stringlengths 1
| id
int64 0
The Concepts section helps you learn about the parts of the Kubernetes system and the
abstractions Kubernetes uses to represent your cluster , and helps you obtain a deeper
understanding of how Kubernetes works.
Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open source platform for managing containerized
workloads and services, that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation. It has a
large, rapidly growing ecosystem. Kubernetes services, support, and tools are widely available.
Cluster Architecture
The architectural concepts behind Kubernetes.
Technology for packaging an application along with its runtime dependencies.
Understand Pods, the smallest deployable compute object in Kubernetes, and the higher-level
abstractions that help you to run them.
Services, Load Balancing, and Networking
Concepts and resources behind networking in Kubernetes.
Ways to provide both long-term and temporary storage to Pods in your cluster.
Resour | 0 |
ces that Kubernetes provides for configuring Pods.
Concepts for keeping your cloud-native workload secure.
Manage security and best-practices with policies.
Scheduling, Preemption and Eviction
In Kubernetes, scheduling refers to making sure that Pods are matched to Nodes so that the
kubelet can run them. Preemption is the process of terminating Pods with lower Priority so tha | 1 |
Pods with higher Priority can schedule on Nodes. Eviction is the process of proactively
terminating one or more Pods on resource-starved Nodes.
Cluster Administration
Lower-level detail relevant to creating or administering a Kubernetes cluster.
Windows in Kubernetes
Kubernetes supports nodes that run Microsoft Windows.
Extending Kubernetes
Different ways to change the behavior of your Kubernetes cluster.
Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open source platform for managing containerized
workloads and services, that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation. It has a
large, rapidly growing ecosystem. Kubernetes services, support, and tools are widely available.
This page is an overview of Kubernetes.
Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open source platform for managing containerized
workloads and services, that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation. It has a
large, rapidly growing ecosystem. Kubernetes services, support, and tools are wi | 2 |
dely available.
The name Kubernetes originates from Greek, meaning helmsman or pilot. K8s as an
abbreviation results from counting the eight letters between the "K" and the "s". Google open-
sourced the Kubernetes project in 2014. Kubernetes combines over 15 years of Google's
experience running production workloads at scale with best-of-breed ideas and practices from
the community.
Going back in time
Let's take a look at why Kubernetes is so useful by going back in time.
Deployment evolution
Traditional deployment era: Early on, organizations ran applications on physical servers.
There was no way to define resource boundaries for applications in a physical server, and this
caused resource allocation issues. For example, if multiple applications run on a physical server,
there can be instances where one application would take up most of the resources, and as a
result, the other applications would underperform. A solution for this would be to run each
application on a different physica | 3 |
l server. But this did not scale as resources were underutilized,
and it was expensive for organizations to maintain many physical servers.
Virtualized deployment era: As a solution, virtualization was introduced. It allows you to
run multiple Virtual Machines (VMs) on a single physical server's CPU. Virtualization allows
applications to be isolated between VMs and provides a level of security as the information of
one application cannot be freely accessed by another application | 4 |
Virtualization allows better utilization of resources in a physical server and allows better
scalability because an application can be added or updated easily, reduces hardware costs, and
much more. With virtualization you can present a set of physical resources as a cluster of
disposable virtual machines.
Each VM is a full machine running all the components, including its own operating system, on
top of the virtualized hardware.
Container deployment era: Containers are similar to VMs, but they have relaxed isolation
properties to share the Operating System (OS) among the applications. Therefore, containers
are considered lightweight. Similar to a VM, a container has its own filesystem, share of CPU,
memory, process space, and more. As they are decoupled from the underlying infrastructure,
they are portable across clouds and OS distributions.
Containers have become popular because they provide extra benefits, such as:
Agile application creation and deployment: increased ease and effic | 5 |
iency of container
image creation compared to VM image use.
Continuous development, integration, and deployment: provides for reliable and frequent
container image build and deployment with quick and efficient rollbacks (due to image
Dev and Ops separation of concerns: create application container images at build/release
time rather than deployment time, thereby decoupling applications from infrastructure.
Observability: not only surfaces OS-level information and metrics, but also application
health and other signals.
Environmental consistency across development, testing, and production: runs the same
on a laptop as it does in the cloud.
Cloud and OS distribution portability: runs on Ubuntu, RHEL, CoreOS, on-premises, on
major public clouds, and anywhere else.
Application-centric management: raises the level of abstraction from running an OS on
virtual hardware to running an application on an OS using logical resources.
Loosely coupled, distributed, elastic, liberated mi | 6 |
cro-services: applications are broken
into smaller, independent pieces and can be deployed and managed dynamically – not a
monolithic stack running on one big single-purpose machine.
Resource isolation: predictable application performance.
Resource utilization: high efficiency and density.
Why you need Kubernetes and what it can do
Containers are a good way to bundle and run your applications. In a production environment,
you need to manage the containers that run the applications and ensure that there is no
downtime. For example, if a container goes down, another container needs to start. Wouldn't it
be easier if this behavior was handled by a system?
That's how Kubernetes comes to the rescue! Kubernetes provides you with a framework to run
distributed systems resiliently. It takes care of scaling and failover for your application, provides
deployment patterns, and more. For example: Kubernetes can easily manage a canary
deployment for your system.•
| 7 |
Kubernetes provides you with:
Service discovery and load balancing Kubernetes can expose a container using the
DNS name or using their own IP address. If traffic to a container is high, Kubernetes is
able to load balance and distribute the network traffic so that the deployment is stable.
Storage orchestration Kubernetes allows you to automatically mount a storage system
of your choice, such as local storages, public cloud providers, and more.
Automated rollouts and rollbacks You can describe the desired state for your deployed
containers using Kubernetes, and it can change the actual state to the desired state at a
controlled rate. For example, you can automate Kubernetes to create new containers for
your deployment, remove existing containers and adopt all their resources to the new
Automatic bin packing You provide Kubernetes with a cluster of nodes that it can use
to run containerized tasks. You tell Kubernetes how much CPU and memory (RAM) each
container needs. Kube | 8 |
rnetes can fit containers onto your nodes to make the best use of
your resources.
Self-healing Kubernetes restarts containers that fail, replaces containers, kills containers
that don't respond to your user-defined health check, and doesn't advertise them to
clients until they are ready to serve.
Secret and configuration management Kubernetes lets you store and manage
sensitive information, such as passwords, OAuth tokens, and SSH keys. You can deploy
and update secrets and application configuration without rebuilding your container
images, and without exposing secrets in your stack configuration.
Batch execution In addition to services, Kubernetes can manage your batch and CI
workloads, replacing containers that fail, if desired.
Horizontal scaling Scale your application up and down with a simple command, with a
UI, or automatically based on CPU usage.
IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack Allocation of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to Pods and Services
Designed for extensibility Add features to your | 9 |
Kubernetes cluster without changing
upstream source code.
What Kubernetes is not
Kubernetes is not a traditional, all-inclusive PaaS (Platform as a Service) system. Since
Kubernetes operates at the container level rather than at the hardware level, it provides some
generally applicable features common to PaaS offerings, such as deployment, scaling, load
balancing, and lets users integrate their logging, monitoring, and alerting solutions. However,
Kubernetes is not monolithic, and these default solutions are optional and pluggable.
Kubernetes provides the building blocks for building developer platforms, but preserves user
choice and flexibility where it is important.
Does not limit the types of applications supported. Kubernetes aims to support an
extremely diverse variety of workloads, including stateless, stateful, and data-processing
workloads. If an application can run in a container, it should run great on Kubernetes.
Does not deploy source code and does not build you | 10 |
r application. Continuous Integration,
Delivery, and Deployment (CI/CD) workflows are determined by organization cultures
and preferences as well as technical requirements.
Does not provide application-level services, such as middleware (for example, message
buses), data-processing frameworks (for example, Spark), databases (for example,
MySQL), caches, nor cluster storage systems (for example, Ceph) as built-in services.•
| 11 |
Such components can run on Kubernetes, and/or can be accessed by applications running
on Kubernetes through portable mechanisms, such as the Open Service Broker .
Does not dictate logging, monitoring, or alerting solutions. It provides some integrations
as proof of concept, and mechanisms to collect and export metrics.
Does not provide nor mandate a configuration language/system (for example, Jsonnet). It
provides a declarative API that may be targeted by arbitrary forms of declarative
Does not provide nor adopt any comprehensive machine configuration, maintenance,
management, or self-healing systems.
Additionally, Kubernetes is not a mere orchestration system. In fact, it eliminates the
need for orchestration. The technical definition of orchestration is execution of a defined
workflow: first do A, then B, then C. In contrast, Kubernetes comprises a set of
independent, composable control processes that continuously drive the current state
towards the provided desired s | 12 |
tate. It shouldn't matter how you get from A to C.
Centralized control is also not required. This results in a system that is easier to use and
more powerful, robust, resilient, and extensible.
What's next
Take a look at the Kubernetes Components
Take a look at the The Kubernetes API
Take a look at the Cluster Architecture
Ready to Get Started ?
Objects In Kubernetes
Kubernetes objects are persistent entities in the Kubernetes system. Kubernetes uses these
entities to represent the state of your cluster. Learn about the Kubernetes object model and how
to work with these objects.
This page explains how Kubernetes objects are represented in the Kubernetes API, and how you
can express them in .yaml format.
Understanding Kubernetes objects
Kubernetes objects are persistent entities in the Kubernetes system. Kubernetes uses these
entities to represent the state of your cluster. Specifically, they can describe:
What containerized applications are running (and on which nodes)
The resources | 13 |
available to those applications
The policies around how those applications behave, such as restart policies, upgrades, and
A Kubernetes object is a "record of intent"--once you create the object, the Kubernetes system
will constantly work to ensure that object exists. By creating an object, you're effectively telling
the Kubernetes system what you want your cluster's workload to look like; this is your cluster's
desired state .
To work with Kubernetes objects—whether to create, modify, or delete them—you'll need to use
the Kubernetes API . When you use the kubectl command-line interface, for example, the CLI•
| 14 |
makes the necessary Kubernetes API calls for you. You can also use the Kubernetes API directly
in your own programs using one of the Client Libraries .
Object spec and status
Almost every Kubernetes object includes two nested object fields that govern the object's
configuration: the object spec and the object status . For objects that have a spec, you have to set
this when you create the object, providing a description of the characteristics you want the
resource to have: its desired state .
The status describes the current state of the object, supplied and updated by the Kubernetes
system and its components. The Kubernetes control plane continually and actively manages
every object's actual state to match the desired state you supplied.
For example: in Kubernetes, a Deployment is an object that can represent an application
running on your cluster. When you create the Deployment, you might set the Deployment spec
to specify that you want three replicas of the application to be runni | 15 |
ng. The Kubernetes system
reads the Deployment spec and starts three instances of your desired application--updating the
status to match your spec. If any of those instances should fail (a status change), the Kubernetes
system responds to the difference between spec and status by making a correction--in this case,
starting a replacement instance.
For more information on the object spec, status, and metadata, see the Kubernetes API
Conventions .
Describing a Kubernetes object
When you create an object in Kubernetes, you must provide the object spec that describes its
desired state, as well as some basic information about the object (such as a name). When you
use the Kubernetes API to create the object (either directly or via kubectl ), that API request
must include that information as JSON in the request body. Most often, you provide the
information to kubectl in file known as a manifest . By convention, manifests are YAML (you
could also use JSON format). Tools such as kubectl conver | 16 |
t the information from a manifest into
JSON or another supported serialization format when making the API request over HTTP.
Here's an example manifest that shows the required fields and object spec for a Kubernetes
apiVersion : apps/v1
kind: Deployment
metadata :
name : nginx-deployment
selector :
matchLabels :
app: nginx
replicas : 2 # tells deployment to run 2 pods matching the template
template :
metadata :
labels :
app: ngin | 17 |
containers :
- name : nginx
image : nginx:1.14.2
ports :
- containerPort : 80
One way to create a Deployment using a manifest file like the one above is to use the kubectl
apply command in the kubectl command-line interface, passing the .yaml file as an argument.
Here's an example:
kubectl apply -f https://k8s.io/examples/application/deployment.yaml
The output is similar to this:
deployment.apps/nginx-deployment created
Required fields
In the manifest (YAML or JSON file) for the Kubernetes object you want to create, you'll need to
set values for the following fields:
apiVersion - Which version of the Kubernetes API you're using to create this object
kind - What kind of object you want to create
metadata - Data that helps uniquely identify the object, including a name string, UID, and
optional namespace
spec - What state you desire for the object
The precise format of the object spec is different for every Kubernetes object, and contains
| 18 |
nested fields specific to that object. The Kubernetes API Reference can help you find the spec
format for all of the objects you can create using Kubernetes.
For example, see the spec field for the Pod API reference. For each Pod, the .spec field specifies
the pod and its desired state (such as the container image name for each container within that
pod). Another example of an object specification is the spec field for the StatefulSet API. For
StatefulSet, the .spec field specifies the StatefulSet and its desired state. Within the .spec of a
StatefulSet is a template for Pod objects. That template describes Pods that the StatefulSet
controller will create in order to satisfy the StatefulSet specification. Different kinds of object
can also have different .status ; again, the API reference pages detail the structure of that .status
field, and its content for each different type of object.
Note: See Configuration Best Practices for additional information on writing YAML
configur | 19 |
ation files.
Server side field validation
Starting with Kubernetes v1.25, the API server offers server side field validation that detects
unrecognized or duplicate fields in an object. It provides all the functionality of kubectl --
validate on the server side.
The kubectl tool uses the --validate flag to set the level of field validation. It accepts the values
ignore , warn , and strict while also accepting the values true (equivalent to strict ) and false
(equivalent to ignore ). The default validation setting for kubectl is --validate=true .•
| 20 |
Strict field validation, errors on validation failure
Field validation is performed, but errors are exposed as warnings rather than failing the
No server side field validation is performed
When kubectl cannot connect to an API server that supports field validation it will fall back to
using client-side validation. Kubernetes 1.27 and later versions always offer field validation;
older Kubernetes releases might not. If your cluster is older than v1.27, check the
documentation for your version of Kubernetes.
What's next
If you're new to Kubernetes, read more about the following:
Pods which are the most important basic Kubernetes objects.
Deployment objects.
Controllers in Kubernetes.
kubectl and kubectl commands .
Kubernetes Object Management explains how to use kubectl to manage objects. You might need
to install kubectl if you don't already have it available.
To learn about the Kubernetes API in general, visit:
Kubernetes API overview
To learn about o | 21 |
bjects in Kubernetes in more depth, read other pages in this section:
Kubernetes Object Management
Object Names and IDs
Labels and Selectors
Field Selectors
Owners and Dependents
Recommended Labels
Kubernetes Object Management
The kubectl command-line tool supports several different ways to create and manage
Kubernetes objects . This document provides an overview of the different approaches. Read the
Kubectl book for details of managing objects by Kubectl.
Management techniques
Warning: A Kubernetes object should be managed using only one technique. Mixing and
matching techniques for the same object results in undefined behavior.•
| 22 |
techniqueOperates onRecommended
Imperative commands Live objects Development projects 1+ Lowest
Imperative object
configurationIndividual files Production projects 1 Moderate
Declarative object
configurationDirectories of
filesProduction projects 1+ Highest
Imperative commands
When using imperative commands, a user operates directly on live objects in a cluster. The user
provides operations to the kubectl command as arguments or flags.
This is the recommended way to get started or to run a one-off task in a cluster. Because this
technique operates directly on live objects, it provides no history of previous configurations.
Run an instance of the nginx container by creating a Deployment object:
kubectl create deployment nginx --image nginx
Advantages compared to object configuration:
Commands are expressed as a single action word.
Commands require only a single step to make changes to the cluster.
Disadvantages c | 23 |
ompared to object configuration:
Commands do not integrate with change review processes.
Commands do not provide an audit trail associated with changes.
Commands do not provide a source of records except for what is live.
Commands do not provide a template for creating new objects.
Imperative object configuration
In imperative object configuration, the kubectl command specifies the operation (create,
replace, etc.), optional flags and at least one file name. The file specified must contain a full
definition of the object in YAML or JSON format.
See the API reference for more details on object definitions.
Warning: The imperative replace command replaces the existing spec with the newly provided
one, dropping all changes to the object missing from the configuration file. This approach
should not be used with resource types whose specs are updated independently of the
configuration file. Services of type LoadBalancer , for example, have their externalIPs field
updated independently f | 24 |
rom the configuration by the cluster.•
| 25 |
Create the objects defined in a configuration file:
kubectl create -f nginx.yaml
Delete the objects defined in two configuration files:
kubectl delete -f nginx.yaml -f redis.yaml
Update the objects defined in a configuration file by overwriting the live configuration:
kubectl replace -f nginx.yaml
Advantages compared to imperative commands:
Object configuration can be stored in a source control system such as Git.
Object configuration can integrate with processes such as reviewing changes before push
and audit trails.
Object configuration provides a template for creating new objects.
Disadvantages compared to imperative commands:
Object configuration requires basic understanding of the object schema.
Object configuration requires the additional step of writing a YAML file.
Advantages compared to declarative object configuration:
Imperative object configuration behavior is simpler and easier to understand.
As of Kubernetes version 1.5, imperative object configuration | 26 |
is more mature.
Disadvantages compared to declarative object configuration:
Imperative object configuration works best on files, not directories.
Updates to live objects must be reflected in configuration files, or they will be lost during
the next replacement.
Declarative object configuration
When using declarative object configuration, a user operates on object configuration files
stored locally, however the user does not define the operations to be taken on the files. Create,
update, and delete operations are automatically detected per-object by kubectl . This enables
working on directories, where different operations might be needed for different objects.
Note: Declarative object configuration retains changes made by other writers, even if the
changes are not merged back to the object configuration file. This is possible by using the patch
API operation to write only observed differences, instead of using the replace API operation to
replace the entire object configuration.•
• | 27 |
| 28 |
Process all object configuration files in the configs directory, and create or patch the live
objects. You can first diff to see what changes are going to be made, and then apply:
kubectl diff -f configs/
kubectl apply -f configs/
Recursively process directories:
kubectl diff -R -f configs/
kubectl apply -R -f configs/
Advantages compared to imperative object configuration:
Changes made directly to live objects are retained, even if they are not merged back into
the configuration files.
Declarative object configuration has better support for operating on directories and
automatically detecting operation types (create, patch, delete) per-object.
Disadvantages compared to imperative object configuration:
Declarative object configuration is harder to debug and understand results when they are
Partial updates using diffs create complex merge and patch operations.
What's next
Managing Kubernetes Objects Using Imperative Commands
Imperative Management of Kube | 29 |
rnetes Objects Using Configuration Files
Declarative Management of Kubernetes Objects Using Configuration Files
Declarative Management of Kubernetes Objects Using Kustomize
Kubectl Command Reference
Kubectl Book
Kubernetes API Reference
Object Names and IDs
Each object in your cluster has a Name that is unique for that type of resource. Every
Kubernetes object also has a UID that is unique across your whole cluster.
For example, you can only have one Pod named myapp-1234 within the same namespace , but
you can have one Pod and one Deployment that are each named myapp-1234 .
For non-unique user-provided attributes, Kubernetes provides labels and annotations .•
| 30 |
A client-provided string that refers to an object in a resource URL, such as /api/v1/pods/some-
name .
Only one object of a given kind can have a given name at a time. However, if you delete the
object, you can make a new object with the same name.
Names must be unique across all API versions of the same resource. API resources are
distinguished by their API group, resource type, namespace (for namespaced
resources), and name. In other words, API version is irrelevant in this context.
Note: In cases when objects represent a physical entity, like a Node representing a physical
host, when the host is re-created under the same name without deleting and re-creating the
Node, Kubernetes treats the new host as the old one, which may lead to inconsistencies.
Below are four types of commonly used name constraints for resources.
DNS Subdomain Names
Most resource types require a name that can be used as a DNS subdomain name as defined in
RFC 1123 . This means the name must:
contain no m | 31 |
ore than 253 characters
contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters, '-' or '.'
start with an alphanumeric character
end with an alphanumeric character
RFC 1123 Label Names
Some resource types require their names to follow the DNS label standard as defined in RFC
1123. This means the name must:
contain at most 63 characters
contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters or '-'
start with an alphanumeric character
end with an alphanumeric character
RFC 1035 Label Names
Some resource types require their names to follow the DNS label standard as defined in RFC
1035. This means the name must:
contain at most 63 characters
contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters or '-'
start with an alphabetic character
end with an alphanumeric character
Note: The only difference between the RFC 1035 and RFC 1123 label standards is that RFC 1123
labels are allowed to start with a digit, whereas RFC 1035 labels can start with a lowercase
alphabetic character only.•
| 32 |
Path Segment Names
Some resource types require their names to be able to be safely encoded as a path segment. In
other words, the name may not be "." or ".." and the name may not contain "/" or "%".
Here's an example manifest for a Pod named nginx-demo .
apiVersion : v1
kind: Pod
metadata :
name : nginx-demo
containers :
- name : nginx
image : nginx:1.14.2
ports :
- containerPort : 80
Note: Some resource types have additional restrictions on their names.
A Kubernetes systems-generated string to uniquely identify objects.
Every object created over the whole lifetime of a Kubernetes cluster has a distinct UID. It is
intended to distinguish between historical occurrences of similar entities.
Kubernetes UIDs are universally unique identifiers (also known as UUIDs). UUIDs are
standardized as ISO/IEC 9834-8 and as ITU-T X.667.
What's next
Read about labels and annotations in Kubernetes.
See the Identifiers and Names in Kubernetes design document.
Labels and S | 33 |
Labels are key/value pairs that are attached to objects such as Pods. Labels are intended to be
used to specify identifying attributes of objects that are meaningful and relevant to users, but
do not directly imply semantics to the core system. Labels can be used to organize and to select
subsets of objects. Labels can be attached to objects at creation time and subsequently added
and modified at any time. Each object can have a set of key/value labels defined. Each Key must
be unique for a given object.
"metadata" : {
"labels" : {
"key1" : "value1" ,
"key2" : "value2"
| 34 |
Labels allow for efficient queries and watches and are ideal for use in UIs and CLIs. Non-
identifying information should be recorded using annotations .
Labels enable users to map their own organizational structures onto system objects in a loosely
coupled fashion, without requiring clients to store these mappings.
Service deployments and batch processing pipelines are often multi-dimensional entities (e.g.,
multiple partitions or deployments, multiple release tracks, multiple tiers, multiple micro-
services per tier). Management often requires cross-cutting operations, which breaks
encapsulation of strictly hierarchical representations, especially rigid hierarchies determined by
the infrastructure rather than by users.
Example labels:
"release" : "stable" , "release" : "canary"
"environment" : "dev" , "environment" : "qa" , "environment" : "production"
"tier" : "frontend" , "tier" : "backend" , "tier" : "cache"
"partition" : "customerA" , "partition" : "customerB"
"track" | 35 |
: "daily" , "track" : "weekly"
These are examples of commonly used labels ; you are free to develop your own conventions.
Keep in mind that label Key must be unique for a given object.
Syntax and character set
Labels are key/value pairs. Valid label keys have two segments: an optional prefix and name,
separated by a slash ( /). The name segment is required and must be 63 characters or less,
beginning and ending with an alphanumeric character ( [a-z0-9A-Z] ) with dashes ( -),
underscores ( _), dots ( .), and alphanumerics between. The prefix is optional. If specified, the
prefix must be a DNS subdomain: a series of DNS labels separated by dots ( .), not longer than
253 characters in total, followed by a slash ( /).
If the prefix is omitted, the label Key is presumed to be private to the user. Automated system
components (e.g. kube-scheduler , kube-controller-manager , kube-apiserver , kubectl , or other
third-party automation) which add labels to end-user objects must specify a prefix. | 36 |
The kubernetes.io/ and k8s.io/ prefixes are reserved for Kubernetes core components.
Valid label value:
must be 63 characters or less (can be empty),
unless empty, must begin and end with an alphanumeric character ( [a-z0-9A-Z] ),
could contain dashes ( -), underscores ( _), dots ( .), and alphanumerics between.
For example, here's a manifest for a Pod that has two labels environment: production and app:
nginx :
apiVersion : v1
kind: Pod
metadata :
name : label-demo•
| 37 |
labels :
environment : production
app: nginx
containers :
- name : nginx
image : nginx:1.14.2
ports :
- containerPort : 80
Label selectors
Unlike names and UIDs , labels do not provide uniqueness. In general, we expect many objects
to carry the same label(s).
Via a label selector , the client/user can identify a set of objects. The label selector is the core
grouping primitive in Kubernetes.
The API currently supports two types of selectors: equality-based and set-based . A label selector
can be made of multiple requirements which are comma-separated. In the case of multiple
requirements, all must be satisfied so the comma separator acts as a logical AND (&&) operator.
The semantics of empty or non-specified selectors are dependent on the context, and API types
that use selectors should document the validity and meaning of them.
Note: For some API types, such as ReplicaSets, the label selectors of two instances must not
overlap within a namespace, or t | 38 |
he controller can see that as conflicting instructions and fail to
determine how many replicas should be present.
Caution: For both equality-based and set-based conditions there is no logical OR (||) operator.
Ensure your filter statements are structured accordingly.
Equality-based requirement
Equality- or inequality-based requirements allow filtering by label keys and values. Matching
objects must satisfy all of the specified label constraints, though they may have additional labels
as well. Three kinds of operators are admitted =,==,!=. The first two represent equality (and are
synonyms), while the latter represents inequality . For example:
environment = production
tier != frontend
The former selects all resources with key equal to environment and value equal to production .
The latter selects all resources with key equal to tier and value distinct from frontend , and all
resources with no labels with the tier key. One could filter for resources in production
excluding fronten | 39 |
d using the comma operator: environment=production,tier!=frontend
One usage scenario for equality-based label requirement is for Pods to specify node selection
criteria. For example, the sample Pod below selects nodes with the label " accelerator=nvidia-
tesla-p100 ".
apiVersion : v1
kind: Pod
metadata | 40 |
name : cuda-test
containers :
- name : cuda-test
image : "registry.k8s.io/cuda-vector-add:v0.1"
resources :
limits :
nvidia.com/gpu : 1
nodeSelector :
accelerator : nvidia-tesla-p100
Set-based requirement
Set-based label requirements allow filtering keys according to a set of values. Three kinds of
operators are supported: in,notin and exists (only the key identifier). For example:
environment in (production, qa)
tier notin (frontend, backend)
The first example selects all resources with key equal to environment and value equal to
production or qa.
The second example selects all resources with key equal to tier and values other than
frontend and backend , and all resources with no labels with the tier key.
The third example selects all resources including a label with key partition ; no values are
The fourth example selects all resources without a label with key partition ; no values are
Sim | 41 |
ilarly the comma separator acts as an AND operator. So filtering resources with a partition
key (no matter the value) and with environment different than qa can be achieved using
partition,environment notin (qa) . The set-based label selector is a general form of equality since
environment=production is equivalent to environment in (production) ; similarly for != and
notin .
Set-based requirements can be mixed with equality-based requirements. For example: partition
in (customerA, customerB),environment!=qa .
LIST and WATCH filtering
LIST and WATCH operations may specify label selectors to filter the sets of objects returned
using a query parameter. Both requirements are permitted (presented here as they would
appear in a URL query string):
equality-based requirements: ?labelSelector=environment%3Dproduction,tier%3Dfrontend
set-based requirements: ?labelSelector=environment+in+
| 42 |
Both label selector styles can be used to list or watch resources via a REST client. For example,
targeting apiserver with kubectl and using equality-based one may write:
kubectl get pods -l environment =production,tier =frontend
or using set-based requirements:
kubectl get pods -l 'environment in (production),tier in (frontend)'
As already mentioned set-based requirements are more expressive. For instance, they can
implement the OR operator on values:
kubectl get pods -l 'environment in (production, qa)'
or restricting negative matching via notin operator:
kubectl get pods -l 'environment,environment notin (frontend)'
Set references in API objects
Some Kubernetes objects, such as services and replicationcontrollers , also use label selectors to
specify sets of other resources, such as pods .
Service and ReplicationController
The set of pods that a service targets is defined with a label selector. Similarly, the population of
pods that a replicationcontroller should manage is | 43 |
also defined with a label selector.
Label selectors for both objects are defined in json or yaml files using maps, and only equality-
based requirement selectors are supported:
"selector" : {
"component" : "redis" ,
selector :
component : redis
This selector (respectively in json or yaml format) is equivalent to component=redis or
component in (redis) .
Resources that support set-based requirements
Newer resources, such as Job, Deployment , ReplicaSet , and DaemonSet , support set-based
requirements as well.
selector :
matchLabels :
component : redis
matchExpressions :
- { key: tier, operator: In, values : [cache] }
- { key: environment, operator: NotIn, values : [dev] | 44 |
matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels map is
equivalent to an element of matchExpressions , whose key field is "key", the operator is "In", and
the values array contains only "value". matchExpressions is a list of pod selector requirements.
Valid operators include In, NotIn, Exists, and DoesNotExist. The values set must be non-empty
in the case of In and NotIn. All of the requirements, from both matchLabels and
matchExpressions are ANDed together -- they must all be satisfied in order to match.
Selecting sets of nodes
One use case for selecting over labels is to constrain the set of nodes onto which a pod can
schedule. See the documentation on node selection for more information.
Using labels effectively
You can apply a single label to any resources, but this is not always the best practice. There are
many scenarios where multiple labels should be used to distinguish resource sets from one
For instance, different applicat | 45 |
ions would use different values for the app label, but a multi-tier
application, such as the guestbook example , would additionally need to distinguish each tier.
The frontend could carry the following labels:
labels :
app: guestbook
tier: frontend
while the Redis master and replica would have different tier labels, and perhaps even an
additional role label:
labels :
app: guestbook
tier: backend
role: master
labels :
app: guestbook
tier: backend
role: replica
The labels allow for slicing and dicing the resources along any dimension specified by a label:
kubectl apply -f examples/guestbook/all-in-one/guestbook-all-in-one.yaml
kubectl get pods -Lapp -Ltier -Lrole
guestbook-fe-4nlpb 1/1 Running 0 1m guestbook frontend <none>
guestbook-fe-ght6d 1/1 Running 0 1m guestbook frontend <none>
guestbook-fe-jpy62 | 46 |
1/1 Running 0 1m guestbook frontend <none>
guestbook-redis-master-5pg3b 1/1 Running 0 1m guestbook backend master
guestbook-redis-replica-2q2yf 1/1 Running 0 1m guestbook backend replica
guestbook-redis-replica-qgazl 1/1 Running 0 1m guestbook backend replic | 47 |
my-nginx-divi2 1/1 Running 0 29m nginx <none> <none>
my-nginx-o0ef1 1/1 Running 0 29m nginx <none> <none>
kubectl get pods -lapp =guestbook,role =replica
guestbook-redis-replica-2q2yf 1/1 Running 0 3m
guestbook-redis-replica-qgazl 1/1 Running 0 3m
Updating labels
Sometimes you may want to relabel existing pods and other resources before creating new
resources. This can be done with kubectl label . For example, if you want to label all your
NGINX Pods as frontend tier, run:
kubectl label pods -l app=nginx tier=fe
pod/my-nginx-2035384211-j5fhi labeled
pod/my-nginx-2035384211-u2c7e labeled
pod/my-nginx-2035384211-u3t6x labeled
This first filters all pods with the label "app=nginx", and then labels them with the "tier=fe". To
see the pods you labeled, run:
kubectl get pods -l app=nginx -L tier
NAME | 48 |
my-nginx-2035384211-j5fhi 1/1 Running 0 23m fe
my-nginx-2035384211-u2c7e 1/1 Running 0 23m fe
my-nginx-2035384211-u3t6x 1/1 Running 0 23m fe
This outputs all "app=nginx" pods, with an additional label column of pods' tier (specified with -
L or --label-columns ).
For more information, please see kubectl label .
What's next
Learn how to add a label to a node
Find Well-known labels, Annotations and Taints
See Recommended labels
Enforce Pod Security Standards with Namespace Labels
Read a blog on Writing a Controller for Pod Labels
In Kubernetes, namespaces provides a mechanism for isolating groups of resources within a
single cluster. Names of resources need to be unique within a namespace, but not across
namespaces. Namespace-based scoping is applicable only for namespaced objects (e.g.
Deployments, Services, etc) and not for cluster-wide objects (e.g. St | 49 |
orageClass, Nodes,
PersistentVolumes, etc) .•
| 50 |
When to Use Multiple Namespaces
Namespaces are intended for use in environments with many users spread across multiple
teams, or projects. For clusters with a few to tens of users, you should not need to create or
think about namespaces at all. Start using namespaces when you need the features they
Namespaces provide a scope for names. Names of resources need to be unique within a
namespace, but not across namespaces. Namespaces cannot be nested inside one another and
each Kubernetes resource can only be in one namespace.
Namespaces are a way to divide cluster resources between multiple users (via resource quota ).
It is not necessary to use multiple namespaces to separate slightly different resources, such as
different versions of the same software: use labels to distinguish resources within the same
Note: For a production cluster, consider not using the default namespace. Instead, make other
namespaces and use those.
Initial namespaces
Kubernetes starts with fo | 51 |
ur initial namespaces:
Kubernetes includes this namespace so that you can start using your new cluster without
first creating a namespace.
This namespace holds Lease objects associated with each node. Node leases allow the
kubelet to send heartbeats so that the control plane can detect node failure.
This namespace is readable by all clients (including those not authenticated). This
namespace is mostly reserved for cluster usage, in case that some resources should be
visible and readable publicly throughout the whole cluster. The public aspect of this
namespace is only a convention, not a requirement.
The namespace for objects created by the Kubernetes system.
Working with Namespaces
Creation and deletion of namespaces are described in the Admin Guide documentation for
namespaces .
Note: Avoid creating namespaces with the prefix kube- , since it is reserved for Kubernetes
system namespaces.
Viewing namespaces
You can list the current na | 52 |
mespaces in a cluster using:
kubectl get namespac | 53 |
default Active 1d
kube-node-lease Active 1d
kube-public Active 1d
kube-system Active 1d
Setting the namespace for a request
To set the namespace for a current request, use the --namespace flag.
For example:
kubectl run nginx --image =nginx --namespace =<insert-namespace-name-here>
kubectl get pods --namespace =<insert-namespace-name-here>
Setting the namespace preference
You can permanently save the namespace for all subsequent kubectl commands in that context.
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace =<insert-namespace-name-here>
# Validate it
kubectl config view --minify | grep namespace:
Namespaces and DNS
When you create a Service , it creates a corresponding DNS entry . This entry is of the form
<service-name>.<namespace-name>.svc.cluster.local , which means that if a container only uses
<service-name> , it will resolve to the service which is local to a namespace. This is useful for
using the same configura | 54 |
tion across multiple namespaces such as Development, Staging and
Production. If you want to reach across namespaces, you need to use the fully qualified domain
name (FQDN).
As a result, all namespace names must be valid RFC 1123 DNS labels .
By creating namespaces with the same name as public top-level domains , Services in these
namespaces can have short DNS names that overlap with public DNS records. Workloads from
any namespace performing a DNS lookup without a trailing dot will be redirected to those
services, taking precedence over public DNS.
To mitigate this, limit privileges for creating namespaces to trusted users. If required, you could
additionally configure third-party security controls, such as admission webhooks , to block
creating any namespace with the name of public TLDs .
Not all objects are in a namespace
Most Kubernetes resources (e.g. pods, services, replication controllers, and others) are in some
namespaces. However namespace resources are not themselve | 55 |
s in a namespace. And low-level
resources, such as nodes and persistentVolumes , are not in any namespace.
To see which Kubernetes resources are and aren't in a namespace | 56 |
# In a namespace
kubectl api-resources --namespaced =true
# Not in a namespace
kubectl api-resources --namespaced =false
Automatic labelling
FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes 1.22 [stable]
The Kubernetes control plane sets an immutable label kubernetes.io/metadata.name on all
namespaces. The value of the label is the namespace name.
What's next
Learn more about creating a new namespace .
Learn more about deleting a namespace .
You can use Kubernetes annotations to attach arbitrary non-identifying metadata to objects .
Clients such as tools and libraries can retrieve this metadata.
Attaching metadata to objects
You can use either labels or annotations to attach metadata to Kubernetes objects. Labels can be
used to select objects and to find collections of objects that satisfy certain conditions. In
contrast, annotations are not used to identify and select objects. The metadata in an annotation
can be small or large, structured or unstructured, and can include characters not permi | 57 |
tted by
labels. It is possible to use labels as well as annotations in the metadata of the same object.
Annotations, like labels, are key/value maps:
"metadata" : {
"annotations" : {
"key1" : "value1" ,
"key2" : "value2"
Note: The keys and the values in the map must be strings. In other words, you cannot use
numeric, boolean, list or other types for either the keys or the values.
Here are some examples of information that could be recorded in annotations:
Fields managed by a declarative configuration layer. Attaching these fields as annotations
distinguishes them from default values set by clients or servers, and from auto-generated
fields and fields set by auto-sizing or auto-scaling systems.•
| 58 |
Build, release, or image information like timestamps, release IDs, git branch, PR numbers,
image hashes, and registry address.
Pointers to logging, monitoring, analytics, or audit repositories.
Client library or tool information that can be used for debugging purposes: for example,
name, version, and build information.
User or tool/system provenance information, such as URLs of related objects from other
ecosystem components.
Lightweight rollout tool metadata: for example, config or checkpoints.
Phone or pager numbers of persons responsible, or directory entries that specify where
that information can be found, such as a team web site.
Directives from the end-user to the implementations to modify behavior or engage non-
standard features.
Instead of using annotations, you could store this type of information in an external database or
directory, but that would make it much harder to produce shared client libraries and tools for
deployment, management, introspection, and the like.
Synta | 59 |
x and character set
Annotations are key/value pairs. Valid annotation keys have two segments: an optional prefix
and name, separated by a slash ( /). The name segment is required and must be 63 characters or
less, beginning and ending with an alphanumeric character ( [a-z0-9A-Z] ) with dashes ( -),
underscores ( _), dots ( .), and alphanumerics between. The prefix is optional. If specified, the
prefix must be a DNS subdomain: a series of DNS labels separated by dots ( .), not longer than
253 characters in total, followed by a slash ( /).
If the prefix is omitted, the annotation Key is presumed to be private to the user. Automated
system components (e.g. kube-scheduler , kube-controller-manager , kube-apiserver , kubectl , or
other third-party automation) which add annotations to end-user objects must specify a prefix.
The kubernetes.io/ and k8s.io/ prefixes are reserved for Kubernetes core components.
For example, here's a manifest for a Pod that has the annotation imageregistry: ht | 60 |
hub.docker.com/ :
apiVersion : v1
kind: Pod
metadata :
name : annotations-demo
annotations :
imageregistry : "https://hub.docker.com/"
containers :
- name : nginx
image : nginx:1.14.2
ports :
- containerPort : 80•
| 61 |
What's next
Learn more about Labels and Selectors .
Find Well-known labels, Annotations and Taints
Field Selectors
Field selectors let you select Kubernetes objects based on the value of one or more resource
fields. Here are some examples of field selector queries:
This kubectl command selects all Pods for which the value of the status.phase field is Running :
kubectl get pods --field-selector status.phase =Running
Note: Field selectors are essentially resource filters . By default, no selectors/filters are applied,
meaning that all resources of the specified type are selected. This makes the kubectl queries
kubectl get pods and kubectl get pods --field-selector "" equivalent.
Supported fields
Supported field selectors vary by Kubernetes resource type. All resource types support the
metadata.name and metadata.namespace fields. Using unsupported field selectors produces an
error. For example:
kubectl g | 62 |
et ingress --field-selector foo.bar =baz
Error from server (BadRequest): Unable to find "ingresses" that match label selector "", field
selector "foo.bar=baz": "foo.bar" is not a known field selector: only "metadata.name",
Supported operators
You can use the =, ==, and != operators with field selectors ( = and == mean the same thing).
This kubectl command, for example, selects all Kubernetes Services that aren't in the default
kubectl get services --all-namespaces --field-selector metadata.namespace! =default
Note: Set-based operators (in, notin , exists ) are not supported for field selectors.
Chained selectors
As with label and other selectors, field selectors can be chained together as a comma-separated
list. This kubectl command selects all Pods for which the status.phase does not equal Running
and the spec.restartPolicy field equals Always :•
| 63 |
kubectl get pods --field-selector =status.phase! =Running,spec.restartPolicy =Always
Multiple resource types
You can use field selectors across multiple resource types. This kubectl command selects all
Statefulsets and Services that are not in the default namespace:
kubectl get statefulsets,services --all-namespaces --field-selector metadata.namespace! =default
Finalizers are namespaced keys that tell Kubernetes to wait until specific conditions are met
before it fully deletes resources marked for deletion. Finalizers alert controllers to clean up
resources the deleted object owned.
When you tell Kubernetes to delete an object that has finalizers specified for it, the Kubernetes
API marks the object for deletion by populating .metadata.deletionTimestamp , and returns a
202 status code (HTTP "Accepted"). The target object remains in a terminating state while the
control plane, or other components, take the actions defined by the finalizers. After these
actions are complet | 64 |
e, the controller removes the relevant finalizers from the target object.
When the metadata.finalizers field is empty, Kubernetes considers the deletion complete and
deletes the object.
You can use finalizers to control garbage collection of resources. For example, you can define a
finalizer to clean up related resources or infrastructure before the controller deletes the target
You can use finalizers to control garbage collection of objects by alerting controllers to perform
specific cleanup tasks before deleting the target resource.
Finalizers don't usually specify the code to execute. Instead, they are typically lists of keys on a
specific resource similar to annotations. Kubernetes specifies some finalizers automatically, but
you can also specify your own.
How finalizers work
When you create a resource using a manifest file, you can specify finalizers in the
metadata.finalizers field. When you attempt to delete the resource, the API server handling the
delete reque | 65 |
st notices the values in the finalizers field and does the following:
Modifies the object to add a metadata.deletionTimestamp field with the time you started
the deletion.
Prevents the object from being removed until all items are removed from its
metadata.finalizers field
Returns a 202 status code (HTTP "Accepted")
The controller managing that finalizer notices the update to the object setting the
metadata.deletionTimestamp , indicating deletion of the object has been requested. The
controller then attempts to satisfy the requirements of the finalizers specified for that resource.
Each time a finalizer condition is satisfied, the controller removes that key from the resource's
finalizers field. When the finalizers field is emptied, an object with a deletionTimestamp field•
| 66 |
set is automatically deleted. You can also use finalizers to prevent deletion of unmanaged
A common example of a finalizer is kubernetes.io/pv-protection , which prevents accidental
deletion of PersistentVolume objects. When a PersistentVolume object is in use by a Pod,
Kubernetes adds the pv-protection finalizer. If you try to delete the PersistentVolume , it enters
a Terminating status, but the controller can't delete it because the finalizer exists. When the Pod
stops using the PersistentVolume , Kubernetes clears the pv-protection finalizer, and the
controller deletes the volume.
When you DELETE an object, Kubernetes adds the deletion timestamp for that object and
then immediately starts to restrict changes to the .metadata.finalizers field for the object
that is now pending deletion. You can remove existing finalizers (deleting an entry from
the finalizers list) but you cannot add a new finalizer. You also cannot modify the
deletionTimestamp for an objec | 67 |
t once it is set.
After the deletion is requested, you can not resurrect this object. The only way is to delete
it and make a new similar object.
Owner references, labels, and finalizers
Like labels , owner references describe the relationships between objects in Kubernetes, but are
used for a different purpose. When a controller manages objects like Pods, it uses labels to track
changes to groups of related objects. For example, when a Job creates one or more Pods, the Job
controller applies labels to those pods and tracks changes to any Pods in the cluster with the
same label.
The Job controller also adds owner references to those Pods, pointing at the Job that created the
Pods. If you delete the Job while these Pods are running, Kubernetes uses the owner references
(not labels) to determine which Pods in the cluster need cleanup.
Kubernetes also processes finalizers when it identifies owner references on a resource targeted
for deletion.
In some situations, finalizers can block t | 68 |
he deletion of dependent objects, which can cause the
targeted owner object to remain for longer than expected without being fully deleted. In these
situations, you should check finalizers and owner references on the target owner and
dependent objects to troubleshoot the cause.
Note: In cases where objects are stuck in a deleting state, avoid manually removing finalizers to
allow deletion to continue. Finalizers are usually added to resources for a reason, so forcefully
removing them can lead to issues in your cluster. This should only be done when the purpose of
the finalizer is understood and is accomplished in another way (for example, manually cleaning
up some dependent object).
What's next
Read Using Finalizers to Control Deletion on the Kubernetes blog.•
| 69 |
Owners and Dependents
In Kubernetes, some objects are owners of other objects. For example, a ReplicaSet is the owner
of a set of Pods. These owned objects are dependents of their owner.
Ownership is different from the labels and selectors mechanism that some resources also use.
For example, consider a Service that creates EndpointSlice objects. The Service uses labels to
allow the control plane to determine which EndpointSlice objects are used for that Service. In
addition to the labels, each EndpointSlice that is managed on behalf of a Service has an owner
reference. Owner references help different parts of Kubernetes avoid interfering with objects
they don’t control.
Owner references in object specifications
Dependent objects have a metadata.ownerReferences field that references their owner object. A
valid owner reference consists of the object name and a UID within the same namespace as the
dependent object. Kubernetes sets the value of this field automatically for objec | 70 |
ts that are
dependents of other objects like ReplicaSets, DaemonSets, Deployments, Jobs and CronJobs, and
ReplicationControllers. You can also configure these relationships manually by changing the
value of this field. However, you usually don't need to and can allow Kubernetes to
automatically manage the relationships.
Dependent objects also have an ownerReferences.blockOwnerDeletion field that takes a
boolean value and controls whether specific dependents can block garbage collection from
deleting their owner object. Kubernetes automatically sets this field to true if a controller (for
example, the Deployment controller) sets the value of the metadata.ownerReferences field. You
can also set the value of the blockOwnerDeletion field manually to control which dependents
block garbage collection.
A Kubernetes admission controller controls user access to change this field for dependent
resources, based on the delete permissions of the owner. This control prevents unauthorized
users f | 71 |
rom delaying owner object deletion.
Cross-namespace owner references are disallowed by design. Namespaced dependents can
specify cluster-scoped or namespaced owners. A namespaced owner must exist in the same
namespace as the dependent. If it does not, the owner reference is treated as absent, and the
dependent is subject to deletion once all owners are verified absent.
Cluster-scoped dependents can only specify cluster-scoped owners. In v1.20+, if a cluster-
scoped dependent specifies a namespaced kind as an owner, it is treated as having an
unresolvable owner reference, and is not able to be garbage collected.
In v1.20+, if the garbage collector detects an invalid cross-namespace ownerReference , or a
cluster-scoped dependent with an ownerReference referencing a namespaced kind, a warning
Event with a reason of OwnerRefInvalidNamespace and an involvedObject of the invalid
dependent is reported. You can check for that kind of Event by running kubectl get events -A --
field-se | 72 |
lector=reason=OwnerRefInvalidNamespace | 73 |
Ownership and finalizers
When you tell Kubernetes to delete a resource, the API server allows the managing controller
to process any finalizer rules for the resource. Finalizers prevent accidental deletion of
resources your cluster may still need to function correctly. For example, if you try to delete a
PersistentVolume that is still in use by a Pod, the deletion does not happen immediately because
the PersistentVolume has the kubernetes.io/pv-protection finalizer on it. Instead, the volume
remains in the Terminating status until Kubernetes clears the finalizer, which only happens
after the PersistentVolume is no longer bound to a Pod.
Kubernetes also adds finalizers to an owner resource when you use either foreground or orphan
cascading deletion . In foreground deletion, it adds the foreground finalizer so that the controller
must delete dependent resources that also have ownerReferences.blockOwnerDeletion=true
before it deletes the owner. If you specify an orphan deletion p | 74 |
olicy, Kubernetes adds the
orphan finalizer so that the controller ignores dependent resources after it deletes the owner
What's next
Learn more about Kubernetes finalizers .
Learn about garbage collection .
Read the API reference for object metadata .
Recommended Labels
You can visualize and manage Kubernetes objects with more tools than kubectl and the
dashboard. A common set of labels allows tools to work interoperably, describing objects in a
common manner that all tools can understand.
In addition to supporting tooling, the recommended labels describe applications in a way that
can be queried.
The metadata is organized around the concept of an application . Kubernetes is not a platform as
a service (PaaS) and doesn't have or enforce a formal notion of an application. Instead,
applications are informal and described with metadata. The definition of what an application
contains is loose.
Note: These are recommended labels. They make it easier to manage applications but ar | 75 |
required for any core tooling.
Shared labels and annotations share a common prefix: app.kubernetes.io . Labels without a
prefix are private to users. The shared prefix ensures that shared labels do not interfere with
custom user labels.
In order to take full advantage of using these labels, they should be applied on every resource
| 76 |
Key Description Example Type
app.kubernetes.io/name The name of the application mysql string
instanceA unique name identifying the instance of an
versionThe current version of the application (e.g., a
SemVer 1.0 , revision hash, etc.)5.7.21 string
componentThe component within the architecture database string
app.kubernetes.io/part-ofThe name of a higher level application this one is
part ofwordpress string
managed-byThe tool being used to manage the operation of
an applicationhelm string
To illustrate these labels in action, consider the following StatefulSet object:
# This is an excerpt
apiVersion : apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
metadata :
labels :
app.kubernetes.io/name : mysql
app.kubernetes.io/instance : mysql-abcxzy
app.kubernetes.io/version : "5.7.21"
app.kubernetes.io/component : database
app.kubernetes.io/part-of : wordpress
app.kubernetes.io/manag | 77 |
ed-by : helm
Applications And Instances Of Applications
An application can be installed one or more times into a Kubernetes cluster and, in some cases,
the same namespace. For example, WordPress can be installed more than once where different
websites are different installations of WordPress.
The name of an application and the instance name are recorded separately. For example,
WordPress has a app.kubernetes.io/name of wordpress while it has an instance name,
represented as app.kubernetes.io/instance with a value of wordpress-abcxzy . This enables the
application and instance of the application to be identifiable. Every instance of an application
must have a unique name.
To illustrate different ways to use these labels the following examples have varying complexity.
A Simple Stateless Service
Consider the case for a simple stateless service deployed using Deployment and Service objects.
The following two snippets represent how the labels could be used in their simplest fo | 78 |
The Deployment is used to oversee the pods running the application itself | 79 |
apiVersion : apps/v1
kind: Deployment
metadata :
labels :
app.kubernetes.io/name : myservice
app.kubernetes.io/instance : myservice-abcxzy
The Service is used to expose the application.
apiVersion : v1
kind: Service
metadata :
labels :
app.kubernetes.io/name : myservice
app.kubernetes.io/instance : myservice-abcxzy
Web Application With A Database
Consider a slightly more complicated application: a web application (WordPress) using a
database (MySQL), installed using Helm. The following snippets illustrate the start of objects
used to deploy this application.
The start to the following Deployment is used for WordPress:
apiVersion : apps/v1
kind: Deployment
metadata :
labels :
app.kubernetes.io/name : wordpress
app.kubernetes.io/instance : wordpress-abcxzy
app.kubernetes.io/version : "4.9.4"
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by : helm
app.kubernetes.io/component : server
app.kubernetes.io/part-of : wordpress
The Service is used to expo | 80 |
se WordPress:
apiVersion : v1
kind: Service
metadata :
labels :
app.kubernetes.io/name : wordpress
app.kubernetes.io/instance : wordpress-abcxzy
app.kubernetes.io/version : "4.9.4"
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by : helm
app.kubernetes.io/component : server
app.kubernetes.io/part-of : wordpress
.. | 81 |
MySQL is exposed as a StatefulSet with metadata for both it and the larger application it
belongs to:
apiVersion : apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
metadata :
labels :
app.kubernetes.io/name : mysql
app.kubernetes.io/instance : mysql-abcxzy
app.kubernetes.io/version : "5.7.21"
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by : helm
app.kubernetes.io/component : database
app.kubernetes.io/part-of : wordpress
The Service is used to expose MySQL as part of WordPress:
apiVersion : v1
kind: Service
metadata :
labels :
app.kubernetes.io/name : mysql
app.kubernetes.io/instance : mysql-abcxzy
app.kubernetes.io/version : "5.7.21"
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by : helm
app.kubernetes.io/component : database
app.kubernetes.io/part-of : wordpress
With the MySQL StatefulSet and Service you'll notice information about both MySQL and
WordPress, the broader application, are included.
Kubernetes Components
A Kubernetes cluster consists of the components that are a part | 82 |
of the control plane and a set of
machines called nodes.
When you deploy Kubernetes, you get a cluster.
A Kubernetes cluster consists of a set of worker machines, called nodes , that run containerized
applications. Every cluster has at least one worker node.
The worker node(s) host the Pods that are the components of the application workload. The
control plane manages the worker nodes and the Pods in the cluster. In production
environments, the control plane usually runs across multiple computers and a cluster usually
runs multiple nodes, providing fault-tolerance and high availability.
This document outlines the various components you need to have for a complete and working
Kubernetes cluster.
Components of Kubernetes
The components of a Kubernetes cluste | 83 |
Control Plane Components
The control plane's components make global decisions about the cluster (for example,
scheduling), as well as detecting and responding to cluster events (for example, starting up a
new pod when a Deployment's replicas field is unsatisfied).
Control plane components can be run on any machine in the cluster. However, for simplicity,
setup scripts typically start all control plane components on the same machine, and do not run
user containers on this machine. See Creating Highly Available clusters with kubeadm for an
example control plane setup that runs across multiple machines.
The API server is a component of the Kubernetes control plane that exposes the Kubernetes
API. The API server is the front end for the Kubernetes control plane.
The main implementation of a Kubernetes API server is kube-apiserver . kube-apiserver is
designed to scale horizontally—that is, it scales by deploying more instances. You can run
several instances of kube-apiserv | 84 |
er and balance traffic between those instances.
Consistent and highly-available key value store used as Kubernetes' backing store for all cluster
If your Kubernetes cluster uses etcd as its backing store, make sure you have a back up plan for
the data.
You can find in-depth information about etcd in the official documentation .
Control plane component that watches for newly created Pods with no assigned node , and
selects a node for them to run on.
Factors taken into account for scheduling decisions include: individual and collective resource
requirements, hardware/software/policy constraints, affinity and anti-affinity specifications,
data locality, inter-workload interference, and deadlines.
Control plane component that runs controller processes.
Logically, each controller is a separate process, but to reduce complexity, they are all compiled
into a single binary and run in a single process.
There are many different types of contr | 85 |
ollers. Some examples of them are:
Node controller: Responsible for noticing and responding when nodes go down.
Job controller: Watches for Job objects that represent one-off tasks, then creates Pods to
run those tasks to completion.•
| 86 |
EndpointSlice controller: Populates EndpointSlice objects (to provide a link between
Services and Pods).
ServiceAccount controller: Create default ServiceAccounts for new namespaces.
The above is not an exhaustive list.
A Kubernetes control plane component that embeds cloud-specific control logic. The cloud
controller manager lets you link your cluster into your cloud provider's API, and separates out
the components that interact with that cloud platform from components that only interact with
your cluster.
The cloud-controller-manager only runs controllers that are specific to your cloud provider. If
you are running Kubernetes on your own premises, or in a learning environment inside your
own PC, the cluster does not have a cloud controller manager.
As with the kube-controller-manager, the cloud-controller-manager combines several logically
independent control loops into a single binary that you run as a single process. You can scale
horizontally (run more t | 87 |
han one copy) to improve performance or to help tolerate failures.
The following controllers can have cloud provider dependencies:
Node controller: For checking the cloud provider to determine if a node has been deleted
in the cloud after it stops responding
Route controller: For setting up routes in the underlying cloud infrastructure
Service controller: For creating, updating and deleting cloud provider load balancers
Node Components
Node components run on every node, maintaining running pods and providing the Kubernetes
runtime environment.
An agent that runs on each node in the cluster. It makes sure that containers are running in a
The kubelet takes a set of PodSpecs that are provided through various mechanisms and ensures
that the containers described in those PodSpecs are running and healthy. The kubelet doesn't
manage containers which were not created by Kubernetes.
kube-proxy is a network proxy that runs on each node in your cluster, implementing p | 88 |
art of the
Kubernetes Service concept.
kube-proxy maintains network rules on nodes. These network rules allow network
communication to your Pods from network sessions inside or outside of your cluster.
kube-proxy uses the operating system packet filtering layer if there is one and it's available.
Otherwise, kube-proxy forwards the traffic itself.•
| 89 |
Container runtime
A fundamental component that empowers Kubernetes to run containers effectively. It is
responsible for managing the execution and lifecycle of containers within the Kubernetes
Kubernetes supports container runtimes such as containerd , CRI-O , and any other
implementation of the Kubernetes CRI (Container Runtime Interface) .
Addons use Kubernetes resources ( DaemonSet , Deployment , etc) to implement cluster features.
Because these are providing cluster-level features, namespaced resources for addons belong
within the kube-system namespace.
Selected addons are described below; for an extended list of available addons, please see
Addons .
While the other addons are not strictly required, all Kubernetes clusters should have cluster
DNS , as many examples rely on it.
Cluster DNS is a DNS server, in addition to the other DNS server(s) in your environment, which
serves DNS records for Kubernetes services.
Containers started by Kubernetes automatica | 90 |
lly include this DNS server in their DNS searches.
Web UI (Dashboard)
Dashboard is a general purpose, web-based UI for Kubernetes clusters. It allows users to
manage and troubleshoot applications running in the cluster, as well as the cluster itself.
Container Resource Monitoring
Container Resource Monitoring records generic time-series metrics about containers in a
central database, and provides a UI for browsing that data.
Cluster-level Logging
A cluster-level logging mechanism is responsible for saving container logs to a central log store
with search/browsing interface.
Network Plugins
Network plugins are software components that implement the container network interface
(CNI) specification. They are responsible for allocating IP addresses to pods and enabling them
to communicate with each other within the cluster | 91 |
What's next
Learn more about the following:
Nodes and their communication with the control plane.
Kubernetes controllers .
kube-scheduler which is the default scheduler for Kubernetes.
Etcd's official documentation .
Several container runtimes in Kubernetes.
Integrating with cloud providers using cloud-controller-manager .
kubectl commands.
The Kubernetes API
The Kubernetes API lets you query and manipulate the state of objects in Kubernetes. The core
of Kubernetes' control plane is the API server and the HTTP API that it exposes. Users, the
different parts of your cluster, and external components all communicate with one another
through the API server.
The core of Kubernetes' control plane is the API server . The API server exposes an HTTP API
that lets end users, different parts of your cluster, and external components communicate with
one another.
The Kubernetes API lets you query and manipulate the state of API objects in Kubernetes (for
example: Pods, Namespaces, ConfigMaps, | 92 |
and Events).
Most operations can be performed through the kubectl command-line interface or other
command-line tools, such as kubeadm , which in turn use the API. However, you can also access
the API directly using REST calls. Kubernetes provides a set of client libraries for those looking
to write applications using the Kubernetes API.
Each Kubernetes cluster publishes the specification of the APIs that the cluster serves. There are
two mechanisms that Kubernetes uses to publish these API specifications; both are useful to
enable automatic interoperability. For example, the kubectl tool fetches and caches the API
specification for enabling command-line completion and other features. The two supported
mechanisms are as follows:
The Discovery API provides information about the Kubernetes APIs: API names,
resources, versions, and supported operations. This is a Kubernetes specific term as it is a
separate API from the Kubernetes OpenAPI. It is intended to be a brief summary of the
a | 93 |
vailable resources and it does not detail specific schema for the resources. For reference
about resource schemas, please refer to the OpenAPI document.
The Kubernetes OpenAPI Document provides (full) OpenAPI v2.0 and 3.0 schemas for all
Kubernetes API endpoints. The OpenAPI v3 is the preferred method for accessing
OpenAPI as it provides a more comprehensive and accurate view of the API. It includes
all the available API paths, as well as all resources consumed and produced for every
operations on every endpoints. It also includes any extensibility components that a
cluster supports. The data is a complete specification and is significantly larger than that
from the Discovery API.•
| 94 |
Discovery API
Kubernetes publishes a list of all group versions and resources supported via the Discovery API.
This includes the following for each resource:
Cluster or namespaced scope
Endpoint URL and supported verbs
Alternative names
Group, version, kind
The API is available both aggregated and unaggregated form. The aggregated discovery serves
two endpoints while the unaggregated discovery serves a separate endpoint for each group
Aggregated discovery
FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.27 [beta]
Kubernetes offers beta support for aggregated discovery, publishing all resources supported by
a cluster through two endpoints ( /api and /apis ). Requesting this endpoint drastically reduces
the number of requests sent to fetch the discovery data from the cluster. You can access the data
by requesting the respective endpoints with an Accept header indicating the aggregated
discovery resource: Accept: application/
json;v=v2beta1;g=apidiscovery.k8s.io;as=APIGroupDiscoveryList .
Wit | 95 |
hout indicating the resource type using the Accept header, the default response for the /api
and /apis endpoint is an unaggregated discovery document.
The discovery document for the built-in resources can be found in the Kubernetes GitHub
repository. This Github document can be used as a reference of the base set of the available
resources if a Kubernetes cluster is not available to query.
The endpoint also supports ETag and protobuf encoding.
Unaggregated discovery
Without discovery aggregation, discovery is published in levels, with the root endpoints
publishing discovery information for downstream documents.
A list of all group versions supported by a cluster is published at the /api and /apis endpoints.
"kind": "APIGroupList",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"groups": [
"name": "apiregistration.k8s.io",
"versions": [
"groupVersion": "apiregistration.k8s.io/v1",
"version": "v1"•
| 96 |
"preferredVersion": {
"groupVersion": "apiregistration.k8s.io/v1",
"version": "v1"
"name": "apps",
"versions": [
"groupVersion": "apps/v1",
"version": "v1"
"preferredVersion": {
"groupVersion": "apps/v1",
"version": "v1"
Additional requests are needed to obtain the discovery document for each group version at /
apis/<group>/<version> (for example: /apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1alpha1 ), which
advertises the list of resources served under a particular group version. These endpoints are
used by kubectl to fetch the list of resources supported by a cluster.
OpenAPI interface definition
For details about the OpenAPI specifications, see the OpenAPI documentation .
Kubernetes serves both OpenAPI v2.0 and OpenAPI v3.0. OpenAPI v3 is the preferred method
of accessing the OpenAPI because it offers a more comprehensive (lossless) r | 97 |
epresentation of
Kubernetes resources. Due to limitations of OpenAPI version 2, certain fields are dropped from
the published OpenAPI including but not limited to default , nullable , oneOf .
OpenAPI V2
The Kubernetes API server serves an aggregated OpenAPI v2 spec via the /openapi/v2
endpoint. You can request the response format using request headers as follows:
Valid request header values for OpenAPI v2 queries
Header Possible values Notes
Encodinggzipnot supplying this header is also
[email protected]+protobufmainly for intra-cluster use
application/json default
* serves application/jso | 98 |
OpenAPI V3
FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.27 [stable]
Kubernetes supports publishing a description of its APIs as OpenAPI v3.
A discovery endpoint /openapi/v3 is provided to see a list of all group/versions available. This
endpoint only returns JSON. These group/versions are provided in the following format:
"paths": {
"api/v1": {
"serverRelativeURL": "/openapi/v3/api/v1?
"apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1": {
"serverRelativeURL": "/openapi/v3/apis/admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1?
The relative URLs are pointing to immutable OpenAPI descriptions, in order to improve client-
side caching. The proper HTTP caching heade | 99 |
Subsets and Splits