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1902 | 选择 | website | | 如<img="q_01902_001.jpg">所示,图中文字部分的文字透视效果是通过“变形文本”中的哪种样式产生的? | 贝壳 | 旗帜 | 下弧 | 扇形 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | D | null | 本科 | easy | 设计 | 艺术与设计 | ['图像编辑', '文本处理'] | ['屏幕截图'] | q_01902_001.jpg | null | null | null | null |
10614 | 选择 | website | | 在湖南,以下哪个地域最不可能看到大量的封火墙建筑?<img="q_10614_001.jpg">() | 湘西 | 湘南 | 湘东 | 长沙市区 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | D | null | 本科 | easy | 设计 | 艺术与设计 | ['艺术史', '封火墙建筑', '建筑设计'] | ['照片'] | q_10614_001.jpg | null | null | null | null |
1846 | 选择 | website | | <img="q_01846_001.jpg">是民族管弦乐队的位置图,①所在的区域通常是哪种乐器?() | 拉弦乐器 | 打击乐器 | 弹拨乐器 | 吹管乐器 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | A | 民族管弦乐队乐器一般分为吹管乐器组、拉弦乐器组、弹拨乐器组、打击乐器组。根据民族管弦乐队位置图可知,位于①位置,即指挥面向乐团左手边的是拉弦乐器组。故选A。 | 本科 | easy | 音乐 | 艺术与设计 | ['演奏区域'] | ['草图'] | q_01846_001.jpg | null | null | null | null |
9157 | 选择 | website | ERROR: type should be string, got "" | 关于下图<img="q_09157_001.png">古人所知的最早的一首"南音"是指() | 《扶型之歌》 | 《关睢》 | 《网罟之歌》 | 《候人兮狩》 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | D | null | 本科 | easy | 音乐 | 艺术与设计 | ['音乐学理论', '古代音乐'] | ['照片'] | q_09157_001.png | null | null | null | null |
5286 | 判断 | website | | <img="q_05286_001.png">《五月蝉歌》是一首原生态民歌。() | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 对 | null | 本科 | easy | 音乐 | 艺术与设计 | ['少数民族', '民族文化'] | ['绘画作品'] | q_05286_001.png | null | null | null | null |
1848 | 选择 | website | | <img="q_01848_001.jpg">该作品的作者是( )。 | 罗丹 | 贝尼尼 | 吕德 | 多纳太罗 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | C |
D项,多纳太罗,意大利文艺复兴早期第一代美术家,也是15世纪最杰出的雕塑家。多纳太罗在其一生中,创作了大量生气盎然、庄重从容的雕塑作品。代表作品《大卫》《圣乔治像》等。《大卫》第一件复兴了古代裸体雕像传统作品。故本题选C。 | 本科 | easy | 艺术 | 艺术与设计 | ['雕刻艺术'] | ['雕塑'] | q_01848_001.jpg | null | null | null | null |
5947 | 选择 | website | | 如图<img="q_05947_001.jpg">,拉文特岩画是___的美术作品。 | 上石器时代 | 中石器时代 | 下石器时代 | 青铜器时代 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | B | null | 本科 | middle | 艺术 | 艺术与设计 | ['拉文特岩画'] | ['绘画作品'] | q_05947_001.jpg | null | null | null | null |
3632 | 选择 | website | | 东晋顾恺之绘画思想是的核心是以形写神动态艺术、静态艺术的分类,依据的是<img="q_03632_001.jpg">-- | 艺术作品的物化形式 | 艺术作品的形化形式 | 艺术作品的表现形式 | 艺术作品的想象形式 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | A | null | 本科 | middle | 艺术理论 | 艺术与设计 | ['绘画艺术', '绘画思想'] | ['绘画作品'] | q_03632_001.jpg | null | null | null | null |
3664 | 判断 | website | ERROR: type should be string, got "" | 越剧的特点之一是以女演员扮演各行当角色。<img="q_03664_001.jpg"> | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 对 | null | 本科 | easy | 艺术理论 | 艺术与设计 | ['艺术概论', '越剧'] | ['照片'] | q_03664_001.jpg | null | null | null | null |
2496 | 选择 | website | | 《红色娘子军》是_______导演的影片。<img="q_02496_001.jpg">-- | 李昭道 | 李思训 | 谢晋 | 李成 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | C | null | 本科 | easy | 艺术理论 | 艺术与设计 | ['影片鉴赏', '电影研究'] | ['海报'] | q_02496_001.jpg | null | null | null | null |
5594 | 选择 | website | | <img="q_05594_001.png">在黑格尔看来,人类最初的艺术类型是() | 象征型艺术 | 古典型艺术 | 浪漫型艺术 | 具象型艺术 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | A | null | 本科 | easy | 艺术理论 | 艺术与设计 | ['美术理论', '德国哲学家'] | ['照片', '肖像'] | q_05594_001.png | null | null | null | null |
5344 | 判断 | website | | 图<img="q_05344_001.png">所示弧弹性为完全无弹性。 | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 对 | null | 本科 | middle | 经济 | 商业 | ['供给需求', '微观经济学'] | ['图表'] | q_05344_001.png | null | null | null | null |
12884 | 选择 | website | | 某医院用一种中草药治疗9名高血压病人,治疗前后的舒压见下表<img="q_12884_001.jpg">欲比较治疗前后有无差异,这是() | 计量资料 | 还不能决定是计量资料还是计数资料 | 计数资料 | 既可作计量也可作计数资料 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | A | null | 本科 | easy | 经济 | 商业 | ['差异'] | ['表格'] | q_12884_001.jpg | null | null | null | null |
6401 | 填空 | website | | 已知:某公司生产ABC三种产品,其固定成本总额为1980000元,三宗产品的有关资料见表<img="q_06401_001.png">用综合贡献边际法的加权平均法可知C产品的保本量为__ | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 26 | null | 本科 | middle | 会计 | 商业 | ['管理会计', '经济管理'] | ['表格'] | q_06401_001.png | null | null | null | null |
513 | 填空 | website | | 欣星公司的资产负债率为60%,流动比率为160%,资产负债率的标准值为50%,流动比率的标准值为200%,欣星公司甲产品的单位成本资料如下:<img="q_00513_001.png">,产品单位成本的增减率为__ | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 3.5 | null | 本科 | middle | 会计 | 商业 | ['企业经营', '财务报表'] | ['表格'] | q_00513_001.png | null | null | null | null |
4333 | 填空 | website | | 根据图<img="q_04333_001.png">销售利润率对总资产报酬率的影响为__% | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | -4.2 | 销售利润率的影响=70%×60%×(30%-40%)=-4.2% | 本科 | easy | 会计 | 商业 | ['利润计算'] | ['表格'] | q_04333_001.png | null | null | null | null |
2399 | 填空 | website | ERROR: type should be string, got "" | 某市几种副食品,调整价格前后资料如下<img="q_02399_001.png">:计算出四种商品物价总指数为_% | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 116.91 | null | 本科 | middle | 会计 | 商业 | ['统计学原理', '价格指数'] | ['表格'] | q_02399_001.png | null | null | null | null |
528 | 填空 | website | | 分析<img="q_00528_001.png">,可以看出通过从当年阴历中提取盈余公积金和未分配利润29917使总资产增加__% | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 2.43 | null | 本科 | middle | 会计 | 商业 | ['变动分析', '资产管理'] | ['表格'] | q_00528_001.png | null | null | null | null |
7094 | 填空 | website | | 假设有三只股票的收益状况预测如下<img="q_07094_001.png">:如果投资在每一只股票上的金额都相等,投资组合的期望报酬率是_% | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 8.4 | null | 考研 | middle | 金融 | 商业 | ['投资分析', '收益预测'] | ['表格'] | q_07094_001.png | null | null | null | null |
5862 | 填空 | website | | 随机抽取10个网络用户,得到他们的年龄数据如图<img="q_05862_001.png">,计算标准差为___周岁。 | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 5.87 | null | 本科 | easy | 金融 | 商业 | ['统计学', '标准差'] | ['表格'] | q_05862_001.png | null | null | null | null |
5883 | 选择 | website | | 某外贸企业出口一批酱油,与外商签订的合同规定每瓶酱油的平均重量不能低于150克。现按重复抽样随机抽取100瓶进行检验,检验结果 如图<img="q_05883_001.png">,已知酱油瓶重服从正态分布,样本均值和样本标准差分别为150.90克和3.83克。如果规定酱油重量低于148克属于不合格,确定该批酱油合格率95%的置信区间为____。 | 86.5%$\le\pi\le$97.1% | 86.6%$\le\pi\le$97.2% | 86.7%$\le\pi\le$97.3% | 86.8%$\le\pi\le$97.4% | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | C | null | 本科 | middle | 金融 | 商业 | ['国际贸易实务'] | ['表格'] | q_05883_001.png | null | null | null | null |
8861 | 选择 | website | | 银行的报价如表所示<img="q_08861_001.png">。某一客户卖出即期/买入远期美元300万,问:银行的5个月USD/HKD
掉期汇率是多少?__________。 | 7.9547~7.9535/7.9484~7.9542 | 7.9547~7.9535/7.9656~7.9782 | 7.9457~7.9515/7.9656~7.9782 | 7.9457~7.9515/7.9484~7.9542 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | D | null | 本科 | easy | 金融 | 商业 | ['投资分析', '财务管理'] | ['表格'] | q_08861_001.png | null | null | null | null |
11670 | 选择 | website | | 甲企业以乙企业为竞争对手,相对于乙企业的三种策略,甲企业拟定四种策略与之抗衡,收益矩阵如<img="q_11670_001.png">所示。用最小最大后悔值法应选择() | 第一种方案 | 第二种方案 | 第三种方案 | 第四种方案 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | D | null | 本科 | middle | 管理 | 商业 | ['企业管理学', '运营管理', '管理学原理'] | ['表格'] | q_11670_001.png | null | null | null | null |
11725 | 选择 | website | | 如<img="q_11725_001.png">所示人物为()。 | 大卫·麦克兰 | 斯达西·亚当斯 | 马斯洛 | 维克托·弗鲁姆 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | A | null | 本科 | easy | 管理 | 商业 | ['管理理论'] | ['照片', '肖像'] | q_11725_001.png | null | null | null | null |
11665 | 选择 | website | | 一家生产两种桂花香味的家用芳香产品的工厂,一种产品是蜡烛,另一种产品是成盒的香味木片。生意状况不错,可以将所有的产品卖出去。具体的数据如<img="q_11665_001.png">所示。安排月生产()支蜡烛能使企业的利润最大。 | 100 | 150 | 200 | 250 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | B | null | 本科 | hard | 管理 | 商业 | ['企业管理学', '运营管理', '管理学原理'] | ['表格'] | q_11665_001.png | null | null | null | null |
5318 | 选择 | website | | 营销环境不以某个营销组织或个人的意志为转移,它有自己的运行规律和特点。企业的营销活动只能主动地适应和利用客观环境,不能改变或违背。客观、公正地分析营销环境因素才能减少营销决策的盲目和失误,赢得营销活动的成功。由此可知该图<img="q_05318_001.png">为__ | 交易市场营销环境 | 交易市场广告环境 | 企业市场广告环境 | 企业市场营销环境 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | D | null | 本科 | middle | 营销 | 商业 | ['微观营销分析', '市场营销'] | ['草图'] | q_05318_001.png | null | null | null | null |
8502 | 填空 | website | | 甲、乙两单位工人的生产情况资料如下:<img="q_08502_001.png">问_____单位的工人生产水平整齐。 | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 乙 | null | 本科 | easy | 营销 | 商业 | ['市场营销', '经营管理', '营销分析', '数据分析'] | ['表格'] | q_08502_001.png | null | null | null | null |
10285 | 选择 | website | | <img="q_10285_001.png">如图,折射率为$n_{2} $,厚度为e的透明介质薄膜的上方和下方的透明介质的折射率分别为$n_{1} $ 和$n_{3} $,且$n_{1} $< $n_{2} $,$n_{2} $> $n_{3} $,若用真空中波长为$\lambda $的单色平行光垂直入射到该薄膜上,则从薄膜上、下两表面反射的光束的光程差是() | $2n_{2} e$ | $2n_{2} e- \frac{\lambda }{2} $ | $2n_{2} e- \lambda $ | $2n_{2} e- \frac{\lambda }{2n_{2} } $ | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | B | null | 本科 | middle | 物理 | 科学 | ['光线折射', '介质性质'] | ['草图'] | q_10285_001.png | null | null | null | null |
5741 | 选择 | website | | 如图<img="q_05741_001.png">,在一圆形电流I所在的平面内,选一个同心圆形闭合回路L() | $\oint_{L}^{} \overrightarrow{B} d\overrightarrow{t} = 0$且环路上任意一点$\overrightarrow{B} = 0$ | $\oint_{L}^{} \overrightarrow{B} d\overrightarrow{t} = 0$且环路上任意一点$\overrightarrow{B} \ne 0$ | \oint_{L}^{} \overrightarrow{B} d\overrightarrow{t} \ne 0且环路上任意一点$\overrightarrow{B} \ne 0$ | \oint_{L}^{} \overrightarrow{B} d\overrightarrow{t} \ne 0且环路上任意一点$\overrightarrow{B} = 常量$ | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | B | null | 考研题 | middle | 物理 | 科学 | ['电力基础'] | ['几何形状'] | q_05741_001.png | null | null | null | null |
10277 | 填空 | website | | <img="q_10277_001.png">一热机从温度为727^{\circ} C的高温热源吸热,向温度为527^{\circ} C的低温热源放热,若热机在最大效率下工作,且每一次循环吸热2000 J,则此热机在每一次循环中对外作功为__J | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 400 | null | 本科 | middle | 物理 | 科学 | ['热循环', '能量分析'] | ['图表'] | q_10277_001.png | null | null | null | null |
205 | 选择 | website | | <img="q_00205_001.png">为沿x轴负方向传播的平面简谐波在t=0时刻的波形曲线。若波动方程以余弦函数表示。则坐标原点O处质点振动的初位相为( )。 | 0 | $\frac{\pi }{2} $ | $\pi $ | $\frac{3\pi }{2} $ | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | D | null | 硕士/竞赛 | middle | 物理 | 科学 | ['简谐运动', '力与运动', '运动规律', '余弦函数'] | ['图表'] | q_00205_001.png | null | null | null | null |
9511 | 选择 | website | ERROR: type should be string, got "" | 从<img="q_09511_001.png">中可看出,在中、高纬地区,形成了以_为中心的气旋型大洋环流 | 热带 | 副热带 | 极地 | 副极地 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | D | null | 本科 | middle | 地理 | 科学 | ['自然地理', '水文地理'] | ['地图'] | q_09511_001.png | null | null | null | null |
8414 | 选择 | website | | 2018 年全世界可见()第二天偏食,而中国能够观察到此中的( )次。<img="q_08414_001.jpg">- | 2,1 | 2,0 | 4,2 | 3,1 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | D | null | 本科 | middle | 地理 | 科学 | ['人文地理', '自然地理'] | ['天文图像'] | q_08414_001.jpg | null | null | null | null |
9705 | 填空 | website | | 如<img="q_09705_001.png">,宿营地的选址应在地势较_(填高或低)的缓坡或较平坦的鞍部 | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 高 | null | 本科 | middle | 地理 | 科学 | ['户外环境特征', '选址'] | ['地图'] | q_09705_001.png | null | null | null | null |
4283 | 选择 | website | | 如<img="q_04283_001.png">所示为洪积扇的沉积结构,则3为_ | 洪积扇边缘细砂粘土沉积 | 洪积扇顶部粗砾沉积 | 洪积扇中部泥砂沉积 | 河流及河床沉积 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | A | null | 本科 | middle | 地理 | 科学 | ['自然地理', '地质地貌学原理'] | ['草图'] | q_04283_001.png | null | null | null | null |
9721 | 填空 | website | | <img="q_09721_001.png">示为_构造 | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 球—枕 | null | 本科 | easy | 地理 | 科学 | ['地质构造', '地貌特征'] | ['照片'] | q_09721_001.png | null | null | null | null |
12511 | 填空 | website | | 如图<img="q_12511_001.png">,指出图中线理的名称是___。 | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 拉伸 | null | 本科 | easy | 地理 | 科学 | ['地质构造'] | ['草图'] | q_12511_001.png | null | null | null | null |
458 | 填空 | website | | 如图<img="q_00458_001.png">所示,用效率为75%的离心泵$P_{1}$ ,将水由贮槽A处输送至密闭罐B内,已知泵$P_{1}$,的特性曲线方程可以表达为:H=40-$0.006q^{2} v$(qv,$m^{3}$ /h),该系统的最大输送能力为$50m^{3}/h$,管路尺寸均为108mm×4mm。假定所有的流动均处于完全湍流区;两泵的出口阀门与离心泵出口距离、出口阀与汇合点之间距离很短,吸入管路阻力可忽略不计。试求单泵$P_{1}$在最大流量条件下工作时系统的阻力(用m液柱表示)_m | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 7.8 | null | 本科 | middle | 化学 | 科学 | ['化工原理', '离心泵'] | ['流程图'] | q_00458_001.png | null | null | null | null |
1600 | 填空 | website | | 如图<img="q_01600_001.png">,找出最高会溶温度____℃ | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 68.5 | null | 本科 | hard | 化学 | 科学 | ['分析化学', '有机化学'] | ['屏幕截图'] | q_01600_001.png | null | null | null | null |
388 | 填空 | book | 陈敏恒《化工原理》(第 4 版)(下册)配套题库【名校考研真题 + 课后习题 + 章节题库 + 模拟试题】 | 如图<img="q_00388_001.png">所示,某常压操作的理想干燥器处理物料量为500kg绝干料/h,物料进、出口的含水量分别为X1=0.3kg水/kg干料,X2=0.05kg水/kg干料。新鲜空气的温度t0为20°C,露点td为10°C,经预热至96°C后进入干燥器。干空气的流量为6000kg干气/h。进预热器前风机的流量=_$m^{3}$/h | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 5037 | null | 本科 | middle | 化学 | 科学 | ['化学工艺', '化工原理', '干燥器'] | ['流程图'] | q_00388_001.png | null | null | null | null |
344 | 选择 | book | 陈钧辉《普通生物化学》(第 5 版)配套题库【名校考研真题 + 课后习题 + 章节题库 + 模拟试题】 | 用y=ax+b的形式来表达米氏方程时,其表达式如<img="q_00344_001.png">所示,当在反应体系中加入竞争性抑制剂时,a值将_。 | 减小 | 增大 | 保持不变 | 不确定 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | B | null | 考研题 | middle | 化学 | 科学 | ['生物化学', '化学反应', '反应活性'] | ['草图'] | q_00344_001.png | null | null | null | null |
11950 | 选择 | website | | 下列试剂的水溶液分别与1—溴丁烷反应时,按亲核取代反应活性由大到小排列
成序<img="q_11950_001.png">- | a>b>c>d>e | a>d>b>c>e | a>b>d>c>e | a>b>d>e>c | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | C | null | 本科 | middle | 化学 | 科学 | ['化学结构', '化学性质'] | ['其他'] | q_11950_001.png | null | null | null | null |
11099 | 填空 | website | | 图<img="q_11099_001.png">示为__(螺旋菌),:菌体有数个弯曲,菌体长3~6μm | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 螺菌 | null | 硕士/竞赛 | hard | 生物 | 科学 | ['微生物性状', '菌体排列'] | ['草图'] | q_11099_001.png | null | null | null | null |
11049 | 填空 | website | | 下图<img="q_11049_001.png">是__研究的基本技术路线 | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 基因工程 | null | 硕士/竞赛 | easy | 生物 | 科学 | ['生物技术'] | ['流程图'] | q_11049_001.png | null | null | null | null |
8195 | 填空 | website | | 如<img="q_08195_001.png">所示的人物及同事在Frederick Griffith的细菌遗传性状转移实验的基础上证明 __就是携带遗传物质的多聚物 | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | DNA | null | 本科 | easy | 生物 | 科学 | ['分子生物学', '生物化学', '细胞生物学'] | ['照片', '肖像'] | q_08195_001.png | null | null | null | null |
7883 | 选择 | website | | <img="q_07883_001.png">所示ES细胞在体外分化成为__ | 肌肉细胞 | 神经元 | 血液细胞 | 神经胶质细胞 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | D | null | 本科 | hard | 生物 | 科学 | ['生物医学', '多能细胞系'] | ['照片'] | q_07883_001.png | null | null | null | null |
4965 | 填空 | website | | 设抽样得到100个样本观测值如<img="q_04965_001.png">,则样本均值为_ | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 3.14 | null | 本科 | easy | 数学 | 科学 | ['经济数学', '概率论与数理统计'] | ['表格'] | q_04965_001.png | null | null | null | null |
10447 | 选择 | website | | 从所给的四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性:<img="q_10447_001.png">() | <img="a_10447_001.png"> | <img="a_10447_002.png"> | <img="a_10447_003.png"> | <img="a_10447_004.png"> | D | null | 本科 | middle | 数学 | 科学 | ['几何图形', '规律分析'] | ['几何形状', '草图'] | a_10447_001.png | a_10447_002.png | a_10447_003.png | a_10447_004.png | q_10447_001.png |
4962 | 选择 | website | | 把<img="q_04962_001.png">中阴影部分所示(边界为直线段或圆弧)的域共形地且互为单值地映射成上半平面,则实现$Re(z)>0$,$0<Im(z)<a$映射的任一个函数为_ | $-(\frac{e^{-\frac{\pi}{a}z}-1}{e^{-\frac{\pi}{a}z}+1})^{2}$ | $(\frac{e^{\frac{\pi}{a}z}-1}{e^{\frac{\pi}{a}z}+1})^{2}$ | $(\frac{e^{-\frac{\pi}{a}z}-1}{e^{-\frac{\pi}{a}z}+1})^{2}$ | $-(\frac{e^{\frac{\pi}{a}z}-1}{e^{\frac{\pi}{a}z}+1})^{2}$ | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | C | null | 本科 | middle | 数学 | 科学 | ['工程数学复变函数', '共形映射'] | ['图表'] | q_04962_001.png | null | null | null | null |
1385 | 填空 | website | | 设随机变量X和Y的联合概率分布为<img="q_01385_001.png">,则E(X)=_。(以小数形式表示,最多保留两位小数) | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 0.6 | null | 本科 | middle | 数学 | 科学 | ['随机变量', '概率论', '数理统计'] | ['表格'] | q_01385_001.png | null | null | null | null |
5020 | 选择 | website | | 在杠杆上支点O的一侧与点的距离为$x_{1}$的点$P_{1}$处,有一与$\overrightarrow{OP_{1}}$成角$\theta_{1}$的力$F_{1}$作用着;在O的另一侧与点O的距离为$x_{2}$的点$P_{2}$处,有一与$\overrightarrow{OP_{2}}$成角$\theta_{2}$的力$F_{2}$作用着(<img="q_05020_001.png">)。则$\theta_{1}$,$\theta_{2}$,$x_{1}$,$x_{2}$,$\mid F_{1}\mid$,$\mid F_{2}\mid$符合_条件才能使杠杆保持平衡 | $\mid F_{1}\mid x_{1}\sin\theta_{1}=\mid F_{2}\mid x_{2}\cos\theta_{2}$ | $\mid F_{1}\mid x_{1}\sin\theta_{1}=\mid F_{2}\mid x_{2}\sin\theta_{2}$ | $\mid F_{1}\mid x_{1}\cos\theta_{1}=\mid F_{2}\mid x_{2}\sin\theta_{2}$ | $\mid F_{1}\mid x_{1}\cos\theta_{1}=\mid F_{2}\mid x_{2}\cos\theta_{2}$ | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | B | null | 本科 | middle | 数学 | 科学 | ['杠杆原理'] | ['图表'] | q_05020_001.png | null | null | null | null |
12173 | 判断 | website | | 同一种单糖的a-型和β-型<img="q_12173_001.png">是对映体。() | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 错 | null | 考研题 | middle | 生物 | 科学 | ['对映异构体'] | ['化学结构'] | q_12173_001.png | null | null | null | null |
12803 | 判断 | book | 锤炼拍打治百病 | 如图<img="q_12803_001.png">为咳嗽取穴图,外感咳嗽拍打时可双手交替拍打两侧手太阴肺经,从上到下,往复各5分钟,以局部微热为宜。再重点拍打尺泽、列缺、太渊等穴。重点拍打天府,可微微出痧。 | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 对 | null | 本科 | middle | 临床医学 | 健康与医学 | ['中医治疗', '传统中医'] | ['医学图像', '草图'] | q_12803_001.png | null | null | null | null |
674 | 选择 | website | | <img="q_00674_001.png">为胆囊的生理结构图,有关胆囊的描述,错误的是() | 胆囊管与肝总管汇合成胆总管 | 分为底、体、颈和胆囊管四部分 | 能分泌、储存和浓缩胆汁 | 胆囊底的体表投影在右锁骨中线和右肋弓交界处 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | C | null | 本科 | easy | 临床医学 | 健康与医学 | ['系统解剖学', '人体解剖学'] | ['医学图像'] | q_00674_001.png | null | null | null | null |
2238 | 选择 | website | | 护士遵医嘱为患者进行药物注射,注射部位如图示<img="q_02238_001.png">,请问该种注射方式为:() | IM | H | ID | IV | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | B | null | 本科 | middle | 临床医学 | 健康与医学 | ['临床病理学', '临床发病机制'] | ['医学图像'] | q_02238_001.png | null | null | null | null |
10224 | 选择 | book | 预防医学(全国中医药行业高等教育「十四五」规划教材) | <img="q_10224_001.png">是影响健康的因素,四大类危险因素导致死亡的比重由高至低依次约为() | 生活及行为方式、人类生物学因素、环境因素、卫生服务 | 人类生物学因素、环境因素、卫生服务生活及行为方式 | 环境因素、卫生服务、生活及行为方式、人类生物学因素 | 卫生服务、生活及行为方式、人类生物学因素、环境因素 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | A | null | 本科 | middle | 公共卫生 | 健康与医学 | ['公共医疗保健', '医疗保健管理', '四大类危险因素', '卫生政策分析'] | ['流程图'] | q_10224_001.png | null | null | null | null |
9805 | 判断 | website | | 如<img="q_09805_001.png">所示为每日吸烟支数与肺癌发生之间的剂量反应关系,表明,随着每日吸烟支数的增加,OR值亦逐渐增大。() | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 对 | null | 本科 | hard | 公共卫生 | 健康与医学 | ['反应关系', 'OR值'] | ['表格'] | q_09805_001.png | null | null | null | null |
10395 | 判断 | website | | 现有一临床试验数据,有5家医院参加,分为试验组(g=1)和和对照组(g=0),见表<img="q_10395_001.png">,请对该资料进行分析,如果问两组入组的身高与体重是否可比,宜用两样本的t检验或u检验统计方法。 | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 对 | null | 本科 | easy | 公共卫生 | 健康与医学 | ['医学统计学', '检验方法'] | ['表格'] | q_10395_001.png | null | null | null | null |
7983 | 判断 | book | 常见病媒生物分类鉴定手册 | 图<img="q_07983_001.png">中的是骚扰阿蚊,幼虫孳生于稻田、池塘、沼泽、茭白地等。() | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 错 | null | 本科 | middle | 公共卫生 | 健康与医学 | ['传染病控制', '病媒生物', '蚊虫类型'] | ['照片'] | q_07983_001.png | null | null | null | null |
9767 | 选择 | website | | 在沿江农村医生用皮肤试验来筛检肝血吸虫病,在已经确诊的200例肝血吸虫病病人中检出180例为阳性,200例非肝血吸虫病病人中190例为阴性。试验结果如<img="q_09767_001.png">所示,该试验的阴性预测值为()。 | 90.5% | 90.6% | 90.7% | 90.8% | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | A | null | 本科 | hard | 公共卫生 | 健康与医学 | ['流行病学', '阴性预测值'] | ['表格'] | q_09767_001.png | null | null | null | null |
7470 | 判断 | book | 宁波市民健康知识手册 | 如图<img="q_07470_001.png">,吸烟产生的焦油和烟雾中存在大量自由基。人每吸一口烟,会产生2 000 万亿个自由基,可以直接或间接攻击细胞,引起细胞和组织氧化损伤。 | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 对 | null | 本科 | middle | 公共卫生 | 健康与医学 | ['健康与卫生', '自由基'] | ['照片'] | q_07470_001.png | null | null | null | null |
66 | 选择 | website | | <img="q_00066_001.png">中弹性膜相延续,边界不清的是() | 大动脉 | 中动脉 | 小动脉 | 无法确定 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | A | null | 本科 | easy | 基础医学 | 健康与医学 | ['循环系统', '实验切片'] | ['显微镜图像'] | q_00066_001.png | null | null | null | null |
6727 | 选择 | website | | <img="q_06727_001.png">图示箭头所指的胸水中的细胞名称____ | 白细胞 | 巨噬细胞 | 淋巴瘤细胞 | 棘红细胞 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | B | null | 本科 | middle | 基础医学 | 健康与医学 | ['血液体液细胞形态学', '细胞名称'] | ['显微镜图像'] | q_06727_001.png | null | null | null | null |
7047 | 选择 | website | | <img="q_07047_001.png">图示可见细胞名称() | 成熟红细胞 | 中幼红细胞 | 晚幼红细胞 | 原始红细胞 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | A | null | 本科 | middle | 基础医学 | 健康与医学 | ['造血细胞', '细胞生物学'] | ['显微镜图像'] | q_07047_001.png | null | null | null | null |
8970 | 判断 | book | 口腔组织病理学 | 图<img="q_08970_001.png">是畸形中央尖,指牙给面由中央窝处长出的额外牙尖。常见于下颌后磨牙,不对称发生。额外牙尖内常有伸入的牙髓,磨损后常导致非龋病因素的牙根尖病变。 | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 错 | null | 本科 | middle | 基础医学 | 健康与医学 | ['口腔医学', '口腔组织病理学'] | ['医学图像'] | q_08970_001.png | null | null | null | null |
8278 | 选择 | website | | <img="q_08278_001.png">图示为外周血涂片,中心区结晶名称() | 胆固醇结晶 | 三联磷酸盐结晶 | 尿酸结晶 | 硝酸氨镁结晶 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | C | null | 本科 | middle | 诊断学与实验室医学 | 健康与医学 | ['细胞形态', '细胞生物', '医学实验'] | ['显微镜图像', '医学图像'] | q_08278_001.png | null | null | null | null |
12786 | 选择 | book | 药草云南 | 如图<img="q_12786_001.png">为小山茶,性味归经为味苦、辛,性平。归肺、胃、肝经。功效主治发散解表,清热利湿。用于感冒,咽喉痛,头痛,小儿口腔炎,牙痛。外感风寒,头痛身重,咽喉肿痛,风火虫牙,腹泻腹痛,尿闭黄疸,急性胃肠炎可采用:______ | 小山茶10~15 克,水煎服 | 小山茶25~40 克,水煎服 | 小山茶6~10 克,水煎服 | 小山茶15~30 克,水煎服 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | D | null | 本科 | middle | 制药 | 健康与医学 | ['中药研发', '药物特性', '性状特征'] | ['照片'] | q_12786_001.png | null | null | null | null |
4112 | 判断 | website | | 《21世纪新药合成》是根据《Pharmaceutical Substances》登记的1988-2007年41种新药的专利保护期文献对新药或新工艺的基础文件进行解读,介绍了药品基本信息、合成路线、合成路线注释,以及合成工艺、合成工艺讨论等内容。<img="q_04112_001.png">() | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 对 | null | 本科 | easy | 制药 | 健康与医学 | ['生物制药', '著作理解', '《21世纪新药合成》'] | ['照片'] | q_04112_001.png | null | null | null | null |
12945 | 选择 | website | | 在催化剂作用下,甲醇用空气氧化可制取甲醛。反应方程式如下:为保证甲醇有足够的转化率,在进科中空气过量50%,甲醇的转化率式可 达75%。已保知甲醇的流量3200kg/h,物料衡算示意图如<img="q_12945_001.png">所示,则输入时所需氧气的流量为()。 | 2300kg/h | 2400kg/h | 10353kg/h | 7953kg/h | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | B | null | 本科 | hard | 制药 | 健康与医学 | ['制药工程', '药学实践', '制剂学'] | ['流程图'] | q_12945_001.png | null | null | null | null |
4116 | 判断 | website | | 《当代结构药物全集》(Current Structured Drugs)由王泽民编著,1997年1月北京科学技术出版社出版,是一部大型医药学工具书,收集已知化学结构药物7695个。<img="q_04116_001.png">() | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 对 | null | 本科 | easy | 制药 | 健康与医学 | ['生物制药', '著作理解'] | ['照片'] | q_04116_001.png | null | null | null | null |
1809 | 选择 | website | | <img="q_01809_001.png">,下列表述正确的是( )①东南地区通商口岸贸易网络最为密集 ②“五口通商”中的香港成为贸易中心
③天津的口岸贸易在北方居于核心地位 ④最早开埠的汉口是南北口岸贸易枢纽 | ①② | ③④ | ①③ | ②④ | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | C | null | 本科 | easy | 历史 | 人文社会科学 | ['人文历史', '中国古代史', '经济贸易'] | ['地图'] | q_01809_001.png | null | null | null | null |
7744 | 选择 | website | | 关于含嘉仓粮食存储技术,请问以下描述错误的是哪一项?<img="q_07744_001.jpg">() | 仓窖口大底小,以防止坍塌。 | 挖好窖坑后,要用火烘干,以除湿防潮 | 需要将草木灰摊在窖底,上面铺上木板,木板之上铺席子,席上垫谷糠后再铺一层席子 | 为了保证入库粮食的新鲜,封存粮食都在秋季进行。 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | D | null | 本科 | hard | 历史 | 人文社会科学 | ['古代历史', '古代文物'] | ['照片'] | q_07744_001.jpg | null | null | null | null |
10772 | 选择 | book | 图片类选择题 (1).doc | 1861年,维克多·雨果在给朋友的信中怒斥火烧圆明园,如<img="q_10772_001.jpg">,的罪行:“我们眼中,中国人是野蛮人,可是你看文明人对野蛮人干了些什么!”信中的“文明人”指() | 英国军队 | 法国军队 | 英法联军 | 八国联军 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | C | 图片反映的火烧圆明园的史实,火烧圆明园发生在第二次鸦片战争中,发动第二次鸦片战争的是英法联军。 | 本科 | easy | 历史 | 人文社会科学 | ['世界近代史', '军事史'] | ['照片'] | q_10772_001.jpg | null | null | null | null |
4887 | 选择 | book | 2012心理学专业基础综合模拟试卷 | <img="q_04887_001.png">在纸上画一幅画,即使把这张纸撕成两半,人们也能大致知道画的内容,这种知觉特性被称为( )。 | 知觉的整体性 | 知觉的恒常性 | 知觉的选择性 | 知觉的理解性 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | D | null | 考研题 | easy | 心理学 | 人文社会科学 | ['认知心理学'] | ['照片'] | q_04887_001.png | null | null | null | null |
2548 | 判断 | website | | <img="q_02548_001.png">所示实验是视觉悬崖实验 | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 错 | null | 本科 | easy | 心理学 | 人文社会科学 | ['心理学实验'] | ['照片'] | q_02548_001.png | null | null | null | null |
6097 | 选择 | book | 心理学概论 | <img="q_06097_001.png">根据图示曲线,学习20分钟后,知识遗忘的数量是( ) | 42% | 50% | 60% | 72% | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | A | null | 本科 | easy | 心理学 | 人文社会科学 | ['认知心理学'] | ['图表'] | q_06097_001.png | null | null | null | null |
8055 | 判断 | website | ERROR: type should be string, got "" | 五因素模型(大五人格理论)是当代重要的人格理论。下图<img="q_08055_001.png">是一项关于五因素模型的纵向研究结果。N(神经质)因素的得分随着年龄的增长而降低,C(责任心)因素的得分随着年龄的增长而提高,但随后趋于稳定。这说明,人格既具有稳定性,也具有可变性 | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 对 | null | 考研 | middle | 心理学 | 人文社会科学 | ['人格理论', '实验心理学'] | ['图表'] | q_08055_001.png | null | null | null | null |
5670 | 选择 | book | 《说文解字今释 第3页》 | <img="q_05670_001.jpg">中的古文字对应的简体字是( ) | 正 | 是 | 上 | 走 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | C | null | 本科 | easy | 文献学 | 人文社会科学 | ['古代汉语', '古文字学'] | ['书法'] | q_05670_001.jpg | null | null | null | null |
13129 | 选择 | website | | <img="q_13129_001.png">图中人物的的社会分层理论被称为() | 文化发散论 | 社会结构论 | 精英阶级理论 | 政治循环论 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | C | null | 本科 | middle | 社会学 | 人文社会科学 | ['社会学史'] | ['照片', '肖像'] | q_13129_001.png | null | null | null | null |
9600 | 选择 | website | | 下图<img="q_09600_001.png">是某四国人口构成示意图,最可能属于发展中国家的是() | ① | ② | ③ | ④ | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | A | null | 本科 | middle | 社会学 | 人文社会科学 | ['资料分析'] | ['图表'] | q_09600_001.png | null | null | null | null |
2152 | 选择 | website | | 在冲突理论中,<img="q_02152_001.png">图中人物提出的理论被称为() | 阶级斗争理论 | 辩证冲突论 | 功能冲突论 | 结构冲突论 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | B | null | 本科 | middle | 社会学 | 人文社会科学 | ['社会学概论', '社会学理论', '冲突理论'] | ['肖像', '照片'] | q_02152_001.png | null | null | null | null |
10910 | 判断 | website | | 某c语言程序如图所示<img="q_10910_001.png">,数组a的访问时间局部性和空间局部性皆有.() | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 对 | null | 考研题 | middle | 计算机科学 | 技术与工程 | ['计算机网络', '编程语言'] | ['其他'] | q_10910_001.png | null | null | null | null |
12390 | 选择 | website | | 若用户1与用户2之间发送和接收电子邮件的过程如<img="q_12390_001.png">所示,则图中①、②、③阶段分别使用的应用层协议可以是() | SMTP、SMTP、SMTP | POP3、SMTP、POP3 | POP3、SMTP、SMTP | SMTP、SMTP、POP3 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | D | SMTP是简单邮件传输协议,用于发送电子邮件;POP3是邮局协议第三版,用于接收电子邮件。①、②是发送电子邮件,所以使用的是SMTP,③是接收电子邮件,所以使用的是POP3 | 考研题 | easy | 计算机科学 | 技术与工程 | ['计算机网络', '应用层'] | ['有向图', '系统框图'] | q_12390_001.png | null | null | null | null |
12625 | 选择 | website | | 某进程的段表内容如下所示。<img="q_12625_001.png">当访问段号为2、段内地址为400的逻辑地址时,进行地址转换的结果是() | 段缺失异常 | 得到内存地址4400 | 越权异常 | 越界异常 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | D | null | 考研 | middle | 计算机科学 | 技术与工程 | ['操作系统', '计算机网络', '进程'] | ['表格'] | q_12625_001.png | null | null | null | null |
12332 | 选择 | website | | 在<img="q_12332_001.png">所示的采用“存储-转发”方式分组的交换网络中,所有链路的数据传输速度为100Mbps,分组大小为1000B,其中分组头大小20B,若主机$H_{1}$向主机$H_{2}$发送一个大小为980000B的文件,则在不考虑分组拆装时间和传播延迟的情况下,从$H_{1}$发送到$H_{2}$接收完为止,需要的时间至少是() | 80ms | 80.08ms | 80.16ms | 80.24ms | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | C | null | 考研题 | middle | 计算机科学 | 技术与工程 | ['计算机网络', '算法'] | ['系统框图'] | q_12332_001.png | null | null | null | null |
829 | 选择 | website | | 下列电路中能实现交流放大的是图 ( ) | <img="a_00829_001.png"> | <img="a_00829_002.png"> | <img="a_00829_003.png"> | <img="a_00829_004.png"> | Not supported with pagination yet | B | null | 本科 | middle | 电子学 | 技术与工程 | ['交流电路', '电子分析'] | ['电路图'] | a_00829_001.png | a_00829_002.png | a_00829_003.png | a_00829_004.png | null |
10000 | 选择 | website | | 下图<img="q_10000_001.png">所示电路为应用集成运放组成的测量电阻的原理电电路,试写出被测电阻$R_{x} $与电压表电压$U_{0} $的关系__ | $U_{0}=-2\times 10^{5} R_{x} $ | $U_{0}=-2\times 10^{4} R_{x} $ | $U_{0}=-10^{4} R_{x} $ | $U_{0}=-10^{5} R_{x} $ | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | D | null | 本科 | middle | 电子学 | 技术与工程 | ['电工电子技术'] | ['电路图'] | q_10000_001.png | null | null | null | null |
9981 | 填空 | website | | 如图<img="q_09981_001.png">所示为在220V的交流电路中,接入一理想变压器。一次绕组$N_{1} $=10000匹,二次侧电压
$U_{2} $=44V,负载电阻$R_{L} $=110,试求一次侧电流$I_{1} $__A(以小数形式表示) | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 0.8 | null | 本科 | middle | 电子学 | 技术与工程 | ['电磁学', '电路计算', '电力系统'] | ['电路图'] | q_09981_001.png | null | null | null | null |
3439 | 填空 | website | | 在线电压为380V的三相电源上,接有两组电阻性对称负载,如图<img="q_03439_001.png">所示。试求线路上的总线电流I=_A | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 39.32 | null | 本科 | middle | 电子学 | 技术与工程 | ['电工电子学', '电流'] | ['电路图'] | q_03439_001.png | null | null | null | null |
5845 | 选择 | website | | 如<img="q_05845_001.png">所示为一轴系结构存在不少错误或不合理的结构,其中序号2的错误为()。
| 无垫片 | 无轴肩 | 无间隙、无密封 | 无定位 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | C | null | 本科 | middle | 机械工程 | 技术与工程 | ['轴系结构', '机械设计'] | ['机械结构图'] | q_05845_001.png | null | null | null | null |
994 | 选择 | book | 机械设计(重庆大学出版社;
朱双霞主编) | 如图<img="q_00994_001.png">所示为__联接。它以两侧面为工作面,与平键一样具有定心较好的优点。 | 半圆键 | 无键 | 滑键 | 花键 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | A | null | 本科 | easy | 机械工程 | 技术与工程 | ['结构力学', '联接方式'] | ['草图', '机械结构图'] | q_00994_001.png | null | null | null | null |
4814 | 选择 | website | | 如图<img="q_04814_001.png">图示减速器中,1为蜗杆,2为蜗轮,3、4均为斜齿轮,主动釉蜗杆为顺时针旋转,蜗轮为右旋,则蜗杆螺旋线方向为(),若希望
蜗轮2和小齿轮3的轴向力能抵消一部分,则齿轮3的螺旋线方向为(),齿轮4的轴向力方向为() | 左旋;右旋;向上 | 右旋;右旋;向上 | 右旋;右旋;向下 | 左旋;右旋;向下 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | B | null | 本科 | easy | 机械工程 | 技术与工程 | ['机械原理', '固体力学'] | ['草图', '机械结构图'] | q_04814_001.png | null | null | null | null |
1272 | 选择 | book | 机械原理完整试题库+答案.pdf | 图示<img="q_01272_001.png">为凸轮机构从动件整个升程加速度与时间变化线图,该运动规律是___运动规律 | 等速 | 等加速等减速 | 正弦加速度 | 余弦加速度 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | B | null | 本科 | easy | 机械工程 | 技术与工程 | ['机械原理', '运动规律'] | ['图表'] | q_01272_001.png | null | null | null | null |
4854 | 选择 | website | | 在下列<img="q_04854_001.png">四种说法中,选择一种正确的答案() | A上B下,C前D后 | A前B后,C上D下 | A后B前,C下D上 | A左B右,C上D下 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | C | null | 本科 | easy | 机械工程 | 技术与工程 | ['机械制图', '机械设计基础', '机械原理'] | ['草图', '机械结构图'] | q_04854_001.png | null | null | null | null |
1229 | 填空 | website | | 如图<img="q_01229_001.png">,已知$R_{1}=6\Omega$、$R_{2}=3.8\Omega$,电流表PA1读数$I_{A1}=3A$(内阻$R_{g}=0.2\Omega$),PA2读数$I_{A2}=9A$(内阻$R_{g2}=0.19\Omega$),求流过电阻$R_{1}$的电流$I_{1}$=__A。 | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 2 | null | 本科 | middle | 能源和电力 | 技术与工程 | ['电路图', '电流表'] | ['电路图'] | q_01229_001.png | null | null | null | null |
4798 | 判断 | website | | 如图<img="q_04798_001.png">所示是天然气三联供工作示意图,分析该图工作原理并进一步步说明三联供的优点:冷、热、电三联供填补了热电机组夏季热负荷的低谷带来多发电的效益;提高了能源利用效率和CO2的排放;提高了热电机组的负荷率,提高了机组的效率,降低了发电煤耗;
缓和夏季电力供应矛盾,减少了电力系统顶峰设备容量,节省了大量投资;供冷系统与供热系统用同一系统,大大减少了电力空调的使使用,减少了温室气体及破坏大气臭氧层气体的产生,有利于环境保护。 | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 对 | null | 本科 | middle | 能源和电力 | 技术与工程 | ['能源管理', '电力系统'] | ['系统框图'] | q_04798_001.png | null | null | null | null |
6574 | 选择 | website | | 右图<img="q_06574_001.jpg">为什么电池_ | 蓄电池 | 电容器 | 太阳能电池 | 燃料电池 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | A | null | 本科 | easy | 能源和电力 | 技术与工程 | ['新能源电池'] | ['照片'] | q_06574_001.jpg | null | null | null | null |
6654 | 判断 | website | | <img="q_06654_001.png">所示的设备本身的工作原理及结构比较简单,具有明显开断点,有足够的绝缘能力,用以保证人身和设备的安全。但没有专门的灭弧装置,只能通断较小的电流,而不能开断负荷电流,更不能开断短路电流。 | - | - | - | - | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | 对 | null | 本科 | middle | 能源和电力 | 技术与工程 | ['电气工程', '电力设备'] | ['照片'] | q_06654_001.png | null | null | null | null |
1176 | 选择 | website | | 如图<img="q_01176_001.png">,
由___正方点阵可以构成一个底心正方点阵。 | 简单 | 面心 | 体心 | 以上均不对 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | A | null | 本科 | middle | 材料 | 技术与工程 | ['材料科学', '空间点阵'] | ['几何形状', '草图'] | q_01176_001.png | null | null | null | null |
6836 | 选择 | website | | 如<img="q_06836_001.png">所示构件中A、B点的应力状态。则B点的剪应力为()MPa。 | -50.7 | -50.8 | -50.9 | -51 | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | Not supported with pagination yet | C | null | 本科 | hard | 材料 | 技术与工程 | ['拉伸应力', '材料力学', '轴向拉伸与压缩'] | ['草图'] | q_06836_001.png | null | null | null | null |
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