stringlengths 1
| non_english
stringlengths 1
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float64 0
| quality
float64 -3.3
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float64 -2.81
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float64 -2.64
As in 2002, the winner next year will be whomever the electorate dislikes or fears less. | A stejně jako v roce 2002 se i napřesrok stane vítězem ten, kdo se bude voličům méně protivit nebo kdo v nich vyvolá menší obavy. | 0.11421 | 1.867188 | 0.691406 | 0.199219 |
He would takes the fruits of each week's reading and he would weave these intricate tapestries of ancient and humanist thought. | Tomaba os froitos da lectura de cada semana e tecía estes intricados tapices de pensamento antigo e humanista. | 0.13173 | 0.554688 | -0.261719 | 0.949219 |
And it forced me to become a lot more transparent, a lot more willing to listen, a lot more willing to be reverse-mentored from lower. | Og den tvang meg til å bli mye mer gjennomsiktig, mye mer villig til å lytte, og mye mer villig til å bli opplært av lavere personell. | 0.20421 | -1.40625 | -0.064453 | 0.554688 |
Your doctor should assess your treatment on a regular basis. | Jūsu ārstam jāveic regulāra ārstēšanas izvērtēšana. | 0.09801 | 1.03125 | 1.1875 | 0.558594 |
What? | Mi? | 0.04112 | 0.125977 | -0.722656 | -0.765625 |
Anger is the beginning of folly. | خشم آغاز جنون است. | 0.15661 | -0.168945 | 1.726563 | -1.351563 |
It is close to seven o'clock. | जवळजवळ सात वाजले आहेत. | 0.17949 | 0.375 | 1.921875 | 0.21582 |
Diagnosis, puberty. | Diagnostic: pubertate. | 0.22462 | 0.380859 | -0.925781 | 0.10791 |
No schema | ਕੋਈ ਸਕੀਮਾ ਨਹੀਂ | 0.12571 | -0.597656 | -0.488281 | -0.511719 |
You need to have breakfast. | Dovete fare colazione. | 0.0595 | -0.435547 | 1.953125 | 0.103516 |
One may at first think that nothing could warrant permission of the suffering that mankind has experienced over the centuries. | W pierwszej chwili może się wydawać, że niczym nie da się usprawiedliwić dopuszczania cierpień, które ludzkość znosiła przez całe wieki. | 0.14983 | 0.242188 | -0.490234 | -0.898438 |
It seems to me like corporations are always trying to get kids, like me, to get their parents to buy stuff that really isn't good for us or the planet. | まるで企業が子供を利用して 私たちや地球によくないものを 親に買わせようと しているみたいなんです | 0.15835 | 0.71875 | 0.074707 | -1.710938 |
Setting compression failed with the error '%1 ' | ਕੰਪਰੈੱਸ਼ਨ ਗਲਤੀ '% 1' ਨਾਲ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ ਹੈ | 0.11316 | -0.757813 | 1.203125 | -1.796875 |
In Dravidian languages, the word for fish is "meen" which happens to sound just like the word for star. | Dravīdu valodās vārds zivs ir „mīn”, kas izklausās tieši kā vārds „zvaigzne”. | 0.16036 | 0.365234 | 0.742188 | -0.202148 |
Enable caret mode, so that you can see a cursor when reading mail. | ক্যাৰেট মোড সক্ৰিয় কৰক, যাতে বাৰ্তা পড়বাৰ সময় আপুনি একটি কাৰ্সাৰ দেখতে পান। | 0.10571 | 0.75 | 1.21875 | 0.679688 |
If we look at the transport trend in recent years, it becomes very clear that inland waterways are becoming increasingly important. | Kui vaatleme viimaste aastate transpordisuundumusi, saab väga selgeks, et siseveeteede tähtsus aina suureneb. | 0.11168 | 0.277344 | -0.605469 | 1.273438 |
I will give you a bicycle for your birthday. | Voor je verjaardag zal ik je een fiets geven. | 0.12478 | -0.417969 | 1.546875 | 1.15625 |
For the first time in centuries almost every orthodox religion in Christendom sees the ranks of its clergymen growing smaller. | For første gang i flere århundreder oplever næsten hvert eneste af kristenhedens ældre, veletablerede trossamfund at antallet af præster svinder ind. | 0.20749 | 0.703125 | -0.539063 | -0.363281 |
Why are you asking? | Hvorfor spør du? | 0.03926 | -1.140625 | 1.898438 | -0.636719 |
Who is greatly responsible for their beliefs and behavior? | Ketkä ovat suureksi osaksi vastuussa heidän vakaumuksistaan ja käyttäytymisestään? | 0.14364 | 0.507813 | 0.679688 | 0.098633 |
In the event that all Agreements listed in Annex I are terminated, this Agreement shall terminate at the same time. | Ja tiek izbeigti visi I pielikumā uzskaitītie nolīgumi, vienlaikus izbeidzas šis nolīgums. TO APLIECINOT, pilnvarotie ir parakstījuši šo nolīgumu. | 0.09601 | 0.347656 | -0.056885 | -0.582031 |
It's not in Mr Ryan's best interests, nor the prosecution's, to discuss matters not directly at hand. | Permisi, itu di luar kepentingan Tn. Ryan atau penuntutan... untuk mendiskusikan hal-hal yang tak berkaitan dengan peristiwa yang terjadi. | 0.2382 | -0.699219 | 0.030151 | -1.257813 |
Pay attention to not only how fun this thing is, but also how the portability that comes with this can totally change the way you interact with a city like San Francisco. | اب دیکھیں کہ یہ نہ صرف کتنی تفریح چیز ہے ، بلکہ لانے - لیجانے میں آسانی کے بائث ، ' سان فرانسسکو ' جیسے شہر سے آپ کا تعلق کتنا مختلف ہو جاتا ہے - | 0.21854 | -0.5625 | -0.9375 | 1.328125 |
These countries’ massive combined bank and government debt – the distinction everywhere in Europe has become blurred – makes rapid sustained growth a dream. | De gigantische banken- en staatsschulden van deze landen – het onderscheid daartussen is overal in Europa steeds verder vervaagd – zorgen ervoor dat duurzame groei een droom is. | 0.10611 | 0.429688 | -0.824219 | 1.28125 |
Perhaps she could tell this House where in the Lisbon Treaty euthanasia is provided for, where in the Lisbon Treaty abortion, prostitution, corporate tax decision, risks to the Irish neutrality lie. | Ehk ütleks ta parlamendile, kus Lissaboni lepingus eutanaasiat lubatakse, kus Lissaboni lepingus abort, prostitutsioon, ettevõtete tulumaksu otsustamine, ohud Iirimaa sõltumatusele peituvad. | 0.15513 | 0.291016 | -1.625 | -0.769531 |
The invention of the transistor marked a new era. | 晶體管的發明標誌著一個新時代的開始。 | 0.23811 | 0.640625 | 1.335938 | 1.429688 |
In the US, the fiscal worries are threefold: the risk of a “cliff” in 2013, as tax increases and massive spending cuts kick in automatically if no political agreement is reached; renewed partisan combat over the debt ceiling; and a new fight over medium-term fiscal austerity. | In de Verenigde Staten zijn de zorgen op begrotingsgebied drievoudig: het risico van een 'afgrond' in 2013, als belastingverhogingen en enorme bezuinigingen automatisch van kracht worden vóórdat er politieke overeenstemming is bereikt; een hernieuwde strijd tussen de partijen over het schuldenplafond; en een nieuw gevecht over de bezuinigingen op de middellange termijn. | 0.11883 | 0.863281 | -0.894531 | -1.40625 |
Caution should be exercised when prescribing to pregnant women. | Lietojot sievietēm grūtniecības laikā, jāievēro piesardzība. | 0.16388 | 0.882813 | 0.271484 | -0.126953 |
In the last number of weeks, the Irish Government has issued deportation orders for 120 such spouses. | Az utóbbi néhány hét során az ír kormány 120 ilyen házastárs esetében hozott kitoloncolási végzést. | 0.0768 | 0.176758 | -0.120605 | -1.046875 |
Wow, it's snow! | 와, 눈이다! | 0.11852 | 0.167969 | 2.078125 | -0.292969 |
In order to help our readers see the difference between the two versions of the Chinese history, I cut the collage into 10 photo sets with a brief explanation. | Okuyucularımıza yardımcı olabilmek için Çin Tarihinin iki farklı versiyonunu gösteren 10 fotoğraflık bir kolajı kısa açıklamaları ile hazırlayıp kullanıma sundum. | 0.23405 | -0.075684 | -0.3125 | 0.53125 |
Lower-income countries account for only half of all vehicles on the road but suffer more than 90% of the fatalities. | Landen met lagere inkomens hebben minder dan de helft van alle voertuigen maar lijden meer dan 90% van de dodelijke ongelukken. | 0.12559 | 1.671875 | -0.289063 | -1.398438 |
And if you don't know, please ask your doctor or read the details of your mammography report. | A ak to neviete, prosím, opýtajte sa svojho lekára alebo si prečítajte podrobnosti správy z mamografie. | 0.1557 | 1.296875 | 0.542969 | -0.057129 |
Thanks, Meg. | Takk, Meg. | 0.01539 | 1.617188 | -0.212891 | 1.25 |
It's personal. | Ianya barang peribadi. | 0.10754 | -0.292969 | -0.488281 | 0.464844 |
Not only was he threatened but his wife and child were in jeopardy. | Buvo grasinama ne tik jam, bet grėsė pavojus ir jo žmonai bei vaikui. | 0.10189 | -1.101563 | 1.171875 | -1.984375 |
I had an abortion two years ago. | Před dvěmi lety jsem měla potrat. | 0.12147 | -0.589844 | 1.84375 | -0.773438 |
This is a lie. | Ev derew e. | 0.13348 | 0.585938 | 1.992188 | -1.859375 |
Today, cycle rickshaws are operated mostly as a tourist attraction, with small numbers operating in Malacca, Penang, Kelantan and Terengganu. | Idag finns cykeltaxi i huvudsak som turisktattraktion och det finns ett litet antal i Malacca, Penang, Kelantan och Terengganu. | 0.06155 | 0.796875 | -0.894531 | 0.617188 |
I would like to highlight one more point that warrants special attention from the Commission. | Chciałabym naświetlić jeszcze jeden punkt wymagający szczególnej uwagi ze strony Komisji. | 0.08461 | -0.777344 | 0.337891 | 0.769531 |
Iranian bloggers from across the political spectrum continue to share their opinions on uprisings in the Arab world. | Iranski blogeri širom političkog spektra nastavljaju da razmenjuju njihova mišljenja o pobunama u arapskom svetu. | 0.10575 | -0.621094 | -0.558594 | 0.466797 |
He quit school last week. | Minulý týden přestal chodit do školy. | 0.09446 | -0.527344 | 1.921875 | -1.164063 |
In time a total of twelve turbines will be installed here, and the power produced will more than equal the amount produced in Nigeria before the dam’s construction! | Com o tempo se instalarão ali doze turbinas, e a energia produzida será mais de o dobro da quantidade produzida na Nigéria antes da construção da represa! | 0.10633 | 1.109375 | -0.292969 | 1.523438 |
Icon name: | ឈ្មោះរូបតំណាង & # 160; ៖ | 0.20418 | -0.707031 | 0.455078 | 0.192383 |
But I knew that I'd need superpowers to make my dreams come true. | Men jeg vidste, at jeg ville have brug for superkræfter for at få min drøm til at gå i opfyldelse. | 0.08203 | -0.890625 | 1.046875 | 0.578125 |
I think that the report is very good and balanced. | Myslím si, že správa je veľmi dobrá a vyvážená. | 0.12953 | -0.396484 | 1.59375 | 2.53125 |
Completed applications will be accepted no later than Friday, June 15. | Les dossiers de candidature dument complétés ne seront pas acceptés au-delà du vendredi15 juin 2007. | 0.16612 | -0.363281 | 0.098633 | 0.886719 |
A former counselor to Pope Pius XII said of his church: “The crisis that the Church is going through is more serious than the Protestant Reformation. ” | Były doradca papieża Piusa XII powiedział o swym kościele: „Kryzys jaki obecnie przechodzi kościół, jest poważniejszy niż Reformacja protestancka ”. | 0.12095 | 1.195313 | -0.308594 | -1.03125 |
hours/ minutes | oeren/ minuten | 0.02117 | -1.007813 | -0.523438 | -0.064453 |
The man finally confessed what he had done. | Mannen erkände till slut vad han hade gjort. | 0.09291 | -0.095215 | 1.617188 | -0.257813 |
Invalid parameter in command | Paramadair mì-dhligheach ann an àithne | 0.19413 | -0.257813 | 1.132813 | -1.046875 |
A few years ago, I found myself looking for the most cost-effective way to be stylish. | Alguns anos atrás, me vi em busca da forma mais economicamente viável de ser estiloso. | 0.16859 | -0.421875 | 0.554688 | 1.078125 |
Expectations Soar Ever Higher | Aşteptările sînt tot mai mari | 0.20976 | 0.145508 | 1.171875 | 1.0625 |
I forgot to call up Mr Ford. | Elfelejtettem telefonálni Ford úrnak. | 0.04253 | -0.746094 | 1.90625 | -1.0625 |
Many comrades who had been trained with Mao Zedong in the Red Amy Camp in 1937 went missing when the photo was published during Mao's era. | 1937 yılında Mao Zedong ile Kızıl Ordu'da yer alan bir çok yoldaş, Mao Dönemi'nde fotoğraf yayınlandığında ortada gözükmüyordu. | 0.23662 | -0.066406 | 0.414063 | -1.414063 |
10 years later, another story: Iranian Revolution, 1979. | 10 წლის შემდეგ კი, კიდევ ერთი ისტორია: ირანის რევოლუცია, 1979 წელი. | 0.0473 | 0.496094 | 0.486328 | -0.208984 |
Just kill 'em. | Bare drep dem! Nei! | 0.15919 | -0.550781 | 2.015625 | -0.671875 |
Bill never argues with other people. | Bill tidak pernah bertengkar dengan orang lain. | 0.08253 | -0.195313 | 1.742188 | -0.229492 |
But I think that, if the result is a good one, then the effort will have been worth it and I hope that a good last-minute solution really can be found tomorrow morning. | Se i risultati saranno apprezzabili, i vostri sforzi non saranno stati vani. Spero pertanto che domani si possa giungere ad una soluzione valida, anche se dell'ultima ora! | 0.23792 | -1.140625 | -0.332031 | 1.742188 |
Let's see what Kenyan citizens are saying online about the referendum. | Ma vediamo cosa dicono i netizen a proposito del referendum. | 0.21973 | -0.07959 | 0.376953 | 0.294922 |
So in 2006, I started my first group of grandmothers. | 그래서 2006년에 저는 할머니들의 첫 그룹을 만들었습니다. | 0.10122 | -0.416016 | 1.554688 | 0.703125 |
Come! | වරෙන්! | 0.09521 | 0.820313 | -0.535156 | 0.992188 |
They kept asking me, "What is the purpose of your project? | Ils n'arrêtent pas de demander : "quel est le but de votre projet? | 0.15446 | -0.392578 | 1.445313 | -0.15625 |
CPU can be turned Off | ЦП можна вимикати | 0.11325 | -0.445313 | 1.828125 | -0.423828 |
Now -- great imagination, thank you very much. | Сега – голямо въображение, благодаря ви много. | 0.05677 | -1.390625 | 1.210938 | 2.015625 |
You did right by everyone. | Awak buat benda yang betul kepada semua orang. | 0.19241 | -0.453125 | 1.820313 | 1.101563 |
Tom likes to play baseball. | 湯姆喜歡打棒球。 | 0.11723 | -0.304688 | 1.90625 | 0.800781 |
With more money, ill-educated bureaucrats hire more ill-educated bureaucrats; as a result, the regime fails to rule the country. | Необразованные бюрократы, у которых много денег, нанимают еще больше необразованных бюрократов; в результате, режим не в состоянии управлять страной. | 0.21154 | 1.304688 | -0.503906 | -1.820313 |
Sake is often used in religious rituals in Japan, and Machida Brewery, like just about all sake breweries, is blessed by a Shinto priest and decorated with sacred Shinto ropes. | ဂျပန်နိုင်ငံတွင် ဆာကေးကို မကြာခဏဆိုသလို ဘာသာရေးဆိုင်ရာ ထုံးတမ်းဓလေ့ အခမ်းအနားများတွင် အသုံးပြုလေ့ရှိကြပြီး မာရှီဒါ အရက်ချက်ရုံသည်လည်း အခြား အားလုံးနီးပါးသော ဆာကေး အရက်ချက်ရုံများကဲ့သို့ ရှင်းတို ဘုန်းကြီးတစ်ပါးမှ ကောင်းချီးပေးခံထားရပြီး အထွတ်အမြတ်ထားသော ရှင်းတို ကြိုးများဖြင့် အလှဆင်ထားသည်။ | 0.12641 | 0.699219 | -0.863281 | 1.15625 |
I don't know what to do. | Neviem čo mám robiť. | 0.09262 | 0.189453 | 1.921875 | -1.367188 |
Your watch is ten minutes slow. | Il vostro orologio ha dieci minuti di ritardo. | 0.13807 | -0.349609 | 1.882813 | -1.757813 |
First of all, Mr President, can I thank the Commissioner for that very useful response. | Mijnheer de Voorzitter, om te beginnen dank ik de commissaris voor dit buitengewoon verhelderende antwoord. | 0.13115 | 0.217773 | 0.414063 | 1.617188 |
Malta and Cyprus have asked to join the Community. | Malta e Cipro hanno chiesto di aderire alla Comunità. | 0.05464 | 0.929688 | 1.203125 | 0.957031 |
Show them the magnitude of support that Palestinians have after the world witnessed their war crimes in Gaza. | Покажете им го степенот на поддршка која Палестинците ја имаат после сведоштвото на светот за воените злосторства во Газа. | 0.16489 | 0.617188 | -0.002029 | 0.02002 |
Of these Messengers, We have preferred some above others. To some Allah spoke; and some He raised in rank. We gave (Prophet) Jesus, the son of Mary, clear signs and strengthened him with the Spirit of Purity (Gabriel). Had Allah willed, those who succeeded them would not have fought against one another after the clear verses came to them. But they differed among themselves; some believed, and others disbelieved. Yet had Allah willed, they would not have fought against one another. Allah does whatever He will. | ئەنە شۇ پەيغەمبەرلەرنىڭ بەزىسىنى بەزىسىدىن ئۈستۈن قىلدۇق؛ اﷲ ئۇلارنىڭ بەزىسى (يەنى مۇسا ئەلەيھىسسالام) بىلەن سۆزلەشتى ۋە بەزىسىنىڭ (يەنى مۇھەممەد ئەلەيھىسسالامنىڭ) دەرىجىسىنى يۇقىرى كۆتۈردى. مەريەم ئوغلى ئىساغا (ئۆلۈكلەرنى تىرىلدۈرۈش، گاچىلارنى، بەرەس كېسىلىنى ساقايتىشقا ئوخشاش) روشەن مۆجىزىلەرنى ئاتا قىلدۇق. ئۇنى روھۇلقۇدۇس (يەنى جىبرىئىل ئەلەيھىسسالام) بىلەن كۈچلەندۈردۇق، ئەگەر اﷲ خالىغان بولسا ئىدى، ئۇلاردىن كېيىن كەلگەن ئۈممەتلەر ئۇلارغا روشەن دەلىللەر كەلگەندىن كېيىن ئۆزئارا ئۇرۇشماس ئىدى، لېكىن ئۇلار ئىختىلاپ قىلىشتى، بەزىسى ئىمان ئېيتتى، بەزىسى كاپىر بولدى. ئەگەر اﷲ خالىغا بولسا ئىدى، ئۇلار ئۆزئارا ئۇرۇشماس ئىدى، لېكىن اﷲ خالىغىنىنى قىلىدۇ | 0.13485 | 0.984375 | 0.828125 | 0.976563 |
But, not like this. | Tapi, tidak seperti ini. | 0.02686 | -0.832031 | 1.945313 | -1.101563 |
One day, to the surprise of the girls, she told them that they were free to go! | Một ngày nọ, các cô gái ngạc nhiên khi bà bảo họ được tự do về nhà! | 0.21055 | 0.695313 | 1.148438 | 0.976563 |
I've been lucky enough over the last 10 years to work with amazing people who've helped me redefine leadership in a way that I think has made me happier. | ကံကောင်းတာက လွန်ခဲ့တဲ့ ၁၀ နှစ်ကျော်က ပိုပျော်မယ်လို့ ထင်တဲ့ ခေါင်းဆောင်မှုကို ပြန်လည်ဖွင့်ဆိုဖို့ ကူညီတဲ့ အံ့စရာလူတွေနဲ့ တွဲလုပ်ရတာပါ ဒီနေ့ အချိန်တိုလေးမှာ ခင်ဗျားတို့ကို မျှဝေချင်တာက | 0.18992 | -0.443359 | -0.363281 | 2.4375 |
In relation to prevention, the major goal is ensuring the respect of labour laws in all the work places and therefore fighting against illegal labour, especially in the sectors which are more at risk, including agriculture, construction, food-processing and domestic work. | Pokud jde o prevenci, hlavním cílem je zaručit, aby byly na všech pracovištích dodržovány pracovní právní předpisy, a bojovat tak proti nezákonné práci, zejména v odvětvích, kde je riziko vyšší, včetně zemědělství, stavebního odvětví, zpracování potravin a domácích prací. | 0.05644 | 0.53125 | -1.914063 | 0.773438 |
What kind of dreams are they? | آنها چه نوع خوابهایی هستند ؟ | 0.13275 | 0.953125 | 1.828125 | -0.115234 |
He visited Kyoto last year. | वह पिछले साल क्योटो गया था। | 0.13265 | 0.625 | 1.835938 | 0.601563 |
Would you do it? | Vocês topariam fazer? | 0.07438 | -0.96875 | 1.976563 | 0.337891 |
- I don't need the police up in my business. | نيازي ندارم که پليس تو کارم دخالت کنه. | 0.15818 | -1.710938 | 1.640625 | -0.808594 |
This I know intimately, because even as I travel throughout the world to listen to these stories and record them, I struggle. | Тоа го знам лично, затоа што и покрај тоа што патувам по целиот свет да слушам приказни и да ги запишувам, се борам. | 0.15687 | -0.722656 | -0.078125 | -0.835938 |
How much? | เท่าไหร่คะ? | 0.07677 | 1.007813 | -0.839844 | -0.001953 |
Both tumors and dense breast tissue appear white on a mammogram, and the X-ray often can't distinguish between the two. | גם גידולים וגם רקמת שד צפופה נראים לבנים בממוגרפיה, ולרוב רנטגן אינו יכול להבדיל בין השניים. | 0.1236 | 0.233398 | -0.066406 | -0.671875 |
Here we have from the Commission a reinforcement of a hierarchy of oppression. | Aqui temos, da parte da Comissão, um reforço da hierarquia da opressão. | 0.12947 | 0.451172 | 0.241211 | -0.660156 |
These questions will be answered in the following articles. | Những câu hỏi này sẽ được giải đáp trong những bài sau đây. | 0.06354 | 0.199219 | 0.761719 | 0.357422 |
I like your pants. | ฉันชอบกางเกงแก | 0.16607 | -1.0625 | 1.976563 | 0.945313 |
So therefore, acousticians are actually in conversation with people who are hearing impaired, and who are participators of sound. | Och av den anledningen för akustiker faktiskt en dialog med hörselskadade människor som deltar i ljudskapande. | 0.19403 | -0.443359 | -0.808594 | 0.052002 |
Adrienne, open up. | Adrienne, odpri! | 0.15337 | -0.12207 | 1.976563 | 0.503906 |
You would be very hierarchical. | Seria muito hierárquico. | 0.19802 | -1.375 | 1.46875 | -0.527344 |
Of course, old media companies and advertisers need to know this. | Звичайно, старі медіа-компаній і рекламісти повинні знати це. | 0.08908 | 0.248047 | 0.789063 | -0.1875 |
It is quite clear that many people within Wales are looking to the European Structural Funds programme to alleviate some of the great difficulties that we undoubtedly face. | Det är helt klart så att många i Wales förlitar sig på Europeiska unionens strukturfondsprogram när det gäller att lindra en del av de enorma svårigheter som vi utan tvekan står inför. | 0.12796 | -0.239258 | -1.148438 | 0.640625 |
In fact, when we first went out to raise money to start Babble, the venture capitalists said, "We categorically don't invest in companies founded by husbands and wives, because there's an extra point of failure. | 事實是, 我們一起掙錢去建立Babble 我們的投資人說 "我們通常不會投資給 那些由丈夫和太太合辦的公司" 因為這註定會失敗 | 0.19297 | -0.96875 | -0.710938 | -1.398438 |
Since then, of course, this Europe with pretensions to federalism is now more than ever financed like the commonplace intergovernmental organisation it actually is, but which it refuses to see itself as. | Lige siden er EU, der bilder sig ind at være føderal, også mere end nogen sinde blevet finansieret som den banale tværstatslige organisation, den er, men som den afviser at være. | 0.16497 | 0.601563 | -1.546875 | -0.478516 |
I bought flowers because I am going to visit my grandmother this afternoon. | Jeg kjøpte blomster fordi jeg skal besøke min bestemor i ettermiddag. | 0.14818 | -1.125 | 0.757813 | 0.796875 |
He couldn't understand the sentence. | उसको वाक्य समझ में नहीं आया। | 0.08065 | 0.578125 | 1.71875 | -1.59375 |
Do you want to stop? | Chceš přestat? | 0.06682 | -1.929688 | 1.953125 | -0.589844 |
If we start to think exponentially, we can see how this is starting to affect all the technologies around us. | Če začnemo misliti eksponentno, vidimo, kako to začenja vplivati na vse tehnologije okoli nas. | 0.05299 | 0.335938 | 0.103516 | 0.457031 |
Multilingual Parallel Sentences with Semantic Similarity Scores and Quality Metrics
This dataset is a diverse collection of parallel sentences in English and various other languages, sourced from multiple high-quality datasets. Each sentence pair includes a semantic similarity score calculated using the Language-agnostic BERT Sentence Embedding (LaBSE) model, along with additional quality metrics.
Supported Tasks
This dataset supports:
- Machine Translation
- Cross-lingual Semantic Similarity
- Multilingual Natural Language Understanding
- Translation Quality Estimation
The dataset includes English paired with multiple languages from sources such as JW300, Europarl, TED Talks, OPUS-100, Tatoeba, Global Voices, and News Commentary.
Please see sentence-transformers/parallel-sentences-datasets for the original sources.
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
Each instance contains:
: The English sentence (string)non_english
: The corresponding sentence in another language (string)distance
: Semantic similarity score (cosine distance) between the sentences (float)quality
: Content quality score (float)readability
: Readability score (float)sentiment
: Sentiment score (float)
"english": "If we start to think exponentially, we can see how this is starting to affect all the technologies around us.",
"non_english": "Če začnemo misliti eksponentno, vidimo, kako to začenja vplivati na vse tehnologije okoli nas.",
"distance": 0.05299,
"quality": 0.3359375,
"readability": 0.103515625,
"sentiment": 0.45703125
Data Splits
The dataset is divided into:
- Train: 867 042 rows (90%)
- Validation: 96 338 rows (10%)
- Total: 963 380 rows (100%)
Dataset Creation
Sentences were downloaded from different splits and configurations of each dataset, ensuring a rich variety of linguistic representations.
To ensure high quality, the dataset was deduplicated, and only sentence pairs with a semantic similarity score (distance
) below 0.25 were included.
A total of 5 000 sentences were downloaded from each split of each dataset, resulting in a final distribution of 90% training and 10% validation.
Semantic similarity scores were generated using the LaBSE model by calculating cosine distances between embeddings. Additional metrics were annotated using the quality, readability, and sentiment models.
Considerations for Using the Data
Social Impact
This dataset can enhance cross-lingual NLP models and applications by providing high-quality parallel sentences with semantic similarity and quality metrics.
Known Limitations
- The semantic similarity (
) and quality scores may not capture all nuances of cross-lingual similarity or translation quality. - Coverage is limited to languages present in the source datasets.
- Filtering based on
distance < 0.25
may exclude some valid but less similar translations.
- Downloads last month
- 87