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プレスと観客の前で 彼らはプレゼンテーションを容易にするために後ろにジップアップする特別なものを提示されます。 | [
] | In front of the press and audience They are presented with special things to zip up behind to facilitate the presentation. | In front of the press and spectators They are presented a special one that zips up at the back to make the presentation easier. |
木が周りを走っていたので、私はすぐに飛び降りました。 | [
] | As the tree was running around, I immediately jumped off. | I jumped right off because the trees were racing around the place. |
質量はいくつかの体にある物質の量です。 | [
] | Mass is the amount of substances that are in several bodies. | Mass is the amount of matter there is in some body. |
彼らはMisheとBuzhenに加わり、Heluに奇襲をかけ、数万人を捕らえたり殺したりしました。 | [
] | They joined Mishe and Buzhen, shocked Helu, and captured and killed tens of thousands of people. | They joined Mishe and Buzhen, made a surprise attack on Helu, and captured or killed tens of thousands. |
森には130種類もの鳥がいます。 | [
] | There are 130 species of birds in the forest. | There have been 130 different birds seen in the forest. |
WWE Extreme Rulesは、WWEの年間ペイパービューイベントです。 | [
] | WWE Extreme Rules is WWE's annual pay-per-view event. | WWE Extreme Rules is a yearly pay-per-view event from WWE. |
ロンド形式(ABACA)で書かれています。 | [
] | It is written in Rondo format (ABACA). | It is written in rondo form (ABACA). |
バグダッドは捕らえられ、解任され、時間の経過とともに燃やされました。 | [
] | Baghdad was captured, dismissed, and burned over time. | Baghdad was captured, sacked, and over time burned. |
2002年グラミー賞受賞。 | [
] | Received the Grammy Award in 2002. | In 2002, she won a Grammy Award. |
彼女はニューヨーク市で71歳で脳腫瘍で亡くなりました。 | [
] | She died of brain tumors in New York City at the age of 71. | She died from brain cancer at age 71, in New York City. |
最初に構築され、1997年に設立されました。 | [
] | It was first built and established in 1997. | First being build and founded in 1997. |
トルコのトルコのアルファベットには29文字があります。 | [
] | The Turkish alphabet in Turkey has 29 characters. | There are 29 letters in the Turkish alphabet of Turkey. |
彼の家族の両側の彼の祖父母はメソジストの一般の説教者でした。 | [
] | His grandparents on both sides of his family were ordinary preachers of the Methodist. | His grandparents on both sides of his family were Methodist lay preachers. |
2台のオリジナル機関車は、カンブリア州のホワイトヘブンのフレッチャー、ジェニングス&カンパニーによって製造されました。 | [
] | The two original locomotives were manufactured by Fletcher Jennings & Company in Whitehaven, Cambria. | The two original locomotives were made by Fletcher, Jennings & Co. of Whitehaven in Cumbria. |
例えば 、 「 肺炎超微視的シリコボルカノコニア症」は、それを最長の言葉にしたい人によって作られた肺疾患の専門用語です。 | [
] | For example, "pneumonia ultramicroscopic silicovolcanocoloniasis" is a technical term for pulmonary diseases made by those who want to make it the longest word. | For example, "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" is a technical term for a lung disease made by people who wanted it to be the longest word. |
しかし、ワールドカップでは好成績を収め、決勝に進出したものの0対2でブラジルに敗れた。 | [
] | However, after a good performance in the World Cup, he advanced to the final, but lost to Brazil 0-2. | However, they performed very well in the World Cup, eventually making it to the finals but losing to Brazil 0–2. |
翌日、スタンディッシュはペクスォートを攻撃し、ネイティブアメリカン自身のナイフで彼を刺しました。 | [
] | The next day, the stand dish attacked Pexote and stabbed him with the Native American own knife. | The next day, Standish attacked Pecksuot, and stabbed him with the Native American's own knife. |
首都はブバネシュワールで、州内の他の主要都市はカットタック、サンバルプル、ルケラです。 | [
] | The capital is Bhubaneswar and the other major cities in the province are Cuttuck, Sambalpur and Lukera. | The capital city is Bhubaneswar, and other major cities in the state are Cuttack, Sambalpur, and Rourkela. |
彼らは彼らの体を集団墓地に埋めました。 | [
] | They buried their bodies in collective cemeteries. | They buried their bodies in mass graves. |
彼らは雪の上を歩くための大きな足(足)パッド、そして顔に長いひげを持っています。 | [
] | They have a large foot (leg) pad for walking on the snow, as well as a long beard on the face. | They have large paws (feet) padded for walking on snow, and long whiskers on the face. |
彼はまた、1977年から1979年まで議会の副議長を務め、バルセロナを代表し、1980年から1984年までカタルーニャ州議会議員を務め、バルセロナを代表しました。 | [
] | He also served as vice-chair of the Parliament from 1977 to 1979, represented Barcelona, served as a member of the Catalan Parliament from 1980 to 1984 and represented Barcelona. | He also was a Deputy of Congress from 1977 to 1979, representing Barcelona and a member of member parliament of Catalonia from 1980 to 1984, representing Barcelona. |
2009年2月よりUBSグループ執行役員。 | [
] | In February 2009, he became an executive officer of the UBS Group. | He had served as a member of the UBS Group Executive Board since February 2009. |
Readerz.Net / ジョナサン・フリッド ジョナサン・フリッド(Jonathan Frid, 1924年12月2日 - 2012年4月14日)は、カナダの舞台、ラジオ、声楽、テレビ、映画俳優。 | [
] | Readerz.Net / Jonathan Frid Jonathan Frid (2 December 1924 – 14 April 2012) was a Canadian stage, radio, vocalist, television and film actor. | Jonathan Frid (John Herbert Frid; December 2, 1924 – April 14, 2012) was a Canadian stage, radio, voice, television, and movie actor. |
1986年、トランスフォーマーの映画が作られました。 | [
] | In 1986, a film of Transformers was made. | In 1986, a Transformers movie was made. |
Ally McBealは、1997年9月8日から2002年5月20日まで、フォックスチャンネルによって放映されたアメリカのテレビ番組です。 | [
] | Ally McBeal is an American television program aired by Fox Channel from September 8, 1997 to May 20, 2002. | Ally McBeal is an American TV show that was on air from September 8, 1997, to May 20, 2002, by the Fox Channel. |
チームは、もちろん、彼らの故郷にちなんで名付けられました。 | [
] | The team, of course, was named after their homeland. | The team is, of course, named for their home state. |
Pretzler, Maria. | [
] | Hotels booking in Pretzler, Maria. | Pretzler, Maria. |
現代の抗生物質の出現前に、それは包帯を瞑想するために使用されました。 | [
] | Before the emergence of modern antibiotics, it was used to meditate bandages. | Before the advent of modern antibiotics, it was used to medicate bandages. |
ロイ・ハッド, 83, 英語の俳優 (血獣恐怖, 貞操帯アップ, アルフガーネット佐賀) コメディアン. | [
] | Roy Hadd, 83, an English actor (Beast Fear of Blood, Chastity Belt Up, Alfugarnet Saga) is a comedian. | Roy Hudd, 83, English actor (The Blood Beast Terror, Up the Chastity Belt, The Alf Garnett Saga) and comedian. |
一部の国では「ゴールデンガンズ」と「ウォーホース」を入手し、すべての国では最初のサウンドトラックと一緒に致命的な暗殺者の衣装があります。 | [
] | In some countries get "Golden Guns" and "Warhorse", and in all countries there is a fatal assassin costume along with the first soundtrack. | With some countries getting the "Golden Guns" and the "War Horse," all will have the Deadly Assassin outfit along with the first soundtrack. |
Silv'ry Tayの美しい鉄道橋! | [
] | Beautiful railway bridge of Silv'ry Tay! | Beautiful Railway Bridge of the Silv'ry Tay! |
固定翼航空機の2つの主要メーカーはエアバスとボーイングです。 | [
] | The two main manufacturers of fixed wing aircraft are Airbus and Boeing. | Two major makers of fixed-wing aircraft are Airbus and Boeing. |
彼は1930年にデトロイトに登場し、あいまいな背景を持っていて、いくつかのエイリアスを使用しました。 | [
] | He appeared in Detroit in 1930, had an ambiguous background and used several aliases. | He appeared in Detroit in 1930 and had an obscure background and used several aliases. |
一部のゲームはNESバージョンとは異なりました。 | [
] | Some games differed from the NES version. | Some of the games were different from their NES versions. |
彼は壮大なピーター王(祖父)と呼ばれています。 | [
] | He is called the magnificent Peter King (grandfather). | He is called King Peter the Magnificent (grand). |
自由自在に動くドーム型の頭を持つ球形のロボットです。 | [
] | It is a spherical robot with a dome-shaped head that moves freely. | It is a sphere-shaped robot with a free-moving domed head. |
チャンピオンズパスには4つの種まきチームと4つの種なしチームがあり、リーグパスには2つの種まきチームと2つの種なしチームがありました。 | [
] | The Champions Pass had four sowing teams and four seedless teams, and the League Pass had two sowing teams and two seedless teams. | In the Champions Path there were four seeded teams and four unseeded teams, and in the League Path there were two seeded teams and two unseeded teams. |
それらは、シミア人(サル、類人猿、人間)よりも「原始的 」 ( 祖先または多形性)な特徴を持っています。 | [
] | They have more “primitive” (ancestral or polymorphic) characteristics than the Simians (monkeys, apes, humans). | They have characteristics that are more "primitive" (ancestral or plesiomorphic) than those of simians (monkeys, apes, and humans). |
2000年9月、マーク・エルダーが音楽監督に就任。 | [
] | Mark Elder was appointed Music Director in September 2000. | In September 2000, Mark Elder took over as musical director. |
ベスト・イレブンにも4年連続で選出(1972-1975 ) 。 | [
] | He was also selected as the Best Eleven for the fourth consecutive year (1972-1975). | He was also selected Best Eleven for 4 years in a row (1972-1975). |
私たちはスポーツ、ダンス、ゲームのシーンを発見します。 | [
] | We discover sports, dance and gaming scenes. | We discover a scene of sport, dancing and games. |
ショージャンプでは、ライダーはタイミングを計りながら、馬のジャンプのセットコースの上に馬に乗っています。 | [
] | In show jumping, the rider rides a horse on the set course of the horse jump, timing. | In show jumping, a rider rides a horse over a set course of horse jumps while being timed. |
1996年9月5日、マクラーレン、ウィリアムズ、タイレルを除くすべてのチームが新しいコンコルド契約に署名しました。 | [
] | On September 5, 1996, all teams except McLaren, Williams and Tyrrell signed a new Concorde contract. | On 5 September 1996 the new Concorde Agreement was signed by all the teams except McLaren, Williams, and Tyrrell. |
長年にわたり、レーベルと契約を結んでいるアーティストやバンドには、Alison Krauss、Ween、Bela Fleckなどがあります。 | [
] | Over the years, artists and bands that have contracted with the label include Alison Krauss, Ween and Bela Fleck. | Over the years, some of the artists and bands that have been signed to the label include Alison Krauss, Ween, and Bela Fleck. |
有効な無効バッジまたはその他の記章を車両内または車両上に表示することが重要です。 | [
] | It is important to display a valid invalid badge or other insignia in or on the vehicle. | It is important to display a valid disabled badge or other insignia in or on the vehicle. |
2011年1月30日、Walibi Worldは、2011年にVekomaから新しいスタイルの列車でジェットコースターを再開すると発表しました。 | [
] | On January 30, 2011, Walibi World announced that it would resume roller coasters on a new style of train from Vekoma in 2011. | On January 30, 2011, Walibi World announced that the roller coaster will reopen in 2011, with a new style train from Vekoma. |
イタリアの洞窟からリスの毛皮で作られたマントは、紀元前23.000年にさかのぼり、最も古い衣服の1つである可能性があります。 | [
] | The cloak made of squirrel fur from an Italian cave dates back to 23.000 BC and can be one of the oldest garments. | A cloak made of the fur of squirrels, from a cave in Italy, has been dated to 23.000 years BP, and may be among the oldest items of clothing. |
次のグラフは、ダイのロールの実験結果を示しています。 | [
] | The following graph shows the experimental results of the die roll. | The following graph shows the results of an experiment of rolls of a die. |
同意の計算。 | [
] | Calculation of consent. | The Calculus of Consent. |
6月、連合軍はラバウルとそこを中心とした勢力を断ち切ることを目的とした作戦カートホイールを発売しました。 | [
] | In June, the Allied forces launched an operational cartwheel aimed at severing Rabaul and the forces around it. | In June, the Allies launched Operation Cartwheel, which aimed to cut off Rabaul and the forces centered there. |
補聴器ブログ 補聴器のレビューと情報。 | [
] | Hearing aids blog Hearing aid reviews and information. | Hearing Aid Blog Hearing aids reviews and information. |
彼の法律慣行は決して離陸せず、彼は二度と働いたりチェスをしたりしませんでした。 | [
] | His legal practices never took off, and he never worked again or played chess. | His law practice never took off, and he never worked or played chess again. |
さらに、彼女は新しい民法の作成に参加しました。 | [
] | In addition, she participated in the creation of a new civil law. | Moreover she participated in creating new Civil Code. |
彼女はいくつかの映画で働いていましたが、主にテレビ番組で働いていました。 | [
] | She worked in several films, but mostly on TV shows. | She worked in some movies, but mostly on television shows. |
Readerz.Net / ジャン=マルク・ヴァレ ジャン=マルク・ヴァレ(Jean-Marc Vallée、1963年3月9日 - )は、カナダの映画・テレビ監督、作家、編集者。 | [
] | Readerz.Net / Jean-Marc Vallée Jean-Marc Vallée (born 9 March 1963) is a Canadian filmmaker, writer and editor. | Jean-Marc Vallée (March 9, 1963December 26, 2021) was a Canadian movie and television director, writer and editor. |
この町は、1833年に始まった工事にちなんで、最初にセントジョセフ製鉄所と呼ばれました。 | [
] | The town was first called St. Joseph's Iron Works after the construction started in 1833. | The town was first called St.Joseph Iron Works, after the works which started there in 1833. |
それらのほとんどは、ライフサイクルの最初の部分で軟体動物に感染し、2番目の部分で脊椎動物に感染します。 | [
] | Most of them infect mollusks in the first part of the life cycle, and vertebrates in the second. | Most of them infect molluscs in the first part of the life-cycle, and vertebrates in the second part. |
一部のクランベリージュース製品は、製造に使用される大量の砂糖を持っています。 | [
] | Some cranberry juice products have a large amount of sugar used in the manufacture. | Some cranberry juice products have large amounts of sugar used in manufacturing. |
有名な画家エドヴァルド・ムンクは、この町はとてもきれいだと考え、「海岸沿いの町の真珠」と呼びました。 | [
] | The famous painter Edvard Munch called the city "the pearl of the coastal town" because he thought it was very beautiful. | Famous painter Edvard Munch thought the town was so pretty that he called it "The Pearl of the Coastal Towns". |
植物の周りに生えている雑草も、新しいZieriaの成長を妨げる可能性があります。 | [
] | Weeds growing around the plant can also interfere with the growth of new Zieria. | Weeds growing around the plants might also stop new Zierias from growing. |
例えば、トーマス・ジェファーソン(Thomas Jefferson)はかつて 、 「 大衆」が(すべての国民が一緒に)最も参加できる政府が最も安全な種類であると書いた。 | [
] | For example, Thomas Jefferson once wrote that “the masses” are the safest kind of government (all citizens together) to participate in. | For example, Thomas Jefferson once wrote that a government that had the most possible participation by "its citizens in mass" (all the people together) was the safest kind. |
アイスランドはデンマークの一部になります。 | [
] | Iceland will be part of Denmark. | Iceland becomes a part of Denmark. |
彼女が再び切り取られたとき、それは夜明けを表します。 | [
] | When she is cut out again, it denotes dawn. | When she is cut out again, it represent the dawn. |
オックスフォード大学数理研究所名誉教授、ワダム・カレッジ名誉フェロー。 | [
] | He is a professor emeritus at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Oxford and a fellow emeritus at Wadham College. | He is Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford and Emeritus Fellow of Wadham College. |
Readerz.Net / ジェームズ・カルメン・セファロ ジェームズ・カルメン・セファロ(James Carmen Cefalo、1956年10月6日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国のスポーツキャスター。 | [
] | Readerz.Net / James Carmen Cefalo James Carmen Cefalo (born October 6, 1956) is an American sports caster. | James Carmen Cefalo (born October 6, 1956) is an American sportscaster and newscaster. |
他の魚は塩水で生まれますが、大人のほとんどは淡水に住んでいます。 たとえば、ウナギです。 | [
] | Other fish are born in brine, but most of the adults live in fresh water, for example, eel. | Some other fish are born in salt water, but live most of their adult lives in fresh water: for example the eels. |
彼らは鎧を脱いでいて、隣で発見されました。 | [
] | They took off their armor and were found next door. | They had taken off their armour and it was found next to them. |
スーパービームは、Chhota Bheem、Chhota Bheem:Sky Dragonの24番目の映画に基づいています。 | [
] | The superbeam is based on the 24th film of Chhota Bheem, Chhota Bheem: Sky Dragon. | Super Bheem is based on the 24th movie of Chhota Bheem, Chhota Bheem: Sky Dragon. |
この作用は前頭前野の影響によって緩和されます。 | [
] | This action is mitigated by the influence of the prefrontal cortex. | The action is moderated by the influence of the pre-frontal cortex. |
ムハンマド8世・アル=アミンは、ラミン・ベイ(1881年9月4日 - 1962年9月30日)として知られ、チュニス最後のベイ(1943年5月15日 - 1956年3月20日)[1][2]であり、チュニジア唯一の王(1956年3月20日 - 1957年7月25日)でもありました。 | [
] | Muhammad VIII Al-Amin, also known as Lamin Bay (September 4, 1881 – September 30, 1962), was the last bay of Tunis (15 May 1943 – 20 March 1956) [1] [2] and the only king of Tunisia (20 March 1956 – 25 July 1957). | Muhammad VIII al-Amin, known as Lamine Bey (4 September 1881 – 30 September 1962), was the last Bey of Tunis (15 May 1943 – 20 March 1956),[1][2] and also the only King of Tunisia (20 March 1956 – 25 July 1957). |
玄光洋紙には、あらかじめ決められた秩序はなく、自由にデザインできる空間のシステムがある。 | [
] | Genko Yoshi does not have a predetermined order, and there is a system of spaces that can be designed freely. | On a sheet of genkō yōshi, there is no pre-determined order; there is instead a system of space, which can be designed freely. |
第5版の紹介で、ダーウィンはスペンサーに完全なクレジットを与え 、 「 私はこの原則と呼んでいます。 この原則により、人間の選択力との関係を示すために、有用な場合は、自然選択という用語によって各わずかな変動が保存されます。 | [
] | In the introduction of the fifth edition, Darwin gave Spencer a complete credit, saying: "I call this principle, which allows each slight variation to be preserved by the term natural selection, if it is useful, to show the relationship with human selectivity. | In the introduction to the 5th edition Darwin gave full credit to Spencer, writing "I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved, by the term Natural Selection, in order to mark its relation to man's power of selection. |
これらは、新聞、雑誌、ラジオ局、テレビ局、テレビネットワークの編集者に郵送、ファックス、または電子メールで送信されます。 | [
] | These are sent by post, fax, or email to editors of newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television stations, and television networks. | These are mailed, faxed, or e-mailed to editors at newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television stations, and television networks. |
2010年の米国国勢調査では、人口は36,081人でした。 | [
] | According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the population was 36,081. | The population was 36,081 at the 2010 U.S. Census. |
犬はクマの香りに従って逃げました。 | [
] | The dog ran away according to the smell of bears. | The dogs ran off following the scent of the bears. |
メキシコ湾に近いため、州南部では気温が暖かくなることがよくありますが、州の北部、主に北東部のアパラチア山脈では、わずかに涼しい傾向があります。 | [
] | Due to its proximity to the Gulf of Mexico, temperatures often warm in the southern part of the state, but in the northern part of the state, mainly in the Appalachian Mountains in the northeast, it tends to be slightly cooler. | Temperatures are often warmer in the southern part of the state because it is close to the Gulf of Mexico, while the northern parts of the state, mostly in the Appalachian Mountains in the northeast, tend to be slightly cooler. |
Pater Famliiasが死んだとき、彼の子供たちは彼の力から解放されます。 | [
] | When Pater Famliias dies, his children are released from his forces. | When the Pater famliias died, his children would become free from his power. |
ゲームは成功していると考えられていました。 | [
] | The game was considered successful. | The games were thought to be successful. |
著書『A Year of Biblical Womanhood 』 ( 2012年)は、ニューヨークタイムズの電子書籍ノンフィクションベストセラーリストに掲載された。 | [
] | His book, A Year of Biblical Womanhood (2012), was on the New York Times’ e-book non-fiction bestseller list. | Her book, A Year of Biblical Womanhood (2012), was on The New York Times e-book non-fiction best-seller list. |
彼は2019年12月19日から28日までアルジェリアの首相を代行していました。 | [
] | He was acting on behalf of the Prime Minister of Algeria from 19 to 28 December 2019. | He was acting Prime Minister of Algeria from 19 to 28 December 2019. |
前述のすべての国と地域は、速度制限に時速マイルを使用し、道路の左側を運転します。 | [
] | All the aforementioned countries and regions use miles per hour for speed limits and drive on the left side of the road. | All of the countries and territories just mentioned also use miles per hour for speed limits and drive on the left side of the road. |
もともと深夜に放映されました。 | [
] | It was originally broadcast late at night. | It originally aired during late-night. |
Van Diemen's Landに言及するアイルランドの民謡は、「The Black Velvet Band」、「Back Home in Derry」、「Van Diemen's Land」です。 | [
] | Irish folk songs referring to Van Diemen's Land are "The Black Velvet Band", "Back Home in Derry" and "Van Diemen's Land". | Irish folk songs that mention Van Diemen's Land are "The Black Velvet Band", "Back Home in Derry", and "Van Diemen's Land". |
彼はまた、平野の肉屋として知られていました, 平野の肉屋, マッド肉屋と平野グール. | [
] | He was also known as a butcher in the plains, butcher in the plains, butcher in the mud and ghouls in the plains. | He was also known as The Butcher of Plainfield, The Plainfield Butcher, The Mad Butcher and The Plainfield Ghoul. |
Rebecca De Mornayは敵対者のMrs Mottを演じています。 | [
] | Rebecca De Mornay plays the adversary Mrs Mott. | Rebecca De Mornay plays the antagonist Mrs Mott. |
Enid Lyons - オーストラリア下院議員に選出された最初の女性(UAPの場合 ) 、 1944年から1951年までリベラルを務め、Robert Menziesによってオーストラリアの内閣に座った最初の女性として任命されました。 | [
] | Enid Lyons - the first woman elected to the Australian House of Representatives (in the case of UAP), served as a liberal from 1944 to 1951 and was appointed by Robert Menzies as the first woman to sit in the Australian Cabinet. | Enid Lyons - first woman to be elected to the Australian House of Representatives (for the UAP), then served as a Liberal from 1944-1951 and was appointed by Robert Menzies as the first woman to sit in the Australian Cabinet. |
しかし、彼らはおそらく人類の知性を高めることができる強力な武器の発明の後に力に上昇しました。 | [
] | But they probably rose to power after the invention of a powerful weapon capable of increasing the intelligence of humanity. | However, they rose to power after the invention of a powerful weapon that can possibly increase the human race intelligence. |
彼は彼に整然とした王国を残しました。 | [
] | He left him an orderly kingdom. | He left behind him a well-ordered kingdom. |
マザー・テレサは、1980年にバラト・ラトナ賞、1979年にノーベル賞を受賞するなど、数々の賞を受賞しています。 | [
] | Mother Teresa has received numerous awards, including the Barat Latna Prize in 1980 and the Nobel Prize in 1979. | Mother Teresa got many award like bharat ratna in 1980 and Nobel prize in 1979 etc. |
Tacconi, Ildebrando. | [
] | Hotels booking in Tacconi, Ildebrando. | Tacconi, Ildebrando. |
俳優, 彼は伝記映画コーネリスでコーネリスVreeswijkを再生するために知られていました. | [
] | Actor, he was known for playing Cornellis Vreeswijk in the biopic Cornellis. | An actor, he was known for playing Cornelis Vreeswijk in the biographical movie Cornelis. |
これは、すべての建物が取り壊され、隠れる場所がないエリアでした。 | [
] | This was an area where all the buildings were demolished and there was no place to hide. | This was an area in which all of the buildings were torn down, with nowhere to hide. |
北イエメンは1984年と1988年の夏季大会でした。 | [
] | North Yemen was the summer tournament in 1984 and 1988. | North Yemen was in the 1984 and 1988 Summer Games. |
彼女は幼少期を母親と過ごし、アラゴンのキャサリンに非常に近かったので、アン・ボリンとのヘンリー8世の結婚に反対していました。 | [
] | She spent her childhood with her mother and was very close to Catherine in Aragon, so she was opposed to Henry VIII's marriage with Ann Bolin. | She had spent her childhood with her mother and was very close to Catherine of Aragon, so she was against Henry VIII's marriage to Anne Boleyn. |
キックオフタイムも20:45 CESTから21:00 CESTに変更されました。 | [
] | The kickoff time has also been changed from 20:45 CEST to 21:00 CEST. | The kick-off time was also changed from 20:45 CEST to 21:00 CEST. |
組織球症は、ヒト(または他の動物)があまりにも多くのヒスチオサイトを持っているとき、病状の名前です。 | [
] | Histiocytosis is the name of the pathology, when humans (or other animals) have too many histiocytes. | Histiocytosis is the name for a medical condition, when a human (or other animal) has too many hystiocytes. |
パンクがチャンピオンシップを失った後、彼はWWEのメイン名簿にフルタイムで呼ばれました。 | [
] | After the punk lost the championship, he was called full-time on the main roster of WWE. | After Punk lost the championship, he was called up to WWE's main roster full-time. |
競技者が失敗するたびに、彼は命を失い、再びゲームをプレイしなければなりません。 | [
] | Every time a competitor fails, he loses his life and has to play the game again. | Each time a contestant fails, he lose a life, and must play the game again. |
マーロン・ブランドは役割を果たそうとしていましたが、彼の健康の低下のためにそれを達成しませんでした。 | [
] | The Marlon brand was trying to play a role, but did not achieve it due to the deterioration of his health. | Marlon Brando was going to have a role but he wouldn't make it due to his declining health. |
クルコフは2020年10月10日、モスクワで54歳で脳腫瘍で死亡した。 | [
] | Krkov died of brain tumors at the age of 54 in Moscow on October 10, 2020. | Kulkov died of brain cancer on 10 October 2020 in Moscow, aged 54. |
Dataset Description
-Papre: to appear
Oshika et al., Simplifying Translations for Children: Iterative Simplification Considering Age of Acquisition with LLMs, Findings of ACL 2024
In recent years, neural machine translation (NMT) has been widely used in everyday life. However, the current NMT lacks a mechanism to adjust the difficulty level of translations to match the user's language level. Additionally, due to the bias in the training data for NMT, translations of simple source sentences are often produced with complex words. In particular, this could pose a problem for children, who may not be able to understand the meaning of the translations correctly. In this study, we propose a method that replaces words with high Age of Acquisitions (AoA) in translations with simpler words to match the translations to the user's level. We achieve this by using large language models (LLMs), providing a triple of a source sentence, a translation, and a target word to be replaced. We create a benchmark dataset using back-translation on Simple English Wikipedia. The experimental results obtained from the dataset show that our method effectively replaces high-AoA words with lower-AoA words and, moreover, can iteratively replace most of the high-AoA words while still maintaining high BLEU and COMET scores.
Simple-English-Wikipedia is distributed under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 license.
This dataset follows suit and is distributed under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 license.
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