Field Description cloud provider, but may delay addition of new nodes to cluster. WebhookConfiguration Appears in: CloudControllerManagerConfiguration WebhookConfiguration contains configuration related to cloud-controller-manager hosted webhooks Field Description Webhooks [Required] []stringWebhooks is the list of webhooks to enable or disable '*' means "all enabled by default webhooks" 'foo' means "enable 'foo'" '-foo' means "disable 'foo'" first item for a particular name wins LeaderMigrationConfiguration Appears in: GenericControllerManagerConfiguration LeaderMigrationConfiguration provides versioned configuration for all migrating leader locks. Field Description apiVersion stringcontrollermanager.config.k8s.io/v1alpha1 kind stringLeaderMigrationConfiguration leaderName [Required] stringLeaderName is the name of the leader election resource that protects the migration E.g. 1-20-KCM-to-1-21-CCM resourceLock [Required] stringResourceLock indicates the resource object type that wi
ll be used to lock Should be "leases" or "endpoints" controllerLeaders [Required] []ControllerLeaderConfigurationControllerLeaders contains a list of migrating leader lock configurations•
ControllerLeaderConfiguration Appears in: LeaderMigrationConfiguration ControllerLeaderConfiguration provides the configuration for a migrating leader lock. Field Description name [Required] stringName is the name of the controller being migrated E.g. service-controller, route-controller, cloud-node-controller, etc component [Required] stringComponent is the name of the component in which the controller should be running. E.g. kube-controller-manager, cloud-controller-manager, etc Or '*' meaning the controller can be run under any component that participates in the migration GenericControllerManagerConfiguration Appears in: CloudControllerManagerConfiguration KubeControllerManagerConfiguration GenericControllerManagerConfiguration holds configuration for a generic controller-manager. Field Description Port [Required] int32port is the port that the controller-manager's http service runs on. Address [Required] stringaddress is the IP address to serve on (set to for all inter
faces). MinResyncPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationminResyncPeriod is the resync period in reflectors; will be random between minResyncPeriod and 2*minResyncPeriod. ClientConnection [Required] ClientConnectionConfigurationClientConnection specifies the kubeconfig file and client connection settings for the proxy server to use when communicating with the apiserver. ControllerStartInterval [Required] meta/v1.DurationHow long to wait between starting controller managers• •
Field Description LeaderElection [Required] LeaderElectionConfigurationleaderElection defines the configuration of leader election client. Controllers [Required] []stringControllers is the list of controllers to enable or disable '*' means "all enabled by default controllers" 'foo' means "enable 'foo'" '-foo' means "disable 'foo'" first item for a particular name wins Debugging [Required] DebuggingConfigurationDebuggingConfiguration holds configuration for Debugging related features. LeaderMigrationEnabled [Required] boolLeaderMigrationEnabled indicates whether Leader Migration should be enabled for the controller manager. LeaderMigration [Required] LeaderMigrationConfigurationLeaderMigration holds the configuration for Leader Migration. KubeControllerManagerConfiguration KubeControllerManagerConfiguration contains elements describing kube-controller manager. Field Description apiVersion stringkubecontrollermanager.config.k8s.io/v1alpha1 kind stringKubeControllerManagerConfigurat
ion Generic [Required] GenericControllerManagerConfigurationGeneric holds configuration for a generic controller- manager KubeCloudShared [Required] KubeCloudSharedConfigurationKubeCloudSharedConfiguration holds configuration for shared related features both in cloud controller manager and kube-controller manager. AttachDetachController [Required] AttachDetachControllerConfigurationAttachDetachControllerConfiguration holds configuration for AttachDetachController related features. CSRSigningController [Required] CSRSigningControllerConfigurationCSRSigningControllerConfiguration holds configuration for CSRSigningController related features
Field Description DaemonSetController [Required] DaemonSetControllerConfigurationDaemonSetControllerConfiguration holds configuration for DaemonSetController related features. DeploymentController [Required] DeploymentControllerConfigurationDeploymentControllerConfiguration holds configuration for DeploymentController related features. StatefulSetController [Required] StatefulSetControllerConfigurationStatefulSetControllerConfiguration holds configuration for StatefulSetController related features. DeprecatedController [Required] DeprecatedControllerConfigurationDeprecatedControllerConfiguration holds configuration for some deprecated features. EndpointController [Required] EndpointControllerConfigurationEndpointControllerConfiguration holds configuration for EndpointController related features. EndpointSliceController [Required] EndpointSliceControllerConfigurationEndpointSliceControllerConfiguration holds configuration for EndpointSliceController related features. EndpointSlice
MirroringController [Required] EndpointSliceMirroringControllerConfigurationEndpointSliceMirroringControllerConfiguration holds configuration for EndpointSliceMirroringController related features. EphemeralVolumeController [Required] EphemeralVolumeControllerConfigurationEphemeralVolumeControllerConfiguration holds configuration for EphemeralVolumeController related features. GarbageCollectorController [Required] GarbageCollectorControllerConfigurationGarbageCollectorControllerConfiguration holds configuration for GarbageCollectorController related features. HPAController [Required] HPAControllerConfigurationHPAControllerConfiguration holds configuration for HPAController related features. JobController [Required] JobControllerConfigurationJobControllerConfiguration holds configuration for JobController related features. CronJobController [Required] CronJobControllerConfigurationCronJobControllerConfiguration holds configuration for CronJobController related features
Field Description LegacySATokenCleaner [Required] LegacySATokenCleanerConfigurationLegacySATokenCleanerConfiguration holds configuration for LegacySATokenCleaner related features. NamespaceController [Required] NamespaceControllerConfigurationNamespaceControllerConfiguration holds configuration for NamespaceController related features. NodeIPAMController [Required] NodeIPAMControllerConfigurationNodeIPAMControllerConfiguration holds configuration for NodeIPAMController related features. NodeLifecycleController [Required] NodeLifecycleControllerConfigurationNodeLifecycleControllerConfiguration holds configuration for NodeLifecycleController related features. PersistentVolumeBinderController [Required] PersistentVolumeBinderControllerConfigurationPersistentVolumeBinderControllerConfiguration holds configuration for PersistentVolumeBinderController related features. PodGCController [Required] PodGCControllerConfigurationPodGCControllerConfiguration holds configuration for PodGCContr
oller related features. ReplicaSetController [Required] ReplicaSetControllerConfigurationReplicaSetControllerConfiguration holds configuration for ReplicaSet related features. ReplicationController [Required] ReplicationControllerConfigurationReplicationControllerConfiguration holds configuration for ReplicationController related features. ResourceQuotaController [Required] ResourceQuotaControllerConfigurationResourceQuotaControllerConfiguration holds configuration for ResourceQuotaController related features. SAController [Required] SAControllerConfigurationSAControllerConfiguration holds configuration for ServiceAccountController related features. ServiceController [Required] ServiceControllerConfigurationServiceControllerConfiguration holds configuration for ServiceController related features. TTLAfterFinishedController [Required] TTLAfterFinishedControllerConfigurationTTLAfterFinishedControllerConfiguration holds configuration for TTLAfterFinishedController related features
Field Description ValidatingAdmissionPolicyStatusController [Required] ValidatingAdmissionPolicyStatusControllerConfigurationValidatingAdmissionPolicyStatusControllerConfiguration holds configuration for ValidatingAdmissionPolicyStatusController related features. AttachDetachControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration AttachDetachControllerConfiguration contains elements describing AttachDetachController. Field Description DisableAttachDetachReconcilerSync [Required] boolReconciler runs a periodic loop to reconcile the desired state of the with the actual state of the world by triggering attach detach operations. This flag enables or disables reconcile. Is false by default, and thus enabled. ReconcilerSyncLoopPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationReconcilerSyncLoopPeriod is the amount of time the reconciler sync states loop wait between successive executions. Is set to 5 sec by default. CSRSigningConfiguration Appears in: CSRSigningControllerConfiguration CS
RSigningConfiguration holds information about a particular CSR signer Field Description CertFile [Required] stringcertFile is the filename containing a PEM-encoded X509 CA certificate used to issue certificates KeyFile [Required] stringkeyFile is the filename containing a PEM-encoded RSA or ECDSA private key used to issue certificates•
CSRSigningControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration CSRSigningControllerConfiguration contains elements describing CSRSigningController. Field Description ClusterSigningCertFile [Required] stringclusterSigningCertFile is the filename containing a PEM-encoded X509 CA certificate used to issue cluster-scoped certificates ClusterSigningKeyFile [Required] stringclusterSigningCertFile is the filename containing a PEM-encoded RSA or ECDSA private key used to issue cluster-scoped certificates KubeletServingSignerConfiguration [Required] CSRSigningConfigurationkubeletServingSignerConfiguration holds the certificate and key used to issue certificates for the kubernetes.io/kubelet-serving signer KubeletClientSignerConfiguration [Required] CSRSigningConfigurationkubeletClientSignerConfiguration holds the certificate and key used to issue certificates for the kubernetes.io/kube-apiserver-client-kubelet KubeAPIServerClientSignerConfiguration [Required] CSRSignin
gConfigurationkubeAPIServerClientSignerConfiguration holds the certificate and key used to issue certificates for the kubernetes.io/kube-apiserver-client LegacyUnknownSignerConfiguration [Required] CSRSigningConfigurationlegacyUnknownSignerConfiguration holds the certificate and key used to issue certificates for the kubernetes.io/legacy-unknown ClusterSigningDuration [Required] meta/v1.DurationclusterSigningDuration is the max length of duration signed certificates will be given. Individual CSRs may request shorter certs by setting spec.expirationSeconds. CronJobControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration CronJobControllerConfiguration contains elements describing CrongJob2Controller.•
Field Description ConcurrentCronJobSyncs [Required] int32concurrentCronJobSyncs is the number of job objects that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = more responsive jobs, but more CPU (and network) load. DaemonSetControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration DaemonSetControllerConfiguration contains elements describing DaemonSetController. Field Description ConcurrentDaemonSetSyncs [Required] int32concurrentDaemonSetSyncs is the number of daemonset objects that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = more responsive daemonset, but more CPU (and network) load. DeploymentControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration DeploymentControllerConfiguration contains elements describing DeploymentController. Field Description ConcurrentDeploymentSyncs [Required] int32concurrentDeploymentSyncs is the number of deployment objects that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = more responsive deployments, but mo
re CPU (and network) load. DeprecatedControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration DeprecatedControllerConfiguration contains elements be deprecated.• •
EndpointControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration EndpointControllerConfiguration contains elements describing EndpointController. Field Description ConcurrentEndpointSyncs [Required] int32concurrentEndpointSyncs is the number of endpoint syncing operations that will be done concurrently. Larger number = faster endpoint updating, but more CPU (and network) load. EndpointUpdatesBatchPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationEndpointUpdatesBatchPeriod describes the length of endpoint updates batching period. Processing of pod changes will be delayed by this duration to join them with potential upcoming updates and reduce the overall number of endpoints updates. EndpointSliceControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration EndpointSliceControllerConfiguration contains elements describing EndpointSliceController. Field Description ConcurrentServiceEndpointSyncs [Required] int32concurrentServiceEndpointSyncs is the number of service endpoint
syncing operations that will be done concurrently. Larger number = faster endpoint slice updating, but more CPU (and network) load. MaxEndpointsPerSlice [Required] int32maxEndpointsPerSlice is the maximum number of endpoints that will be added to an EndpointSlice. More endpoints per slice will result in fewer and larger endpoint slices, but larger resources. EndpointUpdatesBatchPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationEndpointUpdatesBatchPeriod describes the length of endpoint updates batching period. Processing of pod changes will be delayed by this duration to join them with potential upcoming updates and reduce the overall number of endpoints updates.•
EndpointSliceMirroringControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration EndpointSliceMirroringControllerConfiguration contains elements describing EndpointSliceMirroringController. Field Description MirroringConcurrentServiceEndpointSyncs [Required] int32mirroringConcurrentServiceEndpointSyncs is the number of service endpoint syncing operations that will be done concurrently. Larger number = faster endpoint slice updating, but more CPU (and network) load. MirroringMaxEndpointsPerSubset [Required] int32mirroringMaxEndpointsPerSubset is the maximum number of endpoints that will be mirrored to an EndpointSlice for an EndpointSubset. MirroringEndpointUpdatesBatchPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationmirroringEndpointUpdatesBatchPeriod can be used to batch EndpointSlice updates. All updates triggered by EndpointSlice changes will be delayed by up to 'mirroringEndpointUpdatesBatchPeriod'. If other addresses in the same Endpoints resource change in that period, they wi
ll be batched to a single EndpointSlice update. Default 0 value means that each Endpoints update triggers an EndpointSlice update. EphemeralVolumeControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration EphemeralVolumeControllerConfiguration contains elements describing EphemeralVolumeController. Field Description ConcurrentEphemeralVolumeSyncs [Required] int32ConcurrentEphemeralVolumeSyncseSyncs is the number of ephemeral volume syncing operations that will be done concurrently. Larger number = faster ephemeral volume updating, but more CPU (and network) load.•
GarbageCollectorControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration GarbageCollectorControllerConfiguration contains elements describing GarbageCollectorController. Field Description EnableGarbageCollector [Required] boolenables the generic garbage collector. MUST be synced with the corresponding flag of the kube-apiserver. WARNING: the generic garbage collector is an alpha feature. ConcurrentGCSyncs [Required] int32concurrentGCSyncs is the number of garbage collector workers that are allowed to sync concurrently. GCIgnoredResources [Required] []GroupResourcegcIgnoredResources is the list of GroupResources that garbage collection should ignore. GroupResource Appears in: GarbageCollectorControllerConfiguration GroupResource describes an group resource. Field Description Group [Required] stringgroup is the group portion of the GroupResource. Resource [Required] stringresource is the resource portion of the GroupResource. HPAControllerConfiguration Appears in: K
ubeControllerManagerConfiguration HPAControllerConfiguration contains elements describing HPAController. Field Description ConcurrentHorizontalPodAutoscalerSyncs [Required] int32ConcurrentHorizontalPodAutoscalerSyncs is the number of HPA objects that are allowed to sync• •
Field Description concurrently. Larger number = more responsive HPA processing, but more CPU (and network) load. HorizontalPodAutoscalerSyncPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationHorizontalPodAutoscalerSyncPeriod is the period for syncing the number of pods in horizontal pod autoscaler. HorizontalPodAutoscalerUpscaleForbiddenWindow [Required] meta/v1.DurationHorizontalPodAutoscalerUpscaleForbiddenWindow is a period after which next upscale allowed. HorizontalPodAutoscalerDownscaleStabilizationWindow [Required] meta/v1.DurationHorizontalPodAutoscalerDowncaleStabilizationWindow is a period for which autoscaler will look backwards and not scale down below any recommendation it made during that period. HorizontalPodAutoscalerDownscaleForbiddenWindow [Required] meta/v1.DurationHorizontalPodAutoscalerDownscaleForbiddenWindow is a period after which next downscale allowed. HorizontalPodAutoscalerTolerance [Required] float64HorizontalPodAutoscalerTolerance is the tolerance for when resource
usage suggests upscaling/downscaling HorizontalPodAutoscalerCPUInitializationPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationHorizontalPodAutoscalerCPUInitializationPeriod is the period after pod start when CPU samples might be skipped. HorizontalPodAutoscalerInitialReadinessDelay [Required] meta/v1.DurationHorizontalPodAutoscalerInitialReadinessDelay is period after pod start during which readiness changes are treated as readiness being set for the first time. The only effect of this is that HPA will disregard CPU samples from unready pods that had last readiness change during that period. JobControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration JobControllerConfiguration contains elements describing JobController. Field Description ConcurrentJobSyncs [Required] int32
Field Description concurrentJobSyncs is the number of job objects that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = more responsive jobs, but more CPU (and network) load. LegacySATokenCleanerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration LegacySATokenCleanerConfiguration contains elements describing LegacySATokenCleaner Field Description CleanUpPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationCleanUpPeriod is the period of time since the last usage of an auto- generated service account token before it can be deleted. NamespaceControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration NamespaceControllerConfiguration contains elements describing NamespaceController. Field Description NamespaceSyncPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationnamespaceSyncPeriod is the period for syncing namespace life-cycle updates. ConcurrentNamespaceSyncs [Required] int32concurrentNamespaceSyncs is the number of namespace objects that are allowed to sync concurrently. NodeIPAMControllerConfi
guration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration NodeIPAMControllerConfiguration contains elements describing NodeIpamController. Field Description ServiceCIDR [Required] stringserviceCIDR is CIDR Range for Services in cluster.• •
Field Description SecondaryServiceCIDR [Required] stringsecondaryServiceCIDR is CIDR Range for Services in cluster. This is used in dual stack clusters. SecondaryServiceCIDR must be of different IP family than ServiceCIDR NodeCIDRMaskSize [Required] int32NodeCIDRMaskSize is the mask size for node cidr in cluster. NodeCIDRMaskSizeIPv4 [Required] int32NodeCIDRMaskSizeIPv4 is the mask size for node cidr in dual- stack cluster. NodeCIDRMaskSizeIPv6 [Required] int32NodeCIDRMaskSizeIPv6 is the mask size for node cidr in dual- stack cluster. NodeLifecycleControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration NodeLifecycleControllerConfiguration contains elements describing NodeLifecycleController. Field Description NodeEvictionRate [Required] float32nodeEvictionRate is the number of nodes per second on which pods are deleted in case of node failure when a zone is healthy SecondaryNodeEvictionRate [Required] float32secondaryNodeEvictionRate is the number of nodes pe
r second on which pods are deleted in case of node failure when a zone is unhealthy NodeStartupGracePeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationnodeStartupGracePeriod is the amount of time which we allow starting a node to be unresponsive before marking it unhealthy. NodeMonitorGracePeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationnodeMontiorGracePeriod is the amount of time which we allow a running node to be unresponsive before marking it unhealthy. Must be N times more than kubelet's nodeStatusUpdateFrequency, where N means number of retries allowed for kubelet to post node status. PodEvictionTimeout [Required] meta/v1.DurationpodEvictionTimeout is the grace period for deleting pods on failed nodes.
Field Description LargeClusterSizeThreshold [Required] int32secondaryNodeEvictionRate is implicitly overridden to 0 for clusters smaller than or equal to largeClusterSizeThreshold UnhealthyZoneThreshold [Required] float32Zone is treated as unhealthy in nodeEvictionRate and secondaryNodeEvictionRate when at least unhealthyZoneThreshold (no less than 3) of Nodes in the zone are NotReady PersistentVolumeBinderControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration PersistentVolumeBinderControllerConfiguration contains elements describing PersistentVolumeBinderController. Field Description PVClaimBinderSyncPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationpvClaimBinderSyncPeriod is the period for syncing persistent volumes and persistent volume claims. VolumeConfiguration [Required] VolumeConfigurationvolumeConfiguration holds configuration for volume related features. VolumeHostCIDRDenylist [Required] []stringDEPRECATED: VolumeHostCIDRDenylist is a list of CIDRs that should not be
reachable by the controller from plugins. VolumeHostAllowLocalLoopback [Required] boolDEPRECATED: VolumeHostAllowLocalLoopback indicates if local loopback hosts (, etc) should be allowed from plugins. PersistentVolumeRecyclerConfiguration Appears in: VolumeConfiguration PersistentVolumeRecyclerConfiguration contains elements describing persistent volume plugins.•
Field Description MaximumRetry [Required] int32maximumRetry is number of retries the PV recycler will execute on failure to recycle PV. MinimumTimeoutNFS [Required] int32minimumTimeoutNFS is the minimum ActiveDeadlineSeconds to use for an NFS Recycler pod. PodTemplateFilePathNFS [Required] stringpodTemplateFilePathNFS is the file path to a pod definition used as a template for NFS persistent volume recycling IncrementTimeoutNFS [Required] int32incrementTimeoutNFS is the increment of time added per Gi to ActiveDeadlineSeconds for an NFS scrubber pod. PodTemplateFilePathHostPath [Required] stringpodTemplateFilePathHostPath is the file path to a pod definition used as a template for HostPath persistent volume recycling. This is for development and testing only and will not work in a multi-node cluster. MinimumTimeoutHostPath [Required] int32minimumTimeoutHostPath is the minimum ActiveDeadlineSeconds to use for a HostPath Recycler pod. This is for development and testing only an
d will not work in a multi-node cluster. IncrementTimeoutHostPath [Required] int32incrementTimeoutHostPath is the increment of time added per Gi to ActiveDeadlineSeconds for a HostPath scrubber pod. This is for development and testing only and will not work in a multi-node cluster. PodGCControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration PodGCControllerConfiguration contains elements describing PodGCController. Field Description TerminatedPodGCThreshold [Required] int32terminatedPodGCThreshold is the number of terminated pods that can exist before the terminated pod garbage collector starts deleting terminated pods. If <= 0, the terminated pod garbage collector is disabled.
ReplicaSetControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration ReplicaSetControllerConfiguration contains elements describing ReplicaSetController. Field Description ConcurrentRSSyncs [Required] int32concurrentRSSyncs is the number of replica sets that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = more responsive replica management, but more CPU (and network) load. ReplicationControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration ReplicationControllerConfiguration contains elements describing ReplicationController. Field Description ConcurrentRCSyncs [Required] int32concurrentRCSyncs is the number of replication controllers that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = more responsive replica management, but more CPU (and network) load. ResourceQuotaControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration ResourceQuotaControllerConfiguration contains elements describing ResourceQuotaController. Field Description ResourceQ
uotaSyncPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationresourceQuotaSyncPeriod is the period for syncing quota usage status in the system. ConcurrentResourceQuotaSyncs [Required] int32concurrentResourceQuotaSyncs is the number of resource quotas that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = more responsive quota management, but more CPU (and network) load.• •
SAControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration SAControllerConfiguration contains elements describing ServiceAccountController. Field Description ServiceAccountKeyFile [Required] stringserviceAccountKeyFile is the filename containing a PEM- encoded private RSA key used to sign service account tokens. ConcurrentSATokenSyncs [Required] int32concurrentSATokenSyncs is the number of service account token syncing operations that will be done concurrently. RootCAFile [Required] stringrootCAFile is the root certificate authority will be included in service account's token secret. This must be a valid PEM- encoded CA bundle. StatefulSetControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration StatefulSetControllerConfiguration contains elements describing StatefulSetController. Field Description ConcurrentStatefulSetSyncs [Required] int32concurrentStatefulSetSyncs is the number of statefulset objects that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger num
ber = more responsive statefulsets, but more CPU (and network) load. TTLAfterFinishedControllerConfiguration Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration TTLAfterFinishedControllerConfiguration contains elements describing TTLAfterFinishedController. Field Description ConcurrentTTLSyncs [Required] int32concurrentTTLSyncs is the number of TTL-after-finished collector workers that are allowed to sync concurrently.• •
ValidatingAdmissionPolicyStatusControllerConfiguratio n Appears in: KubeControllerManagerConfiguration ValidatingAdmissionPolicyStatusControllerConfiguration contains elements describing ValidatingAdmissionPolicyStatusController. Field Description ConcurrentPolicySyncs [Required] int32ConcurrentPolicySyncs is the number of policy objects that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = quicker type checking, but more CPU (and network) load. The default value is 5. VolumeConfiguration Appears in: PersistentVolumeBinderControllerConfiguration VolumeConfiguration contains all enumerated flags meant to configure all volume plugins. From this config, the controller-manager binary will create many instances of volume.VolumeConfig, each containing only the configuration needed for that plugin which are then passed to the appropriate plugin. The ControllerManager binary is the only part of the code which knows what plugins are supported and which flags correspond to each plugin. Field
Description EnableHostPathProvisioning [Required] boolenableHostPathProvisioning enables HostPath PV provisioning when running without a cloud provider. This allows testing and development of provisioning features. HostPath provisioning is not supported in any way, won't work in a multi-node cluster, and should not be used for anything other than testing or development. EnableDynamicProvisioning [Required] boolenableDynamicProvisioning enables the provisioning of volumes when running within an environment that supports dynamic provisioning. Defaults to true. PersistentVolumeRecyclerConfiguration [Required] PersistentVolumeRecyclerConfigurationpersistentVolumeRecyclerConfiguration holds configuration for persistent volume plugins.•
Field Description FlexVolumePluginDir [Required] stringvolumePluginDir is the full path of the directory in which the flex volume plugin should search for additional third party volume plugins kube-proxy Configuration (v1alpha1) Resource Types KubeProxyConfiguration ClientConnectionConfiguration Appears in: KubeProxyConfiguration KubeSchedulerConfiguration GenericControllerManagerConfiguration ClientConnectionConfiguration contains details for constructing a client. Field Description kubeconfig [Required] stringkubeconfig is the path to a KubeConfig file. acceptContentTypes [Required] stringacceptContentTypes defines the Accept header sent by clients when connecting to a server, overriding the default value of 'application/ json'. This field will control all connections to the server used by a particular client. contentType [Required] stringcontentType is the content type used when sending data to the server from this client. qps [Required] float32qps controls the number of quer
ies per second allowed for this connection. burst [Required] int32burst allows extra queries to accumulate when a client is exceeding its rate.• • •
DebuggingConfiguration Appears in: KubeSchedulerConfiguration GenericControllerManagerConfiguration DebuggingConfiguration holds configuration for Debugging related features. Field Description enableProfiling [Required] boolenableProfiling enables profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/ enableContentionProfiling [Required] boolenableContentionProfiling enables block profiling, if enableProfiling is true. LeaderElectionConfiguration Appears in: KubeSchedulerConfiguration GenericControllerManagerConfiguration LeaderElectionConfiguration defines the configuration of leader election clients for components that can run with leader election enabled. Field Description leaderElect [Required] boolleaderElect enables a leader election client to gain leadership before executing the main loop. Enable this when running replicated components for high availability. leaseDuration [Required] meta/v1.DurationleaseDuration is the duration that non-leader candidates will wait after obser
ving a leadership renewal until attempting to acquire leadership of a led but unrenewed leader slot. This is effectively the maximum duration that a leader can be stopped before it is replaced by another candidate. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. renewDeadline [Required] meta/v1.DurationrenewDeadline is the interval between attempts by the acting master to renew a leadership slot before it stops leading. This must be less than or equal to the lease duration. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled.• • •
Field Description retryPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationretryPeriod is the duration the clients should wait between attempting acquisition and renewal of a leadership. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. resourceLock [Required] stringresourceLock indicates the resource object type that will be used to lock during leader election cycles. resourceName [Required] stringresourceName indicates the name of resource object that will be used to lock during leader election cycles. resourceNamespace [Required] stringresourceName indicates the namespace of resource object that will be used to lock during leader election cycles. KubeProxyConfiguration KubeProxyConfiguration contains everything necessary to configure the Kubernetes proxy server. Field Description apiVersion stringkubeproxy.config.k8s.io/v1alpha1 kind stringKubeProxyConfiguration featureGates [Required] map[string]boolfeatureGates is a map of feature names to bools that enable or disable alpha/experiment
al features. clientConnection [Required] ClientConnectionConfigurationclientConnection specifies the kubeconfig file and client connection settings for the proxy server to use when communicating with the apiserver. logging [Required] LoggingConfigurationlogging specifies the options of logging. Refer to Logs Options for more information. hostnameOverride [Required] stringhostnameOverride, if non-empty, will be used as the name of the Node that kube-proxy is running on. If unset, the node name is assumed to be the same as the node's hostname. bindAddress [Required] stringbindAddress can be used to override kube-proxy's idea of what its node's primary IP is. Note that the name is
Field Description historical artifact, and kube-proxy does not actually bind any sockets to this IP. healthzBindAddress [Required] stringhealthzBindAddress is the IP address and port for the health check server to serve on, defaulting to "" (if bindAddress is unset or IPv4), or "[::]: 10256" (if bindAddress is IPv6). metricsBindAddress [Required] stringmetricsBindAddress is the IP address and port for the metrics server to serve on, defaulting to "" (if bindAddress is unset or IPv4), or "[::1]:10249" (if bindAddress is IPv6). (Set to "" / "[::]:10249" to bind on all interfaces.) bindAddressHardFail [Required] boolbindAddressHardFail, if true, tells kube-proxy to treat failure to bind to a port as fatal and exit enableProfiling [Required] boolenableProfiling enables profiling via web interface on / debug/pprof handler. Profiling handlers will be handled by metrics server. showHiddenMetricsForVersion [Required] stringshowHiddenMetricsForVers
ion is the version for which you want to show hidden metrics. mode [Required] ProxyModemode specifies which proxy mode to use. iptables [Required] KubeProxyIPTablesConfigurationiptables contains iptables-related configuration options. ipvs [Required] KubeProxyIPVSConfigurationipvs contains ipvs-related configuration options. nftables [Required] KubeProxyNFTablesConfigurationnftables contains nftables-related configuration options. winkernel [Required] KubeProxyWinkernelConfigurationwinkernel contains winkernel-related configuration options. detectLocalMode [Required] LocalModedetectLocalMode determines mode to use for detecting local traffic, defaults to LocalModeClusterCIDR detectLocal [Required] DetectLocalConfigurationdetectLocal contains optional configuration settings related to DetectLocalMode
Field Description clusterCIDR [Required] stringclusterCIDR is the CIDR range of the pods in the cluster. (For dual-stack clusters, this can be a comma-separated dual-stack pair of CIDR ranges.). When DetectLocalMode is set to LocalModeClusterCIDR, kube-proxy will consider traffic to be local if its source IP is in this range. (Otherwise it is not used.) nodePortAddresses [Required] []stringnodePortAddresses is a list of CIDR ranges that contain valid node IPs. If set, connections to NodePort services will only be accepted on node IPs in one of the indicated ranges. If unset, NodePort connections will be accepted on all local IPs. oomScoreAdj [Required] int32oomScoreAdj is the oom-score-adj value for kube-proxy process. Values must be within the range [-1000, 1000] conntrack [Required] KubeProxyConntrackConfigurationconntrack contains conntrack-related configuration options. configSyncPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationconfigSyncPeriod is how often configuration from the apiserver i
s refreshed. Must be greater than 0. portRange [Required] stringportRange was previously used to configure the userspace proxy, but is now unused. DetectLocalConfiguration Appears in: KubeProxyConfiguration DetectLocalConfiguration contains optional settings related to DetectLocalMode option Field Description bridgeInterface [Required] stringbridgeInterface is a bridge interface name. When DetectLocalMode is set to LocalModeBridgeInterface, kube-proxy will consider traffic to be local if it originates from this bridge. interfaceNamePrefix [Required] stringinterfaceNamePrefix is an interface name prefix. When DetectLocalMode is set to LocalModeInterfaceNamePrefix, kube-proxy will consider traffic to be local if it originates from any interface whose name begins with this prefix.
KubeProxyConntrackConfiguration Appears in: KubeProxyConfiguration KubeProxyConntrackConfiguration contains conntrack settings for the Kubernetes proxy server. Field Description maxPerCore [Required] int32maxPerCore is the maximum number of NAT connections to track per CPU core (0 to leave the limit as-is and ignore min). min [Required] int32min is the minimum value of connect-tracking records to allocate, regardless of maxPerCore (set maxPerCore=0 to leave the limit as- is). tcpEstablishedTimeout [Required] meta/v1.DurationtcpEstablishedTimeout is how long an idle TCP connection will be kept open (e.g. '2s'). Must be greater than 0 to set. tcpCloseWaitTimeout [Required] meta/v1.DurationtcpCloseWaitTimeout is how long an idle conntrack entry in CLOSE_WAIT state will remain in the conntrack table. (e.g. '60s'). Must be greater than 0 to set. tcpBeLiberal [Required] booltcpBeLiberal, if true, kube-proxy will configure conntrack to run in liberal mode for TCP connections and packets
with out-of-window sequence numbers won't be marked INVALID. udpTimeout [Required] meta/v1.DurationudpTimeout is how long an idle UDP conntrack entry in UNREPLIED state will remain in the conntrack table (e.g. '30s'). Must be greater than 0 to set. udpStreamTimeout [Required] meta/v1.DurationudpStreamTimeout is how long an idle UDP conntrack entry in ASSURED state will remain in the conntrack table (e.g. '300s'). Must be greater than 0 to set. KubeProxyIPTablesConfiguration Appears in: KubeProxyConfiguration KubeProxyIPTablesConfiguration contains iptables-related configuration details for the Kubernetes proxy server.•
Field Description masqueradeBit [Required] int32masqueradeBit is the bit of the iptables fwmark space to use for SNAT if using the iptables or ipvs proxy mode. Values must be within the range [0, 31]. masqueradeAll [Required] boolmasqueradeAll tells kube-proxy to SNAT all traffic sent to Service cluster IPs, when using the iptables or ipvs proxy mode. This may be required with some CNI plugins. localhostNodePorts [Required] boollocalhostNodePorts, if false, tells kube-proxy to disable the legacy behavior of allowing NodePort services to be accessed via localhost. (Applies only to iptables mode and IPv4; localhost NodePorts are never allowed with other proxy modes or with IPv6.) syncPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationsyncPeriod is an interval (e.g. '5s', '1m', '2h22m') indicating how frequently various re-synchronizing and cleanup operations are performed. Must be greater than 0. minSyncPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationminSyncPeriod is the minimum period between iptables rule
resyncs (e.g. '5s', '1m', '2h22m'). A value of 0 means every Service or EndpointSlice change will result in an immediate iptables resync. KubeProxyIPVSConfiguration Appears in: KubeProxyConfiguration KubeProxyIPVSConfiguration contains ipvs-related configuration details for the Kubernetes proxy server. Field Description syncPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationsyncPeriod is an interval (e.g. '5s', '1m', '2h22m') indicating how frequently various re-synchronizing and cleanup operations are performed. Must be greater than 0. minSyncPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationminSyncPeriod is the minimum period between IPVS rule resyncs (e.g. '5s', '1m', '2h22m'). A value of 0 means every Service or EndpointSlice change will result in an immediate IPVS resync. scheduler [Required] stringscheduler is the IPVS scheduler to use
Field Description excludeCIDRs [Required] []stringexcludeCIDRs is a list of CIDRs which the ipvs proxier should not touch when cleaning up ipvs services. strictARP [Required] boolstrictARP configures arp_ignore and arp_announce to avoid answering ARP queries from kube-ipvs0 interface tcpTimeout [Required] meta/v1.DurationtcpTimeout is the timeout value used for idle IPVS TCP sessions. The default value is 0, which preserves the current timeout value on the system. tcpFinTimeout [Required] meta/v1.DurationtcpFinTimeout is the timeout value used for IPVS TCP sessions after receiving a FIN. The default value is 0, which preserves the current timeout value on the system. udpTimeout [Required] meta/v1.DurationudpTimeout is the timeout value used for IPVS UDP packets. The default value is 0, which preserves the current timeout value on the system. KubeProxyNFTablesConfiguration Appears in: KubeProxyConfiguration KubeProxyNFTablesConfiguration contains nftables-related configuration
details for the Kubernetes proxy server. Field Description masqueradeBit [Required] int32masqueradeBit is the bit of the iptables fwmark space to use for SNAT if using the nftables proxy mode. Values must be within the range [0, 31]. masqueradeAll [Required] boolmasqueradeAll tells kube-proxy to SNAT all traffic sent to Service cluster IPs, when using the nftables mode. This may be required with some CNI plugins. syncPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationsyncPeriod is an interval (e.g. '5s', '1m', '2h22m') indicating how frequently various re-synchronizing and cleanup operations are performed. Must be greater than 0. minSyncPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationminSyncPeriod is the minimum period between iptables rule resyncs (e.g. '5s', '1m', '2h22m'). A value of 0 means every Service or EndpointSlice change will result in an immediate iptables resync.
KubeProxyWinkernelConfiguration Appears in: KubeProxyConfiguration KubeProxyWinkernelConfiguration contains Windows/HNS settings for the Kubernetes proxy server. Field Description networkName [Required] stringnetworkName is the name of the network kube-proxy will use to create endpoints and policies sourceVip [Required] stringsourceVip is the IP address of the source VIP endpoint used for NAT when loadbalancing enableDSR [Required] boolenableDSR tells kube-proxy whether HNS policies should be created with DSR rootHnsEndpointName [Required] stringrootHnsEndpointName is the name of hnsendpoint that is attached to l2bridge for root network namespace forwardHealthCheckVip [Required] boolforwardHealthCheckVip forwards service VIP for health check port on Windows LocalMode (Alias of string ) Appears in: KubeProxyConfiguration LocalMode represents modes to detect local traffic from the node ProxyMode (Alias of string ) Appears in: KubeProxyConfiguration ProxyMode represents modes used
by the Kubernetes proxy server.• •
Currently, two modes of proxy are available on Linux platforms: 'iptables' and 'ipvs'. One mode of proxy is available on Windows platforms: 'kernelspace'. If the proxy mode is unspecified, the best-available proxy mode will be used (currently this is iptables on Linux and kernelspace on Windows). If the selected proxy mode cannot be used (due to lack of kernel support, missing userspace components, etc) then kube-proxy will exit with an error. kube-scheduler Configuration (v1) Resource Types DefaultPreemptionArgs InterPodAffinityArgs KubeSchedulerConfiguration NodeAffinityArgs NodeResourcesBalancedAllocationArgs NodeResourcesFitArgs PodTopologySpreadArgs VolumeBindingArgs ClientConnectionConfiguration Appears in: KubeSchedulerConfiguration ClientConnectionConfiguration contains details for constructing a client. Field Description kubeconfig [Required] stringkubeconfig is the path to a KubeConfig file. acceptContentTypes [Required] stringacceptContentTypes defines the Accept head
er sent by clients when connecting to a server, overriding the default value of 'application/ json'. This field will control all connections to the server used by a particular client. contentType [Required] stringcontentType is the content type used when sending data to the server from this client. qps [Required] float32qps controls the number of queries per second allowed for this connection. burst [Required] int32burst allows extra queries to accumulate when a client is exceeding its rate.• • • • • • • •
DebuggingConfiguration Appears in: KubeSchedulerConfiguration DebuggingConfiguration holds configuration for Debugging related features. Field Description enableProfiling [Required] boolenableProfiling enables profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/ enableContentionProfiling [Required] boolenableContentionProfiling enables block profiling, if enableProfiling is true. LeaderElectionConfiguration Appears in: KubeSchedulerConfiguration LeaderElectionConfiguration defines the configuration of leader election clients for components that can run with leader election enabled. Field Description leaderElect [Required] boolleaderElect enables a leader election client to gain leadership before executing the main loop. Enable this when running replicated components for high availability. leaseDuration [Required] meta/v1.DurationleaseDuration is the duration that non-leader candidates will wait after observing a leadership renewal until attempting to acquire leadership of a led bu
t unrenewed leader slot. This is effectively the maximum duration that a leader can be stopped before it is replaced by another candidate. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. renewDeadline [Required] meta/v1.DurationrenewDeadline is the interval between attempts by the acting master to renew a leadership slot before it stops leading. This must be less than or equal to the lease duration. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. retryPeriod [Required] meta/v1.DurationretryPeriod is the duration the clients should wait between attempting acquisition and renewal of a leadership. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled.•
Field Description resourceLock [Required] stringresourceLock indicates the resource object type that will be used to lock during leader election cycles. resourceName [Required] stringresourceName indicates the name of resource object that will be used to lock during leader election cycles. resourceNamespace [Required] stringresourceName indicates the namespace of resource object that will be used to lock during leader election cycles. DefaultPreemptionArgs DefaultPreemptionArgs holds arguments used to configure the DefaultPreemption plugin. Field Description apiVersion stringkubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1 kind stringDefaultPreemptionArgs minCandidateNodesPercentage [Required] int32MinCandidateNodesPercentage is the minimum number of candidates to shortlist when dry running preemption as a percentage of number of nodes. Must be in the range [0, 100]. Defaults to 10% of the cluster size if unspecified. minCandidateNodesAbsolute [Required] int32MinCandidateNodesAbsolute is the a
bsolute minimum number of candidates to shortlist. The likely number of candidates enumerated for dry running preemption is given by the formula: numCandidates = max(numNodes * minCandidateNodesPercentage, minCandidateNodesAbsolute) We say "likely" because there are other factors such as PDB violations that play a role in the number of candidates shortlisted. Must be at least 0 nodes. Defaults to 100 nodes if unspecified. InterPodAffinityArgs InterPodAffinityArgs holds arguments used to configure the InterPodAffinity plugin. Field Description apiVersion stringkubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1 kind stringInterPodAffinityArg
Field Description hardPodAffinityWeight [Required] int32HardPodAffinityWeight is the scoring weight for existing pods with a matching hard affinity to the incoming pod. ignorePreferredTermsOfExistingPods [Required] boolIgnorePreferredTermsOfExistingPods configures the scheduler to ignore existing pods' preferred affinity rules when scoring candidate nodes, unless the incoming pod has inter-pod affinities. KubeSchedulerConfiguration KubeSchedulerConfiguration configures a scheduler Field Description apiVersion stringkubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1 kind stringKubeSchedulerConfiguration parallelism [Required] int32Parallelism defines the amount of parallelism in algorithms for scheduling a Pods. Must be greater than 0. Defaults to 16 leaderElection [Required] LeaderElectionConfigurationLeaderElection defines the configuration of leader election client. clientConnection [Required] ClientConnectionConfigurationClientConnection specifies the kubeconfig file and client connection setting
s for the proxy server to use when communicating with the apiserver. DebuggingConfiguration [Required] DebuggingConfiguration(Members of DebuggingConfiguration are embedded into this type.) DebuggingConfiguration holds configuration for Debugging related features TODO: We might wanna make this a substruct like Debugging componentbaseconfigv1alpha1.DebuggingConfiguration percentageOfNodesToScore [Required] int32PercentageOfNodesToScore is the percentage of all nodes that once found feasible for running a pod, the scheduler stops its search for more feasible nodes in the cluster. This helps improve scheduler's performance. Scheduler always tries to find at least "minFeasibleNodesToFind" feasible nodes no matter what the value of this flag is. Example: if the cluster size is 500 nodes and the value of this flag is 30, then scheduler stops finding further feasible nodes once it finds 150 feasibl
Field Description ones. When the value is 0, default percentage (5%--50% based on the size of the cluster) of the nodes will be scored. It is overridden by profile level PercentageofNodesToScore. podInitialBackoffSeconds [Required] int64PodInitialBackoffSeconds is the initial backoff for unschedulable pods. If specified, it must be greater than 0. If this value is null, the default value (1s) will be used. podMaxBackoffSeconds [Required] int64PodMaxBackoffSeconds is the max backoff for unschedulable pods. If specified, it must be greater than podInitialBackoffSeconds. If this value is null, the default value (10s) will be used. profiles [Required] []KubeSchedulerProfileProfiles are scheduling profiles that kube-scheduler supports. Pods can choose to be scheduled under a particular profile by setting its associated scheduler name. Pods that don't specify any scheduler name are scheduled with the "default-scheduler" profile, if present here. extenders [Required] []ExtenderExtenders
are the list of scheduler extenders, each holding the values of how to communicate with the extender. These extenders are shared by all scheduler profiles. delayCacheUntilActive [Required] boolDelayCacheUntilActive specifies when to start caching. If this is true and leader election is enabled, the scheduler will wait to fill informer caches until it is the leader. Doing so will have slower failover with the benefit of lower memory overhead while waiting to become leader. Defaults to false. NodeAffinityArgs NodeAffinityArgs holds arguments to configure the NodeAffinity plugin. Field Description apiVersion stringkubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1 kind stringNodeAffinityArgs addedAffinity core/ v1.NodeAffinityAddedAffinity is applied to all Pods additionally to the NodeAffinity specified in the PodSpec. That is, Nodes need to satisfy AddedAffinity AND .spec.NodeAffinity. AddedAffinity is empty by default (all Nodes match). When AddedAffinity is used, some Pods with affinity requirements t
hat match a specific Node (such as Daemonset Pods) might remain unschedulable
NodeResourcesBalancedAllocationArgs NodeResourcesBalancedAllocationArgs holds arguments used to configure NodeResourcesBalancedAllocation plugin. Field Description apiVersion stringkubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1 kind stringNodeResourcesBalancedAllocationArgs resources [Required] []ResourceSpecResources to be managed, the default is "cpu" and "memory" if not specified. NodeResourcesFitArgs NodeResourcesFitArgs holds arguments used to configure the NodeResourcesFit plugin. Field Description apiVersion stringkubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1 kind stringNodeResourcesFitArgs ignoredResources [Required] []stringIgnoredResources is the list of resources that NodeResources fit filter should ignore. This doesn't apply to scoring. ignoredResourceGroups [Required] []stringIgnoredResourceGroups defines the list of resource groups that NodeResources fit filter should ignore. e.g. if group is ["example.com"], it will ignore all resource names that begin with "example.com", such as "example.com/aa
a" and "example.com/bbb". A resource group name can't contain '/'. This doesn't apply to scoring. scoringStrategy [Required] ScoringStrategyScoringStrategy selects the node resource scoring strategy. The default strategy is LeastAllocated with an equal "cpu" and "memory" weight. PodTopologySpreadArgs PodTopologySpreadArgs holds arguments used to configure the PodTopologySpread plugin. Field Description apiVersion stringkubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1 kind stringPodTopologySpreadArg
Field Description defaultConstraints []core/v1.TopologySpreadConstraintDefaultConstraints defines topology spread constraints to be applied to Pods that don't define any in pod.spec.topologySpreadConstraints . .defaultConstraints[*].labelSelectors must be empty, as they are deduced from the Pod's membership to Services, ReplicationControllers, ReplicaSets or StatefulSets. When not empty, .defaultingType must be "List". defaultingType PodTopologySpreadConstraintsDefaultingDefaultingType determines how .defaultConstraints are deduced. Can be one of "System" or "List". "System": Use kubernetes defined constraints that spread Pods among Nodes and Zones. "List": Use constraints defined in .defaultConstraints. Defaults to "System". VolumeBindingArgs VolumeBindingArgs holds arguments used to configure the VolumeBinding plugin. Field Description apiVersion stringkubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1 kind stringVolumeBindingArgs bindTimeoutSeconds [Required] int64BindTimeoutSeconds is the timeout i
n seconds in volume binding operation. Value must be non-negative integer. The value zero indicates no waiting. If this value is nil, the default value (600) will be used. shape []UtilizationShapePointShape specifies the points defining the score function shape, which is used to score nodes based on the utilization of statically provisioned PVs. The utilization is calculated by dividing the total requested storage of the pod by the total capacity of feasible PVs on each node. Each point contains utilization (ranges from 0 to 100) and its associated score (ranges from 0 to 10). You can turn the priority by specifying different scores for different utilization numbers. The default shape points are: 0 for 0 utilization 10 for 100 utilization All points must be sorted in increasing order by utilization.• • 1. 2
Extender Appears in: KubeSchedulerConfiguration Extender holds the parameters used to communicate with the extender. If a verb is unspecified/ empty, it is assumed that the extender chose not to provide that extension. Field Description urlPrefix [Required] stringURLPrefix at which the extender is available filterVerb [Required] stringVerb for the filter call, empty if not supported. This verb is appended to the URLPrefix when issuing the filter call to extender. preemptVerb [Required] stringVerb for the preempt call, empty if not supported. This verb is appended to the URLPrefix when issuing the preempt call to extender. prioritizeVerb [Required] stringVerb for the prioritize call, empty if not supported. This verb is appended to the URLPrefix when issuing the prioritize call to extender. weight [Required] int64The numeric multiplier for the node scores that the prioritize call generates. The weight should be a positive integer bindVerb [Required] stringVerb for the bind call, e
mpty if not supported. This verb is appended to the URLPrefix when issuing the bind call to extender. If this method is implemented by the extender, it is the extender's responsibility to bind the pod to apiserver. Only one extender can implement this function. enableHTTPS [Required] boolEnableHTTPS specifies whether https should be used to communicate with the extender tlsConfig [Required] ExtenderTLSConfigTLSConfig specifies the transport layer security config httpTimeout [Required] meta/v1.DurationHTTPTimeout specifies the timeout duration for a call to the extender. Filter timeout fails the scheduling of the pod. Prioritize timeout is ignored, k8s/other extenders priorities are used to select the node.
Field Description nodeCacheCapable [Required] boolNodeCacheCapable specifies that the extender is capable of caching node information, so the scheduler should only send minimal information about the eligible nodes assuming that the extender already cached full details of all nodes in the cluster managedResources []ExtenderManagedResourceManagedResources is a list of extended resources that are managed by this extender. A pod will be sent to the extender on the Filter, Prioritize and Bind (if the extender is the binder) phases iff the pod requests at least one of the extended resources in this list. If empty or unspecified, all pods will be sent to this extender. If IgnoredByScheduler is set to true for a resource, kube- scheduler will skip checking the resource in predicates. ignorable [Required] boolIgnorable specifies if the extender is ignorable, i.e. scheduling should not fail when the extender returns an error or is not reachable. ExtenderManagedResource Appears in: Extender Ex
tenderManagedResource describes the arguments of extended resources managed by an extender. Field Description name [Required] stringName is the extended resource name. ignoredByScheduler [Required] boolIgnoredByScheduler indicates whether kube-scheduler should ignore this resource when applying predicates. ExtenderTLSConfig Appears in: Extender ExtenderTLSConfig contains settings to enable TLS with extender• • •
Field Description insecure [Required] boolServer should be accessed without verifying the TLS certificate. For testing only. serverName [Required] stringServerName is passed to the server for SNI and is used in the client to check server certificates against. If ServerName is empty, the hostname used to contact the server is used. certFile [Required] stringServer requires TLS client certificate authentication keyFile [Required] stringServer requires TLS client certificate authentication caFile [Required] stringTrusted root certificates for server certData [Required] []byteCertData holds PEM-encoded bytes (typically read from a client certificate file). CertData takes precedence over CertFile keyData [Required] []byteKeyData holds PEM-encoded bytes (typically read from a client certificate key file). KeyData takes precedence over KeyFile caData [Required] []byteCAData holds PEM-encoded bytes (typically read from a root certificates bundle). CAData takes precedence over C
AFile KubeSchedulerProfile Appears in: KubeSchedulerConfiguration KubeSchedulerProfile is a scheduling profile. Field Description schedulerName [Required] stringSchedulerName is the name of the scheduler associated to this profile. If SchedulerName matches with the pod's "spec.schedulerName", then the pod is scheduled with this profile. percentageOfNodesToScore [Required] int32PercentageOfNodesToScore is the percentage of all nodes that once found feasible for running a pod, the scheduler stops its search for more feasible nodes in the cluster. This helps improve scheduler's performance. Scheduler always tries to find at least "minFeasibleNodesToFind" feasible nodes no matter what the
Field Description value of this flag is. Example: if the cluster size is 500 nodes and the value of this flag is 30, then scheduler stops finding further feasible nodes once it finds 150 feasible ones. When the value is 0, default percentage (5%--50% based on the size of the cluster) of the nodes will be scored. It will override global PercentageOfNodesToScore. If it is empty, global PercentageOfNodesToScore will be used. plugins [Required] PluginsPlugins specify the set of plugins that should be enabled or disabled. Enabled plugins are the ones that should be enabled in addition to the default plugins. Disabled plugins are any of the default plugins that should be disabled. When no enabled or disabled plugin is specified for an extension point, default plugins for that extension point will be used if there is any. If a QueueSort plugin is specified, the same QueueSort Plugin and PluginConfig must be specified for all profiles. pluginConfig [Required] []PluginConfigPluginConfig is an
optional set of custom plugin arguments for each plugin. Omitting config args for a plugin is equivalent to using the default config for that plugin. Plugin Appears in: PluginSet Plugin specifies a plugin name and its weight when applicable. Weight is used only for Score plugins. Field Description name [Required] stringName defines the name of plugin weight [Required] int32Weight defines the weight of plugin, only used for Score plugins. PluginConfig Appears in: KubeSchedulerProfile PluginConfig specifies arguments that should be passed to a plugin at the time of initialization. A plugin that is invoked at multiple extension points is initialized once. Args can have arbitrary structure. It is up to the plugin to process these Args.•
Field Description name [Required] stringName defines the name of plugin being configured args [Required] k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/ runtime.RawExtensionArgs defines the arguments passed to the plugins at the time of initialization. Args can have arbitrary structure. PluginSet Appears in: Plugins PluginSet specifies enabled and disabled plugins for an extension point. If an array is empty, missing, or nil, default plugins at that extension point will be used. Field Description enabled [Required] []PluginEnabled specifies plugins that should be enabled in addition to default plugins. If the default plugin is also configured in the scheduler config file, the weight of plugin will be overridden accordingly. These are called after default plugins and in the same order specified here. disabled [Required] []PluginDisabled specifies default plugins that should be disabled. When all default plugins need to be disabled, an array containing only one "*" should be provided. Plugins Appears in:
KubeSchedulerProfile Plugins include multiple extension points. When specified, the list of plugins for a particular extension point are the only ones enabled. If an extension point is omitted from the config, then the default set of plugins is used for that extension point. Enabled plugins are called in the order specified here, after default plugins. If they need to be invoked before default plugins, default plugins must be disabled and re-enabled here in desired order. Field Description preEnqueue [Required] PluginSetPreEnqueue is a list of plugins that should be invoked before adding pods to the scheduling queue. queueSort [Required] PluginSetQueueSort is a list of plugins that should be invoked when sorting pods in the scheduling queue.•
Field Description preFilter [Required] PluginSetPreFilter is a list of plugins that should be invoked at "PreFilter" extension point of the scheduling framework. filter [Required] PluginSetFilter is a list of plugins that should be invoked when filtering out nodes that cannot run the Pod. postFilter [Required] PluginSetPostFilter is a list of plugins that are invoked after filtering phase, but only when no feasible nodes were found for the pod. preScore [Required] PluginSetPreScore is a list of plugins that are invoked before scoring. score [Required] PluginSetScore is a list of plugins that should be invoked when ranking nodes that have passed the filtering phase. reserve [Required] PluginSetReserve is a list of plugins invoked when reserving/unreserving resources after a node is assigned to run the pod. permit [Required] PluginSetPermit is a list of plugins that control binding of a Pod. These plugins can prevent or delay binding of a Pod. preBind [Required] PluginSet
PreBind is a list of plugins that should be invoked before a pod is bound. bind [Required] PluginSetBind is a list of plugins that should be invoked at "Bind" extension point of the scheduling framework. The scheduler call these plugins in order. Scheduler skips the rest of these plugins as soon as one returns success. postBind [Required] PluginSetPostBind is a list of plugins that should be invoked after a pod is successfully bound. multiPoint [Required] PluginSetMultiPoint is a simplified config section to enable plugins for all valid extension points. Plugins enabled through MultiPoint will automatically register for every individual extension point the plugin has implemented. Disabling a plugin through MultiPoint disables that behavior. The same is true for disabling "*" through MultiPoint (no default plugins will be automatically registered). Plugins can still be disabled through their individual extension points. In terms of precedence, plugin config follows this basic hiera
rchy Specific extension points Explicitly configured MultiPoint plugins1. 2
Field Description The set of default plugins, as MultiPoint plugins This implies that a higher precedence plugin will run first and overwrite any settings within MultiPoint. Explicitly user-configured plugins also take a higher precedence over default plugins. Within this hierarchy, an Enabled setting takes precedence over Disabled. For example, if a plugin is set in both multiPoint.Enabled and multiPoint.Disabled , the plugin will be enabled. Similarly, including multiPoint.Disabled = '*' and multiPoint.Enabled = pluginA will still register that specific plugin through MultiPoint. This follows the same behavior as all other extension point configurations. PodTopologySpreadConstraintsDefaulting (Alias of string ) Appears in: PodTopologySpreadArgs PodTopologySpreadConstraintsDefaulting defines how to set default constraints for the PodTopologySpread plugin. RequestedToCapacityRatioParam Appears in: ScoringStrategy RequestedToCapacityRatioParam define RequestedToCapacityRatio parame
ters Field Description shape [Required] []UtilizationShapePointShape is a list of points defining the scoring function shape. ResourceSpec Appears in: NodeResourcesBalancedAllocationArgs ScoringStrategy ResourceSpec represents a single resource. Field Description name [Required] stringName of the resource.3. • • •
Field Description weight [Required] int64Weight of the resource. ScoringStrategy Appears in: NodeResourcesFitArgs ScoringStrategy define ScoringStrategyType for node resource plugin Field Description type [Required] ScoringStrategyTypeType selects which strategy to run. resources [Required] []ResourceSpecResources to consider when scoring. The default resource set includes "cpu" and "memory" with an equal weight. Allowed weights go from 1 to 100. Weight defaults to 1 if not specified or explicitly set to 0. requestedToCapacityRatio [Required] RequestedToCapacityRatioParamArguments specific to RequestedToCapacityRatio strategy. ScoringStrategyType (Alias of string ) Appears in: ScoringStrategy ScoringStrategyType the type of scoring strategy used in NodeResourcesFit plugin. UtilizationShapePoint Appears in: VolumeBindingArgs RequestedToCapacityRatioParam UtilizationShapePoint represents single point of priority function shape. Field Description utilization [Required] int32Utilizat
ion (x axis). Valid values are 0 to 100. Fully utilized node maps to 100.• • •
Field Description score [Required] int32Score assigned to given utilization (y axis). Valid values are 0 to 10. kubeadm Configuration (v1beta3) Overview Package v1beta3 defines the v1beta3 version of the kubeadm configuration file format. This version improves on the v1beta2 format by fixing some minor issues and adding a few new fields. A list of changes since v1beta2: The deprecated "ClusterConfiguration.useHyperKubeImage" field has been removed. Kubeadm no longer supports the hyperkube image. The "ClusterConfiguration.DNS.Type" field has been removed since CoreDNS is the only supported DNS server type by kubeadm. Include "datapolicy" tags on the fields that hold secrets. This would result in the field values to be omitted when API structures are printed with klog. Add "InitConfiguration.SkipPhases", "JoinConfiguration.SkipPhases" to allow skipping a list of phases during kubeadm init/join command execution. Add "InitConfiguration.NodeRegistration.ImagePullPolicy" and "JoinConfigura
tion.NodeRegistration.ImagePullPolicy" to allow specifying the images pull policy during kubeadm "init" and "join". The value must be one of "Always", "Never" or "IfNotPresent". "IfNotPresent" is the default, which has been the existing behavior prior to this addition. Add "InitConfiguration.Patches.Directory", "JoinConfiguration.Patches.Directory" to allow the user to configure a directory from which to take patches for components deployed by kubeadm. Move the BootstrapToken* API and related utilities out of the "kubeadm" API group to a new group "bootstraptoken". The kubeadm API version v1beta3 no longer contains the BootstrapToken* structures. Migration from old kubeadm config versions kubeadm v1.15.x and newer can be used to migrate from v1beta1 to v1beta2. kubeadm v1.22.x and newer no longer support v1beta1 and older APIs, but can be used to migrate v1beta2 to v1beta3. kubeadm v1.27.x and newer no longer support v1beta2 and older APIs, Basics The preferred way to configure kubeadm
is to pass an YAML configuration file with the --config option. Some of the configuration options defined in the kubeadm config file are also available as command line flags, but only the most common/simple use case are supported with this approach. A kubeadm config file could contain multiple configuration types separated using three dashes (---).• • • • • • • • •
kubeadm supports the following configuration types: apiVersion : kubeadm.k8s.io/v1beta3 kind: InitConfiguration apiVersion : kubeadm.k8s.io/v1beta3 kind: ClusterConfiguration apiVersion : kubelet.config.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: KubeletConfiguration apiVersion : kubeproxy.config.k8s.io/v1alpha1 kind: KubeProxyConfiguration apiVersion : kubeadm.k8s.io/v1beta3 kind: JoinConfiguration To print the defaults for "init" and "join" actions use the following commands: kubeadm config print init-defaults kubeadm config print join-defaults The list of configuration types that must be included in a configuration file depends by the action you are performing ( init or join) and by the configuration options you are going to use (defaults or advanced customization). If some configuration types are not provided, or provided only partially, kubeadm will use default values; defaults provided by kubeadm includes also enforcing consistency of values across components when required (e.g. --cluster-cidr flag on
controller manager and clusterCIDR on kube-proxy). Users are always allowed to override default values, with the only exception of a small subset of setting with relevance for security (e.g. enforce authorization-mode Node and RBAC on api server). If the user provides a configuration types that is not expected for the action you are performing, kubeadm will ignore those types and print a warning. Kubeadm init configuration types When executing kubeadm init with the --config option, the following configuration types could be used: InitConfiguration, ClusterConfiguration, KubeProxyConfiguration, KubeletConfiguration, but only one between InitConfiguration and ClusterConfiguration is mandatory. apiVersion : kubeadm.k8s.io/v1beta3 kind: InitConfiguration bootstrapTokens : ... nodeRegistration : ..
The InitConfiguration type should be used to configure runtime settings, that in case of kubeadm init are the configuration of the bootstrap token and all the setting which are specific to the node where kubeadm is executed, including: NodeRegistration, that holds fields that relate to registering the new node to the cluster; use it to customize the node name, the CRI socket to use or any other settings that should apply to this node only (e.g. the node ip). LocalAPIEndpoint, that represents the endpoint of the instance of the API server to be deployed on this node; use it e.g. to customize the API server advertise address. apiVersion : kubeadm.k8s.io/v1beta3 kind: ClusterConfiguration networking : ... etcd: ... apiServer : extraArgs : ... extraVolumes : ... ... The ClusterConfiguration type should be used to configure cluster-wide settings, including settings for: networking that holds configuration for the networking topology of the cluster; use it e.g. to customize
Pod subnet or services subnet. etcd: use it e.g. to customize the local etcd or to configure the API server for using an external etcd cluster. kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, kube-controller-manager configurations; use it to customize control-plane components by adding customized setting or overriding kubeadm default settings. apiVersion : kubeproxy.config.k8s.io/v1alpha1 kind: KubeProxyConfiguration ... The KubeProxyConfiguration type should be used to change the configuration passed to kube- proxy instances deployed in the cluster. If this object is not provided or provided only partially, kubeadm applies defaults. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/kube-proxy/ or https:// pkg.go.dev/k8s.io/kube-proxy/config/v1alpha1#KubeProxyConfiguration for kube-proxy official documentation. apiVersion : kubelet.config.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: KubeletConfiguration ...• • • •
The KubeletConfiguration type should be used to change the configurations that will be passed to all kubelet instances deployed in the cluster. If this object is not provided or provided only partially, kubeadm applies defaults. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/kubelet/ or https:// pkg.go.dev/k8s.io/kubelet/config/v1beta1#KubeletConfiguration for kubelet official documentation. Here is a fully populated example of a single YAML file containing multiple configuration types to be used during a kubeadm init run. apiVersion : kubeadm.k8s.io/v1beta3 kind: InitConfiguration bootstrapTokens : - token : "9a08jv.c0izixklcxtmnze7" description : "kubeadm bootstrap token" ttl: "24h" - token : "783bde.3f89s0fje9f38fhf" description : "another bootstrap token" usages : - authentication - signing groups : - system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token nodeRegistration : name : "ec2-10-100-0-1" criSocket : "/var/run/
dockershim.sock" taints : - key: "kubeadmNode" value : "someValue" effect : "NoSchedule" kubeletExtraArgs : v: 4 ignorePreflightErrors : - IsPrivilegedUser imagePullPolicy : "IfNotPresent" localAPIEndpoint : advertiseAddress : "" bindPort : 6443 certificateKey : "e6a2eb8581237ab72a4f494f30285ec12a9694d750b9785706a83bfcbbbd2204" skipPhases : - addon/kube-proxy --- apiVersion : kubeadm.k8s.io/v1beta3 kind: ClusterConfiguration etcd: # one of local or external local : imageRepository : "registry.k8s.io" imageTag : "3.2.24" dataDir : "/var/lib/etcd" extraArgs : listen-client-urls : "
serverCertSANs : - "ec2-10-100-0-1.compute-1.amazonaws.com" peerCertSANs : - "" # external: # endpoints: # - "" # - "" # caFile: "/etcd/kubernetes/pki/etcd/etcd-ca.crt" # certFile: "/etcd/kubernetes/pki/etcd/etcd.crt" # keyFile: "/etcd/kubernetes/pki/etcd/etcd.key" networking : serviceSubnet : "" podSubnet : "" dnsDomain : "cluster.local" kubernetesVersion : "v1.21.0" controlPlaneEndpoint : "" apiServer : extraArgs : authorization-mode : "Node,RBAC" extraVolumes : - name : "some-volume" hostPath : "/etc/some-path" mountPath : "/etc/some-pod-path" readOnly : false pathType : File certSANs : - "" - "ec2-10-100-0-1.compute-1.amazonaws.com" timeoutForControlPlane : 4m0s controllerManager : extraArgs : "node-cidr-mask-size": "20" extraVolumes : - name : "some-volume" hostPath : "/etc/some-
path" mountPath : "/etc/some-pod-path" readOnly : false pathType : File scheduler : extraArgs : bind-address : "" extraVolumes : - name : "some-volume" hostPath : "/etc/some-path" mountPath : "/etc/some-pod-path" readOnly : false pathType : File certificatesDir : "/etc/kubernetes/pki" imageRepository : "registry.k8s.io" clusterName : "example-cluster" --- apiVersion : kubelet.config.k8s.io/v1beta
kind: KubeletConfiguration # kubelet specific options here --- apiVersion : kubeproxy.config.k8s.io/v1alpha1 kind: KubeProxyConfiguration # kube-proxy specific options here Kubeadm join configuration types When executing kubeadm join with the --config option, the JoinConfiguration type should be provided. apiVersion : kubeadm.k8s.io/v1beta3 kind: JoinConfiguration ... The JoinConfiguration type should be used to configure runtime settings, that in case of kubeadm join are the discovery method used for accessing the cluster info and all the setting which are specific to the node where kubeadm is executed, including: nodeRegistration , that holds fields that relate to registering the new node to the cluster; use it to customize the node name, the CRI socket to use or any other settings that should apply to this node only (e.g. the node ip). apiEndpoint , that represents the endpoint of the instance of the API server to be eventually deployed on this node. Resource Types ClusterConf