1 value
15 values
var $M = require("@effectful/debugger"), $x = $M.context, $ret = $M.ret, $unhandled = $M.unhandled, $brk = $M.brk, $lset = $M.lset, $mcall = $M.mcall, $m = $M.module("file.js", null, typeof module === "undefined" ? null : module, null, "$", { __webpack_require__: typeof __webpack_require__ !== "undefined" && __webpack_require__ }, null), $s$1 = [{ e: [1, "1:9-1:10"] }, null, 0], $s$2 = [{}, $s$1, 1], $m$0 = $"m$0", "file.js", null, null, [], 0, 2, "1:0-4:0", 32, function ($, $l, $p) { for (;;) switch ($.state = $.goto) { case 0: $lset($l, 1, $m$1($)); $.goto = 2; continue; case 1: $.goto = 2; return $unhandled($.error); case 2: return $ret($.result); default: throw new Error("Invalid state"); } }, null, null, 0, [[0, "1:0-3:1", $s$1], [16, "4:0-4:0", $s$1], [16, "4:0-4:0", $s$1]]), $m$1 = $"m$1", "e", null, $m$0, [], 0, 2, "1:0-3:1", 0, function ($, $l, $p) { for (;;) switch ($.state = $.goto) { case 0: $.goto = 1; $brk(); $.state = 1; case 1: $.goto = 2; $p = ($ = eff)(1); $.state = 2; case 2: $l[1] = $p; $.goto = 3; $p = ($ = eff)(2); $.state = 3; case 3: $.goto = 4; $mcall("log", console, $l[1] + $p); $.state = 4; case 4: $.goto = 6; $brk(); continue; case 5: $.goto = 6; return $unhandled($.error); case 6: return $ret($.result); default: throw new Error("Invalid state"); } }, null, null, 1, [[4, "2:2-2:31", $s$2], [2, "2:14-2:20", $s$2], [2, "2:23-2:29", $s$2], [2, "2:2-2:30", $s$2], [36, "3:1-3:1", $s$2], [16, "3:1-3:1", $s$2], [16, "3:1-3:1", $s$2]]); $M.moduleExports();
'use strict'; module.exports = require('./is-implemented')() ? Array.prototype.concat : require('./shim');
import React from "react"; import { Link } from "@curi/react-dom"; import { TitledPlainSection, HashSection, Paragraph, CodeBlock, Note, IJS } from "../../components/guide/common"; let meta = { title: "Apollo Integration" }; let setupMeta = { title: "Setup", hash: "setup" }; let looseMeta = { title: "Loose Pairing", hash: "loose-pairing" }; let prefetchMeta = { title: "Prefetching", hash: "prefetch" }; let tightMeta = { title: "Tight Pairing", hash: "tight-pairing", children: [prefetchMeta] }; let contents = [setupMeta, looseMeta, tightMeta]; function ApolloGuide() { return ( <React.Fragment> <TitledPlainSection title={meta.title}> <Paragraph> <a href="">Apollo</a> is a great solution for managing an application's data using{" "} <a href="">GraphQL</a>. </Paragraph> <Paragraph> There are a few different implementation strategies for integrating Apollo and Curi based on how tightly you want them to be paired. </Paragraph> <Note> <Paragraph> This guide only covers integration between Curi and Apollo. If you are not already familiar with how to use Apollo, you will want to learn that first. </Paragraph> <Paragraph> Also, this guide will only be referencing Apollo's React implementation, but the principles are the same no matter how you render your application. </Paragraph> </Note> </TitledPlainSection> <HashSection meta={setupMeta} tag="h2"> <Paragraph> Apollo's React package provides an <IJS>ApolloProvider</IJS> component for accessing your Apollo client throughout the application. The{" "} <IJS>Router</IJS> (or whatever you name the root Curi component) should be a descendant of the <IJS>ApolloProvider</IJS> because we don't need to re-render the <IJS>ApolloProvider</IJS> for every new response. </Paragraph> <CodeBlock lang="jsx"> {`import { ApolloProvider } from "react-apollo"; import { createRouterComponent } from "@curi/react-dom"; let Router = createRouterComponent(router); ReactDOM.render(( <ApolloProvider client={client}> <Router> <App /> </Router> </ApolloProvider> ), holder);`} </CodeBlock> </HashSection> <HashSection meta={looseMeta} tag="h2"> <Paragraph> Apollo and Curi don't actually have to know about each other. Curi can create a response without doing any data fetching and let Apollo handle that with its <IJS>Query</IJS> component. </Paragraph> <CodeBlock> {`// routes.js import Noun from "./pages/Noun"; // nothing Apollo related in here let routes = prepareRoutes([ { name: 'Noun', path: 'noun/:word', respond: () => { return { body: Noun }; } } ]);`} </CodeBlock> <Paragraph> Any location data that a query needs can be taken from the response object. The best way to access this is to read the current{" "} <IJS>response</IJS> from the context. This can either be done in the component or the response can be passed down from the root app. </Paragraph> <CodeBlock lang="jsx"> {`import { useResponse } from "@curi/react-dom"; function App() { let { response } = useResponse(); let { body:Body } = response; return <Body response={response} />; }`} </CodeBlock> <Paragraph> Because we pass the <IJS>response</IJS> to the route's <IJS>body</IJS>{" "} component, we can pass a <IJS>Query</IJS> the response's location params using <IJS>props.response.params</IJS>. </Paragraph> <CodeBlock lang="jsx"> {`// pages/Nouns.js import { Query } from "react-apollo"; let GET_NOUN = gql\` query noun(\$word: String!) { noun(word: $word) { word, type, definition } } \`; // use the "word" param from the response props // to query the correct data let Noun = ({ response }) => ( <Query query={GET_NOUN} variables={{ word: response.params.word }} > {({ loading, error, data }) => { if (loading) { return <Loading />; } // ... return ( <article> <h1>{data.noun.word}</h1> <Paragraph>{data.noun.definition}</Paragraph> </article> ) }} </Query> );`} </CodeBlock> </HashSection> <HashSection meta={tightMeta} tag="h2"> <Paragraph> You can use your Apollo client instance to call queries in a route's{" "} <IJS>resolve</IJS> function. <IJS>resolve</IJS> is expected to return a Promise, which is exactly what <IJS>client.query</IJS> returns. Tightly pairing Curi and Apollo is mostly center around using{" "} <IJS>resolve</IJS> to return a <IJS>client.query</IJS> call. This will delay navigation until after a route's GraphQL data has been loaded by Apollo. </Paragraph> <Paragraph> The <IJS>external</IJS> option can be used when creating the router to make the Apollo client accessible from routes. </Paragraph> <CodeBlock> {`import client from "./apollo"; let router = createRouter(browser, routes, { external: { client } });`} </CodeBlock> <CodeBlock> {`import { EXAMPLE_QUERY } from "./queries"; let routes = prepareRoutes([ { name: "Example", path: "example/:id", resolve({ params }, external) { return external.client.query({ query: EXAMPLE_QUERY, variables: { id: } }); } } ]);`} </CodeBlock> <Paragraph>There are two strategies for doing this.</Paragraph> <Paragraph> The first approach is to avoid the <IJS>Query</IJS> altogether. Instead, you can use a route's <IJS>response</IJS> property to attach the data fetched by Apollo directly to a response through its{" "} <IJS>data</IJS> property. </Paragraph> <Paragraph> While we know at this point that the query has executed, we should also check <IJS>error</IJS> in the <IJS>respond</IJS> function to ensure that the query was executed successfully. </Paragraph> <CodeBlock> {`// routes.js import GET_VERB from "./queries"; import Verb from "./pages/Verb"; export default [ { name: "Verb", path: "verb/:word", resolve({ params }, external) { return external.client.query({ query: GET_VERB, variables: { word: params.word } }); }, respond({ error, resolved }) { if (error) { // handle failed queries } return { body: Verb, data: } } } ];`} </CodeBlock> <Paragraph> When rendering, you can access the query data through the{" "} <IJS>response</IJS>'s <IJS>data</IJS> property. </Paragraph> <CodeBlock lang="jsx"> {`// pages/Verb.js let Verb = ({ response }) => ( <article> <h1>{}</h1> <Paragraph> {} </Paragraph> </article> )`} </CodeBlock> <Paragraph> The second approach is to use the <IJS>resolve</IJS> function as a way to cache the data, but also use <IJS>Query</IJS>. With this approach, we do not have to attach the query data to the response; we are relying on the fact that Apollo will execute and cache the results prior to navigation. </Paragraph> <CodeBlock> {`// routes.js import { GET_VERB } from "./queries"; export default [ { name: "Verb", path: "verb/:word", resolve({ params, external }) { // load the data so it is cached by // your Apollo client return external.client.query({ query: GET_VERB, variables: { word: params.word } }); } } ];`} </CodeBlock> <Paragraph> The route's component will render a <IJS>Query</IJS> to also call the query. Because the query has already been executed, Apollo will grab the data from its cache instead of re-sending a request to your server. </Paragraph> <CodeBlock lang="jsx"> {`// pages/Verb.js import { GET_VERB } from "../queries"; let Verb = ({ response }) => ( <Query query={GET_VERB} variables={{ word: response.params.word }} > {({ loading, error, data }) => { // ... return ( <article> <h1>{data.verb.word}</h1> <Paragraph> {data.verb.definition} </Paragraph> </article> ); }} </Query> )`} </CodeBlock> <HashSection meta={prefetchMeta} tag="h3"> <Paragraph> One additional benefit of adding queries to routes using{" "} <IJS>resolve</IJS> is that you can prefetch data for a route. </Paragraph> <Paragraph> The{" "} <Link name="Package" params={{ package: "interactions", version: "v2" }} hash="prefetch" > <IJS>prefetch</IJS> </Link>{" "} interaction lets you programmatically fetch the data for a route prior to navigating to a location. </Paragraph> <CodeBlock> {`// index.js import { prefetch } from "@curi/router"; let routes = prepareRoutes([ { name: "Example", path: "example/:id", resolve({ params }, external) { return external.client.query({ query: GET_EXAMPLES, variables: { id: } }); } } ]); let router = createRouter(browser, routes); // this will call the GET_EXAMPLES query // and Apollo will cache the results let exampleRoute = router.route("Example"); prefetch(exampleRoute, { params: { id: 2 }});`} </CodeBlock> </HashSection> </HashSection> </React.Fragment> ); } export { ApolloGuide as component, contents };
/** * before : before(el, newEl) * Inserts a new element `newEl` just before `el`. * * var before = require('dom101/before'); * var newNode = document.createElement('div'); * var button = document.querySelector('#submit'); * * before(button, newNode); */ function before (el, newEl) { if (typeof newEl === 'string') { return el.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', newEl) } else { return el.parentNode.insertBefore(newEl, el) } } module.exports = before
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react'; import Page from './Page'; import ProjectListItem from './ProjectListItem'; import AspectContainer from './AspectContainer'; import BannerImage from './BannerImage'; import styles from './Projects.css'; const Projects = ({ projects }) => ( <Page Hero={() => <AspectContainer> <BannerImage url="" /> </AspectContainer> } title="Projects" > <div className={styles.projects}> { => <ProjectListItem key={} {...project} />)} </div> </Page> ); Projects.propTypes = { projects: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object), }; export default Projects;
(function($) { var FourthWallConfiguration = function() { this.token = localStorage.getItem('token'); this.gitlab_host = localStorage.getItem('gitlab_host'); } = function() { localStorage.setItem('token', this.token); localStorage.setItem('gitlab_host', this.gitlab_host); $(this).trigger('updated'); } var FourthWallConfigurationForm = function(form, config) { this.form = form; this.statusField = $('#form-status', form) this.config = config; this.form.submit(this.onSubmit.bind(this)); }; FourthWallConfigurationForm.prototype.updateStatus = function(string) { this.statusField.text(string).show(); }; FourthWallConfigurationForm.prototype.onSubmit = function(e) { var values = this.form.serializeArray(); for( var i in values ) { this.config[values[i].name] = values[i].value; }; this.updateStatus('Data saved!'); return false; } var FourthWallConfigurationDisplay = function(element) { this.configurationList = element; }; FourthWallConfigurationDisplay.prototype.display = function(config) { var tokenValue = $('<li>').text('Token: ' + config.token); var hostnameValue = $('<li>').text('Hostname: ' + config.gitlab_host); this.configurationList.empty(); this.configurationList.append(tokenValue); this.configurationList.append(hostnameValue); }; $(document).ready(function() { var form = $('#fourth-wall-config'); var savedValues = $('#saved-values'); var config = new FourthWallConfiguration(); var form = new FourthWallConfigurationForm(form, config); var configDisplay = new FourthWallConfigurationDisplay(savedValues); configDisplay.display(config); $(config).on('updated', function() { configDisplay.display(config); }); }); })(jQuery);
"use strict"; ace.define("ace/snippets/golang", ["require", "exports", "module"], function (require, exports, module) { "use strict"; exports.snippetText = undefined; exports.scope = "golang"; });
export default { A: [[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[0,1],[4,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2],[3,2],[4,2],[0,3],[4,3],[0,4],[4,4]], B: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[0,1],[4,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2],[3,2],[0,3],[4,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4]], C: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], D: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[0,1],[4,1],[0,2],[4,2],[0,3],[4,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4]], E: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2],[0,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], F: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2],[3,2],[0,3],[0,4]], G: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[0,1],[0,2],[2,2],[3,2],[4,2],[0,3],[4,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], H: [[0,0],[4,0],[0,1],[4,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2],[3,2],[4,2],[0,3],[4,3],[0,4],[4,4]], I: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[2,1],[2,2],[2,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], J: [[4,0],[4,1],[4,2],[0,3],[4,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], K: [[0,0],[4,0],[0,1],[3,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2],[0,3],[3,3],[0,4],[4,4]], L: [[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], M: [[0,0],[4,0],[0,1],[1,1],[3,1],[4,1],[0,2],[2,2],[4,2],[0,3],[4,3],[0,4],[4,4]], N: [[0,0],[4,0],[0,1],[1,1],[4,1],[0,2],[2,2],[4,2],[0,3],[3,3],[4,3],[0,4],[4,4]], O: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[0,1],[4,1],[0,2],[4,2],[0,3],[4,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], P: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[0,1],[4,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2],[3,2],[4,2],[0,3],[0,4]], Q: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[0,1],[4,1],[0,2],[4,2],[0,3],[3,3],[4,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], R: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[0,1],[4,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2],[3,2],[4,2],[0,3],[3,3],[0,4],[4,4]], S: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2],[3,2],[4,2],[4,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], T: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[2,1],[2,2],[2,3],[2,4]], U: [[0,0],[4,0],[0,1],[4,1],[0,2],[4,2],[0,3],[4,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], V: [[0,0],[4,0],[0,1],[4,1],[0,2],[4,2],[1,3],[3,3],[2,4]], W: [[0,0],[4,0],[0,1],[4,1],[0,2],[2,2],[4,2],[0,3],[1,3],[3,3],[4,3],[0,4],[4,4]], X: [[0,0],[4,0],[1,1],[3,1],[2,2],[1,3],[3,3],[0,4],[4,4]], Y: [[0,0],[4,0],[0,1],[4,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2],[3,2],[4,2],[2,3],[2,4]], Z: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[3,1],[2,2],[1,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], Å: [[2,0],[0,1],[1,1],[2,1],[3,1],[4,1],[0,2],[4,2],[0,3],[1,3],[2,3],[3,3],[4,3],[0,4],[4,4]], Ä: [[1,0],[3,0],[0,1],[1,1],[2,1],[3,1],[4,1],[0,2],[4,2],[0,3],[1,3],[2,3],[3,3],[4,3],[0,4],[4,4]], Ö: [[1,0],[3,0],[0,1],[1,1],[2,1],[3,1],[4,1],[0,2],[4,2],[0,3],[4,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], 0: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[0,1],[4,1],[0,2],[4,2],[0,3],[4,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], 1: [[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[3,1],[3,2],[3,3],[3,4]], 2: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[4,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2],[3,2],[4,2],[0,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], 3: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[4,1],[2,2],[3,2],[4,2],[4,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], 4: [[0,0],[4,0],[0,1],[4,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2],[3,2],[4,2],[4,3],[4,4]], 5: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2],[3,2],[4,2],[4,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], 6: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2],[3,2],[4,2],[0,3],[4,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], 7: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[4,1],[4,2],[4,3],[4,4]], 8: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[0,1],[4,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2],[3,2],[4,2],[0,3],[4,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], 9: [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[0,1],[4,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2],[3,2],[4,2],[4,3],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], '\@': [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[0,1],[4,1],[0,2],[2,2],[3,2],[4,2],[0,3],[2,3],[4,3],[0,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], '\#': [[1,0],[3,0],[0,1],[1,1],[2,1],[3,1],[4,1],[1,2],[3,2],[0,3],[1,3],[2,3],[3,3],[4,3],[1,4],[3,4]], '\?': [[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[4,1],[2,2],[3,2],[4,2],[2,4]], '\%': [[0,0],[1,0],[4,0],[0,1],[1,1],[3,1],[2,2],[1,3],[3,3],[4,3],[0,4],[3,4],[4,4]], '\/': [[4,0],[3,1],[2,2],[1,3],[0,4]], '\+': [[2,0],[2,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2],[3,2],[4,2],[2,3],[2,4]], '\-': [[1,2],[2,2],[3,2]], '\_': [[0,4],[1,4],[2,4],[3,4],[4,4]], '\=': [[0,1],[1,1],[2,1],[3,1],[4,1],[0,3],[1,3],[2,3],[3,3],[4,3]], '\*': [[0,1],[2,1],[4,1],[1,2],[2,2],[3,2],[0,3],[2,3],[4,3]], '\'': [[2,0],[2,1]], '\"': [[1,0],[3,0],[1,1],[3,1]], '\(': [[2,0],[1,1],[1,2],[1,3],[2,4]], '\)': [[2,0],[3,1],[3,2],[3,3],[2,4]], '\.': [[2,4]], '\,': [[3,3],[2,3]], '\;': [[2,1],[2,3],[2,4]], '\:': [[2,1],[2,4]], '\!': [[2,0],[2,1],[2,2],[2,4]], '\{': [[2,0],[3,0],[2,1],[1,2],[2,2],[2,3],[2,4],[3,4]], '\}': [[1,0],[2,0],[2,1],[2,2],[3,2],[2,3],[1,4],[2,4]], '\]': [[1,0],[2,0],[2,1],[2,2],[2,3],[1,4],[2,4]], '\[': [[2,0],[3,0],[2,1],[2,2],[2,3],[2,4],[3,4]], '\^': [[2,0],[1,1],[3,1]], '\<': [[3,0],[2,1],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]], '\>': [[1,0],[2,1],[3,2],[2,3],[1,4]] }
export default { modules: require('glob!./glob.txt'), options: { name: 'Comment', }, info: true, utils: {}, };
#!/usr/bin/env node process.env.FORCE_COLOR = true; const program = require('commander'); const package = require('../package.json'); /** * CLI Commands * */ program .version(( + '@' + (package.version)); /** * Command for creating and seeding */ program .command('create [dataObject]', 'Generate seed data').alias('c') .command('teardown', 'Tear down seed data').alias('t') .parse(process.argv);
var hb = require('handlebars') , fs = require('vinyl-fs') , map = require('vinyl-map') module.exports = function (opts, cb) { if (!opts || typeof opts === 'function') throw new Error('opts is required') if (!opts.origin) throw new Error('opts.origin is required') if (! throw new Error(' is required') if (!opts.context) throw new Error('opts.context is required') var render = map(function (code, filename) { var t = hb.compile(code.toString()) return t(opts.context) }) fs.src([opts.origin+'/**']) .pipe(render) .pipe(fs.dest( .on('error', cb) .on('end', cb) }
var request = require('request'); var url = require('url'); var authenticate = require('./oauthentication'); var Request = function(obj){ this.obj = obj; }; Request.prototype.mailboxes = function(method, specific_url, params, callback){ /* * @params: * @ param : if user wants to call specific mailbox e.g. : / * @ callback: function to pass the following parameters to: * @error * @response * @body */ makeRequest(this, method, '', specific_url, params, callback); }; Request.prototype.users = function(method, specific_url, params, callback){ makeRequest(this, method, '', specific_url, params, callback); }; Request.prototype.orders = function(method, specific_url, params, callback){ makeRequest(this, method, '', specific_url, params, callback); }; Request.prototype.items = function(method, specific_url, params, callback){ makeRequest(this, method, '', specific_url, params, callback); }; Request.prototype.shipments = function(method, specific_url, params, callback){ makeRequest(this, method, '', specific_url, params, callback); }; Request.prototype.recalls = function(method, specific_url, params, callback){ makeRequest(this, method, '', specific_url, params, callback); }; Request.prototype.emails = function(method, specific_url, params, callback){ makeRequest(this, method, '', specific_url, params, callback); }; Request.prototype.merchants = function(method, specific_url, params, callback){ makeRequest(this, method, '', specific_url, params, callback); }; Request.prototype.actions = function(method, specific_url, params, callback){ makeRequest(this, method, '', specific_url, params, callback); }; Request.prototype.setAccessToken = function(access_token){ this.access_token = access_token; } var makeRequest = function(obj, method, url, specific_url, params, callback){ this.params = params || ''; this.param_url = compileRequest(this.params); this.method = method || 'GET'; // defaults to 'GET' this.specific_url = specific_url || ''; request({ uri : url+this.specific_url+this.params, headers : { 'Authorization' : 'Bearer ' + obj.access_token }, method : this.method, timeout : 1000, followRedirect : true, maxRedirects : 4, }, function(error, response, body){ if(error){ throw error; } callback(error, response, body); }); }; var compileRequest = function(params){ var param_url = '?'; for(var key in params){ param_url += key + '=' + params[key] + '&'; } return param_url.substring(0, param_url.length-1); }; module.exports = Request; module.exports.users = Request.users; module.exports.mailboxes = Request.mailboxes; module.exports.orders = Request.orders; module.exports.items = Request.items; module.exports.shipments = Request.shipments; module.exports.recalls = Request.recalls; module.exports.emails = Request.emails; module.exports.merchants = Request.merchants; module.exports.actions = Request.actions;
(function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('atacamaApp').directive('atacamaIndicator', indicatorDirective); function indicatorDirective() { return { templateUrl: 'app/components/widgets/indicator/indicator.html', link: linkFunc, controller: 'IndicatorWidgetController', controllerAs: 'vm', bindToController: true // because the scope is isolated }; } function linkFunc(scope, element, attrs) { //set to null by default so images will not try to load until the data is returned scope.selectedLocation = null; scope.isLoaded = false; scope.hasError = false; // scope.offsetParent = element.offsetParent(); } })();
define(['tantaman/web/css_manip/CssManip'], function(CassManip) { var el = CassManip.getStyleElem({ id: 'customBackgrounds', create: true }); /** * This is essentially a view class that * render the stylesheet of background classes whenever * new background classes are created. * * @param {EditorModel} editorModel */ function CustomBgStylesheet(editorModel) { this.model = editorModel; editorModel.on('change:customBackgrounds', this.render, this); } CustomBgStylesheet.prototype = { /** * render the stylesheet. Should never * need to be called explicitly. */ render: function(m, customBgs) { if (!customBgs) return; el.innerHTML = JST['strut.presentation_generator/CustomBgStylesheet'](customBgs.get('bgs')); }, /** * Unregister from the model so this component * can be cleaned up. */ dispose: function() {, null, this); } } return CustomBgStylesheet; });
var dp = jQuery; dp.noConflict(); dp(document).ready(function() { //SMOOTH SCROLL dp('a[href^="#"]').bind('click.smoothscroll', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); dp('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: dp(this.hash).offset().top }, 1200); }); //SUPER SLIDES // dp('#home-slide').superslides({ // animation: 'fade', // You can choose either fade or slide // play: 6000 // }); //ANIMAZE dp('.animaze').bind('inview', function(event, visible) { if (visible) { dp(this).stop().animate({ opacity: 1, top: '0px' }, 500); } /* REMOVE THIS if you want to repeat the animation after the element not in view else { $(this).stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }); $(this).removeAttr('style'); }*/ }); dp('.animaze').stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }); //SERVICES dp("#dp-service").sudoSlider({ customLink: 'a.servicesLink', responsive: true, speed: 350, prevNext: false, useCSS: true, effect: "fadeOutIn", continuous: true, updateBefore: true }); //TEXT ROTATOR dp(".rotatez").textrotator({ animation: "fade", separator: ",", speed: 1700 }); //PORTFOLIO dp('.portfolioContainer').mixitup({ filterSelector: '.portfolioFilter a', targetSelector: '.portfolio-item', effects: ['fade', 'scale'] }); //QUOTE SLIDE dp("#quote-slider").sudoSlider({ customLink: 'a.quoteLink', speed: 425, prevNext: true, responsive: true, prevHtml: '<a href="#" class="quote-left-indicator"><i class="icon-arrow-left"></i></a>', nextHtml: '<a href="#" class="quote-right-indicator"><i class="icon-arrow-right"></i></a>', useCSS: true, continuous: true, effect: "fadeOutIn", updateBefore: true }); //MAGNIFIC POPUP dp('.popup').magnificPopup({ type: 'image' }); //PARALLAX dp('.parallaxize').parallax("50%", 0.3); // CONTACT SLIDER dp("#contact-slider").sudoSlider({ customLink: 'a.contactLink', speed: 750, responsive: true, prevNext: false, useCSS: false, continuous: false, updateBefore: true, effect: "fadeOutIn" }); //Map dp('#map').gmap3({ map: { options: { maxZoom: 15 } }, marker: { address: "Haltern am See, Weseler Str. 151", // PUT YOUR ADDRESS HERE options: { icon: new google.maps.MarkerImage( "", new google.maps.Size(42, 69, "px", "px") ) } } }, "autofit"); }); dp(window).load(function() { dp("#lazyload").fadeOut(); });
/* * aem-sling-contrib * * * Copyright (c) 2016 David Herges * Licensed under the MIT license. */ define([ "./core", "./var/slice", "./callbacks" ], function( jQuery, slice ) { jQuery.extend({ Deferred: function( func ) { var tuples = [ // action, add listener, listener list, final state [ "resolve", "done", jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), "resolved" ], [ "reject", "fail", jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), "rejected" ], [ "notify", "progress", jQuery.Callbacks("memory") ] ], state = "pending", promise = { state: function() { return state; }, always: function() { deferred.done( arguments ).fail( arguments ); return this; }, then: function( /* fnDone, fnFail, fnProgress */ ) { var fns = arguments; return jQuery.Deferred(function( newDefer ) { jQuery.each( tuples, function( i, tuple ) { var fn = jQuery.isFunction( fns[ i ] ) && fns[ i ]; // deferred[ done | fail | progress ] for forwarding actions to newDefer deferred[ tuple[1] ](function() { var returned = fn && fn.apply( this, arguments ); if ( returned && jQuery.isFunction( returned.promise ) ) { returned.promise() .done( newDefer.resolve ) .fail( newDefer.reject ) .progress( newDefer.notify ); } else { newDefer[ tuple[ 0 ] + "With" ]( this === promise ? newDefer.promise() : this, fn ? [ returned ] : arguments ); } }); }); fns = null; }).promise(); }, // Get a promise for this deferred // If obj is provided, the promise aspect is added to the object promise: function( obj ) { return obj != null ? jQuery.extend( obj, promise ) : promise; } }, deferred = {}; // Keep pipe for back-compat promise.pipe = promise.then; // Add list-specific methods jQuery.each( tuples, function( i, tuple ) { var list = tuple[ 2 ], stateString = tuple[ 3 ]; // promise[ done | fail | progress ] = list.add promise[ tuple[1] ] = list.add; // Handle state if ( stateString ) { list.add(function() { // state = [ resolved | rejected ] state = stateString; // [ reject_list | resolve_list ].disable; progress_list.lock }, tuples[ i ^ 1 ][ 2 ].disable, tuples[ 2 ][ 2 ].lock ); } // deferred[ resolve | reject | notify ] deferred[ tuple[0] ] = function() { deferred[ tuple[0] + "With" ]( this === deferred ? promise : this, arguments ); return this; }; deferred[ tuple[0] + "With" ] = list.fireWith; }); // Make the deferred a promise promise.promise( deferred ); // Call given func if any if ( func ) { deferred, deferred ); } // All done! return deferred; }, // Deferred helper when: function( subordinate /* , ..., subordinateN */ ) { var i = 0, resolveValues = arguments ), length = resolveValues.length, // the count of uncompleted subordinates remaining = length !== 1 || ( subordinate && jQuery.isFunction( subordinate.promise ) ) ? length : 0, // the master Deferred. If resolveValues consist of only a single Deferred, just use that. deferred = remaining === 1 ? subordinate : jQuery.Deferred(), // Update function for both resolve and progress values updateFunc = function( i, contexts, values ) { return function( value ) { contexts[ i ] = this; values[ i ] = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments ) : value; if ( values === progressValues ) { deferred.notifyWith( contexts, values ); } else if ( !( --remaining ) ) { deferred.resolveWith( contexts, values ); } }; }, progressValues, progressContexts, resolveContexts; // Add listeners to Deferred subordinates; treat others as resolved if ( length > 1 ) { progressValues = new Array( length ); progressContexts = new Array( length ); resolveContexts = new Array( length ); for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { if ( resolveValues[ i ] && jQuery.isFunction( resolveValues[ i ].promise ) ) { resolveValues[ i ].promise() .done( updateFunc( i, resolveContexts, resolveValues ) ) .fail( deferred.reject ) .progress( updateFunc( i, progressContexts, progressValues ) ); } else { --remaining; } } } // If we're not waiting on anything, resolve the master if ( !remaining ) { deferred.resolveWith( resolveContexts, resolveValues ); } return deferred.promise(); } }); return jQuery; });
var http = require("http"); var url = require("url"); function start(route, handle) { function onRequest(request, response) { var pathname = url.parse(request.url).pathname; console.log("Request for " + pathname + " received."); route(handle, pathname, response); } http.createServer(onRequest).listen(8888); console.log("Server has started"); } exports.start = start;
const colors = require('colors/safe'); const shouldSilenceWarnings = (...messages) => [].some((msgRegex) => messages.some((msg) => msgRegex.test(msg))); const shouldNotThrowWarnings = (...messages) => [].some((msgRegex) => messages.some((msg) => msgRegex.test(msg))); const logOrThrow = (log, method, messages) => { const warning = `console.${method} calls not allowed in tests`; if (process.env.CI) { if (shouldSilenceWarnings(messages)) return; log(warning, '\n', ...messages); // NOTE: That some warnings should be logged allowing us to refactor graceully // without having to introduce a breaking change. if (shouldNotThrowWarnings(messages)) return; throw new Error(...messages); } else { log(' WARN '), warning, '\n', ...messages); } }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-console const logMessage = console.log; global.console.log = (...messages) => { logOrThrow(logMessage, 'log', messages); }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-console const logInfo =; = (...messages) => { logOrThrow(logInfo, 'info', messages); }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-console const logWarning = console.warn; global.console.warn = (...messages) => { logOrThrow(logWarning, 'warn', messages); }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-console const logError = console.error; global.console.error = (...messages) => { logOrThrow(logError, 'error', messages); };
import Helper, { helper as buildHelper } from '@ember/component/helper'; import { inlineSvg } from 'ember-inline-svg/helpers/inline-svg'; import SVGs from '../svgs'; import Ember from 'ember'; let helper; if (Helper && buildHelper) { helper = buildHelper(function ([path], options) { return inlineSvg(SVGs, path, options); }); } else { helper = Ember.Handlebars.makeBoundHelper(function (path, options) { return inlineSvg(SVGs, path, options.hash || {}); }); } export default helper;
'use strict'; var path = require('path'); var Stream = require('readable-stream'); var BufferStreams = require('bufferstreams'); var ttf2woff2 = require('ttf2woff2'); var PluginError = require('plugin-error'); var replaceExtension = require('replace-ext'); var PLUGIN_NAME = 'gulp-ttf2woff2'; // File level transform function function ttf2woff2Transform() { // Return a callback function handling the buffered content return function ttf2woff2TransformCb(err, buf, cb) { // Handle any error if(err) { return cb(new PluginError(PLUGIN_NAME, err, { showStack: true })); } // Use the buffered content try { buf = ttf2woff2(buf); return cb(null, buf); } catch(err2) { return cb(new PluginError(PLUGIN_NAME, err2, { showStack: true })); } }; } // Plugin function function ttf2woff2Gulp(options) { var stream = new Stream.Transform({ objectMode: true }); options = options || {}; options.ignoreExt = options.ignoreExt || false; options.clone = options.clone || false; stream._transform = function ttf2woff2GulpTransform(file, unused, done) { var cntStream; var newFile; // When null just pass through if(file.isNull()) { stream.push(file); done(); return; } // If the ext doesn't match, pass it through if((!options.ignoreExt) && '.ttf' !== path.extname(file.path)) { stream.push(file); done(); return; } // Fix for the vinyl clone method... // if(options.clone) { if(file.isBuffer()) { stream.push(file.clone()); } else { cntStream = file.contents; file.contents = null; newFile = file.clone(); file.contents = cntStream.pipe(new Stream.PassThrough()); newFile.contents = cntStream.pipe(new Stream.PassThrough()); stream.push(newFile); } } file.path = replaceExtension(file.path, '.woff2'); // Buffers if(file.isBuffer()) { try { file.contents = ttf2woff2(file.contents); } catch(err) { stream.emit('error', new PluginError(PLUGIN_NAME, err, { showStack: true, })); } // Streams } else { file.contents = file.contents.pipe(new BufferStreams(ttf2woff2Transform())); } stream.push(file); done(); }; return stream; } // Export the file level transform function for other plugins usage ttf2woff2Gulp.fileTransform = ttf2woff2Transform; // Export the plugin main function module.exports = ttf2woff2Gulp;
function commentPage() { // Open popup $("#comment-popup").dialog({ width : 800, height : 400, modal : true, appendTo: "#mainForm", open : function(event, ui) { $('input[id$="comment-comment"]').focus(); }, close : function(event, ui) { cancelComment(); } }); } /** * Clean comment form */ function cancelComment() { $('textarea[id$="comment-comment"]').val(''); } function saveComment(event) { if (event.status == 'complete') { cancelComment(); $('#comment-popup').dialog('close'); } }
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { "use_strict"; // Store game in global variable const CASUDOKU = {}; = (function() { // Controls the state of the game // Game UI let uiStats = document.getElementById("gameStats"), uiComplete = document.getElementById("gameComplete"), uiNewGame = document.getElementById("gameNew"), gamePadKeys = document.querySelectorAll("#gameKeypad li a"); // GameKeypad Events for (let i = gamePadKeys.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let key = gamePadKeys[i]; key.onclick = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Parse keycode value let number = parseInt(e.currentTarget.innerText, 10); if (!number) { CASUDOKU.board.update_cell(0); } else { CASUDOKU.board.update_cell(number); } } } uiNewGame.onclick = function(e) { e.preventDefault();; } start = function() { CASUDOKU.timer.start(); CASUDOKU.board.new_puzzle(); = "none"; = "block"; }; over = function() { CASUDOKU.timer.stop(); = "block"; = "none"; }; // Public api return { start: start, over: over }; }()); CASUDOKU.timer = (function() { let timeout, seconds = 0, minutes = 0, secCounter = document.querySelectorAll(".secCounter"), minCounter = document.querySelectorAll(".minCounter"); start = function() { if (seconds === 0 && minutes === 0) { timer(); } else { stop(); seconds = 0; minutes = 0; setText(minCounter, 0); timer(); } }; stop = function() { clearTimeout(timeout); }; setText = function(element, time) { element.forEach(function(val) { val.innerText = time; }); }; timer = function() { timeout = setTimeout(timer, 1000); if (seconds === 59) { setText(minCounter, ++minutes); seconds = 0; } setText(secCounter, seconds++); }; // Public api return { start: start, stop: stop }; }()); CASUDOKU.board = (function() { // Stores the cells that make up the Sudoku board let grid = [], // Canvas settings canvas = document.getElementById("gameCanvas"), context = canvas.getContext("2d"), canvasWidth = canvas.offsetWidth, canvasHeight = canvas.offsetHeight, // Board Settings numRows = 9, numCols = 9, regionWidth = canvasWidth / 3, regionHeight = canvasHeight / 3, // Cell Settings cellWidth = canvasWidth / numCols, cellHeight = canvasHeight / numRows, numCells = numRows * numCols, selectedCellIndex = 0, //Key Codes keycode = { arrowLeft: 37, arrowUp: 38, arrowRight: 39, arrowDown: 40, zero: 48, nine: 57 }; // End let // Keyboard & Mouse Events canvas.addEventListener("click", function (e) { // Calculate position of mouse click and update selected cell let xAxis, yAxis, canvasOffset = getOffset(), cellIndex, resultsX = [], resultsY = []; function getOffset() { return { left: canvas.getBoundingClientRect().left + window.scrollX, top: canvas.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY }; } if (e.pageX !== undefined && e.pageY !== undefined) { xAxis = e.pageX; yAxis = e.pageY; } else { xAxis = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; yAxis = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop; } xAxis -= canvasOffset.left; yAxis -=; xAxis = Math.min(xAxis, canvasWidth); yAxis = Math.min(yAxis, canvasHeight); xAxis = Math.floor(xAxis/cellWidth); yAxis = Math.floor(yAxis/cellHeight); // Matches clicked coordinates to a cell for (let i = 0; i < numCells; i+= 1) { if (grid[i].col === xAxis && grid[i].row === yAxis) { selectedCellIndex = i; refresh_board(); } } }); window.addEventListener("keypress", function (e) { if (e.which >= && e.which <= keycode.nine) { // Subtract 48 to get actual number update_cell(e.which - 48); } }); window.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) { // Arrow Key events for changing the selected cell let pressed = e.which, col = grid[selectedCellIndex].col, row = grid[selectedCellIndex].row; if (pressed >= keycode.arrowLeft && pressed <= keycode.arrowDown) { if (col < (numCols - 1) && pressed == keycode.arrowRight) { selectedCellIndex++; refresh_board(); } if (col > 0 && pressed == keycode.arrowLeft) { selectedCellIndex--; refresh_board(); } if (row < (numRows - 1) && pressed == keycode.arrowDown) { selectedCellIndex += numCols; refresh_board(); } if (row > 0 && pressed == keycode.arrowUp) { selectedCellIndex -= numCols; refresh_board(); } } }); new_puzzle = function() { let workerSudokuSolver = new Worker("js/sudoku-solver.js"), clues = 24, puzzle; workerSudokuSolver.postMessage(clues); workerSudokuSolver.onmessage = function(e) { puzzle =; make_grid(puzzle); }; }; make_grid = function(puzzle) { // Makes a grid array filled with cell instances. Each cell stores // one puzzle value let colCounter = 0, rowCounter = 0; class Cell { constructor() { // set fixed puzzle values this.isDefault = true; this.value = 0; // Store position on the canvas this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.col = 0; this.row = 0; } }; for (let i = 0; i < puzzle.length; i++) { grid[i] = new Cell(); grid[i].value = puzzle[i]; if (puzzle[i] === 0) { grid[i].isDefault = false; } // Set cell column and row grid[i].col = colCounter; grid[i].row = rowCounter; colCounter++; // change row if ((i + 1) % 9 === 0) { rowCounter++; colCounter = 0; } } refresh_board(); }; refresh_board = function () { let workerSudokuValidator = new Worker("js/sudoku-validator.js"); workerSudokuValidator.postMessage(grid); workerSudokuValidator.onmessage = function(e) { let correct =; if (correct) {; } draw(); }; }; draw = function () { // renders the canvas let regionPosX = 0, regionPosY = 0, cellPosX = 0, cellPosY = 0, textPosX = cellWidth * 0.4, textPosY = cellHeight * 0.65; // board outline context.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight); context.strokeRect(0 , 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight); context.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-over"; context.lineWidth = 10; // regions for (let x = 0; x < numRows; x++) { context.strokeRect(regionPosX, regionPosY, regionWidth, regionHeight); regionPosX += regionWidth; if (regionPosX == canvasWidth){ regionPosY += regionHeight; regionPosX = 0; } } // Start to draw the Grid context.beginPath(); // vertical lines for (let z = 0; z <= canvasWidth; z += cellWidth) { context.moveTo(0.5 + z, 0); context.lineTo(0.5 + z, canvasWidth); } // horizontal lines for (let y = 0; y <= canvasHeight; y += cellHeight) { context.moveTo(0, 0.5 + y); context.lineTo(canvasHeight, 0.5 + y); } // cell outline context.lineWidth = 2; context.strokeStyle = "black"; context.stroke(); for (let i = 0; i < numCells; i++) { grid[i].x = cellPosX; grid[i].y = cellPosY; // Cell values if (grid[i].isDefault) { context.font = "bold 1.6em Droid Sans, sans-serif"; context.fillStyle = "black"; context.fillText(grid[i].value, textPosX, textPosY); } if (grid[i].value !== 0 && !grid[i].isDefault) { context.font = "1.4em Droid Sans, sans-serif"; context.fillStyle = "grey"; context.fillText(grid[i].value, textPosX, textPosY); } // Cell background colour if (i == selectedCellIndex) { context.fillStyle = "#00B4FF"; } else { context.fillStyle = "#EEEEEE"; } // Cell background context.fillRect(cellPosX, cellPosY, cellWidth, cellHeight); cellPosX += cellWidth; textPosX += cellWidth; // Change row if ((i + 1) % numRows === 0) { cellPosX = 0; cellPosY += cellHeight; textPosY += cellHeight; textPosX = cellWidth * 0.4; } } }; update_cell = function (value) { if (!grid[selectedCellIndex].isDefault) { grid[selectedCellIndex].value = value; refresh_board(); } }; // Public api return { new_puzzle: new_puzzle, update_cell: update_cell }; }());; });
webpackJsonp([2],{ /***/ 16: /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /// <reference path="../../typings/tsd.d.ts" /> var ListController = __webpack_require__(17); // webpack will load the html. Nifty, eh? __webpack_require__(9); // webpack will load this scss too! __webpack_require__(18); module.exports = angular.module('List', []) .controller('ListController', ['$scope', ListController]); //# /***/ }, /***/ 17: /***/ function(module, exports) { var ListController = (function () { function ListController() { this.apps = [ { name: 'Gmail' }, { name: 'Facebook' }, { name: 'Twitter' }, { name: 'LinkedIn' } ]; this.title = 'Applications'; } return ListController; })(); module.exports = ListController; //# /***/ }, /***/ 18: /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // style-loader: Adds some css to the DOM by adding a <style> tag // load the styles var content = __webpack_require__(19); if(typeof content === 'string') content = [[, content, '']]; // add the styles to the DOM var update = __webpack_require__(15)(content, {}); if(content.locals) module.exports = content.locals; // Hot Module Replacement if(false) { // When the styles change, update the <style> tags if(!content.locals) {"!!./../../../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js!./../../../../node_modules/autoprefixer-loader/index.js!./../../../../node_modules/sass-loader/index.js!./list.scss", function() { var newContent = require("!!./../../../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js!./../../../../node_modules/autoprefixer-loader/index.js!./../../../../node_modules/sass-loader/index.js!./list.scss"); if(typeof newContent === 'string') newContent = [[, newContent, '']]; update(newContent); }); } // When the module is disposed, remove the <style> tags { update(); }); } /***/ }, /***/ 19: /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(14)(); // imports // module exports.push([, ".list-item {\n color: blue; }\n", ""]); // exports /***/ } });
djsex.css = { /* * */ create: function(stylesheet) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], style = document.createElement('style'), rules = document.createTextNode(stylesheet); style.type = 'text/css'; if(style.styleSheet) style.styleSheet.cssText = rules.nodeValue; else style.appendChild(rules); head.appendChild(style); }, appendClass: function (el, classname) { if(el.className) { var classes = el.className.split(" "); var alreadyclassed = false; classes.forEach(function(thisclassname) { if(classname == thisclassname) alreadyclassed=true; }); if(!alreadyclassed) classes.push(classname); el.className = classes.join(" ") } else { el.className=classname; } }, deleteClass: function (el, classname) { if(el.className) { var classes = el.className.split(" "); for(i=0; i<=classes.length; i++) { if((classes[i]) && (classes[i]==classname)) classes.splice(i,1); } el.className = classes.join(" "); } }, };
/** * The Furnace namespace * * @module furnace * @class Furnace * @static */ import Validation from 'furnace/packages/furnace-validation'; import I18n from 'furnace/packages/furnace-i18n'; import Forms from 'furnace/packages/furnace-forms'; export default { /** * * @property Forms * @type Furnace.Forms */ Forms : Forms, /** * @property I18n * @type Furnace.I18n */ I18n : I18n, /** * @property Validation * @type Furnace.Validation */ Validation: Validation };
import cx from 'clsx' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import React from 'react' import { customPropTypes, getElementType, getUnhandledProps, useKeyOnly } from '../../lib' /** * A placeholder can contain an image. */ function PlaceholderImage(props) { const { className, square, rectangular } = props const classes = cx( useKeyOnly(square, 'square'), useKeyOnly(rectangular, 'rectangular'), 'image', className, ) const rest = getUnhandledProps(PlaceholderImage, props) const ElementType = getElementType(PlaceholderImage, props) return <ElementType {} className={classes} /> } PlaceholderImage.propTypes = { /** An element type to render as (string or function). */ as: PropTypes.elementType, /** Additional classes. */ className: PropTypes.string, /** An image can modify size correctly with responsive styles. */ square: customPropTypes.every([customPropTypes.disallow(['rectangular']), PropTypes.bool]), /** An image can modify size correctly with responsive styles. */ rectangular: customPropTypes.every([customPropTypes.disallow(['square']), PropTypes.bool]), } export default PlaceholderImage
(function (angular) { "use strict"; var appFooter = angular.module('myApp.footer', []); appFooter.controller("footerCtrl", ['$scope', function ($scope) { }]); myApp.directive("siteFooter",function(){ return { restrict: 'A', templateUrl:'app/components/footer/footer.html' }; }); } (angular));
export default function formatList(xs, { ifEmpty = 'нет', joint = ', ' } = {}) { return (!xs || xs.length === 0) ? ifEmpty : xs.join(joint) }
import React from 'react'; const EditHero = props => { if (props.selectedHero) { return ( <div> <div className="editfields"> <div> <label>id: </label> {props.addingHero ? <input type="number" name="id" placeholder="id" value={} onChange={props.onChange} /> : <label className="value"> {} </label>} </div> <div> <label>name: </label> <input name="name" value={} placeholder="name" onChange={props.onChange} /> </div> <div> <label>saying: </label> <input name="saying" value={props.selectedHero.saying} placeholder="saying" onChange={props.onChange} /> </div> </div> <button onClick={props.onCancel}>Cancel</button> <button onClick={props.onSave}>Save</button> </div> ); } else { return <div />; } }; export default EditHero;
/** * Module dependencies. */ var express = require('express') var MemoryStore = express.session.MemoryStore var mongoStore = require('connect-mongo')(express) var path = require('path') var fs = require('fs') var _ = require('underscore') var mongoose = require('mongoose') var passport = require('passport') var http = require('http') var socketio = require('') var passportSocketIo = require('passport.socketio') // Load configurations var env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development' var config = require('./config/config')[env] // Bootstrap db connection mongoose.connect(config.db) // Bootstrap models var modelsDir = path.join(__dirname, '/app/models') fs.readdirSync(modelsDir).forEach(function (file) { if (~file.indexOf('.js')) require(modelsDir + '/' + file) }) // Bootstrap passport config require('./config/passport')(passport, config) var app = express() var store = new mongoStore({ url : config.db, collection : 'sessions' }); //var store = new MemoryStore() // express settings require('./config/express')(app, config, passport, store) // Bootstrap routes require('./config/routes')(app, passport) var server = http.createServer(app) var sio = socketio.listen(server) var clients = {} var socketsOfClients = {} sio.configure(function () { sio.set('authorization', passportSocketIo.authorize({ cookieParser: express.cookieParser, //or connect.cookieParser key: 'express.sid', //the cookie where express (or connect) stores the session id. secret: 'dirty', //the session secret to parse the cookie store: store, //the session store that express uses fail: function (data, accept) { // *optional* callbacks on success or fail accept(null, false) // second parameter takes boolean on whether or not to allow handshake }, success: function (data, accept) { accept(null, true) } })) }) // upon connection, start a periodic task that emits (every 1s) the current timestamp sio.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) { var username = socket.handshake.user.username; clients[username] = socketsOfClients[] = username userNameAvailable(, username) userJoined(username) socket.on('data', function (data) { socket.broadcast.emit('data', { 'drawing' : data }) }) socket.on('message', function (data) { var now = new Date(); sio.sockets.emit('message', { 'source': socketsOfClients[], 'time': now.getHours() + ':' + now.getMinutes() + ':' + now.getSeconds(), 'message': data.message }) }) socket.on('disconnect', function() { var username = socketsOfClients[] delete socketsOfClients[] delete clients[username]; // relay this message to all the clients userLeft(username) }) }) // Start the application by listening on port <> var port = process.env.PORT || 3000 server.listen(port, function(){ console.log('Express server listening on port ' + port) }); function userNameAvailable(socketId, username) { setTimeout(function(){ sio.sockets.sockets[socketId].emit('user welcome', { "currentUsers": JSON.stringify(Object.keys(clients)) }); }, 500); } function userJoined(username) { Object.keys(socketsOfClients).forEach(function(socketId) { sio.sockets.sockets[socketId].emit('user joined', { "username": username }); }); } function userLeft(username) { sio.sockets.emit('user left', { "username": username }); } // expose app exports = module.exports = app;
'use strict'; var redis = require('redis') , xtend = require('xtend') , hyperquest = require('hyperquest') ; module.exports = FetchAndCache; /** * Creates a fetchncache instance. * * #### redis opts * * - **** *{number=}* host at which redis is listening, defaults to `` * - **opts.redis.port** *{string=}* port at which redis is listening, defaults to `6379` * * #### service opts * * - **opts.service.url** *{string=}* url at which to reach the service * * @name fetchncache * @function * @param {Object=} opts * @param {Object=} opts.redis redis options passed straight to [redis]( (@see above) * @param {Object=} opts.service options specifying how to reach the service that provides the data (@see above) * @param {number=} opts.expire the default number of seconds after which to expire a resource from the redis cache (defaults to 15mins) * @return {Object} fetchncache instance */ function FetchAndCache(opts) { if (!(this instanceof FetchAndCache)) return new FetchAndCache(opts); opts = opts || {}; var redisOpts = xtend({ port: 6379, host: '' }, opts.redis) , serviceOpts = xtend({ url: '' }, opts.service) this._defaultExpire = opts.expire || 15 * 60 // 15min this._serviceOpts = serviceOpts; this._markCached = opts.markCached !== false; this._client = redis.createClient(redisOpts.port,, redisOpts) } var proto = FetchAndCache.prototype; /** * Fetches the resource, probing the redis cache first and falling back to the service. * If a transform function is provided (@see opts), that is applied to the result before returning or caching it. * When fetched from the service it is added to the redis cached according to the provided options. * * @name fetcncache::fetch * @function * @param {string} uri path to the resource, i.e. `/reource1?q=1234` * @param {Object=} opts configure caching and transformation behavior for this particular resource * @param {number=} opts.expire overrides default expire for this particular resource * @param {function=} opts.transform specify the transform function to be applied, default: `function (res} { return res }` * @param {function} cb called back with an error or the transformed resource */ proto.fetch = function (uri, opts, cb) { var self = this; if (!self._client) return cb(new Error('fetchncache was stopped and can no longer be used to fetch data')); if (typeof opts === 'function') { cb = opts; opts = null; } opts = xtend({ expire: self._defaultExpire, transform: function (x) { return x } }, opts); self._client.get(uri, function (err, res) { if (err) return cb(err); if (res) return cb(null, res, true); self._get(uri, function (err, res) { if (err) return cb(err); self._cache(uri, res, opts, cb); }) }); } /** * Stops the redis client in order to allow exiting the application. * At this point this fetchncache instance becomes unusable and throws errors on any attempts to use it. * * @name fetchncache::stop * @function * @param {boolean=} force will make it more aggressive about ending the underlying redis client (default: false) */ proto.stop = function (force) { if (!this._client) throw new Error('fetchncache was stopped previously and cannot be stopped again'); if (force) this._client.end(); else this._client.unref(); this._client = null; } /** * Clears the entire redis cache, so use with care. * Mainly useful for testing or to ensure that all resources get refreshed. * * @name fetchncache::clearCache * @function * @return {Object} fetchncache instance */ proto.clearCache = function () { if (!this._client) throw new Error('fetchncache was stopped previously and cannot be cleared'); this._client.flushdb(); return this; } proto._get = function (uri, cb) { var body = ''; var url = this._serviceOpts.url + uri; console.log('url', url); hyperquest .get(url) .on('error', cb) .on('data', function (d) { body += d.toString() }) .on('end', function () { cb(null, body) }) } proto._cache = function (uri, res, opts, cb) { var self = this; var val; try { val = opts.transform(res); } catch (e) { return cb(e); } // assuming that value is now a string we use set to add it self._client.set(uri, val, function (err) { if (err) return cb(err); self._client.expire(uri, opts.expire, function (err) { if (err) return cb(err); cb(null, val); }) }); }
"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); let _ = require('lodash'); let async = require('async'); const pip_services3_commons_node_1 = require("pip-services3-commons-node"); const pip_services3_facade_node_1 = require("pip-services3-facade-node"); class RolesOperationsV1 extends pip_services3_facade_node_1.FacadeOperations { constructor() { super(); this._dependencyResolver.put('roles', new pip_services3_commons_node_1.Descriptor('pip-services-roles', 'client', '*', '*', '1.0')); } setReferences(references) { super.setReferences(references); this._rolesClient = this._dependencyResolver.getOneRequired('roles'); } getUserRolesOperation() { return (req, res) => { this.getUserRoles(req, res); }; } grantUserRolesOperation() { return (req, res) => { this.grantUserRoles(req, res); }; } revokeUserRolesOperation() { return (req, res) => { this.revokeUserRoles(req, res); }; } getUserRoles(req, res) { let userId = req.route.params.user_id; this._rolesClient.getRolesById(null, userId, this.sendResult(req, res)); } grantUserRoles(req, res) { let userId = req.route.params.user_id; let roles = req.body; this._rolesClient.grantRoles(null, userId, roles, this.sendResult(req, res)); } revokeUserRoles(req, res) { let userId = req.route.params.user_id; let roles = req.body; this._rolesClient.revokeRoles(null, userId, roles, this.sendResult(req, res)); } } exports.RolesOperationsV1 = RolesOperationsV1; //#
var config = require('../lib/config')(); var Changeset = require('./Changeset'); var queries = require('./queries'); var helpers = require('../helpers'); require('../validators'); var validate = require('validate.js'); var errors = require('../errors'); var pgPromise = helpers.pgPromise; var promisifyQuery = helpers.promisifyQuery; var changesets = {}; module.exports = changesets; var pgURL = config.PostgresURL; = function(params) { var parseError = validateParams(params); if (parseError) { return Promise.reject(new errors.ParseError(parseError)); } var searchQuery = queries.getSearchQuery(params); var countQuery = queries.getCountQuery(params); console.log('searchQ', searchQuery); console.log('countQ', countQuery); return pgPromise(pgURL) .then(function (pg) { var query = promisifyQuery(pg.client); var searchProm = query(searchQuery.text, searchQuery.values); var countProm = query(countQuery.text, countQuery.values); return Promise.all([searchProm, countProm]) .then(function (r) { pg.done(); return r; }) .catch(function (e) { pg.done(); return Promise.reject(e); }); }) .then(processSearchResults); }; changesets.get = function(id) { if (!validate.isNumber(parseInt(id, 10))) { return Promise.reject(new errors.ParseError('Changeset id must be a number')); } var changesetQuery = queries.getChangesetQuery(id); var changesetCommentsQuery = queries.getChangesetCommentsQuery(id); return pgPromise(pgURL) .then(function (pg) { var query = promisifyQuery(pg.client); var changesetProm = query(changesetQuery.text, changesetQuery.values); var changesetCommentsProm = query(changesetCommentsQuery.text, changesetCommentsQuery.values); return Promise.all([changesetProm, changesetCommentsProm]) .then(function (results) { pg.done(); return results; }) .catch(function (e) { pg.done(); return Promise.reject(e); }); }) .then(function (results) { var changesetResult = results[0]; if (changesetResult.rows.length === 0) { return Promise.reject(new errors.NotFoundError('Changeset not found')); } var changeset = new Changeset(results[0].rows[0], results[1].rows); return changeset.getGeoJSON(); }); }; function processSearchResults(results) { var searchResult = results[0]; var countResult = results[1]; var changesetsArray = (row) { var changeset = new Changeset(row); return changeset.getGeoJSON(); }); var count; if (countResult.rows.length > 0) { count = countResult.rows[0].count; } else { count = 0; } var featureCollection = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': changesetsArray, 'total': count }; return featureCollection; } function validateParams(params) { var constraints = { 'from': { 'presence': false, 'datetime': true }, 'to': { 'presence': false, 'datetime': true }, 'bbox': { 'presence': false, 'bbox': true } }; var errs = validate(params, constraints); if (errs) { var errMsg = Object.keys(errs).map(function(key) { return errs[key][0]; }).join(', '); return errMsg; } return null; }
'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const HttpResponse = require('./http-response'); describe('HttpResponse', () => { const mockResponse = { version: '1.0', status: '200 OK' }; it('should create an instance', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.ok(httpResponse instanceof HttpResponse); }); describe('isProtocolVersion()', () => { it('should determine if protocol version matches', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.ok(httpResponse.isProtocolVersion('1.0')); }); it('should return false if versions do not match', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.equal(httpResponse.isProtocolVersion('2.0'), false); }); it('should throw an error if no version specified', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.throws(httpResponse.isProtocolVersion, /Specify a protocol `version`/); }); it('should throw an error if no version specified', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.throws(() => httpResponse.isProtocolVersion(false), /The protocol `version` must be a string/); }); }); describe('getProtocolVersion()', () => { it('should get the protocol version', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.equal(httpResponse.getProtocolVersion(), '1.0'); }); }); describe('setProtocolVersion()', () => { it('should set the protocol version', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.equal(httpResponse.getProtocolVersion(), '1.0'); httpResponse.setProtocolVersion('2.0'); assert.equal(httpResponse.getProtocolVersion(), '2.0'); }); it('should throw an error if no version specified', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.throws(httpResponse.setProtocolVersion, /Specify a protocol `version`/); }); it('should throw an error if no version specified', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.throws(() => httpResponse.setProtocolVersion(Boolean), /The protocol `version` must be a string/); }); }); describe('isStatus()', () => { it('should determine if status matches', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.ok(httpResponse.isStatus('200 OK')); }); it('should return false if status do not match', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.equal(httpResponse.isStatus('400 Bad Request'), false); }); it('should throw an error if no status specified', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.throws(httpResponse.isStatus, /Specify a `status`/); }); it('should throw an error if specified status is not a string', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.throws(() => httpResponse.isStatus({}), /The `status` must be a string/); }); }); describe('getStatus()', () => { it('should return the status', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.equal(httpResponse.getStatus(), '200 OK'); }); }); describe('getStatusCode()', () => { it('should return status code', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.equal(httpResponse.getStatusCode(), '200'); }); }); describe('getStatusText()', () => { it('should return status text', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.equal(httpResponse.getStatusText(), 'OK'); }); }); describe('setStatus()', () => { it('should set the status', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.equal(httpResponse.getStatus(), '200 OK'); httpResponse.setStatus(400, 'Bad Request'); assert.equal(httpResponse.getStatus(), '400 Bad Request'); }); it('should throw an error if no code specified', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.equal(httpResponse.getStatus(), '200 OK'); assert.throws(() => httpResponse.setStatus(void 0, 'Bad Request'), /Specify a status `code`/); }); it('should throw an error if the code is not an integer', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.equal(httpResponse.getStatus(), '200 OK'); assert.throws(() => httpResponse.setStatus('200', 'Bad Request'), /The status `code` must be an integer/); }); it('should throw an error if no text specified', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.equal(httpResponse.getStatus(), '200 OK'); assert.throws(() => httpResponse.setStatus(400, void 0), /Specify a status `text`/); }); it('should throw an error if specified text is not a string', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.equal(httpResponse.getStatus(), '200 OK'); assert.throws(() => httpResponse.setStatus(400, true), /The status `text` must be a string/); }); }); describe('hasHeader()', () => { it('should determine if header has been set', () => { const _mockResponse = Object.assign({headers: {'Content-Type': 'test'}}, mockResponse); const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(_mockResponse); assert.ok(httpResponse.hasHeader('Content-Type')); }); it('should return false if header has not been set', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.equal(httpResponse.hasHeader('Content-Type'), false); }); it('should throw an error if no header `name` specified', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.throws(httpResponse.hasHeader, /Specify a header `name`/); }); it('should throw an error if specified header `name` is not a string', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.throws(() => httpResponse.hasHeader({}), /The header `name` must be a string/); }); }); describe('getHeader()', () => { it('should return the header with the specified `name`', () => { const _mockResponse = Object.assign({headers: {'Content-Type': ['test']}}, mockResponse); const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(_mockResponse); assert.equal(httpResponse.getHeader('Content-Type'), 'test'); }); it('should return the default value if specified header does not exist', () => { const _mockResponse = Object.assign({headers: {}}, mockResponse); const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(_mockResponse); const defaultValue = 'text/plain'; assert.equal(httpResponse.getHeader('Content-Type', defaultValue), defaultValue); }); it('should throw an error if no header `name` specified', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.throws(httpResponse.getHeader, /Specify a header `name`/); }); it('should throw an error if specified header `name` is not a string', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.throws(() => httpResponse.getHeader({}), /The header `name` must be a string/); }); }); describe('getHeaders()', () => { it('should return all headers', () => { const headers = {'Content-Type': ['test']}; const _mockResponse = Object.assign({headers}, mockResponse); const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(_mockResponse); assert.deepEqual(httpResponse.getHeaders(), {'Content-Type': 'test'}); }); it('should return an empty set of headers when none are set', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.deepEqual(httpResponse.getHeaders(), {}); }); }); describe('setHeader()', () => { it('should set a header in the httpResponse', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); httpResponse.setHeader('Content-Type', 'test'); assert.ok(httpResponse.hasHeader('Content-Type')); assert.equal(httpResponse.getHeader('Content-Type'), 'test'); }); it('should throw an error if a header `name` is not defined', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.throws(() => httpResponse.setHeader(void 0, 'test'), /Specify a header `name`/); }); it('should throw an error if a header `name` is not a string', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.throws(() => httpResponse.setHeader(false, 'test'), /The header `name` must be a string/); }); it('should throw an error if a header `value` is not defined', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.throws(() => httpResponse.setHeader('Content-Type', void 0), /Specify a header `value`/); }); it('should throw an error if a header `name` is not a string', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.throws(() => httpResponse.setHeader('Content-Type', []), /The header `value` must be a string/); }); it('should register a new header as an array with 1 value', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); httpResponse.setHeader('X-Test', 'test'); assert.ok(httpResponse.hasHeader('X-Test')); assert.deepEqual(httpResponse.getHeaderArray('X-Test'), ['test']); }); }); describe('hasBody()', () => { it('should determine if the httpResponse has a `body`', () => { const _mockResponse = Object.assign({body: ' '}, mockResponse); const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(_mockResponse); assert.ok(httpResponse.hasBody()); }); it('should return false if the esponse do not have a `body`', () => { const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); assert.equal(httpResponse.hasBody(), false); }); }); describe('getBody()', () => { it('should return the content of the httpResponse `body`', () => { const body = ' '; const _mockResponse = Object.assign({body}, mockResponse); const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(_mockResponse); assert.equal(httpResponse.getBody(), body); }); }); describe('setBody()', () => { it('should set the content of the httpResponse `body`', () => { const body = ' '; const httpResponse = new HttpResponse(mockResponse); httpResponse.setBody(body); assert.equal(httpResponse.getBody(), body); }); }); });
"use strict"; let datafire = require('datafire'); let openapi = require('./openapi.json'); module.exports = datafire.Integration.fromOpenAPI(openapi, "azure_sql_failoverdatabases");
/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ /*jslint vars: true, plusplus: true, devel: true, node: true, nomen: true, indent: 4, maxerr: 50 */ /*global expect, describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach */ "use strict"; var ExtensionsDomain = require("../ExtensionManagerDomain"), fs = require("fs-extra"), async = require("async"), path = require("path"); var testFilesDirectory = path.join(path.dirname(module.filename), "..", // node "..", // extensibility "..", // src "..", // brackets "test", "spec", "extension-test-files"), installParent = path.join(path.dirname(module.filename), "extensions"), installDirectory = path.join(installParent, "good"), disabledDirectory = path.join(installParent, "disabled"); var basicValidExtension = path.join(testFilesDirectory, ""), basicValidExtension2 = path.join(testFilesDirectory, ""), missingMain = path.join(testFilesDirectory, ""), oneLevelDown = path.join(testFilesDirectory, ""), incompatibleVersion = path.join(testFilesDirectory, ""), invalidZip = path.join(testFilesDirectory, ""), missingPackageJSON = path.join(testFilesDirectory, ""); describe("Package Installation", function () { var standardOptions = { disabledDirectory: disabledDirectory, apiVersion: "0.22.0" }; beforeEach(function (done) { fs.mkdirs(installDirectory, function (err) { fs.mkdirs(disabledDirectory, function (err) { done(); }); }); }); afterEach(function (done) { fs.remove(installParent, function (err) { done(); }); }); function checkPaths(pathsToCheck, callback) { var existsCalls = []; pathsToCheck.forEach(function (path) { existsCalls.push(function (callback) { fs.exists(path, async.apply(callback, null)); }); }); async.parallel(existsCalls, function (err, results) { expect(err).toBeNull(); results.forEach(function (result, num) { expect(result ? "" : pathsToCheck[num] + " does not exist").toEqual(""); }); callback(); }); } it("should validate the package", function (done) { ExtensionsDomain._cmdInstall(missingMain, installDirectory, standardOptions, function (err, result) { expect(err).toBeNull(); var errors = result.errors; expect(errors.length).toEqual(1); done(); }); }); it("should work fine if all is well", function (done) { ExtensionsDomain._cmdInstall(basicValidExtension, installDirectory, standardOptions, function (err, result) { var extensionDirectory = path.join(installDirectory, "basic-valid-extension"); expect(err).toBeNull(); var errors = result.errors; expect(errors.length).toEqual(0); expect("basic-valid-extension"); expect("basic-valid-extension"); expect(result.installedTo).toEqual(extensionDirectory); var pathsToCheck = [ path.join(extensionDirectory, "package.json"), path.join(extensionDirectory, "main.js") ]; checkPaths(pathsToCheck, done); }); }); // This is mildly redundant. the validation check should catch this. // But, I wanted to be sure that the install function doesn't try to // do anything with the file before validation. it("should fail for missing package", function (done) { ExtensionsDomain._cmdInstall(path.join(testFilesDirectory, "NOT A PACKAGE"), installDirectory, standardOptions, function (err, result) { expect(err).toBeNull(); var errors = result.errors; expect(errors.length).toEqual(1); expect(errors[0][0]).toEqual("NOT_FOUND_ERR"); done(); }); }); it("should install to the disabled directory if it's already installed", function (done) { ExtensionsDomain._cmdInstall(basicValidExtension, installDirectory, standardOptions, function (err, result) { expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(result.disabledReason).toBeNull(); ExtensionsDomain._cmdInstall(basicValidExtension, installDirectory, standardOptions, function (err, result) { expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(result.disabledReason).toEqual("ALREADY_INSTALLED"); var extensionDirectory = path.join(disabledDirectory, "basic-valid-extension"); var pathsToCheck = [ path.join(extensionDirectory, "package.json"), path.join(extensionDirectory, "main.js") ]; checkPaths(pathsToCheck, done); }); }); }); it("should yield an error if there's no disabled directory set", function (done) { ExtensionsDomain._cmdInstall(basicValidExtension, installDirectory, { apiVersion: "0.22.0" }, function (err, result) { expect(err.message).toEqual("MISSING_REQUIRED_OPTIONS"); done(); }); }); it("should yield an error if there's no apiVersion set", function (done) { ExtensionsDomain._cmdInstall(basicValidExtension, installDirectory, { disabledDirectory: disabledDirectory }, function (err, result) { expect(err.message).toEqual("MISSING_REQUIRED_OPTIONS"); done(); }); }); it("should overwrite the disabled directory copy if there's already one", function (done) { ExtensionsDomain._cmdInstall(basicValidExtension, installDirectory, standardOptions, function (err, result) { expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(result.disabledReason).toBeNull(); ExtensionsDomain._cmdInstall(basicValidExtension, installDirectory, standardOptions, function (err, result) { expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(result.disabledReason).toEqual("ALREADY_INSTALLED"); ExtensionsDomain._cmdInstall(basicValidExtension2, installDirectory, standardOptions, function (err, result) { expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(result.disabledReason).toEqual("ALREADY_INSTALLED"); var extensionDirectory = path.join(disabledDirectory, "basic-valid-extension"); fs.readJson(path.join(extensionDirectory, "package.json"), function (err, packageObj) { expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(packageObj.version).toEqual("2.0.0"); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it("should derive the name from the zip if there's no package.json", function (done) { ExtensionsDomain._cmdInstall(missingPackageJSON, installDirectory, standardOptions, function (err, result) { expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(result.disabledReason).toBeNull(); var extensionDirectory = path.join(installDirectory, "missing-package-json"); var pathsToCheck = [ path.join(extensionDirectory, "main.js") ]; checkPaths(pathsToCheck, done); }); }); it("should install with the common prefix removed", function (done) { ExtensionsDomain._cmdInstall(oneLevelDown, installDirectory, standardOptions, function (err, result) { expect(err).toBeNull(); var extensionDirectory = path.join(installDirectory, "one-level-extension"); var pathsToCheck = [ path.join(extensionDirectory, "main.js"), path.join(extensionDirectory, "package.json"), path.join(extensionDirectory, "lib", "foo.js") ]; checkPaths(pathsToCheck, done); }); }); it("should disable extensions that are not compatible with the current Brackets API", function (done) { ExtensionsDomain._cmdInstall(incompatibleVersion, installDirectory, standardOptions, function (err, result) { expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(result.disabledReason).toEqual("API_NOT_COMPATIBLE"); var extensionDirectory = path.join(disabledDirectory, "incompatible-version"); var pathsToCheck = [ path.join(extensionDirectory, "main.js"), path.join(extensionDirectory, "package.json") ]; checkPaths(pathsToCheck, done); }); }); it("should not have trouble with invalid zip files", function (done) { ExtensionsDomain._cmdInstall(invalidZip, installDirectory, standardOptions, function (err, result) { expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(result.errors.length).toEqual(1); done(); }); }); });
(function () { "use strict"; require('futures/forEachAsync'); var fs = require('fs'), crypto = require('crypto'), path = require('path'), exec = require('child_process').exec, mime = require('mime'), FileStat = require('filestat'), dbaccess = require('../dbaccess'), utils = require('../utils'), hashAlgo = "md5"; function readFile(filePath, callback) { var readStream, hash = crypto.createHash(hashAlgo); readStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath); readStream.on('data', function (data) { hash.update(data); }); readStream.on('error', function (err) { console.log("Read Error: " + err.toString()); readStream.destroy(); fs.unlink(filePath); callback(err); }); readStream.on('end', function () { callback(null, hash.digest("hex")); }); } function saveToFs(md5, filePath, callback) { var newPath = utils.hashToPath(md5); path.exists(newPath, function (exists) { if (exists) { fs.move(filePath, newPath, function (err) { callback(err, newPath); }); return; } exec('mkdir -p ' + newPath, function (err, stdout, stderr) { var tError; if (err || stderr) { console.log("Err: " + (err ? err : "none")); console.log("stderr: " + (stderr ? stderr : "none")); tError = {error: err, stderr: stderr, stdout: stdout}; return callback(tError, newPath); } console.log("stdout: " + (stdout ? stdout : "none")); fs.move(filePath, newPath, function (moveErr) { callback(moveErr, newPath); }); }); }); } function addKeysToFileStats(fieldNames, stats) { var fileStats = []; stats.forEach(function (item) { var fileStat = new FileStat(); item.forEach(function (fieldValue, i) { fileStat[fieldNames[i]] = fieldValue; }); if (fileStat.path) { fileStat.type = mime.lookup(fileStat.path); } fileStats.push(fileStat); }); return fileStats; } function importFile(fileStat, tmpFile, username, callback) { var oldPath; oldPath = tmpFile.path; readFile(oldPath, function (err, md5) { if (err) { fileStat.err = err; callback(err, fileStat); return; } // if we have an md5sum and they don't match, abandon ship if (fileStat.md5 && fileStat.md5 !== md5) { callback("MD5 sums don't match"); return; } fileStat.md5 = md5; fileStat.genTmd5(function (error, tmd5) { if (!error) { fileStat.tmd5 = tmd5; saveToFs(fileStat.md5, oldPath, function (fserr) { if (fserr) { // ignoring possible unlink error fs.unlink(oldPath); fileStat.err = "File did not save"; } else { dbaccess.put(fileStat, username); } callback(fserr, fileStat); }); } }); }); } function handleUpload(req, res, next) { if (!req.form) { return next(); } req.form.complete(function (err, fields, files) { var fileStats, bFirst; fields.statsHeader = JSON.parse(fields.statsHeader); fields.stats = JSON.parse(fields.stats); fileStats = addKeysToFileStats(fields.statsHeader, fields.stats); dbaccess.createViews(req.remoteUser, fileStats); res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}); // response as array res.write("["); bFirst = true; function handleFileStat(next, fileStat) { // this callback is synchronous fileStat.checkMd5(function (qmd5Error, qmd5) { function finishReq(err) { console.log(fileStat); fileStat.err = err; // we only want to add a comma after the first one if (!bFirst) { res.write(","); } bFirst = false; res.write(JSON.stringify(fileStat)); return next(); } if (qmd5Error) { return finishReq(qmd5Error); } importFile(fileStat, files[qmd5], req.remoteUser, finishReq); }); } fileStats.forEachAsync(handleFileStat).then(function () { // end response array res.end("]"); }); }); } module.exports = handleUpload; }());
/*"use strict"; var expect = require("expect.js"), ShellController = require("../lib/shell-controller"), testView = require("./test-shell-view"); describe("ShellController", function() { var ctrl; it("is defined", function() { expect(ShellController)"function"); }); describe("constructor", function() { before(function() { ctrl = new ShellController(testView); }); it("create an object", function() { expect(ctrl)"object"); }); }); describe("on command event", function() { before(function(done) {"commandExecuted", done); testView.invokeCommand("ls test/files --color"); }); after(function() { testView.reset(); }); it("write commands output to view", function() { var expected = " <span style=\'color:rgba(170,170,170,255)\'>1.txt<br> 2.txt<br><br><br></span>"; expect(testView.content); }); }); describe("findCommandRunner", function() { var runner; before(function(done) { ctrl.findCommandRunner("ls test/files", function(cmdRunner) { runner = cmdRunner; done(); }); }); it("return a command runner", function() { expect("function"); }); }); });*/
var express = require('express'); var path = require('path'); var favicon = require('serve-favicon'); var logger = require('morgan'); var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser'); var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); // Database var mongo = require('mongodb'); var monk = require('monk'); var db = monk('localhost:27017/mydb'); var index = require('./routes/index'); var buyer = require('./routes/buyer'); var seller = require('./routes/seller'); var products = require('./routes/products'); var app = express(); const ObjectID = mongo.ObjectID; // view engine setup app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views')); app.set('view engine', 'ejs'); app.engine('html', require('ejs').renderFile); // uncomment after placing your favicon in /public //app.use(favicon(path.join(__dirname, 'public', 'favicon.ico'))); app.use(logger('dev')); app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false })); app.use(cookieParser()); app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public'))); // Make our db accessible to our router app.use(function(req,res,next){ req.db = db; req.ObjectID = ObjectID; next(); }); app.use('/', index); app.use('/buyer', buyer); app.use('/seller', seller); app.use('/products', products); // catch 404 and forward to error handler app.use(function(req, res, next) { var err = new Error('Not Found'); err.status = 404; next(err); }); // error handler app.use(function(err, req, res, next) { // set locals, only providing error in development res.locals.message = err.message; res.locals.error ='env') === 'development' ? err : {}; // render the error page res.status(err.status || 500); res.render('error.html', err); }); module.exports = app;
/** * @author yomboprime * * GPUComputationRenderer, based on SimulationRenderer by zz85 * * The GPUComputationRenderer uses the concept of variables. These variables are RGBA float textures that hold 4 floats * for each compute element (texel) * * Each variable has a fragment shader that defines the computation made to obtain the variable in question. * You can use as many variables you need, and make dependencies so you can use textures of other variables in the shader * (the sampler uniforms are added automatically) Most of the variables will need themselves as dependency. * * The renderer has actually two render targets per variable, to make ping-pong. Textures from the current frame are used * as inputs to render the textures of the next frame. * * The render targets of the variables can be used as input textures for your visualization shaders. * * Variable names should be valid identifiers and should not collide with THREE GLSL used identifiers. * a common approach could be to use 'texture' prefixing the variable name; i.e texturePosition, textureVelocity... * * The size of the computation (sizeX * sizeY) is defined as 'resolution' automatically in the shader. For example: * #DEFINE resolution vec2( 1024.0, 1024.0 ) * * ------------- * * Basic use: * * // Initialization... * * // Create computation renderer * var gpuCompute = new GPUComputationRenderer( 1024, 1024, renderer ); * * // Create initial state float textures * var pos0 = gpuCompute.createTexture(); * var vel0 = gpuCompute.createTexture(); * // and fill in here the texture data... * * // Add texture variables * var velVar = gpuCompute.addVariable( "textureVelocity", fragmentShaderVel, pos0 ); * var posVar = gpuCompute.addVariable( "texturePosition", fragmentShaderPos, vel0 ); * * // Add variable dependencies * gpuCompute.setVariableDependencies( velVar, [ velVar, posVar ] ); * gpuCompute.setVariableDependencies( posVar, [ velVar, posVar ] ); * * // Add custom uniforms * velVar.material.uniforms.time = { value: 0.0 }; * * // Check for completeness * var error = gpuCompute.init(); * if ( error !== null ) { * console.error( error ); * } * * * // In each frame... * * // Compute! * gpuCompute.compute(); * * // Update texture uniforms in your visualization materials with the gpu renderer output * myMaterial.uniforms.myTexture.value = gpuCompute.getCurrentRenderTarget( posVar ).texture; * * // Do your rendering * renderer.render( myScene, myCamera ); * * ------------- * * Also, you can use utility functions to create ShaderMaterial and perform computations (rendering between textures) * Note that the shaders can have multiple input textures. * * var myFilter1 = gpuCompute.createShaderMaterial( myFilterFragmentShader1, { theTexture: { value: null } } ); * var myFilter2 = gpuCompute.createShaderMaterial( myFilterFragmentShader2, { theTexture: { value: null } } ); * * var inputTexture = gpuCompute.createTexture(); * * // Fill in here inputTexture... * * myFilter1.uniforms.theTexture.value = inputTexture; * * var myRenderTarget = gpuCompute.createRenderTarget(); * myFilter2.uniforms.theTexture.value = myRenderTarget.texture; * * var outputRenderTarget = gpuCompute.createRenderTarget(); * * // Now use the output texture where you want: * = outputRenderTarget.texture; * * // And compute each frame, before rendering to screen: * gpuCompute.doRenderTarget( myFilter1, myRenderTarget ); * gpuCompute.doRenderTarget( myFilter2, outputRenderTarget ); * * * * @param {int} sizeX Computation problem size is always 2d: sizeX * sizeY elements. * @param {int} sizeY Computation problem size is always 2d: sizeX * sizeY elements. * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer The renderer */ import { Camera, ClampToEdgeWrapping, DataTexture, FloatType, HalfFloatType, Mesh, NearestFilter, PlaneBufferGeometry, RGBAFormat, Scene, ShaderMaterial, WebGLRenderTarget } from "./three.module.js"; var GPUComputationRenderer = function ( sizeX, sizeY, renderer ) { this.variables = []; this.currentTextureIndex = 0; var scene = new Scene(); var camera = new Camera(); camera.position.z = 1; var passThruUniforms = { passThruTexture: { value: null } }; var passThruShader = createShaderMaterial( getPassThroughFragmentShader(), passThruUniforms ); var mesh = new Mesh( new PlaneBufferGeometry( 2, 2 ), passThruShader ); scene.add( mesh ); this.addVariable = function ( variableName, computeFragmentShader, initialValueTexture ) { var material = this.createShaderMaterial( computeFragmentShader ); var variable = { name: variableName, initialValueTexture: initialValueTexture, material: material, dependencies: null, renderTargets: [], wrapS: null, wrapT: null, minFilter: NearestFilter, magFilter: NearestFilter }; this.variables.push( variable ); return variable; }; this.setVariableDependencies = function ( variable, dependencies ) { variable.dependencies = dependencies; }; this.init = function () { if ( ! renderer.extensions.get( "OES_texture_float" ) && ! renderer.capabilities.isWebGL2 ) { return "No OES_texture_float support for float textures."; } if ( renderer.capabilities.maxVertexTextures === 0 ) { return "No support for vertex shader textures."; } for ( var i = 0; i < this.variables.length; i ++ ) { var variable = this.variables[ i ]; // Creates rendertargets and initialize them with input texture variable.renderTargets[ 0 ] = this.createRenderTarget( sizeX, sizeY, variable.wrapS, variable.wrapT, variable.minFilter, variable.magFilter ); variable.renderTargets[ 1 ] = this.createRenderTarget( sizeX, sizeY, variable.wrapS, variable.wrapT, variable.minFilter, variable.magFilter ); this.renderTexture( variable.initialValueTexture, variable.renderTargets[ 0 ] ); this.renderTexture( variable.initialValueTexture, variable.renderTargets[ 1 ] ); // Adds dependencies uniforms to the ShaderMaterial var material = variable.material; var uniforms = material.uniforms; if ( variable.dependencies !== null ) { for ( var d = 0; d < variable.dependencies.length; d ++ ) { var depVar = variable.dependencies[ d ]; if ( !== ) { // Checks if variable exists var found = false; for ( var j = 0; j < this.variables.length; j ++ ) { if ( === this.variables[ j ].name ) { found = true; break; } } if ( ! found ) { return "Variable dependency not found. Variable=" + + ", dependency=" +; } } uniforms[ ] = { value: null }; material.fragmentShader = "\nuniform sampler2D " + + ";\n" + material.fragmentShader; } } } this.currentTextureIndex = 0; return null; }; this.compute = function () { var currentTextureIndex = this.currentTextureIndex; var nextTextureIndex = this.currentTextureIndex === 0 ? 1 : 0; for ( var i = 0, il = this.variables.length; i < il; i ++ ) { var variable = this.variables[ i ]; // Sets texture dependencies uniforms if ( variable.dependencies !== null ) { var uniforms = variable.material.uniforms; for ( var d = 0, dl = variable.dependencies.length; d < dl; d ++ ) { var depVar = variable.dependencies[ d ]; uniforms[ ].value = depVar.renderTargets[ currentTextureIndex ].texture; } } // Performs the computation for this variable this.doRenderTarget( variable.material, variable.renderTargets[ nextTextureIndex ] ); } this.currentTextureIndex = nextTextureIndex; }; this.getCurrentRenderTarget = function ( variable ) { return variable.renderTargets[ this.currentTextureIndex ]; }; this.getAlternateRenderTarget = function ( variable ) { return variable.renderTargets[ this.currentTextureIndex === 0 ? 1 : 0 ]; }; function addResolutionDefine( materialShader ) { materialShader.defines.resolution = 'vec2( ' + sizeX.toFixed( 1 ) + ', ' + sizeY.toFixed( 1 ) + " )"; } this.addResolutionDefine = addResolutionDefine; // The following functions can be used to compute things manually function createShaderMaterial( computeFragmentShader, uniforms ) { uniforms = uniforms || {}; var material = new ShaderMaterial( { uniforms: uniforms, vertexShader: getPassThroughVertexShader(), fragmentShader: computeFragmentShader } ); addResolutionDefine( material ); return material; } this.createShaderMaterial = createShaderMaterial; this.createRenderTarget = function ( sizeXTexture, sizeYTexture, wrapS, wrapT, minFilter, magFilter ) { sizeXTexture = sizeXTexture || sizeX; sizeYTexture = sizeYTexture || sizeY; wrapS = wrapS || ClampToEdgeWrapping; wrapT = wrapT || ClampToEdgeWrapping; minFilter = minFilter || NearestFilter; magFilter = magFilter || NearestFilter; var renderTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget( sizeXTexture, sizeYTexture, { wrapS: wrapS, wrapT: wrapT, minFilter: minFilter, magFilter: magFilter, format: RGBAFormat, type: ( /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) ? HalfFloatType : FloatType, stencilBuffer: false, depthBuffer: false } ); return renderTarget; }; this.createTexture = function () { var a = new Float32Array( sizeX * sizeY * 4 ); var texture = new DataTexture( a, sizeX, sizeY, RGBAFormat, FloatType ); texture.needsUpdate = true; return texture; }; this.renderTexture = function ( input, output ) { // Takes a texture, and render out in rendertarget // input = Texture // output = RenderTarget passThruUniforms.passThruTexture.value = input; this.doRenderTarget( passThruShader, output ); passThruUniforms.passThruTexture.value = null; }; this.doRenderTarget = function ( material, output ) { var currentRenderTarget = renderer.getRenderTarget(); mesh.material = material; renderer.setRenderTarget( output ); renderer.render( scene, camera ); mesh.material = passThruShader; renderer.setRenderTarget( currentRenderTarget ); }; // Shaders function getPassThroughVertexShader() { return "void main() {\n" + "\n" + " gl_Position = vec4( position, 1.0 );\n" + "\n" + "}\n"; } function getPassThroughFragmentShader() { return "uniform sampler2D passThruTexture;\n" + "\n" + "void main() {\n" + "\n" + " vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy;\n" + "\n" + " gl_FragColor = texture2D( passThruTexture, uv );\n" + "\n" + "}\n"; } }; export { GPUComputationRenderer };
/*jshint node:true*/ /*global test, suite, setup, teardown*/ 'use strict'; var assert = require('assert'); var tika = require('../'); suite('document tests', function() { test('detect txt content-type', function(done) { tika.type('test/data/file.txt', function(err, contentType) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(typeof contentType, 'string'); assert.equal(contentType, 'text/plain'); done(); }); }); test('detect txt content-type and charset', function(done) { tika.typeAndCharset('test/data/file.txt', function(err, contentType) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(typeof contentType, 'string'); assert.equal(contentType, 'text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1'); done(); }); }); test('extract from txt', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/file.txt', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(typeof text, 'string'); assert.equal(text, 'Just some text.\n\n'); done(); }); }); test('extract meta from txt', function(done) { tika.meta('test/data/file.txt', function(err, meta) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(meta); assert.equal(typeof meta.resourceName[0], 'string'); assert.deepEqual(meta.resourceName, ['file.txt']); assert.deepEqual(meta['Content-Type'], ['text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1']); assert.deepEqual(meta['Content-Encoding'], ['ISO-8859-1']); done(); }); }); test('extract meta and text from txt', function(done) { tika.extract('test/data/file.txt', function(err, text, meta) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(typeof text, 'string'); assert.equal(text, 'Just some text.\n\n'); assert.ok(meta); assert.equal(typeof meta.resourceName[0], 'string'); assert.deepEqual(meta.resourceName, ['file.txt']); assert.deepEqual(meta['Content-Type'], ['text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1']); assert.deepEqual(meta['Content-Encoding'], ['ISO-8859-1']); done(); }); }); test('extract from extensionless txt', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/extensionless/txt', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text, 'Just some text.\n\n'); done(); }); }); test('extract from doc', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/file.doc', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text, 'Just some text.\n'); done(); }); }); test('extract meta from doc', function(done) { tika.meta('test/data/file.doc', function(err, meta) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(meta); assert.deepEqual(meta.resourceName, ['file.doc']); assert.deepEqual(meta['Content-Type'], ['application/msword']); assert.deepEqual(meta['dcterms:created'], ['2013-12-06T21:15:26Z']); done(); }); }); test('extract from extensionless doc', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/extensionless/doc', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text, 'Just some text.\n'); done(); }); }); test('extract from docx', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/file.docx', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text, 'Just some text.\n'); done(); }); }); test('extract meta from docx', function(done) { tika.meta('test/data/file.docx', function(err, meta) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(meta); assert.deepEqual(meta.resourceName, ['file.docx']); assert.deepEqual(meta['Content-Type'], ['application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document']); assert.deepEqual(meta['Application-Name'], ['LibreOffice/$MacOSX_x86 LibreOffice_project/70feb7d99726f064edab4605a8ab840c50ec57a']); done(); }); }); test('extract from extensionless docx', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/extensionless/docx', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text, 'Just some text.\n'); done(); }); }); test('extract meta from extensionless docx', function(done) { tika.meta('test/data/extensionless/docx', function(err, meta) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(meta); assert.deepEqual(meta.resourceName, ['docx']); assert.deepEqual(meta['Content-Type'], ['application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document']); assert.deepEqual(meta['Application-Name'], ['LibreOffice/$MacOSX_x86 LibreOffice_project/70feb7d99726f064edab4605a8ab840c50ec57a']); done(); }); }); test('extract from pdf', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/file.pdf', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text.trim(), 'Just some text.'); done(); }); }); test('detect content-type of pdf', function(done) { tika.type('test/data/file.pdf', function(err, contentType) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(contentType, 'application/pdf'); done(); }); }); test('extract meta from pdf', function(done) { tika.meta('test/data/file.pdf', function(err, meta) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(meta); assert.deepEqual(meta.resourceName, ['file.pdf']); assert.deepEqual(meta['Content-Type'], ['application/pdf']); assert.deepEqual(meta.producer, ['LibreOffice 4.1']); done(); }); }); test('extract from extensionless pdf', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/extensionless/pdf', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text.trim(), 'Just some text.'); done(); }); }); test('extract meta from extensionless pdf', function(done) { tika.meta('test/data/extensionless/pdf', function(err, meta) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(meta); assert.deepEqual(meta.resourceName, ['pdf']); assert.deepEqual(meta['Content-Type'], ['application/pdf']); assert.deepEqual(meta.producer, ['LibreOffice 4.1']); done(); }); }); test('extract from protected pdf', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/protected/file.pdf', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text.trim(), 'Just some text.'); done(); }); }); test('extract meta from protected pdf', function(done) { tika.meta('test/data/protected/file.pdf', function(err, meta) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(meta); assert.deepEqual(meta.resourceName, ['file.pdf']); assert.deepEqual(meta['Content-Type'], ['application/pdf']); assert.deepEqual(meta.producer, ['LibreOffice 4.1']); done(); }); }); }); suite('partial document extraction tests', function() { test('extract from long txt', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/big/file.txt', { maxLength: 10 }, function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text.length, 10); assert.equal(text, 'Lorem ipsu'); done(); }); }); test('extract from pdf', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/file.pdf', { maxLength: 10 }, function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text.length, 10); assert.equal(text.trim(), 'Just some'); done(); }); }); }); suite('obscure document tests', function() { test('extract from Word 2003 XML', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/obscure/word2003.xml', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(-1 !== text.indexOf('Just some text.')); assert.ok(-1 === text.indexOf('<?xml')); done(); }); }); }); suite('structured data tests', function() { test('extract from plain XML', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/structured/plain.xml', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(-1 !== text.indexOf('Just some text.')); assert.ok(-1 === text.indexOf('<?xml')); done(); }); }); }); suite('image tests', function() { test('extract from png', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/file.png', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text, ''); done(); }); }); test('extract from extensionless png', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/extensionless/png', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text, ''); done(); }); }); test('extract from gif', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/file.gif', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text, ''); done(); }); }); test('extract meta from gif', function(done) { tika.meta('test/data/file.gif', function(err, meta) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(meta); assert.deepEqual(meta.resourceName, ['file.gif']); assert.deepEqual(meta['Content-Type'], ['image/gif']); assert.deepEqual(meta['Dimension ImageOrientation'], ['Normal']); done(); }); }); test('extract from extensionless gif', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/extensionless/gif', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text, ''); done(); }); }); test('extract meta from extensionless gif', function(done) { tika.meta('test/data/extensionless/gif', function(err, meta) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(meta); assert.deepEqual(meta.resourceName, ['gif']); assert.deepEqual(meta['Content-Type'], ['image/gif']); assert.deepEqual(meta['Dimension ImageOrientation'], ['Normal']); done(); }); }); }); suite('non-utf8 encoded document tests', function() { test('extract Windows Latin 1 text', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/nonutf8/windows-latin1.txt', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text, 'Algún pequeño trozo de texto.\n\n'); done(); }); }); test('detect Windows Latin 1 text charset', function(done) { tika.charset('test/data/nonutf8/windows-latin1.txt', function(err, charset) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(typeof charset, 'string'); assert.equal(charset, 'ISO-8859-1'); done(); }); }); test('detect Windows Latin 1 text content-type and charset', function(done) { tika.typeAndCharset('test/data/nonutf8/windows-latin1.txt', function(err, contentType) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(contentType, 'text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1'); done(); }); }); test('extract UTF-16 English-language text', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/nonutf8/utf16-english.txt', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text, 'Just some text.\n\n'); done(); }); }); test('detect UTF-16 English-language text charset', function(done) { tika.charset('test/data/nonutf8/utf16-english.txt', function(err, charset) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(charset, 'UTF-16LE'); done(); }); }); test('detect UTF-16 English-language text content-type and charset', function(done) { tika.typeAndCharset('test/data/nonutf8/utf16-english.txt', function(err, contentType) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(contentType, 'text/plain; charset=UTF-16LE'); done(); }); }); test('extract UTF-16 Chinese (Simplified) text', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/nonutf8/utf16-chinese.txt', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text, '\u53ea\u662f\u4e00\u4e9b\u6587\u5b57\u3002\n\n'); done(); }); }); test('detect UTF-16 Chinese (Simplified) text charset', function(done) { tika.charset('test/data/nonutf8/utf16-chinese.txt', function(err, charset) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(charset, 'UTF-16LE'); done(); }); }); test('detect UTF-16 Chinese (Simplified) text content-type and charset', function(done) { tika.typeAndCharset('test/data/nonutf8/utf16-chinese.txt', function(err, contentType) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(contentType, 'text/plain; charset=UTF-16LE'); done(); }); }); }); suite('archive tests', function() { test('extract from compressed archive', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/archive/', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text.trim(), 'file1.txt\nSome text 1.\n\n\n\n\nfile2.txt\nSome text 2.\n\n\n\n\nfile3.txt\nSome text 3.'); done(); }); }); test('extract from compressed zlib archive', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/archive/files.zlib', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text.trim(), 'files\nSome text 1.\nSome text 2.\nSome text 3.'); done(); }); }); test('detect compressed archive content-type', function(done) { tika.type('test/data/archive/', function(err, contentType) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(contentType, 'application/zip'); done(); }); }); test('extract from twice compressed archive', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/archive/', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text.trim(), 'file4.txt\nSome text 4.\n\n\n\n\nfile5.txt\nSome text 5.\n\n\n\n\nfile6.txt\nSome text 6.\n\n\n\n\\n\n\nfile1.txt\n\nSome text 1.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nfile2.txt\n\nSome text 2.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nfile3.txt\n\nSome text 3.'); done(); }); }); }); suite('encrypted doc tests', function() { test('detect encrypted pdf content-type', function(done) { tika.type('test/data/encrypted/file.pdf', function(err, contentType) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(contentType, 'application/pdf'); done(); }); }); test('detect encrypted doc content-type', function(done) { tika.type('test/data/encrypted/file.doc', function(err, contentType) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(contentType, 'application/msword'); done(); }); }); test('specify password to decrypt document', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/encrypted/file.pdf', { password: 'password' }, function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(text.trim(), 'Just some text.'); done(); }); }); }); suite('error handling tests', function() { test('extract from encrypted doc', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/encrypted/file.doc', function(err, text) { assert.ok(err); assert.ok(-1 !== err.toString().indexOf('EncryptedDocumentException: Cannot process encrypted word file')); done(); }); }); test('extract from encrypted pdf', function(done) { tika.text('test/data/encrypted/file.pdf', function(err, text) { assert.ok(err); assert.ok(-1 !== err.toString().indexOf('Unable to process: document is encrypted')); done(); }); }); }); suite('http extraction tests', function() { test('extract from pdf over http', function(done) { tika.text('', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(-1 !== text.indexOf('Universal Declaration of Human Rights')); done(); }); }); }); suite('ftp extraction tests', function() { test('extract from text file over ftp', function(done) { tika.text('', function(err, text) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(-1 !== text.indexOf('This service is managed by Information Services')); done(); }); }); }); suite('language detection tests', function() { test('detect English text', function(done) { tika.language('This just some text in English.', function(err, language, reasonablyCertain) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(typeof language, 'string'); assert.equal(typeof reasonablyCertain, 'boolean'); assert.equal(language, 'en'); done(); }); }); });
/** * React Static Boilerplate * * Copyright (c) Konstantin Tarkus (@koistya) | MIT license */ import './index.scss' import React, { Component } from 'react' // import { Grid, Col, Row } from 'react-bootstrap'; export default class IndexPage extends Component { render() { return ( <div className="top-page"> <div> <img className="top-image" src="/cover2.jpg" width="100%" alt="cover image" /> </div> <div className="top-page--footer"> The source code of this website is available&nbsp; <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" > here on GitHub </a> . </div> </div> ) } }
import {extend} from 'lodash'; export default class User { /** * The User class * @class * @param {Object} user * @return {Object} A User */ constructor(user) { extend(this, user); console.log(this); } }
exports._buildExclamationKeyObject = function (tuples) { var valueMap = {}; tuples.forEach(function (tuple) { valueMap['!' + tuple.value0] = tuple.value1; }); return valueMap; }; var templatePattern = /\$\{([^}]+)\}/g; exports._getTemplateVars = function (str) { return (str.match(templatePattern) || []).map(function (str) { return str.substring(2, str.length - 1); }); };
/** * @overview * API handler action creator * Takes a key-value -pair representing the event to handle as key and its respective * handler function as the value. * * Event-to-URL mapping is done in {@link ApiEventPaths}. * * @since 0.2.0 * @version 0.3.0 */ import { Seq, Map } from 'immutable'; import { createAction } from 'redux-actions'; import { Internal } from '../records'; import { ApiEventPaths } from '../constants'; import * as apiHandlerFns from '../actions/kcsapi'; /** * Ensure that the action handlers are mapped into {@link ApiHandler} records. * @type {Immutable.Iterable<any, any>} * @since 0.2.0 */ export const handlers = Seq.Keyed(ApiEventPaths) .flatMap((path, event) => Map.of(event, new Internal.ApiHandler({ path, event, handler: apiHandlerFns[event] }))); /** * A non-`Seq` version of the @see findEventSeq function. * @param {string} findPath * @returns {string} * @since 0.2.0 * @version 0.3.0 */ export const findEvent = (findPath) => { const pathRegex = new RegExp(`^${findPath}$`); return ApiEventPaths.findKey((path) => pathRegex.test(path)); }; /** * Create a `Seq` of action handlers that is in a usable form for the Redux application. * @type {Immutable.Iterable<any, any>} * @since 0.2.0 */ export const actionHandlers = Seq.Keyed(handlers) .flatMap((handlerRecord, event) => Map.of(event, createAction(event, handlerRecord.handler)));
// xParentN 2, Copyright 2005-2007 Olivier Spinelli // Part of X, a Cross-Browser Javascript Library, Distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL function xParentN(e, n) { while (e && n--) e = e.parentNode; return e; }
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, Text, View, Navigator, ScrollView, ListView, } from 'react-native' import NavigationBar from 'react-native-navbar'; var REQUEST_URL = ''; class GroupDetails extends Component { constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); this.state = { loggedIn: true, loaded: false, rando: "a", }; this.fetchData(); } backOnePage () { this.props.navigator.pop(); } renderRide (ride) { return ( <View> <Text style={styles.title}>{ride.title}</Text> </View> ); } componentDidMount () { this.fetchData(); } toQueryString(obj) { return obj ? Object.keys(obj).sort().map(function (key) { var val = obj[key]; if (Array.isArray(val)) { return val.sort().map(function (val2) { return encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val2); }).join('&'); } return encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val); }).join('&') : ''; } fetchData() { console.log(; fetch(REQUEST_URL + this.toQueryString({"group":})) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((responseData) => { console.log(responseData); this.setState({ group_info: responseData, loaded: true, }); }) .done(); } render () { if (!this.state.loaded) { return (<View> <Text>Loading!</Text> </View>); } else if (this.state.loggedIn) { console.log(this.props.group_info.fields); console.log(this.state); console.log(this.state.group_info[0]); const backButton = { title: "Back", handler: () => this.backOnePage(), }; return ( <ScrollView> <NavigationBar style={{ backgroundColor: "white", }} leftButton={backButton} statusBar={{ tintColor: "white", }} /> <Text style={styles.headTitle}> Group Name: {} </Text> <Text style={styles.headerOtherText}>Group Leader: {this.state.group_info.admin}</Text> <Text style={styles.headerOtherText}>{this.state.group_info.users} people in this group.</Text> </ScrollView> ); } else { this.props.navigator.push({id: "LoginPage", name:"Index"}) } } } var styles = StyleSheet.create({ headerOtherText : { color: 'black', fontSize: 15 , fontWeight: 'normal', fontFamily: 'Helvetica Neue', alignSelf: "center", }, headTitle: { color: 'black', fontSize: 30 , fontWeight: 'normal', fontFamily: 'Helvetica Neue', alignSelf: "center", }, header: { marginTop: 20, flex: 1, flexDirection: "column", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center", }, container: { flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', backgroundColor: '#ff7f50', }, rightContainer: { flex: 1, }, title: { fontSize: 20, marginBottom: 8, textAlign: 'center', }, year: { textAlign: 'center', }, thumbnail: { width: 53, height: 81, }, listView: { backgroundColor: '#0000ff', paddingBottom: 200, }, }); module.exports = GroupDetails;
(function () { 'use strict'; angular .module('app') .service('UploadUserLogoService', UploadUserLogoService); function UploadUserLogoService($http, $log, TokenService, UserService, $rootScope) { this.uploadImage = uploadImage; //// /** * Upload Image * @description For correct uploading we must send FormData object * With 'transformRequest: angular.identity' prevents Angular to do anything on our data (like serializing it). * By setting ‘Content-Type’: undefined, the browser sets the Content-Type to multipart/form-data for us * and fills in the correct boundary. * Manually setting ‘Content-Type’: multipart/form-data will fail to fill in the boundary parameter of the request * All this for correct request typing and uploading * @param formdata * @param callback */ function uploadImage(formdata, callback) { let userToken = TokenService.get(); let request = { method: 'POST', url: '/api/user/avatar', transformRequest: angular.identity, headers: { 'Content-Type': undefined, 'Autorization': userToken }, data: formdata }; let goodResponse = function successCallback(response) { let res =; if (res.success) { let currentUser = UserService.get(); currentUser.avatarUrl =;; } if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') { callback(res); } }; let badResponse = function errorCallback(response) { $log.debug('Bad, some problems ', response); if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') { callback(response); } }; $http(request).then(goodResponse, badResponse); } } })();
angular.module('').controller('TipsController', ['$scope', '$routeParams', '$location', 'Global', 'Tips', function ($scope, $routeParams, $location, Global, Tips) { $ = Global; $scope.createTip = function () { var tips = new Tips({ text: this.text, likes: this.likes, category: this.category }); tips.$save(function (response) { $location.path("/"); }); this.title = ""; }; $scope.showTip = function () { Tips.query(function (tips) { $ = tips; tips.linkEdit = 'tips/edit/'; // show tips size function Settings (minLikes, maxLikes) { var that = this; that.size = { min: 26, max: 300 }; that.maxLikes = maxLikes; that.minLikes = tips[0].likes; that.valueOfdivision = (function(){ return (that.size.max - that.size.min)/that.maxLikes })() } function startIsotope(){ var el = $('#isotope-container'); el.isotope({ itemSelector: '.isotope-element', layoutMode: 'fitRows', sortBy: 'number', sortAscending: true, }); return el; } var maxLikes = 0; var minLikes = 0; for (var i = 0; i < tips.length; i++) { if(maxLikes <= tips[i].likes)maxLikes = tips[i].likes; if(minLikes >= tips[i].likes)minLikes = tips[i].likes; }; tips.settingsView = new Settings(minLikes, maxLikes); $scope.$watch('tips', function () { $scope.$evalAsync(function () { var isotope = startIsotope(); }); }) }); }; $scope.updateTip = function (tip) { var tip = new Tips(tip); tip.$update(tip, function(){ console.log("update updateTip: ", tip._id); }, function(){ console.warn("error updateTip:", tip._id); }); }; $scope.getTip = function () { Tips.query(function (tip) { $scope.tip = tip; console.log(tip); }); }; $scope.editTip = function(tip){ console.log("edit tip"); }; }])
import apiConfig from './MovieDBConfig'; import TmdbApi from 'moviedb-api'; var api = new TmdbApi({ consume: false, apiKey: apiConfig.apiKey }); const makeAndList = (list) => { return => item.value).join(); }; export const getGenres = (input='', callback) => { api.request('/genre/movie/list', 'GET') .then(res => { return => { return {label:, value:}; }) }) .then(json => callback(null, {options: json, complete: false})) .catch(err => console.log(err)); }; export const getKeywords = (input='', callback) => { api.request('/search/keyword', 'GET', {query: input}) .then(res => { return => { return {label:, value:}; }); }) .then(json => callback(null, {options: json, complete: false})) .catch(err => console.log(err)); }; export const getActors = (input='', callback) => { api.request('/search/person', 'GET', {query: input}) .then(res => { return => { return {label:, value:}; }); }) .then(json => callback(null, {options: json, complete: false})) .catch(err => console.log(err)); }; export const discover = (genres=null, keywords=null, actors, minYear, maxYear, page=1) => { let g = genres ? makeAndList(genres) : null; let k = keywords ? makeAndList(keywords) : null; let a = actors ? makeAndList(actors) : null; return api.request('/discover/movie', 'GET', { with_genres: g, with_keywords: k, with_cast: a, "release_date.gte": minYear, "release_date.lte": maxYear, page }) .then(res => res) }; export const getVideos = (id, language='en') => { return api.request(`/movie/${id}/videos`, 'GET', {language}) }; export const getMovieKeywords = (id, language='en') => { return api.request(`/movie/${id}/keywords`, 'GET', {language}) }; export const discoverWithVideo = (genres=null, keywords=null, actors, minYear, maxYear) => { return discover(genres, keywords, actors, minYear, maxYear) .then(res => { return Promise.all( => getVideos( .then(videos => videos.results[0]) ) ).then(list => { return { ...res, results:, index) => { = list[index]; return item; }) } }) }) }; export const getDetails = (id, language='en') => { return api.request(`/movie/${id}`, 'GET', {language, append_to_response: "keywords,videos"}) };
const excludedTables = ["blacklist", "musicCache", "timedEvents"]; const statPoster = require("../../modules/statPoster.js"); module.exports = async guild => { let tables = await r.tableList().run(); for(let table of tables) { let indexes = await r.table(table).indexList().run(); if(~indexes.indexOf("guildID")) r.table(table).getAll(, { index: "guildID" }).delete().run(); else r.table(table).filter({ guildID: }).delete().run(); } if( { let owner = bot.users.get(guild.ownerID); let botCount = guild.members.filter(member =>; let botPercent = ((botCount / guild.memberCount) * 100).toFixed(2); let userCount = guild.memberCount - botCount; let userPercent = ((userCount / guild.memberCount) * 100).toFixed(2); let content = "❌ LEFT GUILD ❌\n"; content += `Guild: ${} (${})\n`; content += `Owner: ${owner.username}#${owner.discriminator} (${})\n`; content += `Members: ${guild.memberCount} **|** `; content += `Users: ${userCount} (${userPercent}%) **|** `; content += `Bots: ${botCount} (${botPercent}%)`; try { await bot.createMessage(, content); } catch(err) { console.error(`Failed to send message to server log: ${err.message}`); } } statPoster(); };
import { computed, get } from '@ember/object'; import { getOwner } from '@ember/application'; import { deprecate } from '@ember/debug'; export function ability(abilityName, resourceName) { deprecate( 'Using ability() computed property is deprecated. Use getters and Can service directly.', false, { for: 'ember-can', since: { enabled: '4.0.0', }, id: 'ember-can.deprecate-ability-computed', until: '5.0.0', } ); resourceName = resourceName || abilityName; return computed(resourceName, function () { let canService = getOwner(this).lookup('service:abilities'); return canService.abilityFor(abilityName, get(this, resourceName)); }).readOnly(); }
/* global requirejs, require */ /*jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; import Ember from 'ember'; import _keys from 'lodash/object/keys'; /* This function looks through all files that have been loaded by Ember CLI and finds the ones under /mirage/[factories, fixtures, scenarios, models]/, and exports a hash containing the names of the files as keys and the data as values. */ export default function(prefix) { let modules = ['factories', 'fixtures', 'scenarios', 'models', 'serializers']; let mirageModuleRegExp = new RegExp(`^${prefix}/mirage/(${modules.join("|")})`); let modulesMap = modules.reduce((memo, name) => { memo[name] = {}; return memo; }, {}); _keys(requirejs.entries).filter(function(key) { return mirageModuleRegExp.test(key); }).forEach(function(moduleName) { if (moduleName.match('.jshint')) { // ignore autogenerated .jshint files return; } let moduleParts = moduleName.split('/'); let moduleType = moduleParts[moduleParts.length - 2]; let moduleKey = moduleParts[moduleParts.length - 1]; Ember.assert('Subdirectories under ' + moduleType + ' are not supported', moduleParts[moduleParts.length - 3] === 'mirage'); if (moduleType === 'scenario'){ Ember.assert('Only scenario/default.js is supported at this time.', moduleKey !== 'default'); } let module = require(moduleName, null, null, true); if (!module) { throw new Error(moduleName + ' must export a ' + moduleType); } let data = module['default']; modulesMap[moduleType][moduleKey] = data; }); return modulesMap; }
console.log("VS: loading content_script.js..." + new Date()); // Check if the communication between page and background.js has broken. var last_message_time = new Date().getTime(); new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000000)).then(() => { var now = new Date().getTime(); if (now - last_message_time > 500000) { sendAlert('Not having message from background for at least 500s, force reloading'); reloadPage(); } }); chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) { // Update timestamp first. last_message_time = new Date().getTime(); console.log("VS: received data from content_script.js" + new Date()); console.log(request); var action = request["action"]; takeAction(action, request); }); var already_logging_in = false; function takeAction(action, request) { var url = window.location.href; console.log("VS: Taking action: " + action + " in " + url); if (action === ACTION_FOR_HOMEPAGE) { homePage(request); } else if (action === ACTION_FOR_LOGIN_PAGE) { loginPage(request); } else if (action === ACTION_FOR_ASYNC_LOGIN) { loginPage(request); } else if (action === ACTION_FOR_DASHBOARD_PAGE) { dashboardPage(request); } else { // Other cases. console.log("VS: unknown action:" + new Date()); console.log(action); return; } } function dashboardPage(request) { console.log("VS: In dashboard page" + new Date()); //var val = $('[data-reactid="."]'); //if (val) { // var ts = new Date().getTime(); // var amount = val.text(); // if (!amount) { // console.log("Failed to parse data from html page. " + new Date()); // } else { // saveGenerationData({'amount': amount, 'time': ts}); // } //} else { // sendAlert('Failed to read data from Dashboard page' + window.location.href); //} //console.log("VS: setting to reload page in 60s: " + new Date()); //window.setInterval(function() { console.log("VS: polling account data" + new Date()); $.ajax({url: "/api/fusion/accounts"}).done(function(msg) { console.log("VS: got account data" + new Date()); var j = msg; if (typeof(j) === "object" && 'accounts' in j) { console.log(j['accounts']); var acct = j['accounts'][0]['account_no']; var newUrl = '/api/fusion/accounts/' + acct; console.log("VS: polling account detail data" + new Date()); $.ajax({url: newUrl}).done(function(msg) { console.log("VS: got account detail data" + new Date()); var j = msg; if (typeof(j) === "object" && 'energyToday' in j) { var ts = new Date().getTime(); var amount = j['energyToday'] / 1000.0; console.log("VS: saveing energy data" + new Date()); saveGenerationData({'time': ts, 'amount': amount}); return; } sendAlert("Failed parse detailed account info from AJAX for: " + textStatus); reloadPage(); }).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus) { sendAlert("Request failed for loading detailed account info from AJAX for: " + textStatus); reloadPage(); }); return; } sendAlert('Failed to parse account data'); reloadPage(); }).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus) { sendAlert("Request failed for loading accounts AJAX for: " + textStatus); reloadPage(); }); //}, 60000); } function loginPage(request) { if (request) { asyncLogin(request); } else { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({"action": ACTION_FOR_ASYNC_LOGIN}); } } function homePage(request) { var links = $('A'); for (var i in links) { var link = links[i]; if (link.href == LOGIN_PAGE) {; } } } function asyncLogin(request) { if (already_logging_in) { console.log("VS: already logging in. This is possible, ignoring.." + new Date()); return; } already_logging_in = true; console.log("VS: gettting new data to login" + new Date()); console.log(request); context = request['data']; if ($("INPUT[data-reactid='.']").val(context.username).length > 0 && $("INPUT[data-reactid='.']").val(context.passwd).length > 0) { $("BUTTON[data-reactid='.']").click(); new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100000)).then(() => { sendAlert('Login failed for username' + context.username + ' and passwd: ' + context.passwd); }); } $('.email-input.js-initial-focus').val(context.username); $('.js-password-field').val(context.passwd); new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1500)).then(() => { $('button.submit').click(); }); } var action = urlToAction(window.location.href); console.log("VS: intercepted action:" + action + " at " + new Date()); if (action != '') { takeAction(action, null); } console.log("VS: loaded:" + window.location.href); console.log("VS: registered on load event here handler in content_script.js" + new Date());
var namespace_kluster_kite_1_1_large_objects_1_1_tests = [ [ "ParcelsTest", "class_kluster_kite_1_1_large_objects_1_1_tests_1_1_parcels_test.html", "class_kluster_kite_1_1_large_objects_1_1_tests_1_1_parcels_test" ] ];
(function() { angular.module('starter.controllers').controller('DetailController', DetailController); DetailController.$inject = ['CarService', '$stateParams']; function DetailController (CarService, $stateParams) { var vm = this; CarService.getCar($$promise.then(function(data) { = data; CarService.setCurrentCar(data); } ); } })();
/** * @author alteredq / */ THREE.DepthPassPlugin = function () { this.enabled = false; this.renderTarget = null; var _gl, _renderer, _lights, _webglObjects, _webglObjectsImmediate, _depthMaterial, _depthMaterialMorph, _depthMaterialSkin, _depthMaterialMorphSkin, _frustum = new THREE.Frustum(), _projScreenMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(), _renderList = []; this.init = function ( renderer, lights, webglObjects, webglObjectsImmediate ) { _gl = renderer.context; _renderer = renderer; _lights = lights; _webglObjects = webglObjects; _webglObjectsImmediate = webglObjectsImmediate; var depthShader = THREE.ShaderLib[ "depthRGBA" ]; var depthUniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( depthShader.uniforms ); _depthMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( { fragmentShader: depthShader.fragmentShader, vertexShader: depthShader.vertexShader, uniforms: depthUniforms } ); _depthMaterialMorph = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( { fragmentShader: depthShader.fragmentShader, vertexShader: depthShader.vertexShader, uniforms: depthUniforms, morphTargets: true } ); _depthMaterialSkin = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( { fragmentShader: depthShader.fragmentShader, vertexShader: depthShader.vertexShader, uniforms: depthUniforms, skinning: true } ); _depthMaterialMorphSkin = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( { fragmentShader: depthShader.fragmentShader, vertexShader: depthShader.vertexShader, uniforms: depthUniforms, morphTargets: true, skinning: true } ); _depthMaterial._shadowPass = true; _depthMaterialMorph._shadowPass = true; _depthMaterialSkin._shadowPass = true; _depthMaterialMorphSkin._shadowPass = true; }; this.render = function ( scene, camera ) { if ( ! this.enabled ) return; this.update( scene, camera ); }; this.update = function ( scene, camera ) { var i, il, j, jl, n, program, buffer, material, webglObject, object, light, renderList, fog = null; // set GL state for depth map _gl.clearColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 ); _gl.disable( _gl.BLEND ); _renderer.state.setDepthTest( true ); // update scene if ( scene.autoUpdate === true ) scene.updateMatrixWorld(); // update camera matrices and frustum camera.matrixWorldInverse.getInverse( camera.matrixWorld ); _projScreenMatrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.projectionMatrix, camera.matrixWorldInverse ); _frustum.setFromMatrix( _projScreenMatrix ); // render depth map _renderer.setRenderTarget( this.renderTarget ); _renderer.clear(); // set object matrices & frustum culling _renderList.length = 0; projectObject(scene, scene, camera); // render regular objects var objectMaterial, useMorphing, useSkinning; for ( j = 0, jl = _renderList.length; j < jl; j ++ ) { webglObject = _renderList[ j ]; object = webglObject.object; buffer = webglObject.buffer; // todo: create proper depth material for particles if ( object instanceof THREE.PointCloud && ! object.customDepthMaterial ) continue; objectMaterial = getObjectMaterial( object ); if ( objectMaterial ) _renderer.setMaterialFaces( object.material ); useMorphing = object.geometry.morphTargets !== undefined && object.geometry.morphTargets.length > 0 && objectMaterial.morphTargets; useSkinning = object instanceof THREE.SkinnedMesh && objectMaterial.skinning; if ( object.customDepthMaterial ) { material = object.customDepthMaterial; } else if ( useSkinning ) { material = useMorphing ? _depthMaterialMorphSkin : _depthMaterialSkin; } else if ( useMorphing ) { material = _depthMaterialMorph; } else { material = _depthMaterial; } if ( buffer instanceof THREE.BufferGeometry ) { _renderer.renderBufferDirect( camera, _lights, fog, material, buffer, object ); } else { _renderer.renderBuffer( camera, _lights, fog, material, buffer, object ); } } // set matrices and render immediate objects for ( j = 0, jl = _webglObjectsImmediate.length; j < jl; j ++ ) { webglObject = _webglObjectsImmediate[ j ]; object = webglObject.object; if ( object.visible ) { object._modelViewMatrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.matrixWorldInverse, object.matrixWorld ); _renderer.renderImmediateObject( camera, _lights, fog, _depthMaterial, object ); } } // restore GL state var clearColor = _renderer.getClearColor(), clearAlpha = _renderer.getClearAlpha(); _gl.clearColor( clearColor.r, clearColor.g, clearColor.b, clearAlpha ); _gl.enable( _gl.BLEND ); }; function projectObject(scene, object,camera) { if ( object.visible ) { var webglObjects = _webglObjects[]; if (webglObjects && (object.frustumCulled === false || _frustum.intersectsObject( object ) === true) ) { for (var i = 0, l = webglObjects.length; i < l; i ++) { var webglObject = webglObjects[i]; object._modelViewMatrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.matrixWorldInverse, object.matrixWorld ); _renderList.push(webglObject); } } for (var i = 0, l = object.children.length; i < l; i ++) { projectObject(scene, object.children[i], camera); } } } // For the moment just ignore objects that have multiple materials with different animation methods // Only the first material will be taken into account for deciding which depth material to use function getObjectMaterial( object ) { return object.material instanceof THREE.MeshFaceMaterial ? object.material.materials[ 0 ] : object.material; } };
import path from 'path' let { context, file, mocha, options } = module.parent.context let { it } = context = function (name, callback) { if (callback) { return it(...arguments); } else { callback = name name = path.basename(file, '.js') } }
'use strict' const { EventEmitter } = require('events') const { Multiaddr } = require('multiaddr') /** * @typedef {import('libp2p-interfaces/src/transport/types').Listener} Listener */ /** * @param {import('../')} libp2p * @returns {Listener} a transport listener */ module.exports = (libp2p) => { const listeningAddrs = new Map() /** * Add swarm handler and listen for incoming connections * * @param {Multiaddr} addr * @returns {Promise<void>} */ async function listen (addr) { const addrString = String(addr).split('/p2p-circuit').find(a => a !== '') const relayConn = await libp2p.dial(new Multiaddr(addrString)) const relayedAddr = relayConn.remoteAddr.encapsulate('/p2p-circuit') listeningAddrs.set(relayConn.remotePeer.toB58String(), relayedAddr) listener.emit('listening') } /** * Get fixed up multiaddrs * * NOTE: This method will grab the peers multiaddrs and expand them such that: * * a) If it's an existing /p2p-circuit address for a specific relay i.e. * `/ip4/` this method will expand the * address to `/ip4/` where * `QmPeer` is this peers id * b) If it's not a /p2p-circuit address, it will encapsulate the address as a /p2p-circuit * addr, such when dialing over a relay with this address, it will create the circuit using * the encapsulated transport address. This is useful when for example, a peer should only * be dialed over TCP rather than any other transport * * @returns {Multiaddr[]} */ function getAddrs () { const addrs = [] for (const addr of listeningAddrs.values()) { addrs.push(addr) } return addrs } /** @type Listener */ const listener = Object.assign(new EventEmitter(), { close: () => Promise.resolve(), listen, getAddrs }) // Remove listeningAddrs when a peer disconnects libp2p.connectionManager.on('peer:disconnect', (connection) => { const deleted = listeningAddrs.delete(connection.remotePeer.toB58String()) if (deleted) { // Announce listen addresses change listener.emit('close') } }) return listener }
(function() { $(function() { $('.tooltip-examples a, .tooltip-paragraph-examples a').tooltip({ animation: false }); $('.top-sign-in').on("click", function(e) { $('.login-box').fadeIn("fast"); return false; }); $('.login-box-close').on("click", function(e) { $(this).closest(".login-box").fadeOut("fast"); return false; }); prettyPrint(); $(".slider-browser-center").animate({ bottom: $(".slider-browser-center").data('position-bottom') }, "fast", function() { return $(".slider-browser-left").animate({ bottom: $(".slider-browser-left").data('position-bottom') }, "fast", function() { return $(".slider-browser-right").animate({ bottom: $(".slider-browser-right").data('position-bottom') }, "fast"); }); }); $('.carousel').carousel({ interval: false }); return $('a[data-toggle="testimonial"]').on("click", function(e) { $(this).closest('.testimonials-users').find('a[data-toggle="testimonial"]').removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); $('.testimonials-speech').removeClass('active'); $('.testimonials-speech' + $(this).attr('href')).addClass('active'); return false; }); }); $("body").on("touchstart.dropdown", ".dropdown-menu", function(e) { return e.stopPropagation(); }); return $(document).on("click", ".dropdown-menu a", function() { return document.location = $(this).attr("href"); }); }).call(this);
var common = require('../common'); var connection = common.createConnection({port: common.fakeServerPort}); var assert = require('assert'); var server = common.createFakeServer(); var connectErr; server.listen(common.fakeServerPort, function(err) { if (err) throw err; connection.connect(function(err) { connectErr = err; server.destroy(); }); }); server.on('connection', function(incomingConnection) { var errno = 1130; // ER_HOST_NOT_PRIVILEGED incomingConnection.deny('You suck.', errno); }); process.on('exit', function() { assert.equal(connectErr.code, 'ER_HOST_NOT_PRIVILEGED'); assert.equal(connectErr.fatal, true); });
export default { // 购物车的商品数量 cartCommodityCount: state => { const totalCount = state.cartList.reduce((total, commodity) => { return total + Number(commodity.count) }, 0) return totalCount }, removeCommodityCount: state => { const totalCount = state.removeCartList.reduce((total, commodity) => { return total + Number(commodity.count) }, 0) return totalCount } }
//this controller simply tells the dialogs service to open a mediaPicker window //with a specified callback, this callback will receive an object with a selection on it angular.module('umbraco') .controller("Umbraco.PropertyEditors.ImageCropperController", function ($rootScope, $routeParams, $scope, $log, mediaHelper, cropperHelper, $timeout, editorState, umbRequestHelper, fileManager) { var config = angular.copy($scope.model.config); //move previously saved value to the editor if ($scope.model.value) { //backwards compat with the old file upload (incase some-one swaps them..) if (angular.isString($scope.model.value)) { config.src = $scope.model.value; $scope.model.value = config; } else if ($scope.model.value.crops) { //sync any config changes with the editor and drop outdated crops _.each($scope.model.value.crops, function (saved) { var configured = _.find(config.crops, function (item) { return item.alias === saved.alias }); if (configured && configured.height === saved.height && configured.width === saved.width) { configured.coordinates = saved.coordinates; } }); $scope.model.value.crops = config.crops; //restore focalpoint if missing if (!$scope.model.value.focalPoint) { $scope.model.value.focalPoint = { left: 0.5, top: 0.5 }; } } $scope.imageSrc = $scope.model.value.src; } //crop a specific crop $scope.crop = function (crop) { $scope.currentCrop = crop; $scope.currentPoint = undefined; }; //done cropping $scope.done = function () { $scope.currentCrop = undefined; $scope.currentPoint = undefined; }; //crop a specific crop $scope.clear = function (crop) { //clear current uploaded files fileManager.setFiles($scope.model.alias, []); //clear the ui $scope.imageSrc = undefined; if ($scope.model.value) { delete $scope.model.value; } }; //show previews $scope.togglePreviews = function () { if ($scope.showPreviews) { $scope.showPreviews = false; $scope.tempShowPreviews = false; } else { $scope.showPreviews = true; } }; //on image selected, update the cropper $scope.$on("filesSelected", function (ev, args) { $scope.model.value = config; if (args.files && args.files[0]) { fileManager.setFiles($scope.model.alias, args.files); var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (e) { $scope.$apply(function () { $scope.imageSrc =; }); }; reader.readAsDataURL(args.files[0]); } }); }) .run(function (mediaHelper, umbRequestHelper) { if (mediaHelper && mediaHelper.registerFileResolver) { mediaHelper.registerFileResolver("Umbraco.ImageCropper", function (property, entity, thumbnail) { if (property.value.src) { if (thumbnail === true) { return property.value.src + "?width=600&mode=max"; } else { return property.value.src; } //this is a fallback in case the cropper has been asssigned a upload field } else if (angular.isString(property.value)) { if (thumbnail) { if (mediaHelper.detectIfImageByExtension(property.value)) { var thumbnailUrl = umbRequestHelper.getApiUrl( "imagesApiBaseUrl", "GetBigThumbnail", [{ originalImagePath: property.value }]); return thumbnailUrl; } else { return null; } } else { return property.value; } } return null; }); } });
angular.module('phonebook') .config(['$urlRouterProvider','$stateProvider',function($urlRouterProvider,$stateProvider){ $stateProvider // Greeting State .state('user.main',{ url : '/', templateUrl : 'user/view/welcome.html', controller : 'welcomeCtrl' }) // Phonebook Display State .state('user.PB',{ url : '/contacts', templateUrl : 'user/view/displayContacts.html', controller : 'cntctCtrl' }) }]);
game.TitleScreen = me.ScreenObject.extend({ init: function(){ this.font = null; }, onResetEvent: function() {"theme"); = false; BackgroundLayer('bg', 1)); me.input.bindKey(me.input.KEY.ENTER, "enter", true); me.input.bindKey(me.input.KEY.SPACE, "enter", true); me.input.bindMouse(me.input.mouse.LEFT, me.input.KEY.ENTER); this.handler = me.event.subscribe(me.event.KEYDOWN, function (action, keyCode, edge) { if (action === "enter") { me.state.change(me.state.PLAY); } }); //logo var logoImg = me.loader.getImage('logo'); var logo = new me.SpriteObject ( - 170, -logoImg, logoImg );, 10); var logoTween = new me.Tween(logo.pos).to({y: - 100}, 1000).easing(me.Tween.Easing.Exponential.InOut).start(); this.ground = new TheGround();, 11); (me.Renderable.extend ({ // constructor init: function() { // size does not matter, it's just to avoid having a zero size // renderable this.parent(new me.Vector2d(), 100, 100); //this.font = new me.Font('Arial Black', 20, 'black', 'left'); this.text = me.device.touch ? 'Tap to start' : 'PRESS SPACE OR CLICK LEFT MOUSE BUTTON TO START'; this.font = new me.Font('gamefont', 20, '#000'); }, update: function () { return true; }, draw: function (context) { var measure = this.font.measureText(context, this.text); this.font.draw(context, this.text, - measure.width/2, + 50); } })), 12); }, onDestroyEvent: function() { // unregister the event me.event.unsubscribe(this.handler); me.input.unbindKey(me.input.KEY.ENTER); me.input.unbindKey(me.input.KEY.SPACE); me.input.unbindMouse(me.input.mouse.LEFT);; } });
'use strict'; var _ = require('underscore'), Util = require('../../shared/util'), Base = require('./base'), Action = require('../../action'), Types = require('./types'); var _parent = Base.prototype; var RandomWalk = Util.extend(Base, { properties: ['walkPropability'], type: Types.RANDOM_WALK, _walkPropability: 0.3, create: function(config) { var me = this; me.getConfig(config, ['walkPropability']); _parent.create.apply(me, arguments); }, decide: function() { var me = this; if (Math.random() > me._walkPropability) { return null; } switch (_.random(3)) { case 0: return new Action.Move({deltaX: 1}); case 1: return new Action.Move({deltaX: -1}); case 2: return new Action.Move({deltaY: 1}); case 3: return new Action.Move({deltaY: -1}); } return null; } }); module.exports = RandomWalk;
import_module('Athena.Math'); m1 = new Athena.Math.Matrix3(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9); for (var row = 0; row < 3; ++row) { for (var col = 0; col < 3; ++col) CHECK_CLOSE(row * 3 + col + 1, m1.get(row, col)); }
version oid sha256:27606576bf3cd46c15755bdec387cc97145a4a0c0a5b3933c11d30ab8c6c5ec7 size 1825
import Objective from '../objective'; export default class KillShipsObjective extends Objective { constructor (game, ships) { super(game); if (!Array.isArray(ships)) { ships = [ships]; } this.bots = _.filter(ships, ship => { return ship.alive; }); this.ships = ships; } isComplete () { var all_dead = true; for (var i = 0; i < this.ships.length; i++) { if (this.ships[i].alive) { all_dead = false; break; } } return all_dead; } };
// Calendar SK language // Author: Peter Valach ([email protected]) // Encoding: utf-8 // Last update: 2003/10/29 // full day names Calendar._DN = new Array ("NedeÄľa", "Pondelok", "Utorok", "Streda", "Ĺ tvrtok", "Piatok", "Sobota", "NedeÄľa"); // short day names Calendar._SDN = new Array ("Ned", "Pon", "Uto", "Str", "Ĺ tv", "Pia", "Sob", "Ned"); // full month names Calendar._MN = new Array ("Január", "Február", "Marec", "AprĂ­l", "Máj", "JĂşn", "JĂşl", "August", "September", "OktĂłber", "November", "December"); // short month names Calendar._SMN = new Array ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Máj", "JĂşn", "JĂşl", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec"); // tooltips Calendar._TT = {}; Calendar._TT["INFO"] = "O kalendári"; Calendar._TT["ABOUT"] = "DHTML Date/Time Selector\n" + "(c) 2002-2005 / Author: Mihai Bazon\n" + "PoslednĂş verziu nájdete na:\n" + "DistribuovanĂ© pod GNU LGPL. ViÄŹ pre detaily." + "\n\n" + "VĂ˝ber dátumu:\n" + "- PouĹľite tlaÄŤidlá \xab, \xbb pre vĂ˝ber roku\n" + "- PouĹľite tlaÄŤidlá " + String.fromCharCode(0x2039) + ", " + String.fromCharCode(0x203a) + " pre vĂ˝ber mesiaca\n" + "- Ak ktorĂ©koÄľvek z tĂ˝chto tlaÄŤidiel podržíte dlhšie, zobrazĂ­ sa rĂ˝chly vĂ˝ber."; Calendar._TT["ABOUT_TIME"] = "\n\n" + "VĂ˝ber ÄŤasu:\n" + "- Kliknutie na niektorĂş poloĹľku ÄŤasu ju zvýši\n" + "- Shift-klik ju znĂ­Ĺľi\n" + "- Ak podržíte tlaÄŤĂ­tko stlaÄŤenĂ©, posĂşvanĂ­m menĂ­te hodnotu."; Calendar._TT["PREV_YEAR"] = "PredošlĂ˝ rok (podrĹľte pre menu)"; Calendar._TT["PREV_MONTH"] = "PredošlĂ˝ mesiac (podrĹľte pre menu)"; Calendar._TT["GO_TODAY"] = "PrejsĹĄ na dnešok"; Calendar._TT["NEXT_MONTH"] = "Nasl. mesiac (podrĹľte pre menu)"; Calendar._TT["NEXT_YEAR"] = "Nasl. rok (podrĹľte pre menu)"; Calendar._TT["SEL_DATE"] = "ZvoÄľte dátum"; Calendar._TT["DRAG_TO_MOVE"] = "PodrĹľanĂ­m tlaÄŤĂ­tka zmenĂ­te polohu"; Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"] = " (dnes)"; Calendar._TT["MON_FIRST"] = "ZobraziĹĄ pondelok ako prvĂ˝"; Calendar._TT["SUN_FIRST"] = "ZobraziĹĄ nedeÄľu ako prvĂş"; Calendar._TT["CLOSE"] = "ZavrieĹĄ"; Calendar._TT["TODAY"] = "Dnes"; Calendar._TT["TIME_PART"] = "(Shift-)klik/ĹĄahanie zmenĂ­ hodnotu"; // date formats Calendar._TT["DEF_DATE_FORMAT"] = "$d. %m. %Y"; Calendar._TT["TT_DATE_FORMAT"] = "%a, %e. %b"; Calendar._TT["WK"] = "týž";
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"npm:[email protected]" } } });
// languages index var localeIndex = { "en" : 0, "ja" : 1, "es" : 2, "hu" : 3, "lt" : 4, "ru" : 5, "it" : 6, "pt" : 7, "sp_ch" : 8, "fr" : 9, "ge" : 10, "ua" : 11, "lv" : 12, "no" : 13, "pt_br" : 14 };
import React, { PropTypes, Component } from 'react'; import { Breadcrumb, Table, Button, Col } from 'react-bootstrap'; import cx from 'classnames'; import _ from 'lodash'; import withStyles from 'isomorphic-style-loader/lib/withStyles'; import s from './ProductList.css'; import Link from '../Link'; class ProductList extends Component { static propTypes = { isFetching: PropTypes.bool, rs: PropTypes.array, popAddApp: PropTypes.func, }; static defaultProps = { isFetching: true, rs: [], popAddApp: () => {}, }; constructor() { super(); this.renderRow = this.renderRow.bind(this); } renderRow(rowData, index) { const appName = _.get(rowData, 'name'); return ( <tr key={_.get(rowData, 'name')}> <td> <Link to={`/apps/${appName}`}>{appName}</Link> </td> <td style={{ textAlign: 'left' }}> <ul> {, 'collaborators'), (item, email) => ( <li key={email}> {email} <span className={s.permission}> (<em>{_.get(item, 'permission')}</em>) </span> { _.get(item, 'isCurrentAccount') ? <span className={cx(s.label, s.labelSuccess)}> it's you </span> : null } </li> )) } </ul> </td> <td> <ul> {, 'deployments'), (item, email) => ( <li key={email} style={item === 'Production' ? { color: 'green' } : null} > <Link to={`/apps/${appName}/${item}`}>{item}</Link> </li> )) } </ul> </td> <td /> </tr> ); } render() { const self = this; const tipText = '暂无数据'; return ( <div className={s.root}> <div className={s.container}> <Breadcrumb> <Breadcrumb.Item active> 应用列表 </Breadcrumb.Item> </Breadcrumb> <Col style={{ marginBottom: '20px' }}> <Button onClick={this.props.popAddApp} bsStyle="primary" > 添加应用 </Button> </Col> <Table striped bordered condensed hover responsive> <thead> <tr> <th style={{ textAlign: 'center' }} >产品名</th> <th style={{ textAlign: 'center' }} >成员</th> <th style={{ textAlign: 'center' }} >Deployments</th> <th style={{ textAlign: 'center' }} >操作</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> { > 0 ?, (item, index) => self.renderRow(item, index)) : <tr> <td colSpan="4" >{tipText}</td> </tr> } </tbody> </Table> </div> </div> ); } } export default withStyles(s)(ProductList);
define(['exports'], function (exports) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var globalExtraOptions = exports.globalExtraOptions = { mappingDataStructure: { class: 'class', content: 'content', disabled: 'disabled', divider: 'divider', groupLabel: 'group', groupDisabled: 'disabled', icon: 'icon', maxOptions: 'maxOptions', option: 'option', subtext: 'subtext', style: 'style', title: 'title', tokens: 'tokens' } }; var globalPickerOptions = exports.globalPickerOptions = { dropupAuto: true, showTick: true, width: 'auto' }; });
{ test.ok( thrown instanceof axios.Cancel, "Promise must be rejected with a Cancel obejct" ); test.equal(thrown.message, "Operation has been canceled."); test.done(); }
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/* eslint-env node*/ var gutil = require('gulp-util') var paths = { layouts: { componentsDir: './app/components/**/*.jade', src: './app/views/**/*.jade', dest: './app/public/assets/html/' }, styles: { componentsDir: './app/lib/stylesheets/**/*.styl', src: './app/lib/stylesheets/styles.styl', dest: './app/public/assets/css/' }, scripts: { entry: './app/lib/scripts/entry.jsx', src: ['./app/lib/scripts/**/*.jsx', './app/lib/scripts/**/*.js'], dest: './app/public/assets/js/' } } var onError = function (error) { gutil.log( this.emit('end') } module.exports = { paths: paths, onError: onError }
[JS-ES6][React] Raji - first version/gulp/config.js
/** * * app.js * * This is the entry file for the application * */ import FilmLocationSearchComponent from '../MovieSearchApp/Containers/FilmSearchContainer/FilmSearchComponent'; import AppComponent from '../CommonComponent/app.js'; import React from 'react'; import { Router, Route, IndexRoute, browserHistory } from 'react-router'; console.log("current href",window.location.href); const getAppRouter = () => { return ( <Route component={AppComponent}> <Route component={FilmLocationSearchComponent} path='/searchmovies' /> </Route> ); } export { getAppRouter }
/* Accordion directive */ app.directive('vmfAccordionContainer', ['$compile', function($compile) { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: { type: '@', headers: '=', accData: '=', selAcc: '=', customClass:'=' }, link: function(scope, elem, attrs) { var template; if(scope.type === '1') { template = '<table class="vmf-accordion-table1"><thead class="vmf-accordion-table-header"><tr><td class="col1"></td>'; var count = 1; angular.forEach(scope.headers, function(item) { // if(count === 1) { // template += '<td colspan="2">' + item + '</td>'; // } // else { template += '<td class="col' + (count + 1) +'">' + item + '</td>'; // } count += 1; }); template += '</tr></thead><tbody class="vmf-accordion-table-body">'; scope.accordionIndex = 0; angular.forEach(scope.accData, function(item) { template += '<tr class="vmf-accordion-header" ng-click="toggleAccordion(' + scope.accordionIndex + ')"><td ><span class="vmf-arrow"></span></td><td colspan="3">' + item.header + '</td></tr>'; angular.forEach(item.contents, function(content) { template += '<tr class="vmf-accordion-row" ng-show="activeIndex =='+ scope.accordionIndex + '"><td colspan="1"></td>'; angular.forEach(content, function(cellData) { template += '<td colspan="1">' + cellData + '</td>'; }); template += '</tr>'; }); scope.accordionIndex += 1; }); template += '</tbody></table>'; elem.append(template); // console.log(template); $compile(elem.contents())(scope); // for IE7 elem.find('.vmf-accordion-row').hide(); } else if(scope.type === '2') { template = '<table class="vmf-accordion-table2"><thead class="vmf-accordion-table2-header" style="background-color: lightgray;"><tr><td class="col1"></td>'; var headerCount = 0; angular.forEach(scope.headers, function(item) { if(headerCount !== scope.headers.length - 1) { template += '<td class="col' + (headerCount + 1 + 1)+ '">' + item + '</td>'; } else { template += '<td colspan="2" class="col' + (headerCount + 1 + 1)+ '">' + item + '</td>'; } headerCount += 1; }); template += '</tr></thead><tbody class="vmf-accordion-table2-body">'; scope.accordionIndex = 0; angular.forEach(scope.accData, function(item) { template += '<tr class="vmf-accordion-header2" ng-click="toggleAccordion(' + scope.accordionIndex + ')"><td><span class="vmf-arrow"></span></td>'; var accHeadersCount = 1; angular.forEach(item.headers, function(header) { if(accHeadersCount !== item.headers.length) { template += '<td>' + header + '</td>'; } else { template += '<td class="vmf-acc-header-last-child">' + header + '</td>'; } accHeadersCount += 1; }); template += '</tr><tr class="vmf-accordion-row2"><td></td><td class="vmf-acc-header-last-child" colspan="' + item.headers.length + '"><table class="vmf-accordion-sub-table" ng-show="activeIndex =='+ scope.accordionIndex + '">'; var count = 0; angular.forEach(item.contents, function(content) { if(count !== 0) { template += '<tr class="vmf-accordion-sub-table-row">'; angular.forEach(content, function(cellData) { template += '<td>' + cellData + '</td>'; }); template += '</tr>'; } else { template += '<thead class="vmf-accordion-sub-table-header"><tr>'; var subHeaderCount = 1; angular.forEach(content, function(cellData) { template += '<td class="col' + subHeaderCount + '">' + cellData + '</td>'; subHeaderCount += 1; }); template += '</tr></thead><tbody class="vmf-accordion-sub-table-body">'; } count += 1; }); template += '</tbody></table></td></tr>'; scope.accordionIndex += 1; }); template += '</tbody></table>'; elem.append(template); // console.log(template); if(scope.customClass){ angular.forEach(scope.customClass, function(item) { elem.find(item.selector).addClass(item.cusclass); }); } $compile(elem.contents())(scope); // for IE7 elem.find('.vmf-accordion-row2').hide(); // elem.find('.vmf-accordion-row2').hide(); } scope.toggleAccordion = function(index) { scope.activeIndex = scope.activeIndex === index ? -1 : index; var accordions, accordionRows; if(scope.type === '1') { elem.find('.vmf-accordion-row').hide(); accordions = elem.find('.vmf-accordion-header'); accordions.removeClass('vmf-active-row'); // for IE7 if(scope.activeIndex !== -1) { // accordions = elem.find('.vmf-accordion-header'); // console.log(accordions[index]); $(accordions[index]).addClass('vmf-active-row'); accordionRows = $(accordions[index]).nextUntil('.vmf-accordion-header'); $(accordionRows).show(); } } else if(scope.type === '2') { elem.find('.vmf-accordion-row2').hide(); accordions = elem.find('.vmf-accordion-header2'); accordions.removeClass('vmf-active-row'); // for IE7 if(scope.activeIndex !== -1) { $(accordions[index]).addClass('vmf-active-row'); accordionRows = $(accordions[index]).nextUntil('.vmf-accordion-header2'); $(accordionRows).show(); } } }; scope.buttonClick = function($event, index) { $event.stopPropagation(); scope.selAcc = index; }; } }; }]);
/* ================================================================ * startserver by xdf(xudafeng[at] * * first created at : Mon Jun 02 2014 20:15:51 GMT+0800 (CST) * * ================================================================ * Copyright 2013 xdf * * Licensed under the MIT License * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * ================================================================ */ 'use strict'; var logx = require('logx'); function *logger() { var log = 'Method: '.gray +; log += ' Url: '.gray +;; yield; } module.exports = logger;
/** * Default admin */ new User({ firstName: 'Admin', lastName: 'Admin', username: 'admin', type: 'admin', password: 'admin', email: '[email protected]', subscribed: false, }).save((u) => { }) /** * Test users */ new User({ firstName: 'Jonathan', lastName: 'Santos', username: 'santojon', type: 'user', password: 'test', email: '[email protected]', gender: 'Male', subscribed: true, image: '' }).save((u) => { UserController.updateUser(u) }) new User({ firstName: 'Raphael', lastName: 'Tulyo', username: 'crazybird', type: 'user', password: 'test', email: '[email protected]', gender: 'Male', subscribed: true }).save((u) => { UserController.updateUser(u) }) new User({ firstName: 'Vinícius', lastName: 'Emanuel', username: 'vems', type: 'user', password: 'test', email: '[email protected]', gender: 'Male', subscribed: true }).save((u) => { UserController.updateUser(u) }) /** * More test users */ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { new User({ firstName: 'Test' + i, lastName: '' + i, username: 'testuser' + i, type: 'user', password: 'test', email: 'test' + i + '', gender: (i % 2 === 0) ? 'Male' : 'Female', subscribed: true }).save((u) => { UserController.updateUser(u) }) } Subscription.findAll().forEach((s) => { s.status = true s.update(s) })
import * as React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <path d="M2 21.5c0 . 0 .49-.22.49-.5V20H2v1.5zM15.5 16H11v-2H7v2H2.5c-.28 0-.5.22-.5.5V18h14v-1.5c0-.28-.22-.5-.5-.5zm4.97-.55c.99-1.07 1.53-2.48 1.53-3.94V2h-6v9.47c0 1.48.58 2.92 1.6 4l.4.42V22h4v-2h-2v-4.03l.47-.52zM18 4h2v4h-2V4zm1.03 10.07c-.65-.71-1.03-1.65-1.03-2.6V10h2v1.51c0 .95-.34 1.85-.97 2.56z" /> , 'BrunchDiningOutlined');
var builder = require("botbuilder"); var botbuilder_azure = require("botbuilder-azure"); const notUtils = require('./notifications-utils.js'); module.exports = [ function (session) { session.beginDialog('notifications-common-symbol'); }, function (session, results) { var pair = results.response; session.dialogData.symbol = pair; builder.Prompts.number(session, 'How big should the interval be?'); }, function (session, results) { session.dialogData.interval = results.response; builder.Prompts.text(session, "What name would you like to give to this notification?"); }, function (session, results) { var sub = notUtils.getBaseNotification('interval', session.message.address); sub.symbol = session.dialogData.symbol; sub.interval = session.dialogData.interval; sub.previousprice = 0; sub.isfirstun = true; = results.response; notUtils.createNotification(sub).then((r) => { session.endDialog('Notification created!'); }).catch((e) => { session.endDialog('Couldn\'t create notification: ' + e); }); } ];
version oid sha256:a396601eca15b0c281513d01941cfd37300b927b32a1bb9bb6e708a9910f1b49 size 2712
import _ from 'lodash'; /** * Represents a channel with which commands can be invoked. * * Channels are one-per-origin (protocol/domain/port). */ class Channel { constructor(config, $rootScope, $timeout, contentWindow) { this.config = config; this.$rootScope = $rootScope; this.$timeout = $timeout; this._contentWindow = contentWindow; this.messageCounter = 0; } ab2str(buffer) { let result = ""; let bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer); let len = bytes.byteLength; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { result += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]); } return result; }; /** * Fire and forget pattern that sends the command to the target without waiting for a response. */ invokeDirect(command, data, targetOrigin, transferrablePropertyPath) { if (!data) { data = {}; } if (!targetOrigin) { targetOrigin = this.config.siteUrl; } if (!targetOrigin) { targetOrigin = "*"; } data.command = command; data.postMessageId = `SP.RequestExecutor_${this.messageCounter++}`; let transferrableProperty = undefined; if (transferrablePropertyPath) { transferrableProperty = _.get(data, transferrablePropertyPath); } if (transferrableProperty) this._contentWindow.postMessage(data, targetOrigin, [transferrableProperty]); else this._contentWindow.postMessage(data, targetOrigin); } /** * Invokes the specified command on the channel with the specified data, constrained to the specified domain awaiting for max ms specified in timeout */ async invoke(command, data, targetOrigin, timeout, transferrablePropertyPath) { if (!data) { data = {}; } if (!targetOrigin) { targetOrigin = this.config.siteUrl; } if (!targetOrigin) { targetOrigin = "*"; } if (!timeout) { timeout = 0; } data.command = command; data.postMessageId = `SP.RequestExecutor_${this.messageCounter++}`; let resolve, reject; let promise = new Promise((innerResolve, innerReject) => { resolve = innerResolve; reject = innerReject; }); let timeoutPromise; if (timeout > 0) { timeoutPromise = this.$timeout(() => { reject(new Error(`invoke() timed out while waiting for a response while executing ${data.command}`)); }, timeout); } let removeMonitor = this.$rootScope.$on(this.config.crossDomainMessageSink.incomingMessageName, (event, response) => { if (response.postMessageId !== data.postMessageId) return; if (response.result === "error") { reject(response); } else { if ( { let contentType = response.headers["content-type"] || response.headers["Content-Type"]; if (contentType.startsWith("application/json")) { let str = this.ab2str(; if (str.length > 0) { try { = JSON.parse(str); } catch(ex) { } } } else if (contentType.startsWith("text")) { = this.ab2str(; } } resolve(response); } removeMonitor(); if (timeoutPromise) this.$timeout.cancel(timeoutPromise); }); let transferrableProperty = undefined; if (transferrablePropertyPath) { transferrableProperty = _.get(data, transferrablePropertyPath); } if (transferrableProperty) this._contentWindow.postMessage(data, targetOrigin, [transferrableProperty]); else this._contentWindow.postMessage(data, targetOrigin); return promise; } } module.exports = Channel;
// config/database.js module.exports = { 'secret': 'puneetvashisht', 'url' : 'mongodb://localhost/userdb' // looks like mongodb://<user>:<pass> };
import { LOAD_SEARCH_RESULT_SUCCESS, CLEAR_SEARCH_RESULTS, } from 'actions/search'; import { createActionHandlers } from 'utils/reducer/actions-handlers'; const actionHandlers = {}; export function loadSearchResultSuccess(state, searchResultsList) { return searchResultsList.reduce((acc, result) => { return { ...acc, []: result, }; }, {}); } export function clearSearchResult() { return {}; } actionHandlers[LOAD_SEARCH_RESULT_SUCCESS] = loadSearchResultSuccess; actionHandlers[CLEAR_SEARCH_RESULTS] = clearSearchResult; export default createActionHandlers(actionHandlers);
/** * Created by huangxinghui on 2016/1/20. */ var $ = require('jquery') var Widget = require('../../widget') var plugin = require('../../plugin') var TreeNode = require('./treenode') var Tree = Widget.extend({ options: { 'labelField': null, 'labelFunction': null, 'childrenField': 'children', 'autoOpen': true }, events: { 'click li': '_onSelect', 'click i': '_onExpand' }, _create: function() { this.$element.addClass('tree') var that = this var $ul = $('<ul></ul>') this._loadFromDataSource() this.nodes.forEach(function(node) { that._createNode(node) $ul.append(node.element) }) this.$element.append($ul) }, _onSelect: function(e) { var $li = $(e.currentTarget), node = $'node') e.preventDefault() if (!$li.hasClass('active')) { this._setSelectedNode(node) this._trigger('itemClick', } }, _onExpand: function(e) { var $li = $(e.currentTarget).closest('li'), node = $'node') e.preventDefault() if (node.isOpen) { this.collapseNode(node) } else { this.expandNode(node) } }, _setSelectedNode: function(node) { var $active = this.$element.find('.active') $active.removeClass('active') var $li = node.element $li.addClass('active') this._trigger('change', }, _createNode: function(node) { if (node.isBranch()) { this._createFolder(node) } else { this._createLeaf(node) } }, _createLeaf: function(node) { var html = ['<li><a href="#"><span>'] html.push(this._createIndentationHtml(node.getLevel())) html.push(this.itemToLabel( html.push('</span></a></li>') var $li = $(html.join('')) $'node', node) node.element = $li return $li }, _createFolder: function(node) { var that = this var html = [] if (node.isOpen) { html.push('<li class="open"><a href="#"><span>') html.push(this._createIndentationHtml(node.getLevel() - 1)) html.push('<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus-sign js-folder"></i>') } else { html.push('<li><a href="#"><span>') html.push(this._createIndentationHtml(node.getLevel() - 1)) html.push('<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign js-folder"></i>') } html.push(this.itemToLabel( html.push('</span></a></li>') var $li = $(html.join('')) var $ul = $('<ul class="children-list"></ul>') node.children.forEach(function(childNode) { that._createNode(childNode) $ul.append(childNode.element) }) $li.append($ul) $'node', node) node.element = $li return $li }, _createLabel: function(node) { var html = ['<span>'] var level = node.getLevel() if (node.isBranch()) { html.push(this._createIndentationHtml(level - 1)) html.push('<i class="glyphicon ', node.isOpen ? 'glyphicon-minus-sign' : 'glyphicon-plus-sign', ' js-folder"></i>') } else { html.push(this._createIndentationHtml(level)) } html.push(this.itemToLabel( html.push('</span>') return html.join('') }, _createIndentationHtml: function(count) { var html = [] for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { html.push('<i class="glyphicon tree-indentation"></i>') } return html.join('') }, _loadFromDataSource: function() { var node, children, nodes = [], that = this if (this.options.dataSource) { this.options.dataSource.forEach(function(item) { node = new TreeNode(item) children = item[that.options.childrenField] if (children) { node.isOpen = that.options.autoOpen that._loadFromArray(children, node) } nodes.push(node) }) } this.nodes = nodes }, _loadFromArray: function(array, parentNode) { var node, children, that = this array.forEach(function(item) { node = new TreeNode(item) parentNode.addChild(node) children = item[that.childrenField] if (children) { node.isOpen = that.autoOpen that._loadFromArray(children, node) } }) }, expandNode: function(node) { if (!node.isBranch()) { return } var $li = node.element var $disclosureIcon = $li.children('a').find('.js-folder') if (!node.isOpen) { node.isOpen = true $li.addClass('open') $disclosureIcon.removeClass('glyphicon-plus-sign').addClass('glyphicon-minus-sign') this._trigger('itemOpen') } }, collapseNode: function(node) { if (!node.isBranch()) { return } var $li = node.element var $disclosureIcon = $li.children('a').find('.js-folder') if (node.isOpen) { node.isOpen = false $li.removeClass('open') $disclosureIcon.removeClass('glyphicon-minus-sign').addClass('glyphicon-plus-sign') this._trigger('itemClose') } }, expandAll: function() { var that = this this.nodes.forEach(function(node) { that.expandNode(node) }) }, collapseAll: function() { var that = this this.nodes.forEach(function(node) { that.collapseNode(node) }) }, append: function(item, parentNode) { var $ul, $li, $prev, node = new TreeNode(item) if (parentNode.isBranch()) { parentNode.addChild(node) $ul = parentNode.element.children('ul') this._createNode(node) $li = node.element $ul.append($li) } else { parentNode.addChild(node) $li = parentNode.element $prev = $li.prev() $ul = $li.parent() parentNode.element = null $li.remove() $li = this._createFolder(parentNode) if ($prev.length) { $prev.after($li) } else { $ul.append($li) } } this.expandNode(parentNode) this._setSelectedNode(node) }, remove: function(node) { var parentNode = node.parent node.element.remove() node.destroy() this._setSelectedNode(parentNode) }, update: function(node) { var $li = node.element $li.children('a').html(this._createLabel(node)) }, getSelectedNode: function() { var $li = this.$element.find('.active') return $'node') }, getSelectedItem: function() { var node = this.getSelectedNode() return }, itemToLabel: function(data) { if (!data) { return '' } if (this.options.labelFunction != null) { return this.options.labelFunction(data) } else if (this.options.labelField != null) { return data[this.options.labelField] } else { return data } } }) plugin('tree', Tree)
function solve(args) { function biSearch(array, searchedNumber, start, end) { for (var i = start; i <= end; i += 1) { if (+array[i] === searchedNumber) { return i; } } return -1; } var data = args[0].split('\n'), numberN = +data.shift(), numberX = +data.pop(); var firstIndex = 0; var lastIndex = data.length - 1; var resultIndex = 0; var middle = 0; for (var j = firstIndex; j < lastIndex; j += 1) { middle = (lastIndex / 2) | 0; if (+data[middle] === numberX) { resultIndex = middle; break; } if (+data[middle] < numberX) { firstIndex = middle; resultIndex = biSearch(data, numberX, firstIndex, lastIndex); } if (+data[middle] > numberX) { lastIndex = middle; resultIndex = biSearch(data, numberX, firstIndex, lastIndex); } } if (resultIndex >= 0 && resultIndex < data.length) { console.log(resultIndex); } else { console.log('-1'); } }
Homeworks/JS Fundamentals/07. Arrays/07. Binary search/binary-search.js
#!/usr/bin/env node var pluginlist = [ ]; var exec = require('child_process').exec; function puts(error, stdout, stderr) { console.log(stdout); } pluginlist.forEach(function(plug) { exec("cordova plugin add " + plug, puts); });
const path = require('path'); require('dotenv').config(); const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin'); const ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin'); const { AureliaPlugin } = require('aurelia-webpack-plugin'); const { optimize: { CommonsChunkPlugin }, ProvidePlugin } = require('webpack') const { TsConfigPathsPlugin, CheckerPlugin } = require('awesome-typescript-loader'); var BundleAnalyzerPlugin = require('webpack-bundle-analyzer').BundleAnalyzerPlugin; const UglifyJSPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin') var BrowserSyncPlugin = require('browser-sync-webpack-plugin'); // config helpers: const ensureArray = (config) => config && (Array.isArray(config) ? config : [config]) || [] const when = (condition, config, negativeConfig) => condition ? ensureArray(config) : ensureArray(negativeConfig) // primary config: const title = 'TechRadar'; const outDir = path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'); const srcDir = path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'); const nodeModulesDir = path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules'); const baseUrl = '/'; const cssRules = [ { loader: 'css-loader' }, { loader: 'postcss-loader', options: { plugins: () => [require('autoprefixer')({ browsers: ['last 2 versions'] })] } } ] module.exports = ({ production, server, extractCss, coverage } = {}) => ({ resolve: { extensions: ['.ts', '.js'], modules: [srcDir, 'node_modules'], alias: { 'aurelia-binding$': path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules/aurelia-binding/dist/amd/aurelia-binding.js') } }, entry: { app: ['./src/main'] }, output: { path: outDir, publicPath: baseUrl, filename: production ? '[name].[chunkhash].bundle.js' : '[name].[hash].bundle.js', sourceMapFilename: production ? '[name].[chunkhash]' : '[name].[hash]', chunkFilename: production ? '[chunkhash].chunk.js' : '[hash].chunk.js', }, devServer: { contentBase: baseUrl, }, module: { rules: [ // CSS required in JS/TS files should use the style-loader that auto-injects it into the website // only when the issuer is a .js/.ts file, so the loaders are not applied inside html templates { test: /\.css$/i, issuer: [{ not: [{ test: /\.html$/i }] }], use: extractCss ? ExtractTextPlugin.extract({ fallback: 'style-loader', use: cssRules, }) : ['style-loader', ...cssRules], }, { test: /\.css$/i, issuer: [{ test: /\.html$/i }], // CSS required in templates cannot be extracted safely // because Aurelia would try to require it again in runtime use: cssRules, }, { test: /\.html$/i, loader: 'html-loader' }, { test: /\.ts$/i, loader: 'awesome-typescript-loader', exclude: nodeModulesDir }, { test: /\.json$/i, loader: 'json-loader' }, // use Bluebird as the global Promise implementation: { test: /[\/\\]node_modules[\/\\]bluebird[\/\\].+\.js$/, loader: 'expose-loader?Promise' }, // exposes jQuery globally as $ and as jQuery: { test: require.resolve('jquery'), loader: 'expose-loader?$!expose-loader?jQuery' }, // embed small images and fonts as Data Urls and larger ones as files: { test: /\.(png|gif|jpg|cur)$/i, loader: 'url-loader', options: { limit: 8192 } }, { test: /\.woff2(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/i, loader: 'url-loader', options: { limit: 10000, mimetype: 'application/font-woff2' } }, { test: /\.woff(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/i, loader: 'url-loader', options: { limit: 10000, mimetype: 'application/font-woff' } }, // load these fonts normally, as files: { test: /\.(ttf|eot|svg|otf)(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/i, loader: 'file-loader' }, ...when(coverage, { test: /\.[jt]s$/i, loader: 'istanbul-instrumenter-loader', include: srcDir, exclude: [/\.{spec,test}\.[jt]s$/i], enforce: 'post', options: { esModules: true }, }) ] }, plugins: [ new BrowserSyncPlugin({ // browse to http://localhost:3000/ during development, // ./public directory is being served host: 'localhost', port: 3000, server: { baseDir: ['dist'] } }), new AureliaPlugin(), new ProvidePlugin({ 'Promise': 'bluebird', '$': 'jquery', 'jQuery': 'jquery', 'window.jQuery': 'jquery', }), new TsConfigPathsPlugin(), new CheckerPlugin(), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ template: 'index.ejs', minify: production ? { removeComments: true, collapseWhitespace: true } : undefined, metadata: { // available in index.ejs // title, server, baseUrl }, }), // new UglifyJSPlugin(), new CopyWebpackPlugin([ { from: 'static/favicon.ico', to: 'favicon.ico' } ,{ from: './../tr-host/projects', to: 'projects' } ,{ from: 'img', to: 'img' } ]), ...when(extractCss, new ExtractTextPlugin({ filename: production ? '[contenthash].css' : '[id].css', allChunks: true, })), ...when(production, new CommonsChunkPlugin({ name: ['vendor'] })), ...when(production, new CopyWebpackPlugin([ { from: 'static/favicon.ico', to: 'favicon.ico' } ])) // , // new BundleAnalyzerPlugin({ // // Can be `server`, `static` or `disabled`. // // In `server` mode analyzer will start HTTP server to show bundle report. // // In `static` mode single HTML file with bundle report will be generated. // // In `disabled` mode you can use this plugin to just generate Webpack Stats JSON file by setting `generateStatsFile` to `true`. // analyzerMode: 'static', // // Host that will be used in `server` mode to start HTTP server. // analyzerHost: '', // // Port that will be used in `server` mode to start HTTP server. // analyzerPort: 8888, // // Path to bundle report file that will be generated in `static` mode. // // Relative to bundles output directory. // reportFilename: 'report.html', // // Module sizes to show in report by default. // // Should be one of `stat`, `parsed` or `gzip`. // // See "Definitions" section for more information. // defaultSizes: 'parsed', // // Automatically open report in default browser // openAnalyzer: false, // // If `true`, Webpack Stats JSON file will be generated in bundles output directory // generateStatsFile: false, // // Name of Webpack Stats JSON file that will be generated if `generateStatsFile` is `true`. // // Relative to bundles output directory. // statsFilename: 'stats.json', // // Options for `stats.toJson()` method. // // For example you can exclude sources of your modules from stats file with `source: false` option. // // See more options here: // statsOptions: null, // // Log level. Can be 'info', 'warn', 'error' or 'silent'. // logLevel: 'info' // }) ], })
/** @jsx m */ import m from 'mithril'; import { linkTo, hrefTo } from '@storybook/addon-links'; const Main = { view: vnode => ( <article style={{ padding: 15, lineHeight: 1.4, fontFamily: '"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, "Segoe UI", Arial, freesans, sans-serif', backgroundColor: '#ffffff', }} > {vnode.children} </article> ), }; const Title = { view: vnode => <h1>{vnode.children}</h1>, }; const Note = { view: vnode => ( <p style={{ opacity: 0.5, }} > {vnode.children} </p> ), }; const InlineCode = { view: vnode => ( <code style={{ fontSize: 15, fontWeight: 600, padding: '2px 5px', border: '1px solid #eae9e9', borderRadius: 4, backgroundColor: '#f3f2f2', color: '#3a3a3a', }} > {vnode.children} </code> ), }; const Link = { view: vnode => ( <a style={{ color: '#1474f3', textDecoration: 'none', borderBottom: '1px solid #1474f3', paddingBottom: 2, }} {...vnode.attrs} > {vnode.children} </a> ), }; const NavButton = { view: vnode => ( <button type="button" style={{ borderTop: 'none', borderRight: 'none', borderLeft: 'none', backgroundColor: 'transparent', padding: 0, cursor: 'pointer', font: 'inherit', }} {...vnode.attrs} > {vnode.children} </button> ), }; const StoryLink = { oninit: vnode => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign vnode.state.href = '/'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign vnode.state.onclick = () => { linkTo(vnode.attrs.kind, vnode.attrs.story)(); return false; }; StoryLink.updateHref(vnode); }, updateHref: async vnode => { const href = await hrefTo(vnode.attrs.kind, vnode.attrs.story); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign vnode.state.href = href; m.redraw(); }, view: vnode => ( <a href={vnode.state.href} style={{ color: '#1474f3', textDecoration: 'none', borderBottom: '1px solid #1474f3', paddingBottom: 2, }} onClick={vnode.state.onclick} > {vnode.children} </a> ), }; const Welcome = { view: vnode => ( <Main> <Title>Welcome to storybook</Title> <p>This is a UI component dev environment for your app.</p> <p> We've added some basic stories inside the <InlineCode>src/stories</InlineCode> directory. <br />A story is a single state of one or more UI components. You can have as many stories as you want. <br /> (Basically a story is like a visual test case.) </p> <p> See these sample&nbsp; {vnode.attrs.showApp ? ( <NavButton onclick={vnode.attrs.showApp}>stories</NavButton> ) : ( <StoryLink kind={vnode.attrs.showKind} story={vnode.attrs.showStory}> stories </StoryLink> )} &nbsp;for a component called <InlineCode>Button</InlineCode>. </p> <p> Just like that, you can add your own components as stories. <br /> You can also edit those components and see changes right away. <br /> (Try editing the <InlineCode>Button</InlineCode> stories located at&nbsp; <InlineCode>src/stories/1-Button.stories.js</InlineCode> .) </p> <p> Usually we create stories with smaller UI components in the app. <br /> Have a look at the&nbsp; <Link href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" > Writing Stories </Link> &nbsp;section in our documentation. </p> <Note> <b>NOTE:</b> <br /> Have a look at the <InlineCode>.storybook/webpack.config.js</InlineCode> to add webpack loaders and plugins you are using in this project. </Note> </Main> ), }; export default Welcome;
window.Lunchiatto.module('Transfer', function(Transfer, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) { return Transfer.Layout = Marionette.LayoutView.extend({ template: 'transfers/layout', ui: { receivedTransfers: '.received-transfers', submittedTransfers: '.submitted-transfers' }, behaviors: { Animateable: { types: ['fadeIn'] }, Titleable: {} }, regions: { receivedTransfers: '@ui.receivedTransfers', submittedTransfers: '@ui.submittedTransfers' }, onRender() { this._showTransfers('received'); this._showTransfers('submitted'); }, _showTransfers(type) { const transfers = new App.Entities.Transfers([], {type}); transfers.optionedFetch({ success: transfers => { App.getUsers().then(() => { const view = new App.Transfer.List({ collection: transfers}); this[`${type}Transfers`].show(view); }); } }); }, _htmlTitle() { return 'Transfers'; } }); });
'use strict'; var i18n = require('./i18n.js') i18n.add_translation("pt-BR", { test: 'OK', greetings: { hello: 'Olá', welcome: 'Bem vindo' } }); i18n.locale = 'pt-BR'; console.log(i18n.t('greetings.hello')); console.log(i18n.t('greetings.welcome')); console.log("Hallo"); // Example 2 i18n.add_translation("pt-BR", { greetings: { hello: 'Olá', welcome: 'Bem vindo' } }); console.log(i18n.t('greetings.hello')); i18n.add_translation("pt-BR", { test: 'OK', greetings: { hello: 'Oi', bye: 'Tchau' } }); console.log(i18n.t('greetings.hello')); console.log(i18n.t('test'));
/** * @flow */ /* eslint-disable */ 'use strict'; /*:: import type { ReaderFragment } from 'relay-runtime'; export type ReactionContent = "CONFUSED" | "EYES" | "HEART" | "HOORAY" | "LAUGH" | "ROCKET" | "THUMBS_DOWN" | "THUMBS_UP" | "%future added value"; import type { FragmentReference } from "relay-runtime"; declare export opaque type emojiReactionsView_reactable$ref: FragmentReference; declare export opaque type emojiReactionsView_reactable$fragmentType: emojiReactionsView_reactable$ref; export type emojiReactionsView_reactable = {| +id: string, +reactionGroups: ?$ReadOnlyArray<{| +content: ReactionContent, +viewerHasReacted: boolean, +users: {| +totalCount: number |}, |}>, +viewerCanReact: boolean, +$refType: emojiReactionsView_reactable$ref, |}; export type emojiReactionsView_reactable$data = emojiReactionsView_reactable; export type emojiReactionsView_reactable$key = { +$data?: emojiReactionsView_reactable$data, +$fragmentRefs: emojiReactionsView_reactable$ref, }; */ const node/*: ReaderFragment*/ = { "kind": "Fragment", "name": "emojiReactionsView_reactable", "type": "Reactable", "metadata": null, "argumentDefinitions": [], "selections": [ { "kind": "ScalarField", "alias": null, "name": "id", "args": null, "storageKey": null }, { "kind": "LinkedField", "alias": null, "name": "reactionGroups", "storageKey": null, "args": null, "concreteType": "ReactionGroup", "plural": true, "selections": [ { "kind": "ScalarField", "alias": null, "name": "content", "args": null, "storageKey": null }, { "kind": "ScalarField", "alias": null, "name": "viewerHasReacted", "args": null, "storageKey": null }, { "kind": "LinkedField", "alias": null, "name": "users", "storageKey": null, "args": null, "concreteType": "ReactingUserConnection", "plural": false, "selections": [ { "kind": "ScalarField", "alias": null, "name": "totalCount", "args": null, "storageKey": null } ] } ] }, { "kind": "ScalarField", "alias": null, "name": "viewerCanReact", "args": null, "storageKey": null } ] }; // prettier-ignore (node/*: any*/).hash = 'fde156007f42d841401632fce79875d5'; module.exports = node;
(function() { 'use strict'; angular .module('app.match') .run(appRun); appRun.$inject = ['routerHelper']; /* @ngInject */ function appRun(routerHelper) { routerHelper.configureStates(getStates()); } function getStates() { return [{ state: 'match', config: { url: '/match/:id', templateUrl: 'app/match/match.html', controller: 'MatchController', controllerAs: 'vm', title: 'Match', settings: { nav: 2, content: '<i class="fa fa-lock"></i> Match' } } }]; } })();
var loadJsons = require('../lib/loadJsons'); describe("Get a recursive directory load of JSONs", function() { var data; beforeEach(function(done) { if(data) done(); else { loadJsons("./specs")(function(d) { data = d; done(); }); } }); it("Should return right number of jsons", function() { expect(data.length).toBe(6); }); it("Should have a @type field on all objects", function() { data.forEach(function(d) { expect(d['@type']).toBeDefined(); }); }); });
import axios from 'axios'; import { updateRadius } from './radius-reducer'; import { AddBType } from './b-type-reducer'; // import { create as createUser } from './users'; // import history from '../history'; /* ------------------ ACTIONS --------------------- */ const ADD_B_TYPE = 'ADD_B_TYPE'; const ADD_LNG_LAT = 'ADD_LNG_LAT'; const UPDATE_RADIUS = 'UPDATE_RADIUS'; const SWITCH_MEASUREMENT = 'SWITCH_MEASUREMENT'; /* -------------- ACTION CREATORS ----------------- */ export const addLngLat = (latitude, longitude) => ({ type: ADD_LNG_LAT, latitude, longitude }); export const switchMeasurement = measurement => ({ type: SWITCH_MEASUREMENT, measurement }); /* ------------------ REDUCER --------------------- */ export default function reducer (state = { latitude: null, longitude: null, radius: null, businessType: null, distanceMeasurement: 'miles' }, action) { switch (action.type) { case ADD_B_TYPE: state.businessType = action.typeStr; break; case ADD_LNG_LAT: state.latitude = action.latitude; state.longitude = action.longitude; break; case UPDATE_RADIUS: state.radius = action.radInt; break; case SWITCH_MEASUREMENT: state.distanceMeasurement = action.measurement; break; default: return state; } return state; }