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Title: The Dream of a Lonely Dragon by trek Tags: Dragon, Feline, First Time, Handjob, M/F, Oral, Short, Vaginal The Dream of a Lonely Dragon By Trek Warning, this story contains sexual material and should not be read by people under 18. Thanks and enjoy! First I suppose I should tell you about myself. I am a 20 year old, 6 foot, sky blue dragon. Well built, but with a little extra weight around the midsection. I am a bit of a nerd and very much a redneck. That is about all the basics. You should also know some history I think. Several years ago, I had some one that I loved dearly, I wanted to be her mate. Yet her parents would not allow anything to go on between us until she was older, which I understood and was willing to be patient. We would meet every so often and we would chat on the internet almost every day. I had such feelings for her that I could not describe them in words. Anyway, after a few months of this routine, she began to feel distant, and after a week or so I found out why. Apparently one of my friends that also knew her had confessed his love to her and she decided that she felt the same toward him. She told me all of this over the internet, same as we always talked. At this I didn't know what to think. I quickly replied back asking if there was any place for me with her, desperately hoping for anything positive. All I got from her was an "I don't think so." My heart was broken. I kept talking to her for a few weeks, but then slowly broke contact. There was a dagger sticking in my back that no one could see but me. I have carried that dagger with me for many years, not daring to take it out, making a promise to myself, that I would never be the one to put someone through that kind of pain. Since that time I have not sought another potential mate, reasoning to myself that the right one would come along when I was ready and that I would recognize her at first glance. Though I know that it was only from the fear of being hurt again, I didn't think I could take another dagger like that. Well, that is about all the history you need to know. Now for the rest of the story. She was a beautiful yellowish gold feline that had a wonderful figure and a lovely face. She was extremely graceful and kinder than anyone I had ever met. Her name was Crystal. I worked with her for many years at a fast food joint, rarely getting the chance to work next to her but savoring the time when I did. She always smelled nice and never seemed to be mad or unhappy. She always had a smile on her face and it always made my day to see it, because I could not help but smile too. I quickly knew that she was the one I had been waiting for, the one that could pull that painful dagger out. I started spending as much time with her as possible, going on break at the same time, talking after work was over, and even going in to work on my days off just to see her. I learned all I could about her. Told her what ever was on my mind and she did the same. After some time I decided that I wanted to take our friendship to the next level, but I realized that I had forgotten to ask a very important question. Was she already with some one? To my sadness and dismay she said that there was and that she loved him greatly. I just smiled at this but my heart sank. I continued spending as much time with her as I could, her being one of the only female friends I had. But now every time I saw her it hurt. Knowing that I was not the one for her (knowing that that could change but still in pain). I also knew that the only way for me to get her would be for her to loose him, which would put her in terrible pain. The kind of pain that I promised my self that I would never be responsible for inflicting on someone else. So I was torn between the two possibilities, one being that she stayed with him and I would never get a chance with her, and the other being that she would loose him giving me a chance but putting her through great pain in the process. I decided that I would rather be the one to deal with the pain and stayed out of the way of her relationship with him. I still remained a close friend to her and kept our relationship the same though this was not easy in the least. Some days it was harder than others, such as the times when I was feeling depressed because she was not mine. She would know that something was wrong and would ask about it and try to make me feel better, not realizing that she was the reason I was so sad. It was not long before I began to dream of her, of the relationship I wanted to have with her. At first I shunned it, thinking it not fair to her. But as the days, weeks, and months went by, I slowly started to accept and even anticipate these dreams. I dremt of holder her close to me just to feel her warmth. Of caressing her back and nuzzling her soft cheeks. I knew it had to be love and not lust because very few of the dreams were sexual, not to say I didn't enjoy those too. But the dreams usually just involved us being close to one another and talking about whatever was on our mind. I can't count the number of times I had whole conversations with her and figured things out that were bothering me in my sleep. Nearly every night I would go to sleep hugging and snuggling a feather pillow, thinking of her, and hoping for another dream of her. Though on my not so good nights, these thoughts only tended to make me feel worse. I know that there was little I could do in the present situation with out breaking my promise, and that I was doing the right thing (or so I thought) by leaving things be as they were. The one question that constantly haunted me but I could not answer was: Was it wrong to want something that may put someone else through some pain. The quick answer I always gave out was yes, and considering my soft and kind personality it was mainly true for me. I could not bring myself to hurt another. But I still could not justify my choices. I was putting my self through great pain, and sparing her, and she didn't even know it. I know it wasn't fair to me, but I didn't think I had any other choice. I would not go back on my promise. But as usual, even with my mind busy with trying to answer an unanswerable question, sleep would find me. And visions of her always seemed to come when I needed them most. As I said before, sexually related dreams of Crystal rarely took place, but they did occur. Some of these were as simple as me pleasuring her with my fingers and mouth, but others as kinky and sexual as my wildest dream. But there was one constant, in these dreams I was always more concerned over her pleasure than mine. The one I loved the most I don't think I will ever forget. We were enjoying a home made meal (her being the master chef of course) strangely enough made up of my mothers wonderful stew, moist corn bread, and a glass of southern sweet tea. (By this point my redneck side is starting to show through.) It was a wonderful meal and I almost remember tasting the food. Afterwords I thanked her for the wonderful meal and helped her clean up. She was being very affectionate during washing the dishes. Nudging up against me while passing when there was plenty of room to go around or rubbing across my paw under the soapy water. I just shrugged it off, not wanting to get the wrong idea and then be seen as a pervert. When all the dishes were clean and put away, we went to her living room to watch some romantic movie. Continuing her affection, she snuggled close to me and cuddled with me. I am not even sure if she was paying any attention to the movie. I started to rub behind her feline ears, which she loved. She started to purr under the attention I was giving her. I proceeded to begin massaging her back, which was kind of awkward in a sitting position, but did the best I could. She leaned up against my chest and put her paws on mine, pulling them around her waist. I could tell that she was getting warmer. I was starting to get warm my self, wanting to open a window but not daring to break away from her. We snuggled there for want seemed like hours and only moments at the same time. And I cherished every second of it. Her wonderful aroma that softly surrounded me and exited my nostrils. Her velvet like fur that felt like heaven on my smooth scales. Her slow breathing that slowly raised and lowered her chest along with my paws wrapped around her. And the soft sound of her content purring which was like music to my ears. I began to murr softly myself, showing my contentment and pleasure in the situation. I never wanted it to end. Unfortunately, nature had other plans. I started feeling a second kind of heat build up in me, but not physical heat. I knew that burning feeling all to well; my body was becoming exited and was reacting accordingly. My thoughts started to race trying to find a way to get out of this situation without Crystal seeing what was going on. I tried to suppress the feeling, desperately trying to do the impossible. After all I can't really blame myself, she was very beautiful and we were getting very close and rubbing up against each other. I could not contain myself any longer and my dragonhood slowly started to push out of my sheath. I could feel the tip of it come into contact with her wonderful fur and released a small shudder, which I tried my best to hide, yet failing miserably. And then the part that I had been dreading came. She moved a bit in my lap and quickly noticed something pocking her in the small of her back. She hopped up in surprise and spun around to find my dragonhood fully erect in front of her. I quickly looked down and my cheeks turned a brighter red than I though possible. I quickly tried to apologize and started to get up thinking it best that I leave. I suddenly felt a strong hand push me back down into the couch. I looked up to find Crystal staring me in the eyes intently. I gave her a confused look and she simply said, "Where do you think you are going?" I didn't know what to say to this and my thoughts started to race again. But all my thoughts were put to an immediate halt when I felt a soft paw touch the end of my dragonhood. I nearly jumped off the couch from the sensation that pulsed through my body. I was in shock, not knowing how to respond, wanting more but not wanting to push her in any way. She saw the need in my eyes and slowly started to rub my shaft with her paw. She looked me right in the eyes again and said, "I have been waiting a long time for you, and I know you feel the same." I could not deny this but could not get my self to say anything; my breath had been taken away. All I could do was nod. She leaned in closer to me and slowly kissed my lips, her whiskers tickling my mussel some. I leaned into the kiss and wrapped my arms around her. She felt so warm and the feeling from her paw still rubbing my shaft was intoxicating. I started to loose control of my actions, as if someone else had taken control over my body. I slowly slipped my tongue into her mouth and wrapped it around hers. She began to purr again very loudly. I could tell she was enjoying the affection. She then pulled away from the kiss and continued to look me straight in the eyes. Her free paw grabbed one of mine and guided it down her body and down her abdomen. Not stopping till my paw was directly on top of her now dripping sex. It was then that I caught a whiff of her intoxicating smell, not her perfume, which I was used to, but her smell. It started to fill me with excitement and energy. I could feel her swelling clit under my paw and slowly started to rub the area. She moaned in pleasure. By this time I was starting to get my courage up. I used my free paw and started caressing her back, slowly working my way up to her shoulders and around to her chest. I started to massage her beautiful breasts, feeling the nipples harden under the attention. She continued her purring and moaning as she worked her paw up and down my shaft. My poor shaft could not take much more of this. I could feel the pressure of release building inside of me. Thinking quickly and a little clearer now, I put both paws on her hips and lifted her up and onto the couch, laying her down next to me. There was a bit of shock visible in her eyes since she had no idea that I was going to do that. I leaned over and started to nuzzle the moist folds of her sex. I flicked my tongue across her clit every now and then sending shocks of pleasure through her body. I looked into her eyes while doing this, asking a silent question. She knew what I was asking and quickly nodded. I slowly started to slip my tongue into her hot sex, my saliva and her fluids lubricating its way. She gasped in pleasure. As I continued I felt her barrier, indicating she was still a virgin. I was extremely happy with this since I was also a virgin, but worried at the same time, knowing that I would be the one to take her virginity from her forever. I continued to move my tongue in as far as I could. Pushing my lips up against her folds and sucking slightly. I move my tongue in and out of her slowly at first, savoring the wonderful taste of her sex and catching any juices I could in my mouth. She arched her back as I continued my motions, moving faster and faster. I could hear her breathing becoming faster and more labored. Suddenly she screamed, startling me at first, but I quickly realized what had happened. I felt her inner walls clamp down on my tongue, not allowing it to move. Juices flooded my maw and I hastily drank down all I could, not letting any go to waist. When her orgasm subsided I pulled my tongue out and licked my lips. She looked at me and gave me a seductive wink and then sat up and crawled over to me, pushing me back into a lounging position. She crawled up and kissed the tip of my shaft and it twitched at the sensation. She giggled at this and all I could do was smile. She then began to take my entire dragonhood into her soft mouth. Sucking slightly and rubbing her rough tongue across the tip of my sensitive shaft. More pulses of joy and pleasure rushed through me. She then started to bob her head on my shaft, taking as much in as she could, which was nearly all of it. I writhed in pleasure as she started to play with my balls with one of her soft, delicate paws. I could not describe the wonderful feeling. I never wanted her to stop. Suddenly, she pulled off and looked at me. I gave her a pleading look and whimpered. She gave me another seductive wink and crawled forward more and locked my muzzle in a passionate kiss, while at the same time, she lined up her sex with my throbbing shaft. As she lowered herself down onto my shaft I felt her warmth engulf my member. We both broke our kiss and arched our backs in pleasure as she slowly slid down till she was sitting in my lap. She cried in pain momentarily as my member broke through her fragile barrier, taking her virginity from her, but that cry was quickly replaced my purrs of pleasure. She started to bounce on my shaft using her weight to force herself back down onto me. I could not believe the feeling I was getting and wanted more. She started to bounce higher and faster. I placed my hands gently, but firmly on her hips to help. I watched as her beautiful breasts started to bounce with her movements. I felt that pressure building inside of me again and knew I was not going to be able to stop it this time. I gave her a quick look that told her I was close and she gave me an exited nod that told me it was OK. I could not hold back much longer when I heard her cry out in pleasure again and felt her walls lock down on my shaft. The sensation was too much for me and my orgasm hit at the same time. We shuddered in pleasure as her fluids mixed with my seed and flowed around my shaft and down across my balls. We held each other closely in a passionate hug as we allowed the orgasms to pass. She slowly got up off of my shaft and it retreated into its sheath. She lay down next to me and snuggled up against me as we basked in our afterglow. We nuzzled each other softly, never wanting to separate. I heard her breathing slow and become extremely quite. I knew that she had fallen asleep, and I laid my head down next to hers and quickly fallowed suit in exhaustion. Sleep washed over me. I awoke with a start in my own bed at my own house. Saddened that it was all just a dream, but enjoying the memory of what went on in that dream. The rest of the day I felt extremely happy and was full of energy. Knowing that there was still some hope that one lovely day, my dream might become a reality. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Thank you for reading this story. Tell me what you think; honestly, though go easy on me since this is my first story.
Title: Tangles - chapter1: Wait, Who are You Again? by Granite Dragon Tags: M/M *A strong bond of love is formed and test at one of the most unlikely places.* \_Tangles \*WARNING\* [This story contains scenes of homosexual intercourse and relationships. If you do not wish to read about such topics then you should not read the following story. However. if you are interested in the events then I hope you enjoy this story, but you have been warned.] CHAPTER 1 - Wait, Who are You Again? The classroom was abuzz with the various conversations taking place all around. The groups of students sprawled about the room were full of chatter and laughter. Late comers from the previous lunch hour were running for their seats to beat the bell while the teacher made her way to the front of the room; signaling the students chatting to get back to their seats. The 12:30 bell rang and all conversing between students ceased. Eric turned around in his seat to face the front of the room and noticed an unfamiliar face standing next to the teacher. "Class, I would like to introduce a new comer who will be with us for the next couple of days." The teacher said as she eyed the classroom. "This is Aaron and he will be shadowing. He and his parents are here to see if Aaron will be joining us at Bob James next semester". A hum of excited whispers hissed through the room. People at Bob James were always excited about new students. "Mark," The kid sitting to the back left of Eric raised his head. "I would like you to help Aaron today and show him around the campus". "Yes mam." Mark said with a nod. Mark was an intelligent tan otter and a good kid, the teacher new he would do a good job. The teacher bent her head toward Aaron and pointed behind Eric. "You can sit in the desk behind Eric and next to Mark, Mark can help with whatever you need." Aaron gave a slight nod and made his way to the desk. Eric analyzed the newcomer as he came closer to his seat. Aaron was a healthy looking hazelnut brown stallion with deep chocolate eyes and glossy fur. His black mane was cut short and neat and he was dressed in a preppy polo shirt with Docker slacks and had a silver and gold Fossil watch. He looked very handsome but was pretty much dressed just like every other male student at Bob James. Eric gave him a nod and mouthed a "hey" as Aaron passed him and the stallion responded with a smiled back and took his seat behind the dragon. Mark turned to Aaron and greeted him, and began briefing him on all he would need to know. The rest of the class was a rather uneventful period save for the new guest. The bell finally rang and the the students started their routine of packing and walking to their next class, giving Aaron a friendly welcome as they passed him. Eric dodged through the traffic of kids trying to get to his locker which was was on the bottom below Marks. Mark was still trying to explain the whole school to Aaron who still seemed to take interest. "Ok, next we'll visit the foods room. This is like the best class in the world! You'll love it!" Mark said excitedly,"Ya get to make stuff and then eat it! It's great! Here, it's this room right beside my locker. Ya gotta take this class!" Mark continued to explain things with much gusto as he lead the somewhat star-struck Aaron into the much sought after class that is foods. Eric chuckled as he shut his locker and made his way to chemistry. The following hour always seem to drag out the longest as formulas and element names buzzed through his head. He staggered out of the class at the end and shook his head to regain his mindset. Eric didn't struggle really with chemistry or any of his classes for that matter but with summer just around the corner it made it hard to really stay focused. He made his way across the courtyard-like plot of land in the middle of the 4 classroom buildings careful not to step on the lush grass and entered the far building. He came to his locker as Mark and Aaron were coming out of the foods room and Mark had a big smile and was rubbing his stomach. "Man, that's some of the best marinated chicken I've ever had! It just stinks that we had it so close to lunch. I would have eaten more If I wasn't so full!" "That was really good! I must say I liked that class!" Aaron said with a slight laugh. "O.K. This list I got from Mrs. Buick says your interested in taking German... hmm, to tell you the truth I don't really know where that is." Mark said as he squinted his eyes in thought. "Hey, I can show him." Eric said standing up from his locker. "Huh?" Mark questioned, blinking as he lost his train of thought. "I got German next anyway so I can take him there" Eric stated. "Are you sure?" "Ya, besides, don't you have that play practice thing next?" Mark nodded his head. "Ya, and it would be great if I didn't have to skip it. Are you sure it's cool?" "It's no problem, and don't worry, I'll bring him right back to you at the end of class." Eric said sarcastically. "Sweet! Thanks Eric!" Mark turned to Aaron. "Eric can show you to the German room. Just follow him, he'll be able to tell you more than I can. Well, see ya!" Mark walked off toward the Auditorium as Eric turned to Aaron. "Here, I'll show you the german room." The two turned and began to walk to the class building on the far right. "So you wanna learn German huh? Any reason?" Eric asked Aaron as they walked along. "Well I was told that it would be really hard to get into Spanish cuz it fills up first and I always thought Germany and their language was cool so I just chose that instead." Aaron replied "Well Germany is cool, I was born there." "Really!" Aaron exclaimed. "Yep. My parents were missionaries there and I was born there but I only lived there for 4 years and we spoke English in the house so I didn't learn much German, but from what I can remember it's a really cool place, and the language is like five times easier to learn than English." Eric rambled on. "The class is pretty easy though cuz we don't do much." "Wow, that's pretty cool. Ya, I haven't ever left the states, but I really would like to go somewhere like Germany." "Yea, I wouldn't mind living there again for a bit. Well here it is." Eric said as he stopped in front of the German room. "We only got like 9 in the class but they're all fun guys." The two walked in the door. " Hey everyone. This is Aaron and he's gonna be here for a while ckeck'n out the Acad. All the kids gave friendly nods and a happy hellos to the newcomer. "Here, you can sit there. It's a front seat but with only 10 chairs there aint much choice." Aaron sat down where he was told and Eric sat in the desk next to him. The teacher greeted Aaron and introduced herself and asked him some questions about himself. The rest of the class time went on as usual. At the end Eric brought Aaron back to Mark as he promised and began packing up for home. "So did your day go OK?" Mark asked Aaron. Aaron replied with a nod and they continued talking as Eric stuffed his books into the backpack as his friends came up. "Sup Eric." "Hey Eric!" said a dark-green male lizard and midnight-black female panther. "Hey guys, what's up." Eric said as he slipped his arms through the backpack loops and stood up to join them. The three made up a unique group; much more different than the rest of the groups at the school. They were the "punks" of Bob James, of course to society they were just normal teens. Scott and Eric were both scaly (Eric being a dark blue dragon and Scott a deep green iguana.) They were both dressed in dark tight cords with studded belts and tattered skate shoes. Eric had on a brown oxford shirt with a vintage print of a wicked dragon on the side while Scott had an on a brown striped Element oxford that looked like it had faded spots all over it. Diana wore a long black skirt with a tattered bottom and a tight black top which broke school dress code (which she most likely got chewed out for in the morning). The Pantheress also had on bunches of bracelets on her wrists and a gold necklace. One look at the group and you knew trouble was brewing. Eric was the most sensible one which helped him get away with a lot, but his friends were on the verge of getting kicked out. It didn't matter: They didn't like it there anyway. "So your coming to No Name skate-park this Saturday right?" the dark lean lizard asked. Eric shook his head. "Naw man. I gotta work Saturday, but I might be able to later on." "Whatever Eric! you're always working, you won't be able to do it later either! I mean come on! When are you gonna quit that stupid job anyway? God!" Diana butted in. "Umm... never! Ya know, it's kinda nice have'n money. You can do stuff with it! The question is when are you two gonna get jobs?"Eric retorted. Umm... never!" Scott said in a mocking voice. Eric shook his head at his friends when he suddenly felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned to see who it was. "Hey, um... thanks for showing me around and stuff." Aaron said sheepishly. "Oh ya, no problem. "There was a slight pause. "So... I guess I'll see you around some more then?"Eric asked. "Ya, my parents are crazy. They always take forever when their checking out a school and i gotta always come with them." Aaron laughed nervously, "So ya, I guess I'll see ya." "K, see ya later." Eric waved as Aaron left down the hall. "Who was that?" Scott asked. "Ya, he's cute!" Diana said rakishly. Scott rolled his eyes. "That was Aaron. He's hang'n around school while his parents check the place out." Eric said with his head still turned to watch Aaron leave. He turned back around to find Scott looking at him with a sideways glance and Diana giving him a mischievous look. "What?" Eric questioned. "You think he's cute too! Admit it!" Diana said slyly. "No! I don't think he's cute!" Eric exclaimed. "Yes you do." Scott said with almost no emotion. "Ok, so maybe he's a little b-" "I knew it! I knew you liked him! I was right! See! You guys should listen to me more often!" Diana interrupted. "BUT!" Eric stated loudly "...but that DOESN'T mean anything. I think a lot of guys are cute, like Scott-" Scott snorted. "I already told you no a hundred times." "Yes, I know, thank you Scott. "Eric said with a shake of his head and a roll of eyes. "As I was saying, I think a lot of guys are cute but that doesn't mean I'm gonna pursue them or fall in love with them. I'm not a slut ya know...of course unless they're like Sco-." "NO!" Scott said loudly. "Dammit, fuck you Scott!" Eric said frustrated. "Heh, Ya, you wish." Diana said, patting Eric on the shoulder and giggling. "Eric has a boyfriend" She sang. "Shhh! He's not my boyfriend and would you keep it down! I don't want the whole school knowing I'm gay! You two are the only ones that know and I would like to keep it that way! I don't need to get kicked out too." "Why? This place sucks!" Scott asked. "Ya seriously! I can't wait to get out of here!" Diana added. "Cuz, my mom spends a lot of money to send me here, and she doesn't need anymore grief. She got enough of that with the divorce." Eric said with a sigh. "Whatever." Diana said somewhat coldly, "Let's go." Eric adjusted the straps on his shoulders and headed after his friends. He didn't like Aaron... did he? No, he was cute, sure, but cuties come and go. No, Aaron was just another fancy dressed prep at Bob James Academy. He and Aaron were in two totally different worlds that had nothing to do with each other.\_
Title: The Queer Case of Dr. Stevens; or, The Abominable Mr. Hardy by Wakboth Tags: F/F, Gender Shifting, Jackal, M/F, Rabbit The Queer Case of Dr. Stevens; or, The Abominable Mr. Hardy by Wakboth --- The study was a tall and narrow room with tall and narrow windows, flanked by brown curtains. It was a neat, well-ordered room, where the young, buxom blonde rabbit, laboriously typing by a side table, looked somehow out of place. Truth to be told, Hester Bonney also felt out of place here. An orphan from the streets of Edinburgh, she'd been taken in and raised by an elderly clergyman, Reverend Greengrass, who had known her parents. When the Reverend himself had died, Hester had been left adrift. Gathering what little money she had, she'd travelled south to London, seeking her fortune there. London had swallowed Hester up, just as it swallowed thousands of hopeful girls every day. She had in quick succession lost her money and what remained from her virginity, drifting from one petty job to another. Slowly Hester had come to realize that she was sinking; soon, if she couldn't somehow turn her fortunes around, she'd be reduced to selling her body to survive. Her chance had come unexpectedly. One night, she'd been sitting at the Salvation Army mission, tiredly reading one of the worn Bibles before going to bed, when Dr. Jacqueline Stevens, a noted philanthropist who funded numerous charities, had noticed her. The doctor was a tall, narrow, brown-furred jackal lady in her thirties, with an ill-defined aura of nervousness around her. She had asked Hester about her past, listening with keen interest as the rabbit told the sad story of her life and failed dreams. In the end, Dr. Stevens had told Hester that she needed a literate young woman as a research assistant and secretary; would the rabbit be interested? Hester had immediately agreed, and she had left the East End that night in doctor's carriage. Yes, she had a lot to be thankful for, Hester thought as she tried to find the letter "Q" on the keyboard, but there were a few things in her new job that she didn't like. Such as this damned new-fangled Remington machine that Dr. Stevens had bought, apparently out of sheer curiosity, and which she expected Hester to use; the rabbit was slowly getting a hang on typing, but she had her hands full with the doctor's normal correspondence; she hadn't been able to even start with the laboratory notes! She was certain this was going to be a passing fad; writing with a pen was so much easier and quicker. The experiments she didn't mind; they were often boring but rarely unpleasant, and at times they could be very nice... Hester stopped typing for a moment and flexed her aching fingers, her mind drifting back to yesterday's experiment. \*\*\* Dr. Stevens' laboratory was located in the old building behind her house that was also part of her property; years ago, it had housed the surgery of the former owner of the house. These days, the building was fairly neglected and stood empty except for a couple of rooms in the first floor. One of these was dedicated to her chemical research, with one corner furnished as a kind of a den, where the doctor could make herself tea and relax a bit while her chemicals were brewing; Hester had visited the room only a few times, and didn't find it very interesting at all. The other room, however, was a different matter. It was the former lecture room, with a small, well-lit stage at the front surrounded by benches rising in tiers towards the dark corners. Today, there was an old leather chair placed on the stage, with two buckets of water on the floor next to it, and a steaming tea kettle and some weird-looking contraptions on the table behind the chair. Dr. Stevens was already waiting for her, dressed in the usual white laboratory coat over her dress, holding a clipboard before her as if it was some kind of a shield. "Thank you for being so prompt, Hester," she said, flashing a tense smile at the rabbit. "Today, I'd like to do some more tests about the electrical conductance and impedance of your body. If you would be as kind as to, ah, remove your clothes and sit down?" Hester nodded and started undressing; despite her rather strict upbringing, she was anything but shy about her body, and had been often reprimanded for dressing improperly by the Reverend. Besides, wasn't stripping down the usual thing to do when you went to see a doctor? The way her employer followed closely Hester's every movement as she took off her blouse and undershirt, revealing her large, softly furred breasts had been a bit disconcerting at first, but she'd grown used to it. As she pulled her lacy knickers down, there was a clatter from behind her, and Hester turned to look over her shoulder. "Oh, it's nothing, silly me, I just dropped this," the jackal said with a blush on her face and quickly picked her clipboard up. Now completely naked, the rabbit sat down in the chair; the old, cracked leather felt cool against her bottom and back. "Right, good," Dr. Stevens said and walked over to Hester. "Please put these on," she said, offering the rabbit a pair of leather bracers and a small cap made from leather straps, all with long copper wires hanging from them. "Are you sure this is safe, madam?" Hester asked, wrinkling her nose as she studied the things. "I'm sure you know what you're doing and all, but isn't this electricity the same thing as lightning?" "Do not worry, Hester," the jackal explained. "I'm using low-tension direct current; this is an entirely different thing, and completely safe. You won't feel a thing." Hester wasn't quite convinced, but she wasn't going to start arguing with her employer on a matter like this where the doctor clearly knew more than she did. So she slipped the bracers around her wrists and put the cap onto her head; the ear-holes hadn't been made for a rabbit, but she managed to put it on well enough. "Good, good," the other woman said, pouring some hot water from the kettle into one of the buckets. "Now, if you would just put your left foot in warm water, here, and your right foot in cold water..." Hester did as she was told, feeling more than a little silly sitting there bare naked, with wires attached to her head and arms, and her feet in buckets. "I don't see what this has to do with anything," she said. "Oh, it's very important," Dr. Stevens told her. "This way I can, ah, measure the conductance through each of your leg, and study the differences. Oh, I almost forgot!" she said and took something from behind Hester, showing it to the rabbit. It was a smooth metal rod - steel by the look of it - about ten inches long and about an inch thick, with a slight bulge at one end; a rubber-covered wire led from the other end to one of the machines on the table. To Hester, it looked suspiciously like a steel cock. "This is, ah, an anodic metallo-probe," the jackal explained. "I, um, need it to measure the harmonic currents passing through your body. Are you ready? This may feel a bit uncomfortable at first, but I assure you it will pass." She did something to the probe, and a low hum rose from it. "Go ahead, madam," Hester said, sounding more confident than she felt and gripping the hand rests of the chair tightly. To her relief, there was no shock when the metal rod touched her fur; rather, there was a low, almost pleasant vibration. "First, I'll have to chart the pattern of the currents through your body," the jackal said, moving the vibrating tip of the rod across Hester's chest, up her throat, around her mouth and down her neck again. As she worked, Hester started relaxing; this obviously wasn't like the time she'd spent a very boring hour lying on the table while the doctor took precise physiognomic measurements of every curve, nook and cranny of her body. Having your nipples pinched by steel callipers wasn't nearly as much fun as one might have thought! As Dr. Stevens moved the probe back to her front, Hester felt her nipples hardening in reaction to the rod passing across her bounteous bosom; she'd always had rather sensitive breasts. She hoped her employer took it as a result of the cool air in the auditorium, instead of having anything to do with her experiment. While the experiment progressed, Hester was becoming more and more aroused; the insistent vibrations from the probe as it moved up and down her stomach and thighs felt almost like soft caresses, especially now as the steel rod had warmed up a bit. "Is this going to take much longer?" the rabbit asked, trying to keep her voice calm as the probe passed, once again, across her pubes, sending strange shivers of pleasure into her slowly moistening pussy. "Oh, a few minutes more," the doctor answered, her voice cracking a bit. "I'm picking up some very interesting current loops in your abdominal and inguinal area; clear proof that the temperature difference at your feet is affecting the impedance of your body." Hester nodded and closed her eyes as the buzzing steel tip moved down, brushing the hood of her clitoris and making her shudder. The probing was concentrating in the area of her lower belly and groin now, with occasional forays to her inner thighs; she bit her lip to keep from moaning aloud as she felt the rod pass across her quim. "Are you feeling uncomfortable?" she heard Dr. Stevens ask; not trusting her voice to remain even, Hester shook her head quickly. The feelings of pleasure were growing rapidly; she was breathing faster now, and she could feel beads of sweat trickling down across the fur of her face and chest. The probe tip moved back up and swirled around her clitoris a few times, before touching the slick little nub directly. Hester felt her every muscle tighten as her orgasm washed over her; she had to bite her tongue hard to keep from making any noise that might have alerted Dr. Stevens to what had happened. The probing continued for a while longer, making the rabbit shudder with the pleasurable aftershocks of her climax. Finally, it was over. "Thank you," Dr. Stevens said in a hoarse voice, putting the probe away and wiping her brow with the back of her hand. "You've been most helpful today, Hester. You may get dressed again," she said, offering the rabbit a towel to dry her feet with. \*\*\* Of all the rooms in her house, Jacqueline thought, she enjoyed her laboratory the best; the real laboratory, not the old auditorium where she "experimented" with Hester. One end of it had been furnished as a cosy den, with a chintz armchair standing in front of the fireplace, a few shelves full of her favourite books, both fact and fiction, and a tea setting she'd inherited from her maiden aunt along with most of her wealth; she often relaxed here, basking in the warmth of the fire and reading poetry while she drank tea. The rest of the room was quite different, with a bare flagstone floor and tall cabinets full of chemicals and medicines. In the middle of the floor was a large table laden with chemist's equipment: precision balances and mixing bowls, retorts and Erlenmeyer flasks, distillation coils and measuring spoons and test tubes and more. Here, she had laboured for many years, seeking to subdue her inner demons by the power of science! Jacqueline had known since her teenage years that her interest in the body of her own sex went beyond the admirable sisterly love and even aesthetic fascination; there was no denying the strange urges she'd felt, or her dreams where her female friends had such important roles to play. When she had finally realized that ignoring these Sapphic desires was not going to make them go away, Jacqueline had dedicated herself to the medical science in the hopes of finding a cure to her lesbian tendencies, or at least a way to suppress them temporarily. Initially, her research had progressed very slowly, but after she had inherited a considerable fortune from her aunt, the widow of a prominent brewer, Jacqueline had been able to dedicate her whole attention to her task. She had combined the most modern advances in chemistry and psychology with the lore of alchemists and the theory of the four temperaments, until she'd rediscovered a certain compound that had supposedly been used by the medieval witches in their transformations. If her research had been successful, the elixir, when taken, would sequester and separate the dark, male-leaning part of her soul from the purely feminine part; that, Jacqueline was reasonably sure, would take away her unnatural lusts and allow her to finally live a life without guilt and worry. There were dangers to it, of course; some of the ingredients of the elixir were quite poisonous on their own, and the process of producing it was long and complex, full of delicate stages where things could wrong with disastrous results. The final difficulty was that the elixir was highly unstable, and would lose potency in a few minutes after mixing; through many tests and much work, Jacqueline had managed to combine the ingredients in two compounds, each stable on their own, which could be easily mixed to produce the elixir. Her hands shaking slightly, she closed and sealed an envelope, labelled "Only to be opened after my death; J. Stevens, MD"; it contained an abbreviated account on her work and the reasons for it, so that if she died as a result of a mistake, her death would not remain a mystery or be taken as a suicide. Placing the envelope on the mantelpiece of the fireplace, Jacqueline walked over to the laboratory table. Carefully, Jacqueline poured a measured amount of ruby-red, oily liquid into a measuring glass. Then, with her hands shaking, she took a folded piece of paper containing a precisely weighed amount of white salt, and shook the powder into the elixir. Immediately, the liquid started fizzing and steaming, and turned into deep purple, then slowly faded into pale aqua. "This is it," she muttered. "The culmination of all of my work!" Lifting the glass to her muzzle, Jacqueline emptied it with a single long draught. For a moment, she felt nothing; then a horrible, tearing agony filled her. Moaning, she stumbled back, dropping the glass to the floor where it shattered. Eyes watering from the pain that shot through her whole body, she gasped for breath, feeling her clothes tighten and tear, the laces of her corset snapping loudly. When the jackal's eyes cleared again, she was standing naked, the shreds of her clothes strewn on the floor around her. Her mind was reeling with strange thoughts and feelings racing through it, and her body felt different: taller, stronger, and somehow differently shaped. Looking down, she saw large hands and well-muscled arms; a broad chest with no sign of breasts, all covered by short fur that was charcoal black instead of drab brown; and below that, beneath the flat, hard stomach... "I'm a man," he said, his deep voice full of amazement. Jacqueline - no, Jack - took a few tentative steps, trying to get used to his new form. How men could walk with these things swinging and dangling between their legs, he wondered, clumsily making his way over to the armchair at the other end of the room. Clearly, the experiment had had unexpected results. Whether it had been a dismal failure or an amazing success was an entirely different matter, Jack thought, studying his new body with an appreciative eye. Jacqueline had tried to change herself, and she'd certainly succeeded in that! And after all, while lusting after women was unnatural and shameful in a woman, it was certainly natural in a man... The loss of breasts did not bother him, Jack thought, lazily tweaking a nipple between his fingertips; a fat lot of good they had done to Jacqueline, anyway. What he had gained was far more interesting! As a physician, Jacqueline had of course been familiar with male anatomy, but her lack of interest in the opposite sex meant she'd never studied these particular parts closely. His penis was a smooth, ebony rod some six inches long, at first soft and easily bent, but it hardened quickly as Jack toyed with it, rapidly gaining both length and girth. "Nice," he mumbled, turning his attention to his scrotum. It was covered with short fuzz of a fur, almost like black velvet, and surprisingly sensitive; a small squeeze on the heavy balls inside made Jack gasp. Having little basis for comparisons, Jack nevertheless felt quite satisfied with his new equipment; he could hardly wait to try them out with some of the women Jacqueline had secretly lusted after. Like that delectable rabbit she'd hired as her secretary, for example... Jack leaned back in his chair, thinking about Hester and the things he wanted to do to her. As he ran his fantasy scenarios in his mind, his erection returned, larger and harder than before. Without thinking, he grasped his cock and started to slowly pump his hand up and down its length, while his other hand fondled his balls. It took only a few moments before pale, pearly liquid started leaking from the tip of his prick; imagining that it was Hester's tongue as the rabbit kneeled between his legs, he started spreading it around his cockhead with his fingers. "Yes, suck it... ohh..." Jack moaned, eyes closed as he quickened the pace of his masturbation. He could feel his scrotum clenching and the muscles of his abdomen tightening as he jacked his cock faster and faster, small droplets of his precum spattering onto his thighs and stomach. Then the first male orgasm of his existence hit him; with a growl, he came, shooting long strands of canine spunk. Most of it landed on the carpet, but some splattered onto his legs and hand. Panting slightly, Jack opened his eyes and lifted his semen-stained hand to his nose. The smell wasn't bad, and out of sheer curiosity, he licked his hand clean; the taste left more to be desired. Well, he intended other people to taste it, anyway. He sat in the chair for some more time, playing with his softening cock and thinking about the glorious future ahead of him. Wine, song and women filled his mind with expectation; especially the women! It would be expensive, but it would be worth it, Jack thought. He'd have to set up a separate account for himself; it wouldn't do for a handsome man like him to sign his cheques as Dr. Jacqueline Stevens. Which reminded him; he would need a name, as well. "Jack Stevens? Too obvious," he mused aloud, still idly fingering his prick. To his surprise and delight, it was growing hard again. A mischievous grin spread on his face, his teeth shining in his black face. "Jack Hardy?" he said, tasting the name. "Yes, that's me. Jacqueline Stevens and Jack Hardy, a perfect match! And never shall the twain meet!" Grinning, he got up and sauntered back to the laboratory, amused by the way his rigid cock bounced as he walked. "Yes, my dear Jacqueline, you're going to arrange a few things for your ever-loving cousin Jack," the jackal laughed as he mixed another dose of the elixir. \*\*\* About a week after the electrical experiment, Dr. Stevens approached Hester in the evening. She seemed to be unusually tense and nervous, and Hester wondered if she'd done something her employer might not approve. Not recalling anything that Dr. Stevens could have known about, the rabbit relaxed and settled to hear what the doctor's business was. "Hester, I know you have a free night tomorrow," the jackal begun. "I'm in, ah, a bit of a bind, you see," she continued; Hester could have sworn she was actually squirming. "And, ah, if you could help me I would be very grateful." This struck Hester as strange; Dr. Stevens was always very polite with her and the other servants, but her orders were orders despite how they were phrased. Now, the jackal was asking for her help! "Oh, I'd be glad to help you, madam," she said smoothly, hoping that the jackal wasn't going to suggest another series of tests on her free night. Sighing, Dr. Stevens looked straight at Hester, a look of embarrassment on her face. "My younger cousin, one Mr. Hardy, is coming to London, and he has asked me to show him around the town. But, ah, I'm not very familiar with the places he would likely find of interest; I really don't think he'd enjoy a tour of the mission stations in Whitechapel, or visiting the Museum of Anatomy at St. Mary's. So, I was wondering, if you'd be as kind as to, ah, serve as a companion to him? He's a very nice young man, really; I assure you he'll behave quite properly!" Hester chewed her lip; this was completely unexpected! The idea of getting to guide a young gentleman through the theatres and restaurants of London was intriguing; on the other hand, he was the doctor's cousin, and Hester didn't want to do anything to risk her job. "It would please me very much, madam," she said, resigning herself to a somewhat dull night out. "Where and when shall I meet Mr. Hardy?" "Oh, he'll arrive here tomorrow night, at around six o'clock," Dr. Stevens said, her relief evident in her voice. "I can't say how thankful I am, Hester; I really don't know what I'd have done if you had said no! I'll make sure you will get an extra night off in compensation," she promised. \*\*\* The next night, Hester was standing in front of her dressing table, considering which pin should go with her scarf, when the maids, Annie and Mary, burst into her room. "Is it true you're going out with the doctor's cousin?" Mary, a bright-eyed young rat asked, sounding breathless. Hester frowned slightly. "I'm not "going out" with Mr. Hardy, Mary," she said, putting the silver pin back and admiring her image in the mirror. "Dr. Stevens merely asked me to show her cousin a bit of the city, and I agreed. There's certainly nothing more to it! Besides," she said with a small sigh, "I expect him to be a shy, well-behaved young man who wouldn't even dream of anything untoward." "You mean you haven't seen him?" Annie asked, sounding incredulous. "I mean-" Mary elbowed the sheep girl, interrupting her girl quickly. "Oh, I believe you'll be quite right, Hester," she said, winking at Annie behind Hester's back. "I hope you won't be too bored on your night out!" The maids followed Hester out of her room and down the stairs into the hall, tittering and giggling all the way like naughty schoolgirls. Hester was about to stop and ask them what they found so funny, when she noticed the jackal standing in front of the fireplace, and stopped dead in her tracks. He was tall and handsome, with broad shoulders and narrow hips, dressed in an immaculately cut evening dress and holding a silver-handled cane in his black hand. The black-furred head, as dark as the cloth of his jacket, that rose from the snow-white ring of his shirt collar reminded Hester of the basalt busts of the Egyptian kings she'd seen in British Museum. The jackal turned slightly, fixing the gaze of his coal-black eyes onto Hester, and the rabbit felt her ears flushing red. Surely, this magnificent young god couldn't possibly be the cousin of her staid employer! "Mr H-hardy?" Hester asked, unable to keep a squeak out of her voice. "Jack Hardy, at your service," the jackal said with a slight bow; his voice was deep and warm, and made shivers run down Hester's spine. She felt her nipples harden, and blessed her luck at choosing a jacket whose embroidered front kept the signs of her sudden arousal from showing. "Hester Bonney," she managed to say in her normal voice as Hardy offered her his arm. "I'm the secretary of your cousin. I- I say! You're, ah, err..." "I'm not what you expected, Hester?" he asked, leading her down the front steps to the street, where a hansom cab was waiting. "That's all right," Hardy said as Hester tried to stammer out something that wouldn't insult either him or her employer. "You're not what I'd have expected from my cousin's secretary, either. Come; I don't want to lose a minute!" \*\*\* It was a remarkable night for Hester. She found herself swept off her feet by the charming, rakish Mr. Hardy. He bought her champagne, and danced with her at the Savoy Bar; he told her risqué jokes at the dinner and laughed with her when she blushed at them, and demanded that she call him Jack. "I've been living too long cooped up," he told Hester as they walked out from the theatre where they'd watched a rather raucous comedy. "I've recently come into some money, and I want to enjoy myself, at least for a while." Hester nodded, pressing closer to the jackal as they pushed through the crowds. "I understand you perfectly, Jack," she said. "Life is to be embraced, not avoided; we should enjoy the good parts when we can, because who knows when everything changes again?" "You have hidden depths, I see," Jack said, hailing a cab by swinging his cane. "That is to be expected, of course; I have my own secrets as well. Even such a conscientious, prudish do-gooder as my inestimable cousin Jacqueline has her own mysteries and secrets. Oh, you'd be surprised if you knew some of the things I know about her..." Jack helped Hester up into the cab and hopped in after her. He gave the driver an address in Soho, then glanced at Hester. "Or do you wish to return home straight away?" he asked with a small grin. Hester shook her head, a coquettish smile playing on her lips. "I think people should practice what they preach," she said. "Tonight, I will embrace what the life offers me; who knows what tomorrow brings?" Jack burst into laughter at this, slapping his thigh. "Oh, you're precious, Hester. So be it! Driver, to Soho we go!" \*\*\* Jack's apartment was located on the second floor of a rather shabby-looking building; the area wasn't exactly respectable, and Hester said as much as she stepped down from the cab. "You're absolutely correct, my dear," Jack said, holding the door open for her to enter. "But I've had enough of respectability; I'd rather try something different for a while. No doubt I'll eventually grow bored with this kind of a bohemian lifestyle, and return to the streets that my cousin would consider more suitable for me." The hallway was dimly lit, but not nearly as worn-looking as the outside of the building, and the heavy door of Jack's apartment was well polished and had a new lock in it. Entering, Hester was surprised to find herself in what looked like a scene from the "Thousand and One Nights": the walls were hung with red and yellow curtains, and the floor was covered by thick carpets. "Do you like my place?" Jack asked, taking Hester's coat and hanging it next to his own opera cloak; despite his light tone, she thought he was anxious to hear her opinion. The rabbit considered her answer carefully. "It suits you very well," she said and blushed slightly. "When I saw you standing in the doctor's hall, you reminded me of the Pharaohs; you looked so handsome and arrogant." "A very flattering comparison," Jack said, placing his hands on her shoulders and pressing himself against her back; Hester felt his erection poking against her bottom. "And you, my dear, look perfect for the part of my concubine," he said, running his tongue down the edge of her ear until the rabbit shivered. Hester felt strangely helpless as the jackal stripped her down with sure hands, opening every button and clasp with skill and patience that, in her experience, few men had, especially men who so obviously lusted after her body. He picked the naked rabbit easily in his arms, and carried her to the bed, almost throwing Hester down to the soft pillows. "I want to see your cunt," Jack said, devouring Hester with his eyes, his gaze making the rabbit feel hot and cold all over. "Let me see how you play with yourself," he ordered her as he started undressing himself. Blushing, Hester obliged him, spreading her legs and running her hands down her body, to the wet fur of her crotch. Slowly, she ran a finger up and down the cleft of her pussy, caressing the insides of her thighs with her other hand. Brushing her clit on the upstroke, the rabbit drew a small breath; it felt so good! Wanting to prolong the sensations, she moved away from it and returned to toying and probing her labia. The jackal was now standing naked before her, his magnificent body dark as night and his ebony cock standing proudly upright from his loins. "Does this please you?" Hester asked, spreading her pussy lips with her fingers to reveal the slick, pink flesh to his eyes. Jack's eyes flashed, and instead of answering, he got down to all fours on the bed and moved between her thighs. His breath felt hot against her sex as the jackal nuzzled Hester's crotch with his pointed nose. "I've wanted to do this for so long," he muttered, making Hester look at him bemusedly. Then he started lapping at her cunt, and the rabbit forgot what he'd said. He ate her out slowly but hungrily, his long canine tongue running along the length of her pussy and circling the hot nub of her clit, tantalizingly close but never quite touching. Hester was soon panting and moaning with pleasure, grasping the bedclothes in her hands and rolling her head back and forth. "Yes... yess! Oh please, please... Aaah!" When Jack lifted his face from her crotch, his muzzle wet with her juices, Hester wanted to cry; she was so close! "That was the appetizers; now onto the main course," the jackal said with a grin and pushed himself onto her, the blunt head of his cock poking once against her sensitive clit before sliding smoothly into her dripping wet depths. Jack fucked her fast and hard, almost roughly, his large body heavy on Hester's chest as he kissed and licked her face; she could taste her own tangy juices on his lips. Brought so close to her climax by Jack's oral attentions, the rabbit quickly reached an orgasm; her pussy clutched at Jack's cock as it glided in and out of her. The sensation only made Jack increase his pace, his hips smacking loudly against her crotch as he pounded her rabbit cunt. "Oh! Oh god! Jack, aaaah!" Hester cried as she felt his cock starting to throb and twitch inside her. Snarling, he covered her mouth with his own, pushing his tongue deep into her; with a few, almost violent thrusts, he came into her, squeezing her shoulders hard. \*\*\* Hester returned home well after midnight, quietly slipping in through the servants' entry so as to not wake up the doctor or the butler, Mr. Creek. She was practically floating, her pussy still deliciously sore from Jack's fucking and her mind whirling with memories of the night. After sex, Jack had again been his charming, suave self, joking and chatting with her as they lay side by side on his bed. "Here's a little gift for you, Hester," he had said, taking a small black case from his night stand and opening it; inside, on the red velvet, were a pair of beautiful silver earrings. "Take it," Jack had told her when she had hesitated. "They deserve someone beautiful to wear them. Besides, I doubt my dear cousin remembers to grant you another free night." Jack's guess proved correct; Dr. Stevens, when Hester saw her again next afternoon, seemed unusually absent-minded and uninterested in whether her cousin had enjoyed his night or what he and Hester had been doing. She offered her another stack of letters to various charities before vanishing back into her laboratory, leaving Hester to daydream as she typed. The maids were more curious, and they pestered Hester with their prying questions until the butler told them to stop. "You're not behaving properly, girls," the otter said, looking sternly at them. "Mr. Hardy would be shocked to hear you suggesting that he might have taken any liberties with Miss Bonney, and I am sure she feels the same way!" Hester nodded quickly, although she couldn't help but think that the otter looked suspicious when he spoke of her. \*\*\* Over the next weeks, Hester found her life changing. Dr. Stevens paid less and less attention to her and to the rest of her servants, drifting from room to room and spending hours at a time in her laboratory, not touching the food that was brought to her. She'd even stopped her experiments with Hester; truth to be told, the rabbit didn't miss them. At the same time, Jack was taking up more and more of Hester's free time; she spent most of her nights about the town in the jackal's company, moving from theatre to music-hall to bar. These nights invariably ended with them going to Jack's apartment, where he fucked her again and again. Something about Jack bothered Hester, though. He was showing no signs of boring with the bohemian life, quite the opposite; his tastes for entertainment seemed to be turning towards coarser and more licentious forms, and he was becoming bolder and rougher with sex, making her do things like sucking him off in the cab. Hester could hear Jack's voice in her ears, telling her to catch and swallow every drop of his semen; or would she enjoy sitting in the theatre, his seed staining her face and clothes? She still blushed, remembering the look the driver had given to her as she'd gotten off the cab, and Jack's answering smirk. Most of the time, however, he was still the charming rake who had swept Hester off her feet, and he could still make her howl with laughter or squeal with pleasure when he wanted. And so she ignored the signs of moral degeneration, telling herself that they would pass. Then, one foggy night, everything came crashing down for her. \*\*\* They were returning to Jack's apartment from a vaudeville theatre; the jackal had been in a particularly raucous mood the whole night, laughing and howling and trying to playfully grope Hester. "I have something special for you tonight," he said with a sly grin, as he led Hester up the stairs to his apartment. "Close your eyes; I don't want to spoil the surprise," Jack told her. Obediently closing her eyes, Hester stepped into Jack's apartment. The stale air made her wrinkle her nose; the sweet smell of some incense could barely mask the smells of wine, sweat and sex. He hadn't been cleaning up for a while, the rabbit thought. And what was that musty, musky scent? "You can look now, Hester my dear," Jack said. As she opened her eyes, she saw a naked vixen sitting on the bed, looking as surprised as Hester was. She was clearly a prostitute; her hair was a bit too red, even for a fox, and there was an odd, cowed look in her eyes that made Hester's skin crawl. "Hester, this is Helen; Helen, Hester," Jack said, introducing them with mocking solemnity. "Jack, what do you mean? Why is she here?" Hester asked, as the jackal quickly undressed, scattering his clothes carelessly on the carpeted floor. "Isn't that obvious, my dear?" Jack said, pulling down his pants to reveal his erect prick. "Tell me, Hester, why do I have such big hands?" he asked, turning towards the flustered rabbit, a predatory grin on his face. "I-I don't understand," she stammered. Jack sighed and rolled his eyes in an exaggerated fashion. "So that I can better hold onto you, of course!" he told her with a wild laugh and, grasping Hester by her shoulders, tossed her onto the bed, next to the scared-looking vixen. "Now, why do I have such big ears," he continued, walking towards the bed. "Your turn, Helen!" "S-so you can better hear us?" the vixen hazarded. "Very good, Helen! And why do I have such a magnificent, marvellous, big cock, what do you think?" When neither woman spoke, Jack answered his own question. "So I can better fuck you two, of course! Now, which one should I do first?" "Jack, what is going on?" Hester asked, both worried for him and afraid for herself. "This isn't like you at all!" "That's what you think, my bonnie bunny," he said, pushing Helen onto her back and spreading her legs. "Doesn't this look... unh! Familiar at all?" Jack asked, thrusting his cock into the vixen's waiting pussy. Hester felt her face flush red as she watched her black jackal lover starting to fuck the passively lying vixen. She felt terribly humiliated and betrayed by Jack's callousness, but at the same time, she was turned on by what she saw. "She's, ngh, not as good a lay as, hnff, you are, Hester," Jack told her, grinning lewdly. "You're so much better and tighter... I love the way your cunt grips my cock as I fuck you..." Moaning slightly, Hester rubbed her thighs together; she could feel herself getting wet against her will. Biting her lip, she started to massage her breasts through the cloth of her blouse, imagining that it was her and not the vixen whore that Jack was fucking. "Tell me, Hester," the jackal panted, "What do you, ah, want me to do with, uhh, her? I'll fuck her as if she was you... ahhh! And you can watch..." The rabbit's ears were burning; she had had sex with Jack many times now, but this was something new and terribly, awfully exciting for her. "L-lift her legs up," Hester said, lifting her skirts so that she could reach her pussy. "Then fuck her slowly..." Jack grinned and did so, folding the vixen almost in two and making her gasp with his every thrust. "Is that all, Hester?" he asked, watching the rabbit play with herself, dipping first one, then two fingers in her quim. "Here you have another body to play with, and that is all you can think of asking!" Jack said with a wicked smile that transformed his handsome face into a devilish mask. "I'm disappointed in you, Hester! Don't you ever... mmmh... want to do things you know you, ah! would regret afterwards? Well, here... rrrh... is your chance. I'll do anything to her, if you want..." Hester shivered; she thought about her darkest desires, the things that only appeared in those dreams bordering on nightmares. For a second, she wanted to give in to temptation, to make Jack bite and beat and bruise the vixen, to punish her for not being Hester. Then she caught the vixen's eyes, and saw the quiet terror in them. A wave of shame washed over Hester. It could have been her, she thought. If Dr. Stevens hadn't taken her under her wing, would Jack have been doing the same thing to her, while some other woman watched? "Jack, stop," she said, her voice shaky but determined. "Let her go; the poor girl's terrified!" The jackal looked at her, a strange red gleam in his eyes. "What do you care? She's a whore; she gets paid for this." "That doesn't make it any better," Hester said and stood up, straightening her skirts. "I'm here willingly, because I love you... or so I thought... but she's here only for the money. Please, let her go!" Jack pulled himself out from the fox and turned towards Hester. "Let her go, you say? Let me have my way with you, then, and I will let her go. Is this what you want?" Hester nodded mutely; she was afraid of what Jack might do, but she knew that she could never look herself in the mirror again if she let him torment the poor girl any more. "Then it's settled," Jack said, walking towards Hester. "Helen, you're free to go. Take the bracelet you find on the table; I had intended it for Hester, here, but it's yours now. She'll have to do with the coins, like any common whore." "I'm no whore," Hester protested, momentarily unafraid of Jack as her temper flared. "You aren't?" the jackal said, driving her back towards the bed, while the vixen made her escape. "What difference does it make if the silver's minted in coins or made into jewels? All of you women are whores; only the form of payment differs." Jack pushed Hester down to the bed, face down. Without bothering to undress her, he simply lifted her skirts, revealing her shapely bottom and the puffy lips of her pussy to his eyes. "Please, Jack, you don't have to do this..." she said, feeling him grope her buttocks roughly. "No, I don't. But I want to," the jackal said, and with a single, hard thrust, hilted himself in Hester's pussy, making the rabbit gasp. He fucked her harshly from behind, smacking her butt with one hand and pulling her head back by her ears with the other. If Hester hadn't been wet and loosened from her masturbation earlier, it would have been painful; even so, it wasn't comfortable. Jack growled and snarled like an animal, paying no attention to anything but his own pleasure, his long cock bumping painfully against her cervix as he pounded into her. Thankfully, it didn't take long; grunting and howling, the jackal pulled out of Hester and came all over her bottom and thighs, spattering her clothes with his seed. "Get out of here," he growled, dragging yelping Hester to the door by her ears. He pushed her roughly out into the hallway, and contemptuously tossed some coins at her feet. "Take your payment, whore," Jack sneered. Her eyes swimming with tears, Hester rushed down the stairs, ignoring the coins and the jackal's howling laughter. \*\*\* Hester's mood did not improve over the next few weeks. She didn't see Jack again, avoiding places where they had gone together, and pawned away all the gifts he had given to her, except for the first pair of earrings; those she kept, as a reminder of the old Jack she'd fallen for. The changes that had taken place in Dr. Stevens did not help. She no longer secluding herself in her laboratory, but neither she was back to her old self. The jackal was even more neat and precise than before, almost painfully so; she stalked the house, looking for any signs of laziness or untidiness, until the servants didn't dare to relax even for a moment. She hovered over Hester as the rabbit struggled with the typewriter, making her so nervous that her typing slowed to a crawl as she tried to find where each letter was on the keyboard. To Hester's further aggravation, the doctor insisted that she dress in a more conservative fashion and wear her hair in a tight bun, much like the jackal herself. It was an attempt that was doomed to failure from the start; with Hester's body, nothing but an Arabian burnoose could have satisfied the increasingly strict requirements of Dr. Stevens', and the rabbit had to endure several cold lectures about the importance of proper dressing to public morality and, by extension, to the health of the public body, the British Empire and the whole of the Western civilisation. In short, Dr. Stevens' household had turned into a cold, grim place, and Hester was starting to think that, now that she had the money from Jack's gifts, perhaps it was a time for her to try her luck in a new place. \*\*\* Late one evening, the house was silent with Hester as the only one still up. Mr. Creek, the butler, had taken the cook, Mrs. Bulmers, to the Tea Ball of the West End Temperance Society, a pastime which even Dr. Stevens couldn't find anything wrong with. Mary and Annie, the two maids, were fast asleep, tired after another day of frantically polishing and cleaning the house that was already shining clean. As for the doctor herself, she was still working; Hester could see the lights were still on in the laboratory building when she looked out from her window. As she watched, she saw the door opening. In the light flowing out into the foggy night, Hester could see a dark, crumpled form on the threshold. Suddenly afraid that something had happened to the doctor, Hester picked up a lamp and hurried downstairs. It was Dr. Stevens, just as Hester had feared; she was dressed in black, oversized men's clothes, her front and face bloodied. "Hester..." she said in a weak voice, as the rabbit kneeled worriedly down next to her. "Take me... my laboratory... bandages... key's in my pocket..." Hester swallowed, looking nervously around her. Over the last weeks newspapers had been talking about an audacious burglar, called the Black Gent, who had been breaking into houses through the roofs and upper-story windows, stealing money and jewels and groping sleeping women. Hester had dismissed the reports as nonsense, but now, seeing her employer bleeding and bruised on her doorstep, the stories were sounding much more reasonable. Trying not to hurt the doctor any further, Hester half-dragged, half-carried the unconscious jackal to the laboratory. She marvelled at how light the doctor seemed; it was as if she'd somehow become hollow inside. Placing the jackal as comfortably as she could on the carpeted floor, Hester started undressing her bloodstained clothes. This was the first time she'd seen her employer naked, and she felt both curious and embarrassed as she revealed the doctor's lean brown body. Somehow, she looked strangely familiar, and Hester blushed hard as she felt the first stirrings of lust. Trying to suppress the feeling, the rabbit cleaned and bandaged Jacqueline's injuries the best she could, using medical supplies from the cabinets. She had cuts on her arms and a nasty gash on the right side of her chest, just beneath her breast. As Hester worked, Jacqueline started stirring again, opening her eyes. "It is Jack... he's growing stronger..." she moaned, startling Hester. "I tried to resist... filthy, filthy desires... Don't you touch me!" Jacqueline screamed suddenly, trying to squirm away from Hester before falling limp again. "He's coming... this wasn't what I meant, oh no..." Hester didn't want to leave the jackal alone, especially since she seemed to be raving. But she had to contact the authorities, and tell them about this; if Jack had attacked his cousin, like it seemed, his moral degeneration had obviously gone much farther than when Hester had last seen him. Who knows; he might even have been the Black Gent! "You'll be safe here, madam," Hester said, standing up. "I'll lock the doors; he won't get in to you." As the rabbit started to close the door, she heard Jacqueline starting to laugh hysterically. "Too late, too late! Jack's already in here... there's no place to run to..." Her laughter turned into a scream that made Hester's blood run cold. The door was thrown open from inside, knocking Hester back. Standing in the doorway was Jack, completely naked except for some strips of gauze still hanging around his arms, his face contorted in a crazed grimace and his cock erect and hard. The rabbit screamed and tried to scramble away, but Jack was too quick for her. Jack dragged Hester into the laboratory; there was no sign of Jacqueline. "I'm going to do things to you, horrible things," the jackal said, drooling horribly as he swept the tea service to the floor from the table and threw Hester onto it. "And you're going to love it..." Pinning the rabbit's arms down with a single hand, he pushed her legs apart and tore her skirt, revealing Hester's gently furred sex. Snarling, the jackal forced himself onto her, his hot cock, already slick with precum, poking at the rabbit's crotch; with his both hands occupied and Hester struggling, he was having a hard time finding the right place. "Stop struggling, you little whore," he panted. "You know you want it!" Hester merely doubled her efforts to break free, squirming and trying to get out from beneath Jack. The struggle went on for a few more moments, before Jack suddenly started growling and frantically thrusting with his hips; the feeling of his cock sliding against Hester's sex had been too much. With one final snarl, he came, jetting his canine come across her belly. Jack's features started shifting and blurring; his fur faded from glossy black to brown, and his muscles seemed to flow under his skin. Before Hester's disbelieving eyes, Jack Hardy shrunk back into Dr. Jacqueline Stevens, who collapsed to the floor. "Wh-what is going on?" Hester asked, her mind reeling. What she had just seen was not, could not, be possible, yet it had happened! Jacqueline didn't answer; she was crawling away from the rabbit, weeping and whimpering. Hester collected her scattered wits. The key to her assailant's unnatural transformation had to be here, in her laboratory. But where to start? She opened some of the books at random, but they were useless to her; many were written in German or Latin, and the rest were full of scientific terms she couldn't recognize. One slim, well-read looking volume proved to be a collection of the poems of Sappho, translated into English; Hester felt her cheeks blush as she read the poem fragments scribbled in the marginals in the handwriting of her employer. Looking around, she noticed a sealed envelope on mantelpiece. Ignoring the orders to not open the letter, Hester cracked the seal and looked at the notes. She immediately realized that she had discovered what she had sought for, her eyes widening as she read on. She accosted Jacqueline in the corner of the study, where the jackal was cowering. "I read your own confession," Hester said. "I know why you did everything you did, but it still doesn't make sense to me. Didn't you ever stop to think that maybe you could have just asked me?" Jacqueline looked up at Hester, confused. "Asked? But... but... I couldn't! It would have been an awful, unnatural, shameful thing! And you're so beautiful... what if you'd said no? Oh God, how you must hate me!" Hester felt uncomfortable watching the teary-eyed jackal. Certainly, Jacqueline had been foolish and irresponsible, but she had only wanted to be able to love someone, without feeling guilty about it. As for the jackal's feelings towards her, Hester found them confusing but not so bad as Jacqueline herself seemed to think. "I don't hate you," she said, crouching next to Jacqueline. "I don't think you could help yourself, once you turned into Jack. But you can't do that again; what if you hurt someone the next time?" "I can't help it," Jacqueline said, sounding miserable. "I thought it would help if I could fulfil my... my desires... as Jack, but it doesn't work like that! No matter how much sex I have as a man, I can't stop thinking about what it would be like to have sex with you as a woman!" Hester swallowed. Maybe it was the way she saw Jack in Jacqueline's every feature, now that she knew they were the same person, but she couldn't help wondering about the same thing. "Maybe you should try it," she suggested. "I could... help you. To experiment, you see." Jacqueline looked at the rabbit as if unable to believe what she was hearing. "You... you would?" Hester nodded, and leaned closer, giving the startled jackal a kiss. Kissing her was just like kissing Jack, she thought. "This is my first time doing this, so I may not be very good," Hester warned, moving in between the jackal's legs. The sight of her sex, nestled in the brown fur of Jacqueline's groin, was strangely exciting, and Hester found her reservations fading. Pushing closer, she gave Jacqueline's swollen labia an experimental lick. Trying to make up for her lack of skill with enthusiasm, she probed the folds of the jackal's pussy with her lips and tongue, sucking here, nibbling there. She shouldn't have worried about it, Hester realized; almost as soon as she started, Jacqueline began moaning and panting, shifting her hips as the rabbit licked at her cunt. "Oh yes! Yesss..." Something about Jacqueline's voice sounded strange to Hester. Lifting her face from the jackal's sopping sex for a moment, she saw to her considerable alarm that Jacqueline's fur was starting to turn black again. Jack was breaking out! Before Hester could back away, Jacqueline had wrapped her legs around the rabbit, grappling her with more strength than she would have expected from the jackal. Her voice warbled strangely, rising and falling as she moaned. The slick, pink flesh before Hester's eyes blackened rapidly. Jacqueline's clitoris started swelling and lengthening, while the rest of her sex underwent strange, flickering transformations. She tried to break away, but strong hands, too large for Jacqueline and too small for Jack grasped her head. Gently but inexorably, they pushed her face back to the groin of the jackal. "Please... don't stop," Jacqueline said, her voice a strange contralto. "I want you, Hester..." Hester was rather shocked by the changes happening before and beneath her; instead of being either a man or a woman, Jacqueline was now some kind of a hermaphrodite, with both what appeared to be a cock and a cunt. At least she had now something more familiar to work with, the rabbit thought as she started licking the smooth black shaft of the jackal's incongruous cock, her fingers moving back and forth in her vagina. Apparently, the stimulation of both her male and female parts was cumulative, because Jacqueline started screaming and bucking her hips hard after only a few moments. I wonder what happens when she comes, Hester thought, slipping the softly tapering tip of the jackal's clit-cock into her mouth. "Ooohhh! Aahhh! Yess, yes, oh yessss!" The dark-skinned prick twitched in the rabbit's mouth as Jacqueline came; instead of semen, Hester got a gush of the jackal's musky-tasting love juices, while her pussy drooled more of the same onto the rabbit's hand. After her climax, Jacqueline's transformation quickly reversed itself, but not fully. She had shrunk back to her original size, but her fur was now clearly darker, and her clitoris remained hugely enlarged, almost the size of her thumb. It was as if Jack had become part of Jacqueline's body as well as soul, Hester thought as the jackal caressed her ears, breathless after her exertions. "I didn't imagine it could be so good," Jacqueline muttered dreamily. "Thank you, Hester... I have no idea how I could ever repay you..." The gleam in her eyes as she studied Hester's body belied her words, as the rabbit soon learned, much to her pleasure! \*\*\* The unreasonable moralistic fervour that had gripped Dr. Jacqueline Stevens passed as quickly as it had started, and her household returned to its old much to the relief of her servants who could once again relax for a bit, not having to fear that their mistress would jump at them for the slightest of mistakes. Dr. Stevens explained the change in her fur colour as a side effect of a series of experiments, initially promising but ultimately not worth the risks. She didn't give up research entirely, but shifted her attention more towards charity work, starting a free clinic for the poor women; an act that earned her the admiration and respect of all her colleagues. Hester stayed with Jacqueline for a few months more, intimately helping the jackal with her further experiments. In the end, she decided not to stay, despite Jacqueline's entreaties; Hester explained that she wished to see more of the world, and seek new opportunities, and the doctor eventually agreed. As a parting gesture of goodwill, she paid for Hester's matriculation to Miss Flaybottom's Finishing School for Young Women, an act which had far-reaching effects for Hester's future. The Black Gent vanished as mysteriously as he had appeared; following an anonymous tip, the police discovered his hideout in Soho, with much of the stolen loot scattered about the apartment. Various burglars used his name to enhance their mystique over the next decade, but none managed to live up to the deeds of the original one. \*\*\*\* --- As usual, many thanks to Greg Panovich for inspirational artwork and helpful suggestions and advice!
Tags: Blueberry Inflation, Female Inflation Text: "Hi David." "Hi Mary." "Did you have a good lunch?" "It was alright...and yours?" "Delicious!" The class was working in the Restaurant Room kitchen. Mary a pretty 22 year old woman with long raven black hair and bright blue eyes had started working next to David. Both were cutting up vegetables. Mitch a big guy with a goatee, and Alex, a short Argentinian man with short black hair who was about the same age as David, were working on the counter behind them. Both we listening in on David and Mary, Alex seemed to be listening with even more interest. Mary then turned and patted Alex on the shoulder. "How's it going Alex?" "It's cool. Just cutting up some meat here." "Hmm, I'm afraid it's a bit crowded here I better move to another area to cut these up." With that Mary took her pan full of vegetables and moved to another part of the kitchen. "I can tell she likes you." David glanced back at Mitch. "Huh?" "Can't you tell? She likes you, and I think she might have something for Alex also." "Oh really?" Alex had a tense expression for a second. "You mean like friend wise? Or boyfriend wise?" David asked, chopping off the head of a carrot. "Not sure." Mitch thought for a second. " I think boyfriend wise." "Well then Alex, she's all yours because I'm with Racheal." At this Alex seemed to relax and continue to work with his food item. Later after the Restaurant Room was closing and nearly finished cleaning up, some of the class went into the dining area and took a rest. David took a seat and put his arms behind his head,while Racheal sat down on the floor next to his legs and leaned against them. She pulled out a copy of the school newspaper and began reading it. Felicity also took a seat and began chatting with some other girls. She was now teased for her magical transformation into a blackberry woman two weeks ago but it wasn't the bad kind of teasing but the nice joking type. She laughed with them but would still turn a little red in the face whenever someone brought it up. but she was< still her 'spring in her step' happy self, though a bit more cautious now about chewing gum at least in public. Alex sat down next to Mary and started talking to her. Mary seemed to be enjoying talking to Alex but once or twice she glanced at David when Alex wasn't looking. David took one of his hands and ran his fingers through Racheal's beautiful almost shoulder length brown hair. This made her look up from her newspaper. "What?" "um, nothing, Rach." "Well, let me read then." and she turned back to the paper. Racheal wasn't one to bother while reading. David glanced back to see if Mary had gotten the message but he couldn't tell if she did since she was happily chatting with Alex. 'One of those choices huh?' he thought to himself, he had never been in one since Racheal was the only girl he had ever been interested in and after two years he had finally won her over, but it was certainly in the way he had least expected. To make a long story short she had turned into a blueberry woman, and she need to be squeezed, and it was David who did that part. Felicity was the only other person who knew about it and David had a feeling he could trust her. It here that Chef Rube came in and called their attention. "Right, I wanted all of us to meet together before we all go on our way home. I just to let you know that there will be a special mushroom dinner here tonight at 7:00. I'll need people to help prep and cook food. I only need a couple of people but more the better. So if you can make it come up here and sign up." Several of the students got up, Mary went up then Alex got up and followed her to the front. David leaned forward over Racheal. "What about you?" "I'd better not. I need to study." "Do you think you'll need my help?" "I'd rather not risk that either I don't want to get" she looked over her shoulder and smiled "distracted" "Then I'm signing up. Sorry but you're going to loose your wall." Racheal moved over so that David could get up to join the crew. They had about four and a half hours until the cooking crew had to come back to school so the man left with Racheal. After riding for a few minutes David asked "Hey Rach have noticed if it looks like any other girls like me?" "Why do you ask?" she said suspiciously. "It might be in my mind but I think Mary has a thing for me." "Hmmm." "But I hope she doesn't since I love you. I think she's having trouble deciding. I mean she seems to like Alex also." "You think she likes Alex? Awww, they'd make a good couple." "All the better since then I'd get to stop worrying about her hitting on me." "She's flirting with you?" Racheal looked at David. "No no, not really. She's sweet to me I'm just worried she'll kick it up a notch. She hasn't done anything for me to have a talk with her." "If she does, maybe I should also talk to her." "You?" David glanced over at his girlfriend. "I'm not sure you'd be all that 'nice' about it." "What's that suppose to mean?" "Well, you're pretty fierce when it comes to protecting what's yours." "I am not!" and she gave him a little slap on David's arm. "Remember last week? I tried taking some of your chips and you practically growled at me?" "Okay, food is a different thing. I was starving and it was a small bag." "You could have at least given me one." "Oh, don't be a baby." After another minute of driving, David pulled up to Racheal's house. "Here we are princess." "Thanks Dave." She leaned over and kissed him on the lips. " Love you and I'll see you tomorrow." and she got out of the car. "Love you too." Racheal closed the door and went up to her house, David pulled out of the driveway and left. Things were going well for him and Racheal. They were passing their classes while finding time to spend with each other. They had slept together a few times, and a few more times they had done it the 'special way.' What that meant was that Racheal would have a dinner with some of the special Wonky gum, then turn into a berry of some sort and then the whole evening would be spent with him intensely juicing her. She had tried the blackberry cobbler but the blueberry was her favorite, having tried it two more times. David then remembered that he had meant to show Racheal something. It was a new flavor that Wonky had just made, he even had it in his backpack pocket. Oh well this weekend maybe she'd try it. He drove home, ate a late lunch, showered, relaxed, then drove back to the college in his cooking uniform but he brought his back pack along that hold some casual clothes. Alex, Linda, Mary and the the other volunteers met him in the Restaurant room and waited for the Chef. David couldn't help but notice that Mary looked a little upset about something. The man didn't get much time to think about it because Chef Rube came in and began explaining the set up for the dinner. 15 minutes later the crew were all divided up and began to move out into the kitchens. But Mary stayed back and waited until everyone else was out expect for David. "Hey Mary, are you okay?" She shook her long black hair back. "No not really Dave." "What's wrong?" "Listen there are two boys I like. One of them is you, the other is Alex and I can't decide-" "Mary, I'm with Racheal. Alex is available you two get along great." But Mary didn't seem to look any better, she looked worse. "I saw Alex hug Linda, today." "Hey now, that doesn't mean they're dating. You should at least try to hook up with Alex-" "I gotta get to work!" Mary whipped at her blue eyes and quickly went into the kitchen. David stood still for a few seconds until entering the kitchen 'Sheesh, it's not it's the end of the world ,Mary.' After working for about ten minutes David realized he hadn't taken his backpack to his locker. Finding it in the dinning room he quickly carried it to the back and secured it. Other than that nothing really exciting happened that night. Everything went off perfectly. The patrons liked the food, nothing bad happened to David, Chef Rube thanked them for giving up their evening and helping. Some of the crew left early to go to work or they had to get home, among a few others David, Alex, and Mary were there. Mary wasn't looking at either Alex or David. while they were cleaning up. Once they had finished cleaning up Mary went on ahead to the lockers to chance, and Alex decided to wait around eat his late dinner. David went to the lockers as well to change. After changing David was passing through the large open bakery when he heard a woman's voice call his name. "David." The man turned and saw that Mary was sitting on the large wooden bench table for working with dough. She was wearing a white t-shirt with blue jeans and a black jacket. "Hey Mary. Um I don't think it's a good idea to sit on that. Dough goes on there and people eat that-" Mary then held up a small silvery wrapping. A strip of Wonky Gum. "Where did you get that." David asked slowly, already having an idea. "From your backpack. I saw it sticking out." "Listen it's a good thing you didn't chew that before you saw me. That gum-" "The dessert will turn me into a berry I know." David was a bit stunned that Mary knew about the effects. "How do you know?" "Don't be mad at her but Felicity told me." "What!?" "Listen I'm torn between two men, you or Alex and neither of you is available. Felicity saw how upset I was so she made me promise not to tell anyone about the gum. She told me how you and Racheal were friends, until you juiced her and now the two of you are together. And Felicity said when her boyfriend saw her as a big berry he was instantly turned on. I decided that the first man I saw after changing would be the one that juices me!" David held up his hands. "Wait a second Mary! It's not like that! This gum isn't so sort of magical love potion! I had feelings for Racheal, and I think deep down she had feelings for me too, and the juicing of her broke some sort of barrier between us. And as for Tom and Felicity, well they were already a couple and Tom just liked seeing his lady in a new look like that! This isn't going to make me love you." Mary seemed to be close to tears "Yes it will! It'll work! I've been alone for too long now! I want to be loved by a man!" "Please listen Mary. You're a really cool girl. You and Alex get along great, I think you should at least ask him out." "I saw him hugging Linda!" "So what? I think she was hugging him! I'm sure that meant nothing!" "What's it matter now? It's you I want now!" And with that Mary unwrapped the gum and began chewing it. 'Aw great here we go again.' David thought to himself. 'If Racheal hears about this she will never let me live it down.' After chewing for a few seconds Mary made a face. "Eww it-" "Yeah I know, tastes like paper. Spit it out." "No! WOW now it tastes great! Broccoli and cheese soup!" "C'mon, Mary! Please listen! You're just going to loose some good clothing of yours!" "Oh I know, David! I picked out stuff I wouldn't mind loosing." She continued to chomp on the gum. "Okay next it's cold pasta salad! I guess it's okay I didn't bring money with me for dinner today!" "Mary, I'm very tired! And how do you know I won't flat out refuse to juice you! What if I just walk away!" Mary didn't flinch, "Okay go ahead and leave me David. I won't stop chewing." "Fine I'm going home!" David turned around and began to walk away but then he turned and ran back to Mary. "Please Mary! Stop chewing!" "Nuh-huh! Sweet, it's barbecue ribs time! I love ribs!" "They're great aren't they. Look spit the gum out, let's get together with Alex and I'll take both of you out to dinner for some REAL ribs." "Not doing that David. I'm still chewing! And I think I'm nearly done with the ribs! Oh yes! It's here! Strawberry Shortcake! I can taste the strawberries and the whipped cream! I haven't had any this good in such a long time!!!" "Aw crap" David muttered. For another minute Mary chewed and chewed with much vigor. She keep looking at her hands hoping for some change. "Is my face changing color?" "No." "Oh wait." thinking back to how Felicity started changing Mary pulled up one of the pant legs of her jeans, her tanned skin beamed out. She let out a sigh "Why isn't it happening to me." Without thinking David muttered "Maybe you should check your stomach." "Good idea!" Mary pushed aside her jacket, curled her fingers beneath her white t-shirt, pulled up, and let out a squeal of joy to see her flat stomach turning a bright red. "Look David I'm turning into a strawberry woman!" "That's nice." The woman watched in fascination as the red spread up to her mid-section and down to her legs, she rolled up the t-shirt higher to watch it as much as possible. The coloring sank down her body lower, changing the skin color beneath her jeans. Once it had traveled to her arms and hands, Mary stopped gazing at her stomach and took to looking at her new red colored arms. She then bent over and once again pulled up a leg of her jeans to see the red color had reached her legs. The reddening woman looked up at David with a smile, all that remained of her tan skin was her forehead but in a few more seconds that would also turn bright red. Mary gave a little giggled and did a little spin. "Don't I look great with my new look ,David?" "'s different" "Hmmm, well I'll look even better in a few minutes" she patted her stomach which then let out a low gurgle. By the tiniest centimeter it bulged out. The woman let out a little 'oooooooh' as her stomach gurgled a second time and jutted out slightly further. She let out a relaxing sigh as she slipped off her jacket and laid it on the table, and then ran her fingers through her beautiful black hair as her tummy let out a third gurgle and enlarged slightly. Then with a fourth and loud gurgle her stomach suddenly sucked in, back to it's original flatness, then jutted back out in a much larger stomach. "OOOOOOH!" Mary said happily, pulling her t-shirt up slightly to poke her own soft flesh. "There's at least a gallon in there David!" David wasn't sure what to do. He wanted to leave her and go home, yet he wasn't sure if Alex was still there, and a berry woman couldn't be left alone like this for so many hours. 'Damn' he thought to himself. Something different then happened, Mary's large stomach sucked itself back to it's thin look but the juice certainly didn't disappear. It traveled to her breasts. Her breasts filled out with strawberry juice and were well outlined by her t-shirt. Her stomach then refilled itself with even more juice than before. "Now this is nice!" Mary said while feeling her new breasts, the red nipples were showing against the tight thin fabric. Her stomach pumped out more juice which traveled not to her breasts but to her thighs, painfully stretching out her jeans. "Ouch! These jeans are tight!" she muttered as her stomach filled out again, even larger, tightening the waist of her jeans. "I'll just have to remove them I guess." she said huskily. David went red in the face. For a moment she traced her finger against the button of her jeans, then unbuckled it and pulled the zipper down slowly. Tucking her hands beneath her jeans she slowly pulled them down her thighs just in time too since her stomach pumped another batch of juice into her thighs. The red woman bent down and let her jeans falls to her knees, she looked up at David, her black strans falling around her head and a wicked grin on her face. Her breasts received another pump from her stomach, which were now stretching her shirt out, forcing her collar to be pulled down lower allowing David a good glimpse of her enlarging breasts. David tried to look away. Mary's breasts received several more pumps before her thighs , the orbs were now getting near watermelon sized. Somehow her white t-shirt was holding out. The woman let her jeans fall to her feet then shook out and kicked them away. Her black panties were doing well considering what they were going through. The enlarging thighs and the on and off pressure the waistband was feeling was stretching them out. The berry woman seductively slipped one finger into the waistband of the underwear. David hoped she wasn't going to remove them. The size of the breasts were reaching extremely large proportions now, they had to force their way out of her overstretched t-shirt collar, her nipples were now leaking out the bright red strawberry juice, staining her t-shirt. The juice factory, or Mary's stomach, pumped and pumped her stomach growing bigger and bigger with each pump. The woman's legs were getting no where near the amount of juice as her boobs were. As the stomach and sides grew larger and larger with each pump, her arms plumped but were still movable.She didn't seem to mind she just laughed happily. David remembered how each berry inflation at been different so he tried to think about Mary's. Her breasts were taking in most of the juice and her legs were getting pulled in by her growing torso. The connection between the shape of a strawberry and her body was made, there was more juice going the upper half of Mary's body while less in her lower. The man wondered how much longer Mary's shirt and panties could hold out. With her mid section huge now, there was nothing left of Mary's trim figure, she had gone from five feet seven inches to seven and a half feet. Her breasts were about five feet across each, the white t-shirt pulled way up from her belly and down from her collar, barely covering her nipples. By some miracle her now in comparison small plump legs were holding her immense body up. The stomach and thighs were full and stretched the leg holes and waistband of Mary's black panties that they had to take on the shape of a thong. For once a berrified girl could actually still move her plump arms. As David took note of this Mary slowly ran her arms down her juice filled body.The pumping stomach had been slowing down for a while only give small burst deliveries. "Don't I look very lovely now, David?" Mary said while cupping one hand beneath one enormous boob. " look different." "Oh I know, I'm just so full of juice...soooo biiiig." her breasts grew out an inch further, torturing her poor shirt even more. The woman looked at her full red body and waited. After a full minute she looked back up and took a slow lumbering step towards the transfixed man. " I'm ripe,juice me." David took a step back. "Look, um, I-" "I want to be juiced so badly! I gotta be juiced! I don't feel anything good right now, I have to be juiced to feel better!" She took two more loud steps towards David. 'Oh god I think I'm going to have to. Forgive me Racheal!' David thought while preparing himself to squeeze the ripe strawberry woman. The huge woman spread her arms wide open, her full chest sticking straight out. "JUICE ME!" "OH GOD YES!" David hadn't said a word, he realized this as a figure jumped out between he and Mary. The form jumped and locked his arms around the body of Mary. "I'll juice you Mary!" Alex said while enjoying the feel of Mary's soft warm flesh against the side of his face. "Alex!" Mary said shocked. "I don't-damn he feels good pressed up against me like this." she muttered. David just watched in shock as something unfolded. "Oh god Mary I've been wanting to tell you how much I like you!" Alex said while tightening his hold on the woman. "You do!? But I saw you hugging Linda?" "She was hugging me! I didn't mind, she hugs everyone." "I told you." David muttered. "Oh-well-I" David had a feeling that she was blushing even though her whole face was strawberry red. "Will you go out with me?" Alex asked. "Uh, sure when?" "How about tonight? After I get some work finished here" He gave Mary a little squeeze which she responded with a purr. "Sounds good." David thought this was probably the oddest way a guy could ask a girl out. Alex then climbed a foot up Mary massive body and planted a kiss on her blood red lips, when he pulled back he licked his own. "Hmm I love strawberries." "Thanks I-" Mary was then interrupted by a tearing sound. She looked down and saw several holes growing in her overstretched t-shirt. "Oh dear my shirt is ripping." "I better hold on tight" *RIIIIIIP!* *BROMMTH!!* Mary's clevage hit full bloom once it's restraint was gone. Her orbs struck Alex's body pushing him off her. However her body lost it's balance causing her to fall forward on top of Alex smothering him. "Are you okay!?" She yelled out fearfully! She felt his hands lively grabbing at her. "Oh yes!" she heard his muffled voice happily proclaim. Mary let out a moan and put her head down. "Y'know. It was only you I ever liked. David's a good guy but I think I was just trying to make you jealous. But I'm glad he's with Racheal, I don't feel bad now." "They're a good couple." Alex said giving Mary another delightful squeeze. David was starting to feel it was time to go. He quickly unzipped his backpack and began searching for his reverse gum. "So where shall we go after wards?" Mary asked from atop Alex. "It's gonna have to be someplace open late at night. It's going to take a while to get all of this out of you.' He gave her a pat. "How about Shirley's?" "Maybe I might be the mood for burgers." he ran his finger down the waistband of her panties. David kept looking. "Alex, these are kind of tight on me could you?" "Sure." Alex tucked his fingers into her panties, pulled away by only an inch. Then he felt the cloth tear away from his hands as her panties shot of her body like a slingshot, David heard them land somewhere behind him. "Aaah, much better." Mary sighed. David finally found the gum he went to the Mary/Alex form. "Hey Mary!" "Hmmm, yes David? Oh yeah thanks for the gum." "Yeaah, you're welcome. Just don't take anything from me without asking all right? "Uh-huh" "Listen...are you listening?" "Yeah what!?" "This is the reverse gum. He juices you, you chew this, you're back to normal. Get it?" "Got it." "Good. I'll lay it here. GOOD NIGHT!" David left the kitchen thinking about the odd day. "God, I want to Racheal this weekend. That was just weird. Why do I keep turning women around me into berries? Am I cursed or something?" Then he thought about how he had made himself, Racheal, Felicity, Tom, Mary, and Alex happier. "Or gifted?" he said out loud with a grin.
Title: Working Overtime by Ty Tags: Anal, Cock Growth, Fox, Hyperphallic, Inflation, M/M, Master/Pet, Oral, Spooge, Stretching Author's note: This story contains material that you don't need to be reading if you're under 18 years of age. If you don't like the subject matter, most browsers have a "Back" button for you to use. That said, enjoy! --- Working Overtime By Ty Sighing, Ty pulled into his driveway and killed the engine. What a day. First the distillation tower clogged, then the combustion chambers backfired, followed by a nice and long meeting with the chief executives over why the plant failed its daily quota. He was all over the complex, fixing as many things as he could. Thank heavens for his cheetah-like speed. No telling what would have happened if he couldn't have run so fast. He pushed his long, purple hair back out of his eyes and exhaled forcefully, composing himself for the evening. He stepped out of his car, pulling his suitcase out of the seat next to him as he went, and closed the door. He liked his car. It fit him well: fast. Fast and powerful. He grinned at the thought. Speed of a cheetah, power of a tiger. He tilted his head and ran a furry paw down the side of the speedster as he walked toward his front door. Maybe getting decals for it wasn't such a bad idea. With a smile, he walked to the door, pressed in his key-code, and put his key into the lock. Turning it, he heard the locks on the sides, top, and bottom of the door snick open. He strained his ears as he opened the door for the sound of galloping footsteps. He didn't hear any and breathed a sigh of relief. Opening the door fully, he stepped in and slid off his coat, putting it in the closet behind the door. He shucked off his work shoes and mewed happily to himself as he kneaded the thick, soft carpet with his toes. Pushing the door closed with one of his fox-like tails, he walked over to the counter and set down his briefcase. He moved his tails around to the front and straightened the still wind-blown fur from the workday. He pulled off his tie and walked into his bedroom, looking for telltale signs of anyone else around. Nothing. He frowned at that, wondering where his little "pet" had gotten off to. Shrugging, he unbuttoned his shirt and shirked it off, dropping it into the dirty laundry bin by the closet. He stretched out his back and front, working out knots in his lithe torso. He changed into some shorts, showing off his well-toned legs, and decided to leave off the shirt for now. Walking from the room, he started exploring. The entertainment room, with its networked gaming systems ranging from console-based games to full-blown computers and full home theater system with a mini-bar, was empty. Same with the sleek and modernized kitchen. He walked past the broom closet and paused, hairs on the back of his neck standing on end. He turned and looked at it, but shook his head and moved on. The entire house was empty. He'd even checked under the bed. He frowned and walked to the nearest phone, pulling the receiver off the wall. He fell neatly into his large armchair and contemplated the empty fireplace. He punched in a number from memory and held the phone up to his ear. It rang thrice before picking up. "Hello?" "Lil kitty! Hey, it's Ty." He jerked the phone away from his ear to avoid the massive squeal that could have overpowered the phone lines. "Kitty!" He could almost see her feline grin across her muzzle. "How are you?" "Hell if it wasn't a long day at work. But I'm still alive, and I've got all three tails still, so I think I'll live. I've got a question for you, though." "Oh?" "Yeah. Have you seen Ruffy? I've looked all over, but I can't find him." A shadow flickered across the doorway behind the armchair. "No, I haven't. Did you look under the bed?" "Yes, I did. Nothing. Nothing even remotely pink or blue." The shadow flickered again to move up behind the chair. "Well, I haven't heard from him or seen him. No telling where he went. He could be anywhere. How about in the closet?" "Nothing. Checked there second." It drew up behind him, pink pointed ears twitching silently. "I don't know what to tell you, then. Maybe you should look behind you." Ty frowned and pulled the phone away from his ear to look at it. He saw the reflection of a smirk behind him and had just enough time to turn around before he was pounced out of his chair and onto the floor. Ruffy grinned broadly and kissed Ty's furry cheek. "Hiya, kewtie!" Ty blinked up at Ruffy before licking Ruffy's cheek with a smile. "Heya, lil foxy." He frowned and glared at the phone. He could hear Kitty laughing from here. Glancing up at Ruffy, he asked, "You had this all planned out beforehand, huh?" Ruffy nodded mischievously and rolled off Ty. Ty got to his feet and stood, pulling Ruffy against his waist in a hug. "Sneaky little foxy. You'll have to be punished for this." Ruffy shuddered in anticipation. The moment Ty's shorts hit the cushion, Ruffy flopped in his lap. Ruffy didn't see the need for clothes, unless they were in public. At least he'd gotten Ty to lose the shirt. The pink and blue fox leaned down to the phone and giggled. "It worked, Kitty!" Kitten's voice giggled across the phone line. "Oh, I know. It was beautiful just hearing it. I wish I had a camera hidden away in there." Ty scowled at the phone. "Not funny." He had to work really hard to hold back the grin. "Ruffy's going to get punished later for doing that. I'd get you back, too, but I don't think the bunny would like what I'd do." "Good thinking. He wouldn't like it. Hey, I'm going to be out on the town late tonight, would you two care to join me?" "Yes!" came the simultaneous reply. Kitten giggled. "Okay. I'll pick you guys up in... Four hours. That should be enough time for you two. And Ty?" "Yeah?" "Make sure he gets punished well. Don't go easy on him." Without waiting for a reply, Kitten ended the call. Ty set the receiver down on the arm of the chair. "My, my. My own little foxy to play with." Ruffy shifted his posture and leaned against Ty, running his fingers through the fur on his larger companion's chest. He reached up with his other hand and scritched idly behind an ear. Ty relaxed, meowing softly as he went limp. Ruffy leaned his head against Ty's shoulder, chrring softly. Ty let himself be pampered for a few minutes before standing up, carrying the little pink and blue fox with him to their bedroom. Ruffy's sounds grew in volume as he thought about how much fun he was about to have. He bounced out of Ty's arms and onto the bed, sprawling out happily. His moderately sized (for his four foot six stature) penis stood to attention as he watched Ty with interest. The larger chimera slid his shorts down a little, stopping before anything interesting was revealed. He decided to leave the shorts on, at least temporarily, as he crawled up on the bed next to Ruffy. The smaller fox turned on his side and reached out to stroke Ty's fur with a paw. He leaned in and pressed his body against the chimera, loving the feeling of their fur meshing together. Ty returned the embrace, stroking along Ruffy's back and to the base of his tail, smoothing the fur that was beginning to stand on end with anticipation. Ty crooned softly into Ruffy's ear and nibbled on the tip. "So what kind of punishment do you want, my little foxy?" "I want it all. As much as you want to give me." He shuddered and rubbed his paws down Ty's chest, stopping to tease his nipples before reaching down and running a finger idly under the edge of his shorts. He always loved taking off Ty's clothes. It was like opening your presents at your birthday party, but better. Ty placed a soft kiss on the tip of Ruffy's muzzle before returning to stroking his fur. He reached down slowly and caressed ever so gently the small sac between Ruffy's legs, making his member twitch. Pre started to ooze slowly from the tip as Ruffy chrrred a little louder. Ruffy's paws became more adventurous as he slowly ran his paws down Ty's firm stomach and sides. He ran his hands down underneath the elastic waistband of the shorts and grasped the oversized sheath and ball sac, squeezing gently. He edged the fabric down and used a foot-paw to hook it and pull it down, tossing it off the edge of the bed. Ty gasped lightly as the cooler air brushed against his private parts before grinning and moving down to slowly lick Ruffy's cock. The sandpaper-like roughness of his tongue made Ruffy twitch and grasp at the sheets, murring a little. Ty massaged the fox's balls and kissed the tip, sucking just the tiniest amount. He pulled away and grinned as Ruffy looked at him with pleading eyes. "I said this was punishment, Ruffy. You know that. Maybe if you're nice and scratch my back, I'll scratch yours." Ty shifted around to place his feet at the head of the bed, turning on his side to let Ruffy see him in his magnificence. Ruffy leapt at the opportunity and began to slowly coax Ty's equipment out of the shed. He massaged the large sac and ran a finger down the inside of the large sheath. The prize within slowly extended as blood filled it, peeking out the tip of the sheath. Ruffy ran his fingers along the underside of it, teasing the blood vessels along the surface. Ty's eyes squinted closed briefly as he enjoyed the feelings. He slowly massaged Ruffy's sac and blew air over the very tip of his erection before sucking on the tip. He pulled more into his muzzle, running his tongue over the underside. He sucked slowly, occasionally pulling a little more into his muzzle as he increased the pressure. Ruffy kissed the tip as it grew and moved. He pulled it into his muzzle and sucked as it grew. He soon found that, once again, it was too large to fit just in his muzzle, so he let the tip run down into his throat as he sucked. He pushed his throat down along its length, soon able to kiss Ty's sheath as it continued to grow in length and girth, stretching out his throat. The pair continued their ministrations and were soon increasing the tempo. The pressure grew and broke simultaneously as they shot loads down each other's throats. Ruffy's finished first, leaving Ty to moan as Ruffy struggled to take down the load. It finished soon enough, leaving a slight roundness to the fox's once trim stomach. Ruffy pulled off of Ty's penis and gasped for breath. Ty turned again and laid next to Ruffy, stroking his fur idly. "Am I doing good with your punishment?" "Amazingly..." "What comes next, then? Maybe we'll fall back on our old favorite..." A slow grin came across Ty's muzzle as Ruffy's eyes widened. "You mean--" Ty cut him off, pressing a finger against Ruffy's muzzle. "Perhaps. I think I've got a better idea, though." He grinned and sat up, facing Ruffy. Crawling over the smaller fur's body, he licked here and there, pressing a finger or two inside the edge of Ruffy's tail hole. He twisted his fingers around a little, pressing them in a little further before pulling it out and placing his cock at the entrance. "You ready, my little foxy?" Ruffy chrred and laid back, already drooling at the mere thought. He felt the tip and whined, pushing down on it. Ty replied by pushing the tip and the first few inches in. Ruffy gasped and arched his back, chrring loudly. Ty pulled back and pushed in further, feeling Ruffy stretch around him as though it was his first time. Again he pulled out and, finally, he shoved the full nine inches in. Ruffy murred and massaged the near-visible tip through his fur. "Ooh, big kitty..." "Not as big as I'm about to be." Ty pulled out again and let his cock grow a few inches before pushing in again, stretching Ruffy out further with each thrust. He soon had let his cock grow to two feet long and half a foot wide. His balls, however, stole the show with their size and weight, pressing against the insides of Ruffy's thighs with each thrust. The imprint of Ty's monster cock could clearly be seen in Ruffy's belly with each thrust. He stopped growing and concentrated on making long, drawn-out thrusts, letting the barbs scrape down the insides of Ruffy, making him squirm in pleasure. His thrusts became more erratic, little by little, as he felt his orgasm build. He felt it peak and thrust fully in, releasing a torrent of cum deep into Ruffy. To the little fox, the pleasure of being stretched then filled so completely was astounding. He felt his insides bloat with steaming hot cum. His belly soon began to show the load, growing out beyond its already cock-stretched state. He moaned as he felt the his own orgasm gush, shooting cum onto his stretched stomach. He looked about ready to give birth before Ty pulled almost fully out and licked up the cum from Ruffy's bloated belly. "Having fun?" "Yes, tons," came the quiet reply; the fox's eyes were half closed in pleasure. Ty grinned and let himself grow even more, purring to himself as he felt the increased size and weight. He grinned, nearly a foot longer, and shoved back into Ruffy, who moaned loudly and gasped at the larger size, stretching him wider. Ruffy watched as his stomach swelled from the entrance of a cock so large, pushing the cum aside. He threw his head back and murred loudly, grasping at the sheets of the bed again. Ty built his orgasm slowly, letting his knot grow out this time with a grin. He hadn't used it on Ruffy yet, and he couldn't wait to see the look on the brightly colored fox's face. Ty's eyes glazed over as he felt the steep rise and pulled back to slam home, slipping the foot-wide knot into Ruffy's tight ass. Ruffy's eyes bulged slightly before they lidded over, leaving him to moan in ecstasy as both shot their loads again. Ruffy's fell against his ever-growing belly as the chimera packed as much cum into Ruffy as he could. Gallons flowed from one into the other, draining Ty's massive sac into Ruffy. Ty fell limp across Ruffy's belly, breathing heavily. He reached up and cleaned the line of his own cum that was draining from the side of Ruffy's muzzle. The smaller of the two moaned loudly and looked up at his companion. "Wha.... what was..." "That was a surprise, my little foxy." Ty rubbed his paws along the sides of Ruffy's nearly obscenely bulging midsection, which stood several feet further than where it should. His weight squished it wider, but still quite massive in its own rights. He felt the heat through the pink fur, purring to himself and unknowingly sending vibrations through the cum-packed fur, who chrred happily. "I don't care what that was... It was w-wonderful..." He let his head fall back and sighed. He ran his hands over his belly and moaned as he found he couldn't feel Ty's cock through his fur. It felt huge, almost larger than he was, and he knew it wasn't going to budge for a while. Ty tugged back with his hips and was rewarded with a yelp as his knot stretched out Ruffy's tail-hole. He grinned and lay atop his friend and purred. "You're welcome." After his knot had shrunk down, Ty pulled out and grinned as he found that no cum came out, save that which was covering his rapidly shrinking cock as it relaxed back to more "normal" proportions. He helped Ruffy sit and moved him to the edge of the bed. "Come on, little foxy, we need to get you drained so you can fit into Kitty's car." Ruffy nearly overbalanced as his foot-paws hit the ground, his rotund belly sagging forward and attempting yanking him off his feet. He waddled toward the large shower with assistance from Ty, who shut the door behind them with a content grin. --- If you have any ideas, thoughts, or constructive criticism, by all means, leave a comment. Ta!
Title: An (in)Decent Job by Tazo Tags: Anal, Dragon, Humping, Lizard, M/M, Teasing Streetlights flickered along the street as the last few ribbons of sunlight faded into the darkness. Desperately they sputtered to life, driving away the shadows for a brief moment before going dead once more. The city hadn't bothered repairing them in years too numerous to count but that simply made it easier for him to go about his business. Perched atop the roof of a penthouse overlooking the faltering downtown, he took a final stock of his equipment. Securing a single item from a near fortress wasn't going to be easy but then, easy never meant fun. He strapped the NV goggles to his head, pausing for a moment to slide them down over his eyes before tapping the power button on the side. If the intel was right he'd have about twenty minutes to get in and out while the alarms autocycled their diagnostics. The skylight below him would provide all the access he'd need. He placed his taloned hand against the glass as he traced then in a perfect circle. It was better than trying to wrestle with a glass cutter, even if a little primitive. A light tap of his finger and a quick flick of the wrist and the hole was complete without a trace of broken glass to be seen. He slid his hand inside, tapping in the security codes on the roof access keypad. The almost invisible red light flashed green once before dieing off completely. He slid his hand in further, unlatching the pane before pulling it back. Below him, the goggles showed no signs of life. A quick scan through the frequency filters also revealed no sonics, light or motion sensors currently active. He clamped the end of a rapelling cable to the frame of the skylight, securing the other end to the harness strapped around him. A twenty foot jump wouldn't be that dangerous to him but the resounding thud from three hundred some odd pounds of lizard on the floor below would probably draw more attention than would be wise. He angled himself easily through the open window, shifting a little to slip his broad shoulders between the edges of the frame. Reflexively, he grabbed the middle support for the skylight with his foot, clinging tightly as he adjusted the line for a controlled decent. Light suddenly flooded the room, pouring over him as he froze in place. "You know, if you had been just a little louder, I'm sure the rest of the city could have heard you." The goggles, now useless, were pulled up over his eyes as he stared down into the room, trying to focus on the origin of the voice. Standing there, clad in little more than a pair of silk boxers and an undershirt was a rather bemused looking dragon. The lizard remained still for a moment. Regardless of having been caught at the moment, the alarms were all still deactivated and the full body suit and mask he was wearing provided ample anonymity. He smiled a little before releasing the grip of his foot. He kept his body slack until just before the floor, pulling into a tight somersault and landing on his feet, hand splayed out in front of him for support. The dragon lifted an eyeridge, "Cocky. I have to say you're one of the more arrogant thieves I've seen around here. Most of them scuttle away like cockroaches as soon as they see the light." The lizard stood, crossing his arms over his chest as he subtly took in a deep breath. It was an old intimidation tactic, try to look bigger than you opponent, but even old tricks had their place. The dragon smirked. "Not a talker either I see. Alright. I can see you're willing to get in a tussle," He lifted a clawed hand to the display near him grasping the hilt of one of the epees that rested there. "Friendly match. We'll see how willing either of us are to break this impasse." The dragon tossed the sword to the lizard before drawing his own blade. "En garde." The blades clashed instantly as the lizard pressed the attack. Swordfighting wasn't something he'd bothered to work on in between his B&E skills and bluffing but it was better to try and look for a weak spot than have to stakeout another choice location. The dragon easily deflected the lunge, stepping back one pace and drawing the lizard on. The next attack was a wide arc, simply attempting to break the rules of engagement for such a regimented style of fighting. The dragon's reaction was belated, allowing the lizard to drive in again with a quick flick of the wrist. The cotton t-shirt was the loser in the conflict and hung off the dragon in shreds. "Interesting move..." The dragon was grinning now, taking the moment to tear off the ruined garment and tossing it to the floor. His wiry frame was now exposed to the open air; the deep azure scales on his chest already glistening from his exertion. The lizard smiled beneath his mask as well. After all, he was in it for the tawdry thrills and there's nothing quite so lewd as getting a chance to ogle an attractive body. The momentary distraction, however, was enough for the dragon to return the favor. A few quick strokes later and the chest of the skintight suit the lizard wore hung in rags from his waist. The sleeves, however, remained intact around his forearms, seemingly left there on purpose. The lizard hissed, "Dammit. Do you know how much that thing cost me?" "Ahh, now I get a few words out of you." The dragon stepped smoothly into a guard. "And a good... look... at you." The lizard blushed a little under the mask, feeling the gentle breeze from the window above across his smooth bellyscales. His broad chest tensed as he lifted the sword again, his eyes focused on the dragon. "Are you just going to pose for my titillation, or are we fighting here," the dragon taunted. The lizard lunged forward again, driving towards the dragon's chest. The strike was long, leaving the dragon ample time to step to the side and an additional moment to slap the broadside of the sword against the lizard's taut backside. The lizard's claws rose up to his face, tearing away the mask and goggles. It had gone way past professional and was now personal. He tossed the sword to the side and barreled forward, ramming his meaty shoulder into the dragon and knocking them both to the ground with a resounding thud. "...urg..." Beneath the lizard, the dragon had little room to move, much less breathe. The fellow on top of his was anything but light. The amber scaled snout of the lizard hovered above the dragon's as the two sets of eyes met. "I came here to rob the place, not prance around with someone's fencing coach." The lizard kept his forearm pressed against the dragon's chest to keep him pinned. "...Yves... I've got a name for a reason, after all..." The lizard sighed, "I don't care. I'm not here to chat you up." "Too bad for the both of us..." The lizard glared at Yves, "What's that supposed to mean?" "...Come now, you can't fault me for enjoying a little physical contact with a hot piece of reptile such as yourself." The lizard was beginning to get a headache from this. "So, wait? You come out of your room half-dressed and attempt to skewer me with a sword, for what I must admit is a very good reason, and now you're hitting on me?" Yves shrugged as best he could, "I admire your moxie. Most of the time, I just take a few moments every night to keep the rabble from robbing me blind. It was refreshing to see someone who was actually willing to work for his prize." "And how do I know you're not just sweet talking me so you can get up and run me through with some other sharp, pointed object you've got stashed on some wall?" Yves lifted his snout, parting his lips for a moment before pressing them firmly against the lizard's. Instinct took over for a moment, two forked tongues twining as the lizard sunk down into the kiss. Yves began to rumble softly as he shifted a little beneath the lizard. Just as suddenly as it started, the kiss was broken and the would-be thief was blushing a dark brown. "Wha-..." Yves grinned. "Not a bad kisser either. You sure you didn't miss your true calling?" The lizard got back onto his feet, now a dark brown as the stared down at the lithe reptile on the floor. Already the lower half of the bodysuit he wore was making it painfully apparent that he was enjoying this strange game of cat and mouse. Yves stood slowly and cupped his paw around the lizard's growing bulge. His tongue flicked out over the amber scales of the lizard's cheek as he whispered sibilantly. "What's wrong with a little play? The alarms are off, the place is empty..." Yves' talons prickled along the tight spandex, teasing the lizard's scales and sensitive groin. "I could tell you how boring it is, being up here, but I'm sure you wouldn't believe me." The rush of desire and the thrill of the sudden shift in attitudes was beginning to overwhelm the lizard's better judgment. His hands slid over the smooth curve of the dragon's hips, sliding the silk boxers into a puddle at Yves' feet. He turned his snout, meeting with the dragon's as the two of them pulled closer, pressing into an impassioned kiss. Yves took this moment to trail his claws along the lizard's thighs, further shredding the spandex and letting it fall away. Groin to groin and chest to chest, the two embraced lewdly, naked in the soft glow of the surrounding lights. The lizard ground his hips against the dragon's smoothly scaled groin, letting the tip of his shaft drag up and along the cleft of Yves' reptillian slit. The responce was immediate as the dragon clung needfully to the muscled lizard, his hips urging the tip of the thick cock before him into his inviting slit. The lizard moaned softly at the warmth that surrounded his shaft, breaking the kiss as he looked down to see his length slip into Yves. The dragon clawed lightly at the lizard's back, urging him to push deeper inside. "...rrrrg..." Yves nipped at the lizard's neck. "You sure know how to show a guy a good time..." The lizard growled and pressed forward until his hips were flush with Yves' feeling the pulsing warmth of both their cocks sheathed in the svelte dragon. Yves squeezed the lizard's rumpcheeks as he cried out, shuddering as slit fluids and trickles of pre began to slicken his inner thighs. The lizard grunted softly as he began to thrust slow and steady into Yves' slit. "...rrrr... Do you do this with all the people who try to rob you?" Yves smiled, his eyes flickering shut as he ground back against the lizard's hips. "Only the devilishly attractive ones that I don't know," His paws teased lightly under the base of the lizard's tail. "The ones I do know, I get even dirtier with." He gasped between moans. The lizard licked his lips as he thrust hard against Yves' letting loose with a short stream of pre. "In that case... ggrrrrr... I'm Ethen..." The lizard clutched the dragon to him tightly as he felt his balls begin to pull upwards. "Pleased... to... meet... you..." Yves squeezed Ethen's rumpcheeks harder, grinding down as he felt the big lizard begin to tense up. With a short bellow, Ethen's cock pulsed inside the dragon's slit, flooding his own aching cock with jet after jet of hot seed. He moaned out as he felt the fluids gush down along his thighs, his paws squeezing the rock hard muscle beneath those beautiful amber scales. Slowly, Ethen's shaft ceased to a trickle, his tongue lolling from his mouth as he desperately tried to catch his breath. Yves pulled slowly away, letting the thick cock slide from his slit as his own shaft began to push out. Already glistening with his fluids and the sticky cum that Ethen had provided, Yves felt it was best to take his turn. Nipping at the lizard's neck, he slowly slid around behind Ethen. His arms wrapped around the lizard's taut stomach as his hips nudged the scaled tail aside. The lizard barely had time to recover before feeling the dragon's own thick endowment slip suddenly into his tight passage. Ethen fell forward from the sensation, his hand splaying out to catch him. Yves, on the other hand, simply slid his hands to the lizard's hips and gripped them tightly. Already lubricated, the invasion was far from an unpleasant one. Ethen could already feel his shaft beginning to respond again. Yves remained focused, though. His own need driving him against the muscled lizard beneath him, pounding hard against Ethen's prostate. "...urrrrg!" Ethen panted as Yves hilted hard and deep within him. The dragon was certainly bigger than anything he'd ever taken before. "Is this the... dirty part...?" He panted. Yves leaned forward to nip at Ethen's neck. "Oh... This is just the beginning..." It took only a few more thrusts, slamming against Ethen's velvety insides, before Yves felt the pressure within his own shaft building up. He pushed down hard on Ethen's back forcing the lizard's snout into the carpet before letting loose with a guttural growl of his own. For Ethen, it felt as though a fire hose had been emptied into him. Powerful streams of dragonseed slammed against his insides, pouring over his prostate. His own cock erupted again, half-heartedly, spurting what little it had left across the floor. The sensation, however, rippled through him like a wildfire. His whole body tensed and released in one smooth motion as he milked Yves for every drop he could. Soon, the pair were spent, collapsing in a musky pile on the floor. Yves nipped softly at the back of the lizard's neck as Ethen's hand trailed down along the dragon's smooth thigh. "I should get caught more often." Ethen grinned as he leaned back to kiss Yves softly on the lips.
Title: The Wastes- Chapter 6: New Problems, Old Friends by Accorto Tags: Clean, Desert, Fox, Post-Apocalyptic, The Wastes, Western, accorto, gunfights, gunslinger My deepest apologies for the incredibly long delay on this post, I lost track of the story and had to swivel it back into perspective. For those of you still inclined to read, please do enjoy. I think this is a good one... Chapter 6: New Problems, Old Friends. The first several days on his new job (For which Nicholson would be payed in New Dollars, as was agreed after a serious talk with Cole) were slow, but not altogether dull. While he didn't have to kill anybody, he did take it upon himself to scare off a few teams of would-be raiders and scavengers seeking an easy plunder from what they expected would be an unprotected settlement. After day three, the young German shepherd pup began to follow Nicholson on his rounds, saying that that his mother wanted him out enjoying the air while it was fresh. Nicholson enjoyed the company for the most part, listing to the child's stories about odd things that happened around the town, his first and last trip to the watering hole (which ended in being chased by a pack of thirsty mutant horned toads), and what he wants to do with his future. Though most of what Mike (which was the pup's name) said was mindless babble, it kept the gunslinger's routs around the, settlement and highway from being dull. Around the fourth day, Nicholson and Mike had hunkered down on an old charred out log to eat their lunch, which consisted of seeds gathered from the local desert brush and a campfire-grilled hunk of meat from a clean-thread (Or unmutated, for all you'uns who don't kennit) bull. As they sat, Mike continued his content babble, plucked from some corner of his mind. He had just reached the end of a story about when he was caught trying to ride one of the mutie cows out of the pen outside of town, when Nicholson spotted an odd lopsided bird flutter down to the ground a few meters off. "Mike." Jesse said, trying to catch the pup's attention. Mike's ears popped up from where they lay on his head and he looked up from his food quickly. Nicholson didn't talk much, so when he did, Mike took care to listen. "You ever been priv' to shoot a gun b'for?" Nicholson continued, glancing over at the boy. Mike considered this for a moment, and then shook his head, looking back down at his meal. "Nev'r since my mah let me take on a spell at the old '22 thah she plucked in Albuquerque, mus a been almost a whole harvest ago." Mike said, before tearing a chomp out of his food with the side of his maw. Nicholson nodded, drawing one of his Big Irons from the holster where he had draped it over the log. "What you reckon yer mah would say if'n she was trig to me lettin you give it another go?" Jesse asked, opening the cylinder of the heavy weapon and letting all but one round slip into his padded palm. Mike looked up again, still chewing slowly, and looked around, as if his mother might leap from behind the bushes and scold him for even considering the idea. "I s'pose if she weren't wise to it, I'd get no trouble." Excitement was creeping into his voice now. "Good," Nicholson said, gripping the revolver from the barrel and offering the sandalwood grip to the pup. "Give this'n a feel." Mike reached out quickly, the and when the handle fit into his palm, it made the hand looked dwarfed and awkward. When Nicholson let go, the gun dropped a foot and Mike yipped in surprise, not expecting the weight of the weapon. "Easy with ah now, she's my baby." Nicholson said calmly, holding a cautionary hand beneath the boy's so not to allow the gun to fall. "Now," the gunslinger began, swinging his arm around the point at the bird that had taken rest in the ground a little distance off. "If ye can shoot that there mute', I'll see if I can get ye' mom to allow yer some practice with a smaller caliber, under my observation, yar?" Mike nodded excitedly, and when Nicholson stood and stepped behind the boy he hefted the revolver up to eye-level. Jesse crouched behind him, reaching under his shoulder to show him to hold the gun straight out away from his body. He took the boys left and placed it on the bottom of the revolver's butt, telling him that that hand would keep it steady, while the other aims. Mike nodded, taking quiet note of all the advice. When the shot was lined up and Mike stared down the barrel with one eye closed tight and the other squinted to barely a slit, Nicholson stood and said "Alrigh', take the shot, son. Squeeze the trigger slow; try not to antic'pate the shot. Let it sneak up on yeh." Mike tightened a finger over the trigger, taking shallow breaths and tensing against the shot which should be sneaking up on him at that moment. Suddenly, the gun kicked up in his hands, knocking the pup off balance. Nicholson caught him before he fell, and the boy was righting himself and staring downrange as the report was still echoing across the desert. Where the bird had been lit, there was little more than a red mark like somebody had smashed a jar of jelly on the floor. Nicholson clapped him on the back, sitting down and remarking, as if to himself, "I'll speak with yer mah on the morrow." \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ The gunslinger was true to his word. The next day, after rising, he made his way groggily and slowly toward the land where Mike's mother was already up and working, tilling out land to attempt to get another harvest of the ever popular mutant (but nutrient-rich) shrubs growing. As Nicholson approached, the Shepherd mutie stood upright and squinted over at him, propping her hoe against the side of her shack and waiting, one hand draped lazily over the top of the tool. Mike, after having noticed Nicholson's approach from within the shack, came running out, standing nervously at his mother's side. "Ma'am," Nicholson began, taking his hat gingerly from atop his head. "It has come unto mah' attention that yer son o'r yon has had no experience in that with a gun of any sort. After see'in the way the world works ar' these parts, I feel he ought to have some know-how, and I would be mighty pleased to teach, with your approval, o'course." The woman stood for a moment, staring into the drifter's eyes, both ears cocked flat against her head. Her gaze slowly swiveled down to Mike, who still stood, hands clasped tight, by his mother's side. He looked right back up, eyes wide with pleading and anticipation, giving the pup a cartooned face that brought the shimmer of a smile to the gunslinger's lips. His mother cleared her though and looked back up at Nicholson, opening her mouth as if to speak, then closing it again. Mike had begun to shift his weight from one foot to the other, making small high sounds in the back of his throat. Finally, the silence was broken when the woman heaved a large sigh and patted the top of Mike's head. "Alrigh', I suppose it may do the boy some good to be trig on defending hisself. Just don let him get carried away, hear?" Nicholson nodded and placed his hat back atop his head, taking care that his ear fit into the hole cut on top. He thanked her and gave her the details, saying that he would provide the gun to train and that he would keep him under scrutiny whenever they boy had it. And then they were off, back on patrol. Of course, Mike began excitedly babbling immediately, asking a plethora of new question, relevant or otherwise. \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ After three weeks, give or take a day, Mike had proved himself to be a dead-eye with the weathered and battered old pre-war Glock that Nicholson had purchased for him from a merchant on I-25. The boy could pluck off the dust-caked bottles that Nicholson set up with uncanny ease. He picked up the skill like it had been sleeping in him someplace, just waiting for the gunshots to wake it up. Before long, Nicholson allowed the boy to keep the gun with him, tucked away in a makeshift clutch of belted and sewn leather. The gunslinger had his own personal shadow by then, wherever he went, Mike went. The boy loved the feel of strutting the town, keeping vigilant, and the cold weight of the old pistol at his hip. He felt powerful now. Important. He felt as if the entire world could come crashing down, and he wouldn't move an inch, save for to say something quippy and bold to the crumbling planet. His mind wandered freely and frequently as he walked, and some of the thought found their way into words. He spoke where his mind could follow, even if he knew the gunslinger wasn't always listening. He enjoyed to talk, to have company that would acknowledge his speech. Most of the time, his thought tracked through whatever was current and fresh, but more frequently he found himself thinking back, back to when the drifter had let him fire the Big Iron. It had been nothing short of exhilarating to him. He could still hear the booming shot, echoing its song through his mind. He could still feel the kick of the weapon as it let looses the heavy caliber bullets. He could swear that he even still felt the sharp spray of the gunpowder against his hands and face, even though it was weeks back. The Glock pistol was good, yes; but Mike wanted something more... aggressive. He kept this to himself though. He was born into poverty and sickness, mutant aside, so he knew when to take a good thing and not ask for more. The gunslinger had granted him a new kind of freedom, and he was happy with it. Sure, he knew he may never have a reason to draw the pistol from its clutch save for practice, but it's the thought that counts. Nicholson had made his way back to Charles' bar on one dry and sunny day that week, and as always Mike was on his heel, toting his new shooter for all to see. The gunslinger stepped in though the frame of the door that he had shattered on his first day in town. Mike followed gingerly behind while Nicholson scanned the bar for Charles, pulling off his hat and stuffing the flimsy material into the lower pocket of his duster. Before he could find the barkeep, the barkeep found him, however, and waved him over. "Jesse my man, how ya been on? Get yer a drink?" the bartender nearly shouted, cheery as usual. Nicholson waved him a lazy two-fingered salute and shook his head, sliding himself onto one of the barstools while Mike stood patiently to the side. "Sorry friend, not here to drink this'n." Nicholson said wearily, craning his neck to either side and waiting till it popped. "I'm on over here to ask ye somethin." Charles strode over, leaning on the bar with his elbows and waving to another customer that he would have to wait a moment. "What ails ye then?" Charles inquired. "One oh' the sellers down 'cross the way asked me to ask ye about a man what calls himself 'Howard Warner'. Said he gone missin a day now and ye know where he off on last?" Charles pondered this for a few quick seconds, tapping his index finger against the bar. From below the counter, Mike's curios eyes could just barely be seen, their gaze darting back and forth between the two men. "Yar, I know the guy." Charles announced, standing upright again. "He fetches the water for me for a few bucks a run. I sent him out a couple day' on back and he has't been round sin. I figen he jus' wen on some o're task. He's kin to it, after all." "Where does he get the water from?" Nicholson asked quickly, realizing that this could mean that something was very amiss. Charles quickly recounted the general direction, waving his hand west, perpendicularly from I-25. "There's a natural spring about a mile or aut that way, there be a trail go' right to it. Ye think'n there may be a problem?"Nicholson stood up quickly, pulling his hat from his pocket. "Ye bugger, I do." He snorted, turning and taking wide steps toward the shattered door of the bar, back into the light. Mike tried to follow, but the drifter held his open hand before him, the claws that tipped his fingers reflected the sun. "Not today son, I want you t' head on back to yer ma's, hear?" Mike nodded nervously, turning on stumbling feet and shuffling quickly toward the shacks near the bar, clutching his gun so it wouldn't slip. Nicholson strode off away from the town, his boots leaving vague divots in the sand behind him. As he walked, he pulled his revolvers from their holsters, one at a time. He flipped each cylinder open, making sure they didn't stick or stutter as they slid. He let all the shells fall into his padded palm and closed the cylinder again, then thumbed the hammer back, pointed the gun away, and pulled the trigger. The hammer clicked back into place with smooth oiled speed. He repeated this process with both weapons, as he did before any time he expected trouble. It was his own little form of meditation prepping himself for whatever may come. He let the calm cool feel of the guns flow up him like cold mercury. The feeling flowed through his veins and seeped through his skin, chilling his core and stilling his nerves. A little less than a mile down the road he saw two flimsy wooden sheds placed side by side. A plywood and faded spray-paint sign declared that this was, in fact, a natural spring, and property of the town. The drifter slowed and stopped, crouching where he stood and glancing behind him. The sun was high in the sky now, but behind him, which was good. If what he assumed was correct (That bandits or some other crook had set up shop here, and were now preying on thirsty travelers), then the sun would provide his cover well enough. He could see a lone man, sitting on a crumbling hunk of lava rock. For a moment, Nicholson thought this was the missing man, Howard. Before he could make any further conclusions, however, he spotted the still figure slumped face down in the dirt beside the man. As he watched, he noted that there was no rise to his back, he wasn't breathing. Howard was dead. The solitary man sat with his back to him, and thin curls of tobacco smoke wandered their way sleepily up from him. Nicholson stayed low, slinking his way on all fours toward the place where the man sat. The edges of his duster hung in the tan dirt, and his tail hung high in the air, snaking around as if it were pulled through water. His moved like an animal, sneaking up as quietly as nature and garments would allow. When he was no more than a foot behind the man, he stood, placing a hand over his right hip, on his revolver, and cleared his throat. The man stood bolt upright, reeling in a circle and flinging his hand-rolled smoke aside. No sooner had he turned to face Nicholson, he began to speak, his mouth twisted in a surprised smile. "Why holy Go' and Mother, it's just an old mutie. You scared wha' was ever left of the wits from me fuckin soul." Granit said. Nicholson started back a step, his face moving from shock to agony to fury in a matter of seconds. It was Granite, sure as ever. Aged, sure, but the son of a bitch still had that same hungry, crawling look swarming behind his eyes. No sooner had Nicholson made the connection, so did Granite. The ageing and cruel eyes widened and his grin cracked wider, baring a mouth of rotted yellow teeth. "Fucken hell, if it aint-" Granite began, but Nicholson was already moving. He crouched and lunged, driving his shoulder into the Mechanic's stomach and pulling him to the earth. His knee pushed into Granite's stomach and pushed hard, keeping him down while he drew the Iron from its holster. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Nicholson roared, his voice cracking with strain. His rancher's hat had flown off in the brief scuffle and now fluttered weakly against Howard's body, as if trying to hide him away. The drifter's left hand came up above his head, fingers spread wide, and he swiped his fingertips across Granite's face, etching deep red rivets through his skin with the sharp black claws that adorned his fingers. Granite mouth opened in a silent scream, unable to make a sound, as the air had been knocked from him. Nicholson took this opportunity to cram the barrel of his .357 into the slave hunter's mouth. "Why are you here?!" Nicholson demanded, and all Granite could get out was a weak warbling wheeze, unable to speak around the gun. The gunslinger silently reprimanded himself for not thinking so far ahead, and pulled the gun from between Granite's lips, pressing it instead against his forehead, with enough force that you would have thought he meant to cave in the man's skull. "N-nothin for!" Granite choked out, trying to suck in what little breath was available to him. Deep crimson tracks of blood ran down his face and neck from the gouges in his cheek. "I's only me an out here, speak true!" Nicholson pressed the pistol harder against the man's skull, his canid teeth clenched tight and his lips pulled back in a sharp and wrinkled snarl. "Don't go an' lie to me, Granite. You're out on work, yeah? Talk!" Nicholson growled, quieter now. Spittle ran unchecked from his maw, pooling into the fabric of Granite's shirt. Granite hesitated, but nodded suddenly when the presser of the pistol muzzle against his scalp became harder still. "Alrigh', alrigh! Leave be dammit!" Granite sputtered, twisting wildly under the weight of the drifter, but having no success in easing the pain that was applied. "The res' o' the group is on approach, out fer slaves ye kin. They should be upon the village now, matter o' fact." "Is it the Mechanics?" Nicholson demanded, knowing the question was futile. The group of Labor Hunters who called themselves the Mechanics had had their falling out with each other while Nicholson was still in their unwilling service. "Nah, a new group, rag-tag from around lookin' for money is all. Now for holy sakes le' me GO!" Granit replied, his struggles beneath Nicholson's knee beginning to weaken. The gunslinger, however, did no such thing. He leaned in closer, the black nose that tipped his mutant muzzle nearly touching Granite's human one. "Where is he?" Nicholson asked, now quiet as a whisper but with speech full of venom. "Where is ol' Jackie?" Granite's eyes widened for a moment at the name, and then squinted tight as the gun barrel's pressure increased against his forehead. "Las' I heard, that old clown's down in Mexico, livin' easy. Someplace south of the city that shares the name o' the region, like as not." Granite wheezed out though bared teeth, barely able to vocalize at all. Nicholson's lips curled in a brilliant smile that brought the shadow of terror across Granites face. "Thankee very much." the gunslinger breathed, retracting a bit from Granite's face. "Now lemme return the favor, for old time's sake." He pulled the trigger, and Granite's entire body jumped into perfect stillness beneath the gunslinger's weight. The slaver's eyes rolled back and his lids shot wide oven, showing the full round curve of his eye balls. Blood had splashed in tiny dribbles up the drifter's arm, but he didn't wipe it away. As he stood, his smile widened and he pulled the hammer of the revolver back again, placing a shot through the dead man's heart. He shot him three more times for good measure, and with each shot, his rage and fury boiled though like a red rushing cloud of hornets, spreading down his arms and being translated out through the barrel of the weapon. As he walked back toward the town he hummed to himself, and thought raced like wild fire. "I know." He said to himself. "I know where he is a' now. I was on the trail and now ah KNOW." As he holstered the gun he spied a dark mark across his pants and fell to his knees again, laughing in short, hysteric bursts. Turns out, he'd been so worked up that he'd gone and pissed himself. A shrill, high scream brought him back to the present right quick though, and as he stared out toward the town he heard the precise and deliberate calls of gunfire. He stood and began jogging back to town. His work wasn't finished yet.
"Title: Joining The Family by Rtlstien\nTags: Character Development, Compassion, German Shepherd, Hu(...TRUNCATED)
"Title: TSRS Book 1 (edit and reformatted) by wolf421\nTags: Adult, Female, Human, Knot, M/F, Male, (...TRUNCATED)
"Title: (WIP) First Time (Story) by AnimeMuch\nTags: Author, Bear, Bears, Boy, Comedy, M/M, Male, WI(...TRUNCATED)
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lossfiltered: ran through MS24B (i forget if it was instruct or base) and removed samples with excessively high or low estimated loss (too high = random jank, too low = probably AI generated)

delinked: removed some samples with excessive numbers of URLs in them

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