If a person plays an instrument in a concert, they are good at playing this kind of instrument.
∀x ∀y (PlayIn(y, x, concert) → GoodAtPlaying(y, x))
Peter plays piano, violin, and saxophone.
Play(peter, piano) ∧ Play(peter, violin) ∧ Play(peter, saxophone)
Peter plays piano in a concert.
PlayIn(peter, piano, concert)
Oliver and Peter both play instruments in a concert.
∃x ∃y (PlayIn(peter, x, concert) ∧ PlayIn(oliver, y, concert))
Oliver plays a different musical instrument from Peter in the concert.
∀x (PlayIn(oliver, x, concert) → ¬PlayIn(peter, y, concert))
Oliver plays piano in the concert.
PlayIn(oliver, piano, concert)
Oliver plays violin in the concert.
PlayIn(oliver, violin, concert)
Peter is good at playing piano.
GoodAtPlaying(peter, piano)
Functional brainstems are necessary for breath control.
∀x (CanControl(x, breath) → FunctionalBrainStem(x))
All humans that can swim can control their breath.
∀x (Human(x) ∧ CanSwim(x) → CanControl(x, breath))
Humans can swim or walk.
∀x (Human(x) → (CanSwim(x) ∨ CanWalk(x)))
Humans who can walk can stand on the ground by themselves.
∀x (Human(x) ∧ CanWalk(x) → CanStandOnTheGround(x, themselves))
Humans whose brainstems are functional can control their balance.
∀x (Human(x) ∧ FunctionalBrainStem(x) → CanControl(x, balance))
Every human who can stand on the ground by themselves has functional leg muscles.
∀x (Human(x) ∧ CanStandOnTheGround(x, themselves) → FunctionalLegMuscle(x)))
George and Archie are humans.
Human(george) ∧ Human(archie)
George can control his balance and can swim.
CanControl(george, balance) ∧ CanSwim(george)
Archie can walk if and only if he has functional brainstems.
¬(CanWalk(archie) ⊕ FunctionalBrainStem(x))
George has functional leg muscles.
Archie has functional leg muscles and can control his balance.
FunctionalLegMuscle(archie) ∧ CanControl(archie, balance)
Archie cannot control his balance and doesn't have functional leg muscles.
¬CanControl(archie, balance) ∧ ¬FunctionalLegMuscle(x)
Cancer biology is finding genetic alterations that confer a selective advantage to cancer cells.
Finding(cancerBiology, geneticAlteration) ∧ Confer(geneticAlteration, selectiveAdvantage, toCancerCell)
Cancer researchers have frequently ranked the importance of substitutions to cancer growth by the P value.
∃x ∃y (CancerResearcher(x) ∧ Ranked(x, importanceOfSubstitutionsToCancerGrowth) ∧ PValue(y) ∧ RankedBy(importanceOfSubstitutionsToCancerGrowth, y))
P values are thresholds for belief, not metrics of effect.
∀x (PValue(x) → ThresholdForBelief(x) ∧ ¬MetricOfEffect(x))
Cancer researchers tend to use the cancer effect size to determine the relative importance of the genetic alterations that confer selective advantage to cancer cells.
∃x ∃y (CancerResearcher(x) ∧ Use(x, cancerEffectSize) ∧ UsedToDetermine(cancerEffectSize, relativeImportanceOfGeneteticAlterations))
P value represents the selection intensity for somatic variants in cancer cell lineages.
Cancer effect size is preferred by cancer researchers.
Preferred(cancerResearchers, cancerEffectSize)
P values don't represent metrics of effect.
∀x (PValue(x) → ¬MetricsOfEffect(x))
All biodegradable things are environment-friendly.
∀x (Biodegradable(x) → EnvironmentFriendly(x))
All woodware is biodegradable.
∀x (Woodware(x) → Biodegradable(x))
All paper is woodware.
∀x (Paper(x) → Woodware(x))
Nothing is a good thing and also a bad thing.
¬(∃x (Good(x) ∧ Bad(x)))
All environment-friendly things are good.
∀x (EnvironmentFriendly(x) → Good(x))
A worksheet is either paper or environment-friendly.
Paper(worksheet) ⊕ EnvironmentFriendly(worksheet)
A worksheet is biodegradable.
A worksheet is not biodegradable.
A worksheet is bad.
A worksheet is not bad.
No reptile has fur.
∀x (Reptile(x) → ¬Have(x, fur))
All snakes are reptiles.
∀x (Snake(x) → Reptile(x))
Some snake has fur.
∃x (Snake(x) ∧ Have(x, fur))
All buildings in New Haven are not high.
∀x (In(x, newHaven) → ¬High(x))
All buildings managed by Yale Housing are located in New Haven.
∀x (YaleHousing(x) → In(x, newHaven))
All buildings in Manhattans are high.
∀x (In(x, manhattan) → High(x))
All buildings owned by Bloomberg are located in Manhattans.
∀x (Bloomberg(x) → In(x, manhattan))
All buildings with the Bloomberg logo are owned by Bloomberg.
∀x (BloombergLogo(x) → Bloomberg(x))
Tower A is managed by Yale Housing.
Tower B is with the Bloomberg logo.
Tower A is low.
Tower B is not located in Manhattans.
¬In(tower-b, manhattan)
Tower B is located in New Haven.
¬In(tower-b, newHaven)
No birds are ectothermic.
∀x (Bird(x) → ¬Ectothermic(x))
All penguins are birds.
∀x (Penguin(x) → Bird(x))
An animal is ectothermic or endothermic.
∀x (Animal(x) → Ectothermic(x) ∨ Endothermic(x))
All endothermic animals produce heat within the body.
∀x (Endothermic(x) → ProduceWithIn(x, heat, body))
Ron and Henry are both animals.
Animal(ron) ∧ Animal(henry)
Ron is not a bird and does not produce heat with the body.
¬Bird(ron) ∧ ¬ProduceWithIn(ron, heat, body)
Henry is not a cat and does not produce heat with the body.
¬Cat(henry) ∧ ¬ProduceWithIn(henry, heat, body)
Ron is a cat.
Either Henry is a penguin or Henry is endothermic.
Penguin(henry) ⊕ Endothermic(henry)
Ron is either both a penguin and endothermic, or he is nether.
¬(Penguin(ron) ⊕ Endothermic(henry))
Ambiortus is a prehistoric bird genus.
Prehistoric(ambiortus) ∧ BirdGenus(ambiortus)
Ambiortus Dementjevi is the only known species of Ambiortus.
∀x(KnownSpeciesOf(x, ambiortus) → IsSpecies(x, ambiortusDementjevi))
Mongolia was where Ambiortus Dementjevi lived.
LiveIn(ambiortusDementjevi, mongolia)
Yevgeny Kurochkin was the discoverer of Ambiortus.
Discover(yevgenykurochkin, ambiortus)
Yevgeny Kurochkin discovered a new bird genus.
∃x (Discover(yevgenykurochkin, x) ∧ BirdGenus(x))
There is a species of Ambiortus that doesn't live in Mongolia.
∃x (KnownSpeciesOf(x, ambiortus) ∧ ¬LiveIn(x, mongolia))
Yevgeny Kurochkin lived in Mongolia.
LiveIn(yevgenykurochkin, mongolia)
All species of Ambiortus live in Mongolia.
∀x (SpeciesOf(x, ambiortus) → LiveIn(x, mongolia))
Everyone that knows about breath-first-search knows how to use a queue.
∀x (Know(x, breathFirstSearch) → Know(x, howToUseQueue))
If someone is a seasoned software engineer interviewer at Google, then they know what breath-first-search is.
∀x (Seasoned(x) ∧ SoftwareEngineerInterviewer(x) ∧ At(x, google) → Know(x, breathFirstSearch))
Someone is either a seasoned software engineer interviewer at Google, has human rights, or both.
∀x ((Seasoned(x) ∧ SoftwareEngineerInterviewer(x) ∧ At(x, google)) ∨ Have(x, humanRights))
Every person who has human rights is entitled to the right to life and liberty.
∀x (Have(x, humanRights) → EntitledTo(x, rightToLifeAndLiberty))
Everyone that knows how to use a queue knows about the first-in-first-out data structure.
∀x (Know(x, howToUseQueue) → Know(x, firstInFirstOutDataStructure))
Everyone that is entitled to the right to life and liberty cannot be deprived of their rights without due process of law.
∀x (EntitledTo(x, rightToLifeAndLiberty) → ¬DeprivedOfWithout(x, rights, dueProcessOfLaw))
Jack is entitled to the right to life and liberty, has human rights, or knows about the first-in-first-out data structure.
(EntitledTo(jack, rightToLifeAndLiberty) ∨ Have(jack, humanRights) ∨ Know(jack, firstInFirstOutDataStructure))
Jack is a seasoned software engineer interviewer.
Seasoned(jack) ∧ SoftwareEngineerInterviewer(jack) ∧ At(jack, google)
Jack cannot be deprived of their rights without due process of law.
¬DeprivedOfWithout(jack, rights, dueProcessOfLaw)
Jack can be deprived of their rights without due process of law.
DeprivedOfWithout(jack, rights, dueProcessOfLaw)
Fort Ticonderoga is the current name for Fort Carillon.
RenamedAs(fortCarillon, fortTiconderoga)
Pierre de Rigaud de Vaudreuil built Fort Carillon.
Built(pierredeRigauddeVaudreuil, fortCarillon)
Fort Carillon was located in New France.
LocatedIn(fortCarillon, newFrance)
New France is not in Europe.
¬LocatedIn(newFrance, europe)
Pierre de Rigaud de Vaudreuil built a fort in New France.
∃x (Built(pierredeRigauddeVaudreuil, x) ∧ LocatedIn(x, newFrance))
Pierre de Rigaud de Vaudreuil built a fort in New England.
∃x (Built(pierredeRigauddeVaudreuil, x) ∧ LocatedIn(x, newEngland))
Fort Carillon was located in Europe.
LocatedIn(fortCarillon, europe)
No soccer players are professional basketball players.
∀x (ProfessionalSoccerPlayer(x) → ¬ProfessionalBasketballPlayer(x))
All soccer defenders are soccer players.
∀x (ProfessionalSoccerDefender(x) → ProfessionalSoccerPlayer(x))
All centerback players are soccer defenders.
∀x (ProfessionalCenterback(x) → ProfessionalSoccerDefender(x))
If Stephen Curry is an NBA player or a soccer player, then he is a professional basketball player.
(NBAPlayer(stephencurry) ⊕ ProfessionalSoccerPlayer(stephencurry)) → ProfessionalBasketballPlayer(stephencurry)
Stephen Curry is an NBA player.
Stephen Curry is a centerback player.
Stephen Curry is not a centerback player.
No songs are visuals.
∀x (Song(x) → ¬Visual(x))
All folk songs are songs.
∀x (FolkSong(x) → Song(x))
All videos are visuals.
∀x (Video(x) → Visual(x))
All movies are videos.
∀x (Movie(x) → Video(x))
All sci-fi movies are movies.
∀x (ScifiMovie(x) → Movie(x))
Inception is a sci-fi movie.
Mac is neither a folk song nor a sci-fi movie.
¬FolkSong(mac) ∧ ¬ScifiMovie(mac)
Inception is a folk song.