1 value
15 values
module.exports.up=function(onSuccess,onFailed){ var dbo=new entity.Base(); dbo.saveToDB("recipe_drink",["recipe_code","drink_code","quantity","description"], [ ["3622","342",9.83,"1/3 shot Southern Comfort "], ["3622","315",9.83,"1/3 shot Grand Marnier "], ["3622","375",9.83,"1/3 shot Amaretto "], ["3622","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["3622","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["3622","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["3622","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["4511","333",30,"1 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["4511","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1736","479",7.5,"1/4 oz Galliano "], ["1736","480",7.5,"1/4 oz Irish cream "], ["1736","378",7.5,"1/4 oz Scotch "], ["1736","462",7.5,"1/4 oz Tequila "], ["2420","365",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["2420","315",7.5,"1/4 oz Grand Marnier "], ["2420","54",7.5,"1/4 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2420","146",7.5,"1/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2420","36",7.5,"1/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["2420","375",7.5,"1/4 oz Amaretto "], ["2420","372",15,"1/2 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["5153","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["5153","261",45,"1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5153","372",45,"1 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5460","316",40,"4 cl Vodka "], ["5460","88",20,"2 cl Dry Vermouth "], ["5460","462",40,"4 cl Tequila "], ["5460","22",30,"3 cl 7-Up "], ["5460","342",20,"2 cl Southern Comfort "], ["3844","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["3844","78",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["5540","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur (99 banana) "], ["5540","153",15,"1/2 oz Watermelon liqueur "], ["5540","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["2194","145",7.5,"1/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["2194","270",7.5,"1/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2194","114",7.5,"1/4 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["2194","85",7.5,"1/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2194","422",3.7,"1 splash Cream "], ["5936","70",390,"13 oz Snapple Rain "], ["5936","226",210,"7 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["2027","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2027","232",30,"1 oz Wild Turkey, 101 proof "], ["4536","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["4536","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["4536","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["4069","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["4069","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["5611","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["5611","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["5611","462",240,"0.8 oz Tequila "], ["5611","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5611","297",150,"1.5 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5611","211",60,"2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5611","323",30,"1 oz Sprite "], ["5629","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5629","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["5629","142",30,"1 oz White rum "], ["5629","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5629","266",180,"6 oz Sour mix "], ["5629","22",180,"6 oz 7-Up "], ["3264","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3264","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum "], ["3264","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["3264","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["3264","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3264","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["3264","22",60,"2 oz 7-Up "], ["9","383",22.5,"3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["9","105",45,"1 1/2 oz dry Sherry "], ["9","433",0.9,"1 dash Orange bitters "], ["4731","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["4731","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4731","205",10,"1/3 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["2313","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["2313","231",30,"1 oz Apricot brandy "], ["2313","424",2.5,"1/2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["4082","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4082","131",15,"1/2 oz Tabasco sauce "], ["1831","198",14.75,"1/2 shot Aftershock "], ["1831","85",14.75,"1/2 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3827","198",30,"1 oz Aftershock "], ["3827","464",30,"1 oz Avalanche Peppermint schnapps "], ["1302","62",30,"1 oz Yukon Jack "], ["1302","471",30,"1 oz Jim Beam "], ["1302","449",30,"1 oz Apple schnapps "], ["1302","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1302","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["1302","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["1302","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["1302","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["3310","381",50,"5 cl Drambuie "], ["3310","36",50,"5 cl Malibu rum "], ["3310","179",50,"5 cl Cherry brandy "], ["3310","2",100,"10 cl Lemonade "], ["2383","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["2383","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["2383","155",15,"1/2 oz Heavy cream "], ["4837","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4837","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["4837","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4837","441",240,"8 oz Fruit punch "], ["4837","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["5192","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5192","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5192","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["5192","424",0.9,"1 dash Lemon juice "], ["13","85",30,"1 oz 151 proof rum "], ["13","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["13","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["13","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["13","392",360,"12 oz Beer "], ["2278","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["2278","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["2278","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2278","388",3.7,"1 splash Lemon-lime soda "], ["14","62",14.75,"1/2 shot Yukon Jack "], ["14","375",14.75,"1/2 shot Amaretto "], ["4071","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["4071","207",15,"1/2 oz Yellow Chartreuse "], ["4071","433",0.9,"1 dash Orange bitters "], ["5539","316",60,"2 oz Stefanoffs Vodka "], ["5539","59",30,"1 oz Fanta "], ["5539","323",150,"0.5 oz Sprite "], ["5539","100",150,"0.5 oz Kiwi juice , concentrate "], ["2304","376",20,"2 cl Gin "], ["2304","333",20,"2 cl Creme de Cacao "], ["2304","422",20,"2 cl Cream "], ["18","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["18","15",30,"1 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["18","155",30,"1 oz Heavy cream "], ["18","20",0.63,"1/8 tsp grated Nutmeg "], ["15","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["15","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["15","155",15,"1/2 oz Heavy cream "], ["1370","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1370","274",15,"1/2 oz Melon liqueur "], ["1370","221",15,"1/2 oz Raspberry schnapps "], ["1370","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1370","211",60,"2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["1370","22",60,"2 oz 7-Up "], ["21","56",45,"1 1/2 oz Blended whiskey "], ["21","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["21","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1002","82",10,"1 cl Grenadine syrup "], ["1002","445",10,"1 cl Orange juice "], ["1002","261",20,"2 cl Pineapple juice "], ["1002","422",40,"4 cl Cream "], ["3130","316",7.5,"1/4 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["3130","146",7.5,"1/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3130","36",7.5,"1/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["3130","261",7.5,"1/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5184","375",29.5,"1 shot Amaretto "], ["5184","315",29.5,"1 shot Grand Marnier "], ["5184","342",29.5,"1 shot Southern Comfort "], ["1903","114",15,"1/2 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["1903","270",7.5,"1/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1903","146",7.5,"1/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4658","249",30,"1 oz Bourbon "], ["4658","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4658","175",60,"2 oz Coca-Cola "], ["1510","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["1510","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["1510","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1510","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["1510","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1510","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["4176","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["4176","368",10,"1/3 oz Sloe gin "], ["4176","274",10,"1/3 oz Melon liqueur "], ["4176","261",10,"1/3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["23","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["23","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["23","360",2.5,"1/2 tsp Kummel "], ["2034","146",10,"1/3 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2034","309",10,"1/3 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2034","342",10,"1/3 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2034","375",10,"1/3 oz Amaretto "], ["2034","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["2764","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["2764","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["2764","482",240,"8 oz Coffee (hot) "], ["5675","475",30,"1 oz Sambuca "], ["5675","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["3348","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["3348","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["3348","41",60,"2 oz Light cream "], ["4468","365",7.5,"1-1/4 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["4468","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["4468","54",22.5,"3/4 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["4468","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["4468","372",3.7,"1 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["33","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["33","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["33","451",15,"1/2 oz Tawny port "], ["4422","265",7.5,"1/4 oz Kahlua "], ["4422","375",7.5,"1/4 oz Amaretto "], ["4422","167",7.5,"1/4 oz Frangelico "], ["4422","487",7.5,"1/4 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["1899","387",150,"0.5 oz Dark rum "], ["1899","214",150,"0.5 oz Light rum "], ["1899","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1899","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["1899","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["1626","214",15,"1/2 oz Light rum "], ["1626","105",45,"1 1/2 oz dry Sherry "], ["1626","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy "], ["4816","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["4816","448",15,"1/2 oz Apple brandy "], ["4816","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["36","333",7.5,"1/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["36","368",7.5,"1/4 oz Sloe gin "], ["36","192",7.5,"1/4 oz Brandy "], ["36","41",7.5,"1/4 oz Light cream "], ["4575","85",60,"2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["4575","179",30,"1 oz Cherry brandy "], ["4575","186",30,"1 oz fresh Lime juice "], ["4575","357",5,"1 tsp Sugar syrup (optional) "], ["2161","32",10,"2 tsp Cherry Kool-Aid "], ["2161","304",60,"2 oz Rum (Bacardi) "], ["2161","199",180,"6 oz Mountain Dew "], ["39","448",30,"1 oz Apple brandy "], ["39","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["39","28",30,"1 oz Dubonnet Rouge "], ["3133","316",60,"2 oz Smirnoff Vodka "], ["3133","459",10,"2 tsp Lemon-lime mix "], ["3133","352",257,"1 cup Water "], ["1895","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1895","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1895","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1895","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["4554","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4554","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4554","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["4554","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4554","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4554","261",7.5,"1/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4554","266",7.5,"1/4 oz Sour mix "], ["4554","404",7.5,"1/4 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["2275","512",45,"1 1/2 oz Dubonnet Blanc "], ["2275","88",45,"1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["3898","248",20,"2 cl Aperol "], ["3898","359",20,"2 cl Cointreau "], ["3898","88",20,"2 cl Dry Vermouth "], ["3875","424",20,"2 cl Lemon juice "], ["3875","200",20,"2 cl Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["3875","445",40,"4 cl Orange juice "], ["3875","248",40,"4 cl Aperol "], ["2960","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["2960","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka (Skyy) "], ["2960","265",15,"1/2 oz oz Kahlua "], ["2960","249",15,"1/2 oz Bourbon (Old Grandad) "], ["2960","205",30,"1 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["2960","342",22.5,"3/4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2960","310",60,"2 oz Hot chocolate "], ["4992","449",26.25,"7/8 oz Apple schnapps (DeKuyper Apple Barrel) "], ["4992","115",3.75,"1/8 oz Goldschlager "], ["4534","74",10,"1 cl Apfelkorn "], ["4534","316",10,"1 cl Vodka "], ["4534","445",20,"2 cl Orange juice "], ["4534","323",20,"2 cl Sprite or 7-up "], ["42","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["42","461",60,"2 oz Apple juice "], ["42","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["42","316",0.9,"1 dash Vodka "], ["2889","449",44.5,"1 jigger Apple schnapps "], ["2889","115",44.5,"1 jigger Goldschlager "], ["2889","270",44.5,"1 jigger Bailey's irish cream "], ["2667","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum "], ["2667","449",22.5,"3/4 oz Apple schnapps "], ["2667","132",22.5,"3/4 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["2667","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["4212","462",90,"3 oz Tequila (Cuervo Mystico) "], ["4212","324",360,"12 oz Apple cider "], ["3210","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["3210","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3210","461",90,"3 oz Apple juice "], ["5112","147",7.5,"1/4 oz Irish Mist "], ["5112","132",7.5,"1/4 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["5112","167",7.5,"1/4 oz Frangelico "], ["5112","375",7.5,"1/4 oz Amaretto "], ["46","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["46","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["46","423",5,"1 tsp Applejack "], ["46","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["46","82",2.5,"1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["3188","223",20,"2 cl Licor 43 "], ["3188","74",20,"2 cl Apfelkorn "], ["3188","259",20,"2 cl Milk "], ["48","349",45,"1 1/2 oz A�ejo rum "], ["48","423",15,"1/2 oz Applejack "], ["48","186",10,"2 tsp Lime juice "], ["48","130",60,"2 oz Club soda "], ["5923","423",30,"1 oz Applejack "], ["5923","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["5923","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["2879","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["2879","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2879","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["53","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["53","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["53","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["53","404",15,"1/2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["2033","316",60,"2 oz Vodka (Finlandia) "], ["2033","295",90,"Fill with 3 oz Champagne "], ["1482","316",75,"2 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1482","234",22.5,"3/4 oz Acerola pulp "], ["1482","404",45,"1 1/2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["1482","477",5,"1 tsp Sugar "], ["2900","316",10,"1/3 oz Vodka (Fris) "], ["2900","146",10,"1/3 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2900","211",10,"1/3 oz Sweet and sour (Mr.& Mrs.T's) "], ["4830","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["4830","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["4830","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["5206","304",14.75,"1/2 shot Rum "], ["5206","316",14.75,"1/2 shot Vodka "], ["5206","375",14.75,"1/2 shot Amaretto "], ["5206","265",14.75,"1/2 shot Kahlua "], ["5291","33",90,"3 oz Lillet "], ["5291","359",30,"1 oz Cointreau "], ["5291","383",3.7,"1 splash Sweet Vermouth "], ["5446","294",29.5,"1 shot Lime juice cordial "], ["5446","480",29.5,"1 shot Irish cream "], ["5446","12",29.5,"1 shot Blavod vodka "], ["4045","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["4045","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["4045","433",0.9,"1 dash Orange bitters "], ["3910","71",15,"1/2 oz Everclear "], ["3910","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3910","272",15,"1/2 oz Razzmatazz "], ["3910","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5677","15",30,"1 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["5677","333",30,"1 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["5677","259",180,"6 oz Milk "], ["5677","287",15,"3 tsp Chocolate syrup "], ["4246","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["4246","376",30,"1 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Vermouth "], ["3753","130",120,"4 oz Club soda "], ["5909","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy "], ["5909","351",15,"1/2 oz Benedictine "], ["1904","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1904","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["1904","167",10,"1/3 oz Frangelico "], ["1275","265",9.83,"1/3 shot Kahlua "], ["1275","375",9.83,"1/3 shot Amaretto "], ["1275","270",9.83,"1/3 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["1758","265",20,"2 cl Kahlua "], ["1758","270",20,"2 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["1758","359",20,"2 cl Cointreau "], ["2664","375",20,"2 cl Amaretto "], ["2664","270",15,"1 1/2 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["2664","304",5,"1/2 cl Rum "], ["4009","265",9.83,"1/3 shot Kahlua "], ["4009","475",9.83,"1/3 shot Sambuca "], ["4009","315",9.83,"1/3 shot Grand Marnier "], ["1387","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1387","15",15,"1/2 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["1387","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["1387","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["2197","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2197","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream (Bailey's) "], ["2197","315",30,"1 oz Grand Marnier "], ["2197","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Stolichnaya) "], ["2356","315",30,"1 oz Grand Marnier "], ["2356","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2356","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2356","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["2356","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["5242","265",9.83,"1/3 shot Kahlua "], ["5242","464",9.83,"1/3 shot Peppermint schnapps "], ["5242","480",9.83,"1/3 shot Irish cream "], ["3115","265",75,"2 1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["3115","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1573","316",75,"2 1/2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["1573","211",120,"4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["1573","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3869","214",52.5,"1 3/4 oz Bacardi Light rum "], ["3869","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["3869","357",2.5,"1/2 tsp Sugar syrup "], ["3869","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["1867","381",150,"1.5 oz Drambuie "], ["1867","315",150,"1.5 oz Grand Marnier "], ["4372","265",9.83,"1/3 shot Kahlua "], ["4372","270",9.83,"1/3 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["4372","316",9.83,"1/3 shot Vodka "], ["4690","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["4690","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["4690","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4690","304",45,"1 1/2 oz Rum "], ["4690","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum "], ["4690","116",15,"1/2 oz Cherry Heering "], ["4690","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["4648","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka (Skyy) "], ["4648","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2713","304",22.5,"3/4 oz Rum (Havanna Club Silver Dry) "], ["2713","356",7.5,"1/4 oz Limoncello (Luxardo) "], ["2713","446",15,"1/2 oz Condensed milk (Nestle) "], ["2088","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["2088","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum "], ["2088","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["2088","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2088","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["1283","214",15,"1/2 oz Light rum "], ["1283","387",15,"1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["1283","335",15,"1/2 oz Spiced rum "], ["1283","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["1283","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1283","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1283","261",150,"5 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2089","316",30,"3 cl Vodka "], ["2089","425",20,"2 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["2089","36",20,"2 cl Malibu rum "], ["2089","445",60,"6 cl Orange juice "], ["2089","424",10,"1 cl Lemon juice "], ["3283","274",44.25,"1 1/2 shot Melon liqueur "], ["3283","169",29.5,"1 shot Lime vodka "], ["3283","119",29.5,"1 shot Absolut Vodka "], ["3283","213",29.5,"1 shot Triple sec "], ["3283","243",44.25,"1 1/2 shot Blueberry schnapps "], ["3283","186",3.7,"1 splash Lime juice "], ["3283","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["1993","142",200,"20 cl White rum (Bacardi) "], ["1993","319",200,"20 cl Bacardi Black rum "], ["1993","10",200,"20 cl Creme de Banane "], ["1993","157",200,"20 cl Passoa "], ["1993","417",100,"10 cl Coconut liqueur "], ["1993","82",100,"10 cl Grenadine "], ["1993","445",2000,"200 cl Orange juice or tropical fruit mix "], ["1048","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["1048","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["1048","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["2496","379",29.5,"1 shot Tomato juice "], ["2496","462",29.5,"1 shot white Tequila "], ["2496","424",29.5,"1 shot Lemon juice "], ["3722","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["3722","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["3722","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur (99 bananas) "], ["3842","227",40,"4 cl Banana liqueur "], ["3842","316",30,"3 cl Vodka "], ["3842","445",80,"8 cl Orange juice "], ["4589","42",29.5,"1 shot Irish whiskey "], ["4589","147",29.5,"1 shot Irish Mist "], ["1632","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["1632","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["1632","422",60,"2 oz Cream, sweet "], ["68","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["68","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["68","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["4662","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["4662","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["4662","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4662","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["5002","378",15,"1/2 oz Scotch "], ["5002","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["5002","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum "], ["5002","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["5002","41",15,"1/2 oz Light cream "], ["3406","423",15,"1/2 oz Applejack "], ["3406","376",7.5,"1/4 oz Gin "], ["3406","378",7.5,"1/4 oz Scotch "], ["1972","304",44.25,"1 1/2 shot Rum "], ["1972","199",360,"12 oz Mountain Dew "], ["1972","34",59,"1 - 2 shot Blue Maui "], ["73","66",60,"2 oz Cachaca "], ["73","483",120,"4 oz Pineapple (fresh), chunks "], ["73","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp granulated Sugar "], ["73","427",257,"1 cup crushed Ice "], ["6126","66",60,"2 oz Cachaca "], ["6126","184",120,"4 oz Mango, fresh, chopped "], ["6126","477",10,"2 tsp granulated Sugar "], ["6126","427",257,"1 cup crushed Ice "], ["3329","136",60,"2 oz Blackberry schnapps (Black Haus) "], ["3329","361",30,"1 oz Chocolate liqueur "], ["3329","259",30,"1 oz Milk "], ["1852","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1852","2",180,"6 oz Lemonade "], ["3709","36",12,"2/5 oz Malibu rum "], ["3709","304",12,"2/5 oz Rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["3709","375",12,"2/5 oz Amaretto "], ["3709","372",12,"2/5 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3709","261",12,"2/5 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2910","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2910","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2910","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["76","88",45,"1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["76","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["5263","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5263","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["5263","226",30,"1 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["5263","323",3.7,"1 splash Sprite "], ["5263","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["78","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["78","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["78","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2017","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["2017","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["2017","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["3587","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["3587","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3587","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["4408","198",29.5,"1 shot Aftershock "], ["4408","471",29.5,"1 shot Jim Beam "], ["3222","85",14.75,"1/2 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3222","464",14.75,"1/2 shot Peppermint schnapps "], ["1342","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1342","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1342","31",480,"1/16 oz Grain alcohol "], ["1342","352",30,"1 oz Water "], ["6104","340",30,"1 oz Barenjager "], ["6104","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["4714","71",30,"1 oz Everclear "], ["4714","286",30,"1 oz Purple passion "], ["4714","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4714","420",30,"1 oz Cider (White lightning) "], ["4714","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4714","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4714","181",30,"1 oz Plum Wine "], ["4714","352",30,"1 oz Water "], ["79","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["79","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["79","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["79","445",5,"1 tsp Orange juice "], ["79","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["1579","304",60,"2 oz Barbados Rum "], ["1579","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["1579","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1579","175",180,"6 oz Coca-Cola "], ["1579","186",15,"1/2 oz fresh Lime juice "], ["5610","3",30,"1 oz Cognac (Hennessy) "], ["5610","315",30,"1 oz Grand Marnier "], ["80","174",45,"1 1/2 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["80","205",15,"1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["5890","392",300,"10 oz Beer "], ["5890","22",60,"2 oz 7-Up "], ["2276","146",45,"1 1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2276","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2276","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["81","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["81","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["81","231",30,"1 oz Apricot brandy "], ["81","424",10,"2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["2325","295",180,"6 oz Champagne "], ["2325","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["86","231",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Apricot brandy "], ["86","376",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Gin "], ["86","82",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["5763","304",45,"1 1/2 oz Rum (Gosling's Black Seal) "], ["5763","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5763","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["5365","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["5365","270",20,"2 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["3398","309",90,"3 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3398","282",150,"5 oz Peach juice "], ["3398","83",90,"3 oz Ginger ale "], ["2487","312",45,"1 1/2 oz Absolut Citron "], ["2487","323",300,"10 oz Sprite "], ["2487","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["4006","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["4006","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["4006","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["4006","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["5367","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum "], ["5367","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["2330","304",60,"2 oz Rum "], ["2330","375",60,"2 oz Amaretto "], ["2330","468",60,"2 oz Coconut rum "], ["2330","10",60,"2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["2330","261",240,"8 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5423","259",257,"1 cup Milk "], ["5423","508",2.5,"1/2 tsp Vanilla extract "], ["5423","64",192.75,"3/4 cup Chocolate ice-cream "], ["5423","342",45,"1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4833","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["4833","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["4833","200",3.7,"1 splash Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["4833","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["4833","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["1725","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["1725","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1725","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1332","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["1332","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["2505","3",22.5,"3/4 oz Cognac "], ["2505","332",22.5,"3/4 oz Pernod "], ["4043","333",7.5,"1/4 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["4043","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4043","316",7.5,"1/4 oz Vodka "], ["4043","266",7.5,"1/4 oz Sour mix "], ["3744","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["3744","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["3744","205",15,"1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["3744","332",5,"1 tsp Pernod "], ["2888","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["2888","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["2888","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2888","445",52.5,"1 3/4 oz Orange juice "], ["2888","266",52.5,"1 3/4 oz Sour mix "], ["2888","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["5491","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5491","202",15,"1/2 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo) "], ["5491","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["5491","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2925","136",30,"1 oz Blackberry schnapps "], ["2925","297",60,"2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2925","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1759","265",30,"3 cl Kahlua "], ["1759","259",30,"3 cl Milk "], ["2467","267",22.5,"3/4 oz Black Sambuca "], ["2467","270",22.5,"3/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2467","85",15,"1/2 oz bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4323","479",30,"3 cl Galliano "], ["4323","108",30,"3 cl J�germeister "], ["5299","462",30,"1 oz Tequila (Sauza) "], ["5299","174",30,"1 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["5299","130",30,"1 oz Club soda "], ["4198","237",22.5,"3/4 oz Raspberry liqueur (Chambord) "], ["4198","480",22.5,"3/4 oz Irish cream (Bailey's) "], ["4198","240",22.5,"3/4 oz Coffee liqueur (Kahlua) "], ["4198","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4198","126",22.5,"3/4 oz Half-and-half "], ["4198","175",3.7,"1 splash Coca-Cola "], ["5937","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["5937","126",60,"2 oz Half-and-half "], ["5937","109",90,"3 oz Cola "], ["6020","267",45,"1 1/2 oz Black Sambuca "], ["6020","206",180,"6 oz Eggnog "], ["2745","316",44.25,"1 - 1 1/2 shot Vodka "], ["2745","95",15,"1/2 oz Soy sauce "], ["4363","265",7.5,"1/4 oz Kahlua "], ["4363","475",7.5,"1/4 oz Sambuca (Romana) "], ["4363","270",7.5,"1/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4363","126",7.5,"1/4 oz Half-and-half "], ["3345","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3345","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine "], ["3345","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["3345","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["3345","174",30,"1 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["2563","108",22.5,"3/4 oz J�germeister "], ["2563","115",22.5,"3/4 oz Goldschlager "], ["2448","376",20,"2/3 oz Gin "], ["2448","267",10,"1/3 oz Black Sambuca "], ["1607","431",60,"2 oz Coffee brandy "], ["1607","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["1607","482",120,"4 oz strong, black Coffee "], ["1607","236",10,"2 tsp Powdered sugar "], ["4701","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["4701","267",15,"1/2 oz Black Sambuca (Opal) "], ["4701","179",5,"1 tsp Cherry brandy "], ["4701","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["102","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["102","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["102","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["102","213",10,"2 tsp Triple sec "], ["4669","368",7.38,"1/4 shot Sloe gin (CreamyHead) "], ["4669","297",7.38,"1/4 shot Blue Curacao "], ["4669","309",7.38,"1/4 shot Peach schnapps "], ["4669","316",7.38,"1/4 shot Vodka (Absolut) "], ["1958","316",30,"3 cl Vodka (Stoli) "], ["1958","240",30,"3 cl Coffee liqueur (Kaluha) "], ["1958","175",150,"15 cl Coca-Cola "], ["3107","240",22.5,"3/4 oz Coffee liqueur "], ["3107","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["104","296",30,"1 oz Sake "], ["104","95",15,"1/2 oz Soy sauce "], ["3449","173",75,"2 1/2 oz Canadian whisky (Crown Royal) "], ["3449","175",3.7,"1 splash Coca-Cola "], ["5734","135",150,"5 oz chilled Stout "], ["5734","295",150,"5 oz chilled Champagne "], ["1848","312",30,"1 oz Absolut Citron "], ["1848","267",30,"1 oz Black Sambuca (Opal Nera) "], ["1866","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["1866","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["1866","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["1866","186",120,"4 oz Lime juice (or Sour Mix) "], ["99","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy "], ["99","121",30,"1 oz Kirschwasser "], ["99","482",30,"1 oz Coffee "], ["106","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["106","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["106","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["106","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["5345","12",45,"1 1/2 oz Blavod vodka "], ["5345","455",180,"6 oz Longbranch Bloody mary mix "], ["3909","114",45,"1 1/2 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["3909","85",45,"1 1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2871","378",60,"2 oz Scotch "], ["2871","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["2871","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["1900","378",60,"2 oz Scotch "], ["1900","404",150,"5 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["1900","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["5522","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["5522","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["5522","404",60,"2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["5522","91",30,"1 oz Strawberry syrup "], ["2850","85",7.5,"1/4 oz 151 proof rum "], ["2850","232",7.5,"1/4 oz Wild Turkey (101 proof) "], ["2850","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2850","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["2850","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["3007","304",30,"1 oz Rum (Bacardi) "], ["3007","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3007","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["3007","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3007","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["4303","226",30,"1 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["4303","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4303","82",10,"1/3 oz Grenadine "], ["4303","211",45,"1 1/2 oz Sweet and sour mix "], ["4303","443",3.7,"1 splash Soda water "], ["4157","3",22.5,"3/4 oz Cognac "], ["4157","359",22.5,"3/4 oz Cointreau "], ["4157","499",22.5,"3/4 oz Calvados "], ["4157","332",15,"1/2 oz Pernod "], ["5101","327",30,"1 oz Campari "], ["5101","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["3646","62",45,"1 1/2 oz Yukon Jack "], ["3646","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["3646","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3646","379",30,"1 oz Tomato juice (V-8) "], ["3646","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3646","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["2858","15",30,"3 cl Green Creme de Menthe "], ["2858","270",15,"1 1/2 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["2193","10",60,"2 oz Creme de Banane (Hiram Walker) "], ["2193","297",60,"2 oz Blue Curacao (Hiram Walker) "], ["1682","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1682","21",10,"1/3 oz Whiskey "], ["1682","375",10,"1/3 oz Amaretto "], ["5150","252",60,"2 oz Whisky "], ["5150","352",180,"6 oz Water "], ["4827","297",22.5,"3/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4827","270",7.5,"1/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4827","22",30,"1 oz 7-Up "], ["4827","443",30,"1 oz Soda water "], ["4076","464",22.13,"3/4 shot Avalanche Peppermint schnapps "], ["4076","115",22.13,"3/4 shot Goldschlager "], ["3134","316",60,"2 oz Vodka (Skyy) "], ["3134","404",150,"5 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["5183","327",60,"2 oz Campari "], ["5183","192",60,"2 oz Brandy "], ["5183","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["6207","496",30,"1 oz Hpnotiq "], ["6207","312",30,"1 oz Absolut Citron "], ["6207","507",90,"3 oz White cranberry juice "], ["4081","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4081","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["4081","142",30,"1 oz White rum "], ["4081","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4081","477",5,"1 tsp Sugar "], ["4081","29",90,"3 oz Tonic water "], ["5661","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5661","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5661","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["3941","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin (Bombay Sapphire) "], ["3941","297",22.5,"3/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4865","349",45,"1 1/2 oz A�ejo rum "], ["4865","215",15,"1/2 oz Tia maria "], ["4865","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["4865","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["4865","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["120","376",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Gin (Tanqueray Malacca) "], ["120","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["120","211",45,"1 1/2 oz fresh Sweet and sour mix "], ["120","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2373","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["2373","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2373","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1590","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1590","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["6115","295",120,"4 oz Champagne "], ["6115","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["6115","297",14.75,"1/2 shot Blue Curacao "], ["2626","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2626","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["2626","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["6144","108",5.9,"1/5 shot J�germeister "], ["6144","85",5.9,"1/5 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["6144","145",5.9,"1/5 shot Rumple Minze "], ["6144","115",5.9,"1/5 shot Goldschlager "], ["6144","297",5.9,"1/5 shot Blue Curacao "], ["6206","297",29.5,"1 shot Blue Curacao "], ["6206","424",29.5,"1 shot Lemon juice "], ["3784","243",30,"3 cl Blueberry schnapps or liqueur "], ["3784","142",10,"1 cl White rum "], ["3784","186",10,"1 cl Lime juice "], ["3784","357",20,"2 cl Sugar syrup "], ["5726","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5726","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["5726","250",128.5,"1/2 cup blueberry or black currant Tea "], ["3690","243",30,"1 oz Blueberry schnapps "], ["3690","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3690","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["3690","422",0.9,"1 dash Cream (optional) "], ["2705","130",180,"6 oz Club soda "], ["2705","243",29.5,"1 shot Blueberry schnapps "], ["2705","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["5637","270",29.5,"1 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["5637","36",29.5,"1 shot Malibu rum "], ["5637","252",29.5,"1 shot Whisky "], ["4337","331",360,"12 oz Surge "], ["4337","108",120,"4 oz J�germeister "], ["4337","427",480,"16 oz Ice "], ["2158","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2158","36",10,"1/3 oz Malibu rum "], ["2158","333",10,"1/3 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1419","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["1419","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["1419","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["1395","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1395","83",240,"8 oz Ginger ale "], ["1006","445",10,"1 cl Orange juice "], ["1006","424",10,"1 cl Lemon juice "], ["1006","357",5,"1 tsp Sugar syrup "], ["1006","422",60,"6 cl Cream "], ["3059","21",60,"2 oz Whiskey "], ["3059","392",300,"10 oz Beer "], ["1678","448",22.5,"3/4 oz Apple brandy "], ["1678","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["1678","383",1.25,"1/4 tsp Sweet Vermouth "], ["4412","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["4412","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["4412","404",45,"1 1/2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["5450","184",3.7,"1 splash Mango puree "], ["5450","295",180,"4-6 oz Champagne "], ["124","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["124","376",29.5,"1 shot Gin "], ["124","309",29.5,"1 shot Peach schnapps "], ["124","132",29.5,"1 shot Cinnamon schnapps "], ["124","214",29.5,"1 shot Light rum "], ["4802","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["4802","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["4802","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["4802","213",2.5,"1/2 tsp Triple sec "], ["4802","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["4812","449",15,"1/2 oz Apple schnapps "], ["4812","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4812","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["4812","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4812","22",15,"1/2 oz 7-Up "], ["3428","376",29.5,"1 shot Gin "], ["3428","462",29.5,"1 shot Tequila "], ["3428","424",0.9,"1 dash Lemon juice "], ["3428","297",0.9,"1 dash Blue Curacao "], ["3627","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["3627","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["2540","304",29.5,"1 shot Rum "], ["2540","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["2540","376",29.5,"1 shot Gin "], ["2540","213",29.5,"1 shot Triple sec "], ["2540","82",14.75,"1/2 shot Grenadine "], ["2540","372",257,"1 cup Cranberry juice "], ["2540","445",64.25,"1/4 cup Orange juice "], ["2540","261",64.25,"1/4 cup Pineapple juice "], ["4747","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["4747","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4747","85",15,"1/2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["1857","232",22.5,"3/4 oz Wild Turkey 101 proof "], ["1857","274",22.5,"3/4 oz Melon liqueur "], ["1857","85",7.5,"1/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3292","316",10,"1 cl Vodka (Absolut) "], ["3292","270",10,"1 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["3292","482",10,"1 cl Coffee (Cappuchino) "], ["3292","259",10,"1 cl Milk "], ["2939","108",14.75,"1/2 shot J�germeister "], ["2939","62",14.75,"1/2 shot Yukon Jack "], ["3278","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["3278","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["3278","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["3278","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["3278","266",15,"1/2 oz Sour mix "], ["2749","142",30,"1 oz White rum "], ["2749","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["2749","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2749","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["2749","459",420,"14 oz Lemon-lime mix "], ["2749","175",15,"1/2 oz Coca-Cola "], ["3380","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3380","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["3380","335",15,"1/2 oz Spiced rum (Bacardi) "], ["3380","85",7.5,"1/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2117","122",29.5,"1 shot Jack Daniels "], ["2117","342",29.5,"1 shot Southern Comfort "], ["2117","475",29.5,"1 shot Sambuca "], ["126","261",100,"10 cl Pineapple juice "], ["126","355",60,"6 cl Passion fruit juice "], ["126","424",10,"1 cl Lemon juice "], ["126","82",10,"1 cl Grenadine syrup "], ["130","211",75,"2 1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["130","274",75,"2 1/2 oz Melon liqueur (Midori) "], ["130","276",75,"2 1/2 oz Root beer schnapps "], ["4968","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["4968","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["4968","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["4685","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4685","316",60,"2 oz Vodka (Skyy) "], ["4685","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["4685","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["4685","445",0.9,"1 dash Orange juice "], ["132","249",120,"4 oz Bourbon (Henry McKenna bourbon) "], ["132","323",210,"7 oz Sprite "], ["1855","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["1855","352",120,"4 oz bottled Water "], ["140","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["140","41",15,"1/2 oz Light cream "], ["141","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["141","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["141","259",150,"5 oz Milk "], ["141","20",1.25,"1/4 tsp grated Nutmeg "], ["144","477",5,"1 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["144","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["144","259",150,"5 oz Milk "], ["144","409",1.25,"1/4 tsp ground Cinnamon "], ["143","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["143","126",90,"3 oz Half-and-half "], ["143","477",5,"1 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["143","508",1.25,"1/4 tsp Vanilla extract "], ["143","20",1.25,"1/4 tsp grated Nutmeg "], ["5081","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["5081","358",30,"1 oz Ouzo "], ["4213","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["4213","501",15,"1/2 oz Ice 101 "], ["3572","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["3572","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["3572","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1427","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1427","270",5,"1 tsp Bailey's irish cream "], ["1427","82",2.5,"1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["2508","125",60,"2 oz clear Schnapps of your choice "], ["2508","480",10,"2 tsp Irish cream "], ["2508","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["151","378",60,"2 oz Scotch "], ["151","351",15,"1/2 oz Benedictine "], ["151","383",5,"1 tsp Sweet Vermouth "], ["153","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["153","487",30,"1 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["153","126",30,"1 oz Half-and-half "], ["153","20",1.25,"1/4 tsp grated Nutmeg "], ["17","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["17","333",30,"1 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["17","155",30,"1 oz Heavy cream "], ["17","20",1.25,"1/4 tsp grated Nutmeg "], ["158","192",60,"2 oz Brandy "], ["158","130",150,"5 oz Club soda "], ["163","192",75,"2 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["163","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["163","477",5,"1 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["163","130",120,"4 oz Club soda "], ["174","383",45,"1 1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["174","192",60,"2 oz Brandy "], ["174","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["175","315",10,"1/3 oz Grand Marnier "], ["175","309",10,"1/3 oz Peach schnapps "], ["175","261",10,"1/3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["6183","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["6183","131",15,"1/2 oz Tabasco sauce "], ["1255","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum "], ["1255","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1255","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["1673","465",15,"1/2 oz White chocolate liqueur (Godiva) "], ["1673","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1673","114",10,"1/3 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["1673","126",30,"1 oz Half-and-half "], ["5874","105",45,"1 1/2 oz dry Sherry "], ["5874","88",45,"1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["5874","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["5874","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["2491","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["2491","304",30,"1 oz Rum (Bacardi) "], ["1552","202",10,"1/3 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo) "], ["1552","82",10,"1/3 oz Grenadine (Rose's) "], ["1552","22",10,"1/3 oz 7-Up "], ["3965","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["3965","227",20,"2 cl Banana liqueur "], ["3965","266",200,"20 cl Sour mix "], ["3965","22",50,"5 cl 7-Up "], ["5244","349",45,"1 1/2 oz A�ejo rum "], ["5244","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["5244","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["5244","477",10,"2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["5244","250",120,"4 oz cold Tea "], ["178","179",45,"1 1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["178","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["178","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["178","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["178","412",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Noyaux "], ["178","266",45,"1 1/2 oz Sour mix "], ["178","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["4973","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4973","274",15,"1/2 oz Melon liqueur "], ["4973","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4066","383",22.5,"3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["4066","330",45,"1 1/2 oz Port "], ["4066","213",1.25,"1/4 tsp Triple sec "], ["179","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["179","88",5,"1 tsp Dry Vermouth "], ["179","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["910","276",90,"3 oz Root beer schnapps "], ["910","323",270,"9 oz Sprite "], ["4927","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["4927","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4927","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["4927","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["4927","272",3.7,"1 splash Razzmatazz "], ["4927","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["4927","392",60,"1-2 oz Beer "], ["185","264",15,"1/2 oz Peanut liqueur "], ["185","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["185","41",60,"2 oz Light cream "], ["3178","214",22.5,"3/4 oz Light rum "], ["3178","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["3178","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["4352","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["4352","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4352","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["4352","71",30,"1 oz Everclear "], ["4352","114",30,"1 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["5856","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["5856","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["5856","322",15,"1/2 oz Peachtree schnapps "], ["5856","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1519","132",20,"2/3 oz Cinnamon schnapps (Hot 100) "], ["1519","131",10,"1/3 oz Tabasco sauce "], ["2087","301",150,"5 oz Red wine, french "], ["2087","316",210,"7 oz Vodka "], ["3071","249",45,"1 1/2 oz Bourbon "], ["3071","352",180,"6 oz cold Water "], ["1849","249",24,"4/5 oz Bourbon "], ["1849","131",6,"1/5 oz Tabasco sauce "], ["3926","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3926","370",90,"3 oz Beef bouillon, chilled "], ["3926","258",0.9,"1 dash Worcestershire sauce "], ["3926","51",0.9,"1 dash Salt "], ["3926","168",0.9,"1 dash Black pepper "], ["3748","505",480,"16 oz Malt liquor (Schlitz) "], ["3748","85",60,"2 oz 151 proof rum (Lemon Hart Demerara) "], ["1802","316",75,"2 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1802","370",90,"3 oz Beef bouillon "], ["1802","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["1802","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["1802","258",0.9,"1 dash Worcestershire sauce "], ["1802","188",0.9,"1 dash Celery salt "], ["5884","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5884","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["5884","475",10,"1/3 oz Sambuca "], ["3543","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["3543","340",30,"1 oz Barenjager "], ["192","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["192","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["192","82",2.5,"1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["192","20",1.25,"1/4 tsp grated Nutmeg "], ["193","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["193","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1464","165",45,"1 1/2 oz Strawberry schnapps "], ["1464","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1717","76",10,"1/3 oz George Dickel "], ["1717","122",10,"1/3 oz Jack Daniels "], ["1717","471",10,"1/3 oz Jim Beam "], ["1717","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["4542","349",45,"1 1/2 oz A�ejo rum "], ["4542","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["4542","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1527","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["1527","512",30,"1 oz Dubonnet Blanc "], ["1527","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["1704","17",30,"1 oz Mezcal "], ["1704","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["4210","378",30,"1 oz Scotch "], ["4210","114",30,"1 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["4210","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5499","114",30,"1 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["5499","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5499","259",60,"2 oz Milk "], ["5499","427",30,"1 oz crushed Ice "], ["5355","114",14.75,"1/2 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["5355","270",14.75,"1/2 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["4512","114",14.75,"1/2 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["4512","375",14.75,"1/2 shot Amaretto "], ["1685","114",44.25,"1 1/2 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["1685","240",14.75,"1/2 shot Coffee liqueur "], ["2164","114",14.75,"1/2 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["2164","270",14.75,"1/2 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["2307","114",14.75,"1/2 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["2307","480",14.75,"1/2 shot Irish cream "], ["1661","309",20,"2/3 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1661","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2432","114",15,"1/2 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["2432","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2432","247",5,"1 tsp Cherry liqueur "], ["5382","270",22.5,"3/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5382","114",22.5,"3/4 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["5382","36",22.5,"3/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["5382","261",22.5,"3/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3502","108",22.5,"3/4 oz J�germeister "], ["3502","114",7.5,"1/4 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["5852","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy "], ["5852","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["5852","170",15,"1/2 oz Anis "], ["5852","205",15,"1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["3731","316",60,"2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["3731","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3731","445",90,"3 oz fresh Orange juice "], ["5976","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5976","240",15,"1/2 oz Coffee liqueur "], ["5976","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["4948","97",30,"1 oz RedRum "], ["4948","497",180,"6 oz Hawaiian Punch "], ["4948","227",0.9,"1 dash Banana liqueur (99 Bananas) "], ["4862","304",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Captain Morgan's Rum "], ["4862","166",22.5,"3/4 oz Orange Curacao "], ["4862","211",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["2279","462",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Tequila "], ["2279","301",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Red wine "], ["2279","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["2279","266",195,"6 1/2 oz Sour mix "], ["2279","388",3.7,"1 splash Lemon-lime soda "], ["2279","186",0.9,"1 dash Lime juice "], ["200","462",60,"2 oz Tequila "], ["200","424",60,"2 oz Lemon juice "], ["200","213",10,"2 tsp Triple sec "], ["200","381",10,"2 tsp Drambuie "], ["200","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["200","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["1985","261",270,"9 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1985","186",180,"6 oz Lime juice "], ["1985","214",90,"3 oz Light rum "], ["1985","335",45,"1 1/2 oz Spiced rum "], ["1985","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2682","342",45,"1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2682","249",15,"1/2 oz Bourbon (Old Grandad) "], ["2682","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["2998","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["2998","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2998","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["206","22",360,"12 oz 7-Up or Sprite "], ["206","316",60,"2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["206","115",45,"1 1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["5879","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["5879","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5879","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5879","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["5879","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["5879","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["4933","387",20,"2 cl Dark rum "], ["4933","240",20,"2 cl Coffee liqueur "], ["4978","114",22.13,"3/4 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["4978","270",7.38,"1/4 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["4721","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["4721","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["4721","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4721","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["209","173",45,"1 1/2 oz Canadian whisky "], ["209","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["209","445",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Orange juice "], ["209","424",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["210","173",45,"1 1/2 oz Canadian whisky "], ["210","213",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Triple sec "], ["210","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["210","236",5,"1 tsp Powdered sugar "], ["2238","173",22.5,"3/4 oz Canadian whisky (Crown Royal) "], ["2238","324",75,"2 1/2 oz Canadian Apple cider "], ["5375","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["5375","422",30,"1 oz Cream "], ["5375","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["5375","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["5955","316",14.75,"1/2 shot 100 proof Vodka "], ["5955","211",7.38,"1/4 shot Sweet and sour "], ["5955","445",3.7,"1 splash concentrated Orange juice "], ["5955","130",3.7,"1 splash Club soda "], ["5955","82",0.9,"1 dash Rose's Grenadine "], ["3339","344",360,"12 oz Dr. Pepper "], ["3339","85",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3339","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["4242","249",15,"1/2 oz Bourbon (Jim Beam) "], ["4242","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["214","431",22.5,"3/4 oz Coffee brandy "], ["214","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["214","41",22.5,"3/4 oz Light cream "], ["5278","333",22.5,"3/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["5278","10",22.5,"3/4 oz Creme de Banane "], ["5278","41",22.5,"3/4 oz Light cream "], ["215","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["215","176",15,"1/2 oz Maraschino liqueur "], ["215","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["1325","324",120,"4 oz Apple cider "], ["1325","335",15,"1/2 oz Captain Morgan's Spiced rum "], ["1325","468",15,"1/2 oz Coconut rum (Parrot Bay) "], ["1325","40",15,"1/2 oz Sour Apple Pucker "], ["5295","335",29.5,"1 shot Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["5295","199",600,"20 oz Mountain Dew "], ["1996","335",29.5,"1 shot Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["1996","344",180,"6 oz Dr. Pepper "], ["3871","335",45,"1 1/2 oz Captain Morgan's Spiced rum "], ["3871","314",90,"3 oz Cream soda "], ["2248","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["2248","408",5,"1 tsp Vermouth "], ["2248","205",15,"1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["5167","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["5167","22",120,"4 oz 7-Up "], ["216","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum (Cpt. Morgan) "], ["216","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["3317","304",29.5,"1 shot Captain Morgan's Silver Rum "], ["3317","468",44.25,"1 1/2 shot Parrot Bay Coconut rum "], ["3317","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["3317","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["4544","83",90,"3 oz Ginger ale "], ["4544","415",90,"3 oz Apple-cranberry juice "], ["4544","335",30,"1 oz Captain Morgan's Spiced rum "], ["4899","40",30,"1 oz Sour Apple Pucker "], ["4899","114",22.5,"3/4 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["217","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["217","10",7.5,"1/4 oz Creme de Banane "], ["217","265",7.5,"1/4 oz Kahlua "], ["4194","442",420,"13-14 oz Guinness stout "], ["4194","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4194","21",30,"1 oz Whiskey (Jameson's) "], ["1931","304",20,"2 cl Rum (Bacardi superior) "], ["1931","359",10,"1 cl Cointreau "], ["1931","196",10,"1 cl White port "], ["218","349",45,"1 1/2 oz A�ejo rum "], ["218","176",15,"1/2 oz Maraschino liqueur "], ["218","213",5,"1 tsp Triple sec "], ["218","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["2575","316",30,"1 oz SKYY Vodka "], ["2575","214",7.5,"1/4 oz Light rum (Bacardi) "], ["2575","36",7.5,"1/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["2575","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2575","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["5596","391",45,"1 1/2 oz Vanilla vodka (Stoli) "], ["5596","36",22.5,"3/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["5596","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["2312","251",45,"1 1/2 oz Watermelon schnapps "], ["2312","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["2312","213",45,"1 1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["2312","445",150,"5 oz Orange juice "], ["2312","2",90,"3 oz Lemonade "], ["2312","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["1396","3",29.5,"1 shot Cognac (Hennessey) "], ["1396","505",360,"12 oz Malt liquor "], ["2086","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2086","10",30,"1 oz Creme de Banane "], ["2086","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["2086","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["2086","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2086","422",60,"2 oz Cream "], ["3281","376",30,"3 cl Gin (Tanqueray) "], ["3281","425",10,"1 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["3281","186",10,"1 cl Lime juice (Monin) "], ["3281","290",70,"Fill with 7 cl Schweppes Russchian "], ["3450","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3450","443",30,"1 oz Soda water "], ["3450","416",75,"2 1/2 oz Grape juice "], ["4298","449",22.5,"3/4 oz Apple schnapps "], ["4298","114",22.5,"3/4 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["5333","342",45,"1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5333","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["5333","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["5333","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka (or more to taste) "], ["5333","161",180,"4-6 oz sweet Iced tea "], ["2545","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2545","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["2545","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["2545","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1268","295",60,"2 oz Champagne "], ["1268","401",60,"2 oz Strega "], ["1793","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1793","114",15,"1/2 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["1793","132",7.5,"1/4 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["1425","115",5,"1 tsp Goldschlager "], ["1425","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1425","240",60,"2 oz Coffee liqueur "], ["221","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["221","213",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Triple sec "], ["221","186",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Lime juice "], ["221","176",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Maraschino liqueur "], ["3539","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["3539","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["3539","205",30,"1 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["223","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["223","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["223","15",30,"1 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["225","304",180,"6 oz Rum "], ["225","364",360,"12 oz Black Cherry Cola "], ["3961","445",40,"4 cl Orange juice "], ["3961","316",30,"3 cl Vodka "], ["3961","111",20,"2 cl Advocaat "], ["3961","424",10,"1 cl Lemon juice "], ["1086","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["1086","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1086","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1086","266",120,"4 oz Sour mix "], ["5915","182",45,"1 1/2 oz Crown Royal "], ["5915","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4522","3",30,"1 oz Cognac "], ["4522","359",30,"1 oz Cointreau "], ["4522","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["4522","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["227","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["227","42",30,"1 oz Irish whiskey "], ["227","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["227","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["3611","270",29.5,"1 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["3611","186",14.75,"1/2 shot Lime juice "], ["3611","85",14.75,"1/2 shot 151 proof rum "], ["1299","270",44.5,"1 jigger Bailey's irish cream "], ["1299","186",44.5,"1 jigger Lime juice "], ["4982","435",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange vodka (Stoli Ohranj) "], ["4982","97",45,"1 1/2 oz RedRum "], ["4982","137",120,"4 oz Grapefruit-lemon soda (Squirt) "], ["4907","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4907","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["4907","270",7.5,"1/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4351","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["4351","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4351","372",0.9,"1 dash Cranberry juice "], ["4351","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["5419","165",60,"2 oz Strawberry schnapps "], ["5419","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5419","82",10,"2 tsp Grenadine "], ["4847","81",120,"4 oz Mad Dog 20/20 (any flavor) "], ["4847","295",180,"6 oz cheap Champagne "], ["4847","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["231","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["231","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["231","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["231","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["232","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["232","383",45,"1 1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["232","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["233","231",30,"1 oz Apricot brandy "], ["233","368",30,"1 oz Sloe gin "], ["233","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["5914","18",20,"2 cl Charleston Follies "], ["5914","133",20,"2 cl Aquavit "], ["5914","186",10,"1 cl Lime juice "], ["5914","29",30,"3 cl indian Tonic water "], ["5313","378",40,"4 cl Scotch "], ["5313","297",15,"1 1/2 cl Blue Curacao "], ["5313","88",0.9,"1 dash Dry Vermouth (Martini) "], ["5313","433",0.9,"1 dash Orange bitters "], ["3089","215",20,"2 cl Tia maria "], ["3089","217",10,"1 cl Hazelnut liqueur "], ["3089","270",10,"1 cl Bailey's irish cream or cream "], ["3089","422",5,"1/2 cl Cream "], ["4114","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["4114","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["4114","424",10,"2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["234","270",22.5,"3/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["234","261",22.5,"3/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["234","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["236","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["236","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["236","41",15,"1/2 oz Light cream "], ["4368","342",10,"1/3 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4368","375",10,"1/3 oz Amaretto "], ["4368","82",10,"1/3 oz Grenadine "], ["1382","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1382","333",45,"1 1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["1382","82",22.5,"3/4 oz Grenadine "], ["2208","465",22.5,"3/4 oz White chocolate liqueur (Godet) "], ["2208","412",22.5,"Layered on 3/4 oz Creme de Noyaux "], ["2716","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort 100 proof "], ["2716","364",120,"4 oz Cherry Cola "], ["239","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["239","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["239","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["239","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["6157","465",22.5,"3/4 oz Godet White chocolate liqueur "], ["6157","179",7.5,"1/4 oz Cherry brandy "], ["5695","179",120,"4 oz Cherry brandy "], ["5695","175",240,"8 oz Coca-Cola "], ["5988","342",120,"4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5988","316",120,"4 oz Vodka "], ["5988","445",300,"10 oz Orange juice "], ["243","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["243","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5826","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["5826","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5826","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["5118","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["5118","224",15,"1/2 oz Godiva liqueur "], ["5118","256",15,"1/2 oz Vanilla schnapps "], ["2958","375",10,"1/3 oz Amaretto "], ["2958","487",10,"1/3 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["2958","480",10,"1/3 oz Irish cream "], ["244","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["244","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["244","64",150,"5 oz Chocolate ice-cream "], ["5950","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["5950","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["5950","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["5950","259",45,"1 1/2 oz Milk "], ["3846","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["3846","316",150,"0.5 oz Vodka "], ["3846","377",60,"2 oz Chocolate milk "], ["3846","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["1088","333",29.5,"1 shot white Creme de Cacao "], ["1088","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["5531","224",14.75,"1/2 shot Godiva liqueur "], ["5531","340",14.75,"1/2 shot Barenjager "], ["1331","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1331","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["4403","391",75,"2 1/2 oz Vanilla vodka (Stoli) "], ["4403","361",15,"1/2 oz Chocolate liqueur (Godiva) "], ["1385","361",14.75,"1/2 shot Chocolate liqueur (Droste) "], ["1385","259",14.75,"1/2 shot Milk "], ["1385","375",0.9,"1 dash Amaretto "], ["246","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["246","85",15,"1/2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["246","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["246","205",10,"2 tsp White Creme de Menthe "], ["246","41",15,"1/2 oz Light cream "], ["5569","78",45,"1 1/2 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["5569","333",45,"1 1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1278","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["1278","377",90,"3 oz Chocolate milk "], ["1669","270",45,"1 1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1669","54",45,"1 1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["247","488",45,"1 1/2 oz Raspberry vodka (Stoli) "], ["247","333",30,"1 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["2959","310",240,"8 oz Hot chocolate "], ["2959","198",29.5,"1 shot Aftershock "], ["5277","391",22.5,"3/4 oz Vanilla vodka (Stoli) "], ["5277","487",22.5,"3/4 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["5277","291",15,"1/2 oz Cherry juice "], ["5277","422",3.7,"1 splash Cream "], ["5277","443",3.7,"1 splash Soda water "], ["5307","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5307","205",15,"1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["5307","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["3955","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["3955","270",20,"2 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["1898","206",14.75,"1/2 shot Eggnog "], ["1898","464",14.75,"1/2 shot Peppermint schnapps "], ["5742","462",75,"2 1/2 oz a�ejo or white Tequila "], ["5742","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine "], ["5742","200",30,"1 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["4248","85",30,"1 oz 151 proof rum (Bacardi) "], ["4248","227",30,"1 oz Banana liqueur (99 Bananas) "], ["4248","373",90,"3 oz Pina colada mix "], ["5889","274",10,"1/3 oz Melon liqueur "], ["5889","82",10,"1/3 oz Grenadine "], ["5889","480",10,"1/3 oz Irish cream "], ["5125","132",30,"1 oz Cinnamon schnapps (Goldschlagger) "], ["5125","391",60,"2 oz Vanilla vodka (Stoli Vanil) "], ["5305","115",29.5,"1 shot Goldschlager "], ["5305","461",257,"1 cup Apple juice "], ["5123","462",90,"3 oz Tequila "], ["5123","425",60,"2 oz Pisang Ambon "], ["5123","200",30,"1 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["4148","407",30,"1 oz Lemon vodka "], ["4148","2",60,"2 oz Lemonade "], ["4148","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4148","186",3.7,"1 splash Lime juice "], ["3126","312",30,"1 oz Absolut Citron "], ["3126","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["3126","266",15,"1-1/2 oz Sour mix "], ["3126","22",30,"1 oz 7-Up "], ["3422","259",90,"3 oz Milk "], ["3422","468",22.5,"3/4 oz Coconut rum "], ["3422","55",22.5,"3/4 oz Cream of coconut "], ["3422","155",22.5,"3/4 oz Heavy cream "], ["3422","333",22.5,"3/4 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["254","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["254","379",90,"3 oz Tomato juice "], ["254","321",30,"1 oz Clamato juice "], ["146","111",30,"1 oz Advocaat "], ["146","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["146","342",3.7,"1 splash Southern Comfort "], ["146","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5990","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["5990","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["5990","1",7.5,"1/4 oz Firewater "], ["5990","145",7.5,"1/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["255","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["255","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["255","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["255","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["255","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["255","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["5926","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["5926","265",20,"2 cl Kahlua "], ["5926","83",200,"20 cl Ginger ale "], ["5154","383",30,"1 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["5154","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["5154","181",15,"1/2 oz Muscatel Wine "], ["3781","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["3781","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3781","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["3781","215",15,"1/2 oz Tia maria "], ["3781","126",7.5,"1/4 oz Half-and-half "], ["3781","175",3.7,"1 splash Coca-Cola "], ["3494","214",15,"1/2 oz Light rum "], ["3494","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3494","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["3494","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3494","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["3494","175",30,"1 oz Coca-Cola "], ["5736","277",40,"4 cl Batida de Coco "], ["5736","142",20,"2 cl White rum "], ["5736","261",80,"8 cl Pineapple juice "], ["1756","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["1756","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["1756","422",60,"2 oz Cream "], ["259","256",30,"1 oz Vanilla schnapps "], ["259","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["259","422",90,"3 oz Cream "], ["5029","297",60,"2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5029","381",60,"2 oz Drambuie "], ["5952","431",22.5,"3/4 oz Coffee brandy "], ["5952","205",22.5,"3/4 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["5952","41",22.5,"3/4 oz Light cream "], ["6108","265",11.25,"3/8 oz Kahlua "], ["6108","333",7.5,"1/4 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["6108","167",3.75,"1/8 oz Frangelico "], ["6108","270",7.5,"1/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["264","375",29.5,"1 shot Amaretto "], ["264","175",360,"8-12 oz Coca-Cola "], ["5214","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["5214","375",10,"1/3 oz Amaretto "], ["5214","3",10,"1/3 oz Cognac (Hennessy) "], ["3064","462",45,"1 1/2 oz chilled Tequila "], ["3064","379",45,"1 1/2 oz Tomato juice "], ["3064","131",3.6,"1-4 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["3064","168",3.6,"1-4 dash Black pepper "], ["5902","62",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Yukon Jack "], ["5902","269",22.5,"3/4 oz Strawberry liqueur "], ["5902","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["3135","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3135","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["3135","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["3135","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["3135","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["3135","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3135","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["266","88",75,"2 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["266","192",5,"1 tsp Brandy "], ["266","213",2.5,"1/2 tsp Triple sec "], ["266","236",2.5,"1/2 tsp Powdered sugar "], ["266","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["1475","192",60,"2 oz Brandy "], ["1475","327",30,"1 oz Campari "], ["1475","424",30,"1 oz fresh Lemon juice "], ["2533","342",90,"3 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2533","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth (Noilly Prat) "], ["269","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["269","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["269","487",10,"2 tsp Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["2554","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["2554","270",29.5,"1 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["3044","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["3044","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3044","85",5,"1 tsp Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3457","400",22.5,"3/4 oz Mandarine Napoleon "], ["3457","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto di Saranno "], ["3457","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane (Bols) "], ["3457","126",30,"1 oz Half-and-half "], ["3457","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine (Tavern) "], ["4036","444",29.5,"1 shot Hot Damn "], ["4036","464",29.5,"1 shot Peppermint schnapps "], ["1984","182",30,"1 oz Crown Royal "], ["1984","174",15,"1/2 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["1984","22",15,"1/2 oz 7-Up "], ["4335","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4335","114",15,"1/2 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["6103","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["6103","237",15,"1/2 oz Raspberry liqueur (Chambord) "], ["6103","198",7.5,"1/4 oz Aftershock "], ["6103","365",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["2652","316",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Vodka "], ["2652","83",180,"6 oz Ginger ale "], ["5692","490",45,"1 1/2 oz Citrus vodka (Smirnoff) "], ["5692","462",22.5,"3/4 oz Tequila "], ["5692","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5692","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["277","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["277","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["277","28",22.5,"3/4 oz Dubonnet Rouge "], ["278","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["278","280",15,"1/2 oz Fernet Branca "], ["278","205",30,"1 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["3650","365",60,"2 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["3650","315",30,"1 oz Grand Marnier "], ["3650","186",3.7,"1 splash Lime juice "], ["3650","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["279","312",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Absolut Citron "], ["279","186",7.5,"1/4 oz Lime juice "], ["279","213",7.5,"1/4 oz Triple sec or Cointreau "], ["279","372",64.25,"1/4 cup Cranberry juice "], ["2446","36",45,"1 1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["2446","309",45,"1 1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2446","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["5714","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka (Stolichnaya) "], ["5714","3",15,"1/2 oz Cognac "], ["5714","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["4341","316",120,"4 oz Vodka "], ["4341","304",120,"4 oz Rum "], ["4341","445",360,"12 oz Orange juice "], ["2609","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2609","145",30,"1 oz Rumple Minze "], ["2609","232",30,"1 oz Wild Turkey, 101 proof "], ["5418","136",14.75,"1/2 shot Blackberry schnapps (Blackhaus) "], ["5418","372",14.75,"1/2 shot Cranberry juice "], ["3768","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3768","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3768","418",60,"2 oz Collins mix "], ["5275","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5275","372",120,"4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["6212","463",45,"1 1/2 oz Cranberry vodka (Finlandia) "], ["6212","514",22.5,"3/4 oz Sour apple liqueur "], ["6212","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1122","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["1122","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5721","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila (Cuervo) "], ["5721","200",30,"1 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["5721","213",45,"1 1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5721","211",45,"1 1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5721","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1441","463",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry vodka or schnapps "], ["1441","49",15,"1/2 oz Wild Spirit liqueur "], ["1052","461",257,"1 cup Apple juice "], ["1052","259",257,"1 cup Milk "], ["6188","227",30,"1 oz Banana liqueur "], ["6188","328",60,"2 oz strawberry Daiquiri mix "], ["6188","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["281","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["281","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["281","333",7.5,"1/4 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["281","375",7.5,"1/4 oz Amaretto "], ["281","422",3.7,"1 splash Cream "], ["282","61",45,"1 1/2 oz Vanilla liqueur "], ["282","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["282","259",45,"1 1/2 oz Milk "], ["5911","333",30,"1 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["5911","167",30,"1 oz Frangelico "], ["5911","259",120,"4 oz Milk "], ["5045","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5045","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream "], ["5045","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["5045","422",30,"1 oz Cream "], ["287","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["287","424",10,"2 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["4307","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4307","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4320","62",30,"1 oz Yukon Jack "], ["4320","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["4320","372",67.5,"2 1/4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5904","142",300,"30 cl White rum (Bacardi) "], ["5904","333",100,"10 cl white Creme de Cacao (Bols) "], ["5904","482",300,"30 cl hot Coffee "], ["5904","477",15,"3 tsp Sugar "], ["5904","422",200,"20 cl double Cream "], ["3669","349",75,"2 1/2 oz A�ejo rum "], ["3669","67",15,"1/2 oz Ricard "], ["3838","3",30,"1 oz Cognac "], ["3838","269",15,"1/2 oz Strawberry liqueur "], ["3838","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["3838","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["3838","424",0.9,"1 dash Lemon juice "], ["2401","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2401","407",15,"1/2 oz Lemon vodka (Stoli) "], ["2401","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["5251","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["5251","141",15,"1/2 oz Becherovka "], ["1603","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["1603","312",30,"1 oz Absolut Citron "], ["1603","2",300,"10 oz Lemonade "], ["1401","340",22.5,"3/4 oz Barenjager "], ["1401","145",22.5,"3/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1401","108",22.5,"3/4 oz J�germeister "], ["5348","214",44.5,"1 jigger Light rum "], ["5348","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["5348","477",5,"1 tsp Sugar "], ["3173","249",45,"1 1/2 oz Bourbon (Jim Beam) "], ["3173","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila (Cuervo) "], ["5009","15",15,"1/2 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["5009","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["1455","114",15,"1/2 oz Butterscotch schnapps (DeKuyper Buttershots) "], ["1455","15",7.5,"1/4 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["1455","270",7.5,"1/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1455","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["293","21",2250,"0.75 oz Whiskey (Black Velvet recommended) "], ["293","444",750,"0.25 oz Hot Damn "], ["2427","192",60,"2 oz Brandy "], ["2427","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["2427","124",5,"1 tsp Anisette "], ["295","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["295","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["295","408",0.9,"1 dash Vermouth "], ["295","372",45,"1 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5218","462",180,"6 oz Tequila "], ["5218","55",240,"8 oz Cream of coconut "], ["5218","261",240,"8 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3815","319",60,"2 oz Gosling's Black rum "], ["3815","156",240,"8 oz Ginger beer "], ["1536","265",22.5,"3/4 oz Kahlua "], ["1536","115",3.75,"1/8 oz Goldschlager "], ["1536","259",3.75,"1/8 oz Milk "], ["297","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["297","155",30,"1 oz Heavy cream "], ["297","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["3574","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3574","213",7.5,"1/4 oz Triple sec "], ["3574","229",22.5,"3/4 oz Lemon schnapps (Lemon Tattoo) "], ["3574","445",15,"1/4 - 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["3574","126",22.5,"1/2 - 3/4 oz Half-and-half "], ["3574","82",3.75,"1/8 oz Grenadine "], ["5324","391",75,"2 1/2 oz Vanilla vodka (Stoli Vanil) "], ["5324","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5324","22",75,"2 1/2 oz 7-Up "], ["3696","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3696","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["5547","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["5547","417",30,"1 oz Coconut liqueur "], ["5547","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5547","61",30,"1 oz Vanilla liqueur "], ["5665","85",30,"1 oz 151 proof rum "], ["5665","462",30,"Layer 1 oz Tequila "], ["5665","108",30,"Layer 1 oz J�germeister "], ["1686","145",6,"1/5 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1686","265",6,"1/5 oz Kahlua "], ["1686","15",6,"1/5 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["1686","270",6,"1/5 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1686","316",6,"1/5 oz Vodka "], ["1528","145",20,"2/3 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1528","108",20,"2/3 oz J�germeister "], ["3833","295",150,"5 oz well chilled Champagne "], ["3833","332",30,"1 oz Pernod "], ["4097","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4097","376",30,"1 oz Gin (Tanqueray) "], ["4097","175",90,"3 oz Coca-Cola "], ["5794","376",30,"3 cl Gin (Beefeater) "], ["5794","297",20,"2 cl Blue Curacao "], ["5794","424",10,"1 cl Lemon juice "], ["5794","261",40,"4 cl Pineapple juice "], ["5794","443",50,"5 cl Soda water "], ["299","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["299","468",45,"1 1/2 oz Coconut rum "], ["299","22",180,"6 oz 7-Up "], ["3214","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["3214","349",15,"1/2 oz A�ejo rum "], ["3214","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["3214","155",15,"1/2 oz Heavy cream "], ["300","359",60,"2 oz Cointreau "], ["300","213",60,"2 oz Triple sec "], ["300","424",60,"2 oz Lemon juice "], ["4623","71",15,"1/2 oz Everclear "], ["4623","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["302","448",30,"1 oz Apple brandy "], ["302","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["302","170",5,"1 tsp Anis "], ["302","82",2.5,"1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["304","349",30,"1 oz A�ejo rum "], ["304","249",15,"1/2 oz Bourbon "], ["304","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["304","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["304","155",30,"1 oz Heavy cream "], ["1738","131",30,"1 oz Tabasco sauce "], ["1738","462",30,"Fill with 1 oz Tequila "], ["4643","473",150,"5 oz Creme de Cassis "], ["4643","316",30,"1 oz Stoli Vodka "], ["2465","83",180,"6 oz Ginger ale / soda (Vernors Original) "], ["2465","132",59,"1-2 shot Cinnamon schnapps "], ["5496","88",45,"1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["5496","330",45,"1 1/2 oz Port "], ["5496","424",2.5,"1/2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["2914","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["2914","199",360,"12 oz Mountain Dew "], ["3323","21",60,"2 oz Whiskey "], ["3323","199",300,"10 oz Mountain Dew "], ["306","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["306","303",150,"0.5 oz White wine "], ["1961","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["1961","249",15,"1/2 oz Bourbon "], ["1961","487",5,"1 tsp Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["1961","179",5,"1 tsp Cherry brandy "], ["2598","309",29.5,"1 shot Peach schnapps "], ["2598","85",14.75,"1/2 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2598","342",14.75,"1/2 shot Southern Comfort "], ["2598","62",14.75,"1/2 shot Yukon Jack "], ["2598","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["2598","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["2598","315",3.7,"1 splash Grand Marnier "], ["1751","270",19.67,"2/3 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["1751","182",9.83,"1/3 shot Crown Royal "], ["1962","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["1962","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["1962","259",240,"8 oz Milk "], ["1962","409",5,"1 tsp Cinnamon "], ["5246","304",120,"4 oz Rum (Captain Morgan) "], ["5246","29",120,"4 oz Tonic water "], ["5246","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["3195","85",20,"2/3 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3195","71",20,"2/3 oz Everclear "], ["3195","145",20,"2/3 oz Rumple Minze "], ["6011","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["6011","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["6011","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["6011","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum "], ["6011","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["5984","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["5984","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["5984","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["5984","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["5984","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3711","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3711","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["3711","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["3711","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3711","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3711","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["2572","205",30,"1 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["2572","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2572","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2572","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3318","376",75,"2 1/2 oz Gin "], ["3318","329",3.7,"1 splash Olive juice "], ["2567","2",240,"8 oz Lemonade "], ["2567","316",120,"4 oz Vodka "], ["2567","323",60,"2 oz Sprite "], ["4661","480",45,"1 1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["4661","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["4661","3",45,"1 1/2 oz Cognac "], ["5448","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["5448","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["312","12",15,"1/2 oz Blavod vodka "], ["312","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["312","157",15,"1/2 oz Passoa "], ["312","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["312","372",45,"1 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1955","108",45,"1 1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["1955","270",45,"1 1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["6145","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["6145","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["315","249",45,"1 1/2 oz Bourbon "], ["315","205",2.5,"1/2 tsp White Creme de Menthe "], ["315","213",2.5,"1/2 tsp Triple sec "], ["317","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["317","205",2.5,"1/2 tsp White Creme de Menthe "], ["317","213",1.25,"1/4 tsp Triple sec "], ["317","236",2.5,"1/2 tsp Powdered sugar "], ["317","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["5755","249",90,"3 oz Bourbon "], ["5755","205",15,"1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["5755","342",2.5,"1/2 tsp Southern Comfort "], ["2501","132",15,"1/2 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["2501","276",15,"1/2 oz Root beer schnapps "], ["2501","22",30,"1 oz 7-Up "], ["2501","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1287","316",90,"3 oz Vodka "], ["1287","392",360,"12 oz Beer "], ["1287","342",120,"4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["3451","71",9.83,"1/3 shot Everclear "], ["3451","145",9.83,"1/3 shot Rumple Minze "], ["3451","115",9.83,"1/3 shot Goldschlager "], ["1629","270",22.5,"3/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1629","145",22.5,"3/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["5699","119",60,"2 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["5699","427",257,"1 cup Ice "], ["5699","372",120,"4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5699","266",120,"4 oz Sour mix "], ["1368","36",45,"1 1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["1368","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["1368","443",60,"2 oz Soda water "], ["3856","256",45,"1 1/2 oz Vanilla schnapps (Dr. McGillicuddy's) "], ["3856","291",30,"1 oz unsweetened Cherry juice "], ["3856","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3856","422",3.7,"1 splash Cream "], ["5475","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["5475","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["5475","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5475","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["5475","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5475","126",120,"4 oz Half-and-half "], ["5475","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["4782","376",30,"1 oz Tanqueray Gin "], ["4782","378",30,"1 oz Single malt Scotch "], ["4160","115",22.5,"3/4 oz Goldschlager "], ["4160","202",22.5,"3/4 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo) "], ["2654","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2654","342",7.5,"1/4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2654","10",7.5,"1/4 oz Creme de Banane "], ["4673","449",30,"1 oz Apple schnapps "], ["4673","251",30,"1 oz Watermelon schnapps "], ["5083","122",14.75,"1/2 shot Jack Daniels "], ["5083","62",14.75,"1/2 shot Yukon Jack "], ["4726","316",40,"4 cl Vodka "], ["4726","376",40,"4 cl Gin "], ["4726","142",40,"4 cl White rum "], ["4726","462",40,"4 cl Tequila "], ["4726","436",40,"4 cl white Curacao "], ["4726","186",40,"4 cl Lime juice "], ["4726","109",260,"26 cl Cola "], ["5148","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5148","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["4935","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["4935","388",30,"1 oz Lemon-lime soda "], ["4935","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour mix "], ["4935","21",30,"1 oz Whiskey "], ["4935","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4935","82",10,"1/3 oz Grenadine "], ["2723","392",240,"8 oz Beer "], ["2723","175",120,"4 oz Coca-Cola "], ["2723","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2723","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["2723","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["3580","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["3580","344",360,"12 oz Dr. Pepper "], ["3706","130",90,"3 oz Club soda "], ["3706","119",90,"3 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["3706","198",120,"4 oz Aftershock "], ["4838","344",180,"6 oz Dr. Pepper "], ["4838","198",30,"1 oz Aftershock "], ["2962","1",15,"1/2 oz Firewater "], ["2962","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2055","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["2055","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["2055","124",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anisette "], ["1360","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["1360","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["1360","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["1360","126",60,"2 oz Half-and-half "], ["3488","270",45,"1 1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3488","445",105,"3 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["323","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["323","423",30,"1 oz Applejack "], ["323","383",30,"1 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["324","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["324","179",10,"2 tsp Cherry brandy "], ["324","213",10,"2 tsp Triple sec "], ["324","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["2899","170",45,"1 1/2 oz Anis "], ["2899","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["2899","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["1392","265",22.5,"3/4 oz Kahlua "], ["1392","270",22.5,"3/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1392","173",22.5,"3/4 oz Canadian whisky (Canadian Club) "], ["4250","182",15,"1/2 oz Crown Royal "], ["4250","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["4250","270",10,"Float 1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3170","316",90,"3 oz Vodka "], ["3170","376",60,"2 oz dry Gin "], ["3170","309",135,"4 1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2484","270",29.5,"1 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["2484","265",29.5,"1 shot Kahlua "], ["2484","85",29.5,"1 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["5157","122",60,"2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5157","317",60,"2 oz Jose Cuervo "], ["5044","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["5044","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5044","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5044","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["5404","198",15,"1/2 oz Aftershock "], ["5404","173",15,"1/2 oz Canadian whisky "], ["5161","297",10,"1/3 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5161","362",10,"1/3 oz Pi�a Colada "], ["5161","82",10,"1/3 oz Grenadine "], ["1053","36",20,"2 cl Malibu rum "], ["1053","362",10,"1 cl Pi�a Colada "], ["1053","157",10,"1 cl Passoa "], ["1053","425",10,"1 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["1053","261",60,"6 cl Pineapple juice "], ["3565","318",15,"1/2 oz Chocolate mint liqueur "], ["3565","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["3565","41",60,"2 oz Light cream "], ["3565","216",5,"1 tsp shaved sweet Chocolate "], ["6000","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["6000","249",30,"1 oz Bourbon "], ["6000","245",22.5,"3/4 oz Absinthe (Deva) "], ["4000","105",45,"1 1/2 oz dry Sherry "], ["4000","88",45,"1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["4000","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["1346","487",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["1346","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1346","287",5,"1 tsp Chocolate syrup "], ["1346","179",5,"1 tsp Cherry brandy "], ["3509","316",50,"5 cl Vodka "], ["3509","372",50,"5 cl Cranberry juice "], ["3509","297",25,"2 1/2 cl Blue Curacao "], ["5071","462",180,"6 oz Tequila "], ["5071","316",180,"6 oz Vodka "], ["5071","387",180,"6 oz Dark rum "], ["5071","376",180,"6 oz Gin "], ["5071","261",360,"12 oz sweetened Pineapple juice "], ["5071","21",180,"6 oz Whiskey "], ["4186","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Stoli) "], ["4186","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4186","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao (Bols) "], ["4186","404",30,"1 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["4186","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4186","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["4958","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4958","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["4958","22",30,"1 oz 7-Up or Sprite "], ["4958","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3993","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3993","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3993","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3993","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3993","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["3993","443",3.7,"1 splash Soda water "], ["333","387",44.5,"1 jigger Dark rum "], ["333","383",44.5,"1 jigger red Sweet Vermouth "], ["333","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["2063","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["2063","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["2063","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["2063","333",0.9,"1 dash white Creme de Cacao "], ["2063","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["3255","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["3255","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["3255","227",30,"1 oz Banana liqueur "], ["3255","261",150,"5 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3079","297",22.5,"3/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3079","214",22.5,"3/4 oz Light rum "], ["3079","211",60,"2 oz Sweet and sour mix "], ["3079","175",3.7,"1 splash Coca-Cola "], ["3940","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["3940","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3940","200",15,"1/2 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["5168","316",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Vodka "], ["5168","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5168","211",60,"2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5168","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["4734","21",60,"2 oz Whiskey "], ["4734","323",180,"6 oz Sprite "], ["4734","297",60,"2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4734","274",30,"1 oz Melon liqueur "], ["5366","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["5366","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["5366","108",10,"1/3 oz J�germeister "], ["5366","145",10,"1/3 oz Rumple Minze "], ["4188","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["4188","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["4188","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["3512","36",240,"8 oz Malibu rum "], ["3512","146",120,"4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3512","297",120,"4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3512","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["3512","323",3.7,"1 splash Sprite "], ["3739","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3739","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey 101 proof "], ["3739","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["341","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["341","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["341","29",120,"4 oz Tonic water "], ["3749","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3749","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum (Hiram Walker) "], ["3749","373",180,"6 oz Pina colada mix "], ["4553","204",30,"1 oz cold Espresso "], ["4553","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4553","265",45,"1 1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["4553","333",30,"1 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["342","205",22.5,"3/4 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["342","231",22.5,"3/4 oz Apricot brandy "], ["342","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["344","333",45,"1 1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["344","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["344","214",15,"1/2 oz Light rum "], ["4800","316",90,"3 oz Vodka "], ["4800","161",150,"5 oz Iced tea "], ["3460","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin (Tanqueray) "], ["3460","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3460","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["3460","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["345","202",45,"1 1/2 oz Gold tequila "], ["345","445",120,"4 oz fresh Orange juice "], ["345","473",10,"2 tsp Creme de Cassis "], ["6112","335",60,"2 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["6112","161",300,"10 oz Iced tea (very sweet) "], ["1643","111",15,"2/4 oz Advocaat "], ["1643","252",7.5,"1/4 oz Whisky "], ["1643","333",7.5,"1/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1643","213",0.9,"1 dash Triple sec, blue "], ["1643","366",0.9,"1 dash Angostura bitters "], ["1643","433",0.9,"1 dash Orange bitters "], ["6148","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["6148","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["6148","108",7.5,"1/4 oz J�germeister "], ["6148","372",7.5,"1/4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["6148","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["346","335",210,"7 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["346","175",300,"10 oz Coca-Cola "], ["346","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["5078","387",6,"1/5 oz Dark rum "], ["5078","265",6,"1/5 oz Kahlua "], ["5078","375",6,"1/5 oz Amaretto "], ["5078","270",12,"2/5 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5758","1",15,"1/2 oz Firewater "], ["5758","212",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Peppar "], ["5758","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["1256","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1256","182",15,"1/2 oz Crown Royal "], ["1256","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["1256","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["1256","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1256","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1256","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["347","119",60,"6 cl Absolut Vodka "], ["347","287",40,"4 cl Chocolate syrup (light chocolate preferably) "], ["347","347",20,"2 cl crushed Strawberries "], ["347","427",30,"3 cl crushed Ice "], ["1488","387",11.8,"2/5 shot Dark rum "], ["1488","399",11.8,"2/5 shot Margarita mix, Strawberry "], ["1488","424",5.9,"1/5 shot Lemon juice "], ["5401","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["5401","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["5401","205",5,"1 tsp White Creme de Menthe "], ["5401","176",5,"1 tsp Maraschino liqueur "], ["356","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["356","332",15,"1/2 oz Pernod "], ["356","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["356","82",2.5,"1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["357","462",60,"2 oz Tequila, almond flavored "], ["357","22",120,"4 oz 7-Up "], ["4706","10",7.5,"1/4 oz Creme de Banane "], ["4706","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4706","36",7.5,"1/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["4706","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["358","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["358","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["358","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["6169","62",10,"1/3 oz Yukon Jack "], ["6169","108",10,"1/3 oz J�germeister "], ["6169","85",10,"1/3 oz 151 proof rum "], ["359","231",22.5,"3/4 oz Apricot brandy "], ["359","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["359","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["359","424",1.25,"1/4 tsp Lemon juice "], ["3181","316",10,"1 cl Vodka "], ["3181","82",10,"1 cl Grenadine "], ["3181","295",100,"10 cl Champagne "], ["4407","265",15,"Layer 1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["4407","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4407","358",15,"1/2 oz Ouzo "], ["4407","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["4407","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2663","146",10,"1 cl Midori melon liqueur "], ["2663","269",15,"1 1/2 cl Strawberry liqueur "], ["2663","167",15,"1 1/2 cl Frangelico "], ["2663","479",15,"1 1/2 cl Galliano "], ["2663","422",45,"4 1/2 cl Cream "], ["1804","85",9.83,"1/3 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1804","71",9.83,"1/3 shot Everclear "], ["1804","213",9.83,"1/3 shot Triple sec "], ["3845","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["3845","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3845","71",15,"1/2 oz Everclear "], ["362","36",45,"1 1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["362","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["362","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["361","88",45,"1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["361","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["5843","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["5843","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["5843","29",30,"1 oz Tonic water "], ["2038","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["2038","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["2038","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2038","404",30,"1 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["2038","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["2744","1",14.75,"1/2 shot Firewater "], ["2744","145",14.75,"1/2 shot Rumple Minze "], ["2301","249",30,"3 cl Bourbon (Four Roses) "], ["2301","231",10,"1 cl Apricot brandy (Bols) "], ["2301","88",20,"2 cl Dry Vermouth (Cinzano) "], ["363","316",40,"4 cl Finlandia Vodka "], ["363","454",20,"2 cl Passion fruit syrup (Monin) "], ["363","445",40,"4 cl Orange juice "], ["363","211",60,"6 cl Sweet and sour mix "], ["5509","316",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Vodka "], ["5509","404",60,"2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["5509","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["1570","85",30,"1 oz 151 proof rum "], ["1570","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["3311","132",30,"1 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["3311","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["4593","316",66.75,"1 1/2 jigger Vodka "], ["4593","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4593","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["4593","424",3.7,"1 splash freshly squeezed Lemon juice "], ["1791","108",40,"2-4 cl J�germeister "], ["1791","83",40,"2-4 cl Ginger ale or Red Soda Water "], ["5330","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["5330","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5330","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5330","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["5330","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["5330","22",30,"1 oz 7-Up "], ["5668","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["5668","85",15,"1/2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["5668","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["5668","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["5668","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["3812","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["3812","15",15,"1/2 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["3812","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["3812","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum (Overproof is best) "], ["4755","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4755","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["4755","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4755","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["3379","124",15,"1/2 oz Anisette "], ["3379","408",15,"1/2 oz Vermouth "], ["3379","85",3.7,"1 splash Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["6052","375",14.75,"1/2 shot Amaretto "], ["6052","21",14.75,"1/2 shot Whiskey "], ["6052","392",240,"8 oz Beer "], ["6052","71",0.9,"1 dash Everclear "], ["3266","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["3266","224",15,"1/2 oz Godiva liqueur "], ["3266","85",0.9,"1 dash 151 proof rum (Bacardi) "], ["1375","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["1375","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1375","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1375","344",30,"1 oz Dr. Pepper "], ["1375","392",30,"1 oz Beer "], ["1647","1",150,"1.5 oz Firewater "], ["1647","344",360,"12 oz Dr. Pepper "], ["1322","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["1322","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1322","94",180,"6 oz Lager "], ["1988","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1988","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["1988","71",15,"1/2 oz Everclear "], ["3843","68",30,"1 oz Green Chartreuse "], ["3843","85",30,"1 oz 151 proof rum (Bacardi) "], ["5639","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["5639","114",30,"1 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["5639","85",30,"1 oz 151 proof rum "], ["2162","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["2162","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2162","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2162","445",180,"4-6 oz Orange juice "], ["1344","342",29.5,"1 shot Southern Comfort "], ["1344","344",3.7,"1 splash Dr. Pepper "], ["1648","392",30,"1 oz Blackened Voodoo Beer "], ["1648","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1648","85",7.5,"1/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1648","71",7.5,"1/4 oz Everclear "], ["1648","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["1648","443",120,"4 oz Soda water "], ["1648","199",30,"1 oz Mountain Dew "], ["1648","427",720,"24 oz Ice "], ["4217","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4217","186",3.7,"1 splash Lime juice "], ["4217","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["4217","85",15,"Float 1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3307","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["3307","475",30,"1 oz Sambuca "], ["3307","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3307","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2966","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2966","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["2966","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2966","207",15,"1/2 oz Yellow Chartreuse "], ["2966","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2966","259",15,"1/2 oz Milk "], ["5853","476",600,"20 oz Diet Pepsi Cola "], ["5853","71",30,"1 oz Everclear "], ["2709","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["2709","444",30,"1 oz Hot Damn "], ["2645","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2645","85",6,"1/5 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["365","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["365","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["3219","304",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Bacardi Rum "], ["3219","304",18.75,"5/8 oz Meyers Rum "], ["3219","85",7.5,"1/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3219","261",45,"1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3219","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["3219","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["3257","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["3257","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["3257","88",5,"1 tsp Dry Vermouth "], ["3257","213",5,"1 tsp Triple sec "], ["3257","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["5239","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["5239","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5239","480",90,"3 oz Irish cream "], ["5239","482",90,"Fill with 3 oz Coffee "], ["368","359",30,"1 oz Cointreau "], ["368","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3677","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["3677","121",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Kirschwasser "], ["3677","213",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Triple sec "], ["3677","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["3677","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["3925","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["3925","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5283","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5283","304",30,"1 oz Rum (Bacardi) "], ["5283","323",60,"2 oz Sprite "], ["5283","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["369","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["369","227",10,"1/3 oz Banana liqueur "], ["369","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3146","274",5,"1/6 oz Melon liqueur "], ["3146","304",5,"1/6 oz Rum "], ["3146","316",5,"1/6 oz Vodka "], ["3146","323",10,"1/3 oz Sprite "], ["3146","82",5,"1/6 oz Grenadine "], ["5233","378",30,"1 oz Scotch "], ["5233","383",30,"1 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["5233","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["5233","357",1.25,"1/4 tsp Sugar syrup "], ["371","479",29.5,"1 shot Galliano "], ["371","205",29.5,"1 shot White Creme de Menthe "], ["371","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["371","445",128.5,"1/2 cup Orange juice "], ["4163","36",60,"2 oz Malibu rum "], ["4163","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1796","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["1796","355",15,"1/2 oz Passion fruit juice "], ["1796","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["3839","280",40,"4 cl Fernet Branca "], ["3839","422",3.7,"1 splash Cream (whipped) "], ["4784","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["4784","124",30,"1 oz Anisette "], ["4784","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["2754","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2754","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5910","71",23.6,"4/5 shot Everclear "], ["5910","131",5.9,"1/5 shot Tabasco sauce "], ["5899","142",30,"1 oz White rum "], ["5899","304",30,"1 oz amber Rum "], ["5899","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5899","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine "], ["5899","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5899","2",210,"7 oz Lemonade "], ["1784","142",20,"2 cl White rum "], ["1784","210",10,"1 cl Lakka "], ["1784","205",10,"1 cl White Creme de Menthe "], ["1784","445",20,"2 cl Orange juice "], ["1784","424",20,"2 cl Lemon juice "], ["4852","317",7.5,"1/4 oz Jose Cuervo "], ["4852","471",7.5,"1/4 oz Jim Beam "], ["4852","122",7.5,"1/4 oz Jack Daniels "], ["4852","263",7.5,"1/4 oz Johnnie Walker "], ["4960","249",7.5,"1/4 oz Bourbon (Jim Beam) "], ["4960","159",7.5,"1/4 oz Tennessee whiskey (Jack Daniel's) "], ["4960","378",7.5,"1/4 oz Scotch (Johnnie Walker Red) "], ["4960","462",7.5,"1/4 oz Tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["3681","5",40,"4 cl Coconut milk "], ["3681","316",60,"6 cl Vodka "], ["3681","462",40,"4 cl Tequila "], ["3681","205",50,"5 cl White Creme de Menthe "], ["3681","227",40,"4 cl Banana liqueur "], ["1705","202",22.5,"3/4 oz Gold tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["1705","108",22.5,"3/4 oz J�germeister "], ["1705","145",22.5,"3/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1705","85",22.5,"3/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["374","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["374","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["374","422",15,"1/2 oz Cream "], ["2712","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2712","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["2712","41",60,"2 oz Light cream "], ["5381","295",105,"3 1/2 oz Champagne "], ["5381","26",22.5,"3/4 oz Creme de Fraise des Bois (Marie Brizard) "], ["5381","3",15,"1/2 oz Cognac "], ["377","278",257,"1 cup Ice-cream "], ["377","167",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Frangelico "], ["377","333",30,"1 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["377","259",64.25,"1/4 cup Milk "], ["377","287",30,"1 oz Chocolate syrup "], ["1105","482",128.5,"1/2 cup strong black Coffee "], ["1105","259",128.5,"1/2 cup Milk "], ["1105","477",10,"1-2 tsp Sugar or honey "], ["5549","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["5549","333",10,"1/3 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["5549","405",10,"1/3 oz Tequila Rose (or Baja Rosa Tequila) "], ["378","462",60,"2 oz Tequila "], ["378","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["378","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["2066","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["2066","475",15,"1/2 oz Sambuca "], ["2066","316",15,"1/2 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["4863","199",180,"6 oz Mountain Dew "], ["4863","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["4863","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3734","450",60,"2 oz Rye whiskey "], ["3734","351",7.5,"1/4 oz Benedictine "], ["3734","424",22.5,"3/4 oz Lemon juice "], ["4334","316",30,"1 oz Skyy Vodka "], ["4334","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4334","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4334","372",90,"3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4079","142",60,"2 oz White rum "], ["4079","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4079","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["4079","427",85.67,"1/3 cup Ice "], ["387","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["387","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["392","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["392","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["392","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["392","503",180,"6 oz Vanilla ice-cream "], ["3699","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["3699","174",15,"1/2 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["3699","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["3699","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["3699","200",7.5,"1/4 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["3699","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["3699","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["3699","85",7.5,"Float 1/4 oz 151 proof rum (optional) "], ["6151","347",240,"8 oz Strawberries in sugar sauce "], ["6151","211",120,"4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["6151","462",60,"2 oz Tequila "], ["1057","163",257,"1 cup Yoghurt "], ["1057","346",257,"1 cup Fruit juice "], ["4429","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4429","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4429","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["4429","259",15,"1/2 oz Milk "], ["4471","227",7.5,"1/4 oz Banana liqueur "], ["4471","274",7.5,"1/4 oz Melon liqueur "], ["4471","179",7.5,"1/4 oz Cherry brandy "], ["4471","468",7.5,"1/4 oz Coconut rum "], ["1058","353",30,"1 oz Orange liqueur "], ["1058","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1058","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["1058","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4345","375",29.5,"1 shot Amaretto "], ["4345","36",29.5,"1 shot Malibu rum "], ["4345","226",29.5,"1 shot Bacardi Limon "], ["4345","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4345","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["4345","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["2178","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2178","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["2178","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2178","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["4893","240",15,"1/2 oz Coffee liqueur "], ["4893","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["4893","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["4244","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["4244","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4244","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["4244","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["4244","85",15,"1/2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["3025","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3025","309",45,"1 1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3025","387",15,"1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["3025","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["3025","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3025","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2052","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["2052","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["2052","232",30,"1 oz Wild Turkey "], ["2052","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["2052","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["2052","243",30,"1 oz Blueberry schnapps "], ["2083","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["2083","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["2083","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice (Dole) "], ["2083","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice (Dole) "], ["2083","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["3920","462",14.75,"1/2 shot Tequila (Cuervo) "], ["3920","232",14.75,"1/2 shot Wild Turkey "], ["3736","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["3736","274",22.5,"3/4 oz Melon liqueur (Midori) "], ["3736","247",22.5,"3/4 oz Cherry liqueur (Wild Cherry) "], ["3736","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["3736","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3736","388",60,"2 oz Lemon-lime soda "], ["3736","186",44.5,"1 jigger Lime juice "], ["2249","309",8.83,"1/3 measure Peach schnapps "], ["2249","323",17.67,"2/3 measure Sprite "], ["5724","392",1200,"40 oz Beer "], ["5724","83",360,"12 oz Ginger ale "], ["5724","316",7.38,"1/4 shot Vodka (Absolut) "], ["5724","214",7.38,"1/4 shot Light rum "], ["5724","375",14.75,"1/2 shot Amaretto "], ["4794","14",60,"2 oz Peach nectar "], ["4794","445",180,"6 oz Orange juice "], ["6186","437",2.5,"1/2 tsp Tang mix, powdered "], ["6186","316",14.75,"1/2 shot Vodka "], ["6186","309",14.75,"1/2 shot Peach schnapps "], ["3136","309",22.5,"3/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3136","167",22.5,"3/4 oz Frangelico "], ["4170","304",45,"1 1/2 oz Rum or vodka "], ["4170","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["4170","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4170","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4170","445",120,"Fill with 4 oz Orange juice "], ["4484","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4484","274",30,"1 oz Melon liqueur "], ["4484","372",180,"6 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2343","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["2343","309",22.5,"3/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2343","10",22.5,"3/4 oz Creme de Banane "], ["2343","445",15,"1-1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["5361","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["5361","309",45,"1 1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["5361","445",180,"6 oz Orange juice "], ["2627","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2627","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2627","445",180,"4-6 oz Orange juice "], ["4514","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4514","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4514","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5072","316",14.75,"1/2 shot Vodka (Skyy) "], ["5072","309",14.75,"1/2 shot Peach schnapps "], ["4218","115",14.75,"1/2 shot Goldschlager "], ["4218","119",14.75,"1/2 shot 100 proof Absolut Vodka "], ["3120","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3120","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["3120","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["3120","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["3120","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["3120","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["3120","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine "], ["2172","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka (Absolut) "], ["2172","462",29.5,"1 shot Tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["2172","387",29.5,"1 shot Dark rum (Meyers) "], ["2172","131",3.7,"1 splash Tabasco sauce "], ["1100","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["1100","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["1447","119",60,"6 cl Absolut Vodka "], ["1447","323",60,"6 cl Sprite "], ["1447","424",10,"1 cl Lemon juice "], ["3196","15",30,"1 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["3196","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["3196","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2154","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["2154","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["2154","155",30,"1 oz Heavy cream "], ["2154","179",5,"1 tsp Cherry brandy "], ["5196","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["5196","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5196","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["393","199",360,"12 oz Mountain Dew "], ["393","335",29.5,"1 shot Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["393","263",29.5,"1 shot Johnnie Walker red label "], ["2024","335",150,"1.5 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["2024","445",150,"5 oz Orange juice "], ["2024","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2024","213",750,"0.25 oz Triple sec "], ["5978","304",30,"3 cl Rum (Ron Bacardi Superior) "], ["5978","10",10,"1 cl Creme de Banane "], ["5978","424",10,"1 cl fresh Lemon juice "], ["396","316",60,"2 oz Vodka (Russian) "], ["396","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["396","71",15,"1/2 oz Everclear (190 proof) "], ["2324","316",30,"3 cl Vodka "], ["2324","376",30,"3 cl Gin "], ["2324","462",30,"3 cl Tequila "], ["2324","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["397","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["397","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["397","383",30,"1 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["397","130",30,"1 oz Club soda "], ["5065","342",22.5,"3/4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5065","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["5065","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["5065","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["5550","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["5550","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["5550","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5550","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["5550","359",7.5,"1/4 oz Cointreau "], ["5550","351",7.5,"1/4 oz Benedictine "], ["5550","82",10,"1/3 oz Grenadine "], ["5550","366",0.9,"1 dash Angostura bitters 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["420","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["420","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["420","130",90,"3 oz Club soda "], ["421","376",75,"2 1/2 oz Gin "], ["421","424",45,"1 1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["421","477",5,"1 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["421","130",120,"4 oz Club soda "], ["421","473",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cassis "], ["4196","115",10,"1/3 oz Goldschlager "], ["4196","114",10,"1/3 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["4196","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2054","310",257,"1 cup Hot chocolate "], ["2054","205",30,"1 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["4776","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["4776","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["4776","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5193","88",3.7,"1 splash Dry Vermouth "], ["5193","316",120,"4 oz Vodka "], ["5193","295",90,"3 oz chilled Champagne "], ["5193","176",0.9,"1 dash Maraschino liqueur "], ["4285","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4285","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4285","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["4285","22",60,"2 oz 7-Up "], ["4180","274",45,"1 1/2 oz Melon liqueur "], ["4180","342",45,"1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4180","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["4180","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4180","297",45,"Float 1 1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["424","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["424","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["424","155",30,"1 oz Heavy cream "], ["1501","304",7.38,"1/4 shot Rum "], ["1501","316",7.38,"1/4 shot Vodka "], ["1501","237",7.38,"1/4 shot Raspberry liqueur or Creme de Cassis "], ["1501","186",0.9,"1 dash Lime juice "], ["1501","85",0.9,"1 dash 151 proof rum "], ["5767","310",128.5,"1/2 cup Hot chocolate "], ["5767","464",29.5,"1 shot Peppermint schnapps (Rumple Minze) "], ["5767","224",29.5,"1 shot Godiva liqueur "], ["3653","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["3653","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["1194","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1194","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["2067","462",90,"3 oz Tequila "], ["2067","359",45,"1 1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["2067","291",30,"1 oz Cherry juice "], ["2067","424",22.5,"3/4 oz Lemon juice "], ["6068","145",22.5,"3/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["6068","115",7.5,"1/4 oz Goldschlager "], ["5754","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["5754","40",30,"1 oz Sour Apple Pucker "], ["3251","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["3251","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["5743","175",360,"12 oz Coca-Cola "], ["5743","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["427","391",45,"1 1/2 oz Vanilla vodka (Stoli Vanil) "], ["427","465",45,"1 1/2 oz White chocolate liqueur "], ["427","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["427","333",45,"1 1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["427","422",30,"1 oz Cream "], ["427","357",3.7,"1 splash Sugar syrup "], ["3369","479",30,"1 oz Galliano "], ["3369","333",60,"2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["3369","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["4270","324",257,"1 cup sparkling Apple cider "], ["4270","115",29.5,"1 shot Goldschlager "], ["5316","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["5316","92",15,"1/2 oz Peach brandy "], ["5316","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["429","115",29.5,"1 shot Goldschlager "], ["429","131",3.7,"1 splash Tabasco sauce "], ["5898","462",44.25,"1 1/2 shot Tequila "], ["5898","315",44.25,"1 1/2 shot Grand Marnier "], ["5898","200",29.5,"1 shot Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["5898","266",29.5,"1 shot Sour mix (homemade) "], ["4696","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["4696","2",60,"2 oz Lemonade "], ["6149","124",22.5,"3/4 oz Anisette "], ["6149","265",22.5,"3/4 oz Kahlua "], ["4873","312",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Absolut Citron "], ["4873","238",22.5,"3/4 oz Aliz� "], ["4873","2",180,"6 oz Lemonade "], ["2306","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["2306","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["2306","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum "], ["2306","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2155","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["2155","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4582","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4582","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4582","297",60,"2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4582","445",180,"6 oz Orange juice "], ["1585","335",30,"1 oz Spiced 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["2590","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2590","62",30,"1 oz Yukon Jack "], ["2590","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2470","232",30,"1 oz Wild Turkey, 101 proof "], ["2470","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["5290","36",15,"1 1/2 cl Malibu rum "], ["5290","309",15,"1 1/2 cl Peach schnapps "], ["5290","297",15,"1 1/2 cl Blue Curacao "], ["5290","211",30,"3 cl Sweet and sour "], ["2433","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2433","342",45,"1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2433","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4901","270",20,"2 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["4901","316",20,"2 cl Koskenkorva salmiac Vodka "], ["1042","445",20,"2 cl Orange juice "], ["1042","404",60,"6 cl Grapefruit juice "], ["2250","316",10,"1/3 oz Vodka "], ["2250","54",10,"1/3 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2250","266",10,"1/3 oz Sour mix "], ["1011","404",300,"10 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["1011","36",120,"4 oz Malibu rum "], ["1011","186",3.7,"1 splash Lime juice "], ["2983","297",90,"3 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2983","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2983","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2983","416",60,"2 oz Grape juice "], ["2983","175",30,"1 oz Coca-Cola "], ["2983","261",3.7,"1 splash of Pineapple juice "], ["434","15",22.5,"3/4 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["434","333",22.5,"3/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["434","41",22.5,"3/4 oz Light cream "], ["435","416",257,"1 cup Grape juice "], ["435","324",257,"1 cup Apple cider (or apple juice) "], ["435","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["435","409",1.25,"1/4 tsp Cinnamon "], ["1545","85",14.75,"1/2 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1545","21",14.75,"1/2 shot Whiskey (James B. Beam) "], ["6138","226",40,"4 cl Bacardi Limon "], ["6138","157",20,"2 cl Passoa "], ["6138","186",10,"1 cl Lime juice "], ["6138","355",80,"8 cl Passion fruit juice "], ["6138","323",40,"4 cl Sprite "], ["1653","358",10,"1/3 oz Ouzo "], ["1653","316",10,"1/3 oz Vodka "], ["1653","54",10,"1/3 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur ( Cassis) "], ["5191","376",60,"2 oz Gin (Tanqueray Malacca) "], ["5191","354",30,"1 oz Metaxa "], ["2101","342",29.5,"1 shot Southern Comfort "], ["2101","146",3.7,"1 splash Midori melon liqueur "], ["2101","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["2674","449",30,"1 oz Apple schnapps "], ["2674","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2674","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2674","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["2674","22",29.5,"1 shot 7-Up "], ["5004","316",14.75,"1/2 shot Vodka "], ["5004","464",14.75,"1/2 shot green Peppermint schnapps "], ["3397","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["3397","15",15,"1/2 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["3397","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4461","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["4461","274",7.5,"1/4 oz Melon liqueur "], ["4461","304",7.5,"1/4 oz Rum or vodka "], ["5535","119",22.5,"3/4 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["5535","146",22.5,"3/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5535","36",22.5,"3/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["2527","316",20,"2 cl Vodka (Absolut) "], ["2527","425",20,"2 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["2527","323",60,"6 cl Sprite light "], ["2527","445",60,"6 cl Orange juice "], ["436","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["436","213",7.5,"1/4 oz Triple sec "], ["436","230",60,"2 oz Limeade "], ["2217","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["2217","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["2217","304",60,"2 oz Rum "], ["2217","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2217","213",60,"2 oz Triple sec "], ["2217","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["2217","22",60,"2 oz 7-Up "], ["2394","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2394","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["2394","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["438","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["438","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["438","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["438","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["438","2",60,"2 oz yellow Lemonade "], ["2927","146",22.5,"3/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2927","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["2927","200",15,"1/2 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["2927","55",15,"1/2 oz Cream of coconut "], ["2927","261",45,"1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["439","274",10,"1/3 oz Melon liqueur "], ["439","227",10,"1/3 oz Banana liqueur "], ["439","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1369","32",240,"8 oz green Kool-Aid "], ["1369","71",29.5,"1 shot Everclear "], ["5847","316",30,"3 cl Vodka (Cossack) "], ["5847","46",5,"1/2 cl Green Curacao (Bols) "], ["5847","10",5,"1/2 cl Creme de Banane (Bols) "], ["5847","404",5,"1/2 cl Grapefruit juice "], ["5847","424",15,"1 1/2 cl Lemon juice "], ["2792","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2792","462",30,"1 oz Tequila (Two Fingers) "], ["2792","211",60,"2 oz Sweet and sour mix "], ["6182","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["6182","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["6182","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["1273","274",30,"1 oz Melon liqueur "], ["1273","36",22.5,"3/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["1273","359",7.5,"1/4 oz Cointreau "], ["1273","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3508","316",40,"4 cl Vodka "], ["3508","142",40,"4 cl White rum "], ["3508","319",20,"2 cl Black rum "], ["3508","473",10,"1 cl Creme de Cassis "], ["3508","297",10,"1 cl Blue Curacao "], ["3508","359",20,"2 cl Cointreau "], ["3508","261",260,"26 cl Pineapple juice "], ["3486","376",20,"2 cl Gin "], ["3486","425",20,"2 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["3486","266",20,"2 cl Sour mix "], ["3486","355",20,"2 cl Passion fruit juice "], ["3486","445",100,"10 cl Orange juice "], ["4004","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4004","15",15,"1/2 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["440","124",15,"1/2 oz Anisette "], ["440","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["440","170",30,"1 oz Anis "], ["1823","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["1823","10",20,"2 cl Creme de Banane "], ["1823","297",30,"3 cl Blue Curacao "], ["1823","445",60,"6 cl Orange juice "], ["4041","146",14.75,"1/2 shot Midori melon liqueur "], ["4041","186",29.5,"1 shot Lime juice "], ["4041","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["4041","211",14.75,"1/2 shot Sweet and sour "], ["4041","29",300,"10 oz Tonic water "], ["4377","425",20,"2 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["4377","21",20,"2 cl Whiskey "], ["4377","445",20,"2 cl Orange juice "], ["3907","85",29.5,"1 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3907","15",14.75,"1/2 shot Green Creme de Menthe "], ["4583","468",15,"1/2 oz Coconut rum "], ["4583","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4583","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4629","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4629","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4629","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["4629","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5646","274",30,"1 oz Melon liqueur "], ["5646","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["5646","213",3.7,"1 splash Triple sec "], ["5646","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["5646","323",29.5,"1 shot Sprite "], ["3788","462",120,"4 oz Tequila "], ["3788","425",120,"4 oz Pisang Ambon "], ["3788","445",240,"8 oz Orange juice "], ["2830","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["2830","15",30,"1 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["2830","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["3111","123",7.38,"1/4 shot Kiwi liqueur "], ["3111","316",22.13,"3/4 shot Vodka "], ["441","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["441","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["441","478",10,"2 tsp Orgeat syrup "], ["441","424",10,"2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["4450","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["4450","404",150,"5 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["2043","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2043","227",30,"1 oz Banana liqueur "], ["2043","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["2043","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["5953","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["5953","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["5953","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["1102","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["1102","352",90,"3 oz Water "], ["1525","376",40,"4 cl Gin "], ["1525","259",160,"16 cl skimmed Milk "], ["1525","477",5,"1 tsp Sugar "], ["4090","272",15,"1/2 oz Razzmatazz "], ["4090","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["4090","404",15,"1/2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["446","250",257,"1 cup strong black Tea "], ["446","387",29.5,"1 shot Dark rum (Bundaberg) "], ["445","365",15,"1-1/2 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["445","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["445","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["2854","392",360,"12 oz Beer "], ["2854","352",180,"6 oz Water "], ["2854","316",3.75,"1/8 oz Vodka "], ["4357","445",180,"6 oz Orange juice "], ["4357","316",60,"2 oz Vodka (Finlandia) "], ["4357","97",60,"2 oz RedRum "], ["4357","293",30,"1 oz Lemon liqueur "], ["4357","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["5235","359",50,"5 cl Cointreau "], ["5235","68",50,"5 cl Green Chartreuse "], ["2588","365",60,"2 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["2588","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2588","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["2588","263",30,"1 oz Johnnie Walker "], ["3490","114",14.75,"1/2 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["3490","270",14.75,"1/2 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["3490","62",3.7,"1 splash Yukon Jack "], ["1499","358",20,"2 cl Ouzo "], ["1499","131",20,"2 cl Tabasco sauce "], ["1764","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["1764","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["1764","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["1764","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1764","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["1764","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1654","359",20,"2 cl Cointreau "], ["1654","270",20,"2 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["1654","21",20,"2 cl Whiskey "], ["1654","259",70,"7 cl Milk "], ["2584","62",14.75,"1/2 shot Yukon Jack "], ["2584","122",14.75,"1/2 shot Jack Daniels "], ["2894","376",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Gin (Bombay Sapphire) "], ["2894","68",15,"1/2 oz Green Chartreuse "], ["451","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["451","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["451","259",120,"4 oz Milk "], ["4712","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["4712","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["1405","462",60,"2 oz Tequila "], ["1405","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["1405","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["1405","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1405","82",10,"2 tsp Grenadine "], ["2396","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2396","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["2396","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["453","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["453","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["453","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["453","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["455","387",15,"1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["455","214",15,"1/2 oz Light rum "], ["455","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["5428","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["5428","297",60,"2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5428","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5428","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["456","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["456","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["456","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["6009","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["6009","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["6009","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["6009","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["6009","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["6009","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5928","319",60,"2 oz Black rum (Bacardi) "], ["5928","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5928","261",180,"6 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5928","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine to taste "], ["1589","114",9.83,"1/3 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["1589","375",9.83,"1/3 shot Amaretto "], ["1589","468",9.83,"1/3 shot Coconut rum "], ["2147","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2147","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2147","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum "], ["2147","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["2147","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["2147","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2147","82",45,"1 1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["6168","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["6168","372",75,"2 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["6168","445",75,"2 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["6168","443",45,"1 1/2 oz Soda water "], ["3400","468",60,"2 oz Coconut rum (Parrot Bay) "], ["3400","78",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["3400","261",210,"7 oz Pineapple juice (Dole) "], ["3400","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine (Rose's) "], ["5702","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["5702","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5702","375",7.5,"1/4 oz Amaretto "], ["5702","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["5702","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["5702","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["1442","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["1442","342",22.5,"3/4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1442","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["1442","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["1442","261",45,"1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1442","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["2703","304",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Rum (Malibu) "], ["2703","322",15,"1/2 oz Peachtree schnapps (Dekuyper) "], ["2703","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao (Dekuyper) "], ["2703","211",90,"3 oz Sweet and sour "], ["2703","388",3.7,"1 splash Lemon-lime soda "], ["1965","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Ketel One) "], ["1965","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["5391","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["5391","176",7.5,"1/4 oz Maraschino liqueur "], ["5391","186",22.5,"3/4 oz Lime juice "], ["5391","404",7.5,"1/4 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["459","316",20,"2 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bitters "], ["4619","270",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4619","375",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Amaretto "], ["5376","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5376","462",60,"2 oz Tequila "], ["5376","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5376","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["464","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["464","351",22.5,"3/4 oz Benedictine "], ["464","176",22.5,"3/4 oz Maraschino liqueur "], ["4678","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4678","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Finlandia) "], ["4678","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["4678","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["4678","464",3.7,"1 splash Peppermint schnapps "], ["4678","323",3.7,"1 splash Sprite or 7-up "], ["465","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["465","33",15,"1/2 oz Lillet "], ["465","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["4267","230",180,"6 oz frozen Limeade concentrate "], ["4267","2",180,"6 oz frozen Lemonade concentrate "], ["4267","309",180,"6 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4267","85",180,"6 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3656","462",9.83,"1/3 shot Tequila "], ["3656","142",9.83,"1/3 shot White rum "], ["3656","316",9.83,"1/3 shot Vodka (Smirnoff) "], ["3657","462",14.75,"1/2 shot Tequila "], ["3657","304",14.75,"1/2 shot Rum "], ["4389","462",14.75,"1/2 shot Tequila "], ["4389","342",14.75,"1/2 shot Southern Comfort "], ["2636","139",45,"1 1/2 oz Tuaca "], ["2636","324",180,"6 oz Apple cider "], ["3185","270",14.75,"1/2 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["3185","115",14.75,"1/2 shot Goldschlager "], ["3185","409",0.9,"1 dash Cinnamon (optional) "], ["2558","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2558","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["3724","316",25,"2 1/2 cl Vodka "], ["3724","252",25,"2 1/2 cl Whisky "], ["3724","376",25,"2 1/2 cl Gin "], ["3724","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["1012","132",45,"1 1/2 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["1012","146",45,"1 1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["1061","42",29.5,"1 shot Irish whiskey (Bushmill's) "], ["1061","270",22.13,"3/4 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["1061","482",180,"6 oz hot Coffee "], ["1687","21",15,"1/2 oz Whiskey "], ["1687","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["1687","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["1687","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["471","444",15,"1/2 oz Hot Damn "], ["471","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4918","444",15,"1/2 oz Hot Damn "], ["4918","202",15,"1/2 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo) "], ["2673","85",60,"2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2673","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["5470","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka (Fris) "], ["5470","501",15,"1/2 oz Ice 101 "], ["5470","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["5018","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Habanero) "], ["5018","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["5018","83",90,"3 oz Ginger ale "], ["4233","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4233","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["5409","312",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Absolut Citron "], ["5409","359",18.75,"5/8 oz Cointreau "], ["5409","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5409","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["5409","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4874","270",45,"1 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["4023","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum (Bacardi) "], ["4023","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4023","326",90,"3 oz Orange "], ["5473","198",29.5,"1 shot Aftershock "], ["5473","115",29.5,"1 shot Goldschlager "], ["5267","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5267","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5267","476",15,"1/2 oz Pepsi Cola "], ["4255","198",18.75,"5/8 oz Aftershock "], ["4255","316",15,"4/8 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4255","85",3.75,"1/8 oz 151 proof rum "], ["3147","375",20,"2/3 oz Amaretto "], ["3147","376",10,"1/3 oz Gin (Tanqueray) "], ["2270","227",20,"2 cl Banana liqueur "], ["2270","133",20,"2 cl Aquavit linie "], ["2270","186",50,"1,5 cl Lime juice "], ["2270","22",50,"2,5 cl 7-Up "], ["2469","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2469","29",45,"1 1/2 oz Tonic water "], ["4376","375",60,"2 oz Amaretto "], ["4376","445",128.5,"1/2 cup Orange juice "], ["4376","503",128.5,"1/2 cup Vanilla ice-cream "], ["479","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["479","161",105,"3 1/2 oz Iced tea, pre-sweetened "], ["2007","316",10,"1/3 oz Vodka "], ["2007","462",10,"1/3 oz Tequila "], ["2007","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["3489","450",90,"3 oz Rye whiskey "], ["3489","83",240,"8 oz Ginger ale "], ["3489","186",5,"1 tsp Lime juice "], ["482","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["482","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["482","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["482","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["482","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["1074","186",40,"4 cl Lime juice "], ["1074","376",20,"2 cl Gin "], ["1074","248",40,"4 cl Aperol "], ["6082","496",60,"2 oz Hpnotiq "], ["6082","3",60,"2 oz Cognac (Hennessy) "], ["3253","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3253","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3253","199",60,"2 oz Mountain Dew "], ["3847","462",14.75,"1/2 shot Tequila "], ["3847","252",14.75,"1/2 shot Whisky "], ["3847","295",29.5,"1 shot Champagne "], ["3836","85",90,"3 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3836","71",90,"3 oz Everclear "], ["3836","108",90,"3 oz J�germeister "], ["3836","352",150,"5 oz Water "], ["3836","51",0.9,"1 dash Salt "], ["4203","312",7.5,"1-1/4 oz Absolut Citron "], ["4203","365",7.5,"1-1/4 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["4203","315",3.7,"1 splash Grand Marnier "], ["5285","480",60,"2 oz Irish cream "], ["5285","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["1274","482",240,"8 oz Coffee "], ["1274","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1274","126",60,"2 oz Half-and-half "], ["1274","477",5,"1 tsp Sugar "], ["5264","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["5264","270",45,"1 1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5264","41",45,"1 1/2 oz Light cream "], ["4781","270",22.5,"3/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4781","249",22.5,"3/4 oz Bourbon "], ["4781","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["4781","445",90,"2-3 oz Orange juice "], ["4454","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4454","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["5673","147",30,"1 oz Irish Mist "], ["5673","15",3.7,"1 splash Green Creme de Menthe "], ["4469","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4469","295",90,"3 oz Champagne "], ["4469","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["3051","15",90,"3 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["3051","375",90,"3 oz Amaretto "], ["3051","424",60,"2 oz Lemon juice "], ["4289","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["4289","265",29.5,"1 shot Kahlua "], ["4289","480",29.5,"1 shot Irish cream "], ["4496","173",30,"1 oz Canadian whisky "], ["4496","383",30,"1 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["4496","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["4496","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["1294","316",40,"4 cl Vodka "], ["1294","425",20,"2 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["1294","266",20,"2 cl Sour mix "], ["1294","443",100,"10 cl Soda water "], ["4253","3",60,"2 oz Cognac "], ["4253","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2882","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Stoli Vodka "], ["2882","65",120,"4 oz Guava juice "], ["2882","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["2882","445",0.9,"1 dash Orange juice "], ["5534","227",22.5,"3/4 oz Banana liqueur "], ["5534","36",22.5,"3/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["5534","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5534","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5534","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5534","175",60,"2 oz Coca-Cola "], ["1815","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1815","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1815","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["1815","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["1815","22",60,"2 oz 7-Up "], ["5819","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["5819","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5819","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["5819","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["5185","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5185","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["5185","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila (Cuervo) "], ["5185","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5573","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["5573","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5573","139",30,"1 oz Tuaca "], ["4411","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4411","41",90,"3 oz Light cream "], ["5187","316",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Vodka "], ["5187","327",22.5,"3/4 oz Campari "], ["5187","356",7.5,"1/4 oz Limoncello "], ["5187","445",22.5,"3/4 oz Orange juice "], ["5187","211",22.5,"3/4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5771","375",60,"2 oz Amaretto "], ["5771","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["5771","130",90,"3 oz Club soda "], ["5771","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["4876","192",22.5,"3/4 oz Brandy "], ["4876","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["1253","293",30,"1 oz Lemon liqueur "], ["1253","404",20,"2/3 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["1253","316",5,"1/6 oz Vodka "], ["1253","424",5,"1/6 oz Lemon juice "], ["1253","82",5,"1/6 oz Grenadine syrup "], ["489","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["489","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["489","259",30,"1 oz Milk "], ["491","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["491","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2833","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["2833","202",30,"1 oz Gold tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["5301","423",60,"2 oz Applejack "], ["5301","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["5301","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine "], ["5260","335",14.75,"1/2 shot Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["5260","375",7.38,"1/4 shot Amaretto "], ["5260","10",7.38,"1/4 shot Creme de Banane "], ["2861","182",75,"2 1/2 oz Crown Royal "], ["2861","114",22.5,"3/4 oz Butterscotch schnapps (Buttershots) "], ["4266","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["4266","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["1645","448",30,"1 oz Apple brandy "], ["1645","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1645","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["5203","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5203","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["494","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister (ice cold) "], ["494","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["494","373",60,"2 oz Pina colada mix "], ["4149","198",15,"1/2 oz Aftershock "], ["4149","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["1205","431",30,"1 oz Coffee brandy "], ["1205","333",30,"1 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1205","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["6016","85",60,"2 oz 151 proof rum (Bacardi) "], ["6016","494",180,"6 oz chilled Jolt Cola "], ["3644","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["3644","468",120,"4 oz Coconut rum "], ["3644","372",60,"1 - 2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5614","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["5614","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["5614","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2810","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["2810","167",30,"1 oz Frangelico "], ["2810","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2810","259",30,"1 oz Milk "], ["3454","304",30,"1 oz Rum (Bacardi) "], ["3454","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["3454","227",30,"1 oz Banana liqueur "], ["3454","372",3.7,"Add 1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["3454","261",3.7,"Add 1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["3594","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["3594","309",60,"2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3594","445",135,"4 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["3594","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4878","304",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Captain Morgan's Rum "], ["4878","304",15,"1/2 oz Meyers Rum "], ["4878","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["4878","261",45,"1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4878","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5037","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Skyy) "], ["5037","146",22.5,"3/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5037","126",15,"1/2 oz Half-and-half "], ["5037","36",7.5,"1/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["5648","59",120,"4 oz Fanta "], ["5648","323",120,"4 oz Sprite "], ["5648","226",120,"4 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["498","378",60,"2 oz Scotch "], ["498","451",15,"1/2 oz Tawny port "], ["498","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["498","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["6170","134",1050,"0.35 oz (small boxI) Jello, any flavor "], ["6170","352",257,"1 cup boiling Water "], ["6170","316",257,"1 cup Vodka "], ["4457","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine "], ["4457","335",90,"3 oz Spiced rum "], ["4457","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4457","83",360,"12 oz Ginger ale "], ["5829","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5829","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5829","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["5829","51",0.9,"1 dash Salt "], ["6054","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["6054","231",22.5,"3/4 oz Apricot brandy "], ["6054","359",22.5,"3/4 oz Cointreau "], ["2437","265",14.75,"1/2 shot Kahlua "], ["2437","124",14.75,"1/2 shot Anisette "], ["2437","85",14.75,"1/2 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1609","174",30,"1 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["1609","170",30,"1 oz Anis "], ["1440","310",257,"1 cup Hot chocolate "], ["1440","114",29.5,"1 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["1440","480",3.7,"1 splash Irish cream (Bailey's) "], ["3676","316",150,"0.5 oz Vodka "], ["3676","124",150,"0.5 oz Anisette "], ["3676","445",150,"0,5 oz Orange juice "], ["5620","226",60,"6 cl Bacardi Limon "], ["5620","323",80,"8 cl Sprite "], ["5620","484",120,"12 cl Red Bull or Battery "], ["3122","290",200,"20 cl Schweppes Russchian "], ["3122","316",190,"19 cl Vodka "], ["502","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum "], ["502","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["502","304",30,"1 oz Rum (Bacardi) "], ["502","226",30,"1 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["502","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["502","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["502","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["502","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["502","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["3070","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["3070","383",10,"2 tsp Sweet Vermouth "], ["3070","267",5,"1 tsp Black Sambuca "], ["504","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["504","506",120,"4 oz White grape juice "], ["1891","316",75,"2 1/2 oz Finlandia Vodka "], ["1891","323",90,"3 oz Sprite "], ["1891","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["505","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["505","68",15,"1/2 oz Green Chartreuse "], ["505","207",15,"1/2 oz Yellow Chartreuse "], ["3832","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["3832","471",15,"1/2 oz Jim Beam "], ["3832","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["3832","53",15,"1/2 oz Seagram 7 "], ["4530","471",30,"1 oz Jim Beam "], ["4530","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["3678","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka (Ketel One) "], ["3678","333",30,"1 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["3678","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["3658","316",600,"20 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["3658","323",900,"30 oz Sprite "], ["3658","243",300,"10 oz Blueberry schnapps "], ["3658","270",150,"5 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3658","416",300,"10 oz Grape juice "], ["510","182",15,"1/2 oz Crown Royal "], ["510","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["510","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["510","85",15,"Float 1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["510","211",90,"3 oz Sweet and sour "], ["510","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["511","312",10,"1 cl Absolut Citron "], ["511","169",10,"1 cl Lime vodka (Hammer) "], ["511","445",10,"1 cl Orange juice "], ["511","479",10,"1 cl Galliano "], ["512","368",45,"1 1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["512","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["512","124",5,"1 tsp Anisette "], ["4222","449",29.5,"1 shot Apple schnapps (Apple Barrell) "], ["4222","322",29.5,"1 shot Peachtree schnapps "], ["4222","372",257,"1 cup Cranberry juice "], ["514","383",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Sweet Vermouth "], ["514","88",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Dry Vermouth "], ["514","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["514","213",2.5,"1/2 tsp Triple sec "], ["514","424",2.5,"1/2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["514","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["4560","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["4560","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["515","317",15,"1/2 oz Jose Cuervo "], ["515","1",15,"1/2 oz Firewater "], ["517","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["517","257",14.75,"1/2 shot Tropical fruit schnapps "], ["517","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["517","372",45,"1 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3441","349",45,"1 1/2 oz A�ejo rum "], ["3441","249",15,"1/2 oz Bourbon "], ["3441","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["2613","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["2613","214",29.5,"1 shot Light rum "], ["2613","342",14.75,"1/2 shot Southern Comfort "], ["2613","387",3.7,"1 splash Dark rum "], ["2613","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["2613","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2613","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["2613","404",30,"1 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["2700","316",40,"4 cl Vodka "], ["2700","266",20,"2 cl Sour mix "], ["2700","175",60,"6 cl Coca-Cola "], ["5855","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5855","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum "], ["3340","179",30,"1 oz Cherry brandy "], ["3340","493",30,"1 oz Taboo "], ["3340","330",15,"1/2 oz Port "], ["3340","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine "], ["3340","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5905","122",60,"2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5905","174",60,"2 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["2504","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["2504","333",30,"1 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["2504","205",30,"1 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["1065","471",10,"1/3 oz Jim Beam "], ["1065","122",10,"1/3 oz Jack Daniels "], ["1065","263",10,"1/3 oz Johnnie Walker "], ["1065","317",10,"1/3 oz Jose Cuervo "], ["1065","108",10,"1/3 oz J�germeister "], ["1065","85",10,"1/3 oz 151 proof rum "], ["2219","265",9.83,"1/3 shot Kahlua "], ["2219","479",9.83,"1/3 shot Galliano "], ["2219","270",9.83,"1/3 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["520","108",29.5,"1 shot J�germeister "], ["520","82",29.5,"1 shot Grenadine "], ["520","445",150,"5 oz Orange juice "], ["4626","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["4626","316",7.5,"1/4 oz Vodka "], ["4626","29",7.5,"1/4 oz Tonic water "], ["4605","265",45,"1 1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["4605","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["4605","477",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Sugar "], ["5327","179",10,"1/3 oz Cherry brandy "], ["5327","231",10,"1/3 oz Apricot brandy "], ["5327","213",10,"1/3 oz Triple sec "], ["1824","301",100,"10 cl Red wine "], ["1824","175",100,"10 cl Coca-Cola "], ["3540","85",30,"1 oz 151 proof rum "], ["3540","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3540","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3540","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["3540","150",10,"1/3 oz Pimm's No. 1 "], ["1406","475",30,"1 oz Sambuca "], ["1406","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["521","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["521","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["521","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["1015","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1015","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["1015","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["2174","425",30,"3 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["2174","270",30,"3 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["2174","36",30,"3 cl Malibu rum "], ["2416","335",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi Spiced rum "], ["2416","319",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi Black rum "], ["2416","468",15,"1/2 oz Coconut rum (Parrot Bay) "], ["2416","412",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Noyaux "], ["2416","445",22.5,"3/4 oz Orange juice "], ["2416","372",22.5,"3/4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4995","194",20,"2 cl Peach Vodka "], ["4995","323",30,"3 cl Sprite "], ["524","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["524","351",15,"1/2 oz Benedictine "], ["4313","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["4313","182",15,"1/2 oz Crown Royal "], ["4313","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["4313","471",15,"1/2 oz Jim Beam "], ["4313","175",3.7,"1 splash Coca-Cola "], ["5108","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5108","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5108","62",15,"1/2 oz Yukon Jack "], ["5108","471",15,"1/2 oz Jim Beam "], ["5108","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["5108","109",60,"2 oz Cola "], ["1537","450",60,"2 oz Rye whiskey (Crown Royal or Gibson's finest) "], ["1537","161",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Iced tea mix "], ["1537","352",360,"12 oz cold Water "], ["4439","304",15,"1 1/2 cl Rum (Bacardi) "], ["4439","425",15,"1 1/2 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["4439","297",15,"1 1/2 cl Blue Curacao "], ["4439","227",15,"1 1/2 cl Banana liqueur "], ["1373","85",10,"1/3 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1373","115",10,"1/3 oz Goldschlager "], ["1373","145",10,"1/3 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1515","271",30,"1 oz Key Largo schnapps "], ["1515","335",15,"1/2 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["1515","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["1515","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1515","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1515","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["5624","223",22.5,"3/4 oz Licor 43 "], ["5624","316",3.7,"1 splash Vodka "], ["5624","200",7.5,"1/4 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["5624","259",15,"1/2 oz Milk or cream "], ["1806","223",30,"1 oz Licor 43 "], ["1806","142",15,"1/2 oz White rum (good quality) "], ["1806","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["1806","200",7.5,"1/4 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice (or Nellie & Joe's) "], ["1806","126",15,"1/2 oz Half-and-half "], ["5802","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["5802","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5802","317",15,"1/2 oz Jose Cuervo "], ["5802","1",15,"1/2 oz Firewater "], ["6014","388",200,"20 cl Lemon-lime soda (7-up or Sprite) "], ["6014","82",30,"3 cl Grenadine syrup "], ["2112","462",90,"3 oz Tequila "], ["2112","85",90,"3 oz 151 proof rum "], ["2112","316",90,"3 oz Vodka "], ["2112","376",90,"3 oz Gin "], ["2112","375",60,"2 oz Amaretto "], ["1081","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["1081","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["1081","237",15,"1/2 oz Raspberry liqueur "], ["1081","274",15,"1/2 oz Melon liqueur "], ["1081","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1081","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["1081","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["1081","211",15,"1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["1081","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["1081","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1081","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3005","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["3005","340",15,"1/2 oz Barenjager "], ["1509","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1509","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1509","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["1509","372",90,"3 oz Cranberry juice cocktail "], ["1752","475",40,"4 cl Sambuca "], ["1752","297",20,"2 cl Blue Curacao "], ["2406","475",30,"3 cl Sambuca "], ["2406","82",10,"1 cl Grenadine "], ["3988","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3988","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["3988","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3988","265",7.5,"1/4 oz Kahlua "], ["3761","179",22.5,"3/4 oz Cherry brandy "], ["3761","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["3761","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["2367","471",10,"1/3 oz Jim Beam "], ["2367","17",10,"1/3 oz Mezcal "], ["2367","132",10,"1/3 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["2298","270",14.75,"1/2 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["2298","108",14.75,"1/2 shot J�germeister "], ["2419","497",240,"8 oz Hawaiian Punch "], ["2419","462",29.5,"1 shot Tequila "], ["2419","304",29.5,"1 shot Rum "], ["3046","198",45,"1 1/2 oz Aftershock "], ["3046","32",45,"1 1/2 oz Cherry Kool-Aid "], ["1316","375",14.75,"1/2 shot Amaretto "], ["1316","342",14.75,"1/2 shot Southern Comfort "], ["1316","372",14.75,"1/2 shot Cranberry juice "], ["1316","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["1945","85",60,"2 oz light 151 proof rum "], ["1945","32",2.5,"1/2 tsp Tropical Kool-Aid mix "], ["3868","32",15,"1/2 oz Grape Kool-Aid "], ["3868","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka or rum "], ["2444","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Stolichnaya) "], ["2444","333",30,"1 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["2444","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["2444","82",2.5,"1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["4773","469",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Almond "], ["4773","276",15,"1/2 oz Root beer schnapps "], ["4773","126",7.5,"1/4 oz Half-and-half "], ["5694","323",60,"2 oz Sprite "], ["5694","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["5694","396",30,"1 oz Orange soda (Orangina) "], ["5694","424",0.9,"1 dash Lemon juice "], ["3256","146",29.5,"1 shot Midori melon liqueur "], ["3256","145",14.75,"1/2 shot Rumple Minze "], ["3256","115",14.75,"1/2 shot Goldschlager "], ["3256","85",29.5,"Layer 1 shot 151 proof rum (Bacardi) "], ["2823","304",45,"1 1/2 oz Rum (Bacardi) "], ["2823","34",90,"3 oz Maui "], ["2823","261",180,"6 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5659","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["5659","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5659","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5139","365",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["5139","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5139","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["5139","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5139","211",15,"1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["4854","365",60,"2 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["4854","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["4854","236",5,"1 tsp Powdered sugar "], ["4854","130",90,"3 oz Club soda "], ["532","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["532","332",15,"1/2 oz Pernod "], ["532","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3799","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Coffee Vodka (Stolichnya) "], ["3799","361",22.5,"3/4 oz Royale Chocolate liqueur (Marie Brizard) "], ["3799","126",22.5,"3/4 oz Half-and-half "], ["3799","357",7.5,"1/4 oz Sugar syrup "], ["5008","192",60,"2 oz Brandy "], ["5008","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["5008","445",5,"1 tsp Orange juice "], ["5008","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["5997","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["5997","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5997","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["5997","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["6120","424",7.5,"1/4 oz Lemon juice "], ["6120","213",7.5,"1/4 oz Triple sec "], ["6120","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["6120","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["536","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["536","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["536","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["536","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["537","179",30,"1 oz Cherry brandy "], ["537","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["537","121",15,"1/2 oz Kirschwasser "], ["5663","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["5663","205",15,"1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["5663","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["538","142",30,"1 oz White rum "], ["538","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["538","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["538","334",3.7,"1 splash Cherry syrup "], ["1207","376",20,"2 cl dry Gin (Gilbey's) "], ["1207","359",20,"2 cl Cointreau "], ["1207","88",10,"1 cl Dry Vermouth (Cinzano) "], ["1207","186",10,"1 cl Lime juice "], ["1207","509",10,"1 cl Monin bitter \"Sans Alcool\" "], ["2233","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["2233","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["2233","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["2233","355",60,"2 oz Passion fruit juice "], ["2233","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5012","94",360,"12 oz Lager "], ["5012","186",60,"2 oz Lime juice "], ["5543","66",40,"4 cl Cachaca "], ["5543","55",40,"4 cl Cream of coconut "], ["5543","422",20,"2 cl Cream "], ["5543","291",100,"10 cl Cherry juice "], ["2303","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["2303","473",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cassis "], ["2303","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["540","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["540","215",15,"1/2 oz Tia maria "], ["540","155",30,"1 oz Heavy cream "], ["6180","316",7.5,"1/4 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["6180","202",7.5,"1/4 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo) "], ["6180","304",7.5,"1/4 oz Rum (Cpt. Morgan) "], ["6180","213",7.5,"1/4 oz Triple sec "], ["6180","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["6180","445",128.5,"1/2 cup Orange juice "], ["6180","261",128.5,"1/2 cup Pineapple juice "], ["6007","471",50,"5 cl Jim Beam "], ["6007","205",20,"2 cl White Creme de Menthe "], ["6007","246",10,"1 cl Sirup of roses "], ["6007","213",0.9,"1 dash Triple sec "], ["4126","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4126","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4126","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["4126","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["4126","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["4126","445",210,"7 oz Orange juice "], ["2025","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2025","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2025","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["2025","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["541","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["541","416",22.5,"3/4 oz Grape juice "], ["541","288",22.5,"3/4 oz Swedish Punsch "], ["1066","163",128.5,"1/2 cup plain Yoghurt "], ["1066","352",321.25,"1 1/4 cup cold Water "], ["1066","190",2.5,"1/2 tsp ground roasted Cumin seed "], ["1066","51",1.25,"1/4 tsp Salt "], ["1066","30",1.25,"1/4 tsp dried Mint "], ["1068","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["1068","383",45,"1 1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["1068","88",45,"1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["1068","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["3923","303",240,"8 oz White wine "], ["3923","323",90,"3 oz Sprite "], ["3923","237",60,"2 oz Raspberry liqueur "], ["4724","56",45,"1 1/2 oz Blended whiskey "], ["4724","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["4724","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["4724","176",1.25,"1/4 tsp Maraschino liqueur "], ["4724","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["2906","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["2906","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["2906","377",180,"6 oz Chocolate milk ( Yoo-Hoo works best) "], ["6110","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["6110","444",15,"1/2 oz Hot Damn "], ["6110","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["6110","422",3.7,"1 splash Cream "], ["4485","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4485","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["4485","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["4485","377",180,"6 oz Chocolate milk "], ["543","376",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Gin "], ["543","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["543","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["543","424",1.25,"1/4 tsp Lemon juice "], ["545","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["545","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["545","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["545","424",7.5,"1/4 oz Lemon juice "], ["2053","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["2053","292",5,"1 tsp Raspberry syrup "], ["2053","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["2053","176",1.25,"1/4 tsp Maraschino liqueur "], ["1785","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["1785","226",30,"1 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["1785","295",90,"3 oz Champagne "], ["5306","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["5306","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5306","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["5306","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["1016","445",20,"2 cl Orange juice "], ["1016","424",60,"6 cl Lemon juice "], ["2697","356",15,"1/2 oz Limoncello "], ["2697","378",30,"1 oz Scotch "], ["2697","381",15,"1/2 oz Drambuie "], ["3191","356",15,"1/2 oz Limoncello "], ["3191","253",15,"1/2 oz Grappa "], ["3850","115",14.75,"1/2 shot Goldschlager "], ["3850","480",14.75,"1/2 shot Irish cream "], ["5043","339",360,"12 oz Zima "], ["5043","468",45,"1 1/2 oz Coconut rum (Parrot bay/Malibu) "], ["4711","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["4711","422",15,"1/2 oz Cream "], ["4853","265",9.83,"1/3 shot Kahlua "], ["4853","259",9.83,"1/3 shot Milk "], ["4853","85",9.83,"1/3 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4630","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4630","424",7.5,"1/4 oz Lemon juice "], ["4630","315",0.9,"1 dash Grand Marnier "], ["4630","297",0.9,"1 dash Blue Curacao "], ["6046","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["6046","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["6046","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2133","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum (Bacardi) "], ["2133","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum (Myers) "], ["2133","427",30,"1 oz crushed Ice "], ["5416","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["5416","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5416","85",10,"1/3 oz 151 proof rum "], ["1994","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["1994","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum "], ["1994","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["1994","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["3853","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["3853","274",30,"1 oz Melon liqueur "], ["3853","404",3.7,"1 splash Grapefruit juice "], ["4479","392",330,"33 cl Beer "], ["4479","186",50,"5 cl Lime juice "], ["4479","341",50,"5 cl Hoopers Hooch "], ["5567","56",30,"1 oz Blended whiskey "], ["5567","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5567","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp Sugar "], ["5567","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["5567","424",1.25,"1/4 tsp Lemon juice "], ["2397","475",22.5,"3/4 oz Sambuca, Chilled "], ["2397","108",22.5,"3/4 oz J�germeister, Chilled "], ["1351","316",90,"3 oz Vodka "], ["1351","309",90,"3 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1351","109",180,"6 oz Cola "], ["1514","315",7.38,"1/4 shot Grand Marnier "], ["1514","342",7.38,"1/4 shot Southern Comfort "], ["1514","316",7.38,"1/4 shot Vodka (Absolut) "], ["1514","375",7.38,"1/4 shot Amaretto "], ["1514","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["2803","462",15,"1/2 oz Silver Tequila "], ["2803","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2803","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["2803","214",15,"1/2 oz Light rum "], ["2803","71",15,"1/2 oz Everclear "], ["3551","342",14.75,"1/2 shot Southern Comfort "], ["3551","62",14.75,"1/2 shot Yukon Jack "], ["3551","122",14.75,"1/2 shot Jack Daniels "], ["3551","375",14.75,"1/2 shot Amaretto "], ["3551","445",128.5,"1/2 cup Orange juice "], ["3551","65",128.5,"1/2 cup Guava juice "], ["6004","316",7.5,"1/4 oz Vodka "], ["6004","375",7.5,"1/4 oz Amaretto "], ["6004","342",7.5,"1/4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["6004","359",7.5,"1/4 oz Cointreau "], ["6004","261",22.5,"3/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["6004","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["5987","119",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["5987","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5987","352",30,"1 oz Water "], ["5987","338",60,"2 oz Mello Yello "], ["1946","145",150,"1.5 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1946","108",150,"1.5 oz J�germeister "], ["5172","490",45,"1 1/2 oz Citrus vodka "], ["5172","32",195,"6 1/2 oz Black Cherry Kool-Aid "], ["5237","333",45,"1 1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["5237","167",22.5,"3/4 oz Frangelico "], ["5237","61",0.9,"1 dash Vanilla liqueur "], ["5034","487",30,"1 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["5034","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["5034","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["5034","41",15,"1/2 oz Light cream "], ["5597","205",45,"1 1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["5597","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["3959","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["3959","383",30,"1 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["1676","146",10,"1/3 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["1676","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1676","108",10,"1/3 oz J�germeister "], ["550","316",150,"1.5 oz Vodka "], ["550","304",150,"1.5 oz Rum "], ["550","342",150,"1.5 oz Southern Comfort "], ["550","375",150,"1.5 oz Amaretto "], ["550","469",150,"1.5 oz Creme de Almond "], ["550","237",150,"1.5 oz Raspberry liqueur "], ["550","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["550","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["550","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix (optional) "], ["4343","122",20,"2/3 oz Jack Daniels "], ["4343","315",10,"1/3 oz Grand Marnier "], ["551","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["551","245",7.5,"1/4 oz Absinthe (Deva) "], ["553","383",22.5,"3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["553","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["2856","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["2856","119",22.5,"3/4 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["2856","202",22.5,"3/4 oz Gold tequila "], ["2856","85",22.5,"3/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2856","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin (Tanqueray) "], ["2856","211",120,"4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["2856","476",60,"2 oz Pepsi Cola "], ["556","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["556","215",15,"1/2 oz Tia maria "], ["5709","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["5709","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy "], ["5709","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["5709","186",5,"1 tsp Lime juice "], ["558","342",90,"3 oz Southern Comfort "], ["558","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["558","215",30,"1 oz Tia maria "], ["5557","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["5557","445",75,"2 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["5557","461",60,"2 oz Apple juice "], ["5557","380",195,"6 1/2 oz Squirt (or any other citrus soda) "], ["1372","435",30,"1 oz Orange vodka (Stoli) "], ["1372","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["1372","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3363","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["3363","342",29.5,"1 shot Southern Comfort "], ["3363","291",29.5,"1 shot Cherry juice or 1 tblsp of Grenadine "], ["3363","261",420,"14 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2975","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["2975","480",22.5,"3/4 oz Irish cream (Bailey's) "], ["1020","417",10,"1 cl Coconut liqueur (or coconut concentrate) "], ["1020","424",20,"2 cl Lemon juice "], ["1020","261",50,"5 cl Pineapple juice "], ["1020","404",50,"5 cl Grapefruit juice "], ["1020","445",50,"5 cl Orange juice "], ["1020","357",150,"15 cl Sugar syrup "], ["4823","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["4823","166",60,"2 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["4239","375",29.5,"Drop in 1 shot Amaretto "], ["1911","448",30,"1 oz Apple brandy "], ["1911","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["1911","231",0.9,"1 dash Apricot brandy "], ["1927","304",10,"1 cl Rum "], ["1927","131",10,"2 tsp Tabasco sauce "], ["1927","462",20,"2 cl Tequila "], ["2165","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2165","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["2165","312",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Citron "], ["2165","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2165","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["2165","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["2165","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["4951","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4951","396",90,"3 oz Orange soda "], ["4951","211",90,"3 oz Sweet and sour "], ["1872","342",40,"4 cl Southern Comfort "], ["1872","424",20,"2 cl Lemon juice "], ["1872","109",60,"6 cl Cola "], ["5116","316",80,"8 cl Vodka "], ["5116","445",100,"10 cl Orange juice "], ["5116","290",120,"12 cl Schweppes Russchian "], ["4058","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["4058","105",15,"1/2 oz cream Sherry "], ["4058","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["4058","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["4058","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["3523","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["3523","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["561","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["561","105",15,"1/2 oz dry Sherry "], ["561","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["561","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["561","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["1498","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["1498","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["4697","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Skyy) "], ["4697","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4697","2",30,"1 oz Lemonade "], ["4697","175",30,"1 oz Coca-Cola "], ["564","157",20,"2 cl Passoa "], ["564","376",10,"1 cl Gin "], ["564","417",10,"1 cl Coconut liqueur "], ["564","261",120,"12 cl Pineapple juice "], ["4577","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["4577","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4577","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["4993","342",40,"4 cl Southern Comfort "], ["4993","316",40,"4 cl Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4993","308",30,"3 cl Almond syrup "], ["4993","200",30,"3 cl Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["4993","424",20,"2 cl fresh Lemon juice "], ["567","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["567","214",22.5,"3/4 oz Light rum "], ["567","359",22.5,"3/4 oz Cointreau "], ["567","424",22.5,"3/4 oz Lemon juice "], ["568","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["568","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["568","192",5,"1 tsp Brandy "], ["568","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["2237","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["2237","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["2237","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["1315","36",45,"1 1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["1315","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1315","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2684","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["2684","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["2684","22",60,"2 oz 7-Up "], ["2684","261",150,"5 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1282","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["1282","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1282","323",60,"2 oz Sprite "], ["1282","259",30,"1 oz Milk "], ["1282","419",10,"1/3 oz Coconut syrup "], ["1282","213",7.5,"1/4 oz Triple sec "], ["3482","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["3482","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3482","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["3482","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["4261","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["4261","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4261","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["571","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["571","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["571","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["5228","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["5228","95",0.9,"1 dash Soy sauce "], ["5609","78",45,"1 1/2 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["5609","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5609","294",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice cordial "], ["5685","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["5685","315",30,"1 oz Grand Marnier "], ["5685","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["5685","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["574","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["574","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["574","124",5,"1 tsp Anisette "], ["574","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["574","82",2.5,"1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["574","175",30,"1 oz Coca-Cola "], ["6066","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["6066","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["6066","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["6066","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["6066","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["6066","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["6066","22",7.5,"1/4 oz 7-Up "], ["3672","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["3672","184",45,"1 1/2 oz Mango nectar "], ["3672","205",10,"2 tsp White Creme de Menthe "], ["3672","427",90,"3 oz crushed Ice "], ["575","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream "], ["575","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["575","319",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi Black rum "], ["575","387",15,"1/2 oz Myer's Dark rum "], ["575","482",330,"11 oz Coffee "], ["3949","383",90,"3 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["3949","249",90,"3 oz Bourbon "], ["4674","202",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo 1800) "], ["4674","315",22.5,"3/4 oz Grand Marnier "], ["4674","359",22.5,"3/4 oz Cointreau "], ["4674","211",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["580","349",60,"2 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schnapps "], ["2012","404",60,"2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["2012","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5140","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["5140","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["5140","333",0.9,"1 dash white Creme de Cacao "], ["592","349",30,"1 oz A�ejo rum "], ["592","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy "], ["592","423",15,"1/2 oz Applejack "], ["592","124",5,"1 tsp Anisette "], ["3780","368",45,"1 1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["3780","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["3780","433",0.9,"1 dash Orange bitters "], ["1495","263",30,"3 cl Johnnie Walker "], ["1495","327",20,"2 cl Campari "], ["1495","445",10,"1 cl Orange juice "], ["5772","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5772","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["5772","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["5772","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["5297","378",15,"1/2 oz Scotch "], ["5297","480",7.5,"1/4 oz Irish cream "], ["5297","114",7.5,"1/4 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["1144","445",257,"1 cup Orange juice "], ["1144","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Skyy) "], ["1144","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["1144","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2604","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2604","153",30,"1 oz Watermelon liqueur "], ["2604","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur (optional) "], ["2604","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum "], ["2604","199",90,"3 oz Mountain Dew "], ["6143","122",50,"5 cl Jack Daniels "], ["6143","83",150,"15 cl Ginger ale "], ["6143","445",50,"5 cl Orange juice "], ["596","462",60,"2 oz Tequila (Juarez) "], ["596","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["596","274",60,"2 oz Melon liqueur "], ["596","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["3746","274",7.5,"1/4 oz Melon liqueur "], ["3746","71",7.5,"1/4 oz Everclear "], ["3746","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5653","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5653","274",15,"1/2 oz Melon liqueur "], ["5666","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5666","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5666","424",0.9,"1 dash Lemon juice "], ["5666","29",30,"1 oz Tonic water or club soda "], ["3751","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3751","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["3751","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3751","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["2171","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["2171","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["2171","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["4136","479",20,"2 cl Galliano "], ["4136","157",20,"2 cl Passoa "], ["4136","372",20,"2 cl Cranberry juice "], ["598","316",150,"5 oz Vodka (Vox) "], ["598","297",60,"2 oz Blue Curacao (Dekyper) "], ["598","272",30,"1 oz Razzmatazz "], ["598","463",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry vodka (Finlandia) "], ["601","383",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["601","192",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Brandy "], ["601","357",2.5,"1/2 tsp Sugar syrup "], ["601","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["600","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["600","247",15,"1/2 oz Cherry liqueur "], ["5651","462",14.75,"1/2 shot Tequila "], ["5651","424",14.75,"1/2 shot Lemon juice "], ["1145","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine "], ["1145","15",30,"1 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["1145","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["2815","492",480,"16 oz Corona "], ["2815","122",29.5,"1 shot Jack Daniels "], ["5371","372",90,"3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5371","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["5371","202",30,"1 oz Gold tequila "], ["5371","186",0.9,"1 dash Lime juice "], ["6064","202",22.5,"3/4 oz Gold tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["6064","145",22.5,"3/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["4746","202",15,"1/2 oz Gold tequila "], ["4746","322",15,"1/2 oz Peachtree schnapps "], ["4746","200",3.7,"1 splash Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["5791","122",20,"2/3 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5791","471",20,"2/3 oz Jim Beam "], ["5791","317",20,"2/3 oz Jose Cuervo "], ["3698","316",10,"1 cl Vodka (Finlandia) "], ["3698","462",20,"2 cl white Tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["3698","157",10,"1 cl Passoa "], ["3002","462",20,"2/3 oz Tequila "], ["3002","165",10,"1/3 oz Strawberry schnapps "], ["3002","259",45,"1 1/2 oz Milk "], ["3002","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["5680","462",60,"2 oz Tequila "], ["5680","420",90,"3 oz cherry Cider "], ["602","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["602","378",22.5,"3/4 oz Scotch "], ["602","404",22.5,"3/4 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["3719","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3719","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["3719","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["3719","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["3719","388",30,"1 oz Lemon-lime soda "], ["3719","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["3719","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1093","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["1093","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["1093","155",15,"1/2 oz Heavy cream "], ["2143","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2143","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["5781","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5781","205",22.5,"3/4 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["5781","422",22.5,"3/4 oz double Cream "], ["2562","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2562","312",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Citron "], ["2562","211",120,"4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["2562","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice (maybe 1/2 oz) "], ["5439","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5439","211",10,"1/3 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5439","295",120,"4 oz Champagne "], ["1646","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["1646","211",60,"2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5824","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["5824","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5824","412",5,"1 tsp Creme de Noyaux "], ["5824","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["5824","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["605","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["605","213",0.9,"1 dash Triple sec "], ["605","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["605","412",0.9,"1 dash Creme de Noyaux "], ["605","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["1434","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["1434","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["1434","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec (op. Triple Cognac) "], ["1434","261",75,"2 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1434","424",3.7,"1 splash sweetened Lemon juice "], ["5318","215",20,"2 cl Tia maria "], ["5318","108",20,"2 cl J�germeister "], ["5318","332",20,"2 cl Pernod "], ["2832","295",150,"4-5 oz Champagne "], ["2832","54",89,"1-2 jigger Chambord raspberry liqueur to taste "], ["5169","223",30,"1 oz Licor 43 "], ["5169","259",120,"4 oz Milk "], ["4618","391",60,"2 oz Vanilla vodka "], ["4618","361",60,"2 oz Chocolate liqueur "], ["4618","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream "], ["3983","376",30,"3 cl dry Gin (Beefeater) "], ["3983","375",30,"3 cl Amaretto di saronno (ILLVA Saronno S.p.a.) "], ["3983","269",10,"1 cl Strawberry liqueur (Greizer) "], ["3983","91",50,"1.5 cl Strawberry syrup (Monin) "], ["3983","261",30,"Fill up 3 cl fresh Pineapple juice "], ["6026","270",45,"1 1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["6026","276",30,"1 oz Root beer schnapps "], ["6026","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["3473","270",14.75,"1/2 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["3473","265",14.75,"1/2 shot Kahlua "], ["3473","167",14.75,"1/2 shot Frangelico "], ["3473","482",180,"6 oz Coffee "], ["4029","198",29.5,"1 shot Aftershock "], ["4029","108",29.5,"1 shot J�germeister "], ["4029","115",29.5,"1 shot Goldschlager "], ["1262","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1262","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["1262","29",60,"2 oz Tonic water "], ["6147","67",7.5,"1/4 oz Ricard "], ["6147","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["6147","259",15,"1/2 oz Milk "], ["609","15",15,"1/2 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["609","265",7.5,"1/4 oz Kahlua "], ["609","270",7.5,"1/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["611","376",30,"1 oz mint flavored Gin "], ["611","196",30,"1 oz White port "], ["611","88",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Dry Vermouth "], ["4987","99",60,"2 oz Melon vodka "], ["4987","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4987","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["4987","19",30,"1 oz Strawberry juice "], ["3651","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["3651","274",30,"1 oz Melon liqueur "], ["3651","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3651","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["614","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["614","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["614","487",10,"2 tsp Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["2634","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["2634","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy "], ["2634","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["2634","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["2634","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["2634","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["3915","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3915","249",60,"2 oz Bourbon "], ["3915","388",90,"3 oz Lemon-lime soda "], ["3915","445",0.9,"1 dash Orange juice "], ["3074","316",120,"4 oz Vodka "], ["3074","331",240,"8 oz Surge "], ["5894","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["5894","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5894","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["4240","215",60,"2 oz Tia maria "], ["4240","487",60,"2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["4240","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4154","316",75,"2 1/2 oz Vodka (Stoli) "], ["4154","240",15,"1/2 oz Coffee liqueur (Kahlua) "], ["4154","333",30,"1 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["617","431",22.5,"3/4 oz Coffee brandy "], ["617","205",22.5,"3/4 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["617","333",22.5,"3/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1656","182",22.5,"3/4 oz Crown Royal "], ["1656","270",22.5,"3/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1656","265",22.5,"3/4 oz Kahlua "], ["4920","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["4920","85",3.7,"Float 1 splash 151 proof rum "], ["3247","270",22.13,"3/4 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["3247","114",7.38,"1/4 shot Butterscotch schnapps "], ["619","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["619","351",5,"1 tsp Benedictine "], ["619","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["619","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["1983","270",40,"4 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["1983","59",150,"15 cl Fanta "], ["2786","214",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Light rum "], ["2786","211",120,"4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["2786","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2786","355",30,"1 oz Passion fruit juice "], ["2786","387",22.5,"3/4 oz Dark rum (Meyers) "], ["1214","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["1214","404",90,"3 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["1214","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["621","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["621","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["621","330",30,"1 oz Port "], ["624","240",22.5,"3/4 oz Coffee liqueur (Kahlua) "], ["624","480",22.5,"3/4 oz Irish cream (Bailey's) "], ["624","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur (DeKuyper) "], ["625","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["625","170",15,"1/2 oz Anis "], ["2139","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2139","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["2139","368",30,"1 oz Sloe gin "], ["2139","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["2139","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2139","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["2139","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3496","270",20,"2 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["3496","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["3496","36",20,"2 cl Malibu rum "], ["628","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["628","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["628","155",30,"1 oz Heavy cream "], ["628","265",5,"1 tsp Kahlua "], ["630","71",240,"8 oz Everclear "], ["630","418",750,"25 oz Collins mix "], ["1348","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1348","186",60,"2 oz Lime juice "], ["1348","83",240,"8 oz Ginger ale "], ["1748","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["1748","114",30,"1 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["1748","259",30,"1 oz Milk "], ["1295","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["1295","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["1295","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["1295","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["5773","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["5773","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["5773","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["5773","199",90,"3 oz Mountain Dew "], ["633","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["633","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["633","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["6123","376",30,"1 oz dry Gin "], ["6123","83",300,"10 oz Ginger ale "], ["6123","287",3.7,"1 splash Chocolate syrup "], ["5481","199",120,"4 oz Mountain Dew "], ["5481","296",120,"4 oz Sake "], ["1309","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1309","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["1309","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3554","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["3554","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3554","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["3554","315",22.5,"3/4 oz Grand Marnier "], ["1731","215",60,"2 oz Tia maria "], ["1731","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1731","333",60,"2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["1731","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["634","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["634","423",15,"1/2 oz Applejack "], ["634","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["634","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["634","409",0.63,"1/8 tsp ground Cinnamon "], ["634","20",0.63,"1/8 tsp grated Nutmeg "], ["635","173",45,"1 1/2 oz Canadian whisky "], ["635","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["635","422",45,"1 1/2 oz Cream "], ["635","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["635","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["635","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["5892","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["5892","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream "], ["5892","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["636","375",60,"2 oz Amaretto "], ["636","333",30,"1 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["636","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["636","126",60,"2 oz Half-and-half "], ["2896","405",29.5,"1 shot Tequila Rose, chilled "], ["2896","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka (Absolut) "], ["2896","165",29.5,"1 shot Strawberry schnapps, chilled "], ["5809","274",15,"1/2 oz Melon liqueur "], ["5809","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["5809","468",15,"1/2 oz Coconut rum "], ["5809","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["5809","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3418","376",90,"3 oz Gin "], ["3418","314",360,"12 oz Cream soda "], ["4179","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["4179","272",15,"1/2 oz Razzmatazz "], ["4179","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4179","211",7.5,"1/4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["4179","372",7.5,"1/4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2118","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["2118","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3913","214",7.5,"1/4 oz Light rum "], ["3913","387",7.5,"1/4 oz Dark rum "], ["3913","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["3913","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3913","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["3913","323",3.7,"1 splash Sprite "], ["2718","482",180,"6 oz black brewed Coffee "], ["2718","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2718","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["2718","167",3.7,"1 splash Frangelico "], ["2539","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["2539","436",2.5,"1/2 tsp Curacao "], ["2539","28",2.5,"1/2 tsp Dubonnet Rouge "], ["637","198",15,"1/2 oz Aftershock "], ["637","132",15,"1/2 oz Cinnamon schnapps (Fire and Ice) "], ["637","85",3.7,"1 splash 151 proof rum "], ["5891","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["5891","309",45,"1 1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["5891","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5891","22",90,"3 oz 7-Up "], ["4399","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["4399","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["1317","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum "], ["1317","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1317","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["1317","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1317","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["1317","388",3.7,"1 splash Lemon-lime soda "], ["5901","214",15,"1/2 oz Light rum (Bacardi) "], ["5901","25",15,"1/2 oz Gold rum (Bacardi) "], ["5901","387",15,"1/2 oz Dark rum (Meyer's) "], ["5901","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["5901","404",30,"1 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["5901","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["5901","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1829","465",90,"3 oz White chocolate liqueur (Godet) "], ["1829","85",30,"1 oz 151 proof rum Bacardi "], ["3659","36",90,"3 oz Malibu rum "], ["3659","445",150,"5 oz Orange juice "], ["2309","108",14.75,"1/2 shot J�germeister "], ["2309","145",14.75,"1/2 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"], ["639","249",30,"1 oz Bourbon "], ["639","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["639","403",30,"1 oz Peach liqueur (Creme de peche) "], ["639","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["639","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["639","91",0.9,"1 dash Strawberry syrup "], ["3888","21",60,"2 oz Whiskey "], ["3888","266",90,"3 oz Sour mix "], ["3888","83",90,"3 oz Ginger ale "], ["2787","114",10,"1/3 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["2787","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2787","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["640","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["640","404",45,"1 1/2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["640","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["640","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["640","477",10,"2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["1323","312",60,"2 oz Absolut Citron "], ["1323","315",30,"1 oz Grand Marnier "], ["1323","424",60,"2 oz sweetened Lemon juice "], ["1323","130",30,"1 oz Club soda "], ["4850","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["4850","359",30,"1 oz Cointreau "], ["4850","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["4850","332",0.9,"1 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["3155","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum "], ["3155","10",22.5,"3/4 oz Creme de Banane "], ["5703","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5703","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["5703","214",30,"1 oz Light rum or vodka "], ["5703","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2781","202",15,"1/2 oz Gold tequila "], ["2781","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3588","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3588","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["3588","182",30,"1 oz Crown Royal "], ["3588","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3588","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3588","274",3.7,"1 splash Melon liqueur (Midori) "], ["645","316",7.38,"1/4 shot Vodka "], ["645","270",14.75,"1/2 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["645","392",3.7,"1 splash Beer "], ["2691","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["2691","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["2691","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["2691","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2691","182",15,"1/2 oz Crown Royal "], ["2691","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2691","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["1094","57",10,"2 tsp Cocoa powder "], ["1094","477",5,"1 tsp Sugar "], ["1094","508",2.5,"1/2 tsp Vanilla extract "], ["1094","259",360,"12 oz Milk "], ["1216","340",22.5,"3/4 oz Barenjager "], ["1216","167",22.5,"3/4 oz Frangelico "], ["1216","422",60,"2 oz Cream "], ["6023","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["6023","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["6023","167",45,"1 1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["6023","200",22.5,"3/4 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["5319","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["5319","167",30,"1 oz Frangelico "], ["5319","259",90,"Add 3 oz Milk or half and half "], ["1941","54",150,"1.5 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["1941","167",150,"1.5 oz Frangelico "], ["1941","126",150,"1.5 oz Half-and-half "], ["2492","465",30,"1 oz White chocolate liqueur (Godet) "], ["2492","167",30,"1 oz Frangelico "], ["2492","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["5474","227",30,"1 oz Banana liqueur "], ["5474","217",30,"1 oz Hazelnut liqueur "], ["5474","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum "], ["5474","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum "], ["5474","259",105,"3 1/2 oz Milk "], ["5474","427",150,"5 oz Ice "], ["2230","480",22.25,"1/2 jigger Irish cream "], ["2230","217",22.25,"1/2 jigger Hazelnut liqueur "], ["2230","259",257,"1 cup steamed Milk "], ["2230","204",257,"1 cup Espresso (small) "], ["1846","99",60,"6 cl Melon vodka (Artic) "], ["1846","36",40,"4 cl Malibu rum "], ["1846","425",30,"3 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["1846","424",70,"7 cl Lemon juice "], ["1846","422",3.7,"1 splash Cream "], ["3684","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3684","114",15,"1/2 oz Butterscotch schnapps (Buttershots) "], ["3684","115",7.5,"1/4 oz Goldschlager "], ["3684","108",7.5,"1/4 oz J�germeister "], ["646","115",44.5,"1 jigger Goldschlager (or Hotdam) "], ["646","114",44.5,"1 jigger Butterscotch schnapps "], ["646","270",44.5,"1 jigger Bailey's irish cream "], ["1572","108",5.9,"1/5 shot J�germeister "], ["1572","115",5.9,"1/5 shot Goldschlager "], ["1572","85",5.9,"1/5 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1572","265",5.9,"1/5 shot Kahlua "], ["1572","270",5.9,"1/5 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["1947","115",22.13,"3/4 shot Goldschlager "], ["1947","108",7.38,"1/4 shot J�germeister "], ["4425","108",14.75,"1/2 shot J�germeister "], ["4425","145",14.75,"1/2 shot Rumple Minze "], ["4625","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["4625","56",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Blended whiskey "], ["4625","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["2403","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2403","232",30,"1 oz Wild Turkey Whiskey "], ["2317","387",75,"2 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["2317","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["2317","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["650","335",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["650","387",22.5,"3/4 oz Dark rum (Meyers) "], ["650","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["650","2",135,"4 1/2 oz Lemonade "], ["650","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["652","56",45,"1 1/2 oz Blended whiskey "], ["652","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["652","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["5832","445",257,"1 cup Orange juice "], ["5832","372",257,"1 cup Cranberry juice "], ["4117","435",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange vodka (Stoli) "], ["4117","315",30,"1 oz Grand Marnier "], ["4117","445",105,"3 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["5249","400",30,"1 oz Mandarine Napoleon "], ["5249","361",15,"1/2 oz Truffles Chocolate liqueur "], ["5249","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5249","126",15,"1/2 oz Half-and-half "], ["1618","424",20,"2 cl Lemon juice "], ["1618","445",60,"6 cl Orange juice "], ["1025","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1025","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1025","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["1025","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["2387","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2387","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["2387","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["4332","78",45,"1 1/2 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["4332","357",22.5,"3/4 oz Sugar syrup "], ["4332","213",7.5,"1/4 oz Triple sec "], ["4332","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["6073","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["6073","309",60,"2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["6073","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["6073","231",30,"1 oz Apricot brandy "], ["6073","422",30,"1 oz Cream "], ["6073","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["4494","316",40,"4 cl Vodka "], ["4494","421",40,"4 cl Cinzano Orancio "], ["4494","323",60,"5-6 cl Sprite "], ["5442","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["5442","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5442","445",180,"4-6 oz Orange juice "], ["5442","186",3.7,"1 splash Lime juice "], ["4526","335",150,"1.5 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["4526","82",150,"0.5 oz Grenadine "], ["4526","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["4526","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["656","78",29.5,"1 shot Absolut Mandrin "], ["656","322",29.5,"1 shot Peachtree schnapps "], ["656","445",44.25,"1 1/2 shot Orange juice "], ["1095","424",30,"3 cl Lemon juice "], ["1095","445",100,"10 cl Orange juice "], ["4088","422",20,"2 cl Cream "], ["4088","261",20,"2 cl Pineapple juice "], ["4088","445",50,"5 cl Orange juice "], ["3747","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["3747","333",30,"1 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["3747","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3747","316",3.7,"1 splash Vodka "], ["2461","464",150,"0.5 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["2461","270",150,"0.5 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2851","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2851","270",45,"1 1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2851","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["2851","508",10,"2 tsp Vanilla extract "], ["3382","270",40,"4 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["3382","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["657","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["657","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["657","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["657","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["657","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["658","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["658","351",30,"1 oz Benedictine "], ["658","179",30,"1 oz Cherry brandy "], ["658","130",120,"4 oz Club soda "], ["2224","359",210,"0.7 oz Cointreau "], ["2224","424",1050,"0.35 oz Lemon juice "], ["2224","462",120,"1.4 oz Tequila "], ["4772","383",20,"2 cl red Sweet Vermouth "], ["4772","248",20,"2 cl Aperol "], ["4772","378",30,"3 cl Scotch "], ["3900","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["3900","482",240,"8 oz Coffee "], ["3900","477",10,"2 tsp Sugar "], ["2612","145",45,"1 1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["2612","267",45,"1 1/2 oz Black Sambuca (Romana) "], ["659","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["659","179",30,"1 oz Cherry brandy "], ["659","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["659","351",1.25,"1/4 tsp Benedictine "], ["659","192",1.25,"1/4 tsp Brandy "], ["4047","92",30,"1 oz Peach brandy "], ["4047","169",30,"1 oz Lime vodka "], ["4047","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["660","142",15,"1/2 oz White rum (Bacardi) "], ["660","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["660","211",7.5,"1/4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["660","22",7.5,"1/4 oz 7-Up "], ["1321","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["1321","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1321","155",30,"1 oz Heavy cream "], ["1321","297",5,"1 tsp Blue Curacao "], ["5033","21",360,"12 oz Whiskey "], ["5033","392",360,"12 oz Beer "], ["5033","2",360,"12 oz frozen Lemonade concentrate "], ["5033","427",257,"1 cup crushed Ice "], ["3019","85",60,"2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3019","227",60,"2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["3019","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2422","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["2422","237",45,"1 1/2 oz Raspberry liqueur "], ["2422","61",30,"1 oz Vanilla liqueur "], ["2422","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum (Coco Ribe) "], ["2422","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["2422","130",90,"3 oz Club soda "], ["2422","236",5,"1 tsp Powdered sugar "], ["2142","378",60,"2 oz Scotch "], ["2142","121",15,"1/2 oz Kirschwasser "], ["2142","28",15,"1/2 oz Dubonnet Rouge "], ["2142","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2142","110",5,"1 tsp Mint syrup "], ["2285","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["2285","297",45,"1 1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2285","266",45,"1 1/2 oz Sour mix "], ["2285","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["4306","65",90,"3 oz pineapple Guava juice "], ["4306","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4306","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4306","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["664","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["664","383",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Sweet Vermouth "], ["664","404",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Grapefruit juice "], ["666","56",60,"2 oz Blended whiskey "], ["666","424",2.5,"1/2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["666","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["4882","304",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Bacardi silver Rum "], ["4882","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["4882","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["4882","304",7.5,"1/4 oz Meyers Rum "], ["4882","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4911","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["4911","211",15,"1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["667","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["667","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["667","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["667","404",180,"6 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["2742","85",240,"8 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2742","287",60,"2 oz Chocolate syrup (Hershey's) "], ["2742","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream (optional) "], ["3466","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["3466","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3466","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["3466","41",120,"4 oz Light cream "], ["3466","175",135,"4 1/2 oz Coca-Cola "], ["6192","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["6192","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["6192","473",7.5,"1/4 oz Creme de Cassis "], ["2042","145",7.5,"1/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["2042","108",7.5,"1/4 oz J�germeister "], ["2042","202",7.5,"1/4 oz Gold tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["2042","85",7.5,"1/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4423","157",30,"3 cl Passoa "], ["4423","322",20,"2 cl Peachtree schnapps "], ["4423","226",20,"2 cl Bacardi Limon "], ["4423","404",80,"8 cl Grapefruit juice "], ["4423","445",20,"2 cl Orange juice "], ["5262","201",30,"1 oz Genever "], ["5262","280",5,"1 tsp Fernet Branca "], ["5262","266",0.9,"1 dash Sour mix "], ["4167","378",30,"1 oz Scotch whiskey (Cutty Sark) "], ["4167","396",120,"4 oz Orange soda (C'Plus) "], ["1339","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1339","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1339","32",60,"2 oz Kool-Aid "], ["2128","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2128","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2128","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["4929","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["4929","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["674","92",22.5,"3/4 oz Peach brandy "], ["674","333",22.5,"3/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["674","41",22.5,"3/4 oz Light cream "], ["2550","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["2550","309",22.5,"3/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2550","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["3661","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["3661","309",22.5,"3/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3661","500",22.5,"3/4 oz Cheri Beri Pucker "], ["3661","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["3661","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["3661","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["5383","161",270,"9 oz Iced tea "], ["5383","309",90,"3 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4945","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4945","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["3000","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3000","167",15,"1/2 oz Frangelico "], ["1813","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1813","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["1813","261",150,"5 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4897","405",15,"1/2 oz Tequila Rose "], ["4897","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5715","226",45,"1 1/2 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["5715","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["5715","22",60,"2 oz 7-Up "], ["5715","130",60,"2 oz Club soda "], ["4699","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["4699","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["4699","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["4699","28",1.25,"1/4 tsp Dubonnet Rouge "], ["1363","316",20,"2 cl Koskenkorva Vodka "], ["1363","424",20,"2 cl Lemon juice "], ["677","274",10,"1/3 oz Melon liqueur "], ["677","297",10,"1/3 oz Blue Curacao "], ["677","213",10,"1/3 oz Triple sec "], ["5372","214",29.5,"1 shot Light rum "], ["5372","359",29.5,"1 shot Cointreau or triple sec "], ["5372","29",180,"6 oz Tonic water "], ["2439","249",29.5,"1 shot Bourbon "], ["2439","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["2439","22",180,"6 oz 7-Up "], ["3480","464",150,"1.5 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["3480","36",150,"1.5 oz Malibu rum "], ["4277","333",30,"1 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["4277","205",30,"1 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["2798","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2798","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps (Dr. McGuillicudys) "], ["2091","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["2091","333",45,"1 1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["2091","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["678","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["678","186",5,"1 tsp Lime juice "], ["678","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["678","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["678","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["680","383",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Sweet Vermouth "], ["680","88",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Dry Vermouth "], ["680","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["680","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["2596","202",60,"2 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo 1800) "], ["2596","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["2596","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["2596","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice (Tropicana) "], ["2596","200",30,"1 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["2596","211",120,"4 oz Sweet and sour mix (Lemate's) "], ["2610","198",15,"1/2 oz Aftershock "], ["2610","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4969","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["4969","222",180,"6 oz Sunny delight (to taste) "], ["684","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["684","317",15,"1/2 oz Jose Cuervo "], ["3353","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["3353","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["3353","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["3353","82",1.25,"1/4 tsp Grenadine "], ["3758","218",50,"5 cl Amer Picon "], ["3758","392",200,"20 cl Beer "], ["5086","475",30,"1 oz Sambuca "], ["5086","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4172","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila (Herradura reposado) "], ["4172","280",15,"1/2 oz Fernet Branca "], ["4172","124",15,"1/2 oz Anisette (Cadenas) "], ["5036","249",30,"1 oz Bourbon "], ["5036","218",30,"1 oz Amer Picon "], ["5036","357",0.9,"1 dash Sugar syrup "], ["1356","42",60,"2 oz Irish whiskey "], ["1356","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["1356","464",3.7,"1 splash Peppermint schnapps "], ["4113","316",60,"2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4113","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4113","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4113","445",150,"5 oz Orange juice (Sunny D) "], ["4331","71",29.5,"1 shot Everclear "], ["4331","359",29.5,"1 shot Cointreau "], ["4331","445",180,"6 oz Orange juice "], ["4331","424",14.75,"1/2 shot Lemon juice "], ["3432","221",30,"1 oz Raspberry schnapps "], ["3432","365",30,"1 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["3432","323",180,"6 oz Sprite "], ["2185","387",22.5,"3/4 oz Dark rum "], ["2185","167",22.5,"3/4 oz Frangelico "], ["1733","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["1733","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["1733","211",45,"1 1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["1733","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1733","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["1651","342",135,"4 1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1651","85",3.7,"1 splash Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["1651","22",90,"3 oz 7-Up "], ["1651","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["1651","175",120,"4 oz Coca-Cola "], ["2971","10",30,"1 oz Creme de Banane "], ["2971","178",150,"5 oz Pink lemonade "], ["4204","295",120,"4 oz chilled pink Champagne "], ["4204","445",120,"4 oz chilled Orange juice "], ["4204","473",0.9,"1 dash Creme de Cassis "], ["688","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["688","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["688","477",5,"1 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["688","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["688","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["688","130",120,"4 oz Club soda "], ["5669","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["5669","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["5471","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["5471","424",60,"2 oz Lemon juice "], ["5471","82",22.5,"3/4 oz Grenadine "], ["2078","376",45,"1 1/2 oz dry Gin "], ["2078","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["4344","312",45,"1 1/2 oz Absolut Citron "], ["4344","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["4344","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["1575","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1575","266",90,"3 oz Sour mix "], ["1575","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["1575","186",0.9,"1 dash Lime juice "], ["4881","226",45,"1 1/2 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["4881","211",60,"2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["4881","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1489","316",20,"2 cl Vodka (Absolut) "], ["1489","223",40,"4 cl Licor 43 "], ["1489","259",60,"6 cl Milk "], ["1489","82",5,"1/2 cl Grenadine "], ["5560","316",90,"3 oz Vodka "], ["5560","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["5560","211",150,"5 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5560","83",150,"5 oz Ginger ale "], ["1701","392",360,"12 oz Beer (any beer will do) "], ["1701","178",360,"12 oz frozen Pink lemonade concentrate "], ["1701","316",360,"12 oz Vodka "], ["691","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["691","468",15,"1/2 oz Coconut rum "], ["691","322",15,"1/2 oz Peachtree schnapps "], ["691","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["691","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["2267","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["2267","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2267","179",5,"1 tsp Cherry brandy "], ["5458","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["5458","10",22.5,"3/4 oz Creme de Banane "], ["5458","469",22.5,"3/4 oz Creme de Almond "], ["5458","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5458","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["2111","82",14.75,"1/2 shot Grenadine "], ["2111","333",14.75,"1/2 shot white Creme de Cacao "], ["2111","259",29.5,"1 shot Milk "], ["1916","145",22.13,"3/4 shot Rumple Minze "], ["1916","1",7.38,"1/4 shot Firewater "], ["693","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["693","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["693","176",15,"1/2 oz Maraschino liqueur "], ["693","155",30,"1 oz Heavy cream "], ["6191","335",45,"1 1/2 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["6191","497",240,"8 oz Hawaiian Punch "], ["3820","382",30,"1 oz Pistachio liqueur "], ["3820","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["3820","503",150,"5 oz Vanilla ice-cream "], ["1801","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["1801","145",30,"1 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1801","202",30,"1 oz Gold tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["1544","117",30,"1 oz Wildberry schnapps "], ["1544","405",3.7,"1 splash Tequila Rose "], ["5684","231",20,"2 cl Apricot brandy "], ["5684","376",20,"2 cl Gin "], ["5684","82",10,"1 cl Grenadine "], ["2001","462",40,"4 cl Tequila "], ["2001","155",20,"2 cl Heavy cream "], ["3314","238",60,"2 oz Aliz� "], ["3314","3",60,"2 oz Cognac "], ["3314","295",120,"4 oz Champagne "], ["5551","239",40,"4 cl Pear liqueur (Poire au Cognac) "], ["5551","323",100,"10 cl Sprite "], ["2415","74",30,"1 oz Apfelkorn (Berentzen's) "], ["2415","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["4327","198",14.75,"1/2 shot Aftershock "], ["4327","265",14.75,"1/2 shot Kahlua "], ["3462","108",14.75,"1/2 shot J�germeister "], ["3462","270",14.75,"1/2 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["2408","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["2408","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps or creme de menthe "], ["2616","71",60,"2 oz Everclear, 190 proof "], ["2616","396",60,"2 oz Orange soda "], ["3361","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream "], ["3361","425",30,"1 oz Pisang Ambon "], ["3361","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka (Smirnoff) "], ["3361","259",30,"1 oz Milk "], ["1535","392",120,"4 oz Beer "], ["1535","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["1257","462",14.75,"1/2 shot Tequila "], ["1257","22",14.75,"1/2 shot 7-Up or Sprite "], ["701","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["701","333",22.5,"3/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1431","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1431","247",60,"2 oz Cherry liqueur "], ["1431","372",120,"4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1431","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["702","284",15,"1/2 oz Maple syrup "], ["702","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["702","198",30,"1 oz Aftershock "], ["702","265",75,"2 1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["703","330",75,"2 1/2 oz Port "], ["703","192",2.5,"1/2 tsp Brandy "], ["6080","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["6080","309",7.5,"1/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["6080","205",7.5,"1/4 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["3286","477",15,"3 tsp Sugar "], ["3286","316",50,"5 cl Vodka "], ["3286","259",150,"15 cl Milk "], ["1304","202",30,"1 oz Gold tequila "], ["1304","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["3092","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["3092","131",10,"2 tsp Tabasco sauce "], ["5588","462",30,"1 oz Tequila (Cuervo) "], ["5588","192",30,"1 oz Brandy (E&J) "], ["5588","378",30,"1 oz Scotch (Scoresby) "], ["5588","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps (Phillips) "], ["1975","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["1975","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["1975","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["708","457",30,"1 oz chilled Cactus Juice liqueur "], ["708","462",15,"1/2 oz Cuervo Tequila "], ["709","448",15,"1/2 oz Apple brandy "], ["709","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["709","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["709","424",1.25,"1/4 tsp Lemon juice "], ["6051","462",40,"4 cl Tequila "], ["6051","131",40,"4 cl Tabasco sauce "], ["3631","378",10,"1/3 oz Scotch "], ["3631","422",10,"1/3 oz Cream "], ["3631","321",10,"1/3 oz Clamato juice "], ["3159","304",40,"4 cl Rum (Bacardi) "], ["3159","479",20,"2 cl Galliano "], ["3159","445",80,"8 cl Orange juice "], ["3159","261",80,"8 cl Pineapple juice "], ["3159","82",20,"2 cl Grenadine "], ["710","40",15,"1/2 oz Sour Apple Pucker "], ["710","240",15,"1/2 oz Coffee liqueur (Kamora) "], ["710","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["1418","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["1418","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["1418","85",3.75,"1/8 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["6090","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["6090","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["6090","404",60,"2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["6090","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["3208","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["3208","166",30,"1 oz Orange Curacao (Bols) "], ["3208","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec (Bols) "], ["3208","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["3208","422",15,"1/2 oz Cream "], ["2286","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["2286","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2286","436",15,"1/2 oz red Curacao "], ["2286","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2286","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["2286","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["2770","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["2770","276",30,"1 oz Root beer schnapps "], ["2770","259",15,"1/2 oz Milk "], ["2770","86",15,"1/2 oz Grape soda "], ["2203","34",29.5,"1 shot blue Maui "], ["2203","34",29.5,"1 shot red Maui "], ["3811","316",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Vodka "], ["3811","54",22.5,"3/4 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3811","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["1521","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["1521","22",10,"1/3 oz 7-Up "], ["1521","316",10,"1/3 oz Vodka "], ["2678","54",10,"1/3 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2678","316",10,"1/3 oz Vodka "], ["2678","213",10,"1/3 oz Triple sec "], ["1228","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1228","200",15,"1/2 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["1228","54",0.9,"1 dash Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3680","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3680","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["3680","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4845","462",60,"2 oz Tequila (Hornitos) "], ["4845","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["4845","54",60,"2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["4845","200",30,"1 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["4845","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2982","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["2982","462",30,"1 oz Tequila (Jose Cuervo) "], ["2982","315",30,"1 oz Grand Marnier "], ["5032","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5032","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["5032","416",30,"1 oz Grape juice "], ["5959","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["5959","146",45,"1 1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5959","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5959","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["5066","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["5066","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5066","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["5066","186",60,"2 oz Lime juice "], ["5066","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["4095","54",60,"2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["4095","174",30,"1 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["4095","179",30,"1 oz Cherry brandy "], ["4095","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["4095","312",30,"1 oz Absolut Citron "], ["4095","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["4095","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["4095","404",3.7,"1 splash Grapefruit juice "], ["3504","316",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Vodka "], ["3504","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["3504","416",3.7,"1 splash Grape juice "], ["3504","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["4075","316",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Vodka "], ["4075","297",22.5,"3/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4075","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["3168","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Skyy) "], ["3168","368",22.5,"3/4 oz Sloe gin "], ["3168","297",22.5,"3/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4939","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao (Bols) "], ["4939","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps (De Kuyper) "], ["4939","214",30,"1 oz Light rum (Bacardi) "], ["4939","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Ketel One) "], ["4939","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine (Rose's) "], ["4939","323",90,"3 oz Sprite or 7-Up "], ["4713","82",10,"1 cl Grenadine syrup "], ["4713","261",40,"4 cl Pineapple juice "], ["4713","445",40,"4 cl Orange juice "], ["4713","404",40,"4 cl Grapefruit juice "], ["1974","173",15,"1/2 oz Canadian whisky (Canadian Club) "], ["1974","480",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's Irish cream "], ["1974","377",60,"2 oz Chocolate milk "], ["1974","265",45,"1 1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["1974","443",45,"1 1/2 oz Soda water (Perrier) "], ["716","431",30,"1 oz Coffee brandy "], ["716","169",45,"1 1/2 oz Lime vodka "], ["716","105",15,"1/2 oz cream Sherry "], ["717","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["717","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["717","351",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Benedictine "], ["1320","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["1320","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["1320","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["1320","20",0.63,"1/8 tsp grated Nutmeg "], ["4632","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4632","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4632","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["4309","270",10,"1 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["4309","265",10,"1 cl Kahlua "], ["4309","146",10,"1 cl Midori melon liqueur "], ["2603","276",30,"1 oz Root beer schnapps "], ["2603","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2603","22",30,"1 oz 7-Up "], ["2603","175",30,"1 oz Coca-Cola "], ["3020","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["3020","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3020","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["3020","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["3020","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["3020","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3020","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3020","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["2738","392",360,"12 oz Beer "], ["2738","22",360,"12 oz 7-Up or Sprite "], ["5896","265",25,"2 1/2 cl Kahlua "], ["5896","475",25,"2 1/2 cl Sambuca "], ["5896","462",10,"1 cl Tequila "], ["2232","71",7.38,"1/4 shot Everclear "], ["2232","265",7.38,"1/4 shot Kahlua "], ["2232","445",7.38,"1/4 shot Orange juice "], ["2232","184",7.38,"1/4 shot Mango juice "], ["2321","85",37.5,"1 1/4 oz 151 proof rum "], ["2321","146",22.5,"3/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2321","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["2640","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["2640","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["2385","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["2385","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["2385","303",30,"1 oz White wine "], ["2385","352",30,"1 oz Water "], ["2820","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2820","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2820","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["2820","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["2125","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["2125","213",60,"2 oz Triple sec "], ["2125","237",60,"2 oz Raspberry liqueur "], ["3770","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3770","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["3770","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["3770","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["3770","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["3770","211",45,"1 1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["3770","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["4318","237",15,"1/2 oz Raspberry liqueur "], ["4318","333",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["4318","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["4318","422",30,"1 oz Cream "], ["5617","488",20,"2/3 oz Raspberry vodka "], ["5617","372",10,"1/3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5617","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up or sprite "], ["1230","83",90,"3 oz Ginger ale "], ["1230","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["6116","339",90,"3 oz Zima "], ["6116","221",30,"1 oz Raspberry schnapps "], ["4824","97",45,"1 1/2 oz RedRum "], ["4824","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4824","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4824","261",45,"1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4824","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["4824","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["4590","488",30,"1 oz Raspberry vodka (Stoli) "], ["4590","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["4590","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["4590","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["2202","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2202","7",60,"2 oz Fresca "], ["4446","342",45,"1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4446","265",45,"1 1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["4446","126",90,"3 oz Half-and-half "], ["1779","375",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Amaretto "], ["1779","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3287","182",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Crown Royal "], ["3287","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["3287","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["2068","145",22.5,"3/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["2068","132",7.5,"1/4 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juice "], ["5839","376",25,"2 1/2 cl Gin (Beefeater) "], ["5839","10",10,"1 cl Creme de Banane (Bols) "], ["5839","187",5,"1/2 cl Apricot liqueur (Marie Brizard Apry) "], ["5839","424",100,"10 cl sweetened Lemon juice "], ["5839","91",0.9,"1 dash Strawberry syrup (Monin) "], ["3386","226",30,"1 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["3386","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["3386","372",90,"3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4291","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["4291","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["5254","251",40,"4 cl Watermelon schnapps "], ["5254","309",20,"2 cl Peach schnapps "], ["5254","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["5254","323",100,"10 cl Sprite "], ["5254","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["5769","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5769","444",30,"1 oz Hot Damn "], ["4483","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["4483","249",30,"1 oz Bourbon "], ["4483","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["4483","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["4234","85",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4234","412",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Noyaux "], ["4234","65",180,"6 oz Guava juice "], ["4234","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["3464","375",14.75,"1/2 shot Amaretto "], ["3464","342",14.75,"1/2 shot Southern Comfort "], ["3464","213",14.75,"1/2 shot Triple sec "], ["3464","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["3464","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["3464","211",29.5,"1 shot Sweet and sour "], ["4703","182",30,"1 oz Crown Royal "], ["4703","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["3098","182",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Crown Royal "], ["3098","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["3098","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["727","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["727","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["727","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["2058","166",15,"1/2 oz Orange Curacao "], ["2058","132",22.5,"3/4 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["2058","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2058","372",180,"6 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1765","182",29.5,"1 shot Crown Royal "], ["1765","375",29.5,"1 shot Amaretto "], ["1765","372",29.5,"1 shot Cranberry juice "], ["4111","376",30,"3 cl Gin "], ["4111","425",10,"1 cl Pisang Ambon "], ["4111","323",70,"7 cl Sprite "], ["4111","186",10,"1 cl Lime juice "], ["4111","82",5,"1/2 cl Grenadine "], ["2516","198",30,"1 oz Aftershock "], ["2516","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["2516","464",30,"1 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["3405","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["3405","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3405","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["3405","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["3405","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["5735","256",30,"1 oz Vanilla schnapps "], ["5735","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream "], ["5866","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5866","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["5866","153",30,"1 oz Watermelon liqueur "], ["5866","261",150,"5 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5866","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["1797","145",30,"1 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1797","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["1797","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["1797","1",30,"1 oz Firewater "], ["1039","265",20,"2 cl Kahlua "], ["1039","13",20,"2 cl Amarula Cream "], ["1039","359",20,"2 cl Cointreau "], ["3303","316",40,"4 cl Vodka "], ["3303","270",40,"4 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["3303","21",20,"2 cl Whiskey "], ["3303","482",300,"30 cl Coffee "], ["2974","119",30,"3 cl Absolut Vodka "], ["2974","21",30,"3 cl Whiskey "], ["2974","270",30,"3 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["2974","482",250,"25 cl strong, black Coffee "], ["2974","138",10,"2 tsp Brown sugar "], ["2046","212",30,"1 oz Absolut Peppar "], ["2046","78",30,"1 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["2046","359",3.7,"1 splash Cointreau "], ["2046","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["2046","200",0.9,"1 dash Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["5636","475",15,"1/2 oz Sambuca "], ["5636","445",15,"1/2 oz fresh Orange juice "], ["5087","304",30,"1 oz Rum (Mt. Gay Barbados Eclipse) "], ["5087","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["5087","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["5087","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["5087","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["5087","473",0.9,"1 dash Creme de Cassis "], ["5087","292",0.9,"1 dash Raspberry syrup "], ["5827","78",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["5827","435",15,"1/2 oz Orange vodka (Smirnoff) "], ["5827","359",7.5,"1/4 oz Cointreau "], ["5827","146",7.5,"1/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5827","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["5827","237",7.5,"1/4 oz Raspberry liqueur "], ["5827","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["5827","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["733","198",10,"1/3 oz Aftershock "], ["733","62",10,"1/3 oz Yukon Jack "], ["733","445",10,"1/3 oz Orange juice "], ["3704","462",29.5,"1 shot Tequila (Cuervo) "], ["3704","444",29.5,"1 shot Hot Damn "], ["3704","173",29.5,"1 shot Canadian whisky (Crown Royal) "], ["734","275",45,"1 1/2 oz Cherry vodka "], ["734","276",45,"1 1/2 oz Root beer schnapps "], ["1506","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1506","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1506","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1822","68",20,"2 cl Green Chartreuse "], ["1822","280",10,"1 cl Fernet Branca "], ["1822","192",10,"1 cl Brandy "], ["736","203",30,"1 oz Rock and rye "], ["736","196",30,"1 oz White port "], ["736","88",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Dry Vermouth "], ["3510","237",29.5,"1 shot Raspberry liqueur (Razzamatazz) "], ["3510","182",29.5,"1 shot Crown Royal "], ["3510","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3638","85",14.75,"1/2 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3638","316",7.38,"1/4 shot Vodka "], ["3638","297",7.38,"1/4 shot Blue Curacao "], ["1870","316",29.5,"1 shot 160 proof Vodka "], ["1870","462",29.5,"1 shot Tequila "], ["1870","142",29.5,"1 shot White rum "], ["3065","462",10,"1/3 oz Tequila "], ["3065","122",10,"1/3 oz Jack Daniels "], ["3065","342",10,"1/3 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2241","159",20,"2/3 oz Tennessee whiskey (Jack Daniel's) "], ["2241","462",20,"2/3 oz Tequila "], ["2241","85",20,"2/3 oz 151 proof rum (Bacardi) "], ["1592","275",30,"1 oz Cherry vodka "], ["1592","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["1592","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["5124","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["5124","256",30,"1 oz Vanilla schnapps "], ["5124","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5124","186",3.7,"1 splash Lime juice "], ["4453","194",45,"1 1/2 oz Peach Vodka "], ["4453","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4453","71",15,"1/2 oz Everclear "], ["4453","372",270,"9 oz Cranberry juice "], ["739","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["739","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["739","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["739","351",5,"1 tsp Benedictine "], ["2946","375",10,"1/3 oz Amaretto "], ["2946","227",10,"1/3 oz Banana liqueur "], ["2946","464",10,"1/3 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["5559","34",29.5,"1 shot blue Maui "], ["5559","457",29.5,"1 shot Cactus Juice liqueur "], ["5559","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["1314","199",90,"3 oz Mountain Dew "], ["1314","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1928","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["1928","132",15,"1/2 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["1924","317",29.5,"1 shot Jose Cuervo "], ["1924","445",29.5,"1 shot Orange juice "], ["1924","379",29.5,"1 shot Tomato juice "], ["1924","51",0.9,"1 dash Salt "], ["2607","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["2607","476",180,"6 oz Pepsi Cola "], ["2607","479",3.7,"1 splash Galliano "], ["3138","276",15,"1/2 oz Root beer schnapps "], ["3138","41",15,"1/2 oz Light cream "], ["742","42",45,"1 1/2 oz Irish whiskey "], ["742","383",22.5,"3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["742","433",0.9,"1 dash Orange bitters "], ["744","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["744","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["744","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["2935","261",30,"3 cl Pineapple juice "], ["2935","292",10,"1-2 tsp Raspberry syrup "], ["2935","422",70,"6-7 cl Cream "], ["2288","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["2288","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["2288","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["2288","327",30,"1 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Rum (Bacardi) "], ["3119","175",240,"8 oz Coca-Cola "], ["759","28",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Dubonnet Rouge "], ["759","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["759","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["5294","174",26.25,"7/8 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["5294","227",26.25,"7/8 oz Banana liqueur "], ["5294","319",15,"1/2 oz Black rum "], ["5294","85",15,"1/2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["5294","82",18.75,"5/8 oz Grenadine "], ["5294","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["1394","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum (Myer's) "], ["1394","214",30,"1 oz Light rum (Bacardi) "], ["1394","174",15,"1/2 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["1394","227",7.5,"1/4 oz Banana liqueur "], ["1394","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["1394","200",3.7,"1 splash Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["2848","36",45,"1 1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["2848","174",30,"1 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["2848","445",120,"3-4 oz Orange juice "], ["2848","261",120,"3-4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2848","372",120,"3-4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3349","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["3349","445",150,"5 oz Orange juice "], ["3335","70",70,"2 1/3 oz Kiwi-Strawberry Snapple "], ["3335","304",10,"1/3 oz Rum "], ["770","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["770","335",30,"1 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["5452","304",60,"2 oz Rum "], ["5452","213",45,"1 1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5452","198",0.9,"1 dash Aftershock "], ["5452","130",120,"4 oz Club soda "], ["4247","145",30,"1 oz Rumple Minze "], ["4247","198",30,"1 oz Aftershock "], ["1598","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["1598","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["1598","333",22.5,"3/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1554","316",14.75,"1/2 shot Vodka "], ["1554","309",14.75,"1/2 shot Peach schnapps "], ["1554","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["5346","392",360,"12 oz Beer "], ["5346","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3655","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["3655","480",29.5,"1 shot Irish cream "], ["3655","240",22.13,"3/4 shot Coffee liqueur "], ["3655","375",22.13,"3/4 shot Amaretto "], ["1767","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["1767","265",29.5,"1 shot Kahlua "], ["1767","480",29.5,"1 shot Irish cream "], ["1767","167",29.5,"1 shot Frangelico "], ["1767","422",30,"Top off 1 oz Cream or Milk "], ["1284","240",30,"1 oz Coffee liqueur (Kaluha) "], ["1284","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream (Bailey's) "], ["1284","353",30,"1 oz Orange liqueur (Grand Marnier) "], ["1284","217",30,"1 oz Hazelnut liqueur (Frangelico) "], ["1284","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Stoli) "], ["5507","316",14.75,"1/2 shot Vodka "], ["5507","15",14.75,"1/2 shot Green Creme de Menthe "], ["1110","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1110","213",60,"2 oz Triple sec "], ["1110","266",120,"4 oz Sour mix "], ["1110","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["5321","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["5321","243",15,"1/2 oz Blueberry schnapps "], ["5521","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5521","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["5521","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["5521","445",120,"3 - 4 oz Orange juice "], ["5521","82",10,"2 tsp Grenadine "], ["5632","142",30,"1 oz White rum "], ["5632","284",30,"1 oz Maple syrup "], ["5529","78",22.5,"3/4 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["5529","224",22.5,"3/4 oz Godiva liqueur "], ["5229","78",120,"4 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["5229","83",210,"7 oz Ginger ale "], ["5229","372",90,"3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5229","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["5229","200",3.7,"1 splash Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["1915","226",10,"1/3 oz Bacardi Limon "], ["1915","146",10,"1/3 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["1915","186",10,"1/3 oz Lime juice "], ["4611","428",480,"16 oz Genny 12 horse Ale "], ["4611","81",480,"16 oz Mad Dog 20/20 (any flavor) "], ["2938","408",3.75,"1/8 oz Vermouth "], ["2938","212",60,"2 oz Absolut Peppar "], ["775","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["775","61",15,"1/2 oz Vanilla liqueur "], ["775","309",7.5,"1/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1044","404",150,"5 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["1044","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["1044","51",1.25,"1/4 tsp Salt "], ["776","316",60,"2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["776","475",60,"2 oz Sambuca "], ["1781","274",15,"1/2 oz Melon liqueur "], ["1781","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1781","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1781","316",7.5,"1/4 oz Vodka (Smirnoff) "], ["1781","427",180,"6 oz Ice "], ["2065","105",60,"2 oz cream Sherry "], ["2065","327",22.5,"3/4 oz Campari "], ["2065","366",0.9,"1 dash Angostura bitters "], ["777","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["777","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["777","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["777","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["777","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["779","383",45,"1 1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["779","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["779","68",5,"1 tsp Green Chartreuse "], ["1231","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["1231","349",30,"1 oz A�ejo rum "], ["1231","372",90,"3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1231","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["1231","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["1366","238",180,"6 oz Aliz� "], ["1366","213",60,"2 oz Triple sec "], ["780","378",30,"3 cl Scotch "], ["780","3",30,"3 cl Cognac "], ["780","330",30,"3 cl Port "], ["1235","448",60,"2 oz Apple brandy "], ["1235","231",2.5,"1/2 tsp Apricot brandy "], ["1235","332",2.5,"1/2 tsp Pernod "], ["6114","312",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Citron "], ["6114","78",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Mandrin "], ["6114","359",7.5,"1/4 oz Cointreau "], ["6114","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice (fresh) "], ["6114","443",15,"1/2 oz Soda water "], ["6114","424",3.7,"1 splash Lemon juice (fresh) "], ["2040","119",420,"12-14 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["2040","142",420,"12-14 oz White rum "], ["2040","376",240,"6-8 oz dry Gin (London's) "], ["2040","372",180,"6 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2741","316",20,"2 cl Vodka (Wyborowa) "], ["2741","140",20,"2 cl Cranberry liqueur (Chymos) "], ["2741","424",20,"2 cl Lemon juice "], ["2741","82",10,"1 cl Grenadine "], ["2741","477",10,"1 cl Sugar "], ["4449","342",45,"1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4449","372",45,"1 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4449","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["2359","251",180,"6 oz Watermelon schnapps "], ["2359","380",360,"12 oz Squirt "], ["2538","475",15,"1/2 oz Sambuca "], ["2538","265",7.5,"1/4 oz Kahlua "], ["2538","270",7.5,"1/4 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2538","114",3.75,"1/8 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["2538","108",3.75,"1/8 oz J�germeister "], ["2347","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["2347","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["2347","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["2676","36",22.5,"3/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["2676","146",22.5,"3/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2676","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2676","126",15,"1/2 oz Half-and-half "], ["786","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka (Stoli) "], ["786","146",22.5,"3/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["786","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["786","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["2695","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2695","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1530","378",60,"2 oz Scotch "], ["1530","352",150,"5 oz Water "], ["5500","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["5500","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5500","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["5500","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["5500","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["5500","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["1417","115",45,"1 1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["1417","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3630","375",45,"1 1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["3630","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["3630","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3630","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["3630","322",30,"1 oz Peachtree schnapps "], ["3630","130",60,"2 oz Club soda "], ["3905","108",45,"1 - 1 1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["3905","115",45,"1 - 1 1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["1762","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1762","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec or other Orange Liquer "], ["1762","3",150,"0.5 oz Cognac "], ["1715","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1715","270",45,"1 1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1715","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["4028","375",29.5,"1 shot Amaretto "], ["4028","270",29.5,"1 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["4028","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["2005","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["2005","316",60,"2 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"], ["810","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4868","462",30,"1 oz Tequila (Herradura) "], ["4868","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec (Bandolero) "], ["4868","291",30,"1 oz Cherry juice "], ["4868","399",15,"1/2 oz Margarita mix "], ["4868","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4990","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["4990","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4990","237",15,"1/2 oz Raspberry liqueur, black "], ["4990","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4990","372",7.5,"1/4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1503","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1503","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["1503","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["1503","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1503","372",128.5,"1/2 cup Cranberry juice "], ["2333","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2333","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2333","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2333","261",30,"3 cl Pineapple juice "], ["2405","312",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Absolut Citron "], ["2405","165",30,"1 oz Strawberry schnapps "], ["2405","445",180,"5-6 oz Orange juice "], ["2405","422",7.5,"1/4 oz Cream "], ["5859","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["5859","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["5859","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4358","182",15,"1/2 oz Crown Royal "], ["4358","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4358","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["4358","445",22.5,"3/4 oz Orange juice "], ["4358","261",22.5,"3/4 oz Pineapple juice (optional) "], ["4315","312",30,"1 oz Absolut Citron "], ["4315","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4315","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["4315","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["4315","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4315","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["5919","127",300,"10 oz Mango juice (Fresh Samantha) "], ["5919","316",90,"3 oz Vodka "], ["5919","213",90,"3 oz Triple sec "], ["4490","297",22.5,"3/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4490","227",22.5,"3/4 oz Banana liqueur "], ["4490","266",22.5,"3/4 oz Sour mix "], ["4490","326",22.5,"3/4 oz Orange "], ["5526","42",45,"1 1/2 oz Irish whiskey (Jameson's) "], ["5526","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["5526","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["814","85",60,"2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["814","352",360,"12 oz Water "], ["3626","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum (Myers) "], ["3626","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["3626","266",15,"1/2 oz Sour mix "], ["3626","82",22.5,"3/4 oz Grenadine "], ["3626","427",90,"3 oz Ice "], ["2818","316",180,"6 oz Vodka "], ["2818","2",180,"6 oz Lemonade "], ["2818","82",90,"3 oz Grenadine "], ["1389","387",150,"1.5 oz Dark rum "], ["1389","186",750,"0.25 oz Lime juice "], ["1389","424",750,"0.25 oz Lemon juice "], ["1389","82",750,"0.25 oz Grenadine "], ["1389","443",3.7,"1 splash Soda water "], ["4458","243",45,"1 1/2 oz Blueberry schnapps "], ["4458","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["4458","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["4458","416",180,"6 oz Grape juice "], ["4458","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (optional) "], ["3514","359",30,"1 oz Cointreau "], ["3514","421",30,"1 oz Cinzano Orancio "], ["1353","133",40,"4 cl Aquavit, Simer's "], ["1353","255",40,"4 cl St. Hallvard "], ["1040","15",14.75,"1/2 shot Green Creme de Menthe "], ["1040","270",14.75,"1/2 shot Bailey's irish cream "], ["3407","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum (Myer's) "], ["3407","36",45,"1 1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["3407","309",7.5,"1/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3407","136",7.5,"1/4 oz Blackberry schnapps "], ["3407","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["3407","372",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3407","261",7.5,"1/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2929","83",200,"20 cl Ginger ale "], ["2929","82",30,"3 cl Grenadine syrup "], ["2253","146",14.75,"1/2 shot Midori melon liqueur "], ["2253","265",14.75,"1/2 shot Kahlua "], ["1897","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1897","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["1897","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["3737","105",30,"1 oz dry Sherry "], ["3737","378",30,"1 oz Scotch "], ["3737","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["3737","445",5,"1 tsp Orange juice "], ["3737","236",2.5,"1/2 tsp Powdered sugar "], ["2725","105",30,"1 oz dry Sherry "], ["2725","378",30,"1 oz Scotch "], ["2725","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["2725","445",5,"1 tsp Orange juice "], ["2725","236",2.5,"1/2 tsp Powdered sugar "], ["912","132",30,"1 oz Cinnamon schnapps (Aftershock) "], ["912","310",257,"1 cup Hot chocolate "], ["2801","83",15,"1/2 oz Ginger ale "], ["2801","131",15,"1/2 oz Tabasco sauce "], ["3021","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["3021","272",30,"1 oz Razzmatazz "], ["3021","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["3021","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["3021","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["2226","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2226","322",15,"1/2 oz Peachtree schnapps "], ["2226","324",22.5,"3/4 oz Apple cider "], ["4061","132",90,"3 oz Cinnamon schnapps "], ["4061","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["4061","219",30,"1 oz Carbonated water "], ["4474","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka (Stolichnaya) "], ["4474","404",120,"4 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["4474","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["6034","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["6034","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1334","205",30,"1 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["1334","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1334","142",30,"1 oz White rum "], ["5516","21",60,"2 oz Whiskey "], ["5516","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["5516","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["5516","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["5516","258",0.9,"1 dash Worcestershire sauce "], ["5131","3",60,"2 oz Cognac "], ["5131","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["5131","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["821","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["821","124",15,"1/2 oz Anisette "], ["821","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["821","82",2.5,"1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["823","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["823","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4205","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["4205","327",45,"1 1/2 oz Campari "], ["4205","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["5533","475",30,"1 oz Sambuca "], ["5533","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["5533","445",7.5,"1/4 oz Orange juice "], ["3710","376",257,"1 cup Gin "], ["3710","2",360,"12 oz Lemonade concentrate "], ["3710","392",720,"24 oz Beer "], ["3710","352",720,"24 oz Water "], ["1354","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["1354","392",90,"3 oz Beer "], ["1354","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["1354","22",15,"1/2 oz 7-Up "], ["5857","488",15,"1/2 oz Raspberry vodka (Stoli) "], ["5857","194",15,"1/2 oz Peach Vodka (Stoli) "], ["5857","391",15,"1/2 oz Vanilla vodka (Stoli) "], ["5857","2",120,"4 oz Lemonade "], ["5857","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["5089","259",30,"3 cl Milk (2.7-3.8% ) "], ["5089","270",20,"2 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["5089","265",10,"1 cl Kahlua "], ["5089","375",2.5,"1/2 tsp Amaretto "], ["829","192",22.5,"3/4 oz Brandy "], ["829","304",22.5,"3/4 oz Rum "], ["829","213",5,"1 tsp Triple sec "], ["829","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["829","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["830","3",60,"2 oz Cognac "], ["830","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["830","207",15,"1/2 oz Yellow Chartreuse "], ["830","366",0.9,"1 dash Angostura bitters "], ["3010","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["3010","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["3010","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["3010","404",60,"2 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["3010","477",5,"1 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["2895","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2895","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["2895","2",30,"1 oz Lemonade "], ["2895","392",30,"1 oz Beer (Red Dog) "], ["1487","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["1487","167",10,"1/3 oz Frangelico "], ["1487","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3561","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3561","372",180,"6 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2782","240",9.83,"1/3 shot Coffee liqueur (kahlua) "], ["2782","480",9.83,"1/3 shot Irish cream (bailey's) "], ["2782","249",9.83,"1/3 shot Bourbon (Old Grandad) "], ["2950","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["2950","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2950","202",15,"1/2 oz Gold tequila (Cuervo) "], ["2950","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["2950","71",15,"1/2 oz Everclear "], ["2950","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2950","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2458","315",120,"4 oz Grand Marnier "], ["2458","166",120,"4 oz Orange Curacao "], ["2458","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["2458","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["6037","82",29.5,"1 shot Grenadine "], ["6037","68",29.5,"1 shot Green Chartreuse "], ["6037","462",29.5,"1 shot silver Tequila "], ["4503","335",96,"3 1/5 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["4503","331",600,"20 oz Surge "], ["3180","114",45,"1 1/2 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["3180","270",60,"2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["3180","126",120,"3-4 oz Half-and-half "], ["1608","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1608","274",30,"1 oz Melon liqueur "], ["1608","126",30,"1 oz Half-and-half "], ["1502","270",150,"0.5 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1502","114",150,"0.5 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["2486","480",10,"1/3 oz Irish cream (Bailey's) "], ["2486","114",10,"1/3 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["2486","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua (Coffee) "], ["2240","368",90,"3 oz Sloe gin "], ["2240","342",90,"3 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2240","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["2240","316",90,"3 oz Vodka "], ["2299","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2299","475",30,"1 oz Sambuca "], ["833","368",60,"2 oz Sloe gin "], ["833","88",1.25,"1/4 tsp Dry Vermouth "], ["833","433",0.9,"1 dash Orange bitters "], ["835","368",60,"2 oz Sloe gin "], ["835","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["840","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["840","372",90,"3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["840","323",90,"3 oz Sprite "], ["840","335",120,"4 oz Spiced rum (Capt. Morgan) "], ["5513","192",22.5,"3/4 oz Brandy "], ["5513","213",1.25,"1/4 tsp Triple sec "], ["5513","330",22.5,"3/4 oz Port "], ["5513","261",22.5,"3/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5513","82",1.25,"1/4 tsp Grenadine "], ["6130","97",29.5,"1 shot RedRum "], ["6130","479",14.75,"1/2 shot Galliano "], ["6130","368",14.75,"1/2 shot Sloe gin "], ["6130","445",180,"6 oz Orange juice "], ["842","85",29.5,"1 shot 151 proof rum "], ["842","203",360,"12 oz Rock and rye "], ["5224","142",60,"2 oz White rum (Bacardi) "], ["5224","297",45,"1 1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5224","272",30,"1 oz Razzmatazz "], ["5224","261",120,"4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1383","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1383","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["1383","82",22.5,"3/4 oz Grenadine "], ["3230","160",15,"1/2 oz Grape schnapps "], ["3230","274",15,"1/2 oz Melon liqueur "], ["1925","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["1925","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1925","174",30,"1 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["1925","266",15,"1/2 oz Sour mix "], ["2085","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["2085","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["2085","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["2085","445",1.25,"1/4 tsp Orange juice "], ["2085","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["1910","376",300,"3/10 oz dry Gin "], ["1910","346",300,"3/10 oz tropical Fruit juice "], ["1910","297",300,"2/10 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1910","359",300,"1/10 oz Cointreau "], ["1910","14",300,"1/10 oz Peach nectar "], ["845","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["845","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["845","115",10,"1/3 oz Goldschlager "], ["846","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["846","82",30,"1 oz Grenadine "], ["846","424",2.5,"1/2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["3055","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["3055","265",29.5,"1 shot Kahlua "], ["3055","175",0.9,"1 dash Coca-Cola "], ["3055","442",0.9,"1 dash Guinness stout "], ["1543","375",22.13,"3/4 shot Amaretto "], ["1543","22",7.38,"1/4 shot 7-Up or Sprite "], ["1782","372",960,"32 oz Cranberry juice cocktail "], ["1782","83",840,"28 oz Ginger ale "], ["1782","2",360,"12 oz Lemonade "], ["1782","249",128.5,"1-1/2 cup Bourbon "], ["3802","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3802","213",45,"1 1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["3802","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["3802","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3802","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["2606","34",45,"1 1/2 oz blue Maui "], ["2606","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["2606","261",240,"8 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1416","259",60,"2 oz Milk "], ["1416","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1416","309",120,"3-4 oz Peach schnapps or crantasha "], ["2837","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2837","450",30,"1 oz Rye whiskey "], ["2837","259",120,"4 oz Milk "], ["1560","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["1560","145",30,"1 oz Rumple Minze "], ["3759","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["3759","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["3895","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["3895","124",45,"1 1/2 oz Anisette "], ["4762","431",45,"1 1/2 oz Coffee brandy "], ["4762","41",30,"1 oz Light cream "], ["2457","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka or rum "], ["2457","309",22.5,"3/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2457","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["2457","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2457","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["848","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka or light rum "], ["848","309",22.5,"3/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["848","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["848","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["848","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["3220","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["3220","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["3220","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["3220","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["3220","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["1964","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["1964","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["1964","186",10,"2 tsp Lime juice "], ["1964","424",10,"2 tsp Lemon juice "], ["1964","477",2.5,"1/2 tsp superfine Sugar "], ["849","316",90,"3 oz Vodka "], ["849","199",150,"5 oz Mountain Dew "], ["849","416",60,"2 oz Grape juice "], ["2438","182",22.5,"3/4 oz Crown Royal "], ["2438","274",7.5,"1/4 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["5725","213",7.5,"1/4 oz Triple sec "], ["5725","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["5725","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["1326","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1326","309",45,"1 1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1326","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["1326","312",30,"1 oz Absolut Citron "], ["6204","342",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["6204","404",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["6204","261",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["6204","219",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Carbonated water "], ["856","122",22.5,"3/4 oz Jack Daniels "], ["856","342",22.5,"3/4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["856","445",15,"1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["856","22",7.5,"1/4 oz 7-Up "], ["856","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["4367","342",20,"2 cl Southern Comfort "], ["4367","82",10,"1 cl Grenadine "], ["4367","424",10,"1 cl Lemon juice (fresh) "], ["4367","445",20,"2 cl Orange juice "], ["2429","407",30,"1 oz Lemon vodka (Stoli Limonnaya) "], ["2429","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["2429","200",30,"1 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["2429","130",90,"3 oz Club soda "], ["4369","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["4369","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream (Bailey's) "], ["5485","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5485","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["5485","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["5485","261",30,"Appx. 1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2769","448",7.5,"1/4 oz Apple brandy "], ["2769","115",7.5,"1/4 oz Goldschlager "], ["2769","335",15,"1/2 oz Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["2931","335",44.25,"1 1/2 shot Spiced rum (Captain Morgan's) "], ["2931","364",180,"6 oz Cherry Cola (Pepsi) "], ["5282","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["5282","323",60,"2 oz Sprite "], ["5282","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["858","444",10,"1/3 oz Hot Damn "], ["858","114",10,"1/3 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["858","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2182","376",90,"3 oz Gin "], ["2182","291",45,"1 1/2 oz Cherry juice "], ["2182","22",180,"6 oz 7-Up "], ["3458","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["3458","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["3458","422",30,"1 oz Cream "], ["3801","205",22.5,"3/4 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["3801","13",7.5,"1/4 oz Amarula Cream "], ["3801","422",0.9,"1 dash Cream "], ["2213","365",40,"4 cl Absolut Kurant "], ["2213","186",10,"1 cl Lime juice "], ["2213","372",100,"10 cl Cranberry juice "], ["2213","112",30,"3 cl Bitter lemon "], ["4717","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice (Britvic) "], ["4717","112",120,"4 oz Bitter lemon "], ["1096","15",22.5,"3/4 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["1096","68",22.5,"3/4 oz Green Chartreuse "], ["1096","42",22.5,"3/4 oz Irish whiskey "], ["1096","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["3332","85",22.5,"3/4 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["3332","145",22.5,"3/4 oz Rumple Minze "], ["4836","333",15,"1/2 oz oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["4836","224",15,"1/2 oz Godiva liqueur "], ["4836","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["4836","126",45,"1 1/2 oz Half-and-half "], ["4524","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["4524","404",30,"1 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["4524","140",15,"1/2 oz Cranberry liqueur "], ["862","214",60,"2 oz Light rum "], ["862","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["862","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["862","29",120,"4 oz Tonic water "], ["6176","316",30,"3 cl Vodka (Absolut) "], ["6176","462",10,"1 cl Tequila "], ["6176","365",10,"1 cl Absolut Kurant "], ["6176","387",10,"1 cl Dark rum (Bacardi) "], ["2341","312",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Citron "], ["2341","322",15,"1/2 oz Peachtree schnapps "], ["2341","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2341","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["2341","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2341","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["4165","240",15,"1/2 oz Coffee liqueur "], ["4165","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["4165","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4165","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["4832","108",29.5,"1 shot J�germeister "], ["4832","392",360,"12 oz Beer "], ["2108","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["2108","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["2108","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["2108","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["2108","445",150,"5 oz Orange juice "], ["4317","376",100,"10 cl dry Gin (Gordon's) "], ["4317","200",50,"5 cl Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["4317","116",40,"4 cl Cherry Heering "], ["4317","461",200,"20 cl Apple juice "], ["4317","29",50,"5 cl Tonic water "], ["4316","316",30,"3 cl Vodka "], ["4316","205",20,"2 cl White Creme de Menthe "], ["4316","131",5,"1/2 cl Tabasco sauce "], ["1237","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["1237","205",15,"1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["1237","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1718","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["1718","205",15,"1/2 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["1111","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["1111","105",30,"1 oz dry Sherry "], ["1111","214",15,"1/2 oz Light rum "], ["4355","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["4355","468",60,"2 oz Coconut rum "], ["4355","259",180,"6 oz Milk "], ["5422","378",300,"10 oz Scotch "], ["5422","316",150,"5 oz Vodka "], ["5422","284",120,"4 oz Maple syrup "], ["3964","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream "], ["3964","333",15,"1/2 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"], ["5932","176",10,"2 tsp Maraschino liqueur "], ["5932","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5932","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["4356","332",20,"2 cl Pernod / Ricard "], ["4356","327",60,"6 cl Campari "], ["871","381",10,"1 cl Drambuie "], ["871","353",10,"1 cl Orange liqueur "], ["871","270",10,"1 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["871","259",6.67,"2/3 cl Milk "], ["872","146",45,"1 1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["872","119",45,"1 1/2 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["872","198",45,"1 1/2 oz Aftershock "], ["872","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["3404","85",15,"11/2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["3404","131",7.5,"1/4 oz Tabasco sauce "], ["875","345",30,"1 oz Lemon gin "], ["875","274",30,"1 oz Melon liqueur "], ["875","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["875","441",90,"3 oz Fruit punch "], ["4402","316",40,"4 cl Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4402","323",50,"5 cl Sprite light "], ["4402","445",50,"5 cl Orange juice "], ["5494","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5494","376",30,"1 oz Gin (Beefeater) "], ["5494","445",180,"6 oz Orange juice "], ["877","226",60,"6 cl Bacardi Limon "], ["877","22",50,"5 cl 7-Up "], ["877","266",30,"3 cl Sour mix "], ["877","290",20,"2 cl Schweppes Russchian "], ["878","36",30,"3 cl Malibu rum "], ["878","445",30,"3 cl Orange juice "], ["878","316",10,"1 cl Vodka "], ["878","1",20,"2 cl Firewater "], ["878","301",10,"1 cl Red wine "], ["3668","85",14.75,"1/2 shot 151 proof rum "], ["3668","316",14.75,"1/2 shot 100 proof Vodka "], ["3668","68",0.9,"1 dash Green Chartreuse "], ["6163","435",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Orange vodka (Stoli Ohranj) "], ["6163","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["6163","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["6163","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["6163","372",45,"1 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["880","71",29.5,"1 shot Everclear "], ["880","222",75,"2 1/2 oz Sunny delight "], ["880","257",30,"1 oz Tropical fruit schnapps "], ["3324","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["3324","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["3324","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["3324","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3324","483",60,"2 oz Pineapple "], ["1240","331",120,"4 oz Surge "], ["1240","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["1082","392",180,"6 oz Beer "], ["1082","462",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Tequila "], ["1082","85",3.7,"1 splash Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2310","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["2310","432",0.9,"1 dash Whipped cream "], ["2310","314",15,"1/2 oz Cream soda "], ["1555","39",20,"2 cl Parfait d'Amour (Bols) "], ["1555","375",50,"1.5 cl Amaretto di Saronno (ILLVA Saronno) "], ["1555","158",50,"1.5 cl Vanilla syrup (Monin) "], ["1555","422",50,"1.5 cl fresh Cream "], ["1555","436",50,"0.5 cl red Curacao (Marie Brizard) "], ["3440","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream "], ["3440","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["3440","114",30,"1 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["3440","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum "], ["883","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["883","454",75,"2 1/2 oz Passion fruit syrup "], ["883","211",60,"2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["883","347",30,"1 oz pureed frozen Strawberries "], ["3564","297",180,"6 oz Blue Curacao "], ["3564","227",120,"4 oz Banana liqueur "], ["3564","424",60,"2 oz Lemon juice "], ["3564","372",50,"1 2/3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3564","375",10,"1/3 oz Amaretto "], ["3985","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka (Stoli) "], ["3985","146",22.5,"3/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3985","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["3985","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["3139","142",30,"3 cl White rum "], ["3139","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["3139","297",20,"2 cl Blue Curacao "], ["3139","375",10,"1 cl Amaretto "], ["3139","422",20,"2 cl Cream "], ["3139","261",20,"2 cl Pineapple juice "], ["4681","444",7.5,"1/4 oz Hot Damn "], ["4681","86",22.5,"Almost 3/4 oz Grape soda "], ["4681","513",7.4,"1-2 splash Maraschino cherry juice "], ["2428","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["2428","405",15,"1/2 oz Tequila Rose "], ["2428","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["2442","462",10,"1/3 oz Tequila "], ["2442","358",10,"1/3 oz Ouzo "], ["2442","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["4585","198",14.75,"1/2 shot Aftershock "], ["4585","361",14.75,"1/2 shot Chocolate liqueur "], ["4898","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["4898","437",120,"4 oz Tang "], ["4898","238",60,"2 oz Aliz� "], ["3474","250",128.5,"1/2 cup Tea (Earl Grey or Yellow Label) "], ["3474","270",128.5,"1/2 cup Bailey's irish cream "], ["3474","252",3.7,"1 splash Whisky "], ["5652","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["5652","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["5652","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["5652","297",5,"1 tsp Blue Curacao "], ["4063","231",30,"1 oz Apricot brandy "], ["4063","330",30,"1 oz Port "], ["888","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["888","213",3.75,"1/8 oz Triple sec "], ["888","372",120,"4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["888","261",7.5,"1/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["888","445",7.5,"1/4 oz Orange juice "], ["1612","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["1612","294",7.5,"1/4 oz Lime juice cordial (Rose's) "], ["1612","462",60,"2 oz white Tequila "], ["3814","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["3814","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["3814","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["5825","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["5825","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5825","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["5825","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["5825","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4444","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["4444","199",15,"1/2 oz Mountain Dew "], ["2552","462",60,"2 oz Tequila "], ["2552","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4431","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["4431","142",30,"1 oz White rum "], ["4431","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4431","399",90,"3 oz Margarita mix "], ["4588","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["4588","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5741","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["5741","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["1233","444",40,"4 cl Hot Damn "], ["1233","344",40,"4 cl Dr. Pepper "], ["5599","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5599","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["5599","412",30,"1 oz Creme de Noyaux "], ["5599","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["3153","182",30,"1 oz Crown Royal "], ["3153","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["3153","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4001","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["4001","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["4001","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4001","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4001","422",30,"1 oz Cream "], ["1741","31",29.5,"1 shot Grain alcohol "], ["1741","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine syrup "], ["1741","316",29.5,"1 shot Vodka "], ["1741","304",29.5,"1 shot Rum "], ["1741","376",29.5,"1 shot Gin "], ["1741","462",29.5,"1 shot Tequila "], ["6076","462",10,"1 cl Tequila "], ["6076","376",10,"1 cl Gin (Bombay Sapphire) "], ["6076","316",10,"1 cl Vodka "], ["6076","297",0.9,"1 dash Blue Curacao (10 drops) "], ["892","232",45,"1 1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["892","423",15,"1/2 oz Applejack "], ["892","200",5,"1 tsp Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["892","372",120,"4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2680","214",22.5,"3/4 oz Light rum "], ["2680","192",22.5,"3/4 oz Brandy "], ["2680","448",22.5,"3/4 oz Apple brandy "], ["2680","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["5190","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["5190","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5190","10",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Banane "], ["5190","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["5190","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5190","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["5190","372",90,"3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5756","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["5756","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["5756","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["4265","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["4265","192",22.5,"3/4 oz Brandy "], ["4265","424",1.25,"1/4 tsp Lemon juice "], ["4265","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["3354","122",10,"1/3 oz Jack Daniels "], ["3354","462",10,"1/3 oz Tequila "], ["3354","85",10,"1/3 oz 151 proof rum "], ["5453","108",45,"1 1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["5453","115",45,"1 1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["5453","145",45,"1 1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["894","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["894","471",15,"1/2 oz Jim Beam "], ["894","263",15,"1/2 oz Johnnie Walker "], ["894","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["4326","122",29.5,"1 shot Jack Daniels "], ["4326","471",29.5,"1 shot Jim Beam "], ["4326","62",29.5,"1 shot Yukon Jack "], ["4326","232",29.5,"1 shot Wild Turkey "], ["4025","122",9.83,"1/3 shot Jack Daniels "], ["4025","471",9.83,"1/3 shot Jim Beam "], ["4025","263",9.83,"1/3 shot Johnnie Walker "], ["2152","108",20,"2/3 oz J�germeister "], ["2152","119",20,"2/3 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["2152","145",20,"2/3 oz Rumple Minze "], ["5457","108",9.83,"1/3 shot J�germeister "], ["5457","115",9.83,"1/3 shot Goldschlager "], ["5457","464",9.83,"1/3 shot Peppermint schnapps (Rumple Minze) "], ["5693","182",30,"1 oz Crown Royal "], ["5693","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5693","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4382","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["4382","181",30,"1 oz Green Ginger Wine "], ["4382","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["5591","238",60,"2 oz Aliz� "], ["5591","316",60,"2 oz Skyy Vodka "], ["5069","145",15,"1/2 oz Rumple Minze "], ["5069","85",15,"1/2 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["2916","56",22.5,"3/4 oz Blended whiskey "], ["2916","192",22.5,"3/4 oz Brandy "], ["2916","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["1244","352",257,"1 cup Water "], ["1244","138",257,"3/4-1 cup Brown sugar "], ["1244","482",20,"4 tsp Coffee powder "], ["1244","304",257,"1 cup Rum (Bundy) "], ["1244","508",20,"4 tsp Vanilla extract "], ["898","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["898","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["898","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["898","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["898","82",60,"2 oz Grenadine "], ["899","312",30,"1 oz Absolut Citron "], ["899","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum (Parrot Bay) "], ["899","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["899","211",3.7,"1 splash Sweet and sour "], ["899","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["4921","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["4921","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["4921","259",120,"4 oz Milk "], ["4921","477",10,"2 tsp Sugar "], ["3346","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["3346","424",60,"2 oz Lemon juice "], ["3346","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["901","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["901","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["901","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["901","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["901","31",45,"1 1/2 oz pure Grain alcohol "], ["901","412",45,"1 1/2 oz Creme de Noyaux "], ["902","383",22.5,"3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["902","42",22.5,"3/4 oz Irish whiskey "], ["902","68",22.5,"3/4 oz Green Chartreuse "], ["4499","316",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Vodka (Absolut) "], ["4499","359",7.5,"1/4 oz Cointreau "], ["4499","315",7.5,"1/4 oz Grand Marnier "], ["4499","200",3.7,"1 splash Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["4499","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["1272","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["1272","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["1272","335",15,"1/2 oz Spiced rum "], ["2870","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["2870","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["2870","261",45,"1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["5536","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["5536","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5536","186",3.7,"1 splash Lime juice "], ["3114","182",29.5,"1 shot Crown Royal "], ["3114","375",29.5,"1 shot Amaretto "], ["3114","211",29.5,"1 shot Sweet and sour "], ["3114","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["1532","375",60,"2 oz Amaretto "], ["1532","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["1532","41",60,"2 oz Light cream "], ["5261","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5261","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["5261","304",30,"1 oz Rum "], ["5261","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["5261","123",60,"2 oz Kiwi liqueur "], ["1722","316",40,"4 cl Vodka (Absolut) "], ["1722","418",20,"2 cl Collins mix "], ["1722","323",80,"8 cl Sprite light "], ["1780","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["1780","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy "], ["1780","155",90,"3 oz Heavy cream "], ["2791","265",60,"2 oz Kahlua "], ["2791","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["2311","215",10,"1/3 oz Tia maria "], ["2311","487",10,"1/3 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["2311","167",10,"1/3 oz Frangelico "], ["4742","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau "], ["4742","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["4742","211",75,"2 1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["4742","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["4742","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["4855","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4855","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4359","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["4359","85",5,"1 tsp 151 proof rum "], ["4359","431",15,"1/2 oz Coffee brandy "], ["4359","422",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Cream "], ["913","146",22.5,"3/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["913","202",30,"1 oz Gold tequila "], ["913","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["913","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["913","368",15,"1/2 oz Sloe gin "], ["5912","82",9.83,"1/3 shot Grenadine "], ["5912","479",9.83,"1/3 shot Galliano "], ["5912","146",9.83,"1/3 shot Midori melon liqueur "], ["4728","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4728","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["4728","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4728","2",180,"6 oz Lemonade "], ["1445","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["1445","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["1445","82",7.5,"1/4 oz Grenadine "], ["1623","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["1623","383",22.5,"3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["1623","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["2928","316",9.83,"1/3 shot Vodka (Absolut) "], ["2928","108",14.75,"1/2 shot J�germeister "], ["2928","115",14.75,"1/2 shot Goldschlager "], ["4886","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4886","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["4886","62",30,"1 oz Yukon Jack "], ["4886","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4886","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["4886","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4543","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["4543","333",22.5,"3/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["4543","176",22.5,"3/4 oz Maraschino liqueur "], ["4543","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["4259","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["4259","22",10,"1/3 oz 7-Up or Sprite "], ["4259","312",10,"1/3 oz Absolut Citron "], ["4259","251",10,"1/3 oz Watermelon schnapps "], ["917","376",20,"2 cl Gin "], ["917","421",20,"2 cl Cinzano Orancio "], ["917","36",0.9,"1 dash Malibu rum "], ["1149","142",20,"2 cl White rum "], ["1149","387",20,"2 cl Dark rum "], ["1149","316",20,"2 cl Vodka "], ["1149","315",20,"2 cl Grand Marnier "], ["1149","424",10,"1 cl Lemon juice "], ["1149","127",120,"12 cl Mango juice "], ["3043","146",22.5,"3/4 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3043","36",22.5,"3/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["3043","312",15,"1/2 oz Absolut Citron "], ["3043","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3043","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["3043","22",3.7,"1 splash 7-Up "], ["919","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["919","114",22.5,"3/4 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["919","36",22.5,"3/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["919","261",22.5,"3/4 oz Pineapple juice "], ["3787","375",60,"2 oz Amaretto "], ["3787","36",60,"2 oz Malibu rum "], ["5017","239",60,"2 oz Pear liqueur "], ["5017","97",30,"1 oz RedRum "], ["5017","448",15,"1/2 oz Apple brandy "], ["5017","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["5017","22",120,"4 oz 7-Up "], ["3971","36",60,"2 oz Malibu rum "], ["3971","194",60,"2 oz Peach Vodka "], ["3971","83",60,"2 oz Ginger ale "], ["5974","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["5974","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5974","404",120,"4 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["1728","82",20,"2 cl Grenadine syrup "], ["1728","110",20,"2 cl Mint syrup "], ["1728","259",100,"10 cl cold Milk "], ["3248","227",14.75,"1/2 shot Banana liqueur "], ["3248","468",14.75,"1/2 shot Coconut rum (Parrot bay, Malibu) "], ["3248","435",3.7,"1 splash Orange vodka (Stoli Ohranj) "], ["3248","488",3.7,"1 splash Raspberry vodka (Stoli Razberi) "], ["3248","372",14.75,"1/2 shot Cranberry juice "], ["3248","443",3.7,"1 splash Soda water "], ["3248","261",44.25,"1 1/2 shot Pineapple juice "], ["4336","122",30,"1 oz Jack Daniels "], ["4336","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["4336","368",30,"1 oz Sloe gin "], ["4336","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4336","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["5501","139",30,"1 oz Tuaca "], ["5501","167",30,"1 oz Frangelico "], ["5501","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["5501","422",60,"2 oz Cream "], ["4966","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4966","272",15,"1/2 oz Razzmatazz "], ["4966","259",15,"1/2 oz Milk "], ["3182","479",30,"1 oz Galliano "], ["3182","475",15,"1/2 oz Sambuca "], ["3182","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["1574","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["1574","333",30,"1 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["1574","422",60,"2 oz Cream "], ["1574","427",60,"2 oz Ice "], ["921","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["921","362",15,"1/2 oz Pi�a Colada "], ["921","157",15,"1/2 oz Passoa "], ["921","425",15,"1/2 oz Pisang Ambon "], ["921","261",90,"3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["6010","270",45,"1 1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["6010","265",45,"1 1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["6010","439",180,"6 oz Root beer "], ["1245","232",30,"1 oz Wild Turkey "], ["1245","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["1245","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["2441","309",20,"2 cl Peach schnapps "], ["2441","270",10,"1 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["1041","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["1041","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["1041","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["1041","315",15,"1/2 oz Grand Marnier "], ["4774","214",15,"1/2 oz Light rum (Bacardi) "], ["4774","335",15,"1/2 oz Spiced rum (Bacardi) "], ["4774","175",0.9,"1 dash Coca-Cola "], ["4774","200",0.9,"1 dash Rose's sweetened lime juice "], ["2455","54",22.5,"3/4 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2455","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["2455","22",30,"1 oz 7-Up "], ["4135","316",10,"1/3 oz Vodka "], ["4135","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["4135","291",30,"1 oz Cherry juice "], ["923","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["923","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["923","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["1889","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["1889","36",22.5,"3/4 oz Malibu rum "], ["1889","227",22.5,"3/4 oz Banana liqueur "], ["1889","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["1889","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4767","462",90,"3 oz Tequila "], ["4767","297",30,"1 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4767","186",60,"2 oz Lime juice "], ["4767","427",257,"1 cup Ice "], ["3391","379",60,"2 oz Tomato juice "], ["3391","392",180,"6 oz Beer "], ["2169","376",7.38,"1/4 shot Gin "], ["2169","316",7.38,"1/4 shot Vodka "], ["2169","213",7.38,"1/4 shot Triple sec "], ["2169","186",7.38,"1/4 shot Lime juice "], ["5013","316",60,"6 cl Vodka (Absolut) "], ["5013","265",60,"6 cl Kahlua "], ["5013","270",60,"6 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["5013","315",60,"6 cl Grand Marnier "], ["5013","381",60,"6 cl Drambuie "], ["2805","365",30,"1 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["2805","297",45,"1 1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2805","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2805","54",15,"1/2 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["924","365",30,"1 oz Absolut Kurant "], ["924","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["924","266",15,"1/2 oz Sour mix "], ["924","357",7.5,"1/4 oz Sugar syrup "], ["924","323",3.7,"1 splash Sprite "], ["924","54",7.5,"1/4 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2671","297",14.75,"1/2 shot Blue Curacao "], ["2671","221",14.75,"1/2 shot Raspberry schnapps "], ["925","198",10,"1/3 oz Aftershock "], ["925","464",10,"1/3 oz Avalanche Peppermint schnapps "], ["925","145",10,"1/3 oz Rumple Minze "], ["4096","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["4096","368",22.5,"3/4 oz Sloe gin "], ["4096","82",2.5,"1/2 tsp Grenadine "], ["4308","42",40,"4 cl Irish whiskey "], ["4308","204",40,"4 cl Espresso "], ["4308","482",40,"4 cl Coffee "], ["4308","138",20,"4 tsp Brown sugar "], ["3242","376",60,"2 oz Gin "], ["3242","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["3242","130",90,"3 oz Club soda "], ["926","479",15,"1/2 oz Galliano "], ["926","475",15,"1/2 oz Sambuca "], ["4158","316",30,"1 oz Stoli Vodka "], ["4158","309",150,"1.5 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1821","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["1821","54",10,"1/3 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["1821","224",10,"1/3 oz Godiva liqueur "], ["1821","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["5814","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["5814","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5814","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4085","214",90,"3 oz Light rum "], ["4085","284",30,"1 oz Maple syrup "], ["4085","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["2345","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["2345","114",30,"1 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["2765","304",60,"2 oz Rum "], ["2765","284",60,"2 oz Maple syrup "], ["2765","352",60,"2 oz Water "], ["6033","330",60,"2 oz Port "], ["6033","315",30,"1 oz Grand Marnier "], ["6033","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5822","376",90,"3 oz dry Gin (Gordon's) "], ["5822","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["5822","33",15,"1/2 oz Kina Lillet "], ["3390","387",60,"2 oz Dark rum "], ["3390","179",15,"1/2 oz Cherry brandy "], ["4375","15",10,"1/3 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["4375","333",10,"1/3 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["4375","270",15,"1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4375","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["5178","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["5178","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5178","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5178","424",30,"1 oz Lemon juice "], ["5178","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["4153","161",360,"12 oz Iced tea, lemon flavor (Nestea) "], ["4153","36",150,"4.5 oz Malibu rum "], ["1901","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["1901","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["1901","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy "], ["6099","372",64.25,"1/4 cup Cranberry juice "], ["6099","445",64.25,"1/4 cup Orange juice "], ["6099","513",2.5,"1/2 tsp Maraschino cherry juice "], ["6099","424",1.25,"1/4 tsp Lemon juice "], ["6099","433",1.8,"1-2 dash Orange bitters "], ["930","249",90,"3 oz Bourbon "], ["930","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["930","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["933","316",40,"4 cl Vodka "], ["933","265",20,"2 cl Kahlua "], ["933","259",140,"14 cl Milk "], ["3945","15",22.5,"3/4 oz Green Creme de Menthe "], ["3945","333",22.5,"3/4 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["3945","316",22.5,"3/4 oz Vodka "], ["935","294",30,"1 oz Lime juice cordial "], ["935","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["935","236",5,"1 tsp Powdered sugar "], ["4394","404",150,"5 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["4394","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["4394","51",1.25,"1/4 tsp Salt 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["2338","259",60,"2 oz Milk "], ["4238","358",15,"1/2 oz Ouzo "], ["4238","85",15,"1/2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["3546","85",29.5,"1 shot 151 proof rum "], ["3546","375",29.5,"1 shot Amaretto "], ["1871","304",29.5,"1 shot Rum "], ["1871","21",29.5,"1 shot Whiskey "], ["1871","344",360,"12 oz Dr. Pepper "], ["5363","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["5363","88",45,"1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["5363","213",5,"1 tsp Triple sec "], ["5320","213",10,"1/3 oz Triple sec "], ["5320","342",10,"1/3 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5320","179",10,"1/3 oz Cherry brandy "], ["3773","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3773","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["3773","174",15,"1/2 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["3773","424",5,"1 tsp Lemon juice "], ["1151","115",15,"1/2 oz Goldschlager "], ["1151","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["1151","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["1150","182",30,"1 oz Crown Royal "], ["1150","514",30,"1 oz Sour apple liqueur "], ["1150","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5245","182",30,"1 oz Crown Royal "], ["5245","40",30,"1 oz Sour Apple Pucker "], ["5245","372",3.7,"1 splash Cranberry juice "], ["3969","182",15,"1/2 oz Crown Royal "], ["3969","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3969","211",15,"1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["4519","342",45,"1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4519","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4519","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["4416","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4416","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["4416","412",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Noyaux "], ["4416","211",15,"1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5524","82",15,"1/2 oz Grenadine "], ["5524","304",15,"1/2 oz Rum "], ["5524","376",15,"1/2 oz Gin "], ["5524","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["5524","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka "], ["5524","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["5524","372",120,"4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["5524","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4120","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4120","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4120","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4120","211",7.5,"1/4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["5594","115",30,"1 oz Goldschlager "], ["5594","145",30,"1 oz Rumple Minze "], ["5594","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["5594","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["944","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["944","475",15,"1/2 oz Sambuca "], ["1461","269",30,"1 oz Strawberry liqueur "], ["1461","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["1461","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["1461","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["3088","28",22.5,"3/4 oz Dubonnet Rouge "], ["3088","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["3088","179",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Cherry brandy "], ["3088","445",7.5,"1 1/2 tsp Orange juice "], ["5608","316",30,"3 cl Vodka "], ["5608","479",30,"3 cl Galliano "], ["5608","327",15,"1 1/2 cl Campari "], ["5608","445",120,"12 cl Orange juice "], ["945","173",15,"1/2 oz Canadian whisky (Crown Royal) "], ["945","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["945","211",7.5,"1/4 oz Sweet and sour mix "], ["945","449",7.5,"1/4 oz Apple schnapps "], ["947","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["947","88",22.5,"3/4 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["947","231",1.25,"1/4 tsp Apricot brandy "], ["947","448",2.5,"1/2 tsp Apple brandy "], ["946","231",15,"1/2 oz Apricot brandy "], ["946","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["946","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["946","424",1.25,"1/4 tsp Lemon juice "], ["2577","333",20,"2/3 oz Creme de Cacao "], ["2577","475",20,"2/3 oz Sambuca "], ["2577","480",20,"2/3 oz Irish cream (Bailey's) "], ["1742","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["1742","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["5845","213",30,"1 oz Triple sec "], ["5845","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5845","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2100","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2100","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2100","10",7.5,"1/4 oz Creme de Banane "], ["2100","211",7.5,"1/4 oz Sweet and sour "], ["2100","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["2100","54",7.5,"1/4 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3689","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["3689","480",60,"2 oz Irish cream "], ["3689","259",180,"6 oz Milk "], ["2862","383",15,"1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["2862","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["2862","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["2862","213",5,"1 tsp Triple sec "], ["2862","170",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anis "], ["1657","88",30,"1 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["1657","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["1657","231",30,"1 oz Apricot brandy "], ["1657","424",0.9,"1 dash Lemon juice "], ["953","21",150,"1.5 oz Whiskey "], ["953","383",150,"1.5 oz Sweet Vermouth "], ["2071","378",45,"1 1/2 oz Scotch "], ["2071","181",30,"1 oz Green Ginger Wine "], ["3795","173",45,"1 1/2 oz Canadian whisky (Canadian Club) "], ["3795","408",45,"1 1/2 oz Vermouth "], ["3942","490",60,"2 oz Citrus vodka "], ["3942","507",120,"4 oz White cranberry juice (Ocean Spray) "], ["3942","186",30,"1 oz fresh Lime juice "], ["3942","357",30,"1 oz Sugar syrup "], ["5775","215",30,"1 oz Tia maria "], ["5775","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["5775","316",30,"1 oz Vodka (Stolichnaya) "], ["2134","475",15,"1/2 oz Sambuca "], ["2134","333",15,"1/2 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["2134","422",60,"2 oz Cream "], ["4311","214",22.5,"3/4 oz Light rum "], ["4311","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["4311","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["4311","124",1.25,"1/4 tsp Anisette "], ["2380","316",44.5,"1 jigger Vodka "], ["2380","333",30,"1 oz white Creme de Cacao "], ["2380","422",30,"1 oz Cream or milk "], ["5084","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["5084","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["5084","359",15,"1/2 oz Cointreau (or triple sec) "], ["958","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["958","205",30,"1 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["2694","475",22.5,"3/4 oz Sambuca "], ["2694","405",7.5,"1/4 oz Tequila Rose "], ["3145","139",22.5,"3/4 oz Tuaca "], ["3145","480",22.5,"3/4 oz Irish cream "], ["5622","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["5622","205",22.5,"3/4 oz White Creme de Menthe "], ["959","316",60,"2 oz Vodka "], ["959","462",30,"1 oz Tequila "], ["959","445",180,"6 oz Orange juice "], ["959","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["961","231",30,"1 oz Apricot brandy "], ["961","376",30,"1 oz Gin "], ["961","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["961","424",0.9,"1 dash Lemon juice "], ["5492","378",60,"2 oz Scotch "], ["5492","487",15,"1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao "], ["5492","259",120,"4 oz Milk "], ["4723","316",30,"1 oz Cinnamon Vodka (Stoli) "], ["4723","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["4723","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["4723","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4723","422",30,"1 oz Cream "], ["962","192",30,"1 oz Brandy "], ["962","207",15,"1/2 oz Yellow Chartreuse "], ["962","351",15,"1/2 oz Benedictine "], ["962","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["4803","232",15,"1/2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["4803","464",15,"1/2 oz Peppermint schnapps "], ["3593","122",45,"1 1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["3593","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3593","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2018","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka (Smirnoff) "], ["2018","468",15,"1/2 oz Coconut rum (Parrot Bay) "], ["2018","261",45,"1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2018","372",45,"1 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2018","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["1998","462",45,"1 1/2 oz Tequila "], ["1998","372",30,"1 oz Cranberry juice "], ["1998","130",30,"1 oz Club soda "], ["1998","186",15,"1/2 oz Lime juice "], ["4258","387",22.5,"3/4 oz Dark rum "], ["4258","227",22.5,"3/4 oz Banana liqueur "], ["4258","174",22.5,"3/4 oz Blackberry brandy "], ["4258","261",60,"2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["4258","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4505","316",75,"2 1/2 oz Vodka (Absolut or Stoli) "], ["4505","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["4505","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["4173","316",30,"3 cl Vodka "], ["4173","297",10,"1 cl Blue Curacao "], ["4173","82",10,"1 cl Grenadine "], ["965","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin (Beefeater) "], ["965","137",300,"Add 10 oz Grapefruit-lemon soda (Wink) "], ["3328","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3328","372",45,"1 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3328","399",45,"1 1/2 oz strawberry Margarita mix "], ["968","207",60,"2 oz Yellow Chartreuse "], ["968","297",45,"1 1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["968","192",15,"1/2 oz Brandy, spiced "], ["968","129",1.25,"1/4 tsp ground Cloves "], ["968","20",0.9,"1 dash Nutmeg "], ["968","336",0.9,"1 dash Allspice "], ["2669","146",60,"2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2669","309",60,"2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2669","445",90,"3 oz Orange juice "], ["2669","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2669","372",60,"2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["4922","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["4922","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["4922","468",30,"1 oz Coconut rum "], ["4922","372",90,"3 oz Cranberry juice "], ["3166","309",45,"1 1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["3166","316",45,"1 1/2 oz Vodka "], ["3166","372",105,"3 1/2 oz Cranberry juice "], ["972","114",15,"1-1/2 oz Butterscotch schnapps "], ["972","422",15,"1/2 oz Cream "], ["975","179",22.5,"3/4 oz Cherry brandy "], ["975","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["975","207",22.5,"3/4 oz Yellow Chartreuse "], ["2404","368",29.5,"1 shot Sloe gin "], ["2404","445",120,"4 oz Orange juice "], ["2404","328",60,"2 oz strawberry Daiquiri mix "], ["3708","214",45,"1 1/2 oz Light rum "], ["3708","359",22.5,"3/4 oz Cointreau "], ["3708","424",22.5,"3/4 oz Lemon juice "], ["978","105",60,"2 oz dry Sherry "], ["978","433",0.9,"1 dash Orange bitters "], ["1723","375",22.5,"3/4 oz Amaretto "], ["1723","117",22.5,"3/4 oz Wildberry schnapps "], ["1723","266",3.7,"1 splash Sour mix "], ["1723","175",3.7,"1 splash Coca-Cola "], ["980","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["980","146",30,"1 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["980","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["5841","88",15,"1/2 oz Dry Vermouth "], ["5841","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["5841","297",5,"1 tsp Blue Curacao "], ["5841","106",0.9,"1 dash Bitters "], ["4846","391",10,"1/3 oz Vanilla vodka (Stoli) "], ["4846","213",10,"1/3 oz Triple sec "], ["4846","261",10,"1/3 oz Pineapple juice "], ["6209","85",30,"1 oz Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["6209","479",150,"0.5 oz Galliano "], ["6209","316",150,"0.5 oz Vodka "], ["6209","266",120,"4 oz Sour mix "], ["4843","316",30,"1 oz Vodka or light rum "], ["4843","10",30,"1 oz Creme de Banane "], ["4843","323",180,"6 oz Sprite or 7-up "], ["2589","465",15,"1/2 oz White chocolate liqueur (Godet) "], ["2589","240",15,"1/2 oz Coffee liqueur (Kahlua) "], ["983","207",22.5,"3/4 oz Yellow Chartreuse "], ["983","231",22.5,"3/4 oz Apricot brandy "], ["983","124",7.5,"1/4 oz Anisette "], ["985","62",60,"2 oz Yukon Jack "], ["985","115",7.5,"1/4 oz Goldschlager "], ["3484","108",15,"1/2 oz J�germeister "], ["3484","439",15,"1/2 oz Root beer "], ["986","480",30,"1 oz Irish cream "], ["986","265",30,"1 oz Kahlua "], ["986","479",30,"1 oz Galliano "], ["986","61",30,"1 oz Vanilla liqueur "], ["986","126",0.9,"1 dash Half-and-half "], ["4751","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["4751","28",45,"1 1/2 oz Dubonnet Rouge "], ["4751","366",0.9,"1 dash Angostura bitters "], ["5514","408",40,"4 cl Vermouth "], ["5514","461",160,"16 cl Apple juice "], ["4438","146",150,"1.5 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["4438","339",360,"12 oz Zima "], ["4983","339",360,"12 oz Zima "], ["4983","54",90,"3 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["2785","375",60,"2 oz Amaretto "], ["2785","339",360,"12 oz Zima "], ["4521","462",15,"1/2 oz Tequila "], ["4521","315",7.5,"1/4 oz Grand Marnier "], ["4521","422",7.5,"1/4 oz Cream "], ["988","375",60,"2 oz Amaretto "], ["988","304",60,"2 oz Rum "], ["988","32",120,"4 oz Grape Kool-Aid "], ["1599","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["1599","469",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Almond "], ["1599","211",45,"1 1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["1599","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["1599","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["1599","85",15,"1/2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["3791","214",30,"1 oz Light rum "], ["3791","412",15,"1/2 oz Creme de Noyaux "], ["3791","213",15,"1/2 oz Triple sec "], ["3791","266",45,"1 1/2 oz Sour mix "], ["3791","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["3791","85",15,"1/2 oz 151 proof rum "], ["2625","375",15,"1/2 oz Amaretto "], ["2625","240",15,"1/2 oz Coffee liqueur "], ["2625","480",15,"1/2 oz Irish cream "], ["2625","227",15,"1/2 oz Banana liqueur "], ["2625","422",30,"1 oz Cream "], ["2131","424",40,"4 cl Lemon juice "], ["2131","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["2131","445",20,"2 cl Orange juice "], ["2131","116",20,"2 cl Cherry Heering "], ["2131","142",20,"2 cl White rum (Bacardi) "], ["2131","319",60,"6 cl Bacardi Black rum "], ["2131","85",20,"2 cl 151 proof rum "], ["2364","309",30,"1 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2364","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["2364","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["3826","357",10,"Layer 1/3 oz Sugar syrup "], ["3826","82",10,"1/3 oz Grenadine "], ["3826","265",10,"1/3 oz Kahlua "], ["3826","146",10,"1/3 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["3826","479",10,"1/3 oz Galliano "], ["3826","270",10,"1/3 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["2637","316",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Stoli Vodka "], ["2637","358",7.5,"1/4 oz Ouzo "], ["3715","475",20,"2 cl Sambuca "], ["3715","270",20,"2 cl Bailey's irish cream "], ["3715","205",20,"2 cl White Creme de Menthe "], ["2514","62",60,"2 oz Yukon Jack liqueur "], ["2514","186",0.9,"1 dash Lime juice "], ["4472","342",45,"1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4472","211",60,"2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["4472","424",3.7,"1 splash Lemon juice "], ["1249","68",26.5,"1 measure Green Chartreuse "], ["1249","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["2688","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["2688","316",30,"1 oz Vodka "], ["2688","309",22.5,"3/4 oz Peach schnapps "], ["2688","372",120,"4 oz Cranberry juice "], ["2688","445",3.7,"1 splash Orange juice "], ["2688","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["1638","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1638","243",15,"1/2 oz Blueberry schnapps "], ["1358","376",45,"1 1/2 oz Gin "], ["1358","404",30,"1 oz Grapefruit juice "], ["1358","176",0.9,"1 dash Maraschino liqueur "], ["3053","342",37.5,"1 1/4 oz Southern Comfort "], ["3053","213",22.5,"3/4 oz Triple sec "], ["3053","186",30,"1 oz Lime juice "], ["4732","122",60,"2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["4732","342",60,"2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4732","232",60,"2 oz Wild Turkey "], ["4732","175",90,"3 oz Coca-Cola "], ["4732","22",90,"3 oz 7-Up "], ["991","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["991","266",60,"2 oz Sour mix "], ["1956","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1956","309",15,"1/2 oz Peach schnapps "], ["1799","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["1799","122",15,"1/2 oz Jack Daniels "], ["4374","270",30,"1 oz Bailey's irish cream "], ["4374","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4817","342",15,"1/2 oz Southern Comfort "], ["4817","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["4817","261",3.7,"1 splash Pineapple juice "], ["4817","82",0.9,"1 dash Grenadine "], ["4817","424",0.9,"1 dash Lemon juice "], ["5697","342",30,"1 oz Southern Comfort "], ["5697","54",30,"1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur "], ["5697","375",30,"1 oz Amaretto "], ["5697","266",30,"1 oz Sour mix "], ["3890","372",22.25,"1/2 jigger Cranberry juice "], ["3890","342",29.5,"1 shot Southern Comfort "], ["3890","375",29.5,"1 shot Amaretto "], ["5088","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["5088","265",15,"1/2 oz Kahlua "], ["5088","186",10,"2 tsp Lime juice "], ["5137","85",14.75,"1/2 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum "], ["5137","145",14.75,"1/2 shot Rumple Minze "], ["2245","192",45,"1 1/2 oz Brandy "], ["2245","448",45,"1 1/2 oz Apple brandy "], ["2245","124",2.5,"1/2 tsp Anisette "], ["3862","108",20,"2 cl J�germeister "], ["3862","239",20,"2 cl Pear liqueur (Xant� Poire au Cognac) "], ["3862","459",60,"6 cl Lemon-lime mix "], ["3862","485",60,"6 cl Battery "], ["3998","231",30,"1 oz Apricot brandy "], ["3998","445",30,"1 oz Orange juice "], ["3998","211",30,"1 oz Sweet and sour "], ["997","36",30,"1 oz Malibu rum "], ["997","238",30,"1 oz Aliz� "], ["997","108",30,"1 oz J�germeister "], ["4231","105",45,"1 1/2 oz dry Sherry "], ["4231","376",22.5,"3/4 oz Gin "], ["1289","165",22.5,"3/4 oz Strawberry schnapps "], ["1289","71",22.5,"3/4 oz Everclear "], ["1973","347",385.5,"1 1/2 cup Strawberries, fresh "], ["1973","398",20,"4 tsp Honey "], ["1973","352",128.5,"1/2 cup Water "], ["1490","475",29.5,"1 shot Sambuca "], ["1490","479",3.7,"1 splash Galliano "], ["4100","479",14.75,"1/2 shot Galliano "], ["4100","462",14.75,"1/2 shot Tequila "], ["1800","251",15,"1/2 oz Watermelon schnapps "], ["1800","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["1800","261",30,"1 oz Pineapple juice "], ["1800","82",3.7,"1 splash Grenadine "], ["3063","21",45,"1 1/2 oz Whiskey "], ["3063","266",90,"3 oz Sour mix "], ["3063","82",5,"1 tsp Grenadine "], ["5075","316",200,"20 cl Vodka "], ["5075","252",200,"20 cl Whisky "], ["5075","344",200,"20 cl Dr. Pepper "], ["5075","377",200,"20 cl Chocolate milk "], ["4748","119",30,"1 oz Absolut Vodka "], ["4748","359",30,"1 oz Cointreau "], ["4748","424",7.5,"1/4 oz Lemon juice "], ["4748","186",7.5,"1/4 oz fresh Lime juice "], ["2166","387",30,"1 oz Dark rum "], ["2166","249",15,"1/2 oz Bourbon "], ["2166","479",5,"1 tsp Galliano "], ["2166","445",60,"2 oz Orange juice "], ["1754","387",45,"1 1/2 oz Dark rum "], ["1754","297",7.5,"1/4 oz Blue Curacao "], ["1754","445",45,"1 1/2 oz Orange juice "], ["1754","424",15,"1/2 oz Lemon juice "], ["2019","316",15,"1/2 oz Vodka (Stoli) "], ["2019","146",15,"1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur "], ["2019","36",15,"1/2 oz Malibu rum "], ["2019","297",15,"1/2 oz Blue Curacao "], ["2019","261",15,"1/2 oz Pineapple juice "], ["2019","211",15,"1/2 oz Sweet and sour "], ["3297","42",15,"1/2 oz Irish whiskey (Jameson's) "], ["3297","132",15,"1/2 oz Cinnamon schnapps (Hot Damn) "], ["3297","131",0.9,"1 dash Tabasco sauce "], ["2386","243",60,"2 oz Blueberry schnapps (Blue Tattoo) "], ["2386","323",300,"10 oz Sprite "] ],[],onSuccess,onFailed); } module.exports.down=function(onSuccess,onFailed){ //TODO:delete all the data var dbo=new entity.Base("recipe_drink"); dbo.delete("1=1",true); onSuccess(); }
import Ember from 'ember'; export default Ember.Component.extend({ tagName: 'img', attributeBindings: ['src'], height: 100, width: 100, backgroundColor: 'aaa', textColor: '555', format: undefined, // gif, jpg, jpeg, png text: undefined, src: Ember.computed('height', 'width', 'backgroundColor', 'textColor', 'format', function() { // build url for placeholder image var base = ''; var src = base + this.get('width') + 'x' + this.get('height') + '/'; src += this.get('backgroundColor') + '/' + this.get('textColor'); // check for image format if (this.get('format')) { src += '.' + this.get('format'); } // check for custom placeholder text if (this.get('text')) { src += '&text=' + this.get('text'); } return src; }) });
import database from "../api/database"; import * as types from "../actions/ActionTypes" const receiveAspects = aspects => ({ type: types.GET_COMMON_ASPECTS, aspects }); export const getCommonAspects = () => dispatch => { database.getCommonAspects(aspects => { dispatch(receiveAspects(aspects)) }) }; export const loadAll = () => ({ type: types.LOAD_ALL_ASPECTS });
var https = require('https'), q = require('q'), cache = require('./cache').cache; var API_KEY = process.env.TF_MEETUP_API_KEY; var fetch_events = function () { var deferred = q.defer(); var options = { host: '', path: '/2/events?&sign=true&photo-host=public&group_urlname=GOTO-Night-Stockholm&page=20&key=' + API_KEY }; var callback = function (response) { var str = ''; response.on('data', function (chunk) { str += chunk; }); response.on('end', function () { var json = JSON.parse(str); deferred.resolve(json.results); }); }; var req = https.request(options, callback); req.on('error', function (e) { deferred.reject(e); }); req.end(); return deferred.promise; }; module.exports.fetch_events = cache(fetch_events, 10000, true, []);
/* globals Ember, require */ (function() { var _Ember; var id = 0; var dateKey = new Date().getTime(); if (typeof Ember !== 'undefined') { _Ember = Ember; } else { _Ember = require('ember').default; } function symbol() { return '__ember' + dateKey + id++; } function UNDEFINED() {} function FakeWeakMap(iterable) { this._id = symbol(); if (iterable === null || iterable === undefined) { return; } else if (Array.isArray(iterable)) { for (var i = 0; i < iterable.length; i++) { var key = iterable[i][0]; var value = iterable[i][1]; this.set(key, value); } } else { throw new TypeError('The weak map constructor polyfill only supports an array argument'); } } if (!_Ember.WeakMap) { var meta = _Ember.meta; var metaKey = symbol(); /* * @method get * @param key {Object} * @return {*} stored value */ FakeWeakMap.prototype.get = function(obj) { var metaInfo = meta(obj); var metaObject = metaInfo[metaKey]; if (metaInfo && metaObject) { if (metaObject[this._id] === UNDEFINED) { return undefined; } return metaObject[this._id]; } } /* * @method set * @param key {Object} * @param value {Any} * @return {Any} stored value */ FakeWeakMap.prototype.set = function(obj, value) { var type = typeof obj; if (!obj || (type !== 'object' && type !== 'function')) { throw new TypeError('Invalid value used as weak map key'); } var metaInfo = meta(obj); if (value === undefined) { value = UNDEFINED; } if (!metaInfo[metaKey]) { metaInfo[metaKey] = {}; } metaInfo[metaKey][this._id] = value; return this; } /* * @method has * @param key {Object} * @return {Boolean} if the key exists */ FakeWeakMap.prototype.has = function(obj) { var metaInfo = meta(obj); var metaObject = metaInfo[metaKey]; return (metaObject && metaObject[this._id] !== undefined); } /* * @method delete * @param key {Object} */ FakeWeakMap.prototype.delete = function(obj) { var metaInfo = meta(obj); if (this.has(obj)) { delete metaInfo[metaKey][this._id]; return true; } return false; } if (typeof WeakMap === 'function' && typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.OVERRIDE_WEAKMAP !== true) { _Ember.WeakMap = WeakMap; } else { _Ember.WeakMap = FakeWeakMap; } } })();
import Resolver from 'ember/resolver'; var resolver = Resolver.create(); resolver.namespace = { modulePrefix: 'todo-app' }; export default resolver;
export { default } from './ui' export * from './ui.selectors' export * from './tabs'
/* Credits: Most of the original code seems to have been written by George Michael Brower. The changes I've made include adding background particle animations, text placement and modification, and integration with a sparkfun heart rate monitor by using Pubnub and johnny-five. INSTRUCTIONS - npm install [email protected] - npm install johnny-five - node Board.js to hook up to johnnyfive */ function FizzyText(message) { var that = this; // These are the variables that we manipulate with gui-dat. // Notice they're all defined with "this". That makes them public. // Otherwise, gui-dat can't see them. this.growthSpeed = 0.98; // how fast do particles change size? // this.maxSize = getRandomIntInclusive(3, 4); // how big can they get? this.maxSize = 1.3; this.noiseStrength = 1.9; // how turbulent is the flow? this.bgNoiseStrength = 10; this.speed = 0; // how fast do particles move? this.bgSpeed = 0.4; this.displayOutline = false; // should we draw the message as a stroke? this.framesRendered = 0; // this.color0 = "#00aeff"; // this.color1 = "#0fa954"; // this.color2 = "#54396e"; // this.color3 = "#e61d5f"; // this.color0 = "#ffdcfc"; // this.color1 = "#c8feff"; // this.color2 = "#ffffff"; // this.color3 = "#c8feff"; this.color0 = "#f0cf5b"; this.color1 = "#2abbf2"; this.color2 = "#660aaf"; this.color3 = "#f57596"; this.bgParticleColor = "#ffffff"; this.fontSize = 100; this.fontWeight = 800; // __defineGetter__ and __defineSetter__ make JavaScript believe that // we've defined a variable 'this.message'. This way, whenever we // change the message variable, we can call some more functions. this.__defineGetter__("message", function() { return message; }); this.__defineSetter__("message", function(m) { message = m; createBitmap(message); }); // We can even add functions to the DAT.GUI! As long as they have 0 argumets, // we can call them from the dat-gui panel. this.explode = function() { var mag = Math.random() * 30 + 30; for (var i in particles) { var angle = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; particles[i].vx = Math.cos(angle) * mag; particles[i].vy = Math.sin(angle) * mag; } }; //////////////////////////////// var _this = this; var width = window.innerWidth; var height = window.innerHeight; // var textAscent = Math.random() * height; // for trans var textAscent = height / 2; // for cisco // var textOffsetLeft = Math.random() * width; var textOffsetLeft = 0; var noiseScale = 300; var frameTime = 30; // Keep the message within the canvas height bounds while ((textAscent > height - 100) || textAscent < 100) { textAscent = Math.random() * height; } var colors = [_this.color0, _this.color1, _this.color2, _this.color3]; // This is the context we use to get a bitmap of text using the // getImageData function. var r = document.createElement('canvas'); var s = r.getContext('2d'); // This is the context we actually use to draw. var c = document.createElement('canvas'); var g = c.getContext('2d'); r.setAttribute('width', width); c.setAttribute('width', width); r.setAttribute('height', height); c.setAttribute('height', height); // Add our demo to the HTML document.getElementById('fizzytext').appendChild(c); // Stores bitmap image var pixels = []; // Stores a list of particles var particles = []; var bgParticles = []; // Set g.font to the same font as the bitmap canvas, incase we want to draw some outlines var fontAttr = _this.fontWeight + " " + _this.fontSize + "px helvetica, arial, sans-serif"; s.font = g.font = fontAttr; // Instantiate some particles for (var i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { particles.push(new Particle(Math.random() * width, Math.random() * height)); } // 2nd perlin field for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { // 10k particles bgParticles.push(new bgParticle(Math.random() * width, Math.random() * height)); } // This function creates a bitmap of pixels based on your message // It's called every time we change the message property. var createBitmap = function(msg) { s.fillStyle = "#fff"; s.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); s.fillStyle = "#222"; // Keep the message within canvas width bounds var msgWidth = s.measureText(msg).width; // while (textOffsetLeft + msgWidth > widthw) { // // textOffsetLeft = Math.random() * width; // } textOffsetLeft = (width - msgWidth) / 2; s.fillText(msg, textOffsetLeft, textAscent); // Pull reference var imageData = s.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); pixels =; }; // Called once per frame, updates the animation. var render = function() { that.framesRendered++; // g.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); // Set the shown canvas background as black g.rect(0, 0, width, height); g.fillStyle = "black"; // for trans // g.fillStyle = "#eee"; // for cisco g.fill(); if (_this.displayOutline) { g.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; // g.strokeStyle = "#000"; // for trans g.strokeStyle = "#fff"; g.font = _this.fontSize + "px helvetica, arial, sans-serif"; // took out font weight g.lineWidth = .5; g.strokeText(message, textOffsetLeft, textAscent); } g.globalCompositeOperation = "darker"; // Choose particle color for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) { g.fillStyle = colors[i % colors.length]; particles[i].render(); } // Choose bg particle color (white for testing) for (var i = 0; i < bgParticles.length; i++) { g.fillStyle = _this.bgParticleColor; bgParticles[i].render(); } }; // Func tells me where x, y is for each pixel of the text // Returns x, y coordinates for a given index in the pixel array. var getPosition = function(i) { return { x: (i - (width * 4) * Math.floor(i / (width * 4))) / 4, y: Math.floor(i / (width * 4)) }; }; // Returns a color for a given pixel in the pixel array var getColor = function(x, y) { var base = (Math.floor(y) * width + Math.floor(x)) * 4; var c = { r: pixels[base + 0], g: pixels[base + 1], b: pixels[base + 2], a: pixels[base + 3] }; return "rgb(" + c.r + "," + c.g + "," + c.b + ")"; }; // This calls the setter we've defined above, so it also calls // the createBitmap function this.message = message; // Set the canvas bg // document.getElementById('fizzytext').style.backgroundColor = colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)] function resizeCanvas() { r.width = window.innerWidth; c.width = window.innerWidth; r.height = window.innerHeight; c.height = window.innerHeight; } var loop = function() { // Reset color array colors = [_this.color0, _this.color1, _this.color2, _this.color3]; // Change colors from dat.gui s.font = g.font = _this.fontWeight + " " + _this.fontSize + "px helvetica, arial, sans-serif"; createBitmap(message); // _this.fontSize += 1; resizeCanvas(); render(); requestAnimationFrame(loop); } // This calls the render function every 30ms loop(); ///////////////////////////////////////////// // This class is responsible for drawing and moving those little // colored dots. function Particle(x, y, c) { // Position this.x = x; this.y = y; // Size of particle this.r = 0; // This velocity is used by the explode function. this.vx = 0; this.vy = 0; this.constrain = function(v, o1, o2) { if (v < o1) v = o1; else if (v > o2) v = o2; return v; }; // Called every frame this.render = function () { // What color is the pixel we're sitting on top of? var c = getColor(this.x, this.y); // Where should we move? var angle = noise(this.x / noiseScale, this.y / noiseScale) * _this.noiseStrength; // Are we within the boundaries of the image? var onScreen = this.x > 0 && this.x < width && this.y > 0 && this.y < height; var isBlack = c != "rgb(255,255,255)" && onScreen; // If we're on top of a black pixel, grow. // If not, shrink. if (isBlack) { this.r += _this.growthSpeed; } else { this.r -= _this.growthSpeed; } // This velocity is used by the explode function. this.vx *= 0.5; this.vy *= 0.5; // Change our position based on the flow field and our explode velocity. this.x += Math.cos(angle) * _this.speed + this.vx; this.y += -Math.sin(angle) * _this.speed + this.vy; // this.r = 3; // debugger // console.log(DAT.GUI.constrain(this.r, 0, _this.maxSize)); this.r = this.constrain(this.r, 0, _this.maxSize); // If we're tiny, keep moving around until we find a black pixel. if (this.r <= 0) { this.x = Math.random() * width; this.y = Math.random() * height; return; // Don't draw! } // Draw the circle. g.beginPath(); g.arc(this.x, this.y, this.r, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); g.fill(); } } function bgParticle(x, y, c) { // Position this.x = x; this.y = y; // Size of particle this.r = 0; // This velocity is used by the explode function. this.vx = 0; this.vy = 0; this.constrain = function(v, o1, o2) { if (v < o1) v = o1; else if (v > o2) v = o2; return v; }; // Called every frame this.render = function () { // What color is the pixel we're sitting on top of? var c = getColor(this.x, this.y); // Where should we move? var angle = noise(this.x / noiseScale, this.y / noiseScale) * _this.bgNoiseStrength; // Are we within the boundaries of the image? var onScreen = this.x > 0 && this.x < width && this.y > 0 && this.y < height; var isBlack = c != "rgb(255,255,255)" && onScreen; // If we're on top of a black pixel, grow. // If not, shrink. if (isBlack) { this.r -= _this.growthSpeed / 2; // this.r -= Math.abs(Math.sin(_this.growthSpeed)); } else { // this.r += _this.growthSpeed / 2; this.r += Math.abs(Math.sin(_this.growthSpeed)); } // if not on screen respawn somewhere random if (!onScreen) { this.x = Math.random() * width; this.y = Math.random() * height; } // This velocity is used by the explode function. this.vx *= 0.5; this.vy *= 0.5; // Change our position based on the flow field and our explode velocity. this.x += Math.cos(angle) * _this.bgSpeed + this.vx; this.y += -Math.sin(angle) * _this.bgSpeed + this.vy; // this.r = 3; // debugger // console.log(DAT.GUI.constrain(this.r, 0, _this.maxSize)); this.r = this.constrain(this.r, 0, 2); // If we're tiny, keep moving around until we find a black pixel. if (this.r <= 0) { this.x = Math.random() * width; this.y = Math.random() * height; return; // Don't draw! } // Draw the circle. g.beginPath(); g.arc(this.x, this.y, this.r, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); g.fill(); } } } function getRandomIntInclusive(min, max) { min = Math.ceil(min); max = Math.floor(max); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; }
define("resolver", [], function() { "use strict"; /* * This module defines a subclass of Ember.DefaultResolver that adds two * important features: * * 1) The resolver makes the container aware of es6 modules via the AMD * output. The loader's _seen is consulted so that classes can be * resolved directly via the module loader, without needing a manual * `import`. * 2) is able provide injections to classes that implement `extend` * (as is typical with Ember). */ function classFactory(klass) { return { create: function (injections) { if (typeof klass.extend === 'function') { return klass.extend(injections); } else { return klass; } } }; } var underscore = Ember.String.underscore; var classify = Ember.String.classify; var get = Ember.get; function parseName(fullName) { var nameParts = fullName.split(":"), type = nameParts[0], fullNameWithoutType = nameParts[1], name = fullNameWithoutType, namespace = get(this, 'namespace'), root = namespace; return { fullName: fullName, type: type, fullNameWithoutType: fullNameWithoutType, name: name, root: root, resolveMethodName: "resolve" + classify(type) }; } function chooseModuleName(seen, moduleName) { var underscoredModuleName = Ember.String.underscore(moduleName); if (moduleName !== underscoredModuleName && seen[moduleName] && seen[underscoredModuleName]) { throw new TypeError("Ambigous module names: `" + moduleName + "` and `" + underscoredModuleName + "`"); } if (seen[moduleName]) { return moduleName; } else if (seen[underscoredModuleName]) { return underscoredModuleName; } else { return moduleName; } } function resolveOther(parsedName) { var prefix = this.namespace.modulePrefix; Ember.assert('module prefix must be defined', prefix); var pluralizedType = parsedName.type + 's'; var name = parsedName.fullNameWithoutType; var moduleName = prefix + '/' + pluralizedType + '/' + name; // allow treat all dashed and all underscored as the same thing // supports components with dashes and other stuff with underscores. var normalizedModuleName = chooseModuleName(requirejs._eak_seen, moduleName); if (requirejs._eak_seen[normalizedModuleName]) { var module = require(normalizedModuleName, null, null, true /* force sync */); if (module === undefined) { throw new Error("Module: '" + name + "' was found but returned undefined. Did you forget to `export default`?"); } if (Ember.ENV.LOG_MODULE_RESOLVER) {'hit', moduleName); } return module; } else { if (Ember.ENV.LOG_MODULE_RESOLVER) {'miss', moduleName); } return this._super(parsedName); } } function resolveTemplate(parsedName) { return Ember.TEMPLATES[] || Ember.TEMPLATES[Ember.String.underscore(]; } // Ember.DefaultResolver docs: // var Resolver = Ember.DefaultResolver.extend({ resolveTemplate: resolveTemplate, resolveOther: resolveOther, parseName: parseName, normalize: function(fullName) { // replace `.` with `/` in order to make nested controllers work in the following cases // 1. `needs: ['posts/post']` // 2. `{{render "posts/post"}}` // 3. `this.render('posts/post')` from Route return Ember.String.dasherize(fullName.replace(/\./g, '/')); } }); return Resolver; });
(function() { 'use strict'; var express = require('express'); var path = require('path'); var logger = require('morgan'); var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser'); var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); var routes = require('./routes/index'); var app = express(); // view engine setup app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views')); app.engine('html', require('ejs').renderFile); app.set('view engine', 'html'); app.use(logger('dev')); app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })); app.use(cookieParser()); app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../client'))); app.use('/', routes); app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 3000); var server = app.listen(app.get('port'), function() { console.log('Express server listening on port ' + server.address().port); }); module.exports = app; }());
"use strict"; var C = function () { function C() { babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, C); } babelHelpers.createClass(C, [{ key: "m", value: function m(x) { return 'a'; } }]); return C; }();
var assert = require('assert'); var fs = require('fs'); var requireFiles = require(__dirname + '/../lib/requireFiles'); var files = [ __dirname + '/moch/custom_test.txt', __dirname + '/moch/json_test.json', __dirname + '/moch/test.js' ]; describe('requireFiles testing', function(){ describe('Structure type', function(){ it('requireFiles should be a function', function(){ assert.equal(typeof requireFiles, 'function'); }); }); describe('Error', function(){ it('Should throw error when an engine isn\'t supported', function(){ assert.throws(function(){ requireFiles(files, { '.js' : require, '.json' : require }); }, /there is no engine registered/); }); it('Should not throw an error when everything is ok', function(){ assert.doesNotThrow(function(){ result = requireFiles(files.slice(1, 3), { '.js' : require, '.json' : require }); }); }); }); describe('Custom engine', function(){ it('Custom engines should work', function(){ var result = requireFiles(files, { '.js' : require, '.json' : require, '.txt' : function(path){ return fs.readFileSync(path).toString(); } }); assert.equal(result[files[0]], 'worked\n'); assert.equal(result[files[1]].worked, true); assert.equal(result[files[2]], 'worked'); }); }); });
export default function() { var links = [ { icon: "fa-sign-in", title: "Login", url: "/login" }, { icon: "fa-dashboard", title: "Dashboard", url: "/" }, { icon: "fa-calendar", title: "Scheduler", url: "/scheduler" } ]; return m("#main-sidebar", [ m("ul", {class: "navigation"}, { return m("li", [ m("a", {href: link.url, config: m.route}, [ m("", {class: "fa " + link.icon}), " ", link.title ]) ]); }) ) ]); }
const Koa = require('koa'); const http = require('http'); const destroyable = require('server-destroy'); const bodyParser = require('koa-bodyparser'); const session = require('koa-session'); const passport = require('koa-passport'); const serve = require('koa-static'); const db = require('./db'); const config = require('./config'); const router = require('./routes'); const authStrategies = require('./authStrategies'); const User = require('./models/User'); const app = new Koa(); app.use(bodyParser()); app.keys = [config.get('session_secret')]; app.use(session({}, app)); authStrategies.forEach(passport.use, passport); passport.serializeUser((user, done) => { done(null, user.twitterId); }); passport.deserializeUser(async (twitterId, done) => { const user = await User.findOne({ twitterId }); done(null, user); }); app.use(passport.initialize()); app.use(passport.session()); app.use(router.routes()); app.use(router.allowedMethods()); app.use(serve('public')); app.use(async (ctx, next) => { await next(); if (ctx.status === 404) { ctx.redirect('/'); } }); const server = http.createServer(app.callback()); module.exports = { start() { db.start().then(() => { server.listen(config.get('port')); destroyable(server); }); }, stop() { server.destroy(); db.stop(); }, };
1,341 { this.resource('login'); this.resource('album', {path: '/:album_id'}); this.resource('photo', {path: 'photos/:photo_id'}); });
import Icon from '../components/Icon.vue' Icon.register({"arrows":{"width":1792,"height":1792,"paths":[{"d":"M1792 896q0 26-19 45l-256 256q-19 19-45 19t-45-19-19-45v-128h-384v384h128q26 0 45 19t19 45-19 45l-256 256q-19 19-45 19t-45-19l-256-256q-19-19-19-45t19-45 45-19h128v-384h-384v128q0 26-19 45t-45 19-45-19l-256-256q-19-19-19-45t19-45l256-256q19-19 45-19t45 19 19 45v128h384v-384h-128q-26 0-45-19t-19-45 19-45l256-256q19-19 45-19t45 19l256 256q19 19 19 45t-19 45-45 19h-128v384h384v-128q0-26 19-45t45-19 45 19l256 256q19 19 19 45z"}]}})
import { h, Component } from 'preact'; import moment from 'moment'; const MonthPicker = ({ onChange, ...props }) => ( <select onChange={onChange} id="select-month">{ optionsFor("month", }</select> ); const DayPicker = ({ onChange, ...props }) => ( <select onChange={onChange} id="select-date">{ optionsFor("day", }</select> ); const YearPicker = ({ onChange, ...props }) => ( <select onChange={onChange} id="select-year">{ optionsFor("year", }</select> ); const months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] const startYear = 1930; const endYear = 2018; function optionsFor(field, selectedDate) { if (field === 'year') { selected = selectedDate.year(); return [...Array(endYear-startYear).keys()].map((item, i) => { var isSelected = (startYear + item) == selected; return ( <option value={startYear + item} selected={isSelected ? 'selected' : ''}>{startYear + item}</option> ); }); } else if (field === 'month') { selected = selectedDate.month(); return, i) => { var isSelected = i == selected; return ( <option value={i} selected={isSelected ? 'selected' : ''}>{item}</option> ); }); } else if (field === 'day') { var selected =; var firstDay = 1; var lastDay = moment(selectedDate).add(1, 'months').date(1).subtract(1, 'days').date() + 1; return [...Array(lastDay-firstDay).keys()].map((item, i) => { var isSelected = (item + 1) == selected; return ( <option value={item + 1} selected={isSelected ? 'selected': ''}>{item + 1}</option> ) }); } } export default class DatePicker extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { date: }; this.onChange = this.onChange.bind(this); } onChange(event) { var month = document.getElementById('select-month').value; var day = document.getElementById('select-date').value; var year = document.getElementById('select-year').value; var newDate = moment().year(year).month(month).date(day); this.setState({ date: newDate }) this.props.onChange(newDate); } render() { return ( <div> <MonthPicker date={} onChange={this.onChange} /> <DayPicker date={} onChange={this.onChange} /> <YearPicker date={} onChange={this.onChange} /> </div> ) } }
'use strict'; angular.module('users').factory('Permissions', ['Authentication', '$location', function(Authentication, $location) { // Permissions service logic // ... // Public API return { //check if user suits the right permissions for visiting the page, Otherwise go to 401 userRolesContains: function (role) { if (!Authentication.user || Authentication.user.roles.indexOf(role) === -1) { return false; } else { return true; } }, //This function returns true if the user is either admin or maintainer adminOrMaintainer: function () { if (Authentication.user && (Authentication.user.roles.indexOf('admin')> -1 || Authentication.user.roles.indexOf('maintainer')> -1)) { return true; } else { return false; } }, isPermissionGranted: function (role) { if (!Authentication.user || Authentication.user.roles.indexOf(role) === -1) { $location.path('/401'); } }, isAdmin: function () { if (Authentication.user && (Authentication.user.roles.indexOf('admin') > -1)) { return true; } else { return false; } } }; } ]);
import $ from 'jquery'; import keyboard from 'virtual-keyboard'; $.fn.addKeyboard = function () { return this.keyboard({ openOn: null, stayOpen: false, layout: 'custom', customLayout: { 'normal': ['7 8 9 {c}', '4 5 6 {del}', '1 2 3 {sign}', '0 0 {dec} {a}'], }, position: { // null (attach to input/textarea) or a jQuery object (attach elsewhere) of: null, my: 'center top', at: 'center top', // at2 is used when "usePreview" is false (centers keyboard at the bottom // of the input/textarea) at2: 'center top', collision: 'flipfit flipfit' }, reposition: true, css: { input: 'form-control input-sm', container: 'center-block dropdown-menu', buttonDefault: 'btn btn-default', buttonHover: 'btn-light', // used when disabling the decimal button {dec} // when a decimal exists in the input area buttonDisabled: 'enabled', }, }); };
/** * Trait class */ function Trait(methods, allTraits) { allTraits = allTraits || []; this.traits = [methods]; var extraTraits = methods.$traits; if (extraTraits) { if (typeof extraTraits === "string") { extraTraits = extraTraits.replace(/ /g, '').split(','); } for (var i = 0, c = extraTraits.length; i < c; i++) { this.use(allTraits[extraTraits[i]]); } } } Trait.prototype = { constructor: Trait, use: function (trait) { if (trait) { this.traits = this.traits.concat(trait.traits); } return this; }, useBy: function (obj) { for (var i = 0, c = this.traits.length; i < c; i++) { var methods = this.traits[i]; for (var prop in methods) { if (prop !== '$traits' && !obj[prop] && methods.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { obj[prop] = methods[prop]; } } } } }; module.exports = Trait;
'use strict'; /** * Module dependencies. */ var mongoose = require('mongoose'), Game = mongoose.model('Game'), Team = mongoose.model('Team'), Player = mongoose.model('Player'), async = require('async'); exports.all = function(req, res) { Game.find({'played': true}).exec(function(err, games) { if (err) { return res.json(500, { error: 'fucked up grabbing dem games' }); } res.json(games); }); }; exports.logGame = function(req, res, next) { var loggedGame = req.body; Game.findAllMatchesBetweenTeams([loggedGame.teams[0].teamId, loggedGame.teams[1].teamId], function(err, games) { if (err) { console.log('error finding matchups\n' + err); res.json(500, 'fucked up finding dem games'); return; } var matchedGame; var teamOneIndex; var teamTwoIndex; for (var gameIdx = 0; gameIdx < games.length; gameIdx += 1) { if (games[gameIdx].teams[0].home === loggedGame.teams[0].home && games[gameIdx].teams[0].teamId.toString() === loggedGame.teams[0].teamId) { matchedGame = games[gameIdx]; teamOneIndex = 0; teamTwoIndex = 1; break; } else if (games[gameIdx].teams[1].home === loggedGame.teams[0].home && games[gameIdx].teams[1].teamId.toString() === loggedGame.teams[0].teamId) { matchedGame = games[gameIdx]; teamOneIndex = 1; teamTwoIndex = 0; break; } } if (!matchedGame) { res.json(500, 'no matchup between those teams found'); return; } if (matchedGame.played) { console.log('match already played!'); res.json(500, 'game already played'); return; } matchedGame.teams[teamOneIndex].goals = loggedGame.teams[0].goals; matchedGame.teams[teamOneIndex].events = loggedGame.teams[0].events; matchedGame.teams[teamTwoIndex].goals = loggedGame.teams[1].goals; matchedGame.teams[teamTwoIndex].events = loggedGame.teams[1].events; matchedGame.played = true; var datePlayed = new Date(); matchedGame.datePlayed = datePlayed; { if (err) { console.log('failed to save game -- ' + matchedGame + ' -- ' + err ); res.json(500, 'error saving game -- ' + err); } else { async.series([ function(callback) { console.log('PROCESSING EVENTS'); processEvents(matchedGame, callback); }, function(callback) { console.log('UPDATING STANDINGS'); updateStandings(callback); } ], function(err, results) { if (err) { res.sendStatus(400); console.log(err); } else { res.sendStatus(200); } }); } }); }); var processEvents = function(game, callback) { /*jshint -W083 */ var updatePlayerEvents = function(playerEvents, playerCallback) { console.log('UPDATING EVENTS FOR PLAYER ' +[0].player); findOrCreateAndUpdatePlayer(playerEvents, playerEvents.teamId, playerCallback); }; var processEventsForTeam = function(team, teamCallback) { console.log('PROCESSING EVENTS FOR ' + team); var playerEventMap = {}; for (var eventIdx = 0; eventIdx <; eventIdx += 1) { var playerEvent =[eventIdx]; console.log('PROCESSING EVENT ' + playerEvent); if (playerEventMap[playerEvent.player] === undefined) { console.log('PLAYER NOT IN MAP, ADDING ' + playerEvent.player); playerEventMap[playerEvent.player] = {teamId: team.teamId, events: [], gameDate: game.datePlayed}; } playerEventMap[playerEvent.player].events.push(playerEvent); } console.log('player event map created: ' + playerEventMap); var playerEventMapValues = []; for (var key in playerEventMap) { playerEventMapValues.push(playerEventMap[key]); } async.each(playerEventMapValues, updatePlayerEvents, function(err) { if (err) { teamCallback(err); } else { teamCallback(); } }); }; async.each(game.teams, processEventsForTeam, function(err) { if (err) { callback(err); } else { callback(); } }); }; var findOrCreateAndUpdatePlayer = function(playerEvents, teamId, playerCallback) { console.log('finding/creating player -- ' + playerEvents + ' -- ' + teamId); Player.findOne({name:[0].player, teamId: teamId}, function(err, player) { if (err) { console.log('error processing events -- ' + JSON.stringify(playerEvents) + ' -- ' + err); playerCallback(err); } if (!player) { createAndUpdatePlayer(playerEvents, teamId, playerCallback); } else { incrementEvents(player, playerEvents, playerCallback); } }); }; var createAndUpdatePlayer = function(playerEvents, teamId, playerCallback) { Player.create({name:[0].player, teamId: teamId}, function(err, createdPlayer) { if (err) { console.log('error creating player while processing event -- ' + JSON.stringify(playerEvents) + ' -- ' + err); } incrementEvents(createdPlayer, playerEvents, playerCallback); }); }; var incrementEvents = function(player, playerEvents, playerCallback) { var suspended = false; for (var eventIdx = 0; eventIdx <; eventIdx += 1) { var eventType =[eventIdx].eventType; if (eventType === 'yellow card') { player.yellows += 1; if (player.yellows % 5 === 0) { suspended = true; } } else if (eventType === 'red card') { player.reds += 1; suspended = true; } else if (eventType === 'goal') { player.goals += 1; } else if (eventType === 'own goal') { player.ownGoals += 1; } } { if (err) { console.log('error incrementing event for player -- ' + JSON.stringify(player) + ' -- ' + eventType); playerCallback(err); } else { if (suspended) { suspendPlayer(player, playerEvents.gameDate, playerCallback); } else { playerCallback(); } } }); }; var updateStandings = function(callback) { Team.find({}, function(err, teams) { if (err) { console.log('error retrieving teams for standings update -- ' + err); callback(err); } else { resetStandings(teams); Game.find({'played': true}, null, {sort: {datePlayed : 1}}, function(err, games) { if (err) { console.log('error retrieving played games for standings update -- ' + err); callback(err); } else { for (var gameIdx = 0; gameIdx < games.length; gameIdx += 1) { processGameForStandings(games[gameIdx], teams); } saveStandings(teams, callback); } }); } }); }; var saveStandings = function(teams, standingsCallback) { var saveTeam = function(team, saveCallback) {{ if (err) { console.log('error saving team -- ' + team + ' -- ' + err); saveCallback(err); } else { saveCallback(); } }); }; async.each(teams, saveTeam, function(err) { if (err) { standingsCallback(err); } else { standingsCallback(); } }); }; var resetStandings = function(teams) { for (var teamIdx in teams) { teams[teamIdx].wins = 0; teams[teamIdx].losses = 0; teams[teamIdx].draws = 0; teams[teamIdx].points = 0; teams[teamIdx].goalsFor = 0; teams[teamIdx].goalsAgainst = 0; //teams[teamIdx].suspensions = []; } }; var processGameForStandings = function(game, teams) { for (var teamResultIdx = 0; teamResultIdx < game.teams.length; teamResultIdx += 1) { var teamResult = game.teams[teamResultIdx]; var opponentResult = game.teams[1 - teamResultIdx]; var team; for (var teamIdx = 0; teamIdx < teams.length; teamIdx += 1) { if (teams[teamIdx]._id.equals(teamResult.teamId)) { team = teams[teamIdx]; break; } } team.lastGamePlayed = game.datePlayed; team.goalsFor += teamResult.goals; team.goalsAgainst += opponentResult.goals; if (teamResult.goals > opponentResult.goals) { team.wins += 1; team.points += 3; } else if (teamResult.goals === opponentResult.goals) { team.draws += 1; team.points += 1; } else { team.losses += 1; } } // game.played=false; // game.datePlayed=undefined; // for (var teamIdx = 0; teamIdx < game.teams.length; teamIdx += 1) { // game.teams[teamIdx].goals = 0; // game.teams[teamIdx].events = []; // } //; }; var suspendPlayer = function(player, gameDate, suspensionCallback) { Team.findOne({_id: player.teamId}, function(err, team){ if (err) { console.log('error loading team to suspend a dude -- ' + player); suspensionCallback(err); } else { if (!team.suspensions) { team.suspensions = []; } team.suspensions.push({player:, dateSuspended: gameDate}); { if (err) { console.log('error saving suspension 4 dude -- ' + player + ' -- ' + team); suspensionCallback(err); } else { suspensionCallback(); } }); } }); }; };
(function(){ 'use strict'; angular.module('GamemasterApp') .controller('DashboardCtrl', function ($scope, $timeout, $mdSidenav, $http) { $scope.users = ['Fabio', 'Leonardo', 'Thomas', 'Gabriele', 'Fabrizio', 'John', 'Luis', 'Kate', 'Max']; }) })();
const express = require('express'); const router = express.Router(); const routes = require('./routes')(router); module.exports = router;
var HDWalletProvider = require("truffle-hdwallet-provider"); var mnemonic = "candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat"; module.exports = { networks: { development: { provider: function () { return new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, "", 0, 50); }, network_id: "*", }, }, compilers: { solc: { version: "^0.5.2", }, }, };
Hiring Challenges/Bosch/Blockchain Developer Hiring/Round 2/truffle.js
var ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin"); var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin"); var path = require("path"); var webpack = require("webpack"); var projectTemplatesRoot = "../../ppb/templates/"; module.exports = { context: path.resolve(__dirname, "src"), entry: { app: "./js/main.js" }, output: { path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"), filename: "js/site.js?[hash]", publicPath: "/site_media/static" }, module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.(gif|png|ico|jpg|svg)$/, include: [ path.resolve(__dirname, "src/images") ], loader: "file-loader?name=/images/[name].[ext]" }, { test: /\.less$/, loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("style-loader", "css-loader!less-loader") }, { test: /\.(woff|woff2|ttf|eot|svg)(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/, include: [ path.resolve(__dirname, "/src/fonts"), path.resolve(__dirname, "../node_modules") ], loader: "file-loader?name=/fonts/[name].[ext]?[hash]" }, { test: /\.jsx?$/, loader: "babel-loader", query: {compact: false} }, ] }, resolve: { extensions: ["", ".js", ".jsx"], }, plugins: [ new webpack.IgnorePlugin(/^\.\/locale$/, /moment$/), new ExtractTextPlugin("css/site.css?[hash]"), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: projectTemplatesRoot + "_styles.html", templateContent: function(templateParams, compilation) { var link = ""; for (var css in templateParams.htmlWebpackPlugin.files.css) { link += "<link href='" + templateParams.htmlWebpackPlugin.files.css[css] + "' rel='stylesheet' />\n" } return link; } }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: projectTemplatesRoot + "_scripts.html", templateContent: function(templateParams, compilation) { var script = ""; for (var js in templateParams.htmlWebpackPlugin.files.js) { script += "<script src='" + templateParams.htmlWebpackPlugin.files.js[js] + "'></script>\n" } return script; } }) ] };
var h = require('hyperscript') var human = require('human-time') exports.needs = {} = 'message_meta' exports.create = function () { function updateTimestampEl(el) { el.firstChild.nodeValue = human(new Date(el.timestamp)) return el } setInterval(function () { var els = []'.timestamp')) els.forEach(updateTimestampEl) }, 60e3) return function (msg) { return updateTimestampEl(h('a.enter.timestamp', { href: '#'+msg.key, timestamp: msg.value.timestamp, title: new Date(msg.value.timestamp) }, '')) } }
version oid sha256:e40a08695f05163cfb0eaeeef4588fcfad55a6576cfadfb079505495605beb33 size 27133
/** * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2015 Famous Industries Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ 'use strict'; import { Geometry } from '../Geometry'; import { GeometryHelper } from '../GeometryHelper'; /** * This function generates custom buffers and passes them to * a new static geometry, which is returned to the user. * * @class Tetrahedron * @constructor * * @param {Object} options Parameters that alter the * vertex buffers of the generated geometry. * * @return {Object} constructed geometry */ class Tetrahedron extends Geometry { constructor(options) { //handled by es6 transpiler //if (!(this instanceof Tetrahedron)) return new Tetrahedron(options); var textureCoords = []; var normals = []; var detail; var i; var t = Math.sqrt(3); var vertices = [ // Back 1, -1, -1 / t, -1, -1, -1 / t, 0, 1, 0, // Right 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, t - 1 / t, 1, -1, -1 / t, // Left 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1 / t, 0, -1, t - 1 / t, // Bottom 0, -1, t - 1 / t, -1, -1, -1 / t, 1, -1, -1 / t ]; var indices = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ]; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { textureCoords.push( 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ); } options = options || {}; while (--detail) GeometryHelper.subdivide(indices, vertices, textureCoords); normals = GeometryHelper.computeNormals(vertices, indices); options.buffers = [ { name: 'a_pos', data: vertices }, { name: 'a_texCoord', data: textureCoords, size: 2 }, { name: 'a_normals', data: normals }, { name: 'indices', data: indices, size: 1 } ]; super(options); } } export { Tetrahedron };
var map; var bounds; var markers = {}; var cluster_polygons = {}; var zoomTimeout; var cluster_center_overlay; var white_overlay; var overlay_opacity = 50; var OPACITY_MAX_PIXELS = 57; var active_cluster_poly; var marker_image; var center_marker; var cluster_center_marker_icon; function createMap() { bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds (); markers; cluster_polygons; marker_image = { url: STATIC_URL + "images/red_marker.png", anchor: new google.maps.Point(4,4)}; center_marker = { url: STATIC_URL + "images/black_marker.png", size: new google.maps.Size(20, 20), anchor: new google.maps.Point(10,10)}; cluster_center_marker_icon = { url: STATIC_URL + "images/transparent_marker_20_20.gif", size: new google.maps.Size(20, 20), anchor: new google.maps.Point(10,10)}; var mapOptions = { center: new google.maps.LatLng(0, 0), zoom: 4, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, scaleControl: true }; map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("canvas"), mapOptions); // google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'bounds_changed', function(e) { // if (zoomTimeout) { // window.clearTimeout(zoomTimeout); // } // zoomTimeout = window.setTimeout(query_points_for_view, 5000); // }) $.getScript(STATIC_URL + "script/CustomTileOverlay.js", function() { white_overlay = new CustomTileOverlay(map, overlay_opacity);; google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'tilesloaded', function () { white_overlay.deleteHiddenTiles(map.getZoom()); }); createOpacityControl(map, overlay_opacity); }); } // Thanks! function createOpacityControl(map, opacity) { var sliderImageUrl = STATIC_URL + "images/opacity-slider3d14.png"; // Create main div to hold the control. var opacityDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); opacityDiv.setAttribute("style", "margin:5px;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:hidden;background:url(" + sliderImageUrl + ") no-repeat;width:71px;height:21px;cursor:pointer;"); // Create knob var opacityKnobDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); opacityKnobDiv.setAttribute("style", "padding:0;margin:0;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:hidden;background:url(" + sliderImageUrl + ") no-repeat -71px 0;width:14px;height:21px;"); opacityDiv.appendChild(opacityKnobDiv); var opacityCtrlKnob = new ExtDraggableObject(opacityKnobDiv, { restrictY: true, container: opacityDiv }); google.maps.event.addListener(opacityCtrlKnob, "dragend", function () { set_overlay_opacity(opacityCtrlKnob.valueX()); }); // google.maps.event.addDomListener(opacityDiv, "click", function (e) { // var left = findPosLeft(this); // var x = e.pageX - left - 5; // - 5 as we're using a margin of 5px on the div // opacityCtrlKnob.setValueX(x); // set_overlay_opacity(x); // }); map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_RIGHT].push(opacityDiv); // Set initial value var initialValue = OPACITY_MAX_PIXELS / (100 / opacity); opacityCtrlKnob.setValueX(initialValue); set_overlay_opacity(initialValue); } // Thanks! function findPosLeft(obj) { var curleft = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { do { curleft += obj.offsetLeft; } while (obj = obj.offsetParent); return curleft; } return undefined; } function set_overlay_opacity(value) { overlay_opacity = (100.0 / OPACITY_MAX_PIXELS) * value; if (value < 0) value = 0; if (value == 0) { if (white_overlay.visible == true) { white_overlay.hide(); } } else { white_overlay.setOpacity(overlay_opacity); if (white_overlay.visible == false) {; } } } function query_points_for_view() { var bounds = map.getBounds(); var x0 = bounds.getNorthEast().lng(); var y0 = bounds.getNorthEast().lat(); var x1 = bounds.getSouthWest().lng(); var y1 = bounds.getSouthWest().lat(); // Remove stuff off screen var to_remove = []; // What to remove $.each(markers, function(idx, marker){ if (!bounds.contains(marker.getPosition())) { marker.setMap(null); to_remove.push(idx); } }); $.each(to_remove, function(i, idx){ delete markers[idx]; }) // $.getJSON("/rest/photos_box_contains?x0=" + x0 + "&y0=" + y0 + "&x1=" + x1 + "&y1=" + y1, function(data){ // console.log("got " + data.features.length); // add_photo_to_map(data.features, 0, 128); // }) $.getJSON("/rest/clusters_box_contains?x0=" + x0 + "&y0=" + y0 + "&x1=" + x1 + "&y1=" + y1, function(data){ console.log("got " + data.features.length); add_cluster_to_map(data.features, 0); }) } function create_photo_marker(photo_info) { var loc = new google.maps.LatLng(photo_info.geometry.coordinates[1], photo_info.geometry.coordinates[0]); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ map: map, position: loc, icon: marker_image }); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: "<div style='width:200px;height:200px'><a href='" + + "'><img src='" + + "' style='max-width:100%;max-height:100%;'/></div>" }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {,marker); }); markers[] = marker; } function add_photo_to_map(photos, i, step) { for (var j = 0; j < step; j++) { if (i + j >= photos.length) { break; } var photo_info = photos[i + j]; if (!markers[]) { create_photo_marker(photo_info); } } i += step; if (i < photos.length) { window.setTimeout(function(){add_photo_to_map(photos, i, step);}, 1); } } function add_clustering_run_to_map(data){ $.each(cluster_polygons, function(idx, poly){ poly.setMap(null); }); bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds (); cluster_polygons = []; cluster_center_overlay = new google.maps.OverlayView(); cluster_center_overlay.onAdd = function() { var layer ="div") .attr("class", "cluster_center"); var projection = this.getProjection(); var max_size = 300; var max_size_per_2 = max_size / 2; var marker = layer.selectAll("svg") .data(data.features) .each(transform) .enter().append("svg:svg") .each(transform) .each(tie_to_g_marker) .attr("class", "marker") .style("z-index", function(cluster) { return set_default_z_index(cluster); }) .append("svg:g"); function set_default_z_index(cluster) { return parseInt( * 1000 + 100000); } marker.append("svg:polygon") .attr("points", function(cluster){ var out = []; var last_phase = 0.0; var last_length = 1.0 / 12.0 * (max_size_per_2 - 1); var min_l = 0.0;//0.3 * max_size_per_2 * (Math.sqrt( * 0.7 + 0.3); for (var j = 1.0; j <= 12.0; j += 1.0){ var phase = j / 12.0 * 2 * Math.PI; out.push([max_size_per_2 + Math.sin(last_phase) * min_l, max_size_per_2 - Math.cos(last_phase) * min_l]); out.push([max_size_per_2 + Math.sin(phase) * min_l, max_size_per_2 - Math.cos(phase) * min_l]); var second_poly = []; var l = ( (["points_month_" + parseInt(j) + "_relative"]) * 0.9 + 0.1) * max_size_per_2 * ( * 0.8 + 0.2); second_poly.push([max_size_per_2 + Math.sin(last_phase) * min_l, max_size_per_2 - Math.cos(last_phase) * min_l]); second_poly.push([max_size_per_2 + Math.sin(last_phase) * l, max_size_per_2 - Math.cos(last_phase) * l]); second_poly.push([max_size_per_2 + Math.sin(phase) * l, max_size_per_2 - Math.cos(phase) * l]); second_poly.push([max_size_per_2 + Math.sin(phase) * min_l, max_size_per_2 - Math.cos(phase) * min_l]); second_poly.push(second_poly[0]); last_phase = phase; .append("svg:polygon") .attr("points", second_poly.join(" ")) .attr("class", "month_" + parseInt(j)); } return out.join(" "); }) .attr("class", "cluster_center_marker"); function transform(cluster) { var coords = cluster.geometry.geometries[0].coordinates; var d = new google.maps.LatLng(coords[1], coords[0]); d = projection.fromLatLngToDivPixel(d); return .style("left", (d.x - max_size_per_2) + "px") .style("top", (d.y - max_size_per_2) + "px"); } function tie_to_g_marker(cluster){ var coords = cluster.geometry.geometries[0].coordinates; var d = new google.maps.LatLng(coords[1], coords[0]); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ map: map, position: d, icon: cluster_center_marker_icon, zIndex: set_default_z_index([0]) }); var cluster_center = this; google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'mouseover', function() { d3_cluster_center =; d3_cluster_center .style("transform", "scale(3.0)") .style("animation-name", "cluster_center_highlight") .style("z-index", 1001001); }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { if (active_cluster_poly) { active_cluster_poly.setMap(null); } sidebar_display_cluster_info([0]["id"]); d3_cluster_center =; poly_bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds (); // Define the LatLng coordinates for the polygon's path. var coords =[0].geometry.geometries[1].coordinates[0]; var g_coords = []; for (j in coords) { var c = coords[j]; var co = new google.maps.LatLng(c[1], c[0]); g_coords.push(co); poly_bounds.extend(co); } // Construct the polygon. var poly = new google.maps.Polygon({ paths: g_coords, strokeColor: '#FF0000', strokeOpacity: 0.8, strokeWeight: 2, fillColor: '#FF0000', fillOpacity: 0.35 }); poly.setMap(map); active_cluster_poly = poly; map.fitBounds(poly_bounds); }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'mouseout', function() { .style("transform", "scale(1.0)") .style("animation-name", "cluster_center_unhighlight") .style("z-index", function(cluster) { return set_default_z_index(cluster); }); }); bounds.extend(d); } map.fitBounds(bounds); cluster_center_overlay.draw = function() { var projection = this.getProjection(); layer.selectAll("svg") .data(data.features) .each(transform); }; }; cluster_center_overlay.setMap(map); } function finalize_clustering_run_to_map(clusters){ console.log("finalizing"); map.fitBounds(bounds); } function show_clusters_lame() { var $form = $("#clustering_run_get_form"), url = $form.attr("action"); // Fire some AJAX! $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json", data: {id: $("#clustering_run_get_form_select").val()} }) .done(function(msg){ add_cluster_to_map(msg.features, 0); }); } function show_cluster_centers_lame() { var $form = $("#clustering_run_get_form"), url = $form.attr("action"); // Fire some AJAX! $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json", data: {id: $("#clustering_run_get_form_select").val()} }) .done(function(msg){ add_cluster_center_to_map(msg.features, 0); }); } function add_cluster_to_map(clusters, i){ // Define the LatLng coordinates for the polygon's path. var cluster = clusters[i]; var coords = []; var points = cluster.geometry.geometries[1].coordinates[0]; for (var j = 0; j < points.length; j += 1) { coords.push(new google.maps.LatLng( points[j][1], points[j][0])); } var center = cluster.geometry.geometries[0].coordinates; var loc = new google.maps.LatLng( center[1], center[0]) bounds.extend(loc); // Construct the polygon. var poly = new google.maps.Polygon({ paths: coords, strokeColor: '#000000', strokeOpacity: 1.0, strokeWeight: 1, fillColor: '#FF0000', fillOpacity: 0.1 }); poly.setMap(map); // cluster_polygons.push(poly); if (i < clusters.length - 1) { window.setTimeout(function(){add_cluster_to_map(clusters, i + 1);}, 1); } else { finalize_clustering_run_to_map(clusters); } } function add_cluster_center_to_map(clusters, i){ // Define the LatLng coordinates for the polygon's path. var cluster = clusters[i]; var coords = []; var center = cluster.geometry.geometries[0].coordinates; var loc = new google.maps.LatLng( center[1], center[0]) bounds.extend(loc); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ map: map, position: loc }); if (i < clusters.length - 1) { window.setTimeout(function(){add_cluster_center_to_map(clusters, i + 1);}, 1); } else { finalize_clustering_run_to_map(clusters); } } function show_all() { map.fitBounds(bounds); }
import React, { Component } from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { MultiSelect } from '../../src' class MultiSelectWithStringValues extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { value: [] } } handleChange = (event) => { const { valueKey } = this.props this.setState({ value: => val[valueKey]) }) } render() { const { value } = this.state return <MultiSelect {...this.props} onChange={this.handleChange} value={value} /> } } MultiSelectWithStringValues.propTypes = { valueKey: PropTypes.string.isRequired } export default MultiSelectWithStringValues
/*! * Module dependencies. */ var util = require('util'), moment = require('moment'), super_ = require('../Type'); /** * Date FieldType Constructor * @extends Field * @api public */ function datearray(list, path, options) { this._nativeType = [Date]; this._defaultSize = 'medium'; this._underscoreMethods = ['format']; this._properties = ['formatString']; this.parseFormatString = options.parseFormat || 'YYYY-MM-DD'; this.formatString = (options.format === false) ? false : (options.format || 'Do MMM YYYY'); if (this.formatString && 'string' !== typeof this.formatString) { throw new Error('FieldType.Date: options.format must be a string.'); }, list, path, options); } /*! * Inherit from Field */ util.inherits(datearray, super_); /** * Formats the field value * * @api public */ datearray.prototype.format = function(item, format) { if (format || this.formatString) { return item.get(this.path) ? moment(item.get(this.path)).format(format || this.formatString) : ''; } else { return item.get(this.path) || ''; } }; /** * Checks that a valid array of dates has been provided in a data object * * An empty value clears the stored value and is considered valid * * @api public */ datearray.prototype.inputIsValid = function(data, required, item) { var value = this.getValueFromData(data); var parseFormatString = this.parseFormatString; if ('string' === typeof value) { if (!moment(value, parseFormatString).isValid()) { return false; } value = [value]; } if (required) { if (value === undefined && item && item.get(this.path) && item.get(this.path).length) { return true; } if (value === undefined || !Array.isArray(value)) { return false; } if (Array.isArray(value) && !value.length) { return false; } } if (Array.isArray(value)) { // filter out empty fields value = value.filter(function(date) { return date.trim() !== ''; }); // if there are no values left, and requried is true, return false if (required && !value.length) { return false; } // if any date in the array is invalid, return false if (value.some(function (dateValue) { return !moment(dateValue, parseFormatString).isValid(); })) { return false; } } return (value === undefined || Array.isArray(value)); }; /** * Updates the value for this field in the item from a data object * * @api public */ datearray.prototype.updateItem = function(item, data, callback) { var value = this.getValueFromData(data); if (value !== undefined) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { // Only save valid dates value = value.filter(function(date) { return moment(date).isValid(); }); } if (value === null) { value = []; } if ('string' === typeof value) { if (moment(value).isValid()) { value = [value]; } } if (Array.isArray(value)) { item.set(this.path, value); } } else item.set(this.path, []); process.nextTick(callback); }; /*! * Export class */ module.exports = datearray;
if ( !window.console ) window.console = { log:function(){} }; jQuery(document).ready(function($) { console.log('Keep being awesome.'); });
'use strict'; var emojiArr = require('./emojis'); var i = 0; var existingRules = {}; var generateEmoji = function(selector) { if (!existingRules[selector]) { existingRules[selector] = emojiArr[i]; if (i !== emojiArr.length) { i++ } else { i = 0; } } return existingRules[selector]; } module.exports = generateEmoji;
var fractal = fractal || {}; fractal.workerPaths = { "mandelbrot": "public/js/mandel.js", }; fractal.Fractal = function (canvas, workerCount) { this.canvas = canvas; this.workerCount = workerCount; this.workerDoneCount = 0; this.ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); this.width = canvas.width; this.height = canvas.height; this.workerPath = fractal.workerPaths["mandelbrot"]; this.topLeft = new Complex(-1.5, 1.1); this.bottomRight = new Complex(0.8, -1.1); this.maxIter = 1200; var lingrad = this.ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, this.width, 0); lingrad.addColorStop(0, '#00f'); lingrad.addColorStop(0.1, '#fa0'); lingrad.addColorStop(0.5, '#ff0'); lingrad.addColorStop(0.7, '#f1b'); lingrad.addColorStop(1, '#fff'); this.ctx.fillStyle = lingrad; this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.width, 2); this.gradientImage = this.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, 1); this.imgData = this.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height); this.ondone = null; this.workers = []; }; fractal.Fractal.prototype = function () { var computeRow = function (workerIndex, row) { var args = { action: "computeRow", row: row, workerIndex: workerIndex }; this.workers[workerIndex].postMessage(args); }; var initializeWorker = function (workerIndex) { var drow = (this.bottomRight.imag - this.topLeft.imag) / this.height; var dcol = (this.bottomRight.real - this.topLeft.real) / this.width; var args = { action: "setup", maxIter: this.maxIter, width: this.width, height: this.height, topLeft: this.topLeft, bottomRight: this.bottomRight, drow: drow, dcol: dcol, workerIndex: workerIndex, juliaPoint: this.juliaPoint }; this.workers[workerIndex].postMessage(args); }; var createWorkers = function (workerPath) { var obj = this; var rowData = obj.ctx.createImageData(obj.width, 1); for (var workerIndex = 0; workerIndex < obj.workerCount; workerIndex++) { obj.workers[workerIndex] = new Worker(obj.workerPath); this.workers[workerIndex].onmessage = function (event) { if ( { console.log("Worker: " +; } if ( >= 0) { var wIndex =; for (var index = 0; index < obj.width; index++) { var color =,[index]); var destIndex = 4 * index;[destIndex] =;[destIndex + 1] =;[destIndex + 2] =;[destIndex + 3] = color.alpha; } obj.ctx.putImageData(rowData, 0,; if (obj.nextRow < obj.height) { console.log("Worker: " + wIndex, " nextRow: " + obj.nextRow);, wIndex, obj.nextRow); obj.nextRow = obj.nextRow + 1; } else { obj.workerDoneCount++; if (obj.workerDoneCount == obj.workerCount) { var duration = new Date().getTime() - obj.startTime; if (typeof obj.ondone === 'function') { obj.ondone(duration); } } } } }; } }; var getColor = function (iter) { if (iter == this.maxIter) { return { red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 255 }; } var index = (iter % this.gradientImage.width) * 4; return { red:[index], green:[index + 1], blue:[index + 2], alpha:[index + 3] }; }, render = function () { this.startTime = new Date().getTime(); this.workerDoneCount = 0;, this.workerPath); this.nextRow = this.workerCount; for (var workerIndex = 0; workerIndex < this.workerCount; workerIndex++) {, workerIndex);, workerIndex, workerIndex); } } return { render: render }; } (); jQuery(function($) { var fra = new fractal.Fractal(document.getElementById("fractal"), 2); $('#draw-fractal').on('click',function() { fra.render(); }); });
describe('raureif', function () { it('test', function () { }); });
/** * @file ui/core/styleguide/index//html/01-body/40-main/main.js * @description Listeners on the body, iframe, and rightpull bar. */ /* istanbul ignore if */ if (typeof window === 'object') { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const $orgs = FEPPER_UI.requerio.$orgs; const { uiFns, uiProps } = FEPPER_UI; $orgs['#sg-rightpull'].on('mouseenter', function () { $orgs['#sg-cover'].dispatchAction('addClass', 'shown-by-rightpull-hover'); }); $orgs['#sg-rightpull'].on('mouseleave', function () { $orgs['#sg-cover'].dispatchAction('removeClass', 'shown-by-rightpull-hover'); }); // Handle manually resizing the viewport. // 1. On "mousedown" store the click location. // 2. Make a hidden div visible so that the cursor doesn't get lost in the iframe. // 3. On "mousemove" calculate the math, save the results to a cookie, and update the viewport. $orgs['#sg-rightpull'].on('mousedown', function (e) { uiProps.sgRightpull.posX = e.pageX; uiProps.sgRightpull.vpWidth = uiProps.vpWidth; // Show the cover. $orgs['#sg-cover'].dispatchAction('addClass', 'shown-by-rightpull-drag'); }); // Add the mouse move event and capture data. Also update the viewport width. $orgs['#patternlab-body'].on('mousemove', function (e) { if ($orgs['#sg-cover'].getState().classArray.includes('shown-by-rightpull-drag')) { let vpWidthNew = uiProps.sgRightpull.vpWidth; if (uiProps.dockPosition === 'bottom') { vpWidthNew += 2 * (e.pageX - uiProps.sgRightpull.posX); } else { vpWidthNew += e.pageX - uiProps.sgRightpull.posX; } if (vpWidthNew > uiProps.minViewportWidth) { uiFns.sizeIframe(vpWidthNew, false); } } }); // Handle letting go of rightpull bar after dragging to resize. $orgs['#patternlab-body'].on('mouseup', function () { uiProps.sgRightpull.posX = null; uiProps.sgRightpull.vpWidth = null; $orgs['#sg-cover'].dispatchAction('removeClass', 'shown-by-rightpull-hover'); $orgs['#sg-cover'].dispatchAction('removeClass', 'shown-by-rightpull-drag'); }); }); }
"use strict"; (function() { // "todos-angular" is just a hard-code id for storage var LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY = 'todos-angular'; var ENTER_KEY = 13; var ESC_KEY = 27; var internalFilters = { active: function(toDoItem) { return !toDoItem.completed; }, completed: function(toDoItem) { return toDoItem.completed; } }; angular.module('ToDoAngular', ['ngRoute']) .service('storage', function($q) { // Storage service return { save: function(toDoCollection) { localStorage.setItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(toDoCollection)); }, load: function() { var itemCollectionString = localStorage.getItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY); return itemCollectionString && JSON.parse(itemCollectionString) || []; } } }) .directive('escHandler', function() { // Define directive for esc key return { restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, iElement, iAttrs) { function keyEventHandler(event) { if (event.keyCode === ESC_KEY) { scope.$apply(iAttrs.escHandler); } } iElement.on('keydown', keyEventHandler); scope.$on('$destroy', function() {'keydown', keyEventHandler); }); } }; }) .directive('enterHandler', function() { // Define directive for enter key return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, iElement, iAttrs) { function keyEventHandler(event) { if (event.keyCode === ENTER_KEY) { scope.$apply(iAttrs.enterHandler); } } iElement.on('keydown', keyEventHandler); scope.$on('$destroy', function () {'keydown', keyEventHandler); }); } }; }) .directive('selectAndFocus', function($timeout) { // Define directive for focus return { restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, iElement, iAttrs) { var focusPromise; scope.$watch(iAttrs.selectAndFocus, function(newValue) { if (newValue && !focusPromise) { focusPromise = $timeout(function focus() { focusPromise = null; iElement[0].focus(); }, 0, false); } }); scope.$on('$destroy', function() { if (focusPromise) { $timeout.cancel(focusPromise); focusPromise = null; } }); } }; }) .directive('toDoItem', function() { // Define directive for to-do item return { restrict: 'A', templateUrl: 'angular-item-template.html', scope: { itemViewModel: '=toDoItem' }, link: function (scope, iElement, iAttrs) { scope.editing = false; scope.originalTitle = ''; scope.$watch('itemViewModel.toDoItem.completed', function(newCompleted) { iElement.toggleClass('completed', newCompleted); }); scope.$watch('editing', function(newEditing) { iElement.toggleClass('editing', newEditing); }); scope.$watch('itemViewModel.isHidden', function(newHidden) { iElement.toggleClass('hidden', newHidden); }); scope.$watchGroup([ 'itemViewModel.toDoItem.title', 'itemViewModel.toDoItem.completed'], function() { scope.$emit('item-updated'); }); scope.destroy = function() { scope.$emit('remove-item', scope.itemViewModel); }; scope.edit = function() { scope.originalTitle = scope.itemViewModel.toDoItem.title; scope.editing = true; }; scope.update = function() { var title = scope.itemViewModel.toDoItem.title || ''; var trimmedTitle = title.trim(); if (scope.editing) { if (title !== trimmedTitle) { scope.itemViewModel.toDoItem.title = trimmedTitle; } if (!trimmedTitle) { scope.destroy(); } scope.editing = false; } }; scope.revert = function() { scope.editing = false; scope.itemViewModel.toDoItem.title = scope.originalTitle; }; } }; }) .controller('AppController', function AppController( $scope, $routeParams, storedToDoCollection, storage) { // Define app controller $scope.toDoCollection = { return { toDoItem: storedToDo, isHidden: $scope.filter ? !$scope.filter(storedToDo): false }; }); $scope.currentTitle = ''; $scope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function() { var filterString = $routeParams.filter; if (filterString && (filterString in internalFilters)) { $scope.filterString = filterString; $scope.filter = internalFilters[filterString]; } else { $scope.filterString = ''; $scope.filter = null; } }); function save() {$ { return toDoViewModel.toDoItem; })); } $scope.$watch('filter', function(newFilter) { $scope.toDoCollection.forEach(function(toDoViewModel) { toDoViewModel.isHidden = newFilter ? !newFilter(toDoViewModel.toDoItem) : false; }); }); $scope.$watch(function() { return $scope.toDoCollection.filter(function(toDoViewModel){ return !toDoViewModel.toDoItem.completed; }).length; }, function(newValue) { if (newValue == null) { $scope.remainingLabel = ''; } else { $scope.remainingLabel = newValue === 1 ? (newValue + ' item left') : (newValue + ' items left'); } }); $scope.$watchCollection('toDoCollection', function() { save(); }); $scope.$on('item-updated', function() { save(); }); $scope.$on('remove-item', function(scope, toDoViewModel) { for(var index = 0; index < $scope.toDoCollection.length; index++) { if ($scope.toDoCollection[index] === toDoViewModel) { $scope.toDoCollection.splice(index, 1); return; } } }); $scope.create = function() { var currentTitle = $scope.currentTitle.trim(); if (currentTitle) { var toDoItem = { title: currentTitle, completed: false }; var toDoItemViewModel = { toDoItem: toDoItem, isHidden: $scope.filter ? !$scope.filter(toDoItem): false }; $scope.toDoCollection.push(toDoItemViewModel); $scope.currentTitle = ''; } }; }) .config(function($routeProvider) { // Define routing var routeConfig = { controller: 'AppController', templateUrl: 'angular-app-template.html', resolve: { storedToDoCollection: function(storage) { return storage.load(); } } }; $routeProvider .when('/', routeConfig) .when('/:filter', routeConfig) .otherwise({ redirectTo: '/' }); }); })();
define(function() { return { draw: function(context, t) { var x = this.getNumber("x", t, 100), y = this.getNumber("y", t, 100), size = this.getNumber("size", t, 60), h = this.getNumber("h", t, 40), colorLeft = this.getColor("colorLeft", t, "#999999"), colorRight = this.getColor("colorRight", t, "#cccccc"), colorTop = this.getColor("colorTop", t, "#eeeeee"), scaleX = this.getNumber("scaleX", t, 1), scaleY = this.getNumber("scaleY", t, 1); context.translate(x, y); context.scale(scaleX, scaleY); if(h >= 0) { context.fillStyle = colorTop; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(-size / 2, -h); context.lineTo(0, -size / 4 - h); context.lineTo(size / 2, -h); context.lineTo(size / 2, -1); context.lineTo(0, size / 4 - 1); context.lineTo(-size / 2, -1); context.lineTo(-size / 2, -h); this.drawFillAndStroke(context, t, true, false); context.fillStyle = colorLeft; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(-size / 2, 0); context.lineTo(0, size / 4); context.lineTo(0, size / 4 - h); context.lineTo(-size / 2, -h); context.lineTo(-size / 2, 0); this.drawFillAndStroke(context, t, true, false); context.fillStyle = colorRight; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(size / 2, 0); context.lineTo(0, size / 4); context.lineTo(0, size / 4 - h); context.lineTo(size / 2, -h); context.lineTo(size / 2, 0); this.drawFillAndStroke(context, t, true, false); } else { // clip path context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(-size / 2, 0); context.lineTo(0, -size / 4); context.lineTo(size / 2, 0); context.lineTo(0, size / 4); context.lineTo(-size / 2, 0); context.clip(); context.fillStyle = colorRight; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(-size / 2, 0); context.lineTo(0, -size / 4); context.lineTo(0, -size / 4 -h); context.lineTo(-size / 2, -h); context.lineTo(-size / 2, 0); this.drawFillAndStroke(context, t, true, false); context.fillStyle = colorLeft; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(size / 2, 0); context.lineTo(0, -size / 4); context.lineTo(0, -size / 4 -h); context.lineTo(size / 2, -h); context.lineTo(size / 2, 0); this.drawFillAndStroke(context, t, true, false); context.fillStyle = colorTop; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(-size / 2, -h); context.lineTo(0, -size / 4 - h); context.lineTo(size / 2, -h); context.lineTo(0, size / 4 - h); context.lineTo(-size / 2, -h); this.drawFillAndStroke(context, t, true, false); } } } });
import React from 'react'; import {connect} from 'cerebral-view-react'; import styles from './styles.css'; import { isObject, isArray, isString, isBoolean, isNumber, isNull } from 'common/utils'; import JSONInput from './JSONInput'; import connector from 'connector'; function isInPath(source, target) { if (!source || !target) { return false; } return target.reduce((isInPath, key, index) => { if (!isInPath) { return false; } return String(source[index]) === String(key); }, true); } function renderType(value, hasNext, path, propertyKey, highlightPath) { if (value === undefined) { return null; } if (isArray(value)) { return ( <ArrayValue value={value} hasNext={hasNext} path={path} propertyKey={propertyKey} highlightPath={highlightPath}/> ); } if (isObject(value)) { return ( <ObjectValue value={value} hasNext={hasNext} path={path} propertyKey={propertyKey} highlightPath={highlightPath}/> ); } return ( <Value value={value} hasNext={hasNext} path={path} propertyKey={propertyKey} highlightPath={highlightPath}/> ); } class ObjectValue extends React.Component { static contextTypes = { options: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired } constructor(props, context) { super(props); const numberOfKeys = Object.keys(props.value).length; const isHighlightPath = !!(this.props.highlightPath && isInPath(this.props.highlightPath, this.props.path)); const preventCollapse = this.props.path.length === 0 && context.options.expanded; this.state = { isCollapsed: !preventCollapse && !isHighlightPath && (numberOfKeys > 3 || numberOfKeys === 0 ? true : context.options.expanded ? false : true) }; this.onCollapseClick = this.onCollapseClick.bind(this); this.onExpandClick = this.onExpandClick.bind(this); } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { return ( nextState.isCollapsed !== this.state.isCollapsed || this.context.options.canEdit || nextProps.path !== this.props.path || nextProps.highlightPath !== this.props.highlightPath ); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { const context = this.context; const props = nextProps; const numberOfKeys = Object.keys(props.value).length; const isHighlightPath = !!(props.highlightPath && isInPath(props.highlightPath, props.path)); const preventCollapse = props.path.length === 0 && context.options.expanded; if (this.state.isCollapsed) { this.setState({ isCollapsed: !preventCollapse && !isHighlightPath && (numberOfKeys > 3 || numberOfKeys === 0 ? true : context.options.expanded ? false : true) }); } } onExpandClick() { this.setState({isCollapsed: false}) } onCollapseClick() { this.setState({isCollapsed: true}); } renderProperty(key, value, index, hasNext, path) { this.props.path.push(key); const property = ( <div className={styles.objectProperty} key={index}> <div className={styles.objectPropertyValue}>{renderType(value, hasNext, path.slice(), key, this.props.highlightPath)}</div> </div> ); this.props.path.pop(); return property; } renderKeys(keys) { if (keys.length > 3) { return keys.slice(0, 3).join(', ') + '...' } return keys.join(', '); } render() { const {value, hasNext} = this.props; const isExactHighlightPath = this.props.highlightPath && String(this.props.highlightPath) === String(this.props.path); if (this.state.isCollapsed) { return ( <div className={isExactHighlightPath ? styles.highlightObject : styles.object} onClick={this.onExpandClick}> {this.props.propertyKey ? this.props.propertyKey + ': ' : null} <strong>{'{ '}</strong>{this.renderKeys(Object.keys(value))}<strong>{' }'}</strong> {hasNext ? ',' : null} </div> ); } else if (this.props.propertyKey) { const keys = Object.keys(value); return ( <div className={isExactHighlightPath ? styles.highlightObject : styles.object}> <div onClick={this.onCollapseClick}>{this.props.propertyKey}: <strong>{'{ '}</strong></div> {, index) => this.renderProperty(key, value[key], index, index < keys.length - 1, this.props.path))} <div><strong>{' }'}</strong>{hasNext ? ',' : null}</div> </div> ); } else { const keys = Object.keys(value); return ( <div className={isExactHighlightPath ? styles.highlightObject : styles.object}> <div onClick={this.onCollapseClick}><strong>{'{ '}</strong></div> {, index) => this.renderProperty(key, value[key], index, index < keys.length - 1, this.props.path, this.props.highlightPath))} <div><strong>{' }'}</strong>{hasNext ? ',' : null}</div> </div> ); } } } class ArrayValue extends React.Component { static contextTypes = { options: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired } constructor(props, context) { super(props); const numberOfItems = props.value.length; const isHighlightPath = this.props.highlightPath && isInPath(this.props.highlightPath, this.props.path); this.state = { isCollapsed: !isHighlightPath && (numberOfItems > 3 || numberOfItems === 0) ? true : context.options.expanded ? false : true }; this.onCollapseClick = this.onCollapseClick.bind(this); this.onExpandClick = this.onExpandClick.bind(this); } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { return ( nextState.isCollapsed !== this.state.isCollapsed || this.context.options.canEdit || nextProps.path !== this.props.path || nextProps.highlightPath !== this.props.highlightPath ); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { const context = this.context; const props = nextProps; const numberOfItems = props.value.length; const isHighlightPath = props.highlightPath && isInPath(props.highlightPath, props.path); if (this.state.isCollapsed) { this.setState({ isCollapsed: !isHighlightPath && (numberOfItems > 3 || numberOfItems === 0) ? true : context.options.expanded ? false : true }); } } onExpandClick() { this.setState({isCollapsed: false}) } onCollapseClick() { this.setState({isCollapsed: true}); } renderItem(item, index, hasNext, path) { this.props.path.push(index); const arrayItem = ( <div className={styles.arrayItem} key={index}> {renderType(item, hasNext, path.slice())} </div> ); this.props.path.pop(); return arrayItem; } render() { const {value, hasNext} = this.props; const isExactHighlightPath = this.props.highlightPath && String(this.props.highlightPath) === String(this.props.path); if (this.state.isCollapsed) { return ( <div className={isExactHighlightPath ? styles.highlightArray : styles.array} onClick={this.onExpandClick}> {this.props.propertyKey ? this.props.propertyKey + ': ' : null} <strong>{'[ '}</strong>{value.length}<strong>{' ]'}</strong> {hasNext ? ',' : null} </div> ); } else if (this.props.propertyKey) { const keys = Object.keys(value); return ( <div className={isExactHighlightPath ? styles.highlightArray : styles.array}> <div onClick={this.onCollapseClick}>{this.props.propertyKey}: <strong>{'[ '}</strong></div> {, index) => this.renderItem(item, index, index < value.length - 1, this.props.path))} <div><strong>{' ]'}</strong>{hasNext ? ',' : null}</div> </div> ); } else { return ( <div className={isExactHighlightPath ? styles.highlightArray : styles.array}> <div onClick={this.onCollapseClick}><strong>{'[ '}</strong></div> {, index) => this.renderItem(item, index, index < value.length - 1, this.props.path))} <div><strong>{' ]'}</strong>{hasNext ? ',' : null}</div> </div> ); } } } @connect() class Value extends React.Component { static contextTypes = { options: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired } constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { isEditing: false, path: props.path.slice() }; this.onSubmit = this.onSubmit.bind(this); this.onBlur = this.onBlur.bind(this); this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this); } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { return ( nextProps.value !== this.props.value || nextState.isEditing !== this.state.isEditing || nextProps.path !== this.props.path ); } onClick() { this.setState({ isEditing: this.context.options.canEdit ? true : false }); } onSubmit(value) { this.props.signals.debugger.modelChanged({ path: this.state.path, value }) this.setState({isEditing: false}); connector.sendEvent('changeModel', { path: this.state.path, value: value }); } onBlur() { this.setState({isEditing: false}); } renderValue(value, hasNext) { const isExactHighlightPath = this.props.highlightPath && String(this.props.highlightPath) === String(this.props.path); if (this.state.isEditing) { return ( <div className={isExactHighlightPath ? styles.highlightValue : null}> {this.props.propertyKey ? this.props.propertyKey + ': ' : <span/>} <span> <JSONInput value={value} onBlur={this.onBlur} onSubmit={this.onSubmit}/> </span> {hasNext ? ',' : null} </div> ); } else { return ( <div className={isExactHighlightPath ? styles.highlightValue : null}> {this.props.propertyKey ? this.props.propertyKey + ': ' : <span/>} <span onClick={this.onClick}>{isString(value) ? '"' + value + '"' : String(value)}</span> {hasNext ? ',' : null} </div> ); } } render() { let className = styles.string; if (isNumber(this.props.value)) className = styles.number; if (isBoolean(this.props.value)) className = styles.boolean; if (isNull(this.props.value)) className = styles.null; return ( <div className={className}> {this.renderValue(this.props.value, this.props.hasNext)} </div> ); } } class Inspector extends React.Component { static childContextTypes = { options: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired } getChildContext() { return { options: { expanded: this.props.expanded || false, canEdit: this.props.canEdit || false } } } render() { return renderType(this.props.value, false, [], null, this.props.path); } } export default Inspector;
'use strict'; function valuefy(value) { if (typeof value !== 'object') { return (typeof value === 'string') ? `"${value}"` : value; } let values = []; if (Array.isArray(value)) { for (const v of value) { values.push(valuefy(v)); } values = `[${values.join(',')}]`; } else { for (let v in value) { if ({}, v)) { values.push(`"${v}":${valuefy(value[v])}`); } } values = `{${values.join(',')}}`; } return values; } function serialize(target) { if (!target || typeof target !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('Invalid type of target'); } let values = []; for (let t in target) { if ({}, t)) { values.push(`${t}=${valuefy(target[t])}`); } } return values; } function extract(t, outter, onlyContent) { const start = onlyContent ? 1 : 0; const pad = onlyContent ? 0 : 1; return t.slice(start, t.lastIndexOf(outter) + pad); } function objectify(v) { if (v[0] === '{') { return JSON.parse(extract(v, '}')); } else if (v[0] === '[') { const set = []; const es = extract(v, ']', true); if (es[0] === '[' || es[0] === '{') { set.push(objectify(es)); } else { for (const e of es.split(',')) { set.push(objectify(e)); } } return set; } else if (v[0] === '"') { v = extract(v, '"', true); } return v; } function deserialize(values) { if (!values) { throw new TypeError('Invalid type of values'); } else if (!Array.isArray(values)) { values = [values]; } const target = {}; for (const v of values) { const fieldValue = v.split('=', 2); target[fieldValue[0]] = objectify(fieldValue[1]); } return target; } module.exports = { pairify: serialize, parse: deserialize };
export default class TasksService { static async fetchTasks() { const delay = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); await delay(1000); return [ { id: 0, description: "task1", status: "Active" }, { id: 1, description: "task2", status: "Active" }, ]; } }
/** * Vasya Hobot * * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Vyacheslav Slinko * Licensed under the MIT License */ function Message(chat, body) { this._chat = chat; this._body = body; } Message.prototype.getChat = function() { return this._chat; }; Message.prototype.getBody = function() { return this._body; }; module.exports = Message;
import React from 'react'; import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import UserProfile from '../UserProfile'; import Wrapper from '../Wrapper'; describe('<UserProfile />', () => { it('should render <Wrapper />', () => { const wrapper = shallow(<UserProfile />); expect(wrapper.find(Wrapper).length).toEqual(1); }); });
import React from 'react'; import { ActivityIndicator, StyleSheet, Image, Text, View, ListView, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native'; import Dimensions from 'Dimensions'; const {width, height} = Dimensions.get('window'); import globalVariables from '../globalVariables.js'; import LookCell from './LookCell.js'; import User from './User.js'; import DoneFooter from './DoneFooter.js'; import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons'; const LookDetail = React.createClass({ getInitialState() { return { dataSource: new ListView.DataSource({rowHasChanged: (r1, r2) => r1 !== r2}), comments: [], next:true, pageNo:1, animating:true }; }, getDefaultProps() { return { look:{}, navigator:"", }; }, componentWillMount() { this.queryRromServer(1); }, getDataSource(comments) { // return false; return this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRows(comments); }, renderFooter() { if (! { return ( <DoneFooter/> ); } return <ActivityIndicator style={styles.scrollSpinner} animating={this.state.animating}/>; }, renderHeader() { return ( <LookCell look={this.props.look} navigator={this.props.navigator} onSelect={function(){}} userCell={true} /> ); }, onEndReached() { if(this.props.look.comments_count==0){ this.setState({ next:false, }); return; } if ( && !this.state.animating) { this.setState({ animating: true }); this.queryRromServer(this.state.pageNo); } }, onSelectUser(user) { this.props.navigator.push({ component: User, title:, backButtonTitle:' ', passProps: { user:user, navigator:this.props.navigator, }, }); }, // shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState) { // console.log('LookDetail.js.js-shouldComponentUpdate'); // return JSON.stringify(nextState)!=JSON.stringify(this.state); // }, renderRow(comments) { if(!comments.comment||!comments.comment.user){ return false; } return ( <TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={0.8} onPress={()=>this.onSelectUser(comments.comment.user)} style={styles.flexContainer}> <Image source={{}} style={styles.avatar}/> <View style={styles.commentBody}> <View style={styles.commentHeader}> <View style={{flex:1}}> <Text style={styles.userName}>{}</Text> </View> <View style={styles.timeView}> <Icon name="ios-clock-outline" color={globalVariables.textBase} size={15}/> <Text style={styles.time}> {globalVariables.formatDateToString(comments.comment.created_at)}</Text> </View> </View> <Text style={styles.commentText}>{comments.comment.body}</Text> </View> </TouchableOpacity> ); }, render() { console.log(new Date()-0); console.log('LookDetail.js.js-render'); return ( <ListView dataSource={this.state.dataSource} renderRow={this.renderRow} onEndReached={this.onEndReached} renderHeader={this.renderHeader} renderFooter={this.renderFooter} onEndReachedThreshold={10} automaticallyAdjustContentInsets={false} keyboardDismissMode='on-drag' keyboardShouldPersistTaps={false} showsVerticalScrollIndicator={true} style={styles.container} /> ); }, queryRromServer(page) { globalVariables.queryRromServer('/comments/'+(page||1),this.processsResults); }, processsResults(data) { if (!data||!data.comments||!data.comments.length) { this.setState({ animating: false, next:false, }); return; } var newComments= this.state.comments.concat(data.comments); var next=newComments.length>=this.props.look.comments_count?false:true; this.setState({ comments: newComments, animating: false, dataSource: this.getDataSource(newComments), pageNo: this.state.pageNo+1, next:next, }); } }); const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { paddingTop: 64, backgroundColor: globalVariables.background, }, flexContainer: { opacity:0.97, padding: 10, flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'flex-start', }, commentBody: { flex: 1, flexDirection: "column", justifyContent: "center", }, commentHeader: { flexDirection: "row", alignItems: "flex-start" }, userName: { color:globalVariables.base, // fontSize:12, }, timeView:{ // width:50, flexDirection: "row", alignItems:'center', marginRight:5, }, time:{ color:globalVariables.textBase, fontSize:12, // , }, commentText: { // fontSize:12, marginTop:8, flexDirection: "row", color:globalVariables.textBase, }, avatar: { borderRadius: 18, width: 36, height: 36, marginRight: 10, marginLeft: 5, backgroundColor:globalVariables.textBase2, }, scrollSpinner: { marginVertical: 20, }, }); export default LookDetail;
var cv = require('../lib/opencv'); var COLOR = [0, 255, 0]; // default red var thickness = 2; // default 1 cv.readImage('./files/mona.png', function(err, im) { if (err) throw err; if (im.width() < 1 || im.height() < 1) throw new Error('Image has no size'); im.detectObject('../data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml', {}, function(err, faces) { if (err) throw err; for (var i = 0; i < faces.length; i++) { var face = faces[i]; im.rectangle([face.x, face.y], [face.width, face.height], COLOR, 2); }'./tmp/face-detection-rectangle.png'); console.log('Image saved to ./tmp/face-detection-rectangle.png'); }); });
// ======================================================================== // SproutCore -- JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright ©2006-2011, Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions copyright ©2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // ======================================================================== sc_require('controllers/object'); sc_require('mixins/selection_support'); sc_require('private/tree_item_observer'); /** @class A TreeController manages a tree of model objects that you might want to display in the UI using a collection view. For the most part, you should work with a TreeController much like you would an ObjectController, except that the TreeController will also provide an arrangedObjects property that can be used as the content of a CollectionView. TODO: Document More @extends SC.ObjectController @extends SC.SelectionSupport @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.TreeController = SC.ObjectController.extend(SC.SelectionSupport, /** @scope SC.TreeController.prototype */ { // .......................................................... // PROPERTIES // /** Set to YES if you want the top-level items in the tree to be displayed as group items in the collection view. @property {Boolean} */ treeItemIsGrouped: NO, /** If your content support expanding and collapsing of content, then set this property to the name of the key on your model that should be used to determine the expansion state of the item. The default is "treeItemIsExpanded" @property {String} */ treeItemIsExpandedKey: "treeItemIsExpanded", /** Set to the name of the property on your content object that holds the children array for each tree node. The default is "treeItemChildren". @property {String} */ treeItemChildrenKey: "treeItemChildren", /** Returns an SC.Array object that actually will represent the tree as a flat array suitable for use by a CollectionView. Other than binding this property as the content of a CollectionView, you generally should not use this property directly. Instead, work on the tree content using the TreeController like you would any other ObjectController. @property {SC.Array} */ arrangedObjects: function() { var ret, content = this.get('content'); if (content) { ret = SC.TreeItemObserver.create({ item: content, delegate: this }); } else ret = null; // empty! this._sctc_arrangedObjects = ret ; return ret ; }.property().cacheable(), // .......................................................... // PRIVATE // /** @private Manually invalidate the arrangedObjects cache so that we can teardown any existing value. We do it via an observer so that this will fire immediately instead of waiting on some other component to get arrangedObjects again. */ _sctc_invalidateArrangedObjects: function() { this.propertyWillChange('arrangedObjects'); var ret = this._sctc_arrangedObjects; if (ret) ret.destroy(); this._sctc_arrangedObjects = null; this.propertyDidChange('arrangedObjects'); }.observes('content', 'treeItemIsExpandedKey', 'treeItemChildrenKey', 'treeItemIsGrouped'), _sctc_arrangedObjectsContentDidChange: function() { this.updateSelectionAfterContentChange(); }.observes('*arrangedObjects.[]'), /** @private Returns the first item in arrangeObjects that is not a group. This uses a brute force approach right now; we assume you probably don't have a lot of groups up front. */ firstSelectableObject: function() { var objects = this.get('arrangedObjects'), indexes, len, idx = 0; if (!objects) return null; // fast track indexes = objects.contentGroupIndexes(null, objects); len = objects.get('length'); while(indexes.contains(idx) && (idx<len)) idx++; return idx>=len ? null : objects.objectAt(idx); }.property() });
import React, {Component} from 'react'; import PdfJS from './pdfJS'; import Contract from "../../contract"; import Event from '../../event'; import AnnotationLoader from '../../annotator/loader'; class Viewer extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = ({ page_no: 0, pdf_url: "", scale: 0, loading: true }); } componentDidMount() { this.subscribe_zoom = Event.subscribe('zoom:change', (scale) => { this.setState({scale: scale}); }); this.updateState(this.props); } updateState(props) { var {page_no, pdf_url} =; var scale = Contract.getPdfScale(); this.setState({ page_no, pdf_url, scale, loading: false }); } componentWillUnmount() { this.subscribe_zoom.remove(); } getPageID() { return 'pdf-' + this.state.page_no; } getAnnotations() { let page = []; let annotations = Contract.getAnnotations(); annotations.result.forEach(annotation=> { if (typeof annotation.shapes == 'object' && this.state.page_no == annotation.page_no) { page.push(annotation); } }); return page; } onPageRendered() { if (!this.annotator) { this.annotator = new AnnotationLoader('.pdf-annotator'); this.annotator.init(); Contract.setAnnotatorInstance(this.annotator); } const annotations = this.getAnnotations(); if (annotations.length > 0) { this.annotator.content.annotator("loadAnnotations", annotations); } Event.publish('annotation:loaded', 'pdf'); } componentWillReceiveProps(props) { this.updateState(props); } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { return ( !== this.state.page_no || this.state.scale !== nextState.scale); } render() { if (this.state.loading) { return ( <div className="pdf-viewer pdf-annotator"> <div className="pdf-wrapper"> Loading... </div> </div>); } return ( <div className="pdf-viewer pdf-annotator"> <div id={this.getPageID()} className="pdf-wrapper"> <PdfJS onPageRendered={this.onPageRendered.bind(this)} file={this.state.pdf_url} page={this.state.page_no} scale={this.state.scale}/> </div> <a href="#" className="change-view-icon exit-fullscreen"></a> </div> ); } } export default Viewer;
var ratio = require('ratio') function error(actual, expected) { return Math.abs(actual - expected) / expected } function approx(target, max) { max = (max || 10) // find a good approximation var best = 1, j, e, result for (var i = 1; i < max; i++) { j = Math.round(i * target) e = error(j / i, target) if (e >= best) continue best = e result = ratio(j, i) } return result } module.exports = approx
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 by Rafael Angel Aznar Aparici (rafaaznar at gmail dot com) * * openAUSIAS: The stunning micro-library that helps you to develop easily * AJAX web applications by using Java and jQuery * openAUSIAS is distributed under the MIT License (MIT) * Sources at * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * */ 'use strict'; /* Controllers */ moduloUsuariocursoxusuario.controller('UsuariocursoxusuarioPListController', ['$scope', '$routeParams', 'serverService', '$location', 'redirectService', 'sharedSpaceService', 'checkSessionStorageService', function ($scope, $routeParams, serverService, $location, redirectService, sharedSpaceService, checkSessionStorageService) { checkSessionStorageService.isSessionSessionStoraged(); $scope.visibles = {}; $ = true; $scope.visibles.titulo = true; $scope.visibles.descripcion = true; $scope.visibles.nota = true; $scope.ob = "usuariocursoxusuario"; $scope.op = "plist"; $scope.title = "Listado de usuariocursoxusuario"; $scope.icon = "fa-file-text-o"; $scope.neighbourhood = 2; if (!$ { $ = 1; } if (!$routeParams.rpp) { $routeParams.rpp = 999; } $scope.numpage = $; $scope.rpp = $routeParams.rpp; $scope.predicate = 'id'; $scope.reverse = false; $scope.orderCliente = function (predicate) { $scope.predicate = predicate; $scope.reverse = ($scope.predicate === predicate) ? !$scope.reverse : false; }; $scope.getListaCursos = function () { serverService.getDataFromPromise(serverService.promise_getListaCursos()).then(function (data) { redirectService.checkAndRedirect(data); if (data.status != 200) { $scope.statusListaCursos = "Error en la recepción de datos del servidor"; } else { $scope.listaCursos = data.message; for (var i = 0; i < $scope.listaCursos.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { if ($scope.listaCursos[i] == $scope.listaCursos[i - 1] { $scope.listaCursos[i - 1].alProfesores.push($scope.listaCursos[i].alProfesores[0]); $scope.listaCursos.splice(i, 1); i = i - 1; } } } } }); }; //$scope.rppPad = serverService.getNrppBar($scope.ob, $scope.op, $scope.numpage, $scope.rpp); // $scope.order = $routeParams.order; // $scope.ordervalue = $routeParams.value; // // $scope.filter = $routeParams.filter; // $scope.filteroperator = $routeParams.filteroperator; // $scope.filtervalue = $routeParams.filtervalue; // // $scope.systemfilter = $routeParams.systemfilter; // $scope.systemfilteroperator = $routeParams.systemfilteroperator; // $scope.systemfiltervalue = $routeParams.systemfiltervalue; $scope.order = ""; $scope.ordervalue = ""; $scope.filter = "id"; $scope.filteroperator = "like"; $scope.filtervalue = ""; $scope.systemfilter = ""; $scope.systemfilteroperator = ""; $scope.systemfiltervalue = ""; $scope.params = ""; $scope.paramsWithoutOrder = ""; $scope.paramsWithoutFilter = ""; $scope.paramsWithoutSystemFilter = ""; if ($routeParams.order && $routeParams.ordervalue) { $scope.order = $routeParams.order; $scope.ordervalue = $routeParams.ordervalue; $scope.orderParams = "&order=" + $routeParams.order + "&ordervalue=" + $routeParams.ordervalue; $scope.paramsWithoutFilter += $scope.orderParams; $scope.paramsWithoutSystemFilter += $scope.orderParams; } else { $scope.orderParams = ""; } if ($routeParams.filter && $routeParams.filteroperator && $routeParams.filtervalue) { $scope.filter = $routeParams.filter; $scope.filteroperator = $routeParams.filteroperator; $scope.filtervalue = $routeParams.filtervalue; $scope.filterParams = "&filter=" + $routeParams.filter + "&filteroperator=" + $routeParams.filteroperator + "&filtervalue=" + $routeParams.filtervalue; $scope.paramsWithoutOrder += $scope.filterParams; $scope.paramsWithoutSystemFilter += $scope.filterParams; } else { $scope.filterParams = ""; } if ($routeParams.systemfilter && $routeParams.systemfilteroperator && $routeParams.systemfiltervalue) { $scope.systemFilterParams = "&systemfilter=" + $routeParams.systemfilter + "&systemfilteroperator=" + $routeParams.systemfilteroperator + "&systemfiltervalue=" + $routeParams.systemfiltervalue; $scope.paramsWithoutOrder += $scope.systemFilterParams; $scope.paramsWithoutFilter += $scope.systemFilterParams; } else { $scope.systemFilterParams = ""; } $scope.params = ($scope.orderParams + $scope.filterParams + $scope.systemFilterParams); //$scope.paramsWithoutOrder = $scope.paramsWithoutOrder.replace('&', '?'); //$scope.paramsWithoutFilter = $scope.paramsWithoutFilter.replace('&', '?'); //$scope.paramsWithoutSystemFilter = $scope.paramsWithoutSystemFilter.replace('&', '?'); $scope.params = $scope.params.replace('&', '?'); $scope.getCursosPage = function () { serverService.getDataFromPromise(serverService.promise_getSomeUsuariocursoXUsuario($scope.ob, $scope.rpp, $scope.numpage, $scope.filterParams, $scope.orderParams, $scope.systemFilterParams)).then(function (data) { redirectService.checkAndRedirect(data); if (data.status != 200) { $scope.status = "Error en la recepción de datos del servidor"; } else { $scope.pages = data.message.pages.message; if (parseInt($scope.numpage) > parseInt($scope.pages)) $scope.numpage = $scope.pages; $ =; $scope.registers = data.message.registers.message; $scope.status = ""; } }); } $scope.getCursosPage(); // $scope.pages = serverService.getPages($scope.ob, $scope.rpp, null, null, null, null, null, null).then(function (datos5) { // $scope.pages = data['data']; // if (parseInt($ > parseInt($scope.pages)) // $ = $scope.pages; // //$location.path( "#/clientes/" +$scope.pages + "/" + $scope.pages); // }); // $scope.$watch('pages', function () { // $scope.$broadcast('myApp.construirBotoneraPaginas'); // }, true) // $scope.getRangeArray = function (lowEnd, highEnd) { var rangeArray = []; for (var i = lowEnd; i <= highEnd; i++) { rangeArray.push(i); } return rangeArray; }; $scope.evaluateMin = function (lowEnd, highEnd) { return Math.min(lowEnd, highEnd); }; $scope.evaluateMax = function (lowEnd, highEnd) { return Math.max(lowEnd, highEnd); }; $scope.dofilter = function () { if ($scope.filter != "" && $scope.filteroperator != "" && $scope.filtervalue != "") { //console.log('#/' + $scope.ob + '/' + $scope.op + '/' + $scope.numpage + '/' + $scope.rpp + '?filter=' + $scope.filter + '&filteroperator=' + $scope.filteroperator + '&filtervalue=' + $scope.filtervalue + $scope.paramsWithoutFilter); if ($routeParams.order && $routeParams.ordervalue) { if ($routeParams.systemfilter && $routeParams.systemfilteroperator) { $location.path($scope.ob + '/' + $scope.op + '/' + $scope.numpage + '/' + $scope.rpp).search('filter', $scope.filter).search('filteroperator', $scope.filteroperator).search('filtervalue', $scope.filtervalue).search('order', $routeParams.order).search('ordervalue', $routeParams.ordervalue).search('systemfilter', $routeParams.systemfilter).search('systemfilteroperator', $routeParams.systemfilteroperator).search('systemfiltervalue', $routeParams.systemfiltervalue); } else { $location.path($scope.ob + '/' + $scope.op + '/' + $scope.numpage + '/' + $scope.rpp).search('filter', $scope.filter).search('filteroperator', $scope.filteroperator).search('filtervalue', $scope.filtervalue).search('order', $routeParams.order).search('ordervalue', $routeParams.ordervalue); } } else { $location.path($scope.ob + '/' + $scope.op + '/' + $scope.numpage + '/' + $scope.rpp).search('filter', $scope.filter).search('filteroperator', $scope.filteroperator).search('filtervalue', $scope.filtervalue); } } return false; }; //$scope.$on('myApp.construirBotoneraPaginas', function () { // $scope.botoneraPaginas = serverService.getPaginationBar($scope.ob, $scope.op, $, $scope.pages, 2, $scope.rpp); //}) // // $scope.prettyFieldNames = serverService.getPrettyFieldNames($scope.ob).then(function (datos4) { // datos4['data'].push('acciones'); // $scope.prettyFieldNames = datos4['data']; // }); // // $scope.clientes = serverService.getPage($scope.ob, $, null, null, $scope.rpp, null, null, null, null, null, null).then(function (datos3) { // $scope.clientes = datos3['list']; // // }); // // $scope.fieldNames = serverService.getFieldNames($scope.ob).then(function (datos6) { // $scope.fieldNames = datos6['data']; // $scope.selectedFilterFieldName = null; // }); // // // $scope.$watch('numPagina', function () { // $scope.$broadcast('myApp.construirPagina'); // }, true) // // $scope.$on('myApp.construirPagina', function () { // // $scope.clientes = serverService.getPage($scope.ob, $, null, null, $scope.rpp, null, null, null, null, null, null).then(function (datos3) { // $scope.clientes = datos3['list']; // // }); // // }) // // $scope.filtrar = function () { // alert("f") // // // }; // $scope.$watch('filteroperator', function () { // console.log($scope.filter); // console.log($scope.filteroperator); // console.log($scope.filtervalue); // }, true) $scope.newObj = function (args) { $scope.objEdit = {}; $scope.position = undefined; switch (args.strClass) { case 'curso': $ = 0; break; case 'inscribirse': $scope.mostrarPass={}; if (sharedSpaceService.getFase() == 0) { serverService.getDataFromPromise(serverService.promise_getOne('curso', (data) { $scope.objEdit = data.message; $scope.objEdit.password; $scope.mostrarPass.mostrar=true; $; }); } else { $scope.objEdit = sharedSpaceService.getObject(); sharedSpaceService.setFase(0); } break; } ; }; $scope.edit = function (args) { $scope.objEdit = {}; switch (args.strClass) { case 'curso': $scope.position = $; if (sharedSpaceService.getFase() == 0) { serverService.getDataFromPromise(serverService.promise_getOne(args.strClass, (data) { $scope.objEdit = data.message; //date conversion }); } else { $scope.objEdit = sharedSpaceService.getObject(); sharedSpaceService.setFase(0); } break; } ; }; $ = function (type) { switch (type) { case 'curso': serverService.getDataFromPromise(serverService.promise_setCurso('curso', {json: JSON.stringify(serverService.array_identificarArray($scope.objEdit))})).then(function (data) { redirectService.checkAndRedirect(data); if (data.status = 200) { $scope.result = data; if ($scope.position !== undefined) { $[$scope.position].obj_curso = $scope.objEdit; $scope.position = undefined; } else { $scope.objFinal = {}; $ = $scope.result.message.idUsuarioCurso; $scope.objFinal.obj_curso = {id: $scope.result.message.idCurso}; $scope.objFinal.obj_curso.titulo = $scope.objEdit.titulo; $scope.objFinal.obj_curso.descripcion = $scope.objEdit.descripcion; $$scope.objFinal); } } }); break; case 'inscribirse': serverService.getDataFromPromise(serverService.promise_setUsuariocurso('usuariocurso', {json: JSON.stringify(serverService.array_identificarArray($scope.objEdit))})).then(function (data) { redirectService.checkAndRedirect(data); if (data.status = 200) { $scope.getCursosPage(); $scope.mostrarContraseña.mostrar=undefined; $scope.mostrarContraseña.idCurso=undefined; } }); break; } ; }; $scope.remove = function (type, id, idUsuarioCurso) { switch (type) { case 'curso': serverService.getDataFromPromise(serverService.promise_removeCurso(type, id, idUsuarioCurso)).then(function (data) { redirectService.checkAndRedirect(data); if (data.status = 200) { $scope.result = data; $$scope.position, 1); $scope.position = undefined; } }); break; } }; }]);
/** * Write the input to the paramsified file * * --- * INPUTS: * * - FILES * Write the list of files to the paramsified file (line feed after each filename). * * - STRINGS * Write the strings (concatenated) to the paramsified file. * * - STRING * Write the string to the paramsified file. * * - UNDEFINED * Touch the file. * * OUTPUT: * * - FILES * The filename that was written. * --- * * @module tasks * @submodule write */ var State = require('../state'), path = require('path'), mkdirp = require('mkdirp').mkdirp, fs = require('fs'); /** * Write out the input to the destination filename. * * This can only apply to single string inputs. * * @method writeTask * @param options {Object} Write task options * @param {String} Filename to write to. * @param options.encoding {String} [default='utf8'] Encoding to use when writing the file * @param options.mkdir {Boolean} [default=true] Make destination directory if it does not exist * @param options.dirmode {String} [default='0755'] Create new directories with this mode (chmod) * @param status {EventEmitter} Status object, handles 'complete' and 'failed' task exit statuses. * @param logger {winston.Logger} Logger instance, if additional logging required (other than task exit status) * @return {undefined} * @public */ function writeTask(options, status, logger) { var self = this, pathname = path.resolve(path.dirname(, name =, encoding = options && options.encoding || 'utf8', mkdir = options && options.mkdir || true, dirmode = options && options.dirmode || '0755'; // Write the content to the specified file. function writeFile(filename, data) { fs.writeFile(filename, data, encoding, function(err) { if (err) { status.emit('failed', 'write', 'error writing destination file: ' + err); } else { self._state.set(State.TYPES.FILES, [ filename ]); status.emit('complete', 'write', 'wrote ' + filename); } }); } // Create the paramsified path if it does not exist. function mkdirIfNotExist(filename, callback) { path.exists(filename, function(exists) { if (!exists) { if (mkdir === true) { mkdirp(filename, dirmode, function(err) { if (err) { callback(err); } else { callback(null); } }); } else { callback('tried to write a file to a non-existing directory and mkdir is false'); } } else { callback(null); } }); } switch (this._state.get().type) { case State.TYPES.FILES: mkdirIfNotExist(pathname, function(err) { if (err) { status.emit('failed', 'write', 'error creating destination directory: ' + err); } else { writeFile(name, self._state.get().value.join("\n")); } }); break; case State.TYPES.STRING: mkdirIfNotExist(pathname, function(err) { if (err) { status.emit('failed', 'write', 'error creating destination directory: ' + err); } else { writeFile(name, self._state.get().value); } }); break; case State.TYPES.STRINGS: mkdirIfNotExist(pathname, function(err) { if (err) { status.emit('failed', 'write', 'error creating destination directory: ' + err); } else { writeFile(name, self._state.get().value.join("")); } }); break; case State.TYPES.UNDEFINED: mkdirIfNotExist(pathname, function(err) { if (err) { status.emit('failed', 'write', 'error creating destination directory: ' + err); } else { writeFile(name, ""); } }); break; default: status.emit('failed', 'write', 'unrecognised input type: ' + this._type); break; } } exports.tasks = { 'write' : { callback: writeTask } };
(function () { "use strict"; /** * This module have an ability to contain constants. * No one can reinitialize any of already initialized constants */ var module = (function () { var constants = {}, hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, prefix = (Math.random() + "_").slice(2), isAllowed; /** * This private method checks if value is acceptable * @param value {String|Number|Boolean} - the value of the constant * @returns {boolean} * @private */ isAllowed = function (value) { switch (typeof value) { case "number": return true; case "string": return true; case "boolean": return true; default: return false; } }; return { /** * Constant getter * @param name {String} - the name of the constant * @returns {String|Number|Boolean|null} */ getConstant: function (name) { if (this.isDefined(name) === true) { return constants[prefix + name]; } return undefined; }, /** * Setter * @param name {String} - the name of the constant * @param value {String|Number|Boolean} - the value of the constant * @returns {boolean} */ setConstant: function (name, value) { if (isAllowed(value) !== true) { return false; } if (this.isDefined(name) === true) { return false; } constants[prefix + name] = value; return true; }, /** * This method checks if constant is already defined * @param name {String} - the name of the constant * @returns {boolean} */ isDefined: function (name) { return, prefix + name); } }; })(); /**Testing*/ module.setConstant("test", 123); print("test == " + module.getConstant("test")); print("idDefined(\"test\") == " + module.isDefined("test")); print("test2 == " + module.getConstant("test2")); print("idDefined(\"test2\") == " + module.isDefined("test2")); print(""); module.setConstant("test", 321); print("test == " + module.getConstant("test")); print(""); module.setConstant("test3", {a: 123}); print("test3 == " + module.getConstant("test3")); })();
var address = ''; var config = {}; var requestGroupId = 0; var readRequestsTodo = 0; var readRequestsDone = 0; var scanRequestsTodo = [0, 0, 0]; var scanRequestsDone = [0, 0, 0]; var scanResults = []; var requestSentCounter = 0; var requestSuccessCounter = 0; var requestFailureCounter = 0; var requestInProgress = false; var requestQueue = []; var socket = io({ transports: ['websocket'], timeout: 10000, reconnectionDelay: 500, autoConnect: true }); socket.on('reconnect', function() { window.location.reload(); }); var READ_RESPONSE_HANDLERS = { in: handleReadInputResponse, out: handleReadOutputResponse, anal: handleReadAnalogResponse, func: handleReadFunctionResponse }; $(function() { $('#config-address').on('change', function(e) { updateAddress(; reset(); }); $('#config-scan').on('click', scan); $('#config-file').on('change', function(e) { var file =[0]; if (!file || !/\.conf/.test( { updateInput(''); reset(); return; } var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(e) { updateInput(; reset(); }; reader.readAsText(file); }); $('#config-input').on('change', function(e) { $('#config-file').val(''); updateInput(; reset(); }); $('#outputs').on('click', '.output', function(e) { toggleOutput(config[]); }); $('#analogs') .on('change', '.form-control', function(e) { setAnalog(config[$(e.currentTarget).closest('.analog')[0]], e.currentTarget.value); }) .on('keyup', '.form-control', function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 13) { setAnalog(config[$(e.currentTarget).closest('.analog')[0]], e.currentTarget.value); } }); $('#functions') .on('change', '.form-control', function(e) { setFunction(config[$(e.currentTarget).closest('.function')[0]], e.currentTarget.value); }) .on('keyup', '.form-control', function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 13) { setFunction(config[$(e.currentTarget).closest('.function')[0]], e.currentTarget.value); } }); $(window).on('resize', resizeInput); resizeInput(); updateAddress(localStorage.ADDRESS || ''); updateInput(localStorage.INPUT || ''); reset(); }); function resizeInput() { var height = window.innerHeight - 90 - 54 - 20 - 53 - 15 - 53 - 15 - 30; $('#config-input').css('height', height + 'px'); } function updateAddress(newAddress) { newAddress = newAddress.trim(); localStorage.ADDRESS = newAddress; $('#config-address').val(newAddress); if (newAddress.length && newAddress.indexOf('.') === -1) { newAddress = '[' + newAddress + ']'; } address = newAddress; } function updateInput(newInput) { parseInput(newInput); if (!Object.keys(config).length) { newInput = 'Nieprawidłowy lub pusty plik!'; } else { localStorage.INPUT = newInput; } $('#config-input').val(newInput); } function parseInput(input) { config = {}; var re = /([A-Z0-9_-]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+(in|out|anal|func)/ig; var matches; while (matches = re.exec(input)) { var name = matches[1]; config[name] = { type: matches[4], name: name, tim: parseInt(matches[2], 10), channel: parseInt(matches[3], 10), writing: false, value: null }; } } function renderIo() { var html = { inputs: [], outputs: [], analogs: [], functions: [] }; Object.keys(config).forEach(function(key) { var io = config[key]; if (io.type === 'in') { renderInput(html.inputs, io); } else if (io.type === 'out') { renderOutput(html.outputs, io); } else if (io.type === 'anal') { renderAnalog(html.analogs, io); } else if (io.type === 'func') { renderFunction(html.functions, io); } }); Object.keys(html).forEach(function(ioType) { $('#' + ioType).html(html[ioType].join('')); }); } function renderInput(html, io) { html.push( '<span class="input label label-default" data-id="',, '">',, '</span>' ); } function renderOutput(html, io) { html.push( '<button class="output btn btn-default" data-id="',, '">',, '</button>' ); } function renderAnalog(html, io) { html.push( '<div class="analog" data-id="',, '"><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">',, '</span><input type="number" class="form-control" min="0" max="65535" step="1"></div></div>' ); } function renderFunction(html, io) { html.push( '<div class="function" data-id="',, '"><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">',, '</span><input type="text" class="form-control"></div></div>' ); } function reset() { ++requestGroupId; Object.keys(config).forEach(function(key) { config[key].value = null; }); readRequestsDone = 0; readRequestsTodo = 0; requestSentCounter = 0; requestSuccessCounter = 0; requestFailureCounter = 0; updateRequestCounter(); renderIo(); readAll(); } function updateRequestCounter() { $('#requestCounter-success').text(requestSuccessCounter); $('#requestCounter-failure').text(requestFailureCounter); $('#requestCounter-sent').text(requestSentCounter); } function readAll() { if (readRequestsDone !== readRequestsTodo) { return; } if (!address.length) { return; } var keys = Object.keys(config); readRequestsDone = 0; readRequestsTodo = keys.length; keys.forEach(function(key) { read(config[key]); }); requestSentCounter += readRequestsTodo; updateRequestCounter(); } function read(io) { var reqGroupId = requestGroupId; var req = { type: 'NON', code: 'GET', uri: 'coap://' + address + '/io/RD?tim=' + io.tim + '&ch=' + + '&t=' + io.type }; socket.emit('request', req, function(err, res) { if (requestGroupId !== reqGroupId) { return; } ++readRequestsDone; if (err) { ++requestFailureCounter; //console.error('Error reading %s: %s',, err.message); } else if (res.payload.indexOf('0') !== 0) { ++requestFailureCounter; console.error('Error reading %s (%s): %d',, res.code, res.payload.split('\n')[0]); } else { ++requestSuccessCounter; READ_RESPONSE_HANDLERS[io.type](io, res); } updateRequestCounter(); if (readRequestsDone === readRequestsTodo) { setTimeout(readAll, 333); } }); } function handleReadInputResponse(io, res) { var $input = $('.input[data-id="' + + '"]'); if (!$input.length) { return; } $input.removeClass('label-default label-success label-danger'); io.value = res.payload.indexOf('ON') !== -1 ? true : res.payload.indexOf('OFF') !== -1 ? false : null; if (io.value === true) { $input.addClass('label-success'); } else if (io.value === false) { $input.addClass('label-danger'); } else { $input.addClass('label-default'); } } function handleReadOutputResponse(io, res) { if (io.writing) { return; } var $output = $('.output[data-id="' + + '"]'); if (!$output.length) { return; } io.value = res.payload.indexOf('ON') !== -1 ? true : res.payload.indexOf('OFF') !== -1 ? false : null; $output .removeClass('btn-default btn-success btn-danger') .addClass(io.value === null ? 'btn-default' : io.value ? 'btn-success' : 'btn-danger'); } function handleReadAnalogResponse(io, res) { if (io.writing) { return; } var $analog = $('.analog[data-id="' + + '"]'); var $input = $analog.find('.form-control'); if (!$analog.length || document.activeElement === $input[0]) { return; } io.value = parseInt(res.payload.split('\n')[3], 10) || 0; $input.val(io.value); } function handleReadFunctionResponse(io, res) { if (io.writing) { return; } var $function = $('.function[data-id="' + + '"]'); var $input = $function.find('.form-control'); if (!$function.length || document.activeElement === $input[0]) { return; } io.value = res.payload.trim().split('\n')[3]; if (io.value === undefined) { io.value = ''; } $input.val(io.value); } function toggleOutput(io) { if (io.writing) { return; } io.writing = true; var $output = $('.output[data-id="' + + '"]'); $output .removeClass('btn-default btn-success btn-danger') .addClass('btn-warning'); ++requestSentCounter; updateRequestCounter(); var reqGroupId = requestGroupId; var req = { type: 'NON', code: 'POST', uri: 'coap://' + address + '/io/WD?tim=' + io.tim + '&ch=' + + '&t=' + io.type + '&tD=' + (io.value ? 'OFF' : 'ON') }; socket.emit('request', req, function(err, res) { if (requestGroupId !== reqGroupId) { return; } io.writing = false; if (err) { ++requestFailureCounter; console.error('Error writing %s: %s',, err.message); } else if (res.payload.indexOf('0') !== 0) { ++requestFailureCounter; console.error('Error writing %s (%s): %d',, res.code, res.payload.split('\n')[0]); } else { ++requestSuccessCounter; io.value = !io.value; } $output .removeClass('btn-warning') .addClass(io.value === null ? 'btn-default' : io.value ? 'btn-success' : 'btn-danger'); updateRequestCounter(); }); } function setAnalog(io, value) { value = parseInt(value, 10); if (io.writing || isNaN(value) || value < 0 || value > 0xFFFF) { return; } io.writing = true; var $analog = $('.analog[data-id="' + + '"]'); var $input = $analog.find('.form-control'); $analog.addClass('is-writing'); $input.attr('readonly', true); ++requestSentCounter; updateRequestCounter(); var reqGroupId = requestGroupId; var req = { type: 'NON', code: 'POST', uri: 'coap://' + address + '/io/WD?tim=' + io.tim + '&ch=' + + '&t=' + io.type + '&tD=' + value }; socket.emit('request', req, function(err, res) { if (requestGroupId !== reqGroupId) { return; } $analog.removeClass('is-writing'); io.writing = false; if (err) { ++requestFailureCounter; console.error('Error writing %s: %s',, err.message); } else if (res.payload.indexOf('0') !== 0) { ++requestFailureCounter; console.error('Error writing %s (%s): %d',, res.code, res.payload.split('\n')[0]); } else { ++requestSuccessCounter; io.value = value; $input.val(value).attr('readonly', false); } updateRequestCounter(); }); } function setFunction(io, value) { if (io.writing) { return; } io.writing = true; var $function = $('.function[data-id="' + + '"]'); var $input = $function.find('.form-control'); $function.addClass('is-writing'); $input.attr('readonly', true); ++requestSentCounter; updateRequestCounter(); var reqGroupId = requestGroupId; var req = { type: 'NON', code: 'POST', uri: 'coap://' + address + '/io/WD?tim=' + io.tim + '&ch=' + + '&t=' + io.type + '&tD=' + value }; socket.emit('request', req, function(err, res) { if (requestGroupId !== reqGroupId) { return; } $function.removeClass('is-writing'); io.writing = false; if (err) { ++requestFailureCounter; console.error('Error writing %s: %s',, err.message); } else if (res.payload.indexOf('0') !== 0) { ++requestFailureCounter; console.error('Error writing %s (%s): %d',, res.code, res.payload.split('\n')[0]); } else { ++requestSuccessCounter; io.value = value; $input.val(value).attr('readonly', false); } updateRequestCounter(); }); } function unlockAfterScan() { scanRequestsDone = [0, 0]; scanRequestsTodo = [0, 0]; scanResults = []; $('#config').find('.form-control').prop('disabled', false); } function scan() { if (!address.length || scanRequestsTodo[0] !== 0) { return; } updateInput(''); reset(); $('#config').find('.form-control').prop('disabled', true); var req = { type: 'CON', code: 'GET', uri: 'coap://' + address + '/io/TDisc' }; var options = { exchangeTimeout: 10000, transactionTimeout: 1000, maxRetransmit: 3, blockSize: 64 }; updateRequestCounter(++requestSentCounter); queueRequest(req, options, function(err, res) { if (err) { updateRequestCounter(++requestFailureCounter); unlockAfterScan(); return console.error("Error scanning: %s", err.message); } updateRequestCounter(++requestSuccessCounter); var tims = res.payload.split('\n')[1].split(','); scanRequestsDone = [0, 0]; scanRequestsTodo = [tims.length, 0]; scanResults = []; tims.forEach(function(timId) { scanTim(parseInt(timId.trim(), 10)); }); }); } function scanTim(timId) { var req = { type: 'CON', code: 'GET', uri: 'coap://' + address + '/io/CDisc?tim=' + timId }; var options = { exchangeTimeout: 10000, transactionTimeout: 1000, maxRetransmit: 3, blockSize: 64 }; updateRequestCounter(++requestSentCounter); queueRequest(req, options, function(err, res) { if (err) { updateRequestCounter(++requestFailureCounter); unlockAfterScan(); return console.error("Error scanning TIM %d: %s", timId, err.message); } updateRequestCounter(++requestSuccessCounter); ++scanRequestsDone[0]; var lines = res.payload.split('\n'); var channelIds = lines[2].split(','); var transducerNames = lines[3].replace(/"/g, '').split(','); scanRequestsTodo[1] += channelIds.length; channelIds.forEach(function(channelId, i) { setTimeout( scanChannel, Math.round(10 + Math.random() * 200), timId, parseInt(channelId.trim(), 10), transducerNames[i] ); }); }); } function scanChannel(timId, channelId, transducerName) { var req = { type: 'CON', code: 'GET', uri: 'coap://' + address + '/io/RTeds?tim=' + timId + '&ch=' + channelId + '&TT=4' }; var options = { exchangeTimeout: 10000, transactionTimeout: 1000, maxRetransmit: 3, blockSize: 64 }; updateRequestCounter(++requestSentCounter); queueRequest(req, options, function(err, res) { if (err) { updateRequestCounter(++requestFailureCounter); unlockAfterScan(); return console.error("Error scanning channel %d of TIM %d: %s", channelId, timId, err.message); } updateRequestCounter(++requestSuccessCounter); ++scanRequestsDone[1]; var type = null; if (/Digital Input/i.test(res.payload)) { type = 'in'; } else if (/Digital Output/i.test(res.payload)) { type = 'out'; } else if (/(Digit.*?|Analog|Step g) (Input|Output)/i.test(res.payload)) { type = 'anal'; } if (type) { scanResults.push({ timId: timId, channelId: channelId, name: (transducerName || ('T_' + timId + '_' + channelId)).trim(), type: type }); } if (scanRequestsDone[1] === scanRequestsTodo[1]) { buildInputFromScanResults(); } }); } function buildInputFromScanResults() { var input = []; scanResults.sort(function(a, b) { var r = a.timId - b.timId; if (r === 0) { r = a.channelId - b.channelId; } return r; }); scanResults.forEach(function(io) { input.push( + ' ' + io.timId + ' ' + io.channelId + ' ' + io.type); }); unlockAfterScan(); updateInput(input.join('\n')); renderIo(); readAll(); } function queueRequest(req, options, callback) { requestQueue.push(req, options, callback); if (!requestInProgress) { sendNextRequest(); } } function sendNextRequest() { var req = requestQueue.shift(); var options = requestQueue.shift(); var callback = requestQueue.shift(); if (!callback) { return; } requestInProgress = true; socket.emit('request', req, options, function(err, res) { requestInProgress = false; callback(err, res); sendNextRequest(); }); }
(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = { "default": require("core-js/library/fn/get-iterator"), __esModule: true }; },{"core-js/library/fn/get-iterator":6}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = { "default": require("core-js/library/fn/object/define-property"), __esModule: true }; },{"core-js/library/fn/object/define-property":7}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = { "default": require("core-js/library/fn/object/keys"), __esModule: true }; },{"core-js/library/fn/object/keys":8}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; exports.default = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; },{}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; var _defineProperty = require("../core-js/object/define-property"); var _defineProperty2 = _interopRequireDefault(_defineProperty); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } exports.default = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; (0, _defineProperty2.default)(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); },{"../core-js/object/define-property":2}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ require('../modules/web.dom.iterable'); require('../modules/es6.string.iterator'); module.exports = require('../modules/core.get-iterator'); },{"../modules/core.get-iterator":57,"../modules/es6.string.iterator":61,"../modules/web.dom.iterable":62}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ require('../../modules/es6.object.define-property'); var $Object = require('../../modules/_core').Object; module.exports = function defineProperty(it, key, desc){ return $Object.defineProperty(it, key, desc); }; },{"../../modules/_core":15,"../../modules/es6.object.define-property":59}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ require('../../modules/es6.object.keys'); module.exports = require('../../modules/_core').Object.keys; },{"../../modules/_core":15,"../../modules/es6.object.keys":60}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function(it){ if(typeof it != 'function')throw TypeError(it + ' is not a function!'); return it; }; },{}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function(){ /* empty */ }; },{}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ var isObject = require('./_is-object'); module.exports = function(it){ if(!isObject(it))throw TypeError(it + ' is not an object!'); return it; }; },{"./_is-object":29}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ // false -> Array#indexOf // true -> Array#includes var toIObject = require('./_to-iobject') , toLength = require('./_to-length') , toIndex = require('./_to-index'); module.exports = function(IS_INCLUDES){ return function($this, el, fromIndex){ var O = toIObject($this) , length = toLength(O.length) , index = toIndex(fromIndex, length) , value; // Array#includes uses SameValueZero equality algorithm if(IS_INCLUDES && el != el)while(length > index){ value = O[index++]; if(value != value)return true; // Array#toIndex ignores holes, Array#includes - not } else for(;length > index; index++)if(IS_INCLUDES || index in O){ if(O[index] === el)return IS_INCLUDES || index || 0; } return !IS_INCLUDES && -1; }; }; },{"./_to-index":48,"./_to-iobject":50,"./_to-length":51}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ // getting tag from Object.prototype.toString() var cof = require('./_cof') , TAG = require('./_wks')('toStringTag') // ES3 wrong here , ARG = cof(function(){ return arguments; }()) == 'Arguments'; // fallback for IE11 Script Access Denied error var tryGet = function(it, key){ try { return it[key]; } catch(e){ /* empty */ } }; module.exports = function(it){ var O, T, B; return it === undefined ? 'Undefined' : it === null ? 'Null' // @@toStringTag case : typeof (T = tryGet(O = Object(it), TAG)) == 'string' ? T // builtinTag case : ARG ? cof(O) // ES3 arguments fallback : (B = cof(O)) == 'Object' && typeof O.callee == 'function' ? 'Arguments' : B; }; },{"./_cof":14,"./_wks":55}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ var toString = {}.toString; module.exports = function(it){ return, -1); }; },{}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ var core = module.exports = {version: '2.4.0'}; if(typeof __e == 'number')__e = core; // eslint-disable-line no-undef },{}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ // optional / simple context binding var aFunction = require('./_a-function'); module.exports = function(fn, that, length){ aFunction(fn); if(that === undefined)return fn; switch(length){ case 1: return function(a){ return, a); }; case 2: return function(a, b){ return, a, b); }; case 3: return function(a, b, c){ return, a, b, c); }; } return function(/* ...args */){ return fn.apply(that, arguments); }; }; },{"./_a-function":9}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ // 7.2.1 RequireObjectCoercible(argument) module.exports = function(it){ if(it == undefined)throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + it); return it; }; },{}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ // Thank's IE8 for his funny defineProperty module.exports = !require('./_fails')(function(){ return Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', {get: function(){ return 7; }}).a != 7; }); },{"./_fails":22}],19:[function(require,module,exports){ var isObject = require('./_is-object') , document = require('./_global').document // in old IE typeof document.createElement is 'object' , is = isObject(document) && isObject(document.createElement); module.exports = function(it){ return is ? document.createElement(it) : {}; }; },{"./_global":23,"./_is-object":29}],20:[function(require,module,exports){ // IE 8- don't enum bug keys module.exports = ( 'constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf' ).split(','); },{}],21:[function(require,module,exports){ var global = require('./_global') , core = require('./_core') , ctx = require('./_ctx') , hide = require('./_hide') , PROTOTYPE = 'prototype'; var $export = function(type, name, source){ var IS_FORCED = type & $export.F , IS_GLOBAL = type & $export.G , IS_STATIC = type & $export.S , IS_PROTO = type & $export.P , IS_BIND = type & $export.B , IS_WRAP = type & $export.W , exports = IS_GLOBAL ? core : core[name] || (core[name] = {}) , expProto = exports[PROTOTYPE] , target = IS_GLOBAL ? global : IS_STATIC ? global[name] : (global[name] || {})[PROTOTYPE] , key, own, out; if(IS_GLOBAL)source = name; for(key in source){ // contains in native own = !IS_FORCED && target && target[key] !== undefined; if(own && key in exports)continue; // export native or passed out = own ? target[key] : source[key]; // prevent global pollution for namespaces exports[key] = IS_GLOBAL && typeof target[key] != 'function' ? source[key] // bind timers to global for call from export context : IS_BIND && own ? ctx(out, global) // wrap global constructors for prevent change them in library : IS_WRAP && target[key] == out ? (function(C){ var F = function(a, b, c){ if(this instanceof C){ switch(arguments.length){ case 0: return new C; case 1: return new C(a); case 2: return new C(a, b); } return new C(a, b, c); } return C.apply(this, arguments); }; F[PROTOTYPE] = C[PROTOTYPE]; return F; // make static versions for prototype methods })(out) : IS_PROTO && typeof out == 'function' ? ctx(, out) : out; // export proto methods to core.%CONSTRUCTOR%.methods.%NAME% if(IS_PROTO){ (exports.virtual || (exports.virtual = {}))[key] = out; // export proto methods to core.%CONSTRUCTOR%.prototype.%NAME% if(type & $export.R && expProto && !expProto[key])hide(expProto, key, out); } } }; // type bitmap $export.F = 1; // forced $export.G = 2; // global $export.S = 4; // static $export.P = 8; // proto $export.B = 16; // bind $export.W = 32; // wrap $export.U = 64; // safe $export.R = 128; // real proto method for `library` module.exports = $export; },{"./_core":15,"./_ctx":16,"./_global":23,"./_hide":25}],22:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function(exec){ try { return !!exec(); } catch(e){ return true; } }; },{}],23:[function(require,module,exports){ // var global = module.exports = typeof window != 'undefined' && window.Math == Math ? window : typeof self != 'undefined' && self.Math == Math ? self : Function('return this')(); if(typeof __g == 'number')__g = global; // eslint-disable-line no-undef },{}],24:[function(require,module,exports){ var hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty; module.exports = function(it, key){ return, key); }; },{}],25:[function(require,module,exports){ var dP = require('./_object-dp') , createDesc = require('./_property-desc'); module.exports = require('./_descriptors') ? function(object, key, value){ return dP.f(object, key, createDesc(1, value)); } : function(object, key, value){ object[key] = value; return object; }; },{"./_descriptors":18,"./_object-dp":36,"./_property-desc":42}],26:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = require('./_global').document && document.documentElement; },{"./_global":23}],27:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = !require('./_descriptors') && !require('./_fails')(function(){ return Object.defineProperty(require('./_dom-create')('div'), 'a', {get: function(){ return 7; }}).a != 7; }); },{"./_descriptors":18,"./_dom-create":19,"./_fails":22}],28:[function(require,module,exports){ // fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings var cof = require('./_cof'); module.exports = Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function(it){ return cof(it) == 'String' ? it.split('') : Object(it); }; },{"./_cof":14}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function(it){ return typeof it === 'object' ? it !== null : typeof it === 'function'; }; },{}],30:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var create = require('./_object-create') , descriptor = require('./_property-desc') , setToStringTag = require('./_set-to-string-tag') , IteratorPrototype = {}; // %IteratorPrototype%[@@iterator]() require('./_hide')(IteratorPrototype, require('./_wks')('iterator'), function(){ return this; }); module.exports = function(Constructor, NAME, next){ Constructor.prototype = create(IteratorPrototype, {next: descriptor(1, next)}); setToStringTag(Constructor, NAME + ' Iterator'); }; },{"./_hide":25,"./_object-create":35,"./_property-desc":42,"./_set-to-string-tag":44,"./_wks":55}],31:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var LIBRARY = require('./_library') , $export = require('./_export') , redefine = require('./_redefine') , hide = require('./_hide') , has = require('./_has') , Iterators = require('./_iterators') , $iterCreate = require('./_iter-create') , setToStringTag = require('./_set-to-string-tag') , getPrototypeOf = require('./_object-gpo') , ITERATOR = require('./_wks')('iterator') , BUGGY = !([].keys && 'next' in [].keys()) // Safari has buggy iterators w/o `next` , FF_ITERATOR = '@@iterator' , KEYS = 'keys' , VALUES = 'values'; var returnThis = function(){ return this; }; module.exports = function(Base, NAME, Constructor, next, DEFAULT, IS_SET, FORCED){ $iterCreate(Constructor, NAME, next); var getMethod = function(kind){ if(!BUGGY && kind in proto)return proto[kind]; switch(kind){ case KEYS: return function keys(){ return new Constructor(this, kind); }; case VALUES: return function values(){ return new Constructor(this, kind); }; } return function entries(){ return new Constructor(this, kind); }; }; var TAG = NAME + ' Iterator' , DEF_VALUES = DEFAULT == VALUES , VALUES_BUG = false , proto = Base.prototype , $native = proto[ITERATOR] || proto[FF_ITERATOR] || DEFAULT && proto[DEFAULT] , $default = $native || getMethod(DEFAULT) , $entries = DEFAULT ? !DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod('entries') : undefined , $anyNative = NAME == 'Array' ? proto.entries || $native : $native , methods, key, IteratorPrototype; // Fix native if($anyNative){ IteratorPrototype = getPrototypeOf($ Base)); if(IteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype){ // Set @@toStringTag to native iterators setToStringTag(IteratorPrototype, TAG, true); // fix for some old engines if(!LIBRARY && !has(IteratorPrototype, ITERATOR))hide(IteratorPrototype, ITERATOR, returnThis); } } // fix Array#{values, @@iterator}.name in V8 / FF if(DEF_VALUES && $native && $ !== VALUES){ VALUES_BUG = true; $default = function values(){ return $; }; } // Define iterator if((!LIBRARY || FORCED) && (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG || !proto[ITERATOR])){ hide(proto, ITERATOR, $default); } // Plug for library Iterators[NAME] = $default; Iterators[TAG] = returnThis; if(DEFAULT){ methods = { values: DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod(VALUES), keys: IS_SET ? $default : getMethod(KEYS), entries: $entries }; if(FORCED)for(key in methods){ if(!(key in proto))redefine(proto, key, methods[key]); } else $export($export.P + $export.F * (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG), NAME, methods); } return methods; }; },{"./_export":21,"./_has":24,"./_hide":25,"./_iter-create":30,"./_iterators":33,"./_library":34,"./_object-gpo":38,"./_redefine":43,"./_set-to-string-tag":44,"./_wks":55}],32:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function(done, value){ return {value: value, done: !!done}; }; },{}],33:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = {}; },{}],34:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = true; },{}],35:[function(require,module,exports){ // / Object.create(O [, Properties]) var anObject = require('./_an-object') , dPs = require('./_object-dps') , enumBugKeys = require('./_enum-bug-keys') , IE_PROTO = require('./_shared-key')('IE_PROTO') , Empty = function(){ /* empty */ } , PROTOTYPE = 'prototype'; // Create object with fake `null` prototype: use iframe Object with cleared prototype var createDict = function(){ // Thrash, waste and sodomy: IE GC bug var iframe = require('./_dom-create')('iframe') , i = enumBugKeys.length , lt = '<' , gt = '>' , iframeDocument; = 'none'; require('./_html').appendChild(iframe); iframe.src = 'javascript:'; // eslint-disable-line no-script-url // createDict = iframe.contentWindow.Object; // html.removeChild(iframe); iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document;; iframeDocument.write(lt + 'script' + gt + 'document.F=Object' + lt + '/script' + gt); iframeDocument.close(); createDict = iframeDocument.F; while(i--)delete createDict[PROTOTYPE][enumBugKeys[i]]; return createDict(); }; module.exports = Object.create || function create(O, Properties){ var result; if(O !== null){ Empty[PROTOTYPE] = anObject(O); result = new Empty; Empty[PROTOTYPE] = null; // add "__proto__" for Object.getPrototypeOf polyfill result[IE_PROTO] = O; } else result = createDict(); return Properties === undefined ? result : dPs(result, Properties); }; },{"./_an-object":11,"./_dom-create":19,"./_enum-bug-keys":20,"./_html":26,"./_object-dps":37,"./_shared-key":45}],36:[function(require,module,exports){ var anObject = require('./_an-object') , IE8_DOM_DEFINE = require('./_ie8-dom-define') , toPrimitive = require('./_to-primitive') , dP = Object.defineProperty; exports.f = require('./_descriptors') ? Object.defineProperty : function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes){ anObject(O); P = toPrimitive(P, true); anObject(Attributes); if(IE8_DOM_DEFINE)try { return dP(O, P, Attributes); } catch(e){ /* empty */ } if('get' in Attributes || 'set' in Attributes)throw TypeError('Accessors not supported!'); if('value' in Attributes)O[P] = Attributes.value; return O; }; },{"./_an-object":11,"./_descriptors":18,"./_ie8-dom-define":27,"./_to-primitive":53}],37:[function(require,module,exports){ var dP = require('./_object-dp') , anObject = require('./_an-object') , getKeys = require('./_object-keys'); module.exports = require('./_descriptors') ? Object.defineProperties : function defineProperties(O, Properties){ anObject(O); var keys = getKeys(Properties) , length = keys.length , i = 0 , P; while(length > i)dP.f(O, P = keys[i++], Properties[P]); return O; }; },{"./_an-object":11,"./_descriptors":18,"./_object-dp":36,"./_object-keys":40}],38:[function(require,module,exports){ // / Object.getPrototypeOf(O) var has = require('./_has') , toObject = require('./_to-object') , IE_PROTO = require('./_shared-key')('IE_PROTO') , ObjectProto = Object.prototype; module.exports = Object.getPrototypeOf || function(O){ O = toObject(O); if(has(O, IE_PROTO))return O[IE_PROTO]; if(typeof O.constructor == 'function' && O instanceof O.constructor){ return O.constructor.prototype; } return O instanceof Object ? ObjectProto : null; }; },{"./_has":24,"./_shared-key":45,"./_to-object":52}],39:[function(require,module,exports){ var has = require('./_has') , toIObject = require('./_to-iobject') , arrayIndexOf = require('./_array-includes')(false) , IE_PROTO = require('./_shared-key')('IE_PROTO'); module.exports = function(object, names){ var O = toIObject(object) , i = 0 , result = [] , key; for(key in O)if(key != IE_PROTO)has(O, key) && result.push(key); // Don't enum bug & hidden keys while(names.length > i)if(has(O, key = names[i++])){ ~arrayIndexOf(result, key) || result.push(key); } return result; }; },{"./_array-includes":12,"./_has":24,"./_shared-key":45,"./_to-iobject":50}],40:[function(require,module,exports){ // / Object.keys(O) var $keys = require('./_object-keys-internal') , enumBugKeys = require('./_enum-bug-keys'); module.exports = Object.keys || function keys(O){ return $keys(O, enumBugKeys); }; },{"./_enum-bug-keys":20,"./_object-keys-internal":39}],41:[function(require,module,exports){ // most Object methods by ES6 should accept primitives var $export = require('./_export') , core = require('./_core') , fails = require('./_fails'); module.exports = function(KEY, exec){ var fn = (core.Object || {})[KEY] || Object[KEY] , exp = {}; exp[KEY] = exec(fn); $export($export.S + $export.F * fails(function(){ fn(1); }), 'Object', exp); }; },{"./_core":15,"./_export":21,"./_fails":22}],42:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function(bitmap, value){ return { enumerable : !(bitmap & 1), configurable: !(bitmap & 2), writable : !(bitmap & 4), value : value }; }; },{}],43:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = require('./_hide'); },{"./_hide":25}],44:[function(require,module,exports){ var def = require('./_object-dp').f , has = require('./_has') , TAG = require('./_wks')('toStringTag'); module.exports = function(it, tag, stat){ if(it && !has(it = stat ? it : it.prototype, TAG))def(it, TAG, {configurable: true, value: tag}); }; },{"./_has":24,"./_object-dp":36,"./_wks":55}],45:[function(require,module,exports){ var shared = require('./_shared')('keys') , uid = require('./_uid'); module.exports = function(key){ return shared[key] || (shared[key] = uid(key)); }; },{"./_shared":46,"./_uid":54}],46:[function(require,module,exports){ var global = require('./_global') , SHARED = '__core-js_shared__' , store = global[SHARED] || (global[SHARED] = {}); module.exports = function(key){ return store[key] || (store[key] = {}); }; },{"./_global":23}],47:[function(require,module,exports){ var toInteger = require('./_to-integer') , defined = require('./_defined'); // true -> String#at // false -> String#codePointAt module.exports = function(TO_STRING){ return function(that, pos){ var s = String(defined(that)) , i = toInteger(pos) , l = s.length , a, b; if(i < 0 || i >= l)return TO_STRING ? '' : undefined; a = s.charCodeAt(i); return a < 0xd800 || a > 0xdbff || i + 1 === l || (b = s.charCodeAt(i + 1)) < 0xdc00 || b > 0xdfff ? TO_STRING ? s.charAt(i) : a : TO_STRING ? s.slice(i, i + 2) : (a - 0xd800 << 10) + (b - 0xdc00) + 0x10000; }; }; },{"./_defined":17,"./_to-integer":49}],48:[function(require,module,exports){ var toInteger = require('./_to-integer') , max = Math.max , min = Math.min; module.exports = function(index, length){ index = toInteger(index); return index < 0 ? max(index + length, 0) : min(index, length); }; },{"./_to-integer":49}],49:[function(require,module,exports){ // 7.1.4 ToInteger var ceil = Math.ceil , floor = Math.floor; module.exports = function(it){ return isNaN(it = +it) ? 0 : (it > 0 ? floor : ceil)(it); }; },{}],50:[function(require,module,exports){ // to indexed object, toObject with fallback for non-array-like ES3 strings var IObject = require('./_iobject') , defined = require('./_defined'); module.exports = function(it){ return IObject(defined(it)); }; },{"./_defined":17,"./_iobject":28}],51:[function(require,module,exports){ // 7.1.15 ToLength var toInteger = require('./_to-integer') , min = Math.min; module.exports = function(it){ return it > 0 ? min(toInteger(it), 0x1fffffffffffff) : 0; // pow(2, 53) - 1 == 9007199254740991 }; },{"./_to-integer":49}],52:[function(require,module,exports){ // 7.1.13 ToObject(argument) var defined = require('./_defined'); module.exports = function(it){ return Object(defined(it)); }; },{"./_defined":17}],53:[function(require,module,exports){ // 7.1.1 ToPrimitive(input [, PreferredType]) var isObject = require('./_is-object'); // instead of the ES6 spec version, we didn't implement @@toPrimitive case // and the second argument - flag - preferred type is a string module.exports = function(it, S){ if(!isObject(it))return it; var fn, val; if(S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = val; if(typeof (fn = it.valueOf) == 'function' && !isObject(val = val; if(!S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = val; throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value"); }; },{"./_is-object":29}],54:[function(require,module,exports){ var id = 0 , px = Math.random(); module.exports = function(key){ return 'Symbol('.concat(key === undefined ? '' : key, ')_', (++id + px).toString(36)); }; },{}],55:[function(require,module,exports){ var store = require('./_shared')('wks') , uid = require('./_uid') , Symbol = require('./_global').Symbol , USE_SYMBOL = typeof Symbol == 'function'; var $exports = module.exports = function(name){ return store[name] || (store[name] = USE_SYMBOL && Symbol[name] || (USE_SYMBOL ? Symbol : uid)('Symbol.' + name)); }; $ = store; },{"./_global":23,"./_shared":46,"./_uid":54}],56:[function(require,module,exports){ var classof = require('./_classof') , ITERATOR = require('./_wks')('iterator') , Iterators = require('./_iterators'); module.exports = require('./_core').getIteratorMethod = function(it){ if(it != undefined)return it[ITERATOR] || it['@@iterator'] || Iterators[classof(it)]; }; },{"./_classof":13,"./_core":15,"./_iterators":33,"./_wks":55}],57:[function(require,module,exports){ var anObject = require('./_an-object') , get = require('./core.get-iterator-method'); module.exports = require('./_core').getIterator = function(it){ var iterFn = get(it); if(typeof iterFn != 'function')throw TypeError(it + ' is not iterable!'); return anObject(; }; },{"./_an-object":11,"./_core":15,"./core.get-iterator-method":56}],58:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var addToUnscopables = require('./_add-to-unscopables') , step = require('./_iter-step') , Iterators = require('./_iterators') , toIObject = require('./_to-iobject'); // Array.prototype.entries() // Array.prototype.keys() // Array.prototype.values() // Array.prototype[@@iterator]() module.exports = require('./_iter-define')(Array, 'Array', function(iterated, kind){ this._t = toIObject(iterated); // target this._i = 0; // next index this._k = kind; // kind // }, function(){ var O = this._t , kind = this._k , index = this._i++; if(!O || index >= O.length){ this._t = undefined; return step(1); } if(kind == 'keys' )return step(0, index); if(kind == 'values')return step(0, O[index]); return step(0, [index, O[index]]); }, 'values'); // argumentsList[@@iterator] is %ArrayProto_values% (, Iterators.Arguments = Iterators.Array; addToUnscopables('keys'); addToUnscopables('values'); addToUnscopables('entries'); },{"./_add-to-unscopables":10,"./_iter-define":31,"./_iter-step":32,"./_iterators":33,"./_to-iobject":50}],59:[function(require,module,exports){ var $export = require('./_export'); // / Object.defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) $export($export.S + $export.F * !require('./_descriptors'), 'Object', {defineProperty: require('./_object-dp').f}); },{"./_descriptors":18,"./_export":21,"./_object-dp":36}],60:[function(require,module,exports){ // Object.keys(O) var toObject = require('./_to-object') , $keys = require('./_object-keys'); require('./_object-sap')('keys', function(){ return function keys(it){ return $keys(toObject(it)); }; }); },{"./_object-keys":40,"./_object-sap":41,"./_to-object":52}],61:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $at = require('./_string-at')(true); // String.prototype[@@iterator]() require('./_iter-define')(String, 'String', function(iterated){ this._t = String(iterated); // target this._i = 0; // next index // }, function(){ var O = this._t , index = this._i , point; if(index >= O.length)return {value: undefined, done: true}; point = $at(O, index); this._i += point.length; return {value: point, done: false}; }); },{"./_iter-define":31,"./_string-at":47}],62:[function(require,module,exports){ require('./es6.array.iterator'); var global = require('./_global') , hide = require('./_hide') , Iterators = require('./_iterators') , TO_STRING_TAG = require('./_wks')('toStringTag'); for(var collections = ['NodeList', 'DOMTokenList', 'MediaList', 'StyleSheetList', 'CSSRuleList'], i = 0; i < 5; i++){ var NAME = collections[i] , Collection = global[NAME] , proto = Collection && Collection.prototype; if(proto && !proto[TO_STRING_TAG])hide(proto, TO_STRING_TAG, NAME); Iterators[NAME] = Iterators.Array; } },{"./_global":23,"./_hide":25,"./_iterators":33,"./_wks":55,"./es6.array.iterator":58}],63:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _keys = require("babel-runtime/core-js/object/keys"); var _keys2 = _interopRequireDefault(_keys); var _getIterator2 = require("babel-runtime/core-js/get-iterator"); var _getIterator3 = _interopRequireDefault(_getIterator2); var _classCallCheck2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck"); var _classCallCheck3 = _interopRequireDefault(_classCallCheck2); var _createClass2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/createClass"); var _createClass3 = _interopRequireDefault(_createClass2); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } /** * Emitter */ var Emitter = function () { function Emitter() { (0, _classCallCheck3.default)(this, Emitter); this._data = {}; } (0, _createClass3.default)(Emitter, [{ key: "on", value: function on(name, data) { if (!name) return; if (!this._data[name]) { this._data[name] = {}; } this._data[name] = data; } }, { key: "emit", value: function emit(name, method, context) { if (!name || !method) return; this._data[name].run(method, context); } }, { key: "broadcast", value: function broadcast(method, context) { if (!method) return; var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true; var _didIteratorError = false; var _iteratorError = undefined; try { for (var _iterator = (0, _getIterator3.default)((0, _keys2.default)(this._data)), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) { var name = _step.value; this._data[name].run(method, context); } } catch (err) { _didIteratorError = true; _iteratorError = err; } finally { try { if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) { _iterator.return(); } } finally { if (_didIteratorError) { throw _iteratorError; } } } } }, { key: "keys", value: function keys() { return (0, _keys2.default)(this._data); } }, { key: "is", value: function is(name) { return !!this._data[name]; } }, { key: "get", value: function get(name) { return this._data[name]; } }]); return Emitter; }(); exports.default = Emitter; },{"babel-runtime/core-js/get-iterator":1,"babel-runtime/core-js/object/keys":3,"babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck":4,"babel-runtime/helpers/createClass":5}],64:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _keys = require('babel-runtime/core-js/object/keys'); var _keys2 = _interopRequireDefault(_keys); var _getIterator2 = require('babel-runtime/core-js/get-iterator'); var _getIterator3 = _interopRequireDefault(_getIterator2); var _classCallCheck2 = require('babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck'); var _classCallCheck3 = _interopRequireDefault(_classCallCheck2); var _createClass2 = require('babel-runtime/helpers/createClass'); var _createClass3 = _interopRequireDefault(_createClass2); var _Emitter = require('../class/_Emitter'); var _Emitter2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Emitter); var _Subscriber = require('../class/_Subscriber'); var _Subscriber2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Subscriber); var _RequestAnim = require('../class/_RequestAnim'); var _RequestAnim2 = _interopRequireDefault(_RequestAnim); var _calc = require('../module/_calc'); var _calc2 = _interopRequireDefault(_calc); var _help = require('../module/_help'); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var Flyby = function () { function Flyby(options) { (0, _classCallCheck3.default)(this, Flyby); this.enabled = false; this.mode = ''; this.painting = false; this.startX = 0; this.startY = 0; this.ghostX = 0; this.ghostY = 0; this.currentX = 0; this.currentY = 0; this.distanceX = 0; this.distanceY = 0; this.distanceAngle = 0; this.invertX = 0; this.invertY = 0; this.originX = 0; this.originY = 0; this.between = 0; this.betweenX = 0; this.betweenY = 0; this.betweenAngle = 0; this.previousX = 0; this.previousY = 0; this.direction = ''; this.directionX = ''; this.directionY = ''; this.targetElement = null; // <> this.startTime = 0; // timestamp by OnStart this.elapsed = 0; // <endTime> - <startTime> this.ghostTime = 0; // previously <startTime> this.onStart = this.onStart.bind(this); this.onMove = this.onMove.bind(this); this.onEnd = this.onEnd.bind(this); this.update = this.update.bind(this); // In this element, that enabled to mouse and touch events. this.rangeElement = options.rangeElement || document; this._addEventListeners(); // Browser painting update // call requestAnimationFrame this.paint = new _RequestAnim2.default(); this.paint.tick = this.update; this.first = false; this.pinchOnDesktop = false; this.flickTime = 250; // event emitter this.emitter = new _Emitter2.default(); this._initSubscribe(options.subscribers); // emit configuration this.emitter.broadcast('onConfig', this); this.subscriber = null; } (0, _createClass3.default)(Flyby, [{ key: 'onStart', value: function onStart(event) { // set the flags to initialize this.enabled = true; this.painting = true; this.touched = event.touches ? true : false; this.first = true; this.pinchOnDesktop = false; // set the position to initalize this.startTime =; this.startX = (0, _help.pageX)(event); this.startY = (0, _help.pageY)(event); this.distanceX = 0; this.distanceY = 0; this.distanceAngle = 0; this.distance = 0; this.currentX = this.startX; this.currentY = this.startY; this.invertX = this.startX; this.invertY = this.startY; this.previousX = this.startX; this.previousY = this.startY; this.between = 0; this.betweenX = 0; this.betweenY = 0; this.betweenAngle = 0; this.direction = ''; this.directionX = ''; this.directionY = ''; this.targetElement =; if (!this.touched) { if (this.startTime - this.ghostTime < 750) { this.pinchOnDesktop = true; } } // find a target & subscriber this._find(; // subscribe this._emit('onStart'); // paint this.paint.cancel();; this.ghostTime = this.startTime; event.preventDefault(); } }, { key: 'onMove', value: function onMove(event) { if (!this.enabled) return; if ((0, _help.hasTouches)(event, 2) || this.pinchOnDesktop) { this.mode = 'pinch'; } else { this.mode = 'swipe'; } this.currentX = (0, _help.pageX)(event); this.currentY = (0, _help.pageY)(event); if (this.mode === 'pinch') { this._invert(event); this._between(); } this._distance(); this.originX = this.currentX - parseInt(this.betweenX / 2, 10); this.originY = this.currentY - parseInt(this.betweenY / 2, 10); this._direction(); this.targetElement =; // check ignore list to subscribe if (!this._inIgnore(this.mode)) { if (this.first) { // do of only once on `onMove` method. this.direction = _calc2.default.which(this.distanceAngle); } if (this.mode !== 'swipe' || !this._inIgnore(this.direction)) { if (this.first) { this._emit('onOnce'); } else { this._emit('on' + (0, _help.camel)(this.mode)); } event.preventDefault(); } } // to next step this.first = false; this.previousX = this.currentX; this.previousY = this.currentY; } }, { key: 'onEnd', value: function onEnd(event) { this.enabled = false; this.touched = false; this.elapsed = - this.startTime; this.ghostX = this.startX; this.ghostY = this.startY; this.targetElement =; if (this._isFlick(this.elapsed)) { this._emit('onFlick'); } // element & subscriber this._emit('onEnd'); } /** * update * Call in requestAnimationFrame * Related Paiting Dom is here. */ }, { key: 'update', value: function update() { if (!this.painting) return;; // subscribe this._emit('onUpdate'); } /** * invert * The posision is another one that is B. * @private * @param {Object} event<EventObject> */ }, { key: '_invert', value: function _invert(event) { if (this.touched && event.touches[1]) { this.currentX = event.touches[0].pageX; this.currentY = event.touches[0].pageY; this.invertX = event.touches[1].pageX; this.invertY = event.touches[1].pageY; } else { this.invertX = this.ghostX; this.invertY = this.ghostY; } } /** * distance * @private */ }, { key: '_distance', value: function _distance() { this.distanceX = this.currentX - this.startX; this.distanceY = this.currentY - this.startY; this.distance = _calc2.default.diagonal(this.distanceX, this.distanceY); this.distanceAngle = _calc2.default.angle(this.distanceY * -1, this.distanceX, true); } /** * between * Distance of between A and B * @private */ }, { key: '_between', value: function _between() { this.betweenX = this.currentX - this.invertX; this.betweenY = this.currentY - this.invertY; this.between = _calc2.default.diagonal(this.betweenX, this.betweenY); this.betweenAngle = _calc2.default.angle(this.betweenY * -1, this.betweenX, true); } /** * direction * @private */ }, { key: '_direction', value: function _direction() { if (this.currentX > this.previousX) { this.directionX = 'to right'; } else if (this.currentX < this.previousX) { this.directionX = 'to left'; } if (this.currentY > this.previousY) { this.directionY = 'to bottom'; } else if (this.currentY < this.previousY) { this.directionY = 'to top'; } } /** * emit * @private * @param {String} suffix * 指定された文字列をキャメルケースに変換し, on と結合してメソッド名にする * subscriber 内のメソッドを実行する */ }, { key: '_emit', value: function _emit(method) { if (!method || !this.subscriber) return; this.emitter.emit(this.subscriber.selector, method, this); } /** * find * @private * @param {Object} node<HTMLElement> * 今回実行するべき subscriber を探します */ }, { key: '_find', value: function _find(el) { var found = false; this.subscriber = null; // nodeTree を上方向に探索します while (el && !found) { if (el === (0, _help.documentElement)()) { return found; } var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true; var _didIteratorError = false; var _iteratorError = undefined; try { for (var _iterator = (0, _getIterator3.default)(this.emitter.keys()), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) { var name = _step.value; var prefix = name.slice(0, 1); var selector = name.substr(1); if ((0, _help.matchElement)(el, selector)) { if ( { this.subscriber = this.emitter.get(name); this.subscriber.el = el; found = true; return found; } } } } catch (err) { _didIteratorError = true; _iteratorError = err; } finally { try { if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) { _iterator.return(); } } finally { if (_didIteratorError) { throw _iteratorError; } } } el = el.parentNode; } return found; } /** * initSubscribe * @private */ }, { key: '_initSubscribe', value: function _initSubscribe(subscribers) { if (subscribers) { var _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true; var _didIteratorError2 = false; var _iteratorError2 = undefined; try { for (var _iterator2 = (0, _getIterator3.default)((0, _keys2.default)(subscribers)), _step2; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion2 = (_step2 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true) { var name = _step2.value; this.emitter.on(name, new _Subscriber2.default(name, subscribers[name])); } } catch (err) { _didIteratorError2 = true; _iteratorError2 = err; } finally { try { if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion2 && _iterator2.return) { _iterator2.return(); } } finally { if (_didIteratorError2) { throw _iteratorError2; } } } } } /** * The `str` includes in ignore list. * @param {String} str * @return {Boolean} */ }, { key: '_inIgnore', value: function _inIgnore(str) { return this.subscriber.ignore.includes(str); } /** * is Flick? * @return {Boolean} */ }, { key: '_isFlick', value: function _isFlick(elapsed) { return elapsed < this.flickTime && elapsed > 50; } /** * addEventListeners * @private */ }, { key: '_addEventListeners', value: function _addEventListeners() { this.rangeElement.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onStart); this.rangeElement.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onMove); this.rangeElement.addEventListener('mouseup', this.onEnd); this.rangeElement.addEventListener('touchstart', this.onStart); this.rangeElement.addEventListener('touchmove', this.onMove); this.rangeElement.addEventListener('touchend', this.onEnd); } }]); return Flyby; }(); exports.default = Flyby; },{"../class/_Emitter":63,"../class/_RequestAnim":65,"../class/_Subscriber":66,"../module/_calc":68,"../module/_help":69,"babel-runtime/core-js/get-iterator":1,"babel-runtime/core-js/object/keys":3,"babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck":4,"babel-runtime/helpers/createClass":5}],65:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _classCallCheck2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck"); var _classCallCheck3 = _interopRequireDefault(_classCallCheck2); var _createClass2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/createClass"); var _createClass3 = _interopRequireDefault(_createClass2); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.setTimeout; var cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame || window.clearTimeout; window.requestAnimationFrame = requestAnimationFrame; window.cancelAnimationFrame = cancelAnimationFrame; var ReqestAnim = function () { function ReqestAnim() { (0, _classCallCheck3.default)(this, ReqestAnim); this._id = null; this._tick = null; } (0, _createClass3.default)(ReqestAnim, [{ key: "play", value: function play(callback) { var _this = this; = requestAnimationFrame(function () { if (callback) callback(); _this._tick(); }); } }, { key: "cancel", value: function cancel() { if (this._id != null) { cancelAnimationFrame(this._id); } } }, { key: "id", set: function set(id) { this._id = id; }, get: function get() { return this._id; } }, { key: "tick", set: function set(callback) { this._tick = callback; } }]); return ReqestAnim; }(); exports.default = ReqestAnim; },{"babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck":4,"babel-runtime/helpers/createClass":5}],66:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _keys = require('babel-runtime/core-js/object/keys'); var _keys2 = _interopRequireDefault(_keys); var _classCallCheck2 = require('babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck'); var _classCallCheck3 = _interopRequireDefault(_classCallCheck2); var _createClass2 = require('babel-runtime/helpers/createClass'); var _createClass3 = _interopRequireDefault(_createClass2); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } /** * Target * @member {String} _name * @member {HTMLElement} _el * @member {Object} _methods * @member {Array} _ignore */ var Subscriber = function () { function Subscriber(name, body) { (0, _classCallCheck3.default)(this, Subscriber); this._name = ''; this._selector = ''; this._element = null; this._methods = this._defaultMethods(); this._ignore = []; this._scope = {}; = name.replace(/^[.#]/, ''); this.selector = name; this.ignore = body.ignore; this.methods = body; } (0, _createClass3.default)(Subscriber, [{ key: 'run', value: function run(methodName, context) { if (this._methods[methodName]) { this._methods[methodName].bind(context)(this._scope, this._elementement); } } }, { key: '_defaultMethods', value: function _defaultMethods() { var noop = function noop() {}; var methods = ['Config', 'Start', 'Once', 'Swipe', 'Pinch', 'Flick', 'End', 'Update']; return function (res) { methods.forEach(function (name) { var key = ['on', name].join(''); res[key] = noop; }); return res; }({}); } }, { key: 'name', set: function set(str) { this._name = str; }, get: function get() { return this._name; } }, { key: 'selector', set: function set(str) { this._selector = str; }, get: function get() { return this._selector; } }, { key: 'methods', set: function set(obj) { var _this = this; (0, _keys2.default)(obj).forEach(function (key) { if (typeof obj[key] === 'function') { _this._methods[key] = obj[key]; } }); }, get: function get() { return this._methods; } }, { key: 'ignore', set: function set(array) { this._ignore = array || []; }, get: function get() { return this._ignore; } }, { key: 'el', set: function set(element) { this._element = element; }, get: function get() { return this._element; } }]); return Subscriber; }(); exports.default = Subscriber; },{"babel-runtime/core-js/object/keys":3,"babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck":4,"babel-runtime/helpers/createClass":5}],67:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _Flyby = require('./class/_Flyby'); var _Flyby2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Flyby); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } exports.default = _Flyby2.default; /** * NOTE: Positions declarations * Start - 始点 <x, y> * End - 終点 <x, y> **不要?** * Current - 現在地 <x, y> * Distance - 始点から現在地への距離 <x, y> [swipe] * Invert - 2つ目の始点 <x, y> [pinch] * Between - Start と Invert の距離 <d> [pinch] * Origin - Start と Invert の開始時の中間地点 <x, y> [pinch] * Offset - 対象ノードの座標 <x, y> **外側でやる** */ /** * NOTE: API methods * onConfig(scope) * onStart(scope, element) * onEnd(scope, element) * onFirstStep(scope, element) * onPinch(scope, element) * onSwipe(scope, element) * onFlick(scope, element) * onUpdate(scope, element) * ignore [x, y, swipe, pinch] */ },{"./class/_Flyby":64}],68:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _help = require('./_help'); exports.default = function () { return { degree: degree, radian: radian, angle: angle, diagonal: diagonal, which: which }; }(); /** * diagonal * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y * @return {Number} d */ function diagonal(x, y) { return parseInt((0, _help.sqrt)((0, _help.pow)(x, 2) + (0, _help.pow)(y, 2))); } /** * Wrapped `Math.atan2` * @private * @param {Number} y * @param {Number} x */ function angle(y, x) { var toDegree = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? false : arguments[2]; if (toDegree) { return degree((0, _help.atan2)(y, x)); } return (0, _help.atan2)(y, x); } /** * which * swipe の軸の向きを検出します * @return {String} */ function which(angle) { angle = (0, _help.abs)(angle); if (angle < 180 + 5 && angle > 180 - 5 || angle < 10) { return 'x'; } return 'y'; } /** * degree * The radian convert to degree. * @private * @param {Number} radian * @param {Number} degree */ function degree(radian) { return radian * 180 / _help.PI; } /** * radian * The degree convert to radian * @private * @param {Number} degree * @return {Number} radian */ function radian(degree) { return degree * _help.PI / 180; } },{"./_help":69}],69:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.camel = camel; exports.hasClass = hasClass; exports.hasId = hasId; exports.matchElement = matchElement; exports.documentElement = documentElement; exports.pageX = pageX; exports.pageY = pageY; exports.touches = touches; exports.hasTouches = hasTouches; exports.noop = noop; /** * help.js */ var PI = Math.PI; var sqrt = Math.sqrt; var atan2 = Math.atan2; var abs = Math.abs; var pow = Math.pow; exports.PI = PI; exports.sqrt = sqrt; exports.atan2 = atan2; exports.abs = abs; exports.pow = pow; function camel(str) { return [str.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase(), str.substr(1)].join(''); } function hasClass(el, selector) { return el.classList.contains(selector); } function hasId(el, selector) { return el.getAttribute('id') === selector; } function matchElement(el, selector) { return hasClass(el, selector) || hasId(el, selector); } function documentElement() { return document.documentElement; } /** * pageX * @private * @param {Object} event<EventObject> */ function pageX(event) { if (event.pageX != null) { return event.pageX; } return event.touches[0].pageX; } /** * pageY * @private * @param {Object} event<EventObject> */ function pageY(event) { if (event.pageY != null) { return event.pageY; } return event.touches[0].pageY; } /** * touches * @param {Object} event<EventObject> * @return {Boolean} * Event オブジェクトから touches 抽出して返す */ function touches(event) { return event.originalEvent ? event.originalEvent.touches : event.touches; } /** * hasTouches * @private * @param {Object} event<EventObject> * @param {Number} length * @return {Boolean} */ function hasTouches(event, length) { var _touches = touches(event); if (_touches != null && _touches.length === length) { return true; } return false; } /** * No operation */ function noop() { return; } },{}]},{},[67]);
module.exports = { parserOptions: { sourceType: 'script', }, };
window.ImageViewer = function(url, alt, title){ var img = $('<img />').attr('src', url).attr('alt', title).css({ display: 'inline-block', 'max-width': '90vw', 'max-height': '90vh' }); var a = $('<a></a>').attr('target', '_blank') .attr('title', title) .attr('href', url) .css({ display: 'inline-block', height: '100%' }) .append(img); var close_it = function(){ overlay.remove(); container.remove(); }; var closeBtn = $('<a class="icon-remove-sign"></a>').css({ color: 'red', 'font-size': 'x-large', 'margin-left': '-0.1em' }).bind('click', close_it); var closeWrapper = $('<div></div>').css({ height: '100%', width: '2em', 'text-align': 'left', 'display': 'inline-block', 'vertical-algin': 'top', 'margin-top': '-0.6em', 'float': 'right' }).append(closeBtn); var container = $('<div></div>').append( $('<div></div>').css({ margin: '5vh 1vw', display: 'inline-block', 'vertical-align': 'top' }).append(a).append(closeWrapper)) .css({ 'z-index': 30000000, 'position': 'fixed', 'padding': 0, 'margin': 0, 'width': '100vw', 'height': '100vh', 'top': 0, 'left': 0, 'text-align': 'center', 'cursor': 'default', 'vertical-align': 'middle' }) .bind('click',close_it) .appendTo('body'); var overlay = $('<div class="blockUI blockMsg blockPage">').css({ 'z-index': 9999, 'position': 'fixed', padding: 0, margin: 0, width: '100vw', height: '100vh', top: '0vh', left: '0vw', 'text-align': 'center', 'cursor': 'default', 'vertical-align': 'middle', 'background-color': 'gray', 'opacity': '0.4' }).bind('click', close_it).appendTo('body'); this.close = close_it; return this; }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ var app = { // Application Constructor initialize: function() { this.bindEvents(); }, // Bind Event Listeners // // Bind any events that are required on startup. Common events are: // 'load', 'deviceready', 'offline', and 'online'. bindEvents: function() { document.addEventListener('deviceready', this.onDeviceReady, false); }, // deviceready Event Handler // // The scope of 'this' is the event. In order to call the 'receivedEvent' // function, we must explicitly call 'app.receivedEvent(...);' onDeviceReady: function() { app.receivedEvent('deviceready'); }, // Update DOM on a Received Event receivedEvent: function(id) { } }; app.initialize();
define("helios/Helios-Debugger", ["amber/boot", "amber_core/Kernel-Objects", "helios/Helios-Core", "helios/Helios-Workspace"], function($boot){ var smalltalk=$boot.vm,nil=$boot.nil,_st=$boot.asReceiver,globals=$boot.globals; smalltalk.addPackage('Helios-Debugger'); smalltalk.packages["Helios-Debugger"].transport = {"type":"amd","amdNamespace":"helios"}; smalltalk.addClass('HLContextInspectorDecorator', globals.Object, ['context'], 'Helios-Debugger'); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "context", protocol: 'accessing', fn: function (){ var self=this; var $1; $1=self["@context"]; return $1; }, args: [], source: "context\x0a\x09^ context", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLContextInspectorDecorator); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "evaluate:on:", protocol: 'evaluating', fn: function (aString,anEvaluator){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1; $1=_st(self._context())._evaluate_on_(aString,anEvaluator); return $1; }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"evaluate:on:",{aString:aString,anEvaluator:anEvaluator},globals.HLContextInspectorDecorator)})}, args: ["aString", "anEvaluator"], source: "evaluate: aString on: anEvaluator\x0a\x09^ self context evaluate: aString on: anEvaluator", messageSends: ["evaluate:on:", "context"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLContextInspectorDecorator); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "initializeFromContext:", protocol: 'initialization', fn: function (aContext){ var self=this; self["@context"]=aContext; return self}, args: ["aContext"], source: "initializeFromContext: aContext\x0a\x09context := aContext", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLContextInspectorDecorator); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "inspectOn:", protocol: 'inspecting', fn: function (anInspector){ var self=this; var variables,inspectedContext; function $Dictionary(){return globals.Dictionary||(typeof Dictionary=="undefined"?nil:Dictionary)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1,$2,$3,$4,$receiver; variables=_st($Dictionary())._new(); inspectedContext=self._context(); $1=variables; $2=_st(inspectedContext)._locals(); $ctx1.sendIdx["locals"]=1; _st($1)._addAll_($2); $ctx1.sendIdx["addAll:"]=1; _st((function(){ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx2) { return _st(_st(inspectedContext)._notNil())._and_((function(){ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx3) { return _st(inspectedContext)._isBlockContext(); }, function($ctx3) {$ctx3.fillBlock({},$ctx2,2)})})); }, function($ctx2) {$ctx2.fillBlock({},$ctx1,1)})}))._whileTrue_((function(){ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx2) { inspectedContext=_st(inspectedContext)._outerContext(); inspectedContext; $3=inspectedContext; if(($receiver = $3) == null || $receiver.isNil){ return $3; } else { return _st(variables)._addAll_(_st(inspectedContext)._locals()); }; }, function($ctx2) {$ctx2.fillBlock({},$ctx1,3)})})); _st(anInspector)._setLabel_("Context"); $4=_st(anInspector)._setVariables_(variables); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"inspectOn:",{anInspector:anInspector,variables:variables,inspectedContext:inspectedContext},globals.HLContextInspectorDecorator)})}, args: ["anInspector"], source: "inspectOn: anInspector\x0a\x09| variables inspectedContext |\x0a\x09\x0a\x09variables := Dictionary new.\x0a\x09inspectedContext := self context.\x0a\x09\x0a\x09variables addAll: inspectedContext locals.\x0a\x09\x0a\x09[ inspectedContext notNil and: [ inspectedContext isBlockContext ] ] whileTrue: [\x0a\x09\x09inspectedContext := inspectedContext outerContext.\x0a\x09\x09inspectedContext ifNotNil: [\x0a\x09\x09\x09variables addAll: inspectedContext locals ] ].\x0a\x09\x0a\x09anInspector\x0a\x09\x09setLabel: 'Context';\x0a\x09\x09setVariables: variables", messageSends: ["new", "context", "addAll:", "locals", "whileTrue:", "and:", "notNil", "isBlockContext", "outerContext", "ifNotNil:", "setLabel:", "setVariables:"], referencedClasses: ["Dictionary"] }), globals.HLContextInspectorDecorator); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "on:", protocol: 'instance creation', fn: function (aContext){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $2,$3,$1; $2=self._new(); _st($2)._initializeFromContext_(aContext); $3=_st($2)._yourself(); $1=$3; return $1; }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"on:",{aContext:aContext},globals.HLContextInspectorDecorator.klass)})}, args: ["aContext"], source: "on: aContext\x0a\x09^ self new\x0a\x09\x09initializeFromContext: aContext;\x0a\x09\x09yourself", messageSends: ["initializeFromContext:", "new", "yourself"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLContextInspectorDecorator.klass); smalltalk.addClass('HLDebugger', globals.HLFocusableWidget, ['model', 'stackListWidget', 'codeWidget', 'inspectorWidget'], 'Helios-Debugger'); globals.HLDebugger.comment="I am the main widget for the Helios debugger."; smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "codeWidget", protocol: 'widgets', fn: function (){ var self=this; function $HLDebuggerCodeWidget(){return globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget||(typeof HLDebuggerCodeWidget=="undefined"?nil:HLDebuggerCodeWidget)} function $HLDebuggerCodeModel(){return globals.HLDebuggerCodeModel||(typeof HLDebuggerCodeModel=="undefined"?nil:HLDebuggerCodeModel)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $2,$3,$4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$5,$10,$1,$receiver; $2=self["@codeWidget"]; if(($receiver = $2) == null || $receiver.isNil){ $3=_st($HLDebuggerCodeWidget())._new(); $ctx1.sendIdx["new"]=1; $4=$3; $6=_st($HLDebuggerCodeModel())._new(); $7=$6; $8=self._model(); $ctx1.sendIdx["model"]=1; _st($7)._debuggerModel_($8); $9=_st($6)._yourself(); $ctx1.sendIdx["yourself"]=1; $5=$9; _st($4)._model_($5); _st($3)._browserModel_(self._model()); $10=_st($3)._yourself(); self["@codeWidget"]=$10; $1=self["@codeWidget"]; } else { $1=$2; }; return $1; }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"codeWidget",{},globals.HLDebugger)})}, args: [], source: "codeWidget\x0a\x09^ codeWidget ifNil: [ codeWidget := HLDebuggerCodeWidget new\x0a\x09\x09model: (HLDebuggerCodeModel new\x0a\x09\x09\x09debuggerModel: self model;\x0a\x09\x09\x09yourself);\x0a\x09\x09browserModel: self model;\x0a\x09\x09yourself ]", messageSends: ["ifNil:", "model:", "new", "debuggerModel:", "model", "yourself", "browserModel:"], referencedClasses: ["HLDebuggerCodeWidget", "HLDebuggerCodeModel"] }), globals.HLDebugger); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "cssClass", protocol: 'accessing', fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $2,$1; $2=($ctx1.supercall = true, globals.HLDebugger.superclass.fn.prototype._cssClass.apply(_st(self), [])); $ctx1.supercall = false; $1=_st($2).__comma(" hl_debugger"); return $1; }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"cssClass",{},globals.HLDebugger)})}, args: [], source: "cssClass\x0a\x09^ super cssClass, ' hl_debugger'", messageSends: [",", "cssClass"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebugger); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "focus", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { _st(self._stackListWidget())._focus(); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"focus",{},globals.HLDebugger)})}, args: [], source: "focus\x0a\x09self stackListWidget focus", messageSends: ["focus", "stackListWidget"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebugger); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "initializeFromError:", protocol: 'initialization', fn: function (anError){ var self=this; function $HLDebuggerModel(){return globals.HLDebuggerModel||(typeof HLDebuggerModel=="undefined"?nil:HLDebuggerModel)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { self["@model"]=_st($HLDebuggerModel())._on_(anError); self._observeModel(); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"initializeFromError:",{anError:anError},globals.HLDebugger)})}, args: ["anError"], source: "initializeFromError: anError\x0a\x09model := HLDebuggerModel on: anError.\x0a\x09self observeModel", messageSends: ["on:", "observeModel"], referencedClasses: ["HLDebuggerModel"] }), globals.HLDebugger); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "inspectorWidget", protocol: 'widgets', fn: function (){ var self=this; function $HLInspectorWidget(){return globals.HLInspectorWidget||(typeof HLInspectorWidget=="undefined"?nil:HLInspectorWidget)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $2,$1,$receiver; $2=self["@inspectorWidget"]; if(($receiver = $2) == null || $receiver.isNil){ self["@inspectorWidget"]=_st($HLInspectorWidget())._new(); $1=self["@inspectorWidget"]; } else { $1=$2; }; return $1; }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"inspectorWidget",{},globals.HLDebugger)})}, args: [], source: "inspectorWidget\x0a\x09^ inspectorWidget ifNil: [ \x0a\x09\x09inspectorWidget := HLInspectorWidget new ]", messageSends: ["ifNil:", "new"], referencedClasses: ["HLInspectorWidget"] }), globals.HLDebugger); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "model", protocol: 'accessing', fn: function (){ var self=this; function $HLDebuggerModel(){return globals.HLDebuggerModel||(typeof HLDebuggerModel=="undefined"?nil:HLDebuggerModel)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $2,$1,$receiver; $2=self["@model"]; if(($receiver = $2) == null || $receiver.isNil){ self["@model"]=_st($HLDebuggerModel())._new(); $1=self["@model"]; } else { $1=$2; }; return $1; }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"model",{},globals.HLDebugger)})}, args: [], source: "model\x0a\x09^ model ifNil: [ model := HLDebuggerModel new ]", messageSends: ["ifNil:", "new"], referencedClasses: ["HLDebuggerModel"] }), globals.HLDebugger); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "observeModel", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (){ var self=this; function $HLDebuggerContextSelected(){return globals.HLDebuggerContextSelected||(typeof HLDebuggerContextSelected=="undefined"?nil:HLDebuggerContextSelected)} function $HLDebuggerStepped(){return globals.HLDebuggerStepped||(typeof HLDebuggerStepped=="undefined"?nil:HLDebuggerStepped)} function $HLDebuggerProceeded(){return globals.HLDebuggerProceeded||(typeof HLDebuggerProceeded=="undefined"?nil:HLDebuggerProceeded)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1,$2; $1=_st(self._model())._announcer(); _st($1)._on_send_to_($HLDebuggerContextSelected(),"onContextSelected:",self); $ctx1.sendIdx["on:send:to:"]=1; _st($1)._on_send_to_($HLDebuggerStepped(),"onDebuggerStepped:",self); $ctx1.sendIdx["on:send:to:"]=2; $2=_st($1)._on_send_to_($HLDebuggerProceeded(),"onDebuggerProceeded",self); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"observeModel",{},globals.HLDebugger)})}, args: [], source: "observeModel\x0a\x09self model announcer \x0a\x09\x09on: HLDebuggerContextSelected\x0a\x09\x09send: #onContextSelected:\x0a\x09\x09to: self;\x0a\x09\x09\x0a\x09\x09on: HLDebuggerStepped\x0a\x09\x09send: #onDebuggerStepped:\x0a\x09\x09to: self;\x0a\x09\x09\x0a\x09\x09on: HLDebuggerProceeded\x0a\x09\x09send: #onDebuggerProceeded\x0a\x09\x09to: self", messageSends: ["on:send:to:", "announcer", "model"], referencedClasses: ["HLDebuggerContextSelected", "HLDebuggerStepped", "HLDebuggerProceeded"] }), globals.HLDebugger); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "onContextSelected:", protocol: 'reactions', fn: function (anAnnouncement){ var self=this; function $HLContextInspectorDecorator(){return globals.HLContextInspectorDecorator||(typeof HLContextInspectorDecorator=="undefined"?nil:HLContextInspectorDecorator)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { _st(self._inspectorWidget())._inspect_(_st($HLContextInspectorDecorator())._on_(_st(anAnnouncement)._context())); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"onContextSelected:",{anAnnouncement:anAnnouncement},globals.HLDebugger)})}, args: ["anAnnouncement"], source: "onContextSelected: anAnnouncement\x0a\x09self inspectorWidget inspect: (HLContextInspectorDecorator on: anAnnouncement context)", messageSends: ["inspect:", "inspectorWidget", "on:", "context"], referencedClasses: ["HLContextInspectorDecorator"] }), globals.HLDebugger); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "onDebuggerProceeded", protocol: 'reactions', fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { self._removeTab(); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"onDebuggerProceeded",{},globals.HLDebugger)})}, args: [], source: "onDebuggerProceeded\x0a\x09self removeTab", messageSends: ["removeTab"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebugger); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "onDebuggerStepped:", protocol: 'reactions', fn: function (anAnnouncement){ var self=this; function $HLContextInspectorDecorator(){return globals.HLContextInspectorDecorator||(typeof HLContextInspectorDecorator=="undefined"?nil:HLContextInspectorDecorator)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1; $1=_st(self._model())._atEnd(); if(smalltalk.assert($1)){ self._removeTab(); }; _st(self._inspectorWidget())._inspect_(_st($HLContextInspectorDecorator())._on_(_st(anAnnouncement)._context())); _st(self._stackListWidget())._refresh(); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"onDebuggerStepped:",{anAnnouncement:anAnnouncement},globals.HLDebugger)})}, args: ["anAnnouncement"], source: "onDebuggerStepped: anAnnouncement\x0a\x09self model atEnd ifTrue: [ self removeTab ].\x0a\x09\x0a\x09self inspectorWidget inspect: (HLContextInspectorDecorator on: anAnnouncement context).\x0a\x09self stackListWidget refresh", messageSends: ["ifTrue:", "atEnd", "model", "removeTab", "inspect:", "inspectorWidget", "on:", "context", "refresh", "stackListWidget"], referencedClasses: ["HLContextInspectorDecorator"] }), globals.HLDebugger); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "registerBindingsOn:", protocol: 'keybindings', fn: function (aBindingGroup){ var self=this; function $HLToolCommand(){return globals.HLToolCommand||(typeof HLToolCommand=="undefined"?nil:HLToolCommand)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { _st($HLToolCommand())._registerConcreteClassesOn_for_(aBindingGroup,self._model()); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"registerBindingsOn:",{aBindingGroup:aBindingGroup},globals.HLDebugger)})}, args: ["aBindingGroup"], source: "registerBindingsOn: aBindingGroup\x0a\x09HLToolCommand \x0a\x09\x09registerConcreteClassesOn: aBindingGroup \x0a\x09\x09for: self model", messageSends: ["registerConcreteClassesOn:for:", "model"], referencedClasses: ["HLToolCommand"] }), globals.HLDebugger); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "renderContentOn:", protocol: 'rendering', fn: function (html){ var self=this; function $HLContainer(){return globals.HLContainer||(typeof HLContainer=="undefined"?nil:HLContainer)} function $HLVerticalSplitter(){return globals.HLVerticalSplitter||(typeof HLVerticalSplitter=="undefined"?nil:HLVerticalSplitter)} function $HLHorizontalSplitter(){return globals.HLHorizontalSplitter||(typeof HLHorizontalSplitter=="undefined"?nil:HLHorizontalSplitter)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $2,$1; self._renderHeadOn_(html); $2=_st($HLVerticalSplitter())._with_with_(self._codeWidget(),_st($HLHorizontalSplitter())._with_with_(self._stackListWidget(),self._inspectorWidget())); $ctx1.sendIdx["with:with:"]=1; $1=_st($HLContainer())._with_($2); _st(html)._with_($1); $ctx1.sendIdx["with:"]=1; return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"renderContentOn:",{html:html},globals.HLDebugger)})}, args: ["html"], source: "renderContentOn: html\x0a\x09self renderHeadOn: html.\x0a\x09html with: (HLContainer with: (HLVerticalSplitter\x0a\x09\x09with: self codeWidget\x0a\x09\x09with: (HLHorizontalSplitter\x0a\x09\x09\x09with: self stackListWidget\x0a\x09\x09\x09with: self inspectorWidget)))", messageSends: ["renderHeadOn:", "with:", "with:with:", "codeWidget", "stackListWidget", "inspectorWidget"], referencedClasses: ["HLContainer", "HLVerticalSplitter", "HLHorizontalSplitter"] }), globals.HLDebugger); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "renderHeadOn:", protocol: 'rendering', fn: function (html){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1,$2; $1=_st(html)._div(); _st($1)._class_("head"); $2=_st($1)._with_((function(){ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx2) { return _st(_st(html)._h2())._with_(_st(_st(self._model())._error())._messageText()); }, function($ctx2) {$ctx2.fillBlock({},$ctx1,1)})})); $ctx1.sendIdx["with:"]=1; return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"renderHeadOn:",{html:html},globals.HLDebugger)})}, args: ["html"], source: "renderHeadOn: html\x0a\x09html div \x0a\x09\x09class: 'head'; \x0a\x09\x09with: [ html h2 with: self model error messageText ]", messageSends: ["class:", "div", "with:", "h2", "messageText", "error", "model"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebugger); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "stackListWidget", protocol: 'widgets', fn: function (){ var self=this; function $HLStackListWidget(){return globals.HLStackListWidget||(typeof HLStackListWidget=="undefined"?nil:HLStackListWidget)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $2,$3,$4,$1,$receiver; $2=self["@stackListWidget"]; if(($receiver = $2) == null || $receiver.isNil){ $3=_st($HLStackListWidget())._on_(self._model()); _st($3)._next_(self._codeWidget()); $4=_st($3)._yourself(); self["@stackListWidget"]=$4; $1=self["@stackListWidget"]; } else { $1=$2; }; return $1; }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"stackListWidget",{},globals.HLDebugger)})}, args: [], source: "stackListWidget\x0a\x09^ stackListWidget ifNil: [ \x0a\x09\x09stackListWidget := (HLStackListWidget on: self model)\x0a\x09\x09\x09next: self codeWidget;\x0a\x09\x09\x09yourself ]", messageSends: ["ifNil:", "next:", "on:", "model", "codeWidget", "yourself"], referencedClasses: ["HLStackListWidget"] }), globals.HLDebugger); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "unregister", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { ($ctx1.supercall = true, globals.HLDebugger.superclass.fn.prototype._unregister.apply(_st(self), [])); $ctx1.supercall = false; $ctx1.sendIdx["unregister"]=1; _st(self._inspectorWidget())._unregister(); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"unregister",{},globals.HLDebugger)})}, args: [], source: "unregister\x0a\x09super unregister.\x0a\x09self inspectorWidget unregister", messageSends: ["unregister", "inspectorWidget"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebugger); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "on:", protocol: 'instance creation', fn: function (anError){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $2,$3,$1; $2=self._new(); _st($2)._initializeFromError_(anError); $3=_st($2)._yourself(); $1=$3; return $1; }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"on:",{anError:anError},globals.HLDebugger.klass)})}, args: ["anError"], source: "on: anError\x0a\x09^ self new\x0a\x09\x09initializeFromError: anError;\x0a\x09\x09yourself", messageSends: ["initializeFromError:", "new", "yourself"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebugger.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "tabClass", protocol: 'accessing', fn: function (){ var self=this; return "debugger"; }, args: [], source: "tabClass\x0a\x09^ 'debugger'", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebugger.klass); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "tabLabel", protocol: 'accessing', fn: function (){ var self=this; return "Debugger"; }, args: [], source: "tabLabel\x0a\x09^ 'Debugger'", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebugger.klass); smalltalk.addClass('HLDebuggerCodeModel', globals.HLCodeModel, ['debuggerModel'], 'Helios-Debugger'); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "debuggerModel", protocol: 'accessing', fn: function (){ var self=this; var $1; $1=self["@debuggerModel"]; return $1; }, args: [], source: "debuggerModel\x0a\x09^ debuggerModel", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebuggerCodeModel); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "debuggerModel:", protocol: 'accessing', fn: function (anObject){ var self=this; self["@debuggerModel"]=anObject; return self}, args: ["anObject"], source: "debuggerModel: anObject\x0a\x09debuggerModel := anObject", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebuggerCodeModel); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "doIt:", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (aString){ var self=this; function $ErrorHandler(){return globals.ErrorHandler||(typeof ErrorHandler=="undefined"?nil:ErrorHandler)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1; $1=_st((function(){ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx2) { return _st(self._debuggerModel())._evaluate_(aString); }, function($ctx2) {$ctx2.fillBlock({},$ctx1,1)})}))._tryCatch_((function(e){ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx2) { _st($ErrorHandler())._handleError_(e); return nil; }, function($ctx2) {$ctx2.fillBlock({e:e},$ctx1,2)})})); return $1; }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"doIt:",{aString:aString},globals.HLDebuggerCodeModel)})}, args: ["aString"], source: "doIt: aString\x0a\x09^ [ self debuggerModel evaluate: aString ]\x0a\x09\x09tryCatch: [ :e | \x0a\x09\x09\x09ErrorHandler handleError: e.\x0a\x09\x09\x09nil ]", messageSends: ["tryCatch:", "evaluate:", "debuggerModel", "handleError:"], referencedClasses: ["ErrorHandler"] }), globals.HLDebuggerCodeModel); smalltalk.addClass('HLDebuggerCodeWidget', globals.HLBrowserCodeWidget, [], 'Helios-Debugger'); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "addStopAt:", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (anInteger){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { _st(self["@editor"])._setGutterMarker_gutter_value_(anInteger,"stops",_st(_st("<div class=\x22stop\x22></stop>"._asJQuery())._toArray())._first()); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"addStopAt:",{anInteger:anInteger},globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget)})}, args: ["anInteger"], source: "addStopAt: anInteger\x0a\x09editor\x0a\x09\x09setGutterMarker: anInteger\x0a\x09\x09gutter: 'stops'\x0a\x09\x09value: '<div class=\x22stop\x22></stop>' asJQuery toArray first", messageSends: ["setGutterMarker:gutter:value:", "first", "toArray", "asJQuery"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "clearHighlight", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { _st(self._editor())._clearGutter_("stops"); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"clearHighlight",{},globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget)})}, args: [], source: "clearHighlight\x0a\x09self editor clearGutter: 'stops'", messageSends: ["clearGutter:", "editor"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "contents:", protocol: 'accessing', fn: function (aString){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { self._clearHighlight(); ($ctx1.supercall = true, globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget.superclass.fn.prototype._contents_.apply(_st(self), [aString])); $ctx1.supercall = false; return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"contents:",{aString:aString},globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget)})}, args: ["aString"], source: "contents: aString\x0a\x09self clearHighlight.\x0a\x09super contents: aString", messageSends: ["clearHighlight", "contents:"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "editorOptions", protocol: 'accessing', fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $2,$3,$1; $2=($ctx1.supercall = true, globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget.superclass.fn.prototype._editorOptions.apply(_st(self), [])); $ctx1.supercall = false; _st($2)._at_put_("gutters",["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "stops"]); $3=_st($2)._yourself(); $1=$3; return $1; }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"editorOptions",{},globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget)})}, args: [], source: "editorOptions\x0a\x09^ super editorOptions\x0a\x09\x09at: 'gutters' put: #('CodeMirror-linenumbers' 'stops');\x0a\x09\x09yourself", messageSends: ["at:put:", "editorOptions", "yourself"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "highlight", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1,$receiver; $1=_st(self._browserModel())._nextNode(); if(($receiver = $1) == null || $receiver.isNil){ $1; } else { var node; node=$receiver; self._highlightNode_(node); }; return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"highlight",{},globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget)})}, args: [], source: "highlight\x0a\x09self browserModel nextNode ifNotNil: [ :node |\x0a\x09\x09self highlightNode: node ]", messageSends: ["ifNotNil:", "nextNode", "browserModel", "highlightNode:"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "highlightNode:", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (aNode){ var self=this; var token; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $4,$3,$2,$1,$5,$9,$8,$7,$11,$10,$6,$15,$14,$13,$12,$receiver; if(($receiver = aNode) == null || $receiver.isNil){ aNode; } else { self._clearHighlight(); $4=_st(aNode)._positionStart(); $ctx1.sendIdx["positionStart"]=1; $3=_st($4)._x(); $ctx1.sendIdx["x"]=1; $2=_st($3).__minus((1)); $ctx1.sendIdx["-"]=1; $1=self._addStopAt_($2); $1; $5=self._editor(); $9=_st(aNode)._positionStart(); $ctx1.sendIdx["positionStart"]=2; $8=_st($9)._x(); $ctx1.sendIdx["x"]=2; $7=_st($8).__minus((1)); $ctx1.sendIdx["-"]=2; $11=_st(_st(aNode)._positionStart())._y(); $ctx1.sendIdx["y"]=1; $10=_st($11).__minus((1)); $ctx1.sendIdx["-"]=3; $6=globals.HashedCollection._newFromPairs_(["line",$7,"ch",$10]); $15=_st(aNode)._positionEnd(); $ctx1.sendIdx["positionEnd"]=1; $14=_st($15)._x(); $13=_st($14).__minus((1)); $12=globals.HashedCollection._newFromPairs_(["line",$13,"ch",_st(_st(aNode)._positionEnd())._y()]); _st($5)._setSelection_to_($6,$12); }; return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"highlightNode:",{aNode:aNode,token:token},globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget)})}, args: ["aNode"], source: "highlightNode: aNode\x0a\x09| token |\x0a\x09\x0a\x09aNode ifNotNil: [\x0a\x09\x09self\x0a\x09\x09\x09clearHighlight;\x0a\x09\x09\x09addStopAt: aNode positionStart x - 1.\x0a\x0a\x09\x09self editor \x0a\x09\x09\x09setSelection: #{ 'line' -> (aNode positionStart x - 1). 'ch' -> (aNode positionStart y - 1) }\x0a\x09\x09\x09to: #{ 'line' -> (aNode positionEnd x - 1). 'ch' -> (aNode positionEnd y) } ]", messageSends: ["ifNotNil:", "clearHighlight", "addStopAt:", "-", "x", "positionStart", "setSelection:to:", "editor", "y", "positionEnd"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "observeBrowserModel", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (){ var self=this; function $HLDebuggerContextSelected(){return globals.HLDebuggerContextSelected||(typeof HLDebuggerContextSelected=="undefined"?nil:HLDebuggerContextSelected)} function $HLDebuggerStepped(){return globals.HLDebuggerStepped||(typeof HLDebuggerStepped=="undefined"?nil:HLDebuggerStepped)} function $HLDebuggerWhere(){return globals.HLDebuggerWhere||(typeof HLDebuggerWhere=="undefined"?nil:HLDebuggerWhere)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $2,$1,$4,$3; ($ctx1.supercall = true, globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget.superclass.fn.prototype._observeBrowserModel.apply(_st(self), [])); $ctx1.supercall = false; $2=self._browserModel(); $ctx1.sendIdx["browserModel"]=1; $1=_st($2)._announcer(); $ctx1.sendIdx["announcer"]=1; _st($1)._on_send_to_($HLDebuggerContextSelected(),"onContextSelected",self); $ctx1.sendIdx["on:send:to:"]=1; $4=self._browserModel(); $ctx1.sendIdx["browserModel"]=2; $3=_st($4)._announcer(); $ctx1.sendIdx["announcer"]=2; _st($3)._on_send_to_($HLDebuggerStepped(),"onContextSelected",self); $ctx1.sendIdx["on:send:to:"]=2; _st(_st(self._browserModel())._announcer())._on_send_to_($HLDebuggerWhere(),"onContextSelected",self); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"observeBrowserModel",{},globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget)})}, args: [], source: "observeBrowserModel\x0a\x09super observeBrowserModel.\x0a\x09\x0a\x09self browserModel announcer \x0a\x09\x09on: HLDebuggerContextSelected\x0a\x09\x09send: #onContextSelected\x0a\x09\x09to: self.\x0a\x09\x0a\x09self browserModel announcer \x0a\x09\x09on: HLDebuggerStepped\x0a\x09\x09send: #onContextSelected\x0a\x09\x09to: self.\x0a\x09\x0a\x09self browserModel announcer \x0a\x09\x09on: HLDebuggerWhere\x0a\x09\x09send: #onContextSelected\x0a\x09\x09to: self", messageSends: ["observeBrowserModel", "on:send:to:", "announcer", "browserModel"], referencedClasses: ["HLDebuggerContextSelected", "HLDebuggerStepped", "HLDebuggerWhere"] }), globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "onContextSelected", protocol: 'reactions', fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { self._highlight(); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"onContextSelected",{},globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget)})}, args: [], source: "onContextSelected\x0a\x09self highlight", messageSends: ["highlight"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "renderOn:", protocol: 'rendering', fn: function (html){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { ($ctx1.supercall = true, globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget.superclass.fn.prototype._renderOn_.apply(_st(self), [html])); $ctx1.supercall = false; self._contents_(_st(_st(self._browserModel())._selectedMethod())._source()); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"renderOn:",{html:html},globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget)})}, args: ["html"], source: "renderOn: html\x0a\x09super renderOn: html.\x0a\x09self contents: self browserModel selectedMethod source", messageSends: ["renderOn:", "contents:", "source", "selectedMethod", "browserModel"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebuggerCodeWidget); smalltalk.addClass('HLDebuggerModel', globals.HLToolModel, ['rootContext', 'debugger', 'error'], 'Helios-Debugger'); globals.HLDebuggerModel.comment="I am a model for debugging Amber code in Helios.\x0a\x0aMy instances hold a reference to an `ASTDebugger` instance, itself referencing the current `context`. The context should be the root of the context stack."; smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "atEnd", protocol: 'testing', fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1; $1=_st(self._debugger())._atEnd(); return $1; }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"atEnd",{},globals.HLDebuggerModel)})}, args: [], source: "atEnd\x0a\x09^ self debugger atEnd", messageSends: ["atEnd", "debugger"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebuggerModel); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "contexts", protocol: 'accessing', fn: function (){ var self=this; var contexts,context; function $OrderedCollection(){return globals.OrderedCollection||(typeof OrderedCollection=="undefined"?nil:OrderedCollection)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1; contexts=_st($OrderedCollection())._new(); context=self._rootContext(); _st((function(){ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx2) { return _st(context)._notNil(); }, function($ctx2) {$ctx2.fillBlock({},$ctx1,1)})}))._whileTrue_((function(){ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx2) { _st(contexts)._add_(context); context=_st(context)._outerContext(); return context; }, function($ctx2) {$ctx2.fillBlock({},$ctx1,2)})})); $1=contexts; return $1; }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"contexts",{contexts:contexts,context:context},globals.HLDebuggerModel)})}, args: [], source: "contexts\x0a\x09| contexts context |\x0a\x09\x0a\x09contexts := OrderedCollection new.\x0a\x09context := self rootContext.\x0a\x09\x0a\x09[ context notNil ] whileTrue: [\x0a\x09\x09contexts add: context.\x0a\x09\x09context := context outerContext ].\x0a\x09\x09\x0a\x09^ contexts", messageSends: ["new", "rootContext", "whileTrue:", "notNil", "add:", "outerContext"], referencedClasses: ["OrderedCollection"] }), globals.HLDebuggerModel); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "currentContext", protocol: 'accessing', fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1; $1=_st(self._debugger())._context(); return $1; }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"currentContext",{},globals.HLDebuggerModel)})}, args: [], source: "currentContext\x0a\x09^ self debugger context", messageSends: ["context", "debugger"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebuggerModel); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "currentContext:", protocol: 'accessing', fn: function (aContext){ var self=this; function $HLDebuggerContextSelected(){return globals.HLDebuggerContextSelected||(typeof HLDebuggerContextSelected=="undefined"?nil:HLDebuggerContextSelected)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1,$2; self._withChangesDo_((function(){ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx2) { self._selectedMethod_(_st(aContext)._method()); _st(self._debugger())._context_(aContext); $ctx2.sendIdx["context:"]=1; $1=_st($HLDebuggerContextSelected())._new(); _st($1)._context_(aContext); $2=_st($1)._yourself(); return _st(self._announcer())._announce_($2); }, function($ctx2) {$ctx2.fillBlock({},$ctx1,1)})})); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"currentContext:",{aContext:aContext},globals.HLDebuggerModel)})}, args: ["aContext"], source: "currentContext: aContext\x0a\x09self withChangesDo: [ \x0a\x09\x09self selectedMethod: aContext method.\x0a\x09\x09self debugger context: aContext.\x0a\x09\x09self announcer announce: (HLDebuggerContextSelected new\x0a\x09\x09\x09context: aContext;\x0a\x09\x09\x09yourself) ]", messageSends: ["withChangesDo:", "selectedMethod:", "method", "context:", "debugger", "announce:", "announcer", "new", "yourself"], referencedClasses: ["HLDebuggerContextSelected"] }), globals.HLDebuggerModel); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "debugger", protocol: 'accessing', fn: function (){ var self=this; function $ASTDebugger(){return globals.ASTDebugger||(typeof ASTDebugger=="undefined"?nil:ASTDebugger)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $2,$1,$receiver; $2=self["@debugger"]; if(($receiver = $2) == null || $receiver.isNil){ self["@debugger"]=_st($ASTDebugger())._new(); $1=self["@debugger"]; } else { $1=$2; }; return $1; }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"debugger",{},globals.HLDebuggerModel)})}, args: [], source: "debugger\x0a\x09^ debugger ifNil: [ debugger := ASTDebugger new ]", messageSends: ["ifNil:", "new"], referencedClasses: ["ASTDebugger"] }), globals.HLDebuggerModel); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "error", protocol: 'accessing', fn: function (){ var self=this; var $1; $1=self["@error"]; return $1; }, args: [], source: "error\x0a\x09^ error", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebuggerModel); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "evaluate:", protocol: 'evaluating', fn: function (aString){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1; $1=_st(self._environment())._evaluate_for_(aString,self._currentContext()); return $1; }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"evaluate:",{aString:aString},globals.HLDebuggerModel)})}, args: ["aString"], source: "evaluate: aString\x0a\x09^ self environment \x0a\x09\x09evaluate: aString \x0a\x09\x09for: self currentContext", messageSends: ["evaluate:for:", "environment", "currentContext"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebuggerModel); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "flushInnerContexts", protocol: 'private', fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1; $1=self._currentContext(); $ctx1.sendIdx["currentContext"]=1; _st($1)._innerContext_(nil); self["@rootContext"]=self._currentContext(); self._initializeContexts(); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"flushInnerContexts",{},globals.HLDebuggerModel)})}, args: [], source: "flushInnerContexts\x0a\x09\x22When stepping, the inner contexts are not relevent anymore,\x0a\x09and can be flushed\x22\x0a\x09\x0a\x09self currentContext innerContext: nil.\x0a\x09rootContext := self currentContext.\x0a\x09self initializeContexts", messageSends: ["innerContext:", "currentContext", "initializeContexts"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebuggerModel); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "initializeFromError:", protocol: 'initialization', fn: function (anError){ var self=this; var errorContext; function $AIContext(){return globals.AIContext||(typeof AIContext=="undefined"?nil:AIContext)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { self["@error"]=anError; errorContext=_st($AIContext())._fromMethodContext_(_st(self["@error"])._context()); self["@rootContext"]=_st(self["@error"])._signalerContextFrom_(errorContext); self._selectedMethod_(_st(self["@rootContext"])._method()); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"initializeFromError:",{anError:anError,errorContext:errorContext},globals.HLDebuggerModel)})}, args: ["anError"], source: "initializeFromError: anError\x0a\x09| errorContext |\x0a\x09\x0a\x09error := anError.\x0a\x09errorContext := (AIContext fromMethodContext: error context).\x0a\x09rootContext := error signalerContextFrom: errorContext.\x0a\x09self selectedMethod: rootContext method", messageSends: ["fromMethodContext:", "context", "signalerContextFrom:", "selectedMethod:", "method"], referencedClasses: ["AIContext"] }), globals.HLDebuggerModel); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "nextNode", protocol: 'accessing', fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1; $1=_st(self._debugger())._node(); return $1; }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"nextNode",{},globals.HLDebuggerModel)})}, args: [], source: "nextNode\x0a\x09^ self debugger node", messageSends: ["node", "debugger"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebuggerModel); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "onStep", protocol: 'reactions', fn: function (){ var self=this; function $HLDebuggerContextSelected(){return globals.HLDebuggerContextSelected||(typeof HLDebuggerContextSelected=="undefined"?nil:HLDebuggerContextSelected)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $2,$1,$3,$4; self["@rootContext"]=self._currentContext(); $ctx1.sendIdx["currentContext"]=1; $2=self._currentContext(); $ctx1.sendIdx["currentContext"]=2; $1=_st($2)._method(); self._selectedMethod_($1); $3=_st($HLDebuggerContextSelected())._new(); _st($3)._context_(self._currentContext()); $4=_st($3)._yourself(); _st(self._announcer())._announce_($4); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"onStep",{},globals.HLDebuggerModel)})}, args: [], source: "onStep\x0a\x09rootContext := self currentContext.\x0a\x09\x0a\x09\x22Force a refresh of the context list and code widget\x22\x0a\x09self selectedMethod: self currentContext method.\x0a\x09self announcer announce: (HLDebuggerContextSelected new\x0a\x09\x09context: self currentContext;\x0a\x09\x09yourself)", messageSends: ["currentContext", "selectedMethod:", "method", "announce:", "announcer", "context:", "new", "yourself"], referencedClasses: ["HLDebuggerContextSelected"] }), globals.HLDebuggerModel); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "proceed", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (){ var self=this; function $HLDebuggerProceeded(){return globals.HLDebuggerProceeded||(typeof HLDebuggerProceeded=="undefined"?nil:HLDebuggerProceeded)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { _st(self._debugger())._proceed(); _st(self._announcer())._announce_(_st($HLDebuggerProceeded())._new()); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"proceed",{},globals.HLDebuggerModel)})}, args: [], source: "proceed\x0a\x09self debugger proceed.\x0a\x09\x0a\x09self announcer announce: HLDebuggerProceeded new", messageSends: ["proceed", "debugger", "announce:", "announcer", "new"], referencedClasses: ["HLDebuggerProceeded"] }), globals.HLDebuggerModel); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "restart", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (){ var self=this; function $HLDebuggerStepped(){return globals.HLDebuggerStepped||(typeof HLDebuggerStepped=="undefined"?nil:HLDebuggerStepped)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1,$2; _st(self._debugger())._restart(); self._onStep(); $1=_st($HLDebuggerStepped())._new(); _st($1)._context_(self._currentContext()); $2=_st($1)._yourself(); _st(self._announcer())._announce_($2); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"restart",{},globals.HLDebuggerModel)})}, args: [], source: "restart\x0a\x09self debugger restart.\x0a\x09self onStep.\x0a\x09\x0a\x09self announcer announce: (HLDebuggerStepped new\x0a\x09\x09context: self currentContext;\x0a\x09\x09yourself)", messageSends: ["restart", "debugger", "onStep", "announce:", "announcer", "context:", "new", "currentContext", "yourself"], referencedClasses: ["HLDebuggerStepped"] }), globals.HLDebuggerModel); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "rootContext", protocol: 'accessing', fn: function (){ var self=this; var $1; $1=self["@rootContext"]; return $1; }, args: [], source: "rootContext\x0a\x09^ rootContext", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebuggerModel); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "stepOver", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (){ var self=this; function $HLDebuggerStepped(){return globals.HLDebuggerStepped||(typeof HLDebuggerStepped=="undefined"?nil:HLDebuggerStepped)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1,$2; _st(self._debugger())._stepOver(); self._onStep(); $1=_st($HLDebuggerStepped())._new(); _st($1)._context_(self._currentContext()); $2=_st($1)._yourself(); _st(self._announcer())._announce_($2); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"stepOver",{},globals.HLDebuggerModel)})}, args: [], source: "stepOver\x0a\x09self debugger stepOver.\x0a\x09self onStep.\x0a\x09\x0a\x09self announcer announce: (HLDebuggerStepped new\x0a\x09\x09context: self currentContext;\x0a\x09\x09yourself)", messageSends: ["stepOver", "debugger", "onStep", "announce:", "announcer", "context:", "new", "currentContext", "yourself"], referencedClasses: ["HLDebuggerStepped"] }), globals.HLDebuggerModel); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "where", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (){ var self=this; function $HLDebuggerWhere(){return globals.HLDebuggerWhere||(typeof HLDebuggerWhere=="undefined"?nil:HLDebuggerWhere)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { _st(self._announcer())._announce_(_st($HLDebuggerWhere())._new()); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"where",{},globals.HLDebuggerModel)})}, args: [], source: "where\x0a\x09self announcer announce: HLDebuggerWhere new", messageSends: ["announce:", "announcer", "new"], referencedClasses: ["HLDebuggerWhere"] }), globals.HLDebuggerModel); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "on:", protocol: 'instance creation', fn: function (anError){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $2,$3,$1; $2=self._new(); _st($2)._initializeFromError_(anError); $3=_st($2)._yourself(); $1=$3; return $1; }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"on:",{anError:anError},globals.HLDebuggerModel.klass)})}, args: ["anError"], source: "on: anError\x0a\x09^ self new\x0a\x09\x09initializeFromError: anError;\x0a\x09\x09yourself", messageSends: ["initializeFromError:", "new", "yourself"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLDebuggerModel.klass); smalltalk.addClass('HLErrorHandler', globals.Object, [], 'Helios-Debugger'); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "confirmDebugError:", protocol: 'error handling', fn: function (anError){ var self=this; function $HLConfirmationWidget(){return globals.HLConfirmationWidget||(typeof HLConfirmationWidget=="undefined"?nil:HLConfirmationWidget)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1,$2; $1=_st($HLConfirmationWidget())._new(); _st($1)._confirmationString_(_st(anError)._messageText()); _st($1)._actionBlock_((function(){ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx2) { return self._debugError_(anError); }, function($ctx2) {$ctx2.fillBlock({},$ctx1,1)})})); _st($1)._cancelButtonLabel_("Abandon"); _st($1)._confirmButtonLabel_("Debug"); $2=_st($1)._show(); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"confirmDebugError:",{anError:anError},globals.HLErrorHandler)})}, args: ["anError"], source: "confirmDebugError: anError\x0a\x09HLConfirmationWidget new\x0a\x09\x09confirmationString: anError messageText;\x0a\x09\x09actionBlock: [ self debugError: anError ];\x0a\x09\x09cancelButtonLabel: 'Abandon';\x0a\x09\x09confirmButtonLabel: 'Debug';\x0a\x09\x09show", messageSends: ["confirmationString:", "new", "messageText", "actionBlock:", "debugError:", "cancelButtonLabel:", "confirmButtonLabel:", "show"], referencedClasses: ["HLConfirmationWidget"] }), globals.HLErrorHandler); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "debugError:", protocol: 'error handling', fn: function (anError){ var self=this; function $HLDebugger(){return globals.HLDebugger||(typeof HLDebugger=="undefined"?nil:HLDebugger)} function $Error(){return globals.Error||(typeof Error=="undefined"?nil:Error)} function $ConsoleErrorHandler(){return globals.ConsoleErrorHandler||(typeof ConsoleErrorHandler=="undefined"?nil:ConsoleErrorHandler)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { _st((function(){ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx2) { return _st(_st($HLDebugger())._on_(anError))._openAsTab(); }, function($ctx2) {$ctx2.fillBlock({},$ctx1,1)})}))._on_do_($Error(),(function(error){ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx2) { return _st(_st($ConsoleErrorHandler())._new())._handleError_(error); }, function($ctx2) {$ctx2.fillBlock({error:error},$ctx1,2)})})); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"debugError:",{anError:anError},globals.HLErrorHandler)})}, args: ["anError"], source: "debugError: anError\x0a\x0a\x09[ \x0a\x09\x09(HLDebugger on: anError) openAsTab \x0a\x09] \x0a\x09\x09on: Error \x0a\x09\x09do: [ :error | ConsoleErrorHandler new handleError: error ]", messageSends: ["on:do:", "openAsTab", "on:", "handleError:", "new"], referencedClasses: ["HLDebugger", "Error", "ConsoleErrorHandler"] }), globals.HLErrorHandler); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "handleError:", protocol: 'error handling', fn: function (anError){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { self._confirmDebugError_(anError); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"handleError:",{anError:anError},globals.HLErrorHandler)})}, args: ["anError"], source: "handleError: anError\x0a\x09self confirmDebugError: anError", messageSends: ["confirmDebugError:"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLErrorHandler); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "onErrorHandled", protocol: 'error handling', fn: function (){ var self=this; function $HLProgressWidget(){return globals.HLProgressWidget||(typeof HLProgressWidget=="undefined"?nil:HLProgressWidget)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1,$2; $1=_st($HLProgressWidget())._default(); _st($1)._flush(); $2=_st($1)._remove(); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"onErrorHandled",{},globals.HLErrorHandler)})}, args: [], source: "onErrorHandled\x0a\x09\x22when an error is handled, we need to make sure that\x0a\x09any progress bar widget gets removed. Because HLProgressBarWidget is asynchronous,\x0a\x09it has to be done here.\x22\x0a\x09\x0a\x09HLProgressWidget default \x0a\x09\x09flush; \x0a\x09\x09remove", messageSends: ["flush", "default", "remove"], referencedClasses: ["HLProgressWidget"] }), globals.HLErrorHandler); smalltalk.addClass('HLStackListWidget', globals.HLToolListWidget, [], 'Helios-Debugger'); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "items", protocol: 'accessing', fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1; $1=_st(self._model())._contexts(); return $1; }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"items",{},globals.HLStackListWidget)})}, args: [], source: "items\x0a\x09^ self model contexts", messageSends: ["contexts", "model"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLStackListWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "label", protocol: 'accessing', fn: function (){ var self=this; return "Call stack"; }, args: [], source: "label\x0a\x09^ 'Call stack'", messageSends: [], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLStackListWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "observeModel", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (){ var self=this; function $HLDebuggerStepped(){return globals.HLDebuggerStepped||(typeof HLDebuggerStepped=="undefined"?nil:HLDebuggerStepped)} return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { ($ctx1.supercall = true, globals.HLStackListWidget.superclass.fn.prototype._observeModel.apply(_st(self), [])); $ctx1.supercall = false; _st(_st(self._model())._announcer())._on_send_to_($HLDebuggerStepped(),"onDebuggerStepped:",self); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"observeModel",{},globals.HLStackListWidget)})}, args: [], source: "observeModel\x0a\x09super observeModel.\x0a\x09\x0a\x09self model announcer \x0a\x09\x09on: HLDebuggerStepped\x0a\x09\x09send: #onDebuggerStepped:\x0a\x09\x09to: self", messageSends: ["observeModel", "on:send:to:", "announcer", "model"], referencedClasses: ["HLDebuggerStepped"] }), globals.HLStackListWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "onDebuggerStepped:", protocol: 'reactions', fn: function (anAnnouncement){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { self["@items"]=nil; self._refresh(); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"onDebuggerStepped:",{anAnnouncement:anAnnouncement},globals.HLStackListWidget)})}, args: ["anAnnouncement"], source: "onDebuggerStepped: anAnnouncement\x0a\x09items := nil.\x0a\x09self refresh", messageSends: ["refresh"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLStackListWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "proceed", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { _st(self._model())._proceed(); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"proceed",{},globals.HLStackListWidget)})}, args: [], source: "proceed\x0a\x09self model proceed", messageSends: ["proceed", "model"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLStackListWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "renderButtonsOn:", protocol: 'rendering', fn: function (html){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$2; $1=_st(html)._div(); _st($1)._class_("debugger_bar"); $ctx1.sendIdx["class:"]=1; $2=_st($1)._with_((function(){ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx2) { $3=_st(html)._button(); $ctx2.sendIdx["button"]=1; _st($3)._class_("btn restart"); $ctx2.sendIdx["class:"]=2; _st($3)._with_("Restart"); $ctx2.sendIdx["with:"]=2; $4=_st($3)._onClick_((function(){ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx3) { return self._restart(); }, function($ctx3) {$ctx3.fillBlock({},$ctx2,2)})})); $ctx2.sendIdx["onClick:"]=1; $4; $5=_st(html)._button(); $ctx2.sendIdx["button"]=2; _st($5)._class_("btn where"); $ctx2.sendIdx["class:"]=3; _st($5)._with_("Where"); $ctx2.sendIdx["with:"]=3; $6=_st($5)._onClick_((function(){ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx3) { return self._where(); }, function($ctx3) {$ctx3.fillBlock({},$ctx2,3)})})); $ctx2.sendIdx["onClick:"]=2; $6; $7=_st(html)._button(); $ctx2.sendIdx["button"]=3; _st($7)._class_("btn stepOver"); $ctx2.sendIdx["class:"]=4; _st($7)._with_("Step over"); $ctx2.sendIdx["with:"]=4; $8=_st($7)._onClick_((function(){ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx3) { return self._stepOver(); }, function($ctx3) {$ctx3.fillBlock({},$ctx2,4)})})); $ctx2.sendIdx["onClick:"]=3; $8; $9=_st(html)._button(); _st($9)._class_("btn proceed"); _st($9)._with_("Proceed"); $10=_st($9)._onClick_((function(){ return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx3) { return self._proceed(); }, function($ctx3) {$ctx3.fillBlock({},$ctx2,5)})})); return $10; }, function($ctx2) {$ctx2.fillBlock({},$ctx1,1)})})); $ctx1.sendIdx["with:"]=1; return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"renderButtonsOn:",{html:html},globals.HLStackListWidget)})}, args: ["html"], source: "renderButtonsOn: html\x0a\x09html div \x0a\x09\x09class: 'debugger_bar'; \x0a\x09\x09with: [\x0a\x09\x09\x09html button \x0a\x09\x09\x09\x09class: 'btn restart';\x0a\x09\x09\x09\x09with: 'Restart';\x0a\x09\x09\x09\x09onClick: [ self restart ].\x0a\x09\x09\x09html button \x0a\x09\x09\x09\x09class: 'btn where';\x0a\x09\x09\x09\x09with: 'Where';\x0a\x09\x09\x09\x09onClick: [ self where ].\x0a\x09\x09\x09html button \x0a\x09\x09\x09\x09class: 'btn stepOver';\x0a\x09\x09\x09\x09with: 'Step over';\x0a\x09\x09\x09\x09onClick: [ self stepOver ].\x0a\x09\x09\x09html button \x0a\x09\x09\x09\x09class: 'btn proceed';\x0a\x09\x09\x09\x09with: 'Proceed';\x0a\x09\x09\x09\x09onClick: [ self proceed ] ]", messageSends: ["class:", "div", "with:", "button", "onClick:", "restart", "where", "stepOver", "proceed"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLStackListWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "restart", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { _st(self._model())._restart(); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"restart",{},globals.HLStackListWidget)})}, args: [], source: "restart\x0a\x09self model restart", messageSends: ["restart", "model"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLStackListWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "selectItem:", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (aContext){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { _st(self._model())._currentContext_(aContext); ($ctx1.supercall = true, globals.HLStackListWidget.superclass.fn.prototype._selectItem_.apply(_st(self), [aContext])); $ctx1.supercall = false; return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"selectItem:",{aContext:aContext},globals.HLStackListWidget)})}, args: ["aContext"], source: "selectItem: aContext\x0a \x09self model currentContext: aContext.\x0a\x09super selectItem: aContext", messageSends: ["currentContext:", "model", "selectItem:"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLStackListWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "selectedItem", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { var $1; $1=_st(self._model())._currentContext(); return $1; }, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"selectedItem",{},globals.HLStackListWidget)})}, args: [], source: "selectedItem\x0a \x09^ self model currentContext", messageSends: ["currentContext", "model"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLStackListWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "stepOver", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { _st(self._model())._stepOver(); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"stepOver",{},globals.HLStackListWidget)})}, args: [], source: "stepOver\x0a\x09self model stepOver", messageSends: ["stepOver", "model"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLStackListWidget); smalltalk.addMethod( smalltalk.method({ selector: "where", protocol: 'actions', fn: function (){ var self=this; return smalltalk.withContext(function($ctx1) { _st(self._model())._where(); return self}, function($ctx1) {$ctx1.fill(self,"where",{},globals.HLStackListWidget)})}, args: [], source: "where\x0a\x09self model where", messageSends: ["where", "model"], referencedClasses: [] }), globals.HLStackListWidget); });
/** * Error for services to through when they encounter a problem with the request. * Distinguishes between a bad service request and a general error */ function ServiceError(message) { = "ServiceError"; this.message = (message || ""); } ServiceError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype, { constructor: {value: ServiceError} }); /** * Error for when an item is not found */ function NotFoundError(message) { = "NotFoundError"; this.message = (message || "Not found"); } NotFoundError.prototype = Object.create(ServiceError.prototype, { constructor: { value: NotFoundError} }); exports.ServiceError = ServiceError; exports.NotFoundError = NotFoundError;
import shaven from 'shaven' const svgNS = '' export default function (svg, config) { const yDensity = 0.1 const yRange = config.max.value - config.min.value const graphHeight = config.height * 0.8 const graphWidth = config.width * 0.95 const coSysHeight = config.height * 0.6 const coSysWidth = config.width * 0.85 const barchart = shaven( ['g', { transform: 'translate(' + [graphWidth * 0.1, graphHeight].join() + ')', }], svgNS, )[0] const coordinateSystem = shaven(['g'], svgNS)[0] const bars = shaven(['g'], svgNS)[0] function buildCoordinateSystem () { function ordinates () { let cssClass let index for (index = 0; index < config.size; index++) { cssClass = index === 0 ? 'vectual_coordinate_axis_y' : 'vectual_coordinate_lines_y' shaven( [coordinateSystem, ['line', { class: cssClass, x1: (coSysWidth / config.size) * index, y1: '5', x2: (coSysWidth / config.size) * index, y2: -coSysHeight, }], ['text', config.keys[index], { class: 'vectual_coordinate_labels_x', transform: 'rotate(40 ' + ((coSysWidth / config.size) * index) + ', 10)', // eslint-disable-next-line id-length x: (coSysWidth / config.size) * index, y: 10, // eslint-disable-line id-length }], ], svgNS, ) } } function abscissas () { let styleClass let index for (index = 0; index <= (yRange * yDensity); index++) { styleClass = index === 0 ? 'vectual_coordinate_axis_x' : 'vectual_coordinate_lines_x' shaven( [coordinateSystem, ['line', { class: styleClass, x1: -5, y1: -(coSysHeight / yRange) * (index / yDensity), x2: coSysWidth, y2: -(coSysHeight / yRange) * (index / yDensity), }], ['text', String(index / yDensity + config.min.value), { class: 'vectual_coordinate_labels_y', x: -coSysWidth * 0.05, // eslint-disable-line id-length // eslint-disable-next-line id-length y: -(coSysHeight / yRange) * (index / yDensity), }], ], svgNS, ) } } abscissas() ordinates() } function buildBars () { function drawBar (element, index) { const height = config.animations ? 0 : (config.values[index] - config.min.value) * (coSysHeight / yRange) const bar = shaven( ['rect', { class: 'vectual_bar_bar', // eslint-disable-next-line id-length x: index * (coSysWidth / config.size), // eslint-disable-next-line id-length y: -(config.values[index] - config.min.value) * (coSysHeight / yRange), height: height, width: 0.7 * (coSysWidth / config.size), }, ['title', config.keys[index] + ': ' + config.values[index]], ], svgNS, )[0] function localSetAnimations () { shaven( [bar, ['animate', { attributeName: 'height', to: (config.values[index] - config.min.value) * (coSysHeight / yRange), begin: '0s', dur: '1s', fill: 'freeze', }], ['animate', { attributeName: 'y', from: 0, to: -(config.values[index] - config.min.value) * (coSysHeight / yRange), begin: '0s', dur: '1s', fill: 'freeze', }], ['animate', { attributeName: 'fill', to: 'rgb(100,210,255)', begin: 'mouseover', dur: '100ms', fill: 'freeze', additive: 'replace', }], ['animate', { attributeName: 'fill', to: 'rgb(0,150,250)', begin: 'mouseout', dur: '200ms', fill: 'freeze', additive: 'replace', }], ], svgNS, ) } function localInject () { shaven([bars, [bar]]) } if (config.animations) localSetAnimations() localInject() } } function setAnimations () { shaven( [bars, ['animate', { attributeName: 'opacity', from: 0, to: 0.8, begin: '0s', dur: '1s', fill: 'freeze', additive: 'replace', }], ], svgNS, ) } function inject () { shaven( [svg, [barchart, [coordinateSystem], [bars], ], ], ) } buildCoordinateSystem() buildBars() if (config.animations) setAnimations() inject() return svg }
import Ember from "ember"; export default Ember.Route.extend({ model: function() { return'answer', {correct: true}); } });
//This file is automatically rebuilt by the Cesium build process. /*global define*/ define(function() { 'use strict'; return "/**\n\ * Converts an RGB color to HSB (hue, saturation, brightness)\n\ * HSB <-> RGB conversion with minimal branching: {@link}\n\ *\n\ * @name czm_RGBToHSB\n\ * @glslFunction\n\ * \n\ * @param {vec3} rgb The color in RGB.\n\ *\n\ * @returns {vec3} The color in HSB.\n\ *\n\ * @example\n\ * vec3 hsb = czm_RGBToHSB(rgb);\n\ * hsb.z *= 0.1;\n\ * rgb = czm_HSBToRGB(hsb);\n\ */\n\ \n\ const vec4 K_RGB2HSB = vec4(0.0, -1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0, -1.0);\n\ \n\ vec3 czm_RGBToHSB(vec3 rgb)\n\ {\n\ vec4 p = mix(vec4(, K_RGB2HSB.wz), vec4(, K_RGB2HSB.xy), step(rgb.b, rgb.g));\n\ vec4 q = mix(vec4(p.xyw, rgb.r), vec4(rgb.r, p.yzx), step(p.x, rgb.r));\n\ \n\ float d = q.x - min(q.w, q.y);\n\ return vec3(abs(q.z + (q.w - q.y) / (6.0 * d + czm_epsilon7)), d / (q.x + czm_epsilon7), q.x);\n\ }\n\ "; });
/** * Demo App for TopcoatTouch */ $(document).ready(function() { <% if (kitchenSink) { if (mvc) { %> // Create the topcoatTouch object var tt = new TopcoatTouch({menu: [{id: 'help', name: 'Help'}, {id: 'info', name: 'Info'}, {id: 'about', name: 'About'}]}); tt.on(tt.EVENTS.MENU_ITEM_CLICKED, function(page, id) { if (id == 'help') { tt.goTo('help', 'slidedown', true); } else if (id == 'about') { tt.goTo('about', 'pop', true); } }); tt.createController('home'); tt.createController('about').addEvent('click', 'button', function() { tt.goBack(); }); tt.createController('info').addEvent('click', 'button', function() { tt.goBack(); }); tt.createController('help').addEvent('click', 'button', function() { tt.goBack(); }); tt.createController('buttonExample', { postrender: function($page) { // Show a message when anyone clicks on button of the test form... $page.find('.testForm').submit(function() { tt.showDialog('<h3>Button Clicked</h3>'); return false; }); } }); tt.createController('carouselExample', { postadd: function() { // When the page is loaded, run the following... // Setup iScroll.. this.carouselScroll = new IScroll('#carouselWrapper', { scrollX: true, scrollY: false, momentum: false, snap: true, snapSpeed: 400, keyBindings: true, indicators: { el: document.getElementById('carouselIndicator'), resize: false } }); }, pageend: function() { if (this.carouselScroll != null) { this.carouselScroll.destroy(); this.carouselScroll = null; } } }); tt.createController('checkRadioExample'); tt.createController('formExample'); tt.createController('galleryExample', { postrender: function($page) { $page.find('#changeButton').click(function() { createPlaceHolder($page, $('#gallery-picker').data('value')); }); createPlaceHolder($page, 'kittens'); } }); tt.createController('waitingDialogExample', { postadd: function() { // Show the loading message... $(document).on('click', '#showLoading', function() { tt.showLoading('10 seconds'); var count = 10; var interval = setInterval(function() { if (--count <= 0) { clearInterval(interval); tt.hideLoading(); } else { $('#topcoat-loading-message').text(count + ' seconds'); } },1000); }); // Show the dialog... $(document).on('click', '#showDialog', function() { tt.showDialog('This is a dialog', 'Example Dialog', {OK: function() { console.log('OK Pressed') } , Cancel: function() { console.log('Cancel Pressed')}}); }); } }); // First page we go to home... This could be done in code by setting the class to 'page page-center', but here is how to do it in code... tt.goTo('home'); function getRandomInt(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min); } // Create the placeholders in the gallery... function createPlaceHolder($page, type) { var placeHolders = { kittens : '', bears: '', lorem: '', bacon: '', murray: ''}; var gallery = ''; for (var i = 0; i < getRandomInt(50,100); i++) { gallery += '<li class="photoClass" style="background:url(http://' + placeHolders[type] + '/' + getRandomInt(200,300) + '/' + getRandomInt(200,300) + ') 50% 50% no-repeat"></li>'; } $page.find('.photo-gallery').html(gallery); tt.refreshScroll(); // Refresh the scroller tt.scrollTo(0,0); // Move back to the top of the page... } <% // End If MVC KitchenSink } else { // Start SingleDocument KitchenSink %> // Create the topcoatTouch object var tt = new TopcoatTouch({menu: [{id: 'help', name: 'Help'}, {id: 'info', name: 'Info'}, {id: 'about', name: 'About'}]}); // First page we go to home... This could be done in code by setting the class to 'page page-center', but here is how to do it in code... tt.goTo('home'); var carouselScroll = null; tt.on(tt.EVENTS.MENU_ITEM_CLICKED, function(page, id) { if (id == 'help') { tt.goTo('help', 'slidedown', true); } else if (id == 'info') { tt.goTo('info', 'flip', true); } else if (id == 'about') { tt.goTo('about', 'pop', true); } }); tt.on('click', 'button', 'help about info', function() { tt.goBack(); }); // Show the loading message... $('#showLoading').click(function() { tt.showLoading('10 seconds'); var count = 10; var interval = setInterval(function() { if (--count <= 0) { clearInterval(interval); tt.hideLoading(); } else { $('#topcoat-loading-message').text(count + ' seconds'); } },1000); }); // Show the dialog... $('#showDialog').click(function() { tt.showDialog('This is a dialog', 'Example Dialog', {OK: function() { console.log('OK Pressed') } , Cancel: function() { console.log('Cancel Pressed')}}); }); tt.on(tt.EVENTS.PAGE_START, 'carouselExample', function() { // When the page is loaded, run the following... // Setup iScroll.. carouselScroll = new IScroll('#carouselWrapper', { scrollX: true, scrollY: false, momentum: false, snap: true, snapSpeed: 400, keyBindings: true, indicators: { el: document.getElementById('carouselIndicator'), resize: false } }); }).on(tt.EVENTS.PAGE_END, 'carouselExample', function() { // When the page is unloaded, run the following... if (carouselScroll != null) { carouselScroll.destroy(); carouselScroll = null; } }); // Show a message when anyone clicks on button of the test form... $('.testForm').submit(function() { tt.showDialog('<h3>Button Clicked</h3>'); return false; }); function getRandomInt(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min); } // Create the placeholders in the gallery... function createPlaceHolder(type) { var placeHolders = { kittens : '', bears: '', lorem: '', bacon: '', murray: ''}; var gallery = ''; for (var i = 0; i < getRandomInt(50,100); i++) { gallery += '<li class="photoClass" style="background:url(http://' + placeHolders[type] + '/' + getRandomInt(200,300) + '/' + getRandomInt(200,300) + ') 50% 50% no-repeat"></li>'; } $('.photo-gallery').html(gallery); tt.refreshScroll(); // Refresh the scroller tt.scrollTo(0,0); // Move back to the top of the page... } $('#gallery-picker').change(function(e, id) { createPlaceHolder(id); }); createPlaceHolder('kittens'); <% } } else { %> // Create the topcoatTouch object var tt = new TopcoatTouch(); <% if (mvc) { %> tt.createController('home'); <% } else { %> // First page we go to home... This could be done in code by setting the class to 'page page-center', but here is how to do it in code... <% } %> tt.goTo('home'); <% } %> });
const sizeOf = { object: function () { return function (object) { let $start = 0 $start += 1 * object.array.length + 2 return $start } } () } const serializer = { all: { object: function () { return function (object, $buffer, $start) { let $i = [] for ($i[0] = 0; $i[0] < object.array.length; $i[0]++) { $buffer[$start++] = object.array[$i[0]] & 0xff } $buffer[$start++] = 0xd $buffer[$start++] = 0xa return { start: $start, serialize: null } } } () }, inc: { object: function () { return function (object, $step = 0, $i = []) { let $_, $bite return function $serialize ($buffer, $start, $end) { for (;;) { switch ($step) { case 0: $i[0] = 0 $step = 1 case 1: $bite = 0 $_ = object.array[$i[0]] case 2: while ($bite != -1) { if ($start == $end) { $step = 2 return { start: $start, serialize: $serialize } } $buffer[$start++] = $_ >>> $bite * 8 & 0xff $bite-- } if (++$i[0] != object.array.length) { $step = 1 continue } $step = 3 case 3: if ($start == $end) { $step = 3 return { start: $start, serialize: $serialize } } $buffer[$start++] = 0xd case 4: if ($start == $end) { $step = 4 return { start: $start, serialize: $serialize } } $buffer[$start++] = 0xa case 5: } break } return { start: $start, serialize: null } } } } () } } const parser = { all: { object: function () { return function ($buffer, $start) { let $i = [] let object = { array: [] } $i[0] = 0 for (;;) { if ( $buffer[$start] == 0xd && $buffer[$start + 1] == 0xa ) { $start += 2 break } object.array[$i[0]] = $buffer[$start++] $i[0]++ } return object } } () }, inc: { object: function () { return function (object, $step = 0, $i = []) { let $length = 0 return function $parse ($buffer, $start, $end) { for (;;) { switch ($step) { case 0: object = { array: [] } case 1: $i[0] = 0 case 2: $step = 2 if ($start == $end) { return { start: $start, object: null, parse: $parse } } if ($buffer[$start] != 0xd) { $step = 4 continue } $start++ $step = 3 case 3: $step = 3 if ($start == $end) { return { start: $start, object: null, parse: $parse } } if ($buffer[$start] != 0xa) { $step = 4 $parse(Buffer.from([ 0xd ]), 0, 1) continue } $start++ $step = 7 continue case 4: case 5: if ($start == $end) { $step = 5 return { start: $start, object: null, parse: $parse } } object.array[$i[0]] = $buffer[$start++] case 6: $i[0]++ $step = 2 continue case 7: } return { start: $start, object: object, parse: null } break } } } } () } } module.exports = { sizeOf: sizeOf, serializer: { all: serializer.all, inc:, bff: function ($incremental) { return { object: function () { return function (object) { return function ($buffer, $start, $end) { let $i = [] if ($end - $start < 2 + object.array.length * 1) { return $incremental.object(object, 0, $i)($buffer, $start, $end) } for ($i[0] = 0; $i[0] < object.array.length; $i[0]++) { $buffer[$start++] = object.array[$i[0]] & 0xff } $buffer[$start++] = 0xd $buffer[$start++] = 0xa return { start: $start, serialize: null } } } } () } } ( }, parser: { all: parser.all, inc:, bff: function ($incremental) { return { object: function () { return function () { return function ($buffer, $start, $end) { let $i = [] let object = { array: [] } $i[0] = 0 for (;;) { if ($end - $start < 2) { return $incremental.object(object, 2, $i)($buffer, $start, $end) } if ( $buffer[$start] == 0xd && $buffer[$start + 1] == 0xa ) { $start += 2 break } if ($end - $start < 1) { return $incremental.object(object, 4, $i)($buffer, $start, $end) } object.array[$i[0]] = $buffer[$start++] $i[0]++ } return { start: $start, object: object, parse: null } } } () } } } ( } }
import modelExtend from 'dva-model-extend' import { create, remove, update } from '../services/user' import * as usersService from '../services/users' import { pageModel } from './common' import { config } from 'utils' const { query } = usersService const { prefix } = config export default modelExtend(pageModel, { namespace: 'user', state: { currentItem: {}, modalVisible: false, modalType: 'create', selectedRowKeys: [], isMotion: localStorage.getItem(`${prefix}userIsMotion`) === 'true', }, subscriptions: { setup ({ dispatch, history }) { history.listen(location => { if (location.pathname === '/user') { dispatch({ type: 'query', payload: location.query, }) } }) }, }, effects: { *query ({ payload = {} }, { call, put }) { const data = yield call(query, payload) if (data) { yield put({ type: 'querySuccess', payload: { list:, pagination: { current: Number( || 1, pageSize: Number(payload.pageSize) || 10, total:, }, }, }) } }, *'delete' ({ payload }, { call, put, select }) { const data = yield call(remove, { id: payload }) const { selectedRowKeys } = yield select(_ => _.user) if (data.success) { yield put({ type: 'updateState', payload: { selectedRowKeys: selectedRowKeys.filter(_ => _ !== payload) } }) yield put({ type: 'query' }) } else { throw data } }, *'multiDelete' ({ payload }, { call, put }) { const data = yield call(usersService.remove, payload) if (data.success) { yield put({ type: 'updateState', payload: { selectedRowKeys: [] } }) yield put({ type: 'query' }) } else { throw data } }, *create ({ payload }, { call, put }) { const data = yield call(create, payload) if (data.success) { yield put({ type: 'hideModal' }) yield put({ type: 'query' }) } else { throw data } }, *update ({ payload }, { select, call, put }) { const id = yield select(({ user }) => const newUser = { ...payload, id } const data = yield call(update, newUser) if (data.success) { yield put({ type: 'hideModal' }) yield put({ type: 'query' }) } else { throw data } }, }, reducers: { showModal (state, { payload }) { return { ...state, ...payload, modalVisible: true } }, hideModal (state) { return { ...state, modalVisible: false } }, switchIsMotion (state) { localStorage.setItem(`${prefix}userIsMotion`, !state.isMotion) return { ...state, isMotion: !state.isMotion } }, }, })
var blueMarker = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon({ icon: 'record', prefix: 'glyphicon', markerColor: 'blue' }); var airportMarker = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon({ icon: 'plane', prefix: 'fa', markerColor: 'cadetblue' }); var cityMarker = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon({ icon: 'home', markerColor: 'red' }); var stationMarker = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon({ icon: 'train', prefix: 'fa', markerColor: 'cadetblue' });
/** * jspsych plugin for categorization trials with feedback and animated stimuli * Josh de Leeuw * * documentation: **/ jsPsych.plugins["categorize-animation"] = (function() { var plugin = {}; jsPsych.pluginAPI.registerPreload('categorize-animation', 'stimuli', 'image'); = { name: 'categorize-animation', description: '', parameters: { stimuli: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.IMAGE, pretty_name: 'Stimuli', default: undefined, description: 'Array of paths to image files.' }, key_answer: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.KEYCODE, pretty_name: 'Key answer', default: undefined, description: 'The key to indicate correct response' }, choices: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.KEYCODE, pretty_name: 'Choices', default: jsPsych.ALL_KEYS, array: true, description: 'The keys subject is allowed to press to respond to stimuli.' }, text_answer: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.STRING, pretty_name: 'Text answer', default: null, description: 'Text to describe correct answer.' }, correct_text: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.STRING, pretty_name: 'Correct text', default: 'Correct.', description: 'String to show when subject gives correct answer' }, incorrect_text: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.STRING, pretty_name: 'Incorrect text', default: 'Wrong.', description: 'String to show when subject gives incorrect answer.' }, frame_time: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.INT, pretty_name: 'Frame time', default: 500, description: 'Duration to display each image.' }, sequence_reps: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.INT, pretty_name: 'Sequence repetitions', default: 1, description: 'How many times to display entire sequence.' }, allow_response_before_complete: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.BOOL, pretty_name: 'Allow response before complete', default: false, description: 'If true, subject can response before the animation sequence finishes' }, feedback_duration: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.INT, pretty_name: 'Feedback duration', default: 2000, description: 'How long to show feedback' }, prompt: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.STRING, pretty_name: 'Prompt', default: null, description: 'Any content here will be displayed below the stimulus.' }, render_on_canvas: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.BOOL, pretty_name: 'Render on canvas', default: true, description: 'If true, the images will be drawn onto a canvas element (prevents blank screen between consecutive images in some browsers).'+ 'If false, the image will be shown via an img element.' } } } plugin.trial = function(display_element, trial) { var animate_frame = -1; var reps = 0; var showAnimation = true; var responded = false; var timeoutSet = false; var correct; if (trial.render_on_canvas) { // first clear the display element (because the render_on_canvas method appends to display_element instead of overwriting it with .innerHTML) if (display_element.hasChildNodes()) { // can't loop through child list because the list will be modified by .removeChild() while (display_element.firstChild) { display_element.removeChild(display_element.firstChild); } } var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); = "jspsych-categorize-animation-stimulus"; = 0; = 0; display_element.insertBefore(canvas, null); var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); if (trial.prompt !== null) { var prompt_div = document.createElement("div"); = "jspsych-categorize-animation-prompt"; = "hidden"; prompt_div.innerHTML = trial.prompt; display_element.insertBefore(prompt_div, canvas.nextElementSibling); } var feedback_div = document.createElement("div"); display_element.insertBefore(feedback_div, display_element.nextElementSibling); } // show animation var animate_interval = setInterval(function() { if (!trial.render_on_canvas) { display_element.innerHTML = ''; // clear everything } animate_frame++; if (animate_frame == trial.stimuli.length) { animate_frame = 0; reps++; // check if reps complete // if (trial.sequence_reps != -1 && reps >= trial.sequence_reps) { // done with animation showAnimation = false; } } if (showAnimation) { if (trial.render_on_canvas) { display_element.querySelector('#jspsych-categorize-animation-stimulus').style.visibility = 'visible'; var img = new Image(); img.src = trial.stimuli[animate_frame]; canvas.height = img.naturalHeight; canvas.width = img.naturalWidth; ctx.drawImage(img,0,0); } else { display_element.innerHTML += '<img src="'+trial.stimuli[animate_frame]+'" class="jspsych-categorize-animation-stimulus"></img>'; } } if (!responded && trial.allow_response_before_complete) { // in here if the user can respond before the animation is done if (trial.prompt !== null) { if (trial.render_on_canvas) { = "visible"; } else { display_element.innerHTML += trial.prompt; } } if (trial.render_on_canvas) { if (!showAnimation) { canvas.remove(); } } } else if (!responded) { // in here if the user has to wait to respond until animation is done. // if this is the case, don't show the prompt until the animation is over. if (!showAnimation) { if (trial.prompt !== null) { if (trial.render_on_canvas) { = "visible"; } else { display_element.innerHTML += trial.prompt; } } if (trial.render_on_canvas) { canvas.remove(); } } } else { // user has responded if we get here. // show feedback var feedback_text = ""; if (correct) { feedback_text = trial.correct_text.replace("%ANS%", trial.text_answer); } else { feedback_text = trial.incorrect_text.replace("%ANS%", trial.text_answer); } if (trial.render_on_canvas) { if (trial.prompt !== null) { prompt_div.remove(); } feedback_div.innerHTML = feedback_text; } else { display_element.innerHTML += feedback_text; } // set timeout to clear feedback if (!timeoutSet) { timeoutSet = true; jsPsych.pluginAPI.setTimeout(function() { endTrial(); }, trial.feedback_duration); } } }, trial.frame_time); var keyboard_listener; var trial_data = {}; var after_response = function(info) { // ignore the response if animation is playing and subject // not allowed to respond before it is complete if (!trial.allow_response_before_complete && showAnimation) { return false; } correct = false; if (trial.key_answer == info.key) { correct = true; } responded = true; trial_data = { "stimulus": JSON.stringify(trial.stimuli), "rt": info.rt, "correct": correct, "key_press": info.key }; jsPsych.pluginAPI.cancelKeyboardResponse(keyboard_listener); } keyboard_listener = jsPsych.pluginAPI.getKeyboardResponse({ callback_function: after_response, valid_responses: trial.choices, rt_method: 'performance', persist: true, allow_held_key: false }); function endTrial() { clearInterval(animate_interval); // stop animation! display_element.innerHTML = ''; // clear everything jsPsych.finishTrial(trial_data); } }; return plugin; })();
'use strict'; var app = angular.module('Fablab'); app.controller('GlobalPurchaseEditController', function ($scope, $location, $filter, $window, PurchaseService, NotificationService, StaticDataService, SupplyService) { $scope.selected = {purchase: undefined}; $scope.currency = App.CONFIG.CURRENCY; $scope.loadPurchase = function (id) { PurchaseService.get(id, function (data) { $scope.purchase = data; }); }; $ = function () { var purchaseCurrent = angular.copy($scope.purchase); updateStock();, function (data) { $scope.purchase = data; NotificationService.notify("success", "purchase.notification.saved"); $location.path("purchases"); }); }; var updateStock = function () { var stockInit = $; $ = parseFloat(stockInit) - parseFloat($scope.purchase.quantity); var supplyCurrent = angular.copy($;, function (data) { $ = data; }); }; $scope.maxMoney = function () { return parseFloat($scope.purchase.quantity) * parseFloat($; }; $scope.updatePrice = function () { var interTotal = parseFloat($scope.purchase.quantity) * parseFloat($; if ($ === undefined || !$ { //0.05 cts ceil var val = $window.Math.ceil(interTotal * 20) / 20; $scope.purchase.purchasePrice = $filter('number')(val, 2); ; } else { if ($scope.purchase.discountPercent) { var discountInter = parseFloat(interTotal) * (parseFloat($ / parseFloat(100)); var total = parseFloat(interTotal) - parseFloat(discountInter); //0.05 cts ceil var val = $window.Math.ceil(total * 20) / 20; $scope.purchase.purchasePrice = $filter('number')(val, 2); } else { var total = parseFloat(interTotal) - parseFloat($; //0.05 cts ceil var val = $window.Math.ceil(total * 20) / 20; $scope.purchase.purchasePrice = $filter('number')(val, 2); } } }; $scope.firstPercent = App.CONFIG.FIRST_PERCENT.toUpperCase() === "PERCENT"; $scope.optionsPercent = [{ name: "%", value: true }, { name: App.CONFIG.CURRENCY, value: false }]; $ = function () { $scope.dt = new Date(); }; $; $scope.clear = function () { $scope.dt = null; }; $ = function ($event) { $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); $scope.opened = true; }; $scope.dateOptions = { formatYear: 'yy', startingDay: 1 }; $scope.formats = ['dd-MMMM-yyyy', 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'dd.MM.yyyy', 'shortDate']; $scope.format = $scope.formats[2]; var tomorrow = new Date(); tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1); var afterTomorrow = new Date(); afterTomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 2); $ = [ { date: tomorrow, status: 'full' }, { date: afterTomorrow, status: 'partially' } ]; $scope.getDayClass = function (date, mode) { if (mode === 'day') { var dayToCheck = new Date(date).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); for (var i = 0; i < $; i++) { var currentDay = new Date($[i].date).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); if (dayToCheck === currentDay) { return $[i].status; } } } return ''; }; StaticDataService.loadSupplyStock(function (data) { $scope.supplyStock = data; }); StaticDataService.loadCashiers(function (data) { $scope.cashierList = data; }); } ); app.controller('PurchaseNewController', function ($scope, $controller, $rootScope) { $controller('GlobalPurchaseEditController', {$scope: $scope}); $scope.newPurchase = true; $scope.paidDirectly = false; $scope.purchase = { purchaseDate: new Date(), user: $rootScope.connectedUser.user }; } ); app.controller('PurchaseEditController', function ($scope, $routeParams, $controller) { $controller('GlobalPurchaseEditController', {$scope: $scope}); $scope.newPurchase = false; $scope.loadPurchase($; } );
export const ic_my_location_twotone = {"viewBox":"0 0 24 24","children":[{"name":"path","attribs":{"d":"M0 0h24v24H0V0z","fill":"none"},"children":[]},{"name":"path","attribs":{"d":"M13 3.06V1h-2v2.06C6.83 3.52 3.52 6.83 3.06 11H1v2h2.06c.46 4.17 3.77 7.48 7.94 7.94V23h2v-2.06c4.17-.46 7.48-3.77 7.94-7.94H23v-2h-2.06c-.46-4.17-3.77-7.48-7.94-7.94zM12 19c-3.87 0-7-3.13-7-7s3.13-7 7-7 7 3.13 7 7-3.13 7-7 7z"},"children":[]},{"name":"circle","attribs":{"cx":"12","cy":"12","opacity":".3","r":"2"},"children":[]},{"name":"path","attribs":{"d":"M12 8c-2.21 0-4 1.79-4 4s1.79 4 4 4 4-1.79 4-4-1.79-4-4-4zm0 6c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2s.9-2 2-2 2 .9 2 2-.9 2-2 2z"},"children":[]}]};
import Form from 'cerebral-module-forms/Form' import submitForm from './chains/submitForm' import resetForm from './chains/resetForm' import validateForm from './chains/validateForm' export default (options = {}) => { return (module, controller) => { module.addState(Form({ name: { value: '', isRequired: true }, email: { value: '', validations: ['isEmail'], errorMessages: ['Not valid email'], isRequired: true }, password: { value: '', validations: ['equalsField:repeatPassword'], dependsOn: 'simple.repeatPassword', errorMessages: ['Not equal to repeated password'], isRequired: true }, repeatPassword: { value: '', validations: ['equalsField:password'], dependsOn: 'simple.password', errorMessages: ['Not equal to password'], isRequired: true }, address: Form({ street: { value: '' }, postalCode: { value: '', validations: ['isLength:4', 'isNumeric'], errorMessages: ['Has to be length 4', 'Can only contain numbers'] } }) })) module.addSignals({ formSubmitted: submitForm, resetClicked: resetForm, validateFormClicked: validateForm }) } }
"use strict"; define("ace/snippets/scala", ["require", "exports", "module"], function (require, exports, module) { "use strict"; exports.snippetText = undefined; exports.scope = "scala"; });
'use strict'; module.exports = { set: function (v) { this.setProperty('src', v); }, get: function () { return this.getPropertyValue('src'); }, enumerable: true };
'use strict'; exports.connect = function () { var mongoose = require('mongoose'), config = require('../config'), options = { user : config.mongo.user, pass : config.mongo.pass }; mongoose.connect(config.db, options); return mongoose.connection; };
//APP var app = angular.module('PortfolioApp', ['ngRoute', 'slick']); //ROUTING app.config(function ($routeProvider) { "ngInject"; $routeProvider .when('/', { controller: "HomeController", templateUrl: "js/angular/views/home-view.html" }) .when('/work/:projectId', { controller: 'ProjectController', templateUrl: 'js/angular/views/project-view.html' }) .otherwise({ redirectTo: '/' }); }); //CONTROLLERS app.controller('HomeController', ['$scope', 'projects', function($scope, projects) { "ngInject"; projects.success(function(data) { $scope.projects = data; }); //init function for binding function bindListeners() { $("header").on("click", ".mobile-toggle", function() { $(this).toggleClass("active"); }) $("header, .about").on("click", ".nav-link", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); if($(window).width() <= 740) $(".mobile-toggle").removeClass("active"); var anchor = $(this).attr("href"); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(anchor).offset().top - 70 }, 500); }) } //Home page initializations angular.element(document).ready(function () { bindListeners(); }); }]); app.controller('ProjectController', ['$scope', '$routeParams', '$http', function($scope, $routeParams, $http, $sce) { "ngInject"; $ = false; $http.get('projects/' + $routeParams.projectId + '.json').success(function(data) { $scope.detail = data; }) .error(function(data) { console.log("Failed to get data") }); } ]); //SERVICES app.factory('projects', ['$http', function($http) { "ngInject"; return $http.get('projects/project-list.json') .success(function(data) { return data; }) .error(function(data) { return data; console.log("Failed to get data") }); }]); //FILTERS app.filter('safe', function($sce) { "ngInject"; return function(val) { return $sce.trustAsHtml(val); }; });
import { moduleForModel, test } from 'ember-qunit'; import Pretender from 'pretender'; // ToDo: Install ember-cli-faker import mocks from './mocks'; const { inventoryMock, productMock, componentsMock } = mocks; let mockServer; moduleForModel('inventory', 'Unit | Serializer | inventory', { needs: ['serializer:application', 'model:product', 'model:inventory', 'model:component'], beforeEach() { mockServer = new Pretender(function() { this.get('/products', function() { const response = { records: [productMock] }; return [200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, JSON.stringify(response)]; }); this.get(`/products/${}`, function() { return [200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, JSON.stringify(productMock)]; }); this.get('/inventories', function() { const response = { records: [inventoryMock] }; return [200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, JSON.stringify(response)]; }); this.get(`/components/${componentsMock[0].id}`, function() { return [200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, JSON.stringify(componentsMock[0])]; }); this.get(`/components/${componentsMock[1].id}`, function() { return [200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, JSON.stringify(componentsMock[1])]; }); }); }, afterEach() { mockServer.shutdown(); } }); test('it serializes records', function(assert) { return'inventory').then((inventories) => { assert.equal(inventories.get('length'), 1); const inventory = inventories.objectAt(0); assert.ok(inventory.get('created')); assert.equal(inventory.get('qty'), inventoryMock.fields['qty']); assert.equal(inventory.get('restock-at'), inventoryMock.fields['restock-at']); }); }); test('it serializes belongsTo relationship', function(assert) { return'inventory').then((inventories) => { const inventory = inventories.objectAt(0); inventory.get('product').then((product) => { assert.equal(product.get('name'),; assert.equal(product.get('description'), productMock.fields.description); }); }); }); test('it serializes hasMany relationship', function(assert) { return'product').then((products) => { const product = products.objectAt(0); product.get('components').then((components) => { components.forEach((component, index) => { assert.equal(component.get('name'), componentsMock[index]; }); }); }); });
+(function () { 'use strict'; angular .module('DashboardApplication') .controller('FileManagerRemoveFolderController', ['$scope', '$q', 'Event', 'FoldersRest', FileManagerRemoveFolderController]); function FileManagerRemoveFolderController($scope, $q, Event, FoldersRest) { var vm = this; var folderId = $scope.ngDialogData.folderId; vm.removeFolder = removeFolder; function removeFolder() { var id = folderId; var $defer = $q.defer(); () { console.log("FoldersRest"); debugger; Event.publish('FOLDERS_TREEVIEW_UPDATED'); alert('فولدر با موفقیت حذف شد', 'انجام شد!'); $defer.resolve(); }, function (error) { $defer.reject(error); }); return $defer.promise; } } })();
/** * @module {Module} utils/math * @parent utils * * The module's description is the first paragraph. * * The body of the module's documentation. */ import _ from 'lodash'; /** * @function * * This function's description is the first * paragraph. * * This starts the body. This text comes after the signature. * * @param {Number} first This param's description. * @param {Number} second This param's description. * @return {Number} This return value's description. */ export function sum(first, second){ ... }; /** * @property {{}} * * This function's description is the first * paragraph. * * @option {Number} pi The description of pi. * * @option {Number} e The description of e. */ export var constants = { pi: 3.14159265359, e: 2.71828 };
// *********************************************************** // This example plugins/index.js can be used to load plugins // // You can change the location of this file or turn off loading // the plugins file with the 'pluginsFile' configuration option. // // You can read more here: // // *********************************************************** // This function is called when a project is opened or re-opened (e.g. due to // the project's config changing) module.exports = (on, config) => { // `on` is used to hook into various events Cypress emits // `config` is the resolved Cypress config if (process.env.CYPRESS_CONNECTION_TYPE) { on(`before:browser:launch`, (browser = {}, args) => { if ( === `chrome` && process.env.CYPRESS_CONNECTION_TYPE === `slow` ) { args.push(`--force-effective-connection-type=2G`) } return args }) } }
var box, mbox; function demo() { cam ( 0, 20, 40 ); world = new OIMO.World(); world.add({ size:[50, 10, 50], pos:[0,-5,0] }); // ground var options = { type:'box', size:[10, 10, 10], pos:[0,20,0], density:1, move:true } box = world.add( options ); mbox = view.add( options ); // three mesh }; function update () { world.step(); mbox.position.copy( box.getPosition() ); mbox.quaternion.copy( box.getQuaternion() ); }
var fs = require('fs'), cons = require('consolidate'), dust = require('dustjs-linkedin'); var pages = [ 'index', 'contact', 'faq', 'registration', 'sponsors', 'travel', 'visit', 'volunteers' ]; pages.forEach(function(page) { cons.dust('views/'+page+'.dust', { views: __dirname+'/views'}, function(err, html) { if(err) return console.log('error: ', err); fs.writeFile(__dirname+'/dist/'+page+'.html', html, function(err) { if(err) return console.log('error saving file: ', page, err); console.log('create page: ', page); }); }); });
'use strict'; module.exports = function (grunt) { var exec = require('child_process').exec; grunt.registerMultiTask('install-dependencies', 'Installs npm dependencies.', function () { var cb, options, cp; cb = this.async(); options = this.options({ cwd: '', stdout: true, stderr: true, failOnError: true, isDevelopment: false }); var cmd = "npm install"; if(!options.isDevelopment ) cmd += " -production"; cp = exec(cmd, {cwd: options.cwd}, function (err, stdout, stderr) { if (err && options.failOnError) { grunt.warn(err); } cb(); }); grunt.verbose.writeflags(options, 'Options'); if (options.stdout || grunt.option('verbose')) { console.log("Running npm install in: " + options.cwd); cp.stdout.pipe(process.stdout); } if (options.stderr || grunt.option('verbose')) { cp.stderr.pipe(process.stderr); } }); };
const electron = require('electron'); const ipcRenderer = electron.ipcRenderer; window.onload = function() { ipcRenderer.send('game-preview-loaded'); } ipcRenderer.on('game-preview-start', function(event, data) { var app = new Application({ // resize: true, fullscreen: true, antyAliasing: true, preload: function(){ console.log(data.assets); //load images for (var i = 0; i < data.assets.length; i++) { var meta = data.assets[i]; if(meta.type == 'script') { require(meta.path); // connect script with uuid } else { this.loader.load(meta.type, meta.path,, meta.uuid); } } //load scene (json) // this.loader.load('json', scene file path, 'scene.json'); }, //instantiate scene objects loaded: function(){ //instantiate all object for(var i = 0; i < data.sceneFile.length; i++) { if(data.sceneFile[i].tag == 'mainCamera') { this.mainCamera = this.scene.instantiate(data.sceneFile[i]); } else { this.scene.instantiate(data.sceneFile[i]); } } }, //actual start function start: function(){ //show must go on }, preupdate: function(){ }, postupdate: function(){ }, postrender: function(){ // var layer =; //; // layer.textAlign('left'); // layer.font('30px Arial'); // layer.fillStyle('white'); // // var fps = (Time.deltaTime).toFixed(3); // // layer.fillText(fps || 0, 0,30); // layer.ctx.restore(); } }); })
module.exports = { token: 'TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN', polling: { timeout: 3, limit: 100 } };
Template.friendPosts.onCreated(function() { Bisia.Notification.resetNotify('note', 'post'); }) Template.friendPosts.helpers({ getPost: function(postId) { var post = Posts.findOne(postId); if (post) { var user = Users.findOne({ '_id': post.authorId }, { 'fields': { 'username': 1, '': 1, 'profile.gender': 1, 'profile.status': 1, 'profile.avatar': 1, '': 1, 'profile.birthday': 1 }}); post.showHeader = true; post.usern = user.username; post.profile = user.profile; return post; } }, detectFirstPage: function() { var increment = Bisia.getController('increment'); var limit = Bisia.getController('params')['pageLimit']; // Don't show spinner by default var pageDisplay = true; // If we are on the first page... if (!limit || limit == increment) { // pageDisplay becomes reactive pageDisplay = this.pageReady; } // Add pageDisplay to this return _.extend(this, { pageDisplay: pageDisplay }); } });{ 'scroll .content': function(e, t) { Bisia.Ui.toggleAtBottom(e, '#helpbars', 'bottom-show'); } });
import { all, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import actions from '#actions'; import handleShareFormChange from './startAlbumsSharingService/handleShareFormChange'; import handleShareFormSubmit from './startAlbumsSharingService/handleShareFormSubmit'; import handleShareItemsSelect from './startAlbumsSharingService/handleShareItemsSelect'; function* startAlbumsSharingService(apis) { yield all([ takeEvery(actions.uiShareItemsSelected, handleShareItemsSelect, apis), takeEvery(actions.uiShareFormSubmited, handleShareFormSubmit, apis), takeEvery(actions.uiShareFormChanged, handleShareFormChange, apis), ]); } export default startAlbumsSharingService;
var fs = require('fs'), eol = require('eol'), path = require('path'), mkdirp = require('mkdirp'), watch = require('watch'); var specialFiles = { '': function(fileContent, consoleContent) { consoleContent.welcome = processFileContent(fileContent); }, 'config.json': function(fileContent, consoleContent) { var config = JSON.parse(fileContent); consoleContent.executables = config.executables; consoleContent.__config = config; } }; function processFileContent(fileContent) { fileContent = eol.lf(fileContent); fileContent = new Buffer(fileContent).toString('base64'); return fileContent; } function createContentFile(fileName, fileContent) { var parsed = path.parse(fileName); return { content: processFileContent(fileContent), base: fileName, name:, ext: parsed.ext }; } function hasExecutableForFile(executables, fileName) { if (!executables) { return false; } for (var i in executables) { if (executables[i].file === fileName) { return true; } } return false; } function setFilePermissions(files, config) { if (!files) { return; } for (var fileName in files) { var file = files[fileName]; if (!config.noRead || config.noRead.indexOf(file.base) === -1) { file.readable = true; } if (config.writeable && config.writeable.indexOf(file.base) !== -1) { file.writeable = true; } if (hasExecutableForFile(config.executables, file.base)) { file.executable = true; } } } /** * This badass here reads all files from the console folders and creates the content.json file. */ function createConsoleContent() { var srcPath = './src/content'; var targetPath = './dist/content'; var consoleFolders = fs.readdirSync(srcPath); if (!consoleFolders) { return; } consoleFolders.forEach(function(folderName) { var consoleSrcPath = srcPath + '/' + folderName; var consoleTargetPath = targetPath + '/' + folderName; var stats = fs.statSync(consoleSrcPath); if (!stats.isDirectory()) { return; } var files = fs.readdirSync(consoleSrcPath); if (!files || files.length === 0) { console.log('No files found for ' + consoleSrcPath); } else { console.log('Processing content ' + folderName); var consoleContent = { files: {} }; files.forEach(function(file) { var fileContent = fs.readFileSync(consoleSrcPath + '/' + file, 'utf8'); if (specialFiles[file]) { specialFiles[file](fileContent, consoleContent); } else { consoleContent.files[file] = createContentFile(file, fileContent); } }); if (consoleContent.__config) { setFilePermissions(consoleContent.files, consoleContent.__config); delete consoleContent.__config; } mkdirp.sync(consoleTargetPath); fs.writeFileSync(consoleTargetPath + '/content.json', JSON.stringify(consoleContent), 'utf8'); } }); } if (process.argv.indexOf('--watching') !== -1) { watch.watchTree('./src/content', function() { createConsoleContent(); }); } else { createConsoleContent(); }
const determineTestFilesToRun = ({ inputFile, inputArgs = [], config }) => { const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs"); const glob = require("glob"); let filesToRun = []; if (inputFile) { filesToRun.push(inputFile); } else if (inputArgs.length > 0) { inputArgs.forEach(inputArg => filesToRun.push(inputArg)); } if (filesToRun.length === 0) { const directoryContents = glob.sync( `${config.test_directory}${path.sep}**${path.sep}*` ); filesToRun = directoryContents.filter(item => fs.statSync(item).isFile()) || []; } return filesToRun.filter(file => { return file.match(config.test_file_extension_regexp) !== null; }); }; module.exports = { determineTestFilesToRun };
// nodejs按行读取文件流 var Stream = require('stream').Stream, util = require('util'); var LineStream = function() { this.writable = true; this.readable = true; this.buffer = ''; }; util.inherits(LineStream, Stream); LineStream.prototype.write = function(data, encoding) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(data)) { data = data.toString(encoding || 'utf8'); } var parts = data.split(/\n/g); var len = parts.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { this.emit('data', parts[i]+'\n'); } }; LineStream.prototype.end = function() { if(this.buffer.length > 0){ this.emit('data',this.buffer); this.buffer = ''; } this.emit('end'); }; module.exports = LineStream;
'use strict'; /** * Module dependencies. */ var users = require('../../app/controllers/users'), goaliedash = require('../../app/controllers/goaliedash'); module.exports = function(app) { app.route('/goaliedash') .get(users.requiresLogin, users.hasAuthorization); };
// @flow import React from 'react' import withPropsStream from '@vega/utils/withPropsStream' import {map} from 'rxjs/operators' import styles from './styles/Communicator.css' import ThreadList from './ThreadList' import CreateComment from './CreateComment' function getPropsStream(props$) { // todo: implement open/close behavior return props$.pipe(map(props => ({...props, isOpen: true}))) } type Props = { isOpen: boolean, subjectIds: string[], focusedCommentId: string } export default withPropsStream( getPropsStream, class Communicator extends React.Component<Props> { state = { createCommentIsSticky: false } handleCloseCreateComment = event => { this.setState({ createCommentIsSticky: false }) event.stopPropagation() } handleStickCreateComment = () => { this.setState({ createCommentIsSticky: true }) } render() { const {isOpen, subjectIds, focusedCommentId} = this.props const {createCommentIsSticky} = this.state return isOpen ? ( <div className={styles.root}> <div className={ createCommentIsSticky ? styles.feedWithWithStickyCreateComment : styles.feed } > <ThreadList subjectId={subjectIds} focusedCommentId={focusedCommentId} /> </div> {subjectIds.length === 1 && ( <CreateComment subjectId={subjectIds[0]} showCloseButton={createCommentIsSticky} className={ createCommentIsSticky ? styles.createCommentSticky : styles.createComment } onClose={this.handleCloseCreateComment} onSubmit={this.handleCloseCreateComment} onClick={this.handleStickCreateComment} /> )} </div> ) : null } } )
var models = require('../models'); var express = require('express'); var router = express.Router(); /* GET home page. */ router.get('/', function(req, res, next) { console.log(req.session); res.render('layout'); }); module.exports = router;
(function() { 'use strict'; process.env.debug_sql = true; var Class = require('ee-class') , log = require('ee-log') , assert = require('assert') , fs = require('fs') , QueryContext = require('related-query-context') , ORM = require('related'); var TimeStamps = require('../') , sqlStatments , extension , orm , db; // sql for test db sqlStatments = fs.readFileSync(__dirname+'/db.postgres.sql').toString().split(';').map(function(input){ return input.trim().replace(/\n/gi, ' ').replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ') }).filter(function(item){ return item.length; }); describe('Travis', function(){ it('should have set up the test db', function(done){ var config; try { config = require('../config.js').db } catch(e) { config = [{ type: 'postgres' , schema: 'related_timestamps_test' , database : 'test' , hosts: [{}] }]; } this.timeout(5000); orm = new ORM(config); done(); }); it('should be able to drop & create the testing schema ('+sqlStatments.length+' raw SQL queries)', function(done){ orm.getDatabase('related_timestamps_test').getConnection('write').then((connection) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let exec = (index) => { if (sqlStatments[index]) { connection.query(new QueryContext({sql:sqlStatments[index]})).then(() => { exec(index + 1); }).catch(reject); } else resolve(); } exec(0); }); }).then(() => { done(); }).catch(done); }); }); var expect = function(val, cb){ return function(err, result){ try { assert.equal(JSON.stringify(result), val); } catch (err) { return cb(err); } cb(); } }; describe('The TimeStamps Extension', function() { var oldDate; it('should not crash when instatiated', function() { db = orm.related_timestamps_test; extension = new TimeStamps(); }); it('should not crash when injected into the orm', function(done) { orm.use(extension); orm.load(done); }); it('should set correct timestamps when inserting a new record', function(done) { db = orm.related_timestamps_test; new db.event().save(function(err, evt) { if (err) done(err); else { assert.notEqual(evt.created, null); assert.notEqual(evt.updated, null); assert.equal(evt.deleted, null); oldDate = evt.updated; done(); } }); }); it('should set correct timestamps when updating a record', function(done) { // wait, we nede a new timestamp setTimeout(function() { db.event({id:1}, ['*']).findOne(function(err, evt) { if (err) done(err); else { = 'func with timestamps? no, that ain\'t fun!';{ assert.notEqual(evt.created, null); assert.notEqual(evt.updated, null); assert.notEqual(evt.updated.toUTCString(), oldDate.toUTCString()); assert.equal(evt.deleted, null); done(); }); } }); }, 1500); }); it('should set correct timestamps when deleting a record', function(done) { db.event({id:1}, ['*']).findOne(function(err, evt) { if (err) done(err); else { evt.delete(function(err) { assert.notEqual(evt.created, null); assert.notEqual(evt.updated, null); assert.notEqual(evt.deleted, null); done(); }); } }); }); it('should not return soft deleted records when not requested', function(done) { db.event({id:1}, ['*']).findOne(function(err, evt) { if (err) done(err); else { assert.equal(evt, undefined); done(); } }); }); it('should return soft deleted records when requested', function(done) { db.event({id:1}, ['*']).includeSoftDeleted().findOne(function(err, evt) { if (err) done(err); else { assert.equal(, 1); done(); } }); }); it('should hard delete records when requested', function(done) { db.event({id:1}, ['*']).includeSoftDeleted().findOne(function(err, evt) { if (err) done(err); else { evt.hardDelete(function(err) { if (err) done(err); else { db.event({id:1}, ['*']).findOne(function(err, evt) { if (err) done(err); else { assert.equal(evt, undefined); done(); } }); } }); } }); }); it('should not load softdeleted references', function(done) { new db.event({ name: 'so what' , eventInstance: [new db.eventInstance({startdate: new Date(), deleted: new Date()})] }).save(function(err, evt) { if (err) done(err); else { db.event(['*'], {}).fetchEventInstance(['*']).findOne(function(err, event) { if (err) done(err); else { assert.equal(event.eventInstance.length, 0); done(); } }); } }); }) it ('should work when using bulk deletes', function(done) { new db.event({name: 'bulk delete 1'}).save().then(function() { return new db.event({name: 'bulk delete 2'}).save() }).then(function() { return new db.event({name: 'bulk delete 3'}).save() }).then(function() { return db.event('id').find(); }).then(function(records) { if (JSON.stringify(records) !== '[{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5}]') return Promise.reject(new Error('Expected «[{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5}]», got «'+JSON.stringify(records)+'»!')) else return db.event({ id: }).delete(); }).then(function() { return db.event('id').find(); }).then(function(emptyList) { if (JSON.stringify(emptyList) !== '[{"id":2},{"id":3}]') return Promise.reject(new Error('Expected «[{"id":2},{"id":3}]», got «'+JSON.stringify(emptyList)+'»!')) else return db.event('id').includeSoftDeleted().find(); }).then(function(list) { if (JSON.stringify(list) !== '[{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5}]') return Promise.reject(new Error('Expected «[{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5}]», got «'+JSON.stringify(list)+'»!')) done(); }).catch(done); }) }); })();
var passport = require('passport'); var WebIDStrategy = require('passport-webid').Strategy; var tokens = require('../../util/tokens'); var ids = require('../../util/id'); var console = require('../../log'); var createError = require('http-errors'); var dateUtils = require('../../util/date'); var url = require('url'); function loadStrategy(conf, entityStorageConf) { var auth_type = "webid"; var db = require('../../db')(conf, entityStorageConf); var enabled = conf.enabledStrategies.filter(function (v) { return (v === auth_type); }); if (enabled.length === 0) { console.log('ignoring ' + auth_type + ' strategy for user authentication. Not enabled in the configuration'); return false; } else { try { passport.use(auth_type, new WebIDStrategy( function (webid, certificate, req, done) { console.log("Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"); console.log("Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"); console.log("Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"); console.log("Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"); console.log("Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"); console.log("Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"); console.log("Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"); console.log("Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"); console.log("Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"); console.log("Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"); console.log("Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"); console.log("Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"); console.log("Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"); console.log("Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"); var id = { user_name: webid, auth_type: auth_type }; var oauth2ReturnToParsed = url.parse(req.session.returnTo, true).query; console.log(" sesion in strategy " + auth_type + JSON.stringify(oauth2ReturnToParsed)); console.log(" client id from session in " + auth_type + JSON.stringify(oauth2ReturnToParsed.client_id)); console.log(" response_type for oauth2 in " + auth_type + JSON.stringify(oauth2ReturnToParsed.response_type)); var accessToken = tokens.uid(30); var d = Date.parse(certificate.valid_to); var default_exp = dateUtils.dateToEpochMilis(d); db.users.findByUsernameAndAuthType(webid, auth_type, function (err, user) { if (err) { return done(err); } if (!user) { return done(null, false); } db.accessTokens.saveOauth2Token(accessToken,, oauth2ReturnToParsed.client_id, "bearer", [conf.gateway_id], default_exp, null, oauth2ReturnToParsed.response_type, function (err) { if (err) { return done(err); } return done(null, user); }); }); } )); console.log('finished registering passport ' + auth_type + ' strategy'); return true; } catch (e) { console.log('FAIL TO register a strategy'); console.log('ERROR: error loading ' + auth_type + ' passport strategy: ' + e); return false; } } } module.exports = loadStrategy;
const chai = require('chai'); const expect = chai.expect; const ComplexArray = require('../complex-array/complex-array'); function assertArrayEquals(first, second) { const message = `${first} != ${second}`; first.forEach((item, i) => { expect(item).to.equal(second[i], message); }); } describe('Complex Array', () => { describe('Consructor', () => { it('should construct from a number', () => { const a = new ComplexArray(10); expect(a).to.exist; expect(a.real.length).to.equal(10); expect(a.imag.length).to.equal(10); expect(a.real[0]).to.equal(0); expect(a.imag[0]).to.equal(0); }); it('should construct from a number with a type', () => { const a = new ComplexArray(10, Int32Array); expect(a.ArrayType).to.equal(Int32Array); expect(a.real.length).to.equal(10); expect(a.imag.length).to.equal(10); expect(a.real[0]).to.equal(0); expect(a.imag[0]).to.equal(0); }); it('should contruct from a real array', () => { const a = new ComplexArray([1, 2]); assertArrayEquals([1, 2], a.real); assertArrayEquals([0, 0], a.imag); }); it('should contruct from a real array with a type', () => { const a = new ComplexArray([1, 2], Int32Array); expect(a.ArrayType).to.equal(Int32Array) assertArrayEquals([1, 2], a.real); assertArrayEquals([0, 0], a.imag); }); it('should contruct from another complex array', () => { const a = new ComplexArray(new ComplexArray([1, 2])); assertArrayEquals([1, 2], a.real); assertArrayEquals([0, 0], a.imag); }); }); describe('`map` method', () => { it('should alter all values', () => { const a = new ComplexArray([1, 2]).map((value, i) => { value.real *= 10; value.imag = i; }); assertArrayEquals([10, 20], a.real); assertArrayEquals([0, 1], a.imag); }); }); describe('`forEach` method', () => { it('should touch every value', () => { const a = new ComplexArray([1, 2]); a.imag[0] = 4; a.imag[1] = 8; let sum = 0; a.forEach((value, i) => { sum += value.real; sum += value.imag; }); expect(sum).to.equal(15); }); }); describe('`conjugate` method', () => { it('should multiply a number', () => { const a = new ComplexArray([1, 2]); a.imag[0] = 1; a.imag[1] = -2; const b = a.conjugate(); assertArrayEquals([1, 2], b.real); assertArrayEquals([-1, 2], b.imag); }); }); describe('`magnitude` method', () => { it('should give the an array of magnitudes', () => { const a = new ComplexArray([1, 3]); a.imag[0] = 0; a.imag[1] = 4; assertArrayEquals([1, 5], a.magnitude()); }); it('should return an iterable ArrayType object', () => { const a = new ComplexArray([1, 2]); let sum = 0; a.magnitude().forEach((value, i) => { sum += value; }); expect(sum).to.equal(3); }); }); });
/** @jsx h */ import h from '../../helpers/h' export const schema = { blocks: { paragraph: { marks: [{ type: 'bold' }, { type: 'underline' }], }, }, } export const input = ( <value> <document> <paragraph> one <i>two</i> three </paragraph> </document> </value> ) export const output = ( <value> <document> <paragraph>one two three</paragraph> </document> </value> )
/* ======================================================================== * DOM-based Routing * Based on by Paul Irish * * Only fires on body classes that match. If a body class contains a dash, * replace the dash with an underscore when adding it to the object below. * * .noConflict() * The routing is enclosed within an anonymous function so that you can * always reference jQuery with $, even when in .noConflict() mode. * * Google CDN, Latest jQuery * To use the default WordPress version of jQuery, go to lib/config.php and * remove or comment out: add_theme_support('jquery-cdn'); * ======================================================================== */ (function($) { // Use this variable to set up the common and page specific functions. If you // rename this variable, you will also need to rename the namespace below. var Sage = { // All pages 'common': { init: function() { // JavaScript to be fired on all pages }, finalize: function() { // JavaScript to be fired on all pages, after page specific JS is fired } }, // Home page 'home': { init: function() { // JavaScript to be fired on the home page }, finalize: function() { // JavaScript to be fired on the home page, after the init JS } }, // About us page, note the change from about-us to about_us. 'about_us': { init: function() { // JavaScript to be fired on the about us page } } }; // The routing fires all common scripts, followed by the page specific scripts. // Add additional events for more control over timing e.g. a finalize event var UTIL = { fire: function(func, funcname, args) { var fire; var namespace = Sage; funcname = (funcname === undefined) ? 'init' : funcname; fire = func !== ''; fire = fire && namespace[func]; fire = fire && typeof namespace[func][funcname] === 'function'; if (fire) { namespace[func][funcname](args); } }, loadEvents: function() { // Fire common init JS'common'); // Fire page-specific init JS, and then finalize JS $.each(document.body.className.replace(/-/g, '_').split(/\s+/), function(i, classnm) {;, 'finalize'); }); // Fire common finalize JS'common', 'finalize'); } }; // Load Events $(document).ready(UTIL.loadEvents); })(jQuery); // Fully reference jQuery after this point. $(document).ready(function(){ $("#sidebar-home ul li").addClass( "col-md-3 col-sm-6" ); $("#sidebar-home div").addClass( "clearfix" ); });
module.exports = { before: [function () { console.log('global beforeAll1'); }, 'alias1'], 'alias1': 'alias2', 'alias2': function () { console.log('global beforeAll2'); }, 'One': function () { this.sum = 1; }, 'plus one': function () { this.sum += 1; }, 'equals two': function () { if (this.sum !== 2) { throw new Error(this.sum + ' !== 2'); } } };
exports.__esModule = true; exports.parseServerOptionsForRunCommand = parseServerOptionsForRunCommand; exports.parseRunTargets = parseRunTargets; var _cordova = require('../cordova'); var cordova = babelHelpers.interopRequireWildcard(_cordova); var _cordovaProjectJs = require('../cordova/project.js'); var _cordovaRunnerJs = require('../cordova/runner.js'); var _cordovaRunTargetsJs = require('../cordova/run-targets.js'); // The architecture used by MDG's hosted servers; it's the architecture used by // 'meteor deploy'. var main = require('./main.js'); var _ = require('underscore'); var files = require('../fs/files.js'); var deploy = require('../meteor-services/deploy.js'); var buildmessage = require('../utils/buildmessage.js'); var auth = require('../meteor-services/auth.js'); var authClient = require('../meteor-services/auth-client.js'); var config = require('../meteor-services/config.js'); var Future = require('fibers/future'); var runLog = require('../runners/run-log.js'); var utils = require('../utils/utils.js'); var httpHelpers = require('../utils/http-helpers.js'); var archinfo = require('../utils/archinfo.js'); var catalog = require('../packaging/catalog/catalog.js'); var stats = require('../meteor-services/stats.js'); var Console = require('../console/console.js').Console; var projectContextModule = require('../project-context.js'); var release = require('../packaging/release.js'); var DEPLOY_ARCH = 'os.linux.x86_64'; // The default port that the development server listens on. var DEFAULT_PORT = '3000'; // Valid architectures that Meteor officially supports. var VALID_ARCHITECTURES = { "os.osx.x86_64": true, "os.linux.x86_64": true, "os.linux.x86_32": true, "": true }; // __dirname - the location of the current executing file var __dirnameConverted = files.convertToStandardPath(__dirname); // Given a site name passed on the command line (eg, 'mysite'), return // a fully-qualified hostname (''). // // This is fairly simple for now. It appends '' if the name // doesn't contain a dot, and it deletes any trailing dots (the // technically legal hostname '' is canonicalized to // ''). // // In the future, you should be able to make this default to some // other domain you control, rather than ''. var qualifySitename = function (site) { if (site.indexOf(".") === -1) site = site + ""; while (site.length && site[site.length - 1] === ".") site = site.substring(0, site.length - 1); return site; }; // Display a message showing valid Meteor architectures. var showInvalidArchMsg = function (arch) {"Invalid architecture: " + arch);"The following are valid Meteor architectures:"); _.each(_.keys(VALID_ARCHITECTURES), function (va) {, Console.options({ indent: 2 })); }); }; // Utility functions to parse options in run/build/test-packages commands function parseServerOptionsForRunCommand(options, runTargets) { var parsedServerUrl = parsePortOption(options.port); // XXX COMPAT WITH -- the 'mobile-port' option is deprecated var mobileServerOption = options['mobile-server'] || options['mobile-port']; var parsedMobileServerUrl = undefined; if (mobileServerOption) { parsedMobileServerUrl = parseMobileServerOption(mobileServerOption); } else { var isRunOnDeviceRequested = _.any(runTargets, function (runTarget) { return runTarget.isDevice; }); parsedMobileServerUrl = detectMobileServerUrl(parsedServerUrl, isRunOnDeviceRequested); } return { parsedServerUrl: parsedServerUrl, parsedMobileServerUrl: parsedMobileServerUrl }; } function parsePortOption(portOption) { var parsedServerUrl = utils.parseUrl(portOption); if (!parsedServerUrl.port) { Console.error("--port must include a port."); throw new main.ExitWithCode(1); } return parsedServerUrl; } function parseMobileServerOption(mobileServerOption) { var optionName = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 'mobile-server' : arguments[1]; var parsedMobileServerUrl = utils.parseUrl(mobileServerOption, { protocol: 'http://' }); if (! { Console.error('--' + optionName + ' must include a hostname.'); throw new main.ExitWithCode(1); } return parsedMobileServerUrl; } function detectMobileServerUrl(parsedServerUrl, isRunOnDeviceRequested) { // If we are running on a device, use the auto-detected IP if (isRunOnDeviceRequested) { var myIp = undefined; try { myIp = utils.ipAddress(); } catch (error) { Console.error('Error detecting IP address for mobile app to connect to:\n' + error.message + '\nPlease specify the address that the mobile app should connect\nto with --mobile-server.'); throw new main.ExitWithCode(1); } return { protocol: 'http://', host: myIp, port: parsedServerUrl.port }; } else { // We are running a simulator, use localhost return { protocol: 'http://', host: 'localhost', port: parsedServerUrl.port }; } } function parseRunTargets(targets) { return (target) { var targetParts = target.split('-'); var platform = targetParts[0]; var isDevice = targetParts[1] === 'device'; if (platform == 'ios') { return new _cordovaRunTargetsJs.iOSRunTarget(isDevice); } else if (platform == 'android') { return new _cordovaRunTargetsJs.AndroidRunTarget(isDevice); } else { Console.error('Unknown run target: ' + target); throw new main.ExitWithCode(1); } }); } ; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // options that act like commands /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Prints the Meteor architecture name of this host main.registerCommand({ name: '--arch', requiresRelease: false, pretty: false, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { Console.rawInfo( + "\n"); }); //Prints the Meteor log about the versions main.registerCommand({ name:'--about', requiresRelease: false, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options){ if (release.current === null) { if (!options.appDir) throw new Error("missing release, but not in an app?"); Console.error("This project was created with a checkout of Meteor, rather than an " + "official release, and doesn't have a release number associated with " + "it. You can set its release with " + Console.command("'meteor update'") + "."); return 1; } if (release.current.isCheckout()) { var gitLog = utils.runGitInCheckout('log', '--format=%h%d', '-n 1').trim(); Console.error("Unreleased, running from a checkout at " + gitLog); return 1; } var dirname = files.convertToStandardPath(__dirname); var about = files.readFile(files.pathJoin(dirname, 'about.txt'), 'utf8'); console.log(about); }); // Prints the current release in use. Note that if there is not // actually a specific release, we print to stderr and exit non-zero, // while if there is a release we print to stdout and exit zero // (making this useful to scripts). // XXX: What does this mean in our new release-free world? main.registerCommand({ name: '--version', requiresRelease: false, pretty: false, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { if (release.current === null) { if (!options.appDir) throw new Error("missing release, but not in an app?"); Console.error("This project was created with a checkout of Meteor, rather than an " + "official release, and doesn't have a release number associated with " + "it. You can set its release with " + Console.command("'meteor update'") + "."); return 1; } if (release.current.isCheckout()) { var gitLog = utils.runGitInCheckout('log', '--format=%h%d', '-n 1').trim(); Console.error("Unreleased, running from a checkout at " + gitLog); return 1; }; }); // Internal use only. For automated testing. main.registerCommand({ name: '--long-version', requiresRelease: false, pretty: false, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { if (files.inCheckout()) { Console.error("checkout"); return 1; } else if (release.current === null) { // .meteor/release says "none" but not in a checkout. Console.error("none"); return 1; } else { Console.rawInfo( + "\n"); Console.rawInfo(files.getToolsVersion() + "\n"); return 0; } }); // Internal use only. For automated testing. main.registerCommand({ name: '--requires-release', requiresRelease: true, pretty: false, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { return 0; }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // run /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var runCommandOptions = { requiresApp: true, maxArgs: Infinity, options: { port: { type: String, short: "p", 'default': DEFAULT_PORT }, 'mobile-server': { type: String }, // XXX COMPAT WITH 'mobile-port': { type: String }, 'app-port': { type: String }, 'debug-port': { type: String }, production: { type: Boolean }, 'raw-logs': { type: Boolean }, settings: { type: String }, test: { type: Boolean, 'default': false }, verbose: { type: Boolean, short: "v" }, // With --once, meteor does not re-run the project if it crashes // and does not monitor for file changes. Intentionally // undocumented: intended for automated testing (eg,, // not end-user use. #Once once: { type: Boolean }, // Don't run linter on rebuilds 'no-lint': { type: Boolean }, // Allow the version solver to make breaking changes to the versions // of top-level dependencies. 'allow-incompatible-update': { type: Boolean } }, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }; main.registerCommand(_.extend({ name: 'run' }, runCommandOptions), doRunCommand); function doRunCommand(options) { Console.setVerbose(!!options.verbose); // Additional args are interpreted as run targets var runTargets = parseRunTargets(options.args); var _parseServerOptionsForRunCommand = parseServerOptionsForRunCommand(options, runTargets); var parsedServerUrl = _parseServerOptionsForRunCommand.parsedServerUrl; var parsedMobileServerUrl = _parseServerOptionsForRunCommand.parsedMobileServerUrl; var projectContext = new projectContextModule.ProjectContext({ projectDir: options.appDir, allowIncompatibleUpdate: options['allow-incompatible-update'], lintAppAndLocalPackages: !options['no-lint'] }); main.captureAndExit("=> Errors while initializing project:", function () { // We're just reading metadata here --- we'll wait to do the full build // preparation until after we've started listening on the proxy, etc. projectContext.readProjectMetadata(); }); if (release.explicit) { if ( !== projectContext.releaseFile.fullReleaseName) { console.log("=> Using %s as requested (overriding %s)", release.current.getDisplayName(), projectContext.releaseFile.displayReleaseName); console.log(); } } var appHost = undefined, appPort = undefined; if (options['app-port']) { var appPortMatch = options['app-port'].match(/^(?:(.+):)?([0-9]+)?$/); if (!appPortMatch) { Console.error("run: --app-port must be a number or be of the form 'host:port' ", "where port is a number. Try", Console.command("'meteor help run'") + " for help."); return 1; } appHost = appPortMatch[1] || null; // It's legit to specify `--app-port host:` and still let the port be // randomized. appPort = appPortMatch[2] ? parseInt(appPortMatch[2]) : null; } if (options['raw-logs']) runLog.setRawLogs(true); // Velocity testing. Sets up a DDP connection to the app process and // runs phantomjs. // // NOTE: this calls process.exit() when testing is done. if (options['test']) { options.once = true; var serverUrlForVelocity = 'http://' + ( || "localhost") + ':' + parsedServerUrl.port; var velocity = require('../runners/run-velocity.js'); velocity.runVelocity(serverUrlForVelocity); } var cordovaRunner = undefined; if (!_.isEmpty(runTargets)) { main.captureAndExit('', 'preparing Cordova project', function () { var cordovaProject = new _cordovaProjectJs.CordovaProject(projectContext, { settingsFile: options.settings, mobileServerUrl: utils.formatUrl(parsedMobileServerUrl) }); cordovaRunner = new _cordovaRunnerJs.CordovaRunner(cordovaProject, runTargets); cordovaRunner.checkPlatformsForRunTargets(); }); } var runAll = require('../runners/run-all.js'); return{ projectContext: projectContext, proxyPort: parsedServerUrl.port, proxyHost:, appPort: appPort, appHost: appHost, debugPort: options['debug-port'], settingsFile: options.settings, buildOptions: { minifyMode: options.production ? 'production' : 'development', buildMode: options.production ? 'production' : 'development' }, rootUrl: process.env.ROOT_URL, mongoUrl: process.env.MONGO_URL, oplogUrl: process.env.MONGO_OPLOG_URL, mobileServerUrl: utils.formatUrl(parsedMobileServerUrl), once: options.once, cordovaRunner: cordovaRunner }); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // debug /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main.registerCommand(_.extend({ name: 'debug' }, runCommandOptions), function (options) { options['debug-port'] = options['debug-port'] || '5858'; return doRunCommand(options); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // shell /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main.registerCommand({ name: 'shell', requiresRelease: false, requiresApp: true, pretty: false, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { if (!options.appDir) { Console.error("The " + Console.command("'meteor shell'") + " command must be run", "in a Meteor app directory."); } else { var projectContext = new projectContextModule.ProjectContext({ projectDir: options.appDir }); // Convert to OS path here because shell/server.js doesn't know how to // convert paths, since it exists in the app and in the tool. require('../shell-client.js').connect(files.convertToOSPath(projectContext.getMeteorShellDirectory())); throw new main.WaitForExit(); } }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // create /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main.registerCommand({ name: 'create', maxArgs: 1, options: { list: { type: Boolean }, example: { type: String }, 'package': { type: Boolean } }, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { // Creating a package is much easier than creating an app, so if that's what // we are doing, do that first. (For example, we don't springboard to the // latest release to create a package if we are inside an app) if (options['package']) { var packageName = options.args[0]; // No package examples exist yet. if (options.list && options.example) { Console.error("No package examples exist at this time."); Console.error(); throw new main.ShowUsage(); } if (!packageName) { Console.error("Please specify the name of the package."); throw new main.ShowUsage(); } utils.validatePackageNameOrExit(packageName, { detailedColonExplanation: true }); // When we create a package, avoid introducing a colon into the file system // by naming the directory after the package name without the prefix. var fsName = packageName; if (packageName.indexOf(":") !== -1) { var split = packageName.split(":"); if (split.length > 2) { // It may seem like this check should be inside package version parser's // validatePackageName, but we decided to name test packages like this: // local-test:prefix:name, so we have to support building packages // with at least two colons. Therefore we will at least try to // discourage people from putting a ton of colons in their package names // here. Console.error(packageName + ": Package names may not have more than one colon."); return 1; } fsName = split[1]; } var packageDir; if (options.appDir) { packageDir = files.pathResolve(options.appDir, 'packages', fsName); } else { packageDir = files.pathResolve(fsName); } var inYourApp = options.appDir ? " in your app" : ""; if (files.exists(packageDir)) { Console.error(packageName + ": Already exists" + inYourApp); return 1; } var transform = function (x) { var xn = x.replace(/~name~/g, packageName).replace(/~fs-name~/g, fsName); // If we are running from checkout, comment out the line sourcing packages // from a release, with the latest release filled in (in case they do want // to publish later). If we are NOT running from checkout, fill it out // with the current release. var relString; if (release.current.isCheckout()) { xn = xn.replace(/~cc~/g, "//"); var rel = catalog.official.getDefaultReleaseVersion(); // the no-release case should never happen except in tests. relString = rel ? rel.version : "no-release"; } else { xn = xn.replace(/~cc~/g, ""); relString = release.current.getDisplayName({ noPrefix: true }); } // If we are not in checkout, write the current release here. return xn.replace(/~release~/g, relString); }; try { files.cp_r(files.pathJoin(__dirnameConverted, '..', 'static-assets', 'skel-pack'), packageDir, { transformFilename: function (f) { return transform(f); }, transformContents: function (contents, f) { if (/(\.html|\.js|\.css)/.test(f)) return new Buffer(transform(contents.toString()));else return contents; }, ignore: [/^local$/] }); } catch (err) { Console.error("Could not create package: " + err.message); return 1; } var displayPackageDir = files.convertToOSPath(files.pathRelative(files.cwd(), packageDir)); // Since the directory can't have colons, the directory name will often not // match the name of the package exactly, therefore we should tell people // where it was created. + ": created in", Console.path(displayPackageDir)); return 0; } // Suppose you have an app A, and from some directory inside that // app, you run 'meteor create /my/new/app'. The new app should use // the latest available Meteor release, not the release that A // uses. So if we were run from inside an app directory, and the // user didn't force a release with --release, we need to // springboard to the correct release and tools version. // // (In particular, it's not sufficient to create the new app with // this version of the tools, and then stamp on the correct release // at the end.) if (!release.current.isCheckout() && !release.forced) { if ( !== release.latestKnown()) { throw new main.SpringboardToLatestRelease(); } } var exampleDir = files.pathJoin(__dirnameConverted, '..', '..', 'examples'); var examples = _.reject(files.readdir(exampleDir), function (e) { return e === 'unfinished' || e === 'other' || e[0] === '.'; }); if (options.list) {"Available examples:"); _.each(examples, function (e) {, Console.options({ indent: 2 })); });;"Create a project from an example with " + Console.command("'meteor create --example <name>'") + "."); return 0; }; var appPathAsEntered; if (options.args.length === 1) appPathAsEntered = options.args[0];else if (options.example) appPathAsEntered = options.example;else throw new main.ShowUsage(); var appPath = files.pathResolve(appPathAsEntered); if (files.findAppDir(appPath)) { Console.error("You can't create a Meteor project inside another Meteor project."); return 1; } var appName; if (appPathAsEntered === "." || appPathAsEntered === "./") { // If trying to create in current directory appName = files.pathBasename(files.cwd()); } else { appName = files.pathBasename(appPath); } var transform = function (x) { return x.replace(/~name~/g, appName); }; // These file extensions are usually metadata, not app code var nonCodeFileExts = ['.txt', '.md', '.json', '.sh']; var destinationHasCodeFiles = false; // If the directory doesn't exist, it clearly doesn't have any source code // inside itself if (files.exists(appPath)) { destinationHasCodeFiles = _.any(files.readdir(appPath), function thisPathCountsAsAFile(filePath) { // We don't mind if there are hidden files or directories (this includes // .git) and we don't need to check for .meteor here because the command // will fail earlier var isHidden = /^\./.test(filePath); if (isHidden) { // Not code return false; } // We do mind if there are non-hidden directories, because we don't want // to recursively check everything to do some crazy heuristic to see if // we should try to creat an app. var stats = files.stat(filePath); if (stats.isDirectory()) { // Could contain code return true; } // Check against our file extension white list var ext = files.pathExtname(filePath); if (ext == '' || _.contains(nonCodeFileExts, ext)) { return false; } // Everything not matched above is considered to be possible source code return true; }); } if (options.example) { if (destinationHasCodeFiles) { Console.error('When creating an example app, the destination directory can only contain dot-files or files with the following extensions: ' + nonCodeFileExts.join(', ') + '\n'); return 1; } if (examples.indexOf(options.example) === -1) { Console.error(options.example + ": no such example."); Console.error(); Console.error("List available applications with", Console.command("'meteor create --list'") + "."); return 1; } else { files.cp_r(files.pathJoin(exampleDir, options.example), appPath, { // We try not to check the project ID into git, but it might still // accidentally exist and get added (if running from checkout, for // example). To be on the safe side, explicitly remove the project ID // from example apps. ignore: [/^local$/, /^\.id$/] }); } } else { var toIgnore = [/^local$/, /^\.id$/]; if (destinationHasCodeFiles) { // If there is already source code in the directory, don't copy our // skeleton app code over it. Just create the .meteor folder and metadata toIgnore.push(/(\.html|\.js|\.css)/); } files.cp_r(files.pathJoin(__dirnameConverted, '..', 'static-assets', 'skel'), appPath, { transformFilename: function (f) { return transform(f); }, transformContents: function (contents, f) { if (/(\.html|\.js|\.css)/.test(f)) return new Buffer(transform(contents.toString()));else return contents; }, ignore: toIgnore }); } // We are actually working with a new meteor project at this point, so // set up its context. var projectContext = new projectContextModule.ProjectContext({ projectDir: appPath, // Write .meteor/versions even if --release is specified. alwaysWritePackageMap: true, // examples come with a .meteor/versions file, but we shouldn't take it // too seriously allowIncompatibleUpdate: true }); main.captureAndExit("=> Errors while creating your project", function () { projectContext.readProjectMetadata(); if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) return; projectContext.releaseFile.write(release.current.isCheckout() ? "none" :; if (buildmessage.jobHasMessages()) return; // Any upgrader that is in this version of Meteor doesn't need to be run on // this project. var upgraders = require('../upgraders.js'); projectContext.finishedUpgraders.appendUpgraders(upgraders.allUpgraders()); projectContext.prepareProjectForBuild(); }); // No need to display the PackageMapDelta here, since it would include all of // the packages (or maybe an unpredictable subset based on what happens to be // in the template's versions file). var appNameToDisplay = appPathAsEntered === "." ? "current directory" : '\'' + appPathAsEntered + '\''; var message = 'Created a new Meteor app in ' + appNameToDisplay; if (options.example && options.example !== appPathAsEntered) { message += ' (from \'' + options.example + '\' template)'; } message += "."; + "\n"); // Print a nice message telling people we created their new app, and what to // do next."To run your new app:"); if (appPathAsEntered !== ".") { // Wrap the app path in quotes if it contains spaces var appPathWithQuotesIfSpaces = appPathAsEntered.indexOf(' ') === -1 ? appPathAsEntered : '\'' + appPathAsEntered + '\''; // Don't tell people to 'cd .'"cd " + appPathWithQuotesIfSpaces), Console.options({ indent: 2 })); }"meteor"), Console.options({ indent: 2 }));"");"If you are new to Meteor, try some of the learning resources here:");""), Console.options({ indent: 2 }));""); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // build /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var buildCommands = { minArgs: 1, maxArgs: 1, requiresApp: true, options: { debug: { type: Boolean }, directory: { type: Boolean }, architecture: { type: String }, 'mobile-settings': { type: String }, server: { type: String }, // XXX COMPAT WITH "mobile-port": { type: String }, verbose: { type: Boolean, short: "v" }, 'allow-incompatible-update': { type: Boolean } }, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }; main.registerCommand(_.extend({ name: 'build' }, buildCommands), function (options) { return buildCommand(options); }); // Deprecated -- identical functionality to 'build' with one exception: it // doesn't output a directory with all builds but rather only one tarball with // server/client programs. // XXX COMPAT WITH main.registerCommand(_.extend({ name: 'bundle', hidden: true }, buildCommands), function (options) { Console.error("This command has been deprecated in favor of " + Console.command("'meteor build'") + ", which allows you to " + "build for multiple platforms and outputs a directory instead of " + "a single tarball. See " + Console.command("'meteor help build'") + " " + "for more information."); Console.error(); return buildCommand(_.extend(options, { _serverOnly: true })); }); var buildCommand = function (options) { Console.setVerbose(!!options.verbose); // XXX output, to stderr, the name of the file written to (for human // comfort, especially since we might change the name) // XXX name the root directory in the bundle based on the basename // of the file, not a constant 'bundle' (a bit obnoxious for // machines, but worth it for humans) // Error handling for options.architecture. We must pass in only one of three // architectures. See archinfo.js for more information on what the // architectures are, what they mean, et cetera. if (options.architecture && !_.has(VALID_ARCHITECTURES, options.architecture)) { showInvalidArchMsg(options.architecture); return 1; } var bundleArch = options.architecture ||; var projectContext = new projectContextModule.ProjectContext({ projectDir: options.appDir, serverArchitectures: _.uniq([bundleArch,]), allowIncompatibleUpdate: options['allow-incompatible-update'] }); main.captureAndExit("=> Errors while initializing project:", function () { projectContext.prepareProjectForBuild(); }); projectContext.packageMapDelta.displayOnConsole(); // options['mobile-settings'] is used to set the initial value of // `Meteor.settings` on mobile apps. Pass it on to options.settings, // which is used in this command. if (options['mobile-settings']) { options.settings = options['mobile-settings']; } var appName = files.pathBasename(options.appDir); var cordovaPlatforms = undefined; var parsedMobileServerUrl = undefined; if (!options._serverOnly) { cordovaPlatforms = projectContext.platformList.getCordovaPlatforms(); if (process.platform === 'win32' && !_.isEmpty(cordovaPlatforms)) { Console.warn('Can\'t build for mobile on Windows. Skipping the following platforms: ' + cordovaPlatforms.join(", ")); cordovaPlatforms = []; } else if (process.platform !== 'darwin' && _.contains(cordovaPlatforms, 'ios')) { cordovaPlatforms = _.without(cordovaPlatforms, 'ios'); Console.warn("Currently, it is only possible to build iOS apps \ on an OS X system."); } if (!_.isEmpty(cordovaPlatforms)) { // XXX COMPAT WITH -- the --mobile-port option is deprecated var mobileServerOption = options.server || options["mobile-port"]; if (!mobileServerOption) { // For Cordova builds, require '--server'. // XXX better error message? Console.error("Supply the server hostname and port in the --server option " + "for mobile app builds."); return 1; } parsedMobileServerUrl = parseMobileServerOption(mobileServerOption, 'server'); } } else { cordovaPlatforms = []; } var buildDir = projectContext.getProjectLocalDirectory('build_tar'); var outputPath = files.pathResolve(options.args[0]); // get absolute path // Unless we're just making a tarball, warn if people try to build inside the // app directory. if ( || !_.isEmpty(cordovaPlatforms)) { var relative = files.pathRelative(options.appDir, outputPath); // We would like the output path to be outside the app directory, which // means the first step to getting there is going up a level. if (relative.substr(0, 3) !== '..' + files.pathSep) { Console.warn(); Console.labelWarn("The output directory is under your source tree.", "Your generated files may get interpreted as source code!", "Consider building into a different directory instead (" + Console.command("meteor build ../output") + ")", Console.options({ indent: 2 })); Console.warn(); } } var bundlePath = ? options._serverOnly ? outputPath : files.pathJoin(outputPath, 'bundle') : files.pathJoin(buildDir, 'bundle'); stats.recordPackages({ what: "sdk.bundle", projectContext: projectContext }); var bundler = require('../isobuild/bundler.js'); var bundleResult = bundler.bundle({ projectContext: projectContext, outputPath: bundlePath, buildOptions: { minifyMode: options.debug ? 'development' : 'production', // XXX is this a good idea, or should linux be the default since // that's where most people are deploying // default? i guess the problem with using DEPLOY_ARCH as default // is then 'meteor bundle' with no args fails if you have any local // packages with binary npm dependencies serverArch: bundleArch, buildMode: options.debug ? 'development' : 'production' }, providePackageJSONForUnavailableBinaryDeps: !!process.env.METEOR_BINARY_DEP_WORKAROUND }); if (bundleResult.errors) { Console.error("Errors prevented bundling:"); Console.error(bundleResult.errors.formatMessages()); return 1; } if (!options._serverOnly) files.mkdir_p(outputPath); if (! { main.captureAndExit('', 'creating server tarball', function () { try { var outputTar = options._serverOnly ? outputPath : files.pathJoin(outputPath, appName + '.tar.gz'); files.createTarball(files.pathJoin(buildDir, 'bundle'), outputTar); } catch (err) { buildmessage.exception(err); files.rm_recursive(buildDir); } }); } if (!_.isEmpty(cordovaPlatforms)) { (function () { var cordovaProject = undefined; main.captureAndExit('', function () { buildmessage.enterJob({ title: "preparing Cordova project" }, function () { cordovaProject = new _cordovaProjectJs.CordovaProject(projectContext, { settingsFile: options.settings, mobileServerUrl: utils.formatUrl(parsedMobileServerUrl) }); var plugins = cordova.pluginVersionsFromStarManifest(bundleResult.starManifest); cordovaProject.prepareFromAppBundle(bundlePath, plugins); }); for (var _iterator = cordovaPlatforms, _isArray = Array.isArray(_iterator), _i = 0, _iterator = _isArray ? _iterator : _iterator[Symbol.iterator]();;) { if (_isArray) { if (_i >= _iterator.length) break; platform = _iterator[_i++]; } else { _i =; if (_i.done) break; platform = _i.value; } buildmessage.enterJob({ title: 'building Cordova app for ' + cordova.displayNameForPlatform(platform) }, function () { var buildOptions = []; if (!options.debug) buildOptions.push('--release'); cordovaProject.buildForPlatform(platform, buildOptions); var buildPath = files.pathJoin(projectContext.getProjectLocalDirectory('cordova-build'), 'platforms', platform); var platformOutputPath = files.pathJoin(outputPath, platform); files.cp_r(buildPath, files.pathJoin(platformOutputPath, 'project')); if (platform === 'ios') { files.writeFile(files.pathJoin(platformOutputPath, 'README'), 'This is an auto-generated XCode project for your iOS application.\n\nInstructions for publishing your iOS app to App Store can be found at:\n\n', "utf8"); } else if (platform === 'android') { var apkPath = files.pathJoin(buildPath, 'build/outputs/apk', options.debug ? 'android-debug.apk' : 'android-release-unsigned.apk'); if (files.exists(apkPath)) { files.copyFile(apkPath, files.pathJoin(platformOutputPath, options.debug ? 'debug.apk' : 'release-unsigned.apk')); } files.writeFile(files.pathJoin(platformOutputPath, 'README'), 'This is an auto-generated Gradle project for your Android application.\n\nInstructions for publishing your Android app to Play Store can be found at:\n\n', "utf8"); } }); } }); })(); } files.rm_recursive(buildDir); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // lint /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main.registerCommand({ name: 'lint', maxArgs: 0, requiresAppOrPackage: true, options: { 'allow-incompatible-updates': { type: Boolean } }, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { var packageDir = options.packageDir; var appDir = options.appDir; var projectContext = null; // if the goal is to lint the package, don't include the whole app if (packageDir) { // similar to `meteor publish`, create a fake project var tempProjectDir = files.mkdtemp('meteor-package-build'); projectContext = new projectContextModule.ProjectContext({ projectDir: tempProjectDir, explicitlyAddedLocalPackageDirs: [packageDir], packageMapFilename: files.pathJoin(packageDir, '.versions'), alwaysWritePackageMap: true, forceIncludeCordovaUnibuild: true, allowIncompatibleUpdate: options['allow-incompatible-update'], lintPackageWithSourceRoot: packageDir }); main.captureAndExit("=> Errors while setting up package:", function () { return( // Read metadata and initialize catalog. projectContext.initializeCatalog() ); }); var versionRecord = projectContext.localCatalog.getVersionBySourceRoot(packageDir); if (!versionRecord) { throw Error("explicitly added local package dir missing?"); } var packageName = versionRecord.packageName; var constraint = utils.parsePackageConstraint(packageName); projectContext.projectConstraintsFile.removeAllPackages(); projectContext.projectConstraintsFile.addConstraints([constraint]); } // linting the app if (!projectContext && appDir) { projectContext = new projectContextModule.ProjectContext({ projectDir: appDir, serverArchitectures: [], allowIncompatibleUpdate: options['allow-incompatible-update'], lintAppAndLocalPackages: true }); } main.captureAndExit("=> Errors prevented the build:", function () { projectContext.prepareProjectForBuild(); }); var bundlePath = projectContext.getProjectLocalDirectory('build'); var bundler = require('../isobuild/bundler.js'); var bundle = bundler.bundle({ projectContext: projectContext, outputPath: null, buildOptions: { minifyMode: 'development' } }); var displayName = options.packageDir ? 'package' : 'app'; if (bundle.errors) { Console.error('=> Errors building your ' + displayName + ':\n\n' + bundle.errors.formatMessages()); throw new main.ExitWithCode(2); } if (bundle.warnings) { Console.warn(bundle.warnings.formatMessages()); return 1; } return 0; }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // mongo /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main.registerCommand({ name: 'mongo', maxArgs: 1, options: { url: { type: Boolean, short: 'U' } }, requiresApp: function (options) { return options.args.length === 0; }, pretty: false, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { var mongoUrl; var usedMeteorAccount = false; if (options.args.length === 0) { // localhost mode var findMongoPort = require('../runners/run-mongo.js').findMongoPort; var mongoPort = findMongoPort(options.appDir); // XXX detect the case where Meteor is running, but MONGO_URL was // specified? if (!mongoPort) {"mongo: Meteor isn't running a local MongoDB server.");;'This command only works while Meteor is running your application locally. Start your application first with \'meteor\' and then run this command in a new terminal. This error will also occur if you asked Meteor to use a different MongoDB server with $MONGO_URL when you ran your application.');;'If you\'re trying to connect to the database of an app you deployed with ' + Console.command("'meteor deploy'") + ', specify your site\'s name as an argument to this command.'); return 1; } mongoUrl = "mongodb://" + mongoPort + "/meteor"; } else { // remote mode var site = qualifySitename(options.args[0]); config.printUniverseBanner(); mongoUrl = deploy.temporaryMongoUrl(site); usedMeteorAccount = true; if (!mongoUrl) // temporaryMongoUrl() will have printed an error message return 1; } if (options.url) { console.log(mongoUrl); } else { if (usedMeteorAccount) auth.maybePrintRegistrationLink(); process.stdin.pause(); var runMongo = require('../runners/run-mongo.js'); runMongo.runMongoShell(mongoUrl); throw new main.WaitForExit(); } }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // reset /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main.registerCommand({ name: 'reset', // Doesn't actually take an argument, but we want to print an custom // error message if they try to pass one. maxArgs: 1, requiresApp: true, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { if (options.args.length !== 0) { Console.error("meteor reset only affects the locally stored database."); Console.error(); Console.error("To reset a deployed application use"); Console.error(Console.command("meteor deploy --delete appname"), Console.options({ indent: 2 })); Console.error("followed by"); Console.error(Console.command("meteor deploy appname"), Console.options({ indent: 2 })); return 1; } // XXX detect the case where Meteor is running the app, but // MONGO_URL was set, so we don't see a Mongo process var findMongoPort = require('../runners/run-mongo.js').findMongoPort; var isRunning = !!findMongoPort(options.appDir); if (isRunning) { Console.error("reset: Meteor is running."); Console.error(); Console.error("This command does not work while Meteor is running your application.", "Exit the running Meteor development server."); return 1; } var localDir = files.pathJoin(options.appDir, '.meteor', 'local'); files.rm_recursive(localDir);"Project reset."); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // deploy /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main.registerCommand({ name: 'deploy', minArgs: 1, maxArgs: 1, options: { 'delete': { type: Boolean, short: 'D' }, debug: { type: Boolean }, settings: { type: String }, // No longer supported, but we still parse it out so that we can // print a custom error message. password: { type: String }, // Override architecture to deploy whatever stuff we have locally, even if // it contains binary packages that should be incompatible. A hack to allow // people to deploy from checkout or do other weird shit. We are not // responsible for the consequences. 'override-architecture-with-local': { type: Boolean }, 'allow-incompatible-update': { type: Boolean } }, requiresApp: function (options) { return !options['delete']; }, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { var site = qualifySitename(options.args[0]); config.printUniverseBanner(); if (options['delete']) { return deploy.deleteApp(site); } if (options.password) { Console.error("Setting passwords on apps is no longer supported. Now there are " + "user accounts and your apps are associated with your account so " + "that only you (and people you designate) can access them. See the " + Console.command("'meteor claim'") + " and " + Console.command("'meteor authorized'") + " commands."); return 1; } var loggedIn = auth.isLoggedIn(); if (!loggedIn) { Console.error("To instantly deploy your app on a free testing server,", "just enter your email address!"); Console.error(); if (!auth.registerOrLogIn()) return 1; } // Override architecture iff applicable. var buildArch = DEPLOY_ARCH; if (options['override-architecture-with-local']) { Console.warn(); Console.labelWarn("OVERRIDING DEPLOY ARCHITECTURE WITH LOCAL ARCHITECTURE.", "If your app contains binary code, it may break in unexpected " + "and terrible ways."); buildArch =; } var projectContext = new projectContextModule.ProjectContext({ projectDir: options.appDir, serverArchitectures: _.uniq([buildArch,]), allowIncompatibleUpdate: options['allow-incompatible-update'] }); main.captureAndExit("=> Errors while initializing project:", function () { projectContext.prepareProjectForBuild(); }); projectContext.packageMapDelta.displayOnConsole(); var buildOptions = { minifyMode: options.debug ? 'development' : 'production', buildMode: options.debug ? 'development' : 'production', serverArch: buildArch }; var deployResult = deploy.bundleAndDeploy({ projectContext: projectContext, site: site, settingsFile: options.settings, buildOptions: buildOptions }); if (deployResult === 0) { auth.maybePrintRegistrationLink({ leadingNewline: true, // If the user was already logged in at the beginning of the // deploy, then they've already been prompted to set a password // at least once before, so we use a slightly different message. firstTime: !loggedIn }); } return deployResult; }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // logs /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main.registerCommand({ name: 'logs', minArgs: 1, maxArgs: 1, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { var site = qualifySitename(options.args[0]); return deploy.logs(site); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // authorized /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main.registerCommand({ name: 'authorized', minArgs: 1, maxArgs: 1, options: { add: { type: String, short: "a" }, remove: { type: String, short: "r" }, list: { type: Boolean } }, pretty: function (options) { // pretty if we're mutating; plain if we're listing (which is more likely to // be used by scripts) return options.add || options.remove; }, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { if (options.add && options.remove) { Console.error("Sorry, you can only add or remove one user at a time."); return 1; } if ((options.add || options.remove) && options.list) { Console.error("Sorry, you can't change the users at the same time as", "you're listing them."); return 1; } config.printUniverseBanner(); auth.pollForRegistrationCompletion(); var site = qualifySitename(options.args[0]); if (!auth.isLoggedIn()) { Console.error("You must be logged in for that. Try " + Console.command("'meteor login'")); return 1; } if (options.add) return deploy.changeAuthorized(site, "add", options.add);else if (options.remove) return deploy.changeAuthorized(site, "remove", options.remove);else return deploy.listAuthorized(site); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // claim /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main.registerCommand({ name: 'claim', minArgs: 1, maxArgs: 1, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { config.printUniverseBanner(); auth.pollForRegistrationCompletion(); var site = qualifySitename(options.args[0]); if (!auth.isLoggedIn()) { Console.error("You must be logged in to claim sites. Use " + Console.command("'meteor login'") + " to log in. If you don't have a " + "Meteor developer account yet, create one by clicking " + Console.command("'Sign in'") + " and then " + Console.command("'Create account'") + " at"); Console.error(); return 1; } return deploy.claim(site); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // test-packages /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Test your local packages. // main.registerCommand({ name: 'test-packages', maxArgs: Infinity, options: { port: { type: String, short: "p", 'default': DEFAULT_PORT }, 'mobile-server': { type: String }, // XXX COMPAT WITH 'mobile-port': { type: String }, 'debug-port': { type: String }, deploy: { type: String }, production: { type: Boolean }, settings: { type: String }, velocity: { type: Boolean }, verbose: { type: Boolean, short: "v" }, // Undocumented. See #Once once: { type: Boolean }, // Undocumented. To ensure that QA covers both // PollingObserveDriver and OplogObserveDriver, this option // disables oplog for tests. (It still creates a replset, it just // doesn't do oplog tailing.) 'disable-oplog': { type: Boolean }, // Undocumented flag to use a different test driver. 'driver-package': { type: String, 'default': 'test-in-browser' }, // Sets the path of where the temp app should be created 'test-app-path': { type: String }, // Undocumented, runs tests under selenium 'selenium': { type: Boolean }, 'selenium-browser': { type: String }, // Undocumented. Usually we just show a banner saying 'Tests' instead of // the ugly path to the temporary test directory, but if you actually want // to see it you can ask for it. 'show-test-app-path': { type: Boolean }, // hard-coded options with all known Cordova platforms ios: { type: Boolean }, 'ios-device': { type: Boolean }, android: { type: Boolean }, 'android-device': { type: Boolean }, // This could theoretically be useful/necessary in conjunction with // --test-app-path. 'allow-incompatible-update': { type: Boolean }, // Don't print linting messages for tested packages 'no-lint': { type: Boolean }, // allow excluding packages when testing all packages. // should be a comma-separated list of package names. 'exclude': { type: String } }, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { Console.setVerbose(!!options.verbose); var runTargets = parseRunTargets(_.intersection(Object.keys(options), ['ios', 'ios-device', 'android', 'android-device'])); var _parseServerOptionsForRunCommand2 = parseServerOptionsForRunCommand(options, runTargets); var parsedServerUrl = _parseServerOptionsForRunCommand2.parsedServerUrl; var parsedMobileServerUrl = _parseServerOptionsForRunCommand2.parsedMobileServerUrl; // Find any packages mentioned by a path instead of a package name. We will // load them explicitly into the catalog. var packagesByPath = _.filter(options.args, function (p) { return p.indexOf('/') !== -1; }); // Make a temporary app dir (based on the test runner app). This will be // cleaned up on process exit. Using a temporary app dir means that we can // run multiple "test-packages" commands in parallel without them stomping // on each other. var testRunnerAppDir = options['test-app-path'] || files.mkdtemp('meteor-test-run'); // Download packages for our architecture, and for the deploy server's // architecture if we're deploying. var serverArchitectures = []; if (options.deploy && DEPLOY_ARCH !== serverArchitectures.push(DEPLOY_ARCH); // XXX Because every run uses a new app with its own IsopackCache directory, // this always does a clean build of all packages. Maybe we can speed up // repeated test-packages calls with some sort of shared or semi-shared // isopack cache that's specific to test-packages? See #3012. var projectContext = new projectContextModule.ProjectContext({ projectDir: testRunnerAppDir, // If we're currently in an app, we still want to use the real app's // packages subdirectory, not the test runner app's empty one. projectDirForLocalPackages: options.appDir, explicitlyAddedLocalPackageDirs: packagesByPath, serverArchitectures: serverArchitectures, allowIncompatibleUpdate: options['allow-incompatible-update'], lintAppAndLocalPackages: !options['no-lint'] }); main.captureAndExit("=> Errors while setting up tests:", function () { // Read metadata and initialize catalog. projectContext.initializeCatalog(); }); // Overwrite .meteor/release. projectContext.releaseFile.write(release.current.isCheckout() ? "none" :; var packagesToAdd = getTestPackageNames(projectContext, options.args); // filter out excluded packages var excludedPackages = options.exclude && options.exclude.split(','); if (excludedPackages) { packagesToAdd = _.filter(packagesToAdd, function (p) { return !_.some(excludedPackages, function (excluded) { return p.replace(/^local-test:/, '') === excluded; }); }); } // Use the driver package // Also, add `autoupdate` so that you don't have to manually refresh the tests packagesToAdd.unshift("autoupdate", options['driver-package']); var constraintsToAdd =, function (p) { return utils.parsePackageConstraint(p); }); // Add the packages to our in-memory representation of .meteor/packages. (We // haven't yet resolved constraints, so this will affect constraint // resolution.) This will get written to disk once we prepareProjectForBuild, // either in the Cordova code below, right before deploying below, or in the // app runner. (Note that removeAllPackages removes any comments from // .meteor/packages, but that's OK since this isn't a real user project.) projectContext.projectConstraintsFile.removeAllPackages(); projectContext.projectConstraintsFile.addConstraints(constraintsToAdd); // Write these changes to disk now, so that if the first attempt to prepare // the project for build hits errors, we don't lose them on // projectContext.reset. projectContext.projectConstraintsFile.writeIfModified(); // The rest of the projectContext preparation process will happen inside the // runner, once the proxy is listening. The changes we made were persisted to // disk, so projectContext.reset won't make us forget anything. var cordovaRunner = undefined; if (!_.isEmpty(runTargets)) { main.captureAndExit('', 'preparing Cordova project', function () { var cordovaProject = new _cordovaProjectJs.CordovaProject(projectContext, { settingsFile: options.settings, mobileServerUrl: utils.formatUrl(parsedMobileServerUrl) }); cordovaRunner = new _cordovaRunnerJs.CordovaRunner(cordovaProject, runTargets); projectContext.platformList.write(cordovaRunner.platformsForRunTargets); cordovaRunner.checkPlatformsForRunTargets(); }); } options.cordovaRunner = cordovaRunner; if (options.velocity) { var serverUrlForVelocity = 'http://' + ( || "localhost") + ':' + parsedServerUrl.port; var velocity = require('../runners/run-velocity.js'); velocity.runVelocity(serverUrlForVelocity); } return runTestAppForPackages(projectContext, _.extend(options, { mobileServerUrl: utils.formatUrl(parsedMobileServerUrl) })); }); // Returns the "local-test:*" package names for the given package names (or for // all local packages if packageNames is empty/unspecified). var getTestPackageNames = function (projectContext, packageNames) { var packageNamesSpecifiedExplicitly = !_.isEmpty(packageNames); if (_.isEmpty(packageNames)) { // If none specified, test all local packages. (We don't have tests for // non-local packages.) packageNames = projectContext.localCatalog.getAllPackageNames(); } var testPackages = []; main.captureAndExit("=> Errors while collecting tests:", function () { _.each(packageNames, function (p) { buildmessage.enterJob("trying to test package `" + p + "`", function () { // If it's a package name, look it up the normal way. if (p.indexOf('/') === -1) { if (p.indexOf('@') !== -1) { buildmessage.error("You may not specify versions for local packages: " + p); return; // recover by ignoring } // Check to see if this is a real local package, and if it is a real // local package, if it has tests. var version = projectContext.localCatalog.getLatestVersion(p); if (!version) { buildmessage.error("Not a known local package, cannot test"); } else if (version.testName) { testPackages.push(version.testName); } else if (packageNamesSpecifiedExplicitly) { // It's only an error to *ask* to test a package with no tests, not // to come across a package with no tests when you say "test all // packages". buildmessage.error("Package has no tests"); } } else { // Otherwise, it's a directory; find it by source root. version = projectContext.localCatalog.getVersionBySourceRoot(files.pathResolve(p)); if (!version) { throw Error("should have been caught when initializing catalog?"); } if (version.testName) { testPackages.push(version.testName); } // It is not an error to mention a package by directory that is a // package but has no tests; this means you can run `meteor // test-packages $APP/packages/*` without having to worry about the // packages that don't have tests. } }); }); }); return testPackages; }; var runTestAppForPackages = function (projectContext, options) { var buildOptions = { minifyMode: options.production ? 'production' : 'development', buildMode: options.production ? 'production' : 'development' }; if (options.deploy) { // Run the constraint solver and build local packages. main.captureAndExit("=> Errors while initializing project:", function () { projectContext.prepareProjectForBuild(); }); // No need to display the PackageMapDelta here, since it would include all // of the packages! buildOptions.serverArch = DEPLOY_ARCH; return deploy.bundleAndDeploy({ projectContext: projectContext, site: options.deploy, settingsFile: options.settings, buildOptions: buildOptions, recordPackageUsage: false }); } else { var runAll = require('../runners/run-all.js'); return{ projectContext: projectContext, proxyPort: options.port, debugPort: options['debug-port'], disableOplog: options['disable-oplog'], settingsFile: options.settings, banner: options['show-test-app-path'] ? null : "Tests", buildOptions: buildOptions, rootUrl: process.env.ROOT_URL, mongoUrl: process.env.MONGO_URL, oplogUrl: process.env.MONGO_OPLOG_URL, mobileServerUrl: options.mobileServerUrl, once: options.once, recordPackageUsage: false, selenium: options.selenium, seleniumBrowser: options['selenium-browser'], cordovaRunner: options.cordovaRunner, // On the first run, we shouldn't display the delta between "no packages // in the temp app" and "all the packages we're testing". If we make // changes and reload, though, it's fine to display them. omitPackageMapDeltaDisplayOnFirstRun: true }); } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // rebuild /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main.registerCommand({ name: 'rebuild', maxArgs: Infinity, hidden: true, requiresApp: true, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never(), 'allow-incompatible-update': { type: Boolean } }, function (options) { var projectContextModule = require('../project-context.js'); var projectContext = new projectContextModule.ProjectContext({ projectDir: options.appDir, forceRebuildPackages: options.args.length ? options.args : true, allowIncompatibleUpdate: options['allow-incompatible-update'] }); main.captureAndExit("=> Errors while rebuilding packages:", function () { projectContext.prepareProjectForBuild(); }); projectContext.packageMapDelta.displayOnConsole();"Packages rebuilt."); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // login /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main.registerCommand({ name: 'login', options: { email: { type: Boolean } }, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { return auth.loginCommand(_.extend({ overwriteExistingToken: true }, options)); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // logout /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main.registerCommand({ name: 'logout', catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { return auth.logoutCommand(options); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // whoami /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main.registerCommand({ name: 'whoami', catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never(), pretty: false }, function (options) { return auth.whoAmICommand(options); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // organizations /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var loggedInAccountsConnectionOrPrompt = function (action) { var token = auth.getSessionToken(config.getAccountsDomain()); if (!token) { Console.error("You must be logged in to " + action + "."); auth.doUsernamePasswordLogin({ retry: true });; } token = auth.getSessionToken(config.getAccountsDomain()); var conn = auth.loggedInAccountsConnection(token); if (conn === null) { // Server rejected our token. Console.error("You must be logged in to " + action + "."); auth.doUsernamePasswordLogin({ retry: true });; token = auth.getSessionToken(config.getAccountsDomain()); conn = auth.loggedInAccountsConnection(token); } return conn; }; // List the organizations of which the current user is a member. main.registerCommand({ name: 'admin list-organizations', minArgs: 0, maxArgs: 0, pretty: false, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { var token = auth.getSessionToken(config.getAccountsDomain()); if (!token) { Console.error("You must be logged in to list your organizations."); auth.doUsernamePasswordLogin({ retry: true });; } var url = config.getAccountsApiUrl() + "/organizations"; try { var result = httpHelpers.request({ url: url, method: "GET", useSessionHeader: true, useAuthHeader: true }); var body = JSON.parse(result.body); } catch (err) { Console.error("Error listing organizations."); return 1; } if (result.response.statusCode === 401 && body && body.error === "invalid_credential") { Console.error("You must be logged in to list your organizations."); // XXX It would be nice to do a username/password prompt here like // we do for the other orgs commands. return 1; } if (result.response.statusCode !== 200 || !body || !body.organizations) { Console.error("Error listing organizations."); return 1; } if (body.organizations.length === 0) {"You are not a member of any organizations."); } else { Console.rawInfo(_.pluck(body.organizations, "name").join("\n") + "\n"); } return 0; }); main.registerCommand({ name: 'admin members', minArgs: 1, maxArgs: 1, options: { add: { type: String }, remove: { type: String }, list: { type: Boolean } }, pretty: function (options) { // pretty if we're mutating; plain if we're listing (which is more likely to // be used by scripts) return options.add || options.remove; }, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { if (options.add && options.remove) { Console.error("Sorry, you can only add or remove one member at a time."); throw new main.ShowUsage(); } config.printUniverseBanner(); var username = options.add || options.remove; var conn = loggedInAccountsConnectionOrPrompt(username ? "edit organizations" : "show an organization's members"); if (username) { // Adding or removing members try { ? "addOrganizationMember" : "removeOrganizationMember", options.args[0], username); } catch (err) { Console.error("Error " + (options.add ? "adding" : "removing") + " member: " + err.reason); return 1; } + " " + (options.add ? "added to" : "removed from") + " organization " + options.args[0] + "."); } else { // Showing the members of an org try { var result ="showOrganization", options.args[0]); } catch (err) { Console.error("Error showing organization: " + err.reason); return 1; } var members = _.pluck(result, "username"); Console.rawInfo(members.join("\n") + "\n"); } return 0; }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // self-test /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XXX we should find a way to make self-test fully self-contained, so that it // ignores "packageDirs" (ie, it shouldn't fail just because you happen to be // sitting in an app with packages that don't build) main.registerCommand({ name: 'self-test', minArgs: 0, maxArgs: 1, options: { changed: { type: Boolean }, 'force-online': { type: Boolean }, slow: { type: Boolean }, galaxy: { type: Boolean }, browserstack: { type: Boolean }, history: { type: Number }, list: { type: Boolean }, file: { type: String }, exclude: { type: String } }, hidden: true, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { if (!files.inCheckout()) { Console.error("self-test is only supported running from a checkout"); return 1; } var selftest = require('../tool-testing/selftest.js'); // Auto-detect whether to skip 'net' tests, unless --force-online is passed. var offline = false; if (!options['force-online']) { try { require('../utils/http-helpers.js').getUrl(""); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof files.OfflineError) offline = true; } } var compileRegexp = function (str) { try { return new RegExp(str); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof SyntaxError)) throw e; Console.error("Bad regular expression: " + str); return null; } }; var testRegexp = undefined; if (options.args.length) { testRegexp = compileRegexp(options.args[0]); if (!testRegexp) { return 1; } } var fileRegexp = undefined; if (options.file) { fileRegexp = compileRegexp(options.file); if (!fileRegexp) { return 1; } } var excludeRegexp = undefined; if (options.exclude) { excludeRegexp = compileRegexp(options.exclude); if (!excludeRegexp) { return 1; } } if (options.list) { selftest.listTests({ onlyChanged: options.changed, offline: offline, includeSlowTests: options.slow, galaxyOnly: options.galaxy, testRegexp: testRegexp, fileRegexp: fileRegexp }); return 0; } var clients = { browserstack: options.browserstack }; return selftest.runTests({ // filtering options onlyChanged: options.changed, offline: offline, includeSlowTests: options.slow, galaxyOnly: options.galaxy, testRegexp: testRegexp, fileRegexp: fileRegexp, excludeRegexp: excludeRegexp, // other options historyLines: options.history, clients: clients }); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // list-sites /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main.registerCommand({ name: 'list-sites', minArgs: 0, maxArgs: 0, pretty: false, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { auth.pollForRegistrationCompletion(); if (!auth.isLoggedIn()) { Console.error("You must be logged in for that. Try " + Console.command("'meteor login'") + "."); return 1; } return deploy.listSites(); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // admin get-machine /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main.registerCommand({ name: 'admin get-machine', minArgs: 1, maxArgs: 1, options: { json: { type: Boolean }, verbose: { type: Boolean, short: "v" }, // By default, we give you a machine for 5 minutes. You can request up to // 15. (MDG can reserve machines for longer than that.) minutes: { type: Number } }, pretty: false, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { // Check that we are asking for a valid architecture. var arch = options.args[0]; if (!_.has(VALID_ARCHITECTURES, arch)) { showInvalidArchMsg(arch); return 1; } // Set the minutes. We will check validity on the server. var minutes = options.minutes || 5; // In verbose mode, we let you know what is going on. var maybeLog = function (string) { if (options.verbose) {; } }; try { maybeLog("Logging into the get-machines server ..."); var conn = authClient.loggedInConnection(config.getBuildFarmUrl(), config.getBuildFarmDomain(), "build-farm"); } catch (err) { authClient.handleConnectionError(err, "get-machines server"); return 1; } try { maybeLog("Reserving machine ..."); // The server returns to us an object with the following keys: // username & sshKey : use this to log in. // host: what you login into // port: port you should use // hostKey: RSA key to compare for safety. var ret ='createBuildServer', arch, minutes); } catch (err) { authClient.handleConnectionError(err, "build farm"); return 1; } conn.close(); // Possibly, the user asked us to return a JSON of the data and is going to process it // themselves. In that case, let's do that and exit. if (options.json) { var retJson = { 'username': ret.username, 'host':, 'port': ret.port, 'key': ret.sshKey, 'hostKey': ret.hostKey }; Console.rawInfo(JSON.stringify(retJson, null, 2) + "\n"); return 0; } // Record the SSH Key in a temporary file on disk and give it the permissions // that ssh-agent requires it to have. var tmpDir = files.mkdtemp('meteor-ssh-'); var idpath = tmpDir + '/id'; maybeLog("Writing ssh key to " + idpath); files.writeFile(idpath, ret.sshKey, { encoding: 'utf8', mode: 256 }); // Add the known host key to a custom known hosts file. var hostpath = tmpDir + '/host'; var addendum = + " " + ret.hostKey + "\n"; maybeLog("Writing host key to " + hostpath); files.writeFile(hostpath, addendum, 'utf8'); // Finally, connect to the machine. var login = ret.username + "@" +; var maybeVerbose = options.verbose ? "-v" : "-q"; var connOptions = [login, "-i" + idpath, "-p" + ret.port, "-oUserKnownHostsFile=" + hostpath, maybeVerbose]; var printOptions = connOptions.join(' '); maybeLog("Connecting: " + Console.command("ssh " + printOptions)); var child_process = require('child_process'); var future = new Future(); if (arch.match(/win/)) { // The ssh output from Windows machines is buggy, it can overlay your // existing output on the top of the screen which is very ugly. Force the // screen cleaning to assist. Console.clear(); } var sshCommand = child_process.spawn("ssh", connOptions, { stdio: 'inherit' }); // Redirect spawn stdio to process sshCommand.on('error', function (err) { if (err.code === "ENOENT") { if (process.platform === "win32") { Console.error("Could not find the `ssh` command in your PATH.", "Please read this page about using the get-machine command on Windows:", Console.url("")); } else { Console.error("Could not find the `ssh` command in your PATH."); } future['return'](1); } }); sshCommand.on('exit', function (code, signal) { if (signal) { // XXX: We should process the signal in some way, but I am not sure we // care right now. future['return'](1); } else { future['return'](code); } }); var sshEnd = future.wait(); return sshEnd; }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // admin progressbar-test /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // A test command to print a progressbar. Useful for manual testing. main.registerCommand({ name: 'admin progressbar-test', options: { secs: { type: Number, 'default': 20 }, spinner: { type: Boolean, 'default': false } }, hidden: true, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { buildmessage.enterJob({ title: "A test progressbar" }, function () { var doneFuture = new Future(); var progress = buildmessage.getCurrentProgressTracker(); var totalProgress = { current: 0, end: options.secs, done: false }; var i = 0; var n = options.secs; if (options.spinner) { totalProgress.end = undefined; } var updateProgress = function () { i++; if (!options.spinner) { totalProgress.current = i; } if (i === n) { totalProgress.done = true; progress.reportProgress(totalProgress); doneFuture['return'](); } else { progress.reportProgress(totalProgress); setTimeout(updateProgress, 1000); } }; setTimeout(updateProgress); doneFuture.wait(); }); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // dummy /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dummy test command. Used for automated testing of the command line // option parser. main.registerCommand({ name: 'dummy', options: { ething: { type: String, short: "e", required: true }, port: { type: Number, short: "p", 'default': DEFAULT_PORT }, url: { type: Boolean, short: "U" }, 'delete': { type: Boolean, short: "D" }, changed: { type: Boolean } }, maxArgs: 2, hidden: true, pretty: false, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function (options) { var p = function (key) { if (_.has(options, key)) return JSON.stringify(options[key]); return 'none'; };'ething') + " " + p('port') + " " + p('changed') + " " + p('args')); if (options.url)'url'); if (options['delete'])'delete'); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // throw-error /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dummy test command. Used to test that stack traces work from an installed // Meteor tool. main.registerCommand({ name: 'throw-error', hidden: true, catalogRefresh: new catalog.Refresh.Never() }, function () { throw new Error("testing stack traces!"); // #StackTraceTest this line is found in tests/source-maps.js }); //#
'use strict'; angular.module('terminaaliApp') .factory('Auth', function Auth($location, $rootScope, $http, User, $cookieStore, $q) { var currentUser = {}; if($cookieStore.get('token')) { currentUser = User.get(); } return { /** * Authenticate user and save token * * @param {Object} user - login info * @param {Function} callback - optional * @return {Promise} */ login: function(user, callback) { var cb = callback || angular.noop; var deferred = $q.defer(); $'/auth/local', { email:, password: user.password }). success(function(data) { $cookieStore.put('token', data.token); currentUser = User.get(); deferred.resolve(data); return cb(); }). error(function(err) { this.logout(); deferred.reject(err); return cb(err); }.bind(this)); return deferred.promise; }, /** * Delete access token and user info * * @param {Function} */ logout: function() { $cookieStore.remove('token'); currentUser = {}; }, /** * Create a new user * * @param {Object} user - user info * @param {Function} callback - optional * @return {Promise} */ createUser: function(user, callback) { var cb = callback || angular.noop; return, function(data) { $cookieStore.put('token', data.token); currentUser = User.get(); return cb(user); }, function(err) { this.logout(); return cb(err); }.bind(this)).$promise; }, /** * Change password * * @param {String} oldPassword * @param {String} newPassword * @param {Function} callback - optional * @return {Promise} */ changePassword: function(oldPassword, newPassword, callback) { var cb = callback || angular.noop; return User.changePassword({ id: currentUser._id }, { oldPassword: oldPassword, newPassword: newPassword }, function(user) { return cb(user); }, function(err) { return cb(err); }).$promise; }, /** * Gets all available info on authenticated user * * @return {Object} user */ getCurrentUser: function() { return currentUser; }, /** * Check if a user is logged in * * @return {Boolean} */ isLoggedIn: function() { return currentUser.hasOwnProperty('role'); }, /** * Waits for currentUser to resolve before checking if user is logged in */ isLoggedInAsync: function(cb) { if(currentUser.hasOwnProperty('$promise')) { currentUser.$promise.then(function() { cb(true); }).catch(function() { cb(false); }); } else if(currentUser.hasOwnProperty('role')) { cb(true); } else { cb(false); } }, /** * Check if a user is an admin * * @return {Boolean} */ isAdmin: function() { return currentUser.role === 'admin'; }, /** * Get auth token */ getToken: function() { return $cookieStore.get('token'); } }; });
$(document).ready(function(){ var toggleMuffEditor = function(stat=false){ $("#muff-opt").remove(); // bind event if(stat){ $(".muff").mouseover(function() { $("#muff-opt").remove(); muffShowOptions($(this)); $(window).scroll(function(){ $("#muff-opt").remove(); }) }); }else{// unbind event $(".muff").unbind("mouseover"); } }; function muffShowOptions( e ){ var t = ""; var id = e.attr("data-muff-id"); var title = e.attr("data-muff-title"); var p = e.offset(); var opttop = + 15; var optleft = p.left + 5; if(e.hasClass("muff-div")){ t="div"; }else if(e.hasClass("muff-text")){ t="text"; }else if(e.hasClass("muff-a")){ t="link"; }else if(e.hasClass("muff-img")){ t="image"; } if(!title){ title = t;} // check position is beyond document if((p.left + 25 + 75) > $(window).width()){ optleft -= 75; } var opt = "<div id='muff-opt' style='position:absolute;top:"+opttop+"px;left:"+optleft+"px;z-index:99998;display:none;'>"; opt += "<a href='admin/"+t+"/"+id+"/edit' class='mbtn edit'></a>"; opt += "<a href='admin/"+t+"/delete/' class='mbtn delete' data-mod='"+t+"' data-id='"+id+"'></a>"; opt += "<span>"+title+"</span>"; opt += "</div>"; $("body").prepend(opt); $("#muff-opt").slideDown(300); $("body").find("#muff-opt > a.delete").click(function(e){ var path = $(this).attr('href'); var mod = $(this).attr('data-mod'); // e.preventDefault(); swal({ title: "Are you sure?", text: "You are about to delete this "+mod, type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: "Yes, delete it!", cancelButtonText: "Cancel", closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function(isConfirm){ if (isConfirm) { // window.location.href = path; proceedDelete(path, id); } }); return false; }); } toggleMuffEditor(false); // set checkbox editor event $("input[name=cb-muff-editor]").click(function(){ if($(this).is(':checked')){ toggleMuffEditor(true); } else{ toggleMuffEditor(false) } }); function proceedDelete(path, id){ var newForm = jQuery('<form>', { 'action': path, 'method': 'POST', 'target': '_top' }).append(jQuery('<input>', { 'name': '_token', 'value': $("meta[name=csrf-token]").attr("content"), 'type': 'hidden' })).append(jQuery('<input>', { 'name': 'id', 'value': id, 'type': 'hidden' })); newForm.hide().appendTo("body").submit(); } // $(".opt-div a.delete, .w-conf a.delete, .w-conf-hvr a.delete").click(function(e){ // var path = $(this).attr('href'); // var mod = $(this).attr('data-mod'); // // e.preventDefault(); // swal({ // title: "Are you sure?", // text: "You are about to delete this "+mod, // type: "warning", // showCancelButton: true, // confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", // confirmButtonText: "Yes, delete it!", // cancelButtonText: "Cancel", // closeOnConfirm: true, // closeOnCancel: true // }, // function(isConfirm){ // if (isConfirm) { // window.location.href = path; // } // }); // return false; // }); // top nav click $(".top-nav>li").click(function(){ var i = $(this).find('.dropdown-menu'); toggleClassExcept('.top-nav .dropdown-menu', 'rmv', 'active', i); i.toggleClass("active"); }); /** toggle a certain class except the given object * works with li and lists * @param id identifier * @param a action * @param c class * @param ex object */ function toggleClassExcept(id, a, c, ex){ $(id).each(function(){ switch(a){ case 'remove': case 'rmv': if(!$(this).is(ex)) $(this).removeClass(c); break; case 'add': if(!$(this).is(ex)) $(this).addClass(c); break; default: break; } }); } $(".w-add .muff-add").click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var b = $(this); var newForm = jQuery('<form>', { 'action':'href'), 'method': 'GET', 'target': '_top' }).append(jQuery('<input>', { 'name': '_token', 'value': $("meta[name=csrf-token]").attr("content"), 'type': 'hidden' })).append(jQuery('<input>', { 'name': 'url', 'value': $("meta[name=muffin-url]").attr("content"), 'type': 'hidden' })).append(jQuery('<input>', { 'name': 'location', 'value':"loc"), 'type': 'hidden' })); // console.log(newForm); newForm.hide().appendTo("body").submit(); }) // TAGs //var tagArea = '.tag-area'; if($('.tagarea')[0]){ var backSpace; var close = '<a class="close"></a>'; var PreTags = $('.tagarea').val().trim().split(" "); $('.tagarea').after('<ul class="tag-box"></ul>'); for (i=0 ; i < PreTags.length; i++ ){ var pretag = PreTags[i].split("_").join(" "); if($('.tagarea').val().trim() != "" ) $('.tag-box').append('<li class="tags"><input type="hidden" name="tags[]" value="'+pretag+'">'+pretag+close+'</li>'); } $('.tag-box').append('<li class="new-tag"><input class="input-tag" type="text"></li>'); // unbind submit form when pressing enter $('.input-tag').on('keyup keypress', function(e) { var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which; if (keyCode === 13) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); // Taging $('.input-tag').bind("keydown", function (kp) { var tag = $('.input-tag').val().trim(); if(tag.length > 0){ $(".tags").removeClass("danger"); if(kp.keyCode == 13 || kp.keyCode == 9){ $(".new-tag").before('<li class="tags"><input type="hidden" name="tags[]" value="'+tag+'">'+tag+close+'</li>'); $(this).val(''); }} else {if(kp.keyCode == 8 ){ if($(".new-tag").prev().hasClass("danger")){ $(".new-tag").prev().remove(); }else{ $(".new-tag").prev().addClass("danger"); } } } }); //Delete tag $(".tag-box").on("click", ".close", function() { $(this).parent().remove(); }); $(".tag-box").click(function(){ $('.input-tag').focus(); }); // Edit $('.tag-box').on("dblclick" , ".tags", function(cl){ var tags = $(this); var tag = tags.text().trim(); $('.tags').removeClass('edit'); tags.addClass('edit'); tags.html('<input class="input-tag" value="'+tag+'" type="text">') $(".new-tag").hide(); tags.find('.input-tag').focus(); tag = $(this).find('.input-tag').val() ; $('.tags').dblclick(function(){ tags.html(tag + close); $('.tags').removeClass('edit'); $(".new-tag").show(); }); tags.find('.input-tag').bind("keydown", function (edit) { tag = $(this).val() ; if(edit.keyCode == 13){ $(".new-tag").show(); $('.input-tag').focus(); $('.tags').removeClass('edit'); if(tag.length > 0){ tags.html('<input type="hidden" name="tags[]" value="'+tag+'">'+tag + close); } else{ tags.remove(); } } }); }); } // sorting // $(function() { // $( ".tag-box" ).sortable({ // items: "li:not(.new-tag)", // containment: "parent", // scrollSpeed: 100 // }); // $( ".tag-box" ).disableSelection(); // }); });
'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports["default"] = undefined; var _classCallCheck2 = require('babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck'); var _classCallCheck3 = _interopRequireDefault(_classCallCheck2); var _possibleConstructorReturn2 = require('babel-runtime/helpers/possibleConstructorReturn'); var _possibleConstructorReturn3 = _interopRequireDefault(_possibleConstructorReturn2); var _inherits2 = require('babel-runtime/helpers/inherits'); var _inherits3 = _interopRequireDefault(_inherits2); var _react = require('react'); var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react); var _objectAssign = require('object-assign'); var _objectAssign2 = _interopRequireDefault(_objectAssign); var _rcTable = require('rc-table'); var _rcTable2 = _interopRequireDefault(_rcTable); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; } var __assign = undefined && undefined.__assign || Object.assign || function (t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) { if (, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } } return t; }; var Table = function (_React$Component) { (0, _inherits3["default"])(Table, _React$Component); function Table() { (0, _classCallCheck3["default"])(this, Table); return (0, _possibleConstructorReturn3["default"])(this, _React$Component.apply(this, arguments)); } Table.prototype.render = function render() { var _props = this.props, columns = _props.columns, dataSource = _props.dataSource, direction = _props.direction, scrollX = _props.scrollX, titleFixed = _props.titleFixed; var _props2 = this.props, style =, className = _props2.className; var restProps = (0, _objectAssign2["default"])({}, this.props); ['style', 'className'].forEach(function (prop) { if (restProps.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { delete restProps[prop]; } }); var table = void 0; // 默认纵向 if (!direction || direction === 'vertical') { if (titleFixed) { table = _react2["default"].createElement(_rcTable2["default"], __assign({}, restProps, { columns: columns, data: dataSource, className: "am-table", scroll: { x: true }, showHeader: false })); } else { table = _react2["default"].createElement(_rcTable2["default"], __assign({}, restProps, { columns: columns, data: dataSource, className: "am-table", scroll: { x: scrollX } })); } } else if (direction === 'horizon') { columns[0].className = 'am-table-horizonTitle'; table = _react2["default"].createElement(_rcTable2["default"], __assign({}, restProps, { columns: columns, data: dataSource, className: "am-table", showHeader: false, scroll: { x: scrollX } })); } else if (direction === 'mix') { columns[0].className = 'am-table-horizonTitle'; table = _react2["default"].createElement(_rcTable2["default"], __assign({}, restProps, { columns: columns, data: dataSource, className: "am-table", scroll: { x: scrollX } })); } return _react2["default"].createElement("div", { className: className, style: style }, table); }; return Table; }(_react2["default"].Component); exports["default"] = Table; Table.defaultProps = { dataSource: [], prefixCls: 'am-table' }; module.exports = exports['default'];