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You can code a script that sells on a DEX. It's a hot wallet, not exchange wallet. | r/cryptocurrency | comment | r/CryptoCurrency | 2025-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlcVYzTEF6VUJiWDdVMDRiSlhuMVYxU0ktZnUzaWpiaW9rY0NkQTllSDVPMGdaWjVzOWIxYnlrNnBqUUlUMVJqVm5kcWZHZkhJcW16LTU2dDN6bnBLSUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1ItazQzejhLUUFaNF9zR29oVnhabktSa1JOMEFaakdmakpKVnl3Y0FqRVFQdzRiSzY5SVFCTjEzai0zdnU0d2dOVjNXY3puQkM2VGxicjY2VThST0MyMTJxeVRsNHhMajRGNi1iLU9jMndlbnFIRGZ0M2diVHZmQXpXdnRsaWx6dmlkbEEtbGlCQV9kbFNjcVZBMmVqTTN4T2t6OXIyT0RIVVJUSVdXcHVHaUgwPQ== |
>See how you don't hear the same kind of breathless hype about ADA from the usual crypto gurus these days?
I mean... everything you've listed is hype, nothing is substantive. Not a single thing here is objective, references any data nor is on chain nor is any of it even sourced at all. You're literally just telling us how good it is without giving us anything other than your word... seems like hype to me.
Instead of just telling us it's "Decentralized from the Ground Up"and how important the research papers are, you could just show us with a variety of figures. And I know this is one of the only aspects in crypto where Cardano is a leader, but it's also something that is ongoing and constantly needs to be monitored and addressed and it gives diminishing returns above the necessary threshold.
Saying it's "Built to Last & Scientifically Backed" means nothing unless you can show how that differentiates it from others.
Don't tell us "Institutions Are Waking Up", show us which institutions are using Cardano and how.
Don't tell us "Next-Level Tech - Smart Contracts & Scalability", show us how it's being used. But in this case the only scaling solution anyone talks about is Hydra, which has been live for a year and a half and gets no usage, is a state channel so isn't cut out for general purpose scaling, and the one notable time it was used was only for a promotional stress test and that came with a host of issues that prevented the heads from publishing the data on the chain.
Don't tell us it's the "Future of Interoperability" unless you can show us a plethora of crosschain apps and bridges with adequate liquidity. As it stands right now, most Cardano bridges get little volume and have little liquidity, even in cases where it's a token that should be in high demand on Cardano, like a stablecoin.
Don't tell us "Community Strong, Market Resilient" and tell us how well it performs, show the chart, but then again if you showed the chart it would tell a different story. Cardano has steadily been losing it's position over nearly a decade as it's fallen from \#5 to \#9 and previously was out of the top 10. There is also the whole "past performance does not guarantee future results" thing, so unless you're doing TA or talking relative valuations, no point in talking price.
Don't tell us "Regulatory Ready - Future-Proof Foundation" show instances in which regulators favored Cardano.
Don't tell us "Unique Vision - Blockchain for Global Impact" show us the ways the vision has been leveraged. Don't tell us there is "real world impact", show us specifically how and in what capacity. A lot of these partnerships only sound good, but ultimately are pilot programs or proof of concept type things that have little to no actual impact.
TLDR: Show, don't tell.
>* Scalable & Sustainable - Low Fees, High Speed – As Cardano’s scaling solutions mature, expect to see lightning-fast transactions and fees that are a fraction of legacy chains.
Trading fees are already pretty high on Cardano and we haven't even seen what would happen if Cardano ever had a sustained period of high demand for blockspace. Even as it is now, the rare time a block does fill up, it fills up with <100 transactions, and even if you want to generously 10x that throughput to account for eUTXO differences, that's not enough. I had to scroll through a few pages of blocks just to find any that were close to full, which on it's own isn't a great indication of Cardano's level of usage, [and over the course of a minute, Cardano was close to capacity when doing just ~50 transactions.](https://imgur.com/a/uLov9jT) That's pushing capacity while doing under 1 TPS...again, even if we generously multiply that we aren't even close to Cardano's competitors.
Cardano also just is not fast compared to the current most popular chains. Sub-second blocktimes are becoming the standard and with block times between 10-30 seconds, Cardano is objectively 10x slower at best then a large subset of chains.
>Sustainability for the planet? Double-check (Proof-of-Stake, baby!).
Well yeah, everyone besides like 5 coins can check this box.
>Undervalued & Underestimated - Sleeping Giant – Let's be real, Cardano has been in a building phase. While others grabbed headlines with fleeting trends
You literally haven't shown me a single thing that has been built. You reference Hydra, but like I mentioned it's not being used for anything and it hasn't shown much PMF unless you think people will actually use it to process game instructions...
This also neglects to realize that every project continues building, the whole "building through the bear market" thing is such a meme. It's like when parents feel the need to brag about how "my child is everything" as if that's not just the natural position of almost every parent.
>Staking Power & Tokenomics - Rewards and Scarcity – Staking ADA isn't just about earning rewards (though that’s nice!). It's about participating in the network, securing the future, and understanding sound tokenomics with a capped supply.
As far as the network participation, well that applies to everyone else too, but that capped supply is going to be an issue unless Cardano starts getting sizable usage, and I'm not sure how well it would handle that level of activity. | r/cryptocurrency | comment | r/CryptoCurrency | 2025-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlaHJOdUt0cmRsQW00d1dnemZNSzRKM25qcUJqTDVXcW0tWWxTVTd4TTdMVWNDSGVpcW5PVVFwMVFlUFpDdE11dVdQc1ZoWXoyWHFjQ1dTQmY1aHlWeVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1ItSDc5Qm5nd1B5cmpMNkxsUkZVYzlpSGxJS1k3VllNZlNlQWtxVlN4M3RIeW4wX245RmVoZTdRZ0UwREFyaW8xcHRLZHFGZUlTTzYtUWpyaHpES1pRS3loOE8yWTBqb0pIc0ZEb19wYXJMWVNhMGVMSTBxcWp6bTVCcXJmaWhTcGZ2VkctT2d4UDJ3a1hqVmdFTGV6b2cySDdWeDA1OWNvaTdSOVJid29wWXhJRHZuckdrcWVOd0hPcW41T2xZdnpSQ09VR196d3hMZEJmTG5xejBWbE56dz09 |
Almost any decentralized token with slow issuance can become a Store of Value. Plus, all smart contract L1 cryptocurrencies have far more utility, higher throughput, much higher efficiency, and are more secure against nation-level attacks than Bitcoin.
We're literally spending 2% of all energy in the world and 5% of all ewaste to keep Bitcoin semi-secure, and it's still not secure against national-level 51% attacks. With a 51% attack and time warp attack, miners can literally collude and mine out all Bitcoin rewards blocks in under 2 months at 6 block/s.
The only dinosaur tech is Bitcoin, which has an average of 1 major update per 5 years. Nearly every smart contract cryptocurrency has 1-2 major updates per year, and will continually evolve and improve. | r/cryptocurrency | comment | r/CryptoCurrency | 2025-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JldEZCaEM1cjlEMm5wMjlMeDRUNkV3eFp0TTRhaHppQm9BVWFvTGFTZ1dpQklab3lLaFRFaURYQ0c0RFgxb01IWHJDVEI4SWhYV2dydXBUaXBrVzE0dkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1ItX1FySktTVTVsdzJIeF9randQbEZYXzJIQXE1TlFmZTh6Nm1iZzZ3MnBXeDZvUURocmR6dGhNcTAyczQ0d1h0czlOZ2NqbVI5RG9BRVM0N1Z2OTFueUpzV20xZGtRdU1FZE1kcFQtZGpxbkNKTkkyM0pKMzVqVjVvdUJHeUhISWdGYV9KX1o0SlcxdTVLU182MjNOSnh0a045Qmxhc2pnUGhXOFA5V1lJdi1TSGVhVTNXOGJRNGJrZk4wZTBLYk9zbHFicDl3X0RqN0p3X0NVeERuSjRxNGpQR0tsdE9rOVVoZmwwX0FCUml4OD0= |
I think the flatline comes from all the paper gold we have in ETFs and other financial assets. Banks always trying to short gold and manipulate the price. For things like Bitcoin that is super liquid and has a hard cap, it will go up like a rocket during a downfall of the economy. | r/bitcoin | comment | r/Bitcoin | 2025-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlTHY1d2pLMHhsZTlOa3F0d2FlQkxSTkd5OGt5N0hFaE8zNUNOZlJCTUNjOURESEdNSnFhSGsyeWxyZThpc1hzVzM1em9VX1c0ZUJQS2JtdHlJTlhzbnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1ItTU56LU4tRnFRSXZxTHlkeEZpUld6T2s5aXBvLXdRTzljX3VpLWN3bnA1bXJBMjg3MGp0UExWZjBfaXJXakU0WDdNbFRtd1VHZTNVOFpQbmtyQW0wUngwRTZEcWVJM0tld1Vwb0dJVl8wY2ZqOXBBdnhtX2tueVlBVHR5NGRGSE95b0pxcDFHdGp5S0ktVVhHemxoa2J6RVVCbktUVUgwQkRUY0xMZURUYjZ2bXp0RWhhNmhhUVZDa0dJb3pNSUROTXBMb28zZm5kMWo5WFFIVUZNUTNsdz09 |
That's still unrelated to the checks, so it sounds like you are just adding your whining to an unrelated topic? | r/bitcoin | comment | r/Bitcoin | 2025-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlbDU5Sk1jeVE2c1Y5S18tVV91ck5DOEdBazVxcTFNVjdCR29MLW1Rb3VnQnV1U1ZrM25wdGpSOEZyRTc2aXpiWi1fX0RJVzFselhOdTNodEd0bWo1SHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1ItUTg2N3hUTjF4Qjh0M0UyWUloSTZfcHNoV01PTzZHSTdUNDhqaHpfN3VxbFlvQ1BaMHFhQWVLWHFBY2FIb0Zxd09VRUVXbjV4N19HZzNwNmlnbXFrMlhxblhKck1QcFgwdVdGNFZwVVV1OVRRRTVNVTlyV0VlVG9jc0dCMFcxcUZrandkU2o4UXQ0c2lpcjkyUnhtOHFELXV5NkI3VE5IQXBLb0sxclZQS3VLMWlJRzhPUnJLQkVSVElna0RJejEy |
Gotta spit on dat thang! | r/cryptocurrency | comment | r/CryptoCurrency | 2025-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlQ3VwQ3NkbEFwN3UzLU1EMTZoN0d6cl9kNXFrWnNkV2pPb0VvR09QamRCLTFiVy0teElkQUk1ZmRRMmhOR1phSGVobTFLNHBKNDY2RkcyYUJPVm5iU29fM0ZkMTR6R1RpS3hlSWJvQ0hCS0k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1ItYzBYdDdoVlRtQmJqRjFYdVBtV25SZFptYWVmMkV2Nnh6cG52UXNYUkNJSWtxaGIxRmRCRl9LYVNMWG9PVVUtODdyUGg4SDZ1V09QTE5XNmtnU1FFRWRKQkM3YUF4eGZObHlIeEdKZ2ZkTTAtc3VBRk83a0JxUXdVSnpzdEszMVdaZGUzemN5dnFENHF4enFPa1NFNGU0dTBtUGxLX2F5OU5PMEthN0ZtZk1MZDNuSE1JbWZ6Xzc1dHZ6cThBVFlrYXNfcERvU2lXeTY5bWNDNXJaTVpYYUN1dHEweXBFLW9DWGRkcC1RLTh3OD0= |
And to eliminate it is the exact reason bitcoin got created. | r/bitcoin | comment | r/Bitcoin | 2025-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1Jlc1NtRDRMaTdnX1dqWVBxUWlRS0JyNkw3OHFfd0dtaC1BVVBIV1ZHRzBWR04xR21OZnRQSF9Lczg2cms2dXBmSzFDMzBNUGY5eUlKMm5XMnJ2WWJMU3F4SE1Oak96VFc1M0FaaUZnVld6Z0k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1ItdkJIdkRLeHUyVk80bWcybDdJak1UNF9HUTF2dlRFbEFTWXNtV2xUQk9Cc1BqOXpSNG80SlZKaW5jbW50QUk4dmtqUThlSXctbklRTW5NeF91c2FVUVFfNWZ6LUoxQTFKVUQycjVzRHFabjdBTk5hVDZPRUpCUlhsOFhZZHB0WklUMUFEcmxoVjJtbEd0c0FiWnV1MVp5ekJHTzgtNnNrZEI1NTU2cUFEUUJ2SHF0RnpDVm9aOUVUWmZMWi02Vnhu |
Oh, for fuck’s sake. If you really think the entire S&P 500 and all of crypto—including Bitcoin—is just one big bubble, then you clearly have no clue how markets work. Yeah, there’s speculation, and yeah, some shit’s overvalued, but throwing everything into the same doomsday category is just lazy thinking. Now, onto your brilliant take on Dogecoin and Bitcoin. Dogecoin was created as a joke and, surprise, it’s still a fucking joke. The only reason it ever became “a real currency” is because Elon Musk and a bunch of retail traders memed it into existence. Meanwhile, Bitcoin, the so-called “joke,” became the most decentralized, secure, and widely adopted digital asset on the planet, with institutions, hedge funds, and even governments stacking it. But sure, keep telling yourself it’s worthless while the big players quietly load up. And yeah, when the S&P tanks, some Wall Street funds will dump Bitcoin. No shit. That’s how markets work. But acting like Bitcoin only has value because of Wall Street is just plain stupid. It thrived long before institutions got involved, and it’ll keep doing so. Every crash shakes out weak hands while the smart money buys cheap. Bitcoin has survived multiple 80%+ crashes and still keeps coming back stronger. It’s not going to zero just because some hedge funds decide to take profits. And let’s not even get started on this ridiculous take that scam tokens don’t hurt crypto. Of course they fucking do. Pump-and-dump schemes destroy trust, bring regulators down hard, and make serious investors wary. But no, the real problem is Wall Street using crypto to manipulate markets, right? Because crypto was totally safe and scam-free before they got involved. If you actually believe any of this nonsense, you’re in for a brutal wake-up call. | r/cryptocurrency | comment | r/CryptoCurrency | 2025-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlNncwRDV6YW5veG9xRHp2eVRGOVMwODFSZWtkS0pCci1CRlNENjJvaTZsRmdtak9hdU50cjJiNkp0TDM5N2t6NW5MLUNhUloxaDRMRlJHYkRBY2huOHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1ItN241NWN4OV84eExmNnYwOEhJSHdFU0R2aDhLd0VIRWh0czRybGpYLTRMemNWSFNIS3d1Tmx4TUlxRThRY05sR0EzcFhYZ1R6cWhyWlhEanFOa19wdGVKU210VWtYNmI0RzVjLUY1NUxKUnBsbkExYjRBc1ZpSVZDN0I3Y2ViUF9SNFBXMEdZeFlmdHBSaWpZdmV1cUo2RGJKc0RpUi1vOTZNbVhTZzZlMUNXNlJkaFZ6R0E2bWFqck81SHk0eGRUUVJpbDktOWhIaWJjN3JweF9mcHpkeWpvYkJQQlVRTTZEcEJrb0k5a21xUT0= |
Someone needs to tell these people that the real gAiNzEs are in shitcoins.
https://13f.timechainindex.com/ETF/index.html | r/cryptocurrency | comment | r/CryptoCurrency | 2025-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlUl91YjU2QXZPU0Y0S0NBeDV5bDhsMmhsNVdqbk91VWJibmxSck1SWXhsLU1TdWV5R3BsVkRja3RtMFhiei1POFpJRjlMVDM0OERUUXJlUzNjQnFJQUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1ItYnRrbERNTHJ3S0xIUVdIMWJFc25JcUo1bXFtamV0bzJINnFpZEFHNUNfV0cxeXpLRzNxNkxPQ3Z2LVhnVlVtSkVibUFySmRqZ3lNZDFuQ0JBWkFqRndrZjBmTGVudVJLNnNKR1dlbm1QWEd5Q3hkS0NBaVBkbUZvSHYtU0V1NHBaTVpuTHFFcWlWOU1EZ3g4N3UyQjBOZGtGcXhYNkp4U2Z4bEJSN1cwUWpncldzWEprTENSVG1kQTlqVnlSaG1QajlHbkc2OXZjTkM3VTZkSURSYUNRQT09 |
Erik's story is a classic case of luck being mistaken for expertise. He gambled $1000 on btc as a kid, got insanely lucky, and now people treat him like a crypto guru?! But let’s be real..he didn’t predict the future or master investing; he just happened to make a risky bet that paid off. The problem is, the media loves to turn these lucky winners into “experts” ignoring the fact that many others made the same bet and lost. Just because someone hits the jackpot doesn’t mean they know how the game actually works. | r/cryptocurrency | comment | r/CryptoCurrency | 2025-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlbTJpaVdXbENQLXdSMEotcWdYa1FaMFV5QkFoQ05nRGFKaTMtS1B2dlhYTlNSZ1ZlekxwWmMxRGV3NFdaaERNOWhzUFBkUHprb2E4VVRiYXFHbjNkSmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1ItNmJnazQ2WEQ4MGhlb3FLZFRrSlRZc2FYSFpOV0VLU1M3MVVMUDdHc0twNmdLeXBsZ3d1TmprcFA5ODc1MF95cVlqSmw4RGRvTGNscjVfWUNvNll3ajNGNjRidDlIakd1Z3U1NzRINFFlbERCMGJ5UV9kX3Zmd3Z0cHlkMVEtYnFGRDlwRlBNRUxxZVFWbktuOXUzMDhRa0VoOWlpc1VnVjJUU3hsc0FNOHAtVHAxNjhEQnp2WnRTOEIzWjI2d21RVVlfUG8wcHhSVmg4ZWJ1RVUweW5SVFNuQUdRTWVsQmgzMWl2NTV5dGFwZz0= |
No.. and single issue voters are low IQ. The world is not that black and white. | r/cryptocurrency | comment | r/CryptoCurrency | 2025-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JlcnQxWExJd3l4WDdTanJzRHoxMFA5Zm1pRHlvWlFuUnp3MXY5MXRsV1NyQWxsaGZscjhKRXZiSElEMGFqakJtanN1dkdoUUYzVzlJUUZ5bHk2ZzNKRWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1ItSFp1ZjljMUwxZ2xOT3E4UjFwaWtQbk9DUjVEUk5fdEhmOHRLMGJrV2FYdzBTLThrbXFFQXNTc2lmWWgzTkh0c1Jic3phTXJJTUpSeTFKLU1aLTh6MjVMRlI2Rm5KV0lfWTFxZGQwVXhuTVJIZHBWRWVUMndLVzI2QklCWHJ1RkNVMnNDMnBFcFpuOXJ4bnBaaWExZlZzZS01NzdJUnpjTldhZHNsd2NXSzQtR2o0M2x6SnRhRXY4STVZVW14QnplN0VTRlFCYjZfdU5JRGoyOEJRX0dNdz09 |
*proceeds to launch memecoin with his wife and destabilize the entire market* | r/cryptocurrency | comment | r/CryptoCurrency | 2025-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1Jla25KcUhVYm9hNXhMN1FjdGtfUGZ6RTYySEUzNzJWQU9jSGVxZEpZSGRuMjVQdllEYzFuR3VOUVQ1ckdqdGNzTkNQb2dhVklRd3ZKQXFWMkdJNGhXcWlmM1htNkYtVVNoSi0tX0UySmRsbE09 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1ItLXBxWVVIZ1ZDQ3hrdEp5VUY0Nk13bFJtVDA4V1diNjZiMDMyQUM4Y0hoSEo3UE1uTGVGdEtRSjBERkJybFpvbXNMZkpmTWZNaFlZT054Q0VpSFFZS3RJVG04b3liOGIxcGhNVmdKQmlnOGZTdU1Db1JaQ2hTS1pNc0ppQnZrQ3FVTFRnYXM5ZjlNWV9LWU9zR2xSR3U1ek5rbjBBTFNCc2t5d2FRbFE1U1NNRDhzR3hsLWsyNnhqMVUxaVRwQmlmdkRWRjVIVVA1dE1nS1lnbmRUSU9sZz09 |
i am right now independently financially independently | r/cryptocurrency | comment | r/CryptoCurrency | 2025-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JkOGM0N0ZQTWt6V01PeEVHZ0l6Y1VZLTRTQVVmV0ZoclRyc1RES0otNXpXTm1rb2M1dHBFWEVpQUJCRFRHX1d6ZVVGaVQ4WjRBQ2ZVdmFadVhtRVM0QUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1I5SFBSWTMyZXNyMWlJQ3RTel9UeUd2RnFzVlFydU1qNWlrbkNYZ2M1el9JTkhOajkxOEJyekNUTDgycmh2SWY4YW1oMFZIWk5MWWxJbW4wRDVRZXlMTmlOWTN6bmZFYzZtT0dnd2xRdWJSaG9CNFdDalBqMjBGNFpHRFhpRHRLSGZMbWllNGozemhXeUhIRUxVcl9hUjk0eVFQbHRaODQyUURZczk3OWhoUDlpS1hzcVBnRV8tU0xLUnpGS2RuekZIZjAxNVJWTWhwX2Y1NWg1Y3hUblp5eHdDSWJxaHI4NW8ySU8yeUdHVzdXOD0= |
Most people in this subreddit, if they were shopping for a car instead of crypto, would buy the first one that came with a good sales pitch, rather than ever test driving it or comparing it others. | r/cryptocurrency | comment | r/CryptoCurrency | 2025-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1JkOVRXcFhuTlBmVHZTZzhVR3dqSlZUX2pTSUZ5UkdqU1V1VjhVWmpBWlk5SmxLb3Q1NEpBOHUzSEJDT095a2xKSmYteFpFUVBoYWJFVEtkakt1ZDlLWVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1I5QTVHLUdZNGxrZ2M4MkE5VFp5dXNzVm1ySDBvQ0xZNzRpRG9hTVdRblJlckpRVGl5ZFc3NmV5VXdubmMxTDNkWmNOc2hFRnR6TTRaLThfcGVYZ3ZHZ0pjQW9wWmpLTHJMR1VCLUNmTy14NjhKYTB3eUM3WmtEWUlCMGdoUXdvRUg5cG8yX0RGME9XaXFsOHZpZ3hQZjJIOW1rRjdINlF6azUyaEx1V2J3SnBfaUx6QVBIekd4LU9oR19GczVmZGpMOUstVTNTeFBGVWlkdHB5LV9CVFpHQT09 |
Lmao, trickle down taxation has been tried and it has failed.
“Wah, I live in a society and benefit from it but I don’t wanna pay into it.” - you | r/cryptocurrency | comment | r/CryptoCurrency | 2025-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1Jka2JDQ2JKZTl4QXk1WlE5bm8tTXdQYUlMeUFydW9SajVtaXd0UEtSdG1rTzhPQXZyanQ4eVdGczI3ZWNLbVJ6T0hXWnBGdGF6NjVXOWVESzJyLXM4YXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52U1I5Q3MwZzBhVnFZNi1KdUQ1VXlKRDJ3cHA1MVExeUVodW1NT1ZqZ1R0QjZSa1Z0RWlvOENzQVV5UG5FaDdDbkxTWkRUZGxoaThVWTJkc1ZEZDVuTDU2UFJYZUpJeG42LXNGdmJndXBxcTBWbFZndC1uaTVRemlOejVSQ1M1VU1pMWVrWTRXNmNybFotT2ktVy1LbU52NF82a3FHV0g1aHM0eFFRN3lvTFpJS19kQWltWUZuNU9YU2NvbmRrdTlKV0I1 |
Lmao, trickle down taxation has been tried and it has failed.
“Wah, I live in a society and benefit from it but I don’t wanna pay into it.” - you | r/cryptocurrency | comment | r/CryptoCurrency | 2025-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52aUhWRmdBdklSSENaSDBBS3NqVUluTHR2NHlVSVlZUUlBZTBWZU12T0dZU0tVQXBuWTFaMzdRN1hGX3YtWGhQamVNMEFHc2FRY1lUYTFMT0xJeGFhR1FHakE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52aUhWdFFzZDFZbWpnVExyeTZtaTJmZDhwWEFxMUViMzBRcDdNaVdKbG52U3Brb24yVUVLMDZGWE9jcUdZUktmZkR1ekd0eldLYW1WLVJuUHoySERDbEZva1A5YjdRRTVoNkFuZXRidTJ6TmNPWGxDQmVCdlBOVDFfcXdXbE91aW1URGwtM3h2X3lnY1RGUWNLQUtxZWhGc2lQaktKalZHRi1UV25wdzhOUVU1azE3d0xzX1I5OFFYNVAwdDM2bncyanBT |
Lmao, trickle down taxation has been tried and it has failed.
“Wah, I live in a society and benefit from it but I don’t wanna pay into it.” - you | r/cryptocurrency | comment | r/CryptoCurrency | 2025-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm52eDc4ZFNtSGU0YzVfeXBKYV9MX1NCODJVSm95YnVHcXZEVzNhM21acER6cGJDZ2FSODlGcWZsUzJOcjhTQkQ1czZuRDNNcFo0WlQ1MHprbzlxeENWRkI3X1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52eDc4aFdIMnl1YWJINmJCT1AyZUtFaDhVTExRZ1FiNW9GWHg5VkJnVEEwSUxPUXFDSXdIcUUySVhHR0tvUU9ZQVRFOTVxa2Y4T3VONHRqMm9pczJ4b0MxLTRNSVhrMm1hUzk1VTlDLVZ4SlFCY0dhN0JzZlJ3OGtDZFZjY3ZweFpQRTRJM00zZDRzZm02U0NSRkgwUnBFdTdWSFdlcjNYbjZEZ1E5RXV3Vk95TkV4Z2F4VWdTVlFVUjdUN1pjQnN3N2ZL |
Lmao, trickle down taxation has been tried and it has failed.
“Wah, I live in a society and benefit from it but I don’t wanna pay into it.” - you | r/cryptocurrency | comment | r/CryptoCurrency | 2025-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm53QndpSGt0WThqY2VUaVNnSE94b2xQMl9odktrUE1icEZBbkFZdWhkOXRGcU02a3NaTEZ6R09Pb3lQZHJMUXZoazZDOGF5REo2U1AwTG1WaWpkNzhmb21XOFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm53QndpRGVuWVVXZDF6ZTQ1SDJyQ0xydlhDME1ZUG5PclhVWFBUcEpIdjc4Vm1mZnQ2ZHJLOFdJVnpGOTBYaVJlbmV4UzQ2bXhzcWpfaEpsREIweFYyUVZUTldONXN4TWc0Z3VsbGIxVFFkSUEzd2pSQkpqZ2J4blFCQk8wQ3ZVcHpybUlNdEFPSkdKOUxVbDVqTGtrcm9xaHhlQUNkcTFJczBDSDV5c092WFhVSTdfV1AxcDVLbHpERE44Sk9ROGp6emtn |
Subsets and Splits