Inception is not a folk song.
Inception is either a video or a folk song.
Video(inception) ⊕ FolkSong(inception)
Mac is a video.
All inductive reasoning processes derive general principles from a body of observations.
∀x (InductiveReasoning(x) → DeriveFrom(generalPrinciple, observations))
Two major types of reasoning rules are inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning.
∀x (MajorArgumentForm(x) → (InductiveReasoning(x) ⊕ DeductiveReasoning(x))
All deductive reasoning processes are only based on facts and rules.
∀x (DeductiveReasoning(x) → (BasedOn(x, fact) ∨ BasedOn(x, rule)))
Nothing only based on facts and rules is used for statistical generalization.
∀x ((BasedOn(x, fact) ∨ BasedOn(x, rule)) → (¬UsedFor(x, statisticalGeneralization)))
Modus Ponens is not both used in inductive reasoning and used for statistical generalization.
¬(InductiveReasoning(modusPonens) ∧ UsedFor(modusPonens, statisticalGeneralization))
Modus Ponens is a component of a major part of reasoning rule.
Reasoning with Modus Ponens is based on facts and rules.
BasedOn(x, fact) ∨ BasedOn(x, rule)
Modus Ponens derives general principles from a body of observations and is used for statistical generalization.
DeriveFrom(generalPrinciple, observations) ∧ UsedFor(x, statisticalGeneralization)
If Modus Ponens either derives general principles from a body of observations and is used for statistical generalization, or neither, then Modus Ponens is is neither used in inductive reasoning nor used for statistical generalization.
¬(Derive(generalPrinciple, observations) ⊕ UsedFor(x, statisticalGeneralization)) → (¬InductiveReasoning(modusPonens) ∧ (¬UsedFor(modusPonens, statisticalGeneralization)))
No trick-shot artist in Yale's varsity team struggles with half court shots.
∀x ((In(x, yaleSVarsityTeam) ∧ TrickShotArtist(x)) → ¬StruggleAt(x, halfCourtShot))
Everyone on Yale's varsity team is someone who struggles with half court shots or who successfully shoots a high percentage of 3-pointers.
∀x (In(x, yaleSVarsityTeam) → (StruggleAt(x, halfCourtShot) ∨ GoodAt(x, threes)))
Everyone on Yale's varsity team who successfully shoots a high percentage of 3-pointers is solid at shooting 2-pointers.
∀x ((In(x, yaleSVarsityTeam) ∧ GoodAt(x, threes)) → GoodAt(x, twos))
No one on Yale's varsity team who is solid at shooting 2-pointers is bad at mid-range shots.
∀x ((In(x, yaleSVarsityTeam) ∧ GoodAt(x, twos)) → BadAt(x, midRangeShot))
Jack is on Yale's varsity team, and he is either a trick-shot artist or he successfully shoots a high percentage of 3-pointers.
In(jack, yaleSVarsityTeam) ∧ (TrickShotArtist(jack) ⊕ GoodAt(jack, threes))
Jack struggles at half court shots.
StruggleAt(jack, halfCourtShot)
Jack is bad at mid-range shots.
BadAt(jack, midRangeShot)
Jack is solid at shooting 2-pointers or bad at mid-range shots.
GoodAt(jack, twos) ∨ BadAt(jack, midRangeShot)
Jack is either solid at shooting 2-pointers or bad at mid-range shots.
GoodAt(jack, twos) ⊕ BadAt(jack, midRangeShot)
Jack is a trick-shot artist or bad at mid-range shots.
TrickShotArtist(jack) ∨ BadAt(jack, midRangeShot))
Jack is either a trick-shot artist or bad at mid-range shots.
TrickShotArtist(jack) ⊕ BadAt(jack, midRangeShots)
Jack is either a player who successfully shoots a high percentage of 3-pointers or is bad at mid-range shots.
GoodAt(jack, threes) ⊕ BadAt(jack, midRangeShot)
If Jack is not solid at shooting 2-pointers and bad at mid-range shots, then Jack is not solid at shooting 2-pointers and is a player who successfully shoots a high percentage of 3-pointers.
BadAt(jack, midRangeShot) ∧ GoodAt(jack, twos) → ¬GoodAt(jack, twos) ∧ GoodAt(jack, threes)
If Jack is solid at shooting 2-pointers or successfully shoots a high percentage of 3-pointers, then Jack struggles at half court shots and is bad at mid-range shots.
GoodAt(jack, twos) ∨ GoodAt(jack, threes) → BadAt(jack, halfCourtShot) ∧ BadAt(jack, midRangeShot)
No plants are fungi.
∀x (Plant(x) → ¬Fungi(x))
Mushrooms are fungi.
∀x (Mushroom(x) → Fungi(x))
No plants are mushrooms.
∀x (Plant(x) → ¬Mushroom(x))
No road is dustless.
∀x (Road(x) → ¬Dustless(x))
Some streets are roads.
∃x ∃y (Street(x) ∧ Street(y) ∧ Road(x) ∧ Road(y) ∧ ¬(x=y))
Some streets are dustless.
∃x ∃y (Street(x) ∧ Street(y) ∧ Dustless(x) ∧ Dustless(y) ∧ ¬(x=y))
New York City is located on the East Coast.
LocatedOn(newYorkCity, eastCoast)
Seattle is located on the West Coast.
LocatedOn(seattle, westCoast)
If a person is somewhere located on the East coast and is traveling to somewhere located on the west coast, they will be on a long flight.
∀x ∀y ∀z ((TravelingFrom(x, y) ∧ LocatedOn(y, eastcoast) ∧ TravelingTo(x, z) ∧ LocatedOn(z, westcoast)) → OnLongFlight(x))
People in business class from New York City to Seattle are not in first class.
∀x (InBuisnessClass(x) ∧ TravelingTo(x, seattle) ∧ TravelingFrom(x, newYorkCity) → ¬InFirstClass(x))
People on long flights are uncomfortable unless they're in first class.
∀x (OnLongFlight(x) ∧ ¬InFirstClass(x) → Uncomfortable(x))
People traveling in business class from New York City to Seattle will be uncomfortable.
∃x (TravelingTo(x, seattle) ∧ TravelingFrom(x, newYorkCity) ∧ uncomfortable(x))
Musicians have very busy lives.
∀x (Musician(x) → Have(x, busyLife))
Singh Kaur is a musician and famous.
Musician(singhKaur) ∧ Famous(singhKaur)
If a musician is not famous, that musician will not make a lot of money.
∀x (Musician(x) ∧ ¬Famous(x) → ¬MakeALotOfMoney(x))
A musician can be a singer or a writer.
∃x (Musician(x) ∧ (Singer(x) ∨ Writer(x)))
Singh Kaur makes a lot of money.
Singh Kaur is a writer.
Singh Kaur has a very busy life.
Have(singhKaur, busyLife)
Each building is tall.
∀x (Building(x) → Tall(x))
Everything tall has height.
∀x (Tall(x) → Height(x))
All buildings are magnificent.
∀x (Building(x) → Magnificent(x))
A cat named Garfield, the main character of the film Garfield, is orange and fat and likes having lasagna.
Cat(garfield) ∧ MainCharacterOf(garfield, filmGarfield) ∧ Orange(garfield) ∧ Fat(garfield) ∧ Like(garfield, lasagna)
Garfield shares a home with Odie, another pet of Jon's.
PetOf(garfield, jon) ∧ PetOf(odie, jon) ∧ ShareHomeWith(garfield, odie)
Garfield hates Odie.
Hate(garfield, odie)
A pet who hates the pet with whom he shares the same owner is childish and possessive.
∀x ∀y ∃z (PetOf(x, z) ∧ PetOf(y, z) ∧ Hate(x, y) → Childish(x) ∧ Possessive(x))
The main character of the film Garfield is childish and possessive.
∃x (MainCharacterOf(x, garfield) ∧ Childish(x) ∧ Possessive(x))
All humans are capable of abstract thoughts.
∀x (Human(x) → CapableOf(x, abstractThought))
Plants are not capable of abstract thoughts.
∀x (Plant(x) → ¬CapableOf(x, abstractThought))
All multicellular creatures that are autotrophic or digest food internally are plants and animals.
∀x (MulticellularCreature(x) ∧ (Autotrophic(x) ∨ DigestFoodInternally (x)) → Plant(x) ⊕ Animal(x))
All goats are animals.
∀x (Goat(x) → Animal(x))
Dirt is not an animal.
∀x (Dirt(x) → ¬Animal(x))
Hulu is a goat or a human.
Goat(hulu) ∨ HumanBeing(hulu)
Hulu is a multicellular creature that is autotrophic or digests food internally.
(MulticellularCreature(hulu) ∧ (Autotrophic(hulu) ∨ DigestFoodInternally (hulu))
Hulu is capable of abstract thoughts.
CapableOf(hulu, abstractThought)
Hulu is not capable of abstract thoughts.
¬CapableOf(hulu, abstractThought)
Hulu is dirt.
Hulu is an animal or dirt.
Animal(hulu) ∨ Dirt(hulu)
Hulu is either an animal or dirt, but not both.
Animal(hulu) ⊕ Dirt(hulu)
If Hulu is either an animal or dirt, then Hulu is capable of abstract thoughts and is dirt.
Animal(hulu) ⊕ Dirt(hulu) → CapableOf(hulu, abstractThought) ∧ Dirt(hulu)
A controlled substance is a drug.
∀x (ControlledSubstances(x) → Drugs(x))
There exist both harmful and beneficial controlled substances.
∃x ∃y (ControlledSubstances(x) ∧ ControlledSubstances(y) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ Beneficial(x) ∧ Harmful(y))
If a child is exposed to a controlled substance, they are in chemical endangerment.
∀x ∀y ((Child(x) ∧ ControlledSubstances(y) ∧ ExposedTo(x, y)) → InChemicalEndangerment(x))
Chemical Endangerment is harmful.
∀x (InChemicalEndangerment(x) → Harmful(x))
The Controlled Substances Act was an act passed in 1971.
PassedIn(controlledSubstancesAct, yr1971) ∧ Act(controlledSubstancesAct)
Some Acts prevent harmful things.
∃x ∃y(Act(x) ∧ PreventsHarm(x) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ Act(y) ∧ PreventsHarm(y))
The Controlled Substances Act prevents harmful things.
Some drugs are beneficial.
∃x ∃y(Drugs(x) ∧ Beneficial(x) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ Drugs(y) ∧ Beneficial(y))
A child in chemical endangerment is in harm.
∀x ((Child(x) ∧ InChemicalEndangerment(x)) → Harmful(x))
No people who have corporate jobs are taking more than normal financial risks.
∀x (Have(x, corporateJob) → ¬Take(x, financialRisk))
All entrepreneurs are taking more than normal financial risks.
∀x (Entrepreneur(x) → Take(x, financialRisk))
All risk-averse working people are people who have corporate jobs.
∀x (RiskAverse(x) → Have(x, corporateJob))
All working people who hate working for others want to be entrepreneurs.
∀x (∃y ∃z (¬(y=x) ∧ ¬(z=x) ∧ ¬(y=z) ∧ HateWorkingFor(x, y) ∧ HateWorkingFor(x, z)) → Entrepreneur(x))
If Mark Zuckerberg is neither an entrepreneur nor a person who hates working for others, then Mark Zuckerberg is not a risk-averse working person.
¬Entrepreneur(markZuckerberg) ∧ ¬(∃y ∃z (¬(y=markZuckerberg) ∧ ¬(z=markZuckerberg) ∧ ¬(y=z) ∧ HateWorkingFor(markZuckerberg, y) ∧ HateWorkingFor(markZuckerberg, z))) → ¬RiskAverse(markZuckerberg)
Mark Zuckerberg is an entrepreneur.
Mark Zuckerberg is a risk-averse person.
Mark Zuckerberg is not a risk-averse person.
Wildfeed exists as an unannounced program.
∃x (Wildfeed(x) ∧ Unannounced(x) ∧ Program(x))
Wildfeed can be sporting events, news, or syndicated shows.
∀x (Wildfeed(x) → SportingEvent(x) ∨ News(x) ∨ SyndicatedShow(x))
Pre-recorded content is a copyright violation.
∀x (Prerecorded(x) → CopyrightViolation(x))
Programs are pre-recorded.
∀x (Program(x) → Prerecorded(x))
Some wildfeed is violating copyright laws.
∃x (Wildfeed(x) ∧ CopyrightViolation(x))
Wildfeed can be prerecorded.
∃x (Wildfeed(x) ∧ Prerecorded(x))
Syndicated shows are copyright violations.
∃x (SyndicatedShows(x) ∧ CopyrightViolation(x))
New York City is Located in the United States of America.
LocatedIn(newYorkCity, unitedStatesOfAmerica)
The United States of America is part of North America.
LocatedIn(usa, northAmerica)
North America is in the western hemisphere of the earth.
LocatedIn(northAmerica, westernHemisphere)
New York City is a highly developed city.
If place A is located in place B and place B is located in place C, then place A is located in place C.
∀x ∀y ∀z ((LocatedIn(x, y) ∧ LocatedIn(y, z)) → LocatedIn(x, z))
A highly developed city is located in the western hemisphere of the earth.
∃x (HighlyDeveloped(x) ∧ LocatedIn(x, westernHemisphere))
The United States of America is not located in the western hemisphere of the earth.
¬LocatedIn(unitedStatesOfAmerica, westHemisphere)
New York City is located in New York State.
LocatedIn(newYorkCity, newYork)
Catullus 4 is a poem written by the ancient Roman writer Catullus.
Poem(catullus4) ∧ WrittenBy(catullus4, catullus) ∧ AncientRomanWriter(catullus)
Catullus 4 is a story about the retirement of a well-traveled ship.
Story(catullus4) ∧ About(catullus4, retirementOfAWellTraveledShip)