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BP hopes to turn page with new CEO leaner company
Tony Hayward
Robert Dudley who will replace Tony Hayward on Oct. 1 promised changes in light of the environmental disaster. "There's no question we are going to learn things from this investigation of the incident " he said. Hayward has some sympathy in his native Britain where many pensions rely on BP stock and some consider U.S. outrage at the company to be over the top. A recurring theme in newspaper editorials and discussions among many Britons is that there simply wasn't much one man could do in the face of relentless American wrath. "BP sends Tony Hayward to Siberia to appease US " read a headline in the Guardian. Hayward who will stay on BP's board until Nov. 30 will receive a year's salary of 1.045 million pounds (US$1.6 million) as part of his severance package. His pension benefits are valued at about 11 million pounds (US$16.8 million) and he retains his rights to shares under a long-term performance program that could eventually be worth several million pounds if BP's share price recovers. Hayward said it was right that BP embark on its next phase under new leadership and expressed his condolences for the families of the workers killed in the explosion. "The Gulf of Mexico explosion was a terrible tragedy for which -- as the man in charge of BP when it happened -- I will always feel a deep responsibility regardless of where blame is ultimately found to lie " he said. President Barack Obama who once said he would fire Hayward if he could discussed the change in BP's leadership with Svanberg on Monday Gibbs said Tuesday. No details about the conversation were released. Dudley spent some of his childhood in Mississippi and worked for 20 years at Amoco Corp. which merged with BP in 1998. He lost out to Hayward on the CEO slot three years ago. Hayward if he could discussed the change in BP's leadership with Svanberg on Monday Gibbs said Tuesday. No details about the conversation were released. "Our concern is not who heads BP " Gibbs said. "Mr. Hayward is leaving. The key is that BP can't leave and should not leave the Gulf. ... They have obligations and responsibilities as the responsible party in this instance that have to be met regardless of who the CEO is."
Robert Dudley who will replace [TGT] on Oct. 1 promised changes in light of the environmental disaster. "There's no question we are going to learn things from this investigation of the incident " he said. [TGT] has some sympathy in [TGT] native Britain where many pensions rely on BP stock and some consider U.S. outrage at the company to be over the top. A recurring theme in newspaper editorials and discussions among many Britons is that there simply wasn't much one man could do in the face of relentless American wrath. "BP sends [TGT] to Siberia to appease US " read a headline in the Guardian. [TGT]who will stay on BP's board until Nov. 30 will receive a year's salary of 1.045 million pounds (US$1.6 million) as part of his severance package. His pension benefits are valued at about 11 million pounds (US$16.8 million) and he retains his rights to shares under a long-term performance program that could eventually be worth several million pounds if BP's share price recovers. [TGT] said it was right that BP embark on its next phase under new leadership and expressed [TGT] condolences for the families of the workers killed in the explosion. "The Gulf of Mexico explosion was a terrible tragedy for which -- as the man in charge of BP when it happened -- I will always feel a deep responsibility regardless of where blame is ultimately found to lie " he said. President Barack Obama who once said he would fire [TGT] if he could discussed the change in BP's leadership with Svanberg on Monday Gibbs said Tuesday. No details about the conversation were released. Dudley spent some of his childhood in Mississippi and worked for 20 years at Amoco Corp. which merged with BP in 1998. He lost out to [TGT] on the CEO slot three years ago. [TGT] if he could discussed the change in BP's leadership with Svanberg on Monday Gibbs said Tuesday. No details about the conversation were released. "Our concern is not who heads BP " Gibbs said. "[TGT] is leaving. The key is that BP can't leave and should not leave the Gulf. ... They have obligations and responsibilities as the responsible party in this instance that have to be met regardless of who the CEO is."
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Russian president outlines Moscow's diplomacy priorities
Dmitry Medvedev
Medvedev listed as another important foreign policy issue the fight against international crimes in particular terrorism and drug trafficking "that go hand-in-hand with corruption." "We must work pragmatically look at the various directions work openly and refuse confrontation " Medvedev said. Meanwhile Russia is against one-sided approach to the anti- missile defense issues the president told the conference. "We are against deployment of weapons in space " Medvedev said adding that Russia would like to keep the necessary level of its defensive capabilities. As for the relationship between Russia and the United States Medvedev said the two countries have no right to be satisfied with what has been achieved in bilateral relations. "The Cold War remains are passing. We have no right to be satisfied with what has been achieved in mutual understanding between such strong powers as Russia and the United States. This is an important and long overdue decision ... We are unanimous by this fact that sustainable development is based on national security. Our approach towards ensuring security coincides. We understand that it is necessary to give up military means. The new START treaty proves this " Medvedev pointed out. Medvedev also warned that Iran is about to acquire the capability to make nuclear weapons. He urged Russian ambassadors and permanent representatives to move away from simplistic approaches toward the Iran nuclear issue. "We need to finally abandon any simplistic approaches toward this problem. Iran is getting closer to possessing the potential that in principle can be used to create nuclear weapons " Medvedev was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying. He reiterated Russia's positions that sanctions would not produce the desired results but Russia will consistently urge Teheran to show essential openness and cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Medvedev also spoke about Russia-NATO cooperation on security issues. "We would like NATO to end its transformation to the modern organization in security sphere. We are ready to participate in equal cooperation with other players including the post-Soviet Organization for Collective Security " the president said. He said that Russia should increase its assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States and Eurasian Economic Commonwealth.
[TGT] listed as another important foreign policy issue the fight against international crimes in particular terrorism and drug trafficking "that go hand-in-hand with corruption." "We must work pragmatically look at the various directions work openly and refuse confrontation [TGT] said. Meanwhile Russia is against one-sided approach to the anti- missile defense issues [TGT] told the conference. "We are against deployment of weapons in space [TGT] said adding that Russia would like to keep the necessary level of its defensive capabilities. As for the relationship between Russia and the United States [TGT] said the two countries have no right to be satisfied with what has been achieved in bilateral relations. "The Cold War remains are passing. We have no right to be satisfied with what has been achieved in mutual understanding between such strong powers as Russia and the United States. This is an important and long overdue decision ... We are unanimous by this fact that sustainable development is based on national security. Our approach towards ensuring security coincides. We understand that it is necessary to give up military means. The new START treaty proves this " [TGT] pointed out. [TGT] also warned that Iran is about to acquire the capability to make nuclear weapons. [TGT] urged Russian ambassadors and permanent representatives to move away from simplistic approaches toward the Iran nuclear issue. "We need to finally abandon any simplistic approaches toward this problem. Iran is getting closer to possessing the potential that in principle can be used to create nuclear weapons " [TGT] was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying. [TGT] reiterated Russia's positions that sanctions would not produce the desired results but Russia will consistently urge Teheran to show essential openness and cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). [TGT] also spoke about Russia-NATO cooperation on security issues. "We would like NATO to end its transformation to the modern organization in security sphere. We are ready to participate in equal cooperation with other players including the post-Soviet Organization for Collective Security " [TGT] said. [TGT] said that Russia should increase its assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States and Eurasian Economic Commonwealth.
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For LeBron James , leadership is everything now .
LeBron James
Expectations are high , and James has tried to temper it . At this stage of his career , James is focused on winning championships . USA Today Sports ' Jeff Zillgitt shares what LeBron James has added to his offensive repertoire and how his leadership is already paying dividends in Cleveland . Patience is the word James used early in training camp . The Miami Heat never truly were LeBron James ' team , no matter how Dwyane Wade tried to spin it . James says he learned in Miami "to be very patient with the process and understand everyone always wants to see the end result and what 's at the end of the tunnel and do n't quite understand what goes on from the start to the finish and what 's in between that . But there is no mistaking that the Cleveland Cavaliers are LeBron James ' team . LeBron James . For all of the big games James , Miller , Marion , Jones and Haywood have played in the postseason , it is a contrast to zero playoff games for Irving , Love , Tristan Thompson and Dion Waiters . Kevin Love , Shawn Marion , Mike Miller and James Jones would n't have joined the Cavaliers without James ' presence . During his time in Miami , James bought into the idea that building a championship team is a process . "I think everyone will lead by however their characteristics define them as a leader ," James says . "I do n't want to get too ahead of myself ," James says . "The challenge is that every single day we have to understand we ca n't waste that day ," James says . LeBron James ' highlights and lowlights . But James ' celebrated return to Cleveland is not about just making the Cavaliers a better team . The pieces are in place with a Big Three of James , Kyrie Irving and Love headlining . James says putting on a Cavaliers jersey "feels right ." But now -- with James ' homecoming -- Cleveland sports fans are sensing another shot at a championship , and for this story to truly be legendary James must lead the Cavaliers to a title . "It 's going to be a different challenge for a lot of guys on our team that have n't played in big games in a long time ," James says .
Expectations are high , and [TGT] has tried to temper it . At this stage of [TGT] career , [TGT] is focused on winning championships . USA Today Sports ' Jeff Zillgitt shares what [TGT] has added to [TGT] offensive repertoire and how [TGT] leadership is already paying dividends in Cleveland . Patience is the word [TGT] used early in training camp . The Miami Heat never truly were [TGT] team , no matter how Dwyane Wade tried to spin it . [TGT] says [TGT] learned in Miami "to be very patient with the process and understand everyone always wants to see the end result and what 's at the end of the tunnel and do n't quite understand what goes on from the start to the finish and what 's in between that . But there is no mistaking that the Cleveland Cavaliers are [TGT] team . [TGT] . For all of the big games [TGT] , Miller , Marion , Jones and Haywood have played in the postseason , it is a contrast to zero playoff games for Irving , Love , Tristan Thompson and Dion Waiters . Kevin Love , Shawn Marion , Mike Miller and James Jones would n't have joined the Cavaliers without [TGT] ' presence . During [TGT] time in Miami , [TGT] bought into the idea that building a championship team is a process . "I think everyone will lead by however their characteristics define them as a leader ,[TGT] says . "I do n't want to get too ahead of [TGT] ,[TGT] says . "The challenge is that every single day we have to understand we ca n't waste that day ," [TGT] says . [TGT] highlights and lowlights . But [TGT] ' celebrated return to Cleveland is not about just making the Cavaliers a better team . The pieces are in place with a Big Three of [TGT] , Kyrie Irving and Love headlining . [TGT] says putting on a Cavaliers jersey "feels right ." But now -- with [TGT] ' homecoming -- Cleveland sports fans are sensing another shot at a championship , and for this story to truly be legendary [TGT] must lead the Cavaliers to a title . "It 's going to be a different challenge for a lot of guys on our team that have n't played in big games in a long time ,[TGT] says .
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Clinton expresses frustration at Mideast impasse
Without suggesting a new path toward Mideast peace Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton expressed frustration Friday with the Israel-Palestinian impasse while insisting the Obama administration will "not lose hope." She said the U.S. will keep pressing for a solution and she called on Israelis and Palestinians to set aside their differences. "It is no secret that the parties have a long way to go and that they have not yet made the difficult decisions that peace requires " she said in a dinner speech at the Saban Forum a Mideast policy seminar sponsored by the Brookings Institution think tank. "And like many of you I regret that we have not gotten farther faster." She spoke just days after the administration dropped an effort to persuade Israel to impose a temporary freeze on some settlement activity. The Palestinians insist that direct peace talks cannot resume until Israel halts settlement construction. Clinton made clear that she believes the Israelis and Palestinians are ultimately responsible for settling their long conflict. "Unfortunately as we have learned the parties in this conflict have often not been ready to take the necessary steps " she said. "Going forward they must take responsibility and make the difficult decisions that peace requires. This begins with a sincere effort to see the world through the other side's eyes to try to understand their perspective and positions. Palestinians must appreciate Israel's legitimate security concerns. And Israelis must accept the legitimate territorial aspirations of the Palestinian people. Ignoring the other side's needs is in the end self-defeating." Clinton did not mention the administration's frequently repeated goal of achieving at least the outline of a final peace settlement by September 2011. That goal was set when Israeli and Palestinian leaders came to Washington in September to resume negotiations -- a process that quickly broke down over disagreement on Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank. She pledged to stay actively involved but she offered no new strategy for achieving the peace deal that has eluded other U.S. administrations. "The United States will not be a passive participant " she said. "We will push the parties to lay out their positions on the core issues without delay in good faith and with real specificity. We will work to narrow the gaps asking tough questions and expecting substantive answers. And in the context of our private conversations with the parties we will offer our own ideas and bridging proposals when appropriate." Before her remarks Clinton met the Palestinian prime minister the lead Palestinian negotiator the Israeli defense minister Israel's former foreign minister and the U.N. special envoy for the region. On Thursday Clinton held lengthy talks with Israel's chief negotiator. The administration's special Mideast peace envoy will travel to the region next week.
Without suggesting a new path toward [TGT] expressed frustration Friday with the Israel-Palestinian impasse while insisting the Obama administration will "not lose hope." [TGT] said the U.S. will keep pressing for a solution and [TGT] called on Israelis and Palestinians to set aside their differences. "It is no secret that the parties have a long way to go and that they have not yet made the difficult decisions that peace requires " [TGT] said in a dinner speech at the Saban Forum a Mideast policy seminar sponsored by the Brookings Institution think tank. "And like many of you I regret that we have not gotten farther faster." [TGT] spoke just days after the administration dropped an effort to persuade Israel to impose a temporary freeze on some settlement activity. The Palestinians insist that direct peace talks cannot resume until Israel halts settlement construction. [TGT] made clear that [TGT] believes the Israelis and Palestinians are ultimately responsible for settling their long conflict. "Unfortunately as we have learned the parties in this conflict have often not been ready to take the necessary steps " [TGT] said. "Going forward they must take responsibility and make the difficult decisions that peace requires. This begins with a sincere effort to see the world through the other side's eyes to try to understand their perspective and positions. Palestinians must appreciate Israel's legitimate security concerns. And Israelis must accept the legitimate territorial aspirations of the Palestinian people. Ignoring the other side's needs is in the end self-defeating." [TGT] did not mention the administration's frequently repeated goal of achieving at least the outline of a final peace settlement by September 2011. That goal was set when Israeli and Palestinian leaders came to Washington in September to resume negotiations -- a process that quickly broke down over disagreement on Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank. [TGT] pledged to stay actively involved but [TGT] offered no new strategy for achieving the peace deal that has eluded other U.S. administrations. "The United States will not be a passive participant " [TGT] said. "We will push the parties to lay out their positions on the core issues without delay in good faith and with real specificity. We will work to narrow the gaps asking tough questions and expecting substantive answers. And in the context of our private conversations with the parties we will offer our own ideas and bridging proposals when appropriate." Before [TGT] remarks [TGT] met the Palestinian prime minister the lead Palestinian negotiator the Israeli defense minister Israel's former foreign minister and the U.N. special envoy for the region. On Thursday [TGT] held lengthy talks with Israel's chief negotiator. The administration's special Mideast peace envoy will travel to the region next week.
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Yuri M. Luzhkov
This capital city was on the brink of collapse when Yuri M. Luzhkov became mayor in 1992 with food shortages trash-strewn streets and rampant crime. Cigarettes one of the few luxuries available to the masses in the Soviet era were in such short supply that Muscovites blockaded the city's main thoroughfares in protest. Eighteen years later as Luzhkov steps down after being fired Tuesday by Russia's president Dmitry A. Medvedev he is leaving behind a humming metropolis of skyscrapers luxury boutiques and traffic jams. Opponents also describe a legacy of corruption and nepotism that has left the mayor and his circle exceedingly rich -- and possibly disgraced. Not a word has been heard yet from Luzhkov whose motorcade sped out of city hall shortly after the news was delivered. Even after a blistering smear campaign in the Kremlin-controlled media in recent weeks Luzhkov had been defiant vowing as late as Monday to hang on to power. It was clear he was not yet ready to speak of his legacy. But those who have followed the long arc of the mayor's career and who took stock of his tenure Tuesday spoke of two Luzhkovs. They described the mayor of recent years who ran Moscow like a personal fief crushing opponents while surrounding himself with a small team of allies who enriched themselves through their control of the city's main avenues of commerce. Under his leadership his wife Yelena Baturina a billionaire real estate developer responsible for many of the new high-rise buildings in Moscow became Russia's richest woman. But those who knew Luzhkov from his earliest days as mayor also recall a tireless crisis manager who largely through the blunt force of his will pulled this city through the chaos of the Soviet collapse. "Frankly speaking he simply saved Moscow in 1992-93 when there was a total deficit of everything " said Sergei B. Stankevich a political analyst who worked with Luzhkov in the city government in those early years. simply saved Moscow in 1992-93 when there was a total deficit of everything " said Sergei B. Stankevich a political analyst who worked with Luzhkov in the city government in those early years. "Unfortunately the late Luzhkov was another man " he said. "But the early Luzhkov is still my friend."
This capital city was on the brink of collapse when [TGT] became mayor in 1992 with food shortages trash-strewn streets and rampant crime. Cigarettes one of the few luxuries available to the masses in the Soviet era were in such short supply that Muscovites blockaded the city's main thoroughfares in protest. Eighteen years later as [TGT] steps down after being fired Tuesday by Russia's president Dmitry A. Medvedev he is leaving behind a humming metropolis of skyscrapers luxury boutiques and traffic jams. Opponents also describe a legacy of corruption and nepotism that has left the mayor and his circle exceedingly rich -- and possibly disgraced. Not a word has been heard yet from [TGT]whose motorcade sped out of city hall shortly after the news was delivered. Even after a blistering smear campaign in the Kremlin-controlled media in recent weeks [TGT] had been defiant vowing as late as Monday to hang on to power. It was clear [TGT] was not yet ready to speak of [TGT] legacy. But those who have followed the long arc of the mayor's career and who took stock of [TGT] tenure Tuesday spoke of two Luzhkovs. They described the mayor of recent years who ran Moscow like a personal fief crushing opponents while surrounding himself with a small team of allies who enriched themselves through their control of the city's main avenues of commerce. Under his leadership his wife Yelena Baturina a billionaire real estate developer responsible for many of the new high-rise buildings in Moscow became Russia's richest woman. But those who knew [TGT] from [TGT] earliest days as mayor also recall a tireless crisis manager who largely through the blunt force of [TGT] will pulled this city through the chaos of the Soviet collapse. "Frankly speaking [TGT] simply saved Moscow in 1992-93 when there was a total deficit of everything " said Sergei B. Stankevich a political analyst who worked with [TGT] in the city government in those early years. simply saved Moscow in 1992-93 when there was a total deficit of everything " said Sergei B. Stankevich a political analyst who worked with [TGT] in the city government in those early years. "Unfortunately the late [TGT] was another man " [TGT] said. "But the early [TGT] is still my friend."
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German teen found guilty of sex abuse in Turkey
Marco Weiss
"Of course we are very disappointed and I can also say in Marco's name that he feels this verdict is unjust " Weiss' father Ralf Jahns told reporters in the family's home town of Uelzen Germany. "This verdict says nothing about Marco's guilt or innocence " his mother Martina said and suggested the court's motivation had been that "the long time in investigative custody had to be justified." The verdict follows a lengthy trial that dragged on as the court demanded various reports on the girl's physical and mental condition from British authorities. Some prosecutors and judges in the panel of three overseeing the case were also changed delaying proceedings. It began as a closed-door trial with Weiss still a minor and identified only as Marco W. It was later opened to journalists. Weiss maintained that he and the girl became close while in the Mediterranean resort of Side near Antalya and one night ended up in the girl's hotel bedroom where they had physical contact but no intercourse. He also said the girl had lied about her age and said she was 15 -- the age of consent in Turkey. He was arrested the next day after the girl's mother filed a complaint with Turkish police and he was held for eight months in custody until being allowed to return home after an appeal from German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. On his return Weiss wrote a book -- "Marco W. -- My 247 days in a Turkish prison" -- detailing his time inside the jail in Antalya. WeissWeiss' lawyer said he would appeal Wednesday's conviction arguing that his client should have been cleared on grounds of insufficient proof and shortfalls in the investigation. "Marco Weiss should have been acquitted " Mehmet Asim Iplikcioglu said. "We will fight for that until the end."
"Of course we are very disappointed and I can also say in [TGT]'s name that he feels this verdict is unjust " Weiss' father Ralf Jahns told reporters in the family's home town of Uelzen Germany. "This verdict says nothing about [TGT]'s guilt or innocence " his mother Martina said and suggested the court's motivation had been that "the long time in investigative custody had to be justified." The verdict follows a lengthy trial that dragged on as the court demanded various reports on the girl's physical and mental condition from British authorities. Some prosecutors and judges in the panel of three overseeing the case were also changed delaying proceedings. It began as a closed-door trial with Weiss still a minor and identified only as Marco W. It was later opened to journalists. Weiss maintained that he and the girl became close while in the Mediterranean resort of Side near Antalya and one night ended up in the girl's hotel bedroom where they had physical contact but no intercourse. He also said the girl had lied about her age and said she was 15 -- the age of consent in Turkey. He was arrested the next day after the girl's mother filed a complaint with Turkish police and he was held for eight months in custody until being allowed to return home after an appeal from German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. On his return Weiss wrote a book -- "Marco W. -- My 247 days in a Turkish prison" -- detailing his time inside the jail in Antalya. WeissWeiss' lawyer said he would appeal Wednesday's conviction arguing that his client should have been cleared on grounds of insufficient proof and shortfalls in the investigation. "Marco Weiss should have been acquitted " Mehmet Asim Iplikcioglu said. "We will fight for that until the end."
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Jackson ' s mother sues concert promoter AEG Live
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson's mother sued a concert promoter Wednesday alleging the company failed to provide life-saving equipment and oversee a doctor who was hired to protect the pop star's well-being as he prepared for what were intended to be his comeback concerts. The suit contends AEG and its agents told Jackson the company would provide the equipment and hire Dr. Conrad Murray to care for Jackson so he could perform at the concerts in London. "AEG's representations to Jackson were false because in reality AEG was merely doing whatever it took to make sure that Michael Jackson could make it to rehearsals and shows and AEG did not provide a doctor who was truly looking out for Jackson's well-being and did not provide equipment " the lawsuit states. AEG Live President and CEO Randy Phillips said soon after Jackson's death in June 2009 that Murray was enlisted to act as Jackson's personal physician and was to be paid $150 000 a month by AEG Live as the singer prepared for the concerts. However Jackson died before signing the agreement. As a result Phillips said the agreement was not binding. The suit also said AEG Live was responsible for the actions of Murray in the care of Jackson. Murray however was not named as a defendant in the lawsuit. "At the time of his death Michael Jackson was under the immediate care of a doctor selected by hired by and controlled by AEG; indeed AEG demanded and required that Michael Jackson be treated by this particular doctor to ensure that Michael Jackson would attend all rehearsals and shows on the tour " the complaint states. Murray has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death at age 50. Police said Murray gave Jackson an overdose of the anesthetic propofol. The suit claims Jackson's eldest son Prince suffered great trauma and severe emotional distress because he witnessed his father's final moments. Despite years of self-imposed exile he retained a huge loyal following of fans overjoyed at the prospect of seeing him reclaim the glory he'd attained with albums like "Thriller" and songs like "Beat It!" and "Billie Jean."
[TGT] mother sued a concert promoter Wednesday alleging the company failed to provide life-saving equipment and oversee a doctor who was hired to protect the pop star's well-being as [TGT] prepared for what were intended to be [TGT] comeback concerts. The suit contends AEG and its agents told [TGT] the company would provide the equipment and hire Dr. Conrad Murray to care for [TGT] so [TGT] could perform at the concerts in London. "AEG's representations to [TGT] were false because in reality AEG was merely doing whatever it took to make sure that [TGT] could make it to rehearsals and shows and AEG did not provide a doctor who was truly looking out for [TGT]'s well-being and did not provide equipment " the lawsuit states. AEG Live President and CEO Randy Phillips said soon after [TGT]'s death in June 2009 that Murray was enlisted to act as [TGT]'s personal physician and was to be paid $150 000 a month by AEG Live as the singer prepared for the concerts. However [TGT] died before signing the agreement. As a result Phillips said the agreement was not binding. The suit also said AEG Live was responsible for the actions of Murray in the care of [TGT]. Murray however was not named as a defendant in the lawsuit. "At the time of his death [TGT] was under the immediate care of a doctor selected by hired by and controlled by AEG; indeed AEG demanded and required that [TGT] be treated by this particular doctor to ensure that [TGT] would attend all rehearsals and shows on the tour " the complaint states. Murray has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter in [TGT]'s death at age 50. Police said Murray gave [TGT] an overdose of the anesthetic propofol. The suit claims [TGT]'s eldest son Prince suffered great trauma and severe emotional distress because he witnessed his father's final moments. Despite years of self-imposed exile he retained a huge loyal following of fans overjoyed at the prospect of seeing him reclaim the glory he'd attained with albums like "Thriller" and songs like "Beat It!" and "Billie Jean."
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Second man questioned in terror probe
Mohammed Zazi
Attorney Armstrong Graham said Mohammed Zazi was asked about his son's history. Graham declined further comment. Asked by reporters if his son was frightened Mohammed Zazi said: "If you don't have anything why would you be scared?" He refused to answer more questions. Najibullah Zazi has already undergone hours of questioning this week and his apartment and his uncle and aunt's home in suburban Denver have been searched. Folsom told The Denver Post the agents aren't repeating questions to Zazi but are asking different things. Najibullah Zazi is a driver for an airport shuttle service in Denver. Authorities say he rented a car and drove from Denver to New York crossing into Manhattan the day before the anniversary of the Sept. 11 2001 terror attacks. He was stopped in what was described as a routine stop at the George Washington Bridge before he was allowed to go free. A relative said Zazi drove because he wanted to see the American countryside. Zazi said he went to New York to resolve some issues with a coffee cart he owns in Manhattan but officials suspected that something more sinister might have been in the works. FBI agents and police officers with search warrants seeking bomb materials searched three apartments and questioned residents in the neighborhood in Queens where he was staying. Folsom said Zazi 24 was born in Afghanistan in 1985 moved to Pakistan at age 7 and emigrated to the United States in 1999. Zazi's aunt had said earlier that he was born in Pakistan and grew up in Queens New York City. Folsom said Zazi has returned to Pakistan four times in recent years: in 2004 because his grandfather was sick and dying in 2006 to get married and in 2007 and 2008 to visit his wife.
Attorney Armstrong Graham said [TGT] was asked about his son's history. Graham declined further comment. Asked by reporters if his son was frightened [TGT] said: "If you don't have anything why would you be scared?" [TGT] refused to answer more questions. [TGT] has already undergone hours of questioning this week and [TGT] apartment and [TGT] uncle and aunt's home in suburban Denver have been searched. Folsom told The Denver Post the agents aren't repeating questions to [TGT] but are asking different things. [TGT] is a driver for an airport shuttle service in Denver. Authorities say [TGT] rented a car and drove from Denver to New York crossing into Manhattan the day before the anniversary of the Sept. 11 2001 terror attacks. [TGT] was stopped in what was described as a routine stop at the George Washington Bridge before [TGT] was allowed to go free. A relative said [TGT] drove because he wanted to see the American countryside. [TGT] said [TGT] went to New York to resolve some issues with a coffee cart [TGT] owns in Manhattan but officials suspected that something more sinister might have been in the works. FBI agents and police officers with search warrants seeking bomb materials searched three apartments and questioned residents in the neighborhood in Queens where [TGT] was staying. Folsom said Zazi 24 was born in Afghanistan in 1985 moved to Pakistan at age 7 and emigrated to the United States in 1999. [TGT]'s aunt had said earlier that he was born in Pakistan and grew up in Queens New York City. Folsom said [TGT] has returned to Pakistan four times in recent years: in 2004 because [TGT] grandfather was sick and dying in 2006 to get married and in 2007 and 2008 to visit [TGT] wife.
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LeBron James
CLEVELAND , OH - JUNE 20 : LeBron James # 23 of the Cleveland Cavaliers hoists the trophy as he gets off the plane as the team returns to Cleveland after wining the NBA Championships on June 20 , 2016 in Cleveland , Ohio . OAKLAND , CA - JUNE 19 : LeBron James # 23 of the Cleveland Cavaliers holds his daughter Zhuri during a press conference after defeating the Golden State Warriors 93-89 in Game 7 to win the 2016 NBA Finals at ORACLE Arena on June 19 , 2016 in Oakland , California . There 's never been a player as big and fast , with James ' leaping ability , ball handling and passing vision . After LeBron James ' virtuoso performance in the 2016 NBA Finals , no logical , unbiased or well informed fan can argue against his inclusion in any Top Five all-time list . James teammates ' performance does n't take anything away from him . Conspiracy theories and personal vendettas aside , it 's time even the most stubborn critics of James stop the hate and appreciate what they 've been privileged to watch . If there 's anyone still offering these responses to you in a debate about James ' accomplishments or his greatness , discontinue the conversation at once . James led the Cleveland Cavaliers to an improbable series win over a team that had been earmarked for a repeat after a historic regular season . After falling behind 3-1 , the James led Cavs handed the Warriors their only three-game losing streak of the season , and became the only team in NBA history to come back from a 3-1 deficit in the Finals . James ' greatness did n't begin last night . James has been to six consecutive NBA Finals -LRB- seven in all -RRB- , and he 's won it all three times .
CLEVELAND , OH - JUNE 20 : [TGT] # 23 of the Cleveland Cavaliers hoists the trophy as [TGT] gets off the plane as the team returns to Cleveland after wining the NBA Championships on June 20 , 2016 in Cleveland , Ohio . OAKLAND , CA - JUNE 19 : [TGT] # 23 of the Cleveland Cavaliers holds [TGT] daughter Zhuri during a press conference after defeating the Golden State Warriors 93-89 in Game 7 to win the 2016 NBA Finals at ORACLE Arena on June 19 , 2016 in Oakland , California . There 's never been a player as big and fast , with James ' leaping ability , ball handling and passing vision . After LeBron James ' virtuoso performance in the 2016 NBA Finals , no logical , unbiased or well informed fan can argue against his inclusion in any Top Five all-time list . James teammates ' performance does n't take anything away from him . Conspiracy theories and personal vendettas aside , it 's time even the most stubborn critics of James stop the hate and appreciate what they 've been privileged to watch . If there 's anyone still offering these responses to you in a debate about James ' accomplishments or his greatness , discontinue the conversation at once . James led the Cleveland Cavaliers to an improbable series win over a team that had been earmarked for a repeat after a historic regular season . After falling behind 3-1 , the James led Cavs handed the Warriors their only three-game losing streak of the season , and became the only team in NBA history to come back from a 3-1 deficit in the Finals . James ' greatness did n't begin last night . James has been to six consecutive NBA Finals -LRB- seven in all -RRB- , and he 's won it all three times .
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Violent clashes over arrest of Sri Lanka ex-army chief
Sarath Fonseka
Tensions escalated Wednesday over the arrest of Sri Lanka's former army chief Sarath Fonseka with violent clashes outside the Supreme Court where his wife petitioned for his immediate release. Opposition parties who backed Fonseka in his failed challenge to President Mahinda Rajapakse in January elections also demanded his release and said they feared for his safety in military custody. Fonseka was arrested by troops at his office in Colombo on Monday night and according to the defence ministry will be court-martialled on charges of conspiring against the government. Anti-riot police used tear gas and water cannon Wednesday to break up a clash between thousands of Fonseka supporters and ruling party activists outside the capital's Superior Courts complex. As order was restored Fonseka's wife arrived to file a petition for her husband's release. Supreme Court officials said a hearing had been fixed for Friday. Opposition lawmaker Karu Jayasuriya said the combined opposition was seeking the support of the influential Buddhist clergy in pressuring the government to free Fonseka and curb a crackdown on dissidents and rival politicians. "We are speaking to all religious leaders and will have a series of religious events to seek the release of General Fonseka from custody and ensure more democratic freedoms " Jayasuriya said. Sri Lanka's former peace facilitator Norway joined the United Nations France and the United States in expressing concern over Fonseka's arrest saying it risked impeding progress towards "lasting political stability". Earlier this month Rajapakse sacked a dozen senior military officers in an unprecedented purge. The defence ministry said the officers were a threat to national security. Party workers from Fonseka's office were also arrested. The Sri Lankan government is also concerned about Fonseka's apparent willingness to testify at any probe into alleged war crimes committed by Sri Lankan troops last year in the final stages of the conflict with Tiger rebels. "I am not prepared to protect anyone if they have committed war crimes " Fonseka said before his arrest.
Tensions escalated Wednesday over the arrest of [TGT]with violent clashes outside the Supreme Court where [TGT] wife petitioned for [TGT] immediate release. Opposition parties who backed [TGT] in [TGT] failed challenge to President Mahinda Rajapakse in January elections also demanded [TGT] release and said they feared for [TGT] safety in military custody. [TGT] was arrested by troops at [TGT] office in Colombo on Monday night and according to the defence ministry will be court-martialled on charges of conspiring against the government. Anti-riot police used tear gas and water cannon Wednesday to break up a clash between thousands of [TGT] supporters and ruling party activists outside the capital's Superior Courts complex. As order was restored [TGT]'s wife arrived to file a petition for her husband's release. Supreme Court officials said a hearing had been fixed for Friday. Opposition lawmaker Karu Jayasuriya said the combined opposition was seeking the support of the influential Buddhist clergy in pressuring the government to free [TGT] and curb a crackdown on dissidents and rival politicians. "We are speaking to all religious leaders and will have a series of religious events to seek the release of [TGT] from custody and ensure more democratic freedoms " Jayasuriya said. Sri Lanka's former peace facilitator Norway joined the United Nations France and the United States in expressing concern over [TGT]'s arrest saying it risked impeding progress towards "lasting political stability". Earlier this month Rajapakse sacked a dozen senior military officers in an unprecedented purge. The defence ministry said the officers were a threat to national security. Party workers from [TGT]'s office were also arrested. The Sri Lankan government is also concerned about [TGT]'s apparent willingness to testify at any probe into alleged war crimes committed by Sri Lankan troops last year in the final stages of the conflict with Tiger rebels. "I am not prepared to protect anyone if they have committed war crimes " [TGT] said before [TGT] arrest.
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WATCH : LeBron James ' Epic Flop Is One of the Worst in NBA History .
LeBron James
During Game 3 of the NBA Eastern Conference Finals on Saturday , LeBron James was accidentally elbowed , leading to one of the most egregious , over-the-top flops in NBA history . The referee ended up handing out a technical foul to the Toronto Raptors , despite the fact that it was actually James ' teammate who elbowed him .
During Game 3 of the NBA Eastern Conference Finals on Saturday , [TGT] was accidentally elbowed , leading to one of the most egregious , over-the-top flops in NBA history . The referee ended up handing out a technical foul to the Toronto Raptors , despite the fact that it was actually [TGT] teammate who elbowed [TGT] .
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LeBron James is a Bully .
LeBron James
"LeBron James demands that everybody bow down to him . With ESPN 's Stephen A. Smith dropping the gossip bomb of the summer Tuesday alleging that LeBron James wants to ` beat Kyrie Irving 's ass ' for Irving 's public desires to abandon Cleveland to rid himself of LBJ 's overbearing reign , Clay Travis mocked ` The King ' for once again turning the docile NBA offseason into an episode of ` Monday Night Raw ' . "LeBron James is insulted because he believes he is the Alpha Dog and he wants everybody else on that team to acknowledge that they are a beta and that they 're willing to do whatever LeBron James says ," Travis said . "If you are LeBron James and you are threatening to beat somebody up at the age of 33 , you 're a loser and a bully ," he said . LeBron James has rabbit ears and this is perfect evidence of it ."
"[TGT] demands that everybody bow down to [TGT] . With ESPN 's Stephen A. Smith dropping the gossip bomb of the summer Tuesday alleging that [TGT] wants to ` beat Kyrie Irving 's ass ' for Irving 's public desires to abandon Cleveland to rid [TGT] of LBJ 's overbearing reign , Clay Travis mocked ` The King ' for once again turning the docile NBA offseason into an episode of ` Monday Night Raw ' . "[TGT] is insulted because [TGT] believes [TGT] is the Alpha Dog and [TGT] wants everybody else on that team to acknowledge that they are a beta and that they 're willing to do whatever [TGT] says ," Travis said . "If you are [TGT] and you are threatening to beat somebody up at the age of 33 , you 're a loser and a bully ," [TGT] said . [TGT] has rabbit ears and this is perfect evidence of it ."
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Charlie Conoley
Charlie Conoley vows to fight till the end for the community bank he founded and still runs. He's not quite paraphrasing gun-lovin' Charlton Heston You can have my bank when you pry it from my cold dead fingers. Not yet. But Conoley is battling every way he knows how to win precious time he says he needs to revive Horizon Bank's role as a respected lender to small businesses in Bradenton Manatee County and the surrounding area. THIS BANKER Charlie Conoley vows to fight till the end for the community bank he founded and still runs. He's not quite paraphrasing gun-lovin' Charlton Heston You can have my bank when you pry it from my cold dead fingers. Not yet. But Conoley is battling every way he knows how to win precious time he says he needs to revive Horizon Bank's role as a respected lender to small businesses in Bradenton Manatee County and the surrounding area. "We are profitable and yes we are desperately trying to raise new capital " says Conoley. Unlike most bankers struggling under the thumbs of bank examiners Conoley wants to tell his story that Horizon can come back from the brink even as part of him listens for the sound of the FDIC knocking on his door with the message: This bank is closed. A boyish 51 Conoley sits in his modest office at Horizon located on the corner of a shopping center near modest homes and businesses. He points to the inexpensive trappings of his main office including the Formica surface at the teller windows as tangible proof he knows the value of a buck. That Conoley says is why Horizon makes a difference in a place like Bradenton. Indiana born and Purdue University educated Conoley's been a Florida banker for decades. He worked for Barnett Bank the last big bank to be based in Florida before out-of-state behemoths bought it and dominated the state. He started Horizon in the late 1990s by borrowing startup money on his own credit card because he wanted to control his own destiny and wanted to stay in his beloved Bradenton. Conoley is bitter over what he sees as a double standard. His community bank's capital levels and loan problems are no worse than those at giant Citibank he says. But Citibank is not going to fail. When the U.S. Treasury unveiled its Wall Street bailout scheme with a plan to lend government money to banks Citibank was among the big banks to get lots of new capital. When Horizon applied for nearly $5 million from the feds Conoley says the Treasury never responded. Later the banker says after prodding the government finally told him to take back Horizon's application. That way it would look better than the bank being denied funds. Conoley refused. Two allies of Conoley are Florida Bankers Association chief Alex Sanchez in Tallahassee and lobbyist Karen Thomas who heads government relations at the Independent Community Bankers of America trade group in Washington. None of this cheers Conoley in his quest to save Horizon Bank. If he pulls off this revival and Horizon sticks around Conoley may be banking's miracle worker. But even if the FDIC stops by at closing time some Friday evening and hangs its "Bank Closed" signs on the doors this banker will know he gave it his best shot. Robert Trigaux can be reached at About Horizon Bank Bradenton CEO: Charlie Conoley 51 Founded: 1999 by Conoley using startup money from his own credit cards
"[TGT] vows to fight till the end for the community bank [TGT] founded and still runs. [TGT]'s not quite paraphrasing gun-lovin' Charlton Heston You can have my bank when you pry it from my cold dead fingers. Not yet. But [TGT] is battling every way [TGT] knows how to win precious time [TGT] says [TGT] needs to revive Horizon Bank's role as a respected lender to small businesses in Bradenton Manatee County and the surrounding area. THIS BANKER [TGT] vows to fight till the end for the community bank [TGT] founded and still runs. [TGT]'s not quite paraphrasing gun-lovin' Charlton Heston You can have my bank when you pry it from my cold dead fingers. Not yet. But [TGT] is battling every way [TGT] knows how to win precious time [TGT] says [TGT] needs to revive Horizon Bank's role as a respected lender to small businesses in Bradenton Manatee County and the surrounding area. "We are profitable and yes we are desperately trying to raise new capital " says [TGT]. Unlike most bankers struggling under the thumbs of bank examiners [TGT] wants to tell [TGT] story that Horizon can come back from the brink even as part of [TGT] listens for the sound of the FDIC knocking on [TGT] door with the message: This bank is closed. A boyish 51 [TGT] sits in [TGT] modest office at Horizon located on the corner of a shopping center near modest homes and businesses. [TGT] points to the inexpensive trappings of [TGT] main office including the Formica surface at the teller windows as tangible proof [TGT] knows the value of a buck. That [TGT] says is why Horizon makes a difference in a place like Bradenton. Indiana born and Purdue University educated [TGT]'s been a Florida banker for decades. [TGT] worked for Barnett Bank the last big bank to be based in Florida before out-of-state behemoths bought it and dominated the state. [TGT] started Horizon in the late 1990s by borrowing startup money on [TGT] own credit card because [TGT] wanted to control [TGT] own destiny and wanted to stay in [TGT] beloved Bradenton. [TGT] is bitter over what [TGT] sees as a double standard. [TGT] community bank's capital levels and loan problems are no worse than those at giant Citibank [TGT] says. But Citibank is not going to fail. When the U.S. Treasury unveiled its Wall Street bailout scheme with a plan to lend government money to banks Citibank was among the big banks to get lots of new capital. When Horizon applied for nearly $5 million from the feds [TGT] says the Treasury never responded. Later the banker says after prodding the government finally told him to take back Horizon's application. That way it would look better than the bank being denied funds. [TGT] refused. Two allies of [TGT] are Florida Bankers Association chief Alex Sanchez in Tallahassee and lobbyist Karen Thomas who heads government relations at the Independent Community Bankers of America trade group in Washington. None of this cheers [TGT] in [TGT] quest to save Horizon Bank. If [TGT] pulls off this revival and Horizon sticks around [TGT] may be banking's miracle worker. But even if the FDIC stops by at closing time some Friday evening and hangs its "Bank Closed" signs on the doors this banker will know he gave it his best shot. Robert Trigaux can be reached at About Horizon Bank Bradenton CEO: [TGT] Founded: 1999 by [TGT] using startup money from [TGT] own credit cards"
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Football: Red-carded Wilshere not dirty says Wenger
Football: Red-carded Wilshere not dirty says Wenger Arsene Wenger admitted Jack Wilshere deserved to be sent off at the end of Arsenal's 2-1 victory over Birmingham but insisted the England youngster is not a dirty player. Arsenal manager Wenger has been one of the most vocal critics of the nature of some of the challenges and addressed the issue in his programme notes for Birmingham's visit to the Emirates Stadium on Saturday. In his notes Wenger demanded an improvement in the standard of tackling and claimed managers are responsible for the behaviour of their teams. The Frenchman's words were quickly put to the test by Wilshere but Wenger is adamant the teenager is not a malicious player. "He mistimed his tackle and got a red card he deserved " Wenger said. "But it was his first tackle in the game. You have to acknowledge that he got a red card and deserved it but he didn't spend the whole game kicking people. "He played football and was one of the best players on the pitch. Unfortunately it happened to him. He did not want to hurt the player but he mistimed his tackle. "We are the team who have most fouls committed against us and I encourage our players to play football. We got a red card and deserved it.
"Football: Red-carded Wilshere not dirty says [TGT] [TGT] admitted Jack Wilshere deserved to be sent off at the end of Arsenal's 2-1 victory over Birmingham but insisted the England youngster is not a dirty player. [TGT] has been one of the most vocal critics of the nature of some of the challenges and addressed the issue in [TGT] programme notes for Birmingham's visit to the Emirates Stadium on Saturday. In [TGT] notes [TGT] demanded an improvement in the standard of tackling and claimed managers are responsible for the behaviour of their teams. The Frenchman's words were quickly put to the test by Wilshere but [TGT] is adamant the teenager is not a malicious player. "[TGT] mistimed [TGT] tackle and got a red card [TGT] deserved [TGT] said. "But it was [TGT] first tackle in the game. You have to acknowledge that [TGT] got a red card and deserved it but [TGT] didn't spend the whole game kicking people. "[TGT] played football and was one of the best players on the pitch. Unfortunately it happened to [TGT]. [TGT] did not want to hurt the player but [TGT] mistimed [TGT] tackle. "[TGT] are the team who have most fouls committed against [TGT] and I encourage [TGT] players to play football. [TGT] got a red card and deserved it."
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Guo defends company after suicide cases at Shenzhen factory
Hong Hai Group Chairman Terry Gou said Tuesday that investigations by Chinese authorities have found none of the 10 suicides at his group's Shenzhen complex in Guangdong province had anything to do with the working conditions there. Guo said at the group's shareholders meeting that Chinese authorities sent a team of 200-odd officials to conduct a 10-day on-site investigation into the reasons behind the incidents at the Shenzhen complex where over 400 000 people are employed. The next day another Foxconn worker jumped to his death bringing the total number of suicides to 10 and the number of attempts to 12 and fueling criticism that Gou is "running a blood and sweat factory." Guo said that after a thorough investigation the Chinese officials did not "detain" him which meant that Hon Hai was not at fault. "None of the 12 suicide attempts at the Shenzhen complex were a result of poor working conditions or low salaries as has been alleged " Guo said. He said he would not rule out the possibility of suing the media organizations or journalists for their groundless reports. Citing surveys in China he said more than 100 million people in China suffer from various types of mental disorders and 16 million of them are categorized as being in "serious condition". Based on these statistics Gou said the percentage of attempted suicides among Foxconn's 450 000 workers in Shenzhen is substantially lower than the percentage of mentally ill people in China's total population. As part of the group's efforts to stem the suicide attempts it will stop offering compensation of 10 years salary to the families of suicide victims Guo said. The decision was made after one of the workers who attempted suicide was found to have told his family in a suicide note that the company will pay them a large sum if he succeeded in killing himself according to Kuo.
Hong Hai Group Chairman Terry Gou said Tuesday that investigations by Chinese authorities have found none of the 10 suicides at his group's Shenzhen complex in Guangdong province had anything to do with the working conditions there. Guo said at the group's shareholders meeting that Chinese authorities sent a team of 200-odd officials to conduct a 10-day on-site investigation into the reasons behind the incidents at the Shenzhen complex where over 400 000 people are employed. The next day another Foxconn worker jumped to his death bringing the total number of suicides to 10 and the number of attempts to 12 and fueling criticism that Gou is "running a blood and sweat factory.[TGT] said that after a thorough investigation the Chinese officials did not "detain" him which meant that Hon Hai was not at fault. "None of the 12 suicide attempts at the Shenzhen complex were a result of poor working conditions or low salaries as has been alleged " [TGT] said. [TGT] said [TGT] would not rule out the possibility of suing the media organizations or journalists for their groundless reports. Citing surveys in China [TGT] said more than 100 million people in China suffer from various types of mental disorders and 16 million of them are categorized as being in "serious condition". Based on these statistics Gou said the percentage of attempted suicides among Foxconn's 450 000 workers in Shenzhen is substantially lower than the percentage of mentally ill people in China's total population. As part of the group's efforts to stem the suicide attempts it will stop offering compensation of 10 years salary to the families of suicide victims [TGT] said. The decision was made after one of the workers who attempted suicide was found to have told his family in a suicide note that the company will pay them a large sum if he succeeded in killing himself according to Kuo.
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Jason Whitlock slams LeBron James for playing ` victim ' of racism .
LeBron James
Cleveland Cavaliers ' LeBron James walks up to the podium to answer questions before an NBA basketball practice , Wednesday , May 31 , 2017 , in Oakland , Calif. . CLEVELAND , Ohio - While many applauded LeBron James for his poignant words following the vandalism of his Los Angeles home , Fox Sports personality Jason Whitlock has a different take . Whitlock thinks James does n't experience real racism because of his income level . It 's not LeBron James ' issue ," Whitlock , who is black , said about racist graffiti being sprayed on James ' property . "I think it is a disrespectful inconvenience for LeBron James . Whitlock criticized James for acting like a victim and bringing up the 1955 murder of black teenager Emmett Till .
Cleveland Cavaliers ' [TGT] walks up to the podium to answer questions before an NBA basketball practice , Wednesday , May 31 , 2017 , in Oakland , Calif. . CLEVELAND , Ohio - While many applauded [TGT] for [TGT] poignant words following the vandalism of [TGT] Los Angeles home , Fox Sports personality Jason Whitlock has a different take . Whitlock thinks [TGT] does n't experience real racism because of [TGT] income level . It 's not [TGT] issue ," Whitlock , who is black , said about racist graffiti being sprayed on [TGT] property . "I think it is a disrespectful inconvenience for [TGT] . Whitlock criticized [TGT] for acting like a victim and bringing up the 1955 murder of black teenager Emmett Till .
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LeBron James
Good news ... Dwyane Wade tells TMZ Sports he 's been talking with LeBron James and is planning to meet with him THIS WEEK . So , if Bron 's serious about bringing him on ... maybe James should pay for dinner ?
Good news ... Dwyane Wade tells TMZ Sports he 's been talking with [TGT] and is planning to meet with him THIS WEEK . So , if Bron 's serious about bringing [TGT] on ... maybe [TGT] should pay for dinner ?
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Golf: Tiger pounces past Hunter to capture PGA National title
Hunter Mahan
Mahan matched the 18-hole course record of eight-under 62 set in Thursday's opening round by fellow American Anthony Kim to seize the clubhouse lead on 268 with Tiger still on the prowl and stalking Hunter across the back nine. "I don't know what golf course he was playing. I didn't see a 62 out there " Woods said. "He put so much pressure on us. We had to play really well. There was a lot of heat back there." Woods still shared the lead entering the par-5 16th where he sent his tee shot into the left rough put his approach into the right greenside rough and left his chip 20 feet short of the cup. Mahan made three birdies on the front nine and had runs of three birdies in four holes to begin and end the back nine taking his lone bogey at 14 and dropped a 15-foot birdie putt on the 18th to keep the pressure on Woods. Woods was on his nemesis hole the par-4 11th. He found weeds and a ditch off the tee and sank a clutch five-foot putt to salvage a bogey falling into a tie for the lead with Mahan where he stayed until the critical birdie at 16. The week's five-over par showing by Woods at the 489-yard 11th matched the worst hole for Woods in any non-major tournament in his career a dubious mark set at Kapalua's first hole in the 2002 Mercedes Championship. Mahan whose only US PGA title came at the 2007 Travelers Championship shared fourth at last week's Travelers and sixth two weeks ago at the US Open. "I rolled in some putts " Mahan said. "The first three days were a little ugly. I swung great all week but today the putting was great. I'm just really proud of the way I finished."
[TGT] matched the 18-hole course record of eight-under 62 set in Thursday's opening round by fellow American Anthony Kim to seize the clubhouse lead on 268 with Tiger still on the prowl and stalking [TGT] across the back nine. "I don't know what golf course [TGT] was playing. I didn't see a 62 out there " Woods said. "[TGT] put so much pressure on us. We had to play really well. There was a lot of heat back there." Woods still shared the lead entering the par-5 16th where [TGT] sent [TGT] tee shot into the left rough put [TGT] approach into the right greenside rough and left [TGT] chip 20 feet short of the cup. [TGT] made three birdies on the front nine and had runs of three birdies in four holes to begin and end the back nine taking [TGT] lone bogey at 14 and dropped a 15-foot birdie putt on the 18th to keep the pressure on Woods. Woods was on [TGT] nemesis hole the par-4 11th. [TGT] found weeds and a ditch off the tee and sank a clutch five-foot putt to salvage a bogey falling into a tie for the lead with [TGT] where [TGT] stayed until the critical birdie at 16. The week's five-over par showing by Woods at the 489-yard 11th matched the worst hole for Woods in any non-major tournament in [TGT] career a dubious mark set at Kapalua's first hole in the 2002 Mercedes Championship. [TGT]whose only US PGA title came at the 2007 Travelers Championship shared fourth at last week's Travelers and sixth two weeks ago at the US Open. "I rolled in some putts " [TGT] said. "The first three days were a little ugly. I swung great all week but today the putting was great. I'm just really proud of the way I finished."
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Bob Baffert
ELMONT N.Y. -- Bob Baffert isn't supposed to win the Belmont Stakes on Saturday. Not too many people who roam the backstretch in the mornings are giving his horse Game On Dude much of a chance to get to the winner's circle in the 1-1/2-mile Belmont. Heck Baffert is one of them. "You know " Baffert said standing outside the barn housing Game on Dude early Thursday morning "the Belmont can be an odd race. Horses have won this race who really didn't figure. I am one of those here." Game On Dude is a modest 10-1 in the Belmont co-fourth choice along with Uptowncharleybrown and Make Music For Me. Surely the main reason Game On Dude is 10-1 is not because he won the Lone Star Derby in Texas in his last start. It's because Baffert the Hall of Fame trainer is calling the shots. "The Lone Star Derby to here is a big jump " Baffert said. "He has been training well at Santa Anita." Baffert was speaking to a small group of writers and didn't sound as confident as he did in the days leading up to the Preakness. Then again he wasn't talking about Lookin At Lucky here. "He is smart " Baffert said about the Preakness winner who is back home in California. "When he realized he was not gonna run here he started to feel good. He looks great now. I would love to have him here." Baffert will roll the dice with Game On Dude who was fifth in the Derby Trail and seventh in the Florida Derby. The Florida Derby was won by Ice Box who is the 3-1 morning line favorite in the Belmont. Game On Dude will be ridden by California-based Martin Garcia who won the Preakness for Baffert with Lookin At Lucky. This will be the third race the son of Awesome Again will make under Baffert. The horse was bought by multiple owners -- including Los Angeles Dodgers manager Joe Torre -- after the Florida Derby. "We bought him for the Classics we bought him for the (Kentucky) Derby " Baffert said. "Martin worked him the other day and I said 'Are you sure he has a chance to go a mile and a half because I don't want to embarrass myself.' He said he was doing good a one-pace type cruiser. I do think he looks better than he did before the Lone Star race. I think he will run OK. I hope he does."
ELMONT N.Y. -- [TGT] isn't supposed to win the Belmont Stakes on Saturday. Not too many people who roam the backstretch in the mornings are giving [TGT] horse Game On Dude much of a chance to get to the winner's circle in the 1-1/2-mile Belmont. Heck [TGT] is one of them. "You know [TGT] said standing outside the barn housing Game on Dude early Thursday morning "the Belmont can be an odd race. Horses have won this race who really didn't figure. I am one of those here." Game On Dude is a modest 10-1 in the Belmont co-fourth choice along with Uptowncharleybrown and Make Music For Me. Surely the main reason Game On Dude is 10-1 is not because he won the Lone Star Derby in Texas in his last start. It's because Baffert the Hall of Fame trainer is calling the shots. "The Lone Star Derby to here is a big jump " [TGT] said. "[TGT] has been training well at Santa Anita." [TGT] was speaking to a small group of writers and didn't sound as confident as [TGT] did in the days leading up to the Preakness. Then again [TGT] wasn't talking about Lookin At Lucky here. "[TGT] is smart " [TGT] said about the Preakness winner who is back home in California. "When [TGT] realized [TGT] was not gonna run here [TGT] started to feel good. [TGT] looks great now. I would love to have [TGT] here." Baffert will roll the dice with Game On Dude who was fifth in the Derby Trail and seventh in the Florida Derby. The Florida Derby was won by Ice Box who is the 3-1 morning line favorite in the Belmont. Game On Dude will be ridden by California-based Martin Garcia who won the Preakness for [TGT] with Lookin At Lucky. This will be the third race the son of Awesome Again will make under [TGT]. The horse was bought by multiple owners -- including Los Angeles Dodgers manager Joe Torre -- after the Florida Derby. "We bought him for the Classics we bought him for the (Kentucky) Derby " Baffert said. "Martin worked him the other day and I said 'Are you sure he has a chance to go a mile and a half because I don't want to embarrass myself.' He said he was doing good a one-pace type cruiser. I do think he looks better than he did before the Lone Star race. I think he will run OK. I hope he does."
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No sympathy for everyone in LeBron James scandal .
LeBron James
But if they were really hoping to punish James or the money-grubbing people around him , they failed . OHSAA commissioner Clair Muscaro said that because James accepted two free "throwback" jerseys from a local store he forfeited his amateur status forever . If LeBron James asked me for sympathy , I would tell him to look in the dictionary . James is the first athlete Muscaro has declared ineligible in his 14 years as commissioner . The people painting James as a victim have lost touch with reality . Barring legal action against the Ohio High School Athletic Association , James wo n't play high school basketball again . By declaring James ineligible this week , the OHSAA did the equivalent of issuing Al Capone a parking ticket . No one has ever treated James fairly . It was always good to be King James , and it still is . I do n't feel James ' pain ; I do n't admire Muscaro 's actions . Nowhere in the bylaws is there a provision that halts pay-per-view deals or limos to take King James to one of many college arenas .
But if they were really hoping to punish [TGT] or the money-grubbing people around [TGT] , they failed . OHSAA commissioner Clair Muscaro said that because [TGT] accepted two free "throwback" jerseys from a local store [TGT] forfeited [TGT] amateur status forever . If [TGT] asked me for sympathy , I would tell [TGT] to look in the dictionary . [TGT] is the first athlete Muscaro has declared ineligible in [TGT] 14 years as commissioner . The people painting [TGT] as a victim have lost touch with reality . Barring legal action against the Ohio High School Athletic Association , [TGT] wo n't play high school basketball again . By declaring [TGT] ineligible this week , the OHSAA did the equivalent of issuing Al Capone a parking ticket . No one has ever treated [TGT] fairly . It was always good to be [TGT] , and it still is . I do n't feel [TGT] ' pain ; I do n't admire Muscaro 's actions . Nowhere in the bylaws is there a provision that halts pay-per-view deals or limos to take [TGT] to one of many college arenas .
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Report : Kyrie Irving and LeBron James did n't meet in Miami .
LeBron James
Another day , another disputed rumor involving LeBron James . They said LeBron James and Kyrie Irving never met at all . LeBron and Irving might have to reconcile a future as teammates .
Another day , another disputed rumor involving [TGT] . They said [TGT] and Kyrie Irving never met at all . [TGT] might have to reconcile a future as teammates .
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HP ' s interim chief says Oracle alliance ' strained '
Hewlett-Packard Co.'s quarter-century alliance with Oracle Corp. has been "strained" by the dispute over Oracle's hiring of ousted HP CEO Mark Hurd HP's interim chief said Wednesday. Cathie Lesjak also said Hurd needs to be "reminded" that he signed agreements to keep HP's trade secrets and other confidential information secret. She said that's why HP is suing to stop him from working at Oracle. The ties between the two companies were fraying before Hurd's hiring as Oracle is muscling in on HP's turf by starting to sell computing hardware. Oracle's naming of Hurd as a co-president is a thumb in HP's eye -- assuming Oracle isn't eventually blocked from letting him work. Many legal experts believe that HP's case will be hard to win because California courts tend to side with workers and their right to take their skills to rival companies. Hurd abruptly resigned last month from HP after five years as CEO in the wake of a sexual-harassment investigation that turned up inaccurate expense reports connected to his accuser. Ellison loudly came to Hurd's defense. HP will need an order from the California court where it filed its lawsuit to stop Hurd from working for Oracle. The first hearing in the case isn't scheduled until February although HP is expected to seek a temporary restraining order before then. Hurd started his new job this week and is in charge of Oracle's global sales consulting marketing and technical support divisions. HP claims that Hurd will be dangerous to its business if he's allowed to work at Oracle because he was privy while at HP to intimate information about customer accounts and HP's strategy for countering Oracle. HP claims that Hurd won't be able to do his job without divulging HP's secrets. Hurd took a severance package from HP that could top $40 million. Oracle revealed in a regulatory filing Wednesday that Hurd's new job will pay an annual salary of $950 000 and makes Hurd eligible for a target bonus of $5 million in the current fiscal year.
Hewlett-Packard Co.'s quarter-century alliance with Oracle Corp. has been "strained" by the dispute over Oracle's hiring of [TGT]HP's interim chief said Wednesday. Cathie Lesjak also said [TGT] needs to be "reminded" that he signed agreements to keep HP's trade secrets and other confidential information secret. She said that's why HP is suing to stop him from working at Oracle. The ties between the two companies were fraying before [TGT]'s hiring as Oracle is muscling in on HP's turf by starting to sell computing hardware. Oracle's naming of [TGT] as a co-president is a thumb in HP's eye -- assuming Oracle isn't eventually blocked from letting him work. Many legal experts believe that HP's case will be hard to win because California courts tend to side with workers and their right to take their skills to rival companies. [TGT] abruptly resigned last month from HP after five years as CEO in the wake of a sexual-harassment investigation that turned up inaccurate expense reports connected to [TGT] accuser. Ellison loudly came to [TGT]'s defense. HP will need an order from the California court where it filed its lawsuit to stop [TGT] from working for Oracle. The first hearing in the case isn't scheduled until February although HP is expected to seek a temporary restraining order before then. [TGT] started [TGT] new job this week and is in charge of Oracle's global sales consulting marketing and technical support divisions. HP claims that [TGT] will be dangerous to its business if [TGT]'s allowed to work at Oracle because [TGT] was privy while at HP to intimate information about customer accounts and HP's strategy for countering Oracle. HP claims that [TGT] won't be able to do [TGT] job without divulging HP's secrets. [TGT] took a severance package from HP that could top $40 million. Oracle revealed in a regulatory filing Wednesday that [TGT]'s new job will pay an annual salary of $950 000 and makes [TGT] eligible for a target bonus of $5 million in the current fiscal year.
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Norway: Iran seizes Nobel laureate Ebadi ' s medal
Ebadi Nobel
Norwegian authorities were told that Ebadi's medal was seized "within the last week or so" from a safe-deposit box in Iran along with personal effects including the diploma awarded with the medal the Foreign Ministry said. Spokeswoman Ragnhild Imerslund said Norwegian authorities have been "in touch" with Ebadi since the incident. Ebadi a human rights lawyer won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003 for her efforts in promoting democracy. She has long faced harassment from Iranian authorities for her activities -- including a raid on her office last year in which files were confiscated. Ebadi was out of the country at the time of the vote and has not returned since saying she is "in an effective state of exile." The opposition claims that hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's re-election was fraudulent. Ebadi urged the international community to reject the outcome and called for a new vote monitored by the United Nations. She has strongly criticized the clerical leadership's postelection crackdown on dissent. During the past months hundreds of pro-reform activists have been arrested and a mass trial has sentenced dozens to prison terms. Ebadi could not be reached on Thursday for comment. Ebadi said in an interview published Nov. 17 in the Italian daily Corriere della Sera that her apartment pension and her bank account and those of her relatives had been seized along with her Nobel and Legion of Honor. "I live in an effective state of exile " she was quoted as saying from a hotel in New York where she had been attending U.N. meetings. "They say I owe them $410 000 in back taxes because of the Nobel; it's a complete lie given that the Iranian fiscal law says that prizes are excluded." She nevertheless said she plans to return to Iran when she can be more useful in the country than outside it. "Nothing frightens me any more even if they threaten to arrest me for fiscal evasion upon my return " she said.
Norwegian authorities were told that Ebadi's medal was seized "within the last week or so" from a safe-deposit box in Iran along with personal effects including the diploma awarded with the medal the Foreign Ministry said. Spokeswoman Ragnhild Imerslund said Norwegian authorities have been "in touch" with [TGT] since the incident. Ebadi a human rights lawyer won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003 for her efforts in promoting democracy. She has long faced harassment from Iranian authorities for her activities -- including a raid on her office last year in which files were confiscated. [TGT] was out of the country at the time of the vote and has not returned since saying she is "in an effective state of exile." The opposition claims that hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's re-election was fraudulent. [TGT] urged the international community to reject the outcome and called for a new vote monitored by the United Nations. She has strongly criticized the clerical leadership's postelection crackdown on dissent. During the past months hundreds of pro-reform activists have been arrested and a mass trial has sentenced dozens to prison terms. [TGT] could not be reached on Thursday for comment. [TGT] said in an interview published Nov. 17 in the Italian daily Corriere della Sera that [TGT] apartment pension and [TGT] bank account and those of [TGT] relatives had been seized along with [TGT] Nobel and Legion of Honor. "I live in an effective state of exile " [TGT] was quoted as saying from a hotel in New York where [TGT] had been attending U.N. meetings. "They say I owe them $410 000 in back taxes because of the Nobel; it's a complete lie given that the Iranian fiscal law says that prizes are excluded." [TGT] nevertheless said [TGT] plans to return to Iran when [TGT] can be more useful in the country than outside it. "Nothing frightens me any more even if they threaten to arrest me for fiscal evasion upon my return " [TGT] said.
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Romania braces for IMF-linked austerity cuts
Traian Basescu
"This programme to cut public expenses was inevitable " President Traian Basescu said during a press conference on Thursday after a meeting with IMF and European Union representatives in Bucharest. Wages in the public sector are to be cut by 25 percent Basescu said adding that "all salaries including the minimum one will be affected." These cuts should help Romania "avoid an extremely difficult situation generated not so much by what is going on in its own economy as by developments in the region " he said in a reference to the Greek crisis. Basescu's announcement came as the IMF prepared to give its verdict on whether or not to give Romania a fifth instalment of the loan package. Basescu said the government had chosen the "bitter pill" of slashing public spending instead of raising taxes. "Hoping economic growth will return wages can be restored to their present level in 2011 " he added. But Basescu said the "fat state" could not keep on growing at the expense of a "slim" private sector. "More than 60 percent of the public revenues go to public wages pensions and other benefits. Then where can we find money for schools hospitals and the military?" he asked.
"This programme to cut public expenses was inevitable [TGT] said during a press conference on Thursday after a meeting with IMF and European Union representatives in Bucharest. Wages in the public sector are to be cut by 25 percent [TGT] said adding that "all salaries including the minimum one will be affected." These cuts should help Romania "avoid an extremely difficult situation generated not so much by what is going on in its own economy as by developments in the region " [TGT] said in a reference to the Greek crisis. [TGT]'s announcement came as the IMF prepared to give its verdict on whether or not to give Romania a fifth instalment of the loan package. [TGT] said the government had chosen the "bitter pill" of slashing public spending instead of raising taxes. "Hoping economic growth will return wages can be restored to their present level in 2011 " he added. But [TGT] said the "fat state" could not keep on growing at the expense of a "slim" private sector. "More than 60 percent of the public revenues go to public wages pensions and other benefits. Then where can we find money for schools hospitals and the military?" [TGT] asked.
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Raphael B. Johnson
So Raphael B. Johnson wanted to do some line-crossing of his own. He wants to get in the face of criminals. Led by Johnson 50 people drive through the neighborhood in two-hour shifts seeking tips about the rape and using a bullhorn to warn crooks that no crime no matter how petty will be tolerated. In all 300 people have joined the campaign. "The violators have changed the rules of the streets now " Johnson said. "It's a new day in the city of Detroit." He knows something about the element he's fighting. Before turning his life around Johnson served 12 years in prison for second-degree murder. He's a motivational speaker who Mayor Dave Bing wants to appoint to the Board of Police Commissioners. Johnson 35 has led citizen patrols that helped lead to arrests of suspected rapists and shooters but said community reaction to this attack has been different. People are freely giving information to solve the rape. "We're the epitome of desperation now " Johnson said. "We're No. 1 in crime No. 1 in foreclosures No. 1 in homelessness No. 1 in joblessness." Once arrests are made in the case Johnson's group calling itself The Detroit 300 will move on to the attacks of the other two elderly women. After that they'll tackle other crime he said.
So [TGT] wanted to do some line-crossing of [TGT] own. [TGT] wants to get in the face of criminals. Led by [TGT]50 people drive through the neighborhood in two-hour shifts seeking tips about the rape and using a bullhorn to warn crooks that no crime no matter how petty will be tolerated. In all 300 people have joined the campaign. "The violators have changed the rules of the streets now " [TGT] said. "It's a new day in the city of Detroit." He knows something about the element he's fighting. Before turning his life around [TGT] served 12 years in prison for second-degree murder. [TGT]'s a motivational speaker who Mayor Dave Bing wants to appoint to the Board of Police Commissioners. [TGT]35 has led citizen patrols that helped lead to arrests of suspected rapists and shooters but said community reaction to this attack has been different. People are freely giving information to solve the rape. "We're the epitome of desperation now " [TGT] said. "We're No. 1 in crime No. 1 in foreclosures No. 1 in homelessness No. 1 in joblessness." Once arrests are made in the case [TGT]'s group calling itself The Detroit 300 will move on to the attacks of the other two elderly women. After that they'll tackle other crime he said.
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Charles Rangel
The vote makes Rangel just the 23rd member of the House to be censured and the first in nearly three decades. Rangel and his allies had pleaded for mercy arguing his transgressions which included failure to pay income taxes and misuse of his office to solicit fundraising donations deserved the more lenient punishment of a reprimand. But that effort failed 267-146. Still talking to reporters after leaving the House floor Rangel's old pugnacity returned as he denounced the vote as partisan. "I am confident that when the history of this has been written people will recognize that the vote for censure was a very very very political vote " Rangel said. Rep. Zoe Lofgren D-Calif. the chairwoman of the ethics committee said in the past censure had been used for members who had used unparliamentary language and that Rangel had promised voters that Democrats would run the most ethical Congress in history. "We need to hold ourselves to a higher standard " Lofgren said. "Mr. Rangel himself has acknowledged that." Rangel's long battle over the ethics charges has transfixed New York City's political establishment and set off speculation about how long he will remain in office. Several Democrats are eyeing the seat but no major figure dared to challenge Rangel last fall when he easily won re-election. Rangel's long battle over the ethics charges has transfixed New York City's political establishment and set off speculation about how long he will remain in office. Several Democrats are eyeing the seat but no major figure dared to challenge Rangel last fall when he easily won re-election.
The vote makes [TGT] just the 23rd member of the House to be censured and the first in nearly three decades. [TGT] and [TGT] allies had pleaded for mercy arguing [TGT] transgressions which included failure to pay income taxes and misuse of [TGT] office to solicit fundraising donations deserved the more lenient punishment of a reprimand. But that effort failed 267-146. Still talking to reporters after leaving the House floor [TGT]'s old pugnacity returned as [TGT] denounced the vote as partisan. "I am confident that when the history of this has been written people will recognize that the vote for censure was a very very very political vote " [TGT] said. Rep. Zoe Lofgren D-Calif. the chairwoman of the ethics committee said in the past censure had been used for members who had used unparliamentary language and that [TGT] had promised voters that Democrats would run the most ethical Congress in history. "We need to hold ourselves to a higher standard " Lofgren said. "[TGT] has acknowledged that." Rangel's long battle over the ethics charges has transfixed New York City's political establishment and set off speculation about how long [TGT] will remain in office. Several Democrats are eyeing the seat but no major figure dared to challenge [TGT] last fall when [TGT] easily won re-election. Rangel's long battle over the ethics charges has transfixed New York City's political establishment and set off speculation about how long [TGT] will remain in office. Several Democrats are eyeing the seat but no major figure dared to challenge [TGT] last fall when [TGT] easily won re-election.
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Pacquiao shows greatness in small package
Manny Pacquiao had a hat perched jauntily on his head a bandage wrapped neatly around his right ear. His real work done for the night he was heading down the Las Vegas Strip to sing a few songs with his band. "Of course you have to buy tickets for the concert " Pacquiao said. Not a problem. Anyone who watched Pacquiao cement his place in boxing lore Saturday night by giving Miguel Cotto a terrible beating would have gladly paid a few more dollars to see him in action again even if it was with a microphone in his hands. Anyone who watched Pacquiao cement his place in boxing lore Saturday night by giving Miguel Cotto a terrible beating would have gladly paid a few more dollars to see him in action again even if it was with a microphone in his hands. Across an ocean a grateful country celebrated the kind of hero they never dreamed possible. For a few brief hours the devastation of a typhoon was forgotten and even the Filipino army took a break from chasing rebels to cheer Pacquiao on. They used to have him as their own. Not many people outside the Philippines paid much attention to the little fighter with the big hands even as he kept moving up in weight over the years and winning belts by the handful along the way. But now they're going to have to share Manny Pacquiao. Greatness comes with a price and it's hard to argue that Pacquiao hasn't now earned a spot among boxing's greats. Maybe not Muhammad Ali great as promoter Bob Arum was trying to claim when he said Pacquiao was better than any fighter he ever promoted including Ali. But it's Arum's job to build Pacquiao up especially with negotiations for a possible megafight with Floyd Mayweather Jr. expected to begin this week. Still no fighter had ever won titles in seven different weight classes even in an era where titles are as common as platinum blondes in the MGM Grand casino. And no fighter in recent times has had the kind of year Pacquiao wrapped up by stopping a game but outclassed Cotto 55 seconds into the 12th round of their welterweight title fight. He leaped into the global boxing consciousness 11 months ago by making Oscar De La Hoya quit giving him such a beating that he retired. He followed that by knocking Ricky Hatton stiff in the second round with a left hand that left Hatton contemplating his mortality. And then came Saturday night when he put on six more pounds to fight the supposedly bigger and harder punching Cotto. It looked early as if it may have been a mistake with Cotto controlling the action in the first round with a sharp jab and accurate punches. Bad advice. Less than a minute into the third round it was a right hand from Pacquiao that put Cotto down for the first time. He was up quickly and the two continued battling at a frenzied pace late into the fourth round when Pacquiao threw a huge left hand as Cotto was moving forward and dropped him for the second time. Cotto was never the same after that and Pacquiao was relentless in administering a beating that sent blood flowing down Cotto's face staining his white trunks. By the ninth round he was taking such punishment that his wife and young son got up from their ringside seats and left the arena unable to watch any further. Once again Pacquiao had not just beaten a world class fighter but systematically dismantled him. He did it in his usual -- and very unusual -- style bouncing in and out and throwing punches from all angles in a frenetic style never before seen in boxing. When it was all over Pacquiao had another belt and his large entourage probably had a few more members. Cotto had inflicted some damage of his own marking up Pacquiao's face and causing his right ear to require a bandage but Pacquiao wasn't going to miss his own party.
[TGT] had a hat perched jauntily on [TGT] head a bandage wrapped neatly around [TGT] right ear. [TGT] real work done for the night [TGT] was heading down the Las Vegas Strip to sing a few songs with [TGT] band. "Of course you have to buy tickets for the concert [TGT] said. Not a problem. Anyone who watched [TGT] cement his place in boxing lore Saturday night by giving Miguel Cotto a terrible beating would have gladly paid a few more dollars to see him in action again even if it was with a microphone in his hands. Anyone who watched [TGT] cement his place in boxing lore Saturday night by giving Miguel Cotto a terrible beating would have gladly paid a few more dollars to see him in action again even if it was with a microphone in his hands. Across an ocean a grateful country celebrated the kind of hero they never dreamed possible. For a few brief hours the devastation of a typhoon was forgotten and even the Filipino army took a break from chasing rebels to cheer [TGT] on. They used to have [TGT] as their own. Not many people outside the Philippines paid much attention to the little fighter with the big hands even as [TGT] kept moving up in weight over the years and winning belts by the handful along the way. But now they're going to have to share [TGT]. Greatness comes with a price and it's hard to argue that [TGT] hasn't now earned a spot among boxing's greats. Maybe not Muhammad Ali great as promoter Bob Arum was trying to claim when he said [TGT] was better than any fighter he ever promoted including Ali. But it's Arum's job to build [TGT] up especially with negotiations for a possible megafight with Floyd Mayweather Jr. expected to begin this week. Still no fighter had ever won titles in seven different weight classes even in an era where titles are as common as platinum blondes in the MGM Grand casino. And no fighter in recent times has had the kind of year [TGT] wrapped up by stopping a game but outclassed Cotto 55 seconds into the 12th round of their welterweight title fight. [TGT] leaped into the global boxing consciousness 11 months ago by making Oscar De La Hoya quit giving [TGT] such a beating that [TGT] retired. [TGT] followed that by knocking Ricky Hatton stiff in the second round with a left hand that left Hatton contemplating [TGT] mortality. And then came Saturday night when [TGT] put on six more pounds to fight the supposedly bigger and harder punching Cotto. It looked early as if it may have been a mistake with Cotto controlling the action in the first round with a sharp jab and accurate punches. Bad advice. Less than a minute into the third round it was a right hand from [TGT] that put Cotto down for the first time. He was up quickly and the two continued battling at a frenzied pace late into the fourth round when [TGT] threw a huge left hand as Cotto was moving forward and dropped him for the second time. Cotto was never the same after that and [TGT] was relentless in administering a beating that sent blood flowing down Cotto's face staining his white trunks. By the ninth round he was taking such punishment that his wife and young son got up from their ringside seats and left the arena unable to watch any further. Once again [TGT] had not just beaten a world class fighter but systematically dismantled him. He did it in his usual -- and very unusual -- style bouncing in and out and throwing punches from all angles in a frenetic style never before seen in boxing. When it was all over [TGT] had another belt and [TGT] large entourage probably had a few more members. Cotto had inflicted some damage of his own marking up [TGT]'s face and causing his right ear to require a bandage but [TGT] wasn't going to miss his own party.
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"Yes we've raised a lot of capital but we've had a great use for those funds " said Petrohawk Chairman and CEO Floyd Wilson. In that time the company took its acreage in the Haynesville and grew it to become a top producer of natural gas from the tight cement-like shales that until recent years were considered too expensive to drill. And almost single-handedly Petrohawk made the rest of the world aware of the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas becoming the dominant player there. to become a top producer of natural gas from the tight cement-like shales that until recent years were considered too expensive to drill. And almost single-handedly Petrohawk made the rest of the world aware of the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas becoming the dominant player there. All told Petrohawk has gone from being a firm with 4 trillion cubic feet equivalent of gas reserves and a $3 billion market capitalization in December 2007 to 34 tcf in reserves and a $7 billion market cap. With the scale also has come greater efficiency: Petrohawk went from 25 000 wells to 5 000 in that same time. Kinder Morgan Chairman and CEO Rich Kinder said the Petrohawk deal will let his company benefit from what he sees as a long steady future of shale gas production. Tuesday's deal takes Petrohawk's existing 170-mile natural gas gathering and processing system and turns it into a stand-alone joint venture with its own employees executive team and board of directors. That transition will happen over the next six months. The system will expand to 375 miles by the end of the year anchored by years of production from Petrohawk's wells. It could grow further if other producers hook into it. Co. analysts said they liked the higher-than-expected price Petrohawk got for the joint venture. And Tudor Pickering Holt analysts were positive on news that Petrohawk would cut $50 million in gas drilling costs because of improved operational efficiencies while increasing oil production from South Texas holdings. Shares of Petrohawk were up 57 cents Tuesday or 2.5 percent to close at $23.18. Shares of Kinder Morgan were down about 73 cents or about 1 percent to close at $66.50.
"Yes we've raised a lot of capital but we've had a great use for those funds " said [TGT] Chairman and CEO Floyd Wilson. In that time [TGT] took [TGT] acreage in the Haynesville and grew it to become a top producer of natural gas from the tight cement-like shales that until recent years were considered too expensive to drill. And almost single-handedly Petrohawk made the rest of the world aware of the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas becoming the dominant player there. to become a top producer of natural gas from the tight cement-like shales that until recent years were considered too expensive to drill. And almost single-handedly Petrohawk made the rest of the world aware of the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas becoming the dominant player there. All told [TGT] has gone from being a firm with 4 trillion cubic feet equivalent of gas reserves and a $3 billion market capitalization in December 2007 to 34 tcf in reserves and a $7 billion market cap. With the scale also has come greater efficiency: [TGT] went from 25 000 wells to 5 000 in that same time. Kinder Morgan Chairman and CEO Rich Kinder said [TGT] will let his company benefit from what he sees as a long steady future of shale gas production. [TGT] takes [TGT]'s existing 170-mile natural gas gathering and processing system and turns [TGT] into a stand-alone joint venture with [TGT] own employees executive team and board of directors. That transition will happen over the next six months. [TGT] will expand to 375 miles by the end of the year anchored by years of production from Petrohawk's wells. [TGT] could grow further if other producers hook into [TGT]. Co. analysts said they liked the higher-than-expected price [TGT] got for the joint venture. And Tudor Pickering Holt analysts were positive on news that [TGT] would cut $50 million in gas drilling costs because of improved operational efficiencies while increasing oil production from South Texas holdings. Shares of [TGT] were up 57 cents Tuesday or 2.5 percent to close at $23.18. Shares of Kinder Morgan were down about 73 cents or about 1 percent to close at $66.50.
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Myanmar's Suu Kyi meets junta liaison: official
San Suu Kyi
Myanmar's Suu Kyi meets junta liaison: official The official who spoke on condition of anonymity said labour minister Aung Kyi the government's official liaison with Suu Kyi met her for 45 minutes at the government guesthouse in Yangon but gave no details of their discussions. Myanmar's military rulers have kept Suu Kyi in detention for 14 of the last 20 years ever since they refused to recognise her political party's landslide victory in the country's last democratic elections in 1990. Wednesday's meeting is a further sign of shifting relations between Suu Kyi and the government since she wrote in September to military head Senior General Than Shwe offering her cooperation in getting Western sanctions lifted. But state media said Wednesday that Suu Kyi was "insincere" and "dishonest" in sending the letters accusing her of leaking them to foreign media and of a "highly questionable" change in tack after years of favouring sanctions. The editorial said that by using the media Suu Kyi risked damaging her case. Suu Kyi met with Aung Kyi twice in five days in early October the first such talks since January 2008 and met western diplomats in Yangon. In November the regime allowed her to make a rare appearance in front of the media after holding talks with US Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell the highest level official from Washington to visit Myanmar for 14 years.
Myanmar's [TGT] meets junta liaison: official The official who spoke on condition of anonymity said labour minister Aung Kyi the government's official liaison with Suu Kyi met her for 45 minutes at the government guesthouse in Yangon but gave no details of their discussions. Myanmar's military rulers have kept [TGT] in detention for 14 of the last 20 years ever since they refused to recognise her political party's landslide victory in the country's last democratic elections in 1990. Wednesday's meeting is a further sign of shifting relations between [TGT] and the government since she wrote in September to military head Senior General Than Shwe offering her cooperation in getting Western sanctions lifted. But state media said Wednesday that [TGT] was "insincere" and "dishonest" in sending the letters accusing her of leaking them to foreign media and of a "highly questionable" change in tack after years of favouring sanctions. The editorial said that by using the media [TGT] risked damaging her case. [TGT] met with [TGT] twice in five days in early October the first such talks since January 2008 and met western diplomats in Yangon. In November the regime allowed her to make a rare appearance in front of the media after holding talks with US Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell the highest level official from Washington to visit Myanmar for 14 years.
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AP Interview: Interpol hunting pirate money
Jean-Michel Louboutin
"If we compare the ransoms sought today compared to those of a few years ago the increase has been incredible " Louboutin said. He said he had "no certainty" that al-Qaida or an affiliate insurgent group in Somalia al-Shabab receive cash from piracy. "But nothing indicates that it won't get there " he said. "All that is cash transferred from hand to hand. That's why it's difficult to trace " he said. Somali warlords often gain their clout by spreading money within their networks he said. Louboutin said Africa generally is increasingly becoming a focus for Interpol noting that he and Noble have traveled there in recent months. Over the last year Interpol has taken part in efforts to combat child slavery illegal trafficking of ivory and distribution of counterfeit drugs in Africa Louboutin said. "There are a lot of irons on the fire " Louboutin said. "We have a focus on Africa to help the continent respond better to the challenges of organized crime today." Louboutin also decried the excessive reliance on military action -- whether on piracy in Africa or in the fight against terrorism in places like Afghanistan -- instead of training police in research investigation and evidence-gathering as part of the judicial process. With its massive computer database Interpol acts mainly as support service or go-between among national police forces in its 188 member states. But many police forces which retain sovereignty of action at home don't share information enough Louboutin said. A Nigerian man's attempt to blow up a U.S.-bound airliner on Christmas Day which was not defused by police or counterterrorism agents was case in point he said. "We saw a recent example of that: If information had been shared and recorded in the database -- if you saw what happened on Dec. 25..." Louboutin said. "That should serve as a lesson." "The culture of secrecy: It kills " Louboutin said.
"If we compare the ransoms sought today compared to those of a few years ago the increase has been incredible " [TGT] said. [TGT] said [TGT] had "no certainty" that al-Qaida or an affiliate insurgent group in Somalia al-Shabab receive cash from piracy. "But nothing indicates that it won't get there " [TGT] said. "All that is cash transferred from hand to hand. That's why it's difficult to trace " [TGT] said. Somali warlords often gain their clout by spreading money within their networks [TGT] said. Louboutin said Africa generally is increasingly becoming a focus for Interpol noting that he and Noble have traveled there in recent months. Over the last year Interpol has taken part in efforts to combat child slavery illegal trafficking of ivory and distribution of counterfeit drugs in Africa Louboutin said. "There are a lot of irons on the fire " Louboutin said. "We have a focus on Africa to help the continent respond better to the challenges of organized crime today." Louboutin also decried the excessive reliance on military action -- whether on piracy in Africa or in the fight against terrorism in places like Afghanistan -- instead of training police in research investigation and evidence-gathering as part of the judicial process. With its massive computer database Interpol acts mainly as support service or go-between among national police forces in its 188 member states. But many police forces which retain sovereignty of action at home don't share information enough Louboutin said. A Nigerian man's attempt to blow up a U.S.-bound airliner on Christmas Day which was not defused by police or counterterrorism agents was case in point he said. "We saw a recent example of that: If information had been shared and recorded in the database -- if you saw what happened on Dec. 25..." Louboutin said. "That should serve as a lesson." "The culture of secrecy: It kills " Louboutin said.
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Eric E. Schmidt
Three years ago Eric E. Schmidt the chief executive of Google jogged onto a San Francisco stage to shake hands with Steve Jobs Apple's co-founder to help him unveil a transformational wonder gadget -- the iPhone -- before throngs of journalists and adoring fans at the annual MacWorld Expo. Google and Apple had worked together to bring Google's search and mapping services to the iPhone the executives told the audience and Schmidt joked that the collaboration was so close that the two men should simply merge their companies and call them "AppleGoo." "Steve my congratulations to you " Schmidt told his corporate ally. "This product is going to be hot." Jobs acknowledged the compliment with an ear-to-ear smile. Today such warmth is in short supply. Jobs Schmidt and their companies are now engaged in a gritty battle royale over the future and shape of mobile computing and cell phones with implications that are reverberating across the digital landscape. In a statement Schmidt concurred. "I continue to believe as many do that Steve Jobs is the best CEO in the world today and I admire Apple and Steve enormously " he wrote. Schmidt hasn't shied away from taking public swipes at Apple either. In January at the World Economic Forum when asked what he thought of Apple's new iPad due to go on sale early next month he joked to reporters: "You might want to tell me the difference between a large phone and a tablet." Although Jobs and Schmidt both began working in Silicon Valley in the late 1970s their paths rarely crossed. But by 2001 with Jobs back at Apple and Schmidt running Google they shared a singular mission: limiting Microsoft's hegemony to the personal computer and ensuring that Bill Gates didn't dominate the frontier of online services and mobile devices. both began working in Silicon Valley in the late 1970s their paths rarely crossed. But by 2001 with Jobs back at Apple and Schmidt running Google they shared a singular mission: limiting Microsoft's hegemony to the personal computer and ensuring that Bill Gates didn't dominate the frontier of online services and mobile devices. When Schmidt was invited to join Apple's board in 2006 he and Jobs lavished praise on each other. By all accounts Schmidt and Jobs were never close friends. But they dined together on several occasions according to a former associate of Schmidt's and Jobs never hesitated to call Schmidt directly to voice his opinions. Schmidt several friends say relished his position on Apple's board and the proximity it gave him to one of the most famous figures in American business. As tensions mounted between Schmidt and Jobs their infighting became more public. When Google tried to get its voice mail management program Google Voice onto the iPhone Apple blocked the effort last July citing privacy concerns. Then last August Schmidt stepped down from Apple's board prompted in part by regulatory concerns over ties between the companies but also because Apple said his position had become untenable. When Jobs announced Schmidt's departure from the board he noted that with Android and plans for a computer operating system Google was "unfortunately" entering more of Apple's "core business." While Apple conducted due diligence on the deal AdMob agreed to a 45-day "no shop" provision a routine clause that prevented the startup from offering itself for sale to others according to three people briefed on the negotiations. But after Apple inexplicably let 45 days pass without consummating its offer Google pounced. Their interest piqued by Apple's pursuit of the start-up Schmidt along with Page Brin and other Google executives began intensely courting Omar Hamoui AdMob's young chief executive. AdMob the Google guys argued belonged in their corporate family because Google -- unlike Apple -- was an old pro in advertising. They also promised that AdMob employees would be able to cash out stock options sooner than Apple's deal would have allowed. It also didn't hurt that Google was willing to pay a 25 percent premium over Apple's offer. Three days after the no-shop provision expired Google agreed to buy AdMob -- putting a whopping $750 million price tag on a four-year-old company with modest revenue. Jilted and angry Jobs speculated that AdMob might have violated its legal obligations with help from Google according to two people briefed on the fallout from the negotiations. Campbell a former college football coach and the former chief executive of Intuit has played pivotal roles at Google. He sat in on high-level management meetings counseled Schmidt individually in private sessions every other week helped to establish the company's management structure and had a hand in smoothing over the initially turbulent relationship between Schmidt and Google's founders. While Campbell has tried to be a diplomat and smooth over the problems between Jobs and Schmidt the task hasn't been easy. Campbell declined to comment for this article but people briefed on the matter say that throughout last fall Jobs and Schmidt each lobbied Campbell to sever his connection with the other's company at times even giving him ultimatums to do so.
Three years ago [TGT]jogged onto a San Francisco stage to shake hands with Steve Jobs Apple's co-founder to help [TGT] unveil a transformational wonder gadget -- the iPhone -- before throngs of journalists and adoring fans at the annual MacWorld Expo. Google and Apple had worked together to bring Google's search and mapping services to the iPhone the executives told the audience and [TGT] joked that the collaboration was so close that the two men should simply merge their companies and call them "AppleGoo." "Steve my congratulations to you " [TGT] told [TGT] corporate ally. "This product is going to be hot." Jobs acknowledged the compliment with an ear-to-ear smile. Today such warmth is in short supply. Jobs Schmidt and their companies are now engaged in a gritty battle royale over the future and shape of mobile computing and cell phones with implications that are reverberating across the digital landscape. In a statement [TGT] concurred. "I continue to believe as many do that Steve Jobs is the best CEO in the world today and I admire Apple and Steve enormously " [TGT] wrote. [TGT] hasn't shied away from taking public swipes at Apple either. In January at the World Economic Forum when asked what [TGT] thought of Apple's new iPad due to go on sale early next month [TGT] joked to reporters: "You might want to tell me the difference between a large phone and a tablet." Although Jobs and [TGT] both began working in Silicon Valley in the late 1970s their paths rarely crossed. But by 2001 with Jobs back at Apple and [TGT] running Google they shared a singular mission: limiting Microsoft's hegemony to the personal computer and ensuring that Bill Gates didn't dominate the frontier of online services and mobile devices. both began working in Silicon Valley in the late 1970s their paths rarely crossed. But by 2001 with Jobs back at Apple and [TGT] running Google they shared a singular mission: limiting Microsoft's hegemony to the personal computer and ensuring that Bill Gates didn't dominate the frontier of online services and mobile devices. When [TGT] was invited to join Apple's board in 2006 [TGT] and Jobs lavished praise on each other. By all accounts [TGT] and Jobs were never close friends. But they dined together on several occasions according to a former associate of [TGT]'s and Jobs never hesitated to call [TGT] directly to voice [TGT] opinions. [TGT]several friends say relished [TGT] position on Apple's board and the proximity it gave [TGT] to one of the most famous figures in American business. As tensions mounted between [TGT] and Jobs their infighting became more public. When Google tried to get its voice mail management program Google Voice onto the iPhone Apple blocked the effort last July citing privacy concerns. Then last August [TGT] stepped down from Apple's board prompted in part by regulatory concerns over ties between the companies but also because Apple said [TGT] position had become untenable. When Jobs announced [TGT]'s departure from the board [TGT] noted that with Android and plans for a computer operating system Google was "unfortunately" entering more of Apple's "core business." While Apple conducted due diligence on the deal AdMob agreed to a 45-day "no shop" provision a routine clause that prevented the startup from offering itself for sale to others according to three people briefed on the negotiations. But after Apple inexplicably let 45 days pass without consummating its offer Google pounced. Their interest piqued by Apple's pursuit of the start-up Schmidt along with Page Brin and other Google executives began intensely courting Omar Hamoui AdMob's young chief executive. AdMob the Google guys argued belonged in their corporate family because Google -- unlike Apple -- was an old pro in advertising. They also promised that AdMob employees would be able to cash out stock options sooner than Apple's deal would have allowed. It also didn't hurt that Google was willing to pay a 25 percent premium over Apple's offer. Three days after the no-shop provision expired Google agreed to buy AdMob -- putting a whopping $750 million price tag on a four-year-old company with modest revenue. Jilted and angry Jobs speculated that AdMob might have violated its legal obligations with help from Google according to two people briefed on the fallout from the negotiations. Campbell a former college football coach and the former chief executive of Intuit has played pivotal roles at Google. He sat in on high-level management meetings counseled [TGT] individually in private sessions every other week helped to establish the company's management structure and had a hand in smoothing over the initially turbulent relationship between [TGT] and Google's founders. While Campbell has tried to be a diplomat and smooth over the problems between Jobs and Schmidt the task hasn't been easy. Campbell declined to comment for this article but people briefed on the matter say that throughout last fall Jobs and [TGT] each lobbied Campbell to sever his connection with the other's company at times even giving him ultimatums to do so.
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Arrest warrant issued for Lohan jail possible
A judge issued an arrest warrant for Lindsay Lohan after the actress acknowledged failing a drug test less than a month after she was released from inpatient rehab. Superior Court Judge Elden Fox on Monday also revoked Lohan's probation in her three-year-old drug case while issuing the bench warrant in Beverly Hills. However the warrant was stayed and Lohan was allowed to remain free pending a hearing Friday to determine if she violated her probation. Fox previously threatened the actress with 30 days in jail for each violation. He must now decide whether to send her back to jail or into treatment. Lohan must attend the hearing. A message left with her attorney Shawn Chapman Holley was not immediately returned. The warrant was issued after Fox took over the case last month and laid out a path paved with therapy sessions and 12-step meetings that could have finally brought Lohan's drug case to an end. Lohan confirmed on her Twitter page last week that she failed the court-ordered drug and alcohol screening. "Regrettably I did in fact fail my most recent drug test " she tweeted. She also said "substance abuse is a disease which unfortunately doesn't go away over night. I am working hard to overcome it." Lohan often posts updates with the account that's verified by Twitter as belonging to the actress. It could not immediately be determined why Lohan was not arrested Monday. A call to Superior Court spokesman Allan Parachini seeking additional details about the warrant was not immediately returned. Lohan was released from jail on Aug. 2 after serving 14 days of a 90-day sentence for violating her probation in the 2007 case involving drug use and driving under the influence.
A judge issued an arrest warrant for [TGT] after the actress acknowledged failing a drug test less than a month after [TGT] was released from inpatient rehab. Superior Court Judge Elden Fox on Monday also revoked [TGT]'s probation in [TGT] three-year-old drug case while issuing the bench warrant in Beverly Hills. However the warrant was stayed and [TGT] was allowed to remain free pending a hearing Friday to determine if [TGT] violated [TGT] probation. Fox previously threatened the actress with 30 days in jail for each violation. He must now decide whether to send [TGT] back to jail or into treatment. [TGT] must attend the hearing. A message left with [TGT] attorney Shawn Chapman Holley was not immediately returned. The warrant was issued after Fox took over the case last month and laid out a path paved with therapy sessions and 12-step meetings that could have finally brought [TGT]'s drug case to an end. [TGT] confirmed on [TGT] Twitter page last week that [TGT] failed the court-ordered drug and alcohol screening. "Regrettably I did in fact fail my most recent drug test " [TGT] tweeted. [TGT] also said "substance abuse is a disease which unfortunately doesn't go away over night. I am working hard to overcome it." [TGT] often posts updates with the account that's verified by Twitter as belonging to the actress. It could not immediately be determined why [TGT] was not arrested Monday. A call to Superior Court spokesman Allan Parachini seeking additional details about the warrant was not immediately returned. [TGT] was released from jail on Aug. 2 after serving 14 days of a 90-day sentence for violating her probation in the 2007 case involving drug use and driving under the influence.
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Ex-Iranian FM criticizes president for sacking him
Manouchehr Mottaki
The former minister Manouchehr Mottaki said he was caught unaware when President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced the decision to fire him while he was away on a diplomatic mission in Senegal Mehr new agency reported. Ahmadinejad appointed nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi as acting foreign minister. Mottaki added his criticism to an outcry by parliament members who rival Ahmadinejad from within his own conservative camp. He said that he was not told about the dismissal before or during his trip. "Dismissing a minister during a mission is un-Islamic undiplomatic and offensive " Mottaki said. "I was never informed." On Saturday Mohammad Reza Rahimi Iran's first vice president claimed during a farewell ceremony for Mottaki that he knew he was going to be replaced ahead of his Africa trip. Mottaki did not attend the ceremony and said Sunday he was not informed about it calling the planning "ridiculous." Mottaki said he met Ahmadinejad before leaving for Africa but nobody told him he was about to be sacked. Ali Larijani parliament speaker and a close ally of Mottaki said during a speech in an open session of parliament that he appreciated Mottaki's service. Ali Motahari one of the lawmakers opposed to Ahmadinejad told Khabaronline news website Sunday that Mottaki learned about his dismissal from Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade. Unlike Mottaki Bazrpash is little-known abroad but he has made his mark domestically with sharply-worded attacks on Ahmadinejad's opponents and it was not immediately clear what could have prompted his firing. In the past few months Mottaki had challenged Ahmadinejad's plan to appoint his own special foreign envoys to key areas such as the Middle East Afghanistan and the Caspian Sea region. Mottaki won that round after reportedly getting Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to intervene. Ahmadinejad eventually reclassified the envoy posts as advisers.
[TGT] said [TGT] was caught unaware when President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced the decision to fire him while he was away on a diplomatic mission in Senegal Mehr new agency reported. Ahmadinejad appointed nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi as acting foreign minister. [TGT] added [TGT] criticism to an outcry by parliament members who rival Ahmadinejad from within [TGT] own conservative camp. [TGT] said that [TGT] was not told about the dismissal before or during [TGT] trip. "Dismissing a minister during a mission is un-Islamic undiplomatic and offensive " [TGT] said. "I was never informed." On Saturday Mohammad Reza Rahimi Iran's first vice president claimed during a farewell ceremony for [TGT] that [TGT] knew [TGT] was going to be replaced ahead of [TGT] Africa trip. [TGT] did not attend the ceremony and said Sunday [TGT] was not informed about it calling the planning "ridiculous." [TGT] said [TGT] met Ahmadinejad before leaving for Africa but nobody told [TGT] [TGT] was about to be sacked. Ali Larijani parliament speaker and a close ally of Mottaki said during a speech in an open session of parliament that he appreciated Mottaki's service. Ali Motahari one of the lawmakers opposed to Ahmadinejad told Khabaronline news website Sunday that [TGT] learned about [TGT] dismissal from Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade. Unlike Mottaki Bazrpash is little-known abroad but he has made his mark domestically with sharply-worded attacks on Ahmadinejad's opponents and it was not immediately clear what could have prompted his firing. In the past few months Mottaki had challenged Ahmadinejad's plan to appoint his own special foreign envoys to key areas such as the Middle East Afghanistan and the Caspian Sea region. Mottaki won that round after reportedly getting Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to intervene. Ahmadinejad eventually reclassified the envoy posts as advisers.
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Hong Kong must bolster China links and diversify: Tsang
Donald Tsang
In particular the city can play a key role in Beijing's plans to promote the yuan as an international currency Donald Tsang said in his annual policy address. He downplayed concerns that China's promotion of Shanghai as a global trade centre threatened Hong Kong's traditional role as an international gateway to the Chinese economy saying the two would work together. "As the (yuan) moves towards internationalisation the mainland needs a highly open global financial centre that is fully aligned with the world financial markets to serve as its platform for foreign financial activities " Tsang said. Tsang's speech outlined an array of initiatives aimed at adjusting to the competition and opportunities presented by China's growing global importance. He also sought to allay fears about a property bubble raised recently by new record prices for luxury apartments in Hong Kong saying the government might consider boosting land supply. His plans to promote the city as a "bridgehead for mainland enterprises to go international" included strengthening services in areas such as stock market listing bond issuance and financial hedging. Addressing concerns Hong Kong would lag Shanghai in financial development Tsang said the two cities should work together. "I believe that Hong Kong can work in collaboration with Shanghai and leverage our respective strengths to contribute to the development of financial services in the mainland " he said. Tsang also pledged to "foster economic cooperation with Taiwan" as Hong Kong adapts to warmer cross-strait ties which could hurt the southern city's position as an intermediary between the two. On the issue of rising real estate prices in Hong Kong Tsang said the government would closely monitor the situation in order to prevent any potential market bubbles forming. Tsang said the government would when necessary "fine-tune the land supply arrangements...with a view to quickening the pace of bringing readily available residential sites to the market". It would also closely monitor data on property transactions negative equities and mortgage loans to ensure that there was no sudden steep price fall he added. Critics were disappointed that Tsang's fifth policy address placed less emphasis than last year's speech on helping the city's poorest. More than 10 political and welfare groups protested outside the Legislative Council before Tsang arrived to deliver his address calling for universal suffrage a minimum wage and subsidies for the poor and elderly. Tsang's speech was briefly interrupted by lawmaker "Long Hair" Leung Kwok-hung and two other members of the League of Social Democrats waving placards and questioning whether the address had anything new to offer.
In particular the city can play a key role in Beijing's plans to promote the yuan as an international currency [TGT] said in [TGT] annual policy address. [TGT] downplayed concerns that China's promotion of Shanghai as a global trade centre threatened Hong Kong's traditional role as an international gateway to the Chinese economy saying the two would work together. "As the (yuan) moves towards internationalisation the mainland needs a highly open global financial centre that is fully aligned with the world financial markets to serve as its platform for foreign financial activities [TGT] said. [TGT]'s speech outlined an array of initiatives aimed at adjusting to the competition and opportunities presented by China's growing global importance. [TGT] also sought to allay fears about a property bubble raised recently by new record prices for luxury apartments in Hong Kong saying the government might consider boosting land supply. [TGT] plans to promote the city as a "bridgehead for mainland enterprises to go international" included strengthening services in areas such as stock market listing bond issuance and financial hedging. Addressing concerns Hong Kong would lag Shanghai in financial development [TGT] said the two cities should work together. "I believe that Hong Kong can work in collaboration with Shanghai and leverage our respective strengths to contribute to the development of financial services in the mainland " [TGT] said. [TGT] also pledged to "foster economic cooperation with Taiwan" as Hong Kong adapts to warmer cross-strait ties which could hurt the southern city's position as an intermediary between the two. On the issue of rising real estate prices in Hong Kong [TGT] said the government would closely monitor the situation in order to prevent any potential market bubbles forming. [TGT] said the government would when necessary "fine-tune the land supply arrangements...with a view to quickening the pace of bringing readily available residential sites to the market". It would also closely monitor data on property transactions negative equities and mortgage loans to ensure that there was no sudden steep price fall [TGT] added. Critics were disappointed that [TGT]'s fifth policy address placed less emphasis than last year's speech on helping the city's poorest. More than 10 political and welfare groups protested outside the Legislative Council before [TGT] arrived to deliver [TGT] address calling for universal suffrage a minimum wage and subsidies for the poor and elderly. [TGT]'s speech was briefly interrupted by lawmaker "Long Hair" Leung Kwok-hung and two other members of the League of Social Democrats waving placards and questioning whether the address had anything new to offer.
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Interview: Tadic says Serbia eyes economic cooperation with China
BELGRADE Aug. 18 (Xinhua) -- Serbian President Boris Tadic calls China a very important economy in the world with great potential for development. Tadic also said in an interview with Xinhua on the eve of his visit to China that Serbia is extremely interested in further deepening economic cooperation with Beijing. "During my visit Serbia and China will sign an agreement of partnership which is a result of longtime efforts on both sides and a manifestation of good political relations between the two countries " Tadic said. Tadic at the invitation of Chinese President Hu Jintao will pay a state visit to China on Aug. 19-25. It will be the first official visit of its kind since Serbia gained independence in 2006. Tadic visited China in 2005 when Serbia was part of a union with Montenegro. He also attended the opening ceremony for the Beijing Olympics last August as a guest of the Serbian Olympic Committee. Tadic said that Serbia and China have a good traditional friendship without any outstanding historical burdens. The two countries he said would find common ground for better cooperation because all countries in the world have been affected by the ongoing economic crisis. The president expressed confidence that during his visit the two sides would reach agreements in the economic field and find new areas of cooperation. Tadic hailed the mutual understanding and support between the two countries in the international political arena. He said the two countries can build stronger economic ties on the basis of good political relations. Tadic said that people have realized that the world's development could not last without China's growth. He said he also had a feeling that China has attached great importance to social development. Like many countries China has encountered significant difficulties during its development but has overcome them in a good way he said. Tadic said too that he believed China has the potential for even greater development in the future. Tadic said he has visited Dalian a city in northeastern China that has undergone fast development in recent years but has never been to Shanghai. "During my visit I will have the chance to visit Shanghai. I believe that where I go in Shanghai I am sure to feel the achievements of China's fast development " he said. Tadic said that joining the EU is Serbia's main strategic goal which he expects will be realized in the next five years. As long as Serbia joins the EU Tadic said China would have another close friend in the pan-European bloc.
BELGRADE Aug. 18 (Xinhua) -- [TGT] calls China a very important economy in the world with great potential for development. [TGT] also said in an interview with Xinhua on the eve of [TGT] visit to China that Serbia is extremely interested in further deepening economic cooperation with Beijing. "During my visit Serbia and China will sign an agreement of partnership which is a result of longtime efforts on both sides and a manifestation of good political relations between the two countries [TGT] said. Tadic at the invitation of Chinese President Hu Jintao will pay a state visit to China on Aug. 19-25. It will be the first official visit of its kind since Serbia gained independence in 2006. [TGT] visited China in 2005 when Serbia was part of a union with Montenegro. [TGT] also attended the opening ceremony for the Beijing Olympics last August as a guest of the Serbian Olympic Committee. [TGT] said that Serbia and China have a good traditional friendship without any outstanding historical burdens. The two countries [TGT] said would find common ground for better cooperation because all countries in the world have been affected by the ongoing economic crisis. [TGT] expressed confidence that during [TGT] visit the two sides would reach agreements in the economic field and find new areas of cooperation. [TGT] hailed the mutual understanding and support between the two countries in the international political arena. [TGT] said the two countries can build stronger economic ties on the basis of good political relations. [TGT] said that people have realized that the world's development could not last without China's growth. [TGT] said [TGT] also had a feeling that China has attached great importance to social development. Like many countries China has encountered significant difficulties during its development but has overcome them in a good way [TGT] said. [TGT] said too that [TGT] believed China has the potential for even greater development in the future. [TGT] said [TGT] has visited Dalian a city in northeastern China that has undergone fast development in recent years but has never been to Shanghai. "During my visit I will have the chance to visit Shanghai. I believe that where I go in Shanghai I am sure to feel the achievements of China's fast development " [TGT] said. [TGT] said that joining the EU is Serbia's main strategic goal which [TGT] expects will be realized in the next five years. As long as Serbia joins the EU [TGT] said China would have another close friend in the pan-European bloc.
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Protesters clamor for aid as Bill Clinton visits Haiti
Bill Clinton
Former US president Bill Clinton was met by angry crowds Friday protesting the slow arrival of aid to Haitians left destitute by a huge quake as he sought to unblock distribution bottlenecks. Clinton said he understood the frustrations adding he also wanted to understand why more than three weeks after the January 12 quake aid was still not getting through to desperate Haitians. "I'm trying to get to what the bottlenecks are part of it is just shipping the volume of food in here that is necessary " Clinton told reporters as he visited a clinic in the ruined capital of Port-au-Prince. The other problem was the distances between the 16 main distribution points he said. As Clinton earlier visited the government's de facto headquarters in a police building in the city about 200 people demonstrated outside to protest the lack of shelter. Asked about his role in the country Clinton said: "What I don't want to be is the governor of Haiti. Clinton said he was not involved in any talks about the case: "That's not within my mandate. I know that the State Department and government have had these discussions." Clinton's wife US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Friday that the US ambassador was working with Haitian officials on the case and that Washington expressed "hope that this matter can be resolved in an expeditious way." The case has overshadowed the huge international relief effort which Bill Clinton as a special UN envoy for Haiti has helped coordinate. Clinton visited Port-au-Prince's Gheskio medical clinic where his foundation said he would deliver "water food medical supplies solar flash lights portable radios and generators donated by Home Depot (and) Walmart."
[TGT] was met by angry crowds Friday protesting the slow arrival of aid to Haitians left destitute by a huge quake as [TGT] sought to unblock distribution bottlenecks. [TGT] said [TGT] understood the frustrations adding [TGT] also wanted to understand why more than three weeks after the January 12 quake aid was still not getting through to desperate Haitians. "I'm trying to get to what the bottlenecks are part of it is just shipping the volume of food in here that is necessary [TGT] told reporters as [TGT] visited a clinic in the ruined capital of Port-au-Prince. The other problem was the distances between the 16 main distribution points [TGT] said. As [TGT] earlier visited the government's de facto headquarters in a police building in the city about 200 people demonstrated outside to protest the lack of shelter. Asked about [TGT] role in the country [TGT] said: "What I don't want to be is the governor of Haiti. [TGT] said [TGT] was not involved in any talks about the case: "That's not within my mandate. I know that the State Department and government have had these discussions." Clinton's wife US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Friday that the US ambassador was working with Haitian officials on the case and that Washington expressed "hope that this matter can be resolved in an expeditious way." The case has overshadowed the huge international relief effort which Bill Clinton as a special UN envoy for Haiti has helped coordinate. [TGT] visited Port-au-Prince's Gheskio medical clinic where [TGT] foundation said [TGT] would deliver "water food medical supplies solar flash lights portable radios and generators donated by Home Depot (and) Walmart."
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Iraq has executed 257 since 2005: minister
Busho Ibrahim
Iraq has executed 257 people including six women since 2005 deputy justice minister Busho Ibrahim told AFP on Thursday amid calls from the United Nations for Iraq to abolish capital punishment. Ibrahim also said the country was embarking on a major prison rebuilding and renovation programme that would see all of its 33 jails upgraded to what he said would be international standards by 2015. "Executions began in August 2005 and 37 people are presently ready to be executed following approval from the presidency council " Ibrahim said. He said 251 men and six women had been executed since Iraq lifted the moratorium on the death penalty it adopted after the 2003 US-led invasion that overthrew Saddam Hussein. Ibrahim gave no explanation for the fall but Iraq has been without a government for much of this year and under the constitution all executions have to approved by a member of the three-man presidency. Ibrahim said the death penalty can be applied in crimes that fall under five categories: murder terrorism kidnapping drug trafficking and crimes against humanity. Those executed are usually hanged. He did not immediately have figures on the total number of prisoners who have been sentenced to death but Interior Minister Jawad al-Bolani said on Monday that Iraq has 835 people on death row. Ibrahim also said that Iraq was embarking on a massive prison revamping programme due to be completed in 2015. "There are some plans to build new prisons because most of our current prisons are very old " he said. "Only the prisons that were built by the Americans are of good quality. All of the Saddam-era prisons except for Badoush in Mosul (northern Iraq) need to be rebuilt renovated or modernised. "By 2014 or 2015 all prisons in Iraq should be fully updated or rebuilt " Ibrahim said putting the current capacity of the 33 prisons operated by the justice ministry two of which are not being used at 28 530. Ibrahim said that as of December 9 a total of 24 783 people were being held in justice ministry prisons including both convicts and remand prisoners. Ibrahim said Iraq was holding some foreign prisoners but did not specify how many. He said most of the foreigners were Arabs or of Arab origin. Overall he put prison operating costs at between 180 and 190 dollars per prisoner per month -- 150 dollars a month for food with the remainder being spent on clothing healthcare and other basic services.
Iraq has executed 257 people including six women since 2005 [TGT] told AFP on Thursday amid calls from the United Nations for Iraq to abolish capital punishment. [TGT] also said the country was embarking on a major prison rebuilding and renovation programme that would see all of its 33 jails upgraded to what [TGT] said would be international standards by 2015. "Executions began in August 2005 and 37 people are presently ready to be executed following approval from the presidency council [TGT] said. [TGT] said 251 men and six women had been executed since Iraq lifted the moratorium on the death penalty it adopted after the 2003 US-led invasion that overthrew Saddam Hussein. [TGT] gave no explanation for the fall but Iraq has been without a government for much of this year and under the constitution all executions have to approved by a member of the three-man presidency. [TGT] said the death penalty can be applied in crimes that fall under five categories: murder terrorism kidnapping drug trafficking and crimes against humanity. Those executed are usually hanged. [TGT] did not immediately have figures on the total number of prisoners who have been sentenced to death but Interior Minister Jawad al-Bolani said on Monday that Iraq has 835 people on death row. [TGT] also said that Iraq was embarking on a massive prison revamping programme due to be completed in 2015. "There are some plans to build new prisons because most of our current prisons are very old " [TGT] said. "Only the prisons that were built by the Americans are of good quality. All of the Saddam-era prisons except for Badoush in Mosul (northern Iraq) need to be rebuilt renovated or modernised. "By 2014 or 2015 all prisons in Iraq should be fully updated or rebuilt [TGT] said putting the current capacity of the 33 prisons operated by the justice ministry two of which are not being used at 28 530. [TGT] said that as of December 9 a total of 24 783 people were being held in justice ministry prisons including both convicts and remand prisoners. [TGT] said Iraq was holding some foreign prisoners but did not specify how many. [TGT] said most of the foreigners were Arabs or of Arab origin. Overall [TGT] put prison operating costs at between 180 and 190 dollars per prisoner per month -- 150 dollars a month for food with the remainder being spent on clothing healthcare and other basic services.
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UN African bodies meet Tandja in bid to defuse Niger crisis
Mamadou Tandja
After a decade of rare stability in the region Niger has in recent weeks been plunged into serious political crisis arising from Tandja's desire to extend his stay in power after his mandate expires this year. At the end of two five-year terms as elected head of state Tandja 71 is due to leave office by December 22 but instead he has defied the country's top court and decided to hold a referendum on August 4 on a new constitution. The proposed constitution would enable him to hang on to power for three years and then to run for office again for unlimited terms. After defying the constitutional court Tandja assumed emergency powers which saw him dissolve the court as well as parliament and crack down on independent media. Tandja 71 is due to leave office by December 22 but instead he has defied the country's top court and decided to hold a referendum on August 4 on a new constitution. After defying the constitutional court Tandja assumed emergency powers which saw him dissolve the court as well as parliament and crack down on independent media. The opposition has slammed Tandja's action as akin to a coup d'etat. ECOWAS is brandishing economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation if Tandja presses ahead with the referendum.
After a decade of rare stability in the region Niger has in recent weeks been plunged into serious political crisis arising from [TGT]'s desire to extend [TGT] stay in power after [TGT] mandate expires this year. At the end of two five-year terms as elected head of state Tandja 71 is due to leave office by December 22 but instead he has defied the country's top court and decided to hold a referendum on August 4 on a new constitution. The proposed constitution would enable him to hang on to power for three years and then to run for office again for unlimited terms. After defying the constitutional court [TGT] assumed emergency powers which saw him dissolve the court as well as parliament and crack down on independent media. Tandja 71 is due to leave office by December 22 but instead he has defied the country's top court and decided to hold a referendum on August 4 on a new constitution. After defying the constitutional court [TGT] assumed emergency powers which saw him dissolve the court as well as parliament and crack down on independent media. The opposition has slammed [TGT]'s action as akin to a coup d'etat. ECOWAS is brandishing economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation if [TGT] presses ahead with the referendum.
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Timothy R. Kuklo
The report on the investigation which was conducted by a panel at Washington University into a study by Dr. Timothy R. Kuklo was completed on Wednesday. Kuklo resigned his post at Washington University this summer amid a controversy over the study which involved a Medtronic bone growth product called Infuse. Kuklo conducted the research in question while a surgeon at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington. He became a highly paid consultant to Medtronic when he joined Washington University in St. Louis in mid-2006. In a report last year Army officials accused him of inflating the number of combat soldiers whose leg injuries had been successfully treated with the product. Officials also found that he had forged the names of four Army doctors before submitting the study to a medical journal for publication. After a lengthy review the Washington University panel concluded that it had been possible for Kuklo to support the number of leg injuries he reported if such injuries were defined broadly. The panel also raised the possibility that some of the data discrepancies had reflected problems in Walter Reed's patient record-keeping system. Kuklo to support the number of leg injuries he reported if such injuries were defined broadly. The panel also raised the possibility that some of the data discrepancies had reflected problems in Walter Reed's patient record-keeping system. Seizing on that finding Kuklo's lawyer sent a letter on Thursday to Sen. Charles E. Grassley describing it as exonerating his client. Grassley a R-Iowa began an investigation of Kuklo's study after it was the subject of a Page 1 article in The New York Times in May. In his presentations to the panel Kuklo maintained that he had included the other doctors' names as a courtesy and had not intended to mislead any one. But the committee disagreed finding that Kuklo's decision to use four different handwriting styles to sign for the physicians suggested "intentional deception." The panel also found that Kuklo had committed research misconduct in representations he made about another study. As a result of the controversy surrounding his Infuse study Medtronic suspended his consulting agreement. In recommending sanctions the panel pointed out that Kuklo had already left the institution voluntarily. In its statement Washington University said that his resignation was not being reconsidered.
The report on the investigation which was conducted by a panel at Washington University into [TGT]was completed on Wednesday. [TGT] resigned [TGT] post at Washington University this summer amid a controversy over the study which involved a Medtronic bone growth product called Infuse. [TGT] conducted the research in question while a surgeon at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington. [TGT] became a highly paid consultant to Medtronic when [TGT] joined Washington University in St. Louis in mid-2006. In a report last year Army officials accused [TGT] of inflating the number of combat soldiers whose leg injuries had been successfully treated with the product. Officials also found that [TGT] had forged the names of four Army doctors before submitting [TGT] to a medical journal for publication. After a lengthy review the Washington University panel concluded that it had been possible for [TGT] to support the number of leg injuries [TGT] reported if such injuries were defined broadly. The panel also raised the possibility that some of the data discrepancies had reflected problems in Walter Reed's patient record-keeping system. [TGT] to support the number of leg injuries [TGT] reported if such injuries were defined broadly. The panel also raised the possibility that some of the data discrepancies had reflected problems in Walter Reed's patient record-keeping system. Seizing on that finding [TGT]'s lawyer sent a letter on Thursday to Sen. Charles E. Grassley describing it as exonerating his client. Grassley a R-Iowa began an investigation of [TGT]'s study after it was the subject of a Page 1 article in The New York Times in May. In his presentations to the panel [TGT] maintained that he had included the other doctors' names as a courtesy and had not intended to mislead any one. But the committee disagreed finding that [TGT]'s decision to use four different handwriting styles to sign for the physicians suggested "intentional deception." The panel also found that [TGT] had committed research misconduct in representations he made about another study. As a result of the controversy surrounding his Infuse study Medtronic suspended his consulting agreement. In recommending sanctions the panel pointed out that [TGT] had already left the institution voluntarily. In its statement Washington University said that his resignation was not being reconsidered.
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AP sources: Republican chair to seek re-election
Michael Steele
Embattled Republican Party chairman Michael Steele announced Monday that he will seek a second term despite a rocky two years marked by allegations of financial mismanagement and frequent verbal gaffes. After weighing a decision for weeks as challengers lined up Steele alerted the 168-member Republican National Committee during an evening conference call that he would run according to participants listening. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because the call was private. Steele's troubled first term expires in January and the committee must then vote on who should run the party's national operations during the 2012 presidential election cycle. A former Maryland lieutenant governor Steele was chosen to run the party in January 2009. He became the first black national chairman in the Republican Party's history just shy of three months after the nation elected a Democrat as the first African-American president. Steele was considered an outsider because he wasn't part of the RNC's clubby environment. His brash style and unconventional ways irked establishment Republicans from the outset. Questions about his financial management of the RNC followed. Republican victories up and down the ballot in November didn't quiet Steele's critics. Complaints about Steele's stewardship of the party's national operations only mounted. And he has watched his once strong support within the RNC rank and file all but evaporate as Republican leaders on Capitol Hill and in states across the country signaled they desired new leadership. No less than a half dozen Republicans are weighing challenges to Steele or have launched candidacies. The two latest to formally announce bids are Maria Cino a New York native who served in the Bush administration and planned the party's 2008 nominating convention and Gentry Collins who headed the RNC's political department under Steele. Others in the mix include: Saul Anuzis a committeeman from Michigan who lost to Steele in the 2009 chairman's race; Reince Priebus the Wisconsin Republican chairman and Ann Wagner a former Missouri state Republican chair and a former ambassador.
[TGT] announced Monday that [TGT] will seek a second term despite a rocky two years marked by allegations of financial mismanagement and frequent verbal gaffes. After weighing a decision for weeks as challengers lined up [TGT] alerted the 168-member Republican National Committee during an evening conference call that [TGT] would run according to participants listening. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because the call was private. [TGT]'s troubled first term expires in January and the committee must then vote on who should run the party's national operations during the 2012 presidential election cycle. A former Maryland lieutenant governor [TGT] was chosen to run the party in January 2009. [TGT] became the first black national chairman in the Republican Party's history just shy of three months after the nation elected a Democrat as the first African-American president. [TGT] was considered an outsider because [TGT] wasn't part of the RNC's clubby environment. [TGT] brash style and unconventional ways irked establishment Republicans from the outset. Questions about [TGT] financial management of the RNC followed. Republican victories up and down the ballot in November didn't quiet [TGT]'s critics. Complaints about [TGT]'s stewardship of the party's national operations only mounted. And [TGT] has watched [TGT] once strong support within the RNC rank and file all but evaporate as Republican leaders on Capitol Hill and in states across the country signaled they desired new leadership. No less than a half dozen Republicans are weighing challenges to [TGT] or have launched candidacies. The two latest to formally announce bids are Maria Cino a New York native who served in the Bush administration and planned the party's 2008 nominating convention and Gentry Collins who headed the RNC's political department under [TGT]. Others in the mix include: Saul Anuzis a committeeman from Michigan who lost to [TGT] in the 2009 chairman's race; Reince Priebus the Wisconsin Republican chairman and Ann Wagner a former Missouri state Republican chair and a former ambassador.
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Texas warden was last voice heard by 140 inmates
Charles Thomas O'Reilly
For about 140 people over the past six years the soft Texas drawl of Charles Thomas O'Reilly was the last voice they heard before they died. Some did leave an impression although the only name that came immediately to mind for O'Reilly was Frances Newton who in 2005 became the third woman executed in Texas in modern times. She was the only woman executed under O'Reilly's watch. "One guy he cracked jokes he cracked jokes through the whole thing " O'Reilly said. "I can't remember his name. But I remember things like that." While O'Reilly recalls the professionalism everyone shows throughout the process it's the last words of the inmate that tend to draw considerable attention. With witnesses assembled and looking through windows the chaplain normally offering a comforting hand resting on the inmate's leg and the final OK from a prison department executive O'Reilly standing near the prone inmate's head leaned over. O'Reilly would meet with inmates when they arrived to explain what would happen. "What I want to do is talk to him and figure out his demeanor " he said. "Whenever they get here they're either angry extremely upset or nervous. They know why they're here. ... It's weighing kind of heavy on them. One way or another it's weighing heavy on everyone here. Few condemned inmates balked when the "time" arrived O'Reilly said. "We've had some tell us: 'I'm not going to fight but I'm not going to walk '" he said. "We picked them up and carried them. Ninety-nine percent of them they walked on their own." He told inmates they could say whatever they wanted in their last statement but it must be in English -- "That's all I understand " he said -- and it can't be profane. If the obscenities start so do the drugs. "He's got about 15 seconds to do all the cussing he wants to and it will be all over " O'Reilly said. "It is going to be the last thing they're going to say. It ought to mean something. Most of the statements are pretty decent. They apologize to the victim's family and tell their family they love them." The Huntsville Unit was the 11th stop in a career that took O'Reilly to prisons from one end of Texas to the other beginning in January 1977. Edward Smith a warden who worked as an assistant under O'Reilly called him "a natural leader." Although he has no qualms about capital punishment O'Reilly would prefer to remembered for other aspects of his career. He figures he's worked with about three generations of prison staff and sees some of the grandchildren of people who were there when he started. "The things I want to stand out in my career my past isn't executions " he said.
For about 140 people over the past six years the soft Texas drawl of [TGT] was the last voice they heard before they died. Some did leave an impression although the only name that came immediately to mind for [TGT] was Frances Newton who in 2005 became the third woman executed in Texas in modern times. She was the only woman executed under [TGT]'s watch. "One guy he cracked jokes he cracked jokes through the whole thing [TGT] said. "I can't remember his name. But I remember things like that." While [TGT] recalls the professionalism everyone shows throughout the process it's the last words of the inmate that tend to draw considerable attention. With witnesses assembled and looking through windows the chaplain normally offering a comforting hand resting on the inmate's leg and the final OK from a prison department executive [TGT]standing near the prone inmate's head leaned over. [TGT] would meet with inmates when they arrived to explain what would happen. "What I want to do is talk to [TGT] and figure out [TGT] demeanor " [TGT] said. "Whenever they get here they're either angry extremely upset or nervous. They know why they're here. ... It's weighing kind of heavy on them. One way or another it's weighing heavy on everyone here. Few condemned inmates balked when the "time" arrived [TGT] said. "We've had some tell us: 'I'm not going to fight but I'm not going to walk '" [TGT] said. "We picked them up and carried them. Ninety-nine percent of them they walked on their own." He told inmates they could say whatever they wanted in their last statement but it must be in English -- "That's all I understand " he said -- and it can't be profane. If the obscenities start so do the drugs. "He's got about 15 seconds to do all the cussing he wants to and it will be all over [TGT] said. "It is going to be the last thing they're going to say. It ought to mean something. Most of the statements are pretty decent. They apologize to the victim's family and tell their family they love them." The Huntsville Unit was the 11th stop in a career that took [TGT] to prisons from one end of Texas to the other beginning in January 1977. Edward Smith a warden who worked as an assistant under [TGT]called him "a natural leader." Although he has no qualms about capital punishment [TGT] would prefer to remembered for other aspects of his career. He figures he's worked with about three generations of prison staff and sees some of the grandchildren of people who were there when he started. "The things I want to stand out in my career my past isn't executions " he said.
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Why the Superhero Looks Like a Million
Even through his shaded glasses Tim Burton clearly was wide-eyed. The famed "Batman" director motioned toward the crowd at San Diego Comic-Con and said "I can't believe just how big it's gotten." He was referring not just to the physical size of last year's convention but also to the existential sense of the comics world itself: The scene was shining a white-hot Bat light on just And this week Batman and Superman flexed the comics market's muscles again. Holy collectibles Batman. Suddenly by tripling the record sale price comics as a collectible were being mentioned in the same breath as gemstones and paintings. The twin sales garnered headlines and Google searches worldwide. And all the while longtime comics scholars and non-geeks alike mouthed the question with dropped jaws: something to them. Spider-Man Superman and Batman _ that's history to them. And in this country we're a society built on popular culture." Once Superman crossed the million-dollar threshold Batman was quick to follow. "As they say: Without Superman there would be no Batman _ as a character and as a record comic-book sale " Zurzolo says. At Dallas-based Heritage Auction Galleries which conducted the Batman auction Thursday the house's comics expert agrees. "I think that the million-dollar result made somebody feel comfortable on (bidding) those kinds of numbers" in the Batman auction said Lon Allen 37 sales director for Heritage's comic books division. "This is going to give a boost to the ... highest-grade of all comics." the Batman auction Thursday the house's comics expert agrees. "I think that the million-dollar result made somebody feel comfortable on (bidding) those kinds of numbers" in the Batman auction said Lon Allen 37 sales director for Heritage's comic books division. "This is going to give a boost to the ... highest-grade of all comics."
Even through his shaded glasses Tim Burton clearly was wide-eyed. [TGT] motioned toward the crowd at San Diego Comic-Con and said "I can't believe just how big it's gotten." [TGT] was referring not just to the physical size of last year's convention but also to the existential sense of the comics world itself: The scene was shining a white-hot Bat light on just And this week Batman and Superman flexed the comics market's muscles again. Holy collectibles Batman. Suddenly by tripling the record sale price comics as a collectible were being mentioned in the same breath as gemstones and paintings. The twin sales garnered headlines and Google searches worldwide. And all the while longtime comics scholars and non-geeks alike mouthed the question with dropped jaws: something to them. Spider-Man Superman and Batman _ that's history to them. And in this country we're a society built on popular culture." Once Superman crossed the million-dollar threshold [TGT] was quick to follow. "As they say: Without Superman there would be no Batman _ as a character and as a record comic-book sale " Zurzolo says. At Dallas-based Heritage Auction Galleries which conducted [TGT] Thursday the house's comics expert agrees. "I think that the million-dollar result made somebody feel comfortable on (bidding) those kinds of numbers" in [TGT]said Lon Allen 37 sales director for Heritage's comic books division. "This is going to give a boost to the ... highest-grade of all comics." [TGT]the house's comics expert agrees. "I think that the million-dollar result made somebody feel comfortable on (bidding) those kinds of numbers" in [TGT]said Lon Allen 37 sales director for Heritage's comic books division. "This is going to give a boost to the ... highest-grade of all comics."
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Sarah Palin
In late March a senior official from the Republican Governors Association headed for Alaska on a secret mission. Sarah Palin was beset by such political and personal turmoil that some powerful supporters determined an intervention was needed to pull her governorship and her national future back from the brink. Like so much of the advice sent Palin's way by influential supporters it appeared to be happily received and then largely discarded barely slowing what was in retrospect an inexorable march toward the resignation she announced 10 days ago. Palin had returned to her home state from the presidential campaign as one of the hopeful prospects in her struggling party even if she had much to prove to her detractors. Standing before the Legislature in January she vowed to retake her office with "optimism and collaboration and hard work to get the job done." Almost as soon as she returned home the once-popular governor was isolated from an increasingly critical Legislature. Lawmakers who had supported her signature effort to develop a natural gas pipeline turned into uncooperative critics. Ethics complaints mounted and legal bills followed. At home Palin was dealing with a teenage daughter who had given birth to a son and broken up with the infant's father a baby of her own with special needs and national news media eager to cover it all. Friends worried that she appeared anxious and underweight. Yet to the dismay of some advisers Palin dove into the fray seeming to relish the tabloid-ready fights that consumed her as the work of the state at times went undone.Her growing list of detractors quickly signaled they were not impressed with her celebrity status. "We had business to do " said state Rep. Nancy Dahlstrom a Republican who had worked on Palin's 2006 race for governor. "It's not all about adoration."
In late March a senior official from the Republican Governors Association headed for Alaska on a secret mission. [TGT] was beset by such political and personal turmoil that some powerful supporters determined an intervention was needed to pull [TGT] governorship and [TGT] national future back from the brink. Like so much of the advice sent [TGT]'s way by influential supporters it appeared to be happily received and then largely discarded barely slowing what was in retrospect an inexorable march toward the resignation [TGT] announced 10 days ago. [TGT] had returned to [TGT] home state from the presidential campaign as one of the hopeful prospects in [TGT] struggling party even if [TGT] had much to prove to [TGT] detractors. Standing before the Legislature in January [TGT] vowed to retake [TGT] office with "optimism and collaboration and hard work to get the job done." Almost as soon as [TGT] returned home the once-popular governor was isolated from an increasingly critical Legislature. Lawmakers who had supported [TGT] signature effort to develop a natural gas pipeline turned into uncooperative critics. Ethics complaints mounted and legal bills followed. At home [TGT] was dealing with a teenage daughter who had given birth to a son and broken up with the infant's father a baby of [TGT] own with special needs and national news media eager to cover it all. Friends worried that [TGT] appeared anxious and underweight. Yet to the dismay of some advisers [TGT] dove into the fray seeming to relish the tabloid-ready fights that consumed [TGT] as the work of the state at times went undone.[TGT] growing list of detractors quickly signaled they were not impressed with [TGT] celebrity status. "We had business to do " said state Rep. Nancy Dahlstrom a Republican who had worked on [TGT]'s 2006 race for governor. "It's not all about adoration."
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Iranian President Fires Officials Then Backtracks
Meanwhile accounts surfaced of two more protesters killed in recent days. Fresh clashes broke out between security forces and demonstrators charging vote fraud in Ahmadinejad's recent re-election victory outside a canceled funeral service for another of the dead. Reformist leaders meanwhile sought to obtain a permit to hold a massive commemoration for those killed in the violence that has followed the disputed June 12 presidential vote. Ahmadinejad's latest personnel moves suggests that neither the burgeoning reformist movement shaking the country nor a week-long effort by conservatives against his pick for vice president have spurred the president to change his confrontational approach. It also highlights rising tensions between the president and fellow conservatives in parliament and elsewhere in Iran's political establishment. The controversy marked the second time in recent days that Ahmadinejad has faced off against fellow conservatives but ultimately been forced to back down. Conservative news agencies close to the government reported that Ahmadinejad abruptly sacked his ministers of Intelligence and Culture and possibly two others early Sunday in what many considered retribution for the ministers' efforts to scuttle Esfandiar Rahim Mashai's appointment as first in line to succeed the president. Hours later Ahmadinejad changed his mind after he ignited a storm of criticism and was told by conservative senior lawmakers that according to the nation's constitution he'd have to submit his entire Cabinet to a new vote of parliament if he changed more than one minister since he had already replaced so many during his four-year tenure. The president's office issued a statement saying that only Minister of Intelligence and Security Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejei had been fired. Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Mohammad Hossein Saffar Harandi a dedicated hard-liner announced in a blistering note late Sunday that he would resign immediately after receiving "verbal instructions" from Ahmadinejad that he was fired. Though Ahmadinejad had long announced plans to reshuffle the Cabinet following his inauguration to a new term in less than two weeks the sudden nature of the dismissals just days before the government was to expire anyway was considered an insulting rejoinder to conservative supporters of Ahmadinejad who had opposed Mashai's appointment. After bowing to Khamenei's request to remove Mashai as first vice-president Ahmadinejad appointed him chief of staff. On Sunday Ahmadinejad also appointed former Interior Minister Ali Kordan who had resigned his post after admitting he had tried to bolster his resume with a phony Oxford degree as his special inspector who monitors the activities of the ministries and government. Ahmadinejad's confirmation for a second-term by Khamenei is set for Aug. 4 and his swearing-in ceremony will take place the next day a lawmaker announced. Protesters supporting opposition candidates Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mahdi Karroubi have vowed to stage another day of peaceful protest when Ahmadinejad is formally sworn in.
Meanwhile accounts surfaced of two more protesters killed in recent days. Fresh clashes broke out between security forces and demonstrators charging vote fraud in [TGT]'s recent re-election victory outside a canceled funeral service for another of the dead. Reformist leaders meanwhile sought to obtain a permit to hold a massive commemoration for those killed in the violence that has followed the disputed June 12 presidential vote. [TGT]'s latest personnel moves suggests that neither the burgeoning reformist movement shaking the country nor a week-long effort by conservatives against [TGT] pick for vice president have spurred the president to change his confrontational approach. It also highlights rising tensions between the president and fellow conservatives in parliament and elsewhere in Iran's political establishment. The controversy marked the second time in recent days that [TGT] has faced off against fellow conservatives but ultimately been forced to back down. Conservative news agencies close to the government reported that [TGT] abruptly sacked [TGT] ministers of Intelligence and Culture and possibly two others early Sunday in what many considered retribution for the ministers' efforts to scuttle Esfandiar Rahim Mashai's appointment as first in line to succeed the president. Hours later [TGT] changed his mind after he ignited a storm of criticism and was told by conservative senior lawmakers that according to the nation's constitution he'd have to submit his entire Cabinet to a new vote of parliament if he changed more than one minister since he had already replaced so many during his four-year tenure. The president's office issued a statement saying that only Minister of Intelligence and Security Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejei had been fired. Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Mohammad Hossein Saffar Harandi a dedicated hard-liner announced in a blistering note late Sunday that he would resign immediately after receiving "verbal instructions" from [TGT] that he was fired. Though [TGT] had long announced plans to reshuffle the Cabinet following his inauguration to a new term in less than two weeks the sudden nature of the dismissals just days before the government was to expire anyway was considered an insulting rejoinder to conservative supporters of [TGT] who had opposed Mashai's appointment. After bowing to Khamenei's request to remove Mashai as first vice-president [TGT] appointed him chief of staff. On Sunday [TGT] also appointed former Interior Minister Ali Kordan who had resigned his post after admitting he had tried to bolster his resume with a phony Oxford degree as his special inspector who monitors the activities of the ministries and government. [TGT]'s confirmation for a second-term by Khamenei is set for Aug. 4 and his swearing-in ceremony will take place the next day a lawmaker announced. Protesters supporting opposition candidates Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mahdi Karroubi have vowed to stage another day of peaceful protest when [TGT] is formally sworn in.
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In letters to Kellogg's General Mills and PepsiCo the attorney general Richard Blumenthal said he was concerned that the program called Smart Choices was "overly simplistic inaccurate and ultimately misleading." The three companies are among several food giants that participate in the program. In an interview on Wednesday Blumenthal said he had discussed his investigation with attorneys general from other states and several had expressed interest in joining his effort. In other prominent consumer protection cases states have worked together to pursue companies or industries including cigarette makers and subprime lenders over charges of deceptive marketing. "As a matter of common sense these sugar-laden or fat-saturated products seem very questionable as so-called 'Smart Choices' nutritionally " Blumenthal said. "We're ratcheting up pressure for truthful answers to these issues." The Connecticut investigation will seek to determine if the labeling campaign violates the state's consumer protection law which bars misleading or false product claims he added. Executives of the Smart Choices program said in a written statement on Wednesday that they would cooperate with Blumenthal. "The Smart Choices program was developed during an open and lengthy collaborative process that included some of the most experienced and accomplished professionals in nutrition science " the statement said calling the program "an important step in the right direction to help consumers." PepsiCo also said it was cooperating. The letters from Blumenthal sent last month also went to organizations involved in developing and administering the program including the American Society for Nutrition. The letters asked for information on how the program was developed. Investigators are also seeking information on any consumer research that may have been conducted as part of the program according to the letters. Blumenthal sent last month also went to organizations involved in developing and administering the program including the American Society for Nutrition. The letters asked for information on how the program was developed. Blumenthal said he hoped to discover whether marketing concerns influenced the program's criteria. "Were the choices of products shaped by an advertising strategy rather than scientific evidence?" he said. In determining whether to pursue the inquiry Blumenthal said that he consulted with a number of experts including Kelly D. Brownell the director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University. In the letters Blumenthal said he was particularly concerned about products marketed to children including sweet cereals like Froot Loops made by Kellogg's; Lucky Charms and Cocoa Puffs made by General Mills; and Quaker Oatmeal Squares made by Quaker a division of PepsiCo.
In letters to Kellogg's General Mills and PepsiCo the attorney general [TGT]said [TGT] was concerned that the program called Smart Choices was "overly simplistic inaccurate and ultimately misleading." The three companies are among several food giants that participate in the program. In an interview on Wednesday [TGT] said [TGT] had discussed [TGT] investigation with attorneys general from other states and several had expressed interest in joining [TGT] effort. In other prominent consumer protection cases states have worked together to pursue companies or industries including cigarette makers and subprime lenders over charges of deceptive marketing. "As a matter of common sense these sugar-laden or fat-saturated products seem very questionable as so-called 'Smart Choices' nutritionally " [TGT] said. "We're ratcheting up pressure for truthful answers to these issues." The Connecticut investigation will seek to determine if the labeling campaign violates the state's consumer protection law which bars misleading or false product claims he added. Executives of the Smart Choices program said in a written statement on Wednesday that they would cooperate with [TGT]. "The Smart Choices program was developed during an open and lengthy collaborative process that included some of the most experienced and accomplished professionals in nutrition science " the statement said calling the program "an important step in the right direction to help consumers." PepsiCo also said it was cooperating. [TGT]sent last month also went to organizations involved in developing and administering the program including the American Society for Nutrition. [TGT] asked for information on how the program was developed. Investigators are also seeking information on any consumer research that may have been conducted as part of the program according to [TGT]. [TGT]sent last month also went to organizations involved in developing and administering the program including the American Society for Nutrition. [TGT] asked for information on how the program was developed. [TGT] said [TGT] hoped to discover whether marketing concerns influenced the program's criteria. "Were the choices of products shaped by an advertising strategy rather than scientific evidence?" [TGT] said. In determining whether to pursue the inquiry [TGT] said that [TGT] consulted with a number of experts including Kelly D. Brownell the director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University. In [TGT][TGT] said [TGT] was particularly concerned about products marketed to children including sweet cereals like Froot Loops made by Kellogg's; Lucky Charms and Cocoa Puffs made by General Mills; and Quaker Oatmeal Squares made by Quaker a division of PepsiCo.
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New Strategic Concept will enhance NATO security capabilities: Rasmussen
Anders Fogh Rasmussen
New Strategic Concept will enhance NATO security capabilities: Rasmussen Rasmussen highlighted the importance of the reforms to enable NATO to face three main challenges in the future namely the risk of instability spreading from weak states the proliferation of ballistic missile technology and threats to cyber-security. Weak states can have a "direct impact" on the alliance's security Rasmussen told a two-day Young Atlanticist Summit which opened here on Friday. As societies have become reliant on information technology Rasmussen stressed the need for NATO to develop cyber security systems and to protect important infrastructure such as banking systems air traffic control or government services. There is a "clear" threat from the outside which requires NATO to develop capabilities to defend Europe against missile attack said Rasmussen. "Missile defense will bind the NATO allies closer together " he added. The Lisbon summit will give NATO the chance to undertake the reforms needed for the 61-year-old organization to tackle these new challenges said Rasmussen. NATO leaders are expected to agree on a new Strategic Concept to serve as the alliance's guiding document for the next decade. This new strategy "will launch an alliance that will be more effective more engaged and more efficient " Rasmussen said. Rasmussen said NATO and Russia should together create a " security roof for the entire Euro-Atlantic area."
New Strategic Concept will enhance NATO security capabilities: Rasmussen Rasmussen highlighted the importance of the reforms to enable NATO to face three main challenges in the future namely the risk of instability spreading from weak states the proliferation of ballistic missile technology and threats to cyber-security. Weak states can have a "direct impact" on the alliance's security Rasmussen told a two-day Young Atlanticist Summit which opened here on Friday. As societies have become reliant on information technology Rasmussen stressed the need for NATO to develop cyber security systems and to protect important infrastructure such as banking systems air traffic control or government services. There is a "clear" threat from the outside which requires NATO to develop capabilities to defend Europe against missile attack said Rasmussen. "Missile defense will bind the NATO allies closer together " he added. The Lisbon summit will give NATO the chance to undertake the reforms needed for the 61-year-old organization to tackle these new challenges said Rasmussen. NATO leaders are expected to agree on a new Strategic Concept to serve as the alliance's guiding document for the next decade. This new strategy "will launch an alliance that will be more effective more engaged and more efficient " Rasmussen said. Rasmussen said NATO and Russia should together create a " security roof for the entire Euro-Atlantic area."
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Lawyer: Lohan staying at substance abuse facility
Lindsay Lohan has moved to a substance abuse facility and signed legal papers hiring celebrity lawyer Robert Shapiro to represent her as she prepares to head to jail for violating probation in a 2007 drug case. Shapiro a key figure on O.J. Simpson's legal "dream team" in 1995 confirmed Lohan was staying at Pickford Lofts a treatment center Shapiro founded after his son died of a drug overdose. Shapiro told The Associated Press on Friday he had agreed to represent Lohan only if she does her jail time and complies with the terms of her probation. "Ms. Lohan is suffering from a disease that I am all too familiar with " said Shapiro whose son Brent died in 2005. "Hopefully I can be of assistance." Lohan is scheduled to begin serving a 90-day sentence on Tuesday. In representing Lohan Shapiro is replacing attorney Shawn Chapman Holley another veteran of the Simpson trial in which the former football star was acquitted of the murders of his ex-wife Nicole and her friend Ronald Goldman. Holly resigned after saying Lohan's sentence was harsh and unfair. Shapiro filed papers in court signed by Lohan substituting him as her counsel. The judge also ordered Lohan to spend three months in rehab after serving her sentence and continue to undergo random drug testing until her probation expires. Lohan pleaded guilty in August 2007 to two misdemeanor counts of being under the influence of cocaine; no contest to two counts of driving with a blood-alcohol level above 0.08 percent; and one count of reckless driving. She was sentenced to three years probation. Lohan has spent 84 minutes in jail and performed mandatory service at the county morgue.
[TGT] has moved to a substance abuse facility and signed legal papers hiring celebrity lawyer Robert Shapiro to represent [TGT] as [TGT] prepares to head to jail for violating probation in a 2007 drug case. Shapiro a key figure on O.J. Simpson's legal "dream team" in 1995 confirmed [TGT] was staying at Pickford Lofts a treatment center Shapiro founded after his son died of a drug overdose. Shapiro told The Associated Press on Friday he had agreed to represent [TGT] only if [TGT] does [TGT] jail time and complies with the terms of [TGT] probation. "[TGT] is suffering from a disease that I am all too familiar with " said Shapiro whose son Brent died in 2005. "Hopefully I can be of assistance." [TGT] is scheduled to begin serving a 90-day sentence on Tuesday. In representing [TGT] is replacing attorney Shawn Chapman Holley another veteran of the Simpson trial in which the former football star was acquitted of the murders of his ex-wife Nicole and [TGT] friend Ronald Goldman. [TGT] resigned after saying [TGT]'s sentence was harsh and unfair. Shapiro filed papers in court signed by [TGT] substituting him as [TGT] counsel. The judge also ordered [TGT] to spend three months in rehab after serving [TGT] sentence and continue to undergo random drug testing until [TGT] probation expires. [TGT] pleaded guilty in August 2007 to two misdemeanor counts of being under the influence of cocaine; no contest to two counts of driving with a blood-alcohol level above 0.08 percent; and one count of reckless driving. [TGT] was sentenced to three years probation. [TGT] has spent 84 minutes in jail and performed mandatory service at the county morgue.
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Alex Burrows
Last Monday in Vancouver the feisty Canucks wing Alex Burrows -- suddenly a hot scorer -- was named the NHL's first star of the week. But the referee Stephane Auger was not congratulating him later that evening when television cameras caught him with his arm around Burrows' shoulder before a game against Nashville. "It was personal " Burrows told reporters after the game. He said that Auger complained that he had made him look bad in a game on Dec. 8 against Nashville. "He said he was going to get me back tonight and that's what he did in the third I think " Burrows said. Burrows said the league should suspend Auger for the rest of the season something the league declined to do. In the first game at Nashville Burrows was hit by the Predators' Jerred Smithson. Auger assessed Smithson a five-minute charging major and a game misconduct but the league later rescinded the misconduct. In the third period of the second game Auger called two penalties on Burrows. In the final moments Burrows complained to Auger who slapped him with an unsportsmanlike-conduct penalty. On Wednesday the NHL fined Burrows $2 500 for his remarks and issued no sanction against Auger saying that the nature of the pregame conversation between the two men "could not be substantiated." Colin Campbell said that Auger told Burrows he did not need his help in making calls and did not appreciate the embellishment. Campbell added that Burrows did not notify his coach after the conversation with Auger. "The first time he mentioned it was after the game in the press conference " Campbell said.
Last Monday in Vancouver the feisty Canucks wing [TGT] -- suddenly a hot scorer -- was named the NHL's first star of the week. But the referee Stephane Auger was not congratulating him later that evening when television cameras caught him with his arm around [TGT] shoulder before a game against Nashville. "It was personal [TGT] told reporters after the game. He said that Auger complained that he had made him look bad in a game on Dec. 8 against Nashville. "He said he was going to get me back tonight and that's what he did in the third I think " [TGT] said. [TGT] said the league should suspend Auger for the rest of the season something the league declined to do. In the first game at Nashville [TGT] was hit by the Predators' Jerred Smithson. Auger assessed Smithson a five-minute charging major and a game misconduct but the league later rescinded the misconduct. In the third period of the second game Auger called two penalties on [TGT]. In the final moments [TGT] complained to Auger who slapped him with an unsportsmanlike-conduct penalty. On Wednesday the NHL fined [TGT] $2 500 for his remarks and issued no sanction against Auger saying that the nature of the pregame conversation between the two men "could not be substantiated." Colin Campbell said that Auger told [TGT] he did not need his help in making calls and did not appreciate the embellishment. Campbell added that [TGT] did not notify [TGT] coach after the conversation with Auger. "The first time [TGT] mentioned it was after the game in the press conference " Campbell said.
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Ex-Detroit mayor gets up to 5 years in prison
Kwame Kilpatrick
Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was sentenced to up to five years in prison Tuesday for violating the terms of his probation stemming from his conviction for lying under oath about an affair with his chief of staff. Groner said Kilpatrick would have to serve at least one-and-a-half years in prison. He is still obligated to pay back the remaining balance of his $1 million debt to the city of Detroit. Shortly after the sentencing Compuware Corp. said that Kilpatrick has being fired from his job as a medical software salesman for its Dallas-based subsidiary Covisint. Groner ruled last month that Kilpatrick failed to report all of his assets and meet other conditions of his probation. In court Tuesday Groner scolded Kilpatrick for his continued lack of candor about his finances. "Your continued attempt to cast yourself as the victim your lack of forthrightness your lack of contriteness and lack of humility ... clearly rehabilitation has failed " Groner told Kilpatrick after the former mayor spent about 15 minutes explaining why he should be allowed to return to his family in Dallas. "I want to go home your honor where I belong " Kilpatrick told Groner. "I'm not here because of a gun charge or a drug charge. I'm here because of my confusion over some of the written orders that have been before me." At issue is the restitution Kilpatrick was ordered to pay the city after he pleaded guilty in 2008 to obstruction of justice. Kilpatrick testified in a whistle-blowers' lawsuit that he was not romantically involved with his chief of staff but text messages between the two later showed he was lying. Before the text message scandal broke the city paid the two whistle blowers an $8.4 million settlement. After Groner announced the sentence a loud collective gasp rose from many of Kilpatrick's supporters in the packed courtroom. Kilpatrick appeared shaken. Kilpatrick has 42 days in which to file an appeal. After he was released from jail in February 2009 Kilpatrick found a job with Covisint. Since then he has said he is working on his marriage and trying to be a better father to his three sons. He also has been making $3 000 monthly payments to the city of Detroit saying he hopes to repay everything he owes. But prosecutors contend he continues to lie -- that Kilpatrick could afford to give more and has intentionally hid assets. Groner agreed saying Kilpatrick failed to disclose $240 000 in loans from prominent businessmen. He also said Kilpatrick failed to surrender nearly $23 400 in tax refunds and a share of cash gifts from two people.
[TGT] was sentenced to up to five years in prison Tuesday for violating the terms of [TGT] probation stemming from [TGT] conviction for lying under oath about an affair with [TGT] chief of staff. Groner said [TGT] would have to serve at least one-and-a-half years in prison. [TGT] is still obligated to pay back the remaining balance of [TGT] $1 million debt to the city of Detroit. Shortly after the sentencing Compuware Corp. said that [TGT] has being fired from [TGT] job as a medical software salesman for its Dallas-based subsidiary Covisint. Groner ruled last month that [TGT] failed to report all of [TGT] assets and meet other conditions of [TGT] probation. In court Tuesday Groner scolded [TGT] for [TGT] continued lack of candor about [TGT] finances. "Your continued attempt to cast yourself as the victim your lack of forthrightness your lack of contriteness and lack of humility ... clearly rehabilitation has failed " Groner told [TGT] after the former mayor spent about 15 minutes explaining why [TGT] should be allowed to return to [TGT] family in Dallas. "I want to go home your honor where I belong " [TGT] told Groner. "I'm not here because of a gun charge or a drug charge. I'm here because of my confusion over some of the written orders that have been before me." At issue is the restitution [TGT] was ordered to pay the city after [TGT] pleaded guilty in 2008 to obstruction of justice. [TGT] testified in a whistle-blowers' lawsuit that [TGT] was not romantically involved with [TGT] chief of staff but text messages between the two later showed [TGT] was lying. Before the text message scandal broke the city paid the two whistle blowers an $8.4 million settlement. After Groner announced the sentence a loud collective gasp rose from many of [TGT]'s supporters in the packed courtroom. [TGT] appeared shaken. [TGT] has 42 days in which to file an appeal. After [TGT] was released from jail in February 2009 [TGT] found a job with Covisint. Since then [TGT] has said [TGT] is working on [TGT] marriage and trying to be a better father to [TGT] three sons. [TGT] also has been making $3 000 monthly payments to the city of Detroit saying [TGT] hopes to repay everything [TGT] owes. But prosecutors contend [TGT] continues to lie -- that [TGT] could afford to give more and has intentionally hid assets. Groner agreed saying [TGT] failed to disclose $240 000 in loans from prominent businessmen. [TGT] also said [TGT] failed to surrender nearly $23 400 in tax refunds and a share of cash gifts from two people.
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Russia Belarus sign deal ending oil dispute: official
Igor Sechin
Russia and Belarus on Wednesday signed a new deal on Russian oil deliveries to Belarus Russian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin said ending a month-long dispute that had raised fears European supplies could be threatened. "Today a large number of documents have been signed " Sechin told Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting in comments published on the government web site. Sechin said the documents signed involved changes to previous agreements on the delivery of crude oil to Belarus and the method of setting prices for the sale of Russian oil. Sechin said he and his Belarussian counterpart had also signed a joint declaration pledging uninterrupted transit of Russian oil across Belarus to third countries. Sechin said that Russia agreed to compromise on "harsh" conditions because of the special relationship between the neighbouring Slavic countries. "The position of the Belarussian side was very harsh for us. We agreed to a number of compromises bearing in mind the special relationship with a brother republic with the people of Belarus " Sechin said. Sechin called the signed documents "very balanced" and "representing a compromise." In televised comments to Sechin Medvedev said the Russian position was to "give our Belarussian partners the opportunity to work by providing delivery for internal use at a reduced price and on the other side to guarantee transit."
Russia and Belarus on Wednesday signed a new deal on Russian oil deliveries to Belarus [TGT] said ending a month-long dispute that had raised fears European supplies could be threatened. "Today a large number of documents have been signed " [TGT] told Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting in comments published on the government web site. [TGT] said the documents signed involved changes to previous agreements on the delivery of crude oil to Belarus and the method of setting prices for the sale of Russian oil. [TGT] said [TGT] and [TGT] Belarussian counterpart had also signed a joint declaration pledging uninterrupted transit of Russian oil across Belarus to third countries. [TGT] said that Russia agreed to compromise on "harsh" conditions because of the special relationship between the neighbouring Slavic countries. "The position of the Belarussian side was very harsh for us. We agreed to a number of compromises bearing in mind the special relationship with a brother republic with [TGT] said. [TGT] called the signed documents "very balanced" and "representing a compromise." In televised comments to [TGT]Medvedev said the Russian position was to "give our Belarussian partners the opportunity to work by providing delivery for internal use at a reduced price and on the other side to guarantee transit."
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Interview: Language cornerstone of Russia-China cooperation: Russian principal
Elizabeth Pavlova
"It's important for Russia and China to cultivate a community that respects and understands the cultures of both countries " Pavlova said. Pavlova was satisfied with the bulletin boards on which students wrote their feelings about learning Chinese. Chinese motifs such as bamboos were drawn beside texts. The students not only learned the Chinese language but also Chinese politics economics and cultures as well Pavlova said. The upcoming Year of Chinese Language in Russia would extend the fruits of the reciprocal national theme years (last year was Year of the Russian Language in China) and would strengthen cultural and educational cooperation between the two countries and thus create favorable circumstances for Russia's young people to learn Chinese language and culture Pavlova said. "Both the teachers and students are eager to take part in the colorful events to be held within the framework of the Year of Chinese Language " she said. The school planned to launch a festival of Chinese language and culture in April as part of its contribution to the language year Pavlova said. Students from 15 schools in Moscow would be invited to the occasion. The students were vigorously preparing for the Chinese language contest for elementary and high school students in Moscow as well as the all-Russian Chinese writing contest while the teachers were scheduled to attend a seminar on Chinese language teaching at Moscow State University she said. Pavlova said she was looking forward to taking her students to various activities including exhibitions on Chinese language universities movies and literature and a performance of the Beijing People's Art Theater a famed Chinese drama troupe. Pavlova hoped the Year of Chinese Language increased cooperation between schools from both countries stressing her school and other Russian schools running Chinese courses were keen to establish rapport with Chinese schools especially those featuring Russian language teaching.
"It's important for Russia and China to cultivate a community that respects and understands the cultures of both countries " Pavlova said. Pavlova was satisfied with the bulletin boards on which students wrote their feelings about learning Chinese. Chinese motifs such as bamboos were drawn beside texts. The students not only learned the Chinese language but also Chinese politics economics and cultures as well Pavlova said. The upcoming Year of Chinese Language in Russia would extend the fruits of the reciprocal national theme years (last year was Year of the Russian Language in China) and would strengthen cultural and educational cooperation between the two countries and thus create favorable circumstances for Russia's young people to learn Chinese language and culture Pavlova said. "Both the teachers and students are eager to take part in the colorful events to be held within the framework of the Year of Chinese Language " she said. The school planned to launch a festival of Chinese language and culture in April as part of its contribution to the language year Pavlova said. Students from 15 schools in Moscow would be invited to the occasion. The students were vigorously preparing for the Chinese language contest for elementary and high school students in Moscow as well as the all-Russian Chinese writing contest while the teachers were scheduled to attend a seminar on Chinese language teaching at Moscow State University she said. Pavlova said she was looking forward to taking her students to various activities including exhibitions on Chinese language universities movies and literature and a performance of the Beijing People's Art Theater a famed Chinese drama troupe. Pavlova hoped the Year of Chinese Language increased cooperation between schools from both countries stressing her school and other Russian schools running Chinese courses were keen to establish rapport with Chinese schools especially those featuring Russian language teaching.
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Rex Ryan Monday
FOXBOROUGH Mass. - In one sentence Rex Ryan managed to compliment and challenge Bill Belichick at the same time. The achievement is no surprise considering the New York Jets coach can create headlines just by speaking. While his most recent comments about Belichick may have raised some eyebrows they didn't shock the Patriots coach. Last year Ryan said he didn't plan to kiss Belichick's rings and Newsday's Bob Glauber asked Ryan Monday if he had backed off since making the statement last year. Ryan gave an honest response. "I just told the truth " Ryan said. "I came here to win. As much as I respect and admire Bill Belichick I came here to kick his ass and that's the truth. That's just the way it is." The coaches may have different approaches but they continue to publicly praise each other. While Ryan is focused on beating Belichick he went on to talk about his respect for Belichick. "I came here to beat him and I'm never going to backtrack on that " Ryan said. "I do respect him and all that absolutely. But he's the one to beat. "I recognize that he's the best coach in football and he still is. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to try to go beat him because you're darn right I'm trying to beat him without question. He's going to get my best." Belichick also had praise for what Ryan has accomplished. "I think he's an excellent coach " Belichick said. "He did a great job at Baltimore whether it says defensive line coach or defensive coordinator down there. "He's doing the same thing with the Jets. Took them to the AFC Championship game last year. Got a great record this year. "So he's a good football coach. His teams play hard. They're obviously well-coached. They handle pressure. They play with a lot of confidence. He's done an excellent job."
FOXBOROUGH Mass. - In one sentence [TGT] managed to compliment and challenge Bill Belichick at the same time. The achievement is no surprise considering the New York Jets coach can create headlines just by speaking. While his most recent comments about Belichick may have raised some eyebrows they didn't shock the Patriots coach. Last year [TGT] said [TGT] didn't plan to kiss Belichick's rings and Newsday's Bob Glauber asked [TGT] Monday if [TGT] had backed off since making the statement last year. [TGT] gave an honest response. "I just told the truth [TGT] said. "I came here to win. As much as I respect and admire Bill Belichick I came here to kick his ass and that's the truth. That's just the way it is." The coaches may have different approaches but they continue to publicly praise each other. While [TGT] is focused on beating Belichick [TGT] went on to talk about [TGT] respect for Belichick. "I came here to beat [TGT] and I'm never going to backtrack on that " [TGT] said. "I do respect [TGT] and all that absolutely. But [TGT]'s the one to beat. "I recognize that [TGT]'s the best coach in football and [TGT] still is. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to try to go beat [TGT] because you're darn right I'm trying to beat [TGT] without question. [TGT]'s going to get my best." Belichick also had praise for what [TGT] has accomplished. "I think [TGT]'s an excellent coach " Belichick said. "[TGT] did a great job at Baltimore whether it says defensive line coach or defensive coordinator down there. "[TGT]'s doing the same thing with the Jets. Took them to the AFC Championship game last year. Got a great record this year. "So [TGT]'s a good football coach. [TGT] teams play hard. They're obviously well-coached. They handle pressure. They play with a lot of confidence. [TGT]'s done an excellent job."
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Louie Sulcer
What has Sulcer been lusting for from the purveyor of some of the coolest tech on the planet? "I don't even know what all they have " Sulcer said. "He was real nice " Sulcer said. "I told him I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed iTunes and the iPod. I really enjoy country music. Sulcer has been trying to learn the picking style of Luther Perkins Cash's guitarist but has not had much luck. Sulcer did not bother go on the Apple Web site to look and what $10 000 can buy. He called his daughter in Mississippi to tell her the news and she asked him what he wanted. "I said I don't even want to look right now. I just went to bed " he said. After a doctor's appointment Sulcer was expecting calls from near and far. Apple public relations people have been calling him to ask if he would consent to an interview with Rolling Stone the rock magazine and other publications. "I said 'Rolling Stone is going to be so disappointed with this old man."'
What has [TGT] been lusting for from the purveyor of some of the coolest tech on the planet? "I don't even know what all they have [TGT] said. "[TGT] was real nice [TGT] said. "I told [TGT] I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed iTunes and the iPod. I really enjoy country music. [TGT] has been trying to learn the picking style of Luther Perkins Cash's guitarist but has not had much luck. [TGT] did not bother go on the Apple Web site to look and what $10 000 can buy. [TGT] called [TGT] daughter in Mississippi to tell her the news and she asked [TGT] what [TGT] wanted. "I said I don't even want to look right now. I just went to bed " [TGT] said. After a doctor's appointment [TGT] was expecting calls from near and far. Apple public relations people have been calling [TGT] to ask if [TGT] would consent to an interview with Rolling Stone the rock magazine and other publications. "I said 'Rolling Stone is going to be so disappointed with [TGT]."'
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For suicidal Japanese help is finally at hand
Makoto Ishikawa
Makoto Ishikawa believes his life was saved by a nozomi loan. The 47-year-old has an office job and also runs a family rice farm. Last year he began drowning in debt to pay his two children's college fees and buy new farm equipment. "So many bills began piling up " he said. "I realized I needed help." His plight sounds much like that of millions worldwide in these tough times but Japan is different. Here banks set stringent conditions for loans forcing borrowers to rope relatives and friends into guaranteeing repayment. Ishikawa partly self-employed was typical of the hard-luck cases in this city of rice farms cattle ranches and hot springs. But rather than abandon hope he went to the local bank which referred him to city hall. The city assigned him a case worker who got him legal advice and eventually a 10-year personal loan of 8.2 million yen ($93 000) at 7.9 percent interest which he used to consolidate his debt. Ishikawa's debt payments are about $1 000 a month -- half of what he had struggled to pay before. "The loan gave me breathing room and now I actually have some money left over every month " he said. "The nozomi loan saved me before my troubles drove me toward suicide."
[TGT] believes [TGT] life was saved by a nozomi loan. The 47-year-old has an office job and also runs a family rice farm. Last year [TGT] began drowning in debt to pay [TGT] two children's college fees and buy new farm equipment. "So many bills began piling up " [TGT] said. "I realized I needed help." [TGT] plight sounds much like that of millions worldwide in these tough times but Japan is different. Here banks set stringent conditions for loans forcing borrowers to rope relatives and friends into guaranteeing repayment. [TGT]partly self-employed was typical of the hard-luck cases in this city of rice farms cattle ranches and hot springs. But rather than abandon hope [TGT] went to the local bank which referred [TGT] to city hall. The city assigned [TGT] a case worker who got [TGT] legal advice and eventually a 10-year personal loan of 8.2 million yen ($93 000) at 7.9 percent interest which [TGT] used to consolidate [TGT] debt. [TGT]'s debt payments are about $1 000 a month -- half of what [TGT] had struggled to pay before. "The loan gave me breathing room and now I actually have some money left over every month " [TGT] said. "The nozomi loan saved me before my troubles drove me toward suicide."
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Emma Daniel Gray Dies Cleaned for 6 Presidents
Emma Daniel Gray
Each night for 24 years Emma Daniel Gray would diligently clean the White House. When she came to the president's chair she would pause cleaning materials in hand and say a quick prayer. The prayers asked for blessings wisdom and safety for each of the six presidents she served. It's a "Backstairs at the White House" moment a story that could have come from the 1979 Emmy Award-winning miniseries about the professional household staff to the presidential families. Like the characters in that television show Gray took great pride in her work traveling each day by public transportation from her home here to the residence of one of the most powerful men in the world. She worked nights in the executive offices. Her official title was charwoman from the time she started with the government in 1943 until her retirement in 1979. The first decade or so she was assigned to what is now called the Government Accountability Office and a handful of other agencies. In 1955 she was transferred to the White House "because of her working habits because of her excellent work " said one of her daughters Lillie Collins of Forestville Md. "It wasn't just her work it was her character." That nightly pause for prayer was in keeping with her habits of a lifetime. A member of Holy Trinity Worship Center International in Washington she "loved President Carter because she felt he prayed a lot " her daughter said and she treasured a photograph of her shaking hands with him as well as an autographed picture of her with Rosalynn Carter. President Kennedy may have been her next favorite because of the Christmas parties his administration threw for workers and their families occasions that her children remember for Gray's insistence that they dress up and behave properly. Emma Daniel was born April 16 1914 in Edgefield S.C. and was raised by her grandfather who had been a slave. "He was sold three times " she told the Prince George's (Md.) Journal newspaper about 10 years ago. "He paid his boss's son 20 cents to teach him to read and when he could read he loved the Ten Commandments so much that people in the town began calling him Uncle Ten." When Gray would visit her home town residents would usually ask "Aren't you Uncle Ten's granddaughter?" Uncle Ten." When Gray would visit her home town residents would usually ask "Aren't you Uncle Ten's granddaughter?" She married William Gray also from South Carolina and they came to Washington in 1943 part of a wave of black Southerners who sought opportunity in the nation's capital during World War II. Her husband who worked as a custodian at the Government Printing Office died in 1966. She never remarried. She had seven children two of whom died Willie Mae Gray in 1997 and Lewis Gray in 2000. But in a larger sense her family expanded and prospered. When she died at 95 June 8 of leukemia at Gladys Spellman Specialty Hospital Nursing Center in Cheverly Md. she was the matriarch of six generations.. In addition to her daughter Lillie survivors include four children George Gray of Hyattsville Md. Amanese Hemphill of Capitol Heights Md. Janie Stevens of Forestville and Mamie Gentry of Washington; 35 grandchildren; and 61 great-grandchildren. There are too many great-great-grandchildren and great-great-great-grandchildren to count the family said. In retirement Gray took her only airplane trip to Hawaii. Her family and friends treasured her cooking especially her specialty sweet potato pie. And she had a way of boosting the spirits of everybody. "She learned early that you set the tone for your environment " Woods said. "That's why church was so important to her. She understood it to be that kind of institution that was conducive to what you needed spiritually emotionally and sometimes financially. ... She preached her own eulogy by the life that she lived."
Each night for 24 years [TGT] would diligently clean the White House. When [TGT] came to the president's chair [TGT] would pause cleaning materials in hand and say a quick prayer. The prayers asked for blessings wisdom and safety for each of the six presidents [TGT] served. It's a "Backstairs at the White House" moment a story that could have come from the 1979 Emmy Award-winning miniseries about the professional household staff to the presidential families. Like the characters in that television show [TGT] took great pride in [TGT] work traveling each day by public transportation from [TGT] home here to the residence of one of the most powerful men in the world. [TGT] worked nights in the executive offices. [TGT] official title was charwoman from the time [TGT] started with the government in 1943 until [TGT] retirement in 1979. The first decade or so [TGT] was assigned to what is now called the Government Accountability Office and a handful of other agencies. In 1955 [TGT] was transferred to the White House "because of [TGT] working habits because of [TGT] excellent work " said one of [TGT] daughters Lillie Collins of Forestville Md. "It wasn't just her work it was her character." That nightly pause for prayer was in keeping with [TGT] habits of a lifetime. A member of Holy Trinity Worship Center International in Washington she "loved President Carter because she felt he prayed a lot " her daughter said and she treasured a photograph of her shaking hands with him as well as an autographed picture of her with Rosalynn Carter. President Kennedy may have been her next favorite because of the Christmas parties his administration threw for workers and their families occasions that her children remember for [TGT]'s insistence that they dress up and behave properly. [TGT] was born April 16 1914 in Edgefield S.C. and was raised by [TGT] grandfather who had been a slave. "He was sold three times " [TGT] told the Prince George's (Md.) Journal newspaper about 10 years ago. "He paid his boss's son 20 cents to teach him to read and when he could read he loved the Ten Commandments so much that people in the town began calling him Uncle Ten." When [TGT] would visit [TGT] home town residents would usually ask "Aren't you Uncle Ten's granddaughter?" Uncle Ten." When [TGT] would visit [TGT] home town residents would usually ask "Aren't you Uncle Ten's granddaughter?" [TGT] married [TGT]also from South Carolina and they came to Washington in 1943 part of a wave of black Southerners who sought opportunity in the nation's capital during World War II. [TGT] husband who worked as a custodian at the Government Printing Office died in 1966. [TGT] never remarried. [TGT] had seven children two of whom died Willie Mae Gray in 1997 and Lewis Gray in 2000. But in a larger sense [TGT] family expanded and prospered. When [TGT] died at 95 June 8 of leukemia at Gladys Spellman Specialty Hospital Nursing Center in Cheverly Md. she was the matriarch of six generations.. In addition to her daughter Lillie survivors include four children George Gray of Hyattsville Md. Amanese Hemphill of Capitol Heights Md. Janie Stevens of Forestville and Mamie Gentry of Washington; 35 grandchildren; and 61 great-grandchildren. There are too many great-great-grandchildren and great-great-great-grandchildren to count the family said. In retirement Gray took her only airplane trip to Hawaii. Her family and friends treasured her cooking especially her specialty sweet potato pie. And she had a way of boosting the spirits of everybody. "She learned early that you set the tone for your environment " Woods said. "That's why church was so important to her. She understood it to be that kind of institution that was conducive to what you needed spiritually emotionally and sometimes financially. ... She preached her own eulogy by the life that she lived."
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Diana ' s daring black dress goes on the block
Lady Diana Spencer
The dress was Lady Diana Spencer thought so grown-up just right for her first official engagement after the announcement she was to marry Prince Charles. "She just looked fantastic. At that time she was curvy. Not fat in any way but she had cleavage -- we love cleavage. And she looked great in this dress " Emanuel said in an interview Friday. "We in no way expected there to be such a reaction. And I think from that moment on Diana became a fashion icon." The dress had been missing for years until David Emanuel recently discovered it in a plastic bag at his home. Along with other garments worn by Diana and designed by the Emanuels it is to be auctioned off June 8 in a sale that includes the silk chiffon blouse chosen for the Princess of Wales' official engagement portrait by Lord Snowdon and the calico prototype used to fit her famous ivory wedding gown. For the editors of Britain's voracious press the dress -- and the snaps of Diana in it -- would kick off a long love affair with the princess. "Up until that point they'd seen her as a floppy-haired puppy " said Christopher Wilson a seasoned observer who has written extensively on the royals. "And that's the moment Fleet Street fell in love with her. Taylor and Elizabeth Emanuel are hopeful the collection will go to a museum -- the black dress is expected to fetch between 30 000 and 50 000 pounds ($44 000 to $73 000) and the prototype of the wedding dress between 8 000 and 12 000 pounds ($12 000 to $17 000) -- but understand that Diana's legacy means there's a strong chance a private collector may snap up the garments. and Elizabeth Emanuel are hopeful the collection will go to a museum -- the black dress is expected to fetch between 30 000 and 50 000 pounds ($44 000 to $73 000) and the prototype of the wedding dress between 8 000 and 12 000 pounds ($12 000 to $17 000) -- but understand that Diana's legacy means there's a strong chance a private collector may snap up the garments. Despite the reaction to her ballgown Diana liked it enough to ask the Emanuels to take it in when it became too large for her as she was constantly losing weight. In the months leading up to her wedding Diana's waist dropped from 26 to 24 inches and the Emanuels decided it would be easier to just make her a new smaller version of the dress. Elizabeth Emanuel said she doesn't know what happened to the second version. The collection up for sale includes sketches notes invoices -- one shows Diana's mother paid 1 000 guineas for the wedding party's dresses which was the equivalent of 1 050 pounds -- and even the handbag that Elizabeth Emanuel carried to the wedding at St. Paul's Cathedral on July 29 1981. It still has the smelling salts the designer brought along in case her famous client felt faint. (She didn't Emanuel said describing Diana as the epitome of calm.) Diana's mother paid 1 000 guineas for the wedding party's dresses which was the equivalent of 1 050 pounds -- and even the handbag that Elizabeth Emanuel carried to the wedding at St. Paul's Cathedral on July 29 1981. It still has the smelling salts the designer brought along in case her famous client felt faint. (She didn't Emanuel said describing Diana as the epitome of calm.) "Diana was just fantastic. From the moment we first met her she was just like a regular client. She was lovely down-to-earth very sweet very calm very friendly. She made a point of meeting everybody in the work room and she was just so easy to get on with " Emanuel said. "We had so much fun."
The dress was [TGT] thought so grown-up just right for [TGT] first official engagement after the announcement [TGT] was to marry Prince Charles. "[TGT] just looked fantastic. At that time [TGT] was curvy. Not fat in any way but [TGT] had cleavage -- we love cleavage. And [TGT] looked great in this dress " Emanuel said in an interview Friday. "We in no way expected there to be such a reaction. And I think from that moment on [TGT] became a fashion icon." The dress had been missing for years until David Emanuel recently discovered it in a plastic bag at his home. Along with other garments worn by [TGT] and designed by the Emanuels it is to be auctioned off June 8 in a sale that includes the silk chiffon blouse chosen for the Princess of Wales' official engagement portrait by Lord Snowdon and the calico prototype used to fit her famous ivory wedding gown. For the editors of Britain's voracious press the dress -- and the snaps of [TGT] in it -- would kick off a long love affair with the princess. "Up until that point they'd seen [TGT] as a floppy-haired puppy " said Christopher Wilson a seasoned observer who has written extensively on the royals. "And that's the moment Fleet Street fell in love with [TGT]. [TGT] and Elizabeth Emanuel are hopeful the collection will go to a museum -- the black dress is expected to fetch between 30 000 and 50 000 pounds ($44 000 to $73 000) and the prototype of the wedding dress between 8 000 and 12 000 pounds ($12 000 to $17 000) -- but understand that [TGT]'s legacy means there's a strong chance a private collector may snap up the garments. and Elizabeth Emanuel are hopeful the collection will go to a museum -- the black dress is expected to fetch between 30 000 and 50 000 pounds ($44 000 to $73 000) and the prototype of the wedding dress between 8 000 and 12 000 pounds ($12 000 to $17 000) -- but understand that [TGT]'s legacy means there's a strong chance a private collector may snap up the garments. Despite the reaction to [TGT] ballgown [TGT] liked it enough to ask the Emanuels to take it in when it became too large for [TGT] as [TGT] was constantly losing weight. In the months leading up to [TGT] wedding [TGT]'s waist dropped from 26 to 24 inches and the Emanuels decided it would be easier to just make [TGT] a new smaller version of the dress. Elizabeth Emanuel said she doesn't know what happened to the second version. The collection up for sale includes sketches notes invoices -- one shows [TGT]'s mother paid 1 000 guineas for the wedding party's dresses which was the equivalent of 1 050 pounds -- and even the handbag that Elizabeth Emanuel carried to the wedding at St. Paul's Cathedral on July 29 1981. It still has the smelling salts the designer brought along in case her famous client felt faint. (She didn't Emanuel said describing [TGT] as the epitome of calm.) [TGT]'s mother paid 1 000 guineas for the wedding party's dresses which was the equivalent of 1 050 pounds -- and even the handbag that Elizabeth Emanuel carried to the wedding at St. Paul's Cathedral on July 29 1981. It still has the smelling salts the designer brought along in case her famous client felt faint. (She didn't Emanuel said describing [TGT] as the epitome of calm.) "[TGT] was just fantastic. From the moment we first met [TGT] [TGT] was just like a regular client. [TGT] was lovely down-to-earth very sweet very calm very friendly. [TGT] made a point of meeting everybody in the work room and [TGT] was just so easy to get on with " Emanuel said. "We had so much fun."
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Querrey beats Hajek in World Team Cup
Sam Querrey
Sam Querrey gave the United States a winning start in its bid to reach Saturday's final at the World Team Cup. Querrey beat Jan Hajek 6-3 7-5 on Thursday to put the U.S. 1-0 up against the Czech Republic in the Red Group and remain unbeaten in his three singles this week. "So far so good " said Querrey. "I thought today was the best I played out of the three matches. So I'm pretty excited." Hajek claimed the first break when Querrey ended a long rally with a forehand error to go 3-1 up but the American player responded by winning the next five games in a row to take the opening set. Both players saved a break point late in the second set before Querrey broke at 6-5 converting his third match point. "I've been working this week to try and hit my forehand a little bigger. I felt I did that today " said Querrey. "I felt pretty much anytime I got a forehand I was able to take control of the point." Querrey said his win takes the pressure off the U.S. ahead of Friday's matches. "A little bit yes. I think John (Isner) can go out there and play a little more freely which is a good thing " Querrey said. "When we have the lead you can swing away a little bit more than if we were 1-0 down. "Then the Bryan brothers we expect them to win every match. Hopefully they are going to do that again."
[TGT] gave the United States a winning start in its bid to reach Saturday's final at the World Team Cup. [TGT] beat Jan Hajek 6-3 7-5 on Thursday to put the U.S. 1-0 up against the Czech Republic in the Red Group and remain unbeaten in his three singles this week. "So far so good " said [TGT]. "I thought today was the best I played out of the three matches. So I'm pretty excited." Hajek claimed the first break when [TGT] ended a long rally with a forehand error to go 3-1 up but the American player responded by winning the next five games in a row to take the opening set. Both players saved a break point late in the second set before [TGT] broke at 6-5 converting his third match point. "I've been working this week to try and hit my forehand a little bigger. I felt I did that today " said [TGT]. "I felt pretty much anytime I got a forehand I was able to take control of the point." [TGT] said his win takes the pressure off the U.S. ahead of Friday's matches. "A little bit yes. I think John (Isner) can go out there and play a little more freely which is a good thing " [TGT] said. "When we have the lead you can swing away a little bit more than if we were 1-0 down. "Then the Bryan brothers we expect them to win every match. Hopefully they are going to do that again."
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Germany willing to further enhance cooperation with China: president
Christian Wulff
German President Christian Wulff said here Friday that Germany is willing to deepen cooperation with China in various fields and raise bilateral ties to a new height. Wulff made the remarks when meeting with Chinese State Councilor Ma Kai. Wulff said that in recent years Germany-China relations have witnessed frequent exchanges of high-level visits the deepening of mutual understanding between the two peoples and an increasing integration of bilateral interests. He added that both sides also share similar positions on issues like opposing protectionism and maintaining financial stability. Germany will always keep its door open to China and looks forward to promoting cooperation with China in all fields Wulff said. He also spoke highly of China's great contributions to the world economic recovery. Stressing that China attaches great importance to its relations with Germany Ma said that the strategic partnership forged by leaders of the two countries in July has offered a new framework for broadening bilateral cooperation from a strategic perspective. China is ready to make joint efforts with Germany to enrich the content of the strategic partnership and promote world peace and development Ma added. Ma briefed the German minister on China's economic situation and its macro- control policies.
[TGT] said here Friday that Germany is willing to deepen cooperation with China in various fields and raise bilateral ties to a new height. [TGT] made the remarks when meeting with Chinese State Councilor Ma Kai. [TGT] said that in recent years Germany-China relations have witnessed frequent exchanges of high-level visits the deepening of mutual understanding between the two peoples and an increasing integration of bilateral interests. [TGT] added that both sides also share similar positions on issues like opposing protectionism and maintaining financial stability. Germany will always keep its door open to China and looks forward to promoting cooperation with China in all fields [TGT] said. [TGT] also spoke highly of China's great contributions to the world economic recovery. Stressing that China attaches great importance to its relations with Germany [TGT] said that the strategic partnership forged by leaders of the two countries in July has offered a new framework for broadening bilateral cooperation from a strategic perspective. China is ready to make joint efforts with Germany to enrich the content of the strategic partnership and promote world peace and development [TGT] added. [TGT] briefed the German minister on China's economic situation and its macro- control policies.
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Michael E. Mann
Mann said he was gratified by the findings the second report from Penn State to clear him. An earlier report had exonerated him of related charges that he suppressed or falsified data destroyed e-mail and misused confidential information. The new report did criticize him on a minor point saying that he had occasionally forwarded to colleagues copies of unpublished manuscripts without the explicit permission of their authors. The allegations arose after private e-mail messages between Mann and other scientists were purloined from a computer at the University of East Anglia in Britain and posted on the Internet. In one a British researcher called a data-adjustment procedure Mann used a "trick." The e-mail messages led climate-change skeptics to accuse mainstream researchers including Mann of deliberately manipulating the findings of climate science in order to strengthen their case that human activity is causing the earth to warm up. "I'm aware and many researchers now are keenly aware of the depths to which the climate-change disinformation movement is willing to sink to the point where they're willing to criminally break into a university server and steal people's personal e-mail messages " Mann said in an interview. "It's no surprise that it's a whitewash of Mann's misconduct because it was designed to be a whitewash " said Myron Ebell director of energy and global warming policy at the Competitive Enterprise Institute a Washington advocacy group. He accused the panel of failing to interview important witnesses. The panel did not try to vet the accuracy of the science published by Mann including a famous finding that the temperature of the earth had jumped recently compared with past climate inferred from indicators like tree rings. Instead it examined his methodology -- his analytical techniques his willingness to share data with those skeptical of his findings and the like. The panel unanimously found his approach "well within the range of accepted practices." Mann remains under investigation by the attorney general of Virginia for research he did at the University of Virginia.
[TGT] said [TGT] was gratified by the findings the second report from Penn State to clear [TGT]. An earlier report had exonerated [TGT] of related charges that [TGT] suppressed or falsified data destroyed e-mail and misused confidential information. The new report did criticize [TGT] on a minor point saying that [TGT] had occasionally forwarded to colleagues copies of unpublished manuscripts without the explicit permission of their authors. The allegations arose after private e-mail messages between [TGT] and other scientists were purloined from a computer at the University of East Anglia in Britain and posted on the Internet. In one a British researcher called a data-adjustment procedure [TGT] used a "trick." The e-mail messages led climate-change skeptics to accuse mainstream researchers including Mann of deliberately manipulating the findings of climate science in order to strengthen their case that human activity is causing the earth to warm up. "I'm aware and many researchers now are keenly aware of the depths to which the climate-change disinformation movement is willing to sink to the point where they're willing to criminally break into a university server and steal people's personal e-mail messages " [TGT] said in an interview. "It's no surprise that it's a whitewash of [TGT]'s misconduct because it was designed to be a whitewash " said Myron Ebell director of energy and global warming policy at the Competitive Enterprise Institute a Washington advocacy group. He accused the panel of failing to interview important witnesses. The panel did not try to vet the accuracy of the science published by Mann including a famous finding that the temperature of the earth had jumped recently compared with past climate inferred from indicators like tree rings. Instead it examined his methodology -- his analytical techniques his willingness to share data with those skeptical of his findings and the like. The panel unanimously found his approach "well within the range of accepted practices." Mann remains under investigation by the attorney general of Virginia for research he did at the University of Virginia.
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Roundup: Russian Uzbek leaders meet on bilateral ties Kyrgyzstan
Dmitry Medvedev
President Dmitry Medvedev and his visiting Uzbek counterpart Islam Karimov exchanged views on the situation in Kyrgyzstan and bilateral ties during formal talks held here Tuesday with a number of agreements signed. Both Medvedev and Karimov expected a strong government in their neighboring Central Asian state of Kyrgyzstan after an unrest that broke out there two weeks ago. "Both Russia and Uzbekistan want Kyrgyzstan's government to be strong its people to develop and prosper and the state to be modern " said Medvedev as quoted by news agencies. In the informal talks with Karimov on Monday he has already touched upon the issue of Kyrgyzstan according to the Russian head of state. Medvedev said after their meeting Russia was able to engage in economic partnership with the impoverished Kyrgyzstan only after its neighbor established more state institutions. "Russia has provided humanitarian assistance to Kyrgyzstan but full-fledged economic cooperation is only possible if administration institutions are created there " Medvedev said. He also called on the interim government to maintain political stability in the country. "Essentially we need to revive the state ... We are hoping that the interim administration of Kyrgyzstan will make all necessary efforts to achieve that " he said. Regarding bilateral relations Medvedev said: "Uzbekistan is Russia's strategic partner. We did and we will broaden all possible ties with the friendly state."
[TGT] exchanged views on the situation in Kyrgyzstan and bilateral ties during formal talks held here Tuesday with a number of agreements signed. Both [TGT] expected a strong government in [TGT] neighboring Central Asian state of Kyrgyzstan after an unrest that broke out there two weeks ago. "Both Russia and Uzbekistan want Kyrgyzstan's government to be strong its people to develop and prosper and the state to be modern " said [TGT] as quoted by news agencies. In the informal talks with Karimov on Monday he has already touched upon the issue of Kyrgyzstan according to the Russian head of state. [TGT] said after their meeting Russia was able to engage in economic partnership with the impoverished Kyrgyzstan only after its neighbor established more state institutions. "Russia has provided humanitarian assistance to Kyrgyzstan but full-fledged economic cooperation is only possible if administration institutions are created there " [TGT] said. [TGT] also called on the interim government to maintain political stability in the country. "Essentially we need to revive the state ... We are hoping that the interim administration of Kyrgyzstan will make all necessary efforts to achieve that " [TGT] said. Regarding bilateral relations [TGT] said: "Uzbekistan is Russia's strategic partner. We did and we will broaden all possible ties with the friendly state."
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Warren Recruiting Regulatory Enforcers from States (Washn)
Cooper Warren
"The state attorneys general are natural partners for the consumer agency " Warren 61 said in an interview. "There are regulators in Washington that used to prevent state attorneys general from protecting consumers." The attorneys general say they are now invited to the nation's capital and talk with Warren by telephone almost weekly as she sets up the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. On Tuesday Warren traveled to Fort Lauderdale to plot strategy at the prosecutors' winter meeting. Washington lawyer Bernard Nash said Warren's alliance with state prosecutors will strengthen both her hand and theirs. It will also antagonize banks who opposed the creation of the consumer bureau. Roy Cooper the attorney general of North Carolina said Warren has told them she wants states to help formulate new policies around mortgages and credit cards her two top priorities. Last month Cooper formed a group of attorneys general from Washington Indiana Illinois and Iowa to work with Warren on those issues and others. Warren has told them she wants states to help formulate new policies around mortgages and credit cards her two top priorities. Last month Cooper formed a group of attorneys general from Washington Indiana Illinois and Iowa to work with Warren on those issues and others. "We are the initial portal of complaints from consumers and we can react more quickly than a federal agency " said Cooper a Democrat who heads the National Association of Attorneys General. "But it will be interesting to see how nimble this new bureau will be." The state AGs may help the bureau spot national trends more quickly allowing faster enforcement Cooper said. A key goal of state attorneys general in forging a close relationship with Warren is to influence regulations on "preemption " the legal doctrine that allows federal law to trump state law when they conflict Cooper said. "One of the reasons we are getting in early is to have a say on what these regulations say regarding preemption " Cooper said. During this week's Florida meeting Warren said state attorneys general asked whether she could make federal money available to fund state enforcement efforts. She was non- committal: "It's one of the ideas on the table but it's early in the game " Warren said.
"The state attorneys general are natural partners for the consumer agency " Warren 61 said in an interview. "There are regulators in Washington that used to prevent state attorneys general from protecting consumers." The attorneys general say they are now invited to the nation's capital and talk with Warren by telephone almost weekly as she sets up the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. On Tuesday Warren traveled to Fort Lauderdale to plot strategy at the prosecutors' winter meeting. Washington lawyer Bernard Nash said Warren's alliance with state prosecutors will strengthen both her hand and theirs. It will also antagonize banks who opposed the creation of the consumer bureau. Roy Cooper the attorney general of North Carolina said Warren has told them she wants states to help formulate new policies around mortgages and credit cards her two top priorities. Last month Cooper formed a group of attorneys general from Washington Indiana Illinois and Iowa to work with Warren on those issues and others. Warren has told them she wants states to help formulate new policies around mortgages and credit cards her two top priorities. Last month Cooper formed a group of attorneys general from Washington Indiana Illinois and Iowa to work with Warren on those issues and others. "We are the initial portal of complaints from consumers and we can react more quickly than a federal agency " said Cooper a Democrat who heads the National Association of Attorneys General. "But it will be interesting to see how nimble this new bureau will be." The state AGs may help the bureau spot national trends more quickly allowing faster enforcement Cooper said. A key goal of state attorneys general in forging a close relationship with Warren is to influence regulations on "preemption " the legal doctrine that allows federal law to trump state law when they conflict Cooper said. "One of the reasons we are getting in early is to have a say on what these regulations say regarding preemption " Cooper said. During this week's Florida meeting Warren said state attorneys general asked whether she could make federal money available to fund state enforcement efforts. She was non- committal: "It's one of the ideas on the table but it's early in the game " Warren said.
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Two French hospitalised after football violence in Serbia
Vladimir Djukic
On Friday doctor Vladimir Djukic of Belgrade Emergency center told AFP that the "seriously injured French patient is very much better". "His verbal response is much better than yesterday. He opens his eyes spontaneously so we can move him from ventilator to put him on his own breathing regime " Djukic said. He added that the patient was kept "in a quite stable position for transport to France as soon as possible". However the doctors were still worried "about his chest problem as he has got severe contusions." Vladimir Djukic of Belgrade Emergency center told AFP that the "seriously injured French patient is very much better". "His verbal response is much better than yesterday. He opens his eyes spontaneously so we can move him from ventilator to put him on his own breathing regime " Djukic said. Djukic said he would be released from hospital later Friday or on Saturday. A Serbian employee of the bar was also injured but was released from the hospital Djukic said.
On Friday [TGT] told AFP that the "seriously injured French patient is very much better". "His verbal response is much better than yesterday. He opens his eyes spontaneously so we can move him from ventilator to put him on his own breathing regime [TGT] said. [TGT] added that the patient was kept "in a quite stable position for transport to France as soon as possible". However the doctors were still worried "about his chest problem as he has got severe contusions." [TGT] of Belgrade Emergency center told AFP that the "seriously injured French patient is very much better". "His verbal response is much better than yesterday. He opens his eyes spontaneously so we can move him from ventilator to put him on his own breathing regime [TGT] said. [TGT] said [TGT] would be released from hospital later Friday or on Saturday. A Serbian employee of the bar was also injured but was released from the hospital [TGT] said.
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Venezuelan Home Builders Protest Change in Terms
Hugo Chavez
The increasingly difficult climate for home builders and the inability of the Chavez government to deliver on promises to build enough apartments and houses have led to a housing deficit now estimated at 2 million units. Chavez has announced several plans to address the problem and has often said housing should be controlled by the government. He recently announced a new kind of low-income housing to be financed by oil revenues. Still last year private industry built 45 600 units twice as many as the government. Cabello the Chavez minister who announced the decree requiring builders to refund buyers said his office had received 1 700 complaints in recent weeks from home buyers about excessive mark-ups for inflation. So far this year Chavez and his local allies have seized dozens of private properties mostly farms and ranches that the government deems underutilized. He has also encouraged squatters to occupy land and residential buildings. The measures reflect Chavez's goal of building a socialist economy and to weaken private enterprise but they have had a chilling effect on new construction thus exacerbating the housing shortage critics say. One new wrinkle was added this week when Chavez allies in the Vargas state government authorized the takeover of two golf courses in a Caracas suburb called Caraballada. Local officials say the courses will be converted into housing and parkland. "Venezuela has always had a housing deficit but it's gotten worse in the last 10 years since Chavez took office " Puente said. "With the oil price boom he has had the resources to improve things but relatively little has been accomplished." If the government decree sticks Briceno is unsure how he will manage the refunds and whether he will be able to keep his 300 workers on the payroll. "If this becomes law " he said "the collateral effects will be loss of jobs and economic paralysis."
The increasingly difficult climate for home builders and the inability of the [TGT] government to deliver on promises to build enough apartments and houses have led to a housing deficit now estimated at 2 million units. [TGT] has announced several plans to address the problem and has often said housing should be controlled by the government. [TGT] recently announced a new kind of low-income housing to be financed by oil revenues. Still last year private industry built 45 600 units twice as many as the government. Cabello the Chavez minister who announced the decree requiring builders to refund buyers said his office had received 1 700 complaints in recent weeks from home buyers about excessive mark-ups for inflation. So far this year [TGT] and [TGT] local allies have seized dozens of private properties mostly farms and ranches that the government deems underutilized. [TGT] has also encouraged squatters to occupy land and residential buildings. The measures reflect [TGT]'s goal of building a socialist economy and to weaken private enterprise but they have had a chilling effect on new construction thus exacerbating the housing shortage critics say. One new wrinkle was added this week when [TGT] allies in the Vargas state government authorized the takeover of two golf courses in a Caracas suburb called Caraballada. Local officials say the courses will be converted into housing and parkland. "Venezuela has always had a housing deficit but it's gotten worse in the last 10 years since [TGT] took office " Puente said. "With the oil price boom [TGT] has had the resources to improve things but relatively little has been accomplished." If the government decree sticks Briceno is unsure how he will manage the refunds and whether he will be able to keep his 300 workers on the payroll. "If this becomes law " he said "the collateral effects will be loss of jobs and economic paralysis."
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Lance Armstrong
Federal prosecutors have intensified their criminal investigation of the cyclist Lance Armstrong since the Tour de France ended last month. They questioned many of his former associates -- including cyclists who have supported and further detailed claims that Armstrong and his former U.S. Postal Service team participated in systematic doping according to a cyclist who has been interviewed and two others privy to the inquiry. In May Armstrong's former teammate Floyd Landis shocked the cycling world by publicly accusing Armstrong and other team members of using performance-enhancing drugs and blood transfusions to gain an unfair advantage. Landis said that Armstrong -- the biggest name in the sport -- had encouraged the doping and that the team had sold its bikes to help finance an expensive doping program. Armstrong has denied any wrongdoing and has said that Landis who was stripped of his 2006 Tour title for doping and received a two-year ban from the sport had no credibility. A former teammate of Armstrong's said in a telephone interview Wednesday that he has spoken with investigators. He said he detailed some of his own drug use as well as the widespread cheating that he said went on as part of the Postal Service team -- all of which was done with Armstrong's knowledge and encouragement. Armstrong is considered one of the more remarkable athletes in American history someone who dominated his sport and also had a compelling personal story having beaten testicular cancer. Jeff Novitzky a special agent for the Food and Drug Administration is in charge of the investigation and has been interviewing Armstrong's former teammates and associates. Novitzky -- the head investigator in the Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative steroids case -- is trying to determine if Armstrong his teammates the owners or managers of his former team conspired to defraud their sponsors by doping to improve their performance and win more money and prizes. Armstrong did not respond to requests for comment put directly to his agent and his manager on Wednesday. Toward the end of the Tour de France Armstrong a seven-time winner of the event said he would deny any involvement in doping "as long as I live." Bryan D. Daly a defense lawyer representing Armstrong said any cyclists who claim that Armstrong had doped were not telling the truth. "They just want them to incriminate Lance Armstrong and that's my concern " Daly said adding that the prosecutors were working closely with the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency to pressure Armstrong's former teammates. "To the extent that there's anyone besides Floyd Landis saying things the bottom line is if you take away the soap opera and look at the scientific evidence there is nothing." "If Lance Armstrong came in second in those Tour de France races there's no way that Lance Armstrong would be involved in these cases " Daly said. "I think that the concern is that they are caught up in the pursuit of a celebrity to catch him in a lie." Armstrong who has just returned from a post-Tour vacation in the Bahamas was in Denver Wednesday to announce a weeklong stage race to be held next August in Colorado. To promote the event he rode through the city's downtown streets with Gov. Bill Ritter drawing a large crowd. In Denver Armstrong told The Associated Press that he had "nothing to say" about the federal investigation.
Federal prosecutors have intensified their criminal investigation of [TGT] since the Tour de France ended last month. They questioned many of his former associates -- including cyclists who have supported and further detailed claims that [TGT] and [TGT] former U.S. Postal Service team participated in systematic doping according to a cyclist who has been interviewed and two others privy to the inquiry. In May [TGT]'s former teammate Floyd Landis shocked the cycling world by publicly accusing [TGT] and other team members of using performance-enhancing drugs and blood transfusions to gain an unfair advantage. Landis said that [TGT] -- the biggest name in the sport -- had encouraged the doping and that the team had sold its bikes to help finance an expensive doping program. [TGT] has denied any wrongdoing and has said that Landis who was stripped of [TGT] 2006 Tour title for doping and received a two-year ban from the sport had no credibility. A former teammate of [TGT]'s said in a telephone interview Wednesday that [TGT] has spoken with investigators. [TGT] said [TGT] detailed some of [TGT] own drug use as well as the widespread cheating that [TGT] said went on as part of the Postal Service team -- all of which was done with [TGT]'s knowledge and encouragement. [TGT] is considered one of the more remarkable athletes in American history someone who dominated [TGT] sport and also had a compelling personal story having beaten testicular cancer. Jeff Novitzky a special agent for the Food and Drug Administration is in charge of the investigation and has been interviewing [TGT]'s former teammates and associates. Novitzky -- the head investigator in the Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative steroids case -- is trying to determine if Armstrong his teammates the owners or managers of his former team conspired to defraud their sponsors by doping to improve their performance and win more money and prizes. [TGT] did not respond to requests for comment put directly to [TGT] agent and [TGT] manager on Wednesday. Toward the end of the Tour de France Armstrong a seven-time winner of the event said he would deny any involvement in doping "as long as I live." Bryan D. Daly a defense lawyer representing Armstrong said any cyclists who claim that [TGT] had doped were not telling the truth. "They just want them to incriminate [TGT] and that's my concern " Daly said adding that the prosecutors were working closely with the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency to pressure [TGT]'s former teammates. "To the extent that there's anyone besides Floyd Landis saying things the bottom line is if you take away the soap opera and look at the scientific evidence there is nothing." "If [TGT] came in second in those Tour de France races there's no way that [TGT] would be involved in these cases " Daly said. "I think that the concern is that they are caught up in the pursuit of a celebrity to catch [TGT] in a lie." Armstrong who has just returned from a post-Tour vacation in the Bahamas was in Denver Wednesday to announce a weeklong stage race to be held next August in Colorado. To promote the event he rode through the city's downtown streets with Gov. Bill Ritter drawing a large crowd. In Denver [TGT] told The Associated Press that [TGT] had "nothing to say" about the federal investigation.
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Report: Kim Jong Il puts son as head of spy agency
Kim Jong Il
North Korean leader Kim Jong Il has put his youngest son in charge of the country's spy agency as a prelude to handing over control of the communist regime a news report said Wednesday. Kim visited the headquarters of the State Security Department in March along with his 26-year-old son Kim Jong Un and told agency leaders to "uphold" his third son as head of the department the Dong-a Ilbo newspaper reported citing an unnamed source. Kim also told department leaders to "safeguard comrade Kim Jong Un with (your) lives as you did for me in the past " and gave them five foreign-made cars each worth some $80 000 as gifts the mass-market daily said. It said Kim visited a college that educates spy agents last month and made similar remarks there. Pyongyang's State Security Department is the backbone of Kim's harsh rule over the totalitarian nation. It keeps a close watch over government agencies the military and ordinary people for any signs of dissent. It also engages in spy missions abroad. The move to put Kim Jong Un in charge of the agency illustrates the elder KimKim's concern about any possible backlash that the father-to-son succession could prompt the Dong-a said. The paper also said the younger KimKim oversaw the handling of two American journalists detained in March while on a reporting trip to the China-North Korea border. The reporters were sentenced to 12 years of hard labor earlier this month for illegal border crossing and hostile acts. Kim Jong Il inherited North Korea after his father and founding leader Kim Il Sung died in 1994. On Tuesday the North's main Rodong Sinmun newspaper carried a remark by Kim Jong Il that could be seen as a justification of the father-to-son succession.
[TGT] has put [TGT] youngest son in charge of the country's spy agency as a prelude to handing over control of the communist regime a news report said Wednesday. [TGT] visited the headquarters of the State Security Department in March along with [TGT] 26-year-old son Kim Jong Un and told agency leaders to "uphold" [TGT] third son as head of the department the Dong-a Ilbo newspaper reported citing an unnamed source. [TGT] also told department leaders to "safeguard comrade Kim Jong Un with (your) lives as you did for [TGT] in the past " and gave them five foreign-made cars each worth some $80 000 as gifts the mass-market daily said. It said [TGT] visited a college that educates spy agents last month and made similar remarks there. Pyongyang's State Security Department is the backbone of [TGT]'s harsh rule over the totalitarian nation. It keeps a close watch over government agencies the military and ordinary people for any signs of dissent. It also engages in spy missions abroad. The move to put Kim Jong Un in charge of the agency illustrates the elder KimKim's concern about any possible backlash that the father-to-son succession could prompt the Dong-a said. The paper also said the younger KimKim oversaw the handling of two American journalists detained in March while on a reporting trip to the China-North Korea border. The reporters were sentenced to 12 years of hard labor earlier this month for illegal border crossing and hostile acts. [TGT] inherited North Korea after [TGT] father and founding leader Kim Il Sung died in 1994. On Tuesday the North's main Rodong Sinmun newspaper carried a remark by [TGT] that could be seen as a justification of the father-to-son succession.
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Hershey 4Q profit climbs; dividend raised
Higher prices and lower charges sparked a profit increase for Hershey Co. as the nation's second-biggest candy maker continued to push its brands to cost-conscious consumers and gain market share. The company also maintained its 2010 adjusted earnings and sales forecasts while boosting its quarterly dividend. The news sent Hershey's stock up 19 cents to $37 in premarket trading. Hershey based in Hershey Pennsylvania recently said it would not bid for British rival Cadbury PLC. Cadbury shareholders are expected to vote on Kraft Foods Inc.'s $19.5 billion offer on Tuesday. In the prior-year period Hershey's charges totaled 23 cents per share. Sales grew 2 percent to $1.41 billion during the quarter which included Halloween and Christmas -- usually a strong period for the maker of Hershey's chocolate bars and Reese's peanut butter cups. Analysts expected $1.42 billion in revenue. West said the candymaker will launch its Hershey's Bliss white chocolate during the first half of the year as well as continue to expand its Pieces product line to include Hershey's Special Dark Almond Joy and York. The company expect to boost its ad spending by 25 to 30 percent to promote brands such as Reese's Hershey's Kisses Bliss Twizzlers Kit Kat and its namesake. New ad campaigns are also planned for Almond Joy Mounds and York. Hershey said its earnings combined with improved working capital and higher operating cash flow led it to raise its quarterly dividend by 2.25 cents to 32 cents. The dividend will be paid on March 15 to shareholders of record Feb. 25.
Higher prices and lower charges sparked a profit increase for [TGT] as the nation's second-biggest candy maker continued to push its brands to cost-conscious consumers and gain market share. [TGT] also maintained [TGT] 2010 adjusted earnings and sales forecasts while boosting [TGT] quarterly dividend. The news sent [TGT]'s stock up 19 cents to $37 in premarket trading. [TGT] based in [TGT] Pennsylvania recently said it would not bid for British rival Cadbury PLC. Cadbury shareholders are expected to vote on Kraft Foods Inc.'s $19.5 billion offer on Tuesday. In the prior-year period [TGT]'s charges totaled 23 cents per share. Sales grew 2 percent to $1.41 billion during the quarter which included Halloween and Christmas -- usually a strong period for the maker of [TGT]'s chocolate bars and Reese's peanut butter cups. Analysts expected $1.42 billion in revenue. West said the candymaker will launch its [TGT]'s Bliss white chocolate during the first half of the year as well as continue to expand its Pieces product line to include [TGT]'s Special Dark Almond Joy and York. [TGT] expect to boost [TGT] ad spending by 25 to 30 percent to promote brands such as Reese's [TGT]'s Kisses Bliss Twizzlers Kit Kat and its namesake. New ad campaigns are also planned for Almond Joy Mounds and York. [TGT] said [TGT] earnings combined with improved working capital and higher operating cash flow led [TGT] to raise [TGT] quarterly dividend by 2.25 cents to 32 cents. The dividend will be paid on March 15 to shareholders of record Feb. 25.
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567 founder gets 4-plus years
Gary Kaplan
Gary Kaplan 50 must also forfeit $43.6 million in illegally obtained revenue as part of a plea agreement. Prosecutors have said that amounts to more than half of Kaplan's total worth. Kaplan pleaded guilty in August to racketeering conspiracy violating the Wire Wager Act and conspiring to violate it. Prosecutors had been investigating offshore sports gambling since 1997 and BetOnSports since 2001. Kaplan sentenced to four years and three months could end up spending another year behind bars. He has been jailed for two years and seven months since his March 2007 arrest in Puerto Rico. U.S. District Judge Carol Jackson said it will be up to the Bureau of Prisons to determine if he is given credit for time served. Attorneys in the case noted that federal rules call for him serving 85 percent of the 51-month sentence minus whatever credit he may be given for time served. In his guilty plea in August Kaplan said BetOnSports had 1 million registered customers and accepted more than 10 million sports bets worth more than $1 billion in 2004 alone. HisHis company by then based in Costa Rica employed 1 700 people. Kaplan took BetOnSports public on the London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market in 2004 which netted him more than $100 million that was deposited in Swiss bank accounts. For the next two years he served as a BetOnSports consultant. Prosecutors said the company falsely advertised that its gambling operations were legal and misled gamblers into believing that money transferred to BetOnSports was safe and available to withdraw at any time. Instead investigators said the money was used to expand operations including purchase of a rival betting firm. Kaplan told Jackson in August that he initially believed that adhering to the laws in Aruba Antigua Costa Rica the Dominican Republic and the United Kingdom kept him in good stead with U.S. laws. But he said he became aware as early as 2000 that such dealings violated U.S. law and got confirmation in a legal opinion in 2002. Yet he kept operating. Kaplan apologized to the judge Monday for the "pain and embarrassment" he caused to his family and said he'd "paid a monumental price for poor decisions." His attorneys said that Kaplan from his jail cell has made six-figure contributions to St. Louis-area charities in recent months. Jackson said while recognizing Kaplan's generosity she was "a little put off" by letters she's received from those charities on his behalf. "When I make a charitable contribution I don't expect credit " she said. "I hope you will continue to support worthy charitable organizations even when it doesn't further any personal interest you may have."
[TGT] 50 must also forfeit $43.6 million in illegally obtained revenue as part of a plea agreement. Prosecutors have said that amounts to more than half of [TGT]'s total worth. [TGT] pleaded guilty in August to racketeering conspiracy violating the Wire Wager Act and conspiring to violate it. Prosecutors had been investigating offshore sports gambling since 1997 and BetOnSports since 2001. [TGT] sentenced to four years and three months could end up spending another year behind bars. [TGT] has been jailed for two years and seven months since [TGT] March 2007 arrest in Puerto Rico. U.S. District Judge Carol Jackson said it will be up to the Bureau of Prisons to determine if he is given credit for time served. Attorneys in the case noted that federal rules call for him serving 85 percent of the 51-month sentence minus whatever credit he may be given for time served. In his guilty plea in August [TGT] said BetOnSports had 1 million registered customers and accepted more than 10 million sports bets worth more than $1 billion in 2004 alone. HisHis company by then based in Costa Rica employed 1 700 people. [TGT] took BetOnSports public on the London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market in 2004 which netted [TGT] more than $100 million that was deposited in Swiss bank accounts. For the next two years [TGT] served as a BetOnSports consultant. Prosecutors said the company falsely advertised that its gambling operations were legal and misled gamblers into believing that money transferred to BetOnSports was safe and available to withdraw at any time. Instead investigators said the money was used to expand operations including purchase of a rival betting firm. [TGT] told [TGT] in August that [TGT] initially believed that adhering to the laws in Aruba Antigua Costa Rica the Dominican Republic and the United Kingdom kept [TGT] in good stead with U.S. laws. But [TGT] said [TGT] became aware as early as 2000 that such dealings violated U.S. law and got confirmation in a legal opinion in 2002. Yet [TGT] kept operating. [TGT] apologized to the judge Monday for the "pain and embarrassment" [TGT] caused to [TGT] family and said [TGT]'d "paid a monumental price for poor decisions." [TGT] attorneys said that [TGT] from [TGT] jail cell has made six-figure contributions to St. Louis-area charities in recent months. [TGT] said while recognizing [TGT]'s generosity [TGT] was "a little put off" by letters [TGT]'s received from those charities on his behalf. "When I make a charitable contribution I don't expect credit " [TGT] said. "I hope you will continue to support worthy charitable organizations even when it doesn't further any personal interest you may have."
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NATO: Combat role in Afghanistan could pass 2014
Mark Sedwill
Mark Sedwill said the end of 2014 was not a deadline. "It's a goal " he told reporters in the capital. "It's realistic but not guaranteed." He said the transition to Afghan control of security will be slow and piecemeal -- often starting with individual districts and building up to the province level. Each area will be evaluated for transfer based on four criteria -- the security situation the capacity of Afghan security forces in the area the preparations of NATO forces and the progress toward governance reforms. In addition specialist strike units that target terrorist operatives are likely to keep conducting operations even after the Afghan government has taken over responsibility Sedwill said. He said both 2011 -- the date set for U.S. troops to begin drawing down -- and 2014 are "intermediate milestones" in a larger mission that will last much longer. A summit of Afghan leaders and allies Lisbon this weekend will aim to set broad terms for that longer mission. NATO and the Afghan government plan to sign an agreement that will set out the international community's commitment to Afghanistan including support for training forces the growth of the Afghan military and intelligence sharing Sedwill said. "We want to build the Afghan leadership so they're taking more and more responsibility for themselves but we recognize it has got to be underwritten by long-term international commitment " Sedwill said. Even with the NATO mission appearing to stretch out longer and longer Sedwill said that the momentum had shifted in NATO's favor. "It's still clearly fragile. There are significant risks and there will be a long and hard campaign ahead but we believe that in 2010 we have achieved what we wished to which is that we've regained the initiative -- having candidly lost it in the past few years " Sedwill said. He said that this assessment was the conclusion of an assessment of the Afghan campaign that he had conducted with Gen. David Petraeus the top commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan.
[TGT] said the end of 2014 was not a deadline. "It's a goal " he told reporters in the capital. "It's realistic but not guaranteed." He said the transition to Afghan control of security will be slow and piecemeal -- often starting with individual districts and building up to the province level. Each area will be evaluated for transfer based on four criteria -- the security situation the capacity of Afghan security forces in the area the preparations of NATO forces and the progress toward governance reforms. In addition specialist strike units that target terrorist operatives are likely to keep conducting operations even after the Afghan government has taken over responsibility [TGT] said. [TGT] said both 2011 -- the date set for U.S. troops to begin drawing down -- and 2014 are "intermediate milestones" in a larger mission that will last much longer. A summit of Afghan leaders and allies Lisbon this weekend will aim to set broad terms for that longer mission. NATO and the Afghan government plan to sign an agreement that will set out the international community's commitment to Afghanistan including support for training forces the growth of the Afghan military and intelligence sharing [TGT] said. "We want to build the Afghan leadership so they're taking more and more responsibility for themselves but we recognize it has got to be underwritten by long-term international commitment [TGT] said. Even with the NATO mission appearing to stretch out longer and longer [TGT] said that the momentum had shifted in NATO's favor. "It's still clearly fragile. There are significant risks and there will be a long and hard campaign ahead but we believe that in 2010 we have achieved what we wished to which is that we've regained the initiative -- having candidly lost it in the past few years [TGT] said. [TGT] said that this assessment was the conclusion of an assessment of the Afghan campaign that [TGT] had conducted with Gen. David Petraeus the top commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan.
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Facundo M. Fernandez
Fernandez a professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology said that the demonstration which he repeated with other bills provided by a reporter showed both how pervasive cocaine was in the United States and how sensitive his machines were. They can instantly identify the chemical makeup of food drugs and just about anything placed in front of their stainless-steel aperture. The uses of the machines known as mass spectrometers are manifold -- the federal Department of Homeland Security has commissioned Fernandez to study whether the technology can help sniff for explosives at airports. But Fernandez's main focus is counterfeit pharmaceutical drugs especially in poorer countries where government regulation is weak. He is part of an informal group of researchers and government officials spanning Africa Asia and the United States who have teamed up with Interpol the international police agency to use cutting-edge technology in tracking fake drugs that claim to treat malaria. Counterfeit malaria drugs are of particular concern because of the scale and severity of the disease -- it kills more than 2 000 children a day in Africa alone -- and fears that fake or substandard malaria drugs are aggravating a growing problem of drug resistance. A scientific breakthrough in 2005 added an "ion gun" to the machines and allowed Fernandez to check hundreds of pills a day. A technician simply holds the sample -- a pill dog food or a dollar bill for example -- up to the machine which emits a jet of helium gas and captures a minute amount of the material instantly identifying its components. Contrary to the common belief that counterfeit drugs are just sugar pills Fernandez said most fakes have some level of active ingredient. Many contain the cheap and readily available pain reliever paracetamol which might temporarily soothe some symptoms but will not fight the underlying disease. Mass spectrometers may have a role in weeding out some of these counterfeits. Fernandez of Georgia Tech is using them to test whether mosquito nets treated with insecticide a crucial way to combat malaria are genuine. With time though Fernandez hopes costs will come down far enough that machines could be installed in local pharmacies. "I always dream that at some point the end-consumer will be able to check " Fernandez said. "You put your tablet in front of a machine and you get a red light or a green light. That would be the end of counterfeit drugs."
Fernandez a professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology said that the demonstration which he repeated with other bills provided by a reporter showed both how pervasive cocaine was in the United States and how sensitive his machines were. They can instantly identify the chemical makeup of food drugs and just about anything placed in front of their stainless-steel aperture. The uses of the machines known as mass spectrometers are manifold -- the federal Department of Homeland Security has commissioned [TGT] to study whether the technology can help sniff for explosives at airports. But [TGT]'s main focus is counterfeit pharmaceutical drugs especially in poorer countries where government regulation is weak. [TGT] is part of an informal group of researchers and government officials spanning Africa Asia and the United States who have teamed up with Interpol the international police agency to use cutting-edge technology in tracking fake drugs that claim to treat malaria. Counterfeit malaria drugs are of particular concern because of the scale and severity of the disease -- it kills more than 2 000 children a day in Africa alone -- and fears that fake or substandard malaria drugs are aggravating a growing problem of drug resistance. A scientific breakthrough in 2005 added an "ion gun" to the machines and allowed [TGT] to check hundreds of pills a day. A technician simply holds the sample -- a pill dog food or a dollar bill for example -- up to the machine which emits a jet of helium gas and captures a minute amount of the material instantly identifying its components. Contrary to the common belief that counterfeit drugs are just sugar pills [TGT] said most fakes have some level of active ingredient. Many contain the cheap and readily available pain reliever paracetamol which might temporarily soothe some symptoms but will not fight the underlying disease. Mass spectrometers may have a role in weeding out some of these counterfeits. Fernandez of Georgia Tech is using them to test whether mosquito nets treated with insecticide a crucial way to combat malaria are genuine. With time though [TGT] hopes costs will come down far enough that machines could be installed in local pharmacies. "I always dream that at some point the end-consumer will be able to check " [TGT] said. "You put your tablet in front of a machine and you get a red light or a green light. That would be the end of counterfeit drugs."
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Most foreign brokerages maintain 'buy' on Hon Hai
Hon Hai
Hon Hai climbed NT$2 or 1.79 percent to close at NT$113.5 on Wednesday. Wang also pointed out that Hon Hai's revenue this year is expected to rise 32 percent from last year -- benefiting from the growth of orders in flat panel TVs iPads iPhones and notebook computers. Hon Hai "overweight" because its share prices have plunged about 20 percent in the past month. Wang also pointed out that Hon Hai's revenue this year is expected to rise 32 percent from last year -- benefiting from the growth of orders in flat panel TVs iPads iPhones and notebook computers. Wang cut the stock's target price from NT$179 to NT$170 however saying the pay hikes are expected to increase Hon Hai's cost by NT$24 billion a year which would reduce its operating profit by 20 percent. Calvin Huang analyst at Daiwa Securities was also worried that the increase in labor cost will hurt the company's ability to grab market shares. He maintained an "underperform" rating for Hon Hai. In addition JPMorgan Chase cut Hon Hai's target price from NT$175 to NT$148 and Merrill Lynch decreased it from NT$190 to NT$159. But both brokerages kept their buy rating on the stock according to media reports. Hon Hai's target price from NT$175 to NT$148 and Merrill Lynch decreased it from NT$190 to NT$159. But both brokerages kept their buy rating on the stock according to media reports. Meanwhile Morgan Stanley expected Hon Hai to stage a rebound in the next two months and set a target price at NT$150 saying the worst was over after the company's share prices fell 20 percent in the past month the reports said. The highest target price for Hon Hai -- NT$173 -- came from Credit Suisse which reiterated its "outperform" rating for the stock saying the impact from the pay hikes would be less than expected and the overall labor cost would become lower after the company hires more quality workers a media report said. Hon Hai's target price from NT$175 to NT$148 and Merrill Lynch decreased it from NT$190 to NT$159. But both brokerages kept their buy rating on the stock according to media reports.
[TGT] climbed NT$2 or 1.79 percent to close at NT$113.5 on Wednesday. Wang also pointed out that [TGT]'s revenue this year is expected to rise 32 percent from last year -- benefiting from the growth of orders in flat panel TVs iPads iPhones and notebook computers. [TGT] "overweight" because its share prices have plunged about 20 percent in the past month. Wang also pointed out that [TGT]'s revenue this year is expected to rise 32 percent from last year -- benefiting from the growth of orders in flat panel TVs iPads iPhones and notebook computers. Wang cut the stock's target price from NT$179 to NT$170 however saying the pay hikes are expected to increase [TGT]'s cost by NT$24 billion a year which would reduce its operating profit by 20 percent. Calvin Huang analyst at Daiwa Securities was also worried that the increase in labor cost will hurt the company's ability to grab market shares. He maintained an "underperform" rating for [TGT]. In addition JPMorgan Chase cut [TGT] target price from NT$175 to NT$148 and Merrill Lynch decreased it from NT$190 to NT$159. But both brokerages kept their buy rating on the stock according to media reports. [TGT] target price from NT$175 to NT$148 and Merrill Lynch decreased [TGT] from NT$190 to NT$159. But both brokerages kept their buy rating on the stock according to media reports. Meanwhile Morgan Stanley expected [TGT] to stage a rebound in the next two months and set a target price at NT$150 saying the worst was over after the company's share prices fell 20 percent in the past month the reports said. The highest target price for [TGT] -- NT$173 -- came from Credit Suisse which reiterated its "outperform" rating for the stock saying the impact from the pay hikes would be less than expected and the overall labor cost would become lower after the company hires more quality workers a media report said. [TGT]'s target price from NT$175 to NT$148 and Merrill Lynch decreased [TGT] from NT$190 to NT$159. But both brokerages kept their buy rating on the stock according to media reports.
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The counties surrounding Hatfield's Ferry -- which are home to multiple universities -- are an example of what hangs in the balance as this debate plays out. Last year when Hatfield's Ferry asked the state for permission to dump scrubber wastewater into the Monongahela River the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection approved the request with proposed limits on some chemicals. Records show and company officials concede that Hatfield's Ferry is already dumping scrubber wastewater into the Monongahela that violates the state's few proposed pollution rules. Moreover those rules have been suspended until a judge decides on the plant's appeal of the proposed limits. "It's really important to set a precedent that tells power plants that they need to genuinely clean up pollution rather than just shift it from the air to the water " said Abigail Dillen a lawyer with the law firm Earthjustice which represents two advocacy organizations the Environmental Integrity Project and the Citizens Coal Council in asking a Pennsylvania court to toughen regulations on Hatfield's Ferry. State officials say they have established appropriate water pollution limits for Hatfield's Ferry and have strict standards for landfill disposal. However environmental groups have argued in court documents and interviews that Hatfield's Ferry probably will emit dangerous chemicals and that they fear the state is unlikely to intervene. For instance Pennsylvania has opposed designating the waste from Hatfield's Ferry and other power plants as hazardous. In a statement the Department of Environmental Protection said the state had "sufficient state and federal laws and regulations at our disposal to control wastewater discharges at levels protective of the environment and public health." Hatfield's Ferry. "But I see people suffering every day because of this pollution." Officials at Hatfield's Ferry say there is no reason for residents to be concerned. They say that lawsuits against the plant are without merit and that they have installed a $25 million water treatment plant that removes many of the toxic particles and solids from scrubber wastewater. The solids are put into a 106-acre landfill that contains a synthetic liner to prevent leaks.
The counties surrounding Hatfield's Ferry -- which are home to multiple universities -- are an example of what hangs in the balance as this debate plays out. Last year when [TGT]'s Ferry asked the state for permission to dump scrubber wastewater into the Monongahela River the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection approved the request with proposed limits on some chemicals. Records show and company officials concede that [TGT]'s Ferry is already dumping scrubber wastewater into the Monongahela that violates the state's few proposed pollution rules. Moreover those rules have been suspended until a judge decides on the plant's appeal of the proposed limits. "It's really important to set a precedent that tells power plants that they need to genuinely clean up pollution rather than just shift it from the air to the water " said Abigail Dillen a lawyer with the law firm Earthjustice which represents two advocacy organizations the Environmental Integrity Project and the Citizens Coal Council in asking a Pennsylvania court to toughen regulations on [TGT]'s Ferry. State officials say they have established appropriate water pollution limits for [TGT]'s Ferry and have strict standards for landfill disposal. However environmental groups have argued in court documents and interviews that [TGT]'s Ferry probably will emit dangerous chemicals and that they fear the state is unlikely to intervene. For instance Pennsylvania has opposed designating the waste from [TGT]'s Ferry and other power plants as hazardous. In a statement the Department of Environmental Protection said the state had "sufficient state and federal laws and regulations at our disposal to control wastewater discharges at levels protective of the environment and public health." [TGT]'s Ferry. "But I see people suffering every day because of this pollution." Officials at [TGT]'s Ferry say there is no reason for residents to be concerned. They say that lawsuits against the plant are without merit and that they have installed a $25 million water treatment plant that removes many of the toxic particles and solids from scrubber wastewater. The solids are put into a 106-acre landfill that contains a synthetic liner to prevent leaks.
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Dutch politician on trial on hate speech charges
Geert Wilders
Dutch anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders went on trial Monday for alleged hate speech even as his popularity and influence in the Netherlands are near all time highs. Prosecutors say Wilders incited hatred against Muslims with remarks comparing Islam to Naziism and by calling for a ban on the Quran. Wilders argues he has a right to freedom of speech and his remarks were within the bounds of the law. If convicted he faces up to a year in prison. He could keep his seat in parliament. On his Twitter account Wilders said the start of his trial was a "terrible day." "The freedom of expression of at least 1.5 million people is standing trial together with me " he wrote referring to the voters that made his Freedom Party the third-largest in national elections in June. But his lawyer Bram Moszkowicz told presiding judge Jan Moors at the start of the trial that Wilders would not answer questions during the trial. lawyer Bram Moszkowicz told presiding judge Jan Moors at the start of the trial that Wilders would not answer questions during the trial. "My client will at my advice exercise his right to silence today tomorrow and the other days " Moszkowicz said. Moors then adjourned the case to consider a request from Wilders to explain his decision not to speak. He swept into the Amsterdam District Court complex in a police convoy and waved to supporters as he walked into the courtroom at the start of a trial scheduled to last seven days. Mohamed Rabbae chairman of the moderate National Moroccan Council said outside the court that he hoped judges would force Wilders to issue an apology for his past remarks. "We are not for getting Mr. Wilders in prison. We are for correcting him " he said.
[TGT] went on trial Monday for alleged hate speech even as [TGT] popularity and influence in the Netherlands are near all time highs. Prosecutors say [TGT] incited hatred against Muslims with remarks comparing Islam to Naziism and by calling for a ban on the Quran. [TGT] argues [TGT] has a right to freedom of speech and [TGT] remarks were within the bounds of the law. If convicted he faces up to a year in prison. He could keep his seat in parliament. On his Twitter account [TGT] said the start of his trial was a "terrible day." "The freedom of expression of at least 1.5 million people is standing trial together with me " he wrote referring to the voters that made his Freedom Party the third-largest in national elections in June. But his lawyer Bram Moszkowicz told presiding judge Jan Moors at the start of the trial that [TGT] would not answer questions during the trial. lawyer Bram Moszkowicz told presiding judge Jan Moors at the start of the trial that [TGT] would not answer questions during the trial. "My client will at my advice exercise his right to silence today tomorrow and the other days " Moszkowicz said. Moors then adjourned the case to consider a request from [TGT] to explain [TGT] decision not to speak. [TGT] swept into the Amsterdam District Court complex in a police convoy and waved to supporters as [TGT] walked into the courtroom at the start of a trial scheduled to last seven days. Mohamed Rabbae chairman of the moderate National Moroccan Council said outside the court that he hoped judges would force [TGT] to issue an apology for his past remarks. "We are not for getting [TGT] in prison. We are for correcting [TGT] " [TGT] said.
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Japan ruling-party heavyweight likely to dodge funds probe
Ichiro Ozawa
Ozawa -- regarded by many pundits as the power behind the throne occupied by Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama -- is now expected to stay on as DPJ secretary general as the party heads into upper house elections in July. A bare-knuckle political fighter who defected from the conservative party Ozawa has denied any wrongdoing repeatedly saying that he had left the details of any funds transactions up to his secretaries. Hatoyama again defended Ozawa whom he replaced as DPJ president last year after Ozawa stepped down over a separate political funding scandal in which he also professed his innocence. "He has offered explanations in questioning by prosecutors " the premier told reporters. "He has also held many press conferences on this issue. I think he has accounted for himself to the best of his knowledge." An unidentified DPJ executive told Jiji Press: "We are now over the hump -- no more pressure for him to step down." Opposition lawmakers carried on their attacks against Ozawa. Political observers said that even if Ozawa is vindicated the funds scandal will inevitably affect the party in the upper house elections in which the DPJ hopes to achieve sole control of parliament. "I don't think many people will be convinced that Ozawa was perfectly clean even if that is the conclusion " said Tomoaki Iwai politics professor at Nihon University. "Now it's the public's turn to give its verdict."
[TGT] -- regarded by many pundits as the power behind the throne occupied by Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama -- is now expected to stay on as DPJ secretary general as the party heads into upper house elections in July. A bare-knuckle political fighter who defected from the conservative party [TGT] has denied any wrongdoing repeatedly saying that [TGT] had left the details of any funds transactions up to [TGT] secretaries. Hatoyama again defended [TGT]whom he replaced as DPJ president last year after [TGT] stepped down over a separate political funding scandal in which [TGT] also professed [TGT] innocence. "[TGT] has offered explanations in questioning by prosecutors " the premier told reporters. "[TGT] has also held many press conferences on this issue. I think [TGT] has accounted for [TGT] to the best of [TGT] knowledge." An unidentified DPJ executive told Jiji Press: "We are now over the hump -- no more pressure for [TGT] to step down." Opposition lawmakers carried on their attacks against [TGT]. Political observers said that even if [TGT] is vindicated the funds scandal will inevitably affect the party in the upper house elections in which the DPJ hopes to achieve sole control of parliament. "I don't think many people will be convinced that [TGT] was perfectly clean even if that is the conclusion " said Tomoaki Iwai politics professor at Nihon University. "Now it's the public's turn to give its verdict."
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SEC investigating Hurd ' s ouster as HP ' s CEO
Mark Hurd is facing more fallout from his ouster five months ago as CEO of Hewlett-Packard Co. the world's biggest personal computer and printer maker. The Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating the circumstances of Hurd's forced resignation in August a surprising exit that triggered an immediate $9 billion drop in HP's market value and involved allegations of sexual harassment and inappropriate sharing of inside information. Hurd's five-year reign at HP which was hailed by Wall Street but reviled by many HP employees because of deep job and cost cuts came to an abrupt end after a former HP marketing contractor Jodie Fisher accused him of sexual harassment. HP's board said it didn't find evidence to support the harassment claim but did find inaccuracies in Hurd's expense reports for his outings with Fisher who helped organize and host HP networking events that Hurd attended. The Journal citing anonymous sources reported that the SEC's investigation is looking at the expense reports as well as another of Fisher's allegations -- that Hurd told her in advance about HP's $13.9 billion acquisition of Electronic Data Systems in 2008 -- and the possibility that Hurd destroyed computer evidence related to the case. Hurd has argued that he didn't prepare his own expense reports and that the omission of Fisher's name from some reports wasn't intentional. Fisher later appeared to recant her claim that Hurd disclosed sensitive information saying in a letter when she and Hurd settled their case that there were "many inaccuracies" in her original story. Fisher received an undisclosed amount as part of the settlement. she and Hurd settled their case that there were "many inaccuracies" in her original story. Fisher received an undisclosed amount as part of the settlement. On Monday a person familiar with the matter told The Associated Press that the computer issue involved information the SEC requested concerning an HP computer that Hurd kept at home and had digitally cleaned before returning it to the company. This person said the cleaning was done to protect the privacy of Hurd's family which used the computer for things such as photos and music. The person requested anonymity because of not being authorized to speak publicly about the matter. One aspect of Hurd's ouster that angered many critics was the size of his severance package. Hurd got a $12.2 million cash payout and soon after his exit exercised options on some $30 million worth of HP stock and filed papers to sell the stock. His payday from HP would have been even higher had he not agreed to give back restricted stock worth about $14 million as part of a settlement with HP to allow him to work at Oracle Corp. an HP rival run by Hurd's friend Larry Ellison. to work at Oracle Corp. an HP rival run by Hurd's friend Larry Ellison. HP's market value which stood at around $108 billion before Hurd's exit dropped about $9 billion in the stocks' first day of trading after the Aug. 6 resignation. The stock fell further as the wait for a replacement dragged on. Hurd's replacement Leo Apotheker the former CEO of business software maker SAP AG pleased many HP employees by rescinding pay cuts imposed under Hurd and appears to have calmed investors' nerves by promising to focus on software and research to help close gaps with archrival IBM Corp.
[TGT] is facing more fallout from [TGT] ouster five months ago as CEO of Hewlett-Packard Co. the world's biggest personal computer and printer maker. The Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating the circumstances of [TGT]'s forced resignation in August a surprising exit that triggered an immediate $9 billion drop in HP's market value and involved allegations of sexual harassment and inappropriate sharing of inside information. [TGT]'s five-year reign at HP which was hailed by Wall Street but reviled by many HP employees because of deep job and cost cuts came to an abrupt end after a former HP marketing contractor Jodie Fisher accused him of sexual harassment. HP's board said it didn't find evidence to support the harassment claim but did find inaccuracies in [TGT]'s expense reports for [TGT] outings with Fisher who helped organize and host HP networking events that [TGT] attended. The Journal citing anonymous sources reported that the SEC's investigation is looking at the expense reports as well as another of Fisher's allegations -- that [TGT] told [TGT] in advance about HP's $13.9 billion acquisition of Electronic Data Systems in 2008 -- and the possibility that [TGT] destroyed computer evidence related to the case. [TGT] has argued that [TGT] didn't prepare [TGT] own expense reports and that the omission of Fisher's name from some reports wasn't intentional. Fisher later appeared to recant [TGT] claim that [TGT] disclosed sensitive information saying in a letter when [TGT] and [TGT] settled [TGT] case that there were "many inaccuracies" in [TGT] original story. Fisher received an undisclosed amount as part of the settlement. [TGT] settled [TGT] case that there were "many inaccuracies" in her original story. Fisher received an undisclosed amount as part of the settlement. On Monday a person familiar with the matter told The Associated Press that the computer issue involved information the SEC requested concerning an HP computer that [TGT] kept at home and had digitally cleaned before returning it to the company. This person said the cleaning was done to protect the privacy of [TGT]'s family which used the computer for things such as photos and music. The person requested anonymity because of not being authorized to speak publicly about the matter. One aspect of [TGT]'s ouster that angered many critics was the size of [TGT] severance package. [TGT] got a $12.2 million cash payout and soon after [TGT] exit exercised options on some $30 million worth of HP stock and filed papers to sell the stock. [TGT] payday from HP would have been even higher had [TGT] not agreed to give back restricted stock worth about $14 million as part of a settlement with HP to allow [TGT] to work at Oracle Corp. an HP rival run by [TGT]'s friend Larry Ellison. to work at Oracle Corp. an HP rival run by [TGT]'s friend Larry Ellison. HP's market value which stood at around $108 billion before [TGT]'s exit dropped about $9 billion in the stocks' first day of trading after the Aug. 6 resignation. The stock fell further as the wait for a replacement dragged on. [TGT]'s replacement Leo Apotheker the former CEO of business software maker SAP AG pleased many HP employees by rescinding pay cuts imposed under [TGT]and appears to have calmed investors' nerves by promising to focus on software and research to help close gaps with archrival IBM Corp.
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Joseph Rodriguez
DEATH OF CHP OFFICERS RAISES SAFETY CONCERNS CHP Officer Joseph Rodriguez cracked open the door of his patrol car on Monday squeezing between his black-and-white and the traffic whizzing by. He passed the telltale scratches on the fender like those found on most CHP patrol cars made by officers' equipment belts as they cling to their vehicles for safety. On Monday Rodriguez cruised up and down the 101 Freeway on the lookout for speeders tailgaters cell phone yappers and beltless motorists. After he got married in November he said he became especially conscious of the risk of pulling drivers onto the shoulder. When he'd ordered a woman to pull off the freeway last week she'd paid no heed to his public address system. And after they'd rolled onto the shoulder he'd almost got hit by the flying roof of a trailered Volkswagen. Six months ago a car ran off the road on the Freeway 170 missing him by 20 feet. "We're all out there doing the exact same job " Rodriguez said after removing his brimmed cap after issuing a warning for cell phone use. "These officers were doing everything right.
"DEATH OF [TGT] OFFICERS RAISES SAFETY CONCERNS "[TGT] cracked open the door of [TGT] patrol car on Monday squeezing between [TGT] black-and-white and the traffic whizzing by. [TGT] passed the telltale scratches on the fender like those found on most CHP patrol cars made by officers' equipment belts as they cling to their vehicles for safety. On Monday [TGT] cruised up and down the 101 Freeway on the lookout for speeders tailgaters cell phone yappers and beltless motorists. After [TGT] got married in November [TGT] said [TGT] became especially conscious of the risk of pulling drivers onto the shoulder. When [TGT]'d ordered a woman to pull off the freeway last week she'd paid no heed to [TGT] public address system. And after they'd rolled onto the shoulder [TGT]'d almost got hit by the flying roof of a trailered Volkswagen. Six months ago a car ran off the road on the Freeway 170 missing [TGT] by 20 feet. "We're all out there doing the exact same job " Rodriguez said after removing his brimmed cap after issuing a warning for cell phone use. "These officers were doing everything right."
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Chinese FM meets with Hillary Clinton on bilateral ties
Yang Jiechi
Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi met with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton here on Friday to discuss bilateral exchanges and cooperation. During the meeting Yang said China-U.S. relations have maintained fine development momentum in recent years. China is ready to work together with the U.S. side to implement consensus reached by leaders of the two countries and maintain frequent exchanges of visits at all levels said Yang. Yang expected China and the United States could enhance communication and coordination on major international and regional issues respect each other's core interest and major concern and advance bilateral ties in a positive cooperative and comprehensive manner. For her part Clinton spoke highly of recent development in bilateral ties. She said United States would like to join hands with China to enhance strategic dialogue and mutual respect. Clinton said United States and China should expand cooperation on economic trade investment and a wide range of areas to maintain positive development momentum of bilateral ties. In response to the planned U.S.-South Korean military drills Yang said China firmly opposes foreign warships and military aircraft entering the Yellow Sea and other coastal waters of China to engage in activities affecting China's security and interests. Yang urged relevant parties to exercise calm and to refrain from acts that might escalate tension in the region. Yang also met Canadian Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon here on Friday. During the meeting the two sides vowed to enhance cooperation level promote coordination in multilateral affairs strengthen cultural exchanges and advance bilateral strategic partnership.
[TGT] met with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton here on Friday to discuss bilateral exchanges and cooperation. During the meeting [TGT] said China-U.S. relations have maintained fine development momentum in recent years. China is ready to work together with the U.S. side to implement consensus reached by leaders of the two countries and maintain frequent exchanges of visits at all levels said [TGT]. [TGT] expected China and the United States could enhance communication and coordination on major international and regional issues respect each other's core interest and major concern and advance bilateral ties in a positive cooperative and comprehensive manner. For [TGT] part Clinton spoke highly of recent development in bilateral ties. [TGT] said United States would like to join hands with China to enhance strategic dialogue and mutual respect. Clinton said United States and China should expand cooperation on economic trade investment and a wide range of areas to maintain positive development momentum of bilateral ties. In response to the planned U.S.-South Korean military drills [TGT] said China firmly opposes foreign warships and military aircraft entering the Yellow Sea and other coastal waters of China to engage in activities affecting China's security and interests. [TGT] urged relevant parties to exercise calm and to refrain from acts that might escalate tension in the region. [TGT] also met Canadian Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon here on Friday. During the meeting the two sides vowed to enhance cooperation level promote coordination in multilateral affairs strengthen cultural exchanges and advance bilateral strategic partnership.
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Lessons from failed Cold War spy mission in China
John T. Downey
Downey was the youngest of the four. At 22 with one year of CIA service he was destined to spend the next 20 years three months and 14 days in Chinese prisons. His CIA partner Fecteau was 25. He was behind bars for 19 years and 14 days. Donald Gregg who came into the CIA with Downey in 1951 and had dinner with him the night before his ill-fated flight faults those in the CIA who oversold the program. On Nov. 29 1952 above the foothills of the Changbai mountains Downey and Fecteau flew into Chinese air space in an unarmed C-47 Skytrain. They planned to swoop low over a rendezvous point marked with three small bonfires and use a tail hook to pick up a Chinese agent off the ground without landing. Downey was to reel in the agent with a winch aboard the plane. Also Downey was well known to the Chinese operatives because he trained them. When Downey was captured a Chinese security officer pointed at him and said in English "You are Jack. Your future is very dark." For two years until China announced that Downey and Fecteau had been convicted of espionage and sentenced -- Fecteau for 20 years Downey for life -- neither the CIA nor the men's families knew their fate. The families received letters in December 1953 saying the two men were "presumed dead." The CIA historian says Downey told a debriefer after his release that he felt no bitterness toward his CIA boss. "I felt for him " Downey said. "It turned out to be such a goddamned disaster from his point of view." Downey in March 1973 shortly after President Richard Nixon publicly acknowledged Downey's CIA connection. Downey for example said he would rise each morning and begin a series of activities in his cell: calisthenics cleaning eating reading listening to the radio and reviewing an occasional package of letters books and magazines. Fecteau had a similar approach but varied his routine by the day of the week.
[TGT] was the youngest of the four. At 22 with one year of CIA service [TGT] was destined to spend the next 20 years three months and 14 days in Chinese prisons. [TGT] CIA partner Fecteau was 25. [TGT] was behind bars for 19 years and 14 days. Donald Gregg who came into the CIA with [TGT] in 1951 and had dinner with [TGT] the night before [TGT] ill-fated flight faults those in the CIA who oversold the program. On Nov. 29 1952 above the foothills of the Changbai mountains Downey and Fecteau flew into Chinese air space in an unarmed C-47 Skytrain. They planned to swoop low over a rendezvous point marked with three small bonfires and use a tail hook to pick up a Chinese agent off the ground without landing. [TGT] was to reel in the agent with a winch aboard the plane. Also [TGT] was well known to the Chinese operatives because [TGT] trained them. When [TGT] was captured a Chinese security officer pointed at [TGT] and said in English "You are Jack. Your future is very dark." For two years until China announced that [TGT] and Fecteau had been convicted of espionage and sentenced -- Fecteau for 20 years [TGT] for life -- neither the CIA nor the men's families knew their fate. The families received letters in December 1953 saying the two men were "presumed dead." The CIA historian says [TGT] told a debriefer after [TGT] release that [TGT] felt no bitterness toward [TGT] CIA boss. "I felt for [TGT] " [TGT] said. "It turned out to be such a goddamned disaster from [TGT] point of view." [TGT] in March 1973 shortly after President Richard Nixon publicly acknowledged [TGT]'s CIA connection. [TGT]for example said [TGT] would rise each morning and begin a series of activities in [TGT] cell: calisthenics cleaning eating reading listening to the radio and reviewing an occasional package of letters books and magazines. Fecteau had a similar approach but varied [TGT] routine by the day of the week.
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The Senate is expected to vote Saturday on whether to take up the legislation. The majority leader Harry Reid D-Nev. refused to say Thursday whether he had the 60 votes needed to clear that procedural hurdle. While the guts of the Senate and House bills are similar Reid devised a new method of financing coverage not found in any other major health bill. His proposal would significantly increase the Medicare payroll tax for high-income people. Supporters of abortion rights were pleased with the treatment of abortion in Reid's bill. "It maintains the decades-long compromise of no federal funds for abortion while allowing a woman to use her own private funds for her reproductive health care " said Sen. Barbara Boxer D-Calif. Reid and other Democratic leaders said that the unveiling of the bill composed in his office had given them political momentum going into the first test vote. Despite solid Republican opposition the Democrats said they were confident they could enact some kind of national health insurance program a goal that has eluded politicians for more than 75 years. But Congress appears highly unlikely to meet President Barack Obama's goal of finishing work on the bill this year. Reid's bill. "It maintains the decades-long compromise of no federal funds for abortion while allowing a woman to use her own private funds for her reproductive health care " said Sen. Barbara Boxer D-Calif. Reid and other Democratic leaders said that the unveiling of the bill composed in his office had given them political momentum going into the first test vote. Despite solid Republican opposition the Democrats said they were confident they could enact some kind of national health insurance program a goal that has eluded politicians for more than 75 years. But Congress appears highly unlikely to meet President Barack Obama's goal of finishing work on the bill this year. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that Reid's bill would provide coverage to 31 million people who are uninsured while the House bill would cover 36 million people. Many provisions of the House bill would take effect in 2013. But to help hold down the cost of the bill Reid decided to delay the effective date for many provisions by one year to 2014. Reid's bill would impose a tax on "Cadillac health plans" -- employer-sponsored group health plans with premiums more than $8 500 for individual and $23 000 for family coverage. He would impose a new 5 percent tax on "elective cosmetic medical procedures." And he would impose annual fees on insurance companies and makers of medical devices and brand-name drugs. By contrast the House relies on an income surtax to raise $460 billion from 2011 to 2019. The tax would be 5.4 percent of adjusted gross income exceeding $500 000 for individuals.
The Senate is expected to vote Saturday on whether to take up the legislation. The majority leader Harry Reid D-Nev. refused to say Thursday whether he had the 60 votes needed to clear that procedural hurdle. While the guts of the Senate and House bills are similar [TGT] devised a new method of financing coverage not found in any other major health bill. [TGT] proposal would significantly increase the Medicare payroll tax for high-income people. Supporters of abortion rights were pleased with the treatment of abortion in [TGT]'s bill. "It maintains the decades-long compromise of no federal funds for abortion while allowing a woman to use her own private funds for her reproductive health care " said Sen. Barbara Boxer D-Calif. [TGT] and other Democratic leaders said that the unveiling of the bill composed in his office had given [TGT] political momentum going into the first test vote. Despite solid Republican opposition the Democrats said they were confident they could enact some kind of national health insurance program a goal that has eluded politicians for more than 75 years. But Congress appears highly unlikely to meet President Barack Obama's goal of finishing work on [TGT] this year. [TGT]'s bill. "[TGT] maintains the decades-long compromise of no federal funds for abortion while allowing a woman to use her own private funds for her reproductive health care " said Sen. Barbara Boxer D-Calif. [TGT] and other Democratic leaders said that the unveiling of the bill composed in his office had given [TGT] political momentum going into the first test vote. Despite solid Republican opposition the Democrats said they were confident they could enact some kind of national health insurance program a goal that has eluded politicians for more than 75 years. But Congress appears highly unlikely to meet President Barack Obama's goal of finishing work on [TGT] this year. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that [TGT]'s bill would provide coverage to 31 million people who are uninsured while [TGT] would cover 36 million people. Many provisions of [TGT] would take effect in 2013. But to help hold down the cost of the bill [TGT] decided to delay the effective date for many provisions by one year to 2014. [TGT]'s bill would impose a tax on "Cadillac health plans" -- employer-sponsored group health plans with premiums more than $8 500 for individual and $23 000 for family coverage. [TGT] would impose a new 5 percent tax on "elective cosmetic medical procedures." And [TGT] would impose annual fees on insurance companies and makers of medical devices and brand-name drugs. By contrast the House relies on an income surtax to raise $460 billion from 2011 to 2019. The tax would be 5.4 percent of adjusted gross income exceeding $500 000 for individuals.
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Forcing China to revalue currency may boomerang: analysts
Frank Newman
"But neither assumption is correct " said Frank Newman a former deputy secretary of the US Treasury and now chairman and chief executive of Shenzhen Development Bank a Chinese commercial bank. Making Chinese products more expensive in the United States will do nothing to shift production to US factories he said in a commentary in the magazine Foreign Policy. It may instead nudge production to other developing countries. In addition Newman said a large proportion of goods imported from China are not end-state products but components ready for assembly. A US auto manufacturer that uses Chinese car seats for instance pays more for the seats under a strengthened yuan and then either cuts into its profits or charges higher prices on the finished vehicle he explained. That final step he said added just four dollars of value to the phone whose components come from other countries. He said a revaluation of the yuan not only would make Chinese exports relatively more expensive but also would decrease foreign demand for Chinese-made goods negatively impacting local production and creating "a feedback loop through to domestic employment and wages. "In the extreme this threatens social stability and China is certainly not the poster child for social stability he warned. "Given the foreign interests and investments in China it is not entirely clear to me that a yuan revaluation that catapults China into recession would not result in a global contagion effect " he said.
"But neither assumption is correct " said [TGT]. Making Chinese products more expensive in the United States will do nothing to shift production to US factories he said in a commentary in the magazine Foreign Policy. It may instead nudge production to other developing countries. In addition [TGT] said a large proportion of goods imported from China are not end-state products but components ready for assembly. A US auto manufacturer that uses Chinese car seats for instance pays more for the seats under a strengthened yuan and then either cuts into its profits or charges higher prices on the finished vehicle he explained. That final step he said added just four dollars of value to the phone whose components come from other countries. He said a revaluation of the yuan not only would make Chinese exports relatively more expensive but also would decrease foreign demand for Chinese-made goods negatively impacting local production and creating "a feedback loop through to domestic employment and wages. "In the extreme this threatens social stability and China is certainly not the poster child for social stability he warned. "Given the foreign interests and investments in China it is not entirely clear to me that a yuan revaluation that catapults China into recession would not result in a global contagion effect " he said.
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China visit inspires South African high-speed rail link plan
Sibusiso Ndebele
Inspired by a visit to China South Africa's Transport Minister Sibusiso Ndebele is championing the construction of a multibillion-rand high-speed rail link between the coastal city of Durban and the commercial hub Johannesburg. Addressing the media in Cape Town on Tuesday Ndebele said his interest in a high-speed rail link was heightened by a recent visit to China which was busy constructing a high-speed rail link between Shanghai and Beijing. This led him to the idea about South Africa's national transport master plan until 2050. Speaking before his budget vote speech in the South African parliament on Tuesday Ndebele said that details of the ambitious project were being finalized and he would ask the South African cabinet in this financial year to approve a feasibility study. Ndebele said the high-speed rail link between Durban and Johannesburg would cut transport times from about 12 to three hours. Speaking before his budget vote speech in the South African parliament on Tuesday Ndebele said that details of the ambitious project were being finalized and he would ask the South African cabinet in this financial year to approve a feasibility study. Ndebele said a fast link between Durban and Johannesburg would encourage the move from road to rail on what was the country's busiest most congested route. The project would catapult South Africa's rail system into the modern age of hi- tech transport which Ndebele said was the most efficient mass mover of people. Ndebele has proposed a road infrastructure maintenance fund which would require provincial and local governments to dedicate a certain percentage of their budgets to maintenance which was usually sacrificed when budgets came under pressure. "The current state of our road infrastructure particularly in provinces and municipalities is reflective of lack of sustained investment in maintenance over many years " Ndebele said. "We will develop a ring-fencing mechanism which will set aside funds earmarked for maintenance. A passenger rail investment plan will ramp up investment in rail infrastructure and rolling stock."
Inspired by a visit to China [TGT] is championing the construction of a multibillion-rand high-speed rail link between the coastal city of Durban and the commercial hub Johannesburg. Addressing the media in Cape Town on Tuesday [TGT] said [TGT] interest in a high-speed rail link was heightened by a recent visit to China which was busy constructing a high-speed rail link between Shanghai and Beijing. This led [TGT] to the idea about South Africa's national transport master plan until 2050. Speaking before [TGT] budget vote speech in the South African parliament on Tuesday [TGT] said that details of the ambitious project were being finalized and [TGT] would ask the South African cabinet in this financial year to approve a feasibility study. [TGT] said the high-speed rail link between Durban and Johannesburg would cut transport times from about 12 to three hours. Speaking before [TGT] budget vote speech in the South African parliament on Tuesday [TGT] said that details of the ambitious project were being finalized and [TGT] would ask the South African cabinet in this financial year to approve a feasibility study. [TGT] said a fast link between Durban and Johannesburg would encourage the move from road to rail on what was the country's busiest most congested route. The project would catapult South Africa's rail system into the modern age of hi- tech transport which [TGT] said was the most efficient mass mover of people. [TGT] has proposed a road infrastructure maintenance fund which would require provincial and local governments to dedicate a certain percentage of [TGT] budgets to maintenance which was usually sacrificed when budgets came under pressure. "The current state of our road infrastructure particularly in provinces and municipalities is reflective of lack of sustained investment in maintenance over many years [TGT] said. "We will develop a ring-fencing mechanism which will set aside funds earmarked for maintenance. A passenger rail investment plan will ramp up investment in rail infrastructure and rolling stock."
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Clinton calls Iran nuclear talks a 'positive' step
Hillary Clinton
Clinton said the session in Geneva "was a worthwhile meeting " as the Iranians had agreed to inspections of all nuclear sites to ship low-enriched uranium abroad for processing and to another round of talks later this month. "But as the president has said and I and others have also made clear this is not by any means a stopping point. There is much more to be done. We expect much more " Clinton told CNN in a joint interview with Gates. has said and I and others have also made clear this is not by any means a stopping point. There is much more to be done. We expect much more " Clinton told CNN in a joint interview with Gates. She added that "on balance what came out of the meeting in Geneva was positive." Asked if the Iranians were committed to resolving the dispute over their nuclear program Clinton said: "We don't know yet. We don't know." Clinton in an interview taped before an audience at George Washington University said a team of technical experts would meet later this month "to see how to put into action what we certainly believed was an agreement in principle." She added: "nothing is finished until it's finished." Clinton said the progress at the Geneva talks had bought time to assess Iran's actions and that while engaging with Tehran the administration was working with other world powers to prepare punitive sanctions in case negotiations failed.
[TGT] said the session in Geneva "was a worthwhile meeting " as the Iranians had agreed to inspections of all nuclear sites to ship low-enriched uranium abroad for processing and to another round of talks later this month. "But as [TGT] has said and I and others have also made clear this is not by any means a stopping point. There is much more to be done. We expect much more [TGT] told CNN in a joint interview with Gates. has said and I and others have also made clear this is not by any means a stopping point. There is much more to be done. We expect much more [TGT] told CNN in a joint interview with Gates. [TGT] added that "on balance what came out of the meeting in Geneva was positive." Asked if the Iranians were committed to resolving the dispute over their nuclear program [TGT] said: "We don't know yet. We don't know." Clinton in an interview taped before an audience at George Washington University said a team of technical experts would meet later this month "to see how to put into action what we certainly believed was an agreement in principle." She added: "nothing is finished until it's finished.[TGT] said the progress at the Geneva talks had bought time to assess Iran's actions and that while engaging with Tehran the administration was working with other world powers to prepare punitive sanctions in case negotiations failed.
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Bernanke: Fed will keep eye on sliding dollar
Ben Bernanke
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Monday said the central bank will keep a close eye on the sliding U.S. dollar even as he pledged anew to keep interest rates at record-lows to nurture the economic recovery. dollar In remarks to the Economic Club of New York Bernanke engaged in a delicate dance. He made clear Fed policymakers will keep rates at super-low levels. Yet through his words Bernanke is also trying to bolster confidence in the dollar without actually raising rates a move that could short-circuit the fragile recovery. "We are attentive to the implications of changes in the value of the dollar " Bernanke said in rare remarks about the greenback. The Fed he said will continue to "monitor these developments closely." Although commodity prices -- such as oil -- have risen lately that pickup likely reflects a revival in global economic activity and the recent depreciation of the dollar Bernanke said. Even so the Fed chief predicted inflation probably will remain "subdued for some time." That gives the Fed leeway to hold rates at record-low levels for an "extended period " he said repeating a pledge made at the Fed's meeting earlier this month. Bernanke predicted the U.S. economy should continue to grow next year but he warned of "important headwinds" that will restrain the recovery including a weak job market and tight credit for small businesses and households. Those forces "likely will prevent the expansion from being as robust as we would hope " he said. Bernanke said the rebound reflected more than "purely temporary factors" and predicted growth would continue into next year. But he cautioned there is uncertainty about how the economy will evolve next year and warned that "future setbacks are possible." Bernanke said the unemployment rate "likely will decline only slowly" if economic growth remains "moderate" as he expects. Because jobs are likely to remain scarce for some time consumers -- critical shapers of overall economic activity -- will be cautious about spending Bernanke said. Banks dealing with the fallout from soured commercial real estate loans also could slow progress on efforts to get credit flowing more freely again the Fed chief said. And credit difficulties will limit the ability of some businesses to expand and hire. "Overall a number of factors suggest that employment gains may be modest during the early stages of the expansion " Bernanke said.
[TGT] on Monday said the central bank will keep a close eye on the sliding U.S. dollar even as [TGT] pledged anew to keep interest rates at record-lows to nurture the economic recovery. dollar In remarks to the Economic Club of New York [TGT] engaged in a delicate dance. [TGT] made clear Fed policymakers will keep rates at super-low levels. Yet through [TGT] words [TGT] is also trying to bolster confidence in the dollar without actually raising rates a move that could short-circuit the fragile recovery. "We are attentive to the implications of changes in the value of the dollar " [TGT] said in rare remarks about the greenback. The Fed [TGT] said will continue to "monitor these developments closely." Although commodity prices -- such as oil -- have risen lately that pickup likely reflects a revival in global economic activity and the recent depreciation of the dollar [TGT] said. Even so the Fed chief predicted inflation probably will remain "subdued for some time." That gives the Fed leeway to hold rates at record-low levels for an "extended period " [TGT] said repeating a pledge made at the Fed's meeting earlier this month. [TGT] predicted the U.S. economy should continue to grow next year but [TGT] warned of "important headwinds" that will restrain the recovery including a weak job market and tight credit for small businesses and households. Those forces "likely will prevent the expansion from being as robust as we would hope " [TGT] said. [TGT] said the rebound reflected more than "purely temporary factors" and predicted growth would continue into next year. But [TGT] cautioned there is uncertainty about how the economy will evolve next year and warned that "future setbacks are possible.[TGT] said the unemployment rate "likely will decline only slowly" if economic growth remains "moderate" as [TGT] expects. Because jobs are likely to remain scarce for some time consumers -- critical shapers of overall economic activity -- will be cautious about spending [TGT] said. Banks dealing with the fallout from soured commercial real estate loans also could slow progress on efforts to get credit flowing more freely again the Fed chief said. And credit difficulties will limit the ability of some businesses to expand and hire. "Overall a number of factors suggest that employment gains may be modest during the early stages of the expansion " [TGT] said.
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Michael Simon
On a whim Michael Simon sprinted off to Hungary after finishing business school in St. Louis. Twenty years later he has carved out an unusual niche as perhaps Hungary's most successful software entrepreneur. Simon's latest creation to bubble out of Budapest is LogMeIn a 400-worker outfit that makes software that allows one computing device to take control of another. Using this technology a person can tap into a home or office PC while on the road with a laptop. Customer support technicians also use LogMeIn's products to take control of people's machines and fix their PC problems. Simon's Hungarian tale started in 1992 after he finished business school at Washington University. While pursuing an internship an opportunity popped up in Budapest. "I bought the Lonely Planet guide to Eastern Europe on a shoestring " Simon recalled. "It described Budapest as the Paris of Eastern Europe and I thought 'That sounds good."' In Budapest Simon discovered a wealth of smart engineers fresh out of school and hungry for opportunities -- for relatively modest wages. He ended up running a software firm that contracted with companies outsourcing their engineering work. Then in 1995 he founded Uproar a software company that built Web versions of games like Family Feud and bingo. Simon kept in touch with the engineering team that had managed to make the most of limited computing power and turned to them again when Marton Anka a Hungarian software engineer approached him with the remote access software he had been selling out of his apartment. A closely held piece of technology nicknamed Gravity lets the company handle all these connections at a lower cost than other companies can Simon said. "You can think of Gravity as sort of a connectomatic " he said. "We can serve hundreds of millions of devices from an extraordinarily small number of computers."
On a whim [TGT] sprinted off to Hungary after finishing business school in St. Louis. Twenty years later [TGT] has carved out an unusual niche as perhaps Hungary's most successful software entrepreneur. [TGT]'s latest creation to bubble out of Budapest is LogMeIn a 400-worker outfit that makes software that allows one computing device to take control of another. Using this technology a person can tap into a home or office PC while on the road with a laptop. Customer support technicians also use LogMeIn's products to take control of people's machines and fix their PC problems. [TGT]'s Hungarian tale started in 1992 after he finished business school at Washington University. While pursuing an internship an opportunity popped up in Budapest. "I bought the Lonely Planet guide to Eastern Europe on a shoestring " [TGT] recalled. "It described Budapest as the Paris of Eastern Europe and I thought 'That sounds good."' In Budapest [TGT] discovered a wealth of smart engineers fresh out of school and hungry for opportunities -- for relatively modest wages. [TGT] ended up running a software firm that contracted with companies outsourcing their engineering work. Then in 1995 [TGT] founded Uproar a software company that built Web versions of games like Family Feud and bingo. [TGT] kept in touch with the engineering team that had managed to make the most of limited computing power and turned to them again when Marton Anka a Hungarian software engineer approached [TGT] with the remote access software [TGT] had been selling out of [TGT] apartment. A closely held piece of technology nicknamed Gravity lets the company handle all these connections at a lower cost than other companies can [TGT] said. "You can think of Gravity as sort of a connectomatic " [TGT] said. "We can serve hundreds of millions of devices from an extraordinarily small number of computers."
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Fidel Castro warns of aftermath of climate change
Fidel Castro
"Science created the ability to destroy ourselves and the planet several times in a matter of hours " said Castro in an editorial published by local media. "The greatest contradiction in our age is the ability of our species to destroy itself and its inability to govern itself at the same time." In the editorial entitled "The madness of our time." Castro listed the catastrophic effects of global warming and pointed to threats posed by new weapons and military technologies of the United States. He criticized the United States for developing new high-tech military devices such as the recent launch of an unmanned "space plane" by U.S.air force from Cape Canaveral. These moves "reveal the true philosophy of the United States " said Castro. He also described the role of U.S. President Barack Obama at the Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen as "disappointing" and a "painful deception" to the public. Castro. He also described the role of U.S. President Barack Obama at the Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen as "disappointing" and a "painful deception" to the public. Castro said global warming will lead to the rise of sea levels the decrease of drinkable water and arable land. It will also result in the pollution of oceans and extinction of many species in a few decades. Castro noted that genetic manipulation and chemical fertilizers helped meet people's basic needs for food and he questioned if they can produce healthy food fit for consumption. He also stressed the need for protecting non-renewable vital minerals and energy. Castro 83 handed over power to his brother Raul Castro for health reasons in June 2006. Since then he has devoted to work on what he called his "reflections" on issues of global importance through editorials.
"Science created the ability to destroy ourselves and the planet several times in a matter of hours " said [TGT] in an editorial published by local media. "The greatest contradiction in our age is the ability of our species to destroy itself and its inability to govern itself at the same time." In the editorial entitled "The madness of our time." [TGT] listed the catastrophic effects of global warming and pointed to threats posed by new weapons and military technologies of the United States. [TGT] criticized the United States for developing new high-tech military devices such as the recent launch of an unmanned "space plane" by U.S.air force from Cape Canaveral. These moves "reveal the true philosophy of the United States " said [TGT]. [TGT] also described the role of U.S. President Barack Obama at the Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen as "disappointing" and a "painful deception" to the public. [TGT]. [TGT] also described the role of U.S. President Barack Obama at the Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen as "disappointing" and a "painful deception" to the public. [TGT] said global warming will lead to the rise of sea levels the decrease of drinkable water and arable land. It will also result in the pollution of oceans and extinction of many species in a few decades. [TGT] noted that genetic manipulation and chemical fertilizers helped meet people's basic needs for food and [TGT] questioned if they can produce healthy food fit for consumption. [TGT] also stressed the need for protecting non-renewable vital minerals and energy. [TGT] 83 handed over power to his brother Raul Castro for health reasons in June 2006. Since then [TGT] has devoted to work on what [TGT] called [TGT] "reflections" on issues of global importance through editorials.
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Tony Bernazard
According to the report in The Daily News Bernazard removed his shirt and used profane language during the postgame outburst which is said to have been several weeks ago. The News said that Bernazard whose job as the team's vice president for player development includes regular visits to the Mets' minor league affiliates had been angered by Binghamton's poor play and by allegations of under-age drinking. Asked about these charges Wednesday before the Mets lost to the Nationals 3-1 Minaya would not confirm that the incident took place and instead deflected a series of questions about Bernazard by repeatedly stating that the team would investigate the matter. Minaya was asked whether he considered Bernazard's actions a fireable offense whether he viewed Bernazard's conduct as acceptable when he first learned of the incident and whether Bernazard would continue to carry out his present duties. All of these answers Minaya said will be clear when the investigation is complete though he did not say when that would be. In all he used the word "investigate" 13 times. Hired by the Mets in 2004 not long after Minaya was named general manager Bernazard was regarded as a pivotal figure in the team's recruitment of several key free agents including Billy Wagner and Carlos Beltran. But in more recent seasons Bernazard's conduct has come into question. He was widely portrayed as someone who intentionally or not undercut the former manager Willie Randolph by lingering in the Mets' clubhouse and building his own relationships with players. Bernazard's public fraternization with Manny Acta then the Washington Nationals' manager infuriated Randolph who felt that Bernazard in effect was implying that Acta should be managing the Mets. Bernazard said that he was friendly with other managers as well. Although Bernazard's main role is to oversee the Mets' farm system which features little upper-level talent -- Triple-A Buffalo and Double-A Binghamton began play Wednesday with a combined 71-116 record -- he also has input on decisions at the major league level. In addition he is believed to have a fairly close relationship with the team's ownership. Minaya said Bernazard after a few days monitoring the Mets' Single A and rookie-league teams in Port St. Lucie Fla. had returned to his New Jersey home but declined to say what Bernazard would do next. Bernazard did not respond to a voice-mail message. Jeff Wilpon the Mets' chief operating officer declined to comment. Bernazard after a few days monitoring the Mets' Single A and rookie-league teams in Port St. Lucie Fla. had returned to his New Jersey home but declined to say what Bernazard would do next. Bernazard did not respond to a voice-mail message. Jeff Wilpon the Mets' chief operating officer declined to comment. "I've talked to him and I'll continue to talk to him " Minaya said of Bernazard. "I'll talk to him this weekend. I'll notify him that we're going to investigate these things and sit down with our owners and say 'Hey look how are we going to handle this?"' "I think it's been blown out of proportion " Oliveras said. "The thing is everything that happens in the clubhouse stays in the clubhouse. I'm not trying to protect Tony or anything. I didn't see him challenge anybody to a fight. Bernazard spent 10 years as a major league infielder and another dozen working for the players union. For better or worse he has become one of the better-known front-office assistants in baseball although he has been a less visible presence around the Mets this season than he was in past years. But now he is front and center for a team that cannot seem to get out of its own way.
According to the report in The Daily News [TGT] removed [TGT] shirt and used profane language during the postgame outburst which is said to have been several weeks ago. The News said that [TGT]whose job as the team's vice president for player development includes regular visits to the Mets' minor league affiliates had been angered by Binghamton's poor play and by allegations of under-age drinking. Asked about these charges Wednesday before the Mets lost to the Nationals 3-1 Minaya would not confirm that the incident took place and instead deflected a series of questions about [TGT] by repeatedly stating that the team would investigate the matter. Minaya was asked whether he considered [TGT]'s actions a fireable offense whether he viewed [TGT]'s conduct as acceptable when he first learned of the incident and whether [TGT] would continue to carry out his present duties. All of these answers Minaya said will be clear when the investigation is complete though he did not say when that would be. In all he used the word "investigate" 13 times. Hired by the Mets in 2004 not long after Minaya was named general manager [TGT] was regarded as a pivotal figure in the team's recruitment of several key free agents including Billy Wagner and Carlos Beltran. But in more recent seasons [TGT]'s conduct has come into question. [TGT] was widely portrayed as someone who intentionally or not undercut the former manager Willie Randolph by lingering in the Mets' clubhouse and building [TGT] own relationships with players. [TGT]'s public fraternization with Manny Acta then the Washington Nationals' manager infuriated Randolph who felt that Bernazard in effect was implying that Acta should be managing the Mets. [TGT] said that [TGT] was friendly with other managers as well. Although [TGT]'s main role is to oversee the Mets' farm system which features little upper-level talent -- Triple-A Buffalo and Double-A Binghamton began play Wednesday with a combined 71-116 record -- [TGT] also has input on decisions at the major league level. In addition [TGT] is believed to have a fairly close relationship with the team's ownership. Minaya said [TGT]after a few days monitoring the Mets' Single A and rookie-league teams in Port St. Lucie Fla. had returned to his New Jersey home but declined to say what [TGT] would do next. [TGT] did not respond to a voice-mail message. Jeff Wilpon the Mets' chief operating officer declined to comment. [TGT]after a few days monitoring the Mets' Single A and rookie-league teams in Port St. Lucie Fla. had returned to [TGT] New Jersey home but declined to say what [TGT] would do next. [TGT] did not respond to a voice-mail message. Jeff Wilpon the Mets' chief operating officer declined to comment. "I've talked to him and I'll continue to talk to him " Minaya said of [TGT]. "I'll talk to him this weekend. I'll notify him that we're going to investigate these things and sit down with our owners and say 'Hey look how are we going to handle this?"' "I think it's been blown out of proportion " Oliveras said. "The thing is everything that happens in the clubhouse stays in the clubhouse. I'm not trying to protect [TGT] or anything. I didn't see [TGT] challenge anybody to a fight. [TGT] spent 10 years as a major league infielder and another dozen working for the players union. For better or worse [TGT] has become one of the better-known front-office assistants in baseball although [TGT] has been a less visible presence around the Mets this season than [TGT] was in past years. But now [TGT] is front and center for a team that cannot seem to get out of its own way.
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Mitt Romney 's painfully bad week .
Mitt Romney
By any measure , the Mitt Romney for president campaign has had a painfully bad week . That day , Romney addressed the NAACP convention in Houston . The speech was poorly received , so much so that Romney , in an interview that afternoon on Fox Business , told host Neil Cavuto that he had "expected" boos . Some interpreted that comment as proof that Romney had actually wanted to be booed by the NAACP in order to rev up elements of the conservative base . The Romney campaign next reacted by whispering to the Drudge Report -LRB- which acts as a kind of message board for Romney -RRB- that it was seriously considering Condoleezza Rice as a running mate . Gillespie : Romney retroactively retired . Gillespie : Romney retroactively retired 02:44 . And it was that "win the hour" mentality that got the Romney campaign into much more serious trouble when the Obama campaign launched a big push on Romney 's business record the next day . Gergen : Obama 's charges vs. Romney do n't hold up . Thursday morning , the Obama campaign released a tough ad attacking the record of downsizing and outsourcing at Romney 's old firm , Bain Capital . The Romney campaign reacted with outrage . In support of the ad , Romney 's team argued that he had left Bain Capital in February 1999 ; the incidents alluded to by the Obama campaign all occurred after that date and had nothing to do with Romney . The first attack on Romney had been a jab , dropping Romney 's guard against the haymaker : On Friday , the Obama team counter-charged that it was Romney who was lying in his ads or who had committed a felony , lying on 140 official forms that he signed as CEO and sole shareholder of Bain between 1999 and 2002 . Romney now chased the Obama story , granting five TV interviews to reiterate his version of events . By Sunday , even Romney supporters were urging the thing he wants least : release of more income tax returns . And here again , what got Romney into the trouble was his war room . It was the too-fierce response to Attack 1 -- the adamant insistence that Romney had nothing , nothing to do with anything that happened at Bain after February 1999 -- that set up Romney for Attack 2 : Did he lie on SEC forms ? Yes , it is technically true that Romney ended his operational role at Bain before he ended his titular role . Romney 's core problem is this : He heads a party that must win two-thirds of the white working-class vote in presidential elections to compensate for its weakness in almost every demographic category . The white working class is the most pessimistic and alienated group in the electorate , and it especially fears and dislikes the kind of financial methods that gained Romney his fortune . Romney has a strong potential defense : Bain was in the business of making companies more efficient and profitable . However , it 's not an argument that appeals much to the voters Romney most intensely needs to win . And this time , by trying to do too much , the Romney war room may have blasted its own side with lethal friendly fire .
By any measure , [TGT] for president campaign has had a painfully bad week . That day , [TGT] addressed the NAACP convention in Houston . The speech was poorly received , so much so that [TGT] , in an interview that afternoon on Fox Business , told host Neil Cavuto that [TGT] had "expected" boos . Some interpreted that comment as proof that [TGT] had actually wanted to be booed by the NAACP in order to rev up elements of the conservative base . The [TGT] campaign next reacted by whispering to the Drudge Report -LRB- which acts as a kind of message board for [TGT] -RRB- that it was seriously considering Condoleezza Rice as a running mate . Gillespie : [TGT] retroactively retired . Gillespie : [TGT] retroactively retired 02:44 . And it was that "win the hour" mentality that got the [TGT] campaign into much more serious trouble when the Obama campaign launched a big push on [TGT] 's business record the next day . Gergen : Obama 's charges vs. [TGT] do n't hold up . Thursday morning , the Obama campaign released a tough ad attacking the record of downsizing and outsourcing at [TGT] 's old firm , Bain Capital . The [TGT] campaign reacted with outrage . In support of the ad , [TGT] 's team argued that [TGT] had left Bain Capital in February 1999 ; the incidents alluded to by the Obama campaign all occurred after that date and had nothing to do with [TGT] . The first attack on [TGT] had been a jab , dropping [TGT] 's guard against the haymaker : On Friday , the Obama team counter-charged that it was [TGT] who was lying in [TGT] ads or who had committed a felony , lying on 140 official forms that [TGT] signed as CEO and sole shareholder of Bain between 1999 and 2002 . [TGT] now chased the Obama story , granting five TV interviews to reiterate [TGT] version of events . By Sunday , even [TGT] supporters were urging the thing [TGT] wants least : release of more income tax returns . And here again , what got [TGT] into the trouble was [TGT] war room . It was the too-fierce response to Attack 1 -- the adamant insistence that [TGT] had nothing , nothing to do with anything that happened at Bain after February 1999 -- that set up Romney for Attack 2 : Did [TGT] lie on SEC forms ? Yes , it is technically true that [TGT] ended [TGT] operational role at Bain before [TGT] ended [TGT] titular role . [TGT] 's core problem is this : [TGT] heads a party that must win two-thirds of the white working-class vote in presidential elections to compensate for [TGT] weakness in almost every demographic category . The white working class is the most pessimistic and alienated group in the electorate , and it especially fears and dislikes the kind of financial methods that gained [TGT] [TGT] fortune . [TGT] has a strong potential defense : Bain was in the business of making companies more efficient and profitable . However , it 's not an argument that appeals much to the voters [TGT] most intensely needs to win . And this time , by trying to do too much , the [TGT] war room may have blasted its own side with lethal friendly fire .
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Dan Beebe
After the Big 12 was saved from extinction by Texas' decision to stay Commissioner Dan Beebe said Tuesday that he was content with a 10-team conference and that he had no desire for expansion. "The 12 teams we had was the ideal number " Beebe said in a teleconference. "But with the 10 that we have there is a lot of positive feelings about having 10 teams." After Colorado announced its decision to leave for the Pacific-10 and Nebraska accepted an invitation from the Big Ten Beebe said he spoke to the networks the conference has deals with and was told they would not seek to reduce their rights fees because of the conference's smaller membership. Beebe said initially the universities left in the conference would receive more television money because they would be splitting it among only 10 teams. Although it is unclear how the deal with Fox will work ABC/ESPN will have access to 18 top football games every year and pay $60 million annually as it does under its current deal which includes basketball. To keep the fee at $60 million the Big 12's universities promised to play a nine-game conference football schedule which would increase the value of the ESPN deal. They also said they would play a double round-robin format in basketball which would also enhance their conference schedule because Kansas for example will now play Texas twice. But Beebe also said that money was not the driving factor in the events of the weekend and that it was not foremost on the minds of the five universities that were not being recruited by other conferences. In fact he said those five universities offered to give their extra revenue to Texas Texas A M and Oklahoma to entice them to stay. Beebe said he did not find that unfair or surprising. "Texas has a lot of influence " Beebe said. "The same could be said of Texas A One casualty of the contracting conference will probably be the Big 12 championship game in football. The NCAA requires at least 12 teams in a conference for it to hold a championship game. A 10-team Big 12 could request a waiver of that rule but Beebe said it might not. He also said the universities would meet and consider changing the name of the conference but it is hardly unusual for conferences with numbers in their names to be a little off.
After the Big 12 was saved from extinction by Texas' decision to stay [TGT] said Tuesday that [TGT] was content with a 10-team conference and that [TGT] had no desire for expansion. "The 12 teams we had was the ideal number [TGT] said in a teleconference. "But with the 10 that we have there is a lot of positive feelings about having 10 teams." After Colorado announced its decision to leave for the Pacific-10 and Nebraska accepted an invitation from the Big Ten Beebe said [TGT] spoke to the networks the conference has deals with and was told they would not seek to reduce their rights fees because of the conference's smaller membership. [TGT] said initially the universities left in the conference would receive more television money because they would be splitting it among only 10 teams. Although it is unclear how the deal with [TGT] will work ABC/ESPN will have access to 18 top football games every year and pay $60 million annually as it does under its current deal which includes basketball. To keep the fee at $60 million the Big 12's universities promised to play a nine-game conference football schedule which would increase the value of the ESPN deal. They also said they would play a double round-robin format in basketball which would also enhance their conference schedule because Kansas for example will now play Texas twice. But [TGT] also said that money was not the driving factor in the events of the weekend and that it was not foremost on the minds of the five universities that were not being recruited by other conferences. In fact [TGT] said those five universities offered to give their extra revenue to Texas Texas A M and Oklahoma to entice them to stay. [TGT] said [TGT] did not find that unfair or surprising. "Texas has a lot of influence [TGT] said. "The same could be said of Texas A One casualty of the contracting conference will probably be the Big 12 championship game in football. The NCAA requires at least 12 teams in a conference for it to hold a championship game. A 10-team Big 12 could request a waiver of that rule but [TGT] said it might not. [TGT] also said the universities would meet and consider changing the name of the conference but it is hardly unusual for conferences with numbers in their names to be a little off.
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Joe Biden encourages Mitt Romney to run for Senate .
Mitt Romney
Biden encourages Romney to run for Senate . Park City , Utah -LRB- CNN -RRB- Former Vice President Joe Biden is encouraging onetime rival Mitt Romney to return to public life and run for Senate . Biden spoke at Romney 's ideas summit , an annual gathering of donors and business leaders in Utah . During a private event Friday night in Park City , Biden called Romney a man of integrity and said he should mount a challenge next year , according to two people in the room . The comment was quick and off-hand , but the crowd of Romney loyalists appreciated it and applauded . Romney , a former Massachusetts governor , is a Mormon and owns a home in Utah . The two men were on opposite sides of the 2012 election -- Biden as the running mate of President Barack Obama and Romney as the Republican presidential nominee . Romney and Biden both considered running for president last year , but both deferred to candidates they saw as having an overwhelming financial advantage -LRB- Jeb Bush on the Republican side ; Hillary Clinton on the Democratic side -RRB- . Romney , 70 , has not stayed far from politics , either . After being passed over for Trump 's secretary of state , Romney has campaigned for GOP candidates and weighed in on political matters via social media . Speculation has grown that Romney could run for the Senate in Utah .
Biden encourages [TGT] to run for Senate . Park City , Utah -LRB- CNN -RRB- Former Vice President Joe Biden is encouraging onetime rival Mitt Romney to return to public life and run for Senate . Biden spoke at [TGT] 's ideas summit , an annual gathering of donors and business leaders in Utah . During a private event Friday night in Park City , Biden called [TGT] a man of integrity and said he should mount a challenge next year , according to two people in the room . The comment was quick and off-hand , but the crowd of [TGT] loyalists appreciated it and applauded . [TGT] , a former Massachusetts governor , is a Mormon and owns a home in Utah . The two men were on opposite sides of the 2012 election -- Biden as the running mate of President Barack Obama and [TGT] as the Republican presidential nominee . [TGT] and Biden both considered running for president last year , but both deferred to candidates they saw as having an overwhelming financial advantage -LRB- Jeb Bush on the Republican side ; Hillary Clinton on the Democratic side -RRB- . [TGT] , 70 , has not stayed far from politics , either . After being passed over for Trump 's secretary of state , [TGT] has campaigned for GOP candidates and weighed in on political matters via social media . Speculation has grown that [TGT] could run for the Senate in Utah .
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Cables: Colombia ' s Uribe reached out to FARC
Alvaro Uribe
Cables: Colombia ' s Uribe reached out to FARC Former President Alvaro Uribe sought secret talks during his second term with Colombia's main leftist rebel group in Switzerland and the guerrillas even reached out to the U.S. Embassy according to leaked U.S. diplomatic cables. Uribe left office in August after badly crippling the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia or FARC with a withering military campaign and refused steadfastly to accept their demand for a demilitarized zone as a condition for talks. Uribe always maintained he would not engage in serious dialogue with the FARC until the rebels stop kidnapping civilians free all their captives -- they currently hold 22 soldiers and police -- and halt their practice of laying land mines that kill indiscriminately. Reacting via Twitter Uribe said his government "accepted many international initiatives" to open dialogue with the rebels. He promised to later detail them on his personal website. In the cables in particular one dated Feb. 6 that discussed a three-hour meeting Uribe had with Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg the hard-line former Colombian president is described as skeptical about contacts with the FARC leading to a negotiated peace as long as the rebels have refuge in neighboring Venezuela and "a fountain of wealth" from cocaine trafficking. Colombia's current president Juan Manuel Santos was defense minister for most of Uribe's second four-year term. Santos has made it clear that his attitude toward peace talks remains the same as Uribe's. Since January of 2008 it has freed a total of 14 hostages in what Uribe complained were "publicity-seeking stunts."
Cables: Colombia ' s [TGT] reached out to FARC Former President Alvaro Uribe sought secret talks during [TGT] second term with Colombia's main leftist rebel group in Switzerland and the guerrillas even reached out to the U.S. Embassy according to leaked U.S. diplomatic cables. [TGT] left office in August after badly crippling the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia or FARC with a withering military campaign and refused steadfastly to accept their demand for a demilitarized zone as a condition for talks. [TGT] always maintained [TGT] would not engage in serious dialogue with the FARC until the rebels stop kidnapping civilians free all their captives -- they currently hold 22 soldiers and police -- and halt their practice of laying land mines that kill indiscriminately. Reacting via Twitter [TGT] said [TGT] government "accepted many international initiatives" to open dialogue with the rebels. [TGT] promised to later detail them on [TGT] personal website. In the cables in particular one dated Feb. 6 that discussed a three-hour meeting [TGT] had with Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg the hard-line former Colombian president is described as skeptical about contacts with the FARC leading to a negotiated peace as long as the rebels have refuge in neighboring Venezuela and "a fountain of wealth" from cocaine trafficking. Colombia's current president Juan Manuel Santos was defense minister for most of [TGT]'s second four-year term. Santos has made it clear that his attitude toward peace talks remains the same as [TGT]'s. Since January of 2008 it has freed a total of 14 hostages in what [TGT] complained were "publicity-seeking stunts."
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Deval Patrick
GOVERNOR TURNS UP THE HEAT ON BAKER Governor Deval Patrick Wednesday took some of his most pointed shots yet at Republican gubernatorial rival Charles D. Baker Jr. accusing the former chief executive of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care of doing nothing to stop dramatic increases in health care costs that he said are crushing small businesses and families. "Today's events represent a clear example of the choices Massachusetts voters have before them in this election " said the appeal from Patrick's campaign manager Sydney Asbury. "Governor Patrick and Lieutenant Governor Murray care about working people and take on entrenched and powerful interests on their behalf while other candidates are either beholden to those interests or too timid to do anything about the problems facing our Commonwealth." Patrick's aggressive tack seemed to mark a new more heated phase of the campaign on the same day a new poll showed Baker gaining ground on Patrick. Baker's campaign manager Lenny Alcivar said on Twitter that Patrick's comments were sad and that the governor had been "reduced from testimony to meltdown to empty campaign fund-raising ploy in minutes." "The governor had 3? years to take action on health care costs but he didn't " Alcivar said. "For 3? years Deval Patrick had the existing authority to do something anything to address this problem and he wouldn't. Today hours after waking up to polling results that show his reelection prospects dwindling by the minute Governor Patrick was forced to testify on a proposal aimed more toward salvaging his political career than helping small businesses." Patrick's comments were notable because he often passes up opportunities to directly engage his challengers particularly when at the State House. But he seized the chance Wednesday after speaking in support of a bill he filed that would allow state regulators to reject "unreasonable or excessive" cost increases from hospitals and other health care providers. "While we've been dealing with this crisis at least one of the candidates in this race has been in the middle of this industry and hasn't offered any solutions yet " the governor said taking aim at Baker. The Rasmussen Reports automated telephone survey of likely voters showed Patrick earning 35 percent of the vote compared with 32 percent for Baker and 19 percent for state Treasurer Timothy P. Cahill who is running as an independent. The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 4? percentage points. A Rasmussen survey in November showed Patrick at 33 percent Baker at 28 percent and Cahill at 25 percent. Political analysts said Patrick is trying to more actively define Baker in the minds of voters before Baker can introduce himself on his own terms. "Given the Rasmussen poll today essentially showing a dead heat it's clear that Governor Patrick really has to step up and go on offense more not only touting what he's done but go on offense against his real challenger in this race and that's Charlie Baker " said Mary Anne Marsh a Democratic political strategist. "It signals a stage in this race and it shows you we'll see an even more aggressive Deval Patrick going into the spring and the summer." The Patrick campaign has been honing two main lines of attack against Baker as it looks toward the November election. One is to tie Baker to the exorbitant cost increases of the Big Dig whose finances Baker helped oversee as the top budget aide to governors William F. Weld and Paul Cellucci in the 1990s. "They talk about why it is they can't help but charge double-digit increases every year to small businesses and families " Patrick said. "Those small business and families don't have a voice at the table. They have my voice at that table." Baker's running mate Senate minority leader Richard R. Tisei Republican of Wakefield joined Alcivar in dismissing Patrick's comments as a political ploy. "The governor is really electioneering instead of taking a more thoughtful approach " he said.
GOVERNOR TURNS UP THE HEAT ON BAKER [TGT] Wednesday took some of [TGT] most pointed shots yet at Republican gubernatorial rival Charles D. Baker Jr. accusing the former chief executive of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care of doing nothing to stop dramatic increases in health care costs that [TGT] said are crushing small businesses and families. "Today's events represent a clear example of the choices Massachusetts voters have before them in this election " said the appeal from [TGT]'s campaign manager Sydney Asbury. "Governor Patrick and Lieutenant Governor Murray care about working people and take on entrenched and powerful interests on their behalf while other candidates are either beholden to those interests or too timid to do anything about the problems facing our Commonwealth." Patrick's aggressive tack seemed to mark a new more heated phase of the campaign on the same day a new poll showed Baker gaining ground on [TGT]. Baker's campaign manager Lenny Alcivar said on Twitter that [TGT]'s comments were sad and that the governor had been "reduced from testimony to meltdown to empty campaign fund-raising ploy in minutes." "The governor had 3? years to take action on health care costs but he didn't " Alcivar said. "For 3? years Deval Patrick had the existing authority to do something anything to address this problem and he wouldn't. Today hours after waking up to polling results that show his reelection prospects dwindling by the minute Governor Patrick was forced to testify on a proposal aimed more toward salvaging his political career than helping small businesses." [TGT]'s comments were notable because he often passes up opportunities to directly engage his challengers particularly when at the State House. But he seized the chance Wednesday after speaking in support of a bill he filed that would allow state regulators to reject "unreasonable or excessive" cost increases from hospitals and other health care providers. "While we've been dealing with this crisis at least one of the candidates in this race has been in the middle of this industry and hasn't offered any solutions yet " the governor said taking aim at Baker. The Rasmussen Reports automated telephone survey of likely voters showed Patrick earning 35 percent of the vote compared with 32 percent for Baker and 19 percent for state Treasurer Timothy P. Cahill who is running as an independent. The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 4? percentage points. A Rasmussen survey in November showed Patrick at 33 percent Baker at 28 percent and Cahill at 25 percent. Political analysts said Patrick is trying to more actively define Baker in the minds of voters before Baker can introduce himself on his own terms. "Given the Rasmussen poll today essentially showing a dead heat it's clear that Governor Patrick really has to step up and go on offense more not only touting what he's done but go on offense against his real challenger in this race and that's Charlie Baker " said Mary Anne Marsh a Democratic political strategist. "It signals a stage in this race and it shows you we'll see an even more aggressive Deval Patrick going into the spring and the summer." The Patrick campaign has been honing two main lines of attack against Baker as it looks toward the November election. One is to tie Baker to the exorbitant cost increases of the Big Dig whose finances Baker helped oversee as the top budget aide to governors William F. Weld and Paul Cellucci in the 1990s. "They talk about why it is they can't help but charge double-digit increases every year to small businesses and families " Patrick said. "Those small business and families don't have a voice at the table. They have my voice at that table." Baker's running mate Senate minority leader Richard R. Tisei Republican of Wakefield joined Alcivar in dismissing Patrick's comments as a political ploy. "The governor is really electioneering instead of taking a more thoughtful approach " he said.
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Why Mitt Romney 's "47 percent" comment was so bad .
Mitt Romney
In an interview with Fox News Sunday 's Chris Wallace , Mitt Romney acknowledged just how much his "47 percent" comments -- in which he all but wrote off the votes of half the country -- had negatively impacted his chances of being president : "That hurt . Romney 's admission of the damage done got us to thinking -LRB- again -RRB- about why exactly the remark hurt him so badly . Candidates need to adjust accordingly or face the prospect of adding their names to a list that Romney headlines at the moment . The conventional wisdom is that "47 percent" hurt so much because it played directly into the stereotype of Romney as an out-of-touch rich guy that President Obama and his campaign were playing up . The power of these "candid candidate" moments is that they present a jarringly different image of a politician than the one he or she is presenting to the public and raise questions among voters about who the real Mitt Romney or Tom Daschle or Bob Etheridge actually is . The truly terrible thing for Romney was that the remarks not only came directly out of Romney 's mouth but were also documented on video . Imagine for a second if Romney 's "47 percent" comments had never been captured on video and rather only been quoted by someone in attendance . Yes , it still would have been a story that Romney would have had to address but it 's hard to imagine that it would have been the definitive moment of the campaign -- as it turned out to be .
In an interview with Fox News Sunday 's Chris Wallace , [TGT] acknowledged just how much [TGT] "47 percent" comments -- in which [TGT] all but wrote off the votes of half the country -- had negatively impacted [TGT] chances of being president : "That hurt . [TGT] 's admission of the damage done got us to thinking -LRB- again -RRB- about why exactly the remark hurt [TGT] so badly . Candidates need to adjust accordingly or face the prospect of adding their names to a list that [TGT] headlines at the moment . The conventional wisdom is that "47 percent" hurt so much because it played directly into the stereotype of [TGT] as an out-of-touch rich guy that President Obama and [TGT] campaign were playing up . The power of these "candid candidate" moments is that they present a jarringly different image of a politician than the one he or she is presenting to the public and raise questions among voters about who the real [TGT] or Tom Daschle or Bob Etheridge actually is . The truly terrible thing for [TGT] was that the remarks not only came directly out of [TGT] 's mouth but were also documented on video . Imagine for a second if [TGT] 's "47 percent" comments had never been captured on video and rather only been quoted by someone in attendance . Yes , it still would have been a story that [TGT] would have had to address but it 's hard to imagine that it would have been the definitive moment of the campaign -- as it turned out to be .
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Joe Biden Will Speak At Republican Summit Hosted by Mitt Romney .
Mitt Romney
Former Vice President Joe Biden will join Mitt Romney and other prominent Republicans at an annual summit in Utah this week . Romney , the Republican presidential nominee in 2012 , will interview Biden , on Friday as part of the three-day summit , the Associated Press reported . The invitation-only Experts and Enthusiasts -LRB- E2 -RRB- Summit in Park City , Utah , will feature a number of prominent Republicans , including Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain , both vocal GOP critics of President Donald Trump , and House Speaker Paul Ryan , who was Romney 's running mate in 2012 . Biden is not the first Democrat to attend Romney 's annual summit . At the summit last year , Romney , then a "Never Trump" Republican , told the crowd that Trump 's nomination as the Republican candidate "is breaking my heart for the party ."
Former Vice President Joe Biden will join [TGT] and other prominent Republicans at an annual summit in Utah this week . [TGT] , the Republican presidential nominee in 2012 , will interview Biden , on Friday as part of the three-day summit , the Associated Press reported . The invitation-only Experts and Enthusiasts -LRB- E2 -RRB- Summit in Park City , Utah , will feature a number of prominent Republicans , including Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain , both vocal GOP critics of President Donald Trump , and House Speaker Paul Ryan , who was Romney 's running mate in 2012 . Biden is not the first Democrat to attend [TGT] 's annual summit . At the summit last year , [TGT] , then a "Never Trump" Republican , told the crowd that Trump 's nomination as the Republican candidate "is breaking my heart for the party ."
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Scottish officials contact 'missing' Lockerbie bomber
Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi
Under the terms of his release from a Scottish jail on compassionate grounds in August Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi cannot leave Tripoli or change his address and must keep in regular contact with East Renfrewshire Council. They were unable to contact the Libyan on Tuesday while The Times newspaper could not track him down at either his house or the hospital where the terminal prostate cancer sufferer has had treatment. "We have now spoken to Mr Megrahi who is in his house. There is no cause for alarm he is in his house " said a spokesman for East Renfrewshire Council in western Scotland. "He wasn't able to speak to us yesterday but he was able to do so today. We have spoken to him and we don't have any concerns. He is definitely at home in Tripoli." The spokesman said that if staff had been unable to contact Megrahi this time they would have reported the situation to the Scottish government. The council is next due to speak to Megrahi next Tuesday. Megrahi is the only person convicted over the December 1988 bombing of a New York-bound Pan Am Boeing 747 over the Scottish town of Lockerbie which killed 270 people. He was freed on August 20 after doctors said he had only three months to live and returned to a hero's welcome in Libya angering relatives of those killed. His release also caused tensions between Britain the devolved Scottish government and the United States and sparked questions about London's growing trade relationship with Tripoli.
Under the terms of his release from a Scottish jail on compassionate grounds in August [TGT] cannot leave Tripoli or change [TGT] address and must keep in regular contact with East Renfrewshire Council. They were unable to contact the Libyan on Tuesday while The Times newspaper could not track [TGT] down at either [TGT] house or the hospital where the terminal prostate cancer sufferer has had treatment. "We have now spoken to Mr Megrahi who is in his house. There is no cause for alarm he is in his house " said a spokesman for East Renfrewshire Council in western Scotland. "He wasn't able to speak to us yesterday but he was able to do so today. We have spoken to him and we don't have any concerns. He is definitely at home in Tripoli." The spokesman said that if staff had been unable to contact [TGT] this time they would have reported the situation to the Scottish government. The council is next due to speak to [TGT] next Tuesday. [TGT] is the only person convicted over the December 1988 bombing of a New York-bound Pan Am Boeing 747 over the Scottish town of Lockerbie which killed 270 people. [TGT] was freed on August 20 after doctors said [TGT] had only three months to live and returned to a hero's welcome in Libya angering relatives of those killed. [TGT] release also caused tensions between Britain the devolved Scottish government and the United States and sparked questions about London's growing trade relationship with Tripoli.
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Mitt Romney Is A Good Debater .
Mitt Romney
By comparing the responses from both Romney and Gingrich , it is evident that Mitt knows much more about the housing market then Newt does . Mitt is good at this , too , as mentioned before except he just has to avoid sounding too much like a businessman that he is . And , once he 's gotten that point across , policy professional Mitt flips the subject around , landing with an attack on Newt 's ties to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac . But , then again , Mitt just had to sit back and let his rivals self-implode on their own -LRB- do n't worry , we put in the Rick Perry "Oops" video after the jump -RRB- . He may have completely -LRB- and blatantly -RRB- changed his mind on abortion but it 's a rare occasion where , pleasing his greatest criticism , Mitt acts like a human being who laughs , sulks and cries whenever he watches My Dog Skip .
By comparing the responses from both Romney and Gingrich , it is evident that [TGT] knows much more about the housing market then Newt does . [TGT] is good at this , too , as mentioned before except [TGT] just has to avoid sounding too much like a businessman that [TGT] is . And , once [TGT] 's gotten that point across , [TGT] flips the subject around , landing with an attack on Newt 's ties to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac . But , then again , [TGT] just had to sit back and let [TGT] rivals self-implode on their own -LRB- do n't worry , we put in the Rick Perry "Oops" video after the jump -RRB- . [TGT] may have completely -LRB- and blatantly -RRB- changed [TGT] mind on abortion but it 's a rare occasion where , pleasing [TGT] greatest criticism , [TGT] acts like a human being who laughs , sulks and cries whenever [TGT] watches My Dog Skip .
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Poland must narrow deficit to protect credit rating: Fitch
Poland must narrow deficit to protect credit rating: Fitch Poland the only EU nation to post economic growth last year must narrow the gap between public spending and revenues in order to protect its creditworthiness ratings agency Fitch said Thursday. ratings agency Fitch said Thursday. Fitch noted that Poland's public deficit stood at 7.2 percent of gross domestic product in 2009 and was forecast to hit 7.9 percent this year despite a pick-up in growth and even though the country had avoided recession or the need to support its banking system. "Tolerance for further material slippage from official deficit targets is limited at the current rating level " Fitch expert David Heslam said in a statement. Fitch currently gives Poland a long-term foreign currency rating of A- with a stable outlook. Fitch said that the slowdown had "revealed underlying weakness in Poland's public finances. "Credible permanent measures are needed to place the deficit on a sustainable downward path and limit further growth of government debt ratios " it said. "The 2011 deficit target of 6.5 percent looks achievable and is built on realistic macroeconomic assumptions " Fitch said. Fitch said that deficit-cutting plans could be affected by politics with a general election due in the autumn of 2011.
Poland must narrow deficit to protect credit rating: [TGT] Poland the only EU nation to post economic growth last year must narrow the gap between public spending and revenues in order to protect [TGT] creditworthiness ratings agency [TGT] said Thursday. [TGT] said Thursday. [TGT] noted that Poland's public deficit stood at 7.2 percent of gross domestic product in 2009 and was forecast to hit 7.9 percent this year despite a pick-up in growth and even though the country had avoided recession or the need to support its banking system. "Tolerance for further material slippage from official deficit targets is limited at the current rating level " [TGT] expert David Heslam said in a statement. [TGT] currently gives Poland a long-term foreign currency rating of A- with a stable outlook. [TGT] said that the slowdown had "revealed underlying weakness in Poland's public finances. "Credible permanent measures are needed to place the deficit on a sustainable downward path and limit further growth of government debt ratios " it said. "The 2011 deficit target of 6.5 percent looks achievable and is built on realistic macroeconomic assumptions " [TGT] said. [TGT] said that deficit-cutting plans could be affected by politics with a general election due in the autumn of 2011.
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Magic mull possible return of Nelson for finals
Jameer Nelson's
Magic mull possible return of Nelson for finals Though that doesn't add up to Nelson being healthy enough to play it does create a dilemma for the Magic's front office. Nelson said Monday that he has been playing full-court games participating in contact drills and will practice with the Magic for the first time since tearing the labrum in his right shoulder Feb. 2 against the Dallas Mavericks. "I'm a competitor " Nelson said. "No matter what the situation is I always think I can go out there and get contact." He had what was then called season-ending surgery Feb. 19. Nelson's rehabilitation was supposed to take at least another two months. Game 1 of the finals is Thursday night in Los Angeles. Magic general manager Otis Smith and coach Stan Van Gundy expressed doubt Monday whether Nelson could seriously return for the finals. Smith who had repeatedly said Nelson will not play this season said Monday a quicker recovery and the chance of winning a championship has forced him to at least take a look at Nelson. "It's still no in my mind " Smith said adding that the team will explore the idea even if Nelson doesn't return for Game 1. "There's a smidgen of a chance he can play." Orlando was 2-0 against the Lakers this season. Nelson was Orlando's leading scorer in both those games averaging 27.5 points. He has been lobbying the Magic for a chance at playing since the playoffs began. With each round the team advances the idea -- and the talk -- of him returning has grown. But Nelson would likely just be a shell of his All-Star form. He hasn't played in four months and even he admits it will be difficult to convince the training staff and coaches that he isn't risking future damage. "A miracle has to happen " Nelson said. Jameer Nelson's injured right shoulder can take contact and he's been cleared by doctors to practice ahead of Orlando's NBA finals series against the Lakers. Nelson has been lauded by players and coaches during the playoffs for his leadership. He has been sitting between the coaching staff and players on the Magic bench offering pointers during timeouts and acting like "a fifth or sixth assistant coach " Smith said. But Smith worried from the beginning that Nelson would feel excluded. The two met before the playoffs to make sure Nelson wasn't tempted to rush back early.
Magic mull possible return of [TGT] for finals Though that doesn't add up to [TGT] being healthy enough to play it does create a dilemma for the Magic's front office. [TGT] said Monday that [TGT] has been playing full-court games participating in contact drills and will practice with the Magic for the first time since tearing the labrum in [TGT] right shoulder Feb. 2 against the Dallas Mavericks. "I'm a competitor [TGT] said. "No matter what the situation is I always think I can go out there and get contact." [TGT] had what was then called season-ending surgery Feb. 19. [TGT]'s rehabilitation was supposed to take at least another two months. Game 1 of the finals is Thursday night in Los Angeles. Magic general manager Otis Smith and coach Stan Van Gundy expressed doubt Monday whether [TGT] could seriously return for the finals. Smith who had repeatedly said [TGT] will not play this season said Monday a quicker recovery and the chance of winning a championship has forced [TGT] to at least take a look at [TGT]. "It's still no in my mind " Smith said adding that the team will explore the idea even if [TGT] doesn't return for Game 1. "There's a smidgen of a chance [TGT] can play." Orlando was 2-0 against the Lakers this season. [TGT] was Orlando's leading scorer in both those games averaging 27.5 points. [TGT] has been lobbying the Magic for a chance at playing since the playoffs began. With each round the team advances the idea -- and the talk -- of [TGT] returning has grown. But [TGT] would likely just be a shell of [TGT] All-Star form. [TGT] hasn't played in four months and even [TGT] admits it will be difficult to convince the training staff and coaches that [TGT] isn't risking future damage. "A miracle has to happen " [TGT] said. [TGT]'s injured right shoulder can take contact and [TGT]'s been cleared by doctors to practice ahead of Orlando's NBA finals series against the Lakers. [TGT] has been lauded by players and coaches during the playoffs for [TGT] leadership. [TGT] has been sitting between the coaching staff and players on the Magic bench offering pointers during timeouts and acting like "a fifth or sixth assistant coach " Smith said. But Smith worried from the beginning that [TGT] would feel excluded. The two met before the playoffs to make sure [TGT] wasn't tempted to rush back early.
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McConnell says he 's spoken to Romney amid Utah Senate speculation .
Mitt Romney
Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has spoken to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch tries to publicly prod Romney into running for his seat . Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has spoken to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch tries to publicly prod Romney into running for his seat . Talk about Romney , meanwhile , is viewed as much more hypothetical -- particularly because Romney has always been hesitant to close doors . Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- Mitt Romney has spoken with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell amid speculation that the 2012 GOP presidential nominee could run for the Senate in Utah , McConnell said Friday . A long-time adviser to Romney told CNN that "it 's just a hypothetical exercise" fueled by Utah Republicans ' desire for Romney to run unless Hatch decides against seeking re-election . Romney 's talks with then President-elect Donald Trump about the position of secretary of state suggested Romney is willing to consider a return to politics . A Senate seat would give Romney -- though just one of 100 members -- a platform to counter Trump , as well , much as he did during the 2016 campaign . "I 've had some conversations with Mitt Romney ," McConnell told reporters . Currently , though , Romney is on a charity trip in Indonesia . Of course they 're going to approach Mitt Romney and say , ` Hey , would you run , what do you think ? '" Hatch told CNN on Friday that he speaks to Romney regularly -- but deflected questions about Romney , the former Massachusetts governor who is Mormon and owns a home in Utah , replacing him , saying it is "early to talk about this stuff ." Utah Republican Party Chairman James Evans downplayed a potential Romney bid , casting it as speculative at this point . Speculation about a Romney Senate bid has swirled since Hatch told the National Journal last week that he has "expressed interest" to Romney in having him seek his seat , and could step aside "if I could get a really outstanding person to run for my position ." "While it 's no secret that I hold Mitt Romney in extraordinarily high esteem , my musing aloud on the subject has apparently snowballed into a frenzy of premature speculation .
[TGT] has spoken to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch tries to publicly prod [TGT] into running for [TGT] seat . [TGT] has spoken to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch tries to publicly prod [TGT] into running for [TGT] seat . Talk about [TGT] , meanwhile , is viewed as much more hypothetical -- particularly because [TGT] has always been hesitant to close doors . Washington -LRB- CNN -RRB- [TGT] has spoken with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell amid speculation that the 2012 GOP presidential nominee could run for the Senate in Utah , McConnell said Friday . A long-time adviser to [TGT] told CNN that "it 's just a hypothetical exercise" fueled by Utah Republicans ' desire for [TGT] to run unless Hatch decides against seeking re-election . [TGT] 's talks with then President-elect Donald Trump about the position of secretary of state suggested [TGT] is willing to consider a return to politics . A Senate seat would give [TGT] -- though just one of 100 members -- a platform to counter Trump , as well , much as [TGT] did during the 2016 campaign . "I 've had some conversations with [TGT] ," McConnell told reporters . Currently , though , [TGT] is on a charity trip in Indonesia . Of course they 're going to approach [TGT] and say , ` Hey , would you run , what do you think ? '" Hatch told CNN on Friday that [TGT] speaks to [TGT] regularly -- but deflected questions about [TGT] , the former Massachusetts governor who is Mormon and owns a home in Utah , replacing [TGT] , saying it is "early to talk about this stuff ." Utah Republican Party Chairman James Evans downplayed a potential [TGT] bid , casting it as speculative at this point . Speculation about a Romney Senate bid has swirled since Hatch told the National Journal last week that he has "expressed interest" to [TGT] in having [TGT] seek [TGT] seat , and could step aside "if I could get a really outstanding person to run for my position ." "While it 's no secret that I hold [TGT] in extraordinarily high esteem , my musing aloud on the subject has apparently snowballed into a frenzy of premature speculation .
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Fowler worries for North Queensland in A-League
Former England and Liverpool forward Robbie Fowler refused to play in North Queensland's 1-1 draw against Brisbane after being informed he would be starting the match on the bench. The A-League's marquee signing will meet Monday with team officials in an effort to resolve an apparent impasse that also reportedly involves his family. Fowler's decision was made after coach Ian Ferguson announced a change in formation against Brisbane with Dyron Daal starting as a lone striker and Fowler to be brought off the bench as an impact player with a half-hour remaining. Ferguson seemed less optimistic about Fowler staying with the Fury than Matheson. "Ultimately it will be Fowler's decision about his future at the club. It's really up to Robbie." Fowler has scored nine goals this season for the ninth-place Fury. He spent the match against the Roar sitting in the stands at the Townsville stadium. Speculation has escalated that the 34-year-old Fowler the team's captain is preparing to walk out on the club because his wife has failed to settle in North Queensland. Fowler told English newspaper The Daily Mail this week that his wife is finding it tough adjusting in Townsville the regional northern Australian city where the Fury is based. "The kids are very adaptable to where they are but my wife still needs a bit of convincing " he said. "It's not like back at home where there's more stuff to do and more families that we know so she's still adjusting."
Former England and Liverpool forward [TGT] refused to play in North Queensland's 1-1 draw against Brisbane after being informed [TGT] would be starting the match on the bench. The A-League's marquee signing will meet Monday with team officials in an effort to resolve an apparent impasse that also reportedly involves [TGT] family. [TGT]'s decision was made after coach Ian Ferguson announced a change in formation against Brisbane with Dyron Daal starting as a lone striker and [TGT] to be brought off the bench as an impact player with a half-hour remaining. Ferguson seemed less optimistic about [TGT] staying with the Fury than Matheson. "Ultimately it will be [TGT]'s decision about his future at the club. It's really up to Robbie.[TGT] has scored nine goals this season for the ninth-place Fury. [TGT] spent the match against the Roar sitting in the stands at the Townsville stadium. Speculation has escalated that [TGT]is preparing to walk out on the club because [TGT] wife has failed to settle in North Queensland. [TGT] told English newspaper The Daily Mail this week that [TGT] wife is finding it tough adjusting in Townsville the regional northern Australian city where the Fury is based. "The kids are very adaptable to where they are but my wife still needs a bit of convincing " [TGT] said. "It's not like back at home where there's more stuff to do and more families that we know so she's still adjusting."
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Mitt Romney shunned by the Republican Party : Failed presidential candidate becomes ` persona non grata ' as officials begin planning for 2016 .
Mitt Romney
But some are wondering out loud if Romney 's fate will be somewhat more embarrassing - suggesting he might be this generation 's Michael Dukakis , who was roundly beaten by George H.W. Bush in 1988 . Fading Memory : Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney taking the stage to concede his quest for the presidency , at the Boston Convention Center in Boston . One man who has hinted that Romney 's vast experience in the private business world could be put to use for the economy is President Obama himself . ` There are certain aspects of Governor Romney 's record and his ideas that I think could be very helpful , ' Obama said during his first post-election news conference on Wednesday . In a post-election conference call with some of his key donors on Wednesday , Romney said that he had lost because the Obama adminstration gave ` gift 's such as health-care law and immigration reform which attracted young and minority voters . ` The Obama campaign was following the old playbook of giving a lot of stuff to groups that they hoped they could get to vote for them and be motivated to go out to the polls , specifically the African American community , the Hispanic community and young people , ' Romney is reported to have said . Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal was deeply critical of Mitt Romney 's remarks regarding ` gifts ' that Obama apparently gave to sections of the electorate to ensure his victory . Almost two weeks on from Mitt Romney 's crushing loss to Barack Obama , the memory of his gracious and widely praised concession speech is fading fast . The remarks echoed Romney 's notorious claim that '47 percent ' of the nation were living off the government and saw themselves as ` victims ' who can not be made to take responsibility for themselves . Senator Marco Rubio -LRB- left -RRB- and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie -LRB- right -RRB- have been somewhat more conciliatory in their message to Mitt Romney . Two of the party 's most prominent female voices were equally quick to insist that the Romney era was over and urge the party to move on under new leadership . And Susan Martinez , the governor of New Mexico , described the Romney gaffe as a prime example of ` what sets us back as a party ' . Senator Marco Rubio , who many see as a strong potential candidate for 2016 was slightly more diplomatic in his criticism of Romney . I do n't want to rebut him point by point , ' Rubio said of Romney . And the notoriously outspoken Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie made it abundantly clear on Friday morning that it is time for Mitt Romney to ` move on ' after his election loss . Indeed , according to those close to Romney he was taken aback by the scale of his election loss and while for a moment it seemed he would silently exit the stage , his divisive comments about the reasons for his loss have caused other Republicans to rush to distance themselves from him . ` So someone the other day asked me , "Why did Romney lose ?" Victorious : U.S. President Barack Obama convincingly defeated Mitt Romney in the November 6th general election . However , senior Romney adviser Stuart Stevens disagreed with the sentiments expressed by prominent Republicans in the aftermath of the defeated candidates ` gifts ' comments . He called Romney ` the most popular Republican on the national scene at the moment ' . Stevens continued : ` Even those who have been critical of the campaign on our side realise in the end that Governor Romney was resonating with millions of Americans and was running the kind of campaign we could all be pround of . ' While Romney aides have offered differing explanations for the November 6th defeat which gave President Obama 332 electoral votes , many have pointed to Romney 's loss in white rural states such as Wisconsin and Iowa as evidence his campaign failed among multiple demographics . So crushing was Romney 's defeat that many have wondered what future public life he could have , especially as he has no elected office to return to .
But some are wondering out loud if [TGT] 's fate will be somewhat more embarrassing - suggesting [TGT] might be this generation 's Michael Dukakis , who was roundly beaten by George H.W. Bush in 1988 . Fading Memory : Republican presidential candidate and [TGT] taking the stage to concede [TGT] quest for the presidency , at the Boston Convention Center in Boston . One man who has hinted that [TGT] 's vast experience in the private business world could be put to use for the economy is President Obama himself . ` There are certain aspects of [TGT] 's record and [TGT] ideas that I think could be very helpful , ' Obama said during [TGT] first post-election news conference on Wednesday . In a post-election conference call with some of [TGT] key donors on Wednesday , [TGT] said that [TGT] had lost because the Obama adminstration gave ` gift 's such as health-care law and immigration reform which attracted young and minority voters . ` The Obama campaign was following the old playbook of giving a lot of stuff to groups that they hoped they could get to vote for them and be motivated to go out to the polls , specifically the African American community , the Hispanic community and young people , ' [TGT] is reported to have said . Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal was deeply critical of [TGT] 's remarks regarding ` gifts ' that Obama apparently gave to sections of the electorate to ensure his victory . Almost two weeks on from [TGT] 's crushing loss to Barack Obama , the memory of [TGT] gracious and widely praised concession speech is fading fast . [TGT] echoed [TGT] 's notorious claim that '47 percent ' of the nation were living off the government and saw themselves as ` victims ' who can not be made to take responsibility for themselves . Senator Marco Rubio -LRB- left -RRB- and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie -LRB- right -RRB- have been somewhat more conciliatory in their message to [TGT] . Two of the party 's most prominent female voices were equally quick to insist that the [TGT] era was over and urge the party to move on under new leadership . And Susan Martinez , the governor of New Mexico , described the [TGT] gaffe as a prime example of ` what sets us back as a party ' . Senator Marco Rubio , who many see as a strong potential candidate for 2016 was slightly more diplomatic in his criticism of [TGT] . I do n't want to rebut him point by point , ' Rubio said of [TGT] . And the notoriously outspoken Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie made [TGT] abundantly clear on Friday morning that [TGT] is time for [TGT] to ` move on ' after [TGT] election loss . Indeed , according to those close to [TGT] [TGT] was taken aback by the scale of [TGT] election loss and while for a moment it seemed [TGT] would silently exit the stage , [TGT] divisive comments about the reasons for [TGT] loss have caused other Republicans to rush to distance themselves from [TGT] . ` So someone the other day asked me , "Why did [TGT] lose ?" Victorious : U.S. President Barack Obama convincingly defeated [TGT] in the November 6th general election . However , senior [TGT] adviser Stuart Stevens disagreed with the sentiments expressed by prominent Republicans in the aftermath of the defeated candidates ` gifts ' comments . He called [TGT] ` the most popular Republican on the national scene at the moment ' . Stevens continued : ` Even those who have been critical of the campaign on our side realise in the end that [TGT] was resonating with millions of Americans and was running the kind of campaign we could all be pround of . ' While [TGT] aides have offered differing explanations for the November 6th defeat which gave President Obama 332 electoral votes , many have pointed to [TGT] 's loss in white rural states such as Wisconsin and Iowa as evidence [TGT] campaign failed among multiple demographics . So crushing was [TGT] 's defeat that many have wondered what future public life [TGT] could have , especially as [TGT] has no elected office to return to .
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Medvedev: Russia fires highlight need for reforms
Russia's catastrophic wildfires this summer have demonstrated the need to reform the nation's forest protection legislation and the state forestry agency President Dmitry Medvedev said Wednesday. The remarks appeared to reflect Medvedev's desire to take a higher profile on economic and domestic policy issues presently controlled by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin -- though Medvedev stopped short of an open challenge to his powerful predecessor and mentor. Putin has taken a highly visible lead in efforts to combat the fires visiting affected areas and even taking a seat in a firefighting plane while Medvedev was chairing dull official meetings. Many political commentators perceived Putin's action as a sign of his intention to reclaim the presidency in 2012 and a clear warning to Mevedev to stand by. Medvedev indicated Wednesday that the prime minister's move to take direct control of the forestry agency Rosleskhoz could be insufficient to properly protect the nation's forests in the future. "If it's more convenient to work that way you are welcome " Medvedev told a government meeting focused on forests. "But if it proves insufficient I reserve the right to radically change those structures." He said the blazes had shown that the current law and the existing official structures can't properly protect the forests. "It's quite obvious that the legal base and the organizational structure that we have don't fit the purpose " Medvedev said in televised remarks. The president also said that the need for changing the current forest legislation also must be carefully analyzed. Putin and Medvedev both have said they would decide later who will run for president. Medvedev avoided any direct criticism of Putin but said Wednesday the 2006 law had left most of the nation's forests without due oversight. He also seemed to defy Putin on another issue -- the construction of a new highway northwest of Moscow that would destroy a forest near the town of Khimki. Putin's Cabinet has continued to support it despite growing public opposition.
Russia's catastrophic wildfires this summer have demonstrated the need to reform the nation's forest protection legislation and the state forestry agency [TGT] said Wednesday. The remarks appeared to reflect [TGT]'s desire to take a higher profile on economic and domestic policy issues presently controlled by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin -- though [TGT] stopped short of an open challenge to [TGT] powerful predecessor and mentor. Putin has taken a highly visible lead in efforts to combat the fires visiting affected areas and even taking a seat in a firefighting plane while [TGT] was chairing dull official meetings. Many political commentators perceived Putin's action as a sign of his intention to reclaim the presidency in 2012 and a clear warning to Mevedev to stand by. [TGT] indicated Wednesday that the prime minister's move to take direct control of the forestry agency Rosleskhoz could be insufficient to properly protect the nation's forests in the future. "If it's more convenient to work that way you are welcome " [TGT] told a government meeting focused on forests. "But if it proves insufficient I reserve the right to radically change those structures." He said the blazes had shown that the current law and the existing official structures can't properly protect the forests. "It's quite obvious that the legal base and the organizational structure that we have don't fit the purpose [TGT] said in televised remarks. [TGT] also said that the need for changing the current forest legislation also must be carefully analyzed. [TGT] have said [TGT] would decide later who will run for president. [TGT] avoided any direct criticism of Putin but said Wednesday the 2006 law had left most of the nation's forests without due oversight. [TGT] also seemed to defy Putin on another issue -- the construction of a new highway northwest of Moscow that would destroy a forest near the town of Khimki. Putin's Cabinet has continued to support it despite growing public opposition.
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