1 value
15 values
import sys sys.path.insert(0,'../') from fast_guided_filter import blur print("hello")
# from test_plus.test import TestCase # # # class TestUser(TestCase): # # def setUp(self): # self.user = self.make_user() # # def test__str__(self): # self.assertEqual( # self.user.__str__(), # 'testuser' # This is the default username for self.make_user() # ) # # def test_get_absolute_url(self): # self.assertEqual( # self.user.get_absolute_url(), # '/users/testuser/' # )
from rest_framework import serializers from django.contrib.auth.models import User from dixit.account.models import UserProfile class UserProfileSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = UserProfile fields = ('name', ) class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """ Serializes User objects """ profile = UserProfileSerializer() class Meta: model = User fields = ('id', 'username', 'email', 'profile', )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pack_command import pack_command_python import timeit import cProfile import pstats import pycallgraph def format_time(seconds): v = seconds if v * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 < 1000: scale = u'ns' v = int(round(v*1000*1000*1000)) elif v * 1000 * 1000 < 1000: scale = u'μs' v = int(round(v*1000*1000)) elif v * 1000 < 1000: scale = u'ms' v = round(v*1000, 4) else: scale = u'sec' v = int(v) return u'{} {}'.format(v, scale) # profiler size number = 100000 sample = 7 # profiler type profile = False graph = False timer = True def runit(): pack_command.pack_command("ZADD", "foo", 1369198341, 10000) def runitp(): pack_command_python.pack_command("ZADD", "foo", 1369198341, 10000) if profile: pr = cProfile.Profile() pr.enable() if graph: pycallgraph.start_trace() if timer: for name, t in (("Python", runitp), ("cython", runit)): res = timeit.Timer(t).repeat(sample, number) min_run = min(res) per_loop = min_run/number print u'{}'.format(name) print u'{} total run'.format(format_time(min_run)) print u'{} per/loop'.format(format_time(per_loop)) #print u'{} per/friend'.format(format_time(per_loop/friends_cnt)) else: for j in xrange(number): runit() if graph: pycallgraph.make_dot_graph('example.png') if profile: pr.disable() ps = pstats.Stats(pr) sort_by = 'cumulative' ps.strip_dirs().sort_stats(sort_by).print_stats(20)
""" Initialize Flask app """ from flask import Flask import os from flask_debugtoolbar import DebugToolbarExtension from werkzeug.debug import DebuggedApplication app = Flask('application') if os.getenv('FLASK_CONF') == 'DEV': # Development settings app.config.from_object('application.settings.Development') # Flask-DebugToolbar toolbar = DebugToolbarExtension(app) # Google app engine mini profiler # app.wsgi_app = DebuggedApplication(app.wsgi_app, evalex=True) from gae_mini_profiler import profiler, templatetags @app.context_processor def inject_profiler(): return dict(profiler_includes=templatetags.profiler_includes()) app.wsgi_app = profiler.ProfilerWSGIMiddleware(app.wsgi_app) elif os.getenv('FLASK_CONF') == 'TEST': app.config.from_object('application.settings.Testing') else: app.config.from_object('application.settings.Production') # Enable jinja2 loop controls extension app.jinja_env.add_extension('jinja2.ext.loopcontrols') # Pull in URL dispatch routes import urls
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import django from django.conf import settings DEFAULT_SETTINGS = dict( INSTALLED_APPS=[ "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sites", "pinax.pinax_hello", "pinax.pinax_hello.tests" ], MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES=[], DATABASES={ "default": { "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.sqlite3", "NAME": ":memory:", } }, SITE_ID=1, ROOT_URLCONF="pinax.pinax_hello.tests.urls", SECRET_KEY="notasecret", ) def runtests(*test_args): if not settings.configured: settings.configure(**DEFAULT_SETTINGS) django.setup() parent = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sys.path.insert(0, parent) try: from django.test.runner import DiscoverRunner runner_class = DiscoverRunner test_args = ["pinax.pinax_hello.tests"] except ImportError: from django.test.simple import DjangoTestSuiteRunner runner_class = DjangoTestSuiteRunner test_args = ["tests"] failures = runner_class(verbosity=1, interactive=True, failfast=False).run_tests(test_args) sys.exit(failures) if __name__ == "__main__": runtests(*sys.argv[1:])
import random import numpy as np import math from time import perf_counter import os import sys from collections import deque import gym import cntk from cntk.layers import Convolution, MaxPooling, Dense from cntk.models import Sequential, LayerStack from cntk.initializer import glorot_normal env = gym.make("Breakout-v0") NUM_ACTIONS = env.action_space.n SCREEN_H_ORIG, SCREEN_W_ORIG, NUM_COLOUR_CHANNELS = env.observation_space.shape def preprocess_image(screen_image): # crop the top and bottom screen_image = screen_image[35:195] # down sample by a factor of 2 screen_image = screen_image[::2, ::2] # convert to grey scale grey_image = np.zeros(screen_image.shape[0:2]) for i in range(len(screen_image)): for j in range(len(screen_image[i])): grey_image[i][j] = np.mean(screen_image[i][j]) return np.array([grey_image.astype(np.float)]) CHANNELS, IMAGE_H, IMAGE_W = preprocess_image(np.zeros((SCREEN_H_ORIG, SCREEN_W_ORIG))).shape STATE_DIMS = (1, IMAGE_H, IMAGE_W) class Brain: BATCH_SIZE = 5 def __init__(self): #### Construct the model #### observation = cntk.ops.input_variable(STATE_DIMS, np.float32, name="s") q_target = cntk.ops.input_variable(NUM_ACTIONS, np.float32, name="q") # Define the structure of the neural network self.model = self.create_convolutional_neural_network(observation, NUM_ACTIONS) #### Define the trainer #### self.learning_rate = cntk.learner.training_parameter_schedule(0.0001, cntk.UnitType.sample) self.momentum = cntk.learner.momentum_as_time_constant_schedule(0.99) self.loss = cntk.ops.reduce_mean(cntk.ops.square(self.model - q_target), axis=0) mean_error = cntk.ops.reduce_mean(cntk.ops.square(self.model - q_target), axis=0) learner = cntk.adam_sgd(self.model.parameters, self.learning_rate, momentum=self.momentum) self.trainer = cntk.Trainer(self.model, self.loss, mean_error, learner) def train(self, x, y): data = dict(zip(self.loss.arguments, [y, x])) self.trainer.train_minibatch(data, outputs=[self.loss.output]) def predict(self, s): return self.model.eval([s]) @staticmethod def create_multi_layer_neural_network(input_vars, out_dims, num_hidden_layers): num_hidden_neurons = 128 hidden_layer = lambda: Dense(num_hidden_neurons, activation=cntk.ops.relu) output_layer = Dense(out_dims, activation=None) model = Sequential([LayerStack(num_hidden_layers, hidden_layer), output_layer])(input_vars) return model @staticmethod def create_convolutional_neural_network(input_vars, out_dims): convolutional_layer_1 = Convolution((5, 5), 32, strides=1, activation=cntk.ops.relu, pad=True, init=glorot_normal(), init_bias=0.1) pooling_layer_1 = MaxPooling((2, 2), strides=(2, 2), pad=True) convolutional_layer_2 = Convolution((5, 5), 64, strides=1, activation=cntk.ops.relu, pad=True, init=glorot_normal(), init_bias=0.1) pooling_layer_2 = MaxPooling((2, 2), strides=(2, 2), pad=True) convolutional_layer_3 = Convolution((5, 5), 128, strides=1, activation=cntk.ops.relu, pad=True, init=glorot_normal(), init_bias=0.1) pooling_layer_3 = MaxPooling((2, 2), strides=(2, 2), pad=True) fully_connected_layer = Dense(1024, activation=cntk.ops.relu, init=glorot_normal(), init_bias=0.1) output_layer = Dense(out_dims, activation=None, init=glorot_normal(), init_bias=0.1) model = Sequential([convolutional_layer_1, pooling_layer_1, convolutional_layer_2, pooling_layer_2, #convolutional_layer_3, pooling_layer_3, fully_connected_layer, output_layer])(input_vars) return model class Memory: def __init__(self, capacity): self.examplers = deque(maxlen=capacity) self.capacity = capacity def add(self, sample): self.examplers.append(sample) def get_random_samples(self, num_samples): num_samples = min(num_samples, len(self.examplers)) return random.sample(tuple(self.examplers), num_samples) def get_stack(self, start_index, stack_size): end_index = len(self.examplers) - stack_size if end_index < 0: stack = list(self.examplers) + [self.examplers[-1] for _ in range(-end_index)] else: start_index = min(start_index, end_index) stack = [self.examplers[i + start_index] for i in range(stack_size)] return np.stack(stack, axis=-1) def get_random_stacks(self, num_samples, stack_size): start_indices = random.sample(range(len(self.examplers)), num_samples) return [self.get_stack(start_index, stack_size) for start_index in start_indices] def get_latest_stack(self, stack_size): return self.get_stack(len(self.examplers), stack_size) class Agent: MEMORY_CAPACITY = 100000 DISCOUNT_FACTOR = 0.99 MAX_EXPLORATION_RATE = 1.0 MIN_EXPLORATION_RATE = 0.01 DECAY_RATE = 0.0001 def __init__(self): self.explore_rate = self.MAX_EXPLORATION_RATE self.brain = Brain() self.memory = Memory(self.MEMORY_CAPACITY) self.steps = 0 def act(self, s): if random.random() < self.explore_rate: return random.randint(0, NUM_ACTIONS - 1) else: return np.argmax(self.brain.predict(s)) def observe(self, sample): self.steps += 1 self.memory.add(sample) # Reduces exploration rate linearly self.explore_rate = self.MIN_EXPLORATION_RATE + (self.MAX_EXPLORATION_RATE - self.MIN_EXPLORATION_RATE) * math.exp(-self.DECAY_RATE * self.steps) def replay(self): batch = self.memory.get_random_samples(self.brain.BATCH_SIZE) batch_len = len(batch) states = np.array([sample[0] for sample in batch], dtype=np.float32) no_state = np.zeros(STATE_DIMS) resultant_states = np.array([(no_state if sample[3] is None else sample[3]) for sample in batch], dtype=np.float32) q_values_batch = self.brain.predict(states) future_q_values_batch = self.brain.predict(resultant_states) x = np.zeros((batch_len, ) + STATE_DIMS).astype(np.float32) y = np.zeros((batch_len, NUM_ACTIONS)).astype(np.float32) for i in range(batch_len): state, action, reward, resultant_state = batch[i] q_values = q_values_batch[0][i] if resultant_state is None: q_values[action] = reward else: q_values[action] = reward + self.DISCOUNT_FACTOR * np.amax(future_q_values_batch[0][i]) x[i] = state y[i] = q_values self.brain.train(x, y) @classmethod def action_from_output(cls, output_array): return np.argmax(output_array) def run_simulation(agent, solved_reward_level): state = env.reset() state = preprocess_image(state) total_rewards = 0 time_step = 0 while True: #env.render() time_step += 1 action = agent.act(state.astype(np.float32)) resultant_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action) resultant_state = preprocess_image(resultant_state) if done: # terminal state resultant_state = None agent.observe((state, action, reward, resultant_state)) agent.replay() state = resultant_state total_rewards += reward if total_rewards > solved_reward_level or done: return total_rewards, time_step def test(model_path, num_episodes=10): root = cntk.load_model(model_path) observation = env.reset() # reset environment for new episode done = False for episode in range(num_episodes): while not done: try: env.render() except Exception: # this might fail on a VM without OpenGL pass observation = preprocess_image(observation) action = np.argmax(root.eval(observation.astype(np.float32))) observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action) if done: observation = env.reset() # reset environment for new episode if __name__ == "__main__": # Ensure we always get the same amount of randomness np.random.seed(0) GYM_ENABLE_UPLOAD = False GYM_VIDEO_PATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "videos", "atari_breakout_dpn_cntk") GYM_API_KEY = "sk_93AMQvdmReWCi8pdL4m6Q" MAX_NUM_EPISODES = 1000 STREAK_TO_END = 120 DONE_REWARD_LEVEL = 50 TRAINED_MODEL_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "trained_models") if not os.path.exists(TRAINED_MODEL_DIR): os.makedirs(TRAINED_MODEL_DIR) TRAINED_MODEL_NAME = "atari_breakout_dpn.mod" EPISODES_PER_PRINT_PROGRESS = 1 EPISODES_PER_SAVE = 5 if len(sys.argv) < 2 or sys.argv[1] != "test_only": if GYM_ENABLE_UPLOAD: env.monitor.start(GYM_VIDEO_PATH, force=True) agent = Agent() episode_number = 0 num_streaks = 0 reward_sum = 0 time_step_sum = 0 solved_episode = -1 training_start_time = perf_counter() while episode_number < MAX_NUM_EPISODES: # Run the simulation and train the agent reward, time_step = run_simulation(agent, DONE_REWARD_LEVEL*2) reward_sum += reward time_step_sum += time_step episode_number += 1 if episode_number % EPISODES_PER_PRINT_PROGRESS == 0: t = perf_counter() - training_start_time print("(%d s) Episode: %d, Average reward = %.3f, Average number of time steps = %.3f." % (t, episode_number, reward_sum / EPISODES_PER_PRINT_PROGRESS, time_step_sum/EPISODES_PER_PRINT_PROGRESS)) reward_sum = 0 time_step_sum = 0 # It is considered solved when the sum of reward is over 200 if reward > DONE_REWARD_LEVEL: num_streaks += 1 solved_episode = episode_number else: num_streaks = 0 solved_episode = -1 # It's considered done when it's solved over 120 times consecutively if num_streaks > STREAK_TO_END: print("Task solved in %d episodes and repeated %d times." % (episode_number, num_streaks)) break if episode_number % EPISODES_PER_SAVE == 0: agent.brain.model.save_model(os.path.join(TRAINED_MODEL_DIR, TRAINED_MODEL_NAME), False) agent.brain.model.save_model(os.path.join(TRAINED_MODEL_DIR, TRAINED_MODEL_NAME), False) if GYM_ENABLE_UPLOAD: env.monitor.close() gym.upload(GYM_VIDEO_PATH, api_key=GYM_API_KEY) # testing the model test(os.path.join(TRAINED_MODEL_DIR, TRAINED_MODEL_NAME), num_episodes=10)
the_count = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] fruits = ['apple', 'oranges', 'pears', 'apricots',] change = [1, 'pennies', 2, 'dimes', 3, 'quarters',] #this first kind of for-loop goes through a list for number in the_count: print("This is count %d" % number) # same as above for fruit in fruits: print("A fruit of type: %s" % fruit) # also we can go through mixed lists too # notice we have to use %r since we don't know what's in it for i in change: print("I got %r " % i) # we can alse build lists, first start with an empty one elements = [] # then use the range function to do 0 to 5 counts for i in range(0,6): print("Adding %d to the list." % i) # append is a function that lists understand elements.append(i) # now we can print them out too for i in elements: print("Element was: %d" % i)
"""adding timestamps to all tables Revision ID: c0a714ade734 Revises: 1a886e694fca Create Date: 2016-04-20 14:46:06.407765 """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = 'c0a714ade734' down_revision = '1a886e694fca' branch_labels = None depends_on = None from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa def upgrade(engine_name): globals()["upgrade_%s" % engine_name]() def downgrade(engine_name): globals()["downgrade_%s" % engine_name]() def upgrade_validation(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.add_column('field_type', sa.Column('created_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('field_type', sa.Column('updated_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('file_columns', sa.Column('created_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('file_columns', sa.Column('updated_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('file_type', sa.Column('created_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('file_type', sa.Column('updated_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('multi_field_rule', sa.Column('created_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('multi_field_rule', sa.Column('updated_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('multi_field_rule_type', sa.Column('created_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('multi_field_rule_type', sa.Column('updated_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('rule', sa.Column('created_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('rule', sa.Column('updated_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('rule_timing', sa.Column('created_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('rule_timing', sa.Column('updated_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('rule_type', sa.Column('created_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('rule_type', sa.Column('updated_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('tas_lookup', sa.Column('created_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('tas_lookup', sa.Column('updated_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) ### end Alembic commands ### def downgrade_validation(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.drop_column('tas_lookup', 'updated_at') op.drop_column('tas_lookup', 'created_at') op.drop_column('rule_type', 'updated_at') op.drop_column('rule_type', 'created_at') op.drop_column('rule_timing', 'updated_at') op.drop_column('rule_timing', 'created_at') op.drop_column('rule', 'updated_at') op.drop_column('rule', 'created_at') op.drop_column('multi_field_rule_type', 'updated_at') op.drop_column('multi_field_rule_type', 'created_at') op.drop_column('multi_field_rule', 'updated_at') op.drop_column('multi_field_rule', 'created_at') op.drop_column('file_type', 'updated_at') op.drop_column('file_type', 'created_at') op.drop_column('file_columns', 'updated_at') op.drop_column('file_columns', 'created_at') op.drop_column('field_type', 'updated_at') op.drop_column('field_type', 'created_at') ### end Alembic commands ###
from cStringIO import StringIO from struct import pack, unpack, error as StructError from .log import log from .structures import fields class DBFile(object): """ Base class for WDB and DBC files """ @classmethod def open(cls, file, build, structure, environment): if isinstance(file, basestring): file = open(file, "rb") instance = cls(file, build, environment) instance._readHeader() instance.setStructure(structure) instance._rowDynamicFields = 0 # Dynamic fields index, used when parsing a row instance._readAddresses() return instance def __init__(self, file=None, build=None, environment=None): self._addresses = {} self._values = {} self.file = file = build self.environment = environment def __repr__(self): return "%s(file=%r, build=%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.file, def __contains__(self, id): return id in self._addresses def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, slice): keys = sorted(self._addresses.keys())[item] return [self[k] for k in keys] if item not in self._values: self._parse_row(item) return self._values[item] def __setitem__(self, item, value): if not isinstance(item, int): raise TypeError("DBFile indices must be integers, not %s" % (type(item))) if isinstance(value, DBRow): self._values[item] = value self._addresses[item] = -1 else: # FIXME technically we should allow DBRow, but this is untested and will need resetting parent raise TypeError("Unsupported type for DBFile.__setitem__: %s" % (type(value))) def __delitem__(self, item): if item in self._values: del self._values[item] del self._addresses[item] def __iter__(self): return self._addresses.__iter__() def __len__(self): return len(self._addresses) def _add_row(self, id, address, reclen): if id in self._addresses: # Something's wrong here log.warning("Multiple instances of row %r found in %s" % (id, self._addresses[id] = (address, reclen) def _parse_field(self, data, field, row=None): """ Parse a single field in stream. """ if field.dyn > self._rowDynamicFields: return None # The column doesn't exist in this row, we set it to None ret = None try: if isinstance(field, fields.StringField): ret = self._parse_string(data) elif isinstance(field, fields.DataField): # wowcache.wdb length = getattr(row, field.master) ret = elif isinstance(field, fields.DynamicMaster): ret, = unpack("<I", self._rowDynamicFields = ret else: ret, = unpack("<%s" % (field.char), except StructError: log.warning("Field %s could not be parsed properly" % (field)) ret = None return ret def supportsSeeking(self): return hasattr(self.file, "seek") def append(self, row): """ Append a row at the end of the file. If the row does not have an id, one is automatically assigned. """ i = len(self) + 1 # FIXME this wont work properly in incomplete files if "_id" not in row: row["_id"] = i self[i] = row def clear(self): """ Delete every row in the file """ for k in self.keys(): # Use key, otherwise we get RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration del self[k] def keys(self): return self._addresses.keys() def items(self): return [(k, self[k]) for k in self] def parse_row(self, data, reclen=0): """ Assign data to a DBRow instance """ return DBRow(self, data=data, reclen=reclen) def values(self): """ Return a list of the file's values """ return [self[id] for id in self] def setRow(self, key, **values): self.__setitem__(key, DBRow(self, columns=values)) def size(self): if hasattr(self.file, "size"): return self.file.size() elif isinstance(self.file, file): from os.path import getsize return getsize( raise NotImplementedError def update(self, other): """ Update file from iterable other """ for k in other: self[k] = other[k] def write(self, filename=""): """ Write the file data on disk. If filename is not given, use currently opened file. """ _filename = filename or data = + + self.eof() f = open(_filename, "wb") # Don't open before calling data() as uncached rows would be empty f.write(data) f.close()"Written %i bytes at %s" % (len(data), if not filename: # Reopen self.file, we modified it # XXX do we need to wipe self._values here? self.file.close() self.file = open(, "rb") class DBRow(list): """ A database row. Names of the variables of that class should not be used in field names of structures """ initialized = False def __init__(self, parent, data=None, columns=None, reclen=0): self._parent = parent self._values = {} # Columns values storage self.structure = parent.structure self.initialized = True # needed for __setattr__ if columns: if type(columns) == list: self.extend(columns) elif type(columns) == dict: self._default() _cols = [ for k in self.structure] for k in columns: try: self[_cols.index(k)] = columns[k] except ValueError: log.warning("Column %r not found" % (k)) elif data: dynfields = 0 data = StringIO(data) for field in self.structure: _data = parent._parse_field(data, field, self) self.append(_data) if reclen: real_reclen = reclen + self._parent.row_header_size if data.tell() != real_reclen: log.warning("Reclen not respected for row %r. Expected %i, read %i. (%+i)" % (, real_reclen, data.tell(), real_reclen-data.tell())) def __dir__(self): result = self.__dict__.keys() result.extend(self.structure.column_names) return result def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr in self.structure: return self._get_value(attr) if attr in self.structure._abstractions: # Union abstractions etc field, func = self.structure._abstractions[attr] return func(field, self) if "__" in attr: return self._query(attr) return super(DBRow, self).__getattribute__(attr) def __int__(self): return def __setattr__(self, attr, value): # Do not preserve the value in DBRow! Use the save method to save. if self.initialized and attr in self.structure: self._set_value(attr, value) return super(DBRow, self).__setattr__(attr, value) def __setitem__(self, index, value): if not isinstance(index, int): raise TypeError("Expected int instance, got %s instead (%r)" % (type(index), index)) list.__setitem__(self, index, value) col = self.structure[index] self._values[] = col.to_python(value, row=self) def _get_reverse_relation(self, table, field): """ Return a list of rows matching the reverse relation """ if not hasattr(self._parent, "_reverse_relation_cache"): self._parent._reverse_relation_cache = {} cache = self._parent._reverse_relation_cache tfield = table + "__" + field if tfield not in cache: cache[tfield] = {} # First time lookup, let's build the cache table = self._parent.environment.dbFile(table) for row in table: row = table[row] id = row._raw(field) if id not in cache[tfield]: cache[tfield][id] = [] cache[tfield][id].append(row) return cache[tfield].get(, None) def _matches(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): if not self._query(k, v): return False return True def _query(self, rel, value=None): """ Parse a django-like multilevel relationship """ rels = rel.split("__") if "" in rels: # empty string raise ValueError("Invalid relation string") first = rels[0] if not hasattr(self, first): if self._parent.environment.hasDbFile(first): # Handle reverse relations, eg spell__item for item table remainder = rel[len(first + "__"):] return self._get_reverse_relation(first, remainder) raise ValueError("Invalid relation string") ret = self rels = rels[::-1] special = { "contains": lambda x, y: x in y, "exact": lambda x, y: x == y, "icontains": lambda x, y: x.lower() in y.lower(), "iexact": lambda x, y: x.lower() == y.lower(), "gt": lambda x, y: x > y, "gte": lambda x, y: x >= y, "lt": lambda x, y: x < y, "lte": lambda x, y: x <= y, } while rels: if rels[-1] in special: if len(rels) != 1: # icontains always needs to be the last piece of the relation string raise ValueError("Invalid relation string") return special[rels[-1]](value, ret) else: ret = getattr(ret, rels.pop()) return ret def _set_value(self, name, value): index = self.structure.index(name) col = self.structure[index] self._values[name] = col.to_python(value, self) self[index] = value def _get_value(self, name): if name not in self._values: raw_value = self[self.structure.index(name)] self._set_value(name, raw_value) return self._values[name] def _raw(self, name): """ Returns the raw value from field 'name' """ index = self.structure.index(name) return self[index] def _save(self): for name in self._values: index = self.structure.index(name) col = self.structure[index] self[index] = col.from_python(self._values[name]) def _field(self, name): """ Returns the field 'name' """ index = self.structure.index(name) return self.structure[index] def _default(self): """ Change all fields to their default values """ del self[:] self._values = {} for col in self.structure: char = col.char if col.dyn: self.append(None) elif char == "s": self.append("") elif char == "f": self.append(0.0) else: self.append(0) def dict(self): """ Return a dict of the row as colname: value """ return dict(zip(self.structure.column_names, self)) def update(self, other): for k in other: self[k] = other[k] @property def id(self): "Temporary hack to transition between _id and id" return self._id
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Phaser Editor documentation build configuration file, created by # sphinx-quickstart on Thu May 25 08:35:14 2017. # # This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its # containing dir. # # Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this # autogenerated file. # # All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out # serve to show the default. # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. # # import os # import sys # sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) # -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------ # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. # # needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom # ones. extensions = [ #'rinoh.frontend.sphinx' ] # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = ['_templates'] # The suffix(es) of source filenames. # You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string: # # source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md'] source_suffix = '.rst' # The master toctree document. master_doc = 'index' # General information about the project. project = u'Phaser Editor 2D' copyright = u'2016-2020, Arian Fornaris' author = u'Arian Fornaris' # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the # built documents. # # The short X.Y version. version = u'2.1.7' # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. release = u'2.1.7' # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. # # This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs. # Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases. language = None # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. # This patterns also effect to html_static_path and html_extra_path exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store'] # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. # pygments_style = 'sphinx' # If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing. todo_include_todos = False # -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. # #import sphinx_rtd_theme html_theme = "phaser-editor" # Uncomment for generate Eclipse Offline Help #html_theme = "eclipse-help" html_theme_path = ["_themes"] html_show_sourcelink = False html_show_sphinx = False html_favicon = "logo.png" html_title = "Phaser Editor Help" html_show_copyright = True print(html_theme_path) #html_theme = 'classic' highlight_language = 'javascript' # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. # # html_theme_options = {} # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". html_static_path = ['_static'] # -- Options for HTMLHelp output ------------------------------------------ # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'PhaserEditordoc' # -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------- latex_elements = { # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). # 'papersize': 'letterpaper', # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). # 'pointsize': '10pt', # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. # 'preamble': '', # Latex figure (float) alignment # 'figure_align': 'htbp', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, # author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]). latex_documents = [ (master_doc, 'PhaserEditor2D.tex', u'Phaser Editor 2D Documentation', u'Arian Fornaris', 'manual'), ] # -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------- # Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ (master_doc, 'PhaserEditor2D', u'Phaser Editor 2D Documentation', author, 'Arian', 'A friendly HTML5 game IDE.', 'Miscellaneous'), ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** --------------------- Date : August 2012 Copyright : (C) 2012 by Victor Olaya Email : volayaf at gmail dot com *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ from import * from import dataobjects from processing.saga.SagaUtils import SagaUtils __author__ = 'Victor Olaya' __date__ = 'August 2012' __copyright__ = '(C) 2012, Victor Olaya' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '$Format:%H$' from PyQt4 import QtGui from processing.core.GeoAlgorithm import GeoAlgorithm from processing.parameters.ParameterRaster import ParameterRaster from processing.outputs.OutputRaster import OutputRaster import os class SplitRGBBands(GeoAlgorithm): INPUT = "INPUT" R = "R" G = "G" B = "B" def getIcon(self): return QtGui.QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../images/saga.png") def defineCharacteristics(self): = "Split RGB bands" = "Grid - Tools" self.addParameter(ParameterRaster(SplitRGBBands.INPUT, "Input layer", False)) self.addOutput(OutputRaster(SplitRGBBands.R, "Output R band layer")) self.addOutput(OutputRaster(SplitRGBBands.G, "Output G band layer")) self.addOutput(OutputRaster(SplitRGBBands.B, "Output B band layer")) def processAlgorithm(self, progress): #TODO:check correct num of bands input = self.getParameterValue(SplitRGBBands.INPUT) temp = getTempFilename(None).replace('.',''); basename = os.path.basename(temp) validChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" safeBasename = ''.join(c for c in basename if c in validChars) temp = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(temp), safeBasename) r = self.getOutputValue(SplitRGBBands.R) g = self.getOutputValue(SplitRGBBands.G) b = self.getOutputValue(SplitRGBBands.B) commands = [] if isWindows(): commands.append("io_gdal 0 -GRIDS \"" + temp + "\" -FILES \"" + input+"\"") commands.append("io_gdal 1 -GRIDS \"" + temp + "_0001.sgrd\" -FORMAT 1 -TYPE 0 -FILE \"" + r + "\""); commands.append("io_gdal 1 -GRIDS \"" + temp + "_0002.sgrd\" -FORMAT 1 -TYPE 0 -FILE \"" + g + "\""); commands.append("io_gdal 1 -GRIDS \"" + temp + "_0003.sgrd\" -FORMAT 1 -TYPE 0 -FILE \"" + b + "\""); else: commands.append("libio_gdal 0 -GRIDS \"" + temp + "\" -FILES \"" + input + "\"") commands.append("libio_gdal 1 -GRIDS \"" + temp + "_0001.sgrd\" -FORMAT 1 -TYPE 0 -FILE \"" + r + "\""); commands.append("libio_gdal 1 -GRIDS \"" + temp + "_0002.sgrd\" -FORMAT 1 -TYPE 0 -FILE \"" + g + "\""); commands.append("libio_gdal 1 -GRIDS \"" + temp + "_0003.sgrd\" -FORMAT 1 -TYPE 0 -FILE \"" + b + "\""); SagaUtils.createSagaBatchJobFileFromSagaCommands(commands) SagaUtils.executeSaga(progress);
#!/usr/bin/python2.3 # This is the short name of the plugin, used as the menu item # for the plugin. # If not specified, the name of the file will be used. shortname = "Moment Curve layout (Cohen et al. 1995)" # This is the long name of the plugin, used as the menu note # for the plugin. # If not specified, the short name will be used. name = "Moment Curve layout, O(n^3)" DEBUG = False def run(context, UI): """ Run this plugin. """ if len(context.graph.vertices) < 1: generate = True else: res = UI.prYesNo("Use current graph?", "Would you like to apply the layout to the current graph? If not, a complete graph will be generated and the current graph cleared.") if res: generate = False # Go through and eliminate any existing bend points from graph import DummyVertex for v in [x for x in context.graph.vertices if isinstance(x, DummyVertex)]: context.graph.removeVertex(v) else: generate = True if generate: N = UI.prType("Number of Vertices", "Input number of vertices to generate complete graph:", int, 4) if N == None: return True while N < 0: N = UI.prType("Number of Vertices", "Please input positive value.\n\nInput number of vertices to generate complete graph:", int, N) if N == None: return True context.graph.clear() # Generate a complete graph k_n(context, N) res = UI.prYesNo("Use mod-p layout?", "Would you like to use the mod-p compact layout (O(n^3) volume)? If not, the O(n^6) uncompacted layout will be used.") # Lay it out according to the 1bend layout moment(context, compact=res), context.graph.centerOfMass(), offset=context.graph.viewpoint()) return True def k_n(C, n): """ k_n (C, n) -> void Create a complete graph on n vertices in context C. """ from graph import Vertex, DummyVertex G = C.graph G.clear() # Add n vertices for i in range(n): G.addVertex(Vertex(id='%d' % i, name='v%d' % i)) # For every pair of vertices (u, v): for u in G.vertices: for v in G.vertices: # ignoring duplicates and u==v if (u, v) not in G.edges and (v, u) not in G.edges and u != v: # add an edge between u and v G.addEdge((u, v)) def moment(C, compact=False): """ Run moment curve layout (Cohen, Eades, Lin, Ruskey 1995). """ G = C.graph from math import sqrt, ceil, floor from graph import DummyVertex, GraphError import colorsys vertices = [x for x in G.vertices if not isinstance(x, DummyVertex)] n = len(vertices) # Choose a prime p with n < p <= 2n for p in range(n + 1, 2 * n + 1): for div in range(2, p / 2): if p % div == 0: # print "%d is not a prime (div by %d)" % (p, div) break else: # We did not find a divisor # print "%d is a prime!" % p break else: # Can't happen! raise Exception, "Can't find a prime between %d and %d!" % (n + 1, 2 * n) # Position each vertex if compact: for i in range(n): G.modVertex(vertices[i]).pos = (i * 10, ((i * i) % p) * 10, ((i * i * i) % p) * 10) else: for i in range(n): G.modVertex(vertices[i]).pos = (i, (i * i), (i * i * i)) return
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ..#######.########.#######.##....#..######..######.########....###...########.#######.########..######. # .##.....#.##.....#.##......###...#.##....#.##....#.##.....#...##.##..##.....#.##......##.....#.##....## # .##.....#.##.....#.##......####..#.##......##......##.....#..##...##.##.....#.##......##.....#.##...... # .##.....#.########.######..##.##.#..######.##......########.##.....#.########.######..########..######. # .##.....#.##.......##......##..###.......#.##......##...##..########.##.......##......##...##........## # .##.....#.##.......##......##...##.##....#.##....#.##....##.##.....#.##.......##......##....##.##....## # ..#######.##.......#######.##....#..######..######.##.....#.##.....#.##.......#######.##.....#..######. ''' OpenScrapers Project This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. ''' import re from openscrapers.modules import cleantitle, source_utils, cfscrape class source: def __init__(self): self.priority = 1 self.language = ['en'] = [''] self.base_link = '' self.scraper = cfscrape.create_scraper() def movie(self, imdb, title, localtitle, aliases, year): try: title = cleantitle.geturl(title) url = self.base_link + '/%s-%s' % (title, year) return url except: return def sources(self, url, hostDict, hostprDict): try: sources = [] r = self.scraper.get(url).content match = re.compile('<td align="center"><strong><a href="(.+?)"').findall(r) for url in match: host = url.split('//')[1].replace('www.', '') host = host.split('/')[0].split('.')[0].title() quality = source_utils.check_sd_url(url) sources.append({'source': host, 'quality': quality, 'language': 'en', 'url': url, 'direct': False, 'debridonly': False}) except Exception: return return sources def resolve(self, url): return url
''' Ohm's law is a simple equation describing electrical circuits. It states that the voltage V through a resistor is equal to the current (I) times the resistance: V = I * R The units of these are volts, ampheres (or "amps"), and ohms, respectively. In real circuits, often R is actually measured in kiloohms (10**3 ohms) and I in milliamps (10**-3 amps). Let's create a Resistor class that models this behavior. The constructor takes two arguments - the resistance in ohms, and the voltage in volts: >>> resistor = Resistor(800, 5.5) >>> resistor.resistance 800 >>> resistor.voltage 5.5 The current is derived from these two using Ohm's law: (Hint: use @property) >>> resistor.current 0.006875 Since we may want the value in milliamps, let's make another property to provide that: >>> resistor.current_in_milliamps 6.875 Let's set it up so that we can change the current, and doing so will correspondingly modify the voltage (but keep the resistance constant). >>> resistor.current_in_milliamps = 3.5 >>> resistor.resistance 800 >>> round(resistor.voltage, 2) 2.8 >>> resistor.current = .006875 >>> round(resistor.voltage, 2) 5.5 >>> resistor.resistance 800 Also, we've made a design decision that a Resistor cannot change its resistance value once created: >>> resistor.resistance = 8200 Traceback (most recent call last): AttributeError: can't set attribute ''' # Write your code here: class Resistor: def __init__(self, resistance, voltage): self._resistance = resistance self.voltage = voltage @property def resistance(self): return self._resistance @property def current(self): return self.voltage / self.resistance @current.setter def current(self, value): self.voltage = self.resistance * value @property def current_in_milliamps(self): return self.current * 1000 @current_in_milliamps.setter def current_in_milliamps(self, value): self.current = value / 1000 # Do not edit any code below this line! if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest count, _ = doctest.testmod() if count == 0: print('*** ALL TESTS PASS ***\nGive someone a HIGH FIVE!') # Copyright 2015-2018 Aaron Maxwell. All rights reserved.
# coding=utf-8 # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Desenvolvedor: Arannã Sousa Santos # Mês: 12 # Ano: 2015 # Projeto: pagseguro_xml # e-mail: [email protected] # --------------------------------------------------------------- import logging from pagseguro_xml.notificacao import ApiPagSeguroNotificacao_v3, CONST_v3 logger = logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) PAGSEGURO_API_AMBIENTE = u'sandbox' PAGSEGURO_API_EMAIL = u'[email protected]' PAGSEGURO_API_TOKEN_PRODUCAO = u'' PAGSEGURO_API_TOKEN_SANDBOX = u'' CHAVE_NOTIFICACAO = u'AA0000-AA00A0A0AA00-AA00AA000000-AA0000' # ela éh de producao api = ApiPagSeguroNotificacao_v3(ambiente=CONST_v3.AMBIENTE.SANDBOX) PAGSEGURO_API_TOKEN = PAGSEGURO_API_TOKEN_PRODUCAO ok, retorno = api.consulta_notificacao_transacao_v3(PAGSEGURO_API_EMAIL, PAGSEGURO_API_TOKEN, CHAVE_NOTIFICACAO) if ok: print u'-' * 50 print retorno.xml print u'-' * 50 for a in retorno.alertas: print a else: print u'Motivo do erro:', retorno
# # # (C) Copyright 2001 The Internet (Aust) Pty Ltd # ACN: 082 081 472 ABN: 83 082 081 472 # All Rights Reserved # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # Author: Andrew Milton <[email protected]> # $Id:,v 1.5 2004/11/10 14:15:33 akm Exp $ import App, Globals, OFS import string import time from Globals import ImageFile, HTMLFile, HTML, MessageDialog, package_home from OFS.Folder import Folder class PluginRegister: def __init__(self, name, description, pluginClass, pluginStartForm, pluginStartMethod, pluginEditForm=None, pluginEditMethod=None): #No Spaces please... self.description=description self.plugin=pluginClass self.manage_addForm=pluginStartForm self.manage_addMethod=pluginStartMethod self.manage_editForm=pluginEditForm self.manage_editMethod=pluginEditMethod class CryptoPluginRegister: def __init__(self, name, crypto, description, pluginMethod): = name #No Spaces please... self.cryptoMethod = crypto self.description = description self.plugin = pluginMethod
#!/usr/bin/python "feed fetcher" from db import MySQLDatabase from fetcher import FeedFetcher def main(): db = MySQLDatabase() fetcher = FeedFetcher() feeds = db.get_feeds(offset=0, limit=10) read_count = 10 while len(feeds) > 0: for feed in feeds: fid = feed[0] url = feed[1] title = feed[2] print "fetching #{0}: {1}".format(fid, url) entries = fetcher.fetch(url) for entry in entries: entry.feed_id = fid try: print "insert {0}".format(entry.url) except UnicodeEncodeError: print "insert {0}".format(entry.url.encode('utf-8')) db.append_feed_content(entry) feeds = db.get_feeds(offset=read_count, limit=10) read_count += 10 if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# จงเขียนโปรแกรมแสดงเลขคู่ในช่วง 0 ถึง 10 (รวม 10 ด้วย) for i in range(11): if (i % 2 == 0): print(i)
#!/usr/bin/env python import math fin = open('figs/single-rod-in-water.dat', 'r') fout = open('figs/single-rods-calculated-density.dat', 'w') kB = 3.16681539628059e-6 # This is Boltzmann's constant in Hartree/Kelvin first = 1 nm = 18.8972613 for line in fin: current = str(line) pieces = current.split('\t') if first: r2 = float(pieces[0])/2*nm E2 = float(pieces[1]) first = 0 else: if ((float(pieces[0])/2*nm - r2) > 0.25): r1 = r2 r2 = float(pieces[0])/2*nm E1 = E2 E2 = float(pieces[1]) # actually it's energy per unit length! length = 1 # arbitrary r = (r1 + r2)/2 dEdR = (E2-E1)/(r2-r1)*length area = 2*math.pi*r*length force = dEdR pressure = force/area kT = kB*298 # about this ncontact = pressure/kT fout.write(str(r)+'\t'+str(ncontact)+'\n') fin.close() fout.close()
import win32pipe import win32console import win32process import time import win32con import codecs import ctypes user32 = ctypes.windll.user32 CONQUE_WINDOWS_VK = { '3' : win32con.VK_CANCEL, '8' : win32con.VK_BACK, '9' : win32con.VK_TAB, '12' : win32con.VK_CLEAR, '13' : win32con.VK_RETURN, '17' : win32con.VK_CONTROL, '20' : win32con.VK_CAPITAL, '27' : win32con.VK_ESCAPE, '28' : win32con.VK_CONVERT, '35' : win32con.VK_END, '36' : win32con.VK_HOME, '37' : win32con.VK_LEFT, '38' : win32con.VK_UP, '39' : win32con.VK_RIGHT, '40' : win32con.VK_DOWN, '45' : win32con.VK_INSERT, '46' : win32con.VK_DELETE, '47' : win32con.VK_HELP } def make_input_key(c, control_key_state=None): kc = win32console.PyINPUT_RECORDType (win32console.KEY_EVENT) kc.KeyDown = True kc.RepeatCount = 1 cnum = ord(c) if cnum == 3: pid_list = win32console.GetConsoleProcessList() win32console.GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(win32con.CTRL_C_EVENT, 0) return else: kc.Char = unicode(c) if str(cnum) in CONQUE_WINDOWS_VK: kc.VirtualKeyCode = CONQUE_WINDOWS_VK[str(cnum)] else: kc.VirtualKeyCode = ctypes.windll.user32.VkKeyScanA(cnum) #kc.VirtualKeyCode = ctypes.windll.user32.VkKeyScanA(cnum+96) #kc.ControlKeyState = win32con.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED return kc #win32console.AttachConsole() coord = win32console.PyCOORDType con_stdout = win32console.GetStdHandle(win32console.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) con_stdin = win32console.GetStdHandle(win32console.STD_INPUT_HANDLE) flags = win32process.NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS si = win32process.STARTUPINFO() si.dwFlags |= win32con.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW (handle1, handle2, i1, i2) = win32process.CreateProcess(None, "cmd.exe", None, None, 0, flags, None, '.', si) time.sleep(1) #size = con_stdout.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo()['Window'] # with"log.txt", "w", "utf8") as f: # for i in xrange(0, size.Bottom): # f.write(con_stdout.ReadConsoleOutputCharacter(size.Right+1, coord(0, i))) # f.write("\n") import socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) HOST = "" PORT = 5554 s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind((HOST, PORT)) s.listen(1) (sc, scname) = s.accept() while True: msg = sc.recv(1) if ord(msg) == 0: break keys = [make_input_key(msg)] if keys: con_stdin.WriteConsoleInput(keys) win32process.TerminateProcess(handle1, 0)
import urllib2 import appuifw, e32 from key_codes import * class Drinker(object): def __init__(self): = 0 = "" self.prom = 0.0 self.idle = "" self.drinks = 0 def get_drinker_list(): data = urllib2.urlopen("").read().split("\n") drinkers = [] for data_row in data: if data_row == '': continue fields = data_row.split('|') drinker = Drinker() = int(fields[0]) = fields[1] drinker.drinks = int(fields[2]) drinker.prom = float(fields[3]) drinker.idle = fields[4] drinkers.append(drinker) return drinkers def get_listbox_items(drinkers): items = [] for drinker in drinkers: items.append(unicode('%s, %d drinks, %s' % (, drinker.drinks, drinker.idle))) return items = u"Alkoholilaskuri" app_lock = e32.Ao_lock() #Define the exit function def quit(): app_lock.signal() = quit drinkers = get_drinker_list() items = get_listbox_items(drinkers) #Define a function that is called when an item is selected def handle_selection(): selected_drinker = drinkers[lb.current()] urllib2.urlopen("" % ( appuifw.note(u"A drink has been added to " + drinkers[lb.current()].name, 'info') new_drinkers = get_drinker_list() items = get_listbox_items(new_drinkers) lb.set_list(items, lb.current()) #Create an instance of Listbox and set it as the application's body lb = appuifw.Listbox(items, handle_selection) = lb app_lock.wait()
from config import config, ConfigSlider, ConfigSelection, ConfigYesNo, \ ConfigEnableDisable, ConfigSubsection, ConfigBoolean, ConfigSelectionNumber, ConfigNothing, NoSave from enigma import eAVSwitch, getDesktop from SystemInfo import SystemInfo from os import path as os_path class AVSwitch: def setInput(self, input): INPUT = { "ENCODER": 0, "SCART": 1, "AUX": 2 } eAVSwitch.getInstance().setInput(INPUT[input]) def setColorFormat(self, value): eAVSwitch.getInstance().setColorFormat(value) def setAspectRatio(self, value): eAVSwitch.getInstance().setAspectRatio(value) def setSystem(self, value): eAVSwitch.getInstance().setVideomode(value) def getOutputAspect(self): valstr = config.av.aspectratio.value if valstr in ("4_3_letterbox", "4_3_panscan"): # 4:3 return (4,3) elif valstr == "16_9": # auto ... 4:3 or 16:9 try: aspect_str = open("/proc/stb/vmpeg/0/aspect", "r").read() if aspect_str == "1": # 4:3 return (4,3) except IOError: pass elif valstr in ("16_9_always", "16_9_letterbox"): # 16:9 pass elif valstr in ("16_10_letterbox", "16_10_panscan"): # 16:10 return (16,10) return (16,9) def getFramebufferScale(self): aspect = self.getOutputAspect() fb_size = getDesktop(0).size() return (aspect[0] * fb_size.height(), aspect[1] * fb_size.width()) def getAspectRatioSetting(self): valstr = config.av.aspectratio.value if valstr == "4_3_letterbox": val = 0 elif valstr == "4_3_panscan": val = 1 elif valstr == "16_9": val = 2 elif valstr == "16_9_always": val = 3 elif valstr == "16_10_letterbox": val = 4 elif valstr == "16_10_panscan": val = 5 elif valstr == "16_9_letterbox": val = 6 return val def setAspectWSS(self, aspect=None): if not config.av.wss.value: value = 2 # auto(4:3_off) else: value = 1 # auto eAVSwitch.getInstance().setWSS(value) def InitAVSwitch(): config.av = ConfigSubsection() config.av.yuvenabled = ConfigBoolean(default=False) colorformat_choices = {"cvbs": _("CVBS"), "rgb": _("RGB"), "svideo": _("S-Video")} # when YUV is not enabled, don't let the user select it if config.av.yuvenabled.value: colorformat_choices["yuv"] = _("YPbPr") # ikseong config.av.colorformat = ConfigSelection(choices=colorformat_choices, default="cvbs") config.av.aspectratio = ConfigSelection(choices={ "4_3_letterbox": _("4:3 Letterbox"), "4_3_panscan": _("4:3 PanScan"), "16_9": _("16:9"), "16_9_always": _("16:9 always"), "16_10_letterbox": _("16:10 Letterbox"), "16_10_panscan": _("16:10 PanScan"), "16_9_letterbox": _("16:9 Letterbox")}, default = "4_3_letterbox") config.av.aspect = ConfigSelection(choices={ "4_3": _("4:3"), "16_9": _("16:9"), "16_10": _("16:10"), "auto": _("Automatic")}, default = "auto") config.av.policy_169 = ConfigSelection(choices={ # TRANSLATORS: (aspect ratio policy: black bars on top/bottom) in doubt, keep english term. "letterbox": _("Letterbox"), # TRANSLATORS: (aspect ratio policy: cropped content on left/right) in doubt, keep english term "panscan": _("Pan&Scan"), # TRANSLATORS: (aspect ratio policy: display as fullscreen, even if this breaks the aspect) "scale": _("Just Scale")}, default = "letterbox") config.av.policy_43 = ConfigSelection(choices={ # TRANSLATORS: (aspect ratio policy: black bars on left/right) in doubt, keep english term. "pillarbox": _("Pillarbox"), # TRANSLATORS: (aspect ratio policy: cropped content on left/right) in doubt, keep english term "panscan": _("Pan&Scan"), # TRANSLATORS: (aspect ratio policy: display as fullscreen, with stretching the left/right) "nonlinear": _("Nonlinear"), # TRANSLATORS: (aspect ratio policy: display as fullscreen, even if this breaks the aspect) "scale": _("Just Scale")}, default = "pillarbox") config.av.tvsystem = ConfigSelection(choices = {"pal": _("PAL"), "ntsc": _("NTSC"), "multinorm": _("multinorm")}, default="pal") config.av.wss = ConfigEnableDisable(default = True) config.av.defaultac3 = ConfigYesNo(default = False) config.av.generalAC3delay = ConfigSelectionNumber(-1000, 1000, 25, default = 0) config.av.generalPCMdelay = ConfigSelectionNumber(-1000, 1000, 25, default = 0) config.av.vcrswitch = ConfigEnableDisable(default = False) iAVSwitch = AVSwitch() def setColorFormat(configElement): map = {"cvbs": 0, "rgb": 1, "svideo": 2, "yuv": 3} iAVSwitch.setColorFormat(map[configElement.value]) def setAspectRatio(configElement): map = {"4_3_letterbox": 0, "4_3_panscan": 1, "16_9": 2, "16_9_always": 3, "16_10_letterbox": 4, "16_10_panscan": 5, "16_9_letterbox" : 6} iAVSwitch.setAspectRatio(map[configElement.value]) def setSystem(configElement): map = {"pal": 0, "ntsc": 1, "multinorm" : 2} iAVSwitch.setSystem(map[configElement.value]) def setWSS(configElement): iAVSwitch.setAspectWSS() # this will call the "setup-val" initial config.av.colorformat.addNotifier(setColorFormat) config.av.aspectratio.addNotifier(setAspectRatio) config.av.tvsystem.addNotifier(setSystem) config.av.wss.addNotifier(setWSS) iAVSwitch.setInput("ENCODER") # init on startup SystemInfo["ScartSwitch"] = eAVSwitch.getInstance().haveScartSwitch() try: can_downmix = open("/proc/stb/audio/ac3_choices", "r").read()[:-1].find("downmix") != -1 except: can_downmix = False SystemInfo["CanDownmixAC3"] = can_downmix if can_downmix: def setAC3Downmix(configElement): open("/proc/stb/audio/ac3", "w").write(configElement.value and "downmix" or "passthrough") config.av.downmix_ac3 = ConfigYesNo(default = True) config.av.downmix_ac3.addNotifier(setAC3Downmix) try: can_downmix_aac = open("/proc/stb/audio/aac_choices", "r").read()[:-1].find("downmix") != -1 except: can_downmix_aac = False SystemInfo["CanDownmixAAC"] = can_downmix_aac if can_downmix_aac: def setAACDownmix(configElement): open("/proc/stb/audio/aac", "w").write(configElement.value and "downmix" or "passthrough") config.av.downmix_aac = ConfigYesNo(default = True) config.av.downmix_aac.addNotifier(setAACDownmix) try: can_osd_alpha = open("/proc/stb/video/alpha", "r") and True or False except: can_osd_alpha = False SystemInfo["CanChangeOsdAlpha"] = can_osd_alpha def setAlpha(config): open("/proc/stb/video/alpha", "w").write(str(config.value)) if can_osd_alpha: config.av.osd_alpha = ConfigSlider(default=255, limits=(0,255)) config.av.osd_alpha.addNotifier(setAlpha) if os_path.exists("/proc/stb/vmpeg/0/pep_scaler_sharpness"): def setScaler_sharpness(config): myval = int(config.value) try: print "--> setting scaler_sharpness to: %0.8X" % myval open("/proc/stb/vmpeg/0/pep_scaler_sharpness", "w").write("%0.8X" % myval) open("/proc/stb/vmpeg/0/pep_apply", "w").write("1") except IOError: print "couldn't write pep_scaler_sharpness" config.av.scaler_sharpness = ConfigSlider(default=13, limits=(0,26)) config.av.scaler_sharpness.addNotifier(setScaler_sharpness) else: config.av.scaler_sharpness = NoSave(ConfigNothing())
import sys import time import logging from socketio import socketio_manage from socketio.mixins import BroadcastMixin from socketio.namespace import BaseNamespace from DataAggregation.webdata_aggregator import getAvailableWorkshops logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) std_out_logger = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) logger.addHandler(std_out_logger) def broadcast_msg(server, ns_name, event, *args): pkt = dict(type="event", name=event, args=args, endpoint=ns_name) for sessid, socket in server.sockets.iteritems(): socket.send_packet(pkt) def workshops_monitor(server): sizes = [] workshops = getAvailableWorkshops() for w in workshops: tmp = [w.workshopName, w.q.qsize()] sizes.append(tmp) broadcast_msg(server, '', "sizes", tmp) while True:"Participants viewing frontend:" + str(len(server.sockets))) workshops_available = [] curr_workshops = getAvailableWorkshops() for w in curr_workshops: workshops_available.append([w.workshopName, w.q.qsize()]) wq = filter(lambda x: x[0] == w.workshopName, sizes)[0] if wq[1] != w.q.qsize(): wq[1] = w.q.qsize()"client_updater: New update being pushed to clients: " + str(wq)) broadcast_msg(server, '', 'sizes', wq)"Workshops available:" + str(workshops_available)) time.sleep(1) class RequestHandlerApp(object): def __call__(self, environ, start_response): if environ['PATH_INFO'].startswith('/'): socketio_manage(environ, {'': QueueStatusHandler}) class QueueStatusHandler(BaseNamespace, BroadcastMixin): def on_connect(self): sizes = [] workshops = getAvailableWorkshops() for w in workshops: tmp = [w.workshopName, w.q.qsize()] sizes.append(tmp) self.emit('sizes', tmp)
def freq_month(obj): if obj is None or obj == []: return months = {1: 'jan', 2: 'feb', 3: 'mar', 4: 'apr', 5: 'may', 6: 'jun', 7: 'jul', 8: 'aug', 9: 'sep', 10: 'oct', 11: 'nov', 12: 'dec', } frequencies = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] # for i in range(0, len(obj)): # frequencies[ obj[i] -1] += 1 for i in obj: frequencies[ i-1 ] += 1 print "The following month(s) have a birthday celebration" for i in range(0, len(frequencies)): if frequencies[i] > 0: print str(months[i+1]) + " has " + str(frequencies[i]) return frequencies in_array = [3,6,2,7,7,7,] print freq_month(in_array) print freq_month([])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # pynag - Python Nagios plug-in and configuration environment # Copyright (C) 2010 Drew Stinnet # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """This module contains low-level Parsers for nagios configuration and status objects. Hint: If you are looking to parse some nagios configuration data, you probably want pynag.Model module instead. The highlights of this module are: class Config: For Parsing nagios local nagios configuration files class Livestatus: To connect to MK-Livestatus class StatusDat: To read info from status.dat (not used a lot, migrate to mk-livestatus) class LogFiles: To read nagios log-files class MultiSite: To talk with multiple Livestatus instances """ import os import re import time import sys import socket # for mk_livestatus import stat import pynag.Plugins import pynag.Utils import StringIO import tarfile _sentinel = object() class Config(object): """ Parse and write nagios config files """ # Regex for beginning of object definition # We want everything that matches: # define <object_type> { __beginning_of_object = re.compile("^\s*define\s+(\w+)\s*\{?(.*)$") def __init__(self, cfg_file=None, strict=False): """ Constructor for :py:class:`pynag.Parsers.config` class Args: cfg_file (str): Full path to nagios.cfg. If None, try to auto-discover location strict (bool): if True, use stricter parsing which is more prone to raising exceptions """ self.cfg_file = cfg_file # Main configuration file self.strict = strict # Use strict parsing or not # If nagios.cfg is not set, lets do some minor autodiscover. if self.cfg_file is None: self.cfg_file = self.guess_cfg_file() = {} self.maincfg_values = [] self._is_dirty = False self.reset() # Initilize misc member variables def guess_nagios_directory(self): """ Returns a path to the nagios configuration directory on your system Use this function for determining the nagios config directory in your code Returns: str. directory containing the nagios.cfg file Raises: :py:class:`pynag.Parsers.ConfigFileNotFound` if cannot guess config file location. """ cfg_file = self.guess_cfg_file() if not cfg_file: raise ConfigFileNotFound("Could not find nagios.cfg") return os.path.dirname(cfg_file) def guess_nagios_binary(self): """ Returns a path to any nagios binary found on your system Use this function if you don't want specify path to the nagios binary in your code and you are confident that it is located in a common location Checked locations are as follows: * /usr/bin/nagios * /usr/sbin/nagios * /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios * /nagios/bin/nagios * /usr/bin/icinga * /usr/sbin/icinga * /usr/bin/naemon * /usr/sbin/naemon * /usr/local/naemon/bin/naemon.cfg * /usr/bin/shinken * /usr/sbin/shinken Returns: str. Path to the nagios binary None if could not find a binary in any of those locations """ possible_files = ('/usr/bin/nagios', '/usr/sbin/nagios', '/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios', '/nagios/bin/nagios', '/usr/bin/icinga', '/usr/sbin/icinga', '/usr/bin/naemon', '/usr/sbin/naemon', '/usr/local/naemon/bin/naemon.cfg', '/usr/bin/shinken', '/usr/sbin/shinken') possible_binaries = ('nagios', 'nagios3', 'naemon', 'icinga', 'shinken') for i in possible_binaries: command = ['which', i] code, stdout, stderr = pynag.Utils.runCommand(command=command, shell=False) if code == 0: return stdout.splitlines()[0].strip() return None def guess_cfg_file(self): """ Returns a path to any nagios.cfg found on your system Use this function if you don't want specify path to nagios.cfg in your code and you are confident that it is located in a common location Checked locations are as follows: * /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg * /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg * /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg * /nagios/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg * ./nagios.cfg * ./nagios/nagios.cfg * /etc/icinga/icinga.cfg * /usr/local/icinga/etc/icinga.cfg * ./icinga.cfg * ./icinga/icinga.cfg * /etc/naemon/naemon.cfg * /usr/local/naemon/etc/naemon.cfg * ./naemon.cfg * ./naemon/naemon.cfg * /etc/shinken/shinken.cfg Returns: str. Path to the nagios.cfg or equivalent file None if couldn't find a file in any of these locations. """ possible_files = ('/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg', '/etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg', '/usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg', '/nagios/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg', './nagios.cfg', './nagios/nagios.cfg', '/etc/icinga/icinga.cfg', '/usr/local/icinga/etc/icinga.cfg', './icinga.cfg', './icinga/icinga.cfg', '/etc/naemon/naemon.cfg', '/usr/local/naemon/etc/naemon.cfg', './naemon.cfg', './naemon/naemon.cfg', '/etc/shinken/shinken.cfg', ) for file_path in possible_files: if self.isfile(file_path): return file_path return None def reset(self): """ Reinitializes the data of a parser instance to its default values. """ self.cfg_files = [] # List of other configuration files = {} # dict of every known object definition self.errors = [] # List of ParserErrors self.item_list = None self.item_cache = None self.maincfg_values = [] # The contents of main nagios.cfg self._resource_values = [] # The contents of any resource_files self.item_apply_cache = {} # This is performance tweak used by _apply_template # This is a pure listof all the key/values in the config files. It # shouldn't be useful until the items in it are parsed through with the proper # 'use' relationships self.pre_object_list = [] self.post_object_list = [] self.object_type_keys = { 'hostgroup': 'hostgroup_name', 'hostextinfo': 'host_name', 'host': 'host_name', 'service': 'name', 'servicegroup': 'servicegroup_name', 'contact': 'contact_name', 'contactgroup': 'contactgroup_name', 'timeperiod': 'timeperiod_name', 'command': 'command_name', #'service':['host_name','description'], } def _has_template(self, target): """ Determine if an item has a template associated with it Args: target (dict): Parsed item as parsed by :py:class:`pynag.Parsers.config` """ return 'use' in target def _get_pid(self): """ Checks the lock_file var in nagios.cfg and returns the pid from the file If the pid file does not exist, returns None. """ try: return'lock_file'), "r").readline().strip() except Exception: return None def _get_hostgroup(self, hostgroup_name): """ Returns the hostgroup that matches the queried name. Args: hostgroup_name: Name of the hostgroup to be returned (string) Returns: Hostgroup item with hostgroup_name that matches the queried name. """ return['all_hostgroup'].get(hostgroup_name, None) def _get_key(self, object_type, user_key=None): """ Return the correct 'key' for an item. This is mainly a helper method for other methods in this class. It is used to shorten code repetition. Args: object_type: Object type from which to obtain the 'key' (string) user_key: User defined key. Default None. (string) Returns: Correct 'key' for the object type. (string) """ if not user_key and not object_type in self.object_type_keys: raise ParserError("Unknown key for object type: %s\n" % object_type) # Use a default key if not user_key: user_key = self.object_type_keys[object_type] return user_key def _get_item(self, item_name, item_type): """ Return an item from a list Creates a cache of items in self.pre_object_list and returns an element from this cache. Looks for an item with corresponding name and type. Args: item_name: Name of the item to be returned (string) item_type: Type of the item to be returned (string) Returns: Item with matching name and type from :py:attr:`pynag.Parsers.config.item_cache` """ # create local cache for performance optimizations. TODO: Rewrite functions that call this function if not self.item_list: self.item_list = self.pre_object_list self.item_cache = {} for item in self.item_list: if not "name" in item: continue name = item['name'] tmp_item_type = (item['meta']['object_type']) if not tmp_item_type in self.item_cache: self.item_cache[tmp_item_type] = {} self.item_cache[tmp_item_type][name] = item my_cache = self.item_cache.get(item_type, None) if not my_cache: return None return my_cache.get(item_name, None) def _apply_template(self, original_item): """ Apply all attributes of item named parent_name to "original_item". Applies all of the attributes of parents (from the 'use' field) to item. Args: original_item: Item 'use'-ing a parent item. The parent's attributes will be concretely added to this item. Returns: original_item to which have been added all the attributes defined in parent items. """ # TODO: There is space for more performance tweaks here # If item does not inherit from anyone else, lets just return item as is. if 'use' not in original_item: return original_item object_type = original_item['meta']['object_type'] raw_definition = original_item['meta']['raw_definition'] my_cache = self.item_apply_cache.get(object_type, {}) # Performance tweak, if item has been parsed. Lets not do it again if raw_definition in my_cache: return my_cache[raw_definition] parent_names = original_item['use'].split(',') parent_items = [] for parent_name in parent_names: parent_item = self._get_item(parent_name, object_type) if parent_item is None: error_string = "Can not find any %s named %s\n" % (object_type, parent_name) self.errors.append(ParserError(error_string, item=original_item)) continue try: # Parent item probably has use flags on its own. So lets apply to parent first parent_item = self._apply_template(parent_item) except RuntimeError: t, e = sys.exc_info()[:2] self.errors.append(ParserError("Error while parsing item: %s (it might have circular use=)" % str(e), item=original_item)) parent_items.append(parent_item) inherited_attributes = original_item['meta']['inherited_attributes'] template_fields = original_item['meta']['template_fields'] for parent_item in parent_items: for k, v in parent_item.iteritems(): if k in ('use', 'register', 'meta', 'name'): continue if k not in inherited_attributes: inherited_attributes[k] = v if k not in original_item: original_item[k] = v template_fields.append(k) if 'name' in original_item: my_cache[raw_definition] = original_item return original_item def _get_items_in_file(self, filename): """ Return all items in the given file Iterates through all elements in and gatehrs all the items defined in the queried filename. Args: filename: file from which are defined the items that will be returned. Returns: A list containing all the items in that were defined in filename """ return_list = [] for k in for item in self[k]: if item['meta']['filename'] == filename: return_list.append(item) return return_list def get_new_item(self, object_type, filename): """ Returns an empty item with all necessary metadata Creates a new item dict and fills it with usual metadata: * object_type : object_type (arg) * filename : filename (arg) * template_fields = [] * needs_commit = None * delete_me = None * defined_attributes = {} * inherited_attributes = {} * raw_definition = "define %s {\\n\\n} % object_type" Args: object_type: type of the object to be created (string) filename: Path to which the item will be saved (string) Returns: A new item with default metadata """ meta = { 'object_type': object_type, 'filename': filename, 'template_fields': [], 'needs_commit': None, 'delete_me': None, 'defined_attributes': {}, 'inherited_attributes': {}, 'raw_definition': "define %s {\n\n}" % object_type, } return {'meta': meta} def _load_file(self, filename): """ Parses filename with self.parse_filename and append results in self._pre_object_list This function is mostly here for backwards compatibility Args: filename: the file to be parsed. This is supposed to a nagios object definition file """ for i in self.parse_file(filename): self.pre_object_list.append(i) def parse_file(self, filename): """ Parses a nagios object configuration file and returns lists of dictionaries. This is more or less a wrapper around :py:meth:`config.parse_string`, so reading documentation there is useful. Args: filename: Path to the file to parse (string) Returns: A list containing elements parsed by :py:meth:`parse_string` """ try: raw_string =, 'rb').read() return self.parse_string(raw_string, filename=filename) except IOError: t, e = sys.exc_info()[:2] parser_error = ParserError(e.strerror) parser_error.filename = e.filename self.errors.append(parser_error) return [] def parse_string(self, string, filename='None'): """ Parses a string, and returns all object definitions in that string Args: string: A string containing one or more object definitions filename (optional): If filename is provided, it will be referenced when raising exceptions Examples: >>> test_string = "define host {\\nhost_name examplehost\\n}\\n" >>> test_string += "define service {\\nhost_name examplehost\\nservice_description example service\\n}\\n" >>> c = config() >>> result = c.parse_string(test_string) >>> for i in result: print i.get('host_name'), i.get('service_description', None) examplehost None examplehost example service Returns: A list of dictionaries, that look like Raises: :py:class:`ParserError` """ append = "" current = None in_definition = {} tmp_buffer = [] result = [] for sequence_no, line in enumerate(string.splitlines(False)): line_num = sequence_no + 1 # If previous line ended with backslash, treat this line as a # continuation of previous line if append: line = append + line append = None # Cleanup and line skips line = line.strip() if line == "": continue if line[0] == "#" or line[0] == ';': continue # If this line ends with a backslash, continue directly to next line if line.endswith('\\'): append = line.strip('\\') continue if line.startswith('}'): # end of object definition if not in_definition: p = ParserError("Unexpected '}' found outside object definition in line %s" % line_num) p.filename = filename p.line_start = line_num raise p in_definition = None current['meta']['line_end'] = line_num # Looks to me like nagios ignores everything after the } so why shouldn't we ? rest = line.split("}", 1)[1] tmp_buffer.append(line) try: current['meta']['raw_definition'] = '\n'.join(tmp_buffer) except Exception: raise ParserError("Encountered Unexpected end of object definition in file '%s'." % filename) result.append(current) # Destroy the Nagios Object current = None continue elif line.startswith('define'): # beginning of object definition if in_definition: msg = "Unexpected 'define' in {filename} on line {line_num}. was expecting '}}'." msg = msg.format(**locals()) self.errors.append(ParserError(msg, item=current)) m = tmp_buffer = [line] object_type = m.groups()[0] if self.strict and object_type not in self.object_type_keys.keys(): raise ParserError( "Don't know any object definition of type '%s'. it is not in a list of known object definitions." % object_type) current = self.get_new_item(object_type, filename) current['meta']['line_start'] = line_num # Start off an object in_definition = True # Looks to me like nagios ignores everything after the {, so why shouldn't we ? rest = m.groups()[1] continue else: # In the middle of an object definition tmp_buffer.append(' ' + line) # save whatever's left in the buffer for the next iteration if not in_definition: append = line continue # this is an attribute inside an object definition if in_definition: #(key, value) = line.split(None, 1) tmp = line.split(None, 1) if len(tmp) > 1: (key, value) = tmp else: key = tmp[0] value = "" # Strip out in-line comments if value.find(";") != -1: value = value.split(";", 1)[0] # Clean info key = key.strip() value = value.strip() # Rename some old values that may be in the configuration # This can probably be removed in the future to increase performance if (current['meta']['object_type'] == 'service') and key == 'description': key = 'service_description' # Special hack for timeperiods as they are not consistent with other objects # We will treat whole line as a key with an empty value if (current['meta']['object_type'] == 'timeperiod') and key not in ('timeperiod_name', 'alias'): key = line value = '' current[key] = value current['meta']['defined_attributes'][key] = value # Something is wrong in the config else: raise ParserError("Error: Unexpected token in file '%s'" % filename) # Something is wrong in the config if in_definition: raise ParserError("Error: Unexpected EOF in file '%s'" % filename) return result def _locate_item(self, item): """ This is a helper function for anyone who wishes to modify objects. It takes "item", locates the file which is configured in, and locates exactly the lines which contain that definition. Returns: (tuple) (everything_before, object_definition, everything_after, filename): * everything_before (list of lines): Every line in filename before object was defined * everything_after (list of lines): Every line in "filename" after object was defined * object_definition (list of lines): Every line used to define our item in "filename" * filename (string): file in which the object was written to Raises: :py:class:`ValueError` if object was not found in "filename" """ if "filename" in item['meta']: filename = item['meta']['filename'] else: raise ValueError("item does not have a filename") # Look for our item, store it as my_item for i in self.parse_file(filename): if self.compareObjects(item, i): my_item = i break else: raise ValueError("We could not find object in %s\n%s" % (filename, item)) # Caller of this method expects to be returned # several lists that describe the lines in our file. # The splitting logic starts here. my_file = all_lines = my_file.readlines() my_file.close() start = my_item['meta']['line_start'] - 1 end = my_item['meta']['line_end'] everything_before = all_lines[:start] object_definition = all_lines[start:end] everything_after = all_lines[end:] # If there happen to be line continuations in the object we will edit # We will remove them from object_definition object_definition = self._clean_backslashes(object_definition) return everything_before, object_definition, everything_after, filename def _clean_backslashes(self, list_of_strings): """ Returns list_of_strings with all all strings joined that ended with backslashes Args: list_of_strings: List of strings to join Returns: Another list of strings, which lines ending with \ joined together. """ tmp_buffer = '' result = [] for i in list_of_strings: if i.endswith('\\\n'): tmp_buffer += i.strip('\\\n') else: result.append(tmp_buffer + i) tmp_buffer = '' return result def _modify_object(self, item, field_name=None, new_value=None, new_field_name=None, new_item=None, make_comments=False): """ Locates "item" and changes the line which contains field_name. Helper function for object_* functions. Locates "item" and changes the line which contains field_name. If new_value and new_field_name are both None, the attribute is removed. Args: item(dict): The item to be modified field_name(str): The field_name to modify (if any) new_field_name(str): If set, field_name will be renamed new_value(str): If set the value of field_name will be changed new_item(str): If set, whole object will be replaced with this string make_comments: If set, put pynag-branded comments where changes have been made Returns: True on success Raises: :py:class:`ValueError` if object or field_name is not found :py:class:`IOError` is save is unsuccessful. """ if item is None: return if field_name is None and new_item is None: raise ValueError("either field_name or new_item must be set") if '\n' in str(new_value): raise ValueError("Invalid character \\n used as an attribute value.") everything_before, object_definition, everything_after, filename = self._locate_item(item) if new_item is not None: # We have instruction on how to write new object, so we dont need to parse it object_definition = [new_item] else: change = None value = None i = 0 for i in range(len(object_definition)): tmp = object_definition[i].split(None, 1) if len(tmp) == 0: continue # Hack for timeperiods, they dont work like other objects elif item['meta']['object_type'] == 'timeperiod' and field_name not in ('alias', 'timeperiod_name'): tmp = [object_definition[i]] # we can't change timeperiod, so we fake a field rename if new_value is not None: new_field_name = new_value new_value = None value = '' elif len(tmp) == 1: value = '' else: value = tmp[1] k = tmp[0].strip() if k == field_name: # Attribute was found, lets change this line if new_field_name is None and new_value is None: # We take it that we are supposed to remove this attribute change = object_definition.pop(i) break elif new_field_name: # Field name has changed k = new_field_name if new_value is not None: # value has changed value = new_value # Here we do the actual change change = "\t%-30s%s\n" % (k, value) if item['meta']['object_type'] == 'timeperiod' and field_name not in ('alias', 'timeperiod_name'): change = "\t%s\n" % new_field_name object_definition[i] = change break if not change and new_value is not None: # Attribute was not found. Lets add it change = "\t%-30s%s\n" % (field_name, new_value) object_definition.insert(i, change) # Lets put a banner in front of our item if make_comments: comment = '# Edited by PyNag on %s\n' % time.ctime() if len(everything_before) > 0: last_line_before = everything_before[-1] if last_line_before.startswith('# Edited by PyNag on'): everything_before.pop() # remove this line object_definition.insert(0, comment) # Here we overwrite the config-file, hoping not to ruin anything str_buffer = "%s%s%s" % (''.join(everything_before), ''.join(object_definition), ''.join(everything_after)) self.write(filename, str_buffer) return True def open(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around global open() Simply calls global open(filename, *args, **kwargs) and passes all arguments as they are received. See global open() function for more details. """ return open(filename, *args, **kwargs) @pynag.Utils.synchronized(pynag.Utils.rlock) def write(self, filename, string): """ Wrapper around open(filename).write() Writes string to filename and closes the file handler. File handler is openned in `'w'` mode. Args: filename: File where *string* will be written. This is the path to the file. (string) string: String to be written to file. (string) Returns: Return code as returned by :py:meth:`os.write` """ fh =, 'w') return_code = fh.write(string) fh.flush() # os.fsync(fh) fh.close() self._is_dirty = True return return_code def item_rewrite(self, item, str_new_item): """ Completely rewrites item with string provided. Args: item: Item that is to be rewritten str_new_item: str representation of the new item .. In the following line, every "\\n" is actually a simple line break This is only a little patch for the generated documentation. Examples:: item_rewrite( item, "define service {\\n name example-service \\n register 0 \\n }\\n" ) Returns: True on success Raises: :py:class:`ValueError` if object is not found :py:class:`IOError` if save fails """ return self._modify_object(item=item, new_item=str_new_item) def item_remove(self, item): """ Delete one specific item from its configuration files Args: item: Item that is to be rewritten str_new_item: string representation of the new item .. In the following line, every "\\n" is actually a simple line break This is only a little patch for the generated documentation. Examples:: item_remove( item, "define service {\\n name example-service \\n register 0 \\n }\\n" ) Returns: True on success Raises: :py:class:`ValueError` if object is not found :py:class:`IOError` if save fails """ return self._modify_object(item=item, new_item="") def item_edit_field(self, item, field_name, new_value): """ Modifies one field of a (currently existing) object. Changes are immediate (i.e. there is no commit) Args: item: Item to be modified. Its field `field_name` will be set to `new_value`. field_name: Name of the field that will be modified. (str) new_value: Value to which will be set the field `field_name`. (str) Example usage:: edit_object( item, field_name="host_name", new_value="") # doctest: +SKIP Returns: True on success Raises: :py:class:`ValueError` if object is not found :py:class:`IOError` if save fails """ return self._modify_object(item, field_name=field_name, new_value=new_value) def item_remove_field(self, item, field_name): """ Removes one field of a (currently existing) object. Changes are immediate (i.e. there is no commit) Args: item: Item to remove field from. field_name: Field to remove. (string) Example usage:: item_remove_field( item, field_name="contactgroups" ) Returns: True on success Raises: :py:class:`ValueError` if object is not found :py:class:`IOError` if save fails """ return self._modify_object(item=item, field_name=field_name, new_value=None, new_field_name=None) def item_rename_field(self, item, old_field_name, new_field_name): """ Renames a field of a (currently existing) item. Changes are immediate (i.e. there is no commit). Args: item: Item to modify. old_field_name: Name of the field that will have its name changed. (string) new_field_name: New name given to `old_field_name` (string) Example usage:: item_rename_field(item, old_field_name="normal_check_interval", new_field_name="check_interval") Returns: True on success Raises: :py:class:`ValueError` if object is not found :py:class:`IOError` if save fails """ return self._modify_object(item=item, field_name=old_field_name, new_field_name=new_field_name) def item_add(self, item, filename): """ Adds a new object to a specified config file. Args: item: Item to be created filename: Filename that we are supposed to write the new item to. This is the path to the file. (string) Returns: True on success Raises: :py:class:`IOError` on failed save """ if not 'meta' in item: item['meta'] = {} item['meta']['filename'] = filename # Create directory if it does not already exist dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) if not self.isdir(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) str_buffer = self.print_conf(item) fh =, 'a') fh.write(str_buffer) fh.close() return True def edit_object(self, item, field_name, new_value): """ Modifies a (currently existing) item. Changes are immediate (i.e. there is no commit) Args: item: Item to modify. field_name: Field that will be updated. new_value: Updated value of field `field_name` Example Usage: edit_object( item, field_name="host_name", new_value="") Returns: True on success .. WARNING:: THIS FUNCTION IS DEPRECATED. USE item_edit_field() instead """ return self.item_edit_field(item=item, field_name=field_name, new_value=new_value) def compareObjects(self, item1, item2): """ Compares two items. Returns true if they are equal Compares every key: value pair for both items. If anything is different, the items will not be considered equal. Args: item1, item2: Items to be compared. Returns: True -- Items are equal False -- Items are not equal """ keys1 = item1['meta']['defined_attributes'].keys() keys2 = item2['meta']['defined_attributes'].keys() keys1.sort() keys2.sort() result = True if keys1 != keys2: return False for key in keys1: if key == 'meta': continue key1 = item1[key] key2 = item2[key] # For our purpose, 30 is equal to 30.000 if key == 'check_interval': key1 = int(float(key1)) key2 = int(float(key2)) if str(key1) != str(key2): result = False if result is False: return False return True def edit_service(self, target_host, service_description, field_name, new_value): """ Edit a service's attributes Takes a host, service_description pair to identify the service to modify and sets its field `field_name` to `new_value`. Args: target_host: name of the host to which the service is attached to. (string) service_description: Service description of the service to modify. (string) field_name: Field to modify. (string) new_value: Value to which the `field_name` field will be updated (string) Returns: True on success Raises: :py:class:`ParserError` if the service is not found """ original_object = self.get_service(target_host, service_description) if original_object is None: raise ParserError("Service not found") return self.edit_object(original_object, field_name, new_value) def _get_list(self, item, key): """ Return a comma list from an item Args: item: Item from which to select value. (string) key: Field name of the value to select and return as a list. (string) Example:: _get_list(Foo_object, host_name) define service { service_description Foo host_name larry,curly,moe } returns ['larry','curly','moe'] Returns: A list of the item's values of `key` Raises: :py:class:`ParserError` if item is not a dict """ if not isinstance(item, dict): raise ParserError("%s is not a dictionary\n" % item) # return [] if not key in item: return [] return_list = [] if item[key].find(",") != -1: for name in item[key].split(","): return_list.append(name) else: return_list.append(item[key]) # Alphabetize return_list.sort() return return_list def delete_object(self, object_type, object_name, user_key=None): """ Delete object from configuration files Args: object_type: Type of the object to delete from configuration files. object_name: Name of the object to delete from configuration files. user_key: user_key to pass to :py:meth:`get_object` Returns: True on success. """ item = self.get_object(object_type=object_type, object_name=object_name, user_key=user_key) return self.item_remove(item) def delete_service(self, service_description, host_name): """ Delete service from configuration files Args: service_description: service_description field value of the object to delete from configuration files. host_name: host_name field value of the object to delete from configuration files. Returns: True on success. """ item = self.get_service(host_name, service_description) return self.item_remove(item) def delete_host(self, object_name, user_key=None): """ Delete a host from its configuration files Args: object_name: object_name field value of the object to delete from configuration files. user_key: user_key to pass to :py:meth:`get_object` Returns: True on success. """ return self.delete_object('host', object_name, user_key=user_key) def delete_hostgroup(self, object_name, user_key=None): """ Delete a hostgroup from its configuration files Args: object_name: object_name field value of the object to delete from configuration files. user_key: user_key to pass to :py:meth:`get_object` Returns: True on success. """ return self.delete_object('hostgroup', object_name, user_key=user_key) def get_object(self, object_type, object_name, user_key=None): """ Return a complete object dictionary Args: object_name: object_name field value of the object to delete from configuration files. user_key: User defined key. Default None. (string) Returns: The item found to match all the criterias. None if object is not found """ object_key = self._get_key(object_type, user_key) for item in['all_%s' % object_type]: if item.get(object_key, None) == object_name: return item return None def get_host(self, object_name, user_key=None): """ Return a host object Args: object_name: object_name field value of the object to delete from configuration files. user_key: user_key to pass to :py:meth:`get_object` Returns: The item found to match all the criterias. """ return self.get_object('host', object_name, user_key=user_key) def get_servicegroup(self, object_name, user_key=None): """ Return a Servicegroup object Args: object_name: object_name field value of the object to delete from configuration files. user_key: user_key to pass to :py:meth:`get_object` Returns: The item found to match all the criterias. """ return self.get_object('servicegroup', object_name, user_key=user_key) def get_contact(self, object_name, user_key=None): """ Return a Contact object Args: object_name: object_name field value of the object to delete from configuration files. user_key: user_key to pass to :py:meth:`get_object` Returns: The item found to match all the criterias. """ return self.get_object('contact', object_name, user_key=user_key) def get_contactgroup(self, object_name, user_key=None): """ Return a Contactgroup object Args: object_name: object_name field value of the object to delete from configuration files. user_key: user_key to pass to :py:meth:`get_object` Returns: The item found to match all the criterias. """ return self.get_object('contactgroup', object_name, user_key=user_key) def get_timeperiod(self, object_name, user_key=None): """ Return a Timeperiod object Args: object_name: object_name field value of the object to delete from configuration files. user_key: user_key to pass to :py:meth:`get_object` Returns: The item found to match all the criterias. """ return self.get_object('timeperiod', object_name, user_key=user_key) def get_command(self, object_name, user_key=None): """ Return a Command object Args: object_name: object_name field value of the object to delete from configuration files. user_key: user_key to pass to :py:meth:`get_object` Returns: The item found to match all the criterias. """ return self.get_object('command', object_name, user_key=user_key) def get_hostgroup(self, object_name, user_key=None): """ Return a hostgroup object Args: object_name: object_name field value of the object to delete from configuration files. user_key: user_key to pass to :py:meth:`get_object` Returns: The item found to match all the criterias. """ return self.get_object('hostgroup', object_name, user_key=user_key) def get_servicedependency(self, object_name, user_key=None): """ Return a servicedependency object Args: object_name: object_name field value of the object to delete from configuration files. user_key: user_key to pass to :py:meth:`get_object` Returns: The item found to match all the criterias. """ return self.get_object('servicedependency', object_name, user_key=user_key) def get_hostdependency(self, object_name, user_key=None): """ Return a hostdependency object Args: object_name: object_name field value of the object to delete from configuration files. user_key: user_key to pass to :py:meth:`get_object` Returns: The item found to match all the criterias. """ return self.get_object('hostdependency', object_name, user_key=user_key) def get_service(self, target_host, service_description): """ Return a service object Args: target_host: host_name field of the service to be returned. This is the host to which is attached the service. service_description: service_description field of the service to be returned. Returns: The item found to match all the criterias. """ for item in['all_service']: if item.get('service_description') == service_description and item.get('host_name') == target_host: return item return None def _append_use(self, source_item, name): """ Append attributes to source_item that are inherited via 'use' attribute' Args: source_item: item (dict) to apply the inheritance upon name: obsolete (discovered automatically via source_item['use']. Here for compatibility. Returns: Source Item with appended attributes. Raises: :py:class:`ParserError` on recursion errors """ # Remove the 'use' key if "use" in source_item: del source_item['use'] for possible_item in self.pre_object_list: if "name" in possible_item: # Start appending to the item for k, v in possible_item.iteritems(): try: if k == 'use': source_item = self._append_use(source_item, v) except Exception: raise ParserError("Recursion error on %s %s" % (source_item, v)) # Only add the item if it doesn't already exist if not k in source_item: source_item[k] = v return source_item def _post_parse(self): """ Creates a few optimization tweaks and easy access lists in Creates :py:attr:`config.item_apply_cache` and fills the all_object item lists in """ self.item_list = None self.item_apply_cache = {} # This is performance tweak used by _apply_template for raw_item in self.pre_object_list: # Performance tweak, make sure hashmap exists for this object_type object_type = raw_item['meta']['object_type'] if not object_type in self.item_apply_cache: self.item_apply_cache[object_type] = {} # Tweak ends if "use" in raw_item: raw_item = self._apply_template(raw_item) self.post_object_list.append(raw_item) # Add the items to the class lists. for list_item in self.post_object_list: type_list_name = "all_%s" % list_item['meta']['object_type'] if not type_list_name in[type_list_name] = [][type_list_name].append(list_item) def commit(self): """ Write any changes that have been made to it's appropriate file """ # Loops through ALL items for k in for item in self[k]: # If the object needs committing, commit it! if item['meta']['needs_commit']: # Create file contents as an empty string file_contents = "" # find any other items that may share this config file extra_items = self._get_items_in_file(item['meta']['filename']) if len(extra_items) > 0: for commit_item in extra_items: # Ignore files that are already set to be deleted:w if commit_item['meta']['delete_me']: continue # Make sure we aren't adding this thing twice if item != commit_item: file_contents += self.print_conf(commit_item) # This is the actual item that needs commiting if not item['meta']['delete_me']: file_contents += self.print_conf(item) # Write the file filename = item['meta']['filename'] self.write(filename, file_contents) # Recreate the item entry without the commit flag[k].remove(item) item['meta']['needs_commit'] = None[k].append(item) def flag_all_commit(self): """ Flag every item in the configuration to be committed This should probably only be used for debugging purposes """ for object_type in for item in[object_type]: item['meta']['needs_commit'] = True def print_conf(self, item): """ Return a string that can be used in a configuration file Args: item: Item to be dumped as a string. Returns: String representation of item. """ output = "" # Header, to go on all files output += "# Configuration file %s\n" % item['meta']['filename'] output += "# Edited by PyNag on %s\n" % time.ctime() # Some hostgroup information if "hostgroup_list" in item['meta']: output += "# Hostgroups: %s\n" % ",".join(item['meta']['hostgroup_list']) # Some hostgroup information if "service_list" in item['meta']: output += "# Services: %s\n" % ",".join(item['meta']['service_list']) # Some hostgroup information if "service_members" in item['meta']: output += "# Service Members: %s\n" % ",".join(item['meta']['service_members']) if len(item['meta']['template_fields']) != 0: output += "# Values from templates:\n" for k in item['meta']['template_fields']: output += "#\t %-30s %-30s\n" % (k, item[k]) output += "\n" output += "define %s {\n" % item['meta']['object_type'] for k, v in item.iteritems(): if v is None: # Skip entries with No value continue if k != 'meta': if k not in item['meta']['template_fields']: output += "\t %-30s %-30s\n" % (k, v) output += "}\n\n" return output def _load_static_file(self, filename=None): """ Load a general config file (like nagios.cfg) that has key=value config file format. Ignore comments Arguments: filename: name of file to parse, if none nagios.cfg will be used Returns: a [ (key,value), (key,value) ] list """ result = [] if not filename: filename = self.cfg_file for line in # Strip out new line characters line = line.strip() # Skip blank lines if line == "": continue # Skip comments if line[0] == "#" or line[0] == ';': continue tmp = line.split("=", 1) if len(tmp) < 2: continue key, value = tmp key = key.strip() value = value.strip() result.append((key, value)) return result def _edit_static_file(self, attribute, new_value, filename=None, old_value=None, append=False): """ Modify a general config file (like nagios.cfg) that has a key=value config file format. Arguments: filename: Name of config file that will be edited (i.e. nagios.cfg) attribute: name of attribute to edit (i.e. check_external_commands) new_value: new value for the said attribute (i.e. "1"). None deletes the line. old_value: Useful if multiple attributes exist (i.e. cfg_dir) and you want to replace a specific one. append: If true, do not overwrite current setting. Instead append this at the end. Use this with settings that are repeated like cfg_file. Examples:: _edit_static_file(filename='/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg', attribute='check_external_commands', new_value='1') _edit_static_file(filename='/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg', attribute='cfg_dir', new_value='/etc/nagios/okconfig', append=True) """ if filename is None: filename = self.cfg_file # For some specific attributes, append should be implied if attribute in ('cfg_file', 'cfg_dir', 'broker_module'): append = True # If/when we make a change, new_line is what will be written new_line = '%s=%s\n' % (attribute, new_value) # new_value=None means line should be removed if new_value is None: new_line = '' write_buffer = is_dirty = False # dirty if we make any changes for i, line in enumerate(write_buffer): # Strip out new line characters line = line.strip() # Skip blank lines if line == "": continue # Skip comments if line[0] == "#" or line[0] == ';': continue key, value = line.split("=", 1) key = key.strip() value = value.strip() # If key does not match, we are not interested in this line if key != attribute: continue # If old_value was specified, and it matches, dont have to look any further elif value == old_value: write_buffer[i] = new_line is_dirty = True break # if current value is the same as new_value, no need to make changes elif value == new_value: return False # Special so cfg_dir matches despite double-slashes, etc elif attribute == 'cfg_dir' and new_value and os.path.normpath(value) == os.path.normpath(new_value): return False # We are not appending, and no old value was specified: elif append is False and not old_value: write_buffer[i] = new_line is_dirty = True break if is_dirty is False and new_value is not None: # If we get here, it means we read the whole file, # and we have not yet made any changes, So we assume # We should append to the file write_buffer.append(new_line) is_dirty = True # When we get down here, it is time to write changes to file if is_dirty is True: str_buffer = ''.join(write_buffer) self.write(filename, str_buffer) return True else: return False def needs_reload(self): """ Checks if the Nagios service needs a reload. Returns: True if Nagios service needs reload of cfg files False if reload not needed or Nagios is not running """ if not self.maincfg_values: self.reset() self.parse_maincfg() new_timestamps = self.get_timestamps() object_cache_file = self.get_cfg_value('object_cache_file') if self._get_pid() is None: return False if not object_cache_file: return True if not self.isfile(object_cache_file): return True object_cache_timestamp = new_timestamps.get(object_cache_file, 0) # Reload not needed if no object_cache file if object_cache_file is None: return False for k, v in new_timestamps.items(): if not v or int(v) > object_cache_timestamp: return True return False def needs_reparse(self): """ Checks if the Nagios configuration needs to be reparsed. Returns: True if any Nagios configuration file has changed since last parse() """ # If Parse has never been run: if == {}: return True # If previous save operation has forced a reparse if self._is_dirty is True: return True # If we get here, we check the timestamps of the configs new_timestamps = self.get_timestamps() if len(new_timestamps) != len(self.timestamps): return True for k, v in new_timestamps.items(): if self.timestamps.get(k, None) != v: return True return False @pynag.Utils.synchronized(pynag.Utils.rlock) def parse_maincfg(self): """ Parses your main configuration (nagios.cfg) and stores it as key/value pairs in self.maincfg_values This function is mainly used by config.parse() which also parses your whole configuration set. Raises: py:class:`ConfigFileNotFound` """ # If nagios.cfg is not set, lets do some minor autodiscover. if self.cfg_file is None: raise ConfigFileNotFound('Could not find nagios.cfg') self.maincfg_values = self._load_static_file(self.cfg_file) @pynag.Utils.synchronized(pynag.Utils.rlock) def parse(self): """ Parse all objects in your nagios configuration This functions starts by loading up your nagios.cfg ( parse_maincfg() ) then moving on to your object configuration files (as defined via cfg_file and cfg_dir) and and your resource_file as well. Returns: None Raises: :py:class:`IOError` if unable to read any file due to permission problems """ # reset self.reset() self.parse_maincfg() self.cfg_files = self.get_cfg_files() # When parsing config, we will softly fail if permission denied # comes on resource files. If later someone tries to get them via # get_resource, we will fail hard try: self._resource_values = self.get_resources() except IOError: t, e = sys.exc_info()[:2] self.errors.append(str(e)) self.timestamps = self.get_timestamps() # This loads everything into for cfg_file in self.cfg_files: self._load_file(cfg_file) self._post_parse() self._is_dirty = False def get_resource(self, resource_name): """ Get a single resource value which can be located in any resource.cfg file Arguments: resource_name: Name as it appears in resource file (i.e. $USER1$) Returns: String value of the resource value. Raises: :py:class:`KeyError` if resource is not found :py:class:`ParserError` if resource is not found and you do not have permissions """ resources = self.get_resources() for k, v in resources: if k == resource_name: return v def get_timestamps(self): """ Returns hash map of all nagios related files and their timestamps""" files = {} files[self.cfg_file] = None for k, v in self.maincfg_values: if k in ('resource_file', 'lock_file', 'object_cache_file'): files[v] = None for i in self.get_cfg_files(): files[i] = None # Now lets lets get timestamp of every file for k, v in files.items(): if not self.isfile(k): continue files[k] = self.stat(k).st_mtime return files def isfile(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around os.path.isfile """ return os.path.isfile(*args, **kwargs) def isdir(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around os.path.isdir """ return os.path.isdir(*args, **kwargs) def islink(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around os.path.islink """ return os.path.islink(*args, **kwargs) def readlink(selfself, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around os.readlink """ return os.readlink(*args, **kwargs) def stat(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around os.stat """ return os.stat(*args, **kwargs) def remove(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around os.remove """ return os.remove(*args, **kwargs) def access(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around os.access """ return os.access(*args, **kwargs) def listdir(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around os.listdir """ return os.listdir(*args, **kwargs) def exists(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around os.path.exists """ return os.path.exists(*args, **kwargs) def get_resources(self): """Returns a list of every private resources from nagios.cfg""" resources = [] for config_object, config_value in self.maincfg_values: if config_object == 'resource_file' and self.isfile(config_value): resources += self._load_static_file(config_value) return resources def extended_parse(self): """ This parse is used after the initial parse() command is run. It is only needed if you want extended meta information about hosts or other objects """ # Do the initial parsing self.parse() # First, cycle through the hosts, and append hostgroup information index = 0 for host in['all_host']: if host.get("register", None) == "0": continue if not "host_name" in host: continue if not "hostgroup_list" in['all_host'][index]['meta']:['all_host'][index]['meta']['hostgroup_list'] = [] # Append any hostgroups that are directly listed in the host definition if "hostgroups" in host: for hostgroup_name in self._get_list(host, 'hostgroups'): if not "hostgroup_list" in['all_host'][index]['meta']:['all_host'][index]['meta']['hostgroup_list'] = [] if hostgroup_name not in['all_host'][index]['meta']['hostgroup_list']:['all_host'][index]['meta']['hostgroup_list'].append(hostgroup_name) # Append any services which reference this host service_list = [] for service in['all_service']: if service.get("register", None) == "0": continue if not "service_description" in service: continue if host['host_name'] in self._get_active_hosts(service): service_list.append(service['service_description'])['all_host'][index]['meta']['service_list'] = service_list # Increment count index += 1 # Loop through all hostgroups, appending them to their respective hosts for hostgroup in['all_hostgroup']: for member in self._get_list(hostgroup, 'members'): index = 0 for host in['all_host']: if not "host_name" in host: continue # Skip members that do not match if host['host_name'] == member: # Create the meta var if it doesn' exist if not "hostgroup_list" in['all_host'][index]['meta']:['all_host'][index]['meta']['hostgroup_list'] = [] if hostgroup['hostgroup_name'] not in['all_host'][index]['meta']['hostgroup_list']:['all_host'][index]['meta']['hostgroup_list'].append(hostgroup['hostgroup_name']) # Increment count index += 1 # Expand service membership index = 0 for service in['all_service']: # Find a list of hosts to negate from the final list['all_service'][index]['meta']['service_members'] = self._get_active_hosts(service) # Increment count index += 1 def _get_active_hosts(self, item): """ Given an object, return a list of active hosts. This will exclude hosts that are negated with a "!" Args: item: Item to obtain active hosts from. Returns: List of all the active hosts for `item` """ # First, generate the negation list negate_hosts = [] # Hostgroups if "hostgroup_name" in item: for hostgroup_name in self._get_list(item, 'hostgroup_name'): if hostgroup_name[0] == "!": hostgroup_obj = self.get_hostgroup(hostgroup_name[1:]) negate_hosts.extend(self._get_list(hostgroup_obj, 'members')) # Host Names if "host_name" in item: for host_name in self._get_list(item, 'host_name'): if host_name[0] == "!": negate_hosts.append(host_name[1:]) # Now get hosts that are actually listed active_hosts = [] # Hostgroups if "hostgroup_name" in item: for hostgroup_name in self._get_list(item, 'hostgroup_name'): if hostgroup_name[0] != "!": active_hosts.extend(self._get_list(self.get_hostgroup(hostgroup_name), 'members')) # Host Names if "host_name" in item: for host_name in self._get_list(item, 'host_name'): if host_name[0] != "!": active_hosts.append(host_name) # Combine the lists return_hosts = [] for active_host in active_hosts: if active_host not in negate_hosts: return_hosts.append(active_host) return return_hosts def get_cfg_dirs(self): """ Parses the main config file for configuration directories Returns: List of all cfg directories used in this configuration Example:: print(get_cfg_dirs()) ['/etc/nagios/hosts','/etc/nagios/objects',...] """ cfg_dirs = [] for config_object, config_value in self.maincfg_values: if config_object == "cfg_dir": cfg_dirs.append(config_value) return cfg_dirs def get_cfg_files(self): """ Return a list of all cfg files used in this configuration Filenames are normalised so that if nagios.cfg specifies relative filenames we will convert it to fully qualified filename before returning. Returns: List of all configurations files used in the configuration. Example: print(get_cfg_files()) ['/etc/nagios/hosts/host1.cfg','/etc/nagios/hosts/host2.cfg',...] """ cfg_files = [] for config_object, config_value in self.maincfg_values: # Add cfg_file objects to cfg file list if config_object == "cfg_file": config_value = self.abspath(config_value) if self.isfile(config_value): cfg_files.append(config_value) # Parse all files in a cfg directory if config_object == "cfg_dir": config_value = self.abspath(config_value) directories = [] raw_file_list = [] directories.append(config_value) # Walk through every subdirectory and add to our list while directories: current_directory = directories.pop(0) # Nagios doesnt care if cfg_dir exists or not, so why should we ? if not self.isdir(current_directory): continue for item in self.listdir(current_directory): # Append full path to file item = "%s" % (os.path.join(current_directory, item.strip())) if self.islink(item): item = os.readlink(item) if self.isdir(item): directories.append(item) if raw_file_list.count(item) < 1: raw_file_list.append(item) for raw_file in raw_file_list: if raw_file.endswith('.cfg'): if self.exists(raw_file) and not self.isdir(raw_file): # Nagios doesnt care if cfg_file exists or not, so we will not throws errors cfg_files.append(raw_file) return cfg_files def abspath(self, path): """ Return the absolute path of a given relative path. The current working directory is assumed to be the dirname of nagios.cfg Args: path: relative path to be transformed into absolute path. (string) Returns: Absolute path of given relative path. Example: >>> c = config(cfg_file="/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg") >>> c.abspath('nagios.cfg') '/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg' >>> c.abspath('/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg') '/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg' """ if not isinstance(path, str): return ValueError("Path must be a string got %s instead" % type(path)) if path.startswith('/'): return path nagiosdir = os.path.dirname(self.cfg_file) normpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(nagiosdir, path)) return normpath def get_cfg_value(self, key): """ Returns one specific value from your nagios.cfg file, None if value is not found. Arguments: key: what attribute to fetch from nagios.cfg (example: "command_file" ) Returns: String of the first value found for Example: >>> c = Config() # doctest: +SKIP >>> log_file = c.get_cfg_value('log_file') # doctest: +SKIP # Should return something like "/var/log/nagios/nagios.log" """ if not self.maincfg_values: self.parse_maincfg() for k, v in self.maincfg_values: if k == key: return v return None def get_object_types(self): """ Returns a list of all discovered object types """ return map(lambda x: re.sub("all_", "", x), def cleanup(self): """ Remove configuration files that have no configuration items """ for filename in self.cfg_files: if not self.parse_file(filename): # parse_file returns empty list on empty files self.remove(filename) # If nagios.cfg specifies this file directly via cfg_file directive then... for k, v in self.maincfg_values: if k == 'cfg_file' and v == filename: self._edit_static_file(k, old_value=v, new_value=None) def __setitem__(self, key, item):[key] = item def __getitem__(self, key): return[key] class Livestatus(object): """ Wrapper around MK-Livestatus Example usage:: s = Livestatus() for hostgroup s.get_hostgroups(): print(hostgroup['name'], hostgroup['num_hosts']) """ def __init__(self, livestatus_socket_path=None, nagios_cfg_file=None, authuser=None): """ Initilize a new instance of Livestatus Args: livestatus_socket_path: Path to livestatus socket (if none specified, use one specified in nagios.cfg) nagios_cfg_file: Path to your nagios.cfg. If None then try to auto-detect authuser: If specified. Every data pulled is with the access rights of that contact. """ self.nagios_cfg_file = nagios_cfg_file self.error = None if not livestatus_socket_path: c = config(cfg_file=nagios_cfg_file) c.parse_maincfg() self.nagios_cfg_file = c.cfg_file # Look for a broker_module line in the main config and parse its arguments # One of the arguments is path to the file socket created for k, v in c.maincfg_values: if k == 'broker_module' and "livestatus.o" in v: for arg in v.split()[1:]: if arg.startswith('/') or '=' not in arg: livestatus_socket_path = arg break else: # If we get here, then we could not locate a broker_module argument # that looked like a filename msg = "No Livestatus socket defined. Make sure livestatus broker module is loaded." raise ParserError(msg) self.livestatus_socket_path = livestatus_socket_path self.authuser = authuser def test(self, raise_error=True): """ Test if connection to livestatus socket is working Args: raise_error: If set to True, raise exception if test fails,otherwise return False Raises: ParserError if raise_error == True and connection fails Returns: True -- Connection is OK False -- there are problems and raise_error==False """ try: self.query("GET hosts") except Exception: t, e = sys.exc_info()[:2] self.error = e if raise_error: raise ParserError("got '%s' when testing livestatus socket. error was: '%s'" % (type(e), e)) else: return False return True def _get_socket(self): """ Returns a socket.socket() instance to communicate with livestatus Socket might be either unix filesocket or a tcp socket depenging in the content of :py:attr:`livestatus_socket_path` Returns: Socket to livestatus instance (socket.socket) Raises: :py:class:`LivestatusNotConfiguredException` on failed connection. :py:class:`ParserError` If could not parse configured TCP address correctly. """ if not self.livestatus_socket_path: msg = "We could not find path to MK livestatus socket file. Make sure MK livestatus is installed and configured" raise LivestatusNotConfiguredException(msg) try: # If livestatus_socket_path contains a colon, then we assume that it is tcp socket instead of a local filesocket if self.livestatus_socket_path.find(':') > 0: address, tcp_port = self.livestatus_socket_path.split(':', 1) if not tcp_port.isdigit(): msg = 'Could not parse host:port "%s". %s does not look like a valid port is not a valid tcp port.' raise ParserError(msg % (self.livestatus_socket_path, tcp_port)) tcp_port = int(tcp_port) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((address, tcp_port)) else: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(self.livestatus_socket_path) return s except IOError: t, e = sys.exc_info()[:2] msg = "%s while connecting to '%s'. Make sure nagios is running and mk_livestatus loaded." raise ParserError(msg % (e, self.livestatus_socket_path)) def query(self, query, *args, **kwargs): """ Performs LQL queries the livestatus socket Queries are corrected and convienient default data are added to the query before sending it to the socket. Args: query: Query to be passed to the livestatus socket (string) args, kwargs: Additionnal parameters that will be sent to :py:meth:`pynag.Utils.grep_to_livestatus`. The result will be appended to the query. Returns: Answer from livestatus. It will be in python format unless specified otherwise. Raises: :py:class:`ParserError` if problems connecting to livestatus. """ # columns parameter is here for backwards compatibility only kwargs.pop('columns', None) # We break query up into a list, of commands, then before sending command to the socket # We will write it one line per item in the array query = query.split('\n') query += pynag.Utils.grep_to_livestatus(*args, **kwargs) # If no response header was specified, we add fixed16 response_header = None if not filter(lambda x: x.startswith('ResponseHeader:'), query): query.append("ResponseHeader: fixed16") response_header = "fixed16" # If no specific outputformat is requested, we will return in python format python_format = False if not filter(lambda x: x.startswith('OutputFormat:'), query): query.append("OutputFormat: python") python_format = True # There is a bug in livestatus where if requesting Stats, then no column headers are sent from livestatus # In later version, the headers are sent, but the output is corrupted. # # We maintain consistency by clinging on to the old bug, and if there are Stats in the output # we will not ask for column headers doing_stats = len(filter(lambda x: x.startswith('Stats:'), query)) > 0 if not filter(lambda x: x.startswith('Stats:'), query) and not filter( lambda x: x.startswith('ColumnHeaders: on'), query): query.append("ColumnHeaders: on") # Check if we need to add authuser to the query if not filter(lambda x: x.startswith('AuthUser:'), query) and self.authuser not in (None, ''): query.append("AuthUser: %s" % self.authuser) # When we reach here, we are done adding options to the query, so we convert to the string that will # be sent to the livestatus socket query = '\n'.join(query) + '\n' self.last_query = query # # Lets create a socket and see if we can write to it # s = self._get_socket() try: s.send(query) except IOError: msg = "Could not write to socket '%s'. Make sure you have the right permissions" raise ParserError(msg % self.livestatus_socket_path) s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) tmp = s.makefile() # Read the response header from livestatus if response_header == "fixed16": response_data = tmp.readline() if len(response_data) == 0: return [] return_code = response_data.split()[0] if not return_code.startswith('2'): error_message = tmp.readline().strip() raise ParserError("Error '%s' from livestatus: %s" % (return_code, error_message)) answer = # We are done with the livestatus socket. lets close it s.close() if answer == '': return [] # If something other than python format was requested, we return the answer as is if python_format is False: return answer # If we reach down here, it means we are supposed to parse the output before returning it try: answer = eval(answer) except Exception: raise ParserError("Error, could not parse response from livestatus.\n%s" % answer) # Workaround for livestatus bug, where column headers are not provided even if we asked for them if doing_stats is True and len(answer) == 1: return answer[0] columns = answer.pop(0) # Lets throw everything into a hashmap before we return result = [] for line in answer: tmp = {} for i, column in enumerate(line): column_name = columns[i] tmp[column_name] = column result.append(tmp) return result def get(self, table, *args, **kwargs): """ Same as self.query('GET %s' % (table,)) Extra arguments will be appended to the query. Args: table: Table from which the data will be retrieved args, kwargs: These will be appendend to the end of the query to perform additionnal instructions. Example:: get('contacts', 'Columns: name alias') Returns: Answer from livestatus in python format. """ return self.query('GET %s' % (table,), *args, **kwargs) def get_host(self, host_name): """ Performs a GET query for a particular host This performs:: '''GET hosts Filter: host_name = %s''' % host_name Args: host_name: name of the host to obtain livestatus data from Returns: Answer from livestatus in python format. """ return self.query('GET hosts', 'Filter: host_name = %s' % host_name)[0] def get_service(self, host_name, service_description): """ Performs a GET query for a particular service This performs:: '''GET services Filter: host_name = %s Filter: service_description = %s''' % (host_name, service_description) Args: host_name: name of the host the target service is attached to. service_description: Description of the service to obtain livestatus data from. Returns: Answer from livestatus in python format. """ return self.query('GET services', 'Filter: host_name = %s' % host_name, 'Filter: description = %s' % service_description)[0] def get_hosts(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Performs a GET query for all hosts This performs:: '''GET hosts %s %s''' % (*args, **kwargs) Args: args, kwargs: These will be appendend to the end of the query to perform additionnal instructions. Returns: Answer from livestatus in python format. """ return self.query('GET hosts', *args, **kwargs) def get_services(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Performs a GET query for all services This performs:: '''GET services %s %s''' % (*args, **kwargs) Args: args, kwargs: These will be appendend to the end of the query to perform additionnal instructions. Returns: Answer from livestatus in python format. """ return self.query('GET services', *args, **kwargs) def get_hostgroups(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Performs a GET query for all hostgroups This performs:: '''GET hostgroups %s %s''' % (*args, **kwargs) Args: args, kwargs: These will be appendend to the end of the query to perform additionnal instructions. Returns: Answer from livestatus in python format. """ return self.query('GET hostgroups', *args, **kwargs) def get_servicegroups(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Performs a GET query for all servicegroups This performs:: '''GET servicegroups %s %s''' % (*args, **kwargs) Args: args, kwargs: These will be appendend to the end of the query to perform additionnal instructions. Returns: Answer from livestatus in python format. """ return self.query('GET servicegroups', *args, **kwargs) def get_contactgroups(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Performs a GET query for all contactgroups This performs:: '''GET contactgroups %s %s''' % (*args, **kwargs) Args: args, kwargs: These will be appendend to the end of the query to perform additionnal instructions. Returns: Answer from livestatus in python format. """ return self.query('GET contactgroups', *args, **kwargs) def get_contacts(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Performs a GET query for all contacts This performs:: '''GET contacts %s %s''' % (*args, **kwargs) Args: args, kwargs: These will be appendend to the end of the query to perform additionnal instructions. Returns: Answer from livestatus in python format. """ return self.query('GET contacts', *args, **kwargs) def get_contact(self, contact_name): """ Performs a GET query for a particular contact This performs:: '''GET contacts Filter: contact_name = %s''' % contact_name Args: contact_name: name of the contact to obtain livestatus data from Returns: Answer from livestatus in python format. """ return self.query('GET contacts', 'Filter: contact_name = %s' % contact_name)[0] def get_servicegroup(self, name): """ Performs a GET query for a particular servicegroup This performs:: '''GET servicegroups Filter: servicegroup_name = %s''' % servicegroup_name Args: servicegroup_name: name of the servicegroup to obtain livestatus data from Returns: Answer from livestatus in python format. """ return self.query('GET servicegroups', 'Filter: name = %s' % name)[0] def get_hostgroup(self, name): """ Performs a GET query for a particular hostgroup This performs:: '''GET hostgroups Filter: hostgroup_name = %s''' % hostgroup_name Args: hostgroup_name: name of the hostgroup to obtain livestatus data from Returns: Answer from livestatus in python format. """ return self.query('GET hostgroups', 'Filter: name = %s' % name)[0] def get_contactgroup(self, name): """ Performs a GET query for a particular contactgroup This performs:: '''GET contactgroups Filter: contactgroup_name = %s''' % contactgroup_name Args: contactgroup_name: name of the contactgroup to obtain livestatus data from Returns: Answer from livestatus in python format. """ return self.query('GET contactgroups', 'Filter: name = %s' % name)[0] class RetentionDat(object): """ Easy way to parse the content of retention.dat After calling parse() contents of retention.dat are kept in Example Usage:: r = retention() r.parse() print r print['info'] """ def __init__(self, filename=None, cfg_file=None): """ Initilize a new instance of retention.dat Args (you only need to provide one of these): filename: path to your retention.dat file cfg_file: path to your nagios.cfg file, path to retention.dat will be looked up in this file """ # If filename is not provided, lets try to discover it from # nagios.cfg if filename is None: c = config(cfg_file=cfg_file) for key, value in c._load_static_file(): if key == "state_retention_file": filename = value self.filename = filename = None def parse(self): """ Parses your status.dat file and stores in a dictionary under Returns: None Raises: :py:class:`ParserError`: if problem arises while reading status.dat :py:class:`ParserError`: if status.dat is not found :py:class:`IOError`: if status.dat cannot be read """ = {} status = {} # Holds all attributes of a single item key = None # if within definition, store everything before = value = None # if within definition, store everything after = if not self.filename: raise ParserError("status.dat file not found") lines = open(self.filename, 'rb').readlines() for sequence_no, line in enumerate(lines): line_num = sequence_no + 1 # Cleanup and line skips line = line.strip() if line == "": pass elif line[0] == "#" or line[0] == ';': pass elif line.find("{") != -1: status = {} status['meta'] = {} status['meta']['type'] = line.split("{")[0].strip() elif line.find("}") != -1: # Status definition has finished, lets add it to # if status['meta']['type'] not in[status['meta']['type']] = [][status['meta']['type']].append(status) else: tmp = line.split("=", 1) if len(tmp) == 2: (key, value) = line.split("=", 1) status[key] = value elif key == "long_plugin_output": # special hack for long_output support. We get here if: # * line does not contain { # * line does not contain } # * line does not contain = # * last line parsed started with long_plugin_output= status[key] += "\n" + line else: raise ParserError("Error on %s:%s: Could not parse line: %s" % (self.filename, line_num, line)) def __setitem__(self, key, item):[key] = item def __getitem__(self, key): return[key] def __str__(self): if not self.parse() str_buffer = "# Generated by pynag" for datatype, datalist in for item in datalist: str_buffer += "%s {\n" % datatype for attr, value in item.items(): str_buffer += "%s=%s\n" % (attr, value) str_buffer += "}\n" return str_buffer class StatusDat(RetentionDat): """ Easy way to parse status.dat file from nagios After calling parse() contents of status.dat are kept in Example usage:: >>> s = status() >>> s.parse() >>> keys = >>> 'info' in keys True >>> 'programstatus' in keys True >>> for service in'servicestatus',[]): ... host_name=service.get('host_name', None) ... description=service.get('service_description',None) """ def __init__(self, filename=None, cfg_file=None): """ Initilize a new instance of status Args (you only need to provide one of these): filename: path to your status.dat file cfg_file: path to your nagios.cfg file, path to status.dat will be looked up in this file """ # If filename is not provided, lets try to discover it from # nagios.cfg if filename is None: c = config(cfg_file=cfg_file) for key, value in c._load_static_file(): if key == "status_file": filename = value self.filename = filename = None def get_contactstatus(self, contact_name): """ Returns a dictionary derived from status.dat for one particular contact Args: contact_name: `contact_name` field of the contact's status.dat data to parse and return as a dict. Returns: dict derived from status.dat for the contact. Raises: ValueError if object is not found Example: >>> s = status() >>> s.get_contactstatus(contact_name='invalid_contact') ValueError('invalid_contact',) >>> first_contact =['contactstatus'][0]['contact_name'] >>> s.get_contactstatus(first_contact)['contact_name'] == first_contact True """ if is None: self.parse() for i in['contactstatus']: if i.get('contact_name') == contact_name: return i return ValueError(contact_name) def get_hoststatus(self, host_name): """ Returns a dictionary derived from status.dat for one particular contact Args: host_name: `host_name` field of the host's status.dat data to parse and return as a dict. Returns: dict derived from status.dat for the host. Raises: ValueError if object is not found """ if is None: self.parse() for i in['hoststatus']: if i.get('host_name') == host_name: return i raise ValueError(host_name) def get_servicestatus(self, host_name, service_description): """ Returns a dictionary derived from status.dat for one particular service Args: service_name: `service_name` field of the host's status.dat data to parse and return as a dict. Returns: dict derived from status.dat for the service. Raises: ValueError if object is not found """ if is None: self.parse() for i in['servicestatus']: if i.get('host_name') == host_name: if i.get('service_description') == service_description: return i raise ValueError(host_name, service_description) class ObjectCache(Config): """ Loads the configuration as it appears in objects.cache file """ def get_cfg_files(self): for k, v in self.maincfg_values: if k == 'object_cache_file': return [v] class ParserError(Exception): """ ParserError is used for errors that the Parser has when parsing config. Typical usecase when there is a critical error while trying to read configuration. """ filename = None line_start = None message = None def __init__(self, message, item=None): """ Creates an instance of ParserError Args: message: Message to be printed by the error item: Pynag item who caused the error """ self.message = message if item is None: return self.item = item self.filename = item['meta']['filename'] self.line_start = item['meta'].get('line_start') def __str__(self): message = self.message if self.filename and self.line_start: message = '%s in %s, line %s' % (message, self.filename, self.line_start) return repr(message) class ConfigFileNotFound(ParserError): """ This exception is thrown if we cannot locate any nagios.cfg-style config file. """ pass class LivestatusNotConfiguredException(ParserError): """ This exception is raised if we tried to autodiscover path to livestatus and failed """ class LogFiles(object): """ Parses Logfiles defined in nagios.cfg and allows easy access to its content Content is stored in python-friendly arrays of dicts. Output should be more or less compatible with mk_livestatus log output """ def __init__(self, maincfg=None): self.config = config(maincfg) self.log_file = self.config.get_cfg_value('log_file') self.log_archive_path = self.config.get_cfg_value('log_archive_path') def get_log_entries(self, start_time=None, end_time=None, strict=True, search=None, **kwargs): """ Get Parsed log entries for given timeperiod. Args: start_time: unix timestamp. if None, return all entries from today end_time: If specified, only fetch log entries older than this (unix timestamp) strict: If True, only return entries between start_time and end_time, if False, then return entries that belong to same log files as given timeset search: If provided, only return log entries that contain this string (case insensitive) kwargs: All extra arguments are provided as filter on the log entries. f.e. host_name="localhost" Returns: List of dicts """ now = time.time() if end_time is None: end_time = now if start_time is None: if 'filename' in kwargs: start_time = 1 else: seconds_in_a_day = 60 * 60 * 24 seconds_today = end_time % seconds_in_a_day # midnight of today start_time = end_time - seconds_today start_time = int(start_time) end_time = int(end_time) logfiles = self.get_logfiles() if 'filename' in kwargs: logfiles = filter(lambda x: x == kwargs.get('filename'), logfiles) # If start time was provided, skip all files that we last modified # before start_time if start_time: logfiles = filter(lambda x: start_time <= os.stat(x).st_mtime, logfiles) # Log entries are returned in ascending order, which is the opposite of # what get_logfiles returns. logfiles.reverse() result = [] for log_file in logfiles: entries = self._parse_log_file(filename=log_file) if len(entries) == 0: continue first_entry = entries[0] last_entry = entries[-1] if first_entry['time'] > end_time: continue # If strict, filter entries to only include the ones in the timespan if strict is True: entries = [x for x in entries if x['time'] >= start_time and x['time'] <= end_time] # If search string provided, filter the string if search is not None: entries = [x for x in entries if x['message'].lower().find(search.lower()) > -1] for k, v in kwargs.items(): entries = [x for x in entries if x.get(k) == v] result += entries if start_time is None or int(start_time) >= int(first_entry.get('time')): continue # Now, logfiles should in MOST cases come sorted for us. # However we rely on modification time of files and if it is off, # We want to make sure log entries are coming in the correct order. # The following sort should not impact performance in the typical use case. result.sort(key=lambda x: x.get('time')) return result def get_logfiles(self): """ Returns a list with the fullpath to every log file used by nagios. Lists are sorted by modification times. Newest logfile is at the front of the list so usually nagios.log comes first, followed by archivelogs Returns: List of strings """ logfiles = [] for filename in os.listdir(self.log_archive_path): full_path = "%s/%s" % (self.log_archive_path, filename) logfiles.append(full_path) logfiles.append(self.log_file) # Sort the logfiles by modification time, newest file at the front compare_mtime = lambda a, b: os.stat(a).st_mtime < os.stat(b).st_mtime logfiles.sort(key=lambda x: int(os.stat(x).st_mtime)) # Newest logfiles go to the front of the list logfiles.reverse() return logfiles def get_flap_alerts(self, **kwargs): """ Same as :py:meth:`get_log_entries`, except return timeperiod transitions. Takes same parameters. """ return self.get_log_entries(class_name="timeperiod transition", **kwargs) def get_notifications(self, **kwargs): """ Same as :py:meth:`get_log_entries`, except return only notifications. Takes same parameters. """ return self.get_log_entries(class_name="notification", **kwargs) def get_state_history(self, start_time=None, end_time=None, host_name=None, strict=True, service_description=None): """ Returns a list of dicts, with the state history of hosts and services. Args: start_time: unix timestamp. if None, return all entries from today end_time: If specified, only fetch log entries older than this (unix timestamp) host_name: If provided, only return log entries that contain this string (case insensitive) service_description: If provided, only return log entries that contain this string (case insensitive) Returns: List of dicts with state history of hosts and services """ log_entries = self.get_log_entries(start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, strict=strict, class_name='alerts') result = [] last_state = {} now = time.time() for line in log_entries: if 'state' not in line: continue line['duration'] = now - int(line.get('time')) if host_name is not None and host_name != line.get('host_name'): continue if service_description is not None and service_description != line.get('service_description'): continue if start_time is None: start_time = int(line.get('time')) short_name = "%s/%s" % (line['host_name'], line['service_description']) if short_name in last_state: last = last_state[short_name] last['end_time'] = line['time'] last['duration'] = last['end_time'] - last['time'] line['previous_state'] = last['state'] last_state[short_name] = line if strict is True: if start_time is not None and int(start_time) > int(line.get('time')): continue if end_time is not None and int(end_time) < int(line.get('time')): continue result.append(line) return result def _parse_log_file(self, filename=None): """ Parses one particular nagios logfile into arrays of dicts. Args: filename: Log file to be parsed. If is None, then log_file from nagios.cfg is used. Returns: A list of dicts containing all data from the log file """ if filename is None: filename = self.log_file result = [] for line in open(filename).readlines(): parsed_entry = self._parse_log_line(line) if parsed_entry != {}: parsed_entry['filename'] = filename result.append(parsed_entry) return result def _parse_log_line(self, line): """ Parse one particular line in nagios logfile and return a dict. Args: line: Line of the log file to be parsed. Returns: dict containing the information from the log file line. """ host = None service_description = None state = None check_attempt = None plugin_output = None contact = None m ='^\[(.*?)\] (.*?): (.*)', line) if m is None: return {} line = line.strip() timestamp, logtype, options = m.groups() result = {} try: timestamp = int(timestamp) except ValueError: timestamp = 0 result['time'] = int(timestamp) result['type'] = logtype result['options'] = options result['message'] = line result['class'] = 0 # unknown result['class_name'] = 'unclassified' if logtype in ('CURRENT HOST STATE', 'CURRENT SERVICE STATE', 'SERVICE ALERT', 'HOST ALERT'): result['class'] = 1 result['class_name'] = 'alerts' if logtype.find('HOST') > -1: # This matches host current state: m ='(.*?);(.*?);(.*);(.*?);(.*)', options) if m is None: return result host, state, hard, check_attempt, plugin_output = m.groups() service_description = None if logtype.find('SERVICE') > -1: m ='(.*?);(.*?);(.*?);(.*?);(.*?);(.*)', options) if m is None: return result host, service_description, state, hard, check_attempt, plugin_output = m.groups() result['host_name'] = host result['service_description'] = service_description result['state'] = int(pynag.Plugins.state[state]) result['check_attempt'] = check_attempt result['plugin_output'] = plugin_output result['text'] = plugin_output elif "NOTIFICATION" in logtype: result['class'] = 3 result['class_name'] = 'notification' if logtype == 'SERVICE NOTIFICATION': m ='(.*?);(.*?);(.*?);(.*?);(.*?);(.*)', options) if m is None: return result contact, host, service_description, state, command, plugin_output = m.groups() elif logtype == 'HOST NOTIFICATION': m ='(.*?);(.*?);(.*?);(.*?);(.*)', options) if m is None: return result contact, host, state, command, plugin_output = m.groups() service_description = None result['contact_name'] = contact result['host_name'] = host result['service_description'] = service_description try: result['state'] = int(pynag.Plugins.state[state]) except Exception: result['state'] = -1 result['plugin_output'] = plugin_output result['text'] = plugin_output elif logtype == "EXTERNAL COMMAND": result['class'] = 5 result['class_name'] = 'command' m ='(.*?);(.*)', options) if m is None: return result command_name, text = m.groups() result['command_name'] = command_name result['text'] = text elif logtype in ('PASSIVE SERVICE CHECK', 'PASSIVE HOST CHECK'): result['class'] = 4 result['class_name'] = 'passive' if logtype.find('HOST') > -1: # This matches host current state: m ='(.*?);(.*?);(.*)', options) if m is None: return result host, state, plugin_output = m.groups() service_description = None if logtype.find('SERVICE') > -1: m ='(.*?);(.*?);(.*?);(.*)', options) if m is None: return result host, service_description, state, plugin_output = m.groups() result['host_name'] = host result['service_description'] = service_description result['state'] = state result['plugin_output'] = plugin_output result['text'] = plugin_output elif logtype in ('SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT', 'HOST FLAPPING ALERT'): result['class_name'] = 'flapping' elif logtype == 'TIMEPERIOD TRANSITION': result['class_name'] = 'timeperiod_transition' elif logtype == 'Warning': result['class_name'] = 'warning' result['state'] = "1" result['text'] = options if 'text' not in result: result['text'] = result['options'] result['log_class'] = result['class'] # since class is a python keyword return result class ExtraOptsParser(object): """ Get Nagios Extra-Opts from a config file as specified by We could ALMOST use pythons ConfParser but nagios plugin team thought it would be a good idea to support multiple values per key, so a dict datatype no longer works. Its a shame because we have to make our own "ini" parser as a result Usage:: # cat /etc/nagios/plugins.ini [main] host_name = localhost [other section] host_name = # EOF e = ExtraOptsParser(section_name='main', config_file='/etc/nagios/plugins.ini') e.get('host_name') # returns "localhost" e.get_values() # Returns a dict of all the extra opts e.getlist('host_name') # returns all values of host_name (if more than one were specified) in a list """ standard_locations = [ "/etc/nagios/plugins.ini", "/usr/local/nagios/etc/plugins.ini", "/usr/local/etc/nagios/plugins.ini", "/etc/opt/nagios/plugins.ini", "/etc/nagios-plugins.ini", "/usr/local/etc/nagios-plugins.ini", "/etc/opt/nagios-plugins.ini", ] def __init__(self, section_name=None, config_file=None): if not section_name: section_name = self.get_default_section_name() if not config_file: config_file = self.get_default_config_file() self.section_name = section_name self.config_file = config_file self._all_options = self.parse_file(filename=config_file) or {} def get_values(self): """ Returns a dict with all extra-options with the granted section_name and config_file Results are in the form of:: { 'key': ["possible","values"] } """ return self._all_options.get(self.section_name, {}) def get_default_section_name(self): """ According to extra-opts standard, the default should be filename of check script being run """ return os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) def get_default_config_file(self): """ Return path to first readable extra-opt config-file found According to the nagiosplugins extra-opts spec the search method is as follows: 1. Search for nagios.ini or nagios-plugins.ini in : splitted variable NAGIOS_CONFIG_PATH 2. Search in a predefined list of files 3. Return None if no config file is found The method works as follows: To quote the spec on NAGIOS_CONFIG_PATH: *"To use a custom location, set a NAGIOS_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to the set of directories that should be checked (this is a colon-separated list just like PATH). The first plugins.ini or nagios-plugins.ini file found in these directories will be used."* """ search_path = [] nagios_config_path = os.environ.get('NAGIOS_CONFIG_PATH', '') for path in nagios_config_path.split(':'): search_path.append(os.path.join(path, 'plugins.ini')) search_path.append(os.path.join(path, 'nagios-plugins.ini')) search_path += self.standard_locations self.search_path = search_path for path in search_path: if os.path.isfile(path): return path return None def get(self, option_name, default=_sentinel): """ Return the value of one specific option Args: option_name: The value set to this option will be returned Returns: The value of `option_name` Raises: :py:class:`ValueError` when `option_name` cannot be found in options """ result = self.getlist(option_name, default) # If option was not found, raise error if result == _sentinel: raise ValueError("Option named %s was not found" % (option_name)) elif result == default: return result elif not result: # empty list return result else: return result[0] def getlist(self, option_name, default=_sentinel): """ Return a list of all values for option_name Args: option_name: All the values set to this option will be returned Returns: List containing all the options set to `option_name` Raises: :py:class:`ValueError` when `option_name` cannot be found in options """ result = self.get_values().get(option_name, default) if result == _sentinel: raise ValueError("Option named %s was not found" % (option_name)) return result def parse_file(self, filename): """ Parses an ini-file and returns a dict of the ini values. The datatype returned is a list of sections where each section is a dict of values. Args: filename: Full path to the ini-file to be parsed. Example the following the file:: [main] name = this is a name key = value key = value2 Would return:: [ {'main': { 'name': ['this is a name'], 'key': [value, value2] } }, ] """ if filename is None: return {} f = open(filename) try: data = return self.parse_string(data) finally: f.close() def parse_string(self, string): """ Parses a string that is supposed to be ini-style format. See :py:meth:`parse_file` for more info Args: string: String to be parsed. Should be in ini-file format. Returns: Dictionnary containing all the sections of the ini-file and their respective data. Raises: :py:class:`ParserError` when line does not follow the ini format. """ sections = {} # When parsing inside a section, the name of it stored here. section_name = None current_section = pynag.Utils.defaultdict(dict) for line_no, line, in enumerate(string.splitlines()): line = line.strip() # skip empty lines if not line or line[0] in ('#', ';'): continue # Check if this is a new section if line.startswith('[') and line.endswith(']'): section_name = line.strip('[').strip(']').strip() current_section = pynag.Utils.defaultdict(list) sections[section_name] = current_section continue # All entries should have key=value format if not '=' in line: error = "Line %s should be in the form of key=value format (got '%s' instead)" % (line_no, line) raise ParserError(error) # If we reach here, we parse current line into key and a value section key, value = line.split('=', 1) key = key.strip() value = value.strip() sections[section_name][key].append(value) return sections class SshConfig(Config): """ Parse object configuration files from remote host via ssh Uses python-paramiko for ssh connections. """ def __init__(self, host, username, password=None, cfg_file=None): """ Creates a SshConfig instance Args: host: Host to connect to username: User to connect with password: Password for `username` cfg_file: Nagios main cfg file """ import paramiko self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.ssh.connect(host, username=username, password=password) self.ftp = self.ssh.open_sftp() import cStringIO c = cStringIO.StringIO() self.tar ='w', fileobj=c) self.cached_stats = {} super(SshConfig, self).__init__(cfg_file=cfg_file) def open(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): """ Behaves like only, via ssh connection """ return self.tar.extractfile(filename) tarinfo = self._get_file(filename) string = tarinfo.tobuf() print string return StringIO.StringIO(string) return self.tar.extractfile(tarinfo) def add_to_tar(self, path): """ """ print "Taring ", path command = "find '{path}' -type f | tar -c -T - --to-stdout --absolute-names" command = command.format(path=path) print command stdin, stdout, stderr = self.ssh.exec_command(command, bufsize=50000) tar =, mode='r|') if not self.tar: self.tar = tar # return else: for i in tar: self.tar.addfile(i) def is_cached(self, filename): if not self.tar: return False return filename in self.tar.getnames() def _get_file(self, filename): """ Download filename and return the TarInfo object """ if filename not in self.tar.getnames(): self.add_to_tar(filename) return self.tar.getmember(filename) def get_cfg_files(self): cfg_files = [] for config_object, config_value in self.maincfg_values: # Add cfg_file objects to cfg file list if config_object == "cfg_file": config_value = self.abspath(config_value) if self.isfile(config_value): cfg_files.append(config_value) elif config_object == "cfg_dir": absolut_path = self.abspath(config_value) command = "find '%s' -type f -iname \*cfg" % (absolut_path) stdin, stdout, stderr = self.ssh.exec_command(command) raw_filelist = cfg_files += raw_filelist else: continue if not self.is_cached(config_value): self.add_to_tar(config_value) return cfg_files def isfile(self, path): """ Behaves like os.path.isfile only, via ssh connection """ try: copy = self._get_file(path) return copy.isfile() except IOError: return False def isdir(self, path): """ Behaves like os.path.isdir only, via ssh connection """ try: file_stat = self.stat(path) return stat.S_ISDIR(file_stat.st_mode) except IOError: return False def islink(self, path): """ Behaves like os.path.islink only, via ssh connection """ try: file_stat = self.stat(path) return stat.S_ISLNK(file_stat.st_mode) except IOError: return False def readlink(self, path): """ Behaves like os.readlink only, via ssh connection """ return self.ftp.readlink(path) def stat(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around os.stat only, via ssh connection """ path = args[0] if not self.is_cached(path): self.add_to_tar(path) if path not in self.tar.getnames(): raise IOError("No such file or directory %s" % path) member = self.tar.getmember(path) member.st_mode = member.mode member.st_mtime = member.mtime return member def access(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around os.access only, via ssh connection """ return os.access(*args, **kwargs) def exists(self, path): """ Wrapper around os.path.exists only, via ssh connection """ try: self.ftp.stat(path) return True except IOError: return False def listdir(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around os.listdir but via ssh connection """ stats = self.ftp.listdir_attr(*args, **kwargs) for i in stats: self.cached_stats[args[0] + "/" + i.filename] = i files = map(lambda x: x.filename, stats) return files class MultiSite(Livestatus): """ Wrapps around multiple Livesatus instances and aggregates the results of queries. Example: >>> m = MultiSite() >>> m.add_backend(path='/var/spool/nagios/livestatus.socket', name='local') >>> m.add_backend(path='', name='remote') """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MultiSite, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.backends = {} def add_backend(self, path, name): """ Add a new livestatus backend to this instance. Arguments: path (str): Path to file socket or remote address name (str): Friendly shortname for this backend """ backend = Livestatus( livestatus_socket_path=path, nagios_cfg_file=self.nagios_cfg_file, authuser=self.authuser ) self.backends[name] = backend def get_backends(self): """ Returns a list of mk_livestatus instances Returns: list. List of mk_livestatus instances """ return self.backends def get_backend(self, backend_name): """ Return one specific backend that has previously been added """ if not backend_name: return self.backends.values()[0] try: return self.backends[backend_name] except KeyError: raise ParserError("No backend found with name='%s'" % backend_name) def query(self, query, *args, **kwargs): """ Behaves like mk_livestatus.query() except results are aggregated from multiple backends Arguments: backend (str): If specified, fetch only data from this backend (see add_backend()) *args: Passed directly to mk_livestatus.query() **kwargs: Passed directly to mk_livestatus.query() """ result = [] backend = kwargs.pop('backend', None) # Special hack, if 'Stats' argument was provided to livestatus # We have to maintain compatibility with old versions of livestatus # and return single list with all results instead of a list of dicts doing_stats = any(map(lambda x: x.startswith('Stats:'), args + (query,))) # Iterate though all backends and run the query # TODO: Make this multithreaded for name, backend_instance in self.backends.items(): # Skip if a specific backend was requested and this is not it if backend and backend != name: continue query_result = backend_instance.query(query, *args, **kwargs) if doing_stats: result = self._merge_statistics(result, query_result) else: for row in query_result: row['backend'] = name result.append(row) return result def _merge_statistics(self, list1, list2): """ Merges multiple livestatus results into one result Arguments: list1 (list): List of integers list2 (list): List of integers Returns: list. Aggregated results of list1 + list2 Example: >>> result1 = [1,1,1,1] >>> result2 = [2,2,2,2] >>> MultiSite()._merge_statistics(result1, result2) [3, 3, 3, 3] """ if not list1: return list2 if not list2: return list1 number_of_columns = len(list1) result = [0] * number_of_columns for row in (list1, list2): for i, column in enumerate(row): result[i] += column return result def get_host(self, host_name, backend=None): """ Same as Livestatus.get_host() """ backend = self.get_backend(backend) return backend.get_host(host_name) def get_service(self, host_name, service_description, backend=None): """ Same as Livestatus.get_service() """ backend = self.get_backend(backend) return backend.get_service(host_name, service_description) def get_contact(self, contact_name, backend=None): """ Same as Livestatus.get_contact() """ backend = self.get_backend(backend) return backend.get_contact(contact_name) def get_contactgroup(self, contactgroup_name, backend=None): """ Same as Livestatus.get_contact() """ backend = self.get_backend(backend) return backend.get_contactgroup(contactgroup_name) def get_servicegroup(self, servicegroup_name, backend=None): """ Same as Livestatus.get_servicegroup() """ backend = self.get_backend(backend) return backend.get_servicegroup(servicegroup_name) def get_hostgroup(self, hostgroup_name, backend=None): """ Same as Livestatus.get_hostgroup() """ backend = self.get_backend(backend) return backend.get_hostgroup(hostgroup_name) class config(Config): """ This class is here only for backwards compatibility. Use Config instead. """ class mk_livestatus(Livestatus): """ This class is here only for backwards compatibility. Use Livestatus instead. """ class object_cache(ObjectCache): """ This class is here only for backwards compatibility. Use ObjectCache instead. """ class status(StatusDat): """ This class is here only for backwards compatibility. Use StatusDat instead. """ class retention(RetentionDat): """ This class is here only for backwards compatibility. Use RetentionDat instead. """ if __name__ == '__main__': import time start = time.time() ssh = SshConfig(host='', username='palli') ssh.ssh.get_transport().window_size = 3 * 1024 * 1024 ssh.ssh.get_transport().use_compression() # ssh.add_to_tar('/etc/nagios') # sys.exit() # ssh.ssh.exec_command("/bin/ls") print "before reset" ssh.parse() end = time.time() print "duration=", end - start bland = ssh.tar.getmember('/etc/nagios/okconfig/hosts/web-servers/') print bland.tobuf() sys.exit(0) print "ssh up" ssh_conn = FastTransport(('', 22)) ssh_conn.connect(username='palli') ftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(ssh_conn) print "connected" \ "" ssh.ssh = ssh_conn ssh.ftp = ftp print "starting parse" print "done parsing"
#!/usr/bin/env python import unittest from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound, Forbidden from tests.logic_t.layer.LogicLayer.util import generate_ll class TaskPrioritizeBeforeLogicLayerTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.ll = generate_ll() = def test_add_prioritize_before_adds_prioritize_before(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) t2.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) # when results = self.ll.do_add_prioritize_before_to_task(,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_before) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_after) self.assertIsNotNone(results) self.assertEqual([t1, t2], list(results)) def test_if_already_added_still_succeeds(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') t1.prioritize_before.append(t2) user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) t2.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_before) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_after) # when results = self.ll.do_add_prioritize_before_to_task(,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_before) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_after) self.assertIsNotNone(results) self.assertEqual([t1, t2], list(results)) def test_null_ids_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) t2.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) # expect self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.ll.do_add_prioritize_before_to_task, None,, user) # expect self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.ll.do_add_prioritize_before_to_task,, None, user) # expect self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.ll.do_add_prioritize_before_to_task, None, None, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) def test_null_user_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) t2.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) # expect self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.ll.do_add_prioritize_before_to_task,,, None) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) def test_user_not_authorized_for_task_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t2.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) # expect self.assertRaises(Forbidden, self.ll.do_add_prioritize_before_to_task,,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) def test_user_not_authorized_for_prioritize_before_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) # expect self.assertRaises(Forbidden, self.ll.do_add_prioritize_before_to_task,,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) def test_task_not_found_raises_exception(self): # given t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t2.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertIsNone( + 1)) # expect self.assertRaises(NotFound, self.ll.do_add_prioritize_before_to_task, + 1,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertIsNone( def test_prioritize_before_not_found_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertIsNone( + 1)) # expect self.assertRaises(NotFound, self.ll.do_add_prioritize_before_to_task,, + 1, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertIsNone( + 1)) def test_remove_prioritize_before_removes_prioritize_before(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) t2.users.append(user) t1.prioritize_before.append(t2) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_before) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_after) # when results = self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_before_from_task(,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertIsNotNone(results) self.assertEqual([t1, t2], list(results)) def test_if_prioritize_before_already_removed_still_succeeds(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) t2.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) # when results = self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_before_from_task(,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertIsNotNone(results) self.assertEqual([t1, t2], list(results)) def test_remove_prioritize_before_with_null_ids_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) t2.users.append(user) t1.prioritize_before.append(t2) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_before) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_after) # expect self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_before_from_task, None,, user) # expect self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_before_from_task,, None, user) # expect self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_before_from_task, None, None, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_before) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_after) def test_remove_prioritize_before_with_null_user_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) t2.users.append(user) t1.prioritize_before.append(t2) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_before) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_after) # expect self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_before_from_task,,, None) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_before) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_after) def test_remove_prioritize_before_user_unauthd_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t2.users.append(user) t1.prioritize_before.append(t2) # note that this situation shouldn't happen anyways. a task shouldn't # be prioritized before another task unless both share a common set of # one or more authorized users # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_before) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_after) # expect self.assertRaises(Forbidden, self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_before_from_task,,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_before) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_after) def test_remove_user_not_authd_for_prioritizebefore_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) t1.prioritize_before.append(t2) # note that this situation shouldn't happen anyways. a task shouldn't # be prioritized before another task unless both share a common set of # one or more authorized users # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_before) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_after) # expect self.assertRaises(Forbidden, self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_before_from_task,,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_before) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_after) def test_remove_prioritize_before_task_not_found_raises_exception(self): # given t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t2.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertIsNone( + 1)) # expect self.assertRaises(NotFound, self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_before_from_task, + 1,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertIsNone( def test_remove_prioritize_before_when_not_found_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertIsNone( + 1)) # expect self.assertRaises(NotFound, self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_before_from_task,, + 1, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertIsNone( + 1)) class TaskPrioritizeAfterLogicLayerTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.ll = generate_ll() = def test_add_prioritize_after_adds_prioritize_after(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) t2.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) # when results = self.ll.do_add_prioritize_after_to_task(,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_after) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_before) self.assertIsNotNone(results) self.assertEqual([t1, t2], list(results)) def test_if_already_added_still_succeeds(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') t1.prioritize_after.append(t2) user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) t2.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_after) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_before) # when results = self.ll.do_add_prioritize_after_to_task(,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_after) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_before) self.assertIsNotNone(results) self.assertEqual([t1, t2], list(results)) def test_null_ids_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) t2.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) # expect self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.ll.do_add_prioritize_after_to_task, None,, user) # expect self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.ll.do_add_prioritize_after_to_task,, None, user) # expect self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.ll.do_add_prioritize_after_to_task, None, None, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) def test_null_user_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) t2.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) # expect self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.ll.do_add_prioritize_after_to_task,,, None) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) def test_user_not_authorized_for_task_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t2.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) # expect self.assertRaises(Forbidden, self.ll.do_add_prioritize_after_to_task,,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) def test_user_not_authorized_for_prioritize_after_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) # expect self.assertRaises(Forbidden, self.ll.do_add_prioritize_after_to_task,,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) def test_task_not_found_raises_exception(self): # given t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t2.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertIsNone( + 1)) # expect self.assertRaises(NotFound, self.ll.do_add_prioritize_after_to_task, + 1,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertIsNone( def test_prioritize_after_not_found_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertIsNone( + 1)) # expect self.assertRaises(NotFound, self.ll.do_add_prioritize_after_to_task,, + 1, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertIsNone( + 1)) def test_remove_prioritize_after_removes_prioritize_after(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) t2.users.append(user) t1.prioritize_after.append(t2) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_after) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_before) # when results = self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_after_from_task(,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertIsNotNone(results) self.assertEqual([t1, t2], list(results)) def test_if_prioritize_after_already_removed_still_succeeds(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) t2.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) # when results = self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_after_from_task(,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertIsNotNone(results) self.assertEqual([t1, t2], list(results)) def test_remove_prioritize_after_with_null_ids_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) t2.users.append(user) t1.prioritize_after.append(t2) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_after) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_before) # expect self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_after_from_task, None,, user) # expect self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_after_from_task,, None, user) # expect self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_after_from_task, None, None, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_after) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_before) def test_remove_prioritize_after_with_null_user_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) t2.users.append(user) t1.prioritize_after.append(t2) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_after) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_before) # expect self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_after_from_task,,, None) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_after) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_before) def test_rem_prioritize_after_user_unauthd_for_task_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t2.users.append(user) t1.prioritize_after.append(t2) # note that this situation shouldn't happen anyways. a task shouldn't # be prioritized before another task unless both share a common set of # one or more authorized users # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_after) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_before) # expect self.assertRaises(Forbidden, self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_after_from_task,,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_after) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_before) def test_remove_user_not_authd_for_prioritize_after_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) t1.prioritize_after.append(t2) # note that this situation shouldn't happen anyways. a task shouldn't # be prioritized before another task unless both share a common set of # one or more authorized users # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_after) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_before) # expect self.assertRaises(Forbidden, self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_after_from_task,,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertEqual(1, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertTrue(t2 in t1.prioritize_after) self.assertTrue(t1 in t2.prioritize_before) def test_remove_prioritize_after_task_not_found_raises_exception(self): # given t2 ='t2') user ='[email protected]') t2.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertIsNone( + 1)) # expect self.assertRaises(NotFound, self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_after_from_task, + 1,, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t2.prioritize_after)) self.assertIsNone( def test_remove_prioritize_after_when_not_found_raises_exception(self): # given t1 ='t1') user ='[email protected]') t1.users.append(user) # precondition self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertIsNone( + 1)) # expect self.assertRaises(NotFound, self.ll.do_remove_prioritize_after_from_task,, + 1, user) # then self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_before)) self.assertEqual(0, len(t1.prioritize_after)) self.assertIsNone( + 1))
import os from collections import OrderedDict from .sqldatabase import SqlDatabase from .retrieve_core_info import retrieveCoreInfo # Root class that all SQL table updaters derive from class SqlTableUpdater(): def __init__(self, tableName, tableColumns=[], coreInfo={}): self.tableName = tableName self.columnsDict = OrderedDict(tableColumns) self.dbFile = os.path.join(os.getcwd().replace("python", "metadata"), "libretro.sqlite") self.dbFileExists = os.path.isfile(self.dbFile) self.coreInfo = coreInfo # self.filterUnusedCores() def updateTable(self): pass def updateColumns(self, database, additionalStatement: str = ""): if not self.dbFileExists: database.createTable(self.tableName, self.columnsDict, additionalStatement) else: try: database.deleteTable(self.tableName) except: database.createTable(self.tableName, self.columnsDict, additionalStatement) def __del__(self): print("Updated " + self.tableName + " table.") def libretroSystemList(self): systems = [] for k, v in self.coreInfo['cores'].items(): if "categories" not in v or v["categories"] != "Emulator": continue if "database" in v: name = v["database"].split("|") for n in name: systems.append(n) # Split console and manufacturer names # Not really necessary for Libretro identifiers #tup = n.split(" - ") # ## "MAME" #if len(tup) == 1: # systems.append(tup[0]) # ## Nearly every one #elif len(tup) == 2: # systems.append(tup[1]) # ## Sega - Master System - Mark III ## Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis #elif len(tup) == 3: # systems.append(tup[1]) # There are some cores that do not have "database" defined elif "systemname" in v: systems.append(v["systemname"]) systems = list(set(systems)) systems.sort() return systems # This map defines all Libretro-based systems that Phoenix supports. If it isn't in here, it isn't supported by Phoenix! # TODO: Place this information into an entirely separate database # WARNING: Do NOT change Phoenix UUIDs (1st column), even if there are spelling mistakes. Change friendlyName if you really need to. phoenixSystemDatabase = { # friendlyName: North American console name without manufacturer # shortName: Abbreviation (typically 3 letters) # enabled: True iff a core is available, Phoenix can run it, and the game scanner can find it (extensions set) # Everything else "Arcade": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "mame_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "(Various)" }, # Conspicuously missing from No-Intro "Amstrad - CPC": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "cap32_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Amstrad" }, "Atari - 2600": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "stella_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Atari" }, "Capcom - CP System I": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "fb_alpha_cps1_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Capcom" }, "Capcom - CP System II": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "fb_alpha_cps2_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Capcom" }, "Capcom - CP System III": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "fbalpha2012_cps3_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Capcom" }, "Capcom - CPS Changer": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "mess2014_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Capcom" }, "CHIP-8": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "emux_chip8_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "(Various)" }, "DOS": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "dosbox_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "(Various)" }, "Mattel - Intellivision": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "mess2014_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Mattel" }, "Nintendo - Game & Watch": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "gw_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Sinclair - ZX81": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "81_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sinclair" }, "SNK - Neo Geo": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "mess2014_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "SNK" }, # No-Intro, both official and non-official (ROM-based games) "Atari - 5200": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "mess2014_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Atari" }, "Atari - 7800": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "mess2014_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Atari" }, "Atari - Jaguar": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "virtualjaguar_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Atari" }, "Atari - Lynx": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "mednafen_lynx_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Atari" }, "Atari - ST": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "hatari_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Atari" }, "Bandai - WonderSwan Color": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "mednafen_wswan_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Bandai" }, "Bandai - WonderSwan": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "mednafen_wswan_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Bandai" }, "Casio - Loopy": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Casio" }, "Casio - PV-1000": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Casio" }, "Coleco - ColecoVision": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "mess2014_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Coleco" }, #"Commodore - 64 (PP)": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Commodore" }, #"Commodore - 64 (Tapes)": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Commodore" }, "Commodore - 64": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Commodore" }, "Commodore - Amiga": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "puae_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Commodore" }, "Commodore - Plus-4": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Commodore" }, "Commodore - VIC-20": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Commodore" }, "Emerson - Arcadia 2001": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Emerson" }, "Entex - Adventure Vision": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Entex" }, "Epoch - Super Cassette Vision": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Epoch" }, "Fairchild - Channel F": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Fairchild" }, "Funtech - Super Acan": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Funtech" }, "GamePark - GP32": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "GamePark" }, "GCE - Vectrex": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "vecx_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "GCE" }, "Hartung - Game Master": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Hartung" }, "LeapFrog - Leapster Learning Game System": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "LeapFrog" }, "Magnavox - Odyssey2": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "o2em_libretro", "friendlyName": u"Odyssey²", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Magnavox" }, "Microsoft - MSX 2": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "bluemsx_libretro", "friendlyName": "MSX2", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Microsoft" }, "Microsoft - MSX": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "bluemsx_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Microsoft" }, #"Microsoft - XBOX 360 (DLC)": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Microsoft" }, #"Microsoft - XBOX 360 (Games on Demand)": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Microsoft" }, #"Microsoft - XBOX 360 (Title Updates)": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Microsoft" }, "NEC - PC Engine - TurboGrafx 16": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "mednafen_pce_fast_libretro", "friendlyName": "TurboGrafx 16", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "NEC" }, "NEC - Super Grafx": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "mednafen_supergrafx_libretro", "friendlyName": "SuperGrafx", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "NEC" }, #"Nintendo - Famicom Disk System": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (e-Cards)": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "vbam_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Nintendo - Game Boy Advance": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "vbam_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Nintendo - Game Boy Color": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "gambatte_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Nintendo - Game Boy": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "gambatte_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, #"Nintendo - New Nintendo 3DS (DLC)": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Nintendo - New Nintendo 3DS": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, #"Nintendo - Nintendo 3DS (DLC)": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Nintendo - Nintendo 3DS": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Nintendo - Nintendo 64": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "mupen64plus_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, #"Nintendo - Nintendo DS (Download Play) (BETA)": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Nintendo - Nintendo DS": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "desmume_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, #"Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (DLC)": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Nintendo - Nintendo DSi": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "fceumm_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, #"Nintendo - Nintendo Wii (DLC)": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Nintendo - Pokemon Mini": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Nintendo - Satellaview": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Nintendo - Sufami Turbo": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "bsnes_mercury_balanced_libretro", "friendlyName": "Super Nintendo", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Nintendo - Virtual Boy": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "mednafen_vb_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Nokia - N-Gage": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nokia" }, "Philips - Videopac+": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Philips" }, "RCA - Studio II": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "mess2014_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "RCA" }, "Sega - 32X": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "picodrive_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sega" }, "Sega - Game Gear": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "genesis_plus_gx_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sega" }, "Sega - Master System - Mark III": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "emux_sms_libretro", "friendlyName": "Master System", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sega" }, "Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "genesis_plus_gx_libretro", "friendlyName": "Genesis", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sega" }, "Sega - PICO": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "picodrive_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sega" }, "Sega - SG-1000": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "genesis_plus_gx_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sega" }, "Sinclair - ZX Spectrum +3": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sinclair" }, "SNK - Neo Geo Pocket Color": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "mednafen_ngp_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "SNK" }, "SNK - Neo Geo Pocket": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "mednafen_ngp_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "SNK" }, #"Sony - PlayStation 3 (DLC)": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sony" }, #"Sony - PlayStation 3 (Downloadable)": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sony" }, #"Sony - PlayStation 3 (PSN)": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sony" }, #"Sony - PlayStation Portable (DLC)": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sony" }, #"Sony - PlayStation Portable (PSN)": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sony" }, #"Sony - PlayStation Portable (PSX2PSP)": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sony" }, #"Sony - PlayStation Portable (UMD Music)": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sony" }, #"Sony - PlayStation Portable (UMD Video)": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sony" }, "Sony - PlayStation Portable": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "ppsspp_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sony" }, "Tiger -": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Tiger" }, "Tiger - Gizmondo": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Tiger" }, "VTech - CreatiVision": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "VTech" }, "VTech - V.Smile": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "VTech" }, "Watara - Supervision": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "mess2014_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Watara" }, # (disc-based games) "Apple - Macintosh": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Apple" }, "Bandai - Playdia": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Bandai" }, "Bandai / Apple - Pippin": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Bandai / Apple" }, "Commodore - Amiga CD": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Commodore" }, "Commodore - Amiga CD32": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Commodore" }, "Commodore - Amiga CDTV": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Commodore" }, "Fujitsu - FM Towns series": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "mess2014_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Fujitsu" }, "IBM PC compatible": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "PC", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "(Various)" }, "Mattel - HyperScan": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Mattel" }, "Microsoft - Xbox": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Microsoft" }, "Namco / Sega / Nintendo - Triforce": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sega" }, "NEC - PC Engine CD - TurboGrafx-CD": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "mess2014_libretro", "friendlyName": "TurboGrafx-CD", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "NEC" }, "NEC - PC-88 series": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "NEC" }, "NEC - PC-98 series": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "NEC" }, "NEC - PC-FX - PC-FXGA": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "mednafen_pcfx_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "NEC" }, "Nintendo - GameCube": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Palm OS": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Palm" }, "Panasonic - 3DO Interactive Multiplayer": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "4do_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Panasonic" }, "Philips - CD-i": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Philips" }, "Photo - CD": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "(Various)" }, "Sega - Chihiro": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sega" }, "Sega - Dreamcast": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sega" }, "Sega - Lindbergh": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sega" }, "Sega - Mega-CD": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sega" }, "Sega - Naomi": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sega" }, "Sega - Saturn": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "yabause_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sega" }, "SNK - Neo Geo CD": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "mess2014_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "SNK" }, "Sony - PlayStation 2": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sony" }, "Sony - PlayStation": {"enabled": True, "defaultCore": "mednafen_psx_libretro", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sony" }, "VTech - V.Flash": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "VTech" }, # Seventh-generation consoles (circa 2005) "Microsoft - Xbox 360": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Microsoft" }, "Nintendo - Wii": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Sony - PlayStation 3": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sony" }, # Eighth-generation consoles (circa 2012) "Microsoft - Xbox One": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Microsoft" }, "Nintendo - Wii U": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, "Sony - PlayStation 4": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Sony" }, # Ninth-generation consoles (circa 2017) "Microsoft - Xbox One X": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Microsoft" }, "Nintendo - Switch": {"enabled": False, "defaultCore": "", "friendlyName": "", "shortName": "", "manufacturer": "Nintendo" }, } def phoenixSystems(self): return OrderedDict(sorted(self.phoenixSystemDatabase.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) def libretroToPhoenix(self, libretroSystem): return self.libretroToPhoenixMap[libretroSystem] # This map essentially says "Register this Libretro core for this (these) Phoenix system(s)" when a .info file claims support for that system # If a core claims support for some Libretro ID, register that core for each Phoenix ID libretroToPhoenixMap = { "3DO": {"Panasonic - 3DO Interactive Multiplayer"}, "Arcade (various)": {"Arcade"}, "Atari - 2600": {"Atari - 2600"}, "Atari - 5200": {"Atari - 5200"}, "Atari - 7800": {"Atari - 7800"}, "Atari - Jaguar": {"Atari - Jaguar"}, "Atari - Lynx": {"Atari - Lynx"}, "Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon": {"Atari - ST"}, "Bandai - WonderSwan Color": {"Bandai - WonderSwan Color"}, "Bandai - WonderSwan": {"Bandai - WonderSwan"}, "CHIP-8": {"CHIP-8"}, "Commodore Amiga": {"Commodore - Amiga"}, "Commodore - C128": {"Arcade"}, "Commodore - 64": {"Commodore - 64"}, "CP System I": {"Capcom - CP System I"}, "CP System II": {"Capcom - CP System II"}, "CP System III": {"Capcom - CP System III"}, "CPC": {"Amstrad - CPC"}, "DOS": {"DOS"}, "FB Alpha - Arcade Games": {"Arcade"}, "GCE - Vectrex": {"GCE - Vectrex"}, "Handheld Electronic Game": {"Nintendo - Game & Watch"}, "IBM PC compatible": {"IBM PC compatible"}, "Magnavox - Odyssey2": {"Magnavox - Odyssey2"}, "MAME": {"Arcade"}, "MAME2003": {"Arcade"}, "Microsoft - MSX 2": {"Microsoft - MSX 2"}, "Microsoft - MSX2": {"Microsoft - MSX 2"}, "Microsoft - MSX": {"Microsoft - MSX"}, # MESS and UME # "MULTI (various)": { "Atari - 2600", "Atari - 5200", "Atari - 7800", "Atari - Lynx", "Bandai - WonderSwan Color" "Bandai - WonderSwan", "Capcom - CPS Changer", "Coleco - ColecoVision", "Fujitsu - FM Towns series", "Magnavox - Odyssey2", "Mattel - Intellivision", "NEC - PC Engine - TurboGrafx 16", "NEC - PC Engine CD - TurboGrafx-CD", "NEC - Super Grafx", "Nintendo - Game Boy Advance", "Nintendo - Game Boy", "Philips - Videopac+", "RCA - Studio II", "Sega - Game Gear", "Sega - Master System - Mark III", "Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis", "Sega - PICO", "Sega - SG-1000", "SNK - Neo Geo CD", "SNK - Neo Geo", "Watara - Supervision", }, "NEC - PC Engine - TurboGrafx 16": {"NEC - PC Engine - TurboGrafx 16"}, "NEC - PC Engine SuperGrafx": {"NEC - Super Grafx"}, "NEC - PC Engine CD - TurboGrafx-CD": {"NEC - Super Grafx"}, "NEC - PC-FX": {"NEC - PC-FX - PC-FXGA"}, "NEC - Super Grafx": {"NEC - Super Grafx"}, "Neo Geo": {"SNK - Neo Geo"}, "Nintendo - 3DS": {"Nintendo - Nintendo 3DS"}, "Nintendo - Family Computer Disk System": {"Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System"}, "Nintendo - Famicom Disk System": {"Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System"}, "Nintendo - Game & Watch": {"Nintendo - Game & Watch"}, "Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (e-Cards)": {"Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (e-Cards)"}, "Nintendo - Game Boy Advance": {"Nintendo - Game Boy Advance"}, "Nintendo - Game Boy Color": {"Nintendo - Game Boy Color"}, "Nintendo - Game Boy": {"Nintendo - Game Boy"}, "Nintendo - GameCube": {"Nintendo - GameCube"}, "Nintendo - Nintendo 64": {"Nintendo - Nintendo 64"}, "Nintendo - Nintendo 64DD": {"Nintendo - Nintendo 64"}, "Nintendo - Nintendo DS": {"Nintendo - Nintendo DS"}, "Nintendo - Nintendo DS (Download Play)": {"Nintendo - Nintendo DS"}, "Nintendo - Nintendo DS (Download Play) (BETA)": {"Nintendo - Nintendo DS"}, "Nintendo - Nintendo DS Decrypted": {"Nintendo - Nintendo DS"}, "Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System": {"Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System"}, "Nintendo - Pokemon Mini": {"Nintendo - Pokemon Mini"}, "Nintendo - Sufami Turbo": {"Nintendo - Sufami Turbo"}, "Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System": {"Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System"}, "Nintendo - Virtual Boy": {"Nintendo - Virtual Boy"}, "Nintendo - Wii": {"Nintendo - Wii"}, "PC": {"IBM PC compatible"}, "PC-FX": {"NEC - PC-FX - PC-FXGA"}, "PC-98": {"NEC - PC-98 series"}, "Phillips - Videopac+": {"Philips - Videopac+"}, "Sega - 32X": {"Sega - 32X"}, "Sega - Dreamcast": {"Sega - Dreamcast"}, "Sega - Game Gear": {"Sega - Game Gear"}, "Sega - Master System - Mark III": {"Sega - Master System - Mark III"}, "Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis": {"Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis"}, "Sega - Mega-CD - Sega CD": {"Sega - Mega-CD"}, "Sega - NAOMI": {"Sega - Naomi"}, "Sega - PICO": {"Sega - PICO"}, "Sega - Saturn": {"Sega - Saturn"}, "Sega - SG-1000": {"Sega - SG-1000"}, "Sharp - X68000": {"Arcade"}, "Sinclair - ZX 81": {"Sinclair - ZX81"}, "Sinclair - ZX Spectrum": {"Sinclair - ZX Spectrum +3"}, "Sinclair - ZX Spectrum +3": {"Sinclair - ZX Spectrum +3"}, "SNK - Neo Geo Pocket Color": {"SNK - Neo Geo Pocket Color"}, "SNK - Neo Geo Pocket": {"SNK - Neo Geo Pocket"}, "Sony - PlayStation Portable": {"Sony - PlayStation Portable"}, "Sony - PlayStation": {"Sony - PlayStation"}, "The 3DO Company - 3DO": {"Panasonic - 3DO Interactive Multiplayer"}, "Uzebox": {"Arcade"}, "ZX Spectrum (various)": {"Sinclair - ZX Spectrum +3"}, } # Not all Phoenix IDs are availble in OpenVGDB, fail silently and gracefully if a match isn't found def phoenixToOpenVGDB(self, phoenixID): ret = "" try: ret = self.phoenixToOpenVGDBMap[phoenixID] except KeyError: ret = "" return ret phoenixToOpenVGDBMap = { "Panasonic - 3DO Interactive Multiplayer": "3DO Interactive Multiplayer", "Arcade": "Arcade", "Atari - 2600": "Atari 2600", "Atari - 5200": "Atari 5200", "Atari - 7800": "Atari 7800", "Atari - Jaguar": "Atari Jaguar CD", "Atari - Jaguar": "Atari Jaguar", "Atari - Lynx": "Atari Lynx", "Bandai - WonderSwan Color": "Bandai WonderSwan Color", "Bandai - WonderSwan": "Bandai WonderSwan", "Coleco - ColecoVision": "Coleco ColecoVision", "GCE - Vectrex": "GCE Vectrex", "Mattel - Intellivision": "Intellivision", "Magnavox - Odyssey2": "Magnavox Odyssey2", "NEC - PC Engine CD - TurboGrafx-CD": "NEC PC Engine CD/TurboGrafx-CD", "NEC - PC Engine - TurboGrafx 16": "NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16", "NEC - PC-FX - PC-FXGA": "NEC PC-FX", "NEC - Super Grafx": "NEC SuperGrafx", "Nintendo - Nintendo 64": "Nintendo 64", "Nintendo - Nintendo DS": "Nintendo DS", "Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System": "Nintendo Entertainment System", "Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System": "Nintendo Famicom Disk System", "Nintendo - Game Boy Advance": "Nintendo Game Boy Advance", "Nintendo - Game Boy Color": "Nintendo Game Boy Color", "Nintendo - Game Boy": "Nintendo Game Boy", "Nintendo - GameCube": "Nintendo GameCube", "Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System": "Nintendo Super Nintendo Entertainment System", "Nintendo - Virtual Boy": "Nintendo Virtual Boy", "Nintendo - Wii": "Nintendo Wii", "Sega - 32X": "Sega 32X", "Sega - Mega-CD": "Sega CD/Mega-CD", "Sega - Game Gear": "Sega Game Gear", "Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis": "Sega Genesis/Mega Drive", "Sega - Master System - Mark III": "Sega Master System", "Sega - Saturn": "Sega Saturn", "Sega - SG-1000": "Sega SG-1000", "SNK - Neo Geo Pocket Color": "SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color", "SNK - Neo Geo Pocket": "SNK Neo Geo Pocket", "Sony - PlayStation Portable": "Sony PlayStation Portable", "Sony - PlayStation": "Sony PlayStation", } def getOpenVGDBToPhoenixMap(self): return OrderedDict(sorted(self.openVGDBToPhoenixMap.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) openVGDBToPhoenixMap = { "3DO Interactive Multiplayer": "Panasonic - 3DO Interactive Multiplayer", "Arcade": "Arcade", "Atari 2600": "Atari - 2600", "Atari 5200": "Atari - 5200", "Atari 7800": "Atari - 7800", "Atari Jaguar CD": "Atari - Jaguar", "Atari Jaguar": "Atari - Jaguar", "Atari Lynx": "Atari - Lynx", "Bandai WonderSwan Color": "Bandai - WonderSwan Color", "Bandai WonderSwan": "Bandai - WonderSwan", "Coleco ColecoVision": "Coleco - ColecoVision", "GCE Vectrex": "GCE - Vectrex", "Intellivision": "Mattel - Intellivision", "Magnavox Odyssey2": "Magnavox - Odyssey2", "NEC PC Engine CD/TurboGrafx-CD": "NEC - PC Engine CD - TurboGrafx-CD", "NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16": "NEC - PC Engine - TurboGrafx 16", "NEC PC-FX": "NEC - PC-FX - PC-FXGA", "NEC SuperGrafx": "NEC - Super Grafx", "Nintendo 64": "Nintendo - Nintendo 64", "Nintendo DS": "Nintendo - Nintendo DS", "Nintendo Entertainment System": "Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System", "Nintendo Famicom Disk System": "Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System", "Nintendo Game Boy Advance": "Nintendo - Game Boy Advance", "Nintendo Game Boy Color": "Nintendo - Game Boy Color", "Nintendo Game Boy": "Nintendo - Game Boy", "Nintendo GameCube": "Nintendo - GameCube", "Nintendo Super Nintendo Entertainment System": "Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System", "Nintendo Virtual Boy": "Nintendo - Virtual Boy", "Nintendo Wii": "Nintendo - Wii", "Sega 32X": "Sega - 32X", "Sega CD/Mega-CD": "Sega - Mega-CD", "Sega Game Gear": "Sega - Game Gear", "Sega Genesis/Mega Drive": "Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis", "Sega Master System": "Sega - Master System - Mark III", "Sega Saturn": "Sega - Saturn", "Sega SG-1000": "Sega - SG-1000", "SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color": "SNK - Neo Geo Pocket Color", "SNK Neo Geo Pocket": "SNK - Neo Geo Pocket", "Sony PlayStation Portable": "Sony - PlayStation Portable", "Sony PlayStation": "Sony - PlayStation", } def filterUnusedCores(self): for key in self.coreInfo["cores"].keys(): if ( # No reason specified #"4do_libretro" == key # or "81_libretro" == key # or "bluemsx_libretro" == key # or "bsnes_accuracy_libretro" == key # or "bsnes_balanced_libretro" == key # or "bsnes_performance_libretro" == key # or "cap32_libretro" == key # or "catsfc_libretro" == key # or "dosbox_libretro" == key # or "emux_chip8_libretro" == key # or "fb_alpha_cps1_libretro" == key # or "fb_alpha_cps2_libretro" == key # or "fmsx_libretro" == key # or "gpsp_libretro" == key # or "gw_libretro" == key # or "handy_libretro" == key # or "hatari_libretro" == key # or "imame4all_libretro" == key # or "mame078_libretro" == key # or "mame2010_libretro" == key # or "mame2014_libretro" == key # or "meteor_libretro" == key # or "o2em_libretro" == key # or "prosystem_libretro" == key # or "puae_libretro" == key # or "ume2014_libretro" == key # or "vecx_libretro" == key # or "virtualjaguar_libretro" == key # ARM cores "pcsx" in key or "pocketsnes_libretro" == key ): del self.coreInfo["cores"][key]
# accounts/ import requests import logging from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) User = get_user_model() PERSONA_VERIFY_URL = '' #DOMAIN = 'localhost' #DOMAIN = '' class PersonaAuthenticationBackend(object): def authenticate(self, assertion): logging.warning('entering authenticate function') response = PERSONA_VERIFY_URL, data = {'assertion': assertion, 'audience': settings.DOMAIN} ) logging.warning('got response from persona') logging.warning(response.content.decode()) if response.ok and response.json()['status'] == 'okay': email = response.json()['email'] try: return User.objects.get(email=email) except User.DoesNotExist: return User.objects.create(email=email) else: logger.warning( 'Persona says no. Json was: {}'.format(response.json()) ) def get_user(self, email): try: return User.objects.get(email=email) except User.DoesNotExist: return None
import os import sys import subprocess testP = { "2005": [ { "date": "2005-10-17", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Stone Phillips" }, { "date": "2005-10-18", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Lesley Stahl" }, { "date": "2005-10-19", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Fareed Zakaria" }, { "date": "2005-10-20", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Jim Cramer" }, { "date": "2005-10-24", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Lou Dobbs" }, { "date": "2005-10-25", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Greg Behrendt" }, { "date": "2005-10-26", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Neil deGrasse Tyson" }, { "date": "2005-10-27", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Jeff Daniels" }, { "date": "2005-10-31", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Monica Crowley" }, { "date": "2005-11-01", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Ken Burns" }, { "date": "2005-11-02", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Bruce Feiler" }, { "date": "2005-11-03", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Bradley Whitford" }, { "date": "2005-11-07", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Eliot Spitzer" }, { "date": "2005-11-08", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Catherine Crier" }, { "date": "2005-11-09", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Mary Roach" }, { "date": "2005-11-10", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Cokie Roberts" }, { "date": "2005-11-14", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Sen. Bob Kerrey" }, { "date": "2005-11-15", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Rev. Al Sharpton" }, { "date": "2005-11-16", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Matt Taibbi" }, { "date": "2005-11-17", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Tim Robbins" }, { "date": "2005-11-28", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Brian Greene" }, { "date": "2005-11-29", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Richard Preston" }, { "date": "2005-11-30", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Katrina Vanden Heuvel" }, { "date": "2005-12-01", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Richard Clarke" }, { "date": "2005-12-05", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Maureen Dowd" }, { "date": "2005-12-06", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Anderson Cooper" }, { "date": "2005-12-07", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Craig Crawford" }, { "date": "2005-12-08", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Peggy Noonan" }, { "date": "2005-12-12", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Harry Smith" }, { "date": "2005-12-13", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Bob Costas" }, { "date": "2005-12-14", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Dermot Mulroney" }, { "date": "2005-12-15", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Mark Cuban" } ], "2006": [ { "date": "2006-01-09", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Nancy Grace" }, { "date": "2006-01-10", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Carl Bernstein" }, { "date": "2006-01-11", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "John Stossel" }, { "date": "2006-01-12", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Ken Miller" }, { "date": "2006-01-16", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "George Stephanopoulos" }, { "date": "2006-01-17", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Andrew Sullivan" }, { "date": "2006-01-18", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Frank McCourt" }, { "date": "2006-01-19", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Nina Totenberg" }, { "date": "2006-01-23", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "David Gregory" }, { "date": "2006-01-24", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Robin Givhan" }, { "date": "2006-01-25", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Norah Vincent" }, { "date": "2006-01-26", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Paul Begala" }, { "date": "2006-01-30", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Annie Duke" }, { "date": "2006-01-31", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Dave Marash" }, { "date": "2006-02-01", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Emily Yoffe" }, { "date": "2006-02-02", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Gov. Christine Todd Whitman" }, { "date": "2006-02-06", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Barbara Boxer" }, { "date": "2006-02-07", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "R. 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Smith" }, { "date": "2007-06-18", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Toby Keith" }, { "date": "2007-06-19", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Harriet the Eagle with handler, Anne-Marie Slaughter" }, { "date": "2007-06-20", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Will Schwalbe" }, { "date": "2007-06-21", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Vincent Bugliosi" }, { "date": "2007-06-25", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Tom Hayden" }, { "date": "2007-06-26", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "David France" }, { "date": "2007-06-27", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Tom Blanton, Daniel Gilbert" }, { "date": "2007-06-28", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Doug Bailey" }, { "date": "2007-07-16", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Richard Florida, Sen. 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Wesley Clark" }, { "date": "2007-10-11", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Chris Jordan" }, { "date": "2007-10-15", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Dennis Kucinich, Paul Glastris" }, { "date": "2007-10-16", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Bob Drogin, Jeff Greenfield" }, { "date": "2007-10-17", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Garry Kasparov" }, { "date": "2007-10-18", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Craig Newmark, Anderson Cooper" }, { "date": "2007-10-29", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Richard Berman" }, { "date": "2007-10-30", "videos": [ "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Massie Ritsch, Craig Venter" }, { "date": "2007-10-31", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Col. Lawrence Wilkerson" }, { "date": "2007-11-01", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Walter Kirn" } ], "2008": [ { "date": "2008-01-07", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Andrew Sullivan, Richard Freeman" }, { "date": "2008-01-08", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Chris Beam, Gary Rosen" }, { "date": "2008-01-09", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Gov. Mike Huckabee, Matt Taibbi" }, { "date": "2008-01-10", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Norman Ornstein, Muhammad Yunus" }, { "date": "2008-01-14", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Neil Shubin" }, { "date": "2008-01-15", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Peter Hopkins, Jared Cohen" }, { "date": "2008-01-16", "videos": [ "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Deborah Tannen" }, { "date": "2008-01-17", "videos": [ "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Lou Dobbs, David Levy" }, { "date": "2008-01-21", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Allan Sloan, Eric Weiner" }, { "date": "2008-01-22", "videos": [ "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Malcolm Gladwell, Andrew Young" }, { "date": "2008-01-23", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Marie Wood, Jeb Corliss, Andrew McLean" }, { "date": "2008-01-24", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Debra Dickerson, Charles Nesson" }, { "date": "2008-01-28", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Marjane Satrapi, Rick Warren" }, { "date": "2008-01-29", "videos": [ "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Joe Quesada, Alex Ross" }, { "date": "2008-01-30", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Carl Hiaasen, Frans de Waal" }, { "date": "2008-01-31", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Tim Harford, Andrew Napolitano" }, { "date": "2008-02-04", "videos": [ "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Tony Campolo, Jacob Weisberg" }, { "date": "2008-02-05", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Angelo Falcon, Bob Dole" }, { "date": "2008-02-06", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Tad Devine" }, { "date": "2008-02-07", "videos": [ "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Mark Moffett" }, { "date": "2008-02-11", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Aubrey de Grey, Philip Zimbardo" }, { "date": "2008-02-12", "videos": [ "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Gov. Eliot Spitzer, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Lisa Randall" }, { "date": "2008-02-13", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "David Gracer, Richard Thompson Ford" }, { "date": "2008-02-14", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "John Feinstein, Leonard Nimoy" }, { "date": "2008-02-26", "videos": [ "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Henry Louis Gates Jr." }, { "date": "2008-02-27", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Tony Snow" }, { "date": "2008-02-28", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Richard Brookhiser, Ingrid Newkirk" }, { "date": "2008-03-03", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Lorin Maazel, Shashi Tharoor" }, { "date": "2008-03-04", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "William Donohue, Howard Dean, Jennifer 8. Lee" }, { "date": "2008-03-05", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Robert Reich, Gregory Rodriguez" }, { "date": "2008-03-06", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "John Legend" }, { "date": "2008-03-10", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "George McGovern" }, { "date": "2008-03-11", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Geraldo Rivera" }, { "date": "2008-03-12", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Howard Kurtz" }, { "date": "2008-03-13", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Hussein Ibish, Sudhir Venkatesh" }, { "date": "2008-03-17", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Samantha Power" }, { "date": "2008-03-18", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Carole King" }, { "date": "2008-03-19", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Dee Dee Myers" }, { "date": "2008-03-20", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Dean Kamen" }, { "date": "2008-03-31", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Eric Alterman, Michael Reynolds" }, { "date": "2008-04-01", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Van Jones" }, { "date": "2008-04-02", "videos": [ "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "R.E.M." }, { "date": "2008-04-03", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Clay Shirky" }, { "date": "2008-04-07", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Trevor Paglen, Jesse Ventura" }, { "date": "2008-04-08", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Madeleine Albright" }, { "date": "2008-04-09", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Jeff Gore" }, { "date": "2008-04-10", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Robin Wright" }, { "date": "2008-04-14", "videos": [ "", "", "" ], "guest": "Chris Matthews" }, { "date": "2008-04-15", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Michelle Obama, The Roots" }, { "date": "2008-04-16", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleaders, Gov. Ed Rendell" }, { "date": "2008-04-17", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Barack Obama" }, { "date": "2008-04-21", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Fr. James Martin, Sen. Bernie Sanders" }, { "date": "2008-04-22", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Susan Jacoby" }, { "date": "2008-04-23", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Mitch Albom" }, { "date": "2008-04-24", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Maria Shriver" }, { "date": "2008-04-28", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Feist" }, { "date": "2008-04-29", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Anne Lamott" }, { "date": "2008-04-30", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Donna Brazile, Noah Feldman" }, { "date": "2008-05-01", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "James Kunstler" }, { "date": "2008-05-05", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Carl Hiaasen" }, { "date": "2008-05-06", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Nathan Gunn" }, { "date": "2008-05-07", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Hasan Elahi, George Johnson" }, { "date": "2008-05-08", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Arianna Huffington" }, { "date": "2008-05-12", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Dr. Mehmet Oz" }, { "date": "2008-05-13", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Jennifer Hooper McCarty" }, { "date": "2008-05-14", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Laura Dern, Grover Norquist" }, { "date": "2008-05-15", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Andrei Cherny" }, { "date": "2008-05-27", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Tony Perkins, Brian Greene" }, { "date": "2008-05-28", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Sen. Claire McCaskill" }, { "date": "2008-05-29", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Tad Devine, David Sirota" }, { "date": "2008-06-02", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Jon Paskowitz" }, { "date": "2008-06-03", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "George Will" }, { "date": "2008-06-04", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Rep. Bob Barr, Salman Rushdie" }, { "date": "2008-06-05", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Pat Buchanan" }, { "date": "2008-06-09", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Phil Weiss" }, { "date": "2008-06-10", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Alan Rabinowitz" }, { "date": "2008-06-11", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "David Hajdu" }, { "date": "2008-06-12", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Winona LaDuke, Dixon Despommier" }, { "date": "2008-06-16", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Kenneth R. Miller" }, { "date": "2008-06-17", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Neal Katyal, Jonathan Zittrain" }, { "date": "2008-06-18", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Dr. Uma Mysorekar, Junot Diaz" }, { "date": "2008-06-19", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Bishop N.T. Wright" }, { "date": "2008-06-23", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Barbara Ehrenreich" }, { "date": "2008-06-24", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Jason Bond, Will Smith" }, { "date": "2008-06-25", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Paul Goldberger, Neil deGrasse Tyson" }, { "date": "2008-06-26", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Rep. Robert Wexler" }, { "date": "2008-07-14", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Lama Surya Das, Daniel C. Esty" }, { "date": "2008-07-15", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Julia E. Sweig, Jason Riley" }, { "date": "2008-07-16", "videos": [ "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Rush" }, { "date": "2008-07-17", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Elizabeth Edwards" }, { "date": "2008-07-21", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Sen. Jim Webb" }, { "date": "2008-07-22", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Margaret Spellings" }, { "date": "2008-07-23", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Nas" }, { "date": "2008-07-24", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Laurie Goodstein, Garrett Reisman" }, { "date": "2008-07-28", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Toby Keith" }, { "date": "2008-07-29", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Eric Roston" }, { "date": "2008-07-30", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Crosby, Stills &amp; Nash" }, { "date": "2008-07-31", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Brendan I. Koerner, Buzz Aldrin" }, { "date": "2008-08-04", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Lucas Conley, The Apples in Stereo" }, { "date": "2008-08-05", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "David Carr" }, { "date": "2008-08-06", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Jason Bond, Kevin Costner" }, { "date": "2008-08-07", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Devin Gordon, Thomas Frank" }, { "date": "2008-08-11", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Jorge Ramos" }, { "date": "2008-08-12", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Joey Cheek, Jane Mayer" }, { "date": "2008-08-13", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Dick Meyer" }, { "date": "2008-08-14", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Bing West" }, { "date": "2008-08-26", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Rep. Bob Barr, Scott McClellan" }, { "date": "2008-08-27", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Gov. 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Tony Zinni" }, { "date": "2009-08-04", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Kurt Andersen" }, { "date": "2009-08-05", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Kris Kobach" }, { "date": "2009-08-06", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Meryl Streep" }, { "date": "2009-08-10", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Sen. 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Claire McCaskill" }, { "date": "2010-03-30", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Simon Johnson" }, { "date": "2010-03-31", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Craig Mullaney" }, { "date": "2010-04-01", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "David Frum, Judith Shulevitz" }, { "date": "2010-04-05", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Dean Kamen" }, { "date": "2010-04-06", "videos": [ "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Joe Bastardi, Brenda Ekwurzel, Rev. 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Sam Nunn" }, { "date": "2010-06-10", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Alan Bean" }, { "date": "2010-06-14", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Stephen Prothero" }, { "date": "2010-06-15", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Dr. Carl Safina" }, { "date": "2010-06-16", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Devo" }, { "date": "2010-06-17", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "David Mamet" }, { "date": "2010-06-21", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Wes Moore" }, { "date": "2010-06-22", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Gloria Steinem" }, { "date": "2010-06-23", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Tim Westergren" }, { "date": "2010-06-24", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Michael Specter" }, { "date": "2010-06-28", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Michael Hastings, John Waters" }, { "date": "2010-06-29", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Mayor Julian Castro" }, { "date": "2010-06-30", "videos": [ "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Nicholas Carr" }, { "date": "2010-07-01", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Manny Howard" }, { "date": "2010-07-05", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Paul Krugman, Dr. Michio Kaku" }, { "date": "2010-07-06", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Garret Keizer" }, { "date": "2010-07-07", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Steve Carell" }, { "date": "2010-07-08", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Arturo Rodriguez" }, { "date": "2010-07-26", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Hephzibah Anderson" }, { "date": "2010-07-27", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Thomas S. 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Brent Cummings, John Legend" }, { "date": "2010-09-13", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Lisa Birnbach" }, { "date": "2010-09-14", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Sean Wilentz" }, { "date": "2010-09-15", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Saul Griffith" }, { "date": "2010-09-16", "videos": [ "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Lawrence O'Donnell" }, { "date": "2010-09-20", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Pavement" }, { "date": "2010-09-21", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Eric Schmidt" }, { "date": "2010-09-22", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Guillermo Del Toro" }, { "date": "2010-09-23", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Oscar Goodman" }, { "date": "2010-09-27", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Ken Burns" }, { "date": "2010-09-28", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Paul Begala, Ross Douthat" }, { "date": "2010-09-29", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Steve Rattner" }, { "date": "2010-09-30", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Aaron Sorkin" }, { "date": "2010-10-04", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Eugene Robinson" }, { "date": "2010-10-05", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Leon Botstein" }, { "date": "2010-10-06", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Mavis Staples &amp; Jeff Tweedy" }, { "date": "2010-10-07", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Davis Guggenheim" }, { "date": "2010-10-11", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Robert Reich" }, { "date": "2010-10-12", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Brendan Steinhauser" }, { "date": "2010-10-13", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Austan Goolsbee" }, { "date": "2010-10-14", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Bill Bryson" }, { "date": "2010-10-25", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Nicholas Negroponte" }, { "date": "2010-10-26", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Gary Wills" }, { "date": "2010-10-27", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Rep. 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John McCain" }, { "date": "2014-12-02", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Tony Bennett &amp; Lady Gaga" }, { "date": "2014-12-03", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Christopher Nolan" }, { "date": "2014-12-04", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Dr. Paul Farmer" }, { "date": "2014-12-08", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "President Barack Obama" }, { "date": "2014-12-09", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "James Corden" }, { "date": "2014-12-10", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Sarah Koenig" }, { "date": "2014-12-11", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "\"The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies\" special" }, { "date": "2014-12-15", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Seth Rogen" }, { "date": "2014-12-16", "videos": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "guest": "Kendrick Lamar" } ] } working_folder = 'G:/Downloads' for colbDate in testP['2014']: if 1: newfileResize = 'G:/downloads/The Colbert Report 2014/TheColbertReport '+colbDate['date']+'.mp4' if not os.path.exists(newfileResize): folderName = 'G:/downloads/The Colbert Report 2014/'+colbDate['date'] try: os.mkdir(folderName) except: pass pos = 0 for vid in colbDate['videos']: pos+=1 done = False while not done: folderContents = os.listdir(folderName) for folderContent in folderContents: if folderContent.startswith(str(pos)+' ') and (not folderContent.endswith('.part')): done = True if not done: cmd = os.path.join(working_folder,'youtube-dl.exe') + ' --no-continue -o "'+folderName+'/'+str(pos)+' %(title)s.%(ext)s" '+vid,shell=True) vids = [] for vid in os.listdir(folderName): if vid.endswith('.mp4'): vids.append(os.path.join(folderName,vid)) vids.sort() newfile = 'G:/downloads/The Colbert Report 2014/TheColbertReport '+colbDate['date']+'temp.mp4' if not os.path.exists(newfileResize): cmd = r' -cat "' + r'" -cat "'.join(vids) + r'" -new "'+newfile+'"' exc = "G:/Downloads/mp4box.exe -tmp G:/temp/ " + cmd,shell=True) cmd = "G:/Downloads/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe -i \"" + newfile + "\" -vf scale=1024:576 \""+newfileResize+"\"",shell=True) while os.path.exists(newfile): try: os.remove(newfile) except: pass else: print 'file found ' + newfile
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import random from operator import attrgetter import pytest from cfme import test_requirements from import CloudProvider from import AzureProvider from import EC2Provider from import GCEProvider from import OpenStackProvider from cfme.common.provider import BaseProvider from cfme.infrastructure.provider.rhevm import RHEVMProvider from cfme.infrastructure.provider.virtualcenter import VMwareProvider from cfme.utils import conf from cfme.utils.blockers import BZ from cfme.utils.log import logger from cfme.utils.wait import wait_for from cfme.fixtures.provider import setup_or_skip pytestmark = [ pytest.mark.tier(1), test_requirements.c_and_u, pytest.mark.provider( [VMwareProvider, RHEVMProvider, EC2Provider, OpenStackProvider, AzureProvider, GCEProvider], required_fields=[(['cap_and_util', 'capandu_vm'], 'cu-24x7')], scope="module") ] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def clean_setup_provider(request, provider): BaseProvider.clear_providers() setup_or_skip(request, provider) yield BaseProvider.clear_providers() def vm_count(appliance, metrics_tbl, mgmt_system_id): return bool(appliance.db.client.session.query(metrics_tbl).filter( metrics_tbl.parent_ems_id == mgmt_system_id).filter( metrics_tbl.resource_type == "VmOrTemplate").count() ) def host_count(appliance, metrics_tbl, mgmt_system_id): return bool(appliance.db.client.session.query(metrics_tbl).filter( metrics_tbl.parent_ems_id == mgmt_system_id).filter( metrics_tbl.resource_type == "Host").count() ) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def metrics_collection(appliance, clean_setup_provider, provider, enable_candu): """Check the db is gathering collection data for the given provider. Metadata: test_flag: metrics_collection """ metrics_tbl = appliance.db.client['metrics'] mgmt_systems_tbl = appliance.db.client['ext_management_systems']"Fetching provider ID for %s", provider.key) mgmt_system_id = appliance.db.client.session.query(mgmt_systems_tbl).filter( == conf.cfme_data.get('management_systems', {})[provider.key]['name'] ).first().id"ID fetched; testing metrics collection now") # vms for both infa and cloud provider wait_for( vm_count, [appliance, metrics_tbl, mgmt_system_id], delay=20, timeout=1500, fail_condition=False, message="wait for VMs") # host only for infa if provider.category == "infra": wait_for( vm_count, [appliance, metrics_tbl, mgmt_system_id], delay=20, timeout=1500, fail_condition=False, message="wait for hosts.") def get_host_name(provider): cfme_host = random.choice(["hosts"]) return def query_metric_db(appliance, provider, metric, vm_name=None, host_name=None): metrics_tbl = appliance.db.client['metrics'] ems = appliance.db.client['ext_management_systems'] if vm_name is None: if host_name is not None: object_name = host_name elif vm_name is not None: object_name = vm_name with appliance.db.client.transaction: provs = ( appliance.db.client.session.query( .join(ems, metrics_tbl.parent_ems_id == .filter(metrics_tbl.resource_name == object_name, == ) return appliance.db.client.session.query(metrics_tbl).filter( @pytest.mark.rhv2 # Tests to check that specific metrics are being collected @pytest.mark.meta( blockers=[BZ(1511099, forced_streams=["5.8", "upstream"], unblock=lambda provider: not provider.one_of(GCEProvider))] ) def test_raw_metric_vm_cpu(metrics_collection, appliance, provider): vm_name =['cap_and_util']['capandu_vm'] if provider.category == "infra": query = query_metric_db(appliance, provider, 'cpu_usagemhz_rate_average', vm_name) average_rate = attrgetter('cpu_usagemhz_rate_average') elif provider.category == "cloud": query = query_metric_db(appliance, provider, 'cpu_usage_rate_average', vm_name) average_rate = attrgetter('cpu_usage_rate_average') for record in query: if average_rate(record) is not None: assert average_rate(record) > 0, 'Zero VM CPU Usage' break @pytest.mark.rhv2 @pytest.mark.uncollectif( lambda provider: provider.one_of(EC2Provider) or provider.one_of(GCEProvider)) def test_raw_metric_vm_memory(metrics_collection, appliance, provider): vm_name =['cap_and_util']['capandu_vm'] if provider.type == 'azure': query = query_metric_db(appliance, provider, 'mem_usage_absolute_average', vm_name) average_rate = attrgetter('mem_usage_absolute_average') else: query = query_metric_db(appliance, provider, 'derived_memory_used', vm_name) average_rate = attrgetter('derived_memory_used') for record in query: if average_rate(record) is not None: assert average_rate(record) > 0, 'Zero VM Memory Usage' break @pytest.mark.rhv2 @pytest.mark.meta( blockers=[BZ(1408963, forced_streams=["5.8", "upstream"], unblock=lambda provider: not provider.one_of(RHEVMProvider))] ) @pytest.mark.meta( blockers=[BZ(1511099, forced_streams=["5.8", "upstream"], unblock=lambda provider: not provider.one_of(GCEProvider))] ) def test_raw_metric_vm_network(metrics_collection, appliance, provider): vm_name =['cap_and_util']['capandu_vm'] query = query_metric_db(appliance, provider, 'net_usage_rate_average', vm_name) for record in query: if record.net_usage_rate_average is not None: assert record.net_usage_rate_average > 0, 'Zero VM Network IO' break @pytest.mark.rhv2 @pytest.mark.uncollectif( lambda provider: provider.one_of(EC2Provider)) @pytest.mark.meta( blockers=[BZ(1511099, forced_streams=["5.8", "upstream"], unblock=lambda provider: not provider.one_of(GCEProvider))] ) def test_raw_metric_vm_disk(metrics_collection, appliance, provider): vm_name =['cap_and_util']['capandu_vm'] query = query_metric_db(appliance, provider, 'disk_usage_rate_average', vm_name) for record in query: if record.disk_usage_rate_average is not None: assert record.disk_usage_rate_average > 0, 'Zero VM Disk IO' break @pytest.mark.rhv2 @pytest.mark.uncollectif( lambda provider: provider.one_of(CloudProvider)) def test_raw_metric_host_cpu(metrics_collection, appliance, provider): host_name = get_host_name(provider) query = query_metric_db(appliance, provider, 'cpu_usagemhz_rate_average', host_name) for record in query: if record.cpu_usagemhz_rate_average is not None: assert record.cpu_usagemhz_rate_average > 0, 'Zero Host CPU Usage' break @pytest.mark.rhv2 @pytest.mark.uncollectif( lambda provider: provider.one_of(CloudProvider)) def test_raw_metric_host_memory(metrics_collection, appliance, provider): host_name = get_host_name(provider) query = query_metric_db(appliance, provider, 'derived_memory_used', host_name) for record in query: if record.derived_memory_used is not None: assert record.derived_memory_used > 0, 'Zero Host Memory Usage' break @pytest.mark.rhv2 @pytest.mark.uncollectif( lambda provider: provider.one_of(CloudProvider)) def test_raw_metric_host_network(metrics_collection, appliance, provider): host_name = get_host_name(provider) query = query_metric_db(appliance, provider, 'net_usage_rate_average', host_name) for record in query: if record.net_usage_rate_average is not None: assert record.net_usage_rate_average > 0, 'Zero Host Network IO' break @pytest.mark.rhv2 @pytest.mark.uncollectif( lambda provider: provider.one_of(CloudProvider)) @pytest.mark.meta( blockers=[BZ(1424589, forced_streams=["5.8", "5.9", "upstream"], unblock=lambda provider: not provider.one_of(RHEVMProvider))] ) def test_raw_metric_host_disk(metrics_collection, appliance, provider): host_name = get_host_name(provider) query = query_metric_db(appliance, provider, 'disk_usage_rate_average', host_name) for record in query: if record.disk_usage_rate_average is not None: assert record.disk_usage_rate_average > 0, 'Zero Host Disk IO' break
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2016-2017 University of Dundee & Open Microscopy Environment. # All Rights Reserved. # Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt # import requests from Parse_OMERO_Properties import USERNAME, PASSWORD, OMERO_WEB_HOST, \ SERVER_NAME session = requests.Session() # Start by getting supported versions from the base url... api_url = '%s/api/' % OMERO_WEB_HOST print "Starting at:", api_url r = session.get(api_url) # we get a list of versions versions = r.json()['data'] # use most recent version... version = versions[-1] # get the 'base' url base_url = version['url:base'] r = session.get(base_url) # which lists a bunch of urls as starting points urls = r.json() servers_url = urls['url:servers'] login_url = urls['url:login'] projects_url = urls['url:projects'] save_url = urls['url:save'] schema_url = urls['url:schema'] # To login we need to get CSRF token token_url = urls['url:token'] token = session.get(token_url).json()['data'] print 'CSRF token', token # We add this to our session header # Needed for all POST, PUT, DELETE requests session.headers.update({'X-CSRFToken': token, 'Referer': login_url}) # List the servers available to connect to servers = session.get(servers_url).json()['data'] print 'Servers:' for s in servers: print '-id:', s['id'] print ' name:', s['server'] print ' host:', s['host'] print ' port:', s['port'] # find one called SERVER_NAME servers = [s for s in servers if s['server'] == SERVER_NAME] if len(servers) < 1: raise Exception("Found no server called '%s'" % SERVER_NAME) server = servers[0] # Login with username, password and token payload = {'username': USERNAME, 'password': PASSWORD, # 'csrfmiddlewaretoken': token, # Using CSRFToken in header instead 'server': server['id']} r =, data=payload) login_rsp = r.json() assert r.status_code == 200 assert login_rsp['success'] eventContext = login_rsp['eventContext'] print 'eventContext', eventContext # Can get our 'default' group groupId = eventContext['groupId'] # With successful login, request.session will contain # OMERO session details and reconnect to OMERO on # each subsequent call... # List projects: # Limit number of projects per page payload = {'limit': 2} data = session.get(projects_url, params=payload).json() assert len(data['data']) < 3 print "Projects:" for p in data['data']: print ' ', p['@id'], p['Name'] # Create a project: projType = schema_url + '#Project' # Need to specify target group url = save_url + '?group=' + str(groupId) r =, json={'Name': 'API TEST foo', '@type': projType}) assert r.status_code == 201 project = r.json()['data'] project_id = project['@id'] print 'Created Project:', project_id, project['Name'] # Get project by ID project_url = projects_url + str(project_id) + '/' r = session.get(project_url) project = r.json() print project # Update a project project['Name'] = 'API test updated' r = session.put(save_url, json=project) # Delete a project: r = session.delete(project_url)
#python imports import sys import os import time import datetime import subprocess import json import requests from termcolor import colored #third-party imports #No third-party imports #programmer generated imports from logger import logger from fileio import fileio ''' ***BEGIN DESCRIPTION*** Type: Search - Description: Searches for any available data on a target against the Malware Bazaar database. ***END DESCRIPTION*** ''' def POE(POE): if (POE.logging == True): LOG = logger() newlogentry = '' reputation_dump = '' reputation_output_data = '' malwarebazaar = '' if (POE.logging == True): newlogentry = 'Module: malware_bazaar_search' LOG.WriteStrongLog(POE.logdir, POE.targetfilename, newlogentry) if (POE.SHA256 == ''): print (colored('\r\n[x] Unable to execute Malware Bazaar Search - hash value must be SHA256.', 'red', attrs=['bold'])) newlogentry = 'Unable to execute Malware Bazaar Search - hash value must be SHA256' LOG.WriteStrongSubLog(POE.logdir, POE.targetfilename, newlogentry) return -1 global json query_status = '' first_seen = '' last_seen = '' signature = '' sig_count = 0 output = POE.logdir + 'MalwareBazaarSearch.json' FI = fileio() print (colored('\r\n[*] Running Malware Bazaar Search against: ' +, 'white', attrs=['bold'])) malwarebazaar = "" #API URL data = { #Our header params 'query': 'get_info', 'hash': POE.SHA256, } response_dump =, data=data, timeout=15) # Give us the results as JSON if (POE.debug == True): print (response_dump) try: FI.WriteLogFile(output, response_dump.content.decode("utf-8", "ignore")) print (colored('[*] Malware Bazaar data had been written to file here: ', 'green') + colored(output, 'blue', attrs=['bold'])) if ((POE.logging == True) and (POE.nolinksummary == False)): newlogentry = 'Malware Bazaar data has been generated to file here: <a href=\"' + output + '\"> Malware Bazaar Host Output </a>' LOG.WriteSubLog(POE.logdir, POE.targetfilename, newlogentry) except: print (colored('[x] Unable to write Malware Bazaar data to file', 'red', attrs=['bold'])) if (POE.logging == True): newlogentry = 'Unable to write Malware Bazaar data to file' LOG.WriteStrongSubLog(POE.logdir, POE.targetfilename, newlogentry) POE.csv_line += 'N/A,' return -1 try: #Open the file we just downloaded print ('[-] Reading Malware Bazaar file: ' + output.strip()) with open(output.strip(), 'rb') as read_file: data = json.load(read_file, cls=None) read_file.close() # Check what kind of results we have query_status = data["query_status"] print ('[*] query_status: ' + query_status) if (query_status == 'ok'): with open(output.strip(), 'r') as read_file: for string in read_file: if (POE.debug == True): print ('[DEBUG] string: ' + string.strip()) if ('first_seen' in string): first_seen = string.strip() if ('last_seen' in string): last_seen = string.strip() if (('signature' in string) and (sig_count == 0)): signature = string.strip() sig_count += 1 print ('[*] Sample ' + first_seen.replace(',','')) print ('[*] Sample ' + last_seen.replace(',','')) print ('[*] Sample ' + signature.replace(',','')) if (POE.logging == True): newlogentry = 'Sample ' + first_seen.replace(',','') LOG.WriteSubLog(POE.logdir, POE.targetfilename, newlogentry) newlogentry = 'Sample ' + last_seen.replace(',','') LOG.WriteSubLog(POE.logdir, POE.targetfilename, newlogentry) newlogentry = 'Sample ' + signature.replace(',','') LOG.WriteSubLog(POE.logdir, POE.targetfilename, newlogentry) #Can't find anything on this one... elif (query_status == 'hash_not_found'): print (colored('[-] The hash value has not been found...', 'yellow', attrs=['bold'])) if (POE.logging == True): newlogentry = 'No results available for host...' LOG.WriteSubLog(POE.logdir, POE.targetfilename, newlogentry) #Can't find anything on this one... elif (query_status == 'no_results'): print (colored('[-] No results available for host...', 'yellow', attrs=['bold'])) if (POE.logging == True): newlogentry = 'No results available for host...' LOG.WriteSubLog(POE.logdir, POE.targetfilename, newlogentry) #Something weird happened... else: print (colored('[x] An error has occurred...', 'red', attrs=['bold'])) if (POE.logging == True): newlogentry = 'An error has occurred...' LOG.WriteSubLog(POE.logdir, POE.targetfilename, newlogentry) except Exception as e: print (colored('[x] Error: ' + str(e) + ' Terminating...', 'red', attrs=['bold'])) read_file.close() return -1 #Clean up before returning read_file.close() return 0
# BurnMan - a lower mantle toolkit # Copyright (C) 2012-2014, Myhill, R., Heister, T., Unterborn, C., Rose, I. and Cottaar, S. # Released under GPL v2 or later. # This is a standalone program that converts a tabulated version of the Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni data format into the standard burnman format (printed to stdout) import sys def read_dataset(datafile): f=open(datafile,'r') ds=[] for line in f: ds.append(line.decode('utf-8').split()) return ds ds=read_dataset('HHPH2013_endmembers.dat') print '# BurnMan - a lower mantle toolkit' print '# Copyright (C) 2012, 2013, Heister, T., Unterborn, C., Rose, I. and Cottaar, S.' print '# Released under GPL v2 or later.' print '' print '"""' print 'HHPH_2013' print 'Minerals from Holland et al 2013 and references therein' print 'The values in this document are all in S.I. units,' print 'unlike those in the original paper' print 'File autogenerated using' print '"""' print '' print 'from burnman.mineral import Mineral' print 'from burnman.solidsolution import SolidSolution' print 'from burnman.solutionmodel import *' print 'from burnman.processchemistry import read_masses, dictionarize_formula, formula_mass' print '' print 'atomic_masses=read_masses()' print '' print '"""' print 'ENDMEMBERS' print '"""' print '' param_scales = [ -1., -1., #not nubmers, so we won't scale 1.e3, 1.e3, #kJ -> J 1.0, # J/K/mol 1.e-5, # kJ/kbar/mol -> m^3/mol 1.e3, 1.e-2, 1.e3, 1.e3, # kJ -> J and table conversion for b 1.e-5, # table conversion 1.e8, # kbar -> Pa 1.0, # no scale for K'0 1.e-8] #GPa -> Pa # no scale for eta_s formula='0' for idx, m in enumerate(ds): if idx == 0: param_names=m else: print 'class', m[0].lower(), '(Mineral):' print ' def __init__(self):' print ''.join([' formula=\'',m[1],'\'']) print ' formula = dictionarize_formula(formula)' print ' self.params = {' print ''.join([' \'name\': \'', m[0], '\',']) print ' \'formula\': formula,' print ' \'equation_of_state\': \'hp_tmt\',' for pid, param in enumerate(m): if pid > 1 and pid != 3 and pid<6: print ' \''+param_names[pid]+'\':', float(param)*param_scales[pid], ',' print ' \'Cp\':', [round(float(m[i])*param_scales[i],10) for i in [6, 7, 8, 9]], ',' for pid, param in enumerate(m): if pid > 9: print ' \''+param_names[pid]+'\':', float(param)*param_scales[pid], ',' print ' \'n\': sum(formula.values()),' print ' \'molar_mass\': formula_mass(formula, atomic_masses)}' print '' print ' self.uncertainties = {' print ' \''+param_names[3]+'\':', float(m[3])*param_scales[3], '}' print ' Mineral.__init__(self)' print ''
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- try: from httplib import HTTPSConnection from urlparse import urlparse except ImportError: from http.client import HTTPSConnection from urllib.parse import urlparse from json import dumps, loads from django.conf import settings class GCMError(Exception): pass def send(user, message, **kwargs): """ Site: API: Desc: Android notifications """ headers = { "Content-type": "application/json", "Authorization": "key=" + kwargs.pop("gcm_key", settings.GCM_KEY) } hook_url = '' data = { "registration_ids": [user], "data": { "title": kwargs.pop("event"), 'message': message, } } data['data'].update(kwargs) up = urlparse(hook_url) http = HTTPSConnection(up.netloc) http.request( "POST", up.path, headers=headers, body=dumps(data)) response = http.getresponse() if response.status != 200: raise GCMError(response.reason) body = if loads(body).get("failure") > 0: raise GCMError(repr(body)) return True
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: module1 # Purpose: # # Author: Eli # # Created: 06/04/2014 # Copyright: (c) Eli 2014 # Licence: <your licence> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def main(): pass if __name__ == '__main__': main() import sys #This script filters a data file by id's listed one per line in another file ids = open("C:/rnaseq/mirna_data/clusters/10rep_redo_deseq-edger/DEseq2_1cpm3redo_nopara2_logFCall.txt", "r") #Take header from ID file & initialize empty dict head_ids = ids.readline().strip("\n") idlist1 = {} #id_count = 0 #Make dict of ID's (key) & selected variables/annotations (values) for line in ids: name = line.strip('\n').split('\t')[0] #name = name[4:] #if len(name.split('-')) > 3: # name = '-'.join(name.split('-')[1:]) #arm = name.split('-')[-1] #name = '-'.join(['-'.join(name.split('-')[0:2]), arm]) name = name.strip('cin-') #print name #name = name[-5:] #values = '\t'.join(line.strip('\n').split('\t')[1:3]) values = '\t'.join(line.strip('\n').split('\t')[1:4]) #if "ENSCINP" in values: # values2 = values[7:] # values = "ENSCINT" + values2 #values = '\t'.join(line.strip('\n').split('\t')[2:]) #values = values[0:-3] if name in idlist1 and len(name) > 0: if values in idlist1[name]: continue else: idlist1[name].append(values) elif len(name) > 0: idlist1[name] = [values] #id_count+=1 #if id_count%1000==0: # print id_count ids.close #Debugging code below: #print 'idlist1:', len(idlist1) #sorted(idlist1) #print idlist1 idlist1 = ['miR-216'] data = open("C:/rnaseq/coexpression/mirna-mrna/logfc_pearson/1cpm3_5rpkm3_redo2_edger_logfcValues_pearson_targetscan_deseq2logfc_mirs2.txt", "r") #Output merged header & initialize retrieved list + row counter #sys.stdout.write("LogFC.consensus" + '\t' + data.readline()) #sys.stdout.write("LogFC.consensus" + '\t' + '\t'.join(data.readline().split('\t')[0:3]) + '\n') #sys.stdout.write(data.readline()) #data.readline() matched = 0 idlist2 = {} out = 0 #Match ID's between lists and return associated variables for line in data: #print line name = line.strip('\n').split('\t')[6] #print name #name = name.split('|')[3].split('.')[0] # for first ID from BLAST target #name = name[0:7] #if name[-1].isalpha(): # name = name[0:-1] #print name #variables = line.strip('\n').split('\t')[5,9,10] #idlist2[name] = line.split('\t')[1] descr = line.strip('\n').split('\t')[1] #if "," in descr: # descr = descr.split(',')[0] #name = line[1:20] # for trimmed encin gene name #kh = '.'.join(line.split('\t')[1].split(':')[1].split('.')[0:4]) #Loop through input dict ID's and search for "name" in associated variables #for item in idlist1: #Loop through keys (refseq) if name in idlist1: #match primary ID's #for item in idlist1[name].split(' '): sys.stdout.write('\t'.join(idlist1[0]) + '\t' + line) #EXCHANGE ID'S BUT KEEP REST OF LINE/DESCRIPTION # sys.stdout.write(descr + '\t' + '\t'.join(idlist1[name]) + '\n') #else: # sys.stdout.write(descr + '\t' + name + '\n') #print idlist1[name] #sys.stdout.write(line.strip('\n') + '\t' + '\t'.join(idlist1[name]) + '\n') #continue #matched +=1 else: sys.stdout.write(line) #if name in idlist1[item]: #Check for each ID in the name variable # idlist2[name] = variables # values = idlist1[item] # stop = 1 #while stop <= len(values): # if descr in idlist1[name]: # sys.stdout.write(line) # out+=1 #print out #Return items in matched list (idlist2) using associations from idlist1 #for mir in idlist1: # if mir in idlist2: # sys.stdout.write(mir + '\t' + '\t'.join(idlist2[mir]) + '\n') # for mrna in idlist1[mir]: # if mrna in idlist2: # sys.stdout.write(mrna+ '\t' + '\t'.join(idlist2[mrna]) + '\n') #if len(idlist1[name]) > 1: # for value in idlist1[name]: #Print all values on separate lines # sys.stdout.write(value + '\t' + line) #sys.stdout.write(descr + '\t' + value + '\t' + name + '\t' + '\t'.join(variables) + '\n') # sys.stdout.write(value + '\t' + '\t'.join(line.split('\t')[0:])) #sys.stdout.write(value + '\t' + '\t'.join(line.split('\t')[0:3]) + '\n') # out+=1 #else: # sys.stdout.write('\t'.join(idlist1[name]) + '\t' + line) #sys.stdout.write(descr + '\t' + ".\t".join(idlist1[name]) + '\t' + name + '\t' + '\t'.join(variables) + '\n') #print idlist1[name] # sys.stdout.write(('\t'.join(idlist1[name]) + '\t' + '\t'.join(line.split('\t')[0:]))) #sys.stdout.write(name + '\t' + '\t'.join(idlist1[name]) + '\t' + '\t'.join(line.split('\t')[2:])) # out+=1 #print matched, out #print gene #print idlist1[item] # sys.stdout.write(value + "\t" + name + '\t' + line)#'\t' + '\t'.join(line.split('\t')[2:])) # stop+=1 #continue #if name in idlist1: # if descr in idlist1[name]: # sys.stdout.write(line) # descr = idlist1[name] # sys.stdout.write('\t'.join(idlist1[name]) + '\t' + '\t'.join(line.split('\t')[2:])) #sys.stdout.write('\t'.join(line.split('\t')[0:2]) + '\t' + descr + '\n') #del idlist1[name] #else: # pass #sys.stdout.write(line + '\n') #if name in idlist2: # pass #else: #idlist2.append(name) #idlist1.remove(name) #print line #count+=1 #Code for checking remaining values in ID list #for item in idlist1: # print "bakow!" # sys.stdout.write(item + '\t' + idlist2[item] + '\t' + idlist1[item] + '\n') #else: # print line.split('\t')[0] #print len(idlist1), len(idlist2) #print len(idlist1)-len(idlist2) #print len(idlist1) #sorted(idlist2) #print idlist1 #for item in idlist2: # if item in idlist1: # idlist1.remove(item) #print 'idlist1-idlist2', len(idlist1) #for item in idlist1: # print item #cross check input and output lists #idlist3= [] #for thing in idlist1: # if thing in idlist2: # pass # else: # idlist3.append(thing) #print len(idlist3) #print len(idlist4) #idlist4 = [x for x in idlist1 if x not in idlist2]
from __future__ import print_function """ Deprecated. Use ``update-tld-names`` command instead. """ __title__ = 'tld.update' __author__ = 'Artur Barseghyan' __copyright__ = '2013-2015 Artur Barseghyan' __license__ = 'GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1' from tld.utils import update_tld_names _ = lambda x: x if __name__ == '__main__': update_tld_names() print(_("Local TLD names file has been successfully updated!"))
## See "d_bankfull" in update_flow_depth() ######## (2/21/13) ## See "(5/13/10)" for a temporary fix. #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (c) 2001-2014, Scott D. Peckham # # Sep 2014. Wrote new update_diversions(). # New standard names and BMI updates and testing. # Nov 2013. Converted TopoFlow to a Python package. # Feb 2013. Adapted to use EMELI framework. # Jan 2013. Shared scalar doubles are now 0D numpy arrays. # This makes them mutable and allows components with # a reference to them to see them change. # So far: Q_outlet, Q_peak, Q_min... # Jan 2013. Revised handling of input/output names. # Oct 2012. CSDMS Standard Names and BMI. # May 2012. Commented out diversions.update() for now. ####### # May 2012. Shared scalar doubles are now 1-element 1D numpy arrays. # This makes them mutable and allows components with # a reference to them to see them change. # So far: Q_outlet, Q_peak, Q_min... # May 2010. Changes to initialize() and read_cfg_file() # Mar 2010. Changed codes to code, widths to width, # angles to angle, nvals to nval, z0vals to z0val, # slopes to slope (for GUI tools and consistency # across all process components) # Aug 2009. Updates. # Jul 2009. Updates. # May 2009. Updates. # Jan 2009. Converted from IDL. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NB! In the CFG file, change MANNING and LAW_OF_WALL flags to # a single string entry like "friction method". ######### #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Notes: Set self.u in manning and law_of_wall functions ?? # Update friction factor in manning() and law_of_wall() ? # Double check how Rh is used in law_of_the_wall(). # d8_flow has "flow_grids", but this one has "codes". # Make sure values are not stored twice. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTES: This file defines a "base class" for channelized flow # components as well as functions used by most or # all channel flow methods. The methods of this class # (especially "update_velocity") should be over-ridden as # necessary for different methods of modeling channelized # flow. See, # and #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTES: update_free_surface_slope() is called by the # update_velocity() methods of # and #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # class channels_component # # ## get_attribute() # (defined in each channel component) # get_input_var_names() # (5/15/12) # get_output_var_names() # (5/15/12) # get_var_name() # (5/15/12) # get_var_units() # (5/15/12) #----------------------------- # set_constants() # initialize() # update() # finalize() # set_computed_input_vars() # (5/11/10) #---------------------------------- # initialize_d8_vars() ######## # initialize_computed_vars() # initialize_diversion_vars() # (9/22/14) # initialize_outlet_values() # initialize_peak_values() # initialize_min_and_max_values() # (2/3/13) #------------------------------------- # update_R() # update_R_integral() # update_discharge() # update_diversions() # (9/22/14) # update_flow_volume() # update_flow_depth() # update_free_surface_slope() # update_shear_stress() # (9/9/14, depth-slope product) # update_shear_speed() # (9/9/14) # update_trapezoid_Rh() # update_friction_factor() # (9/9/14) #---------------------------------- # update_velocity() # (override as needed) # update_velocity_on_edges() # update_froude_number() # (9/9/14) #---------------------------------- # update_outlet_values() # update_peak_values() # (at the main outlet) # update_Q_out_integral() # (moved here from # update_mins_and_maxes() # (don't add into update()) # check_flow_depth() # check_flow_velocity() #---------------------------------- # open_input_files() # read_input_files() # close_input_files() #---------------------------------- # update_outfile_names() # bundle_output_files() # (9/21/14. Not used yet) # open_output_files() # write_output_files() # close_output_files() # save_grids() # save_pixel_values() #---------------------------------- # manning_formula() # law_of_the_wall() # print_status_report() # remove_bad_slopes() # Functions: # (stand-alone versions of these) # Trapezoid_Rh() # Manning_Formula() # Law_of_the_Wall() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- import numpy as np import os, os.path from topoflow.utils import BMI_base # from topoflow.utils import d8_base from topoflow.utils import file_utils ### from topoflow.utils import model_input from topoflow.utils import model_output from topoflow.utils import ncgs_files ### from topoflow.utils import ncts_files ### from topoflow.utils import rtg_files ### from topoflow.utils import text_ts_files ### from topoflow.utils import tf_d8_base as d8_base from topoflow.utils import tf_utils #----------------------------------------------------------------------- class channels_component( BMI_base.BMI_component ): #----------------------------------------------------------- # Note: rainfall_volume_flux *must* be liquid-only precip. #----------------------------------------------------------- _input_var_names = [ 'atmosphere_water__rainfall_volume_flux', # (P_rain) 'glacier_ice__melt_volume_flux', # (MR) ## 'land_surface__elevation', ## 'land_surface__slope', 'land_surface_water__baseflow_volume_flux', # (GW) 'land_surface_water__evaporation_volume_flux', # (ET) 'soil_surface_water__infiltration_volume_flux', # (IN) 'snowpack__melt_volume_flux', # (SM) 'water-liquid__mass-per-volume_density' ] # (rho_H2O) #------------------------------------------------------------------ # 'canals__count', # n_canals # 'canals_entrance__x_coordinate', # canals_in_x # 'canals_entrance__y_coordinate', # canals_in_y # 'canals_entrance_water__volume_fraction', # Q_canals_fraction # 'canals_exit__x_coordinate', # canals_out_x # 'canals_exit__y_coordinate', # canals_out_y # 'canals_exit_water__volume_flow_rate', # Q_canals_out # 'sinks__count', # n_sinks # 'sinks__x_coordinate', # sinks_x # 'sinks__y_coordinate', # sinks_y # 'sinks_water__volume_flow_rate', # Q_sinks # 'sources__count', # n_sources # 'sources__x_coordinate', # sources_x # 'sources__y_coordinate', # sources_y # 'sources_water__volume_flow_rate' ] # Q_sources #---------------------------------- # Maybe add these out_vars later. #---------------------------------- # ['time_sec', 'time_min' ] _output_var_names = [ 'basin_outlet_water_flow__half_of_fanning_friction_factor', # f_outlet 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__mean_depth', # d_outlet 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__peak_time_of_depth', # Td_peak 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__peak_time_of_volume_flow_rate', # T_peak 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__peak_time_of_volume_flux', # Tu_peak 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__time_integral_of_volume_flow_rate', # vol_Q 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__time_max_of_mean_depth', # d_peak 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__time_max_of_volume_flow_rate', # Q_peak 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__time_max_of_volume_flux', # u_peak 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__volume_flow_rate', # Q_outlet 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__volume_flux', # u_outlet #-------------------------------------------------- 'canals_entrance_water__volume_flow_rate', # Q_canals_in #-------------------------------------------------- 'channel_bottom_surface__slope', # S_bed 'channel_bottom_water_flow__domain_max_of_log_law_roughness_length', # z0val_max 'channel_bottom_water_flow__domain_min_of_log_law_roughness_length', # z0val_min 'channel_bottom_water_flow__log_law_roughness_length', # z0val 'channel_bottom_water_flow__magnitude_of_shear_stress', # tau 'channel_bottom_water_flow__shear_speed', # u_star 'channel_centerline__sinuosity', # sinu 'channel_water__volume', # vol 'channel_water_flow__froude_number', # froude 'channel_water_flow__half_of_fanning_friction_factor', # f 'channel_water_flow__domain_max_of_manning_n_parameter', # nval_max 'channel_water_flow__domain_min_of_manning_n_parameter', # nval_min 'channel_water_flow__manning_n_parameter', # nval 'channel_water_surface__slope', # S_free #--------------------------------------------------- # These might only be available at the end of run. #--------------------------------------------------- 'channel_water_x-section__domain_max_of_mean_depth', # d_max 'channel_water_x-section__domain_min_of_mean_depth', # d_min 'channel_water_x-section__domain_max_of_volume_flow_rate', # Q_max 'channel_water_x-section__domain_min_of_volume_flow_rate', # Q_min 'channel_water_x-section__domain_max_of_volume_flux', # u_max 'channel_water_x-section__domain_min_of_volume_flux', # u_min #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 'channel_water_x-section__hydraulic_radius', # Rh 'channel_water_x-section__initial_mean_depth', # d0 'channel_water_x-section__mean_depth', # d 'channel_water_x-section__volume_flow_rate', # Q 'channel_water_x-section__volume_flux', # u 'channel_water_x-section__wetted_area', # A_wet 'channel_water_x-section__wetted_perimeter', # P_wet ## 'channel_water_x-section_top__width', # (not used) 'channel_x-section_trapezoid_bottom__width', # width 'channel_x-section_trapezoid_side__flare_angle', # angle 'land_surface_water__runoff_volume_flux', # R 'land_surface_water__domain_time_integral_of_runoff_volume_flux', # vol_R 'model__time_step', # dt 'model_grid_cell__area' ] # da _var_name_map = { 'atmosphere_water__rainfall_volume_flux': 'P_rain', 'glacier_ice__melt_volume_flux': 'MR', ## 'land_surface__elevation': 'DEM', ## 'land_surface__slope': 'S_bed', 'land_surface_water__baseflow_volume_flux': 'GW', 'land_surface_water__evaporation_volume_flux': 'ET', 'soil_surface_water__infiltration_volume_flux': 'IN', 'snowpack__melt_volume_flux': 'SM', 'water-liquid__mass-per-volume_density': 'rho_H2O', #------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'basin_outlet_water_flow__half_of_fanning_friction_factor':'f_outlet', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__mean_depth': 'd_outlet', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__peak_time_of_depth': 'Td_peak', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__peak_time_of_volume_flow_rate': 'T_peak', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__peak_time_of_volume_flux': 'Tu_peak', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__volume_flow_rate': 'Q_outlet', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__volume_flux': 'u_outlet', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__time_integral_of_volume_flow_rate': 'vol_Q', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__time_max_of_mean_depth': 'd_peak', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__time_max_of_volume_flow_rate':'Q_peak', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__time_max_of_volume_flux': 'u_peak', #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'canals_entrance_water__volume_flow_rate': 'Q_canals_in', #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'channel_bottom_surface__slope': 'S_bed', 'channel_bottom_water_flow__domain_max_of_log_law_roughness_length': 'z0val_max', 'channel_bottom_water_flow__domain_min_of_log_law_roughness_length': 'z0val_min', 'channel_bottom_water_flow__log_law_roughness_length': 'z0val', 'channel_bottom_water_flow__magnitude_of_shear_stress': 'tau', 'channel_bottom_water_flow__shear_speed': 'u_star', 'channel_centerline__sinuosity': 'sinu', 'channel_water__volume': 'vol', 'channel_water_flow__domain_max_of_manning_n_parameter': 'nval_max', 'channel_water_flow__domain_min_of_manning_n_parameter': 'nval_min', 'channel_water_flow__froude_number': 'froude', 'channel_water_flow__half_of_fanning_friction_factor': 'f', 'channel_water_flow__manning_n_parameter': 'nval', 'channel_water_surface__slope': 'S_free', #----------------------------------------------------------------------- 'channel_water_x-section__domain_max_of_mean_depth': 'd_max', 'channel_water_x-section__domain_min_of_mean_depth': 'd_min', 'channel_water_x-section__domain_max_of_volume_flow_rate': 'Q_max', 'channel_water_x-section__domain_min_of_volume_flow_rate': 'Q_min', 'channel_water_x-section__domain_max_of_volume_flux': 'u_max', 'channel_water_x-section__domain_min_of_volume_flux': 'u_min', #----------------------------------------------------------------------- 'channel_water_x-section__hydraulic_radius': 'Rh', 'channel_water_x-section__initial_mean_depth': 'd0', 'channel_water_x-section__mean_depth': 'd', 'channel_water_x-section__volume_flow_rate': 'Q', 'channel_water_x-section__volume_flux': 'u', 'channel_water_x-section__wetted_area': 'A_wet', 'channel_water_x-section__wetted_perimeter': 'P_wet', ## 'channel_water_x-section_top__width': # (not used) 'channel_x-section_trapezoid_bottom__width': 'width', #### 'channel_x-section_trapezoid_side__flare_angle': 'angle', #### 'land_surface_water__domain_time_integral_of_runoff_volume_flux': 'vol_R', 'land_surface_water__runoff_volume_flux': 'R', 'model__time_step': 'dt', 'model_grid_cell__area': 'da', #------------------------------------------------------------------ 'canals__count': 'n_canals', 'canals_entrance__x_coordinate': 'canals_in_x', 'canals_entrance__y_coordinate': 'canals_in_y', 'canals_entrance_water__volume_fraction': 'Q_canals_fraction', 'canals_exit__x_coordinate': 'canals_out_x', 'canals_exit__y_coordinate': 'canals_out_y', 'canals_exit_water__volume_flow_rate': 'Q_canals_out', 'sinks__count': 'n_sinks', 'sinks__x_coordinate': 'sinks_x', 'sinks__y_coordinate': 'sinks_y', 'sinks_water__volume_flow_rate': 'Q_sinks', 'sources__count': 'n_sources', 'sources__x_coordinate': 'sources_x', 'sources__y_coordinate': 'sources_y', 'sources_water__volume_flow_rate': 'Q_sources' } #------------------------------------------------ # Create an "inverse var name map" # inv_map = dict(zip(map.values(), map.keys())) #------------------------------------------------ ## _long_name_map = dict( zip(_var_name_map.values(), ## _var_name_map.keys() ) ) _var_units_map = { 'atmosphere_water__rainfall_volume_flux': 'm s-1', 'glacier_ice__melt_volume_flux': 'm s-1', ## 'land_surface__elevation': 'm', ## 'land_surface__slope': '1', 'land_surface_water__baseflow_volume_flux': 'm s-1', 'land_surface_water__evaporation_volume_flux': 'm s-1', 'soil_surface_water__infiltration_volume_flux': 'm s-1', 'snowpack__melt_volume_flux': 'm s-1', 'water-liquid__mass-per-volume_density': 'kg m-3', #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'basin_outlet_water_flow__half_of_fanning_friction_factor': '1', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__mean_depth': 'm', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__peak_time_of_depth': 'min', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__peak_time_of_volume_flow_rate': 'min', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__peak_time_of_volume_flux': 'min', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__time_integral_of_volume_flow_rate': 'm3', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__time_max_of_mean_depth': 'm', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__time_max_of_volume_flow_rate': 'm3 s-1', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__time_max_of_volume_flux': 'm s-1', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__volume_flow_rate': 'm3', 'basin_outlet_water_x-section__volume_flux': 'm s-1', #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'canals_entrance_water__volume_flow_rate': 'm3 s-1', #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'channel_bottom_surface__slope': '1', 'channel_bottom_water_flow__domain_max_of_log_law_roughness_length': 'm', 'channel_bottom_water_flow__domain_min_of_log_law_roughness_length': 'm', 'channel_bottom_water_flow__log_law_roughness_length': 'm', 'channel_bottom_water_flow__magnitude_of_shear_stress': 'kg m-1 s-2', 'channel_bottom_water_flow__shear_speed': 'm s-1', 'channel_centerline__sinuosity': '1', 'channel_water__volume': 'm3', 'channel_water_flow__froude_number': '1', 'channel_water_flow__half_of_fanning_friction_factor': '1', 'channel_water_flow__manning_n_parameter': 'm-1/3 s', 'channel_water_flow__domain_max_of_manning_n_parameter': 'm-1/3 s', 'channel_water_flow__domain_min_of_manning_n_parameter': 'm-1/3 s', 'channel_water_surface__slope': '1', #-------------------------------------------------------------------- 'channel_water_x-section__domain_max_of_mean_depth': 'm', 'channel_water_x-section__domain_min_of_mean_depth': 'm', 'channel_water_x-section__domain_max_of_volume_flow_rate': 'm3 s-1', 'channel_water_x-section__domain_min_of_volume_flow_rate': 'm3 s-1', 'channel_water_x-section__domain_max_of_volume_flux': 'm s-1', 'channel_water_x-section__domain_min_of_volume_flux': 'm s-1', #-------------------------------------------------------------------- 'channel_water_x-section__hydraulic_radius': 'm', 'channel_water_x-section__initial_mean_depth': 'm', 'channel_water_x-section__mean_depth': 'm', 'channel_water_x-section__volume_flow_rate': 'm3 s-1', 'channel_water_x-section__volume_flux': 'm s-1', 'channel_water_x-section__wetted_area': 'm2', 'channel_water_x-section__wetted_perimeter': 'm', 'channel_x-section_trapezoid_bottom__width': 'm', 'channel_x-section_trapezoid_side__flare_angle': 'rad', # CHECKED 'land_surface_water__domain_time_integral_of_runoff_volume_flux': 'm3', 'land_surface_water__runoff_volume_flux': 'm s-1', 'model__time_step': 's', 'model_grid_cell__area': 'm2', #------------------------------------------------------------------ 'canals__count': '1', 'canals_entrance__x_coordinate': 'm', 'canals_entrance__y_coordinate': 'm', 'canals_entrance_water__volume_fraction': '1', 'canals_exit__x_coordinate': 'm', 'canals_exit__y_coordinate': 'm', 'canals_exit_water__volume_flow_rate': 'm3 s-1', 'sinks__count': '1', 'sinks__x_coordinate': 'm', 'sinks__y_coordinate': 'm', 'sinks_water__volume_flow_rate': 'm3 s-1', 'sources__count': '1', 'sources__x_coordinate': 'm', 'sources__y_coordinate': 'm', 'sources_water__volume_flow_rate': 'm3 s-1' } #------------------------------------------------ # Return NumPy string arrays vs. Python lists ? #------------------------------------------------ ## _input_var_names = np.array( _input_var_names ) ## _output_var_names = np.array( _output_var_names ) #------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_input_var_names(self): #-------------------------------------------------------- # Note: These are currently variables needed from other # components vs. those read from files or GUI. #-------------------------------------------------------- return self._input_var_names # get_input_var_names() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_output_var_names(self): return self._output_var_names # get_output_var_names() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_var_name(self, long_var_name): return self._var_name_map[ long_var_name ] # get_var_name() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_var_units(self, long_var_name): return self._var_units_map[ long_var_name ] # get_var_units() #------------------------------------------------------------------- ## def get_var_type(self, long_var_name): ## ## #--------------------------------------- ## # So far, all vars have type "double", ## # but use the one in BMI_base instead. ## #--------------------------------------- ## return 'float64' ## ## # get_var_type() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_constants(self): #------------------------ # Define some constants #------------------------ self.g = np.float64(9.81) # (gravitation const.) self.aval = np.float64(0.476) # (integration const.) self.kappa = np.float64(0.408) # (von Karman's const.) self.law_const = np.sqrt(self.g) / self.kappa self.one_third = np.float64(1.0) / 3.0 self.two_thirds = np.float64(2.0) / 3.0 self.deg_to_rad = np.pi / 180.0 # set_constants() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(self, cfg_file=None, mode="nondriver", SILENT=False): if not(SILENT): print ' ' print 'Channels component: Initializing...' self.status = 'initializing' # (OpenMI 2.0 convention) self.mode = mode self.cfg_file = cfg_file #----------------------------------------------- # Load component parameters from a config file #----------------------------------------------- self.set_constants() # (12/7/09) # print 'CHANNELS calling initialize_config_vars()...' self.initialize_config_vars() # print 'CHANNELS calling read_grid_info()...' self.read_grid_info() #print 'CHANNELS calling initialize_basin_vars()...' self.initialize_basin_vars() # (5/14/10) #----------------------------------------- # This must come before "Disabled" test. #----------------------------------------- # print 'CHANNELS calling initialize_time_vars()...' self.initialize_time_vars() #---------------------------------- # Has component been turned off ? #---------------------------------- if (self.comp_status == 'Disabled'): if not(SILENT): print 'Channels component: Disabled.' self.SAVE_Q_GRIDS = False # (It is True by default.) self.SAVE_Q_PIXELS = False # (It is True by default.) self.DONE = True self.status = 'initialized' # (OpenMI 2.0 convention) return ## print '################################################' ## print 'min(d0), max(d0) =', self.d0.min(), self.d0.max() ## print '################################################' #--------------------------------------------- # Open input files needed to initialize vars #--------------------------------------------- # Can't move read_input_files() to start of # update(), since initial values needed here. #--------------------------------------------- # print 'CHANNELS calling open_input_files()...' self.open_input_files() print 'CHANNELS calling read_input_files()...' self.read_input_files() #----------------------- # Initialize variables #----------------------- print 'CHANNELS calling initialize_d8_vars()...' self.initialize_d8_vars() # (depend on D8 flow grid) print 'CHANNELS calling initialize_computed_vars()...' self.initialize_computed_vars() #-------------------------------------------------- # (5/12/10) I think this is obsolete now. #-------------------------------------------------- # Make sure self.Q_ts_file is not NULL (12/22/05) # This is only output file that is set by default # and is still NULL if user hasn't opened the # output var dialog for the channel process. #-------------------------------------------------- ## if (self.SAVE_Q_PIXELS and (self.Q_ts_file == '')): ## self.Q_ts_file = (self.case_prefix + '_0D-Q.txt') self.open_output_files() self.status = 'initialized' # (OpenMI 2.0 convention) # initialize() #------------------------------------------------------------------- ## def update(self, dt=-1.0, time_seconds=None): def update(self, dt=-1.0): #--------------------------------------------- # Note that u and d from previous time step # must be used on RHS of the equations here. #--------------------------------------------- self.status = 'updating' # (OpenMI 2.0 convention) #------------------------------------------------------- # There may be times where we want to call this method # even if component is not the driver. But note that # the TopoFlow driver also makes this same call. #------------------------------------------------------- if (self.mode == 'driver'): self.print_time_and_value(self.Q_outlet, 'Q_out', '[m^3/s]') ### interval=0.5) # [seconds] # For testing (5/19/12) # self.print_time_and_value(self.Q_outlet, 'Q_out', '[m^3/s] CHANNEL') ## DEBUG = True DEBUG = False #------------------------- # Update computed values #------------------------- if (DEBUG): print '#### Calling update_R()...' self.update_R() if (DEBUG): print '#### Calling update_R_integral()...' self.update_R_integral() if (DEBUG): print '#### Calling update_discharge()...' self.update_discharge() if (DEBUG): print '#### Calling update_diversions()...' self.update_diversions() if (DEBUG): print '#### Calling update_flow_volume()...' self.update_flow_volume() if (DEBUG): print '#### Calling update_flow_depth()...' self.update_flow_depth() #----------------------------------------------------------------- if not(self.DYNAMIC_WAVE): if (DEBUG): print '#### Calling update_trapezoid_Rh()...' self.update_trapezoid_Rh() # print 'Rhmin, Rhmax =', self.Rh.min(), self.Rh.max()a #----------------------------------------------------------------- # (9/9/14) Moved this here from update_velocity() methods. #----------------------------------------------------------------- if not(self.KINEMATIC_WAVE): if (DEBUG): print '#### Calling update_free_surface_slope()...' self.update_free_surface_slope() if (DEBUG): print '#### Calling update_shear_stress()...' self.update_shear_stress() if (DEBUG): print '#### Calling update_shear_speed()...' self.update_shear_speed() #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Must update friction factor before velocity for DYNAMIC_WAVE. #----------------------------------------------------------------- if (DEBUG): print '#### Calling update_friction_factor()...' self.update_friction_factor() #----------------------------------------------------------------- if (DEBUG): print '#### Calling update_velocity()...' self.update_velocity() self.update_velocity_on_edges() # (set to zero) if (DEBUG): print '#### Calling update_froude_number()...' self.update_froude_number() #----------------------------------------------------------------- ## print 'Rmin, Rmax =', self.R.min(), self.R.max() ## print 'Qmin, Qmax =', self.Q.min(), self.Q.max() ## print 'umin, umax =', self.u.min(), self.u.max() ## print 'dmin, dmax =', self.d.min(), self.d.max() ## print 'nmin, nmax =', self.nval.min(), self.nval.max() ## print 'Rhmin, Rhmax =', self.Rh.min(), self.Rh.max() ## print 'Smin, Smax =', self.S_bed.min(), self.S_bed.max() if (DEBUG): print '#### Calling update_outlet_values()...' self.update_outlet_values() if (DEBUG): print '#### Calling update peak values()...' self.update_peak_values() if (DEBUG): print '#### Calling update_Q_out_integral()...' self.update_Q_out_integral() #--------------------------------------------- # This takes extra time and is now done # only at the end, in finalize(). (8/19/13) #--------------------------------------------- # But then "topoflow_driver" doesn't get # correctly updated values for some reason. #--------------------------------------------- ## self.update_mins_and_maxes() #------------------------ # Check computed values #------------------------ D_OK = self.check_flow_depth() U_OK = self.check_flow_velocity() OK = (D_OK and U_OK) #------------------------------------------- # Read from files as needed to update vars #----------------------------------------------------- # NB! This is currently not needed for the "channel # process" because values don't change over time and # read_input_files() is called by initialize(). #----------------------------------------------------- # if (self.time_index > 0): # self.read_input_files() #---------------------------------------------- # Write user-specified data to output files ? #---------------------------------------------- # Components use own self.time_sec by default. #----------------------------------------------- if (DEBUG): print '#### Calling write_output_files()...' self.write_output_files() ## self.write_output_files( time_seconds ) #----------------------------- # Update internal clock # after write_output_files() #----------------------------- if (DEBUG): print '#### Calling update_time()' self.update_time( dt ) if (OK): self.status = 'updated' # (OpenMI 2.0 convention) else: self.status = 'failed' self.DONE = True # update() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def finalize(self): #--------------------------------------------------- # We can compute mins and maxes in the final grids # here, but the framework will not then pass them # to any component (e.g. topoflow_driver) that may # need them. #--------------------------------------------------- REPORT = True self.update_mins_and_maxes( REPORT=REPORT ) ## (2/6/13) self.print_final_report(comp_name='Channels component') self.status = 'finalizing' # (OpenMI) self.close_input_files() # TopoFlow input "data streams" self.close_output_files() self.status = 'finalized' # (OpenMI) #--------------------------- # Release all of the ports #---------------------------------------- # Make this call in "finalize()" method # of the component's CCA Imple file #---------------------------------------- # self.release_cca_ports( d_services ) # finalize() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_computed_input_vars(self): #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Note: The initialize() method calls initialize_config_vars() # (in, which calls this method at the end. #-------------------------------------------------------------- cfg_extension = self.get_attribute( 'cfg_extension' ).lower() # cfg_extension = self.get_cfg_extension().lower() self.KINEMATIC_WAVE = ("kinematic" in cfg_extension) self.DIFFUSIVE_WAVE = ("diffusive" in cfg_extension) self.DYNAMIC_WAVE = ("dynamic" in cfg_extension) ########################################################## # (5/17/12) If MANNING, we need to set z0vals to -1 so # they are always defined for use with new framework. ########################################################## if (self.MANNING): if (self.nval != None): self.nval = np.float64( self.nval ) #### 10/9/10, NEED self.nval_min = self.nval.min() self.nval_max = self.nval.max() #----------------------------------- self.z0val = np.float64(-1) self.z0val_min = np.float64(-1) self.z0val_max = np.float64(-1) if (self.LAW_OF_WALL): if (self.z0val != None): self.z0val = np.float64( self.z0val ) #### (10/9/10) self.z0val_min = self.z0val.min() self.z0val_max = self.z0val.max() #----------------------------------- self.nval = np.float64(-1) self.nval_min = np.float64(-1) self.nval_max = np.float64(-1) #------------------------------------------- # These currently can't be set to anything # else in the GUI, but need to be defined. #------------------------------------------- self.code_type = 'Grid' self.slope_type = 'Grid' #--------------------------------------------------------- # Make sure that all "save_dts" are larger or equal to # the specified process dt. There is no point in saving # results more often than they change. # Issue a message to this effect if any are smaller ?? #--------------------------------------------------------- self.save_grid_dt = np.maximum(self.save_grid_dt, self.dt) self.save_pixels_dt = np.maximum(self.save_pixels_dt, self.dt) #--------------------------------------------------- # This is now done in CSDMS_base.read_config_gui() # for any var_name that starts with "SAVE_". #--------------------------------------------------- # self.SAVE_Q_GRID = (self.SAVE_Q_GRID == 'Yes') # set_computed_input_vars() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize_d8_vars(self): #--------------------------------------------- # Compute and store a variety of (static) D8 # flow grid variables. Embed structure into # the "channel_base" component. #--------------------------------------------- self.d8 = d8_base.d8_component() ############################################### # (5/13/10) Do next line here for now, until # the d8 cfg_file includes static prefix. # Same is done in ############################################### # tf_d8_base.read_grid_info() also needs # in_directory to be set. (10/27/11) ############################################### #-------------------------------------------------- # D8 component builds its cfg filename from these #-------------------------------------------------- self.d8.site_prefix = self.site_prefix self.d8.in_directory = self.in_directory self.d8.initialize( cfg_file=None, SILENT=self.SILENT, REPORT=self.REPORT ) ## self.code = self.d8.code # Don't need this. #------------------------------------------- # We'll need this once we shift from using # "" to the new "" #------------------------------------------- # self.d8.update(self.time, SILENT=False, REPORT=True) # initialize_d8_vars() #------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize_computed_vars(self): #----------------------------------------------- # Convert bank angles from degrees to radians. #----------------------------------------------- self.angle = self.angle * self.deg_to_rad # [radians] #------------------------------------------------ # 8/29/05. Multiply ds by (unitless) sinuosity # Orig. ds is used by subsurface flow #------------------------------------------------ # NB! We should also divide slopes in S_bed by # the sinuosity, as now done here. #---------------------------------------------------- # NB! This saves a modified version of ds that # is only used within the "channels" component. # The original "ds" is stored within the # topoflow model component and is used for # subsurface flow, etc. #---------------------------------------------------- ### self.d8.ds_chan = (self.sinu * ds) ### self.ds = (self.sinu * self.d8.ds) self.d8.ds = (self.sinu * self.d8.ds) ### USE LESS MEMORY ################################################### ################################################### ### S_bed = (S_bed / self.sinu) #************* self.slope = (self.slope / self.sinu) self.S_bed = self.slope ################################################### ################################################### #--------------------------- # Initialize spatial grids #----------------------------------------------- # NB! It is not a good idea to initialize the # water depth grid to a nonzero scalar value. #----------------------------------------------- print 'Initializing u, f, d grids...' self.u = np.zeros([self.ny, self.nx], dtype='Float64') self.f = np.zeros([self.ny, self.nx], dtype='Float64') self.d = np.zeros([self.ny, self.nx], dtype='Float64') + self.d0 ######################################################### # Add this on (2/3/13) so make the TF driver happy # during its initialize when it gets reference to R. # But in "update_R()", be careful not to break the ref. # "Q" may be subject to the same issue. ######################################################### self.Q = np.zeros([self.ny, self.nx], dtype='Float64') self.R = np.zeros([self.ny, self.nx], dtype='Float64') #--------------------------------------------------- # Initialize new grids. Is this needed? (9/13/14) #--------------------------------------------------- self.tau = np.zeros([self.ny, self.nx], dtype='Float64') self.u_star = np.zeros([self.ny, self.nx], dtype='Float64') self.froude = np.zeros([self.ny, self.nx], dtype='Float64') #--------------------------------------- # These are used to check mass balance #--------------------------------------- self.vol_R = self.initialize_scalar( 0, dtype='float64') self.vol_Q = self.initialize_scalar( 0, dtype='float64') #------------------------------------------- # Make sure all slopes are valid & nonzero # since otherwise flow will accumulate #------------------------------------------- if (self.KINEMATIC_WAVE): self.remove_bad_slopes() #(3/8/07. Only Kin Wave case) #---------------------------------------- # Initial volume of water in each pixel #----------------------------------------------------------- # Note: angles were read as degrees & converted to radians #----------------------------------------------------------- L2 = self.d * np.tan(self.angle) self.A_wet = self.d * (self.width + L2) self.P_wet = self.width + (np.float64(2) * self.d / np.cos(self.angle) ) self.vol = self.A_wet * self.d8.ds # [m3] #------------------------------------------------------- # Note: depth is often zero at the start of a run, and # both width and then P_wet are also zero in places. # Therefore initialize Rh as shown. #------------------------------------------------------- self.Rh = np.zeros([self.ny, self.nx], dtype='Float64') ## self.Rh = self.A_wet / self.P_wet # [m] ## print 'P_wet.min() =', self.P_wet.min() ## print 'width.min() =', self.width.min() ## self.initialize_diversion_vars() # (9/22/14) self.initialize_outlet_values() self.initialize_peak_values() self.initialize_min_and_max_values() ## (2/3/13) ######################################### # Maybe save all refs in a dictionary # called "self_values" here ? (2/19/13) # Use a "reverse" var_name mapping? # inv_map = dict(zip(map.values(), map.keys())) ######################################### ## w = np.where( self.width <= 0 ) ## nw = np.size( w[0] ) # (This is correct for 1D or 2D.) ## if (nw > 0): ## print 'WARNING:' ## print 'Number of locations where width==0 =', nw ## if (nw < 10): ## print 'locations =', w ## print ' ' # initialize_computed_vars() #------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize_diversion_vars(self): #----------------------------------------- # Compute source IDs from xy coordinates #----------------------------------------- source_rows = np.int32( self.sources_y / self.ny ) source_cols = np.int32( self.sources_x / self.nx ) self.source_IDs = (source_rows, source_cols) ## self.source_IDs = (source_rows * self.nx) + source_cols #--------------------------------------- # Compute sink IDs from xy coordinates #--------------------------------------- sink_rows = np.int32( self.sinks_y / self.ny ) sink_cols = np.int32( self.sinks_x / self.nx ) self.sink_IDs = (sink_rows, sink_cols) ## self.sink_IDs = (sink_rows * self.nx) + sink_cols #------------------------------------------------- # Compute canal entrance IDs from xy coordinates #------------------------------------------------- canal_in_rows = np.int32( self.canals_in_y / self.ny ) canal_in_cols = np.int32( self.canals_in_x / self.nx ) self.canal_in_IDs = (canal_in_rows, canal_in_cols) ## self.canal_in_IDs = (canal_in_rows * self.nx) + canal_in_cols #--------------------------------------------- # Compute canal exit IDs from xy coordinates #--------------------------------------------- canal_out_rows = np.int32( self.canals_out_y / self.ny ) canal_out_cols = np.int32( self.canals_out_x / self.nx ) self.canal_out_IDs = (canal_out_rows, canal_out_cols) ## self.canal_out_IDs = (canal_out_rows * self.nx) + canal_out_cols #-------------------------------------------------- # This will be computed from Q_canal_fraction and # self.Q and then passed back to Diversions #-------------------------------------------------- self.Q_canals_in = np.array( self.n_sources, dtype='float64' ) # initialize_diversion_vars() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize_outlet_values(self): #--------------------------------------------------- # Note: These are retrieved and used by TopoFlow # for the stopping condition. TopoFlow # receives a reference to these, but in # order to see the values change they need # to be stored as mutable, 1D numpy arrays. #--------------------------------------------------- # Note: Q_last is internal to TopoFlow. #--------------------------------------------------- # self.Q_outlet = self.Q[ self.outlet_ID ] self.Q_outlet = self.initialize_scalar(0, dtype='float64') self.u_outlet = self.initialize_scalar(0, dtype='float64') self.d_outlet = self.initialize_scalar(0, dtype='float64') self.f_outlet = self.initialize_scalar(0, dtype='float64') # initialize_outlet_values() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize_peak_values(self): #------------------------- # Initialize peak values #------------------------- self.Q_peak = self.initialize_scalar(0, dtype='float64') self.T_peak = self.initialize_scalar(0, dtype='float64') self.u_peak = self.initialize_scalar(0, dtype='float64') self.Tu_peak = self.initialize_scalar(0, dtype='float64') self.d_peak = self.initialize_scalar(0, dtype='float64') self.Td_peak = self.initialize_scalar(0, dtype='float64') # initialize_peak_values() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize_min_and_max_values(self): #------------------------------- # Initialize min & max values # (2/3/13), for new framework. #------------------------------- v = 1e6 self.Q_min = self.initialize_scalar(v, dtype='float64') self.Q_max = self.initialize_scalar(-v, dtype='float64') self.u_min = self.initialize_scalar(v, dtype='float64') self.u_max = self.initialize_scalar(-v, dtype='float64') self.d_min = self.initialize_scalar(v, dtype='float64') self.d_max = self.initialize_scalar(-v, dtype='float64') # initialize_min_and_max_values() #------------------------------------------------------------------- # def update_excess_rainrate(self): def update_R(self): #---------------------------------------- # Compute the "excess rainrate", R. # Each term must have same units: [m/s] # Sum = net gain/loss rate over pixel. #---------------------------------------------------- # R can be positive or negative. If negative, then # water is removed from the surface at rate R until # surface water is consumed. #-------------------------------------------------------------- # P = precip_rate [m/s] (converted by read_input_data()). # SM = snowmelt rate [m/s] # GW = seep rate [m/s] (water_table intersects surface) # ET = evap rate [m/s] # IN = infil rate [m/s] # MR = icemelt rate [m/s] #------------------------------------------------------------ # Use refs to other comp vars from new framework. (5/18/12) #------------------------------------------------------------ P = self.P_rain # (This is now liquid-only precip. 9/14/14) SM = self.SM GW = self.GW ET = self.ET IN = self.IN MR = self.MR ## if (self.DEBUG): ## print 'At time:', self.time_min, ', P =', P, '[m/s]' #-------------- # For testing #-------------- ## print '(Pmin, Pmax) =', P.min(), P.max() ## print '(SMmin, SMmax) =', SM.min(), SM.max() ## print '(GWmin, GWmax) =', GW.min(), GW.max() ## print '(ETmin, ETmax) =', ET.min(), ET.max() ## print '(INmin, INmax) =', IN.min(), IN.max() ## print '(MRmin, MRmax) =', MR.min(), MR.max() ## # print '(Hmin, Hmax) =', H.min(), H.max() ## print ' ' self.R = (P + SM + GW + MR) - (ET + IN) # update_R() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_R_integral(self): #----------------------------------------------- # Update mass total for R, sum over all pixels #----------------------------------------------- volume = np.double(self.R * self.da * self.dt) # [m^3] if (np.size(volume) == 1): self.vol_R += (volume * self.rti.n_pixels) else: self.vol_R += np.sum(volume) # update_R_integral() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_discharge(self): #--------------------------------------------------------- # The discharge grid, Q, gives the flux of water _out_ # of each grid cell. This entire amount then flows # into one of the 8 neighbor grid cells, as indicated # by the D8 flow code. The update_flow_volume() function # is called right after this one in update() and uses # the Q grid. #--------------------------------------------------------- # 7/15/05. The cross-sectional area of a trapezoid is # given by: Ac = d * (w + (d * tan(theta))), # where w is the bottom width. If we were to # use: Ac = w * d, then we'd have Ac=0 when w=0. # We also need angle units to be radians. #--------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------- # Compute the discharge grid #------------------------------------------------------ # A_wet is initialized in initialize_computed_vars(). # A_wet is updated in update_trapezoid_Rh(). #------------------------------------------------------ ### self.Q = np.float64(self.u * A_wet) self.Q[:] = self.u * self.A_wet ## (2/19/13, in place) #-------------- # For testing #-------------- ## print '(umin, umax) =', self.u.min(), self.u.max() ## print '(d0min, d0max) =', self.d0.min(), self.d0.max() ## print '(dmin, dmax) =', self.d.min(), self.d.max() ## print '(amin, amax) =', self.angle.min(), self.angle.max() ## print '(wmin, wmax) =', self.width.min(), self.width.max() ## print '(Qmin, Qmax) =', self.Q.min(), self.Q.max() ## print '(L2min, L2max) =', L2.min(), L2.max() ## print '(Qmin, Qmax) =', self.Q.min(), self.Q.max() #-------------- # For testing #-------------- # print 'dmin, dmax =', self.d.min(), self.d.max() # print 'umin, umax =', self.u.min(), self.u.max() # print 'Qmin, Qmax =', self.Q.min(), self.Q.max() # print ' ' # print 'u(outlet) =', self.u[self.outlet_ID] # print 'Q(outlet) =', self.Q[self.outlet_ID] ######## #---------------------------------------------------- # Wherever depth is less than z0, assume that water # is not flowing and set u and Q to zero. # However, we also need (d gt 0) to avoid a divide # by zero problem, even when numerators are zero. #---------------------------------------------------- # FLOWING = (d > (z0/aval)) #*** FLOWING[self.d8.noflow_IDs] = False ;****** # u = (u * FLOWING) # Q = (Q * FLOWING) # d = np.maximum(d, 0.0) ;(allow depths lt z0, if gt 0.) # update_discharge() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_diversions(self): #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Note: The Channel component requests the following input # vars from the Diversions component by including # them in its "get_input_vars()": # (1) Q_sources, Q_sources_x, Q_sources_y # (2) Q_sinks, Q_sinks_x, Q_sinks_y # (3) Q_canals_out, Q_canals_out_x, Q_canals_out_y # (4) Q_canals_fraction, Q_canals_in_x, Q_canals_in_y. # source_IDs are computed from (x,y) coordinates during # initialize(). # # Diversions component needs to get Q_canals_in from the # Channel component. #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Note: This *must* be called after update_discharge() and # before update_flow_volume(). #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Note: The Q grid stores the volume flow rate *leaving* each # grid cell in the domain. For sources, an extra amount # is leaving the cell which can flow into its D8 parent # cell. For sinks, a lesser amount is leaving the cell # toward the D8 parent. #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Note: It is not enough to just update Q and then call the # update_flow_volume() method. This is because it # won't update the volume in the channels in the grid # cells that the extra discharge is leaving from. #-------------------------------------------------------------- # If a grid cell contains a "source", then an additional Q # will flow *into* that grid cell and increase flow volume. #-------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------- # This is not fully tested but runs. However, the Diversion # vars are still computed even when Diversions component is # disabled. So it slows things down somewhat. #------------------------------------------------------------- return ######################## ######################## #---------------------------------------- # Update Q and vol due to point sources #---------------------------------------- ## if (hasattr(self, 'source_IDs')): if (self.n_sources > 0): self.Q[ self.source_IDs ] += self.Q_sources self.vol[ self.source_IDs ] += (self.Q_sources * self.dt) #-------------------------------------- # Update Q and vol due to point sinks #-------------------------------------- ## if (hasattr(self, 'sink_IDs')): if (self.n_sinks > 0): self.Q[ self.sink_IDs ] -= self.Q_sinks self.vol[ self.sink_IDs ] -= (self.Q_sinks * self.dt) #--------------------------------------- # Update Q and vol due to point canals #--------------------------------------- ## if (hasattr(self, 'canal_in_IDs')): if (self.n_canals > 0): #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Q grid was just modified. Apply the canal diversion fractions # to compute the volume flow rate into upstream ends of canals. #----------------------------------------------------------------- Q_canals_in = self.Q_canals_fraction * self.Q[ self.canal_in_IDs ] self.Q_canals_in = Q_canals_in #---------------------------------------------------- # Update Q and vol due to losses at canal entrances #---------------------------------------------------- self.Q[ self.canal_in_IDs ] -= Q_canals_in self.vol[ self.canal_in_IDs ] -= (Q_canals_in * self.dt) #------------------------------------------------- # Update Q and vol due to gains at canal exits. # Diversions component accounts for travel time. #------------------------------------------------- self.Q[ self.canal_out_IDs ] += self.Q_canals_out self.vol[ self.canal_out_IDs ] += (self.Q_canals_out * self.dt) # update_diversions() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_flow_volume(self): #----------------------------------------------------------- # Notes: This function must be called after # update_discharge() and update_diversions(). #----------------------------------------------------------- # Notes: Q = surface discharge [m^3/s] # R = excess precip. rate [m/s] # da = pixel area [m^2] # dt = channel flow timestep [s] # vol = total volume of water in pixel [m^3] # v2 = temp version of vol # w1 = IDs of pixels that... # p1 = IDs of parent pixels that... #----------------------------------------------------------- dt = self.dt # [seconds] #---------------------------------------------------- # Add contribution (or loss ?) from excess rainrate #---------------------------------------------------- # Contributions over entire grid cell from rainfall, # snowmelt, icemelt and baseflow (minus losses from # evaporation and infiltration) are assumed to flow # into the channel within the grid cell. # Note that R is allowed to be negative. #---------------------------------------------------- self.vol += (self.R * self.da) * dt # (in place) #----------------------------------------- # Add contributions from neighbor pixels #------------------------------------------------------------- # Each grid cell passes flow to *one* downstream neighbor. # Note that multiple grid cells can flow toward a given grid # cell, so a grid cell ID may occur in d8.p1 and d8.p2, etc. #------------------------------------------------------------- # (2/16/10) RETEST THIS. Before, a copy called "v2" was # used but this doesn't seem to be necessary. #------------------------------------------------------------- if (self.d8.p1_OK): self.vol[ self.d8.p1 ] += (dt * self.Q[self.d8.w1]) if (self.d8.p2_OK): self.vol[ self.d8.p2 ] += (dt * self.Q[self.d8.w2]) if (self.d8.p3_OK): self.vol[ self.d8.p3 ] += (dt * self.Q[self.d8.w3]) if (self.d8.p4_OK): self.vol[ self.d8.p4 ] += (dt * self.Q[self.d8.w4]) if (self.d8.p5_OK): self.vol[ self.d8.p5 ] += (dt * self.Q[self.d8.w5]) if (self.d8.p6_OK): self.vol[ self.d8.p6 ] += (dt * self.Q[self.d8.w6]) if (self.d8.p7_OK): self.vol[ self.d8.p7 ] += (dt * self.Q[self.d8.w7]) if (self.d8.p8_OK): self.vol[ self.d8.p8 ] += (dt * self.Q[self.d8.w8]) #---------------------------------------------------- # Subtract the amount that flows out to D8 neighbor #---------------------------------------------------- self.vol -= (self.Q * dt) # (in place) #-------------------------------------------------------- # While R can be positive or negative, the surface flow # volume must always be nonnegative. This also ensures # that the flow depth is nonnegative. (7/13/06) #-------------------------------------------------------- ## self.vol = np.maximum(self.vol, 0.0) ## self.vol[:] = np.maximum(self.vol, 0.0) # (2/19/13) np.maximum( self.vol, 0.0, self.vol ) # (in place) # update_flow_volume #------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_flow_depth(self): #----------------------------------------------------------- # Notes: 7/18/05. Modified to use the equation for volume # of a trapezoidal channel: vol = Ac * ds, where # Ac=d*[w + d*tan(t)], and to solve the resulting # quadratic (discarding neg. root) for new depth, d. # 8/29/05. Now original ds is used for subsurface # flow and there is a ds_chan which can include a # sinuosity greater than 1. This may be especially # important for larger pixel sizes. # Removed (ds > 1) here which was only meant to # avoid a "divide by zero" error at pixels where # (ds eq 0). This isn't necessary since the # Flow_Lengths function in never # returns a value of zero. #---------------------------------------------------------- # Modified to avoid double where calls, which # reduced cProfile run time for this method from # 1.391 to 0.644. (9/23/14) #---------------------------------------------------------- # Commented this out on (2/18/10) because it doesn't # seem to be used anywhere now. Checked all # of the Channels components. #---------------------------------------------------------- # self.d_last = self.d.copy() #----------------------------------- # Make some local aliases and vars #----------------------------------------------------------- # Note: angles were read as degrees & converted to radians #----------------------------------------------------------- d = self.d width = self.width ### angle = self.angle SCALAR_ANGLES = (np.size(angle) == 1) #------------------------------------------------------ # (2/18/10) New code to deal with case where the flow # depth exceeds a bankfull depth. # For now, d_bankfull is hard-coded. # # CHANGE Manning's n here, too? #------------------------------------------------------ d_bankfull = 4.0 # [meters] ################################ wb = (self.d > d_bankfull) # (array of True or False) self.width[ wb ] = self.d8.dw[ wb ] if not(SCALAR_ANGLES): self.angle[ wb ] = 0.0 # w_overbank = np.where( d > d_bankfull ) # n_overbank = np.size( w_overbank[0] ) # if (n_overbank != 0): # width[ w_overbank ] = self.d8.dw[ w_overbank ] # if not(SCALAR_ANGLES): angle[w_overbank] = 0.0 #------------------------------------------------------ # (2/18/10) New code to deal with case where the top # width exceeds the grid cell width, dw. #------------------------------------------------------ top_width = width + (2.0 * d * np.sin(self.angle)) wb = (top_width > self.d8.dw) # (array of True or False) self.width[ wb ] = self.d8.dw[ wb ] if not(SCALAR_ANGLES): self.angle[ wb ] = 0.0 # wb = np.where(top_width > self.d8.dw) # nb = np.size(w_bad[0]) # if (nb != 0): # width[ wb ] = self.d8.dw[ wb ] # if not(SCALAR_ANGLES): angle[ wb ] = 0.0 #---------------------------------- # Is "angle" a scalar or a grid ? #---------------------------------- if (SCALAR_ANGLES): if (angle == 0.0): d = self.vol / (width * self.d8.ds) else: denom = 2.0 * np.tan(angle) arg = 2.0 * denom * self.vol / self.d8.ds arg += width**(2.0) d = (np.sqrt(arg) - width) / denom else: #----------------------------------------------------- # Pixels where angle is 0 must be handled separately #----------------------------------------------------- w1 = ( angle == 0 ) # (arrays of True or False) w2 = np.invert( w1 ) #----------------------------------- A_top = width[w1] * self.d8.ds[w1] d[w1] = self.vol[w1] / A_top #----------------------------------- denom = 2.0 * np.tan(angle[w2]) arg = 2.0 * denom * self.vol[w2] / self.d8.ds[w2] arg += width[w2]**(2.0) d[w2] = (np.sqrt(arg) - width[w2]) / denom #----------------------------------------------------- # Pixels where angle is 0 must be handled separately #----------------------------------------------------- # wz = np.where( angle == 0 ) # nwz = np.size( wz[0] ) # wzc = np.where( angle != 0 ) # nwzc = np.size( wzc[0] ) # # if (nwz != 0): # A_top = width[wz] * self.d8.ds[wz] # ## A_top = self.width[wz] * self.d8.ds_chan[wz] # d[wz] = self.vol[wz] / A_top # # if (nwzc != 0): # term1 = 2.0 * np.tan(angle[wzc]) # arg = 2.0 * term1 * self.vol[wzc] / self.d8.ds[wzc] # arg += width[wzc]**(2.0) # d[wzc] = (np.sqrt(arg) - width[wzc]) / term1 #------------------------------------------ # Set depth values on edges to zero since # they become spikes (no outflow) 7/15/06 #------------------------------------------ d[ self.d8.noflow_IDs ] = 0.0 #------------------------------------------------ # 4/19/06. Force flow depth to be positive ? #------------------------------------------------ # This seems to be needed with the non-Richards # infiltration routines when starting with zero # depth everywhere, since all water infiltrates # for some period of time. It also seems to be # needed more for short rainfall records to # avoid a negative flow depth error. #------------------------------------------------ # 7/13/06. Still needed for Richards method #------------------------------------------------ ## self.d = np.maximum(d, 0.0) np.maximum(d, 0.0, self.d) # (2/19/13, in place) #------------------------------------------------- # Find where d <= 0 and save for later (9/23/14) #------------------------------------------------- self.d_is_pos = (self.d > 0) self.d_is_neg = np.invert( self.d_is_pos ) # update_flow_depth #------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_free_surface_slope(self): #----------------------------------------------------------- # Notes: It is assumed that the flow directions don't # change even though the free surface is changing. #----------------------------------------------------------- delta_d = (self.d - self.d[self.d8.parent_IDs]) self.S_free[:] = self.S_bed + (delta_d / self.d8.ds) #-------------------------------------------- # Don't do this; negative slopes are needed # to decelerate flow in dynamic wave case # and for backwater effects. #-------------------------------------------- # Set negative slopes to zero #------------------------------ ### self.S_free = np.maximum(self.S_free, 0) # update_free_surface_slope() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_shear_stress(self): #-------------------------------------------------------- # Notes: 9/9/14. Added so shear stress could be shared. # This uses the depth-slope product. #-------------------------------------------------------- if (self.KINEMATIC_WAVE): slope = self.S_bed else: slope = self.S_free self.tau[:] = self.rho_H2O * self.g * self.d * slope # update_shear_stress() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_shear_speed(self): #-------------------------------------------------------- # Notes: 9/9/14. Added so shear speed could be shared. #-------------------------------------------------------- self.u_star[:] = np.sqrt( self.tau / self.rho_H2O ) # update_shear_speed() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_trapezoid_Rh(self): #------------------------------------------------------------- # Notes: Compute the hydraulic radius of a trapezoid that: # (1) has a bed width of wb >= 0 (0 for triangular) # (2) has a bank angle of theta (0 for rectangular) # (3) is filled with water to a depth of d. # The units of wb and d are meters. The units of # theta are assumed to be degrees and are converted. #------------------------------------------------------------- # NB! wb should never be zero, so P_wet can never be 0, # which would produce a NaN (divide by zero). #------------------------------------------------------------- # See Notes for TF_Tan function in # AW = d * (wb + (d * TF_Tan(theta_rad)) ) #------------------------------------------------------------- # 9/9/14. Bug fix. Angles were already in radians but # were converted to radians again. #-------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------- # Compute hydraulic radius grid for trapezoidal channels #----------------------------------------------------------- # Note: angles were read as degrees & converted to radians #----------------------------------------------------------- d = self.d # (local synonyms) wb = self.width # (trapezoid bottom width) L2 = d * np.tan( self.angle ) A_wet = d * (wb + L2) P_wet = wb + (np.float64(2) * d / np.cos(self.angle) ) #--------------------------------------------------- # At noflow_IDs (e.g. edges) P_wet may be zero # so do this to avoid "divide by zero". (10/29/11) #--------------------------------------------------- P_wet[ self.d8.noflow_IDs ] = np.float64(1) Rh = (A_wet / P_wet) #-------------------------------- # w = np.where(P_wet == 0) # print 'In update_trapezoid_Rh():' # print ' P_wet= 0 at', w[0].size, 'cells' #------------------------------------ # Force edge pixels to have Rh = 0. # This will make u = 0 there also. #------------------------------------ Rh[ self.d8.noflow_IDs ] = np.float64(0) ## w = np.where(wb <= 0) ## nw = np.size(w[0]) ## if (nw > 0): Rh[w] = np.float64(0) self.Rh[:] = Rh self.A_wet[:] = A_wet ## (Now shared: 9/9/14) self.P_wet[:] = P_wet ## (Now shared: 9/9/14) #--------------- # For testing #-------------- ## print 'dmin, dmax =', d.min(), d.max() ## print 'wmin, wmax =', wb.min(), wb.max() ## print 'amin, amax =', self.angle.min(), self.angle.max() # update_trapezoid_Rh() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_friction_factor(self): #---------------------------------------- # Note: Added on 9/9/14 to streamline. #---------------------------------------------------------- # Note: f = half of the Fanning friction factor # d = flow depth [m] # z0 = roughness length # S = bed slope (assumed equal to friction slope) # g = 9.81 = gravitation constant [m/s^2] #--------------------------------------------------------- # For law of the wall: # kappa = 0.41 = von Karman's constant # aval = 0.48 = integration constant # law_const = sqrt(g)/kappa = 7.6393d # smoothness = (aval / z0) * d # f = (kappa / alog(smoothness))^2d # tau_bed = rho_w * f * u^2 = rho_w * g * d * S # d, S, and z0 can be arrays. # To make default z0 correspond to default # Manning's n, can use this approximation: # z0 = a * (2.34 * sqrt(9.81) * n / kappa)^6d # For n=0.03, this gives: z0 = 0.011417 ######################################################### # However, for n=0.3, it gives: z0 = 11417.413 # which is 11.4 km! So the approximation only # holds within some range of values. #-------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################### # cProfile: This method took: 0.369 secs for topoflow_test() ############################################################### #-------------------------------------- # Find where (d <= 0). g=good, b=bad #-------------------------------------- wg = self.d_is_pos wb = self.d_is_neg # wg = ( self.d > 0 ) # wb = np.invert( wg ) #----------------------------- # Compute f for Manning case #----------------------------------------- # This makes f=0 and du=0 where (d <= 0) #----------------------------------------- if (self.MANNING): n2 = self.nval ** np.float64(2) self.f[ wg ] = self.g * (n2[wg] / (self.d[wg] ** self.one_third)) self.f[ wb ] = np.float64(0) #--------------------------------- # Compute f for Law of Wall case #--------------------------------- if (self.LAW_OF_WALL): #------------------------------------------------ # Make sure (smoothness > 1) before taking log. # Should issue a warning if this is used. #------------------------------------------------ smoothness = (self.aval / self.z0val) * self.d np.maximum(smoothness, np.float64(1.1), smoothness) # (in place) self.f[wg] = (self.kappa / np.log(smoothness[wg])) ** np.float64(2) self.f[wb] = np.float64(0) ############################################################## # cProfile: This method took: 0.93 secs for topoflow_test() ############################################################## # #-------------------------------------- # # Find where (d <= 0). g=good, b=bad # #-------------------------------------- # wg = np.where( self.d > 0 ) # ng = np.size( wg[0]) # wb = np.where( self.d <= 0 ) # nb = np.size( wb[0] ) # # #----------------------------- # # Compute f for Manning case # #----------------------------------------- # # This makes f=0 and du=0 where (d <= 0) # #----------------------------------------- # if (self.MANNING): # n2 = self.nval ** np.float64(2) # if (ng != 0): # self.f[wg] = self.g * (n2[wg] / (self.d[wg] ** self.one_third)) # if (nb != 0): # self.f[wb] = np.float64(0) # # #--------------------------------- # # Compute f for Law of Wall case # #--------------------------------- # if (self.LAW_OF_WALL): # #------------------------------------------------ # # Make sure (smoothness > 1) before taking log. # # Should issue a warning if this is used. # #------------------------------------------------ # smoothness = (self.aval / self.z0val) * self.d # np.maximum(smoothness, np.float64(1.1), smoothness) # (in place) # ## smoothness = np.maximum(smoothness, np.float64(1.1)) # if (ng != 0): # self.f[wg] = (self.kappa / np.log(smoothness[wg])) ** np.float64(2) # if (nb != 0): # self.f[wb] = np.float64(0) #--------------------------------------------- # We could share the Fanning friction factor #--------------------------------------------- ### self.fanning = (np.float64(2) * self.f) # update_friction_factor() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_velocity(self): #--------------------------------------------------------- # Note: Do nothing now unless this method is overridden # by a particular method of computing velocity. #--------------------------------------------------------- print "Warning: update_velocity() method is inactive." # print 'KINEMATIC WAVE =', self.KINEMATIC_WAVE # print 'DIFFUSIVE WAVE =', self.DIFFUSIVE_WAVE # print 'DYNAMIC WAVE =', self.DYNAMIC_WAVE # update_velocity() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_velocity_on_edges(self): #--------------------------------- # Force edge pixels to have u=0. #---------------------------------------- # Large slope around 1 flows into small # slope & leads to a negative velocity. #---------------------------------------- self.u[ self.d8.noflow_IDs ] = np.float64(0) # update_velocity_on_edges() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_froude_number(self): #---------------------------------------------------------- # Notes: 9/9/14. Added so Froude number could be shared. # This use of wg & wb reduced cProfile time from: # 0.644 sec to: 0.121. (9/23/14) #---------------------------------------------------------- # g = good, b = bad #-------------------- wg = self.d_is_pos wb = self.d_is_neg self.froude[ wg ] = self.u[wg] / np.sqrt( self.g * self.d[wg] ) self.froude[ wb ] = np.float64(0) # update_froude_number() #------------------------------------------------------------- def update_outlet_values(self): #------------------------------------------------- # Save computed values at outlet, which are used # by the TopoFlow driver. #----------------------------------------------------- # Note that Q_outlet, etc. are defined as 0D numpy # arrays to make them "mutable scalars" (i.e. # this allows changes to be seen by other components # who have a reference. To preserver the reference, # however, we must use fill() to assign a new value. #----------------------------------------------------- Q_outlet = self.Q[ self.outlet_ID ] u_outlet = self.u[ self.outlet_ID ] d_outlet = self.d[ self.outlet_ID ] f_outlet = self.f[ self.outlet_ID ] self.Q_outlet.fill( Q_outlet ) self.u_outlet.fill( u_outlet ) self.d_outlet.fill( d_outlet ) self.f_outlet.fill( f_outlet ) ## self.Q_outlet.fill( self.Q[ self.outlet_ID ] ) ## self.u_outlet.fill( self.u[ self.outlet_ID ] ) ## self.d_outlet.fill( self.d[ self.outlet_ID ] ) ## self.f_outlet.fill( self.f[ self.outlet_ID ] ) ## self.Q_outlet = self.Q[ self.outlet_ID ] ## self.u_outlet = self.u[ self.outlet_ID ] ## self.d_outlet = self.d[ self.outlet_ID ] ## self.f_outlet = self.f[ self.outlet_ID ] ## self.Q_outlet = self.Q.flat[self.outlet_ID] ## self.u_outlet = self.u.flat[self.outlet_ID] ## self.d_outlet = self.d.flat[self.outlet_ID] ## self.f_outlet = self.f.flat[self.outlet_ID] # update_outlet_values() #------------------------------------------------------------- def update_peak_values(self): if (self.Q_outlet > self.Q_peak): self.Q_peak.fill( self.Q_outlet ) self.T_peak.fill( self.time_min ) # (time to peak) #--------------------------------------- if (self.u_outlet > self.u_peak): self.u_peak.fill( self.u_outlet ) self.Tu_peak.fill( self.time_min ) #--------------------------------------- if (self.d_outlet > self.d_peak): self.d_peak.fill( self.d_outlet ) self.Td_peak.fill( self.time_min ) ## if (self.Q_outlet > self.Q_peak): ## self.Q_peak = self.Q_outlet ## self.T_peak = self.time_min # (time to peak) ## #----------------------------------- ## if (self.u_outlet > self.u_peak): ## self.u_peak = self.u_outlet ## self.Tu_peak = self.time_min ## #----------------------------------- ## if (self.d_outlet > self.d_peak): ## self.d_peak = self.d_outlet ## self.Td_peak = self.time_min # update_peak_values() #------------------------------------------------------------- def update_Q_out_integral(self): #-------------------------------------------------------- # Note: Renamed "volume_out" to "vol_Q" for consistency # with vol_P, vol_SM, vol_IN, vol_ET, etc. (5/18/12) #-------------------------------------------------------- self.vol_Q += (self.Q_outlet * self.dt) ## Experiment: 5/19/12. ## self.vol_Q += (self.Q[self.outlet_ID] * self.dt) # update_Q_out_integral() #------------------------------------------------------------- def update_mins_and_maxes(self, REPORT=False): #-------------------------------------- # Get mins and max over entire domain #-------------------------------------- ## Q_min = self.Q.min() ## Q_max = self.Q.max() ## #--------------------- ## u_min = self.u.min() ## u_max = self.u.max() ## #--------------------- ## d_min = self.d.min() ## d_max = self.d.max() #-------------------------------------------- # Exclude edges where mins are always zero. #-------------------------------------------- nx = self.nx ny = self.ny Q_min = self.Q[1:(ny - 2)+1,1:(nx - 2)+1].min() Q_max = self.Q[1:(ny - 2)+1,1:(nx - 2)+1].max() #------------------------------------------------- u_min = self.u[1:(ny - 2)+1,1:(nx - 2)+1].min() u_max = self.u[1:(ny - 2)+1,1:(nx - 2)+1].max() #------------------------------------------------- d_min = self.d[1:(ny - 2)+1,1:(nx - 2)+1].min() d_max = self.d[1:(ny - 2)+1,1:(nx - 2)+1].max() #------------------------------------------------- # (2/6/13) This preserves "mutable scalars" that # can be accessed as refs by other components. #------------------------------------------------- if (Q_min < self.Q_min): self.Q_min.fill( Q_min ) if (Q_max > self.Q_max): self.Q_max.fill( Q_max ) #------------------------------ if (u_min < self.u_min): self.u_min.fill( u_min ) if (u_max > self.u_max): self.u_max.fill( u_max ) #------------------------------ if (d_min < self.d_min): self.d_min.fill( d_min ) if (d_max > self.d_max): self.d_max.fill( d_max ) #------------------------------------------------- # (2/6/13) This preserves "mutable scalars" that # can be accessed as refs by other components. #------------------------------------------------- ## self.Q_min.fill( np.minimum( self.Q_min, Q_min ) ) ## self.Q_max.fill( np.maximum( self.Q_max, Q_max ) ) ## #--------------------------------------------------- ## self.u_min.fill( np.minimum( self.u_min, u_min ) ) ## self.u_max.fill( np.maximum( self.u_max, u_max ) ) ## #--------------------------------------------------- ## self.d_min.fill( np.minimum( self.d_min, d_min ) ) ## self.d_max.fill( np.maximum( self.d_max, d_max ) ) #------------------------------------------------- # (2/6/13) This preserves "mutable scalars" that # can be accessed as refs by other components. #------------------------------------------------- ## self.Q_min.fill( min( self.Q_min, Q_min ) ) ## self.Q_max.fill( max( self.Q_max, Q_max ) ) ## #--------------------------------------------------- ## self.u_min.fill( min( self.u_min, u_min ) ) ## self.u_max.fill( max( self.u_max, u_max ) ) ## #--------------------------------------------------- ## self.d_min.fill( min( self.d_min, d_min ) ) ## self.d_max.fill( max( self.d_max, d_max ) ) #---------------------------------------------- # (2/6/13) This produces "immutable scalars". #---------------------------------------------- ## self.Q_min = self.Q.min() ## self.Q_max = self.Q.max() ## self.u_min = self.u.min() ## self.u_max = self.u.max() ## self.d_min = self.d.min() ## self.d_max = self.d.max() if (REPORT): print 'In channels_base.update_mins_and_maxes():' print '(dmin, dmax) =', self.d_min, self.d_max print '(umin, umax) =', self.u_min, self.u_max print '(Qmin, Qmax) =', self.Q_min, self.Q_max print ' ' # update_mins_and_maxes() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def check_flow_depth(self): OK = True d = self.d dt = self.dt nx = self.nx ################# #--------------------------------- # All all flow depths positive ? #--------------------------------- wbad = np.where( np.logical_or( d < 0.0, np.logical_not(np.isfinite(d)) )) nbad = np.size( wbad[0] ) if (nbad == 0): return OK OK = False dmin = d[wbad].min() star_line = '*******************************************' msg = [ star_line, \ 'ERROR: Simulation aborted.', ' ', \ 'Negative depth found: ' + str(dmin), \ 'Time step may be too large.', \ 'Time step: ' + str(dt) + ' [s]', ' '] for k in xrange(len(msg)): print msg[k] #------------------------------------------- # If not too many, print actual velocities #------------------------------------------- if (nbad < 30): brow = wbad[0][0] bcol = wbad[1][0] ## badi = wbad[0] ## bcol = (badi % nx) ## brow = (badi / nx) crstr = str(bcol) + ', ' + str(brow) msg = ['(Column, Row): ' + crstr, \ 'Flow depth: ' + str(d[brow, bcol])] for k in xrange(len(msg)): print msg[k] print star_line print ' ' return OK # check_flow_depth #------------------------------------------------------------------- def check_flow_velocity(self): OK = True u = self.u dt = self.dt nx = self.nx #-------------------------------- # Are all velocities positive ? #-------------------------------- wbad = np.where( np.logical_or( u < 0.0, np.logical_not(np.isfinite(u)) )) nbad = np.size( wbad[0] ) if (nbad == 0): return OK OK = False umin = u[wbad].min() star_line = '*******************************************' msg = [ star_line, \ 'ERROR: Simulation aborted.', ' ', \ 'Negative or NaN velocity found: ' + str(umin), \ 'Time step may be too large.', \ 'Time step: ' + str(dt) + ' [s]', ' '] for k in xrange(len(msg)): print msg[k] #------------------------------------------- # If not too many, print actual velocities #------------------------------------------- if (nbad < 30): brow = wbad[0][0] bcol = wbad[1][0] ## badi = wbad[0] ## bcol = (badi % nx) ## brow = (badi / nx) crstr = str(bcol) + ', ' + str(brow) msg = ['(Column, Row): ' + crstr, \ 'Velocity: ' + str(u[brow, bcol])] for k in xrange(len(msg)): print msg[k] print star_line print ' ' return OK ## umin = u[wbad].min() ## badi = wbad[0] ## bcol = (badi % nx) ## brow = (badi / nx) ## crstr = str(bcol) + ', ' + str(brow) ## msg = np.array([' ', \ ## '*******************************************', \ ## 'ERROR: Simulation aborted.', ' ', \ ## 'Negative velocity found: ' + str(umin), \ ## 'Time step may be too large.', ' ', \ ## '(Column, Row): ' + crstr, \ ## 'Velocity: ' + str(u[badi]), \ ## 'Time step: ' + str(dt) + ' [s]', \ ## '*******************************************', ' ']) ## for k in xrange( np.size(msg) ): ## print msg[k] ## return OK # check_flow_velocity #------------------------------------------------------------------- def open_input_files(self): # This doesn't work, because file_unit doesn't get full path. (10/28/11) # start_dir = os.getcwd() # os.chdir( self.in_directory ) # print '### start_dir =', start_dir # print '### in_directory =', self.in_directory in_files = ['slope_file', 'nval_file', 'z0val_file', 'width_file', 'angle_file', 'sinu_file', 'd0_file'] self.prepend_directory( in_files, INPUT=True ) # self.slope_file = self.in_directory + self.slope_file # self.nval_file = self.in_directory + self.nval_file # self.z0val_file = self.in_directory + self.z0val_file # self.width_file = self.in_directory + self.width_file # self.angle_file = self.in_directory + self.angle_file # self.sinu_file = self.in_directory + self.sinu_file # self.d0_file = self.in_directory + self.d0_file #self.code_unit = model_input.open_file(self.code_type, self.code_file) self.slope_unit = model_input.open_file(self.slope_type, self.slope_file) if (self.MANNING): self.nval_unit = model_input.open_file(self.nval_type, self.nval_file) if (self.LAW_OF_WALL): self.z0val_unit = model_input.open_file(self.z0val_type, self.z0val_file) self.width_unit = model_input.open_file(self.width_type, self.width_file) self.angle_unit = model_input.open_file(self.angle_type, self.angle_file) self.sinu_unit = model_input.open_file(self.sinu_type, self.sinu_file) self.d0_unit = model_input.open_file(self.d0_type, self.d0_file) # os.chdir( start_dir ) # open_input_files() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def read_input_files(self): #--------------------------------------------------- # The flow codes are always a grid, size of DEM. #--------------------------------------------------- # NB! also has a read_grid() function. #--------------------------------------------------- rti = self.rti ## print 'Reading D8 flow grid (in CHANNELS)...' ## self.code = rtg_files.read_grid(self.code_file, rti, ## RTG_type='BYTE') ## print ' ' #------------------------------------------------------- # All grids are assumed to have a data type of Float32. #------------------------------------------------------- slope = model_input.read_next(self.slope_unit, self.slope_type, rti) if (slope != None): self.slope = slope # If EOF was reached, hopefully numpy's "fromfile" # returns None, so that the stored value will be # the last value that was read. if (self.MANNING): nval = model_input.read_next(self.nval_unit, self.nval_type, rti) if (nval != None): self.nval = nval self.nval_min = nval.min() self.nval_max = nval.max() if (self.LAW_OF_WALL): z0val = model_input.read_next(self.z0val_unit, self.z0val_type, rti) if (z0val != None): self.z0val = z0val self.z0val_min = z0val.min() self.z0val_max = z0val.max() width = model_input.read_next(self.width_unit, self.width_type, rti) if (width != None): self.width = width angle = model_input.read_next(self.angle_unit, self.angle_type, rti) if (angle != None): #----------------------------------------------- # Convert bank angles from degrees to radians. #----------------------------------------------- self.angle = angle * self.deg_to_rad # [radians] ### self.angle = angle # (before 9/9/14) sinu = model_input.read_next(self.sinu_unit, self.sinu_type, rti) if (sinu != None): self.sinu = sinu d0 = model_input.read_next(self.d0_unit, self.d0_type, rti) if (d0 != None): self.d0 = d0 ## code = model_input.read_grid(self.code_unit, \ ## self.code_type, rti, dtype='UInt8') ## if (code != None): self.code = code # read_input_files() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def close_input_files(self): # if not(self.slope_unit.closed): # if (self.slope_unit != None): #------------------------------------------------- # NB! self.code_unit was never defined as read. #------------------------------------------------- # if (self.code_type != 'scalar'): self.code_unit.close() if (self.slope_type != 'Scalar'): self.slope_unit.close() if (self.MANNING): if (self.nval_type != 'Scalar'): self.nval_unit.close() if (self.LAW_OF_WALL): if (self.z0val_type != 'Scalar'): self.z0val_unit.close() if (self.width_type != 'Scalar'): self.width_unit.close() if (self.angle_type != 'Scalar'): self.angle_unit.close() if (self.sinu_type != 'Scalar'): self.sinu_unit.close() if (self.d0_type != 'Scalar'): self.d0_unit.close() ## if (self.slope_file != ''): self.slope_unit.close() ## if (self.MANNING): ## if (self.nval_file != ''): self.nval_unit.close() ## if (self.LAW_OF_WALL): ## if (self.z0val_file != ''): self.z0val_unit.close() ## if (self.width_file != ''): self.width_unit.close() ## if (self.angle_file != ''): self.angle_unit.close() ## if (self.sinu_file != ''): self.sinu_unit.close() ## if (self.d0_file != ''): self.d0_unit.close() # close_input_files() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_outfile_names(self): #------------------------------------------------- # Notes: Append out_directory to outfile names. #------------------------------------------------- self.Q_gs_file = (self.out_directory + self.Q_gs_file) self.u_gs_file = (self.out_directory + self.u_gs_file) self.d_gs_file = (self.out_directory + self.d_gs_file) self.f_gs_file = (self.out_directory + self.f_gs_file) #-------------------------------------------------------- self.Q_ts_file = (self.out_directory + self.Q_ts_file) self.u_ts_file = (self.out_directory + self.u_ts_file) self.d_ts_file = (self.out_directory + self.d_ts_file) self.f_ts_file = (self.out_directory + self.f_ts_file) # update_outfile_names() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def bundle_output_files(self): ################################################### # NOT READY YET. Need "get_long_name()" and a new # version of "get_var_units". (9/21/14) ################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------- # Bundle the output file info into an array for convenience. # Then we just need one open_output_files(), in, # and one close_output_files(). Less to maintain. (9/21/14) #------------------------------------------------------------- # gs = grid stack, ts = time series, ps = profile series. #------------------------------------------------------------- self.out_files = [ {var_name:'Q', save_gs:self.SAVE_Q_GRIDS, gs_file:self.Q_gs_file, save_ts:self.SAVE_Q_PIXELS, ts_file:self.Q_ts_file, long_name:get_long_name('Q'), units_name:get_var_units('Q')}, #----------------------------------------------------------------- {var_name:'u', save_gs:self.SAVE_U_GRIDS, gs_file:self.u_gs_file, save_ts:self.SAVE_U_PIXELS, ts_file:self.u_ts_file, long_name:get_long_name('u'), units_name:get_var_units('u')}, #----------------------------------------------------------------- {var_name:'d', save_gs:self.SAVE_D_GRIDS, gs_file:self.d_gs_file, save_ts:self.SAVE_D_PIXELS, ts_file:self.d_ts_file, long_name:get_long_name('d'), units_name:get_var_units('d')}, #----------------------------------------------------------------- {var_name:'f', save_gs:self.SAVE_F_GRIDS, gs_file:self.f_gs_file, save_ts:self.SAVE_F_PIXELS, ts_file:self.f_ts_file, long_name:get_long_name('f'), units_name:get_var_units('f')} ] # bundle_output_files #------------------------------------------------------------------- def open_output_files(self): model_output.check_netcdf() self.update_outfile_names() ## self.bundle_output_files() ## print 'self.SAVE_Q_GRIDS =', self.SAVE_Q_GRIDS ## print 'self.SAVE_U_GRIDS =', self.SAVE_U_GRIDS ## print 'self.SAVE_D_GRIDS =', self.SAVE_D_GRIDS ## print 'self.SAVE_F_GRIDS =', self.SAVE_F_GRIDS ## #--------------------------------------------------- ## print 'self.SAVE_Q_PIXELS =', self.SAVE_Q_PIXELS ## print 'self.SAVE_U_PIXELS =', self.SAVE_U_PIXELS ## print 'self.SAVE_D_PIXELS =', self.SAVE_D_PIXELS ## print 'self.SAVE_F_PIXELS =', self.SAVE_F_PIXELS # IDs = self.outlet_IDs # for k in xrange( len(self.out_files) ): # #-------------------------------------- # # Open new files to write grid stacks # #-------------------------------------- # if (self.out_files[k].save_gs): # model_output.open_new_gs_file( self, self.out_files[k], self.rti ) # #-------------------------------------- # # Open new files to write time series # #-------------------------------------- # if (self.out_files[k].save_ts): # model_output.open_new_ts_file( self, self.out_files[k], IDs ) #-------------------------------------- # Open new files to write grid stacks #-------------------------------------- if (self.SAVE_Q_GRIDS): model_output.open_new_gs_file( self, self.Q_gs_file, self.rti, var_name='Q', long_name='volumetric_discharge', units_name='m^3/s') if (self.SAVE_U_GRIDS): model_output.open_new_gs_file( self, self.u_gs_file, self.rti, var_name='u', long_name='mean_channel_flow_velocity', units_name='m/s') if (self.SAVE_D_GRIDS): model_output.open_new_gs_file( self, self.d_gs_file, self.rti, var_name='d', long_name='max_channel_flow_depth', units_name='m') if (self.SAVE_F_GRIDS): model_output.open_new_gs_file( self, self.f_gs_file, self.rti, var_name='f', long_name='friction_factor', units_name='none') #-------------------------------------- # Open new files to write time series #-------------------------------------- IDs = self.outlet_IDs if (self.SAVE_Q_PIXELS): model_output.open_new_ts_file( self, self.Q_ts_file, IDs, var_name='Q', long_name='volumetric_discharge', units_name='m^3/s') if (self.SAVE_U_PIXELS): model_output.open_new_ts_file( self, self.u_ts_file, IDs, var_name='u', long_name='mean_channel_flow_velocity', units_name='m/s') if (self.SAVE_D_PIXELS): model_output.open_new_ts_file( self, self.d_ts_file, IDs, var_name='d', long_name='max_channel_flow_depth', units_name='m') if (self.SAVE_F_PIXELS): model_output.open_new_ts_file( self, self.f_ts_file, IDs, var_name='f', long_name='friction_factor', units_name='none') # open_output_files() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def write_output_files(self, time_seconds=None): #--------------------------------------------------------- # Notes: This function was written to use only model # time (maybe from a caller) in seconds, and # the save_grid_dt and save_pixels_dt parameters # read by read_cfg_file(). # # read_cfg_file() makes sure that all of # the "save_dts" are larger than or equal to the # process dt. #--------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------- # Allows time to be passed from a caller #----------------------------------------- if (time_seconds is None): time_seconds = self.time_sec model_time = int(time_seconds) #---------------------------------------- # Save computed values at sampled times #---------------------------------------- if (model_time % int(self.save_grid_dt) == 0): self.save_grids() if (model_time % int(self.save_pixels_dt) == 0): self.save_pixel_values() #---------------------------------------- # Save computed values at sampled times #---------------------------------------- ## if ((self.time_index % self.grid_save_step) == 0): ## self.save_grids() ## if ((self.time_index % self.pixel_save_step) == 0): ## self.save_pixel_values() # write_output_files() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def close_output_files(self): if (self.SAVE_Q_GRIDS): model_output.close_gs_file( self, 'Q') if (self.SAVE_U_GRIDS): model_output.close_gs_file( self, 'u') if (self.SAVE_D_GRIDS): model_output.close_gs_file( self, 'd') if (self.SAVE_F_GRIDS): model_output.close_gs_file( self, 'f') #--------------------------------------------------------------- if (self.SAVE_Q_PIXELS): model_output.close_ts_file( self, 'Q') if (self.SAVE_U_PIXELS): model_output.close_ts_file( self, 'u') if (self.SAVE_D_PIXELS): model_output.close_ts_file( self, 'd') if (self.SAVE_F_PIXELS): model_output.close_ts_file( self, 'f') # close_output_files() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def save_grids(self): #----------------------------------- # Save grid stack to a netCDF file #--------------------------------------------- # Note that add_grid() methods will convert # var from scalar to grid now, if necessary. #--------------------------------------------- if (self.SAVE_Q_GRIDS): model_output.add_grid( self, self.Q, 'Q', self.time_min ) if (self.SAVE_U_GRIDS): model_output.add_grid( self, self.u, 'u', self.time_min ) if (self.SAVE_D_GRIDS): model_output.add_grid( self, self.d, 'd', self.time_min ) if (self.SAVE_F_GRIDS): model_output.add_grid( self, self.f, 'f', self.time_min ) # save_grids() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def save_pixel_values(self): ##### save_time_series_data(self) ####### IDs = self.outlet_IDs time = self.time_min ##### #------------- # New method #------------- if (self.SAVE_Q_PIXELS): model_output.add_values_at_IDs( self, time, self.Q, 'Q', IDs ) if (self.SAVE_U_PIXELS): model_output.add_values_at_IDs( self, time, self.u, 'u', IDs ) if (self.SAVE_D_PIXELS): model_output.add_values_at_IDs( self, time, self.d, 'd', IDs ) if (self.SAVE_F_PIXELS): model_output.add_values_at_IDs( self, time, self.f, 'f', IDs ) # save_pixel_values() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def manning_formula(self): #--------------------------------------------------------- # Notes: R = (A/P) = hydraulic radius [m] # N = Manning's roughness coefficient # (usually in the range 0.012 to 0.035) # S = bed slope or free slope # R,S, and N may be 2D arrays. # If length units are all *feet*, then an extra # factor of 1.49 must be applied. If units are # meters, no such factor is needed. # Note that Q = Ac * u, where Ac is cross-section # area. For a trapezoid, Ac does not equal w*d. #--------------------------------------------------------- if (self.KINEMATIC_WAVE): S = self.S_bed else: S = self.S_free u = (self.Rh ** self.two_thirds) * np.sqrt(S) / self.nval #-------------------------------------------------------- # Add a hydraulic jump option for when u gets too big ? #-------------------------------------------------------- return u # manning_formula() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def law_of_the_wall(self): #--------------------------------------------------------- # Notes: u = flow velocity [m/s] # d = flow depth [m] # z0 = roughness length # S = bed slope or free slope # g = 9.81 = gravitation constant [m/s^2] # kappa = 0.41 = von Karman's constant # aval = 0.48 = integration constant # law_const = sqrt(g)/kappa = 7.6393d # smoothness = (aval / z0) * d # f = (kappa / alog(smoothness))^2d # tau_bed = rho_w * f * u^2 = rho_w * g * d * S # d, S, and z0 can be arrays. # To make default z0 correspond to default # Manning's n, can use this approximation: # z0 = a * (2.34 * sqrt(9.81) * n / kappa)^6d # For n=0.03, this gives: z0 = 0.011417 ######################################################### # However, for n=0.3, it gives: z0 = 11417.413 # which is 11.4 km! So the approximation only # holds within some range of values. #-------------------------------------------------------- if (self.KINEMATIC_WAVE): S = self.S_bed else: S = self.S_free smoothness = (self.aval / self.z0val) * self.d #------------------------------------------------ # Make sure (smoothness > 1) before taking log. # Should issue a warning if this is used. #------------------------------------------------ smoothness = np.maximum(smoothness, np.float64(1.1)) u = self.law_const * np.sqrt(self.Rh * S) * np.log(smoothness) #-------------------------------------------------------- # Add a hydraulic jump option for when u gets too big ? #-------------------------------------------------------- return u # law_of_the_wall() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def print_status_report(self): #---------------------------------------------------- # Wherever depth is less than z0, assume that water # is not flowing and set u and Q to zero. # However, we also need (d gt 0) to avoid a divide # by zero problem, even when numerators are zero. #---------------------------------------------------- # FLOWING = (d > (z0/aval)) #*** FLOWING[noflow_IDs] = False ;****** wflow = np.where( FLOWING != 0 ) n_flow = np.size( wflow[0] ) n_pixels = self.rti.n_pixels percent = np.float64(100.0) * (np.float64(n_flow) / n_pixels) fstr = ('%5.1f' % percent) + '%' # fstr = idl_func.string(percent, format='(F5.1)').strip() + '%' print ' Percentage of pixels with flow = ' + fstr print ' ' self.update_mins_and_maxes(REPORT=True) wmax = np.where(self.Q == self.Q_max) nwmax = np.size(wmax[0]) print ' Max(Q) occurs at: ' + str( wmax[0] ) #print,' Max attained at ', nwmax, ' pixels.' print ' ' print '-------------------------------------------------' # print_status_report() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def remove_bad_slopes(self, FLOAT=False): #------------------------------------------------------------ # Notes: The main purpose of this routine is to find # pixels that have nonpositive slopes and replace # then with the smallest value that occurs anywhere # in the input slope grid. For example, pixels on # the edges of the DEM will have a slope of zero. # With the Kinematic Wave option, flow cannot leave # a pixel that has a slope of zero and the depth # increases in an unrealistic manner to create a # spike in the depth grid. # It would be better, of course, if there were # no zero-slope pixels in the DEM. We could use # an "Imposed gradient DEM" to get slopes or some # method of "profile smoothing". # It is possible for the flow code to be nonzero # at a pixel that has NaN for its slope. For these # pixels, we also set the slope to our min value. # 7/18/05. Broke this out into separate procedure. #------------------------------------------------------------ #----------------------------------- # Are there any "bad" pixels ? # If not, return with no messages. #----------------------------------- wb = np.where(np.logical_or((self.slope <= 0.0), \ np.logical_not(np.isfinite(self.slope)))) nbad = np.size(wb[0]) print 'size(slope) =', np.size(self.slope) print 'size(wb) =', nbad wg = np.where(np.invert(np.logical_or((self.slope <= 0.0), \ np.logical_not(np.isfinite(self.slope))))) ngood = np.size(wg[0]) if (nbad == 0) or (ngood == 0): return #--------------------------------------------- # Find smallest positive value in slope grid # and replace the "bad" values with smin. #--------------------------------------------- print '-------------------------------------------------' print 'WARNING: Zero or negative slopes found.' print ' Replacing them with smallest slope.' print ' Use "Profile smoothing tool" instead.' S_min = self.slope[wg].min() S_max = self.slope[wg].max() print ' min(S) = ' + str(S_min) print ' max(S) = ' + str(S_max) print '-------------------------------------------------' print ' ' self.slope[wb] = S_min #-------------------------------- # Convert data type to double ? #-------------------------------- if (FLOAT): self.slope = np.float32(self.slope) else: self.slope = np.float64(self.slope) # remove_bad_slopes #------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------- def Trapezoid_Rh(d, wb, theta): #------------------------------------------------------------- # Notes: Compute the hydraulic radius of a trapezoid that: # (1) has a bed width of wb >= 0 (0 for triangular) # (2) has a bank angle of theta (0 for rectangular) # (3) is filled with water to a depth of d. # The units of wb and d are meters. The units of # theta are assumed to be degrees and are converted. #------------------------------------------------------------- # NB! wb should never be zero, so PW can never be 0, # which would produce a NaN (divide by zero). #------------------------------------------------------------- # See Notes for TF_Tan function in # AW = d * (wb + (d * TF_Tan(theta_rad)) ) #------------------------------------------------------------- theta_rad = (theta * np.pi / 180.0) AW = d * (wb + (d * np.tan(theta_rad)) ) PW = wb + (np.float64(2) * d / np.cos(theta_rad) ) Rh = (AW / PW) w = np.where(wb <= 0) nw = np.size(w[0]) return Rh # Trapezoid_Rh() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def Manning_Formula(Rh, S, nval): #--------------------------------------------------------- # Notes: R = (A/P) = hydraulic radius [m] # N = Manning's roughness coefficient # (usually in the range 0.012 to 0.035) # S = bed slope (assumed equal to friction slope) # R,S, and N may be 2D arrays. # If length units are all *feet*, then an extra # factor of 1.49 must be applied. If units are # meters, no such factor is needed. # Note that Q = Ac * u, where Ac is cross-section # area. For a trapezoid, Ac does not equal w*d. #--------------------------------------------------------- ## if (N == None): N = np.float64(0.03) two_thirds = np.float64(2) / 3.0 u = (Rh ** two_thirds) * np.sqrt(S) / nval #------------------------------ # Add a hydraulic jump option # for when u gets too big ?? #------------------------------ return u # Manning_Formula() #------------------------------------------------------------------- def Law_of_the_Wall(d, Rh, S, z0val): #--------------------------------------------------------- # Notes: u = flow velocity [m/s] # d = flow depth [m] # z0 = roughness height # S = bed slope (assumed equal to friction slope) # g = 9.81 = gravitation constant [m/s^2] # kappa = 0.41 = von Karman's constant # aval = 0.48 = integration constant # sqrt(g)/kappa = 7.6393d # smoothness = (aval / z0) * d # f = (kappa / alog(smoothness))^2d # tau_bed = rho_w * f * u^2 = rho_w * g * d * S # d, S, and z0 can be arrays. # To make default z0 correspond to default # Manning's n, can use this approximation: # z0 = a * (2.34 * sqrt(9.81) * n / kappa)^6d # For n=0.03, this gives: z0 = 0.011417 # However, for n=0.3, it gives: z0 = 11417.413 # which is 11.4 km! So the approximation only # holds within some range of values. #-------------------------------------------------------- ## if (self.z0val == None): ## self.z0val = np.float64(0.011417) # (about 1 cm) #------------------------ # Define some constants #------------------------ g = np.float64(9.81) # (gravitation const.) aval = np.float64(0.476) # (integration const.) kappa = np.float64(0.408) # (von Karman's const.) law_const = np.sqrt(g) / kappa smoothness = (aval / z0val) * d #----------------------------- # Make sure (smoothness > 1) #----------------------------- smoothness = np.maximum(smoothness, np.float64(1.1)) u = law_const * np.sqrt(Rh * S) * np.log(smoothness) #------------------------------ # Add a hydraulic jump option # for when u gets too big ?? #------------------------------ return u
from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import User class OrganisationType(models.Model): type_desc = models.CharField(max_length=200) def __unicode__(self): return self.type_desc class Address(models.Model): street_address = models.CharField(max_length=100) city = models.CharField(max_length=100) pin = models.CharField(max_length=10) province = models.CharField(max_length=100) nationality = models.CharField(max_length=100) def __unicode__(self): return self.street_address + ',' + class HattiUser(models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField(User) address = models.ForeignKey(Address) telephone = models.CharField(max_length=500) date_joined = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) fax = models.CharField(max_length=100) avatar = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) tagline = models.CharField(max_length=140) class Meta: abstract = True class AdminOrganisations(HattiUser): title = models.CharField(max_length=200) organisation_type = models.ForeignKey(OrganisationType) def __unicode__(self): return self.title class Customer(HattiUser): title = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True, null=True) is_org = models.BooleanField(); org_type = models.ForeignKey(OrganisationType) company = models.CharField(max_length = 200) def __unicode__(self, arg): return unicode(self.user)
## Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Red Hat, Inc., Bryn M. Reeves <[email protected]> ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. from sos.plugins import Plugin, RedHatPlugin, DebianPlugin, UbuntuPlugin class SysVIPC(Plugin, RedHatPlugin, DebianPlugin, UbuntuPlugin): """SysV IPC related information """ plugin_name = "sysvipc" def setup(self): self.add_copy_specs([ "/proc/sysvipc/msg", "/proc/sysvipc/sem", "/proc/sysvipc/shm" ]) self.add_cmd_output("ipcs") # vim: et ts=4 sw=4
from buildbot.status.web.auth import IAuth class Authz(object): """Decide who can do what.""" knownActions = [ # If you add a new action here, be sure to also update the documentation # at docs/cfg-statustargets.texinfo 'gracefulShutdown', 'forceBuild', 'forceAllBuilds', 'pingBuilder', 'stopBuild', 'stopAllBuilds', 'cancelPendingBuild', ] def __init__(self, default_action=False, auth=None, **kwargs): self.auth = auth if auth: assert IAuth.providedBy(auth) self.config = dict( (a, default_action) for a in self.knownActions ) for act in self.knownActions: if act in kwargs: self.config[act] = kwargs[act] del kwargs[act] if kwargs: raise ValueError("unknown authorization action(s) " + ", ".join(kwargs.keys())) def advertiseAction(self, action): """Should the web interface even show the form for ACTION?""" if action not in self.knownActions: raise KeyError("unknown action") cfg = self.config.get(action, False) if cfg: return True return False def needAuthForm(self, action): """Does this action require an authentication form?""" if action not in self.knownActions: raise KeyError("unknown action") cfg = self.config.get(action, False) if cfg == 'auth' or callable(cfg): return True return False def actionAllowed(self, action, request, *args): """Is this ACTION allowed, given this http REQUEST?""" if action not in self.knownActions: raise KeyError("unknown action") cfg = self.config.get(action, False) if cfg: if cfg == 'auth' or callable(cfg): if not self.auth: return False user = request.args.get("username", ["<unknown>"])[0] passwd = request.args.get("passwd", ["<no-password>"])[0] if user == "<unknown>" or passwd == "<no-password>": return False if self.auth.authenticate(user, passwd): if callable(cfg) and not cfg(user, *args): return False return True return False else: return True # anyone can do this..
#! /usr/bin/env python # encoding: UTF-8 '''give access permission for files in this folder'''
#!/usr/bin/env python # ********************************************************************** # # Copyright (c) 2003-2011 ZeroC, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the # ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution. # # ********************************************************************** import os, sys, traceback import Ice, AllTests def test(b): if not b: raise RuntimeError('test assertion failed') def usage(n): sys.stderr.write("Usage: " + n + " port...\n") def run(args, communicator): ports = [] for arg in args[1:]: if arg[0] == '-': sys.stderr.write(args[0] + ": unknown option `" + arg + "'\n") usage(args[0]) return False ports.append(int(arg)) if len(ports) == 0: sys.stderr.write(args[0] + ": no ports specified\n") usage(args[0]) return False try: AllTests.allTests(communicator, ports) except: traceback.print_exc() test(False) return True try: initData = Ice.InitializationData() = Ice.createProperties(sys.argv) # # This test aborts servers, so we don't want warnings. #'Ice.Warn.Connections', '0') communicator = Ice.initialize(sys.argv, initData) status = run(sys.argv, communicator) except: traceback.print_exc() status = False if communicator: try: communicator.destroy() except: traceback.print_exc() status = False sys.exit(not status)
# Copyright 2014-2017 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # Refer to the README and COPYING files for full details of the license # """ When importing a VM a thread start with a new process of virt-v2v. The way to feedback the information on the progress and the status of the process (ie job) is via getVdsStats() with the fields progress and status. progress is a number which represent percentage of a single disk copy, status is a way to feedback information on the job (init, error etc) """ from __future__ import absolute_import from collections import namedtuple from contextlib import closing, contextmanager import errno import io import logging import os import re import subprocess import tarfile import time import threading import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import zipfile import libvirt from vdsm.cmdutils import wrap_command from vdsm.commands import execCmd, BUFFSIZE from vdsm.common import cmdutils from vdsm.common.define import errCode, doneCode from vdsm.common import response from vdsm.common import zombiereaper from vdsm.common.compat import CPopen from vdsm.common.logutils import traceback from vdsm.common.time import monotonic_time from vdsm.constants import P_VDSM_LOG, P_VDSM_RUN, EXT_KVM_2_OVIRT from vdsm import concurrent, libvirtconnection from vdsm import password from vdsm.utils import terminating, NICENESS, IOCLASS try: import ovirt_imageio_common except ImportError: ovirt_imageio_common = None _lock = threading.Lock() _jobs = {} _V2V_DIR = os.path.join(P_VDSM_RUN, 'v2v') _LOG_DIR = os.path.join(P_VDSM_LOG, 'import') _VIRT_V2V = cmdutils.CommandPath('virt-v2v', '/usr/bin/virt-v2v') _SSH_AGENT = cmdutils.CommandPath('ssh-agent', '/usr/bin/ssh-agent') _SSH_ADD = cmdutils.CommandPath('ssh-add', '/usr/bin/ssh-add') _XEN_SSH_PROTOCOL = 'xen+ssh' _VMWARE_PROTOCOL = 'vpx' _KVM_PROTOCOL = 'qemu' _SSH_AUTH_RE = '(SSH_AUTH_SOCK)=([^;]+).*;\nSSH_AGENT_PID=(\d+)' _OVF_RESOURCE_CPU = 3 _OVF_RESOURCE_MEMORY = 4 _OVF_RESOURCE_NETWORK = 10 _QCOW2_COMPAT_SUPPORTED = ('0.10', '1.1') # OVF Specification: # _OVF_NS = '' _RASD_NS = '' \ 'CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData' ImportProgress = namedtuple('ImportProgress', ['current_disk', 'disk_count', 'description']) DiskProgress = namedtuple('DiskProgress', ['progress']) class STATUS: ''' STARTING: request granted and starting the import process COPYING_DISK: copying disk in progress ABORTED: user initiated aborted FAILED: error during import process DONE: convert process successfully finished ''' STARTING = 'starting' COPYING_DISK = 'copying_disk' ABORTED = 'aborted' FAILED = 'error' DONE = 'done' class V2VError(Exception): ''' Base class for v2v errors ''' err_name = 'unexpected' # TODO: use more specific error class ClientError(Exception): ''' Base class for client error ''' err_name = 'unexpected' class InvalidVMConfiguration(ValueError): ''' Unexpected error while parsing libvirt domain xml ''' class OutputParserError(V2VError): ''' Error while parsing virt-v2v output ''' class JobExistsError(ClientError): ''' Job already exists in _jobs collection ''' err_name = 'JobExistsError' class VolumeError(ClientError): ''' Error preparing volume ''' class NoSuchJob(ClientError): ''' Job not exists in _jobs collection ''' err_name = 'NoSuchJob' class JobNotDone(ClientError): ''' Import process still in progress ''' err_name = 'JobNotDone' class NoSuchOvf(V2VError): ''' Ovf path is not exists in /var/run/vdsm/v2v/ ''' err_name = 'V2VNoSuchOvf' class V2VProcessError(V2VError): ''' virt-v2v process had error in execution ''' class InvalidInputError(ClientError): ''' Invalid input received ''' def get_external_vms(uri, username, password, vm_names=None): if vm_names is not None: if not vm_names: vm_names = None else: vm_names = frozenset(vm_names) try: conn = libvirtconnection.open_connection(uri=uri, username=username, passwd=password) except libvirt.libvirtError as e: logging.exception('error connecting to hypervisor') return {'status': {'code': errCode['V2VConnection']['status']['code'], 'message': str(e)}} with closing(conn): vms = [] for vm in _list_domains(conn): if vm_names is not None and not in vm_names: # Skip this VM. continue elif conn.getType() == "ESX" and _vm_has_snapshot(vm): logging.error("vm %r has snapshots and therefore can not be " "imported since snapshot conversion is not " "supported for VMware", continue _add_vm(conn, vms, vm) return {'status': doneCode, 'vmList': vms} def get_external_vm_names(uri, username, password): try: conn = libvirtconnection.open_connection(uri=uri, username=username, passwd=password) except libvirt.libvirtError as e: logging.exception('error connecting to hypervisor') return response.error('V2VConnection', str(e)) with closing(conn): vms = [ for vm in _list_domains(conn)] return response.success(vmNames=vms) def convert_external_vm(uri, username, password, vminfo, job_id, irs): if uri.startswith(_XEN_SSH_PROTOCOL): command = XenCommand(uri, vminfo, job_id, irs) elif uri.startswith(_VMWARE_PROTOCOL): command = LibvirtCommand(uri, username, password, vminfo, job_id, irs) elif uri.startswith(_KVM_PROTOCOL): if ovirt_imageio_common is None: raise V2VError('Unsupported protocol KVM, ovirt_imageio_common' 'package is needed for importing KVM images') command = KVMCommand(uri, username, password, vminfo, job_id, irs) else: raise ClientError('Unknown protocol for Libvirt uri: %s', uri) job = ImportVm(job_id, command) job.start() _add_job(job_id, job) return {'status': doneCode} def convert_ova(ova_path, vminfo, job_id, irs): command = OvaCommand(ova_path, vminfo, job_id, irs) job = ImportVm(job_id, command) job.start() _add_job(job_id, job) return response.success() def get_ova_info(ova_path): ns = {'ovf': _OVF_NS, 'rasd': _RASD_NS} try: root = ET.fromstring(_read_ovf_from_ova(ova_path)) except ET.ParseError as e: raise V2VError('Error reading ovf from ova, position: %r' % e.position) vm = {} _add_general_ovf_info(vm, root, ns, ova_path) _add_disks_ovf_info(vm, root, ns) _add_networks_ovf_info(vm, root, ns) return response.success(vmList=vm) def get_converted_vm(job_id): try: job = _get_job(job_id) _validate_job_done(job) ovf = _read_ovf(job_id) except ClientError as e:'Converted VM error %s', e) return errCode[e.err_name] except V2VError as e: logging.error('Converted VM error %s', e) return errCode[e.err_name] return {'status': doneCode, 'ovf': ovf} def delete_job(job_id): try: job = _get_job(job_id) _validate_job_finished(job) _remove_job(job_id) except ClientError as e:'Cannot delete job, error: %s', e) return errCode[e.err_name] return {'status': doneCode} def abort_job(job_id): try: job = _get_job(job_id) job.abort() except ClientError as e:'Cannot abort job, error: %s', e) return errCode[e.err_name] return {'status': doneCode} def get_jobs_status(): ret = {} with _lock: items = tuple(_jobs.items()) for job_id, job in items: ret[job_id] = { 'status': job.status, 'description': job.description, 'progress': job.progress } return ret def _add_job(job_id, job): with _lock: if job_id in _jobs: raise JobExistsError("Job %r exists" % job_id) _jobs[job_id] = job def _get_job(job_id): with _lock: if job_id not in _jobs: raise NoSuchJob("No such job %r" % job_id) return _jobs[job_id] def _remove_job(job_id): with _lock: if job_id not in _jobs: raise NoSuchJob("No such job %r" % job_id) del _jobs[job_id] def _validate_job_done(job): if job.status != STATUS.DONE: raise JobNotDone("Job %r is %s" % (, job.status)) def _validate_job_finished(job): if job.status not in (STATUS.DONE, STATUS.FAILED, STATUS.ABORTED): raise JobNotDone("Job %r is %s" % (, job.status)) def _read_ovf(job_id): file_name = os.path.join(_V2V_DIR, "%s.ovf" % job_id) try: with open(file_name, 'r') as f: return except IOError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise raise NoSuchOvf("No such ovf %r" % file_name) class SSHAgent(object): """ virt-v2v uses ssh-agent for importing xen vms from libvirt, after virt-v2v log in to the machine it needs to copy its disks which ssh-agent let it handle without passwords while the session is on. for more information please refer to the virt-v2v man page: """ def __init__(self): self._auth = None self._agent_pid = None self._ssh_auth_re = re.compile(_SSH_AUTH_RE) def __enter__(self): rc, out, err = execCmd([_SSH_AGENT.cmd], raw=True) if rc != 0: raise V2VError('Error init ssh-agent, exit code: %r' ', out: %r, err: %r' % (rc, out, err)) m = self._ssh_auth_re.match(out) # looking for: SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-VEE74ObhTWBT/agent.29917 self._auth = {} self._agent_pid = try: rc, out, err = execCmd([_SSH_ADD.cmd], env=self._auth) except: self._kill_agent() raise if rc != 0: # 1 = general fail # 2 = no agnet if rc != 2: self._kill_agent() raise V2VError('Error init ssh-add, exit code: %r' ', out: %r, err: %r' % (rc, out, err)) def __exit__(self, *args): rc, out, err = execCmd([_SSH_ADD.cmd, '-d'], env=self._auth) if rc != 0: logging.error('Error deleting ssh-add, exit code: %r' ', out: %r, err: %r' % (rc, out, err)) self._kill_agent() def _kill_agent(self): rc, out, err = execCmd([_SSH_AGENT.cmd, '-k'], env={'SSH_AGENT_PID': self._agent_pid}) if rc != 0: logging.error('Error killing ssh-agent (PID=%r), exit code: %r' ', out: %r, err: %r' % (self._agent_pid, rc, out, err)) @property def auth(self): return self._auth class V2VCommand(object): def __init__(self, vminfo, vmid, irs): self._vminfo = vminfo self._vmid = vmid self._irs = irs self._prepared_volumes = [] self._passwd_file = os.path.join(_V2V_DIR, "%s.tmp" % vmid) self._password = password.ProtectedPassword('') self._base_command = [_VIRT_V2V.cmd, '-v', '-x'] self._query_v2v_caps() if 'qcow2_compat' in vminfo: qcow2_compat = vminfo['qcow2_compat'] if qcow2_compat not in _QCOW2_COMPAT_SUPPORTED: logging.error('Invalid QCOW2 compat version %r' % qcow2_compat) raise ValueError('Invalid QCOW2 compat version %r' % qcow2_compat) if 'vdsm-compat-option' in self._v2v_caps: self._base_command.extend(['--vdsm-compat', qcow2_compat]) elif qcow2_compat != '0.10': # Note: qcow2 is only a suggestion from the engine # if virt-v2v doesn't support it we fall back to default'virt-v2v not supporting qcow2 compat version: ' '%r', qcow2_compat) def execute(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must implement this") def _command(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must implement this") def _start_helper(self): timestamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') log = os.path.join(_LOG_DIR, "import-%s-%s.log" % (self._vmid, timestamp))"Storing import log at: %r", log) v2v = _simple_exec_cmd(self._command(), nice=NICENESS.HIGH, ioclass=IOCLASS.IDLE, env=self._environment(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) tee = _simple_exec_cmd(['tee', log], nice=NICENESS.HIGH, ioclass=IOCLASS.IDLE, stdin=v2v.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return PipelineProc(v2v, tee) def _get_disk_format(self): fmt = self._vminfo.get('format', 'raw').lower() return "qcow2" if fmt == "cow" else fmt def _disk_parameters(self): parameters = [] for disk in self._vminfo['disks']: try: parameters.append('--vdsm-image-uuid') parameters.append(disk['imageID']) parameters.append('--vdsm-vol-uuid') parameters.append(disk['volumeID']) except KeyError as e: raise InvalidInputError('Job %r missing required property: %s' % (self._vmid, e)) return parameters @contextmanager def _volumes(self): self._prepare_volumes() try: yield finally: self._teardown_volumes() def _prepare_volumes(self): if len(self._vminfo['disks']) < 1: raise InvalidInputError('Job %r cannot import vm with no disk', self._vmid) for disk in self._vminfo['disks']: drive = {'poolID': self._vminfo['poolID'], 'domainID': self._vminfo['domainID'], 'volumeID': disk['volumeID'], 'imageID': disk['imageID']} res = self._irs.prepareImage(drive['domainID'], drive['poolID'], drive['imageID'], drive['volumeID']) if res['status']['code']: raise VolumeError('Job %r bad volume specification: %s' % (self._vmid, drive)) drive['path'] = res['path'] self._prepared_volumes.append(drive) def _teardown_volumes(self): for drive in self._prepared_volumes: try: self._irs.teardownImage(drive['domainID'], drive['poolID'], drive['imageID']) except Exception as e: logging.error('Job %r error tearing down drive: %s', self._vmid, e) def _get_storage_domain_path(self, path): ''' prepareImage returns /prefix/sdUUID/images/imgUUID/volUUID we need storage domain absolute path so we go up 3 levels ''' return path.rsplit(os.sep, 3)[0] def _environment(self): # Provide some sane environment env = os.environ.copy() # virt-v2v specific variables env['LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND'] = 'direct' if 'virtio_iso_path' in self._vminfo: env['VIRTIO_WIN'] = self._vminfo['virtio_iso_path'] return env @contextmanager def _password_file(self): fd =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0o600) try: if self._password.value is None: os.write(fd, "") else: os.write(fd, self._password.value) finally: os.close(fd) try: yield finally: try: os.remove(self._passwd_file) except Exception: logging.exception("Job %r error removing passwd file: %s", self._vmid, self._passwd_file) def _query_v2v_caps(self): self._v2v_caps = frozenset() p = _simple_exec_cmd([_VIRT_V2V.cmd, '--machine-readable'], env=os.environ.copy(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) with terminating(p): try: out, err = p.communicate() except Exception: logging.exception('Terminating virt-v2v process after error') raise if p.returncode != 0: raise V2VProcessError( 'virt-v2v exited with code: %d, stderr: %r' % (p.returncode, err)) self._v2v_caps = frozenset(out.splitlines()) logging.debug("Detected virt-v2v capabilities: %r", self._v2v_caps) class LibvirtCommand(V2VCommand): def __init__(self, uri, username, password, vminfo, vmid, irs): super(LibvirtCommand, self).__init__(vminfo, vmid, irs) self._uri = uri self._username = username self._password = password def _command(self): cmd = self._base_command cmd.extend(['-ic', self._uri, '-o', 'vdsm', '-of', self._get_disk_format(), '-oa', self._vminfo.get('allocation', 'sparse').lower()]) cmd.extend(self._disk_parameters()) cmd.extend(['--password-file', self._passwd_file, '--vdsm-vm-uuid', self._vmid, '--vdsm-ovf-output', _V2V_DIR, '--machine-readable', '-os', self._get_storage_domain_path( self._prepared_volumes[0]['path']), self._vminfo['vmName']]) return cmd @contextmanager def execute(self): with self._volumes(), self._password_file(): yield self._start_helper() class OvaCommand(V2VCommand): def __init__(self, ova_path, vminfo, vmid, irs): super(OvaCommand, self).__init__(vminfo, vmid, irs) self._ova_path = ova_path def _command(self): cmd = self._base_command cmd.extend(['-i', 'ova', self._ova_path, '-o', 'vdsm', '-of', self._get_disk_format(), '-oa', self._vminfo.get('allocation', 'sparse').lower(), '--vdsm-vm-uuid', self._vmid, '--vdsm-ovf-output', _V2V_DIR, '--machine-readable', '-os', self._get_storage_domain_path( self._prepared_volumes[0]['path'])]) cmd.extend(self._disk_parameters()) return cmd @contextmanager def execute(self): with self._volumes(): yield self._start_helper() class XenCommand(V2VCommand): """ Importing Xen via virt-v2v require to use xen+ssh protocol. this requires: - enable the vdsm user in /etc/passwd - generate ssh keys via ssh-keygen - public key exchange with the importing hosts user - host must be in ~/.ssh/known_hosts (done automatically by ssh to the host before importing vm) """ def __init__(self, uri, vminfo, job_id, irs): super(XenCommand, self).__init__(vminfo, job_id, irs) self._uri = uri self._ssh_agent = SSHAgent() def _command(self): cmd = self._base_command cmd.extend(['-ic', self._uri, '-o', 'vdsm', '-of', self._get_disk_format(), '-oa', self._vminfo.get('allocation', 'sparse').lower()]) cmd.extend(self._disk_parameters()) cmd.extend(['--vdsm-vm-uuid', self._vmid, '--vdsm-ovf-output', _V2V_DIR, '--machine-readable', '-os', self._get_storage_domain_path( self._prepared_volumes[0]['path']), self._vminfo['vmName']]) return cmd @contextmanager def execute(self): with self._volumes(), self._ssh_agent: yield self._start_helper() def _environment(self): env = super(XenCommand, self)._environment() env.update(self._ssh_agent.auth) return env class KVMCommand(V2VCommand): def __init__(self, uri, username, password, vminfo, vmid, irs): super(KVMCommand, self).__init__(vminfo, vmid, irs) self._uri = uri self._username = username self._password = password def _command(self): cmd = [EXT_KVM_2_OVIRT, '--uri', self._uri] if self._username is not None: cmd.extend([ '--username', self._username, '--password-file', self._passwd_file]) src, fmt = self._source_images() cmd.append('--source') cmd.extend(src) cmd.append('--dest') cmd.extend(self._dest_images()) cmd.append('--storage-type') cmd.extend(fmt) cmd.append('--vm-name') cmd.append(self._vminfo['vmName']) return cmd @contextmanager def execute(self): with self._volumes(), self._password_file(): yield self._start_helper() def _source_images(self): con = libvirtconnection.open_connection(uri=self._uri, username=self._username, passwd=self._password) with closing(con): vm = con.lookupByName(self._vminfo['vmName']) if vm: params = {} root = ET.fromstring(vm.XMLDesc(0)) _add_disks(root, params) src = [] fmt = [] for disk in params['disks']: if 'alias' in disk: src.append(disk['alias']) fmt.append(disk['disktype']) return src, fmt def _dest_images(self): ret = [] for vol in self._prepared_volumes: ret.append(vol['path']) return ret class PipelineProc(object): def __init__(self, proc1, proc2): self._procs = (proc1, proc2) self._stdout = proc2.stdout def kill(self): """ Kill all processes in a pipeline. Some of the processes may have already terminated, but some may be still running. Regular kill() raises OSError if the process has already terminated. Since we are dealing with multiple processes, to avoid any confusion we do not raise OSError at all. """ for p in self._procs: logging.debug("Killing pid=%d", try: p.kill() except OSError as e: # Probably the process has already terminated if e.errno != errno.ESRCH: raise e @property def pids(self): return [ for p in self._procs] @property def returncode(self): """ Returns None if any of the processes is still running. Returns 0 if all processes have finished with a zero exit code, otherwise return first nonzero exit code. """ ret = 0 for p in self._procs: p.poll() if p.returncode is None: return None if p.returncode != 0 and ret == 0: # One of the processes has failed ret = p.returncode # All processes have finished return ret @property def stdout(self): return self._stdout def wait(self, timeout=None): if timeout is not None: deadline = monotonic_time() + timeout else: deadline = None for p in self._procs: if deadline is not None: # NOTE: CPopen doesn't support timeout argument. while monotonic_time() < deadline: p.poll() if p.returncode is not None: break time.sleep(1) else: p.wait() if deadline is not None: if deadline < monotonic_time() or self.returncode is None: # Timed out return False return True class ImportVm(object): TERM_DELAY = 30 PROC_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 30 def __init__(self, job_id, command): self._id = job_id self._command = command self._thread = None self._status = STATUS.STARTING self._description = '' self._disk_progress = 0 self._disk_count = 1 self._current_disk = 1 self._aborted = False self._proc = None def start(self): self._thread = concurrent.thread(self._run, name="v2v/" + self._id[:8]) self._thread.start() def wait(self): if self._thread is not None and self._thread.is_alive(): self._thread.join() @property def id(self): return self._id @property def status(self): return self._status @property def description(self): return self._description @property def progress(self): ''' progress is part of multiple disk_progress its flat and not 100% accurate - each disk take its portion ie if we have 2 disks the first will take 0-50 and the second 50-100 ''' completed = (self._disk_count - 1) * 100 return (completed + self._disk_progress) / self._disk_count @traceback(msg="Error importing vm") def _run(self): try: self._import() except Exception as ex: if self._aborted: logging.debug("Job %r was aborted", self._id) else: logging.exception("Job %r failed", self._id) self._status = STATUS.FAILED self._description = str(ex) try: if self._proc is not None: self._abort() except Exception as e: logging.exception('Job %r, error trying to abort: %r', self._id, e) def _import(self):'Job %r starting import', self._id) with self._command.execute() as self._proc: self._watch_process_output() self._wait_for_process() if self._proc.returncode != 0: raise V2VProcessError('Job %r process failed exit-code: %r' % (self._id, self._proc.returncode)) if self._status != STATUS.ABORTED: self._status = STATUS.DONE'Job %r finished import successfully', self._id) def _wait_for_process(self): if self._proc.returncode is not None: return logging.debug("Job %r waiting for virt-v2v process", self._id) if not self._proc.wait(timeout=self.PROC_WAIT_TIMEOUT): raise V2VProcessError("Job %r timeout waiting for process pid=%s", self._id, self._proc.pids) def _watch_process_output(self): out = io.BufferedReader(io.FileIO(self._proc.stdout.fileno(), mode='r', closefd=False), BUFFSIZE) parser = OutputParser() for event in parser.parse(out): if isinstance(event, ImportProgress): self._status = STATUS.COPYING_DISK"Job %r copying disk %d/%d", self._id, event.current_disk, event.disk_count) self._disk_progress = 0 self._current_disk = event.current_disk self._disk_count = event.disk_count self._description = event.description elif isinstance(event, DiskProgress): self._disk_progress = event.progress if event.progress % 10 == 0:"Job %r copy disk %d progress %d/100", self._id, self._current_disk, event.progress) else: raise RuntimeError("Job %r got unexpected parser event: %s" % (self._id, event)) def abort(self): self._status = STATUS.ABORTED'Job %r aborting...', self._id) self._abort() def _abort(self): self._aborted = True if self._proc is None: logging.warning( 'Ignoring request to abort job %r; the job failed to start', self._id) return if self._proc.returncode is None: logging.debug('Job %r killing virt-v2v process', self._id) try: self._proc.kill() except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ESRCH: raise logging.debug('Job %r virt-v2v process not running', self._id) else: logging.debug('Job %r virt-v2v process was killed', self._id) finally: for pid in self._proc.pids: zombiereaper.autoReapPID(pid) class OutputParser(object): COPY_DISK_RE = re.compile(r'.*(Copying disk (\d+)/(\d+)).*') DISK_PROGRESS_RE = re.compile(r'\s+\((\d+).*') def parse(self, stream): for line in stream: if 'Copying disk' in line: description, current_disk, disk_count = self._parse_line(line) yield ImportProgress(int(current_disk), int(disk_count), description) for chunk in self._iter_progress(stream): progress = self._parse_progress(chunk) if progress is not None: yield DiskProgress(progress) if progress == 100: break def _parse_line(self, line): m = self.COPY_DISK_RE.match(line) if m is None: raise OutputParserError('unexpected format in "Copying disk"' ', line: %r' % line) return,, def _iter_progress(self, stream): chunk = '' while True: c = if not c: raise OutputParserError('copy-disk stream closed unexpectedly') chunk += c if c == '\r': yield chunk chunk = '' def _parse_progress(self, chunk): m = self.DISK_PROGRESS_RE.match(chunk) if m is None: return None try: return int( except ValueError: raise OutputParserError('error parsing progress regex: %r' % m.groups) def _mem_to_mib(size, unit): lunit = unit.lower() if lunit in ('bytes', 'b'): return size / 1024 / 1024 elif lunit in ('kib', 'k'): return size / 1024 elif lunit in ('mib', 'm'): return size elif lunit in ('gib', 'g'): return size * 1024 elif lunit in ('tib', 't'): return size * 1024 * 1024 else: raise InvalidVMConfiguration("Invalid currentMemory unit attribute:" " %r" % unit) def _list_domains(conn): try: for vm in conn.listAllDomains(): yield vm # TODO: use only the new API (no need to fall back to listDefinedDomains) # when supported in Xen under RHEL 5.x except libvirt.libvirtError as e: if e.get_error_code() != libvirt.VIR_ERR_NO_SUPPORT: raise # Support for old libvirt clients seen = set() for name in conn.listDefinedDomains(): try: vm = conn.lookupByName(name) except libvirt.libvirtError as e: logging.error("Error looking up vm %r: %s", name, e) else: seen.add(name) yield vm for domainId in conn.listDomainsID(): try: vm = conn.lookupByID(domainId) except libvirt.libvirtError as e: logging.error("Error looking up vm by id %r: %s", domainId, e) else: if not in seen: yield vm def _add_vm(conn, vms, vm): params = {} try: _add_vm_info(vm, params) except libvirt.libvirtError as e: logging.error("error getting domain information: %s", e) return try: xml = vm.XMLDesc(0) except libvirt.libvirtError as e: logging.error("error getting domain xml for vm %r: %s",, e) return try: root = ET.fromstring(xml) except ET.ParseError as e: logging.error('error parsing domain xml: %s', e) return if not _block_disk_supported(conn, root): return try: _add_general_info(root, params) except InvalidVMConfiguration as e: logging.error("error adding general info: %s", e) return _add_snapshot_info(conn, vm, params) _add_networks(root, params) _add_disks(root, params) _add_graphics(root, params) _add_video(root, params) disk_info = None for disk in params['disks']: disk_info = _get_disk_info(conn, disk, vm) if disk_info is None: break disk.update(disk_info) if disk_info is not None: vms.append(params) else: logging.warning('Cannot add VM %s due to disk storage error', def _block_disk_supported(conn, root): ''' Currently we do not support importing VMs with block device from Xen on Rhel 5.x ''' if conn.getType() == 'Xen': block_disks = root.findall('.//disk[@type="block"]') block_disks = [d for d in block_disks if d.attrib.get('device', None) == "disk"] return len(block_disks) == 0 return True def _add_vm_info(vm, params): params['vmName'] = # TODO: use new API: vm.state()[0] == libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF # when supported in Xen under RHEL 5.x if vm.isActive(): params['status'] = "Up" else: params['status'] = "Down" def _add_general_info(root, params): e = root.find('./uuid') if e is not None: params['vmId'] = e.text e = root.find('./currentMemory') if e is not None: try: size = int(e.text) except ValueError: raise InvalidVMConfiguration("Invalid 'currentMemory' value: %r" % e.text) unit = e.get('unit', 'KiB') params['memSize'] = _mem_to_mib(size, unit) e = root.find('./vcpu') if e is not None: try: params['smp'] = int(e.text) except ValueError: raise InvalidVMConfiguration("Invalid 'vcpu' value: %r" % e.text) e = root.find('./os/type/[@arch]') if e is not None: params['arch'] = e.get('arch') def _get_disk_info(conn, disk, vm): if 'alias' in disk.keys(): try: if disk['disktype'] == 'file': vol = conn.storageVolLookupByPath(disk['alias']) _, capacity, alloc = elif disk['disktype'] == 'block': vol = vm.blockInfo(disk['alias']) # We use the physical for allocation # in blockInfo can report 0 capacity, _, alloc = vol else: logging.error('Unsupported disk type: %r', disk['disktype']) except libvirt.libvirtError: logging.exception("Error getting disk size") return None else: return {'capacity': str(capacity), 'allocation': str(alloc)} return {} def _convert_disk_format(format): # TODO: move to volume format when storage/ # will be accessible for /lib/vdsm/ if format == 'qcow2': return 'COW' elif format == 'raw': return 'RAW' raise KeyError def _add_disks(root, params): params['disks'] = [] disks = root.findall('.//disk[@type="file"]') disks = disks + root.findall('.//disk[@type="block"]') for disk in disks: d = {} disktype = disk.get('type') device = disk.get('device') if device is not None: if device == 'cdrom': # Skip CD-ROM drives continue d['type'] = device target = disk.find('./target/[@dev]') if target is not None: d['dev'] = target.get('dev') if disktype == 'file': d['disktype'] = 'file' source = disk.find('./source/[@file]') if source is not None: d['alias'] = source.get('file') elif disktype == 'block': d['disktype'] = 'block' source = disk.find('./source/[@dev]') if source is not None: d['alias'] = source.get('dev') else: logging.error('Unsupported disk type: %r', type) driver = disk.find('./driver/[@type]') if driver is not None: try: d["format"] = _convert_disk_format(driver.get('type')) except KeyError: logging.warning("Disk %s has unsupported format: %r", d, format) params['disks'].append(d) def _add_graphics(root, params): e = root.find('./devices/graphics/[@type]') if e is not None: params['graphics'] = e.get('type') def _add_video(root, params): e = root.find('./devices/video/model/[@type]') if e is not None: params['video'] = e.get('type') def _add_networks(root, params): params['networks'] = [] interfaces = root.findall('.//interface') for iface in interfaces: i = {} if 'type' in iface.attrib: i['type'] = iface.attrib['type'] mac = iface.find('./mac/[@address]') if mac is not None: i['macAddr'] = mac.get('address') source = iface.find('./source/[@bridge]') if source is not None: i['bridge'] = source.get('bridge') target = iface.find('./target/[@dev]') if target is not None: i['dev'] = target.get('dev') model = iface.find('./model/[@type]') if model is not None: i['model'] = model.get('type') params['networks'].append(i) def _add_snapshot_info(conn, vm, params): # Snapshot related API is not yet implemented in the libvirt's Xen driver if conn.getType() == 'Xen': return try: ret = vm.hasCurrentSnapshot() except libvirt.libvirtError: logging.exception('Error checking for existing snapshots.') else: params['has_snapshots'] = ret > 0 def _vm_has_snapshot(vm): try: return vm.hasCurrentSnapshot() == 1 except libvirt.libvirtError: logging.exception('Error checking if snapshot exist for vm: %s.', return False def _read_ovf_from_ova(ova_path): """ virt-v2v support ova in tar, zip formats as well as extracted directory """ if os.path.isdir(ova_path): return _read_ovf_from_ova_dir(ova_path) elif zipfile.is_zipfile(ova_path): return _read_ovf_from_zip_ova(ova_path) elif tarfile.is_tarfile(ova_path): return _read_ovf_from_tar_ova(ova_path) raise ClientError('Unknown ova format, supported formats:' ' tar, zip or a directory') def _find_ovf(entries): for entry in entries: if '.ovf' == os.path.splitext(entry)[1].lower(): return entry return None def _read_ovf_from_ova_dir(ova_path): files = os.listdir(ova_path) name = _find_ovf(files) if name is not None: with open(os.path.join(ova_path, name), 'r') as ovf_file: return raise ClientError('OVA directory %s does not contain ovf file' % ova_path) def _read_ovf_from_zip_ova(ova_path): with open(ova_path, 'rb') as fh: zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fh) name = _find_ovf(zf.namelist()) if name is not None: return raise ClientError('OVA does not contains file with .ovf suffix') def _read_ovf_from_tar_ova(ova_path): with as tar: for member in tar: if'.ovf'): with closing(tar.extractfile(member)) as ovf: return raise ClientError('OVA does not contains file with .ovf suffix') def _add_general_ovf_info(vm, node, ns, ova_path): vm['status'] = 'Down' vmName = node.find('./ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:Name', ns) if vmName is not None: vm['vmName'] = vmName.text else: vm['vmName'] = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(ova_path))[0] memSize = node.find('.//ovf:Item[rasd:ResourceType="%d"]/' 'rasd:VirtualQuantity' % _OVF_RESOURCE_MEMORY, ns) if memSize is not None: vm['memSize'] = int(memSize.text) else: raise V2VError('Error parsing ovf information: no memory size') smp = node.find('.//ovf:Item[rasd:ResourceType="%d"]/' 'rasd:VirtualQuantity' % _OVF_RESOURCE_CPU, ns) if smp is not None: vm['smp'] = int(smp.text) else: raise V2VError('Error parsing ovf information: no cpu info') def _get_max_disk_size(populated_size, size): if populated_size is None: return size if size is None: return populated_size return str(max(int(populated_size), int(size))) def _parse_allocation_units(units): """ Parse allocation units of the form "bytes * x * y^z" The format is defined in: DSP0004: Common Information Model (CIM) Infrastructure, ANNEX C.1 Programmatic Units We conform only to the subset of the format specification and base-units must be bytes. """ # Format description sp = '[ \t\n]?' base_unit = 'byte' operator = '[*]' # we support only multiplication number = '[+]?[0-9]+' # we support only positive integers exponent = '[+]?[0-9]+' # we support only positive integers modifier1 = '(?P<m1>{op}{sp}(?P<m1_num>{num}))'.format( op=operator, num=number, sp=sp) modifier2 = \ '(?P<m2>{op}{sp}' \ '(?P<m2_base>[0-9]+){sp}\^{sp}(?P<m2_exp>{exp}))'.format( op=operator, exp=exponent, sp=sp) r = '^{base_unit}({sp}{mod1})?({sp}{mod2})?$'.format( base_unit=base_unit, mod1=modifier1, mod2=modifier2, sp=sp) m = re.match(r, units, re.MULTILINE) if m is None: raise V2VError('Failed to parse allocation units: %r' % units) g = m.groupdict() ret = 1 if g['m1'] is not None: try: ret *= int(g['m1_num']) except ValueError: raise V2VError("Failed to parse allocation units: %r" % units) if g['m2'] is not None: try: ret *= pow(int(g['m2_base']), int(g['m2_exp'])) except ValueError: raise V2VError("Failed to parse allocation units: %r" % units) return ret def _add_disks_ovf_info(vm, node, ns): vm['disks'] = [] for d in node.findall(".//ovf:DiskSection/ovf:Disk", ns): disk = {'type': 'disk'} capacity = int(d.attrib.get('{%s}capacity' % _OVF_NS)) if '{%s}capacityAllocationUnits' % _OVF_NS in d.attrib: units = d.attrib.get('{%s}capacityAllocationUnits' % _OVF_NS) capacity *= _parse_allocation_units(units) disk['capacity'] = str(capacity) fileref = d.attrib.get('{%s}fileRef' % _OVF_NS) alias = node.find('.//ovf:References/ovf:File[@ovf:id="%s"]' % fileref, ns) if alias is not None: disk['alias'] = alias.attrib.get('{%s}href' % _OVF_NS) populated_size = d.attrib.get('{%s}populatedSize' % _OVF_NS, None) size = alias.attrib.get('{%s}size' % _OVF_NS) disk['allocation'] = _get_max_disk_size(populated_size, size) else: raise V2VError('Error parsing ovf information: disk href info') vm['disks'].append(disk) def _add_networks_ovf_info(vm, node, ns): vm['networks'] = [] for n in node.findall('.//ovf:Item[rasd:ResourceType="%d"]' % _OVF_RESOURCE_NETWORK, ns): net = {} dev = n.find('./rasd:ElementName', ns) if dev is not None: net['dev'] = dev.text else: raise V2VError('Error parsing ovf information: ' 'network element name') model = n.find('./rasd:ResourceSubType', ns) if model is not None: net['model'] = model.text else: raise V2VError('Error parsing ovf information: network model') bridge = n.find('./rasd:Connection', ns) if bridge is not None: net['bridge'] = bridge.text net['type'] = 'bridge' else: net['type'] = 'interface' vm['networks'].append(net) def _simple_exec_cmd(command, env=None, nice=None, ioclass=None, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None): command = wrap_command(command, with_ioclass=ioclass, ioclassdata=None, with_nice=nice, with_setsid=False, with_sudo=False, reset_cpu_affinity=True) logging.debug(cmdutils.command_log_line(command, cwd=None)) p = CPopen(command, close_fds=True, cwd=None, env=env, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) return p
# Endpoints for user to control the home. from datetime import datetime from flask import Blueprint, jsonify, request from services import elements_services, home_services home_api = Blueprint('/home_api', __name__) elements_services = elements_services.ElementsServices() home_services = home_services.HomeServices() @home_api.route('/profiles') def profiles(): """Gets all profiles for all elements for user application to display and manipulate elements""" return jsonify(home_services.get_profiles()) @home_api.route('/element', methods=['POST']) def update_element(): """Updates single element with all new values received from the user application""" received_element = request.get_json() home_services.update_element(received_element) return 'OK' @home_api.route('/elements', methods=['POST']) def update_elements(): """Updates all elements with all new values received from the user application""" received_elements = request.get_json() home_services.update_elements(received_elements) return 'OK' @home_api.route('/elementdelete', methods=['POST']) def delete_element(): """Deletes a single element with given hid""" element = request.get_json() home_services.delete_element(element['hid']) return 'OK' @home_api.route('/timerules', methods=['POST']) def timerules(): """Adds, Updates or deletes time rule for the given element""" rules = request.get_json() if len(rules) == 0: raise Exception("No elements in the list") for rule in rules: if 'id' not in rule: rule['id'] = None home_services.save_time_rules(rules) return 'OK' @home_api.route('/timerules/<string:hid>') def get_timerules(hid): """Gets list of timerules for given hid""" timerules= home_services.read_time_rules(hid) return jsonify(timerules)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time import EafIO import warnings class Eaf: """Read and write Elan's Eaf files. .. note:: All times are in milliseconds and can't have decimals. :var dict annotation_document: Annotation document TAG entries. :var dict licences: Licences included in the file. :var dict header: XML header. :var list media_descriptors: Linked files, where every file is of the form: ``{attrib}``. :var list properties: Properties, where every property is of the form: ``(value, {attrib})``. :var list linked_file_descriptors: Secondary linked files, where every linked file is of the form: ``{attrib}``. :var dict timeslots: Timeslot data of the form: ``{TimslotID -> time(ms)}``. :var dict tiers: Tier data of the form: ``{tier_name -> (aligned_annotations, reference_annotations, attributes, ordinal)}``, aligned_annotations of the form: ``[{annotation_id -> (begin_ts, end_ts, value, svg_ref)}]``, reference annotations of the form: ``[{annotation_id -> (reference, value, previous, svg_ref)}]``. :var list linguistic_types: Linguistic types, where every type is of the form: ``{id -> attrib}``. :var list locales: Locales, where every locale is of the form: ``{attrib}``. :var dict constraints: Constraint data of the form: ``{stereotype -> description}``. :var dict controlled_vocabularies: Controlled vocabulary data of the form: ``{id -> (descriptions, entries, ext_ref)}``, descriptions of the form: ``[(lang_ref, text)]``, entries of the form: ``{id -> (values, ext_ref)}``, values of the form: ``[(lang_ref, description, text)]``. :var list external_refs: External references, where every reference is of the form ``[id, type, value]``. :var list lexicon_refs: Lexicon references, where every reference is of the form: ``[{attribs}]``. """ def __init__(self, file_path=None, author='pympi'): """Construct either a new Eaf file or read on from a file/stream. :param str file_path: Path to read from, - for stdin. If ``None`` an empty Eaf file will be created. :param str author: Author of the file. """ self.naive_gen_ann, self.naive_gen_ts = False, False self.annotation_document = { 'AUTHOR': author, 'DATE': time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"), 'VERSION': '2.8', 'FORMAT': '2.8', 'xmlns:xsi': '', 'xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation': ''} self.constraints = {} self.controlled_vocabularies = {} self.header = {} self.licences = {} self.linguistic_types = {} self.tiers = {} self.timeslots = {} self.external_refs = [] self.lexicon_refs = [] self.linked_file_descriptors = [] self.locales = [] self.media_descriptors = [] = [] self.new_time, self.new_ann = 0, 0 if file_path is None: self.add_linguistic_type('default-lt', None) self.constraints = {'Time_Subdivision': 'Time subdivision of paren' 't annotation\'s time interval, no time gaps a' 'llowed within this interval', 'Symbolic_Subdivision': 'Symbolic subdivision ' 'of a parent annotation. Annotations refering ' 'to the same parent are ordered', 'Symbolic_Association': '1-1 association with ' 'a parent annotation', 'Included_In': 'Time alignable annotations wit' 'hin the parent annotation\'s time interval, g' 'aps are allowed'}'0', {'NAME': 'lastUsedAnnotation'})) self.add_tier('default') else: EafIO.parse_eaf(file_path, self) def to_file(self, file_path, pretty=True): """Write the object to a file, if the file already exists a backup will be created with the ``.bak`` suffix. :param str file_path: Path to write to, - for stdout. :param bool pretty: Flag for pretty XML printing. """ EafIO.to_eaf(file_path, self, pretty) def to_textgrid(self, excluded_tiers=[], included_tiers=[]): """Convert the object to a :class:`pympi.Praat.TextGrid` object. :param list excluded_tiers: Specifically exclude these tiers. :param list included_tiers: Only include this tiers, when empty all are included. :returns: :class:`pympi.Praat.TextGrid` object :raises ImportError: If the pympi.Praat module can't be loaded. """ from Praat import TextGrid tgout = TextGrid() tiers = [a for a in self.tiers if a not in excluded_tiers] if included_tiers: tiers = [a for a in tiers if a in included_tiers] for tier in tiers: currentTier = tgout.add_tier(tier) for interval in self.get_annotation_data_for_tier(tier): if interval[0] == interval[1]: continue currentTier.add_interval(interval[0]/1000.0, interval[1]/1000.0, interval[2]) return tgout def extract(self, start, end): """Extracts the selected time frame as a new object. :param int start: Start time. :param int end: End time. :returns: The extracted frame in a new object. """ from copy import deepcopy eaf_out = deepcopy(self) for tier in eaf_out.tiers.itervalues(): rems = [] for ann in tier[0]: if eaf_out.timeslots[tier[0][ann][1]] > end or\ eaf_out.timeslots[tier[0][ann][0]] < start: rems.append(ann) for r in rems: del tier[0][r] return eaf_out def get_linked_files(self): """Give all linked files.""" return self.media_descriptors def add_linked_file(self, file_path, relpath=None, mimetype=None, time_origin=None, ex_from=None): """Add a linked file. :param str file_path: Path of the file. :param str relpath: Relative path of the file. :param str mimetype: Mimetype of the file, if ``None`` it tries to guess it according to the file extension which currently only works for wav, mpg, mpeg and xml. :param int time_origin: Time origin for the media file. :param str ex_from: Extracted from field. :raises KeyError: If mimetype had to be guessed and a non standard extension or an unknown mimetype. """ if mimetype is None: mimes = {'wav': 'audio/x-wav', 'mpg': 'video/mpeg', 'mpeg': 'video/mpg', 'xml': 'text/xml'} mimetype = mimes[file_path.split('.')[-1]] self.media_descriptors.append({ 'MEDIA_URL': file_path, 'RELATIVE_MEDIA_URL': relpath, 'MIME_TYPE': mimetype, 'TIME_ORIGIN': time_origin, 'EXTRACTED_FROM': ex_from}) def copy_tier(self, eaf_obj, tier_name): """Copies a tier to another :class:`pympi.Elan.Eaf` object. :param pympi.Elan.Eaf eaf_obj: Target Eaf object. :param str tier_name: Name of the tier. :raises KeyError: If the tier doesn't exist. """ eaf_obj.remove_tier(tier_name) eaf_obj.add_tier(tier_name, tier_dict=self.tiers[tier_name][3]) for ann in self.get_annotation_data_for_tier(tier_name): eaf_obj.insert_annotation(tier_name, ann[0], ann[1], ann[2]) def add_tier(self, tier_id, ling='default-lt', parent=None, locale=None, part=None, ann=None, tier_dict=None): """Add a tier. :param str tier_id: Name of the tier. :param str ling: Linguistic type, if the type is not available it will warn and pick the first available type. :param str parent: Parent tier name. :param str locale: Locale. :param str part: Participant. :param str ann: Annotator. :param dict tier_dict: TAG attributes, when this is not ``None`` it will ignore all other options. """ if ling not in self.linguistic_types: warnings.warn( 'add_tier: Linguistic type non existent, choosing the first') ling = self.linguistic_types.keys()[0] if tier_dict is None: self.tiers[tier_id] = ({}, {}, { 'TIER_ID': tier_id, 'LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF': ling, 'PARENT_REF': parent, 'PARTICIPANT': part, 'DEFAULT_LOCALE': locale, 'ANNOTATOR': ann}, len(self.tiers)) else: self.tiers[tier_id] = ({}, {}, tier_dict, len(self.tiers)) def remove_tiers(self, tiers): """Remove multiple tiers, note that this is a lot faster then removing them individually because of the delayed cleaning of timeslots. :param list tiers: Names of the tier to remove. :raises KeyError: If a tier is non existent. """ for a in tiers: self.remove_tier(a, check=False, clean=False) self.clean_time_slots() def remove_tier(self, id_tier, clean=True): """Remove tier. :param str id_tier: Name of the tier. :param bool clean: Flag to also clean the timeslots. :raises KeyError: If tier is non existent. """ del(self.tiers[id_tier]) if clean: self.clean_time_slots() def get_tier_names(self): """List all the tier names. :returns: List of all tier names """ return self.tiers.keys() def get_parameters_for_tier(self, id_tier): """Give the parameter dictionary, this is usaable in :func:`add_tier`. :param str id_tier: Name of the tier. :returns: Dictionary of parameters. :raises KeyError: If the tier is non existent. """ return self.tiers[id_tier][2] def child_tiers_for(self, id_tier): """Give all child tiers for a tier. :param str id_tier: Name of the tier. :returns: List of all children :raises KeyError: If the tier is non existent. """ return [m for m in self.tiers if 'PARENT_REF' in self.tiers[m][2] and self.tiers[m][2]['PARENT_REF'] == id_tier] def get_annotation_data_for_tier(self, id_tier): """Gives a list of annotations of the form: ``(begin, end, value)`` :param str id_tier: Name of the tier. :raises KeyError: If the tier is non existent. """ a = self.tiers[id_tier][0] return [(self.timeslots[a[b][0]], self.timeslots[a[b][1]], a[b][2]) for b in a] def get_annotation_data_at_time(self, id_tier, time): """Give the annotations at the given time. :param str id_tier: Name of the tier. :param int time: Time of the annotation. :returns: List of annotations at that time. :raises KeyError: If the tier is non existent. """ anns = self.tiers[id_tier][0] return sorted( [(self.timeslots[m[0]], self.timeslots[m[1]], m[2]) for m in anns.itervalues() if self.timeslots[m[0]] <= time and self.timeslots[m[1]] >= time]) def get_annotation_datas_between_times(self, id_tier, start, end): """Gives the annotations within the times. :param str id_tier: Name of the tier. :param int start: Start time of the annotation. :param int end: End time of the annotation. :returns: List of annotations within that time. :raises KeyError: If the tier is non existent. """ anns = self.tiers[id_tier][0] return sorted([ (self.timeslots[m[0]], self.timeslots[m[1]], m[2]) for m in anns.itervalues() if self.timeslots[m[1]] >= start and self.timeslots[m[0]] <= end]) def remove_all_annotations_from_tier(self, id_tier): """remove all annotations from a tier :param str id_tier: Name of the tier. :raises KeyError: If the tier is non existent. """ self.tiers[id_tier][0], self.tiers[id_tier][1] = {}, {} self.clean_time_slots() def insert_annotation(self, id_tier, start, end, value='', svg_ref=None): """Insert an annotation. :param str id_tier: Name of the tier. :param int start: Start time of the annotation. :param int end: End time of the annotation. :param str value: Value of the annotation. :param str svg_ref: Svg reference. :raises KeyError: If the tier is non existent. """ start_ts = self.generate_ts_id(start) end_ts = self.generate_ts_id(end) self.tiers[id_tier][0][self.generate_annotation_id()] =\ (start_ts, end_ts, value, svg_ref) def remove_annotation(self, id_tier, time, clean=True): """Remove an annotation in a tier, if you need speed the best thing is to clean the timeslots after the last removal. :param str id_tier: Name of the tier. :param int time: Timepoint within the annotation. :param bool clean: Flag to clean the timeslots afterwards. :raises KeyError: If the tier is non existent. """ for b in [a for a in self.tiers[id_tier][0].iteritems() if a[1][0] >= time and a[1][1] <= time]: del(self.tiers[id_tier][0][b[0]]) if clean: self.clean_time_slots() def insert_ref_annotation(self, id_tier, ref, value, prev, svg_ref=None): """Insert a reference annotation. :param str id_tier: Name of the tier. :param str ref: Id of the referenced annotation. :param str value: Value of the annotation. :param str prev: Id of the previous annotation. :param str svg_ref: Svg reference. :raises KeyError: If the tier is non existent. """ self.tiers[id_tier][1][self.generate_annotation_id()] =\ (ref, value, prev, svg_ref) def get_ref_annotation_data_for_tier(self, id_tier): """"Give a list of all reference annotations of the form: ``[{id -> (ref, value, previous, svg_ref}]`` :param str id_tier: Name of the tier. :raises KeyError: If the tier is non existent. """ return self.tiers[id_tier][1] def remove_controlled_vocabulary(self, cv): """Remove a controlled vocabulary. :param str cv: Controlled vocabulary id. :raises KeyError: If the controlled vocabulary is non existent. """ del(self.controlled_vocabularies[cv]) def generate_annotation_id(self): """Generate the next annotation id, this function is mainly used internally. """ if self.naive_gen_ann: new = self.last_ann+1 self.last_ann = new else: new = 1 anns = {int(ann[1:]) for tier in self.tiers.itervalues() for ann in tier[0]} if len(anns) > 0: newann = set(xrange(1, max(anns))).difference(anns) if len(newann) == 0: new = max(anns)+1 self.naive_gen_ann = True self.last_ann = new else: new = sorted(newann)[0] return 'a%d' % new def generate_ts_id(self, time=None): """Generate the next timeslot id, this function is mainly used internally :param int time: Initial time to assign to the timeslot """ if self.naive_gen_ts: new = self.last_ts+1 self.last_ts = new else: new = 1 tss = {int(x[2:]) for x in self.timeslots} if len(tss) > 0: newts = set(xrange(1, max(tss))).difference(tss) if len(newts) == 0: new = max(tss)+1 self.naive_gen_ts = True self.last_ts = new else: new = sorted(newts)[0] ts = 'ts%d' % new self.timeslots[ts] = time return ts def clean_time_slots(self): """Clean up all unused timeslots. .. warning:: This can and will take time for larger tiers. When you want to do a lot of operations on a lot of tiers please unset the flags for cleaning in the functions so that the cleaning is only performed afterwards. """ ts_in_tier = set(sum([a[0:2] for tier in self.tiers.itervalues() for a in tier[0].itervalues()], ())) ts_avail = set(self.timeslots) for a in ts_in_tier.symmetric_difference(ts_avail): del(self.timeslots[a]) self.naive_gen_ts = False self.naive_gen_ann = False def generate_annotation_concat(self, tiers, start, end, sep='-'): """Give a string of concatenated annotation values for annotations within a timeframe. :param list tiers: List of tier names. :param int start: Start time. :param int end: End time. :param str sep: Separator string to use. :returns: String containing a concatenation of annotation values. :raises KeyError: If a tier is non existent. """ return sep.join( set(d[2] for t in tiers if t in self.tiers for d in self.get_annotation_datas_between_times(t, start, end))) def merge_tiers(self, tiers, tiernew=None, gaptresh=1): """Merge tiers into a new tier and when the gap is lower then the threshhold glue the annotations together. :param list tiers: List of tier names. :param str tiernew: Name for the new tier, if ``None`` the name will be generated. :param int gapthresh: Threshhold for the gaps. :raises KeyError: If a tier is non existent. :raises TypeError: If there are no annotations within the tiers. """ if tiernew is None: tiernew = '%s_Merged' % '_'.join(tiers) self.remove_tier(tiernew) self.add_tier(tiernew) timepts = sorted(set.union( *[set(j for j in xrange(d[0], d[1])) for d in [ann for tier in tiers for ann in self.get_annotation_data_for_tier(tier)]])) if len(timepts) > 1: start = timepts[0] for i in xrange(1, len(timepts)): if timepts[i]-timepts[i-1] > gaptresh: self.insert_annotation( tiernew, start, timepts[i-1], self.generate_annotation_concat(tiers, start, timepts[i-1])) start = timepts[i] self.insert_annotation( tiernew, start, timepts[i-1], self.generate_annotation_concat(tiers, start, timepts[i-1])) def shift_annotations(self, time): """Shift all annotations in time, this creates a new object. :param int time: Time shift width, negative numbers make a right shift. :returns: Shifted :class:`pympi.Elan.Eaf' object. """ e = self.extract( -1*time, self.get_full_time_interval()[1]) if time < 0 else\ self.extract(0, self.get_full_time_interval()[1]-time) for tier in e.tiers.itervalues(): for ann in tier[0].itervalues(): e.timeslots[ann[0]] = e.timeslots[ann[0]]+time e.timeslots[ann[1]] = e.timeslots[ann[1]]+time e.clean_time_slots() return e def filterAnnotations(self, tier, tier_name=None, filtin=None, filtex=None): """Filter annotations in a tier :param str tier: Name of the tier: :param str tier_name: Name of the new tier, when ``None`` the name will be generated. :param list filtin: List of strings to be included, if None all annotations all is included. :param list filtex: List of strings to be excluded, if None no strings are excluded. :raises KeyError: If the tier is non existent. """ if tier_name is None: tier_name = '%s_filter' % tier self.remove_tier(tier_name) self.add_tier(tier_name) for a in [b for b in self.get_annotation_data_for_tier(tier) if (filtex is None or b[2] not in filtex) and (filtin is None or b[2] in filtin)]: self.insert_annotation(tier_name, a[0], a[1], a[2]) def glue_annotations_in_tier(self, tier, tier_name=None, treshhold=85, filtin=None, filtex=None): """Glue annotatotions together in a tier. :param str tier: Name of the tier. :param str tier_name: Name of the new tier, if ``None`` the name will be generated. :param int threshhold: Threshhold for the maximum gap to still glue. :param list filtin: List of strings to be included, if None all annotations all is included. :param list filtex: List of strings to be excluded, if None no strings are excluded. :raises KeyError: If the tier is non existent. """ if tier_name is None: tier_name = '%s_glued' % tier self.remove_tier(tier_name) self.add_tier(tier_name) tier_data = sorted(self.get_annotation_data_for_tier(tier)) tier_data = [t for t in tier_data if (filtin is None or t[2] in filtin) and (filtex is None or t[2] not in filtex)] currentAnn = None for i in xrange(0, len(tier_data)): if currentAnn is None: currentAnn = (tier_data[i][0], tier_data[i][1], tier_data[i][2]) elif tier_data[i][0] - currentAnn[1] < treshhold: currentAnn = (currentAnn[0], tier_data[i][1], '%s_%s' % (currentAnn[2], tier_data[i][2])) else: self.insert_annotation(tier_name, currentAnn[0], currentAnn[1], currentAnn[2]) currentAnn = tier_data[i] if currentAnn is not None: self.insert_annotation(tier_name, currentAnn[0], tier_data[len(tier_data)-1][1], currentAnn[2]) def get_full_time_interval(self): """Give the full time interval of the file. :returns: Tuple of the form: ``(min_time, max_time``. """ return (min(self.timeslots.itervalues()), max(self.timeslots.itervalues())) def create_gaps_and_overlaps_tier(self, tier1, tier2, tier_name=None, maxlen=-1): """Create a tier with the gaps and overlaps of the annotations. For types see :func:`get_gaps_and_overlaps_duration` :param str tier1: Name of the first tier. :param str tier2: Name of the second tier. :param str tier_name: Name of the new tier, if ``None`` the name will be generated. :param int maxlen: Maximum length of gaps (skip longer ones), if ``-1`` no maximum will be used. :returns: List of gaps and overlaps of the form: ``[(type, start, end)]``. :raises KeyError: If a tier is non existent. :raises IndexError: If no annotations are available in the tiers. """ if tier_name is None: tier_name = '%s_%s_ftos' % (tier1, tier2) self.remove_tier(tier_name) self.add_tier(tier_name) ftos = self.get_gaps_and_overlaps_duration(tier1, tier2, maxlen) for fto in ftos: self.insert_annotation(tier_name, fto[1], fto[2], fto[0]) return ftos def get_gaps_and_overlaps_duration(self, tier1, tier2, maxlen=-1, progressbar=False): """Give gaps and overlaps. The return types are shown in the table below. The string will be of the format: ``id_tiername_tiername``. For example when a gap occurs between tier1 and tier2 and they are called ``speakerA`` and ``speakerB`` the annotation value of that gap will be ``G12_speakerA_speakerB``. | The gaps and overlaps are calculated using Heldner and Edlunds method found in: | *Heldner, M., & Edlund, J. (2010). Pauses, gaps and overlaps in conversations. Journal of Phonetics, 38(4), 555–568. doi:10.1016/j.wocn.2010.08.002* +-----+--------------------------------------------+ | id | Description | +=====+============================================+ | O12 | Overlap from tier1 to tier2 | +-----+--------------------------------------------+ | O21 | Overlap from tier2 to tier1 | +-----+--------------------------------------------+ | G12 | Gap from tier1 to tier2 | +-----+--------------------------------------------+ | G21 | Gap from tier2 to tier1 | +-----+--------------------------------------------+ | P1 | Pause for tier1 | +-----+--------------------------------------------+ | P2 | Pause for tier2 | +-----+--------------------------------------------+ | B12 | Within speaker overlap from tier1 to tier2 | +-----+--------------------------------------------+ | B21 | Within speaker overlap from tier2 to tier1 | +-----+--------------------------------------------+ :param str tier1: Name of the first tier. :param str tier2: Name of the second tier. :param int maxlen: Maximum length of gaps (skip longer ones), if ``-1`` no maximum will be used. :param bool progressbar: Flag for debugging purposes that shows the progress during the process. :returns: List of gaps and overlaps of the form: ``[(type, start, end)]``. :raises KeyError: If a tier is non existent. :raises IndexError: If no annotations are available in the tiers. """ spkr1anns = sorted((self.timeslots[a[0]], self.timeslots[a[1]]) for a in self.tiers[tier1][0].values()) spkr2anns = sorted((self.timeslots[a[0]], self.timeslots[a[1]]) for a in self.tiers[tier2][0].values()) line1 = [] isin = lambda x, lst: False if\ len([i for i in lst if i[0] <= x and i[1] >= x]) == 0 else True minmax = (min(spkr1anns[0][0], spkr2anns[0][0]), max(spkr1anns[-1][1], spkr2anns[-1][1])) last = (1, minmax[0]) lastP = 0 for ts in xrange(*minmax): in1, in2 = isin(ts, spkr1anns), isin(ts, spkr2anns) if in1 and in2: # Both speaking if last[0] == 'B': continue ty = 'B' elif in1: # Only 1 speaking if last[0] == '1': continue ty = '1' elif in2: # Only 2 speaking if last[0] == '2': continue ty = '2' else: # None speaking if last[0] == 'N': continue ty = 'N' line1.append((last[0], last[1], ts)) last = (ty, ts) if progressbar and int((ts*1.0/minmax[1])*100) > lastP: lastP = int((ts*1.0/minmax[1])*100) print '%d%%' % lastP line1.append((last[0], last[1], minmax[1])) ftos = [] for i in xrange(len(line1)): if line1[i][0] == 'N': if i != 0 and i < len(line1) - 1 and\ line1[i-1][0] != line1[i+1][0]: ftos.append(('G12_%s_%s' % (tier1, tier2) if line1[i-1][0] == '1' else 'G21_%s_%s' % (tier2, tier1), line1[i][1], line1[i][2])) else: ftos.append(('P_%s' % (tier1 if line1[i-1][0] == '1' else tier2), line1[i][1], line1[i][2])) elif line1[i][0] == 'B': if i != 0 and i < len(line1) - 1 and\ line1[i-1][0] != line1[i+1][0]: ftos.append(('O12_%s_%s' % ((tier1, tier2) if line1[i-1][0] else 'O21_%s_%s' % (tier2, tier1)), line1[i][1], line1[i][2])) else: ftos.append(('B_%s_%s' % ((tier1, tier2) if line1[i-1][0] == '1' else (tier2, tier1)), line1[i][1], line1[i][2])) return [f for f in ftos if maxlen == -1 or abs(f[2] - f[1]) < maxlen] def create_controlled_vocabulary(self, cv_id, descriptions, entries, ext_ref=None): """Create a controlled vocabulary. .. warning:: This is a very raw implementation and you should check the Eaf file format specification for the entries. :param str cv_id: Name of the controlled vocabulary. :param list descriptions: List of descriptions. :param dict entries: Entries dictionary. :param str ext_ref: External reference. """ self.controlledvocabularies[cv_id] = (descriptions, entries, ext_ref) def get_tier_ids_for_linguistic_type(self, ling_type, parent=None): """Give a list of all tiers matching a linguistic type. :param str ling_type: Name of the linguistic type. :param str parent: Only match tiers from this parent, when ``None`` this option will be ignored. :returns: List of tiernames. :raises KeyError: If a tier or linguistic type is non existent. """ return [t for t in self.tiers if self.tiers[t][2]['LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF'] == ling_type and (parent is None or self.tiers[t][2]['PARENT_REF'] == parent)] def remove_linguistic_type(self, ling_type): """Remove a linguistic type. :param str ling_type: Name of the linguistic type. """ del(self.linguistic_types[ling_type]) def add_linguistic_type(self, lingtype, constraints=None, timealignable=True, graphicreferences=False, extref=None): """Add a linguistic type. :param str lingtype: Name of the linguistic type. :param list constraints: Constraint names. :param bool timealignable: Flag for time alignable. :param bool graphicreferences: Flag for graphic references. :param str extref: External reference. """ self.linguistic_types[lingtype] = { 'LINGUISTIC_TYPE_ID': lingtype, 'TIME_ALIGNABLE': str(timealignable).lower(), 'GRAPHIC_REFERENCES': str(graphicreferences).lower(), 'CONSTRAINTS': constraints} if extref is not None: self.linguistic_types[lingtype]['EXT_REF'] = extref def get_linguistic_types(self): """Give a list of available linguistic types. :returns: List of linguistic type names. """ return self.linguistic_types.keys()
import configparser CONFIG_PATH = 'accounting.conf' class MyConfigParser(): def __init__(self, config_path=CONFIG_PATH): self.config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) def config_section_map(self, section): """ returns all configuration options in 'section' in a dict with key: config_option and value: the read value in the file""" dict1 = {} options = self.config.options(section) for option in options: try: dict1[option] = self.config.get(section, option) if dict1[option] == -1: DebugPrint("skip: %s" % option) except: dict1[option] = None return dict1 # getint(section, option) # getboolean(section, option)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import numpy as np from spc import SPC import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def plot(files, fac=1.0): for f in files: if f.split('.')[-1] == 'xy': td = np.loadtxt(f) plt.plot(td[:, 0], np.log(1. / td[:, 1]) * fac, label=f) elif f.split('.')[-1] == 'spc': td = SPC(f) plt.plot(td.xdata, np.log(1. / np.array(td.ydata)), label=f) plt.legend() if __name__ == '__main__': files = sys.argv[2:] fac = float(sys.argv[1]) plot(files, fac)
#!/usr/bin/env python ## implements a Tumblr ( markup parsing ## engine and compatible webserver. ## ## Version: 0.2 final ## ## Copyright (C) 2009 Jeremy Herbert ## Contact mailto:[email protected] ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ## of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA ## 02110-1301, USA. import os, sys, ftplib, yaml, cherrypy, re, urllib2 from src.post_classes import * from src import json from src.constants import * from import * from import * from src.server import * post_types = ['Regular', 'Photo', 'Quote', 'Link', 'Conversation', 'Video', 'Audio', 'Conversation'] args_dict = { 'autoreload': 0, # Whether to add the meta refresh tag 'publish': False, # Whether to push the new theme data to tumblr 'data_source': DATA_LOCAL, # Whether to use local data in the theme } ######################################## # take the arguments and place them in a mutable list arguments = sys.argv # if the script has been run with the interpreter prefix, get rid of it if arguments[0] == 'python' or arguments[0] == 'ipython' \ or arguments[0] == 'python2.5': arguments.pop(0) # pop off the script name arguments.pop(0) # load the configuration file config_path = 'data/config.yml' if contains(arguments, '--config'): if os.path.exists(next_arg(arguments, '--config')): config_path = next_arg(arguments, '--config') config = get_config(config_path) # now we check if there are any data processing flags if contains(arguments, '--pull-data'): # call pull_data with the argument after the flag pull_data( next_arg(arguments, '--pull-data') ) if contains(arguments, '--theme'): if not os.path.exists("themes/" + next_arg(arguments, '--theme') + '.thtml'): err_exit("The theme file %s.thtml does not exist in the themes\ directory." % next_arg(arguments, '--theme')) config['defaults']['theme_name'] = next_arg(arguments, '--theme') if contains(arguments, '--publish'): if not has_keys(config['publishing_info'], \ ( 'url', 'username', 'password' )): err_exit('The configuration file is missing some critical publishing\ information. Please make sure you have specified your url, username and\ password.') publish_theme(config['publishing_info']['url'],\ config['publishing_info']['username'],\ config['publishing_info']['password'],\ get_markup('themes/%s.thtml' % config['defaults']['theme_name'])) if contains(arguments, '--do-nothing'): config['optimisations']['do_nothing'] = True # start the server up cherrypy.config.update('data/cherrypy.conf') cherrypy.quickstart(TumblrServ(config), '/')
field_dict={'ROME-FIELD-01':[ 267.835895375 , -30.0608178195 , '17:51:20.6149','-30:03:38.9442' ], 'ROME-FIELD-02':[ 269.636745458 , -27.9782661111 , '17:58:32.8189','-27:58:41.758' ], 'ROME-FIELD-03':[ 268.000049542 , -28.8195573333 , '17:52:00.0119','-28:49:10.4064' ], 'ROME-FIELD-04':[ 268.180171708 , -29.27851275 , '17:52:43.2412','-29:16:42.6459' ], 'ROME-FIELD-05':[ 268.35435 , -30.2578356389 , '17:53:25.044','-30:15:28.2083' ], 'ROME-FIELD-06':[ 268.356124833 , -29.7729819283 , '17:53:25.47','-29:46:22.7349' ], 'ROME-FIELD-07':[ 268.529571333 , -28.6937071111 , '17:54:07.0971','-28:41:37.3456' ], 'ROME-FIELD-08':[ 268.709737083 , -29.1867251944 , '17:54:50.3369','-29:11:12.2107' ], 'ROME-FIELD-09':[ 268.881108542 , -29.7704673333 , '17:55:31.4661','-29:46:13.6824' ], 'ROME-FIELD-10':[ 269.048498333 , -28.6440675 , '17:56:11.6396','-28:38:38.643' ], 'ROME-FIELD-11':[ 269.23883225 , -29.2716684211 , '17:56:57.3197','-29:16:18.0063' ], 'ROME-FIELD-12':[ 269.39478875 , -30.0992361667 , '17:57:34.7493','-30:05:57.2502' ], 'ROME-FIELD-13':[ 269.563719375 , -28.4422328996 , '17:58:15.2927','-28:26:32.0384' ], 'ROME-FIELD-14':[ 269.758843 , -29.1796030365 , '17:59:02.1223','-29:10:46.5709' ], 'ROME-FIELD-15':[ 269.78359875 , -29.63940425 , '17:59:08.0637','-29:38:21.8553' ], 'ROME-FIELD-16':[ 270.074981708 , -28.5375585833 , '18:00:17.9956','-28:32:15.2109' ], 'ROME-FIELD-17':[ 270.81 , -28.0978333333 , '18:03:14.4','-28:05:52.2' ], 'ROME-FIELD-18':[ 270.290886667 , -27.9986032778 , '18:01:09.8128','-27:59:54.9718' ], 'ROME-FIELD-19':[ 270.312763708 , -29.0084241944 , '18:01:15.0633','-29:00:30.3271' ], 'ROME-FIELD-20':[ 270.83674125 , -28.8431573889 , '18:03:20.8179','-28:50:35.3666' ]}
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from scrapy.spider import Spider from scrapy.selector import Selector from kgrants.items import KgrantsItem from scrapy.http import Request import time class GrantsSpider(Spider): name = "grants" allowed_domains = [""] pages = 1 base_url = '' start_url_str = '' def __init__(self, pages=None, *args, **kwargs): super(GrantsSpider, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if pages is not None: self.pages = pages self.start_urls = [ self.start_url_str % str(page) for page in xrange(1,int(self.pages)+1)] def parse(self, response): hxs = Selector(response) projects = hxs.xpath('//article') for project in projects: time.sleep(2) project_url = self.base_url + ''.join(project.xpath('a/@href').extract()) grants = KgrantsItem() grants['page'] = project_url grants['project'] = ''.join(project.xpath('a/div/header/h1/text()').extract()).strip() grants['description'] = ''.join(project.xpath('p/text()').extract()).strip() yield Request(grants['page'], callback = self.parse_project, meta={'grants':grants}) def parse_project(self,response): hxs = Selector(response) grants = response.meta['grants'] details = hxs.xpath('//section[@id="grant_info"]') fields = hxs.xpath('//dt') values = hxs.xpath('//dd') self.log('field: <%s>' % fields.extract()) for item in details: grants['fiscal_agent'] = ''.join(item.xpath('header/h2/text()').extract()).strip() count = 0 for field in fields: normalized_field = ''.join(field.xpath('text()').extract()).strip().lower().replace(' ','_') self.log('field: <%s>' % normalized_field) try: grants[normalized_field] = values.xpath('text()').extract()[count] except: if normalized_field == 'community': grants[normalized_field] = values.xpath('a/text()').extract()[1] elif normalized_field == 'focus_area': grants[normalized_field] = values.xpath('a/text()').extract()[0] count += 1 grants['grantee_contact_email'] = ''.join( item.xpath('section[@id="grant_contact"]/ul/li[@class="email"]/a/@href').extract()).replace('mailto:','').strip() grants['grantee_contact_name'] = ''.join( item.xpath('section[@id="grant_contact"]/ul/li[@class="email"]/a/text()').extract()).strip() grants['grantee_contact_location'] = ''.join( item.xpath('section[@id="grant_contact"]/ul/li[@class="location"]/text()').extract()).strip() grants['grantee_contact_facebook'] = ''.join( item.xpath('section[@id="grant_contact"]/ul/li[@class="facebook"]/a/@href').extract()).strip() grants['grantee_contact_twitter'] = item.xpath('section[@id="grant_contact"]/ul/li[@class="twitter"]/a/@href').extract() grants['grantee_contact_website'] = item.xpath('section[@id="grant_contact"]/ul/li[@class="website"]/a/@href').extract() if 'grant_period' in grants: grant_period = grants['grant_period'].split(' to ') grants['grant_period_start'] = grant_period[0] grants['grant_period_end'] = grant_period[1] yield grants
from sys import argv script, input_file = argv def print_all(f): print def rewind(f): def print_a_line(line_count, f): print line_count, f.readline() current_file = open(input_file) print "First let's print the whole file:\n" print_all(current_file) print "Now let's rewind, kind of like a tape." rewind(current_file) print "Let's print three lines:" current_line = 1 print_a_line(current_line, current_file) current_line = current_line + 1 print_a_line(current_line, current_file) current_line = current_line + 1 print_a_line(current_line, current_file)
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- #/* # * Copyright (C) 2011 Ivo Brhel # * # * # * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # * any later version. # * # * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # * GNU General Public License for more details. # * # * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # * # * # */ import re,os,urllib,urllib2,cookielib import util,resolver from provider import ContentProvider class HejbejseContentProvider(ContentProvider): def __init__(self,username=None,password=None,filter=None): ContentProvider.__init__(self,'','',username,password,filter) opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookielib.LWPCookieJar())) urllib2.install_opener(opener) def capabilities(self): return ['resolve','categories','list'] def categories(self): page = util.parse_html('') result = [] for title,uri in [(x.h3.text,x.h3.a['href']) for x in'div.entry5') if x.h3]: item = self.dir_item() item['title'] = title item['url'] = uri result.append(item) return result def list(self, url): url = self._url(url) page = util.parse_html(url) result = [] for title,uri in [(x.img['title'],x['href']) for x in'div.entry3')[0].findAll('a')]: item = self.video_item() item['title'] = title item['url'] = uri result.append(item) return result def resolve(self,item,captcha_cb=None,select_cb=None): item = item.copy() url = self._url(item['url']) page = util.parse_html(url) result = [] data=str('div.entry3 > center')[0]) resolved = resolver.findstreams(data,['<iframe(.+?)src=[\"\'](?P<url>.+?)[\'\"]']) try: for i in resolved: item = self.video_item() item['title'] = i['name'] item['url'] = i['url'] item['quality'] = i['quality'] item['surl'] = i['surl'] result.append(item) except: print '===Unknown resolver===' if len(result)==1: return result[0] elif len(result) > 1 and select_cb: return select_cb(result)
import socket import threading import time def tcplink(sock, addr): print 'Accept new connection from %s:%s...' % addr sock.send('Welcome!') while True: data = sock.recv(1024) time.sleep(1) if data == 'exit' or not data: break sock.send('Hello, %s!' % data) sock.close() print 'Connection from %s:%s closed.' % addr s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(('', 8888)) s.listen(5) print 'Waiting for connection...' while True: sock, addr = s.accept() t = threading.Thread(target=tcplink, args=(sock, addr)) t.start()
import os import sys import shutil import binascii import traceback import subprocess from win32com.client import Dispatch LAUNCHER_PATH = "C:\\Program Files\\Augur" DATA_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'AppData', 'Roaming', "Augur") PASSFILE = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "password.txt") if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): # we are running in a |PyInstaller| bundle BASEDIR = sys._MEIPASS else: # we are running in a normal Python environment BASEDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) GETH_EXE = os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'geth.exe') LAUNCHER_EXE = os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'augurlauncher.exe') def main(): # first make all the appropriate directories print("Making directories...") for d in LAUNCHER_PATH, DATA_PATH: print("Creating", d, end=" ", flush=True) os.mkdir(d) print("Success!") print("Generating random password file...", end=" ", flush=True) # then generate the password password = binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(32)) passfile = open(PASSFILE, "w") passfile.write(password.decode('ascii')) passfile.close() print("Success!") # Then copy ".exe"s to the launcher path exes = GETH_EXE, LAUNCHER_EXE results = [] for exe in exes: print("Copying", os.path.basename(exe), "to", LAUNCHER_PATH, "...", end=" ", flush=True) results.append(shutil.copy(exe, LAUNCHER_PATH)) print("Sucess!") print("Creating node account...", end=" ", flush=True) # create account on node p = subprocess.Popen([results[0], "--password", PASSFILE, "account", "new"]) p.wait() print("Success!") print("Creating shortcut...", end=" ", flush=True) desktop = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop') shortcut_path = os.path.join(desktop, "Augur Launcher.lnk") wDir = LAUNCHER_PATH shell = Dispatch('WScript.Shell') shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut(shortcut_path) shortcut.Targetpath = results[1] shortcut.WorkingDirectory = wDir shortcut.IconLocation = results[1] print("Success!") def uninstall(): paths = LAUNCHER_PATH, DATA_PATH for p in paths: print("Deleting", p, "...", end=" ", flush=True) shutil.rmtree(p) print("Success!") print("Removing desktop shortcut...", end=" ", flush=True) desktop = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop') shortcut_path = os.path.join(desktop, "Augur Launcher.lnk") os.remove(shortcut_path) print("Success!") if __name__ == '__main__': try: if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'uninstall': uninstall() elif len(sys.argv) == 1: main() else: assert len(sys.argv) <= 2, "wrong number of arguements!" except Exception as exc: traceback.print_exc() finally: os.system("pause") sys.exit(0)
import unittest from libs.funcs import * class TestFuncs(unittest.TestCase): def test_buildPaths(self): recPaths, repPaths, rouPaths, corePaths = buildPaths() findTxt = lambda x, y: x.find(y) > -1 assert findTxt(recPaths["Task"][0], "base") assert findTxt(recPaths["Department"][0], "StdPy") assert findTxt(recPaths["Department"][1], "standard") assert findTxt(repPaths["ListWindowReport"][0], "base") assert findTxt(repPaths["ExpensesList"][0], "StdPy") assert findTxt(repPaths["ExpensesList"][1], "standard") assert findTxt(rouPaths["GenNLT"][0], "StdPy") assert findTxt(rouPaths["GenNLT"][1], "standard") assert findTxt(corePaths["Field"][0], "embedded") self.assertFalse([k for (k, v) in rouPaths.iteritems() if findTxt(v[0], "base")]) #no routines in base def test_recordInheritance(self): recf, recd = getRecordInheritance("Invoice") assert all([f1 in recf for f1 in ("SalesMan", "InvoiceDate", "CustCode", "Currency", "ShiftDate", "OriginNr", "SerNr", "attachFlag")]) assert all([d in recd for d in ("CompoundItemCosts", "Payments", "Items", "Taxes", "Installs")]) recf, recd = getRecordInheritance("AccessGroup") assert all([f2 in recf for f2 in ("PurchaseItemsAccessType", "InitialModule", "Closed", "internalId")]) assert all([d in recd for d in ("PurchaseItems", "Customs", "Modules")]) def test_recordsInfo(self): recf, recd = getRecordsInfo("Department", RECORD) assert recf["Department"]["AutoCashCancel"] == "integer" #From StdPy assert recf["Department"]["DeptName"] == "string" #From standard assert recf["Department"]["Closed"] == "Boolean" #From Master assert recf["Department"]["internalId"] == "internalid" #From Record assert recd["Department"]["OfficePayModes"] == "DepartmentOfficePayModeRow" #Recordname from detail repf, repd = getRecordsInfo("Balance", REPORT) assert repf["Balance"]["LabelType"] == "string" #StdPy assert repf["Balance"]["ExplodeByLabel"] == "boolean" #Standard assert repf["Balance"]["internalId"] == "internalid" #Record assert not repd["Balance"] #Empty dict, no detail rouf, roud = getRecordsInfo("GenNLT", ROUTINE) assert rouf["GenNLT"]["ExcludeInvalid"] == "boolean" assert rouf["GenNLT"]["Table"] == "string" assert not roud["GenNLT"] rouf, roud = getRecordsInfo("LoginDialog", RECORD) assert rouf["LoginDialog"]["Password"] == "string" #embedded assert not roud["LoginDialog"] def test_classInfo(self): attr, meth = getClassInfo("Invoice") assert attr["DEBITNOTE"] == 2 assert attr["ATTACH_NOTE"] == 3 assert attr["rowNr"] == 0 assert attr["ParentInvoice"] == "SuperClass" assert isinstance(attr["DocTypes"], list) assert isinstance(attr["Origin"], dict) assert all([m in meth for m in ("getCardReader", "logTransactionAction", "updateCredLimit", "generateTaxes", "roundValue", "getOriginType", "bring", "getXML", "createField")]) assert meth["fieldIsEditable"][0] == "self" assert meth["fieldIsEditable"][1] == "fieldname" assert meth["fieldIsEditable"][2] == {"rowfieldname":'None'} assert meth["fieldIsEditable"][3] == {"rownr":'None'} attr, meth = getClassInfo("User") assert attr["buffer"] == "RecordBuffer" assert all([m in meth for m in ("store", "save", "load", "hasField")]) def test_suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestFuncs)) return suite if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- def outfit(): collection = [] for _ in range(0, 5): collection.append("Item{}".format(_)) return { "data": collection, } api = [ ('/outfit', 'outfit', outfit), ]
import os import unittest import tempfile from git import Repo from oeqa.utils.commands import get_bb_var from oe.buildhistory_analysis import blob_to_dict, compare_dict_blobs class TestBlobParsing(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): import time self.repo_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='selftest-buildhistory', dir=get_bb_var('TOPDIR')) self.repo = Repo.init(self.repo_path) self.test_file = "test" self.var_map = {} def tearDown(self): import shutil shutil.rmtree(self.repo_path) def commit_vars(self, to_add={}, to_remove = [], msg="A commit message"): if len(to_add) == 0 and len(to_remove) == 0: return for k in to_remove: self.var_map.pop(x,None) for k in to_add: self.var_map[k] = to_add[k] with open(os.path.join(self.repo_path, self.test_file), 'w') as repo_file: for k in self.var_map: repo_file.write("%s = %s\n" % (k, self.var_map[k])) self.repo.git.add("--all") self.repo.git.commit(message=msg) def test_blob_to_dict(self): """ Test convertion of git blobs to dictionary """ valuesmap = { "foo" : "1", "bar" : "2" } self.commit_vars(to_add = valuesmap) blob = self.repo.head.commit.tree.blobs[0] self.assertEqual(valuesmap, blob_to_dict(blob), "commit was not translated correctly to dictionary") def test_compare_dict_blobs(self): """ Test comparisson of dictionaries extracted from git blobs """ changesmap = { "foo-2" : ("2", "8"), "bar" : ("","4"), "bar-2" : ("","5")} self.commit_vars(to_add = { "foo" : "1", "foo-2" : "2", "foo-3" : "3" }) blob1 = self.repo.heads.master.commit.tree.blobs[0] self.commit_vars(to_add = { "foo-2" : "8", "bar" : "4", "bar-2" : "5" }) blob2 = self.repo.heads.master.commit.tree.blobs[0] change_records = compare_dict_blobs(os.path.join(self.repo_path, self.test_file), blob1, blob2, False, False) var_changes = { x.fieldname : (x.oldvalue, x.newvalue) for x in change_records} self.assertEqual(changesmap, var_changes, "Changes not reported correctly") def test_compare_dict_blobs_default(self): """ Test default values for comparisson of git blob dictionaries """ defaultmap = { x : ("default", "1") for x in ["PKG", "PKGE", "PKGV", "PKGR"]} self.commit_vars(to_add = { "foo" : "1" }) blob1 = self.repo.heads.master.commit.tree.blobs[0] self.commit_vars(to_add = { "PKG" : "1", "PKGE" : "1", "PKGV" : "1", "PKGR" : "1" }) blob2 = self.repo.heads.master.commit.tree.blobs[0] change_records = compare_dict_blobs(os.path.join(self.repo_path, self.test_file), blob1, blob2, False, False) var_changes = {} for x in change_records: oldvalue = "default" if ("default" in x.oldvalue) else x.oldvalue var_changes[x.fieldname] = (oldvalue, x.newvalue) self.assertEqual(defaultmap, var_changes, "Defaults not set properly")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Picard, the next-generation MusicBrainz tagger # Copyright (C) 2006 Lukáš Lalinský # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. import re from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from picard import config from picard.plugin import ExtensionPoint class OptionsCheckError(Exception): def __init__(self, title, info): self.title = title = info class OptionsPage(QtWidgets.QWidget): PARENT = None SORT_ORDER = 1000 ACTIVE = True STYLESHEET_ERROR = "QWidget { background-color: #f55; color: white; font-weight:bold }" STYLESHEET = "QLabel { qproperty-wordWrap: true; }" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setStyleSheet(self.STYLESHEET) def info(self): raise NotImplementedError def check(self): pass def load(self): pass def save(self): pass def restore_defaults(self): try: options = self.options except AttributeError: return old_options = {} for option in options: if option.section == 'setting': old_options[] = config.setting[] config.setting[] = option.default self.load() # Restore the config values incase the user doesn't save after restoring defaults for key in old_options: config.setting[key] = old_options[key] def display_error(self, error): dialog = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Warning, error.title,, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok, self) dialog.exec_() def init_regex_checker(self, regex_edit, regex_error): """ regex_edit : a widget supporting text() and textChanged() methods, ie QLineEdit regex_error : a widget supporting setStyleSheet() and setText() methods, ie. QLabel """ def check(): try: re.compile(regex_edit.text()) except re.error as e: raise OptionsCheckError(_("Regex Error"), string_(e)) def live_checker(text): regex_error.setStyleSheet("") regex_error.setText("") try: check() except OptionsCheckError as e: regex_error.setStyleSheet(self.STYLESHEET_ERROR) regex_error.setText( regex_edit.textChanged.connect(live_checker) _pages = ExtensionPoint() def register_options_page(page_class): _pages.register(page_class.__module__, page_class)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- encoding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4 -*- # +------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | ____ _ _ __ __ _ __ | # | / ___| |__ ___ ___| | __ | \/ | |/ / | # | | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / | |\/| | ' / | # | | |___| | | | __/ (__| < | | | | . \ | # | \____|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\___|_| |_|_|\_\ | # | | # | Copyright Mathias Kettner 2014 [email protected] | # +------------------------------------------------------------------+ # # This file is part of Check_MK. # The official homepage is at # # check_mk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation in version 2. check_mk is distributed # in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; with- # out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more de- # ails. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write # to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, # Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import config loaded_with_language = False # .----------------------------------------------------------------------. # | ____ _ _ | # | | _ \ ___ _ __ _ __ ___ (_)___ ___(_) ___ _ __ ___ | # | | |_) / _ \ '__| '_ ` _ \| / __/ __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __| | # | | __/ __/ | | | | | | | \__ \__ \ | (_) | | | \__ \ | # | |_| \___|_| |_| |_| |_|_|___/___/_|\___/|_| |_|___/ | # | | # +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | Declare general permissions for Multisite | # '----------------------------------------------------------------------' def load(): global loaded_with_language if loaded_with_language == current_language: return config.declare_permission_section("general", _('General Permissions'), 10) config.declare_permission("general.use", _("Use Multisite at all"), _("Users without this permission are not let in at all"), [ "admin", "user", "guest" ]) config.declare_permission("general.see_all", _("See all Nagios objects"), _("See all objects regardless of contacts and contact groups. " "If combined with 'perform commands' then commands may be done on all objects."), [ "admin", "guest" ]) declare_visual_permissions('views', _("views")) declare_visual_permissions('dashboards', _("dashboards")) config.declare_permission("general.view_option_columns", _("Change view display columns"), _("Interactively change the number of columns being displayed by a view (does not edit or customize the view)"), [ "admin", "user", "guest" ]) config.declare_permission("general.view_option_refresh", _("Change view display refresh"), _("Interactively change the automatic browser reload of a view being displayed (does not edit or customize the view)"), [ "admin", "user" ]) config.declare_permission("general.painter_options", _("Change column display options"), _("Some of the display columns offer options for customizing their output. " "For example time stamp columns can be displayed absolute, relative or " "in a mixed style. This permission allows the user to modify display options"), [ "admin", "user", "guest" ]) config.declare_permission("general.act", _("Perform commands"), _("Allows users to perform Nagios commands. If no further permissions " "are granted, actions can only be done on objects one is a contact for"), [ "admin", "user" ]) config.declare_permission("general.see_sidebar", _("Use Check_MK sidebar"), _("Without this permission the Check_MK sidebar will be invisible"), [ "admin", "user", "guest" ]) config.declare_permission("general.configure_sidebar", _("Configure sidebar"), _("This allows the user to add, move and remove sidebar snapins."), [ "admin", "user" ]) config.declare_permission('general.edit_profile', _('Edit the user profile'), _('Permits the user to change the user profile settings.'), [ 'admin', 'user' ] ) config.declare_permission('general.edit_notifications', _('Edit personal notification settings'), _('This allows a user to edit his personal notification settings. You also need the permission ' '<i>Edit the user profile</i> in order to do this.'), [ 'admin', 'user' ] ) config.declare_permission('general.disable_notifications', _('Disable all personal notifications'), _('This permissions provides a checkbox in the personal settings of the user that ' 'allows him to completely disable all of his notifications. Use with caution.'), [ 'admin', ] ) config.declare_permission('general.edit_user_attributes', _('Edit personal user attributes'), _('This allows a user to edit his personal user attributes. You also need the permission ' '<i>Edit the user profile</i> in order to do this.'), [ 'admin', 'user' ] ) config.declare_permission('general.change_password', _('Edit the user password'), _('Permits the user to change the password.'), [ 'admin', 'user' ] ) config.declare_permission('general.logout', _('Logout'), _('Permits the user to logout.'), [ 'admin', 'user', 'guest' ] ) config.declare_permission("general.ignore_soft_limit", _("Ignore soft query limit"), _("Allows to ignore the soft query limit imposed upon the number of datasets returned by a query"), [ "admin", "user" ]) config.declare_permission("general.ignore_hard_limit", _("Ignore hard query limit"), _("Allows to ignore the hard query limit imposed upon the number of datasets returned by a query"), [ "admin" ]) loaded_with_language = current_language # TODO: This has been obsoleted by def declare_visual_permissions(what, what_plural): config.declare_permission("general.edit_" + what, _("Customize %s and use them") % what_plural, _("Allows to create own %s, customize builtin %s and use them.") % (what_plural, what_plural), [ "admin", "user" ]) config.declare_permission("general.publish_" + what, _("Publish %s") % what_plural, _("Make %s visible and usable for other users.") % what_plural, [ "admin", "user" ]) config.declare_permission("general.see_user_" + what, _("See user %s") % what_plural, _("Is needed for seeing %s that other users have created.") % what_plural, [ "admin", "user", "guest" ]) config.declare_permission("general.force_" + what, _("Modify builtin %s") % what_plural, _("Make own published %s override builtin %s for all users.") % (what_plural, what_plural), [ "admin" ]) config.declare_permission("general.delete_foreign_" + what, _("Delete foreign %s") % what_plural, _("Allows to delete %s created by other users.") % what_plural, [ "admin" ])
import tkinter FRAME_BORDER = 5 class PageView(object): __root = None bd = None def __init__(self, root=None, main_frame=None): param = self.params() if root is None: # standalone self.__root = tkinter.Tk() self.__root.title(param['title']) self.__root.geometry('%sx%s+%s+%s' % (param['w'], param['h'], param['x'], param['y'] )) else: # inside self.__root = root = param['bd'] if main_frame is None: # standalone main_f = tkinter.Frame(master=self.__root, bg='black', main_f.pack(fill='both', expand=True) else: # inside main_f = main_frame self.make_widgets(main_f) @property def root(self): return self.__root def close(self): self.__root.destroy() self.__root.quit() # Override def make_widgets(self, main_frame): pass # Override def params(self): param = { 'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'w': 500, 'h': 500, 'title': '% Type Prog Title Here %', } return param def mk_scrollable_area(obj, obj_frame, sbars): obj.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='NSWE') if 'y' in sbars: y_scrollbar = tkinter.ttk.Scrollbar(obj_frame) y_scrollbar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='NS') y_scrollbar['command'] = obj.yview obj['yscrollcommand'] = y_scrollbar.set if 'x' in sbars: x_scrollbar = tkinter.ttk.Scrollbar(obj_frame, orient='horizontal') x_scrollbar.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='WE') x_scrollbar['command'] = obj.xview obj['xscrollcommand'] = x_scrollbar.set obj_frame.columnconfigure(1, 'minsize') obj_frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) obj_frame.rowconfigure(1, 'minsize') obj_frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) def mk_listbox(frame, side='top', sbars='y', sel_mode=tkinter.EXTENDED): BORDER = 0 COLOR = 'grey' listbox_frame = tkinter.Frame(frame, bg=COLOR, bd=BORDER) listbox_frame.pack(side=side, fill='both', expand=True) listbox = tkinter.Listbox(listbox_frame, selectmode=sel_mode) mk_scrollable_area(listbox, listbox_frame, sbars) return listbox def mk_treeview(frame, side='top', sbars='y'): BORDER = 0 COLOR = 'grey' treeview_frame = tkinter.Frame(frame, bg=COLOR, bd=BORDER) treeview_frame.pack(side=side, fill='both', expand=True) treeview = tkinter.ttk.Treeview(treeview_frame) mk_scrollable_area(treeview, treeview_frame, sbars) return treeview
import os, socket, sys, urllib from wx.lib.embeddedimage import PyEmbeddedImage ldc_name = "Live Debian Creator" ldc_cli_version = "1.4.0" ldc_gui_version = "1.11.0" if (sys.platform == "win32"): slash = "\\" if os.path.isfile(sys.path[0]): #fix for compiled binaries homepath = os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]) + slash else: homepath = sys.path[0] + slash else: slash = "/" #socket.setdefaulttimeout(10) def defineBrowserAgent(uiname, uiversion): class AppURLopener(urllib.FancyURLopener): version = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)" #version = uiname + " " + uiversion + " / " + sys.platform urllib._urlopener = AppURLopener() bookico = PyEmbeddedImage( "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACAAAAAgCAYAAABzenr0AAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAABPZJ" "REFUWIWtl09sFFUcxz/iYN+YTZyNxewiTWiV6FZQtqhkN3pgGw6UW6unJVxEDtaThJMc9WLg" "oj1hwJhANURqQkw9NGwTla0c6JqArELSMVCzi63uKJX5UR7Bw8x0Z2d3yxJ5yctM3vu93/f7" "+ztv4CGPqamp9A/nL2Q6lTceBqht26pw7kL+7K+10S/tJ9OpBBPASCdnH/k/wFNTU+nzc/+M" "2v925a2N21Sq1yKJg/wxV7XWyIHBnYPjD53A9PS0mrv+e/6yw6gT60+72iK7AVJJSBoCBihD" "AVC6WK7O3bx3+thFyY30ycSH7+w5FNXXcQgymUzaei49+vHMX/kq/SqpYGiDRbYHlBFoigMu" "gklxHsZ1NlG4yygvKiruWauV3vsS2L59e+qZVwfHqsnB3G8LkI2ZHHzdImGBaZi+BgVaqIhi" "sqo4uQBlrQDPI2jx5gMQUFu39A3veW3ru9leMmO19aQ2JDm8C5SCuDJBgUJRM6DkKE5WFYUF" "cLSAxgOnNeiqBHZt6z2wO2UdSvXGrfimFNYrIzhHbca/LlOcTzL0coJsj8IRKC4pJhfAXvKB" "dKBFQu+AdjsnsG/AOpzc+RZWKkc8FgcFGDYApas1SgtAUjxXJOK+a1XUgRHrzc4JlMslqB5C" "ZYbg+Sws2rAYByPlSQcntNQtNSLaNGCoxv07HRJAQ63ioM6MI2fGPdt6DngKDbVK1kS9IKBV" "PQmN6P4qBNAgGlw/jqJp9vKKBtVILrA4nA+GegAPBCT8Z0P6RF0dvAfgwdRRIu2rYfU+sLKr" "mtcCq3UIPGyABmupzIBRoOIkuXzF7oyACq2KDne5FmQC2fC+UyWtZxmIlchtseg1sti2yzf2" "z8n8559kdmzbYW/evLnalgAGmLr+Lp00aw3WYomUUaDfKpNJphmIDWEZXvd1N9m80HNj+Fs5" "Pvx0TY0AE6sQUGB45SOA0m0kwyWnHfLdh8nGd5NJDGMqEwyXoi5QXJrAltmVsNxabq2mrWVi" "qHoitkpCBJwKp6uTVDbaVGKziK5wWWaQoAOGu2IbO5pGkLfuKocD5WrJwVRQXirjXC+DAdY6" "1ZSYCng8cnxNk8K1fukF/eA+FqAFpIaiMT0VXgIr5fcohUfosca23EzgTh3cDep5taFdcCN1" "bviAMTB98OZqakfAH65vx4rqKBlNm2+8grUeWGCrGW5S9yWwti7ofW5Ucx9rIBK6bIRB2lVN" "Y29tQcBonG4Ta6k/NSBeDkSH2Sp0GoiUYYsQ+AB+0rTt4hov/lpQ0lrKDT/F66y3IjLN9rmh" "VQVo1b4StHgkWhAIEjioKBFfx91GFzR5wJ5HRINpem3YQfzyklAihgCjxDT1SvLvLLLkR0rA" "jdzOmjxwotbVf656+/20YmS9wrIfvSdO8p53A0UAM0RihVqIjNSB/WXRIFpwXVhebgxCkwdu" "/33b/kXY94VD/KWPjvY9lduVvaWxCVzYYipxW1eKFhwRajcdat9RemP+vd2jbx6cCIt19Gf0" "6fETw28fKR6jf9Ci24LuuFeuMWC2IIlLXxVl70+5ZDckuxWuFuIxqIjgTDOjzvV9UC7OTbbS" "3fGvmW3bauyzE/nCFXe4dIMsy45tVX889oT+83RXV5d5bf21MXIyZD3re2WGgnyfOFK9VG0J" "/MAEOhmnTp1KXF28mlsXWzezf+/+1legyPgPTicVRBS2XfsAAAAASUVORK5CYII=") getbookicoIcon = bookico.GetIcon
# encoding: utf-8 # module PyKDE4.kdeui # from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PyKDE4/ # by generator 1.135 # no doc # imports import PyKDE4.kdecore as __PyKDE4_kdecore import PyQt4.QtCore as __PyQt4_QtCore import PyQt4.QtGui as __PyQt4_QtGui import PyQt4.QtSvg as __PyQt4_QtSvg class KPassivePopupMessageHandler(__PyQt4_QtCore.QObject, __PyKDE4_kdecore.KMessageHandler): # no doc def message(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown pass def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown pass
#!/usr/bin/python #CHANGE ONLY, IF YOU KNOW, WHAT YOU DO! #OPKMANAGER WILL CRASH IF YOUR OUTPUT IS INVALID! import subprocess import argparse import time import calendar import string import sys class RegisterAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): print "Official Repository" # Name print "web" # Type (maybe web for web, or anything else for usb) print "" #URL print " --update" #Call for updating the list print "O" #letter to show class UpdateAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): process = subprocess.Popen('wget --timeout='+str(values[0])+' -qO-',stdout=subprocess.PIPE,shell=True) process = subprocess.Popen('wget --timeout='+str(values[0])+' -qO-',stdout=subprocess.PIPE,shell=True) #process = subprocess.Popen('wget --timeout='+str(values[0])+' -qO-',stdout=subprocess.PIPE,shell=True) #process = subprocess.Popen('cat downloads',stdout=subprocess.PIPE,shell=True) output ='<div class="downloads_overview">') for output_part in output: part = output_part.split('\n') line_number = 0; not_found = 1; while (line_number < len(part)): if (part[line_number].strip().startswith('<span class="downloads_title">')): not_found = 0; break; line_number += 1; if not_found: continue; program_name_description = part[line_number]; name = program_name_description.split('>')[1].split('<')[0]; if (name == ""): continue line_number = 0; not_found = 1; while (line_number < len(part)): if (part[line_number].strip().startswith('<a class="downloads_link"')): not_found = 0; break; line_number += 1; if not_found: continue; filename = part[line_number].split('href="file.php?file=')[1].split('">')[0]; print "["+name+"]" description = program_name_description.split('>')[3]; print "description: "+description print "filename: " + filename l = len(part) found_version = 0 found_image = 0 found_long = 0; for i in range(0,l-1): if string.find(part[i],'Publication Date') != -1: version = part[i+1] version = version.split('>')[1] version = version.split('<')[0] t = time.strptime(version,"%A, %d %b %Y") print "version: " + str(calendar.timegm(t)) #NEEDED! found_version = 1 if string.find(part[i],'<div class="downloads_preview"') != -1: image = part[i]; image = image.split("background-image: url('")[1].split("');")[0]; print "image_url:" + image if string.find(part[i],'<p class="more fade">') != -1: long_description = part[i]; long_description = long_description.split('<p class="more fade">')[1].split("</p>")[0]; long_description = long_description.replace('<br /> ','\\n') long_description = long_description.split('>') sys.stdout.write("long_description: ") for long_description_part in long_description: sys.stdout.write(long_description_part.split('<')[0]) sys.stdout.write('\n') found_long = 1 if (found_version and found_image and found_long): break print "" def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Ziz's Repository script") parser.add_argument('--register', nargs=0, action=RegisterAction) parser.add_argument('--update', nargs=1, action=UpdateAction) args = parser.parse_args() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/env python #################################### # # --- TEXTPATGEN TEMPLATE --- # # Users can change the output by editing # this file directly. # #################################### import sys sys.stdout.write('####################################\n') sys.stdout.write('#\n') sys.stdout.write('# -- TEXTPATGEN GENERATED FILE --\n') sys.stdout.write('#\n') sys.stdout.write('# -- Created from a Python script.\n') sys.stdout.write('#\n') sys.stdout.write("####################################\n") num=0 for length in range(0, 16): for width in range(0, 15): sys.stdout.write('X-%04X ' % num) num=num+1 width=width+1 length=length+1 sys.stdout.write('X-%04X\n' % num) num=num+1 sys.stdout.write('# -- End of file.\n'); sys.stdout.flush()
from .. import config from .. import fixtures from ..assertions import eq_ from ..assertions import in_ from ..schema import Column from ..schema import Table from ... import bindparam from ... import case from ... import Computed from ... import exists from ... import false from ... import func from ... import Integer from ... import literal from ... import literal_column from ... import null from ... import select from ... import String from ... import testing from ... import text from ... import true from ... import tuple_ from ... import union from ... import util class CollateTest(fixtures.TablesTest): __backend__ = True @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "some_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("data", String(100)), ) @classmethod def insert_data(cls, connection): connection.execute( cls.tables.some_table.insert(), [ {"id": 1, "data": "collate data1"}, {"id": 2, "data": "collate data2"}, ], ) def _assert_result(self, select, result): eq_(config.db.execute(select).fetchall(), result) @testing.requires.order_by_collation def test_collate_order_by(self): collation = testing.requires.get_order_by_collation(testing.config) self._assert_result( select([self.tables.some_table]).order_by( ), [(1, "collate data1"), (2, "collate data2")], ) class OrderByLabelTest(fixtures.TablesTest): """Test the dialect sends appropriate ORDER BY expressions when labels are used. This essentially exercises the "supports_simple_order_by_label" setting. """ __backend__ = True @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "some_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("x", Integer), Column("y", Integer), Column("q", String(50)), Column("p", String(50)), ) @classmethod def insert_data(cls, connection): connection.execute( cls.tables.some_table.insert(), [ {"id": 1, "x": 1, "y": 2, "q": "q1", "p": "p3"}, {"id": 2, "x": 2, "y": 3, "q": "q2", "p": "p2"}, {"id": 3, "x": 3, "y": 4, "q": "q3", "p": "p1"}, ], ) def _assert_result(self, select, result): eq_(config.db.execute(select).fetchall(), result) def test_plain(self): table = self.tables.some_table lx = table.c.x.label("lx") self._assert_result(select([lx]).order_by(lx), [(1,), (2,), (3,)]) def test_composed_int(self): table = self.tables.some_table lx = (table.c.x + table.c.y).label("lx") self._assert_result(select([lx]).order_by(lx), [(3,), (5,), (7,)]) def test_composed_multiple(self): table = self.tables.some_table lx = (table.c.x + table.c.y).label("lx") ly = (func.lower(table.c.q) + table.c.p).label("ly") self._assert_result( select([lx, ly]).order_by(lx, ly.desc()), [(3, util.u("q1p3")), (5, util.u("q2p2")), (7, util.u("q3p1"))], ) def test_plain_desc(self): table = self.tables.some_table lx = table.c.x.label("lx") self._assert_result( select([lx]).order_by(lx.desc()), [(3,), (2,), (1,)] ) def test_composed_int_desc(self): table = self.tables.some_table lx = (table.c.x + table.c.y).label("lx") self._assert_result( select([lx]).order_by(lx.desc()), [(7,), (5,), (3,)] ) @testing.requires.group_by_complex_expression def test_group_by_composed(self): table = self.tables.some_table expr = (table.c.x + table.c.y).label("lx") stmt = ( select([func.count(, expr]) .group_by(expr) .order_by(expr) ) self._assert_result(stmt, [(1, 3), (1, 5), (1, 7)]) class LimitOffsetTest(fixtures.TablesTest): __backend__ = True @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "some_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("x", Integer), Column("y", Integer), ) @classmethod def insert_data(cls, connection): connection.execute( cls.tables.some_table.insert(), [ {"id": 1, "x": 1, "y": 2}, {"id": 2, "x": 2, "y": 3}, {"id": 3, "x": 3, "y": 4}, {"id": 4, "x": 4, "y": 5}, ], ) def _assert_result(self, select, result, params=()): eq_(config.db.execute(select, params).fetchall(), result) def test_simple_limit(self): table = self.tables.some_table self._assert_result( select([table]).order_by(, [(1, 1, 2), (2, 2, 3)], ) @testing.requires.offset def test_simple_offset(self): table = self.tables.some_table self._assert_result( select([table]).order_by(, [(3, 3, 4), (4, 4, 5)], ) @testing.requires.offset def test_simple_limit_offset(self): table = self.tables.some_table self._assert_result( select([table]).order_by(, [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)], ) @testing.requires.offset def test_limit_offset_nobinds(self): """test that 'literal binds' mode works - no bound params.""" table = self.tables.some_table stmt = select([table]).order_by( sql = stmt.compile( dialect=config.db.dialect, compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True} ) sql = str(sql) self._assert_result(sql, [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)]) @testing.requires.bound_limit_offset def test_bound_limit(self): table = self.tables.some_table self._assert_result( select([table]).order_by("l")), [(1, 1, 2), (2, 2, 3)], params={"l": 2}, ) @testing.requires.bound_limit_offset def test_bound_offset(self): table = self.tables.some_table self._assert_result( select([table]).order_by("o")), [(3, 3, 4), (4, 4, 5)], params={"o": 2}, ) @testing.requires.bound_limit_offset def test_bound_limit_offset(self): table = self.tables.some_table self._assert_result( select([table]) .order_by( .limit(bindparam("l")) .offset(bindparam("o")), [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)], params={"l": 2, "o": 1}, ) class CompoundSelectTest(fixtures.TablesTest): __backend__ = True @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "some_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("x", Integer), Column("y", Integer), ) @classmethod def insert_data(cls, connection): connection.execute( cls.tables.some_table.insert(), [ {"id": 1, "x": 1, "y": 2}, {"id": 2, "x": 2, "y": 3}, {"id": 3, "x": 3, "y": 4}, {"id": 4, "x": 4, "y": 5}, ], ) def _assert_result(self, select, result, params=()): eq_(config.db.execute(select, params).fetchall(), result) def test_plain_union(self): table = self.tables.some_table s1 = select([table]).where( == 2) s2 = select([table]).where( == 3) u1 = union(s1, s2) self._assert_result(u1.order_by(, [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)]) def test_select_from_plain_union(self): table = self.tables.some_table s1 = select([table]).where( == 2) s2 = select([table]).where( == 3) u1 = union(s1, s2).alias().select() self._assert_result(u1.order_by(, [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)]) @testing.requires.order_by_col_from_union @testing.requires.parens_in_union_contained_select_w_limit_offset def test_limit_offset_selectable_in_unions(self): table = self.tables.some_table s1 = ( select([table]) .where( == 2) .limit(1) .order_by( ) s2 = ( select([table]) .where( == 3) .limit(1) .order_by( ) u1 = union(s1, s2).limit(2) self._assert_result(u1.order_by(, [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)]) @testing.requires.parens_in_union_contained_select_wo_limit_offset def test_order_by_selectable_in_unions(self): table = self.tables.some_table s1 = select([table]).where( == 2).order_by( s2 = select([table]).where( == 3).order_by( u1 = union(s1, s2).limit(2) self._assert_result(u1.order_by(, [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)]) def test_distinct_selectable_in_unions(self): table = self.tables.some_table s1 = select([table]).where( == 2).distinct() s2 = select([table]).where( == 3).distinct() u1 = union(s1, s2).limit(2) self._assert_result(u1.order_by(, [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)]) @testing.requires.parens_in_union_contained_select_w_limit_offset def test_limit_offset_in_unions_from_alias(self): table = self.tables.some_table s1 = ( select([table]) .where( == 2) .limit(1) .order_by( ) s2 = ( select([table]) .where( == 3) .limit(1) .order_by( ) # this necessarily has double parens u1 = union(s1, s2).alias() self._assert_result(, [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)] ) def test_limit_offset_aliased_selectable_in_unions(self): table = self.tables.some_table s1 = ( select([table]) .where( == 2) .limit(1) .order_by( .alias() .select() ) s2 = ( select([table]) .where( == 3) .limit(1) .order_by( .alias() .select() ) u1 = union(s1, s2).limit(2) self._assert_result(u1.order_by(, [(2, 2, 3), (3, 3, 4)]) class ExpandingBoundInTest(fixtures.TablesTest): __backend__ = True @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "some_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("x", Integer), Column("y", Integer), Column("z", String(50)), ) @classmethod def insert_data(cls, connection): connection.execute( cls.tables.some_table.insert(), [ {"id": 1, "x": 1, "y": 2, "z": "z1"}, {"id": 2, "x": 2, "y": 3, "z": "z2"}, {"id": 3, "x": 3, "y": 4, "z": "z3"}, {"id": 4, "x": 4, "y": 5, "z": "z4"}, ], ) def _assert_result(self, select, result, params=()): eq_(config.db.execute(select, params).fetchall(), result) def test_multiple_empty_sets(self): # test that any anonymous aliasing used by the dialect # is fine with duplicates table = self.tables.some_table stmt = ( select([]) .where(table.c.x.in_(bindparam("q", expanding=True))) .where(table.c.y.in_(bindparam("p", expanding=True))) .order_by( ) self._assert_result(stmt, [], params={"q": [], "p": []}) @testing.requires.tuple_in def test_empty_heterogeneous_tuples(self): table = self.tables.some_table stmt = ( select([]) .where( tuple_(table.c.x, table.c.z).in_( bindparam("q", expanding=True) ) ) .order_by( ) self._assert_result(stmt, [], params={"q": []}) @testing.requires.tuple_in def test_empty_homogeneous_tuples(self): table = self.tables.some_table stmt = ( select([]) .where( tuple_(table.c.x, table.c.y).in_( bindparam("q", expanding=True) ) ) .order_by( ) self._assert_result(stmt, [], params={"q": []}) def test_bound_in_scalar(self): table = self.tables.some_table stmt = ( select([]) .where(table.c.x.in_(bindparam("q", expanding=True))) .order_by( ) self._assert_result(stmt, [(2,), (3,), (4,)], params={"q": [2, 3, 4]}) @testing.requires.tuple_in def test_bound_in_two_tuple(self): table = self.tables.some_table stmt = ( select([]) .where( tuple_(table.c.x, table.c.y).in_( bindparam("q", expanding=True) ) ) .order_by( ) self._assert_result( stmt, [(2,), (3,), (4,)], params={"q": [(2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)]} ) @testing.requires.tuple_in def test_bound_in_heterogeneous_two_tuple(self): table = self.tables.some_table stmt = ( select([]) .where( tuple_(table.c.x, table.c.z).in_( bindparam("q", expanding=True) ) ) .order_by( ) self._assert_result( stmt, [(2,), (3,), (4,)], params={"q": [(2, "z2"), (3, "z3"), (4, "z4")]}, ) def test_empty_set_against_integer(self): table = self.tables.some_table stmt = ( select([]) .where(table.c.x.in_(bindparam("q", expanding=True))) .order_by( ) self._assert_result(stmt, [], params={"q": []}) def test_empty_set_against_integer_negation(self): table = self.tables.some_table stmt = ( select([]) .where(table.c.x.notin_(bindparam("q", expanding=True))) .order_by( ) self._assert_result(stmt, [(1,), (2,), (3,), (4,)], params={"q": []}) def test_empty_set_against_string(self): table = self.tables.some_table stmt = ( select([]) .where(table.c.z.in_(bindparam("q", expanding=True))) .order_by( ) self._assert_result(stmt, [], params={"q": []}) def test_empty_set_against_string_negation(self): table = self.tables.some_table stmt = ( select([]) .where(table.c.z.notin_(bindparam("q", expanding=True))) .order_by( ) self._assert_result(stmt, [(1,), (2,), (3,), (4,)], params={"q": []}) def test_null_in_empty_set_is_false(self): stmt = select( [ case( [ ( null().in_( bindparam("foo", value=(), expanding=True) ), true(), ) ], else_=false(), ) ] ) in_(config.db.execute(stmt).fetchone()[0], (False, 0)) class LikeFunctionsTest(fixtures.TablesTest): __backend__ = True run_inserts = "once" run_deletes = None @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "some_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("data", String(50)), ) @classmethod def insert_data(cls, connection): connection.execute( cls.tables.some_table.insert(), [ {"id": 1, "data": "abcdefg"}, {"id": 2, "data": "ab/cdefg"}, {"id": 3, "data": "ab%cdefg"}, {"id": 4, "data": "ab_cdefg"}, {"id": 5, "data": "abcde/fg"}, {"id": 6, "data": "abcde%fg"}, {"id": 7, "data": "ab#cdefg"}, {"id": 8, "data": "ab9cdefg"}, {"id": 9, "data": "abcde#fg"}, {"id": 10, "data": "abcd9fg"}, ], ) def _test(self, expr, expected): some_table = self.tables.some_table with config.db.connect() as conn: rows = { value for value, in conn.execute( select([]).where(expr) ) } eq_(rows, expected) def test_startswith_unescaped(self): col = self._test(col.startswith("ab%c"), {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}) def test_startswith_autoescape(self): col = self._test(col.startswith("ab%c", autoescape=True), {3}) def test_startswith_sqlexpr(self): col = self._test( col.startswith(literal_column("'ab%c'")), {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}, ) def test_startswith_escape(self): col = self._test(col.startswith("ab##c", escape="#"), {7}) def test_startswith_autoescape_escape(self): col = self._test(col.startswith("ab%c", autoescape=True, escape="#"), {3}) self._test(col.startswith("ab#c", autoescape=True, escape="#"), {7}) def test_endswith_unescaped(self): col = self._test(col.endswith("e%fg"), {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}) def test_endswith_sqlexpr(self): col = self._test( col.endswith(literal_column("'e%fg'")), {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} ) def test_endswith_autoescape(self): col = self._test(col.endswith("e%fg", autoescape=True), {6}) def test_endswith_escape(self): col = self._test(col.endswith("e##fg", escape="#"), {9}) def test_endswith_autoescape_escape(self): col = self._test(col.endswith("e%fg", autoescape=True, escape="#"), {6}) self._test(col.endswith("e#fg", autoescape=True, escape="#"), {9}) def test_contains_unescaped(self): col = self._test(col.contains("b%cde"), {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}) def test_contains_autoescape(self): col = self._test(col.contains("b%cde", autoescape=True), {3}) def test_contains_escape(self): col = self._test(col.contains("b##cde", escape="#"), {7}) def test_contains_autoescape_escape(self): col = self._test(col.contains("b%cd", autoescape=True, escape="#"), {3}) self._test(col.contains("b#cd", autoescape=True, escape="#"), {7}) class ComputedColumnTest(fixtures.TablesTest): __backend__ = True __requires__ = ("computed_columns",) @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "square", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("side", Integer), Column("area", Integer, Computed("side * side")), Column("perimeter", Integer, Computed("4 * side")), ) @classmethod def insert_data(cls, connection): connection.execute( cls.tables.square.insert(), [{"id": 1, "side": 10}, {"id": 10, "side": 42}], ) def test_select_all(self): with config.db.connect() as conn: res = conn.execute( select([text("*")]) .select_from(self.tables.square) .order_by( ).fetchall() eq_(res, [(1, 10, 100, 40), (10, 42, 1764, 168)]) def test_select_columns(self): with config.db.connect() as conn: res = conn.execute( select( [self.tables.square.c.area, self.tables.square.c.perimeter] ) .select_from(self.tables.square) .order_by( ).fetchall() eq_(res, [(100, 40), (1764, 168)]) class ExistsTest(fixtures.TablesTest): __backend__ = True @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "stuff", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("data", String(50)), ) @classmethod def insert_data(cls, connection): connection.execute( cls.tables.stuff.insert(), [ {"id": 1, "data": "some data"}, {"id": 2, "data": "some data"}, {"id": 3, "data": "some data"}, {"id": 4, "data": "some other data"}, ], ) def test_select_exists(self, connection): stuff = self.tables.stuff eq_( connection.execute( select([literal(1)]).where( exists().where( == "some data") ) ).fetchall(), [(1,)], ) def test_select_exists_false(self, connection): stuff = self.tables.stuff eq_( connection.execute( select([literal(1)]).where( exists().where( == "no data") ) ).fetchall(), [], ) class IsOrIsNotDistinctFromTest(fixtures.TablesTest): __backend__ = True __requires__ = ("supports_is_distinct_from",) @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "is_distinct_test", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("col_a", Integer, nullable=True), Column("col_b", Integer, nullable=True), ) @testing.combinations( ("both_int_different", 0, 1, 1), ("both_int_same", 1, 1, 0), ("one_null_first", None, 1, 1), ("one_null_second", 0, None, 1), ("both_null", None, None, 0), id_="iaaa", argnames="col_a_value, col_b_value, expected_row_count_for_is", ) def test_is_or_isnot_distinct_from( self, col_a_value, col_b_value, expected_row_count_for_is, connection ): tbl = self.tables.is_distinct_test connection.execute( tbl.insert(), [{"id": 1, "col_a": col_a_value, "col_b": col_b_value}], ) result = connection.execute( ).fetchall() eq_( len(result), expected_row_count_for_is, ) expected_row_count_for_isnot = ( 1 if expected_row_count_for_is == 0 else 0 ) result = connection.execute( ).fetchall() eq_( len(result), expected_row_count_for_isnot, )
# encoding: utf-8 # # Copyright 2017 University of Oslo, Norway # # This file is part of Cerebrum. # # Cerebrum is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Cerebrum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Cerebrum; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ An abstract event that can be stored in the database. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import datetime import itertools import mx.DateTime import pytz import cereconf class _VerbSingleton(type): """ A metaclass that makes each EventType verb a singleton. """ verbs = {} def __call__(cls, verb, *args): if verb not in cls.verbs: cls.verbs[verb] = super(_VerbSingleton, cls).__call__(verb, *args) return cls.verbs[verb] def get_verb(cls, verb): return cls.verbs.get(verb) class EventType(_VerbSingleton('EventTypeSingleton', (object,), {})): """Holds an event type.""" __slots__ = ['verb', 'description', ] def __init__(self, verb, description): """ Initialize EventType. :verb: Scim verb :description: HR description text """ self.verb = verb self.description = description def __repr__(self): return '<{0.__class__.__name__!s} {0.verb}>'.format(self) def __eq__(self, other): """Equality.""" return isinstance(other, EventType) and other.verb == self.verb def __hash__(self): """Hash.""" return hash(self.verb) # Define event types: ADD = EventType('add', 'Add an object to subject') CREATE = EventType('create', 'Create a new subject') ACTIVATE = EventType('activate', 'Subject has no longer quarantines in system') MODIFY = EventType('modify', 'Attributes has changed') DEACTIVATE = EventType('deactivate', 'Quarantine is activated') DELETE = EventType('delete', 'Subject is deleted') REMOVE = EventType('remove', 'Remove an object from subject') PASSWORD = EventType('password', 'Subject has changed password') JOIN = EventType('join', 'Join two objects') class EntityRef(object): """ Representation of a single entity. The entity_id can be used internally to identify which object we reference The entity_type and ident is used to generate a reference to the object that other systems can use. """ __slots__ = ['ident', 'entity_type', 'entity_id', ] def __init__(self, entity_id, entity_type, ident): self.entity_id = int(entity_id) self.entity_type = entity_type self.ident = ident def __repr__(self): return ("<{0.__class__.__name__}" " id={0.entity_id!r}" " type={0.entity_type!r}" " ident={0.ident!r}>").format(self) def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, EntityRef) and self.entity_id == other.entity_id) def to_dict(self): return { 'ident': self.ident, 'entity_id': self.entity_id, 'entity_type': self.entity_type, } class DateTimeDescriptor(object): """ Datetime descriptor that handles timezones. When setting the datetime, this method will try to localize it with the default_timezone in the following ways: - mx.DateTime.DateTimeType: Naive datetime, assume in default_timezone - datetime.datetime: Assume in default_timezone if naive - integer: Assume timestamp in UTC The returned object will always be a localized datetime.datetime """ default_timezone = pytz.timezone(cereconf.TIMEZONE) def __init__(self, slot): """ Creates a new datetime descriptor. :param str slot: The attribute name where the actual value is stored. """ self.slot = slot def __repr__(self): return '{0.__class__.__name__}({0.slot!r})'.format(self) def __get__(self, obj, cls=None): if not obj: return self return getattr(obj, self.slot, None) def __set__(self, obj, value): if value is None: self.__delete__(obj) return if isinstance(value, (int, long, )): # UTC timestamp value = pytz.utc.localize( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(value)) elif isinstance(value, mx.DateTime.DateTimeType): # Naive datetime in default_timezone value = self.default_timezone.localize(value.pydatetime()) elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): if value.tzinfo is None: value = self.default_timezone.localize(value) else: raise TypeError('Invalid datetime {0} ({1})'.format(type(value), repr(value))) setattr(obj, self.slot, value) def __delete__(self, obj): if hasattr(obj, self.slot): delattr(obj, self.slot) class Event(object): """ Event abstraction. Contains all the neccessary data to serialize an event. """ DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = 'Europe/Oslo' __slots__ = ['event_type', 'subject', 'objects', 'context', 'attributes', '_timestamp', '_scheduled', ] timestamp = DateTimeDescriptor('_timestamp') scheduled = DateTimeDescriptor('_scheduled') def __init__(self, event_type, subject=None, objects=None, context=None, attributes=None, timestamp=None, scheduled=None): """ :param EventType event: the type of event :param EntityRef subject: reference to the affected entity :param list objects: sequence of other affected objects (EntityRef) :param list context: sequence of affected systems (str) :param list attributes: sequence of affected attributes (str) :param datetime timestamp: when the event originated :param datetime schedule: when the event should be issued """ self.event_type = event_type self.subject = subject self.timestamp = timestamp self.scheduled = scheduled self.objects = set(objects or []) self.context = set(context or []) self.attributes = set(attributes or []) def __repr__(self): return ('<{0.__class__.__name__}' ' event={0.event_type!r}' ' subject={0.subject!r}>').format(self) def mergeable(self, other): """Can this event be merged with other.""" if self.scheduled is not None: return False if self.subject != other.subject: return False if self.event_type == CREATE: return other.event_type not in (DEACTIVATE, REMOVE) if self.event_type == DELETE: return other.event_type in (REMOVE, DEACTIVATE, ADD, ACTIVATE, MODIFY, PASSWORD) if (self.event_type == other.event_type and self.event_type in (ADD, REMOVE, ACTIVATE, DEACTIVATE)): return True if self.context != other.context: return False return True def merge(self, other): """Merge messages.""" def ret_self(): self.objects.update(other.objects) return [self] if not self.mergeable(other): return [self, other] if self.event_type == CREATE: if other.event_type == DELETE: return [] if other.event_type == ADD: self.context.update(other.context) return ret_self() if other.event_type == ACTIVATE: return ret_self() # TODO: if quarantine is an attr, delete it if other.event_type == MODIFY: self.attributes.update(other.attributes) return ret_self() if other.event_type == PASSWORD: self.attributes.add('password') return ret_self() elif self.event_type == DELETE: return ret_self() elif other.event_type == DELETE: return [other] elif (ACTIVATE == self.event_type and DEACTIVATE == other.event_type and self.context == other.context): return [] elif (ADD == self.event_type and REMOVE == other.event_type and self.context == other.context): return [] elif self.event_type == other.event_type: if self.event_type in (ADD, REMOVE, ACTIVATE, DEACTIVATE): self.context.update(other.context) return ret_self() if self.context != other.context: return [self, other] self.attributes.update(other.attributes) return ret_self() return [self, other] def merge_events(events): """Merge events with similarities. As long as subject is the same: * create + add/activate/modify/password = create with attributes merged * create + deactivate/remove is untouched * create + delete should be removed * delete + remove/deactivate/add/activate/modify/password = delete * x + x = x * activate + deactivate = noop (careful with aud) Sort into canonical order: #. create #. delete #. add #. activate #. modify #. password #. deactivate #. remove """ order = (CREATE, DELETE, ADD, ACTIVATE, MODIFY, PASSWORD, DEACTIVATE, REMOVE, JOIN) ps = [[] for x in order] for pl in events: pltype = pl.event_type idx = order.index(pltype) ps[idx].append(pl) result = {} for idx, tp, pl in zip(range(len(order)), order, ps): for p in pl: if p.subject not in result: result[p.subject] = [p] else: result[p.subject].append(p) def merge_list(finished, merged, current, rest): while rest or merged: if rest: new = current.merge(rest[0]) if not new: rest.pop(0) merged.extend(rest) rest = merged if not rest: return finished merged = [] current = rest.pop(0) elif len(new) == 1: if new[0] is not current: merged.extend(rest) rest = merged current = rest.pop(0) merged = [] else: rest.pop(0) else: merged.append(rest.pop(0)) else: # merged is not empty finished.append(current) rest = merged merged = [] current = rest.pop(0) finished.append(current) return finished for sub, lst in result.items(): result[sub] = merge_list([], [], lst[0], lst[1:]) return list(itertools.chain(*result.values()))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from utils import * commands = [ '^remindme', '^reminder', '^remind$', '^r ' ] parameters = ( ('delay', True), ('message', True), ) description = 'Set a reminder for yourself. First argument is delay until you wish to be reminded.\nExample: `' + config['command_start'] + 'remindme 2h GiT GuD`' action = 'typing' hidden = True reminders = load_json('data/reminders.json') def to_seconds(time, unit): if unit == 's': return float(time) elif unit == 'm': return float(time) * 60 elif unit == 'h': return float(time) * 60 * 60 elif unit == 'd': return float(time) * 60 * 60 * 24 def run(msg): input = get_input(msg['text']) if not input: doc = get_doc(commands, parameters, description) return send_message(msg['chat']['id'], doc, parse_mode="Markdown") delay = first_word(input) if delay: time = delay[:-1] unit = delay[-1:] if not is_int(time) or is_int(unit): message = 'The delay must be in this format: `(integer)(s|m|h|d)`.\nExample: `2h` for 2 hours.' return send_message(msg['chat']['id'], message, parse_mode="Markdown") try: alarm = now() + to_seconds(time, unit) except: return send_message(msg['chat']['id'], message, parse_mode="Markdown") text = all_but_first_word(input) if not text: send_message(msg['chat']['id'], 'Please include a reminder.') if 'username' in msg['from']: text += '\n@' + msg['from']['username'] reminder = OrderedDict() reminder['alarm'] = alarm reminder['chat_id'] = msg['chat']['id'] reminder['text'] = text reminders[int(now())] = reminder save_json('data/reminders.json', reminders) if unit == 's': delay = delay.replace('s', ' seconds') if unit == 'm': delay = delay.replace('m', ' minutes') if unit == 'h': delay = delay.replace('h', ' hours') if unit == 'd': delay = delay.replace('d', ' days') message = 'Your reminder has been set for *' + delay + '* from now:\n\n' + text send_message(msg['chat']['id'], message, parse_mode="Markdown") def cron(): reminders = load_json('data/reminders.json', True) for id, reminder in reminders.items(): if now() > reminder['alarm']: send_message(reminder['chat_id'], reminder['text']) del reminders[id] save_json('data/reminders.json', reminders)
# # Walldo - A wallpaper downloader # Copyright (C) 2012 Fernando Castillo # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. import unittest from walldo.parser import Parser; class ParserTestCase(unittest.TestCase): lines = ['<select class="select" style="margin: 0 2px 0 0; margin-top: 4px; float: left; width: 145px; max-width: 145px;" name="resolution" onChange="javascript:imgload(\'ithilien\', this,\'2949\')">'] expected = ['/wallpaper/7yz4ma1/2949_ithilien_1024x768.jpg'] def setUp(self): self.parser = Parser() def testParse(self): current = self.parser.parse(self.lines, '1024x768') for i in range(len(current)): self.assertEquals(self.expected[i], current[i], 'Entry incorrect')
""" SALTS XBMC Addon Copyright (C) 2015 tknorris This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ import xbmcaddon import xbmcplugin import xbmcgui import xbmc import xbmcvfs import urllib import urlparse import sys import os import re addon = xbmcaddon.Addon() get_setting = addon.getSetting show_settings = addon.openSettings def get_path(): return addon.getAddonInfo('path').decode('utf-8') def get_profile(): return addon.getAddonInfo('profile').decode('utf-8') def translate_path(path): return xbmc.translatePath(path).decode('utf-8') def set_setting(id, value): if not isinstance(value, basestring): value = str(value) addon.setSetting(id, value) def get_version(): return addon.getAddonInfo('version') def get_id(): return addon.getAddonInfo('id') def get_name(): return addon.getAddonInfo('name') def get_plugin_url(queries): try: query = urllib.urlencode(queries) except UnicodeEncodeError: for k in queries: if isinstance(queries[k], unicode): queries[k] = queries[k].encode('utf-8') query = urllib.urlencode(queries) return sys.argv[0] + '?' + query def end_of_directory(cache_to_disc=True): xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(int(sys.argv[1]), cacheToDisc=cache_to_disc) def set_content(content): xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), content) def create_item(queries, label, thumb='', fanart='', is_folder=None, is_playable=None, total_items=0, menu_items=None, replace_menu=False): list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(label, iconImage=thumb, thumbnailImage=thumb) add_item(queries, list_item, fanart, is_folder, is_playable, total_items, menu_items, replace_menu) def add_item(queries, list_item, fanart='', is_folder=None, is_playable=None, total_items=0, menu_items=None, replace_menu=False): if menu_items is None: menu_items = [] if is_folder is None: is_folder = False if is_playable else True if is_playable is None: playable = 'false' if is_folder else 'true' else: playable = 'true' if is_playable else 'false' liz_url = get_plugin_url(queries) if fanart: list_item.setProperty('fanart_image', fanart) list_item.setInfo('video', {'title': list_item.getLabel()}) list_item.setProperty('isPlayable', playable) list_item.addContextMenuItems(menu_items, replaceItems=replace_menu) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(int(sys.argv[1]), liz_url, list_item, isFolder=is_folder, totalItems=total_items) def parse_query(query): q = {'mode': 'main'} if query.startswith('?'): query = query[1:] queries = urlparse.parse_qs(query) for key in queries: if len(queries[key]) == 1: q[key] = queries[key][0] else: q[key] = queries[key] return q def notify(header=None, msg='', duration=2000, sound=None): if header is None: header = get_name() if sound is None: sound = get_setting('mute_notifications') == 'false' icon_path = os.path.join(get_path(), 'icon.png') try: xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(header, msg, icon_path, duration, sound) except: builtin = "XBMC.Notification(%s,%s, %s, %s)" % (header, msg, duration, icon_path) xbmc.executebuiltin(builtin) def get_current_view(): skinPath = translate_path('special://skin/') xml = os.path.join(skinPath, 'addon.xml') f = xbmcvfs.File(xml) read = f.close() try: src ='defaultresolution="([^"]+)', read, re.DOTALL).group(1) except: src ='<res.+?folder="([^"]+)', read, re.DOTALL).group(1) src = os.path.join(skinPath, src, 'MyVideoNav.xml') f = xbmcvfs.File(src) read = f.close() match ='<views>([^<]+)', read, re.DOTALL) if match: views = for view in views.split(','): if xbmc.getInfoLabel('Control.GetLabel(%s)' % (view)): return view
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # HnTool rules - php # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Candido Vieira <[email protected]> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # import os import ConfigParser import HnTool.modules.util from HnTool.modules.rule import Rule as MasterRule class Rule(MasterRule): def __init__(self, options): MasterRule.__init__(self, options) self.short_name="php" self.long_name="Checks security problems on php config file" self.type="config" self.required_files = ['/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini', '/etc/php5/cli/php.ini', '/etc/php.ini'] def requires(self): return self.required_files def analyze(self, options): check_results = self.check_results conf_files = self.required_files for php_conf in conf_files: if os.path.isfile(php_conf): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() try: except ConfigParser.ParsingError, (errno, strerror): check_results['info'].append('Could not parse %s: %s' % (php_conf, strerror)) continue if not config.has_section('PHP'): check_results['info'].append('%s is not a PHP config file' % (php_conf)) continue if config.has_option('PHP', 'register_globals'): rg = config.get('PHP', 'register_globals').lower() if rg == 'on': check_results['medium'].append('Register globals is on (%s)' % (php_conf)) elif rg == 'off': check_results['ok'].append('Register globals is off (%s)' % (php_conf)) else: check_results['info'].append('Unknown value for register globals (%s)' % (php_conf)) else: check_results['info'].append('Register globals not found (%s)' % (php_conf)) if config.has_option('PHP', 'safe_mode'): sm = config.get('PHP', 'safe_mode').lower() if sm == 'on': check_results['low'].append('Safe mode is on (fake security) (%s)' % (php_conf)) elif sm == 'off': check_results['info'].append('Safe mode is off (%s)' % (php_conf)) else: check_results['info'].append('Unknown value for safe mode (%s)' % (php_conf)) else: check_results['info'].append('Safe mode not found (%s)' % (php_conf)) if config.has_option('PHP', 'display_errors'): de = config.get('PHP', 'display_errors').lower() if de == 'on': check_results['medium'].append('Display errors is on (stdout) (%s)' % (php_conf)) elif de == 'off': check_results['ok'].append('Display errors is off (%s)' % (php_conf)) elif de == 'stderr': check_results['info'].append('Display errors set to stderr (%s)' % (php_conf)) else: check_results['info'].append('Unknown value for display errors (%s)' % (php_conf)) else: check_results['info'].append('Display errors not found (%s)' % (php_conf)) if config.has_option('PHP', 'expose_php'): ep = config.get('PHP', 'expose_php').lower() if ep == 'on': check_results['low'].append('Expose PHP is on (%s)' % (php_conf)) elif ep == 'off': check_results['ok'].append('Expose PHP is off (%s)' % (php_conf)) else: check_results['info'].append('Unknown value for expose PHP (%s)' % (php_conf)) else: check_results['info'].append('Expose PHP not found (%s)' % (php_conf)) return check_results
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # # # Copyright 2010 Jesús Hómez <jesus@jesus-laptop> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA. import gtk, time import threading import thread import gobject #Iniciando el hilo sin usarlo gtk.gdk.threads_init() #La clase App hereda threading.Thread class App(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): #Método constructor, asociando los widgets self.glade_file = "" = gtk.Builder() self.window1 ='window1') self.togglebutton1 ='togglebutton1') self.button1 ='button1') self.progressbar1 ='progressbar1') self.new_val = 0.0 self.rango =60 #Definiendo el valor inicial de la barra de proceso, definiendo los saltos en 0.1 self.progressbar1.set_fraction(self.new_val) self.progressbar1.set_pulse_step(0.1) self.window1.connect("destroy",self.on_window1_destroy) self.button1.connect('clicked', self.on_button1_clicked) self.togglebutton1.connect('toggled',self.on_togglebutton1_toggled) #Iniciando el hilo en el constructor threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.window1.show_all() def __iteracion__(self): #Iteración en segundos cambiando el valor en la barra de progreso. for i in range(self.rango): if self.togglebutton1.get_active() == True: self.new_val = self.progressbar1.get_fraction() + 0.01 if self.new_val > 1.0: self.new_val = 0.0 self.togglebutton1.set_active(False) break else: time.sleep(1) self.x = self.new_val*100 self.progressbar1.set_text("%s" %self.x) self.progressbar1.set_fraction(self.new_val) else: return def on_togglebutton1_toggled(self,*args): #Si cambia el evento en el boton biestado se inicia la iteración entre los hilos. variable = self.togglebutton1.get_active() self.rango = 100 if variable == True: lock = thread.allocate_lock() lock.acquire() thread.start_new_thread( self.__iteracion__, ()) lock.release() else: #Se detiene la barra de progreso self.progressbar1.set_fraction(self.new_val) self.progressbar1.set_text("%s" %self.x)
import unittest from pyxt.mda import * from pyxt.chargen import CharacterGeneratorMock class MDATests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): = CharacterGeneratorMock(width = 9, height = 14) self.mda = MonochromeDisplayAdapter( # Hijack reset so it doesn't call into Pygame during the tests. self.reset_count = 0 self.mda.reset = self.reset_testable def reset_testable(self): self.reset_count += 1 def test_ports_list(self): self.assertEqual(self.mda.get_ports_list(), [0x03B0, 0x03B1, 0x03B2, 0x03B3, 0x03B4, 0x03B5, 0x03B6, 0x03B7, 0x03B8, 0x03B9, 0x03BA, 0x03BB]) def test_get_memory_size(self): self.assertEqual(self.mda.get_memory_size(), 4096) def test_initial_state(self): self.assertEqual(self.mda.control_reg, 0x00) self.assertEqual(self.mda.control_reg, 0x00) self.assertEqual(self.mda.screen, None) self.assertEqual(self.mda.char_generator, self.assertEqual(len(self.mda.video_ram), 4096) def test_mem_write_byte_updates_video_ram(self): self.mda.mem_write_byte(0x0000, 0x41) self.assertEqual(self.mda.video_ram[0x0000], 0x41) def test_mem_write_byte_calls_char_generator_top_left(self): self.mda.mem_write_byte(0x0000, 0x41) self.assertEqual(, (None, (0, 0), 0x41, MDA_GREEN, MDA_BLACK)) def test_mem_write_byte_calls_char_generator_bottom_right(self): self.mda.mem_write_byte(3998, 0xFF) self.assertEqual(, (None, (711, 336), 0xFF, MDA_GREEN, MDA_BLACK)) def test_mem_write_byte_char_before_attribute(self): self.mda.mem_write_byte(3998, 0xFF) self.assertEqual(, (None, (711, 336), 0xFF, MDA_GREEN, MDA_BLACK)) self.mda.mem_write_byte(3999, MDA_ATTR_INTENSITY) self.assertEqual(, (None, (711, 336), 0xFF, MDA_BRIGHT_GREEN, MDA_BLACK)) def test_mem_write_byte_attribute_before_char(self): self.mda.mem_write_byte(3999, MDA_ATTR_INTENSITY) self.assertEqual(, (None, (711, 336), 0x00, MDA_BRIGHT_GREEN, MDA_BLACK)) self.mda.mem_write_byte(3998, 0xFF) self.assertEqual(, (None, (711, 336), 0xFF, MDA_BRIGHT_GREEN, MDA_BLACK)) def test_mem_write_byte_write_off_screen(self): self.mda.mem_write_byte(4000, 0xFF) self.assertEqual(, None) def test_mem_read_byte(self): self.mda.video_ram[77] = 0xA5 self.assertEqual(self.mda.mem_read_byte(77), 0xA5) def test_mem_read_byte_off_screen(self): self.assertEqual(self.mda.mem_read_byte(4000), 0x00) @unittest.skip("We need to initialize Pygame exactly once at startup.") def test_reset_on_high_resolution_enable(self): self.assertEqual(self.reset_count, 0) self.mda.io_write_byte(0x3B8, 0x01) self.assertEqual(self.reset_count, 1) # Second write shouldn't call reset again. self.mda.io_write_byte(0x3B8, 0x01) self.assertEqual(self.reset_count, 1) def test_mem_write_word_at_top_left(self): self.mda.mem_write_word(0x0000, 0x0841) # 'A' with intensity. self.assertEqual(self.mda.video_ram[0x0000], 0x41) self.assertEqual(self.mda.video_ram[0x0001], 0x08) self.assertEqual(, (None, (0, 0), 0x41, MDA_BRIGHT_GREEN, MDA_BLACK)) def test_mem_write_word_at_bottom_right(self): self.mda.mem_write_word(3998, 0x085A) # 'Z' with intensity. self.assertEqual(self.mda.video_ram[3998], 0x5A) self.assertEqual(self.mda.video_ram[3999], 0x08) self.assertEqual(, (None, (711, 336), 0x5A, MDA_BRIGHT_GREEN, MDA_BLACK)) def test_mem_write_word_at_bottom_right_just_past(self): self.mda.mem_write_word(3999, 0xFF08) # 'Z' with intensity. self.assertEqual(self.mda.video_ram[3998], 0x00) # Should be unmodified. self.assertEqual(self.mda.video_ram[3999], 0x08) self.assertEqual(, (None, (711, 336), 0x00, MDA_BRIGHT_GREEN, MDA_BLACK)) def test_mem_read_word(self): self.mda.video_ram[0x0000] = 0x41 self.mda.video_ram[0x0001] = 0x08 self.assertEqual(self.mda.mem_read_word(0x0000), 0x0841) def test_mem_read_word_just_past_the_end(self): self.mda.video_ram[3998] = 0x12 self.mda.video_ram[3999] = 0x34 self.assertEqual(self.mda.mem_read_word(3999), 0x0034) def test_horizontal_retrace_toggles(self): self.assertEqual(self.mda.io_read_byte(0x3BA), 0xF0) self.assertEqual(self.mda.io_read_byte(0x3BA), 0xF1) self.assertEqual(self.mda.io_read_byte(0x3BA), 0xF0) def test_current_pixel_updates_on_status_read(self): self.assertEqual(self.mda.current_pixel, [0, 0]) self.mda.io_read_byte(0x3BA) self.assertEqual(self.mda.current_pixel, [1, 0]) def test_current_pixel_wraps_right(self): self.mda.current_pixel = [719, 0] self.mda.io_read_byte(0x3BA) self.assertEqual(self.mda.current_pixel, [0, 1]) def test_current_pixel_wraps_bottom(self): self.mda.current_pixel = [719, 349] self.mda.io_read_byte(0x3BA) self.assertEqual(self.mda.current_pixel, [0, 0])
import urllib2 def sumaDos(): print 10*20 def division(a,b): result=a/b print result def areatriangulo(base,altura): result2=(base*altura)/2 print result2 def cast(): lista=[1,2,3,"hola"] tupla=(1,2,3) diccinario={"key1":"Diego","key2":"Piqui","key3":"Chuy"} for k,v in diccionario: print "%s %s" % (k,v) class Estudiante(object): def __init__(self, nombre, edad): self.nombre=nombre self.edad=edad def hola(self): return self.nombre def esMayor(self): if self.edad>=18: return true else: return false def EXCEPTION(): try: 3/0 except Exception: print "error" def main(): e=Estudiante("Diego",22) print"Hola %s" % e.hola() if e.esMayor(): print"Es mayor de edad" else: print"Es menor de edad" contador = 0 while contador <=10: print contador contador +=1 EXCEPTION(): def getWeb(): try: web=urllib2.urlopen("") print web.close() except urllib2.HTTPError, e: print e except urllib2.URLError as e: print e def main(): cast() if __name__=="__main__": main()
"""Module computes indentation for block It contains implementation of indenters, which are supported by katepart xml files """ import logging logger = logging.getLogger('qutepart') from PyQt4.QtGui import QTextCursor def _getSmartIndenter(indenterName, qpart, indenter): """Get indenter by name. Available indenters are none, normal, cstyle, haskell, lilypond, lisp, python, ruby, xml Indenter name is not case sensitive Raise KeyError if not found indentText is indentation, which shall be used. i.e. '\t' for tabs, ' ' for 4 space symbols """ indenterName = indenterName.lower() if indenterName in ('haskell', 'lilypond'): # not supported yet logger.warning('Smart indentation for %s not supported yet. But you could be a hero who implemented it' % indenterName) from qutepart.indenter.base import IndentAlgNormal as indenterClass elif 'none' == indenterName: from qutepart.indenter.base import IndentAlgBase as indenterClass elif 'normal' == indenterName: from qutepart.indenter.base import IndentAlgNormal as indenterClass elif 'cstyle' == indenterName: from qutepart.indenter.cstyle import IndentAlgCStyle as indenterClass elif 'python' == indenterName: from qutepart.indenter.python import IndentAlgPython as indenterClass elif 'ruby' == indenterName: from qutepart.indenter.ruby import IndentAlgRuby as indenterClass elif 'xml' == indenterName: from qutepart.indenter.xmlindent import IndentAlgXml as indenterClass elif 'haskell' == indenterName: from qutepart.indenter.haskell import IndenterHaskell as indenterClass elif 'lilypond' == indenterName: from qutepart.indenter.lilypond import IndenterLilypond as indenterClass elif 'lisp' == indenterName: from qutepart.indenter.lisp import IndentAlgLisp as indenterClass elif 'scheme' == indenterName: from qutepart.indenter.scheme import IndentAlgScheme as indenterClass else: raise KeyError("Indenter %s not found" % indenterName) return indenterClass(qpart, indenter) class Indenter: """Qutepart functionality, related to indentation Public attributes: width Indent width useTabs Indent uses Tabs (instead of spaces) """ _DEFAULT_INDENT_WIDTH = 4 _DEFAULT_INDENT_USE_TABS = False def __init__(self, qpart): self._qpart = qpart self.width = self._DEFAULT_INDENT_WIDTH self.useTabs = self._DEFAULT_INDENT_USE_TABS self._smartIndenter = _getSmartIndenter('normal', self._qpart, self) def setSyntax(self, syntax): """Choose smart indentation algorithm according to syntax""" self._smartIndenter = self._chooseSmartIndenter(syntax) def text(self): """Get indent text as \t or string of spaces """ if self.useTabs: return '\t' else: return ' ' * self.width def triggerCharacters(self): """Trigger characters for smart indentation""" return self._smartIndenter.TRIGGER_CHARACTERS def autoIndentBlock(self, block, char = '\n'): """Indent block after Enter pressed or trigger character typed """ cursor = QTextCursor(block) currentText = block.text() spaceAtStartLen = len(currentText) - len(currentText.lstrip()) currentIndent = currentText[:spaceAtStartLen] indent = self._smartIndenter.computeIndent(block, char) if indent is not None and indent != currentIndent: self._qpart.replaceText(block.position(), spaceAtStartLen, indent) def onChangeSelectedBlocksIndent(self, increase, withSpace=False): """Tab or Space pressed and few blocks are selected, or Shift+Tab pressed Insert or remove text from the beginning of blocks """ def blockIndentation(block): text = block.text() return text[:len(text) - len(text.lstrip())] def cursorAtSpaceEnd(block): cursor = QTextCursor(block) cursor.setPosition(block.position() + len(blockIndentation(block))) return cursor def indentBlock(block): cursor = cursorAtSpaceEnd(block) cursor.insertText(' ' if withSpace else self.text()) def spacesCount(text): return len(text) - len(text.rstrip(' ')) def unIndentBlock(block): currentIndent = blockIndentation(block) if currentIndent.endswith('\t'): charsToRemove = 1 elif withSpace: charsToRemove = 1 if currentIndent else 0 else: if self.useTabs: charsToRemove = min(spacesCount(currentIndent), self.width) else: # spaces if currentIndent.endswith(self.text()): # remove indent level charsToRemove = self.width else: # remove all spaces charsToRemove = min(spacesCount(currentIndent), self.width) if charsToRemove: cursor = cursorAtSpaceEnd(block) cursor.setPosition(cursor.position() - charsToRemove, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.removeSelectedText() cursor = self._qpart.textCursor() startBlock = self._qpart.document().findBlock(cursor.selectionStart()) endBlock = self._qpart.document().findBlock(cursor.selectionEnd()) # If end is positioned in the beginning of a block, do not indent this # block, since no text is selected in it (beginning of line) if endBlock.position()==cursor.selectionEnd(): endBlock=endBlock.previous() indentFunc = indentBlock if increase else unIndentBlock if startBlock != endBlock: # indent multiply lines stopBlock = block = startBlock with self._qpart: while block != stopBlock: indentFunc(block) block = newCursor = QTextCursor(startBlock) newCursor.setPosition(endBlock.position() + len(endBlock.text()), QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) self._qpart.setTextCursor(newCursor) else: # indent 1 line indentFunc(startBlock) def onShortcutIndentAfterCursor(self): """Tab pressed and no selection. Insert text after cursor """ cursor = self._qpart.textCursor() def insertIndent(): if self.useTabs: cursor.insertText('\t') else: # indent to integer count of indents from line start charsToInsert = self.width - (len(self._qpart.textBeforeCursor()) % self.width) cursor.insertText(' ' * charsToInsert) if cursor.positionInBlock() == 0: # if no any indent - indent smartly block = cursor.block() self.autoIndentBlock(block, '') # if no smart indentation - just insert one indent if self._qpart.textBeforeCursor() == '': insertIndent() else: insertIndent() def onShortcutUnindentWithBackspace(self): """Backspace pressed, unindent """ assert self._qpart.textBeforeCursor().endswith(self.text()) charsToRemove = len(self._qpart.textBeforeCursor()) % len(self.text()) if charsToRemove == 0: charsToRemove = len(self.text()) cursor = self._qpart.textCursor() cursor.setPosition(cursor.position() - charsToRemove, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.removeSelectedText() def onAutoIndentTriggered(self): """Indent current line or selected lines """ cursor = self._qpart.textCursor() startBlock = self._qpart.document().findBlock(cursor.selectionStart()) endBlock = self._qpart.document().findBlock(cursor.selectionEnd()) if startBlock != endBlock: # indent multiply lines stopBlock = block = startBlock with self._qpart: while block != stopBlock: self.autoIndentBlock(block, '') block = else: # indent 1 line self.autoIndentBlock(startBlock, '') def _chooseSmartIndenter(self, syntax): """Get indenter for syntax """ if syntax.indenter is not None: try: return _getSmartIndenter(syntax.indenter, self._qpart, self) except KeyError: logger.error("Indenter '%s' is not finished yet. But you can do it!" % syntax.indenter) try: return _getSmartIndenter(, self._qpart, self) except KeyError: pass return _getSmartIndenter('normal', self._qpart, self)
'''Manual check (not a discoverable unit test) for the key import, to identify problems with gnupg, gpg, gpg1, gpg2 and so on''' import os import shutil from gnupg import GPG def setup_keyring(keyring_name): '''Setup the keyring''' keyring_path = os.path.join("test", "outputdata", keyring_name) # Delete the entire keyring shutil.rmtree(keyring_path, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(keyring_path) gpg = GPG(gnupghome=keyring_path, gpgbinary="gpg") for key_name in ["key1_private", "key1_public"]: with open(os.path.join("test", "inputdata", key_name + ".txt"), "r") as keyfile: key_str = "".join(keyfile.readlines()) import_result = gpg.import_keys(key_str) print("Import result:", type(import_result)) print(import_result.__dict__) if import_result.count == 1 and len(set(import_result.fingerprints)) == 1: print("Got one import result") return gpg CRYPTO = setup_keyring("keyringtest") if CRYPTO: print("Ready", CRYPTO) KEY_LIST = CRYPTO.list_keys(False) NUM_KEYS = len(KEY_LIST) if KEY_LIST else 0 print("Number of public keys:", NUM_KEYS) if NUM_KEYS < 1: print("ERROR: Number of keys should be 1, not", NUM_KEYS) KEY_LIST = CRYPTO.list_keys(True) NUM_KEYS = len(KEY_LIST) if KEY_LIST else 0 print("Number of private keys:", NUM_KEYS) if NUM_KEYS < 1: print("ERROR: Number of keys should be 1, not", NUM_KEYS)
#!/usr/bin/python """ Since functions are function instances you can wrap them Allow you to - modify arguments - modify function - modify results """ call_count = 0 def count(func): def wrapper(*args, **kw): global call_count call_count += 1 return func(*args, **kw) return wrapper def hello(): print 'Invoked hello' hello = count(hello) ## Now decorating hello to increment call count hello() print call_count hello() print call_count """ ## Syntactic Sugar >>> @count ... def hello(): ... print "Invoked hello" equals hello = count(hello) ## Syntactic Sugar 2 Dont add parens to the decorator >>> @count() ... def hello(): ... print "Invoked hello" ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: count() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given) >>> ##Decorator Template def decorator(func_to_decorate): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # do something before invocation result = func_to_decorate(*args,**kwargs) # do something after invocation return result #update wrapper.__doc__ and .func_name # or functools.wraps return wrapper ##Decorators can also be classes, to have a class that Decorates class decorator(object): def __init__(self, function): self.function = function def __call__(self, *args, **kw): # do something before invocation result = self.function(*args, **kw) # do something after return result ##Decorators can also be classes 2, to have a instance that Decorates class decorator(object): def __init__(self, function): self.function = function def __call__(self, *args, **kw): def wrapper(*args, **kw): # do something before invocation result = self.function(*args, **kw) # do something after return result return wrapper ## The aboves lets you have an instance of a decorator that stores state (rather than using global state) ## Parameterized decorators (need 2 closures) def limit(length): def decorator(function): def wrapper(*args, **kw): result = function(*args, **kw) result = result[:length] return result return wrapper return decorator >>> @limit(5) ## Decorating the simple function echo with limit 5 as parameter ... def echo(foo): ... return foo ... >>> echo ('123456') '12345' >>> Or you can use following as well , to limit the echo function with 3 as parameter >>> echo = limit(3)(echo) >>> echo ('123456') '123' >>> ## Decorator Tidying function attributes get mangled >>> def echo2(input): ... ###return input### I used ### instead of 3 coz that was causing some error ... return input ... >>> echo2.__doc__ 'return input' >>> echo2.func_name 'echo2' >>> >>> echo3 = limit(3)(echo2) >>> echo3.__doc__ >>> echo3.func_name 'wrapper' >>> #Now to fix above define your limit decorator as below def limit(length): def decorator(function): def wrapper(*args, **kw): result = function(*args, **kw) result = result[:length] return result wrapper.__doc__ = function.__doc__ wrapper.func_name = function.func_name return wrapper return decorator >>> echo4 = limit(3)(echo2) >>> echo4.__doc__ 'return input' >>> echo4.func_name 'echo2' >>> #Decorator tidying (3) , using functools , more simple import functools def limit(length): def decorator(function): @functools.wraps(function) def wrapper(*args, **kw): result = function(*args, **kw) result = result[:length] return result #wrapper.__doc__ = function.__doc__ #wrapper.func_name = function.func_name return wrapper return decorator Uses for decorator - caching - monkey patching stdio - memoize - jsonify - logging time in function call - change cwd """ def cwd_decorator(func): """ decorator to change cwd to directory containing rst for this function """ def wrapper(*args, **kw): cur_dir = os.getcwd() found = False for arg in sys.argv: if arg.endswith(".rst"): found = arg break if found: directory = os.path.dirname(arg) if directory: os.chdir(directory) data = func(*args, **kw) os.chdir(cur_dir) return data return wrapper """ ### Properties Call get/set methods via an instance attributes class C(object): def getx(self): return self._x def setx(self, value): self._x = value def delx(self): del self._x x = property(getx, setx, delx, "I'm the 'x' property.") from property.__doc__ """ import os def find_files(base_dir, recurse=True): """ yeild files found in base_dir """ for name in os.listdir(base_dir): filepath = os.path.join(base_dir, name) if os.path.isdir(filepath) and recurse: for child in find_files(filepath, recurse): yield child else: yield filepath
my_inf = float('Inf') print 99999999 > my_inf # False my_neg_inf = float('-Inf') print my_neg_inf < -99999999 # True
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import requests from flask import Flask import batalha import pokemon import ataque class Cliente: def __init__(self, execute = False, ip = '', port = 5000, npc = False): self.ip = ip self.port = port self.npc = npc if (execute): self.iniciaBatalha() def writeXML(self, pkmn): #Escreve um XML a partir de um pokemon root = ET.Element('battle_state') ET.SubElement(root, "pokemon") poke = root.find('pokemon') ET.SubElement(poke, "name") poke.find('name').text = pkmn.getNome() ET.SubElement(poke, "level") poke.find('level').text = str(pkmn.getLvl()) ET.SubElement(poke, "attributes") poke_att = poke.find('attributes') ET.SubElement(poke_att, "health") poke_att.find('health').text = str(pkmn.getHp()) ET.SubElement(poke_att, "attack") poke_att.find('attack').text = str(pkmn.getAtk()) ET.SubElement(poke_att, "defense") poke_att.find('defense').text = str(pkmn.getDefe()) ET.SubElement(poke_att, "speed") poke_att.find('speed').text = str(pkmn.getSpd()) ET.SubElement(poke_att, "special") poke_att.find('special').text = str(pkmn.getSpc()) ET.SubElement(poke, "type") ET.SubElement(poke, "type") tipos = poke.findall('type') tipos[0].text = str(pkmn.getTyp1()) tipos[1].text = str(pkmn.getTyp2()) for i in range(0, 4): atk = pkmn.getAtks(i) if (atk is not None): ET.SubElement(poke, "attacks") poke_atk = poke.findall('attacks') ET.SubElement(poke_atk[-1], "id") poke_atk[-1].find('id').text = str(i + 1) ET.SubElement(poke_atk[-1], "name") poke_atk[-1].find('name').text = atk.getNome() ET.SubElement(poke_atk[-1], "type") poke_atk[-1].find('type').text = str(atk.getTyp()) ET.SubElement(poke_atk[-1], "power") poke_atk[-1].find('power').text = str(atk.getPwr()) ET.SubElement(poke_atk[-1], "accuracy") poke_atk[-1].find('accuracy').text = str(atk.getAcu()) ET.SubElement(poke_atk[-1], "power_points") poke_atk[-1].find('power_points').text = str(atk.getPpAtual()) s = ET.tostring(root) return s def iniciaBatalha(self): pkmn = pokemon.Pokemon() xml = self.writeXML(pkmn) try: self.battle_state ='http://{}:{}/battle/'.format(self.ip, self.port), data = xml).text except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print("Não foi possível conectar ao servidor.") return None pkmn2 = pokemon.lePokemonXML(1, self.battle_state) self.batalha = batalha.Batalha([pkmn, pkmn2]) if (self.npc): self.batalha.pkmn[0].npc = True print("Eu sou um NPC") self.batalha.turno = 0 self.batalha.display.showPokemon(self.batalha.pkmn[0]) self.batalha.display.showPokemon(self.batalha.pkmn[1]) return self.atualizaBatalha() def atualizaBatalha(self): self.batalha.AlternaTurno() root = ET.fromstring(self.battle_state) for i in range(0,2): pkmnXML = root[i] atksXML = root[i].findall('attacks') pkmn = self.batalha.pkmn[i] pkmn.setHpAtual(int(pkmnXML.find('attributes').find('health').text)) self.batalha.showStatus() if (not self.batalha.isOver()): self.batalha.AlternaTurno() if (self.batalha.pkmn[self.batalha.turno].npc): id = self.batalha.EscolheAtaqueInteligente() else: id = self.batalha.EscolheAtaque() self.batalha.pkmn[0].getAtks(id).decreasePp() if (id == 4): self.battle_state ='http://{}:{}/battle/attack/{}'.format(self.ip, self.port, 0)).text else: self.battle_state ='http://{}:{}/battle/attack/{}'.format(self.ip, self.port, id + 1)).text self.simulaAtaque(id) self.atualizaBatalha() else: self.batalha.showResults() return 'FIM' def sendShutdownSignal(self):'http://{}:{}/shutdown'.format(self.ip, self.port)) def simulaAtaque(self, idCliente): disp = self.batalha.display root = ET.fromstring(self.battle_state) pkmnCXML = root[0] pkmnC = self.batalha.pkmn[0] pkmnSXML = root[1] pkmnS = self.batalha.pkmn[1] atksXML = pkmnSXML.findall('attacks') idServidor = self.descobreAtaqueUsado(atksXML, pkmnS) if (int(pkmnSXML.find('attributes').find('health').text) > 0): if (idCliente != 4): if (idServidor != 4): dmg = pkmnS.getHpAtual() - int(pkmnSXML.find('attributes').find('health').text) if (dmg == 0): disp.miss(pkmnC, pkmnS, pkmnC.getAtks(idCliente)) else: disp.hit(pkmnC, pkmnS, pkmnC.getAtks(idCliente), dmg) dmg = pkmnC.getHpAtual() - int(pkmnCXML.find('attributes').find('health').text) if (dmg == 0): disp.miss(pkmnS, pkmnC, pkmnS.getAtks(idServidor)) else: disp.hit(pkmnS, pkmnC, pkmnS.getAtks(idServidor), dmg) else: dmgStruggle = pkmnC.getHpAtual() - int(pkmnCXML.find('attributes').find('health').text) dmg = pkmnS.getHpAtual() - int(pkmnSXML.find('attributes').find('health').text) + round(dmgStruggle / 2, 0) if (dmg == 0): disp.miss(pkmnC, pkmnS, pkmnC.getAtks(idCliente)) else: disp.hit(pkmnC, pkmnS, pkmnC.getAtks(idCliente), dmg) disp.hit(pkmnS, pkmnC, pkmnS.getAtks(idServidor), dmgStruggle) disp.hitSelf(pkmnS, round(dmgStruggle / 2, 0)) else: if (idServidor != 4): dmgStruggle = pkmnS.getHpAtual() - int(pkmnSXML.find('attributes').find('health').text) disp.hit(pkmnC, pkmnS, pkmnC.getAtks(idCliente), dmgStruggle) disp.hitSelf(pkmnC, round(dmgStruggle / 2, 0)) dmg = pkmnC.getHpAtual() - int(pkmnCXML.find('attributes').find('health').text) + round(dmgStruggle / 2, 0) if (dmg == 0): disp.miss(pkmnS, pkmnC, pkmnS.getAtks(idServidor)) else: disp.hit(pkmnS, pkmnC, pkmnS.getAtks(idServidor), dmg) else: print('Ambos usam e se machucam com Struggle!') else: if (idCliente != 4): dmg = pkmnS.getHpAtual() - int(pkmnSXML.find('attributes').find('health').text) if (dmg == 0): disp.miss(pkmnC, pkmnS, pkmnC.getAtks(idCliente)) else: disp.hit(pkmnC, pkmnS, pkmnC.getAtks(idCliente), dmg) else: dmgStruggle = pkmnC.getHpAtual() - int(pkmnCXML.find('attributes').find('health').text) disp.hit(pkmnC, pkmnS, pkmnC.getAtks(idServidor), dmgStruggle * 2) disp.hitSelf(pkmnC, round(dmgStruggle, 0)) def descobreAtaqueUsado(self, atksXML, pkmn): for i in range(0, len(atksXML)): id = int(atksXML[i].find('id').text) - 1 ppXML = int(atksXML[i].find('power_points').text) pp = pkmn.getAtks(id).getPpAtual() if (pp != ppXML): pkmn.getAtks(id).decreasePp() return id return id
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ nidaba.plugins.leptonica ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Plugin accessing `leptonica <>`_ functions. This plugin requires a liblept shared object in the current library search path. On Debian-based systems it can be installed using apt-get .. code-block:: console # apt-get install libleptonica-dev Leptonica's APIs are rather unstable and may differ significantly between versions. If this plugin fails with weird error messages or workers are just dying without discernable cause please submit a bug report including your leptonica version. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function, absolute_import import ctypes from nidaba import storage from nidaba.celery import app from nidaba.tasks.helper import NidabaTask from nidaba.nidabaexceptions import (NidabaInvalidParameterException, NidabaLeptonicaException, NidabaPluginException) leptlib = '' def setup(*args, **kwargs): try: ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(leptlib) except Exception as e: raise NidabaPluginException(e.message) @app.task(base=NidabaTask, name=u'nidaba.binarize.sauvola', arg_values={'whsize': 'int', 'factor': (0.0, 1.0)}) def sauvola(doc, method=u'sauvola', whsize=10, factor=0.35): """ Binarizes an input document utilizing Sauvola thresholding as described in [0]. Expects 8bpp grayscale images as input. [0] Sauvola, Jaakko, and Matti Pietikäinen. "Adaptive document image binarization." Pattern recognition 33.2 (2000): 225-236. Args: doc (unicode): The input document tuple. method (unicode): The suffix string appended to all output files whsize (int): The window width and height that local statistics are calculated on are twice the value of whsize. The minimal value is 2. factor (float): The threshold reduction factor due to variance. 0 =< factor < 1. Returns: (unicode, unicode): Storage tuple of the output file Raises: NidabaInvalidParameterException: Input parameters are outside the valid range. """ input_path = storage.get_abs_path(*doc) output_path = storage.insert_suffix(input_path, method, unicode(whsize), unicode(factor)) lept_sauvola(input_path, output_path, whsize, factor) return storage.get_storage_path(output_path) def lept_sauvola(image_path, output_path, whsize=10, factor=0.35): """ Binarizes an input document utilizing Sauvola thresholding as described in [0]. Expects 8bpp grayscale images as input. [0] Sauvola, Jaakko, and Matti Pietikäinen. "Adaptive document image binarization." Pattern recognition 33.2 (2000): 225-236. Args: image_path (unicode): Input image path output_path (unicode): Output image path whsize (int): The window width and height that local statistics are calculated on are twice the value of whsize. The minimal value is 2. factor (float): The threshold reduction factor due to variance. 0 =< factor < 1. Raises: NidabaInvalidParameterException: Input parameters are outside the valid range. """ if whsize < 2 or factor >= 1.0 or factor < 0: raise NidabaInvalidParameterException('Parameters ({}, {}) outside of valid range'.format(whsize, factor)) try: lept = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(leptlib) except OSError as e: raise NidabaLeptonicaException('Loading leptonica failed: ' + e.message) pix = ctypes.c_void_p(lept.pixRead(image_path.encode('utf-8'))) opix = ctypes.c_void_p() if lept.pixGetDepth(pix) != 8: lept.pixDestroy(ctypes.byref(pix)) raise NidabaLeptonicaException('Input image is not grayscale') if lept.pixSauvolaBinarize(pix, whsize, ctypes.c_float(factor), 0, None, None, None, ctypes.byref(opix)): lept.pixDestroy(ctypes.byref(pix)) raise NidabaLeptonicaException('Binarization failed for unknown ' 'reason.') if lept.pixWriteImpliedFormat(output_path.encode('utf-8'), opix, 100, 0): lept.pixDestroy(ctypes.byref(pix)) lept.pixDestroy(ctypes.byref(pix)) raise NidabaLeptonicaException('Writing binarized PIX failed') lept.pixDestroy(ctypes.byref(opix)) lept.pixDestroy(ctypes.byref(pix)) @app.task(base=NidabaTask, name=u'nidaba.img.dewarp') def dewarp(doc, method=u'dewarp'): """ Removes perspective distortion (as commonly exhibited by overhead scans) from an 1bpp input image. Args: doc (unicode, unicode): The input document tuple. method (unicode): The suffix string appended to all output files. Returns: (unicode, unicode): Storage tuple of the output file """ input_path = storage.get_abs_path(*doc) output_path = storage.insert_suffix(input_path, method) lept_dewarp(input_path, output_path) return storage.get_storage_path(output_path) def lept_dewarp(image_path, output_path): """ Removes perspective distortion from an 1bpp input image. Args: image_path (unicode): Path to the input image output_path (unicode): Path to the output image Raises: NidabaLeptonicaException if one of leptonica's functions failed. """ try: lept = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(leptlib) except OSError as e: raise NidabaLeptonicaException('Loading leptonica failed: ' + e.message) pix = ctypes.c_void_p(lept.pixRead(image_path.encode('utf-8'))) opix = ctypes.c_void_p() ret = lept.dewarpSinglePage(pix, 0, 1, 1, ctypes.byref(opix), None, 0) if ret == 1 or ret is None: lept.pixDestroy(ctypes.byref(pix)) lept.pixDestroy(ctypes.byref(opix)) raise NidabaLeptonicaException('Dewarping failed for unknown reason.') if lept.pixWriteImpliedFormat(output_path.encode('utf-8'), opix, 100, 0): lept.pixDestroy(ctypes.byref(pix)) lept.pixDestroy(ctypes.byref(opix)) raise NidabaLeptonicaException('Writing dewarped PIX failed') lept.pixDestroy(ctypes.byref(pix)) lept.pixDestroy(ctypes.byref(opix)) @app.task(base=NidabaTask, name=u'nidaba.img.deskew') def deskew(doc, method=u'deskew'): """ Removes skew (rotational distortion) from an 1bpp input image. Args: doc (unicode, unicode): The input document tuple. method (unicode): The suffix string appended to all output files. Returns: (unicode, unicode): Storage tuple of the output file """ input_path = storage.get_abs_path(*doc) output_path = storage.insert_suffix(input_path, method) lept_deskew(input_path, output_path) return storage.get_storage_path(output_path) def lept_deskew(image_path, output_path): """ Removes skew (rotational distortion from an 1bpp input image. Args: image_path (unicode): Input image output_path (unicode): Path to the output document Raises: NidabaLeptonicaException if one of leptonica's functions failed. """ try: lept = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(leptlib) except OSError as e: raise NidabaLeptonicaException('Loading leptonica failed: ' + e.message) pix = ctypes.c_void_p(lept.pixRead(image_path.encode('utf-8'))) opix = ctypes.c_void_p(lept.pixFindSkewAndDeskew(pix, 4, None, None)) if opix is None: lept.pixDestroy(ctypes.byref(pix)) raise NidabaLeptonicaException('Deskewing failed for unknown reason.') if lept.pixWriteImpliedFormat(output_path.encode('utf-8'), opix, 100, 0): lept.pixDestroy(ctypes.byref(pix)) lept.pixDestroy(ctypes.byref(opix)) raise NidabaLeptonicaException('Writing deskewed PIX failed') lept.pixDestroy(ctypes.byref(pix)) lept.pixDestroy(ctypes.byref(opix))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # from rest_framework import viewsets from rest_framework.decorators import action from rest_framework.exceptions import MethodNotAllowed from rest_framework.response import Response from common.const.http import POST, PUT from common.mixins.api import CommonApiMixin from common.permissions import IsValidUser, IsOrgAdmin from tickets import serializers from tickets.models import Ticket from tickets.permissions.ticket import IsAssignee, IsAssigneeOrApplicant, NotClosed __all__ = ['TicketViewSet'] class TicketViewSet(CommonApiMixin, viewsets.ModelViewSet): permission_classes = (IsValidUser,) serializer_class = serializers.TicketDisplaySerializer serializer_classes = { 'open': serializers.TicketApplySerializer, 'approve': serializers.TicketApproveSerializer, } filterset_fields = [ 'id', 'title', 'type', 'action', 'status', 'applicant', 'applicant_display', 'processor', 'processor_display', 'assignees__id' ] search_fields = [ 'title', 'action', 'type', 'status', 'applicant_display', 'processor_display' ] def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs): raise MethodNotAllowed(self.action) def update(self, request, *args, **kwargs): raise MethodNotAllowed(self.action) def destroy(self, request, *args, **kwargs): raise MethodNotAllowed(self.action) def get_queryset(self): queryset = Ticket.get_user_related_tickets(self.request.user) return queryset def perform_create(self, serializer): instance = @action(detail=False, methods=[POST], permission_classes=[IsValidUser, ]) def open(self, request, *args, **kwargs): return super().create(request, *args, **kwargs) @action(detail=True, methods=[PUT], permission_classes=[IsOrgAdmin, IsAssignee, NotClosed]) def approve(self, request, *args, **kwargs): response = super().update(request, *args, **kwargs) instance = self.get_object() instance.approve(processor=self.request.user) return response @action(detail=True, methods=[PUT], permission_classes=[IsOrgAdmin, IsAssignee, NotClosed]) def reject(self, request, *args, **kwargs): instance = self.get_object() serializer = self.get_serializer(instance) instance.reject(processor=request.user) return Response( @action(detail=True, methods=[PUT], permission_classes=[IsAssigneeOrApplicant, NotClosed]) def close(self, request, *args, **kwargs): instance = self.get_object() serializer = self.get_serializer(instance) instance.close(processor=request.user) return Response(
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet( input = cms.untracked.int32(-1) ) readFiles = cms.untracked.vstring() secFiles = cms.untracked.vstring() source = cms.Source ("PoolSource",fileNames = readFiles, secondaryFileNames = secFiles) readFiles.extend( [ '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/0A2744F9-FA05-E411-BD0C-00259073E36C.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/0E936434-FD05-E411-81BF-F4CE46B27A1A.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/32E07232-FD05-E411-897C-00259073E522.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/3CE2B535-FB05-E411-919A-20CF307C98DC.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/48093276-FC05-E411-9EEE-001F296564C6.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/50B66FF3-FA05-E411-A937-001F296564C6.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/544B2DF7-FA05-E411-B91F-001F2965F296.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/54DB2FF7-FE05-E411-824B-00259073E522.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/56D1BC32-FD05-E411-A512-20CF3027A5EB.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/5AD70432-FC05-E411-906C-20CF3027A5CD.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/5C4FBFF4-FA05-E411-9767-00259073E36C.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/5CF748F8-FC05-E411-814B-20CF3027A5A2.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/7806E24D-FC05-E411-8922-001F2965F296.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/7C16B231-FD05-E411-8E00-20CF3027A5EB.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/802452C1-FC05-E411-A969-00221983E092.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/8217E3BD-FC05-E411-B8C2-0025907277CE.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/8676BEF4-FA05-E411-B26A-00259073E36C.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/8C1741F3-FA05-E411-B5B5-20CF3027A582.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/8C915AB8-FC05-E411-9EAF-F4CE46B27A1A.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/AA0FCBB0-FC05-E411-898D-00259073E36C.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/B49383BA-FC05-E411-9914-F4CE46B27A1A.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/B6DAEFDD-FB05-E411-9851-20CF3027A5CD.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/C6F5C44F-FD05-E411-B86F-D48564592B02.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/C83B6B6C-FC05-E411-BAFD-D48564599CAA.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/CEF64C64-FD05-E411-A799-001F2965648A.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/D6C305FC-FA05-E411-9AF5-00259073E522.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/DE0FC6A4-FC05-E411-A2F9-00259073E36C.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/E2D5AD33-FD05-E411-868A-D48564594F36.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/E63BCC43-FB05-E411-834E-D48564599CEE.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/EAD01F32-FD05-E411-91E4-20CF3027A5F4.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/F0A18D25-FC05-E411-8DFC-20CF3027A582.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/F0B8E6B6-FA05-E411-9DAE-20CF3027A5CD.root', '/store/mc/Spring14miniaod/QCD_Pt-80to120_MuEnrichedPt5_Tune4C_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_POSTLS170_V5-v1/00000/F23A21C3-FD05-E411-9E29-A4BADB3D00FF.root' ] ); secFiles.extend( [ ] )
# # gui advanced bootloader configuration dialog # # Jeremy Katz <[email protected]> # # Copyright 2001-2002 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import gtk import gobject import iutil import partedUtils import gui from iw_gui import * from rhpl.translate import _, N_ from bootlocwidget import BootloaderLocationWidget class AdvancedBootloaderWindow(InstallWindow): windowTitle = N_("Advanced Boot Loader Configuration") def __init__(self, ics): InstallWindow.__init__(self, ics) self.parent = ics.getICW().window def getPrev(self): pass def getNext(self): # forcing lba32 can be a bad idea.. make sure they really want to if (self.forceLBA.get_active() and not rc = self.intf.messageWindow(_("Warning"), _("Forcing the use of LBA32 for your bootloader when " "not supported by the BIOS can cause your machine " "to be unable to boot.\n\n" "Would you like to continue and force LBA32 mode?"), type = "custom", custom_buttons = [_("Cancel"), _("Force LBA32")]) if rc != 1: raise gui.StayOnScreen # set forcelba # set kernel args # set the boot device # set the drive order = self.blloc.getDriveOrder() # set up the vbox with force lba32 and kernel append def setupOptionsVbox(self): self.options_vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 5) self.options_vbox.set_border_width(5) self.forceLBA = gtk.CheckButton(_("_Force LBA32 (not normally required)")) self.options_vbox.pack_start(self.forceLBA, False) self.forceLBA.set_active( label = gui.WrappingLabel(_("If you wish to add default options to the " "boot command, enter them into " "the 'General kernel parameters' field.")) label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.0) self.options_vbox.pack_start(label, False) label = gui.MnemonicLabel(_("_General kernel parameters")) self.appendEntry = gtk.Entry() label.set_mnemonic_widget(self.appendEntry) args = if args: self.appendEntry.set_text(args) box = gtk.HBox(False, 0) box.pack_start(label) box.pack_start(self.appendEntry) al = gtk.Alignment(0.0, 0.0) al.add(box) self.options_vbox.pack_start(al, False) def getScreen(self, anaconda): self.dispatch = anaconda.dispatch = self.intf = anaconda.intf thebox = gtk.VBox (False, 10) # boot loader location bits (mbr vs boot, drive order) self.blloc = BootloaderLocationWidget(anaconda, self.parent) thebox.pack_start(self.blloc.getWidget(), False) thebox.pack_start (gtk.HSeparator(), False) # some optional things self.setupOptionsVbox() thebox.pack_start(self.options_vbox, False) return thebox
#!/usr/bin/env python # ********************************************************************** # # Copyright (c) 2003-2011 ZeroC, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the # ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution. # # ********************************************************************** import os, sys path = [ ".", "..", "../..", "../../..", "../../../.." ] head = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) if len(head) > 0: path = [os.path.join(head, p) for p in path] path = [os.path.abspath(p) for p in path if os.path.exists(os.path.join(p, "scripts", "")) ] if len(path) == 0: raise "can't find toplevel directory!" sys.path.append(os.path.join(path[0])) from scripts import * dbdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "db") TestUtil.cleanDbDir(dbdir) client = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "client") if TestUtil.appverifier: TestUtil.setAppVerifierSettings([client]) clientProc = TestUtil.startClient(client, ' --Freeze.Warn.Rollback=0 "%s"' % os.getcwd()) clientProc.waitTestSuccess() if TestUtil.appverifier: TestUtil.appVerifierAfterTestEnd([client])
#!/usr/bin/python import os import sys import re # file name unified by the following rule: # 1. always save the osm under ../osmFiles directory # 2. the result automatically generate to ../trajectorySets # 3.1. change variable "osmName", or # 3.2. use command argument to specify osm file name # 4. this script generates a set of paths, each includes a series of of points, # and save in originOfLife folder for further parsing. # also, please scroll down the very bottom to see what's the next step osmName = 'San_Jose_20x20.osm' # sample: 'ucla.osm' #osmName = 'Los_Angeles_20x20.osm' # sample: 'ucla.osm' #osmName = 'ucla_5x5.osm' # sample: 'ucla.osm' optionAllowLoop = False # most of the cases are building bounding boxes # support system parameters if len(sys.argv) >= 2: osmName = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) >= 3: optionAllowLoop = (sys.argv[2] == '1') inFile = '../../../Data/osmFiles/' + osmName if len(osmName.split('.')) == 1: osmNameWoExt = osmName else: osmNameWoExt = osmName[:-(1+len(osmName.split('.')[-1]))] outRootDir = '../../../Data/trajectorySets/' outFile = outRootDir + osmNameWoExt + '.tfix' print('input file = ' + inFile) print('output file = ' + outFile) print('') f = open('/tmp/in', 'w') f.write('<in>' + inFile + '</in>'); f.close() # the following command can be slow. a 3x3 mile^2 area takes 53 seconds to generate the result. xmlWayDetail = outRootDir + 'originOfLife/' + osmNameWoExt + '.xml' cmd = 'basex findWayTrajectory.xq > ' + xmlWayDetail print('CMD: ' + cmd) if os.path.isfile(xmlWayDetail): print('File existed. Skip.') else: os.system(cmd) # the next step should be executing the python3 ../ with the input # parameter outFile, but because of the relative folder path issue, integrating # into this code needs to make big changes. So at this stage, # we still stay on manually executing that script.
# OpenSSL is more stable then ssl # but OpenSSL is different then ssl, so need a wrapper import sys import os import OpenSSL SSLError = OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError import select import time import socket import logging ssl_version = '' class SSLConnection(object): """OpenSSL Connection Wrapper""" def __init__(self, context, sock): self._context = context self._sock = sock self._connection = OpenSSL.SSL.Connection(context, sock) self._makefile_refs = 0 def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr not in ('_context', '_sock', '_connection', '_makefile_refs'): return getattr(self._connection, attr) def __iowait(self, io_func, *args, **kwargs): timeout = self._sock.gettimeout() or 0.1 fd = self._sock.fileno() time_start = time.time() while True: try: return io_func(*args, **kwargs) except (OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError, OpenSSL.SSL.WantX509LookupError): sys.exc_clear() _, _, errors =[fd], [], [fd], timeout) if errors: break time_now = time.time() if time_now - time_start > timeout: break except OpenSSL.SSL.WantWriteError: sys.exc_clear() _, _, errors =[], [fd], [fd], timeout) if errors: break time_now = time.time() if time_now - time_start > timeout: break def accept(self): sock, addr = self._sock.accept() client = OpenSSL.SSL.Connection(sock._context, sock) return client, addr def do_handshake(self): self.__iowait(self._connection.do_handshake) def connect(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.__iowait(self._connection.connect, *args, **kwargs) def __send(self, data, flags=0): try: return self.__iowait(self._connection.send, data, flags) except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as e: if e[0] == -1 and not data: # errors when writing empty strings are expected and can be ignored return 0 raise def __send_memoryview(self, data, flags=0): if hasattr(data, 'tobytes'): data = data.tobytes() return self.__send(data, flags) send = __send if sys.version_info >= (2, 7, 5) else __send_memoryview def recv(self, bufsiz, flags=0): pending = self._connection.pending() if pending: return self._connection.recv(min(pending, bufsiz)) try: return self.__iowait(self._connection.recv, bufsiz, flags) except OpenSSL.SSL.ZeroReturnError: return '' except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as e: if e[0] == -1 and 'Unexpected EOF' in e[1]: # errors when reading empty strings are expected and can be ignored return '' raise def read(self, bufsiz, flags=0): return self.recv(bufsiz, flags) def write(self, buf, flags=0): return self.sendall(buf, flags) def close(self): if self._makefile_refs < 1: self._connection = None if self._sock: socket.socket.close(self._sock) else: self._makefile_refs -= 1 def makefile(self, mode='r', bufsize=-1): self._makefile_refs += 1 return socket._fileobject(self, mode, bufsize, close=True) @staticmethod def context_builder(ca_certs=None, cipher_suites=('ALL:!RC4-SHA:!ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA:!ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:!AES128-GCM-SHA256',)): # 'ALL', '!aNULL', '!eNULL' global ssl_version if not ssl_version: if hasattr(OpenSSL.SSL, "TLSv1_2_METHOD"): ssl_version = "TLSv1_2" elif hasattr(OpenSSL.SSL, "TLSv1_1_METHOD"): ssl_version = "TLSv1_1" elif hasattr(OpenSSL.SSL, "TLSv1_METHOD"): ssl_version = "TLSv1" else: ssl_version = "SSLv23" if sys.platform == "darwin": ssl_version = "TLSv1""SSL use version:%s", ssl_version) protocol_version = getattr(OpenSSL.SSL, '%s_METHOD' % ssl_version) ssl_context = OpenSSL.SSL.Context(protocol_version) if ca_certs: ssl_context.load_verify_locations(os.path.abspath(ca_certs)) ssl_context.set_verify(OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_PEER, lambda c, x, e, d, ok: ok) else: ssl_context.set_verify(OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_NONE, lambda c, x, e, d, ok: ok) ssl_context.set_cipher_list(':'.join(cipher_suites)) return ssl_context
import json import bottle from pyrouted.util import make_spec def route(method, path): def decorator(f): f.http_route = path f.http_method = method return f return decorator class APIv1(object): prefix = '/v1' def __init__(self, ndb, config): self.ndb = ndb self.config = config @route('GET', '/sources') def sources_list(self, mode='short'): ret = {} mode = bottle.request.query.mode or mode for name, spec in self.ndb.sources.items(): ret[name] = {'class':, 'status': spec.status} if mode == 'full': ret[name]['config'] = spec.nl_kwarg return bottle.template('{{!ret}}', ret=json.dumps(ret)) @route('PUT', '/sources') def sources_restart(self): node = bottle.request.body.getvalue().decode('utf-8') self.ndb.sources[node].start() @route('POST', '/sources') def sources_add(self): data = bottle.request.body.getvalue().decode('utf-8') node, spec = make_spec(data, self.config) self.config['sources'].append(node) self.ndb.connect_source(node, spec) @route('DELETE', '/sources') def sources_del(self): node = bottle.request.body.getvalue().decode('utf-8') self.config['sources'].remove(node) self.ndb.disconnect_source(node) @route('GET', '/config') def config_get(self): return bottle.template('{{!ret}}', ret=json.dumps(self.config)) @route('PUT', '/config') def config_dump(self): path = bottle.request.body.getvalue().decode('utf-8') self.config.dump(path) @route('GET', '/<name:re:(%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s)>' % ('interfaces', 'addresses', 'routes', 'neighbours', 'vlans', 'bridges')) def view(self, name): ret = [] obj = getattr(self.ndb, name) for line in obj.dump(): ret.append(line) return bottle.template('{{!ret}}', ret=json.dumps(ret)) @route('GET', '/query/<name:re:(%s|%s|%s|%s)>' % ('nodes', 'p2p_edges', 'l2_edges', 'l3_edges')) def query(self, name): ret = [] obj = getattr(self.ndb.query, name) for line in obj(): ret.append(line) return bottle.template('{{!ret}}', ret=json.dumps(ret))
import sys,os #sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../..')) #from ethosgame.ethos.level import Level from ..level import Level #from ethosgame.ethos.gameobject import GameObject from ..gameobject import GameObject #from ethosgame.ethos.drawnobject import DrawnObject from ..drawnobject import DrawnObject import pygame from pygame.locals import * from pygame import Color, image, font, sprite class Level0(Level): def __init__(self): super(Level0, self).__init__() self.activeSprites = sprite.RenderClear() self.drawnSprites = [] self.npc = GameObject(image.load('User.png'), 100,50) self.activeSprites.add(self.npc) self.block1 = GameObject(image.load('platform.png'), 100, 400) self.activeSprites.add(self.block1); self.mousex = 0 self.mousey = 0 #The highest height our npc #can climb. If a the dY with a #point is higher than this, the #npc will just fall to his death self.MAX_HILL_HEIGHT = 3 self.toDrawRectTopLeft = (0,0) self.toDrawRectBottomRight = (0,0) self.drawing = False self.pts = [] print "Level 0 initialized." def update(self, dT): #print "Running level0" #Character info for gobject in self.activeSprites: if gobject is not self.npc: if not gobject.rect.colliderect(self.npc.rect): #if self.npc.vy < 0.3 and (gobject.rect.y >= self.npc.rect.y + self.npc.rect.height): if self.npc.vy < 0.3: self.npc.vy += 0.1 else: self.npc.vy = 0 gobject.update(dT) collidingPoints = [] for drawnstuff in self.drawnSprites: for point in drawnstuff.pts: x = self.npc.rect.collidepoint(point) if x: collidingPoints.append(point) if(len(collidingPoints) > 0): self.npc.processPointCollision(collidingPoints) def processKeyDown(self,key): print "You hit the key " + str(key) + "!" if key == pygame.K_RIGHT: self.npc.vx = 0.1 def processMouseMotion(self,pos): #print "Your mouse is at " + str(pos[0]) + " " + str(pos[1]) self.mousex = pos[0] self.mousey = pos[1] if self.drawing and len(self.pts) < 100: self.pts.append( pos ) def processMouseButtonDown(self, pos): print "Ya clicked at " + str(pos[0]) + " " + str(pos[1]) + " ya goof!" self.drawing = True self.toDrawRectTopLeft = (pos[0],pos[1]) if len(self.pts) > 0: self.pts = [] def processMouseButtonUp(self, pos): print "Ya let go" if self.drawing is True: self.drawing = False self.drawnSprites.append ( DrawnObject(self.pts) ) self.toDrawRectBottomRight = (pos[0], pos[1])
from django.conf.urls import url from . import views urlpatterns = [ url(r'^$',, name='map'), url(r'^mapSim', views.mapSim, name='mapSim'), url(r'^api/getPos', views.getPos, name='getPos'), url(r'^api/getProjAndPos', views.getProjAndPos, name='getProjAndPos'), ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # from rest_framework import viewsets from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError from django.db import transaction from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.conf import settings from orgs.mixins.api import RootOrgViewMixin from common.permissions import IsValidUser from perms.utils import AssetPermissionUtil from ..models import CommandExecution from ..serializers import CommandExecutionSerializer from ..tasks import run_command_execution class CommandExecutionViewSet(RootOrgViewMixin, viewsets.ModelViewSet): serializer_class = CommandExecutionSerializer permission_classes = (IsValidUser,) def get_queryset(self): return CommandExecution.objects.filter( user_id=str( ) def check_hosts(self, serializer): data = serializer.validated_data assets = data["hosts"] system_user = data["run_as"] util = AssetPermissionUtil(self.request.user) util.filter_permissions( permed_assets = util.get_assets().filter(id__in=[ for a in assets]) invalid_assets = set(assets) - set(permed_assets) if invalid_assets: msg = _("Not has host {} permission").format( [str( for a in invalid_assets] ) raise ValidationError({"hosts": msg}) def check_permissions(self, request): if not settings.SECURITY_COMMAND_EXECUTION and request.user.is_common_user: return self.permission_denied(request, "Command execution disabled") return super().check_permissions(request) def perform_create(self, serializer): self.check_hosts(serializer) instance = instance.user = self.request.user cols = self.request.query_params.get("cols", '80') rows = self.request.query_params.get("rows", '24') transaction.on_commit(lambda: run_command_execution.apply_async( args=(,), kwargs={"cols": cols, "rows": rows}, task_id=str( ))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue May 28 12:20:59 2013 === MAYAXES (v1.1) === Generates a set of MayaVI axes using the mayavi.mlab.axes() object with a white background, small black text and a centred title. Designed to better mimic MATLAB style plots. Unspecified arguments will be set to default values when mayaxes is called (note that default settings are configured for a figure measuring 1024 x 768 pixels and may not display correctly on plots that are significantly larger or smaller). === Inputs === 'title' Figure title text (default = 'VOID') 'xlabel' X axis label text (default = 'X') 'ylabel' Y axis label text (default = 'Y') 'zlabel' Z axis label text (default = 'Z') 'handle' Graphics handle of object (if bounding box is to be plotted) 'title_size' Font size of the title text (default = 25) 'ticks' Number of divisions on each axis (default = 7) 'font_scaling' Font scaling factor for axis text (default = 0.7) 'background' Background colour (can be 'b' (black) or 'w' (white)) === Notes === Disbaling figure title: specify title_string='void' OR title_string='Void' OR title_string='VOID' to disable figure title. Disabling bounding box: specify handle='void' OR handle='Void' OR handle='VOID' to disable figure bounding box. === Usage === from mayaxes import mayaxes mayaxes('Figure title','X axis label','Y axis label','Z axis label') OR mayaxes(title_string='TITLE',xlabel='X',ylabel='Y',zlabel='Z',title_size=25,ticks=7,font_scaling=0.7) === Example === from mayaxes import test_mayaxes test_mayaxes() @author: Nathan Donaldson """ def mayaxes(title_string='VOID', xlabel='VOID', ylabel='VOID', zlabel='VOID', handle='VOID', \ title_size=25, ticks=7, font_scaling=0.7, background='w'): if type(title_string) != str or type(xlabel) != str or type(ylabel) != str or type(zlabel) != str: print('ERROR: label inputs must all be strings') return elif type(ticks) != int: print('ERROR: number of ticks must be an integer') return elif type(font_scaling) != float and type(font_scaling) != int: print('Error: font scaling factor must be an integer or a float') return from mayavi.mlab import axes,title,gcf,outline # Create axes object ax = axes() # Font factor globally adjusts figure text size ax.axes.font_factor = font_scaling # Number of ticks along each axis ax.axes.number_of_labels = ticks # Set axis labels to input strings # (spaces are included for padding so that labels do not intersect with axes) if xlabel=='void' or xlabel=='Void' or xlabel=='VOID': print 'X axis label title disabled' else: ax.axes.x_label = ' ' + xlabel if ylabel=='void' or ylabel=='Void' or ylabel=='VOID': print 'Y axis label disabled' else: ax.axes.y_label = ylabel + ' ' if zlabel=='void' or zlabel=='Void' or zlabel=='VOID': print 'Z axis label disabled' else: ax.axes.z_label = zlabel + ' ' # Create figure title if title_string=='void' or title_string=='Void' or title_string=='VOID': print 'Figure title disabled' else: text_title = title(title_string) text_title.x_position = 0.5 text_title.y_position = 0.9 = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) = 'none' = title_size = 'centered' # Create bounding box if handle=='void' or handle=='Void' or handle=='VOID': print 'Bounding box disabled' else: if background == 'w': bounding_box = outline(handle, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), opacity=0.2) elif background == 'b': bounding_box = outline(handle, color=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), opacity=0.2) # Set axis, labels and titles to neat black text = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) #ax.title_text_property.color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) #ax.label_text_property.color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ax.label_text_property.bold = False ax.label_text_property.italic = False ax.title_text_property.italic = False ax.title_text_property.bold = False # Reset axis range ax.axes.use_ranges = True # Set scene background, axis and text colours fig = gcf() if background == 'w': fig.scene.background = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) ax.label_text_property.color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ax.title_text_property.color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) elif background == 'b': fig.scene.background = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ax.label_text_property.color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) ax.title_text_property.color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) fig.scene.parallel_projection = True def test_mayaxes(): from mayaxes import mayaxes from scipy import sqrt,sin,meshgrid,linspace,pi import mayavi.mlab as mlab resolution = 200 lambda_var = 3 theta = linspace(-lambda_var*2*pi,lambda_var*2*pi,resolution) x, y = meshgrid(theta, theta) r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2) z = sin(r)/r fig = mlab.figure(size=(1024,768)) surf =,theta,z,colormap='jet',opacity=1.0,warp_scale='auto') mayaxes(title_string='Figure 1: Diminishing polar cosine series', \ xlabel='X data',ylabel='Y data',zlabel='Z data',handle=surf) = [435.4093863309094, 434.1268937227623, 315.90311468125287] = [94.434632665253829, 93.152140057106593, -25.071638984402856] = 30.0 = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] = [287.45231734040635, 973.59247058049255] fig.scene.render()
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2007 Sascha Peilicke <[email protected]> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # from random import randrange from zipfile import ZipFile from StringIO import StringIO # Constants DEFAULT_LEVELPACK = './data/' SKILL_EASY = 'Easy' # These values should match the SKILL_MEDIUM = 'Medium' # the level files! SKILL_HARD = 'Hard' FIELD_INVALID = 0 # Constants describing a field on FIELD_VALID = 1 # the playfield FIELD_MARKED_VALID = 2 FIELD_MARKED_INVALID = 4 FIELD_OPEN = 8 class Game(object): """A paint by numbers game also called nonogram. """ def __init__(self, skill=None): """Creates a picross game. Parameters: skill - Desired skill level (None == random) """ self.__level = None self.__name = None self.__skill = None self.__fieldsToOpen = 0 self.__fieldsOpened = 0 self.load(skill=skill) # # Miscellaneous methods # def _debug_print(self): print self.getInfo() print 'go: %s' % (self.__gameOver) for row in self.__level: print row # # Game information retrieval # def getInfo(self): """Returns the name, skill and size of the level """ return self.__name,self.__skill,len(self.__level) def getRowHint(self,row): """Returns the hint for a specific row. """ hint,count = [],0 for columnItem in self.__level[row]: if columnItem == FIELD_VALID: count += 1 else: if count > 0: hint.append(count) count = 0 if count > 0: hint.append(count) if not hint: hint.append(0) return hint def getColumnHint(self,col): """Returns the hint for a specific column. """ hint,count = [],0 for row in self.__level: if row[col] == FIELD_VALID: count += 1 else: if count > 0: hint.append(count) count = 0 if count > 0: hint.append(count) if not hint: hint.append(0) return hint def getField(self,col,row): return self.__level[row][col] def isGameWon(self): return self.__fieldsOpened == self.__fieldsToOpen # # Game manipulation methods # def restart(self): """Reinitializes the current game """ for i, row in enumerate(self.__level): for j, field in enumerate(row): if field == FIELD_OPEN or field == FIELD_MARKED_VALID: self.__level[i][j] = FIELD_VALID elif field == FIELD_MARKED_INVALID: self.__level[i][j] = FIELD_INVALID self.__gameOver = False self.__fieldsOpened = 0 def openField(self,col,row): field = self.__level[row][col] if field == FIELD_VALID or field == FIELD_MARKED_VALID: self.__level[row][col] = FIELD_OPEN self.__fieldsOpened += 1 return True else: return False def markField(self,col,row): field = self.__level[row][col] if field == FIELD_VALID: self.__level[row][col] = FIELD_MARKED_VALID elif field == FIELD_MARKED_VALID: self.__level[row][col] = FIELD_VALID elif field == FIELD_INVALID: self.__level[row][col] = FIELD_MARKED_INVALID elif field == FIELD_MARKED_INVALID: self.__level[row][col] = FIELD_INVALID return self.__level[row][col] def load(self,file=DEFAULT_LEVELPACK,skill=None): """Loads a level either from a zipped levelpack or from a textfile. Parameters: file - Can be a file path or zipped levelpack skill - Desired level skill (None == random) """ if file.endswith('.lvl'): # Set the skill variable if file.startswith('easy'): self.__skill = SKILL_EASY elif file.startswith('medium'): self.__skill = SKILL_MEDIUM elif file.startswith('hard'): self.__skill = SKILL_HARD self.__loadFileContent(open(file,'r')) elif file.endswith('.zip'): zip = ZipFile(file) # We have to select from which files in the zipfile we # want to choose randomly based on the level's skill candidates = [] if skill == SKILL_EASY: for file in zip.namelist(): if file.startswith('easy'): candidates.append(file) elif skill == SKILL_MEDIUM: for file in zip.namelist(): if file.startswith('medium'): candidates.append(file) elif skill == SKILL_HARD: for file in zip.namelist(): if file.startswith('hard'): candidates.append(file) # This should never happen in a good levelpack, but if it # is malformed, just pick something! if not candidates: candidates = zip.namelist() # Select one candidate randomly which = candidates[randrange(len(candidates))] # Set the skill variable if which.startswith('easy'): self.__skill = SKILL_EASY elif which.startswith('medium'):self.__skill = SKILL_MEDIUM elif which.startswith('hard'): self.__skill = SKILL_HARD # Read from zipfile and load file content buf = self.__loadFileContent(StringIO(buf)) def __loadFileContent(self,file): """Actually loads the level data from a file. """ self.__level = [] for line in file: if line.startswith('name:'): self.__name = line[5:].strip() elif line[0] == '0' or line[0] == '1': row = [] for field in line: if field == '0': row.append(FIELD_INVALID) elif field == '1': self.__fieldsToOpen += 1 row.append(FIELD_VALID) self.__level.append(row)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # pyglet # Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Alex Holkner # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of pyglet nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written # permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- """Windowing and user-interface events. This module allows applications to create and display windows with an OpenGL context. Windows can be created with a variety of border styles or set fullscreen. You can register event handlers for keyboard, mouse and window events. For games and kiosks you can also restrict the input to your windows, for example disabling users from switching away from the application with certain key combinations or capturing and hiding the mouse. Getting started --------------- Call the Window constructor to create a new window:: from pyglet.window import Window win = Window(width=640, height=480) Attach your own event handlers:: @win.event def on_key_press(symbol, modifiers): # ... handle this event ... Place drawing code for the window within the `Window.on_draw` event handler:: @win.event def on_draw(): # ... drawing code ... Call `` to enter the main event loop (by default, this returns when all open windows are closed):: from pyglet import app Creating a game window ---------------------- Use `Window.set_exclusive_mouse` to hide the mouse cursor and receive relative mouse movement events. Specify ``fullscreen=True`` as a keyword argument to the `Window` constructor to render to the entire screen rather than opening a window:: win = Window(fullscreen=True) win.set_exclusive_mouse() Working with multiple screens ----------------------------- By default, fullscreen windows are opened on the primary display (typically set by the user in their operating system settings). You can retrieve a list of attached screens and select one manually if you prefer. This is useful for opening a fullscreen window on each screen:: display = window.get_platform().get_default_display() screens = display.get_screens() windows = [] for screen in screens: windows.append(window.Window(fullscreen=True, screen=screen)) Specifying a screen has no effect if the window is not fullscreen. Specifying the OpenGL context properties ---------------------------------------- Each window has its own context which is created when the window is created. You can specify the properties of the context before it is created by creating a "template" configuration:: from pyglet import gl # Create template config config = gl.Config() config.stencil_size = 8 config.aux_buffers = 4 # Create a window using this config win = window.Window(config=config) To determine if a given configuration is supported, query the screen (see above, "Working with multiple screens"):: configs = screen.get_matching_configs(config) if not configs: # ... config is not supported else: win = window.Window(config=configs[0]) """ from __future__ import division from builtins import object from future.utils import with_metaclass __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' __version__ = '$Id$' import sys import pyglet from pyglet import gl from pyglet.event import EventDispatcher import pyglet.window.key import pyglet.window.event _is_epydoc = hasattr(sys, 'is_epydoc') and sys.is_epydoc class WindowException(Exception): """The root exception for all window-related errors.""" pass class NoSuchDisplayException(WindowException): """An exception indicating the requested display is not available.""" pass class NoSuchConfigException(WindowException): """An exception indicating the requested configuration is not available.""" pass class NoSuchScreenModeException(WindowException): """An exception indicating the requested screen resolution could not be met.""" pass class MouseCursorException(WindowException): """The root exception for all mouse cursor-related errors.""" pass class MouseCursor(object): """An abstract mouse cursor.""" #: Indicates if the cursor is drawn using OpenGL. This is True #: for all mouse cursors except system cursors. drawable = True def draw(self, x, y): """Abstract render method. The cursor should be drawn with the "hot" spot at the given coordinates. The projection is set to the pyglet default (i.e., orthographic in window-space), however no other aspects of the state can be assumed. :Parameters: `x` : int X coordinate of the mouse pointer's hot spot. `y` : int Y coordinate of the mouse pointer's hot spot. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') class DefaultMouseCursor(MouseCursor): """The default mouse cursor used by the operating system.""" drawable = False class ImageMouseCursor(MouseCursor): """A user-defined mouse cursor created from an image. Use this class to create your own mouse cursors and assign them to windows. There are no constraints on the image size or format. """ drawable = True def __init__(self, image, hot_x=0, hot_y=0): """Create a mouse cursor from an image. :Parameters: `image` : `pyglet.image.AbstractImage` Image to use for the mouse cursor. It must have a valid ``texture`` attribute. `hot_x` : int X coordinate of the "hot" spot in the image relative to the image's anchor. `hot_y` : int Y coordinate of the "hot" spot in the image, relative to the image's anchor. """ self.texture = image.get_texture() self.hot_x = hot_x self.hot_y = hot_y def draw(self, x, y): gl.glPushAttrib(gl.GL_ENABLE_BIT | gl.GL_CURRENT_BIT) gl.glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1) gl.glEnable(gl.GL_BLEND) gl.glBlendFunc(gl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, gl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) self.texture.blit(x - self.hot_x, y - self.hot_y, 0) gl.glPopAttrib() def _PlatformEventHandler(data): """Decorator for platform event handlers. Apply giving the platform-specific data needed by the window to associate the method with an event. See platform-specific subclasses of this decorator for examples. The following attributes are set on the function, which is returned otherwise unchanged: _platform_event True _platform_event_data List of data applied to the function (permitting multiple decorators on the same method). """ def _event_wrapper(f): f._platform_event = True if not hasattr(f, '_platform_event_data'): f._platform_event_data = [] f._platform_event_data.append(data) return f return _event_wrapper def _ViewEventHandler(f): f._view = True return f class _WindowMetaclass(type): """Sets the _platform_event_names class variable on the window subclass. """ def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict): cls._platform_event_names = set() for base in bases: if hasattr(base, '_platform_event_names'): cls._platform_event_names.update(base._platform_event_names) for name, func in dict.items(): if hasattr(func, '_platform_event'): cls._platform_event_names.add(name) super(_WindowMetaclass, cls).__init__(name, bases, dict) class BaseWindow(with_metaclass(_WindowMetaclass, EventDispatcher)): """Platform-independent application window. A window is a "heavyweight" object occupying operating system resources. The "client" or "content" area of a window is filled entirely with an OpenGL viewport. Applications have no access to operating system widgets or controls; all rendering must be done via OpenGL. Windows may appear as floating regions or can be set to fill an entire screen (fullscreen). When floating, windows may appear borderless or decorated with a platform-specific frame (including, for example, the title bar, minimize and close buttons, resize handles, and so on). While it is possible to set the location of a window, it is recommended that applications allow the platform to place it according to local conventions. This will ensure it is not obscured by other windows, and appears on an appropriate screen for the user. To render into a window, you must first call `switch_to`, to make it the current OpenGL context. If you use only one window in the application, there is no need to do this. :Ivariables: `has_exit` : bool True if the user has attempted to close the window. :deprecated: Windows are closed immediately by the default `on_close` handler when `` is being used. """ # Filled in by metaclass with the names of all methods on this (sub)class # that are platform event handlers. _platform_event_names = set() #: The default window style. WINDOW_STYLE_DEFAULT = None #: The window style for pop-up dialogs. WINDOW_STYLE_DIALOG = 'dialog' #: The window style for tool windows. WINDOW_STYLE_TOOL = 'tool' #: A window style without any decoration. WINDOW_STYLE_BORDERLESS = 'borderless' #: The default mouse cursor. CURSOR_DEFAULT = None #: A crosshair mouse cursor. CURSOR_CROSSHAIR = 'crosshair' #: A pointing hand mouse cursor. CURSOR_HAND = 'hand' #: A "help" mouse cursor; typically a question mark and an arrow. CURSOR_HELP = 'help' #: A mouse cursor indicating that the selected operation is not permitted. CURSOR_NO = 'no' #: A mouse cursor indicating the element can be resized. CURSOR_SIZE = 'size' #: A mouse cursor indicating the element can be resized from the top #: border. CURSOR_SIZE_UP = 'size_up' #: A mouse cursor indicating the element can be resized from the #: upper-right corner. CURSOR_SIZE_UP_RIGHT = 'size_up_right' #: A mouse cursor indicating the element can be resized from the right #: border. CURSOR_SIZE_RIGHT = 'size_right' #: A mouse cursor indicating the element can be resized from the lower-right #: corner. CURSOR_SIZE_DOWN_RIGHT = 'size_down_right' #: A mouse cursor indicating the element can be resized from the bottom #: border. CURSOR_SIZE_DOWN = 'size_down' #: A mouse cursor indicating the element can be resized from the lower-left #: corner. CURSOR_SIZE_DOWN_LEFT = 'size_down_left' #: A mouse cursor indicating the element can be resized from the left #: border. CURSOR_SIZE_LEFT = 'size_left' #: A mouse cursor indicating the element can be resized from the upper-left #: corner. CURSOR_SIZE_UP_LEFT = 'size_up_left' #: A mouse cursor indicating the element can be resized vertically. CURSOR_SIZE_UP_DOWN = 'size_up_down' #: A mouse cursor indicating the element can be resized horizontally. CURSOR_SIZE_LEFT_RIGHT = 'size_left_right' #: A text input mouse cursor (I-beam). CURSOR_TEXT = 'text' #: A "wait" mouse cursor; typically an hourglass or watch. CURSOR_WAIT = 'wait' #: The "wait" mouse cursor combined with an arrow. CURSOR_WAIT_ARROW = 'wait_arrow' has_exit = False #: Window display contents validity. The `` event loop #: examines every window each iteration and only dispatches the `on_draw` #: event to windows that have `invalid` set. By default, windows always #: have `invalid` set to ``True``. #: #: You can prevent redundant redraws by setting this variable to ``False`` #: in the window's `on_draw` handler, and setting it to True again in #: response to any events that actually do require a window contents #: update. #: #: :type: bool #: :since: pyglet 1.1 invalid = True #: Legacy invalidation flag introduced in pyglet 1.2: set by all event #: dispatches that go to non-empty handlers. The default 1.2 event loop #: will therefore redraw after any handled event or scheduled function. _legacy_invalid = True # Instance variables accessible only via properties _width = None _height = None _caption = None _resizable = False _style = WINDOW_STYLE_DEFAULT _fullscreen = False _visible = False _vsync = False _screen = None _config = None _context = None # Used to restore window size and position after fullscreen _windowed_size = None _windowed_location = None # Subclasses should update these after relevant events _mouse_cursor = DefaultMouseCursor() _mouse_x = 0 _mouse_y = 0 _mouse_visible = True _mouse_exclusive = False _mouse_in_window = False _event_queue = None _enable_event_queue = True # overridden by EventLoop. _allow_dispatch_event = False # controlled by dispatch_events stack frame # Class attributes _default_width = 640 _default_height = 480 def __init__(self, width=None, height=None, caption=None, resizable=False, style=WINDOW_STYLE_DEFAULT, fullscreen=False, visible=True, vsync=True, display=None, screen=None, config=None, context=None, mode=None): """Create a window. All parameters are optional, and reasonable defaults are assumed where they are not specified. The `display`, `screen`, `config` and `context` parameters form a hierarchy of control: there is no need to specify more than one of these. For example, if you specify `screen` the `display` will be inferred, and a default `config` and `context` will be created. `config` is a special case; it can be a template created by the user specifying the attributes desired, or it can be a complete `config` as returned from `Screen.get_matching_configs` or similar. The context will be active as soon as the window is created, as if `switch_to` was just called. :Parameters: `width` : int Width of the window, in pixels. Defaults to 640, or the screen width if `fullscreen` is True. `height` : int Height of the window, in pixels. Defaults to 480, or the screen height if `fullscreen` is True. `caption` : str or unicode Initial caption (title) of the window. Defaults to ``sys.argv[0]``. `resizable` : bool If True, the window will be resizable. Defaults to False. `style` : int One of the ``WINDOW_STYLE_*`` constants specifying the border style of the window. `fullscreen` : bool If True, the window will cover the entire screen rather than floating. Defaults to False. `visible` : bool Determines if the window is visible immediately after creation. Defaults to True. Set this to False if you would like to change attributes of the window before having it appear to the user. `vsync` : bool If True, buffer flips are synchronised to the primary screen's vertical retrace, eliminating flicker. `display` : `Display` The display device to use. Useful only under X11. `screen` : `Screen` The screen to use, if in fullscreen. `config` : `` Either a template from which to create a complete config, or a complete config. `context` : `` The context to attach to this window. The context must not already be attached to another window. `mode` : `ScreenMode` The screen will be switched to this mode if `fullscreen` is True. If None, an appropriate mode is selected to accomodate `width` and `height.` """ EventDispatcher.__init__(self) self._event_queue = [] if not display: display = get_platform().get_default_display() if not screen: screen = display.get_default_screen() if not config: for template_config in [ gl.Config(double_buffer=True, depth_size=24), gl.Config(double_buffer=True, depth_size=16), None]: try: config = screen.get_best_config(template_config) break except NoSuchConfigException: pass if not config: raise NoSuchConfigException('No standard config is available.') if not config.is_complete(): config = screen.get_best_config(config) if not context: context = config.create_context(gl.current_context) # Set these in reverse order to above, to ensure we get user # preference self._context = context self._config = self._context.config # XXX deprecate config's being screen-specific if hasattr(self._config, 'screen'): self._screen = self._config.screen else: display = self._config.canvas.display self._screen = display.get_default_screen() self._display = self._screen.display if fullscreen: if width is None and height is None: self._windowed_size = self._default_width, self._default_height width, height = self._set_fullscreen_mode(mode, width, height) if not self._windowed_size: self._windowed_size = width, height else: if width is None: width = self._default_width if height is None: height = self._default_height self._width = width self._height = height self._resizable = resizable self._fullscreen = fullscreen self._style = style if pyglet.options['vsync'] is not None: self._vsync = pyglet.options['vsync'] else: self._vsync = vsync if caption is None: caption = sys.argv[0] # Decode hack for Python2 unicode support: if hasattr(caption, "decode"): try: caption = caption.decode("utf8") except UnicodeDecodeError: caption = "pyglet" self._caption = caption from pyglet import app self._create() self.switch_to() if visible: self.set_visible(True) self.activate() def __del__(self): # Always try to clean up the window when it is dereferenced. # Makes sure there are no dangling pointers or memory leaks. # If the window is already closed, pass silently. try: self.close() except: # XXX Avoid a NoneType error if already closed. pass def __repr__(self): return '%s(width=%d, height=%d)' % \ (self.__class__.__name__, self.width, self.height) def _create(self): raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def _recreate(self, changes): """Recreate the window with current attributes. :Parameters: `changes` : list of str List of attribute names that were changed since the last `_create` or `_recreate`. For example, ``['fullscreen']`` is given if the window is to be toggled to or from fullscreen. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def flip(self): """Swap the OpenGL front and back buffers. Call this method on a double-buffered window to update the visible display with the back buffer. The contents of the back buffer is undefined after this operation. Windows are double-buffered by default. This method is called automatically by `EventLoop` after the `on_draw` event. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def switch_to(self): """Make this window the current OpenGL rendering context. Only one OpenGL context can be active at a time. This method sets the current window's context to be current. You should use this method in preference to ``, as it may perform additional initialisation functions. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def set_fullscreen(self, fullscreen=True, screen=None, mode=None, width=None, height=None): """Toggle to or from fullscreen. After toggling fullscreen, the GL context should have retained its state and objects, however the buffers will need to be cleared and redrawn. If `width` and `height` are specified and `fullscreen` is True, the screen may be switched to a different resolution that most closely matches the given size. If the resolution doesn't match exactly, a higher resolution is selected and the window will be centered within a black border covering the rest of the screen. :Parameters: `fullscreen` : bool True if the window should be made fullscreen, False if it should be windowed. `screen` : Screen If not None and fullscreen is True, the window is moved to the given screen. The screen must belong to the same display as the window. `mode` : `ScreenMode` The screen will be switched to the given mode. The mode must have been obtained by enumerating `Screen.get_modes`. If None, an appropriate mode will be selected from the given `width` and `height`. `width` : int Optional width of the window. If unspecified, defaults to the previous window size when windowed, or the screen size if fullscreen. **Since:** pyglet 1.2 `height` : int Optional height of the window. If unspecified, defaults to the previous window size when windowed, or the screen size if fullscreen. **Since:** pyglet 1.2 """ if (fullscreen == self._fullscreen and (screen is None or screen is self._screen) and (width is None or width == self._width) and (height is None or height == self._height)): return if not self._fullscreen: # Save windowed size self._windowed_size = self.get_size() self._windowed_location = self.get_location() if fullscreen and screen is not None: assert screen.display is self.display self._screen = screen self._fullscreen = fullscreen if self._fullscreen: self._width, self._height = self._set_fullscreen_mode( mode, width, height) else: self.screen.restore_mode() self._width, self._height = self._windowed_size if width is not None: self._width = width if height is not None: self._height = height self._recreate(['fullscreen']) if not self._fullscreen and self._windowed_location: # Restore windowed location. # TODO: Move into platform _create? # Not harmless on Carbon because upsets _width and _height # via _on_window_bounds_changed. if pyglet.compat_platform != 'darwin' or pyglet.options['darwin_cocoa']: self.set_location(*self._windowed_location) def _set_fullscreen_mode(self, mode, width, height): if mode is not None: self.screen.set_mode(mode) if width is None: width = self.screen.width if height is None: height = self.screen.height elif width is not None or height is not None: if width is None: width = 0 if height is None: height = 0 mode = self.screen.get_closest_mode(width, height) if mode is not None: self.screen.set_mode(mode) elif self.screen.get_modes(): # Only raise exception if mode switching is at all possible. raise NoSuchScreenModeException( 'No mode matching %dx%d' % (width, height)) else: width = self.screen.width height = self.screen.height return width, height def on_resize(self, width, height): """A default resize event handler. This default handler updates the GL viewport to cover the entire window and sets the ``GL_PROJECTION`` matrix to be orthogonal in window space. The bottom-left corner is (0, 0) and the top-right corner is the width and height of the window in pixels. Override this event handler with your own to create another projection, for example in perspective. """ # XXX avoid GLException by not allowing 0 width or height. width = max(1, width) height = max(1, height) gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height) gl.glMatrixMode(gl.GL_PROJECTION) gl.glLoadIdentity() gl.glOrtho(0, width, 0, height, -1, 1) gl.glMatrixMode(gl.GL_MODELVIEW) def on_close(self): """Default on_close handler.""" self.has_exit = True from pyglet import app if app.event_loop.is_running: self.close() def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers): """Default on_key_press handler.""" if symbol == key.ESCAPE and not (modifiers & ~(key.MOD_NUMLOCK | key.MOD_CAPSLOCK | key.MOD_SCROLLLOCK)): self.dispatch_event('on_close') def close(self): """Close the window. After closing the window, the GL context will be invalid. The window instance cannot be reused once closed (see also `set_visible`). The `` event is dispatched on `` when this method is called. """ from pyglet import app if not self._context: return self._context.destroy() self._config = None self._context = None if app.event_loop: app.event_loop.dispatch_event('on_window_close', self) self._event_queue = [] def draw_mouse_cursor(self): """Draw the custom mouse cursor. If the current mouse cursor has ``drawable`` set, this method is called before the buffers are flipped to render it. This method always leaves the ``GL_MODELVIEW`` matrix as current, regardless of what it was set to previously. No other GL state is affected. There is little need to override this method; instead, subclass ``MouseCursor`` and provide your own ``draw`` method. """ # Draw mouse cursor if set and visible. # XXX leaves state in modelview regardless of starting state if (self._mouse_cursor.drawable and self._mouse_visible and self._mouse_in_window): gl.glMatrixMode(gl.GL_PROJECTION) gl.glPushMatrix() gl.glLoadIdentity() gl.glOrtho(0, self.width, 0, self.height, -1, 1) gl.glMatrixMode(gl.GL_MODELVIEW) gl.glPushMatrix() gl.glLoadIdentity() self._mouse_cursor.draw(self._mouse_x, self._mouse_y) gl.glMatrixMode(gl.GL_PROJECTION) gl.glPopMatrix() gl.glMatrixMode(gl.GL_MODELVIEW) gl.glPopMatrix() # Properties provide read-only access to instance variables. Use # set_* methods to change them if applicable. @property def caption(self): """The window caption (title). Read-only. :type: str """ return self._caption @property def resizeable(self): """True if the window is resizable. Read-only. :type: bool """ return self._resizable @property def style(self): """The window style; one of the ``WINDOW_STYLE_*`` constants. Read-only. :type: int """ return self._style @property def fullscreen(self): """True if the window is currently fullscreen. Read-only. :type: bool """ return self._fullscreen @property def visible(self): """True if the window is currently visible. Read-only. :type: bool """ return self._visible @property def vsync(self): """True if buffer flips are synchronised to the screen's vertical retrace. Read-only. :type: bool """ return self._vsync @property def display(self): """The display this window belongs to. Read-only. :type: `Display` """ return self._display @property def screen(self): """The screen this window is fullscreen in. Read-only. :type: `Screen` """ return self._screen @property def config(self): """A GL config describing the context of this window. Read-only. :type: `` """ return self._config @property def context(self): """The OpenGL context attached to this window. Read-only. :type: `` """ return self._context # These are the only properties that can be set @property def width(self): """The width of the window, in pixels. Read-write. :type: int """ return self.get_size()[0] @width.setter def width(self, new_width): self.set_size(new_width, self.height) @property def height(self): """The height of the window, in pixels. Read-write. :type: int """ return self.get_size()[1] @height.setter def height(self, new_height): self.set_size(self.width, new_height) def set_caption(self, caption): """Set the window's caption. The caption appears in the titlebar of the window, if it has one, and in the taskbar on Windows and many X11 window managers. :Parameters: `caption` : str or unicode The caption to set. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def set_minimum_size(self, width, height): """Set the minimum size of the window. Once set, the user will not be able to resize the window smaller than the given dimensions. There is no way to remove the minimum size constraint on a window (but you could set it to 0,0). The behaviour is undefined if the minimum size is set larger than the current size of the window. The window size does not include the border or title bar. :Parameters: `width` : int Minimum width of the window, in pixels. `height` : int Minimum height of the window, in pixels. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def set_maximum_size(self, width, height): """Set the maximum size of the window. Once set, the user will not be able to resize the window larger than the given dimensions. There is no way to remove the maximum size constraint on a window (but you could set it to a large value). The behaviour is undefined if the maximum size is set smaller than the current size of the window. The window size does not include the border or title bar. :Parameters: `width` : int Maximum width of the window, in pixels. `height` : int Maximum height of the window, in pixels. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def set_size(self, width, height): """Resize the window. The behaviour is undefined if the window is not resizable, or if it is currently fullscreen. The window size does not include the border or title bar. :Parameters: `width` : int New width of the window, in pixels. `height` : int New height of the window, in pixels. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def get_size(self): """Return the current size of the window. The window size does not include the border or title bar. :rtype: (int, int) :return: The width and height of the window, in pixels. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def set_location(self, x, y): """Set the position of the window. :Parameters: `x` : int Distance of the left edge of the window from the left edge of the virtual desktop, in pixels. `y` : int Distance of the top edge of the window from the top edge of the virtual desktop, in pixels. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def get_location(self): """Return the current position of the window. :rtype: (int, int) :return: The distances of the left and top edges from their respective edges on the virtual desktop, in pixels. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def activate(self): """Attempt to restore keyboard focus to the window. Depending on the window manager or operating system, this may not be successful. For example, on Windows XP an application is not allowed to "steal" focus from another application. Instead, the window's taskbar icon will flash, indicating it requires attention. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def set_visible(self, visible=True): """Show or hide the window. :Parameters: `visible` : bool If True, the window will be shown; otherwise it will be hidden. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def minimize(self): """Minimize the window. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def maximize(self): """Maximize the window. The behaviour of this method is somewhat dependent on the user's display setup. On a multi-monitor system, the window may maximize to either a single screen or the entire virtual desktop. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def set_vsync(self, vsync): """Enable or disable vertical sync control. When enabled, this option ensures flips from the back to the front buffer are performed only during the vertical retrace period of the primary display. This can prevent "tearing" or flickering when the buffer is updated in the middle of a video scan. Note that LCD monitors have an analogous time in which they are not reading from the video buffer; while it does not correspond to a vertical retrace it has the same effect. With multi-monitor systems the secondary monitor cannot be synchronised to, so tearing and flicker cannot be avoided when the window is positioned outside of the primary display. In this case it may be advisable to forcibly reduce the framerate (for example, using `pyglet.clock.set_fps_limit`). :Parameters: `vsync` : bool If True, vsync is enabled, otherwise it is disabled. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def set_mouse_visible(self, visible=True): """Show or hide the mouse cursor. The mouse cursor will only be hidden while it is positioned within this window. Mouse events will still be processed as usual. :Parameters: `visible` : bool If True, the mouse cursor will be visible, otherwise it will be hidden. """ self._mouse_visible = visible self.set_mouse_platform_visible() def set_mouse_platform_visible(self, platform_visible=None): """Set the platform-drawn mouse cursor visibility. This is called automatically after changing the mouse cursor or exclusive mode. Applications should not normally need to call this method, see `set_mouse_visible` instead. :Parameters: `platform_visible` : bool or None If None, sets platform visibility to the required visibility for the current exclusive mode and cursor type. Otherwise, a bool value will override and force a visibility. """ raise NotImplementedError() def set_mouse_cursor(self, cursor=None): """Change the appearance of the mouse cursor. The appearance of the mouse cursor is only changed while it is within this window. :Parameters: `cursor` : `MouseCursor` The cursor to set, or None to restore the default cursor. """ if cursor is None: cursor = DefaultMouseCursor() self._mouse_cursor = cursor self.set_mouse_platform_visible() def set_exclusive_mouse(self, exclusive=True): """Hide the mouse cursor and direct all mouse events to this window. When enabled, this feature prevents the mouse leaving the window. It is useful for certain styles of games that require complete control of the mouse. The position of the mouse as reported in subsequent events is meaningless when exclusive mouse is enabled; you should only use the relative motion parameters ``dx`` and ``dy``. :Parameters: `exclusive` : bool If True, exclusive mouse is enabled, otherwise it is disabled. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def set_exclusive_keyboard(self, exclusive=True): """Prevent the user from switching away from this window using keyboard accelerators. When enabled, this feature disables certain operating-system specific key combinations such as Alt+Tab (Command+Tab on OS X). This can be useful in certain kiosk applications, it should be avoided in general applications or games. :Parameters: `exclusive` : bool If True, exclusive keyboard is enabled, otherwise it is disabled. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') def get_system_mouse_cursor(self, name): """Obtain a system mouse cursor. Use `set_mouse_cursor` to make the cursor returned by this method active. The names accepted by this method are the ``CURSOR_*`` constants defined on this class. :Parameters: `name` : str Name describing the mouse cursor to return. For example, ``CURSOR_WAIT``, ``CURSOR_HELP``, etc. :rtype: `MouseCursor` :return: A mouse cursor which can be used with `set_mouse_cursor`. """ raise NotImplementedError() def set_icon(self, *images): """Set the window icon. If multiple images are provided, one with an appropriate size will be selected (if the correct size is not provided, the image will be scaled). Useful sizes to provide are 16x16, 32x32, 64x64 (Mac only) and 128x128 (Mac only). :Parameters: `images` : sequence of `pyglet.image.AbstractImage` List of images to use for the window icon. """ pass def clear(self): """Clear the window. This is a convenience method for clearing the color and depth buffer. The window must be the active context (see `switch_to`). """ gl.glClear(gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) def dispatch_event(self, *args): if not self._enable_event_queue or self._allow_dispatch_event: if EventDispatcher.dispatch_event(self, *args) != False: self._legacy_invalid = True else: self._event_queue.append(args) def dispatch_events(self): """Poll the operating system event queue for new events and call attached event handlers. This method is provided for legacy applications targeting pyglet 1.0, and advanced applications that must integrate their event loop into another framework. Typical applications should use ``. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract') # If documenting, show the event methods. Otherwise, leave them out # as they are not really methods. if _is_epydoc: def on_key_press(symbol, modifiers): """A key on the keyboard was pressed (and held down). In pyglet 1.0 the default handler sets `has_exit` to ``True`` if the ``ESC`` key is pressed. In pyglet 1.1 the default handler dispatches the `on_close` event if the ``ESC`` key is pressed. :Parameters: `symbol` : int The key symbol pressed. `modifiers` : int Bitwise combination of the key modifiers active. :event: """ def on_key_release(symbol, modifiers): """A key on the keyboard was released. :Parameters: `symbol` : int The key symbol pressed. `modifiers` : int Bitwise combination of the key modifiers active. :event: """ def on_text(text): """The user input some text. Typically this is called after `on_key_press` and before `on_key_release`, but may also be called multiple times if the key is held down (key repeating); or called without key presses if another input method was used (e.g., a pen input). You should always use this method for interpreting text, as the key symbols often have complex mappings to their unicode representation which this event takes care of. :Parameters: `text` : unicode The text entered by the user. :event: """ def on_text_motion(motion): """The user moved the text input cursor. Typically this is called after `on_key_press` and before `on_key_release`, but may also be called multiple times if the key is help down (key repeating). You should always use this method for moving the text input cursor (caret), as different platforms have different default keyboard mappings, and key repeats are handled correctly. The values that `motion` can take are defined in `pyglet.window.key`: * MOTION_UP * MOTION_RIGHT * MOTION_DOWN * MOTION_LEFT * MOTION_NEXT_WORD * MOTION_PREVIOUS_WORD * MOTION_BEGINNING_OF_LINE * MOTION_END_OF_LINE * MOTION_NEXT_PAGE * MOTION_PREVIOUS_PAGE * MOTION_BEGINNING_OF_FILE * MOTION_END_OF_FILE * MOTION_BACKSPACE * MOTION_DELETE :Parameters: `motion` : int The direction of motion; see remarks. :event: """ def on_text_motion_select(motion): """The user moved the text input cursor while extending the selection. Typically this is called after `on_key_press` and before `on_key_release`, but may also be called multiple times if the key is help down (key repeating). You should always use this method for responding to text selection events rather than the raw `on_key_press`, as different platforms have different default keyboard mappings, and key repeats are handled correctly. The values that `motion` can take are defined in `pyglet.window.key`: * MOTION_UP * MOTION_RIGHT * MOTION_DOWN * MOTION_LEFT * MOTION_NEXT_WORD * MOTION_PREVIOUS_WORD * MOTION_BEGINNING_OF_LINE * MOTION_END_OF_LINE * MOTION_NEXT_PAGE * MOTION_PREVIOUS_PAGE * MOTION_BEGINNING_OF_FILE * MOTION_END_OF_FILE :Parameters: `motion` : int The direction of selection motion; see remarks. :event: """ def on_mouse_motion(x, y, dx, dy): """The mouse was moved with no buttons held down. :Parameters: `x` : int Distance in pixels from the left edge of the window. `y` : int Distance in pixels from the bottom edge of the window. `dx` : int Relative X position from the previous mouse position. `dy` : int Relative Y position from the previous mouse position. :event: """ def on_mouse_drag(x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): """The mouse was moved with one or more mouse buttons pressed. This event will continue to be fired even if the mouse leaves the window, so long as the drag buttons are continuously held down. :Parameters: `x` : int Distance in pixels from the left edge of the window. `y` : int Distance in pixels from the bottom edge of the window. `dx` : int Relative X position from the previous mouse position. `dy` : int Relative Y position from the previous mouse position. `buttons` : int Bitwise combination of the mouse buttons currently pressed. `modifiers` : int Bitwise combination of any keyboard modifiers currently active. :event: """ def on_mouse_press(x, y, button, modifiers): """A mouse button was pressed (and held down). :Parameters: `x` : int Distance in pixels from the left edge of the window. `y` : int Distance in pixels from the bottom edge of the window. `button` : int The mouse button that was pressed. `modifiers` : int Bitwise combination of any keyboard modifiers currently active. :event: """ def on_mouse_release(x, y, button, modifiers): """A mouse button was released. :Parameters: `x` : int Distance in pixels from the left edge of the window. `y` : int Distance in pixels from the bottom edge of the window. `button` : int The mouse button that was released. `modifiers` : int Bitwise combination of any keyboard modifiers currently active. :event: """ def on_mouse_scroll(x, y, scroll_x, scroll_y): """The mouse wheel was scrolled. Note that most mice have only a vertical scroll wheel, so `scroll_x` is usually 0. An exception to this is the Apple Mighty Mouse, which has a mouse ball in place of the wheel which allows both `scroll_x` and `scroll_y` movement. :Parameters: `x` : int Distance in pixels from the left edge of the window. `y` : int Distance in pixels from the bottom edge of the window. `scroll_x` : int Number of "clicks" towards the right (left if negative). `scroll_y` : int Number of "clicks" upwards (downwards if negative). :event: """ def on_close(): """The user attempted to close the window. This event can be triggered by clicking on the "X" control box in the window title bar, or by some other platform-dependent manner. The default handler sets `has_exit` to ``True``. In pyglet 1.1, if `` is being used, `close` is also called, closing the window immediately. :event: """ def on_mouse_enter(x, y): """The mouse was moved into the window. This event will not be trigged if the mouse is currently being dragged. :Parameters: `x` : int Distance in pixels from the left edge of the window. `y` : int Distance in pixels from the bottom edge of the window. :event: """ def on_mouse_leave(x, y): """The mouse was moved outside of the window. This event will not be trigged if the mouse is currently being dragged. Note that the coordinates of the mouse pointer will be outside of the window rectangle. :Parameters: `x` : int Distance in pixels from the left edge of the window. `y` : int Distance in pixels from the bottom edge of the window. :event: """ def on_expose(): """A portion of the window needs to be redrawn. This event is triggered when the window first appears, and any time the contents of the window is invalidated due to another window obscuring it. There is no way to determine which portion of the window needs redrawing. Note that the use of this method is becoming increasingly uncommon, as newer window managers composite windows automatically and keep a backing store of the window contents. :event: """ def on_resize(width, height): """The window was resized. The window will have the GL context when this event is dispatched; there is no need to call `switch_to` in this handler. :Parameters: `width` : int The new width of the window, in pixels. `height` : int The new height of the window, in pixels. :event: """ def on_move(x, y): """The window was moved. :Parameters: `x` : int Distance from the left edge of the screen to the left edge of the window. `y` : int Distance from the top edge of the screen to the top edge of the window. Note that this is one of few methods in pyglet which use a Y-down coordinate system. :event: """ def on_activate(): """The window was activated. This event can be triggered by clicking on the title bar, bringing it to the foreground; or by some platform-specific method. When a window is "active" it has the keyboard focus. :event: """ def on_deactivate(): """The window was deactivated. This event can be triggered by clicking on another application window. When a window is deactivated it no longer has the keyboard focus. :event: """ def on_show(): """The window was shown. This event is triggered when a window is restored after being minimised, or after being displayed for the first time. :event: """ def on_hide(): """The window was hidden. This event is triggered when a window is minimised or (on Mac OS X) hidden by the user. :event: """ def on_context_lost(): """The window's GL context was lost. When the context is lost no more GL methods can be called until it is recreated. This is a rare event, triggered perhaps by the user switching to an incompatible video mode. When it occurs, an application will need to reload all objects (display lists, texture objects, shaders) as well as restore the GL state. :event: """ def on_context_state_lost(): """The state of the window's GL context was lost. pyglet may sometimes need to recreate the window's GL context if the window is moved to another video device, or between fullscreen or windowed mode. In this case it will try to share the objects (display lists, texture objects, shaders) between the old and new contexts. If this is possible, only the current state of the GL context is lost, and the application should simply restore state. :event: """ def on_draw(): """The window contents must be redrawn. The `EventLoop` will dispatch this event when the window should be redrawn. This will happen during idle time after any window events and after any scheduled functions were called. The window will already have the GL context, so there is no need to call `switch_to`. The window's `flip` method will be called after this event, so your event handler should not. You should make no assumptions about the window contents when this event is triggered; a resize or expose event may have invalidated the framebuffer since the last time it was drawn. :since: pyglet 1.1 :event: """ BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_key_press') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_key_release') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_text') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_text_motion') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_text_motion_select') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_mouse_motion') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_mouse_drag') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_mouse_press') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_mouse_release') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_mouse_scroll') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_mouse_enter') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_mouse_leave') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_close') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_expose') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_resize') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_move') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_activate') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_deactivate') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_show') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_hide') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_context_lost') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_context_state_lost') BaseWindow.register_event_type('on_draw') class FPSDisplay(object): """Display of a window's framerate. This is a convenience class to aid in profiling and debugging. Typical usage is to create an `FPSDisplay` for each window, and draw the display at the end of the windows' `on_draw` event handler:: window = pyglet.window.Window() fps_display = FPSDisplay(window) @window.event def on_draw(): # ... perform ordinary window drawing operations ... fps_display.draw() The style and position of the display can be modified via the `label` attribute. Different text can be substituted by overriding the `set_fps` method. The display can be set to update more or less often by setting the `update_period` attribute. :Ivariables: `label` : Label The text label displaying the framerate. """ #: Time in seconds between updates. #: #: :type: float update_period = 0.25 def __init__(self, window): from time import time from pyglet.text import Label self.label = Label('', x=10, y=10, font_size=24, bold=True, color=(127, 127, 127, 127)) self.window = window self._window_flip = window.flip window.flip = self._hook_flip self.time = 0.0 self.last_time = time() self.count = 0 def update(self): """Records a new data point at the current time. This method is called automatically when the window buffer is flipped. """ from time import time t = time() self.count += 1 self.time += t - self.last_time self.last_time = t if self.time >= self.update_period: self.set_fps(self.count / self.update_period) self.time %= self.update_period self.count = 0 def set_fps(self, fps): """Set the label text for the given FPS estimation. Called by `update` every `update_period` seconds. :Parameters: `fps` : float Estimated framerate of the window. """ self.label.text = '%.2f' % fps def draw(self): """Draw the label. The OpenGL state is assumed to be at default values, except that the MODELVIEW and PROJECTION matrices are ignored. At the return of this method the matrix mode will be MODELVIEW. """ gl.glMatrixMode(gl.GL_MODELVIEW) gl.glPushMatrix() gl.glLoadIdentity() gl.glMatrixMode(gl.GL_PROJECTION) gl.glPushMatrix() gl.glLoadIdentity() gl.glOrtho(0, self.window.width, 0, self.window.height, -1, 1) self.label.draw() gl.glPopMatrix() gl.glMatrixMode(gl.GL_MODELVIEW) gl.glPopMatrix() def _hook_flip(self): self.update() self._window_flip() if _is_epydoc: # We are building documentation Window = BaseWindow Window.__name__ = 'Window' del BaseWindow else: # Try to determine which platform to use. if pyglet.compat_platform == 'darwin': if pyglet.options['darwin_cocoa']: from pyglet.window.cocoa import CocoaWindow as Window else: from pyglet.window.carbon import CarbonWindow as Window elif pyglet.compat_platform in ('win32', 'cygwin'): from pyglet.window.win32 import Win32Window as Window else: # XXX HACK around circ problem, should be fixed after removal of # shadow nonsense #pyglet.window = sys.modules[__name__] #import key, mouse from pyglet.window.xlib import XlibWindow as Window # Deprecated API def get_platform(): """Get an instance of the Platform most appropriate for this system. :deprecated: Use `pyglet.canvas.Display`. :rtype: `Platform` :return: The platform instance. """ return Platform() class Platform(object): """Operating-system-level functionality. The platform instance can only be obtained with `get_platform`. Use the platform to obtain a `Display` instance. :deprecated: Use `pyglet.canvas.Display` """ def get_display(self, name): """Get a display device by name. This is meaningful only under X11, where the `name` is a string including the host name and display number; for example ``"localhost:1"``. On platforms other than X11, `name` is ignored and the default display is returned. pyglet does not support multiple multiple video devices on Windows or OS X. If more than one device is attached, they will appear as a single virtual device comprising all the attached screens. :deprecated: Use `pyglet.canvas.get_display`. :Parameters: `name` : str The name of the display to connect to. :rtype: `Display` """ for display in if == name: return display return pyglet.canvas.Display(name) def get_default_display(self): """Get the default display device. :deprecated: Use `pyglet.canvas.get_display`. :rtype: `Display` """ return pyglet.canvas.get_display() if _is_epydoc: class Display(object): """A display device supporting one or more screens. Use `Platform.get_display` or `Platform.get_default_display` to obtain an instance of this class. Use a display to obtain `Screen` instances. :deprecated: Use `pyglet.canvas.Display`. """ def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError('deprecated') def get_screens(self): """Get the available screens. A typical multi-monitor workstation comprises one `Display` with multiple `Screen` s. This method returns a list of screens which can be enumerated to select one for full-screen display. For the purposes of creating an OpenGL config, the default screen will suffice. :rtype: list of `Screen` """ raise NotImplementedError('deprecated') def get_default_screen(self): """Get the default screen as specified by the user's operating system preferences. :rtype: `Screen` """ raise NotImplementedError('deprecated') def get_windows(self): """Get the windows currently attached to this display. :rtype: sequence of `Window` """ raise NotImplementedError('deprecated') else: Display = pyglet.canvas.Display Screen = pyglet.canvas.Screen # XXX remove # Create shadow window. (trickery is for circular import) if not _is_epydoc: pyglet.window = sys.modules[__name__] gl._create_shadow_window()
# plugins module for amsn2 """ Plugins with amsn2 will be a subclass of the aMSNPlugin() class. When this module is initially imported it should load the plugins from the last session. Done in the init() proc. Then the GUI should call plugins.loadPlugin(name) or plugins.unLoadPlugin(name) in order to deal with plugins. """ # init() # Called when the plugins module is imported (only for the first time). # Should find plugins and populate a list ready for getPlugins(). # Should also auto-update all plugins. def init(): pass # loadPlugin(plugin_name) # Called (by the GUI or from init()) to load a plugin. plugin_name as set in plugin's XML (or from getPlugins()). # This loads the module for the plugin. The module is then responsible for calling plugins.registerPlugin(instance). def loadPlugin(plugin_name): """ @type plugin_name: str """ pass # unLoadPlugin(plugin_name) # Called to unload a plugin. Name is name as set in plugin's XML. def unLoadPlugin(plugin_name): """ @type plugin_name: str """ pass # registerPlugin(plugin_instance) # Saves the instance of the plugin, and registers it in the loaded list. def registerPlugin(plugin_instance): """ @type plugin_instance: L{amsn2.plugins.developers.aMSNPlugin} """ pass # getPlugins() # Returns a list of all available plugins, as in ['Plugin 1', 'Plugin 2'] def getPlugins(): pass # getPluginsWithStatus() # Returns a list with a list item for each plugin with the plugin's name, and Loaded or NotLoaded either way. # IE: [['Plugin 1', 'Loaded'], ['Plugin 2', 'NotLoaded']] def getPluginsWithStatus(): pass # getLoadedPlugins() # Returns a list of loaded plugins. as in ['Plugin 1', 'Plugin N'] def getLoadedPlugins(): pass # findPlugin(plugin_name) # Retruns the running instance of the plugin with name plugin_name, or None if not found. def findPlugin(plugin_name): """ @type plugin_name: str """ pass # saveConfig(plugin_name, data) def saveConfig(plugin_name, data): """ @type plugin_name: str @type data: object """ pass # Calls the init procedure. # Will only be called on the first import (thanks to python). init()
#! /usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import StringIO import os import os.path import errno import sqlite3 from import * import smadata2.db import smadata2.db.mock from smadata2 import check def removef(filename): try: os.remove(filename) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise class BaseDBChecker(object): def setUp(self): self.db = self.opendb() self.sample_data() def tearDown(self): pass def sample_data(self): pass class MockDBChecker(BaseDBChecker): def opendb(self): return smadata2.db.mock.MockDatabase() class BaseSQLite(object): def prepare_sqlite(self): self.dbname = "__testdb__smadata2_%s_.sqlite" % self.__class__.__name__ self.bakname = self.dbname + ".bak" # Start with a blank slate removef(self.dbname) removef(self.bakname) self.prepopulate() if os.path.exists(self.dbname): self.original = open(self.dbname).read() else: self.original = None def prepopulate(self): pass class SQLiteDBChecker(BaseSQLite, BaseDBChecker): def opendb(self): self.prepare_sqlite() return smadata2.db.sqlite.create_or_update(self.dbname) def tearDown(self): removef(self.dbname) removef(self.bakname) super(SQLiteDBChecker, self).tearDown() class SimpleChecks(BaseDBChecker): def test_trivial(self): assert isinstance(self.db, smadata2.db.base.BaseDatabase) def test_add_get_historic(self): # Serial is defined as INTEGER, but we abuse the fact that # sqlite doesn't actually make a distinction serial = "__TEST__" self.db.add_historic(serial, 0, 0) self.db.add_historic(serial, 300, 10) self.db.add_historic(serial, 3600, 20) v0 = self.db.get_one_historic(serial, 0) assert_equals(v0, 0) v300 = self.db.get_one_historic(serial, 300) assert_equals(v300, 10) v3600 = self.db.get_one_historic(serial, 3600) assert_equals(v3600, 20) vmissing = self.db.get_one_historic(serial, 9999) assert vmissing is None def test_get_last_historic_missing(self): serial = "__TEST__" last = self.db.get_last_historic(serial) assert last is None def test_get_last_historic(self): serial = "__TEST__" self.db.add_historic(serial, 0, 0) assert_equals(self.db.get_last_historic(serial), 0) self.db.add_historic(serial, 300, 0) assert_equals(self.db.get_last_historic(serial), 300) self.db.add_historic(serial, 3600, 0) assert_equals(self.db.get_last_historic(serial), 3600) self.db.add_historic(serial, 2000, 0) assert_equals(self.db.get_last_historic(serial), 3600) class AggregateChecks(BaseDBChecker): def sample_data(self): super(AggregateChecks, self).sample_data() self.serial1 = "__TEST__1" self.serial2 = "__TEST__2" self.dawn = 8*3600 self.dusk = 20*3600 sampledata = check.generate_linear(0, self.dawn, self.dusk, 24*3600, 0, 1) for ts, y in sampledata: self.db.add_historic(self.serial1, ts, y) self.db.add_historic(self.serial2, ts, 2*y) def test_basic(self): for ts in range(0, self.dawn, 300): y1 = self.db.get_one_historic(self.serial1, ts) y2 = self.db.get_one_historic(self.serial2, ts) assert_equals(y1, 0) assert_equals(y2, 0) for i, ts in enumerate(range(self.dawn, self.dusk, 300)): y1 = self.db.get_one_historic(self.serial1, ts) y2 = self.db.get_one_historic(self.serial2, ts) assert_equals(y1, i) assert_equals(y2, 2*i) val = (self.dusk - self.dawn - 1) / 300 for ts in range(self.dusk, 24*3600, 300): y1 = self.db.get_one_historic(self.serial1, ts) y2 = self.db.get_one_historic(self.serial2, ts) assert_equals(y1, val) assert_equals(y2, 2*val) def test_aggregate_one(self): val = self.db.get_aggregate_one_historic(self.dusk, (self.serial1, self.serial2)) assert_equals(val, 3*((self.dusk - self.dawn - 2) / 300)) def check_aggregate_range(self, from_, to_): results = self.db.get_aggregate_historic(from_, to_, (self.serial1, self.serial2)) first = results[0][0] last = results[-1][0] assert_equals(first, from_) assert_equals(last, to_ - 300) for ts, y in results: if ts < self.dawn: assert_equals(y, 0) elif ts < self.dusk: assert_equals(y, 3*((ts - self.dawn) / 300)) else: assert_equals(y, 3*((self.dusk - self.dawn - 1) / 300)) def test_aggregate(self): yield self.check_aggregate_range, 0, 24*3600 yield self.check_aggregate_range, 8*3600, 20*3600 yield self.check_aggregate_range, 13*3600, 14*3600 # # Construct the basic tests as a cross-product # for cset in (SimpleChecks, AggregateChecks): for db in (MockDBChecker, SQLiteDBChecker): name = "_".join(("Test", cset.__name__, db.__name__)) globals()[name] = type(name, (cset, db), {}) # # Tests for sqlite schema updating # class UpdateSQLiteChecker(Test_SimpleChecks_SQLiteDBChecker): PRESERVE_RECORD = ("PRESERVE", 0, 31415) def test_backup(self): assert os.path.exists(self.bakname) backup = open(self.bakname).read() assert_equals(self.original, backup) def test_preserved(self): serial, timestamp, tyield = self.PRESERVE_RECORD assert_equals(self.db.get_last_historic(serial), timestamp) assert_equals(self.db.get_one_historic(serial, timestamp), tyield) class TestUpdateNoPVO(UpdateSQLiteChecker): def prepopulate(self): DB_MAGIC = 0x71534d41 DB_VERSION = 0 conn = sqlite3.connect(self.dbname) conn.executescript(""" CREATE TABLE generation (inverter_serial INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER, total_yield INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (inverter_serial, timestamp)); CREATE TABLE schema (magic INTEGER, version INTEGER);""") conn.execute("INSERT INTO schema (magic, version) VALUES (?, ?)", (DB_MAGIC, DB_VERSION)) conn.commit() conn.execute("""INSERT INTO generation (inverter_serial, timestamp, total_yield) VALUES (?, ?, ?)""", self.PRESERVE_RECORD) conn.commit() del conn class TestUpdateV0(UpdateSQLiteChecker): def prepopulate(self): DB_MAGIC = 0x71534d41 DB_VERSION = 0 conn = sqlite3.connect(self.dbname) conn.executescript(""" CREATE TABLE generation (inverter_serial INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER, total_yield INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (inverter_serial, timestamp)); CREATE TABLE schema (magic INTEGER, version INTEGER); CREATE TABLE pvoutput (sid STRING, last_datetime_uploaded INTEGER);""") conn.execute("INSERT INTO schema (magic, version) VALUES (?, ?)", (DB_MAGIC, DB_VERSION)) conn.commit() conn.execute("""INSERT INTO generation (inverter_serial, timestamp, total_yield) VALUES (?, ?, ?)""", self.PRESERVE_RECORD) conn.commit() del conn class BadSchemaSQLiteChecker(BaseSQLite): def setUp(self): self.prepare_sqlite() @raises(smadata2.db.WrongSchema) def test_open(self): self.db = smadata2.db.SQLiteDatabase(self.dbname) class TestEmptySQLiteDB(BadSchemaSQLiteChecker): """Check that we correctly fail on an empty DB""" def test_is_empty(self): assert not os.path.exists(self.dbname) class TestBadSQLite(BadSchemaSQLiteChecker): """Check that we correctly fail attempting to update an unknwon format""" def prepopulate(self): conn = sqlite3.connect(self.dbname) conn.execute("CREATE TABLE unrelated (random STRING, data INTEGER)") conn.commit() del conn @raises(smadata2.db.WrongSchema) def test_update(self): db = smadata2.db.sqlite.create_or_update(self.dbname)
import web urls = ( '/hello','Index' ) app = web.application(urls,globals()) render = web.template.render('/usr/local/LPTHW/ex51/gothonweb/templates/',base="layout") class Index(object): def GET(self): return render.hello_form() def POST(self): form = web.input(name="Nobody",greet="Hello") greeting = "%s,%s" % (form.greet, return render.index(greeting = greeting) if __name__ == '__main__':
from splinter import Browser from time import sleep from selenium.common.exceptions import ElementNotVisibleException from settings import settings from lib import db from lib import assets_helper import unittest from datetime import datetime, timedelta asset_x = { 'mimetype': u'web', 'asset_id': u'4c8dbce552edb5812d3a866cfe5f159d', 'name': u'WireLoad', 'uri': u'', 'start_date': - timedelta(days=1), 'end_date': + timedelta(days=1), 'duration': u'5', 'is_enabled': 0, 'nocache': 0, 'play_order': 1, } asset_y = { 'mimetype': u'image', 'asset_id': u'7e978f8c1204a6f70770a1eb54a76e9b', 'name': u'Google', 'uri': u'', 'start_date': - timedelta(days=1), 'end_date': + timedelta(days=1), 'duration': u'6', 'is_enabled': 1, 'nocache': 0, 'play_order': 0, } main_page_url = 'http://foo:bar@localhost:8080' settings_url = 'http://foo:bar@localhost:8080/settings' system_info_url = 'http://foo:bar@localhost:8080/system_info' def wait_for_and_do(browser, query, callback): not_filled = True n = 0 while not_filled: try: callback(browser.find_by_css(query).first) not_filled = False except ElementNotVisibleException, e: if n > 20: raise e n += 1 class WebTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): with db.conn(settings['database']) as conn: assets = for asset in assets: assets_helper.delete(conn, asset['asset_id']) def tearDown(self): pass def test_add_asset_url(self): with Browser() as browser: browser.visit(main_page_url) wait_for_and_do(browser, '#add-asset-button', lambda btn: sleep(1) wait_for_and_do(browser, 'input[name="uri"]', lambda field: field.fill('')) sleep(1) wait_for_and_do(browser, '#add-form', lambda form: sleep(1) wait_for_and_do(browser, '#save-asset', lambda btn: sleep(3) # backend need time to process request with db.conn(settings['database']) as conn: assets = self.assertEqual(len(assets), 1) asset = assets[0] self.assertEqual(asset['name'], u'') self.assertEqual(asset['uri'], u'') self.assertEqual(asset['mimetype'], u'webpage') self.assertEqual(asset['duration'], settings['default_duration']) def test_edit_asset(self): with db.conn(settings['database']) as conn: assets_helper.create(conn, asset_x) with Browser() as browser: browser.visit(main_page_url) wait_for_and_do(browser, '.edit-asset-button', lambda btn: sleep(1) wait_for_and_do(browser, 'input[name="duration"]', lambda field: field.fill('333')) sleep(1) # wait for new-asset panel animation wait_for_and_do(browser, '#add-form', lambda form: sleep(1) wait_for_and_do(browser, '#save-asset', lambda btn: sleep(3) # backend need time to process request with db.conn(settings['database']) as conn: assets = self.assertEqual(len(assets), 1) asset = assets[0] self.assertEqual(asset['duration'], u'333') def test_add_asset_image_upload(self): image_file = '/tmp/image.png' with Browser() as browser: browser.visit(main_page_url) browser.find_by_id('add-asset-button').click() sleep(1) wait_for_and_do(browser, 'a[href="#tab-file_upload"]', lambda tab: wait_for_and_do(browser, 'input[name="file_upload"]', lambda input: input.fill(image_file)) sleep(1) # wait for new-asset panel animation sleep(3) # backend need time to process request with db.conn(settings['database']) as conn: assets = self.assertEqual(len(assets), 1) asset = assets[0] self.assertEqual(asset['name'], u'image.png') self.assertEqual(asset['mimetype'], u'image') self.assertEqual(asset['duration'], settings['default_duration']) def test_add_asset_video_upload(self): video_file = '/tmp/video.flv' with Browser() as browser: browser.visit(main_page_url) browser.find_by_id('add-asset-button').click() sleep(1) wait_for_and_do(browser, 'a[href="#tab-file_upload"]', lambda tab: wait_for_and_do(browser, 'input[name="file_upload"]', lambda input: input.fill(video_file)) sleep(1) # wait for new-asset panel animation sleep(3) # backend need time to process request with db.conn(settings['database']) as conn: assets = self.assertEqual(len(assets), 1) asset = assets[0] self.assertEqual(asset['name'], u'video.flv') self.assertEqual(asset['mimetype'], u'video') self.assertEqual(asset['duration'], u'54') def test_add_two_assets_upload(self): video_file = '/tmp/video.flv' image_file = '/tmp/image.png' with Browser() as browser: browser.visit(main_page_url) browser.find_by_id('add-asset-button').click() sleep(1) wait_for_and_do(browser, 'a[href="#tab-file_upload"]', lambda tab: wait_for_and_do(browser, 'input[name="file_upload"]', lambda input: input.fill(image_file)) wait_for_and_do(browser, 'input[name="file_upload"]', lambda input: input.fill(video_file)) sleep(3) # backend need time to process request with db.conn(settings['database']) as conn: assets = self.assertEqual(len(assets), 2) self.assertEqual(assets[0]['name'], u'image.png') self.assertEqual(assets[0]['mimetype'], u'image') self.assertEqual(assets[0]['duration'], settings['default_duration']) self.assertEqual(assets[1]['name'], u'video.flv') self.assertEqual(assets[1]['mimetype'], u'video') self.assertEqual(assets[1]['duration'], u'54') def test_add_asset_streaming(self): with Browser() as browser: browser.visit(main_page_url) wait_for_and_do(browser, '#add-asset-button', lambda btn: sleep(1) wait_for_and_do(browser, 'input[name="uri"]', lambda field: field.fill('rtmp://localhost:1935/app/video.flv')) sleep(1) wait_for_and_do(browser, '#add-form', lambda form: sleep(1) wait_for_and_do(browser, '#save-asset', lambda btn: sleep(10) # backend need time to process request with db.conn(settings['database']) as conn: assets = self.assertEqual(len(assets), 1) asset = assets[0] self.assertEqual(asset['name'], u'rtmp://localhost:1935/app/video.flv') self.assertEqual(asset['uri'], u'rtmp://localhost:1935/app/video.flv') self.assertEqual(asset['mimetype'], u'streaming') self.assertEqual(asset['duration'], settings['default_streaming_duration']) def test_rm_asset(self): with db.conn(settings['database']) as conn: assets_helper.create(conn, asset_x) with Browser() as browser: browser.visit(main_page_url) wait_for_and_do(browser, '.delete-asset-button', lambda btn: wait_for_and_do(browser, '.confirm-delete', lambda btn: sleep(3) # backend need time to process request with db.conn(settings['database']) as conn: assets = self.assertEqual(len(assets), 0) def test_enable_asset(self): with db.conn(settings['database']) as conn: assets_helper.create(conn, asset_x) with Browser() as browser: browser.visit(main_page_url) wait_for_and_do(browser, 'span[class="on"]', lambda btn: sleep(3) # backend need time to process request with db.conn(settings['database']) as conn: assets = self.assertEqual(len(assets), 1) asset = assets[0] self.assertEqual(asset['is_enabled'], 1) def test_disable_asset(self): with db.conn(settings['database']) as conn: _asset_x = asset_x.copy() _asset_x['is_enabled'] = 1 assets_helper.create(conn, _asset_x) with Browser() as browser: browser.visit(main_page_url) wait_for_and_do(browser, 'span[class="off"]', lambda btn: sleep(3) # backend need time to process request with db.conn(settings['database']) as conn: assets = self.assertEqual(len(assets), 1) asset = assets[0] self.assertEqual(asset['is_enabled'], 0) def test_reorder_asset(self): with db.conn(settings['database']) as conn: _asset_x = asset_x.copy() _asset_x['is_enabled'] = 1 assets_helper.create(conn, _asset_x) assets_helper.create(conn, asset_y) with Browser() as browser: browser.visit(main_page_url) asset_x_for_drag = browser.find_by_id(asset_x['asset_id']) sleep(1) asset_y_to_reorder = browser.find_by_id(asset_y['asset_id']) asset_x_for_drag.drag_and_drop(asset_y_to_reorder) sleep(3) # backend need time to process request with db.conn(settings['database']) as conn: x =, asset_x['asset_id']) y =, asset_y['asset_id']) self.assertEqual(x['play_order'], 0) self.assertEqual(y['play_order'], 1) def test_settings_page_should_work(self): with Browser() as browser: browser.visit(settings_url) self.assertEqual(browser.is_text_present('Error: 500 Internal Server Error'), False, '500: internal server error not expected') def test_system_info_page_should_work(self): with Browser() as browser: browser.visit(system_info_url) self.assertEqual(browser.is_text_present('Error: 500 Internal Server Error'), False, '500: internal server error not expected')
# encoding: utf8 from django.db import models, migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( fields = [(u'id', models.AutoField(verbose_name=u'ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True),), ('name', models.CharField(max_length=255),), ('email', models.EmailField(max_length=75),), ('message', models.TextField(),), ('date', models.DateField(auto_now=True),)], bases = (models.Model,), options = {}, name = 'Contact', ), migrations.CreateModel( fields = [(u'id', models.AutoField(verbose_name=u'ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True),), ('date', models.DateTimeField(),), ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255),), ('code', models.CharField(max_length=255),), ('summary', models.TextField(),)], bases = (models.Model,), options = {}, name = 'Commits', ), ]
# force floating point division. Can still use integer with // from __future__ import division # This file is used for importing the common utilities classes. import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys sys.path.append("../../../../../") from EnergyLandscapes.Lifetime_Dudko2008.Python.TestExamples.Util import \ Example_Data def PlotFit(data,BaseName): fig = Example_Data.PlotHistograms(data) fig.savefig(BaseName + "_Histogram.png") fig = Example_Data.PlotLifetimesAndFit(data) fig.savefig(BaseName + "_Lifetimes.png") def run(): """ """ # figure 1 from dudko 2008 data = Example_Data.Dudko2008Fig1_Probabilities() PlotFit(data,"../Out/Dudko2008_Fig1") # figure 2 frm dudko 2008 data = Example_Data.Dudko2008Fig2_Probabilities() PlotFit(data,"../Out/Dudko2008_Fig2") if __name__ == "__main__": run()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.shortcuts import render, redirect, HttpResponse from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login, logout from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from subscriber.models import Consumer, ConsumerType, Recharge, TotalRecharge, ACL from product.models import Product from voice_records.models import VoiceRecord, VoiceReg from sms.models import SMSPayment # from local_lib.v3 import is_number, is_float from local_lib.v3 import is_number, is_float, is_bangladeshi_number, is_japanese_number, send_sms from transaction.models import Transaction, ProductsInTransaction, BuyerSellerAccount, dueTransaction from shop_inventory.models import Inventory, BuySellProfitInventoryIndividual, BuySellProfitInventory from transcriber_management.models import Transcriber, TranscriberInTranscription, FailedTranscription import datetime from django.db.models import Q from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib.sessions.backends.db import SessionStore from django.db.models import Count @csrf_exempt def login_page(request): return render(request, 'pages/login.html') @csrf_exempt def login_auth(request): postdata = request.POST print(postdata) if 'username' and 'password' in postdata: print(postdata['username']) login_username = postdata['username'] print(postdata['password']) if ACL.objects.filter(loginID=postdata['username'][-9:]).exists(): login_username = login_username[-9:] else: login_username = login_username user = authenticate(username=login_username, password=postdata['password']) if user is not None: if user.is_active: login(request, user) request.session['user'] = login_username if user.is_superuser: res = redirect('/admin') else: res = redirect('/') else: res = render(request, 'pages/login.html', {'wrong': True, 'text': 'The password is valid, but the account has been disabled!'}) else: res = render(request, 'pages/login.html', {'wrong': True, 'text': 'The username and password you have entered is not correct. Please retry'}) else: res = render(request, 'pages/login.html', {'wrong': False}) res['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = "*" res['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept" res['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = "PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS" return res def logout_now(request): logout(request) return render(request, 'pages/login.html') @login_required(login_url='/login/') def home(request): transcriber_name = request.session['user'] print request.session['user'] if ACL.objects.filter(loginID=transcriber_name).exists(): login_user = ACL.objects.get(loginID=transcriber_name) print( transcriber_name = if login_user.loginUser.type.type_name == 'Distributor': if login_user.loginUser.number_of_child == 'CHANGED !!!': return render(request, 'pages/Distributor/index.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name}) else: return redirect('/change_password/') elif login_user.loginUser.type.type_name == 'SR': if login_user.loginUser.number_of_child == 'CHANGED !!!': return render(request, 'pages/SR/index.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name}) else: return redirect('/change_password/') elif login_user.loginUser.type.type_name == 'Seller': if login_user.loginUser.number_of_child == 'CHANGED !!!': return render(request, 'pages/Shop/index.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name}) else: return redirect('/change_password/') elif login_user.loginUser.type.type_name == 'Buyer': if login_user.loginUser.number_of_child == 'CHANGED !!!': return render(request, 'pages/Consumer/index.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name}) else: return redirect('/change_password/') else: number_of_reg_calls = VoiceReg.objects.filter().count() number_of_transaction_calls = VoiceRecord.objects.filter().count() total = number_of_reg_calls + number_of_transaction_calls if total > 0: reg_call_percentage = (number_of_reg_calls / float(total)) * 100 transaction_call_percentage = (number_of_transaction_calls / float(total)) * 100 else: transaction_call_percentage = 0 reg_call_percentage = 0 today_month = today_year = count = 1 data_2 = '' data_3 = '' data_4 = '' data_5 = '' data_6 = '' max = 0 max_table_2 = 0 total_sell = VoiceRecord.objects.filter(purpose='sell').count() total_buy = VoiceRecord.objects.filter(purpose='buy').count() total_money_transaction = SMSPayment.objects.filter().count() total_for_chart2 = number_of_reg_calls + number_of_transaction_calls if total_for_chart2 > 0: sell_percentage = (total_sell / float(total_for_chart2)) * 100 buy_percentage = (total_buy / float(total_for_chart2)) * 100 money_transaction_percentage = (total_money_transaction / float(total_for_chart2)) * 100 else: sell_percentage = 0 buy_percentage = 0 money_transaction_percentage = 0 while count < 32: total_call_that_day = VoiceRecord.objects.filter(DateAdded__month=today_month, DateAdded__year=today_year, DateAdded__day=count).count() total_reg_that_day = VoiceReg.objects.filter(DateAdded__month=today_month, DateAdded__year=today_year, DateAdded__day=count).count() if max < total_call_that_day: max = total_call_that_day + 2 if max < total_reg_that_day: max = total_reg_that_day + 2 data_2 += '[gd(%s, %s, %s), %s],' % (today_year, today_month, count, total_call_that_day) data_3 += '[gd(%s, %s, %s), %s],' % (today_year, today_month, count, total_reg_that_day) total_buy_that_day = VoiceRecord.objects.filter(DateAdded__month=today_month, DateAdded__year=today_year, DateAdded__day=count, purpose='buy').count() total_sell_that_day = VoiceRecord.objects.filter(DateAdded__month=today_month, DateAdded__year=today_year, DateAdded__day=count, purpose='sell').count() total_payment_that_day = SMSPayment.objects.filter(DateAdded__month=today_month, DateAdded__year=today_year, DateAdded__day=count).count() if max_table_2 < total_buy_that_day: max_table_2 = total_buy_that_day + 2 if max_table_2 < total_sell_that_day: max_table_2 = total_sell_that_day + 2 if max_table_2 < total_payment_that_day: max_table_2 = total_payment_that_day + 2 data_4 += '[gd(%s, %s, %s), %s],' % (today_year, today_month, count, total_buy_that_day) data_5 += '[gd(%s, %s, %s), %s],' % (today_year, today_month, count, total_sell_that_day) data_6 += '[gd(%s, %s, %s), %s],' % (today_year, today_month, count, total_payment_that_day) count += 1 data_2 = data_2[:-1] data_3 = data_3[:-1] data_4 = data_4[:-1] data_5 = data_5[:-1] data_6 = data_6[:-1] number_of_transactions = Transaction.objects.filter().count() number_of_transactions_with_due = Transaction.objects.filter(total_due__gt=0).count() number_of_transactions_without_due = Transaction.objects.filter(total_due__lte=0).count() shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) print(all_consumer_for_base.count) return render(request, 'pages/index.html', {'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'number_of_reg_calls': number_of_reg_calls, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'number_of_transaction_calls': number_of_transaction_calls, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'reg_call_percentage': reg_call_percentage, 'transaction_call_percentage': transaction_call_percentage, 'data_2': data_2, 'data_3': data_3, 'data_4': data_4, 'data_5': data_5, 'data_6': data_6, 'max': max, 'number_of_transactions': number_of_transactions, 'number_of_transactions_with_due': number_of_transactions_with_due, 'number_of_transactions_without_due': number_of_transactions_without_due, 'max_table_2': max_table_2, 'total_sell': total_sell, 'total_buy': total_buy, 'total_money_transaction': total_money_transaction, 'sell_percentage': sell_percentage, 'buy_percentage': buy_percentage, 'money_transaction_percentage': money_transaction_percentage, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def translator_page(request): shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) return render(request, 'pages/translator.html', {'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) # all report views are here @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_monthly_shop(request): get_data = request.GET if 'ban' in get_data: bangla = True else: bangla = False shop_name = get_data['shop'] shop_object = Consumer.objects.get(name=shop_name) shop_id = total_sell = 0 total_sell_due = 0 total_sell_paid = 0 total_purchase = 0 total_purchase_due = 0 total_purchase_paid = 0 for month_sell in BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(seller=shop_object): total_sell += month_sell.total_amount_of_transaction total_sell_due += month_sell.total_due total_sell_paid += month_sell.total_paid for month_purchase in BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(buyer=shop_object): total_purchase += month_purchase.total_amount_of_transaction total_purchase_due += month_purchase.total_due total_purchase_paid += month_purchase.total_paid shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) return render(request, 'pages/report_monthly_shop.html', {'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'shop_name': shop_name, 'shop_id': shop_id, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'total_sell': total_sell, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'total_sell_due': total_sell_due, 'total_sell_paid': total_sell_paid, 'bangla': bangla, 'total_purchase': total_purchase, 'total_purchase_due': total_purchase_due, 'total_purchase_paid': total_purchase_paid, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) # report_monthly_shop_json @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_monthly_shop_json(request): get_data = request.GET shop_name = get_data['shop'] shop_object = Consumer.objects.get(id=shop_name) shop_inventory = BuySellProfitInventoryIndividual.objects.filter(shop=shop_object) shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') output = '{"data": [ ' if get_data['t'] == '1': rank = 1 this_year = # this_month = 1 this_day = 1 for this_month in range(1, 13, 1): count = 0 for this_day in range(1, 32, 1): for a_product in Product.objects.all(): product_price = 0 product_name = total_sell = 0 total_due = 0 total_paid = 0 for this_day_sell_transaction in Transaction.objects.filter(seller=shop_object, DateAdded__year=this_year, DateAdded__month=this_month, DateAdded__day=this_day): total_sell += this_day_sell_transaction.total_amount total_due += this_day_sell_transaction.total_due total_paid += this_day_sell_transaction.total_paid count += 1 total_purchase = 0 total_purchase_due = 0 total_purchase_paid = 0 for this_day_purchase_transaction in Transaction.objects.filter(buyer=shop_object, DateAdded__year=this_year, DateAdded__month=this_month, DateAdded__day=this_day): total_purchase += this_day_purchase_transaction.total_amount total_purchase_due += this_day_purchase_transaction.total_due total_purchase_paid += this_day_purchase_transaction.total_paid count += 1 if count > 0: output += '["%s/%s/%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s"] ,' % (this_day, this_month, this_year, total_sell, total_paid, total_due, total_purchase, total_purchase_paid, total_purchase_due) count = 0 # this_day += 1 # this_month = this_month + 1 if get_data['t'] == '2': for this_day_transaction in Transaction.objects.filter(Q(seller=shop_object) | Q(buyer=shop_object)): # start counting for this product id = date = this_day_transaction.DateAdded if this_day_transaction.seller == shop_object: with_trade = this_day_transaction.buyer trade_type = 'Sell' elif this_day_transaction.buyer == shop_object: with_trade = this_day_transaction.seller trade_type = 'Buy' number_of_items = ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(TID=this_day_transaction).count() total_amount = this_day_transaction.total_amount total_paid = this_day_transaction.total_paid total_due = this_day_transaction.total_due output += '["%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s"] ,' % (id, date, with_trade, trade_type, number_of_items, total_amount, total_paid, total_due) output = output[:-1] output += ']}' return HttpResponse(output, content_type="text/plain") @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_sales_analysis(request): get_data = request.GET shop_name = get_data['shop'] shop_object = Consumer.objects.get(name=shop_name) shop_id = shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() if 'ban' in get_data: bangla = True else: bangla = False transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) return render(request, 'pages/report_sales_analysis.html', {'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'shop_name': shop_name, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'shop_id': shop_id, 'bangla': bangla, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_sales_analysis_json(request): get_data = request.GET shop_name = get_data['shop'] shop_object = Consumer.objects.get(id=shop_name) shop_inventory = BuySellProfitInventoryIndividual.objects.filter(shop=shop_object) shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') output = '{"data": [ ' if get_data['t'] == '1': rank = 1 for a_product in Product.objects.all(): count = 0 product_price = 0 product_name = for this_day_transaction in Transaction.objects.filter(seller=shop_object): # start counting for this product for product_in_this_transaction in ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(TID=this_day_transaction): if product_in_this_transaction.product == a_product: if product_in_this_transaction.unit == a_product.bulk_wholesale_unit: if a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit == 0: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit else: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity * a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit / a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit else: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit if count > 0: output += '["%s","%s","%s"] ,' % (rank, product_name, str(count) + ' ' + a_product.retail_unit) rank += 1 if get_data['t'] == '2': rank = 1 for a_product in Product.objects.all(): count = 0 product_price = 0 previous_product_price = 0 change = 0 product_name = for this_day_transaction in Transaction.objects.filter(seller=shop_object): # start counting for this product for product_in_this_transaction in ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(TID=this_day_transaction): if product_in_this_transaction.product == a_product: if count == 0: previous_product_price = product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit product_price = product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit change += abs(previous_product_price - product_price) count += 1 if count > 0: output += '["%s","%s","%s","%s"] ,' % (rank, product_name, count, change/count) rank += 1 if get_data['t'] == '3': this_year = this_month = day = 1 # output += '["%s/%s/%s","","","",""] ,' % (day, this_month, this_year) while day < 32: day_string = True rank = 1 for a_product in Product.objects.all(): count = 0 product_price = 0 product_name = for this_day_transaction in Transaction.objects.filter(seller=shop_object, DateAdded__year=this_year, DateAdded__month=this_month, DateAdded__day=day): # start counting for this product for product_in_this_transaction in ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(TID=this_day_transaction): if product_in_this_transaction.product == a_product: if product_in_this_transaction.unit == a_product.bulk_wholesale_unit: if a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit == 0: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit else: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity * a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit / a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit else: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit if count > 0: if day_string: output += '["%s/%s/%s","","","",""] ,' % (day, this_month, this_year) day_string = False output += '["","%s","%s","%s","%s"] ,' % (rank, product_name, str(count) + ' ' + a_product.retail_unit, float(product_price / count)) rank += 1 day += 1 # output += '["%s/%s/%s","","","",""] ,' % (day, this_month, this_year) if get_data['t'] == '4': day = 1 # output += '["%s/%s/%s","","","",""] ,' % (day, this_month, this_year) while day < 8: day_string = True rank = 1 for a_product in Product.objects.all(): count = 0 product_price = 0 product_name = for this_day_transaction in Transaction.objects.filter(seller=shop_object, DateAdded__week_day=day): # start counting for this product for product_in_this_transaction in ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(TID=this_day_transaction): if product_in_this_transaction.product == a_product: if product_in_this_transaction.unit == a_product.bulk_wholesale_unit: if a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit == 0: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit else: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity * a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit / a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit else: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit if count > 0: if day_string: if day == 1: output += '["%s","","","",""] ,' % 'Sunday' elif day == 2: output += '["%s","","","",""] ,' % 'Monday' elif day == 3: output += '["%s","","","",""] ,' % 'Tuesday' elif day == 4: output += '["%s","","","",""] ,' % 'Wednesday' elif day == 5: output += '["%s","","","",""] ,' % 'Thursday' elif day == 6: output += '["%s","","","",""] ,' % 'Friday' elif day == 7: output += '["%s","","","",""] ,' % 'Saturday' day_string = False output += '["","%s","%s","%s","%s"] ,' % (rank, product_name, str(count) + ' ' + a_product.retail_unit, float(product_price / count)) rank += 1 day += 1 if get_data['t'] == '5': this_year = day_string = True for a_product in Product.objects.all(): count = 0 product_profit = 0 product_name = for this_day_transaction in BuySellProfitInventoryIndividual.objects.filter(shop_id=shop_object): # start counting for this product if this_day_transaction.product == a_product: product_profit += this_day_transaction.profit count += 1 output += '["%s","%s"] ,' % (product_name, product_profit) output = output[:-1] output += ']}' return HttpResponse(output, content_type="text/plain") @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_payment(request): get_data = request.GET if 'ban' in get_data: bangla = True else: bangla = False shop_name = get_data['shop'] shop_object = Consumer.objects.get(name=shop_name) sell_transaction_with_due = Transaction.objects.filter(seller_id=shop_object, total_due__lte=0) buy_transaction_with_due = Transaction.objects.filter(buyer_id=shop_object, total_due__lte=0) shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) buyer_account = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(seller=shop_object, total_due__lte=0) seller_account = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(buyer=shop_object, total_due__lte=0) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) transcriber_name = request.session['user'] return render(request, 'pages/report_payment.html', {'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'sell_transaction_with_due': sell_transaction_with_due, 'buy_transaction_with_due': buy_transaction_with_due, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'buyer_account': buyer_account, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'seller_account': seller_account, 'shop_name': shop_name, 'bangla': bangla, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_due(request): get_data = request.GET if 'ban' in get_data: bangla = True else: bangla = False shop_name = get_data['shop'] shop_object = Consumer.objects.get(name=shop_name) sell_transaction_with_due = Transaction.objects.filter(seller_id=shop_object, total_due__gt=0) buy_transaction_with_due = Transaction.objects.filter(buyer_id=shop_object, total_due__gt=0) shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) buyer_account = SMSPayment.objects.filter(seller=shop_object) seller_account = SMSPayment.objects.filter(buyer=shop_object) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) return render(request, 'pages/report_due.html', {'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'sell_transaction_with_due': sell_transaction_with_due, 'buy_transaction_with_due': buy_transaction_with_due, 'buyer_account': buyer_account, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'bangla': bangla, 'seller_account': seller_account, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'shop_name': shop_name, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_profit(request): get_data = request.GET shop_name = get_data['shop'] shop_object = Consumer.objects.get(name=shop_name) shop_id = if 'ban' in get_data: bangla = True else: bangla = False shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) return render(request, 'pages/report_profit.html', {'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'shop_name': shop_name, 'shop_id': shop_id, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'bangla': bangla, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_profit_json(request): get_data = request.GET shop_name = get_data['shop'] shop_object = Consumer.objects.get(id=shop_name) shop_inventory = BuySellProfitInventoryIndividual.objects.filter(shop=shop_object) shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') output = '{"data": [ ' if get_data['t'] == '1': this_year = this_month = 1 # output += '["%s/%s/%s","","","",""] ,' % (day, this_month, this_year) while this_month < 13: day_string = True for a_product in Product.objects.all(): count = 0 product_profit = 0 product_name = for this_day_transaction in BuySellProfitInventoryIndividual.objects.filter(shop_id=shop_object, DateAdded__year=this_year, DateAdded__month=this_month): # start counting for this product if this_day_transaction.product == a_product: product_profit += this_day_transaction.profit count += 1 if count > 0: if day_string: if this_month == 1: output += '["January","",""], ' elif this_month == 2: output += '["February","",""], ' elif this_month == 3: output += '["March","",""], ' elif this_month == 4: output += '["April","",""], ' elif this_month == 5: output += '["May","",""], ' elif this_month == 6: output += '["June","",""], ' elif this_month == 7: output += '["July","",""], ' elif this_month == 8: output += '["August","",""], ' elif this_month == 9: output += '["September","",""], ' elif this_month == 10: output += '["October","",""], ' elif this_month == 11: output += '["November","",""], ' elif this_month == 12: output += '["December","",""], ' day_string = False output += '["","%s","%s"] ,' % (product_name, product_profit) # output += '["%s/%s/%s","","","",""] ,' % (day, this_month, this_year) this_month += 1 if get_data['t'] == '2': this_year = this_month = 1 while this_month < 13: day = 1 while day < 32: day_string = True for a_product in Product.objects.all(): count = 0 product_profit = 0 product_name = for this_day_transaction in BuySellProfitInventoryIndividual.objects.filter(shop_id=shop_object, DateAdded__year=this_year, DateAdded__month=this_month, DateAdded__day=day): # start counting for this product if this_day_transaction.product == a_product: product_profit += this_day_transaction.profit count += 1 if count > 0: if day_string: output += '["%s/%s/%s","",""] ,' % (day, this_month, this_year) day_string = False output += '["","%s","%s"] ,' % (product_name, product_profit) day += 1 this_month += 1 if get_data['t'] == '3': this_year = this_month = # output += '["%s/%s/%s","","","",""] ,' % (day, this_month, this_year) day_string = True for a_product in Product.objects.all(): count = 0 product_profit = 0 product_name = for this_day_transaction in BuySellProfitInventoryIndividual.objects.filter(shop_id=shop_object, DateAdded__year=this_year, DateAdded__month=this_month): # start counting for this product if this_day_transaction.product == a_product: product_profit += this_day_transaction.profit count += 1 output += '["%s","%s"] ,' % (product_name, product_profit) # output += '["%s/%s/%s","","","",""] ,' % (day, this_month, this_year) if get_data['t'] == '4': this_year = day_string = True for a_product in Product.objects.all(): count = 0 product_profit = 0 product_name = for this_day_transaction in BuySellProfitInventoryIndividual.objects.filter(shop_id=shop_object, DateAdded__year=this_year): # start counting for this product if this_day_transaction.product == a_product: product_profit += this_day_transaction.profit count += 1 output += '["%s","%s"] ,' % (product_name, product_profit) if get_data['t'] == '5': this_year = day_string = True for a_product in Product.objects.all(): count = 0 product_profit = 0 product_name = for this_day_transaction in BuySellProfitInventoryIndividual.objects.filter(shop_id=shop_object): # start counting for this product if this_day_transaction.product == a_product: product_profit += this_day_transaction.profit count += 1 output += '["%s","%s"] ,' % (product_name, product_profit) output = output[:-1] output += ']}' return HttpResponse(output, content_type="text/plain") @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_product(request): get_data = request.GET shop_name = get_data['shop'] if 'ban' in get_data: bangla = True else: bangla = False shop_object = Consumer.objects.get(name=shop_name) shop_id = shop_inventory = Inventory.objects.filter(shop=shop_object) shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') selected_products = ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(TID=Transaction.objects.filter(seller=shop_object)) selected_products_buy = ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(TID=Transaction.objects.filter(buyer=shop_object)) all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) return render(request, 'pages/report_product.html', {'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'shop_inventory': shop_inventory, 'shop_name': shop_name, 'shop_id': shop_id, 'bangla': bangla, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'selected_products_buy': selected_products_buy, 'selected_products': selected_products, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_product_json(request): get_data = request.GET shop_name = get_data['shop'] shop_object = Consumer.objects.get(id=shop_name) shop_inventory = Inventory.objects.filter(shop=shop_object) shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') output = '{"data": [ ' if get_data['t'] == '1': this_year = this_month = day = 1 # output += '["%s/%s/%s","","","",""] ,' % (day, this_month, this_year) while day < 32: day_string = True for a_product in Product.objects.all(): count = 0 product_price = 0 product_name = for this_day_transaction in Transaction.objects.filter(seller=shop_object, DateAdded__year=this_year, DateAdded__month=this_month, DateAdded__day=day): # start counting for this product for product_in_this_transaction in ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(TID=this_day_transaction): if product_in_this_transaction.product == a_product: # if product_in_this_transaction.unit == a_product.bulk_wholesale_unit: # if a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit == 0: # count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity # product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit # else: # count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity * a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit # product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit # else: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit * product_in_this_transaction.quantity if count > 0: if day_string: output += '["%s/%s/%s","","","",""] ,' % (day, this_month, this_year) day_string = False output += '["","%s","%s","%s","%s"] ,' % (product_name, count, a_product.retail_unit, float(product_price / count)) day += 1 # output += '["%s/%s/%s","","","",""] ,' % (day, this_month, this_year) if get_data['t'] == '2': this_year = this_month = day = 1 while day < 32: day_string = True for a_product in Product.objects.all(): count = 0 product_price = 0 product_name = for this_day_transaction in Transaction.objects.filter(buyer=shop_object, DateAdded__year=this_year, DateAdded__month=this_month, DateAdded__day=day): # start counting for this product for product_in_this_transaction in ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(TID=this_day_transaction): if product_in_this_transaction.product == a_product: if product_in_this_transaction.unit == a_product.bulk_wholesale_unit: if a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit == 0: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit else: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit else: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit if count > 0: if day_string: output += '["%s/%s/%s","","","",""] ,' % (day, this_month, this_year) day_string = False output += '["","%s","%s","%s","%s"] ,' % (product_name, count, a_product.bulk_wholesale_unit, float(product_price / count)) day += 1 if get_data['t'] == '3': this_year = this_month = for a_product in Product.objects.all(): count = 0 product_price = 0 product_name = for this_day_transaction in Transaction.objects.filter(seller=shop_object, DateAdded__year=this_year, DateAdded__month=this_month): # start counting for this product for product_in_this_transaction in ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(TID=this_day_transaction): if product_in_this_transaction.product == a_product: if product_in_this_transaction.unit == a_product.bulk_wholesale_unit: if a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit == 0: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit else: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity * a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit / a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit else: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit if count > 0: output += '["%s","%s","%s","%s"] ,' % (product_name, count, a_product.retail_unit, float(product_price / count)) if get_data['t'] == '4': this_year = this_month = for a_product in Product.objects.all(): count = 0 product_price = 0 product_name = for this_day_transaction in Transaction.objects.filter(buyer=shop_object, DateAdded__year=this_year, DateAdded__month=this_month): # start counting for this product for product_in_this_transaction in ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(TID=this_day_transaction): if product_in_this_transaction.product == a_product: if product_in_this_transaction.unit == a_product.bulk_wholesale_unit: if a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit == 0: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit else: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity * a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit / a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit else: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit if count > 0: output += '["%s","%s","%s","%s"] ,' % (product_name, count, a_product.retail_unit, float(product_price / count)) output = output[:-1] output += ']}' selected_products_buy = ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(TID=Transaction.objects.filter(buyer=shop_object)) all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) return HttpResponse(output, content_type="text/plain") # paste the template name of the report_analytical instead of report_product here @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_analytical(request): all_product = Product.objects.all() final_output = '' get_data = request.GET shop_name = get_data['shop'] shop_object = Consumer.objects.get(name=shop_name) shop_id = for product in all_product: print( if ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(product=product).exists(): product_output = "[%s, " % sold_amount = 0 for product_details in ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(product=product): sold_amount = sold_amount + product_details.quantity product_output += str(sold_amount) final_output += product_output final_output += "] ," print(final_output) final_output = final_output[:-1] print(final_output) add_notification = False shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) return render(request, 'pages/reports_analytical.html', {'all_product': all_product, 'add_notification': add_notification, 'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'product_sell': final_output, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'shop_name': shop_name, 'shop_id': shop_id, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_analytical_json(request): get_data = request.GET shop_name = get_data['shop'] shop_object = Consumer.objects.get(id=shop_name) if get_data['t'] == '1': all_product = Product.objects.all() final_output = '{"cols": [ { "id": "", "label": "Topping", "pattern": "", "type": "string" }, ' \ '{ "id": "", "label": "Units", "pattern": "", "type": "number" } ], "rows": [ ' for product in all_product: print( if ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(product=product).exists(): product_name = sold_amount = 0 for transaction_id in Transaction.objects.filter(seller=shop_object): for product_details in ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(product=product, TID=transaction_id): sold_amount = sold_amount + product_details.quantity final_output += '{"c": [{"v": "%s","f": null},{"v": %s,"f": null}]},' % (product_name, sold_amount) final_output = final_output[:-1] print(final_output) if get_data['t'] == '2': all_product = BuySellProfitInventory.objects.filter(shop=shop_object) final_output = '{"cols": [ { "id": "", "label": "Topping", "pattern": "", "type": "string" }, ' \ '{ "id": "", "label": "Profit", "pattern": "", "type": "number" } ], "rows": [ ' for product in all_product: final_output += '{"c": [{"v": "%s","f": null},{"v": %s,"f": null}]},' % (product.product, product.profit) final_output = final_output[:-1] print(final_output) final_output += ']}' print(final_output) return HttpResponse(final_output, content_type="text/plain") # till this views created based on the list from mail @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_recharge(request): shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) return render(request, 'pages/report_recharge.html', {'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_callduration(request): shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) return render(request, 'pages/report_callduration_graph.html', {'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) # not necessary @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_transaction(request): shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) return render(request, 'pages/report_transaction.html', {'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_calltranscription(request): shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) return render(request, 'pages/report_transcription.html', {'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_usercall(request): shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) return render(request, 'pages/report_user_call_recharge.html', {'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def transcription_page(request): print(request.POST) number_of_pending_calls = VoiceRecord.objects.filter(transcribed=False).count() number_of_pending_reg_calls = VoiceReg.objects.filter(completed=False).count() type_of_subscriber = ConsumerType.objects.all() number_of_fail_calls = VoiceRecord.objects.filter(with_error=True).count() number_of_completed_calls = VoiceRecord.objects.filter(with_error=False, transcribed=True).count() shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] return render(request, 'pages/transcription.html', dict(pending_calls=number_of_pending_calls, types=type_of_subscriber, pending_calls_reg=number_of_pending_reg_calls, number_of_fail_calls=str(number_of_fail_calls), number_of_completed_calls=number_of_completed_calls, transcriber_name=transcriber_name, shop_list_base=all_shop_for_base,all_consumer_for_base=all_consumer_for_base, all_user_for_base=all_user_for_base)) # report views ends here @login_required(login_url='/login/') def add_subscriber_page(request): all_subscriber = Consumer.objects.all() type_of_subscriber = ConsumerType.objects.all() add_notification = False shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) notification = '' if 'delete' in request.GET: get_data = request.GET add_notification = True delID = get_data['delete'] if Consumer.objects.filter(id=delID).exists(): item_for_delete = Consumer.objects.get(id=delID) notification = 'Daily statement for the user : ' + + ' is sent successfully.' # item_for_delete.delete() sales_statement = '' purchase_statement = '' today_date = today_day = today_month = today_date.month today_year = today_date.year # for selling sell_transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(seller=item_for_delete, DateAdded__day=today_day, DateAdded__month=today_month, DateAdded__year=today_year) total_sales = 0 total_due = 0 total_paid = 0 for sell_transaction in sell_transactions: total_sales += sell_transaction.total_amount total_paid += sell_transaction.total_paid total_due += sell_transaction.total_due if total_sales > 0: sales_statement = ' bikroy korechen mot: ' + str(total_sales) + ' takar. nogod peyechen : ' + \ str(total_paid) + ' taka ebong baki royeche ' + str(total_due) + ' taka.' buy_transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(buyer=item_for_delete, DateAdded__day=today_day, DateAdded__month=today_month, DateAdded__year=today_year) total_purchase = 0 total_due = 0 total_paid = 0 for buy_transaction in buy_transactions: total_purchase += buy_transaction.total_amount total_paid += buy_transaction.total_paid total_due += buy_transaction.total_due if total_purchase > 0: purchase_statement = ' kinechen mot: ' + str(total_purchase) + ' takar. Nogod diyechen : ' + \ str(total_paid) + ' taka ebong baki royeche ' + str(total_due) + ' taka.' final_text = 'Aj apni' + sales_statement + purchase_statement + ' Dhonnobad' if total_purchase > 0 or total_sales > 0: print(final_text) send_sms(final_text, else: notification = 'Item not found' return render(request, 'pages/add_subscriber.html', {'subscribers': all_subscriber, 'types': type_of_subscriber, 'add_notification': add_notification, 'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'notification':notification, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def add_product_page(request): all_product = Product.objects.all() add_notification = False shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) notification = '' if 'delete' in request.GET: get_data = request.GET add_notification = True delID = get_data['delete'] if Product.objects.filter(id=delID).exists(): item_for_delete = Product.objects.get(id=delID) notification = 'The product : ' + + ' is deleted successfully.' item_for_delete.delete() else: notification = 'Item not found' return render(request, 'pages/add_product.html', {'all_product': all_product, 'add_notification': add_notification, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name,'notification': notification, 'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_transcriber_performance(request): all_product = Product.objects.all() add_notification = False shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) return render(request, 'pages/report_transcriber_performance.html', {'all_product': all_product, 'add_notification': add_notification, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_transcriber_performance_json(request): final_output = '{"data": [ ' for transcriber in Transcriber.objects.all(): number_of_transcriptions = TranscriberInTranscription.objects.filter(name=transcriber).count() total_time_taken = 0 total_product_trancribed = 0 for transcriber_in_transaction in TranscriberInTranscription.objects.filter(name=transcriber): total_time_taken += float(transcriber_in_transaction.time_taken) total_product_trancribed += transcriber_in_transaction.number_of_products if number_of_transcriptions > 0: avg_time = total_time_taken / number_of_transcriptions avg_product = total_product_trancribed / number_of_transcriptions final_output += '["%s","%s","%s","%s","%s"] ,' % (,, number_of_transcriptions, avg_time, avg_product) final_output = final_output[:-1] final_output += ']}' return HttpResponse(final_output, content_type="text/plain") @login_required(login_url='/login/') def user_balance_recharge(request): post_data = request.POST notification = '' for all_consumers in Consumer.objects.all(): if Recharge.objects.filter(user=all_consumers).exists(): print('Already_Added') else: new_added = Recharge(user=all_consumers) if TotalRecharge.objects.filter(user=all_consumers).exists(): print('Already_Added') else: new_added = TotalRecharge(user=all_consumers) add_notification = False if 'user' in post_data and 'recharge_amount' in post_data: user_name = post_data['user'] user_object = Consumer.objects.get(name=user_name) if is_number(post_data['recharge_amount']) or is_float(post_data['recharge_amount']): new_recharge_added = Recharge(user=user_object, amount=float(post_data['recharge_amount'])) new_recharge_update = TotalRecharge.objects.get(user=user_object) new_recharge_update.amount += float(post_data['recharge_amount']) add_notification = True notification = 'Amount %s has been added to the number %s' %(post_data['recharge_amount'], else: notification = 'Something went wrong. Please try again.' recharge_all = TotalRecharge.objects.all() today_date = today_day = today_month = today_date.month today_year = today_date.year recharge_today = Recharge.objects.filter(DateAdded__day=today_day, DateAdded__month=today_month, DateAdded__year=today_year, amount__gt=0) all_product = Product.objects.all() shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) return render(request, 'pages/report_user_call_recharge.html', {'all_product': all_product, 'add_notification': add_notification, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'recharge_all': recharge_all, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'recharge_today': recharge_today, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base, 'notification': notification}) # views for printing @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_monthly_shop_print(request): get_data = request.GET if 'ban' in get_data: bangla = True else: bangla = False shop_name = get_data['shop'] shop_object = Consumer.objects.get(name=shop_name) total_sell = 0 total_sell_due = 0 total_sell_paid = 0 total_purchase = 0 total_purchase_due = 0 total_purchase_paid = 0 for month_sell in BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(seller=shop_object): total_sell += month_sell.total_amount_of_transaction total_sell_due += month_sell.total_due total_sell_paid += month_sell.total_paid for month_purchase in BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(buyer=shop_object): total_purchase += month_purchase.total_amount_of_transaction total_purchase_due += month_purchase.total_due total_purchase_paid += month_purchase.total_paid shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) transcriber_name = request.session['user'] return render(request, 'print/report_monthly_shop.html', {'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'shop_name': shop_name, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'total_sell': total_sell, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'total_sell_due': total_sell_due, 'total_sell_paid': total_sell_paid, 'bangla': bangla, 'total_purchase': total_purchase, 'total_purchase_due': total_purchase_due, 'total_purchase_paid': total_purchase_paid, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_due_print(request): get_data = request.GET if 'ban' in get_data: bangla = True else: bangla = False shop_name = get_data['shop'] shop_object = Consumer.objects.get(name=shop_name) sell_transaction_with_due = Transaction.objects.filter(seller_id=shop_object, total_due__gt=0) buy_transaction_with_due = Transaction.objects.filter(buyer_id=shop_object, total_due__gt=0) shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) buyer_account = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(seller=shop_object, total_due__gt=0) seller_account = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(buyer=shop_object, total_due__gt=0) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) return render(request, 'print/report_due.html', {'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'sell_transaction_with_due': sell_transaction_with_due, 'buy_transaction_with_due': buy_transaction_with_due, 'buyer_account': buyer_account, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'bangla': bangla, 'seller_account': seller_account, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'shop_name': shop_name, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_payment_print(request): get_data = request.GET if 'ban' in get_data: bangla = True else: bangla = False shop_name = get_data['shop'] shop_object = Consumer.objects.get(name=shop_name) sell_transaction_with_due = Transaction.objects.filter(seller_id=shop_object, total_due__lte=0) buy_transaction_with_due = Transaction.objects.filter(buyer_id=shop_object, total_due__lte=0) shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) buyer_account = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(seller=shop_object, total_due__lte=0) seller_account = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(buyer=shop_object, total_due__lte=0) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) return render(request, 'print/report_payment.html', {'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'sell_transaction_with_due': sell_transaction_with_due, 'buy_transaction_with_due': buy_transaction_with_due, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'buyer_account': buyer_account, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'seller_account': seller_account, 'shop_name': shop_name, 'bangla': bangla, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_product_print(request): get_data = request.GET shop_name = get_data['shop'] if 'ban' in get_data: bangla = True else: bangla = False shop_object = Consumer.objects.get(name=shop_name) shop_inventory = Inventory.objects.filter(shop=shop_object) shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') selected_products = ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(TID=Transaction.objects.filter(seller=shop_object)) selected_products_buy = ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(TID=Transaction.objects.filter(buyer=shop_object)) all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) return render(request, 'print/report_product.html', {'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'shop_inventory': shop_inventory, 'shop_name': shop_name, 'bangla': bangla, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'selected_products_buy': selected_products_buy, 'selected_products': selected_products, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_sales_analysis_print(request): get_data = request.GET shop_name = get_data['shop'] shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) transcriber_name = request.session['user'] return render(request, 'print/report_sales_analysis.html', {'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'shop_name': shop_name, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_profit_print(request): get_data = request.GET shop_name = get_data['shop'] shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) return render(request, 'print/report_profit.html', {'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'shop_name': shop_name, 'all_consumer_for_base':all_consumer_for_base, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def report_transcriber_performance_print(request): all_product = Product.objects.all() add_notification = False shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() transcriber_name = request.session['user'] shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) return render(request, 'print/report_transcriber_performance.html', {'all_product': all_product, 'add_notification': add_notification, 'all_consumer_for_base':all_consumer_for_base, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, 'all_user_for_base': all_user_for_base}) # SR section @login_required(login_url='/login/') def sr_monthly_report(request): sr_name = request.session['user'] sr_object = ACL.objects.get(loginID=sr_name).loginUser transcriber_name = allTransaction = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(seller=sr_object) return render(request, 'pages/SR/report_monthly.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'allTransaction': allTransaction}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def sr_due_report(request): sr_name = request.session['user'] sr_object = ACL.objects.get(loginID=sr_name).loginUser transcriber_name = allBalance = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(seller=sr_object) sell_transaction = Transaction.objects.filter(seller=sr_object) dueTransactions = dueTransaction.objects.filter(seller=sr_object) return render(request, 'pages/SR/report_due.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'sell_transaction': sell_transaction, 'dueTransactions': dueTransactions, 'allBalance': allBalance}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def sr_report_sales_analysis(request): sr_name = request.session['user'] sr_object = ACL.objects.get(loginID=sr_name).loginUser transcriber_name = post_data = request.POST print(post_data) shop_object = sr_object shop_name = shop_id = if 'month' in post_data and 'year' in post_data: month = post_data['month'] year = post_data['year'] else: month = year = return render(request, 'pages/SR/report_sales_analysis.html', {'shop_name': shop_name, # 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'shop_id': shop_id, # 'bangla': bangla, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'month': month, 'year': year}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def sr_report_sales_analysis_json(request): get_data = request.GET shop_name = get_data['shop'] shop_object = Consumer.objects.get(id=shop_name) shop_inventory = BuySellProfitInventoryIndividual.objects.filter(shop=shop_object) shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') this_year = get_data['year'] print(this_year) this_month = get_data['month'] output = '{"data": [ ' if get_data['t'] == '1': rank = 1 for a_product in Product.objects.all(): count = 0 product_price = 0 product_name = for this_day_transaction in Transaction.objects.filter(seller=shop_object, DateAdded__year=this_year, DateAdded__month=this_month): # start counting for this product for product_in_this_transaction in ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(TID=this_day_transaction): if product_in_this_transaction.product == a_product: if product_in_this_transaction.unit == a_product.bulk_wholesale_unit: if a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit == 0: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit else: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity * a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit / a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit else: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit if count > 0: output += '["%s","%s","%s"] ,' % (rank, product_name, str(count) + ' ' + a_product.retail_unit) rank += 1 if get_data['t'] == '2': rank = 1 for a_product in Product.objects.all(): count = 0 # product_price = 0 previous_product_price = 0 change = 0 product_name = for this_day_transaction in Transaction.objects.filter(seller=shop_object): # start counting for this product for product_in_this_transaction in ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(TID=this_day_transaction): if product_in_this_transaction.product == a_product: if count == 0: previous_product_price = product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit product_price = product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit change += abs(previous_product_price - product_price) count += 1 if count > 0: output += '["%s","%s","%s","%s"] ,' % (rank, product_name, count, change/count) rank += 1 if get_data['t'] == '3': print(this_month) day = 1 # # output += '["%s/%s/%s","","","",""] ,' % (day, this_month, this_year) while day < 32: day_string = True rank = 1 for a_product in Product.objects.all(): count = 0 product_price = 0 product_name = for this_day_transaction in Transaction.objects.filter(seller=shop_object, DateAdded__year=this_year, DateAdded__month=this_month, DateAdded__day=day): # start counting for this product for product_in_this_transaction in ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(TID=this_day_transaction): if product_in_this_transaction.product == a_product: if product_in_this_transaction.unit == a_product.bulk_wholesale_unit: if a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit == 0: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit else: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity * a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit / a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit else: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit if count > 0: if day_string: output += '["%s/%s/%s","","","",""] ,' % (day, this_month, this_year) day_string = False output += '["","%s","%s","%s","%s"] ,' % (rank, product_name, str(count) + ' ' + a_product.retail_unit, float(product_price / count)) rank += 1 day += 1 # output += '["%s/%s/%s","","","",""] ,' % (day, this_month, this_year) if get_data['t'] == '4': day = 1 # output += '["%s/%s/%s","","","",""] ,' % (day, this_month, this_year) while day < 8: day_string = True rank = 1 for a_product in Product.objects.all(): count = 0 product_price = 0 product_name = for this_day_transaction in Transaction.objects.filter(seller=shop_object, DateAdded__week_day=day): # start counting for this product for product_in_this_transaction in ProductsInTransaction.objects.filter(TID=this_day_transaction): if product_in_this_transaction.product == a_product: if product_in_this_transaction.unit == a_product.bulk_wholesale_unit: if a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit == 0: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit else: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity * a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit / a_product.bulk_to_retail_unit else: count = count + product_in_this_transaction.quantity product_price = product_price + product_in_this_transaction.price_per_unit if count > 0: if day_string: if day == 1: output += '["%s","","","",""] ,' % 'Sunday' elif day == 2: output += '["%s","","","",""] ,' % 'Monday' elif day == 3: output += '["%s","","","",""] ,' % 'Tuesday' elif day == 4: output += '["%s","","","",""] ,' % 'Wednesday' elif day == 5: output += '["%s","","","",""] ,' % 'Thursday' elif day == 6: output += '["%s","","","",""] ,' % 'Friday' elif day == 7: output += '["%s","","","",""] ,' % 'Saturday' day_string = False output += '["","%s","%s","%s","%s"] ,' % (rank, product_name, str(count) + ' ' + a_product.retail_unit, float(product_price / count)) rank += 1 day += 1 if get_data['t'] == '5': this_year = day_string = True for a_product in Product.objects.all(): count = 0 product_profit = 0 product_name = for this_day_transaction in BuySellProfitInventoryIndividual.objects.filter(shop_id=shop_object): # start counting for this product if this_day_transaction.product == a_product: product_profit += this_day_transaction.profit count += 1 output += '["%s","%s"] ,' % (product_name, product_profit) output = output[:-1] output += ']}' return HttpResponse(output, content_type="text/plain") # Distributor Section @login_required(login_url='/login/') def add_sr_page(request): dr_name = request.session['user'] dr_object = ACL.objects.get(loginID=dr_name).loginUser transcriber_name = all_subscriber = ACL.objects.filter(distUser=dr_object) # type_of_subscriber = ConsumerType.objects.all() add_notification = False # shop_consumer = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Seller') # all_shop_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer) # all_user_for_base = Consumer.objects.all() # transcriber_name = request.session['user'] # shop_consumer2 = ConsumerType.objects.get(type_name='Buyer') # all_consumer_for_base = Consumer.objects.filter(type=shop_consumer2) notification = '' if 'delete' in request.GET: get_data = request.GET add_notification = True delID = get_data['delete'] if Consumer.objects.filter(id=delID).exists(): item_for_delete = Consumer.objects.get(id=delID) notification = 'The Consumer : ' + + ' is deleted successfully.' item_for_delete.delete() else: notification = 'Item not found' return render(request, 'pages/Distributor/add_SR.html', {'subscribers': all_subscriber,'add_notification': add_notification, # 'shop_list_base': all_shop_for_base, # 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'notification': notification}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def dr_monthly_report(request): dr_name = request.session['user'] dr_object = ACL.objects.get(loginID=dr_name).loginUser transcriber_name = transcriber_id = all_subscriber = ACL.objects.filter(distUser=dr_object) post_data = request.POST print(post_data) if 'sr' in post_data: sr_object = Consumer.objects.get(id=post_data['sr']) allTransaction = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(seller=sr_object) return render(request, 'pages/Distributor/report_monthly.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'hasReport': True, 'subscribers': all_subscriber, 'transcriber_id': transcriber_id, 'allTransaction': allTransaction}) else: # allTransaction = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(seller=sr_object) return render(request, 'pages/Distributor/report_monthly.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'transcriber_id': transcriber_id, 'subscribers': all_subscriber, 'hasReport': False}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def dr_due_report(request): sr_name = request.session['user'] dr_object = ACL.objects.get(loginID=sr_name).loginUser transcriber_name = transcriber_id = all_subscriber = ACL.objects.filter(distUser=dr_object) post_data = request.POST if 'sr' in post_data: sr_object = Consumer.objects.get(id=post_data['sr']) allBalance = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(seller=sr_object) sell_transaction = Transaction.objects.filter(seller=sr_object) dueTransactions = dueTransaction.objects.filter(seller=sr_object) # allTransaction = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(seller=sr_object) return render(request, 'pages/Distributor/report_due.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'sell_transaction': sell_transaction, 'dueTransactions': dueTransactions, 'transcriber_id': transcriber_id, 'hasReport': True, 'subscribers': all_subscriber, 'allBalance': allBalance}) else: # allTransaction = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(seller=sr_object) return render(request, 'pages/Distributor/report_due.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'transcriber_id': transcriber_id, 'subscribers': all_subscriber, 'hasReport': False}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def dr_report_sales_analysis(request): dr_name = request.session['user'] dr_object = ACL.objects.get(loginID=dr_name).loginUser transcriber_name = transcriber_id = post_data = request.POST print(post_data) # shop_object = sr_object # all_subscriber = ACL.objects.filter(distUser=dr_object) hasReport = False if 'sr' in post_data: shop_id = post_data['sr'] shop_name = Consumer.objects.get(id=shop_id).name hasReport = True if 'month' in post_data and 'year' in post_data: month = post_data['month'] year = post_data['year'] else: month = year = return render(request, 'pages/Distributor/report_sales_analysis.html', {'shop_name': shop_name, 'transcriber_id': transcriber_id, 'shop_id': shop_id, 'subscribers': all_subscriber, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'month': month, 'hasReport': hasReport, 'year': year}) else: return render(request, 'pages/Distributor/report_sales_analysis.html', {'shop_name': 'Not Selected', 'transcriber_id': transcriber_id, 'subscribers': all_subscriber, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'hasReport': hasReport}) # Shop Module @login_required(login_url='/login/') def shop_monthly_report(request): sr_name = request.session['user'] sr_object = ACL.objects.get(loginID=sr_name).loginUser transcriber_name = allTransaction = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(seller=sr_object) allTransactionIn = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(buyer=sr_object) return render(request, 'pages/Shop/report_monthly.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'allTransactionIn': allTransactionIn, 'allTransaction': allTransaction}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def shop_due_report(request): sr_name = request.session['user'] sr_object = ACL.objects.get(loginID=sr_name).loginUser transcriber_name = allBalance = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(seller=sr_object) sell_transaction = Transaction.objects.filter(seller=sr_object) dueTransactions = dueTransaction.objects.filter(seller=sr_object) allBalanceIn = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(buyer=sr_object) sell_transactionIn = Transaction.objects.filter(buyer=sr_object) dueTransactionsIn = dueTransaction.objects.filter(buyer=sr_object) return render(request, 'pages/Shop/report_due.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'sell_transaction': sell_transaction, 'dueTransactions': dueTransactions, 'allBalance': allBalance, 'sell_transactionIn': sell_transactionIn, 'dueTransactionsIn': dueTransactionsIn, 'allBalanceIn': allBalanceIn}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def shop_report_sales_analysis(request): sr_name = request.session['user'] sr_object = ACL.objects.get(loginID=sr_name).loginUser transcriber_name = post_data = request.POST print(post_data) shop_object = sr_object shop_name = shop_id = if 'month' in post_data and 'year' in post_data: month = post_data['month'] year = post_data['year'] else: month = year = return render(request, 'pages/Shop/report_sales_analysis.html', {'shop_name': shop_name, # 'all_consumer_for_base' :all_consumer_for_base, 'shop_id': shop_id, # 'bangla': bangla, 'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'month': month, 'year': year}) # Consumer Module @login_required(login_url='/login/') def user_monthly_report(request): sr_name = request.session['user'] sr_object = ACL.objects.get(loginID=sr_name).loginUser transcriber_name = # allTransaction = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(seller=sr_object) allTransactionIn = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(buyer=sr_object) return render(request, 'pages/Consumer/report_monthly.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'allTransactionIn': allTransactionIn}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def user_due_report(request): sr_name = request.session['user'] sr_object = ACL.objects.get(loginID=sr_name).loginUser transcriber_name = # allBalance = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(seller=sr_object) # sell_transaction = Transaction.objects.filter(seller=sr_object) # dueTransactions = dueTransaction.objects.filter(seller=sr_object) allBalanceIn = BuyerSellerAccount.objects.filter(buyer=sr_object) sell_transactionIn = Transaction.objects.filter(buyer=sr_object) dueTransactionsIn = dueTransaction.objects.filter(buyer=sr_object) return render(request, 'pages/Consumer/report_due.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, # 'sell_transaction': sell_transaction, # 'dueTransactions': dueTransactions, # 'allBalance': allBalance, 'sell_transactionIn': sell_transactionIn, 'dueTransactionsIn': dueTransactionsIn, 'allBalanceIn': allBalanceIn}) @login_required(login_url='/login/') def change_password(request): # user = request.session['user'] post_data = request.POST user_name = request.session['user'] user_object = ACL.objects.get(loginID=user_name).loginUser transcriber_name = user =[-9:] wrong = False text = '' if 'csrfmiddlewaretoken' in post_data: if post_data['password'] == post_data['re-password']: if User.objects.filter(username=user).exists(): u = User.objects.get(username=user) u.set_password(post_data['password']) user_ID = this_user = Consumer.objects.get(id=user_ID) this_user.number_of_child = 'CHANGED !!!' wrong = True text = 'Password is successfully changed' if user_object.type.type_name == 'Distributor': display = render(request, 'pages/Distributor/index.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'wrong': wrong, 'text': text}) elif user_object.type.type_name == 'SR': display = render(request, 'pages/SR/index.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'wrong': wrong, 'text': text}) elif user_object.type.type_name == 'Seller': display = render(request, 'pages/Shop/index.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'wrong': wrong, 'text': text}) elif user_object.type.type_name == 'Buyer': display = render(request, 'pages/Consumer/index.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'wrong': wrong, 'text': text}) else: wrong = True text = 'Something Wrong' if user_object.type.type_name == 'Distributor': display = render(request, 'pages/Distributor/change_password.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'wrong': wrong, 'text': text}) elif user_object.type.type_name == 'SR': display = render(request, 'pages/SR/change_password.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'wrong': wrong, 'text': text}) elif user_object.type.type_name == 'Seller': display = render(request, 'pages/Shop/change_password.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'wrong': wrong, 'text': text}) elif user_object.type.type_name == 'Buyer': display = render(request, 'pages/Consumer/change_password.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'wrong': wrong, 'text': text}) else: wrong = True text = 'Passwords do NOT match. Please try again' if user_object.type.type_name == 'Distributor': display = render(request, 'pages/Distributor/change_password.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'wrong': wrong, 'text': text}) elif user_object.type.type_name == 'SR': display = render(request, 'pages/SR/change_password.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'wrong': wrong, 'text': text}) elif user_object.type.type_name == 'Seller': display = render(request, 'pages/Shop/change_password.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'wrong': wrong, 'text': text}) elif user_object.type.type_name == 'Buyer': display = render(request, 'pages/Consumer/change_password.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'wrong': wrong, 'text': text}) else: wrong = False if user_object.type.type_name == 'Distributor': display = render(request, 'pages/Distributor/change_password.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'wrong': wrong, 'text': text}) elif user_object.type.type_name == 'SR': display = render(request, 'pages/SR/change_password.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'wrong': wrong, 'text': text}) elif user_object.type.type_name == 'Seller': display = render(request, 'pages/Shop/change_password.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'wrong': wrong, 'text': text}) elif user_object.type.type_name == 'Buyer': display = render(request, 'pages/Consumer/change_password.html', {'transcriber_name': transcriber_name, 'wrong': wrong}) return display