58 values
Hármas pálya 12.5, négyes 12.2. Azt mondtam magamban: "" Mi történik itt? "" Betuszkoltak minket a buszba, és mindegyik nőnek hiányzott egy karja.
Lane three is 12.5. Lane four is 12.2. I said, "" What's going on? "" And they shove us all into the shuttle bus, and all the women there are missing a hand.
Esses são problemas dos países em desenvolvimento.
Those are the problems in the developing world.
Hanno scoperto che c'è un apparecchio tecnologico per le bambine utilizzato per i messaggi che guarda caso opera esattamente sulla stessa frequenza del P25, e hanno costruito una cosa chiamata Il Mio Primo Jammer. (Risate) Se osservate attentamente questo apparecchio, ha un interruttore per criptare o lasciare in chiaro il messaggio.
They found that there's this GirlTech device used for texting that happens to operate at the same exact frequency as the P25, and they built what they called My First Jammer. (Laughter) If you look closely at this device, it's got a switch for encryption or cleartext.
Um computador é um meio incrivelmente poderoso de expressão criativa, mas na maior parte, essa expressão limita-se aos ecrãs dos nossos portáteis e telemóveis.
A computer is an incredibly powerful means of creative expression, but for the most part, that expression is confined to the screens of our laptops and mobile phones.
אבל את זה לא תמצאו באף אחד מהספרים האלה.
But that's not in any of those books.
И ще е също толкова стойностно, колкото и работата, за която преди получаваше много пари.
And it would be worthy of the kind of private equity work she used to do when she was making a lot more money for it.
A : 自分に対する考えや感情への関連は ?
A: How does this relate to your thoughts and feelings about who you are?
Nilai dan prinsip apa yang tertanam pada mereka sejak kecil, yang diajarkan di sekolah hukum, yang mereka gunakan sehari-hari yang mereka percayai sepenuh hati - dan kita pilih kebebasan dan kesamarataan.
What values and principles did they imbibe with their mother's milk, were they taught in law school, do they use every day, do they believe with all their hearts — and we chose liberty and equality.
И что удивительно: эта эволюция продолжает траекторию повышения сложности, заданную биологической эволюцией.
And amazingly, that evolution sustains the trajectory that biological evolution had established toward greater complexity.
Skripte wie diese sind eine Versicherung gegen Katastrophen.
Scripts like these are insurance policies against disaster.
Zo moeilijk is het niet. De meeste kinderen weten hoe hij werkt binnen 10 seconden, zodra ze hem oppakken.
It ’ s not that hard. Most of your kids figure out how to do this in the first 10 seconds, when they pick it up.
Er zijn vier dingen.
And there are four things.
它們自己訓練自己 , 就像許多年幼的動物一樣 , 要順利長大成年 , 它們就必須一整天都追著太陽跑。
They are training themselves, as many young animals do, to the adult life where they will be called to track the sun all the day.
то приехали туда просто с нашими лестницами - и они оказались недостаточно длинными.
So we arrived with just our ladders and we realized that they were not high enough.
Érvelésük szerint a jog az idők kezdete óta kimondja, hogy nem lehet a föld fölött a tulajdonos engedélye nélkül repülni, ennek a röpködésnek tehát véget kell vetni.
Since time immemorial, the law had said, you can't fly over the land without permission of the landowner, so this flight must stop.
"" Dopodiché "" dice "" non dovete mai avere paura di sconvolgere lo status quo. ""
And secondly, he says, "You must never be afraid to rock the boat."
A ako je vaša reakcija rekacija kakva je tipična u obrazovanju, ili kakvu puno ljudi ima, možete reći, možda smo imali lošeg izvođača radova, ili smo možda trebali bolju inspekciju ili češću inspekciju.
And if your reaction is the reaction you typically have in education, or that a lot of folks have, you might say, maybe we had a bad contractor, or maybe we needed better inspection or more frequent inspection.
Nie da się więc połączyć ich niewłaściwie.
So you can't put them the wrong way.
各位將會很驚訝地發現 , 那就是數位貨幣如Bitcoin所基於的根本技術 — —
You'll be surprised to learn that it's the underlying technology of digital currencies like Bitcoin.
Orasul invecinat Balikpapan are mari probleme cu apa. E inconjurat 80% cu apa de mare, si noi avem acum un mare impact acolo.
This nearby city of Balikpapan has a big problem with water; it's 80 percent surrounded by seawater, and we have now a lot of intrusion there.
Waktu dua minggu sudah cukup bagi penyebaran infeksi dan merenggut gaya hidup Anda.
Two weeks may be just enough time for infection to spread and take away your way of life.
(Risos) E assim eu montei este interior para os escritórios de Jay e eu fiz um pedestal para uma escultura.
(Laughter) And so I set up this interior for Jay's offices and I made a pedestal for a sculpture.
De nombreux endroits ont une nourriture culte à laquelle les gens sont énormément attachés. Il y a énormément de traditions, il y a des secrets,
Various parts of the world will have a cult food that people get enormously attached to — there's tremendous traditions, there's secrecy.
Geweldig, een zes min.
Great, that's a D-plus.
Мой последний проект в Гандо — это старшая школа.
My most recent project in Gando is a high school project.
O fato em si protege-me do frio.
The suit itself can protect me from the cold.
Et l'autre dimension est : est-ce qu'elles sont ce qu'elles disent être aux autres ?
And the other dimension is: are they what they say they are to others?
Vreau să discut ceva care e oarecum modest.
I want to take something rather humble to discuss.
Sono la direttrice dell'ufficio Nutrizione presso il dipartimento scolastico unificato di Berkley. Gestisco 90 impiegati e 17 sedi, 9600 bambini.
I'm the Director of Nutrition Services for the Berkeley Unified School District. I have 90 employees and 17 locations, 9,600 kids.
J'ai des actions dans ceux-là, donc je fais valoir une clause de non-responsabilité ici.
I have a stake in these, so I'll have a disclaimer there.
Na jejich serveru jsem musel odpovědět na tyto otázky.
I went to this site, and I had to answer these questions.
Hij zit daar.
He's sitting there.
계속할 경우, 좀 더 복잡한 프로그램을 통해 모든 종류의 알고리듬을 수행하고 유저 인터페이스와 같은 것들을 만들 수 있죠.
If you go on, that's a slightly more complicated program that's now doing all sorts of algorithmic things and creating user interface and so on.
Takže, toto se stane velmi brzy po navrácení zraku.
So, here's what happens very soon after the onset of sight.
當我們將其速度减少50倍 , 就可以看到腿是如何接觸那些模擬碎片的。
When we slow it down 50 times we see how the leg is hitting that simulated debris.
Och jag kom tillbaka för att mäta vad vi på teknikspråk kallar halveringstiden för Coca-Cola — hur länge finns den kvar i kylskåpen?
And I came back to measure what we technically call the half-lifetime of Coke — how long does it last in the refrigerators?
Lucrurile nu funcţionează aşa.
It doesn't work that way.
Ideja je bila da ovaj način predstavljanja može da prenese značenje u njegovom sirovom obliku.
And the idea was that this particular representation might convey meaning in its raw form.
Mulți reporteri vin în Yemen și vor să scrie despre Al-Qaeda sau terorism.
A lot of reporters come to Yemen and they want to write a story on Al-Qaeda or terrorism.
Сейчас, когда брак — это романтическая договорённость, неверность угрожает нашей эмоциональной безопасности.
But now that marriage is a romantic arrangement, infidelity threatens our emotional security.
娜塔莎要我們別開門 , 噢不 , 是我不想把門打開 , 因為我們花了很多時間把門堵住 ,
And I remember, Natasha didn't want us opening the door — sorry, I was trying not to open the door, because we'd spent so much time barricading the room.
Para esse fim, eu tenho trabalhado com açúcar para Stefan Sagmeister, palestrante do TED por três vezes.
To this end, I have worked in sugar for Stefan Sagmeister, three-time TED speaker.
အခု လူအများစုက ဒီဥပဒေအကြောင ် းကို တစ ် ခါမှတောင ် မကြားဖူးခဲ ့ ကြပါဘူး ။ ဥပဒေပြုလွတ ် တော ် အမတ ် တွေအပါအဝင ် ပေါ ့ ။
Now most people never even heard about this law, including members of Congress.
Poslušajte, da boste razumeli.
Listen to understand.
זו ילדה ממוצעת, בריאה בגופה בגיל העשרה, שמקבלת משוב כזה באחד הרגעים הכי רגישים מבחינה רגשית בחיים שלה.
This is an average, healthy-looking teenage girl receiving this feedback at one of the most emotionally vulnerable times in her life.
Imagine being able to make ceramics at room temperature by simply dipping something into a liquid, lifting it out of the liquid, and having evaporation force the molecules in the liquid together, so that they jigsaw together in the same way as this crystallization works.
Γιαυτό πρέπει να επιμένουμε, στην προσπάθειά μας να διορθώσουμε τις λάθος κατανοήσεις ώστε μόνο ώστε μόνο οι καλοήθεις και χρήσιμες παραλλαγές των ιδεών μας να συνεχίσουν να επεκτείνονται.
So we have to keep plugging away, trying to correct the misapprehensions so that only the benign and useful variants of our ideas continue to spread.
W drodze tutaj
So, I was on my way out here.
Τι είναι λοιπόν το πιο μοντέρνο στην αναγνώριση ομιλίας;
So what's the state of the art on speech recognition?
새로운 사실은 우리에겐 가장 두터운 계층, 여기 30억의 신흥 경제계층이 있다는 거죠. 그들은 상당히 건강하고 비교적 교육을 잘 받았으며 여성 한 명당 보통 두세 명의 자녀를 갖죠. 여기 [더 잘사는] 인구들이 하듯이요.
The new thing is that we have the biggest pile of billions, the three billions here, which are also becoming emerging economies, because they are quite healthy, relatively well-educated, and they already also have two to three children per woman, as those [richer also] have.
وها هي الافكار الجديدة.
And here are the new ideas.
वयाच ् या चौदाव ् या वर ् षी पोहण ् याच ् या तलावात झालेल ् या एका अपघातात माझी दृष ् टी गेली.
I lost my sight at the age of 14 in a swimming pool accident.
Voici par exemple une des astuces en marketing les plus sympathiques ; il s'agit de dire que quelque chose était plus cher auparavant, et tout à coup ça devient une affaire.
For example, this is, of course, one of the most delicious tricks in marketing, is to say something used to be higher, and suddenly it seems like a very good deal.
Мы полностью контролируем изменение его румянца, диаметр его ноздрей для обозначения стресса.
We have complete control over his blush responses, the diameter of his nostrils to denote stress.
Це їхній вибір залишатися ізольованими, і я вважаю, це їхнє право.
They have chosen to remain isolated, and I think it is their human right to remain so.
Het scherm links toont wat er gebeurt aan de hersenoppervlakte en het scherm rechts toont wat er onder het oppervlak gebeurt in het weefsel zelf.
The frame on your left shows what's happening at the brain's surface, and the frame on your right shows what's happening down below the surface of the brain within the tissue itself.
เมื ่ อคุณออกไปจากห ้ องนี ้ ในวันนี ้ ฉันขอฝากพวกคุณ ด ้ วยข ้ อความส ่ วนตัวมาก ๆ ว ่ า สิ ่ งที ่ ฉันเชื ่ อมั ่ นนั ้ น คือการที ่ เราในฐานะคนปัจเจกบุคคล นี ่ เป ็ นเรื ่ องของการเปิดใจให ้ กว ้ าง เปิดใจยอมรับกับข ้ อเท ็ จจริงที ่ ว ่ าความหวัง และความฝันของเรา คือการสร ้ างความรุ ่ งเรืองสําหรับผู ้ คนทั ่ วโลก ลดความยากจนลงให ้ มาก เพื ่ อผู ้ คนหลายร ้ อยล ้ านคน ขึ ้ นอยู ่ กับการเปิดใจเป ็ นพื ้ นฐาน เพราะระบบเหล ่ านี ้ มีข ้ อดีอยู ่ และข ้ อเสียเช ่ นกัน
As you leave here today, I would like to leave you with a very personal message, which is what it is that I believe we should be doing as individuals, and this is really about being open-minded, open-minded to the fact that our hopes and dreams of creating prosperity for people around the world, creating and meaningfully putting a dent in poverty for hundreds of millions of people, has to be based in being open-minded, because these systems have good things and they have bad things.
Here we go.
Ya da baskılara maruz kalmış, beyni yıkanmış, bir terörist.
Or oppressed, brainwashed, a terrorist.
拉 : 但是你隨時會發現一些細小的線索 ,
LN: But at any moment, you could uncover some tiny bit of evidence.
بيلاندا هي عضوة من مشروع "" الدائرة "" وكانت ستدخل المستشفى لإجراء عمليّة لوركها ، واتصلت بمقرّ "" الدائرة "" لتخبرهم بتغيبها لمدة وجيزة.
Belinda's a Circle member, and she was going into hospital for a hip operation, so she called her local Circle to say they wouldn't see her for a bit.
Vediamo una minuscola parte della realtà descritta dalle leggi della teoria quantistica dei campi, ma ce ne sono molte, molti altri mondi, parti della realtà descritte da teorie completamente diverse che sono diverse dalle nostre come non possiamo immaginare, che sono totalmente esotiche.
We just see a little tiny part of reality that's described by the laws of quantum field theory, but there are many, many other worlds, parts of reality that are described by vastly different theories that are different from ours in ways we can't imagine, that are inconceivably exotic.
자폐아를 가진 아이들과 저는 일합니다.
I work with children with autism.
Правил съм невъзможното не веднъж, а много пъти.
Now I have done the impossible not once, but many times.
Ez az, amit az IBM csinál, és nem is rosszul.
That's what IBM does in software services, and they've done reasonably well.
5명만이 고등학교에 진학하고 한명만 대학교에 진학합니다. 루터는 ELAM에 와서 가리푸나 졸업생의 1기가 되죠.
Only five went on to high school, and only one to university: Luther, to ELAM, among the first crop of Garífuna graduates.
Her er nøglen: Din hjerne ved ikke - og er ligeglad med - hvor disse data kommer fra.
But here's the key point: Your brain doesn't know, and it doesn't care, where it gets the data from.
În acest proces, observându-i pe cei care veneau la noi, spuneam: „Stai un pic. Oamenii vin și ne întreabă: unde trebuie să stau,
This process, as we started looking at the people who came to us, we'd say, now wait a second, people come to us and they say, where am I supposed to sit?
Úkony jsou symbolické - chcí se napít, chci tancovat - ale pohybové ústrojí musí stáhnout 600 různých svalů v určitém sledu.
Tasks are symbolic — I want to drink, I want to dance — but the movement system has to contract 600 muscles in a particular sequence.
Podemos começar a fazer a história contra a pobreza.
We can start to make poverty history.
그러니까 졸업생이 제대로 된 한 마디를 들었다면 결국 -모르긴 해도- 이 두 사람과 함께 활동하게 됐을지도 모르겠네요.
So had the graduate heard the right one word, maybe he would have ended up onstage — oh, I don't know — maybe with these two.
Ar žinote, kiek kartų tenka rinktis įprastą dieną? Ar žinote, kiek kartų tenka rinktis
Do you know how many choices you make in a typical day? Do you know how many choices you make
Warum "" No FGM Australia ""?
Why No FGM Australia?
При ИМПАС можем да извършваме много, много различни типове движение.
For IMPASS, we can do many, many different types of motion.
因此我們的這一代的重大項目 - 以我認為 - 是第一次去利用全球性倫理和我們全球性溝通及組織的能力建立一個真實的全球性社會 , 建立在道德之上而以體系去服務那個全球性社會和創造一個不一樣的未來。
So the great project of our generation, it seems to me, is to build for the first time, out of a global ethic and our global ability to communicate and organize together, a truly global society, built on that ethic but with institutions that can serve that global society and make for a different future.
Si on pouvait attraper la zone blanche on obtiendrait l'image du bas.
If you could pick up the white area, it would look like the figure on the bottom.
Ulus devlet tarafından temsil edilen, Büyük E harfiyle Eski mentalite, tam olarak davranış çağına girmiş değil, uluslar üstü sosyal hareketleri tanımamakla birlikte, geride kalmış durumda.
The Old mentality with a capital O, as represented by the nation-state, not yet fully into the age of behavior, not recognizing the power of transnational social movements, got left behind.
Right after the train crash, authorities literally wanted to cover up the train, bury the train.
Жодна з них не надто надихає, але одна з них знач... (Сміх) але одна з них значно гірша, ніж інша.
And neither of these stories is very inspiring or great — but one of them is this distinct... (Laughter) but one of them is distinctly worse than the other.
E assim, quase inevitavelmente, eu me tornei um escritor viajante e então meu trabalho e minha alegria se unificaram.
And then, almost inevitably, I became a travel writer so my job and my joy could become one.
La gente simplemente movió sus actividades de lavado de dinero fuera de los Estados Unidos hacia Europa.
People simply moved their money-laundering activities away from the United States into Europe.
Ir štai ten jie net kiekvienas nesunaudoja vieno vieneto.
And over there they don't even use one each.
Cualquier cosa que una empresa de medios necesite. Desde una imprenta hasta un transmisor.
We finance anything that a media company would need, from printing presses to transmitters.
الآن كان هذا قبل أشرطة كاسيت والأقراص مدمجة وأقراص الفيديو الرقمية — أي من الأشياء الجميلة التي لدينا الآن
Now, that was before cassette tapes, C.D.s, DVDs — any of the cool stuff we've got now.
Van valami, ami akkor is létezik, mikor nem nézzük, de ez nem a téridő és nem a kézzelfogható tárgyak.
There's something that exists when you don't look, but it's not spacetime and physical objects.
اما ، برای کسانی که در مناطق تجاری نوپا زندگی می کنند این (ایده ی جهانی شدن سرمایه داری خصوصی) یک رؤیاست ، و با این که "" بیانیه ی جهانی حقوق بشر "" - که در سال ۱۹۴۸ امضا شد - به طور کامل به کار گرفته شد ، آن چه در عمل (توسط بیانیه) صورت پذیرفت پنهان کردن دو دستگی بود که بین کشورهای توسعه یافته و در حال توسعه از یک سو و بین نظربه های حقوق اقتصادی و حقوق سیاسی از سوی دیگر به وجود آمده بود.
However, to many who live in the emerging markets, this is an illusion, and even though the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was signed in 1948, was unanimously adopted, what it did was to mask a schism that has emerged between developed and developing countries, and the ideological beliefs between political and economic rights.
لذا أقمنا حفلة راقصة ، و جاءت الفتيات و آبائهم بأعداد مضاعفة.
So we had a dance, and girls and their fathers came in multitudes.
แล ้ วคุณรู ้ ไหมว ่ า ต ่ อให ้ เราสามารถ นําของเสียพวกนั ้ นกลับไปใช ้ เป ็ นเชื ้ อเพลิงได ้ แน ่ นอนว ่ า มันจะต ้ องมีเชื ้ อเพลิงบางส ่ วนที ่ เหลือ
And the truth is that even if we get good at using that waste as fuel, there's always going to be some fuel left over.
Membaca pikiran sangat penting ketika berbohong karena pada prinsipnya, berbohong itu adalah adalah saya tahu namun Anda tidak tahu apa yang saya ketahui.
Mind reading is important for lying because the basis of lying is that I know you don't know what I know.
Eine Sicht ist, dass wir hochoptimiert sind für Gefahrensentscheidungen, die örtlich begrenzt auf das Leben in einem Familienverband im ostafrikanischen Hochland im Jahr 100 000 v. Chr. abgestimmt sind.
One way to think of it is that we're highly optimized for risk decisions that are endemic to living in small family groups in the East African highlands in 100,000 B.C.
Och vi bygger mindre och mindre datorer.
And we as a community, we've made computers smaller and smaller.
زۆر باشە ، یەکێک لە کچەکان خۆی فێر کردبوو کە ببێت بە مامۆستا
Well, one of the girls had taught herself to become the teacher.
이 섬유질의 작은 단면을 관찰하지 않았다면, 골격의 긴축을 따라서 나선형으로 계속 이어졌을 겁니다. — 중국식 핑거트랩 (손가락만한 퍼즐 장난감) 처럼 생겨서 손가락을 집어 넣으면 움직이지 못하게 됩니다.
And if you weren't just looking at a little section of the fibers, those fibers would be going in helices around the long axis of the skeleton — something like a Chinese finger trap, where you stick your fingers in and they get stuck.
Wir debattieren über die These "" Was die Welt jetzt braucht, ist Atomenergie "" — richtig oder falsch?
The debate is over the proposition: "" What the world needs now is nuclear energy. "" True or false?
و لذا ، بنظر من ، به این نتیجه میرسیم که تنها در نظر داشتن اطلاعات بر اتفاقات کافی نیست ، بلکه باید به آن توجه داشته باشیم و اجازه دهیم که انگیزه ما را بسوی بی ریایی و مثبت بودن اصلی انتقال دهد.
And so, what I think it comes down to is a question of, not only having information of what's going on, but paying attention to that and letting that shift our motivation to become more sincere and genuinely positive.
Produžava se, skraćuje i savija veoma lako kao odgovor na unutrašnje ili spoljašnje sile.
It lengthens, shortens and bends really easily in response to internal or external forces.
3,211 emaili, czatów IM i SMS udało mi się zachować.
But there were 3,211 emails and IMs and text messages that I was able to save.
Se equivocan.
They're wrong.