1 value
15 values
import platform import glob from .io import DxlIO, Dxl320IO, DxlError from .error import BaseErrorHandler from .controller import BaseDxlController from .motor import DxlMXMotor, DxlAXRXMotor, DxlXL320Motor from ..robot import Robot def _get_available_ports(): """ Tries to find the available usb2serial port on your system. """ if platform.system() == 'Darwin': return glob.glob('/dev/tty.usb*') elif platform.system() == 'Linux': return glob.glob('/dev/ttyACM*') + glob.glob('/dev/ttyUSB*') elif platform.system() == 'Windows': import _winreg import itertools ports = [] path = 'HARDWARE\\DEVICEMAP\\SERIALCOMM' key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path) for i in itertools.count(): try: ports.append(str(_winreg.EnumValue(key, i)[1])) except WindowsError: return ports return [] def get_available_ports(only_free=False): ports = _get_available_ports() if only_free: ports = list(set(ports) - set(DxlIO.get_used_ports())) return ports def find_port(ids, strict=True): """ Find the port with the specified attached motor ids. :param list ids: list of motor ids to find :param bool strict: specify if all ids should be find (when set to False, only half motor must be found) .. warning:: If two (or more) ports are attached to the same list of motor ids the first match will be returned. """ for port in get_available_ports(): for DxlIOCls in (DxlIO, Dxl320IO): try: with DxlIOCls(port) as dxl: founds = len(dxl.scan(ids)) if strict and founds == len(ids): return port if not strict and founds >= len(ids) / 2: return port except DxlError: continue raise IndexError('No suitable port found for ids {}!'.format(ids)) def autodetect_robot(): """ Creates a :class:`~pypot.robot.robot.Robot` by detecting dynamixel motors on all available ports. """ motor_controllers = [] for port in get_available_ports(): for DxlIOCls in (DxlIO, Dxl320IO): dxl_io = DxlIOCls(port) ids = dxl_io.scan() if not ids: dxl_io.close() continue models = dxl_io.get_model(ids) motorcls = { 'MX': DxlMXMotor, 'RX': DxlAXRXMotor, 'AX': DxlAXRXMotor, 'XL': DxlXL320Motor } motors = [motorcls[model[:2]](id, model=model) for id, model in zip(ids, models)] c = BaseDxlController(dxl_io, motors) motor_controllers.append(c) return Robot(motor_controllers)
from numpy import sqrt from pacal.standard_distr import NormalDistr, ChiSquareDistr from pacal.distr import Distr, SumDistr, DivDistr, InvDistr from pacal.distr import sqrt as distr_sqrt class NoncentralTDistr(DivDistr): def __init__(self, df = 2, mu = 0): d1 = NormalDistr(mu, 1) d2 = distr_sqrt(ChiSquareDistr(df) / df) super(NoncentralTDistr, self).__init__(d1, d2) self.df = df = mu def __str__(self): return "NoncentralTDistr(df={0},mu={1})#{2}".format(self.df,, def getName(self): return "NoncT({0},{1})".format(self.df, class NoncentralChiSquareDistr(SumDistr): def __new__(cls, df, lmbda = 0): assert df >= 1 d1 = NormalDistr(sqrt(lmbda))**2 if df == 1: return d1 d2 = ChiSquareDistr(df - 1) ncc2 = super(NoncentralChiSquareDistr, cls).__new__(cls, d1, d2) super(NoncentralChiSquareDistr, ncc2).__init__(d1, d2) ncc2.df = df ncc2.lmbda = lmbda return ncc2 def __init__(self, df, lmbda = 0): pass def __str__(self): return "NoncentralChiSquare(df={0},lambda={1})#{2}".format(self.df, self.lmbda, def getName(self): return "NoncChi2({0},{1})".format(self.df, self.lmbda) class NoncentralBetaDistr(InvDistr): def __init__(self, alpha = 1, beta = 1, lmbda = 0): d = 1 + ChiSquareDistr(2.0 * beta) / NoncentralChiSquareDistr(2 * alpha, lmbda) super(NoncentralBetaDistr, self).__init__(d) self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta self.lmbda = lmbda def __str__(self): return "NoncentralBetaDistr(alpha={0},beta={1},lambda={2})#{3}".format(self.alpha, self.beta, self.lmbda, def getName(self): return "NoncBeta({0},{1},{2})".format(self.alpha, self.beta, self.lmbda) class NoncentralFDistr(DivDistr): def __init__(self, df1 = 1, df2 = 1, lmbda = 0): d1 = NoncentralChiSquareDistr(df1, lmbda) / df1 d2 = ChiSquareDistr(df2) / df2 super(NoncentralFDistr, self).__init__(d1, d2) self.df1 = df1 self.df2 = df2 self.lmbda = lmbda def __str__(self): return "NoncentralFDistr(df1={0},df2={1},lambda={2})#{3}".format(self.df1, self.df2, self.lmbda, def getName(self): return "NoncF({0},{1},{2})".format(self.df1, self.df2, self.lmbda)
from ert.cwrap import CWrapper, BaseCClass from ert.enkf import ENKF_LIB from ert.util import StringList class SummaryKeyMatcher(BaseCClass): def __init__(self): c_ptr = SummaryKeyMatcher.cNamespace().alloc() super(SummaryKeyMatcher, self).__init__(c_ptr) def addSummaryKey(self, key): assert isinstance(key, str) return SummaryKeyMatcher.cNamespace().add_key(self, key) def __len__(self): return SummaryKeyMatcher.cNamespace().size(self) def __contains__(self, key): return SummaryKeyMatcher.cNamespace().match_key(self, key) def isRequired(self, key): """ @rtype: bool """ return SummaryKeyMatcher.cNamespace().is_required(self, key) def keys(self): """ @rtype: StringList """ return SummaryKeyMatcher.cNamespace().keys(self) def free(self): SummaryKeyMatcher.cNamespace().free(self) cwrapper = CWrapper(ENKF_LIB) cwrapper.registerObjectType("summary_key_matcher", SummaryKeyMatcher) SummaryKeyMatcher.cNamespace().alloc = cwrapper.prototype("c_void_p summary_key_matcher_alloc()") SummaryKeyMatcher.cNamespace().free = cwrapper.prototype("void summary_key_matcher_free(summary_key_matcher)") SummaryKeyMatcher.cNamespace().size = cwrapper.prototype("int summary_key_matcher_get_size(summary_key_matcher)") SummaryKeyMatcher.cNamespace().add_key = cwrapper.prototype("void summary_key_matcher_add_summary_key(summary_key_matcher, char*)") SummaryKeyMatcher.cNamespace().match_key = cwrapper.prototype("bool summary_key_matcher_match_summary_key(summary_key_matcher, char*)") SummaryKeyMatcher.cNamespace().keys = cwrapper.prototype("stringlist_obj summary_key_matcher_get_keys(summary_key_matcher)") SummaryKeyMatcher.cNamespace().is_required = cwrapper.prototype("bool summary_key_matcher_summary_key_is_required(summary_key_matcher, char*)")
#!/usr/bin/python # coding: utf8 import os import subprocess from '{% if cookiecutter.namespace %}{{ cookiecutter.namespace }}.{{ cookiecutter.project_slug }}{% else %}{{ cookiecutter.project_slug }}{% endif %}'.commands.base import BaseCommand from '{% if cookiecutter.namespace %}{{ cookiecutter.namespace }}.{{ cookiecutter.project_slug }}{% else %}{{ cookiecutter.project_slug }}{% endif %}' import PROJECT_DIR class Configure(BaseCommand): def execute(self): os.chdir(os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'build'))['cmake', PROJECT_DIR])
#!/usr/bin/env python """The setup and build script for the python-telegram-bot library.""" import codecs import os from setuptools import setup, find_packages def requirements(): """Build the requirements list for this project""" requirements_list = [] with open('requirements.txt') as requirements: for install in requirements: requirements_list.append(install.strip()) return requirements_list packages = find_packages(exclude=['tests*']) with'README.rst', 'r', 'utf-8') as fd: fn = os.path.join('telegram', '') with open(fn) as fh: code = compile(, fn, 'exec') exec(code) setup(name='python-telegram-bot', version=__version__, author='Leandro Toledo', author_email='[email protected]', license='LGPLv3', url='', keywords='python telegram bot api wrapper', description="We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse",, packages=packages, install_requires=requirements(), extras_require={ 'json': 'ujson', 'socks': 'PySocks' }, include_package_data=True, classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3)', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules', 'Topic :: Communications :: Chat', 'Topic :: Internet', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6' ],)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('account', '0003_remove_userprofile_is_check'), ] operations = [ migrations.RemoveField( model_name='userprofile', name='is_create', ), migrations.RemoveField( model_name='userprofile', name='is_delete', ), migrations.RemoveField( model_name='userprofile', name='is_modify', ), ]
import io import openpyxl from django.test import ( Client, TestCase ) from django.urls import reverse from core.models import ( User, Batch, Section, Election, Candidate, CandidateParty, CandidatePosition, Vote, VoterProfile, Setting, UserType ) class ResultsExporter(TestCase): """ Tests the results xlsx exporter view. This subview may only process requests from logged in admin users. Other users will be redirected to '/'. This will also only accept GET requests. GET requests may have an election`parameter whose value must be the id of an election. The lack of an election parameter will result in the results of all elections to be exported, with each election having its own worksheet. Other URL parameters will be ignored. Invalid election parameter values, e.g. non-existent election IDs and non-integer parameters, will return an error message. View URL: '/results/export' """ @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): batch_num = 0 section_num = 0 voter_num = 0 party_num = 0 position_num = 0 candidate_num = 0 num_elections = 2 voters = list() positions = dict() for i in range(num_elections): election = Election.objects.create(name='Election {}'.format(i)) positions[str(] = list() num_batches = 2 for j in range(num_batches): batch = Batch.objects.create(year=batch_num, election=election) batch_num += 1 num_sections = 2 if j == 0 else 1 for k in range(num_sections): section = Section.objects.create( section_name=str(section_num) ) section_num += 1 num_students = 2 for l in range(num_students): voter = User.objects.create( username='user{}'.format(voter_num), first_name=str(voter_num), last_name=str(voter_num), type=UserType.VOTER ) voter.set_password('voter') voter_num += 1 VoterProfile.objects.create( user=voter, batch=batch, section=section ) voters.append(voter) num_positions = 3 for i in range(num_positions): position = CandidatePosition.objects.create( position_name='Position {}'.format(position_num), election=election ) positions[str(].append(position) position_num += 1 num_parties = 3 for j in range(num_parties): party = CandidateParty.objects.create( party_name='Party {}'.format(party_num), election=election ) party_num += 1 if j != 2: # Let every third party have no candidates. num_positions = 3 for k in range(num_positions): position = positions[str(][k] candidate = Candidate.objects.create( user=voters[candidate_num], party=party, position=position, election=election ) Vote.objects.create( user=voters[candidate_num], candidate=candidate, election=election ) candidate_num += 1 # Let's give one candidate an additional vote to really make sure that # we all got the correct number of votes. Vote.objects.create( user=voters[0], # NOTE: The voter in voter[1] is a Position 1 candidate of # Party 1, where the voter in voter[0] is a member. candidate=Candidate.objects.get(user=voters[1]), election=Election.objects.get(name='Election 0') ) _admin = User.objects.create(username='admin', type=UserType.ADMIN) _admin.set_password('root') def setUp(self): self.client.login(username='admin', password='root') def test_anonymous_get_requests_redirected_to_index(self): self.client.logout() response = self.client.get(reverse('results-export'), follow=True) self.assertRedirects(response, '/?next=%2Fadmin%2Fresults') def test_voter_get_requests_redirected_to_index(self): self.client.logout() self.client.login(username='user0', password='voter') response = self.client.get(reverse('results-export'), follow=True) self.assertRedirects(response, reverse('index')) def test_get_all_elections_xlsx(self): response = self.client.get(reverse('results-export')) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual( response['Content-Disposition'], 'attachment; filename="Election Results.xlsx"' ) wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(io.BytesIO(response.content)) self.assertEqual(len(wb.worksheets), 2) # Check first worksheet. ws = wb.worksheets[0] self.assertEqual(wb.sheetnames[0], 'Election 0') row_count = ws.max_row col_count = ws.max_column self.assertEqual(row_count, 25) self.assertEqual(col_count, 5) self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(1, 1).value), 'Election 0 Results') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(2, 1).value), 'Candidates') cellContents = [ 'Position 0', 'Party 0', '0, 0', 'Party 1', '3, 3', 'Party 2', 'None', 'Position 1', 'Party 0', '1, 1', 'Party 1', '4, 4', 'Party 2', 'None', 'Position 2', 'Party 0', '2, 2', 'Party 1', '5, 5', 'Party 2', 'None' ] for cellIndex, content in enumerate(cellContents, 5): self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(cellIndex, 1).value), content) self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(2, 2).value), 'Number of Votes') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(3, 2).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(4, 2).value), '0') # Section self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(7, 2).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(9, 2).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(11, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(14, 2).value), '2') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(16, 2).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(18, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(21, 2).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(23, 2).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(25, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(4, 3).value), '1') # Section self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(7, 3).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(9, 3).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(11, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(14, 3).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(16, 3).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(18, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(21, 3).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(23, 3).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(25, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(3, 4).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(4, 4).value), '2') # Section self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(7, 4).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(9, 4).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(11, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(14, 4).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(16, 4).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(18, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(21, 4).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(23, 4).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(25, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(3, 5).value), 'Total Votes') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(7, 5).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(9, 5).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(11, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(14, 5).value), '2') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(16, 5).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(18, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(21, 5).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(23, 5).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(25, 2).value), 'N/A') # Check second worksheet. ws = wb.worksheets[1] self.assertEqual(wb.sheetnames[1], 'Election 1') row_count = ws.max_row col_count = ws.max_column self.assertEqual(row_count, 25) self.assertEqual(col_count, 5) self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(1, 1).value), 'Election 1 Results') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(2, 1).value), 'Candidates') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(2, 1).value), 'Candidates') cellContents = [ 'Position 3', 'Party 3', '6, 6', 'Party 4', '9, 9', 'Party 5', 'None', 'Position 4', 'Party 3', '7, 7', 'Party 4', '10, 10', 'Party 5', 'None', 'Position 5', 'Party 3', '8, 8', 'Party 4', '11, 11', 'Party 5', 'None' ] for cellIndex, content in enumerate(cellContents, 5): self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(cellIndex, 1).value), content) self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(2, 2).value), 'Number of Votes') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(3, 2).value), '2') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(4, 2).value), '3') # Section self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(7, 2).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(9, 2).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(11, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(14, 2).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(16, 2).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(18, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(21, 2).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(23, 2).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(25, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(4, 3).value), '4') # Section self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(7, 3).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(9, 3).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(11, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(14, 3).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(16, 3).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(18, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(21, 3).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(23, 3).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(25, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(3, 4).value), '3') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(4, 4).value), '5') # Section self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(7, 4).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(9, 4).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(11, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(14, 4).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(16, 4).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(18, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(21, 4).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(23, 4).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(25, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(3, 5).value), 'Total Votes') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(7, 5).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(9, 5).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(11, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(14, 5).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(16, 5).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(18, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(21, 5).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(23, 5).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(25, 2).value), 'N/A') def test_get_election0_xlsx(self): response = self.client.get( reverse('results-export'), { 'election': str(Election.objects.get(name='Election 0').id) } ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual( response['Content-Disposition'], 'attachment; filename="Election 0 Results.xlsx"' ) wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(io.BytesIO(response.content)) self.assertEqual(len(wb.worksheets), 1) # Check first worksheet. ws = wb.worksheets[0] self.assertEqual(wb.sheetnames[0], 'Election 0') row_count = ws.max_row col_count = ws.max_column self.assertEqual(row_count, 25) self.assertEqual(col_count, 5) self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(1, 1).value), 'Election 0 Results') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(2, 1).value), 'Candidates') cellContents = [ 'Position 0', 'Party 0', '0, 0', 'Party 1', '3, 3', 'Party 2', 'None', 'Position 1', 'Party 0', '1, 1', 'Party 1', '4, 4', 'Party 2', 'None', 'Position 2', 'Party 0', '2, 2', 'Party 1', '5, 5', 'Party 2', 'None' ] for cellIndex, content in enumerate(cellContents, 5): self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(cellIndex, 1).value), content) self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(2, 2).value), 'Number of Votes') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(3, 2).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(4, 2).value), '0') # Section self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(7, 2).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(9, 2).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(11, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(14, 2).value), '2') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(16, 2).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(18, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(21, 2).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(23, 2).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(25, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(4, 3).value), '1') # Section self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(7, 3).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(9, 3).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(11, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(14, 3).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(16, 3).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(18, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(21, 3).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(23, 3).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(25, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(3, 4).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(4, 4).value), '2') # Section self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(7, 4).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(9, 4).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(11, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(14, 4).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(16, 4).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(18, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(21, 4).value), '0') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(23, 4).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(25, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(3, 5).value), 'Total Votes') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(7, 5).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(9, 5).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(11, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(14, 5).value), '2') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(16, 5).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(18, 2).value), 'N/A') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(21, 5).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(23, 5).value), '1') self.assertEqual(str(ws.cell(25, 2).value), 'N/A') def test_get_with_invalid_election_id_non_existent_election_id(self): response = self.client.get( reverse('results-export'), { 'election': '69' }, HTTP_REFERER=reverse('results'), follow=True ) messages = list(response.context['messages']) self.assertEqual( messages[0].message, 'You specified an ID for a non-existent election.' ) self.assertRedirects(response, reverse('results')) def test_get_with_invalid_election_id_non_integer_election_id(self): response = self.client.get( reverse('results-export'), { 'election': 'hey' }, HTTP_REFERER=reverse('results'), follow=True ) messages = list(response.context['messages']) self.assertEqual( messages[0].message, 'You specified a non-integer election ID.' ) self.assertRedirects(response, reverse('results')) def test_ref_get_with_invalid_election_id_non_existent_election_id(self): response = self.client.get( reverse('results-export'), { 'election': '69' }, HTTP_REFERER=reverse('results'), follow=True ) messages = list(response.context['messages']) self.assertEqual( messages[0].message, 'You specified an ID for a non-existent election.' ) self.assertRedirects(response, reverse('results')) def test_ref_get_with_invalid_election_id_non_integer_election_id(self): response = self.client.get( reverse('results-export'), { 'election': 'hey' }, HTTP_REFERER=reverse('results'), follow=True ) messages = list(response.context['messages']) self.assertEqual( messages[0].message, 'You specified a non-integer election ID.' ) self.assertRedirects(response, reverse('results'))
from mercurial import cmdutil _hgignore_content = """\ syntax: glob *~ *.pyc *.pyo *.bak cache/* databases/* sessions/* errors/* """ def commit(): app = request.args[0] path = apath(app, r=request) uio = ui.ui() uio.quiet = True if not os.environ.get('HGUSER') and not uio.config("ui", "username"): os.environ['HGUSER'] = 'web2py@localhost' try: r = hg.repository(ui=uio, path=path) except: r = hg.repository(ui=uio, path=path, create=True) hgignore = os.path.join(path, '.hgignore') if not os.path.exists(hgignore): open(hgignore, 'w').write(_hgignore_content) form = FORM('Comment:',INPUT(_name='comment',requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()), INPUT(_type='submit',_value='Commit')) if form.accepts(request.vars,session): oldid = r[r.lookup('.')] cmdutil.addremove(r) r.commit(text=form.vars.comment) if r[r.lookup('.')] == oldid: response.flash = 'no changes' files = r[r.lookup('.')].files() return dict(form=form,files=TABLE(*[TR(file) for file in files]),repo=r)
# coding=utf-8 """InaSAFE Disaster risk tool by Australian Aid - Flood Raster Impact on Population. Contact : [email protected] .. note:: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. """ __author__ = 'Rizky Maulana Nugraha' from safe.common.utilities import OrderedDict from safe.defaults import ( default_minimum_needs, default_gender_postprocessor, age_postprocessor, minimum_needs_selector) from safe.impact_functions.impact_function_metadata import \ ImpactFunctionMetadata from safe.utilities.i18n import tr from safe.definitions import ( layer_mode_continuous, layer_geometry_raster, hazard_flood, hazard_category_single_event, unit_metres, unit_feet, count_exposure_unit, exposure_population ) class FloodEvacuationRasterHazardMetadata(ImpactFunctionMetadata): """Metadata for FloodEvacuationFunction. .. versionadded:: 2.1 We only need to re-implement as_dict(), all other behaviours are inherited from the abstract base class. """ @staticmethod def as_dict(): """Return metadata as a dictionary. This is a static method. You can use it to get the metadata in dictionary format for an impact function. :returns: A dictionary representing all the metadata for the concrete impact function. :rtype: dict """ dict_meta = { 'id': 'FloodEvacuationRasterHazardFunction', 'name': tr('Raster flood on population'), 'impact': tr('Need evacuation'), 'title': tr('Need evacuation'), 'function_type': 'old-style', 'author': 'AIFDR', 'date_implemented': 'N/A', 'overview': tr( 'To assess the impacts of flood inundation in raster ' 'format on population.'), 'detailed_description': tr( 'The population subject to inundation exceeding a ' 'threshold (default 1m) is calculated and returned as a ' 'raster layer. In addition the total number of affected ' 'people and the required needs based on the user ' 'defined minimum needs are reported. The threshold can be ' 'changed and even contain multiple numbers in which case ' 'evacuation and needs are calculated using the largest number ' 'with population breakdowns provided for the smaller numbers. ' 'The population raster is resampled to the resolution of the ' 'hazard raster and is rescaled so that the resampled ' 'population counts reflect estimates of population count ' 'per resampled cell. The resulting impact layer has the ' 'same resolution and reflects population count per cell ' 'which are affected by inundation.'), 'hazard_input': tr( 'A hazard raster layer where each cell represents flood ' 'depth (in meters).'), 'exposure_input': tr( 'An exposure raster layer where each cell represent ' 'population count.'), 'output': tr( 'Raster layer contains people affected and the minimum ' 'needs based on the people affected.'), 'actions': tr( 'Provide details about how many people would likely need ' 'to be evacuated, where they are located and what ' 'resources would be required to support them.'), 'limitations': [ tr('The default threshold of 1 meter was selected based ' 'on consensus, not hard evidence.') ], 'citations': [], 'layer_requirements': { 'hazard': { 'layer_mode': layer_mode_continuous, 'layer_geometries': [layer_geometry_raster], 'hazard_categories': [hazard_category_single_event], 'hazard_types': [hazard_flood], 'continuous_hazard_units': [unit_feet, unit_metres], 'vector_hazard_classifications': [], 'raster_hazard_classifications': [], 'additional_keywords': [] }, 'exposure': { 'layer_mode': layer_mode_continuous, 'layer_geometries': [layer_geometry_raster], 'exposure_types': [exposure_population], 'exposure_units': [count_exposure_unit], 'exposure_class_fields': [], 'additional_keywords': [] } }, 'parameters': OrderedDict([ ('thresholds [m]', [1.0]), ('postprocessors', OrderedDict([ ('Gender', default_gender_postprocessor()), ('Age', age_postprocessor()), ('MinimumNeeds', minimum_needs_selector()), ])), ('minimum needs', default_minimum_needs()) ]) } return dict_meta
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.shortcuts import render from django.http import HttpResponse from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required def centres(request): #Python练习项目管理中心Center return render(request, 'centres/centres.html') def upload(request): #文件上传 return render(request, 'centres/upload.html') def uploadfile(request): import os if request.method == "POST": # 请求方法为POST时,进行处理 myFile =request.FILES.get("myfile", None) # 获取上传的文件,如果没有文件,则默认为None if not myFile: #return HttpResponse("no files for upload!") return render(request, 'centres/upload.html',{'what':'no file for upload!'}) upfile = open(os.path.join("D:\\xHome\\data\\upload",,'wb+') # 打开特定的文件进行二进制的写操作 for chunk in myFile.chunks(): # 分块写入文件 upfile.write(chunk) upfile.close() #return HttpResponse("upload over!") return render(request, 'centres/upload.html', {'what':'upload over!'})
import cv2 import numpy as np np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.nan) import util as util import edge_detect import lineseg import drawedgelist # img = cv2.imread("img/Slide2.jpg", 0) img = cv2.imread("unsorted/Unit Tests/lambda.png", 0) im_size = img.shape returnedCanny = cv2.Canny(img, 50, 150, apertureSize = 3) cv2.imshow("newcanny", returnedCanny) skel_dst = util.morpho(returnedCanny) out = edge_detect.mask_contours(edge_detect.create_img(skel_dst)) res = [] # print(np.squeeze(out[0])) # print(out[0][0]) for i in range(len(out)): # Add the first point to the end so the shape closes current = np.squeeze(out[i]) # print('current', current) # print('first', out[i][0]) if current.shape[0] > 2: # res.append(np.concatenate((current, out[i][0]))) # print(res[-1]) res.append(current) # print(np.concatenate((np.squeeze(out[i]), out[i][0]))) res = np.array(res) util.sqz_contours(res) res = lineseg.lineseg(np.array([res[1]]), tol=5) print(res, "res") """ for x in range(len(res)): for y in range(lan ): """ drawedgelist.drawedgelist(res, img) """ seglist = [] for i in range(res.shape[0]): # print('shape', res[i].shape) if res[i].shape[0] > 2: # print(res[i]) # print(res[i][0]) seglist.append(np.concatenate((res[i], [res[i][0]]))) else: seglist.append(res[i]) seglist = np.array(seglist) """ #print(seglist, "seglist") #print(len(seglist), "seglist len") #print(seglist.shape, "seglistshape") #drawedgelist.drawedgelist(seglist) """ # ******* SECTION 2 ******* # SEGMENT AND LABEL THE CURVATURE LINES (CONVEX/CONCAVE). LineFeature, ListPoint = Lseg_to_Lfeat_v4.create_linefeatures(seglist, res, im_size) Line_new, ListPoint_new, line_merged = merge_lines_v4.merge_lines(LineFeature, ListPoint, 10, im_size) #print(Line_new, "line new") print(len(Line_new), "len line new") util.draw_lf(Line_new, blank_image) line_newC = LabelLineCurveFeature_v4.classify_curves(img, Line_new, ListPoint_new, 11)"""
#!/usr/bin/env python # setup of the grid parameters # default queue used for training training_queue = { 'queue':'q1dm', 'memfree':'16G', 'pe_opt':'pe_mth 2', 'hvmem':'8G', 'io_big':True } # the queue that is used solely for the final ISV training step isv_training_queue = { 'queue':'q1wm', 'memfree':'32G', 'pe_opt':'pe_mth 4', 'hvmem':'8G' } # number of audio files that one job should preprocess number_of_audio_files_per_job = 1000 preprocessing_queue = {} # number of features that one job should extract number_of_features_per_job = 600 extraction_queue = { 'queue':'q1d', 'memfree':'8G' } # number of features that one job should project number_of_projections_per_job = 600 projection_queue = { 'queue':'q1d', 'hvmem':'8G', 'memfree':'8G' } # number of models that one job should enroll number_of_models_per_enrol_job = 20 enrol_queue = { 'queue':'q1d', 'memfree':'4G', 'io_big':True } # number of models that one score job should process number_of_models_per_score_job = 20 score_queue = { 'queue':'q1d', 'memfree':'4G', 'io_big':True } grid_type = 'local' # on Idiap grid
#!/usr/bin/python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # coding=utf-8 import unittest from datetime import datetime from lib.escala import Escala import dirs dirs.DEFAULT_DIR = dirs.TestDir() class FrameTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.escala = Escala('fixtures/escala.xml') self.dir = dirs.TestDir() self.maxDiff = None def tearDown(self): pass def test_attributos_voo_1(self): p_voo = self.escala.escalas[0] self.assertEqual(p_voo.activity_date, datetime(2013, 3, 1, 11, 36)) self.assertEqual(p_voo.present_location, 'VCP') self.assertEqual(p_voo.flight_no, '4148') self.assertEqual(p_voo.origin, 'VCP') self.assertEqual(p_voo.destination, 'GYN') self.assertEqual(p_voo.actype, 'E95') self.assertTrue(p_voo.checkin) self.assertEqual(p_voo.checkin_time, datetime(2013, 3, 1, 10, 36)) self.assertEqual(p_voo.std, datetime(2013, 3, 1, 13, 13)) self.assertEqual(p_voo.sta, datetime(2013, 3, 1, 11, 36)) self.assertEqual(p_voo.activity_info, 'AD4148') self.assertFalse(p_voo.duty_design) def test_attributos_voo_17(self): p_voo = self.escala.escalas[17] self.assertEqual(p_voo.activity_date, datetime(2013, 10, 28, 3, 0)) self.assertEqual(p_voo.present_location, 'VCP') self.assertEqual(p_voo.flight_no, None) self.assertEqual(p_voo.origin, 'VCP') self.assertEqual(p_voo.destination, 'VCP') self.assertEqual(p_voo.activity_info, 'P04') self.assertEqual(p_voo.actype, None) self.assertEqual(p_voo.sta, datetime(2013, 10, 28, 3, 0)) self.assertEqual(p_voo.std, datetime(2013, 10, 28, 15, 0)) self.assertFalse(p_voo.checkin) self.assertEqual(p_voo.checkin_time, None) self.assertFalse(p_voo.duty_design) def test_attributos_voo_18(self): p_voo = self.escala.escalas[18] self.assertEqual(p_voo.activity_date, datetime(2013, 10, 29, 4, 58)) self.assertEqual(p_voo.present_location, 'VCP') self.assertEqual(p_voo.flight_no, '4050') self.assertEqual(p_voo.origin, 'VCP') self.assertEqual(p_voo.destination, 'FLN') self.assertEqual(p_voo.activity_info, 'AD4050') self.assertEqual(p_voo.actype, 'E95') self.assertEqual(p_voo.sta, datetime(2013, 10, 29, 4, 58)) self.assertEqual(p_voo.std, datetime(2013, 10, 29, 6, 15)) self.assertTrue(p_voo.checkin) self.assertEqual(p_voo.checkin_time, datetime(2013, 10, 29, 5, 8)) self.assertFalse(p_voo.duty_design) self.assertEqual(p_voo.horas_de_voo, '1:17') def test_attributos_quarto_voo(self): p_voo = self.escala.escalas[25] self.assertFalse(p_voo.checkin) self.assertEqual(p_voo.checkin_time, None) self.assertEqual(p_voo.flight_no, '2872') self.assertEqual(p_voo.activity_info, 'AD2872') def test_calculo_horas_voadas(self): s_horas = { 'h_diurno': '6:40', 'h_noturno': '6:47', 'h_total_voo': '13:27', 'h_faixa2': '0:00', 'h_sobreaviso': '40:00', 'h_reserva': '29:13' } self.assertEqual(self.escala.soma_horas(), s_horas) def test_ics(self): """ Check ICS output """ escala = Escala('fixtures/escala_ics.xml') f_result = open(self.dir.get_data_dir() + 'fixtures/escala.ics') self.assertEqual(escala.ics(), f_result.close() def test_csv(self): """ Check CSV output """ f_result = open(self.dir.get_data_dir() + 'fixtures/escala.csv') self.assertEqual(self.escala.csv(), f_result.close() def main(): unittest.main() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from test_support import * # this test calls a prover which is correctly configured but whose execution # gives an error (here: the prover executable doesn't exist). The intent is to # test the output of gnatprove in this specific case prove_all(prover=["plop"], opt=["--why3-conf=test.conf"])
from itertools import combinations def is_good(n): return 1 + ((int(n) - 1) % 9) == 9 def generate_subsequences(n): subsequences = [] combinations_list = [] index = 4 #Generate all combinations while index > 0: combinations_list.append(list(combinations(str(n), index))) index -= 1 #Formatting combinations for index in combinations_list: for combination in index: subsequences.append(''.join(combination)) return subsequences if __name__ == '__main__': #The modulo modulo = ((10 ** 9) + 7) #Get number of cases cases = int(raw_input()) while cases > 0: value = raw_input() good_subsequences = 0 for sub in generate_subsequences(value): if is_good(sub): good_subsequences += 1 print (good_subsequences % modulo)-1 cases -= 1
HackerEarth/BeCoder 2/
#coding=utf-8 import unittest import HTMLTestRunner import time from config import globalparam from public.common import sendmail def run(): test_dir = './testcase' suite =,pattern='test*.py') now = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S') reportname = globalparam.report_path + '\\' + 'TestResult' + now + '.html' with open(reportname,'wb') as f: runner = HTMLTestRunner.HTMLTestRunner( stream=f, title='测试报告', description='Test the import testcase' ) time.sleep(3) # 发送邮件 mail = sendmail.SendMail() mail.send() if __name__=='__main__': run()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pyload.plugin.internal.DeadCrypter import DeadCrypter class FiredriveCom(DeadCrypter): __name = "FiredriveCom" __type = "crypter" __version = "0.03" __pattern = r'https?://(?:www\.)?(firedrive|putlocker)\.com/share/.+' __config = [] #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10 __description = """ folder decrypter plugin""" __license = "GPLv3" __authors = [("Walter Purcaro", "[email protected]")]
import queue import logging import platform import threading import datetime as dt import serial import serial.threaded import serial_device from .or_event import OrEvent logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Flag to indicate whether queues should be polled. # XXX Note that polling performance may vary by platform. POLL_QUEUES = (platform.system() == 'Windows') class EventProtocol(serial.threaded.Protocol): def __init__(self): self.transport = None self.connected = threading.Event() self.disconnected = threading.Event() self.port = None def connection_made(self, transport): """Called when reader thread is started""" self.port = transport.serial.port logger.debug('connection_made: `%s` `%s`', self.port, transport) self.transport = transport self.connected.set() self.disconnected.clear() def data_received(self, data): """Called with snippets received from the serial port""" raise NotImplementedError def connection_lost(self, exception): """\ Called when the serial port is closed or the reader loop terminated otherwise. """ if isinstance(exception, Exception): logger.debug('Connection to port `%s` lost: %s', self.port, exception) else: logger.debug('Connection to port `%s` closed', self.port) self.connected.clear() self.disconnected.set() class KeepAliveReader(threading.Thread): ''' Keep a serial connection alive (as much as possible). Parameters ---------- state : dict State dictionary to share ``protocol`` object reference. comport : str Name of com port to connect to. default_timeout_s : float, optional Default time to wait for serial operation (e.g., connect). By default, block (i.e., no time out). **kwargs Keyword arguments passed to ``serial_for_url`` function, e.g., ``baudrate``, etc. ''' def __init__(self, protocol_class, comport, **kwargs): super(KeepAliveReader, self).__init__() self.daemon = True self.protocol_class = protocol_class self.comport = comport self.kwargs = kwargs self.protocol = None self.default_timeout_s = kwargs.pop('default_timeout_s', None) # Event to indicate serial connection has been established. self.connected = threading.Event() # Event to request a break from the run loop. self.close_request = threading.Event() # Event to indicate thread has been closed. self.closed = threading.Event() # Event to indicate an exception has occurred. self.error = threading.Event() # Event to indicate that the thread has connected to the specified port # **at least once**. self.has_connected = threading.Event() @property def alive(self): return not self.closed.is_set() def run(self): # Verify requested serial port is available. try: if self.comport not in (serial_device .comports(only_available=True).index): raise NameError('Port `%s` not available. Available ports: ' '`%s`' % (self.comport, ', '.join(serial_device.comports() .index))) except NameError as exception: self.error.exception = exception self.error.set() self.closed.set() return while True: # Wait for requested serial port to become available. while self.comport not in (serial_device .comports(only_available=True).index): # Assume serial port was disconnected temporarily. Wait and # periodically check again. self.close_request.wait(2) if self.close_request.is_set(): # No connection is open, so nothing to close. Just quit. self.closed.set() return try: # Try to open serial device and monitor connection status. logger.debug('Open `%s` and monitor connection status', self.comport) device = serial.serial_for_url(self.comport, **self.kwargs) except serial.SerialException as exception: self.error.exception = exception self.error.set() self.closed.set() return except Exception as exception: self.error.exception = exception self.error.set() self.closed.set() return else: with serial.threaded.ReaderThread(device, self .protocol_class) as protocol: self.protocol = protocol connected_event = OrEvent(protocol.connected, self.close_request) disconnected_event = OrEvent(protocol.disconnected, self.close_request) # Wait for connection. connected_event.wait(None if self.has_connected.is_set() else self.default_timeout_s) if self.close_request.is_set(): # Quit run loop. Serial connection will be closed by # `ReaderThread` context manager. self.closed.set() return self.connected.set() self.has_connected.set() # Wait for disconnection. disconnected_event.wait() if self.close_request.is_set(): # Quit run loop. self.closed.set() return self.connected.clear() # Loop to try to reconnect to serial device. def write(self, data, timeout_s=None): ''' Write to serial port. Waits for serial connection to be established before writing. Parameters ---------- data : str or bytes Data to write to serial port. timeout_s : float, optional Maximum number of seconds to wait for serial connection to be established. By default, block until serial connection is ready. ''' self.connected.wait(timeout_s) self.protocol.transport.write(data) def request(self, response_queue, payload, timeout_s=None, poll=POLL_QUEUES): ''' Send Parameters ---------- device : serial.Serial Serial instance. response_queue : Queue.Queue Queue to wait for response on. payload : str or bytes Payload to send. timeout_s : float, optional Maximum time to wait (in seconds) for response. By default, block until response is ready. poll : bool, optional If ``True``, poll response queue in a busy loop until response is ready (or timeout occurs). Polling is much more processor intensive, but (at least on Windows) results in faster response processing. On Windows, polling is enabled by default. ''' self.connected.wait(timeout_s) return request(self, response_queue, payload, timeout_s=timeout_s, poll=poll) def close(self): self.close_request.set() # - - context manager, returns protocol def __enter__(self): """\ Enter context handler. May raise RuntimeError in case the connection could not be created. """ self.start() # Wait for protocol to connect. event = OrEvent(self.connected, self.closed) event.wait(self.default_timeout_s) return self def __exit__(self, *args): """Leave context: close port""" self.close() self.closed.wait() def request(device, response_queue, payload, timeout_s=None, poll=POLL_QUEUES): ''' Send payload to serial device and wait for response. Parameters ---------- device : serial.Serial Serial instance. response_queue : Queue.Queue Queue to wait for response on. payload : str or bytes Payload to send. timeout_s : float, optional Maximum time to wait (in seconds) for response. By default, block until response is ready. poll : bool, optional If ``True``, poll response queue in a busy loop until response is ready (or timeout occurs). Polling is much more processor intensive, but (at least on Windows) results in faster response processing. On Windows, polling is enabled by default. ''' device.write(payload) if poll: # Polling enabled. Wait for response in busy loop. start = while not response_queue.qsize(): if ( - start).total_seconds() > timeout_s: raise queue.Empty('No response received.') return response_queue.get() else: # Polling disabled. Use blocking `Queue.get()` method to wait for # response. return response_queue.get(timeout=timeout_s)
__author__ = "Harish Narayanan" __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2009 Simula Research Laboratory and %s" % __author__ __license__ = "GNU GPL Version 3 or any later version" from cbc.twist import * from sys import argv """ DEMO - Twisting of a hyperelastic cube """ class Twist(StaticHyperelasticity): """ Definition of the hyperelastic problem """ def mesh(self): n = 8 return UnitCubeMesh(n, n, n) # Setting up dirichlet conditions and boundaries def dirichlet_values(self): clamp = Expression(("0.0", "0.0", "0.0")) twist = Expression(("0.0", "y0 + (x[1] - y0) * cos(theta) - (x[2] - z0) * sin(theta) - x[1]", "z0 + (x[1] - y0) * sin(theta) + (x[2] - z0) * cos(theta) - x[2]"), y0=0.5, z0=0.5, theta=pi/6) return [clamp, twist] def dirichlet_boundaries(self): left = "x[0] == 0.0" right = "x[0] == 1.0" return [left, right] # List of material models def material_model(self): # Material parameters can either be numbers or spatially # varying fields. For example, mu = 3.8461 lmbda = Expression("x[0]*5.8 + (1 - x[0])*5.7") C10 = 0.171; C01 = 4.89e-3; C20 = -2.4e-4; C30 = 5.e-4 delka = 1.0/sqrt(2.0) M = Constant((0.0,1.0,0.0)) k1 = 1e2; k2 = 1e1 materials = [] materials.append(MooneyRivlin({'C1':mu/2, 'C2':mu/2, 'bulk':lmbda})) materials.append(StVenantKirchhoff({'mu':mu, 'bulk':lmbda})) materials.append(neoHookean({'half_nkT':mu, 'bulk':lmbda})) materials.append(Isihara({'C10':C10,'C01':C01,'C20':C20,'bulk':lmbda})) materials.append(Biderman({'C10':C10,'C01':C01,'C20':C20,'C30':C30,'bulk':lmbda})) materials.append(AnisoTest({'mu1':mu,'mu2':2*mu,'M':M,'bulk':lmbda})) materials.append(GasserHolzapfelOgden({'mu':mu,'k1':k1,'k2':k2,'M':M,'bulk':lmbda})) materials.append(Ogden({'alpha1':1.3,'alpha2':5.0,'alpha3':-2.0,\ 'mu1':6.3e5,'mu2':0.012e5,'mu3':-0.1e5})) try: index = int(argv[1]) except: index = 2 print str(materials[index]) return materials[index] def name_method(self, method): self.method = method def __str__(self): return "A hyperelastic cube twisted by 30 degrees solved by " + self.method # Setup the problem twist = Twist() twist.name_method("DISPLACEMENT BASED FORMULATION") # Solve the problem print twist twist.solve()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # dépendances import requests import xml.dom.minidom import sys import signal import os import getopt from queue import Queue from threading import Thread import time class SetQueue(Queue): def _init(self, maxsize): Queue._init(self, maxsize) self.all_items = set() def _put(self, item): if item not in self.all_items: Queue._put(self, item) self.all_items.add(item) def signal_handler(signal, frame): print('You pressed Ctrl+C!') sys.exit(0) def usage(): """usage de la ligne de commande""" print ("usage : " + sys.argv[0] + "-h --help -s --server -u --user login -p --password password") def getAtomFeed(url, login, pwd): # var MAX_TRY = 10 essai = 0 # get atom document while essai < MAX_TRY: try: r = requests.get('http://' + url, auth=(login,pwd), timeout=10) except: essai += 1 continue break else: raise ('Erreur lors de la requête') # parse atom document try: dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(r.text) except: raise ('Erreur lors du parsing du document Atom') return dom def getManagerInfo(atomFeed): try: entries = atomFeed.getElementsByTagName('entry')[1] except: return None try: managerId = entries.getElementsByTagName('snx:userid')[0] return except: return None def buildUrlSearchList(server, login, pwd, q): # var alphabet = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'] #alphabet = ['a'] for i in alphabet: url = server + '/profiles/atom/' + i + '*&ps=250' dom = getAtomFeed(url, login, pwd) totalResult = dom.getElementsByTagName('opensearch:totalResults')[0] totalResult = int( if totalResult > 250: nbPage = int(float(totalResult) / 250) + 1 for n in range(1,nbPage,1): item = url + "&page=" + str(n) q.put(item) else: nbPage = 1 q.put(url) def getUserIdsWorker(login, pwd, qin, qout): while True: url = qin.get() if url == None: break qin.task_done() try: dom = getAtomFeed(url, login, pwd) except: continue userIds = dom.getElementsByTagName('snx:userid') for index, item, in enumerate(userIds): qout.put( def getRelationsWorker(server, login, pwd, qin, qout, getManager, qmgmt): while True: userid = qin.get() if userid == None: break qin.task_done() url = server + '/profiles/atom/' + userid + '&connectionType=colleague&ps=250' try: dom = getAtomFeed(url, login, pwd) except: continue feed = dom.firstChild entries = feed.getElementsByTagName('entry') for entry in entries: # get date dateRelation = entry.getElementsByTagName('updated')[0] dateRelation = dateRelation = dateRelation[:10] # get author user id author = entry.getElementsByTagName('author')[0] try: authorName = author.getElementsByTagName('name')[0] authorName = except: authorName = "" try: authorEMail = author.getElementsByTagName('email')[0] authorEMail = except: authorEMail = "" authorUserId = author.getElementsByTagName('snx:userid')[0] authorUserId = # get contributor user id contributor = entry.getElementsByTagName('contributor')[0] try: contribName = contributor.getElementsByTagName('name')[0] contribName = except: contribName = "" try: contribEMail = contributor.getElementsByTagName('email')[0] contribEMail = except: contribEMail = "" contribUserId = contributor.getElementsByTagName('snx:userid')[0] contribUserId = # build dict authorInfo = { "userid" : authorUserId, "name" : authorName, "email" : authorEMail } contribInfo = { "userid" : contribUserId, "name" : contribName, "email" : contribEMail } relation = "\"" + authorUserId + "\",\"" + contribUserId + "\",\"<(" + str(dateRelation) + ",Infinity)>\"" qout.put(authorInfo) qout.put(contribInfo) qout.put(relation) # get manager if getManager == True: url = server + "/profiles/atom/" + userid rc = getAtomFeed(url, login, pwd) managerId = getManagerInfo(rc) if managerId is not None: reportingChain = str(userid) + "," + str(managerId) qmgmt.put(reportingChain) def printStatusThread(q0, q1, q2, q3): strtime = time.time() while True: sys.stdout.write('\r\x1b[K') sys.stdout.write("urls:" + str(q0.qsize()) + " | ") sys.stdout.write("userids:" + str(q1.qsize()) + " | ") sys.stdout.write("user infos:" + str(q2.qsize()) + " | ") sys.stdout.write("manager infos:" + str(q3.qsize())) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) def writeFileThread(usersFilename, relationsFilename, qin): # file for user details u = open(usersFilename + ".csv", "w") u.write("Id,Label,eMail\n") # file for relations r = open(relationsFilename + ".csv", "w") r.write("Source,Target,Time Interval\n") doneUsers = [] while True: data = qin.get() if data == None: u.flush() r.flush() u.close() r.close() break # write data if type(data) is dict: string = str(data["userid"]) + ',' + str(data["name"]) + ',' + str(data["email"]) if string not in doneUsers: u.write(string + "\n") doneUsers.append(string) elif type(data) is str: r.write(str(data) + "\n") qin.task_done() def writeManagerFileThread(managerFilename, qin): m = open(managerFilename + ".csv", "w") m.write("Source,Target\n") while True: data = qin.get() if data == None: break m.write(str(data) + "\n") qin.task_done() def main(argv): # global serverUrl = "" login = "" pwd = "" getManager = False urlQueue = SetQueue(maxsize=5000) userIdsQueue = SetQueue(maxsize=5000) userInfosQueue = Queue(maxsize=5000) userManagerQueue = Queue(maxsize=5000) # signal handler signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # retrive arguments try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hs:u:p:m", ["help", "server=", "user=", "password=", "manager"]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif opt in ("-s", "--server"): serverUrl = arg elif opt in ("-u", "--user"): login = arg elif opt in ("-p", "--password"): pwd = arg elif opt in ("-m", "--manager"): getManager = True except: usage() sys.exit() # threading get userinfo worker userIdWorker = [] for i in range(10): w1 = Thread(target=getUserIdsWorker, args=(login, pwd, urlQueue, userIdsQueue,)) w1.setDaemon(True) w1.start() userIdWorker.append(w1) # threading get relations worker userInfoWorker = [] for i in range(20): w2 = Thread(target=getRelationsWorker, args=(serverUrl, login, pwd, userIdsQueue, userInfosQueue, getManager, userManagerQueue,)) w2.setDaemon(True) w2.start() userInfoWorker.append(w2) # thread to print size of queue w3 = Thread(target=printStatusThread, args=(urlQueue, userIdsQueue, userInfosQueue, userManagerQueue,)) w3.setDaemon(True) w3.start() # thread to write files w4 = Thread(target=writeFileThread, args=("users", "relations", userInfosQueue,)) w4.setDaemon(True) w4.start() if getManager == True: w5 = Thread(target=writeManagerFileThread, args=("manager", userManagerQueue,)) w5.setDaemon(True) w5.start() # build Queue url list MAX_TRY = 10 essai = 0 while essai < MAX_TRY: try: buildUrlSearchList(serverUrl, login, pwd, urlQueue) except KeyboardInterrupt: break except: essai += 1 continue break while not (urlQueue.empty() and userIdsQueue.empty() and userInfosQueue.empty()): pass print ("end threads") urlQueue.put(None) userIdsQueue.put(None) userInfosQueue.put(None) # end of workers for i in userIdWorker: i.join() for i in userInfoWorker: i.join() time.sleep(5) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # pkpgcounter : a generic Page Description Language parser # # (c) 2003-2009 Jerome Alet <[email protected]> # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # # $Id$ # # import sys import glob import os import shutil try : from distutils.core import setup except ImportError as msg : sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg) sys.stderr.write("You need the DistUtils Python module.\nunder Debian, you may have to install the python-dev package.\nOf course, YMMV.\n") sys.exit(-1) try : from PIL import Image except ImportError : sys.stderr.write("You need the Python Imaging Library (aka PIL).\nYou can grab it from\n") sys.exit(-1) sys.path.insert(0, "pkpgpdls") from pkpgpdls.version import __version__, __doc__ data_files = [] mofiles = glob.glob(os.sep.join(["po", "*", "*.mo"])) for mofile in mofiles : lang = mofile.split(os.sep)[1] directory = os.sep.join(["share", "locale", lang, "LC_MESSAGES"]) data_files.append((directory, [ mofile ])) docdir = "share/doc/pkpgcounter" docfiles = ["README", "COPYING", "BUGS", "CREDITS", "AUTHORS", "TODO"] data_files.append((docdir, docfiles)) if os.path.exists("ChangeLog") : data_files.append((docdir, ["ChangeLog"])) directory = os.sep.join(["share", "man", "man1"]) manpages = glob.glob(os.sep.join(["man", "*.1"])) data_files.append((directory, manpages)) setup(name = "pkpgcounter", version = __version__, license = "GNU GPL", description = __doc__, author = "Jerome Alet", author_email = "[email protected]", url = "", packages = [ "pkpgpdls" ], scripts = [ "bin/pkpgcounter" ], data_files = data_files)
#!/usr/bin/env python """This utility script was adopted from StackExchange: Adopted for use with arduino_GC connection project """ import sys import glob import serial def serial_ports(): """ Lists serial port names :raises EnvironmentError: On unsupported or unknown platforms :returns: A list of the serial ports available on the system """ if sys.platform.startswith('win'): ports = ['COM%s' % (i + 1) for i in range(256)] elif sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'): # this excludes your current terminal "/dev/tty" ports = glob.glob('/dev/cu[A-Za-z]*') elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): ports = glob.glob('/dev/cu.*') else: raise EnvironmentError('Unsupported platform') result = [] for port in ports: try: s = serial.Serial(port) s.close() result.append(port) except (OSError, serial.SerialException): pass return result if __name__ == '__main__': print(serial_ports())
def _setup_pkgresources(): import pkg_resources import os import plistlib pl = plistlib.readPlist(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.getenv('RESOURCEPATH')), "Info.plist")) appname = pl.get('CFBundleIdentifier') if appname is None: appname = pl['CFBundleDisplayName'] path = os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Caches/%s/python-eggs' % (appname,)) pkg_resources.set_extraction_path(path) _setup_pkgresources()
#!/usr/bin/env python # sample module from jira.client import JIRA def main(): jira = JIRA() JIRA(options={'server': 'http://localhost:8100'}) projects = jira.projects() print projects for project in projects: print project.key # Standard boilerplate to call the main() function. if __name__ == '__main__': main()
""" Class that contains client access to the transformation DB handler. """ __RCSID__ = "$Id$" import types from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR, gLogger from DIRAC.Core.Base.Client import Client from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.List import breakListIntoChunks from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalogueBase import FileCatalogueBase from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations rpc = None url = None class TransformationClient( Client, FileCatalogueBase ): """ Exposes the functionality available in the DIRAC/TransformationHandler This inherits the DIRAC base Client for direct execution of server functionality. The following methods are available (although not visible here). Transformation (table) manipulation deleteTransformation(transName) getTransformationParameters(transName,paramNames) getTransformationWithStatus(status) setTransformationParameter(transName,paramName,paramValue) deleteTransformationParameter(transName,paramName) TransformationFiles table manipulation addFilesToTransformation(transName,lfns) addTaskForTransformation(transName,lfns=[],se='Unknown') getTransformationStats(transName) TransformationTasks table manipulation setTaskStatus(transName, taskID, status) setTaskStatusAndWmsID(transName, taskID, status, taskWmsID) getTransformationTaskStats(transName) deleteTasks(transName, taskMin, taskMax) extendTransformation( transName, nTasks) getTasksToSubmit(transName,numTasks,site='') TransformationLogging table manipulation getTransformationLogging(transName) File/directory manipulation methods (the remainder of the interface can be found below) getFileSummary(lfns) exists(lfns) Web monitoring tools getDistinctAttributeValues(attribute, selectDict) getTransformationStatusCounters() getTransformationSummary() getTransformationSummaryWeb(selectDict, sortList, startItem, maxItems) """ def __init__( self, **kwargs ): Client.__init__( self, **kwargs ) opsH = Operations() self.maxResetCounter = opsH.getValue( 'Productions/ProductionFilesMaxResetCounter', 10 ) self.setServer( 'Transformation/TransformationManager' ) def setServer( self, url ): self.serverURL = url def getCounters( self, table, attrList, condDict, older = None, newer = None, timeStamp = None, rpc = '', url = '' ): rpcClient = self._getRPC( rpc = rpc, url = url ) return rpcClient. getCounters( table, attrList, condDict, older, newer, timeStamp ) def addTransformation( self, transName, description, longDescription, transType, plugin, agentType, fileMask, transformationGroup = 'General', groupSize = 1, inheritedFrom = 0, body = '', maxTasks = 0, eventsPerTask = 0, addFiles = True, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = 1800 ): """ add a new transformation """ rpcClient = self._getRPC( rpc = rpc, url = url, timeout = timeout ) return rpcClient.addTransformation( transName, description, longDescription, transType, plugin, agentType, fileMask, transformationGroup, groupSize, inheritedFrom, body, maxTasks, eventsPerTask, addFiles ) def getTransformations( self, condDict = {}, older = None, newer = None, timeStamp = 'CreationDate', orderAttribute = None, limit = 100, extraParams = False, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = None ): """ gets all the transformations in the system, incrementally. "limit" here is just used to determine the offset. """ rpcClient = self._getRPC( rpc = rpc, url = url, timeout = timeout ) transformations = [] # getting transformations - incrementally offsetToApply = 0 while True: res = rpcClient.getTransformations( condDict, older, newer, timeStamp, orderAttribute, limit, extraParams, offsetToApply ) if not res['OK']: return res else: gLogger.verbose( "Result for limit %d, offset %d: %d" % ( limit, offsetToApply, len( res['Value'] ) ) ) if res['Value']: transformations = transformations + res['Value'] offsetToApply += limit if len( res['Value'] ) < limit: break return S_OK( transformations ) def getTransformation( self, transName, extraParams = False, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = None ): rpcClient = self._getRPC( rpc = rpc, url = url, timeout = timeout ) return rpcClient.getTransformation( transName, extraParams ) def getTransformationFiles( self, condDict = {}, older = None, newer = None, timeStamp = 'LastUpdate', orderAttribute = None, limit = 10000, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = 1800 ): """ gets all the transformation files for a transformation, incrementally. "limit" here is just used to determine the offset. """ rpcClient = self._getRPC( rpc = rpc, url = url, timeout = timeout ) transformationFiles = [] # getting transformationFiles - incrementally offsetToApply = 0 while True: res = rpcClient.getTransformationFiles( condDict, older, newer, timeStamp, orderAttribute, limit, offsetToApply ) if not res['OK']: return res else: gLogger.verbose( "Result for limit %d, offset %d: %d" % ( limit, offsetToApply, len( res['Value'] ) ) ) if res['Value']: transformationFiles = transformationFiles + res['Value'] offsetToApply += limit if len( res['Value'] ) < limit: break return S_OK( transformationFiles ) def getTransformationTasks( self, condDict = {}, older = None, newer = None, timeStamp = 'CreationTime', orderAttribute = None, limit = 10000, inputVector = False, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = None ): """ gets all the transformation tasks for a transformation, incrementally. "limit" here is just used to determine the offset. """ rpcClient = self._getRPC( rpc = rpc, url = url, timeout = timeout ) transformationTasks = [] # getting transformationFiles - incrementally offsetToApply = 0 while True: res = rpcClient.getTransformationTasks( condDict, older, newer, timeStamp, orderAttribute, limit, inputVector, offsetToApply ) if not res['OK']: return res else: gLogger.verbose( "Result for limit %d, offset %d: %d" % ( limit, offsetToApply, len( res['Value'] ) ) ) if res['Value']: transformationTasks = transformationTasks + res['Value'] offsetToApply += limit if len( res['Value'] ) < limit: break return S_OK( transformationTasks ) def cleanTransformation( self, transID, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = None ): """ Clean the transformation, and set the status parameter (doing it here, for easier extensibility) """ # Cleaning rpcClient = self._getRPC( rpc = rpc, url = url, timeout = timeout ) res = rpcClient.cleanTransformation( transID ) if not res['OK']: return res # Setting the status return self.setTransformationParameter( transID, 'Status', 'TransformationCleaned' ) def moveFilesToDerivedTransformation( self, transDict, resetUnused = True ): """ move files input to a transformation, to the derived one """ prod = transDict['TransformationID'] parentProd = int( transDict.get( 'InheritedFrom', 0 ) ) movedFiles = {} if not parentProd: gLogger.warn( "[None] [%d] .moveFilesToDerivedTransformation: Transformation was not derived..." % prod ) return S_OK( ( parentProd, movedFiles ) ) # get the lfns in status Unused/MaxReset of the parent production res = self.getTransformationFiles( condDict = {'TransformationID': parentProd, 'Status': [ 'Unused', 'MaxReset' ]} ) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error( "[None] [%d] .moveFilesToDerivedTransformation: Error getting Unused files from transformation %s:" % ( prod, parentProd ), res['Message'] ) return res parentFiles = res['Value'] lfns = [lfnDict['LFN'] for lfnDict in parentFiles] if not lfns: "[None] [%d] .moveFilesToDerivedTransformation: No files found to be moved from transformation %d" % ( prod, parentProd ) ) return S_OK( ( parentProd, movedFiles ) ) # get the lfns of the derived production that were Unused/MaxReset in the parent one res = self.getTransformationFiles( condDict = { 'TransformationID': prod, 'LFN': lfns} ) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error( "[None] [%d] .moveFilesToDerivedTransformation: Error getting files from derived transformation" % prod, res['Message'] ) return res derivedFiles = res['Value'] suffix = '-%d' % parentProd derivedStatusDict = dict( [( derivedDict['LFN'], derivedDict['Status'] ) for derivedDict in derivedFiles] ) newStatusFiles = {} parentStatusFiles = {} force = False for parentDict in parentFiles: lfn = parentDict['LFN'] derivedStatus = derivedStatusDict.get( lfn ) if derivedStatus: parentStatus = parentDict['Status'] if resetUnused and parentStatus == 'MaxReset': status = 'Unused' moveStatus = 'Unused from MaxReset' force = True else: status = parentStatus moveStatus = parentStatus if derivedStatus.endswith( suffix ): # This file is Unused or MaxReset while it was most likely Assigned at the time of derivation parentStatusFiles.setdefault( 'Moved-%s' % str( prod ), [] ).append( lfn ) newStatusFiles.setdefault( ( status, parentStatus ), [] ).append( lfn ) movedFiles[moveStatus] = movedFiles.setdefault( moveStatus, 0 ) + 1 elif parentDict['Status'] == 'Unused': # If the file was Unused already at derivation time, set it NotProcessed parentStatusFiles.setdefault( 'NotProcessed', [] ).append( lfn ) # Set the status in the parent transformation first for status, lfnList in parentStatusFiles.items(): for lfnChunk in breakListIntoChunks( lfnList, 5000 ): res = self.setFileStatusForTransformation( parentProd, status, lfnChunk ) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error( "[None] [%d] .moveFilesToDerivedTransformation: Error setting status %s for %d files in transformation %d " % ( prod, status, len( lfnList ), parentProd ), res['Message'] ) # Set the status in the new transformation for ( status, oldStatus ), lfnList in newStatusFiles.items(): for lfnChunk in breakListIntoChunks( lfnList, 5000 ): res = self.setFileStatusForTransformation( prod, status, lfnChunk, force = force ) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error( "[None] [%d] .moveFilesToDerivedTransformation: Error setting status %s for %d files; resetting them %s in transformation %d" % ( prod, status, len( lfnChunk ), oldStatus, parentProd ), res['Message'] ) res = self.setFileStatusForTransformation( parentProd, oldStatus, lfnChunk ) if not res['OK']: gLogger.error( "[None] [%d] .moveFilesToDerivedTransformation: Error setting status %s for %d files in transformation %d" % ( prod, oldStatus, len( lfnChunk ), parentProd ), res['Message'] ) return S_OK( ( parentProd, movedFiles ) ) def setFileStatusForTransformation( self, transName, newLFNsStatus = {}, lfns = [], force = False, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = 120 ): """ sets the file status for LFNs of a transformation For backward compatibility purposes, the status and LFNs can be passed in 2 ways: - newLFNsStatus is a dictionary with the form: {'/this/is/an/lfn1.txt': 'StatusA', '/this/is/an/lfn2.txt': 'StatusB', ... } and at this point lfns is not considered - newLFNStatus is a string, that applies to all the LFNs in lfns """ rpcClient = self._getRPC( rpc = rpc, url = url, timeout = timeout ) # create dictionary in case newLFNsStatus is a string if type( newLFNsStatus ) == type( '' ): newLFNsStatus = dict( [( lfn, newLFNsStatus ) for lfn in lfns ] ) # gets status as of today tsFiles = self.getTransformationFiles( {'TransformationID':transName, 'LFN': newLFNsStatus.keys()} ) if not tsFiles['OK']: return tsFiles tsFiles = tsFiles['Value'] if tsFiles: # for convenience, makes a small dictionary out of the tsFiles, with the lfn as key tsFilesAsDict = {} for tsFile in tsFiles: tsFilesAsDict[tsFile['LFN']] = [tsFile['Status'], tsFile['ErrorCount'], tsFile['FileID']] # applying the state machine to the proposed status newStatuses = self._applyTransformationFilesStateMachine( tsFilesAsDict, newLFNsStatus, force ) if newStatuses: # if there's something to update # must do it for the file IDs... newStatusForFileIDs = dict( [( tsFilesAsDict[lfn][2], newStatuses[lfn] ) for lfn in newStatuses.keys()] ) res = rpcClient.setFileStatusForTransformation( transName, newStatusForFileIDs ) if not res['OK']: return res return S_OK( newStatuses ) def _applyTransformationFilesStateMachine( self, tsFilesAsDict, dictOfProposedLFNsStatus, force ): """ For easier extension, here we apply the state machine of the production files. VOs might want to replace the standard here with something they prefer. tsFiles is a dictionary with the lfn as key and as value a list of [Status, ErrorCount, FileID] dictOfNewLFNsStatus is a dictionary with the proposed status force is a boolean It returns a dictionary with the status updates """ newStatuses = {} for lfn in dictOfProposedLFNsStatus.keys(): if lfn not in tsFilesAsDict.keys(): continue else: newStatus = dictOfProposedLFNsStatus[lfn] # Apply optional corrections if tsFilesAsDict[lfn][0].lower() == 'processed' and dictOfProposedLFNsStatus[lfn].lower() != 'processed': if not force: newStatus = 'Processed' elif tsFilesAsDict[lfn][0].lower() == 'maxreset': if not force: newStatus = 'MaxReset' elif dictOfProposedLFNsStatus[lfn].lower() == 'unused': errorCount = tsFilesAsDict[lfn][1] # every 10 retries (by default) if errorCount and ( ( errorCount % self.maxResetCounter ) == 0 ): if not force: newStatus = 'MaxReset' if tsFilesAsDict[lfn][0].lower() != newStatus: newStatuses[lfn] = newStatus return newStatuses def setTransformationParameter( self, transID, paramName, paramValue, force = False, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = 120 ): """ Sets a transformation parameter. There's a special case when coming to setting the status of a transformation. """ rpcClient = self._getRPC( rpc = rpc, url = url, timeout = timeout ) if paramName.lower() == 'status': # get transformation Type transformation = self.getTransformation( transID ) if not transformation['OK']: return transformation transformationType = transformation['Value']['Type'] # get status as of today originalStatus = self.getTransformationParameters( transID, 'Status' ) if not originalStatus['OK']: return originalStatus originalStatus = originalStatus['Value'] transIDAsDict = {transID: [originalStatus, transformationType]} dictOfProposedstatus = {transID: paramValue} # applying the state machine to the proposed status value = self._applyTransformationStatusStateMachine( transIDAsDict, dictOfProposedstatus, force ) else: value = paramValue return rpcClient.setTransformationParameter( transID, paramName, value ) def _applyTransformationStatusStateMachine( self, transIDAsDict, dictOfProposedstatus, force ): """ For easier extension, here we apply the state machine of the transformation status. VOs might want to replace the standard here with something they prefer. transIDAsDict is a dictionary with the transID as key and as value a list with [Status, Type] dictOfProposedstatus is a dictionary with the proposed status force is a boolean It returns the new status (the standard is just doing nothing: everything is possible) """ return dictOfProposedstatus.values()[0] ##################################################################### # # These are the file catalog interface methods # def isOK( self ): return self.valid def getName( self, DN = '' ): """ Get the file catalog type name """ return def addDirectory( self, path, force = False, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = None ): rpcClient = self._getRPC( rpc = rpc, url = url, timeout = timeout ) return rpcClient.addDirectory( path, force ) def getReplicas( self, lfn, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = None ): res = self.__checkArgumentFormat( lfn ) if not res['OK']: return res lfns = res['Value'].keys() rpcClient = self._getRPC( rpc = rpc, url = url, timeout = timeout ) return rpcClient.getReplicas( lfns ) def addFile( self, lfn, force = False, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = None ): res = self.__checkArgumentFormat( lfn ) if not res['OK']: return res lfndicts = res['Value'] rpcClient = self._getRPC( rpc = rpc, url = url, timeout = timeout ) return rpcClient.addFile( lfndicts, force ) def addReplica( self, lfn, force = False, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = None ): res = self.__checkArgumentFormat( lfn ) if not res['OK']: return res lfndicts = res['Value'] rpcClient = self._getRPC( rpc = rpc, url = url, timeout = timeout ) return rpcClient.addReplica( lfndicts, force ) def removeFile( self, lfn, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = None ): res = self.__checkArgumentFormat( lfn ) if not res['OK']: return res lfns = res['Value'].keys() rpcClient = self._getRPC( rpc = rpc, url = url, timeout = timeout ) successful = {} failed = {} listOfLists = breakListIntoChunks( lfns, 100 ) for fList in listOfLists: res = rpcClient.removeFile( fList ) if not res['OK']: return res successful.update( res['Value']['Successful'] ) failed.update( res['Value']['Failed'] ) resDict = {'Successful': successful, 'Failed':failed} return S_OK( resDict ) def removeReplica( self, lfn, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = None ): res = self.__checkArgumentFormat( lfn ) if not res['OK']: return res lfndicts = res['Value'] rpcClient = self._getRPC( rpc = rpc, url = url, timeout = timeout ) successful = {} failed = {} # as lfndicts is a dict, the breakListIntoChunks will fail. Fake it! listOfDicts = [] localdicts = {} for lfn, info in lfndicts.items(): localdicts.update( { lfn : info } ) if len( localdicts.keys() ) % 100 == 0: listOfDicts.append( localdicts ) localdicts = {} for fDict in listOfDicts: res = rpcClient.removeReplica( fDict ) if not res['OK']: return res successful.update( res['Value']['Successful'] ) failed.update( res['Value']['Failed'] ) resDict = {'Successful': successful, 'Failed':failed} return S_OK( resDict ) def getReplicaStatus( self, lfn, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = None ): res = self.__checkArgumentFormat( lfn ) if not res['OK']: return res lfndict = res['Value'] rpcClient = self._getRPC( rpc = rpc, url = url, timeout = timeout ) return rpcClient.getReplicaStatus( lfndict ) def setReplicaStatus( self, lfn, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = None ): res = self.__checkArgumentFormat( lfn ) if not res['OK']: return res lfndict = res['Value'] rpcClient = self._getRPC( rpc = rpc, url = url, timeout = timeout ) return rpcClient.setReplicaStatus( lfndict ) def setReplicaHost( self, lfn, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = None ): res = self.__checkArgumentFormat( lfn ) if not res['OK']: return res lfndict = res['Value'] rpcClient = self._getRPC( rpc = rpc, url = url, timeout = timeout ) return rpcClient.setReplicaHost( lfndict ) def removeDirectory( self, lfn, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = None ): return self.__returnOK( lfn ) def createDirectory( self, lfn, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = None ): return self.__returnOK( lfn ) def createLink( self, lfn, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = None ): return self.__returnOK( lfn ) def removeLink( self, lfn, rpc = '', url = '', timeout = None ): return self.__returnOK( lfn ) def __returnOK( self, lfn ): res = self.__checkArgumentFormat( lfn ) if not res['OK']: return res successful = {} for lfn in res['Value'].keys(): successful[lfn] = True resDict = {'Successful':successful, 'Failed':{}} return S_OK( resDict ) def __checkArgumentFormat( self, path ): if type( path ) in types.StringTypes: urls = {path:False} elif type( path ) == types.ListType: urls = {} for url in path: urls[url] = False elif type( path ) == types.DictType: urls = path else: return S_ERROR( "TransformationClient.__checkArgumentFormat: Supplied path is not of the correct format." ) return S_OK( urls )
from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import User import MySQLdb # Create your models here. class Comentario(models.Model): """Comentario""" contenido = models.TextField(help_text='Escribe un comentario') fecha_coment = models.DateField(auto_now=True) def __unicode__(self): return self.contenido class Estado(models.Model): """Estado""" nom_estado = models.CharField(max_length=50) def __unicode__(self): return nom_estado class Categoria(models.Model): """Categoria""" nombre = models.CharField(max_length=50) descripcion = models.TextField(help_text='Escribe una descripcion de la categoria') class Entrada(models.Model): """Entrada""" autor = models.ForeignKey(User) comentario = models.ForeignKey(Comentario) estado = models.ForeignKey(Estado) titulo = models.CharField(max_length=100) contenido = models.TextField(help_text='Redacta el contenido') fecha_pub = models.DateField(auto_now=True) def __unicode__(self): return self.titulo class Agregador(models.Model): """agreador""" entrada = models.ForeignKey(Entrada) categoria = models.ManyToManyField(Categoria)
import unittest from itertools import izip import numpy as np from numpy import cos, sin, pi from pele.angleaxis import RBTopology, RigidFragment, RBPotentialWrapper from pele.potentials import LJ from pele.angleaxis._otp_cluster import OTPCluster from pele.thermodynamics import get_thermodynamic_information from pele.utils import rotations from pele.angleaxis._aa_utils import _rot_mat_derivative, _sitedist_grad, _sitedist from pele.angleaxis.aamindist import MeasureRigidBodyCluster _x03 = np.array([2.550757898788, 2.591553038507, 3.696836364193, 2.623281513163, 3.415794212648, 3.310786279789, 1.791383852327, 2.264321752809, 4.306217333671, 0.761945654023, -0.805817782109, 1.166981882601, 0.442065301864, -2.747066418223, -1.784325262714, -1.520905562598, 0.403670860200, -0.729768985400]) _x03_atomistic = np.array([3.064051819556, 2.474533745459, 3.646107658946, 2.412011983074, 2.941152759499, 4.243695098053, 2.176209893734, 2.358972610563, 3.200706335581, 2.786627589565, 3.211876105193, 2.850924310983, 1.962626909252, 3.436918873216, 3.370903763850, 3.120590040673, 3.598587659535, 3.710530764535, 1.697360211099, 2.317229950712, 4.823998989452, 2.283487958310, 1.840698306602, 4.168734267290, 1.393303387573, 2.635037001113, 3.925918744272 ]) class TestOTPExplicit(unittest.TestCase): def make_otp(self): """this constructs a single OTP molecule""" otp = RigidFragment() otp.add_atom("O", np.array([0.0, -2./3 * np.sin( 7.*pi/24.), 0.0]), 1.) otp.add_atom("O", np.array([cos( 7.*pi/24.), 1./3. * sin( 7.* pi/24.), 0.0]), 1.) otp.add_atom("O", np.array([-cos( 7.* pi/24.), 1./3. * sin( 7.*pi/24), 0.0]), 1.) otp.finalize_setup() return otp def setUp(self): nrigid = 3 self.topology = RBTopology() self.topology.add_sites([self.make_otp() for i in xrange(nrigid)]) self.topology.finalize_setup() cartesian_potential = LJ() self.pot = RBPotentialWrapper(self.topology, cartesian_potential) self.x0 = _x03 self.x0 = np.array(self.x0) self.e0 = -17.3387670023 assert nrigid * 6 == self.x0.size self.x0atomistic = _x03_atomistic self.nrigid = nrigid def test_energy(self): e = self.pot.getEnergy(self.x0) self.assertAlmostEqual(e, self.e0, delta=1e-4) def test_energy_gradient(self): e = self.pot.getEnergy(self.x0) gnum = self.pot.NumericalDerivative(self.x0) e2, g = self.pot.getEnergyGradient(self.x0) self.assertAlmostEqual(e, e2, delta=1e-4) for i in xrange(g.size): self.assertAlmostEqual(g[i], gnum[i], 2) def test_to_atomistic(self): xatom = self.topology.to_atomistic(self.x0).flatten() for i in xrange(xatom.size): self.assertAlmostEqual(xatom[i], self.x0atomistic[i], 2) def test_site_to_atomistic(self): rf = self.make_otp() p = np.array([1., 2, 3]) p /= np.linalg.norm(p) com = np.array([4., 5, 6]) print "otp to atomistic" print rf.to_atomistic(com, p) print "otp transform grad" g = np.array(range(9), dtype=float).reshape([-1,3]) print g.reshape(-1) print rf.transform_grad(p, g) def test_to_atomistic2(self): x0 = np.array(range(self.nrigid * 6), dtype=float) x2 = x0.reshape([-1,3]) for p in x2[self.nrigid:,:]: p /= np.linalg.norm(p) atomistic = self.topology.to_atomistic(x0).flatten() from pele.potentials import LJ lj = LJ() e, g = lj.getEnergyGradient(atomistic.reshape(-1)) grb = self.topology.transform_gradient(x0, g) rbpot = RBPotentialWrapper(self.topology, lj) print rbpot.getEnergy(x0) class TestCppRBPotentialWrapper(TestOTPExplicit): def test_pot_wrapper(self): from pele.angleaxis import _cpp_aa from pele.potentials import LJ rbpot_cpp = _cpp_aa.RBPotentialWrapper(self.topology, LJ()) rbpot = RBPotentialWrapper(self.topology, LJ()) self.assertAlmostEqual(rbpot_cpp.getEnergy(self.x0), rbpot.getEnergy(self.x0), 4) e1, grad1 = rbpot_cpp.getEnergyGradient(self.x0) e2, grad2 = rbpot.getEnergyGradient(self.x0) self.assertAlmostEqual(e1, e2, 4) for g1, g2 in zip(grad1, grad2): self.assertAlmostEqual(g1, g2, 3) # print "energy cpp" # print e1, e2 # print grad1 # print grad2 _x1 = np.array([ 1.9025655 , 0.39575842, 2.70994994, 1.12711741, 0.63413933, 1.99433564, 1.86553644, 1.71434811, 2.22927686, 0.80189315, 1.19513512, 3.02357997, 1.25845172, -0.06244027, 1.27217385, -2.26564485, 0.25537024, 0.66231258, -1.49510664, 0.94428774, -0.04120075, -0.87664883, -0.21441754, 2.05796547]) _x2 = np.array([ 2.01932983, 0.32928065, 2.34949584, 1.12261277, 0.84195098, 2.08827517, 1.42644916, 1.83608794, 2.23147536, 1.12872074, 0.93206141, 3.28789605, 1.73243138, -0.1199651 , 1.02925229, -1.64603729, 0.30701482, 0.90204992, -1.96259809, 0.06557119, 0.11010908, -0.37462588, -0.42374544, 1.97728056]) class TestOTPCluster(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): np.random.seed(0) self.nmol = 4 self.system = OTPCluster(self.nmol) pot = self.system.get_potential() self.db = self.system.create_database() self.m1 = self.db.addMinimum(pot.getEnergy(_x1), _x1) self.m2 = self.db.addMinimum(pot.getEnergy(_x2), _x2) def test1(self): pot = self.system.get_potential() self.assertLess(np.linalg.norm(pot.getGradient(self.m1.coords)), .1) self.assertLess(np.linalg.norm(pot.getGradient(self.m2.coords)), .1) def test_basinhopping(self): db = self.system.create_database() bh = self.system.get_basinhopping(db) bh.setPrinting(ostream=None) self.assertGreaterEqual(db.number_of_minima(), 1) def test_double_ended_connect(self): connect = self.system.get_double_ended_connect(self.m1, self.m2, self.db) connect.connect() self.assertTrue(connect.success()) path = connect.returnPath() def test_thermodynamics(self): get_thermodynamic_information(self.system, self.db, nproc=None, recalculate=True) self.assertIsNotNone(self.m1.fvib) mt = self.system.get_metric_tensor(self.m1.coords) print "metric tensor" print mt class TestRBTopologyOTP(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): np.random.seed(0) self.nmol = 3 self.system = OTPCluster(self.nmol) # pot = self.system.get_potential() # self.db = self.system.create_database() # self.m1 = self.db.addMinimum(pot.getEnergy(_x1), _x1) # self.m2 = self.db.addMinimum(pot.getEnergy(_x2), _x2) self.x0 = np.array([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0.517892, 0.575435, 0.632979, 0.531891, 0.576215, 0.620539, 0.540562, 0.5766, 0.612637 ]) from pele.angleaxis.aamindist import TransformAngleAxisCluster self.topology = self.system.aatopology self.transform = TransformAngleAxisCluster(self.topology) self.p0 = np.array(range(1,4), dtype=float) self.p0 /= np.linalg.norm(self.p0) def test_transform_rotate(self): print "\ntest rotate" x = self.x0.copy() p = np.array(range(1,4), dtype=float) p /= np.linalg.norm(p) self.transform.rotate(x, rotations.aa2mx(p)) xnewtrue = np.array([ 0.48757698, 0.61588594, 2.09355038, 2.02484605, 4.76822812, 4.81289924, 3.56211511, 8.92057031, 7.53224809, 0.71469473, 1.23875927, 1.36136748, 0.72426504, 1.24674367, 1.34426835, 0.73015833, 1.25159032, 1.33345003]) for v1, v2 in izip(x, xnewtrue): self.assertAlmostEqual(v1, v2, 5) def test_align_path(self): print "\ntest align_path" x1 = self.x0.copy() x2 = self.x0 + 5 self.topology.align_path([x1, x2]) x2true = np.array([ 5. , 6. , 7. , 8. , 9. , 10. , 11. , 12. , 13. , 1.92786071, 1.94796529, 1.96807021, 1.93320298, 1.94869267, 1.96418236, 1.93645608, 1.94905155, 1.96164668]) for v1, v2 in izip(x1, self.x0): self.assertAlmostEqual(v1, v2, 5) for v1, v2 in izip(x2, x2true): self.assertAlmostEqual(v1, v2, 5) def test_cpp_zero_ev(self): print "\ntest zeroEV cpp" x = self.x0.copy() zev = self.topology._zeroEV_python(x) czev = self.topology.cpp_topology.get_zero_modes(x) self.assertEqual(len(czev), 6) for ev, cev in izip(zev, czev): for v1, v2 in izip(ev, cev): self.assertAlmostEqual(v1, v2, 5) def test_site_distance_squared(self): print "\ntest site distance squared" c0 = np.zeros(3) c1 = np.ones(3) p0 = self.p0.copy() p1 = p0 + 1 site = self.system.make_otp() d2 = site.distance_squared(c0, p0, c1, p1) d2p = _sitedist(c1-c0, p0, p1, site.S, site.W, site.cog) self.assertAlmostEqual(d2, 10.9548367929, 5) def test_distance_squared(self): print "\ntest distance squared" x1 = self.x0.copy() x2 = self.x0 + 1.1 d2 = self.topology.distance_squared(x1, x2) d3 = self.topology._distance_squared_python(x1, x2) self.assertAlmostEqual(d2, 38.9401810973, 5) self.assertAlmostEqual(d2, d3, 5) def test_distance_squared_grad(self): print "\ntest distance squared grad" x1 = self.x0.copy() x2 = self.x0 + 1.1 grad = self.topology.distance_squared_grad(x1, x2) g2 = self.topology._distance_squared_grad_python(x1, x2) gtrue = np.array([-6.6 , -6.6 , -6.6 , -6.6 , -6.6 , -6.6 , -6.6 , -6.6 , -6.6 , -1.21579025, -0.07013805, -1.2988823 , -1.21331786, -0.06984532, -1.28945301, -1.2116105 , -0.06975828, -1.28362943]) for v1, v2 in izip(grad, gtrue): self.assertAlmostEqual(v1, v2, 5) for v1, v2 in izip(grad, g2): self.assertAlmostEqual(v1, v2, 5) def test_measure_align(self): print "\ntest measure align" x1 = self.x0.copy() x2 = self.x0 + 5.1 x2[-1] = x1[-1] + .1 x20 = x2.copy() measure = MeasureRigidBodyCluster(self.topology) measure.align(x1, x2) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
# -*- coding: utf8 -*- SQL = """select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM doc_view order by `name` asc limit %(offset)d,%(limit)d ;""" FOUND_ROWS = True ROOT = "doc_view_list" ROOT_PREFIX = "<doc_view_edit />" ROOT_POSTFIX= None XSL_TEMPLATE = "data/af-web.xsl" EVENT = None WHERE = () PARAM = None TITLE="Список видов документов" MESSAGE="ошибка получения списка видов документов" ORDER = None
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # This module copyright (C) 2014 Savoir-faire Linux # (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # import logging from openerp.osv import osv, fields _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class res_users(osv.osv): _inherit = "res.users" _columns = { 'xis_user_external_id': fields.integer('XIS external user', required=True), }
""" Contains format specification class and methods to parse it from JSON. .. codeauthor:: Tomas Krizek <[email protected]> """ import json import re def get_root_input_type_from_json(data): """Return the root input type from JSON formatted string.""" return parse_format(json.loads(data)) def parse_format(data): """Returns root input type from data.""" input_types = {} data = data['ist_nodes'] root_id = data[0]['id'] # set root type for item in data: input_type = _get_input_type(item) if input_type is not None: input_types[input_type['id']] = input_type # register by id _substitute_ids_with_references(input_types) return input_types[root_id] SCALAR = ['Integer', 'Double', 'Bool', 'String', 'Selection', 'FileName'] def is_scalar(input_type): """Returns True if input_type is scalar.""" return input_type['base_type'] in SCALAR RE_PARAM = re.compile('^<([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)>$') def is_param(value): """Determine whether given value is a parameter string.""" if not isinstance(value, str): return False return RE_PARAM.match(value) def _substitute_ids_with_references(input_types): """Replaces ids or type names with python object references.""" input_type = {} def _substitute_implementations(): """Replaces implementation ids with input_types.""" impls = {} for id_ in input_type['implementations']: type_ = input_types[id_] impls[type_['name']] = type_ input_type['implementations'] = impls def _substitute_default_descendant(): """Replaces default descendant id with input_type.""" id_ = input_type.get('default_descendant', None) if id_ is not None: input_type['default_descendant'] = input_types[id_] def _substitute_key_type(): """Replaces key type with input_type.""" # pylint: disable=unused-variable, invalid-name for __, value in input_type['keys'].items(): value['type'] = input_types[value['type']] # pylint: disable=unused-variable, invalid-name for __, input_type in input_types.items(): if input_type['base_type'] == 'Array': input_type['subtype'] = input_types[input_type['subtype']] elif input_type['base_type'] == 'Abstract': _substitute_implementations() _substitute_default_descendant() elif input_type['base_type'] == 'Record': _substitute_key_type() def _get_input_type(data): """Returns the input_type data structure that defines an input type and its constraints for validation.""" if 'id' not in data or 'input_type' not in data: return None input_type = dict( id=data['id'], base_type=data['input_type'] ) input_type['name'] = data.get('name', '') input_type['full_name'] = data.get('full_name', '') input_type['description'] = data.get('description', '') input_type['attributes'] = data.get('attributes', {}) if input_type['base_type'] in ['Double', 'Integer']: input_type.update(_parse_range(data)) elif input_type['base_type'] == 'Array': input_type.update(_parse_range(data)) if input_type['min'] < 0: input_type['min'] = 0 input_type['subtype'] = data['subtype'] elif input_type['base_type'] == 'FileName': input_type['file_mode'] = data['file_mode'] elif input_type['base_type'] == 'Selection': input_type['values'] = _list_to_dict(data['values'], 'name') elif input_type['base_type'] == 'Record': input_type['keys'] = _list_to_dict(data['keys']) input_type['implements'] = data.get('implements', []) input_type['reducible_to_key'] = data.get('reducible_to_key', None) elif input_type['base_type'] == 'Abstract': input_type['implementations'] = data['implementations'] input_type['default_descendant'] = data.get('default_descendant', None) return input_type def _parse_range(data): """Parses the format range properties - min, max.""" input_type = {} try: input_type['min'] = data['range'][0] except (KeyError, TypeError): # set default value input_type['min'] = float('-inf') try: input_type['max'] = data['range'][1] except (KeyError, TypeError): # set default value input_type['max'] = float('inf') return input_type def _list_to_dict(list_, key_label='key'): """ Transforms a list of dictionaries into a dictionary of dictionaries. Original dictionaries are assigned key specified in each of them by key_label. """ dict_ = {} for item in list_: dict_[item[key_label]] = item return dict_
""" Page view class """ import os from Server.Importer import ImportFromModule class PageView(ImportFromModule("Server.PageViewBase", "PageViewBase")): """ Page view class. """ _PAGE_TITLE = "Python Web Framework" def __init__(self, htmlToLoad): """ Constructor. - htmlToLoad : HTML to load """ self.SetPageTitle(self._PAGE_TITLE) self.AddMetaData("charset=\"UTF-8\"") self.AddMetaData("name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\"") self.AddStyleSheet("/css/styles.css") self.AddJavaScript("/js/http.js") self.LoadHtml(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "%s.html" % htmlToLoad)) self.SetPageData({ "PageTitle" : self._PAGE_TITLE })
import discord import asyncio import datetime import time import aiohttp import threading import glob import re import json import os import urllib.request from discord.ext import commands from random import randint from random import choice as randchoice from random import choice as rndchoice from random import shuffle from .utils.dataIO import fileIO from .utils import checks from bs4 import BeautifulSoup class Runescapecompare: """Runescape-relate commands""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot """ imLink = nmLink = """"compare", pass_context=True) async def _compare(self, ctx): if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: await"Please, choose a skill to compare!") #####Overall##### @_compare.command(name="overall", pass_context=True) async def compare_overall(self, ctx, name1 : str, name2 : str): address1 = "" + name1 address2 = "" + name2 try: website1 = urllib.request.urlopen(address1) website2 = urllib.request.urlopen(address2) website_html1 = website_html2 = stats1 = website_html1.split("\n") stats2 = website_html2.split("\n") stat1 = stats1[0].split(",") stat2= stats2[0].split(",") if stat1[2] > stat2[2]: comparerank = int(stat2[0]) - int(stat1[0]) comparelvl = int(stat1[1]) - int(stat2[1]) comparexp = int(stat1[2]) - int(stat2[2]) await"```" + name1 + "'s ranking is " + str(comparerank) + " ranks higher than " + name2 + "'s rank.\n" + name1 + "'s level is " + str(comparelvl) + " levels higher than " + name2 + "'s.\n" + name1 + "'s total experience is " + str(comparexp) + " higher than " + name2 + "'s.```") if stat2[2] > stat1[2]: comparerank = stat2[0] - stat1[0] comparelvl = stat2[1] - stat1[1] comparexp = stat2[2] - stat1[2] await"```" + name2 + "'s ranking is " + str(comparerank) + " ranks higher than " + name1 + "'s rank.\n" + name2 + "'s level is " + str(comparelvl) + " levels higher than " + name1 + "'s.\n" + name2 + "'s total experience is " + str(comparexp) + " higher than " + name1 + "'s.```") except: await"Sorry... Something went wrong there. Did you type the name correctly?") def setup(bot): n = Runescapecompare(bot) bot.add_cog(n)
import string import ast from state_machine import PSM, Source class SpecialPattern: individual_chars = ('t', 'n', 'v', 'f', 'r', '0') range_chars = ('d', 'D', 'w', 'W', 's', 'S') special_chars = ('^', '$', '[', ']', '(', ')', '{', '}', '\\', '.', '*', '?', '+', '|', '.') restrict_special_chars = ('\\', '[', ']') posix_classes = ("alnum", "alpha", "blank", "cntrl", "digit", "graph", "lower", "print", "punct", "space", "upper", "xdigit", "d", "w", "s") min_len_posix_class = 1 #------------------------------------- # Group class WrappedGroup: def __init__(self): = ast.Group() self.is_alt = False def add(self, other): if self.is_alt: last_alt =[-1] + (other,) =[:-1] + (last_alt,) else: = + (other,) @property def alt(self) -> ast.Alternative: assert self.is_alt return[0] def collapse_alt(self): if self.is_alt: = + ((),) else: self.is_alt = True first_alt_elems = = (ast.Alternative(),) = (first_alt_elems,()) class OpeningOfGroup: def __init__(self, parent: None, initial: bool=False): self.is_initial = initial self.parent = parent # OpeningOfGroup or ContentOfGroup self.g = WrappedGroup() self.content_of_initial = None # forward of function self.add = self.g.add # if this group is the initial, their is no parent but we must refer # to itself as the returning state # but if it is a nested group, it must be added into its global group if self.is_initial: self.content_of_initial = ContentOfGroup(self, initial) else: self.parent.add( def next(self, psm: PSM): if not self.is_initial and psm.char == "?": return FirstOptionOfGroup(self) elif psm.char == ")": if self.is_initial: psm.error = 'unexpected ")"' else: return self.parent elif psm.char == "(": return OpeningOfGroup(self) elif self.is_initial: return else: t = ContentOfGroup(self) return class FirstOptionOfGroup: def __init__(self, parent: OpeningOfGroup): self.parent = parent def next(self, psm: PSM): if psm.char == ":": = True return ContentOfGroup(self.parent) elif psm.char == "!": = ast.Group.NegativeLookhead return ContentOfGroup(self.parent) elif psm.char == "=": = ast.Group.PositiveLookhead return ContentOfGroup(self.parent) elif psm.char == "<": = "" return NameOfGroup(self.parent) else: psm.error = 'expected ":", "!", "<" or "="' class NameOfGroup: def __init__(self, parent: OpeningOfGroup): self.parent = parent def next(self, psm: PSM): if psm.char.isalpha() or psm.char == "_": += psm.char return self elif psm.char == ">": return self.parent else: psm.error = 'expected a letter, "_" or ">"' class ContentOfGroup: NotQuantified = 0 Quantified = 1 UngreedyQuantified = 2 def __init__(self, parent: OpeningOfGroup, initial: bool=False): self.parent = parent self.is_initial = initial self.limited_prev = parent if initial else self self.quantified = ContentOfGroup.NotQuantified # forward of function self.add = self.parent.add def next(self, psm: PSM): quantified = self.quantified self.quantified = ContentOfGroup.NotQuantified if psm.char == ")": if self.is_initial: psm.error = "unbalanced parenthesis" else: return self.parent.parent elif psm.char == "(": return OpeningOfGroup(self.limited_prev) elif psm.char == "^": self.add(ast.MatchBegin()) return self.limited_prev elif psm.char == "$": self.add(ast.MatchEnd()) return self.limited_prev elif psm.char == ".": t = ast.PatternChar() t.pattern = psm.char self.add(t) return self.limited_prev elif psm.char == "\\": return EscapedChar(self.limited_prev, as_single_chars=SpecialPattern.special_chars) elif psm.char == "[": return CharClass(self.limited_prev) elif psm.char == "|": self.parent.g.collapse_alt() return self.limited_prev # >>> Quantifiers elif psm.char == "?" and quantified == ContentOfGroup.NotQuantified: self.quantified = ContentOfGroup.Quantified last = self._last_or_fail(psm) if last: last.quantifier = ast.NoneOrOnce() return self.limited_prev elif psm.char == "*" and quantified == ContentOfGroup.NotQuantified: self.quantified = ContentOfGroup.Quantified last = self._last_or_fail(psm) if last: last.quantifier = ast.NoneOrMore() return self.limited_prev elif psm.char == "+" and quantified == ContentOfGroup.NotQuantified: self.quantified = ContentOfGroup.Quantified last = self._last_or_fail(psm) if last: last.quantifier = ast.OneOrMore() return self.limited_prev elif psm.char == "{" and quantified == ContentOfGroup.NotQuantified: self.quantified = ContentOfGroup.Quantified t = MinimumOfRepetition(self.limited_prev) last = self._last_or_fail(psm) if last: last.quantifier = t.between return t elif psm.char == "?" and quantified == ContentOfGroup.Quantified: self.quantified = ContentOfGroup.UngreedyQuantified last = self._last_or_fail(psm) if last: last.quantifier.greedy = False return self.limited_prev elif quantified == ContentOfGroup.Quantified: psm.error = "unexpected quantifier" elif quantified == ContentOfGroup.UngreedyQuantified: psm.error = "quantifier repeated" # <<< Quantifier else: t = ast.SingleChar() t.char = psm.char self.add(t) return self.limited_prev def _last_or_fail(self, psm: PSM): if return[-1] else: psm.error = "nothing to repeat" class MinimumOfRepetition: def __init__(self, parent: ContentOfGroup): self.parent = parent self.between = ast.Between() self.min = [] def next(self, psm: PSM): if psm.char.isdigit(): self.min.append(psm.char) return self elif psm.char == ",": self._interpret() return MaximumOfRepetition(self) elif psm.char == "}": self._interpret() return self.parent else: psm.error = 'expected digit, "," or "}"' def _interpret(self): if not self.min: return try: count = int("".join(self.min)) except ValueError: assert False, "internal error: cannot convert to number minimum of repetition" self.between.min = count class MaximumOfRepetition: def __init__(self, repeat: MinimumOfRepetition): self.repeat = repeat self.max = [] def next(self, psm: PSM): if psm.char.isdigit(): self.max.append(psm.char) return self elif psm.char == "}": self._interpret() return self.repeat.parent else: psm.error = 'expected digit, "," or "}"' def _interpret(self): if not self.max: return try: count = int("".join(self.max)) except ValueError: assert False, "internal error: cannot convert to number maximum of repetition" self.repeat.between.max = count #-------------------------------------- # Escaping class EscapedChar: def __init__(self, prev, as_single_chars=(), as_pattern_chars=()): self.prev = prev # ContentOfGroup or CharClass self.single_chars = as_single_chars self.pattern_chars = as_pattern_chars def next(self, psm: PSM): if psm.char in SpecialPattern.individual_chars \ or psm.char in SpecialPattern.range_chars \ or psm.char in self.pattern_chars: t = ast.PatternChar() t.pattern = psm.char self.prev.add(t) return self.prev elif psm.char in self.single_chars: t = ast.SingleChar() t.char = psm.char self.prev.add(t) return self.prev elif psm.char == "x": return AsciiChar(self.prev) elif psm.char == "u": return UnicodeChar(self.prev) else: psm.error = "unauthorized escape of {}".format(psm.char) class AsciiChar: def __init__(self, prev): self.prev = prev # ContentOfGroup or CharClass self.pattern = ast.PatternChar() self.pattern.type = ast.PatternChar.Ascii self.prev.add(self.pattern) def next(self, psm: PSM): if psm.char in string.hexdigits: self.pattern.pattern += psm.char count = len(self.pattern.pattern) return self.prev if count >= 2 else self else: psm.error = "expected ASCII hexadecimal character" class UnicodeChar: def __init__(self, prev): self.prev = prev # ContentOfGroup or CharClass self.pattern = ast.PatternChar() self.pattern.type = ast.PatternChar.Unicode self.prev.add(self.pattern) def next(self, psm: PSM): if psm.char in string.hexdigits: self.pattern.pattern += psm.char count = len(self.pattern.pattern) return self.prev if count >= 4 else self else: psm.error = "expected ASCII hexadecimal character" #------------------------------------- # Character class class WrappedCharClass: def __init__(self): # ast is CharClass or may be changed to PatternClass in one case self.ast = ast.CharClass() def add(self, other): assert isinstance(self.ast, ast.CharClass) self.ast.elems = self.ast.elems + (other,) def pop(self): assert isinstance(self.ast, ast.CharClass) last = self.ast.elems[-1] self.ast.elems = self.ast.elems[:-1] return last class CharClass: def __init__(self, prev): self.prev = prev # ContentOfGroup or CharClass self.q = WrappedCharClass() # forward function self.add = self.q.add self.next_is_range = False self.empty = True self.can_mutate = True def next(self, psm: PSM): this_should_be_range = self.next_is_range self.next_is_range = False this_is_empty = self.empty self.empty = False if psm.char == "\\": self.can_mutate = False self.next_is_range = this_should_be_range return EscapedChar(self, as_single_chars=SpecialPattern.restrict_special_chars) elif this_should_be_range and psm.char != "]": assert isinstance(self.q.ast, ast.CharClass) assert len(self.q.ast.elems) >= 1 self.next_is_range = False t = ast.Range() t.begin = self.q.pop() t.end = ast.SingleChar() t.end.char = psm.char self.q.add(t) return self elif psm.char == "^": # if at the begining, it has a special meaning if this_is_empty: self.can_mutate = False self.q.ast.negate = True else: t = ast.SingleChar() t.char = psm.char self.q.add(t) return self elif psm.char == "]": if this_should_be_range: t = ast.SingleChar() t.char = "-" self.q.add(t) else: self.mutate_if_posix_like() self.prev.add(self.q.ast) return self.prev elif psm.char == "[": return CharClass(self) elif psm.char == "-" and len(self.q.ast.elems) >= 1: self.next_is_range = True return self else: t = ast.SingleChar() t.char = psm.char self.q.add(t) return self def mutate_if_posix_like(self): """ Change from character class to pattern char if the content is matching POSIX-like classe. """ assert isinstance(self.q.ast, ast.CharClass) # put in this variable everything that had happen but not saved into # the single char object # because mutation is only possible if the exact string of the content # match a pre-definied list, so if an unlogged char is consumed, it # must prevent mutation if not self.can_mutate: return if len(self.q.ast.elems) < SpecialPattern.min_len_posix_class + 2: return opening = self.q.ast.elems[0] if not isinstance(opening, ast.SingleChar) or opening.char != ":": return closing = self.q.ast.elems[-1] if not isinstance(closing, ast.SingleChar) or closing.char != ":": return is_only_ascii = lambda x: (isinstance(x, ast.SingleChar) and len(x.char) == 1 and x.char.isalpha()) class_may_be_a_word = not any( not is_only_ascii(x) for x in self.q.ast.elems[1:-1]) if not class_may_be_a_word: return word = "".join(s.char for s in self.q.ast.elems[1:-1]) if word not in SpecialPattern.posix_classes: return t = ast.PatternChar() t.pattern = word t.type = ast.PatternChar.Posix self.q.ast = t #------------------------------------- def parse(expr, **kw): sm = PSM() sm.source = Source(expr) sm.starts_with(OpeningOfGroup(parent=None, initial=True)) sm.pre_action = kw.get("pre_action", None) sm.post_action = kw.get("post_action", None) sm.parse() return
'''WARCAT: Web ARChive (WARC) Archiving Tool Tool and library for handling Web ARChive (WARC) files. ''' from .version import *
import math from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, pyqtSlot from PyQt5.QtGui import QCloseEvent from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog, QInputDialog from urh import settings from urh.models.FuzzingTableModel import FuzzingTableModel from urh.signalprocessing.ProtocoLabel import ProtocolLabel from urh.signalprocessing.ProtocolAnalyzerContainer import ProtocolAnalyzerContainer from urh.ui.ui_fuzzing import Ui_FuzzingDialog class FuzzingDialog(QDialog): def __init__(self, protocol: ProtocolAnalyzerContainer, label_index: int, msg_index: int, proto_view: int, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.ui = Ui_FuzzingDialog() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setWindowFlags(Qt.Window) self.protocol = protocol msg_index = msg_index if msg_index != -1 else 0 self.ui.spinBoxFuzzMessage.setValue(msg_index + 1) self.ui.spinBoxFuzzMessage.setMinimum(1) self.ui.spinBoxFuzzMessage.setMaximum(self.protocol.num_messages) self.ui.comboBoxFuzzingLabel.addItems([ for l in self.message.message_type]) self.ui.comboBoxFuzzingLabel.setCurrentIndex(label_index) self.proto_view = proto_view self.fuzz_table_model = FuzzingTableModel(self.current_label, proto_view) self.fuzz_table_model.remove_duplicates = self.ui.chkBRemoveDuplicates.isChecked() self.ui.tblFuzzingValues.setModel(self.fuzz_table_model) self.fuzz_table_model.update() self.ui.spinBoxFuzzingStart.setValue(self.current_label_start + 1) self.ui.spinBoxFuzzingEnd.setValue(self.current_label_end) self.ui.spinBoxFuzzingStart.setMaximum(len(self.message_data)) self.ui.spinBoxFuzzingEnd.setMaximum(len(self.message_data)) self.update_message_data_string() self.ui.tblFuzzingValues.resize_me() self.create_connects() self.restoreGeometry("{}/geometry".format(self.__class__.__name__), type=bytes)) @property def message(self): return self.protocol.messages[int(self.ui.spinBoxFuzzMessage.value() - 1)] @property def current_label_index(self): return self.ui.comboBoxFuzzingLabel.currentIndex() @property def current_label(self) -> ProtocolLabel: if len(self.message.message_type) == 0: return None cur_label = self.message.message_type[self.current_label_index].get_copy() self.message.message_type[self.current_label_index] = cur_label cur_label.fuzz_values = [fv for fv in cur_label.fuzz_values if fv] # Remove empty strings if len(cur_label.fuzz_values) == 0: cur_label.fuzz_values.append(self.message.plain_bits_str[cur_label.start:cur_label.end]) return cur_label @property def current_label_start(self): if self.current_label and self.message: return self.message.get_label_range(self.current_label, self.proto_view, False)[0] else: return -1 @property def current_label_end(self): if self.current_label and self.message: return self.message.get_label_range(self.current_label, self.proto_view, False)[1] else: return -1 @property def message_data(self): if self.proto_view == 0: return self.message.plain_bits_str elif self.proto_view == 1: return self.message.plain_hex_str elif self.proto_view == 2: return self.message.plain_ascii_str else: return None def create_connects(self): self.ui.spinBoxFuzzingStart.valueChanged.connect(self.on_fuzzing_start_changed) self.ui.spinBoxFuzzingEnd.valueChanged.connect(self.on_fuzzing_end_changed) self.ui.comboBoxFuzzingLabel.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.on_combo_box_fuzzing_label_current_index_changed) self.ui.btnRepeatValues.clicked.connect(self.on_btn_repeat_values_clicked) self.ui.btnAddRow.clicked.connect(self.on_btn_add_row_clicked) self.ui.btnDelRow.clicked.connect(self.on_btn_del_row_clicked) self.ui.tblFuzzingValues.deletion_wanted.connect(self.delete_lines) self.ui.chkBRemoveDuplicates.stateChanged.connect(self.on_remove_duplicates_state_changed) self.ui.sBAddRangeStart.valueChanged.connect(self.on_fuzzing_range_start_changed) self.ui.sBAddRangeEnd.valueChanged.connect(self.on_fuzzing_range_end_changed) self.ui.checkBoxLowerBound.stateChanged.connect(self.on_lower_bound_checked_changed) self.ui.checkBoxUpperBound.stateChanged.connect(self.on_upper_bound_checked_changed) self.ui.spinBoxLowerBound.valueChanged.connect(self.on_lower_bound_changed) self.ui.spinBoxUpperBound.valueChanged.connect(self.on_upper_bound_changed) self.ui.spinBoxRandomMinimum.valueChanged.connect(self.on_random_range_min_changed) self.ui.spinBoxRandomMaximum.valueChanged.connect(self.on_random_range_max_changed) self.ui.spinBoxFuzzMessage.valueChanged.connect(self.on_fuzz_msg_changed) self.ui.btnAddFuzzingValues.clicked.connect(self.on_btn_add_fuzzing_values_clicked) self.ui.comboBoxFuzzingLabel.editTextChanged.connect(self.set_current_label_name) def update_message_data_string(self): fuz_start = self.current_label_start fuz_end = self.current_label_end num_proto_bits = 10 num_fuz_bits = 16 proto_start = fuz_start - num_proto_bits preambel = "... " if proto_start <= 0: proto_start = 0 preambel = "" proto_end = fuz_end + num_proto_bits postambel = " ..." if proto_end >= len(self.message_data) - 1: proto_end = len(self.message_data) - 1 postambel = "" fuzamble = "" if fuz_end - fuz_start > num_fuz_bits: fuz_end = fuz_start + num_fuz_bits fuzamble = "..." self.ui.lPreBits.setText(preambel + self.message_data[proto_start:self.current_label_start]) self.ui.lFuzzedBits.setText(self.message_data[fuz_start:fuz_end] + fuzamble) self.ui.lPostBits.setText(self.message_data[self.current_label_end:proto_end] + postambel) self.set_add_spinboxes_maximum_on_label_change() def closeEvent(self, event: QCloseEvent): settings.write("{}/geometry".format(self.__class__.__name__), self.saveGeometry()) super().closeEvent(event) @pyqtSlot(int) def on_fuzzing_start_changed(self, value: int): self.ui.spinBoxFuzzingEnd.setMinimum(self.ui.spinBoxFuzzingStart.value()) new_start = self.message.convert_index(value - 1, self.proto_view, 0, False)[0] self.current_label.start = new_start self.current_label.fuzz_values[:] = [] self.update_message_data_string() self.fuzz_table_model.update() self.ui.tblFuzzingValues.resize_me() @pyqtSlot(int) def on_fuzzing_end_changed(self, value: int): self.ui.spinBoxFuzzingStart.setMaximum(self.ui.spinBoxFuzzingEnd.value()) new_end = self.message.convert_index(value - 1, self.proto_view, 0, False)[1] + 1 self.current_label.end = new_end self.current_label.fuzz_values[:] = [] self.update_message_data_string() self.fuzz_table_model.update() self.ui.tblFuzzingValues.resize_me() @pyqtSlot(int) def on_combo_box_fuzzing_label_current_index_changed(self, index: int): self.fuzz_table_model.fuzzing_label = self.current_label self.fuzz_table_model.update() self.update_message_data_string() self.ui.tblFuzzingValues.resize_me() self.ui.spinBoxFuzzingStart.blockSignals(True) self.ui.spinBoxFuzzingStart.setValue(self.current_label_start + 1) self.ui.spinBoxFuzzingStart.blockSignals(False) self.ui.spinBoxFuzzingEnd.blockSignals(True) self.ui.spinBoxFuzzingEnd.setValue(self.current_label_end) self.ui.spinBoxFuzzingEnd.blockSignals(False) @pyqtSlot() def on_btn_add_row_clicked(self): self.current_label.add_fuzz_value() self.fuzz_table_model.update() @pyqtSlot() def on_btn_del_row_clicked(self): min_row, max_row, _, _ = self.ui.tblFuzzingValues.selection_range() self.delete_lines(min_row, max_row) @pyqtSlot(int, int) def delete_lines(self, min_row, max_row): if min_row == -1: self.current_label.fuzz_values = self.current_label.fuzz_values[:-1] else: self.current_label.fuzz_values = self.current_label.fuzz_values[:min_row] + self.current_label.fuzz_values[ max_row + 1:] _ = self.current_label # if user deleted all, this will restore a fuzz value self.fuzz_table_model.update() @pyqtSlot() def on_remove_duplicates_state_changed(self): self.fuzz_table_model.remove_duplicates = self.ui.chkBRemoveDuplicates.isChecked() self.fuzz_table_model.update() self.remove_duplicates() @pyqtSlot() def set_add_spinboxes_maximum_on_label_change(self): nbits = self.current_label.end - self.current_label.start # Use Bit Start/End for maximum calc. if nbits >= 32: nbits = 31 max_val = 2 ** nbits - 1 self.ui.sBAddRangeStart.setMaximum(max_val - 1) self.ui.sBAddRangeEnd.setMaximum(max_val) self.ui.sBAddRangeEnd.setValue(max_val) self.ui.sBAddRangeStep.setMaximum(max_val) self.ui.spinBoxLowerBound.setMaximum(max_val - 1) self.ui.spinBoxUpperBound.setMaximum(max_val) self.ui.spinBoxUpperBound.setValue(max_val) self.ui.spinBoxBoundaryNumber.setMaximum(int(max_val / 2) + 1) self.ui.spinBoxRandomMinimum.setMaximum(max_val - 1) self.ui.spinBoxRandomMaximum.setMaximum(max_val) self.ui.spinBoxRandomMaximum.setValue(max_val) @pyqtSlot(int) def on_fuzzing_range_start_changed(self, value: int): self.ui.sBAddRangeEnd.setMinimum(value) self.ui.sBAddRangeStep.setMaximum(self.ui.sBAddRangeEnd.value() - value) @pyqtSlot(int) def on_fuzzing_range_end_changed(self, value: int): self.ui.sBAddRangeStart.setMaximum(value - 1) self.ui.sBAddRangeStep.setMaximum(value - self.ui.sBAddRangeStart.value()) @pyqtSlot() def on_lower_bound_checked_changed(self): if self.ui.checkBoxLowerBound.isChecked(): self.ui.spinBoxLowerBound.setEnabled(True) self.ui.spinBoxBoundaryNumber.setEnabled(True) elif not self.ui.checkBoxUpperBound.isChecked(): self.ui.spinBoxLowerBound.setEnabled(False) self.ui.spinBoxBoundaryNumber.setEnabled(False) else: self.ui.spinBoxLowerBound.setEnabled(False) @pyqtSlot() def on_upper_bound_checked_changed(self): if self.ui.checkBoxUpperBound.isChecked(): self.ui.spinBoxUpperBound.setEnabled(True) self.ui.spinBoxBoundaryNumber.setEnabled(True) elif not self.ui.checkBoxLowerBound.isChecked(): self.ui.spinBoxUpperBound.setEnabled(False) self.ui.spinBoxBoundaryNumber.setEnabled(False) else: self.ui.spinBoxUpperBound.setEnabled(False) @pyqtSlot() def on_lower_bound_changed(self): self.ui.spinBoxUpperBound.setMinimum(self.ui.spinBoxLowerBound.value()) self.ui.spinBoxBoundaryNumber.setMaximum(math.ceil((self.ui.spinBoxUpperBound.value() - self.ui.spinBoxLowerBound.value()) / 2)) @pyqtSlot() def on_upper_bound_changed(self): self.ui.spinBoxLowerBound.setMaximum(self.ui.spinBoxUpperBound.value() - 1) self.ui.spinBoxBoundaryNumber.setMaximum(math.ceil((self.ui.spinBoxUpperBound.value() - self.ui.spinBoxLowerBound.value()) / 2)) @pyqtSlot() def on_random_range_min_changed(self): self.ui.spinBoxRandomMaximum.setMinimum(self.ui.spinBoxRandomMinimum.value()) @pyqtSlot() def on_random_range_max_changed(self): self.ui.spinBoxRandomMinimum.setMaximum(self.ui.spinBoxRandomMaximum.value() - 1) @pyqtSlot() def on_btn_add_fuzzing_values_clicked(self): if self.ui.comboBoxStrategy.currentIndex() == 0: self.__add_fuzzing_range() elif self.ui.comboBoxStrategy.currentIndex() == 1: self.__add_fuzzing_boundaries() elif self.ui.comboBoxStrategy.currentIndex() == 2: self.__add_random_fuzzing_values() def __add_fuzzing_range(self): start = self.ui.sBAddRangeStart.value() end = self.ui.sBAddRangeEnd.value() step = self.ui.sBAddRangeStep.value() self.fuzz_table_model.add_range(start, end + 1, step) def __add_fuzzing_boundaries(self): lower_bound = -1 if self.ui.spinBoxLowerBound.isEnabled(): lower_bound = self.ui.spinBoxLowerBound.value() upper_bound = -1 if self.ui.spinBoxUpperBound.isEnabled(): upper_bound = self.ui.spinBoxUpperBound.value() num_vals = self.ui.spinBoxBoundaryNumber.value() self.fuzz_table_model.add_boundaries(lower_bound, upper_bound, num_vals) def __add_random_fuzzing_values(self): n = self.ui.spinBoxNumberRandom.value() minimum = self.ui.spinBoxRandomMinimum.value() maximum = self.ui.spinBoxRandomMaximum.value() self.fuzz_table_model.add_random(n, minimum, maximum) def remove_duplicates(self): if self.ui.chkBRemoveDuplicates.isChecked(): for lbl in self.message.message_type: seq = lbl.fuzz_values[:] seen = set() add_seen = seen.add lbl.fuzz_values = [l for l in seq if not (l in seen or add_seen(l))] @pyqtSlot() def set_current_label_name(self): = self.ui.comboBoxFuzzingLabel.currentText() self.ui.comboBoxFuzzingLabel.setItemText(self.ui.comboBoxFuzzingLabel.currentIndex(), @pyqtSlot(int) def on_fuzz_msg_changed(self, index: int): self.ui.comboBoxFuzzingLabel.setDisabled(False) sel_label_ind = self.ui.comboBoxFuzzingLabel.currentIndex() self.ui.comboBoxFuzzingLabel.blockSignals(True) self.ui.comboBoxFuzzingLabel.clear() if len(self.message.message_type) == 0: self.ui.comboBoxFuzzingLabel.setDisabled(True) return self.ui.comboBoxFuzzingLabel.addItems([ for lbl in self.message.message_type]) self.ui.comboBoxFuzzingLabel.blockSignals(False) if sel_label_ind < self.ui.comboBoxFuzzingLabel.count(): self.ui.comboBoxFuzzingLabel.setCurrentIndex(sel_label_ind) else: self.ui.comboBoxFuzzingLabel.setCurrentIndex(0) self.fuzz_table_model.fuzzing_label = self.current_label self.fuzz_table_model.update() self.update_message_data_string() @pyqtSlot() def on_btn_repeat_values_clicked(self): num_repeats, ok = QInputDialog.getInt(self,"How many times shall values be repeated?"),"Number of repeats:"), 1, 1) if ok: self.ui.chkBRemoveDuplicates.setChecked(False) min_row, max_row, _, _ = self.ui.tblFuzzingValues.selection_range() if min_row == -1: start, end = 0, len(self.current_label.fuzz_values) else: start, end = min_row, max_row + 1 self.fuzz_table_model.repeat_fuzzing_values(start, end, num_repeats)
import os import unittest from vsg.rules import iteration_scheme from vsg import vhdlFile from vsg.tests import utils sTestDir = os.path.dirname(__file__) lFile, eError =vhdlFile.utils.read_vhdlfile(os.path.join(sTestDir,'rule_300_test_input.vhd')) dIndentMap = utils.read_indent_file() lExpected = [] lExpected.append('') utils.read_file(os.path.join(sTestDir, 'rule_300_test_input.fixed.vhd'), lExpected) class test_iteration_scheme_rule(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.oFile = vhdlFile.vhdlFile(lFile) self.assertIsNone(eError) self.oFile.set_indent_map(dIndentMap) def test_rule_300(self): oRule = iteration_scheme.rule_300() self.assertTrue(oRule) self.assertEqual(, 'iteration_scheme') self.assertEqual(oRule.identifier, '300') lExpected = [13, 17] oRule.analyze(self.oFile) self.assertEqual(lExpected, utils.extract_violation_lines_from_violation_object(oRule.violations)) def test_fix_rule_300(self): oRule = iteration_scheme.rule_300() oRule.fix(self.oFile) lActual = self.oFile.get_lines() self.assertEqual(lExpected, lActual) oRule.analyze(self.oFile) self.assertEqual(oRule.violations, [])
# # LMirror is Copyright (C) 2010 Robert Collins <[email protected]> # # LMirror is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program. If not, see <>. # # In the LMirror source tree the file COPYING.txt contains the GNU General Public # License version 3. # """Tests for logging support code.""" from StringIO import StringIO import logging import os.path import time from l_mirror import logging_support from l_mirror.tests import ResourcedTestCase from l_mirror.tests.logging_resource import LoggingResourceManager from l_mirror.tests.stubpackage import TempDirResource class TestLoggingSetup(ResourcedTestCase): resources = [('logging', LoggingResourceManager())] def test_configure_logging_sets_converter(self): out = StringIO() c_log, f_log, formatter = logging_support.configure_logging(out) self.assertEqual(c_log, logging.root.handlers[0]) self.assertEqual(f_log, logging.root.handlers[1]) self.assertEqual(None, c_log.formatter) self.assertEqual(formatter, f_log.formatter) self.assertEqual(time.gmtime, formatter.converter) self.assertEqual("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ", formatter.datefmt) self.assertEqual(logging.StreamHandler, c_log.__class__) self.assertEqual(out, self.assertEqual(logging.FileHandler, f_log.__class__) self.assertEqual(os.path.expanduser("~/.cache/lmirror/log"), f_log.baseFilename) def test_can_supply_filename_None(self): out = StringIO() c_log, f_log, formatter = logging_support.configure_logging(out, None) self.assertEqual(None, f_log)
# -*- coding: utf8 -*- ########################################################################### # This is the package latexparser # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. ########################################################################### # copyright (c) Laurent Claessens, 2010,2012-2016 # email: [email protected] import codecs from latexparser.InputPaths import InputPaths class Occurrence(object): """ self.as_written : the code as it appears in the file, including \MyMacro, including the backslash. self.position : the position at which this occurrence appears. Example, if we look at the LatexCode Hello word, \MyMacro{first} and then \MyMacro{second} the first occurrence of \MyMacro has position=12 """ def __init__(self,name,arguments,as_written="",position=0): self.arguments = arguments self.number_of_arguments = len(arguments) = name self.as_written = as_written self.arguments_list = arguments self.position = position def configuration(self): r""" Return the way the arguments are separated in as_written. Example, if we have \MyMacro<space>{A}<tab>{B} {C}, we return the list ["<space>","tab","\n"] The following has to be true: self.as_written ==[0]+self.arguments_list[0]+etc. """ l=[] a = self.as_written.split([1] for arg in self.arguments_list: split = a.split("{"+arg+"}") separator=split[0] try: a=split[1] except IndexError: print(self.as_written) raise l.append(separator) return l def change_argument(self,num,func): r""" Apply the function <func> to the <n>th argument of self. Then return a new object. """ n=num-1 # Internally, the arguments are numbered from 0. arguments=self.arguments_list configuration=self.configuration() arguments[n]=func(arguments[n]) if len(arguments) != len(configuration): print("Error : length of the configuration list has to be the same as the number of arguments") raise ValueError for i in range(len(arguments)): new_text=new_text+configuration[i]+"{"+arguments[i]+"}" return Occurrence(,arguments,new_text,self.position) def analyse(self): return globals()["Occurrence_"[1:]](self) # We have to remove the initial "\" in the name of the macro. def __getitem__(self,a): return self.arguments[a] def __str__(self): return self.as_written class Occurrence_newlabel(object): r""" takes an occurrence of \newlabel and creates an object which contains the information. In the self.section_name we remove "\relax" from the string. """ def __init__(self,occurrence): self.occurrence = occurrence self.arguments = self.occurrence.arguments if len(self.arguments) == 0 : = "Non interesting; probably the definition" self.listoche = [None,None,None,None,None] self.value,,self.section_name,self.fourth,self.fifth=(None,None,None,None,None) else : = self.arguments[0][0] self.listoche = [a[0] for a in SearchArguments(self.arguments[1][0],5)[0]] self.value = self.listoche[0] = self.listoche[1] self.section_name = self.listoche[2].replace(r"\relax","") self.fourth = self.listoche[3] # I don't know the role of the fourth argument of \newlabel self.fifth = self.listoche[4] # I don't know the role of the fifth argument of \newlabel class Occurrence_addInputPath(object): def __init__(self,Occurrence):[0] class Occurrence_cite(object): def __init__(self,occurrence): self.label = occurrence[0] def entry(self,codeBibtex): return codeBibtex[self.label] class Occurrence_newcommand(object): def __init__(self,occurrence): self.occurrence = occurrence self.number_of_arguments = 0 if self.occurrence[1][1] == "[]": self.number_of_arguments = self.occurrence[1][0] = self.occurrence[0][0]#[0] self.definition = self.occurrence[-1][0] class Occurrence_label(object): def __init__(self,occurrence): self.occurrence=occurrence self.label=self.occurrence.arguments[0] class Occurrence_ref(object): def __init__(self,occurrence): self.occurrence=occurrence self.label=self.occurrence.arguments[0] class Occurrence_eqref(object): def __init__(self,occurrence): self.occurrence=occurrence self.label=self.occurrence.arguments[0] class Occurrence_input(Occurrence): def __init__(self,occurrence): Occurrence.__init__(self,,occurrence.arguments,as_written=occurrence.as_written,position=occurrence.position) self.occurrence = occurrence self.filename = self.occurrence[0] self.input_paths=InputPaths() self._file_content=None # Make file_content "lazy" def file_content(self,input_paths=None): r""" return the content of the file corresponding to this occurrence of \input. This is not recursive. - 'input_path' is the list of paths in which we can search for files. See the macro `\addInputPath` in the file """ import os.path # Memoize if self._file_content is not None : return self._file_content # At least, we are searching in the current directory : if input_paths is None : raise # Just to know who should do something like that # Creating the filename filename=self.filename strict_filename = filename if "." not in filename: strict_filename=filename+".tex" # Searching for the correct file in the subdirectories fn=input_paths.get_file(strict_filename) try: # Without [:-1] I got an artificial empty line at the end. text = "".join(,"r",encoding="utf8") )[:-1] except IOError : print("Warning : file %s not found."%strict_filename) raise self._file_content=text return self._file_content
#!/usr/bin/env python # # MCP320x # # Author: Maurik Holtrop # # This module interfaces with the MCP300x or MCP320x family of chips. These # are 10-bit and 12-bit ADCs respectively. The x number indicates the number # of multiplexed analog inputs: 2 (MCP3202), 4 (MCP3204) or 8 (MCP3208) # Communications with this chip are over the SPI protocol. # See: # # The version of the code has two SPI interfaces: the builtin hardware # SPI interface on the RPI, or a "bit-banged" GPIO version. # # Bit-Bang GPIO: # We emulate a SPI port in software using the GPIO lines. # This is a bit slower than the hardware interface, but it is far more # clear what is going on, plus the RPi has only one SPI device. # Connections: RPi GPIO to MCP320x # CS_bar_pin = CS/SHDN # CLK_pin = CLK # MOSI_pin = D_in # MISO_pin = D_out # # Hardware SPI: # This uses the builtin hardware on the RPi. You need to enable this with the # raspi-config program first. The data rate can be up to 1MHz. # Connections: RPi pins to MCP320x # CE0 or CE1 = CS/SHDN (chip select) set CS_bar = 0 or 1 # SCK = CLK set CLK_pin = 1000000 (transfer speed) # MOSI = D_in set MOSI_pin = 0 # MISO = D_out set MISO_pin = 0 # The SPI protocol simulated here is MODE=0, CPHA=0, which has a positive polarity clock, # (the clock is 0 at rest, active at 1) and a positive phase (0 to 1 transition) for reading # or writing the data. Thus corresponds to the specifications of the MCP320x chips. # # From MCP3208 datasheet: # Outging data : MCU latches data to A/D converter on rising edges of SCLK # Incoming data: Data is clocked out of A/D converter on falling edges, so should be read on rising edge. try: import RPi.GPIO as GPIO except ImportError as error: pass try: import Adafruit_BBIO as GPIO except ImportError as error: pass try: import spidev except ImportError as error: pass from DevLib.MyValues import MyValues class MCP320x: """This is an class that implements an interface to the MCP320x ADC chips. Standard is the MCP3208, but is will also work wiht the MCP3202, MCP3204, MCP3002, MCP3004 and MCP3008.""" def __init__(self, cs_bar_pin, clk_pin=1000000, mosi_pin=0, miso_pin=0, chip='MCP3208', channel_max=None, bit_length=None, single_ended=True): """Initialize the code and set the GPIO pins. The last argument, ch_max, is 2 for the MCP3202, 4 for the MCP3204 or 8 for the MCS3208.""" self._CLK = clk_pin self._MOSI = mosi_pin self._MISO = miso_pin self._CS_bar = cs_bar_pin chip_dictionary = { "MCP3202": (2, 12), "MCP3204": (4, 12), "MCP3208": (8, 12), "MCP3002": (2, 10), "MCP3004": (4, 10), "MCP3008": (8, 10) } if chip in chip_dictionary: self._ChannelMax = chip_dictionary[chip][0] self._BitLength = chip_dictionary[chip][1] elif chip is None and (channel_max is not None) and (bit_length is not None): self._ChannelMax = channel_max self._BitLength = bit_length else: print("Unknown chip: {} - Please re-initialize.") self._ChannelMax = 0 self._BitLength = 0 return self._SingleEnded = single_ended self._Vref = 3.3 self._values = MyValues(self.read_adc, self._ChannelMax) self._volts = MyValues(self.read_volts, self._ChannelMax) # This is used to speed up the SPIDEV communication. Send out MSB first. # control[0] - bit7-3: upper 5 bits 0, because we can only send 8 bit sequences. # - bit2 : Start bit - starts conversion in ADCs # - bit1 : Select single_ended=1 or differential=0 # - bit0 : D2 high bit of channel select. # control[1] - bit7 : D1 middle bit of channel select. # - bit6 : D0 low bit of channel select. # - bit5-0 : Don't care. if self._SingleEnded: self._control0 = [0b00000110, 0b00100000, 0] # Pre-compute part of the control word. else: self._control0 = [0b00000100, 0b00100000, 0] # Pre-compute part of the control word. if self._MOSI > 0: # Bing Bang mode assert self._MISO != 0 and self._CLK < 32 if GPIO.getmode() != 11: GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Use the BCM numbering scheme GPIO.setup(self._CLK, GPIO.OUT) # Setup the ports for in and output GPIO.setup(self._MOSI, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(self._MISO, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(self._CS_bar, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(self._CLK, 0) # Set the clock low. GPIO.output(self._MOSI, 0) # Set the Master Out low GPIO.output(self._CS_bar, 1) # Set the CS_bar high else: self._dev = spidev.SpiDev(0, self._CS_bar) # Start a SpiDev device self._dev.mode = 0 # Set SPI mode (phase) self._dev.max_speed_hz = self._CLK # Set the data rate self._dev.bits_per_word = 8 # Number of bit per word. ALWAYS 8 def __del__(self): """ Cleanup the GPIO before being destroyed """ if self._MOSI > 0: GPIO.cleanup(self._CS_bar) GPIO.cleanup(self._CLK) GPIO.cleanup(self._MOSI) GPIO.cleanup(self._MISO) def get_channel_max(self): """Return the maximum number of channels""" return self._ChannelMax def get_bit_length(self): """Return the number of bits that will be read""" return self._BitLength def get_value_max(self): """Return the maximum value possible for an ADC read""" return 2 ** self._BitLength - 1 def send_bit(self, bit): """ Send out a single bit, and pulse clock.""" if self._MOSI == 0: return # # The input is read on the rising edge of the clock. # GPIO.output(self._MOSI, bit) # Set the bit. GPIO.output(self._CLK, 1) # Rising edge sends data GPIO.output(self._CLK, 0) # Return clock to zero. def read_bit(self): """ Read a single bit from the ADC and pulse clock.""" if self._MOSI == 0: return 0 # # The output is going out on the falling edge of the clock, # and is to be read on the rising edge of the clock. # Clock should be already low, and data should already be set. GPIO.output(self._CLK, 1) # Set the clock high. Ready to read. bit = GPIO.input(self._MISO) # Read the bit. GPIO.output(self._CLK, 0) # Return clock low, next bit will be set. return bit def read_adc(self, channel): """This reads the actual ADC value, after connecting the analog multiplexer to the desired channel. ADC value is returned at a n-bit integer value, with n=10 or 12 depending on the chip. The value can be converted to a voltage with: volts = data*Vref/(2**n-1)""" if channel < 0 or channel >= self._ChannelMax: print("Error - chip does not have channel = {}".format(channel)) if self._MOSI == 0: # SPIdev Code # This builds up the control word, which selects the channel # and sets single/differential more. control = [self._control0[0] + ((channel & 0b100) >> 2), self._control0[1]+((channel & 0b011) << 6), 0] dat = self._dev.xfer(control) value = (dat[1] << 8)+dat[2] # Unpack the two 8-bit words to a single integer. return value else: # Bit Bang code. # To read out this chip you need to send: # 1 - start bit # 2 - Single ended (1) or differential (0) mode # 3 - Channel select: 1 bit for x=2 or 3 bits for x=4,8 # 4 - MSB first (1) or LSB first (0) # # Start of sequence sets CS_bar low, and sends sequence # GPIO.output(self._CLK, 0) # Make sure clock starts low. GPIO.output(self._MOSI, 0) GPIO.output(self._CS_bar, 0) # Select the chip. self.send_bit(1) # Start bit = 1 self.send_bit(self._SingleEnded) # Select single or differential if self._ChannelMax > 2: self.send_bit(int((channel & 0b100) > 0)) # Send high bit of channel = DS2 self.send_bit(int((channel & 0b010) > 0)) # Send mid bit of channel = DS1 self.send_bit(int((channel & 0b001) > 0)) # Send low bit of channel = DS0 else: self.send_bit(channel) self.send_bit(0) # MSB First (for MCP3x02) or don't care. # The clock is currently low, and the dummy bit = 0 is on the output of the ADC # self.read_bit() # Read the bit. data = 0 for i in range(self._BitLength): # Note you need to shift left first, or else you shift the last bit (bit 0) # to the 1 position. data <<= 1 bit = self.read_bit() data += bit GPIO.output(self._CS_bar, 1) # Unselect the chip. return data def read_volts(self, channel): """Read the ADC value from channel and convert to volts, assuming that Vref is set correctly. """ return self._Vref * self.read_adc(channel) / self.get_value_max() def fast_read_adc0(self): """This reads the actual ADC value of channel 0, with as little overhead as possible. Use with SPIDEV ONLY!!!! returns: The ADC value as an n-bit integer value, with n=10 or 12 depending on the chip.""" dat = self._dev.xfer(self._control0) value = (dat[1] << 8) + dat[2] return value @property def values(self): """ADC values presented as a list.""" return self._values @property def volts(self): """ADC voltages presented as a list""" return self._volts @property def accuracy(self): """The fractional voltage of the least significant bit. """ return self._Vref / float(self.get_value_max()) @property def vref(self): """Reference voltage used by the chip. You need to set this. It defaults to 3.3V""" return self._Vref @vref.setter def vref(self, vr): self._Vref = vr def main(argv): """Test code for the MCP320x driver. This assumes you are using a MCP3208 If no arguments are supplied, then use SPIdev for CE0 and read channel 0""" if len(argv) < 3: print("Args : ", argv) cs_bar = 0 clk_pin = 1000000 mosi_pin = 0 miso_pin = 0 if len(argv) < 2: channel = 0 else: channel = int(argv[1]) elif len(argv) < 6: print("Please supply: cs_bar_pin clk_pin mosi_pin miso_pin channel") sys.exit(1) else: cs_bar = int(argv[1]) clk_pin = int(argv[2]) mosi_pin = int(argv[3]) miso_pin = int(argv[4]) channel = int(argv[5]) adc_chip = MCP320x(cs_bar, clk_pin, mosi_pin, miso_pin) try: while True: value = adc_chip.read_adc(channel) print("{:4d}".format(value)) time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import time main(sys.argv)
# # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Michael Bayer [email protected] # # This module is part of Mako and is released under # the MIT License: __version__ = '0.3.4'
#!/usr/bin/python import sys print " DivsumFile NumberOfNucleotides" try: file = sys.argv[1] except: file = raw_input("Introduce RepeatMasker's Divsum file: ") try: nucs = sys.argv[2] except: nucs = raw_input("Introduce number of analysed nucleotides: ") nucs = int(nucs) data = open(file).readlines() s_matrix = data.index("Coverage for each repeat class and divergence (Kimura)\n") matrix = [] elements = data[s_matrix+1] elements = elements.split() for element in elements[1:]: matrix.append([element,[]]) n_el = len(matrix) for line in data[s_matrix+2:]: # print line info = line.split() info = info[1:] for n in range(0,n_el): matrix[n][1].append(int(info[n])) abs = open(file+".abs", "w") rel = open(file+".rel", "w") for n in range(0,n_el): abs.write("%s\t%s\n" % (matrix[n][0], sum(matrix[n][1]))) rel.write("%s\t%s\n" % (matrix[n][0], round(1.0*sum(matrix[n][1])/nucs,100)))
""" Copyright 2014 Jason Heeris, [email protected] This file is part of the dungeon excavator web interface ("webcavate"). Webcavate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Webcavate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with webcavate. If not, see <>. """ import argparse import uuid from flask import Flask, render_template, request, make_response, redirect, url_for, flash from dungeon.excavate import render_room HELP_TEXT = """\ Web interface to the dungeon excavator.""" app = Flask('dungeon.web') app.secret_key = str(uuid.uuid4()) @app.route("/") def root(): """ Web interface landing page. """ return render_template('index.html') @app.route("/error") def error(): """ Display errors. """ return render_template('error.html') def make_map(request, format): tile_size = int(request.form['size']) wall_file = request.files['walls'] floor_file = request.files['floor'] floorplan_file = request.files['floorplan'] try: room_data, content_type = render_room(,,, tile_size, format ) except ValueError as ve: flash(str(ve)) return redirect(url_for('error')) # Create response response = make_response(room_data) response.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type return response @app.route("/map.svg", methods=['POST']) def map_svg(): return make_map(request, format='svg') @app.route("/map.png", methods=['POST']) def map_png(): return make_map(request, format='png') @app.route("/map.jpg", methods=['POST']) def map_jpg(): return make_map(request, format='jpg') @app.route("/map", methods=['POST']) def process(): """ Process submitted form data. """ format = request.form['format'] try: node = { 'png': 'map_png', 'svg': 'map_svg', 'jpg': 'map_jpg', }[format] except KeyError: flash("The output format you selected is not supported.") return redirect(url_for('error')) else: return redirect(url_for(node, _method='POST'), code=307) def main(): """ Parse arguments and get things going for the web interface """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=HELP_TEXT) parser.add_argument( '-p', '--port', help="Port to serve the interface on.", type=int, default=5050 ) parser.add_argument( '-a', '--host', help="Host to server the interface on.", ) args = parser.parse_args(),, debug=False)
import subprocess import time import sys import re class checkIfUp: __shellPings = [] __shell2Nbst = [] __ipsToCheck = [] checkedIps = 0 onlineIps = 0 unreachable = 0 timedOut = 0 upIpsAddress = [] computerName = [] completeMacAddress = [] executionTime = 0 def __init__(self,fromIp,toIp): startTime = time.time() self.fromIp = fromIp # from 192.168.1.x self.toIp = toIp # to 192.168.x.x self.__checkIfIpIsValid(fromIp) self.__checkIfIpIsValid(toIp) self.__getRange(fromIp,toIp) self.__shellToQueue() #self.__checkIfUp() # run by the shellToQueue queue organizer self.__computerInfoInQueue() endTime = time.time() self.executionTime = round(endTime - startTime,3) def __checkIfIpIsValid(self,ip): def validateRange(val): # valid range => 1 <-> 255 try: val = int(val) if val < 0 or val > 255: print "Invalid IP Range ("+str(val)+")" sys.exit(0) except: print "Invalid IP" sys.exit(0) ip = ip.split(".") firstVal = validateRange(ip[0]) secondVal = validateRange(ip[1]) thirdVal = validateRange(ip[2]) fourthVal = validateRange(ip[3]) return True def __getRange(self,fromIp,toIp): fromIp = fromIp.split(".") toIp = toIp.split(".") # toIp must be > fromIp def ip3chars(ipBlock): # input 1; output 001 ipBlock = str(ipBlock) while len(ipBlock) != 3: ipBlock = "0"+ipBlock return ipBlock fromIpRaw = ip3chars(fromIp[0])+ip3chars(fromIp[1])+ip3chars(fromIp[2])+ip3chars(fromIp[3]) toIpRaw = ip3chars(toIp[0])+ip3chars(toIp[1])+ip3chars(toIp[2])+ip3chars(toIp[3]) if fromIpRaw > toIpRaw: # if from is bigger switch the order temp = fromIp fromIp = toIp toIp = temp currentIp = [0,0,0,0] # all to integers currentIp0 = int(fromIp[0]) currentIp1 = int(fromIp[1]) currentIp2 = int(fromIp[2]) currentIp3 = int(fromIp[3]) toIp0 = int(toIp[0]) toIp1 = int(toIp[1]) toIp2 = int(toIp[2]) toIp3 = int(toIp[3]) firstIp = str(currentIp0)+"."+str(currentIp1)+"."+str(currentIp2)+"."+str(currentIp3) self.__ipsToCheck = [firstIp] while currentIp3 != toIp3 or currentIp2 != toIp2 or currentIp1 != toIp1 or currentIp0 != toIp0: currentIp3 += 1 if currentIp3 > 255: currentIp3 = 0 currentIp2 += 1 if currentIp2 > 255: currentIp2 = 0 currentIp1 += 1 if currentIp1 > 255: currentIp1 = 0 currentIp0 += 1 addIp = str(currentIp0)+"."+str(currentIp1)+"."+str(currentIp2)+"."+str(currentIp3) self.__ipsToCheck.append(addIp) def __shellToQueue(self): # write them in the shell queue maxPingsAtOnce = 200 currentQueuedPings = 0 for pingIp in self.__ipsToCheck: proc = subprocess.Popen(['ping','-n','1',pingIp],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,shell=True) self.__shellPings.append(proc) currentQueuedPings += 1 if currentQueuedPings >= maxPingsAtOnce: #execute shells self.__checkIfUp() currentQueuedPings = 0 self.__shellPings = [] self.__checkIfUp() # execute last queue def __checkIfUp(self): # execute the shells & determine whether the host is up or not for shellInQueue in self.__shellPings: pingResult = "" shellInQueue.wait() while True: line = shellInQueue.stdout.readline() if line != "": pingResult += line else: break; self.checkedIps += 1 if 'unreachable' in pingResult: self.unreachable += 1 elif 'timed out' in pingResult: self.timedOut += 1 else: self.onlineIps += 1 currentIp = self.__ipsToCheck[self.checkedIps-1] self.upIpsAddress.append(currentIp) def __computerInfoInQueue(self): # shell queue for online hosts maxShellsAtOnce = 255 currentQueuedNbst = 0 for onlineIp in self.upIpsAddress: proc = subprocess.Popen(['\\Windows\\sysnative\\nbtstat.exe','-a',onlineIp],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,shell=True) self.__shell2Nbst.append(proc) currentQueuedNbst += 1 if currentQueuedNbst >= maxShellsAtOnce: # execute shells self.__gatherComputerInfo() currentQueuedNbst = 0 self.__shell2Nbst = [] self.__gatherComputerInfo() # execute last queue def __gatherComputerInfo(self): # execute the shells and find host Name and MAC for shellInQueue in self.__shell2Nbst: nbstResult = "" shellInQueue.wait() computerNameLine = "" macAddressLine = "" computerName = "" macAddress = "" while True: line = shellInQueue.stdout.readline() if line != "": if '<00>' in line and 'UNIQUE' in line: computerNameLine = line if 'MAC Address' in line: macAddressLine = line else: break; computerName = re.findall('([ ]+)(.*?)([ ]+)<00>', computerNameLine) macAddress = re.findall('([A-Z0-9]+)-([A-Z0-9]+)-([A-Z0-9]+)-([A-Z0-9]+)-([A-Z0-9]+)-([A-Z0-9]+)',macAddressLine) try: self.computerName.append(computerName[0][1]) except: self.computerName.append("") completeMacAddress = "" firstMacElement = 0 try: for macEach in macAddress[0]: if firstMacElement == 0: firstMacElement += 1 else: completeMacAddress += ":" completeMacAddress += macEach firstMacElement = 0 except: completeMacAddress = "" self.completeMacAddress.append(completeMacAddress) def readValue(self): # debugging use only ips = [] for ip in self.completeMacAddress: ips.append(ip) return ips print "\t\t---LANScanner v1.0---\n" # brief tutorial print "Sample input data:" print "FromIP:" print "ToIP:" print "---" # input fromIp = raw_input("From: ") toIp = raw_input("To: ") # enter values to class userRange = checkIfUp(fromIp,toIp) # read class values print "" #print userRange.readValue() # debugging use only print "Checked",userRange.checkedIps,"IPs" print "" print "Online:",str(userRange.onlineIps)+"/"+str(userRange.checkedIps) print "Unreachable:",userRange.unreachable,"Timed out:",userRange.timedOut print "" # newline print "Online IPs:" print "IP\t\tNAME\t\tMAC" counter = 0 for onlineIp in userRange.upIpsAddress: print onlineIp+"\t"+userRange.computerName[counter]+"\t"+userRange.completeMacAddress[counter] counter += 1 print "" print "Took",userRange.executionTime,"seconds"
# This software is licensed under the "GPLv3" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # import re from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, pyqtSlot from PyQt5.QtWidgets import ( QPushButton, QLineEdit, QVBoxLayout, QGridLayout, QDialog, QTableView, QAbstractItemView, QSpacerItem, QSizePolicy, QHeaderView, ) from .exclude_list_table import ExcludeListTable from core.exclude import AlreadyThereException from hscommon.trans import trget tr = trget("ui") class ExcludeListDialog(QDialog): def __init__(self, app, parent, model, **kwargs): flags = Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint | Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint super().__init__(parent, flags, **kwargs) = app self.specific_actions = frozenset() self._setupUI() self.model = model # ExcludeListDialogCore self.model.view = self self.table = ExcludeListTable(app, view=self.tableView) # Qt ExcludeListTable self._row_matched = False # test if at least one row matched our test string self._input_styled = False self.buttonAdd.clicked.connect(self.addStringFromLineEdit) self.buttonRemove.clicked.connect(self.removeSelected) self.buttonRestore.clicked.connect(self.restoreDefaults) self.buttonClose.clicked.connect(self.accept) self.buttonHelp.clicked.connect(self.display_help_message) self.buttonTestString.clicked.connect(self.onTestStringButtonClicked) self.inputLine.textEdited.connect(self.reset_input_style) self.testLine.textEdited.connect(self.reset_input_style) self.testLine.textEdited.connect(self.reset_table_style) def _setupUI(self): layout = QVBoxLayout(self) gridlayout = QGridLayout() self.buttonAdd = QPushButton(tr("Add")) self.buttonRemove = QPushButton(tr("Remove Selected")) self.buttonRestore = QPushButton(tr("Restore defaults")) self.buttonTestString = QPushButton(tr("Test string")) self.buttonClose = QPushButton(tr("Close")) self.buttonHelp = QPushButton(tr("Help")) self.inputLine = QLineEdit() self.testLine = QLineEdit() self.tableView = QTableView() triggers = ( QAbstractItemView.DoubleClicked | QAbstractItemView.EditKeyPressed | QAbstractItemView.SelectedClicked ) self.tableView.setEditTriggers(triggers) self.tableView.setSelectionMode(QTableView.ExtendedSelection) self.tableView.setSelectionBehavior(QTableView.SelectRows) self.tableView.setShowGrid(False) vheader = self.tableView.verticalHeader() vheader.setSectionsMovable(True) vheader.setVisible(False) hheader = self.tableView.horizontalHeader() hheader.setSectionsMovable(False) hheader.setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView.Fixed) hheader.setStretchLastSection(True) hheader.setHighlightSections(False) hheader.setVisible(True) gridlayout.addWidget(self.inputLine, 0, 0) gridlayout.addWidget(self.buttonAdd, 0, 1, Qt.AlignLeft) gridlayout.addWidget(self.buttonRemove, 1, 1, Qt.AlignLeft) gridlayout.addWidget(self.buttonRestore, 2, 1, Qt.AlignLeft) gridlayout.addWidget(self.buttonHelp, 3, 1, Qt.AlignLeft) gridlayout.addWidget(self.buttonClose, 4, 1) gridlayout.addWidget(self.tableView, 1, 0, 6, 1) gridlayout.addItem(QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Expanding), 4, 1) gridlayout.addWidget(self.buttonTestString, 6, 1) gridlayout.addWidget(self.testLine, 6, 0) layout.addLayout(gridlayout) self.inputLine.setPlaceholderText(tr("Type a python regular expression here...")) self.inputLine.setFocus() self.testLine.setPlaceholderText(tr("Type a file system path or filename here...")) self.testLine.setClearButtonEnabled(True) # --- model --> view def show(self): super().show() self.inputLine.setFocus() @pyqtSlot() def addStringFromLineEdit(self): text = self.inputLine.text() if not text: return try: self.model.add(text) except AlreadyThereException:"Expression already in the list.") return except Exception as e:"Expression is invalid: {e}") return self.inputLine.clear() def removeSelected(self): self.model.remove_selected() def restoreDefaults(self): self.model.restore_defaults() def onTestStringButtonClicked(self): input_text = self.testLine.text() if not input_text: self.reset_input_style() return # If at least one row matched, we know whether table is highlighted or not self._row_matched = self.model.test_string(input_text) self.table.refresh() # Test the string currently in the input text box as well input_regex = self.inputLine.text() if not input_regex: self.reset_input_style() return compiled = None try: compiled = re.compile(input_regex) except re.error: self.reset_input_style() return if self.model.is_match(input_text, compiled): self.inputLine.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(10, 200, 10);") self._input_styled = True else: self.reset_input_style() def reset_input_style(self): """Reset regex input line background""" if self._input_styled: self.inputLine.setStyleSheet(self.styleSheet()) self._input_styled = False def reset_table_style(self): if self._row_matched: self._row_matched = False self.model.reset_rows_highlight() self.table.refresh() def display_help_message(self): tr( """\ These (case sensitive) python regular expressions will filter out files during scans.<br>\ Directores will also have their <strong>default state</strong> set to Excluded \ in the Directories tab if their name happens to match one of the selected regular expressions.<br>\ For each file collected, two tests are performed to determine whether or not to completely ignore it:<br>\ <li>1. Regular expressions with no path separator in them will be compared to the file name only.</li> <li>2. Regular expressions with at least one path separator in them will be compared to the full path to the file.</li><br> Example: if you want to filter out .PNG files from the "My Pictures" directory only:<br>\ <code>.*My\\sPictures\\\\.*\\.png</code><br><br>\ You can test the regular expression with the "test string" button after pasting a fake path in the test field:<br>\ <code>C:\\\\User\\My Pictures\\test.png</code><br><br> Matching regular expressions will be highlighted.<br>\ If there is at least one highlight, the path or filename tested will be ignored during scans.<br><br>\ Directories and files starting with a period '.' are filtered out by default.<br><br>""" ) )
from bottle import route, template, error, request, static_file, get, post from index import get_index from bmarks import get_bmarks from tags import get_tags from add import add_tags from bmarklet import get_bmarklet from account import get_account from edit_tags import get_edit_tags from importbm import get_import_bm from edit import do_edit from login import do_login from register import do_register @route('/') def myroot(): return_data = get_index() return return_data @route('/account', method=['GET', 'POST']) def bmarks(): return_data = get_bmarklet() return return_data @route('/add', method=['GET', 'POST']) def bmarks(): return_data = add_tags() return return_data @route('/bmarklet') def bmarks(): return_data = get_bmarklet() return return_data @route('/bmarks') def bmarks(): return_data = get_bmarks() return return_data @route('/edit', method=['GET', 'POST']) def bmarks(): return_data = do_edit() return return_data @route('/edit_tags', method=['GET', 'POST']) def bmarks(): return_data = get_edit_tags() return return_data @route('/import', method=['GET', 'POST']) def bmarks(): return_data = get_import_bm() return return_data @route('/login', method=['GET', 'POST']) def bmarks(): return_data = do_login() return return_data @route('/register', method=['GET', 'POST']) def bmarks(): return_data = do_register() return return_data @route('/tags') def bmarks(): return_data = get_tags() return return_data # serve css @get('/<filename:re:.*\.css>') def send_css(filename): return static_file(filename, root='css') # serve javascript @get('/<filename:re:.*\.js>') def send_js(filename): return static_file(filename, root='js') # serve images @get('<filename:re:.*\.png>') def send_img(filename): return static_file(filename, root='images') # serve fonts @get('<filename:re:.*\.(woff|woff2)>') def send_font(filename): return static_file(filename, root='fonts') @error(404) def handle404(error): return '<H1>Ooops, its not here<BR>' @error(500) def handle500(error): return '<H1>Oops, its broken:&nbsp;{}<BR>'.format(error)
#!/usr/bin/env python class Message(object): """ Base type of a message sent through the pipeline. Define some attributes and methods to form your message. I suggest you don't alter this class. You're are free to do so, of course. It's your own decision. Though, I suggest you create your own message type and let it inherit from this class. """ pass
# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import itertools import json import erpnext import frappe import copy from erpnext.controllers.item_variant import (ItemVariantExistsError, copy_attributes_to_variant, get_variant, make_variant_item_code, validate_item_variant_attributes) from erpnext.setup.doctype.item_group.item_group import (get_parent_item_groups, invalidate_cache_for) from frappe import _, msgprint from frappe.utils import (cint, cstr, flt, formatdate, get_timestamp, getdate, now_datetime, random_string, strip) from frappe.utils.html_utils import clean_html from import \ get_slideshow from import clear_cache from import WebsiteGenerator from six import iteritems class DuplicateReorderRows(frappe.ValidationError): pass class StockExistsForTemplate(frappe.ValidationError): pass class InvalidBarcode(frappe.ValidationError): pass class Item(WebsiteGenerator): website = frappe._dict( page_title_field="item_name", condition_field="show_in_website", template="templates/generators/item.html", no_cache=1 ) def onload(self): super(Item, self).onload() self.set_onload('stock_exists', self.stock_ledger_created()) self.set_asset_naming_series() def set_asset_naming_series(self): if not hasattr(self, '_asset_naming_series'): from erpnext.assets.doctype.asset.asset import get_asset_naming_series self._asset_naming_series = get_asset_naming_series() self.set_onload('asset_naming_series', self._asset_naming_series) def autoname(self): if frappe.db.get_default("item_naming_by") == "Naming Series": if self.variant_of: if not self.item_code: template_item_name = frappe.db.get_value("Item", self.variant_of, "item_name") self.item_code = make_variant_item_code(self.variant_of, template_item_name, self) else: from frappe.model.naming import set_name_by_naming_series set_name_by_naming_series(self) self.item_code = self.item_code = strip(self.item_code) = self.item_code def before_insert(self): if not self.description: self.description = self.item_name # if self.is_sales_item and not self.get('is_item_from_hub'): # self.publish_in_hub = 1 def after_insert(self): '''set opening stock and item price''' if self.standard_rate: for default in self.item_defaults: self.add_price(default.default_price_list) if self.opening_stock: self.set_opening_stock() def validate(self): self.get_doc_before_save() super(Item, self).validate() if not self.item_name: self.item_name = self.item_code if not self.description: self.description = self.item_name self.validate_uom() self.validate_description() self.add_default_uom_in_conversion_factor_table() self.validate_conversion_factor() self.validate_item_type() self.check_for_active_boms() self.fill_customer_code() self.check_item_tax() self.validate_barcode() self.validate_warehouse_for_reorder() self.update_bom_item_desc() self.synced_with_hub = 0 self.validate_has_variants() self.validate_stock_exists_for_template_item() self.validate_attributes() self.validate_variant_attributes() self.validate_variant_based_on_change() self.validate_website_image() self.make_thumbnail() self.validate_fixed_asset() self.validate_retain_sample() self.validate_uom_conversion_factor() self.validate_item_defaults() self.update_defaults_from_item_group() self.validate_stock_for_has_batch_and_has_serial() if not self.get("__islocal"): self.old_item_group = frappe.db.get_value(self.doctype,, "item_group") self.old_website_item_groups = frappe.db.sql_list("""select item_group from `tabWebsite Item Group` where parentfield='website_item_groups' and parenttype='Item' and parent=%s""", def on_update(self): invalidate_cache_for_item(self) self.validate_name_with_item_group() self.update_variants() self.update_item_price() self.update_template_item() def validate_description(self): '''Clean HTML description if set''' if cint(frappe.db.get_single_value('Stock Settings', 'clean_description_html')): self.description = clean_html(self.description) def add_price(self, price_list=None): '''Add a new price''' if not price_list: price_list = (frappe.db.get_single_value('Selling Settings', 'selling_price_list') or frappe.db.get_value('Price List', _('Standard Selling'))) if price_list: item_price = frappe.get_doc({ "doctype": "Item Price", "price_list": price_list, "item_code":, "currency": erpnext.get_default_currency(), "price_list_rate": self.standard_rate }) item_price.insert() def set_opening_stock(self): '''set opening stock''' if not self.is_stock_item or self.has_serial_no or self.has_batch_no: return if not self.valuation_rate and self.standard_rate: self.valuation_rate = self.standard_rate if not self.valuation_rate: frappe.throw(_("Valuation Rate is mandatory if Opening Stock entered")) from erpnext.stock.doctype.stock_entry.stock_entry_utils import make_stock_entry # default warehouse, or Stores for default in self.item_defaults: default_warehouse = (default.default_warehouse or frappe.db.get_single_value('Stock Settings', 'default_warehouse') or frappe.db.get_value('Warehouse', {'warehouse_name': _('Stores')})) if default_warehouse: stock_entry = make_stock_entry(, target=default_warehouse, qty=self.opening_stock, rate=self.valuation_rate, stock_entry.add_comment("Comment", _("Opening Stock")) def make_route(self): if not self.route: return cstr(frappe.db.get_value('Item Group', self.item_group, 'route')) + '/' + self.scrub((self.item_name if self.item_name else self.item_code) + '-' + random_string(5)) def validate_website_image(self): if frappe.flags.in_import: return """Validate if the website image is a public file""" auto_set_website_image = False if not self.website_image and self.image: auto_set_website_image = True self.website_image = self.image if not self.website_image: return # find if website image url exists as public file_doc = frappe.get_all("File", filters={ "file_url": self.website_image }, fields=["name", "is_private"], order_by="is_private asc", limit_page_length=1) if file_doc: file_doc = file_doc[0] if not file_doc: if not auto_set_website_image: frappe.msgprint(_("Website Image {0} attached to Item {1} cannot be found").format(self.website_image, self.website_image = None elif file_doc.is_private: if not auto_set_website_image: frappe.msgprint(_("Website Image should be a public file or website URL")) self.website_image = None def make_thumbnail(self): if frappe.flags.in_import: return """Make a thumbnail of `website_image`""" import requests.exceptions if not self.is_new() and self.website_image != frappe.db.get_value(self.doctype,, "website_image"): self.thumbnail = None if self.website_image and not self.thumbnail: file_doc = None try: file_doc = frappe.get_doc("File", { "file_url": self.website_image, "attached_to_doctype": "Item", "attached_to_name": }) except frappe.DoesNotExistError: pass # cleanup frappe.local.message_log.pop() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: frappe.msgprint(_("Warning: Invalid attachment {0}").format(self.website_image)) self.website_image = None except requests.exceptions.SSLError: frappe.msgprint( _("Warning: Invalid SSL certificate on attachment {0}").format(self.website_image)) self.website_image = None # for CSV import if self.website_image and not file_doc: try: file_doc = frappe.get_doc({ "doctype": "File", "file_url": self.website_image, "attached_to_doctype": "Item", "attached_to_name": }).insert() except IOError: self.website_image = None if file_doc: if not file_doc.thumbnail_url: file_doc.make_thumbnail() self.thumbnail = file_doc.thumbnail_url def validate_fixed_asset(self): if self.is_fixed_asset: if self.is_stock_item: frappe.throw(_("Fixed Asset Item must be a non-stock item.")) if not self.asset_category: frappe.throw(_("Asset Category is mandatory for Fixed Asset item")) if self.stock_ledger_created(): frappe.throw(_("Cannot be a fixed asset item as Stock Ledger is created.")) if not self.is_fixed_asset: asset = frappe.db.get_all("Asset", filters={"item_code":, "docstatus": 1}, limit=1) if asset: frappe.throw(_('"Is Fixed Asset" cannot be unchecked, as Asset record exists against the item')) def validate_retain_sample(self): if self.retain_sample and not frappe.db.get_single_value('Stock Settings', 'sample_retention_warehouse'): frappe.throw(_("Please select Sample Retention Warehouse in Stock Settings first")) if self.retain_sample and not self.has_batch_no: frappe.throw(_(" {0} Retain Sample is based on batch, please check Has Batch No to retain sample of item").format( self.item_code)) def get_context(self, context): context.show_search = True context.search_link = '/product_search' context.parents = get_parent_item_groups(self.item_group) self.set_variant_context(context) self.set_attribute_context(context) self.set_disabled_attributes(context) return context def set_variant_context(self, context): if self.has_variants: context.no_cache = True # load variants # also used in set_attribute_context context.variants = frappe.get_all("Item", filters={"variant_of":, "show_variant_in_website": 1}, order_by="name asc") variant = frappe.form_dict.variant if not variant and context.variants: # the case when the item is opened for the first time from its list variant = context.variants[0] if variant: context.variant = frappe.get_doc("Item", variant) for fieldname in ("website_image", "web_long_description", "description", "website_specifications"): if context.variant.get(fieldname): value = context.variant.get(fieldname) if isinstance(value, list): value = [d.as_dict() for d in value] context[fieldname] = value if self.slideshow: if context.variant and context.variant.slideshow: context.update(get_slideshow(context.variant)) else: context.update(get_slideshow(self)) def set_attribute_context(self, context): if self.has_variants: attribute_values_available = {} context.attribute_values = {} context.selected_attributes = {} # load attributes for v in context.variants: v.attributes = frappe.get_all("Item Variant Attribute", fields=["attribute", "attribute_value"], filters={"parent":}) for attr in v.attributes: values = attribute_values_available.setdefault(attr.attribute, []) if attr.attribute_value not in values: values.append(attr.attribute_value) if == context.selected_attributes[attr.attribute] = attr.attribute_value # filter attributes, order based on attribute table for attr in self.attributes: values = context.attribute_values.setdefault(attr.attribute, []) if cint(frappe.db.get_value("Item Attribute", attr.attribute, "numeric_values")): for val in sorted(attribute_values_available.get(attr.attribute, []), key=flt): values.append(val) else: # get list of values defined (for sequence) for attr_value in frappe.db.get_all("Item Attribute Value", fields=["attribute_value"], filters={"parent": attr.attribute}, order_by="idx asc"): if attr_value.attribute_value in attribute_values_available.get(attr.attribute, []): values.append(attr_value.attribute_value) context.variant_info = json.dumps(context.variants) def set_disabled_attributes(self, context): """Disable selection options of attribute combinations that do not result in a variant""" if not self.attributes or not self.has_variants: return context.disabled_attributes = {} attributes = [attr.attribute for attr in self.attributes] def find_variant(combination): for variant in context.variants: if len(variant.attributes) < len(attributes): continue if "combination" not in variant: ref_combination = [] for attr in variant.attributes: idx = attributes.index(attr.attribute) ref_combination.insert(idx, attr.attribute_value) variant["combination"] = ref_combination if not (set(combination) - set(variant["combination"])): # check if the combination is a subset of a variant combination # eg. [Blue, 0.5] is a possible combination if exists [Blue, Large, 0.5] return True for i, attr in enumerate(self.attributes): if i == 0: continue combination_source = [] # loop through previous attributes for prev_attr in self.attributes[:i]: combination_source.append([context.selected_attributes.get(prev_attr.attribute)]) combination_source.append(context.attribute_values[attr.attribute]) for combination in itertools.product(*combination_source): if not find_variant(combination): context.disabled_attributes.setdefault(attr.attribute, []).append(combination[-1]) def add_default_uom_in_conversion_factor_table(self): uom_conv_list = [d.uom for d in self.get("uoms")] if self.stock_uom not in uom_conv_list: ch = self.append('uoms', {}) ch.uom = self.stock_uom ch.conversion_factor = 1 to_remove = [] for d in self.get("uoms"): if d.conversion_factor == 1 and d.uom != self.stock_uom: to_remove.append(d) [self.remove(d) for d in to_remove] def update_template_tables(self): template = frappe.get_doc("Item", self.variant_of) # add item taxes from template for d in template.get("taxes"): self.append("taxes", {"tax_type": d.tax_type, "tax_rate": d.tax_rate}) # copy re-order table if empty if not self.get("reorder_levels"): for d in template.get("reorder_levels"): n = {} for k in ("warehouse", "warehouse_reorder_level", "warehouse_reorder_qty", "material_request_type"): n[k] = d.get(k) self.append("reorder_levels", n) def validate_conversion_factor(self): check_list = [] for d in self.get('uoms'): if cstr(d.uom) in check_list: frappe.throw( _("Unit of Measure {0} has been entered more than once in Conversion Factor Table").format(d.uom)) else: check_list.append(cstr(d.uom)) if d.uom and cstr(d.uom) == cstr(self.stock_uom) and flt(d.conversion_factor) != 1: frappe.throw( _("Conversion factor for default Unit of Measure must be 1 in row {0}").format(d.idx)) def validate_item_type(self): if self.has_serial_no == 1 and self.is_stock_item == 0 and not self.is_fixed_asset: msgprint(_("'Has Serial No' can not be 'Yes' for non-stock item"), raise_exception=1) if self.has_serial_no == 0 and self.serial_no_series: self.serial_no_series = None def check_for_active_boms(self): if self.default_bom: bom_item = frappe.db.get_value("BOM", self.default_bom, "item") if bom_item not in (, self.variant_of): frappe.throw( _("Default BOM ({0}) must be active for this item or its template").format(bom_item)) def fill_customer_code(self): """ Append all the customer codes and insert into "customer_code" field of item table """ cust_code = [] for d in self.get('customer_items'): cust_code.append(d.ref_code) self.customer_code = ','.join(cust_code) def check_item_tax(self): """Check whether Tax Rate is not entered twice for same Tax Type""" check_list = [] for d in self.get('taxes'): if d.tax_type: account_type = frappe.db.get_value("Account", d.tax_type, "account_type") if account_type not in ['Tax', 'Chargeable', 'Income Account', 'Expense Account']: frappe.throw( _("Item Tax Row {0} must have account of type Tax or Income or Expense or Chargeable").format(d.idx)) else: if d.tax_type in check_list: frappe.throw(_("{0} entered twice in Item Tax").format(d.tax_type)) else: check_list.append(d.tax_type) def validate_barcode(self): from stdnum import ean if len(self.barcodes) > 0: for item_barcode in self.barcodes: options = frappe.get_meta("Item Barcode").get_options("barcode_type").split('\n') if item_barcode.barcode: duplicate = frappe.db.sql( """select parent from `tabItem Barcode` where barcode = %s and parent != %s""", (item_barcode.barcode, if duplicate: frappe.throw(_("Barcode {0} already used in Item {1}").format( item_barcode.barcode, duplicate[0][0]), frappe.DuplicateEntryError) item_barcode.barcode_type = "" if item_barcode.barcode_type not in options else item_barcode.barcode_type if item_barcode.barcode_type and item_barcode.barcode_type.upper() in ('EAN', 'UPC-A', 'EAN-13', 'EAN-8'): if not ean.is_valid(item_barcode.barcode): frappe.throw(_("Barcode {0} is not a valid {1} code").format( item_barcode.barcode, item_barcode.barcode_type), InvalidBarcode) def validate_warehouse_for_reorder(self): '''Validate Reorder level table for duplicate and conditional mandatory''' warehouse = [] for d in self.get("reorder_levels"): if not d.warehouse_group: d.warehouse_group = d.warehouse if d.get("warehouse") and d.get("warehouse") not in warehouse: warehouse += [d.get("warehouse")] else: frappe.throw(_("Row {0}: An Reorder entry already exists for this warehouse {1}") .format(d.idx, d.warehouse), DuplicateReorderRows) if d.warehouse_reorder_level and not d.warehouse_reorder_qty: frappe.throw(_("Row #{0}: Please set reorder quantity").format(d.idx)) def stock_ledger_created(self): if not hasattr(self, '_stock_ledger_created'): self._stock_ledger_created = len(frappe.db.sql("""select name from `tabStock Ledger Entry` where item_code = %s limit 1""", return self._stock_ledger_created def validate_name_with_item_group(self): # causes problem with tree build if frappe.db.exists("Item Group", frappe.throw( _("An Item Group exists with same name, please change the item name or rename the item group")) def update_item_price(self): frappe.db.sql("""update `tabItem Price` set item_name=%s, item_description=%s, brand=%s where item_code=%s""", (self.item_name, self.description, self.brand, def on_trash(self): super(Item, self).on_trash() frappe.db.sql("""delete from tabBin where item_code=%s""", frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabItem Price` where item_code=%s", for variant_of in frappe.get_all("Item", filters={"variant_of":}): frappe.delete_doc("Item", def before_rename(self, old_name, new_name, merge=False): if self.item_name == old_name: frappe.db.set_value("Item", old_name, "item_name", new_name) if merge: # Validate properties before merging if not frappe.db.exists("Item", new_name): frappe.throw(_("Item {0} does not exist").format(new_name)) field_list = ["stock_uom", "is_stock_item", "has_serial_no", "has_batch_no"] new_properties = [cstr(d) for d in frappe.db.get_value("Item", new_name, field_list)] if new_properties != [cstr(self.get(fld)) for fld in field_list]: frappe.throw(_("To merge, following properties must be same for both items") + ": \n" + ", ".join([self.meta.get_label(fld) for fld in field_list])) def after_rename(self, old_name, new_name, merge): if self.route: invalidate_cache_for_item(self) clear_cache(self.route) frappe.db.set_value("Item", new_name, "item_code", new_name) if merge: self.set_last_purchase_rate(new_name) self.recalculate_bin_qty(new_name) for dt in ("Sales Taxes and Charges", "Purchase Taxes and Charges"): for d in frappe.db.sql("""select name, item_wise_tax_detail from `tab{0}` where ifnull(item_wise_tax_detail, '') != ''""".format(dt), as_dict=1): item_wise_tax_detail = json.loads(d.item_wise_tax_detail) if isinstance(item_wise_tax_detail, dict) and old_name in item_wise_tax_detail: item_wise_tax_detail[new_name] = item_wise_tax_detail[old_name] item_wise_tax_detail.pop(old_name) frappe.db.set_value(dt,, "item_wise_tax_detail", json.dumps(item_wise_tax_detail), update_modified=False) def set_last_purchase_rate(self, new_name): last_purchase_rate = get_last_purchase_details(new_name).get("base_rate", 0) frappe.db.set_value("Item", new_name, "last_purchase_rate", last_purchase_rate) def recalculate_bin_qty(self, new_name): from erpnext.stock.stock_balance import repost_stock frappe.db.auto_commit_on_many_writes = 1 existing_allow_negative_stock = frappe.db.get_value("Stock Settings", None, "allow_negative_stock") frappe.db.set_value("Stock Settings", None, "allow_negative_stock", 1) repost_stock_for_warehouses = frappe.db.sql_list("""select distinct warehouse from tabBin where item_code=%s""", new_name) # Delete all existing bins to avoid duplicate bins for the same item and warehouse frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabBin` where item_code=%s", new_name) for warehouse in repost_stock_for_warehouses: repost_stock(new_name, warehouse) frappe.db.set_value("Stock Settings", None, "allow_negative_stock", existing_allow_negative_stock) frappe.db.auto_commit_on_many_writes = 0 def copy_specification_from_item_group(self): self.set("website_specifications", []) if self.item_group: for label, desc in frappe.db.get_values("Item Website Specification", {"parent": self.item_group}, ["label", "description"]): row = self.append("website_specifications") row.label = label row.description = desc def update_bom_item_desc(self): if self.is_new(): return if self.db_get('description') != self.description: frappe.db.sql(""" update `tabBOM` set description = %s where item = %s and docstatus < 2 """, (self.description, frappe.db.sql(""" update `tabBOM Item` set description = %s where item_code = %s and docstatus < 2 """, (self.description, frappe.db.sql(""" update `tabBOM Explosion Item` set description = %s where item_code = %s and docstatus < 2 """, (self.description, def update_template_item(self): """Set Show in Website for Template Item if True for its Variant""" if self.variant_of: if self.show_in_website: self.show_variant_in_website = 1 self.show_in_website = 0 if self.show_variant_in_website: # show template template_item = frappe.get_doc("Item", self.variant_of) if not template_item.show_in_website: template_item.show_in_website = 1 template_item.flags.dont_update_variants = True template_item.flags.ignore_permissions = True def validate_item_defaults(self): companies = list(set([ for row in self.item_defaults])) if len(companies) != len(self.item_defaults): frappe.throw(_("Cannot set multiple Item Defaults for a company.")) def update_defaults_from_item_group(self): """Get defaults from Item Group""" if self.item_group and not self.item_defaults: item_defaults = frappe.db.get_values("Item Default", {"parent": self.item_group}, ['company', 'default_warehouse','default_price_list','buying_cost_center','default_supplier', 'expense_account','selling_cost_center','income_account'], as_dict = 1) if item_defaults: for item in item_defaults: self.append('item_defaults', { 'company':, 'default_warehouse': item.default_warehouse, 'default_price_list': item.default_price_list, 'buying_cost_center': item.buying_cost_center, 'default_supplier': item.default_supplier, 'expense_account': item.expense_account, 'selling_cost_center': item.selling_cost_center, 'income_account': item.income_account }) else: warehouse = '' defaults = frappe.defaults.get_defaults() or {} # To check default warehouse is belong to the default company if defaults.get("default_warehouse") and frappe.db.exists("Warehouse", {'name': defaults.default_warehouse, 'company':}): warehouse = defaults.default_warehouse self.append("item_defaults", { "company": defaults.get("company"), "default_warehouse": warehouse }) def update_variants(self): if self.flags.dont_update_variants or \ frappe.db.get_single_value('Item Variant Settings', 'do_not_update_variants'): return if self.has_variants: variants = frappe.db.get_all("Item", fields=["item_code"], filters={"variant_of":}) if variants: if len(variants) <= 30: update_variants(variants, self, publish_progress=False) frappe.msgprint(_("Item Variants updated")) else: frappe.enqueue("erpnext.stock.doctype.item.item.update_variants", variants=variants, template=self, now=frappe.flags.in_test, timeout=600) def validate_has_variants(self): if not self.has_variants and frappe.db.get_value("Item",, "has_variants"): if frappe.db.exists("Item", {"variant_of":}): frappe.throw(_("Item has variants.")) def validate_stock_exists_for_template_item(self): if self.stock_ledger_created() and self._doc_before_save: if (cint(self._doc_before_save.has_variants) != cint(self.has_variants) or self._doc_before_save.variant_of != self.variant_of): frappe.throw(_("Cannot change Variant properties after stock transaction. You will have to make a new Item to do this.").format(, StockExistsForTemplate) if self.has_variants or self.variant_of: if not self.is_child_table_same('attributes'): frappe.throw( _('Cannot change Attributes after stock transaction. Make a new Item and transfer stock to the new Item')) def validate_variant_based_on_change(self): if not self.is_new() and (self.variant_of or (self.has_variants and frappe.get_all("Item", {"variant_of":}))): if self.variant_based_on != frappe.db.get_value("Item",, "variant_based_on"): frappe.throw(_("Variant Based On cannot be changed")) def validate_uom(self): if not self.get("__islocal"): check_stock_uom_with_bin(, self.stock_uom) if self.has_variants: for d in frappe.db.get_all("Item", filters={"variant_of":}): check_stock_uom_with_bin(, self.stock_uom) if self.variant_of: template_uom = frappe.db.get_value("Item", self.variant_of, "stock_uom") if template_uom != self.stock_uom: frappe.throw(_("Default Unit of Measure for Variant '{0}' must be same as in Template '{1}'") .format(self.stock_uom, template_uom)) def validate_uom_conversion_factor(self): if self.uoms: for d in self.uoms: value = get_uom_conv_factor(d.uom, self.stock_uom) if value: d.conversion_factor = value def validate_attributes(self): if not (self.has_variants or self.variant_of): return if not self.variant_based_on: self.variant_based_on = 'Item Attribute' if self.variant_based_on == 'Item Attribute': attributes = [] if not self.attributes: frappe.throw(_("Attribute table is mandatory")) for d in self.attributes: if d.attribute in attributes: frappe.throw( _("Attribute {0} selected multiple times in Attributes Table".format(d.attribute))) else: attributes.append(d.attribute) def validate_variant_attributes(self): if self.is_new() and self.variant_of and self.variant_based_on == 'Item Attribute': args = {} for d in self.attributes: if cstr(d.attribute_value).strip() == '': frappe.throw(_("Please specify Attribute Value for attribute {0}").format(d.attribute)) args[d.attribute] = d.attribute_value variant = get_variant(self.variant_of, args, if variant: frappe.throw(_("Item variant {0} exists with same attributes") .format(variant), ItemVariantExistsError) validate_item_variant_attributes(self, args) def validate_stock_for_has_batch_and_has_serial(self): if self.stock_ledger_created(): for value in ["has_batch_no", "has_serial_no"]: if frappe.db.get_value("Item",, value) != self.get_value(value): frappe.throw(_("Cannot change {0} as Stock Transaction for Item {1} exist.".format(value, def get_timeline_data(doctype, name): '''returns timeline data based on stock ledger entry''' out = {} items = dict(frappe.db.sql('''select posting_date, count(*) from `tabStock Ledger Entry` where item_code=%s and posting_date > date_sub(curdate(), interval 1 year) group by posting_date''', name)) for date, count in iteritems(items): timestamp = get_timestamp(date) out.update({timestamp: count}) return out def validate_end_of_life(item_code, end_of_life=None, disabled=None, verbose=1): if (not end_of_life) or (disabled is None): end_of_life, disabled = frappe.db.get_value("Item", item_code, ["end_of_life", "disabled"]) if end_of_life and end_of_life != "0000-00-00" and getdate(end_of_life) <= now_datetime().date(): msg = _("Item {0} has reached its end of life on {1}").format(item_code, formatdate(end_of_life)) _msgprint(msg, verbose) if disabled: _msgprint(_("Item {0} is disabled").format(item_code), verbose) def validate_is_stock_item(item_code, is_stock_item=None, verbose=1): if not is_stock_item: is_stock_item = frappe.db.get_value("Item", item_code, "is_stock_item") if is_stock_item != 1: msg = _("Item {0} is not a stock Item").format(item_code) _msgprint(msg, verbose) def validate_cancelled_item(item_code, docstatus=None, verbose=1): if docstatus is None: docstatus = frappe.db.get_value("Item", item_code, "docstatus") if docstatus == 2: msg = _("Item {0} is cancelled").format(item_code) _msgprint(msg, verbose) def _msgprint(msg, verbose): if verbose: msgprint(msg, raise_exception=True) else: raise frappe.ValidationError(msg) def get_last_purchase_details(item_code, doc_name=None, conversion_rate=1.0): """returns last purchase details in stock uom""" # get last purchase order item details last_purchase_order = frappe.db.sql("""\ select, po.transaction_date, po.conversion_rate, po_item.conversion_factor, po_item.base_price_list_rate, po_item.discount_percentage, po_item.base_rate from `tabPurchase Order` po, `tabPurchase Order Item` po_item where po.docstatus = 1 and po_item.item_code = %s and != %s and = po_item.parent order by po.transaction_date desc, desc limit 1""", (item_code, cstr(doc_name)), as_dict=1) # get last purchase receipt item details last_purchase_receipt = frappe.db.sql("""\ select, pr.posting_date, pr.posting_time, pr.conversion_rate, pr_item.conversion_factor, pr_item.base_price_list_rate, pr_item.discount_percentage, pr_item.base_rate from `tabPurchase Receipt` pr, `tabPurchase Receipt Item` pr_item where pr.docstatus = 1 and pr_item.item_code = %s and != %s and = pr_item.parent order by pr.posting_date desc, pr.posting_time desc, desc limit 1""", (item_code, cstr(doc_name)), as_dict=1) purchase_order_date = getdate(last_purchase_order and last_purchase_order[0].transaction_date or "1900-01-01") purchase_receipt_date = getdate(last_purchase_receipt and last_purchase_receipt[0].posting_date or "1900-01-01") if (purchase_order_date > purchase_receipt_date) or \ (last_purchase_order and not last_purchase_receipt): # use purchase order last_purchase = last_purchase_order[0] purchase_date = purchase_order_date elif (purchase_receipt_date > purchase_order_date) or \ (last_purchase_receipt and not last_purchase_order): # use purchase receipt last_purchase = last_purchase_receipt[0] purchase_date = purchase_receipt_date else: return frappe._dict() conversion_factor = flt(last_purchase.conversion_factor) out = frappe._dict({ "base_price_list_rate": flt(last_purchase.base_price_list_rate) / conversion_factor, "base_rate": flt(last_purchase.base_rate) / conversion_factor, "discount_percentage": flt(last_purchase.discount_percentage), "purchase_date": purchase_date }) conversion_rate = flt(conversion_rate) or 1.0 out.update({ "price_list_rate": out.base_price_list_rate / conversion_rate, "rate": out.base_rate / conversion_rate, "base_rate": out.base_rate }) return out def invalidate_cache_for_item(doc): invalidate_cache_for(doc, doc.item_group) website_item_groups = list(set((doc.get("old_website_item_groups") or []) + [d.item_group for d in doc.get({"doctype": "Website Item Group"}) if d.item_group])) for item_group in website_item_groups: invalidate_cache_for(doc, item_group) if doc.get("old_item_group") and doc.get("old_item_group") != doc.item_group: invalidate_cache_for(doc, doc.old_item_group) def check_stock_uom_with_bin(item, stock_uom): if stock_uom == frappe.db.get_value("Item", item, "stock_uom"): return matched = True ref_uom = frappe.db.get_value("Stock Ledger Entry", {"item_code": item}, "stock_uom") if ref_uom: if cstr(ref_uom) != cstr(stock_uom): matched = False else: bin_list = frappe.db.sql("select * from tabBin where item_code=%s", item, as_dict=1) for bin in bin_list: if (bin.reserved_qty > 0 or bin.ordered_qty > 0 or bin.indented_qty > 0 or bin.planned_qty > 0) and cstr(bin.stock_uom) != cstr(stock_uom): matched = False break if matched and bin_list: frappe.db.sql("""update tabBin set stock_uom=%s where item_code=%s""", (stock_uom, item)) if not matched: frappe.throw( _("Default Unit of Measure for Item {0} cannot be changed directly because you have already made some transaction(s) with another UOM. You will need to create a new Item to use a different Default UOM.").format(item)) def get_item_defaults(item_code, company): item = frappe.get_cached_doc('Item', item_code) out = item.as_dict() for d in item.item_defaults: if == company: row = copy.deepcopy(d.as_dict()) row.pop("name") out.update(row) return out def set_item_default(item_code, company, fieldname, value): item = frappe.get_cached_doc('Item', item_code) for d in item.item_defaults: if == company: if not d.get(fieldname): frappe.db.set_value(d.doctype,, fieldname, value) return # no row found, add a new row for the company d = item.append('item_defaults', {fieldname: value, "company": company}) d.db_insert() item.clear_cache() @frappe.whitelist() def get_uom_conv_factor(uom, stock_uom): uoms = [uom, stock_uom] value = "" uom_details = frappe.db.sql("""select to_uom, from_uom, value from `tabUOM Conversion Factor`\ where to_uom in ({0}) """.format(', '.join(['"' + frappe.db.escape(i, percent=False) + '"' for i in uoms])), as_dict=True) for d in uom_details: if d.from_uom == stock_uom and d.to_uom == uom: value = 1/flt(d.value) elif d.from_uom == uom and d.to_uom == stock_uom: value = d.value if not value: uom_stock = frappe.db.get_value("UOM Conversion Factor", {"to_uom": stock_uom}, ["from_uom", "value"], as_dict=1) uom_row = frappe.db.get_value("UOM Conversion Factor", {"to_uom": uom}, ["from_uom", "value"], as_dict=1) if uom_stock and uom_row: if uom_stock.from_uom == uom_row.from_uom: value = flt(uom_stock.value) * 1/flt(uom_row.value) return value @frappe.whitelist() def get_item_attribute(parent, attribute_value=''): if not frappe.has_permission("Item"): frappe.msgprint(_("No Permission"), raise_exception=1) return frappe.get_all("Item Attribute Value", fields = ["attribute_value"], filters = {'parent': parent, 'attribute_value': ("like", "%%%s%%" % attribute_value)}) def update_variants(variants, template, publish_progress=True): count=0 for d in variants: variant = frappe.get_doc("Item", d) copy_attributes_to_variant(template, variant) count+=1 if publish_progress: frappe.publish_progress(count*100/len(variants), title = _("Updating Variants..."))
import unittest import os from ui import main print os.getcwd() class TestMain(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.m = main.MainWindow() def test_mainWindow(self): assert(self.m) def test_dataframe(self): import numpy #Random 25x4 Numpy Matrix self.m.render_dataframe(numpy.random.rand(25,4) ,name='devel',rownames=xrange(0,25)) assert(self.m.active_robject) assert(self.m.active_robject.columns) assert(self.m.active_robject.column_data) def test_imports(self): datasets = ['iris','Nile','morley','freeny','sleep','mtcars'] for a in datasets: main.rsession.r('%s=%s' % (a,a)) self.m.sync_with_r() assert(a in self.m.robjects) unittest.main()
from datetime import datetime import factory from import PostFactory, TopicFactory from import GalleryFactory, UserGalleryFactory from zds.utils.factories import LicenceFactory, SubCategoryFactory from zds.utils.models import Licence from zds.tutorialv2.models.database import PublishableContent, Validation, ContentReaction from zds.tutorialv2.models.versioned import Container, Extract from zds.tutorialv2.publication_utils import publish_content from zds.tutorialv2.utils import init_new_repo text_content = "Ceci est un texte bidon, **avec markown**" tricky_text_content = ( "Ceci est un texte contenant plein d'images, pour la publication. Le modifier affectera le test !\n\n" "# Les images\n\n" "Image: ![PNG qui existe](" "Derivative_of_medical_imaging.jpg)\n\n" "Image: ![PNG qui existe pas](\n\n" "Image: ![SVG qui existe](\n\n" "Image: ![SVG qui existe pas](\n\n" "Image: ![GIF qui existe](\n\n" "Image: ![GIF qui existe pas](\n\n" "Image: ![Image locale qui existe pas](does-not-exist/test.png)\n\n" "Image: ![Bonus: image bizarre](" "56e2a2bdcd656d0b8a29c650116e29e893239089f71adf128d5f06330703b1/1024px-" "Oh_my_darling.jpg?u=https%3A%2F%2Fupload" "" "Oh_my_darling.jpg&q=0&b=0&p=0&a=0)\n\n" "Image: ![Bonus: le serveur existe pas !](http://unknown.image.zds/test.png)\n\n" "Image: ![Bonus: juste du texte](URL invalide)\n\n" "# Et donc ...\n\n" "Voilà :)" ) class PublishableContentFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): """ Factory that creates a PublishableContent. """ class Meta: model = PublishableContent title = factory.Sequence("Mon contenu No{}".format) description = factory.Sequence("Description du contenu No{}".format) type = "TUTORIAL" creation_date = pubdate = @classmethod def _generate(cls, create, attrs): # These parameters are only used inside _generate() and won't be saved in the database, # which is why we use attrs.pop() (they are removed from attrs). light = attrs.pop("light", True) author_list = attrs.pop("author_list", None) add_license = attrs.pop("add_license", True) add_category = attrs.pop("add_category", True) # This parameter will be saved in the database, # which is why we use attrs.get() (it stays in attrs). licence = attrs.get("licence", None) auths = author_list or [] if add_license: given_licence = licence or Licence.objects.first() if isinstance(given_licence, str) and given_licence: given_licence = Licence.objects.filter(title=given_licence).first() or Licence.objects.first() licence = given_licence or LicenceFactory() text = text_content if not light: text = tricky_text_content publishable_content = super()._generate(create, attrs) = GalleryFactory() publishable_content.licence = licence for auth in auths: publishable_content.authors.add(auth) if add_category: publishable_content.subcategory.add(SubCategoryFactory()) for author in publishable_content.authors.all(): UserGalleryFactory(user=author,, mode="W") init_new_repo(publishable_content, text, text) return publishable_content class ContainerFactory(factory.Factory): """ Factory that creates a Container. """ class Meta: model = Container title = factory.Sequence(lambda n: "Mon container No{}".format(n + 1)) @classmethod def _generate(cls, create, attrs): # These parameters are only used inside _generate() and won't be saved in the database, # which is why we use attrs.pop() (they are removed from attrs). db_object = attrs.pop("db_object", None) light = attrs.pop("light", True) # This parameter will be saved in the database, # which is why we use attrs.get() (it stays in attrs). parent = attrs.get("parent", None) # Needed because we use container.title later container = super()._generate(create, attrs) text = text_content if not light: text = tricky_text_content sha = parent.repo_add_container(container.title, text, text) container = parent.children[-1] if db_object: db_object.sha_draft = sha return container class ExtractFactory(factory.Factory): """ Factory that creates a Extract. """ class Meta: model = Extract title = factory.Sequence(lambda n: "Mon extrait No{}".format(n + 1)) @classmethod def _generate(cls, create, attrs): # These parameters are only used inside _generate() and won't be saved in the database, # which is why we use attrs.pop() (they are removed from attrs). light = attrs.pop("light", True) db_object = attrs.pop("db_object", None) # This parameter will be saved in the database, # which is why we use attrs.get() (it stays in attrs). container = attrs.get("container", None) # Needed because we use extract.title later extract = super()._generate(create, attrs) parent = container text = text_content if not light: text = tricky_text_content sha = parent.repo_add_extract(extract.title, text) extract = parent.children[-1] if db_object: db_object.sha_draft = sha return extract class ContentReactionFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): """ Factory that creates a ContentReaction. """ class Meta: model = ContentReaction ip_address = "" text = "Bonjour, je me présente, je m'appelle l'homme au texte bidonné" @classmethod def _generate(cls, create, attrs): note = super()._generate(create, attrs) note.pubdate = note.related_content.last_note = note return note class BetaContentFactory(PublishableContentFactory): """ Factory that creates a PublishableContent with a beta version and a beta topic. """ @classmethod def _generate(cls, create, attrs): # This parameter is only used inside _generate() and won't be saved in the database, # which is why we use attrs.pop() (it is removed from attrs). beta_forum = attrs.pop("forum", None) # Creates the PublishableContent (see PublishableContentFactory._generate() for more info) publishable_content = super()._generate(create, attrs) if publishable_content.authors.count() > 0 and beta_forum is not None: beta_topic = TopicFactory( title="[beta]" + publishable_content.title, author=publishable_content.authors.first(), forum=beta_forum ) publishable_content.sha_beta = publishable_content.sha_draft publishable_content.beta_topic = beta_topic PostFactory(topic=beta_topic, position=1, author=publishable_content.authors.first()) return publishable_content class PublishedContentFactory(PublishableContentFactory): """ Factory that creates a PublishableContent and the publish it. """ @classmethod def _generate(cls, create, attrs): # This parameter is only used inside _generate() and won't be saved in the database, # which is why we use attrs.pop() (it is removed from attrs). is_major_update = attrs.pop("is_major_update", True) # Creates the PublishableContent (see PublishableContentFactory._generate() for more info) content = super()._generate(create, attrs) published = publish_content(content, content.load_version(), is_major_update) content.sha_public = content.sha_draft content.public_version = published return content class ValidationFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): """ Factory that creates a Validation. """ class Meta: model = Validation
# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Dia Group Resize Plugin # Copyright (c) 2015, Alexandre Machado <[email protected]> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # import sys, dia import os import pygtk pygtk.require("2.0") import gtk import locale class ResizeWindow(object): def __init__(self, group, data): = group = data self.initWindow() def initWindow(self): self.dlg = gtk.Dialog() self.dlg.set_title('Group Resize') self.dlg.set_border_width(6) self.dlg.vbox.pack_start(self.dialogContents(), fill=True, expand=True, padding=5) self.dlg.add_button(gtk.STOCK_APPLY, gtk.RESPONSE_APPLY) self.dlg.add_button(gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE) self.dlg.set_has_separator(True) self.dlg.set_modal(False) self.dlg.get_widget_for_response(gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE).connect("clicked", self.hide, None) self.dlg.get_widget_for_response(gtk.RESPONSE_APPLY).connect("clicked", self.clickAplicar, None) def dimensionsFrame(self, label): frame = gtk.Frame(label) table = gtk.Table(rows=4, columns=2) ignore = gtk.RadioButton(group=None, label="do not change") smallest = gtk.RadioButton(group=ignore, label="shrink to smallest") largest = gtk.RadioButton(group=ignore, label="enlarge to largest") specify = gtk.RadioButton(group=ignore, label="resize to:") value = gtk.Entry() specify.connect("toggled", self.enableValueEntry, value) self.enableValueEntry(specify, value) table.attach (ignore, 0, 1, 0, 1) table.attach (smallest, 0, 1, 1, 2) table.attach (largest, 0, 1, 2, 3) table.attach (specify, 0, 1, 3, 4) table.attach (value, 1, 2, 3, 4) frame.add(table) options = { 'ignore': ignore, 'smallest': smallest, 'largest': largest, 'specify': specify, 'value': value } return frame, options def enableValueEntry(self, radioSpecify, entrySpecify, *args): entrySpecify.set_sensitive(radioSpecify.get_active()) def contentsFrameWidth(self): frame, self.widthOptions = self.dimensionsFrame('Width') return frame def contentsFrameHeight(self): frame, self.heightOptions = self.dimensionsFrame('Height') return frame def dialogContents(self): contents = gtk.VBox(spacing=5) contents.pack_start(self.contentsFrameWidth(), fill=True, expand=True) contents.pack_start(self.contentsFrameHeight(), fill=True, expand=True) return contents def getSelectedGroupOption(self, options): value = options['value'].get_text() for opt in 'ignore', 'smallest', 'largest', 'specify': if options[opt].get_active(): return (opt,value) return ('ignore',value) def getValue(self, opt, value, elProperty): if opt == 'specify': return self.toFloat(value) else: values = [[elProperty].value for x in if ] if opt == 'smallest': return min(values) else: return max(values) def adjustWidth(self, value): for obj in pos =['obj_pos'].value if"elem_width"): difference = value -['elem_width'].value handleLeft = obj.handles[3] handleRight = obj.handles[4] amount = difference/2 obj.move_handle(handleLeft, (handleLeft.pos.x - amount, handleLeft.pos.y), 0, 0) obj.move_handle(handleRight, (handleRight.pos.x + amount, handleRight.pos.y), 0, 0) obj.move(pos.x, pos.y) def adjustHeight(self, value): for obj in pos =['obj_pos'].value if"elem_height"): difference = value -['elem_height'].value handleTop = obj.handles[1] handleBottom = obj.handles[6] amount = difference/2 obj.move_handle(handleTop, (handleTop.pos.x, handleTop.pos.y - amount), 0, 0) obj.move_handle(handleBottom, (handleBottom.pos.x, handleBottom.pos.y + amount), 0, 0) obj.move(pos.x, pos.y) def toFloat(self, valor): return locale.atof(valor) def clickAplicar(self, *args): optWidth = self.getSelectedGroupOption(self.widthOptions) optHeight = self.getSelectedGroupOption(self.heightOptions) try: if optWidth[0] != 'ignore': width = self.getValue(optWidth[0], optWidth[1], 'elem_width') self.adjustWidth(width) if optHeight[0] != 'ignore': height = self.getValue(optHeight[0], optHeight[1], 'elem_height') self.adjustHeight(height) if dia.active_display(): diagram = dia.active_display().diagram for obj in diagram.update_connections(obj) except Exception,e: dia.message(gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, repr(e)) if dia.active_display(): dia.active_display().add_update_all() dia.active_display().flush() def show(self): def hide(self, *args): self.dlg.hide() def run(self): return def dia_group_resize_db (data,flags): diagram = dia.active_display().diagram group = diagram.get_sorted_selected() if len(group) > 0: win = ResizeWindow(group, data) else: dia.message(gtk.MESSAGE_INFO, "Please select a group of objects") dia.register_action("ObjectGroupResize", "Group Resize", "/DisplayMenu/Objects/ObjectsExtensionStart", dia_group_resize_db)
from ..models import Album from ..resource import SingleResource, ListResource from ..schemas import AlbumSchema class SingleAlbum(SingleResource): schema = AlbumSchema() routes = ('/album/<int:id>/',) model = Album class ListAlbums(ListResource): schema = AlbumSchema(many=True) routes = ('/album/', '/tracklist/') model = Album
""" System plugin Copyright (C) 2016 Walid Benghabrit This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ from accmon.plugins.plugin import * class System(Plugin): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def handle_request(self, request): res = super(System, self).handle_request(request) if res is not None: return res
#!/usr/bin/env python import turtle import random def bloom(radius): turtle.colormode(255) for rad in range(40, 10, -5): for looper in range(360//rad): turtle.up(), rad) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.fillcolor((200+random.randint(0, rad), 200+random.randint(0, rad), 200+random.randint(0, rad))) turtle.down() turtle.end_fill() def main(): """Simple flower, using global turtle instance""" turtle.speed(0) turtle.colormode(1.0) bloom(5) turtle.exitonclick() ### if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('characters', '0011_auto_20160212_1144'), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='CharacterSpells', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('character', models.ForeignKey(verbose_name='Karakt\xe4r', to='characters.Character')), ], options={ 'verbose_name': 'Karakt\xe4rers magi', 'verbose_name_plural': 'Karakt\xe4rers magi', }, ), migrations.AlterModelOptions( name='spellextras', options={'verbose_name': 'Magi extra', 'verbose_name_plural': 'Magi extra'}, ), migrations.AlterModelOptions( name='spellinfo', options={'verbose_name': 'Magi information', 'verbose_name_plural': 'Magi information'}, ), migrations.AddField( model_name='spellinfo', name='name', field=models.CharField(default='Magins namn', max_length=256, verbose_name='Namn'), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='spellinfo', name='parent', field=models.ForeignKey(verbose_name='Tillh\xf6righet', to='characters.SpellParent'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='characterspells', name='spells', field=models.ManyToManyField(to='characters.SpellInfo', verbose_name='Magier och besv\xe4rjelser'), ), ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2011 Facebook # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Miscellaneous network utility code.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, with_statement import errno import os import re import socket import ssl import stat from lib.tornado.concurrent import dummy_executor, run_on_executor from lib.tornado.ioloop import IOLoop from import set_close_exec from lib.tornado.util import Configurable def bind_sockets(port, address=None, family=socket.AF_UNSPEC, backlog=128, flags=None): """Creates listening sockets bound to the given port and address. Returns a list of socket objects (multiple sockets are returned if the given address maps to multiple IP addresses, which is most common for mixed IPv4 and IPv6 use). Address may be either an IP address or hostname. If it's a hostname, the server will listen on all IP addresses associated with the name. Address may be an empty string or None to listen on all available interfaces. Family may be set to either `socket.AF_INET` or `socket.AF_INET6` to restrict to IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, otherwise both will be used if available. The ``backlog`` argument has the same meaning as for `socket.listen() <socket.socket.listen>`. ``flags`` is a bitmask of AI_* flags to `~socket.getaddrinfo`, like ``socket.AI_PASSIVE | socket.AI_NUMERICHOST``. """ sockets = [] if address == "": address = None if not socket.has_ipv6 and family == socket.AF_UNSPEC: # Python can be compiled with --disable-ipv6, which causes # operations on AF_INET6 sockets to fail, but does not # automatically exclude those results from getaddrinfo # results. # family = socket.AF_INET if flags is None: flags = socket.AI_PASSIVE for res in set(socket.getaddrinfo(address, port, family, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, flags)): af, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr = res sock = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto) set_close_exec(sock.fileno()) if != 'nt': sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) if af == socket.AF_INET6: # On linux, ipv6 sockets accept ipv4 too by default, # but this makes it impossible to bind to both # in ipv4 and :: in ipv6. On other systems, # separate sockets *must* be used to listen for both ipv4 # and ipv6. For consistency, always disable ipv4 on our # ipv6 sockets and use a separate ipv4 socket when needed. # # Python 2.x on windows doesn't have IPPROTO_IPV6. if hasattr(socket, "IPPROTO_IPV6"): sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_V6ONLY, 1) sock.setblocking(0) sock.bind(sockaddr) sock.listen(backlog) sockets.append(sock) return sockets if hasattr(socket, 'AF_UNIX'): def bind_unix_socket(file, mode=0o600, backlog=128): """Creates a listening unix socket. If a socket with the given name already exists, it will be deleted. If any other file with that name exists, an exception will be raised. Returns a socket object (not a list of socket objects like `bind_sockets`) """ sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) set_close_exec(sock.fileno()) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.setblocking(0) try: st = os.stat(file) except OSError as err: if err.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise else: if stat.S_ISSOCK(st.st_mode): os.remove(file) else: raise ValueError("File %s exists and is not a socket", file) sock.bind(file) os.chmod(file, mode) sock.listen(backlog) return sock def add_accept_handler(sock, callback, io_loop=None): """Adds an `.IOLoop` event handler to accept new connections on ``sock``. When a connection is accepted, ``callback(connection, address)`` will be run (``connection`` is a socket object, and ``address`` is the address of the other end of the connection). Note that this signature is different from the ``callback(fd, events)`` signature used for `.IOLoop` handlers. """ if io_loop is None: io_loop = IOLoop.current() def accept_handler(fd, events): while True: try: connection, address = sock.accept() except socket.error as e: if e.args[0] in (errno.EWOULDBLOCK, errno.EAGAIN): return raise callback(connection, address) io_loop.add_handler(sock.fileno(), accept_handler, IOLoop.READ) def is_valid_ip(ip): """Returns true if the given string is a well-formed IP address. Supports IPv4 and IPv6. """ try: res = socket.getaddrinfo(ip, 0, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, socket.AI_NUMERICHOST) return bool(res) except socket.gaierror as e: if e.args[0] == socket.EAI_NONAME: return False raise return True class Resolver(Configurable): """Configurable asynchronous DNS resolver interface. By default, a blocking implementation is used (which simply calls `socket.getaddrinfo`). An alternative implementation can be chosen with the `Resolver.configure <.Configurable.configure>` class method:: Resolver.configure('tornado.netutil.ThreadedResolver') The implementations of this interface included with Tornado are * `tornado.netutil.BlockingResolver` * `tornado.netutil.ThreadedResolver` * `tornado.netutil.OverrideResolver` * `tornado.platform.twisted.TwistedResolver` * `tornado.platform.caresresolver.CaresResolver` """ @classmethod def configurable_base(cls): return Resolver @classmethod def configurable_default(cls): return BlockingResolver def resolve(self, host, port, family=socket.AF_UNSPEC, callback=None): """Resolves an address. The ``host`` argument is a string which may be a hostname or a literal IP address. Returns a `.Future` whose result is a list of (family, address) pairs, where address is a tuple suitable to pass to `socket.connect <socket.socket.connect>` (i.e. a ``(host, port)`` pair for IPv4; additional fields may be present for IPv6). If a ``callback`` is passed, it will be run with the result as an argument when it is complete. """ raise NotImplementedError() class ExecutorResolver(Resolver): def initialize(self, io_loop=None, executor=None): self.io_loop = io_loop or IOLoop.current() self.executor = executor or dummy_executor @run_on_executor def resolve(self, host, port, family=socket.AF_UNSPEC): addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, family) results = [] for family, socktype, proto, canonname, address in addrinfo: results.append((family, address)) return results class BlockingResolver(ExecutorResolver): """Default `Resolver` implementation, using `socket.getaddrinfo`. The `.IOLoop` will be blocked during the resolution, although the callback will not be run until the next `.IOLoop` iteration. """ def initialize(self, io_loop=None): super(BlockingResolver, self).initialize(io_loop=io_loop) class ThreadedResolver(ExecutorResolver): """Multithreaded non-blocking `Resolver` implementation. Requires the `concurrent.futures` package to be installed (available in the standard library since Python 3.2, installable with ``pip install futures`` in older versions). The thread pool size can be configured with:: Resolver.configure('tornado.netutil.ThreadedResolver', num_threads=10) """ def initialize(self, io_loop=None, num_threads=10): from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor super(ThreadedResolver, self).initialize( io_loop=io_loop, executor=ThreadPoolExecutor(num_threads)) class OverrideResolver(Resolver): """Wraps a resolver with a mapping of overrides. This can be used to make local DNS changes (e.g. for testing) without modifying system-wide settings. The mapping can contain either host strings or host-port pairs. """ def initialize(self, resolver, mapping): self.resolver = resolver self.mapping = mapping def resolve(self, host, port, *args, **kwargs): if (host, port) in self.mapping: host, port = self.mapping[(host, port)] elif host in self.mapping: host = self.mapping[host] return self.resolver.resolve(host, port, *args, **kwargs) # These are the keyword arguments to ssl.wrap_socket that must be translated # to their SSLContext equivalents (the other arguments are still passed # to SSLContext.wrap_socket). _SSL_CONTEXT_KEYWORDS = frozenset(['ssl_version', 'certfile', 'keyfile', 'cert_reqs', 'ca_certs', 'ciphers']) def ssl_options_to_context(ssl_options): """Try to convert an ``ssl_options`` dictionary to an `~ssl.SSLContext` object. The ``ssl_options`` dictionary contains keywords to be passed to `ssl.wrap_socket`. In Python 3.2+, `ssl.SSLContext` objects can be used instead. This function converts the dict form to its `~ssl.SSLContext` equivalent, and may be used when a component which accepts both forms needs to upgrade to the `~ssl.SSLContext` version to use features like SNI or NPN. """ if isinstance(ssl_options, dict): assert all(k in _SSL_CONTEXT_KEYWORDS for k in ssl_options), ssl_options if (not hasattr(ssl, 'SSLContext') or isinstance(ssl_options, ssl.SSLContext)): return ssl_options context = ssl.SSLContext( ssl_options.get('ssl_version', ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)) if 'certfile' in ssl_options: context.load_cert_chain(ssl_options['certfile'], ssl_options.get('keyfile', None)) if 'cert_reqs' in ssl_options: context.verify_mode = ssl_options['cert_reqs'] if 'ca_certs' in ssl_options: context.load_verify_locations(ssl_options['ca_certs']) if 'ciphers' in ssl_options: context.set_ciphers(ssl_options['ciphers']) return context def ssl_wrap_socket(socket, ssl_options, server_hostname=None, **kwargs): """Returns an ``ssl.SSLSocket`` wrapping the given socket. ``ssl_options`` may be either a dictionary (as accepted by `ssl_options_to_context`) or an `ssl.SSLContext` object. Additional keyword arguments are passed to ``wrap_socket`` (either the `~ssl.SSLContext` method or the `ssl` module function as appropriate). """ context = ssl_options_to_context(ssl_options) if hasattr(ssl, 'SSLContext') and isinstance(context, ssl.SSLContext): if server_hostname is not None and getattr(ssl, 'HAS_SNI'): # Python doesn't have server-side SNI support so we can't # really unittest this, but it can be manually tested with # python3.2 -m tornado.httpclient return context.wrap_socket(socket, server_hostname=server_hostname, **kwargs) else: return context.wrap_socket(socket, **kwargs) else: return ssl.wrap_socket(socket, **dict(context, **kwargs)) if hasattr(ssl, 'match_hostname'): # python 3.2+ ssl_match_hostname = ssl.match_hostname SSLCertificateError = ssl.CertificateError else: # match_hostname was added to the standard library ssl module in python 3.2. # The following code was backported for older releases and copied from # class SSLCertificateError(ValueError): pass def _dnsname_to_pat(dn): pats = [] for frag in dn.split(r'.'): if frag == '*': # When '*' is a fragment by itself, it matches a non-empty dotless # fragment. pats.append('[^.]+') else: # Otherwise, '*' matches any dotless fragment. frag = re.escape(frag) pats.append(frag.replace(r'\*', '[^.]*')) return re.compile(r'\A' + r'\.'.join(pats) + r'\Z', re.IGNORECASE) def ssl_match_hostname(cert, hostname): """Verify that *cert* (in decoded format as returned by SSLSocket.getpeercert()) matches the *hostname*. RFC 2818 rules are mostly followed, but IP addresses are not accepted for *hostname*. CertificateError is raised on failure. On success, the function returns nothing. """ if not cert: raise ValueError("empty or no certificate") dnsnames = [] san = cert.get('subjectAltName', ()) for key, value in san: if key == 'DNS': if _dnsname_to_pat(value).match(hostname): return dnsnames.append(value) if not san: # The subject is only checked when subjectAltName is empty for sub in cert.get('subject', ()): for key, value in sub: # XXX according to RFC 2818, the most specific Common Name # must be used. if key == 'commonName': if _dnsname_to_pat(value).match(hostname): return dnsnames.append(value) if len(dnsnames) > 1: raise SSLCertificateError("hostname %r " "doesn't match either of %s" % (hostname, ', '.join(map(repr, dnsnames)))) elif len(dnsnames) == 1: raise SSLCertificateError("hostname %r " "doesn't match %r" % (hostname, dnsnames[0])) else: raise SSLCertificateError("no appropriate commonName or " "subjectAltName fields were found")
import re import traceback from urllib.parse import quote from requests.utils import dict_from_cookiejar from sickchill import logger from sickchill.helper.common import convert_size, try_int from sickchill.oldbeard import tvcache from sickchill.oldbeard.bs4_parser import BS4Parser from sickchill.providers.torrent.TorrentProvider import TorrentProvider class Provider(TorrentProvider): def __init__(self): super().__init__("Pretome") self.username = None self.password = None = None self.minseed = 0 self.minleech = 0 self.urls = { "base_url": "", "login": "", "detail": "", "search": "", "download": "", } self.url = self.urls["base_url"] self.categories = "&st=1&cat%5B%5D=7" self.proper_strings = ["PROPER", "REPACK"] self.cache = tvcache.TVCache(self) def _check_auth(self): if not self.username or not self.password or not logger.warning("Invalid username or password or pin. Check your settings") return True def login(self): if any(dict_from_cookiejar(self.session.cookies).values()): return True login_params = {"username": self.username, "password": self.password, "login_pin":} response = self.get_url(self.urls["login"], post_data=login_params, returns="text") if not response: logger.warning("Unable to connect to provider") return False if"Username or password incorrect", response): logger.warning("Invalid username or password. Check your settings") return False return True def search(self, search_params, age=0, ep_obj=None): results = [] if not self.login(): return results for mode in search_params: items = [] logger.debug(_("Search Mode: {mode}".format(mode=mode))) for search_string in search_params[mode]: if mode != "RSS": logger.debug(_("Search String: {search_string}".format(search_string=search_string))) search_url = self.urls["search"] % (quote(search_string), self.categories) data = self.get_url(search_url, returns="text") if not data: continue try: with BS4Parser(data, "html5lib") as html: # Continue only if one Release is found empty = html.find("h2", text="No .torrents fit this filter criteria") if empty: logger.debug("Data returned from provider does not contain any torrents") continue torrent_table = html.find("table", style="border: none; width: 100%;") if not torrent_table: logger.exception("Could not find table of torrents") continue torrent_rows = torrent_table("tr", class_="browse") for result in torrent_rows: cells = result("td") size = None link = cells[1].find("a", style="font-size: 1.25em; font-weight: bold;") torrent_id = link["href"].replace("details.php?id=", "") try: if link.get("title", ""): title = link["title"] else: title = link.contents[0] download_url = self.urls["download"] % (torrent_id, link.contents[0]) seeders = int(cells[9].contents[0]) leechers = int(cells[10].contents[0]) # Need size for failed downloads handling if size is None: torrent_size = cells[7].text size = convert_size(torrent_size) or -1 except (AttributeError, TypeError): continue if not all([title, download_url]): continue # Filter unseeded torrent if seeders < self.minseed or leechers < self.minleech: if mode != "RSS": logger.debug( "Discarding torrent because it doesn't meet the minimum seeders or leechers: {0} (S:{1} L:{2})".format( title, seeders, leechers ) ) continue item = {"title": title, "link": download_url, "size": size, "seeders": seeders, "leechers": leechers, "hash": ""} if mode != "RSS": logger.debug("Found result: {0} with {1} seeders and {2} leechers".format(title, seeders, leechers)) items.append(item) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed parsing provider. Traceback: {0}".format(traceback.format_exc())) # For each search mode sort all the items by seeders if available items.sort(key=lambda d: try_int(d.get("seeders", 0)), reverse=True) results += items return results
# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- import re import sys import os import traceback from ..ibdawg import IBDAWG from ..echo import echo from . import gc_options __all__ = [ "lang", "locales", "pkg", "name", "version", "author", \ "load", "parse", "getDictionary", \ "setOptions", "getOptions", "getOptionsLabels", "resetOptions", \ "ignoreRule", "resetIgnoreRules" ] __version__ = u"${version}" lang = u"${lang}" locales = ${loc} pkg = u"${implname}" name = u"${name}" version = u"${version}" author = u"${author}" # commons regexes _zEndOfSentence = re.compile(u'([.?!:;…][ .?!… »”")]*|.$)') _zBeginOfParagraph = re.compile(u"^\W*") _zEndOfParagraph = re.compile(u"\W*$") _zNextWord = re.compile(u" +(\w[\w-]*)") _zPrevWord = re.compile(u"(\w[\w-]*) +$") # grammar rules and dictionary _rules = None _dOptions = dict(gc_options.dOpt) # duplication necessary, to be able to reset to default _aIgnoredRules = set() _oDict = None _dAnalyses = {} # cache for data from dictionary _GLOBALS = globals() #### Parsing def parse (sText, sCountry="${country_default}", bDebug=False, dOptions=None): "analyses the paragraph sText and returns list of errors" aErrors = None sAlt = sText dDA = {} dOpt = _dOptions if not dOptions else dOptions # parse paragraph try: sNew, aErrors = _proofread(sText, sAlt, 0, True, dDA, sCountry, dOpt, bDebug) if sNew: sText = sNew except: raise # parse sentences for iStart, iEnd in _getSentenceBoundaries(sText): if 4 < (iEnd - iStart) < 2000: dDA.clear() try: _, errs = _proofread(sText[iStart:iEnd], sAlt[iStart:iEnd], iStart, False, dDA, sCountry, dOpt, bDebug) aErrors.extend(errs) except: raise return aErrors def _getSentenceBoundaries (sText): iStart = _zBeginOfParagraph.match(sText).end() for m in _zEndOfSentence.finditer(sText): yield (iStart, m.end()) iStart = m.end() def _proofread (s, sx, nOffset, bParagraph, dDA, sCountry, dOptions, bDebug): aErrs = [] bChange = False if not bParagraph: # after the first pass, we modify automatically some characters if u" " in s: s = s.replace(u" ", u' ') # nbsp bChange = True if u" " in s: s = s.replace(u" ", u' ') # nnbsp bChange = True if u"@" in s: s = s.replace(u"@", u' ') bChange = True if u"'" in s: s = s.replace(u"'", u"’") bChange = True if u"‑" in s: s = s.replace(u"‑", u"-") # nobreakdash bChange = True bIdRule = option('idrule') for sOption, lRuleGroup in _getRules(bParagraph): if not sOption or dOptions.get(sOption, False): for zRegex, bUppercase, sRuleId, lActions in lRuleGroup: if sRuleId not in _aIgnoredRules: for m in zRegex.finditer(s): for sFuncCond, cActionType, sWhat, *eAct in lActions: # action in lActions: [ condition, action type, replacement/suggestion/action[, iGroup[, message, URL]] ] try: if not sFuncCond or _GLOBALS[sFuncCond](s, sx, m, dDA, sCountry): if cActionType == "-": # grammar error # (text, replacement, nOffset, m, iGroup, sId, bUppercase, sURL, bIdRule) aErrs.append(_createError(s, sWhat, nOffset, m, eAct[0], sRuleId, bUppercase, eAct[1], eAct[2], bIdRule, sOption)) elif cActionType == "~": # text processor s = _rewrite(s, sWhat, eAct[0], m, bUppercase) bChange = True if bDebug: echo(u"~ " + s + " -- " +[0]) + " # " + sRuleId) elif cActionType == "=": # disambiguation _GLOBALS[sWhat](s, m, dDA) if bDebug: echo(u"= " + + " # " + sRuleId + "\nDA: " + str(dDA)) else: echo("# error: unknown action at " + sRuleId) except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e), sRuleId) if bChange: return (s, aErrs) return (False, aErrs) def _createWriterError (s, sRepl, nOffset, m, iGroup, sId, bUppercase, sMsg, sURL, bIdRule, sOption): "error for Writer (LO/OO)" xErr = SingleProofreadingError() #xErr = uno.createUnoStruct( "" ) xErr.nErrorStart = nOffset + m.start(iGroup) xErr.nErrorLength = m.end(iGroup) - m.start(iGroup) xErr.nErrorType = PROOFREADING xErr.aRuleIdentifier = sId # suggestions if sRepl[0:1] == "=": sugg = _GLOBALS[sRepl[1:]](s, m) if sugg: if bUppercase and[0:1].isupper(): xErr.aSuggestions = tuple(map(str.capitalize, sugg.split("|"))) else: xErr.aSuggestions = tuple(sugg.split("|")) else: xErr.aSuggestions = () elif sRepl == "_": xErr.aSuggestions = () else: if bUppercase and[0:1].isupper(): xErr.aSuggestions = tuple(map(str.capitalize, m.expand(sRepl).split("|"))) else: xErr.aSuggestions = tuple(m.expand(sRepl).split("|")) # Message if sMsg[0:1] == "=": sMessage = _GLOBALS[sMsg[1:]](s, m) else: sMessage = m.expand(sMsg) xErr.aShortComment = sMessage # sMessage.split("|")[0] # in context menu xErr.aFullComment = sMessage # sMessage.split("|")[-1] # in dialog if bIdRule: xErr.aShortComment += " # " + sId # URL if sURL: p = PropertyValue() p.Name = "FullCommentURL" p.Value = sURL xErr.aProperties = (p,) else: xErr.aProperties = () return xErr def _createDictError (s, sRepl, nOffset, m, iGroup, sId, bUppercase, sMsg, sURL, bIdRule, sOption): "error as a dictionary" dErr = {} dErr["nStart"] = nOffset + m.start(iGroup) dErr["nEnd"] = nOffset + m.end(iGroup) dErr["sRuleId"] = sId dErr["sType"] = sOption if sOption else "notype" # suggestions if sRepl[0:1] == "=": sugg = _GLOBALS[sRepl[1:]](s, m) if sugg: if bUppercase and[0:1].isupper(): dErr["aSuggestions"] = list(map(str.capitalize, sugg.split("|"))) else: dErr["aSuggestions"] = sugg.split("|") else: dErr["aSuggestions"] = () elif sRepl == "_": dErr["aSuggestions"] = () else: if bUppercase and[0:1].isupper(): dErr["aSuggestions"] = list(map(str.capitalize, m.expand(sRepl).split("|"))) else: dErr["aSuggestions"] = m.expand(sRepl).split("|") # Message if sMsg[0:1] == "=": sMessage = _GLOBALS[sMsg[1:]](s, m) else: sMessage = m.expand(sMsg) dErr["sMessage"] = sMessage if bIdRule: dErr["sMessage"] += " # " + sId # URL dErr["URL"] = sURL if sURL else "" return dErr def _rewrite (s, sRepl, iGroup, m, bUppercase): "text processor: write sRepl in s at iGroup position" ln = m.end(iGroup) - m.start(iGroup) if sRepl == "*": sNew = " " * ln elif sRepl == ">" or sRepl == "_" or sRepl == u"~": sNew = sRepl + " " * (ln-1) elif sRepl == "@": sNew = "@" * ln elif sRepl[0:1] == "=": if sRepl[1:2] != "@": sNew = _GLOBALS[sRepl[1:]](s, m) sNew = sNew + " " * (ln-len(sNew)) else: sNew = _GLOBALS[sRepl[2:]](s, m) sNew = sNew + "@" * (ln-len(sNew)) if bUppercase and[0:1].isupper(): sNew = sNew.capitalize() else: sNew = m.expand(sRepl) sNew = sNew + " " * (ln-len(sNew)) return s[0:m.start(iGroup)] + sNew + s[m.end(iGroup):] def ignoreRule (sId): _aIgnoredRules.add(sId) def resetIgnoreRules (): _aIgnoredRules.clear() #### init try: # LibreOffice / OpenOffice from import SingleProofreadingError from import PROOFREADING from import PropertyValue #import lightproof_handler_${implname} as opt _createError = _createWriterError except ImportError: _createError = _createDictError def load (): global _oDict try: _oDict = IBDAWG("${binary_dic}") except: traceback.print_exc() def setOptions (dOpt): _dOptions.update(dOpt) def getOptions (): return _dOptions def getOptionsLabels (sLang): return gc_options.getUI(sLang) def resetOptions (): global _dOptions _dOptions = dict(gc_options.dOpt) def getDictionary (): return _oDict def _getRules (bParagraph): try: if not bParagraph: return _rules.lSentenceRules return _rules.lParagraphRules except: _loadRules() if not bParagraph: return _rules.lSentenceRules return _rules.lParagraphRules def _loadRules2 (): from itertools import chain from . import gc_rules global _rules _rules = gc_rules # compile rules regex for rule in chain(_rules.lParagraphRules, _rules.lSentenceRules): try: rule[1] = re.compile(rule[1]) except: echo("Bad regular expression in # " + str(rule[3])) rule[1] = "(?i)<Grammalecte>" def _loadRules (): from itertools import chain from . import gc_rules global _rules _rules = gc_rules # compile rules regex for rulegroup in chain(_rules.lParagraphRules, _rules.lSentenceRules): for rule in rulegroup[1]: try: rule[0] = re.compile(rule[0]) except: echo("Bad regular expression in # " + str(rule[2])) rule[0] = "(?i)<Grammalecte>" def _getPath (): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__), __name__ + ".py") #### common functions def option (sOpt): "return True if option sOpt is active" return _dOptions.get(sOpt, False) def displayInfo (dDA, tWord): "for debugging: retrieve info of word" if not tWord: echo("> nothing to find") return True if tWord[1] not in _dAnalyses and not _storeMorphFromFSA(tWord[1]): echo("> not in FSA") return True if tWord[0] in dDA: echo("DA: " + str(dDA[tWord[0]])) echo("FSA: " + str(_dAnalyses[tWord[1]])) return True def _storeMorphFromFSA (sWord): "retrieves morphologies list from _oDict -> _dAnalyses" global _dAnalyses _dAnalyses[sWord] = _oDict.getMorph(sWord) return True if _dAnalyses[sWord] else False def morph (dDA, tWord, sPattern, bStrict=True, bNoWord=False): "analyse a tuple (position, word), return True if sPattern in morphologies (disambiguation on)" if not tWord: return bNoWord if tWord[1] not in _dAnalyses and not _storeMorphFromFSA(tWord[1]): return False lMorph = dDA[tWord[0]] if tWord[0] in dDA else _dAnalyses[tWord[1]] if not lMorph: return False p = re.compile(sPattern) if bStrict: return all( for s in lMorph) return any( for s in lMorph) def morphex (dDA, tWord, sPattern, sNegPattern, bNoWord=False): "analyse a tuple (position, word), returns True if not sNegPattern in word morphologies and sPattern in word morphologies (disambiguation on)" if not tWord: return bNoWord if tWord[1] not in _dAnalyses and not _storeMorphFromFSA(tWord[1]): return False lMorph = dDA[tWord[0]] if tWord[0] in dDA else _dAnalyses[tWord[1]] # check negative condition np = re.compile(sNegPattern) if any( for s in lMorph): return False # search sPattern p = re.compile(sPattern) return any( for s in lMorph) def analyse (sWord, sPattern, bStrict=True): "analyse a word, return True if sPattern in morphologies (disambiguation off)" if sWord not in _dAnalyses and not _storeMorphFromFSA(sWord): return False if not _dAnalyses[sWord]: return False p = re.compile(sPattern) if bStrict: return all( for s in _dAnalyses[sWord]) return any( for s in _dAnalyses[sWord]) def analysex (sWord, sPattern, sNegPattern): "analyse a word, returns True if not sNegPattern in word morphologies and sPattern in word morphologies (disambiguation off)" if sWord not in _dAnalyses and not _storeMorphFromFSA(sWord): return False # check negative condition np = re.compile(sNegPattern) if any( for s in _dAnalyses[sWord]): return False # search sPattern p = re.compile(sPattern) return any( for s in _dAnalyses[sWord]) def stem (sWord): "returns a list of sWord's stems" if not sWord: return [] if sWord not in _dAnalyses and not _storeMorphFromFSA(sWord): return [] return [ s[1:s.find(" ")] for s in _dAnalyses[sWord] ] ## functions to get text outside pattern scope # warning: check to understand how it works def nextword (s, iStart, n): "get the nth word of the input string or empty string" m = re.match(u"( +[\\w%-]+){" + str(n-1) + u"} +([\\w%-]+)", s[iStart:]) if not m: return None return (iStart+m.start(2), def prevword (s, iEnd, n): "get the (-)nth word of the input string or empty string" m ="([\\w%-]+) +([\\w%-]+ +){" + str(n-1) + u"}$", s[:iEnd]) if not m: return None return (m.start(1), def nextword1 (s, iStart): "get next word (optimization)" m = _zNextWord.match(s[iStart:]) if not m: return None return (iStart+m.start(1), def prevword1 (s, iEnd): "get previous word (optimization)" m =[:iEnd]) if not m: return None return (m.start(1), def look (s, sPattern, sNegPattern=None): "seek sPattern in s (before/after/fulltext), if sNegPattern not in s" if sNegPattern and, s): return False if, s): return True return False def look_chk1 (dDA, s, nOffset, sPattern, sPatternGroup1, sNegPatternGroup1=None): "returns True if s has pattern sPattern and has pattern sPatternGroup1" m =, s) if not m: return False try: sWord = nPos = m.start(1) + nOffset except: #print("Missing group 1") return False if sNegPatternGroup1: return morphex(dDA, (nPos, sWord), sPatternGroup1, sNegPatternGroup1) return morph(dDA, (nPos, sWord), sPatternGroup1, False) #### Disambiguator def select (dDA, nPos, sWord, sPattern, lDefault=None): if not sWord: return True if nPos in dDA: return True if sWord not in _dAnalyses and not _storeMorphFromFSA(sWord): return True if len(_dAnalyses[sWord]) == 1: return True lSelect = [ sMorph for sMorph in _dAnalyses[sWord] if, sMorph) ] if lSelect: if len(lSelect) != len(_dAnalyses[sWord]): dDA[nPos] = lSelect #echo("= "+sWord+" "+str(dDA.get(nPos, "null"))) elif lDefault: dDA[nPos] = lDefault #echo("= "+sWord+" "+str(dDA.get(nPos, "null"))) return True def exclude (dDA, nPos, sWord, sPattern, lDefault=None): if not sWord: return True if nPos in dDA: return True if sWord not in _dAnalyses and not _storeMorphFromFSA(sWord): return True if len(_dAnalyses[sWord]) == 1: return True lSelect = [ sMorph for sMorph in _dAnalyses[sWord] if not, sMorph) ] if lSelect: if len(lSelect) != len(_dAnalyses[sWord]): dDA[nPos] = lSelect #echo("= "+sWord+" "+str(dDA.get(nPos, "null"))) elif lDefault: dDA[nPos] = lDefault #echo("= "+sWord+" "+str(dDA.get(nPos, "null"))) return True def define (dDA, nPos, lMorph): dDA[nPos] = lMorph #echo("= "+str(nPos)+" "+str(dDA[nPos])) return True #### GRAMMAR CHECKER PLUGINS ${plugins} ${generated}
# Copyright 2019 Virgil Dupras # # This software is licensed under the "GPLv3" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # import datetime from collections import defaultdict from core.util import dedupe, first as getfirst from core.trans import tr from import DateFormat from .base import GUIObject from .import_table import ImportTable from .selectable_list import LinkedSelectableList DAY = 'day' MONTH = 'month' YEAR = 'year' class SwapType: DayMonth = 0 MonthYear = 1 DayYear = 2 DescriptionPayee = 3 InvertAmount = 4 def last_two_digits(year): return year - ((year // 100) * 100) def swapped_date(date, first, second): attrs = {DAY:, MONTH: date.month, YEAR: last_two_digits(date.year)} newattrs = {first: attrs[second], second: attrs[first]} if YEAR in newattrs: newattrs[YEAR] += 2000 return date.replace(**newattrs) def swap_format_elements(format, first, second): # format is a DateFormat swapped = format.copy() elems = swapped.elements TYPE2CHAR = {DAY: 'd', MONTH: 'M', YEAR: 'y'} first_char = TYPE2CHAR[first] second_char = TYPE2CHAR[second] first_index = [i for i, x in enumerate(elems) if x.startswith(first_char)][0] second_index = [i for i, x in enumerate(elems) if x.startswith(second_char)][0] elems[first_index], elems[second_index] = elems[second_index], elems[first_index] return swapped class AccountPane: def __init__(self, iwin, account, target_account, parsing_date_format): self.iwin = iwin self.account = account self._selected_target = target_account = entries = iwin.loader.accounts.entries_for_account(account) self.count = len(entries) self.matches = [] # [[ref, imported]] self.parsing_date_format = parsing_date_format self.max_day = 31 self.max_month = 12 self.max_year = 99 # 2 digits self._match_entries() self._swap_possibilities = set() self._compute_swap_possibilities() def _compute_swap_possibilities(self): entries = list(self.iwin.loader.accounts.entries_for_account(self.account)) if not entries: return self._swap_possibilities = set([(DAY, MONTH), (MONTH, YEAR), (DAY, YEAR)]) for first, second in self._swap_possibilities.copy(): for entry in entries: try: swapped_date(, first, second) except ValueError: self._swap_possibilities.remove((first, second)) break def _match_entries(self): to_import = list(self.iwin.loader.accounts.entries_for_account(self.account)) reference2entry = {} for entry in (e for e in to_import if e.reference): reference2entry[entry.reference] = entry self.matches = [] if self.selected_target is not None: entries = self.iwin.document.accounts.entries_for_account(self.selected_target) for entry in entries: if entry.reference in reference2entry: other = reference2entry[entry.reference] if entry.reconciled: self.iwin.import_table.dont_import.add(other) to_import.remove(other) del reference2entry[entry.reference] else: other = None if other is not None or not entry.reconciled: self.matches.append([entry, other]) self.matches += [[None, entry] for entry in to_import] self._sort_matches() def _sort_matches(self): self.matches.sort(key=lambda t: t[0].date if t[0] is not None else t[1].date) def bind(self, existing, imported): [match1] = [m for m in self.matches if m[0] is existing] [match2] = [m for m in self.matches if m[1] is imported] assert match1[1] is None assert match2[0] is None match1[1] = match2[1] self.matches.remove(match2) def can_swap_date_fields(self, first, second): # 'day', 'month', 'year' return (first, second) in self._swap_possibilities or (second, first) in self._swap_possibilities def match_entries_by_date_and_amount(self, threshold): delta = datetime.timedelta(days=threshold) unmatched = ( to_import for ref, to_import in self.matches if ref is None) unmatched_refs = ( ref for ref, to_import in self.matches if to_import is None) amount2refs = defaultdict(list) for entry in unmatched_refs: amount2refs[entry.amount].append(entry) for entry in unmatched: if entry.amount not in amount2refs: continue potentials = amount2refs[entry.amount] for ref in potentials: if abs( - <= delta: self.bind(ref, entry) potentials.remove(ref) self._sort_matches() def unbind(self, existing, imported): [match] = [m for m in self.matches if m[0] is existing and m[1] is imported] match[1] = None self.matches.append([None, imported]) self._sort_matches() @property def selected_target(self): return self._selected_target @selected_target.setter def selected_target(self, value): self._selected_target = value self._match_entries() # This is a modal window that is designed to be re-instantiated on each import # run. It is shown modally by the UI as soon as its created on the UI side. class ImportWindow(GUIObject): # --- View interface # close() # close_selected_tab() # set_swap_button_enabled(enabled: bool) # update_selected_pane() # show() # def __init__(self, mainwindow, target_account=None): super().__init__() if not hasattr(mainwindow, 'loader'): raise ValueError("Nothing to import!") self.mainwindow = mainwindow self.document = mainwindow.document = self._selected_pane_index = 0 self._selected_target_index = 0 def setfunc(index): self.view.set_swap_button_enabled(self.can_perform_swap()) self.swap_type_list = LinkedSelectableList(items=[ "<placeholder> Day <--> Month", "<placeholder> Month <--> Year", "<placeholder> Day <--> Year", tr("Description <--> Payee"), tr("Invert Amounts"), ], setfunc=setfunc) self.swap_type_list.selected_index = SwapType.DayMonth self.panes = [] self.import_table = ImportTable(self) self.loader = self.mainwindow.loader self.target_accounts = [ a for a in self.document.accounts if a.is_balance_sheet_account()] self.target_accounts.sort(key=lambda a: accounts = [] for account in self.loader.accounts: if account.is_balance_sheet_account(): entries = self.loader.accounts.entries_for_account(account) if len(entries): new_name = self.document.accounts.new_name( if new_name != self.loader.accounts.rename_account(account, new_name) accounts.append(account) parsing_date_format = DateFormat.from_sysformat(self.loader.parsing_date_format) for account in accounts: target = target_account if target is None and account.reference: target = getfirst( t for t in self.target_accounts if t.reference == account.reference ) self.panes.append( AccountPane(self, account, target, parsing_date_format)) # --- Private def _can_swap_date_fields(self, first, second): # 'day', 'month', 'year' pane = self.selected_pane if pane is None: return False return pane.can_swap_date_fields(first, second) def _invert_amounts(self, apply_to_all): if apply_to_all: panes = self.panes else: panes = [self.selected_pane] for pane in panes: entries = self.loader.accounts.entries_for_account(pane.account) txns = dedupe(e.transaction for e in entries) for txn in txns: for split in txn.splits: split.amount = -split.amount self.import_table.refresh() def _refresh_target_selection(self): if not self.panes: return target = self.selected_pane.selected_target self._selected_target_index = 0 if target is not None: try: self._selected_target_index = self.target_accounts.index(target) + 1 except ValueError: pass def _refresh_swap_list_items(self): if not self.panes: return items = [] basefmt = self.selected_pane.parsing_date_format for first, second in [(DAY, MONTH), (MONTH, YEAR), (DAY, YEAR)]: swapped = swap_format_elements(basefmt, first, second) items.append("{} --> {}".format(basefmt.iso_format, swapped.iso_format)) self.swap_type_list[:3] = items def _swap_date_fields(self, first, second, apply_to_all): # 'day', 'month', 'year' assert self._can_swap_date_fields(first, second) if apply_to_all: panes = [p for p in self.panes if p.can_swap_date_fields(first, second)] else: panes = [self.selected_pane] def switch_func(txn): = swapped_date(, first, second) self._swap_fields(panes, switch_func) # Now, lets' change the date format on these panes for pane in panes: basefmt = self.selected_pane.parsing_date_format swapped = swap_format_elements(basefmt, first, second) pane.parsing_date_format = swapped pane._sort_matches() self.import_table.refresh() self._refresh_swap_list_items() def _swap_description_payee(self, apply_to_all): if apply_to_all: panes = self.panes else: panes = [self.selected_pane] def switch_func(txn): txn.description, txn.payee = txn.payee, txn.description self._swap_fields(panes, switch_func) def _swap_fields(self, panes, switch_func): seen = set() for pane in panes: entries = self.loader.accounts.entries_for_account(pane.account) txns = dedupe(e.transaction for e in entries) for txn in txns: if txn.affected_accounts() & seen: # We've already swapped this txn in a previous pane. continue switch_func(txn) seen.add(pane.account) self.import_table.refresh() def _update_selected_pane(self): self.import_table.refresh() self._refresh_swap_list_items() self.view.update_selected_pane() self.view.set_swap_button_enabled(self.can_perform_swap()) # --- Override def _view_updated(self): if self.document.can_restore_from_prefs(): self.restore_view() # XXX Logically, we should call _update_selected_pane() but doing so # make tests fail. to investigate. self._refresh_target_selection() self.view.update_selected_pane() self._refresh_swap_list_items() self.import_table.refresh() # --- Public def can_perform_swap(self): index = self.swap_type_list.selected_index if index == SwapType.DayMonth: return self._can_swap_date_fields(DAY, MONTH) elif index == SwapType.MonthYear: return self._can_swap_date_fields(MONTH, YEAR) elif index == SwapType.DayYear: return self._can_swap_date_fields(DAY, YEAR) else: return True def close_pane(self, index): was_selected = index == self.selected_pane_index del self.panes[index] if not self.panes: self.view.close() return self._selected_pane_index = min(self._selected_pane_index, len(self.panes) - 1) if was_selected: self._update_selected_pane() def import_selected_pane(self): pane = self.selected_pane matches = pane.matches matches = [ (e, ref) for ref, e in matches if e is not None and e not in self.import_table.dont_import] if pane.selected_target is not None: # We import in an existing account, adjust all the transactions accordingly target_account = pane.selected_target else: target_account = None self.document.import_entries(target_account, pane.account, matches) self.mainwindow.revalidate() self.close_pane(self.selected_pane_index) self.view.close_selected_tab() def match_entries_by_date_and_amount(self, threshold): self.selected_pane.match_entries_by_date_and_amount(threshold) self.import_table.refresh() def perform_swap(self, apply_to_all=False): index = self.swap_type_list.selected_index if index == SwapType.DayMonth: self._swap_date_fields(DAY, MONTH, apply_to_all=apply_to_all) elif index == SwapType.MonthYear: self._swap_date_fields(MONTH, YEAR, apply_to_all=apply_to_all) elif index == SwapType.DayYear: self._swap_date_fields(DAY, YEAR, apply_to_all=apply_to_all) elif index == SwapType.DescriptionPayee: self._swap_description_payee(apply_to_all=apply_to_all) elif index == SwapType.InvertAmount: self._invert_amounts(apply_to_all=apply_to_all) def restore_view(self): self.import_table.columns.restore_columns() # --- Properties @property def selected_pane(self): return self.panes[self.selected_pane_index] if self.panes else None @property def selected_pane_index(self): return self._selected_pane_index @selected_pane_index.setter def selected_pane_index(self, value): if value >= len(self.panes): return self._selected_pane_index = value self._refresh_target_selection() self._update_selected_pane() @property def selected_target_account(self): return self.selected_pane.selected_target @property def selected_target_account_index(self): return self._selected_target_index @selected_target_account_index.setter def selected_target_account_index(self, value): target = self.target_accounts[value - 1] if value > 0 else None self.selected_pane.selected_target = target self._selected_target_index = value self.import_table.refresh() @property def target_account_names(self): return [tr('< New Account >')] + [ for a in self.target_accounts]
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 """30. Digit fifth powers Surprisingly there are only three numbers that can be written as the sum of fourth powers of their digits: > 1634 = 14 \+ 64 \+ 34 \+ 44 > 8208 = 84 \+ 24 \+ 04 \+ 84 > 9474 = 94 \+ 44 \+ 74 \+ 44 As 1 = 14 is not a sum it is not included. The sum of these numbers is 1634 + 8208 + 9474 = 19316. Find the sum of all the numbers that can be written as the sum of fifth powers of their digits. """
import sys, math from test import goertzel import wave import pyaudio import Queue import numpy as np if len(sys.argv) < 2: print "Usage: %s <filename> " % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) filename = sys.argv[1] w = fs = w.getframerate() width = w.getsampwidth() chunkDuration = .2 #.2 second chunks chunk = int(chunkDuration*fs) window = np.blackman(chunk) p = pyaudio.PyAudio() stream = = p.get_format_from_width(w.getsampwidth()), channels = w.getnchannels(),rate = fs, output=True) #read .2 second chunk data = w.readframes(chunk) chunk_data = [] #find the frequencies of each chunk print "Running calculations on wav file" num = 0 while data != '': print "Calculating Chunk " + str(num) stream.write(data) indata = np.array(wave.struct.unpack("%dh"%(len(data)/width),\ data)) freqs , results = goertzel(indata,fs, (1036,1058), (1567,1569), (2082,2104)) chunk_data.append((freqs,results)) data = w.readframes(chunk) num+=.2 stream.close() p.terminate() #finished getting data from chunks, now to parse the data hi = [] lo = [] mid = [] #average first second of audio to get frequency baselines for i in range (5): a = chunk_data[i][0] b = chunk_data[i][1] for j in range(len(a)): if a[j] > 1700: hi.append(b[j]) elif a[j] < 1300: lo.append(b[j]) else: mid.append(b[j]) hi_average = sum(hi)/float(len(hi)) lo_average = sum(lo)/float(len(lo)) mid_average = sum(mid)/float(len(mid)) """ Determine the frequency in each .2 second chunk that has the highest amplitude increase from its average, then determine the frequency of that second of data by the median frequency of its 5 chunks """ #looks for start signal in last 3 seconds of audio def signal_found(arr): lst = arr[-15:] first = 0 second = 0 third = 0 for i in range(0,5): if lst[i]=="mid": first += 1 for i in range(5,10): if lst[i]=="mid": second += 1 for i in range(10,15): if lst[i]=="mid": third += 1 if first >= 5 and second >= 5 and third >= 5: return True else: return False #gets freq of 1 second of audio def get_freq(arr): lo_count = 0 hi_count = 0 mid_count = 0 for i in arr: if i=="lo": lo_count+=1 if i=="hi": hi_count+=1 if i=="mid": mid_count+=1 if mid_count > hi_count and mid_count > lo_count: return 2 if lo_count>hi_count: return 0 else: return 1 start = False freq_list = [] offset = 0 bits = [] for i in range(5,len(chunk_data)): a = chunk_data[i][0] b = chunk_data[i][1] hi_amp = [] lo_amp = [] mid_amp = [] #get averages for each freq for j in range(len(a)): if a[j] > 1700: hi_amp.append(b[j]) elif a[j] < 1300: lo_amp.append(b[j]) else: mid_amp.append(b[j]) hi_av = sum(hi_amp)/float(len(hi_amp)) lo_av = sum(lo_amp)/float(len(lo_amp)) mid_av = sum(mid_amp)/float(len(mid_amp)) #get freq of this chunk diff = [lo_av-lo_average,mid_av-mid_average,hi_av-hi_average] index = diff.index(max(diff)) if(index==0): freq_list.append("lo") if(index==1): freq_list.append("mid") if(index==2): freq_list.append("hi") print(freq_list[len(freq_list)-1]) if len(freq_list) > 5: if start: if len(freq_list)%5 == offset: bit = get_freq(freq_list[-5:]) if bit != 2: bits.append(bit) else: print "Stop Signal Detected" break elif len(freq_list) >= 15: if signal_found(freq_list): print "signal found" start = True offset = len(freq_list)%5 print bits
from controllers.job_ctrl import JobController from models.job_model import JobModel from views.job_view import JobView class MainController(object): def __init__(self, main_model): self.main_view = None self.main_model = main_model self.main_model.begin_job_fetch.connect(self.on_begin_job_fetch) self.main_model.update_job_fetch_progress.connect(self.on_job_fetch_update) self.main_model.fetched_job.connect(self.on_fetched_job) def init_ui(self, main_view): self.main_view = main_view self.init_hotkeys() def init_hotkeys(self): self.main_model.hotkey_model.add_hotkey(["Lcontrol", "Lmenu", "J"], self.main_view.focus_job_num_edit) self.main_model.hotkey_model.add_hotkey(["Lcontrol", "Lmenu", "O"], self.main_view.open_current_job_folder) self.main_model.hotkey_model.add_hotkey(["Lcontrol", "Lmenu", "B"], self.main_view.open_current_job_basecamp) self.main_model.hotkey_model.start_detection() def fetch_job(self): job_num = self.main_view.job_num if self.main_model.job_exists(job_num): self.main_view.show_job_already_exists_dialog() return self.main_model.fetch_job(job_num) def cancel_job_fetch(self): self.main_model.cancel_job_fetch() def on_begin_job_fetch(self, max): self.main_view.show_job_fetch_progress_dialog(max) def on_job_fetch_update(self, progress): self.main_view.update_job_fetch_progress_dialog(progress) def on_fetched_job(self, job_num, base_folder): job = JobModel(job_num, base_folder, self.main_model.settings_model.basecamp_email, self.main_model.settings_model.basecamp_password, self.main_model.settings_model.google_maps_js_api_key, self.main_model.settings_model.google_maps_static_api_key, self.main_model.settings_model.google_earth_exe_path, self.main_model.settings_model.scene_exe_path)[job.job_num] = job found = bool(job.base_folder) self.main_view.close_job_fetch_progress_dialog() if not found: open_anyway = self.main_view.show_job_not_found_dialog() if not open_anyway: return job_view = JobView(JobController(job)) job_view.request_minimize.connect(self.main_view.close) self.main_view.add_tab(job_view, job.job_name) def remove_job(self, index): job_num = int(self.main_view.ui.jobs_tab_widget.tabText(index)[1:]), None) self.main_view.remove_tab(index)
#!/usr/bin/python # # Problem: Making Chess Boards # Language: Python # Author: KirarinSnow # Usage: python < >output.out from heapq import * def process(r1, r2, c1, c2): for i in range(r1, r2): for j in range(c1, c2): if 0 <= i < m and 0 <= j < n: if g[i][j] == None: s[i][j] = 0 elif i == 0 or j == 0: s[i][j] = 1 elif g[i-1][j] != g[i][j] and g[i][j-1] != g[i][j] and \ g[i-1][j-1] == g[i][j]: s[i][j] = 1 + min(s[i-1][j], s[i][j-1], s[i-1][j-1]) else: s[i][j] = 1 heappush(q, (-s[i][j], i, j)) def clear(r1, r2, c1, c2): for i in range(r1, r2): for j in range(c1, c2): if 0 <= i < m and 0 <= j < n: g[i][j] = None for case in range(int(raw_input())): m, n = map(int, raw_input().split()) v = [eval('0x'+raw_input()) for i in range(m)] g = map(lambda x: map(lambda y: (x>>y)%2, range(n)[::-1]), v) s = [[1 for i in range(n)] for j in range(m)] q = [] process(0, m, 0, n) b = [] while q: x, r, c = heappop(q) if x != 0 and s[r][c] == -x: b.append((-x, r, c)) clear(r+x+1, r+1, c+x+1, c+1) process(r+x+1, r-x+1, c+x+1, c-x+1) vs = sorted(list(set(map(lambda x: x[0], b))))[::-1] print "Case #%d: %d" % (case+1, len(vs)) for k in vs: print k, len(filter(lambda x: x[0] == k, b))
Round 1C 2010/
from .gaussian_process import RandomFeatureGaussianProcess, mean_field_logits from .spectral_normalization import SpectralNormalization
import unittest from test import support import os import io import socket import urllib.request from urllib.request import Request, OpenerDirector # XXX # Request # CacheFTPHandler (hard to write) # parse_keqv_list, parse_http_list, HTTPDigestAuthHandler class TrivialTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_trivial(self): # A couple trivial tests self.assertRaises(ValueError, urllib.request.urlopen, 'bogus url') # XXX Name hacking to get this to work on Windows. fname = os.path.abspath(urllib.request.__file__).replace('\\', '/') # And more hacking to get it to work on MacOS. This assumes # urllib.pathname2url works, unfortunately... if == 'mac': fname = '/' + fname.replace(':', '/') if == 'nt': file_url = "file:///%s" % fname else: file_url = "file://%s" % fname f = urllib.request.urlopen(file_url) buf = f.close() def test_parse_http_list(self): tests = [ ('a,b,c', ['a', 'b', 'c']), ('path"o,l"og"i"cal, example', ['path"o,l"og"i"cal', 'example']), ('a, b, "c", "d", "e,f", g, h', ['a', 'b', '"c"', '"d"', '"e,f"', 'g', 'h']), ('a="b\\"c", d="e\\,f", g="h\\\\i"', ['a="b"c"', 'd="e,f"', 'g="h\\i"'])] for string, list in tests: self.assertEqual(urllib.request.parse_http_list(string), list) def test_request_headers_dict(): """ The Request.headers dictionary is not a documented interface. It should stay that way, because the complete set of headers are only accessible through the .get_header(), .has_header(), .header_items() interface. However, .headers pre-dates those methods, and so real code will be using the dictionary. The introduction in 2.4 of those methods was a mistake for the same reason: code that previously saw all (urllib2 user)-provided headers in .headers now sees only a subset (and the function interface is ugly and incomplete). A better change would have been to replace .headers dict with a dict subclass (or UserDict.DictMixin instance?) that preserved the .headers interface and also provided access to the "unredirected" headers. It's probably too late to fix that, though. Check .capitalize() case normalization: >>> url = "" >>> Request(url, headers={"Spam-eggs": "blah"}).headers["Spam-eggs"] 'blah' >>> Request(url, headers={"spam-EggS": "blah"}).headers["Spam-eggs"] 'blah' Currently, Request(url, "Spam-eggs").headers["Spam-Eggs"] raises KeyError, but that could be changed in future. """ def test_request_headers_methods(): """ Note the case normalization of header names here, to .capitalize()-case. This should be preserved for backwards-compatibility. (In the HTTP case, normalization to .title()-case is done by urllib2 before sending headers to http.client). >>> url = "" >>> r = Request(url, headers={"Spam-eggs": "blah"}) >>> r.has_header("Spam-eggs") True >>> r.header_items() [('Spam-eggs', 'blah')] >>> r.add_header("Foo-Bar", "baz") >>> items = sorted(r.header_items()) >>> items [('Foo-bar', 'baz'), ('Spam-eggs', 'blah')] Note that e.g. r.has_header("spam-EggS") is currently False, and r.get_header("spam-EggS") returns None, but that could be changed in future. >>> r.has_header("Not-there") False >>> print(r.get_header("Not-there")) None >>> r.get_header("Not-there", "default") 'default' """ def test_password_manager(self): """ >>> mgr = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgr() >>> add = mgr.add_password >>> add("Some Realm", "", "joe", "password") >>> add("Some Realm", "", "ni", "ni") >>> add("c", "", "foo", "ni") >>> add("c", "", "bar", "nini") >>> add("b", "", "first", "blah") >>> add("b", "", "second", "spam") >>> add("a", "", "1", "a") >>> add("Some Realm", "", "3", "c") >>> add("Some Realm", "", "4", "d") >>> add("Some Realm", "", "5", "e") >>> mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") ('joe', 'password') >>> mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") ('joe', 'password') >>> mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") ('joe', 'password') >>> mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") ('joe', 'password') >>> mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") ('joe', 'password') >>> mgr.find_user_password("c", "") ('foo', 'ni') >>> mgr.find_user_password("c", "") ('bar', 'nini') Actually, this is really undefined ATM ## Currently, we use the highest-level path where more than one match: ## >>> mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") ## ('joe', 'password') Use latest add_password() in case of conflict: >>> mgr.find_user_password("b", "") ('second', 'spam') No special relationship between and >>> mgr.find_user_password("a", "") ('1', 'a') >>> mgr.find_user_password("a", "") (None, None) Ports: >>> mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") (None, None) >>> mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") ('3', 'c') >>> mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") ('3', 'c') >>> mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") ('4', 'd') >>> mgr.find_user_password("Some Realm", "") ('5', 'e') """ pass def test_password_manager_default_port(self): """ >>> mgr = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgr() >>> add = mgr.add_password The point to note here is that we can't guess the default port if there's no scheme. This applies to both add_password and find_user_password. >>> add("f", "", "10", "j") >>> add("g", "", "11", "k") >>> add("h", "", "12", "l") >>> add("i", "", "13", "m") >>> mgr.find_user_password("f", "") (None, None) >>> mgr.find_user_password("f", "") ('10', 'j') >>> mgr.find_user_password("f", "") (None, None) >>> mgr.find_user_password("f", "") (None, None) >>> mgr.find_user_password("f", "") ('10', 'j') >>> mgr.find_user_password("f", "") ('10', 'j') >>> mgr.find_user_password("g", "") ('11', 'k') >>> mgr.find_user_password("g", "") ('11', 'k') >>> mgr.find_user_password("g", "") ('11', 'k') >>> mgr.find_user_password("h", "") (None, None) >>> mgr.find_user_password("h", "") ('12', 'l') >>> mgr.find_user_password("h", "") ('12', 'l') >>> mgr.find_user_password("i", "") ('13', 'm') >>> mgr.find_user_password("i", "") (None, None) >>> mgr.find_user_password("i", "") ('13', 'm') >>> mgr.find_user_password("i", "") (None, None) """ class MockOpener: addheaders = [] def open(self, req, data=None, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): self.req,, self.timeout = req, data, timeout def error(self, proto, *args): self.proto, self.args = proto, args class MockFile: def read(self, count=None): pass def readline(self, count=None): pass def close(self): pass class MockHeaders(dict): def getheaders(self, name): return list(self.values()) class MockResponse(io.StringIO): def __init__(self, code, msg, headers, data, url=None): io.StringIO.__init__(self, data) self.code, self.msg, self.headers, self.url = code, msg, headers, url def info(self): return self.headers def geturl(self): return self.url class MockCookieJar: def add_cookie_header(self, request): self.ach_req = request def extract_cookies(self, response, request): self.ec_req, self.ec_r = request, response class FakeMethod: def __init__(self, meth_name, action, handle): self.meth_name = meth_name self.handle = handle self.action = action def __call__(self, *args): return self.handle(self.meth_name, self.action, *args) class MockHTTPResponse(io.IOBase): def __init__(self, fp, msg, status, reason): self.fp = fp self.msg = msg self.status = status self.reason = reason self.code = 200 def read(self): return '' def info(self): return {} def geturl(self): return self.url class MockHTTPClass: def __init__(self): self.level = 0 self.req_headers = [] = None self.raise_on_endheaders = False self._tunnel_headers = {} def __call__(self, host, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): = host self.timeout = timeout return self def set_debuglevel(self, level): self.level = level def _set_tunnel(self, host, port=None, headers=None): self._tunnel_host = host self._tunnel_port = port if headers: self._tunnel_headers = headers else: self._tunnel_headers.clear() def request(self, method, url, body=None, headers=None): self.method = method self.selector = url if headers is not None: self.req_headers += headers.items() self.req_headers.sort() if body: = body if self.raise_on_endheaders: import socket raise socket.error() def getresponse(self): return MockHTTPResponse(MockFile(), {}, 200, "OK") class MockHandler: # useful for testing handler machinery # see add_ordered_mock_handlers() docstring handler_order = 500 def __init__(self, methods): self._define_methods(methods) def _define_methods(self, methods): for spec in methods: if len(spec) == 2: name, action = spec else: name, action = spec, None meth = FakeMethod(name, action, self.handle) setattr(self.__class__, name, meth) def handle(self, fn_name, action, *args, **kwds): self.parent.calls.append((self, fn_name, args, kwds)) if action is None: return None elif action == "return self": return self elif action == "return response": res = MockResponse(200, "OK", {}, "") return res elif action == "return request": return Request("http://blah/") elif action.startswith("error"): code = action[action.rfind(" ")+1:] try: code = int(code) except ValueError: pass res = MockResponse(200, "OK", {}, "") return self.parent.error("http", args[0], res, code, "", {}) elif action == "raise": raise urllib.error.URLError("blah") assert False def close(self): pass def add_parent(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.parent.calls = [] def __lt__(self, other): if not hasattr(other, "handler_order"): # No handler_order, leave in original order. Yuck. return True return self.handler_order < other.handler_order def add_ordered_mock_handlers(opener, meth_spec): """Create MockHandlers and add them to an OpenerDirector. meth_spec: list of lists of tuples and strings defining methods to define on handlers. eg: [["http_error", "ftp_open"], ["http_open"]] defines methods .http_error() and .ftp_open() on one handler, and .http_open() on another. These methods just record their arguments and return None. Using a tuple instead of a string causes the method to perform some action (see MockHandler.handle()), eg: [["http_error"], [("http_open", "return request")]] defines .http_error() on one handler (which simply returns None), and .http_open() on another handler, which returns a Request object. """ handlers = [] count = 0 for meths in meth_spec: class MockHandlerSubclass(MockHandler): pass h = MockHandlerSubclass(meths) h.handler_order += count h.add_parent(opener) count = count + 1 handlers.append(h) opener.add_handler(h) return handlers def build_test_opener(*handler_instances): opener = OpenerDirector() for h in handler_instances: opener.add_handler(h) return opener class MockHTTPHandler(urllib.request.BaseHandler): # useful for testing redirections and auth # sends supplied headers and code as first response # sends 200 OK as second response def __init__(self, code, headers): self.code = code self.headers = headers self.reset() def reset(self): self._count = 0 self.requests = [] def http_open(self, req): import email, http.client, copy from io import StringIO self.requests.append(copy.deepcopy(req)) if self._count == 0: self._count = self._count + 1 name = http.client.responses[self.code] msg = email.message_from_string(self.headers) return self.parent.error( "http", req, MockFile(), self.code, name, msg) else: self.req = req msg = email.message_from_string("\r\n\r\n") return MockResponse(200, "OK", msg, "", req.get_full_url()) class MockHTTPSHandler(urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler): # Useful for testing the Proxy-Authorization request by verifying the # properties of httpcon def __init__(self): urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler.__init__(self) self.httpconn = MockHTTPClass() def https_open(self, req): return self.do_open(self.httpconn, req) class MockPasswordManager: def add_password(self, realm, uri, user, password): self.realm = realm self.url = uri self.user = user self.password = password def find_user_password(self, realm, authuri): self.target_realm = realm self.target_url = authuri return self.user, self.password class OpenerDirectorTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_add_non_handler(self): class NonHandler(object): pass self.assertRaises(TypeError, OpenerDirector().add_handler, NonHandler()) def test_badly_named_methods(self): # test work-around for three methods that accidentally follow the # naming conventions for handler methods # (*_open() / *_request() / *_response()) # These used to call the accidentally-named methods, causing a # TypeError in real code; here, returning self from these mock # methods would either cause no exception, or AttributeError. from urllib.error import URLError o = OpenerDirector() meth_spec = [ [("do_open", "return self"), ("proxy_open", "return self")], [("redirect_request", "return self")], ] handlers = add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) o.add_handler(urllib.request.UnknownHandler()) for scheme in "do", "proxy", "redirect": self.assertRaises(URLError,, scheme+"://") def test_handled(self): # handler returning non-None means no more handlers will be called o = OpenerDirector() meth_spec = [ ["http_open", "ftp_open", "http_error_302"], ["ftp_open"], [("http_open", "return self")], [("http_open", "return self")], ] handlers = add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) req = Request("") r = # Second .http_open() gets called, third doesn't, since second returned # non-None. Handlers without .http_open() never get any methods called # on them. # In fact, second mock handler defining .http_open() returns self # (instead of response), which becomes the OpenerDirector's return # value. self.assertEqual(r, handlers[2]) calls = [(handlers[0], "http_open"), (handlers[2], "http_open")] for expected, got in zip(calls, o.calls): handler, name, args, kwds = got self.assertEqual((handler, name), expected) self.assertEqual(args, (req,)) def test_handler_order(self): o = OpenerDirector() handlers = [] for meths, handler_order in [ ([("http_open", "return self")], 500), (["http_open"], 0), ]: class MockHandlerSubclass(MockHandler): pass h = MockHandlerSubclass(meths) h.handler_order = handler_order handlers.append(h) o.add_handler(h) r ="") # handlers called in reverse order, thanks to their sort order self.assertEqual(o.calls[0][0], handlers[1]) self.assertEqual(o.calls[1][0], handlers[0]) def test_raise(self): # raising URLError stops processing of request o = OpenerDirector() meth_spec = [ [("http_open", "raise")], [("http_open", "return self")], ] handlers = add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) req = Request("") self.assertRaises(urllib.error.URLError,, req) self.assertEqual(o.calls, [(handlers[0], "http_open", (req,), {})]) ## def test_error(self): ## # XXX this doesn't actually seem to be used in standard library, ## # but should really be tested anyway... def test_http_error(self): # XXX http_error_default # http errors are a special case o = OpenerDirector() meth_spec = [ [("http_open", "error 302")], [("http_error_400", "raise"), "http_open"], [("http_error_302", "return response"), "http_error_303", "http_error"], [("http_error_302")], ] handlers = add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) class Unknown: def __eq__(self, other): return True req = Request("") r = assert len(o.calls) == 2 calls = [(handlers[0], "http_open", (req,)), (handlers[2], "http_error_302", (req, Unknown(), 302, "", {}))] for expected, got in zip(calls, o.calls): handler, method_name, args = expected self.assertEqual((handler, method_name), got[:2]) self.assertEqual(args, got[2]) def test_processors(self): # *_request / *_response methods get called appropriately o = OpenerDirector() meth_spec = [ [("http_request", "return request"), ("http_response", "return response")], [("http_request", "return request"), ("http_response", "return response")], ] handlers = add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) req = Request("") r = # processor methods are called on *all* handlers that define them, # not just the first handler that handles the request calls = [ (handlers[0], "http_request"), (handlers[1], "http_request"), (handlers[0], "http_response"), (handlers[1], "http_response")] for i, (handler, name, args, kwds) in enumerate(o.calls): if i < 2: # *_request self.assertEqual((handler, name), calls[i]) self.assertEqual(len(args), 1) self.assertTrue(isinstance(args[0], Request)) else: # *_response self.assertEqual((handler, name), calls[i]) self.assertEqual(len(args), 2) self.assertTrue(isinstance(args[0], Request)) # response from is None, because there's no # handler that defines http_open to handle it self.assertTrue(args[1] is None or isinstance(args[1], MockResponse)) def sanepathname2url(path): urlpath = urllib.request.pathname2url(path) if == "nt" and urlpath.startswith("///"): urlpath = urlpath[2:] # XXX don't ask me about the mac... return urlpath class HandlerTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_ftp(self): class MockFTPWrapper: def __init__(self, data): = data def retrfile(self, filename, filetype): self.filename, self.filetype = filename, filetype return io.StringIO(, len( class NullFTPHandler(urllib.request.FTPHandler): def __init__(self, data): = data def connect_ftp(self, user, passwd, host, port, dirs, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): self.user, self.passwd = user, passwd, self.port = host, port self.dirs = dirs self.ftpwrapper = MockFTPWrapper( return self.ftpwrapper import ftplib data = "rheum rhaponicum" h = NullFTPHandler(data) o = h.parent = MockOpener() for url, host, port, user, passwd, type_, dirs, filename, mimetype in [ ("ftp://localhost/foo/bar/baz.html", "localhost", ftplib.FTP_PORT, "", "", "I", ["foo", "bar"], "baz.html", "text/html"), ("ftp://parrot@localhost/foo/bar/baz.html", "localhost", ftplib.FTP_PORT, "parrot", "", "I", ["foo", "bar"], "baz.html", "text/html"), ("ftp://%25parrot@localhost/foo/bar/baz.html", "localhost", ftplib.FTP_PORT, "%parrot", "", "I", ["foo", "bar"], "baz.html", "text/html"), ("ftp://%2542parrot@localhost/foo/bar/baz.html", "localhost", ftplib.FTP_PORT, "%42parrot", "", "I", ["foo", "bar"], "baz.html", "text/html"), ("ftp://localhost:80/foo/bar/", "localhost", 80, "", "", "D", ["foo", "bar"], "", None), ("ftp://localhost/baz.gif;type=a", "localhost", ftplib.FTP_PORT, "", "", "A", [], "baz.gif", None), # XXX really this should guess image/gif ]: req = Request(url) req.timeout = None r = h.ftp_open(req) # ftp authentication not yet implemented by FTPHandler self.assertEqual(h.user, user) self.assertEqual(h.passwd, passwd) self.assertEqual(, socket.gethostbyname(host)) self.assertEqual(h.port, port) self.assertEqual(h.dirs, dirs) self.assertEqual(h.ftpwrapper.filename, filename) self.assertEqual(h.ftpwrapper.filetype, type_) headers = self.assertEqual(headers.get("Content-type"), mimetype) self.assertEqual(int(headers["Content-length"]), len(data)) def test_file(self): import email.utils, socket h = urllib.request.FileHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() TESTFN = support.TESTFN urlpath = sanepathname2url(os.path.abspath(TESTFN)) towrite = b"hello, world\n" urls = [ "file://localhost%s" % urlpath, "file://%s" % urlpath, "file://%s%s" % (socket.gethostbyname('localhost'), urlpath), ] try: localaddr = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) except socket.gaierror: localaddr = '' if localaddr: urls.append("file://%s%s" % (localaddr, urlpath)) for url in urls: f = open(TESTFN, "wb") try: try: f.write(towrite) finally: f.close() r = h.file_open(Request(url)) try: data = headers = respurl = r.geturl() finally: r.close() stats = os.stat(TESTFN) modified = email.utils.formatdate(stats.st_mtime, usegmt=True) finally: os.remove(TESTFN) self.assertEqual(data, towrite) self.assertEqual(headers["Content-type"], "text/plain") self.assertEqual(headers["Content-length"], "13") self.assertEqual(headers["Last-modified"], modified) self.assertEqual(respurl, url) for url in [ "file://localhost:80%s" % urlpath, "file:///file_does_not_exist.txt", "file://%s:80%s/%s" % (socket.gethostbyname('localhost'), os.getcwd(), TESTFN), "file://" % (os.getcwd(), TESTFN), ]: try: f = open(TESTFN, "wb") try: f.write(towrite) finally: f.close() self.assertRaises(urllib.error.URLError, h.file_open, Request(url)) finally: os.remove(TESTFN) h = urllib.request.FileHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() # XXXX why does // mean ftp (and /// mean not ftp!), and where # is file: scheme specified? I think this is really a bug, and # what was intended was to distinguish between URLs like: # file:/blah.txt (a file) # file://localhost/blah.txt (a file) # file:///blah.txt (a file) # file:// (an ftp URL) for url, ftp in [ ("file://", True), ("file://", False), # XXXX bug: fails with OSError, should be URLError ("file://", False), ("file://somehost//foo/something.txt", True), ("file://localhost//foo/something.txt", False), ]: req = Request(url) try: h.file_open(req) # XXXX remove OSError when bug fixed except (urllib.error.URLError, OSError): self.assertFalse(ftp) else: self.assertIs(o.req, req) self.assertEqual(req.type, "ftp") self.assertEqual(req.type is "ftp", ftp) def test_http(self): h = urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() url = "" for method, data in [("GET", None), ("POST", "blah")]: req = Request(url, data, {"Foo": "bar"}) req.timeout = None req.add_unredirected_header("Spam", "eggs") http = MockHTTPClass() r = h.do_open(http, req) # result attributes; r.readline # wrapped MockFile methods; r.geturl # addinfourl methods r.code, r.msg == 200, "OK" # added from MockHTTPClass.getreply() hdrs = hdrs.get; hdrs.__contains__ # gives dict from .getreply() self.assertEqual(r.geturl(), url) self.assertEqual(, "") self.assertEqual(http.level, 0) self.assertEqual(http.method, method) self.assertEqual(http.selector, "/") self.assertEqual(http.req_headers, [("Connection", "close"), ("Foo", "bar"), ("Spam", "eggs")]) self.assertEqual(, data) # check socket.error converted to URLError http.raise_on_endheaders = True self.assertRaises(urllib.error.URLError, h.do_open, http, req) # check adding of standard headers o.addheaders = [("Spam", "eggs")] for data in "", None: # POST, GET req = Request("", data) r = MockResponse(200, "OK", {}, "") newreq = h.do_request_(req) if data is None: # GET self.assertTrue("Content-length" not in req.unredirected_hdrs) self.assertTrue("Content-type" not in req.unredirected_hdrs) else: # POST self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Content-length"], "0") self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Content-type"], "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") # XXX the details of Host could be better tested self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Host"], "") self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Spam"], "eggs") # don't clobber existing headers req.add_unredirected_header("Content-length", "foo") req.add_unredirected_header("Content-type", "bar") req.add_unredirected_header("Host", "baz") req.add_unredirected_header("Spam", "foo") newreq = h.do_request_(req) self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Content-length"], "foo") self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Content-type"], "bar") self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Host"], "baz") self.assertEqual(req.unredirected_hdrs["Spam"], "foo") def test_http_doubleslash(self): # Checks the presence of any unnecessary double slash in url does not # break anything. Previously, a double slash directly after the host # could could cause incorrect parsing. h = urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() data = "" ds_urls = [ "", "", "", "" ] for ds_url in ds_urls: ds_req = Request(ds_url, data) # Check whether host is determined correctly if there is no proxy np_ds_req = h.do_request_(ds_req) self.assertEqual(np_ds_req.unredirected_hdrs["Host"],"") # Check whether host is determined correctly if there is a proxy ds_req.set_proxy("someproxy:3128",None) p_ds_req = h.do_request_(ds_req) self.assertEqual(p_ds_req.unredirected_hdrs["Host"],"") def test_fixpath_in_weirdurls(self): # Issue4493: urllib2 to supply '/' when to urls where path does not # start with'/' h = urllib.request.AbstractHTTPHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() weird_url = '' req = Request(weird_url) newreq = h.do_request_(req) self.assertEqual(,'') self.assertEqual(newreq.selector,'/?getspam') url_without_path = '' req = Request(url_without_path) newreq = h.do_request_(req) self.assertEqual(,'') self.assertEqual(newreq.selector,'') def test_errors(self): h = urllib.request.HTTPErrorProcessor() o = h.parent = MockOpener() url = "" req = Request(url) # all 2xx are passed through r = MockResponse(200, "OK", {}, "", url) newr = h.http_response(req, r) self.assertIs(r, newr) self.assertFalse(hasattr(o, "proto")) # o.error not called r = MockResponse(202, "Accepted", {}, "", url) newr = h.http_response(req, r) self.assertIs(r, newr) self.assertFalse(hasattr(o, "proto")) # o.error not called r = MockResponse(206, "Partial content", {}, "", url) newr = h.http_response(req, r) self.assertIs(r, newr) self.assertFalse(hasattr(o, "proto")) # o.error not called # anything else calls o.error (and MockOpener returns None, here) r = MockResponse(502, "Bad gateway", {}, "", url) self.assertIsNone(h.http_response(req, r)) self.assertEqual(o.proto, "http") # o.error called self.assertEqual(o.args, (req, r, 502, "Bad gateway", {})) def test_cookies(self): cj = MockCookieJar() h = urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj) o = h.parent = MockOpener() req = Request("") r = MockResponse(200, "OK", {}, "") newreq = h.http_request(req) self.assertIs(cj.ach_req, req) self.assertIs(cj.ach_req, newreq) self.assertEqual(req.get_origin_req_host(), "") self.assertFalse(req.is_unverifiable()) newr = h.http_response(req, r) self.assertIs(cj.ec_req, req) self.assertIs(cj.ec_r, r) self.assertIs(r, newr) def test_redirect(self): from_url = "" to_url = "" h = urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler() o = h.parent = MockOpener() # ordinary redirect behaviour for code in 301, 302, 303, 307: for data in None, "blah\nblah\n": method = getattr(h, "http_error_%s" % code) req = Request(from_url, data) req.timeout = socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT req.add_header("Nonsense", "viking=withhold") if data is not None: req.add_header("Content-Length", str(len(data))) req.add_unredirected_header("Spam", "spam") try: method(req, MockFile(), code, "Blah", MockHeaders({"location": to_url})) except urllib.error.HTTPError: # 307 in response to POST requires user OK self.assertTrue(code == 307 and data is not None) self.assertEqual(o.req.get_full_url(), to_url) try: self.assertEqual(o.req.get_method(), "GET") except AttributeError: self.assertFalse(o.req.has_data()) # now it's a GET, there should not be headers regarding content # (possibly dragged from before being a POST) headers = [x.lower() for x in o.req.headers] self.assertTrue("content-length" not in headers) self.assertTrue("content-type" not in headers) self.assertEqual(o.req.headers["Nonsense"], "viking=withhold") self.assertTrue("Spam" not in o.req.headers) self.assertTrue("Spam" not in o.req.unredirected_hdrs) # loop detection req = Request(from_url) req.timeout = socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT def redirect(h, req, url=to_url): h.http_error_302(req, MockFile(), 302, "Blah", MockHeaders({"location": url})) # Note that the *original* request shares the same record of # redirections with the sub-requests caused by the redirections. # detect infinite loop redirect of a URL to itself req = Request(from_url, origin_req_host="") count = 0 req.timeout = socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT try: while 1: redirect(h, req, "") count = count + 1 except urllib.error.HTTPError: # don't stop until max_repeats, because cookies may introduce state self.assertEqual(count, urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler.max_repeats) # detect endless non-repeating chain of redirects req = Request(from_url, origin_req_host="") count = 0 req.timeout = socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT try: while 1: redirect(h, req, "" % count) count = count + 1 except urllib.error.HTTPError: self.assertEqual(count, urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler.max_redirections) def test_cookie_redirect(self): # cookies shouldn't leak into redirected requests from http.cookiejar import CookieJar from test.test_http_cookiejar import interact_netscape cj = CookieJar() interact_netscape(cj, "", "spam=eggs") hh = MockHTTPHandler(302, "Location:\r\n\r\n") hdeh = urllib.request.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler() hrh = urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler() cp = urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj) o = build_test_opener(hh, hdeh, hrh, cp)"") self.assertFalse(hh.req.has_header("Cookie")) def test_proxy(self): o = OpenerDirector() ph = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(dict(http="")) o.add_handler(ph) meth_spec = [ [("http_open", "return response")] ] handlers = add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) req = Request("") self.assertEqual(req.get_host(), "") r = self.assertEqual(req.get_host(), "") self.assertEqual([(handlers[0], "http_open")], [tup[0:2] for tup in o.calls]) def test_proxy_no_proxy(self): os.environ['no_proxy'] = '' o = OpenerDirector() ph = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(dict(http="")) o.add_handler(ph) req = Request("") self.assertEqual(req.get_host(), "") r = self.assertEqual(req.get_host(), "") req = Request("") self.assertEqual(req.get_host(), "") r = self.assertEqual(req.get_host(), "") del os.environ['no_proxy'] def test_proxy_https(self): o = OpenerDirector() ph = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(dict(https="")) o.add_handler(ph) meth_spec = [ [("https_open", "return response")] ] handlers = add_ordered_mock_handlers(o, meth_spec) req = Request("") self.assertEqual(req.get_host(), "") r = self.assertEqual(req.get_host(), "") self.assertEqual([(handlers[0], "https_open")], [tup[0:2] for tup in o.calls]) def test_proxy_https_proxy_authorization(self): o = OpenerDirector() ph = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(dict(https='')) o.add_handler(ph) https_handler = MockHTTPSHandler() o.add_handler(https_handler) req = Request("") req.add_header("Proxy-Authorization","FooBar") req.add_header("User-Agent","Grail") self.assertEqual(req.get_host(), "") self.assertIsNone(req._tunnel_host) r = # Verify Proxy-Authorization gets tunneled to request. # httpsconn req_headers do not have the Proxy-Authorization header but # the req will have. self.assertFalse(("Proxy-Authorization","FooBar") in https_handler.httpconn.req_headers) self.assertTrue(("User-Agent","Grail") in https_handler.httpconn.req_headers) self.assertIsNotNone(req._tunnel_host) self.assertEqual(req.get_host(), "") self.assertEqual(req.get_header("Proxy-authorization"),"FooBar") def test_basic_auth(self, quote_char='"'): opener = OpenerDirector() password_manager = MockPasswordManager() auth_handler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_manager) realm = "ACME Widget Store" http_handler = MockHTTPHandler( 401, 'WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=%s%s%s\r\n\r\n' % (quote_char, realm, quote_char) ) opener.add_handler(auth_handler) opener.add_handler(http_handler) self._test_basic_auth(opener, auth_handler, "Authorization", realm, http_handler, password_manager, "", "", ) def test_basic_auth_with_single_quoted_realm(self): self.test_basic_auth(quote_char="'") def test_proxy_basic_auth(self): opener = OpenerDirector() ph = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(dict(http="")) opener.add_handler(ph) password_manager = MockPasswordManager() auth_handler = urllib.request.ProxyBasicAuthHandler(password_manager) realm = "ACME Networks" http_handler = MockHTTPHandler( 407, 'Proxy-Authenticate: Basic realm="%s"\r\n\r\n' % realm) opener.add_handler(auth_handler) opener.add_handler(http_handler) self._test_basic_auth(opener, auth_handler, "Proxy-authorization", realm, http_handler, password_manager, "", "", ) def test_basic_and_digest_auth_handlers(self): # HTTPDigestAuthHandler threw an exception if it couldn't handle a 40* # response (, where it should instead # return None to allow another handler (especially # HTTPBasicAuthHandler) to handle the response. # Also (, RFC 2617 section 1.2), we must # try digest first (since it's the strongest auth scheme), so we record # order of calls here to check digest comes first: class RecordingOpenerDirector(OpenerDirector): def __init__(self): OpenerDirector.__init__(self) self.recorded = [] def record(self, info): self.recorded.append(info) class TestDigestAuthHandler(urllib.request.HTTPDigestAuthHandler): def http_error_401(self, *args, **kwds): self.parent.record("digest") urllib.request.HTTPDigestAuthHandler.http_error_401(self, *args, **kwds) class TestBasicAuthHandler(urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler): def http_error_401(self, *args, **kwds): self.parent.record("basic") urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler.http_error_401(self, *args, **kwds) opener = RecordingOpenerDirector() password_manager = MockPasswordManager() digest_handler = TestDigestAuthHandler(password_manager) basic_handler = TestBasicAuthHandler(password_manager) realm = "ACME Networks" http_handler = MockHTTPHandler( 401, 'WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="%s"\r\n\r\n' % realm) opener.add_handler(basic_handler) opener.add_handler(digest_handler) opener.add_handler(http_handler) # check basic auth isn't blocked by digest handler failing self._test_basic_auth(opener, basic_handler, "Authorization", realm, http_handler, password_manager, "", "", ) # check digest was tried before basic (twice, because # _test_basic_auth called .open() twice) self.assertEqual(opener.recorded, ["digest", "basic"]*2) def _test_basic_auth(self, opener, auth_handler, auth_header, realm, http_handler, password_manager, request_url, protected_url): import base64 user, password = "wile", "coyote" # .add_password() fed through to password manager auth_handler.add_password(realm, request_url, user, password) self.assertEqual(realm, password_manager.realm) self.assertEqual(request_url, password_manager.url) self.assertEqual(user, password_manager.user) self.assertEqual(password, password_manager.password) r = # should have asked the password manager for the username/password self.assertEqual(password_manager.target_realm, realm) self.assertEqual(password_manager.target_url, protected_url) # expect one request without authorization, then one with self.assertEqual(len(http_handler.requests), 2) self.assertFalse(http_handler.requests[0].has_header(auth_header)) userpass = bytes('%s:%s' % (user, password), "ascii") auth_hdr_value = ('Basic ' + base64.encodebytes(userpass).strip().decode()) self.assertEqual(http_handler.requests[1].get_header(auth_header), auth_hdr_value) self.assertEqual(http_handler.requests[1].unredirected_hdrs[auth_header], auth_hdr_value) # if the password manager can't find a password, the handler won't # handle the HTTP auth error password_manager.user = password_manager.password = None http_handler.reset() r = self.assertEqual(len(http_handler.requests), 1) self.assertFalse(http_handler.requests[0].has_header(auth_header)) class MiscTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_build_opener(self): class MyHTTPHandler(urllib.request.HTTPHandler): pass class FooHandler(urllib.request.BaseHandler): def foo_open(self): pass class BarHandler(urllib.request.BaseHandler): def bar_open(self): pass build_opener = urllib.request.build_opener o = build_opener(FooHandler, BarHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, FooHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, BarHandler) # can take a mix of classes and instances o = build_opener(FooHandler, BarHandler()) self.opener_has_handler(o, FooHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, BarHandler) # subclasses of default handlers override default handlers o = build_opener(MyHTTPHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, MyHTTPHandler) # a particular case of overriding: default handlers can be passed # in explicitly o = build_opener() self.opener_has_handler(o, urllib.request.HTTPHandler) o = build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, urllib.request.HTTPHandler) o = build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPHandler()) self.opener_has_handler(o, urllib.request.HTTPHandler) # Issue2670: multiple handlers sharing the same base class class MyOtherHTTPHandler(urllib.request.HTTPHandler): pass o = build_opener(MyHTTPHandler, MyOtherHTTPHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, MyHTTPHandler) self.opener_has_handler(o, MyOtherHTTPHandler) def opener_has_handler(self, opener, handler_class): self.assertTrue(any(h.__class__ == handler_class for h in opener.handlers)) class RequestTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.get = Request("") = Request("", "data", headers={"X-Test": "test"}) def test_method(self): self.assertEqual("POST", self.assertEqual("GET", self.get.get_method()) def test_add_data(self): self.assertFalse(self.get.has_data()) self.assertEqual("GET", self.get.get_method()) self.get.add_data("spam") self.assertTrue(self.get.has_data()) self.assertEqual("POST", self.get.get_method()) def test_get_full_url(self): self.assertEqual("", self.get.get_full_url()) def test_selector(self): self.assertEqual("/~jeremy/", self.get.get_selector()) req = Request("") self.assertEqual("/", req.get_selector()) def test_get_type(self): self.assertEqual("http", self.get.get_type()) def test_get_host(self): self.assertEqual("", self.get.get_host()) def test_get_host_unquote(self): req = Request("") self.assertEqual("", req.get_host()) def test_proxy(self): self.assertFalse(self.get.has_proxy()) self.get.set_proxy("", "http") self.assertTrue(self.get.has_proxy()) self.assertEqual("", self.get.get_origin_req_host()) self.assertEqual("", self.get.get_host()) def test_wrapped_url(self): req = Request("<URL:>") self.assertEqual("", req.get_host()) def test_urlwith_fragment(self): req = Request("") self.assertEqual("/?qs=query", req.get_selector()) req = Request("") self.assertEqual("/", req.get_selector()) def test_main(verbose=None): from test import test_urllib2 support.run_doctest(test_urllib2, verbose) support.run_doctest(urllib.request, verbose) tests = (TrivialTests, OpenerDirectorTests, HandlerTests, MiscTests, RequestTests) support.run_unittest(*tests) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main(verbose=True)
#!/usr/bin/env python # File written by pyctools-editor. Do not edit. import argparse import logging from pyctools.core.compound import Compound import pyctools.components.arithmetic import pyctools.components.qt.qtdisplay import class Network(object): components = \ { 'clipper': { 'class': 'pyctools.components.arithmetic.Arithmetic', 'config': "{'func': '16+((data > 180)*219)'}", 'pos': (200.0, 200.0)}, 'clipper2': { 'class': 'pyctools.components.arithmetic.Arithmetic', 'config': "{'func': '16+((data > 230)*219)'}", 'pos': (200.0, 330.0)}, 'qd': { 'class': 'pyctools.components.qt.qtdisplay.QtDisplay', 'config': "{'framerate': 60}", 'pos': (460.0, 200.0)}, 'stacker': { 'class': 'pyctools.components.arithmetic.Arithmetic2', 'config': "{'func': 'numpy.vstack((data1,data2))'}", 'pos': (330.0, 200.0)}, 'zpg': { 'class': '', 'config': "{'kx': 0.04, 'kt': -0.34, 'xlen': 600, 'ylen': " "400, 'zlen': 1000, 'looping': 'repeat'}", 'pos': (70.0, 200.0)}, 'zpg2': { 'class': '', 'config': "{'kx': 0.002, 'kt': -0.017, 'xlen': 600, 'ylen': " "200, 'zlen': 1000, 'looping': 'repeat'}", 'pos': (70.0, 330.0)}} linkages = \ { ('clipper', 'output'): [('stacker', 'input1')], ('clipper2', 'output'): [('stacker', 'input2')], ('stacker', 'output'): [('qd', 'input')], ('zpg', 'output'): [('clipper', 'input')], ('zpg2', 'output'): [('clipper2', 'input')]} def make(self): comps = {} for name, component in self.components.items(): comps[name] = eval(component['class'])(config=eval(component['config'])) return Compound(linkages=self.linkages, **comps) if __name__ == '__main__': from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets QtWidgets.QApplication.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.AA_X11InitThreads) app = QtWidgets.QApplication([]) comp = Network().make() cnf = comp.get_config() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) cnf.parser_add(parser) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0, help='increase verbosity of log messages') args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR - (args.verbose * 10)) del args.verbose cnf.parser_set(args) comp.set_config(cnf) comp.start() app.exec_() comp.stop() comp.join()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import itertools """ Languages | ShortCode | Wordnet Albanian | sq | als Arabic | ar | arb Bulgarian | bg | bul Catalan | ca | cat Chinese | zh | cmn Chinese (Taiwan) | qn | qcn Greek | el | ell Basque | eu | eus Persian | fa | fas Finish | fi | fin French | fr | fra Galician | gl | glg Hebrew | he | heb Croatian | hr | hrv Indonesian | id | ind Italian | it | ita Japanese | ja | jpn Norwegian NyNorsk | nn | nno Norwegian Bokmål | nb/no | nob Polish | pl | pol Portuguese | pt | por Slovenian | sl | slv Spanish | es | spa Swedish | sv | swe Thai | tt | tha Malay | ms | zsm """ """ Language short codes => Wordnet Code """ AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES = dict([('sq','als'), ('ar', 'arb'), ('bg', 'bul'), ('ca', 'cat'), ('da', 'dan'), ('zh', 'cmn'), ('el','ell'), ('eu', 'eus'), ('fa', 'fas'), ('fi', 'fin'), ('fr', 'fra'), ('gl','glg'), ('he', 'heb'), ('hr', 'hrv'), ('id', 'ind'), ('it', 'ita'), ('ja','jpn'), ('nn', 'nno'), ('nb', 'nob'), ('no', 'nob'), ('pl', 'pol'), ('pt', 'por'), ('qn','qcn'), ('sl', 'slv'), ('es', 'spa'), ('sv', 'swe'), ('tt', 'tha'), ('ms', 'zsm'), ('en', 'eng')]) """ Language names => Short Code """ AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES_NAMES = dict([ ('albanian', 'sq'), ('arabic', 'ar'),('bulgarian', 'bg'), ('catalan', 'cat'), ('danish', 'da'), ('chinese', 'zh'), ('basque', 'eu'), ('persian', 'fa'), ('finnish', 'fi'), ('france', 'fr'), ('galician', 'gl'), ('hebrew', 'he'), ('croatian', 'hr'), ('indonesian', 'id'), ('italian', 'it'), ('japanese', 'ja'), ('norwegian_nynorsk', 'nn'), ('norwegian', 'no'), ('norwegian_bokmal', 'nb'), ('polish', 'pl'), ('portuguese', 'pt'), ('slovenian', 'sl'), ('spanish', 'es'), ('swedish', 'sv'), ('thai', 'sv'), ('malay', 'ms'), ('english', 'en') ]) class WordnetManager(object): def __init__(self, language="en"): """ Constructor for the wordnet manager. It takes a main language. """ self.__language = language def __isLanguageAvailable(self, code=None, language_name=None): """ Check if a language is available """ if code is None and language_name is None: raise Exception("Error evaluating the correct language") if code is not None and code.lower() in AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES: return True if language_name is not None and language_name.lower() in AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES_NAMES: return True return False def __nameToWordnetCode(self, name): """ It returns the wordnet code for a given language name """ if not self.__isLanguageAvailable(language_name=name): raise Exception("Wordnet code not found for the language name %s " % name) name = name.lower() languageShortCode = AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES_NAMES[name] wordnetCode = self.__shortCodeToWordnetCode(code=languageShortCode) return wordnetCode def __shortCodeToWordnetCode(self, shortCode): """ It returns the wordnet code from a given language short code """ if not self.__isLanguageAvailable(code=shortCode): raise Exception("Wordnet code not found for the language short code %s " % shortCode) code = shortCode.lower() wordnetCode = AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES[code] return wordnetCode def __getSynsets(self, word, wordNetCode): """ It returns the synsets given both word and language code """ from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn synsets = wn.synsets(word, lang=wordNetCode) return synsets def getLemmas(self, word, languageCode="en"): """ Get the lemmas for a given word :word: The word :languageCode: The language for a given lemma """ wnCode = self.__shortCodeToWordnetCode(shortCode=languageCode) synsets = self.__getSynsets(word, wnCode) #wn.synsets(word, lang=wnCode) lemmas = dict([('en', [])]) for synset in synsets: enLemmas = synset.lemma_names() lemmas['en'].extend(enLemmas) if languageCode != "en" and self.__isLanguageAvailable(code=languageCode): langLemmas = list(sorted(set(synset.lemma_names(lang=wnCode)))) lemmas[languageCode] = langLemmas lemmas['en'] = list(sorted(set(lemmas.get('en', [])))) return lemmas def getSynonyms(self, words=[], language_code="en"): """ Get the synonyms from a list of words. :words: A list of words :language_code: the language for the synonyms. """ if words is None or not isinstance(words, list) or list(words) <= 0: return [] if not self.__isLanguageAvailable(code=language_code): return [] wnCode = self.__shortCodeToWordnetCode(language_code) result = {} for word in words: result[word] = dict([('lemmas', self.getLemmas(word,languageCode=language_code))]) return result def getHyponyms(self, words, language_code="en"): """ Get specific synsets from a given synset """ wnCode = self.__shortCodeToWordnetCode(language_code) result = {} for word in words: synonyms = self.__getSynsets(word, wnCode) hyponyms = [hyp for synset in synonyms for hyp in synset.hyponyms()] engLemmas = [hyp.lemma_names() for hyp in hyponyms] lemmas = dict([('en', list(sorted(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(engLemmas)), key=lambda s: s.lower())))]) if language_code != "en": languageLemmas = [hyp.lemma_names(lang=wnCode) for hyp in hyponyms] languageLemmas = list(sorted(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(languageLemmas)), key=lambda s: s.lower())) lemmas[language_code] = languageLemmas result[word] = dict([ ('lemmas', lemmas), ('language', language_code)]) return result def getHypernyms(self, words, language_code="en"): """ Get general synsets from a given synset """ wnCode = self.__shortCodeToWordnetCode(language_code) result = {} for word in words: synonyms = self.__getSynsets(word, wnCode) hypernyms = [hyp for synset in synonyms for hyp in synset.hypernyms()] engLemmas = [hyp.lemma_names() for hyp in hypernyms] lemmas = dict([('en', list(sorted(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(engLemmas)), key=lambda s: s.lower())))]) if language_code != "en": languageLemmas = [hyp.lemma_names(lang=wnCode) for hyp in hypernyms] languageLemmas = list(sorted(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(languageLemmas)), key=lambda s: s.lower())) lemmas[language_code] = languageLemmas result[word] = dict([ ('lemmas', lemmas), ('language', language_code)]) return result
############################################################################# # $HeadURL$ ############################################################################# """ ..mod: FTSRequest ================= Helper class to perform FTS job submission and monitoring. """ # # imports import sys import re import time # # from DIRAC from DIRAC import gLogger, S_OK, S_ERROR from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.File import checkGuid from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Adler import compareAdler, intAdlerToHex, hexAdlerToInt from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SiteSEMapping import getSitesForSE from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.Time import dateTime from DIRAC.Resources.Storage.StorageElement import StorageElement from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.ReturnValues import returnSingleResult from DIRAC.AccountingSystem.Client.Types.DataOperation import DataOperation from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import Resources from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.FTSJob import FTSJob from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.FTSFile import FTSFile # # RCSID __RCSID__ = "$Id$" class FTSRequest( object ): """ .. class:: FTSRequest Helper class for FTS job submission and monitoring. """ # # default checksum type __defaultCksmType = "ADLER32" # # flag to disablr/enable checksum test, default: disabled __cksmTest = False def __init__( self ): """c'tor :param self: self reference """ self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( self.__class__.__name__, True ) # # final states tuple self.finalStates = ( 'Canceled', 'Failed', 'Hold', 'Finished', 'FinishedDirty' ) # # failed states tuple self.failedStates = ( 'Canceled', 'Failed', 'Hold', 'FinishedDirty' ) # # successful states tuple self.successfulStates = ( 'Finished', 'Done' ) # # all file states tuple self.fileStates = ( 'Done', 'Active', 'Pending', 'Ready', 'Canceled', 'Failed', 'Finishing', 'Finished', 'Submitted', 'Hold', 'Waiting' ) self.statusSummary = {} # # request status self.requestStatus = 'Unknown' # # dict for FTS job files self.fileDict = {} # # dict for replicas information self.catalogReplicas = {} # # dict for metadata information self.catalogMetadata = {} # # dict for files that failed to register self.failedRegistrations = {} # # placehoder for FileCatalog reference self.oCatalog = None # # submit timestamp self.submitTime = '' # # placeholder FTS job GUID self.ftsGUID = '' # # placeholder for FTS server URL self.ftsServer = '' # # flag marking FTS job completness self.isTerminal = False # # completness percentage self.percentageComplete = 0.0 # # source SE name self.sourceSE = '' # # flag marking source SE validity self.sourceValid = False # # source space token self.sourceToken = '' # # target SE name self.targetSE = '' # # flag marking target SE validity self.targetValid = False # # target space token self.targetToken = '' # # placeholder for target StorageElement self.oTargetSE = None # # placeholder for source StorageElement self.oSourceSE = None # # checksum type, set it to default self.__cksmType = self.__defaultCksmType # # disable checksum test by default self.__cksmTest = False # # statuses that prevent submitting to FTS self.noSubmitStatus = ( 'Failed', 'Done', 'Staging' ) # # were sources resolved? self.sourceResolved = False # # Number of file transfers actually submitted self.submittedFiles = 0 self.transferTime = 0 self.submitCommand = Operations().getValue( 'DataManagement/FTSPlacement/FTS2/SubmitCommand', 'glite-transfer-submit' ) self.monitorCommand = Operations().getValue( 'DataManagement/FTSPlacement/FTS2/MonitorCommand', 'glite-transfer-status' ) self.ftsJob = None self.ftsFiles = [] #################################################################### # # Methods for setting/getting/checking the SEs # def setSourceSE( self, se ): """ set SE for source :param self: self reference :param str se: source SE name """ if se == self.targetSE: return S_ERROR( "SourceSE is TargetSE" ) self.sourceSE = se self.oSourceSE = StorageElement( self.sourceSE ) return self.__checkSourceSE() def __checkSourceSE( self ): """ check source SE availability :param self: self reference """ if not self.sourceSE: return S_ERROR( "SourceSE not set" ) res = self.oSourceSE.isValid( 'Read' ) if not res['OK']: return S_ERROR( "SourceSE not available for reading" ) res = self.__getSESpaceToken( self.oSourceSE ) if not res['OK']: self.log.error( "FTSRequest failed to get SRM Space Token for SourceSE", res['Message'] ) return S_ERROR( "SourceSE does not support FTS transfers" ) if self.__cksmTest: res = self.oSourceSE.getChecksumType() if not res["OK"]: self.log.error( "Unable to get checksum type for SourceSE", "%s: %s" % ( self.sourceSE, res["Message"] ) ) cksmType = res["Value"] if cksmType in ( "NONE", "NULL" ): self.log.warn( "Checksum type set to %s at SourceSE %s, disabling checksum test" % ( cksmType, self.sourceSE ) ) self.__cksmTest = False elif cksmType != self.__cksmType: self.log.warn( "Checksum type mismatch, disabling checksum test" ) self.__cksmTest = False self.sourceToken = res['Value'] self.sourceValid = True return S_OK() def setTargetSE( self, se ): """ set target SE :param self: self reference :param str se: target SE name """ if se == self.sourceSE: return S_ERROR( "TargetSE is SourceSE" ) self.targetSE = se self.oTargetSE = StorageElement( self.targetSE ) return self.__checkTargetSE() def setTargetToken( self, token ): """ target space token setter :param self: self reference :param str token: target space token """ self.targetToken = token return S_OK() def __checkTargetSE( self ): """ check target SE availability :param self: self reference """ if not self.targetSE: return S_ERROR( "TargetSE not set" ) res = self.oTargetSE.isValid( 'Write' ) if not res['OK']: return S_ERROR( "TargetSE not available for writing" ) res = self.__getSESpaceToken( self.oTargetSE ) if not res['OK']: self.log.error( "FTSRequest failed to get SRM Space Token for TargetSE", res['Message'] ) return S_ERROR( "TargetSE does not support FTS transfers" ) # # check checksum types if self.__cksmTest: res = self.oTargetSE.getChecksumType() if not res["OK"]: self.log.error( "Unable to get checksum type for TargetSE", "%s: %s" % ( self.targetSE, res["Message"] ) ) cksmType = res["Value"] if cksmType in ( "NONE", "NULL" ): self.log.warn( "Checksum type set to %s at TargetSE %s, disabling checksum test" % ( cksmType, self.targetSE ) ) self.__cksmTest = False elif cksmType != self.__cksmType: self.log.warn( "Checksum type mismatch, disabling checksum test" ) self.__cksmTest = False self.targetToken = res['Value'] self.targetValid = True return S_OK() @staticmethod def __getSESpaceToken( oSE ): """ get space token from StorageElement instance :param self: self reference :param StorageElement oSE: StorageElement instance """ res = oSE.getStorageParameters( "SRM2" ) if not res['OK']: return res return S_OK( res['Value'].get( 'SpaceToken' ) ) #################################################################### # # Methods for setting/getting FTS request parameters # def setFTSGUID( self, guid ): """ FTS job GUID setter :param self: self reference :param str guid: string containg GUID """ if not checkGuid( guid ): return S_ERROR( "Incorrect GUID format" ) self.ftsGUID = guid return S_OK() def setFTSServer( self, server ): """ FTS server setter :param self: self reference :param str server: FTS server URL """ self.ftsServer = server return S_OK() def isRequestTerminal( self ): """ check if FTS job has terminated :param self: self reference """ if self.requestStatus in self.finalStates: self.isTerminal = True return S_OK( self.isTerminal ) def setCksmTest( self, cksmTest = False ): """ set cksm test :param self: self reference :param bool cksmTest: flag to enable/disable checksum test """ self.__cksmTest = bool( cksmTest ) return S_OK( self.__cksmTest ) #################################################################### # # Methods for setting/getting/checking files and their metadata # def setLFN( self, lfn ): """ add LFN :lfn: to :fileDict: :param self: self reference :param str lfn: LFN to add to """ self.fileDict.setdefault( lfn, {'Status':'Waiting'} ) return S_OK() def setSourceSURL( self, lfn, surl ): """ source SURL setter :param self: self reference :param str lfn: LFN :param str surl: source SURL """ target = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Target' ) if target == surl: return S_ERROR( "Source and target the same" ) return self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Source', surl ) def getSourceSURL( self, lfn ): """ get source SURL for LFN :lfn: :param self: self reference :param str lfn: LFN """ return self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Source' ) def setTargetSURL( self, lfn, surl ): """ set target SURL for LFN :lfn: :param self: self reference :param str lfn: LFN :param str surl: target SURL """ source = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Source' ) if source == surl: return S_ERROR( "Source and target the same" ) return self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Target', surl ) def getFailReason( self, lfn ): """ get fail reason for file :lfn: :param self: self reference :param str lfn: LFN """ return self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason' ) def getRetries( self, lfn ): """ get number of attepmts made to transfer file :lfn: :param self: self reference :param str lfn: LFN """ return self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Retries' ) def getTransferTime( self, lfn ): """ get duration of transfer for file :lfn: :param self: self reference :param str lfn: LFN """ return self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Duration' ) def getFailed( self ): """ get list of wrongly transferred LFNs :param self: self reference """ return S_OK( [ lfn for lfn in self.fileDict if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status', '' ) in self.failedStates ] ) def getStaging( self ): """ get files set for prestaging """ return S_OK( [lfn for lfn in self.fileDict if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status', '' ) == 'Staging'] ) def getDone( self ): """ get list of succesfully transferred LFNs :param self: self reference """ return S_OK( [ lfn for lfn in self.fileDict if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status', '' ) in self.successfulStates ] ) def __setFileParameter( self, lfn, paramName, paramValue ): """ set :paramName: to :paramValue: for :lfn: file :param self: self reference :param str lfn: LFN :param str paramName: parameter name :param mixed paramValue: a new parameter value """ self.setLFN( lfn ) self.fileDict[lfn][paramName] = paramValue return S_OK() def __getFileParameter( self, lfn, paramName ): """ get value of :paramName: for file :lfn: :param self: self reference :param str lfn: LFN :param str paramName: parameter name """ if lfn not in self.fileDict: return S_ERROR( "Supplied file not set" ) if paramName not in self.fileDict[lfn]: return S_ERROR( "%s not set for file" % paramName ) return S_OK( self.fileDict[lfn][paramName] ) #################################################################### # # Methods for submission # def submit( self, monitor = False, printOutput = True ): """ submit FTS job :param self: self reference :param bool monitor: flag to monitor progress of FTS job :param bool printOutput: flag to print output of execution to stdout """ res = self.__prepareForSubmission() if not res['OK']: return res res = self.__submitFTSTransfer() if not res['OK']: return res resDict = { 'ftsGUID' : self.ftsGUID, 'ftsServer' : self.ftsServer, 'submittedFiles' : self.submittedFiles } if monitor or printOutput: gLogger.always( "Submitted %s@%s" % ( self.ftsGUID, self.ftsServer ) ) if monitor: self.monitor( untilTerminal = True, printOutput = printOutput, full = False ) return S_OK( resDict ) def __prepareForSubmission( self ): """ check validity of job before submission :param self: self reference """ if not self.fileDict: return S_ERROR( "No files set" ) if not self.sourceValid: return S_ERROR( "SourceSE not valid" ) if not self.targetValid: return S_ERROR( "TargetSE not valid" ) if not self.ftsServer: res = self.__resolveFTSServer() if not res['OK']: return S_ERROR( "FTSServer not valid" ) self.resolveSource() self.resolveTarget() res = self.__filesToSubmit() if not res['OK']: return S_ERROR( "No files to submit" ) return S_OK() def __getCatalogObject( self ): """ CatalogInterface instance facade :param self: self reference """ try: if not self.oCatalog: self.oCatalog = FileCatalog() return S_OK() except: return S_ERROR() def __updateReplicaCache( self, lfns = None, overwrite = False ): """ update replica cache for list of :lfns: :param self: self reference :param mixed lfns: list of LFNs :param bool overwrite: flag to trigger cache clearing and updating """ if not lfns: lfns = self.fileDict.keys() toUpdate = [ lfn for lfn in lfns if ( lfn not in self.catalogReplicas ) or overwrite ] if not toUpdate: return S_OK() res = self.__getCatalogObject() if not res['OK']: return res res = self.oCatalog.getReplicas( toUpdate ) if not res['OK']: return S_ERROR( "Failed to update replica cache: %s" % res['Message'] ) for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items(): self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', error ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' ) for lfn, replicas in res['Value']['Successful'].items(): self.catalogReplicas[lfn] = replicas return S_OK() def __updateMetadataCache( self, lfns = None ): """ update metadata cache for list of LFNs :param self: self reference :param list lnfs: list of LFNs """ if not lfns: lfns = self.fileDict.keys() toUpdate = [ lfn for lfn in lfns if lfn not in self.catalogMetadata ] if not toUpdate: return S_OK() res = self.__getCatalogObject() if not res['OK']: return res res = self.oCatalog.getFileMetadata( toUpdate ) if not res['OK']: return S_ERROR( "Failed to get source catalog metadata: %s" % res['Message'] ) for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items(): self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', error ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' ) for lfn, metadata in res['Value']['Successful'].items(): self.catalogMetadata[lfn] = metadata return S_OK() def resolveSource( self ): """ resolve source SE eligible for submission :param self: self reference """ # Avoid resolving sources twice if self.sourceResolved: return S_OK() # Only resolve files that need a transfer toResolve = [ lfn for lfn in self.fileDict if self.fileDict[lfn].get( "Status", "" ) != "Failed" ] if not toResolve: return S_OK() res = self.__updateMetadataCache( toResolve ) if not res['OK']: return res res = self.__updateReplicaCache( toResolve ) if not res['OK']: return res # Define the source URLs for lfn in toResolve: replicas = self.catalogReplicas.get( lfn, {} ) if self.sourceSE not in replicas: gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - not replicas at SourceSE %s" % ( lfn, self.sourceSE ) ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "No replica at SourceSE" ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' ) continue res = returnSingleResult( self.oSourceSE.getURL( lfn, protocol = 'srm' ) ) if not res['OK']: gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - %s" % ( lfn, res["Message"] ) ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', res['Message'] ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' ) continue res = self.setSourceSURL( lfn, res['Value'] ) if not res['OK']: gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - %s" % ( lfn, res["Message"] ) ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', res['Message'] ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' ) continue toResolve = [] for lfn in self.fileDict: if "Source" in self.fileDict[lfn]: toResolve.append( lfn ) if not toResolve: return S_ERROR( "No eligible Source files" ) # Get metadata of the sources, to check for existance, availability and caching res = self.oSourceSE.getFileMetadata( toResolve ) if not res['OK']: return S_ERROR( "Failed to check source file metadata" ) for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items(): if 'File does not exist', error ): gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file does not exists" % lfn ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source file does not exist" ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' ) else: gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - failed to get source metadata" % lfn ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Failed to get Source metadata" ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' ) toStage = [] nbStagedFiles = 0 for lfn, metadata in res['Value']['Successful'].items(): lfnStatus = self.fileDict.get( lfn, {} ).get( 'Status' ) if metadata['Unavailable']: gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file unavailable" % lfn ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source file Unavailable" ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' ) elif metadata['Lost']: gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file lost" % lfn ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source file Lost" ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' ) elif not metadata['Cached']: if lfnStatus != 'Staging': toStage.append( lfn ) elif metadata['Size'] != self.catalogMetadata[lfn]['Size']: gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file size mismatch" % lfn ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source size mismatch" ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' ) elif self.catalogMetadata[lfn]['Checksum'] and metadata['Checksum'] and \ not compareAdler( metadata['Checksum'], self.catalogMetadata[lfn]['Checksum'] ): gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: skipping %s - source file checksum mismatch" % lfn ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source checksum mismatch" ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' ) elif lfnStatus == 'Staging': # file that was staging is now cached self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Waiting' ) nbStagedFiles += 1 # Some files were being staged if nbStagedFiles: 'resolveSource: %d files have been staged' % nbStagedFiles ) # Launching staging of files not in cache if toStage: gLogger.warn( "resolveSource: %s source files not cached, prestaging..." % len( toStage ) ) stage = self.oSourceSE.prestageFile( toStage ) if not stage["OK"]: gLogger.error( "resolveSource: error is prestaging", stage["Message"] ) for lfn in toStage: self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', stage["Message"] ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' ) else: for lfn in toStage: if lfn in stage['Value']['Successful']: self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Staging' ) elif lfn in stage['Value']['Failed']: self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', stage['Value']['Failed'][lfn] ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' ) self.sourceResolved = True return S_OK() def resolveTarget( self ): """ find target SE eligible for submission :param self: self reference """ toResolve = [ lfn for lfn in self.fileDict if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' ) not in self.noSubmitStatus ] if not toResolve: return S_OK() res = self.__updateReplicaCache( toResolve ) if not res['OK']: return res for lfn in toResolve: res = returnSingleResult( self.oTargetSE.getURL( lfn, protocol = 'srm' ) ) if not res['OK']: reason = res.get( 'Message', res['Message'] ) gLogger.warn( "resolveTarget: skipping %s - %s" % ( lfn, reason ) ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', reason ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' ) continue res = self.setTargetSURL( lfn, res['Value'] ) if not res['OK']: gLogger.warn( "resolveTarget: skipping %s - %s" % ( lfn, res["Message"] ) ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', res['Message'] ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' ) continue toResolve = [] for lfn in self.fileDict: if "Target" in self.fileDict[lfn]: toResolve.append( lfn ) if not toResolve: return S_ERROR( "No eligible Target files" ) res = self.oTargetSE.exists( toResolve ) if not res['OK']: return S_ERROR( "Failed to check target existence" ) for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items(): self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', error ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' ) toRemove = [] for lfn, exists in res['Value']['Successful'].items(): if exists: res = self.getSourceSURL( lfn ) if not res['OK']: gLogger.warn( "resolveTarget: skipping %s - target exists" % lfn ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Target exists" ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' ) elif res['Value'] == self.fileDict[lfn]['Target']: gLogger.warn( "resolveTarget: skipping %s - source and target pfns are the same" % lfn ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', "Source and Target the same" ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' ) else: toRemove.append( lfn ) if toRemove: self.oTargetSE.removeFile( toRemove ) return S_OK() def __filesToSubmit( self ): """ check if there is at least one file to submit :return: S_OK if at least one file is present, S_ERROR otherwise """ for lfn in self.fileDict: lfnStatus = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' ) source = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Source' ) target = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Target' ) if lfnStatus not in self.noSubmitStatus and source and target: return S_OK() return S_ERROR() def __createFTSFiles( self ): """ create LFNs file for glite-transfer-submit command This file consists one line for each fiel to be transferred: sourceSURL targetSURL [CHECKSUMTYPE:CHECKSUM] :param self: self reference """ self.__updateMetadataCache() for lfn in self.fileDict: lfnStatus = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' ) if lfnStatus not in self.noSubmitStatus: cksmStr = "" # # add chsmType:cksm only if cksmType is specified, else let FTS decide by itself if self.__cksmTest and self.__cksmType: checkSum = self.catalogMetadata.get( lfn, {} ).get( 'Checksum' ) if checkSum: cksmStr = " %s:%s" % ( self.__cksmType, intAdlerToHex( hexAdlerToInt( checkSum ) ) ) ftsFile = FTSFile() ftsFile.LFN = lfn ftsFile.SourceSURL = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Source' ) ftsFile.TargetSURL = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Target' ) ftsFile.SourceSE = self.sourceSE ftsFile.TargetSE = self.targetSE ftsFile.Status = self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' ) ftsFile.Checksum = cksmStr ftsFile.Size = self.catalogMetadata.get( lfn, {} ).get( 'Size' ) self.ftsFiles.append( ftsFile ) self.submittedFiles += 1 return S_OK() def __createFTSJob( self, guid = None ): self.__createFTSFiles() ftsJob = FTSJob() ftsJob.RequestID = 0 ftsJob.OperationID = 0 ftsJob.SourceSE = self.sourceSE ftsJob.TargetSE = self.targetSE ftsJob.SourceToken = self.sourceToken ftsJob.TargetToken = self.targetToken ftsJob.FTSServer = self.ftsServer if guid: ftsJob.FTSGUID = guid for ftsFile in self.ftsFiles: ftsFile.Attempt += 1 ftsFile.Error = "" ftsJob.addFile( ftsFile ) self.ftsJob = ftsJob def __submitFTSTransfer( self ): """ create and execute glite-transfer-submit CLI command :param self: self reference """ log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'Submit' ) self.__createFTSJob() submit = self.ftsJob.submitFTS2( command = self.submitCommand ) if not submit["OK"]: log.error( "unable to submit FTSJob: %s" % submit["Message"] ) return submit "FTSJob '%s'@'%s' has been submitted" % ( self.ftsJob.FTSGUID, self.ftsJob.FTSServer ) ) # # update statuses for job files for ftsFile in self.ftsJob: ftsFile.FTSGUID = self.ftsJob.FTSGUID ftsFile.Status = "Submitted" ftsFile.Attempt += 1 "FTSJob '%s'@'%s' has been submitted" % ( self.ftsJob.FTSGUID, self.ftsJob.FTSServer ) ) self.ftsGUID = self.ftsJob.FTSGUID return S_OK() def __resolveFTSServer( self ): """ resolve FTS server to use, it should be the closest one from target SE :param self: self reference """ from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources import getFTSServersForSites if not self.targetSE: return S_ERROR( "Target SE not set" ) res = getSitesForSE( self.targetSE ) if not res['OK'] or not res['Value']: return S_ERROR( "Could not determine target site" ) targetSites = res['Value'] targetSite = '' for targetSite in targetSites: targetFTS = getFTSServersForSites( [targetSite] ) if targetFTS['OK']: ftsTarget = targetFTS['Value'][targetSite] if ftsTarget: self.ftsServer = ftsTarget return S_OK( self.ftsServer ) else: return targetFTS return S_ERROR( 'No FTS server found for %s' % targetSite ) #################################################################### # # Methods for monitoring # def summary( self, untilTerminal = False, printOutput = False ): """ summary of FTS job :param self: self reference :param bool untilTerminal: flag to monitor FTS job to its final state :param bool printOutput: flag to print out monitoring information to the stdout """ res = self.__isSummaryValid() if not res['OK']: return res while not self.isTerminal: res = self.__parseOutput( full = True ) if not res['OK']: return res if untilTerminal: self.__print() self.isRequestTerminal() if res['Value'] or ( not untilTerminal ): break time.sleep( 1 ) if untilTerminal: print "" if printOutput and ( not untilTerminal ): return self.dumpSummary( printOutput = printOutput ) return S_OK() def monitor( self, untilTerminal = False, printOutput = False, full = True ): """ monitor FTS job :param self: self reference :param bool untilTerminal: flag to monitor FTS job to its final state :param bool printOutput: flag to print out monitoring information to the stdout """ if not self.ftsJob: self.resolveSource() self.__createFTSJob( self.ftsGUID ) res = self.__isSummaryValid() if not res['OK']: return res if untilTerminal: res = self.summary( untilTerminal = untilTerminal, printOutput = printOutput ) if not res['OK']: return res res = self.__parseOutput( full = full ) if not res['OK']: return res if untilTerminal: self.finalize() if printOutput: self.dump() return res def dumpSummary( self, printOutput = False ): """ get FTS job summary as str :param self: self reference :param bool printOutput: print summary to stdout """ outStr = '' for status in sorted( self.statusSummary ): if self.statusSummary[status]: outStr = '%s\t%-10s : %-10s\n' % ( outStr, status, str( self.statusSummary[status] ) ) outStr = outStr.rstrip( '\n' ) if printOutput: print outStr return S_OK( outStr ) def __print( self ): """ print progress bar of FTS job completeness to stdout :param self: self reference """ width = 100 bits = int( ( width * self.percentageComplete ) / 100 ) outStr = "|%s>%s| %.1f%s %s %s" % ( "="*bits, " "*( width - bits ), self.percentageComplete, "%", self.requestStatus, " "*10 ) sys.stdout.write( "%s\r" % ( outStr ) ) sys.stdout.flush() def dump( self ): """ print FTS job parameters and files to stdout :param self: self reference """ print "%-10s : %-10s" % ( "Status", self.requestStatus ) print "%-10s : %-10s" % ( "Source", self.sourceSE ) print "%-10s : %-10s" % ( "Target", self.targetSE ) print "%-10s : %-128s" % ( "Server", self.ftsServer ) print "%-10s : %-128s" % ( "GUID", self.ftsGUID ) for lfn in sorted( self.fileDict ): print "\n %-15s : %-128s" % ( 'LFN', lfn ) for key in ['Source', 'Target', 'Status', 'Reason', 'Duration']: print " %-15s : %-128s" % ( key, str( self.fileDict[lfn].get( key ) ) ) return S_OK() def __isSummaryValid( self ): """ check validity of FTS job summary report :param self: self reference """ if not self.ftsServer: return S_ERROR( "FTSServer not set" ) if not self.ftsGUID: return S_ERROR( "FTSGUID not set" ) return S_OK() def __parseOutput( self, full = False ): """ execute glite-transfer-status command and parse its output :param self: self reference :param bool full: glite-transfer-status verbosity level, when set, collect information of files as well """ monitor = self.ftsJob.monitorFTS2( command = self.monitorCommand, full = full ) if not monitor['OK']: return monitor self.percentageComplete = self.ftsJob.Completeness self.requestStatus = self.ftsJob.Status self.submitTime = self.ftsJob.SubmitTime statusSummary = monitor['Value'] if statusSummary: for state in statusSummary: self.statusSummary[state] = statusSummary[state] self.transferTime = 0 for ftsFile in self.ftsJob: lfn = ftsFile.LFN self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', ftsFile.Status ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', ftsFile.Error ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Duration', ftsFile._duration ) targetURL = self.__getFileParameter( lfn, 'Target' ) if not targetURL['OK']: self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Target', ftsFile.TargetSURL ) self.transferTime += int( ftsFile._duration ) return S_OK() #################################################################### # # Methods for finalization # def finalize( self ): """ finalize FTS job :param self: self reference """ self.__updateMetadataCache() transEndTime = dateTime() regStartTime = time.time() res = self.getTransferStatistics() transDict = res['Value'] res = self.__registerSuccessful( transDict['transLFNs'] ) regSuc, regTotal = res['Value'] regTime = time.time() - regStartTime if self.sourceSE and self.targetSE: self.__sendAccounting( regSuc, regTotal, regTime, transEndTime, transDict ) return S_OK() def getTransferStatistics( self ): """ collect information of Transfers that can be used by Accounting :param self: self reference """ transDict = { 'transTotal': len( self.fileDict ), 'transLFNs': [], 'transOK': 0, 'transSize': 0 } for lfn in self.fileDict: if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Status' ) in self.successfulStates: if self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Duration', 0 ): transDict['transLFNs'].append( lfn ) transDict['transOK'] += 1 if lfn in self.catalogMetadata: transDict['transSize'] += self.catalogMetadata[lfn].get( 'Size', 0 ) return S_OK( transDict ) def getFailedRegistrations( self ): """ get failed registrations dict :param self: self reference """ return S_OK( self.failedRegistrations ) def __registerSuccessful( self, transLFNs ): """ register successfully transferred files to the catalogs, fill failedRegistrations dict for files that failed to register :param self: self reference :param list transLFNs: LFNs in FTS job """ self.failedRegistrations = {} toRegister = {} for lfn in transLFNs: res = returnSingleResult( self.oTargetSE.getURL( self.fileDict[lfn].get( 'Target' ), protocol = 'srm' ) ) if not res['OK']: self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Reason', res['Message'] ) self.__setFileParameter( lfn, 'Status', 'Failed' ) else: toRegister[lfn] = { 'PFN' : res['Value'], 'SE' : self.targetSE } if not toRegister: return S_OK( ( 0, 0 ) ) res = self.__getCatalogObject() if not res['OK']: for lfn in toRegister: self.failedRegistrations = toRegister self.log.error( 'Failed to get Catalog Object', res['Message'] ) return S_OK( ( 0, len( toRegister ) ) ) res = self.oCatalog.addReplica( toRegister ) if not res['OK']: self.failedRegistrations = toRegister self.log.error( 'Failed to get Catalog Object', res['Message'] ) return S_OK( ( 0, len( toRegister ) ) ) for lfn, error in res['Value']['Failed'].items(): self.failedRegistrations[lfn] = toRegister[lfn] self.log.error( 'Registration of Replica failed', '%s : %s' % ( lfn, str( error ) ) ) return S_OK( ( len( res['Value']['Successful'] ), len( toRegister ) ) ) def __sendAccounting( self, regSuc, regTotal, regTime, transEndTime, transDict ): """ send accounting record :param self: self reference :param regSuc: number of files successfully registered :param regTotal: number of files attepted to register :param regTime: time stamp at the end of registration :param transEndTime: time stamp at the end of FTS job :param dict transDict: dict holding couters for files being transerred, their sizes and successfull transfers """ oAccounting = DataOperation() oAccounting.setEndTime( transEndTime ) oAccounting.setStartTime( self.submitTime ) accountingDict = {} accountingDict['OperationType'] = 'replicateAndRegister' result = getProxyInfo() if not result['OK']: userName = 'system' else: userName = result['Value'].get( 'username', 'unknown' ) accountingDict['User'] = userName accountingDict['Protocol'] = 'FTS' if 'fts3' not in self.ftsServer else 'FTS3' accountingDict['RegistrationTime'] = regTime accountingDict['RegistrationOK'] = regSuc accountingDict['RegistrationTotal'] = regTotal accountingDict['TransferOK'] = transDict['transOK'] accountingDict['TransferTotal'] = transDict['transTotal'] accountingDict['TransferSize'] = transDict['transSize'] accountingDict['FinalStatus'] = self.requestStatus accountingDict['Source'] = self.sourceSE accountingDict['Destination'] = self.targetSE accountingDict['TransferTime'] = self.transferTime oAccounting.setValuesFromDict( accountingDict ) self.log.verbose( "Attempting to commit accounting message..." ) oAccounting.commit() self.log.verbose( "...committed." ) return S_OK()
import sys, os, urllib, time, socket, mt, ssl from dlmanager.NZB import NZBParser from dlmanager.NZB.nntplib2 import NNTP_SSL,NNTPError,NNTP, NNTPReplyError from dlmanager.NZB.Decoder import ArticleDecoder class StatusReport(object): def __init__(self): self.message = "Downloading.." self.total_bytes = 0 self.current_bytes = 0 self.completed = False self.error_occured = False self.start_time = 0 self.file_name = "" self.kbps = 0 self.assembly = False self.assembly_percent = 0 class NZBClient(): def __init__(self, nzbFile, save_to, nntpServer, nntpPort, nntpUser=None, nntpPassword=None, nntpSSL=False, nntpConnections=5, cache_path=""): # Settings self.save_to = save_to self.nntpServer = nntpServer self.nntpUser = nntpUser self.nntpPort = nntpPort self.nntpPassword = nntpPassword self.nntpSSL = nntpSSL self.nntpConnections = nntpConnections self.threads = [] self.running = False # setup our cache folder. self.cache_path = cache_path if ( self.cache_path == "" ): self.cache_path = "packages/dlmanager/cache/" self.clearCache() # ensure both directorys exist mt.utils.mkdir(self.save_to) mt.utils.mkdir(self.cache_path) # Open the NZB, get this show started. realFile = urllib.urlopen(nzbFile) self.nzb = NZBParser.parse(realFile) self.all_decoded = False self.connection_count = 0 # used to track status. self.status = StatusReport() self.status.file_name = nzbFile self.status.total_bytes = self.nzb.size # Segment tracking. self.cache = [] self.segment_list = [] self.segments_finished = [] self.segments_aborted = [] # Queues. self.segment_queue = [] self.failed_queue = [] # Used to track the speed. self.speedTime = 0 self.speedCounter = 0 def start(self): # keep track of running time. self.status.start_time = time.time() self.running = True # Generate a list of segments and build our queue. for file in self.nzb.files: for seg in file.segments: self.segment_list.append(seg.msgid) self.segment_queue.append(seg) # start the connections. for a in range(0, self.nntpConnections): thread = NNTPConnection(a, self.nntpServer, self.nntpPort, self.nntpUser, self.nntpPassword, self.nntpSSL, self.nextSeg, self.segComplete, self.segFailed, self.threadStopped) self.threads.append(thread) self.connection_count += 1 thread.start() # start the article decoder. self.articleDecoder = ArticleDecoder(self.decodeNextSeg, self.save_to, self.cache_path, self.decodeFinished, self.decodeSuccess, self.decodeFailed, self.assemblyStatus) self.articleDecoder.start() def getStatus(self): return self.status # Article Decoder - Next segment. def decodeNextSeg(self): # if we're not running send an instant kill switch. if ( not self.running ): return -1 # try to grab a segment from the cache to decode. seg = None try: seg = self.cache.pop() except: pass if ( seg == None ) and ( self.all_decoded ): return -1 return seg # Article Decoder - Decoded all segments. def decodeFinished(self): self.status.completed = True # Article Decoder - Decode success. def decodeSuccess(self, seg): self.status.current_bytes += seg.size self.segments_finished.append(seg.msgid) if ( (len(self.segments_finished)+len(self.segments_aborted)) >= len(self.segment_list) ): self.all_decoded = True # Article Decoder - Decode failed. def decodeFailed(self, seg): if ( seg == None ): return mt.log.debug("Segment failed to decode: " + seg.msgid) self.segFailed(seg) # Article Decoder - Assembly Status. def assemblyStatus(self, percent): self.status.assembly = True self.status.assembly_percent = percent # NNTP Connection - Thread stopped. def threadStopped(self, thread_num): self.connection_count -= 1 # NNTP Connection - Segment completed. def segComplete(self, seg): if ( seg == None ): return if ( ): data_size = len("".join( current_time = time.time() if ( (current_time - self.speedTime) > 1 ): self.status.kbps = self.speedCounter self.speedCounter = 0 self.speedTime = current_time else: self.speedCounter += (data_size/1024) self.cache.append(seg) #mt.log.debug("Segment Complete: " + seg.msgid) # NNTP Connection - Download of segment failed. def segFailed(self, seg): if ( seg == None ): return if ( seg.aborted() ): mt.log.error("Segment Aborted: " + seg.msgid + " after " + str(seg.retries) + " attempts.") self.segments_aborted.append(seg.msgid) = [] if ( (len(self.segments_finished)+len(self.segments_aborted)) >= len(self.segment_list) ): self.all_decoded = True return seg.retries += 1 mt.log.error("Segment Failed: " + seg.msgid + " Attempt #" + str(seg.retries) + ".") self.failed_queue.append(seg) # NNTP Connection - Next Segment def nextSeg(self): # if we're not running send an instant kill switch. if ( not self.running ): return -1 # try to get a segment from main queue or failed queue. queue_empty = False seg = None try: seg = self.segment_queue.pop() except: try: seg = self.failed_queue.pop() except: queue_empty = True pass pass # We're all outta segments, if they're done decoding, kill the threads. if ( queue_empty ) and ( self.all_decoded ): return -1 return seg # empty the cache of any files. def clearCache(self): mt.utils.rmdir(self.cache_path) def stop(self): self.running = False self.articleDecoder.stop() for thread in self.threads: thread.stop() self.clearCache() class NNTPConnection(mt.threads.Thread): def __init__(self, connection_number, server, port, username, password, ssl, nextSegFunc, onSegComplete = None, onSegFailed = None, onThreadStop = None): mt.threads.Thread.__init__(self) # Settings self.connection = None self.connection_number = connection_number self.server = server self.port = port self.username = username self.password = password self.ssl = ssl # Events. self.nextSegFunc = nextSegFunc self.onSegComplete = onSegComplete self.onSegFailed = onSegFailed self.onThreadStop = onThreadStop def connect(self): # Open either an SSL or regular NNTP connection. try: if ( self.ssl ): self.connection = NNTP_SSL(self.server, self.port, self.username, self.password, False, True, timeout=15) else: self.connection = NNTP(self.server, self.port, self.username, self.password, False, True, timeout=15) except: pass if ( self.connection ): return True return False def disconnect(self): if ( self.connection ): try: self.connection.quit() except: pass self.connection = None def run(self): connection = None seg = None # Thread has started. mt.log.debug("Thread " + str(self.connection_number) + " started.") start_time = time.time() while(self.running): seg = None connected = self.connect() if ( connected ): while(self.running): seg = self.nextSegFunc() # Out of segments, sleep for a bit and see if we get anymore. if ( seg == None ): self.sleep(0.1) continue # Download complete, bail. if ( seg == -1 ): self.running = False seg = None break # Attempt to grab a segment. try: resp, nr, id, data = self.connection.body("<%s>" % seg.msgid) if resp[0] == "2": = data if ( self.onSegComplete ): self.onSegComplete(seg) seg = None except ssl.SSLError: break except NNTPError as e: mt.log.error("Error getting segment: " + e.response) pass except: mt.log.error("Error getting segment.") pass if ( seg and self.onSegFailed ): self.onSegFailed(seg) seg = None # Disconnect when we're finished. if ( seg and self.onSegFailed ): self.onSegFailed(seg) self.disconnect() else: mt.log.error("Connection error. Reconnecting in 3 seconds.") self.sleep(3) # Thread has ended. self.disconnect() # just to be safe. end_time = time.time() mt.log.debug("Thread " + str(self.connection_number) + " stopped after " + str(end_time-start_time) + " seconds.") if ( self.onThreadStop ): self.onThreadStop(self.connection_number)
"""Tests for `fix.with_fixture`.""" from __future__ import with_statement import os import shutil import tempfile from types import FunctionType from fix import with_fixture def test_exists(): """`fix.with_fixture` function exists""" assert isinstance(with_fixture, FunctionType) def test_setup_only(): """`setup_only` fixture works as expected""" def setup_only(context): """A fixture with no `teardown()`.""" def setup(): """Add something to the context.""" assert context == {} context.squee = "kapow" return setup @with_fixture(setup_only) def case(context): """Check that the context has been set up.""" assert context == {"squee": "kapow"} case() # pylint: disable=E1120 def test_setup_teardown(): """`setup_teardown` fixture works as expected""" def setup_teardown(context): """A fixture with both `setup()` and `teardown()`.""" def setup(): """Add something to the context.""" assert context == {} context.squee = "kapow" def teardown(): """Check that `context.squee` has changed.""" assert context == {"squee": "boing"} return setup, teardown @with_fixture(setup_teardown) def case(context): """Alter the context.""" assert context == {"squee": "kapow"} context.squee = "boing" case() # pylint: disable=E1120 def test_multiple_invocation(): """`multiple` fixture creates a fresh context each invocation""" def multiple(context): """A fixture to be invoked multiple times.""" def setup(): """Add something to the context.""" assert context == {} context.squee = "kapow" def teardown(): """Check that `context.squee` has changed.""" assert context == {"squee": "kapow", "boing": "thunk"} return setup, teardown @with_fixture(multiple) def case(context): """Add to the context.""" assert context == {"squee": "kapow"} context.boing = "thunk" for _ in range(3): case() # pylint: disable=E1120 def test_external(): """`external` fixture interacts as expected with the 'real world'.""" def external(context, files=3): """A fixture to manipulate temporary files and directories.""" def setup(): """Create some temporary files.""" context.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() context.filenames = ["file_%03d" % i for i in range(files)] for filename in context.filenames: with open(os.path.join(context.temp_dir, filename), "w") as f: f.write("This is the file %r.\n" % filename) def teardown(): """Delete the temporary files created in `setup()`.""" shutil.rmtree(context.temp_dir) return setup, teardown @with_fixture(external, files=5) def check_files(context): """Return the number of present and absent files.""" present = 0 absent = 0 for filename in context.filenames: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(context.temp_dir, filename)): present += 1 else: absent += 1 return context.temp_dir, present, absent temp_dir, present, absent = check_files() # pylint: disable=E1120 assert not os.path.exists(temp_dir) assert present == 5 assert absent == 0
# Copyright (C) 2012,2013 # Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research # Copyright (C) 2008,2009,2010,2011 # Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research & Fraunhofer SCAI # # This file is part of ESPResSo++. # # ESPResSo++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # ESPResSo++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. r""" ****************************** espressopp.integrator.CapForce ****************************** This class can be used to forcecap all particles or a group of particles. Force capping means that the force vector of a particle is rescaled so that the length of the force vector is <= capforce Example Usage: >>> capforce = espressopp.integrator.CapForce(system, 1000.0) >>> integrator.addExtension(capForce) CapForce can also be used to forcecap only a group of particles: >>> particle_group = [45, 67, 89, 103] >>> capforce = espressopp.integrator.CapForce(system, 1000.0, particle_group) >>> integrator.addExtension(capForce) .. function:: espressopp.integrator.CapForce(system, capForce, particleGroup) :param system: :param capForce: :param particleGroup: (default: None) :type system: :type capForce: :type particleGroup: """ from espressopp.esutil import cxxinit from espressopp import pmi from espressopp.integrator.Extension import * from _espressopp import integrator_CapForce class CapForceLocal(ExtensionLocal, integrator_CapForce): def __init__(self, system, capForce, particleGroup = None): if not (pmi._PMIComm and pmi._PMIComm.isActive()) or pmi._MPIcomm.rank in pmi._PMIComm.getMPIcpugroup(): if (particleGroup == None) or (particleGroup.size() == 0): cxxinit(self, integrator_CapForce, system, capForce) else: cxxinit(self, integrator_CapForce, system, capForce, particleGroup) if pmi.isController : class CapForce(Extension, metaclass=pmi.Proxy): pmiproxydefs = dict( cls = 'espressopp.integrator.CapForceLocal', pmicall = ['setCapForce', 'setAbsCapForce', 'getCapForce', 'getAbsCapForce'], pmiproperty = [ 'particleGroup', 'adress' ] )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """proyectoP4 URL Configuration The `urlpatterns` list routes URLs to views. For more information please see: Examples: Function views 1. Add an import: from my_app import views 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: url(r'^$', views.home, name='home') Class-based views 1. Add an import: from other_app.views import Home 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: url(r'^$', Home.as_view(), name='home') Including another URLconf 1. Add an import: from blog import urls as blog_urls 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: url(r'^blog/', include(blog_urls)) """ from django.conf.urls import include, url, patterns from django.contrib import admin from Workinout import views from django.conf import settings urlpatterns = [ url(r'^admin/', include(, url(r'^Workinout/', include('Workinout.urls')), # ADD THIS NEW TUPLE!media/(?P<path>.*) ] if settings.DEBUG: urlpatterns += patterns( 'django.views.static', (r'media/(?P<path>.*)', 'serve', {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}), ) else: urlpatterns += patterns('', url(r'^static/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': settings.STATIC_PATH}), )
#!/usr/bin/python # This programs is intended to manage patches and apply them automatically # through email in an automated fashion. # # Copyright (C) 2008 Imran M Yousuf ([email protected]) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import poplib, email, re, sys, xmlConfigs, utils; class ReferenceNode : def __init__(self, node, emailMessage, references=list(), children=dict(), slotted=bool("false")): self.node = node self.children = dict(children) self.references = references[:] self.slotted = slotted self.emailMessage = emailMessage def get_node(self): return self.node def get_children(self): return self.children def set_node(self, node): self.node = node def set_children(self, children): self.children = children def get_references(self): return self.references def is_slotted(self): return self.slotted def set_slotted(self, slotted): self.slotted = slotted def get_message(self): return self.emailMessage def __repr__(self): return self.node + "\nREF: " + str(self.references) + "\nChildren: " + str(self.children.keys()) + "\n" def handleNode(currentNodeInAction, referenceNodeNow, referencesToCheck, patchMessageReferenceNode): for reference in referencesToCheck[:] : if reference in referenceNodeNow.get_children() : referencesToCheck.remove(reference) return patchMessageReferenceNode[reference] if len(referencesToCheck) == 0 : referenceNodeNow.get_children()[currentNodeInAction.get_node()] = currentNodeInAction def makeChildren(patchMessageReferenceNode) : ref_keys = patchMessageReferenceNode.keys() ref_keys.sort() for messageId in ref_keys: referenceNode = patchMessageReferenceNode[messageId] utils.verboseOutput(verbose, "Managing Message Id:", referenceNode.get_node()) referenceIds = referenceNode.get_references() referenceIdsClone = referenceIds[:] utils.verboseOutput(verbose, "Cloned References: ", referenceIdsClone) if len(referenceIds) > 0 : nextNode = patchMessageReferenceNode[referenceIdsClone[0]] referenceIdsClone.remove(referenceIdsClone[0]) while nextNode != None : utils.verboseOutput(verbose, "Next Node: ", nextNode.get_node()) utils.verboseOutput(verbose, "Curent Node: ", referenceNode.get_node()) utils.verboseOutput(verbose, "REF: ", referenceIdsClone) nextNode = handleNode(referenceNode, nextNode, referenceIdsClone, patchMessageReferenceNode) if __name__ == "__main__": arguments = sys.argv verbose = "false" pseudoArgs = arguments[:] while len(pseudoArgs) > 1 : argument = pseudoArgs[1] if argument == "-v" or argument == "--verbose" : verbose = "true" pseudoArgs.remove(argument) utils.verboseOutput(verbose, "Checking POP3 for gmail") try: emailConfig = xmlConfigs.initializePopConfig("./email-configuration.xml") myPop = emailConfig.get_pop3_connection() numMessages = len(myPop.list()[1]) patchMessages = dict() for i in range(numMessages): utils.verboseOutput(verbose, "Index: ", i) totalContent = "" for content in myPop.retr(i+1)[1]: totalContent += content + '\n' msg = email.message_from_string(totalContent) if 'subject' in msg : subject = msg['subject'] subjectPattern = "^\[.*PATCH.*\].+" subjectMatch = re.match(subjectPattern, subject) utils.verboseOutput(verbose, "Checking subject: ", subject) if subjectMatch == None : continue else : continue messageId = "" if 'message-id' in msg: messageId ="<(.*)>", msg['message-id']).group(1) utils.verboseOutput(verbose, 'Message-ID:', messageId) referenceIds = [] if 'references' in msg: references = msg['references'] referenceIds = re.findall("<(.*)>", references) utils.verboseOutput(verbose, "References: ", referenceIds) currentNode = ReferenceNode(messageId, msg, referenceIds) patchMessages[messageId] = currentNode currentNode.set_slotted(bool("false")) utils.verboseOutput(verbose, "**************Make Children**************") makeChildren(patchMessages) utils.verboseOutput(verbose, "--------------RESULT--------------") utils.verboseOutput(verbose, patchMessages) except: utils.verboseOutput(verbose, "Error: ", sys.exc_info())
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.10.4 on 2017-02-20 22:01 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('erudit', '0065_auto_20170202_1152'), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name='issue', name='force_free_access', field=models.BooleanField(default=False, verbose_name='Contraindre en libre accès'), ), ]
# Example implementing 5 layer encoder # Original code taken from # # The model trained here is restored in from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import # Import MNIST data # from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data # data_set = input_data.read_data_sets("/tmp/data/", one_hot=True) # Import libraries import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys import as sio sys.path.insert(0, '../..') # Add path to where is, if not in the same dir from TF_Model import * from utils import * # 01 thumb # 10 pinky action_map = {} action_map[1] = [0,1] action_map[2] = [1,0] # thumb up mat_contents_t0 = sio.loadmat('/home/linda/school/capstone/data/set2_new_format/EMGjan5/Fred_pinky_Jan5_0.mat') mat_contents_t1 = sio.loadmat('/home/linda/school/capstone/data/set2_new_format/EMGjan5/Fred_pinky_Jan5_1.mat') mat_contents_test0 = sio.loadmat('/home/linda/school/capstone/data/set2_new_format/EMGjan5/Fred_pinky_jan5_2.mat') data_t0 = mat_contents_t0['EMGdata'] data_t1 = mat_contents_t1['EMGdata'] data_test0 = mat_contents_test0['EMGdata'] batch_y_t0, batch_x_t0 = get_batch_from_raw_data_new_format(data_t0, action_map, [0]) batch_y_t1, batch_x_t1 = get_batch_from_raw_data_new_format(data_t1, action_map, [0]) batch_y_test0, batch_x_test0 = get_batch_from_raw_data_new_format(data_test0, action_map, [0]) # pinky up mat_contents_p0 = sio.loadmat('/home/linda/school/capstone/data/set2_new_format/EMGjan5/Fred_thumb_Jan5_0.mat') mat_contents_p1 = sio.loadmat('/home/linda/school/capstone/data/set2_new_format/EMGjan5/Fred_thumb_Jan5_1.mat') mat_contents_test1 = sio.loadmat('/home/linda/school/capstone/data/set2_new_format/EMGjan5/Fred_thumb_Jan5_2.mat') data_p0 = mat_contents_p0['EMGdata'] data_p1 = mat_contents_p1['EMGdata'] data_test1 = mat_contents_test1['EMGdata'] batch_y_p0, batch_x_p0 = get_batch_from_raw_data_new_format(data_p0, action_map, [0]) batch_y_p1, batch_x_p1 = get_batch_from_raw_data_new_format(data_p1, action_map, [0]) batch_y_test1, batch_x_test1 = get_batch_from_raw_data_new_format(data_test1, action_map, [0]) print("done reading data") # Create TF_Model, a wrapper for models created using tensorflow # Note that the configuration file 'config.txt' must be present in the directory model = TF_Model('model') # Parameters learning_rate = 0.05 training_epochs = 200 batch_size = 256 display_step = 1 examples_to_show = 10 # total_batch = int(data_set.train.num_examples/batch_size) dropout = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) # Create variables for inputs, outputs and predictions x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1000]) y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 2]) y_true = y y_pred = model.predict(x) # Cost function cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.pow(y_true - y_pred, 2)) optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost) # Initializing the variables init = tf.initialize_all_variables() sess = tf.Session() model_output = model.predict(x) cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y * tf.log(model_output), reduction_indices=[1])) train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.5).minimize(cross_entropy) correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(model_output,1), tf.argmax(y,1)) accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) # Train for epoch in range(training_epochs): _, c =[optimizer, cost], feed_dict={x: batch_x_t0, y: batch_y_t0}) _, c =[optimizer, cost], feed_dict={x: batch_x_t1, y: batch_y_t1}) _, c =[optimizer, cost], feed_dict={x: batch_x_p0, y: batch_y_p0}) _, c =[optimizer, cost], feed_dict={x: batch_x_p1, y: batch_y_p1}) # Display logs per epoch step print("Epoch:", '%04d' % (epoch+1), "cost=", "{:.9f}".format(c)) print(, feed_dict={x: batch_x_test0, y: batch_y_test0})) print(, feed_dict={x: batch_x_test1, y: batch_y_test1})) print("===final===") print(, feed_dict={x: batch_x_test0, y: batch_y_test0})) print(, feed_dict={x: batch_x_test1, y: batch_y_test1})) # Save, 'example_3')
""" Tests for closeness centrality. """ import pytest import networkx as nx from networkx.testing import almost_equal class TestClosenessCentrality: @classmethod def setup_class(cls): cls.K = nx.krackhardt_kite_graph() cls.P3 = nx.path_graph(3) cls.P4 = nx.path_graph(4) cls.K5 = nx.complete_graph(5) cls.C4 = nx.cycle_graph(4) cls.T = nx.balanced_tree(r=2, h=2) cls.Gb = nx.Graph() cls.Gb.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (2, 4), (4, 5), (3, 5)]) F = nx.florentine_families_graph() cls.F = F cls.LM = nx.les_miserables_graph() # Create random undirected, unweighted graph for testing incremental version cls.undirected_G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n=100, p=0.6, seed=123) cls.undirected_G_cc = nx.closeness_centrality(cls.undirected_G) def test_wf_improved(self): G = nx.union(self.P4, nx.path_graph([4, 5, 6])) c = nx.closeness_centrality(G) cwf = nx.closeness_centrality(G, wf_improved=False) res = {0: 0.25, 1: 0.375, 2: 0.375, 3: 0.25, 4: 0.222, 5: 0.333, 6: 0.222} wf_res = {0: 0.5, 1: 0.75, 2: 0.75, 3: 0.5, 4: 0.667, 5: 1.0, 6: 0.667} for n in G: assert almost_equal(c[n], res[n], places=3) assert almost_equal(cwf[n], wf_res[n], places=3) def test_digraph(self): G = nx.path_graph(3, create_using=nx.DiGraph()) c = nx.closeness_centrality(G) cr = nx.closeness_centrality(G.reverse()) d = {0: 0.0, 1: 0.500, 2: 0.667} dr = {0: 0.667, 1: 0.500, 2: 0.0} for n in sorted(self.P3): assert almost_equal(c[n], d[n], places=3) assert almost_equal(cr[n], dr[n], places=3) def test_k5_closeness(self): c = nx.closeness_centrality(self.K5) d = {0: 1.000, 1: 1.000, 2: 1.000, 3: 1.000, 4: 1.000} for n in sorted(self.K5): assert almost_equal(c[n], d[n], places=3) def test_p3_closeness(self): c = nx.closeness_centrality(self.P3) d = {0: 0.667, 1: 1.000, 2: 0.667} for n in sorted(self.P3): assert almost_equal(c[n], d[n], places=3) def test_krackhardt_closeness(self): c = nx.closeness_centrality(self.K) d = { 0: 0.529, 1: 0.529, 2: 0.500, 3: 0.600, 4: 0.500, 5: 0.643, 6: 0.643, 7: 0.600, 8: 0.429, 9: 0.310, } for n in sorted(self.K): assert almost_equal(c[n], d[n], places=3) def test_florentine_families_closeness(self): c = nx.closeness_centrality(self.F) d = { "Acciaiuoli": 0.368, "Albizzi": 0.483, "Barbadori": 0.4375, "Bischeri": 0.400, "Castellani": 0.389, "Ginori": 0.333, "Guadagni": 0.467, "Lamberteschi": 0.326, "Medici": 0.560, "Pazzi": 0.286, "Peruzzi": 0.368, "Ridolfi": 0.500, "Salviati": 0.389, "Strozzi": 0.4375, "Tornabuoni": 0.483, } for n in sorted(self.F): assert almost_equal(c[n], d[n], places=3) def test_les_miserables_closeness(self): c = nx.closeness_centrality(self.LM) d = { "Napoleon": 0.302, "Myriel": 0.429, "MlleBaptistine": 0.413, "MmeMagloire": 0.413, "CountessDeLo": 0.302, "Geborand": 0.302, "Champtercier": 0.302, "Cravatte": 0.302, "Count": 0.302, "OldMan": 0.302, "Valjean": 0.644, "Labarre": 0.394, "Marguerite": 0.413, "MmeDeR": 0.394, "Isabeau": 0.394, "Gervais": 0.394, "Listolier": 0.341, "Tholomyes": 0.392, "Fameuil": 0.341, "Blacheville": 0.341, "Favourite": 0.341, "Dahlia": 0.341, "Zephine": 0.341, "Fantine": 0.461, "MmeThenardier": 0.461, "Thenardier": 0.517, "Cosette": 0.478, "Javert": 0.517, "Fauchelevent": 0.402, "Bamatabois": 0.427, "Perpetue": 0.318, "Simplice": 0.418, "Scaufflaire": 0.394, "Woman1": 0.396, "Judge": 0.404, "Champmathieu": 0.404, "Brevet": 0.404, "Chenildieu": 0.404, "Cochepaille": 0.404, "Pontmercy": 0.373, "Boulatruelle": 0.342, "Eponine": 0.396, "Anzelma": 0.352, "Woman2": 0.402, "MotherInnocent": 0.398, "Gribier": 0.288, "MmeBurgon": 0.344, "Jondrette": 0.257, "Gavroche": 0.514, "Gillenormand": 0.442, "Magnon": 0.335, "MlleGillenormand": 0.442, "MmePontmercy": 0.315, "MlleVaubois": 0.308, "LtGillenormand": 0.365, "Marius": 0.531, "BaronessT": 0.352, "Mabeuf": 0.396, "Enjolras": 0.481, "Combeferre": 0.392, "Prouvaire": 0.357, "Feuilly": 0.392, "Courfeyrac": 0.400, "Bahorel": 0.394, "Bossuet": 0.475, "Joly": 0.394, "Grantaire": 0.358, "MotherPlutarch": 0.285, "Gueulemer": 0.463, "Babet": 0.463, "Claquesous": 0.452, "Montparnasse": 0.458, "Toussaint": 0.402, "Child1": 0.342, "Child2": 0.342, "Brujon": 0.380, "MmeHucheloup": 0.353, } for n in sorted(self.LM): assert almost_equal(c[n], d[n], places=3) def test_weighted_closeness(self): edges = [ ("s", "u", 10), ("s", "x", 5), ("u", "v", 1), ("u", "x", 2), ("v", "y", 1), ("x", "u", 3), ("x", "v", 5), ("x", "y", 2), ("y", "s", 7), ("y", "v", 6), ] XG = nx.Graph() XG.add_weighted_edges_from(edges) c = nx.closeness_centrality(XG, distance="weight") d = {"y": 0.200, "x": 0.286, "s": 0.138, "u": 0.235, "v": 0.200} for n in sorted(XG): assert almost_equal(c[n], d[n], places=3) # # Tests for incremental closeness centrality. # @staticmethod def pick_add_edge(g): u = nx.utils.arbitrary_element(g) possible_nodes = set(g.nodes()) neighbors = list(g.neighbors(u)) + [u] possible_nodes.difference_update(neighbors) v = nx.utils.arbitrary_element(possible_nodes) return (u, v) @staticmethod def pick_remove_edge(g): u = nx.utils.arbitrary_element(g) possible_nodes = list(g.neighbors(u)) v = nx.utils.arbitrary_element(possible_nodes) return (u, v) def test_directed_raises(self): with pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXNotImplemented): dir_G = nx.gn_graph(n=5) prev_cc = None edge = self.pick_add_edge(dir_G) insert = True nx.incremental_closeness_centrality(dir_G, edge, prev_cc, insert) def test_wrong_size_prev_cc_raises(self): with pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError): G = self.undirected_G.copy() edge = self.pick_add_edge(G) insert = True prev_cc = self.undirected_G_cc.copy() prev_cc.pop(0) nx.incremental_closeness_centrality(G, edge, prev_cc, insert) def test_wrong_nodes_prev_cc_raises(self): with pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError): G = self.undirected_G.copy() edge = self.pick_add_edge(G) insert = True prev_cc = self.undirected_G_cc.copy() num_nodes = len(prev_cc) prev_cc.pop(0) prev_cc[num_nodes] = 0.5 nx.incremental_closeness_centrality(G, edge, prev_cc, insert) def test_zero_centrality(self): G = nx.path_graph(3) prev_cc = nx.closeness_centrality(G) edge = self.pick_remove_edge(G) test_cc = nx.incremental_closeness_centrality(G, edge, prev_cc, insertion=False) G.remove_edges_from([edge]) real_cc = nx.closeness_centrality(G) shared_items = set(test_cc.items()) & set(real_cc.items()) assert len(shared_items) == len(real_cc) assert 0 in test_cc.values() def test_incremental(self): # Check that incremental and regular give same output G = self.undirected_G.copy() prev_cc = None for i in range(5): if i % 2 == 0: # Remove an edge insert = False edge = self.pick_remove_edge(G) else: # Add an edge insert = True edge = self.pick_add_edge(G) # start = timeit.default_timer() test_cc = nx.incremental_closeness_centrality(G, edge, prev_cc, insert) # inc_elapsed = (timeit.default_timer() - start) # print(f"incremental time: {inc_elapsed}") if insert: G.add_edges_from([edge]) else: G.remove_edges_from([edge]) # start = timeit.default_timer() real_cc = nx.closeness_centrality(G) # reg_elapsed = (timeit.default_timer() - start) # print(f"regular time: {reg_elapsed}") # Example output: # incremental time: 0.208 # regular time: 0.276 # incremental time: 0.00683 # regular time: 0.260 # incremental time: 0.0224 # regular time: 0.278 # incremental time: 0.00804 # regular time: 0.208 # incremental time: 0.00947 # regular time: 0.188 assert set(test_cc.items()) == set(real_cc.items()) prev_cc = test_cc
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Adding unique constraint on 'Vendeur', fields ['code_permanent'] db.create_unique(u'encefal_vendeur', ['code_permanent']) def backwards(self, orm): # Removing unique constraint on 'Vendeur', fields ['code_permanent'] db.delete_unique(u'encefal_vendeur', ['code_permanent']) models = { u'': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Group'}, u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '80'}), 'permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': u"orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}) }, u'auth.permission': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "(u'content_type__app_label', u'content_type__model', u'codename')", 'unique_together': "((u'content_type', u'codename'),)", 'object_name': 'Permission'}, 'codename': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': u"orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}) }, u'auth.user': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'User'}, 'date_joined': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'blank': 'True'}), 'first_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'groups': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': u"orm['auth.Group']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_active': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'is_staff': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'is_superuser': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'last_login': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'last_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'password': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}), 'user_permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': u"orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'username': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '30'}) }, u'contenttypes.contenttype': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'unique_together': "(('app_label', 'model'),)", 'object_name': 'ContentType', 'db_table': "'django_content_type'"}, 'app_label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'model': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}) }, u'encefal.exemplaire': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Exemplaire'}, 'actif': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'date_creation': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'date_modification': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'etat': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'VENT'", 'max_length': '4'}), 'facture': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'exemplaires'", 'null': 'True', 'db_column': "'facture'", 'to': u"orm['encefal.Facture']"}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'livre': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'exemplaires'", 'db_column': "'livre'", 'to': u"orm['encefal.Livre']"}), 'prix': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {}), 'vendeur': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'exemplaires'", 'db_column': "'vendeur'", 'to': u"orm['encefal.Vendeur']"}) }, u'encefal.facture': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Facture'}, 'actif': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'date_creation': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'date_modification': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'employe': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'factures'", 'blank': 'True', 'db_column': "'employe'", 'to': u"orm['auth.User']"}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'session': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'factures'", 'blank': 'True', 'db_column': "'session'", 'to': u"orm['encefal.Session']"}) }, u'encefal.livre': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Livre'}, 'actif': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'auteur': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'blank': 'True'}), 'date_creation': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'date_modification': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'edition': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'default': '1', 'blank': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'isbn': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '13', 'blank': 'True'}), 'titre': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'blank': 'True'}), 'vendeur': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'related_name': "'livres'", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'through': u"orm['encefal.Exemplaire']", 'db_column': "'vendeur'", 'to': u"orm['encefal.Vendeur']"}) }, u'encefal.session': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Session'}, 'actif': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'date_creation': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'date_debut': ('django.db.models.fields.DateField', [], {}), 'date_fin': ('django.db.models.fields.DateField', [], {}), 'date_modification': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'nom': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '255'}) }, u'encefal.vendeur': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Vendeur'}, 'actif': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'code_permanent': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '12'}), 'date_creation': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'date_modification': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), u'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'nom': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), 'prenom': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), 'telephone': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'blank': 'True'}) } } complete_apps = ['encefal']
# $Id$ # Copyright 2013 Matthew Wall # See the file LICENSE.txt for your full rights. # # Thanks to Eddie De Pieri for the first Python implementation for WS-28xx. # Eddie did the difficult work of decompiling HeavyWeather then converting # and reverse engineering into a functional Python implementation. Eddie's # work was based on reverse engineering of HeavyWeather 2800 v 1.54 # # Thanks to Lucas Heijst for enumerating the console message types and for # debugging the transceiver/console communication timing issues. """Classes and functions for interfacing with WS-28xx weather stations. LaCrosse makes a number of stations in the 28xx series, including: WS-2810, WS-2810U-IT WS-2811, WS-2811SAL-IT, WS-2811BRN-IT, WS-2811OAK-IT WS-2812, WS-2812U-IT WS-2813 WS-2814, WS-2814U-IT WS-2815, WS-2815U-IT C86234 The station is also sold as the TFA Primus, TFA Opus, and TechnoLine. HeavyWeather is the software provided by LaCrosse. There are two versions of HeavyWeather for the WS-28xx series: 1.5.4 and 1.5.4b Apparently there is a difference between TX59UN-1-IT and TX59U-IT models (this identifier is printed on the thermo-hygro sensor). HeavyWeather Version Firmware Version Thermo-Hygro Model 1.54 333 or 332 TX59UN-1-IT 1.54b 288, 262, 222 TX59U-IT HeavyWeather provides the following weather station settings: time display: 12|24 hour temperature display: C|F air pressure display: inhg|hpa wind speed display: m/s|knots|bft|km/h|mph rain display: mm|inch recording interval: 1m keep weather station in hi-speed communication mode: true/false According to the HeavyWeatherPro User Manual (1.54, rev2), "Hi speed mode wears down batteries on your display much faster, and similarly consumes more power on the PC. We do not believe most users need to enable this setting. It was provided at the request of users who prefer ultra-frequent uploads." The HeavyWeatherPro 'CurrentWeather' view is updated as data arrive from the console. The console sends current weather data approximately every 13 seconds. Historical data are updated less frequently - every 2 hours in the default HeavyWeatherPro configuration. According to the User Manual, "The 2800 series weather station uses the 'original' wind chill calculation rather than the 2001 'North American' formula because the original formula is international." Apparently the station console determines when data will be sent, and, once paired, the transceiver is always listening. The station console sends a broadcast on the hour. If the transceiver responds, the station console may continue to broadcast data, depending on the transceiver response and the timing of the transceiver response. According to the C86234 Operations Manual (Revision 7): - Temperature and humidity data are sent to the console every 13 seconds. - Wind data are sent to the temperature/humidity sensor every 17 seconds. - Rain data are sent to the temperature/humidity sensor every 19 seconds. - Air pressure is measured every 15 seconds. Each tip of the rain bucket is 0.26 mm of rain. The following information was obtained by logging messages from the driver in weewx and by capturing USB messages between Heavy Weather Pro for ws2800 and the TFA Primus Weather Station via windows program USB sniffer busdog64_v0.2.1. Pairing The transceiver must be paired with a console before it can receive data. Each frame sent by the console includes the device identifier of the transceiver with which it is paired. Synchronizing When the console and transceiver stop communicating, they can be synchronized by one of the following methods: - Push the SET button on the console - Wait till the next full hour when the console sends a clock message In each case a Request Time message is received by the transceiver from the console. The 'Send Time to WS' message should be sent within ms (10 ms typical). The transceiver should handle the 'Time SET' message then send a 'Time/Config written' message about 85 ms after the 'Send Time to WS' message. When complete, the console and transceiver will have been synchronized. Timing Current Weather messages, History messages, getConfig/setConfig messages, and setTime messages each have their own timing. Missed History messages - as a result of bad timing - result in console and transceiver becoming out of synch. Current Weather The console periodically sends Current Weather messages, each with the latest values from the sensors. The CommModeInterval determines how often the console will send Current Weather messages. History The console records data periodically at an interval defined by the HistoryInterval parameter. The factory default setting is 2 hours. Each history record contains a timestamp. Timestamps use the time from the console clock. The console can record up to 1797 history records. Reading 1795 history records took about 110 minutes on a raspberry pi, for an average of 3.6 seconds per history record. Reading 1795 history records took 65 minutes on a synology ds209+ii, for an average of 2.2 seconds per history record. Reading 1750 history records took 19 minutes using HeavyWeatherPro on a Windows 7 64-bit laptop. Message Types The first byte of a message determines the message type. ID Type Length 01 ? 0x0f (15) d0 SetRX 0x15 (21) d1 SetTX 0x15 (21) d5 SetFrame 0x111 (273) d6 GetFrame 0x111 (273) d7 SetState 0x15 (21) d8 SetPreamblePattern 0x15 (21) d9 Execute 0x0f (15) dc ReadConfigFlash< 0x15 (21) dd ReadConfigFlash> 0x15 (21) de GetState 0x0a (10) f0 WriteReg 0x05 (5) In the following sections, some messages are decomposed using the following structure: start position in message buffer hi-lo data starts on first (hi) or second (lo) nibble chars data length in characters (nibbles) rem remark name variable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 01 message (15 bytes) 000: 01 15 00 0b 08 58 3f 53 00 00 00 00 ff 15 0b (detected via USB sniffer) 000: 01 15 00 57 01 92 3f 53 00 00 00 00 ff 15 0a (detected via USB sniffer) 00: messageID 02-15: ?? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. SetRX message (21 bytes) 000: d0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 020: 00 00: messageID 01-20: 00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. SetTX message (21 bytes) 000: d1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 020: 00 00: messageID 01-20: 00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. SetFrame message (273 bytes) Action: 00: rtGetHistory - Ask for History message 01: rtSetTime - Ask for Send Time to weather station message 02: rtSetConfig - Ask for Send Config to weather station message 03: rtGetConfig - Ask for Config message 05: rtGetCurrent - Ask for Current Weather message c0: Send Time - Send Time to WS 40: Send Config - Send Config to WS 000: d5 00 09 DevID 00 CfgCS cIntThisAdr xx xx xx rtGetHistory 000: d5 00 09 DevID 01 CfgCS cIntThisAdr xx xx xx rtReqSetTime 000: d5 00 09 f0 f0 02 CfgCS cIntThisAdr xx xx xx rtReqFirstConfig 000: d5 00 09 DevID 02 CfgCS cIntThisAdr xx xx xx rtReqSetConfig 000: d5 00 09 DevID 03 CfgCS cIntThisAdr xx xx xx rtGetConfig 000: d5 00 09 DevID 05 CfgCS cIntThisAdr xx xx xx rtGetCurrent 000: d5 00 0c DevID c0 CfgCS [TimeData . .. .. .. Send Time 000: d5 00 30 DevID 40 CfgCS [ConfigData .. .. .. Send Config All SetFrame messages: 00: messageID 01: 00 02: Message Length (starting with next byte) 03-04: DeviceID [DevID] 05: Action 06-07: Config checksum [CfgCS] Additional bytes rtGetCurrent, rtGetHistory, rtSetTime messages: 08-09hi: ComInt [cINT] 1.5 bytes (high byte first) 09lo-11: ThisHistoryAddress [ThisAdr] 2.5 bytes (high byte first) Additional bytes Send Time message: 08: seconds 09: minutes 10: hours 11hi: DayOfWeek 11lo: day_lo (low byte) 12hi: month_lo (low byte) 12lo: day_hi (high byte) 13hi: (year-2000)_lo (low byte) 13lo: month_hi (high byte) 14lo: (year-2000)_hi (high byte) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. GetFrame message Response type: 20: WS SetTime / SetConfig - Data written 40: GetConfig 60: Current Weather 80: Actual / Outstanding History a1: Request First-Time Config a2: Request SetConfig a3: Request SetTime 000: 00 00 06 DevID 20 64 CfgCS xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx Time/Config written 000: 00 00 30 DevID 40 64 [ConfigData .. .. .. .. .. .. .. GetConfig 000: 00 00 d7 DevID 60 64 CfgCS [CurData .. .. .. .. .. .. Current Weather 000: 00 00 1e DevID 80 64 CfgCS 0LateAdr 0ThisAdr [HisData Outstanding History 000: 00 00 1e DevID 80 64 CfgCS 0LateAdr 0ThisAdr [HisData Actual History 000: 00 00 06 DevID a1 64 CfgCS xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx Request FirstConfig 000: 00 00 06 DevID a2 64 CfgCS xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx Request SetConfig 000: 00 00 06 DevID a3 64 CfgCS xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx Request SetTime ReadConfig example: 000: 01 2e 40 5f 36 53 02 00 00 00 00 81 00 04 10 00 82 00 04 20 020: 00 71 41 72 42 00 05 00 00 00 27 10 00 02 83 60 96 01 03 07 040: 21 04 01 00 00 00 CfgCS WriteConfig example: 000: 01 2e 40 64 36 53 02 00 00 00 00 00 10 04 00 81 00 20 04 00 020: 82 41 71 42 72 00 00 05 00 00 00 10 27 01 96 60 83 02 01 04 040: 21 07 03 10 00 00 CfgCS 00: messageID 01: 00 02: Message Length (starting with next byte) 03-04: DeviceID [devID] 05hi: responseType 06: Quality (in steps of 5) Additional byte GetFrame messages except Request SetConfig and Request SetTime: 05lo: BatteryStat 8=WS bat low; 4=TMP bat low; 2=RAIN bat low; 1=WIND bat low Additional byte Request SetConfig and Request SetTime: 05lo: RequestID Additional bytes all GetFrame messages except ReadConfig and WriteConfig 07-08: Config checksum [CfgCS] Additional bytes Outstanding History: 09lo-11: LatestHistoryAddress [LateAdr] 2.5 bytes (Latest to sent) 12lo-14: ThisHistoryAddress [ThisAdr] 2.5 bytes (Outstanding) Additional bytes Actual History: 09lo-11: LatestHistoryAddress [ThisAdr] 2.5 bytes (LatestHistoryAddress is the) 12lo-14: ThisHistoryAddress [ThisAdr] 2.5 bytes (same as ThisHistoryAddress) Additional bytes ReadConfig and WriteConfig 43-45: ResetMinMaxFlags (Output only; not included in checksum calculation) 46-47: Config checksum [CfgCS] (CheckSum = sum of bytes (00-42) + 7) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. SetState message 000: d7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00: messageID 01-14: 00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. SetPreamblePattern message 000: d8 aa 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00: messageID 01: ?? 02-14: 00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Execute message 000: d9 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00: messageID 01: ?? 02-14: 00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. ReadConfigFlash in - receive data 000: dc 0a 01 f5 00 01 78 a0 01 02 0a 0c 0c 01 2e ff ff ff ff ff - freq correction 000: dc 0a 01 f9 01 02 0a 0c 0c 01 2e ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - transceiver data 00: messageID 01: length 02-03: address Additional bytes frequency correction 05lo-07hi: frequency correction Additional bytes transceiver data 05-10: serial number 09-10: DeviceID [devID] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. ReadConfigFlash out - ask for data 000: dd 0a 01 f5 cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc - Ask for freq correction 000: dd 0a 01 f9 cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc - Ask for transceiver data 00: messageID 01: length 02-03: address 04-14: cc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. GetState message 000: de 14 00 00 00 00 (between SetPreamblePattern and first de16 message) 000: de 15 00 00 00 00 Idle message 000: de 16 00 00 00 00 Normal message 000: de 0b 00 00 00 00 (detected via USB sniffer) 00: messageID 01: stateID 02-05: 00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Writereg message 000: f0 08 01 00 00 - AX5051RegisterNames.IFMODE 000: f0 10 01 41 00 - AX5051RegisterNames.MODULATION 000: f0 11 01 07 00 - AX5051RegisterNames.ENCODING ... 000: f0 7b 01 88 00 - AX5051RegisterNames.TXRATEMID 000: f0 7c 01 23 00 - AX5051RegisterNames.TXRATELO 000: f0 7d 01 35 00 - AX5051RegisterNames.TXDRIVER 00: messageID 01: register address 02: 01 03: AX5051RegisterName 04: 00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Current Weather message start hi-lo chars rem name 0 hi 4 DevID 2 hi 2 Action 3 hi 2 Quality 4 hi 4 DeviceCS 6 hi 4 6 _AlarmRingingFlags 8 hi 1 _WeatherTendency 8 lo 1 _WeatherState 9 hi 1 not used 9 lo 10 _TempIndoorMinMax._Max._Time 14 lo 10 _TempIndoorMinMax._Min._Time 19 lo 5 _TempIndoorMinMax._Max._Value 22 hi 5 _TempIndoorMinMax._Min._Value 24 lo 5 _TempIndoor (C) 27 lo 10 _TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._Time 32 lo 10 _TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._Time 37 lo 5 _TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value 40 hi 5 _TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value 42 lo 5 _TempOutdoor (C) 45 hi 1 not used 45 lo 10 1 _WindchillMinMax._Max._Time 50 lo 10 2 _WindchillMinMax._Min._Time 55 lo 5 1 _WindchillMinMax._Max._Value 57 hi 5 1 _WindchillMinMax._Min._Value 60 lo 6 _Windchill (C) 63 hi 1 not used 63 lo 10 _DewpointMinMax._Max._Time 68 lo 10 _DewpointMinMax._Min._Time 73 lo 5 _DewpointMinMax._Max._Value 76 hi 5 _DewpointMinMax._Min._Value 78 lo 5 _Dewpoint (C) 81 hi 10 _HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._Time 86 hi 10 _HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._Time 91 hi 2 _HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._Value 92 hi 2 _HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._Value 93 hi 2 _HumidityIndoor (%) 94 hi 10 _HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._Time 99 hi 10 _HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._Time 104 hi 2 _HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value 105 hi 2 _HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value 106 hi 2 _HumidityOutdoor (%) 107 hi 10 3 _RainLastMonthMax._Time 112 hi 6 3 _RainLastMonthMax._Max._Value 115 hi 6 _RainLastMonth (mm) 118 hi 10 3 _RainLastWeekMax._Time 123 hi 6 3 _RainLastWeekMax._Max._Value 126 hi 6 _RainLastWeek (mm) 129 hi 10 _Rain24HMax._Time 134 hi 6 _Rain24HMax._Max._Value 137 hi 6 _Rain24H (mm) 140 hi 10 _Rain24HMax._Time 145 hi 6 _Rain24HMax._Max._Value 148 hi 6 _Rain24H (mm) 151 hi 1 not used 152 lo 10 _LastRainReset 158 lo 7 _RainTotal (mm) 160 hi 1 _WindDirection5 160 lo 1 _WindDirection4 161 hi 1 _WindDirection3 161 lo 1 _WindDirection2 162 hi 1 _WindDirection1 162 lo 1 _WindDirection (0-15) 163 hi 18 unknown data 172 hi 6 _WindSpeed (km/h) 175 hi 1 _GustDirection5 175 lo 1 _GustDirection4 176 hi 1 _GustDirection3 176 lo 1 _GustDirection2 177 hi 1 _GustDirection1 177 lo 1 _GustDirection (0-15) 178 hi 2 not used 179 hi 10 _GustMax._Max._Time 184 hi 6 _GustMax._Max._Value 187 hi 6 _Gust (km/h) 190 hi 10 4 _PressureRelative_MinMax._Max/Min._Time 195 hi 5 5 _PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Max._Value 197 lo 5 5 _PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Max._Value 200 hi 5 _PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Max._Value 202 lo 5 _PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Max._Value 205 hi 5 _PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Min._Value 207 lo 5 _PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Min._Value 210 hi 5 _PressureRelative_inHg 212 lo 5 _PressureRelative_hPa 214 lo 430 end Remarks 1 since factory reset 2 since software reset 3 not used? 4 should be: _PressureRelative_MinMax._Max._Time 5 should be: _PressureRelative_MinMax._Min._Time 6 _AlarmRingingFlags (values in hex) 80 00 = Hi Al Gust 40 00 = Al WindDir 20 00 = One or more WindDirs set 10 00 = Hi Al Rain24H 08 00 = Hi Al Outdoor Humidity 04 00 = Lo Al Outdoor Humidity 02 00 = Hi Al Indoor Humidity 01 00 = Lo Al Indoor Humidity 00 80 = Hi Al Outdoor Temp 00 40 = Lo Al Outdoor Temp 00 20 = Hi Al Indoor Temp 00 10 = Lo Al Indoor Temp 00 08 = Hi Al Pressure 00 04 = Lo Al Pressure 00 02 = not used 00 01 = not used ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. History Message start hi-lo chars rem name 0 hi 4 DevID 2 hi 2 Action 3 hi 2 Quality (%) 4 hi 4 DeviceCS 6 hi 6 LatestAddress 9 hi 6 ThisAddress 12 hi 1 not used 12 lo 3 Gust (m/s) 14 hi 1 WindDirection (0-15, also GustDirection) 14 lo 3 WindSpeed (m/s) 16 hi 3 RainCounterRaw (total in period in 0.1 inch) 17 lo 2 HumidityOutdoor (%) 18 lo 2 HumidityIndoor (%) 19 lo 5 PressureRelative (hPa) 22 hi 3 TempOutdoor (C) 23 lo 3 TempIndoor (C) 25 hi 10 Time 29 lo 60 end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. Set Config Message start hi-lo chars rem name 0 hi 4 DevID 2 hi 2 Action 3 hi 2 Quality 4 hi 1 1 _WindspeedFormat 4 lo 0,25 2 _RainFormat 4 lo 0,25 3 _PressureFormat 4 lo 0,25 4 _TemperatureFormat 4 lo 0,25 5 _ClockMode 5 hi 1 _WeatherThreshold 5 lo 1 _StormThreshold 6 hi 1 _LowBatFlags 6 lo 1 6 _LCDContrast 7 hi 4 7 _WindDirAlarmFlags (reverse group 1) 9 hi 4 8 _OtherAlarmFlags (reverse group 1) 11 hi 10 _TempIndoorMinMax._Min._Value (reverse group 2) _TempIndoorMinMax._Max._Value (reverse group 2) 16 hi 10 _TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value (reverse group 3) _TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value (reverse group 3) 21 hi 2 _HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._Value 22 hi 2 _HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._Value 23 hi 2 _HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value 24 hi 2 _HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value 25 hi 1 not used 25 lo 7 _Rain24HMax._Max._Value (reverse bytes) 29 hi 2 _HistoryInterval 30 hi 1 not used 30 lo 5 _GustMax._Max._Value (reverse bytes) 33 hi 10 _PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Min._Value (rev grp4) _PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Min._Value(rev grp4) 38 hi 10 _PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Max._Value (rev grp5) _PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Max._Value(rev grp5) 43 hi 6 9 _ResetMinMaxFlags 46 hi 4 10 _InBufCS 47 lo 96 end Remarks 1 0=m/s 1=knots 2=bft 3=km/h 4=mph 2 0=mm 1=inch 3 0=inHg 2=hPa 4 0=F 1=C 5 0=24h 1=12h 6 values 0-7 => LCD contrast 1-8 7 WindDir Alarms (not-reversed values in hex) 80 00 = NNW 40 00 = NW 20 00 = WNW 10 00 = W 08 00 = WSW 04 00 = SW 02 00 = SSW 01 00 = S 00 80 = SSE 00 40 = SE 00 20 = ESE 00 10 = E 00 08 = ENE 00 04 = NE 00 02 = NNE 00 01 = N 8 Other Alarms (not-reversed values in hex) 80 00 = Hi Al Gust 40 00 = Al WindDir 20 00 = One or more WindDirs set 10 00 = Hi Al Rain24H 08 00 = Hi Al Outdoor Humidity 04 00 = Lo Al Outdoor Humidity 02 00 = Hi Al Indoor Humidity 01 00 = Lo Al Indoor Humidity 00 80 = Hi Al Outdoor Temp 00 40 = Lo Al Outdoor Temp 00 20 = Hi Al Indoor Temp 00 10 = Lo Al Indoor Temp 00 08 = Hi Al Pressure 00 04 = Lo Al Pressure 00 02 = not used 00 01 = not used 9 ResetMinMaxFlags (not-reversed values in hex) "Output only; not included in checksum calc" 80 00 00 = Reset DewpointMax 40 00 00 = Reset DewpointMin 20 00 00 = not used 10 00 00 = Reset WindchillMin* "*Reset dateTime only; Min._Value is preserved" 08 00 00 = Reset TempOutMax 04 00 00 = Reset TempOutMin 02 00 00 = Reset TempInMax 01 00 00 = Reset TempInMin 00 80 00 = Reset Gust 00 40 00 = not used 00 20 00 = not used 00 10 00 = not used 00 08 00 = Reset HumOutMax 00 04 00 = Reset HumOutMin 00 02 00 = Reset HumInMax 00 01 00 = Reset HumInMin 00 00 80 = not used 00 00 40 = Reset Rain Total 00 00 20 = Reset last month? 00 00 10 = Reset lastweek? 00 00 08 = Reset Rain24H 00 00 04 = Reset Rain1H 00 00 02 = Reset PresRelMax 00 00 01 = Reset PresRelMin 10 Checksum = sum bytes (0-42) + 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. Get Config Message start hi-lo chars rem name 0 hi 4 DevID 2 hi 2 Action 3 hi 2 Quality 4 hi 1 1 _WindspeedFormat 4 lo 0,25 2 _RainFormat 4 lo 0,25 3 _PressureFormat 4 lo 0,25 4 _TemperatureFormat 4 lo 0,25 5 _ClockMode 5 hi 1 _WeatherThreshold 5 lo 1 _StormThreshold 6 hi 1 _LowBatFlags 6 lo 1 6 _LCDContrast 7 hi 4 7 _WindDirAlarmFlags 9 hi 4 8 _OtherAlarmFlags 11 hi 5 _TempIndoorMinMax._Min._Value 13 lo 5 _TempIndoorMinMax._Max._Value 16 hi 5 _TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value 18 lo 5 _TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value 21 hi 2 _HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._Value 22 hi 2 _HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._Value 23 hi 2 _HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value 24 hi 2 _HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value 25 hi 1 not used 25 lo 7 _Rain24HMax._Max._Value 29 hi 2 _HistoryInterval 30 hi 5 _GustMax._Max._Value 32 lo 1 not used 33 hi 5 _PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Min._Value 35 lo 5 _PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Min._Value 38 hi 5 _PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Max._Value 40 lo 5 _PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Max._Value 43 hi 6 9 _ResetMinMaxFlags 46 hi 4 10 _InBufCS 47 lo 96 end Remarks 1 0=m/s 1=knots 2=bft 3=km/h 4=mph 2 0=mm 1=inch 3 0=inHg 2=hPa 4 0=F 1=C 5 0=24h 1=12h 6 values 0-7 => LCD contrast 1-8 7 WindDir Alarms (values in hex) 80 00 = NNW 40 00 = NW 20 00 = WNW 10 00 = W 08 00 = WSW 04 00 = SW 02 00 = SSW 01 00 = S 00 80 = SSE 00 40 = SE 00 20 = ESE 00 10 = E 00 08 = ENE 00 04 = NE 00 02 = NNE 00 01 = N 8 Other Alarms (values in hex) 80 00 = Hi Al Gust 40 00 = Al WindDir 20 00 = One or more WindDirs set 10 00 = Hi Al Rain24H 08 00 = Hi Al Outdoor Humidity 04 00 = Lo Al Outdoor Humidity 02 00 = Hi Al Indoor Humidity 01 00 = Lo Al Indoor Humidity 00 80 = Hi Al Outdoor Temp 00 40 = Lo Al Outdoor Temp 00 20 = Hi Al Indoor Temp 00 10 = Lo Al Indoor Temp 00 08 = Hi Al Pressure 00 04 = Lo Al Pressure 00 02 = not used 00 01 = not used 9 ResetMinMaxFlags (values in hex) "Output only; input = 00 00 00" 10 Checksum = sum bytes (0-42) + 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples of messages readCurrentWeather Cur 000: 01 2e 60 5f 05 1b 00 00 12 01 30 62 21 54 41 30 62 40 75 36 Cur 020: 59 00 60 70 06 35 00 01 30 62 31 61 21 30 62 30 55 95 92 00 Cur 040: 53 10 05 37 00 01 30 62 01 90 81 30 62 40 90 66 38 00 49 00 Cur 060: 05 37 00 01 30 62 21 53 01 30 62 22 31 75 51 11 50 40 05 13 Cur 080: 80 13 06 22 21 40 13 06 23 19 37 67 52 59 13 06 23 06 09 13 Cur 100: 06 23 16 19 91 65 86 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Cur 120: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 13 06 23 09 59 00 06 19 00 00 51 Cur 140: 13 06 22 20 43 00 01 54 00 00 00 01 30 62 21 51 00 00 38 70 Cur 160: a7 cc 7b 50 09 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 fc 00 a7 cc 7b 14 13 Cur 180: 06 23 14 06 0e a0 00 01 b0 00 13 06 23 06 34 03 00 91 01 92 Cur 200: 03 00 91 01 92 02 97 41 00 74 03 00 91 01 92 WeatherState: Sunny(Good) WeatherTendency: Rising(Up) AlarmRingingFlags: 0000 TempIndoor 23.500 Min:20.700 2013-06-24 07:53 Max:25.900 2013-06-22 15:44 HumidityIndoor 59.000 Min:52.000 2013-06-23 19:37 Max:67.000 2013-06-22 21:40 TempOutdoor 13.700 Min:13.100 2013-06-23 05:59 Max:19.200 2013-06-23 16:12 HumidityOutdoor 86.000 Min:65.000 2013-06-23 16:19 Max:91.000 2013-06-23 06:09 Windchill 13.700 Min: 9.000 2013-06-24 09:06 Max:23.800 2013-06-20 19:08 Dewpoint 11.380 Min:10.400 2013-06-22 23:17 Max:15.111 2013-06-22 15:30 WindSpeed 2.520 Gust 4.320 Max:37.440 2013-06-23 14:06 WindDirection WSW GustDirection WSW WindDirection1 SSE GustDirection1 SSE WindDirection2 W GustDirection2 W WindDirection3 W GustDirection3 W WindDirection4 SSE GustDirection4 SSE WindDirection5 SW GustDirection5 SW RainLastMonth 0.000 Max: 0.000 1900-01-01 00:00 RainLastWeek 0.000 Max: 0.000 1900-01-01 00:00 Rain24H 0.510 Max: 6.190 2013-06-23 09:59 Rain1H 0.000 Max: 1.540 2013-06-22 20:43 RainTotal 3.870 LastRainReset 2013-06-22 15:10 PresRelhPa 1019.200 Min:1007.400 2013-06-23 06:34 Max:1019.200 2013-06-23 06:34 PresRel_inHg 30.090 Min: 29.740 2013-06-23 06:34 Max: 30.090 2013-06-23 06:34 Bytes with unknown meaning at 157-165: 50 09 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- readHistory His 000: 01 2e 80 5f 05 1b 00 7b 32 00 7b 32 00 0c 70 0a 00 08 65 91 His 020: 01 92 53 76 35 13 06 24 09 10 Time 2013-06-24 09:10:00 TempIndoor= 23.5 HumidityIndoor= 59 TempOutdoor= 13.7 HumidityOutdoor= 86 PressureRelative= 1019.2 RainCounterRaw= 0.0 WindDirection= SSE WindSpeed= 1.0 Gust= 1.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- readConfig In 000: 01 2e 40 5f 36 53 02 00 00 00 00 81 00 04 10 00 82 00 04 20 In 020: 00 71 41 72 42 00 05 00 00 00 27 10 00 02 83 60 96 01 03 07 In 040: 21 04 01 00 00 00 05 1b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- writeConfig Out 000: 01 2e 40 64 36 53 02 00 00 00 00 00 10 04 00 81 00 20 04 00 Out 020: 82 41 71 42 72 00 00 05 00 00 00 10 27 01 96 60 83 02 01 04 Out 040: 21 07 03 10 00 00 05 1b OutBufCS= 051b ClockMode= 0 TemperatureFormat= 1 PressureFormat= 1 RainFormat= 0 WindspeedFormat= 3 WeatherThreshold= 3 StormThreshold= 5 LCDContrast= 2 LowBatFlags= 0 WindDirAlarmFlags= 0000 OtherAlarmFlags= 0000 HistoryInterval= 0 TempIndoor_Min= 1.0 TempIndoor_Max= 41.0 TempOutdoor_Min= 2.0 TempOutdoor_Max= 42.0 HumidityIndoor_Min= 41 HumidityIndoor_Max= 71 HumidityOutdoor_Min= 42 HumidityOutdoor_Max= 72 Rain24HMax= 50.0 GustMax= 100.0 PressureRel_hPa_Min= 960.1 PressureRel_inHg_Min= 28.36 PressureRel_hPa_Max= 1040.1 PressureRel_inHg_Max= 30.72 ResetMinMaxFlags= 100000 (Output only; Input always 00 00 00) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class EHistoryInterval: Constant Value Message received at hi01Min = 0 00:00, 00:01, 00:02, 00:03 ... 23:59 hi05Min = 1 00:00, 00:05, 00:10, 00:15 ... 23:55 hi10Min = 2 00:00, 00:10, 00:20, 00:30 ... 23:50 hi15Min = 3 00:00, 00:15, 00:30, 00:45 ... 23:45 hi20Min = 4 00:00, 00:20, 00:40, 01:00 ... 23:40 hi30Min = 5 00:00, 00:30, 01:00, 01:30 ... 23:30 hi60Min = 6 00:00, 01:00, 02:00, 03:00 ... 23:00 hi02Std = 7 00:00, 02:00, 04:00, 06:00 ... 22:00 hi04Std = 8 00:00, 04:00, 08:00, 12:00 ... 20:00 hi06Std = 9 00:00, 06:00, 12:00, 18:00 hi08Std = 0xA 00:00, 08:00, 16:00 hi12Std = 0xB 00:00, 12:00 hi24Std = 0xC 00:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WS SetTime - Send time to WS Time 000: 01 2e c0 05 1b 19 14 12 40 62 30 01 time sent: 2013-06-24 12:14:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadConfigFlash data Ask for frequency correction rcfo 000: dd 0a 01 f5 cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc readConfigFlash frequency correction rcfi 000: dc 0a 01 f5 00 01 78 a0 01 02 0a 0c 0c 01 2e ff ff ff ff ff frequency correction: 96416 (0x178a0) adjusted frequency: 910574957 (3646456d) Ask for transceiver data rcfo 000: dd 0a 01 f9 cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc readConfigFlash serial number and DevID rcfi 000: dc 0a 01 f9 01 02 0a 0c 0c 01 2e ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff transceiver ID: 302 (0x012e) transceiver serial: 01021012120146 Program Logic The RF communication thread uses the following logic to communicate with the weather station console: Step 1. Perform in a while loop getState commands until state 0xde16 is received. Step 2. Perform a getFrame command to read the message data. Step 3. Handle the contents of the message. The type of message depends on the response type: Response type (hex): 20: WS SetTime / SetConfig - Data written confirmation the setTime/setConfig setFrame message has been received by the console 40: GetConfig save the contents of the configuration for later use (i.e. a setConfig message with one ore more parameters changed) 60: Current Weather handle the weather data of the current weather message 80: Actual / Outstanding History ignore the data of the actual history record when there is no data gap; handle the data of a (one) requested history record (note: in step 4 we can decide to request another history record). a1: Request First-Time Config prepare a setFrame first time message a2: Request SetConfig prepare a setFrame setConfig message a3: Request SetTime prepare a setFrame setTime message Step 4. When you didn't receive the message in step 3 you asked for (see step 5 how to request a certain type of message), decide if you want to ignore or handle the received message. Then go to step 5 to request for a certain type of message unless the received message has response type a1, a2 or a3, then prepare first the setFrame message the wireless console asked for. Step 5. Decide what kind of message you want to receive next time. The request is done via a setFrame message (see step 6). It is not guaranteed that you will receive that kind of message the next time but setting the proper timing parameters of firstSleep and nextSleep increase the chance you will get the requested type of message. Step 6. The action parameter in the setFrame message sets the type of the next to receive message. Action (hex): 00: rtGetHistory - Ask for History message setSleep(0.300,0.010) 01: rtSetTime - Ask for Send Time to weather station message setSleep(0.085,0.005) 02: rtSetConfig - Ask for Send Config to weather station message setSleep(0.300,0.010) 03: rtGetConfig - Ask for Config message setSleep(0.400,0.400) 05: rtGetCurrent - Ask for Current Weather message setSleep(0.300,0.010) c0: Send Time - Send Time to WS setSleep(0.085,0.005) 40: Send Config - Send Config to WS setSleep(0.085,0.005) Note: after the Request First-Time Config message (response type = 0xa1) perform a rtGetConfig with setSleep(0.085,0.005) Step 7. Perform a setTX command Step 8. Go to step 1 to wait for state 0xde16 again. """ # TODO: how often is currdat.lst modified with/without hi-speed mode? # TODO: thread locking around observation data # TODO: eliminate polling, make MainThread get data as soon as RFThread updates # TODO: get rid of Length/Buffer construct, replace with a Buffer class or obj # FIXME: the history retrieval assumes a constant archive interval across all # history records. this means anything that modifies the archive # interval should clear the history. from datetime import datetime import StringIO import sys import syslog import threading import time import traceback import usb import weewx.drivers import weewx.wxformulas import weeutil.weeutil DRIVER_NAME = 'WS28xx' DRIVER_VERSION = '0.33' def loader(config_dict, engine): return WS28xxDriver(**config_dict[DRIVER_NAME]) def configurator_loader(config_dict): return WS28xxConfigurator() def confeditor_loader(): return WS28xxConfEditor() # flags for enabling/disabling debug verbosity DEBUG_COMM = 0 DEBUG_CONFIG_DATA = 0 DEBUG_WEATHER_DATA = 0 DEBUG_HISTORY_DATA = 0 DEBUG_DUMP_FORMAT = 'auto' def logmsg(dst, msg): syslog.syslog(dst, 'ws28xx: %s: %s' % (threading.currentThread().getName(), msg)) def logdbg(msg): logmsg(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, msg) def loginf(msg): logmsg(syslog.LOG_INFO, msg) def logcrt(msg): logmsg(syslog.LOG_CRIT, msg) def logerr(msg): logmsg(syslog.LOG_ERR, msg) def log_traceback(dst=syslog.LOG_INFO, prefix='**** '): sfd = StringIO.StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=sfd) for line in sfd: logmsg(dst, prefix + line) del sfd def log_frame(n, buf): logdbg('frame length is %d' % n) strbuf = '' for i in xrange(0,n): strbuf += str('%02x ' % buf[i]) if (i + 1) % 16 == 0: logdbg(strbuf) strbuf = '' if strbuf: logdbg(strbuf) def get_datum_diff(v, np, ofl): if abs(np - v) < 0.001 or abs(ofl - v) < 0.001: return None return v def get_datum_match(v, np, ofl): if np == v or ofl == v: return None return v def calc_checksum(buf, start, end=None): if end is None: end = len(buf[0]) - start cs = 0 for i in xrange(0, end): cs += buf[0][i+start] return cs def get_next_index(idx): return get_index(idx + 1) def get_index(idx): if idx < 0: return idx + WS28xxDriver.max_records elif idx >= WS28xxDriver.max_records: return idx - WS28xxDriver.max_records return idx def tstr_to_ts(tstr): try: return int(time.mktime(time.strptime(tstr, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) except (OverflowError, ValueError, TypeError): pass return None def bytes_to_addr(a, b, c): return ((((a & 0xF) << 8) | b) << 8) | c def addr_to_index(addr): return (addr - 416) / 18 def index_to_addr(idx): return 18 * idx + 416 def print_dict(data): for x in sorted(data.keys()): if x == 'dateTime': print '%s: %s' % (x, weeutil.weeutil.timestamp_to_string(data[x])) else: print '%s: %s' % (x, data[x]) class WS28xxConfEditor(weewx.drivers.AbstractConfEditor): @property def default_stanza(self): return """ [WS28xx] # This section is for the La Crosse WS-2800 series of weather stations. # Radio frequency to use between USB transceiver and console: US or EU # US uses 915 MHz, EU uses 868.3 MHz. Default is US. transceiver_frequency = US # The station model, e.g., 'LaCrosse C86234' or 'TFA Primus' model = LaCrosse WS28xx # The driver to use: driver = weewx.drivers.ws28xx """ def prompt_for_settings(self): print "Specify the frequency used between the station and the" print "transceiver, either 'US' (915 MHz) or 'EU' (868.3 MHz)." freq = self._prompt('frequency', 'US', ['US', 'EU']) return {'transceiver_frequency': freq} class WS28xxConfigurator(weewx.drivers.AbstractConfigurator): def add_options(self, parser): super(WS28xxConfigurator, self).add_options(parser) parser.add_option("--check-transceiver", dest="check", action="store_true", help="check USB transceiver") parser.add_option("--pair", dest="pair", action="store_true", help="pair the USB transceiver with station console") parser.add_option("--info", dest="info", action="store_true", help="display weather station configuration") parser.add_option("--set-interval", dest="interval", type=int, metavar="N", help="set logging interval to N minutes") parser.add_option("--current", dest="current", action="store_true", help="get the current weather conditions") parser.add_option("--history", dest="nrecords", type=int, metavar="N", help="display N history records") parser.add_option("--history-since", dest="recmin", type=int, metavar="N", help="display history records since N minutes ago") parser.add_option("--maxtries", dest="maxtries", type=int, help="maximum number of retries, 0 indicates no max") def do_options(self, options, parser, config_dict, prompt): maxtries = 3 if options.maxtries is None else int(options.maxtries) self.station = WS28xxDriver(**config_dict[DRIVER_NAME]) if options.check: self.check_transceiver(maxtries) elif options.pair: self.pair(maxtries) elif options.interval is not None: self.set_interval(maxtries, options.interval, prompt) elif options.current: self.show_current(maxtries) elif options.nrecords is not None: self.show_history(maxtries, count=options.nrecords) elif options.recmin is not None: ts = int(time.time()) - options.recmin * 60 self.show_history(maxtries, ts=ts) else: self.show_info(maxtries) self.station.closePort() def check_transceiver(self, maxtries): """See if the transceiver is installed and operational.""" print 'Checking for transceiver...' ntries = 0 while ntries < maxtries: ntries += 1 if self.station.transceiver_is_present(): print 'Transceiver is present' sn = self.station.get_transceiver_serial() print 'serial: %s' % sn tid = self.station.get_transceiver_id() print 'id: %d (0x%04x)' % (tid, tid) break print 'Not found (attempt %d of %d) ...' % (ntries, maxtries) time.sleep(5) else: print 'Transceiver not responding.' def pair(self, maxtries): """Pair the transceiver with the station console.""" print 'Pairing transceiver with console...' maxwait = 90 # how long to wait between button presses, in seconds ntries = 0 while ntries < maxtries or maxtries == 0: if self.station.transceiver_is_paired(): print 'Transceiver is paired to console' break ntries += 1 msg = 'Press and hold the [v] key until "PC" appears' if maxtries > 0: msg += ' (attempt %d of %d)' % (ntries, maxtries) else: msg += ' (attempt %d)' % ntries print msg now = start_ts = int(time.time()) while (now - start_ts < maxwait and not self.station.transceiver_is_paired()): time.sleep(5) now = int(time.time()) else: print 'Transceiver not paired to console.' def get_interval(self, maxtries): cfg = self.get_config(maxtries) if cfg is None: return None return getHistoryInterval(cfg['history_interval']) def get_config(self, maxtries): start_ts = None ntries = 0 while ntries < maxtries or maxtries == 0: cfg = self.station.get_config() if cfg is not None: return cfg ntries += 1 if start_ts is None: start_ts = int(time.time()) else: dur = int(time.time()) - start_ts print 'No data after %d seconds (press SET to sync)' % dur time.sleep(30) return None def set_interval(self, maxtries, interval, prompt): """Set the station archive interval""" print "This feature is not yet implemented" def show_info(self, maxtries): """Query the station then display the settings.""" print 'Querying the station for the configuration...' cfg = self.get_config(maxtries) if cfg is not None: print_dict(cfg) def show_current(self, maxtries): """Get current weather observation.""" print 'Querying the station for current weather data...' start_ts = None ntries = 0 while ntries < maxtries or maxtries == 0: packet = self.station.get_observation() if packet is not None: print_dict(packet) break ntries += 1 if start_ts is None: start_ts = int(time.time()) else: dur = int(time.time()) - start_ts print 'No data after %d seconds (press SET to sync)' % dur time.sleep(30) def show_history(self, maxtries, ts=0, count=0): """Display the indicated number of records or the records since the specified timestamp (local time, in seconds)""" print "Querying the station for historical records..." ntries = 0 last_n = nrem = None last_ts = int(time.time()) self.station.start_caching_history(since_ts=ts, num_rec=count) while nrem is None or nrem > 0: if ntries >= maxtries: print 'Giving up after %d tries' % ntries break time.sleep(30) ntries += 1 now = int(time.time()) n = self.station.get_num_history_scanned() if n == last_n: dur = now - last_ts print 'No data after %d seconds (press SET to sync)' % dur else: ntries = 0 last_ts = now last_n = n nrem = self.station.get_uncached_history_count() ni = self.station.get_next_history_index() li = self.station.get_latest_history_index() msg = " scanned %s records: current=%s latest=%s remaining=%s\r" % (n, ni, li, nrem) sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.flush() self.station.stop_caching_history() records = self.station.get_history_cache_records() self.station.clear_history_cache() print print 'Found %d records' % len(records) for r in records: print r class WS28xxDriver(weewx.drivers.AbstractDevice): """Driver for LaCrosse WS28xx stations.""" max_records = 1797 def __init__(self, **stn_dict) : """Initialize the station object. model: Which station model is this? [Optional. Default is 'LaCrosse WS28xx'] transceiver_frequency: Frequency for transceiver-to-console. Specify either US or EU. [Required. Default is US] polling_interval: How often to sample the USB interface for data. [Optional. Default is 30 seconds] comm_interval: Communications mode interval [Optional. Default is 3] device_id: The USB device ID for the transceiver. If there are multiple devices with the same vendor and product IDs on the bus, each will have a unique device identifier. Use this identifier to indicate which device should be used. [Optional. Default is None] serial: The transceiver serial number. If there are multiple devices with the same vendor and product IDs on the bus, each will have a unique serial number. Use the serial number to indicate which transceiver should be used. [Optional. Default is None] """ self.model = stn_dict.get('model', 'LaCrosse WS28xx') self.polling_interval = int(stn_dict.get('polling_interval', 30)) self.comm_interval = int(stn_dict.get('comm_interval', 3)) self.frequency = stn_dict.get('transceiver_frequency', 'US') self.device_id = stn_dict.get('device_id', None) self.serial = stn_dict.get('serial', None) self.vendor_id = 0x6666 self.product_id = 0x5555 now = int(time.time()) self._service = None self._last_rain = None self._last_obs_ts = None self._last_nodata_log_ts = now self._nodata_interval = 300 # how often to check for no data self._last_contact_log_ts = now self._nocontact_interval = 300 # how often to check for no contact self._log_interval = 600 # how often to log global DEBUG_COMM DEBUG_COMM = int(stn_dict.get('debug_comm', 0)) global DEBUG_CONFIG_DATA DEBUG_CONFIG_DATA = int(stn_dict.get('debug_config_data', 0)) global DEBUG_WEATHER_DATA DEBUG_WEATHER_DATA = int(stn_dict.get('debug_weather_data', 0)) global DEBUG_HISTORY_DATA DEBUG_HISTORY_DATA = int(stn_dict.get('debug_history_data', 0)) global DEBUG_DUMP_FORMAT DEBUG_DUMP_FORMAT = stn_dict.get('debug_dump_format', 'auto') loginf('driver version is %s' % DRIVER_VERSION) loginf('frequency is %s' % self.frequency) self.startUp() @property def hardware_name(self): return self.model # this is invoked by StdEngine as it shuts down def closePort(self): self.shutDown() def genLoopPackets(self): """Generator function that continuously returns decoded packets.""" while True: now = int(time.time()+0.5) packet = self.get_observation() if packet is not None: ts = packet['dateTime'] if self._last_obs_ts is None or self._last_obs_ts != ts: self._last_obs_ts = ts self._last_nodata_log_ts = now self._last_contact_log_ts = now else: packet = None # if no new weather data, return an empty packet if packet is None: packet = {'usUnits': weewx.METRIC, 'dateTime': now} # if no new weather data for awhile, log it if self._last_obs_ts is None or \ now - self._last_obs_ts > self._nodata_interval: if now - self._last_nodata_log_ts > self._log_interval: msg = 'no new weather data' if self._last_obs_ts is not None: msg += ' after %d seconds' % ( now - self._last_obs_ts) loginf(msg) self._last_nodata_log_ts = now # if no contact with console for awhile, log it ts = self.get_last_contact() if ts is None or now - ts > self._nocontact_interval: if now - self._last_contact_log_ts > self._log_interval: msg = 'no contact with console' if ts is not None: msg += ' after %d seconds' % (now - ts) msg += ': press [SET] to sync' loginf(msg) self._last_contact_log_ts = now yield packet time.sleep(self.polling_interval) def genStartupRecords(self, ts): loginf('Scanning historical records') maxtries = 65 ntries = 0 last_n = n = nrem = None last_ts = now = int(time.time()) self.start_caching_history(since_ts=ts) while nrem is None or nrem > 0: if ntries >= maxtries: logerr('No historical data after %d tries' % ntries) return time.sleep(60) ntries += 1 now = int(time.time()) n = self.get_num_history_scanned() if n == last_n: dur = now - last_ts loginf('No data after %d seconds (press SET to sync)' % dur) else: ntries = 0 last_ts = now last_n = n nrem = self.get_uncached_history_count() ni = self.get_next_history_index() li = self.get_latest_history_index() loginf("Scanned %s records: current=%s latest=%s remaining=%s" % (n, ni, li, nrem)) self.stop_caching_history() records = self.get_history_cache_records() self.clear_history_cache() loginf('Found %d historical records' % len(records)) last_ts = None for r in records: if last_ts is not None and r['dateTime'] is not None: r['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC r['interval'] = (r['dateTime'] - last_ts) / 60 yield r last_ts = r['dateTime'] # FIXME: do not implement hardware record generation until we figure # out how to query the historical records faster. # def genArchiveRecords(self, since_ts): # pass # FIXME: implement retries for this so that rf thread has time to get # configuration data from the station # @property # def archive_interval(self): # cfg = self.get_config() # return getHistoryInterval(cfg['history_interval']) * 60 # FIXME: implement set/get time # def setTime(self): # pass # def getTime(self): # pass def startUp(self): if self._service is not None: return self._service = CCommunicationService() self._service.setup(self.frequency, self.vendor_id, self.product_id, self.device_id, self.serial, comm_interval=self.comm_interval) self._service.startRFThread() def shutDown(self): self._service.stopRFThread() self._service.teardown() self._service = None def transceiver_is_present(self): return self._service.DataStore.getTransceiverPresent() def transceiver_is_paired(self): return self._service.DataStore.getDeviceRegistered() def get_transceiver_serial(self): return self._service.DataStore.getTransceiverSerNo() def get_transceiver_id(self): return self._service.DataStore.getDeviceID() def get_last_contact(self): return self._service.getLastStat().last_seen_ts def get_observation(self): data = self._service.getWeatherData() ts = data._timestamp if ts is None: return None # add elements required for weewx LOOP packets packet = {} packet['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC packet['dateTime'] = ts # data from the station sensors packet['inTemp'] = get_datum_diff(data._TempIndoor, CWeatherTraits.TemperatureNP(), CWeatherTraits.TemperatureOFL()) packet['inHumidity'] = get_datum_diff(data._HumidityIndoor, CWeatherTraits.HumidityNP(), CWeatherTraits.HumidityOFL()) packet['outTemp'] = get_datum_diff(data._TempOutdoor, CWeatherTraits.TemperatureNP(), CWeatherTraits.TemperatureOFL()) packet['outHumidity'] = get_datum_diff(data._HumidityOutdoor, CWeatherTraits.HumidityNP(), CWeatherTraits.HumidityOFL()) packet['pressure'] = get_datum_diff(data._PressureRelative_hPa, CWeatherTraits.PressureNP(), CWeatherTraits.PressureOFL()) packet['windSpeed'] = get_datum_diff(data._WindSpeed, CWeatherTraits.WindNP(), CWeatherTraits.WindOFL()) packet['windGust'] = get_datum_diff(data._Gust, CWeatherTraits.WindNP(), CWeatherTraits.WindOFL()) packet['windDir'] = getWindDir(data._WindDirection, packet['windSpeed']) packet['windGustDir'] = getWindDir(data._GustDirection, packet['windGust']) # calculated elements not directly reported by station packet['rainRate'] = get_datum_match(data._Rain1H, CWeatherTraits.RainNP(), CWeatherTraits.RainOFL()) if packet['rainRate'] is not None: packet['rainRate'] /= 10 # weewx wants cm/hr rain_total = get_datum_match(data._RainTotal, CWeatherTraits.RainNP(), CWeatherTraits.RainOFL()) delta = weewx.wxformulas.calculate_rain(rain_total, self._last_rain) self._last_rain = rain_total packet['rain'] = delta if packet['rain'] is not None: packet['rain'] /= 10 # weewx wants cm # track the signal strength and battery levels laststat = self._service.getLastStat() packet['rxCheckPercent'] = laststat.LastLinkQuality packet['windBatteryStatus'] = getBatteryStatus( laststat.LastBatteryStatus, 'wind') packet['rainBatteryStatus'] = getBatteryStatus( laststat.LastBatteryStatus, 'rain') packet['outTempBatteryStatus'] = getBatteryStatus( laststat.LastBatteryStatus, 'th') packet['inTempBatteryStatus'] = getBatteryStatus( laststat.LastBatteryStatus, 'console') return packet def get_config(self): logdbg('get station configuration') cfg = self._service.getConfigData().asDict() cs = cfg.get('checksum_out') if cs is None or cs == 0: return None return cfg def start_caching_history(self, since_ts=0, num_rec=0): self._service.startCachingHistory(since_ts, num_rec) def stop_caching_history(self): self._service.stopCachingHistory() def get_uncached_history_count(self): return self._service.getUncachedHistoryCount() def get_next_history_index(self): return self._service.getNextHistoryIndex() def get_latest_history_index(self): return self._service.getLatestHistoryIndex() def get_num_history_scanned(self): return self._service.getNumHistoryScanned() def get_history_cache_records(self): return self._service.getHistoryCacheRecords() def clear_history_cache(self): self._service.clearHistoryCache() def set_interval(self, interval): # FIXME: set the archive interval pass # The following classes and methods are adapted from the implementation by # eddie de pieri, which is in turn based on the HeavyWeather implementation. class BadResponse(Exception): """raised when unexpected data found in frame buffer""" pass class DataWritten(Exception): """raised when message 'data written' in frame buffer""" pass class BitHandling: # return a nonzero result, 2**offset, if the bit at 'offset' is one. @staticmethod def testBit(int_type, offset): mask = 1 << offset return int_type & mask # return an integer with the bit at 'offset' set to 1. @staticmethod def setBit(int_type, offset): mask = 1 << offset return int_type | mask # return an integer with the bit at 'offset' set to 1. @staticmethod def setBitVal(int_type, offset, val): mask = val << offset return int_type | mask # return an integer with the bit at 'offset' cleared. @staticmethod def clearBit(int_type, offset): mask = ~(1 << offset) return int_type & mask # return an integer with the bit at 'offset' inverted, 0->1 and 1->0. @staticmethod def toggleBit(int_type, offset): mask = 1 << offset return int_type ^ mask class EHistoryInterval: hi01Min = 0 hi05Min = 1 hi10Min = 2 hi15Min = 3 hi20Min = 4 hi30Min = 5 hi60Min = 6 hi02Std = 7 hi04Std = 8 hi06Std = 9 hi08Std = 0xA hi12Std = 0xB hi24Std = 0xC class EWindspeedFormat: wfMs = 0 wfKnots = 1 wfBFT = 2 wfKmh = 3 wfMph = 4 class ERainFormat: rfMm = 0 rfInch = 1 class EPressureFormat: pfinHg = 0 pfHPa = 1 class ETemperatureFormat: tfFahrenheit = 0 tfCelsius = 1 class EClockMode: ct24H = 0 ctAmPm = 1 class EWeatherTendency: TREND_NEUTRAL = 0 TREND_UP = 1 TREND_DOWN = 2 TREND_ERR = 3 class EWeatherState: WEATHER_BAD = 0 WEATHER_NEUTRAL = 1 WEATHER_GOOD = 2 WEATHER_ERR = 3 class EWindDirection: wdN = 0 wdNNE = 1 wdNE = 2 wdENE = 3 wdE = 4 wdESE = 5 wdSE = 6 wdSSE = 7 wdS = 8 wdSSW = 9 wdSW = 0x0A wdWSW = 0x0B wdW = 0x0C wdWNW = 0x0D wdNW = 0x0E wdNNW = 0x0F wdERR = 0x10 wdInvalid = 0x11 wdNone = 0x12 def getWindDir(wdir, wspeed): if wspeed is None or wspeed == 0: return None if wdir < 0 or wdir >= 16: return None return wdir * 360 / 16 class EResetMinMaxFlags: rmTempIndoorHi = 0 rmTempIndoorLo = 1 rmTempOutdoorHi = 2 rmTempOutdoorLo = 3 rmWindchillHi = 4 rmWindchillLo = 5 rmDewpointHi = 6 rmDewpointLo = 7 rmHumidityIndoorLo = 8 rmHumidityIndoorHi = 9 rmHumidityOutdoorLo = 0x0A rmHumidityOutdoorHi = 0x0B rmWindspeedHi = 0x0C rmWindspeedLo = 0x0D rmGustHi = 0x0E rmGustLo = 0x0F rmPressureLo = 0x10 rmPressureHi = 0x11 rmRain1hHi = 0x12 rmRain24hHi = 0x13 rmRainLastWeekHi = 0x14 rmRainLastMonthHi = 0x15 rmRainTotal = 0x16 rmInvalid = 0x17 class ERequestType: rtGetCurrent = 0 rtGetHistory = 1 rtGetConfig = 2 rtSetConfig = 3 rtSetTime = 4 rtFirstConfig = 5 rtINVALID = 6 class EAction: aGetHistory = 0 aReqSetTime = 1 aReqSetConfig = 2 aGetConfig = 3 aGetCurrent = 5 aSendTime = 0xc0 aSendConfig = 0x40 class ERequestState: rsQueued = 0 rsRunning = 1 rsFinished = 2 rsPreamble = 3 rsWaitDevice = 4 rsWaitConfig = 5 rsError = 6 rsChanged = 7 rsINVALID = 8 class EResponseType: rtDataWritten = 0x20 rtGetConfig = 0x40 rtGetCurrentWeather = 0x60 rtGetHistory = 0x80 rtRequest = 0xa0 rtReqFirstConfig = 0xa1 rtReqSetConfig = 0xa2 rtReqSetTime = 0xa3 # frequency standards and their associated transmission frequencies class EFrequency: fsUS = 'US' tfUS = 905000000 fsEU = 'EU' tfEU = 868300000 def getFrequency(standard): if standard == EFrequency.fsUS: return EFrequency.tfUS elif standard == EFrequency.fsEU: return EFrequency.tfEU logerr("unknown frequency standard '%s', using US" % standard) return EFrequency.tfUS def getFrequencyStandard(frequency): if frequency == EFrequency.tfUS: return EFrequency.fsUS elif frequency == EFrequency.tfEU: return EFrequency.fsEU logerr("unknown frequency '%s', using US" % frequency) return EFrequency.fsUS # HWPro presents battery flags as WS/TH/RAIN/WIND # 0 - wind # 1 - rain # 2 - thermo-hygro # 3 - console batterybits = {'wind':0, 'rain':1, 'th':2, 'console':3} def getBatteryStatus(status, flag): """Return 1 if bit is set, 0 otherwise""" bit = batterybits.get(flag) if bit is None: return None if BitHandling.testBit(status, bit): return 1 return 0 history_intervals = { EHistoryInterval.hi01Min: 1, EHistoryInterval.hi05Min: 5, EHistoryInterval.hi10Min: 10, EHistoryInterval.hi20Min: 20, EHistoryInterval.hi30Min: 30, EHistoryInterval.hi60Min: 60, EHistoryInterval.hi02Std: 120, EHistoryInterval.hi04Std: 240, EHistoryInterval.hi06Std: 360, EHistoryInterval.hi08Std: 480, EHistoryInterval.hi12Std: 720, EHistoryInterval.hi24Std: 1440, } def getHistoryInterval(i): return history_intervals.get(i) # NP - not present # OFL - outside factory limits class CWeatherTraits(object): windDirMap = { 0: "N", 1: "NNE", 2: "NE", 3: "ENE", 4: "E", 5: "ESE", 6: "SE", 7: "SSE", 8: "S", 9: "SSW", 10: "SW", 11: "WSW", 12: "W", 13: "WNW", 14: "NW", 15: "NWN", 16: "err", 17: "inv", 18: "None" } forecastMap = { 0: "Rainy(Bad)", 1: "Cloudy(Neutral)", 2: "Sunny(Good)", 3: "Error" } trendMap = { 0: "Stable(Neutral)", 1: "Rising(Up)", 2: "Falling(Down)", 3: "Error" } @staticmethod def TemperatureNP(): return 81.099998 @staticmethod def TemperatureOFL(): return 136.0 @staticmethod def PressureNP(): return 10101010.0 @staticmethod def PressureOFL(): return 16666.5 @staticmethod def HumidityNP(): return 110.0 @staticmethod def HumidityOFL(): return 121.0 @staticmethod def RainNP(): return -0.2 @staticmethod def RainOFL(): return 16666.664 @staticmethod def WindNP(): return 183.6 # km/h = 51.0 m/s @staticmethod def WindOFL(): return 183.96 # km/h = 51.099998 m/s @staticmethod def TemperatureOffset(): return 40.0 class CMeasurement: _Value = 0.0 _ResetFlag = 23 _IsError = 1 _IsOverflow = 1 _Time = None def Reset(self): self._Value = 0.0 self._ResetFlag = 23 self._IsError = 1 self._IsOverflow = 1 class CMinMaxMeasurement(object): def __init__(self): self._Min = CMeasurement() self._Max = CMeasurement() # firmware XXX has bogus date values for these fields _bad_labels = ['RainLastMonthMax','RainLastWeekMax','PressureRelativeMin'] class USBHardware(object): @staticmethod def isOFL2(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble): if StartOnHiNibble: result = (buf[0][start+0] >> 4) == 15 \ or (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) == 15 else: result = (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) == 15 \ or (buf[0][start+1] >> 4) == 15 return result @staticmethod def isOFL3(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble): if StartOnHiNibble: result = (buf[0][start+0] >> 4) == 15 \ or (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) == 15 \ or (buf[0][start+1] >> 4) == 15 else: result = (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) == 15 \ or (buf[0][start+1] >> 4) == 15 \ or (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF) == 15 return result @staticmethod def isOFL5(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble): if StartOnHiNibble: result = (buf[0][start+0] >> 4) == 15 \ or (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) == 15 \ or (buf[0][start+1] >> 4) == 15 \ or (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF) == 15 \ or (buf[0][start+2] >> 4) == 15 else: result = (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) == 15 \ or (buf[0][start+1] >> 4) == 15 \ or (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF) == 15 \ or (buf[0][start+2] >> 4) == 15 \ or (buf[0][start+2] & 0xF) == 15 return result @staticmethod def isErr2(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble): if StartOnHiNibble: result = (buf[0][start+0] >> 4) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+0] >> 4) != 15 \ or (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) != 15 else: result = (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) != 15 \ or (buf[0][start+1] >> 4) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+1] >> 4) != 15 return result @staticmethod def isErr3(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble): if StartOnHiNibble: result = (buf[0][start+0] >> 4) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+0] >> 4) != 15 \ or (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) != 15 \ or (buf[0][start+1] >> 4) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+1] >> 4) != 15 else: result = (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) != 15 \ or (buf[0][start+1] >> 4) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+1] >> 4) != 15 \ or (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF) != 15 return result @staticmethod def isErr5(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble): if StartOnHiNibble: result = (buf[0][start+0] >> 4) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+0] >> 4) != 15 \ or (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) != 15 \ or (buf[0][start+1] >> 4) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+1] >> 4) != 15 \ or (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF) != 15 \ or (buf[0][start+2] >> 4) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+2] >> 4) != 15 else: result = (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) != 15 \ or (buf[0][start+1] >> 4) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+1] >> 4) != 15 \ or (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF) != 15 \ or (buf[0][start+2] >> 4) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+2] >> 4) != 15 \ or (buf[0][start+2] & 0xF) >= 10 \ and (buf[0][start+2] & 0xF) != 15 return result @staticmethod def reverseByteOrder(buf, start, Count): nbuf=buf[0] for i in xrange(0, Count >> 1): tmp = nbuf[start + i] nbuf[start + i] = nbuf[start + Count - i - 1] nbuf[start + Count - i - 1 ] = tmp buf[0]=nbuf @staticmethod def readWindDirectionShared(buf, start): return (buf[0][0+start] & 0xF, buf[0][start] >> 4) @staticmethod def toInt_2(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble): """read 2 nibbles""" if StartOnHiNibble: rawpre = (buf[0][start+0] >> 4)* 10 \ + (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF)* 1 else: rawpre = (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF)* 10 \ + (buf[0][start+1] >> 4)* 1 return rawpre @staticmethod def toRain_7_3(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble): """read 7 nibbles, presentation with 3 decimals; units of mm""" if (USBHardware.isErr2(buf, start+0, StartOnHiNibble) or USBHardware.isErr5(buf, start+1, StartOnHiNibble)): result = CWeatherTraits.RainNP() elif (USBHardware.isOFL2(buf, start+0, StartOnHiNibble) or USBHardware.isOFL5(buf, start+1, StartOnHiNibble)): result = CWeatherTraits.RainOFL() elif StartOnHiNibble: result = (buf[0][start+0] >> 4)* 1000 \ + (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF)* 100 \ + (buf[0][start+1] >> 4)* 10 \ + (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF)* 1 \ + (buf[0][start+2] >> 4)* 0.1 \ + (buf[0][start+2] & 0xF)* 0.01 \ + (buf[0][start+3] >> 4)* 0.001 else: result = (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF)* 1000 \ + (buf[0][start+1] >> 4)* 100 \ + (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF)* 10 \ + (buf[0][start+2] >> 4)* 1 \ + (buf[0][start+2] & 0xF)* 0.1 \ + (buf[0][start+3] >> 4)* 0.01 \ + (buf[0][start+3] & 0xF)* 0.001 return result @staticmethod def toRain_6_2(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble): '''read 6 nibbles, presentation with 2 decimals; units of mm''' if (USBHardware.isErr2(buf, start+0, StartOnHiNibble) or USBHardware.isErr2(buf, start+1, StartOnHiNibble) or USBHardware.isErr2(buf, start+2, StartOnHiNibble) ): result = CWeatherTraits.RainNP() elif (USBHardware.isOFL2(buf, start+0, StartOnHiNibble) or USBHardware.isOFL2(buf, start+1, StartOnHiNibble) or USBHardware.isOFL2(buf, start+2, StartOnHiNibble)): result = CWeatherTraits.RainOFL() elif StartOnHiNibble: result = (buf[0][start+0] >> 4)* 1000 \ + (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF)* 100 \ + (buf[0][start+1] >> 4)* 10 \ + (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF)* 1 \ + (buf[0][start+2] >> 4)* 0.1 \ + (buf[0][start+2] & 0xF)* 0.01 else: result = (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF)* 1000 \ + (buf[0][start+1] >> 4)* 100 \ + (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF)* 10 \ + (buf[0][start+2] >> 4)* 1 \ + (buf[0][start+2] & 0xF)* 0.1 \ + (buf[0][start+3] >> 4)* 0.01 return result @staticmethod def toRain_3_1(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble): """read 3 nibbles, presentation with 1 decimal; units of 0.1 inch""" if StartOnHiNibble: hibyte = buf[0][start+0] lobyte = (buf[0][start+1] >> 4) & 0xF else: hibyte = 16*(buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) + ((buf[0][start+1] >> 4) & 0xF) lobyte = buf[0][start+1] & 0xF if hibyte == 0xFF and lobyte == 0xE : result = CWeatherTraits.RainNP() elif hibyte == 0xFF and lobyte == 0xF : result = CWeatherTraits.RainOFL() else: val = USBHardware.toFloat_3_1(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble) # 0.1 inch result = val * 2.54 # mm return result @staticmethod def toFloat_3_1(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble): """read 3 nibbles, presentation with 1 decimal""" if StartOnHiNibble: result = (buf[0][start+0] >> 4)*16**2 \ + (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF)* 16**1 \ + (buf[0][start+1] >> 4)* 16**0 else: result = (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF)*16**2 \ + (buf[0][start+1] >> 4)* 16**1 \ + (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF)* 16**0 result = result / 10.0 return result @staticmethod def toDateTime(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble, label): """read 10 nibbles, presentation as DateTime""" result = None if (USBHardware.isErr2(buf, start+0, StartOnHiNibble) or USBHardware.isErr2(buf, start+1, StartOnHiNibble) or USBHardware.isErr2(buf, start+2, StartOnHiNibble) or USBHardware.isErr2(buf, start+3, StartOnHiNibble) or USBHardware.isErr2(buf, start+4, StartOnHiNibble)): logerr('ToDateTime: bogus date for %s: error status in buffer' % label) else: year = USBHardware.toInt_2(buf, start+0, StartOnHiNibble) + 2000 month = USBHardware.toInt_2(buf, start+1, StartOnHiNibble) days = USBHardware.toInt_2(buf, start+2, StartOnHiNibble) hours = USBHardware.toInt_2(buf, start+3, StartOnHiNibble) minutes = USBHardware.toInt_2(buf, start+4, StartOnHiNibble) try: result = datetime(year, month, days, hours, minutes) except ValueError: if label not in _bad_labels: logerr(('ToDateTime: bogus date for %s:' ' bad date conversion from' ' %s %s %s %s %s') % (label, minutes, hours, days, month, year)) if result is None: # FIXME: use None instead of a really old date to indicate invalid result = datetime(1900, 01, 01, 00, 00) return result @staticmethod def toHumidity_2_0(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble): """read 2 nibbles, presentation with 0 decimal""" if USBHardware.isErr2(buf, start+0, StartOnHiNibble): result = CWeatherTraits.HumidityNP() elif USBHardware.isOFL2(buf, start+0, StartOnHiNibble): result = CWeatherTraits.HumidityOFL() else: result = USBHardware.toInt_2(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble) return result @staticmethod def toTemperature_5_3(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble): """read 5 nibbles, presentation with 3 decimals; units of degree C""" if USBHardware.isErr5(buf, start+0, StartOnHiNibble): result = CWeatherTraits.TemperatureNP() elif USBHardware.isOFL5(buf, start+0, StartOnHiNibble): result = CWeatherTraits.TemperatureOFL() else: if StartOnHiNibble: rawtemp = (buf[0][start+0] >> 4)* 10 \ + (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF)* 1 \ + (buf[0][start+1] >> 4)* 0.1 \ + (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF)* 0.01 \ + (buf[0][start+2] >> 4)* 0.001 else: rawtemp = (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF)* 10 \ + (buf[0][start+1] >> 4)* 1 \ + (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF)* 0.1 \ + (buf[0][start+2] >> 4)* 0.01 \ + (buf[0][start+2] & 0xF)* 0.001 result = rawtemp - CWeatherTraits.TemperatureOffset() return result @staticmethod def toTemperature_3_1(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble): """read 3 nibbles, presentation with 1 decimal; units of degree C""" if USBHardware.isErr3(buf, start+0, StartOnHiNibble): result = CWeatherTraits.TemperatureNP() elif USBHardware.isOFL3(buf, start+0, StartOnHiNibble): result = CWeatherTraits.TemperatureOFL() else: if StartOnHiNibble : rawtemp = (buf[0][start+0] >> 4)* 10 \ + (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF)* 1 \ + (buf[0][start+1] >> 4)* 0.1 else: rawtemp = (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF)* 10 \ + (buf[0][start+1] >> 4)* 1 \ + (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF)* 0.1 result = rawtemp - CWeatherTraits.TemperatureOffset() return result @staticmethod def toWindspeed_6_2(buf, start): """read 6 nibbles, presentation with 2 decimals; units of km/h""" result = (buf[0][start+0] >> 4)* 16**5 \ + (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF)* 16**4 \ + (buf[0][start+1] >> 4)* 16**3 \ + (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF)* 16**2 \ + (buf[0][start+2] >> 4)* 16**1 \ + (buf[0][start+2] & 0xF) result /= 256.0 result /= 100.0 # km/h return result @staticmethod def toWindspeed_3_1(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble): """read 3 nibbles, presentation with 1 decimal; units of m/s""" if StartOnHiNibble : hibyte = buf[0][start+0] lobyte = (buf[0][start+1] >> 4) & 0xF else: hibyte = 16*(buf[0][start+0] & 0xF) + ((buf[0][start+1] >> 4) & 0xF) lobyte = buf[0][start+1] & 0xF if hibyte == 0xFF and lobyte == 0xE: result = CWeatherTraits.WindNP() elif hibyte == 0xFF and lobyte == 0xF: result = CWeatherTraits.WindOFL() else: result = USBHardware.toFloat_3_1(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble) # m/s result *= 3.6 # km/h return result @staticmethod def readPressureShared(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble): return (USBHardware.toPressure_hPa_5_1(buf,start+2,1-StartOnHiNibble), USBHardware.toPressure_inHg_5_2(buf,start,StartOnHiNibble)) @staticmethod def toPressure_hPa_5_1(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble): """read 5 nibbles, presentation with 1 decimal; units of hPa (mbar)""" if USBHardware.isErr5(buf, start+0, StartOnHiNibble): result = CWeatherTraits.PressureNP() elif USBHardware.isOFL5(buf, start+0, StartOnHiNibble): result = CWeatherTraits.PressureOFL() elif StartOnHiNibble : result = (buf[0][start+0] >> 4)* 1000 \ + (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF)* 100 \ + (buf[0][start+1] >> 4)* 10 \ + (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF)* 1 \ + (buf[0][start+2] >> 4)* 0.1 else: result = (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF)* 1000 \ + (buf[0][start+1] >> 4)* 100 \ + (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF)* 10 \ + (buf[0][start+2] >> 4)* 1 \ + (buf[0][start+2] & 0xF)* 0.1 return result @staticmethod def toPressure_inHg_5_2(buf, start, StartOnHiNibble): """read 5 nibbles, presentation with 2 decimals; units of inHg""" if USBHardware.isErr5(buf, start+0, StartOnHiNibble): result = CWeatherTraits.PressureNP() elif USBHardware.isOFL5(buf, start+0, StartOnHiNibble): result = CWeatherTraits.PressureOFL() elif StartOnHiNibble : result = (buf[0][start+0] >> 4)* 100 \ + (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF)* 10 \ + (buf[0][start+1] >> 4)* 1 \ + (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF)* 0.1 \ + (buf[0][start+2] >> 4)* 0.01 else: result = (buf[0][start+0] & 0xF)* 100 \ + (buf[0][start+1] >> 4)* 10 \ + (buf[0][start+1] & 0xF)* 1 \ + (buf[0][start+2] >> 4)* 0.1 \ + (buf[0][start+2] & 0xF)* 0.01 return result class CCurrentWeatherData(object): def __init__(self): self._timestamp = None self._checksum = None self._PressureRelative_hPa = CWeatherTraits.PressureNP() self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._PressureRelative_inHg = CWeatherTraits.PressureNP() self._PressureRelative_inHgMinMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._WindSpeed = CWeatherTraits.WindNP() self._WindDirection = EWindDirection.wdNone self._WindDirection1 = EWindDirection.wdNone self._WindDirection2 = EWindDirection.wdNone self._WindDirection3 = EWindDirection.wdNone self._WindDirection4 = EWindDirection.wdNone self._WindDirection5 = EWindDirection.wdNone self._Gust = CWeatherTraits.WindNP() self._GustMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._GustDirection = EWindDirection.wdNone self._GustDirection1 = EWindDirection.wdNone self._GustDirection2 = EWindDirection.wdNone self._GustDirection3 = EWindDirection.wdNone self._GustDirection4 = EWindDirection.wdNone self._GustDirection5 = EWindDirection.wdNone self._Rain1H = CWeatherTraits.RainNP() self._Rain1HMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._Rain24H = CWeatherTraits.RainNP() self._Rain24HMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._RainLastWeek = CWeatherTraits.RainNP() self._RainLastWeekMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._RainLastMonth = CWeatherTraits.RainNP() self._RainLastMonthMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._RainTotal = CWeatherTraits.RainNP() self._LastRainReset = None self._TempIndoor = CWeatherTraits.TemperatureNP() self._TempIndoorMinMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._TempOutdoor = CWeatherTraits.TemperatureNP() self._TempOutdoorMinMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._HumidityIndoor = CWeatherTraits.HumidityNP() self._HumidityIndoorMinMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._HumidityOutdoor = CWeatherTraits.HumidityNP() self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._Dewpoint = CWeatherTraits.TemperatureNP() self._DewpointMinMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._Windchill = CWeatherTraits.TemperatureNP() self._WindchillMinMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._WeatherState = EWeatherState.WEATHER_ERR self._WeatherTendency = EWeatherTendency.TREND_ERR self._AlarmRingingFlags = 0 self._AlarmMarkedFlags = 0 self._PresRel_hPa_Max = 0.0 self._PresRel_inHg_Max = 0.0 @staticmethod def calcChecksum(buf): return calc_checksum(buf, 6) def checksum(self): return self._checksum def read(self, buf): self._timestamp = int(time.time() + 0.5) self._checksum = CCurrentWeatherData.calcChecksum(buf) nbuf = [0] nbuf[0] = buf[0] self._StartBytes = nbuf[0][6]*0xF + nbuf[0][7] # FIXME: what is this? self._WeatherTendency = (nbuf[0][8] >> 4) & 0xF if self._WeatherTendency > 3: self._WeatherTendency = 3 self._WeatherState = nbuf[0][8] & 0xF if self._WeatherState > 3: self._WeatherState = 3 self._TempIndoorMinMax._Max._Value = USBHardware.toTemperature_5_3(nbuf, 19, 0) self._TempIndoorMinMax._Min._Value = USBHardware.toTemperature_5_3(nbuf, 22, 1) self._TempIndoor = USBHardware.toTemperature_5_3(nbuf, 24, 0) self._TempIndoorMinMax._Min._IsError = (self._TempIndoorMinMax._Min._Value == CWeatherTraits.TemperatureNP()) self._TempIndoorMinMax._Min._IsOverflow = (self._TempIndoorMinMax._Min._Value == CWeatherTraits.TemperatureOFL()) self._TempIndoorMinMax._Max._IsError = (self._TempIndoorMinMax._Max._Value == CWeatherTraits.TemperatureNP()) self._TempIndoorMinMax._Max._IsOverflow = (self._TempIndoorMinMax._Max._Value == CWeatherTraits.TemperatureOFL()) self._TempIndoorMinMax._Max._Time = None if self._TempIndoorMinMax._Max._IsError or self._TempIndoorMinMax._Max._IsOverflow else USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 9, 0, 'TempIndoorMax') self._TempIndoorMinMax._Min._Time = None if self._TempIndoorMinMax._Min._IsError or self._TempIndoorMinMax._Min._IsOverflow else USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 14, 0, 'TempIndoorMin') self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value = USBHardware.toTemperature_5_3(nbuf, 37, 0) self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value = USBHardware.toTemperature_5_3(nbuf, 40, 1) self._TempOutdoor = USBHardware.toTemperature_5_3(nbuf, 42, 0) self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._IsError = (self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value == CWeatherTraits.TemperatureNP()) self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._IsOverflow = (self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value == CWeatherTraits.TemperatureOFL()) self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._IsError = (self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value == CWeatherTraits.TemperatureNP()) self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._IsOverflow = (self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value == CWeatherTraits.TemperatureOFL()) self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._Time = None if self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._IsError or self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._IsOverflow else USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 27, 0, 'TempOutdoorMax') self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._Time = None if self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._IsError or self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._IsOverflow else USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 32, 0, 'TempOutdoorMin') self._WindchillMinMax._Max._Value = USBHardware.toTemperature_5_3(nbuf, 55, 0) self._WindchillMinMax._Min._Value = USBHardware.toTemperature_5_3(nbuf, 58, 1) self._Windchill = USBHardware.toTemperature_5_3(nbuf, 60, 0) self._WindchillMinMax._Min._IsError = (self._WindchillMinMax._Min._Value == CWeatherTraits.TemperatureNP()) self._WindchillMinMax._Min._IsOverflow = (self._WindchillMinMax._Min._Value == CWeatherTraits.TemperatureOFL()) self._WindchillMinMax._Max._IsError = (self._WindchillMinMax._Max._Value == CWeatherTraits.TemperatureNP()) self._WindchillMinMax._Max._IsOverflow = (self._WindchillMinMax._Max._Value == CWeatherTraits.TemperatureOFL()) self._WindchillMinMax._Max._Time = None if self._WindchillMinMax._Max._IsError or self._WindchillMinMax._Max._IsOverflow else USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 45, 0, 'WindchillMax') self._WindchillMinMax._Min._Time = None if self._WindchillMinMax._Min._IsError or self._WindchillMinMax._Min._IsOverflow else USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 50, 0, 'WindchillMin') self._DewpointMinMax._Max._Value = USBHardware.toTemperature_5_3(nbuf, 73, 0) self._DewpointMinMax._Min._Value = USBHardware.toTemperature_5_3(nbuf, 76, 1) self._Dewpoint = USBHardware.toTemperature_5_3(nbuf, 78, 0) self._DewpointMinMax._Min._IsError = (self._DewpointMinMax._Min._Value == CWeatherTraits.TemperatureNP()) self._DewpointMinMax._Min._IsOverflow = (self._DewpointMinMax._Min._Value == CWeatherTraits.TemperatureOFL()) self._DewpointMinMax._Max._IsError = (self._DewpointMinMax._Max._Value == CWeatherTraits.TemperatureNP()) self._DewpointMinMax._Max._IsOverflow = (self._DewpointMinMax._Max._Value == CWeatherTraits.TemperatureOFL()) self._DewpointMinMax._Min._Time = None if self._DewpointMinMax._Min._IsError or self._DewpointMinMax._Min._IsOverflow else USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 68, 0, 'DewpointMin') self._DewpointMinMax._Max._Time = None if self._DewpointMinMax._Max._IsError or self._DewpointMinMax._Max._IsOverflow else USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 63, 0, 'DewpointMax') self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._Value = USBHardware.toHumidity_2_0(nbuf, 91, 1) self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._Value = USBHardware.toHumidity_2_0(nbuf, 92, 1) self._HumidityIndoor = USBHardware.toHumidity_2_0(nbuf, 93, 1) self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._IsError = (self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._Value == CWeatherTraits.HumidityNP()) self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._IsOverflow = (self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._Value == CWeatherTraits.HumidityOFL()) self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._IsError = (self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._Value == CWeatherTraits.HumidityNP()) self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._IsOverflow = (self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._Value == CWeatherTraits.HumidityOFL()) self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._Time = None if self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._IsError or self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._IsOverflow else USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 81, 1, 'HumidityIndoorMax') self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._Time = None if self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._IsError or self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._IsOverflow else USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 86, 1, 'HumidityIndoorMin') self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value = USBHardware.toHumidity_2_0(nbuf, 104, 1) self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value = USBHardware.toHumidity_2_0(nbuf, 105, 1) self._HumidityOutdoor = USBHardware.toHumidity_2_0(nbuf, 106, 1) self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._IsError = (self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value == CWeatherTraits.HumidityNP()) self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._IsOverflow = (self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value == CWeatherTraits.HumidityOFL()) self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._IsError = (self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value == CWeatherTraits.HumidityNP()) self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._IsOverflow = (self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value == CWeatherTraits.HumidityOFL()) self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._Time = None if self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._IsError or self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._IsOverflow else USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 94, 1, 'HumidityOutdoorMax') self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._Time = None if self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._IsError or self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._IsOverflow else USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 99, 1, 'HumidityOutdoorMin') self._RainLastMonthMax._Max._Time = USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 107, 1, 'RainLastMonthMax') self._RainLastMonthMax._Max._Value = USBHardware.toRain_6_2(nbuf, 112, 1) self._RainLastMonth = USBHardware.toRain_6_2(nbuf, 115, 1) self._RainLastWeekMax._Max._Time = USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 118, 1, 'RainLastWeekMax') self._RainLastWeekMax._Max._Value = USBHardware.toRain_6_2(nbuf, 123, 1) self._RainLastWeek = USBHardware.toRain_6_2(nbuf, 126, 1) self._Rain24HMax._Max._Time = USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 129, 1, 'Rain24HMax') self._Rain24HMax._Max._Value = USBHardware.toRain_6_2(nbuf, 134, 1) self._Rain24H = USBHardware.toRain_6_2(nbuf, 137, 1) self._Rain1HMax._Max._Time = USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 140, 1, 'Rain1HMax') self._Rain1HMax._Max._Value = USBHardware.toRain_6_2(nbuf, 145, 1) self._Rain1H = USBHardware.toRain_6_2(nbuf, 148, 1) self._LastRainReset = USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 151, 0, 'LastRainReset') self._RainTotal = USBHardware.toRain_7_3(nbuf, 156, 0) (w ,w1) = USBHardware.readWindDirectionShared(nbuf, 162) (w2,w3) = USBHardware.readWindDirectionShared(nbuf, 161) (w4,w5) = USBHardware.readWindDirectionShared(nbuf, 160) self._WindDirection = w self._WindDirection1 = w1 self._WindDirection2 = w2 self._WindDirection3 = w3 self._WindDirection4 = w4 self._WindDirection5 = w5 if DEBUG_WEATHER_DATA > 2: unknownbuf = [0]*9 for i in xrange(0,9): unknownbuf[i] = nbuf[163+i] strbuf = "" for i in unknownbuf: strbuf += str("%.2x " % i) logdbg('Bytes with unknown meaning at 157-165: %s' % strbuf) self._WindSpeed = USBHardware.toWindspeed_6_2(nbuf, 172) # FIXME: read the WindErrFlags (g ,g1) = USBHardware.readWindDirectionShared(nbuf, 177) (g2,g3) = USBHardware.readWindDirectionShared(nbuf, 176) (g4,g5) = USBHardware.readWindDirectionShared(nbuf, 175) self._GustDirection = g self._GustDirection1 = g1 self._GustDirection2 = g2 self._GustDirection3 = g3 self._GustDirection4 = g4 self._GustDirection5 = g5 self._GustMax._Max._Value = USBHardware.toWindspeed_6_2(nbuf, 184) self._GustMax._Max._IsError = (self._GustMax._Max._Value == CWeatherTraits.WindNP()) self._GustMax._Max._IsOverflow = (self._GustMax._Max._Value == CWeatherTraits.WindOFL()) self._GustMax._Max._Time = None if self._GustMax._Max._IsError or self._GustMax._Max._IsOverflow else USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 179, 1, 'GustMax') self._Gust = USBHardware.toWindspeed_6_2(nbuf, 187) # Apparently the station returns only ONE date time for both hPa/inHg # Min Time Reset and Max Time Reset self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Max._Time = USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 190, 1, 'PressureRelative_hPaMax') self._PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Max._Time = self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Max._Time self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Min._Time = self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Max._Time # firmware bug, should be: USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 195, 1) self._PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Min._Time = self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Min._Time (self._PresRel_hPa_Max, self._PresRel_inHg_Max) = USBHardware.readPressureShared(nbuf, 195, 1) # firmware bug, should be: self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Min._Time (self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Max._Value, self._PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Max._Value) = USBHardware.readPressureShared(nbuf, 200, 1) (self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Min._Value, self._PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Min._Value) = USBHardware.readPressureShared(nbuf, 205, 1) (self._PressureRelative_hPa, self._PressureRelative_inHg) = USBHardware.readPressureShared(nbuf, 210, 1) def toLog(self): logdbg("_WeatherState=%s _WeatherTendency=%s _AlarmRingingFlags %04x" % (CWeatherTraits.forecastMap[self._WeatherState], CWeatherTraits.trendMap[self._WeatherTendency], self._AlarmRingingFlags)) logdbg("_TempIndoor= %8.3f _Min=%8.3f (%s) _Max=%8.3f (%s)" % (self._TempIndoor, self._TempIndoorMinMax._Min._Value, self._TempIndoorMinMax._Min._Time, self._TempIndoorMinMax._Max._Value, self._TempIndoorMinMax._Max._Time)) logdbg("_HumidityIndoor= %8.3f _Min=%8.3f (%s) _Max=%8.3f (%s)" % (self._HumidityIndoor, self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._Value, self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._Time, self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._Value, self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._Time)) logdbg("_TempOutdoor= %8.3f _Min=%8.3f (%s) _Max=%8.3f (%s)" % (self._TempOutdoor, self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value, self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._Time, self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value, self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._Time)) logdbg("_HumidityOutdoor=%8.3f _Min=%8.3f (%s) _Max=%8.3f (%s)" % (self._HumidityOutdoor, self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value, self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._Time, self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value, self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._Time)) logdbg("_Windchill= %8.3f _Min=%8.3f (%s) _Max=%8.3f (%s)" % (self._Windchill, self._WindchillMinMax._Min._Value, self._WindchillMinMax._Min._Time, self._WindchillMinMax._Max._Value, self._WindchillMinMax._Max._Time)) logdbg("_Dewpoint= %8.3f _Min=%8.3f (%s) _Max=%8.3f (%s)" % (self._Dewpoint, self._DewpointMinMax._Min._Value, self._DewpointMinMax._Min._Time, self._DewpointMinMax._Max._Value, self._DewpointMinMax._Max._Time)) logdbg("_WindSpeed= %8.3f" % self._WindSpeed) logdbg("_Gust= %8.3f _Max=%8.3f (%s)" % (self._Gust, self._GustMax._Max._Value, self._GustMax._Max._Time)) logdbg('_WindDirection= %3s _GustDirection= %3s' % (CWeatherTraits.windDirMap[self._WindDirection], CWeatherTraits.windDirMap[self._GustDirection])) logdbg('_WindDirection1= %3s _GustDirection1= %3s' % (CWeatherTraits.windDirMap[self._WindDirection1], CWeatherTraits.windDirMap[self._GustDirection1])) logdbg('_WindDirection2= %3s _GustDirection2= %3s' % (CWeatherTraits.windDirMap[self._WindDirection2], CWeatherTraits.windDirMap[self._GustDirection2])) logdbg('_WindDirection3= %3s _GustDirection3= %3s' % (CWeatherTraits.windDirMap[self._WindDirection3], CWeatherTraits.windDirMap[self._GustDirection3])) logdbg('_WindDirection4= %3s _GustDirection4= %3s' % (CWeatherTraits.windDirMap[self._WindDirection4], CWeatherTraits.windDirMap[self._GustDirection4])) logdbg('_WindDirection5= %3s _GustDirection5= %3s' % (CWeatherTraits.windDirMap[self._WindDirection5], CWeatherTraits.windDirMap[self._GustDirection5])) if (self._RainLastMonth > 0) or (self._RainLastWeek > 0): logdbg("_RainLastMonth= %8.3f _Max=%8.3f (%s)" % (self._RainLastMonth, self._RainLastMonthMax._Max._Value, self._RainLastMonthMax._Max._Time)) logdbg("_RainLastWeek= %8.3f _Max=%8.3f (%s)" % (self._RainLastWeek, self._RainLastWeekMax._Max._Value, self._RainLastWeekMax._Max._Time)) logdbg("_Rain24H= %8.3f _Max=%8.3f (%s)" % (self._Rain24H, self._Rain24HMax._Max._Value, self._Rain24HMax._Max._Time)) logdbg("_Rain1H= %8.3f _Max=%8.3f (%s)" % (self._Rain1H, self._Rain1HMax._Max._Value, self._Rain1HMax._Max._Time)) logdbg("_RainTotal= %8.3f _LastRainReset= (%s)" % (self._RainTotal, self._LastRainReset)) logdbg("PressureRel_hPa= %8.3f _Min=%8.3f (%s) _Max=%8.3f (%s) " % (self._PressureRelative_hPa, self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Min._Value, self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Min._Time, self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Max._Value, self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Max._Time)) logdbg("PressureRel_inHg=%8.3f _Min=%8.3f (%s) _Max=%8.3f (%s) " % (self._PressureRelative_inHg, self._PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Min._Value, self._PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Min._Time, self._PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Max._Value, self._PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Max._Time)) ###logdbg('(* Bug in Weather Station: PressureRelative._Min._Time is written to location of _PressureRelative._Max._Time') ###logdbg('Instead of PressureRelative._Min._Time we get: _PresRel_hPa_Max= %8.3f, _PresRel_inHg_max =%8.3f;' % (self._PresRel_hPa_Max, self._PresRel_inHg_Max)) class CWeatherStationConfig(object): def __init__(self): self._InBufCS = 0 # checksum of received config self._OutBufCS = 0 # calculated config checksum from outbuf config self._ClockMode = 0 self._TemperatureFormat = 0 self._PressureFormat = 0 self._RainFormat = 0 self._WindspeedFormat = 0 self._WeatherThreshold = 0 self._StormThreshold = 0 self._LCDContrast = 0 self._LowBatFlags = 0 self._WindDirAlarmFlags = 0 self._OtherAlarmFlags = 0 self._ResetMinMaxFlags = 0 # output only self._HistoryInterval = 0 self._TempIndoorMinMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._TempOutdoorMinMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._HumidityIndoorMinMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._Rain24HMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._GustMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() self._PressureRelative_inHgMinMax = CMinMaxMeasurement() def setTemps(self,TempFormat,InTempLo,InTempHi,OutTempLo,OutTempHi): f1 = TempFormat t1 = InTempLo t2 = InTempHi t3 = OutTempLo t4 = OutTempHi if f1 not in [ETemperatureFormat.tfFahrenheit, ETemperatureFormat.tfCelsius]: logerr('setTemps: unknown temperature format %s' % TempFormat) return 0 if t1 < -40.0 or t1 > 59.9 or t2 < -40.0 or t2 > 59.9 or \ t3 < -40.0 or t3 > 59.9 or t4 < -40.0 or t4 > 59.9: logerr('setTemps: one or more values out of range') return 0 self._TemperatureFormat = f1 self._TempIndoorMinMax._Min._Value = t1 self._TempIndoorMinMax._Max._Value = t2 self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value = t3 self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value = t4 return 1 def setHums(self,InHumLo,InHumHi,OutHumLo,OutHumHi): h1 = InHumLo h2 = InHumHi h3 = OutHumLo h4 = OutHumHi if h1 < 1 or h1 > 99 or h2 < 1 or h2 > 99 or \ h3 < 1 or h3 > 99 or h4 < 1 or h4 > 99: logerr('setHums: one or more values out of range') return 0 self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._Value = h1 self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._Value = h2 self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value = h3 self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value = h4 return 1 def setRain24H(self,RainFormat,Rain24hHi): f1 = RainFormat r1 = Rain24hHi if f1 not in [ERainFormat.rfMm, ERainFormat.rfInch]: logerr('setRain24: unknown format %s' % RainFormat) return 0 if r1 < 0.0 or r1 > 9999.9: logerr('setRain24: value outside range') return 0 self._RainFormat = f1 self._Rain24HMax._Max._Value = r1 return 1 def setGust(self,WindSpeedFormat,GustHi): # When the units of a max gust alarm are changed in the weather # station itself, automatically the value is converted to the new # unit and rounded to a whole number. Weewx receives a value # converted to km/h. # # It is too much trouble to sort out what exactly the internal # conversion algoritms are for the other wind units. # # Setting a value in km/h units is tested and works, so this will # be the only option available. f1 = WindSpeedFormat g1 = GustHi if f1 < EWindspeedFormat.wfMs or f1 > EWindspeedFormat.wfMph: logerr('setGust: unknown format %s' % WindSpeedFormat) return 0 if f1 != EWindspeedFormat.wfKmh: logerr('setGust: only units of km/h are supported') return 0 if g1 < 0.0 or g1 > 180.0: logerr('setGust: value outside range') return 0 self._WindSpeedFormat = f1 self._GustMax._Max._Value = int(g1) # apparently gust value is always an integer return 1 def setPresRels(self,PressureFormat,PresRelhPaLo,PresRelhPaHi,PresRelinHgLo,PresRelinHgHi): f1 = PressureFormat p1 = PresRelhPaLo p2 = PresRelhPaHi p3 = PresRelinHgLo p4 = PresRelinHgHi if f1 not in [EPressureFormat.pfinHg, EPressureFormat.pfHPa]: logerr('setPresRel: unknown format %s' % PressureFormat) return 0 if p1 < 920.0 or p1 > 1080.0 or p2 < 920.0 or p2 > 1080.0 or \ p3 < 27.10 or p3 > 31.90 or p4 < 27.10 or p4 > 31.90: logerr('setPresRel: value outside range') return 0 self._RainFormat = f1 self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Min._Value = p1 self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Max._Value = p2 self._PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Min._Value = p3 self._PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Max._Value = p4 return 1 def getOutBufCS(self): return self._OutBufCS def getInBufCS(self): return self._InBufCS def setResetMinMaxFlags(self, resetMinMaxFlags): logdbg('setResetMinMaxFlags: %s' % resetMinMaxFlags) self._ResetMinMaxFlags = resetMinMaxFlags def parseRain_3(self, number, buf, start, StartOnHiNibble, numbytes): '''Parse 7-digit number with 3 decimals''' num = int(number*1000) parsebuf=[0]*7 for i in xrange(7-numbytes,7): parsebuf[i] = num%10 num = num//10 if StartOnHiNibble: buf[0][0+start] = parsebuf[6]*16 + parsebuf[5] buf[0][1+start] = parsebuf[4]*16 + parsebuf[3] buf[0][2+start] = parsebuf[2]*16 + parsebuf[1] buf[0][3+start] = parsebuf[0]*16 + (buf[0][3+start] & 0xF) else: buf[0][0+start] = (buf[0][0+start] & 0xF0) + parsebuf[6] buf[0][1+start] = parsebuf[5]*16 + parsebuf[4] buf[0][2+start] = parsebuf[3]*16 + parsebuf[2] buf[0][3+start] = parsebuf[1]*16 + parsebuf[0] def parseWind_6(self, number, buf, start): '''Parse float number to 6 bytes''' num = int(number*100*256) parsebuf=[0]*6 for i in xrange(0,6): parsebuf[i] = num%16 num = num//16 buf[0][0+start] = parsebuf[5]*16 + parsebuf[4] buf[0][1+start] = parsebuf[3]*16 + parsebuf[2] buf[0][2+start] = parsebuf[1]*16 + parsebuf[0] def parse_0(self, number, buf, start, StartOnHiNibble, numbytes): '''Parse 5-digit number with 0 decimals''' num = int(number) nbuf=[0]*5 for i in xrange(5-numbytes,5): nbuf[i] = num%10 num = num//10 if StartOnHiNibble: buf[0][0+start] = nbuf[4]*16 + nbuf[3] buf[0][1+start] = nbuf[2]*16 + nbuf[1] buf[0][2+start] = nbuf[0]*16 + (buf[0][2+start] & 0x0F) else: buf[0][0+start] = (buf[0][0+start] & 0xF0) + nbuf[4] buf[0][1+start] = nbuf[3]*16 + nbuf[2] buf[0][2+start] = nbuf[1]*16 + nbuf[0] def parse_1(self, number, buf, start, StartOnHiNibble, numbytes): '''Parse 5 digit number with 1 decimal''' self.parse_0(number*10.0, buf, start, StartOnHiNibble, numbytes) def parse_2(self, number, buf, start, StartOnHiNibble, numbytes): '''Parse 5 digit number with 2 decimals''' self.parse_0(number*100.0, buf, start, StartOnHiNibble, numbytes) def parse_3(self, number, buf, start, StartOnHiNibble, numbytes): '''Parse 5 digit number with 3 decimals''' self.parse_0(number*1000.0, buf, start, StartOnHiNibble, numbytes) def read(self,buf): nbuf=[0] nbuf[0]=buf[0] self._WindspeedFormat = (nbuf[0][4] >> 4) & 0xF self._RainFormat = (nbuf[0][4] >> 3) & 1 self._PressureFormat = (nbuf[0][4] >> 2) & 1 self._TemperatureFormat = (nbuf[0][4] >> 1) & 1 self._ClockMode = nbuf[0][4] & 1 self._StormThreshold = (nbuf[0][5] >> 4) & 0xF self._WeatherThreshold = nbuf[0][5] & 0xF self._LowBatFlags = (nbuf[0][6] >> 4) & 0xF self._LCDContrast = nbuf[0][6] & 0xF self._WindDirAlarmFlags = (nbuf[0][7] << 8) | nbuf[0][8] self._OtherAlarmFlags = (nbuf[0][9] << 8) | nbuf[0][10] self._TempIndoorMinMax._Max._Value = USBHardware.toTemperature_5_3(nbuf, 11, 1) self._TempIndoorMinMax._Min._Value = USBHardware.toTemperature_5_3(nbuf, 13, 0) self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value = USBHardware.toTemperature_5_3(nbuf, 16, 1) self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value = USBHardware.toTemperature_5_3(nbuf, 18, 0) self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._Value = USBHardware.toHumidity_2_0(nbuf, 21, 1) self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._Value = USBHardware.toHumidity_2_0(nbuf, 22, 1) self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value = USBHardware.toHumidity_2_0(nbuf, 23, 1) self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value = USBHardware.toHumidity_2_0(nbuf, 24, 1) self._Rain24HMax._Max._Value = USBHardware.toRain_7_3(nbuf, 25, 0) self._HistoryInterval = nbuf[0][29] self._GustMax._Max._Value = USBHardware.toWindspeed_6_2(nbuf, 30) (self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Min._Value, self._PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Min._Value) = USBHardware.readPressureShared(nbuf, 33, 1) (self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Max._Value, self._PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Max._Value) = USBHardware.readPressureShared(nbuf, 38, 1) self._ResetMinMaxFlags = (nbuf[0][43]) <<16 | (nbuf[0][44] << 8) | (nbuf[0][45]) self._InBufCS = (nbuf[0][46] << 8) | nbuf[0][47] self._OutBufCS = calc_checksum(buf, 4, end=39) + 7 """ Reset DewpointMax 80 00 00 Reset DewpointMin 40 00 00 not used 20 00 00 Reset WindchillMin* 10 00 00 *dateTime only; Min._Value is preserved Reset TempOutMax 08 00 00 Reset TempOutMin 04 00 00 Reset TempInMax 02 00 00 Reset TempInMin 01 00 00 Reset Gust 00 80 00 not used 00 40 00 not used 00 20 00 not used 00 10 00 Reset HumOutMax 00 08 00 Reset HumOutMin 00 04 00 Reset HumInMax 00 02 00 Reset HumInMin 00 01 00 not used 00 00 80 Reset Rain Total 00 00 40 Reset last month? 00 00 20 Reset last week? 00 00 10 Reset Rain24H 00 00 08 Reset Rain1H 00 00 04 Reset PresRelMax 00 00 02 Reset PresRelMin 00 00 01 """ #self._ResetMinMaxFlags = 0x000000 #logdbg('set _ResetMinMaxFlags to %06x' % self._ResetMinMaxFlags) """ setTemps(self,TempFormat,InTempLo,InTempHi,OutTempLo,OutTempHi) setHums(self,InHumLo,InHumHi,OutHumLo,OutHumHi) setPresRels(self,PressureFormat,PresRelhPaLo,PresRelhPaHi,PresRelinHgLo,PresRelinHgHi) setGust(self,WindSpeedFormat,GustHi) setRain24H(self,RainFormat,Rain24hHi) """ # Examples: #self.setTemps(ETemperatureFormat.tfCelsius,1.0,41.0,2.0,42.0) #self.setHums(41,71,42,72) #self.setPresRels(EPressureFormat.pfHPa,960.1,1040.1,28.36,30.72) #self.setGust(EWindspeedFormat.wfKmh,040.0) #self.setRain24H(ERainFormat.rfMm,50.0) # Set historyInterval to 5 minutes (default: 2 hours) self._HistoryInterval = EHistoryInterval.hi05Min # Clear all alarm flags, otherwise the datastream from the weather # station will pause during an alarm and connection will be lost. self._WindDirAlarmFlags = 0x0000 self._OtherAlarmFlags = 0x0000 def testConfigChanged(self,buf): nbuf = [0] nbuf[0] = buf[0] nbuf[0][0] = 16*(self._WindspeedFormat & 0xF) + 8*(self._RainFormat & 1) + 4*(self._PressureFormat & 1) + 2*(self._TemperatureFormat & 1) + (self._ClockMode & 1) nbuf[0][1] = self._WeatherThreshold & 0xF | 16 * self._StormThreshold & 0xF0 nbuf[0][2] = self._LCDContrast & 0xF | 16 * self._LowBatFlags & 0xF0 nbuf[0][3] = (self._OtherAlarmFlags >> 0) & 0xFF nbuf[0][4] = (self._OtherAlarmFlags >> 8) & 0xFF nbuf[0][5] = (self._WindDirAlarmFlags >> 0) & 0xFF nbuf[0][6] = (self._WindDirAlarmFlags >> 8) & 0xFF # reverse buf from here self.parse_2(self._PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Max._Value, nbuf, 7, 1, 5) self.parse_1(self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Max._Value, nbuf, 9, 0, 5) self.parse_2(self._PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Min._Value, nbuf, 12, 1, 5) self.parse_1(self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Min._Value, nbuf, 14, 0, 5) self.parseWind_6(self._GustMax._Max._Value, nbuf, 17) nbuf[0][20] = self._HistoryInterval & 0xF self.parseRain_3(self._Rain24HMax._Max._Value, nbuf, 21, 0, 7) self.parse_0(self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value, nbuf, 25, 1, 2) self.parse_0(self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value, nbuf, 26, 1, 2) self.parse_0(self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._Value, nbuf, 27, 1, 2) self.parse_0(self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._Value, nbuf, 28, 1, 2) self.parse_3(self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value + CWeatherTraits.TemperatureOffset(), nbuf, 29, 1, 5) self.parse_3(self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value + CWeatherTraits.TemperatureOffset(), nbuf, 31, 0, 5) self.parse_3(self._TempIndoorMinMax._Max._Value + CWeatherTraits.TemperatureOffset(), nbuf, 34, 1, 5) self.parse_3(self._TempIndoorMinMax._Min._Value + CWeatherTraits.TemperatureOffset(), nbuf, 36, 0, 5) # reverse buf to here USBHardware.reverseByteOrder(nbuf, 7, 32) # do not include the ResetMinMaxFlags bytes when calculating checksum nbuf[0][39] = (self._ResetMinMaxFlags >> 16) & 0xFF nbuf[0][40] = (self._ResetMinMaxFlags >> 8) & 0xFF nbuf[0][41] = (self._ResetMinMaxFlags >> 0) & 0xFF self._OutBufCS = calc_checksum(nbuf, 0, end=39) + 7 nbuf[0][42] = (self._OutBufCS >> 8) & 0xFF nbuf[0][43] = (self._OutBufCS >> 0) & 0xFF buf[0] = nbuf[0] if self._OutBufCS == self._InBufCS and self._ResetMinMaxFlags == 0: if DEBUG_CONFIG_DATA > 2: logdbg('testConfigChanged: checksum not changed: OutBufCS=%04x' % self._OutBufCS) changed = 0 else: if DEBUG_CONFIG_DATA > 0: logdbg('testConfigChanged: checksum or resetMinMaxFlags changed: OutBufCS=%04x InBufCS=%04x _ResetMinMaxFlags=%06x' % (self._OutBufCS, self._InBufCS, self._ResetMinMaxFlags)) if DEBUG_CONFIG_DATA > 1: self.toLog() changed = 1 return changed def toLog(self): logdbg('OutBufCS= %04x' % self._OutBufCS) logdbg('InBufCS= %04x' % self._InBufCS) logdbg('ClockMode= %s' % self._ClockMode) logdbg('TemperatureFormat= %s' % self._TemperatureFormat) logdbg('PressureFormat= %s' % self._PressureFormat) logdbg('RainFormat= %s' % self._RainFormat) logdbg('WindspeedFormat= %s' % self._WindspeedFormat) logdbg('WeatherThreshold= %s' % self._WeatherThreshold) logdbg('StormThreshold= %s' % self._StormThreshold) logdbg('LCDContrast= %s' % self._LCDContrast) logdbg('LowBatFlags= %01x' % self._LowBatFlags) logdbg('WindDirAlarmFlags= %04x' % self._WindDirAlarmFlags) logdbg('OtherAlarmFlags= %04x' % self._OtherAlarmFlags) logdbg('HistoryInterval= %s' % self._HistoryInterval) logdbg('TempIndoor_Min= %s' % self._TempIndoorMinMax._Min._Value) logdbg('TempIndoor_Max= %s' % self._TempIndoorMinMax._Max._Value) logdbg('TempOutdoor_Min= %s' % self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value) logdbg('TempOutdoor_Max= %s' % self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value) logdbg('HumidityIndoor_Min= %s' % self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._Value) logdbg('HumidityIndoor_Max= %s' % self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._Value) logdbg('HumidityOutdoor_Min= %s' % self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value) logdbg('HumidityOutdoor_Max= %s' % self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value) logdbg('Rain24HMax= %s' % self._Rain24HMax._Max._Value) logdbg('GustMax= %s' % self._GustMax._Max._Value) logdbg('PressureRel_hPa_Min= %s' % self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Min._Value) logdbg('PressureRel_inHg_Min= %s' % self._PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Min._Value) logdbg('PressureRel_hPa_Max= %s' % self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Max._Value) logdbg('PressureRel_inHg_Max= %s' % self._PressureRelative_inHgMinMax._Max._Value) logdbg('ResetMinMaxFlags= %06x (Output only)' % self._ResetMinMaxFlags) def asDict(self): return { 'checksum_in': self._InBufCS, 'checksum_out': self._OutBufCS, 'format_clock': self._ClockMode, 'format_temperature': self._TemperatureFormat, 'format_pressure': self._PressureFormat, 'format_rain': self._RainFormat, 'format_windspeed': self._WindspeedFormat, 'threshold_weather': self._WeatherThreshold, 'threshold_storm': self._StormThreshold, 'lcd_contrast': self._LCDContrast, 'low_battery_flags': self._LowBatFlags, 'alarm_flags_wind_dir': self._WindDirAlarmFlags, 'alarm_flags_other': self._OtherAlarmFlags, # 'reset_minmax_flags': self._ResetMinMaxFlags, 'history_interval': self._HistoryInterval, 'indoor_temp_min': self._TempIndoorMinMax._Min._Value, 'indoor_temp_min_time': self._TempIndoorMinMax._Min._Time, 'indoor_temp_max': self._TempIndoorMinMax._Max._Value, 'indoor_temp_max_time': self._TempIndoorMinMax._Max._Time, 'indoor_humidity_min': self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._Value, 'indoor_humidity_min_time': self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Min._Time, 'indoor_humidity_max': self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._Value, 'indoor_humidity_max_time': self._HumidityIndoorMinMax._Max._Time, 'outdoor_temp_min': self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value, 'outdoor_temp_min_time': self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Min._Time, 'outdoor_temp_max': self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value, 'outdoor_temp_max_time': self._TempOutdoorMinMax._Max._Time, 'outdoor_humidity_min': self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._Value, 'outdoor_humidity_min_time':self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Min._Time, 'outdoor_humidity_max': self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._Value, 'outdoor_humidity_max_time':self._HumidityOutdoorMinMax._Max._Time, 'rain_24h_max': self._Rain24HMax._Max._Value, 'rain_24h_max_time': self._Rain24HMax._Max._Time, 'wind_gust_max': self._GustMax._Max._Value, 'wind_gust_max_time': self._GustMax._Max._Time, 'pressure_min': self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Min._Value, 'pressure_min_time': self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Min._Time, 'pressure_max': self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Max._Value, 'pressure_max_time': self._PressureRelative_hPaMinMax._Max._Time # do not bother with pressure inHg } class CHistoryData(object): def __init__(self): self.Time = None self.TempIndoor = CWeatherTraits.TemperatureNP() self.HumidityIndoor = CWeatherTraits.HumidityNP() self.TempOutdoor = CWeatherTraits.TemperatureNP() self.HumidityOutdoor = CWeatherTraits.HumidityNP() self.PressureRelative = None self.RainCounterRaw = 0 self.WindSpeed = CWeatherTraits.WindNP() self.WindDirection = EWindDirection.wdNone self.Gust = CWeatherTraits.WindNP() self.GustDirection = EWindDirection.wdNone def read(self, buf): nbuf = [0] nbuf[0] = buf[0] self.Gust = USBHardware.toWindspeed_3_1(nbuf, 12, 0) self.GustDirection = (nbuf[0][14] >> 4) & 0xF self.WindSpeed = USBHardware.toWindspeed_3_1(nbuf, 14, 0) self.WindDirection = (nbuf[0][14] >> 4) & 0xF self.RainCounterRaw = USBHardware.toRain_3_1(nbuf, 16, 1) self.HumidityOutdoor = USBHardware.toHumidity_2_0(nbuf, 17, 0) self.HumidityIndoor = USBHardware.toHumidity_2_0(nbuf, 18, 0) self.PressureRelative = USBHardware.toPressure_hPa_5_1(nbuf, 19, 0) self.TempIndoor = USBHardware.toTemperature_3_1(nbuf, 23, 0) self.TempOutdoor = USBHardware.toTemperature_3_1(nbuf, 22, 1) self.Time = USBHardware.toDateTime(nbuf, 25, 1, 'HistoryData') def toLog(self): """emit raw historical data""" logdbg("Time %s" % self.Time) logdbg("TempIndoor= %7.1f" % self.TempIndoor) logdbg("HumidityIndoor= %7.0f" % self.HumidityIndoor) logdbg("TempOutdoor= %7.1f" % self.TempOutdoor) logdbg("HumidityOutdoor= %7.0f" % self.HumidityOutdoor) logdbg("PressureRelative= %7.1f" % self.PressureRelative) logdbg("RainCounterRaw= %7.3f" % self.RainCounterRaw) logdbg("WindSpeed= %7.3f" % self.WindSpeed) logdbg("WindDirection= % 3s" % CWeatherTraits.windDirMap[self.WindDirection]) logdbg("Gust= %7.3f" % self.Gust) logdbg("GustDirection= % 3s" % CWeatherTraits.windDirMap[self.GustDirection]) def asDict(self): """emit historical data as a dict with weewx conventions""" return { 'dateTime': tstr_to_ts(str(self.Time)), 'inTemp': self.TempIndoor, 'inHumidity': self.HumidityIndoor, 'outTemp': self.TempOutdoor, 'outHumidity': self.HumidityOutdoor, 'pressure': self.PressureRelative, 'rain': self.RainCounterRaw / 10, # weewx wants cm 'windSpeed': self.WindSpeed, 'windDir': getWindDir(self.WindDirection, self.WindSpeed), 'windGust': self.Gust, 'windGustDir': getWindDir(self.GustDirection, self.Gust), } class HistoryCache: def __init__(self): self.clear_records() def clear_records(self): self.since_ts = 0 self.num_rec = 0 self.start_index = None self.next_index = None self.records = [] self.num_outstanding_records = None self.num_scanned = 0 self.last_ts = 0 class CDataStore(object): class TTransceiverSettings(object): def __init__(self): self.VendorId = 0x6666 self.ProductId = 0x5555 self.VersionNo = 1 self.manufacturer = "LA CROSSE TECHNOLOGY" self.product = "Weather Direct Light Wireless Device" self.FrequencyStandard = EFrequency.fsUS self.Frequency = getFrequency(self.FrequencyStandard) self.SerialNumber = None self.DeviceID = None class TLastStat(object): def __init__(self): self.LastBatteryStatus = None self.LastLinkQuality = None self.LastHistoryIndex = None self.LatestHistoryIndex = None self.last_seen_ts = None self.last_weather_ts = 0 self.last_history_ts = 0 self.last_config_ts = 0 def __init__(self): self.transceiverPresent = False self.commModeInterval = 3 self.registeredDeviceID = None self.LastStat = CDataStore.TLastStat() self.TransceiverSettings = CDataStore.TTransceiverSettings() self.StationConfig = CWeatherStationConfig() self.CurrentWeather = CCurrentWeatherData() def getFrequencyStandard(self): return self.TransceiverSettings.FrequencyStandard def setFrequencyStandard(self, val): logdbg('setFrequency: %s' % val) self.TransceiverSettings.FrequencyStandard = val self.TransceiverSettings.Frequency = getFrequency(val) def getDeviceID(self): return self.TransceiverSettings.DeviceID def setDeviceID(self,val): logdbg("setDeviceID: %04x" % val) self.TransceiverSettings.DeviceID = val def getRegisteredDeviceID(self): return self.registeredDeviceID def setRegisteredDeviceID(self, val): if val != self.registeredDeviceID: loginf("console is paired to device with ID %04x" % val) self.registeredDeviceID = val def getTransceiverPresent(self): return self.transceiverPresent def setTransceiverPresent(self, val): self.transceiverPresent = val def setLastStatCache(self, seen_ts=None, quality=None, battery=None, weather_ts=None, history_ts=None, config_ts=None): if DEBUG_COMM > 1: logdbg('setLastStatCache: seen=%s quality=%s battery=%s weather=%s history=%s config=%s' % (seen_ts, quality, battery, weather_ts, history_ts, config_ts)) if seen_ts is not None: self.LastStat.last_seen_ts = seen_ts if quality is not None: self.LastStat.LastLinkQuality = quality if battery is not None: self.LastStat.LastBatteryStatus = battery if weather_ts is not None: self.LastStat.last_weather_ts = weather_ts if history_ts is not None: self.LastStat.last_history_ts = history_ts if config_ts is not None: self.LastStat.last_config_ts = config_ts def setLastHistoryIndex(self,val): self.LastStat.LastHistoryIndex = val def getLastHistoryIndex(self): return self.LastStat.LastHistoryIndex def setLatestHistoryIndex(self,val): self.LastStat.LatestHistoryIndex = val def getLatestHistoryIndex(self): return self.LastStat.LatestHistoryIndex def setCurrentWeather(self, data): self.CurrentWeather = data def getDeviceRegistered(self): if ( self.registeredDeviceID is None or self.TransceiverSettings.DeviceID is None or self.registeredDeviceID != self.TransceiverSettings.DeviceID ): return False return True def getCommModeInterval(self): return self.commModeInterval def setCommModeInterval(self,val): logdbg("setCommModeInterval to %x" % val) self.commModeInterval = val def setTransceiverSerNo(self,val): logdbg("setTransceiverSerialNumber to %s" % val) self.TransceiverSettings.SerialNumber = val def getTransceiverSerNo(self): return self.TransceiverSettings.SerialNumber class sHID(object): """USB driver abstraction""" def __init__(self): self.devh = None self.timeout = 1000 self.last_dump = None def open(self, vid, pid, did, serial): device = self._find_device(vid, pid, did, serial) if device is None: logcrt('Cannot find USB device with Vendor=0x%04x ProdID=0x%04x Device=%s Serial=%s' % (vid, pid, did, serial)) raise weewx.WeeWxIOError('Unable to find transceiver on USB') self._open_device(device) def close(self): self._close_device() def _find_device(self, vid, pid, did, serial): for bus in usb.busses(): for dev in bus.devices: if dev.idVendor == vid and dev.idProduct == pid: if did is None or dev.filename == did: if serial is None: loginf('found transceiver at bus=%s device=%s' % (bus.dirname, dev.filename)) return dev else: handle = try: buf = self.readCfg(handle, 0x1F9, 7) sn = str("%02d" % (buf[0])) sn += str("%02d" % (buf[1])) sn += str("%02d" % (buf[2])) sn += str("%02d" % (buf[3])) sn += str("%02d" % (buf[4])) sn += str("%02d" % (buf[5])) sn += str("%02d" % (buf[6])) if str(serial) == sn: loginf('found transceiver at bus=%s device=%s serial=%s' % (bus.dirname, dev.filename, sn)) return dev else: loginf('skipping transceiver with serial %s (looking for %s)' % (sn, serial)) finally: del handle return None def _open_device(self, dev, interface=0): self.devh = if not self.devh: raise weewx.WeeWxIOError('Open USB device failed') loginf('manufacturer: %s' % self.devh.getString(dev.iManufacturer,30)) loginf('product: %s' % self.devh.getString(dev.iProduct,30)) loginf('interface: %d' % interface) # be sure kernel does not claim the interface try: self.devh.detachKernelDriver(interface) except Exception: pass # attempt to claim the interface try: logdbg('claiming USB interface %d' % interface) self.devh.claimInterface(interface) self.devh.setAltInterface(interface) except usb.USBError, e: self._close_device() logcrt('Unable to claim USB interface %s: %s' % (interface, e)) raise weewx.WeeWxIOError(e) # FIXME: this seems to be specific to ws28xx? # FIXME: check return values usbWait = 0.05 self.devh.getDescriptor(0x1, 0, 0x12) time.sleep(usbWait) self.devh.getDescriptor(0x2, 0, 0x9) time.sleep(usbWait) self.devh.getDescriptor(0x2, 0, 0x22) time.sleep(usbWait) self.devh.controlMsg(usb.TYPE_CLASS + usb.RECIP_INTERFACE, 0xa, [], 0x0, 0x0, 1000) time.sleep(usbWait) self.devh.getDescriptor(0x22, 0, 0x2a9) time.sleep(usbWait) def _close_device(self): try: logdbg('releasing USB interface') self.devh.releaseInterface() except Exception: pass self.devh = None def setTX(self): buf = [0]*0x15 buf[0] = 0xD1 if DEBUG_COMM > 1: self.dump('setTX', buf, fmt=DEBUG_DUMP_FORMAT) self.devh.controlMsg(usb.TYPE_CLASS + usb.RECIP_INTERFACE, request=0x0000009, buffer=buf, value=0x00003d1, index=0x0000000, timeout=self.timeout) def setRX(self): buf = [0]*0x15 buf[0] = 0xD0 if DEBUG_COMM > 1: self.dump('setRX', buf, fmt=DEBUG_DUMP_FORMAT) self.devh.controlMsg(usb.TYPE_CLASS + usb.RECIP_INTERFACE, request=0x0000009, buffer=buf, value=0x00003d0, index=0x0000000, timeout=self.timeout) def getState(self,StateBuffer): buf = self.devh.controlMsg(requestType=usb.TYPE_CLASS | usb.RECIP_INTERFACE | usb.ENDPOINT_IN, request=usb.REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE, buffer=0x0a, value=0x00003de, index=0x0000000, timeout=self.timeout) if DEBUG_COMM > 1: self.dump('getState', buf, fmt=DEBUG_DUMP_FORMAT) StateBuffer[0]=[0]*0x2 StateBuffer[0][0]=buf[1] StateBuffer[0][1]=buf[2] def readConfigFlash(self, addr, numBytes, data): if numBytes > 512: raise Exception('bad number of bytes') while numBytes: buf=[0xcc]*0x0f #0x15 buf[0] = 0xdd buf[1] = 0x0a buf[2] = (addr >>8) & 0xFF buf[3] = (addr >>0) & 0xFF if DEBUG_COMM > 1: self.dump('readCfgFlash>', buf, fmt=DEBUG_DUMP_FORMAT) self.devh.controlMsg(usb.TYPE_CLASS + usb.RECIP_INTERFACE, request=0x0000009, buffer=buf, value=0x00003dd, index=0x0000000, timeout=self.timeout) buf = self.devh.controlMsg(requestType=usb.TYPE_CLASS | usb.RECIP_INTERFACE | usb.ENDPOINT_IN, request=usb.REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE, buffer=0x15, value=0x00003dc, index=0x0000000, timeout=self.timeout) new_data=[0]*0x15 if numBytes < 16: for i in xrange(0, numBytes): new_data[i] = buf[i+4] numBytes = 0 else: for i in xrange(0, 16): new_data[i] = buf[i+4] numBytes -= 16 addr += 16 if DEBUG_COMM > 1: self.dump('readCfgFlash<', buf, fmt=DEBUG_DUMP_FORMAT) data[0] = new_data # FIXME: new_data might be unset def setState(self,state): buf = [0]*0x15 buf[0] = 0xd7 buf[1] = state if DEBUG_COMM > 1: self.dump('setState', buf, fmt=DEBUG_DUMP_FORMAT) self.devh.controlMsg(usb.TYPE_CLASS + usb.RECIP_INTERFACE, request=0x0000009, buffer=buf, value=0x00003d7, index=0x0000000, timeout=self.timeout) def setFrame(self,data,numBytes): buf = [0]*0x111 buf[0] = 0xd5 buf[1] = numBytes >> 8 buf[2] = numBytes for i in xrange(0, numBytes): buf[i+3] = data[i] if DEBUG_COMM == 1: self.dump('setFrame', buf, 'short') elif DEBUG_COMM > 1: self.dump('setFrame', buf, fmt=DEBUG_DUMP_FORMAT) self.devh.controlMsg(usb.TYPE_CLASS + usb.RECIP_INTERFACE, request=0x0000009, buffer=buf, value=0x00003d5, index=0x0000000, timeout=self.timeout) def getFrame(self,data,numBytes): buf = self.devh.controlMsg(requestType=usb.TYPE_CLASS | usb.RECIP_INTERFACE | usb.ENDPOINT_IN, request=usb.REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE, buffer=0x111, value=0x00003d6, index=0x0000000, timeout=self.timeout) new_data=[0]*0x131 new_numBytes=(buf[1] << 8 | buf[2])& 0x1ff for i in xrange(0, new_numBytes): new_data[i] = buf[i+3] if DEBUG_COMM == 1: self.dump('getFrame', buf, 'short') elif DEBUG_COMM > 1: self.dump('getFrame', buf, fmt=DEBUG_DUMP_FORMAT) data[0] = new_data numBytes[0] = new_numBytes def writeReg(self,regAddr,data): buf = [0]*0x05 buf[0] = 0xf0 buf[1] = regAddr & 0x7F buf[2] = 0x01 buf[3] = data buf[4] = 0x00 if DEBUG_COMM > 1: self.dump('writeReg', buf, fmt=DEBUG_DUMP_FORMAT) self.devh.controlMsg(usb.TYPE_CLASS + usb.RECIP_INTERFACE, request=0x0000009, buffer=buf, value=0x00003f0, index=0x0000000, timeout=self.timeout) def execute(self, command): buf = [0]*0x0f #*0x15 buf[0] = 0xd9 buf[1] = command if DEBUG_COMM > 1: self.dump('execute', buf, fmt=DEBUG_DUMP_FORMAT) self.devh.controlMsg(usb.TYPE_CLASS + usb.RECIP_INTERFACE, request=0x0000009, buffer=buf, value=0x00003d9, index=0x0000000, timeout=self.timeout) def setPreamblePattern(self,pattern): buf = [0]*0x15 buf[0] = 0xd8 buf[1] = pattern if DEBUG_COMM > 1: self.dump('setPreamble', buf, fmt=DEBUG_DUMP_FORMAT) self.devh.controlMsg(usb.TYPE_CLASS + usb.RECIP_INTERFACE, request=0x0000009, buffer=buf, value=0x00003d8, index=0x0000000, timeout=self.timeout) # three formats, long, short, auto. short shows only the first 16 bytes. # long shows the full length of the buffer. auto shows the message length # as indicated by the length in the message itself for setFrame and # getFrame, or the first 16 bytes for any other message. def dump(self, cmd, buf, fmt='auto'): strbuf = '' msglen = None if fmt == 'auto': if buf[0] in [0xd5, 0x00]: msglen = buf[2] + 3 # use msg length for set/get frame else: msglen = 16 # otherwise do same as short format elif fmt == 'short': msglen = 16 for i,x in enumerate(buf): strbuf += str('%02x ' % x) if (i+1) % 16 == 0: self.dumpstr(cmd, strbuf) strbuf = '' if msglen is not None and i+1 >= msglen: break if strbuf: self.dumpstr(cmd, strbuf) # filter output that we do not care about, pad the command string. def dumpstr(self, cmd, strbuf): pad = ' ' * (15-len(cmd)) # de15 is idle, de14 is intermediate if strbuf in ['de 15 00 00 00 00 ','de 14 00 00 00 00 ']: if strbuf != self.last_dump or DEBUG_COMM > 2: logdbg('%s: %s%s' % (cmd, pad, strbuf)) self.last_dump = strbuf else: logdbg('%s: %s%s' % (cmd, pad, strbuf)) self.last_dump = None def readCfg(self, handle, addr, numBytes): while numBytes: buf=[0xcc]*0x0f #0x15 buf[0] = 0xdd buf[1] = 0x0a buf[2] = (addr >>8) & 0xFF buf[3] = (addr >>0) & 0xFF handle.controlMsg(usb.TYPE_CLASS + usb.RECIP_INTERFACE, request=0x0000009, buffer=buf, value=0x00003dd, index=0x0000000, timeout=1000) buf = handle.controlMsg(requestType=usb.TYPE_CLASS | usb.RECIP_INTERFACE | usb.ENDPOINT_IN, request=usb.REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE, buffer=0x15, value=0x00003dc, index=0x0000000, timeout=1000) new_data=[0]*0x15 if numBytes < 16: for i in xrange(0, numBytes): new_data[i] = buf[i+4] numBytes = 0 else: for i in xrange(0, 16): new_data[i] = buf[i+4] numBytes -= 16 addr += 16 return new_data class CCommunicationService(object): reg_names = dict() class AX5051RegisterNames: REVISION = 0x0 SCRATCH = 0x1 POWERMODE = 0x2 XTALOSC = 0x3 FIFOCTRL = 0x4 FIFODATA = 0x5 IRQMASK = 0x6 IFMODE = 0x8 PINCFG1 = 0x0C PINCFG2 = 0x0D MODULATION = 0x10 ENCODING = 0x11 FRAMING = 0x12 CRCINIT3 = 0x14 CRCINIT2 = 0x15 CRCINIT1 = 0x16 CRCINIT0 = 0x17 FREQ3 = 0x20 FREQ2 = 0x21 FREQ1 = 0x22 FREQ0 = 0x23 FSKDEV2 = 0x25 FSKDEV1 = 0x26 FSKDEV0 = 0x27 IFFREQHI = 0x28 IFFREQLO = 0x29 PLLLOOP = 0x2C PLLRANGING = 0x2D PLLRNGCLK = 0x2E TXPWR = 0x30 TXRATEHI = 0x31 TXRATEMID = 0x32 TXRATELO = 0x33 MODMISC = 0x34 FIFOCONTROL2 = 0x37 ADCMISC = 0x38 AGCTARGET = 0x39 AGCATTACK = 0x3A AGCDECAY = 0x3B AGCCOUNTER = 0x3C CICDEC = 0x3F DATARATEHI = 0x40 DATARATELO = 0x41 TMGGAINHI = 0x42 TMGGAINLO = 0x43 PHASEGAIN = 0x44 FREQGAIN = 0x45 FREQGAIN2 = 0x46 AMPLGAIN = 0x47 TRKFREQHI = 0x4C TRKFREQLO = 0x4D XTALCAP = 0x4F SPAREOUT = 0x60 TESTOBS = 0x68 APEOVER = 0x70 TMMUX = 0x71 PLLVCOI = 0x72 PLLCPEN = 0x73 PLLRNGMISC = 0x74 AGCMANUAL = 0x78 ADCDCLEVEL = 0x79 RFMISC = 0x7A TXDRIVER = 0x7B REF = 0x7C RXMISC = 0x7D def __init__(self): logdbg('CCommunicationService.init') self.shid = sHID() self.DataStore = CDataStore() self.firstSleep = 1 self.nextSleep = 1 self.pollCount = 0 self.running = False self.child = None self.thread_wait = 60.0 # seconds self.command = None self.history_cache = HistoryCache() # do not set time when offset to whole hour is <= _a3_offset self._a3_offset = 3 def buildFirstConfigFrame(self, Buffer, cs): logdbg('buildFirstConfigFrame: cs=%04x' % cs) newBuffer = [0] newBuffer[0] = [0]*9 comInt = self.DataStore.getCommModeInterval() historyAddress = 0xFFFFFF newBuffer[0][0] = 0xf0 newBuffer[0][1] = 0xf0 newBuffer[0][2] = EAction.aGetConfig newBuffer[0][3] = (cs >> 8) & 0xff newBuffer[0][4] = (cs >> 0) & 0xff newBuffer[0][5] = (comInt >> 4) & 0xff newBuffer[0][6] = (historyAddress >> 16) & 0x0f | 16 * (comInt & 0xf) newBuffer[0][7] = (historyAddress >> 8 ) & 0xff newBuffer[0][8] = (historyAddress >> 0 ) & 0xff Buffer[0] = newBuffer[0] Length = 0x09 return Length def buildConfigFrame(self, Buffer): logdbg("buildConfigFrame") newBuffer = [0] newBuffer[0] = [0]*48 cfgBuffer = [0] cfgBuffer[0] = [0]*44 changed = self.DataStore.StationConfig.testConfigChanged(cfgBuffer) if changed: self.shid.dump('OutBuf', cfgBuffer[0], fmt='long') newBuffer[0][0] = Buffer[0][0] newBuffer[0][1] = Buffer[0][1] newBuffer[0][2] = EAction.aSendConfig # 0x40 # change this value if we won't store config newBuffer[0][3] = Buffer[0][3] for i in xrange(0,44): newBuffer[0][i+4] = cfgBuffer[0][i] Buffer[0] = newBuffer[0] Length = 48 # 0x30 else: # current config not up to date; do not write yet Length = 0 return Length def buildTimeFrame(self, Buffer, cs): logdbg("buildTimeFrame: cs=%04x" % cs) now = time.time() tm = time.localtime(now) newBuffer=[0] newBuffer[0]=Buffer[0] #00000000: d5 00 0c 00 32 c0 00 8f 45 25 15 91 31 20 01 00 #00000000: d5 00 0c 00 32 c0 06 c1 47 25 15 91 31 20 01 00 # 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 newBuffer[0][2] = EAction.aSendTime # 0xc0 newBuffer[0][3] = (cs >> 8) & 0xFF newBuffer[0][4] = (cs >> 0) & 0xFF newBuffer[0][5] = (tm[5] % 10) + 0x10 * (tm[5] // 10) #sec newBuffer[0][6] = (tm[4] % 10) + 0x10 * (tm[4] // 10) #min newBuffer[0][7] = (tm[3] % 10) + 0x10 * (tm[3] // 10) #hour #DayOfWeek = tm[6] - 1; #ole from 1 - 7 - 1=Sun... 0-6 0=Sun DayOfWeek = tm[6] #py from 0 - 6 - 0=Mon newBuffer[0][8] = DayOfWeek % 10 + 0x10 * (tm[2] % 10) #DoW + Day newBuffer[0][9] = (tm[2] // 10) + 0x10 * (tm[1] % 10) #day + month newBuffer[0][10] = (tm[1] // 10) + 0x10 * ((tm[0] - 2000) % 10) #month + year newBuffer[0][11] = (tm[0] - 2000) // 10 #year Buffer[0]=newBuffer[0] Length = 0x0c return Length def buildACKFrame(self, Buffer, action, cs, hidx=None): if DEBUG_COMM > 1: logdbg("buildACKFrame: action=%x cs=%04x historyIndex=%s" % (action, cs, hidx)) newBuffer = [0] newBuffer[0] = [0]*9 for i in xrange(0,2): newBuffer[0][i] = Buffer[0][i] comInt = self.DataStore.getCommModeInterval() # When last weather is stale, change action to get current weather # This is only needed during long periods of history data catchup if self.command == EAction.aGetHistory: now = int(time.time()) age = now - self.DataStore.LastStat.last_weather_ts # Morphing action only with GetHistory requests, # and stale data after a period of twice the CommModeInterval, # but not with init GetHistory requests (0xF0) if action == EAction.aGetHistory and age >= (comInt +1) * 2 and newBuffer[0][1] != 0xF0: if DEBUG_COMM > 0: logdbg('buildACKFrame: morphing action from %d to 5 (age=%s)' % (action, age)) action = EAction.aGetCurrent if hidx is None: if self.command == EAction.aGetHistory: hidx = self.history_cache.next_index elif self.DataStore.getLastHistoryIndex() is not None: hidx = self.DataStore.getLastHistoryIndex() if hidx is None or hidx < 0 or hidx >= WS28xxDriver.max_records: haddr = 0xffffff else: haddr = index_to_addr(hidx) if DEBUG_COMM > 1: logdbg('buildACKFrame: idx: %s addr: 0x%04x' % (hidx, haddr)) newBuffer[0][2] = action & 0xF newBuffer[0][3] = (cs >> 8) & 0xFF newBuffer[0][4] = (cs >> 0) & 0xFF newBuffer[0][5] = (comInt >> 4) & 0xFF newBuffer[0][6] = (haddr >> 16) & 0x0F | 16 * (comInt & 0xF) newBuffer[0][7] = (haddr >> 8 ) & 0xFF newBuffer[0][8] = (haddr >> 0 ) & 0xFF #d5 00 09 f0 f0 03 00 32 00 3f ff ff Buffer[0]=newBuffer[0] return 9 def handleWsAck(self,Buffer,Length): logdbg('handleWsAck') self.DataStore.setLastStatCache(seen_ts=int(time.time()), quality=(Buffer[0][3] & 0x7f), battery=(Buffer[0][2] & 0xf)) def handleConfig(self,Buffer,Length): logdbg('handleConfig: %s' % self.timing()) if DEBUG_CONFIG_DATA > 2: self.shid.dump('InBuf', Buffer[0], fmt='long') newBuffer=[0] newBuffer[0] = Buffer[0] newLength = [0] now = int(time.time()) if DEBUG_CONFIG_DATA > 1: self.DataStore.StationConfig.toLog() self.DataStore.setLastStatCache(seen_ts=now, quality=(Buffer[0][3] & 0x7f), battery=(Buffer[0][2] & 0xf), config_ts=now) cs = newBuffer[0][47] | (newBuffer[0][46] << 8) self.setSleep(0.300,0.010) newLength[0] = self.buildACKFrame(newBuffer, EAction.aGetHistory, cs) Buffer[0] = newBuffer[0] Length[0] = newLength[0] def handleCurrentData(self,Buffer,Length): if DEBUG_WEATHER_DATA > 0: logdbg('handleCurrentData: %s' % self.timing()) now = int(time.time()) # update the weather data cache if changed or stale chksum = CCurrentWeatherData.calcChecksum(Buffer) age = now - self.DataStore.LastStat.last_weather_ts if age >= 10 or chksum != self.DataStore.CurrentWeather.checksum(): if DEBUG_WEATHER_DATA > 2: self.shid.dump('CurWea', Buffer[0], fmt='long') data = CCurrentWeatherData() self.DataStore.setCurrentWeather(data) if DEBUG_WEATHER_DATA > 1: data.toLog() # update the connection cache self.DataStore.setLastStatCache(seen_ts=now, quality=(Buffer[0][3] & 0x7f), battery=(Buffer[0][2] & 0xf), weather_ts=now) newBuffer = [0] newBuffer[0] = Buffer[0] newLength = [0] cs = newBuffer[0][5] | (newBuffer[0][4] << 8) cfgBuffer = [0] cfgBuffer[0] = [0]*44 changed = self.DataStore.StationConfig.testConfigChanged(cfgBuffer) inBufCS = self.DataStore.StationConfig.getInBufCS() if inBufCS == 0 or inBufCS != cs: # request for a get config logdbg('handleCurrentData: inBufCS of station does not match') self.setSleep(0.300,0.010) newLength[0] = self.buildACKFrame(newBuffer, EAction.aGetConfig, cs) elif changed: # Request for a set config logdbg('handleCurrentData: outBufCS of station changed') self.setSleep(0.300,0.010) newLength[0] = self.buildACKFrame(newBuffer, EAction.aReqSetConfig, cs) else: # Request for either a history message or a current weather message # In general we don't use EAction.aGetCurrent to ask for a current # weather message; they also come when requested for # EAction.aGetHistory. This we learned from the Heavy Weather Pro # messages (via USB sniffer). self.setSleep(0.300,0.010) newLength[0] = self.buildACKFrame(newBuffer, EAction.aGetHistory, cs) Length[0] = newLength[0] Buffer[0] = newBuffer[0] def handleHistoryData(self, buf, buflen): if DEBUG_HISTORY_DATA > 0: logdbg('handleHistoryData: %s' % self.timing()) now = int(time.time()) self.DataStore.setLastStatCache(seen_ts=now, quality=(buf[0][3] & 0x7f), battery=(buf[0][2] & 0xf), history_ts=now) newbuf = [0] newbuf[0] = buf[0] newlen = [0] data = CHistoryData() if DEBUG_HISTORY_DATA > 1: data.toLog() cs = newbuf[0][5] | (newbuf[0][4] << 8) latestAddr = bytes_to_addr(buf[0][6], buf[0][7], buf[0][8]) thisAddr = bytes_to_addr(buf[0][9], buf[0][10], buf[0][11]) latestIndex = addr_to_index(latestAddr) thisIndex = addr_to_index(thisAddr) ts = tstr_to_ts(str(data.Time)) nrec = get_index(latestIndex - thisIndex) logdbg('handleHistoryData: time=%s' ' this=%d (0x%04x) latest=%d (0x%04x) nrec=%d' % (data.Time, thisIndex, thisAddr, latestIndex, latestAddr, nrec)) # track the latest history index self.DataStore.setLastHistoryIndex(thisIndex) self.DataStore.setLatestHistoryIndex(latestIndex) nextIndex = None if self.command == EAction.aGetHistory: if self.history_cache.start_index is None: nreq = 0 if self.history_cache.num_rec > 0: loginf('handleHistoryData: request for %s records' % self.history_cache.num_rec) nreq = self.history_cache.num_rec else: loginf('handleHistoryData: request records since %s' % weeutil.weeutil.timestamp_to_string(self.history_cache.since_ts)) span = int(time.time()) - self.history_cache.since_ts # FIXME: what if we do not have config data yet? cfg = self.getConfigData().asDict() arcint = 60 * getHistoryInterval(cfg['history_interval']) # FIXME: this assumes a constant archive interval for all # records in the station history nreq = int(span / arcint) + 5 # FIXME: punt 5 if nreq > nrec: loginf('handleHistoryData: too many records requested (%d)' ', clipping to number stored (%d)' % (nreq, nrec)) nreq = nrec idx = get_index(latestIndex - nreq) self.history_cache.start_index = idx self.history_cache.next_index = idx self.DataStore.setLastHistoryIndex(idx) self.history_cache.num_outstanding_records = nreq logdbg('handleHistoryData: start_index=%s' ' num_outstanding_records=%s' % (idx, nreq)) nextIndex = idx elif self.history_cache.next_index is not None: # thisIndex should be the next record after next_index thisIndexTst = get_next_index(self.history_cache.next_index) if thisIndexTst == thisIndex: self.history_cache.num_scanned += 1 # get the next history record if ts is not None and self.history_cache.since_ts <= ts: # Check if two records in a row with the same ts if self.history_cache.last_ts == ts: logdbg('handleHistoryData: remove previous record' ' with duplicate timestamp: %s' % weeutil.weeutil.timestamp_to_string(ts)) self.history_cache.records.pop() self.history_cache.last_ts = ts # append to the history logdbg('handleHistoryData: appending history record' ' %s: %s' % (thisIndex, data.asDict())) self.history_cache.records.append(data.asDict()) self.history_cache.num_outstanding_records = nrec elif ts is None: logerr('handleHistoryData: skip record: this_ts=None') else: logdbg('handleHistoryData: skip record: since_ts=%s this_ts=%s' % (weeutil.weeutil.timestamp_to_string(self.history_cache.since_ts), weeutil.weeutil.timestamp_to_string(ts))) self.history_cache.next_index = thisIndex else: loginf('handleHistoryData: index mismatch: %s != %s' % (thisIndexTst, thisIndex)) nextIndex = self.history_cache.next_index logdbg('handleHistoryData: next=%s' % nextIndex) self.setSleep(0.300,0.010) newlen[0] = self.buildACKFrame(newbuf, EAction.aGetHistory, cs, nextIndex) buflen[0] = newlen[0] buf[0] = newbuf[0] def handleNextAction(self,Buffer,Length): newBuffer = [0] newBuffer[0] = Buffer[0] newLength = [0] newLength[0] = Length[0] self.DataStore.setLastStatCache(seen_ts=int(time.time()), quality=(Buffer[0][3] & 0x7f)) cs = newBuffer[0][5] | (newBuffer[0][4] << 8) if (Buffer[0][2] & 0xEF) == EResponseType.rtReqFirstConfig: logdbg('handleNextAction: a1 (first-time config)') self.setSleep(0.085,0.005) newLength[0] = self.buildFirstConfigFrame(newBuffer, cs) elif (Buffer[0][2] & 0xEF) == EResponseType.rtReqSetConfig: logdbg('handleNextAction: a2 (set config data)') self.setSleep(0.085,0.005) newLength[0] = self.buildConfigFrame(newBuffer) elif (Buffer[0][2] & 0xEF) == EResponseType.rtReqSetTime: logdbg('handleNextAction: a3 (set time data)') now = int(time.time()) age = now - self.DataStore.LastStat.last_weather_ts if age >= (self.DataStore.getCommModeInterval() +1) * 2: # always set time if init or stale communication self.setSleep(0.085,0.005) newLength[0] = self.buildTimeFrame(newBuffer, cs) else: # When time is set at the whole hour we may get an extra # historical record with time stamp a history period ahead # We will skip settime if offset to whole hour is too small # (time difference between WS and server < self._a3_offset) m, s = divmod(now, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) logdbg('Time: hh:%02d:%02d' % (m,s)) if (m == 59 and s >= (60 - self._a3_offset)) or (m == 0 and s <= self._a3_offset): logdbg('Skip settime; time difference <= %s s' % int(self._a3_offset)) self.setSleep(0.300,0.010) newLength[0] = self.buildACKFrame(newBuffer, EAction.aGetHistory, cs) else: # set time self.setSleep(0.085,0.005) newLength[0] = self.buildTimeFrame(newBuffer, cs) else: logdbg('handleNextAction: %02x' % (Buffer[0][2] & 0xEF)) self.setSleep(0.300,0.010) newLength[0] = self.buildACKFrame(newBuffer, EAction.aGetHistory, cs) Length[0] = newLength[0] Buffer[0] = newBuffer[0] def generateResponse(self, Buffer, Length): if DEBUG_COMM > 1: logdbg('generateResponse: %s' % self.timing()) newBuffer = [0] newBuffer[0] = Buffer[0] newLength = [0] newLength[0] = Length[0] if Length[0] == 0: raise BadResponse('zero length buffer') bufferID = (Buffer[0][0] <<8) | Buffer[0][1] respType = (Buffer[0][2] & 0xE0) if DEBUG_COMM > 1: logdbg("generateResponse: id=%04x resp=%x length=%x" % (bufferID, respType, Length[0])) deviceID = self.DataStore.getDeviceID() if bufferID != 0xF0F0: self.DataStore.setRegisteredDeviceID(bufferID) if bufferID == 0xF0F0: loginf('generateResponse: console not paired, attempting to pair to 0x%04x' % deviceID) newLength[0] = self.buildACKFrame(newBuffer, EAction.aGetConfig, deviceID, 0xFFFF) elif bufferID == deviceID: if respType == EResponseType.rtDataWritten: # 00000000: 00 00 06 00 32 20 if Length[0] == 0x06: self.DataStore.StationConfig.setResetMinMaxFlags(0) self.shid.setRX() raise DataWritten() else: raise BadResponse('len=%x resp=%x' % (Length[0], respType)) elif respType == EResponseType.rtGetConfig: # 00000000: 00 00 30 00 32 40 if Length[0] == 0x30: self.handleConfig(newBuffer, newLength) else: raise BadResponse('len=%x resp=%x' % (Length[0], respType)) elif respType == EResponseType.rtGetCurrentWeather: # 00000000: 00 00 d7 00 32 60 if Length[0] == 0xd7: #215 self.handleCurrentData(newBuffer, newLength) else: raise BadResponse('len=%x resp=%x' % (Length[0], respType)) elif respType == EResponseType.rtGetHistory: # 00000000: 00 00 1e 00 32 80 if Length[0] == 0x1e: self.handleHistoryData(newBuffer, newLength) else: raise BadResponse('len=%x resp=%x' % (Length[0], respType)) elif respType == EResponseType.rtRequest: # 00000000: 00 00 06 f0 f0 a1 # 00000000: 00 00 06 00 32 a3 # 00000000: 00 00 06 00 32 a2 if Length[0] == 0x06: self.handleNextAction(newBuffer, newLength) else: raise BadResponse('len=%x resp=%x' % (Length[0], respType)) else: raise BadResponse('unexpected response type %x' % respType) elif respType not in [0x20,0x40,0x60,0x80,0xa1,0xa2,0xa3]: # message is probably corrupt raise BadResponse('unknown response type %x' % respType) else: msg = 'message from console contains unknown device ID (id=%04x resp=%x)' % (bufferID, respType) logdbg(msg) log_frame(Length[0],Buffer[0]) raise BadResponse(msg) Buffer[0] = newBuffer[0] Length[0] = newLength[0] def configureRegisterNames(self): self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.IFMODE] =0x00 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.MODULATION]=0x41 #fsk self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.ENCODING] =0x07 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.FRAMING] =0x84 #1000:0100 ##?hdlc? |1000 010 0 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.CRCINIT3] =0xff self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.CRCINIT2] =0xff self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.CRCINIT1] =0xff self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.CRCINIT0] =0xff self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.FREQ3] =0x38 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.FREQ2] =0x90 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.FREQ1] =0x00 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.FREQ0] =0x01 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.PLLLOOP] =0x1d self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.PLLRANGING]=0x08 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.PLLRNGCLK] =0x03 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.MODMISC] =0x03 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.SPAREOUT] =0x00 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.TESTOBS] =0x00 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.APEOVER] =0x00 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.TMMUX] =0x00 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.PLLVCOI] =0x01 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.PLLCPEN] =0x01 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.RFMISC] =0xb0 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.REF] =0x23 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.IFFREQHI] =0x20 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.IFFREQLO] =0x00 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.ADCMISC] =0x01 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.AGCTARGET] =0x0e self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.AGCATTACK] =0x11 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.AGCDECAY] =0x0e self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.CICDEC] =0x3f self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.DATARATEHI]=0x19 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.DATARATELO]=0x66 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.TMGGAINHI] =0x01 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.TMGGAINLO] =0x96 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.PHASEGAIN] =0x03 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.FREQGAIN] =0x04 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.FREQGAIN2] =0x0a self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.AMPLGAIN] =0x06 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.AGCMANUAL] =0x00 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.ADCDCLEVEL]=0x10 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.RXMISC] =0x35 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.FSKDEV2] =0x00 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.FSKDEV1] =0x31 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.FSKDEV0] =0x27 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.TXPWR] =0x03 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.TXRATEHI] =0x00 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.TXRATEMID] =0x51 self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.TXRATELO] =0xec self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.TXDRIVER] =0x88 def initTransceiver(self, frequency_standard): logdbg('initTransceiver: frequency_standard=%s' % frequency_standard) self.DataStore.setFrequencyStandard(frequency_standard) self.configureRegisterNames() # calculate the frequency then set frequency registers freq = self.DataStore.TransceiverSettings.Frequency loginf('base frequency: %d' % freq) freqVal = long(freq / 16000000.0 * 16777216.0) corVec = [None] self.shid.readConfigFlash(0x1F5, 4, corVec) corVal = corVec[0][0] << 8 corVal |= corVec[0][1] corVal <<= 8 corVal |= corVec[0][2] corVal <<= 8 corVal |= corVec[0][3] loginf('frequency correction: %d (0x%x)' % (corVal,corVal)) freqVal += corVal if not (freqVal % 2): freqVal += 1 loginf('adjusted frequency: %d (0x%x)' % (freqVal,freqVal)) self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.FREQ3] = (freqVal >>24) & 0xFF self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.FREQ2] = (freqVal >>16) & 0xFF self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.FREQ1] = (freqVal >>8) & 0xFF self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.FREQ0] = (freqVal >>0) & 0xFF logdbg('frequency registers: %x %x %x %x' % ( self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.FREQ3], self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.FREQ2], self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.FREQ1], self.reg_names[self.AX5051RegisterNames.FREQ0])) # figure out the transceiver id buf = [None] self.shid.readConfigFlash(0x1F9, 7, buf) tid = buf[0][5] << 8 tid += buf[0][6] loginf('transceiver identifier: %d (0x%04x)' % (tid,tid)) self.DataStore.setDeviceID(tid) # figure out the transceiver serial number sn = str("%02d"%(buf[0][0])) sn += str("%02d"%(buf[0][1])) sn += str("%02d"%(buf[0][2])) sn += str("%02d"%(buf[0][3])) sn += str("%02d"%(buf[0][4])) sn += str("%02d"%(buf[0][5])) sn += str("%02d"%(buf[0][6])) loginf('transceiver serial: %s' % sn) self.DataStore.setTransceiverSerNo(sn) for r in self.reg_names: self.shid.writeReg(r, self.reg_names[r]) def setup(self, frequency_standard, vendor_id, product_id, device_id, serial, comm_interval=3): self.DataStore.setCommModeInterval(comm_interval), product_id, device_id, serial) self.initTransceiver(frequency_standard) self.DataStore.setTransceiverPresent(True) def teardown(self): self.shid.close() # FIXME: make this thread-safe def getWeatherData(self): return self.DataStore.CurrentWeather # FIXME: make this thread-safe def getLastStat(self): return self.DataStore.LastStat # FIXME: make this thread-safe def getConfigData(self): return self.DataStore.StationConfig def startCachingHistory(self, since_ts=0, num_rec=0): self.history_cache.clear_records() if since_ts is None: since_ts = 0 self.history_cache.since_ts = since_ts if num_rec > WS28xxDriver.max_records - 2: num_rec = WS28xxDriver.max_records - 2 self.history_cache.num_rec = num_rec self.command = EAction.aGetHistory def stopCachingHistory(self): self.command = None def getUncachedHistoryCount(self): return self.history_cache.num_outstanding_records def getNextHistoryIndex(self): return self.history_cache.next_index def getNumHistoryScanned(self): return self.history_cache.num_scanned def getLatestHistoryIndex(self): return self.DataStore.LastStat.LatestHistoryIndex def getHistoryCacheRecords(self): return self.history_cache.records def clearHistoryCache(self): self.history_cache.clear_records() def startRFThread(self): if self.child is not None: return logdbg('startRFThread: spawning RF thread') self.running = True self.child = threading.Thread(target=self.doRF) self.child.setName('RFComm') self.child.setDaemon(True) self.child.start() def stopRFThread(self): self.running = False logdbg('stopRFThread: waiting for RF thread to terminate') self.child.join(self.thread_wait) if self.child.isAlive(): logerr('unable to terminate RF thread after %d seconds' % self.thread_wait) else: self.child = None def isRunning(self): return self.running def doRF(self): try: logdbg('setting up rf communication') self.doRFSetup() logdbg('starting rf communication') while self.running: self.doRFCommunication() except Exception, e: logerr('exception in doRF: %s' % e) if weewx.debug: log_traceback(dst=syslog.LOG_DEBUG) self.running = False raise finally: logdbg('stopping rf communication') # it is probably not necessary to have two setPreamblePattern invocations. # however, HeavyWeatherPro seems to do it this way on a first time config. # doing it this way makes configuration easier during a factory reset and # when re-establishing communication with the station sensors. def doRFSetup(self): self.shid.execute(5) self.shid.setPreamblePattern(0xaa) self.shid.setState(0) time.sleep(1) self.shid.setRX() self.shid.setPreamblePattern(0xaa) self.shid.setState(0x1e) time.sleep(1) self.shid.setRX() self.setSleep(0.085,0.005) def doRFCommunication(self): time.sleep(self.firstSleep) self.pollCount = 0 while self.running: StateBuffer = [None] self.shid.getState(StateBuffer) self.pollCount += 1 if StateBuffer[0][0] == 0x16: break time.sleep(self.nextSleep) else: return DataLength = [0] DataLength[0] = 0 FrameBuffer=[0] FrameBuffer[0]=[0]*0x03 self.shid.getFrame(FrameBuffer, DataLength) try: self.generateResponse(FrameBuffer, DataLength) self.shid.setFrame(FrameBuffer[0], DataLength[0]) except BadResponse, e: logerr('generateResponse failed: %s' % e) except DataWritten, e: logdbg('SetTime/SetConfig data written') self.shid.setTX() # these are for diagnostics and debugging def setSleep(self, firstsleep, nextsleep): self.firstSleep = firstsleep self.nextSleep = nextsleep def timing(self): s = self.firstSleep + self.nextSleep * (self.pollCount - 1) return 'sleep=%s first=%s next=%s count=%s' % ( s, self.firstSleep, self.nextSleep, self.pollCount)
# # # A module containing means of interacting with log files. # import logging import logging.handlers import os import time from data_structures import enum from config import get_config_value LoggingSection = enum( 'CLIENT', 'CRAWLER', 'DATA', 'FRONTIER', 'TEST', 'UTILITIES', ) #region Setup logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s] %(name)s::%(funcName)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%x %X %Z') module_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) logfile = os.path.join(module_dir, get_config_value('LOG', 'path')) logdir = os.path.join(module_dir, get_config_value('LOG', 'dir')) if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.mkdir(logdir) handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(logfile, maxBytes=8192, backupCount=10, ) formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s] %(name)s::%(funcName)s - %(message)s') formatter.datefmt = '%x %X %Z' formatter.converter = time.gmtime handler.setFormatter(formatter) #endregion def get_logger(section, name): """ Fetches a logger. Arguments: section (string): The section the logger is attributed to. name (string): The name of the logger. Returns: The logger corresponding to the section and name provided. """ section_name = LoggingSection.reverse_mapping[section].lower() logger = logging.getLogger('htresearch.{0}.{1}'.format(section_name, name)) logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) return logger
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Purpose: This script, using default values, determines and plots the CpG islands in relation to a given feature "type" (e.g. "gene" or "mRNA") from a GFF file which corresponds to the user-provided fasta file. Note: CpG Islands are determined by ObEx = (Observed CpG) / (Expected CpG) , default threshold > 1. Where Expected CpG = (count(C) * count(G)) / WindowSize Usage: python FastaFile Gff_File OutFile.png Default optional parameters: -s, Step Size, default = 50 -w, Window Size, default = 200 -oe, Minimum Observed Expected CpG, default = 1 -gc, Minimum GC, default = .5 -r Range from ATG, or provided feature, default = 5000 -f, GFF Feature, default = "gene" -i, Gene ID from GFF, default = "" ''' import sys import os import argparse from collections import Counter from Bio import SeqIO import cpgmod import gffutils import pandas as pd import numpy as np from ggplot import * # Capture command line args, with or without defaults if __name__ == '__main__': # Parse the arguments LineArgs = cpgmod.parseArguments() # Populate vars with args FastaFile = LineArgs.FastaFile GffFile = LineArgs.GffFile OutFile = LineArgs.FileOut Step = LineArgs.s WinSize = LineArgs.w ObExthresh = LineArgs.oe GCthresh = LineArgs.gc StartRange = LineArgs.r FeatGFF = LineArgs.f ID_Feat = LineArgs.i # Gather all possible CpG islands MergedRecs = [] print "Parsing sequences...\n" for SeqRecord in SeqIO.parse(FastaFile, "fasta"): print # Determine if sequences and args are acceptable cpgmod.arg_seqcheck(SeqRecord, WinSize, Step) # Pre-determine number of islands NumOfChunks = cpgmod.chunks(SeqRecord, WinSize, Step) # Return array of SeqRec class (potential CpG island) instances SeqRecList = cpgmod.compute(SeqRecord, Step, NumOfChunks, WinSize) MergedRecs = MergedRecs + SeqRecList # Create GFF DB GffDb = gffutils.create_db(GffFile, dbfn='GFF.db', force=True, keep_order=True, merge_strategy='merge', sort_attribute_values=True, disable_infer_transcripts=True, disable_infer_genes=True) print "\nGFF Database Created...\n" # Filter out SeqRec below threshold DistArr = [] for Rec in MergedRecs: Cond1 = Rec.expect() > 0 if Cond1 == True: ObEx = (Rec.observ() / Rec.expect()) Cond2 = ObEx > ObExthresh Cond3 = Rec.gc_cont() > GCthresh if Cond2 and Cond3: # Query GFF DB for closest gene feature *or provided feature* Arr = cpgmod.get_closest(Rec, GffDb, StartRange, FeatGFF, ID_Feat) if Arr <> False: Arr.append(ObEx) DistArr.append(Arr) print "CpG Islands predicted...\n" print "Generating Figure...\n" # Releasing SeqRecs MergedRecs = None SeqRecList = None # Pre-check DistArr Results if len(DistArr) < 2: print "WARNING, "+ str(len(DistArr)) + " sites were found." print "Consider changing parameters.\n" # Generate Figure: ObExRes = pd.DataFrame({ 'gene' : [], 'xval': [], 'yval': []}) try: Cnt = 0 for Dist in DistArr: Cnt += 1 print "PROGRESS: "+str(Cnt) +" of "+ str(len(DistArr)) ObExdf = pd.DataFrame({ 'gene': [Dist[2]], 'xval': [Dist[1]], 'yval': [Dist[3]]}) ObExFram = [ObExRes, ObExdf] ObExRes = pd.concat(ObExFram, ignore_index=True) p = ggplot(aes(x='xval', y='yval'), data=ObExRes) \ + geom_point() \ + ylab("Observed/Expected CpG") \ + xlab("Position (bp) Relative to (ATG = 0)") \ + ggtitle("Predicted CpG Island Position Relative to ATG") except IndexError as e: print 'Error: '+ str(e) sys.exit('Exiting script...') print p # Remove GFF DB os.remove('GFF.db')
import numpy as np from scipy import sparse from scipy.interpolate import interp1d class calibration(object): ''' some useful tools for manual calibration ''' def normalize_zdata(self,z_data,cal_z_data): return z_data/cal_z_data def normalize_amplitude(self,z_data,cal_ampdata): return z_data/cal_ampdata def normalize_phase(self,z_data,cal_phase): return z_data*np.exp(-1j*cal_phase) def normalize_by_func(self,f_data,z_data,func): return z_data/func(f_data) def _baseline_als(self,y, lam, p, niter=10): ''' see "Asymmetric Least Squares Smoothing" by P. Eilers and H. Boelens in 2005. "There are two parameters: p for asymmetry and lambda for smoothness. Both have to be tuned to the data at hand. We found that generally 0.001<=p<=0.1 is a good choice (for a trace with positive peaks) and 10e2<=lambda<=10e9, but exceptions may occur." ''' L = len(y) D = sparse.csc_matrix(np.diff(np.eye(L), 2)) w = np.ones(L) for i in range(niter): W = sparse.spdiags(w, 0, L, L) Z = W + lam * z = sparse.linalg.spsolve(Z, w*y) w = p * (y > z) + (1-p) * (y < z) return z def fit_baseline_amp(self,z_data,lam,p,niter=10): ''' for this to work, you need to analyze a large part of the baseline tune lam and p until you get the desired result ''' return self._baseline_als(np.absolute(z_data),lam,p,niter=niter) def baseline_func_amp(self,z_data,f_data,lam,p,niter=10): ''' for this to work, you need to analyze a large part of the baseline tune lam and p until you get the desired result returns the baseline as a function the points in between the datapoints are computed by cubic interpolation ''' return interp1d(f_data, self._baseline_als(np.absolute(z_data),lam,p,niter=niter), kind='cubic') def baseline_func_phase(self,z_data,f_data,lam,p,niter=10): ''' for this to work, you need to analyze a large part of the baseline tune lam and p until you get the desired result returns the baseline as a function the points in between the datapoints are computed by cubic interpolation ''' return interp1d(f_data, self._baseline_als(np.angle(z_data),lam,p,niter=niter), kind='cubic') def fit_baseline_phase(self,z_data,lam,p,niter=10): ''' for this to work, you need to analyze a large part of the baseline tune lam and p until you get the desired result ''' return self._baseline_als(np.angle(z_data),lam,p,niter=niter) def GUIbaselinefit(self): ''' A GUI to help you fit the baseline ''' self.__lam = 1e6 self.__p = 0.9 niter = 10 self.__baseline = self._baseline_als(np.absolute(self.z_data_raw),self.__lam,self.__p,niter=niter) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.widgets import Slider fig, (ax0,ax1) = plt.subplots(nrows=2) plt.suptitle('Use the sliders to make the green curve match the baseline.') plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.25, bottom=0.25) l0, = ax0.plot(np.absolute(self.z_data_raw)) l0b, = ax0.plot(np.absolute(self.__baseline)) l1, = ax1.plot(np.absolute(self.z_data_raw/self.__baseline)) ax0.set_ylabel('amp, rawdata vs. baseline') ax1.set_ylabel('amp, corrected') axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' axSmooth = plt.axes([0.25, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) axAsym = plt.axes([0.25, 0.15, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) axbcorr = plt.axes([0.25, 0.05, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) sSmooth = Slider(axSmooth, 'Smoothness', 0.1, 10., valinit=np.log10(self.__lam),valfmt='1E%f') sAsym = Slider(axAsym, 'Asymmetry', 1e-4,0.99999, valinit=self.__p,valfmt='%f') sbcorr = Slider(axbcorr, 'vertical shift',0.7,1.1,valinit=1.) def update(val): self.__lam = 10**sSmooth.val self.__p = sAsym.val self.__baseline = sbcorr.val*self._baseline_als(np.absolute(self.z_data_raw),self.__lam,self.__p,niter=niter) l0.set_ydata(np.absolute(self.z_data_raw)) l0b.set_ydata(np.absolute(self.__baseline)) l1.set_ydata(np.absolute(self.z_data_raw/self.__baseline)) fig.canvas.draw_idle() sSmooth.on_changed(update) sAsym.on_changed(update) sbcorr.on_changed(update) self.z_data_raw /= self.__baseline plt.close()
## mostly copied from: import sys, random import re, collections, time TXT_FILE=''; BUF_DIR=''; NWORDS=None; def words(text): return re.findall('[a-z]+', text) def train(features): model = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 1) for f in features: model[f] += 1 return model alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' def edits1(word): splits = [(word[:i], word[i:]) for i in range(len(word) + 1)] deletes = [a + b[1:] for a, b in splits if b] transposes = [a + b[1] + b[0] + b[2:] for a, b in splits if len(b)>1] replaces = [a + c + b[1:] for a, b in splits for c in alphabet if b] inserts = [a + c + b for a, b in splits for c in alphabet] return set(deletes + transposes + replaces + inserts) def known_edits2(word): return set(e2 for e1 in edits1(word) for e2 in edits1(e1) if e2 in NWORDS) def known(words): return set(w for w in words if w in NWORDS) def correct(word): candidates = known([word]) or known(edits1(word)) or known_edits2(word) or [word] return max(candidates, key=NWORDS.get) ####################################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': TXT_FILE = sys.argv[1] t0 = time.clock() o_words = words(file(TXT_FILE).read()) NWORDS = train(o_words) #print time.clock() - t0, " seconds build time" #print "dictionary size: %d" %len(NWORDS) et1 = time.clock() - t0 t_count = 10 rl = o_words[0:t_count] #random.sample(o_words, t_count) orl = [''.join(random.sample(word, len(word))) for word in o_words] t1 = time.clock() r_count = 10 for i in range(0, r_count): for w1, w2 in zip(rl, orl): correct(w1); correct(w2) et2 = (time.clock() - t1)/t_count/r_count/2 print '%d\t%f\t%f' %(len(NWORDS), et1, et2) ####################################################################################### print 'Done'
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8; py-indent-offset:4 -*- ############################################################################### # # Copyright (C) 2015 Daniel Rodriguez # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################### from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) import collections import six from .comminfo import CommissionInfo from .position import Position from .metabase import MetaParams from .order import Order, BuyOrder, SellOrder class BrokerBack(six.with_metaclass(MetaParams, object)): params = (('cash', 10000.0), ('commission', CommissionInfo()),) def __init__(self): self.comminfo = dict() self.init() def init(self): if None not in self.comminfo.keys(): self.comminfo = dict({None: self.p.commission}) self.startingcash = = self.orders = list() # will only be appending self.pending = collections.deque() # popleft and append(right) self.positions = collections.defaultdict(Position) self.notifs = collections.deque() def getcash(self): return def setcash(self, cash): self.startingcash = = = cash def getcommissioninfo(self, data): if data._name in self.comminfo: return self.comminfo[data._name] return self.comminfo[None] def setcommission(self, commission=0.0, margin=None, mult=1.0, name=None): comm = CommissionInfo(commission=commission, margin=margin, mult=mult) self.comminfo[name] = comm def addcommissioninfo(self, comminfo, name=None): self.comminfo[name] = comminfo def start(self): self.init() def stop(self): pass def cancel(self, order): try: self.pending.remove(order) except ValueError: # If the list didn't have the element we didn't cancel anything return False order.cancel() self.notify(order) return True def getvalue(self, datas=None): pos_value = 0.0 for data in datas or self.positions.keys(): comminfo = self.getcommissioninfo(data) position = self.positions[data] pos_value += comminfo.getvalue(position, data.close[0]) return + pos_value def getposition(self, data): return self.positions[data] def submit(self, order): # FIXME: When an order is submitted, a margin check # requirement has to be done before it can be accepted. This implies # going over the entire list of pending orders for all datas and # existing positions, simulating order execution and ending up # with a "cash" figure that can be used to check the margin requirement # of the order. If not met, the order can be immediately rejected order.pannotated = None order.plen = len( order.accept() self.orders.append(order) self.pending.append(order) self.notify(order) return order def buy(self, owner, data, size, price=None, plimit=None, exectype=None, valid=None): order = BuyOrder(owner=owner, data=data, size=size, price=price, pricelimit=plimit, exectype=exectype, valid=valid) return self.submit(order) def sell(self, owner, data, size, price=None, plimit=None, exectype=None, valid=None): order = SellOrder(owner=owner, data=data, size=size, price=price, pricelimit=plimit, exectype=exectype, valid=valid) return self.submit(order) def _execute(self, order, dt, price): # Orders are fully executed, get operation size size = order.executed.remsize # Get comminfo object for the data comminfo = self.getcommissioninfo( # Adjust position with operation size position = self.positions[] oldpprice = position.price psize, pprice, opened, closed = position.update(size, price) abopened, abclosed = abs(opened), abs(closed) # if part/all of a position has been closed, then there has been # a profitandloss ... record it pnl = comminfo.profitandloss(abclosed, oldpprice, price) if closed: # Adjust to returned value for closed items & acquired opened items closedvalue = comminfo.getoperationcost(abclosed, price) += closedvalue # Calculate and substract commission closedcomm = comminfo.getcomm_pricesize(abclosed, price) -= closedcomm # Re-adjust cash according to future-like movements # Restore cash which was already taken at the start of the day -= comminfo.cashadjust(abclosed, price,[0]) # pnl = comminfo.profitandloss(oldpsize, oldpprice, price) else: closedvalue = closedcomm = 0.0 if opened: openedvalue = comminfo.getoperationcost(abopened, price) -= openedvalue openedcomm = comminfo.getcomm_pricesize(abopened, price) -= openedcomm # Remove cash for the new opened contracts += comminfo.cashadjust(abopened, price,[0]) else: openedvalue = openedcomm = 0.0 # Execute and notify the order order.execute(dt, size, price, closed, closedvalue, closedcomm, opened, openedvalue, openedcomm, comminfo.margin, pnl, psize, pprice) self.notify(order) def notify(self, order): self.notifs.append(order.clone()) def next(self): for data, pos in self.positions.items(): # futures change cash in the broker in every bar # to ensure margin requirements are met comminfo = self.getcommissioninfo(data) += comminfo.cashadjust(pos.size, data.close[-1], data.close[0]) # Iterate once over all elements of the pending queue for i in range(len(self.pending)): order = self.pending.popleft() if order.expire(): self.notify(order) continue popen = or[0] phigh = or[0] plow = or[0] pclose = or[0] pcreated = order.created.price plimit = order.created.pricelimit if order.exectype == Order.Market: self._execute(order,[0], price=popen) elif order.exectype == Order.Close: self._try_exec_close(order, pclose) elif order.exectype == Order.Limit: self._try_exec_limit(order, popen, phigh, plow, pcreated) elif order.exectype == Order.StopLimit and order.triggered: self._try_exec_limit(order, popen, phigh, plow, plimit) elif order.exectype == Order.Stop: self._try_exec_stop(order, popen, phigh, plow, pcreated) elif order.exectype == Order.StopLimit: self._try_exec_stoplimit(order, popen, phigh, plow, pclose, pcreated, plimit) if order.alive(): self.pending.append(order) def _try_exec_close(self, order, pclose): if len( > order.plen: dt0 =[0] if dt0 > order.dteos: if order.pannotated: execdt =[-1] execprice = pannotated else: execdt = dt0 execprice = pclose self._execute(order, execdt, price=execprice) return # If no exexcution has taken place ... annotate the closing price order.pannotated = pclose def _try_exec_limit(self, order, popen, phigh, plow, plimit): if order.isbuy(): if plimit >= popen: # open smaller/equal than requested - buy cheaper self._execute(order,[0], price=popen) elif plimit >= plow: # day low below req price ... match limit price self._execute(order,[0], price=plimit) else: # Sell if plimit <= popen: # open greater/equal than requested - sell more expensive self._execute(order,[0], price=popen) elif plimit <= phigh: # day high above req price ... match limit price self._execute(order,[0], price=plimit) def _try_exec_stop(self, order, popen, phigh, plow, pcreated): if order.isbuy(): if popen >= pcreated: # price penetrated with an open gap - use open self._execute(order,[0], price=popen) elif phigh >= pcreated: # price penetrated during the session - use trigger price self._execute(order,[0], price=pcreated) else: # Sell if popen <= pcreated: # price penetrated with an open gap - use open self._execute(order,[0], price=popen) elif plow <= pcreated: # price penetrated during the session - use trigger price self._execute(order,[0], price=pcreated) def _try_exec_stoplimit(self, order, popen, phigh, plow, pclose, pcreated, plimit): if order.isbuy(): if popen >= pcreated: order.triggered = True # price penetrated with an open gap if plimit >= popen: self._execute(order,[0], price=popen) elif plimit >= plow: # execute in same bar self._execute(order,[0], price=plimit) elif phigh >= pcreated: # price penetrated upwards during the session order.triggered = True # can calculate execution for a few cases - datetime is fixed dt =[0] if popen > pclose: if plimit >= pcreated: self._execute(order, dt, price=pcreated) elif plimit >= pclose: self._execute(order, dt, price=plimit) else: # popen < pclose if plimit >= pcreated: self._execute(order, dt, price=pcreated) else: # Sell if popen <= pcreated: # price penetrated downwards with an open gap order.triggered = True if plimit <= open: self._execute(order,[0], price=popen) elif plimit <= phigh: # execute in same bar self._execute(order,[0], price=plimit) elif plow <= pcreated: # price penetrated downwards during the session order.triggered = True # can calculate execution for a few cases - datetime is fixed dt =[0] if popen <= pclose: if plimit <= pcreated: self._execute(order, dt, price=pcreated) elif plimit <= pclose: self._execute(order, dt, price=plimit) else: # popen > pclose if plimit <= pcreated: self._execute(order, dt, price=pcreated)
#! /usr/bin/env python import logging, logtool from .page import Page from .xlate_frame import XlateFrame LOG = logging.getLogger (__name__) class Contents: @logtool.log_call def __init__ (self, canvas, objects): self.canvas = canvas self.objects = objects @logtool.log_call def render (self): with Page (self.canvas) as pg: for obj in self.objects: coords = (obj.asset) with XlateFrame (self.canvas, obj.tile_type, *coords, inset_by = "margin"): # print ("Obj: ", obj.asset) obj.render ()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging from pprint import pformat from time import clock, sleep try: import unittest2 as unittest except ImportError: import unittest import config from event_stack import TimeOutReached from database_reception import Database_Reception from static_agent_pools import Receptionists, Customers logging.basicConfig (level = logging.INFO) class Test_Case (unittest.TestCase): Caller = None Receptionist = None Receptionist_2 = None Callee = None Reception_Database = None Reception = None Start_Time = None Next_Step = 1 def Preconditions (self, Reception): self.Start_Time = clock () self.Next_Step = 1 self.Log ("Incoming calls test case: Setting up preconditions...") self.Log ("Requesting a customer (caller)...") self.Caller = Customers.request () self.Log ("Requesting a receptionist...") self.Receptionist = Receptionists.request () self.Log ("Requesting a second receptionist...") self.Receptionist_2 = Receptionists.request () self.Log ("Requesting a customer (callee)...") self.Callee = Customers.request () self.Log ("Select which reception to test...") self.Reception = Reception self.Log ("Select a reception database connection...") self.Reception_Database = Database_Reception (uri = config.reception_server_uri, authtoken = self.Receptionist.call_control.authtoken) def Postprocessing (self): self.Log ("Incoming calls test case: Cleaning up after test...") if not self.Caller is None: self.Caller.release () if not self.Receptionist is None: self.Receptionist.release () if not self.Receptionist_2 is None: self.Receptionist_2.release () if not self.Callee is None: self.Callee.release () def Step (self, Message, Delay_In_Seconds = 0.0): if self.Next_Step is None: self.Next_Step = 1 if self.Start_Time is None: self.Start_Time = clock () ("Step " + str (self.Next_Step) + ": " + Message) sleep (Delay_In_Seconds) self.Next_Step += 1 def Log (self, Message, Delay_In_Seconds = 0.0): if self.Next_Step is None: self.Next_Step = 1 if self.Start_Time is None: self.Start_Time = clock () (" " + str (self.Next_Step - 1) + ": " + Message) sleep (Delay_In_Seconds) def Caller_Places_Call (self, Number): self.Step (Message = "Caller places call to " + str (Number) + "...") self.Log (Message = "Dialling through caller agent...") self.Caller.dial (Number) def Receptionist_Places_Call (self, Number): self.Step (Message = "Receptionist places call to " + str (Number) + "...") self.Log (Message = "Dialling through receptionist agent...") self.Receptionist.dial (Number) def Caller_Hears_Dialtone (self): self.Step (Message = "Caller hears dial-tone...") self.Log (Message = "Caller agent waits for dial-tone...") self.Caller.sip_phone.Wait_For_Dialtone () def Receptionist_Hears_Dialtone (self): self.Step (Message = "Receptionist hears dial-tone...") self.Log (Message = "Receptionist agent waits for dial-tone...") self.Receptionist.sip_phone.Wait_For_Dialtone () def Call_Announced (self): self.Step (Message = "Receptionist's client waits for 'call_offer'...") try: self.Receptionist.event_stack.WaitFor ("call_offer") except TimeOutReached: logging.critical (self.Receptionist.event_stack.dump_stack ()) ("Call offer didn't arrive from Call-Flow-Control.") if not self.Receptionist.event_stack.stack_contains (event_type="call_offer", destination=self.Reception): logging.critical (self.Receptionist.event_stack.dump_stack ()) ("The arrived call offer was not for the expected reception (destination).") return self.Receptionist.event_stack.Get_Latest_Event (Event_Type="call_offer", Destination=self.Reception)['call']['id'],\ self.Receptionist.event_stack.Get_Latest_Event (Event_Type="call_offer", Destination=self.Reception)['call']['reception_id'] def Call_Announced_As_Locked (self, Call_ID): self.Step (Message = "Call-Flow-Control sends out 'call_lock'...") try: self.Receptionist.event_stack.WaitFor (event_type = "call_lock", call_id = Call_ID, timeout = 20.0) except TimeOutReached: logging.critical (self.Receptionist.event_stack.dump_stack ()) ("No 'call_lock' event arrived from Call-Flow-Control.") if not self.Receptionist.event_stack.stack_contains (event_type = "call_lock", destination = self.Reception, call_id = Call_ID): logging.critical (self.Receptionist.event_stack.dump_stack ()) ("The arrived 'call_lock' event was not for the expected reception (destination).") def Call_Announced_As_Unlocked (self, Call_ID): self.Step (Message = "Call-Flow-Control sends out 'call_unlock'...") try: self.Receptionist.event_stack.WaitFor (event_type = "call_unlock", call_id = Call_ID) except TimeOutReached: logging.critical (self.Receptionist.event_stack.dump_stack ()) ("No 'call_unlock' event arrived from Call-Flow-Control.") if not self.Receptionist.event_stack.stack_contains (event_type = "call_unlock", destination = self.Reception, call_id = Call_ID): logging.critical (self.Receptionist.event_stack.dump_stack ()) ("The arrived 'call_unlock' event was not for the expected reception (destination).") def Request_Information (self, Reception_ID): self.Step (Message = "Requesting (updated) information about reception " + str (Reception_ID)) Data_On_Reception = self.Reception_Database.Single (Reception_ID) self.Step (Message = "Received information on reception " + str (Reception_ID)) return Data_On_Reception def Offer_To_Pick_Up_Call (self, Call_Flow_Control, Call_ID): self.Step (Message = "Client offers to answer call...") try: Call_Flow_Control.PickupCall (call_id = Call_ID) except: self.Log (Message = "Pick-up call returned an error of some kind.") def Call_Allocation_Acknowledgement (self, Call_ID, Receptionist_ID): self.Step (Message = "Receptionist's client waits for 'call_pickup'...") try: self.Receptionist.event_stack.WaitFor (event_type = "call_pickup", call_id = Call_ID) except TimeOutReached: logging.critical (self.Receptionist.event_stack.dump_stack ()) ("No 'call_pickup' event arrived from Call-Flow-Control.") try: Event = self.Receptionist.event_stack.Get_Latest_Event (Event_Type = "call_pickup", Call_ID = Call_ID) except: logging.critical (self.Receptionist.event_stack.dump_stack ()) ("Could not extract the received 'call_pickup' event from the Call-Flow-Control client.") try: if not Event['call']['assigned_to'] == Receptionist_ID: logging.critical (self.Receptionist.event_stack.dump_stack ()) ("The arrived 'call_pickup' event was for " + str (Event['call']['assigned_to']) + ", and not for " + str (Receptionist_ID) + " as expected.") except: logging.critical (self.Receptionist.event_stack.dump_stack ()) raise self.Log (Message = "Call picked up: " + pformat (Event)) return Event def Receptionist_Answers (self, Call_Information, Reception_Information, After_Greeting_Played): self.Step (Message = "Receptionist answers...") if Call_Information['call']['greeting_played']: try: self.Log (Message = "Receptionist says '" + Reception_Information['short_greeting'] + "'.") except: ("Reception information missing 'short_greeting'.") else: try: self.Log (Message = "Receptionist says '" + Reception_Information['greeting'] + "'.") except: ("Reception information missing 'greeting'.") if After_Greeting_Played: if not Call_Information['call']['greeting_played']: ("It appears that the receptionist didn't wait long enough to allow the caller to hear the recorded message.") else: if Call_Information['call']['greeting_played']: ("It appears that the receptionist waited too long, and allowed the caller to hear the recorded message.")
# Topydo - A todo.txt client written in Python. # Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Bram Schoenmakers <[email protected]> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. """ This module provides the Todo class. """ from datetime import date from topydo.lib.Config import config from topydo.lib.TodoBase import TodoBase from topydo.lib.Utils import date_string_to_date class Todo(TodoBase): """ This class adds common functionality with respect to dates to the Todo base class, mainly by interpreting the start and due dates of task. """ def __init__(self, p_str): TodoBase.__init__(self, p_str) self.attributes = {} def get_date(self, p_tag): """ Given a date tag, return a date object. """ string = self.tag_value(p_tag) result = None try: result = date_string_to_date(string) if string else None except ValueError: pass return result def start_date(self): """ Returns a date object of the todo's start date. """ return self.get_date(config().tag_start()) def due_date(self): """ Returns a date object of the todo's due date. """ return self.get_date(config().tag_due()) def is_active(self): """ Returns True when the start date is today or in the past and the task has not yet been completed. """ start = self.start_date() return not self.is_completed() and (not start or start <= def is_overdue(self): """ Returns True when the due date is in the past and the task has not yet been completed. """ return not self.is_completed() and self.days_till_due() < 0 def days_till_due(self): """ Returns the number of days till the due date. Returns a negative number of days when the due date is in the past. Returns 0 when the task has no due date. """ due = self.due_date() if due: diff = due - return diff.days return 0 def length(self): """ Returns the length (in days) of the task, by considering the start date and the due date. When there is no start date, its creation date is used. Returns 0 when one of these dates is missing. """ start = self.start_date() or self.creation_date() due = self.due_date() if start and due and start < due: diff = due - start return diff.days else: return 0
from pupa.scrape import Jurisdiction, Organization from .bills import MNBillScraper from .committees import MNCommitteeScraper from .people import MNPersonScraper from .vote_events import MNVoteScraper from .events import MNEventScraper from .common import url_xpath """ Minnesota legislative data can be found at the Office of the Revisor of Statutes: Votes: There are not detailed vote data for Senate votes, simply yes and no counts. Bill pages have vote counts and links to House details, so it makes more sense to get vote data from the bill pages. """ class Minnesota(Jurisdiction): division_id = "ocd-division/country:us/state:mn" classification = "government" name = "Minnesota" url = "" check_sessions = True scrapers = { "bills": MNBillScraper, "committees": MNCommitteeScraper, "people": MNPersonScraper, "vote_events": MNVoteScraper, "events": MNEventScraper, } parties = [{'name': 'Republican'}, {'name': 'Democratic-Farmer-Labor'}] legislative_sessions = [ { '_scraped_name': '86th Legislature, 2009-2010', 'classification': 'primary', 'identifier': '2009-2010', 'name': '2009-2010 Regular Session' }, { '_scraped_name': '86th Legislature, 2010 1st Special Session', 'classification': 'special', 'identifier': '2010 1st Special Session', 'name': '2010, 1st Special Session' }, { '_scraped_name': '86th Legislature, 2010 2nd Special Session', 'classification': 'special', 'identifier': '2010 2nd Special Session', 'name': '2010, 2nd Special Session' }, { '_scraped_name': '87th Legislature, 2011-2012', 'classification': 'primary', 'identifier': '2011-2012', 'name': '2011-2012 Regular Session' }, { '_scraped_name': '87th Legislature, 2011 1st Special Session', 'classification': 'special', 'identifier': '2011s1', 'name': '2011, 1st Special Session' }, { '_scraped_name': '87th Legislature, 2012 1st Special Session', 'classification': 'special', 'identifier': '2012s1', 'name': '2012, 1st Special Session' }, { '_scraped_name': '88th Legislature, 2013-2014', 'classification': 'primary', 'identifier': '2013-2014', 'name': '2013-2014 Regular Session' }, { '_scraped_name': '88th Legislature, 2013 1st Special Session', 'classification': 'special', 'identifier': '2013s1', 'name': '2013, 1st Special Session' }, { '_scraped_name': '89th Legislature, 2015-2016', 'classification': 'primary', 'identifier': '2015-2016', 'name': '2015-2016 Regular Session' }, { '_scraped_name': '89th Legislature, 2015 1st Special Session', 'classification': 'special', 'identifier': '2015s1', 'name': '2015, 1st Special Session' }, { '_scraped_name': '90th Legislature, 2017-2018', 'classification': 'primary', 'identifier': '2017-2018', 'name': '2017-2018 Regular Session' }, ] ignored_scraped_sessions = [ '85th Legislature, 2007-2008', '85th Legislature, 2007 1st Special Session', '84th Legislature, 2005-2006', '84th Legislature, 2005 1st Special Session', '83rd Legislature, 2003-2004', '83rd Legislature, 2003 1st Special Session', '82nd Legislature, 2001-2002', '82nd Legislature, 2002 1st Special Session', '82nd Legislature, 2001 1st Special Session', '81st Legislature, 1999-2000', '80th Legislature, 1997-1998', '80th Legislature, 1998 1st Special Session', '80th Legislature, 1997 3rd Special Session', '80th Legislature, 1997 2nd Special Session', '80th Legislature, 1997 1st Special Session', '79th Legislature, 1995-1996', '79th Legislature, 1995 1st Special Session', '89th Legislature, 2015-2016', ] def get_organizations(self): legis = Organization('Minnesota Legislature', classification='legislature') upper = Organization('Minnesota Senate', classification='upper', parent_id=legis._id) lower = Organization('Minnesota House of Representatives', classification='lower', parent_id=legis._id) for n in range(1, 68): upper.add_post(label=str(n), role='Senator', division_id='ocd-division/country:us/state:mn/sldu:{}'.format(n)) lower.add_post(label=str(n) + 'A', role='Representative', division_id='ocd-division/country:us/state:mn/sldl:{}a'.format(n)) lower.add_post(label=str(n) + 'B', role='Representative', division_id='ocd-division/country:us/state:mn/sldl:{}b'.format(n)) yield legis yield upper yield lower def get_session_list(self): return url_xpath('' 'search_status/status_search.php?body=House', '//select[@name="session"]/option/text()')
''' Copyright 2015 This file is part of Orbach. Orbach is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Orbach is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Orbach. If not, see <>. ''' from django.conf.urls import url, include from rest_framework.routers import DefaultRouter from orbach.core import views router = DefaultRouter() router.register(r'galleries', views.GalleryViewSet) router.register(r'image_files', views.ImageFileViewSet) router.register(r'users', views.UserViewSet) urlpatterns = [ url(r'^', include(router.urls)), ]
import kivy kivy.require('1.9.1') from kivy.uix.popup import Popup from kivy.uix.label import Label from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout from kivy.metrics import dp from import Builder from import StringProperty, ObjectProperty from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.metrics import sp from kivy.metrics import dp from iconbutton import IconButton __all__ = ('alertPopup, confirmPopup, okPopup, editor_popup') Builder.load_string(''' <ConfirmPopup>: cols:1 Label: text: root.text GridLayout: cols: 2 size_hint_y: None height: '44sp' spacing: '5sp' IconButton: text: u'\uf00c' on_press: root.dispatch('on_answer', True) IconButton: text: u'\uf00d' color: ColorScheme.get_primary() on_release: root.dispatch('on_answer', False) <OkPopup>: cols:1 Label: text: root.text GridLayout: cols: 2 size_hint_y: None height: '44sp' spacing: '5sp' IconButton: text: u'\uf00c' on_press: root.dispatch('on_answer', True) <EditorPopup>: id: editor_popup cols:1 BoxLayout: id: content GridLayout: id: buttons cols: 2 size_hint_y: None height: '44sp' spacing: '5sp' IconButton: text: u'\uf00c' on_press: root.dispatch('on_answer', True) IconButton: text: u'\uf00d' color: ColorScheme.get_primary() on_release: root.dispatch('on_answer', False) ''') def alertPopup(title, msg): popup = Popup(title = title, content=Label(text = msg), size_hint=(None, None), size=(dp(600), dp(200))) def confirmPopup(title, msg, answerCallback): content = ConfirmPopup(text=msg) content.bind(on_answer=answerCallback) popup = Popup(title=title, content=content, size_hint=(None, None), size=(dp(600),dp(200)), auto_dismiss= False) return popup class ConfirmPopup(GridLayout): text = StringProperty() def __init__(self,**kwargs): self.register_event_type('on_answer') super(ConfirmPopup,self).__init__(**kwargs) def on_answer(self, *args): pass def editor_popup(title, content, answerCallback): content = EditorPopup(content=content) content.bind(on_answer=answerCallback) popup = Popup(title=title, content=content, size_hint=(0.7, 0.8), auto_dismiss= False, title_size=sp(18)) return popup class EditorPopup(GridLayout): content = ObjectProperty(None) def __init__(self,**kwargs): self.register_event_type('on_answer') super(EditorPopup,self).__init__(**kwargs) def on_content(self, instance, value): Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: self.ids.content.add_widget(value)) def on_answer(self, *args): pass def okPopup(title, msg, answerCallback): content = OkPopup(text=msg) content.bind(on_ok=answerCallback) popup = Popup(title=title, content=content, size_hint=(None, None), size=(dp(600),dp(200)), auto_dismiss= False) return popup class OkPopup(GridLayout): text = StringProperty() def __init__(self,**kwargs): self.register_event_type('on_ok') super(OkPopup,self).__init__(**kwargs) def on_ok(self, *args): pass
class CheckBase(object): """ Base class for checks. """ hooks = [] # pylint: disable=W0105 """Git hooks to which this class applies. A list of strings.""" def execute(self, hook): """ Executes the check. :param hook: The name of the hook being run. :type hook: :class:`str` :returns: ``True`` if the check passed, ``False`` if not. :rtype: :class:`bool` """ pass
#!/usr/bin/python3 ### rev: 5.0 ### author: <zhq> ### features: ### errors included ### up to 63 bases (2 to 64) ### caps recognition and same output format (deprecated) ### for the function parameters, `cur` represents the current (input) base, `res` represents the result (output) base, and `num` represents the current (input) number. def scale(cur, res, num): # int, int, str -> str # Default Settings num = str(num) iscaps = False positive = True # Input if cur == res: return num if num == "0": return "0" assert cur in range(2, 65) and res in range(2, 65), "Base not defined." if num[0] == "-": positive = False num = num[1:] result = 0 unit = 1 if cur != 10: for i in num[::-1]: value = ord(i) if value in range(48, 58): value -= 48 elif value in range(65, 92): value -= 55 elif value in range(97, 123): value -= 61 elif value == 64: value = 62 elif value == 95: value = 63 assert value <= cur, "Digit larger than original base. v:%d(%s) b:%d\nCall: scale(%d, %d, %s)" % (value, i, cur, cur, res, num) result += value * unit unit *= cur result = str(result) # Output if res != 10: num = int(result or num) result = "" while num > 0: num, value = divmod(num, res) if value < 10: digit = value + 48 elif value < 36: digit = value + 55 elif value < 62: digit = value + 61 elif value == 62: digit = 64 elif value == 63: digit = 95 result = chr(digit) + result if not positive: result = "-" + result return result
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'events.ui' # # Created by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.11.4 # # WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui from collections import * from functools import * import os, glob import pandas as pd try: _fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8 except AttributeError: def _fromUtf8(s): return s try: _encoding = QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8 def _translate(context, text, disambig): return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig, _encoding) except AttributeError: def _translate(context, text, disambig): return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig) class Ui_SamplesDialog(QtGui.QDialog): def __init__(self, parent=None, datafolder=None): """ Constructor """ QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent) # self.filelist = filelist self.datafolder = datafolder # labels font self.font_labels = QtGui.QFont("Arial", 12, QtGui.QFont.Bold) self.font_edits = QtGui.QFont("Arial", 12) self.font_buttons = QtGui.QFont("Arial", 10, QtGui.QFont.Bold) self.setupUi(self) self.exec_() def setupUi(self, Dialog): Dialog.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("Dialog")) Dialog.resize(1000, 400) self.gridLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout(Dialog) self.gridLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("gridLayout")) # list of Events self.prepare_form(Dialog) self.retranslateUi(Dialog) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(Dialog) def load_data(self): print(self.datafolder) self.samplefile = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.datafolder, "*_SAMPLES.csv"))[0] if os.path.isfile(self.samplefile): self.samplesdf = pd.read_csv(self.samplefile, encoding='ISO-8859-1') else: print("File not found: ", self.samplefile) self.samplesdf = None self.combodefaults = {'cuvette': ['600', '2000', '4000']} def prepare_form(self, Dialog): # load or reload data self.load_data() # form dicts edit_list = ['date', 'time', 'samplename', 'filename', 'smoothing', 'cal32', 'cal44', 'cons32', 'cons44', 'zero44', 'zero45', 'zero46', 'zero47', 'zero49'] combo_list = ['user', 'membrane', 'cuvette'] self.labels = defaultdict(defaultdict) self.edits = defaultdict(defaultdict) self.radios = defaultdict(defaultdict) self.combobox = defaultdict(defaultdict) self.labs = defaultdict(defaultdict) self.labs = {"time": "Time", "date": "Date", "samplename": "Sample Name", "filename": "File Name", "smoothing": "Smoothing", "cuvette": "Cuvette", "user": "User", "membrane": "Membrane", "cal44": "Calibration 44", "cal32": "Calibration 32", "cons32": "Consumption 32", "cons44": "Consumption 44", "zero32": "Zero 32", "zero44": "Zero 44", "zero45": "Zero 45", "zero46": "Zero 46", "zero47": "Zero 47", "zero49": "Zero 49"} self.buttons = OrderedDict(sorted({'Apply': defaultdict(object), 'Delete': defaultdict(object)}.items())) xpos, ypos = 1, 0 for row in self.samplesdf.iterrows(): row_index = row[0] r = row[1] self.radios[row_index] = QtGui.QRadioButton(Dialog) self.radios[row_index].setObjectName(_fromUtf8("_".join(["radio", str(row_index)]))) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.radios[row_index], ypos+1, 0, 1, 1) for k in ['samplename', 'date', 'time', 'cuvette']: # create labels if ypos == 0: self.labels[k] = QtGui.QLabel(Dialog) self.labels[k].setObjectName(_fromUtf8("_".join(["label", k]))) self.labels[k].setText(str(self.labs[k])) self.labels[k].setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.labels[k].setFont(self.font_labels) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.labels[k], 0, xpos, 1, 1) if k in edit_list: self.edits[k][row_index] = QtGui.QLineEdit(Dialog) self.edits[k][row_index].setObjectName(_fromUtf8("_".join(["edit", k, str(row_index)]))) self.edits[k][row_index].setText(str(r[k])) self.edits[k][row_index].setFont(self.font_edits) if k in ['time', 'date']: self.edits[k][row_index].setFixedWidth(80) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.edits[k][row_index], ypos+1, xpos, 1, 1) elif k in combo_list: self.combobox[k][row_index] = QtGui.QComboBox(Dialog) self.combobox[k][row_index].setObjectName(_fromUtf8("_".join(["combo", k, str(row_index)]))) self.combobox[k][row_index].addItems(self.combodefaults[k]) self.combobox[k][row_index].setCurrentIndex(self.combobox[k][row_index].findText(str(r[k]), QtCore.Qt.MatchFixedString)) self.combobox[k][row_index].setFont(self.font_edits) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.combobox[k][row_index], ypos+1, xpos, 1, 1) xpos += 1 # create buttons for k in self.buttons.keys(): # if ypos > 0: self.buttons[k][row_index] = QtGui.QPushButton(Dialog) self.buttons[k][row_index].setObjectName(_fromUtf8("_".join(["event", k, "button", str(row_index)]))) self.buttons[k][row_index].setText(_translate("Dialog", k + str(row_index), None)) self.buttons[k][row_index].setFont(self.font_buttons) if k == 'Apply': self.buttons[k][row_index].clicked.connect(partial(self.ask_apply_changes, [row_index, Dialog])) self.buttons[k][row_index].setStyleSheet("background-color: #ffeedd") elif k == 'Delete': self.buttons[k][row_index].clicked.connect(partial(self.ask_delete_confirm1, [row_index, Dialog])) self.buttons[k][row_index].setStyleSheet("background-color: #ffcddd") self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.buttons[k][row_index], ypos+1, xpos, 1, 1) xpos += 1 # increments ypos += 1 xpos = 1 Dialog.resize(1000, 70 + (30 * ypos)) # self.add_row(Dialog) def ask_delete_confirm1(self, args): sid = args[0] Dialog = args[1] # check if radio button is checked. if self.radios[sid].isChecked(): msg = "Are you sure you want to delete the following sample : \n\n" details = "" for c in self.samplesdf.columns: details += str(c) + ": " + str([sid, c]) + "\n" reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Confirmation #1', msg + details, QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: msg2 = "Are you sure REALLY REALLY sure you want to delete the following sample ? \n\n" + \ "This is the last confirmation message. After confirming, the files will be PERMANENTLY deleted and the data WILL be lost ! \n\n" msgbox = QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, 'Confirmation #2', msg2 + details, QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) reply2 = msgbox if reply2 == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: # deletion confirmed self.delete_confirmed(sid) self.update_form( Dialog) else: QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, 'Error', 'Please select the sample you want to delete on the left', QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) def delete_confirmed(self, sid): # sample file filename = self.samplesdf.loc[sid, 'filename'] # delete row in samplesdf self.samplesdf = self.samplesdf.drop(self.samplesdf.index[sid]) self.samplesdf.to_csv(self.samplefile, index=False, encoding='ISO-8859-1') # delete file in rawdata if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.datafolder, "rawdata", filename)): os.remove(os.path.join(self.datafolder, "rawdata", filename)) # print(" delete: ", os.path.join(self.datafolder, "rawdata", filename)) # delete file in data if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.datafolder, filename)): os.remove(os.path.join(self.datafolder, filename)) # print(" delete: ", os.path.join(self.datafolder, filename)) def ask_apply_changes(self, args): sid = args[0] Dialog = args[1] newdata=defaultdict(str) for k in self.edits.keys(): newdata[k] = self.edits[k][sid].text() for k in self.combobox.keys(): newdata[k] = self.combobox[k][sid].currentText() details = "" for k in newdata: details += str([sid, k]) + '\t --> \t' + str(newdata[k]) + "\n" msg = "Are you sure you want to apply the changes to sample " + str([sid, 'samplename']) + " ?\n\n" reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, 'Modify a sample', msg + details, QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: self.apply_changes_confirmed(sid, newdata) self.update_form(Dialog) else: print('cancel modification') def apply_changes_confirmed(self, sid, newdata): # rename files newdata['filename'] = str(newdata['date']) + "_" + str(newdata['samplename']) + ".csv" os.rename(os.path.join(self.datafolder, str([sid, 'filename'])), os.path.join(self.datafolder, str(newdata['filename']))) os.rename(os.path.join(self.datafolder, "rawdata", str([sid, 'filename'])), os.path.join(self.datafolder, "rawdata", str(newdata['filename']))) for k in newdata.keys():[sid, k] = newdata[k] self.samplesdf.to_csv(self.samplefile, index=False, encoding='ISO-8859-1') def update_form(self, Dialog): # empty variables self.edits = None self.combobox = None self.buttons = None self.radios = None self.labs = None self.labels = None # empty layout for i in reversed(range(self.gridLayout.count())): self.gridLayout.itemAt(i).widget().setParent(None) self.prepare_form(Dialog) def retranslateUi(self, Dialog): Dialog.setWindowTitle(_translate("Dialog", "Samples Manager", None)) # self.label.setText(_translate("Dialog", "File", None))
from cProfile import Profile from optparse import make_option from django.conf import settings from import (BaseCommand, CommandError) from treeherder.etl.buildapi import (Builds4hJobsProcess, PendingJobsProcess, RunningJobsProcess) from treeherder.etl.pushlog import HgPushlogProcess from treeherder.model.derived import RefDataManager class Command(BaseCommand): """Management command to ingest data from a single push.""" help = "Ingests a single push into treeherder" args = '<project> <changeset>' option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('--profile-file', action='store', dest='profile_file', default=None, help='Profile command and write result to profile file'), make_option('--filter-job-group', action='store', dest='filter_job_group', default=None, help="Only process jobs in specified group symbol " "(e.g. 'T')") ) def _handle(self, *args, **options): if len(args) != 2: raise CommandError("Need to specify (only) branch and changeset") (project, changeset) = args # get reference to repo rdm = RefDataManager() repos = filter(lambda x: x['name'] == project, rdm.get_all_repository_info()) if not repos: raise CommandError("No project found named '%s'" % project) repo = repos[0] # make sure all tasks are run synchronously / immediately settings.CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = True # get hg pushlog pushlog_url = '%s/json-pushes/?full=1&version=2' % repo['url'] # ingest this particular revision for this project process = HgPushlogProcess() # Use the actual push SHA, in case the changeset specified was a tag # or branch name (eg tip). HgPushlogProcess returns the full SHA, but # job ingestion expects the short version, so we truncate it. push_sha =, project, changeset=changeset)[0:12] Builds4hJobsProcess().run(filter_to_project=project, filter_to_revision=push_sha, filter_to_job_group=options['filter_job_group']) PendingJobsProcess().run(filter_to_project=project, filter_to_revision=push_sha, filter_to_job_group=options['filter_job_group']) RunningJobsProcess().run(filter_to_project=project, filter_to_revision=push_sha, filter_to_job_group=options['filter_job_group']) def handle(self, *args, **options): if options['profile_file']: profiler = Profile() profiler.runcall(self._handle, *args, **options) profiler.dump_stats(options['profile_file']) else: self._handle(*args, **options)
# # This is the configuration file for the RPi environd # ### Presentation - General # All datetime stamps use typical strftime codes: # The date/time stamp of the last (most current) reading. present_lastread_stamp = "%I:%M %p on %A, %b %d" # How many decimal places to round to when displaying temperatures. For # presentation only - does not impact reading precision in the database. present_temp_precision = 1 ### Presentation - Recent Graph # The date/time stamp on the x-axis present_graph_recent_x = "%I:%M %p" # How many data points to use. # This does _not_ reflect how many points will be drawn. Also consider how # often the readings are made - e.g., if a value is recorded every 15 minutes, # then a full day's worth of data requires 24x(60/15) = 96 points. present_recent_point_count = 720 # How much to reduce the specified number of data points. # This is how many points will be drawn. The value of # present_recent_point_count is divided in to this many chunks, and then time # stamp and value of each chunk is averaged. present_recent_reduce_to = 16 ### Presentation - All Time Graph # < tbd... not implemented yet > ### Files # The static html file that is output. Must be writable by the user running # environd. Presumably this is in the www directory of a web server. www_out = "/var/www/environd.html" # The template to use for generating static html. # Must be readable by the user running environd. html_template = "/opt/environd/template/environd.tpl" # The (flat text) database file. # Must be writable by the user running environd, and must exist, even if empty. database = "/opt/environd/database/temperature_readings.json" # The log file. Must be writable by the user running environd. log_file = "/var/log/environd.log" # Format of the timestamping used internally. # Does not impact presentation unless presented values are omitted. datetime_func_format = "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S" ### Tinker/Debug # Set to True to print all log messages to the terminal, or False to suppress # most output. terminal_verbosity = True # The size in mb after which the db file is rotated. # The entire db is loaded in to memory, but each reading is a mere 60-80 # bytes, so 100 megs is about 10 years of recording every 15 minutes. max_db_file_size = 100 # mb
# coding=utf-8 ''' tagsPlorer package entry point (C) 2021-2021 Arne Bachmann ''' from tagsplorer import tp tp.Main().parse_and_run()
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at from socorro.lib import datetimeutil from import ( ElasticsearchTestCase, SuperSearchWithFields, minimum_es_version, ) # Uncomment these lines to decrease verbosity of the elasticsearch library # while running unit tests. # import logging # logging.getLogger('elasticsearch').setLevel(logging.ERROR) # logging.getLogger('requests').setLevel(logging.ERROR) class IntegrationTestAnalyzers(ElasticsearchTestCase): """Test the custom analyzers we create in our indices. """ def setUp(self): super(IntegrationTestAnalyzers, self).setUp() self.api = SuperSearchWithFields(config=self.config) = datetimeutil.utc_now() @minimum_es_version('1.0') def test_semicolon_keywords(self): """Test the analyzer called `semicolon_keywords`. That analyzer creates tokens (terms) by splitting the input on semicolons (;) only. """ self.index_crash({ 'date_processed':, 'app_init_dlls': '/path/to/dll;;foo;C:\\bar\\boo', }) self.index_crash({ 'date_processed':, 'app_init_dlls': '/path/to/dll;D:\\bar\\boo', }) self.refresh_index() res = self.api.get( app_init_dlls='/path/to/dll', _facets=['app_init_dlls'], ) assert res['total'] == 2 assert 'app_init_dlls' in res['facets'] facet_terms = [x['term'] for x in res['facets']['app_init_dlls']] assert '/path/to/dll' in facet_terms assert 'c:\\bar\\boo' in facet_terms assert 'foo' in facet_terms
"""Django module for the OS2datascanner project."""
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © 2009 Pexego/Comunitea # © 2011-2012 Iker Coranti ( # © 2014 Juanjo Algaz ( # © 2014-2016 Pedro M. Baeza # License AGPL-3.0 or later ( { "name": "Account balance reporting engine", "version": "", "author": "Pexego, " "AvanzOSC, " "Tecnativa, " "Odoo Community Association (OCA)", "website": "", "category": "Accounting & Finance", "contributors": [ "Juanjo Algaz <[email protected]>", "Joaquín Gutierrez <[email protected]>", "Pedro M. Baeza <[email protected]>", "Oihane Crucelaegui <[email protected]>", ], "license": 'AGPL-3', "depends": [ "account", ], "data": [ "security/ir.model.access.csv", "views/account_account_view.xml", "views/account_balance_reporting_template_view.xml", "views/account_balance_reporting_report_view.xml", "views/account_balance_reporting_menu.xml", "report/account_balance_reporting_reports.xml", "report/report_generic.xml", "wizard/wizard_print_view.xml", ], "installable": True, }
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # # # Copyright (C) 2013 Michael Telahun Makonnen <[email protected]>. # All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # # { 'name': 'Capture picture with webcam', 'version': '1.0', 'category': 'Generic Modules/Human Resources', 'description': """ TApplicant WebCam ========= Capture employee pictures with an attached web cam. """, 'author': "Michael Telahun Makonnen <[email protected]>," "Odoo Community Association (OCA)", 'website': '', 'license': 'AGPL-3', 'depends': [ 'hr', 'web', 'trip' ], 'js': [ 'static/src/js/', 'static/src/js/tapplicant_webcam.js', ], 'css': [ 'static/src/css/tapplicant_webcam.css', ], 'qweb': [ 'static/src/xml/tapplicant_webcam.xml', ], 'data': [ 'tapplicant_webcam_data.xml', 'tapplicant_webcam_view.xml', ], 'installable': True, 'active': False, }
# ActivitySim # Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Synthicity, LLC # See full license in LICENSE.txt. import os.path import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pandas.util.testing as pdt import pytest from ..activitysim import eval_variables from .. import mnl # this is lifted straight from urbansim's @pytest.fixture(scope='module', params=[ ('fish.csv', 'fish_choosers.csv', pd.DataFrame( [[-0.02047652], [0.95309824]], index=['price', 'catch'], columns=['Alt']), pd.DataFrame([ [0.2849598, 0.2742482, 0.1605457, 0.2802463], [0.1498991, 0.4542377, 0.2600969, 0.1357664]], columns=['beach', 'boat', 'charter', 'pier']))]) def test_data(request): data, choosers, spec, probabilities = request.param return { 'data': data, 'choosers': choosers, 'spec': spec, 'probabilities': probabilities } @pytest.fixture def choosers(test_data): filen = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', test_data['choosers']) return pd.read_csv(filen) @pytest.fixture def spec(test_data): return test_data['spec'] @pytest.fixture def choosers_dm(choosers, spec): return eval_variables(spec.index, choosers) @pytest.fixture def utilities(choosers_dm, spec, test_data): utils ='float') return pd.DataFrame( utils.as_matrix().reshape(test_data['probabilities'].shape), columns=test_data['probabilities'].columns) def test_utils_to_probs(utilities, test_data): probs = mnl.utils_to_probs(utilities) pdt.assert_frame_equal(probs, test_data['probabilities']) def test_utils_to_probs_raises(): with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): mnl.utils_to_probs( pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, np.inf, 3]])) def test_make_choices_only_one(): probs = pd.DataFrame( [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]], columns=['a', 'b', 'c'], index=['x', 'y']) choices = mnl.make_choices(probs) pdt.assert_series_equal( choices, pd.Series([0, 1], index=['x', 'y'])) def test_make_choices_real_probs(random_seed, utilities): probs = mnl.utils_to_probs(utilities) choices = mnl.make_choices(probs) pdt.assert_series_equal( choices, pd.Series([1, 2], index=[0, 1])) @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def interaction_choosers(): return pd.DataFrame({ 'attr': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'b']}, index=['w', 'x', 'y', 'z']) @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def interaction_alts(): return pd.DataFrame({ 'prop': [10, 20, 30, 40]}, index=[1, 2, 3, 4]) def test_interaction_dataset_no_sample(interaction_choosers, interaction_alts): expected = pd.DataFrame({ 'attr': ['a'] * 4 + ['b'] * 4 + ['c'] * 4 + ['b'] * 4, 'prop': [10, 20, 30, 40] * 4, 'chooser_idx': ['w'] * 4 + ['x'] * 4 + ['y'] * 4 + ['z'] * 4}, index=[1, 2, 3, 4] * 4) interacted = mnl.interaction_dataset( interaction_choosers, interaction_alts) interacted, expected = interacted.align(expected, axis=1) pdt.assert_frame_equal(interacted, expected) def test_interaction_dataset_sampled( interaction_choosers, interaction_alts, random_seed): expected = pd.DataFrame({ 'attr': ['a'] * 2 + ['b'] * 2 + ['c'] * 2 + ['b'] * 2, 'prop': [30, 40, 10, 30, 40, 10, 20, 10], 'chooser_idx': ['w'] * 2 + ['x'] * 2 + ['y'] * 2 + ['z'] * 2}, index=[3, 4, 1, 3, 4, 1, 2, 1]) interacted = mnl.interaction_dataset( interaction_choosers, interaction_alts, sample_size=2) interacted, expected = interacted.align(expected, axis=1) pdt.assert_frame_equal(interacted, expected)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2013-2014 OpenERP (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## """ High-level objects for fields. """ from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import date, datetime from functools import partial from operator import attrgetter from types import NoneType import logging import pytz import xmlrpclib from import float_round, frozendict, html_sanitize, ustr, OrderedSet from import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT as DATE_FORMAT from import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT as DATETIME_FORMAT DATE_LENGTH = len( DATETIME_LENGTH = len( EMPTY_DICT = frozendict() _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SpecialValue(object): """ Encapsulates a value in the cache in place of a normal value. """ def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def get(self): return self.value class FailedValue(SpecialValue): """ Special value that encapsulates an exception instead of a value. """ def __init__(self, exception): self.exception = exception def get(self): raise self.exception def _check_value(value): """ Return ``value``, or call its getter if ``value`` is a :class:`SpecialValue`. """ return value.get() if isinstance(value, SpecialValue) else value def resolve_all_mro(cls, name, reverse=False): """ Return the (successively overridden) values of attribute ``name`` in ``cls`` in mro order, or inverse mro order if ``reverse`` is true. """ klasses = reversed(cls.__mro__) if reverse else cls.__mro__ for klass in klasses: if name in klass.__dict__: yield klass.__dict__[name] class MetaField(type): """ Metaclass for field classes. """ by_type = {} def __new__(meta, name, bases, attrs): """ Combine the ``_slots`` dict from parent classes, and determine ``__slots__`` for them on the new class. """ base_slots = {} for base in reversed(bases): base_slots.update(getattr(base, '_slots', ())) slots = dict(base_slots) slots.update(attrs.get('_slots', ())) attrs['__slots__'] = set(slots) - set(base_slots) attrs['_slots'] = slots return type.__new__(meta, name, bases, attrs) def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): super(MetaField, cls).__init__(name, bases, attrs) if cls.type and cls.type not in MetaField.by_type: MetaField.by_type[cls.type] = cls # compute class attributes to avoid calling dir() on fields cls.column_attrs = [] cls.related_attrs = [] cls.description_attrs = [] for attr in dir(cls): if attr.startswith('_column_'): cls.column_attrs.append((attr[8:], attr)) elif attr.startswith('_related_'): cls.related_attrs.append((attr[9:], attr)) elif attr.startswith('_description_'): cls.description_attrs.append((attr[13:], attr)) class Field(object): """ The field descriptor contains the field definition, and manages accesses and assignments of the corresponding field on records. The following attributes may be provided when instanciating a field: :param string: the label of the field seen by users (string); if not set, the ORM takes the field name in the class (capitalized). :param help: the tooltip of the field seen by users (string) :param readonly: whether the field is readonly (boolean, by default ``False``) :param required: whether the value of the field is required (boolean, by default ``False``) :param index: whether the field is indexed in database (boolean, by default ``False``) :param default: the default value for the field; this is either a static value, or a function taking a recordset and returning a value :param states: a dictionary mapping state values to lists of UI attribute-value pairs; possible attributes are: 'readonly', 'required', 'invisible'. Note: Any state-based condition requires the ``state`` field value to be available on the client-side UI. This is typically done by including it in the relevant views, possibly made invisible if not relevant for the end-user. :param groups: comma-separated list of group xml ids (string); this restricts the field access to the users of the given groups only :param bool copy: whether the field value should be copied when the record is duplicated (default: ``True`` for normal fields, ``False`` for ``one2many`` and computed fields, including property fields and related fields) :param string oldname: the previous name of this field, so that ORM can rename it automatically at migration .. _field-computed: .. rubric:: Computed fields One can define a field whose value is computed instead of simply being read from the database. The attributes that are specific to computed fields are given below. To define such a field, simply provide a value for the attribute ``compute``. :param compute: name of a method that computes the field :param inverse: name of a method that inverses the field (optional) :param search: name of a method that implement search on the field (optional) :param store: whether the field is stored in database (boolean, by default ``False`` on computed fields) :param compute_sudo: whether the field should be recomputed as superuser to bypass access rights (boolean, by default ``False``) The methods given for ``compute``, ``inverse`` and ``search`` are model methods. Their signature is shown in the following example:: upper = fields.Char(compute='_compute_upper', inverse='_inverse_upper', search='_search_upper') @api.depends('name') def _compute_upper(self): for rec in self: rec.upper = if else False def _inverse_upper(self): for rec in self: = rec.upper.lower() if rec.upper else False def _search_upper(self, operator, value): if operator == 'like': operator = 'ilike' return [('name', operator, value)] The compute method has to assign the field on all records of the invoked recordset. The decorator :meth:`openerp.api.depends` must be applied on the compute method to specify the field dependencies; those dependencies are used to determine when to recompute the field; recomputation is automatic and guarantees cache/database consistency. Note that the same method can be used for several fields, you simply have to assign all the given fields in the method; the method will be invoked once for all those fields. By default, a computed field is not stored to the database, and is computed on-the-fly. Adding the attribute ``store=True`` will store the field's values in the database. The advantage of a stored field is that searching on that field is done by the database itself. The disadvantage is that it requires database updates when the field must be recomputed. The inverse method, as its name says, does the inverse of the compute method: the invoked records have a value for the field, and you must apply the necessary changes on the field dependencies such that the computation gives the expected value. Note that a computed field without an inverse method is readonly by default. The search method is invoked when processing domains before doing an actual search on the model. It must return a domain equivalent to the condition: ``field operator value``. .. _field-related: .. rubric:: Related fields The value of a related field is given by following a sequence of relational fields and reading a field on the reached model. The complete sequence of fields to traverse is specified by the attribute :param related: sequence of field names Some field attributes are automatically copied from the source field if they are not redefined: ``string``, ``help``, ``readonly``, ``required`` (only if all fields in the sequence are required), ``groups``, ``digits``, ``size``, ``translate``, ``sanitize``, ``selection``, ``comodel_name``, ``domain``, ``context``. All semantic-free attributes are copied from the source field. By default, the values of related fields are not stored to the database. Add the attribute ``store=True`` to make it stored, just like computed fields. Related fields are automatically recomputed when their dependencies are modified. .. _field-company-dependent: .. rubric:: Company-dependent fields Formerly known as 'property' fields, the value of those fields depends on the company. In other words, users that belong to different companies may see different values for the field on a given record. :param company_dependent: whether the field is company-dependent (boolean) .. _field-incremental-definition: .. rubric:: Incremental definition A field is defined as class attribute on a model class. If the model is extended (see :class:`~openerp.models.Model`), one can also extend the field definition by redefining a field with the same name and same type on the subclass. In that case, the attributes of the field are taken from the parent class and overridden by the ones given in subclasses. For instance, the second class below only adds a tooltip on the field ``state``:: class First(models.Model): _name = 'foo' state = fields.Selection([...], required=True) class Second(models.Model): _inherit = 'foo' state = fields.Selection(help="Blah blah blah") """ __metaclass__ = MetaField type = None # type of the field (string) relational = False # whether the field is a relational one _slots = { '_attrs': EMPTY_DICT, # dictionary of field attributes; it contains: # - all attributes after __init__() # - free attributes only after set_class_name() 'automatic': False, # whether the field is automatically created ("magic" field) 'inherited': False, # whether the field is inherited (_inherits) 'column': None, # the column corresponding to the field 'setup_done': False, # whether the field has been set up 'name': None, # name of the field 'model_name': None, # name of the model of this field 'comodel_name': None, # name of the model of values (if relational) 'store': True, # whether the field is stored in database 'index': False, # whether the field is indexed in database 'manual': False, # whether the field is a custom field 'copy': True, # whether the field is copied over by BaseModel.copy() 'depends': (), # collection of field dependencies 'recursive': False, # whether self depends on itself 'compute': None, # compute(recs) computes field on recs 'compute_sudo': False, # whether field should be recomputed as admin 'inverse': None, # inverse(recs) inverses field on recs 'search': None, # search(recs, operator, value) searches on self 'related': None, # sequence of field names, for related fields 'related_sudo': True, # whether related fields should be read as admin 'company_dependent': False, # whether ``self`` is company-dependent (property field) 'default': None, # default(recs) returns the default value 'string': None, # field label 'help': None, # field tooltip 'readonly': False, # whether the field is readonly 'required': False, # whether the field is required 'states': None, # set readonly and required depending on state 'groups': None, # csv list of group xml ids 'change_default': False, # whether the field may trigger a "user-onchange" 'deprecated': None, # whether the field is deprecated 'inverse_fields': (), # collection of inverse fields (objects) 'computed_fields': (), # fields computed with the same method as self 'related_field': None, # corresponding related field '_triggers': (), # invalidation and recomputation triggers } def __init__(self, string=None, **kwargs): kwargs['string'] = string attrs = {key: val for key, val in kwargs.iteritems() if val is not None} self._attrs = attrs or EMPTY_DICT def __getattr__(self, name): """ Access non-slot field attribute. """ try: return self._attrs[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Set slot or non-slot field attribute. """ try: object.__setattr__(self, name, value) except AttributeError: if self._attrs: self._attrs[name] = value else: self._attrs = {name: value} # replace EMPTY_DICT def __delattr__(self, name): """ Remove non-slot field attribute. """ try: del self._attrs[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) def new(self, **kwargs): """ Return a field of the same type as ``self``, with its own parameters. """ return type(self)(**kwargs) def set_class_name(self, cls, name): """ Assign the model class and field name of ``self``. """ self_attrs = self._attrs for attr, value in self._slots.iteritems(): setattr(self, attr, value) self.model_name = cls._name = name # determine all inherited field attributes attrs = {} for field in resolve_all_mro(cls, name, reverse=True): if isinstance(field, type(self)): attrs.update(field._attrs) else: attrs.clear() attrs.update(self_attrs) # necessary in case self is not in cls # initialize ``self`` with ``attrs`` if attrs.get('compute'): # by default, computed fields are not stored, not copied and readonly attrs['store'] = attrs.get('store', False) attrs['copy'] = attrs.get('copy', False) attrs['readonly'] = attrs.get('readonly', not attrs.get('inverse')) if attrs.get('related'): # by default, related fields are not stored and not copied attrs['store'] = attrs.get('store', False) attrs['copy'] = attrs.get('copy', False) # fix for function fields overridden by regular columns if not isinstance(attrs.get('column'), (NoneType, fields.function)): attrs.pop('store', None) for attr, value in attrs.iteritems(): setattr(self, attr, value) if not self.string and not self.related: # related fields get their string from their parent field self.string = name.replace('_', ' ').capitalize() # determine self.default and cls._defaults in a consistent way self._determine_default(cls, name) def _determine_default(self, cls, name): """ Retrieve the default value for ``self`` in the hierarchy of ``cls``, and determine ``self.default`` and ``cls._defaults`` accordingly. """ self.default = None # traverse the class hierarchy upwards, and take the first field # definition with a default or _defaults for self for klass in cls.__mro__: if name in klass.__dict__: field = klass.__dict__[name] if not isinstance(field, type(self)): # klass contains another value overridden by self return if 'default' in field._attrs: # take the default in field, and adapt it for cls._defaults value = field._attrs['default'] if callable(value): from openerp import api self.default = value cls._defaults[name] = api.model( lambda recs: self.convert_to_write(value(recs)) ) else: self.default = lambda recs: value cls._defaults[name] = value return defaults = klass.__dict__.get('_defaults') or {} if name in defaults: # take the value from _defaults, and adapt it for self.default value = defaults[name] if callable(value): func = lambda recs: value(recs._model, recs._cr, recs._uid, recs._context) else: func = lambda recs: value self.default = lambda recs: self.convert_to_cache( func(recs), recs, validate=False, ) cls._defaults[name] = value return def __str__(self): return "%s.%s" % (self.model_name, def __repr__(self): return "%s.%s" % (self.model_name, ############################################################################ # # Field setup # def setup(self, env): """ Make sure that ``self`` is set up, except for recomputation triggers. """ if not self.setup_done: if self.related: self._setup_related(env) else: self._setup_regular(env) self.setup_done = True # # Setup of non-related fields # def _setup_regular(self, env): """ Setup the attributes of a non-related field. """ recs = env[self.model_name] def make_depends(deps): return tuple(deps(recs) if callable(deps) else deps) # convert compute into a callable and determine depends if isinstance(self.compute, basestring): # if the compute method has been overridden, concatenate all their _depends self.depends = () for method in resolve_all_mro(type(recs), self.compute, reverse=True): self.depends += make_depends(getattr(method, '_depends', ())) self.compute = getattr(type(recs), self.compute) else: self.depends = make_depends(getattr(self.compute, '_depends', ())) # convert inverse and search into callables if isinstance(self.inverse, basestring): self.inverse = getattr(type(recs), self.inverse) if isinstance(, basestring): = getattr(type(recs), # # Setup of related fields # def _setup_related(self, env): """ Setup the attributes of a related field. """ # fix the type of self.related if necessary if isinstance(self.related, basestring): self.related = tuple(self.related.split('.')) # determine the chain of fields, and make sure they are all set up recs = env[self.model_name] fields = [] for name in self.related: field = recs._fields[name] field.setup(env) recs = recs[name] fields.append(field) self.related_field = field # check type consistency if self.type != field.type: raise Warning("Type of related field %s is inconsistent with %s" % (self, field)) # determine dependencies, compute, inverse, and search self.depends = ('.'.join(self.related),) self.compute = self._compute_related if not (self.readonly or field.readonly): self.inverse = self._inverse_related if field._description_searchable: # allow searching on self only if the related field is searchable = self._search_related # copy attributes from field to self (string, help, etc.) for attr, prop in self.related_attrs: if not getattr(self, attr): setattr(self, attr, getattr(field, prop)) for attr, value in field._attrs.iteritems(): if attr not in self._attrs: setattr(self, attr, value) # special case for states: copy it only for inherited fields if not self.states and self.inherited: self.states = field.states # special case for required: check if all fields are required if not and not self.required: self.required = all(field.required for field in fields) def _compute_related(self, records): """ Compute the related field ``self`` on ``records``. """ # when related_sudo, bypass access rights checks when reading values others = records.sudo() if self.related_sudo else records for record, other in zip(records, others): if not # draft record, do not switch to another environment other = record # traverse the intermediate fields; follow the first record at each step for name in self.related[:-1]: other = other[name][:1] record[] = other[self.related[-1]] def _inverse_related(self, records): """ Inverse the related field ``self`` on ``records``. """ # store record values, otherwise they may be lost by cache invalidation! record_value = {record: record[] for record in records} for record in records: other = record # traverse the intermediate fields, and keep at most one record for name in self.related[:-1]: other = other[name][:1] if other: other[self.related[-1]] = record_value[record] def _search_related(self, records, operator, value): """ Determine the domain to search on field ``self``. """ return [('.'.join(self.related), operator, value)] # properties used by _setup_related() to copy values from related field _related_comodel_name = property(attrgetter('comodel_name')) _related_string = property(attrgetter('string')) _related_help = property(attrgetter('help')) _related_readonly = property(attrgetter('readonly')) _related_groups = property(attrgetter('groups')) @property def base_field(self): """ Return the base field of an inherited field, or ``self``. """ return self.related_field.base_field if self.inherited else self # # Setup of field triggers # # The triggers is a collection of pairs (field, path) of computed fields # that depend on ``self``. When ``self`` is modified, it invalidates the cache # of each ``field``, and registers the records to recompute based on ``path``. # See method ``modified`` below for details. # def add_trigger(self, trigger): """ Add a recomputation trigger on ``self``. """ if trigger not in self._triggers: self._triggers += (trigger,) def setup_triggers(self, env): """ Add the necessary triggers to invalidate/recompute ``self``. """ model = env[self.model_name] for path in self.depends: self._setup_dependency([], model, path.split('.')) def _setup_dependency(self, path0, model, path1): """ Make ``self`` depend on ``model``; `path0 + path1` is a dependency of ``self``, and ``path0`` is the sequence of field names from ``self.model`` to ``model``. """ env = model.env head, tail = path1[0], path1[1:] if head == '*': # special case: add triggers on all fields of model (except self) fields = set(model._fields.itervalues()) - set([self]) else: fields = [model._fields[head]] for field in fields: if field == self: _logger.debug("Field %s is recursively defined", self) self.recursive = True continue #_logger.debug("Add trigger on %s to recompute %s", field, self) field.add_trigger((self, '.'.join(path0 or ['id']))) # add trigger on inverse fields, too for invf in field.inverse_fields: #_logger.debug("Add trigger on %s to recompute %s", invf, self) invf.add_trigger((self, '.'.join(path0 + [head]))) # recursively traverse the dependency if tail: comodel = env[field.comodel_name] self._setup_dependency(path0 + [head], comodel, tail) @property def dependents(self): """ Return the computed fields that depend on ``self``. """ return (field for field, path in self._triggers) ############################################################################ # # Field description # def get_description(self, env): """ Return a dictionary that describes the field ``self``. """ desc = {'type': self.type} for attr, prop in self.description_attrs: value = getattr(self, prop) if callable(value): value = value(env) if value is not None: desc[attr] = value return desc # properties used by get_description() _description_store = property(attrgetter('store')) _description_manual = property(attrgetter('manual')) _description_depends = property(attrgetter('depends')) _description_related = property(attrgetter('related')) _description_company_dependent = property(attrgetter('company_dependent')) _description_readonly = property(attrgetter('readonly')) _description_required = property(attrgetter('required')) _description_states = property(attrgetter('states')) _description_groups = property(attrgetter('groups')) _description_change_default = property(attrgetter('change_default')) _description_deprecated = property(attrgetter('deprecated')) @property def _description_searchable(self): return bool( or or (self.column and self.column._fnct_search)) @property def _description_sortable(self): return or (self.inherited and self.related_field._description_sortable) def _description_string(self, env): if self.string and env.lang: field = self.base_field name = "%s,%s" % (field.model_name, trans = env['ir.translation']._get_source(name, 'field', env.lang) return trans or self.string return self.string def _description_help(self, env): if and env.lang: name = "%s,%s" % (self.model_name, trans = env['ir.translation']._get_source(name, 'help', env.lang) return trans or return ############################################################################ # # Conversion to column instance # def to_column(self): """ Return a column object corresponding to ``self``, or ``None``. """ if not and self.compute: # non-stored computed fields do not have a corresponding column self.column = None return None # determine column parameters #_logger.debug("Create fields._column for Field %s", self) args = {} for attr, prop in self.column_attrs: args[attr] = getattr(self, prop) for attr, value in self._attrs.iteritems(): args[attr] = value if self.company_dependent: # company-dependent fields are mapped to former property fields args['type'] = self.type args['relation'] = self.comodel_name self.column =**args) elif self.column: # let the column provide a valid column for the given parameters self.column =, **args) else: # create a fresh new column of the right type self.column = getattr(fields, self.type)(**args) return self.column # properties used by to_column() to create a column instance _column_copy = property(attrgetter('copy')) _column_select = property(attrgetter('index')) _column_manual = property(attrgetter('manual')) _column_string = property(attrgetter('string')) _column_help = property(attrgetter('help')) _column_readonly = property(attrgetter('readonly')) _column_required = property(attrgetter('required')) _column_states = property(attrgetter('states')) _column_groups = property(attrgetter('groups')) _column_change_default = property(attrgetter('change_default')) _column_deprecated = property(attrgetter('deprecated')) ############################################################################ # # Conversion of values # def null(self, env): """ return the null value for this field in the given environment """ return False def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): """ convert ``value`` to the cache level in ``env``; ``value`` may come from an assignment, or have the format of methods :meth:`` or :meth:`BaseModel.write` :param record: the target record for the assignment, or an empty recordset :param bool validate: when True, field-specific validation of ``value`` will be performed """ return value def convert_to_read(self, value, use_name_get=True): """ convert ``value`` from the cache to a value as returned by method :meth:`` :param bool use_name_get: when True, value's diplay name will be computed using :meth:`BaseModel.name_get`, if relevant for the field """ return False if value is None else value def convert_to_write(self, value, target=None, fnames=None): """ convert ``value`` from the cache to a valid value for method :meth:`BaseModel.write`. :param target: optional, the record to be modified with this value :param fnames: for relational fields only, an optional collection of field names to convert """ return self.convert_to_read(value) def convert_to_onchange(self, value): """ convert ``value`` from the cache to a valid value for an onchange method v7. """ return self.convert_to_write(value) def convert_to_export(self, value, env): """ convert ``value`` from the cache to a valid value for export. The parameter ``env`` is given for managing translations. """ if not value: return '' return value if env.context.get('export_raw_data') else ustr(value) def convert_to_display_name(self, value, record=None): """ convert ``value`` from the cache to a suitable display name. """ return ustr(value) ############################################################################ # # Descriptor methods # def __get__(self, record, owner): """ return the value of field ``self`` on ``record`` """ if record is None: return self # the field is accessed through the owner class if not record: # null record -> return the null value for this field return self.null(record.env) # only a single record may be accessed record.ensure_one() try: return record._cache[self] except KeyError: pass # cache miss, retrieve value if # normal record -> read or compute value for this field self.determine_value(record) else: # draft record -> compute the value or let it be null self.determine_draft_value(record) # the result should be in cache now return record._cache[self] def __set__(self, record, value): """ set the value of field ``self`` on ``record`` """ env = record.env # only a single record may be updated record.ensure_one() # adapt value to the cache level value = self.convert_to_cache(value, record) if env.in_draft or not # determine dependent fields spec = self.modified_draft(record) # set value in cache, inverse field, and mark record as dirty record._cache[self] = value if env.in_onchange: for invf in self.inverse_fields: invf._update(value, record) record._set_dirty( # determine more dependent fields, and invalidate them if self.relational: spec += self.modified_draft(record) env.invalidate(spec) else: # simply write to the database, and update cache record.write({ self.convert_to_write(value)}) record._cache[self] = value ############################################################################ # # Computation of field values # def _compute_value(self, records): """ Invoke the compute method on ``records``. """ # initialize the fields to their corresponding null value in cache for field in self.computed_fields: records._cache[field] = field.null(records.env) records.env.computed[field].update(records._ids) self.compute(records) for field in self.computed_fields: records.env.computed[field].difference_update(records._ids) def compute_value(self, records): """ Invoke the compute method on ``records``; the results are in cache. """ with records.env.do_in_draft(): try: self._compute_value(records) except (AccessError, MissingError): # some record is forbidden or missing, retry record by record for record in records: try: self._compute_value(record) except Exception as exc: record._cache[] = FailedValue(exc) def determine_value(self, record): """ Determine the value of ``self`` for ``record``. """ env = record.env if self.column and not (self.depends and env.in_draft): # this is a stored field or an old-style function field if self.depends: # this is a stored computed field, check for recomputation recs = record._recompute_check(self) if recs: # recompute the value (only in cache) self.compute_value(recs) # HACK: if result is in the wrong cache, copy values if recs.env != env: for source, target in zip(recs, recs.with_env(env)): try: values = target._convert_to_cache({ source[] for f in self.computed_fields }, validate=False) except MissingError as e: values = FailedValue(e) target._cache.update(values) # the result is saved to database by BaseModel.recompute() return # read the field from database record._prefetch_field(self) elif self.compute: # this is either a non-stored computed field, or a stored computed # field in draft mode if self.recursive: self.compute_value(record) else: recs = record._in_cache_without(self) self.compute_value(recs) else: # this is a non-stored non-computed field record._cache[self] = self.null(env) def determine_draft_value(self, record): """ Determine the value of ``self`` for the given draft ``record``. """ if self.compute: self._compute_value(record) else: record._cache[self] = SpecialValue(self.null(record.env)) def determine_inverse(self, records): """ Given the value of ``self`` on ``records``, inverse the computation. """ if self.inverse: self.inverse(records) def determine_domain(self, records, operator, value): """ Return a domain representing a condition on ``self``. """ if return, operator, value) else: return [(, operator, value)] ############################################################################ # # Notification when fields are modified # def modified(self, records): """ Notify that field ``self`` has been modified on ``records``: prepare the fields/records to recompute, and return a spec indicating what to invalidate. """ # invalidate the fields that depend on self, and prepare recomputation spec = [(self, records._ids)] for field, path in self._triggers: if path and # don't move this line to function top, see log env = records.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID, context={'active_test': False}) target = env[field.model_name].search([(path, 'in', records.ids)]) if target: spec.append((field, target._ids)) # recompute field on target in the environment of records, # and as user admin if required if field.compute_sudo: target = target.with_env(records.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)) else: target = target.with_env(records.env) target._recompute_todo(field) else: spec.append((field, None)) return spec def modified_draft(self, records): """ Same as :meth:`modified`, but in draft mode. """ env = records.env # invalidate the fields on the records in cache that depend on # ``records``, except fields currently being computed spec = [] for field, path in self._triggers: target = env[field.model_name] computed = target.browse(env.computed[field]) if path == 'id': target = records - computed elif path: target = (target.browse(env.cache[field]) - computed).filtered( lambda rec: rec._mapped_cache(path) & records ) else: target = target.browse(env.cache[field]) - computed if target: spec.append((field, target._ids)) return spec class Boolean(Field): type = 'boolean' def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): return bool(value) def convert_to_export(self, value, env): if env.context.get('export_raw_data'): return value return ustr(value) class Integer(Field): type = 'integer' _slots = { 'group_operator': None, # operator for aggregating values 'group_expression': None, # advance expression for aggregating values } _related_group_operator = property(attrgetter('group_operator')) _column_group_operator = property(attrgetter('group_operator')) _related_group_expression = property(attrgetter('group_expression')) _column_group_expression = property(attrgetter('group_expression')) def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if isinstance(value, dict): # special case, when an integer field is used as inverse for a one2many return value.get('id', False) return int(value or 0) def convert_to_read(self, value, use_name_get=True): # Integer values greater than 2^31-1 are not supported in pure XMLRPC, # so we have to pass them as floats :-( if value and value > xmlrpclib.MAXINT: return float(value) return value def _update(self, records, value): # special case, when an integer field is used as inverse for a one2many records._cache[self] = or 0 def convert_to_export(self, value, env): if value or value == 0: return value if env.context.get('export_raw_data') else ustr(value) return '' class Float(Field): """ The precision digits are given by the attribute :param digits: a pair (total, decimal), or a function taking a database cursor and returning a pair (total, decimal) """ type = 'float' _slots = { '_digits': None, # digits argument passed to class initializer 'group_operator': None, # operator for aggregating values 'group_expression': None, # advance expression for aggregating values } def __init__(self, string=None, digits=None, **kwargs): super(Float, self).__init__(string=string, _digits=digits, **kwargs) @property def digits(self): if callable(self._digits): with fields._get_cursor() as cr: return self._digits(cr) else: return self._digits def _setup_digits(self, env): """ Setup the digits for ``self`` and its corresponding column """ pass def _setup_regular(self, env): super(Float, self)._setup_regular(env) self._setup_digits(env) _related__digits = property(attrgetter('_digits')) _related_group_operator = property(attrgetter('group_operator')) _related_group_expression = property(attrgetter('group_expression')) _description_digits = property(attrgetter('digits')) _column_digits = property(lambda self: not callable(self._digits) and self._digits) _column_digits_compute = property(lambda self: callable(self._digits) and self._digits) _column_group_operator = property(attrgetter('group_operator')) _column_group_expression = property(attrgetter('group_expression')) def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): # apply rounding here, otherwise value in cache may be wrong! value = float(value or 0.0) digits = self.digits return float_round(value, precision_digits=digits[1]) if digits else value def convert_to_export(self, value, env): if value or value == 0.0: return value if env.context.get('export_raw_data') else ustr(value) return '' class _String(Field): """ Abstract class for string fields. """ _slots = { 'translate': False, # whether the field is translated } _column_translate = property(attrgetter('translate')) _related_translate = property(attrgetter('translate')) _description_translate = property(attrgetter('translate')) class Char(_String): """ Basic string field, can be length-limited, usually displayed as a single-line string in clients :param int size: the maximum size of values stored for that field :param bool translate: whether the values of this field can be translated """ type = 'char' _slots = { 'size': None, # maximum size of values (deprecated) } _column_size = property(attrgetter('size')) _related_size = property(attrgetter('size')) _description_size = property(attrgetter('size')) def _setup_regular(self, env): super(Char, self)._setup_regular(env) assert isinstance(self.size, (NoneType, int)), \ "Char field %s with non-integer size %r" % (self, self.size) def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if value is None or value is False: return False return ustr(value)[:self.size] class Text(_String): """ Very similar to :class:`~.Char` but used for longer contents, does not have a size and usually displayed as a multiline text box. :param translate: whether the value of this field can be translated """ type = 'text' def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if value is None or value is False: return False return ustr(value) class Html(_String): type = 'html' _slots = { 'sanitize': True, # whether value must be sanitized 'strip_style': False, # whether to strip style attributes } _column_sanitize = property(attrgetter('sanitize')) _related_sanitize = property(attrgetter('sanitize')) _description_sanitize = property(attrgetter('sanitize')) _column_strip_style = property(attrgetter('strip_style')) _related_strip_style = property(attrgetter('strip_style')) _description_strip_style = property(attrgetter('strip_style')) def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if value is None or value is False: return False if validate and self.sanitize: return html_sanitize(value, strip_style=self.strip_style) return value class Date(Field): type = 'date' @staticmethod def today(*args): """ Return the current day in the format expected by the ORM. This function may be used to compute default values. """ return @staticmethod def context_today(record, timestamp=None): """ Return the current date as seen in the client's timezone in a format fit for date fields. This method may be used to compute default values. :param datetime timestamp: optional datetime value to use instead of the current date and time (must be a datetime, regular dates can't be converted between timezones.) :rtype: str """ today = timestamp or context_today = None tz_name = record._context.get('tz') or if tz_name: try: today_utc = pytz.timezone('UTC').localize(today, is_dst=False) # UTC = no DST context_today = today_utc.astimezone(pytz.timezone(tz_name)) except Exception: _logger.debug("failed to compute context/client-specific today date, using UTC value for `today`", exc_info=True) return (context_today or today).strftime(DATE_FORMAT) @staticmethod def from_string(value): """ Convert an ORM ``value`` into a :class:`date` value. """ if not value: return None value = value[:DATE_LENGTH] return datetime.strptime(value, DATE_FORMAT).date() @staticmethod def to_string(value): """ Convert a :class:`date` value into the format expected by the ORM. """ return value.strftime(DATE_FORMAT) if value else False def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if not value: return False if isinstance(value, basestring): if validate: # force parsing for validation self.from_string(value) return value[:DATE_LENGTH] return self.to_string(value) def convert_to_export(self, value, env): if not value: return '' return self.from_string(value) if env.context.get('export_raw_data') else ustr(value) class Datetime(Field): type = 'datetime' @staticmethod def now(*args): """ Return the current day and time in the format expected by the ORM. This function may be used to compute default values. """ return @staticmethod def context_timestamp(record, timestamp): """Returns the given timestamp converted to the client's timezone. This method is *not* meant for use as a _defaults initializer, because datetime fields are automatically converted upon display on client side. For _defaults you :meth:`` should be used instead. :param datetime timestamp: naive datetime value (expressed in UTC) to be converted to the client timezone :rtype: datetime :return: timestamp converted to timezone-aware datetime in context timezone """ assert isinstance(timestamp, datetime), 'Datetime instance expected' tz_name = record._context.get('tz') or utc_timestamp = pytz.utc.localize(timestamp, is_dst=False) # UTC = no DST if tz_name: try: context_tz = pytz.timezone(tz_name) return utc_timestamp.astimezone(context_tz) except Exception: _logger.debug("failed to compute context/client-specific timestamp, " "using the UTC value", exc_info=True) return utc_timestamp @staticmethod def from_string(value): """ Convert an ORM ``value`` into a :class:`datetime` value. """ if not value: return None value = value[:DATETIME_LENGTH] if len(value) == DATE_LENGTH: value += " 00:00:00" return datetime.strptime(value, DATETIME_FORMAT) @staticmethod def to_string(value): """ Convert a :class:`datetime` value into the format expected by the ORM. """ return value.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT) if value else False def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if not value: return False if isinstance(value, basestring): if validate: # force parsing for validation self.from_string(value) value = value[:DATETIME_LENGTH] if len(value) == DATE_LENGTH: value += " 00:00:00" return value return self.to_string(value) def convert_to_export(self, value, env): if not value: return '' return self.from_string(value) if env.context.get('export_raw_data') else ustr(value) def convert_to_display_name(self, value, record=None): assert record, 'Record expected' return Datetime.to_string(Datetime.context_timestamp(record, Datetime.from_string(value))) class Binary(Field): type = 'binary' class Selection(Field): """ :param selection: specifies the possible values for this field. It is given as either a list of pairs (``value``, ``string``), or a model method, or a method name. :param selection_add: provides an extension of the selection in the case of an overridden field. It is a list of pairs (``value``, ``string``). The attribute ``selection`` is mandatory except in the case of :ref:`related fields <field-related>` or :ref:`field extensions <field-incremental-definition>`. """ type = 'selection' _slots = { 'selection': None, # [(value, string), ...], function or method name } def __init__(self, selection=None, string=None, **kwargs): if callable(selection): from openerp import api selection = api.expected(api.model, selection) super(Selection, self).__init__(selection=selection, string=string, **kwargs) def _setup_regular(self, env): super(Selection, self)._setup_regular(env) assert self.selection is not None, "Field %s without selection" % self def _setup_related(self, env): super(Selection, self)._setup_related(env) # selection must be computed on related field field = self.related_field self.selection = lambda model: field._description_selection(model.env) def set_class_name(self, cls, name): super(Selection, self).set_class_name(cls, name) # determine selection (applying 'selection_add' extensions) for field in resolve_all_mro(cls, name, reverse=True): if isinstance(field, type(self)): # We cannot use field.selection or field.selection_add here # because those attributes are overridden by ``set_class_name``. if 'selection' in field._attrs: self.selection = field._attrs['selection'] if 'selection_add' in field._attrs: # use an OrderedDict to update existing values selection_add = field._attrs['selection_add'] self.selection = OrderedDict(self.selection + selection_add).items() else: self.selection = None def _description_selection(self, env): """ return the selection list (pairs (value, label)); labels are translated according to context language """ selection = self.selection if isinstance(selection, basestring): return getattr(env[self.model_name], selection)() if callable(selection): return selection(env[self.model_name]) # translate selection labels if env.lang: name = "%s,%s" % (self.model_name, translate = partial( env['ir.translation']._get_source, name, 'selection', env.lang) return [(value, translate(label) if label else label) for value, label in selection] else: return selection @property def _column_selection(self): if isinstance(self.selection, basestring): method = self.selection return lambda self, *a, **kw: getattr(self, method)(*a, **kw) else: return self.selection def get_values(self, env): """ return a list of the possible values """ selection = self.selection if isinstance(selection, basestring): selection = getattr(env[self.model_name], selection)() elif callable(selection): selection = selection(env[self.model_name]) return [value for value, _ in selection] def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if not validate: return value or False if value in self.get_values(record.env): return value elif not value: return False raise ValueError("Wrong value for %s: %r" % (self, value)) def convert_to_export(self, value, env): if not isinstance(self.selection, list): # FIXME: this reproduces an existing buggy behavior! return value if value else '' for item in self._description_selection(env): if item[0] == value: return item[1] return False class Reference(Selection): type = 'reference' _slots = { 'size': None, # maximum size of values (deprecated) } _related_size = property(attrgetter('size')) _column_size = property(attrgetter('size')) def _setup_regular(self, env): super(Reference, self)._setup_regular(env) assert isinstance(self.size, (NoneType, int)), \ "Reference field %s with non-integer size %r" % (self, self.size) def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if isinstance(value, BaseModel): if ((not validate or value._name in self.get_values(record.env)) and len(value) <= 1): return value.with_env(record.env) or False elif isinstance(value, basestring): res_model, res_id = value.split(',') return record.env[res_model].browse(int(res_id)) elif not value: return False raise ValueError("Wrong value for %s: %r" % (self, value)) def convert_to_read(self, value, use_name_get=True): return "%s,%s" % (value._name, if value else False def convert_to_export(self, value, env): return value.name_get()[0][1] if value else '' def convert_to_display_name(self, value, record=None): return ustr(value and value.display_name) class _Relational(Field): """ Abstract class for relational fields. """ relational = True _slots = { 'domain': [], # domain for searching values 'context': {}, # context for searching values } def _setup_regular(self, env): super(_Relational, self)._setup_regular(env) if self.comodel_name not in env.registry: _logger.warning("Field %s with unknown comodel_name %r" % (self, self.comodel_name)) self.comodel_name = '_unknown' @property def _related_domain(self): if callable(self.domain): # will be called with another model than self's return lambda recs: self.domain(recs.env[self.model_name]) else: # maybe not correct if domain is a string... return self.domain _related_context = property(attrgetter('context')) _description_relation = property(attrgetter('comodel_name')) _description_context = property(attrgetter('context')) def _description_domain(self, env): return self.domain(env[self.model_name]) if callable(self.domain) else self.domain _column_obj = property(attrgetter('comodel_name')) _column_domain = property(attrgetter('domain')) _column_context = property(attrgetter('context')) def null(self, env): return env[self.comodel_name] def modified(self, records): # Invalidate cache for self.inverse_fields, too. Note that recomputation # of fields that depend on self.inverse_fields is already covered by the # triggers (see above). spec = super(_Relational, self).modified(records) for invf in self.inverse_fields: spec.append((invf, None)) return spec class Many2one(_Relational): """ The value of such a field is a recordset of size 0 (no record) or 1 (a single record). :param comodel_name: name of the target model (string) :param domain: an optional domain to set on candidate values on the client side (domain or string) :param context: an optional context to use on the client side when handling that field (dictionary) :param ondelete: what to do when the referred record is deleted; possible values are: ``'set null'``, ``'restrict'``, ``'cascade'`` :param auto_join: whether JOINs are generated upon search through that field (boolean, by default ``False``) :param delegate: set it to ``True`` to make fields of the target model accessible from the current model (corresponds to ``_inherits``) The attribute ``comodel_name`` is mandatory except in the case of related fields or field extensions. """ type = 'many2one' _slots = { 'ondelete': 'set null', # what to do when value is deleted 'auto_join': False, # whether joins are generated upon search 'delegate': False, # whether self implements delegation } def __init__(self, comodel_name=None, string=None, **kwargs): super(Many2one, self).__init__(comodel_name=comodel_name, string=string, **kwargs) def set_class_name(self, cls, name): super(Many2one, self).set_class_name(cls, name) # determine self.delegate if not self.delegate: self.delegate = name in cls._inherits.values() _column_ondelete = property(attrgetter('ondelete')) _column_auto_join = property(attrgetter('auto_join')) def _update(self, records, value): """ Update the cached value of ``self`` for ``records`` with ``value``. """ records._cache[self] = value def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if isinstance(value, (NoneType, int, long)): return record.env[self.comodel_name].browse(value) if isinstance(value, BaseModel): if value._name == self.comodel_name and len(value) <= 1: return value.with_env(record.env) raise ValueError("Wrong value for %s: %r" % (self, value)) elif isinstance(value, tuple): return record.env[self.comodel_name].browse(value[0]) elif isinstance(value, dict): return record.env[self.comodel_name].new(value) else: return self.null(record.env) def convert_to_read(self, value, use_name_get=True): if use_name_get and value: # evaluate name_get() as superuser, because the visibility of a # many2one field value (id and name) depends on the current record's # access rights, and not the value's access rights. try: value_sudo = value.sudo() # performance trick: make sure that all records of the same # model as value in value.env will be prefetched in value_sudo.env value_sudo.env.prefetch[value._name].update(value.env.prefetch[value._name]) return value_sudo.name_get()[0] except MissingError: # Should not happen, unless the foreign key is missing. return False else: return def convert_to_write(self, value, target=None, fnames=None): return def convert_to_onchange(self, value): return def convert_to_export(self, value, env): return value.name_get()[0][1] if value else '' def convert_to_display_name(self, value, record=None): return ustr(value.display_name) class UnionUpdate(SpecialValue): """ Placeholder for a value update; when this value is taken from the cache, it returns ``record[] | value`` and stores it in the cache. """ def __init__(self, field, record, value): self.args = (field, record, value) def get(self): field, record, value = self.args # in order to read the current field's value, remove self from cache del record._cache[field] # read the current field's value, and update it in cache only record._cache[field] = new_value = record[] | value return new_value class _RelationalMulti(_Relational): """ Abstract class for relational fields *2many. """ def _update(self, records, value): """ Update the cached value of ``self`` for ``records`` with ``value``. """ for record in records: if self in record._cache: record._cache[self] = record[] | value else: record._cache[self] = UnionUpdate(self, record, value) def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): if isinstance(value, BaseModel): if value._name == self.comodel_name: return value.with_env(record.env) elif isinstance(value, list): # value is a list of record ids or commands comodel = record.env[self.comodel_name] ids = OrderedSet(record[].ids) # modify ids with the commands for command in value: if isinstance(command, (tuple, list)): if command[0] == 0: ids.add([2]).id) elif command[0] == 1: comodel.browse(command[1]).update(command[2]) ids.add(command[1]) elif command[0] == 2: # note: the record will be deleted by write() ids.discard(command[1]) elif command[0] == 3: ids.discard(command[1]) elif command[0] == 4: ids.add(command[1]) elif command[0] == 5: ids.clear() elif command[0] == 6: ids = OrderedSet(command[2]) elif isinstance(command, dict): ids.add( else: ids.add(command) # return result as a recordset return comodel.browse(list(ids)) elif not value: return self.null(record.env) raise ValueError("Wrong value for %s: %s" % (self, value)) def convert_to_read(self, value, use_name_get=True): return value.ids def convert_to_write(self, value, target=None, fnames=None): # remove/delete former records if target is None: set_ids = [] result = [(6, 0, set_ids)] add_existing = lambda id: set_ids.append(id) else: tag = 2 if self.type == 'one2many' else 3 result = [(tag, for record in target[] - value] add_existing = lambda id: result.append((4, id)) if fnames is None: # take all fields in cache, except the inverses of self fnames = set(value._fields) - set(MAGIC_COLUMNS) for invf in self.inverse_fields: fnames.discard( # add new and existing records for record in value: if not values = {k: v for k, v in record._cache.iteritems() if k in fnames} values = record._convert_to_write(values) result.append((0, 0, values)) elif record._is_dirty(): values = {k: record._cache[k] for k in record._get_dirty() if k in fnames} values = record._convert_to_write(values) result.append((1,, values)) else: add_existing( return result def convert_to_export(self, value, env): return ','.join(name for id, name in value.name_get()) if value else '' def convert_to_display_name(self, value, record=None): raise NotImplementedError() def _compute_related(self, records): """ Compute the related field ``self`` on ``records``. """ for record in records: value = record # traverse the intermediate fields, and keep at most one record for name in self.related[:-1]: value = value[name][:1] record[] = value[self.related[-1]] class One2many(_RelationalMulti): """ One2many field; the value of such a field is the recordset of all the records in ``comodel_name`` such that the field ``inverse_name`` is equal to the current record. :param comodel_name: name of the target model (string) :param inverse_name: name of the inverse ``Many2one`` field in ``comodel_name`` (string) :param domain: an optional domain to set on candidate values on the client side (domain or string) :param context: an optional context to use on the client side when handling that field (dictionary) :param auto_join: whether JOINs are generated upon search through that field (boolean, by default ``False``) :param limit: optional limit to use upon read (integer) The attributes ``comodel_name`` and ``inverse_name`` are mandatory except in the case of related fields or field extensions. """ type = 'one2many' _slots = { 'inverse_name': None, # name of the inverse field 'auto_join': False, # whether joins are generated upon search 'limit': None, # optional limit to use upon read 'copy': False, # o2m are not copied by default } def __init__(self, comodel_name=None, inverse_name=None, string=None, **kwargs): super(One2many, self).__init__( comodel_name=comodel_name, inverse_name=inverse_name, string=string, **kwargs ) def _setup_regular(self, env): super(One2many, self)._setup_regular(env) if self.inverse_name: # link self to its inverse field and vice-versa comodel = env[self.comodel_name] invf = comodel._fields[self.inverse_name] # In some rare cases, a ``One2many`` field can link to ``Int`` field # (res_model/res_id pattern). Only inverse the field if this is # a ``Many2one`` field. if isinstance(invf, Many2one): self.inverse_fields += (invf,) invf.inverse_fields += (self,) _description_relation_field = property(attrgetter('inverse_name')) _column_fields_id = property(attrgetter('inverse_name')) _column_auto_join = property(attrgetter('auto_join')) _column_limit = property(attrgetter('limit')) class Many2many(_RelationalMulti): """ Many2many field; the value of such a field is the recordset. :param comodel_name: name of the target model (string) The attribute ``comodel_name`` is mandatory except in the case of related fields or field extensions. :param relation: optional name of the table that stores the relation in the database (string) :param column1: optional name of the column referring to "these" records in the table ``relation`` (string) :param column2: optional name of the column referring to "those" records in the table ``relation`` (string) The attributes ``relation``, ``column1`` and ``column2`` are optional. If not given, names are automatically generated from model names, provided ``model_name`` and ``comodel_name`` are different! :param domain: an optional domain to set on candidate values on the client side (domain or string) :param context: an optional context to use on the client side when handling that field (dictionary) :param limit: optional limit to use upon read (integer) """ type = 'many2many' _slots = { 'relation': None, # name of table 'column1': None, # column of table referring to model 'column2': None, # column of table referring to comodel 'limit': None, # optional limit to use upon read } def __init__(self, comodel_name=None, relation=None, column1=None, column2=None, string=None, **kwargs): super(Many2many, self).__init__( comodel_name=comodel_name, relation=relation, column1=column1, column2=column2, string=string, **kwargs ) def _setup_regular(self, env): super(Many2many, self)._setup_regular(env) if not self.relation and # retrieve self.relation from the corresponding column column = self.to_column() if isinstance(column, fields.many2many): self.relation, self.column1, self.column2 = \ column._sql_names(env[self.model_name]) if self.relation: m2m = env.registry._m2m # if inverse field has already been setup, it is present in m2m invf = m2m.get((self.relation, self.column2, self.column1)) if invf: self.inverse_fields += (invf,) invf.inverse_fields += (self,) else: # add self in m2m, so that its inverse field can find it m2m[(self.relation, self.column1, self.column2)] = self _column_rel = property(attrgetter('relation')) _column_id1 = property(attrgetter('column1')) _column_id2 = property(attrgetter('column2')) _column_limit = property(attrgetter('limit')) class Serialized(Field): """ Minimal support for existing sparse and serialized fields. """ type = 'serialized' def convert_to_cache(self, value, record, validate=True): return value or {} class Id(Field): """ Special case for field 'id'. """ type = 'integer' _slots = { 'string': 'ID', 'store': True, 'readonly': True, } def to_column(self): self.column = fields.integer(self.string) return self.column def __get__(self, record, owner): if record is None: return self # the field is accessed through the class owner if not record: return False return record.ensure_one()._ids[0] def __set__(self, record, value): raise TypeError("field 'id' cannot be assigned") # imported here to avoid dependency cycle issues from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID, registry from .exceptions import Warning, AccessError, MissingError from .models import BaseModel, MAGIC_COLUMNS from .osv import fields