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But now I'm in profit finally 😏 And we're just getting started... | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfWlhPN2FIMk0zcUo4TlRuOFR1THVsUTRVcW9GUC11c2xsWFZ4YV9DUXZBR3RwbkNlME13MFBKcnBCVmhuajZNUkpENi1UVlUzbmxwQ3JpX1hVSUw1WWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlWjhha1dvTGN6Nm9KcndXczduRHZwZ0JURjZ6UEJGOWNDVS1hUTJza2lTQ0hTNWFhTGVFUzFxZHhwZ3hNV0RyM2wwMDV3eFhRc2pnRmlIdzBIcFBoRWVOc3BZOXdzZ0JkRm5wUEJPay1ZT21PRFFEVVBNRzhTUW9vTXdPQzBNdjlkWm81S1RiUG9zTzBpOHF4UUdKanpFeHNnNWJpMnJnUmV2bEhCajlsLWFJdWRPLXAwNzFOUXR3QlRYLTBST3RGM3BWbmtKLUtscHpLZWl1UklnQkNFUT09 |
In other words, the demand you create for fiat money through borrowing from the bank, results in more fiat money being created in the system by the bank, and not on a 1:1 basis, but much more than that.
That is also "printed" money because it costs the bank almost nothing to do that, and it results in inflation.
You get a loan you can pay back with interest, and the bank gets to create money out of thin air.
If your aim is to arrive at a sound monetary system, then this is mildly counterproductive, especially if every transaction conducted in fiat is a transaction not conducted in bitcoins. When those bitcoins are instead flowing into some centralized banking system custodian's coffers, they potentially reduce the network effect of bitcoin, compared to when they flow into the hands of a future peer who might directly transact in them. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfTkxZc3dNdUdPZE9lNkJzeDNEeU5wWVhIRERyNUNkOGRCbkhXbjFhNngyaF9JdFVEbDBzR0owVzN1RGxrMmJKTTdYbjRSX1Z3blVZMWs2eWROWmViblE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlR0Z2QTJaQWVaVFo0VF9MNmwzQzY3MndQTzVZU2YzTk5IUkRuT2FpWE1nU0RvbnVyN2h1YUlCODZUQnJtWEg3cWNYZG1xTGRmdXBrejR4RjVtX0swTFNJS0d0ZHc4TlBuQlJxYnMway1SODFQdTJYOU93NGdnZXk4b1NzWWFlYWphZXlnOTZuV1U3a1laMW1wUHUyNm1MNEc1Mk0yNUxDZ0VVZ2ZWZDZ4TXNnREhfY2lXaGtmbUlMTzIweUNYVEpn |
I’ve learned a lot of things about crypto in the last few years, I know why bch is far superior to btc in terms of transactions. (basically the only thing crypto was invented for)
But I am still not sure what makes bch stand out compared to other, low transaction cost cryptos. Why bch is superior to them? | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfOWptMmhuSWhtVl9kSXRNellkRlllQkFva2dmQmd1N0RwdnUtc28xajNWb1cyU2pCUmd3d3BYWWlnRC1iWUpZOHRZUmN6ZnBPRmZJM0ZONkdTVUpja3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlTktJczNBWmVWYXJXcjJIR1p0M2haSS01aERyanBIUVhQb0w3bEhjYUlQc2pSbmVOYktLb2ZLUWtSU1E2MUFkY3g0MVY1a3pDbVZ2UzF5em9hWTNoVGNMTTBmeWk0eUZqOXRXdGFnQUM3U0toTTRzT1ZqWXFaQUYyb2ZJLXE2NWVOYkhveVNSeENrRFVIelVURmpTVzdwMHUxT1ptUU9NWElaaFppVVoyWlJhSmkzS3FvNktWNjRINnNvM2tDaW0x |
My crypto portfolio is 80% ETH and 20% BTC, so I hope I'm wrong, but:
I keep reading about the altcoin cycle and how the ETH/BTC ratio will rise, similar to what happened four years ago. However, I feel this time is different. I'm not saying ETH won’t rise a bit, but the gap in interest between Bitcoin and Ethereum seems enormous.
From ETFs to headlines about countries or institutions wanting to hold BTC reserves, the focus overwhelmingly seems to be on Bitcoin.
What are the reasons to remain optimistic that ETH won't completely lag behind BTC this cycle? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfRDE5cFExTWZxdXpDbmNuS21pazNoYVkxci04Rnl4WGJFS1ctSmJLYXh6MDhfTDJXTXJ6Snpha1o2WmFVekNORlZQT3M3VGRIamRIQkcxUHFPLTI2V1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlaHNzWVJ1c1J6RGpNS2JfQUVNV3cwT1JqY2h3bzlzSDhOVXptdHpXcnVvTEhpMkowWEQzS2dKQldYdWs1QmNxYkxIaXNuU3FtbklLN0tJbG1PQ19UYWJ5QkYxdFZ0WmVqay1JLS1QNDZzMkN4SWhvUmtLc08tQlVxMm53RmJLVThHZDN1TmV4MldOM3VxQndhNzZGN2s4RjhFRWRNdFFlY2ZhTXFudlNjSmZVSDBvanRDelJRSXlwWTlFSElPZ3Ft |
Haven't heard or seen anything on RandomxV2 for a while is it still coming? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfU3RsMC04aGZnM0IwTW1nbUgxcHJ2M09mNjhfRy1Za2pVUnlvcl9Sa0xqUFpzX1FQT3VNOTNkNFoxSG5IMnFuMEdkYm44a3hmUGc3RjBUclNpR09HNFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1Jla1AyclItOVdvaFFuNE15QWRnX1kwS012RFVKV2JmOHhBcUtoaDBFM1JBQmJhc1hUdWhXUEZPX2hmemJpZ20ydHJZUnJnUllVVHlVLWZiX2lYUUN2RTNTYzNXZk5IM29pQ2gwOUp6VUliYS1XRjRIZ0N2TnI1UFNDME1sSldTQ3lITWw0TF91eU9IRDVaZ29pSEVjcmQ0LW5mRHludTlNeEp1S1oyX0ptR184PQ== |
I have 4k I want to invest in XRP, XLM, SUI, SEI, OM or/and some other Alts. I know it's not much but I just want to get in.
I've been watching the marked for 10 days non stop waiting for a good entry but it feels like I never get the chance and the shit keeps pumping.
Should I just stay patient and believe the dip is coming ? I don't want to FOMO in again (my speciality BTW).
I need a plan, I'm totally lost.
HELP this lost soul with knowledge and guidance
| r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfYmI0NDNWNHVzV3lCLUdFb2VOQUlEZWdJUW5IWFV5VDFvWGU4UU1xcW5rTkN1TVlsMzcwYlVoMWMyNGdYZzY5dU9Qa2R6QVpVUFdpWl9zNmVIbEkwMmdBRlBfa05CbWExNlhoSy1aWFFGeDQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlU3ZheE9fV2o0TmtrVEdJazVhdHVRMVhzVlBGWWhlY0phWHpfN2lSY2dxd1dDd0E5VUEzLU9BU2ZEVmRmQ3hadDV6eERoVVVEYUVSX2UxTng1UHRtaW9xZ3hEaTVyVm4yNXBHODJmSV9ORkRQSWZtaHFrRlJlVXhicTMyTVB3bWN4REo3cVlaMlhROTVRWnNkV2taaUFTU09mZ3ZoSDFNZm5QSlYzRDdMSmdWN2ZSN1g5WlNmNDNycFg4aGJ3V2d6VGs5Z2piVk5oMkpCbUlzQTRyS01LQT09 |
Given the success of the previous MAAMs ([see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/search?q=maam&sort=new&restrict_sr=on)), let's keep this rolling.
The principle is simple: ask anything you'd like to know about Monero, especially the dumb questions that you've been keeping for you every other days, may the community clarify it all!
Finally, credits to binaryFate for starting the concept! | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfeUs3cUVIOVVKeHNKMnNwZWJPZWNGb0NITE1kTTlUMW9oWTVEcS10M3Vzd0Q0SFMxaC1ZZGRCLXVjbXNRTUNSMHVkOG8xaTRrTHBxcjlfTkY5ZnhBR1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlY1ZYZDBOOWJ1OUpZYngzR3NOZW9zYnZZaDZpRmZUUFdrVkV1WU5fWm5INGNyS3IwSXktSG9tSTYtcGh5YXZqVzVHNzdzaVU1bEVMNU5IMlJIaUhnTHp0SU54ODhuNmpNbHdNQlFxOVAtbEdBaHN5Y1lWR2ZHT3pwcmxHZnA2dnR0Vk1pQm44R0g1VE1BOHdBTjhia244UEZscEt3VUFWa2Q2eHVaWFlCaDNyZnJUaTJuYVctamt1MDRzYjlsOHkwbjZIQTBwQ2RxcjBQUFpSZVBJbzBOdz09 |
Today I noticed a very unusually [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/1gsvcxx/comment/lxhv6kl/) against Roger Ver, and in favor of the IRS that had 15 upvotes. That seemed very suspicious to me, so I took a look at the user's history.
It is an account just created earlier this year. It farmed some karma in r/AskReddit and then spent the rest of its time attacking Crypto and the people in it, and attacking BCH the most of all.
This is a clear example of the (likely taxpayer funded) opposition we are up against.
**Always think for yourself. The government hates that the most.** | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfY1VqcEVtNEFKb1FvQ0hVR3BGc3VXNzZKUVpHVmVXR2s5ZU1iRjZZTEl0ZlAyWWYxT0JLZ3Eyb2hkVDM3ZnF0bGVnSGstN3VFTE5fN3l4aDFIcnRTTVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlNmFEWi1Tal9QcXljenZtOFJpelFTd2xHOENBME81ZXNuMDQ4TGc2SFhIdUR5eTU1d3RseUhHbUtEdlYwcXNsNUlUbUl2NkNIeTQzVEZZSlQ0bnk3SUI2Yy1PNDRQOUlQRndCVllQTl9ocEFPbmpMYnVZWXpVbTRNbDZoam5CY3JlWDh6UFNQeDR2LWpQRDdPbHZGdGpicjNLVnZSTlpvZFdCRlZQREdRcG83cUpHaFcxcGdGYVpxWkhLM2c1bXdrV1ZVamZPZ29Cb2dvTERXeHdRcU4zQT09 |
I swear every meme coin on Solana is a rug pull. I've gotta burned every single time. I've given up. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfQ2dkd3lFMkl1N0hRN3dmR1pZVFQ3ZlNrM0N2VWtYSHRoaW9LODd1dk9qVEdJb3lhLXZyVHJFTDU2LVlhbVVwcFVEUkt2UVdicDMxR3hwZVdjR2lkQ3B5cnNWM2lZWUMzeHVjcHo2QS0zdFE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JldlROX3N4ZWhva2NsOTdSZV9rVmJkOWdGX0NkZl85dHFPTXRnNk4wenRweHJVaWtOSkF5TnVhNExGSmVXalpDQzEtc0F5SkFxenNWeXZYX2k0bXZwSTcxTTZwNzQtaUxEV1BPMV9XcU5QMDBJb1NWaGViRUVLV0VXOThPVnNkSk51eFlnSjFsNUxWeGxLZEIzYU9BQmUwMmxDd21yVG10U2stbFBmX3lwSnc4PQ== |
We all know [Rugcheck.xyz](http://Rugcheck.xyz) is hit and miss.
I made a new platform today, not live yet.
This is real time check on Raydium new LP creations.
1. PumpFun Creation: Bundled with Bots - "Says for the token is minted and swapped at the same blocks"
2. Botted/Insiders - We can see on 2nd image, two suspicious amount with trailing zeroes even thought with low % holdings.
But can I say these two wallets are insiders? We can click on "View" for Botted/Insiders
Wallet 1: AM2hCxK36KqAb4ZzQ5DGHPkYXyHK6ogpJ3xx7fFFsJf2
Wallet 2: 5jDKhRxjJi6Zad5oQpkuTsW5BHtbmVycjbHSEpsJFteH
Let's filter on photon - [https://photon-sol.tinyastro.io/en/lp/Bn1aCEfZcLYwXW7nKcD3EFZySD9PG9uGd4dGMFPokdDg?handle=7959050209ad701837698](https://photon-sol.tinyastro.io/en/lp/Bn1aCEfZcLYwXW7nKcD3EFZySD9PG9uGd4dGMFPokdDg?handle=7959050209ad701837698)
Both wallets dumped and botted the buy/sell. It could be more than that untracked. But with the comprehensive checking, the ui will help us acknowledge there's two suspicious amount.
Nonetheless, here's another example of linked data of suspicious amount for another token
We can see the smart play of the developer adjusting the value (almost identical amount) as well as value that has all the trailing zeroes for a fixed amount that we normal human don't usually calculate for exact amount out.
Thanks for reading!
What's more than that?
The UI could trace fake [pump.fun](http://pump.fun) token
What does it mean "Fake [pump.fun](http://pump.fun) token"
Dev created a token ends with "...pump" whilst not being created on the platform itself.
This will usually appear on as "Graduated" on [ape.pro](http://ape.pro) which you'll not find on [pump.fun](http://pump.fun) itself or even metaplex token info would simply recognize this as [pump.fun](http://pump.fun) token which fools us all. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfdmFQZWhiVW41T1U1NjFWVDZydFE5eXlBNkRRb1U5Z0dQR0N0UFc3aXJ0Z20wZjBHX20tNDVaQ3ppNDVEU1VxVW0yZ2hSWHNIT1AwVmdQTU1adTExcVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlZGlOWmdSRHd2LWRxRXdoM3NBaWFHNGI3LTVuVDNvc0Q5aEJIZEFPSVZnSjV6cEdsRm1maDJqOGt1Ujh3Y3F6eUQtMmJ0VGhlc1Zac2Vfd1NGcGRGeGh4RVNHa25rNUdjQm5TUno2Si14a3k2MXdITFFkX3NuZjdoZE5vaDdlNEZlSVRRcUtIYWZKcmpBazZ5cmJOT2lNZUFwdVFtTFJWU2hkVndDX1BwblN0bFZ1a3lZU1hvcEFGQXJTNEN1S00yaGV1V3R5QloyNUhZaXY0Z2RDcEFFUT09 |
Every now and then I check my little trading app and have a look at the stocks. And sometimes, a certain exercise stock on the trending tab would catch my eye. A black logo with a simple white circle design. I know that business, it's that exercise bike company Pelaton. Quickly scanning the name I see letters that confirm my assumption.
"Holy shit, this stock is going mental, I didn't realise Peloton made so much money" I think to myself. This happens occasionally throughout the year and Peloton is apparently a 100 billion dollar company.
Anyway, last week I took an extra second to actually fucking read.
What the fuck is Palantir. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfX3BTeURXbDBFOE91WTYzajRaeUlkSmxYX0MtcTBwa2JUSGVnMnpZOTlfZ0tnQThLclQyYURPTi1yS2NlVzlhRnRpdjVieFhoNl85akNuY21mSGtfTnhmeW0tdU40RW9yNXZpbTlQanotelE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1Jla0FJM3EzSXlFOU5qSTh2aUxwYXdzV2ZxVWtlM1VIRGR0WDgtRXNPRFd2UGFKNWE5X0o5bU9WdHM5akUybDViTnRTOVZZNnpraldwMk8tUGxXOEcwcUZDRlhubDdsdjFvWndCTUdEMzZkcDAzTWJwQWhKRG9nWnUwdV9ZeVhyT1QyM01yMUd6dnZaaHpwSlpGNmRBZ0docGRURUxUb0o1Y2lQVGY2TjkyazZDdFJibUJaR2N4a0pMdk1YeHE0aGQ5U0pKNFYyQ1BpeEZfMHBmYUY3eEIydz09 |
Hey Monero fam! 👋
Time for another exciting update on [Bitrica.com](https://bitrica.com?utm_source=reddit) \- you asked, we delivered!
**Tor Support is Here!** 🧅 Access the entire platform via [.onion address](http://vhwxmcyrthndouv3o2n3dsfjgvmyh3xs74zbhcrpwuwfnhqqiad4oayd.onion/) for that extra layer of privacy you deserve.
**Power to the Traders: New Safety Features** ⚡ Ever wanted more control over who can trade with you? Now you've got it! Set your own trader requirements:
* Minimum rating threshold (0-5 stars)
* Minimum completed trades requirement
For example: Want to trade only with experienced users? Set your requirements to "20 trades + 5-star rating" and boom - only traders meeting those criteria can start deals with you. (Shoutout to u/CBDwire for this awesome suggestion!)
**Smarter Search = Less Hassle** 🔍
* New filter: Show only available trades
* No more clicking through inactive listings
* Find exactly what you're looking for, faster than ever
**Calling All Sellers!** 💪 The demand is real - we've got buyers waiting and ready to trade! Now's the perfect time to jump in and start building your reputation. Early traders always get the best opportunities to establish themselves. Plus, with our new trader requirements feature, you're in full control of who you trade with. Come join us and turn your XMR knowledge into profit!
Still keeping all those payment methods and currencies you love, just making everything smoother and safer.
What's your take on these new features? We're already cooking up more improvements - what would you like to see next? 🤔 | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfMEwwenM3RGt4eDlKMXY0TGZBODYwQWJnZTlkTjNsYjRkQlVrZGJTMDJBU2E1T21ZXzBRRG9qVENJcGdlS3luNWZkdHZmQ0NTbnFfenptVWxaU3VhNVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1Jla0t6ZWdVTWFzalR4S0hqWTFEM3VLajdydElTcmUwZGl0NkF5b0poelhDNVhMOVlQU2FSbVFaQnVZbXVaeVFDQlMwaVdzb3MycnVrdjA2SlNoeHBJQXpyLUFxTzZNaXRSMFFaanB5NGJSVDhJWDdmam5NN0FGTDNMSGpXcE1JOEJibkx3RmtLOFdXWTE2YTdHYzVHWVRIY0RrVTFSNG1KRkdJMVVBZno2YUMzYVc5QmVRV01WakZ1TXloclE1dUFZ |
So I purchased domain. Monero transaction passed successfully which you can see on screenshot I will send. But status of domain was on PENDING whatever that means. I opened ticket 3hrs after that since status was same. 24hrs since I opened ticket has passed but no response. After 24hrs I sent 2nd message in same opened ticket to ask them how we can sort this up, and instead SCUMS LITERALLY BANNED ME. They are bragging as onion supported website and accept Monero. Doesn't matter.
https://preview.redd.it/r6imkknihp1e1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a25e53088abeaf18f6ff7c165801493d1354cf7 | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfREhsdWZ0LWlUTkZsdW0wd2dZSUp1ZGtoUUFnR0JTMjJNT0VlSENKLVBaLTJLZFpJYVRKN21rV2pOTDZxVEtvUVh1ZFI0Y2lCbkk5YjBTSFV0UGotNlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlVEtkdE1tTWFrMk1rNUVDVkV5amE2bTNHX1RRcjNEVjkwcUpGVlNPbXd5WjVybnBmNWJlZURXTllqWjBBczllWWJzd0ljTWdyVG9vZ25LbFN0WnhGZHhQenhvUXZudnExcXd5cWk2TTJ6MU4xUzJIWklPS0tlWnhBeWdnWlBiM3BnTkFJMkZEaGpSMnBLSkJYVWhTaHBmYjRxd3VzRDdGb3VDNDlkYWd6U3otbW01RHlmb0dxcldhQVY3NTRGUFJY |
It's annoying. They just keep talking about it but never go into detail. I'm assuming they're just trying to drum up extra hype maybe?
Anyone have any thoughts? | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1Ffd3VsbG5TOHhWVExxbV95S1UtOFFyZE14OU1xZEZaWEd1Q3BYeFRONEZxcmFRNkZfYkdBZ0RVbENwQm9raGpqM3RRX2NHUXZlWG1rcTFwUndHajE4VkRwWDFDQzAtTHhVa21ybGVSUE11UGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlcVVoNTB3SnpobTNzSTRFMThlSno4dHZMM21EeXBsVjNWUktXRkxKNW1Ddk5MZHNWYWIxelUyVWlHZW1oS0ktYmRXOXVyRmU3bTNlSmEwei1jSGJuMWpMLTdVOEFZNlFGcmhPSm1NWnU3N1FZOXdJMU9hX2FScnMwTWdwbmFqWTFBUjl4a0tvbDF5Sl9zSWc3QTNnSk5yVC1ZNUFNSkZQWXJMRTB6YU8xZ0xkN1ptZVJOcWROV3F2TlVpT29vQW5XelNBTG5NOUpvNkxEdTNnX1loc2FLUT09 |
I had 66 SOL in my Phantom wallet.
I received some airdrop or free NFT, and I connected, and the next moment I had 0 SOL in my wallet. How is this possible?
Was I scammed, or is there a way to get it back?
I clicked approve too quickly... only then did I look at what it was -.- | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1Ffb1M2eEx3U0tGZnRrTFZmWDZFTkJkRWJNQXRPcmVxM2JCZUJxUXZ0em1fa0ZZMlBKcHFHSGdXZENFMUY2UGJnWWR5UzBRQl9BZklhWmRvRnZncWZoZVBDWVByVGZrVjFfT1c4UXFVTWpCODQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlZ05LMm1yWGphUDltR3ZQU0R2aWlXN3M0UWVjT1hlLTVBRVdYWHhLMWFMaE1mcDBwV3hrOHN5R2FQT1RfbnhwSzN5V21ZQlZ5Rm16cGFpUTBGS3d5VG1pRDVmZFYyNC1abGI0MXhGVDU1M19scE51VjJmcFllaElQOGV2ZmF3Sk4xV29SQlBqSDlscE12UDRqV0JkNVlZZnEwYThNcU9RbXp4blBsNWlpS25jSU9MMmxLUmx6ZEEwLWRESHJSSkhl |
I've been away for a bit. He was so helpful. It looks like he hasn't posted here for 4 months. Anyone know? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfWEJyQ0dqbVl2bnJVSHkxOWdSTjlIdFI4aGJBZXd0VkswQ2N1S09FWVZfdmd1cGFBZWJRbWFfM3luSU9WbDN1OW5QR012alZ2ajBSRnhacHQySktzSEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlOU5HUEZUcldZRTZWQUhLWkZZcVJ5VzdJbm1Malo5VWRSSHEtS0xxZTBBOEtuckROWTZBdUQzVVhGeG9icHQweDZ3TVlYQmtaMWVFQUxJRlRVakF5ZzVTSHNwOHlyRjlyYU9jMlMzX2ZfUXhCM3VLT2lULVVTWFl4UlU5Y19xNTc2cDFhdGhtWXpqSTZZSnhtdFR2UFZUcGY3THRNcjdZTGI1Qm1NSkdFTnRBPQ== |
After extensive development, **Oceans Market** is ready to redefine the online shopping experience, launching in **early 2025**! Built with privacy and security at its core, Oceans Market offers a seamless and anonymous platform for buying and selling goods and services.
Here’s why Oceans Market is the ultimate marketplace:
🔒 **Unmatched Privacy and Anonymity**
Your privacy is our top priority. Oceans Market exclusively uses **Monero (XMR)**, the leading cryptocurrency for secure, private transactions. Your personal and financial information remains completely confidential.
⚖️ **Automatic Escrow System with Unique Subaddresses**
Our advanced **automatic escrow system** ensures every transaction is secure. Each user is assigned a **unique Monero subaddress**, providing a personalized and private way to manage funds.
Here’s how it works:
1. **Deposits Update Your In-Site Balance**: When you deposit Monero into your unique subaddress, your **in-site balance** is automatically updated.
2. **Use Your Balance to Shop**: This balance can be used to purchase items across the marketplace, ensuring a fast and smooth checkout process.
3. **Secure Escrow Transactions**: When you make a purchase, funds are held in escrow until both buyer and seller confirm the transaction. Once everything is complete, the escrow system releases the payment.
💸 **Withdraw Anytim**e
Your funds remain under your control. If you decide not to spend your entire balance, you can **withdraw your Monero at any time** directly from your in-site wallet, giving you flexibility and peace of mind.
📦 **Feature-Rich Ecosyste**m
Oceans Market is designed to provide a comprehensive and user-friendly experience:
* **Real-Time Messaging**: Communicate securely with buyers and sellers.
* **Order Tracking**: Keep an eye on your purchases every step of the way.
* **Saved Listings**: Bookmark items for easy access later.
* **Favorite Sellers**: Build a list of trusted vendors.
* **User Notifications**: Get instant alerts for messages, orders, and escrow updates.
🚀 **Secure Cold Storage Payment**s
All payments are handled manually through **cold storage wallets**, ensuring your funds are safe from online hacking. Even in the unlikely event of a database breach, no sensitive payment details or private keys will ever be exposed.
🌐 **A Trusted Communit**y
Oceans Market isn’t just a marketplace—it’s a community. Whether you’re buying unique items or selling your own products, our platform offers a secure, private, and seamless experience for all users.
🛡️ **Strict Complianc**e
We strictly prohibit illegal items, ensuring a safe and trustworthy marketplace for everyone.
📅 **Launching Early 2025**
Mark your calendars! Oceans Market is coming soon, bringing you a platform where **privacy, security, and convenience** meet.
**Your privacy. Your security. Your marketplace.** 🌊 | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfWTk2SnFOak1XV2tjdDJ5Q1FQSFRSX2x3VDd6eVpGOGNvbS1RTlVyVGZXLU1kaVRWV1dGZkpJMG83NzliZWMybFVuWDVQYmtNN3kxQ0NVQWF6eGJUX0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlQTRGWk1ZX2x6NmtoNTNpNTRtZHNlUDJ1U3BNYUZSR3RoVmdOVHRPMjRvMWxFa0sxMTN2cGgtdWNudXJINDdJNTdMRWxITmpWdTFwaVdXRTRzLWNzNFVLbUdXeW5STWYwY2pxc0c3OWNGaTVySEtnc0hUS2tDVW9SeTJTVUZ3SVBtQjFSaVlNcjhxVE94cFJ3QWI3S015cF9JbG5kTnQ5cGlIcWs1TzNJclAydE0wRUk3eVRjQ2tuM05fbXAzRVFkMlg3WjhKTV9xZFZORFd4TEcyUDBCdz09 |
* Custom 6-10U server chassis with two rows of GPUs.
* SlimSAS SFF 8654 cables between PCIe Gen 4 risers and motherboard.
* Best motherboard: AsRock Rome2d32GM-2t.
* PCIe Gen 4 risers with redrivers for regular motherboards.
* We are [https://upstation.io](https://upstation.io/) and rent out 4090s.
I've spent the past year running hundreds of 3090/4090 GPUs, and I’ve learned a lot about scaling consumer GPUs in a server setup. Here’s how you can do it.
# Challenges of Scaling Consumer-Grade GPUs
Running consumer GPUs like the RTX 4090 in a server environment is difficult because of the form factor of the cards.
**The easiest approach**: Use 4090 “blower” (aka turbo, 2W, passive) cards in a barebones server chassis. However, Nvidia is not a fan of blower cards and has made it hard for manufacturers to make them. Gigabyte still offers them, and companies like Octominer offer retrofit 2W heatsinks for gaming GPUs. Expect to pay $2000+ per 4090.
What about off-the-shelf $1650 4090s? Here’s how we make it work.
# The Chassis: Huge and totally Custom
Off-the-shelf GPU servers (usually 4U/5U) are built for 2-slot cards, but most 4090s are 3- or 4-slot GPUs, meaning they need more space.
We’ve used chassis ranging from 6U to 10U. Here’s the setup for a 10U chassis:
* One side houses the motherboard.
* The other side has the power distribution board (PDB) and two layers of 4x GPUs.
* Typical 19” server chassis gives you about 20 pcie slots of space, and with two rows you get 5 slots per gpu. You can fit any 4090. However, buy the slim ones first.
* We use a single fan bank with 6 high-CFM fans, which keeps temperatures stable.
# How to Build a GPU Server
1. **Connectivity and spacing**: Proper spacing is crucial, which is why PCIe Gen 4 risers are used rather than directly slotting the GPUs into a motherboard or backplane. Think of it like crypto mining but with PCIe Gen 4 speeds via SlimSAS cables (SFF-8654, 85 Ohm, 75 cm or less).
2. **Cable Setup**:
* Motherboard → SlimSAS SFF-8654 → PCIe Gen 4 Riser.
# The Motherboard: Signal Integrity is Key
Since the signal travels over multiple PCBs and cables, maintaining signal integrity is crucial to avoid bandwidth drops or GPUs falling off the bus.
Two options:
1. **Regular motherboards with SlimSAS adapters**:
* You’ll need redrivers to boost signal integrity.
* Check out options here: [C-Payne](https://c-payne.com/).
* If GPUs are close to the CPU, you might not need redrivers, but I havent tested this.
* Ensure the motherboard supports x8x8 bifurcation.
2. **Motherboards with onboard SlimSAS ports**:
* AsRock Rack offers motherboards with built-in SlimSAS ports (e.g., ROME2D32GM-2T with 19 SlimSAS ports, ROMED16QM3 with 12).
* Make sure to get the correct connectors for low-profile (LP) or regular SlimSAS ports. We source cables from 10GTek.
# PCIe Lane Allocation
Depending on your setup, you’ll run your 8x GPUs at either x8 or x16 PCIe lanes:
* Full x16 to each card will consume 128 lanes (16x8) which makes any single socket system unfeasible for x16.
* If you use the AsRock Rome2D32GM-2T motherboard, you’ll have 3 extra SlimSas ports. Our setup includes 4x U.2 NVMe drive bays (which use 2 ports) and one spare port for a NIC. (x4 pcie lanes per NVMe drive)
For high-speed networking:
* Dual port 100G Ethernet cards need x16 lanes, meaning you'll need to remove some NVMe drives to support this.
# Powering the Server
The power setup uses a Power Distribution Board (PDB) to manage multiple PSUs:
* An 8x 4090 server pulls about 4500W at full load, but spikes can exceed this.
* Keep load below 80% to avoid crashes.
* Use a 30A 208V circuit for each server (this works great with 4x 10U servers per rack and 4x 30A PDUs).
# BIOS Setup
At a minimum make sure you check these bios settings:
* Ensure PCIe ports are set correctly (x16 combining two ports into one). x4 for NVMe drives. x8x8 if using SlimSas Adapters (can also do x16 but then limited to # of pcie slots on the board)
* NUMA configuration: Set to 4 NUMA nodes per CPU.
* Disable IOMMU.
* Enable Above 4G Decoding.
I hope this helps anyone looking to build a large consumer GPU server! If you want to talk about it get in touch at [upstation.io](https://upstation.io/). | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfQzlZZUp4UUJkSF9kQzl4MTZHSlFFU3B6NUN5bVh5b0JCV2VyX1hHa1pDblpRQmJxTWdUN3NCQW9SVERRSWdGWFhGdmgzMGUycHF6UnJDTDVScm43Wnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlVkFnd3JSYlFia3FnX0tqdVJwZHN2SWdFc1dUYzd4ZHZ5clFZYk1yZ0Q4a256ZmNURERaWGNnYWNJZGZrTHRQNy0yNnV6cmh2Zkw3eV9GRm0wTjE2UTdoVHVMUVRjN09UY3J3WlRsNjljT1luZjBOQTdCMzlWazJRaVVzaV83SGRPZ2JDX2NRQVYxMHdyLWRTVmNaVXpEdWR0Qm03b05uYWFaVV9sNzFwVzZNci03N2ZZUDNIcVM5ejIxMkhWQmJL |
Hello Folks, when BTC will hit a new ATH (I hope in December) what you will do ?
Personally, since I don't have an enormous bag of BTC, I will fully exit for
25% ALGO (Nice protocol, US based, easy access, brave browser)
25% HBAR (Nice protocol, US based)
25% XLM (I'm already in with 10 % of my portfolio, I have some good vibes on this blockchain)
25% KAS (Only for the meme of the "new BTC", I hope on some Hype around it)
What do you think ? With the de-tax program of trump for the US-Based Crypto fundation I HOPE that at least 1 of those will make a 250-300 % | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfbWNUZ0trdmdlZmpzRm5DNFQ3R0llM0JORXE1d2lEek9xeFBHZ2d2d1hNbW1KU0N5ZFpZLVRKSkcwSWhMOHNpMmV1TlJqX2MtazVTSGV6NFlScW1wN1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlaHlMYWtCR3pxeVlxV2ZuU3NfOW9mNmJJRnExWHowb1VteWx1TDluU29uUXpxeHp2OExqWFM0Y283eERIUkQ0dl9LbFJYT2VFV0IzOEFUeEhkclpLam1rckhlWHRpdWpXWVRNV3ByYV8wYlNNODk2TlhLUmg2dXIzOGN0TkFuRmtwMi0za0JBNnlqZGRESUxZUkl0WlR4RzB4dUpvT21hWThlVHg0aGgtdFplWE5idEphUkhjN2xwRWRkMFEyeGVNY2lFYmpZWU9wMVhpcnZvV3kxZFdiZz09 |
10%... 27%... 13%... 8%.... 15%.... 18%.... 14%
How the FUCK can a stock continue to go up like this every single day? I keep buying shorts and getting wrecked and selling at a loss every couple of days.
This is just some regarded company that buys bitcoin. Why not just BUY bitcoin instead of MSTR? What is the meaning of this?
This market is a ridiculous clown show. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfWUlGMEhyLWZsRG1qUjVtT0s3WEQ3UzVuQ3FlTFcyZy1VZFJqa29kYVFrRWFCdnB0VFkzYzYwOWJqZjhwbkt3N0R6MDYxd0VhSUtoNjFRSE9zUGRVMTVmdlR0UXV0Qy1tWGpqVEJEN1JVLWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlOUl5N1phMVRYNnhodTRCcVdJR2drS29WZkRfNDhmRVQ1YTdJS0U0N3VfS2s4T3dCakhBaUNaNUtiMVk4Z1E1R3J0U1l4NTV6RktIZl84alBJbkM4aEk4LURfc0xyMWZhbHZHUXdzTWFQSHcxcHdTRG1hYkxLaE9yOHRxeUdERHFDWDhlWEN4c3FZQ2h6clQyb2ZuREM1a3pBRk9VNy1wYzJFNlBxSUdhTUc3THJRTmpvM19pZE02YjVKYWszZVRxX29oSzVrOFZzZDc3Njh6OG9XaUU3Zz09 |
# Is it just the beginning or going to peak by 2025 and end at 2026? What are your thoughts on this? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfdlJFc0Zmc014Mmo5WDVLdzZyY3ZtWk9STFlIMG9SZUxyLTgtSXE4Z3luSTVGVW5QbmxGX1RSOHR3bmVIRy16YlZ1ZGNjXzRIVThXYkdFclVlYTJQNHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlbEZKaTZ1YVQwVFAzVFREZVc4U2M3RW43RERqQ05MWVhwUVJjNENEUlZxVDZMOEFDeFVuS3IzeWZyMncxa3NTcXBodElSZ1hOQThCbFNwMkVXYWxjazl0d0NMLUhmQ19GY2JyT0xKYmZ6SmVLZ1FGSW9RalZ0OU9GQnN2aEdMODd4X3NTcDFGZGQtc0dsOTBrVGlxRFI0cERSbm1scXJpM1VHMTdSUnczVU9sem5GQUFjUHY2eFNrQzR4YjBVdThxdmJLa3dMeW91VVdySG4zQTRyRTlMdz09 |
There was quite a bit of hype about Dynamic Tao at the start of 2024, with a test net launching in May (from what I understand).
But now I've heard nothing since - has it been cancelled perhaps? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfWGk5YXNEMnE4eEVlMW5odlNmYkdBb3VTc2JUdWtKbGxHdlFERWhNbWlhOVJhRWxudWxVbHZSSkFQQUp1Z2JiRmpfaUxJS0VSVldBNEh2X241OWNBUENjdlZ2d2VvMkxocGIyMmU4NW5UNlE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlUEdXUGZjNzRadVZLeGtXVDloU3lYbmg5T3B6SkZMazBkclZ3SWxlcS1saTlTemFhUnZTazlWVVlsSTIyS0dNQjE1SzBMX1JjZnlSalZvN1FXUmJaZjZucVdxNC1QY0NoN0g1QkM1UHlwRnUyZFpaZk9FQjNPbFozUG1CZW9PdUZ6VFBVdm9tY09NQ0hka3ZDYzAxQmZIT21pdXpKV2Z3MVd1VG52V0ZqMHlZQlVKaldnc3hMR2F1eXNjS3MyM3l5 |
What happens when two of the most advanced blockchain ecosystems meet? Opportunities ignite!
Join the in-depth discussion on governance & interoperability live on 𝕏 Wednesday, November 20th @ 4:00 PM UTC
Polkadot: A Network of Networks
Polkadot is redefining the blockchain landscape, bringing together over 600 innovative projects under one unified ecosystem. Polkadot’s powerful technology and dedicated community encourage groundbreaking development. As a DOT token holder, you are part of a community making decisions that shape the future of blockchain.
Cardano: Blockchain for Global Impact
Cardano isn’t just a blockchain, it’s a vision for a better tomorrow. As a decentralized proof-of-stake platform, it empowers changemakers and innovators with tools to drive meaningful progress. Cardano is a powerhouse for sustainable, inclusive innovation.
Cross Chain opportunities you say?
Wanchain, a leader in cross-chain technology, made history by launching the first-ever bridge connecting Cardano and Polkadot on July 27th. This isn’t just a bridge, it’s a pathway for collaboration and scalability.
With over 35 connected networks and six years of proven uptime, Wanchain is at the forefront of blockchain interoperability. By integrating EVM and non-EVM chains, Wanchain is turning the dream of a unified blockchain ecosystem into reality. | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfZE02Sl9fU3p5S3dNYXBJMTNtdU8tOFJOMWpqa085NmJWTXVVbHg4Zi1jUXlzZzNpQnJSaUpESFdkZmR5bUFxNVpjNVU0RmlpeWhCUG9ranBES3ZNdFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlUl80RzhiR1N2NjJXTnpxQ25lME5NSHdWSWFla3NyX1YtNjRlOFg3UFd4VjJNeFRqd0dJbUVSR2xrbFAxWHNnWG5FVV9TOFlFblF3XzVONC1Za3kwV2huWEdDNEtZTDJnS3pYTWZfNXNqMFE5QW9WOW4ySXE1N01ZaG9MUTZlYTE1S2J1ZGI3ZWRBMmZ6NHBLZlBoRGtIeVdEblZreThEd1hub0p3cHFHSml1dEIzTUFvY1pzclZnS0pqS21PRWlyNHFIWFA2bno3VGMxRDRzR0hSSXFBUT09 |
So, I have Cupcake installed on an old phone on airplane mode. I tried a test transaction about 15 minutes ago and my balance on Cupcake hasn't changed despite it saying that it went through on Cake. Here's what I did, if anyone can point out what I might have done wrong:
1. Opened the Cupcake app, clicked "recieve."
2. Opened the cake app, clicked "send," set it to $1 worth as a test amount, scanned the qr code generated by Cupcake.
3. Clicked "send," got the notification from Cake saying it was successful, and waited for it to get confirmed.
4. Waited 15 minutes after it was fully confirmed to see if it would just take a little bit more time.
5. Opened reddit to see what I did wrong lol. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfNzRGcXUzdmpGd3Y4V2NwTHMzQ3BOeW95c0ZnLW9QdEt5TFZvV1YxQXNrRl9pZk0xOWJSalEza0tMc2tnX2xzT0lYaEhmQ1Y2M2praVREUXoxTUEtOGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlQWFjNHN2dmMwcF8xUDVSYWlrX2YtR2NLNDZ6YkU5UjhGbjMxVGZmX244MjZYdmxrczBOREt1Z2RkY0NHd3ZRRGk3X3l2Q1BMcFlFaVRMY3VjWFROZ01TYWJBb1ZRQldhM1BoQzQyNU9lTW5BandFWTRZUGFZbVR2YkloSHkyVjktcnpXSk95SDAwQXNXSldXV1JhQk5Sd0dPWnB2MFowaDhKRVlLWlhQS0NNTWZPRWV2N3BKaGJFV3JETFdCd2p1OU5vQ1g1TF9GeVMwWXNBWUhFU29tdz09 |
So my current opsec went from BTC on a coin me account to cake wallet on my phone, Swapped to XMR and then from cake wallet to my monero wallet on tails. It seems too simple but I’ve done some researching and once the money is turned into monero there’s no way to track it anyway, so the only thing you would see is the buying of monero and cake wallet doesn’t have a KYC other than I’m using it on my phone. Sorry for the long paragraph I just wanna make sure I’m not under thinking things. Thanks so much for any help. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfUFk3aEo0U1hLa2FoUWpIbWp6WlQ0cnllcld2MGpGU0xTOUVia1hEdGdlUDFfaHZKb0ltNFNfMnc4SUNkTnpuQkZZX3pBR2l2LVdMOXJqZWRHZWNGZEUxdlUzREJRcmdvcTltM0JLM0dUc1E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlRDZucUhmaFBUUk9WUERDamZOMm4teTY1WEppMG9NdkhGeHp0cVlZM09fR3lRUXo1ekVrci1oNmhraTAzU3RSWHVPMHRHY0sycldRYVhWN3EwRFQtUEZnVmVVZGZ3elpvNnRBaURVR3VRXzVCX3FHaklhRF8yM0s5M3djNVE3SHpkV1c4NVZjcEdUTzNaRmJhQW5GdVh0MXhvNzJ3djFVZkR5M0VaYjgxdHhrPQ== |
Then a year later they will announce Trump has no plans for such reserve and thus end the bull season. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfYm94NzJOeTI3Wmh6bGRKeWRmSDBGSzRnd1d1S2tWa3k2WmkyaXoxNkE0Sm1mWVp5RnZIYlNVN2FCbUFnWmE5VTAzb0Z2YktqRzRJc3VmZXM3TzhwcHpEUGU4R0dMYm5RelE2Tk53NW1BUW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlbHR4bWxDNWJNeWhJc2tqeEFERHhGczNKaFBJUkJrYnZ5UnpkWklxQUpTRUxGRk9yejZ6dy14UTVtOXItZjdUdzZxcTY5cktZNjNHSnlfN3pkMTZya2VURmNWRjdFbGhNei1EamJuaDQyWm5Hb2l3bkxzSzhQcWl6OWFycXpoWHlDWTQ5di13RDd3bVB3djhnRGl4MThySE9nTGNOQ0hhdmdMRDV1ektMNXA5M1hHdmJOb044cU9ySnlGeVNualdHNDBBd0xXZW1CaXdaNjI0Y2V6T3d2QT09 |
Hey guys,
I was scrolling through the sub and saw many people saying that $TAO can reach 5000$.
So here's my question, is this a long term prediction or is it a decent prediction for this bullrun ?
Mine was about 1k 1.5k in this bullmarket.
Thanks for answering :) | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfMTVsTFdod1J5UDJHTGkwaEUxREdJT21MU1VoOFNTclRRSnF0aU1BQ0RyTW96SENpdHJBWWNRd25kSzIxY0Y0UkxzUE1GQjd5N180ZzB0MzRXWlcyX3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlMjJqdmY3Zko3NlQ3bklTMC1GcUxQSzRmd3duZXd2SnpmR0lyZXAzMldNSG9rLTlTbDVZMTgwTV9pU1VPWWRLaC0tXzdRVmtMUkxubGNqQ2U1UFN1cUwtbDNQM1liUUtpRzFKOE4zWjg5SlRLeWJaM3kxbVJJVXM4ZGZfTVc2UkhINVB3OU1kYTZTaHJMV3UzeVNjRWlRaVN1WXZDQ1BvRHROOEhEYURQTGp3PQ== |
He lost out massively.. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfSnVyMmFZRW5TZDRTQXZuVnhKVndBTDhKRnJiNHlpTVJwTHlIbl9iT1ZBb05RSThGVjlBNm4xQjdsUWtvYWtxYUc5bjBzSHFmREZ3WUtmNWkxdmgwYVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlZnVnSFp0MFZIRFdPVFVHVXRvVUJPQmNaSVYzX3hmY0xMU0tQcWFEa2U5QWlSbnctZU5ZZHVmOTBsbk9vZzFNYjlZT0dDVDItVlk4bXVpN1ZSd3hxSTNLSXdQano3ZGpBWXB0V0dYaS1DMTBvVjUwc0s5Y1ktalFWU0Njd2Vzc2lSNEhOLXFtSk5ZZ3l2QjR2cktmWDRyeWkzbktuUmFmQ1VjSWpLQ1Y5SzlzQTVmU0FxdlA0Z1Bza29mbUxCRDUwWmFDQWdjQ1c3RHpJajNaaVp5aXFFZz09 |
Great article written by one of our own BCH community people in respected publication Cryptopolitan regarding the growing voices against Roger’s immoral detention. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfYlZUb1pjMzNNZW9rendZYWQ2RVpDeDJmT0pHUVc5djE2YnlaeENwZEs4NnlWcVdxYjgxVkh6Qnl4eDNTZk5GYzJqV1lqMjN5d0JXdm8xeXhmSWpnT3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlcHEzVi16QU1jZE1TTHR4U1Q2aUhNMU5JaUxiTXJmaDlEVVMtQ20tc3FqVkNaZTZTM2JRS2Q3SmE0X00zMzJ4THRFZUNWeVdyRS1jRjVEWmdIdlRvWjAyWHpRY1prTzFscXhiblR0dWV0Vlc0cWh4Qjdjc3JyZjZTLVg5SUZ1aUVkZW9BeVk1djRUVEtQMU9VZkRTVmtWclZTbjJnbjg2a1lHUzJLSjdxZ1dxVDZ3U25GWkRGblBJdU5QUXFoOU1D |
Just curious if my favorite coin can break into ATHs this cycle | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfV2JHa0N6QXliRFFoQy0weVVzclNPVUlWalFIa3M3UVprbzEyTHdSbGd6a3VpTmx3b3hEVGxpNnVhVE5feVVsVXFfMDkxeGVHQU5POENYOFlDMEJlamc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlSnY1b0o5Qk5HME1fQnR4OV9ubDd5QVFRQUV6NDIzeHg1VG9hNjU5Q3o5d0MtRDZCMnRwaFhXZTk3aG5ubFVSS3pQZWpDc3FCQ0huOVdOcU5RY1dkSi0xVlpRblRrSUpINERIR1k5TVV4SU1neURoUzhKWTFzcGtBNVlEUXBZWmdObWRINF9xN1d2SThkY01oY3R2Qlo1VVlTSXpDYUZneGtqR3pmbXFnUElCR215ZVYxNUwxaUxlV0FSYVIwcjdG |
BCH: https://www.coinglass.com/currencies/BCH
BTC: https://www.coinglass.com/currencies/BTC
The more BTC goes up, the more loans are taken out against BTC collateral, as we see with Microstrategy and Tether. We saw the reverse when markets went down, for example 3-arrows-capital, FTX, and others just went bankrupt and never repaid their loans.
The whole scheme seems eerily similar to USTerra/Luna, where they print/borrow more money when the price rises, which causes the price of the collateral to rise even more, causing an infinite money glitch, which when it finally stops, causes insane crashes, where everyone loses everything, especially the lenders who accepted such collateral.
as an example just 1 company alone: MSTR now has 32 billion USD worth of BTC, which is 4x the BCH marketcap, (or 8x the actual BCH market cap based on BCH in circulation assumed not lost - close to half hasnt moved since 2017), and they have used legacy bank credit lines backed by their BTC to get such an insane buying power. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfRnlHT056YUp0VlVoUzN0NXFCaERSQnRqeXZ6LXlDR0dOdkNFQ1J1bjZnbXIzWVloVUtlU1RuanBoSjBmc251a0RzM3lRQ2Rtclczd1c2YWMwM21OY2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlNUMtZ09hRlFjYWpqMUhyUy10TS1ONUpiRXFNSmtMU01ZT1JjRzJQWmVyQzFzN1Y4Nm5BYXA0VVRtNGlsY2JBdkdhR1ppMW8wZHpRMlkwXzRUT3NUZjRyYTV5Z2hpZTB1THUwN0RuYlQwWFRXSlo1RGFOVWlHWTY2V2FCemRYWGxHUHFNOFV2SzBEbUZzWFFFVXN2NVdnSDNlU1N3b3ZJaXp2VlZLM3FIT2VYRV9rRFlTZHQ4b25kSk1RYU5MVGRDNUE5bkN0b2l4SHVwRFBCaUtjR282Zz09 |
With rising tensions between the US and Russia, I can’t help but wonder: what happens to our crypto if a nuclear war cuts off internet?
Btw, I am in Europe..
Curious to hear your thoughts. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfUk5BY0NXSHl2TkZXOW5GaEduMTdNOGlTRVlSb2ZEMjlreHRlcTlrdmtQbXlBRG55VUFKUnRuMDA3NzZSdzNRcDJFSUtYWFkwTjdvcGd0VFRNMzVPc3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlUnFGaktMUFpYQlR3RlMtME5UY2NsblFsZF9YYWJRcHJTSDh3cC1EdTZXMk9tRExFdkZBZ0dRYnBqbDMzbUJkTllfQ08yMEp1SnM3MzB5VEdNTnozSk9BQVZsUGFRSHlIbGIwSGVnQkZxVmE4MlRlUEs2T2lqemRuUW80a1Y5RkJJbEFSaTNnTlJnQlRlcE05RTZmb0c3TG9FSFNSMGk0ZURzM0l4Z2FuTXFzdkdBMXZmcTI1dmlONkg5ZGlnNFB0YlFoSXFWbmhCWklaSGE1Z0NsNXA0Zz09 |
I see so many different posts on here daily about price prediction and i want to offload some information.
The NARRATIVE is far more important than the token itself. You could have the best token on the planet but without hype and narrative, it wont have 'eyes-on'. Eyes on is where profits are made.
The NARRATIVE for 2025 will be AI. Artificial intelligence. However, all ships RISE on a rising tide, some will just rise higher; a lot higher.
The top main NARRATIVE alt coins generally hit anywhere from between 1.5% - 5% of total crypto market cap. **(Example below)**
90% of crypto movement happens in the last 10% of the cycle. Its called a 'BLOW-OFF TOP' for a reason. **(Example below)**
Imagine each crypto as a company. Bittensor has, currently, 55 companies (subnets) in one. You arent just buying one company when you buy TAO, youre buying 55, currently. This is continually rising. Each being fully decentralised. FULL explanation here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reJiNaqJIfg&t=1362s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reJiNaqJIfg&t=1362s)
SMART MONEY is now entering the space in mass adoption. Drastically increasing the MARKET CAP \[MC\] of the crypto space. We have already hit a 3.2 trillion MC this cycle, meaning we are at ALL TIME HIGH, BEFORE this bull run really takes off.
Based on the above, i believe a MC of \~11-13 trillion is possible in this cycle, before 2026. Thus, here is the very simple math to work out TAOs value **\[see image\]**
The current price of TAO, as of today, sits at $490. Again top NARRATIVE coins will hit \~1.5 - 5% of total crypto MC.
Meaning an absolute pessimistic 6T MC @ 1.5% means a TAO price prediction of $8,571.43, a 17.49x from here. Meaning a absolute bullish value 13T MC @ 5% means a TAO price prediction of $61,904.76, a 126.34 from here.
Do the math yourself. **Heres the formula:**
6T market cap. 1.5% of 6T = 90B. Circulating supply of TAO at end of 2025 = 10.5M.
90B / 10.5M = $8,571.42.
$8571.42 / 490 = 17.49x
It seems crazy at first to think of another top-100 crypto hitting in in excess of 5 figures, however **BARE WITH ME.**
At the TROUGH of the 2021 bear market, (NARRATIVE was smart contracts) Cardano, ticker $ADA, was 15th in the rankings at $0.02709, with a MC of $702,337,218. (NOTE: The price of a coin doesn't determine how good it is.) Here's the proof: [https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20200322/](https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20200322/)
At the PEAK of the 2021 bull market, Cardano reached top NARRATIVE coin, hitting 3rd in the rankings at $3.10, with a MC in excess of $93,187,277,515.33.
Here's the proof: [https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20210905/](https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20210905/) (Note, that the peak was hit on the 2nd Sep 2021 and this snapshot in time was from the 5th September 2021.
CARDANO hit 3.98% of the total crypto market cap.
(Math: $93,187,277,515.33 / $2.34T = 0.039823. 0.039823 \* 100 = 3.9823%)
This is a 114.06x.
Remember how i said the last 10% of any crypto cycle produces 90% of its gains... the BLOW-OFF TOP... well Cardano was $1.06 on July 21st 2021, and proceeded to hit its £3.10 on September 3rd 2021. In 2 months it almost tripled in value, at the PEAK of the bull market.
HOWEVER, what did Cardano actually achieve?! **Not a lot.**
Bittensor is LEAPS AND BOUNDS ahead of Cardano, in terms of achievements and practicality / real world use, in direct comparison to how Cardano was, back in its day.
| r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfNjRQNkxjeU1pQk5FUWxwVm10TlBkekRqUGQ1SXlYdE5jTENpOTdWTUhtRDY0Z2VmNXhuNnZCOF91OTRDNXVsU01EMDdLcy1HNzUwb0VEZGlOU2pobFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlOTc4QWp2bldxTTdtY2J2V2lIbk4wZ19NMkdDSEQ3cllFcUpPSHRwSFpHaVR5amZVTHVYZnlTWTVWNGdfQnlGYzN6OERFM215cTZoM2VQbGVOd3FXTXBvendpNEJCWjhJZ0hnMEQzWElLcDNlcXRrSGZkckRyckNwOGpyUDRBUm90YzlFNlBzQ2tIWnBuQlVZVGVtT0hKTWNKcUIwbXY5eUdYR2dWMnFlMkU0UUtBVDZxRm1PU0xLM1FBX2s2VklOUjFKbDBXNExiUmlYVlVfbDNsMnUtUT09 |
**TLDR:** Current fair value is +$10imo, Archer is currently the leader and will likely be the first to market, Major upcoming catalysts: Factory opening by the end of next month, Initiation of manufacturing in Jan, Final FAA certification, and Trump Presidency.
Archer Aviation ($ACHR) recently delivered a strong Q3 earnings call, highlighting significant advancements in their journey to commercialize eVTOL technology. With robust financials, strategic partnerships, New Trump Administration, and progress in FAA certification, Archer is positioning itself to outpace competitors and become the first to market in the eVTOL industry.
# Archer Will Likely Be The First To Market
Archer Aviation ($ACHR) is likely to be the **first to market** in the eVTOL industry, even outpacing Joby Aviation. How? Their focus on **scalability and an efficient supply chain** sets them apart. They've strategically outsourced about **80% of their major components** to established **Tier 1 suppliers** who have FAA certification expertise. This traditional aerospace model **reduces development risks, speeds up the certification process, and taps into existing supply chains for faster scalability.** Basically, they're not trying to reinvent the wheel, and it's paying off big time. This approach reduces development risks, speeds up the certification process, and utilizes existing supply chains for faster scalability.
In contrast, Joby follows a vertically integrated model, designing and manufacturing most components in-house, which allows for greater control and potentially higher performance but involves higher capital costs, longer certification timelines, and scaling challenges due to the novelty of its components. This difference in strategy positions Archer for a quicker and more efficient path to market.
As **Archer tweeted on Friday**, Archer's type-design is now **matured**, and they're ready to start producing piloted aircraft as soon as their **factory opens** at the **end of this year.** These aircraft will be operational by the beginning of 2025, with plans for piloted demonstrations and market survey flights with passengers throughout the year.
# Trumps Interest in VTOLs and The New Secretary of Transportation
President Donald Trump recently announced his administration’s support for VTOL technology, recognizing its transformative potential for economic growth and national security. Adding to this momentum, among Trump's picks for Secretary of Transportation is **Emil Michael**. If appointed, he has close ties to **Archer’s Chief Commercial Officer, Nihil Goel as he tweeted on Saturday.** This relationship could facilitate smoother regulatory pathways for Archer as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) finalizes critical rules for advanced air mobility. With the **new Trump administration,** Archer is poised to **benefit** from from significant political and regulatory tailwinds that could accelerate its growth in a market projected to reach **$1 trillion by 2040**.
# Financially Strong As Mentioned in Q3 Call
As mentioned in their Q3 call, Archer ended the quarter with over **$500 million** in cash reserves(with an additional 400M unaccounted for). With a quarterly cash burn of about **$80-90 million**, this gives them a solid **18-month runway**. This strong cash position is further **strengthened** by their partnership with **Stellantis**, which has agreed to contribute up to **$400 million** to help scale the manufacturing of Archer's Midnight aircraft. This capital **will cover manufacturing labor costs and capital expenditures for initial production at their new facility in Georgia.** By outsourcing 80% of their components to established suppliers, they've managed to keep operational costs in check while accelerating production timelines.
Additionally, Archer has issued **$30 million** in performance warrants to Stellantis, which will vest upon achieving certain milestones. They also have contracts with the U.S. Department of Defense worth up to **$148 million**.
# AHCR Fair valuation +$10
After their Q3 earnings call, Archer received many analyst upgrades ranging between $10-12 PT. While Archer is ahead of JOBY in my opinion and will enter the market first, currently there's such a significant difference in market caps between Archer and Joby.
Joby is trading at **$6.14** with a market cap of **$4.72 billion**, while **Archer Aviation (ACHR)** is at **$5.00** with a market cap of only **$2.15 billion**. If we compare apples to apples, Archer should be valued potentially around **$12**. In fact, Archer is ahead imo due to its scalability, reliance on established parts suppliers, and lower costs. Their strategy will speeds up the FAA certification process and allows for quicker scalability. On the other hand, Joby's vertically integrated model, while offering more control, comes with higher capital costs, longer certification timelines, and scaling challenges. This difference in approach positions Archer for a faster and more efficient path to market, making the current valuation gap seem unjustified.
I'm not a financial advisor and this post isn't financial advice. This DD is an opinion post which might contain mistakes. That being said, don't invest in this stock based on this DD and do your own research. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfTjllS3hINWUtZGhDNEIwM2Mxa0VncnlvMXN1TnlmSC1BbkFHc21neWl0dldpdC1mT0VSaTBwQnpTaFRucURJQmdOSHRUTnl3SF9HZV9LbERVdU9XWkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlYVJaTXBjRWJvcU1kakFNY0FhWDZ5TjVEYmtOYWU1a1BnVzVqRHpsTjFrS19RYi04RFlySkhMVzBDeGh5VHc5bmkzdkxjVjZXRGdCZ2JoRWdQa1ZDdnJWb1dNYzVGSWZ0c1JrZ0FnSENOcFpHYVpkcWNRRFFQYnc2RlNBb2VLRGVBTjFUUDVOQnRwclJ1OF9QY3JuMmJRaHJlT2tCUGNjVVZPUnVXUTVDRUYzc2VsVUFueU9SaS1KeGtWZ0ZoNll5 |
Source: https://x.com/alice_und_bob/status/1859247915992035655 | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfalVEV0h0VUtNREQ3SDFsQTZrVmhxRWxUUkgybjNIaWd3VGtIX0tpWWE4Qm5HS3Zwb19Sb1ZscG5HTm1JZ3RFQ3dTMnQ5REo2cUdpQmpqSkhaOWJ3ZXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlZEF2aTUxQTRfM1V3NGlWMjRDLUpIVjNmZlJvdDJhaTlObkF0Vlc3cUlGYWh4VGtVZnkzTUNMRjUxWkM4SS0yb1NHVWJHYWg3eFhQSlBTME1KMzhNQkFILVRUaEEwLWFuV2czUkU3Vml0RlFlQzBIeHpIa0t3TGNDMHlfUVB1Z2xJeWhZX0VwTTZvV2REeVhMY2owcFZvYkZGM01FdmxIc2JGaFBRcXhBWFl3PQ== |
UEEx is celebrating its 3rd anniversary as a global cryptocurrency exchange with a series of events and rewards to engage its user base and reward their support. The platform aims to foster growth and innovation while rewarding both new and experienced traders with opportunities to win Bitcoin and other prizes.
Key events include a First Deposit Bonus, a Contract Trading Competition and more. Rewards can vary between 1 BTC, 0.1 BTC and free EU tokens for first deposits. More details regarding the rewards can be found in [this article](https://www.coinspeaker.com/ueex-celebrates-3rd-anniversary-massive-bitcoin-giveaway) | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfamxZREZ0c1FGS2hHV3I0X0hGRTFpN29JOTE4RENzTUZSdmMtZTNhV01TYWlseWVHR25JREdjQkhGdkhmT3R1bUtCVHgzS21Pb29xSUtfN0R0VTJtYmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlWWZkUnhPVmxOR0c2aXIzcEhpQ2t2Ymo2MFlhQXd2UTFVekV4Wlpma3phRDJqU0VtOTNuVy1tSGt1cW5ERWh5Vzhuc2RhZ3ZObm9iS2xPT19wcG5PT1BKRkxlLTRWZGJhZEpha2VpdWp5amJ4cFZWYUp6cnFRcjJ1YnJ4VzU4X0pxbWtHM0swWGhiY2xiSVZ0ZzljRzdrM1pLS0hmQ0hkTjdNaW9lMFNoQktEdndjNlBMZ1ZFX1hJeTFfTUlhRlQx |
Seeking to verify current Filecoin network parameters for comparative analysis:
1. Storage Cost: Currently listed as \~$18/GB/year - is this accurate?
2. Network Response Speed: Looking for average speed in milliseconds
3. Security Implementation Details: Current security measures and protocols
4. Decentralization Metrics: Node distribution and participation metrics
5. Data Retrieval: Average retrieval time (currently listed as \~150ms)
6. Data Integrity: Verification methods and success rates
7. Network Availability: Verification of 99.5% uptime claim
Anything else I should know about. If I get enough data I'll create some visualizations and share the here.
Thanks | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfaVNfNU41UHpveW9QRzBWTkluT3VfVGUtR1ozWkhPZ0lfRlloblFhWFBaR0liS2JTdkNEWk1oZkxMTWEtSGtuMF9nZ0xleWdibHBYQzltaGtXQ1NmS2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlOTE0Rm5fYkd2NmM5QmlQT2pHYVByamJTWm5RNEY4ZjNTenFVRGs3Yk9wc1FubWZZOGZRM29JLWUyVVJpUlBseG1PZGROVldQSmhXNTFHZS1OcmRfRWF1TkFIUVNPeXk4TFFwUjAxN2tZdTJtek9uUC13SkpvZHFqZXZzeVpib0NKeVdhd3Z2MTJHclQ0YWNqcDBGLTdLSEp1bWUtUEdUcWFOaU5IRTRCcnFnPQ== |
The guy sitting next to Elon, Trump, and Dana is a $RENDER board member.
His name is Ari Emanuel.
He is the man behind ufc and WWE. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1Ffc2NiSUVBbzdBdUc3VTAzbGZLQ2thdW91Sk0zWjJtclpDMkF2YXhmYTJ4eldWT3dqbEJfU09KWm1QbVVjMzVGN0gwbzZBT1I0VXRwdnFzS0pMR0gyNXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlWGZuYkg2ZXhtOGZXMElYNUJQeVNhM19ONWp2MlhIdERzanRWWElybi1vQzFIc3RLamRHMWtBQXhCMnU3SWJBRmNiLW1VWU5NeFVwdDNRempJUzRWY3VSdFNWZzhFUi1jaUUxa1owWUc0SjJCekxIaC02SEpiQ1hLSEZhNlVsSG5ET0NzMmJyZUFjX0hfWmZFQTFMemcxVVNxeFkzemxvbndmOUdOb0t0aUtaVTA4MktYRHMyQVpqUHpXM3pSaXFRX0dOYVdHWTgwRThURU1lbEZHTWQtUT09 |
I am seeking funding for my work over the past year. Details are posted on the campaign page.
If you are interested in contributing but do not want to use a wallet connect enabled wallet you can donate directly to the address or QR code shown in the campaign and I will add those fund to the campaign on your behalf.
Happy to answer any questions anyone has as well either here or on any of the other platforms you see me on.
Thank you for considering supporting me and the work I do to help make BCH cash for the world. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfNmM0aXhEWnRxR1Z0MWFWcEtWOWFjQWpEdHNRa3RrSllBajNqYlRPTnJmY2xFQkZVQ0pkMWdnbUZOQjY1YWJoWjEtcTlCTF9IdXhmUk9qbmczNWhLbWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlSXREa0h3ZjNCdThfbzdxWlFkb211bENReldXUFFDc3VXWkhoWGQ0aWFiVjZ6S24zX29mZGlWTkR5VzkzUjJhT0t5RFY2WEJXVUhYZG9SYmNzaHpTT09aTl9xYUJfbTZDVS03VWpvRXYzSkxIUFViSUVJaWE4ZDVhajh0emw0Qko0ZnNMSUlPWjc5bTBpQWh3dG9YbmEyaVk0YzJBdllMcUlrbGtxYWF0NjFwV0NwWXVCMzlZSWlfdGRLSzhvQ0pZemxjbzFELUk5QVV6X1YzNnFleGdzQT09 |
I am far from fully understanding all the technical differences between different coins and different tokens. I think I understand the surface level.
I have been in crypto only for 2 years, swamped by the hype of BTC. But as I try to learn more its becoming concerning to me how tricky BTC might become in the future as this "store of value". Mainly around transactions fees, and rush to sell scenarios. Particularly for the little guys.
(Because that's all BTC is- buy-hold-sell, with no option to buy my groceries with it for eg)
Bitcoin cash, allows a larger block size keeping tx fees lower? How does this play out over the next 4-10 years if BCH was to gain mass adoption and grow in value.
>Does the extra data used in the blockchain become overwhelming to the system at any point?
> From the mining point of view, are the mechanics the same as BTC, like difficulty increases with number of miners online etc?
>How does will this effect tx fees in future. Will it always be feasible to use as a currency? Will I be able to buy my groceries with it in 6years time with low tx fees if it has grown 10x
Appreciate your time. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfQkhLV3BJd2dqdWxkTHZwaXJiNjdKaGtNbWxCblRPSk53UU81VTdWSXZDejRtN19oMFQ1a0dwWHQwQW03M3lhckNBcHBSSnVXQnIwUm40djRwamVxLXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlekN2bXJQb2cwZWlQdE1Gb0liNUlUQ2JUVmxoanNyc01XOHpuWjZTU1gxN1g4aWszX3FCSy1xZmRBTGNDTzRLYkFDdTJtV1RGb2M1cndPUmdGR1ZET3l5QUpEX3FtYzRNcVl4YlBWcDNBQk5JQktkVGhuTHhTeEtzMWlnZWZIYXhrUzRIZHRpN1hqZEZSSnY5NWxVeVRRQXZQampyeTRGOHpkWFBJS1hIVE1qdjFiamwxMHpiM2RrZzBVQmpCRkRxSnVkLWx2QnR4eUp0Q0VKbDQzY0VPZz09 |
So Firstly I am 18 years old and am still in school don't have a job or anything so this money was basically all I’ve got just so you know how much this means to me, I went into crypto when I was 15 years old by talking to my mom and convincing her to make an account so I can buy some crypto I ended up investing all my pocket money and bought BTC and ETH in total worth of €400 I sold some of it recently, and I wanted to start day-trading with the learn process being so complicated and taking a while to learn how to read the market I saw a lot of TikToks about meme coins and how everyone was making a lot of money, so I made a phantom wallet and started trading the first day I lost €100 I didn’t really care that much because I learned something from it, but today I deposited 90% of my bank account into Solana and started trading and somehow ended up flipping around €300 to €880 all in around 6 hours with patience and lost all of it in 30 minutes because I was letting my emotions control me I want to commit rn (not actually) but It just makes me sad and angry knowing that I could’ve just kept the €800 and started again tomorrow now I can’t trade anymore during the bull run, and I'm fucking depressed cause that was the most money I have ever seen. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfcUJHOUcwTkV3Rk5VbE9ES0x6MEgtaGtXU1hOLVJhVUZlT05SdGoxNGplLVhCT3RaNTh4WXhPamdlZng3clk4ZG5SUElraUtCdkdlOFR4OHN2czdfTEdsYzROSl9PZTJBWHhfcEVCNDYycHM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlSFFIRFA2Njl1d2wxQzc5cWhLaW5XSVhZWTdYVVY1VE5pbEZMZmw3MGREN1hyUTA3b1NjUmlCSnowTkM0RnViMHpzWjV3STVmSjRtV1BRZ3RlZEstNy1MUmFCVC1WTm5NcnpxMkpLR3Q0TzRoVlRrMUNNSTJrTjNOZjNPUHhvV181eml5S0dRYmlfUGRnTGJmWkU3OHZrVmNkTVB2dElJdVRHN2kydTFlME53NVhXQlJkWlZFUHQ0R3haQXU0N2hH |
Polkadot and Cardano.
We sometimes make light of these things, but the reality is far more profound. At first, we see completely closed, proprietary systems—separate ecosystems driven by different goals, standards, and visions. However, over time, these systems recognize the need to come together.
Take Arpanet and CERN's World Wide Web, for example. Both started with different goals—one to create a military network, the other to make information accessible just to scientists. But they converged into the foundation of today’s internet.
Similarly, in telecommunications and computing, the internet only became what it is because of competing networks and technologies finally agreeing on shared standards and interoperability, all while still retaining their unique characteristics. Which is why my T-Mobile can talk with your Orange mobile.
For over 14 years now, various blockchain ecosystems have been competing, but in their own little bubble, each striving to become the dominant force—without necessarily considering how they could coexist and collaborate. Expecting mass adoption in a bubble. And as such, tribalism spawned, propriatary chains cannabilised themselves.
But now, something monumental is happening. With a world first coming together - Polkadot and Cardano, we're witnessing the first seeds of true interoperability, where different chains and ecosystems are designed to work together harmoniously. Can't understimate how massive it is
I do playfully sometimes joke about these things, but I can clearly see the importance of what’s happening—an emerging era where competition and collaboration blend, laying the groundwork for a more integrated digital future.
It's dawned on us. It's Web 3.0 ! and it doesn't belon to just one chain. There's no 'ETH Killer' in the same way as there's no 'T-Mobile' killer.
Remember where you were at the start of the internet?
Remember where you were at the start of dotcom boom?
Well, remember where you were when blockchains started talking to each other. | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfQ0xZLTBJWXVKV1ZBckVnQUJkR1FCRjdpYUVRMGY2VjZUVXM5cS1qMXJqaExhb1BBcng4V2E3STlLWlVHOVdPa0Q1WDZpcHRXeVY5eFRxNlBrYTNmc1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlbVFRNVNrMDdDSnExZjl0TmJVeHJXc05ZQ2R5emx1QjBXemFjaHN6Ym9WTGFwMjhneWhhVG10VWRiUWhTc05DbC1scmtKRDQzOWdTeHRHMzlVMGFTUm9VZnFqUF9vR0FBbWVUNmJjb3dVNDBhYmd6UzFlNDlZR2NKUlUwdk5qU2t4OG1US1gtcDBNT2pWZURjb1ZzeTBxSjdvYjZvZWw0V0g2UENkenBXZFpKa0loUjFwSFU4WGN2STYta3hRNEJM |
What do yall think?
We got 100 days?
Or is this cycle different? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfUll1WUNRc0hxZE9qcldEeE9LRUVQbUVVSW5lTmZxMnJSeTN0bkgzTElPejlWMUxTN1NDV2lHczctc056d1Z4ZUdOd1BDSnZ1YUpwTEJqTU5sVTE5Vnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlbVktNFJ1NXYzWDUwaEpBTmZTVjlMTlVZT3JWSGFFYTctWGRZNUFXdjRrcXhZWlB1eDdBdHNINEE2dnk5aS11TnhYYjhtNmZfNV9zVmVaOWw5T1F4clNZb0NqZ1BzQTRISG5pTzlDRVlZN2pfU3A0em5LcW1iX0FtWml0bDkxdkJoVjlZTHhuU2FjLVlKSXdzRmx1QTJxd3F3SWpQM2kyc2lhb2wyTnRjWWRfRTdjc1FyYWlUSWRJMXBaVmZBUkkzTzIwZ3Z5UUZ6SFRVRDBjeGF4ODAwZz09 |
TAO is looking bullish and according to our analysis, it is expected to reach at least $1000 before the end of 2024.
**Bittensor Price Analysis-** [https://cryptoofficiel.com/bittensor-price-prediction/](https://cryptoofficiel.com/bittensor-price-prediction/)
# Can BITTENSOR Hit $5000?
In 2025, if Bitcoin Stays above $100k, then huge parabolic move is expected from the AI sector which can even take TAO's price close to $5000 in this bull run.
**Here are our price predictions for TAI token:**
* Conservative Price Targets: $1000 to $1500
* Bull Price Target: $1500 to $2500
* Moon Price Target: $2500 to $5000
What do you think, how high TAO token can rise?
| r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfZ19XM29YWmRqQVFCRWd5S1ZPSVpEazhxeDVlZk9GQzRsYk5DU0JEdEZMNGk5OG9PdEZSWU5oU0dkd1JzWWpwaEhiUkRmaG9SM2xXT3RXdmFvY0FCVURqa3RsVW5Sam1QWDhTbnlkZEtqR1k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlMjNDcW1UdW9QS0syZUhHRGJXVjc0aG1UbGQ5emV0cm5LejFObEJNQkVYcXZLQi0wbVM5dTQ1T0lXQmdRcWVjcDZfZHlTWkRweVV2YzhRdHZjY2tQSGgtU0dmVE1EQV8xVVloZXBOWnZObVhaZXlYM3R0MVBvZzY2bHBoOENFTjFXbFk4cmM2c2EzOG8xMDFqeE9oY2s2b21RMkVxN3EyMFhyYUdUOTRBa2VDSkxKdkw4RmpFbWF0WTlTUU8waTJXclhsV1JzM3dJTFVfb05pT1l3TFliZz09 |
Quick, somebody update the ATH sign! | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfLXRWV3lOQmdzcXRPajktR1psT1NoS1BUblpMZEkxdjQyRUxJQVdiVVhNOERVUnNLQ2xubzNKdTBLRjNTWUxHclBweVZTVXVMeGl4SlNCcy1SMVdMeGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlaERNaXNVYnNpYm9ZQW9aQzh2Sk9wSXBwaFpkZUlkNk9rVmZodDJmR1FVTE1JUnp6d3ZJS1A3b2N0WnNjdHdSRkpsNEpzUFhhTi11RXpGdE1Sc2ZieXZrSGdrU0hnR1hzSHdicHpmWHcydTVLT2FjU0QwcVJXRTdpenI3cWc4eWp0R0dtSHEzQ011RXUtazRpR2FKa21qV21xdkhuaGZ0UkI4TVBuWkpUVmlHUjQycmhUb2wzWVpGSEVQaEFYZ2NGOGRrZkxsLWdscTVhYl9NUXdUNmF4QT09 |
When I buy any coin, the price instantly drops. Does anyone know who can fix this issue? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfS21vRlp0eldOUmpXa3U3LUl4WE9lZG00STZTT2k5bkJDVzhNanplWmxvQ1Jtem1hekNMOC1jY1J0RnZCelVaX2JHU3BYeXF5SVN2ajNnYUFEYUwzLVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlSm1CMkp4dGxxalpLOUdYY2hMWVJRTHYwcmNQX3YtY0xjNDg1RVRkQlRlTkFDTWp2ZWQ1MjMydWdtMHNFbTc1ZldubF9kN3ZlZmZ2d0FnQU9mSXRPYzdVNkZ0U2FZMW1uRWRMSDlXNFpHQUI3X180TVB3Y3lad2FJclE2cUhMdUVVVk5uaE9LWkZfTVNEVVBZS1FpaGNfa0lhZ3dpaS1kTnJKYld3WHpiMUVrQklJejlSdl8zcW56RmloeUdvZF9x |
To be a BCH hodler at this specific time can be hard at times. Allow bitcoin cores run to ensure you in the value your coin holds , to own a full BCH or multiple puts you in a very rare club . Soon you will all be rewarded for hodling. Maintain a positive attitude and always continue to spread the word to as many people as possible. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfRmNFb1E2Mm5YZGhUSTlGM3E0X2RxanlWLWRxbGxEUkY0T3VBa193M2FOd0VScDcwVFlWaURCSTk2N2dSSkhRNEVmMFlBRi1ia2E5SzA3bTRSSjJIay1ZZW00cGtJT3NpNVNoVUNSdTd6aWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlNExxWGdRZzVUa2g1ODdZd3ktQjZJUVFxejJKYWE0UWMtaGZyNE9RRU9PelNhT2I2a0Q4dWVFbHptcjJDS3dvUHgybGtCTGlWZTZfYm83MEFCZjlHOVNOWGRubDFmRC1PdzJlNUZZSE9CVzQ4S0lwRnNfQkVjQS1uTUYxQm51U0ZGbWtoMHdhZ2w2Q1JtZTVmRUJQWHUwbktjZ3E5LTNxUWw2WWtLS2I3UW1uazBmdlhvenlvOXNjU1M3V01McnNTZkFWaFpYS2ZJcTVuUWhPdGVyZEFNUT09 |
$97k and rising! I think tonight is the night Bitcoin breaks the $100k ceiling and the parabolic launch begins!!!! | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfQU9nc2JCc3JlMDF2cTBYOTZFZzRTMEdwWVB1Z19RVEVNMlZnMnFYcGdjdFRLUVdRRTMyVnpqbW44MmozREhuY0Rza0kyb3VYejVIekxOdGJBVHY0NG1JUVlnSVRRMGtESTVndXJhaHJpQ009 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlSGwyMXpjTko5NVE0YXdrRzZmRVE3TXZYMkIzd0JZMzN3ZHVpLWM0OExJazBsUkRVcHh4c05OcU12b1lxX2ZoNzViY3FEZnZITkJ4SE1CaktjNXBFc1B5NmhRaHNTRXc5MkI5T05zRXRLbVdLejFEcncxbTVUSUxxRV91cktMRjdkZl9ZWGZsWDJiRjFManl4N1gwc1JwbTk4eXRfeGJIMTE1RG1XWDhCNGFVPQ== |
Burn all short sellers of BCH . This is the most promising crypto of them all. It can’t be held down much longer | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfWHNJTmtDc1RvdjJrX2t1X0xlMnBpdjItY04wbFQwUWRLWDZMQUZINnQzaXFUTlMtZXp5a24wMGl2RFBwYVRwZ2x6cnRndGlGNm56RjNVRVAyanBIcDJWMG5yUUhHRlpYNEhnNi1jaExkZnM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlQm9SYkVfSENSam51MEhXZGdzN1ppT3Z0bzdqZnA5SmhRYlppNnpYb2U3UWR0bk83Qm1PV0N6b1ItdTE3WmVNN2V1cldsZElUUUN1NUt6bVlNdGNhRGJDcFlZelRVampyT2w5Z1dPWkZFc0ZfTHlOMFIwUUpXRzJpWVJaV3VRU0llR1E5MGVjRmFjR0ZXOExSY0kyLVNLNTMxT1NxbmNDM2J1V3RzenFnNkRPRk50LUVaUDljX1BELXA1dmJMbGtYRTJFYmZFR3BCMXlScWFmR3hnQ2gxdz09 |
Buy aggressively!! It’s time !!! | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfSFRSODNBa203MnAyb0lrY3E1RFAzR25ldUJpdGRDdXNudnZnNjFYVlJTZzVkU3ZpRjdXTXVtOVJVLVBQZ3NMYXJfOXlBbXZ0VWwzQURnMURXa1lnV0FwZFhNUnlYcU8yNGRGeThzRURlOGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlczVDM3NvZjlDWnlBci11bjJubk9FeThMdlVhUDZkdU5xZmxxb3E1dFF4bWlKdWVMbC1pQU83M1pxdnZORmlIa0RtbV9TY0hLcUEzYzVXS1A0cTNvSGZYYkhoeldkNG4wWS1oOXUwLVphYUI1T29qUVNFLUxRbHdZN0VZMnpCdVNZZ0xjR2ZlNTRHdTdlWFFtSENyZ2EwckpGd2JPMm5MYkUzNFpMdXpBZXVWU0swV2hXV1BXZ0ZXZFkwb1J4em5D |
Filecoin is looking bullish and according to our analysis, FIL token is expected to cross $10 before the end of 2024.
**Filecoin Price Analysis-** [https://cryptoofficiel.com/filecoin-price-prediction/](https://cryptoofficiel.com/filecoin-price-prediction/)
# Can FIL Token Hit $100?
In 2025, if BTC stays above the $100k price range, then a huge rally is expected from the decentralized storage crypto sector which can even even take Filecoin's price closer to the $100.
**Here are our price predictions for FIL token:**
* Conservative Price Targets: $25 to $50
* Bull Price Target: $50 to $100
* Moon Price Target: $100 to $250
What do you think, how high Filecoin token can rise? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfS1JvZzJnU2JCenJYNUpuekpZVno1dDNka1FrQnpzd1BCV0cwTTdVY1NVOEhzb2llOGs4MHNfUF9sRjJhTEV0V3Z6ZWpSaXlGaVZVZmVHY3VOU1M0Vk9QQTdSOWFTQ2toV3JRblBtVEhWMGM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlaU10TEFERE9ISU5iTkJpUWh2UVh5VHN2WUZ0elJseHN5ZmlDTnMxVllGTTQ0LTBOU2xPYXl4bWdoZFJOUUxyd1hNaHBDVzlxSlhFOTBISzFfS1MzXzRaVUpOb2pvd1FVVi0zeUJDWVBYM1VFNUJ6YVd0Z1pCWnRkQmVfOEwzb0tJNmtyb1VFR0RfakpFU1cwSGFTRnZGQmFZXzZBQ2hmQk9Gc2VZS1lwOFVyWDh1SzYtZnJiSlM1LURrSGpOT2hnc19yQUl3bW5DdUhrWlhyYXhwWGxjQT09 |
We will burn the short sellers squeeze the hell out of this and we all will win !!! They have been manipulating this too long !! If you can afford to buy atleast 10. Now is the time !! | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfV2J0RC04RFAxZDltbzF2aDlVQ0g1bG5wN21XZURLM1NKYTJFdHJIYjJ4ZnRWNlhVWUxDSENOY3BkSXBfdHpRU0Q3MktlYzd0YmtOZXVzc0N3aEFxNWFXNUhSbDUzQVF4eDZIWWpTUjQtNFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlNThYR2ZtY3BnbEVrczZnNllNZFNqc2xEeUR1NC1Tc1pxclhScGQxRWNteFI5X0F4UEtZWHVsQlh4T2FpQnZjRklhZWlMQWIxaFVyYWd5WnM0TWdsYjBxaUtOYXo4TzRGLXdTU3l2RVdrcVNuMkxyNG1TQmljUmFfR19EOUV4cHVBbjB6QnpmS1ZuLVh3N2hialJYblQ5cWxUVHVJbEItNDN2U1FOM1lsbFRFZFB4ZWRSbGlJSENtVVlPUUc2R3psT0FNV19FT1BOMGhuTkxKb1llZmJvQT09 |
In regards to meme coins Why not shoot for a 2x?, put $5 in and if you can 2x your money 20 times you'd have over 5 million dollars. Seems like it would be a lot easier to make a bunch of money just trying to double your trade, then take half of your money and try to double it again , etc etc doing quick trades on newer coins, no? Or is there something I'm missing. It seems like most new coins have an initial pump so wouldn't it be safer to go this route and make a bunch of money | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfRXVIWjNrNmZramhTUF80emoxYjdPS1dLOEFnX1d4Z3EtNVdNcUF2eUlNeE5nNExoeW1iYjNsVVQyU0NGVVduZEVaSnFSVWhXc2NRMFR0dTBtTmlNbW0wR2FnT0RnbXMyQXVZLTJpUnI4N2s9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlRDR1OXBMNFBUbDNBMWNJYkpvUTQzVUxMelpsbjNRLTdTalAtRUNEbEVFTDVPb21IMmNsbUZ0V1RSRmVJNWtON2FHbE03WkxEelEyd2ZVc2daOF9rVUhhYVM5MWpVdnBkVUVYUFVEajlCSWstNnpYTkFnLUE3YTFGellsX3NFQ1YtbU1kVVl6UWx1WjI0X085R2JFNHk3T1ROZV94MXFITTJ0QUNnZVNjLS1BPQ== |
[ Removed by Reddit in response to a copyright notice. ] | r/gooned | post | r/GOONED | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfNXVVVHp1V0RpZW5sSlVBNVU1Z3ZndzQzREtuSWNrRnlnMngtTldUU3VINElmZ1NVLXVEMGplZUJwM2NLSEx0V056bzVoZkNGVmVyYmllekEzZURFWXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1Jlc0l3NG1Pbzl2MjJkT294VzEwd3lLSndqeWxfTUR1OGt5LWc0N0w4YV91UWF0TnMyWVdoUHowUXJPQ2xZeE5lSHdfRUYwNjlOSHlSaEpuSjN1X2NlQnZVbzNFWUxIUHNjUjhUN3BRMmlTc0cxcmFkNGVQclZlMkRnY2M0ZWh6SU1pRzJHUlVGX2QwWHgzQ2g2MGRkOE9ubThHY1EyRGpaRHRNblNZQlE1UVlCQVJGeU9UX0VlNHBOV0wwX2VmOUFhbmVYMTVFX1plSUFWcDNNVFVNel8xZz09 |
Before you can understand why Bitcoin is essential to our future, pseudo-Bitcoiners keep telling you that you must first understand how money works, and then understand why bankers, whether private or central, and politicians represent evil.
You've understood this, and you've begun to enter the Bitcoin revolution.
And suddenly you're told that governments are coming in to buy Bitcoin en masse by printing fiat currency out of thin air. And that is great news...
Pseudo-Bitcoiners tell you that the gradual takeover of Bitcoin by BlackRock and other financial giants is a Bullish thing.
You're also told that there's nothing wrong with bankers becoming intermediaries between the people and Bitcoin, even though Bitcoin was invented to free us from the yoke of the banksters.
Aren't you lost when faced with all these contradictions from pseudo-Bitcoiners who are only looking for one thing, namely profit in weak money without even understanding where the liberating power of the Bitcoin revolution lies?
This is probably where Monero will sooner or later appear to the greatest number of people as the solution to the problems Bitcoin sought to solve in its early days. What do you think? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfaTVOT1NCOENaOUlVWXNHWnRfWTJUemFydFF1YnhwNXNmNTRVeHJ3V0UzMUEwbTkwSW9BX3FkOF9GU1ZqcnhlREtzdFVjbmZkbE5Sbkx4dzJTQTR5bnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlQU43el92LUpfZlM0SjVjaEVCd0lSUC1WWTFyM25aOHZrYWx0T2Z1RnFSUGlpV0F0b0hsWlVHZ0tQTDdreXZBYnA2M1g4UVVsczRNblg4ai1xSmRNX01mSi1qb09Uci14c3Zwa1hyUXppUVlaUlQtcXYyeklPeDN6V3V0cGNFeTdJUllSMVZDVW5aTEd1SE5USWZYeGszSFdKTEtuTFlDZG1NdldoeUo1MW9BSEFfT3g4S19GWGdzSzkyQ29ZbkpoVFRaZnltZUhJcldFbDRBejVJMDA5dz09 |
My daily staking rewards are WAY smaller than what the staking calculator at taostats.io prepredicts. Any buddy having same issue? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfSHF3eTVjWHlSTGNGT1c4MjZhemN5Wm44bEpKVkZNeF9OUFFnbk42VnRrYThyWkZOZHdsOVBESURfR2llVVpucUlreE1veHUxaFJjQlc4Z29zRUlOR0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlVlFodnRaNEIzSWIzMzV5LUh1VUdDTFVRektyRFFrYmhSd1IwRUEzZGtUeW03aExySDNsYVA5SkpsQi1WenpJNWIwT1B5LXlMWGxjWHNXODU1RUJRR2w5U0JaM2pzZEdsR1l5WDFXQXUtMG9HS19ERkJvMEk4MFZoRGJUVkIyQlhELTEtS0xDUHFSOWxuVUMtd3RHQjdMOTc0N0xqckoxSUoxTzRDaVJsd0Y0PQ== |
Bitcoin Cash is showing bullish signs of a huge rally ahead and as per our analysis it can cross the $1000 price mark before the end of 2024.
**Bitcoin Cash Price Analysis-** [https://cryptoofficiel.com/bitcoin-cash-price-prediction/](https://cryptoofficiel.com/bitcoin-cash-price-prediction/)
# Can Bitcoin Cash Hit $2500?
In 2025, if Bitcoin stays above the $100k price range, then a huge rally is expected from BCH Token, which can even even take Bitcoin Cash's price closer to the $2500.
**Here are our price predictions for BCH token:**
* Conservative Price Targets: $1000 to $2000
* Bull Price Target: $1500 to $2500
* Moon Price Target: $2500 to $5000
What do you think, how high Bitcoin Cash can rise? | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfV1NkT2RYSkxIYXNLV3F1QkhKd2JaTkV6XzhTcjJSZXBGZE9GakhfSF9rbXlsQmhIYzNMTEY1NmUtV2RGNFlaYzZ5Q3pvMm53U3hST3VfZDhwMy1uTUI2bHFyY1hmSmFUaUZrQnhGdjBydDQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlN0NHUHdhUDhqVWNxM09NWjZTMEdsVFVPN0ZNTEMtUHhPUkp4NGFwLVV4QUVMY3g3ZklKWmN0S3FoVzVXVUUyMFRnRzlBWk5MZl9qRkNxbGhCdDhBOUwySTdTQUIwX0doc1BhUFJLbE5CSzdOQXpJNmUtY0V4OE9ZSkdhTG56NzNSY1dtd3phYlFmVUJpaTR6QU5ldUNGdFNnUlYzQUZzUDNsOWY3TXhRZEpvLUlETUU0SlJqaUFKRFNjS09md3kwa0JyZFFPQklCN3BzaTAyVEd1TmotUT09 |
Hello anyone can tell me where can i have information (easy tonunderstand) about how does monero works?
A full versión.
Thanksss. I learned a Lot about btc, i'm triying to do the same wirh monero, but i can't find a good information.
Sorry about My English, i'm form argentina :o | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfOVB6UGw0RWtnZzNjT0FJZEgyQzFTb3BjZ2xhYWFiWmRpMnoxUFBkVUN1alB6Rng4a1c0UUpaci1RUzNBbHdETnVYekV5bDlnWnlaOEJlcnNOZ3dzbFB6YzJ6TVF0bFVpZUMybWdTOHl3OW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlUXVUWG5YV2xzeG5Ib19EcTdzSmVQQTFDVjQ5YTdYYVhvOFlMUjRtOTJTQW9KMzdoTmc0clo3X0JTUWhhbGxSSTlra0xzYU1Ud2hSQkpINF9nVWh0VERfVWdKLXQ4TC0wczNlRTdDenlZd2VnOFh4OGRJdG9NeFFacWtyY1ZyU20xLVVnWmRmTWE3Q3IzbFBPN1dSOVRmQjMzNEFFZ3FNWDEyb1IzdGlNUmZFPQ== |
Last cycle, BTC broke its all-time high (ATH) around November 2020 and hit 2x that level (around $40k) by February 2021. Meanwhile, ETH was lagging—it was sitting at about $620, which was -50% from its previous ATH in November 2020. ETH didn’t break its ATH until February 2021, after BTC had already doubled. And even when ETH finally broke through, it dipped -50% again before pumping to new highs.
This isn’t a new story—ETH tends to lag behind BTC during major market movements. Historically, BTC leads the charge, setting the tone for the market, while altcoins like ETH take a bit longer to catch up. ETH’s moves may feel delayed, but when it finally runs, it does so with impressive momentum. For example, after lagging in early 2021, ETH went from $1,400 to over $4,000 in just a few months.
The key takeaway here is patience. BTC is often the first to move, but the altcoin market, including ETH, follows in due time. Instead of getting caught up in the short-term noise, zoom out and look at the bigger picture. ETH’s time is coming, and if history is any indicator, it could perform even better once it starts its run. Just hold on and wait for the cycle to play out. | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfdjNHTXh2dlNMS3lIbmpsaFJGc3U0T2RKbjdLUmZKVDdoSHlwcEVJLU1aUW16UmFXaGZTWWhWMk9OaDgzVFBobmN0QkpjaWwySkZBaEw3YV9ndWh5RVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlYzVhdjNxT0NyMTZTclI0aUgyaUZ0eFVXckZzQkFlbXJaUTRjWUJTaGp4dmEwTDY0UTBmLUhjYWo1eTdyNWV0RDRRZTZWajVKMzcwLW1yb1pXU0xITXY2OUFpcHFGWEp6OVZRTkIyTzZlSFVpZFAtNFUyMmRjeUNOVVNReXNTNmhHVFNLeVV2YzRpVlozQU5JMDdqaDJ0VnpHcHMwMHRjdTZRWHJJU1E1Wk1lSU1RU2ZFeGNEYzR6Z0RWaVFsbVBG |
Btc almost 100k, coinbase and phantom top 1 apps on playstore and alts didnt move an inch. Start thinking altseason might not happen | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfOFROYzJVV2RibS0xRUFJekREc1MzSjFpTVVCb0RjeUE0ckJGMmNWYlJKODEwT2lJWXJvZ1VHa1dhbTJaUXVuMVFaTGNoTThXWDNjdmNoV3h3cTY4bHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlWHlxMTVtYUtQa29VdkxZU0ZYNUE2MWhISC1NMEt2bm9OdWFMS0JlMnJGZHB1QWZFSlZNM2E3YldwSG5iYUhMRDNpUUtVUFBLRURzRjZMdWszdGZCVUxHLWU2Y2NMaG9NdTRvbFA1RDN3dHA2aERqUWZKRnl2d3pKZTlremZEUGg3SGEwZ0VPVVYwUy1FNmVNQXBsalNLeUZjR0I2MkI1cVBhM2t4VzgwQWJRPQ== |
A note for those who are against memecoins - Solana is the memecoin blockchain. All the volume and fees here are generated by memecoins. If you want Solana to go up, don't shit where you eat. If it wasn't for memecoins, Solana would make Eth look like a good investment.
This is my story - I bought Bitcoin in 2013 as a broke college student that I held until 2022. I irresponsibly used prescription drugs and made a series of bad decisions which caused me to go broke (Luna crash > FTX crash > then I got hacked for the rest). During 2023 I had nothing. I thought I would never financially recover. Then in January, I received an airdrop of 20k JUP. I decided I would be responsible and keep most of it as BTC and play with a small amount on Solana.
I was able to get some lucky wins during the March pump with $wif and $popcat but ended giving it all back in the following months. I had no idea what I was doing. I realized I just needed to catch the next big coin, but not go broke doing so. I tried different strategies - copytrading, alpha callers, paid groups, but none of them worked.
I developed my own strategy, doing my own research, and since October, I started consistently winning, and in November I reached $100k.
This is my advice -
The most important first: everywhere you look, it's all scams and rugs. Shillers on social media want to make you exit liquidity. There is only one place to look: [https://app.meteora.ag/](https://app.meteora.ag/) \- Only buy coins from this list.
This is a list of LP pools. Scan it religiously. Every runner like $moodeng, $goat, $chillguy is on here sub 100m mcap. Most importantly, the most -ev thing that can happen to you is getting rugged. You won't get rugged on any coin here with more than 100k TVL.
Never bet more than 10% of your port on any one coin. This shit is volatile. Every coin that has gone to 100m has had at least a 50% dip before that. You need to be able to hold if you don't want to fade generational wealth. Many tokens that looked good also never recover. Not going broke is priority #1.
Look for high-velocity coins. That means in the first few days - 20m+ mcap, 20m+ volume, 100k+ Meteora liquidity. These have the potential to go to 100m. This is not value investing. Being early is all that matters. I bought the top of $moodeng, $goat, $chillguy, and 10x on all of them.
Good luck and have fun.
[My journey from $0 to $100k: October 1 - November 21](https://preview.redd.it/l9zxp2rsp82e1.png?width=933&format=png&auto=webp&s=3da822171f4c48b74da4fb3e5499a51e61386a2e)
| r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfaW10M1cwOVhQN2VpMXhzMWJMc2NPMk9DSjFKZ3FUXzk2UThEa2FlbThEOFlieGx6ejVIYUtxV0c0SmJjMnNRTnh5ZWE5OEJTUHlNZHR5V0tWSjhpeVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1Jlbkw4Q19iblR6QXp6NHotemQyMWZCcTJaaGhNQUFQWF9uUFN5U3E0aVJyby1MaHpISFRnNXhsMndPc2pPS1ZrMXdKVkktZVpLMGtGMEdpZlUxWS1EX3pHNmViY3QxMFltTEdMb3VWUktTN1JXdXZkVU45LTF5VDMtcG5GSUdvMEd6cUVKRWFWWTl3UHZWWjBTS3h1MHkzakthRVR1cWhDZnJLTlVjWGlMbHlfam8yUGdpZ3NBTDhEcjZDS2pySm5P |
To celebrate this historical milestone, let’s all collective buy a bit of btc and contribute pushing this gift to mankind a little further up its journey! | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfSUNkVnRoZGptYWR6YlBVTHpfZHVmR05nckFxTW1NS0RzWVpqNC0xVU1aUWhveS1Cb01WaVU4a29HX3k2cS12bWlMdFIzR243QkkyaUN4RG5GOGVNQ0FHWkxfRHdnTEpDdFVxMkZMTXpfd0E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlWTNzME1UM3dGQ0ZDQnM4Z0RHcmlrY2Q4UUtDN2VuVS1JZFAteEdxN0hGWG1oTENUbFhuLVdTV0NjUFJSbVlZd014ek1pUVB3bVE3U1I2N0tIVEtOLVZUUDhuMnZHSU1lQkFsb055aS1reS1tUjJITmNmZ1RycFhHWVJ3ZHJITEFvbnVBRjNxaVJGNGJ6VDR5VGF1aWNuTDY1WnNHRmdDMlAwREU5ejF3M0dFeUFJS3licDg2UDh5a2RJcHh6bjdqVjlQc0NpTkpDSkp6MTZHcnEyOXdSZz09 |
This stock has ran up way too much, completely blown out of proportion situation. Idea behind this short is to capitalize off BTC’s blow off top. Wish me luck.
P.S. I love you granny | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfWnRRNG82YXRzQWN3VzBCNTk1eF9YdndwMmN0ZnNiRUxaRldYamE0WnFpeXcwU1phblVIYkRzMk9EVTRnQ0VWaEgzbThOcXRGZ2U5SWNPMnJRaXR1d3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlTTdWeXBVdDMzNWtQQlZORHNNXzVscnh3UDJJa3Exb2dObjlaTzJEd3drVThnOVJzOC1VdVpNRWZUbE4wS2ZKM1JpTHpNbnJYTm1mOTVtVWYtbkl1UGZ2U2pVX3AtQmtBVW9Rd0VOWEtPMDlUcjk0V2ZmRi15OUJueEZRNDJ6bzlaa1FuQV82MV9yN1BjRTg0R0tHU21DYkRDM01GT1I5Z2x3QXBpX2J0SDBNPQ== |
Just warning the newcomers, take it or leave it.
All of these $skibidirizzohiopoop coins will never make you rich. I'll rephrase it to gambling. You are just gambling, and if you are not the house, like the devs or the platform hosting the exchange, you will lose, because the house always wins.
For you to buy a coin, someone has to be selling it. Someone is always is going to hold the bag.
If you do a little research, you'll see that, oddly enough, all of these coins, meme and alt, are tied to the same block chains and markets as the bigger coins. These coins are ONLY based on market sentiment. I.e. BTC did not do anything but be hyped up. It will hit 100k ONLY because everyone wants it to hit 100k. That's not investing.
Crypto is going to go somewhere, yes. We will likely use a decentralized block chain as a new way to regulate fiat money like the dollar or euro. But not even BTC will be that coin.
If you want to make money on the market, you are not too late. Pick a big boy coin, buy it and don't sell it. The red is coming. Most of you at this point will have to wait for the next run. If you look at any market, you'll see we entered a bull market in 2020, and it crashed 2021. It's up now, but it will end. If you end up buying the top, just wait a few years.
That is all. Just trying to help. Please don't dump your life savings, or your grocery money for the week. Not many of us are in a good place. Don't think this is your ticket out. That's how the whales in the crypto markets get richer. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfUmozNmNjTmhNNndQX241MEZ4SFMxRWQwYUFidzNOOFRsZjNGUWZJWVpQbU02ZFdCb2ZWM3otT2xYX0JfNGE4NlVJS2dJbXlQbXhrSUZ3OXdlaklVRmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlZ3JvZy0wOTRydWI2YVpQeFdzZE5hY1lydkJMeGJCcUExekFLOGNKMzQwaWlfYVJCemRkVzBuRWtmUThrNU5vLVV3amlpYjMyVnotX25rMWZRZGNfNmF4MnZKdFVMem1QS1RNazE5Q3pTTkZCZmg1STRTdnptY1RfRTQ0dmdZeDFUWV9IUjlyUlRSN1ZteldUV2ZZaXhqNlRiaFVDWS1pWGlob1l2cjhTMDU4elFjYnl5RExUSWZsZWQtbE9zYTkzU2s3aGM2cWtJYVNfaUpJQkk4QmVCZz09 |
Was contemplating doing this transaction, but BTC is money.
To anyone contemplating doing something similar, DO IT! Investments are meant to be sold when you NEED the money. In most parts of America, you need a car.
A 100k number from Bitcoin will mentally draw new investors away as it’s so high, they will all be drawn to the next big thing which is Ether. Every cycle this happens. Even right now it’s happening as Ether is up almost 8% today as Bitcoin tries to draw near 100k. Bitcoin ALWAYS pumps before Ether, it’s just the way it’s been over the last decade, let bitcoin continue to pump, ether is next. (Though to be fair we were almost at 2000 a few weeks ago and right now we are sitting pretty around 3300, seems pretty good to me!)
It’s sad to see so much doom and gloom around here, yes we wish we were at an all time high right now, like bitcoin is, but have some patience, it WILL get there. Don’t be silly and sell early because you had a lack of patience. Dont sell for garbage like SOL who cant even figure out how to keep their network from going down. And esp don’t sell for meme coins!!
Buckle up, it’s going to he a fun ride up!!!
I need to add a few more words into this to hit the 200 word criteria, so don’t mind this last sentence:) | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfWDJ5Tlg2cnFiVzNQVFRMX2hrUW0xS0pRV0ZwSmw5dHlITkFMVjVnYUxOc3EwRXhSM0Fjek55NnVTdVRsbE5xQXdVM3VZX2EybTlpSmtrblZNWEJTbXJJemZqNWdFZmlubUFiTXlLd2FteUk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlNmd5OG1nTVFZOWpsMjAtQzVFelR6b3drZEJuZEQ3NEFIZUh3bHh1Tldia1R3dnhFdmprbVFfTlhJYUI3SXByeHpGYmpoNGlRUEtNc0tYbm9Ba1pHZnJvaEVJbzYtYVAwejR3YTdmUUM4M3d6RmE5UmtiT1NpSUE5WmNXZGlFdEE1dF9NV09KYzNoV0g2V1FkYWVSdXA5dGM0RXAyQlFsNVNhNDVpbVZ4TTZpWHR2LUVMX3hMUEdIc3lYUl9ZMDM3bnBCU3dUc21Sc3RsYzkwa1FMOFVmUT09 |
https://www.forbes.com/sites/tonyaevans/2024/11/21/pennsylvania-passes-bitcoin-rights-bill-proposes-strategic-reserve/ | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfNGl1WHAxTDVaVXpkQkpxTjlsNTFrOFJjSjY0MDVEbnlOQ29yeGIwWmhvU2EwVEVOOFJiQ1JBZzF1cE9Vc245dWt0LUJ6UlpsdWxnY2o1WmRyRkE0Vnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlRENNaU1MWGs0SWZoSnowQnVsSW9Rd1h3VjI3bmV2d0RCeFJzdzFfa0oxM3daM2hTblFlWFBYcllYOHR5Q1p4OVBkMjR1SGsxZUtKa2dmcENkcWZ3UndoWEFKd3pRTGpDOW1NWnFoYUhmRFFkQ19Ecm9aOEdDSi1hdVh6c0p3WUdGekdBV1FDLUF3OF9WMUtUM1JBZVo5dUpkaDcxX2xyM1JGR200UzhxUk9vPQ== |
This is going to be a long hold😭 | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfS0tJcTZwMkt4Qy1tRHBfOTk5ME9zNVRyNTg3aXNkQWlydndHZjlKSWQzTFpsem5WQjZJMUIxWWNLV3p0ZnlmVGV5SDQyMTdvcmxScnc4Qzljb19LVHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlM2tqd2t4dGtYS3JmalIya3JTUVU3UVVrb01MZzFPMjhBV2Q4TFNFdTA4OXBNLUtlTHEtNFRGenVHUmRWTzdwWkozMnZGdDF0SDd4cENwSUFkbmxkUVhubnRWSzNIUm9USzVhX2lhOEl6VjA4emdUUmlybjhJaE5JNVBvMGV1MUd1OVNjekFEUl90eGlaYTdtQ0pwbFdES2hPcS1OMFd2MUhEN1NNVk9RRzBrPQ== |
The return of Andrew Left | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfR1VndDRiYmRCNkN4M0M4ZHVXNzNvUjUtb1N1ckVqRTJUMnZoTUt1RU1uaVdKOHpXQ21SSWJfeVpiZ29yVXBFZms3bU1IN09rLTZzMVN2ZU9JZmZiYTVfME4tazh4Z203X0hHR1FBVzdHMHc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlMFVkaUpZeHNzdkRUREVhV3BxTjl0b3NZNW5JTy1mSlE5QW13U3J3WURDenYxMVhMZmRLZGZfZ3FaY1lZYm1lOTZQeGxXZ05GcFQtSjExRm9Oam5wekpfaWZ4VlVOVW0tQmh6eUZ3aU5wQWRrQmY1VTJ1dUY5T2syNnVULW53cnh3NmNkc1JTSWJ5YktUZnBEQWZmY1hTbU9mbDluaVVKcWVnT3dNSlc0WFhweGMzR1JJcDJORzhTVUtaMFZocU1iRGpDQ3Y1NmRjeVQ4dlRUQVJwaHRGUT09 |
I don’t know why certain people act like they don’t want the value of their BITCOIN cash to go up. That’s the best thing that can happen for our community and for acceptance. The Hodler mentality is one thing bitcoin core community has right. What’s the point of having peer to peer cash if nobody knows about it or accepts it. We must emphasize store of value as well as peer to peer cash. That’s what makes this the perfect money. The ability to save and spend efficiently. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfUm9Oby1aSmtfeVNZSk9IV1ZLV3I5NHptTV9vNDV0Ulh5dHVQWFY2Z1ZkNFd5R0puLUtmU1JDRDZzUjQyQ01VX05Dd1h4bFJfcEJQYU13TnFOd0tIbkhEVjA1S0dZcWVURUEwNVlCd1FQamM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlajZlNjlaQVhwMGVPZXBmWEpCX2tPVEZJbjBmM0RYQVBOM2VULVJqVVdWQzhja1BPWTdfTEdyRjFVc05ENzE3cGRCV1dKMEFxZ0R6NWhqU3BGY1htWlZMT0wyN3hIWnRfVXJQLWZzcXcwYlNLOGJIcElOb0xwemtnT3I4SDE4Ums1Mm9kZDJFZXVQYmxHeGxKR2NHcEE5WVdWcWRITV9sRzY4Vzh3ZjhmWFpyY0x3QXZPenVUSDFYelZzMnltckF2TjFoY1NaUF8yUDUyd29STFp2OE05Zz09 |
nm, you? | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfLWl5VkxKTTgzOURwd3QzTGZtNXRsRGpPeDJmREt3ZHg2M25yUEl2T2ZPZ2ptUmZHdFFPeldTanhKLUs0OW5VMndQQXBYc2Z2allJdEkxd0pWQzhwY2RZaldITGlXR0lINl9Sb3ZCeEo2OFE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1Jlcm9jUTFOOTJPeTdNeDZtVFRRR1pWaXN3Y04xblhQblJ1RGZsdXdtSXdoOW16TlFuZEVGdHAtR2lNM0Y0QmJsODZvWEpVYzM0X3lrTTFJMWplTkdyOTh6RHNPaVRfbVJmTDZ0V3lrTzdSYWJOOWJNdjNhY000QnpsbzUtOTFmZnlfT2I0b0JqR2tnV0pobWpkcTVuRG5SRzZXS1FqZmFiME56aEg0Sllud3pYVEVXU05MeGxWdjNOUFNfOHZfcjdt |
Just watched the long interview with Gavin. One of the questions was. Around meme coins and Sol
He waffled on and eventually said ‘bullsh*t’.
Love it! | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfZTRibW1wU0htLTRYMTRFMm0xLU1QY3hrbHUtN2dWX1J1bHpWZmdTd2VJcWIzTm9tcHVvd3ZLYzljbVdZRlN3R0RpQUZZQmcwZl9rQl9hbjdxcjk5R1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlbFNKVGc3RTdaelZzMC1rUGZSUENIbDVfLU1oTm5ibjIxZndyWVZTb3lTNE1qeXBMMkFVZUxjVVdrN2lDWFBsSUFPS2xacjVJZUJ1c3Q1djlUcDZ0Q1Jpb21IaDBFT284MlFnZk1ZQmgzNVRzTVE5bU5hVHBreTRhOWhOYXoxN014S2RzTTBsTUFBT2tKRV9UT2dhLUVXVFdSZDZPQTNnLUtoNTljNG9vNHFWRVpqOHlONWVwMkwzSHk0YVZWMWlQ |
I’m loaded up on BCHG, who else? I’m ready to take this ride with some friends! | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1Ffa2NrWnc4YVhrRTJnYjN0UkRybEIyYlpVcVM1eVAwRjdJMmlraW5EZGJ3YnIzWkpwNjVrYmtpQ0lLQlg0M2tSTTdrWDctekR1N21xbk9SeGNZYjNITUtOQWF1eEFRbGJHVjIyOVl4TzBLejQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JleF9PazM0LTJ4SjY3VG1OUTFqemFuU00tNWFfaWFlSl9VSWg4MmZqNnAycDBNNkp6M3JkemFpdUhhckRrRmt6aDNxcXV3enJHTk9KUW9ObHJiUXkzU0lsMm1qWXdFVEF4UmlWV0hTQnpuVkFUMXlpMXZjX3pvUXVZVDNFeC1odE91eVF2eG40eXdOR1JlQnBjbkVGbGExWjJPR3hXdXNHZnRHeUdNb1dKWXQ0PQ== |
What needs to be built?
What needs to be improved upon?
What messages need to be spread?
| r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1Ffcnk5dGwtVm5PVnRTNHU4NDRuUm1uUW9rRW90d29EUzY4cllnMjF0ZWN4cVR5NU5YS1JQdV9TclpQaVFsWUgwMjF6QmtEdnkzOXIzbGdsYmUzQ0xoTWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlSElCRkZZa1lRRUprY29uMXc3RkhLWndzUTlhamFyWVRMMFR4aXFuUUVIOHluYXpmQXllMzRWd2tGVnNaVWtpcDZWMHFoVHNvRkpvTTNOdzRfUjNMX0ZSS3Z1cFBzR1FkM3dWUVYwTlE1c2p0ZzlNNU9lUEtMbUhTdThhczVvUkltUTQzb0hMSXRJLTNXSHBrbm9MNFhva1d4RUJOTmExSURPRTVhamNBWjVQT3c3R0RWM3hDRy0zWlNwRmxfdnRDbDMtVTBkankwUEpkUUVFbDdLMXVRZz09 |
Join us live on X.com Spaces for Fiendish & Friends #2 this Friday 22nd November 2024 🎉
- Weekly Bitcoin Cash News- Sayoshi Nakomario (FundMe and Badgers)
- BCH Bliss 2025 hottest p2p cash conference news from organisers.
- Meme Competition 2025 Chance of winning 1 BCH!
fun!https://x.com/i/spaces/1BdGYERPZoNGX | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfMktjNkVGNEcxVllURUNGajFmYWNQd1ozTy1xejZRTXU2X3hlWllBeEV3OGNJNDN3M2t4ZURpUkV0X2VOclBnZDJWdXdaNV9tRFM5VkZCWTczUWRFbmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlaG1qdnN0amVrV2VZaExuVFlhNHg0Nk5CWWduRl9saGlDUFF4Z19DdE1KRklnRDMwdk9iQnA5T2hGXzhjRkZVLUZRUXNOUFdxUFBKS2NXS2ctUkVKdG9INHZSSTExb3NfSGJuQ2I0dkFLLW5GVjBCMUZ1OXIwb0pnT2FvenhrRG44T0FLUmtuSVNNZ0FGbGxaMm9ucFBpOGpuQV9PY2F0bVRzOWxHMHk0VnVnPQ== |
What felt like jewelry at first turned out to be chains. Too many failed positions to post. The crescendo was about a million desperado quick scalp attempts using 0DTE’s the last week. Glued to my phone, cussing at an app that can’t talk back and pissing away a Range Rover! Now, I’m wearing a paper hat and slinging a salt shaker. And before you say it…”Yes, you can give me your 2 cents worth!” Thanks for all the brilliant DD. See u on Monday! | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfdGpCOUhCVTdhRXcxeXF6dVFMSDNMUzhlWF9kWW90TGlPdm1lU19PSjZCelM5cFJiV2FNX2ZCVGV3aTVUR2I2dU10UEFFQURyWGx3Umpqa0RUTFNRYlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlZ2JMcVBBN1lMRnJaYnNPSzNpbURnM2dIeFNkdFlueWdBUW5LTm96aDRuc3hEVGw4enhNTlZsbWstVGZTVVg4Y2kxX2t4THk1SjYzdW0zRzRPMndLQ21rN2FkUDZINWZHV3F6UHRXdEEyVC1TYjNGUlh4Ym4xbTZUNXJPSjVjakdQYlpkdjZsQVFlalByR2FCTWhzMmZSZWlGbGptVUNYUHlxN2F4REhOTDAtR0ZDTG1aMzJkLTJsbFpqSDBxazdr |
r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfWVFVenFmZWo2NU55bFlyQnNMdlRORlVNV0ZGZXpJdkpvd29iaWtDZENIWVREVVB3Z3lwc2FDdTRWdFlydGJ0RGpQWjZpYWV1ejIwV2hSbWQ0c1lYUXdBSzhvcjlyOUFhX1FLbUMwZTg3cDA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlMFdwVmlEOVZCV0JlX3kwaU1lZzZYLWM2eTNpZFEzZ01femFUVlRlb3JacjlTeUQzNFh6Y1M1SDZXWjJyYlhrMGstaWhwMTlnbEgtRFlXY0c4Vnk1MzdOaTdvLTNPbHNYM3pkUzl3T0xjTDdMTXdWZWpSbVNQMnpiZmlvbWxkRklvSzJKTTBuRkM0WHpZMkNHeE5HRHZsbkdySWNwUmhYTU1RQmx5WEpzN3hCb0RuTFMyWDFHNmJUSmM2OXZKXzF2R3k5cXJ4ZTJwaDd4Ry1zaVdGWlVYZz09 |
My friends have just recently started talking about trading memecoins and some of them have made some serious money from it. They have all group chats and stuff but I just want to know where I can get started is there any good telegrams or gcs you guys can recommend that usually do good? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfSmFzbEhRWXFsaVNxVjlvMV82WFdpb0M3Z0pMSmZoeFFibW81cU9PYVd2UHBnaGc0REdWYmREUS1pUWxlM2hvVjBVcElEVGxUSnRyWDVGMEliSXFzSEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlZUt3aHlzYTlXS2x4QW41U3B2bjE4a19xTlpjU3JzSGhoRjNqS3JQWHBYMFNPeGtmZG1KZ1NvSl9tbi1IZUZ0RVNUSkQzN1EyQkx3Ni03SE40YlpVenpvejg4UUd2OXNpVUk0MU5WbzB6Nk9HdWNIc3ZyVHV3dlQ5dTZTbVQyOHVGQmROTjBjcWRVVlFUbTFoblJKbDhLNTQzUXdqREM0eXVLODg1S1VpRE9xbUoxelBSRXhiWnNaU1g1eWlkdVlH |
I don’t know, I just wanted to post here because ever since reading articles about how the government is going to try and suppress monero or yunno, make people not wanna use it, ect, ect, or whatever the articles were actually on… (I couldn’t be asked to be 1000% accurate at this point but you get the jist)
…I’ve been seeing a lot more users commenting on monero posts here with shitty ass backwards mindsets, where they are essentially saying things like “No, this post sucks and is obsolete because you don’t know how to be 100% safe, so you shouldn’t take this measure” or whatever…
Or like “Um actually there’s no point because there is still the intel management engine (IME) that you haven’t disabled, so the government can still back door you, making this completely pointless and you should stop your efforts”
I don’t know, like cool. I get your concern, but you’re going about it wrong, state your concern and recommend a solution for people to implement…
Telling people to stop trying just because they don’t know something you know;
And even gatekeeping information because you think people don’t deserve to learn or further their knowledge is sooo ass backwards..
It just SCREAMS “Hey, 🤗 I’m a federal agent, and I’m doing my part to draw people away from monero.”
Anybody think this too? Or is it just me?
If it’s just me let me know, 🤷♂️ curious. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfMHZSTDdTV0JXNThWT1dmMVZIV3R3WWlsLUZUWUpMcmExOU9nWjFsMy11T0JDUndELUlCOFNFZnFfZWNIVmVYb0NfaGVmRDI3Y190Q0JJNE8xRGl2dWZJZU8zZjhGZjlYanVUWUlod0R3VVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlLWx2YjVMbmlfSHBNNWRBOVN1OW15NzlLZ0lORFMwbF9jVUtRaFJpWGpZYjVFc0xaZ2VyWm9lSXU0bUdoZDdRYlE1OGpzZHRqX3g2QWJOUkZ0bmZSbzJHQTRpLXYxRDBwbkZxYzY4cW5LWU9KNWs0VlRVeHIxRnROMkhlUldrOUlHa21zVmVuTzdLcGJrdG53dkJlR0ZPanpVOFVuYjZDaXZRUm80WTdxZXBJbXhsTVVXX1RtaWNzblVRazF2SWJF |
I spent five years building my savings the smart way and diversifying, a friend introduced me to options, I had a couple good wins and then I did this. A shotgun between my teeth is looking awfully tempting | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfaGpYLUpPVE55LW1iUmFGU0x3T1JXS0M4ak9ROXdSdEhmWVNnZThtb2RnV0RXQVd3NUdfd3RvTzhtQ2V6MV9KaDlUbmJLX1ZQQzZGM3ZjLUc0d0pXNmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JldlF4WFFoVG1zLVNzSWNJeFNlaGxRRk4tTC1hSWZvOVhyLU1COGV3Z0pHalRvRGtwMmtmeFA4bk5YbUloLS1EaEJZdTNnT3gyaG9DSkstSndlRktzcE5BUG1KbHFzVTBJLVZlZ2ZKSHYwdmg2MURWYkkzYXF1dlBGY1RObFFUYzVtWWQtdzZIN2E5eHp4TUVqVnhsaXZxeEU5LTBXTnE0R05ZNzdFUXp0UFJIckl6VUNNYUJzNGdmQnkzc2xlcDRSS3M2ZDFUT3BYSFFXTFdoZXNmNmQwZz09 |
Ok so what video or website can you recommend for bitcoin for dummies? First time and I’d like to invest. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfMnZlUXlsMDFYVW85SnhTYlBLamNNalB6aFpWdVhBMkdQZTBaMmFuaTNqbkRVdkhOSDhlVHlaS0hGeWYwX2NOOGwyNXd1Q1RiQng4QTlFRjI0NGFQSU9PazdKM3laUWsxQ2RZYkVoTWdDWEE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JleUVjOC1aMldLWTdNdTlHdVFBZVZmY2FTbElvVkJiVTJCQkM0NjBGOEJ0RExyMG9uWlRZdmlldzd1UTdlanFRM1l4V2MydVp6b191V01OVENVZWU1Tl8wWU1ZVy1GM0loZVRqRXloRlF5YlBHWWpQbHZKc25jM3JCNU42MFNKZmNodnhYbHJKZU11dUt3Z1F2Z25KQjB3PT0= |
Hello, I was wondering what exactly polkadot is? I have always heard about it and seen it was off from previous highs drastically. However, I don't like meme coins I would rather invest in something that has great upside.
Didn't know if there was analogy or important reasoning for polkadot? As most videos are "MAKE 1000X ON POLKADOT" | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfMFpJbmNVLTlFa1VtMkhMRUVUd0xZWDVHTmMtMUtsOGhET2N0bjdsS3Q5SEtyeW84RTBvbDhXQXVVRGd3cnFfdUxlS3gtaktQMnRlNnR1RFpfTXcyX2tZYWtXaGdmbXpYX1ktSlZVTExpRmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlM01RdURUZElxQVdtTTJzbGxPd2xqVVRhc3JXQnViX2tfU01PcUZybWI5Tktfb3oyTEZ6eWtPLVlHSGhNTmFHZWVURGRheERoQ1VuOHFJbk1xeFFmT1kteW40dmZlV2t0QkpyTUxGWkFwNGs4UjA0bURqN3hQNEZ1ZGpVcUlKc2xlbmQxQzRVeUVDMUE5TUp4VXUwaF9fdGZBM3Iza0ItRHNXZzdJYTROMmFnPQ== |
Reminder: HODL | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfZ3VLckUtQUZ6bzEyR3dueFpXTFJSTTFRQlJ6cGhJMXNlcGZ5bksweFAzUGJURFQzdVM1N0NaZ0c2RFRlWWFONXEyd3RQcVdTNzBTZlFUVllCLXI3Rmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlLVp2ZFJObjY2NlR6Q0dqXzV3ZjV1ZThFQ0Q2YVF5SWJucENYQzRlNUhiT1ZWcU1DR3ZQaWhnVG1qbklfTWoyeTRVZG1JVWNRblN5X0hweDV0c2NhUHhjUU9WNkxmb1Zud1FDLWlDWXB5eTZuYm5DQlRWeGp6LTN6bXhXR2M0YjVYbk84anloX0NKS0d1MzRTa0Jvam1RPT0= |
Everything will change forever. Get ready. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfYnd4Q1hNWUd4LXJ2bTZabTVjNm9tVUNWVkRocW9JNVJIVFpRUXNabTJoZWpXYTVBcHBZZldRZFhHZDREZG8xVEk0cGhJTXV3U3RLQ293MDBpQTRMVlcxRmxhcURRb0FNbl9nWjJBOXpXelU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlTEYzVjhIbGJ1a2R6NzNYY20zMXRmQnNFXzVBLUQ2UV9IX2QzSG1xdkMxWkU3UXd4OXB1SnNDNk82WVpuaHBHczBXUmRfMFdLMFNkUWZ3QU5kMU4yZ0N1ZmJHb2c3UXRQZHQ5Ni1qNlMxdzBlV2ktN19KZU5qdXZnOTVnMTlaTi1RX0U1aGU3cTJFMkpFRU94WGVIejN3PT0= |
I realise I fucked up by not transferring my Monero off Binance earlier in the year but just wondering if anyone knows what would have happened to it on Binance..? There's nothing in my wallet and it wasn't automatically converted to USDT or anything else... did it just get removed? Should I just move on with my life? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1Ffei1BeFgxU01TR1FGWWJJRE5VNzB0bXhoanoxQS0zRHFnTVB2RUxPeEdOSWJJaWsxTEY4R3F4b25Nb3dhRG5RMDZfb00yMjM5bHZpV2R0dnk0c3ZmeHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlZUxxU0VxbjJDTjBraTRHYm1jSXlmNXNpX3o5elU0NWFVc2ppX2cxUFRUcWxUNWVpYTJMQ1BwZkV6SkoyMjRtekppZGJVZHNqdzN5TXZRaXdQMzA1Q3psZVhhZmhldS1VbjdVX0xfaEZnZFM2WER5YUxQeVlZSFhURW9xTWdTODM1N1dyU2xwejJjSzZjLUZBTmU4ZkZxckJxX1JBTWlDWWhQcVR6U19sdXBvPQ== |
He had his other wallets buy first, then pretended to look for a coin and typed his own after a while, afterwards ignored everyone in the chat and was pretending to look for another coin to invest in, then boom. Stream ended and his other wallets profited. Stream ended a few minutes after the spike. He stalled for a while in the video while they set everything up. It's too obvious.
Happens at 17:05
https://preview.redd.it/u8jt1u14me2e1.png?width=1227&format=png&auto=webp&s=13c056b8121beaf3c0701f903ba252c7bff39c16 | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfamVMLW9oU0k2bGdSVHI3Mm5RVVJ0TGNDdlo3WnYxU05MV1JzbmMtX1VnZmRTaXdtZzZFaEU5N3pva0ZpNEhlVnhZdTF2NUtfWU5qLXhQOTVIa1FKOXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlUTVQY3RabU4zTnF0Um1HUGcwQ3FoeE5vTlE2TXBhcENsd20yTnNEREdGek1mR3M0TGdZWlJXZDhzNFpJUzFlR2J6cmFFRk80X1BjMnNDTmdBdlVMUGo4NmFiMkR3T0hBZGZPU1dBSHl3U01RajBRRm9DRE5nQVlsLVoxS0FFdHlETUNYZnFQcUpWVzV6VDM3R0luY0xHNGZITXQwUHRVcmhBWXFKRFloZVp6TThWR0RyUUhOQk1fXzRvaGxXcTNMTXJUODkzSk5rTmNiVEE3Ym5tTTdqUT09 |
I was wondering what is the most efficient way to convert btc to usdt assuming I have btc on my ledger. Do I have to send the btc to an exchange like binance, convert there and then send it back to the ledger or is there a way to avoid those unnecessary fees? | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfRmV1VE5sNENjU3dyY1J6eThLbUNrMVRPVlU3MnRDN2dfU1lmd0JvVUlLTTBYVVp4c3EtSTFsQkk2N21vWmt0QWFRY0VseUo4aXdBb1YyRGxndm11d2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlTDBzLTM0YUl6Rl9CWkRQOVVZOEN5NlNBRlJfQTE3NGdwS1ZXaEVraC1ZNkZCMC1VU2Jma3pOVmJnd1NtaFZGYlhOWHl5eXZtSFliTFFNZzZ6S2NMdjZmVTFQVnFKc21rT25Mc3lnTkdmSmt0Sy1KbEJIeWV3RFFHcXkxa1VmM1ZGOGNWWWZyMjdKZ3dWdXo0V0t4MkF4UGxrODlTeXJ3V3R1S0RCNHFuZlRrPQ== |
I see some whales post here time to time with astounding gains (or losses), but also a very large portfolio to begin with. I'm talking about those regards with $1M+ portfolios. Like why the hell are you guys even still trading for? Can't you retire with that sum of money already? Or at least just throw into VOO/SPY and chill with passive safe income? Or are you guys just gambling with extra money out of boredom or something? It seems crazy some people just do this for fun
EDIT: Jeez, with everyone here focusing out of context on the $1M+ example I gave, I'm gonna change it to $10M+ portfolios. Is this better now...? Still can't retire with $10M? Does it need be $100M? My point is if you're rich enough to retire, why are you still gambling? Instead everyone here talking about how you need 1 billion dollars or something to retire | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfTzBWTGIybzU0dGRqWjdMV3VpanFXdTFMMEpKNUlTVlhobUhZZGJacVp3NG9Ca1MyV2dQd1ZCazRSTkVzZ0hGVXFGNXYxQTk4cE1pZDR1V1RfQVd2emc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlU2oxU19jS211VDlhcXdsZFBxcS1kM2JqcV92TEpleUNHWms1X01hRFhvT09oMmgtM2IxaDBXeTJjZlU1eFpydEVxOGZXSlFXZ0hNOEJudGM2U1htRFVWdG00Vi05QmVaNlJkdGJzR3hrWW8xV1RjZFIzbTdlUnQzblFJXy1UZk5HUURuZllFRmxaaVowbzZjbEstZlpFUFM1SDFRanU4dEtQTHpZcDljX1Y4QkMyVEhiM0poeWY1Vk93R05rTUw5Y0djd0stbG44U0J3Q3VWN1ItckhaZz09 |
This is the weekly Monero market thread. This thread will be posted every Friday and is meant to help accelerate the adoption of Monero. Due to r/moneromarket having only a fraction of the subscribers of r/Monero, we have decided to create this thread to encourage more individuals to use Monero for product exchanges. Until the market matures, we recommend that the Monero community post their products both in this thread and on r/moneromarket (to ensure growth of that subreddit).
Selling items for Monero will boost your (and Monero's) reputation as a legitimate form of exchange of goods. This is necessary for the growth of Monero, our community, and privacy as a whole.
## Instructions
When you post your product or job listing here, please make sure to:
- Give a description of the item.
- Link to a photo of the item (if it's physical).
- Provide logistics information (such as, location and/or shipping availability).
- Optionally, provide an additional (private) form of communication outside of Reddit (e.g. Bitmessage, u/protonmail, u/tutanota, GPG key).
- Post the price in XMR terms.
Spamming will not be tolerated. Please make sure that listings are legitimate and do not break rule 2."
Finally, credits to cdotsubo for starting the concept! | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfUWJka1JTbDZjMHpEMmVmTlFHeVpWYXJqQ3ZoRmVvQnQ3M2ZNMWdpbk40dVVxTmktdlpWZjVJWkJHMnl6bEZIWDVqcnJVMkNKZU0xeUNranU5YWVZalE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlSnhmdGpIMzhTT3FkM1dybVM5aWdDcl80SGhSOFhnZjlqTGZSdlpmUmFCY1Bqd2tFVHF3N0gwbUcyZUU4T3g1clZxN2VpeGhjc3JmOEQ1c1Y0dzJhMnE5bWc1X29XcXNwSThIWFVjTFdBdTktTWFmWGRSaXNfVW9CSGlXZkpTRHJOaTh6cHlRTDkxcGRqUlpET0xtLVNhazdRQ2hmY2cxT2x1ekxSY0R0eWc3bm5qTEhZNUZ1WXV6U01vd3NXN19j |
Big news for the blockchain world:
In July of 2024 Wanchain made Polkadot's $DOT cross-chain to the Cardano ecosystem!
As one of the top 30 cryptocurrencies, $DOT is now available to the Cardano community. This milestone unlocks exciting opportunities for developers, investors, and blockchain enthusiasts.
Don’t miss out—start exploring these bridges today: [Wanchain Bridge](http://bridge.wanchain.org) | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfeG9XSml6Yl96SUxjejYybzF2ZVdUaGpDSThJY29WTDE0eE5DOWF2V3E1SVl3dk5QNUJDMmlMUWZWV09JTXh6c2NwYXAzYU5odHh5M3d4MEN3cHUtd1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlaGYybDRwZ2dleC1FV0NGU19YOWotMHRYZ2tZTzRYLVI5WFpYYTZDQjQ2dFJfQ1RwSWZ4NE5Ud0xtNzR6RzJmaW1Gbi1TX1RFUDFDaFdvdzBLZWp5TkhtRkpGU0x6QlBnNHppeE9xQ0UwVktOb19oV2tvcG5GOWp2NjZxa3RLU2VWcmNMR3NQX1puZVRHLTBEMWpRd0cxaHJkSlZ4RlRQQ0FXZG5fUF9HVW1jdWd0QklZNFMtV0hMUmwyenFIWXV3 |
To what price point are you comfortable continuing to buy BTC?
At what price would you stop?
Interested to hear everyone's thoughts | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfVHFXVWc0TEd2Qk1tbXFnVmRFSFZOQ1FkbXJnclNkcTNPWFhVamtXSndBZ0ItTk9SN05zMTlHc2k5dGJ1YkF4UkstWnUtVWUxbUd0aHFSUWdhTUYxekE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlRVI5LTZnU2dHMGU5SWF6MFdCNU5aTjRYNW94ZkNkeUc2eFBLVXJ5bFBJUENkdmFSMll2NkZNVGVzbzVxNXhaVkZhdnQ5bW9lUE5HVjFMQ3BIZjRpZVZmT05YR3B6ZXQ2TDRMVHNObzloNFBDbWtsWEo2aGg1Q1R0ekp3aEIzSkx0LWQydXF3Rk5BWUxYYjVxWWtVYkJKNTZyWERwSGEteWs0U0Z0OVNPX19xbGllRnFYZ3EwZjZGRkRfbUdPdDVLY0d4NmFXb2tBS0FjQWxIWE1MSXA3UT09 |
Could it be after Trump admin monero makes it back to some CEX? What do you think? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfS1pJRk9zbTVvQi16cjRjWGRReXozdVFnYTJjX052bmZxUE9vQWZkdWV1d1llZ1FwRk03NXNfY0t2X0pNT1dnaEtUMnN0Mm5GZGFpTVlDR29fNGlXYlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlZXk5R2xMQjBiMDNvSUFoN3A0S214bmdKZzU2dVJnYmRpcW50S0MzNmNQelJQSEVobjZDZnNiU3pVbzFXQ2ZrYkZqQzBpNkduVFptSzFlVklSNWJXTDQ2Q0oxNk5OZTdZbFlZdXhsWmNjZDJraHlDaDN0NHdCU3hEbklqNF9PT2ZtY0xPSm0tN1ZpaEd1X0kyLVpGbW9jaE5XNkJQdUtIZHltY3RhTUMtdTU4PQ== |
2.2758176 ETH
Transaction Fee:
0.000442507436784 ETH
Gas Price:
21.071782704 Gwei (0.000000021071782704 ETH) | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfZkRxd2FvdHBUaTVGbjB1Z3ZULWJnY3gxM1FMZENHNWNZSElDQVd3ZURUUnlWQlJGWmFHUFRsQWtpS05MaTZxZkhwN3lmYmZKR0pETnVqX3hOcV83ZWpmWDNYUU5VOS13WkpOV25qN21WSXM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlNkNxVXhXSy1wcEFuTkNScHU1cDVmeFN2QmdGS2Jjb2t6aW5DMDVyeVhvNVF6Wlg4ZHdTMHdlWlZib0psWDUyc1IxdEE0VUJ0NTUtQUhfdEVHSDdSajdZV0xONXhhSWlDeHZ6X3NJTDI2Mk5KZmswODlHWU9rTFRJeEM5bnJNa2lMSmZseDlxaWRvTVhfOWQ2aFE0NE1KNFRMWHpaMHl5bGwwenNkMlZqQk0tMjRibS1NTTJlc1I0OTFDU09QdjBt |
1. Don't
Edit: This is not financial advice | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfT0gxa1lCR3VkemdOcG5ZM1NNcGpvRjkyNW1IVkd5UHZlSEktQjAySnJGaVpPVkxWeGxtR281cXVHZjRMZlcxbS00RTZFN3VYT1lSOTJXQkV6NlBmaXZ4SjE2cEhnVngyS1FaQjZQNEJKM1U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlNUY4czBHaVluY19NcEZVNWtvdnhmLWw3VHhoZ21xajEwSVNoS1NIRFZVSWF5NU1VWE9tdDIwRnRnS2pNOVhkUTA1d2k1R05mczVlMFZ6UEwtUTRCdWJNYUdQTU9JM0RTcDk2UWRRWFVSb0JRYzgyVk0zN2NwZ0RTdXZwVGVTcHZMRlN6YWRjVUhUQ1kyNUpvYWJrODM0Zl8tdnBDQlBsY1JBZmoyYUlZeUZNPQ== |
Should i swap my sol to a cold wallet to protect the rest of it and try and swap it over cause aint these tokens only supposed to have 0.000001 sol sent so yoy have nothing but its jn your wallet? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfRHdNYXYyM294cHQ3ektpb2JUOWZ2R3pHc0xCRXdLLTJaNFpxa3J6SFllM0FWaF9VSnIwcjhpTmlESTRDMm81QTB3Qk5SQXBqaHRGX09raFJkX25uT0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlUTJNMnZwT3VXQXZuaVBZTkxicGFSSDdGSUNEajdpUU9PRGwyay03Y3B4LXZ0VUdHTzhHT2lhVGRlOW16a2F5R2h3andNd1FMeF9BMXh2UEhkNzJVYkdKNHQ4THg2ZzRYM1N4MlJISWNKS0c3MUxQZzhWc1FrRC1QTDhWUjlxU3ZsMkVTblphazlfVDh2UmJKVlgxMWZkOVQ0TFB0SFhYWVVYMHJaZ0RhaWdVPQ== |
Where can I play non-casino crypto poker? Tried Stake.com but they only had casino poker where you only play against the dealer. I also tried the Lucky Block website but here I had some issues with the connection to the site.
Searching for platforms that host open-seat Texas Hold'em, enabling a genuine poker experience with the convenience of cryptocurrency. There must be sites catering to players desiring strategy-based games against real opponents in a digital setting.
There should be some sites for open seat various texas hold'em games right? | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfUnNQa1gzTzV2cEZ0VjZzQi1fczZyMFFzanBONm92eGtwb2gxQXFEb3oyeTZpNXpyejNKLURzT0FaekVGREluUlNuYnVpWm9ERzByT0txYjVCSUp5MWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlV0d0OXQ4UXc5Q0FiYWJRLXd4RkQySTlBYWFtR0Q0cmg3SVZkaDB0aXVrbDBEMF9LZDFqWS1LRlJmWTJabnNEOGJVZXVSeFl1eXFRQ2ZGQnBmeWhTc0h3MzhlelEyXzBzWkV3LUJ0aTZmY2E3VXU5LWU4SnFYa2YxOU1Kd1NtaEJZS1VUU1NUQk9zWmFydDNGRGFTUFVtQnhVZFl5U2otRmhyQXlaRkFXc3ZGSVJMTk1lbW1ScGlZRjkzUGtMZVBo |
Hello everyone,
We've posted in this sub a few times since 2021, some of you guys probably know about us already.
We've been providing VPS and Webhosting for the monero community since we've started, and will hopefully continue to do so for many many years to come.
We love privacy and are offering no kyc hosting services. Over 50% of our orders are made with Monero, which is amazing.
Today is a big day as we secured Singapore as a new location for our VPS.
To celebrate that we are offering 30% recurring discount on all Singapore VPS with the coupon code SG_30.
Everytime we post here we get great feedback that we try to implement.
So as usual, if you have more to shoot our way, please feel free to do so.
You can check us out here: https://servers.guru
We try our best to democratize privacy and decentralized economy, and there is no better tool than monero to do that.
Thank you for your time :) | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfVWZualBlX1NwSVk0Uk83Tl9vdU1FUk5udzZYUTV2bXJQWWJpc3Q0and3blNud2VxNWtkWjZFdDlrVXp5aGxBSVlxY0VJc3dyUEtRamJKQ3FiUEZ2Z3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlUjlKblJLVGQxUldEZmZLX3VUV3RHUjQxcEJJaEM3NWpwU05EQndCUFhzWjB0UEV1NkxubzVHNlBtcGRXTnRfMlJadUJzQWtGOXRDTmhkd2tsWGtLd3I1SEV4Mm1ZckViZE5VREc1X1pCYXVONnd0NFk1VG5hcG5fRkppUGVxMzVTTVNIdkg5c3Q1Rlh2WUx1US05YnQyXzB3UUhLY05vR2NUYmc4WmFXSnFYTURONHo4eFh2M1E1U2E0MGhRVjdE |
Hi, i can't say nothing but that y'all told me a week ago to not buy pump coins but regardless i bought about 170$ SOL and started gambling, even though i've got a few +600% i lost it all, thankfully thats not some life changing money to me but still after losing i thought every time that i kinda learned something from it just to apply that to the next coin and lose again, i still think the only ones who really make money off this are just scammers. i think i'll stick to hold SOL and keep moving | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfUmVYaE04dVNpa2tjaVMzOXZldnZmT3dnX204NnZyd2VVNno3UmNDQ243cTJqeW1RekRoazRpSHRBeEw4VlVnWVpRMGR6Z2hqUmU2WjgzNXhkMU1WR2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1Jld2FhcUNsNUJ1RnR5M0VWNGxiUzY0d2xuVWEwTnQzeElhQng3WUNaeF9RWkQ0UHVObjRXRFc1anNjUkJMTEVCWDVvckpycWFHNUpiaHQ2QWtyekhmNXVUVWhIeEM1WlFoM2N0M0RtcDZiQTlWMjRSNzdtWk1kbnFXVEpJZV9hbm0tVDBsRi1HZVNTOFRGbG9MdDhXaDR3bF9hOU9YSkx5ZHRkb2R2Nzl0ZlF3PQ== |
Considering buying one, for BTC and monero.
I do want to have some anonymous coins in the future.
I have no idea where to buy one in a physical shop tho. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1FfVTFveVQwZ0FnYTAySER6UVpWVGFOM3p0QUJBMTNLSTBhWl9PYjRJOUlYd0hTNEYyUUVOZzJJa0o0YTdTMWJWekxKTXdOaDAtZUtReTZ6ekJoOTJ1cVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlVzJSSWpRTGstVkh6T1c0elV1M24zQXYxbDM4OEZqaTFVM0dJWFpnOWp1RXEwXzVBRWJkVmRIQ2YtRDUxN18takRVSEdVam1velgzYVMtZWU0dW5nM3ZvbmlOdUF4QUZFMFpYLW1qaGtJbTlsaFJWb09uYzF6QnJaVWd4X0NPQ2Q3M0h0b3dOcF82TVJySFBCYTAtdml6aFF0LTlxaER4Z0NETXdlSjRNSW9mazJjcFN6NmNUNkJhWnZpb2lZaXVYRXhPaFU3MFNlcDd0RERya3lwU19IUT09 |
Subsets and Splits