Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
#include <stdio.h> // Calculate the average between three numbers int main () { float x, y, z, average; // Reading numbers to calculate the average printf("First number: "); scanf("%f", &x); printf("Second number: "); scanf("%f", &y); printf("Third number: "); scanf("%f", &z); // Calculating the average average = (x + y + z) / 3; // Presenting the result printf("The average between %.1f, %.1f and %.1f is %.1f.\n", x, y, z, average); return 0; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define MAX_REMIND 50 #define MSG_LEN 60 struct vstring { int len; char chars[]; }; int read_line(char str[], int n) { int ch, i = 0; while((ch = getchar()) != '\n') { if(i < n - 1) { str[i++] = ch; } } str[i] = '\0'; return i; } int main(void) { struct vstring *reminders[MAX_REMIND]; char day_str[3], msg_str[MSG_LEN + 1]; int day, i, j, num_remind = 0; for(;;) { if(num_remind == MAX_REMIND) { printf("-- No space left -- \n"); break; } printf("Enter day and reminder: "); scanf("%2d", &day); if(day == 0) break; sprintf(day_str, "%2d", day); read_line(msg_str, MSG_LEN); for(i = 0; i < num_remind; i++) { if(strcmp(day_str, reminders[i]->chars) < 0) { break; } } for(j = num_remind; j > i; j--) { reminders[j] = reminders[j - 1]; } reminders[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct vstring) + strlen(msg_str) + 3); if(reminders[i] == NULL) { printf("-- No space left --\n"); break; } strcpy(reminders[i]->chars, day_str); strcat(reminders[i]->chars, msg_str); reminders[i]->len = strlen(reminders[i]->chars); num_remind++; } printf("Day Reminder\n"); for(i = 0; i < num_remind; i++) { printf(" %s\n", reminders[i]->chars); } return 0; }
// Reversing strings recursively #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> void reverse(char [], int, int); void swap(char s[], int i, int j); int main(void) { char s[] = "Hello, World!!!"; reverse(s, 0, strlen(s) - 1); printf("%s\n", s); return 0; } void reverse(char s[], int left, int right) { if(left >= right) return; swap(s, left, right); reverse(s, ++left, --right); } void swap(char s[], int i, int j) { char temp = s[j]; s[j] = s[i]; s[i] = temp; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @file strrev.c /// @author Kai R. ([email protected]) /// @brief Zeichen in Pufferspeicher von rechts nach links tauschen /// /// @date 2021-12-31 /// @version 0.1 /// /// @copyright Copyright (c) 2021 /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif //__cplusplus #include <stdint.h> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Zeichen in Pufferspeicher von rechts nach links tauschen /// /// @param pLeft Zeiger auf Pufferspeicheranfang /// @param r_len Index auf rechtes Speicherende ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void strrev(char* pLeft, uint8_t r_len) { char* pRight = pLeft + r_len; char tmp; while(pRight > pLeft) { tmp = *pRight; *pRight-- = *pLeft; *pLeft++ = tmp; } } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif //__cplusplus
/** * * File Name: libkern/ctype/toupper.c * Title : Kernel Library * Project : PINE64 ROCK64 Bare-Metal * Author : Copyright (C) 2021 Johannes Krottmayer <[email protected]> * Created : 2021-01-25 * Modified : * Revised : * Version : * License : ISC (see LICENSE.txt) * * NOTE: This code is currently below version 1.0, and therefore is considered * to be lacking in some functionality or documentation, or may not be fully * tested. Nonetheless, you can expect most functions to work. * */ int toupper(const int c) { if (!((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z'))) return c; return (c - ('a' - 'A')); }
//======================================================================================= // Copyright (C) 2019 Junki Chu. All rights reserved. // // 文件名称: solution1.c // 创 建 者: Junki Chu <[email protected]> // 创建日期: 2019年10月26日 // 描 述: 双指针法 //======================================================================================= /* * 设置两个指针i和j, i是慢指针, j是快指针, 当 nums[j] == val 时, 递增j, * 当 nums[j] != val 时, 复制 nums[j] 到 nums[i], 递增i和j。重复这一过 * 程, 直到j到达数组末尾, 返回新数组的长度为i。 * * 时间复杂度 = O(n) * 空间复杂度 = O(1) */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int removeElement(int* nums, int nums_size, int val) { if(NULL == nums || 0 == nums_size) { return 0; } int i = 0; for(int j = 0; j < nums_size; ++j) { if(val != nums[j]) { nums[i++] = nums[j]; } } return i; } int main() { int nums1[4] = { 3, 2, 2, 3 }; int val1 = 3; int len1 = removeElement(nums1, 4, val1); printf("%d\n", len1); for(int i = 0; i < len1; ++i) { printf("%d ", nums1[i]); } printf("\n"); int nums2[8] = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 4, 2 }; int val2 = 2; int len2 = removeElement(nums2, 8, val2); printf("%d\n", len2); for(int i = 0; i < len2; ++i) { printf("%d ", nums2[i]); } printf("\n"); return 0; }
#include <stdio.h> int main_hello(void) { printf("hello world\n"); return 0; }
#include <inttypes.h> #include <stdio.h> uint32_t sum(uint32_t n) { uint32_t s; uint32_t i; s = 0; for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) { s += i; } return s; } uint32_t fac(uint32_t n) { if (n == 0) { return 1; } else { return n * fac(n - 1); } } void dump_char(char c) { putchar(c); fflush(stdout); } void dump_str(const char *str) { while (*str != '\0') { dump_char(*str++); } } void _dump_uint32_t(uint32_t x) { if (x != 0) { _dump_uint32_t(x / 10); dump_char('0' + x % 10); } } void dump_uint32_t(uint32_t x) { if (x == 0) { dump_char('0'); } else { _dump_uint32_t(x); } } void main(void) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { dump_str("sum("); dump_uint32_t(i); dump_str(") = "); dump_uint32_t(sum(i)); dump_str("\n"); dump_str("fac("); dump_uint32_t(i); dump_str(") = "); dump_uint32_t(fac(i)); dump_str("\n"); } for (;;); }
#include <stdio.h> #define MAX 100 char pilha[MAX]; int topo = 0; /* Armazena um elemento. */ void push(char e) { if (topo == MAX) { printf("Pilha cheia\n"); } else { pilha[topo] = e; topo++; } } /* Resgata um elemento. */ char pop(void) { if (topo == 0) { printf("Pilha vazia\n"); return 0; } else { topo--; return pilha[topo]; } } /* Visualiza a fila */ void visualizar(void) { int i; printf("Pilha: [ "); for (i = topo - 1; i >= 0; i--) { printf("%c ", pilha[i]); } printf("]\n"); } /* Programa principal */ int main(void) { char s; push('A'); visualizar(); push('B'); visualizar(); push('C'); visualizar(); s = pop(); visualizar(); push('D'); visualizar(); s = pop(); visualizar(); s = pop(); visualizar(); s = pop(); visualizar(); }
#include <stdio.h> #include <dlfcn.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { void *a = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_LAZY); void *m = dlsym (a, "r_main_radare2"); if (m) { int (*r2main)(int argc, char **argv) = m; return r2main (argc, argv); } return 0; }
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int a; //d float b; //f a=76; b=45.43; b=(int)a; printf("%.2f",b); return 0; }
#include<stdio.h> int index[100010]; int main() { int n,k; scanf("%d",&n); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { scanf("%d",&k); index[k]++; } scanf("%d",&k); int cnt=0; for(int i=100000;i>=1;i--) if(index[i]) { cnt++; if(cnt==k) { printf("%d %d",i,index[i]); break; } } return 0; }
#include <stdio.h> #define TF 50 int main(){ int num, vet1[TF], vet2[TF], i, j, pos, TL1 = 0, TL2 = 0; scanf("%d",&num); while(TL1 < TF && num != 0){ vet1[TL1] = num; TL1++; if(TL1 < TF) scanf("%d",&num); } printf("\n"); for(i = 0; i < TL1; i++) printf("[%d]", vet1[i]); printf("\n"); for(i = 0, j = TL1-1; TL2 < TL1; TL2++){ if (vet1[TL2] > 0){ vet2[j] = vet1[TL2]; j--; } else{ vet2[i] = vet1[TL2]; i++; } } printf("\n"); for(i = 0; i < TL2; i++) printf("[%d]",vet2[i]); return 0; }
/* * this is free and unencumbered software released into the * public domain. * * refer to the attached UNLICENSE or * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * this is a pure C89 rewrite of oppai, my osu! difficulty and pp * calculator. it's meant to be tiny and easy to include in your projects * without pulling in dependencies. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * usage: * * #define OPPAI_IMPLEMENTATION and include this file. * if multiple compilation units need to include oppai, only define * OPPAI_IMPLEMENTATION in one of them * * see the interface below this comment for detailed documentation * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * #define OPPAI_IMPLEMENTATION * #include "../oppai.c" * * int main() { * ezpp_t ez; * ezpp_init(&ez); * ez.mods = MODS_HD | MODS_DT; * ezpp(&ez, "-"); * printf("%gpp\n", ez.pp); * return 0; * } * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * $ gcc test.c * $ cat /path/to/file.osu | ./a.out * ... */ #include <stdio.h> #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(OPPAI_IMPLEMENTATION) #ifdef OPPAI_EXPORT #define OPPAIAPI __declspec(dllexport) #else #define OPPAIAPI __declspec(dllimport) #endif #else #define OPPAIAPI #endif #ifdef OPPAI_EXPORT #define OPPAI_IMPLEMENTATION #endif OPPAIAPI void oppai_version(int* major, int* minor, int* patch); OPPAIAPI char* oppai_version_str(); /* simple interface ---------------------------------------------------- */ struct ezpp; typedef struct ezpp ezpp_t; /* populate ezpp_t with default settings */ OPPAIAPI void ezpp_init(ezpp_t* ez); /* * parse map and calculate difficulty and pp with advanced parameters, * see struct pp_params * * - if map is "-" the map is read from standard input * - if data_size is specified in ez, map is interpreted as raw beatmap * data in memory */ OPPAIAPI int ezpp(ezpp_t* ez, char* map); /* * - if data_size is set, ezpp will interpret map as raw .osu file data * - mode defaults to MODE_STD * - mods default to MODS_NOMOD * - combo defaults to full combo * - nmiss defaults to 0 * - score_version defaults to PP_DEFAULT_SCORING * - if accuracy_percent is set, n300/100/50 are automatically * calculated and stored * - if n300/100/50 are set, accuracy_percent is automatically * calculated and stored * - if none of the above are set, SS (100%) is assumed */ struct ezpp { /* inputs */ int data_size; float ar_override, od_override, cs_override; int mode_override; int mode; int mods; int combo; int nmiss; int score_version; float accuracy_percent; int n300, n100, n50; int end; /* if set, the map will be cut to this object index */ /* outputs */ float stars; float aim_stars; float speed_stars; float pp, aim_pp, speed_pp, acc_pp; }; /* errors -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * all functions that return int can return errors in the form * of a negative value. check if the return value is < 0 and call * errstr to get the error message */ #define ERR_MORE (-1) #define ERR_SYNTAX (-2) #define ERR_TRUNCATED (-3) #define ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED (-4) #define ERR_IO (-5) #define ERR_FORMAT (-6) #define ERR_OOM (-7) OPPAIAPI char* errstr(int err); /* array --------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * array_t(mytype) is a type-safe resizable array with mytype elements * you can use array_* macros to operate on it * * in case of out-of-memory, operations that can grow the array don't do * anything */ #define array_t(type) \ struct { \ int cap; \ int len; \ type* data; \ } #define array_reserve(arr, n) \ array_reserve_i(n, array_unpack(arr)) #define array_free(arr) \ array_free_i(array_unpack(arr)) #define array_alloc(arr) \ (array_reserve((arr), (arr)->len + 1) \ ? &(arr)->data[(arr)->len++] \ : 0) #define array_append(arr, x) \ (array_reserve((arr), (arr)->len + 1) \ ? ((arr)->data[(arr)->len++] = (x), 1) \ : 0) /* internal helpers, not to be used directly */ #define array_unpack(arr) \ &(arr)->cap, \ &(arr)->len, \ (void**)&(arr)->data, \ (int)sizeof((arr)->data[0]) OPPAIAPI int array_reserve_i(int n, int* cap, int* len, void** data, int esize); OPPAIAPI void array_free_i(int* cap, int* len, void** data, int esize); /* memory arena -------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * very simple allocator for when you want to allocate a bunch of stuff * and free it all at once. reduces malloc overhead by pre-allocating big * contiguous chunks of memory * * arena_t must be initialized to zero * arena_reserve and arena_alloc will return 0 on failure (out of memory) */ #define ARENA_ALIGN sizeof(void*) #define ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE 4096 typedef struct { char* block; char* end_of_block; array_t(char*) blocks; } arena_t; /* ensures that there are at least min_size bytes reserved */ OPPAIAPI int arena_reserve(arena_t* arena, int min_size); OPPAIAPI void* arena_alloc(arena_t* arena, int size); OPPAIAPI char* arena_strndup(arena_t* m, char* s, int n); OPPAIAPI void arena_free(arena_t* arena); /* beatmap utils ------------------------------------------------------- */ /* object types used in struct object */ #define OBJ_CIRCLE (1<<0) #define OBJ_SLIDER (1<<1) #define OBJ_SPINNER (1<<3) #define SOUND_NONE 0 #define SOUND_NORMAL (1<<0) #define SOUND_WHISTLE (1<<1) #define SOUND_FINISH (1<<2) #define SOUND_CLAP (1<<3) /* data about a single hitobject */ typedef struct object { float time; /* milliseconds */ int type; /* only parsed for taiko maps */ int nsound_types; int* sound_types; /* only used by d_calc */ float normpos[2]; float angle; float strains[2]; int is_single; /* 1 if diff calc sees this as a singletap */ float delta_time; float d_distance; float pos[2]; float distance; /* only for sliders */ int repetitions; } object_t; /* timing point */ typedef struct timing { float time; /* milliseconds */ float ms_per_beat; int change; /* if 0, ms_per_beat is -100.0f * sv_multiplier */ } timing_t; #define MODE_STD 0 #define MODE_TAIKO 1 typedef struct beatmap { int format_version; int mode; int original_mode; /* the mode the beatmap was meant for */ char* title; char* title_unicode; char* artist; char* artist_unicode; char* creator; char* version; int nobjects; object_t* objects; int ntiming_points; timing_t* timing_points; int ncircles, nsliders, nspinners; float hp, cs, od, ar, sv; float tick_rate; } beatmap_t; /* beatmap parser ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* non-null terminated string, used internally for parsing */ typedef struct slice { char* start; char* end; /* *(end - 1) is the last character */ } slice_t; #define PARSER_OVERRIDE_MODE (1<<0) /* mode_override */ #define PARSER_FOUND_AR (1<<1) /* beatmap parser's state */ typedef struct parser { int flags; int mode_override; /* * if a parsing error occurs last line and portion of the line * that was being parsed are stored in these two slices */ slice_t lastpos; slice_t lastline; char buf[65536]; /* used to buffer data from the beatmap file */ char section[64]; /* current section */ /* internal allocators */ arena_t arena; array_t(object_t) objects; array_t(timing_t) timing_points; beatmap_t* b; } parser_t; OPPAIAPI int p_init(parser_t* pa); OPPAIAPI void p_free(parser_t* pa); /* * parses a beatmap file and stores results in b. * * NOTE: b is valid only as long as pa is not deallocated or * reused. if you need to store maps for longer than the * parser's lifetime, you will have to manually copy. * * returns n. bytes processed on success, < 0 on failure */ OPPAIAPI int p_map(parser_t* pa, beatmap_t* b, FILE* f); OPPAIAPI int p_map_mem(parser_t* pa, beatmap_t* b, char* data, int data_size); /* mods utils ---------------------------------------------------------- */ #define MODS_NOMOD 0 #define MODS_NF (1<<0) #define MODS_EZ (1<<1) #define MODS_TD (1<<2) #define MODS_HD (1<<3) #define MODS_HR (1<<4) #define MODS_SD (1<<5) #define MODS_DT (1<<6) #define MODS_RX (1<<7) #define MODS_HT (1<<8) #define MODS_NC (1<<9) #define MODS_FL (1<<10) #define MODS_AT (1<<11) #define MODS_SO (1<<12) #define MODS_AP (1<<13) #define MODS_PF (1<<14) #define MODS_KEY4 (1<<15) /* TODO: what are these abbreviated to? */ #define MODS_KEY5 (1<<16) #define MODS_KEY6 (1<<17) #define MODS_KEY7 (1<<18) #define MODS_KEY8 (1<<19) #define MODS_FADEIN (1<<20) #define MODS_RANDOM (1<<21) #define MODS_CINEMA (1<<22) #define MODS_TARGET (1<<23) #define MODS_KEY9 (1<<24) #define MODS_KEYCOOP (1<<25) #define MODS_KEY1 (1<<26) #define MODS_KEY3 (1<<27) #define MODS_KEY2 (1<<28) #define MODS_SCOREV2 (1<<29) #define MODS_TOUCH_DEVICE MODS_TD #define MODS_NOVIDEO MODS_TD /* never forget */ #define MODS_SPEED_CHANGING (MODS_DT | MODS_HT | MODS_NC) #define MODS_MAP_CHANGING (MODS_HR | MODS_EZ | MODS_SPEED_CHANGING) /* beatmap stats after applying mods to them */ typedef struct beatmap_stats { float ar, od, cs, hp; float speed; /* multiplier */ float odms; } beatmap_stats_t; /* flags bits for mods_apply */ #define APPLY_AR (1<<0) #define APPLY_OD (1<<1) #define APPLY_CS (1<<2) #define APPLY_HP (1<<3) #define APPLY_ALL (~0) /* * calculates beatmap stats with mods applied. * * s should initially contain the base stats * * flags specifies which stats are touched * * initial speed will always be automatically set to 1 * * returns 0 on success, or < 0 for errors * * example: * * beatmap_stats_t s; * = 9; * mods_apply_m(MODE_STD, MODS_DT, &s, APPLY_AR); * // is now 10.33f, s.speed is now 1.5f */ OPPAIAPI int mods_apply_m(int mode, int mods, beatmap_stats_t* s, int flags); /* legacy function, calls mods_apply(MODE_STD, mods, s, flags) */ OPPAIAPI void mods_apply(int mods, beatmap_stats_t* s, int flags); /* diff calc ----------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * difficulty calculation state. just like with the parser, each * instance can be re-used in subsequent calls to d_calc */ typedef struct diff_calc { float speed_mul; float interval_end; float max_strain; array_t(float) highest_strains; beatmap_t* b; /* * set this to the milliseconds interval for the maximum bpm * you consider singletappable. defaults to 125 = 240 bpm 1/2 * ((60000 / 240) / 2) */ float singletap_threshold; /* calls to d_calc will store results here */ float total; float aim; float aim_difficulty; float aim_length_bonus; /* unused for now */ float speed; float speed_difficulty; float speed_length_bonus; /* unused for now */ int nsingles; int nsingles_threshold; } diff_calc_t; OPPAIAPI int d_init(diff_calc_t* d); OPPAIAPI void d_free(diff_calc_t* d); OPPAIAPI int d_calc(diff_calc_t* d, beatmap_t* b, int mods); /* pp calc ------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct pp_calc { /* ppv2 will store results here */ float total, aim, speed, acc; float accuracy; /* 0.0f - 1.0f */ } pp_calc_t; /* default scoring system used by ppv2() and ppv2p() */ #define PP_DEFAULT_SCORING 1 /* * simplest possible call, calculates ppv2 for SS * * this also works for other modes by ignoring some parameters: * - taiko only uses pp, mode, speed, max_combo, base_od, mods */ OPPAIAPI int ppv2(pp_calc_t* pp, int mode, float aim, float speed, float base_ar, float base_od, int max_combo, int nsliders, int ncircles, int nobjects, int mods); /* simplest possible call for taiko ppv2 SS */ OPPAIAPI int taiko_ppv2(pp_calc_t* pp, float speed, int max_combo, float base_od, int mods); /* parameters for ppv2p */ typedef struct pp_params { /* required parameters */ float aim, speed; float base_ar, base_od; int max_combo; int nsliders; /* required for scorev1 only */ int ncircles; /* ^ */ int nobjects; /* optional parameters */ int mode; /* defaults to MODE_STD */ int mods; /* defaults to MODS_NOMOD */ int combo; /* defaults to FC */ int n300, n100, n50; /* defaults to SS */ int nmiss; /* defaults to 0 */ int score_version; /* defaults to PP_DEFAULT_SCORING */ } pp_params_t; /* * initialize struct pp_params with the default values. * required values are left untouched */ OPPAIAPI void pp_init(pp_params_t* p); /* calculate ppv2 with advanced parameters, see struct pp_params */ OPPAIAPI int ppv2p(pp_calc_t* pp, pp_params_t* p); /* * same as ppv2p but fills params automatically with the map's * base_ar, base_od, max_combo, nsliders, ncircles, nobjects * so you only need to provide aim and speed */ OPPAIAPI int b_ppv2p(beatmap_t* map, pp_calc_t* pp, pp_params_t* p); /* same as ppv2 but fills params like b_ppv2p */ OPPAIAPI int b_ppv2(beatmap_t* map, pp_calc_t* pp, float aim, float speed, int mods); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* calculate accuracy (0.0f - 1.0f) */ OPPAIAPI float acc_calc(int n300, int n100, int n50, int misses); /* calculate taiko accuracy (0.0f - 1.0f) */ OPPAIAPI float taiko_acc_calc(int n300, int n150, int nmisses); /* round percent accuracy to closest amount of 300s, 100s, 50s */ OPPAIAPI void acc_round(float acc_percent, int nobjects, int nmisses, int* n300, int* n100, int* n50); /* round percent accuracy to closest amount of 300s and 150s (taiko) */ OPPAIAPI void taiko_acc_round(float acc_percent, int nobjects, int nmisses, int* n300, int* n150); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define round_oppai(x) (float)floor((x) + 0.5f) #define mymin(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define mymax(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define al_min mymin #define al_max mymax /* ##################################################################### */ /* ##################################################################### */ /* ##################################################################### */ #ifdef OPPAI_IMPLEMENTATION #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #define OPPAI_VERSION_MAJOR 2 #define OPPAI_VERSION_MINOR 3 #define OPPAI_VERSION_PATCH 2 #define STRINGIFY_(x) #x #define STRINGIFY(x) STRINGIFY_(x) #define OPPAI_VERSION_STRING \ STRINGIFY(OPPAI_VERSION_MAJOR) "." \ STRINGIFY(OPPAI_VERSION_MINOR) "." \ STRINGIFY(OPPAI_VERSION_PATCH) OPPAIAPI void oppai_version(int* major, int* minor, int* patch) { *major = OPPAI_VERSION_MAJOR; *minor = OPPAI_VERSION_MINOR; *patch = OPPAI_VERSION_PATCH; } OPPAIAPI char* oppai_version_str() { return OPPAI_VERSION_STRING; } /* error utils --------------------------------------------------------- */ int info(char* fmt, ...) { int res; va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); res = vfprintf(stderr, fmt, va); va_end(va); return res; } OPPAIAPI char* errstr(int err) { switch (err) { case ERR_MORE: return "call me again with more data"; case ERR_SYNTAX: return "syntax error"; case ERR_TRUNCATED: return "data was truncated, possibly because it was too big"; case ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED: return "requested a feature that isn't implemented"; case ERR_IO: return "i/o error"; case ERR_FORMAT: return "invalid input format"; case ERR_OOM: return "out of memory"; } info("W: got unknown error %d\n", err); return "unknown error"; } /* math ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif float get_inf() { static unsigned raw = 0x7F800000; float* p = (float*)&raw; return *p; } float get_nan() { static unsigned raw = 0x7FFFFFFF; float* p = (float*)&raw; return *p; } /* dst = a - b */ void v2f_sub(float* dst, float* a, float* b) { dst[0] = a[0] - b[0]; dst[1] = a[1] - b[1]; } float v2f_len(float* v) { return (float)sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1]); } float v2f_dot(float* a, float* b) { return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1]; } /* */ int is_nan(float b) { int* p = (int*)&b; return ( (*p > 0x7F800000 && *p < 0x80000000) || (*p > 0x7FBFFFFF && *p <= 0xFFFFFFFF) ); } /* string utils -------------------------------------------------------- */ int whitespace(char c) { switch (c) { case '\r': case '\n': case '\t': case ' ': return 1; } return 0; } int slice_write(slice_t* s, FILE* f) { return (int)fwrite(s->start, 1, s->end - s->start, f); } int slice_whitespace(slice_t* s) { char* p = s->start; for (; p < s->end; ++p) { if (!whitespace(*p)) { return 0; } } return 1; } /* trims leading and trailing whitespace */ void slice_trim(slice_t* s) { for (; s->start < s->end && whitespace(*s->start); ++s->start); for (; s->end > s->start && whitespace(*(s->end-1)); --s->end); } int slice_cmp(slice_t* s, char* str) { int len = (int)strlen(str); int s_len = (int)(s->end - s->start); if (len < s_len) { return -1; } if (len > s_len) { return 1; } return strncmp(s->start, str, len); } int slice_len(slice_t* s) { return (int)(s->end - s->start); } /* * splits s at any of the separators in separator_list and stores * pointers to the strings in arr. * returns the number of elements written to arr. * if more elements than nmax are found, err is set to * ERR_TRUNCATED */ int slice_split(slice_t* s, char* separator_list, slice_t* arr, int nmax, int* err) { int res = 0; char* p = s->start; char* pprev = p; if (!nmax) { return 0; } if (!*separator_list) { *arr = *s; return 1; } for (; p <= s->end; ++p) { char* sep = separator_list; for (; *sep; ++sep) { if (p >= s->end || *sep == *p) { if (res >= nmax) { *err = ERR_TRUNCATED; goto exit; } arr[res].start = pprev; arr[res].end = p; pprev = p + 1; ++res; break; } } } exit: return res; } /* array --------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * these don't always use all params but we always pass all of them to * ensure that we get a compiler error on things that don't have the same * fields as an array struct */ OPPAIAPI int array_reserve_i(int n, int* cap, int* len, void** data, int esize) { (void)len; if (*cap <= n) { void* newdata; int newcap = *cap ? *cap * 2 : 16; newdata = realloc(*data, esize * newcap); if (!newdata) { return 0; } *data = newdata; *cap = newcap; } return 1; } OPPAIAPI void array_free_i(int* cap, int* len, void** data, int esize) { (void)esize; free(*data); *cap = 0; *len = 0; *data = 0; } /* memory arena -------------------------------------------------------- */ /* aligns x down to a power-of-two value a */ #define bit_align_down(x, a) \ ((x) & ~((a) - 1)) /* aligns x up to a power-of-two value a */ #define bit_align_up(x, a) \ bit_align_down((x) + (a) - 1, a) OPPAIAPI int arena_reserve(arena_t* arena, int min_size) { int size; char* new_block; if (arena->end_of_block - arena->block >= min_size) { return 1; } size = bit_align_up(al_max(min_size, ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE), ARENA_ALIGN); new_block = malloc(size); if (!new_block) { return 0; } arena->block = new_block; arena->end_of_block = new_block + size; array_append(&arena->blocks, arena->block); return 1; } OPPAIAPI void* arena_alloc(arena_t* arena, int size) { void* res; if (!arena_reserve(arena, size)) { return 0; } size = bit_align_up(size, ARENA_ALIGN); res = arena->block; arena->block += size; return res; } OPPAIAPI char* arena_strndup(arena_t* m, char* s, int n) { char* res = arena_alloc(m, n + 1); if (res) { memcpy(res, s, n); res[n] = 0; } return res; } OPPAIAPI void arena_free(arena_t* arena) { int i; for (i = 0; i < arena->blocks.len; ++i) { free(arena->[i]); } array_free(&arena->blocks); arena->block = 0; arena->end_of_block = 0; } /* mods ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ float od10_ms[] = { 20, 20 }; /* std, taiko */ float od0_ms[] = { 80, 50 }; #define AR0_MS 1800.0f #define AR5_MS 1200.0f #define AR10_MS 450.0f float od_ms_step[] = { 6.0f, 3.0f }; #define AR_MS_STEP1 120.f /* ar0-5 */ #define AR_MS_STEP2 150.f /* ar5-10 */ OPPAIAPI int mods_apply_m(int mode, int mods, beatmap_stats_t* s, int flags) { float od_ar_hp_multiplier; switch (mode) { case MODE_STD: case MODE_TAIKO: break; default: info("this gamemode is not yet supported for mods calc\n"); return ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED; } s->speed = 1; if (!(mods & MODS_MAP_CHANGING)) { int m = mode; if (flags & APPLY_OD) { s->odms = od0_ms[m] - (float)ceil(od_ms_step[m] * s->od); } return 0; } /* speed */ if (mods & (MODS_DT | MODS_NC)) { s->speed *= 1.5f; } if (mods & MODS_HT) { s->speed *= 0.75f; } if (!flags) { return 0; } /* global multipliers */ od_ar_hp_multiplier = 1; if (mods & MODS_HR) { od_ar_hp_multiplier *= 1.4f; } if (mods & MODS_EZ) { od_ar_hp_multiplier *= 0.5f; } /* * stats must be capped to 0-10 before HT/DT which brings them to a range * of -4.42f to 11.08f for OD and -5 to 11 for AR */ /* od */ if (flags & APPLY_OD) { int m = mode; s->od *= od_ar_hp_multiplier; s->odms = od0_ms[m] - (float)ceil(od_ms_step[m] * s->od); s->odms = mymin(od0_ms[m], mymax(od10_ms[m], s->odms)); s->odms /= s->speed; /* apply speed-changing mods */ s->od = (od0_ms[m] - s->odms) / od_ms_step[m]; /* back to stat */ } /* ar */ if (flags & APPLY_AR) { float arms; s->ar *= od_ar_hp_multiplier; /* convert AR into its milliseconds value */ arms = s->ar <= 5 ? (AR0_MS - AR_MS_STEP1 * (s->ar - 0)) : (AR5_MS - AR_MS_STEP2 * (s->ar - 5)); arms = mymin(AR0_MS, mymax(AR10_MS, arms)); arms /= s->speed; s->ar = arms > AR5_MS ? (0 + (AR0_MS - arms) / AR_MS_STEP1) : (5 + (AR5_MS - arms) / AR_MS_STEP2); } /* cs */ if (flags & APPLY_CS) { float cs_multiplier = 1; if (mods & MODS_HR) { cs_multiplier = 1.3f; } if (mods & MODS_EZ) { cs_multiplier = 0.5f; } s->cs *= cs_multiplier; s->cs = mymax(0.0f, mymin(10.0f, s->cs)); } /* hp */ if (flags & APPLY_HP) { s->hp = mymin(s->hp * od_ar_hp_multiplier, 10); } return 0; } OPPAIAPI void mods_apply(int mods, beatmap_stats_t* s, int flags) { int n; n = mods_apply_m(MODE_STD, mods, s, flags); if (n < 0) { info("W: mods_apply failed: %s\n", errstr(n)); } } /* beatmap ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * sliders get 2 + ticks combo (head, tail and ticks) each repetition adds * an extra combo and an extra set of ticks * * calculate the number of slider ticks for one repetition * --- * example: a 3.75f beats slider at 1x tick rate will go: * beat0 (head), beat1 (tick), beat2(tick), beat3(tick), * beat3.75f(tail) * so all we have to do is ceil the number of beats and subtract 1 to take * out the tail * --- * the -0.1f is there to prevent ceil from ceiling whole values like 1.0f to * 2.0f randomly */ OPPAIAPI int b_max_combo(beatmap_t* b) { int res = b->nobjects; int i; float infinity = get_inf(); float tnext = -infinity; int tindex = -1; float px_per_beat = infinity; /* for std sliders */ /* taiko */ float ms_per_beat = 0; /* last timing change */ float beat_len = infinity; /* beat spacing */ float duration = 0; /* duration of the hit object */ float tick_spacing = -infinity; /* slider tick spacing */ if (!b->ntiming_points) { info("beatmap has no timing points\n"); return ERR_FORMAT; } /* spinners don't give combo in taiko */ if (b->mode == MODE_TAIKO) { res -= b->nspinners + b->nsliders; } /* slider ticks */ for (i = 0; i < b->nobjects; ++i) { object_t* o = &b->objects[i]; int ticks; float num_beats; if (!(o->type & OBJ_SLIDER)) { continue; } while (o->time >= tnext) { float sv_multiplier; timing_t* t; ++tindex; if (b->ntiming_points > tindex + 1) { tnext = b->timing_points[tindex + 1].time; } else { tnext = infinity; } t = &b->timing_points[tindex]; sv_multiplier = 1.0f; if (!t->change && t->ms_per_beat < 0) { sv_multiplier = -100.0f / t->ms_per_beat; } switch (b->mode) { case MODE_STD: px_per_beat = b->sv * 100.0f * sv_multiplier; if (b->format_version < 8) { px_per_beat /= sv_multiplier; } break; case MODE_TAIKO: { /* see d_taiko for details on what this does */ float velocity; if (b->original_mode == MODE_TAIKO) { /* no slider conversion for taiko -> taiko */ continue; } if (t->change) { ms_per_beat = t->ms_per_beat; } beat_len = ms_per_beat; if (b->format_version < 8) { beat_len *= sv_multiplier; } velocity = 100.0f * b->sv / beat_len; duration = o->distance * o->repetitions / velocity; tick_spacing = mymin(beat_len / b->tick_rate, duration / o->repetitions); break; } default: return ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED; } } if (b->mode == MODE_TAIKO) { if (tick_spacing > 0 && duration < 2 * beat_len) { res += (int)ceil((duration + tick_spacing / 8) / tick_spacing); } continue; } /* std slider ticks */ num_beats = (o->distance * o->repetitions) / px_per_beat; ticks = (int)ceil((num_beats - 0.1f) / o->repetitions * b->tick_rate); --ticks; ticks *= o->repetitions; /* account for repetitions */ ticks += o->repetitions + 1; /* add heads and tails */ /* * actually doesn't include first head because we already * added it by setting res = nobjects */ res += mymax(0, ticks - 1); } return res; } /* beatmap parser ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* sets up parser for reuse. must have already been inited with p_init */ void p_reset(parser_t* pa, beatmap_t* b) { memset(pa->section, 0, sizeof(pa->section)); memset(&pa->lastpos, 0, sizeof(pa->lastpos)); memset(&pa->lastline, 0, sizeof(pa->lastline)); pa->objects.len = 0; pa->timing_points.len = 0; /* TODO: reuse arena mem */ arena_free(&pa->arena); pa->b = b; if (b) { memset(b, 0, sizeof(beatmap_t)); b->ar = b->cs = b->hp = b->od = 5.0f; b->sv = b->tick_rate = 1.0f; } } OPPAIAPI int p_init(parser_t* pa) { memset(pa, 0, sizeof(parser_t)); p_reset(pa, 0); return 0; } OPPAIAPI void p_free(parser_t* pa) { arena_free(&pa->arena); array_free(&pa->objects); array_free(&pa->timing_points); } /* * consume functions return the number of chars or < 0 on err * the destination slice is left untouched if there are errors * * NOTE: comments in beatmaps can only be an entire line because * some properties such as author can contain // */ /* evil hack to set lastpos in one statement */ #define parse_err(e, lastpos_) \ pa->lastpos = (lastpos_), \ ERR_##e int nop(int x) { return x; } #define parse_warn(e, line) \ info(e), info("\n"), print_line(line), nop(0) /* consume until any of the characters in separators is found */ int consume_until(parser_t* pa, slice_t* s, char* separators, slice_t* dst) { char* p = s->start; for (; p < s->end; ++p) { char* sep; for (sep = separators; *sep; ++sep) { if (*p == *sep) { dst->start = s->start; dst->end = p; return (int)(p - s->start); } } } return parse_err(MORE, *s); } /* * all parse_* functions expect s to be a single line and trimmed * * if the return type is int, they return n bytes consumed * if the return type is int, they will return zero on success * * on errors, parse_* functions return < 0 error codes */ #define print_line(line) \ info("in line: "), \ slice_write((line), stderr), \ info("\n") /* [name] */ int p_section_name(parser_t* pa, slice_t* s, slice_t* name) { int n; slice_t p = *s; if (*p.start++ != '[') { return parse_err(SYNTAX, p); } n = consume_until(pa, &p, "]", name); if (n < 0) { return n; } p.start += n; if (p.start != p.end - 1) { /* must end in ] */ return parse_err(SYNTAX, p); } return (int)(p.start - s->start); } /* name: value (results are trimmed) */ int p_property(parser_t* pa, slice_t* s, slice_t* name, slice_t* value) { int n; char* p = s->start; n = consume_until(pa, s, ":", name); if (n < 0) { return n; } p += n; ++p; /* skip : */ value->start = p; value->end = s->end; slice_trim(name); slice_trim(value); return (int)(s->end - s->start); } char* p_slicedup(parser_t* pa, slice_t* s) { return arena_strndup(&pa->arena, s->start, slice_len(s)); } int p_metadata(parser_t* pa, slice_t* line) { slice_t name, value; beatmap_t* b = pa->b; int n = p_property(pa, line, &name, &value); if (n < 0) { return parse_warn("W: malformed metadata line", line); } if (!slice_cmp(&name, "Title")) { b->title = p_slicedup(pa, &value); } else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "TitleUnicode")) { b->title_unicode = p_slicedup(pa, &value); } else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "Artist")) { b->artist = p_slicedup(pa, &value); } else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "ArtistUnicode")) { b->artist_unicode = p_slicedup(pa, &value); } else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "Creator")) { b->creator = p_slicedup(pa, &value); } else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "Version")) { b->version = p_slicedup(pa, &value); } return n; } int p_general(parser_t* pa, slice_t* line) { beatmap_t* b = pa->b; slice_t name, value; int n; n = p_property(pa, line, &name, &value); if (n < 0) { return parse_warn("W: malformed general line", line); } if (!slice_cmp(&name, "Mode")) { if (sscanf(value.start, "%d", &b->original_mode) != 1){ return parse_err(SYNTAX, value); } if (pa->flags & PARSER_OVERRIDE_MODE) { b->mode = pa->mode_override; } else { b->mode = b->original_mode; } switch (b->mode) { case MODE_STD: case MODE_TAIKO: break; default: return ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED; } } return n; } float p_float(slice_t* value, int* success) { float res; char* p = value->start; if (*p == '-') { res = -1; ++p; } else { res = 1; } /* infinity symbol */ if (!strncmp(p, "\xe2\x88\x9e", 3)) { res *= get_inf(); *success = 1; } else { *success = sscanf(value->start, "%f", &res) == 1; } /* if it fails we can just use default values */ return res; } int p_difficulty(parser_t* pa, slice_t* line) { float* dst = 0; slice_t name, value; int n = p_property(pa, line, &name, &value); if (n < 0) { return parse_warn("W: malformed difficulty line", line); } if (!slice_cmp(&name, "CircleSize")) { dst = &pa->b->cs; } else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "OverallDifficulty")) { dst = &pa->b->od; } else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "ApproachRate")) { dst = &pa->b->ar; pa->flags |= PARSER_FOUND_AR; } else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "HPDrainRate")) { dst = &pa->b->hp; } else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "SliderMultiplier")) { dst = &pa->b->sv; } else if (!slice_cmp(&name, "SliderTickRate")) { dst = &pa->b->tick_rate; } if (dst) { int success; *dst = p_float(&value, &success); } return n; } /* * time, ms_per_beat, time_signature_id, sample_set_id, * sample_bank_id, sample_volume, is_timing_change, effect_flags * * everything after ms_per_beat is optional */ int p_timing(parser_t* pa, slice_t* line) { int res = 0; int n, i; int err = 0; slice_t split[8]; timing_t* t = array_alloc(&pa->timing_points); int success; if (!t) { return ERR_OOM; } t->change = 1; n = slice_split(line, ",", split, 8, &err); if (err < 0) { if (err == ERR_TRUNCATED) { info("W: timing point with trailing values"); print_line(line); } else { return err; } } if (n < 2) { return parse_warn("W: malformed timing point", line); } res = (int)(split[n - 1].end - line->start); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { slice_trim(&split[i]); } t->time = p_float(&split[0], &success); if (!success) { return parse_warn("W: malformed timing point time", line); } t->ms_per_beat = p_float(&split[1], &success); if (!success) { return parse_warn("W: malformed timing point ms_per_beat", line); } if (n >= 7) { if (slice_len(&split[6]) < 1) { t->change = 1; } else { t->change = *split[6].start != '0'; } } return res; } int p_objects(parser_t* pa, slice_t* line) { beatmap_t* b = pa->b; object_t* o = array_alloc(&pa->objects); int err = 0; int ne; slice_t e[11]; int success; if (o) { memset(o, 0, sizeof(*o)); } else { return ERR_OOM; } ne = slice_split(line, ",", e, 11, &err); if (err < 0) { if (err == ERR_TRUNCATED) { info("W: object with trailing values\n"); print_line(line); } else { return err; } } if (ne < 5) { return parse_warn("W: malformed hitobject", line); } o->time = p_float(&e[2], &success); if (!success) { return parse_warn("W: malformed hitobject time", line); } if (sscanf(e[3].start, "%d", &o->type) != 1) { parse_warn("W: malformed hitobject type", line); o->type = OBJ_CIRCLE; } if (b->mode == MODE_TAIKO) { int* sound_type = arena_alloc(&pa->arena, sizeof(int)); if (!sound_type) { return ERR_OOM; } if (sscanf(e[4].start, "%d", sound_type) != 1) { parse_warn("W: malformed hitobject sound type", line); *sound_type = SOUND_NORMAL; } o->nsound_types = 1; o->sound_types = sound_type; /* wastes 4 bytes when you have per-node sounds but w/e */ } if (o->type & OBJ_CIRCLE) { ++b->ncircles; o->pos[0] = p_float(&e[0], &success); if (!success) { return parse_warn("W: malformed circle position", line); } o->pos[1] = p_float(&e[1], &success); if (!success) { return parse_warn("W: malformed circle position", line); } } /* ?,?,?,?,?,end_time,custom_sample_banks */ else if (o->type & OBJ_SPINNER) { ++b->nspinners; } /* * x,y,time,type,sound_type,points,repetitions,distance, * per_node_sounds,per_node_samples,custom_sample_banks */ else if (o->type & OBJ_SLIDER) { ++b->nsliders; if (ne < 7) { return parse_warn("W: malformed slider", line); } o->pos[0] = p_float(&e[0], &success); if (!success) { return parse_warn("W: malformed slider position", line); } o->pos[1] = p_float(&e[1], &success); if (!success) { return parse_warn("W: malformed slider position", line); } if (sscanf(e[6].start, "%d", &o->repetitions) != 1) { o->repetitions = 1; parse_warn("W: malformed slider repetitions", line); } if (ne > 7) { o->distance = p_float(&e[7], &success); if (!success) { parse_warn("W: malformed slider distance", line); o->distance = 0; } } /* per-node sound types */ if (b->mode == MODE_TAIKO && ne > 8 && slice_len(&e[8]) > 0) { slice_t p = e[8]; int i, nodes; /* * TODO: there's probably something subtly wrong with this. * sometimes we get less sound types than nodes * also I don't know if I'm supposed to include the previous * sound type from the single sound_type field */ /* repeats + head and tail. no repeats is 1 repetition, so -1 */ nodes = mymax(0, o->repetitions - 1) + 2; o->sound_types = arena_alloc(&pa->arena, sizeof(int) * nodes); if (!o->sound_types) { return ERR_OOM; } for (i = 0; i < nodes; ++i) { slice_t node; int n; int type; node.start = node.end = 0; n = consume_until(pa, &p, "|", &node); if (n < 0 && n != ERR_MORE) { pa->lastpos = p; return n; } if (node.start >= node.end || !node.start || p.start >= p.end) { break; } p.start += n + 1; if (sscanf(node.start, "%d", &type) != 1) { parse_warn("W: malformed sound type", line); type = SOUND_NORMAL; } o->sound_types[i] = type; } o->nsound_types = i; } } return (int)(e[ne - 1].end - line->start); } int p_line(parser_t* pa, slice_t* line) { int n = 0; if (line->start >= line->end) { /* empty line */ return 0; } if (slice_whitespace(line)) { return (int)(line->end - line->start); } /* comments (according to lazer) */ switch (*line->start) { case ' ': case '_': return (int)(line->end - line->start); } /* from here on we don't care about leading or trailing whitespace */ slice_trim(line); pa->lastline = *line; /* C++ style comments */ if (!strncmp(line->start, "//", 2)) { return 0; } /* new section */ if (*line->start == '[') { slice_t section; int len; n = p_section_name(pa, line, &section); if (n < 0) { return n; } if (section.end - section.start >= sizeof(pa->section)) { parse_warn("W: truncated long section name", line); } len = (int)mymin(sizeof(pa->section) - 1, section.end - section.start); memcpy(pa->section, section.start, len); pa->section[len] = 0; return n; } if (!strcmp(pa->section, "Metadata")) { n = p_metadata(pa, line); } else if (!strcmp(pa->section, "General")) { n = p_general(pa, line); } else if (!strcmp(pa->section, "Difficulty")) { n = p_difficulty(pa, line); } else if (!strcmp(pa->section, "TimingPoints")) { n = p_timing(pa, line); } else if (!strcmp(pa->section, "HitObjects")) { n = p_objects(pa, line); } else { char* p = line->start; char* fmt_str = "file format v"; for (; p < line->end && strncmp(p, fmt_str, 13); ++p); p += 13; if (p < line->end) { if (sscanf(p, "%d", &pa->b->format_version) == 1) { return (int)(line->end - line->start); } } } return n; } void p_begin(parser_t* pa, beatmap_t* b) { b->sv = b->tick_rate = 1; p_reset(pa, b); } void p_end(parser_t* pa, beatmap_t* b) { if (!(pa->flags & PARSER_FOUND_AR)) { /* in old maps ar = od */ b->ar = b->od; } b->objects = pa->; b->nobjects = pa->objects.len; b->timing_points = pa->; b->ntiming_points = pa->timing_points.len; if (!b->title_unicode) { b->title_unicode = b->title; } if (!b->artist_unicode) { b->artist_unicode = b->artist; } #define s(x) b->x = b->x ? b->x : "(null)" s(title); s(title_unicode); s(artist); s(artist_unicode); s(creator); s(version); } OPPAIAPI int p_map(parser_t* pa, beatmap_t* b, FILE* f) { int res = 0; char* pbuf; int bufsize; int n; int nread; p_begin(pa, b); if (!f) { return ERR_IO; } /* points to free space in the buffer */ pbuf = pa->buf; /* reading loop */ for (;;) { int nlines = 0; /* complete lines in the current chunk */ slice_t s; /* points to the remaining data in buf */ int more_data; bufsize = (int)sizeof(pa->buf) - (int)(pbuf - pa->buf); nread = (int)fread(pbuf, 1, bufsize, f); if (!nread) { /* eof */ break; } more_data = !feof(f); s.start = pa->buf; s.end = pbuf + nread; /* parsing loop */ for (; s.start < s.end; ) { slice_t line; n = consume_until(pa, &s, "\n", &line); if (n < 0) { if (n != ERR_MORE) { return n; } if (!nlines) { /* line doesn't fit the entire buffer */ return parse_err(TRUNCATED, s); } if (more_data) { /* we will finish reading this line later */ break; } /* EOF, so we must process the remaining data as a line */ line = s; n = (int)(s.end - s.start); } else { ++n; /* also skip the \n */ } res += n; s.start += n; ++nlines; n = p_line(pa, &line); if (n < 0) { return n; } res += n; } /* done parsing what we read, prepare to read some more */ /* move remaining data to the beginning of buf */ memmove(pa->buf, s.start, s.end - s.start); /* adjust pbuf to point to free space */ pbuf = pa->buf + (s.end - s.start); } p_end(pa, b); return res; } OPPAIAPI int p_map_mem(parser_t* pa, beatmap_t* b, char* data, int data_size) { int res = 0; int n; int nlines = 0; /* complete lines in the current chunk */ slice_t s; /* points to the remaining data in buf */ p_begin(pa, b); if (!data || data_size == 0) { return ERR_IO; } s.start = data; s.end = data + data_size; /* parsing loop */ for (; s.start < s.end; ) { slice_t line; n = consume_until(pa, &s, "\n", &line); if (n < 0) { if (n != ERR_MORE) { return n; } if (!nlines) { /* line doesn't fit the entire buffer */ return parse_err(TRUNCATED, s); } /* EOF, so we must process the remaining data as a line */ line = s; n = (int)(s.end - s.start); } else { ++n; /* also skip the \n */ } res += n; s.start += n; ++nlines; n = p_line(pa, &line); if (n < 0) { return n; } res += n; } p_end(pa, b); return res; } /* diff calc ----------------------------------------------------------- */ /* based on tom94's osu!tp aimod and osuElements */ #define DIFF_SPEED 0 #define DIFF_AIM 1 /* how much strains decay per interval */ float decay_base[] = { 0.3f, 0.15f }; /* * arbitrary thresholds to determine when a stream is spaced enough * that it becomes hard to alternate */ #define SINGLE_SPACING 125.0f /* used to keep speed and aim balanced between eachother */ float weight_scaling[] = { 1400.0f, 26.25f }; /* non-normalized diameter where the circlesize buff starts */ #define CIRCLESIZE_BUFF_TRESHOLD 30.0f #define STAR_SCALING_FACTOR 0.0675f /* star rating multiplier */ /* * 50% of the difference between aim and speed is added to star * rating to compensate aim only or speed only maps */ #define EXTREME_SCALING_FACTOR 0.5f #define PLAYFIELD_WIDTH 512.0f /* in osu!pixels */ #define PLAYFIELD_HEIGHT 384.0f /* spinners position */ float playfield_center[] = { PLAYFIELD_WIDTH / 2.0f, PLAYFIELD_HEIGHT / 2.0f }; /* * strains are calculated by analyzing the map in chunks and then * taking the peak strains in each chunk. * this is the length of a strain interval in milliseconds. */ #define STRAIN_STEP 400.0f /* * max strains are weighted from highest to lowest, and this is * how much the weight decays. */ #define DECAY_WEIGHT 0.9f OPPAIAPI int d_init(diff_calc_t* d) { memset(d, 0, sizeof(diff_calc_t)); if (!array_reserve(&d->highest_strains, sizeof(float) * 600)) { return ERR_OOM; } d->singletap_threshold = 125; /* 240 bpm 1/2 */ return 0; } OPPAIAPI void d_free(diff_calc_t* d) { array_free(&d->highest_strains); } #define MAX_SPEED_BONUS 45.0f /* ~330BPM 1/4 streams */ #define MIN_SPEED_BONUS 75.0f /* ~200BPM 1/4 streams */ #define ANGLE_BONUS_SCALE 90 #define AIM_TIMING_THRESHOLD 107 #define SPEED_ANGLE_BONUS_BEGIN (5 * M_PI / 6) #define AIM_ANGLE_BONUS_BEGIN (M_PI / 3) /* * TODO: unbloat these params * this function has become a mess with the latest changes, I should split * it into separate funcs for speed and im */ float d_spacing_weight(float distance, float delta_time, float prev_distance, float prev_delta_time, float angle, int type, int* is_single) { float angle_bonus; float strain_time = al_max(delta_time, 50.0f); switch (type) { case DIFF_SPEED: { float speed_bonus; *is_single = distance > SINGLE_SPACING; distance = al_min(distance, SINGLE_SPACING); delta_time = al_max(delta_time, MAX_SPEED_BONUS); speed_bonus = 1.0f; if (delta_time < MIN_SPEED_BONUS) { speed_bonus += (float) pow((MIN_SPEED_BONUS - delta_time) / 40.0f, 2); } angle_bonus = 1.0f; if (!is_nan(angle) && angle < SPEED_ANGLE_BONUS_BEGIN) { float s = (float)sin(1.5 * (SPEED_ANGLE_BONUS_BEGIN - angle)); angle_bonus += (float)pow(s, 2) / 3.57f; if (angle < M_PI / 2) { angle_bonus = 1.28f; if (distance < ANGLE_BONUS_SCALE && angle < M_PI / 4) { angle_bonus += (1 - angle_bonus) * al_min((ANGLE_BONUS_SCALE - distance) / 10, 1); } else if (distance < ANGLE_BONUS_SCALE) { angle_bonus += (1 - angle_bonus) * al_min((ANGLE_BONUS_SCALE - distance) / 10, 1) * (float)sin((M_PI / 2 - angle) * 4 / M_PI); } } } return ( (1 + (speed_bonus - 1) * 0.75f) * angle_bonus * (0.95f + speed_bonus * (float)pow(distance / SINGLE_SPACING, 3.5)) ) / strain_time; } case DIFF_AIM: { float result = 0; float weighted_distance; float prev_strain_time = al_max(prev_delta_time, 50.0f); if (!is_nan(angle) && angle > AIM_ANGLE_BONUS_BEGIN) { angle_bonus = (float)sqrt( al_max(prev_distance - ANGLE_BONUS_SCALE, 0) * pow(sin(angle - AIM_ANGLE_BONUS_BEGIN), 2) * al_max(distance - ANGLE_BONUS_SCALE, 0) ); result = 1.5f * (float)pow(al_max(0, angle_bonus), 0.99) / al_max(AIM_TIMING_THRESHOLD, prev_strain_time); } weighted_distance = (float)pow(distance, 0.99); return al_max( result + weighted_distance / al_max(AIM_TIMING_THRESHOLD, strain_time), weighted_distance / strain_time ); } } return 0.0f; } void d_calc_strain(int type, object_t* o, object_t* prev, float speedmul) { float res = 0; float time_elapsed = (o->time - prev->time) / speedmul; float decay = (float)pow(decay_base[type], time_elapsed / 1000.0f); float scaling = weight_scaling[type]; o->delta_time = time_elapsed; /* this implementation doesn't account for sliders */ if (o->type & (OBJ_SLIDER | OBJ_CIRCLE)) { float diff[2]; v2f_sub(diff, o->normpos, prev->normpos); o->d_distance = v2f_len(diff); res = d_spacing_weight(o->d_distance, time_elapsed, prev->d_distance, prev->delta_time, o->angle, type, &o->is_single); res *= scaling; } o->strains[type] = prev->strains[type] * decay + res; } int dbl_desc(void const* a, void const* b) { float x = *(float const*)a; float y = *(float const*)b; if (x < y) { return 1; } if (x == y) { return 0; } return -1; } int d_update_max_strains(diff_calc_t* d, float decay_factor, float cur_time, float prev_time, float cur_strain, float prev_strain, int first_obj) { /* make previous peak strain decay until the current obj */ while (cur_time > d->interval_end) { if (!array_append(&d->highest_strains, d->max_strain)) { return ERR_OOM; } if (first_obj) { d->max_strain = 0; } else { float decay; decay = (float)pow(decay_factor, (d->interval_end - prev_time) / 1000.0f); d->max_strain = prev_strain * decay; } d->interval_end += STRAIN_STEP * d->speed_mul; } d->max_strain = mymax(d->max_strain, cur_strain); return 0; } void d_weigh_strains2(diff_calc_t* d, float* pdiff, float* ptotal) { int i; int nstrains = 0; float* strains; float total = 0; float difficulty = 0; float weight = 1.0f; strains = (float*)d->; nstrains = d->highest_strains.len; /* sort strains from highest to lowest */ qsort(strains, nstrains, sizeof(float), dbl_desc); for (i = 0; i < nstrains; ++i) { total += (float)pow(strains[i], 1.2); difficulty += strains[i] * weight; weight *= DECAY_WEIGHT; } *pdiff = difficulty; if (ptotal) { *ptotal = total; } } float d_weigh_strains(diff_calc_t* d) { float diff; d_weigh_strains2(d, &diff, 0); return diff; } int d_calc_individual(int type, diff_calc_t* d) { int i; beatmap_t* b = d->b; /* * the first object doesn't generate a strain, * so we begin with an incremented interval end */ d->max_strain = 0.0f; d->interval_end = ceil(b->objects[0].time / (STRAIN_STEP * d->speed_mul)) * (STRAIN_STEP * d->speed_mul); d->highest_strains.len = 0; for (i = 0; i < b->nobjects; ++i) { int err; object_t* o = &b->objects[i]; object_t* prev = 0; float prev_time = 0, prev_strain = 0; if (i > 0) { prev = &b->objects[i - 1]; d_calc_strain(type, o, prev, d->speed_mul); prev_time = prev->time; prev_strain = prev->strains[type]; } err = d_update_max_strains(d, decay_base[type], o->time, prev_time, o->strains[type], prev_strain, i == 0); if (err < 0) { return err; } } /* * the peak strain will not be saved for * the last section in the above loop */ if (!array_append(&d->highest_strains, d->max_strain)) { return ERR_OOM; } switch (type) { case DIFF_SPEED: d_weigh_strains2(d, &d->speed, &d->speed_difficulty); break; case DIFF_AIM: d_weigh_strains2(d, &d->aim, &d->aim_difficulty); break; } return 0; } #define log10f (float)log10 float d_length_bonus(float stars, float difficulty) { return 0.32f + 0.5f * (log10f(difficulty + stars) - log10f(stars)); } int d_std(diff_calc_t* d, int mods) { beatmap_t* b = d->b; int i; int res; float radius; float scaling_factor; beatmap_stats_t mapstats; /* apply mods and calculate circle radius at this CS */ mapstats.cs = b->cs; mods_apply(mods, &mapstats, APPLY_CS); d->speed_mul = mapstats.speed; radius = ( (PLAYFIELD_WIDTH / 16.0f) * (1.0f - 0.7f * ((float)mapstats.cs - 5.0f) / 5.0f) ); /* * positions are normalized on circle radius so that we * can calc as if everything was the same circlesize */ scaling_factor = 52.0f / radius; /* cs buff (originally from osuElements) */ if (radius < CIRCLESIZE_BUFF_TRESHOLD) { scaling_factor *= 1.0f + mymin((CIRCLESIZE_BUFF_TRESHOLD - radius), 5.0f) / 50.0f; } /* calculate normalized positions */ for (i = 0; i < b->nobjects; ++i) { object_t* o = &b->objects[i]; float* pos; float dot, det; if (o->type & OBJ_SPINNER) { pos = playfield_center; } else { /* sliders also begin with pos so it's fine */ pos = o->pos; } o->normpos[0] = pos[0] * scaling_factor; o->normpos[1] = pos[1] * scaling_factor; if (i >= 2) { object_t* prev1 = &b->objects[i - 1]; object_t* prev2 = &b->objects[i - 2]; float v1[2], v2[2]; v2f_sub(v1, prev2->normpos, prev1->normpos); v2f_sub(v2, o->normpos, prev1->normpos); dot = v2f_dot(v1, v2); det = v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0]; o->angle = (float)fabs(atan2(det, dot)); } else { o->angle = get_nan(); } } /* calculate speed and aim stars */ res = d_calc_individual(DIFF_SPEED, d); if (res < 0) { return res; } res = d_calc_individual(DIFF_AIM, d); if (res < 0) { return res; } d->aim_length_bonus = d_length_bonus(d->aim, d->aim_difficulty); d->speed_length_bonus = d_length_bonus(d->speed, d->speed_difficulty); d->aim = (float)sqrt(d->aim) * STAR_SCALING_FACTOR; d->speed = (float)sqrt(d->speed) * STAR_SCALING_FACTOR; if (mods & MODS_TOUCH_DEVICE) { d->aim = (float)pow(d->aim, 0.8f); } /* calculate total star rating */ d->total = d->aim + d->speed + (float)fabs(d->speed - d->aim) * EXTREME_SCALING_FACTOR; /* singletap stats */ for (i = 1; i < b->nobjects; ++i) { object_t* o = &b->objects[i]; if (o->is_single) { ++d->nsingles; } if (o->type & (OBJ_CIRCLE | OBJ_SLIDER)) { object_t* prev = &b->objects[i - 1]; float interval = o->time - prev->time; interval /= mapstats.speed; if (interval >= d->singletap_threshold) { ++d->nsingles_threshold; } } } return 0; } /* taiko diff calc ----------------------------------------------------- */ #define TAIKO_STAR_SCALING_FACTOR 0.04125f #define TAIKO_TYPE_CHANGE_BONUS 0.75f /* object type change bonus */ #define TAIKO_RHYTHM_CHANGE_BONUS 1.0f #define TAIKO_RHYTHM_CHANGE_BASE_THRESHOLD 0.2f #define TAIKO_RHYTHM_CHANGE_BASE 2.0f typedef struct taiko_object { int hit; float strain; float time; float time_elapsed; int rim; int same_since; /* streak of hits of the same type (rim/center) */ /* * was the last hit type change at an even same_since count? * -1 if there is no previous switch (for example if the * previous object was not a hit */ int last_switch_even; } taiko_object_t; /* object type change bonus */ float taiko_change_bonus(taiko_object_t* cur, taiko_object_t* prev) { if (prev->rim != cur->rim) { cur->last_switch_even = prev->same_since % 2 == 0; if (prev->last_switch_even >= 0 && prev->last_switch_even != cur->last_switch_even) { return TAIKO_TYPE_CHANGE_BONUS; } } else { cur->last_switch_even = prev->last_switch_even; cur->same_since = prev->same_since + 1; } return 0; } /* rhythm change bonus */ float taiko_rhythm_bonus(taiko_object_t* cur, taiko_object_t* prev) { float ratio; float diff; if (cur->time_elapsed == 0 || prev->time_elapsed == 0) { return 0; } ratio = mymax(prev->time_elapsed / cur->time_elapsed, cur->time_elapsed / prev->time_elapsed); if (ratio >= 8) { return 0; } /* this is log base TAIKO_RHYTHM_CHANGE_BASE of ratio */ diff = (float)fmod(log(ratio) / log(TAIKO_RHYTHM_CHANGE_BASE), 1.0f); /* * threshold that determines whether the rhythm changed enough * to be worthy of the bonus */ if (diff > TAIKO_RHYTHM_CHANGE_BASE_THRESHOLD && diff < 1 - TAIKO_RHYTHM_CHANGE_BASE_THRESHOLD) { return TAIKO_RHYTHM_CHANGE_BONUS; } return 0; } void taiko_strain(taiko_object_t* cur, taiko_object_t* prev) { float decay; float addition = 1.0f; float factor = 1.0f; decay = (float)pow(decay_base[0], cur->time_elapsed / 1000.0f); /* * we only have strains for hits, also ignore objects that are * more than 1 second apart */ if (prev->hit && cur->hit && cur->time - prev->time < 1000.0f) { addition += taiko_change_bonus(cur, prev); addition += taiko_rhythm_bonus(cur, prev); } /* 300+bpm streams nerf? */ if (cur->time_elapsed < 50.0f) { factor = 0.4f + 0.6f * cur->time_elapsed / 50.0f; } cur->strain = prev->strain * decay + addition * factor; } void swap_ptrs(void** a, void** b) { void* tmp; tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp; } int d_taiko(diff_calc_t* d, int mods) { float infinity = get_inf(); beatmap_t* b = d->b; int i; beatmap_stats_t mapstats; /* this way we can swap cur and prev without copying */ taiko_object_t curprev[2]; taiko_object_t* cur = &curprev[0]; taiko_object_t* prev = &curprev[1]; /* * these values keep track of the current timing point and * corresponding beat spacing. these are used to convert * sliders to taiko streams if they are suitable */ float tnext = -infinity; /* start time of next timing point */ int tindex = -1; /* timing point index */ float ms_per_beat = 0; /* last timing change */ float beat_len = infinity; /* beat spacing */ float duration = 0; /* duration of the hit object */ float tick_spacing = -infinity; /* slider tick spacing */ int result; if (!b->ntiming_points) { info("beatmap has no timing points\n"); return ERR_FORMAT; } mods_apply(mods, &mapstats, 0); d->highest_strains.len = 0; d->max_strain = 0.0f; d->interval_end = STRAIN_STEP * mapstats.speed; d->speed_mul = mapstats.speed; /* * TODO: separate taiko conversion into its own function * so that it can be reused? probably slower, but cleaner, * more modular and more readable */ for (i = 0; i < b->nobjects; ++i) { object_t* o = &b->objects[i]; cur->hit = (o->type & OBJ_CIRCLE) != 0; cur->time = o->time; if (i > 0) { cur->time_elapsed = (cur->time - prev->time) / mapstats.speed; } else { cur->time_elapsed = infinity; } cur->strain = 1; cur->same_since = 1; cur->last_switch_even = -1; cur->rim = (o->sound_types[0] & (SOUND_CLAP|SOUND_WHISTLE)) != 0; if (b->original_mode == MODE_TAIKO) { goto continue_loop; } if (o->type & OBJ_SLIDER) { /* TODO: too much indentation, pull this out */ int isound = 0; float j; while (o->time > tnext) { float sv_multiplier; float velocity; timing_t* t; ++tindex; if (b->ntiming_points > tindex + 1) { tnext = b->timing_points[tindex + 1].time; } else { tnext = infinity; } t = &b->timing_points[tindex]; sv_multiplier = 1.0f; if (t->change) { ms_per_beat = t->ms_per_beat; } else if (t->ms_per_beat < 0) { sv_multiplier = -100.0f / t->ms_per_beat; } beat_len = ms_per_beat / sv_multiplier; velocity = 100.0f * b->sv / beat_len; /* format-specific quirk */ if (b->format_version >= 8) { beat_len *= sv_multiplier; } /* this is similar to what we do in b_max_combo with px_per_beat */ duration = o->distance * o->repetitions / velocity; /* * if slider is shorter than 1 beat, cut tick to exactly the length * of the slider */ tick_spacing = mymin(beat_len / b->tick_rate, duration / o->repetitions); } /* drum roll, ignore */ if (tick_spacing <= 0 || duration >= 2 * beat_len) { goto continue_loop; } /* * sliders that meet the requirements will * become streams of the slider's tick rate */ for (j = o->time; j < o->time + duration + tick_spacing / 8; j += tick_spacing) { int sound_type = o->sound_types[isound]; cur->rim = (sound_type & (SOUND_CLAP | SOUND_WHISTLE)); cur->hit = 1; cur->time = j; cur->time_elapsed = (cur->time - prev->time) / mapstats.speed; cur->strain = 1; cur->same_since = 1; cur->last_switch_even = -1; /* update strains for this hit */ if (i > 0 || j > o->time) { taiko_strain(cur, prev); } result = d_update_max_strains(d, decay_base[0], cur->time, prev->time, cur->strain, prev->strain, i == 0 && j == o->time); /* warning: j check might fail, floatcheck this */ if (result < 0) { return result; } /* loop through the slider's sounds */ ++isound; isound %= o->nsound_types; swap_ptrs((void**)&prev, (void**)&cur); } /* * since we processed the slider as multiple hits, * we must skip the prev/cur swap which we already did * in the above loop */ continue; } continue_loop: /* update strains for hits and other object types */ if (i > 0) { taiko_strain(cur, prev); } result = d_update_max_strains(d, decay_base[0], cur->time, prev->time, cur->strain, prev->strain, i == 0); if (result < 0) { return result; } swap_ptrs((void**)&prev, (void**)&cur); } d->total = d->speed = d_weigh_strains(d) * TAIKO_STAR_SCALING_FACTOR; return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OPPAIAPI int d_calc(diff_calc_t* d, beatmap_t* b, int mods) { d->b = b; switch (b->mode) { case MODE_STD: return d_std(d, mods); case MODE_TAIKO: return d_taiko(d, mods); } info("this gamemode is not yet supported\n"); return ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED; } /* acc calc ------------------------------------------------------------ */ OPPAIAPI float acc_calc(int n300, int n100, int n50, int misses) { int total_hits = n300 + n100 + n50 + misses; float acc = 0; if (total_hits > 0) { acc = (n50 * 50.0f + n100 * 100.0f + n300 * 300.0f) / (total_hits * 300.0f); } return acc; } OPPAIAPI void acc_round(float acc_percent, int nobjects, int misses, int* n300, int* n100, int* n50) { int max300; float maxacc; misses = mymin(nobjects, misses); max300 = nobjects - misses; maxacc = acc_calc(max300, 0, 0, misses) * 100.0f; acc_percent = mymax(0.0f, mymin(maxacc, acc_percent)); *n50 = 0; /* just some black magic maths from wolfram alpha */ *n100 = (int)round_oppai( -3.0f * ((acc_percent * 0.01f - 1.0f) * nobjects + misses) * 0.5f ); if (*n100 > nobjects - misses) { /* acc lower than all 100s, use 50s */ *n100 = 0; *n50 = (int)round_oppai( -6.0f * ((acc_percent * 0.01f - 1.0f) * nobjects + misses) * 0.2f ); *n50 = mymin(max300, *n50); } else { *n100 = mymin(max300, *n100); } *n300 = nobjects - *n100 - *n50 - misses; } OPPAIAPI float taiko_acc_calc(int n300, int n150, int nmiss) { int total_hits = n300 + n150 + nmiss; float acc = 0; if (total_hits > 0) { acc = (n150 * 150.0f + n300 * 300.0f) / (total_hits * 300.0f); } return acc; } OPPAIAPI void taiko_acc_round(float acc_percent, int nobjects, int nmisses, int* n300, int* n150) { int max300; float maxacc; nmisses = mymin(nobjects, nmisses); max300 = nobjects - nmisses; maxacc = acc_calc(max300, 0, 0, nmisses) * 100.0f; acc_percent = mymax(0.0f, mymin(maxacc, acc_percent)); /* just some black magic maths from wolfram alpha */ *n150 = (int)round_oppai( -2.0f * ((acc_percent * 0.01f - 1.0f) * nobjects + nmisses) ); *n150 = mymin(max300, *n150); *n300 = nobjects - *n150 - nmisses; } /* std pp calc --------------------------------------------------------- */ /* some kind of formula to get a base pp value from stars */ float base_pp(float stars) { return (float)pow(5.0f * mymax(1.0f, stars / 0.0675f) - 4.0f, 3.0f) / 100000.0f; } int ppv2x(pp_calc_t* pp, float aim, float speed, float base_ar, float base_od, int max_combo, int nsliders, int ncircles, int nobjects, int mods, int combo, int n300, int n100, int n50, int nmiss, int score_version) { int nspinners = nobjects - nsliders - ncircles; beatmap_stats_t mapstats; /* various pp calc multipliers */ float nobjects_over_2k = nobjects / 2000.0f; float length_bonus = ( 0.95f + 0.4f * mymin(1.0f, nobjects_over_2k) + (nobjects > 2000 ? (float)log10(nobjects_over_2k) * 0.5f : 0.0f) ); float miss_penality = (float)pow(0.97f, nmiss); float combo_break = ( (float)pow(combo, 0.8f) / (float)pow(max_combo, 0.8f) ); float ar_bonus; float final_multiplier; float acc_bonus, od_bonus; float od_squared; float hd_bonus; /* acc used for pp is different in scorev1 because it ignores sliders */ float real_acc; memset(pp, 0, sizeof(pp_calc_t)); /* sanitize some input */ if (max_combo <= 0) { info("W: max_combo <= 0, changing to 1\n"); max_combo = 1; } /* accuracy */ pp->accuracy = acc_calc(n300, n100, n50, nmiss); switch (score_version) { case 1: /* * scorev1 ignores sliders since they are free 300s * apparently it also ignores spinners... * can go negative if we miss everything */ real_acc = acc_calc(mymax(0, (int)n300 - nsliders - nspinners), n100, n50, nmiss); break; case 2: real_acc = pp->accuracy; ncircles = nobjects; break; default: info("unsupported scorev%d\n", score_version); return ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED; } /* calculate stats with mods */ = base_ar; mapstats.od = base_od; mods_apply(mods, &mapstats, APPLY_AR | APPLY_OD); /* ar bonus -------------------------------------------------------- */ ar_bonus = 1.0f; /* high ar bonus */ if ( > 10.33f) { ar_bonus += 0.3f * ( - 10.33f); } /* low ar bonus */ else if ( < 8.0f) { ar_bonus += 0.01f * (8.0f -; } /* aim pp ---------------------------------------------------------- */ pp->aim = base_pp(aim); pp->aim *= length_bonus; pp->aim *= miss_penality; pp->aim *= combo_break; pp->aim *= ar_bonus; /* hidden */ hd_bonus = 1.0f; if (mods & MODS_HD) { hd_bonus += 0.04f * (12.0f -; } pp->aim *= hd_bonus; /* flashlight */ if (mods & MODS_FL) { float fl_bonus = 1.0f + 0.35f * mymin(1.0f, nobjects / 200.0f); if (nobjects > 200) { fl_bonus += 0.3f * mymin(1, (nobjects - 200) / 300.0f); } if (nobjects > 500) { fl_bonus += (nobjects - 500) / 1200.0f; } pp->aim *= fl_bonus; } /* acc bonus (bad aim can lead to bad acc) */ acc_bonus = 0.5f + pp->accuracy / 2.0f; /* od bonus (high od requires better aim timing to acc) */ od_squared = (float)pow(mapstats.od, 2); od_bonus = 0.98f + od_squared / 2500.0f; pp->aim *= acc_bonus; pp->aim *= od_bonus; /* speed pp -------------------------------------------------------- */ pp->speed = base_pp(speed); pp->speed *= length_bonus; pp->speed *= miss_penality; pp->speed *= combo_break; if ( > 10.33f) { pp->speed *= ar_bonus; } pp->speed *= hd_bonus; /* "scale the speed value with accuracy slightly" */ pp->speed *= 0.02f + pp->accuracy; /* "it is important to also consider accuracy difficulty when doing that" */ pp->speed *= 0.96f + (od_squared / 1600.0f); /* acc pp ---------------------------------------------------------- */ /* arbitrary values tom crafted out of trial and error */ pp->acc = (float)pow(1.52163f, mapstats.od) * (float)pow(real_acc, 24.0f) * 2.83f; /* length bonus (not the same as speed/aim length bonus) */ pp->acc *= mymin(1.15f, (float)pow(ncircles / 1000.0f, 0.3f)); /* hidden bonus */ if (mods & MODS_HD) { pp->acc *= 1.08f; } /* flashlight bonus */ if (mods & MODS_FL) { pp->acc *= 1.02f; } /* total pp -------------------------------------------------------- */ final_multiplier = 1.12f; /* nofail */ if (mods & MODS_NF) { final_multiplier *= 0.90f; } /* spun-out */ if (mods & MODS_SO) { final_multiplier *= 0.95f; } pp->total = (float)( pow( pow(pp->aim, 1.1f) + pow(pp->speed, 1.1f) + pow(pp->acc, 1.1f), 1.0f / 1.1f ) * final_multiplier ); return 0; } /* taiko pp calc ------------------------------------------------------- */ int taiko_ppv2x(pp_calc_t* pp, float stars, int max_combo, float base_od, int n150, int nmiss, int mods) { beatmap_stats_t mapstats; int n300 = mymax(0, max_combo - n150 - nmiss); int result; float length_bonus; float final_multiplier; /* calculate stats with mods */ mapstats.od = base_od; result = mods_apply_m(MODE_TAIKO, mods, &mapstats, APPLY_OD); if (result < 0) { return result; } pp->accuracy = taiko_acc_calc(n300, n150, nmiss); /* base acc pp */ pp->acc = (float)pow(150.0f / mapstats.odms, 1.1f); pp->acc *= (float)pow(pp->accuracy, 15.0f) * 22.0f; /* length bonus */ pp->acc *= mymin(1.15f, (float)pow(max_combo / 1500.0f, 0.3f)); /* base speed pp */ pp->speed = (float)pow(5.0f * mymax(1.0f, stars / 0.0075f) - 4.0f, 2.0f); pp->speed /= 100000.0f; /* length bonus (not the same as acc length bonus) */ length_bonus = 1.0f + 0.1f * mymin(1.0f, max_combo / 1500.0f); pp->speed *= length_bonus; /* miss penality */ pp->speed *= (float)pow(0.985f, nmiss); #if 0 /* combo scaling (removed?) */ if (max_combo > 0) { pp->speed *= mymin(pow(max_combo - nmiss, 0.5f) / pow(max_combo, 0.5f), 1.0f); } #endif /* speed mod bonuses */ if (mods & MODS_HD) { pp->speed *= 1.025f; } if (mods & MODS_FL) { pp->speed *= 1.05f * length_bonus; } /* acc scaling */ pp->speed *= pp->accuracy; /* overall mod bonuses */ final_multiplier = 1.1f; if (mods & MODS_NF) { final_multiplier *= 0.90f; } if (mods & MODS_HD) { final_multiplier *= 1.10f; } pp->total = ( (float)pow( pow(pp->speed, 1.1f) + pow(pp->acc, 1.1f), 1.0f / 1.1f ) * final_multiplier ); return 0; } OPPAIAPI int taiko_ppv2(pp_calc_t* pp, float speed, int max_combo, float base_od, int mods) { return taiko_ppv2x(pp, speed, max_combo, base_od, 0, 0, mods); } /* common pp calc stuff ------------------------------------------------ */ OPPAIAPI void pp_init(pp_params_t* p) { p->mode = MODE_STD; p->mods = MODS_NOMOD; p->combo = -1; p->n300 = 0xFFFF; p->n100 = p->n50 = p->nmiss = 0; p->score_version = PP_DEFAULT_SCORING; } /* should be called inside ppv2p before calling ppv2x */ void pp_handle_default_params(pp_params_t* p) { if (p->combo < 0) { p->combo = p->max_combo - p->nmiss; } if (p->n300 == 0xFFFF) { p->n300 = p->nobjects - p->n100 - p->n50 - p->nmiss; } } OPPAIAPI int ppv2(pp_calc_t* pp, int mode, float aim, float speed, float base_ar, float base_od, int max_combo, int nsliders, int ncircles, int nobjects, int mods) { pp_params_t params; pp_init(&params); params.mode = mode; params.aim = aim, params.speed = speed; params.base_ar = base_ar; params.base_od = base_od; params.max_combo = max_combo; params.nsliders = nsliders; params.ncircles = ncircles; params.nobjects = nobjects; params.mods = mods; return ppv2p(pp, &params); } /* TODO: replace ppv2x with this? */ OPPAIAPI int ppv2p(pp_calc_t* pp, pp_params_t* p) { pp_handle_default_params(p); switch (p->mode) { case MODE_STD: return ppv2x(pp, p->aim, p->speed, p->base_ar, p->base_od, p->max_combo, p->nsliders, p->ncircles, p->nobjects, p->mods, p->combo, p->n300, p->n100, p->n50, p->nmiss, p->score_version); case MODE_TAIKO: return taiko_ppv2x(pp, p->speed, p->max_combo, p->base_od, p->n100, p->nmiss, p->mods); } info("this mode is not yet supported for ppv2p\n"); return ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED; } OPPAIAPI int b_ppv2(beatmap_t* b, pp_calc_t* pp, float aim, float speed, int mods) { pp_params_t params; int max_combo = b_max_combo(b); if (max_combo < 0) { return max_combo; } pp_init(&params); params.mode = b->mode; params.aim = aim, params.speed = speed; params.base_ar = b->ar; params.base_od = b->od; params.max_combo = max_combo; params.nsliders = b->nsliders; params.ncircles = b->ncircles; params.nobjects = b->nobjects; params.mods = mods; return ppv2p(pp, &params); } OPPAIAPI int b_ppv2p(beatmap_t* map, pp_calc_t* pp, pp_params_t* p) { p->base_ar = map->ar; p->base_od = map->od; p->max_combo = b_max_combo(map); if (p->max_combo < 0) { return p->max_combo; } p->nsliders = map->nsliders; p->ncircles = map->ncircles; p->nobjects = map->nobjects; p->mode = map->mode; pp_handle_default_params(p); return ppv2p(pp, p); } OPPAIAPI void ezpp_init(ezpp_t* ez) { memset(ez, 0, sizeof(ezpp_t)); ez->mode = MODE_STD; ez->mods = MODS_NOMOD; ez->combo = -1; ez->n300 = 0xFFFF; ez->n100 = ez->n50 = ez->nmiss = 0; ez->score_version = PP_DEFAULT_SCORING; } /* simple interface ---------------------------------------------------- */ OPPAIAPI int ezpp(ezpp_t* ez, char* mapfile) { int res, r1, r2; parser_t parser; beatmap_t map; diff_calc_t stars; pp_params_t params; pp_calc_t pp; r1 = p_init(&parser); r2 = d_init(&stars); if (r1 < 0 || r2 < 0) { res = al_min(r1, r2); goto cleanup; } if (ez->mode_override) { parser.flags = PARSER_OVERRIDE_MODE; parser.mode_override = ez->mode_override; } if (ez->data_size) { res = p_map_mem(&parser, &map, mapfile, ez->data_size); } else if (!strcmp(mapfile, "-")) { res = p_map(&parser, &map, stdin); } else { FILE* f = fopen(mapfile, "rb"); if (!f) { perror("fopen"); res = ERR_IO; } else { res = p_map(&parser, &map, f); fclose(f); } } if (res < 0) { goto cleanup; } if (ez->end > 0 && ez->end < map.nobjects) { map.nobjects = ez->end; } if (ez->ar_override) { = ez->ar_override; } if (ez->od_override) { map.od = ez->od_override; } if (ez->cs_override) { map.cs = ez->cs_override; } res = d_calc(&stars, &map, ez->mods); if (res < 0) { goto cleanup; } pp_init(&params); params.mods = ez->mods; params.combo = ez->combo; params.nmiss = ez->nmiss; params.score_version = ez->score_version; if (ez->accuracy_percent) { switch (map.mode) { case MODE_STD: acc_round(ez->accuracy_percent, map.nobjects, params.nmiss, &params.n300, &params.n100, &params.n50); break; case MODE_TAIKO: { int taiko_max_combo = b_max_combo(&map); if (taiko_max_combo < 0) { res = taiko_max_combo; goto cleanup; } params.max_combo = taiko_max_combo; taiko_acc_round(ez->accuracy_percent, taiko_max_combo, params.nmiss, &params.n300, &params.n100); break; } } } else { params.n300 = ez->n300; params.n100 = ez->n100; params.n50 = ez->n50; } params.aim = stars.aim; params.speed = stars.speed; res = b_ppv2p(&map, &pp, &params); if (res < 0) { goto cleanup; } ez->stars =; ez->aim_stars = stars.aim; ez->speed_stars = stars.speed; ez->pp =; ez->aim_pp = pp.aim; ez->speed_pp = pp.speed; ez->acc_pp = pp.acc; ez->accuracy_percent = pp.accuracy * 100.0f; cleanup: p_free(&parser); d_free(&stars); return res; } #endif /* OPPAI_IMPLEMENTATION */
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdbool.h> bool step(double_t speed, double_t *dist_remaining, double_t *time_passed); double_t checkSpeed(double_t speed, double_t dist_total); int main() { double_t dist_total = 42195.0; double_t speed = 17.0 / 3.6; double_t time_target = 3600.0 * 3.0; double_t time_used = 0.0; double_t speed_step = 10.0 / 3.6; while (true) { time_used = checkSpeed(speed, dist_total); if (time_used > time_target + 0.1){ printf("Speed to slow: %f m/s\n", speed); speed += speed_step; speed_step /= 2.0; } else if (time_used < time_target - 0.1) { printf("Speed to fast: %f m/s\n", speed); speed -= speed_step; speed_step /= 2.0; } else { printf("Speed correct: %f m/s\n", speed); break; } } printf("Time used: %ih %im %fs\n", (int)floor(time_used / 3600.0), (int)floor(fmod(time_used / 60.0, 60.0)), fmod(time_used, 60.0)); exit(0); } double_t checkSpeed(double_t speed, double_t dist_total) { double_t dist_current = dist_total; double_t time_passed = 0.0f; bool finnished = false; while (finnished == false) { finnished = step(speed, &dist_current, &time_passed); //printf("%7.2f%10.2f%10.2f\n", speed_current, dist_current, time_passed); } return time_passed; } bool step(double_t speed, double_t *dist_remaining, double_t *time_passed) { double_t speed_current = speed * pow(0.99, floor(fmax(*time_passed - 3000.0, 0) / 600.0)); printf(">%f\n", floor(fmax(*time_passed - 3000.0, 0) / 600.0)); double_t dist_remaining_10m = fma(speed_current, -600.0, (*dist_remaining)); //printf("%f\n", dist_remaining_10m); if (dist_remaining_10m > 0) { *time_passed += 600.0; *dist_remaining = dist_remaining_10m; return false; } else { *time_passed += *dist_remaining / speed_current; *dist_remaining = 0; return true; } }
/// -fprofile-update=atomic (implied by -fsanitize=thread) requires the /// (potentially concurrent) counter updates to be atomic. // RUN: %clang_cc1 -no-opaque-pointers %s -triple x86_64 -emit-llvm -fprofile-update=atomic -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs \ // RUN: -coverage-notes-file /dev/null -coverage-data-file /dev/null -o - | FileCheck %s // CHECK-LABEL: void @foo() /// Two counters are incremented by __tsan_atomic64_fetch_add. // CHECK: atomicrmw add i64* {{.*}} @__llvm_gcov_ctr{{.*}} monotonic, align 8 // CHECK-NEXT: atomicrmw sub i32* _Atomic(int) cnt; void foo(void) { cnt--; }
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int pol_position, position, max_sum, sum, previous, next; scanf("%d%d", &previous, &next); pol_position = position = 2; max_sum = sum = previous + next; while (1) { if (previous < 0 && next < 0) { break; } sum = previous + next; if (sum > max_sum) { max_sum = sum; pol_position = position; } previous = next; scanf("%d", &next); position++; } if (position > 2) printf("numbers are on positions %d and %d and their sum is %d", pol_position - 1, pol_position, max_sum); return 0; }
#define vector __attribute__ ((vector_size (4 * sizeof(int)))) int main(void) { vector int vi = { 12, -34, -56, 78 }; #pragma acc parallel copy(vi) { if (vi[0] != 12 || vi[1] != -34 || vi[2] != -56 || vi[3] != 78) __builtin_abort(); vector int vi_ = { -21, -43, 65, 87 }; vi = vi_; } if (vi[0] != -21 || vi[1] != -43 || vi[2] != 65 || vi[3] != 87) __builtin_abort(); return 0; }
//746. Min Cost Climbing Stairs int minCostClimbingStairs(int *cost, int costSize) { int f0, f1 = 0, f2 = 0; for (int i = costSize - 1; i >= 0; --i) { f0 = cost[i] + (f1 < f2 ? f1 : f2); f2 = f1; f1 = f0; } return f1 < f2 ? f1 : f2; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define abs(x) ((x) < 0 ? (-x) : (x)) void itoa(int n, char s[], int b); void reverse(char s[]); main() { int num = 127; char n[100]; itoa(num, n, 4); printf("%s\n", n); } void itoa(int n, char s[], int b) { int i, sign; //if ((sign = n) < 0) { // n = -n; //} sign = n; i = 0; do { s[i++] = abs(n % 10) + '0'; } while ((n /= 10) != 0); if (sign < 0) { s[i++] = '-'; } while (i < b) { s[i++] = ' '; } s[i] = '\0'; reverse(s); } void reverse(char s[]) { int c, i, j; for (i = 0, j = strlen(s) - 1; i < j; i++, j--) { c = s[i]; s[i] = s[j]; s[j] = c; } }
/************************************************************************* > File Name: basic.c > Author: Simba > Mail: [email protected] > Created Time: Tue 12 Mar 2013 06:54:20 PM CST ************************************************************************/ #include<string.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<sys/ipc.h> #include<sys/msg.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<errno.h> #include<fcntl.h> #include<sys/stat.h> #include<sys/mman.h> #define ERR_EXIT(m) \ do { \ perror(m); \ exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \ } while(0) typedef struct stu { char name[4]; int age; } STU; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <file>\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int fd; fd = open(argv[1], O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC, 0666); if (fd == -1) ERR_EXIT("open"); lseek(fd, sizeof(STU)*5-1, SEEK_SET); write(fd, "", 1); STU* p; p = (STU*)mmap(NULL, sizeof(STU)*5, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (p == NULL) ERR_EXIT("mmap"); char ch = 'a'; int i; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { memcpy((p+i)->name, &ch, 1); (p+i)->age = 20+i; ch++; } printf("initialize over\n"); munmap(p, sizeof(STU)*5); printf("exit...\n"); return 0; }
/// 3.10. Scrieţi un program pentru a verifica modul de afişare a valorii lui π = 3.14159265 cu diferiţi descriptori de format. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> int main() { printf("%f %.7f %.10f\n", M_PI, M_PI, M_PI); printf("%d \n", M_PI); return 0; }
#include <strings.h> #include <ctype.h> int strncasecmp(const char *_l, const char *_r, size_t n) { const unsigned char *l=(void *)_l, *r=(void *)_r; if (!n--) return 0; for (; *l && *r && n && (*l == *r || tolower(*l) == tolower(*r)); l++, r++, n--); return tolower(*l) - tolower(*r); }
#include <stdio.h> long fat(long x){ return x != 1 ? x * fat(x-1) : 1; } int main(){ long p = fat(2); printf("fat(2) -> %ld\n", p); p = fat(4); printf("fat(4) -> %ld\n", p); p = fat(8); printf("fat(8) -> %ld\n", p); p = fat(16); printf("fat(16) -> %ld\n", p); }
/* * Copyright (c) 2017, Kontron Europe GmbH * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <net/if.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <linux/sockios.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> int fd; static int mdio_read(const char *ifname, uint16_t reg, uint16_t *val) { int ret; struct ifreq ifr; uint16_t *data = (uint16_t*)&ifr.ifr_data; strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name)-1); data[1] = reg; ret = ioctl(fd, SIOCGMIIPHY, &ifr); if (ret != 0) { printf("ioctl() failed: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno); return -1; } *val = data[3]; return 0; } static int mdio_write(const char *ifname, uint16_t reg, uint16_t val) { int ret; struct ifreq ifr; uint16_t *data = (uint16_t*)&ifr.ifr_data; strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name)-1); ret = ioctl(fd, SIOCGMIIPHY, &ifr); if (ret != 0) { printf("ioctl() failed: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno); return -1; } data[1] = reg; data[2] = val; ret = ioctl(fd, SIOCSMIIREG, &ifr); if (ret != 0) { printf("ioctl() failed: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno); return -1; } return 0; } static void usage(const char *prog) { printf("%s r[ead] <ifname> <addr>\n", prog); printf("%s w[rite] <ifname> <addr> <data>\n", prog); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; uint16_t val; uint16_t addr; const char *ifname; if (argc < 4) { usage(argv[0]); return 1; } ifname = argv[2]; addr = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 0); fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (fd < 0) { printf("socket() failed: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno); return 1; } switch (argv[1][0]) { case 'w': if (argc < 5) { usage(argv[0]); return 1; } val = strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 0); ret = mdio_write(ifname, addr, val); /* fall through */ case 'r': ret = mdio_read(ifname, addr, &val); if (ret < 0) { return 1; } printf("%04x\n", val); break; default: usage(argv[0]); return 1; } close(fd); return 0; }
/* Copyright (C) 2006. QLogic Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2006 PathScale, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with other software, or any other product whatsoever. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Wrappers around calloc (3) and free (3): // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void *gs_alloc (size_t nmemb, size_t size) { void *p = NULL; p = calloc (nmemb, size); if (p == NULL) fprintf (stderr, "Out of memory.\n"); return p; }
int jumpingOnClouds(int c_count, int* c) { int count =0; for(int i=0; i<c_count-1; i++) //No need to check for the last jump as there will be no zeroes if last term is 1 { if(c[i]==0) { if(c[i+2]==0) //First checking for higher jump if possible skip one i { count++; i++; } else { count++; } } } return count; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define NLEN 30 struct namect { char fname[NLEN]; char lname[NLEN]; int letters; }; struct namect getinfo(void); struct namect makeinfo(struct namect); void showinfo(const struct namect); char * s_gets(char * st, int n); int main(void) { struct namect person; person = getinfo(); person = makeinfo(person); showinfo(person); return 0; } struct namect getinfo(void) { struct namect person; printf("first name?\n"); s_gets(person.fname, NLEN); printf("last name?\n"); s_gets(person.lname, NLEN); return person; } struct namect makeinfo(struct namect person) { person.letters = strlen(person.fname) + strlen(person.lname); return person; } void showinfo(const struct namect pst) { printf("sth"); } char * s_gets(char * st, int n) { char * ret_val; int i = 0; ret_val = fgets(st, n, stdin); if (ret_val) { while (st[i] != '\n' && st[i] != '\0') { i++; } if (st[i] == '\n') st[i] = '\0'; else { while (getchar() != '\n') { continue; } } } return ret_val; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> int main(void) { int n; printf("How many words do you wish to enter? "); scanf("%d", &n); char** ar = (char**)malloc(n * sizeof(char*)); printf("Enter %d words now:\n", n); printf("I enjoyed doing this exercise\n"); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { char tmp[100]; scanf("%s", tmp); ar[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen(tmp) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(ar[i], tmp); } printf("Here are your words:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) printf("%s\n", ar[i]); return 0; }
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