Download Images and Set Wallpapers from your choice of Subreddit!
Using this script:
- No Setup Needed!
- Download any number of images from Any Subreddit!
- Select your sort type (Top, Hot, New, Controversial)
- Select your sort time (All, Year, Month, Week, Day)
- Extremely Reliable Downloading.
- Automatically set and switch Wallpaper from the downloaded images
- Store the links to all the downloaded images (in case you want to access later?)
- Works on Python 2.x and Python 3.x both!
- Specify your custom save location!
Grab the latest release here! Or download it using the next step!
DownloadRedditImages v2.0.0 -
No Dependencies! Just Download and Run!
Just download the files and run the file - no need to setup anything at all!
To download via Terminal:
git clone
To run the code
In terminal:
# In the Home Directory or the Directory in which you cloned/downloaded the script
cd ~/DownloadRedditImages
--subreddit <your choice of subreddit>
--sort_type <hot|new|rising|top>
--sort_time <all|year|month|week|day>
--save_dir <Directory where you want to store the images. By default it saves in wallpapers folder>
--update_every <Number of minutes after which you want to change the wallpapers>
--run_for <Total number of hours you want to run the script for>
--download_only <Toggle this to either only download the images, or to also keep cycling throught the wallpapers>
python --subreddit earthporn -sort_type top --sort_time all --download_only
After First run, you might want to run the app in background (This is possible even on first run!)
nohup python &
nohup command is used to keep the script running in background, even when the terminal is closed
Add the script to run it as startup application
Goto "Startup Applications" Click "Add" -> Click "Custom Command" -> Enter command as "nohup python ~/ &", enter name and other details and save