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Dataset Description

EU Debates is a corpus of parliamentary proceedings (debates) from the European parliament released by Chalkidis and Brandl (2024). The corpus consists of approx. 87k individual speeches in the period 2009-2023. We exhaustively scrape the data from the official European Parliament Plenary website (Link). All speeches are time-stamped, thematically organized on debates, and include metadata relevant to the speaker's identity (full name, euro-party affiliation, speaker role), and the debate (date and title). Older debate speeches are originally in English, while newer ones are linguistically diverse across the 23 official EU languages, thus we also provide machine-translated versions in English, when official translations are missing, using the EasyNMT framework with the M2M2-100 (418M) model (Fan et al., 2020).

Data Fields

  • speaker_name: a string` with the full name of the speaker.
  • speaker_party: a string with the name of the euro-party (group) that the MEP is affiliated with.
  • speaker_role: a string with the role of the speaker (Member of the European Parliament (MEP), EUROPARL President, etc.)
  • debate_title: a string with the title of the debate in the European Parliament.
  • date: a string with the full date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the speech.
  • year a string with the year (YYYY).
  • text: a string with the full speech of the speaker.
  • translated_text: a string with the translation of the speech in English, if the original is not.

Data Instances

Example of a data instance from the EU Debates dataset:

'speaker_name': 'Michèle Striffler'
'speaker_party': 'PPE',
'speaker_role': 'MEP',
'debate_title': 'Famine in East Africa (debate)',
'date': '2011-09-15',
'year': '2011'
'text': "Monsieur le Président, Madame le Commissaire, chers collègues, la situation humanitaire sans précédent que connaît la Corne de l'Afrique continue [...]",
'translated_text': 'Mr. President, Mr. Commissioner, dear colleagues, the unprecedented humanitarian situation of the Horn of Africa continues [...]'}

How to use

from datasets import load_dataset
eu_debates_dataset = load_dataset('coastalcph/eu_debates', split='train')

Dataset Statistics

Distribution of speeches across euro-parties:

Euro-party No. of Speeches
EPP 25,455 (29%)
S&D 20,042 (23%)
ALDE 8,946 (10%)
ECR 7,493 (9%)
ID 6,970 (8%)
GUE/NGL 6,780 (8%)
Greens/EFA 6,398 (7%)
NI 5,127 (6%)
Total 87,221

Distribution of speeches across years and euro-parties:

2009 748 456 180 138 72 174 113 163 2044
2010 3205 1623 616 340 341 529 427 546 7627
2011 4479 2509 817 418 761 792 490 614 10880
2012 3366 1892 583 419 560 486 351 347 8004
2013 724 636 240 175 152 155 170 154 2406
2014 578 555 184 180 131 160 144 180 2112
2015 978 1029 337 405 398 325 246 240 3958
2016 919 972 309 387 457 317 225 151 3737
2017 649 766 181 288 321 229 162 135 2731
2018 554 611 161 242 248 175 160 133 2284
2019 1296 1339 719 556 513 463 490 353 5729
2020 1660 1564 823 828 661 526 604 346 7012
2021 2147 2189 1290 1062 909 708 990 625 9920
2022 2436 2273 1466 1177 827 962 1031 641 10813
2023 1716 1628 1040 878 619 779 795 499 7954

Distribution of speeches across the 23 EU official languages:

Language Examples
en 40736 (46.7%)
de 6497 (7.5%)
fr 6024 (6.9%)
es 5172 (5.9%)
it 4506 (5.2%)
pl 3792 (4.4%)
pt 2713 (3.1%)
ro 2308 (2.7%)
el 2290 (2.6%)
nl 2286 (2.6%)
hu 1661 (1.9%)
hr 1509 (1.7%)
cs 1428 (1.6%)
sv 1210 (1.4%)
bg 928 (1.1%)
sk 916 (1.1%)
sl 753 (0.9%)
fi 693 (0.8%)
lt 618 (0.7%)
da 578 (0.7%)
et 342 (0.4%)
lv 184 (0.2%)
mt 0 (0.0%)

Citation Information

Llama meets EU: Investigating the European political spectrum through the lens of LLMs. Ilias Chalkidis and Stephanie Brandl. In the Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL), Mexico City, Mexico, June 16–21, 2024.

    title = "Llama meets EU: Investigating the European political spectrum through the lens of LLMs",
    author = "Chalkidis, Ilias  and Brandl, Stephanie",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics",
    month = jun,
    year = "2024",
    address = "Mexico City, Mexico",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
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