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1957_session laws_1282_8 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 1,281 | 7 | CHAPTER 1281 AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: CORPORATE POWERS | Board of Aldermen Rules. The board of aldermen shall be the judge of the election and qualifications cf its members and the mayor, and in such cases shall have power to subpoena witnesses and compel the production of all pertinent books, records, and papers; but the decision of the board of aldermen in any such case shall be subject to review by the courts. The board of aldermen shall determine its own rules and order of business and keep a journal of its proceedings in a separate book used only for this purpose. The board of aldermen shall have, with respect to the biennial elections of the City of New Bern, all applicable powers and duties as are conferred upon county boards of elections by Chapter 163, General Statutes of North Carolina. |
1957_session laws_1269_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 1,268 | 2 | CHAPTER 1268 AN ACT TO RE-ENACT CHAPTER 559, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1985, RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS IN BEHALF OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND SPECIAL BOND TAX UNITS AND THE LEVY OF TAXES WITHIN SUCH DIS- TRICTS AND UNITS FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST OF SUCH BONDS, AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO, AND TO RATIFY, APPROVE, CONFIRM AND VALI- DATE ALL PROCEEDINGS TAKEN THEREUNDER AND ALL BONDS ISSUED AND ALL TAXES LEVIED AND COLLECTED PURSUANT THERETO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All proceedings heretofore taken under the provisions of Chapter 559, Public-Local Laws of 1935, as originally enacted and thereafter amended and made applicable to various counties of North Carolina in addition to Cleveland County, for the creation of school districts or special bond tax units and the calling and holding of all elections, for the purpose of voting upon the question of issuing bonds or notes and the levying of a sufficient tax for the payment thereof, and the issuance of all bonds and the levying and collecting of all taxes in any county of the State under the provisions of said Chapter 559, Public-Local Laws of 1935, as amended, are hereby ratified, approved, confirmed and in all respects validated. |
1935_private laws_178_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 177 | 1 | CHAPTER 177 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND FIF- TEEN, PRIVATE LAWS, EXTRA SESSION OF ONE THOU- SAND NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN, RELATIVE TO THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do-enact: | That Chapter one hundred and fifteen, Private Laws, Extra Session of one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, be, and the same is hereby amended by striking out all of Section thirty-one of said chapter and inserting in lieu thereof the following: . Sec. 31 The Mayor and Commissioners-elect shall qualify and enter upon the duties of their office on the first Tuesday of July next succeeding their election, and said officers shall take the oath prescribed for public officers and also an oath that they will faitlifully and impartially discharge the duties imposed upon them by law, before some person authorized by law to administer oaths. The oaths of office severally taken and subscribed by said officers shall be deposited with the Town Clerk. |
1957_session laws_1209_8 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 1,208 | 7 | CHAPTER 1208 AN ACT TO PROVIDE BETTER LIBRARY AND COURT FACILITIES IN CUMBERLAND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act in any manner whatsoever are hereby repealed. |
1939_public local laws_69_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 68 | 3 | CHAPTER 68 AN ACT REGULATING THE FEES OF THE SHERIFF AND TAX COLLECTOR OF CHEROKEE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1939_public local laws_567_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 566 | 3 | CHAPTER 566 AN ACT RELATING TO COURTS OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE IN HENDERSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Every justice of the peace shall be allowed only the sum of fifty cents for each subpoena issued by him regardless of the number of witnesses named therein, and the officer serving same shall be allowed the sum of thirty cents for each witness actually subpoenaed. |
1939_public local laws_536_12 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
1939_public local laws_466_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 465 | 6 | CHAPTER 465 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE SHERIFF OF STOKES COUNTY TO APPOINT A SPECIAL DEPUTY ON A SALARY BASIS AND TO PROVIDE A SCHEDULE OF OFFICERS FEES IN CONNECTION WITH THE EN- FORCEMENT OF THE STATE LIQUOR LAWS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1939_public local laws_423_47 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 422 | 46 | CHAPTER 422 AN ACT DESIGNATING FEES TO BE COLLECTED BY THE CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF FORSYTH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Judgment, docketing transcript or regular form judgment fifty cents; and ten cents per one hundred words additional for long form judgment or transcript. |
1939_public local laws_422_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 421 | 1 | CHAPTER 421 AN ACT TO QUIET TITLE TO REAL PROPERTY ACQUIRED THROUGH TAX OR STREET ASSESS- MENT FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS IN FORSYTH COUNTY, TO PROVIDE LIMITATIONS ON SUITS BROUGHT RELATING TO THE SAME, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | No action or proceeding shall be brought in which there shall be brought into question any title to real property by reason of any alleged defect in any tax foreclosure proceeding in which a deed to said property has been recorded after one year from the date on which the deed was recorded: Provided, that in cases of deeds recorded prior to the ratification of this Act, such action may be brought within one year after said ratification: Provided, further, that this Act shall not be considered as enlarging the time in which to bring any such action or proceeding. |
1939_public local laws_226_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 225 | 4 | CHAPTER 225 AN ACT RELATING TO THE COLLECTION OF TAXES IN GRAHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1941_public local laws_75_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 74 | 4 | CHAPTER 74 AN ACT TO FIX THE COMPENSATION OF THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF CALDWELL COUNTY AND TO FIX THE TIME FOR MEETINGS OF SAID BOARD. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1941_public local laws_56_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 55 | 1 | CHAPTER 55 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY- THREE OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF NORTH CARO- LINA, ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTY- NINE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That Section one, Chapter two hundred and fiftythree of the Public-Local Laws of North Carolina, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words at least one of whom shall reside in each ward in lines five and six in the third paragraph of Section one thereof. |
1935_public local laws_6_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 5 | 2 | CHAPTER 5 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A NEW REGISTRATION OF THE VOTERS OF WAKE COUNTY The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That on or before February first, 1935, it shall be the duty of the Wake County Board of Elections to deliver to the North Carolina Historical Commission all of said registration books heretofore in use in Wake County elections for the purpose of preservation by the said Historical Commission, and that said registration books shall not be available for public inspection for a period of five years from February 1st, 1935 |
1957_session laws_1125_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 1,124 | 2 | CHAPTER 1124 AN ACT TO AMEND G. S. 160-346 RELATING TO THE SALARIES OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. |
1925_private laws_55_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 54 | 3 | CHAPTER 54 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON TO SECURE SUITABLE SITES FOR SCHOOLHOUSES OR OTHER SCHOOL ee AND FOR PLAYGROUNDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Hither party aggrieved by the action of the appraisers may appeal to the Superior Court, but no appeal shall prevent the school commissioners from taking possession of the said lands and only the question of the value of the property taken shall be the subject of inquiry on the appeal, and if the owner or owners shall appeal, and shall fail to recover upon the trial a greater sum than the appraisers assessed them he shall pay the cost of said appeal. Upon final judgment the school commissioners shall pay to the owner or owners such sums as may be assessed, together with the cost of the proceeding, except as above provided. |
1925_private laws_29_142 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 28 | 2 | CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE | Certain contracts in writing and secured. All contracts made by any department, board, or commission in which the amount involved is two hundred dollars or more shall be in writing, and no such contract shall be deemed to have been made or executed until signed by the officer authorized by law to sign such contract, approved by the board of aldermen. Any contract made as aforesaid may be required to be accompanied by a bond with sureties, or by a deposit of money, certified check, or other security for the faithful performance thereof, satisfactory to the board of officials having the matter in charge, and such bonds or other securities shall be deposited with the city treasurer until the contract has been carried out in all respects; and no such contract shall be altered except by a written agreement of the centractor, the sureties on his bond, and the officer, department, or board making the contract, with the approval of the board of aldermen. REPEALING CLAUSE All laws and clauses of laws conflicting with this act are hereby repealed; but it is not intended that any act or any provision of any act local or general be repealed by this act except where the same is in direct conflict with the provisions hereof, and this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified this the 12th day of February, A.D. 1925 |
1925_private laws_29_112 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 28 | 2 | CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE | Haclusive of bond taxes. The rate fixed for taxation in section one of this article shall be exclusive of all rates levied for the payment of principal and interest upon bonds or notes of the city heretofore or hereafter issued, as-to which taxes for bonds and notes there shall be no limit as to rate and for the payment of which the board of aldermen shall have authority to levy and collect upon all of the real and personal property within the city an unlimited tax as is set out in section eight of article six of this act. |
1917_public local laws_87_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 86 | 1 | CHAPTER 86 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN AND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO DONATE TO CHAR- ITABLE AND RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of aldermen or other governing body of the city of Durham and the board of county commissioners of Durham County shall have the power and auhority, and the same is hereby conferred upon said authorities, to make from time to time to the Young Mens Christian Association of Durham, N. C., or to the trustees of any church or other religious organization, or to any person, firm, or corporation or charitable institution such reasonable appropriations as they may deem advisable out of any funds not otherwise appropriated, or by way of concessions of water, lights, building materials, or otherwise, to assist in carrying out the objects and purposes of said organizations. |
1917_public local laws_619_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 618 | 1 | CHAPTER 618 AN ACT TO DEFINE THE DUTIES OF THE COUNTY SOLICI- TOR OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That in addition to the duties now required by law to be performed by the county solicitor of New Hanover County, the following duties shall also be performed by him: a. It shall be the duty of such solicitor to attend at his office at least one hour before the opening of court. b. All State witnesses subpcened by said court, and all witnesses for the State recognized or subpcned to appear before said court by any inferior court, shall appear at the office of said solicitor for examination at the time of the opening thereof, and not depart therefrom without leave of said solicitor, the purpose of such attendance being to facilitate the administration of the business of said court, and so that the solicitor shall, upon the convening of said court, give notice of those cases in which continuance may be necessary, and likewise the cases in which he will ask permission to be allowed to enter a nol. pros. It shall be unlawful for any other person, without the consent of said solicitor, to interview or communicate with the witnesses herein referred to on behalf of the State in any case pending in said court. ec. That warrants issued from said court shall be signed by the solicitor only. |
1917_public local laws_508_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 507 | 3 | CHAPTER 507 AN ACT TO REPEAL CHAPTER 588 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1915, PRESCRIBING A PENALTY AGAINST DE- LINQUENT TAXPAYERS SO FAR AS THE SAME RELATES TO ROBESON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. |
1917_public local laws_278_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 277 | 2 | CHAPTER 277 AN ACT TO REPEAL CHAPTER 728, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS 1915, ENTITLED AN ACT TO REDUCE THE SALARY OF THE RECORDER FOR CLEVELAND COUNTY AND TO PRO- VIDE FOR EXPERT AUDITING, AND TO AMEND CHAP- TER 243, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS 1911, ENTITLED AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A SPECIAL COURT IN THE CITY OF SHELBY AND IN CLEVELAND COUNTY, AND TO PRE- SCRIBE THE JURISDICTION THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That chapter two hundred forty-three, Public-Local Laws of one thousand nine hundred eleven, is hereby restored and declared to be in full force and effect except as hereinafter amended. |
1917_public local laws_226_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 225 | 1 | CHAPTER 225 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF A SALARY TO THE COUNTY TREASURER OF CALDWELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That on and after the first Monday in December, nineteen hundred and eighteen, the county treasurer of Caldwell County shall be paid a salary of fifty dollars per month in lieu of fees and commissions now received by him. One-half of said sum shall be paid out of the general county fund and the remaining one-half out of the educational fund of said county. Ratified this the 9th day of January, A. D. 1917 |
1917_public local laws_131_13 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 130 | 12 | CHAPTER 130 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWNSHIPS IN RUTHER- FORD COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS AND TO IMPROVE THE HIGHWAYS THEREIN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The board of commissioners of Rutherford County, upon the demand of any highway commission may issue and sell the bonds herein provided for in series and provide for the maturity of the respective series at any time from twenty to fifty years from the date of issue. |
1917_private laws_96_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 95 | 2 | CHAPTER 95 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH CONOVER GRADED SCHOOL DIS- TRICT IN CATAWBA COUNTY AND TO PROVIDE FOR A BOND ISSUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the special school-tax election held in the Conover Special School District, which includes all the territory within the town of Conover and the territory without the town as set out in the preceding section, except that portion added to said, territory by an order of the board of education of Catawba County on the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, on the eleventh day of October, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, under and by authority of the Public Acts of one thousand nine hundred and one, be and the same is hereby declared valid and legal in all respects; and the action of the board of education for Catawba County in taking off a portion of the St. Timothy Special School District and putting same in the Conover Special School District, the tax levy being the same, and which is included in the boundary as set out in section one of this act, be and the same is hereby declared valid and legal in all respects. |
1915_public local laws_744_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 743 | 2 | CHAPTER 743 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE REMOVAL OF OBSTRUC- TIONS IN SOUTH FORK RIVER IN LINCOLN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the owner of each tract of land embraced in this act shall, as soon as practicable after the ratification of this act, cut and remove from the channel of the river all trees, logs, timber, stumps, and other obstructions which in any way interfere with the free and easy flow of the water in said stream, or which are calculated to catch drift in the river bed when the water is high, so as to open and clear from obstruction the entire channel of the stream. |
1915_public local laws_586_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 585 | 6 | CHAPTER 585 AN ACT TO REPEAL CHAPTER 442, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA, SESSION 1911, AND CHAPTER 674, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA, SESSION 1913, AMENDATORY THEREOF, AND ABOLISH THE BOARD OF AUDIT AND FINANCE FOR COLUMBUS COUNTY, AND APPOINT AN AUDITOR FOR COLUMBUS COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | If any clerk of the Superior Court, sheriff, county treasurer, register of deeds, road commissioner or trustee, or any other public officer who may hold any county money shall fail to account for the same as provided by law, the auditor shall give such person ten days previous notice in writing of the time and place at which said auditor will attend to make a settlement, and every officer receiving notice and failing to make settlement as required by this act shall forfeit the sum of five hundred dollars, to be sued for by said auditor for the use and at the expense of the public school fund of Columbus County, and shall also be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined or imprisoned in the discretion of the court: Provided, however, that the court may, in its discretion and for good cause, release any officer from said forfeiture. |
1915_public local laws_503_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 502 | 6 | CHAPTER 502 AN ACT TO PLACE THE OFFICERS OF CASWELL COUNTY ON SALARIES AND TO CREATE AND ESTABLISH AN AUDITORS OFFICE IN AND FOR SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the clerk of the Superior Court and the register of deeds of said county shall faithfully collect, account for, and turn over to the treasurer of said county, monthly, and they, the said clerk and register of deeds, shall be responsible on their respective official bonds for all fees, commissions, etc., collected or which ought to be collected. |
1919_private laws_25_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 24 | 1 | CHAPTER 24 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 336 OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF 1905, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 177 OF THE PRI- VATE LAWS OF 1915, AND TO ENLARGE THE a GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the boundaries of the Hertford graded school district, created under and by virtue of chapter three hundred and thirty-six of the Private Laws of one thousand nine hundred and five, and amended by chapter one hundred and seventy-seven of the Private Laws of one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, shall be all of that territory in the town of Hertford and all of that territory adjacent to the town of Hertford included within the boundaries of a radius of two and one-half miles from the present white graded school building in the town of Hertford. |
1915_public local laws_452_9 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 451 | 8 | CHAPTER 451 AN ACT TO PROVIDE RURAL POLICEMEN FOR CERTAIN TOWNSHIPS IN THE COUNTY OF ANSON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That before entering upon the discharge of their duties the said policemen shall take and subscribe to the following oath: I solemnly swear (or affirm) that during my term of office as policeman I will study the act creating the office and prescribing my duties, and will be alert and vigilant to enforce the criminal laws of the State, and to apprehend and bring to punishment every violator of the same, and will conduct myself at all times with due consideration to all persons, and will not be influenced in any matter on account of personal: bias or prejudice: so help me, God. The oath of office, after being taken and subscribed by said policemen, shall be filed with the clerk of the Superior Court of Anson County, together with the bond provided for in this act. |
1915_public local laws_383_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 382 | 1 | CHAPTER 382 AN ACT TO SECURE THE BETTER DRAINAGE OF KITTLE SHOALS CREEK IN GASTON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That Charles W. Costner, John A. Friday, and R. L. Friday of Gaston County be appointed to supervise and enforce the better drainage of Kittle Shoals Creek in Gaston County, from the intersection of said creek, at the point where it intersects and empties into the South Fork River, at a point below the Harden Mills to the forks of the said creek at the Emmeline Costner tract of land in Dallas Township, Gaston County. |
1915_public local laws_347_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 346 | 3 | CHAPTER 346 AN ACT TO PROVIDE GOOD ROADS IN No. 6 TOWNSHIP, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be the duty of said board of trustees to take control and management of the roads of said Number Six Township, and said trustees are hereby vested with all the rights and powers for such control and management as are now vested in and exercised by either the road commissioners for Whitakers Road District or by the county commissioners of Edgecombe County: Provided, that nothing in this act shall be construed to apply to the bridges in said Number Six Township, the cost of repairing or building of which shall exceed the sum of fifty dollars in any one instance, the cost of repairing and building such bridges to be paid, as heretofore, out of the general fund of Edgecombe County. |
1915_public local laws_280_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 279 | 1 | CHAPTER 279 AN ACT FOR THE RELIEF OF W. BH. JOHNSON, CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ASHE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That W. E. Johnson, clerk of the Superior Court of | Ashe County, be and he is hereby permitted to be absent from his office one Monday in each month, not including the first Monday, provided said clerk shall have a competent deputy in said office on said Mondays when absent. . 7 |
1915_public local laws_173_29 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 172 | 28 | CHAPTER 172 AN ACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PUBLIC ROADS AND BRIDGES OF MITCHELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Nothing herein contained shall be construed to relieve any able-bodied citizen resident of Grassy Creek Township from working on the public roads of Grassy Creek Township as is now provided by law because of any issue and sale of bonds of said Grassy Creek Township as by this act provided. |
1913_public local laws_85_27 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 84 | 26 | CHAPTER 84 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE PUBLIC ROADS OF CATAWBA COUNTY, TO REVISE THE ROAD LAW FOR SAID COUNTY, AND TO VALIDATE CER- TAIN BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the several township road commissions created by or under authority of this act may sue and be sued, make contracts, acquire real and personal property, exchange and sell the same, and exercise such other rights, powers, and privileges as are incident to municipal corporations, and any such township road commission, within and for the township for which the same was or may be created, shall assume all the responsibilities, perform all the duties, exercise all the powers and authority devolving upon, required by, or conferred upon the board of county commissioners by this act; and as applying to any such township, the hoard of county commissioners, board of commissioners, county commissioners, or commissioners shall be construed to mean the township road commission for such township: Provided, the board of county commissioners shall continue to exercise the powers conferred upon them by section one, issue and sell bonds, levy and collect taxes to pay interest and provide sinking fund sufficient to pay bonds at maturity, and elect township road commissioners: Provided further, the special road tax for any township may be used to pay interest and to provide a sinking fund to pay the bonds of such township, if sufficient, without levying the tax provided by the act authorizing the issuing of bonds: Provided further, that the county shall not be liable for the payment of the cost of any bridges, or any part thereof, without having first been authorized by the board of county commissioners, and the county shall pay for trunks and culverts only when authorized by the county commissioners. |
1913_public local laws_787_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 786 | 4 | CHAPTER 786 AN ACT RELATING TO POLICE POWERS IN ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That every person found drunk on the streets or roads, or inany public place in said township, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than two nor more than ten dollars, or imprisoned not more than ten days. |
1913_public local laws_740_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 739 | 1 | CHAPTER 739 AN ACT TO PREVENT DEPREDATIONS BY FOWLS IN YANCEY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That upon affidavit from any person in Yancey County that he is being damaged by the depredations of fowls belonging to another in Yancey County, and that notice of such depredations has been given by the affiant in writing, and that the owner still refuses to prevent his fowls from running at large, any justice of the peace of said county, upon presentment of such affidavit, shall issue an order to any officer qualified to serve same, or deputize some competent person, to kill such fowls running at large: Provided, such officer or person shall find such fowls running at large. |
1913_public local laws_715_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 714 | 6 | CHAPTER 714 AN ACT TO ABOLISH THE OFFICE OF TREASURER, FIX SALARIES FOR COUNTY OFFICES, AND PROVIDE FOR APPOINTMENT OF AUDITOR IN JONES COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That on the first Monday of each and every calendar month a TRUE and accurate transcript shall be transmitted by each of the officers of Jones County, including the bank designated as financial agent for said county, to the board of county commissioners of said county, said transcript to contain and show in detail all the entries made upon said books during the preceding calendar month, which shall be sworn to and duly verified by the officer whose duty it is to make said entries and keep the books of accounts pertaining to his respective office mentioned in section five. |
1913_public local laws_698_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 697 | 6 | CHAPTER 697 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH AN INFERIOR COURT FOR WAYNE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The judge of said court may in his discretion, to suit the convenience of counsel, witnesses, and parties, adjourn said court during the sittings of the Superior Court of Wayne County. |
1913_public local laws_585_9 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 584 | 8 | CHAPTER 584 AN ACT TO TAX DOGS IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MAKING THEM SUBJECTS OF LARCENY, AND REPEALING CHAP- TER 6388, ACTS OF 1907 The General Assembly. of North Carolina do enact: | That this act shall apply to Montgomery County only. |
1915_public local laws_407_9 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 406 | 8 | CHAPTER 406 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A COUNTY COURT FOR GREENE COUNTY. The. General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That any person may upon complaint under oath, charging any other person or persons with the commission of a misdemeanor under the laws of North Carolina, before any justice of the peace of Greene County or before the mayor of any incorporated city or town in said county of Greene, obtain a warrant for the arrest and detention of such other person or persons as how provided by law and have said warrants made returnable to said county court of Greene County. |
1919_private laws_33_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 32 | 3 | CHAPTER 32 AN ACT TO ESTABLSH A HIGH SCHOOL IN WARRENTON SPECIAL TAX DISTRICT, WARREN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That for the support and maintainance of said high school, including the present public school in Warrenton special tax district, in addition to all taxes and appropriations now received by Warrenton special tax district from both state and county, and any addition to the appropriations on the part of either, there shall be annually levied by the board of county commissioners of Warren County, at the request of the board of trustees, as hereinafter constituted, a tax of not exceeding fifteen cents on each one hundred dollars worth of real and personal property in said Warrenton special tax district. and a tax of not exceeding forty-five cents on each poll in said district, and said taxes shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as other taxes in said Warren County. |
1919_private laws_93_17 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 92 | 16 | CHAPTER 92 AN ACT AMENDING CHAPTER 96 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1899 AND AMENDMENTS THERETO, RELATING TO THE KINSTON GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The original returns of said election shall be made by the election officers, or one of their number appointed by said election officer for the purpose, to the board of trustees of said district, and said board of trustees shall within three days after said election canvass the returns and declare the results of said election, and said results shall be inscribed upon the records of said district, also of the city of Kinston. |
1919_public local laws_43_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 42 | 4 | CHAPTER 42 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN AND THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO REGULATE AND FIX THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN OFFICIALS OF DURHAM TOWNSHIP AND DURHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The said board of county commissioners is hereby authorized and empowered to provide the sheriff of Durham County with an extra or tax deputy for full time instead of for six months in each year as now provided by law, if in their discretion and judgment they deem proper. |
1925_private laws_29_91 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 28 | 2 | CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE | Polling places. The board of aldermen shall designate a polling place, or as many polling places as it shall deem advisable, at which the municipal elections shall be held, and shall give notice by one or more publications in a newspaper published in the city of the polling place or places so designated, and of any change that may be made therein from time to time. |
1925_private laws_29_74 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 28 | 2 | CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE | Qualifications for commissioners. The members of said commission shall be resident freeholders and taxpayers of the city of Fayetteville, and shall be men of recognized ability and good business judgment and standing who, in the opinion of the said board of aldermen, can and will perform their official duties to the best interest of said city and its inhabitants. |
1925_private laws_29_42 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 28 | 2 | CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE | Aldermen qualify; when and how. On the Monday next succeeding the day of election the aldermen elected shall qualify by taking the following oath or affirmation, to wit: SS Depusats ih iaue cee PSE Ne wie ad CRUE SIA ds , do solemnly swear that I will truly and impartially perform the duties of alderman to the city of Fayetteville according to the best of my skill, ability and judgment; so help me God. Thereupon the aldermen shall organize as a board for the transaction of business and thereby shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the office. |
1925_private laws_29_33 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 28 | 2 | CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE | Establish hospitals, pesthouses, quarantine, etc. The board of aldermen may acquire, establish, and maintain a hospital or hospitals, or pesthouses, slaughterhouses, rendering plants, incinerators and crematories in the city limits or within three miles thereof; may stop, detain, examine, or keep in a pesthouse or house of detention persons having or suspected of having any infectious, contagious, or other communicable disease; may quarantine the city or any part thereof; may cause all persons in the city limits to be vaccinated; may, without incurring liabilities to the owner, remove, fumigate, or destroy furniture, bedding, clothing, or other property which may be found to be tainted or infected with any contagious or infectious disease, and may do all other proper and reasonable things tc prevent or stamp out any contagious or infectious disease, and to preserve better the health of the citizens. All expenses incurred by the city in disinfecting or caring for any person or persons, by authority of this section, may be recovered by it from the person, persons, or property cared for; and when expense is incurred in caring for property, the same shall become a lien on such property. Any person who shall attempt by force, or by threat of violence, to prevent his removal or that of any other person to the pesthouse, house of detention, or hospital, or who shall in any way interfere with any officer while performing any of the duties allowed by this article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. |
1925_private laws_29_29 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 28 | 2 | CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE | Resolution requiring sidewalks to be laid. The board of aldermen shall have authority to order and direct by suitable resolution that sidewalk or sidewalks be laid upon any street or streets or sections, or portions thereof, within the city in conformity with plans and specifications prescribed and fixed by the board, and to require, in the boards discretion, that the owner or owners of any lot or lots fronting and abutting upon any such street or streets or portion thereof shall lay such sidewalk across the frontage of such lot or lots at the cost of such owner or owners. When any such resolution is adopted by the board, it shall give personal notice to the owner or owners of any lot or lots affected thereby if such owner or owners can be found within the city, but if such owner or owners cannot be found within the city, then publication of such resolution once in each of two consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in the city shall be deemed and held to be sufficient notice. If the owner or owners of any lot or lots across the frontage of which it is required that a sidewalk be laid shall fail to comply with Private5 the terms of such resolution within the time therein specified, then the city of Fayetteville shall cause such sidewalk or sidewalks to be laid at its expense and the entire cost thereof and interest shall thereupon be especially assessed and collected from such lot or lots in the manner prescribed by chapter fifty-six, article nine of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina of nineteen hundred nineteen. |
1925_private laws_29_11 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 28 | 2 | CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE | Condemnation proceedings. If the city of Fayetteville shall be unable to acquire by purchase, gift or otherwise, any real estate necessary for any of the purposes specified in this charter, it shall have and is hereby given the right to acquire title to the same in the manner and by the special proceedings herein prescribed. |
1925_private laws_29_8 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 28 | 2 | CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE | Enumeration of powers not exclusive. The foregoing enumeration of particular powers shall not be held or deemed to be exclusive, but in addition to the powers enumerated or implied herein, or appropriate to the exercise thereof, the city shall have and may exercise all other powers which under the Constitution and laws of North Carolina now or hereafter may be granted to cities. Powers proper to be exercised, and not specially enumerated herein, shall be exercised and enforced in the manner prescribed herein; or when not prescribed herein, in such manner as shall be provided by ordinance or resolution of the board of aldermen. |
1925_private laws_29_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 28 | 2 | CHAPTER 28 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE 1 THE City OF FAYETTEVILLE | A body corporate with right of succession. The inhabitants of the city of Fayetteville shall continue as heretofore a body politic and corporate under the name and style of The City of Fayetteville and by that name shall have perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, may contract and be contracted with, may acquire and hold all such property, real and personal, as may be devised, bequeathed, sold or in any manner conveyed to it, and may invest, sell or dispose thereof, and may have a common seal and alter and renew the same at pleasure, and may have and exercise all the powers, rights, and privileges necessary for its proper government or usually appertaining to municipal corporations. |
1925_private laws_205_11 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 204 | 10 | CHAPTER 204 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE APPALACHIAN TRAINING SCHOOL AND TO OUTLINE ITS ORGANIZA- TION, POWERS AND DUTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of trustees are hereby authorized to establish a permanent endowment fund, to be loaned to needy and worthy students. The board may receive gifts and donations and may, after furnishing lights and power to the normal school, sell excess current, if any there shall be, at a rate approved by the Corporation Commission, to the people in the community, and set aside for said endowment any moneys coming to the institution from such sources. The board of trustees are hereby empowered to make rules and regulations for the proper safeguarding and loaning of said funds. |
1925_private laws_162_9 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 161 | 8 | CHAPTER 161 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF HAMILTON LAKES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: CHAPTER I. ORGANIZATION | A majority of the members of the council shall constitute a quorum. Its meetings shall be-public and the mayor, who shall be the official head of the town, shall if present preside, and shall have the same powers as the other members of the council to vote upon all measures coming before it, but shall have no power of veto. In the absence of the mayor the mayor pro tempore shall preside. The town clerk shall be ex officio the clerk of the council and shall keep records of its proceedings, but in case of his temporary absence, or in case a vacancy should occur in the office, the council may elect a temporary clerk who shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of his duties and may act as clerk of the council until a town clerk is chosen and qualified. All final votes of the council involving the expenditure of money or the enactment of ordinances shall be entered on the records. |
1925_private laws_118_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 117 | 6 | CHAPTER 117 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACH IN THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Commissioner of finance. The commissioner of finance shall be the purchasing agent of the board of commissioners of the town and all property, supplies, and material of every kind whatsoever shall, upon the order of the board of commissioners, be purchased by him, and when so purchased by him the bills therefor shall be submitted to and approved by the board of commissioners before warrants are issued therefor; when such warrants are issued they shall be signed by the said commissioner and countersigned by some other person designated by the board of commissioners; he shall be collector of all taxes; he shall collect all water rents; he shall issue license or permits as. provided by law, ordinance or resolution adopted by the board of commissioners, or in the absence or inability of any commissioner to act he shall exercise temporary supervision over the department assigned to the said commissioner, subject, however, to the power of the board of commissioners to substitute some one else temporarily to perform any of such duties; he shall have control of all employees not by law, ordinance, or resolution of the board of commissioners apportioned or assigned to some other department; he shall have charge of and supervision over all accounts and records of the town, and accounts of all officers, agents, and departments reaquired by law or by the board of commissioners to be kept or made; he shall regularly at least once in three -3 months inspect or superintend inspection of all records or accounts required to be kept in any of the offices or departments of the city, and shall cause proper accounts and records to be kept, and proper reports to be made, and shall, acting for the board of commissioners, audit or cause to be audited by an expert accountant, if he deems it necessary, annually, the accounts of every officer or employee who does or may receive or disburse money, and he shall publish or cause to be published annually statements showing the financial condition of the town; he shall examine or cause to be examined all accounts, payrolls, and claims before they are acted on or allowed unless otherwise provided by law or by order of the board of commissioners; he shall collect all license fees, franchise taxes, rentals, and other moneys which may be due or become due to the town; he shall report the failure on the part of any person, firm or corporation to pay money due the town, he shall report to the board of commissioners any failure on the part of any person, firm or corporation to make such reports as are required by law, ordinance or order of the board of commissioners to be made, and shall make such recommendations with reference thereto as he may deem proper. The assessor, auditor, town clerk, town attorney, and their respective officers of departments, and all employees therein, and all bookkeepers and accountants, are apportioned and assigned to the department of finance and shall be under the direction and -supervision of the commissioner thereof. He shall do and perform any and all other services ordered by the board not herein expressly conferred upon some other department. |
1925_private laws_104_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 103 | 3 | CHAPTER 103 AN ACT TO RATIFY AN AMENDMENT MADE BY THE CITY OF HIGH POINT TO THE CHARTER OF SAID CITY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. |
1924 extra_public local laws_168_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 167 | 2 | CHAPTER 167 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 102, SECTION 14, OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1919, AS AMENDED BY SECTION 13 OF .CHAPTER 10, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF EXTRA SESSION OF 1920, FIXING THE SALARIES OF THE OFFI- CERS OF GRANVILLE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. |
1923_public local laws_451_27 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 450 | 26 | CHAPTER 450 AN ACT TO CREATE AND ESTABLISH AN AUDITORS OFFICE FOR THE COUNTY OF BLADEN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | It shall be the duty of the mayors of each incorporated town in the county of Bladen to report to the auditor of said county on or before the first Monday in June, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three, and each and every year thereafter, the names of all persons in their respective towns who may be subject to the payment of what are known as schedule B and C taxes, and it shall be the duty of said auditor to inquire what other persons in said county, residing outside the towns, may be liable for the payment of such taxes, and it shall be the duty of the auditor to report to the sheriff of said county the names of all persons subject to such taxes: Provided, however, that this section shall not relieve the said sheriff of any duties connected with said taxes as are now or as may hereafter be imposed upon him by law. It shall also be the duty of said auditor on or before the first Monday in May in each year to mail to the mayor of each incorporated town in Bladen County a notice setting forth a copy of this section of this act and to call attention of such mayors to their duties under this section, and also to their duties under the next succeeding section of this act; and if any mayor shall fail or neglect to discharge the duties and make the report required by this_and the next succeeding section, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined or imprisoned in the discretion of the court. |
1923_public local laws_5_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 4 | 3 | CHAPTER 4 AN ACT TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. Whereas, owing to the growth of education in Transylvania County, and also by reason of the physical and geographic condi- tions of said county, so that adequate representation can be had from all sections of the county on said county board of education, it is deemed advisable to increase the number of said board from three members to five members; and Whereas W. H. Duckworth has duly resigned from said county board of education: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That A. E. England of Brevard, Route No. 1, and C. K. Osborne, of Brevard, N. C., be also appointed as members of the county board of education of Transylvania County, to serve until their successors are duly appointed or elected and qualified, according to law. _ |
1923_public local laws_236_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 235 | 3 | CHAPTER 235 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE GASTON COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS TO PAY INDEBTEDNESS INCURRED IN CONSTRUCTING AND IMPROVING HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Said bonds may be made registrable as to principal alone or as to both principal and interest under such conditions as may be determined by said board, and the board shall determine the method of execution thereof and of interest coupons that may be annexed to said bonds. |
1923_public local laws_162_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 161 | 1 | CHAPTER 161 AN ACT TO PARTLY COMPENSATE BH. R. FERRELL FOR DAMAGES SUSTAINED BY REASON OF PASQUOTANK COUNTY SAVING $30,000 TO $40,000 IN ABANDONING THE LOWRY ROAD AND LOWRY DRAWBRIDGE. Whereas in constructing the brick road from Hlizabeth City to the lower part of-Pasquotank County the road was run around by what is known as Old Weeksville; and. whereas about thirty years prior to the construction of said brick road the county took over a private road known as the Lowry Road, and in the construc- tion of the said road there is a very expensive drawbridge across what is known as New Begun Creek; that prior to any knowledge of the direction in which the brick road was going, E. R. Ferrell purchased from the Weeksville Ginning Company on the north side of New Begun Creek on the Lowry road a gin-house and wharf property, at a price of twenty-two hundred dollars; and whereas, since the construction of the brick road around by Old Weeksville, the county has abandoned the upkeep of the Lowry road and drawbridge above referred to, rendering the said prop- erty purchased by said Ferrell practically useless, leaving said property in a pocket where there is no travel nor traffic; and whereas, by reason of the construction of the brick road around by Old Weeksville, and not constructing said road in both direc- tions, it has saved the county some thirty thousand or forty thousand dollars, besides the cost of the upkeep of the expensive drawbridge in said road known as the Lowry Road, not having been paved and kept up by the county: Now, therefore, in order to partly compensate E. R. Ferrell for his loss by reason of the abandonment of said road and bridge by said county, and particularly so as the county has profited and saved between thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) and forty thou- sand dollars ($40,000), and for the further reasons as above set out, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of county commissioners of Pasquotank County, North Carolina, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered at their discretion to pay E. R. Ferrell a sum not to exceed eleven hundred dollars ($1,100) in full payment for any and all damages he sustained by reason of the facts set out above. |
1923_private laws_8_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 7 | 3 | CHAPTER 7 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF TRINITY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the town of Trinity shall have authority to combine with the county authorities and with the State authorities in charge of road building for the purpose of constructing a hard surface road through the town of Trinity to connect with the State Highway system at Archdale. |
1923_private laws_186_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 185 | 2 | CHAPTER 185 AN ACT TO ENLARGE THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF HENDERSONVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said board of water commissioners shall from time to time lay, build and construct in said city such system of waterworks, water pipes, sewerage and sewer pipes, and the extension of the same, as to it may seem advisable, or cause the same to be so laid, built or constructed, and shall keep the same in proper condition and repair, with proper connections, and make all necessary provisions for so doing, and shall control and regulate such system, and every part thereof, and may require the owner or owners of any improved lots or land in said city, or on any public street or alley in said city where such water and sewer pipes have been, or are conveniently accessible, or, on any line of pipes to connect such lot or lots with, such sewer and water pipes in the manner and at the places designated by said board of water commissioners, and if the owner or owners should . fail to make such connections after having been given ten days notice by the said board of water commissioners, the said board may enter upon said lot and make such connections, and charge the cost thereof against said lot, and such cost so charged shall be collected, and shall constitute a lien upon said lot, and shall be enforced and collected in the same manner as real estate is sold in case of delinquent taxes. - |
1921 extra_public local laws_207_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 206 | 2 | CHAPTER 206 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT THE HUNTING OF DEER WITH DOGS IN CASWELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That any person violating the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. |
1921 extra_public local laws_184_9 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 183 | 8 | CHAPTER 183 AN ACT TO AMEND AND UNIFY THE PUBLIC ROAD LAWS OF CASWELL COUNTY AND AFFECTING THE EXPENDI- TURE OF THE PROCEEDS OF CERTAIN ROAD TAX LEVIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That this act shall not be considered to amend, repeal, or in any way modify the collection or expenditure of any taxes authorized for the purpose of paying the interest on or retiring any bonds of Caswell County or of any township of said county ; and this act shall not be considered to modify or in any way affect the tax authorized and directed by section three thousand six hundred and fifty-four of the Consolidated Statutes. |
1919_public local laws_535_23 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 534 | 22 | CHAPTER 534 AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC ROADS AND BRIDGES IN HALIFAX COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All special or local laws relating to the construction, improvement or maintenance of public roads or bridges of Halifax County or of any township therein, including special or local laws authorizing the raising of money for said purposes, are hereby repealed. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act are also repealed. Nothing in this act, however, shall be held to invalidate any indebtedness incurred under any law hereby repealed, or to invalidate any act done under such a law, or to prevent the collection of any taxes levied under such law. |
1919_public local laws_499_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 498 | 3 | CHAPTER 498 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A COURT STENOGRAPHER FOR SAMPSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | It shall be the duty of the clerk of the Superior Court of said county to tax and collect said stenographers fee as he shall tax and collect other costs, and shall pay such money collected as stenographers fee as he shall tax and collect other costs, and shall pay such money collected as stenographers fee into the general fund of the county, taking the receipt of the treasurer therefor. |
1967_session laws_1031_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 1,030 | 2 | CHAPTER 1030 AN ACT TO MAKE APPROPRIATIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH FOR GRANTS-IN-AID TO PROVIDE DAY CARE AND RESIDENTIAL CARE FOR CERTAIN MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | There is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of the State to the Department of Mental Health the sum of forty-one thousand four hundred twenty dollars ($41,420.00) for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1967, and ending June 30, 1968, and the sum of forty-one thousand four hundred twenty dollars ($41,420.00) for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1968, and ending June 30, 1969, to be expended for additional personnel to administer and supervise the grants-in-aid program. 1967-68 1968-69 1 Social Work Supervisor II @ $8,424 $ 8,424 $ 8,424 1 Social Work Supervisor I @ $7,656 7,656 7,656 1 Nurse Supervisor I @ $4,980 4,980 4,980 1 Budget Officer I @ $8,424 8,424 8,424 1 Stenographer II @ $3,936 3,936 3,936 Travel Expense 8,000 8,000 $41,420 $41,420 |
1913_public local laws_467_22 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 466 | 21 | CHAPTER 466 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF VANCE COUNTY TO SUBMIT TO THE VOTERS OF THE COUNTY THE QUESTION OF ISSUING BONDS TO MAKE AND IM- PROVE THE PUBLIC ROADS OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Any moneys that are raised by special tax or a bond issue or in any other manner whatsoever by the county officials of Vance County for the construction or improvement or repair or maintenance of the public roads of Vance County shall become a part of what is herewith designated as the good roads fund, which shall be in the custody of the treasurer of the good roads commission, to be drawn upon as directed by the good roads commission. |
1967_session laws_1067_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 1,066 | 1 | CHAPTER 1066 AN ACT TO AMEND G. . 28-105 RELATIVE TO THE PRIORITY OF FUNERAL EXPENSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | G. S. 28-105, Second Class, 1965 Cumulative Supplement is hereby further amended by adding a new sentence at the end thereof to read as follows: The preferential limitation herein granted shall be construed to be only a limit with respect to preference of payment and shall not be construed to be a limitation on reasonable funeral expenses which may be incurred; nor shall the preferential limitation of payment in the amount of six hundred dollars ($600.00) be diminished by any Veterans Administration, Social Security or other Federal Governmental benefits awarded to the estate of the deceased or to his or her beneficiaries. |
1967_session laws_415_8 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 414 | 7 | CHAPTER 414 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 278 OF THE SESSION LAWS OF 1965 RELATING TO THE CONTROL OF THE APPEARANCE OF STRUC- TURES IN CERTAIN DISTRICTS OF THE TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. |
1957_session laws_231_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 230 | 3 | CHAPTER 230 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF CERTAIN SUR- PLUS FUNDS OF GASTON COUNTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF CON- STRUCTING THE GASTON COUNTY WELFARE BUILDING. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. |
1909_private laws_314_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 313 | 6 | CHAPTER 313 AN ACT TO REVISE, AMEND AND CONSOLIDATE THE SCHOOL LAWS OF THE CITY OF HICKORY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of trustees of said district shall organize annually by electing a chairman and a secretary. The said board shall cause to be kept an accurate record of its proceedings. The trustees shall elect annually one of their number treasurer and custodian of all the school funds belonging to said district. The treasurer shall give bond in such sum as the board may require. The said treasurer shall receive and hold as a fund all moneys received from special taxes, gifts, grants, apportionments or other source, and shall pay out said moneys only upon the order of the board. The said treasurer shall furnish annually to the board of aldermen of the city of Hickory a statement, in writing, of the receipts and disbursements of school moneys, properly endorsed and approved by the chairman and the secretary of the board of trustees. |
1899_private laws_216_49 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 215 | 48 | CHAPTER 215 An act to amend and consolidate the charter of the town of Lumberton, Robeson county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all proceedings in the mayors court shall be the same as are now or may hereafter be prescribed for courts of justices of the peace, and in all cases there shall be a right of appeal to the superior court of Robeson county; that whenever a defendant or witness or other person shall be adjudged to be imprisoned by the said court, it shall be competent for the court to sentence such person or persons to imprisonment in the county jail or town guard house for a term not exceeding thirty days, and to adjudge also that such persons may be worked during the period of their confinement on the public streets or on the public works of the said town under the supervision of the town constable, policeman or other police officer. |
1907_public laws_201_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 200 | 5 | CHAPTER 200 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE PUBLIC ROADS OF SAMPSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said tax, when collected, shall be kept separate and apart from all other taxes, and shall be used only for the purposes for which the same was levied and collected. Any Commissioner who shall by any means cause any of said taxes to be used for any other purpose than that for which they were levied and collected shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be fined or imprisoned at the discretion of the Court: Provided, that if the taxes collected in any one year shall exceed the sum required to pay the interest accrued and due on said bonds so issued, the same may be applied to the purchase of any of the bonds issued under this act. |
1919_private laws_43_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 42 | 6 | CHAPTER 42 AN ACT TO REGULATE MOTOR VEHICLES AND PUBLIC SERVICE CARS IN MARION, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the warrants of the mayor of the said town of Marion shall be valid within the three-mile zone around the said town, and the marshall of said town is hereby given the right to make arrests upon warrants issued by the mayor within the said zone. |
1911_public local laws_483_21 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 482 | 20 | CHAPTER 482 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF CUMBER- LAND COUNTY TO SUBMIT TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID COUNTY THE QUESTION OF ISSUING BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING, IMPROVING AND MAINTAIN- ING THE PUBLIC ROADS OF SAID COUNTY, AND TO PRO- VIDE FOR A HIGHWAY COMMISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said highway commission shall have the authority to employ a physician at any time to assist the county physician in attending the convict working force, and shall also have the power to provide for the care and keep of said convicts, and to provide all things necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this act, and, in addition to employing convicts upon the highways, herein provided for, the said highway commission, in its discretion, may employ such free labor and make such contracts for the building, repairing and maintaining of the highways of the county as it shall deem to the best interests of the county: Provided, that no free labor shall be employed to work on the same section of road on which convicts are employed: and Provided, further, that the employment of free labor shall be as hereinbefore specified. |
1925_public laws_307_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 306 | 5 | CHAPTER 306 AN ACT TO PROVIDE UNIFORMITY IN THE APPOINTMENT OF BOARDS OF TRUSTEES, DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS OF VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS MAINTAINED BY THE STATE, AND TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE CON- SOLIDATED STATUTES RELATING THERETO, AND TO REPEAL CERTAIN STATUTES NOW IN FORCE RELATING THERETO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section two of chapter two hundred fifty-four of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred twenty-three, being section seven thousand three hundred and sixty-two (b) of the Consolidated Statutes, volume three, be amended so as to hereafter read as follows: Seven thousand three hundred and sixty-two (b). Trustees; appointments; terms; expenses. The Eastern Carolina Industrial School for Boys shall be under the control and management of a board of five trustees. The said trustees shall be appointed by the Governor of the State and the term of each trustee shall be four years from and after the date of his or her appointment. Within thirty days after the ratification of this act the Governor shall appoint three of the trustees and within six months after the ratification of this act the Governor shall appoint the remaining two. At the time of making the appointment the Governor shall designate which of the present trustees are to be succeeded by his appointees. All vacancies occurring in the board shall be filled by the Governor. The Governor shall transmit to the Senate at the next session of the General Assembly the names of his appointees for confirmation. Each member of the board shall be entitled to receive necessary expenses for each and every day engaged in the business of the institution. |
1891_private laws_238_33 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 237 | 32 | CHAPTER 237 An act to amend the charter of the tewn of Randleman. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all persons liable to taxation of any kind in said town shall, on or before the first day of June in each and every year, make a return of their respective lists of taxable property, as assessed by the township assessors for the state, to the secretary or clerk of said board of commissioners; such lists shall give a description of the tracts or lots of land, the taxable poll and all other property liable to taxation by the persons returning the same, and shall be sworn to before some justice of the peace or before the secretary or clerk, who is hereby authorized and empowered to administer oaths required by law to be taken by persons making such returns. The said lists thus taken shall be filed with the secretary or clerk, who shall, after a levy of taxes are assessed thereon, in the same manner as tax-lists are made or required to be made for the collection of state taxes. The secretary or clerk shall also make out a list of all property and polls remaining unlisted in said town, which shall be subject to double tax. The usual tax-list, made as aforesaid by the secretary or clerk and placed in the hands of the marshal or taxcollector, shall have the force and effect of a judgment and execution for the taxes assessed and appearing on said lists respectively; and the same may be collected by levy and sale of the property of the party owning such taxes, on giving such notice as is required by law on execution from one of the superior courts of the state, and the officer charged with the duty of collecting such taxes shall have all the power vested by law in sheriffs or tax-collectors for the collection of taxes due the state. |
1905_private laws_188_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 188 | 2 | CHAPTER 188 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF PINE BLUFF, IN MOORE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the present government of said town shall continue as now constituted until successors to the present officials shall be elected and qualified as hereinafter provided, and all of the ordinances and by-laws theretofore adopted by said town shall remain in force until altered, amended or repealed. |
1893_public laws_415_11 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 415 | 10 | CHAPTER 415 An act to authorize the commissioners of Buncombe county to issue bonds for public roads improvement. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : 3 | That at any election on the question of issuing the bonds herein provided for there shall be elected by the said qualified voters of said county fourteen freeholders, one for each of the fourteen townships of said county, who shall be a resident of the township for which he is elected, all of whom, together with the five members of the board of county commissioners of said county, shall constitute and be known as the road improvement commission of Buncombe county, who shal! serve from the time of their election until the qualification of their successors, who shall be elected at the next succeeding general election and biennially thereafter in the same manner and for the same term as the sheriff of said county. Before entering upon the discharge of the duties of their office the said road improvement commissioners shall qualify by taking an oath before the clerk of the superior court of said county faithfully and diligently to perform all the duties imposed upon them by the provisions of this act, which said oath shall be subscribed before said clerk and by him recorded in the same manner as is now provided by law for the recording of the oath of the sheriff of said county; said road improvement commissioners shall serve without compensation as such: Provided, that if at any election on the question of issuing the bonds hereinbefore provided for, a majority of the qualified voters of said county shall vote * Against public roads improvement, then and in that event the election of the said fourteen freeholders at said election shall be and void. If at any election under the provisions of this act a majority of the qualified voters of said county shall vote For public roads improvement, the fourteen freeholders elected at such election, together with the said five commissioners of said county, shall organize as said road improvement commission of Buncombe county. YThe chairman of the board of commissioners of said county shall be ex officio chairman of said road improvement commission. There shall be elected biennially by said road improvement commission a secretary to said commission, whose compensation shall be fixed by said commission; it shall be the duty of said secretary to keep an accurate record of all proceedings and doings of said commission, which said record shall be at all times open to the inspection of any citizen of the said county of Buncombe. The said road improvement commission is empowered and it is hereby made its duty to administer all funds that may be realized from the sale of the bonds herein provided for, to select the roads to be improved under the provisions of this act, to determine the character of the improvements to be made, to let contracts, to hire labor, and do every and all such acts and things as may be proper and necessary to carry into effect the purposes and intentions of this act; and no bill or account for labor done or material furnished in the making of the road improvements hereinbefore provided for shall be paid, except upon the warrant of the said road improvement commission, and no warrant shall be issued except upon the order of a majority of all said road improvement commissioners. Said road improvement commissioners shall have power to fill all vacancies occurring in the body by death, resignation, removal, or otherwise, until the next election of road improvement commissioners. |
1909_public laws_812_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 811 | 2 | CHAPTER 811 AN ACT TO PROTECT GROWING CROPS IN RICHLAND TOWNSHIP, BEAUFORT COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. |
1931_private laws_26_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 25 | 4 | CHAPTER 25 AN ACT TO EXTEND THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF REIDSVILLE, ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, AND TO PROVIDE FOR AN ELECTION TO DETERMINE THIS QUESTION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the city council of the said city of Reidsville is authorized and empowered to adopt an ordinance calling for an election in conformity with this act, the said ordinance to be published in a newspaper published in the city of Reidsville once a week for four weeks prior to said election. The said city council is also authorized, empa@wered and directed to provide for a new or special registration of the voters within said territory, to designate the precinct or precincts and polling places for such election, and to name a registrar and two judges of election for each precinct. |
1917_public local laws_107_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 106 | 2 | CHAPTER 106 AN ACT TO IMPROVE THE ROADS IN PAMLICO COUNTY AND FOR THE ISSUING OF BONDS BY THE COUNTY AND THE SEVERAL TOWNSHIPS THEREIN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That upon there being filed with the commissioners of Pamlico County a petition signed by one-fifth of the qualified voters in any township in said county asking for an election upon the question of issuing bonds for said township, under the provisions of this act, and stating in said petition the amount of bonds which it is desired to issue (Provided, however, that the amount of the proposed bond issue shall not be greater than five per centum of the total assessed value of all property in said township subject to taxation, as shown by the last assessment next preceding the filing of said petition), said petition to be recorded in the minutes of the said board, it shall be the duty of the said board of county commissioners to call an election to be held within sixty days after the presentation of said petition at the polling place or places in the township or townships petitioning, and present to the qualified voters of said township or townships the question of issuing bonds for the purposes of road improvement as provided for in this act; said bonds to be issued upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. The said board of county commissioners shall for at least thirty days preceding the election give public notice of the same, in said notice stating the purpose of the election and the amount of bonds proposed to be issued by such township in which the election is to be held, said notice to be published in some weekly newspaper published in said county for at least four weeks. |
1924 extra_public laws_91_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 90 | 2 | CHAPTER 90 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 2116 OF THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES, RELATING TO THE CLOSE SEASON FOR HUNTING QUAIL OR PARTRIDGE, AND PROVIDING A DIFFERENT CLOSE SEASON FOR MARTIN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. |
1939_public laws_358_36 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 357 | 35 | CHAPTER 357 AN ACT TO PROVIDE AN ADDITIONAL PLAN TO ESTAB- LISH SPECIAL COUNTY COURTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Whenever the Clerk of the Superior Court shall transfer the papers in any case from the Superior Court to a special county court, he shall at the same time issue a notice to the accused person and his surety, informing them that the cause has been so transferred and requiring the accused person to appear at the next succeeding term of said special county court for trial, and, upon the service of said notice upon the accused person and his surety, at least five days before the beginning of the next succeeding term of the special county court, the case shall stand for trial at said term and the bond given by the accused person for his appearance at the next term of the Superior Court shall in all respects be valid and binding to compel the appearance of the accused person at the said next succeeding term of said special county court, and in case said notice is not served on the accused person and his surety at least five days before the beginning of the next succeeding term of the special county court, then the case shall not be tried without the consent of the accused person until the following term of the special county court. |
1907_private laws_230_8 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 227 | 7 | CHAPTER 227 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE VIRGINIA AND EASTERN| CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said company shall have the right to cross at grade or over or under, intersect, join or unite its railroad with any railroad now built or constructed, or which may hereafter be built or constructed within the State of North Carolina, at any point of its main line or branches, with the necessary turn-outs, sidings, switches and other conveniences, and, when necessary, to use the right-of-way of other roads, when the same is not occupied with tracks or buildings, and have the right to cross public highways, also streets in incorporated towns. |
1891_public laws_586_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 585 | 2 | CHAPTER 585 An act in relation to the county seat of Brunswick county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do.enact : | That it shall be the duty of the county commissioners of said county, at least thirty days before said election, to appoint registrars and judges of election in the same manner as is now provided by law, which registrars shall perform all the duties required by [of] such officers in registering voters for members of the general assembly, in the same way and to the same extent as in said cases; and the judges of election shall be appointed and notified as in such elections, and shall conduct the same in the several townships as such elections are held and conducted for members of tke general assembly in all respects. : ' |
1919_private laws_164_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 163 | 1 | CHAPTER 163 AN ACT TO EXTEND THE PERIOD OF COMPULSORY EDU- _ CATION IN THE CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM, FOR THE FULL SESSION OF CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS EACH YEAR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That every parent, guardian or other person in the city of Winston-Salem having charge or control of a child between the ages of eight and fourteen years shall cause such child to attend regularly some day school (public, private or parochial), in which at least the six common school branches of reading, spelling writing, arithmetic, English and geography are taught in daily session of not less than four hours per school day, for nine school months in each calendar year, or for the full session of the public schools of the city of Winston-Salem; or shall provide such child at home or elsewhere with such regular daily instruction during the usual school hours as shall be in the judgment of the court substantially equivalent in kind and amount to the instruction given the children of like age in the public schools of said city: Provided, that occasional absence from such attendance by any child between the ages of eight and fourteen years not amounting to more than two unexcused absences in four consecutive weeks shall not be unlawful. |
1899_private laws_119_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 118 | 3 | CHAPTER 118 An act to authorize the city of Fayetteville to establish and operate a system of electric lights and motive power. WHEREAS, a proper system for lighting public streets is a ne- cessity to the inhabitants of the city of Fayetteville and is con- ducive to the advancement and prosperity of said city; and WHEREAS, by reason of its revenues from other sources and because under the provisions of chapter one hundred and fifty- three -153 of the private laws of eighteen hundred and ninety- three -1893 and the act amendatory thereof, passed by the gen- eral assembly of eighteen hundred and ninety-nine (1899), enti- tled An act to amend chapter oue hundred and fifty-three -153 of the private laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-three (1893), etc., and ratified on January twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, sufficient taxes are now levied and not other- wise appropriated to amply provide for the payment of interest on the coupon bonds hereinafter provided for as it falls due and the creation of a sinking fund sufficient to fully pay off said bonds, as well as to meet al] the other obligations and liabilities of the said city: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Said coupon bonds shall be consecutively numbered and signed by the mayor and the clerk of the city of Fayetteville, and it shall be the duty of the said clerk to keep an accurate account of the same. |
1915_private laws_168_14 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 167 | 13 | CHAPTER 167 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE, AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF FUQUAY SPRINGS, WAKE COUNTY, AND TO ALLOW SAID TOWN TO ISSUE BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the mayor may issue his precepts to the town constable. who may execute the same anywhere in Wake County, or to such other officer to whom a justice of the peace may direct his precepts. An indorsement by the mayor or court of the name of a witness upon a summons or warrant shall be an authority for the officer to execute the same. |
1929_public local laws_44_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 43 | 2 | CHAPTER 43 AN ACT REGULATING THE SETTING OF STEEL TRAPS OR LOG TRAPS IN THE COUNTIES OF PAM- LICO, GREENE, HALIFAX, CHEROKEE, AVERY AND PERQUIMANS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. |
1957_session laws_1236_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 1,235 | 4 | CHAPTER 1235 AN ACT TO AMEND THE TURLINGTON ACT, ARTICLE I, CHAPTER 18, AS FOUND IN THE GENERAL STATUTES OF NORTH CARO- LINA SO AS TO INCLUDE EQUIPMENT OR MATERIALS DE- SIGNED OR INTENDED FOR USE IN THE MANUFACTURE OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. |
1917_public local laws_107_27 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 106 | 2 | CHAPTER 106 AN ACT TO IMPROVE THE ROADS IN PAMLICO COUNTY AND FOR THE ISSUING OF BONDS BY THE COUNTY AND THE SEVERAL TOWNSHIPS THEREIN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said bonds may be issued from time to time and exchanged at par for the township bonds provided for in article one of this act; or said bonds may be sold as the said board of county commissioners may determine: Provided, none of them shall be sold or pledged in any manner for less than par value in cash or the above referred to township bonds; and no bonds shall be sold for cash until there has been deposited with the said board of county commissioners a like amount of the township bonds above referred to, and when so sold the proceeds shall be turned over to the treasurer of the road commission of the township whose bonds have been thus deposited. |
1925_public local laws_257_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 256 | 2 | CHAPTER 256 AN ACT CREATING FIVE DISTRICTS IN WAKE COUNTY FOR THE SELECTION OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That there shall be elected one commissioner from each district and the districts shall be numbered one, two, three, four, and five, and shall comprise the following townships: (a) District number one shall be composed of Little River, Marks Creek, and St. Matthews townships. (b) District number two shall be composed of St. Marys, Swift Creek, Panther Branch and Middle Creek townships. (c) District number three shall be composed of Cary, Buckhorn, Cedar Fork, Holly Springs, White Oak and House Creek townships. (d) District number four shall be composed of Bartons Creek, Wake Forest, Neuse, Leesville and New Light townships. (e) District number five shall be composed of Raleigh Township. |
1959_session laws_37_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 36 | 2 | CHAPTER 36 AN ACT TO APPROPRIATE FROM THE CONTINGENCY AND EMER- GENCY FUND THE SUM OF $305,510 TO THE STATE HOSPITAL AT GOLDSBORO TO COVER A DEFICIT IN OPERATING EXPENSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1958-59. WHEREAS, during the fiscal year 1958-59 the State Hospital at Golds- boro has incurred a deficit as a result of increased operational expenses and loss of receipts in the amount of three hundred five thousand five hundred ten dollars ($305,510); and WHEREAS, appropriations made to the State Hospital at Goldsboro for the biennium 1957-59 are insufficient to cover this deficit: Now, there- fore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1893_public laws_214_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 213 | 5 | CHAPTER 213 An act to establish the stock law in certain parts of Cumberiand; county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Said tax so levied shall be collected by the sheriff or some lawful deputy and paid to the county treasurer under the same ryles, regulations and charges as may be prescribed for the sheriff in collecting other taxes, and the treasurer of Cumberland county shall receive and disburse the moneys so paid to him, retaining only his lawful commissions, upon the order of the fence commissioners for the purpose of providing and keeping in repair the fences and gates as above contemplated. |
1925_public local laws_354_9 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 353 | 8 | CHAPTER 353 AN ACT TO ANNEX BROAD RIVER TOWNSHIP OF Mc- DOWELL COUNTY TO BUNCOMBE COUNTY. Whereas, two hundred and thirty out of a total vote of two hundred and forty voters in Broad River Township of McDowell County have expressed their desire in writing that the said Broad River Township be added to, and become a part of, Buncombe County for the reason that said township is isolated geographically from McDowell County, and that all their social and business relations are with the people of Buncombe County; and Whereas, the public officials of McDowell County and Buncombe County have mutually agreed that the said Broad River Township of McDowell County logically and geograph- ically should be a part of Buncombe County and that the best interest and public welfare of the citizens of said township would be promoted and conserved by the annexing said town- ship to Buncombe County: Therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all the one thousand nine hundred and twentyfour taxes due from the people and property of Broad River Township shall be collected and retained by McDowell County. |
1903_private laws_226_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 225 | 3 | CHAPTER 225 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE ALEXANDER HOME OF CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the officers of the home shall consist of a president, a vice-president, a secretary and treasurer, and a board of managers to consist of the incorporators named in section 1 of this act, and their duly elected successors. In case of the death or resignation of any of the foregoing members of said board the vacancy shall be supplied by the remaining members thereof by election, in accordance with the by-laws of the home, to be adopted by said board, and the other officers of said home shall be elected by said board for such terms and upon such conditions as said by-laws shall prescribe. |
1937_public laws_301_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 300 | 3 | CHAPTER 300 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED NINETY- FOUR, PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUN- DRED AND TWENTY-NINE, KNOWN AS THE PURE SEED LAW. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section eighteen of the above chapter be amended by adding at the end thereof the following: Provided further, that no farmer residing in North Carolina shall be required to procure a State seed license to sell seeds raised on his own farm. That all of section nineteen of the above chapter be stricken out and the following substituted in lieu thereof: Sec. 19 That the word approximate as used in this Act shall be interpreted as follows: For purity guarantees the tolerance allowed shall be twotenths of one per cent, plus twenty per cent of the lesser part of the sample. That is to say, a sample is considered as being made up of two parts, the Pure Seed (meaning the seed or seeds named on the label), and the balance of the sample (other agricultural seeds. weed seeds and inert matter). For example. if a purity of ninety-eight per cent -98.00% is claimed, the sample may test as low as ninety-seven and forty one-hundredth per cent -97.40% and not be deemed mis-labeled; if a purity of eightytwo and twenty one-hundredth per cent -82.20% is claimed, the sample may test as low as seventy-eight and forty-four onehundredth per cent -78.44% and not be deemed mis-labeled. For germination guarantees the following tolerance scale shall be allowed: Guarantee (%) Allowable Variation (%) OOM OT AD OV Caen aac stersecc eocees aS Soe a eee seater 6 S80 or above, but less than 90..................-. 7 70 or above, but less than 80.................-- 8 60 or above, but less than 70..............-----. 9 OSS Chan GO ssccc. sissies ce set gals hace boca ndens fetetecs 10 |
Subsets and Splits