 95 -RSB- Sanders voted for a non-binding resolution expressing support for troops at the outset of the invasion of Iraq , but gave a floor speech criticizing the partisan nature of the vote and the George W. Bush administration 's actions in the run-up to the war . Regarding the investigation of what turned out to be a leak of CIA agent Valerie Plame 's identity by a State Department official , Sanders stated : "The revelation that the President authorized the release of classified information in order to discredit an Iraq war critic should tell every member of Congress that the time is now for a serious investigation of how we got into the war in Iraq and why Congress can no longer act as a rubber stamp for the President ." On November 2 , 2005 , Sanders voted against the Online Freedom of Speech Act , which would have exempted the Internet from the campaign finance restrictions of the McCain -- Feingold Bill . Sanders was a consistent critic of the Patriot Act . -LSB- 99 -RSB- After its 357-to-66 passage in the House , Sanders sponsored and voted for several subsequent amendments and acts attempting to curtail its effects , -LSB- 100 -RSB- and voted against each re-authorization . -LSB- 101 -RSB- In June 2005 , Sanders proposed an amendment to limit Patriot Act provisions that allow the government to obtain individuals ' library and book-buying records . In March 2006 , after a series of resolutions passed in various Vermont towns calling for him to bring articles of impeachment against George W. Bush , Sanders stated that it would be "impractical to talk about impeachment" with Republicans in control of the House and Senate . -LSB- 103 -RSB- Still , Sanders made no secret of his opposition to the Bush Administration , which he regularly criticized for its cuts to social programs . Sanders was a vocal critic of Federal Reserve Chair Alan Greenspan ; in June 2003 , during a question-and-answer discussion with the then-Chairman , Sanders told Greenspan that he was concerned that Greenspan was "way out of touch" and "that you see your major function in your position as the need to represent the wealthy and large corporations" . -LSB- 107 -RSB- -LSB- 108 -RSB- In October 2008 , after Sanders had been elected to the Senate , Greenspan admitted to Congress that his economic ideology regarding risky mortgage loans was flawed . -LSB- 109 -RSB- -LSB- 110 -RSB- In 1998 , Sanders voted and advocated against rolling back the Glass -- Steagall Legislation provisions that kept investment banks and commercial banks separate entities . -LSB- 255 -RSB- Although elected mayor of Burlington as an independent , Sanders endorsed Democratic presidential candidates Walter Mondale in 1984 and Jesse Jackson in 1988 . Sanders drew parallels between his campaign and that of the Labour Party in the 2017 UK general election . Sanders entered the race for the U.S. Senate on April 21 , 2005 , after Senator Jim Jeffords announced that he would not seek a fourth term . Chuck Schumer , chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee , endorsed Sanders , a critical move as it meant that no Democrat running against Sanders could expect to receive financial help from the party . Sanders was also endorsed by Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and Democratic National Committee chairman and former Vermont governor Howard Dean . Dean said in May 2005 that he considered Sanders an ally who "votes with the Democrats 98 % of the time" . -LSB- 112 -RSB- Then-Senator Barack Obama also campaigned for Sanders in Vermont in March 2006 . -LSB- 113 -RSB- Sanders entered into an agreement with the Democratic Party , much as he had as a congressman , to be listed in their primary but to decline the nomination should he win , which he did . In the most expensive political campaign in Vermont 's history , -LSB- 116 -RSB- Sanders defeated businessman Rich Tarrant by an approximately 2-to-1 margin . Many national media outlets projected Sanders as the winner just after the polls closed , before any returns came in . Sanders was only the third senator from Vermont to caucus with the Democrats , after Jeffords and Leahy . Polling conducted in August 2011 by Public Policy Polling found that Sanders 's approval rating was 67 % and his disapproval rating 28 % , making him then the third-most popular senator in the country . -LSB- 8 -RSB- Both the NAACP and the NHLA have given Sanders 100 % voting scores during his tenure in the Senate . -LSB- 119 -RSB- In 2015 Sanders was named one of the Top 5 of The Forward 50 . -LSB- 120 -RSB- In a November 2015 Morning Consult poll , Sanders had an approval rating of 83 % among his constituents , making him the most popular senator in the country . -LSB- 7 -RSB- Fox News found Sanders to have the highest net favorability at +28 points of any prominent politician included in its March 2017 poll . -LSB- 247 -RSB- -LSB- 248 -RSB- -LSB- 249 -RSB- Sanders criticized Israel 's actions during the 2014 Gaza war . As an independent , Sanders worked out a deal with the Senate Democratic leadership in which he agreed to vote with the Democrats on all procedural matters , except with permission from Democratic Whip Dick Durbin -LRB- a request that is rarely made or granted -RRB- . -LSB- 122 -RSB- -LSB- 123 -RSB- Sanders was free to vote as he pleased on policy matters , but almost always voted with the Democrats . -LSB- 317 -RSB- Sanders 's wife is Roman Catholic , and he has frequently expressed admiration for Pope Francis , saying that "the leader of the Catholic Church is raising profound issues . On September 24 , 2008 , Sanders posted an open letter to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson decrying the initial bank bailout proposal ; it drew more than 8,000 citizen cosigners in 24 hours . -LSB- 124 -RSB- On January 26 , 2009 , Sanders and Democrats Robert Byrd , Russ Feingold , and Tom Harkin were the sole majority members to vote against confirming Timothy Geithner as United States Secretary of the Treasury . On December 10 , 2010 , Sanders delivered an 81⁄2 - hour speech against the Tax Relief , Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization , and Job Creation Act of 2010 , the proposed extension of the Bush-era tax rates that eventually became law , saying "Enough is enough ! -LSB- 126 -RSB- -LSB- 127 -RSB- -LSB- 128 -RSB- In response to the speech , hundreds of people signed online petitions urging Sanders to run in the 2012 presidential election , and pollsters began measuring his support in key primary states . -LSB- 129 -RSB- Progressive activists such as Rabbi Michael Lerner and economist David Korten publicly voiced their support for a prospective Sanders run against President Barack Obama . -LSB- 129 -RSB- Sanders 's speech was published in February 2011 by Nation Books as The Speech : A Historic Filibuster on Corporate Greed and the Decline of Our Middle Class , with authorial proceeds going to Vermont nonprofit charitable organizations . On March 17 , 2016 , Sanders said he would support Merrick Garland 's nomination to the Supreme Court , though he added , "there are some more progressive judges out there ." Sanders opposed Neil Gorsuch 's nomination to the Court , saying that Gorsuch had "refused to answer legitimate questions ." -LSB- 132 -RSB- Sanders also objected to the possibility of Senate Republicans using the nuclear option to "choke off debate and ram the nomination through the Senate ." -LSB- 256 -RSB- The Washington Post reported that the Jackson campaign helped inspire Sanders to work more closely with the Democratic Party . In January 2015 , Sanders became the ranking minority member of the Senate Budget Committee . While at the Vatican , Sanders met briefly with the pontiff . According to his senate website , Sanders 's committee assignments during 2016 were as follows : -LSB- 135 -RSB- . Main articles : Bernie Sanders presidential campaign , 2016 and Democratic Party presidential primaries , 2016 . Sanders announced his intention to seek the Democratic Party 's nomination for president on April 30 , 2015 , and -LSB- 136 -RSB- -LSB- 137 -RSB- -LSB- 138 -RSB- his campaign was officially launched on May 26 , 2015 , in Burlington . -LSB- 137 -RSB- In his announcement , Sanders said , "I do n't believe that the men and women who defended American democracy fought to create a situation where billionaires own the political process ," and made this a central idea throughout his campaign . -LSB- 136 -RSB- -LSB- 137 -RSB- Senator Elizabeth Warren welcomed Sanders 's entry into the race , saying , "I 'm glad to see him get out there and give his version of what leadership in this country should be ." -LSB- 18 -RSB- -LSB- 318 -RSB- -LSB- 319 -RSB- In April 2016 , Sanders accepted an invitation from Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo , an aide close to the pope , to speak at a Vatican conference on economic and environmental issues . -LSB- 150 -RSB- On July 1 , 2015 , Sanders 's campaign stop in Madison , Wisconsin , drew the largest crowd of any 2016 presidential candidate to that date , with an estimated turnout of 10,000 . Unlike the other major candidates , Sanders did not pursue funding through a Super PAC or by wealthy donors , instead focusing on small individual donations . Sanders used social media to help his campaign gain momentum , -LSB- 145 -RSB- posting content to online platforms such as Twitter and Facebook and answering questions on Reddit . Sanders 's campaign events in June 2015 drew overflow crowds around the country , to his surprise . -LSB- 147 -RSB- -LSB- 148 -RSB- -LSB- 149 -RSB- When Hillary Clinton and Sanders made public appearances within days of each other in Des Moines , Iowa , Sanders drew larger crowds , even though he had already made numerous stops around the state and Clinton 's visit was her first in 2015 . -LSB- 37 -RSB- -LSB- 276 -RSB- -LSB- 277 -RSB- Sanders 's son , Levi Sanders , was born in 1969 to girlfriend Susan Campbell Mott . -LSB- 36 -RSB- In 1988 , Sanders married Jane O'Meara Driscoll -LRB- née Mary Jane O'Meara -RRB- , who later became president of Burlington College , in Burlington , Vermont . -LSB- 156 -RSB- In February 2016 , Clinton 's and Sanders 's campaigns agreed in principle to holding four more debates for a total of ten . Sanders expressed disappointment that Clinton would cancel the debate "before the largest and most important primary in the presidential nominating process" . An NBCWall Street Journal poll conducted in May found Clinton and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump in a "dead heat" , but the same poll found that if Sanders were the Democratic nominee , 53 % of voters would support him to 39 % for Trump . -LSB- 159 -RSB- Clinton and Trump were the least popular likely candidates in the poll 's history , while Sanders received a 43 % positive , 36 % negative rating . -LSB- 160 -RSB- Polls showed that Democratic voters older than 50 preferred Clinton by a large margin but those under 50 overwhelmingly favored Sanders . Some supporters raised concerns that publications such as The New York Times minimized coverage of the Sanders campaign in favor of other candidates ' , especially Trump 's and Clinton 's . -LSB- 162 -RSB- -LSB- 163 -RSB- A December 2015 report found that the three major networks -- CBS , NBC , and ABC -- had spent 234 minutes reporting on Trump and 10 minutes on Sanders , despite their similar polling results . Sanders was in Phoenix , Arizona , on that date , speaking to a rally larger than any of the others , but his speech was not mentioned , let alone broadcast . -LSB- 230 -RSB- As chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging , Sanders has introduced legislation to reauthorize and strengthen the Older Americans Act , which supports Meals on Wheels and other programs for seniors . -LSB- 166 -RSB- On July 12 , Sanders formally endorsed Clinton -LSB- 167 -RSB- but he continued to work with the Democratic National Convention organizers to implement the progressive positions he had been campaigning for . Sanders spoke at the 2016 Democratic National Convention on July 25 , giving Clinton his full support . Some of Sanders 's supporters attempted to protest Clinton 's nomination and booed when Sanders called for party unity . Sanders responded , "Our job is to do two things : to defeat Donald Trump and to elect Hillary Clinton ... It is easy to boo , but it is harder to look your kids in the face if we are living under a Trump presidency ." On November 8 , while Trump -LRB- while losing the popular vote -RRB- defeated Clinton in the general election nationwide , Sanders received almost 6 % of the vote in Vermont , despite not being a candidate in the election . Nationwide , it was possible to vote for Sanders as a write-in candidate in twelve states , -LSB- 171 -RSB- and exact totals of write-in votes for Sanders were published in three states : California , -LSB- 172 -RSB- New Hampshire , -LSB- 173 -RSB- and Vermont . -LSB- 170 -RSB- In those three states , Sanders received 111,850 write-in votes , which was approximately 15 % of the write-in votes nationwide , and 0.08 % of the nationwide number of votes overall . On December 19 , the day that the Electoral College convened in state capitols around the country , Sanders received one electoral vote for president , from David Mulinix , a faithless elector in Hawaii who also voted for fellow progressive firebrand Elizabeth Warren -LRB- instead of Clinton 's running mate Tim Kaine -RRB- for vice president . -LSB- 174 -RSB- Two other faithless electors , David Bright in Maine and Muhammad Abdurrahman in Minnesota , attempted to cast their electoral votes for Sanders , but their votes were invalidated by their states ' faithless elector laws ; Bright subsequently switched his vote to Clinton as pledged , while Abdurrahman was replaced by another elector who voted for Clinton as pledged . -LSB- 200 -RSB- Based on Sanders 's positions and votes throughout his political career , Noam Chomsky and Thomas Frank have described Sanders as "a New Dealer" . Sanders was one of five people who received electoral votes from faithless electors in the 2016 election ; the other four were former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell -LRB- who received three electoral votes -RRB- , -LSB- 177 -RSB- Native American activist Faith Spotted Eagle , -LSB- 177 -RSB- former U. S. Representative and Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul , -LSB- 178 -RSB- and Governor John Kasich . In a March 2017 Fox News poll , Sanders 's 61 % approval rating was the highest among all politicians rated , versus 43 % for Donald Trump , 47 % for Mike Pence and 37 % for Paul Ryan . -LSB- 181 -RSB- In April 2017 , a nationwide Harvard-Harris Poll found Sanders had the highest favorability rating of the leading political figures included in the poll , -LSB- 182 -RSB- a standing confirmed by subsequent polling . Noam Chomsky stated in a May 2017 BBC interview that the Sanders campaign , by breaking with a century-old political system of reliance on corporate funding , was the most remarkable thing about the 2016 election . -LSB- 185 -RSB- Chomsky said Sanders "came from nowhere" , used the "scare word ` socialist '" , and "would have won the Democratic Party nomination if it had n't been for the shenanigans of the Obama-Clinton party managers who kept him out ." -LSB- 302 -RSB- According to Sanders 's close friend Richard Sugarman , a professor of religious studies at the University of Vermont , Sanders 's Jewish identity is "certainly more ethnic and cultural than religious" . In this role he mourned the Brooklyn Dodgers moving to Los Angeles , reflecting Sanders 's own upbringing in Brooklyn . Sanders 's book Our Revolution : A Future to Believe In was released in November 2016 . -LSB- 293 -RSB- -LSB- 294 -RSB- Sanders told CNN , "I owe my brother an enormous amount . To build on momentum gained during the 2016 election campaign , Sanders and supporters founded a political action committee and a political education organization : . Brand New Congress -- In April 2016 , former Sanders presidential campaign staffers formed a political organization , Brand New Congress , to elect Congressional representatives in line with the campaign 's political platform . Our Revolution -- In August 2016 , Sanders founded Our Revolution , an organization dedicated to educating voters about political issues , getting people involved in the political process , and recruiting and supporting candidates for local , state , and national office . On February 16 , 2017 , Sanders began webcasting The Bernie Sanders Show using Facebook live streaming . Main article : Political positions of Bernie Sanders . Sanders is a self-described democratic socialist , -LSB- 197 -RSB- and progressive who admires the Nordic model of social democracy and is a proponent of workplace democracy . -LSB- 198 -RSB- -LSB- 194 -RSB- -LSB- 199 -RSB- In November 2015 , Sanders gave a speech at Georgetown University about his view of democratic socialism , including its place in the policies of presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson . -LSB- 200 -RSB- -LSB- 201 -RSB- In defining what democratic socialism means to him , Sanders said : "I do n't believe government should take over the grocery store down the street or own the means of production , but I do believe that the middle class and the working families who produce the wealth of America deserve a decent standard of living and that their incomes should go up , not down . On December 4 , 2015 , Sanders won Time 's 2015 Person of the Year readers ' poll with 10.2 % of the vote -LSB- 288 -RSB- -LSB- 289 -RSB- but did not receive the editorial board 's award . -LSB- 300 -RSB- Both Sanders and his wife have retained prominent counsel during the investigation . Many commentators have noted the consistency of Sanders 's views throughout his political career . -LSB- 316 -RSB- Deborah Dash Moore , a Judaic scholar at the University of Michigan , has said that Sanders has a particular type of "ethnic Jewishness" that is somewhat old-fashioned . Calling international trade agreements a "disaster for the American worker" , Sanders voted against and has spoken for years against NAFTA , CAFTA , and PNTR with China , saying that they have resulted in American corporations moving abroad . Sanders focuses on economic issues such as income and wealth inequality , -LSB- 193 -RSB- -LSB- 206 -RSB- raising the minimum wage , -LSB- 207 -RSB- universal healthcare , -LSB- 208 -RSB- reducing the burden of student debt , -LSB- 209 -RSB- making public colleges and universities tuition-free by taxing financial transactions , -LSB- 210 -RSB- and expanding Social Security benefits by eliminating the cap on the payroll tax on all incomes above $ 250,000 . Sanders 's elder brother , Larry , lives in England . Sanders advocates bold action to reverse global warming and substantial investment in infrastructure , with "energy efficiency and sustainability" and job creation as prominent goals . -LSB- 218 -RSB- -LSB- 219 -RSB- Sanders opposes the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline on the grounds that , like the Keystone XL Pipeline , it "will have a significant impact on our climate ." Sanders has advocated greater democratic participation by citizens , campaign finance reform , and a constitutional amendment or judicial decision that would overturn Citizens United v. FEC . Sanders is a staunch supporter of a universal health care system , and has said , "If you are serious about real healthcare reform , the only way to go is single-payer ." -LSB- 42 -RSB- Joan Mahoney , a member of the University of Chicago CORE chapter at the time and a fellow participant in the sit-ins , described Sanders in a 2016 interview as" ... a swell guy , a nice Jewish boy from Brooklyn , but he was n't terribly charismatic . On May 4 , 2017 , in response to the House vote to repeal and replace The Affordable Care Act , Sanders predicted "thousands of Americans would die" from no longer having access to health care . -LSB- 233 -RSB- Politifact rated Sanders 's statement "mostly true" . In September 2017 , Sanders and 15 Senate co-sponsors submitted the "Medicare for All" bill , a single-payer health care plan . Sanders has responded that the Republican party has no credibility on the issue of health care after recently voting for legislation that would take health insurance away from 32 million people under the Affordable Care Act -LRB- "Obamacare" -RRB- . Sanders has liberal stances on social issues , having advocated for LGBT rights and against the Defense of Marriage Act . -LSB- 236 -RSB- Sanders described his opposition to DOMA as being on states ' rights grounds .
-LSB- 239 -RSB- Sanders has denounced institutional racism and called for criminal justice reform to reduce the number of people in prison , -LSB- 240 -RSB- advocates a crackdown on police brutality , and supports abolishing private , for-profit prisons -LSB- 241 -RSB- -LSB- 242 -RSB- -LSB- 243 -RSB- and the death penalty . Sanders is the longest serving independent in U.S. congressional history . Sanders became the ranking minority member on the Senate Budget Committee in January 2015 ; he had previously been chair of the Senate Veterans ' Affairs Committee for two years . Sanders 's campaign against Hillary Clinton for the party 's 2016 U.S. presidential nomination raised more money in small , individual contributions than any other in American history , and helped him rise to international recognition . A self-described democratic socialist and a New Deal-era American progressive , Sanders is pro-labor and emphasizes reversing economic inequality . -LSB- 250 -RSB- On November 15 , 2015 , in response to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant -LRB- ISIL -RRB- 's attacks in Paris , Sanders cautioned against "Islamophobia" and said , "We got ta be tough , not stupid" in the war against ISIL , adding that the U.S. should continue to welcome Syrian refugees . Sanders was born and raised in the Brooklyn borough of New York City and graduated from the University of Chicago in 1964 . The bill was opposed only by Sanders and Republican Rand Paul . After settling in Vermont in 1968 , Sanders ran unsuccessful third-party campaigns for governor and U.S. senator in the early to mid-1970s . Addressing Westminster College in a September 2017 speech , Sanders laid out a "progressive foreign policy" that pushes for greater international collaboration , an adherence to U.S.-led international agreements such as the Paris Agreement and the Iran nuclear deal framework , and the promotion of human rights and democratic ideals . Sanders also heavily criticized U.S. support for "murderous regimes" during the Cold War , such as those in Iran , Chile and El Salvador , and said that those actions continue to make the U.S. less safe . -LSB- 7 -RSB- -LSB- 8 -RSB- -LSB- 9 -RSB- Polls in the year 2017 showed that Sanders had the highest favorability rating of the leading political figures included in the polls . Born into a Democratic-voting family , Sanders was first introduced to political activism when his brother Larry joined the Young Democrats of America and campaigned for Adlai Stevenson II in 1956 . Sanders rose to national prominence after his 2010 filibuster against the Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2010 , which extended the Bush tax cuts that favored the wealthiest Americans . Sanders has long been critical of U.S. foreign policy and was an early and outspoken opponent of the Iraq War , the First Gulf War , and U.S. support for the Contras in Nicaragua . Once elected to the House of Representatives , Sanders joined the Democratic caucus , though some conservative southern Democrats initially barred him from the caucus as they believed that allowing a self-described socialist to join it would harm their electoral prospects . Sanders announced his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination on April 30 , 2015 . Initially considered a long shot , Sanders won 23 primaries and caucuses and approximately 43 % of pledged delegates to Clinton 's 55 % . On July 12 , 2016 , Sanders formally endorsed Clinton in her unsuccessful general election campaign against Republican Donald Trump , while urging his supporters to continue the "political revolution" his campaign had begun . In November 2016 , Sanders 's book Our Revolution : A Future to Believe In was released ; upon its release , it was number 3 on The New York Times Best Seller list . In 2016 Sanders formed Our Revolution , a political organization dedicated to educating voters about issues , getting people involved in the political process , and electing progressive candidates . In February 2017 , Sanders began webcasting The [TGT] Show on Facebook . Sanders advocated that , following Trump 's victory in the 2016 elections , the Democratic Party undergo a "series of reforms" and that it had to "break loose from its corporate establishment ties and , once again , become a grass-roots party of working people , the elderly and the poor ." Sanders as a senior in high school , 1959 . Sanders was born on September 8 , 1941 , in Brooklyn , New York City . Sanders strongly opposed the U.S. invasion of Iraq and has criticized a number of policies instituted during the War on Terror , particularly mass surveillance and the USA Patriot Act . Sanders became interested in politics at an early age : "A guy named Adolf Hitler won an election in 1932 . Sanders has criticized President Trump for appointing multiple billionaires to his cabinet . Although he opposed the war , Sanders never criticized those who fought and has been a strong supporter of veterans ' benefits . -LSB- 274 -RSB- Sanders has promised to defeat "Trump and Trumpism and the Republican right-wing ideology" . Sanders lived on East 26th Street in Midwood , Brooklyn . -LSB- 33 -RSB- Sanders 's older brother , Larry , said that during their childhood , the family never lacked for food or clothing , but major purchases , "like curtains or a rug ," were difficult to afford . In 1963 , Sanders and Deborah Shiling , whom he met in college , volunteered for several months on the Israeli kibbutz Sha'ar HaAmakim . Sanders attended James Madison High School , also in Brooklyn , where he was captain of the track team and took third place in the New York City indoor one-mile race . -LSB- 31 -RSB- In high school , Sanders lost his first election , finishing last out of three candidates for the student body presidency . -LSB- 279 -RSB- -LSB- 280 -RSB- Sanders considers Jane 's three children -- Dave Driscoll -LRB- born 1975 -RRB- , Carina Driscoll -LRB- born 1974 -RRB- , and Heather Titus -LRB- née Driscoll -RRB- -LRB- born 1971 -RRB- -- to be his own . Sanders studied at Brooklyn College for a year in 1959 -- 60 -LSB- 35 -RSB- before transferring to the University of Chicago and graduating with a bachelor of arts degree in political science in 1964 . In December 1987 , during his tenure as mayor , Sanders recorded a folk album titled We Shall Overcome with 30 Vermont musicians . As Sanders was not skilled at singing , he performed his vocals in a talking blues style . -LSB- 283 -RSB- -LSB- 284 -RSB- Sanders appeared in a cameo role in the 1988 comedy-drama film Sweet Hearts Dance , playing a man who distributes candy to young trick-or-treaters . See also : Electoral history of [TGT] . -LSB- 286 -RSB- On February 6 , 2016 , Sanders was a guest star alongside Larry David on Saturday Night Live , playing a Polish immigrant on a steamship that was sinking near the Statue of Liberty . While at the University of Chicago , Sanders joined the Young People 's Socialist League -LRB- the youth affiliate of the Socialist Party of America -RRB- , -LSB- 37 -RSB- and was active in the Civil Rights Movement as a student organizer for the Congress of Racial Equality -LRB- CORE -RRB- and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee -LRB- SNCC -RRB- . -LSB- 22 -RSB- -LSB- 38 -RSB- Under Sanders 's chairmanship , the university chapter of CORE merged with the university chapter of SNCC . -LSB- 39 -RSB- In January 1962 , Sanders led a rally at the University of Chicago administration building to protest university president George Wells Beadle 's segregated campus housing policy . "We feel it is an intolerable situation when Negro and white students of the university can not live together in university-owned apartments ," Sanders said at the protest . Sanders and 32 other students then entered the building and camped outside the president 's office , performing the first civil rights sit-in in Chicago history . -LSB- 244 -RSB- Sanders supports Black Lives Matter . -LSB- 43 -RSB- Sanders once spent a day putting up fliers protesting against police brutality , only to eventually notice that a Chicago police car was shadowing him and taking them all down . Sanders received an Honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters from Brooklyn College on May 30 , 2017 . Sanders attended the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom , where Martin Luther King , Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech . After complaints made in 2016 by Donald Trump 's Vermont campaign chairman , the FBI launched an investigation into Sanders 's wife Jane 's involvement in a bank loan for Burlington College when she was its president . -LSB- 296 -RSB- -LSB- 297 -RSB- -LSB- 298 -RSB- -LSB- 299 -RSB- The Washington Post reported on June 25 , 2017 , that Sanders himself is not under FBI investigation . In addition to his civil rights activism during the 1960s and 1970s , -LSB- 48 -RSB- Sanders was active in several peace and antiwar movements . Sanders applied for conscientious objector status during the Vietnam War ; his application was eventually turned down , by which point he was too old to be drafted . After receiving nearly $ 900,000 in royalty advances for his recently published books , Sanders reported earnings of just over $ 1 million in 2016 . -LSB- 49 -RSB- -LSB- 50 -RSB- Sanders also worked on the reelection campaign of Leon Despres , a prominent Chicago alderman who was opposed to mayor Richard J. Daley 's Democratic Party machine . As Sanders described his upbringing as an American Jew in a 2016 speech : his father generally attended synagogue only on Yom Kippur ; he attended public schools while his mother "chafed" at his yeshiva Sunday schooling at a Hebrew school ; and their religious observances were mostly limited to Passover seders with their neighbors . After graduating from college , Sanders returned to New York City , where he initially worked at a variety of jobs , including Head Start teacher , psychiatric aide , and carpenter . -LSB- 36 -RSB- In 1968 , Sanders moved to Vermont because he had been "captivated by rural life ." In 1963 , in cooperation with the Labor Zionist youth movement Hashomer Hatzair , Sanders and his first wife volunteered at Sha'ar HaAmakim , a kibbutz in northern Israel . As mayor of Burlington , Sanders allowed a Chabad public menorah to be placed at city hall , an action contested by the local ACLU chapter . Sanders began his electoral political career in 1971 as a member of the Liberty Union Party , which originated in the anti-war movement and the People 's Party . -LSB- 55 -RSB- In the 1974 senatorial race , Sanders finished third -LRB- 5,901 votes ; 4.1 % -RRB- , behind 33-year-old Chittenden County State 's Attorney Patrick Leahy -LRB- D , VI ; 70,629 votes ; 49.4 % -RRB- and two-term incumbent U.S. Representative Dick Mallary -LRB- R ; 66,223 votes ; 46.3 % -RRB- . The 1976 campaign proved to be the zenith of Liberty Union 's influence , with Sanders collecting 11,000 votes for governor and the party . -LSB- 58 -RSB- The campaign drained the finances and energy of the Liberty Union , however , and in October 1977 , less than a year after the conclusion of the 1976 campaign , Sanders and the Liberty Union candidate for attorney general , Nancy Kaufman , announced their retirement from the party . Following his resignation from the Liberty Union Party in 1977 , Sanders worked as a writer and the director of the nonprofit American People 's Historical Society -LRB- APHS -RRB- . Sanders replied : -LSB- 314 -RSB- . In 1980 , Sanders ran for mayor of Burlington , Vermont -LRB- pop . Sanders does not regularly attend synagogue , and he works on Rosh Hashanah , a day when Jews typically take a holiday from work . The 39-year-old Sanders ran against incumbent Democratic mayor Gordon "Gordie" Paquette , a five-term mayor who had served as a member of the Burlington City Council for 13 years before that , building extensive community ties and a willingness to cooperate with Republican leaders in controlling appointments to various commissions . Republicans had found Paquette so unobjectionable that they failed to field a candidate in the March 1981 race against him , leaving Sanders as his principal opponent . Sanders 's effort was further aided by the decision of the candidate of the Citizens Party , Greg Guma , to exit the race so as not to split the progressive vote . Two other candidates in the race , independents Richard Bove and Joe McGrath , proved to be essentially non-factors in the campaign , with the battle coming down to Paquette and Sanders . Sanders has said he feels "very close" to Francis 's economic teachings , describing him as "incredibly smart and brave" . Sanders castigated the pro-development incumbent as an ally of prominent shopping center developer Antonio Pomerleau , while Paquette warned of ruin for Burlington if Sanders was elected . The Sanders campaign was bolstered by a wave of optimistic volunteers as well as by a series of endorsements from university professors , social welfare agencies , and the police union . The final result came as a shock to the local political establishment , with the maverick Sanders winning by just 10 votes . Sanders was reelected three times , defeating both Democratic and Republican candidates . -LSB- 62 -RSB- In his final run for mayor in 1987 , Sanders defeated Paul Lafayette , a Democrat endorsed by both major parties . -LSB- 63 -RSB- In 1986 , Sanders unsuccessfully challenged incumbent Governor Madeleine Kunin -LRB- D -RRB- in her run for reelection . Running as an independent , Sanders finished third with 14.4 % of the vote . After serving four two-year terms , Sanders chose not to seek reelection in 1989 . -LSB- 308 -RSB- -LSB- 309 -RSB- -LSB- 310 -RSB- -LSB- 311 -RSB- When asked about his Jewish heritage , Sanders has said he is "proud to be Jewish" . During his mayoralty , Sanders called himself a socialist and was so described in the press . -LSB- 67 -RSB- The Progressives never held more than six seats on the 13-member city council , but they had enough to keep the council from overriding Sanders 's vetoes . Under Sanders , Burlington became the first city in the country to fund community-trust housing . During the 1980s , Sanders was a staunch critic of U.S. foreign policy in Latin America . In his introduction , Sanders praised Chomsky as "a very vocal and important voice in the wilderness of intellectual life in America" and said he was "delighted to welcome a person who I think we 're all very proud of ." Sanders 's administration balanced the city budget and drew a minor league baseball team , the Vermont Reds , then the Double-A affiliate of the Cincinnati Reds , to Burlington . As mayor , Sanders led extensive downtown revitalization projects . Sanders rarely speaks about religion . -LSB- 19 -RSB- In 1981 , Sanders campaigned against the unpopular plans by Burlington developer Tony Pomerleau to convert the then-industrial -LSB- 72 -RSB- waterfront property owned by the Central Vermont Railway into expensive condominiums , hotels , and offices . -LSB- 73 -RSB- Sanders ran under the slogan "Burlington is not for sale" and successfully supported a plan that redeveloped the waterfront area into a mixed-use district featuring housing , parks , and public space . Sanders hosted and produced a public-access television program , Bernie Speaks with the Community , from 1986 to 1988 . In 1987 , U.S. News & World Report ranked Sanders as one of America 's best mayors . Congressman Sanders in 1991 . See also : Electoral history of [TGT] . Sanders 's 1990 victory made him the first independent candidate to be elected to Congress since Frazier Reams in 1950 . -LSB- 81 -RSB- -LSB- 82 -RSB- Sanders served in the House from 1991 until he became a senator in 2007 . Sanders , who ran as an independent , placed second with 38 % of the vote , while Democratic State Representative Paul N. Poirier placed third with 19 % of the vote . -LSB- 83 -RSB- Two years later , Sanders ran for the seat again and defeated the incumbent Smith by a margin of 56 % to 39 % . Starting in November 2015 , in connection with his presidential campaign , Sanders 's announcements suggested that not only was he running as a Democrat , but that he would run as a Democrat in future elections . Sanders was the first independent elected to the U.S. House of Representatives since Frazier Reams 's election to represent Ohio 40 years earlier . During his first year in the House , Sanders often alienated allies and colleagues with his criticism of both political parties as working primarily on behalf of the wealthy . In 1991 , Sanders co-founded the Congressional Progressive Caucus , a group of mostly liberal Democrats that Sanders chaired for its first eight years , -LSB- 19 -RSB- while still refusing to join the Democratic Party or caucus . In 1993 , Sanders voted against the Brady Bill , which mandated federal background checks and imposed a waiting period on firearm purchasers in the United States ; the bill passed by a vote of 238 -- 187 . In 1994 , Sanders voted in favor of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act . Sanders said he voted for the bill "because it included the Violence Against Women Act and the ban on certain assault weapons" . -LSB- 261 -RSB- -LSB- 262 -RSB- -LSB- 263 -RSB- Since he remained a senator , elected as an independent , the United States Senate website continued to refer to Sanders as an independent during the campaign and upon his return to the senate . In 2015 , Sanders defended his vote , saying : "If somebody has a gun and it falls into the hands of a murderer and the murderer kills somebody with a gun , do you hold the gun manufacturer responsible ? Sanders voted against the resolutions authorizing the use of force against Iraq in 1991 and 2002 , and opposed the 2003 invasion of Iraq . -LSB- 95 -RSB- Sanders voted for a non-binding resolution expressing support for troops at the outset of the invasion of Iraq , but gave a floor speech criticizing the partisan nature of the vote and the George W. Bush administration 's actions in the run-up to the war . Regarding the investigation of what turned out to be a leak of CIA agent Valerie Plame 's identity by a State Department official , Sanders stated : "The revelation that the President authorized the release of classified information in order to discredit an Iraq war critic should tell every member of Congress that the time is now for a serious investigation of how we got into the war in Iraq and why Congress can no longer act as a rubber stamp for the President ." On November 2 , 2005 , Sanders voted against the Online Freedom of Speech Act , which would have exempted the Internet from the campaign finance restrictions of the McCain -- Feingold Bill . Sanders was a consistent critic of the Patriot Act . -LSB- 99 -RSB- After its 357-to-66 passage in the House , Sanders sponsored and voted for several subsequent amendments and acts attempting to curtail its effects , -LSB- 100 -RSB- and voted against each re-authorization . -LSB- 101 -RSB- In June 2005 , Sanders proposed an amendment to limit Patriot Act provisions that allow the government to obtain individuals ' library and book-buying records . In March 2006 , after a series of resolutions passed in various Vermont towns calling for him to bring articles of impeachment against George W. Bush , Sanders stated that it would be "impractical to talk about impeachment" with Republicans in control of the House and Senate . -LSB- 103 -RSB- Still , Sanders made no secret of his opposition to the Bush Administration , which he regularly criticized for its cuts to social programs . Sanders was a vocal critic of Federal Reserve Chair Alan Greenspan ; in June 2003 , during a question-and-answer discussion with the then-Chairman , Sanders told Greenspan that he was concerned that Greenspan was "way out of touch" and "that you see your major function in your position as the need to represent the wealthy and large corporations" . -LSB- 107 -RSB- -LSB- 108 -RSB- In October 2008 , after Sanders had been elected to the Senate , Greenspan admitted to Congress that his economic ideology regarding risky mortgage loans was flawed . -LSB- 109 -RSB- -LSB- 110 -RSB- In 1998 , Sanders voted and advocated against rolling back the Glass -- Steagall Legislation provisions that kept investment banks and commercial banks separate entities . -LSB- 255 -RSB- Although elected mayor of Burlington as an independent , Sanders endorsed Democratic presidential candidates Walter Mondale in 1984 and Jesse Jackson in 1988 . Sanders drew parallels between his campaign and that of the Labour Party in the 2017 UK general election . Sanders entered the race for the U.S. Senate on April 21 , 2005 , after Senator Jim Jeffords announced that he would not seek a fourth term . Chuck Schumer , chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee , endorsed Sanders , a critical move as it meant that no Democrat running against Sanders could expect to receive financial help from the party . Sanders was also endorsed by Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and Democratic National Committee chairman and former Vermont governor Howard Dean . Dean said in May 2005 that he considered Sanders an ally who "votes with the Democrats 98 % of the time" . -LSB- 112 -RSB- Then-Senator Barack Obama also campaigned for Sanders in Vermont in March 2006 . -LSB- 113 -RSB- Sanders entered into an agreement with the Democratic Party , much as he had as a congressman , to be listed in their primary but to decline the nomination should he win , which he did . In the most expensive political campaign in Vermont 's history , -LSB- 116 -RSB- Sanders defeated businessman Rich Tarrant by an approximately 2-to-1 margin . Many national media outlets projected Sanders as the winner just after the polls closed , before any returns came in . Sanders was only the third senator from Vermont to caucus with the Democrats , after Jeffords and Leahy . Polling conducted in August 2011 by Public Policy Polling found that Sanders 's approval rating was 67 % and his disapproval rating 28 % , making him then the third-most popular senator in the country . -LSB- 8 -RSB- Both the NAACP and the NHLA have given Sanders 100 % voting scores during his tenure in the Senate . -LSB- 119 -RSB- In 2015 Sanders was named one of the Top 5 of The Forward 50 . -LSB- 120 -RSB- In a November 2015 Morning Consult poll , Sanders had an approval rating of 83 % among his constituents , making him the most popular senator in the country . -LSB- 7 -RSB- Fox News found Sanders to have the highest net favorability at +28 points of any prominent politician included in its March 2017 poll . -LSB- 247 -RSB- -LSB- 248 -RSB- -LSB- 249 -RSB- Sanders criticized Israel 's actions during the 2014 Gaza war . As an independent , Sanders worked out a deal with the Senate Democratic leadership in which he agreed to vote with the Democrats on all procedural matters , except with permission from Democratic Whip Dick Durbin -LRB- a request that is rarely made or granted -RRB- . -LSB- 122 -RSB- -LSB- 123 -RSB- Sanders was free to vote as he pleased on policy matters , but almost always voted with the Democrats . -LSB- 317 -RSB- Sanders 's wife is Roman Catholic , and he has frequently expressed admiration for Pope Francis , saying that "the leader of the Catholic Church is raising profound issues . On September 24 , 2008 , Sanders posted an open letter to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson decrying the initial bank bailout proposal ; it drew more than 8,000 citizen cosigners in 24 hours . -LSB- 124 -RSB- On January 26 , 2009 , Sanders and Democrats Robert Byrd , Russ Feingold , and Tom Harkin were the sole majority members to vote against confirming Timothy Geithner as United States Secretary of the Treasury . On December 10 , 2010 , Sanders delivered an 81⁄2 - hour speech against the Tax Relief , Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization , and Job Creation Act of 2010 , the proposed extension of the Bush-era tax rates that eventually became law , saying "Enough is enough ! -LSB- 126 -RSB- -LSB- 127 -RSB- -LSB- 128 -RSB- In response to the speech , hundreds of people signed online petitions urging Sanders to run in the 2012 presidential election , and pollsters began measuring his support in key primary states . -LSB- 129 -RSB- Progressive activists such as Rabbi Michael Lerner and economist David Korten publicly voiced their support for a prospective Sanders run against President Barack Obama . -LSB- 129 -RSB- Sanders 's speech was published in February 2011 by Nation Books as The Speech : A Historic Filibuster on Corporate Greed and the Decline of Our Middle Class , with authorial proceeds going to Vermont nonprofit charitable organizations . On March 17 , 2016 , Sanders said he would support Merrick Garland 's nomination to the Supreme Court , though he added , "there are some more progressive judges out there ." Sanders opposed Neil Gorsuch 's nomination to the Court , saying that Gorsuch had "refused to answer legitimate questions ." -LSB- 132 -RSB- Sanders also objected to the possibility of Senate Republicans using the nuclear option to "choke off debate and ram the nomination through the Senate ." -LSB- 256 -RSB- The Washington Post reported that the Jackson campaign helped inspire Sanders to work more closely with the Democratic Party . In January 2015 , Sanders became the ranking minority member of the Senate Budget Committee . While at the Vatican , Sanders met briefly with the pontiff . According to his senate website , Sanders 's committee assignments during 2016 were as follows : -LSB- 135 -RSB- . Main articles : [TGT] presidential campaign , 2016 and Democratic Party presidential primaries , 2016 . Sanders announced his intention to seek the Democratic Party 's nomination for president on April 30 , 2015 , and -LSB- 136 -RSB- -LSB- 137 -RSB- -LSB- 138 -RSB- his campaign was officially launched on May 26 , 2015 , in Burlington . -LSB- 137 -RSB- In his announcement , Sanders said , "I do n't believe that the men and women who defended American democracy fought to create a situation where billionaires own the political process ," and made this a central idea throughout his campaign . -LSB- 136 -RSB- -LSB- 137 -RSB- Senator Elizabeth Warren welcomed Sanders 's entry into the race , saying , "I 'm glad to see him get out there and give his version of what leadership in this country should be ." -LSB- 18 -RSB- -LSB- 318 -RSB- -LSB- 319 -RSB- In April 2016 , Sanders accepted an invitation from Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo , an aide close to the pope , to speak at a Vatican conference on economic and environmental issues . -LSB- 150 -RSB- On July 1 , 2015 , Sanders 's campaign stop in Madison , Wisconsin , drew the largest crowd of any 2016 presidential candidate to that date , with an estimated turnout of 10,000 . Unlike the other major candidates , Sanders did not pursue funding through a Super PAC or by wealthy donors , instead focusing on small individual donations . Sanders used social media to help his campaign gain momentum , -LSB- 145 -RSB- posting content to online platforms such as Twitter and Facebook and answering questions on Reddit . Sanders 's campaign events in June 2015 drew overflow crowds around the country , to his surprise . -LSB- 147 -RSB- -LSB- 148 -RSB- -LSB- 149 -RSB- When Hillary Clinton and Sanders made public appearances within days of each other in Des Moines , Iowa , Sanders drew larger crowds , even though he had already made numerous stops around the state and Clinton 's visit was her first in 2015 . -LSB- 37 -RSB- -LSB- 276 -RSB- -LSB- 277 -RSB- Sanders 's son , Levi Sanders , was born in 1969 to girlfriend Susan Campbell Mott . -LSB- 36 -RSB- In 1988 , Sanders married Jane O'Meara Driscoll -LRB- née Mary Jane O'Meara -RRB- , who later became president of Burlington College , in Burlington , Vermont . -LSB- 156 -RSB- In February 2016 , Clinton 's and Sanders 's campaigns agreed in principle to holding four more debates for a total of ten . Sanders expressed disappointment that Clinton would cancel the debate "before the largest and most important primary in the presidential nominating process" . An NBCWall Street Journal poll conducted in May found Clinton and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump in a "dead heat" , but the same poll found that if Sanders were the Democratic nominee , 53 % of voters would support him to 39 % for Trump . -LSB- 159 -RSB- Clinton and Trump were the least popular likely candidates in the poll 's history , while Sanders received a 43 % positive , 36 % negative rating . -LSB- 160 -RSB- Polls showed that Democratic voters older than 50 preferred Clinton by a large margin but those under 50 overwhelmingly favored Sanders . Some supporters raised concerns that publications such as The New York Times minimized coverage of the Sanders campaign in favor of other candidates ' , especially Trump 's and Clinton 's . -LSB- 162 -RSB- -LSB- 163 -RSB- A December 2015 report found that the three major networks -- CBS , NBC , and ABC -- had spent 234 minutes reporting on Trump and 10 minutes on Sanders , despite their similar polling results . Sanders was in Phoenix , Arizona , on that date , speaking to a rally larger than any of the others , but his speech was not mentioned , let alone broadcast . -LSB- 230 -RSB- As chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging , Sanders has introduced legislation to reauthorize and strengthen the Older Americans Act , which supports Meals on Wheels and other programs for seniors . -LSB- 166 -RSB- On July 12 , Sanders formally endorsed Clinton -LSB- 167 -RSB- but he continued to work with the Democratic National Convention organizers to implement the progressive positions he had been campaigning for . Sanders spoke at the 2016 Democratic National Convention on July 25 , giving Clinton his full support . Some of Sanders 's supporters attempted to protest Clinton 's nomination and booed when Sanders called for party unity . Sanders responded , "Our job is to do two things : to defeat Donald Trump and to elect Hillary Clinton ... It is easy to boo , but it is harder to look your kids in the face if we are living under a Trump presidency ." On November 8 , while Trump -LRB- while losing the popular vote -RRB- defeated Clinton in the general election nationwide , Sanders received almost 6 % of the vote in Vermont , despite not being a candidate in the election . Nationwide , it was possible to vote for Sanders as a write-in candidate in twelve states , -LSB- 171 -RSB- and exact totals of write-in votes for Sanders were published in three states : California , -LSB- 172 -RSB- New Hampshire , -LSB- 173 -RSB- and Vermont . -LSB- 170 -RSB- In those three states , Sanders received 111,850 write-in votes , which was approximately 15 % of the write-in votes nationwide , and 0.08 % of the nationwide number of votes overall . On December 19 , the day that the Electoral College convened in state capitols around the country , Sanders received one electoral vote for president , from David Mulinix , a faithless elector in Hawaii who also voted for fellow progressive firebrand Elizabeth Warren -LRB- instead of Clinton 's running mate Tim Kaine -RRB- for vice president . -LSB- 174 -RSB- Two other faithless electors , David Bright in Maine and Muhammad Abdurrahman in Minnesota , attempted to cast their electoral votes for Sanders , but their votes were invalidated by their states ' faithless elector laws ; Bright subsequently switched his vote to Clinton as pledged , while Abdurrahman was replaced by another elector who voted for Clinton as pledged . -LSB- 200 -RSB- Based on Sanders 's positions and votes throughout his political career , Noam Chomsky and Thomas Frank have described Sanders as "a New Dealer" . Sanders was one of five people who received electoral votes from faithless electors in the 2016 election ; the other four were former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell -LRB- who received three electoral votes -RRB- , -LSB- 177 -RSB- Native American activist Faith Spotted Eagle , -LSB- 177 -RSB- former U. S. Representative and Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul , -LSB- 178 -RSB- and Governor John Kasich . In a March 2017 Fox News poll , Sanders 's 61 % approval rating was the highest among all politicians rated , versus 43 % for Donald Trump , 47 % for Mike Pence and 37 % for Paul Ryan . -LSB- 181 -RSB- In April 2017 , a nationwide Harvard-Harris Poll found Sanders had the highest favorability rating of the leading political figures included in the poll , -LSB- 182 -RSB- a standing confirmed by subsequent polling . Noam Chomsky stated in a May 2017 BBC interview that the Sanders campaign , by breaking with a century-old political system of reliance on corporate funding , was the most remarkable thing about the 2016 election . -LSB- 185 -RSB- Chomsky said Sanders "came from nowhere" , used the "scare word ` socialist '" , and "would have won the Democratic Party nomination if it had n't been for the shenanigans of the Obama-Clinton party managers who kept him out ." -LSB- 302 -RSB- According to Sanders 's close friend Richard Sugarman , a professor of religious studies at the University of Vermont , Sanders 's Jewish identity is "certainly more ethnic and cultural than religious" . In this role he mourned the Brooklyn Dodgers moving to Los Angeles , reflecting Sanders 's own upbringing in Brooklyn . Sanders 's book Our Revolution : A Future to Believe In was released in November 2016 . -LSB- 293 -RSB- -LSB- 294 -RSB- Sanders told CNN , "I owe my brother an enormous amount . To build on momentum gained during the 2016 election campaign , Sanders and supporters founded a political action committee and a political education organization : . Brand New Congress -- In April 2016 , former Sanders presidential campaign staffers formed a political organization , Brand New Congress , to elect Congressional representatives in line with the campaign 's political platform . Our Revolution -- In August 2016 , Sanders founded Our Revolution , an organization dedicated to educating voters about political issues , getting people involved in the political process , and recruiting and supporting candidates for local , state , and national office . On February 16 , 2017 , Sanders began webcasting The [TGT] Show using Facebook live streaming . Main article : Political positions of [TGT] . Sanders is a self-described democratic socialist , -LSB- 197 -RSB- and progressive who admires the Nordic model of social democracy and is a proponent of workplace democracy . -LSB- 198 -RSB- -LSB- 194 -RSB- -LSB- 199 -RSB- In November 2015 , Sanders gave a speech at Georgetown University about his view of democratic socialism , including its place in the policies of presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson . -LSB- 200 -RSB- -LSB- 201 -RSB- In defining what democratic socialism means to him , Sanders said : "I do n't believe government should take over the grocery store down the street or own the means of production , but I do believe that the middle class and the working families who produce the wealth of America deserve a decent standard of living and that their incomes should go up , not down . On December 4 , 2015 , Sanders won Time 's 2015 Person of the Year readers ' poll with 10.2 % of the vote -LSB- 288 -RSB- -LSB- 289 -RSB- but did not receive the editorial board 's award . -LSB- 300 -RSB- Both Sanders and his wife have retained prominent counsel during the investigation . Many commentators have noted the consistency of Sanders 's views throughout his political career . -LSB- 316 -RSB- Deborah Dash Moore , a Judaic scholar at the University of Michigan , has said that Sanders has a particular type of "ethnic Jewishness" that is somewhat old-fashioned . Calling international trade agreements a "disaster for the American worker" , Sanders voted against and has spoken for years against NAFTA , CAFTA , and PNTR with China , saying that they have resulted in American corporations moving abroad . Sanders focuses on economic issues such as income and wealth inequality , -LSB- 193 -RSB- -LSB- 206 -RSB- raising the minimum wage , -LSB- 207 -RSB- universal healthcare , -LSB- 208 -RSB- reducing the burden of student debt , -LSB- 209 -RSB- making public colleges and universities tuition-free by taxing financial transactions , -LSB- 210 -RSB- and expanding Social Security benefits by eliminating the cap on the payroll tax on all incomes above $ 250,000 . Sanders 's elder brother , Larry , lives in England . Sanders advocates bold action to reverse global warming and substantial investment in infrastructure , with "energy efficiency and sustainability" and job creation as prominent goals . -LSB- 218 -RSB- -LSB- 219 -RSB- Sanders opposes the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline on the grounds that , like the Keystone XL Pipeline , it "will have a significant impact on our climate ." Sanders has advocated greater democratic participation by citizens , campaign finance reform , and a constitutional amendment or judicial decision that would overturn Citizens United v. FEC . Sanders is a staunch supporter of a universal health care system , and has said , "If you are serious about real healthcare reform , the only way to go is single-payer ." -LSB- 42 -RSB- Joan Mahoney , a member of the University of Chicago CORE chapter at the time and a fellow participant in the sit-ins , described Sanders in a 2016 interview as" ... a swell guy , a nice Jewish boy from Brooklyn , but he was n't terribly charismatic . On May 4 , 2017 , in response to the House vote to repeal and replace The Affordable Care Act , Sanders predicted "thousands of Americans would die" from no longer having access to health care . -LSB- 233 -RSB- Politifact rated Sanders 's statement "mostly true" . In September 2017 , Sanders and 15 Senate co-sponsors submitted the "Medicare for All" bill , a single-payer health care plan . Sanders has responded that the Republican party has no credibility on the issue of health care after recently voting for legislation that would take health insurance away from 32 million people under the Affordable Care Act -LRB- "Obamacare" -RRB- . Sanders has liberal stances on social issues , having advocated for LGBT rights and against the Defense of Marriage Act . -LSB- 236 -RSB- Sanders described his opposition to DOMA as being on states ' rights grounds .
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Democrats , take your cues from Bernie Sanders .
Bernie Sanders
-LRB- CNN -RRB- Senator Bernie Sanders still thinks that the Democrats do n't get it . Speaking Saturday in Chicago , Sanders offered some blistering rhetoric , calling on his supporters to take down President Trump , who he believes to be a threat to the nation . Some Democrats , such as New York Governor Andrew Cuomo , have tried to build on Sanders ' appeal with new policy initiatives such as free higher education . Sanders said . They have to demonstrate that they are a party that is not , in fact , beholden to big interests , as Sanders has argued , and has a vision that will translate into real economic gains for all Americans .
-LRB- CNN -RRB- [TGT] still thinks that the Democrats do n't get it . Speaking Saturday in Chicago , [TGT] offered some blistering rhetoric , calling on [TGT] supporters to take down President Trump , who [TGT] believes to be a threat to the nation . Some Democrats , such as New York Governor Andrew Cuomo , have tried to build on [TGT] ' appeal with new policy initiatives such as free higher education . [TGT] said . They have to demonstrate that they are a party that is not , in fact , beholden to big interests , as [TGT] has argued , and has a vision that will translate into real economic gains for all Americans .
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Roundup: Xi Jinping Kevin Rudd call for boosting China-Australia ties
Xi Jinping
"This is a good blessing for both Chinese and Australian peoples and it is also a vital element to promoting the balanced development of world economy and sustainable development " Xi said. Xi said China has attached great importance to its relations with Australia and regarded Australia as a trust-worthy partner. He said both sides should make full use of various chances to push forward the bilateral comprehensive cooperative relationship into a higher level. The vice president thus put forward a five-point proposal on boosting the relationship according to a press release issued by the Chinese delegation. He said both sides should further increase mutual political trust and keep timely and close communication on bilateral relations and other important issues of common concern. He also said both sides should expand and explore more substantial cooperation adding that more efforts could be made on sustainable development cooperation financial cooperation and two- way investment. Xi said both sides should enhance people-to-people and cultural exchange so as to increase mutual trust expand consensus and deepen mutual understanding and friendship. He also said both sides should properly handle some sensitive issues adding that respecting each other's key interest and major concerns is a vital basis to sustain the long-term healthy development of the China-Australia relations. He said the issues like Taiwan and Tibet are concerned with sovereignty territorial integrity and national security which are vital principled issues related to China's key interest. China appreciates Australia's adherence to the one China principle and respect for China's sovereignty and territorial integrity Xi noted. He also said both sides should enhance communication and coordination on multilateral and global issues so as to make more contribution to world peace and development. Kevin Rudd on his part said the Australia-China relations are of vital importance to Australia noting that Xi's current visit would push the development of bilateral relationship effectively.
"This is a good blessing for both Chinese and Australian peoples and it is also a vital element to promoting the balanced development of world economy and sustainable development " [TGT] said. [TGT] said China has attached great importance to its relations with Australia and regarded Australia as a trust-worthy partner. [TGT] said both sides should make full use of various chances to push forward the bilateral comprehensive cooperative relationship into a higher level. The vice president thus put forward a five-point proposal on boosting the relationship according to a press release issued by the Chinese delegation. [TGT] said both sides should further increase mutual political trust and keep timely and close communication on bilateral relations and other important issues of common concern. [TGT] also said both sides should expand and explore more substantial cooperation adding that more efforts could be made on sustainable development cooperation financial cooperation and two- way investment. [TGT] said both sides should enhance people-to-people and cultural exchange so as to increase mutual trust expand consensus and deepen mutual understanding and friendship. [TGT] also said both sides should properly handle some sensitive issues adding that respecting each other's key interest and major concerns is a vital basis to sustain the long-term healthy development of the China-Australia relations. [TGT] said the issues like Taiwan and Tibet are concerned with sovereignty territorial integrity and national security which are vital principled issues related to China's key interest. China appreciates Australia's adherence to the one China principle and respect for China's sovereignty and territorial integrity [TGT] noted. [TGT] also said both sides should enhance communication and coordination on multilateral and global issues so as to make more contribution to world peace and development. Kevin Rudd on his part said the Australia-China relations are of vital importance to Australia noting that [TGT]'s current visit would push the development of bilateral relationship effectively.
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Man: Woman killed in Iran protests wanted freedom
Neda Agha Soltan
In the video Neda Agha Soltan is lying on the ground as blood flows from her mouth and nose and onlookers scream. Her last moments spread around the world on Youtube Facebook blogs and Twitter turning her into an icon in the clash between Iran's cleric-led government and protesters. "She only ever said that she wanted one thing she wanted democracy and freedom for the people of Iran " Caspian Makan told an Associated Press reporter during a telephone call from Tehran. But Makan did provide photographs of himself with a woman he identified as Soltan and also had her as a friend on his Facebook page and said he had intended to marry her. "I still feel her I still talk to her " he said. Makan said that they had argued in the days before her death about her decision to attend the protests which were part of the self-described "green wave" movement that claims hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stole his June 12 re-election. He said he had asked her not to go out for fear she would be arrested or shot. "I tried to dissuade her from going out in the streets because I'd seen in my work as a journalist that unfortunately there are a lot of merciless behaviors " Makan said. "But she said that our attendance would be worthwhile even if a bullet hits my heart " he said. "Unfortunately that is how she died a bullet hit her heart and her lung and maybe 5 or 6 minutes later she died." Internet accounts say that Soltan's father was at her side during her death. But Makan said a white-haired man who is seen pressing on her chest in the video and repeatedly saying "don't be afraid Neda dear don't be afraid" was actually her music teacher. chest in the video and repeatedly saying "don't be afraid Neda dear don't be afraid" was actually her music teacher. She'd grown dissatisfied with her theology studies and had taken up music as a pianist he said. They first met on a vacation in Izmir Turkey a town on the Mediterranean on a vacation tour from Iran. He described Soltan as a plain-spoken woman who loved poetry -- Iran's Rumi and America's Robert Frost were her favorites.
In the video [TGT] is lying on the ground as blood flows from [TGT] mouth and nose and onlookers scream. [TGT] last moments spread around the world on Youtube Facebook blogs and Twitter turning [TGT] into an icon in the clash between Iran's cleric-led government and protesters. "[TGT] only ever said that [TGT] wanted one thing [TGT] wanted democracy and freedom for the people of Iran " Caspian Makan told an Associated Press reporter during a telephone call from Tehran. But Makan did provide photographs of himself with a woman he identified as [TGT] and also had her as a friend on his Facebook page and said he had intended to marry her. "I still feel her I still talk to her " he said. Makan said that they had argued in the days before her death about her decision to attend the protests which were part of the self-described "green wave" movement that claims hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stole his June 12 re-election. He said he had asked her not to go out for fear she would be arrested or shot. "I tried to dissuade her from going out in the streets because I'd seen in my work as a journalist that unfortunately there are a lot of merciless behaviors " Makan said. "But she said that our attendance would be worthwhile even if a bullet hits my heart " he said. "Unfortunately that is how she died a bullet hit her heart and her lung and maybe 5 or 6 minutes later she died." Internet accounts say that [TGT] was at her side during her death. But Makan said a white-haired man who is seen pressing on her chest in the video and repeatedly saying "don't be afraid Neda dear don't be afraid" was actually her music teacher. chest in the video and repeatedly saying "don't be afraid Neda dear don't be afraid" was actually her music teacher. She'd grown dissatisfied with her theology studies and had taken up music as a pianist he said. They first met on a vacation in Izmir Turkey a town on the Mediterranean on a vacation tour from Iran. He described [TGT] as a plain-spoken woman who loved poetry -- Iran's Rumi and America's Robert Frost were her favorites.
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Political strongman Ozawa willing to face Japan ethics panel
Ichiro Ozawa
Political strongman Ozawa willing to face Japan ethics panel "I think it would be a way to go if it helps the public understand the issue " Ozawa told reporters at a regular press briefing. His move came as his ruling Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) prepares for a tough summer election because of the funds scandal and the public's growing disappointment with Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama. Ozawa dubbed the "Shadow Shogun" and regarded as the real power behind Hatoyama was suspected of having played a role in manipulating the financial statements of his fund management body. Three of his former and current aides were arrested in connection with the case. But prosecutors earlier decided not to file criminal charges against Ozawa due to lack of evidence. He has pledged to stay on as the DPJ's secretary general despite growing public distrust in him. Investigators met Ozawa during the weekend for a fresh round of questioning after a citizens' judicial review panel said they believed the veteran politician should be indicted. Ozawa told the Monday press conference that nothing new had come up in his latest meeting with investigators. He said he had agreed to open the traditionally closed-door session should he appear before the ethics panel "because I have not done anything wrong." Ozawa's decision came as the Hatoyama government's approval rating continues to sink with elections for the upper house likely to be held in July.
Political strongman Ozawa willing to face Japan ethics panel "I think it would be a way to go if it helps the public understand the issue " Ozawa told reporters at a regular press briefing. His move came as his ruling Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) prepares for a tough summer election because of the funds scandal and the public's growing disappointment with Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama. Ozawa dubbed the "Shadow Shogun" and regarded as the real power behind Hatoyama was suspected of having played a role in manipulating the financial statements of his fund management body. Three of his former and current aides were arrested in connection with the case. But prosecutors earlier decided not to file criminal charges against Ozawa due to lack of evidence. He has pledged to stay on as the DPJ's secretary general despite growing public distrust in him. Investigators met Ozawa during the weekend for a fresh round of questioning after a citizens' judicial review panel said they believed the veteran politician should be indicted. Ozawa told the Monday press conference that nothing new had come up in his latest meeting with investigators. He said he had agreed to open the traditionally closed-door session should he appear before the ethics panel "because I have not done anything wrong." Ozawa's decision came as the Hatoyama government's approval rating continues to sink with elections for the upper house likely to be held in July.
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Dwight Freeney
If Freeney cannot play Sunday Robert Mathis who usually plays on the left side of the defensive line would probably move to the right and Raheem Brock would assume Mathis's spot. Freeney had 13 1/2 sacks this season and he and Mathis combined for 23 of the Colts' 34. The sports injury expert Will Carroll said that the standard definition of Freeney's injury which has been described by the team as a Grade 3 sprain meant that one of the ligaments in his right ankle was at least 50 percent torn. If this were the regular season Freeney would probably miss several weeks perhaps as many as eight. Freeney's game is predicated on speed and he often employs a spin move to shed offensive linemen. The ankle may limit his ability to spin if he can play at all. Freeney has been in Florida since Friday receiving treatment and he is known as a fast healer. This season he sustained what was described at the time as a torn quadriceps which was expected to keep him out for up to a month. Seven days later Freeney played. "Dwight has Wolverine type of characteristics " linebacker Gary Brackett said. "All year he's had strange things. Out 10 weeks he's back in seven days. Dwight is doing everything he can to get back to this game. In my opinion Dwight will be ready to go." Dwight has Wolverine type of characteristics " linebacker Gary Brackett said. "All year he's had strange things. Out 10 weeks he's back in seven days. Dwight is doing everything he can to get back to this game. In my opinion Dwight will be ready to go." The Colts who are usually secretive about injuries have been unusually forthcoming about the specifics of Freeney's injury but he was not available Monday night when the news media had limited access to the team. The Colts are scheduled to be at media day on Tuesday but it is unclear if Freeney will be there. He is unlikely to participate when the Colts begin practice here Wednesday. Freeney's injury but he was not available Monday night when the news media had limited access to the team. The Colts are scheduled to be at media day on Tuesday but it is unclear if Freeney will be there. He is unlikely to participate when the Colts begin practice here Wednesday. Freeney's injury is a huge break for the New Orleans Saints who at times struggled to protect quarterback Drew Brees. They would be less likely to leave a running back or tight end in to help left tackle Jermon Bushrod freeing them to run pass routes. The Colts are 9-3 when Freeney has been out of the lineup.
If [TGT] cannot play Sunday Robert Mathis who usually plays on the left side of the defensive line would probably move to the right and Raheem Brock would assume Mathis's spot. [TGT] had 13 1/2 sacks this season and [TGT] and Mathis combined for 23 of the Colts' 34. The sports injury expert Will Carroll said that the standard definition of [TGT]'s injury which has been described by the team as a Grade 3 sprain meant that one of the ligaments in his right ankle was at least 50 percent torn. If this were the regular season [TGT] would probably miss several weeks perhaps as many as eight. [TGT]'s game is predicated on speed and [TGT] often employs a spin move to shed offensive linemen. The ankle may limit [TGT] ability to spin if [TGT] can play at all. [TGT] has been in Florida since Friday receiving treatment and [TGT] is known as a fast healer. This season [TGT] sustained what was described at the time as a torn quadriceps which was expected to keep [TGT] out for up to a month. Seven days later [TGT] played. "[TGT] has Wolverine type of characteristics " linebacker Gary Brackett said. "All year [TGT]'s had strange things. Out 10 weeks [TGT]'s back in seven days. [TGT] is doing everything [TGT] can to get back to this game. In my opinion [TGT] will be ready to go." [TGT] has Wolverine type of characteristics " linebacker Gary Brackett said. "All year [TGT]'s had strange things. Out 10 weeks [TGT]'s back in seven days. [TGT] is doing everything [TGT] can to get back to this game. In my opinion [TGT] will be ready to go." The Colts who are usually secretive about injuries have been unusually forthcoming about the specifics of [TGT]'s injury but [TGT] was not available Monday night when the news media had limited access to the team. The Colts are scheduled to be at media day on Tuesday but it is unclear if [TGT] will be there. [TGT] is unlikely to participate when the Colts begin practice here Wednesday. [TGT]'s injury but [TGT] was not available Monday night when the news media had limited access to the team. The Colts are scheduled to be at media day on Tuesday but it is unclear if [TGT] will be there. [TGT] is unlikely to participate when the Colts begin practice here Wednesday. [TGT]'s injury is a huge break for the New Orleans Saints who at times struggled to protect quarterback Drew Brees. They would be less likely to leave a running back or tight end in to help left tackle Jermon Bushrod freeing them to run pass routes. The Colts are 9-3 when [TGT] has been out of the lineup.
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Ronaldo requests reinforcements in Corinthians
Corinthians striker Ronaldo expressed the need for his team to hire another striker for the 2011 season on Friday. Foreseeing a year in which he will not be able to play in every game the striker stated that the team needs a strong striker. Ronaldo guaranteed that he will continue to play with Corinthians in 2011. However he warned that next year's schedule will be rigorous and that he will most likely be unable to play in as many games as he would like. With tournaments such as the Libertadores Cup Ronaldo demanded that Corinthians acquire a striker of high caliber. Insistent Ronaldo returned to cite the name of long-time friend Adriano. However Adriano recently rejected the possible transaction claiming that he is content with this Italian club Roma. Nevertheless Ronaldo returned to say that Adriano's integration with Corinthians depends entirely on his own will. Ronaldo claims that the current cast of strikers at Corinthians is unfit to replace him. He envisions Adriano as the perfect addition to the club next year not only to fill in for him in his times of absence but also to create a formidable duo on the attack. Listening to Ronaldo's request Corinthians is looking to Argentina to supply a striker for next year. The club is currently observing striker Juan Martinez of Velez Sarsfield as a possible addition. Corinthians Foreseeing a year in which he will not be able to play in every game the striker stated that the team needs a strong striker.
Corinthians striker [TGT] expressed the need for [TGT] team to hire another striker for the 2011 season on Friday. Foreseeing a year in which [TGT] will not be able to play in every game the striker stated that the team needs a strong striker. [TGT] guaranteed that [TGT] will continue to play with Corinthians in 2011. However [TGT] warned that next year's schedule will be rigorous and that [TGT] will most likely be unable to play in as many games as [TGT] would like. With tournaments such as the Libertadores Cup [TGT] demanded that Corinthians acquire a striker of high caliber. Insistent [TGT] returned to cite the name of long-time friend Adriano. However Adriano recently rejected the possible transaction claiming that he is content with this Italian club Roma. Nevertheless [TGT] returned to say that Adriano's integration with Corinthians depends entirely on his own will. [TGT] claims that the current cast of strikers at Corinthians is unfit to replace [TGT]. [TGT] envisions Adriano as the perfect addition to the club next year not only to fill in for [TGT] in [TGT] times of absence but also to create a formidable duo on the attack. Listening to [TGT]'s request Corinthians is looking to Argentina to supply a striker for next year. The club is currently observing striker Juan Martinez of Velez Sarsfield as a possible addition. Corinthians Foreseeing a year in which he will not be able to play in every game the striker stated that the team needs a strong striker.
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What Kind of Senator Would Mitt Romney Be ?
Mitt Romney
Ever since early 2016 , when the Republican Party began to fussily resettle itself behind Donald Trump , Mitt Romney has been an intermittent oppositional figure , distinct from his party in both point of view and style . The conservative movement has grown smirking , clannish , quarrelsome ; Romney has been formal , chiding , and pained . After Trump won the election , that November , Romney met with Trump in the hope of securing for himself the position of Secretary of State . Yet this summer , after a white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville turned deadly , Romney professed deeper anxieties . For half a century , Romney and his family have existed close to the center of the Republican Party . Now -- just six years removed from being his party 's Presidential nominee , but with no distinct Romneyist camp in Washington and no obvious constituency to summon -- it is n't obvious that Romney fits in at all . Last week , the Utah senator Orrin Hatch announced that he would be retiring at the end of his term this year , and immediately Romney 's allies suggested that he would run for the seat ; the common wisdom was that his election would be all but assured . -LRB- Romney , a man of many residences , built his political career in Massachusetts , but he went to college in Utah , and helped to save the Salt Lake City Olympics from ruin in 2002 ; he is the most recognizable Mormon in the world , and he would be running in a state whose Republican Party is defined by its relationship to the L.D.S. Church . -RRB- Romney 's candidacy is still unannounced , and its most important position -- what line the candidate takes on the President -- is not yet obvious . "This thing is still developing ," one of Romney 's longtime advisers told me last week . But already the most romantic vision of Romney -- that he might arrive in Washington as the de-facto leader of an anti-Trump faction -- seems unlikely . "I 've heard some relatively simplistic assessments that he is going to be the voice of the Never Trump movement ," a senior adviser to Romney 's Presidential campaign said last week . Romney is a very pragmatic politician , too . Romney himself has made no sign of wanting to be part of such a faction , even if it existed . One of his advisers reminded me last week that Romney took the idea of being Trump 's Secretary of State seriously , and believed that Trump 's interest in him was entirely sincere . And , a month after his appalled reaction to Charlottesville , Romney tweeted praise for Trump 's speech before the U.N. General Assembly . Romney 's potential for tragedy and heroism both spring from the same source : the depth of his feeling for a version of America that may exist only in his mind , a place where the trees in Michigan are exactly the right height . Romney 's return to Utah has some elements of a homecoming ; it is also , more simply , a move to accommodating political terrain . Utah is a conservative state whose politics are moving toward Romney , rather than away . Modern Utah , the place of the salvaged Salt Lake Olympics , exists in the Romney image .
Ever since early 2016 , when the Republican Party began to fussily resettle itself behind Donald Trump , [TGT] has been an intermittent oppositional figure , distinct from [TGT] party in both point of view and style . The conservative movement has grown smirking , clannish , quarrelsome ; [TGT] has been formal , chiding , and pained . After Trump won the election , that November , [TGT] met with Trump in the hope of securing for [TGT] the position of Secretary of State . Yet this summer , after a white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville turned deadly , [TGT] professed deeper anxieties . For half a century , [TGT] and [TGT] family have existed close to the center of the Republican Party . Now -- just six years removed from being [TGT] party 's Presidential nominee , but with no distinct Romneyist camp in Washington and no obvious constituency to summon -- it is n't obvious that [TGT] fits in at all . Last week , the Utah senator Orrin Hatch announced that he would be retiring at the end of his term this year , and immediately [TGT] 's allies suggested that [TGT] would run for the seat ; the common wisdom was that [TGT] election would be all but assured . -LRB- Romney , a man of many residences , built his political career in Massachusetts , but he went to college in Utah , and helped to save the Salt Lake City Olympics from ruin in 2002 ; he is the most recognizable Mormon in the world , and he would be running in a state whose Republican Party is defined by its relationship to the L.D.S. Church . -RRB- [TGT] 's candidacy is still unannounced , and its most important position -- what line the candidate takes on the President -- is not yet obvious . "This thing is still developing ," one of [TGT] 's longtime advisers told me last week . But already the most romantic vision of [TGT] -- that [TGT] might arrive in Washington as the de-facto leader of an anti-Trump faction -- seems unlikely . "I 've heard some relatively simplistic assessments that [TGT] is going to be the voice of the Never Trump movement ," a senior adviser to [TGT] 's Presidential campaign said last week . [TGT] is a very pragmatic politician , too . [TGT] himself has made no sign of wanting to be part of such a faction , even if it existed . One of [TGT] advisers reminded me last week that [TGT] took the idea of being Trump 's Secretary of State seriously , and believed that Trump 's interest in [TGT] was entirely sincere . And , a month after [TGT] appalled reaction to Charlottesville , [TGT] tweeted praise for Trump 's speech before the U.N. General Assembly . [TGT] 's potential for tragedy and heroism both spring from the same source : the depth of [TGT] feeling for a version of America that may exist only in [TGT] mind , a place where the trees in Michigan are exactly the right height . [TGT] 's return to Utah has some elements of a homecoming ; it is also , more simply , a move to accommodating political terrain . Utah is a conservative state whose politics are moving toward [TGT] , rather than away . Modern Utah , the place of the salvaged Salt Lake Olympics , exists in the [TGT] image .
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Will Orton
We know that Orton will start but we do not know if he will finish. We also do not know if Knowshon Moreno who is recovering from a knee (we think) injury will play a little or a lot and we do not know if Brandon Marshall who has been suffering with foot-in-mouth disease will play a little or a lot. We do not know if the Broncos will play well or ill. "Everybody wants to play opening day obviously and I'm no different. I want to get out and compete and do everything I can do to help this team win " Orton said before practice Wednesday. He is uncertain about the glove on his right hand which is understandable given the significance of one glove in history and in sports. Orton will have to be on his game with the dislocation in that location if the Broncos are to score enough points to win against the Bengals. He tied with Detroit Lions rookie starting quarterback Matthew Stafford for most interceptions in the exhibitions games (four) completed 67.2 percent of his passes and threw for one touchdown -- and left late in the second quarter of the Chicago game with a bloody index finger and an overall 61.5 QB rating. Will Orton be a smart efficient mistake-free quarterback in the opening game? Or will Orton be an immobile dink-and-dip pick-prone quarterback against the Bengals? A strong defense and a solid running game will be more vital to Orton than a glove. And Marshall's hands could be most essential. The wide receiver already was the happiest man in Denver because the Broncos struggled offensively without him which could help him get a new contract. If he does he can be happy and wealthy and show McDaniels and Orton who's the real boss. But then Orton is limited in passing range and force and he does have a bum business finger that could affect his grip and his strength and the snaps from center and how McDaniels attacks Cincy.
We know that [TGT] will start but we do not know if [TGT] will finish. We also do not know if Knowshon Moreno who is recovering from a knee (we think) injury will play a little or a lot and we do not know if Brandon Marshall who has been suffering with foot-in-mouth disease will play a little or a lot. We do not know if the Broncos will play well or ill. "Everybody wants to play opening day obviously and I'm no different. I want to get out and compete and do everything I can do to help this team win [TGT] said before practice Wednesday. [TGT] is uncertain about the glove on [TGT] right hand which is understandable given the significance of one glove in history and in sports. [TGT] will have to be on [TGT] game with the dislocation in that location if the Broncos are to score enough points to win against the Bengals. [TGT] tied with Detroit Lions rookie starting quarterback Matthew Stafford for most interceptions in the exhibitions games (four) completed 67.2 percent of [TGT] passes and threw for one touchdown -- and left late in the second quarter of the Chicago game with a bloody index finger and an overall 61.5 QB rating. Will [TGT] be a smart efficient mistake-free quarterback in the opening game? Or will [TGT] be an immobile dink-and-dip pick-prone quarterback against the Bengals? A strong defense and a solid running game will be more vital to [TGT] than a glove. And Marshall's hands could be most essential. The wide receiver already was the happiest man in Denver because the Broncos struggled offensively without him which could help him get a new contract. If he does he can be happy and wealthy and show McDaniels and [TGT] who's the real boss. But then [TGT] is limited in passing range and force and [TGT] does have a bum business finger that could affect [TGT] grip and [TGT] strength and the snaps from center and how McDaniels attacks Cincy.
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Rafsanjani boosts pressure on Iran regime before anniversary
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani
Opposition sympathiser and powerful cleric Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has ratcheted up the pressure on the Iranian regime ahead of the first anniversary of the disputed presidential election. The reappearance of Rafsanjani's comments comes just days before the June 12 anniversary of the presidential poll that returned Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to power and sparked one of the worst internal crises in the Islamic republic's history. Iran was rocked by widespread and deadly street unrest immediately after Ahmadinejad's re-election -- a result his opponents said had been rigged. Now Rafsanjani's website has again reproduced the text of his year-old letter to Khamenei in which he warned of social upheaval if the leader remained silent about a remark Ahmadinejad made before the election. In a television debate just days before the poll Ahmadinejad accused Rafsanjani's family of corruption prompting the cleric to send his letter of complaint to the supreme leader. Addressing Khamenei in such a manner is unheard of in Iran where the supreme leader is the ultimate authority and has the final say on all strategic issues. The Rafsanjani website also repeated remarks he made during a Friday prayer sermon last July 17 as the post-election unrest raged when he openly said the election result had broken the trust of Iranians. "What should we do?" Rafsanjani asked rhetorically in the sermon. "Our key issue is to return the trust which the people had and now to some extent is broken. "It is not necessary that in this situation people be jailed. Let them join their families. We should not allow enemies to rebuke and ridicule us because of detentions. We should tolerate each other " he said. Rafsanjani is a sympathiser of the opposition especially Mir Hossein Mousavi who was runner-up in the presidential election. Meanwhile Rafsanjani's daughter Faezeh who heads an Islamic federation of female sports issued a statement denouncing an "attack against her office overnight Friday " the opposition website reported.
Opposition sympathiser and [TGT] has ratcheted up the pressure on the Iranian regime ahead of the first anniversary of the disputed presidential election. The reappearance of [TGT]'s comments comes just days before the June 12 anniversary of the presidential poll that returned Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to power and sparked one of the worst internal crises in the Islamic republic's history. Iran was rocked by widespread and deadly street unrest immediately after Ahmadinejad's re-election -- a result [TGT] opponents said had been rigged. Now [TGT]'s website has again reproduced the text of [TGT] year-old letter to Khamenei in which [TGT] warned of social upheaval if [TGT] remained silent about a remark Ahmadinejad made before the election. In a television debate just days before the poll Ahmadinejad accused Rafsanjani's family of corruption prompting the cleric to send [TGT] letter of complaint to the supreme leader. Addressing Khamenei in such a manner is unheard of in Iran where the supreme leader is the ultimate authority and has the final say on all strategic issues. The Rafsanjani website also repeated remarks he made during a Friday prayer sermon last July 17 as the post-election unrest raged when he openly said the election result had broken the trust of Iranians. "What should we do?" [TGT] asked rhetorically in the sermon. "Our key issue is to return the trust which the people had and now to some extent is broken. "It is not necessary that in this situation people be jailed. Let them join their families. We should not allow enemies to rebuke and ridicule us because of detentions. We should tolerate each other " [TGT] said. [TGT] is a sympathiser of the opposition especially Mir Hossein Mousavi who was runner-up in the presidential election. Meanwhile [TGT]'s daughter Faezeh who heads an Islamic federation of female sports issued a statement denouncing an "attack against her office overnight Friday " the opposition website reported.
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Chinese president meets Kyrgyz PM
Hu Jintao
Chinese President Hu Jintao met here Thursday afternoon with Prime Minister Igor Chudinov of Kyrgyzstan. Hu said since the two countries established diplomatic ties 17 years ago China and Kyrgyzstan have continuously reinforced and developed their traditional friendship and leaders of the two countries have maintained frequent contact and developed a high degree of mutual trust. The two sides have conducted effective cooperation and achieved notable results in cooperation in such areas as economy trade transport security and culture Hu said adding the two countries have also lent support to and cooperated closely with each other within the multilateral frameworks of the United Nations(UN) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO). Hu said China and Kyrgyzstan are good neighbors good friends and good partners. He said China attaches great importance to its relations with Kyrgyzstan. Hu said it is a firm and unchangeable policy of China to continuously deepen mutual trust strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation and realize common development of the two countries. Hu said China is ready to work with Kyrgyzstan to advance the good- neighborly friendly and cooperative relationship. He said Kyrgyzstan treasures the mutual trust and mutual understanding between the two countries. He expressed the willingness to cooperate closely with China and strictly abide by all agreements between the two countries. He said Kyrgyzstan is ready to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with China and further advance the good-neighborly friendship.
[TGT] met here Thursday afternoon with Prime Minister Igor Chudinov of Kyrgyzstan. [TGT] said since the two countries established diplomatic ties 17 years ago China and Kyrgyzstan have continuously reinforced and developed their traditional friendship and leaders of the two countries have maintained frequent contact and developed a high degree of mutual trust. The two sides have conducted effective cooperation and achieved notable results in cooperation in such areas as economy trade transport security and culture [TGT] said adding the two countries have also lent support to and cooperated closely with each other within the multilateral frameworks of the United Nations(UN) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO). [TGT] said China and Kyrgyzstan are good neighbors good friends and good partners. [TGT] said China attaches great importance to its relations with Kyrgyzstan. [TGT] said [TGT] is a firm and unchangeable policy of China to continuously deepen mutual trust strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation and realize common development of the two countries. [TGT] said China is ready to work with Kyrgyzstan to advance the good- neighborly friendly and cooperative relationship. [TGT] said Kyrgyzstan treasures the mutual trust and mutual understanding between the two countries. [TGT] expressed the willingness to cooperate closely with China and strictly abide by all agreements between the two countries. [TGT] said Kyrgyzstan is ready to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with China and further advance the good-neighborly friendship.
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Cambodian opposition lawmakers stripped of immunity
Hun Sen
The action against Sam Rainsy Party lawmakers Mu Sochua and Ho Vann is the latest in a series of moves by Prime Minister Hun Sen's ruling party using the courts against government critics. "The National Assembly is walking backwards when they try to silence the opposition party " she said. In speech Monday referring to recent international rights groups' allegations that his party is using legal action against government critics to stifle free speech Hun Sen warned: "Foreigners don't be messy." is using legal action against government critics to stifle free speech Hun Sen warned: "Foreigners don't be messy." "Stripping immunity is to strengthen democracy instead of law " he added. The charges against Mu Sochua stem from her announcement that she would file a lawsuit against Hun Sen for allegedly making derogatory comments about her. That lawsuit was dismissed in court. Opposition leader Sam Rainsy was stripped of his immunity in February after accusing Hun Sen's party of corruption during elections last year and then failing to pay a 2 500-dollar fine. His protection was later restored when his party eventually paid the fine.
The action against Sam Rainsy Party lawmakers Mu Sochua and Ho Vann is the latest in a series of moves by [TGT]'s ruling party using the courts against government critics. "The National Assembly is walking backwards when they try to silence [TGT] " she said. In speech Monday referring to recent international rights groups' allegations that [TGT] is using legal action against government critics to stifle free speech [TGT] warned: "Foreigners don't be messy." is using legal action against government critics to stifle free speech [TGT] warned: "Foreigners don't be messy." "Stripping immunity is to strengthen democracy instead of law " [TGT] added. The charges against Mu Sochua stem from her announcement that she would file [TGT] for allegedly making derogatory comments about her. [TGT] was dismissed in court. Opposition leader Sam Rainsy was stripped of his immunity in February after accusing [TGT]'s party of corruption during elections last year and then failing to pay a 2 500-dollar fine. His protection was later restored when [TGT] eventually paid the fine.
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LeBron says he wants to keep his options open
LeBron James
LeBron James indicated Friday that he is unlikely to accept a contract extension from the Cleveland Cavaliers until after the 2009-10 season and presumably will become a free agent. At an event in his hometown to unveil Nike Air Max LeBron VII the latest sneaker in his signature line James made his strongest comments yet about his future. The NBA's reigning MVP said he signed a three-year contract in 2006 to give him more options once it expires. The Cavaliers offered James a contract extension on July 18 the three-year anniversary of the signing of his current contract. The team could offer the extension -- at the highest salary allowed -- of up to three years. James can sign the extension offer anytime before June 30 2010. James who will make $15.7 million next season also has an option in his current contract that can extend his deal through the 2010-11 season. However it appears for now that James does not intend to sign the extension or pick up his one-year option for $17.1 million anytime soon. The 24-year-old superstar said his agent Leon Rose and Cavaliers general manager Danny Ferry have had "a great conversation." But James remained noncommittal about his plans beyond the upcoming season one he hopes ends with the Cavs who acquired All-Star center Shaquille O'Neal shortly after their season ended winning their first NBA title. James was similarly positioned in 2006 when he decided to sign a three-year extension with the Cavs. Despite JamesJames' insistence that he's happy in Cleveland his choice to delay his decision is certain to spark more speculation that he'll sign with another club next summer. James has maintained that he's pleased with the Cavs' direction owner Dan Gilbert and Ferry's attempts to add more talent to Cleveland's roster. James said he isn't worried about his contract situation becoming a distraction. Following an elaborate multimedia presentation by Nike James who will embark on a tour promoting his new shoe and "More Than A Game " a documentary chronicling his days at St. Vincent-St. Mary High School answered questions about O'Neal and Magic forward Rashard Lewis' 10-game suspension for testing positive for an elevated testosterone level. James also reiterated his Thursday comments in which he said he regretted not doing a mandatory postgame media session after the Cavaliers were eliminated from the playoffs by the Orlando Magic. But he also said that he didn't think he owed anyone an apology for failing to shake hands with the Magic players immediately after the series ended. James offered sympathy to Lewis who admitted taking an over-the-counter supplement late last season that included a substance he did not realize was banned by the league. "It's unfortunate " James said. "I know Rashard really well and I know he's not that type of guy who would do anything to get the upper edge on another player that's first and foremost. You just have to use great judgment. We have guys with us every day who can find out for you if it (a substance) is banned or not banned by the NBA. A mistake by him." James said he is looking forward to being teammates with O'Neal one of the few athletes on the planet as recognizable as James himself. "To get the opportunity to play with one of the greatest basketball players to ever play the game that's the fun part for me " James said. "I'm humbled by that."
[TGT] indicated Friday that [TGT] is unlikely to accept a contract extension from the Cleveland Cavaliers until after the 2009-10 season and presumably will become a free agent. At an event in [TGT] hometown to unveil Nike Air Max LeBron VII the latest sneaker in [TGT] signature line [TGT] made [TGT] strongest comments yet about [TGT] future. The NBA's reigning MVP said he signed a three-year contract in 2006 to give him more options once it expires. The Cavaliers offered [TGT] a contract extension on July 18 the three-year anniversary of the signing of his current contract. The team could offer the extension -- at the highest salary allowed -- of up to three years. [TGT] can sign the extension offer anytime before June 30 2010. [TGT]who will make $15.7 million next season also has an option in [TGT] current contract that can extend [TGT] deal through the 2010-11 season. However it appears for now that [TGT] does not intend to sign the extension or pick up [TGT] one-year option for $17.1 million anytime soon. The 24-year-old superstar said his agent Leon Rose and Cavaliers general manager Danny Ferry have had "a great conversation." But [TGT] remained noncommittal about [TGT] plans beyond the upcoming season one [TGT] hopes ends with the Cavs who acquired All-Star center Shaquille O'Neal shortly after their season ended winning their first NBA title. [TGT] was similarly positioned in 2006 when [TGT] decided to sign a three-year extension with the Cavs. Despite JamesJames' insistence that [TGT]'s happy in Cleveland [TGT] choice to delay [TGT] decision is certain to spark more speculation that [TGT]'ll sign with another club next summer. [TGT] has maintained that [TGT]'s pleased with the Cavs' direction owner Dan Gilbert and Ferry's attempts to add more talent to Cleveland's roster. [TGT] said [TGT] isn't worried about [TGT] contract situation becoming a distraction. Following an elaborate multimedia presentation by Nike [TGT]who will embark on a tour promoting [TGT] new shoe and "More Than A Game " a documentary chronicling [TGT] days at St. Vincent-St. Mary High School answered questions about O'Neal and Magic forward Rashard Lewis' 10-game suspension for testing positive for an elevated testosterone level. [TGT] also reiterated [TGT] Thursday comments in which [TGT] said [TGT] regretted not doing a mandatory postgame media session after the Cavaliers were eliminated from the playoffs by the Orlando Magic. But [TGT] also said that [TGT] didn't think [TGT] owed anyone an apology for failing to shake hands with the Magic players immediately after the series ended. [TGT] offered sympathy to Lewis who admitted taking an over-the-counter supplement late last season that included a substance [TGT] did not realize was banned by the league. "It's unfortunate [TGT] said. "I know Rashard really well and I know he's not that type of guy who would do anything to get the upper edge on another player that's first and foremost. You just have to use great judgment. We have guys with us every day who can find out for you if it (a substance) is banned or not banned by the NBA. A mistake by him." [TGT] said [TGT] is looking forward to being teammates with O'Neal one of the few athletes on the planet as recognizable as James himself. "To get the opportunity to play with one of the greatest basketball players to ever play the game that's the fun part for me " [TGT] said. "I'm humbled by that."
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Hakeem Nicks and Eli Manning of the New York Giants forged a friendship over cookouts of alligator crawfish and fried quail. Nicks mostly abstained from eating at the barbecues. It was the conversation that mattered. In July Nicks joined Manning on a four-day trip in Thibodaux La. for the Manning Passing Academy an offensive skills camp for high school players. The getaway brought them together helping to bond a young play-making wide receiver with a veteran quarterback who could use a big-play target. During the day Nicks served as a counselor and played catch with Manning. By night Nicks and Manning came together for group dinners before retreating to their dormitories at Nicholls State University about an hour west of New Orleans. Nicks and Manning came together for group dinners before retreating to their dormitories at Nicholls State University about an hour west of New Orleans. Still the coaches are looking for Nicks who showed explosiveness as a rookie in 2009 to show more consistency in his second season. (On Sunday Nicks also tipped the first pass his way which resulted in an interception). Nicks the type of deep threat the Giants have been missing since the departure of Plaxico Burress was drafted into an important position. "That's something I want to do " Nicks said. "That's something that I've always done in my career in my past been that big-target receiver coming deep down the field. I just want to get my game to that and bring it to the team the best way possible." Manning invited Nicks and Steve Smith to join him for the camp this summer. Although Smith could not attend he said that he has seen the effect the trip has had on the relationship between Nicks and Manning. "It showed Eli he's serious about football and that he wants to get better " Smith said of Nicks. "I've seen him take it more seriously in the film room and get in here in the offseason." When discussing certain plays at the camp Manning would explain his thinking then Nicks would share his thoughts. It helped their timing which was important because Nicks missed practices during organized-team activities and in training camp while recovering from knee and toe injuries. Off the field Nicks and Manning watched sports in their rooms and shared insights into each other's lives. Manning was shocked to hear that Nicks had only one scholarship offer in high school. Nicks was shocked to see the type of food the Manning family served in New Orleans. The Cajun flavor was new to Nicks -- "out of my bracket " the North Carolina native said -- but he enjoyed learning more about the area. Nicks and Manning watched sports in their rooms and shared insights into each other's lives. Manning was shocked to hear that Nicks had only one scholarship offer in high school. Nicks was shocked to see the type of food the Manning family served in New Orleans. Like Burress Nicks is the X receiver known also as the split end in the Giants' offense. The X receiver frequently represents the deep threat and often finds himself in one-on-one coverage as Nicks did on his second and third touchdowns Sunday.
[TGT] and Eli Manning of the New York Giants forged a friendship over cookouts of alligator crawfish and fried quail. [TGT] mostly abstained from eating at the barbecues. It was the conversation that mattered. In July [TGT] joined Manning on a four-day trip in Thibodaux La. for the Manning Passing Academy an offensive skills camp for high school players. The getaway brought them together helping to bond a young play-making wide receiver with a veteran quarterback who could use a big-play target. During the day [TGT] served as a counselor and played catch with Manning. By night [TGT] and Manning came together for group dinners before retreating to [TGT] dormitories at Nicholls State University about an hour west of New Orleans. [TGT] and Manning came together for group dinners before retreating to [TGT] dormitories at Nicholls State University about an hour west of New Orleans. Still the coaches are looking for [TGT]who showed explosiveness as a rookie in 2009 to show more consistency in his second season. (On Sunday [TGT] also tipped the first pass his way which resulted in an interception). [TGT]the type of deep threat the Giants have been missing since the departure of Plaxico Burress was drafted into an important position. "That's something I want to do " [TGT] said. "That's something that I've always done in my career in my past been that big-target receiver coming deep down the field. I just want to get my game to that and bring it to the team the best way possible." Manning invited [TGT] and Steve Smith to join him for the camp this summer. Although Smith could not attend he said that he has seen the effect the trip has had on the relationship between [TGT] and Manning. "It showed Eli he's serious about football and that he wants to get better " Smith said of [TGT]. "I've seen him take it more seriously in the film room and get in here in the offseason." When discussing certain plays at the camp Manning would explain his thinking then [TGT] would share his thoughts. It helped their timing which was important because [TGT] missed practices during organized-team activities and in training camp while recovering from knee and toe injuries. Off the field [TGT] and Manning watched sports in [TGT] rooms and shared insights into each other's lives. Manning was shocked to hear that [TGT] had only one scholarship offer in high school. [TGT] was shocked to see the type of food the Manning family served in New Orleans. The Cajun flavor was new to [TGT] -- "out of my bracket " the North Carolina native said -- but he enjoyed learning more about the area. [TGT] and Manning watched sports in [TGT] rooms and shared insights into each other's lives. Manning was shocked to hear that [TGT] had only one scholarship offer in high school. [TGT] was shocked to see the type of food the Manning family served in New Orleans. Like Burress [TGT] is the X receiver known also as the split end in the Giants' offense. The X receiver frequently represents the deep threat and often finds himself in one-on-one coverage as [TGT] did on his second and third touchdowns Sunday.
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Kobe Bryant
Kobe Bryant is taunting LeBron James. Bryant is in the face of James who is sitting on a couch playing video games. Bryant is in a tizzy pretending he can't find his three NBA championship rings. James who hasn't won an NBA title yet is doing his best to ignore Bryant's antics but it's proving more difficult than knocking down a game-winning jumper against the Orlando Magic. Bryant grabs three chocolate chip cookies and explains they resemble his three lost rings. He tells James he must be hungry for them then hastily eats them. James finally cracks and points out the championship rings in a display case under Bryant's nose. The scenario isn't real but it sure is comical. These versions of Bryant and James are played by puppets in Nike commercials. The campaign is so popular that there are six versions and all are still scheduled to run through the NBA Finals even though the Lakers are playing Orlando not Cleveland. John Wooden -- who won 10 national championships as UCLA's coach -- has hailed Bryant for improvements but he's partial to James as well. People argue the merits of Bryant 30 versus James 24 in commercials and coffeehouses and on radio call-in shows. Bryant has been the dominant player for the past few years but more folks have King James now residing on that throne. Jerry West recently said James surpassed Bryant as a player creating much controversy but the former Lakers player and general manager -- who made the trade to bring Bryant to Los Angeles -- stands by that statement. "It's never been forced " Wilkins said. "It's never been about pitching LeBron versus Kobe in the finals. It's more about celebrating what these guys have accomplished on the court. It's about what LeBron has been able to do in winning his first MVP. "It's about what Kobe has managed to do in his best seasons. It's two of the best players in the world if not the two best in the world. West said he'd rather have Bryant take the last shot but Wooden said he'd be comfortable with either player with the ball on his hands and the game on the line. Wooden was impressed with James' 3-pointer to win Game 2 against Orlando. West thinks Bryant having someone pushing him is a good thing.
[TGT] is taunting LeBron James. [TGT] is in the face of James who is sitting on a couch playing video games. [TGT] is in a tizzy pretending [TGT] can't find [TGT] three NBA championship rings. James who hasn't won an NBA title yet is doing his best to ignore [TGT]'s antics but it's proving more difficult than knocking down a game-winning jumper against the Orlando Magic. [TGT] grabs three chocolate chip cookies and explains they resemble [TGT] three lost rings. [TGT] tells James he must be hungry for them then hastily eats them. James finally cracks and points out the championship rings in a display case under [TGT]'s nose. The scenario isn't real but it sure is comical. These versions of [TGT] and James are played by puppets in Nike commercials. The campaign is so popular that there are six versions and all are still scheduled to run through the NBA Finals even though the Lakers are playing Orlando not Cleveland. John Wooden -- who won 10 national championships as UCLA's coach -- has hailed [TGT] for improvements but he's partial to James as well. People argue the merits of Bryant 30 versus James 24 in commercials and coffeehouses and on radio call-in shows. [TGT] has been the dominant player for the past few years but more folks have King James now residing on that throne. Jerry West recently said James surpassed [TGT] as a player creating much controversy but the former Lakers player and general manager -- who made the trade to bring [TGT] to Los Angeles -- stands by that statement. "It's never been forced " Wilkins said. "It's never been about pitching LeBron versus [TGT] in the finals. It's more about celebrating what these guys have accomplished on the court. It's about what LeBron has been able to do in winning his first MVP. "It's about what [TGT] has managed to do in his best seasons. It's two of the best players in the world if not the two best in the world. West said he'd rather have [TGT] take the last shot but Wooden said he'd be comfortable with either player with the ball on his hands and the game on the line. Wooden was impressed with James' 3-pointer to win Game 2 against Orlando. West thinks [TGT] having someone pushing him is a good thing.
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Bush as president occasionally phoned Clinton
Bush as president occasionally phoned Clinton George W. Bush had a special phone friend during his White House years: Bill Clinton. Asked on CBS television's "Face the Nation" whether it was true that he often called Clinton Bush replied: "I don't know about often but I did. I called him. He didn't call me because he knows how busy a president is. I called him and we chatted on occasion." "I was always pleased when he called me " Clinton said as he sat beside Bush for the interview. "I make it a practice never to bother the president. I don't call President Obama either. ... They got plenty to do." Neither Republican Bush nor Democrat Clinton said just what they discussed. "I was always pleased when he called me " Clinton said as he sat beside Bush for the interview. "I make it a practice never to bother the president. I don't call President Obama either. ... They got plenty to do." Democrat Clinton said just what they discussed. "I was always pleased when he called me " Clinton said as he sat beside Bush for the interview. "I make it a practice never to bother the president. I don't call President Obama either. ... They got plenty to do." Bush's eight years in office followed Clinton's two terms. While poles apart politically the ex-presidents said they consider themselves to be friends. "We have developed a very honest good friendship " Clinton said. "And we've made our disagreements respectful and we've had a good time doing it."
Bush as president occasionally phoned [TGT] George W. Bush had a special phone friend during his White House years: [TGT]. Asked on CBS television's "Face the Nation" whether it was true that he often called Clinton Bush replied: "I don't know about often but I did. I called him. He didn't call me because he knows how busy a president is. I called him and we chatted on occasion." "I was always pleased when he called me " [TGT] said as he sat beside Bush for the interview. "I make it a practice never to bother the president. I don't call President Obama either. ... They got plenty to do." Neither [TGT] said just what [TGT] discussed. "I was always pleased when he called me " [TGT] said as he sat beside Bush for the interview. "I make it a practice never to bother the president. I don't call President Obama either. ... [TGT] got plenty to do.[TGT] said just what [TGT] discussed. "I was always pleased when [TGT] called me " [TGT] said as [TGT] sat beside Bush for the interview. "I make it a practice never to bother the president. I don't call President Obama either. ... [TGT] got plenty to do." Bush's eight years in office followed [TGT]'s two terms. While poles apart politically the ex-presidents said they consider themselves to be friends. "We have developed a very honest good friendship [TGT] said. "And we've made our disagreements respectful and we've had a good time doing it."
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Canadian commander sentenced to life for murders
Russell Williams
Col. Russell Williams pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree murder two sexual assaults and 82 counts of breaking-and-entering during which he took hundreds of undergarments from women and young girls. Ontario judge Robert F. Scott sentenced Williams after the disgraced former elite pilot tearfully addressed the court lamenting his crimes and the pain he has caused the victims and their family and friends. "I stand before you indescribably ashamed " Williams said his voice cracking. "I know that the crimes I have committed have damaged many people." Williams said he betrayed his family friends and colleagues. Justice Robert Scott said he believes Williams is sincere in his regrets but nonetheless declared him a "sick and dangerous" man. "Russell Williams will forever be remembered as a sadosexual serial killer " Scott told the court. "The depths of the depravity shown by Russell Williams have no equal." Williams pleaded guilty Monday to murdering Jessica Lloyd 27 whose body was found in February and Marie Comeau a 37-year-old corporal under his command who was found dead in her home last November. Both women were asphyxiated. pleaded guilty Monday to murdering Jessica Lloyd 27 whose body was found in February and Marie Comeau a 37-year-old corporal under his command who was found dead in her home last November. Both women were asphyxiated. Williams took pictures of himself in the women's bedrooms posing in their underwear and he meticulously catalogued the photos on a hard drive and stored the undergarments in his home. Prosecutor David Thompson detailed in court how Williams raped photographed videotaped and killed Comeau who pleaded with Williams to "have a heart" and spare her life. During most of the proceedings Williams sat looking downward. Williams was a rising star in the military before he was charged earlier this year. The charges have shocked Canadians and shaken the military to its core. The 47-year-old once flew prime ministers and served as a pilot to Queen Elizabeth II during a 2005 visit. "Our thoughts go out to all the members of the Canadian forces who knew the commander and who have been very badly wounded and betrayed by all of this " Harper said. Lieutenant-General Andre Deschamps Chief of Air Staff for the Canadian military said the military has been "deeply shaken" by Williams. Deschamps said they can now fire Williams and remove his medals. Andy Lloyd one of the victim's brothers said he has been waiting for this day for a long time and that he's glad the military has moved to strip of Williams of his rank.
[TGT] pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree murder two sexual assaults and 82 counts of breaking-and-entering during which [TGT] took hundreds of undergarments from women and young girls. Ontario judge Robert F. Scott sentenced [TGT] after the disgraced former elite pilot tearfully addressed the court lamenting [TGT] crimes and the pain [TGT] has caused the victims and their family and friends. "I stand before you indescribably ashamed " [TGT] said [TGT] voice cracking. "I know that the crimes I have committed have damaged many people." [TGT] said [TGT] betrayed [TGT] family friends and colleagues. Justice Robert Scott said he believes [TGT] is sincere in his regrets but nonetheless declared [TGT] a "sick and dangerous" man. "[TGT] will forever be remembered as a sadosexual serial killer " Scott told the court. "The depths of the depravity shown by [TGT] have no equal." [TGT] pleaded guilty Monday to murdering Jessica Lloyd 27 whose body was found in February and Marie Comeau a 37-year-old corporal under his command who was found dead in her home last November. Both women were asphyxiated. pleaded guilty Monday to murdering Jessica Lloyd 27 whose body was found in February and Marie Comeau a 37-year-old corporal under his command who was found dead in her home last November. Both women were asphyxiated. [TGT] took pictures of [TGT] in the women's bedrooms posing in their underwear and [TGT] meticulously catalogued the photos on a hard drive and stored the undergarments in [TGT] home. Prosecutor David Thompson detailed in court how [TGT] raped photographed videotaped and killed Comeau who pleaded with [TGT] to "have a heart" and spare her life. During most of the proceedings [TGT] sat looking downward. [TGT] was a rising star in the military before [TGT] was charged earlier this year. The charges have shocked Canadians and shaken the military to its core. The 47-year-old once flew prime ministers and served as a pilot to Queen Elizabeth II during a 2005 visit. "Our thoughts go out to all the members of the Canadian forces who knew the commander and who have been very badly wounded and betrayed by all of this " Harper said. Lieutenant-General Andre Deschamps Chief of Air Staff for the Canadian military said the military has been "deeply shaken" by [TGT]. Deschamps said they can now fire [TGT] and remove [TGT] medals. Andy Lloyd one of the victim's brothers said he has been waiting for this day for a long time and that he's glad the military has moved to strip of [TGT] of [TGT] rank.
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Berlusconi skips hearing in Milan corruption case
Premier Silvio Berlusconi skipped a hearing Friday in a trial accusing him of bribing a British lawyer to lie on the stand. Berlusconi had not been expected at the technical hearing his lawyer Niccolo Ghedini said adding that the premier would attend when there were issues of substance at hand beginning next month. Prosecutors accuse Berlusconi of ordering the 1997 payment of $600 000 to lawyer David Mills in exchange for his false testimony in two trials. Both Berlusconi and Mills have denied wrongdoing. Mills is in the second and final round of appeals against his conviction in the case. of ordering the 1997 payment of $600 000 to lawyer David Mills in exchange for his false testimony in two trials. Both Berlusconi and MillsBerlusconi and Mills have denied wrongdoing. Mills is in the second and final round of appeals against his conviction in the case. On Friday the three-judge panel rejected a defense motion arguing that Berlusconi's portion of the trial should restart from scratch without allowing any evidence heard by the previous court to carry over on the grounds it would be prejudicial. The case is one of two in Milan courts restarted against the premier after Italy's Constitutional Court overturned a law sparing Berlusconi from prosecution while in office. In the other case Berlusconi and others are accused of overpaying for rights to show U.S. movies on Berlusconi's Mediaset television empire and pocketing the difference. Although defendants in Italian trials are not required to be present Berlusconi has said he wants to defend himself in person against the charges.
[TGT] skipped a hearing Friday in a trial accusing [TGT] of bribing a British lawyer to lie on the stand. [TGT] had not been expected at the technical hearing [TGT] lawyer Niccolo Ghedini said adding that [TGT] would attend when there were issues of substance at hand beginning next month. Prosecutors accuse [TGT] of ordering the 1997 payment of $600 000 to lawyer David Mills in exchange for [TGT] false testimony in two trials. Both [TGT] and Mills have denied wrongdoing. Mills is in the second and final round of appeals against [TGT] conviction in the case. of ordering the 1997 payment of $600 000 to lawyer David Mills in exchange for [TGT] false testimony in two trials. Both [TGT] and MillsBerlusconi and Mills have denied wrongdoing. Mills is in the second and final round of appeals against his conviction in the case. On Friday the three-judge panel rejected a defense motion arguing that [TGT]'s portion of the trial should restart from scratch without allowing any evidence heard by the previous court to carry over on the grounds it would be prejudicial. The case is one of two in Milan courts restarted against the premier after Italy's Constitutional Court overturned a law sparing [TGT] from prosecution while in office. In the other case Berlusconi and others are accused of overpaying for rights to show U.S. movies on [TGT]'s Mediaset television empire and pocketing the difference. Although defendants in Italian trials are not required to be present [TGT] has said [TGT] wants to defend [TGT] in person against the charges.
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Is LeBron James Still Worth the Hassle ?
LeBron James
All this shows that having LeBron James on a team comes with a lot of unwanted attention . Since returning to Cleveland in 2014 , LeBron has been at the front of the speculation on why his former head coach David Blatt was fired , and the main reason for Kyrie Irving demanding a trade . Throughout the process , LeBron has not always done things quietly and has often been the center of attention for all the wrong reasons . So far in January , LeBron has looked anything but one of the greatest players of all-time , or even one of the best players in the NBA . No , LeBron is not in jeopardy of not being wanted , but his riskreward ratio is not nearly as positive as it once was and is getting drastically worse by the tweet . It just so happened that after Irving wanted a trade , LeBron sent out a tweet giving advice to his 40 million followers to not "let anyone ride your wave ." Ever since his NBA arrival on October 29 , 2003 , LeBron James has made 29 other teams desperately wish they had him . Do the Lakers want to disrupt their young nucleus and add LeBron to the circus that already exists with the Ball family ?
All this shows that having LeBron James on a team comes with a lot of unwanted attention . Since returning to Cleveland in 2014 , [TGT] has been at the front of the speculation on why [TGT] former head coach David Blatt was fired , and the main reason for Kyrie Irving demanding a trade . Throughout the process , [TGT] has not always done things quietly and has often been the center of attention for all the wrong reasons . So far in January , [TGT] has looked anything but one of the greatest players of all-time , or even one of the best players in the NBA . No , [TGT] is not in jeopardy of not being wanted , but [TGT] riskreward ratio is not nearly as positive as it once was and is getting drastically worse by the tweet . It just so happened that after Irving wanted a trade , [TGT] sent out a tweet giving advice to [TGT] 40 million followers to not "let anyone ride your wave ." Ever since [TGT] NBA arrival on October 29 , 2003 , [TGT] has made 29 other teams desperately wish they had [TGT] . Do the Lakers want to disrupt their young nucleus and add [TGT] to the circus that already exists with the Ball family ?
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Bongo set to be sworn in this week after court backing
Ali Bongo
Ali Bongo will be sworn in as Gabon's president this week succeeding his late father after a top court upheld his victory in hotly disputed presidential polls. The oil- and timber-rich West African nation's Constitutional Court confirmed Bongo won the election prompted by the death of his father Omar Bongo Ondimba who had ruled the country for 41 years. Chief Justice Marie Madeleine Mborantsuo confirmed Bongo as the poll winner with 41.79 percent of the ballot. Interim president Rose Francine Rogombe will formally hand over power to Bongo as part of the ceremony at the presidential palace in Libreville. The organisers have also planned a military parade and fireworks display. But the secretary general of Ali Bongo's Gabonese Democratic Party Faustin Boukoubi said he had "a feeling of full satisfaction." "Right and the law have prevailed " he said. "All Gabonese have a president who will get down to all the problems of the Gabonese people and make Gabon into an emerging country." If reaction to the court's ruling passes without incident Ali Bongo still faces a difficult start to his presidency observers say. However according to an official of Mamboundou's UPG (Union of Gabonese People) party the country's ethnic mix will severely test Bongo's ability to win consensus. "No-one is prepared to negotiate with him " said the official. Bongo who comes from a minority ethnic group "will have lined up against him the Fang the Punu and Nzebis. The country is going to be ungovernable."
[TGT] will be sworn in as Gabon's president this week succeeding [TGT] late father after a top court upheld [TGT] victory in hotly disputed presidential polls. The oil- and timber-rich West African nation's Constitutional Court confirmed [TGT] won the election prompted by the death of [TGT] father Omar Bongo Ondimba who had ruled the country for 41 years. Chief Justice Marie Madeleine Mborantsuo confirmed [TGT] as the poll winner with 41.79 percent of the ballot. Interim president Rose Francine Rogombe will formally hand over power to [TGT] as part of the ceremony at the presidential palace in Libreville. The organisers have also planned a military parade and fireworks display. But the secretary general of [TGT]'s Gabonese Democratic Party Faustin Boukoubi said he had "a feeling of full satisfaction." "Right and the law have prevailed " he said. "All Gabonese have a president who will get down to all the problems of the Gabonese people and make Gabon into an emerging country." If reaction to the court's ruling passes without incident [TGT] still faces a difficult start to [TGT] presidency observers say. However according to an official of Mamboundou's UPG (Union of Gabonese People) party the country's ethnic mix will severely test [TGT]'s ability to win consensus. "No-one is prepared to negotiate with [TGT] " said the official. [TGT]who comes from a minority ethnic group "will have lined up against [TGT] the Fang the Punu and Nzebis. The country is going to be ungovernable."
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Errol Flynn
"Errol Flynn Slept Here" (Good Knight) is a voyage into a dark past. It documents the house on Mulholland Drive that was built by Errol Flynn and later bought by Rick Nelson who lived there until he died. Although the house has since been demolished in the late 1980s authors Robert Matzen and Michael Mazzone pored over the place as it lay derelict taking hundreds of photos of what was left of Flynn's estate. Filling in their own efforts with archival photographs of Flynn at the house interviews with some people who knew Flynn as well as the sons of Rick Nelson the authors have come up with a surprisingly palatable left-field biography of the Last Swashbuckler and the bad karma he left behind. What's surprising about the house is how ordinary it was -- in essence a sprawling but fairly unprepossessing ranch house built on a premier mountain top. After Flynn bailed out of America in the mid-50s the house was repossessed by his first wife Lily Damita for back alimony. (Damita lived in Palm Beach for the last 30-odd years of her life.) And yes the stories about a two-way mirror in the ceiling of the guest bedroom through which Flynn could observe his guests going at it is absolutely true -- the book offers the photos to prove it. Not only that but the authors discovered a peephole in the ladies' bathroom. (Flynn was an authentic voluptuary but he was also something of a sniggering little boy and not always a charming one.) the house on Mulholland Drive that was built by Errol Flynn and later bought by Rick Nelson who lived there until he died. Although the house has since been demolished in the late 1980s authors Robert Matzen and Michael Mazzone pored over the place as it lay derelict taking hundreds of photos of what was left of Flynn's estate. Filling in their own efforts with archival photographs of Flynn at the house interviews with some people who knew Flynn as well as the sons of Rick Nelson the authors have come up with a surprisingly palatable left-field biography of the Last Swashbuckler and the bad karma he left behind. What's surprising about the house is how ordinary it was -- in essence a sprawling but fairly unprepossessing ranch house built on a premier mountain top. After Flynn bailed out of America in the mid-50s the house was repossessed by his first wife Lily Damita for back alimony. (Damita lived in Palm Beach for the last 30-odd years of her life.)
"[TGT] Slept Here" (Good Knight) is a voyage into a dark past. It documents the house on Mulholland Drive that was built by [TGT] and later bought by Rick Nelson who lived there until he died. Although the house has since been demolished in the late 1980s authors Robert Matzen and Michael Mazzone pored over the place as it lay derelict taking hundreds of photos of what was left of [TGT]'s estate. Filling in their own efforts with archival photographs of [TGT] at the house interviews with some people who knew Flynn as well as the sons of Rick Nelson the authors have come up with a surprisingly palatable left-field biography of the Last Swashbuckler and the bad karma he left behind. What's surprising about the house is how ordinary it was -- in essence a sprawling but fairly unprepossessing ranch house built on a premier mountain top. After [TGT] bailed out of America in the mid-50s the house was repossessed by [TGT] first wife Lily Damita for back alimony. (Damita lived in Palm Beach for the last 30-odd years of her life.) And yes the stories about a two-way mirror in the ceiling of the guest bedroom through which [TGT] could observe [TGT] guests going at it is absolutely true -- the book offers the photos to prove it. Not only that but the authors discovered a peephole in the ladies' bathroom. ([TGT] was an authentic voluptuary but [TGT] was also something of a sniggering little boy and not always a charming one.) the house on Mulholland Drive that was built by [TGT] and later bought by Rick Nelson who lived there until [TGT] died. Although the house has since been demolished in the late 1980s authors Robert Matzen and Michael Mazzone pored over the place as it lay derelict taking hundreds of photos of what was left of [TGT]'s estate. Filling in their own efforts with archival photographs of [TGT] at the house interviews with some people who knew Flynn as well as the sons of Rick Nelson the authors have come up with a surprisingly palatable left-field biography of the Last Swashbuckler and the bad karma he left behind. What's surprising about the house is how ordinary it was -- in essence a sprawling but fairly unprepossessing ranch house built on a premier mountain top. After [TGT] bailed out of America in the mid-50s the house was repossessed by [TGT] first wife Lily Damita for back alimony. (Damita lived in Palm Beach for the last 30-odd years of her life.)
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Ben & Jerry's signs agreement promising to improve pay working conditions of its dairy farmers
Ben & Jerry’s is promising to improve the pay and working conditions of the dairy farmers who provide milk to the Vermont-based company — but it comes more than two years after they initially expressed interest in doing so. The ice cream makers and the Migrant Justice Group announced on Tuesday that they had signed an agreement in support of the new Milk With Dignity Program a worker-driven initiative to bring together farmworkers farmers and dairy buyers to ensure just and dignified working conditions in Ben & Jerry's dairy supply chain according to a press release. The agreement comes several months after dairy workers and activists marched to the Ben & Jerry's factory in Waterbury Vt . to protest what they say were "slow negotiations" in reaching the Milk With Dignity deal and more than two years since the company initially agreed to implement the campaign. According to the Will Lambeck of Migrant Justice Ben & Jerry's had first committed to work with Migrant Justice in 2015 to implement changes to their supply chain but had not not actually implemented any of the programs as of the April 2017 A post shared by Ben & Jerry's (@benandjerrys) on Sep 20 2017 at 2:21pm PDT “In 2015 the commitment that was signed [between Ben & Jerry’s and Migrant Justice ] was a commitment to work with Migrant Justice to implement that program in their supply chain and that’s what they ’ve yet to do ” said Will Lambek of Migrant Justice in an April 2015 statement to Huffington Post. The new agreement however requires Ben & Jerry’s to acquire its milk from farms that adhere to the standards of the Milk With Dignity program which ensures workers are paid at least $10 an hour Vermont’s minimum wage. Workers will also be guaranteed one day off a week at least eight consecutive hours of rest between shifts and housing accommodations that include a bed and access to electricity and clean running water New York Times reports. "It's an agreement that puts the worker in charge of workers' rights " he said. "It's a worker-led movement but it's a very clever system. It's a system that really does create a win win win " said Jostein Solheim Ben & Jerry’s CEO. But while Ben & Jerry’s has committed to sourcing 100 percent of its dairy ingredients through this program “over a period of years ” it won’t affect the purchase price of the final product. Stolheim said the extra money paid to farmers would not result in more expensive ice cream and the company will absorb the cost as a part of doing business.
[TGT] is promising to improve the pay and working conditions of the dairy farmers who provide milk to the Vermont-based company — but it comes more than two years after they initially expressed interest in doing so. The ice cream makers and the Migrant Justice Group announced on Tuesday that they had signed an agreement in support of the new Milk With Dignity Program a worker-driven initiative to bring together farmworkers farmers and dairy buyers to ensure just and dignified working conditions in [TGT] dairy supply chain according to a press release. The agreement comes several months after dairy workers and activists marched to [TGT] factory in Waterbury Vt . to protest what they say were "slow negotiations" in reaching the Milk With Dignity deal and more than two years since the company initially agreed to implement the campaign. According to the Will Lambeck of Migrant Justice [TGT]'s had first committed to work with Migrant Justice in 2015 to implement changes to [TGT] supply chain but had not not actually implemented any of the programs as of the April 2017 A post shared by [TGT] (@benandjerrys) on Sep 20 2017 at 2:21pm PDT “In 2015 the commitment that was signed [between Ben & Jerry’s and Migrant Justice ] was a commitment to work with Migrant Justice to implement that program in their supply chain and that’s what they ’ve yet to do ” said Will Lambek of Migrant Justice in an April 2015 statement to Huffington Post. The new agreement however requires [TGT] to acquire its milk from farms that adhere to the standards of the Milk With Dignity program which ensures workers are paid at least $10 an hour Vermont’s minimum wage. Workers will also be guaranteed one day off a week at least eight consecutive hours of rest between shifts and housing accommodations that include a bed and access to electricity and clean running water New York Times reports. "It's an agreement that puts the worker in charge of workers' rights " he said. "It's a worker-led movement but it's a very clever system. It's a system that really does create a win win win " said Jostein Solheim [TGT] CEO. But while [TGT] has committed to sourcing 100 percent of [TGT] dairy ingredients through this program “over a period of years ” it won’t affect the purchase price of the final product. Stolheim said the extra money paid to farmers would not result in more expensive ice cream and the company will absorb the cost as a part of doing business.
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Did LeBron James go too far in criticism of Trump , voters ?
LeBron James
''' James said at poine point . James had waded back into the fray over the weekend . INDEPENDENCE , Ohio -- LeBron James helped move the conversation forward Monday after the latest collision of sports and politics over the weekend . Where Gilbert was right , and where James could meet him in using his voice instead of his knee and encouraging the same from his peers , is in taking steps toward those highly sought constructive conversations and positive resolutions . "He does n't understand the power that he has , for being the leader of this beautiful country ," James said . Minutes later , though , James felt obliged to explain that kneeling during the national anthem is "not about disrespect of the flag and our military and everybody who has made this world free . James , the Cleveland Cavaliers ' star as well as the NBA 's top performer and perhaps its most polarizing figure , was in a good mood , engaged and willing to entertain questions about anything , from anyone , in the most notable exchange at the Cavs ' media day . James was savvy enough at the start of what became a 40-minute Q&A session to request that reporters clump their questions together by topic -- and there were a good half dozen meaty ones hanging over him and his team after a tumultuous offseason -- rather than skip randomly back and forth . James said he would lend his voice , his passion , his money and his resources to causes , particularly involving young people . His foundation launched a school in his hometown of Akron for at-risk students , helping 1,300 students at a cost of nearly $ 45 million , James said Monday . The Trump topic in particular ate up nearly half of his time on the platform , during which James shined a light and sharpened focus on an unwieldy issue that largely has been defined by and debated according to kneeling vs. standing , asserting one 's right to protest vs. respecting America and its flag , and most recently pushing back against or knuckling under to President Trump . Where James veered into dicey territory was when he said : "No matter whether you voted for him or not , you may have made a mistake and that 's OK , if you voted for him . James was asked if he expected the NFL 's controversy over players ' sideline protests to draw attention to what they feel is racial discrimination in law enforcement , up to and including brutality involving lethal force , to trickle down to the NBA when the league 's 2017-18 regular season begins Oct. 17 . It was n't as simple as second-guessing the 1984 Trail Blazers for drafting Sam Bowie over Michael Jordan , which James mentioned . "I did n't name-call ," James said . The state in which James was born , lives and works -- and the state in which the Cavaliers do business -- was carried by Trump in the 2016 election . The current president took Ohio with 51 percent of the vote , compared to 43 who voted for Hillary Clinton , who had the benefit of James ' public endorsement . Right there , James nudged the whole issue a bit . James at one point eloquently made a case for keeping politics out of sports . Asked how he would reconcile the idea of his neighbors , presumably many Cavaliers fans , voting that way , James doubled down .
''' [TGT] said at poine point . [TGT] had waded back into the fray over the weekend . INDEPENDENCE , Ohio -- [TGT] helped move the conversation forward Monday after the latest collision of sports and politics over the weekend . Where Gilbert was right , and where [TGT] could meet him in using his voice instead of his knee and encouraging the same from his peers , is in taking steps toward those highly sought constructive conversations and positive resolutions . "He does n't understand the power that he has , for being the leader of this beautiful country ," [TGT] said . Minutes later , though , [TGT] felt obliged to explain that kneeling during the national anthem is "not about disrespect of the flag and our military and everybody who has made this world free . [TGT] , the Cleveland Cavaliers ' star as well as the NBA 's top performer and perhaps its most polarizing figure , was in a good mood , engaged and willing to entertain questions about anything , from anyone , in the most notable exchange at the Cavs ' media day . [TGT] was savvy enough at the start of what became a 40-minute Q&A session to request that reporters clump their questions together by topic -- and there were a good half dozen meaty ones hanging over [TGT] and [TGT] team after a tumultuous offseason -- rather than skip randomly back and forth . [TGT] said [TGT] would lend [TGT] voice , [TGT] passion , [TGT] money and [TGT] resources to causes , particularly involving young people . [TGT] foundation launched a school in [TGT] hometown of Akron for at-risk students , helping 1,300 students at a cost of nearly $ 45 million , [TGT] said Monday . The Trump topic in particular ate up nearly half of [TGT] time on the platform , during which [TGT] shined a light and sharpened focus on an unwieldy issue that largely has been defined by and debated according to kneeling vs. standing , asserting one 's right to protest vs. respecting America and its flag , and most recently pushing back against or knuckling under to President Trump . Where [TGT] veered into dicey territory was when [TGT] said : "No matter whether you voted for [TGT] or not , you may have made a mistake and that 's OK , if you voted for [TGT] . [TGT] was asked if [TGT] expected the NFL 's controversy over players ' sideline protests to draw attention to what they feel is racial discrimination in law enforcement , up to and including brutality involving lethal force , to trickle down to the NBA when the league 's 2017-18 regular season begins Oct. 17 . It was n't as simple as second-guessing the 1984 Trail Blazers for drafting Sam Bowie over Michael Jordan , which [TGT] mentioned . "I did n't name-call ," [TGT] said . The state in which [TGT] was born , lives and works -- and the state in which the Cavaliers do business -- was carried by Trump in the 2016 election . The current president took Ohio with 51 percent of the vote , compared to 43 who voted for Hillary Clinton , who had the benefit of [TGT] ' public endorsement . Right there , [TGT] nudged the whole issue a bit . [TGT] at one point eloquently made a case for keeping politics out of sports . Asked how [TGT] would reconcile the idea of [TGT] neighbors , presumably many Cavaliers fans , voting that way , [TGT] doubled down .
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Moona is a patent-pending smart sleep system that induces and deepens sleep by smartly adjusting your head and neck temperature throughout the night. It will also help you wake up naturally and be ready for the day! Our body needs different temperatures at different moments in the night. Moona understands your sleeping pattern and regulates the temperature of your head and neck to help you get the best sleep. Moona is a water-based system which brings cooling and heating to your head in a smooth and natural way guaranteeing the best sleep experience. Smartly using temperature Moona enhances the quality of your sleep all night long. Fall asleep faster : When it is time for you to sleep Moona will start gently cooling down your pillow. Decreasing body temperature will naturally help initiate sleep. : When it is time for you to sleep Moona will start gently cooling down your pillow. Decreasing body temperature will naturally help initiate sleep. Get more deep sleep : Moona will adapt the temperature under your head throughout the night and allow your body to stay cool. You will wake up less during the night and your sleep will be deeper. : Moona will adapt the temperature under your head throughout the night and allow your body to stay cool. You will wake up less during the night and your sleep will be deeper. Wake up refreshed : Thanks to our app you can set your wake-up time and your pillow will start warming up gently when you need to wake up. This sends signals to your body and allows you to feel perfectly rested and refreshed as soon as you open your eyes. Getting good sleep is very important to make the most out of your day. With Moona you will improve your mood and energy. Getting quality sleep is also key to your health. That is why from the very beginning of the project we have worked with sleep doctors. In collaboration with the University Hospital Center of Nantes we are conducting a clinical study to demonstrate Moona's efficacy. : Don’t you hate your noisy alarm? The Natural Wake Up feature enables to wake up with temperature. Warm temperatures will trigger a more natural awakening and prepare you to be productive quickly. If you prefer (like in hot summer) you may also use the Cool Wake Up feature. Temperature profile : Visualize how the temperature of Moona will change throughout the night and set it manually if you want (ºC or ºF). : Visualize how the temperature of Moona will change throughout the night and set it manually if you want (ºC or ºF). Sleep analysis : Based on your movements during the night Moona tracks your sleep. It will give you key insights on your sleep quality. : Based on your movements during the night Moona tracks your sleep. It will give you key insights on your sleep quality. Bedroom environment analysis : Thanks to room temperature humidity and ambient light sensors Moona analyzes your sleep environment studying the correlation between your sleep quality and your bedroom environment. : Thanks to room temperature humidity and ambient light sensors Moona analyzes your sleep environment studying the correlation between your sleep quality and your bedroom environment. Customized sleep tips: Moona will use the data gathered by the sensors and your inputs to help recommend improvements routine and tips to further improve your sleep. This intelligent library will evolve over time as the data gathered from the community determines which works best. With a patent-pending technology the Moona smart sleep system will learn over time to adapt your temperature profile throughout the night and the year. Before your first night with Moona you will fill out a sleep questionnaire to determine your sleeper's profile. Then Moona will guide you through optimizing it during a 10-day period. After that Moona will adapt the temperature profile (ºC/ºF) to optimize your sleep using data from: Moona is quick and easy to set up. Even at 3am it is very easy to change the temperature on the product if need be and of course you do not have to open the app for that. We have done more than 200 user tests to get a great experience - even in the middle of the night. Keep your favorite pillow: Moona goes on top of any standard pillow no matter the shape or material. Our beta-testers tried with synthetic memory foam orthopedic pillows and with all kind of shapes and sizes. We've iterated on more than 30 material combinations to guarantee optimal thermal efficiency and comfort. The pillow pad is an obsessively engineered combination of memory foam and thin water channels.
[TGT]is a patent-pending smart sleep system that induces and deepens sleep by smartly adjusting your head and neck temperature throughout the night. [TGT] will also help you wake up naturally and be ready for the day! Our body needs different temperatures at different moments in the night. [TGT]understands your sleeping pattern and regulates the temperature of your head and neck to help you get the best sleep. [TGT]is a water-based system which brings cooling and heating to your head in a smooth and natural way guaranteeing the best sleep experience. Smartly using temperature [TGT]enhances the quality of your sleep all night long. Fall asleep faster : When it is time for [TGT]will start gently cooling down your pillow. Decreasing body temperature will naturally help initiate sleep. : When it is time for [TGT]will start gently cooling down your pillow. Decreasing body temperature will naturally help initiate sleep. Get more deep sleep : [TGT]will adapt the temperature under your head throughout the night and allow your body to stay cool. You will wake up less during the night and your sleep will be deeper. : [TGT]will adapt the temperature under your head throughout the night and allow your body to stay cool. You will wake up less during the night and your sleep will be deeper. Wake up refreshed : Thanks to our app you can set your wake-up time and your pillow will start warming up gently when you need to wake up. This sends signals to your body and allows you to feel perfectly rested and refreshed as soon as you open your eyes. Getting good sleep is very important to make the most out of your day. With [TGT]you will improve your mood and energy. Getting quality sleep is also key to your health. That is why from the very beginning of the project we have worked with sleep doctors. In collaboration with the University Hospital Center of Nantes we are conducting a clinical study to demonstrate Moona's efficacy. : Don’t you hate your noisy alarm? The Natural Wake Up feature enables to wake up with temperature. Warm temperatures will trigger a more natural awakening and prepare you to be productive quickly. If you prefer (like in hot summer) you may also use the Cool Wake Up feature. Temperature profile : Visualize how the temperature of [TGT]will change throughout the night and set it manually if you want (ºC or ºF). : Visualize how the temperature of [TGT]will change throughout the night and set it manually if you want (ºC or ºF). Sleep analysis : Based on your movements during the night [TGT]tracks your sleep. It will give you key insights on your sleep quality. : Based on your movements during the night Moona tracks your sleep. It will give you key insights on your sleep quality. Bedroom environment analysis : Thanks to room temperature humidity and ambient light sensors Moona analyzes your sleep environment studying the correlation between your sleep quality and your bedroom environment. : Thanks to room temperature humidity and ambient light sensors Moona analyzes your sleep environment studying the correlation between your sleep quality and your bedroom environment. Customized sleep tips: [TGT]will use the data gathered by the sensors and your inputs to help recommend improvements routine and tips to further improve your sleep. This intelligent library will evolve over time as the data gathered from the community determines which works best. With a patent-pending technology [TGT]smart sleep system will learn over time to adapt your temperature profile throughout the night and the year. Before your first night with Moona you will fill out a sleep questionnaire to determine your sleeper's profile. Then [TGT]will guide you through optimizing [TGT] during a 10-day period. After [TGT]will adapt the temperature profile (ºC/ºF) to optimize your sleep using data from: [TGT]is quick and easy to set up. Even at 3am [TGT] is very easy to change the temperature on the product if need be and of course you do not have to open the app for that. We have done more than 200 user tests to get a great experience - even in the middle of the night. Keep your favorite pillow: [TGT]goes on top of any standard pillow no matter the shape or material. Our beta-testers tried with synthetic memory foam orthopedic pillows and with all kind of shapes and sizes. We've iterated on more than 30 material combinations to guarantee optimal thermal efficiency and comfort. The pillow pad is an obsessively engineered combination of memory foam and thin water channels.
What's the Republicans' Game Plan for 2018 Elections?
Donald Trump Jr.
It profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world... but for Trump ’s base? If Sir Thomas More were alive today that’s what he might say about congressional Republicans who gave their political souls in exchange for Trump ’s support because they thought they needed it to be reelected. They have been held hostage by Trump ’s popularity with his base and his grip on the swing vote. But after last week that grip looks a lot looser. It remains to be seen whether they have learned it but the lesson for Republicans from their losses in Virginia New Jersey and across the country should be clear: they don’t need to placate Trump to keep their seats. Senators Jeff Flake and Bob Corker decided not to run for another term because they weren’t willing to cozy up to the president and thought they couldn’t win without doing so. Perhaps they’ll reconsider that now. Trump’s coattails were never long to begin with and are now fraying. The 2016 election was decided by just 0.09 percent of all votes cast. A total of 107 000 votes gave Trump Michigan Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and the presidency. He won in those states and Florida by less than 2 percent. Trump still has strong support from his base with the latest CNN poll showing 85 percent of Republicans approve of him . In stark contrast only 20 percent approved of Republican congressional leaders as of late September. Trump ’s blaming them for failure to pass legislation apparently worked which may help explain why they have been so deferential to such a dysfunctional president. They’ve even gone so far as to introduce a resolution asking special counsel Robert Mueller to recuse himself from investigating whether Trump ’s campaign colluded with Russia. This is pure political kowtowing flying in the face of the Manafort and Gates indictments the Papadopoulos plea and the targeting of Flynn. The question is will congressional Republicans continue to appease Trump given the 2017 election results? Or will more of them stand up to him ? Will they continue to tolerate Trump’s unprecedented conflicts of interest? He holds stakes in roughly 500 international businesses many in countries where he must negotiate trade and other agreements. The conflicts are so serious that the Office of Government Ethics director couldn’t abide them and resigned while Republicans just stood pat. Will they challenge Trump’s cascade of lies such as “I have nothing to do with Russia…no person that I deal with does”? What about Paul Manafort Donald Trump Jr. Jared Kushner Carter Page Michael Flynn Roger Stone Rick Gates and George Papadopoulos and Betsy Devos’ brother Erik Prince the billionaire founder of Blackwater? Will they finally admit that Trump ’s poor character is the core problem and that as the Economist opined “he does not have the character to change”? Republicans on the other hand have changed since Trump was elected. They’ve retreated from core positions on trade and security. Republicans championed the benefits of free trade for decades. NAFTA was negotiated by Republican president George H.W. Bush and passed with mostly Republican votes. Republicans also supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement which Marco Rubio wrote would “further our strategic goals in Asia and increase prosperity at home ” and Pat Toomey applauded TPP as a boon to economic growth and job creation. Yet Trump ’s tirades against free trade—probably the biggest issue that won him the presidency—cowed many congressional Republicans into doing nothing as Trump abandoned the TPP. They acquiesced as Trump weakened America’s ability to communicate lead and influence on the world stage. He exited the Paris climate accord. He cut the State Department’s staff. He confused NATO members as to America’s commitment to defend its European allies. Now our allies in Southeast Asia worry that Trump desperate for a win will make a deal with China that emboldens it to bully its neighbors further endangering our relationships in the region. While the 2017 election results are heartening for Democrats they should also be heartening in a different way for Republicans who have been stuck in Trump ’s political chokehold. They should feel somewhat freer to speak honestly about their president and work to repair the damage he has caused. Pandering to Trump won’t get them reelected and even if it did it still wouldn’t be worth the divisiveness dysfunction and the loss of influence and respect America has suffered.
It profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world... but for Trump ’s base? If Sir Thomas More were alive today that’s what he might say about congressional Republicans who gave their political souls in exchange for [TGT] ’s support because they thought they needed it to be reelected. They have been held hostage by [TGT] ’s popularity with [TGT] base and [TGT] grip on the swing vote. But after last week that grip looks a lot looser. It remains to be seen whether they have learned it but the lesson for Republicans from their losses in Virginia New Jersey and across the country should be clear: they don’t need to placate [TGT] to keep their seats. Senators Jeff Flake and Bob Corker decided not to run for another term because they weren’t willing to cozy up to the president and thought they couldn’t win without doing so. Perhaps they’ll reconsider that now. Trump’s coattails were never long to begin with and are now fraying. The 2016 election was decided by just 0.09 percent of all votes cast. A total of 107 000 votes gave Trump Michigan Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and the presidency. He won in those states and Florida by less than 2 percent. Trump still has strong support from his base with the latest CNN poll showing 85 percent of Republicans approve of him . In stark contrast only 20 percent approved of Republican congressional leaders as of late September. Trump ’s blaming them for failure to pass legislation apparently worked which may help explain why they have been so deferential to such a dysfunctional president. They’ve even gone so far as to introduce a resolution asking special counsel Robert Mueller to recuse himself from investigating whether Trump ’s campaign colluded with Russia. This is pure political kowtowing flying in the face of the Manafort and Gates indictments the Papadopoulos plea and the targeting of Flynn. The question is will congressional Republicans continue to appease Trump given the 2017 election results? Or will more of them stand up to him ? Will they continue to tolerate Trump’s unprecedented conflicts of interest? He holds stakes in roughly 500 international businesses many in countries where he must negotiate trade and other agreements. The conflicts are so serious that the Office of Government Ethics director couldn’t abide them and resigned while Republicans just stood pat. Will they challenge Trump’s cascade of lies such as “I have nothing to do with Russia…no person that I deal with does”? What about Paul Manafort Donald Trump Jr. Jared Kushner Carter Page Michael Flynn Roger Stone Rick Gates and George Papadopoulos and Betsy Devos’ brother Erik Prince the billionaire founder of Blackwater? Will they finally admit that Trump ’s poor character is the core problem and that as the Economist opined “he does not have the character to change”? Republicans on the other hand have changed since Trump was elected. They’ve retreated from core positions on trade and security. Republicans championed the benefits of free trade for decades. NAFTA was negotiated by Republican president George H.W. Bush and passed with mostly Republican votes. Republicans also supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement which Marco Rubio wrote would “further our strategic goals in Asia and increase prosperity at home ” and Pat Toomey applauded TPP as a boon to economic growth and job creation. Yet Trump ’s tirades against free trade—probably the biggest issue that won him the presidency—cowed many congressional Republicans into doing nothing as Trump abandoned the TPP. They acquiesced as Trump weakened America’s ability to communicate lead and influence on the world stage. He exited the Paris climate accord. He cut the State Department’s staff. He confused NATO members as to America’s commitment to defend its European allies. Now our allies in Southeast Asia worry that Trump desperate for a win will make a deal with China that emboldens it to bully its neighbors further endangering our relationships in the region. While the 2017 election results are heartening for Democrats they should also be heartening in a different way for Republicans who have been stuck in Trump ’s political chokehold. They should feel somewhat freer to speak honestly about their president and work to repair the damage he has caused. Pandering to Trump won’t get them reelected and even if [TGT][TGT] did [TGT] still wouldn’t be worth the divisiveness dysfunction and the loss of influence and respect America has suffered.
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Ecuador Grants WikiLeaks' Julian Assange Citizenship
Julian Assange
Officials in Ecuador have granted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange citizenship after five years of living in the country’s London embassy. Foreign Minister Maria Fernanda Espinosa said Ecuador had accepted Assange ’s request made in December to become a citizen arguing that citizenship would “provide the asylum seeker another layer of protection.” “No solution will be achieved without international co-operation and the co-operation of the United Kingdom which has also shown interest in seeking a way out ” she continued. Ecuador granted Assange whose organization WikiLeaks has published millions of classified government documents political asylum in 2012 in an attempt to avoid extradition to Sweden over a rape claim. Assange ’s activities exposing classified American documents may have led to further extradition to the United States some speculated at the time. Sweden has since dropped the rape claim although Assange could still face arrest on charges of skipping bail that could also lead to extradition meaning he is still unsafe to leave the embassy. “The government of Ecuador recently requested diplomatic status for Assange here in the UK said a spokesperson for Britain’s Foreign Office. “The UK did not grant that request nor are we in talks with Ecuador on this matter. Ecuador knows that the way to resolve this issue is for Julian Assange to leave the embassy to face justice.” Assange ’s relationship with Ecuadorian authorities has been tested in the past year as a result of his social media and internet activities. In October 2016 the embassy temporarily cut off his internet access as Wikileaks continued to publish private emails from Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. Last April Ecuador’s then president-elect Lenín Moreno also warned Assange to not interfere with the country’s politics after he taunted Moreno’s conservative opponent Guillermo Lasso over his defeat. Lasso had pledged to kick Assange out the embassy. Assange has yet to comment on the development.
Officials in Ecuador have granted WikiLeaks founder [TGT]citizenship after five years of living in the country’s London embassy. Foreign Minister Maria Fernanda Espinosa said Ecuador had accepted [TGT] ’s request made in December to become a citizen arguing that citizenship would “provide the asylum seeker another layer of protection.” “No solution will be achieved without international co-operation and the co-operation of the United Kingdom which has also shown interest in seeking a way out ” she continued. Ecuador granted Assange whose organization WikiLeaks has published millions of classified government documents political asylum in 2012 in an attempt to avoid extradition to Sweden over a rape claim. Assange ’s activities exposing classified American documents may have led to further extradition to the United States some speculated at the time. Sweden has since dropped the rape claim although Assange could still face arrest on charges of skipping bail that could also lead to extradition meaning he is still unsafe to leave the embassy. “The government of Ecuador recently requested diplomatic status for Assange here in the UK said a spokesperson for Britain’s Foreign Office. “The UK did not grant that request nor are we in talks with Ecuador on this matter. Ecuador knows that the way to resolve this issue is for Julian Assange to leave the embassy to face justice.” Assange ’s relationship with Ecuadorian authorities has been tested in the past year as a result of his social media and internet activities. In October 2016 the embassy temporarily cut off his internet access as Wikileaks continued to publish private emails from Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. Last April Ecuador’s then president-elect Lenín Moreno also warned Assange to not interfere with the country’s politics after he taunted Moreno’s conservative opponent Guillermo Lasso over his defeat. Lasso had pledged to kick Assange out the embassy. Assange has yet to comment on the development.
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Baseball Art Historical Precision: Painter Graig Kreindler Sweats Details
Graig Kreindler
Banjo Batboy Eddie Bennett (2010) ( Graig Kreindler) Graig Kreindler sweats the details as a researcher no less than as an artist. ‘I believe the lights were on ” wrote Bobby Thomson to Graig Kreindler who was researching the Shot Heard Round the World the storied walk-off home run that sent the New York Giants to the World Series five decades earlier. Kreindler knew that the sun was low in the sky behind first base and dimmed by dark clouds when Thomson came to bat a few minutes before 4 p.m. on October 3 1951 at the Polo Grounds in Upper Manhattan. Was it hard to see the ball? Or did the Giants turn the lights on if only for the primitive TV cameras there to capture the deciding game of the first baseball series ever broadcast live to a national audience? From the grainy black-and-white film and photos Kreindler couldn’t tell and newspaper accounts were silent on the question. So he asked Thomson half-expecting either no response or an autographed souvenir from a retired player trained by experience to assume that a personal letter from a stranger must be fan mail. Even if Thomson hadn’t hedged his answer Kreindler would have counted it for what it was: a datum good to have but not dispositive. He reasoned that the slugger was “in a tight situation”: the tying run on second the National League pennant on the line half a city’s hopes pinned on his shoulders. “Does he even notice the lights? I mean why would he?” After weighing the probabilities Kreindler an artist who paints old-time baseball went ahead and made the banks of rooftop lights glaring adjusting the shades and shadows on the canvas accordingly. Ballparks are treated to the same loving scrutiny. Did Bobby Doerr by any chance remember the colors of an ad for Gem razor blades on the left-field wall at Fenway Park in 1939 his third of 14 seasons with the Boston Red Sox? He did not he regretted to report on the back of a three-by-five-inch index card 70 years later when he was in his 90s. Kreindler realizes that the strangers from whom he seeks information about light or color at the ballpark during a particular hour or season in baseball antiquity are liable to find his questions bizarre. Do they think he’s nuts? A few might; not all reply. He asks anyway. Peter Fiore his former teacher and enduring mentor and friend was taught by an artist who was taught by . . . Kreindler traces his professional lineage back to the father of American illustration Howard Pyle (1853–1911). The seriousness of Kreindler ’s artistry is easy to miss because of his subject matter and manifest love for it. Prize committees may have a bias for the brazen or edgy but to convey warmth and uplift the viewer is no less an achievement a marriage of vision and discipline. “Art critics might scoff at what we do and consider it kitschy ” Kreindler acknowledges referring to the small fraternity of baseball artists several of whom he touts and cites as helpful influences including “obviously Norman Rockwell ” although you won’t always find a conspicuous resemblance between their work and his . “I like to think I bring something different to this ” he says. “I don’t expect my work ever to hang in major museums but it could in theory.” Forty years after his death Rockwell mocked and dismissed by the cognoscenti in his lifetime is revered as an American master by connoisseurs and critics in and out of the academy. The Guggenheim and the Museum of Fine Arts Boston have exhibited his work. If the tastemakers ever likewise catch up with Kreindler the baseball historians and fans who got there first will rise from their catbird seats behind home plate and make room for them under the lights.
Banjo Batboy Eddie Bennett (2010) ( Graig Kreindler) [TGT]sweats the details as a researcher no less than as an artist. ‘I believe the lights were on ” wrote Bobby Thomson to Graig Kreindler who was researching the Shot Heard Round the World the storied walk-off home run that sent the New York Giants to the World Series five decades earlier. [TGT]knew that the sun was low in the sky behind first base and dimmed by dark clouds when Thomson came to bat a few minutes before 4 p.m. on October 3 1951 at the Polo Grounds in Upper Manhattan. Was it hard to see the ball? Or did the Giants turn the lights on if only for the primitive TV cameras there to capture the deciding game of the first baseball series ever broadcast live to a national audience? From the grainy black-and-white film and photos [TGT] couldn’t tell and newspaper accounts were silent on the question. So [TGT] asked Thomson half-expecting either no response or an autographed souvenir from a retired player trained by experience to assume that a personal letter from a stranger must be fan mail. Even if Thomson hadn’t hedged [TGT] answer [TGT]would have counted it for what it was: a datum good to have but not dispositive. [TGT] reasoned that the slugger was “in a tight situation”: the tying run on second the National League pennant on the line half a city’s hopes pinned on his shoulders. “Does [TGT] even notice the lights? I mean why would he?” After weighing the probabilities [TGT] an artist who paints old-time baseball went ahead and made the banks of rooftop lights glaring adjusting the shades and shadows on the canvas accordingly. Ballparks are treated to the same loving scrutiny. Did Bobby Doerr by any chance remember the colors of an ad for Gem razor blades on the left-field wall at Fenway Park in 1939 his third of 14 seasons with the Boston Red Sox? He did not he regretted to report on the back of a three-by-five-inch index card 70 years later when he was in his 90s. [TGT]realizes that the strangers from whom [TGT] seeks information about light or color at the ballpark during a particular hour or season in baseball antiquity are liable to find [TGT] questions bizarre. Do they think he’s nuts? A few might; not all reply. [TGT] asks anyway. Peter Fiore his former teacher and enduring mentor and friend was taught by an artist who was taught by . . . [TGT]traces [TGT] professional lineage back to the father of American illustration Howard Pyle (1853–1911). The seriousness of [TGT] ’s artistry is easy to miss because of [TGT] subject matter and manifest love for it. Prize committees may have a bias for the brazen or edgy but to convey warmth and uplift the viewer is no less an achievement a marriage of vision and discipline. “Art critics might scoff at what we do and consider it kitschy ” [TGT]acknowledges referring to the small fraternity of baseball artists several of whom he touts and cites as helpful influences including “obviously Norman Rockwell ” although you won’t always find a conspicuous resemblance between their work and his . “I like to think I bring something different to this ” he says. “I don’t expect my work ever to hang in major museums but it could in theory.” Forty years after his death Rockwell mocked and dismissed by the cognoscenti in his lifetime is revered as an American master by connoisseurs and critics in and out of the academy. The Guggenheim and the Museum of Fine Arts Boston have exhibited his work. If the tastemakers ever likewise catch up with [TGT]the baseball historians and fans who got there first will rise from [TGT] catbird seats behind home plate and make room for [TGT] under the lights.
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House Science Committee Wants to Investigate a Government Scientist for Doing Science
Linda Birnbaum
Republicans on the House Science Committee are accusing Linda Birnbaum director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of lobbying. In letters sent to the Inspector General and acting secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services Reps. Lamar Smith and Andy Biggs wrote that they were “conducting oversight” of Birnbaum ’s activity in response to a editorial she wrote in a scientific journal. Birnbaum ’s editorial which the journal PLOS Biology published in December addressed the gaps in the regulation of toxic chemicals. Though there are more than 85 000 chemicals approved for use in commerce she noted in the piece “U.S. policy has not accounted for evidence that chemicals in widespread use can cause cancer and other chronic diseases damage reproductive systems and harm developing brains at low levels of exposure once believed to be harmless.” A toxicologist who has headed NIEHS and the National Toxicology Program since 2009 Birnbaum received no funding for writing the editorial as she notes in the piece nor does she recommend any specific policy piece of legislation or action in it beyond being engaged citizens. Smith and Bigg’s attack on Birnbaum seems less designed to exonerate a particular chemical. In the editorial that caused the most recent stir in the House committee Birnbaum introduced an issue of the journal that covered a broad range of environmental science problems from the challenges of setting drinking water limits for PFOA to the need clarify the relationship between the dose and response of certain chemicals.
Republicans on the House Science Committee are accusing [TGT] director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of lobbying. In letters sent to the Inspector General and acting secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services Reps. Lamar Smith and Andy Biggs wrote that they were “conducting oversight” of Birnbaum ’s activity in response to a editorial she wrote in a scientific journal. Birnbaum ’s editorial which the journal PLOS Biology published in December addressed the gaps in the regulation of toxic chemicals. Though there are more than 85 000 chemicals approved for use in commerce she noted in the piece “U.S. policy has not accounted for evidence that chemicals in widespread use can cause cancer and other chronic diseases damage reproductive systems and harm developing brains at low levels of exposure once believed to be harmless.” A toxicologist who has headed NIEHS and the National Toxicology Program since 2009 Birnbaum received no funding for writing the editorial as she notes in the piece nor does she recommend any specific policy piece of legislation or action in it beyond being engaged citizens. Smith and Bigg’s attack on Birnbaum seems less designed to exonerate a particular chemical. In the editorial that caused the most recent stir in the House committee Birnbaum introduced an issue of the journal that covered a broad range of environmental science problems from the challenges of setting drinking water limits for PFOA to the need clarify the relationship between the dose and response of certain chemicals.
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Eyes roll as Ted Cruz denies role in 2013 government shutdown ; ` Speechless ' says one senator .
Ted Cruz
"If we have a shutdown , it will be because Harry Reid holds that absolutist position and essentially holds the American people hostage ," Cruz told NBC 's Meet the Press days after his filibuster , and just before the shutdown began . Over the next couple of weeks , with much of the federal workforce furloughed , Cruz huddled with House conservatives to encourage them to dig in against a deal that included any capitulation on the Obamacare demands . WASHINGTON -- To hear Sen. Ted Cruz tell it , he deserves no blame for the 2013 government shutdown that cost the U.S. economy $ 24 billion . "You 've left me speechless ," Maine Sen. Susan Collins , a moderate Republican who seethed at Cruz throughout the 2013 episode , told reporters when asked about her Texas colleague 's stance . Cruz argued Monday that he voted repeatedly to keep the government running . Cruz spent the summer of 2013 promoting the idea that the fight to defund Obamacare was worth the risk of shutdown , and stirring public pressure on GOP leaders . The episode remains a key moment in Cruz 's five-year Senate career , elevating his status among tea partiers and propelling his 2016 presidential bid . But while Cruz 's stance caused dismay and allegations of revisionism , he has always maintained that Democrats bore responsibility for the 16-day shutdown -- along with GOP congressional leaders who lacked the backbone to back him up in the crusade to defund Obamacare . "There 's no end result other than shutting the government down , for which Republicans are going to be blamed ," Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch said after a meeting with Cruz , shortly before the shutdown . On Monday , Cruz called it "a media narrative" that he was responsible for the 2013 shutdown . House Speaker John Boehner rejected the tactic and later called Cruz a "jackass" for pursuing it .
"If we have a shutdown , it will be because Harry Reid holds that absolutist position and essentially holds the American people hostage ," Cruz told NBC 's Meet the Press days after his filibuster , and just before the shutdown began . Over the next couple of weeks , with much of the federal workforce furloughed , Cruz huddled with House conservatives to encourage them to dig in against a deal that included any capitulation on the Obamacare demands . WASHINGTON -- To hear Sen. [TGT] tell it , he deserves no blame for the 2013 government shutdown that cost the U.S. economy $ 24 billion . "You 've left me speechless ," Maine Sen. Susan Collins , a moderate Republican who seethed at Cruz throughout the 2013 episode , told reporters when asked about her Texas colleague 's stance . Cruz argued Monday that he voted repeatedly to keep the government running . Cruz spent the summer of 2013 promoting the idea that the fight to defund Obamacare was worth the risk of shutdown , and stirring public pressure on GOP leaders . The episode remains a key moment in Cruz 's five-year Senate career , elevating his status among tea partiers and propelling his 2016 presidential bid . But while Cruz 's stance caused dismay and allegations of revisionism , he has always maintained that Democrats bore responsibility for the 16-day shutdown -- along with GOP congressional leaders who lacked the backbone to back him up in the crusade to defund Obamacare . "There 's no end result other than shutting the government down , for which Republicans are going to be blamed ," Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch said after a meeting with Cruz , shortly before the shutdown . On Monday , Cruz called it "a media narrative" that he was responsible for the 2013 shutdown . House Speaker John Boehner rejected the tactic and later called Cruz a "jackass" for pursuing it .
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AP source: Hosmer Padres reach preliminary eight
Eric Hosmer
PEORIA Ariz. (AP) — Just the thought of free agent first baseman Eric Hosmer joining the downtrodden youthful San Diego Padres sent a morning jolt through the spring training clubhouse. Hosmer reached a preliminary agreement on an eight-year contract with the Padres pending a physical. A person with direct knowledge of the deal confirmed the tentative deal speaking on the condition of anonymity Sunday because there had been no formal announcement of Hosmer 's potential signing. It would become official once he passes a physical early in the week. While the final position players reported Sunday — most were already in spring camp — ahead of Monday's first full-squad workout Hosmer wasn't expected in the desert until at least Monday. Hosmer who spent his first seven major league seasons with Kansas City would receive a reported $144 million. Padres manager Andy Green could only discuss the acquisition of Hosmer in generalities since it isn't final but was hopeful of having his full team together Monday. FILE - In a Friday Sept. 29 2017 file photo Kansas City Royals' Eric Hosmer hits an RBI-single in the first inning of a baseball game against the Arizona Diamondbacks at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City Mo. A person with direct knowledge of the deal said Sunday Feb. 18 2018 that free agent first baseman Hosmer has reached preliminary agreement on an eight-year contract with the San Diego Padres pending a physical. (AP Photo/Colin E. Braley File) He hadn't been in touch with Hosmer in recent days but they did communicate earlier in the winter when Young chose San Diego and discussed that it was among Hosmer 's top choices too. Young said he didn't want to add any pressure to Hosmer making a decision. Green knows what someone such as Hosmer could mean to a club's chances of turning it around . "It was always time to start contending for me " said Green beginning his third season as San Diego skipper. "It was always go out and win opening day and go out and win every game. I haven't been very good at that I have to acknowledge that. At this point in time opening day has been cruel to me so far.
PEORIA Ariz. (AP) — Just the thought of free agent first baseman Eric Hosmer joining the downtrodden youthful San Diego Padres sent a morning jolt through the spring training clubhouse. Hosmer reached a preliminary agreement on an eight-year contract with the Padres pending a physical. A person with direct knowledge of the deal confirmed the tentative deal speaking on the condition of anonymity Sunday because there had been no formal announcement of [TGT] 's potential signing. [TGT] would become official once he passes a physical early in the week. While the final position players reported Sunday — most were already in spring camp — ahead of Monday's first full-squad workout Hosmer wasn't expected in the desert until at least Monday. Hosmer who spent his first seven major league seasons with Kansas City would receive a reported $144 million. Padres manager Andy Green could only discuss the acquisition of Hosmer in generalities since it isn't final but was hopeful of having his full team together Monday. FILE - In a Friday Sept. 29 2017 file photo Kansas City Royals' Eric Hosmer hits an RBI-single in the first inning of a baseball game against the Arizona Diamondbacks at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City Mo. A person with direct knowledge of the deal said Sunday Feb. 18 2018 that free agent first baseman Hosmer has reached preliminary agreement on an eight-year contract with the San Diego Padres pending a physical. (AP Photo/Colin E. Braley File) He hadn't been in touch with Hosmer in recent days but they did communicate earlier in the winter when Young chose San Diego and discussed that it was among Hosmer 's top choices too. Young said he didn't want to add any pressure to Hosmer making a decision. Green knows what someone such as Hosmer could mean to a club's chances of turning it around . "It was always time to start contending for me " said Green beginning his third season as San Diego skipper. "It was always go out and win opening day and go out and win every game. I haven't been very good at that I have to acknowledge that. At this point in time opening day has been cruel to me so far.
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Opinion : Ted Cruz , reluctant Latino trailblazer .
Ted Cruz
Beyond their considerable personal skills as politicians and candidates , Cruz and Rubio have benefited from the anti-establishment revolution that has swept through the Republican Party . Republican presidential candidate , Sen. Ted Cruz , R-Texas , greets supporters during a caucus night rally , Monday , Feb. 1 , 2016 , in Des Moines , Iowa . Cruz sealed a victory in the Republican Iowa caucuses , winning on the strength of his relentless campaigning and support from his party ' s diehard conservatives . Republican presidential candidate , Sen. Ted Cruz , R-Texas , greets supporters during a caucus night rally , Monday , Feb. 1 , 2016 , in Des Moines , Iowa . Cruz sealed a victory in the Republican Iowa caucuses , winning on the strength of his relentless campaigning and support from his party 's diehard conservatives . If and when that happens , regardless of the political and ideological differences of their positions , they will be following in the footsteps of Ted Cruz . Ted Cruz has made Latino history . The irony of Cruz 's Latino milestone is , of course , that he does not think of himself as Latino . By coming in a close third , and by dint of being the last establishment friendly Republican standing , Senator Marco Rubio of Texas , has also placed himself in the position of being able to win primaries further down the line , and join Cruz as a Hispanic trailblazer . Unlike Cruz , Rubio does identify himself as Hispanic , and as a proud heir to the great American immigrant dream . Cruz , and Rubio too , have come further than any Latino politician has before them . Previous to Senator Cruz , the Hispanic politician who had gone the furthest in Iowa had been Bill Richardson , former Democratic Governor of New Mexico . The fact that Cruz , Hispanic trailblazer , is a Republican is yet another of the surprising aspects of the current electoral season .
Beyond their considerable personal skills as politicians and candidates , [TGT] and Rubio have benefited from the anti-establishment revolution that has swept through the Republican Party . [TGT][TGT] sealed a victory in the Republican Iowa caucuses , winning on the strength of [TGT] relentless campaigning and support from [TGT] party ' s diehard conservatives . [TGT][TGT] sealed a victory in the Republican Iowa caucuses , winning on the strength of [TGT] relentless campaigning and support from [TGT] party 's diehard conservatives . If and when that happens , regardless of the political and ideological differences of their positions , they will be following in the footsteps of [TGT] . [TGT] has made Latino history . The irony of [TGT] 's Latino milestone is , of course , that [TGT] does not think of [TGT] as Latino . By coming in a close third , and by dint of being the last establishment friendly Republican standing , Senator Marco Rubio of Texas , has also placed [TGT] in the position of being able to win primaries further down the line , and join [TGT] as a Hispanic trailblazer . Unlike [TGT] , Rubio does identify himself as Hispanic , and as a proud heir to the great American immigrant dream . [TGT] , and Rubio too , have come further than any Latino politician has before them . Previous to Senator Cruz , the Hispanic politician who had gone the furthest in Iowa had been Bill Richardson , former Democratic Governor of New Mexico . The fact that Cruz , Hispanic trailblazer , is a Republican is yet another of the surprising aspects of the current electoral season .
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Chinese trawlers travel farthest and fish the most
David Kroodsma
China is “the most important fishing nation ” David Kroodsma Global Fishing Watch’s research and development director who was the study’s lead author said in an interview. The project’s next steps Kroodsma said would be to take the data and see how it can be applied to policy and additional research. For instance he said researchers are comparing maps of different species of fish with the areas where various fleets are operating. “People ask are we overfishing? People ask what kinds of regulations are good ones versus bad ones? How do fishermen respond to subsidies?” he said. “All these questions about how we manage the oceans we can now answer. We can bring data to the table.” Previous studies have inferred fishing activity rather than directly studied it he said. But the advent of wide-ranging commercial satellite coverage plus access to data from ships’ transponders allowed the Global Fishing Watch researchers to paint a much more detailed picture.
China is “the most important fishing nation ” [TGT] Global Fishing Watch’s research and development director who was the study’s lead author said in an interview. The project’s next steps Kroodsma said would be to take the data and see how it can be applied to policy and additional research. For instance he said researchers are comparing maps of different species of fish with the areas where various fleets are operating. “People ask are we overfishing? People ask what kinds of regulations are good ones versus bad ones? How do fishermen respond to subsidies?” he said. “All these questions about how we manage the oceans we can now answer. We can bring data to the table.” Previous studies have inferred fishing activity rather than directly studied it he said. But the advent of wide-ranging commercial satellite coverage plus access to data from ships’ transponders allowed the Global Fishing Watch researchers to paint a much more detailed picture.
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Austria turns sharply to the right in an election shaped by immigration
Sebastian Kurz
Early exit polls of Austria's Oct. 15 election suggest Sebastian Kurz will take his party into a very narrow majority — positioning himself as the next chancellor. The 31-year old conservative is known for his pledge to take the country into a more hard line stance against the influx of refugees and migrants. (Reuters) Early exit polls of Austria's Oct. 15 election suggest Sebastian Kurz will take his party into a very narrow majority — positioning himself as the next chancellor. The 31-year old conservative is known for his pledge to take the country into a more hard line stance against the influx of refugees and migrants. (Reuters) The result puts the 31-year-old foreign minister and People’s Party leader Sebastian Kurz in line to become Austria’s next chancellor after a campaign in which he emphasized the need to strengthen border controls reduce caps on refugees and slash benefits for newcomers. “I’ll fight with all my strength for change in this country ” Kurz told cheering supporters — many clad in turquoise the color he adopted to signal a new era for the People’s Party after decades of identification with black. “There’s a lot to do.” Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz the leader of the People’s Party talks to reporters after casting his vote in the election in Vienna . (Christian Bruna/European Pressphoto Agency-EFE/Rex/Shutterstock) But unlike in those nations in Austria the far right is expected to become part of the government. Kurz will need a coalition partner to form a majority in the parliament and the Freedom Party is considered the most likely option. If he goes that route it would end a “grand coalition” between Austria’s center left and center right that has led the country for the past decade and for much of its modern history. Some on Sunday called on Kurz to avoid teaming up with the Freedom Party. “We strongly urge Mr. Kurz to form a coalition of centrist parties and not be beholden to a party of the far-right in his new coalition government ” European Jewish Congress President Moshe Kantor said in a statement. “A party which has run on a platform of xenophobic intolerance and the targeting of immigrants must not be granted a seat at the governing table.” Kern hinted that the party would be willing to serve in a coalition government. But analysts consider such a possibility unlikely given the rightward tilt of the electorate — as well as the bad blood that developed between the two establishment parties after a scandal involving fake Facebook pages that smeared Kurz and were attributed to a Social Democratic operative. The elevation of Kurz to chancellor would put another young and charismatic leader at the helm of a European government after the election of 39-year-old Emmanuel Macron in France. Kurz though ideologically to the right of Macron modeled much of his campaign after the Frenchman’s. The Austrian politician styled his run for the nation’s highest office as a movement not a conventional election and personalized his party informally renaming it “the Sebastian Kurz List.” Kritzinger said Kurz ’s opponents were flummoxed by how to counteract the charismatic People’s Party leader who took the reins in the party this year and promptly remade it as his own. “From a rhetoric perspective he ’s an absolute talent ” Kritzinger said. “The other parties didn’t know how to deal with him .”
Early exit polls of Austria's Oct. 15 election suggest [TGT]will take [TGT] party into a very narrow majority — positioning [TGT] as the next chancellor. The 31-year old conservative is known for [TGT] pledge to take the country into a more hard line stance against the influx of refugees and migrants. (Reuters) Early exit polls of Austria's Oct. 15 election suggest [TGT]will take [TGT] party into a very narrow majority — positioning [TGT] as the next chancellor. The 31-year old conservative is known for [TGT] pledge to take the country into a more hard line stance against the influx of refugees and migrants. (Reuters) The result puts the 31-year-old foreign minister and People’s Party leader Sebastian Kurz in line to become Austria’s next chancellor after a campaign in which he emphasized the need to strengthen border controls reduce caps on refugees and slash benefits for newcomers. “I’ll fight with all my strength for change in this country ” [TGT]told cheering supporters — many clad in turquoise the color [TGT] adopted to signal a new era for the People’s Party after decades of identification with black. “There’s a lot to do.” [TGT]talks to reporters after casting [TGT] vote in the election in Vienna . (Christian Bruna/European Pressphoto Agency-EFE/Rex/Shutterstock) But unlike in those nations in Austria the far right is expected to become part of the government. [TGT]will need a coalition partner to form a majority in the parliament and the Freedom Party is considered the most likely option. If [TGT][TGT] goes that route it would end a “grand coalition” between Austria’s center left and center right that has led the country for the past decade and for much of its modern history. Some on Sunday called on [TGT]to avoid teaming up with the Freedom Party. “We strongly urge [TGT]to form a coalition of centrist parties and not be beholden to a party of the far-right in [TGT] new coalition government ” European Jewish Congress President Moshe Kantor said in a statement. “A party which has run on a platform of xenophobic intolerance and the targeting of immigrants must not be granted a seat at the governing table.” Kern hinted that the party would be willing to serve in a coalition government. But analysts consider such a possibility unlikely given the rightward tilt of the electorate — as well as the bad blood that developed between the two establishment parties after a scandal involving fake Facebook pages that smeared [TGT]and were attributed to a Social Democratic operative. The elevation of Kurz to chancellor would put another young and charismatic leader at the helm of a European government after the election of 39-year-old Emmanuel Macron in France. [TGT]though ideologically to the right of Macron modeled much of his campaign after the Frenchman’s. The Austrian politician styled his run for the nation’s highest office as a movement not a conventional election and personalized his party informally renaming it “the [TGT] said [TGT] ’s opponents were flummoxed by how to counteract the charismatic People’s Party leader who took the reins in the party this year and promptly remade it as [TGT] own. “From a rhetoric perspective [TGT] ’s an absolute talent ” [TGT] said. “The other parties didn’t know how to deal with [TGT] .”
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U.K. Police Investigation of Snowden Leak Journalists Enters Fourth Year
Edward Snowden
A secretive British police investigation focusing on journalists who have worked with Edward Snowden’s leaked documents is still active more than four years after it was launched The Intercept has learned. The disclosure that the probe remains active prompted criticism on Monday from the National Union of Journalists the U.K.’s largest journalists’ organization. Sarah Kavanagh a spokesperson for the group said that news reports based on the Snowden documents had exposed unlawful covert surveillance activities in the public interest. “The media are often the only group in society able to reveal the intelligence and security forces have exceeded their legitimate powers and remit ” Kavanagh said. “The Met Police should be condemned for keeping journalists under investigation because they worked on the Snowden leaks. The investigation should be halted immediately. Journalism is not a crime.” The origins of the investigation can be traced back to May 2013 when Snowden a National Security Agency contractor turned over a cache of classified documents about government surveillance to journalists including Intercept co-founder Glenn Greenwald who was at that time working for British news organization The Guardian. Among the documents were details about mass surveillance programs operated by the U.K.’s largest spy agency Government Communications Headquarters or GCHQ. In August 2013 detectives from the Metropolitan Police used a counterterrorism law to detain and interrogate David Miranda Greenwald’s partner while he was passing through London’s largest airport. Miranda was carrying a batch of encrypted Snowden documents to aid Greenwald’s reporting on the files. The police seized Miranda’s possessions – including a mobile phone laptop camera and flash drives – and began a criminal investigation. British authorities argued that publishing the Snowden files was itself a terrorist act thereby explicitly conflating journalism with terrorism. Prior to Miranda’s arrival in London a memo authored by the Metropolitan Police and domestic spy agency MI5 was circulated to U.K. border entry points. It asserted that “the disclosure [of the Snowden documents] or threat of disclosure is designed to influence a government and is made for the purpose of promoting a political or ideological cause. This therefore falls within the definition of terrorism.”
[TGT] leaked documents is still active more than four years after it was launched The Intercept has learned. The disclosure that the probe remains active prompted criticism on Monday from the National Union of Journalists the U.K.’s largest journalists’ organization. Sarah Kavanagh a spokesperson for the group said that news reports based on the Snowden documents had exposed unlawful covert surveillance activities in the public interest. “The media are often the only group in society able to reveal the intelligence and security forces have exceeded their legitimate powers and remit ” Kavanagh said. “The Met Police should be condemned for keeping journalists under investigation because they worked on the Snowden leaks. [TGT] should be halted immediately. Journalism is not a crime.” The origins of [TGT] can be traced back to May 2013 when Snowden a National Security Agency contractor turned over a cache of classified documents about government surveillance to journalists including Intercept co-founder Glenn Greenwald who was at that time working for British news organization The Guardian. Among the documents were details about mass surveillance programs operated by the U.K.’s largest spy agency Government Communications Headquarters or GCHQ. In August 2013 detectives from the Metropolitan Police used a counterterrorism law to detain and interrogate David Miranda Greenwald’s partner while he was passing through London’s largest airport. Miranda was carrying a batch of encrypted Snowden documents to aid Greenwald’s reporting on the files. The police seized Miranda’s possessions – including a mobile phone laptop camera and flash drives – and began a criminal investigation. British authorities argued that publishing the Snowden files was itself a terrorist act thereby explicitly conflating journalism with terrorism. Prior to Miranda’s arrival in London a memo authored by the Metropolitan Police and domestic spy agency MI5 was circulated to U.K. border entry points. It asserted that “the disclosure [of the Snowden documents] or threat of disclosure is designed to influence a government and is made for the purpose of promoting a political or ideological cause. This therefore falls within the definition of terrorism.”
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U.S. House transportation panel chair says he will not seek re
Bill Shuster
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Representative Bill Shuster the chairman of the Transportation Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives will not run for re-election in November he said in a statement on Tuesday. Shuster 56 who has served in Congress since 2001 said in a statement that he will spend his last year in office “working with President Trump and my Republican and Democratic colleagues in both Chambers to pass a much needed infrastructure bill to rebuild America.” Shuster has championed a plan backed by Trump to privatize the U.S. air traffic control system but it has faced opposition in Congress and was not approved last year. The Pennsylvania congressman proposed legislation that would make it illegal for an airline to bump an already boarded passenger from a flight. In April a United Airlines passenger was forcibly removed from his seat prompting public outrage. The airline banned the practice.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Representative [TGT] the chairman of the Transportation Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives will not run for re-election in November he said in a statement on Tuesday. Shuster 56 who has served in Congress since 2001 said in a statement that he will spend his last year in office “working with President Trump and my Republican and Democratic colleagues in both Chambers to pass a much needed infrastructure bill to rebuild America.” Shuster has championed a plan backed by Trump to privatize the U.S. air traffic control system but it has faced opposition in Congress and was not approved last year. The Pennsylvania congressman proposed legislation that would make it illegal for an airline to bump an already boarded passenger from a flight. In April a United Airlines passenger was forcibly removed from his seat prompting public outrage. The airline banned the practice.
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German political limbo threatens European reform push
Angela Merkel
German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel and Chancellor Angela Merkel are seen during a session of the Bundestag in Berlin Germany November 21 2017. REUTERS/Axel Schmidt Emmanuel Macron had won the French presidency on a promise to relaunch Europe. And Angela Merkel on track to win a fourth term as German chancellor looked ready to embrace his bold vision telling an audience in Bavaria that it was time for Europe to take its fate into its own hands. So far the SPD leadership has shown no signs that it will go back on its pledge to go into opposition. On Monday Merkel appeared to rule out a minority government. So unless something changes a new election could be the only way forward. Crucially polls suggest that a new German election would not give Merkel more coalition options than she had coming out of the Sept. 24 vote. Indeed if voters blamed her conservatives for failing to form a government the first time around she could emerge even weaker than she is now.
"German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel and Chancellor [TGT] are seen during a session of the Bundestag in Berlin Germany November 21 2017. REUTERS/Axel Schmidt Emmanuel Macron had won the French presidency on a promise to relaunch Europe. And [TGT] on track to win a fourth term as German chancellor looked ready to embrace his bold vision telling an audience in Bavaria that it was time for Europe to take its fate into its own hands. So far the SPD leadership has shown no signs that it will go back on its pledge to go into opposition. On Monday [TGT]appeared to rule out a minority government. So unless something changes a new election could be the only way forward. Crucially polls suggest that a new German election would not give [TGT]more coalition options than [TGT] had coming out of the Sept. 24 vote. Indeed if voters blamed [TGT] conservatives for failing to form a government the first time around [TGT] could emerge even weaker than [TGT] is now."
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Kim Cattrall 's 'Sex and the City' co
Kim Cattrall
Days after actress Kim Cattrall announced the untimely death of her brother her “Sex and the City” co-stars are putting aside their ongoing feud with the actress to give their condolences. Cattrall ’s co-stars Sarah Jessica Parker and Cynthia Nixon joined the chorus of hundreds who took to social media to show their support for her during this difficult time. As previously reported the 61-year-old star asked her followers for help earlier this week when her brother Christopher went missing. Hours later she posted an image of her posing with her brother announcing that he had been found dead. A post shared by Kim Cattrall (@kimcattrall) on Feb 4 2018 at 1:00pm PST Parker was the first “Sex and the City” actress to comment on the post sharing a brief note of condolence with Cattrall . Later in the day Cattrall posted a follow up in which she thanked both her fans and co-stars for their kind words. "I would like to thank my fans friends and my #SexandtheCity colleagues for the outpouring of support for myself and family over the past 72 hours." The well wishes from the stars come as the entire cast of the hit HBO series is embattled in a very public war of words. As previously reported Cattrall told Piers Morgan that she was never anything but professional colleagues with the other girls on the show during an October 2017 interview. “We’ve never been friends ” she said. “We’ve been colleagues and in some ways it’s a very healthy place to be because then you have a clear line between your professional life and relationship and your persona.
Days after [TGT]announced the untimely death of [TGT] brother her “Sex and the City” co-stars are putting aside their ongoing feud with the actress to give their condolences. [TGT] co-stars Sarah Jessica Parker and Cynthia Nixon joined the chorus of hundreds who took to social media to show their support for her during this difficult time. As previously reported the 61-year-old star asked her followers for help earlier this week when her brother Christopher went missing. Hours later she posted an image of her posing with her brother announcing that he had been found dead. A post shared by Kim Cattrall (@kimcattrall) on Feb 4 2018 at 1:00pm PST Parker was the first “Sex and the City” actress to comment on the post sharing a brief note of condolence with [TGT] . Later in the day [TGT]posted a follow up in which she thanked both her fans and co-stars for their kind words. "I would like to thank my fans friends and my #SexandtheCity colleagues for the outpouring of support for myself and family over the past 72 hours." The well wishes from the stars come as the entire cast of the hit HBO series is embattled in a very public war of words. As previously reported [TGT]told Piers Morgan that [TGT] was never anything but professional colleagues with the other girls on the show during an October 2017 interview. “We’ve never been friends ” she said. “We’ve been colleagues and in some ways it’s a very healthy place to be because then you have a clear line between your professional life and relationship and your persona.
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Eva Longoria also calls out E! on E!
Eva Longoria
Eva Longoria kept bringing her red-carpet interview back to sexism in the workplace. And before Ryan Seacrest could wrap up their conversation on E! the actress had one more thing to say: “We support gender equity and equal pay and we hope E! follows the lead with Catt ” Longoria said. Longoria was talking about former E! anchor Catt Sadler who quit the network last month when she said she found out she made half of what her male co-anchor earned. “We stand with you Catt ” Longoria said on-air while flanked by Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman. With Longoria Seacrest responded simply “I love Catt. We love her.”
[TGT]kept bringing [TGT] red-carpet interview back to sexism in the workplace. And before Ryan Seacrest could wrap up their conversation on E! [TGT]had one more thing to say: “We support gender equity and equal pay and we hope E! follows the lead with Catt ” [TGT]said. [TGT]was talking about former E! anchor Catt Sadler who quit the network last month when [TGT] said [TGT] found out [TGT] made half of what [TGT] male co-anchor earned. “We stand with you Catt ” [TGT]said on-air while flanked by Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman. With [TGT]Seacrest responded simply “I love Catt. We love her.”
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Putin critic Navalny barred from Russian presidential election
Alexei Navalny
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was barred on Monday from running in next year’s presidential election after officials ruled he was ineligible to take part due to a suspended prison sentence he says was trumped up. The decision by the central election commission was widely expected as election officials had repeatedly declared Navalny would be ineligible to run. Twelve members of the 13-member commission voted to bar Navalny . One member abstained citing a possible conflict of interest. Navalny 41 who polls show would struggle to beat incumbent Vladimir Putin in the March election said he would appeal and called on his supporters to boycott the election and campaign against it being held. “We knew this could happen and so we have a straight-forward clear plan ” Navalny said in a pre-recorded video released immediately after the decision. Navalny said he would use his campaign headquarters across Russia to support the boycott and monitor turnout on voting day March 18. Polls show Putin 65 who has dominated Russia’s political landscape for the last 17 years is on course to be comfortably re-elected making him eligible to serve another six years until 2024 when he turns 72. Navalny says Putin’s support is exaggerated and artificially maintained by a biased state media and an unfair system. He says he could defeat him in a fair election an assertion Putin’s supporters have said is laughable. ‘DO THE RIGHT THING’ Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny speaks to the media after submitting his documents to be registered as a presidential candidate at the Central Election Commission in Moscow Russia December 24 2017. REUTERS/Tatyana Makeyeva Before the commission voted Navalny dressed in a dark suit had demanded he be allowed to take part in the election delivering a speech that angered election officials. In one heated exchange he said Russian voters’ faith in the system hung in the balance. “If you do not allow me to run you are taking a decision against millions of people who are demanding that Navalny take part ” he said referring to himself in the first person. “You are not robots you are living breathing human beings you are an independent body ... for once in your lives do the right thing ” he said. His supporters clapped him but officials were unmoved. Ebzeev said there could not be “the slightest doubt” that Navalny was ineligible to run a reference to Russia’s constitution that bars him running because of his suspended sentence relating to an embezzlement case. Navalny has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing and says the case is politically motivated.
"MOSCOW (Reuters) - [TGT] was barred on Monday from running in next year’s presidential election after officials ruled [TGT] was ineligible to take part due to a suspended prison sentence [TGT] says was trumped up. The decision by the central election commission was widely expected as election officials had repeatedly declared [TGT]would be ineligible to run. Twelve members of the 13-member commission voted to bar Navalny . One member abstained citing a possible conflict of interest. Navalny 41 who polls show would struggle to beat incumbent Vladimir Putin in the March election said he would appeal and called on his supporters to boycott the election and campaign against it being held. “We knew this could happen and so we have a straight-forward clear plan ” [TGT]said in a pre-recorded video released immediately after the decision. [TGT]said [TGT] would use [TGT] campaign headquarters across Russia to support the boycott and monitor turnout on voting day March 18. Polls show Putin 65 who has dominated Russia’s political landscape for the last 17 years is on course to be comfortably re-elected making him eligible to serve another six years until 2024 when he turns 72. [TGT]says Putin’s support is exaggerated and artificially maintained by a biased state media and an unfair system. [TGT] says [TGT] could defeat [TGT] in a fair election an assertion Putin’s supporters have said is laughable. ‘DO THE RIGHT THING’ [TGT] speaks to the media after submitting [TGT] documents to be registered as a presidential candidate at the Central Election Commission in Moscow Russia December 24 2017. REUTERS/Tatyana Makeyeva Before the commission voted Navalny dressed in a dark suit had demanded he be allowed to take part in the election delivering a speech that angered election officials. In one heated exchange he said Russian voters’ faith in the system hung in the balance. “If you do not allow me to run you are taking a decision against millions of people who are demanding that Navalny take part ” he said referring to himself in the first person. “You are not robots you are living breathing human beings you are an independent body ... for once in your lives do the right thing ” he said. His supporters clapped him but officials were unmoved. Ebzeev said there could not be “the slightest doubt” that Navalny was ineligible to run a reference to Russia’s constitution that bars him running because of his suspended sentence relating to an embezzlement case. Navalny has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing and says the case is politically motivated."
When mentors cross the line
Joe Lonsdale
The New York Times Magazine recently profiled the troubling potentially criminal relationship between a former Stanford student Ellie Clougherty and entrepreneur Joe Lonsdale who was among other things Clougherty’s mentor for the undergraduate course Engineering 145: Technology Entrepreneurship. As the story unfolds it becomes increasingly disturbing. Lonsdale and Clougherty’s relationship evolves from that of a mentor and mentee into a romantic relationship and then Clougherty alleges into something much more disturbing—including sexual harassment and assault. Clougherty took the case to Stanford officials and Lonsdale was banned from the Stanford campus for ten years (though that ban seems theoretical at best given that according to Bazelon “Lonsdale has been invited to campus for a private lunch which he attended with the university’s permission.”). Clougherty filed a civil suit in January and Lonsdale has responded vigorously and filed a countersuit denying Clougherty’s accusations. Lonsdale never treated Clougherty as someone who had goals and dreams. Instead Lonsdale by engaging in a personal relationship with his young mentee treated her as a romantic conquest. He ignored his professional responsibility for personal gain. Lonsdale insists that “Ellie is a forceful person ” as if somehow that negates the inherent power imbalance not only in a mentor/mentee relationship but also between a 21-year old college student and a hugely successful 29-year old entrepreneur. Alumni are a natural source of mentoring for colleges and universities. These alumni and their success stories are living proof that the education at any given college or university works and that the current students are making a wise invaluable investment in their future. Joe Lonsdale is one of countless alumni who have been tapped by their alma maters to work with promising undergraduates. Unfortunately though many universities seem to think that getting mentors on campus is all they need to do. There is all too often little oversight and few systems in place to help students when these relationships become troubled.
The New York Times Magazine recently profiled the troubling potentially criminal relationship between a former Stanford student Ellie Clougherty and entrepreneur [TGT] who was among other things Clougherty’s mentor for the undergraduate course Engineering 145: Technology Entrepreneurship. As the story unfolds it becomes increasingly disturbing. Lonsdale and Clougherty’s relationship evolves from that of a mentor and mentee into a romantic relationship and then Clougherty alleges into something much more disturbing—including sexual harassment and assault. Clougherty took the case to Stanford officials and Lonsdale was banned from the Stanford campus for ten years (though that ban seems theoretical at best given that according to Bazelon “Lonsdale has been invited to campus for a private lunch which he attended with the university’s permission.”). Clougherty filed a civil suit in January and Lonsdale has responded vigorously and filed a countersuit denying Clougherty’s accusations. Lonsdale never treated Clougherty as someone who had goals and dreams. Instead Lonsdale by engaging in a personal relationship with his young mentee treated her as a romantic conquest. He ignored his professional responsibility for personal gain. Lonsdale insists that “Ellie is a forceful person ” as if somehow that negates the inherent power imbalance not only in a mentor/mentee relationship but also between a 21-year old college student and a hugely successful 29-year old entrepreneur. Alumni are a natural source of mentoring for colleges and universities. These alumni and their success stories are living proof that the education at any given college or university works and that the current students are making a wise invaluable investment in their future. [TGT] is one of countless alumni who have been tapped by their alma maters to work with promising undergraduates. Unfortunately though many universities seem to think that getting mentors on campus is all they need to do. There is all too often little oversight and few systems in place to help students when these relationships become troubled.
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The Latest: Times Square New Year 'a beautiful experience'
Mariah Carey
Mariah Carey has made it through her set on "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest" this year after bungling it last year. Carey had technical difficulties during a live performance of her hit song "Emotions" on the ABC show in Times Square last year. She stopped singing paced the stage and told the audience to finish the lyrics for her . This year she made it through cleanly despite frigid temperatures — and despite asking for hot tea that wasn't there. She joked it was a "disaster." Carey performed her hits 1990s "Vision of Love" and "Hero." Mariah Carey will perform again on "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve " hosted by Ryan Seacrest. She bungled her performance last year. FILE - In this Wednesday Nov. 1 2017 file photo Mariah Carey poses for photographers during her hand and footprint ceremony at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles. Carey will perform again Sunday Dec. 31 2017 on "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve " hosted by Ryan Seacrest after a bungled performance last year in which she stumbled through her short set failing to sing for most of it despite a pre-recorded track of her songs playing in the background. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP File) Mariah Carey will perform again on "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve " hosted by Ryan Seacrest after a bungled performance last year. Mariah Carey will perform again on "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve " hosted by Ryan Seacrest after a bungled performance last year. Mariah Carey will perform again on "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve " hosted by Ryan Seacrest after a bungled performance last year.
[TGT]has made [TGT] through [TGT] set on "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest" this year after bungling [TGT] last year. [TGT]had technical difficulties during a live performance of [TGT] hit song "Emotions" on the ABC show in Times Square last year. [TGT] stopped singing paced the stage and told the audience to finish the lyrics for [TGT] . This year [TGT] made it through cleanly despite frigid temperatures — and despite asking for hot tea that wasn't there. [TGT] joked it was a "disaster." [TGT] performed [TGT] hits 1990s "Vision of Love" and "Hero.[TGT]will perform again on "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve " hosted by Ryan Seacrest. [TGT] bungled [TGT] performance last year. FILE - In this Wednesday Nov. 1 2017 file photo [TGT]poses for photographers during [TGT] hand and footprint ceremony at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles. [TGT]will perform again Sunday Dec. 31 2017 on "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve " hosted by Ryan Seacrest after a bungled performance last year in which [TGT] stumbled through [TGT] short set failing to sing for most of it despite a pre-recorded track of [TGT] songs playing in the background. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP File) [TGT] will perform again on "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve " hosted by Ryan Seacrest after a bungled performance last year. [TGT] will perform again on "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve " hosted by Ryan Seacrest after a bungled performance last year. [TGT] will perform again on "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve " hosted by Ryan Seacrest after a bungled performance last year.
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Donald and Melania Trump compare White House to Venezuelan prison
Melania Trump
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump met with the wife of an imprisoned Venezuelan opposition leader in February and tried to sympathize with her husband's plight by comparing life in the White House to that inside a Venezuelan prison The Washington Post reported on Friday. Melania Trump said she sympathized with what Lopez had gone through in jail in Caracas Venezuela adding that the White House felt as confining as prison two people familiar with the meeting told The Post. Donald Trump reportedly agreed. The first lady's spokeswoman denied that she made that comment telling The Post that Trump "only offered words of encouragement and strength." Tintori was reportedly elated with the meeting and Trump 's condemnations of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's government. In the months since Trump has leveled more sanctions on Venezuelan officials and businesses imposed a travel ban on some Venezuelans and their families and excoriated Maduro during an address to the UN General Assembly.
President Donald Trump and [TGT]met with the wife of an imprisoned Venezuelan opposition leader in February and tried to sympathize with [TGT] husband's plight by comparing life in the White House to that inside a Venezuelan prison The Washington Post reported on Friday. [TGT]said [TGT] sympathized with what Lopez had gone through in jail in Caracas Venezuela adding that the White House felt as confining as prison two people familiar with the meeting told The Post. [TGT]reportedly agreed. The first lady's spokeswoman denied that she made that comment telling The Post that Trump "only offered words of encouragement and strength." Tintori was reportedly elated with the meeting and [TGT] 's condemnations of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's government. In the months since [TGT]has leveled more sanctions on Venezuelan officials and businesses imposed a travel ban on some Venezuelans and their families and excoriated Maduro during an address to the UN General Assembly.
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J.R. Smith drew suspension after throwing soup at Cavaliers assistant
J.R. Smith
J.R. Smith was suspended for Thursday's game. (Photo: John E. Sokolowski-USA TODAY Sports) Cleveland Cavaliers guard J.R. Smith was suspended one game by the team for throwing a bowl of soup at assistant coach Damon Jones two people with knowledge of the situation told USA TODAY Sports on Friday. Smith sat out Cleveland’s 108-97 loss to the Philadelphia 76ers on Thursday. The team announced shortly before the start of the game that Smith was suspended for detrimental conduct. Smith had a history of fines and trouble before joining the Cavaliers midway through the 2014-15 season but had been by most accounts a good teammate and mostly problem-free since the trade from New York to Cleveland. Smith is averaging 8.3 points and shooting 39.1% from the field and 36.3% on three-pointers this season.
[TGT]was suspended for Thursday's game. (Photo: John E. Sokolowski-USA TODAY Sports) Cleveland Cavaliers guard [TGT]was suspended one game by the team for throwing a bowl of soup at assistant coach Damon Jones two people with knowledge of the situation told USA TODAY Sports on Friday. [TGT] sat out Cleveland’s 108-97 loss to the Philadelphia 76ers on Thursday. The team announced shortly before the start of the game that [TGT]was suspended for detrimental conduct. [TGT]had a history of fines and trouble before joining the Cavaliers midway through the 2014-15 season but had been by most accounts a good teammate and mostly problem-free since the trade from New York to Cleveland. [TGT]is averaging 8.3 points and shooting 39.1% from the field and 36.3% on three-pointers this season.
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Trump Treasury Secretary Wants Marijuana Money In Banks
Steven Mnuchin
"I assure you that we don't want bags of cash " Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin testified on Tuesday during an appearance before the House Financial Services Committee. "We want to make sure that we can collect our necessary taxes and other things." Last week a top Treasury official wrote in a letter to lawmakers that the department is "consulting with law enforcement" about whether to maintain the guidance for depository institutions. Last month a Mnuchin deputy testified at a Senate hearing that the banking document remains in effect while the administration weighs whether to revoke it. At the Tuesday hearing Mnuchin confirmed that the department is "reviewing the existing guidance." But he clarified that he doesn't want to rescind it without having an alternate policy in place to address public safety concerns. Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) told Mnuchin that simply deleting the banking memo "would really make it better for armed robbers in my community because there'd be huge amounts of cash at the local marijuana dispensary." "We specifically haven't taken it down " Mnuchin said of the 2014 memo. "We are looking at what Justice has done. And again as I said we're sensitive to the issue of dealing with the public safety issue and also making sure that the IRS and others have ways of collecting taxes without taking in cash."
"I assure you that we don't want bags of cash " Treasury Secretary [TGT] testified on Tuesday during an appearance before the House Financial Services Committee. "We want to make sure that we can collect our necessary taxes and other things." Last week a top Treasury official wrote in a letter to lawmakers that the department is "consulting with law enforcement" about whether to maintain the guidance for depository institutions. Last month a Mnuchin deputy testified at a Senate hearing that the banking document remains in effect while the administration weighs whether to revoke it. At the Tuesday hearing Mnuchin confirmed that the department is "reviewing the existing guidance." But he clarified that he doesn't want to rescind it without having an alternate policy in place to address public safety concerns. Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) told Mnuchin that simply deleting the banking memo "would really make it better for armed robbers in my community because there'd be huge amounts of cash at the local marijuana dispensary." "We specifically haven't taken it down " Mnuchin said of the 2014 memo. "We are looking at what Justice has done. And again as I said we're sensitive to the issue of dealing with the public safety issue and also making sure that the IRS and others have ways of collecting taxes without taking in cash."
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EU U.S clear Essilor's 48 billion euro merger with Luxottica
Laurent Vacherot
Speaking earlier about progress towards the merger Essilor’s Chief Operating Officer Laurent Vacherot said: “We are serene ” repeating that the deal was expected to close in the first half of 2018. Announcing its annual results Essilor said it was targeting revenue growth of around 4 percent in 2018. Revenues rose 3.1 percent on a like-for-like basis to 7.5 billion euros last year partly helped by higher sales in North America. Vacherot said Essilor would keep pursuing its strategy of bolt-on acquisitions in 2018 particularly in China and India. Luxottica which has been restructuring since 2014 forecast on Monday steady growth in sales and profits this year. Its shares rose 5.2 percent.
Speaking earlier about progress towards [TGT]said: “We are serene ” repeating that the deal was expected to close in the first half of 2018. Announcing [TGT] annual results Essilor said [TGT] was targeting revenue growth of around 4 percent in 2018. Revenues rose 3.1 percent on a like-for-like basis to 7.5 billion euros last year partly helped by higher sales in North America. [TGT] said Essilor would keep pursuing [TGT] strategy of bolt-on acquisitions in 2018 particularly in China and India. Luxottica which has been restructuring since 2014 forecast on Monday steady growth in sales and profits this year. Its shares rose 5.2 percent.
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One tweet saved a Texas bakery from closing
Jackie dad
"I begged him not to sell to wait for me to get through college and then make me a part owner ” Jackie said. In an effort to convince her dad to keep the business the 18-year-old took to Twitter and posted a video of her dad making pan dulce at the bakery. “Hey yall my dad has a little panaderia/ restaurant. He makes all of the pan dulce himself. He been thinking about closing but I cant [sic] let that happen spred [sic] the word 1 rt could bring in a potential customer!” she wrote in the caption along with the restaurant’s address. Since her post the tweet has gone viral with more than 48 000 likes nearly 60 000 retweets and over 1.1 million views. And business has been booming ever since — Jackie even posted that they had almost run out of concha (a sweet yeast roll) because of the increased demand. "I know all the hard work my parents put into this. They work from early in the morning until late at night even though we close at 5 p.m " Jackie said. "The quality of the food and the authenticity of it is amazing." Jackie plans on expanding their digital presence by starting a website. She has already solidified a separate business Twitter account and created a Yelp page for La Casa Bakery and Cafe.
"I begged him not to sell to wait for me to get through college and then make me a part owner ” Jackie said. In an effort to convince her dad to keep the business the 18-year-old took to Twitter and posted a video of her dad making pan dulce at the bakery. “Hey yall my dad has a little panaderia/ restaurant. He makes all of the pan dulce himself. He been thinking about closing but I cant [sic] let that happen spred [sic] the word 1 rt could bring in a potential customer!” she wrote in the caption along with the restaurant’s address. Since her post the tweet has gone viral with more than 48 000 likes nearly 60 000 retweets and over 1.1 million views. And business has been booming ever since — Jackie even posted that they had almost run out of concha (a sweet yeast roll) because of the increased demand. "I know all the hard work my parents put into this. They work from early in the morning until late at night even though we close at 5 p.m " Jackie said. "The quality of the food and the authenticity of it is amazing." Jackie plans on expanding their digital presence by starting a website. She has already solidified a separate business Twitter account and created a Yelp page for La Casa Bakery and Cafe.
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A. E. Housman Is a Poet for the Age of Brexit
A. E. Housman
The 63 lyrics in that book first published in 1896 have a purity of speech and intensity of feeling that lent the collection the aura of a classic from the moment of its appearance. “You may read it in half-an-hour ” said one early reviewer of the book “but there are things in it you will scarce forget in a lifetime.” What Housman writes about almost without exception is sorrow: lost love nostalgia mutability grief and death. He seems to understand everything about the pain of life and the beauty of that pain—the way suffering itself can become a source of bittersweet pleasure. He is a poet who can’t listen to a blackbird sing without hearing a summons to the grave: Yet as the English biographer and journalist Peter Parker shows in Housman Country his new study of the poet’s work and legacy “luckless lads” who came to Housman prepared to open their hearts were shocked by the wary acerbic pedantic man they encountered. His obituary in The Times of London described him as “so unapproachable as to diffuse a frost … [ He ] appeared of all men least tolerant of sentiment.” When the novelist E. M. Forster wrote to Housman expressing enthusiasm for his poetry Housman responded with a letter that Forster described as “absolutely hateful … I was so disappointed and hurt that I destroyed it after one rapid perusal.” Another writer was stunned too. “Far from believing that man wrote [A] Shropshire Lad ” he said after meeting Housman “I shouldn’t even have thought him capable of reading it!” To perceptive observers however the vast gulf between the poetry and the poet only added to Housman ’s pathos. Clearly this was a man so sensitive to pain that he had to wear heavy emotional armor. Indeed the poems themselves are often about the deflection of feeling by an ironic stoicism which ends up highlighting the very emotion it is meant to conceal. What readers from the beginning must have wondered was the wound behind Housman ’s bow? What made him so well acquainted with grief? This was a matter for speculation and rumor during Housman ’s lifetime ( the man wasn’t about to give anything away) but the answer has long since been established as a central part of his legend. In 1879 when he was 20 years old and a star student at Oxford Housman fell in love with a classmate Moses Jackson—a hearty athletic and entirely straight man. In his distress that his romantic feelings were not reciprocated Housman ended up failing his final exams to the shock of his teachers and family. Although he eventually did become a classical scholar his career was sidetracked for a decade by the fiasco.
The 63 lyrics in that book first published in 1896 have a purity of speech and intensity of feeling that lent the collection the aura of a classic from the moment of its appearance. “You may read it in half-an-hour ” said one early reviewer of the book “but there are things in it you will scarce forget in a lifetime.” What Housman writes about almost without exception is sorrow: lost love nostalgia mutability grief and death. He seems to understand everything about the pain of life and the beauty of that pain—the way suffering itself can become a source of bittersweet pleasure. He is a poet who can’t listen to a blackbird sing without hearing a summons to the grave: Yet as the English biographer and journalist Peter Parker shows in Housman Country his new study of the poet’s work and legacy “luckless lads” who came to Housman prepared to open their hearts were shocked by the wary acerbic pedantic man they encountered. His obituary in The Times of London described him as “so unapproachable as to diffuse a frost … [ He ] appeared of all men least tolerant of sentiment.” When the novelist E. M. Forster wrote to Housman expressing enthusiasm for his poetry Housman responded with a letter that Forster described as “absolutely hateful … I was so disappointed and hurt that I destroyed it after one rapid perusal.” Another writer was stunned too. “Far from believing that man wrote [A] Shropshire Lad ” he said after meeting Housman “I shouldn’t even have thought him capable of reading it!” To perceptive observers however the vast gulf between the poetry and the poet only added to [TGT] ’s pathos. Clearly this was a man so sensitive to pain that he had to wear heavy emotional armor. Indeed the poems themselves are often about the deflection of feeling by an ironic stoicism which ends up highlighting the very emotion it is meant to conceal. What readers from the beginning must have wondered was the wound behind [TGT] ’s bow? What made [TGT] so well acquainted with grief? This was a matter for speculation and rumor during [TGT] ’s lifetime ( the man wasn’t about to give anything away) but the answer has long since been established as a central part of his legend. In 1879 when he was 20 years old and a star student at Oxford Housman fell in love with a classmate Moses Jackson—a hearty athletic and entirely straight man. In his distress that his romantic feelings were not reciprocated Housman ended up failing his final exams to the shock of his teachers and family. Although he eventually did become a classical scholar his career was sidetracked for a decade by the fiasco.
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Northbrook residents offer input on Bike and Pedestrian Plan
Tim Gustafson a senior associate with Alta said walking or biking to school is encouraged but the distance can be great. Sometimes that commute takes people out of Northbrook. Gustafson spent 30 minutes making a formal presentation to the group and answering questions. He said his firm's work so far has shown a number of common themes coming from the data gathered through live interviews and online feedback. Gustafson said high speed high volume roads are the biggest barrier but they are also the most connected streets. He said current bicycle improvements along some roads are popular but still present challenges. One resident told Gustafson that he wanted to see an easier way to get to the Northbrook Court shopping center because of the heavy traffic on Lake Cook Road. Gustafson said he is looking at ways to do that. With there are several bicycle trails or marked bike lanes on local roads including major ones Gustafson said getting into and out of the village is easier than navigating through town by foot or pedal. He remains cautious about making too many judgments at this point in the process. "We don't want to reach any conclusions before we talk to all of you " Gustafson said. "We know for crossing a two-lane road not much is needed. A four-lane road with a left turn lane is more challenging. We want to find ways to work with speed." Not all of the roadways traversing the village are under Northbrook's control according to Gustafson . He said roads like Dundee are state highways and others are under the jurisdiction of Cook County. "We have to get them to spend money for you " Gustafson said.
[TGT]said walking or biking to school is encouraged but the distance can be great. Sometimes that commute takes people out of Northbrook. [TGT]spent 30 minutes making a formal presentation to the group and answering questions. [TGT] said [TGT] firm's work so far has shown a number of common themes coming from the data gathered through live interviews and online feedback. [TGT]said high speed high volume roads are the biggest barrier but they are also the most connected streets. [TGT] said current bicycle improvements along some roads are popular but still present challenges. One resident told [TGT]that he wanted to see an easier way to get to the Northbrook Court shopping center because of the heavy traffic on Lake Cook Road. [TGT]said [TGT] is looking at ways to do that. With there are several bicycle trails or marked bike lanes on local roads including major ones [TGT]said getting into and out of the village is easier than navigating through town by foot or pedal. [TGT] remains cautious about making too many judgments at this point in the process. "We don't want to reach any conclusions before we talk to all of you " [TGT]said. "We know for crossing a two-lane road not much is needed. A four-lane road with a left turn lane is more challenging. We want to find ways to work with speed." Not all of the roadways traversing the village are under Northbrook's control according to [TGT] . He said roads like Dundee are state highways and others are under the jurisdiction of Cook County. "We have to get them to spend money for you " [TGT]said.
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Brazil great Kaka retiring from soccer at age 35
CLOSE SportsPulse: Martin Rogers believes the World Cup group stage is filled with plenty of drama potential Cinderella stories and star-studded matchups. So much so you'll forget the U.S. isn't in it. USA TODAY Sports Kaka looks on during his final game competitive soccer game as a player with Orlando City. (Photo: Kim Klement USA TODAY Sports) Former Ballon d'Or winner Kaka says he is retiring from soccer at age 35. Kaka who played for Brazil AC Milan and Real Madrid told Brazil's Globo TV on Sunday that "my last word is that the cycle of my career as a player ends here." "I needed time to think and take a decision calmly " Kaka said. "I have arrived to the conclusion that now is the moment to finish my career as a professional player." A graceful midfielder Kaka won 92 caps for Brazil scoring 29 goals and featuring at three World Cups. He was part of the Brazil squad that lifted the global trophy in 2002. Kaka said that he would like to remain linked professionally to soccer perhaps as a manager or sports director of a team. MORE: Kaka was 21 when Milan brought him to Italy from Sao Paulo. The dangerous playmaker won the Ballon d'Or and FIFA's World Player award in 2007. He was part of the Milan team that won the 2007 Champions League final against Liverpool and scored 95 goals across all competitions for the Rossoneri. Kaka joined Real Madrid in 2009 for 67 million euros ($78.7 million) but had an up-and-down stint due to a series of injuries. He returned to Milan on a free transfer ahead of the 2013-14 season. A brief spell back with Sao Paulo preceded three MLS campaigns with Orlando for whom he enjoyed individual success despite limited results for the Florida franchise. Kaka was a free agent after leaving Orlando in October. Kaka tweeted Sunday that "I'm now ready for the next journey."
CLOSE SportsPulse: Martin Rogers believes the World Cup group stage is filled with plenty of drama potential Cinderella stories and star-studded matchups. So much so you'll forget the U.S. isn't in it. USA TODAY [TGT]looks on during [TGT] final game competitive soccer game as a player with Orlando City. (Photo: Kim Klement USA TODAY Sports) [TGT]says [TGT] is retiring from soccer at age 35. [TGT]who played for Brazil AC Milan and Real Madrid told Brazil's Globo TV on Sunday that "my last word is that the cycle of my career as a player ends here." "I needed time to think and take a decision calmly " [TGT]said. "I have arrived to the conclusion that now is the moment to finish my career as a professional player." A graceful midfielder [TGT]won 92 caps for Brazil scoring 29 goals and featuring at three World Cups. [TGT] was part of the Brazil squad that lifted the global trophy in 2002. [TGT]said that [TGT] would like to remain linked professionally to soccer perhaps as a manager or sports director of a team. MORE: [TGT]was 21 when Milan brought [TGT] to Italy from Sao Paulo. The dangerous playmaker won the Ballon d'Or and FIFA's World Player award in 2007. [TGT] was part of the Milan team that won the 2007 Champions League final against Liverpool and scored 95 goals across all competitions for the Rossoneri. [TGT]joined Real Madrid in 2009 for 67 million euros ($78.7 million) but had an up-and-down stint due to a series of injuries. [TGT] returned to Milan on a free transfer ahead of the 2013-14 season. A brief spell back with Sao Paulo preceded three MLS campaigns with Orlando for whom [TGT] enjoyed individual success despite limited results for the Florida franchise. [TGT]was a free agent after leaving Orlando in October. [TGT]tweeted Sunday that "I'm now ready for the next journey."
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Prosecutorial Collusion in the Fourth Estate: Anatomy of a Witch Hunt Part 4
Schaffer Wice
The media-savvy special prosecutors have colluded with the Fourth Estate to try — and convict — Paxton in the court of public opinion long before the case even comes to trial. Wice in particular is an aspiring media celebrity serving as a TV “legal analyst” on Houston’s Channel 2 (KPRC) since 2003. Think of a male version of Nancy Grace or Greta Van Susteren — a Dan Abrams wannabe. One profile described the bombastic Wice as a “media magnet” who “never shies away from the spotlight.” The KPRC website brags that Beginning the very day Schaffer and Wice were appointed by Becker the prosecutors were in contact with the media shamelessly promoting themselves by mass distributing press statements and publicity photos. Schaffer and Wice obviously intended to milk the case for all the news coverage they could get for two self-serving reasons: to poison the well of public opinion against Paxton and to generate free advertising to attract future clients. Neither motive is ethical for a special prosecutor. Yet Wice has conceded that pretrial media coverage “impacts the way potential jurors view our client’s case long before they are ushered into the courtroom for voir dire. Being able to effectively represent your client on the courthouse steps can be every bit as important as representing them inside the courtroom.” Moreover Wice once cynically acknowledged the economic benefits of making media appearances informing fellow lawyers that “appearing on TV is client development — free advertising — that might well yield future business. And you never can tell what that one local or with a bit of good fortune national TV appearance can do for you or your practice.” Exploiting the media in other words is the latest form of ambulance chasing. “Celebrity” attorneys like the Kardashians are famous for being famous. In that vein Schaffer and Wice continued a steady stream of self-aggrandizing communications with the press corps during the “investigation” and grand jury phases despite the strict secrecy associated with the grand jury process. The special prosecutors had numerous communications (by email and telephone) with the New York Times’ reporter early in the case following which the NYT reported Paxton’s indictment on August 1 2015 before the indictment was even unsealed. Was this national media scoop a coincidence? The special prosecutors were the obvious source of the highly-unprofessional leak but the press corps gratefully reciprocated by uncritically reporting Wice ’s spin as “news.” In addition to regularly sending eager reporters status updates and copies of pleadings and orders on at least two occasions Wice circulated to the media Paxton’s annual Personal Financial Statement presumably to encourage reporters to scrutinize the donors to Paxton’s legal defense fund — a wholly improper purpose. In an even more egregious breach of propriety Wice emailed a copy of Paxton’s booking “mugshot” to his KPRC colleague reporter Phil Archer shortly after Paxton was released on bail. The only word to describe this type of conduct is “sleazy.” Intemperately denouncing Paxton’s legal arguments as “frivolous” and “clearly baseless ” the special prosecutors’ tone toward Paxton dripped with contempt as they delivered sound bites to groveling reporters on deadline. When asked by a reporter about a new attorney joining the Paxton defense team to deal with the federal civil case (which was ultimately dismissed with prejudice) Schaffer sarcastically responded “Never heard of him. Looks like we set off the Lawyer Relief Act…” When a prominent Paxton supporter wrote an op-ed in the Midland Reporter-Telegram criticizing the indictment the thin-skinned prosecutors immediately issued a florid press statement — presumably on the taxpayers’ nickel — condemning the piece as a “rant” containing “lies bathed in the cologne of half-truths fabrications and disinformation.” Mimicking the prosecutors’ flippant and unprofessional tone some reporters began running stories with shockingly-unbalanced headlines such as “Another Day Another Idiotic Ken Paxton Motion ” which Schaffer and Wice gleefully circulated to their media contacts with the message “I love it.” If media outlets did not parrot the prosecutors’ swaggering narrative they were cut off from “insider access.” This incestuous arrangement likely explains why the Dallas Morning News which was closely following the Paxton case never reported the bombshell mentioned in Part 2 — that Schaffer was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal RICO case against the leader of the Bandidos motorcycle gang — a revelation that would have greatly tarnished the special prosecutors’ undeserved Boy Scout image — which McGaughy had gone to extraordinary lengths to burnish. This apparently referred to Paxton’s retention of a defense team that included Dan Cogdell and Philip Hilder with respect to whom Schaffer and Wice issued polite public statements. The hundreds of email exchanges between the prosecutors and reporters (McGaughy in particular) are clearly collusive. With the avid cooperation of the press corps for two and a half years Schaffer and Wice have been busy smearing Paxton through leaks and planted stories all while risibly claiming to be “seeking justice on behalf of the people of Texas.” To re-cap this series: The baseless politicized prosecution of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has been a travesty on many levels. Following the recusal of Collin County District Attorney Greg Willis the matter should not have been referred to mercenary “special prosecutors” for investigation; Schaffer (the unindicted co-conspirator in a RICO case) and Wice (an incorrigible diva) were not suitable for the assignment in any event; the open-ended compensation arrangement agreed to by Judge Scott Becker was both unlawful and foolhardy; the grand jury indictment improperly obtained by the unscrupulous prosecutors amounts to fabricated felonies — made-up crimes never previously prosecuted in a Texas court; the overtly-biased George Gallagher presided over the case as a farcical kangaroo court; changing the venue of the case to Harris County was an absurd and outrageous denial of due process to Paxton; et cetera ad infinitum.
The media-savvy special prosecutors have colluded with the Fourth Estate to try — and convict — Paxton in the court of public opinion long before the case even comes to trial. Wice in particular is an aspiring media celebrity serving as a TV “legal analyst” on Houston’s Channel 2 (KPRC) since 2003. Think of a male version of Nancy Grace or Greta Van Susteren — a Dan Abrams wannabe. One profile described the bombastic Wice as a “media magnet” who “never shies away from the spotlight.” The KPRC website brags that Beginning the very day Schaffer and Wice were appointed by Becker the prosecutors were in contact with the media shamelessly promoting themselves by mass distributing press statements and publicity photos. Schaffer and Wice obviously intended to milk the case for all the news coverage they could get for two self-serving reasons: to poison the well of public opinion against Paxton and to generate free advertising to attract future clients. Neither motive is ethical for a special prosecutor. Yet Wice has conceded that pretrial media coverage “impacts the way potential jurors view our client’s case long before they are ushered into the courtroom for voir dire. Being able to effectively represent your client on the courthouse steps can be every bit as important as representing them inside the courtroom.” Moreover Wice once cynically acknowledged the economic benefits of making media appearances informing fellow lawyers that “appearing on TV is client development — free advertising — that might well yield future business. And you never can tell what that one local or with a bit of good fortune national TV appearance can do for you or your practice.” Exploiting the media in other words is the latest form of ambulance chasing. “Celebrity” attorneys like the Kardashians are famous for being famous. In that vein Schaffer and Wice continued a steady stream of self-aggrandizing communications with the press corps during the “investigation” and grand jury phases despite the strict secrecy associated with the grand jury process. The special prosecutors had numerous communications (by email and telephone) with the New York Times’ reporter early in the case following which the NYT reported Paxton’s indictment on August 1 2015 before the indictment was even unsealed. Was this national media scoop a coincidence? The special prosecutors were the obvious source of the highly-unprofessional leak but the press corps gratefully reciprocated by uncritically reporting Wice ’s spin as “news.” In addition to regularly sending eager reporters status updates and copies of pleadings and orders on at least two occasions Wice circulated to the media Paxton’s annual Personal Financial Statement presumably to encourage reporters to scrutinize the donors to Paxton’s legal defense fund — a wholly improper purpose. In an even more egregious breach of propriety Wice emailed a copy of Paxton’s booking “mugshot” to his KPRC colleague reporter Phil Archer shortly after Paxton was released on bail. The only word to describe this type of conduct is “sleazy.” Intemperately denouncing Paxton’s legal arguments as “frivolous” and “clearly baseless ” the special prosecutors’ tone toward Paxton dripped with contempt as they delivered sound bites to groveling reporters on deadline. When asked by a reporter about a new attorney joining the Paxton defense team to deal with the federal civil case (which was ultimately dismissed with prejudice) Schaffer sarcastically responded “Never heard of him. Looks like we set off the Lawyer Relief Act…” When a prominent Paxton supporter wrote an op-ed in the Midland Reporter-Telegram criticizing the indictment the thin-skinned prosecutors immediately issued a florid press statement — presumably on the taxpayers’ nickel — condemning the piece as a “rant” containing “lies bathed in the cologne of half-truths fabrications and disinformation.” Mimicking the prosecutors’ flippant and unprofessional tone some reporters began running stories with shockingly-unbalanced headlines such as “Another Day Another Idiotic Ken Paxton Motion ” which Schaffer and Wice gleefully circulated to their media contacts with the message “I love it.” If media outlets did not parrot the prosecutors’ swaggering narrative they were cut off from “insider access.” This incestuous arrangement likely explains why the Dallas Morning News which was closely following the Paxton case never reported the bombshell mentioned in Part 2 — that Schaffer was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal RICO case against the leader of the Bandidos motorcycle gang — a revelation that would have greatly tarnished the special prosecutors’ undeserved Boy Scout image — which McGaughy had gone to extraordinary lengths to burnish. This apparently referred to Paxton’s retention of a defense team that included Dan Cogdell and Philip Hilder with respect to whom Schaffer and Wice issued polite public statements. The hundreds of email exchanges between the prosecutors and reporters (McGaughy in particular) are clearly collusive. With the avid cooperation of the press corps for two and a half years Schaffer and Wice have been busy smearing Paxton through leaks and planted stories all while risibly claiming to be “seeking justice on behalf of the people of Texas.” To re-cap this series: The baseless politicized prosecution of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has been a travesty on many levels. Following the recusal of Collin County District Attorney Greg Willis the matter should not have been referred to mercenary “special prosecutors” for investigation; Schaffer (the unindicted co-conspirator in a RICO case) and Wice (an incorrigible diva) were not suitable for the assignment in any event; the open-ended compensation arrangement agreed to by Judge Scott Becker was both unlawful and foolhardy; the grand jury indictment improperly obtained by the unscrupulous prosecutors amounts to fabricated felonies — made-up crimes never previously prosecuted in a Texas court; the overtly-biased George Gallagher presided over the case as a farcical kangaroo court; changing the venue of the case to Harris County was an absurd and outrageous denial of due process to Paxton; et cetera ad infinitum.
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Happiness may be healthier for some cultures than others
Jiah Yoo
Even after accounting for things like a person's age gender socioeconomic status and chronic health conditions there was a significant difference between the two groups: "American adults who experience high levels of positive emotions such as feeling 'cheerful' and 'extremely happy ' are more likely to have healthy blood-lipid profiles " explains lead study author Jiah Yoo but the same was not true among Japanese adults. The discrepancy she adds "suggests that health implications of positive emotions may not be completely driven by the inherent nature of positive emotions but also shaped by American cultural context." "In American cultures experiencing positive emotions is seen as desirable and is even encouraged via socialization " Yoo explains. "But in East Asian cultures people commonly view positive emotions as having dark sides -- they are fleeting may attract unnecessary attention from others and can be a distraction from focusing on important tasks." Yoo believes the cultural influence on the positivity-health connection may be the result of culturally specific health behaviors. "Frequent experience of positive affect in the Western context would be aligned with prescribed values and beliefs and thus likely motivate engagement in and pursuit of healthy behaviors " she explains. "In contrast positive affect aligns less with norms and beliefs about positive affect in the East Asian context and thus may not be associated with healthy behaviors." After all experiencing a full range of emotions is perfectly healthy and a least one study has shown that there's a benefit to embracing your negative emotions . Yoo says it's possible that Americans' mental and physical health could improve if we start viewing negativity as more acceptable. But there are some caveats of the study. One is that this study design can only show correlation not causation. Yoo says it also doesn't address the fact that "sometimes positive emotions may not be healthy even in the U.S." Indeed some research points to the damaging health effects of our relentless pursuit of positivity and happiness.
Even after accounting for things like a person's age gender socioeconomic status and chronic health conditions there was a significant difference between the two groups: "American adults who experience high levels of positive emotions such as feeling 'cheerful' and 'extremely happy ' are more likely to have healthy blood-lipid profiles " explains lead study author [TGT] but the same was not true among Japanese adults. The discrepancy she adds "suggests that health implications of positive emotions may not be completely driven by the inherent nature of positive emotions but also shaped by American cultural context." "In American cultures experiencing positive emotions is seen as desirable and is even encouraged via socialization " Yoo explains. "But in East Asian cultures people commonly view positive emotions as having dark sides -- they are fleeting may attract unnecessary attention from others and can be a distraction from focusing on important tasks." Yoo believes the cultural influence on the positivity-health connection may be the result of culturally specific health behaviors. "Frequent experience of positive affect in the Western context would be aligned with prescribed values and beliefs and thus likely motivate engagement in and pursuit of healthy behaviors " she explains. "In contrast positive affect aligns less with norms and beliefs about positive affect in the East Asian context and thus may not be associated with healthy behaviors." After all experiencing a full range of emotions is perfectly healthy and a least one study has shown that there's a benefit to embracing your negative emotions . Yoo says it's possible that Americans' mental and physical health could improve if we start viewing negativity as more acceptable. But there are some caveats of the study. One is that this study design can only show correlation not causation. Yoo says it also doesn't address the fact that "sometimes positive emotions may not be healthy even in the U.S." Indeed some research points to the damaging health effects of our relentless pursuit of positivity and happiness.
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A Pastor Found A Massive Diamond. Now He Hopes It Will Help His Country.
Emmanuel Momoh
Now Momoh watched as the gem found in from a field not far from his tin-roof room home was snapped up for $6 536 360. Then Momoh did something unprecedented: he decided to hand it over to the government. He figured the money made on selling the stone would be used for public services in a country recently devastated by Ebola and mudslides . For weeks afterwards in Sierra Leone websites and bars alike in Sierra Leone were abuzz with talk of the giant diamond. “I don't know whether [ he ’s] being honest or naïve ” one poster wrote on Facebook. “But I seriously doubt whether [President Ernest Bai] Koroma will care to share the proceeds with his kitchen cabinet.” The dealer a man with years of experience in the murky world of diamond trading became the first of several who would try to persuade Momoh to smuggle the gem on the black market and rake in tens of thousands of dollars — possibly more — for himself . Momoh considered the proposal. His wife and three kids were waiting back home in Koryadu a village so poor it has no running water electricity or paved roads despite literally sitting on diamond fields. . Emmanuel Momoh a tall and soft-spoken pastor from Sierra Leone who had travelled outside his country for the first time was following nervously as some 70 bids came in online and in phone calls. Going under the hammer was a massive gem called the “Peace Diamond ” which was expected to fetch tens of millions of dollars. Momoh had briefly been its owner. After years of struggling to feed his family on a paltry income as an evangelical preacher (and selling peanuts as a side business) Momoh applied for a mining license in 2012. In Sierra Leone’s diamond-rich eastern region villagers often pool their money into artisanal mines. Few though strike it lucky in the unregulated and often-dangerous informal mines. Momoh ’s team dredged up a few carats a month making precious little profits. The country’s gems were once at the heart of Sierra Leone’s brutal war that ended in 2002. Momoh lived through the decade-long conflict waged over who would control mineral-rich fields like the ones where his diggers made their lucky find. The stones found there were smuggled across the borders by rebels in exchange for arms and ammunitions. The digging was carried out by an enslaved population under threat of death by the rebels earning them the dark nickname “blood diamonds” and eventually setting off an international backlash against their sale. Artisanal mining — mining without heavy equipment — is back breaking work. Using spades crowbars and pick axes diggers sift through several tons of earth to find a single carat of diamonds. The physical labor takes a toll with miners often suffering hernias exhaustion and exposure to malaria and parasites by drinking from polluted streams. Momoh often paid their medical bills a drain he could barely afford. By March this year he ’d told his wife he was considering letting his diggers go. “I told my wife it’s very difficult to balance between our family needs and those of workers. It’s challenging. You’re looking for something you don’t know if you’ll ever find.” So when a knock came on his door on the evening of March 13 Momoh hoped there hadn’t been an accident. Four dust-covered workers walked into his living room. One of them a man called Komba Johnbull said he first needed 800 000 leones — roughly $100 and easily an entire month’s wage. “ He said ‘I think something important has happened. But before I tell you you have to give me 800 000 leones ’” Momoh recalled. “I said ‘what do you mean what are you talking about?’” As the manager and financial supporter of the group Momoh was the legal owner of anything discovered. But tradition dictates that diggers are entitled to a dash or stipend from their financier when they make a significant find. Quickly realizing it must be big news to require such a hefty dash Momoh once again scraped together the cash and gave it to his worker. He was stunned at the gem that was handed over to him . “The reaction was — I mean everyone was just… ” he faltered trying to summon the words. “Every one of us was very happy. We knew it was special.” Still at that point no one in the room realized quite how big a find they had on their hands. Diamonds in Sierra Leone are some of the highest quality in the world typically so clear and transparent that they’re known as “glasses.” The rock in front of Momoh was orange-hued with tiny red speckles. Momoh decided to take it to a diamond dealer in Kono who was known for paying cash upfront with minimal fuss. Miners are legally allowed to sell smaller diamonds though larger ones have to be handed over to the government who then share a fraction of the final sale price with the original owners. The dealer immediately suggested a different option: without alerting anyone else they could find a buyer and share the money between themselves. “He said there’s no need to sell this. If you take this diamond to the government you will not get anything out of it ” Momoh recalled. The dealer refused to hand back the diamond as he desperately tried to convince Momoh to follow his plan. The discussion dragged on for hours. “It was very difficult to remove that diamond from the Lebanese [dealer]. We stayed four or five hours in that office that night until finally we are able to convince him to bring that diamond out.”
Now Momoh watched as the gem found in from a field not far from his tin-roof room home was snapped up for $6 536 360. Then Momoh did something unprecedented: he decided to hand it over to the government. He figured the money made on selling the stone would be used for public services in a country recently devastated by Ebola and mudslides . For weeks afterwards in Sierra Leone websites and bars alike in Sierra Leone were abuzz with talk of the giant diamond. “I don't know whether [ he ’s] being honest or naïve ” one poster wrote on Facebook. “But I seriously doubt whether [President Ernest Bai] Koroma will care to share the proceeds with his kitchen cabinet.” The dealer a man with years of experience in the murky world of diamond trading became the first of several who would try to persuade Momoh to smuggle the gem on the black market and rake in tens of thousands of dollars — possibly more — for himself . Momoh considered the proposal. His wife and three kids were waiting back home in Koryadu a village so poor it has no running water electricity or paved roads despite literally sitting on diamond fields. . [TGT] a tall and soft-spoken pastor from Sierra Leone who had travelled outside [TGT] country for the first time was following nervously as some 70 bids came in online and in phone calls. Going under the hammer was a massive gem called the “Peace Diamond ” which was expected to fetch tens of millions of dollars. Momoh had briefly been its owner. After years of struggling to feed his family on a paltry income as an evangelical preacher (and selling peanuts as a side business) Momoh applied for a mining license in 2012. In Sierra Leone’s diamond-rich eastern region villagers often pool their money into artisanal mines. Few though strike it lucky in the unregulated and often-dangerous informal mines. Momoh ’s team dredged up a few carats a month making precious little profits. The country’s gems were once at the heart of Sierra Leone’s brutal war that ended in 2002. Momoh lived through the decade-long conflict waged over who would control mineral-rich fields like the ones where his diggers made their lucky find. The stones found there were smuggled across the borders by rebels in exchange for arms and ammunitions. The digging was carried out by an enslaved population under threat of death by the rebels earning them the dark nickname “blood diamonds” and eventually setting off an international backlash against their sale. Artisanal mining — mining without heavy equipment — is back breaking work. Using spades crowbars and pick axes diggers sift through several tons of earth to find a single carat of diamonds. The physical labor takes a toll with miners often suffering hernias exhaustion and exposure to malaria and parasites by drinking from polluted streams. Momoh often paid their medical bills a drain he could barely afford. By March this year he ’d told his wife he was considering letting his diggers go. “I told my wife it’s very difficult to balance between our family needs and those of workers. It’s challenging. You’re looking for something you don’t know if you’ll ever find.” So when a knock came on his door on the evening of March 13 Momoh hoped there hadn’t been an accident. Four dust-covered workers walked into his living room. One of them a man called Komba Johnbull said he first needed 800 000 leones — roughly $100 and easily an entire month’s wage. “ He said ‘I think something important has happened. But before I tell you you have to give me 800 000 leones ’” Momoh recalled. “I said ‘what do you mean what are you talking about?’” As the manager and financial supporter of the group Momoh was the legal owner of anything discovered. But tradition dictates that diggers are entitled to a dash or stipend from their financier when they make a significant find. Quickly realizing it must be big news to require such a hefty dash Momoh once again scraped together the cash and gave it to his worker. He was stunned at the gem that was handed over to him . “The reaction was — I mean everyone was just… ” he faltered trying to summon the words. “Every one of us was very happy. We knew it was special.” Still at that point no one in the room realized quite how big a find they had on their hands. Diamonds in Sierra Leone are some of the highest quality in the world typically so clear and transparent that they’re known as “glasses.” The rock in front of Momoh was orange-hued with tiny red speckles. Momoh decided to take it to a diamond dealer in Kono who was known for paying cash upfront with minimal fuss. Miners are legally allowed to sell smaller diamonds though larger ones have to be handed over to the government who then share a fraction of the final sale price with the original owners. The dealer immediately suggested a different option: without alerting anyone else they could find a buyer and share the money between themselves. “He said there’s no need to sell this. If you take this diamond to the government you will not get anything out of it ” Momoh recalled. The dealer refused to hand back the diamond as he desperately tried to convince Momoh to follow his plan. The discussion dragged on for hours. “It was very difficult to remove that diamond from the Lebanese [dealer]. We stayed four or five hours in that office that night until finally we are able to convince him to bring that diamond out.”
Milo Yiannopoulos' Lawyers Withdraw From Suit Against Simon & Schuster
Milo Yiannopoulos
Meister Seelig & Fein will no longer represent far-right pot-stirrer Milo Yiannopoulos due to a “breakdown in the relationship ” according to an emergency motion filed by the New York-based law firm this past Friday. Yiannopoulos is currently in a legal battle against publisher Simon & Schuster over his (now) self-published book Dangerous. The former Breitbart editor said the disagreement with his counsel arose because Simon & Schuster persuaded the court to make certain documents available only to his lawyers. “I will now be representing myself pro se so I can directly see the material ” Yiannopoulos said in a statement. UPDATE: A representative for Milo Yiannopoulos confirms that he will now be representing himself in his lawsuit against Simon & Schuster — Ellie Hall (@ellievhall) January 8 2018
Meister Seelig & Fein will no longer represent [TGT]due to a “breakdown in the relationship ” according to an emergency motion filed by the New York-based law firm this past Friday. [TGT]is currently in a legal battle against publisher Simon & Schuster over his (now) self-published book Dangerous. The former Breitbart editor said the disagreement with his counsel arose because Simon & Schuster persuaded the court to make certain documents available only to his lawyers. “I will now be representing myself pro se so I can directly see the material ” [TGT]said in a statement. UPDATE: [TGT]confirms that [TGT] will now be representing [TGT] in [TGT] lawsuit against Simon & Schuster — Ellie Hall (@ellievhall) January 8 2018
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Lebanon's president welcomes Hariri's plans to return
Saad Hariri
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese President Michel Aoun who has refused to accept Saad Hariri’s resignation as prime minister unless Hariri returns from Saudi Arabia welcomed comments from Hariri that he plans to come home soon palace sources and visitors said on Monday. Aoun has said he believes Hariri does not have free control over his own movements while in Saudi Arabia and that this casts doubt on any statements Hariri makes. Nevertheless those close to Aoun said the president welcomed Hariri ’s comments. “President Aoun expressed his pleasure at Hariri ’s announcement of his return to Lebanon soon ” a source said. Aoun said that Hariri was “leaving all doors open including rescinding his resignation” according to one of a group of visitors who met Aoun. The visitors declined to be identified while discussing the closed-door conversations. The visitors quoted Aoun as saying that Hariri ’s remarks showed that the political deal underpinning Lebanon’s coalition government -- which includes both Hariri ’s Sunni party and the heavily armed Shi‘ite movement Hezbollah -- still stands. Aoun has been convening high level meetings with Lebanese politicians and diplomats since Hariri stepped down and the visitors said the president believed that Hariri ’s comments showed such efforts were working. Nearly 24 hours after Hariri ’s interview which appeared on a TV station he owns Hezbollah had still not commented on his remarks. Hezbollah’s allies in Iran said Hariri ’s remarks gave hope he would return to Lebanon. In his resignation speech Hariri whose father also a former prime minister was killed by a bomb in 2005 said he feared assassination. He said in his interview eight days later that he was free to leave Saudi Arabia but that his movements were also guided by concern for his family’s safety. In a televised statement Future Movement lawmaker Ammar Houri said it supported Hariri ’s statement that Lebanon should stay out of regional conflicts and reject Iran’s interference. Saudi Arabia denies that it coerced Hariri into resigning or has kept him from leaving. It has accused Lebanon of declaring war on it because of Hezbollah and has advised Saudi citizens to leave Lebanon. Hezbollah says it was the Saudis who have declared war on Lebanon. Hariri ’s comments encouraged a recovery on Monday in Lebanese dollar bonds which slumped last week.
BEIRUT (Reuters) [TGT]welcomed comments from Hariri that [TGT] plans to come home soon palace sources and visitors said on Monday. [TGT] has said [TGT] believes Hariri does not have free control over [TGT] own movements while in Saudi Arabia and that this casts doubt on any statements Hariri makes. Nevertheless those close to [TGT] said the president welcomed Hariri ’s comments. “President [TGT] expressed [TGT] pleasure at Hariri ’s announcement of his return to Lebanon soon ” a source said. [TGT] said that Hariri was “leaving all doors open including rescinding his resignation” according to one of a group of visitors who met [TGT]. The visitors declined to be identified while discussing the closed-door conversations. The visitors quoted [TGT] as saying that Hariri ’s remarks showed that the political deal underpinning Lebanon’s coalition government -- which includes both Hariri ’s Sunni party and the heavily armed Shi‘ite movement Hezbollah -- still stands. [TGT] has been convening high level meetings with Lebanese politicians and diplomats since Hariri stepped down and the visitors said [TGT] believed that Hariri ’s comments showed such efforts were working. Nearly 24 hours after Hariri ’s interview which appeared on a TV station he owns Hezbollah had still not commented on [TGT] remarks. Hezbollah’s allies in Iran said Hariri ’s remarks gave hope he would return to Lebanon. In his resignation speech Hariri whose father also a former prime minister was killed by a bomb in 2005 said he feared assassination. He said in his interview eight days later that he was free to leave Saudi Arabia but that his movements were also guided by concern for his family’s safety. In a televised statement Future Movement lawmaker Ammar Houri said it supported Hariri ’s statement that Lebanon should stay out of regional conflicts and reject Iran’s interference. Saudi Arabia denies that it coerced Hariri into resigning or has kept him from leaving. It has accused Lebanon of declaring war on it because of Hezbollah and has advised Saudi citizens to leave Lebanon. Hezbollah says it was the Saudis who have declared war on Lebanon. Hariri ’s comments encouraged a recovery on Monday in Lebanese dollar bonds which slumped last week.
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Oscars 2018: Latin America shines as del Toro wins big
Guillermo del Toro
Image copyright AFP Image caption Guillermo del Toro with two of the four Oscars his film won Mexico's Guillermo del Toro won best director and his The Shape of Water took the top honour for best film. Well that depends on your definition of a Latin American film. There is no doubt that Mexico did extremely well by getting the two most coveted awards of the night. Guillermo del Toro the 53-year-old from Guadalajara won both best director and best picture. Image copyright AFP Image caption Before Guillermo del Toro Alfonso Cuarón was the golden boy of Mexican cinema Judging by the reaction on social media where Guillermo del Toro's name trended the 2018 did highlight the achievements of Latin American filmmakers if not of actors.
Image copyright AFP Image caption [TGT] with two of the four Oscars [TGT] film won Mexico's Guillermo del Toro won best director and [TGT] The Shape of Water took the top honour for best film. Well that depends on your definition of a Latin American film. There is no doubt that Mexico did extremely well by getting the two most coveted awards of the night. [TGT]the 53-year-old from Guadalajara won both best director and best picture. Image copyright AFP Image caption Before [TGT]Alfonso Cuarón was the golden boy of Mexican cinema Judging by the reaction on social media where [TGT] name trended the 2018 did highlight the achievements of Latin American filmmakers if not of actors.
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'Destiny 2': Where's Xur and What's He Selling (December 8)?
The tentacle-faced traveling salesman known as Xur has returned to Destiny 2 and this week he 's hanging out in the Winding Cove region of the EDZ. If you look at your local map in the game's Director guide you'll notice the Roman numeral IX north of the nearest fast-travel marker. "A peddler of strange curios Xur 's motives are not his own " the waypoint reads. " He bows to his distant masters the Nine." In D2 Xur's currency of choice is no longer Strange Coins but Legendary Shards which can be acquired by dismantling legendary gear. His price for an exotic weapon is 29 Shards; the cost of an armor piece is 23. Here's what he 's offering this week: Curse of Osiris has arrived along with the game's second "season." The Prometheus Lens is the big news this week; a Trace Rifle like the Coldheart this puppy's being hailed as the "new Gjallarhorn " or the "new Vex Mythoclast." There's a lot of talk about how it's broken the Crucible and needs patched but at least Xur has graciously leveled the playing field in the meantime. As Bungie announced last week Xur will soon begin selling "Fated Engrams" (for 97 legendary shards) that will decrypt into exotics you don't already have once weekly as long as there are still exotics you don't have. For some reason these don't appear to be available yet. Xur now stays until the weekly reset on Tuesday when Trials of the Nine ends and ritual activities like the Nightfall rotate. That means you'll have until noon Eastern time on November December 12 to grab something from his stock – plenty of time to break down those unused legendaries!
[TGT]has returned to Destiny 2 and this week [TGT] 's hanging out in the Winding Cove region of the EDZ. If you look at your local map in the game's Director guide you'll notice the Roman numeral IX north of the nearest fast-travel marker. "[TGT] are not [TGT] own " the waypoint reads. " [TGT] bows to [TGT] distant masters the Nine." In D2 [TGT] is no longer Strange Coins but Legendary Shards which can be acquired by dismantling legendary gear. [TGT] price for an exotic weapon is 29 Shards; the cost of an armor piece is 23. Here's what [TGT] 's offering this week: Curse of Osiris has arrived along with the game's second "season." The Prometheus Lens is the big news this week; a Trace Rifle like the Coldheart this puppy's being hailed as the "new Gjallarhorn " or the "new Vex Mythoclast." There's a lot of talk about how it's broken the Crucible and needs patched but at least [TGT]has graciously leveled the playing field in the meantime. As Bungie announced last week [TGT]will soon begin selling "Fated Engrams" (for 97 legendary shards) that will decrypt into exotics you don't already have once weekly as long as there are still exotics you don't have. For some reason these don't appear to be available yet. [TGT]now stays until the weekly reset on Tuesday when Trials of the Nine ends and ritual activities like the Nightfall rotate. That means you'll have until noon Eastern time on November December 12 to grab something from his stock – plenty of time to break down those unused legendaries!
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Justin Thomas claims FedExCup title $10 million bonus
Xander Schauffele
Skip in Skip x Embed x Share CLOSE Justin Thomas wins FedExCup title $10 million bonus; Xander Schauffele wins Tour Championship. USA TODAY Sports ATLANTA — With six holes to play in last week’s BMW Championship the third event of the FedExCup Playoffs rookie Xander Schauffele ’s chances of advancing to The Tour Championship seemed remote. Seven days later he won the PGA Tour’s season finale. With nerves of a veteran and a game that held up under the pressure in a battle against some of the game’s best players Schauffele claimed his biggest win and largest paycheck Sunday when he birdied the 72nd hole at East Lake Golf Club to topple Justin Thomas by one shot. The two were tied before Schauffele two-putted from just off the green on the par-5 18th for the separating birdie the final putt circling nearly the entire cup before dropping. He signed for a 2-under-par 68 to finish at 12 under and one clear of Thomas (66).
Skip in Skip x Embed x Share CLOSE Justin Thomas wins FedExCup title $10 million bonus; [TGT] wins Tour Championship. USA TODAY Sports ATLANTA — With six holes to play in last week’s BMW Championship the third event of the FedExCup Playoffs rookie [TGT] ’s chances of advancing to The Tour Championship seemed remote. Seven days later he won the PGA Tour’s season finale. With nerves of a veteran and a game that held up under the pressure in a battle against some of the game’s best players [TGT]claimed [TGT] biggest win and largest paycheck Sunday when [TGT] birdied the 72nd hole at East Lake Golf Club to topple Justin Thomas by one shot. The two were tied before Schauffele two-putted from just off the green on the par-5 18th for the separating birdie the final putt circling nearly the entire cup before dropping. He signed for a 2-under-par 68 to finish at 12 under and one clear of Thomas (66).
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Trump seeks $18 billion to begin building border wall
Donald ] Trump
The Trump administration has told lawmakers that it wants $18 billion over the next decade for the initial phase of a Mexico border wall laying out for the first time a detailed financial blueprint for the president's signature campaign promise. "President [Donald] Trump has said he may need a good government shutdown to get his wall. With this demand he seems to be heading in that direction " said Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee's immigration subcommittee. Though Trump ran for office on a promise that Mexico would pay for a border wall the spending plan indicates American taxpayers would fund it for at least the foreseeable future. Trump has told Democrats he is unwilling to reach an agreement unless they fund his wall plan among other measures but the CBP document is the first time his administration has sketched out what that might cost. Democrats have repeatedly said they will not pay for a wall. Even though on a year-over-year basis the CBP request would not represent a dramatic funding increase over current border spending levels it would represent a long-term commitment to a physical structure that Trump would be able to claim as a political trophy. " Trump can have a shutdown fight over his stupid wall that pleases the nativists in his base or he can have a breakthrough that pairs the Dream Act and border security so he can brag he did something Obama couldn't get done. He can't have both " said Frank Sharry executive director of America's Voice an immigrant advocacy group. "This move by the White House does not bode well." Trump has said he may travel to San Diego to inspect the prototypes which range in height from 18 to 30 feet and combine different formulations of see-through steel bars concrete slabs and metal spikes.
The Trump administration has told lawmakers that it wants $18 billion over the next decade for the initial phase of a Mexico border wall laying out for the first time a detailed financial blueprint for the president's signature campaign promise. "President [Donald] Trump has said he may need a good government shutdown to get his wall. With this demand he seems to be heading in that direction " said Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee's immigration subcommittee. Though Trump ran for office on a promise that Mexico would pay for a border wall the spending plan indicates American taxpayers would fund it for at least the foreseeable future. Trump has told Democrats he is unwilling to reach an agreement unless they fund his wall plan among other measures but the CBP document is the first time his administration has sketched out what that might cost. Democrats have repeatedly said they will not pay for a wall. Even though on a year-over-year basis the CBP request would not represent a dramatic funding increase over current border spending levels it would represent a long-term commitment to a physical structure that Trump would be able to claim as a political trophy. " Trump can have a shutdown fight over his stupid wall that pleases the nativists in his base or he can have a breakthrough that pairs the Dream Act and border security so he can brag he did something Obama couldn't get done. He can't have both " said Frank Sharry executive director of America's Voice an immigrant advocacy group. "This move by the White House does not bode well." Trump has said he may travel to San Diego to inspect the prototypes which range in height from 18 to 30 feet and combine different formulations of see-through steel bars concrete slabs and metal spikes.
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