audioduration (s)
[music] the following message is brought to you by covenant christian center [music]
[music] it’s going to get better it’s going to get better
[music] aaa [music] praise the Lord give the Lord a big hand come on now [music] he is God hallelujah
[music] Come on come on come on clap for Jesus [clapping] come on clap for Jesus [clapping] come on clap for the Lord [music] blessed be the name of the Lord [music]
[music] Hallelujah [clapping] hallelujah [music] hallelujah [music] hallelujah [clapping] wave your hand to the Lord and give him g
Glory and give him honor say something sweet to the lord worship him eg exalt him magnify him
Glorify him he’s the awesome God He’s the glorious king of the universe
[music] He’s the I am that I am He’s the eternal rock of ages
He’s the author and finisher of our faith bless him worship Him ad
Ore him magnify him give him honor and praises let the heaven hear your v
Oice this afternoon bless the lord oh my soul and all that is within me
Bless his holy name bless the lord oh my soul worship his majesty
lord we worship you lord we honor you lord we adore you lord we exalt
you lord we give you glory honor and praise thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord
thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah in Jesus mighty name we
worship lift your right to God say father father this afternoon this afternoon I receive grace I receive grace
to be blessed to be blessed let your word come to me let your glory come upon my life [unknown] and I know
I shall never remain the same again [unknown] thank you father [unknown] I pray [unknown] in Jesus name somebody say amen [unknown]
[music] Father let your word come line upon line precept upon precept Lord let a revelation knowledge
flow without any hindrance amen meet your people at their point of need Amen let your name be honored amen thank you father [unknown]
in Jesus mighty name we pray amen you may be seated praise the lord praise the lord good afternoon
ladies and gentlemen men and brethren how are you today somebody say I'm blessed I'm blessed say it louder I'm blessed say it louder I'm blessed
say it louder I'm blessed say it louder I'm blessed you now ministry is an overflow
you freely receive and you freely give it is God
pouring his blessing upon your life and out of the abundance that God has poured upon you
you overflow to other people in ministry you are authentic
when you declare what you have seen what you have heard what your hands have handled what you have
experienced in ministry you are a witness a witness that declares what he
has seen or she has seen or she has experienced and I want to thank God for everybody here but everybody
here who is passionate about ministry work who has a vision and who want to run with a vision the future of our nation
is secure somebody say amen amen afterall in acts of the apostles there were only one hundred and twenty of them that came under the anointing
the power of the holy spirit and they turned the world upside down if they did it then we can do it again can we do it yes sir talk to me can
we do it yes sir talk to me can we do it yes sir somebody say we can do it again we can do it again say it again we can do it again say it louder we can
do it again say it louder we can do it again say it louder we can do it again amen amen may the mighty hand of the lord rest upon you amen
you will fulfill your ministry amen in the mighty name of jesus amen I want to share with you this afternoon
the profile of the life of a minister and I'll be using the life of
Moses as an example please turn your bibles with me to the book of Exodus let's begin from there
exodus chapter 3 and we're going to start from verse 7
exodus 3 verse 7 praise the lord hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah alright
let me crave your indulgence let's start to read from verse 1 now moses kept the flock of Jethro
his father inlaw the priest of midian and he led the flock to the back
side of the desert and came to the mountain of God even to Horeb and the angel of
the lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush and he looked and behold the
bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed and moses said I will now turn aside
and see this great sight why the bush is not burnt and when the lord saw that he turned aside to see
God called unto him out of the midst of the bush and said moses moses and he said here am I
and he said draw not nigh hither put off thy shoes from off thy feet for the place whereon thou
derness is holy ground can somebody say amen amen moreover he said I am the God of thy father the God of Abraham
and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob and Moses hid his face for he was afraid to look upon God
verse 7 and the Lord said I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt
and I've heard their cry by reason of their task masters for I know their sorrow and I'm come down to deliver them
out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of the land unto a good land and a large and unto a large
flowing with milk and honey unto the place of the canaanites and the hittites and the amorites and the perizites and the hivites
and the jebusites now therefore behold the crying of the children of Israel is come unto me and I've also seen the oppression where with
the egyptians oppress them come now therefore and I will send you unto Pharaoh that thou mayest bring forth my people
the children of Israel out of Egypt the Lord bless the reading and the hearing of his word in Jesus name amen let me hear your amen amen
amen now there is ministry in the general sense of the word somebody say general general let me hear
you general in the general sense because every believer is a minister you heard me speak
this morning Sunday morning there is only one pulpit but after sunday morning there are several pulpits
your desk becomes the pulpit as a teacher your classroom becomes the congregation
and what God has taught you on Sunday you now go to put it to work in the places of your assignment
to impact your world to impact your generation and in Jesus name you will make a difference amen
now if you want me to give you scriptures for that it is very simple John chapter 15 verse 16 Jesus Christ said you have not cho
sen me but I have chosen you and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit that whatsoever you shall ask and that your fruit re
main and whatsoever you shall ask the father he will do it unto you so you see that scripture is for every believer he has chosen you somebody say I'm chosen
I'm chosen let me hear you I'm chosen say it louder I'm chosen I know it is afnoon afternoon time but you see the word of your mouth is very important say I'm chosen [unknown]
I'm chosen and he has ordained you somebody say I'm ordained I'm ordained let me hear you I'm ordained you may be wondering that oh oh
Is it a Bishop talking about that like that Bishop have you not been ordained a pastor yes a reverend yes a bi consecrated bishop yes if you read the scr
cripture there with that verse of the scripture Jesus Chirst has chosen and ordained you somebody say I'm chosen I'm chosen and ordained and ordained
turn to your neighbor tell them say you are chosen you are chosen by God by God and ordained and ordained by God by God so you choosing so as a beli
believe that you are anointed go bless your generation can I hear your amen amen you are blessed to be a blessing somebody declare say I am blessed
I am blessed to be a blessing to be a blessing who is blessed here I am [unknown] if you are blessed shout hallelujah hallelujah why are you blessed [unknown]
why are you blessed to be a blessing why are you blessed to be a blessing come on talk to me why are you blessed to be a blessing let me give you another scripture concerning the generality
of the ministry of every believer first Peter chapter 2 verse 9 for ye are a chosen generation
a royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people that you
may show forth the praises of him who has called you called you somebody say call call re
member you are blessed somebody say amen amen you are chosen somebody say amen amen you are ordained amen some
body say amen amen and now you are called amen its in the scripture somebody say I'm called I'm called let me hear you I'm called the one who has called out of d
arkness into his marvelous light he has called you out of sin he has called you out of shame he has called you out of darkness he has called you into h
his marvelous light so you can show forth his light to the world so as a believer in Christ based on these scriptures
and many others that I'm not going bother you with this afternoon because I'm going somewhere I just want to clear the ground on this general call
based on this scripture and several others as a believer you are blessed don't let anybody deceive you that you are cursed if you have a challenge in
your life that doesn't mean you are cursed do you understand what I am saying yes sir they say oh because you are there is a delay in marriage you are not married yet so you are a c
you are cursed so there is a generational curse let me cast the demons out of you paa demon gerrout let me deliver you fine if you are s
in that realm you need deliverance indeed you need deliverance from ignorance [unknown] ignorance I
I went to preach in a pentecostal church some years back now I'm not going to mention names to avoid embarrassment are you hearing me at the back yes sir if you are hearing me say yeah
yeah good I went to preach there and I sat there one American preacher came oh my God I was I was thorough
roly frustrated I heard he was coming and I said ok let me just sit down and hear him out before
I go to preach now don't be deceived it's not everything that is coming from America that is good there are a lot of thrash coming from the pulpit
in America there are lot of rubbish coming from the pulpit in America we are not to judge our Christianity by the standard from America
No to the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them we judge everything
By the word of God if it doesn’t line up with the word of God we throw it to the trash can somebody say amen amen we are guided by the revelation of the word of God
What guides us the revelation of the word of God Come on talk to me what guides us the revelation of the word of God the fact that somebody from America says it doesn’t make it authentic
The the fact that somebody that is called an archbishop or a square bishop or a round bishop says it does it make it authentic [unknown] it it must
Line up with the word of God let me hear a resounding Amen Amen can I tell you something if you are standing
Standing on the word of God you are standing on the rock of ages your success is the success of the word
You will only fail if the word of God fails and forever o Lord thy word is settled in heaven if you are standing
Standing on the word of God because the word of God cannot fail you cannot fail in Jesus name you will not fail Amen so I went there to hear this gentleman now and
And boy he was a mess big time mess everything was demon oh my God
Demon demon water demon eh the the chair on the altar demon
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