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[ "Tacos are a popular food originally from Mexico that consists of a corn tortilla or wheat flour stuffed with different ingredients. Its history dates back to pre-Columbian times, when they were prepared on hot stones with dog or turkey meat, also known as turkey. In this article, we explain how to prepare the original Mexican tacos and explain what types there are.\n\nIn most supermarkets it is easy to find packages of ready-made tortillas. However, if you want to make them yourself, it is quite a task simple and fast. The ingredients that are needed are these:\n\nThe water has to be somewhat hot. With these quantities, you can make approximately fifteen tortillas or pancakes. On the other hand, to prepare the classic filling of Mexican tacos you need the following:", null, "First, to prepare the tortillas, you have to add salt to the hot water and dissolve it. Then, put the cornmeal in a bowl and pour and mix the water until a smooth dough.\n\nWith this dough balls are made, which are extended and flattened with the help of a roller. In a pan with a little hot oil, simmer until both sides are golden brown.", null, "Also to prepare the fillingFirst, the meat is seasoned and fried with garlic and oil. This is added to the tortilla together with the chopped lettuce and onion, the tomato cut into tacos and the grated cheese. Each diner can serve red or green sauce to his taste, depending on whether he wants the taco more or less spicy.\n\nThere are hundreds of types of tacos that we can find throughout Mexico, because in each area of ​​the country different varieties have been developed, characterized by both the ingredients of the filling and the method of preparation. These are some of the most typical:\n\nBattleships\nThey were created in Cuernavaca, Morelos. They are prepared with double tortillas and filled with red rice, stuffed chili, steak and Milanese or beef jerky.\nPastor\nIt is one of the most traditional recipes. The meat is marinated pork and is preserved in a roll called top. This is accompanied by achiote (a spice), orange, vinegar and pepper. It is originally from Mexico D.F.\nDrowned\nIt is called that because the taco has a lot of sauce, which can be beans, tomatoes, etc.\n\nArabs\nThey are typical of Puebla. They have Arab influence because the tortilla is pita bread. The filling is pork, onion, thyme, lemon and a vinegar sauce.\nOf wire\nThey carry beef and chili peppers, ingredients on which melted cheese is put.\nOf buches\nThe meat used is from the beef gut, which is fried. They are popular in northwestern Mexico.\nBasket\nthe tortillas are small, steamed in a pot called steamer. Therefore, it is said that they are sweaty. They are typical of the north.\n\nStew\nInside they carry typical Mexican dishes such as pork tenderloin or cheese-filled chiles. You can buy them at street stalls in Mexico City.\nFrom jamaica\nThis is a vegan recipe, because it has no meat, but cooked jamaica flower (a plant), cooked nopales (cactus), avocado, onion and garlic.\nFrom nana\nThe meat is from the uterus or the pig's womb, which is mixed with guts.\nOf nopales\ncooked nopal is incorporated into the filling, which is a type of cactus.\nOf fish\nIt is typical of Baja California and Baja California Sur. Bring breaded and fried fish accompanied by pico de gallo (a salad), green sauce, mayonnaise and cabbage.\nOf Suadero\non two fried tortillas it is soft (beef), coriander, onion, lemon, salt and sauce.\nGold\nIn a yellow corn tortilla, shredded meat is rolled and fried. The result is a crispy taco in the form of a flute.", null, "Enhojado\nIts origin is in León, Guanajuato. They consist of potatoes, pork rinds (pork-based food) and beans. This is wrapped with an omelet and steamed.\nPoisoned\nThis typical Zacatecas taco consists of a large golden corn tortilla in oil and stuffed with refried beans with cheese.\nGovernor\nThe ingredient that differentiates this variety is shrimp, a type of seafood of small size.\nRanchers\nthe tortilla is filled with tilapia (a fish), chili or habanero pepper, avocado and green cabbage.\nVillamelón\nIt is made mainly in Mexico D.F. It has beef jerky and pork rinds.\n\nThe price of these tacos varies, as the value of some ingredients is greater than another. In addition, it also depends on whether we prepare it ourselves or order it in a restaurant." ]
[ 0.0791015625, -0.37890625, -0.58203125, 3.640625, 0.390625, 0.6875, -0.703125, -0.19140625, -0.1298828125, -0.38671875, 1.765625, -0.408203125, -0.287109375, -0.2373046875, -0.33984375, 0.01092529296875, -1.0546875, 0.85546875, -0.06298828125, 0.9921875, -0.2451171875, -0.35546875, 0.279296875, -0.6171875, 1.3515625, -1.203125, -0.0771484375, 0.1552734375, -0.94921875, -1.0859375, 0.20703125, 1, -0.41796875, -0.5859375, -1.1171875, 0.765625, 0.302734375, 0.28125, 0.578125, -0.9296875, 0.0303955078125, -0.1943359375, 0.408203125, 0.96484375, 0.640625, -0.031005859375, -0.55078125, -0.08935546875, -0.609375, -0.74609375, 0.1708984375, 0.06201171875, -0.1044921875, -0.00897216796875, 0.61328125, 1.078125, 1.7578125, -1.03125, -0.072265625, -0.1142578125, -0.35546875, 0.392578125, 1.40625, -0.64453125, -0.69921875, -0.400390625, 0.8515625, 0.8046875, -0.65234375, 0.026123046875, 0.6171875, -0.59375, 0.197265625, -0.412109375, -0.55859375, -1.2265625, 0.28125, 1.40625, -0.3203125, 0.08056640625, 1.90625, -0.416015625, 0.0859375, 0.2578125, 0.97265625, -0.23828125, 0.0234375, 0.267578125, -0.0810546875, -0.3828125, -0.427734375, -0.150390625, 0.2421875, -0.63671875, 0.73046875, -0.3671875, 0.28515625, 0.154296875, 0.88671875, 1.0078125, 2.265625, 1.7890625, -1.40625, -0.38671875, 0.8359375, -0.0673828125, 1.0078125, 0.75390625, 0.9140625, 0.18359375, -0.1806640625, 0.80078125, 0.466796875, -0.73828125, 0.84765625, 0.84765625, -0.021484375, -0.48046875, -0.671875, 0.8203125, -1.1328125, 0.42578125, 0.0517578125, -0.3984375, 0.796875, 0.65625, -0.008056640625, 0.78125, -0.77734375, 0.671875, 1.4609375, 1.3125, 0.31640625, -0.1552734375, 0.283203125, -0.90625, 0.60546875, 0.2080078125, -1.0546875, -0.06201171875, -0.1572265625, 0.31640625, -0.408203125, -0.1435546875, -0.8671875, 0.73828125, 0.76953125, -1.21875, -0.1318359375, 0.032958984375, -9.375, -0.1416015625, 0.1611328125, -1.625, 0.37890625, -0.291015625, 0.23046875, 0.8359375, 0.326171875, 0.11474609375, -0.72265625, 1.1875, -0.609375, 1.0234375, -0.294921875, -0.76953125, -0.1845703125, -2.5625, -0.8671875, 1.09375, 0.69921875, -0.2470703125, -0.56640625, -0.447265625, -0.08154296875, 0.384765625, 0.640625, -0.0033721923828125, -1.328125, -0.57421875, 1.046875, -0.51953125, -0.06103515625, -0.890625, -0.345703125, 0.177734375, 0.0240478515625, 0.65625, -0.4453125, -0.1435546875, -1.1875, -0.88671875, 0.5078125, -0.005889892578125, -0.318359375, 0.10888671875, -0.3359375, -0.671875, 0.64453125, -1.375, -0.255859375, 0.56640625, -1.2734375, 0.11279296875, -0.146484375, 0.37890625, 0.89453125, -0.62890625, 1.203125, -0.4140625, -2.09375, 0.62890625, 1.5703125, 0.337890625, 0.0135498046875, 0.21484375, -0.1513671875, -0.5546875, -0.51953125, -0.28125, -0.23828125, -0.6953125, -0.6328125, -0.34765625, -0.1640625, -0.26171875, 0.6328125, -0.5078125, -1.1484375, -1.734375, -2.78125, -0.484375, 0.41015625, -15, 0.59375, 0.349609375, -0.1796875, -0.380859375, -2.640625, -1.1328125, -0.036865234375, -0.2373046875, 14.3125, 0.03271484375, 0.6953125, 0.60546875, 1.5546875, 0.486328125, -0.466796875, -0.796875, -1.2578125, -0.91796875, -0.90625, -0.60546875, 0.026123046875, -0.1669921875, 1.40625, 0.2734375, -0.1650390625, 0.078125, -0.5390625, 0.1015625, -0.26953125, -0.234375, 0.1396484375, -0.404296875, -0.025390625, 0.7734375, 1.1171875, 0.07177734375, 0.93359375, 0.059326171875, -0.67578125, 0.365234375, 0.5, -0.82421875, -0.1318359375, -0.5703125, 0.57421875, 1, -1.015625, -0.498046875, -0.02294921875, 0.27734375, 0.95703125, 0.375, 0.035888671875, 1.8671875, -0.1845703125, -0.4453125, 0.388671875, -0.10888671875, 0.9375, 0.73046875, 0.10595703125, -0.09765625, 1, -0.69921875, 0.26171875, -0.33984375, -1.3046875, 0.38671875, 1.046875, -0.62109375, -0.578125, 0.69921875, -0.1083984375, 0.322265625, -0.73046875, -0.384765625, 0.61328125, 0.76953125, 0.68359375, -1.046875, 0.291015625, -0.6328125, 0.08837890625, -1.7265625, -1.203125, 1.3125, -0.61328125, 2.8125, 1.2265625, -1.1328125, 0.2275390625, 0.39453125, -1.03125, -1.046875, 0.1337890625, 1.765625, 0.39453125, -0.50390625, 0.55078125, -1.0078125, 0.890625, 0.390625, -0.84765625, 0.3203125, 0.89453125, 0.208984375, -0.4609375, 1.3984375, 1.09375, 0.06494140625, -0.10595703125, 0.06396484375, 0.47265625, 0.234375, -0.33203125, -0.65234375, 1.0703125, -0.30859375, -0.443359375, -0.4921875, 0.9375, 0.326171875, -0.0220947265625, -0.85546875, 0.8515625, -0.27734375, 0.466796875, 0.9609375, -0.18359375, 0.0306396484375, -0.81640625, -0.30078125, 0.51171875, 0.59375, -1.2265625, 1.0078125, 0.48828125, -0.2578125, 0.447265625, -0.408203125, -0.26953125, 0.1474609375, 1.5390625, -0.23828125, -1.34375, -0.3828125, 0.259765625, 0.416015625, 0.55859375, 1.234375, 0.91796875, 0.64453125, 1.375, 0.0576171875, 0.59375, 1.0859375, 1.1640625, 1.5546875, 0.040283203125, 0.625, -0.166015625, 0.30078125, -0.21875, -0.765625, -0.828125, -1.3671875, -0.74609375, -0.6875, -0.361328125, -1.3671875, 0.4921875, -0.8125, 0.2158203125, -0.419921875, -0.2255859375, 1.265625, -0.8515625, -0.33984375, 0.205078125, -1.359375, -0.423828125, 0.36328125, -0.044921875, -1.09375, 4.65625, 0.953125, 0.008056640625, 0.458984375, 0.64453125, 0.1669921875, 0.796875, 0.9609375, -0.4140625, -0.298828125, 0.1650390625, -0.58984375, -0.2412109375, -1.546875, 0.6796875, -0.3046875, -0.1474609375, 0.64453125, -0.1611328125, 0.482421875, 0.455078125, -0.86328125, -0.220703125, 0.80859375, -0.236328125, -0.5, 0.62890625, -0.30859375, 0.46484375, 1.484375, -0.77734375, -0.326171875, -0.294921875, -0.337890625, -0.1630859375, 0.462890625, -0.828125, 0.0279541015625, -0.734375, 0.76953125, -0.5625, 0.63671875, 0.0111083984375, -0.5859375, 0.8203125, -0.1611328125, -0.99609375, -0.11572265625, 0.15234375, -0.81640625, -0.578125, -0.3984375, -0.06689453125, -0.318359375, 1.1875, 0.74609375, -0.287109375, -0.458984375, -0.9453125, 0.21875, -0.3046875, 2.296875, 0.7421875, 0.5078125, -0.390625, 0.318359375, -0.52734375, 0.65234375, -0.8203125, -0.259765625, -0.671875, -0.93359375, -0.337890625, 0.287109375, 1.0234375, -0.1611328125, 0.00506591796875, 1.578125, -0.9296875, 0.1396484375, -1.1328125, 0.263671875, -0.91796875, 0.9140625, 0.435546875, 1.171875, 0.05615234375, 0.51953125, 0.1162109375, 0.94921875, 0.2734375, -0.62109375, 0.443359375, 0.019775390625, 2.171875, 1.2109375, 0.421875, 0.2431640625, 0.0986328125, 0.50390625, 0.7265625, 1.5859375, 1.5234375, -0.37890625, 1.109375, 0.68359375, 0.48046875, -2.09375, 0.8515625, 0.29296875, 0.5546875, 0.58984375, -0.279296875, -0.1748046875, 0.123046875, -0.173828125, -0.3984375, -0.03759765625, 0.2236328125, 1.46875, 0.79296875, 0.57421875, -0.79296875, -0.486328125, -0.068359375, -0.765625, -1.2265625, -0.023681640625, 1.0859375, -0.3125, -0.208984375, 1.1171875, 0.1494140625, -0.59765625, 0.5625, -0.76171875, 0.94140625, 0.71875, 0.047119140625, -0.154296875, -0.7578125, -2.140625, -0.169921875, 0.30859375, 8.5, -0.55078125, -0.828125, -1.0546875, -0.416015625, -0.66015625, 1.5390625, 0.7265625, 0.78515625, -0.70703125, 0.326171875, -0.055908203125, 0.75, -0.63671875, -1.0625, 0.3828125, -0.1728515625, -0.2373046875, -0.65234375, 0.64453125, -0.248046875, 0.23046875, -1.515625, -0.349609375, 0.26171875, 0.59375, -0.1904296875, -1.1953125, 0.09228515625, 0.0673828125, -0.1396484375, -0.98046875, 6.15625, 1.578125, 0.06982421875, 1.7109375, -1.125, -0.6484375, 1.2578125, 0.06396484375, -0.1943359375, 0.5625, -0.447265625, -0.2080078125, 0.55859375, 0.31640625, -1.1015625, 0.2578125, 0.345703125, -0.7734375, 0.1455078125, 0.578125, 0.0087890625, 2.1875, -0.1650390625, 0.7421875, 0.01226806640625, 0.80859375, 0.796875, -0.6875, -0.064453125, -0.2734375, 0.8984375, -0.87109375, -1.140625, -0.404296875, 0.41015625, -1.2578125, -0.75390625, 0.90234375, -0.275390625, 0.322265625, 1.0859375, 0.4453125, 0.12109375, 0.8671875, 1.46875, 1.046875, 0.017578125, 1.1875, -0.002685546875, -0.431640625, 0.4765625, -0.8125, 0.703125, -0.130859375, 0.15234375, 0.236328125, -0.25, 1.046875, 1.2890625, -0.765625, -0.2236328125, 1, 0.58984375, -0.193359375, 0.85546875, 0.228515625, 0.6640625, -1.4765625, -1.2109375, -0.3671875, 0.466796875, -2.171875, 0.28125, -0.052734375, 0.087890625, 0.3125, -1.03125, 1.4609375, -0.099609375, 0.412109375, -0.9296875, -0.96875, 1.1015625, -1.046875, -0.59375, -0.9296875, -0.37890625, 0.07568359375, 0.439453125, -0.263671875, 0.1279296875, -0.76171875, 0.0118408203125, -0.66796875, 0.193359375, -1.03125, -0.345703125, 0.35546875, 0.037841796875, -0.5625, 0.09521484375, 0.7890625, -0.28515625, -0.365234375, 0.1005859375, -1.6953125, -0.298828125, -0.275390625, 0.1806640625, -0.50390625, -0.69140625, 1.21875, -0.38671875, -0.74609375, -0.96484375, 0.890625, 0.6953125, 0.1015625, 1, -0.01318359375, 1.0078125, 1.109375, -0.74609375, -1.625, 0.4609375, -0.1298828125, 0.1884765625, -0.71484375, 0.1826171875, 0.69140625, 0.66796875, -0.043212890625, -0.8125, 0.54296875, 0.271484375, 1.5234375, 0.126953125, 1.1484375, 0.2470703125, -0.7265625, -1.4765625, 0.361328125, -0.462890625, 0.1943359375, 0.07177734375, -1.3046875, 0.11181640625, -0.302734375, -0.462890625, 0.021728515625, 0.330078125, -0.34375, 0.80859375, 0.490234375, 0.28125, -0.3515625, 1.0625, 0.05517578125, 1.71875, -0.12890625, 0.62109375, -0.61328125, 0.5703125, -1.484375, -0.287109375, -0.306640625, -0.765625, 1.1796875, -0.0196533203125, 0.91015625, 0.2099609375, -0.0069580078125, 0.267578125, 0.76171875, 0.1376953125, 0.443359375, 1.84375, 0.52734375, -0.38671875, 0.0196533203125, -0.03125, 0.00323486328125, -0.51171875, -1.2421875, 0.75390625, 0.7890625, -0.66796875, -0.27734375, -0.1318359375, 0.609375, -0.96484375, 0.494140625, 0.435546875, 0.041748046875, 0.263671875, 1.5703125, -0.1142578125, 0.2392578125, 0.97265625, -1.40625, -0.5, -0.2041015625, -0.3671875, 0.1640625, -0.38671875, -0.74609375, 1.34375, 1.4453125, -0.057861328125, 0.166015625, 1.140625, -1.8203125, 0.328125, 1.015625, 0.263671875, 0.2158203125, -0.76171875, -0.224609375, 0.06103515625, -0.82421875, -1.875, 0.07275390625, -0.48828125, 0.515625, 0.78125, 0.57421875, 0.56640625, 0.1884765625, -0.1416015625, -0.486328125, -1.2265625, 0.75390625, -0.96875, -0.3359375, -0.62109375, 0.5390625, 0.875, 0.90625, 1.125, 0.0703125, -27.625, -1.265625, -0.166015625, -1.4921875, 0.71875, -0.34375, 0.34375, -0.59375, -0.72265625, 0.98046875, -0.7109375, -0.65234375, -0.1513671875, 0.049560546875, 0.10791015625, 0.21484375, 0.87890625, -0.796875, 0.1376953125, -0.60546875, 0.00909423828125, 0.33203125, -0.5234375, 0.29296875, 1.140625, -0.1123046875, 0.484375, 0.1259765625, 0.58203125, -0.86328125, 0.1708984375, -0.361328125, -0.51171875, 1.09375, -1.2265625, -1.3984375, 0.23828125, -0.115234375, 0.1318359375, -0.828125, 1.0078125, -0.97265625, 0.97265625, 0.498046875, 1.3125, -0.2734375, 0.1533203125, 1.234375, 0.22265625, -0.34765625, -0.53125, -0.63671875, 0.72265625, 0.1083984375, 0.859375, -1.09375, -0.1806640625, 0.89453125, 0.578125, 0.578125, -0.150390625, -0.890625, 0.1279296875, -0.279296875, -0.1533203125, 1.9609375, 1.3359375, 0.5625, 0.4453125, -1.3671875, 0.81640625, -0.1845703125, 1.265625, 0.1162109375, -1.125, 0.09716796875, -1.0078125, 0.462890625, -0.84375, -0.328125, -0.8515625, -0.1884765625, -0.859375, 0.08544921875, 0.578125, 0.2275390625, 0.52734375, -0.140625, -1.1953125, 1.484375, -0.984375, 0.333984375, -1.0078125, -0.380859375, -0.4375, -0.052490234375, -1.203125, 0.458984375, -0.10009765625, -0.55859375, -1.0703125, -0.263671875, -0.380859375, -1.234375, -0.80859375, -0.255859375, 0.12451171875, 0.130859375, 0.9921875, -0.93359375, 0.6953125, -1.0859375, -0.271484375, 0.8125, 0.88671875, -0.1357421875, -0.23828125, 0.31640625, -0.5859375, -0.79296875, -0.81640625, 0.2392578125, 0.462890625, 0.921875, 0.10595703125, -0.6328125, 0.125, -0.8984375, 0.498046875, 0.034423828125, -0.435546875, -0.609375, 0.8515625, 0.59375, -0.9609375, 0.353515625, 0.99609375, -0.248046875, -1.3046875, -0.27734375, -0.3125, -0.224609375, 0.10791015625, 0.32421875, -0.474609375, -0.0262451171875, -0.31640625, -1.9140625, 0.5, 0.71875, -0.99609375, 0.388671875, 1.328125, -0.421875, -0.00909423828125, -0.33984375, -0.91015625, -0.703125, -0.8671875, 0.0478515625, 0.6640625, 0.11376953125, -0.5625, 0.0177001953125, -0.71484375, -0.0130615234375, -0.11279296875, -1.4140625, 1.25, -0.220703125, 0.79296875, 0.15625, -0.26171875, 0.494140625, -0.76171875, -1.3828125, 0.5859375, -0.05224609375, 1.015625, 0.058349609375, 0.08154296875, -0.796875, -0.8984375, 0.02001953125, -0.248046875, -0.76171875, 0.169921875, -0.5703125, 1.1640625, -0.75390625, -0.57421875, -0.4296875, -1.4765625, 0.7578125, -0.625, -0.76171875, -0.58203125, 0.3203125, -0.44140625, 0.6328125, -1.953125, 0.58203125, -1.3828125, -0.34375, -0.859375, -0.203125, 0.275390625, -0.6796875, 0.53515625, -0.50390625, -1.65625, 0.53515625, 0.82421875, -1.1015625, 0.404296875, -0.72265625, -0.427734375, 0.306640625, 0.3515625, -0.1494140625, -1.296875, 1.8984375, 0.1875, 0.44921875, -1.2109375, -0.90234375, 1.1171875, 1.0234375, -0.3359375, -0.81640625, 0.3515625, 0.484375, 0.203125, 0.73828125, 0.83203125, -0.388671875, 0.859375, -0.1357421875, 0.1025390625, 0.08349609375, -0.34765625, 0.5234375, 1.2734375, 1.1640625, -0.240234375, 0.2578125, -0.34375, -0.625, -0.1396484375, -0.73046875, 0.014404296875, -0.2060546875, 0.0303955078125, 0.21484375, -0.7109375, 0.05810546875, -1.0234375, 0.345703125, 2.015625, 1.15625, -0.40625, -0.10205078125, -1.7890625, 0.71875, -0.78515625, -0.94921875, -1.34375, 0.08349609375, -1, -0.040771484375, 0.91796875, -0.5546875, -0.31640625, 0.96484375, 1.3359375, -0.64453125, 1.09375, 0.30078125, 0.6640625, 0.018798828125, -1.328125, -0.265625, 0.01141357421875, 1.3046875, 0.8203125, -0.341796875, 0.435546875, 0.8984375, -0.53125, 0.47265625, -0.94921875, 0.125, 0.04541015625, -1.21875, 1.109375, -1.3359375, 1.0859375, 0.44921875, -0.7578125, -0.326171875, -1.1796875, 0.91015625, 0.298828125, 0.64453125, 0.46484375, -0.0106201171875, -0.072265625, 0.546875, -0.5625, -0.75390625, -1.1953125, -2.109375, 0.193359375, -0.62109375, 0.376953125, -0.01531982421875, 0.10888671875, 0.271484375, 0.046142578125, -0.1826171875, 0.11474609375, 0.6796875, 0.8984375, -0.69921875, -0.61328125, 0.130859375, -1.1875, -0.1181640625, 0.053466796875, -0.51171875, -0.1337890625, -0.62890625, -1.0546875, 1.453125, -0.84765625, 0.029052734375, 0.9140625, 1.3828125, 0.87109375, -0.30859375, -0.5859375, 0.22265625, -0.18359375, 0.328125, 0.2294921875, -0.197265625, 1.21875, 0.10595703125, -1.078125, -0.52734375, -0.65625, 0.5859375, -2.140625, 0.11279296875, 0.1669921875, 0.283203125, -0.048828125, -0.90234375, -0.177734375, 0.8515625, 1.1015625, -1.015625, -0.55078125, -0.625, -1.9296875, -0.62890625, -0.478515625, -1.640625, -0.55078125, -0.55078125, 0.84375, -0.294921875, -0.9140625, -1.3046875, -0.51953125, -1.0703125, 0.1787109375, 0.16796875, -0.1337890625, 0.462890625, -0.76953125, -0.1103515625, -0.94921875, 0.61328125, -0.1201171875, -0.66796875, -0.39453125, 0.052001953125, 0.07177734375, -0.4296875, 1.53125, 0.65234375, -1.359375, 0.038330078125, -0.236328125, 0.20703125, -0.365234375, -0.3671875, 1.6171875, -0.14453125, 0.51953125, 0.0986328125, -0.1357421875, 0.4375, 0.271484375, 1.15625, -0.400390625, -0.11572265625, 0.162109375, -1.5546875, -1.140625, 0.05810546875, -0.8125, -0.90625, 0.4453125, 0.6640625, -0.126953125, -0.84375, 0.7734375, -1.5, -0.32421875, 0.33203125, 0.4921875, 0.8828125, 0.53125, -0.5390625, -1.078125, -1.0078125, 0.236328125, -0.5234375, -0.0125732421875, 0.8046875, -0.4296875, -0.70703125, 0.94140625, -0.7578125, -0.61328125, -1.40625, -0.205078125, 0.94921875, 0.5859375, -0.76953125, 1.0859375, -0.16015625, 0.69921875, -0.045654296875, 0.01177978515625, 0.61328125, -0.68359375, 1.296875, 0.58203125, 11.375, -0.06787109375, 1.0546875, 0.921875, 0.365234375, -0.345703125, 0.421875, 0.326171875, -0.10986328125, 0.79296875, -0.392578125, -0.1748046875, 0.1591796875, -0.193359375, 0.298828125, -0.91796875, -0.2890625, -0.875, 0.220703125, -1.359375, -0.1494140625, 1.21875, 0.81640625, 1.3359375, -0.6015625, -2.171875, -0.75, -0.1650390625, -0.451171875, 0.87890625, 1.0234375, 0.69140625, -0.240234375, 0.197265625, 0.6796875, -0.96484375, -0.27734375, 0.515625, 0.78515625, -0.9453125, -1.9453125, 0.58203125, -0.439453125, 0.11376953125, 0.61328125, 0.341796875, -0.80078125, -0.373046875, -1.7109375, 0.1953125, -0.15234375, -1.09375, -0.87109375, 0.0093994140625, 0.1220703125, 0.73046875, 0.6015625, 1.421875, 0.55078125, 0.5, 0.2109375, 0.08251953125, 0.38671875, -1.7421875, -1.046875, 1.828125, 0.9140625, 1.4921875, 0.61328125, 0.439453125, -0.62109375, 0.32421875, -0.46875, -0.2294921875, 1.3125, 0.63671875, 1.2421875, 0.90234375, -0.043701171875, 0.01226806640625, 0.09814453125, -4.03125, -0.91796875, 0.8515625, -1.4375, -0.86328125, -0.1171875, 0.1337890625, -0.050048828125, 0.53125, 0.9375, -0.2890625, 0.251953125, 0.7109375, -0.375, 0.60546875, 0.07763671875, 0.19921875, 0.32421875, -1.03125, -0.7890625, 1.1796875, -1.15625, 0.053955078125, 0.68359375, 0.2041015625, -1.59375, -0.1328125, 0.294921875, 1.03125, 0.2080078125, 0.275390625, 0.85546875, 2.28125, 1, 0.6953125, -0.392578125, 0.78125, -1.109375, 0.609375, 0.91796875, -1.1484375, 0.28515625, 0.93359375, 0.94140625, 0.380859375, 1.4140625, -0.6484375, -0.00885009765625, 1.0390625, 0.6328125, 0.51953125, 0.3671875, -0.1591796875, -0.015869140625, 0.5625, 0.015869140625, 0.171875, -0.328125, 0.36328125, -1.1171875, -0.11865234375, 0.2314453125, -0.130859375, -0.1328125, -0.1396484375, 0.173828125, -1.265625, -0.2890625, -0.337890625, -0.12890625, -0.64453125, 2.21875, 0.10595703125, -1.34375, -0.23046875, -0.09814453125, -0.3359375, -0.365234375, -1.125, -0.01556396484375, -0.7734375, -0.47265625, -0.90625, 0.21875, -0.48828125, -1.0390625, -0.6953125, -0.41796875, -0.0625, -0.96875, -0.2216796875, 0.22265625, 0.3671875, 0.640625, 0.2333984375, -0.11328125, 0.2578125, 0.8359375, 0.171875, -0.54296875, -0.51953125, -0.2109375, -0.73046875, -1.21875, 0.37109375, -0.3359375, -0.3125, -0.375, 0.302734375, 0.515625, -0.6875, 0.609375, -1.375, -0.84375, -0.458984375, -1.0234375, 0.42578125, -0.318359375, 0.578125, 0.050048828125, -0.5625, 0.93359375, 3.140625, -0.7109375, -0.87109375, -0.828125, -0.349609375, -0.12353515625, 1.5625, -1.40625, -0.26171875, 0.96484375, 0.43359375, 0.91015625, -0.04052734375, 0.828125, -1.15625, 0.412109375, 0.0260009765625, -0.47265625, -0.043212890625, 0.63671875, -1.046875, 0.28515625, -0.37890625, -1.984375, -0.86328125, 0.76171875, -1.109375, 0.33203125, 1.3046875, -0.1572265625, -0.043212890625, -0.03125, -0.11083984375, 0.58984375, 0.9296875, 0.2119140625, 0.59375, 1.3828125, -0.369140625, 0.890625, -0.1708984375, 0.177734375, 1.359375, 0.9375, -0.2119140625, -0.44921875, -10.0625, -0.19921875, 0.439453125, 0.65234375, -0.953125, 0.5546875, 0.51953125, 0.68359375, 0.0712890625, 0.455078125, -1.0859375, -0.64453125, -0.1962890625, 0.65234375, -0.64453125, 1.109375, -1.21875, -0.0693359375, -0.93359375, 0.46484375, -1, 1.1484375, 0.51171875, 0.419921875, -0.4921875, 0.21875, 0.1103515625, -0.1279296875, 0.345703125, -0.578125, 1.609375, -0.06689453125, -12.0625, -0.003265380859375, 1.59375, -0.7265625, -0.546875, 1.46875, -0.0966796875, -0.26171875, 0.4765625, -1.0859375, 2.765625, -0.56640625, 1.1328125, -1.0703125, 0.78515625, -0.5234375, 0.5078125, -0.1337890625, 0.373046875, 0.373046875, -1.4609375, 0.2197265625, -0.189453125, 0.43359375, 0.7734375, 0.953125, -0.25, 0.54296875, 0.66015625, 1.4140625, 0.90234375, 0.96484375, -0.67578125, 0.384765625, -1.15625, 0.310546875, 0.79296875, -0.8671875, 0.28125, 0.52734375, -0.875, 0.609375, 0.1962890625, -0.77734375, -0.56640625, 0.337890625, 0.60546875, -1.0390625, 0.1845703125, 0.21875, 6.375, 1.03125, 0.36328125, -0.4375, 0.3984375, 0.380859375, 0.2158203125, -0.7734375, 1.484375, 0.71875, 0.126953125, -2, 1.8984375, 0.053466796875, 0.921875, -0.6875, -0.734375, -0.921875, -0.96484375, -0.64453125, 0.29296875, 0.5234375, 0.03271484375, -2.671875, 2.65625, -0.1455078125, 0.609375, -0.197265625, -1.046875, -0.345703125, 0.138671875, 0.1171875, 0.96484375, -0.2578125, 0.17578125, -0.44140625, 0.3125, -0.67578125, 1.2578125, 0.048095703125, -0.47265625, -0.8671875, 0.81640625, -5.1875, 0.130859375, 0.0810546875, -0.435546875, -1.2890625, 0.455078125, 0.80078125, 1.25, -0.0791015625, -1.375, 0.421875, 0.515625, 0.14453125, 0.2001953125, 0.33984375, 0.84765625, 0.62109375, -0.75, 0.9609375, -0.74609375, -0.490234375, -0.498046875, 0.419921875, 1.2265625, -0.451171875, -0.72265625, -0.19921875, 0.2734375, -0.0021209716796875, -0.578125, 0.049072265625, 0.12451171875, 1.375, 0.58203125, -0.5703125, -0.21484375, 0.546875, 0.1279296875, 0.01190185546875, -0.265625, -0.203125, -1.0078125, 0.09521484375, -0.287109375, -0.34765625, -0.91015625, 1.6015625, 0.302734375, -0.69921875, 0.5, -0.8671875, 1.4140625, -0.05078125, -0.408203125, 0.1357421875, -0.74609375, 0.201171875, 0.484375, 0.2412109375, 0.2412109375, -0.3515625, -0.109375, 0.82421875, -0.25, 0.087890625, -1.828125, 0.65625, -0.06787109375, 0.45703125, 0.5625, 0.56640625, -0.81640625, -0.373046875, -0.3515625, 0.46484375, -0.494140625, 0.62109375, -0.0146484375, -1.4921875, 0.7265625, 1.2421875, -1.3671875, -0.59375, -1.2265625, -0.76171875, -0.859375, -1.125, -0.9609375, 0.1767578125, 0.75390625, -0.07568359375, -0.318359375, -0.29296875, 0.890625, -0.64453125, -0.1591796875, -0.09228515625, 0.002349853515625, 0.271484375, 0.392578125, -0.640625, -0.359375, 1.5078125, 0.09375, 1.1328125, 0.055908203125, 0.6171875, 0.010498046875, 0.35546875, 0.337890625, 0.53125, 0.94921875, -0.2177734375, 1.390625, -0.8671875, 0.52734375, 1.3359375, -0.1591796875, 2.25, 0.38671875, 1.4765625, 0.54296875, -0.1591796875, -0.875, 0.94140625, 0.1787109375, 0.1279296875, 2.359375, -0.5703125, -0.9140625, -0.74609375, -0.80859375, -0.80859375, -0.29296875, 0.5859375, 1.1015625, -0.53515625, 0.40625, -1.0703125, -0.46484375, -0.283203125, 0.70703125, -0.1669921875, 0.259765625, -0.50390625, 1.015625, 0.88671875, -0.8359375, -0.55859375, -0.19140625, -1.1875, 0.046630859375, 0.012939453125, 0.2392578125, 0.162109375, 0.88671875, -0.064453125, 0.765625, -0.291015625, 0.96875, 0.263671875, -1.328125, 0.10107421875, -0.62890625, -0.400390625, -0.236328125, -0.609375, 0.1640625, -0.90625, -0.47265625, -0.267578125, 0.0126953125, -0.6328125, -1.5546875, 1.2265625, -1.3125, -0.12353515625, -0.1904296875, -0.69140625, 0.478515625, 1.3046875, -2.203125, -0.1875, 0.2333984375, -0.58984375, -0.1884765625, 0.2890625, -0.0263671875, -2.703125, 1.375, 1, -0.431640625, -0.38671875, 0.78125, 0.5, -0.671875, -0.2197265625, 0.87890625, 0.3515625, 0.91015625, -0.890625, 0.58984375, -0.97265625, -0.376953125, -1.078125, -0.828125, 0.427734375, 0.33984375, -0.62890625, -0.255859375, -0.046875, -0.0478515625, 1.171875, -0.890625, -1.46875, 1.296875, 0.55859375, -0.578125, -0.064453125, -0.640625, -0.86328125, -7.75, 0.244140625, 0.66796875, -1.234375, -1.3515625, 0.0986328125, -0.5390625, 0.76953125, 0.8125, 0.7265625, -1.625, -0.62109375, -0.84765625, 0.04296875, 1.2421875, -0.333984375, -0.50390625, 0.95703125, 0.9921875, 0.45703125, -0.08203125, 0.2265625, 0.056396484375, -0.8046875, -1.1484375, -0.71875, 0.61328125, 0.4453125, -0.5078125, -0.8359375, -0.5703125, 0.734375, -1.0078125, -0.53125, 0.10791015625, -0.953125, 0.09912109375, -0.296875, -0.6796875, 0.80859375, 0.1142578125, 0.103515625, 0.3203125, -0.0162353515625, 0.83203125, -0.6328125, -0.388671875, -0.34375, -0.578125, -1.34375, -1.125, -0.5859375, 0.28125, 0.72265625, -0.8671875, 0.474609375, 1.1171875, -0.054443359375, -0.60546875, 0.1884765625, -0.06396484375, -46.25, -0.294921875, 0.58984375, -0.06884765625, -0.0498046875, -0.173828125, -0.1865234375, 0.66796875, 0.51953125, -0.041015625, 0.44140625, -0.41796875, -0.1376953125, -0.8203125, 1.2109375, -0.2158203125, -0.90625, 0.302734375, 1.1484375, -0.95703125, 1.1015625, 0.51171875, 0.703125, -6.34375, -0.53125, 0.1025390625, -0.06640625, 1.25, 1.2578125, -0.96484375, -1.8671875, 0.484375, 0.0267333984375, -0.515625, 1.390625, -0.1708984375, 0.96484375, -1.03125, 0.15625, -0.126953125, 0.38671875, 0.453125, 0.33203125, 1.3125, 25.375, -0.1806640625, -0.404296875, 0.185546875, 0.03173828125, -0.2578125, 0.08251953125, -1.15625, 0.2001953125, -1.3359375, 0.56640625, -1.328125, -0.2119140625, -0.451171875, -0.421875, 0.2255859375, -0.68359375, -0.52734375, 0.51171875, 1.5859375, -0.70703125, 0.1884765625, -1.1015625, -0.07568359375, -0.298828125, 0.83984375, -1.1171875, -0.392578125, -0.52734375, -1.34375, 0.318359375, -0.6796875, 0.1826171875, -1.0546875, -1.0390625, -1.125, -0.62109375, 0.28515625, 0.220703125, 0.470703125, -0.77734375, -0.57421875, -1.21875, 1.0078125, -1.3671875, 0.58984375, 1.09375, -2.21875, -0.65625, -0.2158203125, -0.255859375, -0.06591796875, -0.70703125, 0.1474609375, -0.59375, -0.30859375, -0.408203125, 1.4765625, -0.003875732421875, -1.5546875, 0.64453125, -0.67578125, -0.00885009765625, 0.93359375, -0.294921875, 0.6796875, 0.546875, -1.9453125, -0.52734375, 0.74609375, 0.56640625, 0.1484375, -0.90625, -0.74609375, -0.224609375, 1.1640625, -0.8671875, -0.498046875, -1.53125, 0.5078125, -0.345703125, -0.92578125, -0.9140625, -0.55078125, -0.76171875, -0.08740234375, -0.6953125, 1.0234375, -1.8125, 0.07958984375, -0.3984375, 0.5, -0.94140625, 0.0439453125, -0.0216064453125, 0.052978515625, 0.232421875, 0.1044921875, -0.408203125, -1.3046875, 1.9921875, -0.56640625, -0.50390625, 0.31640625, -0.23828125, -0.09326171875, 0.96875, -0.064453125, -0.006256103515625, -0.341796875, 0.80859375, 0.01007080078125, 0.6328125, -0.451171875, -0.373046875, 1.1015625, 0.056884765625, 0.74609375, -0.361328125, 0.90234375, -0.5859375, 0.423828125, 0.341796875, -0.380859375, 0.224609375, 0.703125, -0.97265625, -1.1875, 0.546875, -0.2333984375, -4.5625, -1.40625, 0.369140625, 0.5390625, -0.095703125, -0.99609375, -0.146484375, 0.306640625, -0.41015625, 0.359375, -0.341796875, 0.7265625, 1.296875, 0.55078125, -0.07373046875, -1.828125, 0.83984375, 0.205078125, 0.22265625, 0.73046875, -0.9609375, -0.890625, 0.193359375, -0.055908203125, 1.078125, -0.0380859375, 0.58203125, 0.08349609375, -0.310546875, 0.296875, -0.255859375, 0.58203125, 0.5859375, 1.1484375, 0.08447265625, -0.490234375, 0.66015625, 0.328125, -0.03662109375, -1.375, -0.2236328125, 10.0625, -0.6796875, 0.458984375, -0.58203125, -1.765625, -0.67578125, -1.046875, 0.1416015625, -0.96875, -1.4921875, 0.142578125, -0.08935546875, -0.419921875, 0.26953125, 1.0625, -0.330078125, 0.380859375, 0.259765625, 0.48046875, -1.078125, 0.30859375, -1.546875, -0.640625, 1.109375, 0.486328125, -1.3359375, -0.37890625, 0.6953125, 0.2001953125, 3.40625, -1.2578125, -0.97265625, 0.90234375, 0.04443359375, 0.146484375, -0.22265625, 0.265625, 0.29296875, 0.70703125, -0.1875, 0.0849609375, -0.23828125, 0.66015625, 0.197265625, -1.6875, 0.80078125, 0.87890625, -1.0078125, -0.93359375, -0.150390625, 1.40625, 0.92578125, 0.318359375, 0.25390625, -0.396484375, -0.63671875, -0.9453125, 1.09375, 0.45703125, -0.70703125, -1.1875, -0.53515625, 0.765625, 0.1298828125, 0.67578125, -0.002777099609375, -0.1142578125, -1.171875, 0.1962890625, 0.328125, -1.0234375, 0.07568359375, -0.376953125, 1.6796875, 1.1328125, 0.466796875, -0.3828125, 0.1708984375, -0.341796875, 0.283203125, 0.66015625, 1.5703125, -0.28515625, 0.1884765625, -0.73046875, -0.7421875, 0.416015625, 0.0009613037109375, -0.6640625, -0.4609375, 1.6015625, -0.1650390625, -0.41015625, -0.92578125, -0.2412109375, 0.6171875, -1.0234375, -0.796875, 1.484375, -0.11572265625, -0.052978515625, 1.859375, 0.7421875, -0.8125, 0.298828125, -0.52734375, 0.49609375, 0.9375, -0.1513671875, -0.322265625, 1.078125, -0.478515625, -0.201171875, -0.64453125, -2.375, 0.0634765625, -1.3984375, -0.353515625, -0.326171875, -0.369140625, 0.04541015625, 0.26171875, -0.5078125, 1.359375, -0.201171875, -0.455078125, -0.416015625, 0.1552734375, -1.1484375, -0.5390625, -0.6328125, 0.031494140625, 0.2216796875, -0.11181640625, -0.4609375, 1.328125, 5.875, -0.86328125, 0.6953125, 0.53125, -0.69921875, 1.5234375, 1.0625, -0.58203125, -0.306640625, -0.02392578125, 1.2421875, 0.421875, -1.0703125, -0.57421875, 0.640625, -0.408203125, -0.95703125, -1.71875, -0.89453125, -0.58203125, -0.255859375, 0.9296875, -1.21875, 0.384765625, 0.71875, 0.474609375, 0.95703125, -0.44921875, -0.2431640625, 0.28125, 0.1494140625, 0.8125, -0.1494140625, -0.4453125, 1.3984375, -0.08837890625, 0.56640625, 0.443359375, 0.8046875, -0.7265625, -3.078125, -0.76171875, 0.01806640625, 1.578125, 24.875, -0.138671875, -0.609375, -0.83984375, -0.91796875, -0.2294921875, -1.0546875, -0.10400390625, 0.5078125, -0.16015625, -0.87890625, 0.2294921875, 0.5859375, 0.6953125, -1.1328125, 0.047607421875, -0.1474609375, 1.6484375, -0.11865234375, -0.8203125, 0.197265625, 0.302734375, 1.21875, 0.5703125, -0.5390625, 0.443359375, 1.8984375, 0.7421875, 0.63671875, 0.294921875, -0.26953125, -0.08740234375, 0.1806640625, -0.890625, 0.65234375, 0.07080078125, 0.318359375, -0.76171875, -8.1875, 2.453125, 0.1630859375, 0.55859375, -0.2294921875, -1.5546875, -0.97265625, 0.05859375, -0.5703125, -0.462890625, -0.1279296875, -0.427734375, 0.97265625, 0.2021484375, -1.53125, 0.8671875, 0.58984375, 0.2060546875, 0.123046875, 0.34765625, -0.07373046875, -0.55859375, -0.91796875, -1.3671875, 1.125, 0.48828125, 0.51953125, 0.025390625, 1.9140625, 0.291015625, -0.3046875, 0.6796875, 0.73828125, 0.2734375, 0.3359375, 0.330078125, 0.96875, 1.2109375, -0.43359375, 0.490234375, 0.80078125, 1.0234375, 1.2265625, -0.296875, 0.212890625, -0.7265625, 0.78125, 0.66796875, -0.3203125, 0.380859375, 0.2294921875, 1.1484375, 1.171875, 0.74609375, -1.90625, -0.82421875, 1.21875, -0.5078125, 0.5703125, -0.208984375, -1.5625, -1.25, 0.8046875, -1.0859375, -2.609375, 0.5078125, -0.404296875, 0.357421875, -0.1396484375, -0.671875, -0.056396484375, -0.89453125, 0.89453125, -0.5234375, 0.1728515625, 0.357421875, 0.71484375, 1.1953125, 0.111328125, 0.5234375, -1.3203125, 0.76171875, 0.353515625, 0.78515625, -0.796875, -0.95703125, -0.11279296875, 1.6640625, 1.0546875, 2.109375, 1.4375, 0.59375, 0.298828125, -0.25, 1.40625, -0.609375, 0.380859375, -0.5234375, 0.41796875, 0.8515625, 0.75390625, 0.26953125, -0.1328125, -0.138671875, 0.81640625, 0.625, -1.3828125, 1.28125, 0.92578125, -0.58203125, 0.00592041015625, -0.26171875, -0.7109375, -13.6875, 0.322265625, 0.107421875, 0.3984375, -0.27734375, -0.228515625, 0.25, -0.6640625, -0.58984375, 0.04296875, -0.06396484375, -0.0126953125, 0.33203125, -1.8359375, -0.345703125, 10.125, 1.1484375, -0.166015625, -0.059326171875, -0.5078125, 0.365234375, 0.6875, -0.78515625, -1.3671875, 0.3125, -0.60546875, -0.154296875, -0.62109375, -0.212890625, -0.79296875, -0.86328125, -0.66015625, 0.8828125, 0.58984375, -1.484375, -0.051513671875, 0.416015625, -0.91015625, -0.72265625, -0.109375, -0.05322265625, -0.69140625, 0.58984375, -0.546875, 0.3359375, -0.76953125, -0.404296875, 0.310546875, 0.443359375, -1.5625, 0.68359375, 0.50390625, -0.1025390625, -1.359375, 0.462890625, 0.326171875, -0.609375, -1.1171875, 0.34375, -0.3984375, -0.73046875, -0.69140625, -0.490234375, -0.47265625, 1.1171875, -0.796875, -0.3359375, 0.447265625, 0.7734375, -0.0927734375, -0.53515625, 0.20703125, -0.310546875, -0.46484375, 0.193359375, 0.6171875, -0.91015625, 0.5703125, -1.3984375, 0.82421875, -0.66796875, 0.7109375, -0.2490234375, 1.3359375, -0.5234375, 0.193359375, -0.1396484375, 0.08447265625, 2.109375, -0.4140625, -0.388671875, 0.037109375, -0.68359375, -0.73046875, 0.21484375, -0.29296875, -0.048095703125, 0.08642578125, -0.8515625, 0.84765625, -1.2578125, -0.8125, -0.71484375, 0.6015625, 0.5703125, -0.50390625, -1.0234375, -0.56640625, 0.23046875, 0.251953125, -0.87109375, 0.00830078125, 0.9140625, -0.859375, 0.42578125, -0.61328125, 0.458984375, 0.2578125, 0.36328125, -0.376953125, 0.75, 0.73046875, -0.62109375, 0.34765625, 0.25, -0.37890625, -0.71875, -0.2001953125, -0.94921875, -0.03955078125, 0.357421875, 0.98828125, -0.111328125, 0.349609375, 1.3125, -0.5859375, -1.578125, -1.25, -2.09375, 0.01300048828125, 1.5546875, -0.265625, -0.58984375, -0.26171875, 0.6328125, 0.703125, -0.265625, 1.15625, 0.01708984375, 0.408203125, -1.53125, 0.2314453125, 0.99609375, -0.48046875, 0.431640625, -0.25, -0.640625, 0.97265625, 1.125, -0.71484375, -0.07177734375, -0.97265625, -0.73046875, 1.921875, 1.234375, 0.126953125, -0.8125, -0.376953125, 0.6953125, -0.3125, -0.1708984375, -1.2265625, 0.130859375, -0.68359375, 0.84375, -0.44140625, 0.40234375, 1.4453125, -1.4140625, 0.1513671875, 0.35546875, -0.1328125, 1.03125, 0.232421875, 0.77734375, -1.1484375, -0.291015625, -1.4765625, 0.875, 0.43359375, 0.0625, 0.39453125, -0.4296875, 0.2314453125, -0.83203125, 0.5078125, 0.408203125, -0.07763671875, -0.93359375, 0.42578125, 0.083984375, -0.80078125, 0.455078125, -0.6796875, 0.498046875, 1.9765625, 1.21875, 0.01019287109375, -1.1484375, 0.625, -0.0380859375, -0.1708984375, -0.6953125, 0.2314453125, 0.318359375, -0.921875, 0.412109375, -1.5078125, -0.3515625, -0.28515625, 0.357421875, 9.125, 0.65625, 0.51171875, -1.2109375, 0.75, 0.28515625, -0.1416015625, 0.287109375, 0.4609375, -1.453125, 0.47265625, -0.33203125, -0.53125, 0.76953125, 0.80078125, 0.0849609375, -0.69921875, 1.2265625, 1.578125, 1.015625, -3.21875, 0.185546875, 0.375, -1.0625, -0.0194091796875, 0.77734375, -0.86328125, 0.1357421875, -0.373046875, -0.67578125, -0.1083984375, -0.353515625, -0.462890625, -0.11572265625, -0.01458740234375, -0.828125, 0.3515625, -2, -0.83203125, 0.24609375, 0.169921875, 0.1787109375, 0.423828125, -0.310546875, -0.404296875, 0.7890625, -0.020751953125, 0.279296875, 0.390625, 0.018798828125, 0.45703125, -1, -0.640625, -0.2734375, -0.54296875, -0.33203125, -0.28125, 0.0284423828125, -1.2734375, -0.43359375, -0.79296875, -0.3359375, -0.169921875, 0.52734375, -0.337890625, -0.328125, 0.271484375, -0.89453125, 0.07373046875, -0.10400390625, 0.9296875, 0.0027618408203125, -1.28125, -0.640625, -0.8984375, 0.169921875, 1.125, 0.8828125, 0.88671875, -0.275390625, -1.3671875, 0.64453125, 0.466796875, 1.6953125, 0.82421875, -0.322265625, 0.1484375, 0.412109375, 0.6015625, -1.328125, 0.36328125, -0.66015625, -0.68359375, -0.0286865234375, 0.1748046875, 0.91796875, 0.86328125, 0.31640625, 0.050048828125, 0.43359375, -2.421875, 0.62890625, -0.50390625, 0.8125, -0.1787109375, -0.67578125, -1.1171875, 1.5703125, -0.734375, 0.0693359375, -0.435546875, 0.09619140625, 0.72265625, 1.59375, -0.55859375, -0.85546875, -0.5, -0.63671875, -0.609375, 0.087890625, -0.1259765625, 0.51953125, -0.46484375, 1.53125, 0.65625, 0.19140625, 0.7265625, -0.306640625, -0.48046875, -0.8984375, -0.51953125, -0.388671875, 0.169921875, -0.53515625, 0.5234375, 0.392578125, 0.50390625, 0.92578125, 0.48046875, 0.265625, -0.10986328125, -0.474609375, -0.1494140625, -0.984375, -0.5703125, 0.1640625, 0.06884765625, -0.34765625, -0.72265625, 0.80859375, 1.0234375, 0.248046875, 0.0172119140625, -0.1103515625, 0.94140625, 0.828125, -1.0078125, -0.011962890625, -1.6640625, -1.8515625, -0.1298828125, -1.03125, -0.1474609375, -0.2451171875, 0.33203125, 0.3515625, -0.55859375, 0.07080078125, -0.55859375, 0.302734375, 0.8046875, -1.03125, 0.0771484375, 0.26171875, 0.62109375, 0.9375, 0.8515625, 0.9609375, 0.408203125, -1.2109375, 0.96875, 0.333984375, 1.0546875, 0.62890625, 3.71875, -1.1328125, 1.2734375, -0.427734375, -1.6328125, -0.05712890625, -1.4296875, 0.56640625, 1.046875, -0.1240234375, 1.109375, 0.32421875, -0.87109375, 1.2265625, 1.8828125, -0.69921875, 0.71484375, 0.89453125, 0.0086669921875, 13.0625, -0.173828125, 1.078125, -0.10888671875, -0.2041015625, -0.036376953125, -1.171875, -0.734375, -0.1845703125, 0.76171875, 1.171875, -0.5078125, -1.046875, -0.41015625, -0.828125, -1.2109375, 1.34375, 0.259765625, -0.69140625, -0.1728515625, -0.255859375, -0.326171875, -1.328125, -0.0830078125, -0.1455078125, -0.396484375, 1.125, -0.4609375, -0.158203125, -0.48046875, -0.50390625, 1, -0.796875, 1.1953125, 0.8203125, -1.71875, -0.890625, -0.5703125, 1.125, 0.77734375, -0.169921875, 0.5390625, -0.06787109375, 1.2109375, -0.2099609375, -0.0927734375, -1.4296875, 0.267578125, -1.03125, 0.76953125, 1.34375, -0.21484375, -0.8828125, 0.91796875, -0.2431640625, 0.64453125, 0.921875, -0.5390625, 0.671875, -0.1357421875, -0.67578125, -0.08642578125, 0.34765625, -0.34375, -1.03125, -0.380859375, 0.408203125, -1.0546875, 0.26171875, -0.248046875, 0.5703125, 1.03125, 0.138671875, -0.9609375, 1.1015625, 1.2421875, 0.154296875, 0.80859375, -0.498046875, -1.3125, -1.1015625, 0.064453125, -0.408203125, -0.32421875, 0.69921875, -0.84375, 0.56640625, -0.7578125, 0.2490234375, -0.40234375, 0.1787109375, 0.60546875, 0.298828125, -0.28125, -0.314453125, 1.015625, -0.04248046875, 0.56640625, -1.2578125, -1.125, 0.8828125, 0.435546875, 0.083984375, -0.578125, -1.2890625, -0.8828125, -0.302734375, 0.306640625, 0.55078125, 0.150390625, -0.294921875, 0.119140625, 0.055419921875, 0.11669921875, 0.66796875, 1.9453125, -0.0162353515625, -0.59375, 1.6640625, 1.0234375, -0.486328125, 0.0269775390625, 0.640625, 1.1640625, 1.6328125, -0.7421875, 0.1884765625, 0.443359375, -1.2421875, -0.380859375, -20.875, 0.51171875, 1.203125, -0.27734375, -1.8359375, 0.16796875, 0.345703125, 0.68359375, -0.45703125, 0.7734375, 0.349609375, -0.45703125, -1.390625, -0.259765625, 0.21875, 1.390625, 0.5703125, 0.51953125, -0.0206298828125, -0.1943359375, -0.60546875, 0.11376953125, -1.015625, 1.046875, 0.1953125, -0.25390625, -0.462890625, -0.15625, 5.28125, -2.21875, -0.52734375, -0.71484375, 0.70703125, -0.77734375, -1.0390625, -1, -0.9609375, 0.330078125, -0.88671875, -0.8203125, 0.265625, -0.92578125, -0.4921875, 1.46875, 0.1708984375, 0.54296875, -1.328125, -0.8671875, 0.58203125, -0.9296875, -0.76171875, 0.0986328125, -0.2109375, -0.130859375, -0.76171875, 1.2265625, -1.21875, -1.578125, -0.9921875, 0.609375, -0.416015625, -0.142578125, -2.15625, 0.54296875, 0.84375, 1.953125, 1.875, -0.027099609375, 0.29296875, -0.69140625, 0.84375, 0.32421875, 0.41015625, 0.65234375, 1.2109375, 0.1572265625, 0.30078125, -0.88671875, -0.91015625, 1.0703125, -0.1845703125, -1.3359375, -0.6796875, 0.59765625, 0.15625, 0.050537109375, -0.208984375, -0.498046875, -0.625, -0.318359375, 0.271484375, -0.39453125, -1.5546875, -0.173828125, 1.0390625, -0.69921875, -0.84375, -1.53125, -0.58984375, -0.7421875, 0.2734375, -1.3203125, -0.337890625, 0.703125, -2.171875, -0.48828125, 0.921875, 0.84375, 0.263671875, 0.61328125, 13.8125, -0.63671875, 1.2421875, 1.453125, -0.056640625, 0.73828125, 0.0869140625, -0.322265625, -1.4296875, 0.23046875, -0.470703125, 0.2470703125, 0.88671875, 0.08984375, -0.291015625, 1.421875, 0.001220703125, 0.5625, 0.8984375, -0.78515625, 0.443359375, -0.3125, 0.44140625, -0.203125, 0.490234375, 1.234375, 0.056396484375, -0.302734375, 0.58984375, -2.171875, 2.875, -0.67578125, -0.2734375, 0.006195068359375, 0.419921875, -0.06640625, 0.044189453125, -0.48828125, -0.6328125, -0.373046875, -1.5390625, -0.466796875, 0.578125, -0.76171875, -0.384765625, -1.40625, -1.5234375, -0.142578125, -0.050048828125, 0.5703125, 0.05859375, -20.75, 1.3046875, 0.828125, -0.41015625, 1.046875, 1.234375, -0.111328125, -0.091796875, 0.22265625, 1.6328125, 0.44921875, 0.51953125, -1.015625, 0.44140625, 1.15625, 0.048828125, 0.6953125, 1.0234375, -0.2490234375, 0.48828125, -0.330078125, -0.65234375, 0.47265625, -0.86328125, -1.4609375, -0.765625, 1.390625, 0.734375, -0.80859375, 0.703125, -0.1142578125, -0.34375, -1.2421875, -0.3203125, 0.484375, -0.361328125, -0.37890625, -0.050537109375, -0.12109375, -0.73046875, -0.455078125, -0.49609375, -2.0625, -0.40234375, 0.45703125, 0.0322265625, -0.2001953125, -0.255859375, -0.703125, 1.0078125, -0.625, -0.19921875, -0.546875, 0.51171875, 0.015869140625, 0.50390625, 0.57421875, -0.81640625, -0.038818359375, -0.0888671875, -0.69140625, 1.015625, 0.3046875, -1.125, 0.5390625, 0.310546875, -0.734375, -0.50390625, 0.1640625, 0.1884765625, 0.265625, 0.42578125, 0.484375, 0.65625, -1.8828125, 1, 0.703125, 1.5703125, -0.44140625, -0.462890625, -0.71484375, -0.314453125, 0.91015625, 0.29296875, 0.76953125, 0.3828125, -0.1923828125, 0.427734375, -0.171875, -0.16015625, 0.8671875, -0.15625, 0.047607421875, 0.0294189453125, -0.890625, 0.279296875, 0.265625, 0.94140625, 0.142578125, 0.08349609375, 0.62890625, -1.4453125, -0.96875, -0.27734375, -0.12451171875, 0.6484375, -0.126953125, -1.1640625, -1.390625, -0.69140625, -0.50390625, 0.75, -1.2265625, -1.3671875, -0.349609375, 1.109375, 0.8515625, -1.203125, -0.4453125, -1.25, -0.92578125, 0.8828125, -0.404296875, 0.60546875, 0.490234375, 0.62109375, -0.462890625, -0.11279296875, -0.59765625, -0.86328125, 0.76171875, 1.125, 0.0830078125, 0.76171875, 0.4296875, 0.07568359375, 0.435546875, -2, -0.8125, -0.67578125, -0.216796875, 1.265625, 0.86328125, -0.08984375, 0.8046875, -0.421875, 0.09765625, 0.6328125, -0.040283203125, 0.7421875, -0.09912109375, -0.388671875, 0.76171875, 0.78515625, -1.203125, 0.046142578125, 0.859375, -0.263671875, 1.265625, -0.88671875, 0.59765625, 0.69140625, 1.2265625, 0.2099609375, -0.89453125, 0.2041015625, -0.1279296875, 0.51171875, 0.0771484375, 0.91796875, 1.640625, 0.1962890625, -0.875, 0.89453125, -0.2177734375, 0.62109375, -0.00408935546875, -1.1875, -0.80859375, -0.19921875, -0.953125, 0.53125, -1.0703125, 0.1591796875, -0.419921875, -0.318359375, 0.1533203125, -0.515625, 0.138671875, 0.34375, -0.2021484375, -0.75, -0.54296875, -0.326171875, 0.953125, 0.0849609375, 0.349609375, -0.1552734375, 0.1640625, -0.34375, 1.3125, -1.2734375, -0.828125, 0.419921875, 1.203125, 0.69140625, 0.7578125, -0.8125, 0.94921875, -0.25390625, 1.6953125, 0.146484375, 0.5, 0.80078125, -0.68359375, 2.3125, 0.953125, 4.03125, -0.10693359375, -0.51953125, -0.1962890625, 0.41796875, 0.025146484375, -1.078125, -1.34375, 0.70703125, 0.392578125, -0.443359375, -0.0673828125, 1.2578125, 0.8515625, 0.7421875, -7.625, 0.8203125, 0.55859375, 0.35546875, 0.5234375, 0.6484375, -1.421875, -0.08251953125, 0.94140625, -0.00946044921875, 0.63671875, 0.77734375, -0.79296875, -0.58984375, 0.11376953125, 0.34765625, 0.94140625, 0.73828125, 1.046875, 0.173828125, 0.25, -0.03857421875, -20.5, 0.306640625, -0.6796875, -0.134765625, -1.375, -1.2421875, 0.2099609375, 0.203125, -0.80859375, -0.07470703125, 0.1005859375, -1.1484375, 0.328125, 1.8203125, -1.1328125, -0.8125, -0.06591796875, 0.1982421875, 0.23828125, 0.034912109375, -0.447265625, 0.7578125, -0.71484375, 0.022705078125, -0.2216796875, 1.046875, 0.62890625, 0.140625, 1.9765625, -0.255859375, -0.0174560546875, -0.44921875, 1.2421875, -0.5, 0.1669921875, 0.1513671875, 0.064453125, 0.69140625, 0.6171875, -0.302734375, 0.0201416015625, -0.017822265625, 0.007659912109375, -0.2138671875, 1.1796875, -0.265625, -0.73046875, 0.0751953125, 0.6875, 0.51171875, 0.76171875, -0.033447265625, -0.263671875, 1.71875, -0.84375, -1.796875, -0.859375, 0.98828125, 0.515625, -0.625, -0.1201171875, 0.5078125, -0.25390625, -0.400390625, 0.267578125, 0.74609375, -1.5703125, 1.8359375, 0.20703125, 0.46875, -0.138671875, -0.0859375, 3.296875, -0.287109375, 1.015625, 1.7109375, -0.69921875, -0.0206298828125, -1.453125, 0.193359375, -0.007354736328125, 0.11083984375, 0.1015625, -0.62109375, 1.3671875, -0.52734375, -0.208984375, 0.1357421875, 0.58203125, 0.59375, 0.6875, -0.380859375, 0.4296875, -0.26171875, 0.13671875, -0.72265625, -0.330078125, -0.875, 0.166015625, 0.8515625, 1.21875, 1.7578125, 1.4453125, 0.380859375, 1.5625, 0.6171875, -0.482421875, 0.86328125, -1.625, -0.59375, -0.78515625, 0.58203125, 0.054443359375, 0.060302734375, 0.1220703125, 0.038330078125, 1.125, 0.4375, -0.244140625, 0.21484375, 0.8515625, 1.34375, -0.1943359375, 0.412109375, 0.466796875, 0.2236328125, -0.55859375, -0.0869140625, 0.09521484375, 0.90234375, 0.71875, -1.1875, -0.14453125, 0.61328125, 0.201171875, -0.77734375, 0.93359375, 0.1748046875, 0.890625, 0.91015625, 0.5546875, 0.0306396484375, -0.6484375, 0.380859375, 0.5703125, 0.60546875, -0.34375, 0.46875, -0.75, -0.33203125, 0.04638671875, 0.80859375, -1.0390625, 0.322265625, -0.2421875, 0.2060546875, 1.0546875, -3.078125, 0.94921875, -0.1884765625, -1.046875, -0.9921875, 0.97265625, 3.109375, -0.4921875, -0.7421875, 0.1875, 1.0234375, -0.9765625, -1.8359375, 0.31640625, 0.326171875, -0.62890625, 1.078125, -0.71875, 0.57421875, -0.494140625, 0.12890625, -0.71875, 0.85546875, -0.82421875, -1.328125, 0.07763671875, 0.2431640625, 0.365234375, 0.5, -0.578125, -0.314453125, -0.94921875, -0.515625, 0.1396484375, 0.06982421875, 1.0625, 0.609375, -0.3046875, 0.421875, 0.1650390625, 0.1337890625, 0.09423828125, 0.050537109375, 1.78125, 0.376953125, -0.6484375, 1.2109375, -2.265625, 0.88671875, -0.16796875, -0.053955078125, 0.4453125, -0.064453125, 0.34765625, -0.380859375, -0.115234375, 0.83984375, 0.0419921875, -0.61328125, -0.318359375, -1.40625, 0.61328125, -0.26953125, 1.6640625, -0.9765625, 0.251953125, 0.52734375, -0.40234375, 0.53125, -0.82421875, -0.158203125, 1.9921875, 0.48046875, 0.197265625, 0.53125, -0.314453125, -0.0947265625, 0.16796875, -1.609375, 0.21875, -0.95703125, -0.0712890625, 0.51171875, 1.3359375, 0.1875, -0.255859375, 0.2294921875, 0.83203125, 0.439453125, -0.03662109375, 0.376953125, -0.0281982421875, 0.65625, 0.5078125, 0.71875, 0.43359375, 0.74609375, 0.384765625, -0.455078125, 1.1171875, 0.2353515625, 0.0498046875, 0.7578125, -0.2197265625, 0.384765625, -1.3359375, -0.037109375, 0.41015625, 0.150390625, -1.59375, -0.033203125, 1.0546875, -0.9921875, -0.09619140625, -0.416015625, -2.890625, -0.578125, 0.5, 0.58203125, 0.427734375, -0.59375, -0.08642578125, -0.71875, 0.65625, -0.7578125, -1.296875, 1.28125, 0.9765625, -1.09375, 0.10498046875, 0.26953125, -0.2080078125, 0.63671875, 0.76171875, 0.11279296875, 0.287109375, -0.498046875, 0.271484375, -0.71875, 0.036865234375, 1.5, -0.5859375, -0.94921875, 0.294921875, -0.85546875, -0.62109375, 0.609375, -0.357421875, -0.671875, -1.1640625, 0.296875, -0.2451171875, -0.83203125, 0.3125, 1.140625, 0.8203125, -0.05224609375, -0.66015625, 0.41796875, -0.0595703125, 0.515625, 0.033203125, 1.0546875, 0.4140625, -0.0029449462890625, 0.404296875, -0.1279296875, 1.53125, -1.5625, -0.765625, 0.45703125, 1.2265625, -0.7890625, -0.2109375, 0.3828125, 0.494140625, -0.05029296875, -1.109375, -0.640625, 0.4921875, -0.267578125, 0.337890625, -0.1298828125, 0.828125, -0.58203125, 0.7734375, 1.296875, -0.68359375, -0.458984375, 0.6796875, 1.203125, 0.859375, 1.09375, -0.4453125, 0.8046875, -0.54296875, 0.98046875, -0.3203125, 0.6484375, -0.90234375, -0.71484375, -0.00634765625, -0.1083984375, -0.67578125, 0.333984375, 0.06201171875, -0.796875, -3.59375, -0.2275390625, 0.5390625, 0.369140625, 0.189453125, -0.50390625, 0.4375, -0.55859375, -0.7265625, -0.71484375, 0.4375, -1.484375, -0.2392578125, 0.0234375, -1.078125, -0.32421875, -0.29296875, -0.08837890625, 1.2421875, 1.3828125, 0.0020751953125, -0.89453125, -0.44921875, -0.5625, 1.0703125, -0.6640625, -0.6328125, -0.310546875, 0.1826171875, -0.921875, 0.375, -0.83203125, -1.2578125, 0.12890625, -0.64453125, 0.056396484375, 1.0390625, 0.0947265625, -1.4375, -0.1748046875, -0.1767578125, 0.66796875, -0.28125, 0.64453125, 0.220703125, 0.146484375, 0.89453125, 0.057861328125, 1.171875, 1.25, 0.314453125, 1.15625, 0.5390625, -0.443359375, 0.5078125, -0.6171875, -0.62109375, 0.9296875, 0.515625, -0.10791015625, -0.7109375, 0.5390625, 0.2080078125, -0.36328125, -0.72265625, 0.0556640625, -0.82421875, 0.396484375, 0.8828125, -1.234375, 0.8203125, -0.5, 0.58203125, -0.9609375, -0.06298828125, -0.40625, -0.57421875, -1.234375, -0.228515625, 0.6640625, -1.109375, 0.9453125, -0.1748046875, 0.87109375, 0.482421875, -0.490234375, -0.7265625, 1.3515625, -2.234375, -1.5078125, 0.1396484375, 0.54296875, 0.51171875, -0.76171875, 20.25, 0.3515625, -1.125, 0.7890625, 0.71484375, -0.06201171875, -0.90625, 0.3828125, -0.447265625, -0.216796875, 0.5703125, -0.7734375, 0.275390625, 2.03125, 1.1015625, 1.6875, -0.8125, 0.41796875, 0.80078125, 0.48046875, -0.189453125, 3.9375, -0.1396484375, -1.2265625, 0.162109375, 0.71875, 0.71484375, 1.2109375, 0.439453125, 1.390625, 0.3984375, 0.25390625, 0.1953125, 1, 0.361328125, -1.0390625, -0.0390625, -0.859375, 0.01080322265625, -0.18359375, -0.67578125, 0.302734375, -0.2265625, 0.62890625, -0.4765625, 0.54296875, 0.6171875, 0.6015625, -0.392578125, 0.287109375, -0.53515625, 0.2275390625, 0.052734375, -0.1787109375, 0.984375, 0.3203125, 0.875, -0.41015625, 2.125, 2.109375, 0.169921875, -0.6171875, -0.77734375, -0.7109375, -0.9453125, 0.7890625, 0.00127410888671875, -0.7265625, -0.0810546875, 0.66796875, -0.10888671875, 0.072265625, 0.30859375, 0.62890625, -0.048095703125, 0.5, 0.435546875, -0.1298828125, -0.0439453125, -0.2353515625, 0.6875, -0.53125, 0.14453125, -0.27734375, -0.2197265625, -1.125, -0.6484375, 0.1298828125, -0.6484375, 0.271484375, 0.2236328125, -0.314453125, 0.8203125, -0.9765625, -0.4921875, -1.0703125, -0.66796875, -0.40234375, 1.0546875, 0.2099609375, -0.6640625, -0.84765625, 0.5390625, 0.46875, 0.412109375, 0.06640625, -1.25, 0.52734375, 0.48046875, -0.060302734375, -0.1513671875, -1.09375, -0.162109375, -1.2109375, 0.408203125, -0.5390625, 0.46484375, 0.181640625, 0.302734375, 0.138671875, -0.1201171875, -0.447265625, -0.279296875, 0.8046875, -0.19140625, 0.69140625, 0.392578125, 0.625, -0.6171875, -0.57421875, 0.2490234375, -1.078125, -0.578125, -10.625, 0.2421875, -1.5625, -0.458984375, 1.0859375, -0.39453125, 8.5, 0.059326171875, -0.52734375, -0.38671875, 0.248046875, -10.5, 0.201171875, -0.984375, 9.625, 0.53125, -0.0712890625, 1.046875, -0.40625, 0.4453125, 0.10498046875, 0.6875, -0.63671875, -0.6171875, -0.8203125, 0.5546875, 1.5078125, -1.1796875, -0.75390625, -1.0625, -0.203125, 0.392578125, 0.119140625, 0.828125, -0.287109375, -0.578125, 0.80078125, 0.79296875, 0.026611328125, 0.64453125, 0.87109375, 0.921875, -0.09033203125, -0.40625, 0.494140625, 1.203125, -1.3671875, 0.0189208984375, -1.0546875 ]
[ null, "Who/what inspires me: The dozens of Skateistan youth whose lives I’ve seen change for the better because of their personal strength and perseverance.\n\nBest advice or motto: Utilize your passion. If you are passionate about something, you will go the extra mile.\n\nThe 14-year-old grabs a skateboard, jumps aboard, leaps off the skate ramp’s steep edges and seemingly floats through the air before landing the board and shooting back up the other side. It’s a talented performance. Yet that’s not what makes it so compelling. For the skater is a girl. Her family is poor. And she lives in Afghanistan.\n\nHanifa has transformed from a waif selling tea on the streets of war-ravaged Kabul to a skateboard instructor who is training to re-enter the school system thanks to a grassroots initiative that now employs 70 people and educates 1500 students a week across four sites in Afghanistan, Cambodia and South Africa.\n\nSkateistan is transforming young lives by luring youth with skateboards and offering skating lessons alongside formal education. In the process the charity is overcoming class distinctions, transcending social barriers, and boosting confidence. It is injecting new light into the eyes of children once dulled and wearied by war.\n\nSkateistan … is injecting new light into the eyes of children once dulled and wearied by war.\n\nAn idea is born\n\nAustralian Oliver Percovich, or Ollie, was five years old and living in Melbourne when a cousin gave him his first skateboard. “I loved it from the moment I fell off it,” Ollie says. The passion endured as Ollie grew up, and his skateboard came with him on extensive travels around the globe.\n\nSo it was that Ollie brought his skateboard with him when he joined his then girlfriend looking for work in Afghanistan. Though he had studied environmental chemistry and worked as a social scientist in emergency management, Ollie didn’t find the work as a researcher that he’d hoped for. He found himself on the streets, skateboarding to kill time. The Afghan street children flocked to him and his strange contraption. What was this chunk of wood with wheels, they asked? How did it connect to his feet?\n\n“I found the skateboard was a great way to break the ice,” Ollie says. “There was a huge cultural gap and I had no language skills so skateboarding was a great way of connecting with the street-working kids that were hassling me for money. I gave them my skateboard and noticed girls as well as boys becoming interested. I hadn’t noticed girls doing any other sports so it really piqued my interest that it could become something more.”\n\n“I found the skateboard was a great way to break the ice.”\n\nIntrigued by the possibilities, Ollie convinced a friend in the skateboard industry to donate more boards and started holding impromptu skating lessons in public places in Kabul. “I had no money, everyone thought I was totally crazy but for me it made a lot of sense,” he recalls.\n\nMany of the lessons took place in a dish-shaped concrete fountain built by the Russians during their invasion of the country. At first the boys were his sole students, while the girls stood far back, smiling shy smiles and giggling behind their hands. Within two weeks the girls were standing on the edge of the fountain watching, intrigued. A few weeks later and they were on skateboards.\n\nWhile Afghan girls aren’t allowed to ride bikes, skateboarding was such a new entity it hadn’t had the chance to be outlawed. The girls relished the opportunity to escape the sidelines.\n\nAfter one girls-only session in the fountain, Ollie watched gobsmacked as the girls – some middle class, some desperately poor – joined hands and started singing and dancing as one. He caught a glimpse of the trust, the sense of community, that a shared love of skateboarding could forge.\n\nHe caught a glimpse of the trust, the sense of community, that a shared love of skateboarding could forge.\n\nOllie got to know the kids he was teaching and realised many worked the streets to help support their families and were therefore unable to attend school. Among these kids was Fazilla, whose parents had taken her out of school to beg fulltime on Afghanistan’s grey streets. Ollie approached her parents with a deal. Could Fazilla go back to school if Ollie paid her $1 a day? Her parents agreed. And the link between skating and education was formed.\n\nBut Ollie was so broke he was sleeping on friends’ couches, so hard up for money that he’d attend market at closing time to bargain for rotten fruit to eat. He knew the $1 a day arrangement couldn’t last for Fazilla, let alone all the other kids he dreamed of helping.\n\nHe … realised many [kids] worked the streets to help support their families.\n\nImpressed by what he witnessed during Ollie’s skating sessions, a friend of Ollie’s arranged a meeting between Ollie and the incoming president of the Afghan Olympic committee. Ollie convinced the president to donate some land and then embarked a mass two-year fundraising effort that resulted in the construction of Afghanistan’s biggest indoor sports facility – site of Skateistan’s first premises.\n\nSkateistan would offer skateboard instruction on the condition its students embarked on one of three programs – Skate and Create, in which students receive weekly skateboarding instruction alongside an educational arts-based curriculum; Back-to-School, an accelerated learning program that prepares out-of-school youth to enrol or re-enrol in the public school system; and Youth Leadership, in which participants help with skate sessions and classroom lessons, help to plan and manage events, and take part in special sports, arts, and multimedia workshops.\n\nUnlike traditional Afghan schooling which largely operates on rote learning, Skateistan concentrated on teaching critical thinking skills, enhancing creativity and encouraging self-expression. Skateistan also paid some of its students to become instructors, freeing them of the need to peddle wares on Kabul’s streets and enabling them to access school.\n\nSeveral students who’ve completed Skateistan’s Youth Leadership program have gone on to represent Afghanistan at UNICEF events in Germany. One young girl attended the World Urban Forum in Columbia along with 20,000 other delegates as Afghanistan’s only female representative.\n\nAnother boy, Noorzai, whom Ollie met as a street kid clad in filthy clothes, escalated through the ranks of Skateistan to become sports coordinator of Skateistan’s north Afghanistan operation. He is now enrolled in law school.\n\nFor Ollie the biggest satisfaction comes from witnessing new relationships form and students’ confidence soar. “Over a period of weeks they gain a lot of confidence as they do something they never thought they’d do,” he says. “And the relationships they form are vitally important.”\n\nOllie gains particular satisfaction in seeing poverty-stricken kids interact with their middle-class peers – something that otherwise rarely occurs. He watches the street kids, who are often bigger risk-takers and therefore better skaters, helping their middleclass peers with skating and then, in return, the middleclass kids helping their lesser-schooled friends in the classroom.\n\n“You see these street-working girls and these middleclass girls skating together and overcoming these huge barriers in society and making vital friendships,” Ollie says. “I really see that [relationship building] as the basis of what needs to happen in Afghanistan society. The first thing that needs to be built is trust, and that’s built through social connection. When trust is in place then other things are possible.”\n\n“When trust is in place then other things are possible.”\n\nInspired by the success of Skateistan in Kabul, a Frenchman living in Cambodia’s Phnom Penh approached Ollie about starting a similar program there. Skateistan offered a small grant and helped launch Skateistan Cambodia. While the issues Cambodian children face differ vastly from those in Afghanistan, the lure of skateboarding remains strong.\n\n“We really tailor the program to suit the country so that they’re locally relevant,” Ollie says. “But the thing that remains constant is that skateboarding is a lot of fun and a great way for people to meet each other and interact. Lots of things can grow from there.”\n\nBuoyed by the success of the Cambodian operation, Skateistan is now opening a facility in Johannesburg in South Africa.\n\n“Lots of things can grow from there.”\n\nOf course such success doesn’t come easily. Skateistan has faced grumblings from Afghanistan’s more traditional sector for having the gall to educate girls, for introducing a western sport to its youth. As girls age many are forbidden from attending. And yet Skateistan has never received threats to close.\n\nSkateistan staff also face the difficulties of living in a society still gripped by the cruelties of war. In 2012 several Skateistan students and staff were killed in a suicide attack at an international military base while they attempted to sell trinkets to the soldiers – a loss that reverberated through the Skateistan community.\n\nThere’s also the human resources problems of working across a deep cultural divide, and the time spent living internationally away from family and friends. And yet Ollie feels honoured to do what he does.\n\n“I really believe all humans are equal and there should be equal opportunity for people all around the world,” he says. “To be able to work towards that in my own little way is very rewarding. And seeing the children blossom is the best reward.”\n\n“… seeing the children blossom is the best reward.”\n\nWatching Hanifa on her skateboard, light dancing across sparkling eyes, it’s easy to understand the reward Ollie speaks of. Speaking about her involvement in Skateistan Hanifa mentions her love of skating high on the ramps: “I like going high on the ramps,” she says. “When I’m up there I feel free, like I’m flying.”\n\nSkateistan relies on sponsorship, donations and merchandise sales to operate. You can help Skateistan to continue its work by visiting its website at and pledging money or buying merchandise such as T-shirts and a book or documentary about Skateistan." ]
[ 0.1591796875, 0.1669921875, 0.004669189453125, 3.890625, 0.70703125, 0.82421875, -0.53515625, -0.400390625, -0.0186767578125, -0.376953125, 1.015625, -0.80859375, 0.020751953125, -0.419921875, -0.859375, -0.458984375, -0.130859375, 0.42578125, -0.0030517578125, 0.765625, -0.51171875, -0.640625, 0.82421875, -1.71875, 1.3359375, -0.6015625, -0.98046875, -0.00165557861328125, -0.609375, -0.328125, 0.7578125, 0.4609375, 0.1875, -1.28125, -1.7578125, 0.08837890625, 0.890625, 0.2314453125, 0.62109375, -0.58203125, -0.1181640625, -0.9140625, 0.146484375, 0.96484375, 0.2177734375, 0.0458984375, -0.328125, 0.369140625, -0.11181640625, 0.6328125, -0.0023193359375, 0.06396484375, 0.69921875, -0.06982421875, 0.74609375, 0.0732421875, 1.2109375, -0.5859375, -0.96484375, -0.1591796875, -0.28125, 0.2490234375, 0.71484375, -0.244140625, -0.921875, 0.0732421875, 0.62890625, 0.365234375, -0.8046875, -0.034912109375, 0.2255859375, -0.87890625, 0.51953125, -0.65234375, -0.07373046875, -1.0859375, 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0.0286865234375, 15.4375, -0.03857421875, 0.040283203125, 0.51953125, 1.328125, 0.57421875, -0.85546875, -1.40625, -0.490234375, -0.84765625, -0.65234375, -0.66796875, 0.103515625, -0.146484375, 1.28125, 0.1025390625, -0.703125, 0.984375, -0.263671875, -0.004669189453125, 0.041259765625, 0.11279296875, -0.447265625, -0.65625, 0.66796875, 0.703125, 0.259765625, 0.1337890625, 0.416015625, 0.40625, -0.404296875, -0.44140625, 0.8671875, -0.63671875, 0.38671875, -0.7734375, -0.1181640625, 1.1875, -0.99609375, -0.3359375, 0.328125, 0.345703125, -0.06494140625, -0.357421875, 0.0031280517578125, 1.734375, 0.057861328125, 0.024658203125, -0.0595703125, -0.375, 0.55859375, 0.23046875, -0.64453125, -0.369140625, 0.0322265625, -0.267578125, 0.6015625, -0.56640625, -1.203125, 0.28515625, 1.3671875, -0.310546875, -0.37109375, 1.046875, 0.265625, 0.1240234375, -1.21875, -0.287109375, 0.361328125, -0.9609375, 0.302734375, -1.546875, 0.041015625, -0.44140625, 0.2470703125, -1.1171875, -0.8671875, 1.515625, -1.421875, 2.03125, 0.291015625, -1.1015625, 0.01361083984375, 0.58203125, -0.62109375, -0.384765625, 0.19921875, 0.8359375, 0.185546875, -0.81640625, 0.423828125, -0.57421875, 0.75390625, 0.4453125, -0.7578125, -0.07958984375, 0.283203125, -0.054443359375, -0.71875, 1.296875, 0.58203125, -0.47265625, 0.018310546875, -0.431640625, 0.578125, 0.345703125, 0.6328125, -0.7265625, 0.5390625, -0.89453125, -0.234375, -0.53125, 0.8828125, 0.50390625, -0.21875, -0.9921875, 0.388671875, -0.09130859375, 0.23828125, 0.17578125, -0.80859375, 0.2451171875, -0.8828125, -0.09912109375, 0.5390625, 0.0181884765625, -0.23046875, 0.09326171875, 0.2158203125, -0.5625, 0.34765625, -0.40234375, -0.5859375, 0.023681640625, 1.1171875, 0.0712890625, -0.69921875, -0.70703125, 0.177734375, 0.54296875, 0.8203125, 1.4375, 0.349609375, 0.48046875, 1.1796875, -0.353515625, 0.38671875, 1.1640625, 0.55078125, 1.453125, -0.57421875, 0.41796875, -0.099609375, -0.2314453125, -0.56640625, -0.61328125, -0.87890625, -1.125, 0.0172119140625, 0.0703125, -0.62109375, -1.7265625, 0.0184326171875, -0.69921875, 0.0732421875, -0.62890625, 0.1005859375, 0.98046875, -0.326171875, -0.431640625, 0.21875, -0.5078125, -0.034423828125, 0.08349609375, 0.041748046875, -1.375, 4.5625, 1.4140625, -0.68359375, 0.4375, 0.72265625, 0.265625, 0.8203125, 0.40234375, -0.828125, -0.369140625, -0.103515625, -0.37109375, -0.8203125, -1.3046875, 1.1953125, 0.0859375, 0.302734375, 0.31640625, -0.2119140625, 0.33984375, -0.470703125, -0.373046875, 0.07666015625, 0.92578125, -0.419921875, -0.9375, 0.12109375, -0.349609375, 1.1015625, 0.5625, -0.345703125, -0.0595703125, 0.134765625, -0.302734375, -0.19921875, -0.30859375, -0.421875, 0.4765625, -0.984375, 0.396484375, -0.8828125, 0.609375, 0.212890625, -0.6875, 0.79296875, -0.042236328125, -0.59375, -0.33984375, -0.0732421875, -0.1064453125, -0.328125, 0.66796875, -0.361328125, 0.021240234375, 0.44921875, 0.55859375, -0.296875, 0.244140625, -1.1015625, -0.047119140625, -0.671875, 1.34375, 0.404296875, -0.30078125, 0.59765625, 0.34375, -0.6640625, 0.97265625, -0.12255859375, 0.03759765625, 0.375, -0.39453125, -0.498046875, 0.11279296875, 0.2109375, 0.5078125, -0.111328125, 2.828125, -0.294921875, 1.109375, -0.98046875, 0.2060546875, -0.166015625, 0.515625, 1.0390625, 1.296875, 0.302734375, -0.322265625, 0.400390625, 0.81640625, 0.201171875, -0.1455078125, 0.99609375, 0.328125, 1.265625, 1.015625, 0.62109375, 0.140625, -0.3828125, 0.93359375, 0.9296875, 1.2890625, 0.6875, 0.1630859375, 0.90625, 0.91015625, 1.0625, -1.0703125, 0.87890625, 0.625, 0.71875, 0.796875, 0.32421875, -0.26953125, -0.015869140625, -0.859375, 0.2431640625, 0.64453125, -0.79296875, 0.451171875, 1.2109375, 1.078125, -0.1025390625, -0.984375, 0.1982421875, -0.423828125, -1.0390625, -0.326171875, 0.75390625, 0.0390625, -0.205078125, 1.1875, 0.7109375, -0.326171875, 0.3515625, -1.0703125, 1.1171875, 0.357421875, -0.041748046875, -0.65625, -0.0673828125, -1.5234375, -0.404296875, 0.412109375, 8.625, -0.75, -0.97265625, -0.85546875, -0.8671875, 0.1650390625, 0.6953125, -0.419921875, 0.45703125, -0.86328125, 0.42578125, -0.2421875, 0.60546875, -0.56640625, -0.3828125, 0.97265625, -0.75390625, -1.109375, 0.09814453125, 1.359375, -0.302734375, -0.240234375, -1.21875, -0.1337890625, 0.384765625, 0.6640625, -0.453125, -1.3046875, 0.2890625, -1.265625, 0.11279296875, -0.28125, 6.28125, 0.73046875, 0.1611328125, 1.046875, -1.2265625, -0.2890625, 0.44140625, -0.390625, 0.1162109375, 0.419921875, -0.2490234375, 0.1787109375, 1.203125, 0.703125, -0.87109375, 0.318359375, 0.28125, -0.251953125, 0.5625, 0.51953125, -0.546875, 0.7734375, -0.255859375, 0.333984375, -0.028564453125, 0.7734375, 0.365234375, -1.171875, 0.369140625, 0.0120849609375, 0.62890625, -1.1171875, -1.0078125, -0.162109375, 0.458984375, -0.9296875, -0.1611328125, 0.7578125, -1.015625, 0.416015625, 0.87109375, 0.263671875, -0.310546875, 1.03125, 1.9765625, 0.59765625, -0.62890625, 0.71484375, -0.2431640625, -0.82421875, 1.0078125, -0.73046875, 0.90234375, -0.80078125, -0.29296875, 0.275390625, 0.18359375, 0.90625, 1.03125, -0.6953125, 0.224609375, 1.0078125, 0.498046875, 0.3046875, 0.267578125, 0.74609375, 0.54296875, -1.8515625, -0.75390625, -0.2060546875, 0.439453125, -2.09375, -0.06396484375, -0.64453125, 0.36328125, 0.498046875, -0.79296875, 0.92578125, -0.75390625, 0.58984375, -0.859375, -0.333984375, 0.86328125, -0.796875, -1.140625, -0.73046875, 0.095703125, -0.11474609375, 0.458984375, 0.01123046875, 0.5703125, -0.359375, 0.6015625, -0.578125, 0.546875, -0.48046875, 0.27734375, 0.39453125, -0.5703125, -0.55859375, 0.0220947265625, 0.0849609375, -1.390625, -0.5703125, 0.2080078125, -1.640625, -0.08837890625, -0.306640625, -0.04931640625, -0.9296875, -0.337890625, 0.62109375, -0.2314453125, -0.359375, -0.41015625, 0.8359375, 1.09375, 0.32421875, 0.87109375, -0.0771484375, 0.67578125, 0.8046875, 0.099609375, -1.7109375, 0.2119140625, 0.61328125, -0.365234375, -0.6953125, 0.3125, 0.265625, -0.1162109375, 0.004058837890625, -0.318359375, 0.58984375, 0.07861328125, 1.3046875, 0.0128173828125, 1.328125, 0.193359375, -0.22265625, -0.5546875, 0.41796875, -0.04052734375, 0.1376953125, -0.2333984375, -1.75, 0.326171875, -0.2119140625, -0.75, -0.11083984375, 0.0634765625, 0.44921875, 0.310546875, 0.73828125, 0.177734375, -0.447265625, 0.2333984375, 0.1484375, 1.0390625, -0.53125, 0.07080078125, 0.052978515625, 0.470703125, -1.734375, 0.38671875, -0.400390625, -0.271484375, 0.1337890625, -0.14453125, 0.765625, -0.2177734375, 0.014892578125, 0.66015625, 0.75390625, -0.296875, -0.01336669921875, 0.82421875, 0.373046875, -0.162109375, -0.5, -0.10595703125, 0.08642578125, 0.11083984375, -0.85546875, 0.54296875, -0.263671875, -0.59375, -0.3046875, 0.2490234375, 0.416015625, -0.6171875, 0.1328125, 0.435546875, -0.447265625, 0.5, 1.4921875, 0.4296875, -0.0068359375, 0.6875, -1.4453125, 0.07666015625, -0.9140625, 0.150390625, -0.193359375, -0.32421875, -0.67578125, 0.95703125, 1.3203125, 0.06298828125, 0.76171875, 0.46484375, -1.1328125, 0.34765625, 0.1435546875, 0.80859375, -0.08935546875, -0.625, -0.54296875, 0.6171875, -0.921875, -1.1640625, 0.059814453125, -0.2421875, 0.91015625, 0.51171875, 0.66796875, 0.181640625, 0.12255859375, -0.59765625, -0.87890625, -0.921875, 0.71484375, -0.75390625, -0.1572265625, -0.45703125, 0.55078125, 0.6015625, 0.69921875, 0.115234375, -0.142578125, -29.625, -0.7734375, 0.06591796875, -1.0703125, 0.9375, 0.2236328125, 0.220703125, -0.51171875, -0.353515625, 1.28125, -0.051513671875, -0.470703125, -0.216796875, -0.2021484375, 0.30078125, 0.1630859375, 0.4609375, -0.69140625, -0.25390625, -0.7578125, 0.294921875, -0.427734375, -0.80859375, 0.41015625, 0.86328125, 0.12255859375, 0.140625, 0.02783203125, 0.69140625, -0.1689453125, -0.10302734375, -0.7578125, -0.1865234375, 0.431640625, -0.88671875, -0.94921875, -0.388671875, -0.93359375, 0.52734375, -1.3046875, 0.80078125, -1.1484375, 0.396484375, 1.1015625, 0.78515625, -0.58203125, -0.271484375, 1.40625, -0.91796875, -0.74609375, -0.3515625, -0.109375, 0.322265625, -0.400390625, 0.060302734375, -0.1728515625, -0.419921875, 0.55859375, 0.080078125, 0.734375, -0.41015625, -1.0703125, -0.11669921875, 0.203125, -0.62890625, 1.5, 1.6640625, 0.408203125, 0.365234375, -1.078125, 0.275390625, 0.59765625, 0.8671875, 0.74609375, -0.9140625, 0.54296875, -1.1328125, 1.140625, 0.2255859375, -0.70703125, -0.251953125, -0.337890625, -0.60546875, 1.03125, 0.87890625, 0.408203125, 0.34375, -0.421875, -0.72265625, 1.1015625, -1.1015625, 0.115234375, -0.8046875, -0.494140625, -0.1376953125, -0.064453125, -0.671875, 0.58203125, -0.24609375, 0.248046875, -0.0908203125, 0.474609375, -0.2294921875, -1.40625, -0.05078125, -0.51953125, 0.6171875, 0.0869140625, 1.03125, -0.87109375, 0.69140625, -0.90234375, -1.03125, 1.3203125, 1.0078125, 0.0390625, -0.64453125, 0.25, -0.37890625, -0.73828125, -0.07763671875, 0.490234375, 0.30859375, 0.23828125, 0.265625, -0.064453125, 0.953125, -0.1904296875, 0.1328125, 0.322265625, -0.345703125, -0.251953125, 0.703125, 0.27734375, -0.54296875, -0.27734375, -0.1787109375, -0.6171875, -1.8359375, -1.1484375, -0.2314453125, -0.72265625, -0.8125, 0.61328125, -0.130859375, 0.326171875, 0.59765625, -1.5625, -0.39453125, 0.298828125, -0.337890625, 0.294921875, 1.1484375, -0.1904296875, -0.2041015625, -0.7890625, -1.2109375, -0.859375, -0.58984375, -0.5859375, -0.00946044921875, -0.2734375, -0.77734375, 0.6484375, -0.5, -0.06982421875, 0.98046875, -0.890625, 0.06787109375, -0.97265625, 0.55078125, 0.0888671875, -0.044677734375, -0.40625, 0.06787109375, -1.3046875, -0.5546875, -0.01458740234375, 1.0078125, -0.37890625, -0.2294921875, -0.361328125, -0.734375, 0.65625, 0.357421875, 0.1376953125, 0.01953125, 0.1328125, 0.2197265625, -1.0234375, -0.58203125, 0.3125, -0.87109375, 0.427734375, -0.189453125, -0.64453125, -0.83203125, 0.54296875, -0.1669921875, -0.01544189453125, -0.4765625, 0.251953125, -1.5859375, -0.1591796875, -0.24609375, -0.2265625, 0.67578125, -0.494140625, 0.41015625, 0.00927734375, -0.953125, 0.47265625, 0.443359375, -1.171875, 0.259765625, -0.28515625, -0.59765625, 0.5546875, -0.2177734375, -0.482421875, -0.357421875, 1.421875, 0.8828125, 0.04931640625, -0.89453125, -0.9765625, 0.69140625, 0.328125, -0.51953125, -0.93359375, 0.578125, 0.33203125, 0.36328125, 0.130859375, 1.0625, -0.376953125, 0.515625, 0.72265625, -0.1279296875, 0.130859375, -0.02734375, 0.15625, 0.77734375, 0.51953125, -0.279296875, -0.26171875, -0.12353515625, -0.330078125, 0.228515625, -0.6484375, -0.41015625, -0.2255859375, 0.68359375, 0.58984375, -1.1640625, 0.203125, -0.640625, 0.5859375, 1.1953125, 0.72265625, -0.70703125, 0.6875, -1.1484375, 0.40625, 0.33203125, -0.8046875, -1.6796875, -0.185546875, -0.5, -0.23828125, 0.71875, 0.275390625, -0.9765625, 1.5625, 0.96875, -0.6484375, 0.376953125, 0.66015625, 0.578125, 0.78125, -0.96484375, 0.46875, -0.035888671875, 1.3125, 0.640625, -0.06494140625, 0.84375, 1.125, -0.7578125, 0.029052734375, -0.2158203125, 0.2734375, -0.07080078125, -1.8203125, 0.34375, -1.078125, 1.1015625, -0.01251220703125, -0.80078125, -1.2890625, -1.25, -0.06494140625, -0.173828125, 0.9296875, 0.000598907470703125, 0.9765625, -0.30859375, 0.6171875, -0.57421875, -0.89453125, -1.0625, -1.4375, -0.224609375, -0.26171875, 0.142578125, 0.146484375, 0.2431640625, 0.65625, -0.5078125, -0.46484375, 0.330078125, 1.109375, 0.890625, -1.3046875, -0.43359375, 0.26171875, -0.83984375, -0.294921875, 0.06689453125, -0.26953125, -0.365234375, -0.486328125, -0.474609375, 0.7734375, -0.1259765625, -0.44140625, 0.66796875, 1.359375, 0.5546875, 0.2353515625, -0.01434326171875, 0.06298828125, -0.1787109375, -0.2060546875, 0.51171875, 0.042236328125, 0.2470703125, 0.29296875, -1.09375, -0.1279296875, 0.5625, 0.625, -1.4296875, -0.60546875, 0.27734375, 0.06396484375, 0.57421875, -0.96484375, 0.70703125, 0.80859375, 0.1572265625, -1.171875, -0.45703125, -0.396484375, -1.265625, -0.5390625, -0.1259765625, -0.94921875, -0.435546875, 0.306640625, 0.99609375, -0.419921875, -1.109375, -0.80859375, -0.306640625, -1.0234375, -0.1796875, 0.396484375, 0.330078125, 0.6875, -0.5546875, 0.2080078125, -0.88671875, 0.482421875, -0.263671875, -0.53125, -0.34375, 0.39453125, -0.22265625, -0.314453125, 0.4453125, 0.70703125, -1.0703125, -0.275390625, 0.05322265625, -1.1484375, -0.29296875, 0.3359375, 0.82421875, 0.32421875, 0.86328125, 0.1875, -0.29296875, -0.50390625, 0.92578125, 1.359375, -0.2451171875, 0.4765625, -0.1650390625, -1.296875, -1.2421875, 0.05322265625, -1.015625, -0.54296875, 1.40625, 0.3828125, -0.06689453125, -0.1611328125, 0.8984375, -1.3359375, -0.017822265625, 0.36328125, 0.193359375, 0.6015625, 0.55859375, -0.46484375, -0.984375, -1.3515625, -0.265625, -0.0361328125, -0.408203125, 0.49609375, -0.5078125, -0.41796875, 1.03125, 0.1865234375, -0.30078125, -0.98046875, -0.474609375, -0.016845703125, 0.44140625, -0.81640625, -0.030517578125, -0.1875, 0.74609375, 0.039306640625, -0.03662109375, -0.048828125, -0.1962890625, 1.03125, 0.4609375, 11.625, -0.2001953125, 0.7578125, 1.1796875, 0.875, -0.796875, -0.1474609375, 0.40234375, -0.08544921875, -0.1845703125, -0.640625, -0.7109375, -0.08154296875, 0.6015625, 0.296875, -1.0859375, 0.2216796875, -0.22265625, 0.169921875, -1.03125, -0.1396484375, 0.33203125, 0.84765625, 1.375, -1.0625, -0.921875, -0.3671875, 0.703125, -0.2138671875, 0.361328125, 0.65234375, 1.2890625, -0.5625, 0.8359375, 0.78515625, -0.66796875, -0.39453125, 0.82421875, 0.158203125, 0.2431640625, -1.8828125, 0.291015625, 0.1201171875, -0.0228271484375, -0.007568359375, 0.59765625, -0.361328125, 0.44921875, -1.4296875, 0.427734375, 0.08251953125, -0.201171875, -0.57421875, -0.146484375, 0.2099609375, 1.140625, 1.21875, 1.0078125, 0.423828125, -0.5625, 0.443359375, 0.5625, -0.453125, -1.0234375, -1.328125, 1.078125, 0.83203125, 1.3828125, 1.6953125, 0.412109375, -0.78125, 0.06591796875, -0.0279541015625, -0.87109375, 0.9296875, 0.19140625, 1.0390625, 1.1875, -0.2890625, 0.1298828125, 0.06103515625, -2.890625, -0.416015625, 1.1875, -1.203125, -0.69921875, -0.08349609375, 0.5546875, 0.259765625, -0.21484375, 0.75, 0.33203125, 0.52734375, 0.146484375, -0.5390625, 0.3125, 0.3125, -0.5, 0.51171875, -0.69140625, -0.421875, 1.390625, -0.7109375, 0.1337890625, 0.91015625, 1.1171875, -0.8984375, -0.310546875, 0.72265625, 0.447265625, 0.28515625, 0.447265625, 0.1962890625, 1.2578125, -0.546875, 0.890625, -0.255859375, 0.765625, -0.44140625, -0.72265625, 0.33203125, -0.7734375, 0.71875, 1.0625, 0.396484375, 0.53515625, 0.049560546875, -1.1171875, 0.38671875, 0.9609375, 0.875, 0.01165771484375, 0.0291748046875, 0.578125, 0.23828125, 0.306640625, -0.65625, -0.263671875, -0.61328125, 0.3515625, -1.3828125, 0.875, 0.81640625, -0.515625, 0.484375, -0.26171875, 0.400390625, -0.53125, 1.09375, -0.271484375, -0.0947265625, -0.8203125, 1.734375, 0.61328125, -0.7109375, 0.4765625, -0.306640625, -0.39453125, 0.375, -0.828125, 0.58203125, -0.9296875, -0.26171875, -1.3671875, -0.07958984375, -0.337890625, -0.4921875, -0.0361328125, -0.74609375, -0.9140625, -0.94140625, -0.6328125, -0.71484375, 0.2314453125, 0.74609375, 0.26953125, -0.068359375, -0.55859375, 0.92578125, 0.33984375, -0.83203125, -0.1611328125, -0.396484375, -0.40234375, 0.5078125, 0.5234375, -0.4609375, -0.64453125, 0.2353515625, 1.125, 0.52734375, -0.87109375, 0.6328125, -0.37890625, -0.859375, -0.84765625, -1.109375, -0.10888671875, -0.1806640625, -0.16796875, 0.408203125, -0.287109375, 1.3828125, 2.109375, -1.3125, -0.96875, -0.640625, -0.31640625, -0.08984375, 1.6328125, -0.77734375, 0.171875, -0.06396484375, 0.55859375, 1.6015625, 0.201171875, 0.76953125, -1.1015625, 0.90234375, 0.9921875, -0.78515625, -0.328125, -0.2060546875, -0.03857421875, 0.076171875, 0.1064453125, -0.953125, -0.73828125, 1.015625, -0.80859375, 0.30078125, 1.890625, 0.10986328125, -0.6015625, -0.07763671875, 0.326171875, 0.546875, 0.1416015625, 0.2138671875, 0.6328125, -0.18359375, 0.375, 0.396484375, 0.0225830078125, 0.255859375, 1.53125, 0.91796875, 0.1552734375, -0.5859375, -11.5625, -0.416015625, -0.07861328125, 0.56640625, -0.40625, 0.5390625, 0.353515625, 0.953125, -0.205078125, 0.9609375, -0.8359375, -0.490234375, 0.002716064453125, -0.04736328125, -0.2255859375, 0.66015625, -0.54296875, 0.142578125, -0.037353515625, 0.46875, -0.490234375, 1.0390625, 0.39453125, -0.036865234375, -1.0546875, 0.49609375, 0.37109375, -0.6328125, 0.006622314453125, -0.40234375, 0.765625, -0.0986328125, -12.1875, -0.71484375, 0.92578125, -0.404296875, 0.00518798828125, 0.76953125, -0.1884765625, -0.78125, -0.08642578125, -0.88671875, 2.578125, 0.337890625, 1, -1.078125, 0.5625, -0.94921875, 0.345703125, -0.1689453125, -0.1650390625, 0.6015625, -1.0625, 0.060546875, -0.81640625, 1.21875, 0.52734375, -0.0751953125, -0.63671875, 0.4609375, 0.41796875, 0.9453125, 0.52734375, 1.0546875, 0.09814453125, 0.416015625, -0.328125, 0.361328125, 0.1259765625, -0.75390625, 0.77734375, 1.03125, -0.67578125, 0.59765625, -0.09228515625, -0.9609375, -0.52734375, 0.06689453125, -0.12353515625, -0.55859375, 0.77734375, -0.59765625, 5.84375, 0.32421875, 0.94921875, -0.36328125, 0.58984375, 0.220703125, -0.2890625, -0.69140625, 0.181640625, 0.494140625, 0.053466796875, -1.765625, 0.79296875, -0.03369140625, 0.66796875, -0.232421875, -0.220703125, 0.01226806640625, -0.8046875, -1, 0.37109375, 0.451171875, 0.15234375, -1.8828125, 1.8359375, -0.7890625, -0.177734375, -0.115234375, -0.69140625, -0.2451171875, 0.259765625, 0.609375, 0.20703125, -0.41015625, 0.1552734375, -0.05029296875, 0.1533203125, -0.474609375, 1.0234375, 0.81640625, 0.0859375, -0.404296875, 0.66015625, -3.21875, -0.2373046875, 0.279296875, -0.49609375, -0.78515625, 1.015625, 0.404296875, 1.65625, -0.357421875, -0.6015625, 0.5859375, 0.400390625, -1.296875, 0.859375, -0.42578125, 1.34375, 1.140625, -0.84765625, 1.0625, -0.85546875, -0.287109375, -0.5546875, -0.08740234375, 0.89453125, 0.23828125, -0.66796875, 0.5078125, 0.07861328125, 0.251953125, -0.396484375, 0.1982421875, -0.058837890625, 1.0234375, 0.357421875, -0.671875, -1.0859375, -0.033203125, -0.2294921875, -0.28515625, -0.45703125, 0.6953125, -0.8515625, 0.625, -0.61328125, 0.1328125, -0.74609375, 1.203125, 0.52734375, -1, 0.703125, -1.4140625, 0.49609375, -0.431640625, -0.396484375, 0.12255859375, -0.279296875, 0.50390625, -0.1259765625, 0.9296875, 0.48828125, 0.283203125, -0.3046875, 1.3359375, 0.76953125, -0.052490234375, -1.6640625, 0.6953125, -0.0625, 0.365234375, 0.314453125, 1.0625, -0.984375, 0.6484375, -0.427734375, -0.283203125, -0.5078125, 0.94140625, 0.58203125, -0.3984375, 0.384765625, 0.435546875, -0.76171875, -0.408203125, -1.1171875, -0.412109375, -0.06298828125, -0.255859375, -0.87890625, -0.046630859375, 0.703125, 0.451171875, 0.2734375, -0.4609375, 0.416015625, -0.72265625, 1.4765625, 0.267578125, 0.19921875, -0.162109375, 0.07470703125, 0.04541015625, -0.5546875, 0.9609375, -0.11962890625, 0.31640625, 0.236328125, 0.953125, -1.296875, 0.051025390625, 0.48828125, 0.1220703125, 0.76171875, -0.283203125, 1.2109375, -0.80859375, 0.62109375, 0.84375, -0.12255859375, 0.5859375, 0.4140625, 0.9140625, 0.5546875, -0.6953125, -1.4375, 0.73046875, 0.1533203125, -0.484375, 1.34375, -0.6875, -0.5546875, -0.63671875, 0.055908203125, -0.020263671875, -0.96875, 0.322265625, 1.078125, -0.33984375, -0.0208740234375, -0.58203125, -1.4921875, -0.1728515625, 1.15625, 0.310546875, -0.138671875, -0.73046875, 0.74609375, 0.33203125, -1.3203125, -0.703125, -0.240234375, -0.3203125, -0.055419921875, 0.20703125, 0.037109375, -0.58203125, 0.73046875, 0.353515625, 0.216796875, -0.75, 1.109375, 0.33984375, -0.1826171875, -0.36328125, -0.279296875, -0.67578125, 0.333984375, -0.447265625, 0.1357421875, -0.9140625, 0.06298828125, -0.265625, 0.25, -0.328125, -0.80859375, 0.70703125, -0.0380859375, -0.263671875, 0.220703125, -0.82421875, 1.03125, 0.69140625, -1.328125, -0.298828125, -0.33984375, 0.032958984375, 0.51953125, -0.0020904541015625, 0.609375, -3, 0.97265625, 0.28125, -0.33984375, -0.369140625, 0.2265625, -0.004730224609375, -0.11279296875, -0.15625, 0.265625, 0.5625, 1.2109375, -0.671875, 0.75390625, 0.1044921875, -0.390625, -0.66015625, -0.380859375, 1.2265625, 0.236328125, -0.52734375, 0.228515625, 0.34375, -0.56640625, 0.6640625, -1.1640625, -1.703125, 0.470703125, 0.3125, 0.263671875, 0.423828125, -0.2314453125, -0.375, -8.0625, 0.6875, 0.19921875, -0.5546875, -0.9140625, 0.2490234375, -0.359375, 0.5859375, -0.35546875, 0.90234375, -1.6171875, -0.28515625, -0.267578125, 0.62109375, 0.78515625, -0.2216796875, -0.05712890625, 0.609375, 0.29296875, -0.10888671875, -0.8203125, -0.0869140625, 0.765625, 0.02734375, -1.1015625, -1.09375, 0.2119140625, 0.5078125, -0.453125, -0.5703125, -1.34375, 0.44140625, -0.75390625, -0.5546875, -0.7265625, -0.2138671875, 0.38671875, -1.15625, -0.447265625, 1.2578125, -0.62890625, 0.64453125, 0.640625, -0.734375, 0.5625, -1.0703125, 0.12890625, -0.73046875, -0.8125, -0.93359375, -0.94921875, -0.625, -0.7890625, -0.443359375, -0.423828125, 0.462890625, 1.84375, -0.0869140625, -0.6015625, -0.224609375, -0.5859375, -49, -0.65234375, 0.5703125, 0.1494140625, -0.7890625, -0.796875, -0.185546875, 1.0546875, 1.0234375, -0.0286865234375, 0.06005859375, -0.75, -0.6796875, -0.40234375, 0.734375, -0.58203125, -0.984375, 1.21875, 0.875, -0.67578125, 0.22265625, 0.0791015625, 0.79296875, -4.5625, -0.267578125, 0.73046875, 0.310546875, 0.53125, 0.12353515625, -1.1953125, -0.78125, 0.357421875, -0.380859375, -0.478515625, 0.765625, -0.302734375, 0.78125, -0.60546875, 0.310546875, -0.01239013671875, -0.2470703125, 0.326171875, 0.015869140625, 1.015625, 25.875, -0.375, -0.55078125, -0.330078125, 0.275390625, -0.140625, 0.2470703125, -0.87109375, 0.2412109375, -0.671875, 0.5625, -1.171875, -0.62109375, -0.6328125, -0.49609375, 0.44921875, -0.6875, -0.66796875, -0.17578125, 1.140625, -0.1865234375, 0.435546875, -0.48046875, -0.62109375, -0.9453125, 0.6796875, -0.54296875, -0.78125, -0.7109375, -0.56640625, 0.1845703125, -0.0537109375, 0.1640625, -1.28125, -1.34375, -0.365234375, -0.28515625, 0.11572265625, 0.74609375, 0.404296875, -0.94140625, -0.5625, -0.73828125, 1.046875, -1.0859375, 0.2470703125, 0.95703125, -2.546875, -0.95703125, -0.04248046875, -0.09619140625, -0.8046875, -0.91015625, -0.1171875, -0.439453125, -0.55859375, -0.47265625, 1.3515625, -0.154296875, -0.95703125, 0.6953125, -0.5, -0.036376953125, 1.3359375, -0.75390625, -0.88671875, 0.078125, -1.046875, -0.953125, -0.431640625, 0.474609375, 0.150390625, -0.61328125, -0.337890625, -0.470703125, 0.6953125, -1.1875, 0.3828125, -1.125, 0.46875, -0.5859375, -0.8359375, -0.99609375, -0.23046875, -0.87109375, -0.373046875, 0.486328125, 0.9453125, -0.76171875, -0.94140625, -0.796875, 0.51953125, -0.96875, 0.31640625, 0.4296875, -0.7734375, 0.310546875, -0.333984375, -0.498046875, -0.84765625, 1.9765625, -0.7421875, -1.0078125, 0.29296875, -0.46875, 0.259765625, 0.54296875, -0.7421875, 0.01007080078125, -0.0703125, 0.5859375, -0.4375, 0.037353515625, -0.294921875, 0.6875, 0.53125, 0.251953125, 0.376953125, -0.55078125, 0.00213623046875, -0.47265625, 0.6328125, 0.6875, -0.61328125, 0.466796875, 0.875, -0.609375, -0.74609375, 0.93359375, -0.67578125, -3.578125, -1.5703125, -0.0220947265625, -1.03125, -0.3515625, 0.0703125, 0.1435546875, 0.212890625, 0.58203125, 1, 0.1494140625, 0.0810546875, 0.76171875, 0.24609375, -0.56640625, -0.478515625, 0.435546875, 0.126953125, 0.294921875, 0.79296875, 0.5546875, -0.369140625, -0.5703125, -1.09375, 1.4375, 0.1884765625, 0.51953125, -0.1201171875, 0.68359375, 0.82421875, 0.0028076171875, 0.349609375, 0.4140625, 1.1484375, -0.16796875, -0.63671875, 0.1650390625, 0.2041015625, -0.57421875, -1.0625, 0.2021484375, 9.5625, -0.3828125, 0.84765625, -0.375, -1.5, -0.4921875, -0.3984375, 0.62109375, -0.72265625, -1.328125, 0.162109375, -0.1611328125, -0.61328125, 0.1630859375, 0.59765625, -0.53515625, 0.462890625, 0.267578125, 0.00738525390625, -1.2265625, 0.228515625, -1.296875, 0.0037689208984375, 0.54296875, 1.921875, -0.474609375, -0.1328125, 0.7890625, -0.1552734375, 2.4375, -0.9765625, -1.3984375, 1.1640625, 0.3828125, 0.28125, 0.259765625, -0.62109375, 0.322265625, 0.76953125, 0.1875, -0.035400390625, -0.78515625, 1.109375, -0.212890625, -0.458984375, 0.52734375, 0.78515625, -0.74609375, -1.3828125, -0.9375, 1.609375, 1.1171875, -0.1455078125, -0.47265625, -0.07177734375, -0.48046875, -0.5, 0.455078125, -0.1220703125, 0.02197265625, -1.1015625, 0.2392578125, 1.1328125, 0.41796875, 0.15625, -0.11767578125, -0.462890625, -1.1328125, 0.0029296875, -0.046142578125, -0.87890625, -0.275390625, -0.2021484375, 1.2265625, 1.3515625, 0.380859375, -0.82421875, -0.2294921875, -0.1845703125, 0.52734375, 0.22265625, 1.5390625, -0.07666015625, 0.28515625, -0.88671875, -0.515625, 0.3984375, -0.1376953125, -1.2578125, -0.259765625, 1.2421875, 0.177734375, 0.43359375, -0.66796875, 0.023681640625, 0.11572265625, -0.333984375, -0.67578125, 1.28125, -0.671875, 0.375, 1.640625, 1.1953125, -0.625, -0.46484375, 0.0576171875, 0.6953125, 0.296875, -0.2353515625, -0.6796875, 1.03125, -0.1533203125, -0.059814453125, -0.609375, -1.5078125, -0.28515625, -0.640625, -0.6328125, -0.76953125, -0.46875, 0.248046875, -0.041015625, 0.06005859375, 0.67578125, -0.94140625, -0.69140625, -0.345703125, 0.5546875, -0.640625, -0.036865234375, -0.66796875, -0.48046875, -0.1669921875, -0.1875, -0.84375, 0.79296875, 2.34375, -0.17578125, 0.71484375, 0.36328125, -0.3046875, 0.390625, 0.78515625, -0.2734375, -0.54296875, 0.318359375, 0.3203125, 1.6015625, -0.28515625, -0.330078125, 0.6328125, -0.42578125, -0.53125, -1.3046875, -1.3046875, -0.0201416015625, -1.0390625, 0.42578125, -0.53515625, -0.08251953125, 0.97265625, 0.734375, 0.10205078125, -0.671875, -0.1884765625, 0.7734375, -0.2890625, 0.498046875, -0.2236328125, -0.77734375, 0.7265625, 0.1279296875, 0.421875, -0.042724609375, 0.455078125, -0.734375, -4, -0.359375, 0.1337890625, 0.390625, 25.25, -0.27734375, -1.0703125, -0.76171875, -0.50390625, -0.5, -1.1015625, -0.2158203125, 0.37890625, -0.76171875, -0.96484375, 0.0478515625, 0.8203125, 0.45703125, -1.46875, -0.64453125, -0.48046875, 0.5859375, -0.034423828125, -0.30859375, 0.0047607421875, -0.158203125, 0.65234375, 0.68359375, -0.51953125, 1.2109375, 1.0859375, 1.0546875, 0.55859375, 0.236328125, -0.240234375, -0.390625, 0.134765625, -0.76953125, 0.1982421875, -0.7578125, 0.047607421875, -0.287109375, -8.1875, 2.78125, -0.515625, -0.0751953125, -0.51171875, -0.419921875, -1.0078125, -0.59765625, -0.10546875, -0.5546875, 0.0201416015625, -0.83203125, 1.015625, 0.1181640625, -0.5078125, 0.53515625, 0.08056640625, 0.08642578125, -0.322265625, 0.1328125, -0.21875, -0.9453125, -0.1416015625, -1.4375, 0.4140625, -0.12060546875, 1.03125, -0.2080078125, 1.6015625, 0.0196533203125, -0.2216796875, 0.05517578125, 0.70703125, -0.1953125, 0.84375, 0.296875, 0.6796875, 0.70703125, -0.337890625, 0.3046875, 1.3046875, 1.34375, 0.609375, -0.3203125, 0.578125, 0.390625, 1.2890625, 0.51171875, -0.38671875, -0.12890625, -0.74609375, 0.018798828125, 1.1640625, -1.375, -1.84375, -0.61328125, 0.9140625, 0.03857421875, 0.2001953125, 0.1357421875, -0.87890625, -0.91796875, 0.62890625, -1.0390625, -2.171875, 1.1640625, -1.234375, -0.7578125, 0.29296875, -0.375, 1.03125, -0.6484375, 1.0234375, -0.5, 0.482421875, 1.1875, 0.427734375, 0.44921875, 0.09033203125, 0.55859375, -1.2734375, 0.76171875, 0.8671875, 0.94921875, -0.55859375, 0.39453125, -0.52734375, 1.359375, 0.82421875, 1.8984375, 0.12255859375, 1.0078125, 0.828125, 0.7578125, 0.51953125, -0.29296875, 0.482421875, -0.6328125, 0.7265625, 0.306640625, 0.46875, -0.031982421875, -1.1328125, -0.25, 0.259765625, -0.0576171875, -0.73046875, 1.28125, 0.1845703125, -0.82421875, 0.671875, -0.1572265625, -0.6953125, -16.75, 0.267578125, -0.76953125, 0.71484375, -0.5625, 0.34765625, 1.1953125, -0.03955078125, -0.455078125, 0.018798828125, 0.10205078125, 0.255859375, -0.486328125, -0.83203125, -0.69140625, 11.3125, 1.1875, -0.23828125, -0.017822265625, -0.625, -0.41015625, 0.64453125, -0.98046875, -0.9921875, 0.46875, -0.6796875, -0.4296875, -0.60546875, -1.3359375, -0.66796875, -0.84765625, 0.328125, 0.92578125, 1.1953125, -0.77734375, -0.1357421875, 0.73046875, -1.5703125, 0.107421875, -0.451171875, 0.10595703125, -1.328125, 0.89453125, -0.10888671875, 0.765625, -0.1015625, -0.03759765625, 0.12158203125, 0.546875, -0.85546875, 0.5703125, -0.3671875, 0.455078125, -1.09375, 0.65234375, 0.341796875, -0.1318359375, -0.6875, 0.484375, -0.5390625, -0.68359375, -0.87109375, -0.220703125, -0.6953125, 0.7421875, -0.032470703125, -0.7734375, 1.0390625, 0.65625, -0.333984375, -0.0093994140625, -0.625, -0.5703125, -0.69921875, 0.69921875, 0.1572265625, 0.04541015625, 0.30078125, -1.15625, 0.66796875, -0.75, 0.5234375, 0.7265625, 1.2265625, -1.0390625, -0.03369140625, 0.1962890625, -0.71875, 1.625, -0.062255859375, -0.1162109375, -0.08984375, -0.7421875, -0.828125, 0.2451171875, -0.6875, 0.59375, 0.1806640625, -0.083984375, 0.306640625, -0.57421875, -0.193359375, -0.08984375, 0.59765625, -0.1865234375, 0.458984375, -0.69140625, -0.8046875, 0.162109375, 0.56640625, -0.67578125, 0.23828125, 1.515625, -0.380859375, 0.1826171875, -0.1962890625, 1.0078125, 0.341796875, 0.48046875, -0.423828125, 0.53125, 0.2080078125, -0.6328125, -0.330078125, 0.09619140625, 0.0185546875, -0.0234375, 0.07470703125, -0.79296875, -0.22265625, 0.2734375, 0.64453125, -0.1630859375, 0.5390625, 0.53125, 0.1904296875, -0.5, -0.90625, -1.265625, -0.384765625, 1.078125, 0.470703125, -0.4453125, -0.43359375, 1.03125, 0.365234375, -0.248046875, 0.07373046875, 0.01251220703125, 0.427734375, -0.92578125, 0.22265625, 1.0546875, -0.494140625, -0.03515625, 0.51953125, -0.373046875, 0.69921875, 0.87890625, -0.421875, 0.1484375, -1.0703125, -0.453125, 2.21875, 0.58203125, -0.294921875, -0.94140625, -0.37109375, 0.4609375, -1.21875, -0.357421875, -1.0390625, -0.353515625, -1.3359375, 1.1171875, 0.220703125, 0.1904296875, 1.390625, -1.1484375, -0.030029296875, 0.64453125, 0.055908203125, 1.0078125, -0.08447265625, 0.0242919921875, -1.390625, -0.3671875, -0.7734375, -0.345703125, -0.01055908203125, 0.58984375, 0.53125, 0.123046875, 0.333984375, -0.1806640625, 0.06982421875, 0.8515625, -0.28515625, -1.171875, 0.283203125, -0.279296875, -1.1328125, 0.478515625, -0.4765625, -0.16015625, 1.3125, 0.7578125, 0.1708984375, -0.0361328125, 0.796875, 0.189453125, -0.30078125, -0.9140625, 0.455078125, 0.1865234375, -0.609375, 0.76171875, -1.40625, -0.03076171875, -0.7109375, 0.2197265625, 9.8125, 1.25, 1.046875, -0.23828125, 0.08740234375, 0.490234375, 0.416015625, -0.37109375, -0.361328125, -0.77734375, 0.62109375, 0.251953125, -0.1884765625, 0.314453125, 0.251953125, 0.6328125, -0.185546875, 1.203125, 1.2421875, 1.0546875, -2.421875, 0.322265625, 0.55859375, -0.8359375, 0.07275390625, -0.060546875, -1.375, -0.373046875, -0.33984375, -0.91015625, 0.2314453125, 0.1748046875, -0.63671875, 0.19140625, 0.6328125, -0.91796875, 0.0166015625, -1.1328125, -0.9453125, -0.13671875, 0.267578125, 0.427734375, 0.484375, -0.15234375, -0.177734375, 0.5625, 0.78125, 0.046142578125, 1.3359375, -0.05419921875, -0.044677734375, -1.5546875, 0.0234375, -0.162109375, -0.2001953125, -0.453125, -0.26953125, 0.091796875, -0.44140625, 0.6875, -0.6171875, 0.271484375, -0.490234375, -0.0703125, 0.201171875, -0.09814453125, 0.2080078125, -0.1298828125, -0.0791015625, 0.51171875, 0.65234375, -0.1376953125, 0.050048828125, -0.6796875, -0.765625, 0.2890625, 0.09619140625, 0.27734375, -0.03515625, 0.1474609375, -1.3515625, 0.390625, 0.224609375, 1.390625, 0.62109375, -0.2158203125, -0.48828125, 0.5390625, -0.1630859375, -1.265625, 0.625, -0.58203125, 0.58203125, -0.2099609375, 0.1982421875, 0.61328125, 0.0439453125, 0.384765625, 0.05908203125, 0.3828125, -2.84375, 0.73828125, -0.302734375, 0.58984375, 0.2294921875, -0.7109375, -0.80078125, 0.267578125, -0.66796875, 0.197265625, -0.46484375, -0.1787109375, -0.166015625, 0.85546875, -0.2890625, -0.28515625, -0.41796875, 0.314453125, 0.291015625, -0.185546875, -0.5390625, 0.55078125, 0.37890625, 1.90625, 0.76171875, -0.2373046875, 0.431640625, 0.302734375, 0.40625, -0.57421875, -0.265625, 0.33984375, 0.21484375, 1.1953125, 0.7109375, 0.7890625, 0.87109375, 1.0234375, -0.388671875, 0.2333984375, -0.90234375, -0.765625, -0.5859375, -0.859375, -0.875, -0.322265625, 0.28515625, -0.0625, -0.0206298828125, 0.1435546875, 0.578125, 0.050048828125, 0.373046875, -0.216796875, 0.408203125, 0.06640625, 0.1611328125, 0.34375, -1.2421875, -1.25, 0.16015625, -1.0078125, -0.58984375, 0.328125, 0.474609375, 0.05126953125, -0.62890625, -0.23046875, 0.228515625, 0.4453125, 0.83984375, -0.4609375, -0.232421875, 0.3515625, 0.58984375, 0.890625, 0.25390625, 1.28125, -0.1220703125, -0.3203125, 1.140625, 0.7109375, 1.078125, 0.61328125, 2.671875, -1.15625, 0.796875, -0.7421875, -0.7265625, -0.259765625, -0.6796875, 0.53125, 0.9453125, -0.15234375, 0.15234375, 0.63671875, -0.765625, 0.63671875, 0.376953125, -0.40234375, 0.765625, 0.423828125, -0.2216796875, 11.5625, -0.248046875, 1.046875, 0.515625, -0.05322265625, 0.3984375, -1.21875, -0.4140625, 0.1787109375, 0.55078125, 0.921875, -0.78515625, -1.015625, 0.02197265625, -0.177734375, -0.90625, 1.03125, 0.1630859375, -0.81640625, -0.2421875, 0.3828125, 0.283203125, -0.57421875, -0.0211181640625, -0.08837890625, -0.69140625, 1.0390625, -1, -0.703125, 0.20703125, 0.0830078125, 1, -0.90234375, 1.0234375, 0.7578125, -0.3125, -0.55078125, -0.55859375, 0.72265625, 0.7734375, 0.140625, 0.7734375, 0.07568359375, 0.1162109375, 0.4375, 0.208984375, -0.55859375, -0.44140625, -0.79296875, 0.54296875, 0.76953125, -0.005218505859375, -0.94921875, 0.53515625, 0.259765625, 0.55859375, 0.26171875, -0.5546875, 0.80859375, -0.0693359375, -0.1826171875, -0.130859375, 0.58203125, 0.13671875, -1.0078125, 0.08251953125, 0.85546875, -0.97265625, -0.345703125, 0.5546875, 0.26171875, 1.2265625, 0.65234375, -0.91796875, 0.6484375, 0.765625, 0.625, 0.53125, 0.072265625, -1.078125, -1.421875, -0.271484375, -1.0703125, 0.162109375, 0.6484375, 0.19921875, 0.640625, -0.404296875, 0.287109375, -0.0859375, 0.212890625, 0.41796875, -0.419921875, -0.8515625, -0.51953125, 1.1015625, 0.0400390625, 0.55859375, -0.419921875, -0.6953125, 1.0546875, 0.609375, 0.83984375, -0.39453125, -0.828125, -0.98828125, -0.263671875, 0.4453125, 0.59765625, 0.83203125, -0.08740234375, -0.5234375, 0.296875, 0.408203125, 1.2734375, 1.1484375, 0.1796875, 0.1396484375, 1.3203125, 1.2734375, -0.482421875, 0.80078125, 0.279296875, 1.0234375, 0.75, -0.5078125, 0.39453125, -0.58203125, -1.1484375, -0.58984375, -23.125, 0.0927734375, 1.0625, 0.28125, -0.96875, 0.0927734375, 0.04833984375, 0.275390625, -0.4765625, 0.4375, 1.2109375, -0.01287841796875, -0.470703125, -0.984375, -0.34765625, 0.80078125, 0.65625, 0.25, -0.57421875, -0.73046875, -0.353515625, 0.431640625, -0.33203125, 0.19140625, 0.490234375, -0.275390625, -0.431640625, 0.0458984375, 4.09375, -2.359375, -0.19140625, 0.185546875, 0.86328125, -0.57421875, -0.6015625, -0.76171875, -1.1640625, 0.5078125, -0.90625, -0.4921875, 0.2265625, -1.1484375, -0.2109375, 1.171875, 0.6171875, -0.0966796875, -0.36328125, -0.74609375, 0.65625, -1.7421875, -0.5078125, 0.031494140625, -0.2236328125, 0.5546875, -0.69140625, 0.1201171875, -1.2890625, -1.359375, -0.69140625, -0.1513671875, -0.158203125, -0.578125, -1.4140625, -0.0250244140625, 0.40625, 1.0078125, 1.0625, 0.45703125, 0.25, -0.79296875, 0.74609375, -0.03515625, 0.33984375, 0.404296875, 0.01361083984375, 0.1767578125, -0.062255859375, -1.203125, -0.75, 0.77734375, -0.26171875, 0.032958984375, -1.171875, 0.15234375, -0.25, -0.07861328125, -0.376953125, 0.2392578125, 0.0028839111328125, -0.96484375, -0.0712890625, -0.74609375, -1.59375, -0.08056640625, 0.953125, -0.9921875, -0.89453125, -1.1953125, -0.2490234375, -0.71875, 0.2470703125, -0.51171875, 0.35546875, 0.73828125, -1.9375, -1.515625, 0.349609375, 0.94921875, 0.66796875, -0.404296875, 13.625, -0.046630859375, 0.84375, 1.125, -0.380859375, 0.185546875, -0.2490234375, -0.0947265625, -1.4921875, -0.09521484375, -0.62109375, -0.1865234375, 0.33203125, -0.1279296875, -0.06591796875, 1.0390625, -0.59765625, 0.73828125, 0.71484375, -0.890625, 0.55859375, 0.49609375, 0.66015625, -0.1875, 0.1220703125, 0.59765625, -0.51953125, 0.07666015625, 1.2734375, -0.75390625, 1.84375, -0.96484375, -0.404296875, -0.375, 0.70703125, -0.31640625, 0.1376953125, 0.142578125, 0.123046875, -0.047119140625, -0.79296875, -0.62109375, 0.330078125, -0.89453125, 0.380859375, -1.515625, -1.734375, 0.11181640625, -0.28125, 0.1923828125, -0.197265625, -23.875, 1.0546875, 0.486328125, -0.44140625, 0.9765625, 0.77734375, 0.01434326171875, 0.52734375, 0.55078125, 1.4375, 0.267578125, 0.408203125, -0.80859375, 0.7734375, 0.953125, 0.1494140625, 0.232421875, 1.359375, -0.07177734375, -0.271484375, -0.1455078125, -0.53515625, 0.2060546875, -0.6484375, -1.140625, -0.80078125, 1.1796875, 0.70703125, -1.640625, 0.01263427734375, -0.427734375, -0.29296875, -0.9609375, -0.93359375, 0.1865234375, -0.69140625, -1.046875, 0.42578125, -0.10498046875, -0.96484375, -1.359375, -0.859375, -0.9296875, -0.2578125, 0.98828125, -0.21875, -0.37890625, -0.5078125, -0.96484375, 0.734375, -0.58203125, 0.4453125, -0.78125, 0.96484375, -0.5625, 1.1328125, 0.7265625, -0.44140625, 0.1904296875, -0.125, -1.5859375, 0.25, 0.443359375, -0.65234375, 0.59375, 0.2236328125, -0.94921875, -0.43359375, -0.498046875, -0.0869140625, 0.28125, 0.40625, -0.1044921875, 0.1328125, -0.98828125, 0.58984375, 0.1669921875, 0.375, -0.0634765625, -0.30078125, -0.78515625, 0.310546875, 0.337890625, 0.255859375, 2.015625, 0.423828125, -0.69140625, -0.177734375, 0.302734375, -0.1669921875, -0.0751953125, -0.06298828125, -0.57421875, 0.07080078125, 0.1220703125, -0.224609375, 0.640625, 0.408203125, -0.259765625, 0.01397705078125, 0.7578125, -0.67578125, -0.42578125, 0.38671875, 0.3203125, -0.08642578125, -0.2734375, -0.90234375, 0.00628662109375, -0.443359375, 0.25390625, 1.078125, -0.75, -1.0234375, -0.66796875, 0.6875, 0.447265625, -0.3828125, -0.466796875, -0.71484375, -0.50390625, -0.058349609375, -0.38671875, 0.7890625, 1.2578125, -0.294921875, -0.6875, -0.4453125, -0.859375, -1.2265625, 0.455078125, 0.58203125, 0.60546875, 0.828125, 0.53515625, -0.30859375, 1.2890625, -1.0859375, -0.6875, -0.84375, 0.625, 0.357421875, -1.1171875, 0.451171875, 0.29296875, -0.169921875, -0.267578125, 0.76171875, -0.78125, 0.67578125, -0.051513671875, -0.796875, -0.4296875, 0.41796875, -0.89453125, 0.1123046875, 0.5234375, -0.88671875, 0.59765625, -0.9609375, 0.66015625, -0.419921875, 0.45703125, 0.5234375, -0.8515625, 0.10205078125, 0.0294189453125, 0.484375, 0.451171875, 0.55859375, 0.66015625, 0.69140625, -0.022705078125, 1.125, 0.62109375, 0.02734375, 0.49609375, -1.0390625, -0.68359375, 0.43359375, -1.15625, 1.0390625, -0.640625, 0.640625, -0.875, -0.5546875, 0.006378173828125, -0.005279541015625, 0.3359375, -0.45703125, -0.12890625, -1, -0.8046875, 0.09130859375, 0.291015625, -0.006988525390625, 0.5, 0.482421875, 0.2314453125, -0.48046875, 0.96484375, -0.6328125, -0.73046875, 0.1044921875, 0.81640625, 0.458984375, 0.765625, -0.236328125, 0.90625, -0.349609375, 1.0703125, -0.2734375, -0.017822265625, 0.201171875, -0.7890625, 1.421875, 0.0027618408203125, 4.5, -0.4375, -0.140625, -0.7734375, -0.1611328125, -0.173828125, -1.0546875, -0.671875, 0.8828125, 0.203125, 0.1640625, -0.035888671875, 1.4609375, -0.04541015625, 0.58984375, -8.375, 0.83203125, 0.64453125, -0.921875, 0.65234375, 0.8515625, -0.9140625, -0.19140625, 0.3984375, 0.4921875, 0.224609375, 0.84765625, -0.1767578125, -0.37109375, 0.388671875, -0.50390625, 1.046875, 0.65234375, 1.21875, 0.5390625, 0.3984375, -0.0361328125, -18.75, 1.328125, 0.306640625, -0.2890625, -1.5234375, -1.3984375, 0.23046875, -0.59375, -0.75, -0.3984375, -0.5625, -0.6328125, 0.1923828125, 0.90625, -0.8984375, -0.54296875, 0.91015625, 0.50390625, 0.27734375, 0.1923828125, 0.298828125, 1.0078125, -0.138671875, 0.2490234375, -0.2470703125, 1.25, 0.96875, 0.03369140625, 1.46875, -0.4765625, -0.7578125, 0.005706787109375, 0.34375, 0.36328125, -0.53515625, -0.26953125, 0.326171875, 0.173828125, 0.15234375, -0.85546875, -1.078125, -0.478515625, 0.10498046875, 0.54296875, 0.474609375, 0.30859375, -0.39453125, 0.625, 0.66015625, 0.033935546875, 0.91015625, -0.484375, 0.09375, 1.4296875, -0.94140625, -1.6015625, -0.337890625, 0.5859375, 0.97265625, -1.1875, -0.49609375, 0.609375, -0.48046875, -0.484375, 0.57421875, -0.007415771484375, -1.40625, 2.09375, 0.390625, 0.337890625, 0.1787109375, -0.1904296875, 4.53125, -0.6640625, 1.109375, 0.0927734375, 0.2412109375, -0.80859375, -1.3828125, 0.46875, -0.435546875, -0.003143310546875, -0.28125, -0.9296875, -0.1123046875, 0.51171875, -0.306640625, 0.01806640625, 0.1181640625, -0.201171875, 0.47265625, -0.10302734375, 0.326171875, -0.8984375, 0.419921875, -1.2109375, -0.9140625, -0.82421875, -0.306640625, 0.73046875, 1.1171875, 1.53125, 0.53125, 0.08740234375, 1.4296875, 0.63671875, -0.91796875, 0.298828125, -0.5859375, 0.6484375, 0.375, 0.8203125, 0.29296875, 0.228515625, 0.37890625, -0.9375, 0.7109375, -0.1806640625, -0.431640625, -0.130859375, 0.54296875, 1.1640625, 0.005401611328125, -0.72265625, 0.41015625, -0.322265625, -0.73046875, -0.314453125, -0.11376953125, 0.310546875, 0.45703125, -0.86328125, -0.10693359375, 0.107421875, 0.2890625, -0.333984375, 0.6484375, -0.032470703125, 0.427734375, 1.4453125, -0.32421875, 0.9140625, -0.72265625, -0.216796875, 0.55078125, 0.248046875, -0.65234375, 0.29296875, -0.1494140625, -0.28515625, -0.1875, 0.72265625, -1.28125, -0.2333984375, -0.7265625, -0.314453125, 0.48046875, -2.328125, 0.6328125, -0.4609375, -0.76953125, -0.02587890625, 1.15625, 4.875, 0.453125, -0.291015625, 0.28125, -0.251953125, -0.72265625, -0.6484375, 0.146484375, 0.05517578125, -0.474609375, 0.322265625, -1.1171875, 0.45703125, 0.298828125, 0.11376953125, -1.0703125, -0.2890625, -0.7421875, -0.9140625, 0.63671875, 0.000736236572265625, -0.37890625, 0.640625, -0.9140625, 0.0191650390625, -1.25, -0.392578125, -0.185546875, 0.439453125, 0.13671875, 0.55078125, 0.0081787109375, -0.26171875, -0.294921875, -0.8359375, 0.494140625, -0.16015625, 0.83203125, 0.2734375, -1.046875, 0.58984375, -1.2421875, 0.61328125, 0.5390625, -0.412109375, 0.2236328125, -1.0546875, 0.68359375, -0.79296875, -0.6796875, 0.71484375, -0.54296875, -0.9765625, 0.546875, -1.0859375, 0.4140625, -0.671875, 1.5, -0.90625, -0.357421875, 0.474609375, 0.0303955078125, -0.171875, -0.6796875, -0.061279296875, 0.9921875, 0.91796875, -0.4140625, 0.201171875, -0.33984375, -0.1044921875, 0.006744384765625, -0.9296875, -0.203125, -1.015625, 0.4921875, -0.259765625, 0.427734375, -0.392578125, 0.05126953125, 0.318359375, 0.4375, 0.8515625, 0.8046875, 0.322265625, 0.06396484375, 0.470703125, 0.8515625, -0.134765625, 0.07958984375, -0.05078125, 0.59375, -0.7890625, 0.9765625, -0.4453125, 0.71484375, 1.0234375, -0.02197265625, 0.57421875, -1.21875, 0.287109375, 0.5, -0.1337890625, -1.4140625, 0.64453125, 0.76953125, -1.0234375, -0.5078125, -1.1015625, -2.203125, -0.99609375, -0.0068359375, 0.74609375, -0.0137939453125, 0.37890625, -0.1201171875, -0.7578125, 0.79296875, 0.12353515625, -0.51953125, 0.41015625, 0.63671875, -0.359375, 0.349609375, 0.43359375, -0.06787109375, 0.57421875, -0.193359375, 0.248046875, 0.421875, -0.828125, -0.08203125, -1.2421875, 0.1806640625, 1.3046875, -0.27734375, -1.515625, -0.2294921875, -0.61328125, -0.1611328125, 0.439453125, 0.294921875, 0.890625, -0.6015625, 0.63671875, -0.75390625, -0.447265625, 0.419921875, 0.9609375, 0.5859375, -0.359375, -0.04541015625, -0.2578125, 0.0036468505859375, 0.72265625, -0.412109375, 0.89453125, -0.16015625, -0.4609375, 0.1787109375, 0.44140625, 1.125, -1.0390625, -1.515625, 0.56640625, 0.7578125, -0.859375, -0.10791015625, 0.51953125, 1.140625, 0.07666015625, -0.1513671875, -0.6953125, 0.7109375, -0.5859375, 0.072265625, 0.36328125, 0.77734375, 0.447265625, 0.29296875, 1.4375, -0.423828125, 0.0166015625, 0.53125, 0.625, 0.7421875, 0.69921875, 0.10009765625, 0.65625, -0.01361083984375, 0.71875, -0.423828125, -0.361328125, -0.123046875, -0.51171875, -0.2734375, -0.0162353515625, -0.369140625, -0.3125, 0.236328125, -1.0390625, -2.34375, -0.98828125, 0.31640625, 0.73828125, 0.33203125, -0.5703125, -0.625, -0.337890625, -0.92578125, 0.1826171875, -0.38671875, -0.9140625, -0.6640625, -0.78125, -0.43359375, 0.228515625, -0.734375, -0.111328125, 0.388671875, 0.85546875, -0.02783203125, -0.5, -0.8046875, -0.26171875, 0.322265625, -0.83203125, -0.7109375, 0.201171875, 0.42578125, -0.042724609375, 0.87890625, -0.9375, -1.078125, 0.56640625, -0.3203125, 0.482421875, 0.609375, 1.1640625, -0.287109375, 0.52734375, -1.078125, 1.4140625, 0.04150390625, -0.31640625, 0.6484375, -0.259765625, 0.2275390625, -0.1748046875, 1.109375, 0.90625, -0.337890625, 0.328125, 0.244140625, -0.490234375, 0.58984375, -0.625, -0.69921875, 0.875, 0.3515625, 0.50390625, -0.1826171875, 0.70703125, 0.494140625, 0.5234375, -0.6640625, -0.73828125, -0.04150390625, 0.361328125, 1.1015625, -0.6875, 0.46484375, -0.64453125, 0.76171875, -1.0703125, 0.1787109375, -1.1015625, -0.091796875, -0.9453125, -0.0030364990234375, 0.3515625, -1.28125, 0.2470703125, -0.11376953125, 0.73828125, 0.345703125, -0.68359375, -0.64453125, 0.90625, -1.2578125, -1.2421875, -0.54296875, 0.8203125, 0.119140625, -0.52734375, 21.125, 0.62890625, -1.421875, 1.2890625, -0.298828125, 0.12060546875, -1.03125, -0.23046875, 0.1748046875, 0.65625, -0.01165771484375, -0.6640625, 0.06884765625, 0.7578125, 0.796875, 1.53125, -0.419921875, 0.6875, 0.93359375, 0.55078125, -0.0791015625, 4.09375, -0.1474609375, -0.4296875, 0.47265625, 1.1015625, 0.310546875, 0.5390625, 0.1845703125, 1.0078125, -0.0654296875, -0.388671875, 0.5078125, 0.87109375, 0.322265625, -0.5859375, -0.4765625, -0.94921875, 0.38671875, 0.44140625, -0.93359375, 0.287109375, 0.5625, 0.33203125, -0.703125, 0.30078125, 1.1875, 0.828125, -0.0260009765625, 0.201171875, -0.9375, -0.34765625, -0.00008726119995117188, -1.1640625, 0.68359375, 0.051025390625, 1.0625, 0.1484375, 1.171875, 1.4453125, 0.447265625, -0.458984375, -1.015625, -0.439453125, -0.203125, 0.671875, -0.02490234375, -0.86328125, -0.1328125, 0.21875, -0.1123046875, -0.2021484375, 1.1484375, 0.060546875, 0.16015625, -0.0194091796875, 0.2578125, 0.443359375, 0.875, -0.396484375, 0.38671875, -0.14453125, -0.75390625, -0.0810546875, -0.70703125, -0.423828125, -0.25390625, -0.345703125, 0.244140625, 0.5703125, 0.4140625, -0.65234375, 0.09375, -0.32421875, 0.052734375, -0.5234375, -0.44921875, -0.1064453125, 1.0078125, 0.578125, -0.859375, -0.7265625, 1.1015625, 0.34765625, -0.00860595703125, 0.609375, -0.69921875, -0.150390625, -0.026611328125, 0.10791015625, 0.17578125, -0.80859375, -1.09375, -0.51171875, -0.09521484375, -1.203125, 0.2138671875, 0.08154296875, 0.6953125, -0.3828125, 0.14453125, -1.0546875, -0.1630859375, 0.1337890625, 0.40625, 0.59765625, 0.046875, 1.0390625, -0.126953125, -0.37109375, 0.87890625, -0.298828125, -0.78125, -10.375, -0.1787109375, 0.0888671875, -0.427734375, 0.96484375, 0.0164794921875, 9.5, -0.470703125, -0.6015625, -0.435546875, 0.109375, -10.75, 0.41015625, -0.283203125, 8.9375, -0.162109375, 0.103515625, 0.71875, -0.54296875, 0.375, -0.296875, 0.1796875, -0.54296875, -0.75390625, -0.5234375, 0.765625, 1.046875, -0.484375, -0.87890625, -1.0078125, -0.443359375, -0.392578125, 0.9921875, 1.5078125, -0.322265625, -0.4453125, 0.62109375, 0.173828125, -0.059326171875, 1.09375, 0.69921875, 0.0712890625, 0.09033203125, -1.1171875, 0.4453125, 1.3203125, -0.294921875, -0.56640625, -1.28125 ]
[ null, "The focus of the FEDERTEC Assembly on November 18th, preceded by the ASSIOT and ASSOFLUID Assemblies, was once again the need for change, in line with the evolution of the market. Among the challenges our companies are called to face and win in order to remain competitive, digitisation, supported by new technologies, is certainly a priority, but it must be accompanied by an increasingly convinced commitment to sustainable production. To achieve these objectives, teamwork is essential and the role of the association is decisive.\n\nOn November 18th, in the beautiful setting of Villa Fenaroli in Rezzato (near Brescia), the FEDERTEC General Assembly was held, preceded by the ASSIOT and ASSOFLUID Assemblies. The agenda also included the renewal of ASSIOT and ASSOFLUID social offices: Mauro Rizzolo (Schaeffler Italia) was reconfirmed as president of ASSIOT, with Elisa Brescianini (Link International) and Lorenzo Cattini (Cattini e Figlio) as vice-presidents, while Luca Riva (Duplomatic MS) was appointed as new president of ASSOFLUID, after the expiry of Domenico DiMonte’s second mandate, and will be assisted by Gabriele Manno (Festo) and Tommaso Tirelli (Aidro) as vice-presidents. The representatives of the two associations at FEDERTEC were also appointed: Lorenzo Cattini as ASSIOT representative and Angelo Colombo (Elettrotec) as ASSOFLUID representative. Fausto Villa, President of FEDERTEC, Mauro Rizzolo and Luca Riva will remain in office until 2023.\n\nSince the official birth of the Federation, the amount of work carried out has been truly outstanding: teamwork has given and continues to give excellent results. This was emphasised by Domenico DiMonte: the outgoing president of ASSOFLUID retraced the stages of FEDERTEC’s journey, based on an extended vision in the medium and long term, scalable and supported by decisions in line with the evolution of the market. “All of this,” he said, “thanks to a strategic organisation which has seen the transition from a ‘group’ to a ‘team’ becoming excellent over time”. The aspect of continuity was also stressed by Mauro Rizzolo, President of ASSIOT. “Continuity and future are the two terms with which I began my report at the last FEDERTEC Assembly last autumn. “Continuity” because ASSIOT represents an important sector of the Italian economy: with a national production exceeding 8 billion euros and a national market exceeding 7 billion, we are definitely talking about important numbers”. But are these numbers known and acknowledged at national level? This is where the association’s role becomes fundamental for its representation on the national scene. Looking to the future is equally important. “It is a different future compared to what we were used to considering,” Rizzolo said. A future where business continuity and digitisation (with the support of new technologies), just like data and the sustainability of production itself, will be fundamental aspects. A complex future where, once again, the role of the association is decisive, but each member company must be personally involved by offering concrete collaboration”. Italian industry is experiencing an important moment of recovery and the sectors represented by FEDERTEC are no exception. All indicators are positive and the projections for 2021, based on the results of the economic survey of the first 9 months of 2021, lead to an overall turnover of the Mechanical Power Transmissions and Fluid Power macro sector of more than € 12.5 billion. “A promising scenario – Fausto Villa, President of FEDERTEC, said – which however requires some reflections. The market is going through a phase of profound imbalance, marked by a strong growth in demand and a supply undergoing very strong price increases, the continuous rise in the price of raw materials and the lack of availability is unparalleled in any other period in history, and this, linked to the lack of electronic components, puts the production systems of companies and the entire global manufacturing system in serious difficulty”. The moment for the 4.0 transition is favourable, thanks to a convergence of factors, from growth to the policy of incentives. As we write, the Budget Law has not yet been approved, but there are certainly some fears regarding industrial policies and, in particular, the PNRR which will fund the Transition 4.0 plan. Mr Villa also spoke at length about electrification, about the opportunities, but also about the criticalities linked to its diffusion, about reducing CO2 emissions and the importance of producing in as sustainable a way as possible. “The mechanical engineering sector has always been a fundamental asset for our economy,” Villa continued, “and our companies are internationally renowned for their uniqueness. The manufacturing sector is one of the most important on the global industrial scene, and today all the companies in the chain are called upon to reinvent a path of sustainable growth. At this point, adequate industrial policies are needed, as well as support for investment in terms of technological innovation, staff training, digitisation…”.\n\nWe mentioned the important teamwork that has been carried out over the years. One example is the work of the various Commissions. Let us go into greater detail. The Globalization and Networking Commission dealt with B2B meetings, the agreement with Easy Frontier … and partnerships with universities and technology parks. The activity of the Technology & Innovation Commission is also always lively: no less than 19 courses were organised in 2021 and 140 participants.The activities of the Working Groups of the Club of Technical Directors coordinated by Mr. Sartori were also planned: several projects on topical issues such as industrial contamination, Additive Manufacturing and the Drawingless Model Based Definition approach are in the pipeline. The Economic Commission undertook to standardise the collection of data, a task which had been called for and announced some time ago, for the Quarterly Joint Survey for the Fluid Power and Mechanical Power Transmission sectors. Besides, it will continue to deal with international data reports (CETOP, EUROTRANS) and the reports of the industry Associations, as well as organising the traditional Economic Day. Finally, the Marketing & Communication Commission is planning to publish the FEDERTEC Directory for 2022/2023. The membership campaign has brought no less than 14 new companies to join FEDERTEC since January 2021: a great success.\n\nThe project of a merger with FNDI: first example of an ‘open’ federation\n\nAs a demonstration of the importance of evolving and expanding the team, the project for a merger with FNDI (Federazione Nazionale Distribuzione Industriale – National Federation of Industrial Distribution) is the result of a vision announced at the Federation’s foundation: that of incorporating specific associations representing the supply chain, now also known as the ‘ecosystem’ of mechatronic technologies. The advantages? An increase in the membership base, turnover and number of employees; greater representation and visibility both nationally and internationally, and greater synergy between associations and companies in FEDERTEC.\n\nWhat about the technological challenges and prospects for the Italian industry?\n\nThe public meeting, which took place in the afternoon, saw experts from the sector discuss the challenges of the market and the technological prospects for Italian industry at a Round table. Speakers included Giuseppe Lesce, President of FEDERMACCHINE, Ciro Rapacciuolo, CONFINDUSTRIA Research Centre, Marco Taisch, Full Professor of Management Engineering at the Milan Polytechnic, Mariangela Tosoni, President of FNDI and FEDERTEC President Fausto Villa. The President of FEDERMACCHINE confirms the positive signals for the Italian economy and fully shares the cruciality of the team concept expressed by Fausto Villa: he announces rising values for GDP, Private Consumption, Investments, Exports and Imports. The recovery of foreign trade shows double-digit growth rates… A positive scenario, therefore, which however demands some reflections: first of all, the problems linked to the supply chain, especially in the components field, which have repercussions on deliveries, as well as the uncertainties linked to the management of PNRR funds. “For the capital goods sector, a “great year” is expected,” Lesce commented, “with a 22.9% increase in turnover: catching up with 2019 levels. However, orders are running more than turnover precisely because of the aforementioned problems”.\n\nCiro Rapacciuolo gave a wide-ranging overview, encompassing the world economy. While US GDP has already recovered to pre-crisis levels in the second quarter of 2021, the Eurozone is still slightly below its pre-crisis level, but the annual growth profile has been revised upwards. Good prospects for emerging countries, driven by China and India, despite some uncertainty represented by China’s own financial fragility. And what about Italy? In our country only investments have exceeded the pre-pandemic level. The Italian economy returned to growth in the first two quarters of 2021 thanks to the gradual easing of the restrictive measures adopted to contain the spread of the virus. The recovery is driven by investments, thanks mainly to the contribution of construction (-26.7% in June 2020 compared to pre-crisis levels, +12.8% in June 2021). Consumption is replacing exports as the driving force behind the recovery, alongside investments. Italian exports are also showing a strong upswing, with goods already above their pre-crisis level, while services will have to wait until 2022. Marco Taisch’s speech on digitisation, defined as “a mandatory process, a pre-requisite for entering the competitive scenario”, is a comprehensive overview: smart factories, digital technologies, but also socio-environmental megatrends. What characteristics should the products of the future have? They will have to be smart, connected, personalised and green,” Taisch said, “and they will have to incorporate a certain amount of digitisation if they are to be truly sustainable”. Taisch also addressed the evolution of the concept of servitisation, which has seen a shift from the product, to the service supporting the product, to the service differentiating the product, to the service as product: the service becomes, to all intents and purposes, the product.", null, "How to relaunch the Italian industrial system", null, "The All New Digital Platform for Material Handling", null, null, null, null ]
[ 0.255859375, -0.08935546875, 0.08203125, 3.140625, 0.3046875, 0.240234375, -0.8125, -0.29296875, -0.25, -0.59375, 0.419921875, -1.1015625, -0.08349609375, 0.2080078125, -0.2392578125, -0.671875, -0.69921875, 0.66015625, -0.39453125, 0.275390625, 0.2470703125, -0.75, 0.46875, -1.4296875, 0.90234375, -0.78125, -0.58203125, 0.482421875, -0.83984375, -0.78125, 0.765625, 0.61328125, 0.35546875, -0.83203125, -2.234375, 0.162109375, 0.75, -0.00102996826171875, 0.73046875, -0.384765625, -0.2109375, -0.69921875, 0.76953125, 1.1953125, 0.640625, -0.1201171875, -0.36328125, 0.2294921875, -0.255859375, 0.2314453125, -0.01446533203125, -0.034912109375, 0.7890625, 0.03759765625, 0.384765625, -0.416015625, 1.4375, -0.75390625, 0.294921875, -0.006866455078125, -0.36328125, 0.423828125, 0.8828125, -0.82421875, -0.11865234375, -0.80078125, 0.453125, -0.07373046875, -0.57421875, 0.2421875, 0.57421875, -0.61328125, 0.369140625, -0.359375, -0.025146484375, -0.95703125, 0.2470703125, 0.419921875, -0.310546875, -0.65625, 1.0703125, -1.1328125, -0.2412109375, 0.150390625, 0.46484375, -0.318359375, -0.609375, 0.419921875, -1.078125, -0.357421875, -1.0859375, -0.1064453125, 0.369140625, -1.6484375, 0.87890625, 0.640625, 0.90234375, 0.443359375, 0.640625, 0.78125, 1.6015625, 0.51171875, -1.296875, -0.283203125, 0.439453125, -0.1103515625, 0.80078125, -0.78125, 0.65234375, 0.19140625, -0.1337890625, -0.458984375, 0.5546875, -0.515625, 0.0361328125, 0.1533203125, -0.451171875, 0.1083984375, -1.2109375, -0.1123046875, -0.65625, 1.125, -0.12451171875, -1.1171875, 0.5625, 0.7265625, -0.390625, 0.162109375, -0.5234375, 0.390625, 0.7734375, 0.984375, 0.306640625, 0.1904296875, 0.07373046875, -0.84375, 0.1357421875, -0.423828125, -0.515625, 0.326171875, 0.451171875, 0.55078125, -0.1533203125, -0.6484375, -0.9765625, 1.265625, 0.66796875, -0.6328125, -0.54296875, 0.171875, -13.125, -0.3046875, -0.32421875, -1.171875, 0.67578125, -0.4609375, -0.0208740234375, 1.3203125, 0.5703125, 0.8046875, 0.267578125, 0.412109375, -0.60546875, 1.109375, -1.2109375, -0.283203125, -1.0078125, -2.046875, 0.0859375, 0.890625, 0.56640625, 0.33984375, -0.87890625, -0.98828125, -0.421875, -0.34375, -0.049072265625, -0.90234375, -0.423828125, -0.5234375, 0.7890625, -1.1484375, 0.67578125, 0.0272216796875, -0.78125, -0.39453125, -0.353515625, 0.88671875, -0.484375, -0.80078125, -0.9296875, -0.66796875, 0.69140625, 0.490234375, 0.043701171875, 0.1279296875, -0.5625, 0.56640625, 0.84765625, -1.6015625, 0.12255859375, 0.859375, -0.515625, -0.1474609375, 0.90625, 0.2265625, 0.435546875, -0.91796875, 0.8046875, -0.3203125, -1.0078125, 0.92578125, 0.734375, 0.86328125, 0.03466796875, 0.66796875, -0.384765625, -0.049072265625, 0.498046875, 0.251953125, -0.6171875, -0.5703125, -0.8671875, -1.65625, -0.78125, -0.34765625, 0.73828125, -0.53125, -1.4765625, -1.109375, -1.9921875, -0.1650390625, 0.482421875, -19, 0.2314453125, 0.66015625, 0.06689453125, -0.4453125, -1.640625, -0.91015625, -0.69921875, 0.0147705078125, 15.0625, 0.115234375, -0.26171875, 0.1455078125, 1.9296875, 0.5546875, -0.296875, -0.82421875, -0.40625, -0.51171875, -1.0078125, 0.04345703125, -0.265625, 0.28515625, 1, -0.423828125, -0.55859375, -0.044677734375, -0.06005859375, -0.09619140625, -0.0654296875, -0.58203125, -0.091796875, -0.2392578125, 0.8984375, 0.734375, 0.376953125, -0.62109375, 0.1630859375, -0.1630859375, -0.78515625, 0.11279296875, 0.44921875, -0.84375, 0.353515625, -0.271484375, -0.2421875, 0.7734375, -0.66015625, -0.0458984375, 0.5, 0.60546875, 0.007537841796875, -0.83984375, 0.326171875, 1.4140625, 0.1826171875, 0.55078125, -0.10791015625, -0.291015625, -0.0228271484375, 0.1845703125, -0.8671875, -0.494140625, 0.1962890625, -0.5078125, 0.08642578125, 0.1474609375, -1.296875, 0.13671875, 1.0703125, -0.83984375, -0.42578125, 1.125, 0.4140625, 0.75, 0.06298828125, -0.765625, 0.1533203125, -0.140625, 0.349609375, -1.140625, 0.11376953125, -0.32421875, 0.33984375, -1.109375, -0.55859375, 1.578125, -0.470703125, 1.765625, 0.251953125, -1.265625, 0.50390625, -0.0791015625, -0.7265625, -0.373046875, -0.1484375, 0.578125, 0.09912109375, -0.82421875, 0.3359375, -0.78125, 0.75, 0.74609375, -0.28125, -0.10791015625, 0.7109375, -0.40234375, -0.5625, 1.3515625, 0.83203125, -0.94921875, -0.0712890625, -0.2080078125, 0.59375, 0.4453125, -0.265625, -1.609375, 0.59375, -0.73046875, -0.65234375, -0.00191497802734375, 0.6796875, 1.2421875, -0.365234375, -0.76953125, 0.58203125, -0.310546875, 0.61328125, 0.66796875, -0.98046875, 0.55078125, -0.765625, 0.01416015625, 0.376953125, 0.2890625, 0.326171875, -0.306640625, 0.07275390625, -0.41015625, 0.111328125, -0.765625, -0.8125, 0.50390625, 1.1328125, -1.0234375, -1.2265625, -0.99609375, -0.11865234375, 0.47265625, 1.28125, 1.4296875, 0.46484375, 0.419921875, 1.7421875, -0.1201171875, 0.41015625, 1.2421875, 0.69140625, 1.8984375, -0.82421875, 0.345703125, -0.396484375, 0.671875, -0.65234375, -0.86328125, -0.546875, -0.63671875, -0.302734375, -0.65234375, -0.90625, -1.8203125, 0.12060546875, -0.0478515625, 0.30859375, -0.99609375, 0.2060546875, 1.359375, -0.1787109375, -0.65625, -0.1796875, -0.54296875, 0.16796875, 0.251953125, 0.375, -1.0234375, 5.25, 0.9765625, -0.27734375, 0.2255859375, 0.57421875, -0.58203125, 0.69140625, -0.06396484375, -0.55859375, -0.421875, 0.22265625, -0.498046875, -1.359375, -1.1484375, 1.2734375, 0.79296875, -0.0220947265625, 0.158203125, -0.28125, 0.84375, 0.2021484375, -0.0615234375, 0.380859375, 1.1171875, -0.515625, -0.7265625, 0.04248046875, -0.439453125, 0.94921875, 0.44140625, -0.2490234375, -0.04931640625, -0.314453125, -0.5546875, -0.353515625, -0.2734375, 0.130859375, 0.69140625, -0.90625, 1.2265625, -1.0625, 0.78515625, -0.046875, -0.65234375, 0.69921875, -0.08203125, -0.52734375, -0.345703125, -1.0078125, -0.396484375, -0.455078125, 0.90234375, -0.08984375, -0.328125, 1.4765625, 0.8515625, -0.11962890625, -0.369140625, -0.88671875, 0.384765625, -0.142578125, 2.78125, 0.58203125, -0.0859375, -0.291015625, -0.0166015625, -0.828125, 0.58203125, -0.55859375, -0.201171875, -0.1591796875, -0.67578125, -0.46875, -0.26171875, 0.984375, 0.5703125, 0.150390625, 1.8125, -0.310546875, 1.0703125, -1.140625, -0.017333984375, 0.004058837890625, 0.3203125, 1.4765625, 1.09375, 0.244140625, 0.287109375, -0.4609375, 1.53125, 0.478515625, 0.8515625, 0.83203125, 0.2216796875, 1.46875, 1.65625, 0.5546875, 0.353515625, -0.35546875, 0.56640625, 0.28515625, 1.265625, 0.59375, -0.011474609375, 0.80859375, 0.546875, 0.83984375, -1.640625, 0.73828125, 0.765625, 0.60546875, 1.234375, 0.30078125, -0.1259765625, -0.390625, -1.2265625, 0.27734375, 0.2060546875, -0.25390625, 0.7734375, 0.8984375, 0.1875, -0.91015625, -0.51171875, 0.294921875, -0.625, -0.859375, -0.224609375, 0.36328125, -0.482421875, -0.12255859375, 1.0390625, 0.375, -0.35546875, 0.07861328125, -0.390625, 0.404296875, 0.474609375, 0.068359375, -0.55078125, -0.265625, -1.1484375, 0.10888671875, -0.390625, 8.25, -1.15625, -0.51171875, -0.9609375, -0.46484375, 0.05322265625, 1.265625, 0.3671875, 0.578125, -0.80859375, 1.03125, 0.1357421875, 0.859375, -0.53515625, -0.1689453125, 0.51171875, -0.470703125, -1.265625, 0.337890625, 1.375, -0.82421875, -0.1826171875, -0.62109375, 0.043212890625, 0.31640625, 0.63671875, -0.455078125, -0.84765625, -0.0654296875, -0.51171875, -0.2294921875, -0.7890625, 6, 0.9609375, 0.0380859375, 0.94921875, -0.99609375, 0.017333984375, 0.66796875, -0.10009765625, 0.216796875, 0.62109375, -0.55078125, -0.31640625, 0.8046875, 0.546875, -1.046875, -0.08642578125, -0.357421875, -0.59375, 1.1484375, 0.2451171875, -0.384765625, 0.232421875, -0.490234375, 0.56640625, -0.353515625, 0.50390625, 0.7734375, -1.0078125, 0.498046875, -0.216796875, 0.70703125, -0.58984375, -1.0390625, 0.4921875, -0.291015625, -0.90625, -0.2373046875, 1.28125, -0.8515625, -0.138671875, 0.73046875, 0.5078125, -0.2080078125, -0.05810546875, 1.5, 0.392578125, -0.2275390625, 0.99609375, -0.08837890625, -0.87890625, 0.392578125, -0.58984375, 0.99609375, -0.31640625, -0.111328125, 0.1328125, -0.173828125, 0.921875, 0.9453125, -0.15234375, -0.06689453125, 0.455078125, 0.921875, 0.400390625, 0.1953125, 0.76953125, 0.90234375, -3.234375, -1.140625, 0.052734375, -0.48828125, -1.25, -0.267578125, -0.71875, 0.234375, 0.7734375, -1.125, 0.75390625, -1.0390625, -0.0311279296875, -1.125, -0.435546875, 0.75, -1.4921875, -0.9453125, -0.28125, 0.10009765625, -0.50390625, 0.154296875, -0.1865234375, 0.423828125, 0.08837890625, 0.5390625, -0.86328125, 0.5859375, -0.98046875, -0.177734375, -0.30078125, -0.8828125, -0.6875, -0.049560546875, 0.0419921875, -1.3046875, -0.76171875, -0.068359375, -2.03125, -0.294921875, -0.283203125, 0.3203125, -0.515625, -0.5390625, 1.0703125, -0.6484375, -0.78515625, 0.181640625, 0.74609375, 1.453125, -0.62890625, 0.76171875, 0.1103515625, 0.5, 1.3828125, 0.212890625, -1.0234375, 0.98046875, 0.197265625, -0.640625, -0.2001953125, 0.330078125, 0.06396484375, -0.6875, -0.4453125, -0.63671875, 0.57421875, 0.10498046875, 2.0625, -0.310546875, 0.9296875, -0.146484375, -0.46484375, -0.7890625, 0.154296875, -0.396484375, 0.09375, -0.236328125, -2.015625, 0.2314453125, -0.474609375, -1.203125, -0.2177734375, 0.859375, -0.2470703125, -0.08935546875, 0.9453125, 0.318359375, -0.65625, 0.6796875, 0.66796875, 0.9296875, -0.12109375, -0.412109375, -0.43359375, 0.5859375, -1.203125, 0.94140625, -0.58984375, -0.1279296875, 1.03125, -0.01434326171875, 0.8671875, -0.5390625, 0.359375, 0.7890625, 0.890625, -0.6171875, -0.1357421875, 1.34375, 0.46875, -0.51953125, 0.220703125, -0.78515625, -0.5234375, 1.0078125, -0.8125, 0.65234375, 0.1396484375, -1.4921875, 0.76953125, 0.443359375, -0.2421875, -0.359375, 0.55078125, 0.2099609375, -0.61328125, 0.7109375, 2.15625, 0.8046875, 0.458984375, 0.76953125, -1.2734375, 0.130859375, 0.419921875, 0.54296875, -0.546875, -0.734375, -1.1640625, 0.359375, 1.71875, -0.578125, 0.1884765625, 1.265625, -0.87890625, 0.474609375, 0.1533203125, -0.1962890625, -0.2021484375, -0.26171875, 0.062255859375, 0.9609375, -0.71875, -0.6015625, 0.80859375, -0.1904296875, -0.00148773193359375, -0.01239013671875, 0.1962890625, 0.3671875, -0.96484375, -0.5703125, -0.451171875, -0.96484375, 0.36328125, -0.61328125, -0.396484375, -1.1796875, 0.6875, 0.373046875, 0.83984375, 0.419921875, -0.34375, -28.25, -0.455078125, 0.251953125, -0.6171875, 0.32421875, 0.1904296875, 0.62109375, -0.82421875, -1.0546875, 1.28125, -0.482421875, -0.296875, -0.302734375, -0.1826171875, 0.671875, -0.05810546875, 0.2353515625, -0.625, 0.03515625, -0.94140625, 0.4921875, -0.61328125, -0.76953125, -0.1259765625, 1.109375, 0.48046875, 0.2099609375, -0.267578125, 0.52734375, 0.181640625, -0.236328125, -0.51171875, 0.1259765625, 0.69921875, -0.609375, -1.2421875, 0.2470703125, -0.96484375, 0.58984375, -1.6953125, 1.375, -0.60546875, 0.84375, 0.5, 1.203125, -0.2099609375, -0.244140625, 1.4375, -0.828125, -0.5703125, -0.40234375, -0.275390625, -0.31640625, -0.03125, -0.232421875, -0.32421875, -0.353515625, 1.015625, 0.0240478515625, 0.5625, -0.6875, -0.78125, 0.294921875, 0.02392578125, -0.28515625, 1.390625, 1.6953125, 0.79296875, 0.28125, -0.4453125, 0.5234375, 0.515625, 0.02587890625, 0.06640625, -1.09375, 0.79296875, -0.3359375, 1.453125, -0.1845703125, -0.74609375, -0.515625, 0.384765625, -0.98046875, 0.3828125, 0.33984375, 0.08935546875, 0.203125, -0.34765625, -0.86328125, 1.1640625, -0.859375, -0.11865234375, -0.87890625, -0.5703125, -0.5703125, -0.005767822265625, -0.28515625, 1.0703125, -0.41015625, -0.033447265625, -0.353515625, 0.53125, -0.2294921875, -1, -0.08349609375, 0.30078125, 0.2490234375, 0.08154296875, 0.66796875, -0.376953125, 0.6015625, -0.86328125, -0.365234375, 1.375, 0.734375, -0.36328125, -0.67578125, 0.82421875, -0.3203125, -0.357421875, -0.0966796875, -0.06982421875, 0.52734375, -0.091796875, 0.1767578125, -0.1669921875, 0.99609375, -0.306640625, 0.52734375, 0.609375, -0.6328125, -0.267578125, 0.7109375, 0.78125, -1.125, -0.79296875, -0.455078125, -0.46875, -0.91796875, -0.1953125, -0.439453125, -0.75390625, -0.69140625, 0.2197265625, -0.419921875, -0.2890625, 0.18359375, -0.8828125, -0.494140625, -0.267578125, 0.06591796875, -0.3046875, 0.82421875, 0.36328125, -0.5390625, -0.423828125, -1.0078125, -0.6328125, -0.6328125, -0.44140625, -0.455078125, -0.38671875, -1.265625, 0.3203125, -0.61328125, -0.28125, 1.21875, -0.5078125, 0.0228271484375, -1.1484375, 0.84765625, 0.326171875, 0.004669189453125, -0.15234375, -0.4609375, -1.2578125, -0.212890625, -0.011962890625, 1.453125, -0.4609375, -0.404296875, -0.5703125, -1.015625, 0.79296875, -0.2109375, -0.1455078125, -0.345703125, -0.265625, 0.41015625, -0.90625, -0.75, -0.32421875, -1.1796875, 0.61328125, 0.1279296875, -0.255859375, -0.86328125, 0.76953125, -0.71484375, 1.03125, -1.0234375, 0.60546875, -0.80078125, -0.019775390625, -1, -0.44921875, 0.8984375, -0.73828125, 0.310546875, -0.96484375, -1.2421875, 0.5234375, 0.359375, -1.1796875, 0.263671875, -0.4609375, -0.306640625, 0.42578125, 0.55078125, -0.453125, -0.193359375, 1.3125, 0.59765625, -0.494140625, -0.88671875, -0.1181640625, 0.61328125, 0.71875, -0.455078125, -0.9375, 0.173828125, -0.059326171875, 0.431640625, -0.1826171875, 0.46484375, -0.2470703125, 0.6484375, 0.6015625, -0.5625, 0.146484375, 0.2216796875, 0.99609375, 1.5390625, 0.71875, -0.2451171875, -0.416015625, -0.08447265625, -0.353515625, 0.369140625, -0.73828125, -0.1728515625, -0.55859375, 0.6796875, 0.1396484375, -0.9296875, 0.5546875, -0.8671875, 0.443359375, 1.09375, 0.1689453125, -1.203125, 0.365234375, -1.15625, -0.024169921875, -0.1103515625, -0.71875, -2.171875, -0.28125, -0.58203125, -0.171875, 0.62109375, 0.09765625, -0.87890625, 1.03125, 0.83203125, -0.373046875, 1.28125, 0.8203125, 1.375, -0.0228271484375, -1.3125, 0.046630859375, 0.1591796875, 1.578125, 0.462890625, -0.76953125, 1.0390625, 0.51171875, -1.0546875, 0.80859375, -0.2890625, 0.09765625, -0.11376953125, -1.5078125, 0.1484375, -0.78515625, 1.5, 0.412109375, -0.71484375, -0.9765625, -0.76171875, 0.39453125, 0.29296875, 0.9609375, 0.58984375, 0.6484375, -0.287109375, 0.376953125, -1.2421875, -1.2421875, -1.3359375, -0.75390625, 0.314453125, -0.494140625, 1.1875, 0.380859375, 0.8515625, 0.2001953125, -1.015625, -0.7109375, 0.57421875, 1.640625, 0.6875, -1.4140625, -0.412109375, 0.12109375, -0.5625, -0.478515625, 0.1484375, -0.54296875, -0.80078125, -0.96484375, -0.6328125, 1.375, -0.74609375, 0.1376953125, 0.44140625, 1.0078125, 1.1640625, 0.3359375, -0.04443359375, 0.12353515625, 0.0211181640625, -0.193359375, 0.86328125, -0.6875, 0.353515625, -0.291015625, -1.1796875, -0.859375, 0.10302734375, 0.1689453125, -1.5625, -0.75, 0.193359375, -0.27734375, 0.291015625, -0.71484375, 0.443359375, 1.03125, -0.0283203125, -0.76953125, -0.55859375, -0.2275390625, -1.3203125, -0.5859375, -0.50390625, -0.6953125, -0.06396484375, 0.58203125, 0.365234375, 0.298828125, -1.5234375, -0.71484375, -0.51171875, -0.70703125, 0.03271484375, 0.1865234375, 0.1435546875, 0.11962890625, -0.92578125, 0.31640625, -0.263671875, -0.07763671875, 0.32421875, -0.5234375, 0.2294921875, 0.271484375, -0.8984375, -0.234375, 0.6953125, 0.58984375, -0.87890625, -0.7109375, 0.06005859375, -0.66796875, 0.5, 0.31640625, 1.2421875, -0.0732421875, 0.34375, -0.359375, 0.076171875, -0.26953125, 1.3515625, 1.1015625, -0.4921875, 1.109375, 0.337890625, -1.7265625, -1.2421875, -0.7890625, -1.125, -0.8984375, 0.66015625, 0.66015625, -0.44921875, -0.63671875, 1.1875, -1.6875, 0.74609375, 0.478515625, -0.1689453125, 0.91015625, 0.44921875, -0.32421875, -1.265625, -1.640625, 0.396484375, -0.059326171875, -0.0849609375, 0.73046875, -0.234375, -0.3671875, 0.6796875, -0.1259765625, 0.10009765625, -0.90234375, -0.625, 0.91796875, -0.306640625, -0.98046875, 0.16015625, 0.3359375, 0.6171875, -0.251953125, 0.00836181640625, 0.462890625, -0.462890625, 1.2734375, 0.53125, 11.125, -0.57421875, 1.203125, 1.03125, 1.09375, -0.67578125, 0.054931640625, 0.53125, -0.55859375, 0.26953125, -0.80859375, -0.1484375, 0.0198974609375, 0.384765625, 0.94921875, -1.375, 0.1923828125, -0.158203125, -0.06689453125, -0.73828125, -0.20703125, -0.043701171875, 0.84375, 1.4921875, -0.251953125, -1.1875, -0.11376953125, 0.54296875, -0.5859375, 0.353515625, 0.66796875, 0.87890625, -1.296875, 1.2421875, 0.326171875, -0.75390625, -0.99609375, 0.83203125, 0.21484375, 0.4921875, -0.443359375, 0.08984375, -0.07470703125, 0.06103515625, -0.158203125, 0.78125, -0.53125, 0.162109375, -1.4921875, 0.251953125, -0.08447265625, -1.0390625, -0.79296875, 0.0245361328125, -0.1416015625, 0.6875, 0.2119140625, 0.515625, 0.57421875, -0.1552734375, 0.212890625, 0.65234375, -0.1591796875, -0.44921875, -1.4375, 0.7734375, 0.58984375, 1.1796875, 1.5, 0.416015625, -1.3125, 0.6015625, -0.1845703125, -0.20703125, 0.83203125, 0.5546875, 0.439453125, 0.69140625, -0.474609375, 0.15234375, 0.154296875, -2.765625, 0.046142578125, 0.8515625, -1.046875, -0.384765625, 0.62109375, 0.61328125, 0.0196533203125, -0.67578125, 1.125, -0.08984375, -0.470703125, 0.1650390625, -0.12109375, 0.095703125, 0.5, -0.24609375, 0.177734375, -0.91796875, -0.6171875, 0.8515625, -0.8828125, -0.259765625, 0.5546875, 0.5703125, -1.1484375, -0.53125, 0.62109375, 0.7109375, 0.70703125, 0.28125, -0.298828125, 1.3203125, -0.515625, 0.6484375, -0.62890625, 0.2412109375, -0.6796875, -0.95703125, 0.458984375, -0.98828125, 0.4921875, 1.1796875, 0.8046875, 1.28125, 0.4453125, -0.87890625, -0.2109375, 1.28125, 0.71484375, 0.5, 0.5703125, 0.2109375, 0.2060546875, 0.1376953125, -0.95703125, -0.10791015625, -0.71875, 0.62109375, -0.474609375, 1.21875, 0.416015625, -0.78515625, 0.068359375, -0.275390625, -0.203125, -1.1953125, 0.54296875, -0.26953125, 0.01361083984375, -0.609375, 0.76171875, 0.5859375, -0.9296875, -0.103515625, -0.271484375, 0.173828125, 0.4453125, -0.58984375, 0.671875, -0.828125, 0.10009765625, -0.859375, 0.271484375, -0.310546875, -0.6875, -0.052978515625, -0.9765625, -0.9609375, -0.671875, -0.7265625, -0.59375, -0.201171875, 0.65625, 0.76171875, 0.1259765625, -0.0517578125, 0.051513671875, 0.65625, -0.203125, -0.5546875, -0.66015625, -0.10546875, 0.671875, 0.78125, -0.6875, -0.90625, 0.24609375, 1.2265625, -0.15234375, -1.421875, 0.482421875, -0.58984375, -1, -0.390625, -0.9375, -0.6015625, -0.251953125, -0.0032501220703125, 0.78515625, 0.1650390625, 1.3046875, 1.3359375, -1.0859375, -1.046875, -1.1484375, 0.08447265625, 0.062255859375, 1.5625, -0.42578125, -0.33984375, 0.34765625, 1.0078125, 0.455078125, 0.064453125, 0.2255859375, -1.0859375, 1.0859375, 0.8671875, -1.265625, -0.181640625, 0.2470703125, 0.2109375, 0.365234375, -0.337890625, -1.0625, -1.0703125, 1.2734375, -0.462890625, -0.212890625, 1.578125, -0.1923828125, -0.62890625, -0.181640625, 0.431640625, 0.470703125, 0.65625, 0.150390625, 0.365234375, -0.4296875, 0.38671875, 0.5625, -0.150390625, 0.1259765625, 0.6015625, 0.1728515625, 0.1201171875, 0.251953125, -9.625, -0.5703125, 0.072265625, 0.5703125, -0.921875, -0.0654296875, 1.0625, 0.51953125, -0.216796875, 0.8828125, -0.62109375, -0.75390625, -0.031982421875, 0.82421875, -0.306640625, 1.390625, -0.73828125, 0.58203125, -0.224609375, -0.130859375, 0.2099609375, 1.6953125, 0.490234375, -0.142578125, -0.671875, 0.38671875, -0.4921875, -0.828125, 0.431640625, -0.2158203125, 1.2421875, -0.86328125, -13.4375, -0.384765625, 0.984375, 0.1962890625, -0.9609375, 1.2421875, -0.267578125, -0.044921875, 0.1884765625, -1.046875, 2.71875, 0.57421875, 0.96875, -1.6171875, 0.609375, -0.7890625, -0.0986328125, -0.24609375, -0.3046875, 0.1484375, -1.1015625, 0.8828125, -0.43359375, 1.03125, 0.6484375, 0.0380859375, -1.046875, 1.203125, 0.91015625, 1.2265625, 0.91796875, 1.2421875, -0.58984375, 0.2197265625, -0.267578125, 0.94140625, 0.306640625, -0.490234375, 1.0625, 0.060546875, -0.734375, -0.5625, 0.50390625, -0.859375, -0.75390625, 0.3671875, 0.1962890625, 0.11865234375, 0.0986328125, -1.2734375, 4.96875, 0.234375, 0.75, -0.0244140625, 0.025390625, 0.00927734375, -0.9765625, -0.7890625, -0.0986328125, 0.125, 0.0179443359375, -1.7734375, 0.82421875, -0.494140625, 0.5703125, 0.1787109375, -0.21484375, -0.076171875, -0.67578125, -0.76953125, 0.5234375, 0.310546875, 0.2294921875, -1.6640625, 2.28125, -1.03125, -0.46875, -0.2734375, -0.71875, -0.69140625, -0.5546875, 0.4921875, -0.0185546875, -0.07373046875, -0.58203125, -0.3046875, 0.158203125, -0.99609375, 0.9453125, 1.0078125, 0.006927490234375, -0.78125, 0.71875, -5.21875, -1.25, 0.52734375, 0.0791015625, -1.0234375, 0.62890625, 0.7734375, 2.140625, 0.1318359375, -0.6484375, 0.29296875, 0.00408935546875, -1.171875, 0.8046875, 0.09423828125, 1.359375, 0.396484375, -0.76953125, 1.03125, -1.21875, -0.7265625, -0.478515625, 0.2001953125, 1.3125, 0.2177734375, -0.984375, 0.038818359375, 0.240234375, -0.291015625, -0.07373046875, 0.369140625, -0.302734375, 1.7265625, 0.78515625, -0.2314453125, -0.9453125, 0.1318359375, 0.12890625, 1.0859375, -0.47265625, 0.169921875, -1.0859375, -0.0025482177734375, -1.140625, -0.056396484375, -0.96875, 0.5234375, 0.0966796875, -0.9453125, 0.251953125, -1.7421875, 0.6796875, -0.390625, -0.10302734375, -0.1591796875, -0.22265625, 0.48828125, 0.00009441375732421875, 1.3515625, 0.53125, 0.0218505859375, 0.1650390625, 1.1796875, 0.39453125, -0.376953125, -1.8125, 0.6796875, -0.54296875, 0.337890625, 0.5, 0.65234375, -1.1640625, 0.0537109375, -0.78515625, -0.27734375, -0.431640625, 1.5625, 1.453125, -0.6015625, 0.80859375, 1.09375, -0.5546875, -0.515625, -0.55078125, -0.01171875, -0.318359375, -0.1123046875, -0.86328125, -0.083984375, 0.1904296875, 0.1630859375, 0.201171875, -0.380859375, 0.40234375, -0.46484375, 2.421875, -0.44140625, 0.26171875, -0.0162353515625, -0.494140625, -0.42578125, -0.4609375, 1.0703125, 0.291015625, 0.2890625, -0.298828125, 0.421875, -0.76171875, 0.267578125, 0.416015625, 0.1689453125, 0.7265625, -0.609375, 0.8125, -1.15625, 0.11474609375, 0.474609375, 0.18359375, 0.75390625, 0.421875, 0.98046875, 0.5625, -0.41015625, -1.3984375, 0.439453125, 0.30078125, 0.5, 1.1875, -0.83203125, -0.70703125, -0.390625, -0.054443359375, -0.28515625, -0.8125, 0.95703125, 1.234375, -0.640625, 0.275390625, -0.67578125, -1.265625, -0.890625, 1.4765625, 0.8125, 0.10595703125, -0.138671875, 1.109375, 0.78125, -0.71484375, -0.91796875, 0.11376953125, -0.474609375, -0.01483154296875, 0.65234375, -0.26171875, -0.53125, 0.8671875, -0.08984375, 0.310546875, -0.6875, 1.3828125, 0.296875, 0.057373046875, -0.318359375, 0.232421875, -0.54296875, 0.0703125, -0.3828125, 0.287109375, -1.1953125, 0.6796875, -0.314453125, 0.36328125, -0.040771484375, -0.9609375, 0.2734375, 0.4453125, -0.4609375, 0.3046875, -0.99609375, 1.109375, -0.134765625, -0.95703125, -0.107421875, -0.267578125, -0.12890625, 0.765625, 0.55078125, 0.484375, -2.53125, 1.5625, 0.296875, -0.0004634857177734375, -0.271484375, 0.66015625, 0.1826171875, -0.55078125, 0.314453125, 0.29296875, 0.53125, 1.3359375, -0.71484375, 0.8125, -0.353515625, -0.6328125, -0.8515625, -0.9609375, 1.265625, -0.130859375, -0.455078125, 0.296875, 0.5546875, -0.71875, 0.50390625, -0.373046875, -1.6015625, 0.33984375, 0.5234375, -0.08740234375, -0.28125, -0.46484375, -0.359375, -9.8125, 0.26171875, 0.040771484375, -0.380859375, -0.7890625, 0.671875, -0.91796875, 0.5546875, 0.51953125, 1.1328125, -2.53125, -0.84765625, 0.10400390625, 0.640625, 1.2265625, -0.28515625, -0.73828125, 0.56640625, 0.1865234375, -0.11376953125, -0.6015625, -0.1533203125, -0.00836181640625, -0.40234375, -1.0234375, -0.5625, 0.6796875, 0.6953125, -0.27734375, 0.0859375, -1.578125, 0.396484375, -0.8203125, -0.36328125, -0.71875, -0.1982421875, 0.2001953125, -1.375, -0.1484375, 0.61328125, -0.9453125, 0.9375, 0.373046875, -0.6171875, -0.03173828125, -0.9296875, 0.53515625, -0.73046875, -1.03125, -0.5859375, -1.390625, -0.474609375, -0.5390625, -0.71875, -0.55078125, 1.1875, 2.234375, -0.2578125, -0.267578125, 0.455078125, -0.76171875, -46, -0.65625, 1.0078125, 0.435546875, -0.58203125, -1.0625, -0.2197265625, 0.28125, 0.8046875, 0.0047607421875, -0.0908203125, -0.380859375, -1.0859375, -0.66015625, 0.5625, -0.435546875, -0.63671875, 0.87109375, 1.0625, -0.267578125, 0.8515625, 0.63671875, 0.73046875, -3.015625, -0.76953125, 0.8046875, 0.43359375, 1.1171875, 0.06396484375, -1.1875, -0.76953125, 0.1220703125, -0.12255859375, -0.5, 1.5234375, -0.55078125, 1.0078125, -0.3671875, 0.6328125, -0.0220947265625, 0.1875, 1.28125, -0.546875, 1.3828125, 27.25, 0.44140625, -0.26171875, 0.2578125, -0.0244140625, 0.140625, 0.02880859375, -0.8671875, -0.1533203125, -0.75, -0.07373046875, -0.91796875, -0.76171875, -0.609375, -0.32421875, 0.330078125, -0.98828125, -0.8828125, 0.09423828125, 1.5703125, -0.06884765625, 0.478515625, -0.75, -0.59375, -0.53125, 0.380859375, -0.8125, -0.470703125, -0.66796875, -0.345703125, 0.58984375, -0.0172119140625, 0.2216796875, -1.09375, -1.2578125, -0.482421875, -0.67578125, 0.828125, 0.490234375, -0.1533203125, -0.50390625, -0.16015625, -1.296875, 0.828125, -1.2734375, 0.609375, 0.51171875, -2.875, -1.140625, 0.10498046875, -0.328125, -1.0234375, -0.11865234375, -0.4921875, -1.28125, -0.2373046875, -0.578125, 0.353515625, -0.078125, -0.5078125, 0.255859375, -0.46875, 0.27734375, 1.6875, -0.88671875, -0.34375, -0.11279296875, -0.69140625, -1.1015625, -0.765625, 0.296875, 0.255859375, 0.00970458984375, -0.51171875, -0.58203125, 0.92578125, -0.8125, 0.98046875, -1.375, 0.1572265625, -0.71875, -1.1953125, -0.44921875, -0.39453125, -1.0390625, -0.54296875, 0.40234375, 1.3046875, -1.1171875, -0.75390625, -0.57421875, -0.11328125, -0.51953125, -0.4140625, -0.00738525390625, -0.70703125, 0.224609375, -0.6953125, -0.58984375, -1.1015625, 1.8984375, -0.3125, -0.8515625, 1.09375, -1.015625, 0.65625, 0.53125, 0.01409912109375, 0.25390625, -0.392578125, 0.6796875, -0.326171875, 0.443359375, -0.03515625, 0.3359375, 0.44921875, -0.09423828125, 0.6875, -0.44140625, -0.20703125, -1.0625, 0.275390625, 0.76953125, -0.71875, 0.1953125, 0.63671875, -0.328125, -1.03125, 0.84765625, 0.10595703125, -3.015625, -1.34375, 0.70703125, -0.8203125, -0.2451171875, -0.2119140625, 0.412109375, 0.53515625, 0.74609375, 0.890625, 0.333984375, 0.46875, 1.1015625, -0.09912109375, -0.55859375, -0.416015625, 0.890625, -0.30078125, 0.11328125, 1.4765625, 0.1474609375, -0.07958984375, -0.84375, -0.0986328125, 1.4921875, -0.1787109375, 0.5078125, -0.69921875, 0.91796875, 0.8046875, -0.07861328125, -0.10400390625, 0.91796875, 1.015625, -0.10107421875, -0.28515625, 0.71875, 0.041748046875, -0.51171875, -0.9453125, 0.212890625, 9.875, -0.158203125, 1.21875, -1.0546875, -1.125, -0.416015625, -0.671875, 0.671875, -0.265625, -1.25, -0.3671875, -0.515625, -0.3046875, -0.1748046875, 0.2470703125, -1.2421875, 0.30859375, 0.8671875, -0.1796875, -1.390625, 0.640625, -1.140625, -0.33984375, 0.8125, 1.4609375, -1.015625, -0.6171875, 0.99609375, -0.00018596649169921875, 2.046875, -1.0234375, -1.7265625, 0.279296875, 0.2001953125, 0.96875, 0.10546875, -0.1337890625, 1.4765625, 0.609375, 0.021484375, 0.236328125, -0.74609375, 1.4296875, 0.1513671875, -0.84375, 0.47265625, 0.8125, -0.84765625, -0.88671875, -1.140625, 1.578125, 0.91015625, 0.349609375, -0.3671875, 0.32421875, -0.98828125, -0.0294189453125, 0.6796875, 0.34375, 0.62109375, -0.76953125, -0.10888671875, 1.0859375, -0.0712890625, 0.79296875, -0.310546875, 0.306640625, -0.859375, 0.0286865234375, 0.1552734375, -0.92578125, -0.890625, 0.373046875, 1.109375, 1.609375, -0.062255859375, -0.181640625, 0.0556640625, -0.353515625, 0.5859375, 0.365234375, 1.875, -0.1748046875, 0.51171875, -0.162109375, -0.86328125, 0.3046875, 0.40625, -1.109375, 0.44921875, 0.373046875, -0.48046875, -0.2255859375, -0.423828125, 0.01385498046875, 1.0703125, -0.59375, -0.8046875, 1.21875, -0.2314453125, 0.263671875, 1.265625, 1.0234375, -0.333984375, -0.049560546875, -0.01904296875, 0.5546875, 0.2177734375, -0.54296875, 0.41015625, 0.50390625, -0.353515625, -0.478515625, -1.03125, -1.703125, -0.3046875, -0.82421875, -0.98046875, -0.5546875, -0.50390625, -0.234375, 0.11328125, -0.1064453125, 1.1640625, -0.12451171875, -0.65234375, -0.1533203125, -0.0167236328125, -0.46875, -0.220703125, -0.96484375, -0.1474609375, 0.1005859375, -0.61328125, -0.765625, 1.2734375, 2.03125, -0.44140625, 0.20703125, 0.671875, -0.609375, 0.328125, 0.88671875, -1, -0.55078125, 0.0250244140625, 0.55078125, 0.6953125, -0.36328125, -0.56640625, 0.74609375, -0.625, -0.06494140625, -1.4609375, -1.2578125, -0.279296875, -1.265625, 0.73828125, -0.59375, 0.52734375, 0.265625, 1.046875, 0.4609375, -0.443359375, 0.04443359375, 0.384765625, 0.1416015625, 0.67578125, 0.0517578125, -0.60546875, 1.296875, -0.021484375, 0.7109375, -0.267578125, -0.15234375, -0.66796875, -4.0625, -0.62109375, -0.054931640625, 1.109375, 26.25, -0.404296875, -1.28125, -0.7265625, -0.8671875, -0.05859375, -1.0234375, -0.333984375, 0.373046875, -0.78515625, -0.96484375, 0.240234375, 0.91015625, 0.8046875, -0.74609375, 0.033935546875, -0.3828125, 1.5625, -0.61328125, 0.10791015625, -1.0625, -0.44140625, 0.59765625, 0.00115966796875, -0.71875, 1.375, 0.7890625, 0.8046875, 0.2314453125, -0.240234375, 0.44140625, -0.6484375, 0.244140625, -1, 0.244140625, 0.1279296875, 0.140625, 0.06640625, -7.75, 2.828125, -0.435546875, 0.71875, -0.333984375, -0.4921875, -1.1796875, -1.125, -0.30078125, -0.66796875, -0.22265625, -0.5703125, 1.1640625, -0.296875, -0.474609375, 0.9453125, 0.291015625, 0.27734375, -0.1767578125, -0.049072265625, -0.2470703125, -0.640625, -0.2451171875, -1.140625, 0.330078125, 0.10546875, 0.71484375, -0.5703125, 1.1484375, -0.18359375, -0.75390625, -0.2421875, 0.66015625, 0.76171875, 0.357421875, 0.025390625, 0.18359375, 1.1640625, -0.8671875, -0.392578125, 1.28125, 0.62109375, 0.92578125, -0.390625, 0.92578125, 0.3828125, 1.0625, 1.0625, -0.15234375, -0.1787109375, -0.83984375, 0.06787109375, 1.203125, -0.73046875, -0.9453125, -0.6875, 0.5078125, -0.546875, -0.061767578125, -0.296875, -0.050537109375, -0.71484375, 1.1328125, -0.9453125, -2.296875, 0.404296875, -0.65234375, -0.224609375, 0.31640625, 0.2197265625, 0.7734375, -1.21875, 0.455078125, -1.546875, 0.765625, 0.99609375, 1.046875, 0.62890625, -0.171875, 0.58203125, -1.3125, 1.0625, 1.5, 0.51171875, -1.015625, 0.396484375, -0.353515625, 0.8984375, 0.890625, 1.5859375, 0.92578125, 1.5390625, 1.1640625, 1.296875, 0.27734375, -0.46484375, 0.482421875, -0.61328125, 0.5, 0.1953125, 0.609375, 0.71484375, -0.66796875, 0.142578125, 0.267578125, -0.6015625, -1.203125, 0.2890625, -0.1435546875, -0.8125, 0.31640625, -0.216796875, -0.62109375, -15.125, 0.515625, -0.453125, 0.69921875, -1.0703125, 0.28125, 1.125, -0.076171875, -1.0546875, -0.31640625, 0.11279296875, -0.234375, -0.19140625, -0.67578125, 0.330078125, 12, 1.1484375, 0.296875, 0.380859375, -0.400390625, -0.1728515625, 1.1875, -0.96875, -1.2265625, -0.474609375, 1.3515625, -0.640625, -0.90234375, -0.9765625, -1.0234375, -0.66796875, 0.8828125, 0.478515625, 0.98828125, -0.890625, -0.291015625, -0.0400390625, -1.625, -0.1591796875, -0.049560546875, -0.35546875, -0.83984375, 1.390625, -0.455078125, 0.5078125, -0.287109375, -0.34375, 0.12451171875, 0.54296875, -0.890625, 1.21875, -0.2734375, 0.169921875, -1.5, 1.125, 0.333984375, -0.049072265625, -0.32421875, 0.5625, -0.330078125, -0.73828125, -0.6484375, 0.169921875, -0.84765625, 1.09375, -0.255859375, -0.82421875, 1.3359375, 0.6875, 0.40625, -0.31640625, -0.43359375, -1.2421875, -0.431640625, 0.78515625, 0.05810546875, -0.28515625, 0.328125, -1.28125, 1.34375, -0.71875, 0.66015625, 0.48828125, 0.9453125, -0.70703125, 0.0196533203125, -0.02099609375, -0.859375, 1.640625, 0.490234375, -0.15234375, -0.73046875, -0.78515625, -0.90234375, 0.625, -0.86328125, 0.52734375, -0.28125, -0.08447265625, 0.5390625, -0.8984375, -0.4609375, -0.020263671875, 0.73046875, 0.69140625, 0.30078125, -0.87890625, -0.16796875, 0.5, 0.50390625, -0.84765625, 0.265625, 0.95703125, -0.50390625, 0.318359375, 0.00506591796875, 1.03125, -0.1220703125, 0.9609375, -0.1435546875, 0.75390625, -0.2197265625, -1.0234375, 0.041748046875, 0.328125, -0.103515625, 0.0036773681640625, -0.2255859375, -1.5, -1.0859375, -0.265625, 0.59765625, 0.265625, 0.423828125, 0.4921875, -0.035888671875, -0.52734375, -1.359375, -1.21875, -0.58984375, 1.171875, 0.173828125, -0.82421875, -0.154296875, 0.390625, 0.53125, -0.58203125, 0.1396484375, 0.376953125, 0.84765625, -0.69140625, 0.11767578125, 0.2216796875, -0.015869140625, -0.375, 0.58984375, -0.54296875, 0.2109375, 0.90625, -1.0234375, 0.4609375, -0.73828125, -0.061767578125, 1.5390625, 0.2353515625, -0.8671875, -0.2490234375, -0.76953125, 1.015625, -0.63671875, -0.12890625, -0.94921875, -0.443359375, -1.0234375, 0.451171875, -0.3046875, 0.07421875, 1.5234375, -0.625, -0.14453125, 0.55859375, 0.197265625, 0.35546875, -0.83203125, 0.059814453125, -1.171875, -0.046142578125, -0.4609375, -0.041259765625, 0.255859375, 0.74609375, 0.98828125, 0.150390625, 0.1279296875, -0.4921875, 0.349609375, 0.59765625, -0.83984375, -0.396484375, 0.69140625, 0.474609375, -0.3828125, 0.46484375, -0.34375, 0.16015625, 1.265625, 0.74609375, 0.30078125, 0.61328125, 1.078125, -0.009521484375, -0.640625, -0.59375, 0.2314453125, 0.0908203125, -0.6953125, 1.1640625, -1.1875, -0.03076171875, -0.9765625, 0.11767578125, 11.6875, 0.9453125, 0.6796875, -0.59375, 0.48828125, 0.53515625, 0.62109375, -1.125, -0.35546875, -0.26171875, 0.56640625, 0.56640625, -0.62109375, 0.66796875, 0.203125, 0.08251953125, 0.04833984375, 0.75390625, 1.375, 0.51953125, -1.7578125, 0.197265625, 0.1923828125, -0.53515625, 0.111328125, 0.052490234375, -0.87109375, -0.78125, -0.484375, -1.4296875, 0.984375, 0.328125, -0.90625, -0.1904296875, 0.5703125, -0.56640625, -0.65625, -1.4140625, -0.95703125, 0.43359375, 0.296875, 0.291015625, 0.3203125, -0.53125, 0.46484375, 0.53125, 0.96875, 0.357421875, 1.0078125, 0.296875, -0.25, -0.8203125, -0.5859375, -0.5390625, -0.373046875, -0.54296875, -0.103515625, -0.16015625, -0.310546875, 0.158203125, -0.333984375, 0.76953125, -0.412109375, 0.158203125, -0.01422119140625, 0.6484375, 0.9765625, -0.66015625, 0.1015625, 0.78515625, 0.7734375, -0.017822265625, 0.21484375, -0.224609375, -0.65234375, 0.7265625, 0.1572265625, 0.78125, 0.423828125, 0.0400390625, -1.7578125, 0.53125, 0.326171875, 1.3515625, 0.58984375, 0.2314453125, -0.54296875, 0.310546875, 0.031494140625, -0.6953125, 0.9296875, -1.0703125, 1.1484375, -0.1884765625, 0.234375, 0.62890625, 0.62890625, 0.0081787109375, 0.3203125, 0.451171875, -2.703125, 0.5625, -0.326171875, 0.232421875, 0.0986328125, -0.306640625, -0.609375, 0.67578125, -0.50390625, 0.287109375, -0.2314453125, 0.1337890625, -0.419921875, -0.10498046875, 0.353515625, -0.65234375, 0.1728515625, 0.328125, -0.421875, 0.1962890625, 0.08447265625, 0.435546875, 0.6796875, 1.3046875, 1.1875, 0.0034027099609375, 0.75, 1.0625, -0.0203857421875, -0.12255859375, -0.83984375, 0.5078125, 0.283203125, 1.1171875, 0.9609375, 0.1376953125, 0.61328125, 0.734375, -0.2080078125, 0.1123046875, -0.35546875, -0.91796875, -1.109375, -0.78125, -0.609375, -0.359375, 0.6015625, -0.1845703125, 0.2255859375, -0.2294921875, 1.03125, 0.302734375, 0.27734375, -0.53515625, 0.57421875, 0.34375, -0.5078125, 0.064453125, -1.296875, -1.2421875, 0.48046875, -0.376953125, 0.1787109375, -0.06298828125, 1.0234375, -0.1396484375, -0.50390625, -0.2392578125, -0.1865234375, 0.396484375, 0.78125, -0.412109375, -0.474609375, 0.376953125, -0.0281982421875, 0.94140625, 0.26953125, 0.5, 0.08740234375, -0.8984375, 0.62890625, 1.53125, 0.8046875, 0.08740234375, 4.5, -0.9296875, 1.5390625, -0.86328125, -1.1875, -0.40625, -0.035400390625, 0.482421875, 0.82421875, -0.1689453125, 0.478515625, 0.48046875, -0.6953125, 0.6796875, 0.91015625, -0.373046875, 1.2109375, 0.169921875, 0.296875, 12.8125, -0.07958984375, 0.62890625, 0.828125, 0.0233154296875, 0.384765625, -0.671875, -0.5234375, 0.326171875, -0.1494140625, 0.6953125, -0.96875, -0.7109375, -0.431640625, -0.494140625, -1.1484375, 0.80859375, 0.08740234375, -1.171875, -0.193359375, 0.1884765625, 0.59375, -0.5546875, 0.6796875, 0.1328125, -0.2099609375, 0.75, -0.74609375, -0.765625, 0.1455078125, 0.2294921875, 0.84375, -1.2109375, 1.3359375, 0.609375, 0.16796875, -0.11083984375, -0.5859375, 1.1640625, 0.9453125, -0.294921875, 0.5234375, -0.1474609375, 0.9453125, 0.431640625, -0.12890625, -0.36328125, -0.0712890625, -0.5703125, 0.94921875, 0.921875, -0.51171875, -1.0625, 0.484375, 0.04931640625, 0.5390625, 0.6328125, -0.138671875, 1.296875, 0.158203125, -0.765625, -1.5078125, 0.455078125, 0.3671875, -0.69921875, 0.69921875, 0.7109375, -0.8203125, -0.015625, 1.015625, 0.35546875, 0.8125, 0.5078125, -0.74609375, 0.0751953125, 1.1484375, 0.7109375, 0.478515625, -0.50390625, -1.203125, -1.1015625, -0.03857421875, -1.0234375, -0.0031280517578125, 1.2421875, 0.15234375, 0.8203125, -0.73046875, 0.275390625, -0.54296875, -0.1396484375, 0.53515625, -0.384765625, -0.27734375, -0.400390625, 0.36328125, -0.435546875, 0.251953125, -0.58203125, -0.2275390625, 0.99609375, 0.8046875, 0.337890625, -1.265625, -1.1875, -0.9296875, -0.169921875, 0.3125, 0.34375, 0.5546875, -0.1826171875, -0.005889892578125, 0.1435546875, 0.369140625, 0.3125, 1.28125, 0.48046875, -0.115234375, 0.96484375, 1.375, -0.80859375, 0.5703125, 0.84375, 0.58984375, 1.046875, -0.83203125, 0.2890625, -0.10888671875, -0.984375, -0.67578125, -22.625, -0.08349609375, 1.1640625, -0.1328125, -1.4296875, -0.0400390625, -0.271484375, 0.2255859375, -0.470703125, 0.96484375, 0.470703125, -0.296875, -0.392578125, -0.61328125, 0.40625, 0.84765625, 0.412109375, 0.96484375, 0.1123046875, -0.38671875, -0.345703125, 0.1796875, -0.42578125, 0.5859375, 0.03955078125, -0.365234375, 0.205078125, 0.318359375, 4.65625, -2.359375, 0.28125, -0.1826171875, 0.78515625, -0.255859375, -1.0703125, -1.359375, -1.1484375, -0.396484375, -0.357421875, -0.2177734375, 0.51171875, -0.90234375, -0.2265625, 0.74609375, 0.3359375, 0.212890625, -0.53515625, -0.4140625, 0.359375, -0.95703125, -0.150390625, 0.060302734375, -0.09814453125, -0.1533203125, -0.8515625, 1.1875, -1.203125, -1.7734375, -0.58984375, -0.34375, -0.328125, -0.73046875, -1.03125, -0.44140625, 0.54296875, 0.734375, 0.96875, 0.5703125, -0.271484375, -0.84765625, 0.21484375, -0.0235595703125, 0.478515625, 0.283203125, 0.251953125, 0.1572265625, -0.376953125, -1.265625, -0.859375, 0.828125, -0.06689453125, -0.328125, -0.87109375, 0.6484375, 0.267578125, -0.10302734375, -0.177734375, 0.400390625, -0.50390625, -0.73046875, 0.09814453125, -0.61328125, -1.8125, -0.1171875, 0.7890625, -0.56640625, -1.0234375, -1.0859375, -0.2421875, -0.3046875, -0.2099609375, -0.95703125, 0.578125, 0.609375, -2.375, -0.41015625, 0.02880859375, 0.482421875, 0.59375, 0.06103515625, 14.5, 0.2099609375, 0.80078125, 0.94140625, 0.2060546875, 0.2255859375, -0.2099609375, 0.076171875, -0.8203125, 0.396484375, -0.78515625, 0.0986328125, 0.65625, -0.14453125, 0.3671875, 0.890625, -0.1796875, 0.65234375, 0.69140625, -0.73046875, 0.78515625, -0.3046875, 0.53515625, -0.3046875, 0.01116943359375, 1.109375, -0.84765625, 0.3671875, 0.53515625, -1.3125, 1.921875, -1.5390625, 0.484375, -0.21484375, 0.73046875, -0.291015625, 1.21875, 0.1552734375, -0.244140625, 0.045654296875, -0.86328125, -1.0390625, 0.490234375, -0.734375, 0.1845703125, -0.57421875, -1.8359375, 0.423828125, -0.2421875, 0.71484375, -0.0869140625, -22.625, 0.5390625, 0.84765625, -0.67578125, 1.203125, 1.0234375, 0.06298828125, 0.1005859375, 0.08251953125, 1.3125, 0.7109375, 0.27734375, -0.6171875, 0.7109375, 0.8984375, 0.3671875, 0.28125, 1.1875, -0.328125, -0.07275390625, 0.28125, -0.859375, 0.1279296875, -0.69140625, -1.46875, -0.63671875, 1.453125, 1.0703125, -1.4921875, 0.6015625, -0.345703125, -0.57421875, -0.921875, -1.0078125, 0.51953125, -0.625, -0.5625, 0.50390625, -0.28515625, -1.09375, -0.88671875, -0.046142578125, -1.5625, -0.8515625, 0.73828125, -0.376953125, -0.09619140625, -0.7734375, -0.8046875, 0.5546875, -1.1875, -0.16015625, -0.8203125, 0.94921875, -0.5703125, 0.96875, 0.8046875, -0.90234375, -0.1123046875, -0.67578125, -1.1953125, 0.08740234375, -0.11962890625, -0.6484375, 0.2578125, -0.31640625, -0.69921875, -0.65234375, -0.08935546875, 0.083984375, 0.458984375, 0.6015625, 0.1435546875, 0.55859375, -1.0703125, 0.67578125, 0.404296875, 0.5703125, -0.65234375, -0.66015625, -0.84765625, 0.345703125, 0.80078125, 0.515625, 2.125, 0.369140625, -0.50390625, -0.2177734375, 0.984375, -0.042236328125, 0.310546875, 0.03076171875, -0.63671875, 0.48046875, 0.44921875, 0.306640625, 1.1484375, 0.53515625, -0.6875, 0.034423828125, 0.6875, -0.000029921531677246094, -0.515625, -0.1484375, -0.51171875, 0.80078125, 0.00299072265625, -0.80859375, -0.671875, -0.76171875, 0.451171875, 1.1484375, -1.1015625, -1.578125, -0.71875, 0.236328125, 0.4296875, -0.51171875, -0.84765625, -0.6484375, -0.00640869140625, -0.67578125, -0.134765625, 0.482421875, 1.390625, 0.65625, -0.65234375, -0.201171875, -0.9296875, -1.3203125, 0.462890625, 0.2177734375, -0.10595703125, 1, 0.041748046875, -0.19140625, 0.5546875, -0.96875, -0.98828125, -0.6171875, 0.44921875, 0.1279296875, -0.78125, 0.52734375, 0.5859375, 0.006866455078125, 0.1572265625, 0.734375, -0.625, 0.439453125, -0.482421875, -0.10986328125, -0.201171875, 1.046875, -0.546875, -0.36328125, 0.35546875, -0.57421875, 0.373046875, -1.21875, 0.515625, -0.58984375, 0.58203125, -0.06103515625, -0.349609375, 0.5234375, 0.2060546875, 0.7265625, 0.67578125, 0.73046875, 0.640625, 0.53515625, -0.06298828125, 1.4375, 0.51953125, 0.1279296875, -0.330078125, -0.3828125, -0.421875, 0.0069580078125, -1.0546875, 0.74609375, -0.79296875, 0.640625, -1.0234375, -0.265625, 0.3203125, -0.251953125, 1.4609375, 0.296875, -0.1318359375, -0.439453125, -0.44140625, 0.07763671875, 0.375, 0.12890625, 0.54296875, 0.2197265625, 0.130859375, -0.158203125, 0.44140625, -1.640625, -0.69921875, 0.74609375, 1.140625, 0.5859375, 0.609375, -0.58203125, 1.6484375, -0.47265625, 1.5, -0.220703125, -0.09326171875, -0.0198974609375, -0.94140625, 1.3125, 0.6484375, 3.453125, -0.030029296875, -0.234375, -1.1640625, -0.265625, -0.46484375, -0.84375, -0.671875, 0.55078125, -0.041748046875, -0.2578125, -0.091796875, 1.109375, 0.224609375, 1.3828125, -8.875, 0.95703125, 0.734375, -1.0078125, 0.058837890625, 1.3046875, -1.5625, -0.337890625, 0.423828125, -0.193359375, 0.58203125, 1.09375, -0.75, -0.423828125, 0.337890625, 0.12890625, 0.10302734375, 0.3359375, 0.98828125, -0.1162109375, -0.1865234375, -0.73828125, -17.875, 1.2734375, 0.54296875, 0.1826171875, -1.21875, -1.2421875, 0.375, -0.5546875, -0.01171875, 0.16796875, -0.07373046875, -0.8515625, 0.21484375, 1.09375, -0.412109375, -0.59375, 0.73828125, 0.39453125, 0.7109375, -0.3203125, 0.6484375, 1.09375, 0.1220703125, -0.043212890625, -0.44140625, 1.1484375, 1.375, -0.09912109375, 2.203125, -1.015625, -0.67578125, -0.291015625, 0.98046875, -0.056640625, 0.01019287109375, -0.439453125, 0.61328125, 0.62890625, 0.419921875, -0.83203125, -1.3515625, -1.0234375, 0.66015625, 0.859375, 0.494140625, 0.1396484375, 0.047119140625, 0.66015625, 1.0625, 0.171875, 0.734375, -1.03125, 0.265625, 1.625, -0.61328125, -1.6015625, -0.13671875, 0.484375, 1.1484375, -1.4375, -0.7734375, 0.98828125, -0.39453125, -0.484375, 0.8125, 0.181640625, -1.1640625, 1.875, 0.326171875, 0.52734375, 0.2578125, 0.359375, 3.640625, -1.015625, 1.265625, 0.390625, -0.66796875, -0.6328125, -1.3828125, 0.365234375, -0.0111083984375, -0.053955078125, -0.54296875, -0.63671875, 0.330078125, 1.3203125, -0.57421875, 0.5078125, 0.375, 0.396484375, 0.54296875, -0.07958984375, 0.474609375, -1.375, 0.3671875, -1.2265625, -0.8046875, -0.431640625, -0.6328125, 0.59765625, 0.6171875, 1.1171875, 1.109375, 0.46484375, 1.0234375, 0.138671875, -0.87890625, 0.59375, -1.6015625, 0.8671875, 0.00738525390625, 0.2158203125, 0.2470703125, -0.291015625, 0.1630859375, -0.75390625, 0.53125, -0.04345703125, -0.54296875, -0.1337890625, 0.56640625, 0.94140625, -0.251953125, -0.12060546875, 0.6484375, -0.7109375, -0.83203125, -0.5625, -0.0283203125, 0.7265625, 0.6796875, -1.3515625, -0.130859375, 0.28125, -0.10888671875, -0.984375, 0.609375, -0.35546875, -0.059326171875, 1.46875, -0.48046875, -0.287109375, -0.111328125, -0.1337890625, 0.828125, -0.263671875, -0.171875, 0.5859375, -0.314453125, -0.09765625, -0.32421875, 0.96484375, -1.4765625, -0.107421875, -0.53515625, -0.181640625, -0.05126953125, -1.6796875, 0.40625, -0.4921875, -0.8828125, -0.34765625, 1.109375, 5.8125, 0.6796875, -0.08642578125, 0.1201171875, 0.1630859375, -1.0703125, -0.11767578125, -0.059814453125, -0.0230712890625, -0.48046875, 0.73046875, -0.67578125, 0.443359375, -0.318359375, 0.421875, -1.7265625, 0.44140625, -0.8515625, -0.458984375, 0.006195068359375, 0.35546875, 0.294921875, 0.73046875, -0.828125, -0.26171875, -1.1640625, 0.1259765625, 0.1748046875, 0.396484375, 0.55078125, 0.38671875, 0.1396484375, -0.2578125, 0.314453125, -0.462890625, 0.8515625, -0.61328125, 0.8984375, 0.55078125, -0.84765625, 1.296875, -1.6171875, 0.96484375, 0.423828125, -0.5546875, 0.54296875, -0.66015625, 0.337890625, -0.9609375, -0.9765625, 1.546875, -1.0078125, -0.78125, 0.52734375, -1.421875, 0.53515625, 0.03515625, 0.5625, -0.34765625, -0.01220703125, 0.671875, -0.12255859375, -0.400390625, -0.59765625, -0.5546875, 0.859375, 0.94140625, -0.134765625, -0.044189453125, 0.39453125, -0.07470703125, 0.41015625, -1.265625, 0.1884765625, -0.94140625, 0.484375, -0.4453125, 0.310546875, 0.00616455078125, -0.21484375, -0.0274658203125, 1.5, 0.7890625, 0.4140625, -0.02587890625, -0.09423828125, 0.2255859375, 1.125, -0.1416015625, 0.10498046875, 0.404296875, 0.95703125, -0.55078125, 1.3203125, -0.54296875, 1.3046875, 0.30078125, 0.0185546875, 0.82421875, -0.396484375, 0.515625, 0.2060546875, -0.353515625, -1.1640625, 0.73828125, 0.734375, -0.60546875, 0.06982421875, -0.90625, -2.328125, -0.91015625, 0.0400390625, 0.9453125, 0.0791015625, -0.0172119140625, 0.5625, -0.95703125, 0.8984375, -0.478515625, 0.024169921875, -0.5859375, 0.46875, -0.546875, 0.43359375, 0.8671875, -0.359375, 0.7890625, -0.003662109375, -0.291015625, -0.11279296875, -0.2119140625, -0.2001953125, -0.7109375, -0.11328125, 1.3203125, -0.287109375, -1.0234375, -0.30859375, -0.55078125, -0.033203125, 0.171875, 0.1484375, 0.373046875, -0.75, 0.4296875, -0.40234375, -0.0517578125, 0.83203125, 0.98828125, 0.9765625, -0.455078125, -0.404296875, -1.1015625, -0.02392578125, 0.439453125, -0.88671875, 0.8046875, -0.251953125, -0.251953125, 0.3671875, 0.65234375, 0.59375, -1.171875, -2.125, 1.203125, 0.2021484375, -1.140625, 0.251953125, 0.65234375, 1.3125, 0.828125, -0.1279296875, -0.67578125, 0.353515625, 0.005462646484375, 0.412109375, 0.062255859375, 0.70703125, -0.75390625, 0.054443359375, 1.1875, -0.55859375, 0.10791015625, 1.1640625, 0.1787109375, 0.314453125, 0.58203125, -0.216796875, 0.74609375, 0.1484375, 0.60546875, -0.265625, -0.61328125, -0.80859375, -0.3828125, -0.6328125, 0.443359375, -0.1533203125, -0.455078125, 0.09130859375, -0.6796875, -2.296875, -0.265625, 0.5234375, 0.7890625, -0.48046875, -0.62890625, -0.419921875, -0.1552734375, -0.83984375, -0.024169921875, -0.044189453125, -0.84765625, -0.4453125, -0.9296875, -0.6328125, -0.310546875, -0.412109375, -0.455078125, 0.78125, 0.60546875, 0.022705078125, -0.75, -1.140625, -0.94921875, 0.032470703125, -1.046875, -1.140625, 0.08154296875, -0.080078125, 0.271484375, 1.3125, -0.515625, -0.92578125, 0.95703125, -0.15234375, 0.1669921875, 1.1484375, 0.734375, -0.287109375, 0.3125, -0.671875, 0.73046875, 0.044921875, 0.36328125, 0.1796875, -0.16015625, 0.640625, 0.28125, 0.54296875, 1.4375, 0.39453125, 0.275390625, 1.0859375, -0.458984375, 0.443359375, -0.94921875, -0.56640625, 1.7421875, 0.0179443359375, 1.140625, -0.75390625, 1.2578125, 0.890625, 0.498046875, -0.1884765625, -0.76953125, -0.73046875, 0.3125, 0.9375, -0.80078125, 0.1982421875, -0.201171875, 0.302734375, -0.92578125, -0.06884765625, -0.9765625, 0.29296875, -0.59765625, -0.419921875, 0.8203125, -1.1015625, 0.46484375, -0.1630859375, 0.65234375, 0.6484375, -0.474609375, -0.90625, 0.7109375, -1.140625, -0.66796875, -0.7890625, 0.69921875, 0.490234375, -0.6328125, 20.875, 0.83203125, -1.296875, 1.375, 0.71875, 0.484375, -0.96875, -0.4140625, 0.3359375, 0.58984375, 0.083984375, -1.5078125, -0.275390625, -0.5625, 0.54296875, 1.046875, -0.83203125, 1.0703125, 0.15234375, 0.87890625, 0.091796875, 3.828125, -0.1201171875, -0.2578125, 0.0693359375, 0.96875, 0.90625, 0.365234375, -0.2314453125, 0.498046875, 0.083984375, -0.09912109375, 0.515625, 0.8515625, 0.1259765625, -0.369140625, -0.96484375, -0.62109375, 0.76171875, 0.390625, -1.3125, 0.42578125, 0.67578125, 0.7734375, -0.061767578125, 0.98828125, 1.4140625, 0.8046875, 0.169921875, 0.11767578125, -0.40625, -0.15234375, -0.54296875, -1.3125, 1.4296875, 0.50390625, 0.984375, 0.5, 0.75390625, 1.8984375, 0.140625, -0.71484375, -1, -0.1630859375, -0.1376953125, 0.162109375, 0.26953125, -1.046875, -0.1123046875, -0.125, -0.53125, -0.072265625, 0.859375, 0.462890625, 0.1533203125, 0.212890625, 0.69921875, 0.353515625, 0.734375, -0.158203125, 0.4296875, -0.259765625, -0.52734375, 0.158203125, -0.5, -0.5546875, 0.294921875, -0.1640625, -0.439453125, 0.0137939453125, 0.4609375, -0.2353515625, 0.453125, -0.047119140625, -0.20703125, -0.94140625, -1.0625, -0.1875, 0.74609375, 0.99609375, -0.6796875, -0.91796875, -0.031982421875, 0.484375, -0.08837890625, -0.0042724609375, -0.59765625, 0.197265625, 0.3359375, 0.5859375, -0.193359375, -1.3046875, -0.734375, -0.306640625, -0.453125, -0.7890625, 0.234375, -0.11376953125, 0.609375, -0.2412109375, -0.34765625, -0.20703125, -0.2197265625, 0.51171875, -0.255859375, 0.84375, -0.12890625, 1.0234375, -0.4140625, -0.458984375, 0.7734375, -0.69140625, -1.7578125, -9.625, -0.05810546875, 0.11474609375, -0.88671875, 0.75390625, -0.01251220703125, 9.4375, -0.0196533203125, -0.96875, -0.86328125, 0.5234375, -10.75, 0.74609375, -0.61328125, 10.6875, -0.44140625, 0.11328125, 0.41015625, -0.66796875, 0.6953125, -0.83984375, 0.28125, -0.984375, -1.1796875, -0.75390625, 0.5390625, 0.58203125, -0.44921875, -0.224609375, -1.28125, -0.61328125, -0.193359375, 0.66796875, 0.92578125, -0.126953125, -1.28125, 0.326171875, 0.9453125, 0.24609375, 1.109375, 0.83203125, 0.4140625, 0.267578125, -0.76171875, 0.3828125, 1.390625, -0.255859375, -0.51171875, -1.3125 ]
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