class label
6 classes
i don t have to stiffen don t have to fight for myself or feel bad about behaving the way i naturally behave
[ 6.8515625, -0.9453125, -1.6005859375, -0.51904296875, -1.146484375, -2.04296875 ]
i justified in feeling slighted or am i just being ungrateful
[ 6.96484375, -1.3359375, -1.435546875, -0.399169921875, -1.3544921875, -1.9345703125 ]
i feel like but im not very fond of that word
[ -1.4638671875, -0.75244140625, 6.03125, -1.279296875, -1.421875, -0.338134765625 ]
i am feeling very touch deprived with all that has been happening
[ 6.55859375, -1.8876953125, -2.15234375, -1.0869140625, 0.7529296875, -1.5205078125 ]
i still feel too chub to wear the cute summer clothes i had dreamed of
[ -1.578125, 6.6328125, -1.376953125, -2.185546875, -1.1083984375, -1.4140625 ]
i don t like the feeling i get when someone is even a little bit offended by some offhand remark i ve made
[ -1.333984375, -1.59765625, -1.275390625, 6.40625, -1.0576171875, -1.1220703125 ]
i been that i feel like i can traipse in and out of all your lives tromping on your heel loving hearts with my stilettos
[ -1.783203125, 1.12109375, 5.91796875, -1.576171875, -1.919921875, -1.3115234375 ]
i would look up at the sky scrapers and feel amazed that this little girl from montana was there
[ -2.130859375, -0.9931640625, -1.2275390625, -1.228515625, -0.2122802734375, 5.3359375 ]
im feeling a little anxious about the whole thing
[ -1.4345703125, -1.740234375, -1.43359375, -0.29443359375, 6.09765625, -0.830078125 ]
i found myself looking at the clock and starting to feel irritated
[ -1.2822265625, -1.7744140625, -1.578125, 6.46875, -0.421142578125, -1.3408203125 ]
i love it but sometimes i feel exhausted
[ 6.53125, -1.87109375, -1.93359375, 0.07598876953125, -0.546875, -1.51171875 ]
i found myself being amazed at how mid s f would feel a tad cool as if perhaps a sweatshirt wouldve been a good idea
[ -2.04296875, 6.359375, -2.0546875, -2.154296875, -0.88330078125, -0.400390625 ]
i admit that i am jet lagged so during the daylight i feel groggy almost hung over while at night when everyone is tucked in and snoozing a light pops in my brain and i transform into the ever ready bunny
[ 6.953125, -1.478515625, -1.1455078125, -1.0634765625, -1.0390625, -1.6494140625 ]
i to feel unwelcome at her apartment certainly not
[ 6.5546875, -1.1298828125, -1.4326171875, -1.28515625, 0.163818359375, -2.05859375 ]
i hope everyone can help with charity work without feeling stressed about such things
[ 3.546875, -2.3046875, -2.291015625, 3.75390625, -0.441162109375, -1.4208984375 ]
i was feeling clever so i changed the last line to cookies for you
[ -1.685546875, 6.53515625, -1.4931640625, -1.779296875, -0.99072265625, -1.546875 ]
i have to be honest and say that the first two chapters sort of overwhelmed me and i wasnt sure that i was going to be able to follow everything and was feeling kind of dumb
[ 6.62109375, -1.669921875, -1.5302734375, -1.822265625, 0.2490234375, -1.3310546875 ]
i have ever seen in my life was laceys constant disapprovements of rikkis extreme happiness when she just wasnt feeling quite as carefree as he was
[ -1.4326171875, 6.68359375, -1.310546875, -1.853515625, -0.94921875, -1.9169921875 ]
i like in this world and making a list of them always makes me feel joyful
[ -1.67578125, 6.7265625, -1.189453125, -1.93359375, -1.2734375, -1.4814453125 ]
i look at their situation and feel so so jealous that i almost cant bear it
[ -1.4091796875, -1.7255859375, -1.294921875, 6.46484375, -0.66455078125, -1.330078125 ]
i just can t feel accepted
[ -1.802734375, 3.599609375, 4.12109375, -2.048828125, -1.978515625, -2.015625 ]
i am feeling content and happy with myself
[ -1.458984375, 6.7265625, -1.125, -2.017578125, -1.2041015625, -1.6865234375 ]
im feeling ecstatic about right now the classy ever after redesign project begins this week
[ -1.6767578125, 6.671875, -1.546875, -1.951171875, -1.08984375, -1.259765625 ]
ive left the orange scented mixture white but feel free to color it if you wish
[ -1.345703125, 6.5546875, -0.63818359375, -1.6552734375, -1.1474609375, -2.3515625 ]
i also feel i have accepted my dark side and am finally realizing what of my dark side is healthy
[ -1.181640625, 3.6484375, 4.14453125, -1.982421875, -2.16015625, -2.5234375 ]
ive a feeling briar beagle would give me one of her disgusted looks if i even tried exercising her in these souless surroundings
[ -0.9423828125, -1.97265625, -1.4892578125, 6.3828125, -0.876953125, -1.0322265625 ]
im with a group of people i still feel isolated and on the outside looking in
[ 6.515625, -1.794921875, -2.13671875, -0.7080078125, 0.81005859375, -2.0390625 ]
i have come to understand that feelings are neither positive nor negative
[ -1.314453125, 6.63671875, -1.2177734375, -1.7412109375, -1.1591796875, -1.8125 ]
i feel like my sweet company is finally coming together
[ -1.953125, 3.7734375, 3.888671875, -2.05078125, -2.23046875, -1.880859375 ]
i sat up to embrace them and realised that two hours spent shaking my thang in an eighties bar celebrating the fact i am one year closer to death had left my ageing body feeling punished and my normally pink feet blackened
[ 6.9296875, -1.236328125, -1.3251953125, -0.49853515625, -0.984375, -2.126953125 ]
i buy something i go out and look at what else i didnt buy and then after a bit of comparison here and there i suddenly feel dissatisfied with my purchase
[ -1.3388671875, -1.7568359375, -1.69140625, 6.28515625, -0.2139892578125, -1.203125 ]
i feel like i have to shy away from triggering some stereotype of a person who will scream and break things because they didnt get to eat their favorite kind of sandwich
[ -1.1484375, -1.240234375, -1.0146484375, -0.9130859375, 5.875, -1.1865234375 ]
i hostage negotiator on her case has her feeling hopeful about her future
[ -1.9580078125, 6.31640625, -1.5654296875, -1.740234375, -0.1409912109375, -1.6650390625 ]
im feeling generous today heres one more you may have already seen but is good for a chuckle
[ -2.478515625, 3.884765625, 3.345703125, -1.736328125, -2.259765625, -1.3427734375 ]
i don t have to go around questioning broads or feeling suspicious
[ -1.5732421875, -1.97265625, -1.3564453125, -0.365966796875, 6.0546875, -0.391357421875 ]
i feel impatient i just post a blog entry and i feel ive gotten some words written and out into the world
[ -1.6953125, -1.7783203125, -1.775390625, 6.16015625, 0.46142578125, -1.32421875 ]
i considered jogging since it is not too cold today but decided against it as my right ankle is already feeling tender for some reason
[ -1.3623046875, -0.77978515625, 5.99609375, -1.416015625, -1.287109375, -0.33837890625 ]
i just feel like someone out there has to listen and be sympathetic and then
[ -1.3515625, -0.87255859375, 5.7578125, -1.33203125, -1.1904296875, -0.1151123046875 ]
i told my fiance how i am feeling so angry and upset
[ -1.2412109375, -1.8173828125, -1.611328125, 6.50390625, -0.45654296875, -1.2890625 ]
i feel like this beats out just about any popular high end foundation on the market at either ulta or sephora
[ -1.759765625, 6.75, -0.67041015625, -2.083984375, -1.365234375, -1.759765625 ]
im very hurt and i feel unimportant
[ 7.0234375, -1.650390625, -1.4892578125, -0.912109375, -0.765625, -1.7197265625 ]
im in such a happy mood today i feel almost delighted and i havent done anything different today then i normally have it is wonderful
[ -1.8837890625, 6.7109375, -1.2060546875, -1.884765625, -1.3896484375, -1.2529296875 ]
i feel respected and secure where i can journey toward loving and be loved in return
[ -2.068359375, 6.71875, -0.71435546875, -1.6298828125, -1.38671875, -1.697265625 ]
i am a quiet person but what i have to say i feel is important
[ -1.7646484375, 6.57421875, -1.6435546875, -2.091796875, -0.755859375, -1.255859375 ]
i feel stupid whenever this happens
[ 6.7890625, -1.6611328125, -1.7666015625, -1.2568359375, 0.00041222572326660156, -1.5654296875 ]
i am feeling so emotional about your brothers arrival
[ 6.75, -2.099609375, -1.2216796875, -0.88330078125, -0.326904296875, -1.595703125 ]
ive been feeling very listless lately
[ 6.90625, -1.6767578125, -1.92578125, -0.5673828125, -0.3486328125, -1.7734375 ]
i have an ed i will tell you that i know i shouldn t feel shamed of eating a protein bar for breakfast and the fact that i ate one isn t what makes me shameful it s the fact i didn t make it is what made me hang my head and tuck tail
[ 6.96875, -1.5751953125, -1.396484375, -0.7734375, -0.421142578125, -1.9208984375 ]
i feel this strange sort of liberation
[ -1.6162109375, -1.546875, -2.134765625, -1.693359375, 4.62890625, 2.693359375 ]
i feel depressed again
[ 6.87109375, -1.5, -1.8447265625, -0.489013671875, -0.1448974609375, -2.08203125 ]
i feel so greedy of holidays and forgetting my responsibilities
[ -1.837890625, -1.2841796875, -1.3427734375, 6.265625, -0.2406005859375, -1.4775390625 ]
i feel like i m finally losing that stubborn little bit of extra stuff in my lower belly
[ -1.45703125, -1.3212890625, -1.7587890625, 6.23046875, 0.11297607421875, -1.662109375 ]
i was wondering if you will focus on the problems because any way you are not care for themselves when complaining or feeling needy
[ 6.66796875, -1.625, -1.6015625, -1.5322265625, 0.395263671875, -1.7021484375 ]
i feel like i have nailed the marriage and the house parts of my life and i am happy and content as i can possibly be in those aspects
[ -1.388671875, 6.7421875, -1.3310546875, -1.7578125, -1.296875, -1.7119140625 ]
i was feeling cool that night and she got it right
[ -1.8212890625, 6.609375, -1.755859375, -2.0859375, -1.091796875, -0.99267578125 ]
i do that made me feel excited about life
[ -2.017578125, 6.6015625, -1.7099609375, -1.76171875, -1.044921875, -1.0927734375 ]
im happy i feel out of energy and not very inspired to do my crafts
[ -1.9033203125, 6.7109375, -1.0517578125, -2.1015625, -1.359375, -1.15234375 ]
i feel reassured that i am dealing with my diet in the right way and that all is good
[ -1.4912109375, 6.1484375, -1.4609375, -1.76171875, -0.00432586669921875, -2.19140625 ]
i met my ex briefly just to catch up because he was leaving for sarawak lololol it was good seeing him again and now i feel so awkward typing this
[ 6.921875, -1.75390625, -1.28515625, -1.404296875, -0.429443359375, -1.55859375 ]
im sick of feeling unimportant like nobody needs me
[ 6.9296875, -1.8212890625, -1.814453125, -0.8017578125, -0.35791015625, -1.5966796875 ]
i feel numb the end of the world as we know it and i feel numb a href http leslielandberg
[ 6.84375, -1.6572265625, -1.19140625, -1.62109375, -0.466064453125, -1.5556640625 ]
i am trying my hardest so i can get to a place where i can join you and finally feel like i have something worthwhile to say
[ -1.4140625, 6.69140625, -1.2392578125, -2.056640625, -1.1494140625, -1.62109375 ]
i wanna feel that gorgeous body a yers underneath me next time i m fuckin ya alex took a deep breath and her eyes seemed to glow while she imagined the scenario in her mind a scene she had pictured many times before
[ -1.662109375, 6.6171875, -1.3408203125, -2.279296875, -1.236328125, -0.9658203125 ]
i feel more amazed and more thankful for having e in our lives
[ -2.1640625, -0.71044921875, -1.3984375, -1.353515625, -0.262939453125, 5.3125 ]
i was feeling the need for some christmas crafting this week especially after seeing a couple of lovely quilty christmas projects at stitch group
[ -1.6640625, 1.42578125, 5.59375, -1.900390625, -1.87890625, -1.2353515625 ]
i feel like that s acceptable
[ -1.619140625, 6.62890625, -0.0164031982421875, -2.017578125, -1.7568359375, -1.90625 ]
i feel assured that the guns are locked away in the gun safe making it impossible for any of the children to access them
[ -1.5712890625, 6.51171875, -1.439453125, -1.744140625, -0.6162109375, -1.87890625 ]
i feel so contented with my job
[ -1.2705078125, 6.734375, -1.0537109375, -1.994140625, -1.388671875, -1.7802734375 ]
i stopped feeling a little awkward
[ 6.6796875, -1.3662109375, -0.52001953125, -1.8056640625, -0.80126953125, -1.6572265625 ]
i feel sure that i will go beyond that
[ -1.8203125, 6.609375, -1.2783203125, -1.79296875, -0.853515625, -1.68359375 ]
i get of oz is the occassional viewings of home and away and even a bit of neighbours if im feeling really tragic
[ 6.83203125, -1.568359375, -1.11328125, -1.2080078125, -0.8583984375, -1.5361328125 ]
i get the impression that banjo was really feeling it but molly still prefers her beloved katy perry purrrr
[ -1.6044921875, 3.61328125, 3.9921875, -1.99609375, -2.21875, -1.990234375 ]
i feel special a href http facsimilogos
[ -1.7353515625, 6.67578125, -1.1845703125, -2.08203125, -1.0234375, -1.4716796875 ]
i was stressed about my job search and apartment hunting and i was just feeling overwhelmed with everything that was going on
[ -1.787109375, -1.2685546875, -2.26953125, -1.3896484375, 4.1015625, 2.8203125 ]
i feel if the pressure vessel has been seriously damaged then far more radiation would have leaked he said
[ 6.30078125, -1.4951171875, -2.212890625, -0.9189453125, 0.72265625, -1.5595703125 ]
i should pull out if i feel resentful or edgy
[ -1.1005859375, -1.9228515625, -1.4287109375, 6.52734375, -0.63623046875, -1.400390625 ]
i feel so drained at the end of a novel because i try my very hardest to get something from it that will change and impact my life
[ 7.00390625, -1.76171875, -1.5205078125, -1.02734375, -0.53369140625, -1.6025390625 ]
i have found myself overwhelmed with jealousy and self contempt and i have found myself feeling this towards the lives of my sweet friends and acquaintances as portrayed on social media
[ -2.021484375, 3.66015625, 3.962890625, -2.013671875, -2.158203125, -1.7841796875 ]
i feel shocked and sad at the fact that there are so many sick people
[ -2.302734375, -1.509765625, -1.4970703125, -0.81640625, 0.708984375, 5.23046875 ]
i then realized that if i want to shoot weddings of clients who i connect with and feel comfortable with i must allow them to get to know me
[ -1.8623046875, 6.56640625, -1.3134765625, -1.9794921875, -0.634765625, -1.6396484375 ]
i used to be able to hang around talk with the cashier when i was putting away my money now i feel rushed and stressed if i take a second to fumble with the coins and put them in my purse
[ -1.5166015625, -1.6884765625, -2.013671875, 5.65625, 1.1044921875, -1.4521484375 ]
i feel humiliated embarrassed or foolish i will remember that others have felt the same way because of the same kinds of things and i will be kind and helpful and accepting
[ 6.71484375, -1.3505859375, -1.8408203125, -1.259765625, 0.2198486328125, -1.736328125 ]
i feel that poachers and others who kill animals for their pelts ivory or other parts should be punished severely i find hunting and fishing cruel
[ 2.24609375, -0.59375, -0.8603515625, 4.23046875, -1.8740234375, -2.8359375 ]
i feel hated in cempaka
[ 2.541015625, -1.8564453125, -1.3291015625, 5.23828125, -1.80859375, -2.201171875 ]
i just feel you so so dont be afraid and pray again i need you go back in time forgive my sins so so sloth
[ -1.275390625, -1.33203125, -1.302734375, -0.7763671875, 6.0546875, -1.1162109375 ]
i feel like i entertained sd all day
[ -1.828125, 6.62109375, -1.63671875, -1.568359375, -1.068359375, -1.462890625 ]
i feel as uncomfortable now as if i were carrying a volvo but my belly is nice and tidy and looks not unsimilar to the beer gut my dad has nice and hard and round and i waddle just like he does
[ -1.193359375, -1.4638671875, -1.458984375, -0.25439453125, 5.8984375, -1.3564453125 ]
i feel that it only makes you a person that i love who happened to do something that i don t find acceptable
[ -1.3984375, 6.2265625, 0.908203125, -1.8955078125, -2.07421875, -2.310546875 ]
i am starting to feel like maybe i do want a relationship im just to stubborn to admit it
[ -1.248046875, -1.3017578125, -1.6181640625, 6.32421875, -0.3447265625, -1.6669921875 ]
im enjoying my solitary confinement at home i rarely feel lonely
[ 6.88671875, -1.3896484375, -1.3662109375, -0.79541015625, -0.311279296875, -2.283203125 ]
i feel bouncy and twitchy all of a sudden
[ -1.7568359375, 6.6484375, -1.396484375, -1.7890625, -0.81689453125, -1.7451171875 ]
i also miss the old curious child within me i just feel that the curious child inside me is dying slowly upon the shock of knowing that the world is not as beautiful as we thought it was
[ -2.361328125, -0.87060546875, -0.64794921875, -1.57421875, 0.0556640625, 4.96484375 ]
i know it can take weeks for a book to go free on amazon and barnes amp noble and in this age where cents can buy a full length ebook i feel a little funny charging even cents for a work that is almost certain to be under pages possibly under
[ -2.505859375, -0.8017578125, -1.8056640625, -1.4755859375, 0.6357421875, 5.15625 ]
i feel groggy and out of sorts from my episode not counting the fact that i got scared last night
[ 6.921875, -1.5634765625, -1.44921875, -1.197265625, -0.53125, -1.6591796875 ]
i realized my mistake and i m really feeling terrible and thinking that i shouldn t do that
[ 6.9296875, -1.6455078125, -1.357421875, -0.94775390625, -0.84423828125, -1.5888671875 ]
i can reasonably deduce that my grandfather did also love my mother but that doesn t negate the lifetime of damage that the feeling of being unloved and unwanted created in her
[ 6.94140625, -1.544921875, -0.9716796875, -0.54052734375, -1.4267578125, -1.9814453125 ]
i couldnt feel more blessed at this time
[ -1.916015625, 3.455078125, 3.7578125, -2.083984375, -2.03125, -1.57421875 ]
i have felt the need to write out my sometimes anxious feelings impatient thoughts lists of things that still should could be done before this baby arrives
[ -1.849609375, -1.412109375, -1.7236328125, 5.8671875, 0.81005859375, -1.705078125 ]
i havent been feeling homesick knowing they were all getting together to enjoy my mums cooking did make me want a teleporter
[ 6.90625, -1.9599609375, -1.255859375, -1.130859375, -0.3056640625, -1.5771484375 ]
at a party i met a girl who drew me to her
[ -0.9716796875, 3.529296875, -0.89599609375, 1.759765625, -0.57373046875, -2.5703125 ]

Dataset Card for AutoTrain Evaluator

This repository contains model predictions generated by AutoTrain for the following task and dataset:

  • Task: Multi-class Text Classification
  • Model: bhadresh-savani/roberta-base-emotion
  • Dataset: emotion

To run new evaluation jobs, visit Hugging Face's automatic model evaluator.


Thanks to @bhadresh-savani for evaluating this model.

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