58 values
Тому коли думати про 1 рік, інновації не є такими важливими.
So when we think one year, innovation isn't really that important.
Nesses casos, concordamos de forma bem clara com os parâmetros, e temos as leis da natureza como baliza.
There, we have agreed-upon, fairly clear benchmarks, and we have laws of nature to guide us.
Но и это шло на пользу делу, ведь передачи продолжались. Результатом стало начавшееся по всей стране обсуждение роли средств массовой информации и реальной ситуации со свободой прессы в стране.
But that was also useful, because we were still at the web, so that helped to trigger an important debate in the country on the role of the media itself and the state of the freedom of the press in the country.
( 笑聲 ) 當譬喻出現時這個公式就會成立
(Laughter) This formula works wherever metaphor is present.
Wer war Pythagoras, und was hat er gemacht?
Who was Pythagoras, and what did he do?
И предполагам, знаете, че той беше голям герой.
I guess, you know, he was the big hero.
فلا يمكننا أن نتوسع أكثر من ذلك ، لأننا بذلك نضغط على الحدود الكوكبية.
We cannot expand anymore, because it erodes the planetary boundaries.
ولی همه ما می دانیم که تغییر اجتماعی فقط از دانستن اطلاعات بیشتر حاصل نخواهد شد بلکه از طریق به کار بردن اطلاعات است که تغییر حاصل می شود
But we all know that social change is not going to come from just knowing more information, but from doing something with it.
Ça fait la différence dans les jambes de qui ?
That makes a difference in whose legs?
এবং এটা ছিল একটা অদ ্ ভুত জায়গা ।
And it was a slightly crazy place.
여기 보시는 한 여성이 주사기에 넣으려고 하는 갈색 물질은 여러분이 생각하시는 바로 그건데, 다른 점이 있다면, 실제로 기증된 것들이라는 점이죠.
Here's a woman who's about to get a dose of the brown stuff in those syringes, which is what you think it is, except not quite, because it's actually donated.
あらゆるものに値段を付けたときに ― 深刻な害を被るのは共通性つまり ― 皆が一緒にいるという感覚です
One of the most corrosive effects of putting a price on everything is on commonality, the sense that we are all in it together.
Então, se não há nada que você pode fazer para tornar mais lento ou parar seu envelhecimento. o que eu estou fazendo aqui?
So, if there is nothing you can do to slow your aging or stop your aging, what am I doing here?
За првпат имав сопствен стан, ја добив мојата прва мала зелена Американ Експрес картичка, и си имав една многу голема тајна.
I had my first apartment, my first little green American Express card, and I had a very big secret.
Transposons are just small pieces of DNA that randomly insert in the genetic code.
Teraz pracuje nad lalkami, które będą wyjaśniać ksenotransplantację, a także eksperyment sprzed kilku lat - wszczepienie kozie genu pająka.
He's working on dolls that explain xenotransplantation, and also the spider gene into the goat, from a few years ago.
Obtener un nuevo replicador es peligroso.
Getting a new replicator is dangerous.
Vous savez, tout comme les gens dans la rue réagissent si vous venez trop près d ’ eux.
You know, just like people on the street when you get too close to them.
אבל דבקות זו במטרה לא תפיק את גמישות המחשבה, את ריבוי נקודות המבט, את היכולות לשתף פעולה ולחדש שהארץ הזו זקוקה להם.
But this single-mindedness will not yield the flexibilities of mind, the multiplicity of perspectives, the capacities for collaboration and innovation this country needs.
그래서 저는 다른 대안을 생각해냈습니다. 바로 "" 시토피아 "" 입니다. 고대 그리스어의 음식을 뜻하는 "" 시토스 "" 와 장소를 뜻하는 "" 토포스 "" 가 합쳐진 것이죠.
So I've come up with an alternative, which is Sitopia, from the ancient Greek, "" sitos "" for food, and "" topos "" for place.
Мало что изменилось.
Not much has happened.
Mik korunk nagy históriái?
What are the great stories of today?
Можно использовать все наличные материалы.
All materials are available for use.
John Underkoffler: No, questa cosa sarà costruita nell'incastonatura di ogni display.
JU: No, this stuff will be built into the bezel of every display.
Así que a miña suxestión para aqueles aí fora que seguen centrados en crear un mundo mellor é tomar un pouco de tempo cada día e practicar o pensamento cómico porque quizais acabedes encontrando a resposta que buscabades.
So my suggestion to those of you out here who are seriously focused on creating a better world is to take a little bit of time each day and practice thinking funny, because you might just find the question that you've been looking for.
Ezt érezted?
Were you feeling that?
شش سال پیش ، من به آمریکا بازگشتم و متوجه چیزی شدم: رویای آمریکایی پر رونق بود ولی تنها در هند.
Six years ago, I returned to America and realized something: The American Dream was thriving, but only in India.
Stiamo galleggiando qui in questo hotel galleggiante, su uno dei più grandi fiumi del mondo, il Rio Negro.
We are floating here on this floating hotel, on one of the largest rivers on Earth, the Negro River.
Het zal je niet verbazen dat ik een passie heb voor dans. Een passie om dans te maken, te bekijken, anderen aan te moedigen, deel te nemen, en ook een passie voor creativiteit.
As you might imagine, I'm absolutely passionate about dance. I'm passionate about making it, about watching it, about encouraging others to participate in it, and I'm also really passionate about creativity.
Med det mener jeg, at hvis verdens supermagt i dag var kommunistisk, ville det være en del lettere for demokratiske aktivister at bruge deres aktivisme som en form for modstand mod kolonialismen end det er i dag, hvor verdens supermagt jo er USA, som besætter visse lande og samtidigt støtter demokratiske idealer.
What I mean by that is, if the world superpower today was a communist, it would be much easier for democracy activists to use democracy activism as a form of resistance against colonialism, than it is today with the world superpower being America, occupying certain lands and also espousing democratic ideals.
دست راستم را از دست دادم ، ولی خوب ، چپ دستم. "" (خنده) به همین خاطر چیز زیادی نمی گفت.
I lost my right arm, but I'm a lefty. "" (Laughter) So, he wouldn't say much.
Arvutid ühendavad inim-intelligentsi peened pan-tuvastuse võimed sellisel viisil, milles masinad on juba ülimad, analüütilise mõtlemise tingimustes, pidades täpselt meeles miljardeid fakte.
Computers will combine the subtle pan-recognition powers of human intelligence with ways in which machines are already superior, in terms of doing analytic thinking, remembering billions of facts accurately.
ကျွန ် မဟာ ကောလိပ ် မှာရှိနေတဲ ့ ကလေးတွေအနက ် က တစ ် နေ ့ တစ ် နေ ့ ကုန ် ဆုံးတိုင ် းမှာ စာတိုက ် ပုံးဆီကိုသွားဖို ့ အကြောင ် းရင ် း ရှိနေခဲ ့ တဲ ့ တစ ် ဦးတည ် းသော ကလေးတစ ် ယောက ် ပါ ။ အဓိကအကြောင ် းကတော ့ ကျွန ် မအမေဟာ အီးမေး (လ ်) တို ့ ၊ Facebook တို ့ ၊ စာရိုက ် ပို ့ တာတို ့ ၊ ဖုန ် းတို ့ ဘာတို ့ ကို လုံးဝ မယုံကြည ် တာကြောင ့ ် ပါ ။
I was one of the only kids in college who had a reason to go to the P.O. box at the end of the day, and that was mainly because my mother has never believed in email, in Facebook, in texting or cell phones in general.
Դուք թատրոնի ճանապարհին եք, եւ Ձեր դրամապանակում ունեք երկու 20 դոլարանոց թղթադրամ ։
You're on your way to the theater, and in your wallet you have two 20-dollar bills.
Este es el video de la boda.
This is their wedding video.
J'ai déjà entendu parler des cougars, mais t'as quel âge, 20 ans ?
I've heard of May-December romances, but what are you, about 20 years old?
Ezberdintasun handiko muturrean, populazioaren% 15ak, gutxi gorabehera, besteengan konfiantza izan dezaketela uste du.
You see, at the more unequal end, it's about 15 percent of the population who feel they can trust others.
Tout cela ressemble à une très belle histoire.
Now this looks also like a very good story.
这里有个数字 , 非洲的5-10国家有着和瑞典和美国同样的水平。
There's a number, five to 10 countries in Africa that has the same level as Sweden and United States.
Mimo to, w tym miejscu, na tych łąkach, gdzie stanęło nasze pierwsze biuro, 4 lata później widzimy wielką połać zieleni...
Still, in this place, in this grassland where you can see our very first office there on that hill, four years later, there is this one green blop on the Earth's surface...
會有空氣的特質 , 如光線般輕盈
In our imagination, it has to be light.
Kartikeya nasednul na svého páva a rozletěl se nad kontinenty nad hory a oceány.
Kartikeya leapt on his peacock and flew around the continents and the mountains and the oceans.
UNICEF informa que en 2011, 6,9 millones de niños menores de 5 años, murieron de enfermedades prevenibles, relacionadas con la pobreza.
UNICEF reports that in 2011, 6.9 million children under five died from preventable, poverty-related diseases.
Rappelez-vous, la plupart des gens ne peuvent même pas imaginer une de ces miracles d 'ordre technique et vous devez en avoir au moins cinq pour réaliser un Panthéon.
Remember, most people can't even imagine one of these technical miracles, and you need at least five to make a Pantheon.
그는 스위스인이었습니다
And he was Swiss.
謝謝 !
Thank you.
Vien tik stebint žmogaus elgesį gali nepastebėti esminių dalykų ir susidaryti neišsamų ir netgi klaidingą vaizdą apie vaiko problemas.
Looking at behavior alone can miss a vital piece of the puzzle and provide an incomplete, or even a misleading, picture of the child's problems.
Er hatte ein genaues Bewusstsein dafür, wie schwierig es war.
I mean, such an acute awareness of how hard it was.
Le infrastrutture intelligenti possono fornire dei modi per risparmiare sui costi per far sì che le municipalità possano gestire sia le infrastrutture che le necessità sociali.
Smart infrastructure can provide cost-saving ways for municipalities to handle both infrastructure and social needs.
ทําไมหรือครับ? ก ็ เพราะนายธนาคารเป ็ นคนฉลาด
Why? Because bankers are smart people.
pokud bude správně vyučována, může být velmi zábavná.
but if it's taught properly, it can be a lot of fun.
ועכשיו אתם צופים בסרטון קצר — אחד הכפרים הללו — הדבר הראשון שהילדים עשו היה למצוא אתר שילמד אותם את האותיות האנגליות.
And you see here a little clip of — one of these villages — the first thing that these children did was to find a website to teach themselves the English alphabet.
"Pamatujete si na pacienta, kterého jste přijal s bolestí v krku?"
"Do you remember that patient you saw with the sore throat?"
Yavaşça nefes alın, gözünüzü kırpmamaya çalışın, içinize kapanmayın.
Breathe slowly, don't try to blink, don't be self-conscious.
Tienes que pedir un deseo para salvar al mundo "". Estaba perdido.
You have to make a wish to save the world. "" I was lost.
所以 , 在亚马逊某一个阳光璀璨的普通日子里一颗大叔通过它的蒸发作用能转移一千公升的水 — 整整一千公升的水
So, in a typical sunny day in the Amazon, a big tree manages to transfer 1,000 liters of water through its transpiration — 1,000 liters.
Procurei nas 300 pessoas mais ricas do mundo, segundo a Forbes, e é interessante ver que os dois animais mais indesejáveis, a Cabra e o Tigre estão no topo do gráfico, acima do Dragão.
I went through the Forbes top 300 richest people in the world, and it's interesting to see the most undesirable two animals, the Goat and Tiger, are at the top of the chart, even higher than the Dragon.
sadece oraya nasıl gidebilirim, bana onu anlat. "" dedim. Bu genç adam bana yardım etti.
Just tell me how to get there. "" This gentleman, he helped me.
Onu göremiyorsun, ama orada. "" Ve siz bunu köşesi daha kalın olduğu için hissedebilirsiniz.
You can't see it, but it's there. "" And you can feel that because it's thicker at that edge.
La liberté ? C'est le rodéo.
"" Freedom? It would have to be the rodeo.
40万人が作業を行い 2万の会社大学政府機関が力を注ぎました
Apollo employed around 400,000 people and demanded the collaboration of 20,000 companies, universities and government agencies.
Џек: На колкави интервали се појавуваат?
J: And how far apart are they coming?
Most pontosan kövessék a mozdulataimat.
Now, follow my actions exactly.
پت میشل: گبی ، آیا بهبودی تو تلاشی برای بوجود آوردن گبی جدیدی بود و یا بازیابی گبی قبلی بود ؟
PM: Gabby, has your recovery been an effort to create a new Gabby Giffords or reclaim the old Gabby Giffords?
Ví dụ, khi bạn nói, tôi không phải là người Anh bản ngữ.
For example, as you can tell, I am not a native English speaker.
他們被稱為阿亞圖拉 , 主要存在於庫姆這地區 , 他們在宗教圈裡很有影響力 , 以往對政治沉默 , 現在聲音愈來愈大 , 因為他們覺得伊朗走向不健康的方向 , 一個反方向與柯梅尼心中希望的。
These are the Ayatollahs, mostly based in Qom, who have great clout in the religious community, have been quiet on politics and are going to be getting louder, because they see Iran going in an unhealthy direction, a direction contrary to what Khomeini had in mind.
"" Güvenli "", MoMA 'daki son sergimdi. Geçen yılın sonunda bitti.
So, Safe is the last exhibition that I did at MoMA and it ended at the beginning of last year.
Ma credo sapessero quanto ero triste per loro.
But I think they knew how sad I was for them.
第一 , 我要給你們一個好的第一視覺印象。
First of all, I wanted to give you a good visual first impression.
Individualna promena i promene u kulturi se sada međusobno oblikuju, i da, možemo postići altruističnije društvo.
So now individual change and cultural change mutually fashion each other, and yes, we can achieve a more altruistic society.
Και σκεφτόμουν ότι όπως η ασφάλεια ταξιδίου δεν καλύπτει τις πράξεις του Θεού, μάλλον η ασφάλεια για την υγεία μου δεν θα κάλυπτε ανόητες πράξεις.
And then I thought about how, much as travel insurance doesn't cover acts of God, probably my health insurance did not cover acts of idiocy.
Gesprochenes und Gestik sind sind aufgrund ihrer Art kurzlebig.
Spoken and gestural are by their very nature ephemeral.
J'espère que vous l'êtes aussi.
I hope you are too.
Stroje dokáží sdílet vědomosti velmi rychle,
Machines can share their knowledge very quickly.
Vi mostrerò una breve sequenza accelerata.
I'm going to show you a brief time lapse.
Dette gjorde vi ved at sætte kunstige pigge på krabben som du ser her, og så afprøvede vi det.
We did that by putting these artificial spines on crabs, as you see here, and then we tested them.
Así que, todo eso fue para decirles que me gusta creer, que por cada palabra que intenta volvernos sordos los unos a los otros, siempre hay una lírica conectando oídos y corazones a través de continentes en ritmo.
So, all of that is to say that I like to believe that for every word intended as to render us deaf to one another, there is always a lyric connecting ears and hearts across the continents in rhyme.
Et assurément ma vie a été en partie comme cela.
And definitely my life has been part of that.
Экономикалық көзқарас тұрғысынан осылай істеу пайдалырақ емес пе?
From an economic point of view, this is good math, isn't it, that we should do this?
זו אינה חברה.
It's not a company.
Те се учат много нетърпеливо и са много способни в оцеляването.
They are very eager learners and very capable survivors.
Penso que isso nos dá uma oportunidade.
I think this tells us there is an opportunity.
And so they took them to some safe place.
Jos henkitorvi on sairastunut, haluamme käyttää soluja henkitorvesta.
If you present with a diseased wind pipe we'd like to take cells from your windpipe.
Et bien sûr, tout le monde sait que la dette du gouvernement fédéral continue d'augmenter, exprimée en pourcentage de notre PIB, à une allure très rapide et le seul moyen pour que ça s'arrête c'est à la fois d'augmenter plus rapidement les impôts et d'augmenter moins rapidement les aides sociales, qu'on appelle aussi les paiements de transfert.
And everybody of course knows that the federal government debt is growing as a share of GDP at a very rapid rate, and the only way that's going to stop is some combination of faster growth in taxes or slower growth in entitlements, also called transfer payments.
E questa è una foto, non è un riproduzione, e la colonna a cui siamo arrivati dopo un sacco di lavoro, ha finito per assomigliare molto a questa che abbiamo creato al computer.
And this is a photo now, it's not a rendering, and the column that we ended up with after a lot of work, ended up looking remarkably like the one that we had designed in the computer.
והפיקוח הממשלתי לעתים קרובות אינו עוזר בהרבה.
And government regulation often isn't helping all that much.
Szerintem civilizációnkban megérett az idő alapvető változások bevezetésére.
I think that the time is ripe to make fundamental changes in our civilization.
I znowu zastanawiałem się, co zrobić.
Here I was again, trying to figure out what to do.
Cred că singurul handicap este un spirit zdrobit, care nu mai are speranță. Nu mai vede frumusețea. Nu mai are curiozitatea naturală a copilului și capacitatea înnăscută de a-și imagina.
So, I think that the only true disability is a crushed spirit, a spirit that's been crushed doesn't have hope, it doesn't see beauty, it no longer has our natural, childlike curiosity and our innate ability to imagine.
손가락을 찔러서 피를 좀 얻습니다. 50마이크로리터 (백만분의일) 정도요.
Prick a finger, you get some blood, about 50 microliters.
А это тот самый человек стандартного европейского размера, чтобы вы могли представить масштаб.
And, again, a EU standard-size, real person, so you get some sense of the scale.
او اینکار را در قالب تصاویر مهم بصورت عکس و فیلم انجام می دهد.
She does that through important visual forms of photography and film.
Slėgis vėl gali visa paversti į vientisa.
Pressure can make everything whole again.
(笑聲) 在創新上我們面臨的最大挑戰是.
(Laughter) Here is the greatest challenge we face in innovation.
It's becoming, I think, a really great institution.
Однако, самое действенное плацебо — это игла.
And if you want the ultimate in placebo, you've go to the needle.
这就是我认为 , 值得推广的想法。
So that's the idea, I think, worth spreading.
NASA rozpracowało i to.
And NASA has figured this one out, too.
"" 나이지리아 "" 라고 하는 게 "" 라고스랑 베를린 "" 보다 빠르니까요. 그리고 구글맵으로 나라에서 도시에서 마을로 언제든지 확대할 수 있으니까요.
It's quicker to say "" Nigeria "" than "" Lagos and Berlin, "" and as with Google Maps, we can always zoom in closer, from country to city to neighborhood.